ADDING PRODUCT UNITS Detail Guide Different Products have different units. storemate allows you to add different units for products. Adding Units Go to Settings -> Units Give the unit name, a short name, and choose if want unit to allow decimals. Example: Name: Meter Shortname: Mtr. Allow Decimal: Yes. Allowing decimal allows you to purchase/Sell the product in decimal and vice-versa. link : Multiple Units: This can be useful if you purchase products in a different unit and sell it in a different unit. For example: Purchase in dozens and sell in pieces. Or purchase in boxes and sell in pieces. Steps: Add the lower unit from Add Unit Screen. For example pieces. Add the higher unit as per the screenshot: Check �Add as multiple of another unit� link : Provide the conversion Details. Use the unit in Add/Edit Product. While adding/editing purchase/ sale you can see the dropdown for units. Select the desired unit and it will change the unit purchase/sales price accordingly. NOTE: You will not see the main Units (Dozen in this example) in the Add-Product Unit dropdown, select piece as the unit of product. All purchases/sales get saved in the lower unit (pieces in the above example). So after adding purchases/sales if you edit the conversion details, it will affect the purchases/sales quantity accordingly. Selecting relevant Sub Units for a products For some products not all sub-units will be required. Suppose for example you sell Oranges only in Dozens or only in pieces then it will be useful. Enable it from Business settings ->Products -> Enable relevant sub-units Now when adding products select the Unit for the products and it will give option to select multiple applicable sub-units. Selecting the sub-units will allow you to do purchases or sales on this selected sub-units.