Table of Contents | |
Details | |
Why do we need Gift Card | |
Enable Module | |
How to work | |
Step 01: Active reward point | |
Step 02: Add promo card. | |
Step 03 : Add card conditions | |
Step 04: Assign Promo code | |
Step 05: Redeem the promo card | |
Step 06: Check the commission | |
more details link : | |
Details | |
It is a card issued by a businessman to his loyal customers as part of a customer incentive scheme, which adds value to each transaction report. | |
In another word you can give some benefit to your customer once you recommended it to another party. | |
Firstly as the business owner, you need to issue promo codes for your loyal customer, then the promo code holder can issue a promo code number for his friend or someone. Once a friend or someone (who has a promo code number ) buys goods from your business you can issue a commission for the card holder and a discount for new customers. | |
Why do we need Gift Card | |
Loyalty card programs are a great way to generate extra business that encourages your customers to come back. It is an effective marketing tool to help you advertise your company or brand. | |
Customer Retention | |
Increasing Sales | |
Product Awareness | |
Enable Module | |
Update your subscription for Promo Card Module.(Contact our support team) | |
First, you need to set the reward point settings for a sale on the system. | |
How to work | |
Step 01: Active reward point | |
Click the following to see how to add a reward point. Click here | |
Step 02: Add promo card. | |
View Promo Card. | |
We will show you the promo cards that we have already added. | |
Click on the Card. If you want to add a new card type, click on + Add. | |
Fill in the details related to the card type here & Save. | |
Name: The name of the promo card | |
Required Point: Minimum reward point for the promo card | |
Type : | |
Normal � No one can manually assign. | |
Special: Anyone can manually assign. | |
Step 03 : Add card conditions | |
Then click on the Card Detail | |
Fill in the details related to the card type. | |
From invoice value. : Minimum value for card type | |
To invoice value. : Maximum value for card type | |
Discount : A discount is given to the customer for the bill | |
Commission : Commission paid to the cardholder for the relevant value | |
Then click on Add card row. | |
Step 04: Assign Promo code | |
Here the customer can create and assign a created card or promo code. | |
A relevant customer is selected and the promo card relevant to him is selected and a promo code is prepared for that Customer. | |
Assign or issue to the customer | |
� By auto: Select the customer, select the relevant card type and click on add promo card & code. | |
� By Manual: You can select a customer, select the relevant card type, and type a manual promo code. Click on add promo card & code. | |
Step 05: Redeem the promo card | |
Add to the relevant item for the card holder and click on the Discount button. | |
Type or Scan the promo code | |
The Discount amount and Commission for that promo code will be displayed. | |
NOTE : Then the relevant commission will be added to the card holder and the relevant discount will be deducted from the bill. | |
Then you can Update | |
You click on the PAY button | |
You can show Invoice preview and you can sea discount amount on the invoice. | |
Step 06: Check the commission | |
You can view the cardholder�s commission report related to the promo code by clicking on Commission Report. | |
NOTE : The commission is an expense, it affects the profit on a relevant day. | |
Due � The commission not paid | |
Paid � The Commission Paid | |
Click on the Due button | |
Click on the Add Payment button | |
Fill in and save the details related to the amount redeemed and the payment given to the customer by the commission added to the customer & SAVE | |