IMPORT CONTACTS Detail Guide � Import Contacts First Go to Contact > Import Contacts > Download Template File link : import_contacts_csv_template-19-2 DOWNLOAD Follow the instructions carefully before importing the file. The columns of the file should be in the following order. Column Number Column Name Instruction 1 Contact type (Required) Available Options: 1 = Customer, 2 = Supplier 3 = Both 2 Prefix (Optional) 3 First Name (Required) 4 Middle name (Optional) 5 Last Name (Optional) 6 Business Name (Required if contact type is supplier or both) 7 Contact ID (Optional) Leave blank to auto generate Contact ID 8 Tax number (Optional) 9 Opening Balance (Optional) 10 Pay term (Required if contact type is supplier or both) 11 Pay term period (Required if contact type is supplier or both) Available Options: days and months 12 Credit Limit (Optional) 13 Email (Optional) 14 Mobile (Required) 15 Alternate contact number (Optional) 16 Landline (Optional) 17 City (Optional) 18 State (Optional) 19 Country (Optional) 20 Address line 1 (Optional) 21 Address line 2 (Optional) 22 Zip Code (Optional) 23 Date of birth (Optional) Format Y-m-d (2020-11-11) 24 Custom Field 1 (Optional) 25 Custom Field 2 (Optional) 26 Custom Field 3 (Optional) 27 Custom Field 4 (Optional) Example File import_contacts_csv_template-4 DOWNLOAD Now you can fill in the import contact template according to the example above. Then go to Import Contact and select the file and submit. If the file is correctly uploaded, it appears green colors message on the top of the page. If there is any error in the excel sheet, the system notification will be displayed as a red massage. Please correct the error and upload the excel sheet back to the system. In list products, you can see if all the data you have provided has entered to the system.