REGISTERING A NEW BUSINESS Click on register business link on the welcome page. Registering business involves multiple steps; Business Details, Tax details, and Owner details. Business Details: Fill out the relevant fields; select the appropriate currency & Time zone; click on Next. Time Zone & Currency can be different for different registered businesses. Tax Details: You should fill out at least one Tax name and Tax number. Tax is like GST/VAT which varies for different countries. Fill details & click on next. Owner Details: Provide asked details. Username & Password are used to login so make sure you remember them. The owner created during this registration will be admin of the business. More admin can be added/edited/deleted from user management section. Click on the register button and after successful registration, it will get redirected to login screen. Login with owner username/password created. Note: You can change any of the above details in the business settings section. for more details link :