DiabetesCare / app.py
Anupam251272's picture
Update app.py
79579cc verified
import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, AutoModelForImageClassification
from PIL import Image
from difflib import get_close_matches
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any
import json
import io
from datasets import load_dataset # Import the datasets library
# -------------------------------------------------
# Configuration
# -------------------------------------------------
# Define insulin types and their durations and peak times
"Rapid-Acting": {"onset": 0.25, "duration": 4, "peak_time": 1.0}, # Onset in hours, duration in hours, peak time in hours
"Long-Acting": {"onset": 2, "duration": 24, "peak_time": 8},
#Define basal rates
"00:00-06:00": 0.8,
"06:00-12:00": 1.0,
"12:00-18:00": 0.9,
"18:00-24:00": 0.7
# -------------------------------------------------
# Load Food Data from Hugging Face Dataset
# -------------------------------------------------
def load_food_data(dataset_name="Anupam251272/food_nutrition"):
dataset = load_dataset(dataset_name)
food_data = dataset['train'].to_pandas()
# Normalize column names to lowercase and remove spaces
food_data.columns = [col.lower().replace(' ', '') for col in food_data.columns]
# Remove unnamed columns
food_data = food_data.loc[:, ~food_data.columns.str.contains('^unnamed')] # This line removes the columns
# Normalize food_name column to lowercase: Crucial for matching
if 'food_name' in food_data.columns:
food_data['food_name'] = food_data['food_name'].str.lower()
print("Unique Food Names in Dataset:") # ADDED
print(food_data['food_name'].unique()) # ADDED
print("Warning: 'food_name' column not found in dataset.")
food_data = pd.DataFrame({
'food_category': ['starch'],
'food_subcategory': ['bread'],
'food_name': ['white bread'], # lowercase default
'serving_description': ['servingsize'],
'serving_amount': [29],
'serving_unit': ['g'],
'carbohydrate_grams': [15],
'notes': ['default']
#Print first 5 rows to check columns and values
print("First 5 rows of loaded data from Hugging Face Dataset:")
return food_data
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading Hugging Face Dataset: {e}")
# Provide minimal default data in case of error
food_data = pd.DataFrame({
'food_category': ['starch'],
'food_subcategory': ['bread'],
'food_name': ['white bread'], # lowercase default
'serving_description': ['servingsize'],
'serving_amount': [29],
'serving_unit': ['g'],
'carbohydrate_grams': [15],
'notes': ['default']
return food_data
# -------------------------------------------------
# Load Food Classification Model
# -------------------------------------------------
processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained("therealcyberlord/vit-indian-food")
model = AutoModelForImageClassification.from_pretrained(
device_map="cpu", #This model will only use CPU!
low_cpu_mem_usage=True # Force low memory usage, no matter the device
model_loaded = True #Flag for error handling in other defs
except Exception as e:
print(f"Model Load Error", str(e))
model_loaded = False
processor = None
model = None
def classify_food(image):
"""Classify food image using the pre-trained model"""
print("classify_food function called") # Check if this function is even called
if not model_loaded:
print("Model not loaded, returning 'Unknown'")
return "Unknown"
print(f"Image type: {type(image)}") # Check the type of the image
if isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
print("Image is a numpy array, converting to PIL Image")
image = Image.fromarray(image)
print(f"Image mode: {image.mode}") # Check image mode (e.g., RGB, L)
image = processor(images=image, return_tensors="pt")
print(f"Processed image: {image}") # Print the output of the processor
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model(**image)
predicted_idx = torch.argmax(outputs.logits, dim=-1).item()
food_name = model.config.id2label.get(predicted_idx, "Unknown Food")
print(f"Predicted food name: {food_name}") # Print the predicted food name
return food_name.lower() # Convert classification to lowercase
except Exception as e:
print(f"Classify food error: {e}") # Print the full error message
return "Unknown" # If an exception arises make sure to create a default case
# -------------------------------------------------
# USDA API Integration - REMOVED for local HF Spaces deployment
# -------------------------------------------------
def get_food_nutrition(food_name: str, food_data, portion_size: float = 1.0) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Get carbohydrate content for the given food""" #No USDA anymore
# First try the local CSV database
food_name_lower = food_name.lower() # Ensure input is also lowercase
food_names = food_data['food_name'].str.lower().tolist() #Already lowercased during load
print(f"Searching for: {food_name_lower}") # Debugging: What are we searching for?
matches = get_close_matches(food_name_lower, food_names, n=1, cutoff=0.5)
if matches:
# Use local database match
matched_row = food_data[food_data['food_name'].str.lower() == matches[0]]
if not matched_row.empty:
row = matched_row.iloc[0]
# Debugging: Print the entire row
print(f"Matched row from CSV: {row}")
# Explicitly check for column existence and valid data
carb_col = 'carbohydrate_grams'
amount_col = 'serving_amount'
unit_col = 'serving_unit'
if carb_col not in row or pd.isna(row[carb_col]):
print(f"Warning: '{carb_col}' is missing or NaN in CSV")
base_carbs = 0.0
base_carbs = row[carb_col]
base_carbs = float(base_carbs) # Ensure it's a float
except ValueError:
print(f"Warning: '{carb_col}' is not a valid number in CSV")
base_carbs = 0.0
if amount_col not in row or unit_col not in row or pd.isna(row[amount_col]) or pd.isna(row[unit_col]):
serving_size = "Unknown"
print(f"Warning: '{amount_col}' or '{unit_col}' is missing in CSV")
serving_size = f"{row[amount_col]} {row[unit_col]}"
adjusted_carbs = base_carbs * portion_size
return {
'matched_food': row['food_name'],
'category': row['food_category'] if 'food_category' in row and not pd.isna(row['food_category']) else 'Unknown',
'subcategory': row['food_subcategory'] if 'food_subcategory' in row and not pd.isna(row['food_subcategory']) else 'Unknown',
'base_carbs': base_carbs,
'adjusted_carbs': adjusted_carbs,
'serving_size': serving_size,
'portion_multiplier': portion_size,
'notes': row['notes'] if 'notes' in row and not pd.isna(row['notes']) else ''
# If no match found in local database
print(f"No match found in CSV for {food_name}") # Debugging line
print(f"No nutrition information found for {food_name} in the local database.") # Debugging line
return None
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in get_food_nutrition: {e}")
return None
# -------------------------------------------------
# Insulin and Glucose Calculations
# -------------------------------------------------
def get_basal_rate(current_time_hour, basal_rates):
"""Gets the appropriate basal rate for a given time of day."""
for interval, rate in basal_rates.items():
try: # add a try and except to handle values in intervals that do not have the format "start-end"
parts = interval.split(":")[0].split("-")
if len(parts) == 2: # Check if there are two parts (start and end)
start_hour, end_hour = map(int, parts)
if start_hour <= current_time_hour < end_hour or (start_hour <= current_time_hour and end_hour == 24):
return rate
print(f"Warning: Invalid interval format: {interval}. Skipping.") #Inform user of formatting issues
return 0 # Default if no matching interval
def insulin_activity(t, insulin_type, bolus_dose, bolus_duration=0):
"""Models insulin activity over time."""
insulin_data = INSULIN_TYPES.get(insulin_type)
if not insulin_data:
return 0 # Or raise an error
# Simple exponential decay model (replace with a more sophisticated model)
peak_time = insulin_data['peak_time'] # Time in hours at which insulin activity is at max level
duration = insulin_data['duration'] # Total time for which insulin stays in effect
if t < peak_time:
activity = (bolus_dose * t / peak_time) * np.exp(1- t/peak_time) # rising activity
elif t < duration:
activity = bolus_dose * np.exp((peak_time - t) / (duration - peak_time)) # decaying activity
activity = 0
if bolus_duration > 0: # Extended Bolus
if 0 <= t <= bolus_duration:
# Linear release of insulin over bolus_duration
effective_dose = bolus_dose / bolus_duration
duration = INSULIN_TYPES.get(insulin_type)['duration']
if t < duration:
activity = effective_dose
activity = 0
activity = 0
return activity
def calculate_active_insulin(insulin_history, current_time):
"""Calculates remaining active insulin from previous doses."""
active_insulin = 0
for dose_time, dose_amount, insulin_type, bolus_duration in insulin_history:
elapsed_time = current_time - dose_time
remaining_activity = insulin_activity(elapsed_time, insulin_type, dose_amount, bolus_duration)
active_insulin += remaining_activity
return active_insulin
def calculate_insulin_needs(carbs, glucose_current, glucose_target, tdd, weight, insulin_type="Rapid-Acting", override_correction_dose = None):
"""Calculate insulin needs for Type 1 diabetes"""
if tdd <= 0:
return {
'error': 'Total Daily Dose (TDD) must be greater than 0'
insulin_data = INSULIN_TYPES.get(insulin_type)
if not insulin_data:
return {
'error': "Invalid insulin type. Choose from" + ", ".join(INSULIN_TYPES.keys())
# Refined calculations
icr = (450 if weight <= 45 else 500) / tdd
isf = 1700 / tdd
# Calculate correction dose
glucose_difference = glucose_current - glucose_target
correction_dose = glucose_difference / isf
if override_correction_dose is not None: # Check for None
correction_dose = override_correction_dose
# Calculate carb dose
carb_dose = carbs / icr
# Calculate total bolus
total_bolus = max(0, carb_dose + correction_dose)
# Calculate basal
basal_dose = weight * 0.5
return {
'icr': round(icr, 2),
'isf': round(isf, 2),
'correction_dose': round(correction_dose, 2),
'carb_dose': round(carb_dose, 2),
'total_bolus': round(total_bolus, 2),
'basal_dose': round(basal_dose, 2),
'insulin_type': insulin_type,
'insulin_onset': insulin_data['onset'],
'insulin_duration': insulin_data['duration'],
'peak_time': insulin_data['peak_time'],
def create_detailed_report(nutrition_info, insulin_info, current_basal_rate):
"""Create a detailed report of carbs and insulin calculations"""
carb_details = f"""
Detected Food: {nutrition_info['matched_food']}
Category: {nutrition_info['category']}
Subcategory: {nutrition_info['subcategory']}
Standard Serving Size: {nutrition_info['serving_size']}
Carbs per Serving: {nutrition_info['base_carbs']}g
Portion Multiplier: {nutrition_info['portion_multiplier']}x
Total Carbs: {nutrition_info['adjusted_carbs']}g
Notes: {nutrition_info['notes']}
insulin_details = f"""
ICR (Insulin to Carb Ratio): 1:{insulin_info['icr']}
ISF (Insulin Sensitivity Factor): 1:{insulin_info['isf']}
Insulin Type: {insulin_info['insulin_type']}
Onset: {insulin_info['insulin_onset']} hours
Duration: {insulin_info['insulin_duration']} hours
Peak Time: {insulin_info['peak_time']} hours
Correction Dose: {insulin_info['correction_dose']} units
Carb Dose: {insulin_info['carb_dose']} units
Total Bolus: {insulin_info['total_bolus']} units
Daily Basal: {insulin_info['basal_dose']} units
Current Basal Rate: {current_basal_rate} units/hour
return carb_details, insulin_details
# -------------------------------------------------
# Main Dashboard Function
# -------------------------------------------------
def diabetes_dashboard(initial_glucose, food_image, stress_level, sleep_hours, time_hours,
weight, tdd, target_glucose, exercise_duration, exercise_intensity, portion_size, insulin_type,
override_correction_dose, extended_bolus_duration, basal_rates_input):
"""Main dashboard function"""
# 0. Load Files
food_data = load_food_data() #loads HF Datasets from the function
# 1. Food Classification and Carb Calculation
food_name = classify_food(food_image) # This line is now inside the function
print(f"Classified food name: {food_name}") # Debugging: What is classified as? # Corrected indentation
nutrition_info = get_food_nutrition(food_name, food_data, portion_size) # Changed to pass in data
if not nutrition_info:
# Try with generic categories if specific food not found
generic_terms = food_name.split()
for term in generic_terms:
nutrition_info = get_food_nutrition(term, food_data, portion_size) # Changed to pass in data
if nutrition_info:
if not nutrition_info:
return (
f"Could not find nutrition information for: {food_name} in the local database", # Removed USDA ref
"No insulin calculations available",
# 2. Insulin Calculations
basal_rates_dict = json.loads(basal_rates_input)
print("Basal rates JSON invalid, using default")
basal_rates_dict = DEFAULT_BASAL_RATES
insulin_info = calculate_insulin_needs(
override_correction_dose # Pass override
if 'error' in insulin_info:
return insulin_info['error'], None, None, None, None
# 3. Create detailed reports
current_basal_rate = get_basal_rate(12, basal_rates_dict) # Added basal rate to the function and report.
carb_details, insulin_details = create_detailed_report(nutrition_info, insulin_info, current_basal_rate)
# 4. Glucose Prediction
hours = list(range(time_hours))
glucose_levels = []
current_glucose = initial_glucose
insulin_history = [] # This will store all past doses for active insulin calculations
# simulate that a dose has just been given to the patient at t=0
insulin_history.append((0, insulin_info['total_bolus'], insulin_info['insulin_type'], extended_bolus_duration)) # Pass bolus duration
for t in hours:
# Factor in carbs effect (peaks at 1-2 hours)
carb_effect = nutrition_info['adjusted_carbs'] * 0.1 * np.exp(-(t - 1.5) ** 2 / 2)
# Factor in insulin effect (peaks at 2-3 hours)
# Original model: insulin_effect = insulin_info['total_bolus'] * 2 * np.exp(-(t-2.5)**2/2)
# get effect based on amount of insulin still active from previous boluses
active_insulin = calculate_active_insulin(insulin_history, t)
insulin_effect = insulin_activity(t, insulin_type, active_insulin, extended_bolus_duration) # Pass bolus duration
# Get the basal effect
basal_rate = get_basal_rate(t, basal_rates_dict)
basal_insulin_effect = basal_rate # Units per hour
# Add stress effect
stress_effect = stress_level * 2
# Add sleep effect
sleep_effect = abs(8 - sleep_hours) * 5
# Add exercise effect
exercise_effect = (exercise_duration / 60) * exercise_intensity * 2
# Calculate glucose with all factors
glucose = (current_glucose + carb_effect - insulin_effect +
stress_effect + sleep_effect + exercise_effect - basal_insulin_effect)
glucose_levels.append(max(70, min(400, glucose)))
current_glucose = glucose_levels[-1]
# 5. Create visualization
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
ax.plot(hours, glucose_levels, 'b-', label='Predicted Glucose')
ax.axhline(y=target_glucose, color='g', linestyle='--', label='Target')
ax.fill_between(hours, [70] * len(hours), [180] * len(hours),
alpha=0.1, color='g', label='Target Range')
ax.set_ylabel('Glucose (mg/dL)')
ax.set_title('Predicted Blood Glucose Over Time')
return (
except Exception as e:
return f"Error: {str(e)}", None, None, None, None
# -------------------------------------------------
# Gradio Interface Setup
# -------------------------------------------------
with gr.Blocks() as app: # using Blocks API to manually design the layout
gr.Markdown("# Type 1 Diabetes Management Dashboard")
with gr.Tab("Glucose & Meal"):
with gr.Row():
initial_glucose = gr.Number(label="Current Blood Glucose (mg/dL)", value=120)
food_image = gr.Image(label="Food Image", type="pil") # Now a file upload
with gr.Row():
portion_size = gr.Slider(0.1, 3, step=0.1, label="Portion Size Multiplier", value=1.0)
with gr.Tab("Insulin"):
with gr.Column(): # Place inputs in a column layout
insulin_type = gr.Dropdown(choices=list(INSULIN_TYPES.keys()), label="Insulin Type", value="Rapid-Acting")
override_correction_dose = gr.Number(label="Override Correction Dose (Units)", value=None)
extended_bolus_duration = gr.Number(label="Extended Bolus Duration (Hours)", value=0)
with gr.Tab("Basal Settings"):
with gr.Column():
basal_rates_input = gr.Textbox(label="Basal Rates (JSON)", lines=3,
value="""{"00:00-06:00": 0.8, "06:00-12:00": 1.0, "12:00-18:00": 0.9, "18:00-24:00": 0.7}""")
with gr.Tab("Other Factors"):
with gr.Accordion("Factors affecting Glucose levels", open=False): # keep advanced options collapsed by default
weight = gr.Number(label="Weight (kg)", value=70)
tdd = gr.Number(label="Total Daily Dose (TDD) of insulin (units)", value=40)
target_glucose = gr.Number(label="Target Blood Glucose (mg/dL)", value=100)
stress_level = gr.Slider(1, 10, step=1, label="Stress Level (1-10)", value=1)
sleep_hours = gr.Number(label="Sleep Hours", value=7)
exercise_duration = gr.Number(label="Exercise Duration (minutes)", value=0)
exercise_intensity = gr.Slider(1, 10, step=1, label="Exercise Intensity (1-10)", value=1)
with gr.Row():
time_hours = gr.Slider(1, 24, step=1, label="Prediction Time (hours)", value=6)
with gr.Row():
calculate_button = gr.Button("Calculate")
with gr.Column():
carb_details_output = gr.Textbox(label="Carbohydrate Details", lines=5)
insulin_details_output = gr.Textbox(label="Insulin Calculation Details", lines=5)
basal_dose_output = gr.Number(label="Basal Insulin Dose (units/day)")
bolus_dose_output = gr.Number(label="Bolus Insulin Dose (units)")
glucose_plot_output = gr.Plot(label="Glucose Prediction")
if __name__ == "__main__":