SALES ADVANCE Please follow these steps to add an advance amount base on the sale. Go to Sell�>POS Add product on POS Screen. Click on Multiple Pay Add the received cash under the amount Click on Add Payment Row Button Change the payment method as Advance Note: Now you can see the advance amount which you received amount more than the bill amount. Click on �Finalized the Payment� After finalized we can see the advance amount under the customer account more details link : Note: If the customer paid the full amount as the advance, please add the product as service called �Advance Payment� and add on POS screen and set the selling amount as �0� Now you can add the final bill or next bill to that customer Go to the Multiple pay Now we can see the advance amount which we received on the last bill Now we can add the advance settle amount and cash amount like follows Finalized the bill. Advance payment will be settled.