import os import aiohttp import asyncio import requests from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException import openai from typing import Optional # Initialize FastAPI app app = FastAPI() # Set your OpenAI API key here openai.api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] # Authorization headers AUTH_HEADERS = { 'X-Tenant': 'royalexpress', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIxIiwianRpIjoiYjczMDAxYzMyMTE1ZGIyNTY4ODUzMTg2OWVjMzUwNTdjZmE3YTJmN2I3ZWZjMjQzNjdmZTA2ZTk4ZjY4ZjMwMTE0ZTIzOGUwY2I0ZmQ0YjIiLCJpYXQiOjE3MzA3ODIxNjEuMjkyNDM0LCJuYmYiOjE3MzA3ODIxNjEuMjkyNDM3LCJleHAiOjQ4ODY0NTU3NjEuMDc2ODExLCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.I4wGFzoepmAC2RaADetE95BdbY4AYPUfUouFepVthZq_KewQLoYEiYMmxErgAOvYDL9IdhTg8pHm3KtCjtfF79Toigvzl-4RIYE9qwavVYabUaIMtxdkvLmzC2uSSxNkQ-Jx4ZsEVt34NpMMZ6ZsMsgszkreed_s7i5I6ek6T2-p9cZYPpFfGhlRIrgAhOL1yZe0t5HQMM7P1cULB7IMb3s0fvwLNBimPC4Iznick5o2lWO6KcubsKSAMyPwBaCQhjGTKd0eJCde1IvL8mEaMvhu8v853AIDSiBsC83hjK41hPAaiBHeev1JjdDhEd6_qO9dpucKaGCqYiVfBFH_pgnynErmhKlPEIz7sZlBWz8zxISDW5PRo9d-jXRP-A31W76Q3H-ZKfnam0D8yYFY0EIZHhvgvZUl3r0dR4PRh7PYlNZgnyfAcAYmK9Bektjbbx5RuzH6gtT9hLQrxYiQNg0irCNwgTYnuQ4AjPA3BpZuOfWtygeDZKgv1gnveTzMJG7T6s95k8yNSNT1_OfRQONPX8LBasRwZWCGkWj7fopO6K8gcrEU5FIpql0UviwGJOTZeFmqwWJ1AIcOM0MHWNp--Y8evHrvuNGk3SDcjBcvhF58I2Hd5F4MefN_ZB9N7oxUUDBYbxnTH6SN7Wx-VsluEOlf9ShfBNvHZaUi61E' } #db managments section #get all data import mysql.connector from datetime import datetime # Define the connection parameters host = "" user = "sm_ml" password = "Fz6/I733" database = "sm_qa_1" def delete_tread(tread_id_to_delete): # Connect to the database connection_load_chat = mysql.connector.connect( host=host, user=user, password=password, database=database ) cursor = connection_load_chat.cursor() # SQL query to delete a row from curfox_chat based on the tread ID delete_query = "DELETE FROM curfox_chat WHERE tread = %s" # Specify the thread ID to delete #tread_id_to_delete = 1 # Execute the delete query cursor.execute(delete_query, (tread_id_to_delete,)) # Commit the transaction connection_load_chat.commit() print(f"Thread ID {tread_id_to_delete} deleted successfully.") # Close the cursor and connection cursor.close() connection_load_chat.close() return {"message":f"Thread ID {tread_id_to_delete} deleted successfully."} def get_treadlist_of_user(user_name): # Connect to the database connection_load_chat = mysql.connector.connect( host=host, user=user, password=password, database=database ) cursor = connection_load_chat.cursor() #user_name = 'John Doe' # SQL query to select all columns from curfox_chat select_query = f"SELECT * FROM curfox_chat WHERE user_name='{user_name}'" # Execute the select query cursor.execute(select_query) # Fetching all rows from the result rows = cursor.fetchall() # Close the cursor and connection cursor.close() connection_load_chat.close() import json # Displaying the chat data tread_list = [] for row in rows: try: js = json.loads(f'[{row[2]}]') tread_list.append({"user_name":row[0], "thread_id":row[1], "chat_title":js[0]['user']['message'] }) except: pass return {"tread_list":tread_list,"message":"done"} def get_messages_of_thread(thread_id): # Connect to the database connection_load_chat = mysql.connector.connect( host=host, user=user, password=password, database=database ) cursor = connection_load_chat.cursor() # SQL query to select all columns from curfox_chat select_query = f"SELECT * FROM curfox_chat WHERE tread={thread_id}" # Execute the select query cursor.execute(select_query) # Fetching all rows from the result rows = cursor.fetchall() # Close the cursor and connection cursor.close() connection_load_chat.close() import json # Displaying the chat data for row in rows: js = json.loads(f'[{row[2]}]') return ({"user_name":row[0], "thread_id":row[1], "chat_title":js[0]['user']['message'], "chat_list":js}) def insert_newchat(user_name,user_message,bot_message): bot_message = bot_message.replace('"', '\\"') #insert data # Connect to the database connection_load_chat = mysql.connector.connect( host=host, user=user, password=password, database=database ) cursor = connection_load_chat.cursor() # SQL query to insert a row into curfox_chat table insert_query = """ INSERT INTO curfox_chat (user_name, conversation) VALUES (%s, %s) """ created_at ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Current timestamp conversation = f'{{"user": {{"message":"{user_message}","time":"{created_at}"}} , "bot": {{"message":"{bot_message}","time":"{created_at}"}}}}' # Execute the insert query with data cursor.execute(insert_query, (user_name, conversation)) # Commit the transaction connection_load_chat.commit() print("Data inserted successfully") # Close the cursor and connection cursor.close() #connection_load_chat.close() cursor = connection_load_chat.cursor() sql_query = f"SELECT tread from curfox_chat WHERE user_name='"+user_name+"' ORDER BY tread DESC LIMIT 1" cursor.execute(sql_query) current_thread_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] print(current_thread_id) return {"current_thread_id":current_thread_id,"message":"chat stored successfully"} def update_existingchat(tread_id,user_message,bot_message): bot_message = bot_message.replace('"', '\\"') # Connect to the database connection_load_chat = mysql.connector.connect( host=host, user=user, password=password, database=database ) cursor = connection_load_chat.cursor() # SQL query to update the conversation column update_query = """ UPDATE curfox_chat SET conversation = CONCAT(conversation, %s) WHERE tread = %s """ created_at ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Current timestamp new_conversation = f', {{"user": {{"message":"{user_message}","time":"{created_at}"}} , "bot": {{"message":"{bot_message}","time":"{created_at}"}}}}' # Execute the update query with data cursor.execute(update_query, (new_conversation, tread_id)) # Commit the transaction connection_load_chat.commit() print(f"Conversation for thread ID {tread_id} updated successfully.") # Close the cursor and connection cursor.close() connection_load_chat.close() return {"current_thread_id":tread_id,"message":f"Conversation for thread ID {tread_id} updated successfully."} # Helper function to get the order ID from the waybill number def get_order_id(waybill_no): url = f"{waybill_no}" response = requests.get(url, headers=AUTH_HEADERS) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json().get("data", {}).get("id") else: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Order ID not found") # Asynchronous function to fetch data concurrently async def fetch_data(session, url): async with session.get(url, headers=AUTH_HEADERS) as response: return await response.text() # Asynchronous function to get all order data async def get_all_order_data(order_id): urls = [ f"{order_id}/time-line", f"{order_id}/finance-time-line", f"{order_id}/invoice-time-line" ] async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: tasks = [fetch_data(session, url) for url in urls] responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) full_data = { "Timeline Details": responses[0], "Finance Time Line": responses[1], "Invoice Time Line": responses[2] } return full_data # Function to interact with OpenAI API def ask_openai(messages): response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model="gpt-4o-mini", messages=messages) return response.choices[0].message['content'] # Main endpoint to handle user queries"/get_response") async def process_query(query: str, user_name:str, thread_id:Optional[str] = None): # Initial message to check for waybill number in the query messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant for Curfox delivery system."}, {"role": "user", "content": f"""always check user query mentioned the waybill number/id (example : CA000001) if waybill number/id provided then output is only : "done" if user not given the waybill number then ask the number from user (include or response to greetings) user query : {query}""" } ] result = ask_openai(messages) print(result) if result == "done": # # Extract the waybill number # extract_message = [ # {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant for Curfox delivery system."}, # {"role": "user", "content": f"""extract the waybill number from the user query example output is only number : CA000001 # user query : {query}""" } # ] # waybill_number = ask_openai(extract_message) # print("waybill number",waybill_number) import re # Regular expression to extract the waybill number (e.g., CA followed by digits) pattern = r'\bCA\d{6}\b' # Search for the pattern in the query match =, query) # Extract the waybill number if found if match: waybill_number = print(waybill_number) # Fetch order ID and order details try: order_id = get_order_id(waybill_number) full_data = await get_all_order_data(order_id) # Generate final response based on collected data response_message = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant for Curfox delivery system."}, {"role": "user", "content": f"Answer based on the provided data only. Data: {full_data}. User query: {query}"} ] result = ask_openai(response_message) except Exception as e: result = str(e) else: print("Waybill number not correct.") result = "Waybill number not correct." if thread_id==None: return {"meta_data":insert_newchat(user_name,query,result),"answer": result} else: return {"meta_data":update_existingchat(thread_id,query,result),"answer": result}"/get_messagesOfThread") async def get_thread_chats(thread_id:str): return get_messages_of_thread(thread_id)"/get_thread_lists") async def get_thread_lists(user_name:str): return get_treadlist_of_user(user_name)"/delete_thread") async def get_thread_chats(tread_id_to_delete:str): return delete_tread(tread_id_to_delete) # Start the FastAPI app # Run the app on Colab using Uvicorn # import uvicorn #, host="", port=8000)