PAYMENT ACCOUNT Table of Contents What is payment accounts in StoreMate? Enabling Payment account Payment account type & sub-type What is payment accounts in StoreMate? Payment accounts are like for example bank account. You can transfer money from one payment account to another, deposit cash in payment account, pay to a supplier or deposit the amount received from a customer here. Enabling Payment account Go to Settings ->Business Settings -> Modules Enable payment �Accounts� option Save it. After saving you will see the �Payment accounts� option will be visible in left navigiation bar. Payment account type & sub-type Go to Payment accounts -> List accounts -> Account Types Account type: to add a account type click on Add button and enter the name of account type and submit. Keep the Parent account type unselected. Sub-Account type: To add a sub-account type click on Add button, enter the name of sub-account type and select the Parent-account-type. When creaating account you can select the account type as per your need. more deatails link :