Table of Contents | |
What is payment accounts in StoreMate? | |
Enabling Payment account | |
Payment account type & sub-type | |
What is payment accounts in StoreMate? | |
Payment accounts are like for example bank account. You can transfer money from one payment account to another, deposit cash in payment account, pay to a supplier or deposit the amount received from a customer here. | |
Enabling Payment account | |
Go to Settings ->Business Settings -> Modules | |
Enable payment �Accounts� option | |
Save it. | |
After saving you will see the �Payment accounts� option will be visible in left navigiation bar. | |
Payment account type & sub-type | |
Go to Payment accounts -> List accounts -> Account Types | |
Account type: to add a account type click on Add button and enter the name of account type and submit. Keep the Parent account type unselected. | |
Sub-Account type: To add a sub-account type click on Add button, enter the name of sub-account type and select the Parent-account-type. | |
When creaating account you can select the account type as per your need. | |
more deatails link : | |