import gradio as gr |
import wikipedia |
import requests |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup |
import pyjokes |
def essay_query(payload): |
API_URL = "https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/facebook/bart-large-cnn" |
data = json.dumps(payload) |
response = requests.request("POST", API_URL, headers=headers, data=data) |
return json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8")) |
def essay(name): |
result_count = 2 |
f_result = "" |
result = {"",""} |
text ="" |
url = "https://www.google.com/search?q="+name |
r = requests.get(url) |
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,"html.parser") |
heading_object=soup.find_all('div') |
for info in heading_object: |
if '<div class="BNeawe s3v9rd AP7Wnd"><div><div><div class="BNeawe s3v9rd AP7Wnd">' in str(info): |
if '›' not in str(info.text) : |
result.add(info.text) |
n=0 |
for i in result: |
if n!=0: |
i = i.split("·",1) |
try: |
i = i[1] |
except: |
i = i[0] |
i=i.split("Duration") |
i = i[0] |
text = text +str(n)+"\t"+i+"\n\n" |
n=n+1 |
if result_count == 1: |
temp = "" |
else: |
for r in text.split("\n\n")[0:-1]: |
if "..." in r: |
r = r.split("...") |
w = essay_query(r[0].replace("\xa0","")) |
f_result = f_result + (w[0]['summary_text']) |
else: |
w = essay_query(r[:-1]) |
f_result = f_result +(w[0]['summary_text']) |
return f_result |
def code(name): |
name = name.split('learn')[-1] |
name = name.split('start')[-1] |
name = name.split()[0] |
url = "https://www.w3schools.com/"+name+"/"+name+"_syntax.asp" |
r = requests.get(url) |
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,"html.parser") |
heading_object=soup.find_all('div') |
result = "" |
for info in heading_object: |
info1 = str(info) |
if '</script>' not in info1 and '<div class="w3-col l10 m12" id="main">' in info1: |
text = str(info.text).split('Next ❯')[1].split("❮ Previous")[0].split("\n\n\n") |
for r in text: |
if "Test Yourself With Exercises" in r or "Submit Answer »" in r or "On this page" in r: |
continue |
else: |
result = result + r+"\n\n" |
return result |
def joke(): |
My_joke = pyjokes.get_joke(language="en", category="neutral") |
return My_joke |
def wiki(name): |
text = name |
text = text.split("the")[-1] |
text = text.split("is a")[-1] |
text = text.split("by")[-1] |
out = "try this key words :\n"+str(wikipedia.search(text, results=10))+"\n\n" |
for i in wikipedia.search(text, results=3): |
try: |
result = wikipedia.summary(i) |
if " " in result.lower(): |
out = out + result+"\n" |
except: |
continue |
return out |
import openai |
openai.api_key = "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" |
def aitext(word): |
response = openai.Completion.create( |
model="text-davinci-003", |
prompt=word, |
temperature=0.9, |
max_tokens=200, |
top_p=1, |
frequency_penalty=0, |
presence_penalty=0.6, |
stop=[" Human:", " AI:"] |
) |
return response.choices[0].text |
import json |
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {'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'}"} |
def sumy(payload): |
API_URL = "https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/facebook/bart-large-cnn" |
data = json.dumps(payload) |
response = requests.request("POST", API_URL, headers=headers, data=data) |
return json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8")) |
def query(payload): |
API_URL = "https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/facebook/bart-large-cnn" |
data = json.dumps(payload) |
response = requests.request("POST", API_URL, headers=headers, data=data) |
return json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8")) |
def google(name): |
if "give" in name or "reason" in name or "result" in name or "step" in name: |
result_count = 2 |
print(name) |
else: |
result_count = 1 |
f_result = "" |
result = {"",""} |
text ="" |
url = "https://www.google.com/search?q="+name |
r = requests.get(url) |
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,"html.parser") |
heading_object=soup.find_all('div') |
for info in heading_object: |
if '<div class="BNeawe s3v9rd AP7Wnd"><div><div><div class="BNeawe s3v9rd AP7Wnd">' in str(info): |
if '›' not in str(info.text) : |
result.add(info.text) |
n=0 |
for i in result: |
if n!=0: |
i = i.split("·",1) |
try: |
i = i[1] |
except: |
i = i[0] |
i=i.split("Duration") |
i = i[0] |
text = text +str(n)+"\t"+i+"\n\n" |
n=n+1 |
if result_count == 1: |
temp = "" |
for r in text.split("\n\n"): |
temp = temp+r.split("...")[0] |
f_result = sumy({"inputs":temp,"parameters": {"do_sample": False,"max_length":300}}) |
return f_result[0]['summary_text'] |
else: |
n=1 |
for r in text.split("\n\n")[2:-2]: |
if len(r)>10: |
if "..." in r: |
r = r.split("...") |
w = query(r[0].replace("\xa0","")) |
f_result = f_result + str(n)+"\t"+(w[0]['summary_text'])+"\n\n"+r"\\" |
else: |
w = query(r[:-1]) |
f_result = f_result + str(n)+"\t"+(w[0]['summary_text'])+"\n\n"+r"\\" |
n=n+1 |
return f_result |
from PyDictionary import PyDictionary |
def greet(name1): |
name = name1.lower() |
if "who are you" in name or "what is you" in name or "your name" in name or"who r u" in name: |
return "Im Ai Based Chatbot Created by ssebowa.org" |
if "who developed you" in name or "what is you" in name or "who mad you" in name or "who made you" in name: |
return "ssebowa.org" |
if "tell me a joke" in name or "the joke" in name: |
return joke() |
if "love you" in name or "i love" in name: |
return "me too" |
if "marry me" in name or "marry" in name: |
return "im not intrested" |
if "your age" in name or "what is your age" in name: |
return "Im not a human so i don't have age" |
if "thank u" in name or "thanks" in name or "thank you" in name: |
return "ok welcome ....!" |
if "write the essay" in name or "write essay" in name: |
name = name.split("about")[-1] |
return essay(name) |
if "how to learn" in name or "steps for learning" in name or "step for learning" in name or "steps for" in name or "step for" in name: |
try: |
cresult = code(name) |
return google(name)+"\n\n"+cresult |
except: |
return google(name) |
else: |
return google(name)+"" |
iface = gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs="text", outputs="text") |
iface.launch() |