title,product_id,link,final_description,embeddings Tower of God: New World,com.netmarble.tog&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.netmarble.tog&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,roleplaying will you answer the call of the tower tower of god new world the smash hit webtoon with over billion views worldwide is now on your device the international phenomenon tower of god reimagined by netmarble experience allnew original stories meet bam khun and rak as well as the entire supporting cast from the webtoon become part of their adventure and experience exclusive original stories as you forge your path forward on your climb up the tower of god go all out and unleash your ultimate skills webtoon fan or not feast your eyes on stylish graphics that capture the,"[2.9101562, -0.6767578, -0.5527344, -1.3027344, 0.20715332, -2.1015625, -0.8251953, -1.3955078, 1.6035156, 1.1953125, -1.1767578, 0.11541748, -1.6972656, 2.5683594, 1.5839844, -0.55322266, -0.8466797, 1.1230469, 0.49682617, -0.6254883, 1.4169922, -0.4560547, 1.0966797, -2.0859375, 0.9628906, 1.0917969, -0.8598633, -0.29174805, 0.0017118454, 0.91308594, -1.65625, -0.45874023, -0.9145508, 0.030288696, 0.60839844, -1.2919922, 0.2590332, -3.390625, 0.115722656, 0.95458984, -0.23864746, 0.8544922, 0.6689453, 0.8647461, 0.83935547, 0.7685547, -1.0390625, 0.0065460205, 0.8442383, 0.9355469, 2.2578125, -0.28955078, 0.9169922, 0.5776367, -0.6425781, -1.6367188, -0.23876953, -0.07312012, 0.09161377, -2.171875, -0.43774414, 1.7587891, -1.65625, -0.9082031, 1.2392578, 1.5449219, 1.0136719, -0.8432617, 1.5800781, -0.39038086, 1.2490234, 0.24328613, -0.48364258, 1.3681641, -0.0206604, -1.9921875, 1.8339844, -0.98046875, -1.6103516, 0.8222656, -3.2050781, 0.071899414, -0.71484375, 1.7119141, -0.8676758, 0.119384766, -0.06951904, -2.2695312, -0.5551758, 1.4599609, 1.4970703, -0.09173584, 0.86621094, 0.03527832, -1.9599609, -1.5664062, 0.34838867, 1.0966797, -1.7871094, -1.0634766, 1.3417969, -0.4453125, -0.8105469, 0.11834717, 0.31689453, 1.0175781, 0.90283203, -1.4628906, -0.9536133, -0.8027344, -0.23840332, -0.49291992, -0.3869629, -0.007095337, -1.6054688, -0.1541748, 0.10595703, -1.8183594, -1.1113281, 0.81396484, 0.54052734, 0.76953125, -0.47094727, -0.08795166, -0.17358398, -1.0439453, -1.5849609, -0.6040039, -1.3134766, 3.2539062, -0.8071289, -0.64404297, 0.94970703, 1.6552734, 2.7929688, 0.8310547, -0.50927734, -0.33862305, -0.9448242, -1.5039062, 1.2988281, -0.6479492, -1.1171875, 2.875, -2.1835938, 0.3359375, -1.8193359, 0.17565918, 1.2939453, -0.103515625, 0.52490234, 0.9526367, 1.1591797, -0.6191406, 2.6953125, 1.1064453, -1.2558594, -1.4443359, 1.2460938, 0.22314453, 0.7036133, -0.9848633, -0.86083984, -0.62158203, 0.7480469, -1.2177734, -1.4707031, -0.25317383, -1.1777344, -0.92822266, -0.51171875, -0.39746094, 1.8125, -0.28979492, -0.024627686, 0.024917603, -0.005214691, -0.46435547, -0.23046875, 1.0957031, -1.5019531, -0.75634766, -0.40039062, -0.54052734, 0.16052246, -0.34155273, 1.6396484, -0.61865234, 0.1274414, 2.5488281, -0.7626953, 0.484375, -0.97021484, 0.6616211, -1.1025391, 0.31225586, -0.71972656, 1.5878906, 1.1591797, 0.07385254, 2.015625, 0.85058594, 0.34033203, -0.57958984, -2.3320312, 0.671875, -0.22680664, 1.6972656, -0.73583984, 0.78515625, 0.3959961, -0.8833008, -0.18725586, -0.42871094, 1.5400391, 0.2253418, -0.101135254, -0.30126953, 0.16540527, 0.45043945, -0.097839355, -0.9536133, -0.7548828, 0.34643555, 0.5263672, 1.8642578, 0.5625, 0.98095703, 0.55371094, 1.34375, -1.3525391, -1.8535156, -2.8300781, 0.46118164, -0.6870117, -1.7871094, -0.51123047, 1.9628906, 0.32299805, 0.9321289, 1.9384766, 0.234375, -0.11956787, 1.2148438, -1.6005859, -0.74609375, 0.7470703, 2.4179688, 1.0527344, -0.6738281]" Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade,com.lilithgame.roc.gp&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lilithgame.roc.gp&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,strategy conquer with greece rise to greatness introducing a new civilization to rise of kingdoms greece greece has entered the rise of kingdoms arena the bedrock of western civilization and home to legendary philosophers warriors and poets the might of the hellenistic world is now yours to wield the greeks brave thoughtful artistic and innovative the ancient greeks are known for their breathtaking architectural marvels such as the parthenon as well as their pioneering role in politics arts philosophy and warfare how will you leverage the wealth of resources and intellectual prowess at your disposal will you steer greece like the,"[1.0048828, -1.0742188, 0.36743164, -1.0888672, -0.20141602, -0.53222656, -0.82958984, -0.76220703, 2.2304688, -0.25195312, 1.8398438, -0.52441406, -0.9477539, -0.14038086, 0.7524414, -0.24658203, -1.3828125, -2.6230469, -1.0097656, -0.68359375, 1.6376953, -0.39233398, 1.3515625, 1.6162109, 2.6113281, -1.1748047, -1.7167969, 2.2265625, 1.8417969, 1.234375, -1.3984375, -0.14453125, -2.140625, 0.60009766, 1.5800781, -0.6640625, 0.109375, -0.43774414, -0.15246582, 0.91308594, -2.2597656, -0.57958984, 2.78125, -1.5341797, 0.9145508, 1.4970703, -2.3046875, 0.53271484, -0.014266968, -0.8754883, 0.9814453, -2.953125, -0.08758545, -0.6411133, -1.0263672, -1.6455078, -4.9453125, -0.51904297, 0.91259766, -0.006778717, -0.39453125, 2.0976562, 0.6191406, -0.68603516, 1.5205078, 0.3474121, 0.6308594, -2.0605469, 1.0986328, -1.0576172, 0.75439453, 1.1210938, 0.2607422, 0.2319336, 0.21179199, -0.21813965, -1.0507812, -0.06359863, 0.58447266, 0.1373291, 0.07342529, 0.56396484, -1.3779297, 0.50927734, 0.42993164, 0.47460938, 1.1494141, -0.9140625, -0.6269531, 1.2197266, 0.45629883, -2.1464844, -0.94091797, 0.36914062, -1.9394531, 1.3203125, 1.0791016, -1.0800781, -2.0664062, -3.4589844, -2.1503906, 1.0253906, -1.3789062, -0.53759766, -0.9819336, -0.5073242, -2.296875, 0.20043945, 1.2929688, -0.57421875, -0.23950195, 1.3935547, 1.1943359, 1.1962891, -0.69384766, 0.14465332, 0.28857422, -1.4609375, 1.3066406, 1.4248047, 1.2949219, -1.9121094, -0.73535156, 2.8046875, -0.44384766, -0.6430664, -1.6367188, 1.5380859, -1.1982422, 2.3125, 0.22131348, 0.20373535, 1.7470703, 0.15161133, -0.8051758, -1.3173828, 1.1865234, -0.51904297, 0.36547852, 0.6430664, -0.22473145, 0.0036640167, 1.6826172, 1.8964844, -0.26220703, 0.3449707, 0.7089844, -0.32177734, -0.5673828, -0.8808594, -0.6933594, 1.3320312, 2.1269531, -0.32348633, 2.6992188, 0.79785156, -0.17553711, -2.171875, -0.7573242, 1.0917969, -0.19628906, -0.61035156, -1.5048828, -0.66015625, -0.21923828, -1.8525391, -0.7060547, 0.9326172, 0.2631836, -1.7939453, -0.30395508, -1.7177734, 2.265625, -0.8964844, 0.48364258, -0.004234314, -1.6640625, 3.1035156, 1.0615234, -2.3574219, -0.52197266, 1.3896484, -0.40454102, -0.35473633, -0.03692627, 0.095703125, 1.6279297, -1.1933594, 1.7802734, 1.7871094, 1.1513672, -0.5756836, 0.52734375, 0.26904297, 0.6464844, 0.13476562, -0.7495117, 1.9238281, -0.06842041, 0.59814453, 0.74609375, -0.8076172, 2.1171875, 0.14904785, -0.33325195, 0.5888672, -2.6796875, -0.5004883, 1.0009766, 0.4387207, -0.1821289, -0.46240234, 1.4208984, -0.05126953, -0.9526367, -0.16442871, 1.1601562, -0.22973633, 0.8178711, -0.20178223, -0.016708374, 0.08868408, -0.030914307, -1.8945312, -2.5488281, 1.3857422, 1.3330078, 0.2064209, 2.0214844, -0.2211914, -1.7675781, 0.5019531, -0.5258789, 1.0205078, -0.70947266, -2.2304688, 1.2197266, -0.3737793, 0.5834961, 1.5654297, 0.88378906, -0.48608398, -1.7744141, -1.1748047, -1.2626953, -1.5126953, 0.4411621, 1.2695312, 1.3945312, -1.5478516]" Arknights,com.YoStarEN.Arknights&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.YoStarEN.Arknights&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,strategy take on the role of a key member of rhodes island a pharmaceutical company that fights both a deadly infection and the unrest it leaves in its wake together with your leader amiya you ll recruit operators train them then assign them to various operations to protect the innocent and resist those who would thrust the world into turmoil your tactics will determine the future of rhodes island fight for the dawn gorgeous animestyle game with a perfect combination of rpg and strategy elements hundreds of unique operators across a variety of classes open up countless gameplay options auto deploy,"[2.3125, -1.8017578, 1.4785156, -0.64160156, -1.3642578, -1.7431641, -0.45703125, 1.2128906, 0.90185547, 1.9550781, 0.13049316, 0.13769531, -1.9980469, -0.3935547, 1.8789062, -1.1552734, 0.72998047, -1.2226562, -1.2832031, -1.2353516, 0.95751953, 1.2021484, 0.39501953, -0.81152344, 1.9619141, -2.3261719, -0.51123047, -0.35864258, 2.6054688, -0.11791992, -1.0263672, 1.2197266, 0.68652344, 1.9658203, 0.055999756, -1.3261719, 1.8359375, -0.9633789, -0.06964111, 1.4736328, -1.7558594, 2.2128906, 0.5834961, 0.4638672, 1.2558594, 0.52978516, -2.1289062, -1.1259766, 0.3256836, 1.1923828, 3.4335938, -0.044189453, 1.1542969, 0.019958496, -0.60546875, 0.15319824, -2.8925781, 1.671875, -0.6352539, -0.41137695, 0.17993164, 0.94384766, 1.1972656, -0.7167969, -0.36743164, 0.39038086, 1.0439453, -0.46899414, 1.1318359, 0.14709473, 3.5136719, 0.734375, 0.12402344, 0.58496094, 2.1816406, -1.0615234, -0.01828003, -1.1484375, 0.99365234, -0.5253906, -1.7246094, 0.39160156, 0.6508789, 1.9541016, 0.27661133, -0.31054688, 0.039520264, -0.91503906, 0.7973633, 2.4609375, 0.31689453, -2.09375, -1.9335938, -0.34887695, -1.7685547, 1.9560547, -0.02444458, 0.14819336, -2.7988281, -2.0292969, 0.5419922, 0.28637695, -1.0664062, -0.18444824, -2.0917969, 0.70654297, 0.65234375, -0.7114258, 0.05444336, -1.8701172, -1.8564453, 0.21350098, -1.7958984, 0.37695312, 1.5722656, -0.7915039, -0.10662842, -0.3894043, 0.83251953, 0.25732422, -0.12121582, -2.1445312, -1.1699219, 1.2890625, 1.1650391, -1.6376953, -0.7783203, -1.2216797, -2.7089844, 1.5527344, -1.8486328, -1.046875, 1.0800781, 0.015426636, 2.1523438, -0.7207031, -0.48242188, -0.06124878, 1.5654297, 0.49658203, -0.98779297, -0.14807129, 0.39111328, -0.22668457, -0.6230469, -1.2197266, 0.7739258, 0.08105469, -0.58935547, 1.5195312, -1.5810547, 0.14074707, 1.2451172, 1.4423828, 1.7763672, -0.36279297, -1.7294922, -1.8505859, -1.6289062, 0.17651367, 1.5371094, -0.58691406, 1.0410156, -0.024230957, -0.32739258, -0.005130768, -0.5444336, 0.7836914, -0.5546875, -2.5917969, -1.1054688, -1.2890625, 2.8945312, 0.01537323, -0.18652344, -0.88378906, -0.08886719, 1.7480469, 0.24035645, -0.6855469, -0.2878418, 0.14428711, 0.48632812, 0.63427734, 0.9008789, 2.5449219, 0.8598633, -0.08270264, 0.5366211, 1.625, 0.71972656, -1.3955078, -0.18139648, 0.8105469, -0.6767578, 2.0664062, 0.8276367, 1.9013672, 1.1728516, -0.36694336, -0.30541992, -0.5102539, 0.6459961, -0.671875, -0.10925293, 0.52001953, -0.43310547, -1.1064453, -0.5449219, 0.086242676, -1.4121094, -2.40625, 0.99072266, -0.4946289, -1.5449219, 0.99072266, 1.4472656, 0.2709961, 2.8457031, -0.5332031, -0.30981445, -0.82177734, 1.4775391, -0.48046875, -0.31201172, 1.3408203, 2.9628906, -0.11468506, 0.11090088, 0.46679688, -2.2265625, 0.21777344, 0.32128906, -1.1123047, 1.2958984, -2.9121094, 0.5029297, 1.28125, 0.24584961, 0.45654297, 2.4335938, -0.41381836, -2.265625, -0.14086914, -1.2158203, -2.2734375, -0.9189453, 0.05239868, 1.5517578, 1.359375]" Township,com.playrix.township&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.playrix.township&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,casual township is a unique blend of citybuilding and farming build your dream town harvest crops at the farms process them at your facilities and sell goods to develop your town trade with exotic countries open restaurants cinemas and other community buildings to give life in your town special flavor explore the mine to get resources and find ancient artifacts run your own zoo and collect animals from around the world are you ready to become a farmer and citymanager to build your dream let s get started township features different buildings and decorations you can use to create your dream,"[0.7451172, 0.46557617, 2.0507812, 1.6748047, -0.1295166, 0.70654297, -0.18847656, 1.7734375, -0.6298828, 0.4658203, -0.36157227, 1.2490234, -0.5678711, 0.61572266, 0.6225586, -0.24865723, 1.8134766, 0.46264648, -2.5683594, 0.45483398, 3.1503906, 0.4013672, 0.4658203, -0.38183594, -0.71533203, -0.27319336, -0.5449219, -1.7617188, 0.2775879, 1.1298828, -2.4003906, -0.27392578, -0.8310547, 1.8457031, 0.7290039, 2.6621094, 0.0592041, -0.26831055, 2.3457031, -0.7109375, 1.1582031, -1.5927734, 1.1269531, 0.099853516, 1.1591797, -1.1474609, -0.23339844, -1.4873047, -0.3720703, 0.37548828, 2.0253906, -1.5351562, -0.8017578, -1.7089844, -0.7001953, 0.9326172, -1.1777344, -1.3701172, -1.1484375, -3.0585938, -0.5839844, 2.0351562, 0.7001953, -3.2382812, -0.47216797, 0.5654297, 2.6660156, 0.55566406, 0.044128418, -0.09387207, 4.125, -2.9570312, -1.0810547, 0.7578125, 1.0068359, 0.9760742, -0.30322266, 0.22973633, -1.4277344, 1.5068359, -0.16821289, 0.67041016, -1.1357422, 0.5942383, -0.46704102, -0.21154785, -0.48486328, 0.3425293, -0.61572266, 0.734375, 0.61035156, -2.296875, -1.3027344, 0.045532227, 0.08459473, -0.03778076, 0.5390625, 0.045440674, -1.3320312, -2.5429688, -0.8417969, 0.43017578, 1.4277344, 0.9379883, -1.5673828, 1.3144531, 0.072021484, 1.1738281, 0.09527588, -0.6098633, 1.5126953, -1.1865234, -1.0351562, 0.8286133, 0.06964111, 1.4394531, -0.3762207, -1.1318359, 1.8144531, -0.19152832, 0.6542969, -1.7666016, 0.22375488, 2.1171875, 0.7441406, 1.3642578, -1.6748047, -0.69677734, -0.69970703, -1.0556641, -1.6191406, -0.96191406, 0.55615234, 0.9892578, -0.0770874, -2.1855469, -0.8178711, 0.6386719, -2.9511719, -0.65185547, 1.2197266, -0.6113281, 1.5400391, -1.0498047, -0.040161133, 0.5498047, 1.0488281, 1.1738281, -1.34375, -0.9970703, -1.1914062, -0.055389404, 0.43286133, 2.6152344, 0.53222656, -1.7919922, 1.6269531, -1.0302734, 2.0898438, 0.8457031, 1.1777344, -0.73779297, -1.0605469, -1.2128906, -1.3730469, 0.72509766, 0.25610352, 1.4179688, -1.6523438, 0.3166504, -0.3515625, -2.7167969, 0.76416016, 0.82714844, 0.2602539, -0.87402344, 0.1776123, -1.5712891, -1.4443359, -0.5126953, -0.79345703, 1.3876953, 1.6464844, 2.9296875, -0.8984375, 0.7548828, 0.32763672, -0.5024414, -0.21813965, 0.38671875, 0.36450195, -0.4326172, -0.27416992, 1.8320312, -1.4355469, 1.6777344, 1.4873047, 0.2175293, 2.4492188, -0.26708984, 1.7382812, -0.9291992, 2.5195312, -2.7714844, -2.296875, 3.4042969, -0.7480469, 0.6230469, 0.47045898, 0.7314453, -1.1455078, 0.16711426, 1.0585938, 0.57714844, -0.76171875, -1.5068359, 0.88671875, -0.14367676, 0.69433594, -1.3613281, 0.57666016, -0.27563477, -0.18847656, -0.61279297, -0.49902344, 2.1210938, 1.2802734, -0.77685547, -0.9399414, -0.41064453, -2.2539062, 0.0042037964, -3.453125, 0.06555176, 0.11456299, -3.5488281, -0.09362793, -0.18920898, -0.040496826, 1.5976562, 0.71728516, -1.5830078, 0.75878906, 0.61572266, -1.1269531, -0.22485352, -0.16174316, -0.77001953, -0.18725586, -0.06762695]" Evony: The King's Return,com.topgamesinc.evony&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.topgamesinc.evony&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,strategy shoot and engage in battles build your cities train your troops expand your empire be the king of kingdoms all in evony the kings return the hottest realtime strategy mmo of unique gameplay features challenge a variety of survivor levels move shoot evolve weapons use flexible finger controls experience the joy of puzzle solving build your own empire the exceptionally rich and amazing set of features choose from civilizations to customize your game s architectural style american chinese european russian korean arabia and japanese you are the survivor move dodge shoot acquire weapons and fight to the last moment you,"[1.7001953, -2.0292969, 0.0042037964, -1.015625, -0.2919922, -1.3564453, 1.9482422, -1.6269531, 1.3417969, 0.5966797, 1.4658203, 0.4951172, 0.46655273, 1.5429688, 0.9658203, -0.29101562, -0.828125, -1.171875, -0.20129395, -0.6411133, 0.060943604, 1.1474609, 1.6513672, -1.2353516, 0.6254883, -1.9238281, -0.036712646, -1.3769531, 1.2109375, -1.2910156, -1.8574219, -0.24902344, 1.0625, 1.796875, -0.9941406, -0.5239258, 1.8447266, -1.9785156, 1.7744141, 0.15441895, -1.7236328, 0.17248535, 2.1347656, -1.0, 1.0224609, 0.63183594, -2.9199219, 1.1416016, 0.50390625, 1.3505859, 3.6386719, -1.6513672, 1.1835938, -1.2431641, -1.4072266, -0.19567871, -3.2207031, -0.113342285, 0.74121094, -2.5878906, -0.28588867, 1.5302734, -1.1181641, -1.3828125, -0.9086914, -1.2470703, 0.3149414, -1.59375, 1.5214844, 1.0009766, 3.4667969, 0.21850586, -0.5161133, 0.49291992, 1.3701172, -0.72558594, 0.47021484, -0.053649902, 0.6274414, -0.5991211, -0.23022461, 0.42456055, 0.29638672, 0.77734375, -0.43115234, 0.36645508, 0.3310547, -0.4416504, -0.51171875, 2.5097656, 0.23620605, -1.2685547, -1.4589844, 0.2722168, -1.3798828, 0.42626953, 1.1728516, -0.0758667, -0.8930664, -1.1484375, -0.8359375, 1.4765625, -0.7915039, -0.7963867, -2.6191406, 0.8779297, -0.87646484, -0.38793945, -1.515625, -0.38916016, 1.90625, -0.87841797, 0.44970703, 0.23120117, -0.12072754, 1.4658203, -0.01109314, -0.057403564, -1.8779297, 2.1953125, 1.3671875, -0.7207031, -0.5493164, 0.57958984, 0.47705078, 0.9760742, -1.1464844, 0.32299805, -3.0507812, 2.296875, -0.47998047, -0.71484375, 1.6992188, 0.9111328, 1.4599609, -1.7666016, -0.21862793, -0.87939453, -0.11212158, 1.3417969, -1.0439453, -0.9580078, 1.9589844, -1.3417969, -0.5776367, 1.3867188, -0.29833984, -0.4633789, -1.7148438, -1.1591797, -0.104003906, 1.1982422, 0.53222656, 0.7788086, 3.984375, 0.7792969, 0.089660645, -2.0351562, 0.93896484, 2.328125, 0.020217896, -1.8837891, -0.33398438, -1.0175781, 1.1074219, -0.20397949, -0.29663086, 0.97265625, -1.3652344, -2.5878906, -1.5019531, -2.3808594, 2.1953125, 0.8544922, -0.111083984, 0.30004883, -0.13232422, 3.2070312, 0.7758789, -1.2099609, -0.7807617, 1.1015625, -1.8515625, 0.21264648, 0.5571289, 0.3972168, 0.7807617, -2.4179688, 3.3828125, 2.2460938, 0.8334961, -2.0488281, 0.39746094, 1.5683594, -1.5820312, 2.1601562, -0.28588867, -0.7607422, 2.6132812, -0.9658203, 1.4384766, 1.3847656, 0.2232666, -1.7783203, -2.75, 1.3613281, -1.25, -1.9560547, -0.12597656, 1.9902344, 1.1845703, -0.5161133, 0.3088379, 0.70703125, -1.1689453, 1.5830078, 1.7314453, 1.265625, 0.9921875, 0.40795898, 1.3769531, -0.7026367, 1.6933594, -2.9863281, -2.25, 2.21875, 1.2939453, 1.1005859, 0.44799805, 3.1328125, -2.2070312, -0.79296875, -0.93408203, -0.7368164, 0.44189453, -0.6767578, 0.9667969, 1.3017578, -0.6152344, 1.3916016, 2.7792969, 0.7529297, -0.94873047, 0.66503906, -1.2646484, -0.73876953, -0.8598633, -0.24780273, 2.3730469, 0.089538574]" Hungry Shark Evolution,com.fgol.HungrySharkEvolution&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fgol.HungrySharkEvolution&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,arcade the official game for shark week welcome to hungry shark evolution a shark survival game with lots of action in the ocean and even more fish are you ready to become a predator in this free offline mobile game explore the underwater world of sharks and evolve take control of a very hungry shark with mighty jaws and survive as long as possible by eating everything and everyone in your way dive into an underwater world where youll meet the shark that was merged with a trex explore a huge environment and evolve sharks like the great white and megalodon,"[1.3730469, -0.14709473, 0.61376953, 0.9135742, 1.7070312, 0.38427734, 1.3613281, -1.1298828, 1.4238281, -1.7304688, -0.0040779114, 1.7236328, -1.6269531, 0.7314453, -0.33740234, -0.46850586, -0.47924805, 0.8183594, 1.1787109, 0.1361084, -1.9492188, 0.9194336, 0.7246094, 0.1529541, -0.3708496, -1.1962891, 0.5830078, -0.6557617, 0.34814453, 0.21252441, -1.1396484, -1.1699219, -1.34375, -1.2871094, -0.83154297, -1.9628906, 0.47338867, -1.1191406, 3.7148438, 0.78808594, 1.6074219, -0.8256836, 0.068481445, -0.63427734, -0.43237305, 0.06488037, -1.4638672, 0.6166992, 1.1171875, 0.3095703, 1.3066406, -0.63720703, 0.2590332, -1.2382812, 0.8071289, -1.0292969, -1.2314453, -1.0380859, 0.3154297, 0.3972168, -0.31933594, 1.0849609, 0.13391113, 0.70996094, -0.52246094, 0.1274414, -0.9370117, 1.4609375, 1.9257812, 2.6601562, 1.9306641, 2.5664062, -1.7929688, 1.5361328, 2.3769531, 0.20837402, -1.7480469, 0.39233398, -0.31298828, 0.0013923645, 0.97314453, -0.07861328, -0.75097656, 0.24816895, -1.1787109, 0.57177734, 1.1025391, -0.051574707, -2.578125, 0.7397461, -1.4570312, 0.49121094, -1.3291016, -0.7241211, -0.48168945, 0.17504883, -0.17041016, -0.11328125, -0.43530273, -2.6503906, -1.0273438, -1.3242188, 1.0615234, -1.9208984, 0.60498047, 1.4628906, -0.7758789, 0.77490234, 0.3708496, 1.3769531, -0.24902344, 1.0390625, 2.078125, 2.078125, 1.4931641, 1.15625, 0.25561523, 2.8964844, 0.57421875, -0.3659668, 0.3828125, -1.1337891, -0.39404297, -2.5976562, 0.6376953, -1.0898438, 0.0949707, -0.60302734, -0.10498047, -0.51123047, -1.4697266, -1.4521484, 2.3261719, 0.3720703, 3.2617188, -2.3085938, 0.13220215, -0.8442383, 0.55322266, -0.08618164, 3.2402344, 0.3791504, 0.4831543, 1.3046875, 0.0947876, -0.3408203, 1.4150391, 0.9873047, -0.72998047, -1.1132812, 0.072265625, -0.05722046, 1.7919922, 1.5644531, 2.7871094, 0.7060547, -0.2529297, -2.140625, 0.609375, 0.23217773, 2.421875, -3.203125, -1.4560547, 0.66259766, 3.25, 1.7333984, -1.3427734, 1.9941406, -1.5634766, 1.3857422, 0.18762207, -0.28955078, 1.3173828, 1.8378906, 1.9707031, -1.1083984, 0.7006836, -1.1513672, 0.17248535, -0.63183594, -1.2041016, 1.7568359, -2.7578125, -0.39233398, -0.26660156, -2.3925781, -0.57421875, 0.87402344, 2.2675781, 0.6098633, -0.16357422, -2.1601562, 1.5078125, 1.2734375, -2.0878906, 0.5644531, 0.6464844, 1.0390625, 2.8496094, -1.3701172, -1.7324219, 2.5449219, 0.35205078, 0.6303711, -2.3964844, 0.2142334, 0.18249512, -1.5507812, 0.3779297, -0.3137207, -0.8598633, -0.006084442, 0.15234375, -0.17883301, -1.1855469, 1.5273438, -0.61328125, 1.5273438, 1.5537109, 0.09442139, 0.1541748, -2.0488281, -0.73779297, 1.5078125, -2.2148438, 1.0673828, 1.9511719, 2.8144531, 0.27612305, 2.2851562, -0.25634766, -1.9326172, -0.8598633, -1.1679688, 1.4833984, 1.0292969, -0.14941406, -1.8710938, -1.6074219, 2.3046875, 2.4042969, -0.3322754, -0.8383789, -1.5009766, 1.0986328, 1.1513672, 2.6113281, -2.3535156, 1.6757812, 2.0039062]" Gardenscapes,com.playrix.gardenscapes&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.playrix.gardenscapes&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,casual welcome to gardenscapes the first hit from playrixs scapes series solve match puzzles to restore a wonderful garden to its former glory embark on an adventurous journey beat match levels restore and decorate different areas in the garden get to the bottom of the secrets it holds and enjoy the company of amusing ingame characters including austin your butler what are you waiting for build your dream garden the game features unique gameplay swap and match restore and decorate the garden and enjoy a novel storyline all in one place hundreds of unique match levels dozens of ingame characters you,"[0.5751953, -1.5976562, 0.2310791, 1.2851562, -1.8134766, 0.40966797, 1.1777344, 0.21716309, 0.49853516, -0.91259766, 0.1116333, 1.0537109, 1.3837891, -1.9648438, -0.77783203, -1.0693359, -1.7402344, -0.8671875, -0.08441162, 1.7939453, 0.68603516, -1.3837891, -0.6743164, -2.2207031, 1.2431641, -0.66552734, -0.44433594, 0.2644043, 1.5859375, -1.1513672, -0.48266602, -2.34375, 1.0546875, -0.0107040405, -1.4726562, 0.29101562, 0.17773438, 2.1152344, 0.55566406, -1.4433594, 0.90185547, 1.1367188, 0.5234375, 1.5029297, -0.65283203, 0.48754883, -2.1757812, -0.76953125, -0.6245117, 1.1972656, 1.6660156, 0.45239258, -2.2949219, -0.5546875, -0.67578125, -0.29638672, 0.52783203, 1.1484375, -0.1574707, -2.5625, 0.4555664, 0.7597656, 1.0166016, -2.1328125, -0.7314453, 0.46679688, 0.5336914, -0.26879883, 0.14440918, 0.40063477, -0.1352539, 0.11956787, 0.7167969, -1.3544922, 1.2089844, -0.36035156, -2.1660156, 0.1529541, -1.453125, -1.0791016, -1.8300781, -0.7270508, -1.0576172, -1.0097656, 0.20214844, 0.6459961, -0.022491455, 1.2275391, -1.8310547, 1.859375, 0.018829346, -1.046875, -1.4316406, -0.3125, -1.8027344, -1.7871094, -1.2353516, 0.20092773, -0.75634766, -2.3515625, -0.047790527, 0.6591797, 1.1113281, -1.1435547, -0.63964844, 1.1191406, -0.46264648, -1.4970703, -2.5527344, -0.9550781, -0.97021484, -1.1533203, 1.3447266, 1.5654297, 0.47070312, 0.5385742, -0.49926758, 0.9628906, -0.6098633, 0.65771484, 0.13122559, -2.5820312, 0.9326172, 2.0820312, 1.4326172, 0.29614258, -1.6923828, -0.7128906, -1.8134766, 0.24145508, -2.7050781, 0.15197754, -1.3310547, 0.22741699, 2.5058594, -0.17346191, -0.06695557, 0.44848633, -0.80371094, 1.6201172, 2.3007812, 0.8569336, 1.3828125, 0.16247559, -0.8984375, 0.19592285, -0.25854492, 1.0498047, -0.20251465, 0.9189453, -1.4628906, -0.10015869, 0.036224365, 0.6723633, -0.1138916, 0.19042969, 1.4365234, -1.375, 3.4824219, -0.3305664, 1.0664062, -0.7963867, -1.2919922, -1.2041016, -0.09869385, 1.21875, -0.9667969, 0.53759766, -1.0878906, -0.86083984, 0.93115234, -0.29101562, 1.8398438, 0.6694336, -0.5629883, 1.1425781, 0.17993164, -0.62060547, -2.0332031, -0.7973633, -2.5292969, 1.7304688, 0.890625, 2.2675781, -1.8525391, -0.09655762, 1.7744141, 1.2207031, 0.4711914, 0.0110321045, 1.6376953, -1.4726562, 1.171875, 2.8183594, 0.23132324, -0.5161133, -0.7392578, -1.4248047, -1.5234375, -0.15808105, -0.97509766, -0.11340332, 3.0683594, 0.7294922, -1.3232422, 0.20568848, 0.011222839, 1.0556641, 2.1484375, 0.66064453, -0.62060547, -0.80078125, 1.0078125, -0.106933594, -0.2064209, -2.7441406, 0.90771484, -0.7109375, 2.171875, -1.7001953, -0.30737305, -0.2199707, 0.99609375, -0.19311523, -0.78564453, 3.9804688, 1.4345703, -1.9648438, 1.1904297, -0.21264648, -1.3662109, -2.0957031, -1.4306641, -0.6879883, 0.7416992, -2.9453125, -0.5488281, 1.8369141, -0.059570312, 2.0097656, -0.9736328, -1.0322266, 1.0166016, 1.6923828, -1.5859375, -0.43017578, -0.0008368492, -3.2324219, -0.16479492, 0.018005371]" Homescapes,com.playrix.homescapes&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.playrix.homescapes&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,casual welcome to homescapes a truly heartwarming game from playrixs scapes series solve match puzzles to restore a wonderful mansion on a verdant street exciting adventures start at the doorstep beat colorful match levels to renovate and decorate rooms in the mansion unlocking ever more chapters in the exciting family story along the way what are you waiting for make yourself at home the game features unique gameplay help austin renovate the house by swapping and matching pieces interior design you decide what the house will look like exciting match levels tons of fun featuring unique boosters and explosive combinations a,"[0.6347656, -0.625, -0.20605469, 0.7529297, -1.109375, 0.7988281, 1.140625, -0.26708984, 0.6098633, -0.18237305, -1.8857422, 0.87158203, 0.92285156, -0.71972656, -0.17175293, -0.4296875, -1.5302734, -0.69189453, -1.2460938, 2.4179688, -0.03173828, -0.23095703, -1.1103516, -2.1582031, 0.67285156, -0.21008301, 0.0001231432, 0.3659668, 2.5449219, -1.7128906, -0.23596191, -2.515625, -0.28149414, -0.8613281, -1.8193359, -1.2285156, -0.0703125, 0.4970703, 1.1259766, -1.9511719, 0.3503418, 0.21118164, 0.671875, 0.2166748, -0.11956787, 0.054748535, -1.6054688, 0.4909668, -1.4677734, -0.7548828, 1.5, -1.2539062, -2.5585938, -1.5546875, -0.8408203, 0.45629883, -3.0078125, 0.83251953, -0.6713867, -2.734375, 0.9345703, 2.7070312, 1.1982422, -2.3242188, 0.36376953, 1.0273438, 0.3388672, -1.8564453, 1.5078125, -0.6640625, 1.09375, 0.3244629, -0.09313965, -0.68310547, 1.0634766, 0.28686523, -2.9296875, -0.40625, -0.5917969, -0.38500977, -1.8134766, -1.5029297, 0.040130615, -2.4550781, -0.2746582, 1.2871094, 0.9604492, 0.93896484, -1.4306641, -0.03579712, 0.15771484, -0.86816406, -0.20544434, 0.5341797, -2.2246094, -0.105895996, -2.1601562, 1.1113281, -0.21142578, -3.8925781, -0.3395996, 0.30737305, 1.7792969, -0.09338379, -0.24035645, 0.59765625, -0.28125, -0.8461914, -2.1132812, -1.0634766, -0.27246094, -0.96484375, -0.7216797, 0.37036133, -1.078125, 0.3659668, -0.77001953, 0.7158203, -0.5864258, 0.7583008, 0.83691406, -1.7763672, 0.70458984, 2.1835938, 0.89697266, 0.94873047, -1.2294922, -1.7060547, -1.3808594, 0.88623047, -2.8417969, 0.28100586, 0.18249512, 0.27368164, 2.9394531, -0.39282227, -0.34765625, 0.32763672, -1.421875, 3.0390625, 2.9941406, 0.51953125, 2.0507812, 0.17736816, -0.5722656, 0.32202148, -0.40625, 1.0419922, -0.3852539, 0.61865234, -1.1650391, -1.3525391, 1.2421875, 1.4335938, -1.1386719, -0.82666016, 1.9101562, -0.9248047, 2.2324219, 0.042938232, 1.0615234, 0.024520874, -1.1894531, 0.6743164, -0.6533203, 0.5932617, -0.4284668, -0.17456055, -0.79296875, 0.22583008, 0.5751953, -1.1308594, 1.6767578, 0.83496094, -0.39086914, 0.5209961, 0.78271484, 0.42993164, -2.5253906, -0.46850586, -1.2333984, 3.1777344, 0.9760742, 0.9238281, -1.4091797, 0.12243652, 3.0371094, 1.9785156, 1.3251953, 0.39111328, 0.89990234, -0.8701172, 0.8330078, 2.3710938, 0.4909668, -0.44873047, -0.30297852, -0.23925781, -1.2431641, -0.19299316, -0.7548828, -0.5830078, 1.7568359, 0.57958984, -1.0693359, 1.5380859, 0.3725586, -0.08917236, 1.3095703, 1.1787109, -0.74853516, 0.2902832, 1.296875, -0.5854492, -0.0016641617, -1.28125, 0.30029297, 0.14941406, 0.7211914, -1.4521484, -0.13781738, -1.1386719, 3.0585938, -1.53125, -1.2685547, 2.5273438, 0.48120117, -1.4453125, 0.8300781, 0.2064209, -1.1835938, -0.54052734, -3.1757812, -1.1503906, 0.1239624, 0.26831055, -1.0117188, 1.6982422, -0.10491943, 1.5595703, -0.014877319, -0.30371094, 0.62109375, 1.4257812, -0.49023438, -0.16210938, -0.27172852, -3.0996094, 0.20874023, -0.6616211]" Mobile Legends: Bang Bang,com.mobile.legends&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobile.legends&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,action join your friends in mobile legends bang bang the brand new v moba showdown and fight against real players choose your favorite heroes and build the perfect team with your comradesinarms second matchmaking minute battles laning jungling pushing and teamfighting all the fun of pc moba and action games in the palm of your hand feed your esports spirit mobile legends bang bang the fascinating moba game on mobile smash and outplay your enemies and achieve the final victory with your teammates your phone thirsts for battle features classic moba maps v battles realtime v battles against real players lanes,"[0.4255371, 1.2373047, 2.25, 0.5957031, 0.7050781, -0.7182617, 0.46704102, -1.7177734, 1.5078125, -0.016448975, -0.21191406, 3.1171875, -1.3271484, 2.1074219, 2.1054688, -2.7636719, 0.17163086, -1.2460938, -2.2910156, 1.3847656, 0.83935547, 3.3730469, 2.0917969, -2.28125, 0.96435547, -0.5209961, -1.5400391, -1.7958984, 0.6645508, -1.4794922, -2.3476562, 0.26123047, 1.3779297, -0.98828125, -0.71435547, -0.7885742, 1.1103516, -0.5576172, 1.296875, -0.28466797, 0.9916992, 0.8671875, 1.1582031, -1.0898438, -2.0761719, 0.23388672, -1.9472656, 0.5292969, 0.3544922, 0.06213379, 1.9228516, -1.1474609, -0.9663086, -1.4775391, -2.3027344, -0.10107422, 2.9394531, 0.9472656, 0.39746094, -1.2207031, 1.4746094, 2.1894531, -1.3701172, 0.24475098, -0.54003906, 0.9448242, 0.90185547, -0.7578125, 1.3134766, 2.2304688, 2.0605469, -0.09814453, -1.0810547, 1.4609375, 0.21777344, 0.16137695, -0.6767578, -0.8598633, -0.41625977, -1.4335938, 0.026229858, 0.83154297, 1.9619141, 0.9873047, 0.39941406, -0.7338867, 0.5625, -1.1884766, 0.27246094, 0.70703125, -2.0410156, -0.5961914, -0.8515625, -1.4892578, -1.8515625, -0.84228516, -0.4189453, 0.97265625, -0.5180664, -0.49243164, -0.7910156, 1.2197266, -1.1845703, -2.2207031, -0.17712402, 1.5390625, 1.8134766, -1.3261719, -2.4863281, -3.1269531, -1.0917969, -1.8232422, -2.46875, 0.18261719, -2.0214844, -0.7714844, -1.8623047, 0.7583008, 0.7548828, 0.9296875, 0.10211182, -1.0996094, -1.2851562, -1.0966797, 2.703125, 0.9116211, -0.7949219, -0.23022461, -0.85009766, 0.89746094, -2.0332031, -0.33496094, 3.0546875, 0.71191406, 1.3291016, -2.09375, -0.9160156, -0.7397461, -2.1191406, -3.1269531, 2.2949219, -0.85253906, 2.4316406, 1.3173828, 0.3840332, 1.1904297, 1.125, 1.5429688, -1.6757812, 0.39501953, 0.22924805, 0.37670898, 1.2460938, 0.86279297, 2.78125, 1.1757812, -0.41210938, -0.5571289, 1.4306641, 2.8984375, 0.5175781, -0.16845703, -1.7480469, 0.036956787, 0.11462402, 0.65283203, -1.8505859, 0.88964844, -1.5898438, 0.09240723, 0.53222656, 0.18762207, 0.9848633, 0.6689453, -1.1230469, -0.25048828, 0.22766113, -1.4345703, -0.8105469, 0.18383789, -2.3183594, 2.1269531, -0.43798828, 1.7324219, 0.33691406, 1.7138672, 1.4394531, -0.9296875, 1.7089844, 0.5341797, 0.63183594, -1.5625, 0.4802246, 0.41333008, -0.8911133, 1.0, 0.028900146, 0.2668457, -1.6865234, -0.012878418, 0.9892578, 3.3554688, -0.7055664, -0.30004883, -1.6503906, 0.39892578, 1.4306641, -1.5478516, 0.25927734, -0.7836914, 0.1262207, -0.3178711, -0.8232422, 0.053497314, -0.3503418, -0.88378906, 0.110839844, 2.4746094, -0.20910645, 0.17871094, 0.23815918, -1.4667969, 1.3632812, -1.5859375, -2.7421875, 0.96728516, 0.9814453, -1.1943359, -1.7519531, 0.50341797, -0.060394287, -1.4140625, 1.1123047, -1.6748047, -1.4521484, 3.0214844, -0.46484375, 1.5703125, 0.69628906, 0.9042969, 4.3046875, 0.6850586, -0.8852539, 1.734375, -0.48510742, 0.94189453, 0.35498047, -0.20263672, 3.2089844, 1.4785156]" 1945 Air Force: Airplane games,com.os.airforce&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.os.airforce&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,arcade take control of a warplane and jump on the battlefield of air force airplane shooting games in this thrilling combat flight action game in each of the air force campaigns you will assume a squadron leader of an elite airforce unit and engage in a team and solo action warfare you will fight on the most famous historical airplanes from classic fighters to light and heavy bombers like grumman ff hellcat lockheed p lightning su p p hawk schwalbe swallow mitsubishi am zero b flying fortress to modern generation military aircraft the enemy is coming war thunder is roaring lets,"[1.0605469, -1.8613281, 0.1295166, 2.1699219, -0.5336914, -0.1315918, 1.7929688, -0.16845703, 1.5195312, 0.83740234, -1.5449219, 2.2519531, 0.64453125, 3.0996094, 2.3808594, -0.5756836, 0.8535156, 0.68603516, -0.10992432, -0.38378906, 2.1777344, 0.65234375, 1.7783203, -1.3095703, 2.0078125, -2.1660156, -0.8286133, 0.56396484, 0.18664551, 0.5644531, -3.4550781, 0.1303711, -2.0917969, 0.42626953, -1.0644531, -2.4394531, 0.8173828, -0.5834961, 2.1386719, -0.8076172, 0.7475586, -1.109375, 0.5722656, -1.0849609, -0.70654297, 1.0976562, 0.7807617, -0.34960938, 1.4326172, -0.12030029, 0.5834961, -0.86376953, -1.0517578, -0.61035156, -1.5927734, 0.7817383, 0.43652344, -0.8847656, -1.265625, 0.70996094, 1.2431641, -0.65185547, -1.109375, 1.0869141, -1.1748047, 0.8857422, 0.5385742, 0.9638672, 0.86865234, 1.6953125, 2.6425781, -1.1708984, 0.16296387, 0.21350098, 0.23962402, 0.070617676, 0.9765625, 0.38085938, 0.22021484, -0.10333252, -1.5644531, 2.1796875, 0.5131836, 0.53515625, -0.14086914, 0.59228516, -0.2788086, -0.52734375, 0.20483398, 1.7333984, -0.8276367, -2.8222656, 1.7324219, 0.5083008, -1.1289062, -0.64208984, 0.8623047, 1.3876953, -0.4519043, -1.5546875, -0.85791016, -1.4033203, -1.1015625, 0.028137207, 0.18005371, -0.3383789, -0.95996094, -0.92285156, -0.69384766, -2.0722656, -1.0195312, -1.6396484, -0.1217041, 0.27392578, -0.3425293, 0.5263672, -1.5751953, 1.515625, 0.97314453, -0.55615234, 0.3815918, -0.09124756, -0.46557617, -2.1796875, 0.067993164, -0.78564453, -0.7807617, -1.1845703, -2.6074219, 2.8203125, -0.2487793, -0.9848633, -1.0361328, 0.8979492, 1.4550781, -0.9951172, 0.7426758, -0.10101318, -0.4975586, 2.0488281, 0.86083984, -1.0917969, 0.99658203, 0.27954102, -1.0380859, -0.44091797, 0.18969727, 0.87402344, -1.2285156, 0.26416016, 2.6757812, 0.7949219, 4.3085938, 0.012748718, 2.7167969, 1.6855469, 0.08050537, -2.1386719, 0.8173828, -0.36206055, 1.578125, -1.1542969, -1.5087891, -0.83935547, 1.8535156, -2.0332031, 1.0224609, -0.52685547, -0.3017578, -0.30737305, 1.3486328, -0.22668457, 1.9697266, 1.1035156, -0.23449707, -2.4355469, -0.46240234, 0.17529297, 1.6650391, 2.1132812, -0.6225586, 0.13342285, -1.6582031, 2.2304688, 2.3339844, -0.055358887, -0.2614746, -0.81396484, 1.5341797, -0.94628906, 1.5673828, -0.7451172, -0.48632812, 3.1230469, 0.011192322, 0.7397461, -0.61376953, 0.96777344, -1.9804688, 1.2568359, -1.4960938, 1.7373047, 0.5395508, -1.3378906, -4.1445312, -0.54785156, 0.82714844, -1.1269531, 1.0175781, 0.5361328, 1.3359375, -1.4443359, 0.22802734, -0.29956055, -1.421875, 3.6015625, 0.78808594, 1.0615234, 1.8271484, -1.2421875, -0.35986328, -1.0996094, 1.8369141, -1.0292969, -0.5805664, 4.1054688, 2.1933594, 2.1171875, 1.0966797, -0.002445221, -1.0400391, -1.375, 1.5273438, -1.1367188, 2.625, -0.27563477, 0.8857422, 0.4892578, 0.25927734, 1.6904297, 1.1953125, -0.6743164, 0.30639648, -0.14489746, -0.14318848, -3.5097656, -0.55908203, -0.5385742, -0.13342285, 2.8652344]" Cubes Empire Champions,com.champion.cubes&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.champion.cubes&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,arcade enter the fun cubes empire champions world and enjoy blasting blocks in hundreds of challenging and fun levels play the ultimate puzzle game with unique gameplay and have a relaxing fun time popping cubes and solving puzzles it s easy to learn and super fun to play match and blast or more adjacent cubes of the same color to explode and clear the board use the powerups and boosts at the right time to clear the board and win awesome prizes it s all up to your thumbs make smart blasts to smash more colored blocks features fun gameplay tap,"[0.6743164, 0.50097656, 1.1660156, 0.7553711, -1.6376953, 0.7451172, 1.6953125, -0.4663086, 2.2753906, -0.8208008, -1.8134766, 2.3671875, 0.68066406, 1.5546875, 1.2568359, -1.4150391, -1.1513672, -0.28979492, 0.42626953, 1.6777344, 0.8798828, 1.0634766, 3.2402344, -2.3144531, 2.1054688, 0.31347656, -1.0136719, -1.3935547, -0.050201416, -1.5507812, -1.2226562, -1.4765625, -1.6171875, 1.2910156, -1.9482422, 0.8256836, -0.45751953, 0.26831055, 3.2089844, -0.06738281, -0.8354492, 0.5522461, -0.13903809, -0.31640625, -0.33081055, -0.38745117, -0.21972656, 1.5244141, 0.5546875, 0.5727539, 2.1210938, -2.4335938, -0.56884766, 0.9121094, 0.27319336, 1.359375, 1.8017578, 2.390625, -0.0061912537, -1.421875, 0.98339844, -0.3635254, 0.6821289, -0.5957031, -1.0322266, -1.2148438, -1.4833984, -2.3554688, -0.4597168, 2.0605469, 1.5683594, 0.7084961, 1.2617188, -1.0986328, 0.20043945, -0.76708984, -0.86279297, 0.21313477, -0.14111328, 0.7705078, -2.0644531, 0.115722656, -0.4814453, 1.7607422, -0.20031738, 0.5961914, 0.3935547, -0.15710449, -1.0986328, -1.3007812, 0.28881836, -0.27929688, 0.05480957, 1.5673828, 0.25634766, 0.19873047, -0.0748291, -1.1640625, -0.3125, -1.2021484, 1.7373047, 0.5463867, -0.55615234, -0.78125, -0.9741211, -0.28198242, -1.0390625, -0.41357422, -1.5341797, -1.6123047, 0.47045898, -0.94628906, -0.16174316, -0.024353027, 0.29370117, 1.6669922, 0.3659668, 0.9550781, -1.0078125, 0.60253906, 1.9023438, -1.7558594, 1.2363281, 0.5214844, -1.9082031, -0.9033203, -1.7578125, -0.89501953, 0.10961914, 1.8535156, -2.0371094, 0.61083984, -0.57666016, -0.60009766, 3.8789062, -1.2900391, 0.95703125, 1.4765625, 0.53466797, -0.14123535, 2.6484375, -1.7294922, 1.9560547, 0.17333984, -1.0585938, 0.66796875, -0.86572266, 0.20812988, 1.1552734, -0.2993164, -0.11077881, 0.59375, 0.83251953, 0.39379883, 3.375, 0.037841797, 0.71875, -1.6523438, 2.6660156, 2.8222656, -1.1230469, 0.064575195, -0.44482422, -0.5917969, 2.359375, -1.5634766, -1.1826172, 0.18688965, -0.062683105, -1.3193359, -0.2824707, -0.31152344, 0.71191406, 1.1455078, -0.41186523, 0.34716797, 1.0048828, -1.1435547, 1.1474609, 0.43798828, -2.0273438, 0.71972656, -1.4560547, -0.43896484, -1.7851562, 1.5039062, 0.45874023, 0.90283203, 1.3867188, -0.45410156, 1.0263672, -2.5566406, 1.2236328, 0.8828125, -0.14550781, -0.9350586, -1.6455078, -0.70654297, -1.1982422, -0.4116211, 1.7773438, 1.0839844, -1.1484375, -1.9921875, -5.03125, 0.13293457, 0.6538086, -0.8276367, 0.9111328, 2.0644531, 2.4121094, -1.1337891, 0.73339844, -0.27197266, -1.6533203, 1.0517578, 0.48291016, 2.2539062, 1.5859375, -1.2314453, 0.027008057, -0.70458984, 0.94140625, -2.328125, 1.0273438, 4.2617188, 0.48999023, -0.53515625, 0.17089844, 3.2011719, -0.07611084, -1.7626953, -2.0292969, -0.64453125, 0.5019531, -2.0292969, -0.03994751, 1.3427734, -0.41333008, 1.6064453, 1.1162109, 2.1191406, -0.16577148, 0.28735352, -1.0634766, -2.0820312, -1.3085938, -2.0527344, 1.7724609, 1.6738281]" State of Survival: Zombie War,com.kingsgroup.sos&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kingsgroup.sos&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,strategy welcome to state of survival in a zombie postapocalyptic world full of horror you must quickly escape the threat of infection and the shadow of death here your mission is to establish and command your own shelter join with mighty allies and together resist the threat of vile zombies it s up to you to deploy the right strategy to increase your power smash the zombies to pieces and launch a defense against waves of infiltration survival is your mission in this world of horror where you need to find ways in which you can escape your shelter is the,"[4.3671875, -1.5634766, 1.2832031, -1.1875, -1.2080078, -0.9736328, 0.41503906, -0.16430664, 0.27929688, -0.2109375, -0.055999756, 0.037994385, 0.5488281, 1.625, 0.09454346, -0.47558594, 0.23950195, -0.62158203, 0.18444824, -0.6196289, 1.0722656, -0.33007812, -0.85253906, -0.1171875, 2.15625, -1.0966797, 0.66015625, 0.38452148, 4.125, -2.1015625, -0.7578125, -0.13452148, -1.1347656, 1.1787109, -1.296875, -2.5703125, 0.033935547, -0.19274902, -0.31567383, -0.5175781, -1.0361328, 1.5341797, 2.1972656, -0.19458008, 0.3527832, -1.3857422, -1.8535156, -0.46972656, 0.7192383, 0.2310791, 0.7446289, -1.0751953, -0.1784668, -0.9975586, -0.28027344, 0.9663086, -4.2421875, -0.50683594, -0.77001953, -1.2363281, -0.9555664, 1.4931641, 1.1738281, -0.88378906, 1.4072266, -0.070739746, 0.9140625, 0.054718018, 2.4550781, -0.35742188, 0.6503906, 1.6875, -2.1816406, -0.24914551, 2.4179688, 0.22290039, -0.0791626, 0.82714844, 1.5214844, -0.26098633, -3.2050781, 2.0917969, -0.21533203, -0.95166016, -0.70410156, -0.5048828, 1.7158203, 1.3886719, -0.25317383, 0.8803711, 0.61376953, -1.8935547, -0.7080078, 0.8022461, -0.18444824, 2.9746094, -0.13903809, 1.8876953, -2.4804688, -0.96875, 1.0234375, -0.114990234, -0.013122559, -1.8359375, -0.81591797, 0.8227539, 0.13146973, -0.90527344, 0.5703125, -2.2460938, -0.56347656, -0.37817383, -1.6113281, 3.0449219, -0.1496582, 0.72509766, 0.9111328, 0.4555664, 0.7553711, 1.6113281, -0.37695312, -0.54345703, -0.6665039, 1.1669922, 1.4072266, -0.51220703, -0.11279297, -0.4362793, -2.9316406, 2.0097656, -0.4387207, -1.5019531, 2.5683594, 1.2490234, 2.6933594, -2.2890625, 0.027786255, 0.35986328, -0.9355469, -1.3642578, -1.3828125, -1.6484375, 0.5498047, -1.9443359, -0.89941406, -0.61083984, -1.1542969, -0.57177734, -2.7871094, 0.23156738, 1.6064453, 0.9238281, 2.953125, 1.5527344, 0.47753906, 1.5683594, -0.7236328, -1.6064453, -2.7988281, 0.4128418, -0.1328125, 0.6669922, 1.9306641, 2.7363281, 2.1054688, 0.9477539, 0.42944336, 1.1806641, -0.6767578, -1.8027344, -1.1494141, 1.0292969, 2.7714844, 1.2802734, -0.39111328, 0.5751953, 2.3339844, -0.12390137, -0.9667969, -0.33618164, 0.25268555, 0.4333496, -0.5136719, 0.5541992, -0.15539551, 0.23461914, 0.9296875, 1.2832031, 1.4794922, 0.3864746, 0.8544922, -1.7041016, 1.0410156, -0.5703125, -0.14648438, 1.8583984, 1.6044922, 2.0, 1.3632812, 0.049072266, -1.1699219, 0.69970703, 2.8730469, -1.8261719, -2.1269531, 0.85498047, 0.8959961, -1.8291016, 0.46899414, 0.5058594, -0.5800781, -1.5576172, 1.2578125, -0.23278809, -1.1865234, 2.6113281, 0.7705078, 1.1611328, 1.3964844, 1.3105469, 0.31274414, -2.4589844, 0.3803711, -1.7138672, 0.60009766, -2.4472656, 1.3544922, 1.4277344, 0.9008789, 0.6958008, -0.6274414, 0.3383789, -0.50683594, -0.9267578, 1.0888672, -4.1523438, 0.7236328, -0.25097656, -1.2421875, 2.0351562, 1.7089844, 0.43237305, 0.15100098, 1.2265625, -1.7236328, 0.40454102, -0.42626953, -1.8808594, 0.6191406, 0.48291016]" Asphalt 9: Legends,com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftA9HM&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftA9HM&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,racing in asphalt legends take the wheel of real cars from highend renowned legendary car manufacturers such as ferrari porsche lamborghini and w motors among many other international brands drive boost and perform stunts across dynamic reallife locations in single or multiplayer play racing adrenaline brought to you by the creators of asphalt airborne customise highend hypercars there are over of the world s abrand highspeed motor machines to collect each vehicle has been selected from among the world s renowned car brands and manufacturers and has customisable aesthetics pick your car customise its body paint the rims and wheels or,"[-0.79052734, -0.87890625, 2.2285156, 1.7666016, -0.1628418, 1.4316406, 3.0410156, -1.625, -1.2636719, 1.5849609, 0.27416992, 2.4570312, -0.9394531, 1.4248047, 3.3320312, -0.10870361, 0.17956543, 1.1728516, -0.63427734, 0.8334961, 1.1064453, 2.9726562, 1.9794922, -0.7758789, 0.35839844, 1.1289062, -1.4365234, -2.4804688, -0.7504883, -0.20959473, -1.4853516, 0.140625, 0.39404297, -1.5742188, 1.2724609, -2.9492188, 1.2792969, 0.22387695, -1.2675781, -0.3564453, -1.5664062, -0.8359375, 0.85791016, -0.7158203, -1.4052734, -0.5336914, 1.2685547, -0.13720703, -0.9321289, -0.012619019, 1.2890625, -1.2148438, -2.3945312, -0.34814453, -0.6635742, -0.23425293, -0.44458008, 0.058502197, -0.036132812, 1.4628906, 1.1025391, 0.9135742, 0.58251953, 1.9755859, -0.37573242, 0.81396484, 1.4462891, 1.6318359, 1.5908203, 2.8320312, 0.13232422, 0.8647461, -0.042053223, 1.3271484, -0.20153809, -0.8569336, -1.4130859, -1.4667969, 0.7890625, 1.0585938, 0.8955078, 0.02520752, 0.77441406, 1.078125, -0.8461914, -1.5478516, -1.5214844, -0.83935547, -1.234375, 2.4042969, -0.8383789, -1.4326172, -0.6347656, -0.13842773, -2.3339844, -3.1015625, 0.79296875, 1.8310547, -0.1706543, -1.0371094, -1.8847656, -1.3046875, 0.1809082, 1.4179688, 0.11254883, 0.025009155, -0.17346191, -0.03643799, -1.4482422, -1.3710938, -0.61328125, 1.3173828, -0.37768555, 0.8520508, -1.3271484, -0.3486328, 1.0185547, 2.3554688, 1.6464844, 0.062469482, -0.9345703, 0.013771057, -0.6279297, -0.5996094, 1.2021484, -2.0507812, -1.2119141, -1.1845703, -0.8666992, 1.4541016, -0.20092773, 0.83935547, 1.9160156, -0.48535156, 1.0712891, -2.3320312, 0.99609375, -0.62109375, -0.09436035, -3.1328125, 1.0371094, -2.109375, 0.84814453, -0.071777344, -0.9091797, 1.5947266, 2.1621094, 0.95751953, -0.14941406, 1.2539062, 0.17529297, 3.34375, 3.1132812, 0.11444092, 3.3164062, 1.5419922, 0.21704102, -1.5166016, 1.4501953, 0.57666016, -2.8574219, 1.9189453, -3.7753906, -1.0214844, -0.8408203, 0.1418457, 1.296875, -1.953125, -0.5234375, -0.5239258, 1.6943359, -0.7915039, 1.6660156, 1.9169922, 1.0419922, -1.1962891, 1.2695312, -2.0488281, -0.6899414, 0.45947266, -0.9897461, -0.70458984, -0.890625, 0.9404297, 1.5302734, 0.5942383, 0.050476074, -3.3652344, 2.2539062, -2.2832031, 0.9560547, 0.5292969, -1.2910156, 0.6171875, -1.5761719, 0.52001953, 0.66259766, 0.54785156, -4.5625, 2.3203125, 0.6791992, 0.67285156, -0.47509766, -2.0195312, -0.7319336, -0.21838379, 1.0107422, -1.6181641, -1.3466797, -0.8745117, 1.0732422, 0.23791504, -0.20410156, -0.5317383, 1.9335938, -2.453125, 0.011932373, -0.3022461, -0.40356445, -0.32788086, 0.43408203, 1.3027344, 0.6899414, 0.29125977, -1.7441406, 0.88427734, 0.6953125, -1.1611328, -1.8212891, -0.1763916, -0.49047852, -0.09069824, -0.6777344, 1.6171875, -0.40576172, -0.99902344, 0.57177734, -0.27197266, 1.4824219, 1.5058594, 1.1357422, 0.58203125, 1.2265625, 0.58203125, 0.039398193, -0.062408447, 1.5400391, -0.26757812, 3.3183594, -0.42358398]" CookieRun: Kingdom,com.devsisters.ck&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.devsisters.ck&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,roleplaying everyones favorite tiny heroes the cookies meet our cookies all voiced by an amazing cast of voice actors witness their epic skills fall in love with their voices and dress them into new chic costumes join the cookies in cookierun kingdom embark on an epic journey around earthbread the secrets of the ancient cookies and their kingdoms are waiting to be unraveled join gingerbrave and his friends against dark enchantress cookie and her dark legion the chronicles of cookierun kingdom have just begun build a deliciously sweet kingdom choose from a great variety of unique decors to design the kingdom,"[-0.6484375, 0.7597656, 0.8120117, 0.7216797, -1.078125, -0.81103516, 0.8413086, -0.21105957, 0.90234375, 3.3320312, -0.18664551, 2.4902344, 1.453125, -1.3173828, 1.7871094, -0.30029297, -1.9931641, -1.3037109, 0.7475586, 0.049072266, 2.484375, -0.23010254, 1.5585938, -3.1367188, 0.6977539, -0.04397583, -0.39794922, 0.6088867, 0.109802246, 0.7597656, 0.010383606, 1.4648438, 1.734375, 0.03491211, -0.9892578, 0.27514648, 1.3828125, 1.7324219, 2.2753906, -1.2861328, -0.35180664, -0.8671875, 2.0449219, -1.0439453, 1.0048828, -0.64941406, -1.5957031, 0.34179688, -2.03125, 1.0195312, 0.37890625, 0.9199219, 2.3945312, -2.7011719, -1.0039062, -1.6826172, -0.4658203, -2.0507812, 0.6611328, -1.2773438, 0.92285156, 3.1757812, -1.8886719, 0.10839844, -1.0654297, 0.99560547, -0.44873047, -0.92871094, 0.42016602, -1.1054688, 0.77246094, 1.3525391, -0.6118164, 1.4052734, 0.13171387, -0.18359375, 0.12890625, -1.6318359, 0.5800781, -0.7709961, 1.1044922, 0.13464355, 1.2568359, 2.1660156, 0.023513794, -0.6538086, 0.9296875, 0.34179688, -3.5019531, 1.6435547, 1.1181641, -0.33398438, -1.3515625, 0.9736328, -2.2519531, 0.5888672, 3.3007812, -0.55322266, 0.86328125, -0.9423828, -0.48413086, -0.98339844, -0.4428711, -2.9042969, -2.5039062, 2.2558594, 1.0009766, -0.8588867, -2.5253906, -0.31689453, 0.5019531, 0.6533203, -1.8417969, 1.0107422, -1.7128906, 0.98339844, 0.017227173, -2.7636719, -0.33129883, 0.77734375, -0.4399414, 1.7490234, 0.6040039, 1.2539062, 0.55810547, -0.31640625, -1.1582031, 0.20874023, 0.42163086, 2.0214844, 1.2490234, -0.70947266, -1.203125, 0.7626953, 2.2070312, 1.0087891, 1.1679688, 0.7421875, 0.06335449, 0.20324707, 0.7651367, -0.40576172, 1.4501953, 1.0488281, -2.9960938, 2.0820312, 0.30126953, 0.1361084, 0.6113281, 0.60009766, -1.7626953, 1.4023438, -1.2763672, 1.3369141, 1.9882812, 0.43115234, -1.4267578, -1.3164062, -0.8120117, 1.5703125, -2.0078125, -1.1425781, -1.1152344, 0.59472656, 2.5351562, 0.87109375, 1.2080078, 1.0917969, -1.0605469, -2.3359375, -2.109375, 0.61865234, 1.3857422, -1.0302734, -1.140625, 0.47680664, -0.67285156, -0.7290039, 1.5371094, -2.0742188, -2.5058594, -0.35229492, -1.0, 1.3964844, -1.2177734, 3.0, -0.02861023, -1.2949219, 0.9633789, -0.25830078, 0.68408203, 0.55078125, 0.058746338, 2.0859375, -0.28393555, 0.14978027, 0.6977539, -1.4589844, 2.6152344, 0.42822266, 0.12445068, -1.4970703, -3.0976562, 0.9658203, -1.2597656, 0.65234375, -1.3818359, -0.96533203, 0.6801758, -1.4306641, 0.49072266, -0.12402344, 0.076171875, -2.4375, -0.01499176, -2.7207031, 0.61816406, 1.4414062, 0.030548096, 0.5463867, 0.3239746, -0.6225586, -0.5463867, -0.032165527, -1.2919922, 1.9697266, -0.3034668, -4.0546875, 0.45092773, -0.43774414, -0.82373047, -0.28027344, -2.0859375, 0.2668457, -0.7104492, 3.2246094, -0.8574219, 1.8232422, -1.6513672, 1.7802734, 1.4042969, -0.16003418, -0.11444092, -1.1474609, -1.3837891, 0.32373047, 1.0771484, -0.084106445, 2.0253906, -1.1123047]" CookieRun: OvenBreak,com.devsisters.gb&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.devsisters.gb&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,arcade run jump slide collect and bake no prisoners cookierun is the endless runner game with deliciously sweet and challenging levels tons of fun heart racing running modes and big rewards race through dynamic side scroller levels for as long as your energy can last unlock cookie characters and collect cute pets to take on unique challenges in this endless runner game run through platformer stages with fun mission challenges and compete in realtime trophy races for the top spot help gingerbrave and his cookie friends break out of the witchs oven as you run to the top of the leaderboard,"[2.1308594, 0.73876953, -1.3339844, 2.9941406, -0.9692383, 1.1875, -0.35229492, 0.12841797, -0.24768066, 2.03125, -1.2529297, 1.9931641, -0.5107422, 0.72802734, 1.6689453, 0.23059082, -0.027740479, 0.16638184, 2.4550781, -0.84716797, 0.98291016, -0.24780273, 1.0830078, -2.1152344, 0.11779785, -2.0117188, -0.35083008, -1.0566406, 0.14465332, 0.8383789, -2.2011719, 0.80029297, 1.3857422, 0.8989258, -0.1307373, -3.5585938, 0.18859863, 1.6699219, 0.41552734, -1.7998047, 0.8022461, 0.39404297, 0.5395508, -1.2861328, 1.1591797, 0.36889648, -0.6879883, 1.0263672, -0.78222656, 0.027450562, -0.0054855347, 0.45092773, -1.4541016, -0.9067383, 0.32495117, 0.6020508, 1.1669922, -2.5410156, -0.234375, -1.4267578, 0.48828125, 3.7207031, -2.8164062, 1.1826172, -1.3349609, 0.2244873, 0.6586914, -0.75146484, -1.1699219, 1.3173828, -0.24121094, 0.27026367, 0.23522949, 0.26416016, 1.2021484, 0.8276367, -1.1552734, -1.1318359, 0.039154053, -1.0703125, -0.010429382, 1.4140625, 0.48999023, 1.5957031, 0.9711914, -2.3398438, 0.7602539, -0.023223877, -3.2441406, -0.058776855, 1.0224609, -0.31274414, 0.890625, 1.4511719, -1.0068359, 0.85546875, 0.8334961, 0.98535156, 0.7944336, -0.7973633, 0.70458984, -0.45141602, -0.119506836, -2.1152344, -2.8886719, 0.9033203, 1.0380859, -0.50097656, -0.24731445, -0.2376709, -0.018234253, 2.1230469, -2.7851562, 0.23510742, -1.3212891, 1.4003906, 0.36499023, -0.37304688, -0.08428955, -1.7734375, 1.0078125, 0.37426758, -0.70996094, -0.4230957, 0.10699463, -0.58154297, -1.4443359, -2.6933594, -0.36132812, 2.8027344, 0.88134766, 0.26220703, -0.5415039, 0.58447266, 3.2773438, -1.4990234, 2.0644531, 0.058502197, 1.046875, 0.99853516, 0.55078125, -0.7680664, 1.1738281, 0.21118164, -2.2675781, -1.3720703, -0.5, -1.0429688, 2.2734375, 0.33520508, -1.5361328, -0.63623047, 1.4228516, 1.7255859, 0.15356445, 1.3623047, 0.1550293, -2.1308594, -1.2314453, 0.6694336, -1.4443359, -1.5712891, -0.98876953, 1.2607422, 1.5517578, 0.2944336, 0.058685303, -0.2746582, -1.0371094, -0.05545044, -1.3173828, -1.0996094, -0.52978516, 1.5527344, 0.6669922, 1.8974609, -0.7739258, -2.6777344, 3.1816406, -0.21228027, -1.9755859, 1.7490234, -2.1855469, 0.38476562, -2.9023438, 0.51416016, 0.65722656, -1.6611328, -0.9770508, 1.3105469, 0.31713867, 0.39526367, 0.06124878, 1.3300781, -0.16125488, -0.43701172, 0.8149414, -0.8125, 1.3769531, 0.6176758, -0.3786621, 1.0302734, -0.12359619, -1.0400391, -2.1914062, -0.08734131, -1.4541016, -0.7709961, 1.4775391, -0.36523438, 0.101989746, -0.6020508, 1.4785156, -2.7167969, -1.5634766, -0.24719238, 0.1887207, 1.0644531, 1.5527344, 0.85009766, -0.058441162, -2.0351562, -0.5058594, 1.4277344, -1.0625, 1.3847656, 0.5966797, -0.08886719, 0.5126953, 0.94140625, -1.9248047, -0.39624023, -1.09375, -0.28295898, 0.47705078, 2.5136719, 0.43798828, 1.8203125, -1.6513672, 1.8623047, 1.9921875, 0.53027344, -0.453125, 1.0488281, -2.0683594, -0.4255371, -0.11975098, -1.3300781, 1.9287109, 0.3227539]" OTR - Offroad Car Driving Game,com.dogbytegames.offtheroad&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dogbytegames.offtheroad&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,racing hello offroaders the new open world offroad driving simulator is here its time to get off the road drive your rig on the hills of your own open world get into a boat and explore islands pick a helicopter and fly freely to the top of the mountains or just walk around if you need a peaceful hike its up to you beat challenges to earn money and upgrade your car make it stronger faster look more awesome earn xp to level up and get cool rewards drive anywhere using your cars winch you can climb the highest mountains nothing,"[0.47680664, -0.8696289, 1.3808594, 0.6010742, -0.7402344, 1.4228516, 0.0871582, -1.4179688, -0.3293457, 1.1113281, 0.29711914, 1.6083984, 0.3544922, 2.4609375, 1.8222656, 0.40429688, 1.5615234, 0.3112793, -0.5761719, -2.7832031, 0.92529297, 1.0761719, 1.2509766, -1.1591797, 0.5288086, -1.1757812, 0.21362305, -2.5195312, 0.16088867, 0.33666992, -1.59375, -1.3378906, 0.7001953, -1.1230469, 1.3134766, -2.5234375, 0.42993164, 1.8144531, -0.2734375, -1.7392578, 0.01398468, 1.0400391, -0.8359375, -1.7392578, 1.8613281, -0.27783203, -0.5986328, 0.375, -0.49316406, 1.546875, 1.5517578, -1.7392578, -0.79052734, -0.546875, -1.0273438, -2.5996094, -2.328125, 0.34179688, -1.2392578, -0.95947266, 0.63183594, 1.2431641, 0.99316406, -1.2568359, 0.4086914, -0.6484375, -0.24694824, 1.2978516, 0.4741211, 1.0283203, 1.4072266, 0.79248047, -1.7539062, 0.81347656, 1.6855469, -1.5878906, 1.2480469, -1.4833984, -0.12841797, -0.042114258, -3.1191406, -0.79052734, -2.3203125, 1.5537109, -1.3369141, 0.16174316, 0.31958008, -0.6689453, -1.2041016, 2.9042969, 0.7553711, -1.1308594, -0.8666992, 0.63183594, -0.70751953, -1.7099609, 0.8125, 1.3154297, -1.5898438, -0.21704102, -2.5722656, 0.6303711, 0.78808594, 0.13378906, -2.6347656, 0.5961914, 0.008575439, 1.0605469, -0.81640625, 0.26953125, 0.8076172, 0.9638672, 0.032318115, 1.1884766, 0.4296875, -0.19555664, 0.8671875, 0.6279297, -0.6044922, -0.055603027, -0.6196289, -1.4091797, -1.2636719, -0.26782227, 1.7822266, -2.0566406, -1.7128906, -2.4414062, -1.2480469, -0.40527344, 0.6035156, -0.58740234, -1.2275391, 0.7441406, 2.5957031, -1.8789062, 0.13305664, -0.7495117, -1.0253906, -0.19250488, 1.0136719, -1.5556641, 1.2998047, 1.2431641, -0.83984375, -0.27270508, -0.85595703, 1.6904297, 1.2089844, 1.4755859, -1.6708984, 0.7807617, 5.53125, 0.43115234, 0.3046875, 0.3010254, -0.1282959, -0.008087158, -0.29467773, 1.0136719, -0.1508789, -0.2286377, -1.1113281, -0.56884766, -0.19836426, -1.6523438, 1.5351562, -0.28808594, -1.9179688, -1.6318359, 1.1865234, -1.9765625, 0.29907227, 0.68408203, 1.6708984, -2.0410156, 0.84521484, -3.6386719, -0.01008606, 0.3696289, 0.18127441, 0.30664062, 0.32177734, -1.0009766, 1.1328125, -0.9238281, 0.9921875, -1.453125, 0.17053223, -0.9526367, -0.24707031, -0.6669922, -0.11743164, -0.27270508, -2.2363281, -0.7114258, -0.32348633, -1.0966797, 0.5078125, 0.22094727, 0.3334961, 1.9833984, 0.24121094, -2.0019531, -1.1630859, 0.7451172, -1.3564453, 0.117248535, -0.36816406, -1.2001953, -0.24328613, -1.6318359, 0.53515625, 0.2932129, 0.024810791, 0.15454102, -0.56347656, 1.1152344, 0.057891846, 0.69433594, 0.67333984, -1.0673828, -0.32983398, 1.2021484, -0.1237793, -0.32128906, 0.54052734, 1.4023438, 1.0224609, 1.5175781, -2.9863281, -0.06048584, -0.004600525, 0.8261719, 1.0732422, 0.32714844, 1.9902344, 1.3681641, -1.1943359, 1.4521484, 1.6972656, 1.5039062, 0.17468262, 1.7021484, 0.13195801, -0.34838867, -1.2265625, -0.6430664, 2.9238281, -0.6826172]" Dragonscapes Adventure,com.dragonscapes.global&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dragonscapes.global&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,simulation go on a tropical adventure to mysterious new islands and discover dragons join your best friend mia and her crew on their tropical adventure to a remote island while there youll discover and collect new dragons and help build them a home on your island how many will you find lets find out dragonscapes adventure is a casual energyexploring game where you find and merge dragons to discover new ones build a home for yourself on a tropical island and craft various products to fulfill different orders while joining mia on her adventures to new islands app notes this app,"[1.4111328, -1.1279297, 1.3193359, 1.3994141, -1.6269531, -1.4023438, 0.7553711, -0.12286377, 0.3569336, 1.1015625, 0.8671875, -0.47729492, -0.81347656, -1.2607422, 0.08105469, -1.1005859, 0.033325195, -0.5522461, 0.12060547, 0.5488281, 1.0751953, 2.5585938, 0.6230469, -0.9135742, 0.061553955, -1.5400391, 0.2475586, -1.484375, 0.6401367, 0.4580078, 0.7055664, -2.1835938, 1.6669922, 0.2734375, -3.1425781, 0.58740234, 1.4804688, 1.2929688, 1.9931641, -0.98779297, 0.8520508, -0.21118164, 0.22705078, -1.6240234, 2.0742188, 1.8476562, -2.0703125, -2.3671875, 1.1386719, 1.1601562, 1.5478516, 1.0410156, 0.796875, -1.3740234, -2.8320312, -0.45117188, 0.32861328, 1.4179688, -1.9990234, -0.4741211, -0.03137207, 1.2558594, 0.94970703, 0.40893555, 0.8964844, -1.3378906, 1.0654297, 0.5517578, 1.75, 0.35327148, -0.0042877197, 0.1303711, -2.6738281, 2.1347656, 0.75683594, -1.3769531, -0.15893555, -1.3476562, -1.2910156, 0.7861328, -2.3300781, -0.84277344, -2.9902344, 2.1191406, -0.17236328, 0.15283203, 1.3916016, 0.89208984, -1.8652344, 0.99072266, 0.69091797, -1.2275391, -1.7197266, -0.1340332, -2.2988281, 0.32128906, 0.09753418, -0.8984375, -0.80371094, -2.1015625, -0.24255371, 1.9804688, -1.3564453, -1.4746094, 0.3852539, 0.5991211, 0.011398315, -2.3632812, -3.0839844, -1.5488281, 1.1875, -1.1435547, -0.30981445, 1.2929688, 1.484375, -2.3535156, 0.14562988, 0.74609375, -0.8095703, -0.7055664, 0.22705078, -2.5957031, 1.4765625, -0.21557617, 0.32202148, -0.3955078, -0.58691406, 0.28955078, 0.8564453, 1.4121094, -2.6914062, -0.24694824, -1.6523438, -0.041534424, 1.3867188, -1.4394531, -0.44848633, -1.7841797, -1.2978516, 2.7597656, -0.43188477, 0.23498535, 2.9550781, 1.8212891, -1.3105469, 0.0335083, -0.5786133, 1.4023438, 0.32495117, 1.4248047, -1.1044922, -0.09442139, -1.2392578, 2.3730469, -1.375, 0.29736328, -1.2880859, -0.46875, 0.70214844, 0.8027344, 1.1005859, -0.80126953, -1.2324219, 0.8208008, -1.4277344, -0.7890625, 0.24169922, 1.1708984, 0.30517578, -2.0996094, 0.44482422, 0.7939453, 2.1738281, -1.6748047, 0.24060059, -1.5361328, 1.1640625, 0.36889648, -0.15478516, 0.94873047, -0.16638184, 1.0566406, 0.2208252, 0.41967773, -0.7729492, 1.3134766, 1.1396484, -0.24499512, 1.6132812, -0.8432617, -0.58740234, -1.4277344, 1.8115234, 2.2285156, -0.49121094, 1.6835938, 0.09265137, -0.70947266, 2.9863281, -0.9838867, 1.6796875, 1.2880859, 0.37329102, -1.7382812, -2.6640625, 2.2695312, -1.6728516, 0.2541504, 0.0048103333, -0.23657227, -0.57470703, -1.7333984, 0.6269531, 1.1650391, -2.6210938, -0.8569336, 2.0507812, -0.5083008, 0.33666992, -1.3076172, -2.4570312, -1.703125, -0.3605957, 0.7290039, -0.8178711, 1.7275391, 0.13330078, -1.9941406, 0.12243652, 1.0390625, -2.9863281, -0.57373047, -0.51660156, -0.14501953, -0.79345703, 0.9589844, -0.38867188, 0.9277344, -1.2246094, 0.26660156, 2.7382812, -0.54003906, 0.027236938, 0.59228516, -0.1977539, 1.8583984, 0.30810547, -1.9501953, 2.8691406, -1.2792969]" Bricks Breaker Quest,com.mobirix.swipebrick2&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobirix.swipebrick2&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,arcade how to play the ball flies to wherever you touched clear the stages by removing bricks on the board break the bricks and never let them hit the bottom find best positions and angles to hit every brick feature free to play tons of stages various types of balls easy to play simplest game system designed for one handheld gameplay offline without internet connection gameplay supported multiplay supported tablet device supported achievement leaderboard supported homepage httpsplaygooglecomstoreappsdevid facebook httpswwwfacebookcommobirixplayen youtube httpswwwyoutubecomusermobirix help csmobirixcom,"[1.2587891, -0.60839844, 0.9741211, 1.75, 0.1899414, -0.80566406, 2.7949219, -0.77490234, 1.5947266, -0.25512695, -0.87158203, 1.2578125, -1.3466797, 0.46142578, 1.0234375, -0.40405273, -0.40844727, -0.22729492, -0.44677734, 0.23156738, 0.8066406, 1.5292969, 1.53125, -1.4570312, 0.07269287, -0.27026367, 0.09289551, -1.5253906, -0.8701172, -0.9526367, 0.72265625, 0.15014648, 0.6245117, 0.7817383, -1.1396484, -0.99316406, 0.28295898, -0.52978516, 3.125, -1.7216797, -0.31567383, -0.12060547, 0.45092773, -0.15905762, 0.3227539, 0.8354492, 0.8798828, 0.12768555, -0.02558899, 0.31713867, 0.2475586, -1.4394531, -0.065979004, 0.68066406, 0.29467773, -0.060577393, 0.21606445, 0.10650635, -1.1640625, -1.0361328, 1.71875, 0.083618164, 0.026763916, 1.0683594, 0.85498047, -0.028762817, -0.77783203, -2.859375, -0.8803711, 2.7304688, 1.2441406, 1.6601562, 0.024032593, -1.3457031, -1.0458984, 0.23156738, -0.70947266, -0.83447266, -1.7021484, 0.5097656, -1.0224609, 1.5732422, -0.78125, 1.5605469, -0.037872314, -0.24377441, 0.6767578, -0.19763184, -0.7675781, 0.9189453, -1.9902344, -0.74072266, 1.7919922, -1.4707031, 0.6972656, 0.55126953, -1.5800781, -0.4182129, 0.01940918, 0.021774292, 0.28979492, 1.1816406, -1.2685547, 0.9560547, 1.5908203, 0.90283203, 1.7460938, -1.46875, 0.29882812, 0.73583984, -2.328125, -1.53125, -1.03125, -0.050872803, -0.8833008, 0.87353516, -0.37231445, 1.8779297, -0.9824219, -2.7832031, 0.71484375, -0.3244629, 1.2490234, -0.47680664, 1.6044922, -0.12164307, -1.0839844, -1.6552734, 0.41748047, 2.2226562, -1.4365234, 0.16308594, -0.027648926, -0.22924805, 2.4707031, -2.5039062, 1.0097656, -1.1669922, -0.16760254, -1.5283203, 1.8720703, -0.48706055, 2.0117188, -1.2558594, -0.26245117, 1.2285156, -2.2148438, -0.58251953, 1.5869141, -0.8647461, 0.6958008, 0.57666016, 1.7919922, -1.6650391, 2.828125, -0.89746094, -1.3896484, -1.7724609, 1.8632812, 0.14111328, -1.3261719, 0.07269287, 0.05859375, -0.5493164, 0.8095703, 0.9477539, -1.1777344, 1.5302734, 0.13842773, 2.0234375, 0.10083008, -0.13269043, 1.6787109, 1.8583984, 0.6040039, 0.12219238, -0.60498047, -2.4726562, 1.9990234, 1.8154297, -1.7900391, 2.640625, -1.2275391, 1.15625, -1.9765625, 0.31982422, 0.84228516, 1.7978516, 0.6855469, -0.7080078, 0.3095703, -1.0400391, 0.8989258, 1.0654297, -1.4355469, -1.1269531, -2.1484375, -0.7626953, -2.3320312, -1.0371094, 1.0068359, -0.5102539, 0.73779297, -1.1181641, -2.9746094, 1.4980469, 0.72265625, -0.12792969, 0.2626953, 1.1503906, -0.12005615, -0.47998047, 0.2052002, -0.75097656, -0.74072266, 1.4501953, -0.5708008, 1.5615234, 0.82421875, -1.0761719, 1.9550781, -0.31469727, 2.4101562, -0.6176758, -0.625, 2.9160156, -0.11999512, 1.2949219, -0.44628906, 0.9633789, 1.4208984, -1.6142578, 0.83154297, -0.88134766, -0.027374268, -0.83203125, 0.4477539, 3.4257812, -2.5, 1.8994141, 1.4179688, 1.3945312, 0.65283203, 1.0810547, -0.63720703, -2.6210938, -2.5273438, -1.6132812, 2.7949219, 0.87158203]" Idle Mafia - Tycoon Manager,com.gamemaker5.idlemafia&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gamemaker5.idlemafia&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,simulation get ready for a gritty idle mafia simulation game experience manage insidious businesses gather talented capos to carry out your bidding and occupy new territory through any means necessary do what you want take protection fees rob anyone fight on the streets be a benevolent leader or a ruthless crime lord who you steal from and what you steal is all up to you make tons of money set up casinos gentlemens clubs or even an adult studio empire youll need cash businesses to keep things running smoothly grow from a noname gang into an international crime syndicate from stealing,"[3.3535156, -0.6542969, 2.890625, -0.6616211, -0.39233398, 0.20874023, -0.45043945, 0.45996094, 0.4416504, 1.5273438, -1.5234375, 1.0273438, -0.9428711, -1.6865234, 0.8027344, 0.6640625, 0.515625, -0.23937988, 0.31884766, 0.9741211, 1.8632812, 0.65283203, 0.9946289, -1.4199219, 1.5488281, -1.0703125, -0.4621582, -1.7646484, 0.22802734, 1.6923828, -1.6748047, -0.6323242, -1.1132812, 0.5546875, -0.023849487, -1.6347656, 1.8164062, 0.24475098, 0.35083008, -1.3007812, 0.08520508, 1.8681641, -0.29101562, -0.30297852, 3.1484375, 1.5361328, -1.1367188, -0.7216797, -0.24365234, 0.77783203, 3.8730469, -1.7324219, -1.9013672, -0.5566406, -0.9584961, -0.23852539, -1.0859375, -2.0957031, -0.8359375, -2.5019531, 0.51953125, 0.7524414, -2.1621094, -0.07873535, 0.890625, -0.18066406, 1.7050781, 0.23291016, 1.5898438, 1.3652344, 1.5576172, -1.3701172, -1.1523438, -0.31420898, 0.17529297, 0.99853516, -1.0976562, 0.4621582, 0.05444336, -0.81152344, 0.91552734, 1.2939453, -0.5361328, 1.4589844, 0.14257812, 1.1367188, 0.4399414, 0.4194336, -0.13378906, 1.1679688, 1.4638672, -2.5058594, -1.4775391, 0.7885742, -1.8017578, -0.19897461, 0.44799805, -0.19628906, -0.9169922, -1.6660156, 0.19030762, 0.3166504, -0.8286133, -1.5605469, -1.953125, 1.6005859, -0.13061523, -0.3918457, -1.2324219, -2.1113281, -0.9746094, -0.31591797, 0.5, 0.36938477, 1.2226562, 1.1748047, 1.9072266, -0.4423828, -0.24194336, -0.18554688, 0.43896484, -0.26586914, -0.9892578, 1.3535156, 1.84375, -1.6767578, -1.5498047, -1.0214844, -2.5507812, 2.7460938, -1.34375, -0.8276367, 0.47070312, 1.2011719, 1.7783203, -0.69433594, 0.6933594, -1.0546875, -1.4980469, -0.64160156, 0.1763916, -1.4423828, 2.203125, 0.7578125, -1.5605469, -0.6660156, -0.3166504, 0.6586914, -0.05166626, 1.1386719, -0.98339844, -0.54052734, 0.4716797, 1.2548828, 2.1972656, -0.8017578, 1.6523438, -0.5761719, -0.08666992, 0.9902344, 1.8896484, -0.49731445, 0.5708008, 0.15307617, 0.32421875, -1.3017578, 0.55322266, 0.42529297, -1.6845703, -0.6850586, -0.28564453, -1.4023438, -1.8173828, -0.24060059, 0.8388672, -1.7744141, 0.7416992, 0.17285156, -0.98583984, 0.9067383, -0.24816895, 2.1523438, 1.6347656, -0.40356445, 0.09277344, 1.8828125, -1.2998047, -0.46923828, 2.8144531, 0.22045898, 0.5161133, -0.4658203, -0.99121094, -0.1529541, -0.8261719, 0.828125, -0.53222656, 0.44311523, 4.6796875, -1.3398438, -0.3815918, 0.6308594, -0.41430664, -3.0019531, -2.7988281, 1.3652344, 1.6171875, -0.45239258, -1.2392578, 0.17810059, 0.7583008, -1.2578125, 0.06817627, 0.13293457, -0.71484375, 1.0849609, 1.84375, 2.2285156, 0.4741211, -0.14453125, 0.22509766, 0.6357422, 0.96533203, -0.31884766, 0.25732422, 1.7451172, 6.914139e-05, 0.43969727, -0.13928223, 0.32861328, -3.0136719, -2.5527344, -1.2900391, -0.30908203, -0.9785156, 1.0830078, 0.78027344, 0.21496582, -1.4863281, 0.734375, 1.5742188, -0.8251953, 0.6328125, 0.9868164, -2.4707031, 2.6992188, -0.9223633, -2.5625, 0.33007812, 1.0048828]" Top Eleven Be a Soccer Manager,eu.nordeus.topeleven.android&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.nordeus.topeleven.android&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_browse_all_games,sports top eleven be a soccer manager lets you live your soccer dream from right in your pocket sign the soccer superstars set the tactics and get ready to assemble the ultimate team that will guide your club to history as a manager in top eleven you re just a step away from feeling the thrill of a real match thanks to incredible d soccer matches in this freetoplay sports game you re challenging other soccer fans from around the world in realtime pvp soccer matches unlike other soccer manager games you re going toetotoe to see who among you has,"[0.38916016, -1.0146484, 3.1464844, 2.6933594, 0.67529297, -0.024749756, -1.4394531, -0.6176758, -0.5576172, 1.0595703, 0.3359375, 3.0644531, 0.32788086, 0.6933594, 0.22497559, -0.5703125, 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1.4335938, -2.6152344, -3.4960938, -1.8535156, 1.4160156, 1.1806641, -1.4101562, -0.93847656, -1.0507812, 0.1920166, -0.44433594, 0.40576172, 0.31323242, 0.8222656, 1.9638672, -0.19641113, -2.2226562, -1.0771484, -0.9477539, 2.1289062, -0.7104492, -0.53271484, 1.0927734, 1.4550781, -0.7583008, -1.4414062, -0.8359375, 0.21813965, 2.8828125, -2.7441406, -0.5288086, 1.7109375, 1.5732422, 1.8076172, -1.6279297, -0.3076172, 0.48950195, -1.5410156, 3.2304688, 1.4589844, -0.8354492, 0.6879883, -1.0488281, 0.28979492, 2.5585938, -1.3066406, 0.07385254, -0.18859863, -2.3378906, -0.8725586, 1.3691406, -0.1505127, -0.80029297, 2.0488281, -0.5600586, 0.2919922, -0.86816406, 0.9345703, 1.6025391, 1.4101562, -0.0065078735, 0.78222656, 0.10650635, 0.56103516, 0.48779297, 0.7163086, -0.08508301, -2.7792969, -1.2050781, -1.9335938, -1.5048828, -0.3984375, -0.15441895, -0.3737793, -0.6879883, 0.10296631, 1.7207031, -1.2783203, -1.1464844, 0.42944336, 1.8798828, 0.68359375, 1.0478516, -1.2929688, 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Royale,com.supercell.clashroyale&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_collection_new_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.supercell.clashroyale&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_collection_new_games,strategy enter the arena build your battle deck and outsmart the enemy in fast realtime battles from the creators of clash of clans comes a realtime multiplayer battle game starring your favourite clash characters and more start battling against players from around the world become a master of strategy and deck building choose unique cards to your battle deck and head to the arena for battle place your cards right and knock down the enemy king and princesses from their towers in a strategic and fastpaced match collect and upgrade cards hog rider collect and upgrade cards featuring the clash of,"[-0.071777344, -0.5996094, 1.1162109, -0.5024414, 1.1074219, -0.6508789, 2.2773438, -0.8774414, 1.3886719, 0.17919922, -0.4333496, 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-1.1621094, -0.34643555, 1.9306641, 0.5996094, 0.8149414, 0.03375244, 0.4338379, 0.44702148, -1.1054688, 2.015625, 0.10455322, 0.20935059, -2.140625, 0.53564453, 0.04940796, -0.8823242, 1.8007812, -0.37329102, 1.5625, 0.7348633, -0.24060059, -0.6118164, 0.51123047, 4.359375, -1.28125, -0.9536133, -0.8310547, -0.1928711, -0.7480469, 0.052001953, -2.5039062, 0.35742188, -1.6318359, -1.0205078, -0.86572266, -0.43530273, 1.5986328, 1.2480469, 0.6689453, -0.3642578, -0.40112305, -0.4814453, -1.9013672, 1.5458984, -2.4628906, 0.064819336, 2.5292969, 0.6459961, 0.5288086, -1.125, 2.6621094, 0.31079102, -0.08294678, -0.67089844, -0.42626953, -0.5883789, -0.05154419, 0.7290039, -1.5625, -0.33642578, 1.9462891, 3.2382812, -0.69140625, -1.1845703, -0.6699219, -1.2929688, -0.52197266, -0.053466797, -0.95703125, 2.7539062, -0.92285156]" Clash of Clans,com.supercell.clashofclans&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_collection_new_games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.supercell.clashofclans&pcampaignid=merch_published_cluster_promotion_battlestar_collection_new_games,strategy join millions of players worldwide as you build your village raise a clan and compete in epic clan wars mustachioed barbarians fire wielding wizards and other unique troops are waiting for you enter the world of clash classic features join a clan of fellow players or start your own and invite friends fight in clan wars as a team against millions of active players across the globe test your skills in the competitive clan war leagues and prove you re the best forge alliances work together with your clan in clan games to earn valuable magic items plan your unique,"[0.7392578, -1.0234375, 2.3574219, -0.7006836, -0.4716797, -1.0097656, 1.1347656, 0.7392578, 0.13745117, 0.61621094, 0.35351562, 2.7382812, -0.57373047, 0.5864258, 0.671875, -0.6503906, -2.1015625, -0.47436523, -1.9667969, -2.1367188, 2.6289062, 1.9511719, 1.7958984, -1.1669922, 1.8417969, -2.1152344, -1.0634766, -0.8310547, 1.7050781, -0.6484375, -3.7421875, 1.2753906, -0.9091797, 1.3173828, -0.48388672, -0.94677734, -1.21875, -0.0826416, 1.3203125, 0.041168213, 0.013549805, -0.19604492, 2.0449219, -2.1347656, 2.2324219, 1.140625, -1.9990234, 0.9707031, 0.9448242, 1.0947266, 1.2587891, 0.07885742, 2.4589844, -0.30639648, -3.4960938, 1.1064453, -4.4257812, -1.9619141, -0.16113281, -1.0712891, -0.19726562, 1.6962891, -1.4121094, -2.84375, 1.0849609, 0.3876953, 1.9824219, -1.0615234, 2.609375, -0.5385742, 1.9052734, 0.73046875, -0.42041016, 0.8598633, 0.7211914, -2.0253906, -0.60839844, -1.5263672, 1.2900391, -2.6738281, -0.26538086, 0.4230957, -0.8979492, 1.7128906, -1.0058594, -0.39770508, 1.3310547, -0.34692383, 0.36987305, 2.3632812, -0.8154297, -3.1972656, -1.1523438, -2.390625, -1.0976562, 1.828125, 0.63378906, -0.4091797, -1.4316406, -2.7675781, -0.65771484, 1.1953125, -1.4619141, -1.5283203, -0.58496094, 2.0839844, 0.42919922, -0.9472656, -1.2617188, -1.4814453, -1.0615234, -0.7836914, 0.7705078, 0.7519531, -0.010276794, 1.2158203, 0.46362305, -1.6640625, -0.29833984, 0.70751953, 0.25439453, -0.062164307, -0.54785156, 2.6933594, 1.6982422, 0.6459961, -0.22375488, -1.0253906, -2.5039062, 1.7617188, 0.6855469, -0.4638672, 1.6826172, 0.5053711, 1.4326172, 0.6401367, 0.22631836, 0.6538086, 0.12060547, 1.1552734, 0.66796875, -0.20996094, 1.8447266, -0.065979004, -0.71435547, 1.4414062, 0.66308594, 0.5566406, 0.013198853, -1.7353516, 0.35473633, 0.7109375, 0.18139648, 0.5444336, 0.8828125, 1.2646484, -0.22827148, -1.8642578, 1.7539062, 1.46875, 1.0078125, -0.8486328, 0.075805664, 1.9365234, 1.0771484, 0.54052734, 0.015640259, 2.4316406, 0.56689453, -4.2617188, -4.1835938, -1.1933594, 1.5117188, -0.71191406, 0.7949219, -1.5507812, -0.032714844, 1.5712891, 1.0175781, -1.1621094, 0.2705078, 1.8623047, 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0.6723633, 3.0761719, 1.421875, -1.9726562, 0.08026123, -0.5600586, 0.83935547, 1.3193359, -1.1845703, 0.66748047, 1.4492188, -2.6035156, 0.3515625, -2.3574219, -0.39379883, 0.74853516, 1.9560547, -0.71777344, -1.6542969, -0.45385742, -0.27197266, -1.4160156, -0.77685547, -0.78222656, 1.3486328, -2.4960938, 1.3017578, -0.39624023, 1.0849609, -0.02798462, -0.18615723, -0.054870605, -0.6113281, 0.5410156, -0.3334961, 0.69970703, 0.95458984, 2.6210938, 0.4387207, -1.1103516, 2.8535156, -2.2246094, -0.3696289, 0.86035156, -1.3974609, 0.39868164, -0.51416016, -0.92333984, -0.6328125, 1.5986328, -0.07757568, -0.8339844, 0.72216797, 0.107421875, -2.1152344, 0.6870117, 1.75, 1.3896484, 0.41333008, -0.8442383, -1.5820312, 1.6123047, 0.17919922, -1.6757812, -0.7988281, -1.3789062, 0.23718262, -1.6396484, -1.2490234, -1.2871094, -0.9560547, 0.79296875, 0.17419434, 0.6923828, -0.6713867, -2.1640625, -0.5834961, 0.29418945, -2.0507812, 0.4260254, 0.4814453, 0.79052734, -0.6201172, -0.19262695, 1.5390625, -0.90771484, 0.27172852, -1.5908203, -1.1728516, -0.22631836, -1.1982422, -0.14099121, 0.14855957, -0.5541992, -0.027572632, -2.2011719, 0.6767578, -1.3984375, 0.013343811, -1.7382812, 1.5908203, 1.4384766, 0.3671875, -1.0839844, -1.6621094, 1.2392578, -0.56396484, -1.2070312, 0.70214844, -1.0664062, 0.64404297, -0.1439209, 3.6621094, -0.43530273, 0.22497559, -1.5078125, -2.9609375, 0.7241211, -0.18127441, -1.3242188, -0.099243164, -1.0683594, 2.3457031, 1.4423828, -0.2854004, -0.09655762, -0.95947266, 0.56689453, 0.58935547, 0.5029297, 0.28979492, 0.2783203, -0.53564453, -0.07556152, 0.18737793, 0.43066406, -0.75390625, 0.77246094, -0.03869629, 0.36328125, 2.9101562, -0.72021484, 0.5834961, 0.83251953, -2.7773438, -1.7236328, 0.8183594, -1.1904297, 1.2421875, -3.1542969, -1.1699219, -1.421875, 1.6757812, -0.8496094, 0.30859375, 1.2558594, 0.32373047, -2.1875, -0.62402344, 0.8911133, 2.5878906, 0.45629883, 0.06567383, -1.0957031, 2.109375, -0.74609375, -0.10656738, -0.38964844, -0.52685547, 2.1894531, -1.3046875, -0.43798828, 0.11871338, 0.84521484, 0.48706055, 0.93896484, 1.625, -0.055603027, 0.13366699, -1.015625, 0.40039062, -0.083618164, -1.5400391, 0.9746094, -0.60839844, -1.2939453, -0.73095703, 0.28686523, -1.7138672, 1.7626953, -0.15393066, 0.86621094, -2.3164062, 0.2685547, 0.02130127, -1.109375, 0.5527344, -1.1660156, 1.6835938, -1.7167969, -0.8510742, -0.5678711, 0.2529297, 3.5605469, -0.6904297, 1.8652344, -0.5180664, 0.67285156, 0.5839844, -1.0654297, 0.32299805, -0.21826172, -1.5234375, 0.40429688, 1.4638672, 1.9453125, 0.2980957, 2.3164062, 0.8701172, -0.2836914, 0.28466797, -1.5263672, 0.3310547, -0.81884766, 1.5791016, -0.5498047, -1.6171875, 1.2480469, 2.4121094, 0.17004395, -1.0400391, -0.3173828, 0.54833984, -0.14160156, -0.055847168, -0.5444336, 0.046905518, 2.7226562]" Angry Birds 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-0.2685547, 0.08148193, 1.3457031, -1.7197266, 0.25341797, 1.1533203, 0.27270508, 2.0703125, -1.5654297, 0.46704102, -1.5126953, -0.7495117, 0.025375366, 1.1982422, 0.3557129, -3.0039062, -0.99658203, -0.63134766, 0.066589355, -1.1191406, -0.7529297, 0.21936035, -1.5517578, 1.1533203, -1.2275391, 2.0878906, -0.34960938, 0.76464844, -0.22338867, 0.70947266, -0.14038086, -0.67578125, 0.84814453, 0.6933594, 1.2871094, 0.9980469, 0.6459961, -0.17321777, -0.34326172, -2.6152344, 0.9501953, 0.5991211, -0.95654297, 0.14318848, -0.9394531, -0.017364502, 2.5644531, -0.042053223, -1.1240234, -1.2685547, 1.3876953, -0.73291016, -0.38110352, 0.3461914, 2.3261719, 0.64208984, 0.57958984, 0.56933594, 0.9375, 2.9121094, 0.7578125, -1.4003906, -0.67333984, -1.9648438, -1.3291016, -1.6962891, 0.16345215, 0.20166016, 0.19519043, -0.4506836, -0.55859375, -0.3642578, -0.24450684, -1.2753906, 2.5839844, 0.5107422, -1.4101562, 0.6635742, -0.078552246, -0.7421875, -0.21447754, 0.5595703, 1.0712891, -0.5673828, -2.265625, -1.5839844, 0.83251953, -0.40576172, -0.3227539, -0.578125, 1.5078125, -0.12634277, -0.5673828, -1.0917969, -0.45336914, -0.5229492, -2.3378906, -2.28125, -0.08935547, 1.0839844, 1.2578125, -0.15991211, -1.3652344, 0.92822266, -1.2880859, 1.3525391, -0.67871094, 0.29882812, 0.65722656, 0.4741211, -0.92822266, -0.18200684, -0.546875, -1.4404297, 2.7753906, -1.1035156, -0.1003418, 1.9052734, 0.04135132, 2.6699219, -2.2636719, -0.1418457, -0.057403564, -2.8105469, 0.22106934, 0.11450195, -0.20178223, 1.6474609, 0.52197266, -0.7998047, 1.0410156, 0.7973633, 2.3671875, -2.1796875, 0.91845703, 0.123168945, 0.22399902, 1.0126953, 0.4453125, 2.7832031, -0.46679688, 0.19519043, 0.37451172, 0.9116211, 0.90771484, 2.0917969, -1.5009766, -3.0351562, 0.46850586, -0.15319824, 0.72021484, -0.65185547, 1.3808594, 1.7265625, 0.57177734, -2.2773438, -1.2255859, 2.0410156, 0.93652344, 0.92285156, -0.3166504, 0.16101074, -3.3554688, -0.6738281, 0.25463867, -0.83740234, 1.4628906, 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-1.6455078, 1.0429688, -1.1582031, -1.0400391, 0.5932617, 0.011512756, -1.3027344, -1.8974609, 1.8603516, -0.30078125, 0.046936035, 0.89990234, -0.50439453, -0.64697266, 0.21191406, 0.17016602, -0.35229492, 2.3496094, -1.859375, -1.4140625, 0.97021484, 0.8203125, -0.10882568, 0.30029297, 0.5913086, -0.59472656, 0.74560547, 1.2988281, -0.96484375, 0.59521484, 0.18725586, 0.51464844, 0.014785767, -0.0072021484, -3.4868717e-05, 0.5913086, 0.5317383, -1.3681641, -0.67578125, -2.2753906, -1.9912109, -2.1308594, -0.88720703, -0.123168945, 0.453125, -2.7011719, -0.8515625, -0.6982422, -0.77001953, -2.4707031, 2.5917969, -2.0644531, -0.05496216, -0.61572266, 0.50390625, 0.27954102, 0.8432617, 1.2275391, 0.91748047, -0.018569946, 0.80126953, -0.6118164, 0.03427124, 1.4628906, -0.859375, -2.125, -0.46411133, -0.42114258, 1.6484375, -1.2587891, -1.4677734, 1.0830078, 0.014831543, 0.028320312, 1.1455078, -2.3574219, 0.9301758, -0.53759766, 0.86279297, 1.2402344, -1.1484375, -0.6791992, -0.23986816, -1.2753906, 0.77783203, 0.19360352, -0.44677734, -0.60253906, -2.0683594, -1.4560547, 2.2617188, 1.6464844, -1.4638672, 0.8017578, 0.76464844, 1.3125, -0.63183594, -0.13452148, 1.1875, 0.45581055, -3.1152344, 2.4414062, -2.7304688, 0.84375, 0.94189453, -1.4472656, -0.6977539, -1.8847656, 0.19421387, 0.48120117, 0.29223633, -1.515625, -0.19689941, 0.6279297, 1.5136719, -0.7348633, -0.24914551, 1.2128906, 1.3974609, -1.1044922, 0.20385742, -1.2978516, 0.40185547, -1.5839844, -1.2421875, -0.7607422, 0.9682617, 0.90527344, -0.52441406, 0.29296875, 2.2050781, 0.32202148, -1.359375, 1.8818359, 1.2285156, 1.3896484, -1.0908203, -1.0537109, -3.1542969, 0.94628906, 2.6152344, -1.9003906, 1.0078125, -0.96533203, 1.0419922, -0.87109375, 0.109436035, 0.8276367, 0.23168945, 1.1738281, -0.5576172, 0.04324341, 1.3027344, -0.98095703, 0.8876953, 0.7397461, -1.4746094, 1.4365234, -2.0097656, -0.51123047, 0.5341797, 0.8310547, -0.20214844, 0.3244629, -1.5517578, -0.99365234, 1.9736328, 0.4309082, -0.63427734, 1.4228516, -2.3007812, -1.234375, -0.18945312, -0.41723633, -0.9350586, -1.4775391, 0.36132812, 0.87890625, 2.03125, 1.2011719, 0.10852051, 2.5058594, -0.14367676, -0.75927734, 0.71728516, 0.42749023, 1.3779297, 1.6259766, -0.18334961, -0.6801758, 0.98095703, 1.2021484, 0.035827637, -0.7866211, -2.1757812, -0.049072266, -1.1884766, 1.3457031, 2.875, -2.0097656, 2.0292969, 2.6699219, 1.4941406, -0.27563477, 1.8222656, -0.8618164, -0.70214844, 0.2788086, 0.024459839, 1.7099609, 0.79345703]" Asphalt 8 - Car Racing Game,com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftA8HM,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftA8HM,racing part of gameloft s asphalt franchise asphalt offers an extensive collection of over licensed cars and motorbikes delivering actionpacked races across tracks immerse yourself in the thrilling world of highspeed racing as you jump into the drivers seat explore stunning scenarios and landscapes ranging from the scorching nevada desert to the bustling streets of tokyo compete against skilled racers conquer exciting challenges and engage in limitedtime special racing events prepare your car for the ultimate test and unleash your drifting skills on the asphalt licensed luxury cars and motorcycles luxury cars and motorcycles take center stage in asphalt with an,"[1.1650391, -1.3857422, 1.3720703, 2.8457031, 0.3684082, 2.5234375, 2.6054688, -1.0517578, -0.9448242, 1.5039062, -1.3056641, 2.6035156, -0.9614258, 1.3505859, 2.6171875, 1.3466797, 2.0546875, 1.1992188, -0.671875, 0.62060547, -0.5732422, 1.2089844, 1.6542969, -1.3701172, -0.29077148, 0.95458984, -0.32983398, -4.1640625, 0.09307861, -1.2978516, -1.9355469, 0.23083496, 0.21594238, -0.3569336, 1.4589844, -4.4882812, 0.51904297, -0.52978516, -0.16174316, -0.45336914, -0.02720642, 0.3425293, -0.43017578, -0.765625, 1.0742188, 0.25610352, -0.3413086, -0.58154297, -0.2626953, 1.0166016, 0.61865234, -2.0996094, -3.1054688, 0.10095215, 0.5307617, -0.23486328, 1.1777344, 1.6621094, 0.12634277, 0.9272461, 0.26782227, -0.20275879, 0.20544434, -0.29003906, -0.027252197, 0.84521484, 0.072631836, 1.2832031, -0.066467285, 2.1601562, -1.5087891, 1.7167969, -0.12298584, 0.82128906, 1.5097656, -1.4882812, -1.8564453, -0.5786133, 0.5732422, -0.4116211, 0.2401123, 0.45874023, -1.0283203, 2.2890625, -0.46240234, -0.92089844, 0.027145386, -0.53027344, -1.4628906, 1.3535156, -0.1262207, -2.7773438, 0.47143555, 0.09350586, -0.42260742, -3.2988281, 0.7441406, 1.9394531, -0.5288086, 0.22375488, -1.2177734, -1.3798828, -0.6484375, 0.39624023, -0.9716797, 0.042266846, -0.89941406, 0.9897461, -1.7314453, -2.1484375, 0.2927246, 1.6582031, 0.09613037, 0.5498047, -0.4165039, 0.41479492, 0.34106445, 1.0029297, 1.2353516, -0.39282227, -0.4741211, -0.5541992, -0.19750977, 0.90625, 1.2412109, -2.6796875, -1.6767578, -2.5957031, -1.6083984, 0.9394531, 0.15515137, 1.0742188, -0.64697266, 1.7597656, 1.7353516, -1.7636719, 1.2695312, -0.81103516, -1.1464844, -1.8183594, 0.101379395, -2.5859375, 1.1513672, -0.40112305, -0.76416016, 0.9628906, 0.3972168, -0.42236328, 0.27954102, 0.84277344, -0.9399414, 1.3330078, 4.1484375, 0.3425293, 0.53759766, 0.43237305, 1.4580078, -0.9394531, 0.3474121, -0.002046585, -1.0253906, 0.38549805, -1.2636719, -1.2021484, -0.13586426, -0.35839844, 0.39892578, -1.2929688, -1.3222656, 0.1418457, 1.140625, -0.50927734, 1.6894531, 1.1279297, 0.6713867, -0.9580078, 1.1347656, -3.8027344, -0.21533203, 0.45629883, -2.4765625, -1.1083984, -0.2770996, 0.13476562, -0.1104126, -0.49951172, 1.0595703, -2.1953125, 1.9882812, -0.48535156, 0.32739258, -0.16479492, -0.79052734, 0.64941406, -2.3027344, -0.28271484, 1.0302734, -0.39819336, -1.8779297, 1.3867188, 1.4003906, 1.3867188, -0.234375, -1.9541016, -0.21069336, -0.052825928, 1.4902344, -0.9658203, -1.2744141, 0.04498291, 0.20812988, -0.26293945, -0.27416992, -1.1806641, 0.7368164, -1.3007812, -0.6533203, 0.82373047, -0.20690918, -0.5449219, 0.1026001, 0.03515625, 1.2666016, 1.3583984, 0.017425537, -0.16821289, 0.0008096695, 1.390625, -1.6982422, 0.12438965, -0.73583984, -0.7026367, -0.11248779, 1.1181641, -0.42626953, -1.9082031, 1.3310547, 0.12011719, -0.39819336, 1.3837891, 2.2539062, 0.71240234, -0.08868408, 1.7822266, -0.80126953, 0.4572754, 0.13330078, -0.86572266, 2.2558594, -0.5732422]" PBA? Bowling Challenge,com.concretesoftware.pbachallenge_androidmarket,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.concretesoftware.pbachallenge_androidmarket,sports rise through the ranks against of the pba s best bowlers as you bowl for a variety of regional and national championship trophies in the best d bowling game starting in a local alley with a scuffed up lb ball you ll hone your skills against bowling legends on your way to competing in the tournament of champions features include multiplayer quickplay and career modes dozens of pba tournaments best d bowling graphics bowl against of the best pba bowlers s of different bowling balls available each with unique stats leaderboards and achievements bonus challenges in every tournament split balls,"[-0.9399414, 0.63183594, 2.0722656, 2.0234375, 3.3886719, 0.103027344, 1.2373047, -2.4394531, 1.2910156, -0.71728516, -0.30273438, 1.0800781, -0.6411133, -0.23461914, 1.5605469, -0.46020508, -0.62158203, 0.5986328, -0.5151367, -0.099853516, 0.24499512, 0.5629883, 1.6201172, 0.98046875, -0.8745117, 0.61816406, -1.5029297, -1.9355469, -0.71435547, 0.8691406, -0.2409668, 1.75, 0.18786621, -1.3955078, 0.23352051, -3.2382812, 0.17993164, 0.05709839, 1.6064453, -1.0126953, 0.7006836, -0.8911133, 0.1932373, -0.42041016, -0.7402344, 0.47387695, -0.8676758, -0.6875, -0.43579102, -1.2871094, 0.3623047, -0.5126953, -1.0058594, -0.62597656, -0.84375, -1.5878906, -0.47509766, 1.3242188, 0.42358398, -1.8037109, 1.4169922, 0.30615234, -0.64501953, -1.4003906, -0.67285156, -0.2548828, -1.6152344, -0.94189453, 0.4375, 1.3779297, 1.2128906, 1.2216797, -0.31201172, -2.234375, 0.44067383, -0.20031738, 1.265625, 0.38085938, -1.3398438, -0.99560547, -0.7626953, -1.3310547, -0.14257812, 0.003932953, 0.25146484, -0.36401367, 0.03857422, 0.39575195, 0.31591797, -0.40454102, -0.5810547, -1.2558594, 0.9326172, -3.1015625, -0.3251953, -2.015625, 0.68359375, -0.3083496, 0.42700195, -0.81884766, -1.2871094, 0.4885254, -0.58203125, -0.41479492, -0.39257812, 0.92626953, 2.7734375, -0.9785156, -2.5917969, -0.07635498, -0.8095703, -0.5292969, 0.48388672, 1.7529297, 0.8520508, 0.056152344, -0.66259766, -0.8027344, 0.021194458, -2.140625, 0.8564453, -1.6523438, 1.359375, 0.42138672, 0.15661621, 0.03451538, -0.0993042, -1.2792969, 0.2175293, 1.6601562, -0.3383789, 0.54541016, 2.4003906, -0.5180664, 1.3447266, -2.2109375, -0.1842041, -1.2382812, -1.7734375, -1.1542969, 1.8115234, -1.2216797, 1.7861328, -2.5585938, -0.7602539, 0.26611328, 0.51708984, 1.0019531, -1.1279297, 0.8588867, -0.06518555, 0.041870117, 1.109375, 1.2001953, 0.014389038, -0.1850586, 0.14465332, 0.2685547, 1.5195312, 0.05291748, -0.25317383, -1.5390625, -0.11029053, 1.2578125, 0.86816406, 1.0927734, -0.4309082, -0.33032227, -0.6386719, -0.24804688, -0.31323242, 0.62158203, -2.7089844, 2.2753906, -0.90966797, -1.2861328, -0.60791016, -0.082092285, 0.028930664, -0.3178711, -0.45458984, 2.3417969, 0.7050781, -0.39038086, -1.1171875, 0.6845703, 1.484375, -1.3320312, 1.4140625, -0.8339844, 0.64160156, -1.6660156, -0.57714844, 1.4375, -1.0087891, 0.049713135, -0.9711914, 0.56933594, -0.47460938, 0.69433594, 2.4472656, 2.7324219, -0.98583984, -0.17370605, -0.8051758, -0.4477539, 1.5185547, -2.421875, 0.06530762, 2.8359375, -0.09942627, -0.9267578, 0.012229919, -0.60498047, 1.1816406, 1.5830078, 0.3137207, 1.890625, -1.4033203, 1.0263672, 1.5273438, -0.61572266, 2.6132812, 0.28930664, -3.9902344, 3.2753906, 0.21813965, -0.7290039, -0.9013672, 1.8691406, 1.4638672, -0.8300781, -1.8486328, -1.828125, 0.7368164, 0.33007812, -0.14233398, 2.1445312, -0.16223145, 1.546875, 0.61865234, -0.8569336, -0.41381836, 0.6723633, 0.60302734, -1.7685547, -2.7832031, 0.6225586, 2.71875, -1.296875]" Magic Rampage,com.asanteegames.magicrampage,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.asanteegames.magicrampage,roleplaying exciting platformer that combines the rpg genre with fastpaced action gameplay magic rampage features character customization and dozens of weapons to wield from knives to magical staves each dungeon introduces the player to new obstacles enemies and secret areas to explore search bonus levels strive for victory in survival mode join forces with friendly npcs and battle it out in challenging boss fights magic rampage features an exciting online competitive mode where players around the globe compete to see whos the best in randomly generated dungeons featuring unique bosses exclusive new items and content magic rampage brings back the look,"[1.4580078, -0.0637207, 0.72021484, -1.5039062, -0.011909485, 0.4091797, -0.87402344, -0.56396484, 2.4746094, 0.34570312, -0.61328125, 2.4433594, -0.80810547, 1.0859375, 2.7421875, -0.4777832, -1.2568359, 0.1842041, -0.068603516, -0.35424805, 0.6123047, 1.5058594, 1.2324219, -3.6386719, 0.48657227, -1.0800781, -0.35107422, -0.84814453, 1.0380859, 0.4025879, -2.6816406, -0.28222656, -0.9482422, 0.040771484, -0.19384766, -3.0351562, 0.9277344, -1.0800781, 0.9428711, 0.7441406, 0.33398438, 0.67333984, 1.7822266, -1.1103516, 0.033111572, 0.074157715, -0.7661133, 0.87402344, 0.7753906, 0.95166016, 0.8515625, -0.7636719, 2.8320312, -1.1259766, -1.2558594, 0.74609375, -1.9121094, -1.0625, -1.4755859, -0.6723633, 0.8886719, 1.0371094, -0.43798828, -0.027740479, -0.8310547, -0.15222168, 1.453125, 0.12719727, 1.1308594, -0.39916992, 0.70947266, -0.0541687, 0.045928955, -1.1894531, 1.7021484, -0.5683594, 0.6772461, -1.2216797, 0.09399414, -3.0019531, -2.6308594, -0.3095703, 0.06555176, 0.5839844, 1.0019531, 0.89697266, 0.4416504, -0.6611328, -1.4814453, 2.3027344, -1.8232422, -0.25756836, -1.0644531, -0.9160156, 0.49902344, -0.9892578, -0.30444336, -0.32080078, -0.21228027, -3.2988281, 0.7861328, 0.4411621, -0.8432617, -1.3779297, -0.26611328, 0.20007324, 1.4755859, -3.0683594, -1.8642578, -3.2988281, -0.6557617, -1.0253906, 1.3398438, 0.26757812, -0.9091797, -0.6044922, -1.2529297, 0.54003906, 0.7324219, 0.52197266, 1.046875, -0.1706543, -0.5332031, 0.91259766, 0.8745117, -1.2597656, 0.42773438, -0.97314453, -3.3496094, 2.140625, 0.54052734, -0.9296875, 1.7177734, -0.31860352, 3.3222656, -0.022491455, 0.20996094, 1.0634766, -0.1973877, -0.61279297, 2.46875, -1.3876953, 0.07147217, 1.1669922, -1.3378906, -0.3947754, 0.16784668, 0.52490234, -1.3125, 0.20007324, -1.3144531, 0.40112305, 2.1074219, 1.6699219, 1.4824219, 0.7753906, -1.5810547, -1.9794922, 0.34985352, 1.2304688, 2.2519531, -1.1904297, -0.064575195, 0.94677734, 1.0195312, -0.08129883, 1.1210938, 1.9658203, -0.62353516, -3.2382812, -1.7773438, 0.32299805, 1.4990234, 0.47265625, -0.03111267, -0.34057617, 0.02999878, 0.6113281, 0.75341797, -1.0214844, -1.0888672, 2.7128906, -1.0283203, 0.51904297, -0.0077705383, 3.2304688, 0.55322266, 0.05895996, 0.31079102, 2.1484375, -1.0205078, -0.67333984, 0.63964844, 0.20690918, -1.9394531, -0.04437256, 0.1652832, 1.4785156, -1.6953125, 0.546875, -1.2587891, 1.1484375, 1.8457031, -0.56103516, -0.6401367, 0.21459961, 0.45263672, -0.6020508, -0.3017578, 0.98046875, 0.49609375, -3.5664062, 0.45629883, -0.9082031, -0.7050781, 0.28125, -0.03744507, 2.7734375, 2.0175781, 0.03050232, -0.58935547, 0.08862305, 0.36157227, -1.2675781, -0.8574219, 0.46777344, 2.546875, 1.2177734, -0.39526367, 1.3085938, 0.23364258, -1.5625, -0.8129883, -2.6210938, 0.1751709, -1.4140625, 1.953125, 0.23144531, -0.40356445, 2.2128906, 2.2695312, 1.3320312, 0.1763916, -0.097473145, -0.74365234, 0.2241211, -1.7109375, -0.37426758, 0.4897461, 0.2614746]" Rally Fury - Extreme Racing,com.refuelgames.rally,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.refuelgames.rally,racing popular rally racing game over million downloads singleplayer and multiplayer the ultimate offroad rally racing game featuring over singleplayer events realistic physics stunning graphics and addictive gameplay drift around corners for speed or just for pure fun earn additional nitro boost as you drift nitro boost to reach extreme speeds leave your opponents in your dust race online with players across the world race your friends in private lobbies compete in singleplayer events at night and day on dirt asphalt sand and snow single player modes race against challenging ai opponents compete in challenge events such as cone attack pursuit,"[0.3227539, -0.765625, 0.52001953, 3.0117188, 0.08679199, 1.7490234, 1.3896484, -1.9726562, -0.55322266, 0.6904297, -1.3476562, 3.234375, 0.31347656, 1.546875, 2.1953125, -0.12890625, 0.30932617, 0.39770508, -0.6245117, -0.19421387, 0.26049805, 1.1171875, 0.8432617, -1.0449219, -0.5566406, 1.0722656, -0.038208008, -1.3544922, -0.50878906, 0.96972656, -2.5078125, -1.171875, 1.8300781, -0.8149414, 0.7114258, -2.9257812, 2.1230469, -0.09863281, 1.5859375, 0.20776367, -0.39624023, 0.59228516, -0.6635742, -1.6640625, 1.6318359, -0.017181396, -0.8432617, 0.73876953, 0.34936523, -0.25390625, -0.16845703, -2.1210938, -1.1777344, 1.0761719, -0.86376953, -1.7558594, 0.70458984, 0.5107422, -0.32739258, 1.2675781, -1.1855469, 1.0371094, 0.09448242, 0.12158203, -0.7807617, 0.08496094, -0.6357422, 1.0869141, 0.73291016, 1.9804688, -1.1601562, 0.29003906, -1.890625, -0.39331055, 1.640625, -1.5478516, -0.5678711, -0.0435791, 0.9433594, -2.2597656, -1.6025391, 0.98095703, -3.0761719, 1.6630859, -0.65234375, -0.77734375, 0.20739746, -0.8691406, -1.1923828, 1.0048828, 0.12780762, -1.2744141, -0.2536621, -0.734375, -1.3271484, -2.3515625, -0.77734375, 2.3203125, 1.3730469, -0.6616211, -0.7480469, 1.2880859, -0.3137207, -0.9086914, -1.6044922, 0.5571289, 0.17932129, -0.052612305, -0.95703125, -0.5908203, -1.6523438, 1.2509766, -1.8798828, -0.017028809, -2.2265625, 0.578125, 0.37939453, 0.68408203, -0.26049805, -1.2246094, -0.12683105, -1.0078125, -0.8149414, 0.4868164, 0.5776367, -2.8730469, -0.5161133, -2.9492188, -0.63183594, 1.8642578, 0.30151367, -1.7041016, -2.8535156, 0.22619629, 1.2294922, -1.7822266, 0.48413086, 1.109375, -0.9057617, -0.7783203, -0.15942383, -3.1875, 1.7695312, 0.5942383, -0.4897461, 0.9897461, 0.41918945, 1.0556641, -0.5800781, 0.24328613, -1.1328125, -1.0029297, 5.2421875, 0.60791016, 0.9111328, 1.2255859, 0.46435547, -0.4387207, -1.5898438, -0.375, 1.1328125, -1.1474609, -1.1992188, -0.16442871, 0.72753906, 0.18115234, -0.64746094, -0.4099121, -2.0097656, -1.2275391, 0.4272461, -0.6269531, 0.93066406, 2.0722656, 0.8300781, -0.7207031, 1.0517578, -2.7988281, -0.07598877, 0.54296875, -2.15625, 0.60302734, -1.4726562, -0.39941406, 0.031951904, 0.42797852, -0.16357422, -2.3515625, -0.33032227, 0.24230957, 0.35742188, -0.7001953, -0.07104492, 0.8100586, -1.4023438, -0.8383789, 0.034210205, 0.15966797, 0.14245605, 0.7421875, -1.4414062, 1.3203125, 0.5834961, -2.8457031, -2.9785156, -0.25195312, 1.8261719, -0.7265625, -1.1357422, 1.2578125, 0.9760742, -1.6572266, -0.52001953, -0.9760742, -0.36621094, 1.3300781, 0.31811523, 1.8144531, -0.1685791, 0.29760742, -0.9506836, -1.5048828, 0.89404297, 1.25, 0.030517578, -1.2294922, -0.036468506, 2.2792969, -0.9082031, 1.7890625, -0.7817383, -0.48461914, -0.17712402, -0.9433594, 0.7519531, -2.2226562, 0.5175781, -0.16186523, -1.4199219, 1.6533203, 1.2509766, 1.1181641, -0.03488159, 1.4404297, -0.86572266, -0.20861816, -0.48999023, 0.031311035, 1.28125, -1.0615234]" Mahjong Village,com.onecwireless.mahjongvillage.google.free,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onecwireless.mahjongvillage.google.free,puzzle mahjong village is more than a game of matching tiles mahjong village is a constantly changing world with tavern shop workshops and so much more to discover mahjong also known as mahjong solitaire or shanghai solitaire is a simple and free game enjoyed by millions of people around the world you have to select pairs of identical tiles to remove them from the tower attend new challenge for mahjong solitaire fans play mahjong and boost your puzzlesolving skills by building your own village features explore more than individually designed levels the number is growing with regular updates build your own,"[-0.57470703, -0.7084961, -1.0341797, 0.51220703, 0.20275879, -0.8486328, 0.14941406, 2.9550781, -0.9501953, -0.07885742, 0.33276367, 0.48754883, -0.8076172, 0.062927246, 0.6459961, -1.7070312, 0.60058594, -0.40039062, -2.5332031, 0.09564209, -0.05114746, 2.0703125, 0.7114258, -1.1894531, -1.2333984, -1.1933594, 0.7285156, -0.22583008, -0.49072266, -0.51904297, -0.97314453, 0.25073242, -1.015625, -0.24560547, -0.0569458, 1.0615234, -0.122680664, -0.87597656, 4.0703125, -0.5810547, 1.0410156, 0.16687012, 1.4697266, 0.6616211, -0.51171875, 1.8320312, -1.9462891, -1.1757812, -1.0488281, -0.5830078, 1.1708984, 0.5932617, 1.3232422, -0.3671875, 0.27661133, 3.1191406, 0.45263672, 2.6308594, -1.9541016, -1.0927734, 0.6821289, 3.6640625, 2.1855469, -2.2773438, -1.6572266, 0.41479492, 0.796875, -0.22521973, 1.5732422, 2.1210938, -0.2998047, 0.29125977, 0.07244873, -0.49951172, -0.97753906, 1.0039062, -1.5253906, -0.73828125, -1.5820312, 1.9091797, -1.5693359, 0.49658203, 0.12573242, 0.97021484, -0.26733398, 0.6010742, -0.87402344, -0.39233398, 0.14953613, 1.0615234, -0.9951172, -0.55371094, -2.8496094, -2.0332031, -0.51416016, 0.46972656, -1.1865234, 0.48535156, -0.6254883, -0.5004883, 0.92822266, 2.0488281, -0.24682617, 0.17468262, 1.2382812, -0.0019493103, -0.4260254, -0.7626953, -0.92333984, 0.83496094, 1.6875, -0.6826172, -0.4716797, 2.6699219, -0.54541016, 1.5869141, 0.06976318, 1.7841797, 0.18444824, -0.56347656, 0.53564453, 0.011856079, 1.5429688, 1.6152344, -0.5673828, 0.58447266, -1.0722656, -0.041809082, -1.6044922, 0.13745117, -0.64404297, -0.7446289, -1.2021484, 0.4182129, -0.31323242, -1.5322266, -1.9199219, 0.05606079, -0.9116211, -0.2607422, 0.51123047, 0.94384766, 1.8779297, 3.4023438, -2.4375, -1.3857422, 0.14147949, 0.43554688, 0.030303955, -0.49829102, -0.51904297, -0.6660156, -0.25317383, 3.3515625, -1.7724609, 0.34033203, 1.6689453, 0.6279297, 1.6640625, 2.5839844, 0.6347656, 0.50390625, 0.5551758, -0.8510742, 0.7080078, -0.7080078, -1.2197266, -1.6738281, 0.08074951, 1.2841797, 0.9277344, 0.73535156, 2.0742188, 0.26513672, 0.9033203, -1.5244141, -0.23034668, 1.0498047, 0.43725586, -0.3173828, -2.421875, 0.60498047, -0.7236328, -0.21765137, -0.91796875, 0.1171875, 1.1152344, -1.7939453, -0.07543945, 0.034240723, -1.9169922, -0.10168457, 1.2988281, 1.9628906, 0.49951172, 1.1962891, -0.033203125, -0.27172852, 2.3769531, -0.46240234, 1.6699219, 0.89404297, 1.1035156, 1.0244141, -1.2529297, -1.2070312, -0.32080078, -2.1425781, 0.76708984, 1.3300781, -0.10406494, 1.1123047, 0.023544312, -0.82128906, -0.36108398, -0.09851074, -0.8588867, 1.6796875, 0.009963989, 1.0292969, 0.72216797, -1.4306641, 1.4208984, 1.6552734, -0.95947266, 1.0273438, 0.3701172, -0.8041992, 0.30639648, 0.35473633, -2.109375, -0.43139648, 0.84033203, -3.4824219, -1.4101562, -0.94677734, -0.48217773, 0.068725586, -0.78466797, 1.5224609, 2.671875, 0.7104492, -0.31469727, 1.1171875, -1.0878906, 1.5478516, -0.76123047, -1.0576172, 1.5644531, -0.07574463]" Death Road to Canada,com.noodlecake.drtc,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noodlecake.drtc,adventure death road to canada is a randomly generated road trip actionrpg you manage a group of jerks as they explore cities find weird people and face up to zombies at once everythings randomized locations events survivor personalities and skills theres a different story every time you play travel the death road from florida to canada the last nation on earth find special events rare encounters and unique recruits recruit a grunting superbodybuilder whos strong enough to pick up and throw the car try to teach a dog how to walk upright and shoot a minigun most of all get eaten,"[2.8867188, 0.18725586, 2.3964844, 0.8388672, -1.2568359, -2.4609375, 0.75634766, 0.04296875, -0.32202148, 1.4404297, 0.16052246, 1.8642578, 0.7006836, 2.1425781, 1.8378906, -0.9746094, 0.7006836, 0.2298584, 0.98095703, -0.66845703, -0.19226074, -0.65185547, 0.2277832, -0.1973877, 0.7519531, 0.5083008, 0.16333008, -0.39746094, 0.6928711, 1.1015625, -1.6992188, -0.40820312, 1.609375, -0.44799805, 0.10089111, -1.3535156, 2.2558594, 0.59521484, -0.9194336, 1.9277344, 1.2734375, 1.0439453, 2.0488281, -0.17785645, 1.5869141, 1.4199219, -1.1962891, -0.47998047, 1.1748047, 1.8515625, 1.5732422, -1.5019531, -0.5888672, -0.8491211, -1.1787109, -0.5517578, -0.12042236, -0.44458008, -0.30419922, 1.1621094, -1.0712891, 0.59765625, 0.47802734, 0.32373047, -0.6689453, -0.5698242, -0.3388672, 0.75390625, 0.004840851, -2.0703125, -0.9453125, 1.5126953, -2.2636719, 1.9443359, 1.6904297, -1.0800781, 0.2763672, -0.7685547, 0.3815918, -1.9101562, -1.8818359, -1.5166016, -0.2902832, 0.3942871, -0.75634766, -0.45629883, -0.46191406, -0.2915039, -0.64453125, 0.60009766, -0.6748047, -0.55078125, 0.41357422, -1.1132812, -1.4931641, -0.1381836, 0.038024902, 1.3515625, -0.6088867, 0.5053711, 0.09326172, -0.3076172, -0.9145508, -0.5419922, -0.5571289, -0.5019531, 1.3574219, -1.4814453, -2.0097656, -2.1582031, 1.4365234, 1.3134766, -0.99560547, 2.5917969, 0.2043457, 0.7128906, 0.6425781, 1.1455078, -0.6245117, 0.14086914, -0.69091797, -0.3088379, -0.2680664, -1.4335938, -0.7714844, -1.1972656, -0.114990234, -0.8486328, -1.828125, 0.5239258, -0.45263672, 0.16003418, 3.2460938, -0.022232056, 3.8691406, -0.6245117, 0.88378906, -0.37231445, -0.5644531, -0.37768555, -0.44995117, -1.890625, -1.0175781, -0.44604492, -1.9609375, 0.2097168, -0.7763672, 0.82177734, -0.8847656, 2.1796875, -2.390625, 0.35742188, 1.5507812, 0.8496094, -0.46020508, 0.36572266, -1.7773438, -0.7363281, -0.015655518, 1.0019531, -0.8022461, -1.3623047, -0.59277344, -0.77685547, 0.7583008, 1.8125, 2.4667969, 2.5722656, -2.8359375, -2.1132812, 0.13745117, -2.7851562, 1.9003906, -1.0009766, -0.46484375, -3.3789062, 2.0957031, -2.0957031, -1.0429688, -0.13720703, 0.48046875, 0.90527344, -0.34106445, 1.4287109, -0.2006836, 1.7666016, 0.8935547, 0.8208008, 1.5800781, -0.08984375, 0.7319336, -1.4638672, 1.8662109, -0.34594727, -2.6132812, 0.083740234, -1.7626953, -0.82470703, 4.1484375, -0.0552063, 0.036346436, 0.5986328, -0.19799805, 0.6357422, -0.6723633, 0.140625, -0.029937744, -0.5083008, 0.20458984, -0.7338867, 0.20544434, -2.1816406, 0.39331055, -0.49853516, -1.3896484, -1.9550781, 0.59716797, 0.62158203, 1.0390625, -0.7441406, 1.7119141, -2.5703125, 1.2734375, -1.3037109, 1.2695312, -0.5371094, 0.37524414, -1.0751953, -0.40698242, -1.6054688, 0.042297363, 0.15075684, -1.3203125, -1.5039062, -0.42773438, -3.4882812, -0.19238281, 1.6728516, -2.0664062, 2.3710938, 2.3183594, 0.87402344, -1.4833984, -0.09210205, -0.22705078, 0.21203613, -1.0185547, -3.1464844, 1.640625, -1.5898438]" Snowboard Party: World Tour,com.ratrodstudio.snowparty2lite,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ratrodstudio.snowparty2lite,sports snowboard party is back to fulfill all your adrenaline needs in this longawaited sequel experience the new timeattack race mode and practice your best tricks in unique locations hop on your board and improve your skills to land sick combos and rack high scores complete over level objectives and achievements gain experience and upgrade your attributes to perform better and achieve higher scores customize your favorite riders with a selection of over outfits including exclusive skins such as a zombie alien pirate and many more discover how to unlock the new secret big head mode upgrade your board to give,"[1.6748047, 1.203125, 0.39404297, 1.3613281, 2.1464844, 0.47265625, 1.375, -1.3427734, -1.3427734, -0.7026367, 1.1279297, 3.9121094, 0.68408203, 1.8388672, 2.7597656, -0.8642578, -0.12561035, -0.59277344, -1.7138672, 0.9399414, -0.5786133, 0.27319336, 0.9902344, -1.3808594, 0.31958008, 0.4477539, -0.86328125, -1.2871094, 0.8984375, 0.2788086, -1.2998047, 0.9741211, -0.11859131, -0.24182129, -0.6635742, -1.2744141, 0.71972656, 1.78125, 1.9648438, -2.1347656, 0.41552734, -0.12854004, 0.78027344, -1.2607422, -1.9511719, -3.2128906, -0.8701172, 1.1953125, 1.0751953, 0.094177246, 1.2392578, 0.84765625, 1.5498047, -1.0517578, -1.15625, -0.75097656, -2.09375, 0.5888672, -0.20751953, 1.1386719, 0.32104492, 0.72216797, -0.91308594, 1.4296875, 0.16516113, -0.34936523, -2.359375, 1.5908203, -0.42138672, 1.2158203, 0.4555664, 0.2668457, -1.7773438, -0.62402344, 0.8666992, -0.7729492, 0.8046875, 0.03918457, -0.04852295, -1.0947266, -1.5302734, -0.14709473, 0.37304688, 0.2680664, -0.051940918, -0.3762207, -1.2431641, -0.11480713, -0.5620117, 1.0019531, -1.1777344, -2.5566406, 1.2265625, 0.042633057, -2.1269531, -1.03125, 0.6958008, 0.71777344, -0.9404297, -0.7661133, 1.0009766, -1.0263672, 0.2770996, 0.7114258, -1.0810547, 0.61328125, 0.21582031, -0.8911133, 0.09234619, -0.79833984, 0.49267578, -0.67285156, 1.3642578, -0.40600586, -0.17565918, 0.24023438, 1.0048828, -1.2148438, 0.083740234, -1.2480469, 0.11871338, -0.2253418, 1.1972656, 0.3215332, -0.05517578, -0.81640625, 0.68847656, 0.49853516, 0.15930176, 0.027236938, -0.2512207, -1.2119141, 0.022079468, 0.4663086, 3.0859375, -1.6982422, 0.33642578, -0.86816406, -0.6816406, -2.8320312, 2.2539062, -0.12585449, 1.0107422, -1.1445312, -1.1621094, 0.90185547, -0.91845703, 1.2841797, -0.8339844, 0.88183594, -0.3461914, 0.46020508, -0.30493164, 3.2773438, -1.1972656, 2.0527344, -1.3222656, -0.6333008, 2.0761719, 3.0800781, -0.76220703, -1.9189453, -1.0634766, 1.6572266, 1.3164062, -0.8183594, -1.5908203, -0.5019531, 0.13330078, -1.3564453, 0.25683594, -1.6269531, -0.9086914, 1.8476562, 1.6523438, -0.40014648, -0.2578125, -3.21875, 1.0458984, 2.046875, -1.0195312, 1.4628906, 0.53808594, -0.57421875, -1.3671875, 0.296875, 0.16455078, 0.74609375, -0.21533203, -1.2060547, 0.71484375, -1.0771484, 0.76171875, 0.171875, -1.8466797, -0.21447754, -0.8642578, 0.55810547, -1.4960938, 0.57470703, -0.5136719, 0.16662598, 0.3527832, 0.5004883, -2.8574219, -0.4741211, 0.28125, -2.5761719, 0.5151367, 2.6445312, -0.77978516, -0.19360352, 0.4951172, -0.86035156, -0.77783203, 3.3613281, 0.24865723, 1.2021484, -0.28076172, -0.4033203, 0.9560547, -2.1796875, 0.6245117, -0.6459961, 0.18249512, 1.140625, 3.5371094, 1.1201172, -0.6386719, 0.7207031, 0.45043945, -2.3671875, -1.9677734, -1.0576172, 1.6445312, -4.5078125, 1.0195312, -1.3076172, -1.8164062, 3.0019531, 1.7822266, 1.0634766, 0.7270508, 0.2939453, -2.0214844, -0.36279297, -0.6308594, 0.54052734, 1.6484375, -3.3378906]" Space Marshals 2,com.pixelbite.sm2,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pixelbite.sm2,action tactical combat stealth action in outer space the scifi wild west adventure in outer space continues with space marshals this tactical topdown shooter puts you in the shoes of specialist burton in his struggle against the criminal elements of the galaxy this isn t your ordinary dualstick shooter the emphasis is on tactical combat and stealth rather than just spraying bullets and there s a story tactical combat use the environment to your advantage avoid attacks by taking cover flank enemies for extra efficiency but avoid getting flanked yourself use the tools of the trade to gain an edge frag,"[3.1132812, -0.11651611, -0.14404297, 0.75390625, -0.1694336, -1.7685547, 1.0742188, -1.0263672, 0.69873047, 0.796875, -1.6650391, 1.3984375, -0.5942383, 2.3691406, 1.9003906, -0.8730469, 1.1875, -0.20654297, 0.39233398, -2.5761719, -1.8642578, 1.0361328, 0.8725586, -0.89990234, 1.4755859, -2.1015625, 0.018356323, -0.7470703, -0.27124023, 0.7739258, -2.9785156, 1.1171875, -1.8017578, 0.95410156, 1.8066406, -0.9501953, 2.1386719, 0.49194336, -2.1621094, 0.0690918, -0.0068092346, 0.34570312, 0.38256836, -1.0166016, -0.45410156, -0.51220703, 1.5175781, 0.7636719, -0.1105957, 1.7636719, 1.0732422, -2.0273438, 0.34985352, -1.1748047, 0.0715332, 0.83984375, 2.8203125, 0.61816406, -1.4453125, -1.2324219, 0.3972168, -0.052581787, -0.32373047, -1.1025391, 0.76171875, 1.6386719, 0.032684326, -0.8334961, 2.6542969, 1.2958984, 1.0546875, -0.11578369, -2.6972656, -0.9926758, 0.66503906, -0.14550781, -1.0175781, 0.5336914, -1.2421875, -0.6303711, -0.14074707, -0.9975586, -0.45117188, -0.66064453, 0.5551758, 0.7553711, -0.4970703, -0.3564453, 0.8540039, 0.8071289, -1.2421875, -2.2597656, 0.19226074, 1.1728516, -0.036865234, 1.9462891, 0.6542969, -0.5551758, -0.6113281, 0.69628906, -0.7441406, 0.4609375, -0.72314453, -0.68066406, -3.4121094, -0.82421875, -0.77490234, -1.7705078, 0.3581543, 0.671875, -0.1303711, -1.0449219, -1.7275391, 0.47631836, -1.7324219, 0.31054688, -0.43969727, -0.79785156, -0.86328125, 0.17956543, 0.45336914, 0.22595215, -0.16027832, 0.1673584, 1.4072266, -1.1220703, -1.5009766, -0.005882263, -2.2109375, 1.1435547, 0.41088867, -1.9882812, -0.26000977, 2.0957031, 2.6855469, 0.5439453, 0.5073242, -0.17834473, -2.6640625, 0.43554688, 0.40771484, 0.7128906, 1.0742188, 1.3310547, -1.7646484, 0.64941406, -0.09112549, -1.3496094, -1.5771484, 0.84765625, 1.0332031, -0.6074219, 4.7734375, -0.23522949, 1.8164062, 2.0195312, 1.6611328, -2.921875, -0.68847656, 0.05429077, -0.96191406, -1.1611328, -0.71533203, 1.2167969, 1.7431641, -1.0, 0.04675293, -0.030303955, -1.1777344, 0.31298828, 0.5136719, -0.69140625, 0.4934082, 0.78027344, 0.53027344, -2.1542969, -0.21484375, -3.1777344, 2.4492188, 0.28881836, -0.67529297, 0.22363281, -0.2536621, -0.111083984, 0.13757324, -0.27172852, -1.1074219, 0.25439453, 0.85498047, -2.21875, 1.1328125, -0.73339844, -1.4316406, 1.4414062, 1.0302734, 0.88427734, -0.25048828, -0.7866211, -0.62060547, 1.9990234, -2.1679688, 1.1572266, 1.4296875, -1.8330078, 0.21105957, 1.4365234, -0.30493164, 0.41967773, 1.4833984, 0.5805664, -0.056427002, -2.7890625, 0.02520752, -1.0634766, -2.1601562, 3.1386719, 0.83984375, -0.13537598, 0.29418945, 1.1210938, 1.5253906, 0.4958496, 0.0066184998, -0.4675293, -0.5336914, 0.5136719, 1.8681641, -0.23376465, -2.1796875, 1.0966797, -1.9882812, -0.35058594, 0.34985352, -0.4909668, 1.4794922, -0.09063721, -0.16894531, 1.6572266, -2.6289062, 2.15625, 0.48999023, -0.65234375, -0.5019531, 1.2255859, -0.5932617, -1.0175781, -1.2021484, 0.49731445, 1.6142578, -1.2587891]" Zen Pinball,com.zenstudios.ZenPinball,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zenstudios.ZenPinball,arcade zen pinball features hit tables based on some of the biggest brands in entertainment zen pinball is your goto place for all your pinball cravings from zen studios the pioneers of the digital pinball space zen pinball is your destination for exciting digital pinball action featuring both original tables and exclusive ones based on some of the hottest brands in entertainment detailed d models the most advanced ball physics available rich social features and hot seat multiplayer zen pinball for android devices continues the rich pinball tradition established by zen studios the definitive leader in pinball videogames zen pinball sets,"[1.3076172, -0.8964844, 1.4023438, 0.53222656, 0.3244629, 0.046569824, 2.0722656, -0.5888672, 1.8144531, 0.6069336, -0.44091797, -0.35668945, -2.6035156, -1.1220703, 0.9995117, 0.042022705, 0.46362305, -1.2773438, 0.38110352, -0.61816406, 1.5664062, 0.7036133, 2.2578125, -0.94970703, 0.91748047, 1.7646484, -2.3320312, -1.0263672, -0.26586914, 0.52001953, 0.2602539, 1.3125, 0.2322998, -0.032165527, -0.6899414, 0.111206055, 0.16442871, -0.5419922, 0.81396484, -1.0458984, 0.18579102, 0.4260254, 1.7363281, 1.5986328, -2.5644531, 2.828125, -0.8149414, -0.5078125, -0.105529785, -0.24914551, 1.328125, -1.3613281, -1.9638672, -0.73046875, 1.3730469, 0.51904297, 0.7949219, 2.4335938, -0.10217285, 0.85009766, 1.7236328, -0.98291016, 0.69189453, 1.6796875, 0.3942871, -0.38452148, 1.5996094, -1.9541016, -0.41992188, 1.6572266, 0.02116394, 1.3476562, 1.6826172, -2.5410156, 1.2617188, -0.67089844, -0.92626953, -0.5678711, -0.5644531, -1.3505859, -0.9350586, -0.19787598, -0.037902832, 1.9326172, 0.4645996, 1.8496094, 0.92871094, 0.51660156, -1.8193359, -0.0061569214, -2.0292969, -2.3300781, -0.63964844, -0.45751953, 0.47094727, -0.5024414, -0.11566162, 0.4572754, 0.050994873, -2.9160156, 0.9638672, -1.7548828, -3.0058594, -0.7763672, 1.5234375, -0.19018555, 1.3964844, -1.8173828, -2.5039062, -0.53515625, -0.031341553, -1.8642578, -0.68603516, 0.042938232, -0.15783691, 0.8520508, 0.056549072, -0.21899414, -0.10424805, -1.3222656, 0.7973633, -0.65234375, 0.56591797, -0.38891602, 0.7314453, -0.6328125, -1.0166016, -0.1751709, 0.15222168, 4.171875, -2.8007812, -1.0126953, -3.2285156, 0.3059082, 2.8886719, -2.0839844, -0.6225586, -1.6445312, -1.203125, -0.60791016, 2.1367188, 0.82373047, 0.75, 2.2519531, 1.2470703, -0.46044922, -0.65966797, -1.8144531, 1.0273438, -0.3696289, -1.2138672, -1.1357422, 3.8359375, 1.1630859, 2.7539062, -0.30737305, 2.3945312, 0.54003906, 1.8730469, -1.2890625, 0.5151367, -1.359375, -1.0009766, -0.16625977, -0.20263672, 0.76171875, -1.953125, 0.32006836, -0.59228516, -1.1865234, 0.9663086, 0.81396484, 0.26123047, 1.4990234, 1.2910156, -0.14331055, -1.6220703, -1.9863281, 1.6738281, -0.6977539, -2.9765625, -0.54345703, 0.9291992, 0.19042969, -1.8544922, -0.9633789, 0.86376953, 0.38256836, -1.0615234, -0.6020508, 0.19824219, -0.72314453, 0.45629883, 1.5820312, -0.8027344, 1.1367188, -1.3203125, 0.06262207, 0.56640625, 0.023971558, 2.1191406, 0.030578613, 3.0332031, -0.026046753, -1.6904297, -1.7773438, 0.2421875, -0.049682617, 1.0039062, 1.2705078, 1.7109375, -1.4658203, 1.0214844, 0.38208008, 0.4567871, -1.7910156, -0.9169922, 1.7207031, 2.4785156, -2.7148438, 1.2177734, 1.0009766, 2.8554688, 0.47607422, -0.38427734, 1.1523438, -0.86328125, 0.51416016, -0.08306885, 0.79541016, -0.40942383, 0.5991211, 0.22241211, -0.2775879, 0.7919922, 2.2167969, 1.2089844, 2.4960938, 1.0429688, 1.4609375, -0.19177246, 0.44067383, -0.44262695, 0.19433594, 0.22705078, -1.0996094, -1.9052734, -1.4101562, 1.3720703, -1.1875]" Teslagrad,com.Rain.Teslagrad,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Rain.Teslagrad,adventure save up to in the kingdom of elektropia a king rules with an iron fist combating and destroying a sect of technological wizards who have a massive tower in the middle of the city named teslagrad teslagrad is a d puzzleplatformer with action elements where magnetism and other electromagnetic powers are the key to go throughout the game and thereby discover the secrets kept in the long abandoned tesla tower embark on an adventure as a young boy armed with ancient teslamancer technology forge your path through the tesla tower and overcome the huge variety of challenges and enigmas released,"[3.0644531, -1.3662109, 0.76416016, -0.30859375, -2.765625, -1.7099609, 1.4296875, -0.65771484, 0.6010742, 0.8935547, 0.35302734, 1.3300781, -1.0380859, -0.48608398, -0.7910156, -1.2617188, -1.6611328, 2.0546875, 0.4897461, 1.7275391, -0.8442383, -0.79541016, -0.8935547, -1.3632812, -0.2758789, 0.4963379, -0.05633545, 0.9169922, -0.55566406, -1.1123047, 0.5102539, 2.2734375, 0.05545044, 1.3291016, 0.79785156, 0.8125, 0.25756836, -1.5498047, -0.60791016, 0.98339844, -0.4128418, 0.13085938, -0.9511719, -1.5791016, 1.0595703, 2.453125, -0.99121094, -2.4472656, 0.15515137, 0.8305664, 1.2265625, -2.0273438, 1.5644531, 0.09387207, 0.2619629, -1.1103516, -3.1894531, -0.10638428, -0.6298828, -1.2910156, 1.9257812, 0.5810547, -0.28564453, 0.23156738, -0.7368164, -1.4404297, 0.6567383, -0.22839355, 0.69433594, 0.7714844, 1.5097656, 0.7216797, 0.12792969, 1.609375, -1.0166016, -0.5786133, -1.0966797, 1.3613281, 1.5117188, -1.2861328, 0.83496094, 1.1972656, -1.1083984, 1.6826172, -0.88916016, -1.4394531, -2.2421875, -0.87890625, -1.2470703, 0.2602539, 2.1367188, 0.62353516, -1.1054688, 0.5498047, 0.34375, -0.38208008, 2.4550781, -0.88916016, -1.8007812, -0.91748047, 0.48950195, -0.96777344, -1.0634766, -2.1367188, -0.65722656, 0.2401123, -0.28881836, -0.10119629, -1.7402344, -2.7285156, 1.0498047, -1.6513672, 2.0351562, 0.36401367, 2.0039062, -0.2746582, -0.37231445, -0.6508789, -0.61572266, 0.59277344, 1.0400391, 0.6508789, 0.062316895, 0.76464844, 0.99365234, -0.3623047, -2.6640625, -2.4804688, -0.6611328, 2.3222656, -1.0683594, -0.5390625, -0.5029297, 0.7963867, 0.9008789, 1.3183594, 1.7949219, 1.0195312, 0.64697266, 0.9819336, -0.5620117, 1.1376953, 0.87060547, 1.4902344, -1.1474609, -0.05429077, -0.27148438, -0.0569458, -0.25048828, 1.8115234, 0.8984375, 0.13696289, -0.58496094, 0.22302246, 3.4003906, 1.3496094, -2.2109375, -3.5917969, 1.09375, 3.3085938, 0.6635742, -1.7636719, -2.4453125, -1.4462891, 3.1953125, -1.1152344, 1.2744141, 0.28979492, 0.8432617, -2.1074219, -3.2519531, -0.4116211, 1.0175781, -0.22521973, -0.34960938, 2.2421875, 1.9033203, 0.020874023, 0.7841797, -0.13586426, -1.2470703, 0.11987305, -1.4042969, 1.0322266, -2.1660156, 2.5253906, 1.5410156, 1.3798828, 1.2451172, 1.9003906, -0.20043945, -0.105529785, -0.117004395, -0.15100098, -0.13928223, 0.609375, 0.5019531, -0.14880371, -0.85546875, -0.58740234, 1.9804688, -0.014625549, -0.03552246, -0.81884766, -0.7114258, -1.6259766, -0.39575195, 0.06964111, 0.17248535, 0.2253418, -0.14221191, -2.1894531, -0.35888672, -1.6201172, -0.9350586, -2.1777344, 0.92578125, -0.64404297, -0.13220215, -1.2685547, -0.3708496, -0.5566406, 0.7402344, 0.0030899048, -0.71240234, -0.08001709, 0.4194336, -0.8076172, 0.4423828, -0.3095703, -0.0013332367, -1.28125, -0.22021484, -0.35009766, -0.98339844, -1.6396484, -0.16052246, -0.17236328, -1.4189453, -0.09277344, 1.9257812, 0.8515625, 0.3630371, 1.2529297, -0.99365234, -0.3864746, -1.4355469, 0.09954834, 0.875, -0.70654297]" Radiation Island,com.atypicalgames.radiationisland,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.atypicalgames.radiationisland,action radiation island is a survival adventure game where you craft your own destiny in a huge open world environment as part of the philadelphia experiment you have become stranded in a parallel alternate reality discover this new and mysterious world with all its surprises use everything you find to survive it and solve its puzzle to get back to the real world follow your own path in an environment of breathtaking beauty and gigantic scope explore huge forests inhabited by dangerous wolves bears and mountain lions investigate abandoned villages and old military compounds where zombies guard vital tools weapons and,"[1.59375, -1.1337891, 0.44873047, 0.7270508, -2.7988281, -1.7353516, 1.2333984, 0.38378906, -0.41259766, 1.1933594, 0.15136719, 0.23999023, 0.7192383, 0.6801758, 1.2695312, 0.8222656, 1.2402344, 1.7607422, 0.19421387, -1.1113281, -0.008872986, -0.57177734, 0.21936035, -0.7167969, 0.8203125, -4.3554688, -0.1751709, 0.6098633, 0.45141602, -0.93847656, 1.7216797, -0.03970337, -0.8676758, 1.0732422, 0.24572754, 1.0380859, -0.26220703, -0.31762695, -1.6113281, 0.50683594, -1.4892578, -1.1357422, -0.3786621, -2.5039062, 1.4960938, -0.10461426, -0.94677734, 0.06359863, -0.112854004, 1.1484375, 2.7207031, -1.0859375, 0.6821289, -0.5727539, 1.2539062, -0.53759766, 1.1181641, 1.9853516, -0.35498047, 0.9116211, 0.19885254, 0.43847656, 1.6640625, 1.5537109, 0.6777344, -1.1894531, 0.20446777, 0.43798828, 1.5957031, 0.12524414, 2.2050781, 2.5136719, -1.1884766, 1.2753906, -0.6801758, -1.0869141, 0.51171875, -1.2714844, 1.265625, -0.46826172, -2.7011719, 0.32543945, 0.28295898, 2.6679688, 0.7998047, 0.076049805, -0.1081543, -2.265625, 1.3857422, 4.1132812, 0.921875, -0.62402344, -3.3105469, 1.1005859, -0.22241211, -0.42041016, 2.1328125, -0.36157227, -1.5869141, -1.0019531, 2.6933594, 0.1739502, 0.04107666, -2.0605469, -0.97509766, -1.3710938, -1.4638672, -0.059814453, 1.2900391, -0.26098633, 0.7626953, 0.26586914, -2.9335938, 2.4863281, 1.6142578, -1.3085938, -1.4511719, 1.8349609, 0.96484375, -0.7167969, 0.31518555, -2.0195312, -1.3583984, 0.546875, 1.3408203, -2.2910156, 0.3725586, -2.3105469, -1.4492188, -1.0585938, -1.9082031, -0.9482422, 0.53759766, -0.6557617, 2.1425781, -2.1640625, -0.58984375, 0.15698242, -1.3369141, -1.2294922, -0.9321289, -0.9609375, -0.07183838, 0.22302246, -0.67822266, 1.1484375, -0.3779297, 0.69189453, -0.8696289, 2.9902344, -1.6445312, 0.109069824, 0.2890625, 0.55810547, 0.86572266, 2.8769531, -2.0371094, -2.5566406, 1.4619141, 2.2910156, 0.21142578, -0.42285156, -0.36889648, -1.1767578, 2.4667969, -0.3310547, -1.5546875, 0.2298584, 0.7080078, -2.1679688, 0.022109985, 0.05279541, 2.2910156, 0.96240234, 0.7807617, -2.3984375, 1.6240234, -1.9267578, 0.052703857, 1.8037109, 0.013122559, -0.067993164, -0.35742188, -1.2646484, -1.0498047, 3.2910156, 0.8027344, 0.54541016, 1.6992188, -0.55908203, 1.3056641, -1.2802734, -0.92822266, 0.9584961, 1.2851562, 1.1816406, 1.2695312, -0.3461914, 0.19641113, -0.62109375, -1.4833984, 0.015029907, 0.24072266, -0.5566406, 1.1113281, 0.74560547, -0.09906006, -1.890625, 0.14794922, -0.63671875, -2.6289062, -2.2265625, 2.0429688, -1.2880859, -1.9365234, -0.4765625, -0.40356445, -0.81347656, 2.8203125, -0.24108887, -1.1484375, -0.74316406, -0.03125, 1.5058594, -0.34643555, -3.4394531, 1.5390625, 0.41235352, 1.8916016, -0.6899414, -2.640625, 0.59472656, 0.8671875, -2.0371094, 0.72998047, -1.7568359, 1.2851562, -0.6381836, -2.2363281, 1.1318359, 2.8496094, 0.22424316, -1.1318359, 2.2167969, 0.50341797, -1.2431641, -0.47485352, -2.0839844, 0.8618164, -0.71484375]" Subdivision Infinity,com.crescentmoongames.subdivision,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crescentmoongames.subdivision,action subdivision infinity is an immersive and pulse pounding scifi d space shooter attention play the first location for free want to chat about subdivision infinity join our discord server httpsdiscordggmpsbxn ready your ship and cruise the great expanse of space in over engaging missions in distinct locales hunt down and destroy enemy spacecraft crush capital ships mine asteroids for rare minerals and find blueprints to craft amazing new vessels subdivision infinity features stunning graphics and tight spaceship game play beyond the storys main missions you will have an array of optional goals to keep you cruising including space exploration bounty,"[0.086242676, -0.5385742, 1.9472656, 0.117004395, 0.27246094, -0.6166992, 0.115234375, 0.6977539, 0.6621094, 0.89208984, 0.79052734, 1.5595703, 1.0185547, 0.07092285, 2.0566406, 0.34814453, 2.0039062, 1.0742188, 1.5253906, 0.6401367, 0.0703125, -0.21313477, 1.5722656, -2.5214844, 1.4169922, -1.0644531, 0.34521484, -0.70703125, 0.96728516, 0.7324219, 0.66015625, -0.23413086, 1.1816406, -0.09631348, -0.65722656, 2.2832031, 0.39746094, 1.4208984, 2.8144531, -2.1054688, 2.0683594, 1.6035156, 0.6899414, 1.6513672, 1.625, -0.41186523, -0.9248047, 0.25390625, 0.49780273, -0.45141602, 2.265625, -0.28710938, -1.0332031, -0.48291016, -0.074157715, -1.0615234, 6.1875, 1.4287109, -1.3212891, 1.4980469, -0.8588867, 1.3828125, -0.1829834, -1.6142578, -0.116882324, 0.14477539, -0.26782227, 0.2631836, 1.2451172, 1.7910156, 1.9306641, -1.8017578, 0.5986328, 0.72558594, 0.7890625, 0.14074707, -1.8291016, -1.1191406, -0.044067383, -1.5644531, 0.375, 0.33422852, 1.8330078, -0.5463867, -1.7753906, 1.7177734, 0.62841797, -0.48120117, -1.7304688, 0.22729492, -0.18115234, -1.6572266, -1.3144531, 2.4453125, -0.5708008, -0.5307617, -1.1972656, -0.3076172, 0.42138672, -0.6796875, 1.4072266, 0.60253906, -0.96972656, -1.7988281, -0.23522949, -0.28637695, 0.20800781, 0.85302734, 0.6171875, -1.2617188, -0.12475586, -1.2041016, -2.3125, 0.9716797, -2.9140625, 0.8208008, 2.3183594, -0.8774414, -0.65966797, -0.9379883, 1.4511719, -1.2246094, -1.1279297, -0.64746094, -1.3798828, -0.7758789, -0.25317383, -0.65185547, -1.4677734, 0.73876953, -2.3535156, -1.0527344, -1.4082031, 0.54003906, 1.8222656, -1.4785156, 0.52441406, 0.7421875, -1.5888672, -1.0185547, 1.1337891, 0.8432617, -0.22265625, 2.7441406, -0.08654785, 0.27001953, -0.77441406, 0.54589844, 0.31201172, 0.0385437, 1.2568359, -0.62597656, 0.90185547, 1.4951172, -0.4033203, 2.1582031, -0.7416992, -0.875, -2.3515625, -1.4560547, 0.51904297, -1.421875, 0.9082031, 0.66845703, 2.4707031, -1.7119141, 0.99658203, 0.5263672, 0.3701172, 0.8696289, 0.0048446655, 0.30371094, 3.4316406, 0.83203125, -0.2364502, -2.3027344, -0.31982422, -2.9238281, 0.8222656, 0.39135742, -0.3955078, -2.0488281, 0.37646484, 0.03463745, -1.0224609, -0.9692383, -1.8017578, -1.2412109, 1.9003906, 0.25830078, 0.8022461, -0.17297363, -1.7265625, 0.2939453, -1.1162109, 0.087646484, -1.1386719, -0.13928223, -0.9375, 1.4003906, -0.27539062, 2.2519531, 0.6948242, -1.4082031, 0.23632812, 0.5498047, 1.1259766, -0.5961914, 1.3789062, 0.02458191, 0.49267578, -3.015625, 0.121032715, -0.67089844, -1.9970703, -0.049591064, 0.5283203, 1.3945312, 0.07080078, 1.6435547, -1.9726562, -0.16418457, 1.7675781, 0.9770508, 0.31323242, 0.3947754, -0.5996094, -1.0664062, 1.0830078, 0.3737793, -3.5, -0.3630371, 0.4116211, 0.64746094, 0.90966797, 1.7578125, -0.8203125, 0.02255249, -3.296875, 0.99316406, -0.3491211, 0.44384766, -0.21691895, 2.3417969, 2.046875, 0.5239258, -1.6826172, -0.069885254, 0.31201172, 0.13464355]" Epic Hero Wars - stick fight,com.divmob.ageofheroes.braveheroes.battleheroes.epicheroeswar.epicheroes.en,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.divmob.ageofheroes.braveheroes.battleheroes.epicheroeswar.epicheroes.en,adventure epic heroes war is a realtime strategy game online sidescroller defense combines rpg build up a powerful army and slaughter enemy hordes in quests and battles with other players key features list mini games runner gomoku tic tac toe tappy bird tappy dunk minesweeper sudoku brick game some mini games are not available on android tv gomoku tic tac toe minesweeper an unique game not duplicated with other games on the store lot of heroes with unique skills lot of campaign levels online pvp domination challenge heaven hell map local bosses nation war world bosses auction boss party guild war,"[0.75146484, -0.85498047, 1.8291016, 0.36669922, -0.37817383, -2.1054688, 0.43237305, -1.9287109, 1.6015625, 1.1748047, 1.1767578, 1.5078125, -1.6943359, 0.9091797, 2.0371094, -1.0292969, -0.67333984, -0.23657227, -2.1367188, -1.3730469, -0.018859863, -0.06903076, 1.7568359, -2.9863281, -1.4677734, -2.4082031, -0.32470703, -0.4255371, 3.6015625, -1.5166016, -1.2666016, 1.6054688, -1.7626953, -0.17272949, -0.028396606, -2.03125, 0.82958984, -1.8574219, -1.0527344, 0.40844727, 0.25512695, -1.0898438, 0.42944336, -1.2011719, -0.52685547, 1.2519531, -2.4746094, -1.4921875, 1.4228516, 0.6489258, 0.67578125, -1.4248047, 2.2832031, -1.6298828, -2.3417969, -0.4326172, -1.0908203, -0.16418457, -1.3242188, 0.3774414, -0.22424316, 1.2998047, -1.1660156, -0.78222656, 0.49267578, -1.7646484, 1.2402344, 0.32177734, 0.2841797, 0.33935547, -1.0546875, -0.30688477, -0.58447266, -0.7192383, 1.9873047, -0.11053467, 1.2626953, 0.6845703, 0.44921875, -1.7871094, 0.051971436, 1.2138672, -1.0576172, 1.4619141, -0.3852539, -0.37231445, 0.9013672, -0.9580078, -0.5830078, 1.2705078, 0.6479492, -1.4921875, -0.06286621, 0.9448242, -1.484375, 0.90527344, 0.22705078, -0.3564453, 0.03842163, -0.9135742, -1.4902344, 1.4443359, -1.7558594, -1.9824219, 0.12927246, 0.14221191, 1.0351562, -2.4414062, -0.12719727, -1.875, 1.1669922, 0.23510742, 0.6171875, 0.36547852, -1.8798828, 0.26464844, -1.3251953, 0.6279297, -0.17736816, 0.29711914, -0.09173584, 0.6123047, 0.3305664, -0.43041992, 1.0947266, -0.3642578, 0.07873535, -0.6928711, -1.7773438, 2.4570312, 0.26904297, -1.3554688, 2.0371094, 0.72558594, 2.8203125, -0.3486328, -1.1083984, -0.14978027, -1.625, 1.8154297, 0.62353516, 0.5078125, 1.0693359, 2.2265625, -0.3557129, 0.69921875, 0.68408203, 1.0791016, -0.81640625, 1.4697266, 0.26123047, 1.1738281, 0.046661377, -0.75683594, 1.1289062, 0.18579102, 0.7451172, -1.0732422, 0.75634766, 0.5180664, 0.9555664, -1.234375, -1.6269531, 1.1240234, 1.4023438, 1.1650391, 0.31274414, 0.8979492, 0.08758545, -2.3105469, 1.0400391, -0.80078125, 2.1523438, 0.08068848, -1.0537109, -1.5400391, 0.23034668, -0.2467041, 1.0214844, -1.609375, -0.6821289, -0.6796875, -0.79833984, 1.1542969, 0.07330322, 1.0302734, 1.5488281, -0.09875488, 0.9980469, 1.0703125, 1.0488281, -1.5664062, 1.2089844, 1.0449219, -0.35913086, 1.1787109, -1.9599609, 0.79785156, 0.9790039, 0.029876709, -0.19189453, 1.0322266, 1.3486328, -1.0859375, -2.765625, 0.68652344, -1.2470703, -1.7929688, 1.5927734, -0.019958496, 1.3212891, -0.6621094, 0.68603516, -0.66845703, -2.4921875, -1.1357422, 1.0214844, 0.28881836, -0.18701172, 0.13171387, -1.2070312, -1.1572266, 1.5527344, -0.56640625, -1.1318359, 2.859375, 0.67822266, 1.2675781, -0.6743164, 0.5600586, -1.3232422, -0.85009766, -1.5517578, -0.7290039, -0.97216797, 1.1933594, 0.90185547, 3.3417969, -0.72558594, 1.3476562, 2.4101562, 0.13415527, 0.31274414, -0.104003906, -0.50097656, -0.5722656, -0.2783203, -1.2607422, 0.7060547, 0.90478516]" Tennis Champs Returns,com.jakyl.tcr,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jakyl.tcr,sports a classic reborn tennis champs returns developed by elton bird and uprising games years after the original hit the home computer this is the king of tennis games brought nicely up to date remade completely by the original home computer version programmer using the original characters and retouched animation combined with all new physics ai new controls daily challenges and a great new career mode daily challenge serves up a mixture of modes tennis games opponents and mini games each day with completion yielding rewards to help you in your career career mode pits you against a field of tennis,"[0.33276367, 0.18371582, -0.18005371, 1.0605469, 0.9067383, -1.4052734, 2.3652344, -1.0664062, 2.1621094, 0.3552246, -0.77734375, 0.84765625, -0.97314453, 1.9863281, 2.7246094, 0.16748047, -2.0488281, 0.08227539, -0.2277832, 1.3945312, 0.93847656, 1.1005859, 0.4543457, 0.40576172, 0.11151123, -2.7695312, 1.0009766, -0.88916016, -1.0517578, 1.8583984, -2.296875, 2.1679688, -1.6972656, -0.019424438, -0.06982422, -1.328125, 0.8383789, 0.5517578, 1.6660156, -0.012802124, -0.7451172, -0.43041992, -0.7402344, -0.9848633, 0.8774414, -0.36645508, -0.32910156, 0.17089844, 0.47485352, -0.9399414, 1.7158203, 0.052337646, 0.8461914, 0.07299805, 0.78466797, 0.4580078, -3.15625, -0.3076172, 1.0488281, -0.9814453, 0.34423828, 0.7558594, -1.6035156, -0.03652954, -1.7119141, 0.9873047, -0.048919678, 0.062805176, 0.5053711, 1.3574219, 1.4042969, 0.0054092407, -0.3942871, -0.7207031, -0.26757812, -1.5791016, 0.37524414, 0.0413208, -2.796875, -2.8242188, -1.78125, 0.14111328, -0.12249756, 1.3251953, -0.54052734, 1.4765625, -0.0524292, 0.21447754, -1.1035156, 0.8276367, -2.6875, -1.3447266, -0.27734375, -1.2021484, -0.5366211, -1.1650391, 1.6005859, 1.5273438, 0.7446289, -0.84228516, -1.0302734, 1.2099609, 1.0576172, -1.1318359, -0.09338379, 1.1445312, 0.95166016, -0.12017822, -0.60302734, -0.8745117, 0.027923584, 0.29663086, -2.3261719, -2.0136719, 0.7470703, 0.88671875, 0.36401367, -1.7138672, 0.5839844, -1.1132812, 0.9584961, -1.5830078, -0.18676758, 0.66552734, -0.50146484, 0.56933594, -0.039093018, -0.2602539, -1.9697266, 2.7597656, -0.39868164, 0.18664551, -0.1348877, 0.72314453, 1.2871094, -1.0507812, 0.18017578, -0.14379883, -0.06744385, -1.6923828, 1.0224609, -0.3857422, 1.2988281, -0.20690918, -0.7817383, 0.71435547, -0.17907715, 0.43017578, 0.70458984, 1.1376953, -1.3554688, 0.890625, -2.0332031, 0.8076172, 0.28320312, -0.3557129, 1.7783203, -0.5800781, 2.1386719, -1.5585938, 0.53515625, -1.5117188, 0.5722656, -2.1875, 1.3876953, -0.35327148, 1.71875, 0.23376465, -1.4423828, -0.20617676, -1.9326172, -1.0996094, -0.059173584, 0.6064453, -1.3740234, 1.1835938, -0.5439453, 1.7597656, 1.28125, -0.13916016, -2.0410156, 2.34375, 0.2692871, -1.4785156, -0.29418945, 1.8818359, 0.15783691, -0.07269287, 1.2734375, 1.1982422, 1.0205078, -2.4882812, -0.5854492, 1.0585938, -1.9423828, -0.0748291, -0.1463623, 1.0380859, 1.0263672, 1.0185547, -0.20788574, 0.18273926, -1.1279297, -0.9433594, -3.34375, -0.08666992, 0.8623047, -1.8037109, -2.6699219, -0.36791992, -0.42529297, 1.3203125, 0.36767578, -0.49267578, 0.71484375, 0.58935547, 1.2246094, 0.9423828, -0.2800293, 0.7558594, 1.7607422, -0.3864746, 1.9414062, -1.3769531, -3.1933594, 1.5537109, 1.3564453, 0.36279297, 0.00472641, 1.3203125, 0.58251953, -0.6723633, -2.6894531, -1.2714844, 1.7304688, 2.1347656, -0.3149414, 1.46875, -0.60498047, 2.2207031, 1.7099609, 0.56640625, 0.48217773, -0.11175537, -1.921875, -1.8857422, -2.2832031, 0.20288086, 2.7578125, -2.3808594]" Orbia,com.joxdev.orbia,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.joxdev.orbia,arcade google play awards most casual orbia challenges you and your friends to clear as many levels as you can in a vibrant unusual world play and overcome moving obstacles with style only a welltimed tap will lead you to your goal gameplay designed as an easy pickupandplay for all to enjoy improve your skills in increasingly complex levels collect bonuses and use them to your advantage chain together combos to maximize your reward art minimalistic colorful highend graphics a breathtakingly beautiful visual experience sound be accompanied through the game by wellpolished sounds and incredible soundtracks content madness play hundreds of,"[1.8632812, -2.1816406, 1.0634766, 1.25, -1.4296875, 0.7397461, 0.95214844, -0.49365234, 1.2539062, -0.13256836, -1.0371094, 1.1630859, 0.34204102, 0.06915283, -0.1472168, 0.2322998, -0.9926758, 1.9589844, 1.6357422, -0.5078125, 1.9208984, -1.1376953, 0.65722656, -0.70996094, 0.9165039, 0.86572266, -1.4902344, -1.0126953, 0.59765625, -0.11401367, 0.7421875, -1.2617188, 1.4072266, -0.03161621, -1.8935547, -1.4443359, -0.64697266, -1.0546875, 2.53125, -1.3222656, -0.34838867, 2.0429688, -0.6411133, 0.51953125, 0.10882568, 2.8515625, -0.6533203, 0.40625, 0.040985107, 0.94189453, 1.1894531, -0.51171875, -1.4306641, 0.33447266, -2.6464844, 0.61279297, 2.265625, 1.6757812, -0.5966797, 0.36865234, 0.33325195, 1.4736328, 0.49414062, -0.78515625, 0.9165039, -0.5390625, 0.41137695, -1.9013672, -1.8925781, 0.73779297, 0.12017822, 0.59228516, 0.56884766, -0.36450195, 1.6347656, -0.17028809, 0.93359375, 0.12536621, -1.8632812, 0.38354492, 1.5732422, -0.92285156, -1.5322266, 1.1445312, -0.7216797, 0.110961914, 1.5087891, 0.004688263, -2.4882812, 1.1660156, 0.4873047, -0.60302734, 0.32861328, 1.0703125, -1.4589844, -0.3322754, -1.2519531, -0.107666016, -0.5341797, 0.26391602, 1.0615234, 0.34814453, -2.7695312, -1.8193359, -1.0751953, 0.03704834, 0.88916016, 0.3491211, -0.5332031, -1.8164062, -1.6728516, -0.35009766, -0.86035156, 0.51708984, -2.0390625, -0.0047721863, 0.060150146, 2.3066406, -3.4804688, -0.22058105, -0.31835938, -0.8852539, 0.41381836, 0.2163086, 1.890625, -0.6171875, -0.8808594, -1.2763672, 0.56396484, 0.36035156, -0.70214844, 0.5673828, -0.33911133, 0.016998291, 2.5488281, -0.3161621, 1.1123047, -0.1394043, -0.0039405823, 3.3242188, 1.0439453, -0.09136963, 2.2070312, -0.57470703, 0.10522461, 0.09802246, -1.0341797, 0.05810547, 1.03125, 1.7441406, -0.8071289, -0.5917969, 3.4824219, 0.08831787, 1.1230469, -2.3457031, -2.8164062, 0.87841797, -1.2871094, 0.43945312, -0.6220703, -1.2080078, -0.6118164, 0.26489258, 0.45825195, -0.6640625, -1.1230469, 1.7333984, 1.8134766, 0.4802246, -0.5683594, -0.91503906, 1.5830078, 0.70947266, -0.32617188, 0.2866211, -0.31567383, -2.5722656, 0.546875, -0.07910156, -0.9580078, 0.81396484, -0.53027344, 0.27929688, -1.1855469, -0.7573242, 1.9453125, 0.65234375, -0.6748047, 1.484375, 1.3388672, -1.0488281, 0.042510986, 1.5009766, -2.1191406, 0.9667969, -1.0458984, -2.6640625, 0.3684082, -1.7880859, 2.8085938, 0.9423828, 0.6826172, -1.1777344, -0.33569336, 1.5712891, 0.6923828, 0.68359375, 0.6928711, 1.0234375, 0.65283203, -1.8740234, 1.1318359, -0.80615234, -0.18054199, 0.28222656, 0.35253906, -0.0058250427, 1.6181641, -1.3662109, -0.8378906, -0.8676758, -0.24475098, 0.1850586, -0.28710938, 0.40893555, 1.0458984, -0.066101074, 2.3417969, 3.03125, -1.359375, -2.03125, 0.92285156, 0.5, 0.70458984, 0.50390625, -0.24023438, 1.9052734, -2.1621094, -0.3371582, 1.2841797, 0.31201172, 0.1899414, 1.9179688, -0.26293945, -0.22851562, 0.5595703, -1.8603516, 2.7148438, -1.2460938]" Suzy Cube,com.noodlecake.suzycube,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noodlecake.suzycube,adventure oh no the dastardly skulls have stolen all the gold right out of castle cubeton only suzy cube has what it takes to recover the castles lost treasure from those blustering bullies discover the simple joy of platforming in this bright fun and surprisefilled d game features simple tight and responsive controls over unique stages to master secrets and powerups to discover support for most bluetooth gamepads a passion project which gets at the heart of what makes a great feeling smileinducing d platform game for all players reviews absolutely wellcrafted to a ridiculous degree toucharcadecom the best d platformer,"[4.03125, 0.68652344, 0.13549805, 1.0419922, -0.17163086, -1.5517578, 0.73339844, -0.24194336, 0.5996094, 0.82128906, -2.0234375, 2.0, -1.3515625, -0.9667969, -0.11328125, -1.4677734, -0.84521484, 0.60058594, 0.40649414, 0.5102539, 0.5126953, 0.47680664, -1.5654297, -2.4550781, 0.4272461, -1.2421875, 0.8017578, -0.31274414, -0.9008789, -1.3720703, -0.23083496, 0.08691406, -0.92089844, 1.0019531, -0.6113281, -1.8125, 0.5605469, -0.15075684, 1.7900391, -1.3398438, -0.09197998, 0.87353516, -0.6669922, -0.9477539, 0.9790039, 0.58740234, -2.1015625, 1.0458984, -1.0957031, 0.9272461, 2.0449219, -2.0273438, -0.7363281, -0.14111328, -1.2988281, -0.4033203, -0.17285156, 0.06713867, 0.041381836, -0.91503906, 1.2138672, 2.0820312, -1.5527344, 0.4909668, -0.050231934, -0.25512695, -0.023620605, -0.83154297, 0.83203125, -0.87109375, 1.0751953, 0.111083984, -0.13232422, -1.2724609, 2.765625, 0.8359375, -1.8125, -1.8486328, -0.5708008, -0.55322266, 0.004650116, -0.024887085, -0.34228516, -0.44580078, -0.5625, 0.86621094, 1.2939453, -0.86376953, -3.7167969, 0.006664276, 0.77685547, -0.83251953, 0.77978516, 3.0175781, 0.32495117, 0.60302734, 0.4658203, -2.1171875, -0.7993164, -1.5751953, 0.7866211, 0.4777832, -0.054138184, -0.78564453, 0.94970703, 0.97558594, -0.31176758, -0.5239258, -0.3930664, 0.05419922, 0.5566406, -0.41674805, -0.72558594, 0.0019607544, -0.13647461, 1.3535156, -0.27416992, -1.4189453, -0.5258789, 0.4897461, 0.5493164, -0.29125977, 0.28198242, 0.6616211, 0.7265625, 0.32739258, -1.8251953, -2.5429688, -1.6689453, 1.7480469, -0.6875, -0.46655273, 1.2890625, 0.2010498, 4.046875, 1.2177734, 1.0087891, 2.2480469, 0.51904297, 0.26879883, 1.2246094, -0.5605469, 1.140625, 0.19396973, -0.7973633, 0.4729004, 1.7216797, 0.4638672, 2.2597656, 0.5097656, -0.010902405, 1.0126953, 0.3544922, 3.28125, 0.29052734, -0.5761719, -0.3774414, -0.6298828, 0.7475586, 2.4628906, 1.0478516, -0.68408203, -1.8398438, 0.054016113, 2.2421875, -0.49658203, 0.035064697, 2.90625, -0.14208984, -0.7734375, -1.4130859, -1.1884766, 1.2841797, 0.60791016, -0.45092773, 0.21887207, -0.7504883, -2.8359375, 2.0039062, 1.4863281, -1.6416016, 0.8911133, -0.69189453, 0.44848633, -0.4543457, 0.9013672, -0.103027344, 1.0166016, 2.4082031, 0.25634766, -0.5317383, -1.1171875, 0.1842041, -0.76171875, 0.86279297, -0.70996094, -0.83691406, -1.0576172, 0.038208008, -2.6777344, 2.5898438, 1.2089844, -2.6542969, -0.6220703, -1.5732422, 0.78515625, -0.25708008, -0.07922363, 1.0673828, 1.5654297, 0.7036133, 0.5073242, 0.51708984, -0.63134766, -2.7851562, -2.0078125, -0.62158203, 1.6787109, 1.1816406, 0.47021484, 1.5830078, 0.041412354, 0.55126953, -1.0537109, 1.1337891, 1.7441406, 0.49536133, -1.7675781, -0.8964844, 0.6074219, -1.5878906, -1.2597656, -0.24890137, -0.8208008, -0.08404541, -0.48657227, 0.042633057, 1.7333984, -1.4238281, 1.4189453, 2.1542969, 0.95751953, 0.18066406, 0.92285156, -2.296875, -0.49658203, -1.4501953, -0.57373047, 0.12817383, -1.0742188]" Zombie Age 2: Offline Shooting,com.redantz.game.zombie,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.redantz.game.zombie,action the fence has fallen down again one after the other no matter how many zombies you have killed the town is now overrun by the walking zombie and everyone around you had turned into meat you ve come to realize that you can no longer defend in the house since the zombies are getting more enraged while the supply is running out it s time to load up the gun and shoot your way out features zombie combat in different zones with unique game modes slay zombies with over weapons up to characters request friends to fight for you unique,"[4.578125, -1.7744141, 2.6660156, 0.61035156, -1.0126953, -1.6894531, -0.8330078, 0.2064209, -0.15539551, 0.2322998, 0.1427002, 2.5527344, 0.4321289, 2.0117188, 1.5087891, -1.0195312, 0.1875, -1.734375, 0.49609375, -1.3544922, -1.0537109, 1.75, -0.34545898, -2.3183594, 1.7294922, -1.1787109, 1.1845703, 0.7138672, 1.0302734, -1.1044922, -1.4414062, -0.13366699, -0.08526611, -0.13000488, -1.9638672, -1.9912109, 0.068237305, 0.14233398, 0.8251953, -0.9614258, 0.8129883, 0.7651367, 0.54785156, 0.33251953, 1.9326172, -0.2824707, -0.40527344, 0.08135986, -1.0615234, -0.25097656, 1.1621094, -2.4667969, -0.27197266, -1.0566406, -0.05130005, 1.0830078, -0.89941406, -0.33251953, -0.6923828, -1.9912109, -0.93847656, 0.86816406, -0.27905273, 0.022613525, -0.33691406, -0.6777344, 0.6855469, -0.35888672, 2.0390625, -0.15222168, 1.7666016, -2.6523438, -1.7705078, 0.6791992, 2.2636719, 0.6464844, -1.6191406, 0.13989258, -0.2631836, -1.0390625, -1.8105469, 0.9135742, 0.03933716, -0.7661133, 0.9863281, 0.3034668, 0.27685547, -0.21606445, -0.33813477, 2.34375, -0.8203125, -0.85839844, -0.09729004, 1.671875, -1.2490234, 1.703125, 0.42211914, 1.390625, -0.7661133, -3.2207031, 1.0615234, 1.6611328, 0.3791504, -0.4362793, -0.010612488, 0.79003906, -0.30981445, -1.6582031, -0.2548828, -2.4550781, -0.47753906, -2.5761719, -1.4179688, 2.2929688, 0.19128418, 0.0022735596, -0.37548828, 1.1621094, -0.25830078, -0.52783203, 1.2285156, -0.24365234, -0.38232422, 0.70996094, 0.17321777, -0.36547852, -0.26538086, 0.103515625, -3.1171875, 2.4101562, 0.35107422, -0.18725586, 0.78027344, 1.2041016, 3.7539062, -1.2265625, 1.0283203, -0.6694336, -1.8291016, -0.48168945, 1.5634766, -0.7236328, -0.71533203, -1.9179688, -1.2265625, -0.32714844, -0.0011034012, 0.25976562, -1.0517578, 1.1484375, -1.3056641, 0.43359375, 2.5917969, 0.19018555, -0.044006348, 1.7832031, -0.48999023, -2.5, 0.035858154, -1.6074219, 0.6455078, -0.6743164, -0.28125, -0.42871094, 0.6035156, -0.19946289, 0.9951172, 0.079833984, -0.953125, -1.5898438, -0.7841797, -0.20043945, 2.1425781, 0.9873047, -0.38305664, 0.5571289, 1.8369141, -2.3574219, 0.1907959, -0.52246094, -0.9223633, 1.0722656, -1.0507812, 1.9804688, -0.82470703, 1.7753906, 0.53125, 0.87939453, 0.45581055, -0.15454102, 0.24084473, -0.7753906, 0.64404297, -0.028167725, -0.9707031, 1.0888672, -1.9960938, 0.095825195, 0.26293945, -0.67871094, -1.9951172, 0.12390137, 1.0273438, 0.05569458, -1.5878906, 1.6699219, 1.0458984, -1.921875, 0.7338867, 0.6176758, -0.2841797, -2.1894531, 0.09069824, 1.0332031, -0.8466797, 1.5068359, -0.5004883, 1.6806641, 1.078125, 0.41308594, 0.5595703, 1.2792969, 0.97753906, 0.4963379, -2.2578125, -2.2714844, 0.2680664, 1.9121094, 1.0361328, 0.4501953, -0.26708984, 0.10223389, 0.6972656, -2.8007812, 2.2636719, -2.4179688, 0.53222656, -0.058410645, -2.2539062, 2.0546875, 3.0136719, 0.68066406, -0.8544922, -0.11199951, -1.7353516, -0.4777832, -1.2871094, -2.9570312, 0.2479248, -1.3339844]" Singa: Sing Karaoke & Lyrics,com.singa.client,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.singa.client,music&audio turn your device into a karaoke machine singa karaoke app gives you free access to a huge library of highquality karaoke songs you can sing on your own make it a party with friends or find the nearest singapowered karaoke venue and hit the stage extensive karaoke song library whether you prefer hitting the high notes of power ballads go with the flow of hip hop beats scream with heavy metal and rock legends or vibe along to indie tracks the singa karaoke song library got you covered in case youre looking for new songs to sing in addition to,"[0.44189453, 1.7724609, 1.3183594, 0.7583008, 1.0839844, -0.75146484, -0.23388672, 0.4699707, 0.123413086, 1.9433594, -1.3857422, 1.8583984, 0.3322754, 2.2070312, 1.84375, 0.062316895, 0.11456299, 0.3996582, 0.7114258, -0.6411133, 2.2773438, 1.6318359, 2.484375, -3.4511719, 1.3671875, 1.2773438, -0.5932617, -0.45825195, 1.1152344, -3.59375, 2.2773438, -1.65625, 1.5566406, -1.7402344, -1.0859375, -1.4169922, 0.07928467, 0.39794922, 0.07354736, -1.5136719, 0.36791992, -0.82373047, 1.8056641, 0.0020656586, 0.21350098, -2.7226562, 1.0214844, -1.59375, 0.3203125, 1.0029297, 0.27124023, 1.8544922, -1.7792969, -0.31884766, -0.78466797, 0.21911621, 1.6787109, 0.90722656, -0.95703125, 1.5888672, 0.91796875, 0.5761719, -1.3222656, 1.5517578, 1.7919922, -0.65185547, -1.5595703, 0.69873047, -0.3474121, 0.9921875, 1.0576172, -1.8613281, -0.24121094, 1.3994141, 0.3017578, -0.38842773, 2.6796875, -0.43676758, 0.9277344, 2.171875, 1.7705078, 1.40625, -0.45385742, 0.9506836, 0.5576172, -0.5073242, -0.69970703, -0.07092285, -1.6542969, 2.0136719, -0.09466553, 0.5073242, -1.1523438, -1.9472656, -0.80566406, -0.6669922, 2.0488281, 0.63964844, -2.2421875, -0.40966797, 0.30541992, 1.3984375, 2.3183594, -1.2617188, -0.5058594, -0.066345215, 1.0078125, -1.6318359, -0.99658203, 0.26831055, -2.0644531, 0.22949219, -1.4853516, -2.1894531, -0.47338867, -1.4257812, 0.62060547, -0.4177246, 0.31933594, -1.2646484, 0.21875, -1.5361328, 0.4819336, -1.1894531, -0.081604004, -0.3659668, 0.1496582, -0.21313477, -0.22106934, -0.023162842, -2.2851562, 2.7617188, 0.32666016, -1.8691406, 2.9980469, 0.84472656, 1.0087891, -1.4023438, -0.48706055, 0.44482422, -0.44628906, -0.18737793, 0.34228516, 1.6904297, -0.45458984, 0.20605469, 0.8339844, 0.001750946, 0.5566406, 0.039276123, -2.0976562, -1.4101562, 1.3691406, -1.0566406, 0.41601562, 0.1973877, -1.3564453, 1.5205078, 0.48266602, 1.0957031, -0.24731445, 0.061767578, 0.17797852, 0.3461914, 0.5126953, -2.1601562, -0.43310547, 1.2402344, -0.52978516, -1.3105469, 1.0048828, -0.5576172, 0.5932617, 1.8603516, 0.5161133, -1.2246094, 0.6816406, 0.86572266, 0.6870117, 1.2470703, -0.9145508, 1.8154297, 1.1435547, 0.29223633, 0.10961914, 1.5615234, -0.19104004, 0.6958008, 0.71191406, 0.6376953, 1.0273438, -1.453125, -1.1816406, 0.90527344, 0.9321289, -0.023345947, 0.46166992, -0.67822266, 0.22729492, -0.35717773, 2.1308594, 0.39404297, -0.8413086, 1.4443359, -2.4375, 0.578125, -0.82373047, 0.084106445, -0.12548828, 1.4833984, -1.1650391, 0.19604492, -1.6630859, 0.25219727, -0.95458984, 0.2644043, -1.3515625, 2.0722656, 2.3945312, -1.4394531, -1.9589844, 0.44091797, 0.013015747, 0.008598328, -1.2949219, 2.3574219, 1.8984375, -0.38354492, -0.7626953, 0.58447266, -0.4741211, -0.30249023, 0.7348633, 2.1191406, 0.62109375, -0.99853516, 0.92578125, -1.0546875, -1.1083984, 0.87890625, 3.3671875, 0.035064697, -0.4416504, -0.5703125, 1.1552734, 1.8203125, -0.83984375, -0.3178711, 1.3134766, 1.4082031]" Batman: The Enemy Within,com.telltalegames.batman200,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.telltalegames.batman200,adventure in this latest chapter from the studio behind batman the telltale series both bruce wayne and batman will be forced into precarious new roles the riddler has returned to terrorize gotham city but his gruesome puzzles merely foreshadow an even greater crisis with the arrival of a ruthless federal agent and the return of a still nascent joker batman must navigate uneasy alliances while bruce wayne undertakes a perilous series of deceptions which of batman s new allies will you choose to trust and how deep into the darkness will you let bruce descend includes episode of a part series,"[1.6123047, 0.7758789, 1.5195312, -0.4333496, 0.55908203, -0.45776367, 1.6357422, -0.1361084, 2.0058594, -0.9223633, -0.45751953, 0.16003418, 0.6147461, 1.4853516, 0.55029297, -2.4355469, -2.2226562, -0.0491333, 1.0048828, -0.61816406, -1.3886719, 1.0996094, -0.54248047, -0.09082031, 0.59716797, 0.13024902, 1.0126953, 1.4267578, 0.96435547, 0.17053223, 0.69677734, -0.81396484, 0.33129883, 0.03970337, 0.49243164, -2.2792969, 0.88427734, -0.19262695, -0.44189453, -1.1796875, -0.34643555, -0.86035156, 1.0703125, 0.44873047, 2.3398438, -0.6821289, -4.1445312, 0.7426758, 0.5830078, 1.5595703, 1.7451172, 1.0556641, -1.4501953, 0.2722168, 0.23913574, 1.2148438, -0.6088867, -1.0615234, 0.44384766, -2.296875, -0.26513672, 3.3867188, -1.7314453, 0.05303955, -1.1269531, 1.3496094, 0.050628662, -0.24047852, 1.4580078, -0.30004883, -1.2695312, 1.890625, -1.0058594, -0.8515625, 0.57714844, -0.98046875, -0.3642578, -1.8710938, 0.40966797, -1.7998047, 0.22131348, -1.2236328, 0.44335938, -0.68066406, 1.46875, 1.3330078, 0.5214844, 0.8222656, -2.5761719, -0.7885742, -1.2919922, 2.2285156, -0.42260742, 0.77001953, 0.5263672, 0.107055664, 1.1318359, -0.013053894, -0.06463623, -0.38183594, 0.8173828, -0.3071289, -0.5878906, -0.21459961, 0.74658203, -0.74072266, 1.3291016, -1.2021484, 2.3632812, 0.35913086, -0.67578125, 0.64208984, 0.25756836, 0.28051758, 0.7636719, 2.0703125, 1.4121094, -0.32617188, 0.74853516, -1.1708984, 0.040161133, 1.3105469, 0.5229492, 1.8417969, 1.9775391, -0.31518555, -0.89453125, -0.17224121, -2.4453125, 0.109558105, -0.48876953, 0.30004883, -1.4267578, 0.095214844, -0.87841797, -0.8066406, -0.69140625, 0.96240234, 0.19238281, -1.3886719, 1.3583984, -1.3525391, -0.1907959, 2.2578125, -0.72998047, 0.35668945, 0.14379883, -0.09082031, -0.8979492, -0.15917969, -2.3886719, 1.6171875, -0.5449219, 4.0234375, -0.60009766, -1.0517578, 1.0976562, -1.9619141, 0.6665039, -0.5102539, 1.1220703, -1.3027344, -0.32666016, -2.03125, -0.4741211, 0.7866211, 1.9365234, 2.3476562, 1.6367188, -0.82373047, -2.4257812, -0.33154297, 1.6357422, -0.28051758, -0.74658203, 0.4765625, 0.41308594, -1.8095703, -0.3322754, -0.3383789, -0.44091797, -0.4387207, 0.6875, 0.29833984, 0.5834961, 2.7382812, -0.085754395, 3.140625, -0.07519531, -0.48950195, 0.16455078, -1.5126953, -0.85253906, -0.6533203, 0.22924805, 0.08673096, 0.3293457, -0.3083496, 0.53027344, 0.6923828, -3.4472656, -0.13879395, 0.45581055, 2.6992188, -1.1484375, -2.234375, 1.8076172, -0.36694336, 2.21875, 0.0034980774, 1.3056641, -1.28125, -0.73046875, -0.9760742, 0.7783203, 1.7509766, -0.6269531, -0.43774414, -0.69433594, -0.27807617, 1.5234375, 1.4941406, -0.06616211, -0.6772461, 1.9707031, 1.7324219, -0.21032715, -2.5761719, -0.13110352, -0.1772461, 0.90185547, -0.81884766, -1.2626953, -0.9223633, 0.1295166, -0.6147461, 1.2314453, -0.81103516, -0.80078125, 2.0566406, 1.8027344, -1.1982422, -0.4111328, -0.9345703, -0.14160156, -1.7509766, -0.53515625, -0.07458496, 0.6660156, 0.053497314]" Hungry Shark Evolution,com.fgol.HungrySharkEvolution,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fgol.HungrySharkEvolution,arcade the official game for shark week welcome to hungry shark evolution a shark survival game with lots of action in the ocean and even more fish are you ready to become a predator in this free offline mobile game explore the underwater world of sharks and evolve take control of a very hungry shark with mighty jaws and survive as long as possible by eating everything and everyone in your way dive into an underwater world where youll meet the shark that was merged with a trex explore a huge environment and evolve sharks like the great white and megalodon,"[1.3730469, -0.14709473, 0.61376953, 0.9135742, 1.7070312, 0.38427734, 1.3613281, -1.1298828, 1.4238281, -1.7304688, -0.0040779114, 1.7236328, -1.6269531, 0.7314453, -0.33740234, -0.46850586, -0.47924805, 0.8183594, 1.1787109, 0.1361084, -1.9492188, 0.9194336, 0.7246094, 0.1529541, -0.3708496, -1.1962891, 0.5830078, -0.6557617, 0.34814453, 0.21252441, -1.1396484, -1.1699219, -1.34375, -1.2871094, -0.83154297, -1.9628906, 0.47338867, -1.1191406, 3.7148438, 0.78808594, 1.6074219, -0.8256836, 0.068481445, -0.63427734, -0.43237305, 0.06488037, -1.4638672, 0.6166992, 1.1171875, 0.3095703, 1.3066406, -0.63720703, 0.2590332, -1.2382812, 0.8071289, -1.0292969, -1.2314453, -1.0380859, 0.3154297, 0.3972168, -0.31933594, 1.0849609, 0.13391113, 0.70996094, -0.52246094, 0.1274414, -0.9370117, 1.4609375, 1.9257812, 2.6601562, 1.9306641, 2.5664062, -1.7929688, 1.5361328, 2.3769531, 0.20837402, -1.7480469, 0.39233398, -0.31298828, 0.0013923645, 0.97314453, -0.07861328, -0.75097656, 0.24816895, -1.1787109, 0.57177734, 1.1025391, -0.051574707, -2.578125, 0.7397461, -1.4570312, 0.49121094, -1.3291016, -0.7241211, -0.48168945, 0.17504883, -0.17041016, -0.11328125, -0.43530273, -2.6503906, -1.0273438, -1.3242188, 1.0615234, -1.9208984, 0.60498047, 1.4628906, -0.7758789, 0.77490234, 0.3708496, 1.3769531, -0.24902344, 1.0390625, 2.078125, 2.078125, 1.4931641, 1.15625, 0.25561523, 2.8964844, 0.57421875, -0.3659668, 0.3828125, -1.1337891, -0.39404297, -2.5976562, 0.6376953, -1.0898438, 0.0949707, -0.60302734, -0.10498047, -0.51123047, -1.4697266, -1.4521484, 2.3261719, 0.3720703, 3.2617188, -2.3085938, 0.13220215, -0.8442383, 0.55322266, -0.08618164, 3.2402344, 0.3791504, 0.4831543, 1.3046875, 0.0947876, -0.3408203, 1.4150391, 0.9873047, -0.72998047, -1.1132812, 0.072265625, -0.05722046, 1.7919922, 1.5644531, 2.7871094, 0.7060547, -0.2529297, -2.140625, 0.609375, 0.23217773, 2.421875, -3.203125, -1.4560547, 0.66259766, 3.25, 1.7333984, -1.3427734, 1.9941406, -1.5634766, 1.3857422, 0.18762207, -0.28955078, 1.3173828, 1.8378906, 1.9707031, -1.1083984, 0.7006836, -1.1513672, 0.17248535, -0.63183594, -1.2041016, 1.7568359, -2.7578125, -0.39233398, -0.26660156, -2.3925781, -0.57421875, 0.87402344, 2.2675781, 0.6098633, -0.16357422, -2.1601562, 1.5078125, 1.2734375, -2.0878906, 0.5644531, 0.6464844, 1.0390625, 2.8496094, -1.3701172, -1.7324219, 2.5449219, 0.35205078, 0.6303711, -2.3964844, 0.2142334, 0.18249512, -1.5507812, 0.3779297, -0.3137207, -0.8598633, -0.006084442, 0.15234375, -0.17883301, -1.1855469, 1.5273438, -0.61328125, 1.5273438, 1.5537109, 0.09442139, 0.1541748, -2.0488281, -0.73779297, 1.5078125, -2.2148438, 1.0673828, 1.9511719, 2.8144531, 0.27612305, 2.2851562, -0.25634766, -1.9326172, -0.8598633, -1.1679688, 1.4833984, 1.0292969, -0.14941406, -1.8710938, -1.6074219, 2.3046875, 2.4042969, -0.3322754, -0.8383789, -1.5009766, 1.0986328, 1.1513672, 2.6113281, -2.3535156, 1.6757812, 2.0039062]" Red Ball 4,com.FDGEntertainment.redball4.gp,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.FDGEntertainment.redball4.gp,arcade red alert evil minions want to squeeze the planet into a square shape whos got the balls to save the world oh yeah thats right red ball to the rescue roll jump and bounce through exciting levels full of adventure make your way through tricky traps and defeat all monsters features allnew red ball adventure levels epic boss battles cloud support exciting physics elements groovy soundtrack hid controller support,"[2.09375, -1.921875, 1.2412109, 0.9584961, 0.12017822, -2.1289062, 1.6855469, -0.8051758, 1.703125, 0.6166992, -0.19152832, 0.4345703, -1.8769531, -1.2597656, 1.6103516, -0.41357422, 0.7739258, 1.3046875, 0.41552734, -0.8276367, -0.41381836, 0.095947266, 2.0898438, -2.5136719, 1.7646484, -2.1230469, -1.1347656, -1.0107422, 0.025619507, 0.61816406, 1.2646484, 0.10760498, -1.0166016, 0.87353516, 0.99072266, -0.3635254, 1.4423828, 0.007511139, 0.039733887, 0.80615234, 0.27490234, 0.6948242, -0.18005371, 0.6616211, 0.9765625, 0.95996094, -0.69433594, 0.6660156, 1.1611328, 1.4589844, 0.5073242, -1.5996094, 0.7519531, -0.64746094, -0.15393066, -0.36572266, -0.040527344, 0.21240234, -1.6162109, -0.8798828, 1.21875, -1.3212891, -1.2880859, 0.77246094, 0.5234375, -2.0644531, -0.61816406, -0.77685547, -1.2275391, 0.96435547, 0.027557373, 0.008148193, 2.2167969, -0.17077637, -0.48828125, -0.70654297, -1.7197266, -0.4260254, -0.4423828, -1.6513672, -0.8701172, 0.71191406, -0.7402344, 2.046875, -1.4423828, -0.024169922, -1.4472656, 0.8071289, -0.93310547, 2.0800781, -0.16149902, -0.5, -0.00945282, 1.4873047, -0.26879883, 0.48168945, 0.86328125, 0.3515625, -0.390625, 0.15808105, 1.1142578, 1.3007812, -2.7050781, -1.9570312, -0.4387207, -0.6972656, 0.04046631, -0.12939453, 0.6010742, -0.08026123, -0.80029297, -0.20837402, -2.9042969, -0.038024902, -0.4633789, 0.56933594, 0.09063721, 0.019973755, 0.5786133, -0.36523438, -0.27514648, 0.1821289, 0.7988281, -0.6586914, 2.8671875, 0.33251953, -0.8989258, -0.45581055, -1.8447266, 2.8378906, 1.3955078, -0.1237793, 0.45947266, -0.30200195, 2.0820312, -2.1445312, 0.68408203, -0.058807373, -0.0826416, -1.9580078, -0.025650024, -0.94921875, 0.057495117, 0.45239258, 0.81689453, 0.3503418, -2.328125, 0.47827148, 0.1430664, 0.96435547, 1.1259766, 0.9199219, 4.1015625, -0.39941406, 3.4433594, -0.44921875, -0.9785156, -2.765625, 1.4248047, 1.7265625, -0.41088867, -1.6572266, -0.2841797, -0.1977539, 2.9257812, 0.6689453, -0.2775879, 1.8867188, 1.2509766, -1.1425781, -0.55078125, 1.1015625, 0.5805664, 0.96240234, 0.41723633, -2.1757812, 0.78564453, -3.6035156, 0.044830322, 2.0488281, -1.0703125, 0.6308594, -1.1591797, 0.5488281, -1.6992188, 2.0546875, 1.7597656, 2.7207031, 0.890625, -1.3330078, 0.42871094, 0.98583984, 0.7192383, 1.3037109, -1.7363281, 0.2290039, -0.1928711, 0.23254395, -1.6152344, -1.2626953, 1.4462891, -0.39624023, -2.5507812, -0.38549805, -1.3066406, -0.30932617, -0.52978516, -1.0537109, 0.81103516, 0.59521484, -0.58251953, -1.1318359, 0.85302734, 0.24584961, -2.6074219, 1.4873047, 1.1933594, 2.828125, 0.98095703, -2.6699219, 1.7011719, 0.6435547, 1.5029297, -0.31152344, -0.49536133, 1.7802734, 0.10992432, 0.4013672, -1.2304688, 1.5595703, -0.9008789, -1.9365234, -2.2578125, -0.69677734, 1.40625, -0.9448242, 0.83496094, 1.1738281, -1.1220703, 1.6884766, 1.6982422, 0.31152344, 0.15881348, 1.3076172, -0.43579102, -0.30566406, -1.0244141, -0.8486328, 2.9824219, 2.2109375]" Beach Buggy Racing,com.vectorunit.purple.googleplay,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vectorunit.purple.googleplay,racing drive into an actionpacked surprisefilled world of offroad kart racing mayhem race against a field of rival drivers each with unique personalities and special abilities build a collection of crazy powerups like dodgeball frenzy fireball and oil slick unlock and upgrade a variety of cars from dune buggies to monster trucks test your skills in different game modes on imaginative d race tracks against a pack of tropicalloving rivals with a serious case of road rage this is the official sequel beach buggy blitz the free driving game with over million players worldwide fast furious fun and free beach buggy,"[-0.08105469, 1.0498047, -0.5888672, 2.9472656, -0.6669922, -0.25854492, 0.84814453, -0.61816406, -0.22106934, -0.2734375, -0.75927734, 1.7158203, -0.23205566, 1.1855469, 2.2226562, -0.6928711, 0.28271484, 0.12597656, 1.3212891, 0.32763672, 0.11834717, -0.9111328, 1.1035156, -2.0605469, 0.25097656, -2.0859375, 1.2646484, -1.6142578, 0.7241211, -1.0029297, -2.3398438, -0.7504883, 2.4707031, -0.34301758, -0.4885254, -1.4277344, 0.81591797, -1.6367188, -1.6396484, -0.42797852, 0.58251953, -1.0478516, 0.67041016, -1.0136719, 1.1855469, -0.6352539, -2.0449219, -0.4020996, 0.5883789, 0.38183594, 1.0986328, -2.6289062, -1.8300781, 1.359375, -0.08630371, -1.1083984, 2.0664062, 0.48535156, -0.15368652, 0.09246826, 0.3635254, 0.8178711, 2.2910156, 0.99072266, -1.71875, -0.39672852, 1.5927734, 1.4931641, 0.5083008, 0.22058105, 1.109375, 1.9492188, -0.5444336, 0.38964844, 1.1650391, -0.43701172, -0.63720703, -1.3916016, -0.0021705627, -0.5756836, -1.7128906, 0.40014648, -1.1591797, 2.0625, -0.6845703, -0.13134766, 0.5986328, -1.328125, -0.6118164, 2.7519531, 0.5341797, -1.953125, 0.08758545, 0.6123047, -0.4868164, -0.5205078, -0.33862305, 0.6479492, 0.37573242, -0.5673828, -0.0031337738, 1.4677734, -1.9697266, 0.77441406, -0.79589844, 0.25927734, 1.1962891, 1.1445312, -3.1230469, -0.98535156, -1.0507812, -0.0026779175, -2.6484375, -0.7089844, -0.038085938, -0.6225586, 0.92626953, 0.7939453, 2.2773438, 0.47143555, -0.25561523, 0.28735352, -0.7495117, -1.0517578, 0.43066406, -2.2675781, -0.7573242, -1.6464844, 0.046783447, -0.26489258, 0.21728516, -0.8359375, -2.3007812, 1.0380859, 3.1777344, -2.9609375, 0.5673828, -1.6582031, 1.3466797, 0.5283203, 1.6386719, -1.9423828, 1.5253906, 1.3994141, -0.7246094, -0.51123047, -0.86279297, 1.0761719, -0.9628906, 1.4267578, -0.4404297, 1.1181641, 4.1601562, 0.74072266, 0.93652344, 1.2314453, -0.09124756, -0.28955078, 1.2128906, -0.94433594, -0.3869629, -0.765625, -0.8383789, -1.9804688, 0.25927734, -0.10510254, 0.27246094, -0.1706543, -2.2578125, -0.6376953, 2.3027344, -0.58496094, 1.1103516, -0.22998047, 1.1679688, -2.046875, 2.2578125, -2.8691406, -0.6430664, 0.1217041, -3.1621094, -1.3369141, -0.5859375, -0.71240234, -0.72998047, 0.05783081, 1.0380859, -0.005962372, 1.0761719, -1.0927734, 0.48608398, -0.88623047, -0.0051498413, 0.5888672, -2.4101562, -0.049865723, -1.5322266, -1.3759766, -0.79052734, 0.16906738, 0.009605408, 2.6660156, -0.025299072, -0.9277344, -1.8554688, 2.375, 1.8076172, 0.3881836, 1.3417969, -0.3791504, 1.7050781, -2.8769531, 0.10272217, -1.3691406, -0.046722412, 0.25195312, -1.2011719, -0.44555664, -0.25, -1.1416016, 0.44384766, 0.4404297, -0.86035156, 0.35424805, 0.96240234, -1.9521484, 1.1445312, 1.8408203, -2.1542969, 2.4277344, 0.60253906, -0.11529541, -0.4375, -0.3581543, 1.375, -2.8691406, 0.75439453, -0.008354187, -2.8398438, 1.0830078, 0.90771484, 1.5361328, -0.08721924, 0.7128906, 0.7446289, 0.3100586, -0.6040039, 1.5400391, 1.1582031, 0.07904053]" Dead Trigger 2 FPS Zombie 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0.34521484, -1.3847656, -0.11981201, -1.6181641, -0.3359375, -1.8388672, -1.84375, 2.0898438, 0.47729492, -0.34326172, -0.5048828, 1.9560547, -1.0888672, -0.12963867, 0.33642578, -0.74658203, -0.96484375, 0.27661133, 0.10772705, -0.20568848, -0.9453125, -1.2480469, -2.625, 2.7597656, -2.1914062, -1.4677734, 0.8046875, 0.69433594, 1.9345703, -1.0185547, 0.7578125, -0.28076172, -2.2148438, -0.2578125, -0.7036133, -1.1748047, -0.71240234, -1.7441406, -3.1542969, -0.13696289, 0.8305664, 0.3317871, -0.92089844, 0.87597656, -1.953125, -0.17346191, 2.5214844, -1.0029297, 0.83691406, 1.5917969, -0.24060059, -1.921875, 1.1347656, -0.61083984, 1.2919922, -0.66015625, 1.1318359, -1.3505859, 0.6635742, -0.4387207, 1.4248047, -1.7255859, -1.1230469, -2.2851562, 0.08154297, 0.24621582, 1.7333984, 0.9682617, 0.30908203, -0.8911133, 2.40625, -0.83203125, 1.1826172, -0.116760254, -1.4609375, 0.93359375, -2.5839844, 1.5537109, -0.9379883, -0.066833496, 0.8388672, 0.0848999, 0.0859375, 0.089782715, 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3.0136719, 2.1621094, -2.4023438, -2.4667969, 0.33398438, 0.1361084, -1.375, -1.1152344, 1.7880859, 0.90478516, -0.9892578, -2.5859375, -1.1894531, 1.1845703, 0.28588867, 0.51708984, -2.9765625, 0.42626953, 1.1523438, 0.8779297, -0.54248047, -0.3972168, -0.2010498, -1.5185547, -0.99121094, -0.3708496, 0.5629883, -0.6850586, -0.74853516, 3.3183594, -0.8286133, 0.3815918, -0.24450684, -0.96972656, 0.9589844, 0.25, 2.0390625, -1.0488281, 0.13647461, 1.6630859, -0.96240234, 1.0859375, -0.4152832, 2.7988281, 0.29541016, -1.3925781, 0.101867676, 1.5449219, -0.9423828, 0.84716797, 0.51708984, -0.62890625, -0.59765625, -0.2631836, -1.078125, -1.0820312, -1.0234375, 1.7480469, 1.2070312, 0.07171631, 1.0527344, -1.0146484, -1.8183594, -0.6743164, -0.40893555, -0.71728516, 1.5429688, 0.4086914, 1.140625, -1.8837891, -0.34350586, -1.2822266, -0.76708984, -1.3056641, -1.2226562, -1.7617188, 0.5566406, 0.98095703, 0.90283203, -0.090026855, 0.97558594, 1.5341797, -0.68359375, 1.0175781, 0.0859375, 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1.7177734, 0.24499512, 0.2866211, -1.2265625, 0.89941406, 0.64208984, -3.7324219, 0.2631836, -0.9013672, 0.25976562, -0.57666016, 0.4050293, -0.85009766, -1.1611328, 0.36743164, 2.0996094, -0.017440796, -1.2841797, -2.1445312, 0.8125, -0.53808594, 0.18200684, -0.8334961, 0.953125, 1.4941406, 0.7998047, -0.45751953, 0.4423828, 0.43115234, -0.49536133, -1.1357422, 1.3652344, 2.0234375, -0.81591797, -0.4790039, 0.17932129, -0.35620117, -1.1689453, -0.21533203, 3.8554688, -0.6323242, -1.0244141, -0.92529297, 0.61865234, 2.5390625, -0.79345703, 0.037322998, 1.0722656, 0.64404297, -1.5537109, 1.8779297, -0.58203125, 0.40576172, 0.6020508, 1.9658203, -0.11779785, -0.027755737, -0.1640625, 0.25048828, -1.8349609, 1.4384766, -0.46020508, -0.6113281, 0.4074707, 0.49438477, -1.3974609, 1.1582031, -0.28564453, -2.2988281, 1.5683594, 0.29736328, -1.9443359, 0.9970703, -0.21850586, -1.8691406, -0.19580078, 1.4990234, -1.2900391, -0.3046875, -0.7182617, -5.710125e-05, -1.0087891, -0.25146484, 0.12365723, -0.3803711, -0.25927734, -0.9584961, 0.58740234, -0.7026367, 0.26611328, 0.20178223, -1.875, -0.8222656, 0.7739258, -0.39013672, -1.3046875, 0.2841797, -1.0673828, -0.35424805, 0.6411133, 2.4667969, -1.4375, 0.5620117, -0.16931152, -1.6953125, 0.24279785, -0.9433594, 2.1953125, -0.3076172, -2.5253906, -1.3466797, -0.9145508, 1.3271484, -0.94628906, -1.2509766, 0.26367188, -0.0859375, 3.7402344, -0.390625, -1.3427734, 1.6210938, -1.0898438, 2.8535156, 1.0224609, -1.4667969, 1.3486328, 0.27026367, 0.77734375, 1.1875, 0.49487305, 0.3942871, 0.0010471344, 0.8730469, 0.86816406, 0.52001953, 3.1171875, 0.17443848, 1.5566406, 1.0888672, -1.9873047, -0.3330078, 2.1347656, 1.7128906, 0.22473145, 0.07171631, -1.5019531, -0.140625, 0.9111328, 0.23510742, 0.96191406, 0.20300293, -0.62158203, -0.46166992, 0.95654297, -0.042877197, 2.7773438, 0.59814453, 1.5341797, -1.0996094, 0.2734375, -4.609375, -0.36035156, 0.14477539, -1.0527344, 0.21472168, -1.8837891, 0.6196289, -1.7539062, 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0.015945435, 0.55566406, -0.15014648, -0.2980957, -1.6376953, 2.1699219, -0.2565918, -0.6748047, -0.93847656, -0.34155273, -1.1708984, -0.9975586, -2.1542969, -2.9042969, 1.0849609, -0.20422363, -1.3378906, 1.7919922, 1.5888672, -0.04763794, 0.9370117, 0.37841797, 0.12756348, -0.29345703, 0.9550781, -1.0009766, 0.22839355, 0.6699219, 1.2138672, 1.3271484, 1.2197266, 1.2792969, -1.0039062, -1.7138672, -0.029220581, 0.54296875, -0.38549805, -0.39819336, -0.8691406, -0.2052002, -0.8183594, -1.9121094, 1.1748047, -0.38134766, 1.2636719, -1.1669922, 1.1914062, -0.5029297, -1.7509766, -1.8300781, 1.3984375, -0.08355713, -0.80371094, 0.95751953, -0.020050049, 0.35913086, -1.75, 0.51660156, 2.2363281, -1.1601562, -0.4345703, -0.37280273, 2.3867188, -0.41748047, 0.80371094, -2.5625, -0.27148438, 1.6630859, 1.8896484, -0.8364258, -1.5478516, 0.76123047, 1.1445312, -2.3242188, 0.27661133, -1.6054688, 0.78125, 1.0576172, 1.0527344, 1.4550781, 0.6723633, 0.85009766, -1.1357422, -1.3701172, -0.6586914, 0.91015625, -2.5117188, -1.0576172, -1.6865234, -0.80810547, 1.2480469, 0.09338379, -0.27929688, -0.8251953, 0.9916992, 1.0537109, -2.5761719, 0.7792969, -0.13317871, 0.38134766, -0.16064453, -0.7060547, -1.7050781, 1.7255859, -0.35742188, -1.9052734, -0.58984375, -0.49487305, -0.045135498, 1.9443359, 0.18798828, -2.3164062, 0.58203125, 3.4023438, 0.24694824, 0.48657227, 0.48706055, -0.09094238, -1.0214844, 1.2382812, -0.75097656, 0.28564453, -0.21557617, -1.8066406, 0.265625, 0.079956055, -3.1113281, 0.5649414, -1.6835938, -1.28125, 0.09661865, 1.2763672, -2.4199219, 0.17102051, 1.5263672, 0.048461914, -0.7573242, 1.4619141, -4.1015625, -0.41870117, 1.6357422, -1.9169922, 0.4489746, -1.4013672, -0.25390625, -0.47460938, 0.31445312, 0.23522949, -1.7294922, 2.4277344, -0.18078613, 0.47558594, -0.9682617, -0.4140625, 0.29711914, -1.7773438, -1.2265625, 0.52197266, -0.43920898, -0.81933594, 1.8251953, 0.4794922, 0.7133789, 1.2197266, -2.5898438, -2.3359375, -0.5800781, 0.4296875, 0.81152344, -0.39013672, -0.16491699, 1.8251953, -2.2832031, 0.18652344, -1.0761719, -0.34033203, 0.6879883, 1.6523438, 2.2070312, -0.27392578, 1.4599609, -1.9511719, -2.0097656, 0.73095703, 0.47314453, 0.32128906, -0.040985107, -0.34228516, 1.5253906, -0.6113281, 0.171875, -2.7167969, 0.21862793, 0.022033691, 1.15625, 1.5117188, 0.20727539, 0.83984375, -0.03677368, -0.14746094, 0.85595703, 2.75, 0.7050781, 0.10784912, 1.8261719, -0.14953613, -0.36865234, -0.041992188, -0.047668457, 1.4609375, -0.5136719]" Dandara Trials of Fear Edition,com.rawfury.longhathouse.Dandara,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rawfury.longhathouse.Dandara,adventure winner best of the mix e finalist nominee imga finalist best game sb games finalist brazilian award big festival the world of salt hangs on the brink of collapse the citizens once free spirits now stand oppressed and isolated but not all is lost for out of this aether of fear arises a heroine a ray of hope her name is 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-1.4257812, -0.8652344, -1.5458984, 0.15026855, 0.8676758, 0.93115234, -0.0713501, 1.6171875, -0.21899414, 2.6132812, 1.0664062, 0.19506836, 1.0849609, -0.4321289, -2.4101562, -1.6152344, 1.4785156, -0.58154297, -0.3449707, -0.75927734, -0.024520874, 1.6445312, -0.6333008, -0.9223633, -0.95166016, -0.32348633, -1.1542969, 1.6826172, 0.4086914, 0.43530273, -1.9052734, 0.5620117, -2.9667969, 1.4960938, 1.0527344, 0.20776367, 0.034332275, 0.42114258, -0.05987549, -0.5683594, -2.9414062, -2.3066406, -0.15478516, -0.3190918, 1.2685547, -0.6347656, -1.3369141, -0.22021484, -0.6738281, 1.0380859, -1.9169922, 1.0556641, -0.83496094, -0.9223633, -0.9589844, 2.7832031, 0.9482422, -0.31982422, -0.56933594, -0.4736328, 0.36450195, 0.8334961, 2.1308594, -1.3466797, -0.66064453, -1.3857422, -2.328125, 1.2519531, -1.6308594, -1.4638672, -1.3457031, -0.46484375, 1.5800781, -0.24133301, -0.35009766, -1.7226562, 0.9692383, -0.7636719, 0.50439453, 0.11859131, 1.4482422, 2.3222656, -0.7114258, -0.4020996, 0.8466797, 1.0048828, -0.33569336, -0.890625, 0.375, -0.048706055, 0.72216797, 1.7421875, 1.6308594, 0.9584961, -0.68115234, -1.8193359, -1.1503906, 1.2548828, 1.0908203, -3.2050781, -1.5283203, 0.41601562, 1.2314453, 0.33081055, 1.2675781, 0.31396484, 1.4453125, -1.84375, 0.24121094, 0.16296387, 2.7167969, -0.1739502, -0.2939453, -1.5429688, 2.0058594, -2.1054688, -1.015625, -1.3642578, -1.2773438, -0.63916016, -0.93066406, -0.4572754, -0.7421875, 0.050201416, 1.4267578, 1.7099609, 1.4296875, 0.41235352, -1.4082031, 1.4267578, 0.73339844, -0.19299316, -0.9589844, 0.012451172, 1.1923828, -1.2578125, 1.1894531, -1.1894531, 0.44580078, 0.26367188, 1.1328125, 0.14123535, -0.29052734, -0.1751709, -0.7451172, -0.23742676, 0.61328125, 0.28808594, 0.4248047, -2.1660156, -1.5419922, -1.6240234, 0.12719727, -0.9658203, 0.14013672, 0.24511719, 1.4179688, 1.0429688, 0.009613037, -1.4189453, -0.8027344, 0.6933594, -0.31689453, 1.5048828, 2.3164062, 0.36669922, -0.50390625, 1.0410156, -0.3869629, 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1.0683594, -0.07104492, 2.2324219, -0.28295898, -1.7783203, -0.026550293, -0.43774414, -0.89941406, 0.7158203, 0.038269043, -0.26000977, 0.31860352, -0.02494812, 1.2871094, 0.39990234, -0.04562378, -2.3554688, -1.3554688, -0.14587402, 1.4121094, 0.9736328, -1.3349609, -0.40405273, -1.8857422, 0.24291992, -1.0703125, -0.80371094, 0.10107422, -0.9238281, -0.35205078, 1.0205078, 0.11206055, -1.1279297, 0.27319336, -0.36669922, 0.4724121, -0.38208008, 2.1289062, -0.2133789, -1.7822266, -3.109375, -1.1171875, 2.5175781, -2.046875, -0.117004395, -0.65966797, 0.8154297, 1.4365234, -1.4355469, -0.14367676, 1.3955078, -1.0205078, 0.52734375, 2.2832031, -2.1386719, 0.7167969, 2.2050781, -1.4628906, -1.1591797, 1.2099609, -1.0126953, 1.9082031, 0.9194336, -0.609375, -0.79589844, 2.7929688, 0.6635742, 2.2578125, 0.92041016, 0.9848633, -1.4199219, 1.015625, 0.018173218, -0.050689697, 0.41430664, -0.5415039, -1.2285156, -0.03137207, 0.8466797, -0.76660156, -1.3300781, -0.45825195, 0.81591797, 2.3808594, 0.60302734, 1.1894531, 1.0302734, 0.02986145, 0.61376953, -0.33935547, -4.4726562, 1.0185547, 0.60839844, -2.2597656, 1.7167969, -0.45214844, 1.7695312, 0.010345459, -0.20422363, 0.22644043, 1.1982422, -0.1270752, 0.30810547, 0.78808594, 0.06100464, 0.7446289, 2.2597656, -0.07672119, 1.1113281, 1.4169922, -1.0722656, -0.070495605, -0.83496094, 0.07946777, 0.88720703, -1.5117188, 0.38916016, -2.3554688, -0.12817383, 1.875, 0.32177734, 0.110839844, 0.7558594, -0.8535156, -0.60498047, -0.0066452026, -0.45166016, 0.13391113, 0.07763672, -1.1337891, 0.31884766, 0.11993408, -1.2597656, 2.5175781, -0.75683594, 0.55566406, 1.0751953, 1.7822266, 0.24072266, 1.9619141, -0.32836914, 0.45288086, 1.3095703, -0.5883789, -1.0234375, 0.95654297, -2.2421875, 0.16174316, 1.4228516, -0.08331299, 1.7412109, -0.07733154, 2.0839844, 2.2441406, 1.6669922, 0.6904297, 0.51171875, -2.671875, -2.8769531, -0.51904297, -1.3007812, 1.6679688, 0.9663086]" 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-0.6020508, -1.2753906, -1.3212891, -0.4909668, -0.8149414, -1.3388672, -1.1435547, 0.055877686, 0.13012695, 0.07897949, -1.1005859, -0.4453125, 0.83154297, 0.54541016, -1.03125, 0.27392578, -2.9570312, 0.8803711, 0.03543091, -0.48828125, 0.047851562, 0.24951172, -0.61328125, 0.35546875, 1.7304688, -0.7993164, -0.75927734, 4.2421875, 0.32763672, -2.7265625, -0.8876953, 1.9833984, 0.40405273, -0.69921875, 1.4765625, -0.4597168, -1.1533203, -1.2841797, -1.2207031, -0.34033203, 1.6591797, 1.4511719, -0.41381836, -0.8017578, -1.0957031, -0.5332031, 1.8544922, 0.48046875, 0.45410156, 0.16821289, -1.9384766, -0.46166992, 1.5117188, -0.36328125, 2.8300781, 0.66796875, -1.5800781, 0.8457031, -1.2607422, 0.9165039, -1.5830078, -0.5751953, -1.6308594, 1.2802734, 1.0644531, -0.32958984, 1.0957031, 0.055603027, 0.6801758, -0.70703125, 0.07458496, 0.5957031, 1.0126953, -0.087890625, -0.2915039, 1.2910156, -0.9941406, 0.13183594, -0.52685547, -0.17663574, -2.0253906, -1.4091797, -1.7666016, -1.0341797, 0.48217773, 1.1640625, -0.64990234, -1.0820312, 0.5410156, 0.14257812, -0.7558594, 0.03543091, -0.14929199, -1.359375, 0.098083496, 2.0664062, 0.17492676, 0.34033203, -2.0625, 0.9506836, 1.0087891, -0.14221191, -1.2167969, -0.4716797, 0.14855957, 3.4511719, -1.4667969, -1.2373047, 0.94189453, -2.1738281, 0.29101562, 0.61035156, -0.36865234, 0.75, 0.19262695, -1.1416016, 0.61035156, -1.2011719, 2.2128906, -0.7480469, 0.78027344, 1.375, 0.15429688, 1.0380859, -1.28125, 2.8828125, 1.0, -1.1787109, -1.125, 0.8378906, 1.2128906, -0.46533203, -1.8466797, -0.60498047, -0.006061554, 0.21496582, 1.0722656, -0.7524414, 0.06555176, 0.66015625, 0.49951172, -0.47216797, 0.62060547, 0.7290039, 2.171875, 0.77441406, -1.7763672, 0.25073242, -4.40625, 0.90771484, 0.8022461, -1.90625, 0.9399414, -1.3447266, 1.7763672, -2.0429688, 1.0869141, 0.13928223, 0.64404297, 1.4042969, -0.40673828, 2.1035156, -2.2148438, -0.23205566, 0.78808594, 0.42407227, -0.7792969, -1.890625, 0.30151367, 0.063964844, -0.18823242, 0.2915039, 2.0371094, -2.3378906, -0.98828125, -1.5117188, 1.1591797, 1.2177734, -1.578125, 0.95654297, 0.26123047, 0.20812988, -1.3339844, -0.056152344, -1.4453125, -0.24060059, 0.6040039, 0.2376709, 0.93652344, 0.9223633, -0.9824219, -1.296875, -1.7509766, 0.95410156, -0.2800293, -1.6269531, -0.21557617, -0.94189453, -0.109375, 0.25390625, 2.0253906, -1.0517578, -2.9277344, 0.70751953, -1.7666016, -0.10406494, -0.030166626, -0.3413086, -0.07720947, -3.2324219, 0.96972656, 2.6699219, 0.8173828, -0.30273438, 0.20397949, 0.2800293, -1.9345703, -0.4658203, -1.6816406, -0.0026855469, 1.7050781]" Machinarium,air.net.machinarium.Machinarium.GP,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.net.machinarium.Machinarium.GP,adventure help josef the robot to save his girlfriend berta kidnapped by the black cap brotherhood gang,"[3.0019531, -1.9873047, 0.6791992, 1.1748047, 0.30126953, -1.3115234, 0.4182129, -0.6845703, 0.4868164, -0.25854492, -2.71875, 0.2668457, -0.50683594, -0.92822266, -0.93603516, -1.9560547, 0.54541016, 1.5625, 1.6103516, 0.41137695, -0.81640625, 0.34985352, 0.6591797, -0.15966797, 0.81103516, 2.5917969, 0.1550293, -0.044891357, -0.66064453, 0.94433594, -1.0146484, 2.5273438, 1.2998047, 0.17419434, -0.057617188, -1.5546875, 0.0073890686, 0.24523926, -0.93115234, 0.7011719, 0.73779297, -0.20654297, -0.09790039, -2.0097656, 1.0429688, 0.12817383, -2.5136719, -0.96875, 0.25512695, 1.3759766, 1.4228516, -1.7578125, 1.9697266, 0.46166992, -0.028198242, -1.0478516, 0.9057617, -0.21716309, -1.5341797, -0.28027344, 0.49145508, 2.15625, -1.2216797, 1.1699219, 1.4335938, -0.5957031, -1.296875, -0.51904297, 0.13244629, 0.8623047, 0.13903809, 1.1416016, 0.026535034, -0.96240234, 0.22790527, 0.20703125, -1.9697266, -0.03829956, 0.97216797, 0.056884766, -1.2509766, 0.98291016, -1.2714844, -0.19714355, 0.95458984, -0.15612793, -0.41235352, -0.5151367, -2.1757812, 1.2470703, 1.4277344, -3.421875, -0.5830078, 1.4746094, 0.66259766, 0.041168213, 1.2851562, -0.95166016, -1.1904297, 1.5761719, -0.97802734, -0.046539307, -0.30273438, -1.3408203, 0.98095703, 0.16662598, -0.8598633, 0.27148438, 0.08703613, -0.6694336, -1.2705078, 0.25170898, 0.6635742, 0.2692871, 0.03274536, 0.036590576, -0.66015625, -1.4130859, -2.3671875, 1.7822266, -0.7709961, 2.2167969, 0.17456055, 1.9970703, 2.5292969, 0.17138672, -2.125, -1.7216797, -1.4931641, 0.36645508, 2.7695312, -0.68603516, -3.8886719, 1.0371094, -0.6699219, 1.7001953, -0.21655273, 1.6904297, -0.21228027, 1.8398438, 1.4970703, -0.04928589, -0.08728027, 1.0263672, -0.7158203, 0.2541504, -1.8955078, -0.92333984, -1.1025391, 1.2841797, -0.6118164, 1.1318359, 0.9458008, -0.5283203, -0.16113281, -1.0917969, -0.82470703, -1.7880859, 0.7480469, 1.7119141, -0.11975098, -1.2783203, -0.57177734, -0.8833008, 3.3320312, 0.30004883, 0.36816406, 1.6816406, 0.39208984, -0.7001953, -1.1201172, -0.4729004, -0.49145508, 1.6181641, 0.84228516, 0.0011463165, 0.4802246, -1.7646484, 0.6166992, -0.41333008, -0.3371582, -0.6791992, 0.99853516, 0.7626953, -0.31445312, 2.6542969, 1.3544922, 4.6640625, 1.2207031, -1.4482422, -0.11444092, -1.4794922, -0.62646484, -0.94384766, -0.46728516, 0.22338867, 1.6210938, -1.6796875, 2.3730469, -0.75927734, 1.1640625, 0.09490967, -2.8125, -0.39868164, -1.3896484, 0.72558594, 2.1777344, -1.3359375, 1.6103516, 0.58984375, -0.010787964, -1.9375, 1.3203125, -1.6347656, -0.5620117, 0.5756836, -0.49145508, -0.41479492, 1.7285156, -0.04916382, 0.36132812, 0.5727539, 0.99121094, -1.1533203, -1.59375, -0.113464355, -0.15112305, -0.31689453, -0.72265625, -0.5595703, -0.5283203, -3.1738281, -0.69677734, 0.3630371, 0.5126953, -1.5107422, 0.22753906, 0.9838867, -3.3886719, 0.67041016, -0.35595703, -1.1445312, 0.9501953, 2.1191406, -0.62939453, -0.6376953, -2.0195312, -0.3022461, 0.74658203, -0.21496582]" Beyond Ynth HD,com.FDGEntertainment.BeyondYnth,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.FDGEntertainment.BeyondYnth,puzzle th imga grand prix winner embark on an epic adventure that will take you beyond anything you have ever experienced before year in the making amazing graphics tons of original ideas neverbeforeseen gameplay this is the story of kribl a little bug on a big journey to bring light back to the kingdom of kriblonia help him to successfully traverse unexplored terrifying territories and find all the lightgiving dazzly diamonds that were stolen by the four dark spiders of the apocalypse gameplay during your journey youll face dry dusty deserts virulent volcano valleys dank dark foggy forests and icy mountain,"[2.0839844, -1.5400391, 0.7949219, -0.35791016, -1.5380859, -0.70458984, -0.34716797, -1.9785156, 0.5083008, 1.0517578, 0.39160156, 0.1385498, -0.3088379, -1.6738281, 1.40625, -0.93408203, -0.9038086, 1.0703125, 0.31933594, 0.984375, -2.7988281, -1.6640625, 0.70458984, -1.5175781, -0.26245117, -0.79052734, 0.69970703, 0.2290039, 0.94091797, -1.0478516, -1.9951172, -0.059051514, 2.2714844, 1.5351562, -1.734375, -2.6621094, 1.3066406, 0.38378906, 0.32006836, -0.75878906, -0.03451538, 0.85498047, -0.86816406, -0.8925781, 1.2529297, -0.9379883, -3.8613281, 0.17126465, 0.80371094, 1.5224609, -0.3869629, -2.546875, 0.023620605, -0.73535156, -0.16259766, -0.06329346, -1.0917969, 1.15625, 1.8955078, 0.8886719, 0.17858887, -0.3840332, 0.6699219, 0.088256836, -2.0996094, -1.4658203, 0.7836914, 0.6142578, 0.37451172, 0.67822266, -1.0966797, 3.8164062, -0.020141602, 0.27319336, 1.4179688, -0.5991211, -0.58984375, 0.068115234, -0.28051758, -0.796875, 0.3317871, -0.8105469, -0.6875, 0.8076172, -1.5927734, -0.6538086, -0.91845703, -0.1763916, -2.0527344, 0.7685547, 0.8745117, -0.5800781, -1.9042969, 1.3994141, -1.7460938, -1.5996094, -0.026763916, -0.23840332, -0.17248535, -1.7373047, -0.36572266, 0.17626953, -1.6767578, -1.8798828, -1.6044922, 1.0478516, -0.2133789, 0.074035645, -2.1660156, -1.2626953, -0.23046875, 1.1621094, -3.0371094, 0.41870117, -1.4716797, -0.27734375, 1.3359375, 0.14245605, -0.19030762, 0.5644531, 0.15820312, 0.33325195, 0.11206055, 0.95410156, 2.1113281, 0.77441406, -0.8647461, -0.6982422, -0.9736328, 1.7568359, -0.95654297, 0.41357422, -1.1298828, -0.0748291, 0.6333008, -1.8085938, 0.65283203, 1.3134766, 1.0224609, 1.4980469, -0.16992188, -2.8105469, 1.7080078, 0.65478516, -1.0039062, 0.9472656, -0.9213867, 0.16955566, -0.9970703, 0.93603516, -1.7099609, 1.1259766, 1.875, 1.0429688, 1.0458984, -1.1240234, 0.4284668, -0.55859375, -0.62597656, -0.45288086, 0.21459961, -0.32885742, -2.4042969, -0.94091797, 1.5410156, -0.17810059, -0.26171875, -0.33154297, -0.47851562, -0.38720703, -0.8046875, -0.36279297, 1.9873047, -0.7944336, 0.6899414, -1.8994141, 0.45263672, -1.4394531, 0.14660645, 0.15771484, -1.3447266, -1.5527344, -0.13916016, -1.5810547, 0.1026001, 0.6489258, 1.5019531, 1.1689453, 2.3066406, -0.11968994, -0.38867188, -0.23693848, -0.31445312, 0.18908691, 0.052337646, -0.36547852, -0.33569336, -1.8251953, 0.45898438, -1.4160156, 0.31054688, 0.46069336, -1.0712891, -0.97314453, -0.27416992, -0.35791016, 1.2148438, -1.3359375, 1.1806641, -0.53515625, -0.6713867, -1.6396484, -0.6376953, -1.8115234, -0.7421875, 0.37646484, -1.0585938, 1.0390625, 0.41308594, 0.012229919, 1.2539062, 0.76464844, -0.5004883, 0.14013672, 1.0234375, 1.3847656, 1.2001953, -1.1298828, -0.7260742, 0.14038086, -0.017532349, -1.2402344, 0.76904297, 0.056915283, -0.39819336, 0.8208008, 0.9057617, 1.3017578, -1.3769531, 0.88916016, 0.6904297, 0.53759766, 0.42773438, 0.24279785, 0.4560547, 0.3017578, -1.6494141, -1.2900391, 0.6738281, -1.8574219]" Back to Bed - Strategy Game,com.bedtime.backtobed,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bedtime.backtobed,puzzle back to bed is a d puzzle indie game set in a unique beautiful and artistic dream world wherein you guide the sleepwalker bob to the safety of his bed to achieve this you must take control of bob s subconscious guardian named subob the pair travels through a surreal and paintinglike dreamscapes filled with objects used to guide bob towards the bed but also dangers that must be avoided no ads and no inapp purchases back to bed manages to simultaneously be predictable and surprising sleepy and lively scary and comforting just like any good piece of surrealist art,"[2.9257812, -0.8623047, -0.7324219, 1.0507812, 0.043823242, -0.08258057, 0.14001465, -1.9521484, -0.86865234, -1.1425781, -0.6791992, -2.2519531, -1.0478516, -2.7539062, 0.8671875, -0.8154297, -0.68066406, -0.17541504, -3.0332031, -2.21875, -1.4423828, -0.234375, -1.3251953, 0.9248047, -0.42260742, -0.9892578, -1.5029297, -0.2524414, 1.1083984, -0.56152344, 0.47924805, -0.28686523, 0.5683594, -0.7348633, -0.7988281, -3.2695312, 1.3818359, -2.3378906, 0.9584961, -0.71533203, 2.2636719, 0.42504883, 0.5395508, 0.37304688, 0.15783691, 0.6118164, -0.35009766, 1.1582031, -1.6240234, -0.29125977, -0.1953125, 0.5932617, -1.0761719, -1.2207031, 0.8046875, 1.8955078, -2.5546875, 1.6181641, -1.7714844, 0.5966797, 0.97998047, -0.5073242, -0.09259033, 1.5683594, -2.2207031, 1.1103516, -0.28100586, -1.0957031, 0.009300232, -0.26293945, -2.8027344, 0.75927734, 0.19677734, -2.5449219, 1.7148438, 1.1933594, -2.3300781, 1.3388672, -2.5742188, -2.4082031, -2.2226562, -1.9833984, -1.0664062, -1.5224609, -0.38134766, -0.12371826, 0.8911133, 1.4296875, -2.8085938, 0.65722656, 0.11578369, 0.71728516, 2.1464844, 0.1496582, -2.171875, -0.7734375, -1.9052734, 1.4775391, 1.5546875, -0.003894806, 0.2915039, 0.25195312, 1.0, -0.14477539, 0.4482422, -1.2724609, 0.8066406, -1.2128906, 0.86572266, -0.81933594, 0.0770874, -0.40600586, -2.0566406, -1.5136719, -1.3408203, 1.9980469, -2.4746094, 1.8613281, -0.76660156, 0.49267578, -0.13769531, -0.77441406, 1.1152344, 0.2758789, 2.3574219, 1.4921875, -0.036743164, 1.0058594, -0.6411133, 1.4248047, 2.2890625, -0.5048828, 0.45947266, -1.1015625, 0.8046875, 1.1669922, -0.14550781, -0.32495117, 1.3691406, 1.6259766, 0.60546875, 0.38305664, 0.4020996, 1.4052734, -0.68066406, 1.1298828, -2.515625, 0.7451172, -0.89990234, 0.42993164, -1.9882812, 1.5126953, -0.57421875, 3.4492188, -2.046875, -1.0458984, -0.11932373, -1.2861328, 1.0927734, 0.6845703, -0.58984375, -0.26879883, -0.22888184, -0.07470703, 0.87646484, 0.101135254, -1.2021484, 1.2167969, 0.012382507, 0.22802734, 0.6020508, -1.5615234, 0.37036133, 0.44433594, -1.7929688, -0.52490234, -0.65185547, -1.1025391, 0.94189453, 1.7089844, -0.4699707, -0.024505615, 0.06604004, -1.1152344, 0.75341797, -0.54785156, 0.8857422, 2.7871094, 1.9638672, -1.1181641, -1.1279297, 0.26000977, 0.61572266, 1.7841797, -1.0927734, 0.6298828, 0.4658203, -1.2519531, -1.4677734, -0.38549805, 2.0683594, 1.1748047, -0.7211914, 3.203125, -0.83740234, -0.20837402, 0.25927734, 0.03186035, 0.77978516, 0.98828125, -0.7216797, -0.14355469, -0.6982422, -0.33569336, -0.27929688, 0.6479492, 1.4404297, -0.3815918, -1.3564453, 0.56933594, 0.68408203, 0.6948242, -0.5078125, -1.4716797, 0.1184082, 0.44262695, -0.8486328, -0.26782227, -0.043426514, -0.20593262, -0.4880371, -0.2685547, -2.1542969, -1.6904297, -0.8808594, -1.9082031, -0.33789062, 1.4951172, -1.9238281, 0.3371582, 0.2487793, 1.2138672, -1.1230469, 0.66796875, -0.45092773, 0.7573242, -2.0878906, -0.6113281, 1.0898438, -0.1038208]" Farm Invasion USA TV,com.hg.farminvasiontv,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hg.farminvasiontv,action ufo sightings at old pops farm use a huge arsenal of insane weapons to keep the aliens from stealing the corn harvest hop on your corn chopper and mow down every single last of the little blue invaders neither armed spaceships nor dangerous obstacles will stop you from becoming the world s greatest alien hunterkiller dodge alien tractor beams and face the dreadful alldevouring martian trolls in your heroic defense of old pops corn farm help pops joe and otis to defeat the corngrubbing monsters from outer space play without ads and start with popcorn features play without ads spaced,"[0.9658203, -0.46801758, 0.18725586, 1.1806641, -0.63134766, -0.9711914, 1.6992188, -0.014503479, 0.8798828, 1.9599609, -1.3632812, 1.0029297, 0.011642456, 0.5107422, 1.7470703, -0.89990234, 0.75634766, 0.08416748, -0.30932617, -2.2929688, -1.0976562, 0.40405273, -0.31689453, -3.5292969, 2.71875, -1.1630859, -0.004550934, -0.48217773, 1.9521484, 1.2392578, -2.8867188, 1.7490234, -0.5888672, 1.4785156, -0.25341797, -0.36743164, -1.1904297, 1.3076172, 0.9873047, -2.2167969, 1.0009766, 1.0771484, -1.4804688, -0.1026001, -0.57373047, -1.3554688, 0.8041992, 0.98779297, 0.91064453, -0.3959961, 0.6044922, -0.24243164, -2.3730469, -1.6064453, -0.80126953, 0.45825195, 2.5878906, -0.97802734, 0.19458008, -0.6459961, 1.0634766, -0.34838867, -0.019989014, 0.91064453, 0.30859375, 0.46166992, -0.18078613, 0.93066406, 2.96875, -1.25, 0.56152344, -0.35791016, -0.52441406, -1.8085938, 1.8408203, 0.47802734, -0.15795898, -0.5957031, 0.25268555, -0.31689453, 0.07128906, -0.22399902, 0.33935547, 0.5786133, -1.5537109, 0.3022461, 0.053985596, -0.12988281, -0.9091797, 2.2207031, 2.0449219, -2.4023438, 0.4753418, 2.03125, -1.4169922, -0.7548828, -0.09289551, 0.8154297, -1.6503906, -1.1396484, 1.0224609, -0.29003906, 1.7548828, -2.3300781, -1.6962891, -0.72509766, -0.2998047, -0.18432617, -0.21228027, -0.93847656, -2.0390625, -0.61865234, -0.4338379, 1.6181641, -0.11273193, 0.70458984, -0.9013672, 1.6220703, -2.0585938, 0.35205078, 0.034179688, 0.8154297, 1.2792969, 0.011260986, 0.92822266, 0.18811035, -1.5517578, -1.7197266, -0.113220215, 2.1367188, 0.43579102, 0.54248047, 0.37670898, -0.375, 1.8193359, 0.04876709, 0.6660156, 0.9892578, -1.2744141, 0.9277344, 0.20239258, -0.4091797, 1.0146484, 0.7626953, -0.17822266, 1.3427734, 0.06768799, 0.26245117, 0.5180664, 0.99072266, 0.67089844, -0.23583984, 1.1835938, -1.0009766, 1.5488281, 0.82373047, 1.1386719, -1.1933594, 0.88378906, -0.6982422, 0.15893555, -0.05142212, -1.5644531, 0.26733398, 3.3535156, 0.23754883, 0.1640625, 0.2290039, -0.35375977, -1.125, 1.4658203, -2.3085938, 0.16467285, -0.12200928, 0.8076172, -0.8408203, -1.2822266, -5.1132812, 2.53125, 2.7402344, -0.1204834, -0.21850586, 0.089660645, 0.5317383, -0.3857422, 0.4873047, 1.7392578, 1.0830078, 0.4724121, 0.41259766, 1.1181641, -1.3886719, -0.97021484, 1.4755859, -1.3066406, 1.7255859, -0.61376953, -0.12805176, 0.2849121, -0.25317383, 0.7504883, 0.609375, -2.6796875, -0.51904297, -1.6621094, 2.9921875, 1.5908203, -1.0166016, 2.1191406, -0.6542969, 0.79541016, -1.8369141, 1.9677734, -1.1201172, -1.7900391, 1.640625, 1.1210938, 0.65625, 1.4482422, 0.5444336, 0.7734375, 0.9379883, -0.63427734, 1.9833984, 0.4091797, 0.25048828, 0.98876953, -0.38378906, 0.84814453, -0.62597656, -2.0078125, -1.5507812, -0.35961914, -1.5576172, 1.8085938, -1.5224609, -0.34423828, 1.53125, -2.3945312, 1.8574219, 1.2177734, 0.17541504, -0.2442627, -0.67089844, -1.7353516, 0.65283203, 1.1035156, -1.5361328, -0.87597656, 1.2167969]" Ninja Hero Cats TV,com.hg.ninjaherocatstv,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hg.ninjaherocatstv,action join the amazing ninja hero cats in their brave battle against fish monsters from another dimension play without ads forget kung fu or karate if you can swing samurai swords or hurl bombs fridges pizzas and pianos at all sorts of weird fish monsters loot precious goldfish and use them to buy incredible upgrades that can turn you into a whirlwind of destruction or even unleash the mighty catzilla use your parkour skills to dash over floating islands and collapsing bridges while slicing evil jellyfish and sharks with your sharp blade with free exploration fast paced action and infinite fun,"[1.7714844, 0.037231445, 1.2041016, 0.32250977, 1.9599609, -0.84814453, 0.8613281, -1.7568359, 1.1103516, -1.1591797, 0.3815918, 1.9541016, 0.1821289, -0.9765625, 1.7753906, -0.9916992, 1.9072266, -1.3730469, -0.60058594, -1.4882812, -1.1289062, 1.4277344, 2.7109375, -4.3984375, 0.6791992, -1.7871094, 0.30859375, 0.20678711, 1.2158203, -0.44189453, -0.35913086, 0.49365234, 0.48510742, -0.9370117, -0.5546875, -0.058258057, 0.28222656, -0.31469727, 0.93115234, 0.048034668, 2.4902344, 0.8178711, 1.0576172, -0.09185791, 1.1787109, 0.98876953, -1.7978516, 0.54345703, 0.11529541, 1.2060547, 0.80908203, -0.6513672, 1.5322266, -1.8544922, -0.43530273, 0.45947266, 1.2285156, 0.5004883, 0.07647705, 1.7041016, 0.44018555, 0.5673828, -0.49487305, 0.5263672, -0.32983398, -0.63378906, -0.7182617, 1.2119141, 0.828125, 1.2861328, 2.5742188, 0.06149292, -1.8251953, -0.09112549, 1.1494141, 0.109558105, -0.17993164, -1.6240234, -0.103637695, -0.82714844, -2.2363281, -0.69873047, 1.2412109, -1.2724609, 0.41845703, 0.49145508, -0.45458984, -1.2714844, -1.1767578, 2.2734375, -0.57666016, -0.6166992, -0.55371094, 1.1875, 0.7597656, 0.6015625, 0.45825195, 0.03805542, -0.46044922, -1.3886719, 0.10797119, 2.3007812, -0.50097656, -1.6396484, 0.07159424, -0.9370117, -0.29589844, -1.5917969, -1.0986328, 0.4465332, 1.3613281, -0.109802246, 0.6748047, 1.6162109, -0.06604004, -0.37768555, 0.0045280457, 0.9604492, 0.85302734, -0.61816406, 1.5605469, 0.46264648, 0.7548828, -0.1706543, 1.0517578, -0.24865723, -0.6166992, -0.39990234, -0.6821289, 1.2001953, 0.546875, -1.1113281, 0.35302734, 0.97998047, 3.4238281, -1.1933594, 0.0016679764, -2.0058594, 1.3232422, 0.038879395, 0.3251953, -0.46557617, 1.7724609, 1.5517578, 0.25219727, 1.0761719, -0.6743164, 0.84472656, -2.1796875, -0.7939453, 0.32543945, 0.65625, 1.3613281, 1.3564453, 3.0488281, 0.35424805, 0.5722656, -0.6953125, -0.82714844, -1.3144531, 0.2536621, -1.4208984, 0.91503906, 0.97558594, 1.0966797, -0.7788086, -0.09338379, 0.55908203, -0.5209961, -0.24633789, 1.1611328, 1.2695312, 1.1347656, 1.5644531, -1.2568359, -3.9824219, -1.5244141, -3.1914062, 0.79003906, 0.8017578, -1.7470703, 0.4099121, -0.40356445, -0.38916016, 0.7451172, 2.1660156, 0.6381836, 0.9199219, 1.2988281, -0.5410156, -0.10626221, -2.9804688, -0.7373047, 0.36035156, -2.2929688, 0.76904297, 0.5205078, -1.1552734, 1.2275391, 0.46850586, 0.8208008, 1.6289062, -0.50634766, 0.39038086, -2.1074219, 1.0068359, -0.008987427, -2.1484375, -0.7246094, 0.19494629, -0.9448242, -0.7675781, 0.25219727, -1.1240234, -1.6132812, 0.51220703, 0.9658203, 1.5849609, 1.6660156, -0.55126953, -1.7041016, -0.0037975311, -0.9316406, 0.46411133, -2.0996094, 2.3574219, -0.72753906, 1.3916016, -0.52978516, 2.4472656, -0.8388672, -1.8339844, -1.7646484, -0.7128906, 0.8955078, -0.36450195, 1.1054688, 0.16577148, -1.875, 2.1367188, 4.3007812, -2.0957031, 0.09100342, -0.2998047, 0.71191406, -0.79248047, 1.4980469, -0.58251953, 0.08795166, 1.0136719]" The Jackbox Party Pack,com.jackboxgames.JackboxPartyLoaderFull,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jackboxgames.JackboxPartyLoaderFull,trivia note the google play store lists this app as mb however fully installed with updates this app is about gb for players your phones or tablets are your controllers the team behind you don t know jack presents five guffawinducing party games in one pack games include the comedy trivia sensation you don t know jack players with hundreds of allnew questions the hilarious bluffing game fibbage xl players with more questions added to the original hit game fibbage the bizarre drawing game drawful players you draw right there on your phone or tablet very littleno real skill required the,"[0.5292969, -1.8603516, 0.35205078, 0.7709961, 0.28955078, 0.040771484, 0.110839844, -1.2714844, 1.5683594, -1.7255859, -1.2470703, 1.0888672, -1.6777344, -0.30810547, 1.2714844, -0.018356323, -0.22436523, -1.0087891, -0.2548828, -0.32006836, -0.6381836, 0.96728516, -0.26538086, -3.2109375, -1.2226562, -0.75683594, -0.15307617, 0.65283203, 0.55371094, -2.2148438, -0.34204102, -0.6694336, 0.9892578, -0.43920898, -0.4807129, -0.6875, 0.69433594, -0.08673096, 0.56689453, -0.6694336, 2.0332031, -0.4584961, 0.010566711, 1.1347656, 0.8203125, 0.5800781, -0.05822754, -0.9926758, 1.3554688, -0.6411133, 0.64941406, 0.08618164, 0.004096985, 1.0332031, -0.20056152, 1.75, 2.5078125, 1.4482422, -1.0859375, -1.8134766, -0.40893555, 1.7890625, 0.1875, 0.4580078, -0.18408203, -0.114990234, -0.9189453, -0.6308594, 0.2890625, 1.6923828, 0.49243164, 0.5283203, 0.37548828, 0.375, 0.0345459, 1.3310547, 0.18554688, 0.086120605, 0.39697266, -0.23120117, 0.6640625, 0.51171875, -3.2539062, 0.46923828, 0.3076172, 0.2019043, 1.2177734, -0.8383789, 1.2890625, 1.1289062, -1.7060547, -0.7451172, -1.3847656, -1.8261719, -0.734375, -0.6513672, -0.20874023, -0.8857422, -0.74316406, -1.9306641, 0.32617188, 2.1894531, 1.4794922, 0.4099121, 0.8017578, 0.20935059, 0.60058594, -0.40429688, -2.3867188, -1.4560547, -0.41674805, -1.4570312, 0.41259766, 0.10668945, 0.19848633, 0.99560547, 1.4355469, -0.5605469, -1.5449219, -0.025375366, 0.30078125, -0.93652344, 0.23852539, -2.3886719, 0.06890869, 0.32666016, 0.057739258, -0.59814453, 0.64990234, 0.5415039, -3.4472656, 0.010116577, 0.65527344, 0.13684082, 3.7460938, 0.008178711, 0.12841797, 1.0927734, -1.8974609, -0.1920166, 2.15625, -1.5517578, -0.5727539, 1.5341797, 1.0761719, 0.5488281, 0.11828613, 1.0341797, -0.015602112, 0.7841797, -0.46606445, -0.3071289, 0.54296875, 0.20129395, -0.22705078, 0.17810059, -0.8984375, 0.6191406, 1.4355469, 1.2548828, -0.020706177, 0.4194336, -0.07312012, -1.4072266, 1.0068359, 0.94677734, -0.921875, 1.8945312, -0.97314453, 0.2824707, 0.45483398, 0.8144531, 1.65625, -1.140625, 0.16711426, 1.3574219, 2.1953125, -2.8125, 1.0488281, -0.014877319, -0.22570801, 0.06341553, -0.71777344, 0.16699219, -1.9824219, 0.6464844, 2.1796875, 0.7998047, -0.74902344, 0.8413086, 1.2109375, -0.4399414, 0.46484375, 2.2910156, -0.4050293, 0.23254395, -0.10864258, -0.17004395, 4.4101562, -2.9609375, 1.8867188, 1.9589844, 1.3847656, 1.7978516, -0.7988281, 1.5488281, -0.05935669, -1.4238281, 0.107055664, 0.9667969, 1.8896484, -0.58935547, -0.97753906, 0.57910156, 0.23486328, 1.3642578, -1.0390625, 1.5751953, 0.1303711, -0.2133789, 1.0107422, -0.94189453, 0.5239258, 2.3339844, -1.5634766, 1.0888672, -0.75390625, 0.12963867, -0.097473145, 0.38916016, -0.41015625, -1.1044922, 1.4707031, -2.2226562, -2.4160156, 1.6386719, -0.5493164, 0.45654297, -0.9301758, -0.59716797, 1.5371094, 0.066101074, -0.4650879, 0.96533203, 1.1494141, 3.2988281, -1.9580078, -0.79589844, -0.7631836, -2.96875]" Hard Lines,com.jakyl.hardlineshd,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jakyl.hardlineshd,arcade by spilt milk studios take on all comers avoid collisions and score millions of points in this stunning game of skill and quick reflexes guide our plucky underdog hero lionel in his epic task to kill all lines pick up lovely glowy things fight for survival in spaaaaaace and most importantly dont crash this is literally the funniest game you will ever play that has a glowing yellow line as the main character presented with full hd graphics for this android version for both phones and tablets on tablets play in the specially crafted extreme mode for x the challenge,"[2.0859375, 1.2880859, 1.7529297, 2.3261719, 0.86279297, 0.61083984, 1.1220703, 0.69384766, 1.6123047, -0.06707764, -0.22570801, 1.9111328, 0.8515625, 0.81640625, 1.9228516, -0.1505127, 1.3876953, 0.43066406, 0.71728516, 0.080444336, 0.14685059, 0.6074219, 0.25097656, -1.3251953, 0.76171875, 0.09173584, 0.8979492, -0.85595703, -2.2695312, 0.13977051, -0.55322266, -0.57177734, -0.6669922, 0.55859375, -2.1308594, -2.5410156, 2.0644531, -0.98046875, 0.47387695, -1.0185547, 0.71533203, -1.0097656, -0.2705078, 0.3154297, -0.7963867, 1.4736328, 0.38183594, -0.20471191, -0.2590332, 2.1582031, -0.3869629, -1.3125, -0.7480469, -0.19519043, 1.0283203, -0.9707031, 2.0371094, -0.79785156, -0.8046875, -0.7285156, 0.24560547, 0.6455078, -0.82177734, 1.2939453, -0.35424805, 1.0957031, -0.62890625, -1.3710938, -0.4790039, 0.8041992, 1.4052734, 1.6132812, 0.53271484, 0.59033203, 0.2758789, 0.20532227, -1.0029297, 0.78271484, -0.5683594, 0.10235596, 1.0390625, 0.20263672, -1.8515625, 1.6259766, -0.5786133, -0.32788086, 1.4199219, 0.013450623, -2.5683594, 1.2675781, -1.0498047, -1.4736328, 1.2841797, 1.8007812, 0.60009766, 0.030334473, 0.30297852, -0.75097656, -0.03479004, -1.7539062, 2.6679688, -1.9257812, 0.19006348, -0.51708984, 0.3005371, -1.2734375, -0.4333496, -0.5024414, -0.52197266, -1.7207031, -0.31103516, 0.05407715, -1.9941406, -0.6660156, -1.9042969, 1.5654297, -0.021057129, 1.0869141, -0.031219482, -1.8095703, 0.49536133, -0.6879883, -0.15576172, -2.4003906, 1.6982422, -1.9755859, -1.484375, -1.2509766, -1.5283203, 1.9316406, -3.0214844, 0.1616211, -2.6210938, 0.7446289, 4.578125, -0.7651367, 1.9560547, 0.06896973, -1.9824219, -0.4465332, 1.5361328, 0.1060791, 0.50097656, 1.1269531, -0.13903809, -0.5214844, 0.90771484, -0.77490234, 0.8496094, 0.070129395, 0.08807373, 0.036376953, 4.5039062, 0.64990234, 5.1757812, 0.7583008, -0.5019531, -1.0595703, -0.46118164, 0.19018555, -0.5151367, -1.7744141, -2.1660156, -0.19189453, 1.4052734, -0.70166016, 0.4416504, 3.1953125, -1.0878906, 0.107299805, 1.5146484, -0.70947266, 1.1601562, 0.66064453, 1.2246094, -0.21777344, -0.19458008, -4.359375, 1.5810547, 0.5761719, -2.4257812, 1.078125, -1.0839844, 2.640625, -1.0908203, 1.4345703, -0.07745361, 0.91552734, 0.76416016, -0.40625, 1.484375, -1.5107422, 1.5566406, 0.26757812, -0.3227539, -0.4597168, -0.68408203, -0.8300781, -0.56152344, 0.039154053, 0.77783203, -0.019546509, 0.17773438, -1.0791016, -2.2207031, -0.7963867, 0.84472656, -1.1933594, 0.09838867, -0.7133789, 0.31689453, -0.93115234, 0.71777344, -0.81396484, -0.79541016, -0.10473633, -1.5185547, 2.1992188, 2.5703125, -2.2695312, 0.45166016, -2.3105469, 0.87597656, 0.34570312, 0.25878906, 1.6845703, 1.8964844, 0.66015625, 0.6088867, 0.083740234, 1.9130859, -1.9453125, 1.7841797, 0.4399414, -0.11669922, 0.85253906, 0.53271484, 0.5439453, -0.8105469, 2.5546875, 3.3710938, 0.8334961, -0.2524414, 1.1835938, -1.2568359, -0.7294922, 0.097839355, -0.90625, 1.6181641, -0.18945312]" "Dragon, Fly! Full",com.lsgvgames.slideandflyfull,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lsgvgames.slideandflyfull,casual as a newly hatched dragon pup you still have too tiny wings to fly that however is not going to stop you from embarking on your very first adventure the realms are full of curvy hills slide along them and time your touches with precision to build momentum and take off on your tiny wings into the sky be quick though dragon mum is anxious about your whereabouts and has headed out to end your journey and bring you back to the nest features super simple one touch controls pick up and play super complex advanced d physics engine makes,"[1.7128906, -1.8066406, 1.9355469, 1.3183594, -0.033081055, 0.7841797, 1.0205078, 0.44995117, 0.7675781, 1.6552734, 1.3984375, 1.2949219, -1.4521484, -0.62841797, 0.5551758, -0.084350586, 0.22888184, 0.5776367, -1.5224609, 1.28125, 2.2890625, 0.7758789, 1.9355469, -0.8066406, -0.041656494, -0.59228516, 0.023544312, -1.3417969, -0.70751953, 2.5019531, -2.1855469, -0.2626953, -0.29003906, 1.0234375, -1.2861328, -2.0722656, 0.39257812, -0.19274902, 0.60302734, -2.0195312, 1.2148438, -0.78808594, 0.81689453, -1.7314453, 1.6699219, 0.44970703, 0.26293945, 0.6870117, 1.4882812, 1.4863281, 0.4206543, -0.9082031, 1.6132812, -0.02720642, -2.2773438, -0.29418945, 1.2490234, -1.2929688, 0.16796875, -0.84765625, 0.4753418, 1.5302734, 1.0302734, 0.42358398, -2.3554688, 0.18188477, -0.068237305, -1.7851562, 1.0136719, 1.6435547, 2.1054688, 0.22473145, -0.037322998, 0.22265625, 1.8085938, -0.17919922, -0.55859375, -3.9707031, -3.0800781, 0.55810547, 0.23034668, -1.6386719, -1.7851562, 0.91064453, -0.6074219, 1.2041016, -1.3300781, 0.9741211, -1.1601562, -0.15991211, -1.5976562, -1.8603516, 1.4853516, 0.14294434, -0.60498047, 1.1708984, -1.0253906, 0.61328125, -1.6894531, -1.78125, -1.9726562, -0.101989746, 0.27392578, -0.2454834, 1.1787109, -0.5258789, 0.5102539, 1.2197266, -1.3603516, -1.2666016, -0.72265625, -1.7001953, 0.28271484, 0.16723633, 0.16308594, -1.0888672, -0.65234375, -0.11260986, 0.89501953, -0.43115234, -0.16381836, -0.08880615, -0.24304199, -0.06213379, 1.2314453, 0.5410156, -0.019119263, 0.3466797, 0.14501953, 1.1796875, 1.1054688, 0.3552246, 0.34887695, 0.9560547, 1.9492188, -2.1113281, -0.11590576, -0.99658203, -0.33081055, -1.6787109, 1.21875, -1.6621094, 2.1289062, -1.3427734, -0.59033203, 0.011024475, -0.19067383, 1.0078125, 0.21582031, -0.10229492, 0.36694336, 1.1298828, 0.7871094, 2.3984375, 2.9765625, -1.3417969, -1.1523438, -0.31713867, 1.5263672, 0.43408203, 0.8808594, -0.24621582, -0.56689453, 0.059051514, -1.0048828, 0.6269531, 2.0371094, 1.21875, -0.51171875, 1.5429688, -0.10089111, -1.3457031, 2.7050781, -0.030883789, 0.99560547, -1.3525391, -0.3088379, -0.6040039, -0.39819336, 1.3916016, -0.31201172, 1.6416016, -0.02468872, 1.4003906, 0.10345459, 1.1142578, -1.5107422, -1.4423828, 2.1054688, -0.5996094, -0.7192383, -0.9501953, 0.124938965, 1.2353516, 1.0517578, -0.24719238, -0.4309082, -1.5859375, -1.1611328, -0.43603516, 2.2832031, -1.0556641, 2.375, -2.4765625, -2.3164062, 2.9394531, -0.6791992, 1.4580078, 0.8720703, 0.7836914, -0.93115234, -1.46875, -0.46679688, -1.9335938, -2.5117188, 0.76123047, 2.2734375, 1.2480469, 1.0136719, -0.18249512, 0.12634277, -1.3427734, -0.2902832, -0.30810547, -3.2460938, 4.3828125, 0.54296875, -0.17053223, -1.4375, 1.2431641, -0.5253906, -1.3388672, -2.0078125, 0.1161499, 1.0878906, -1.1826172, -0.14794922, 0.55322266, -0.5517578, 0.37963867, 0.5073242, -1.0712891, 0.09454346, 1.5322266, -0.8623047, -0.9511719, -0.9350586, -2.1152344, 1.0849609, 0.011520386]" Octodad: Dadliest Catch,com.younghorses.octodad,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.younghorses.octodad,adventure octodad dadliest catch is a game about destruction deception and fatherhood the player controls octodad a dapper octopus masquerading as a human as he goes about his life octodads existence is a constant struggle as he must master mundane tasks with his unwieldy boneless tentacles while simultaneously keeping his cephalopodan nature a secret from his human family requirements samsung galaxy s or higher is required for best performance although game may run acceptably with older devices gb ram or higher required android tv devices require a gamepad to play key features octodad s wacky physics create hilarious moments that are,"[1.7910156, 0.22619629, 1.9414062, -0.1385498, 0.3857422, 0.12915039, 0.65966797, -2.3671875, 0.08312988, 0.6386719, -0.8442383, 1.2978516, -2.4042969, 0.65478516, -0.7885742, -0.1829834, 0.035095215, 0.46044922, -0.56396484, -0.6713867, -0.10614014, -3.2363281, -1.4941406, -1.7373047, -0.5776367, -1.5878906, 0.81152344, -0.7207031, -0.13745117, 0.8647461, -0.9921875, 0.18359375, -1.5146484, -0.6582031, 0.57470703, -2.734375, 1.3496094, -0.5961914, 0.6894531, -1.7910156, 0.4921875, 0.24597168, -3.0546875, -0.73876953, 2.4375, 0.56591797, 0.68408203, 1.6054688, -0.026870728, -0.34423828, -0.7080078, -0.029769897, -0.6074219, 0.48510742, -0.27539062, -1.2871094, 1.6357422, 1.5126953, -0.97509766, -1.0673828, 1.28125, 1.6787109, -1.2724609, 0.10229492, 0.5756836, 0.17358398, -0.8701172, 0.5517578, 2.0097656, -0.08666992, 0.035858154, -0.48657227, -0.50341797, -0.008178711, 0.85791016, 1.4921875, 0.4831543, -0.11016846, 0.23730469, -1.6679688, 3.0820312, 0.4326172, -1.5058594, 2.15625, -0.24731445, 0.13293457, 0.3972168, -0.27246094, -2.5859375, 0.23840332, 0.7133789, -0.7080078, 0.12512207, 1.9345703, 0.51660156, 0.69384766, -0.11010742, -1.1787109, -0.69091797, 0.61865234, 0.10736084, 1.1298828, 0.953125, -0.88183594, -0.5566406, -0.34765625, 1.1474609, 1.609375, 0.1998291, 0.78125, 1.0556641, -0.79785156, -1.5517578, 1.3623047, -0.5629883, -1.3369141, -0.7402344, 0.74853516, -0.80029297, -0.45263672, -0.54541016, 0.6796875, 1.3212891, -0.5839844, 2.265625, 0.74609375, -2.1679688, -0.7421875, 0.21936035, 0.5756836, 0.32104492, -1.3720703, 0.46289062, 1.3896484, 4.0039062, -0.23986816, 1.0839844, -0.9970703, -0.31274414, -1.2988281, 1.0722656, -0.79052734, 0.5126953, 1.6621094, -1.2617188, -0.5751953, 1.15625, 0.66308594, 0.75341797, 0.55029297, -0.47094727, 0.26000977, 2.5527344, -0.22473145, -0.29882812, -0.76416016, -0.2220459, -0.6801758, 0.57373047, -0.053894043, 0.5102539, -2.3925781, -1.0556641, 0.0579834, 1.5419922, 1.8300781, 0.30419922, 1.3271484, -1.6416016, 0.89160156, 0.20043945, -0.65185547, 0.28173828, 1.578125, 0.5161133, -1.0214844, 0.018814087, -4.2773438, 1.4335938, 0.48999023, -1.0234375, 1.0146484, -0.9003906, -0.7895508, -1.0537109, 0.44335938, 1.5673828, 0.09869385, 1.4765625, -0.41015625, 0.7817383, -2.6738281, 0.359375, -0.24780273, -1.6582031, -0.296875, -1.3789062, -0.34838867, 1.78125, -1.6767578, 1.4189453, 1.1640625, -0.9428711, -0.16906738, -1.1210938, 0.9658203, 0.4897461, -0.113220215, 0.19506836, 1.2988281, -0.8803711, -1.4863281, -1.4638672, -0.49316406, -1.6123047, -1.5361328, 0.5175781, 0.6401367, 1.6933594, -0.7080078, 0.18737793, -1.5224609, -1.2578125, 1.015625, -0.119628906, 1.6835938, -1.6572266, -0.9472656, -0.46484375, 0.53027344, -1.1777344, -2.9765625, 0.21166992, -0.3828125, -0.3798828, 1.8505859, -0.11016846, 0.94384766, -2.7246094, 1.3525391, 2.15625, -1.3603516, 0.030319214, 0.14709473, 1.0390625, 0.64501953, 1.0693359, -0.09790039, 2.2988281, -0.09350586]" Real Racing 3,com.ea.games.r3_na,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ea.games.r3_na,racing take on the worldwide motorsports including formula anytime anywhere real cars real people real motorsports this is real racing read on for important info below real racing is the awardwinning franchise that sets a new standard for mobile racing games this app offers inapp purchases you may disable inapp purchasing using your device settings this app may contain content provided by third parties electronic arts is not responsible for such content boasting over million downloads real racing features officially licensed tracks with over circuits at realworld locations a car grid and over meticulously detailed cars from manufacturers like porsche bugatti,"[0.9301758, -1.2011719, 1.9169922, 2.0371094, 0.41430664, 1.0917969, 3.3632812, -0.71728516, -1.5048828, 0.41381836, -0.13305664, 0.38427734, -0.77734375, 0.18786621, 3.0976562, 0.51953125, 1.1855469, 1.546875, -0.41967773, -0.047790527, 0.6064453, 3.0644531, 2.5117188, -1.3994141, -0.58154297, 0.9213867, -0.38793945, -3.7460938, 0.21252441, -0.21166992, -0.53271484, -0.28125, 1.2783203, -0.48876953, 2.1972656, -2.1015625, 0.96875, -0.36767578, 0.16027832, -0.83496094, -0.82421875, -0.37158203, -0.65966797, -0.6484375, 0.7368164, 0.12188721, -0.42358398, -1.6826172, 0.33422852, -0.14953613, 0.70214844, -3.1816406, -2.453125, -0.22790527, -0.65234375, -0.03201294, 1.3144531, 1.9775391, 1.1953125, 1.7910156, 0.7524414, -1.7412109, 0.57470703, 1.1337891, -0.80908203, -0.46411133, 1.3339844, 1.6269531, -0.7241211, 2.7636719, -2.1230469, 1.2480469, 2.0175781, -0.5283203, 1.0996094, -1.9511719, -0.8046875, -0.58984375, 1.1728516, 0.35351562, -1.5644531, 0.41235352, -0.74853516, 2.1621094, -0.24060059, -0.4362793, -0.032592773, -0.7060547, -0.08355713, 1.3779297, 0.12731934, -1.9091797, 0.083618164, 0.22924805, -1.3027344, -2.7617188, -0.26904297, 2.4277344, 0.5083008, -0.86328125, -0.72314453, 1.2285156, -1.8388672, -2.1621094, -0.7709961, 1.7001953, 0.043884277, 1.4511719, -1.5097656, -1.2529297, 1.9384766, 0.97753906, -1.0097656, 0.49365234, -0.84521484, -0.030059814, 1.0322266, 0.26220703, 0.54833984, -1.1884766, 0.26611328, -0.625, -0.51171875, 0.23449707, 0.5239258, -1.8515625, -1.6171875, -2.6738281, 0.096191406, 1.5996094, -0.064575195, -0.59472656, -0.12792969, -0.5932617, 0.64160156, 0.74072266, 0.7192383, 0.3022461, 1.0126953, -1.8955078, -0.73876953, 0.87353516, 0.99658203, 2.6308594, -0.4753418, 0.29492188, 0.2614746, 0.33520508, 1.1884766, 1.6230469, -1.5927734, 0.2607422, 3.484375, -0.49658203, 2.8867188, 1.1904297, 1.6240234, -1.0185547, 2.75, 0.111694336, -0.055999756, 2.0957031, -0.6411133, -0.6381836, -1.1201172, -1.3427734, 0.1394043, -0.30859375, 0.09136963, -1.46875, -0.036468506, 0.3840332, 2.0683594, 1.1113281, 0.8432617, -0.9213867, 0.59765625, -0.81103516, -0.40576172, 0.7685547, -3.2871094, -0.13317871, -2.2558594, -0.2043457, 0.21789551, 1.0126953, -1.7333984, -0.6821289, 2.390625, -0.27905273, -0.27734375, -1.2373047, -0.31591797, 0.8623047, -2.3183594, -0.7182617, 0.12023926, -0.27124023, -1.1220703, 1.0244141, 1.2871094, 2.2441406, 1.0673828, -1.1142578, 0.09069824, 0.29345703, 0.17468262, 0.082336426, -0.61621094, 0.011352539, 0.80859375, -0.33618164, -0.1784668, -1.0068359, 2.0585938, -2.2597656, -1.25, 1.296875, 0.28564453, 0.65722656, -0.80908203, 1.2333984, 0.8564453, 1.7353516, 0.57421875, 0.52441406, -0.7236328, 1.3759766, -0.41235352, 1.7373047, -1.7626953, 0.04244995, 1.6386719, -0.21264648, -1.2509766, -1.0, -0.36279297, 0.46142578, 0.28149414, 1.5185547, 0.9272461, 0.86376953, -1.0332031, 1.5292969, 0.8588867, 0.61083984, -0.60839844, -1.9560547, 1.6591797, -1.3662109]" Riptide GP2,com.vectorunit.red,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vectorunit.red,racing riptide gp kicks everything into overdrive with upgradeable hydro jets and riders improved graphics an allnew career mode and a whole new stunt system with dozens of new tricks featuring rocketpowered hydro jets racing around futuristic tracks across a dynamic and interactive water surface riptide gp delivers a fast fun and visually stunning racing experience from vector unit developers of acclaimed racing games riptide gp beach buggy racing shine runner and hydro thunder hurricane game features challenge your friends race against your friends best times in the exciting vr challenge mode all new career mode play through race hot lap,"[0.92089844, 0.09790039, -0.58740234, 0.2944336, 0.18701172, -0.07287598, -0.4169922, -1.8769531, 1.0029297, 0.41308594, -0.2919922, 1.265625, -0.1607666, -1.2275391, 1.8720703, -0.20251465, 1.0771484, -0.11004639, 0.39257812, -0.38720703, -1.7880859, -0.13378906, 0.55126953, -1.4589844, -0.18432617, -1.546875, 1.6269531, -0.7519531, 0.20861816, 0.17175293, -2.3769531, -1.0654297, 1.3115234, 0.4868164, -0.36254883, -2.8203125, -0.9902344, -0.04550171, 0.34106445, 0.053497314, 0.57421875, -0.21350098, -0.8979492, -0.25830078, 2.0429688, -0.25585938, -2.265625, 0.18786621, 1.4775391, -0.27148438, -0.8100586, -2.1347656, -2.2578125, 0.4580078, 0.6533203, -1.8564453, 0.3725586, 1.5820312, -1.4521484, 0.60595703, -0.22058105, 0.042816162, 1.2822266, 1.6699219, -0.8769531, -1.0722656, 1.1054688, 0.75146484, 1.4296875, 1.3574219, 0.4736328, 0.16931152, -0.038513184, -0.81933594, 1.0869141, 0.12072754, -2.1523438, -1.2363281, -0.5546875, -0.83203125, -1.4707031, 1.015625, -1.4707031, 1.7744141, -0.69140625, 1.6621094, -0.17370605, -0.95410156, -0.78027344, -0.07745361, -0.11694336, -2.9492188, -1.0888672, 1.109375, -0.24987793, -1.8408203, 0.10961914, 1.4003906, -0.1529541, -0.32641602, 1.4482422, -0.07287598, -0.79052734, -1.5771484, -1.7246094, 0.64404297, 1.2421875, 0.6191406, -1.1572266, -2.2226562, -1.1826172, 0.57470703, -0.6743164, 0.066589355, 0.8461914, -1.1455078, 0.6459961, 1.4316406, 2.4511719, -0.22741699, -0.2775879, 0.021087646, -1.3476562, -0.74072266, 3.6835938, -1.90625, 1.359375, -2.9316406, -0.5864258, 0.5366211, 1.7412109, -0.5439453, -0.09637451, 0.2529297, 3.1289062, -4.546875, -1.6142578, -0.74365234, 2.0332031, -1.6220703, 2.5039062, -0.16479492, 1.3369141, 0.68652344, 0.91015625, -0.66503906, 0.18469238, 0.7363281, 0.56347656, 1.7705078, -0.1282959, -0.58496094, 3.8457031, -0.7763672, 0.13720703, 0.5126953, 0.4338379, -2.0136719, 1.7519531, -1.8769531, 1.53125, -2.4902344, -1.8974609, -0.14941406, 1.5488281, -0.39257812, -0.109375, -0.8198242, 0.47460938, -1.3486328, 1.1376953, -0.7675781, 2.0957031, 1.8974609, 1.4384766, -1.3955078, -0.1227417, -3.1777344, 1.4189453, 0.3857422, -2.8886719, -0.25634766, -0.4326172, -1.9697266, -0.9658203, -0.9609375, 0.24780273, -1.4726562, 1.8525391, 0.96777344, -1.1855469, -1.3945312, -0.9267578, 0.20092773, -0.7050781, -0.8979492, 0.6376953, -0.19641113, -2.3476562, 0.41674805, -0.90283203, 0.9453125, 0.8071289, -1.7070312, -1.7832031, 1.6054688, 0.5288086, -0.22180176, 0.53027344, 0.0028877258, -1.0175781, -2.4160156, 0.32543945, -1.4775391, 1.3798828, 0.83203125, 0.87158203, 1.1025391, -0.8183594, -2.3203125, -1.3105469, 0.41992188, -0.16064453, 0.39038086, -0.52246094, 0.27197266, 1.0244141, 2.0976562, -2.3652344, 1.0742188, -1.4794922, -2.3671875, 0.32763672, -1.7548828, 2.1796875, 0.3034668, 2.1464844, -0.018722534, 0.010551453, -0.39257812, 1.546875, -0.23449707, -1.4755859, 0.83447266, 1.1386719, -1.5117188, 0.8466797, 1.8164062, 0.86865234, -0.78027344]" Nitro Nation: Car Racing Game,com.creativemobile.nno,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.creativemobile.nno,racing race mod and tune dozens of real licensed cars start a team invite your friends win tournaments trade car parts with other racers in real time and build your dream car lots of cars supercars and exotics check tuners and street racers check classic and modern muscle you bet the best part theres always more of them coming to the game we know you love drag racing cars we have more than real cars from top international car brands like audi bmw chevrolet chrysler dodge ford jaguar mercedesbenz nissan subaru volkswagen and many more fair play no fuel that you,"[0.5541992, -0.30615234, 1.0244141, 2.4296875, -0.55322266, 2.171875, 2.1679688, -0.4765625, -1.7324219, 0.56884766, 0.17602539, 1.2392578, -0.30810547, 1.5527344, 2.5273438, 0.37817383, 0.9584961, -0.1508789, -0.50097656, 0.7104492, 0.17529297, 2.7324219, 1.7636719, -1.3496094, 1.1064453, 1.1191406, -0.31274414, -3.4785156, 0.9316406, 0.085998535, -2.078125, -1.3251953, 0.79003906, -1.1953125, 1.1484375, -3.2675781, 1.0380859, 0.62158203, 0.38061523, -0.9604492, -0.25170898, -0.33544922, 0.12359619, 0.14709473, 0.15576172, 0.46557617, 0.44482422, 0.41577148, -0.38134766, -0.8510742, 2.625, -1.7617188, -4.0273438, -0.51123047, -0.43188477, -1.5302734, -1.03125, 1.7753906, 0.49194336, 0.73339844, 0.5673828, -0.10266113, 0.578125, 1.7568359, -0.4633789, 0.49072266, 1.6347656, 1.0566406, 1.5292969, 2.4355469, 0.6791992, 0.4038086, 0.057006836, 0.77197266, 0.41235352, -1.1494141, 0.2010498, -0.17749023, -0.12561035, -0.05706787, 0.48461914, -0.6748047, -0.4116211, 2.4667969, -1.2626953, -0.31762695, -0.63427734, -0.9477539, -0.93310547, 2.6894531, 0.94433594, -0.8955078, -0.24267578, 0.6738281, -0.7832031, -2.9433594, 0.765625, 1.7851562, 0.35913086, -0.09906006, -1.2265625, 1.1416016, -0.08734131, 0.50927734, -1.1396484, 1.0449219, -0.31835938, 1.71875, -1.1767578, -1.5166016, -0.5019531, 0.5317383, -0.69873047, 0.8183594, 0.097229004, 0.9863281, 0.7729492, -0.17370605, 2.2714844, -1.6816406, 0.16320801, 0.11853027, -1.7304688, -0.14501953, 1.6787109, -2.1953125, -1.2939453, -2.5898438, -0.0020370483, 0.41748047, -0.7675781, -0.31079102, -0.031799316, -0.4736328, 1.7558594, -0.31860352, 1.2929688, 0.14733887, -0.59033203, -0.6801758, 0.9511719, -1.046875, 1.6972656, 1.6269531, -0.8647461, 0.92529297, -0.5395508, 1.9980469, -0.08508301, 0.3942871, -0.63964844, 1.46875, 3.1738281, -0.5048828, 1.7910156, 1.2490234, 1.5712891, -1.6533203, 0.64160156, 1.1816406, -0.49291992, 1.2910156, -1.5703125, -0.11590576, -0.15783691, -0.7548828, 0.5258789, 0.37231445, -0.8876953, -0.42114258, 0.33813477, -1.7314453, 0.6113281, 1.0595703, 0.79248047, -0.9116211, 0.7861328, -1.1416016, -0.6279297, 1.1416016, -1.7099609, -0.8208008, -1.5830078, 0.20751953, 0.58691406, 1.2685547, -1.1660156, -3.3085938, 1.8427734, 0.14978027, -0.3696289, -1.3720703, -0.14697266, 1.4960938, -2.3359375, -0.9736328, 0.93408203, -0.09820557, -0.69921875, 1.3876953, 0.77685547, 1.1494141, 1.3398438, -0.67285156, 0.29858398, 0.109191895, 1.1162109, -0.099365234, -1.3857422, -0.48950195, 0.45922852, 0.10650635, 0.47436523, -1.2626953, 1.2851562, -0.43188477, 0.6123047, 0.9638672, -0.58447266, 0.11016846, 0.5332031, 1.1962891, 1.0869141, 1.2880859, -0.28344727, 0.52246094, -0.4645996, -0.2052002, -0.39233398, 0.5761719, -1.2011719, -0.024291992, -1.7705078, 0.80126953, 0.9638672, -3.6621094, 0.72558594, 0.53222656, 0.06427002, 1.4042969, -0.20874023, 0.4650879, 0.053955078, 0.4375, 1.0458984, -1.6142578, -0.40063477, 0.068237305, 2.3242188, -1.3300781]" Does not Commute,com.mediocre.commute,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mediocre.commute,racing a strategic driving game from the awardwinning maker s of smash hit does not commute is a temporal paradox in which you have no one to blame but yourself what starts out as a relaxing commute in a small town of the s quickly devolves into traffic chaos with hot dog trucks sports cars school buses and dozens of other vehicles you drive them all plan ahead dont be late in this small town discover the characters and their secrets what worldchanging experiment is inventive dentist dr charles schneider hiding will mr baker quit his job in advertising what is,"[0.13903809, 0.3154297, 2.5136719, 1.1816406, 0.1772461, 0.57177734, -0.71484375, -0.48608398, -0.9814453, 0.50439453, -0.5263672, 0.35986328, -0.89160156, 1.0263672, 1.7060547, -1.1240234, 0.6621094, 1.4160156, 0.2565918, 0.6455078, -1.09375, 0.3408203, 0.5078125, -1.0253906, -0.47509766, 0.53466797, 1.2265625, -2.0957031, 0.63964844, 1.2080078, -1.3974609, -1.3417969, -0.2553711, -0.41333008, 1.3554688, -3.7695312, 1.0859375, 0.47338867, -0.35424805, 1.0097656, -0.37280273, 0.90625, -0.8173828, 1.3417969, 2.9121094, 0.57177734, -0.80322266, 0.4633789, 0.055358887, 1.2236328, 0.20861816, -1.2382812, 0.5527344, -0.6621094, -0.088012695, -0.35961914, 0.88964844, 0.4128418, -1.5859375, -0.3725586, 1.2441406, 1.7294922, 0.23278809, 0.17944336, -1.203125, 0.77685547, 1.4228516, -0.90771484, 0.4169922, -0.40429688, -0.36816406, -0.2548828, -0.09436035, -0.21716309, -0.65283203, 0.14953613, -1.3623047, -0.59228516, -0.81347656, -0.72216797, -1.2216797, -0.89941406, -1.9990234, 2.7617188, -1.3476562, 0.6166992, 0.8847656, 0.94873047, -0.019317627, 1.4941406, -0.78271484, -0.5859375, -0.9370117, 1.6669922, -0.15917969, -0.68066406, 1.0693359, 1.8291016, -0.21850586, 0.61083984, 0.46484375, -0.6225586, -0.04776001, -1.7470703, -0.90722656, -0.40698242, 0.0059127808, 1.8847656, 0.5263672, -0.47583008, 0.23034668, 1.8681641, 0.49243164, 1.8974609, -1.2109375, 1.8496094, 0.119262695, -1.1611328, -1.4287109, 1.3115234, 0.6513672, 0.97509766, 0.20947266, -0.2836914, 0.3269043, -2.6621094, -0.9003906, -1.7978516, -0.8935547, 0.5703125, 1.3291016, -1.5722656, -1.0019531, 1.4033203, 1.2988281, -0.18078613, 0.07507324, 1.3964844, -1.3115234, -1.9882812, 2.2207031, 0.40576172, 1.7167969, -0.59521484, -1.7832031, 0.94384766, -1.5703125, -0.8183594, -1.1289062, -0.04449463, -3.140625, -0.7973633, -1.484375, 1.15625, 0.6152344, 1.1552734, 1.1171875, -0.94921875, 0.17419434, 1.7851562, 0.47583008, -0.1628418, 0.49316406, -1.8261719, 0.6591797, -0.070739746, 0.5546875, 0.4892578, -1.1171875, -1.1220703, 1.4384766, -1.9472656, 0.43774414, 1.2548828, 0.6245117, -1.1748047, 1.7011719, -4.203125, 0.25146484, -1.1220703, -1.1796875, -1.7226562, -0.16479492, -0.65527344, 0.25634766, 0.06011963, -0.54345703, 0.48999023, -0.87109375, -0.875, 0.42236328, 1.5986328, 1.1816406, -1.609375, -0.7441406, -0.6923828, -0.03225708, -2.1367188, 3.6523438, -0.03756714, 0.84521484, 1.453125, -0.29370117, 0.9609375, -0.06536865, -1.2529297, 1.3027344, -1.6933594, 0.018508911, -1.3828125, -0.4338379, -0.6020508, 0.9926758, -1.4375, 0.26513672, -1.1689453, -1.3964844, -0.90625, -0.09033203, -1.1054688, -0.05014038, 0.37158203, 1.9248047, 1.3242188, 0.20996094, -0.82666016, 0.6201172, 0.34594727, -0.59033203, 1.7158203, -0.012512207, -1.0654297, 0.23876953, 0.016799927, 0.8613281, -4.796875, 0.4423828, 0.75390625, -1.8271484, 0.6201172, 0.49365234, 0.14697266, 1.3173828, 0.60546875, -0.3713379, -0.36743164, -1.3330078, -0.43774414, 0.94677734, -2.0859375]" Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders,com.atypicalgames.sgsr,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.atypicalgames.sgsr,arcade this is the ultimate wwii air combat game you ll participate in visceral dogfights protect cities and fleets bomb enemy structures and even fly through tunnels everything is set up in accurately recreated real life locations like pearl harbor coast of dover midway germany and france amazing quality unparalleled visuals special effects and audio including specular masks bump mapping atmospheric scattering volumetric clouds with realistic lighting sun glare day night transitions god rays high definition textures x anisotropic filtering high dynamic range hdr rendering radial blur heat haze refractive raindrops and more immersive gameplay take off and land on landing,"[1.0019531, -0.7294922, 1.2294922, 2.1289062, 0.33569336, -0.23364258, 2.6660156, -0.3466797, 1.2832031, 1.3847656, 0.12805176, 0.39697266, -0.2734375, 0.11566162, 1.2705078, 0.22521973, 1.1826172, 1.1875, 0.10040283, -0.91503906, 1.6845703, -0.27734375, 1.859375, -2.4472656, 1.984375, -1.6318359, -1.9287109, 0.26293945, 0.11553955, -0.90771484, -2.5761719, -1.2333984, -2.6171875, 0.6982422, -0.8183594, -0.54345703, 0.5498047, -0.16101074, 2.90625, 0.14282227, 0.036315918, -0.7783203, -0.07458496, -0.2541504, -0.38793945, 1.421875, -0.19519043, 0.26757812, 0.019821167, -0.38354492, 0.6894531, -0.98535156, -1.1728516, -0.9350586, -0.81591797, 0.17932129, 1.1943359, -0.6894531, -0.98779297, -0.12780762, 1.5068359, -1.6425781, -0.875, 1.5859375, -0.46606445, 0.23925781, 1.1113281, -0.81152344, 0.22290039, 1.2089844, 1.1777344, -0.48095703, 0.105407715, -0.19091797, 0.19226074, -1.4267578, 1.3720703, -1.015625, -0.037597656, 1.0878906, -1.1650391, 1.0195312, -1.0888672, 1.0791016, -0.5756836, 1.6269531, -0.44604492, -0.05441284, -0.20410156, 1.5478516, -1.5078125, -2.4746094, 2.1152344, -0.23669434, -0.7817383, 0.2705078, 0.52441406, -0.042114258, -1.4980469, -2.8574219, 0.24853516, -1.7548828, -1.2744141, 0.7597656, -1.8427734, -0.60498047, -0.023712158, -0.43579102, -0.37182617, -2.0996094, -0.98828125, -0.31640625, -1.6132812, -0.19384766, -1.3193359, 0.69189453, -1.6279297, 1.2617188, 0.88378906, -0.12109375, -0.7895508, -0.46289062, 0.7709961, -1.5957031, 1.6025391, -1.4765625, -1.3222656, -1.2861328, -2.4140625, 2.1171875, -0.63134766, -1.3378906, -1.8769531, 0.22497559, -0.10192871, -2.9570312, 0.44873047, 0.13647461, 1.2910156, -1.1933594, 0.72021484, -0.22546387, 1.1191406, 1.2871094, 0.61328125, -0.73339844, -0.8256836, -0.5473633, 0.0043182373, 0.8779297, 0.4404297, -0.10784912, 3.9472656, -0.5473633, 3.2226562, 1.7753906, -0.04055786, -3.2460938, 2.0078125, -1.7646484, 1.5996094, -1.1005859, -0.7519531, -0.34033203, 3.6855469, -1.4228516, 0.49121094, 0.03652954, 0.16711426, 0.0904541, 2.3144531, -1.2207031, 2.1035156, 0.7128906, -0.15283203, -1.5224609, -0.1628418, -0.41796875, -0.140625, 1.2050781, -2.9296875, 0.38867188, -1.8984375, 1.3994141, 0.81103516, 0.41845703, -0.6459961, -1.2978516, 0.5029297, -1.0703125, 1.0078125, -0.9770508, 0.29711914, 2.7734375, -1.0898438, -0.18762207, -0.31176758, 1.0849609, -2.6855469, 0.4802246, -1.4560547, 0.5136719, 0.83496094, -0.77734375, -3.6015625, -0.62402344, 0.23095703, -0.82128906, -0.25048828, 1.1796875, 0.19665527, -3.3828125, 0.41748047, -0.47875977, -1.2714844, 1.6640625, -0.06121826, 1.0478516, 2.0859375, -2.6914062, -1.171875, -0.73291016, 1.7548828, 0.13366699, -1.5087891, 4.6601562, 1.0214844, 3.0800781, 1.4150391, -0.40283203, -1.7949219, -2.4414062, 3.59375, -0.45214844, 2.03125, 1.3320312, 0.54541016, 1.8876953, 0.22790527, 1.7216797, 1.7783203, 0.0690918, 0.076538086, 1.0537109, -0.2130127, -2.0039062, -0.17016602, -1.1376953, 1.5078125, 0.8847656]" Drift Mania: Street Outlaws,com.ratrodstudio.streetoutlawslite,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ratrodstudio.streetoutlawslite,racing drift mania street outlaws takes the heat to the streets allowing players to battle and compete in underground drift events based on various world locations from japan where it all began to the swiss alps desert canyons and the steep hills of san francisco street outlaws will take you to the edge of your seat while drifting around some of the most hazardous roads delivering the same addictive gameplay as the other titles of the drift mania series street outlaws features high end d graphics more realistic controls and a new improved multiplayer mode high definition graphics drift mania street,"[-1.0351562, 1.3105469, 0.46704102, 2.5898438, 0.81103516, 2.6992188, 1.1669922, -2.7128906, 0.6455078, 0.8208008, -0.9682617, 1.8183594, -1.0126953, 0.5996094, 2.0097656, 0.62939453, 0.29052734, 1.5107422, 0.22619629, 0.3684082, 0.058410645, 0.47924805, 0.17834473, -0.80322266, 0.47045898, 0.7626953, 0.5341797, -2.203125, -0.78515625, 0.14172363, -2.421875, -1.1318359, 0.48120117, 0.51220703, 0.6484375, -2.5546875, 0.004966736, 0.63134766, 0.4411621, 0.018951416, -1.6044922, -0.091308594, 0.14477539, -1.3818359, 2.8925781, 0.6279297, -1.9140625, -0.30371094, -0.20825195, -0.68652344, 1.8486328, -2.3066406, -1.6855469, -0.5415039, -0.28833008, -0.53271484, 2.6621094, 1.7246094, 0.030410767, -0.26293945, 0.8457031, 0.13977051, 0.21569824, -0.15759277, -1.3134766, 0.16174316, 1.3115234, 1.7333984, 0.9667969, 1.6591797, 1.5869141, -0.16430664, -1.2119141, 0.79003906, -0.35302734, -0.010826111, -0.43603516, 0.12927246, -0.26904297, -1.734375, 0.44604492, -0.49389648, -0.51953125, 3.2480469, -1.1308594, 0.7470703, -1.328125, -2.1757812, -1.9248047, 1.0546875, -1.4208984, 0.5385742, -0.5786133, -1.6328125, 0.0970459, -1.0058594, 1.0644531, 1.4560547, 1.6328125, -1.0332031, -0.0892334, -0.14013672, -1.1259766, 0.21960449, -3.5410156, -0.30419922, 1.2304688, 0.72509766, -1.1162109, -0.80615234, 0.072021484, 0.63427734, 0.092285156, -0.91552734, -2.4160156, -0.0569458, 0.20910645, -0.05657959, 1.2158203, -0.2529297, 0.06713867, 0.35913086, 0.21020508, 0.70458984, 2.2695312, -2.4101562, -1.7753906, -1.0449219, -1.8935547, 0.24914551, 0.14379883, -0.45532227, -0.42919922, 1.2490234, 1.8554688, -3.1621094, -0.4025879, -0.10443115, -0.017532349, -2.515625, 1.3574219, -2.2792969, 1.7519531, 0.3552246, 1.0576172, 0.14733887, 0.27416992, 0.33007812, -0.20727539, 2.9511719, -0.6347656, -0.7705078, 4.5390625, 1.0283203, -0.31689453, 1.3017578, 1.7207031, -2.0410156, -2.3535156, 0.52441406, 0.75439453, 0.019119263, -0.7963867, 1.0019531, -0.46020508, 0.37719727, -0.4934082, -1.1240234, -0.6699219, -0.2763672, 1.9716797, -1.1708984, -0.1940918, 1.6982422, -0.030593872, -2.1601562, -0.13122559, -3.8925781, -2.9628906, 0.99365234, -2.6894531, -0.5751953, 0.81396484, -0.56689453, -0.46655273, 1.2060547, -0.6015625, -1.390625, 3.0761719, -0.2109375, -0.3088379, 0.095214844, -0.45117188, -0.6660156, -2.2519531, 0.4567871, -0.052734375, -0.66845703, -0.21081543, 1.3222656, 0.8623047, 1.5712891, -0.48706055, -0.6123047, -1.3125, -1.7060547, -0.05569458, -2.4589844, -0.19750977, 0.25927734, 1.0556641, -1.0644531, 0.8041992, -1.0908203, 0.4819336, 0.30859375, 0.55029297, 0.26660156, 0.73291016, -0.26464844, 0.39111328, 0.095458984, 0.70166016, 0.7685547, 0.35424805, -1.7597656, 2.5214844, -0.6923828, 0.47338867, 0.79296875, -2.0371094, 0.0065078735, -0.049560547, -0.010559082, 0.13256836, -0.3071289, 1.4472656, -0.48754883, -0.31420898, 1.1689453, 1.6660156, 0.27294922, 1.7236328, 0.8129883, 0.7685547, 0.7519531, -0.78466797, 1.1416016, 2.5292969, -0.73095703]" Sky Force Anniversary,pl.idreams.skyforcehdtv,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pl.idreams.skyforcehdtv,arcade the blaster legend is back to celebrate its year anniversary in superdestructive style harnessing the intensity of classic arcade shoot emups with the latest technology sky force anniversary offers a stunning scrolling shooter experience with an incredible new social gameplay element ten years ago ign said put simply sky force is amazing scoring an incredible out of sky force took the early mobile gaming scene by force and now it s back bigger bolder and more intense than ever this th anniversary edition adds incredible depth to the series through stunning d graphics intuitive controls and a powerful upgrade system,"[3.375, 0.31884766, -1.2304688, 0.13244629, 0.52783203, -0.91308594, 2.4628906, 0.80322266, 2.7949219, 1.0537109, -0.6191406, 2.6152344, -0.7270508, 2.9980469, 2.4550781, -0.77783203, -1.9726562, 0.39233398, 0.85595703, -0.21936035, -0.53759766, 2.7421875, -0.82714844, -1.8164062, 1.4804688, -1.5625, -1.7304688, 0.72558594, -1.3193359, -0.56347656, -2.2753906, -0.61279297, 1.2431641, 1.2666016, 0.10632324, -0.6333008, 0.62158203, -0.35620117, 1.65625, -2.0761719, 0.48583984, 0.40625, 0.89501953, -2.1347656, 0.045898438, -1.5244141, -0.8310547, 1.6318359, 0.7216797, 0.8847656, 1.1298828, -0.83740234, -0.4416504, -0.80078125, -0.7368164, 0.80078125, -1.1015625, -0.61865234, 0.54345703, -1.1074219, -0.0793457, 0.30639648, -0.74365234, 2.5527344, -1.3271484, -0.30908203, -1.0644531, -0.67871094, 1.6689453, 1.1054688, 2.2324219, -0.21862793, -0.53564453, -0.7163086, -0.110839844, -0.45874023, 0.71875, -1.5107422, -1.0039062, 0.64697266, -0.62402344, 0.084106445, -0.015396118, -0.9848633, -2.0703125, 0.17834473, -0.056243896, 0.1875, 0.55029297, 3.1894531, -0.81591797, -1.3271484, 0.34960938, 0.3239746, 0.10406494, 0.1373291, 0.25170898, 0.32250977, -0.3408203, -1.0380859, 1.0146484, 0.97216797, -2.9726562, -2.0253906, -0.92871094, -0.24584961, -0.03768921, 0.5805664, -1.0605469, -1.8916016, -1.4638672, -0.7602539, -3.4082031, -2.9042969, -2.1464844, 0.91552734, -1.1455078, 1.4296875, -0.81347656, -0.22558594, 1.8671875, 0.26782227, 0.28076172, -0.28100586, 1.3066406, -0.48950195, -1.0634766, -0.7792969, -0.7441406, 3.390625, -1.2421875, -0.77441406, -0.83935547, 0.092285156, 3.3710938, -2.4980469, -0.39233398, -0.60839844, 0.62158203, 1.3554688, 0.47143555, -1.1933594, -0.56591797, -0.21020508, 0.10205078, -1.3212891, -0.9785156, 0.6152344, 0.046325684, -0.28222656, 1.3076172, 1.8984375, 0.765625, -0.5620117, 2.9609375, -0.052459717, -0.31762695, -1.7636719, 2.1523438, 0.091674805, -0.38549805, -2.2851562, -1.5869141, -1.1289062, 0.28564453, -1.1523438, -1.3710938, -0.40478516, -1.0664062, -1.7607422, 1.3212891, -1.96875, 2.4726562, 0.9741211, 0.6074219, -2.0429688, 0.25, -0.056915283, 2.546875, 0.71533203, -1.9335938, 0.57910156, -0.6166992, -0.51123047, -0.030700684, 1.3076172, -0.45483398, -0.69091797, 1.0849609, -0.48901367, -0.32763672, -0.9628906, 0.8129883, 1.1083984, -1.0839844, 0.09710693, -0.28833008, 0.6425781, -3.7734375, -0.2932129, -0.13391113, 0.4650879, -1.0087891, -0.32714844, -4.1171875, 0.04449463, 1.4189453, -0.18334961, 0.76123047, 0.5942383, 2.046875, -1.7226562, 0.15930176, -0.108947754, -0.5229492, 2.3554688, -0.57421875, -0.5878906, 1.6376953, -0.7680664, 0.47143555, -0.8510742, 1.0029297, -2.2011719, -1.4941406, 3.6015625, 3.1855469, 1.1464844, -0.058654785, 0.203125, 0.2878418, -1.7070312, 0.36523438, -1.2929688, 1.4179688, -0.13391113, 0.039031982, -0.3251953, -0.89501953, 2.2207031, 1.0205078, 1.0371094, 0.18652344, -0.15454102, 0.16223145, -1.6582031, -0.6660156, 0.3322754, 1.5087891, 0.9223633]" Into the Dead,com.sidheinteractive.sif.DR,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sidheinteractive.sif.DR,action in a world overrun with the dead you have survived but for how long into the dead throws you into the gruesome world of the zombie apocalypse where there are no second chances do what you have to in order to stay alive keep moving as fast as you can and protect yourself by any means necessary when the dead are rising run features intense gameplay with stunning visuals sound depicting a grim zombie apocalypse unlock an arsenal of powerful weapons and perks to help you stay alive missions and minigoals provide constant challenges to overcome tablets supported challenge your,"[4.5039062, -2.1835938, 2.6855469, 0.11468506, -0.13061523, -1.0048828, -0.3852539, 0.0025043488, -0.09881592, 0.6508789, 0.75878906, 1.7617188, 1.1757812, 1.0351562, 1.8515625, -0.39135742, -0.48461914, -1.7783203, 0.41430664, -1.0615234, 0.14660645, 0.82373047, -0.09863281, -1.0996094, 0.035614014, 0.17041016, -0.4086914, 2.6191406, 1.9941406, -0.63134766, -1.3496094, -0.2763672, 0.44091797, 0.3840332, -0.02758789, -2.6464844, 0.5439453, 0.8208008, -0.49658203, -0.60302734, 0.6010742, 1.7988281, 0.71191406, 0.4711914, 1.5595703, 0.099731445, -0.89990234, -0.55126953, 0.80908203, 0.6796875, 1.0546875, -2.5683594, 0.15332031, 0.25854492, -0.7495117, -0.38720703, 1.640625, 0.29614258, -0.5644531, -1.1533203, -1.1230469, 1.4511719, -0.24255371, 0.18273926, 0.033447266, -1.3994141, 1.0605469, -0.01727295, -0.0064888, -0.5703125, 0.30639648, -0.5732422, -1.7382812, 0.20251465, 1.6025391, -0.11022949, -1.1767578, 0.034362793, 1.7441406, -0.56347656, -1.9785156, 1.1494141, 0.5209961, 1.3808594, 0.85498047, -1.0351562, 0.010185242, -0.8330078, 0.39916992, 1.4130859, -1.3613281, -1.1865234, -1.0517578, 0.13549805, -1.5771484, 0.70947266, 0.5620117, 2.0878906, -1.078125, -1.8642578, 0.85302734, 0.08728027, -0.7963867, -1.5341797, -0.27075195, 0.05987549, 1.0585938, -1.1503906, -0.60595703, -1.8398438, -0.8535156, -0.60009766, -0.9819336, 1.5556641, -1.0048828, -0.097473145, -0.7729492, 0.20227051, -0.4284668, -0.7919922, 0.07434082, 0.53027344, -0.9682617, 0.7265625, 0.40820312, -0.7470703, -1.2177734, -0.17248535, -2.6933594, 3.0449219, -1.1875, 0.15307617, 1.8984375, -0.040618896, 2.6699219, -2.7890625, 1.7441406, 0.4453125, -3.53125, -1.1259766, -0.035125732, -1.6386719, -0.8120117, -1.1689453, -0.97265625, 0.44458008, 0.18981934, -0.0546875, -0.8876953, 1.4208984, -1.8525391, -0.01121521, 4.03125, -1.5039062, 0.35546875, 1.8164062, -0.041778564, -2.4453125, 0.08660889, -1.7988281, 0.46289062, -0.47558594, 0.41552734, -0.65771484, 1.8964844, -0.7807617, 1.6005859, -0.5019531, -0.5722656, -0.70947266, -1.1044922, -1.2197266, 0.49438477, 1.2402344, -0.09051514, -1.3134766, 1.5488281, -1.09375, 0.56103516, -0.24450684, -0.63134766, -0.008934021, -0.63720703, 1.3525391, -0.0947876, 0.90966797, 0.49731445, 0.4584961, 1.3945312, 0.26831055, 0.9609375, -1.0195312, -0.14355469, -0.43359375, -0.49047852, 1.0449219, -1.8613281, -0.06591797, 1.3330078, 0.004295349, -1.5048828, 0.5078125, 0.69433594, -0.70751953, -1.6240234, 1.5527344, -0.012451172, -1.9179688, -0.34399414, 0.81591797, -0.24182129, -3.0273438, -1.15625, 1.9726562, -0.7036133, 0.39892578, 1.0068359, 0.11602783, 0.68066406, 1.3916016, -0.6958008, -2.046875, -0.7402344, 0.76904297, -0.5546875, -2.5957031, 0.5595703, 1.4541016, 0.5703125, 1.2998047, -1.3037109, -0.77734375, 0.03479004, -0.86083984, 0.63916016, -0.9433594, 2.4511719, 0.62109375, -2.4746094, 1.1582031, 3.5507812, 0.27441406, -0.98583984, 1.296875, -1.9599609, -0.11907959, -1.2216797, -3.4960938, 1.6064453, -0.064453125]" Xenowerk,com.pixelbite.mutant,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pixelbite.mutant,action be the last hope against the mutant infestation enter the aftermath of a scientific experiment gone horribly wrong xenowerk comes from pixelbite the creators of space marshals it is a topdown action shooter challenging your combat skills in an underground science lab descend deeper into the abyss and explore the tarnished levels armed with a flashlight as your main guidance you ll never know what s lurking in the dark mission your objective is to destroy all the nests and eliminate all mutants to prevent them from spreading xenowerk has levels to explore with increasing difficulty as progressing through the,"[2.3261719, -1.9082031, 0.8769531, -0.8569336, -1.7646484, -0.6660156, 1.1328125, -0.55029297, 1.9628906, 2.3144531, 0.36499023, 0.18383789, 1.0, 0.5498047, 1.7773438, -1.5175781, 0.019195557, 0.6801758, 1.1650391, -1.1826172, 0.12792969, 0.3684082, 1.0751953, -2.3183594, 0.85791016, -2.5546875, -0.82128906, 0.97998047, 2.0625, -1.2080078, -1.2177734, -0.4494629, -0.27075195, 0.2397461, -1.0234375, -2.265625, 1.5185547, 0.33691406, 0.07891846, -0.49365234, -0.39013672, 0.55566406, -1.2578125, -2.1601562, 0.113464355, -2.4648438, -1.5166016, 0.12854004, -0.69970703, 0.42504883, 0.24243164, -1.0947266, 0.67578125, -0.00932312, -1.2470703, 1.6201172, -1.7304688, -1.4179688, 0.29858398, -0.32739258, 0.3466797, 0.88964844, 0.44067383, 0.74072266, 0.5732422, 0.027038574, -0.6723633, -0.3251953, 2.2929688, -0.35888672, -0.28735352, 1.5400391, -0.48583984, 0.69140625, -0.1763916, -0.039031982, -2.0273438, -0.29907227, 1.6660156, -0.69677734, -1.90625, -0.13208008, -0.23950195, -1.1376953, -1.3525391, 0.51123047, -0.13928223, 0.8745117, -0.35742188, 2.3574219, -0.18066406, -0.8540039, 0.7348633, 1.7509766, 0.17578125, 0.6816406, 0.6430664, 0.5126953, -1.0019531, -1.5839844, -0.22546387, -0.6879883, -2.0527344, -2.8398438, 0.47827148, 0.25878906, -0.40039062, -0.79248047, 1.5996094, -0.79248047, 0.023452759, 1.3945312, -1.4892578, 2.515625, 0.14855957, 0.5097656, -2.3808594, 0.8154297, -0.095703125, -0.3840332, 2.109375, -0.81396484, -0.52001953, -0.24804688, 0.69384766, 0.05065918, 0.05154419, -1.3203125, -2.3886719, 2.4667969, -0.65234375, -0.48950195, 0.5283203, 0.49145508, 2.7226562, -1.1123047, 0.7988281, 0.38208008, -0.84765625, -0.07873535, 0.9814453, -1.0947266, -0.5722656, 0.26879883, -0.77490234, -0.16308594, 0.3762207, -0.30151367, 0.37768555, 0.30200195, 1.5507812, -0.12524414, 0.84765625, 1.6845703, 1.3916016, 0.7890625, -1.7802734, -4.0976562, -1.6240234, 0.034362793, 0.20800781, -1.2939453, -0.46972656, -0.6303711, 2.609375, 0.81689453, 0.050811768, -0.27319336, -1.3212891, -1.46875, -0.51220703, -1.2490234, 1.9208984, 0.32421875, -0.85498047, -0.36328125, 1.2792969, -1.9189453, -1.1074219, -0.76220703, -1.3417969, -0.4802246, -0.6269531, 1.0722656, -2.1386719, 0.56152344, 0.81640625, 0.27685547, 2.4628906, -0.2208252, -0.10913086, -0.9145508, -1.4150391, 0.7558594, 0.15490723, 1.2226562, -0.66015625, -0.9975586, -0.07305908, 1.2753906, -1.3183594, 0.39111328, -0.19665527, -0.26586914, -3.8085938, 1.015625, 2.2265625, -1.0087891, 0.35888672, -0.52734375, 1.2724609, -3.3183594, 0.8359375, -0.7910156, -1.0292969, 2.7753906, 0.4477539, 0.9140625, 1.3339844, 0.1673584, 1.7822266, -1.8632812, -0.49194336, -0.16040039, -0.36816406, -2.4140625, 2.0058594, 0.41381836, 0.32763672, -0.101745605, -0.44726562, -0.8408203, -0.8613281, 0.26611328, 1.0644531, -1.6445312, -0.10333252, 1.2822266, -1.6503906, 2.1074219, 2.0605469, 0.0076065063, 0.088012695, 1.2314453, -0.96533203, -0.23413086, -1.5917969, -1.03125, 0.5678711, 0.3305664]" Dead Effect 2,com.badflyinteractive.deadeffect2,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.badflyinteractive.deadeffect2,action the nightmare isn t over plunge into the dead space aboard ess meridian again darkness envelopes you will you be dead by daylight looking to push the boundaries of mobile gaming to another level dead effect is a consolequality action scifi shooter with rpg elements challenge yourself in of its enticing storyline with tons of upgradable weapons gear and hightech body implants key features consolequality graphics and sound breathtaking graphics using the latest android nvidia technology realistic effects and stunning environments narrated by professional voice actors atmospheric soundtrack and moviequality sound effects rpg layer with deep character development personas different,"[2.578125, -0.1385498, 2.1816406, -2.2539062, -0.23876953, -0.88623047, 1.0351562, -0.4741211, 0.87060547, 1.5761719, 0.056732178, 0.71777344, -1.2304688, 1.4003906, 1.8505859, -0.67285156, -1.6162109, 0.6347656, -0.5361328, -1.1376953, -1.8759766, 0.4489746, 0.6879883, -1.8505859, 0.6801758, 0.6621094, -1.6142578, 0.9370117, 0.22766113, -0.7348633, -2.1152344, 0.15979004, 0.1973877, -0.7084961, -0.9082031, -2.8183594, 2.0507812, -0.6699219, 1.5244141, 0.6098633, 1.1806641, 1.3583984, -0.36083984, 0.50683594, 0.39526367, 0.52246094, -0.38916016, 0.31030273, -0.70214844, 0.9433594, 0.40405273, -0.54052734, -0.55078125, -0.3869629, -1.9570312, 0.48095703, 2.9550781, -0.7871094, 0.038146973, 1.15625, -0.7558594, 1.1064453, 0.46655273, 0.18664551, -0.5361328, -0.5234375, 0.4946289, -0.17163086, 0.60498047, -0.46166992, -1.8339844, 0.91064453, -2.6308594, -0.7207031, 1.5898438, -0.5810547, -2.7050781, 0.1928711, 2.4589844, 1.4658203, -0.8676758, -1.0244141, -0.65625, 0.1697998, -1.3222656, -0.16711426, -0.39013672, -0.55126953, 0.3461914, 0.09643555, -0.21984863, -0.24255371, -1.0869141, 0.34375, -1.0136719, 0.6074219, 0.26635742, -0.82958984, 0.19030762, -1.8515625, -0.13537598, -0.32373047, -1.0302734, -2.15625, 0.76416016, -0.113342285, 1.6230469, -1.9335938, 0.40576172, -0.2277832, 0.1126709, 0.21252441, -1.7705078, 1.0332031, -3.1679688, 0.5395508, -2.0546875, 0.93115234, -1.25, -1.5458984, 1.2246094, -0.68896484, -0.30737305, -1.0566406, 0.7011719, 0.62597656, -1.7675781, -1.2568359, -3.484375, 2.8359375, -1.0625, -0.36694336, 1.8066406, -1.0566406, 0.57421875, -0.9785156, 0.06695557, 0.5517578, -0.18359375, 0.5551758, 0.20178223, 1.6757812, -0.88427734, 1.7851562, -0.45239258, -0.17834473, 0.6591797, -1.2607422, -0.7397461, 1.3574219, -1.4033203, -1.5556641, 1.5185547, 1.0263672, 1.5664062, 0.578125, 0.6279297, -2.7128906, -0.45947266, -0.7314453, 2.0957031, -0.049224854, -0.890625, -1.5126953, 4.296875, 0.092285156, 0.19091797, 0.73828125, -0.93359375, -1.4589844, 0.23120117, -1.1337891, 1.5136719, 1.7851562, -2.7578125, -1.6689453, 1.1025391, -2.3515625, -0.9550781, -0.7158203, -2.9257812, -0.3178711, 0.6513672, 1.1787109, 0.20910645, 0.9272461, -0.68359375, 0.453125, 1.8203125, -0.012062073, 0.16113281, 0.5786133, 0.019577026, 0.72509766, -1.3291016, 0.98339844, 0.5810547, 0.59521484, 0.3022461, -0.87597656, -0.30297852, 0.3474121, -0.7495117, 0.91748047, -1.1679688, -1.0917969, 1.7070312, -0.24816895, 0.39672852, 1.2529297, -0.08270264, -2.9492188, -0.8823242, -0.67626953, -1.2294922, 0.9160156, -0.09484863, 0.4736328, 0.94921875, 0.4946289, 0.009819031, 1.5996094, 0.28637695, 1.6738281, 0.2286377, -0.5053711, 0.68115234, 0.39916992, -1.2783203, -0.2836914, -1.3925781, -1.7929688, 0.0970459, -0.99365234, 0.66503906, 1.7041016, -0.17712402, 0.67578125, -2.5859375, 0.39794922, 1.3398438, 0.2866211, -2.0332031, 0.32006836, -0.3408203, 0.58203125, 0.47436523, -1.6533203, 0.6176758, 1.5205078]" Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath,com.oddworld.Stranger,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oddworld.Stranger,action please note rockchip broadcom and amlogic devices not supported requires at least a ghz dual core cpu gb ram with adreno nvidia tegra arm mali mp powervr sgx mp intel hd graphics or vivante gc gpu runs at variable resolution based on device capabilities performance settings available in app a stunning and exquisitely realized masterpiece that delivers a gaming experience unlike any that weve seen before game informer a wild beautiful and exceptional action experience ign toucharcade stars every bit as awesome now on a mobile device apps editors choice stars it s a consolequality adventure prepare to immerse yourself,"[2.8417969, -0.031204224, 2.0703125, 0.5698242, 0.5029297, -1.7099609, 0.22497559, -1.0175781, 1.1201172, 0.95751953, 0.39111328, 1.9677734, -2.2714844, -2.1035156, 1.1933594, -0.2697754, -0.06829834, -2.5253906, -0.16540527, -1.3964844, -2.1132812, 1.8134766, 0.4909668, -4.0078125, 1.3632812, -0.98535156, -0.56396484, 0.3491211, -0.04849243, -2.5605469, -0.17895508, -0.2854004, -0.62597656, -1.8115234, -0.17785645, -2.0234375, 0.69384766, 1.4121094, -0.19873047, -1.2841797, 0.33813477, 1.1298828, 1.8076172, -0.008552551, -1.4990234, -1.7373047, -0.83251953, 1.0839844, 0.07904053, -0.44921875, -0.17236328, -1.3798828, -2.1328125, 0.22021484, 2.0410156, -1.1582031, 5.8125, -0.72558594, 0.81933594, -0.43847656, 0.43969727, 2.0761719, 1.7304688, 0.36450195, -0.52441406, 0.098083496, -0.43676758, -1.0908203, 1.8222656, 2.1113281, 2.3847656, 1.9414062, -1.4453125, -0.42016602, 1.1650391, -0.47558594, -0.050079346, -1.6357422, 1.8330078, 1.8789062, 1.6132812, 0.20288086, -3.2792969, 1.0771484, 0.44970703, -0.7573242, 0.59375, -0.17895508, -0.7758789, 0.96972656, 1.8095703, -1.8603516, -1.4013672, 1.3271484, 1.0332031, -1.1914062, -1.3671875, 0.2697754, 1.3164062, 1.3261719, 0.103393555, 0.44262695, 1.0078125, -0.859375, -1.5185547, 1.3857422, 0.13830566, -1.2109375, -0.8095703, 1.0908203, 0.5908203, -2.4746094, -2.9726562, -0.05834961, -0.6411133, -0.9423828, -0.07318115, 1.2431641, 1.4697266, -0.45507812, -1.4453125, -0.6958008, -1.2919922, -0.13977051, 2.828125, -2.1445312, -0.3779297, -1.4619141, -0.06982422, 0.21716309, -3.3066406, -0.29003906, -2.4101562, -1.3417969, 2.2441406, 0.34765625, -0.6953125, -0.49243164, -2.6210938, 0.041137695, 1.9150391, 1.0117188, 1.4384766, 2.6328125, -0.34301758, -1.1669922, 0.3605957, 0.5161133, 2.2128906, -0.21557617, -0.06329346, 0.9013672, -0.3552246, -1.0878906, 0.40893555, -0.38623047, -1.1328125, 0.17773438, 3.6816406, 1.7626953, 0.5449219, 0.4777832, -1.4150391, -0.40820312, 1.9931641, -0.58935547, 0.5361328, 2.5878906, -1.3876953, -1.8203125, 1.3154297, -0.058044434, 2.0488281, -0.042114258, 1.9667969, 0.54248047, -0.7270508, -1.7558594, 0.38061523, 0.16918945, -2.5195312, -0.86035156, 0.26245117, 1.5615234, -2.8847656, -1.2167969, -0.23168945, -0.18920898, 0.7373047, 0.28173828, 2.1308594, -0.7348633, 1.2675781, -0.984375, -1.7578125, -1.3964844, -0.9628906, -0.66845703, 0.6845703, -0.36914062, 1.3046875, -0.14160156, -0.048828125, -1.9375, -1.5195312, -0.7949219, 1.0371094, -1.5185547, -1.046875, -0.22070312, 0.27294922, -0.73095703, 0.12719727, -0.8051758, -1.96875, -0.9628906, 0.23876953, 0.17932129, 0.8408203, -0.58203125, -2.1347656, -1.4501953, 0.6533203, -0.38427734, 1.5986328, 1.3730469, -0.7583008, 2.7617188, -1.4892578, -1.9306641, -0.19824219, -2.6933594, -0.41503906, 0.62060547, -0.46313477, 0.20080566, -0.5048828, 1.75, -2.0488281, -0.025970459, 2.9160156, 0.625, 0.21960449, -0.019470215, 1.6708984, -1.1777344, -0.76123047, -2.8828125, 1.265625, 0.5761719]" Warrior Heart,com.pocha.warriorheart,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pocha.warriorheart,roleplaying warrior heart is a traditional roguelike game with pixel art and simple interface its goal to explore dungeon and gather items thus strike out boss and escape from dungeon its difficult to play there must be fortune you must be prepared for death warrior heart is waiting for your challenge now you are already to be a warrior developed by pocha,"[2.7324219, -0.55615234, -0.06951904, -0.08831787, 1.0996094, -1.8515625, 0.013725281, -2.09375, 1.8525391, -0.32958984, -0.7158203, 3.1875, -0.5942383, 2.0917969, 1.8544922, -2.6035156, 0.5258789, 1.6699219, -0.8647461, -2.3125, 1.0166016, 0.9169922, 2.953125, -0.6777344, -0.87353516, -2.890625, 1.0185547, 1.0742188, 0.29663086, 0.51171875, -1.2539062, 1.0107422, 0.75, -1.9931641, -1.2470703, -2.2441406, 1.1416016, -0.37353516, 0.84277344, -1.4697266, 0.6767578, 0.2142334, 0.4440918, -1.3789062, -1.0263672, 2.5292969, -1.7558594, -0.45336914, -0.1928711, 0.27685547, 1.6582031, 0.35791016, 3.3203125, -0.453125, -0.7104492, 1.0410156, -3.7421875, -1.0400391, 0.38476562, 0.91308594, -1.3642578, 1.2919922, -1.7041016, -2.9199219, -0.1484375, -0.5756836, 0.027374268, -1.3759766, 1.7597656, 0.7939453, 1.4482422, 1.7529297, -1.5859375, -1.3066406, 2.2871094, 0.52001953, -0.49047852, -2.3574219, 2.6796875, -0.7734375, -2.8457031, -0.87890625, -1.8212891, -0.63720703, 1.5439453, -0.7060547, 2.1328125, -1.6640625, -0.6489258, 2.4433594, -2.984375, -0.6982422, -3.2851562, 0.21520996, 0.86035156, 1.2490234, 1.8212891, -1.0605469, -1.0605469, -1.3515625, -1.1953125, 0.8173828, -2.7402344, -3.15625, -0.0793457, 0.42651367, 0.94677734, -1.7851562, 0.34228516, -0.41918945, 1.6875, 1.0527344, -2.1933594, 0.47021484, 0.20776367, 0.88671875, -0.6279297, 0.9628906, -1.7392578, 0.12695312, 0.2680664, 0.8544922, -0.30493164, 0.2734375, 1.1269531, -0.38867188, -0.5756836, -1.0009766, -2.734375, 1.9404297, -0.88378906, -0.8227539, -0.23034668, 1.0810547, 0.35595703, 1.78125, 0.47827148, 1.3818359, -0.37426758, 1.6123047, 0.009628296, -0.94677734, 1.0507812, 0.7192383, -2.2109375, -0.33447266, 1.0390625, -1.4726562, -0.053527832, -0.65234375, -0.19812012, 0.47607422, 3.2832031, -0.8496094, 1.8095703, -0.13342285, 0.3881836, 0.25708008, -2.609375, -0.98828125, -0.33520508, -0.55859375, 1.1416016, -0.16772461, 3.2734375, -0.33740234, -0.3334961, 2.6816406, 2.15625, -2.7578125, -1.3515625, -0.9458008, 3.4179688, -0.63427734, 0.4165039, -0.78271484, -0.04953003, 1.1533203, 1.9580078, -1.2060547, -0.8305664, -0.044281006, -0.34545898, 0.65234375, 0.22375488, 1.0146484, -0.2277832, 1.7587891, 2.7070312, 0.7631836, 0.087524414, -1.7910156, 1.0205078, 0.10479736, -1.9111328, -0.63671875, 0.29638672, 0.8823242, -0.11090088, 0.20263672, -0.10900879, -0.1586914, 0.5078125, -1.0742188, -2.1914062, -0.75439453, 0.89160156, 0.35913086, 0.1394043, -0.7109375, 1.5146484, -1.3339844, 0.4296875, 1.6171875, -0.18933105, -1.2646484, -1.7207031, 1.4648438, 0.43359375, 1.1435547, 0.07928467, -1.3505859, 0.53808594, -2.3222656, -1.0849609, 3.7539062, 0.44750977, 2.1308594, 0.25048828, 0.7988281, -0.2993164, -0.30981445, 0.9013672, -0.5292969, 0.027191162, 0.3779297, 0.84521484, 1.8496094, -1.8642578, 2.1914062, 2.7050781, -1.4746094, 0.034729004, 1.4873047, 0.5341797, -1.9765625, 0.1661377, -1.0048828, 0.43823242, 0.46606445]" Amikin Survival: Anime RPG,com.heliogames.amikin.survival,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.heliogames.amikin.survival,roleplaying dive into a world of discovery and magic in amikin survival a blend of strategy survival and rpg adventures hunt craft and battle alongside cute monsters in your quest to become a champion build and evolve in an openworld game filled with stories quests and memes start your survivors journey today amikin allies collect em all adventure into the wilderness on a hunt for amikins mystical creatures with unmatched powers and endearing personalities these faithful companions are essential to your survival and success offering a blend of fun strategy and unexpected friendships that add color to your quest assemble your,"[3.8476562, -2.8339844, 1.4208984, -1.0019531, -1.1865234, -1.2998047, 0.2006836, 0.6665039, 0.19470215, 2.546875, -1.4677734, 0.66845703, -1.6738281, 1.5263672, 1.7421875, -0.3227539, 2.9296875, 0.25683594, -1.3359375, -1.4042969, 0.56396484, 2.0703125, 1.1191406, -2.484375, 1.4277344, -1.3300781, -0.7631836, -1.8896484, 2.5019531, 1.7861328, -1.1865234, -0.43774414, 1.0117188, 0.117248535, -1.4707031, -1.8632812, 1.7333984, 1.4785156, -1.0693359, -0.19909668, -0.14624023, 0.8300781, 1.0644531, -0.06829834, 0.20288086, -0.020401001, -1.71875, -0.22399902, 1.1533203, 2.6484375, 1.9833984, 1.3359375, 2.1347656, -1.6708984, -0.8046875, 1.6074219, -2.296875, 1.5058594, -0.9765625, 0.63671875, -0.06817627, 3.2753906, 0.515625, -0.46899414, -1.4277344, 1.390625, -0.27856445, 1.1962891, 1.6982422, 0.63134766, 0.4243164, 1.0605469, -0.9067383, 1.6748047, 2.3222656, -0.87646484, 0.9042969, -0.15637207, 2.0117188, -1.1201172, -1.0947266, -2.1152344, 0.4621582, 1.8505859, -0.08001709, -0.85546875, 1.1054688, -0.8911133, -1.3505859, 1.8320312, 0.08496094, -0.5527344, -1.5830078, 0.27905273, -1.5371094, -0.33203125, 1.1201172, 0.14331055, -1.9550781, -2.6191406, -0.38720703, 0.9604492, -0.46655273, -2.5625, -0.43408203, 1.265625, -0.027069092, -1.8134766, -1.0947266, -1.0732422, 0.38476562, 0.38671875, -0.9790039, 2.0839844, -0.6640625, -0.36987305, -0.9526367, -0.32739258, -1.6162109, -1.0292969, 1.0175781, -0.24621582, 0.015975952, -0.103881836, 0.52783203, -0.9916992, 0.75439453, -1.2275391, -2.4609375, 1.9033203, -0.33129883, 0.17175293, 1.3701172, -0.9033203, 3.4980469, -1.0292969, 0.9448242, 0.5395508, -0.12768555, 2.5722656, 0.064453125, -0.28710938, 1.0224609, 0.5859375, -1.5517578, 0.66552734, -0.67333984, 0.54541016, -1.2929688, 0.5317383, -1.4628906, 0.8613281, 1.2265625, 1.6191406, 1.7402344, 1.3681641, -1.0068359, -1.2148438, -1.8574219, -0.0021705627, 0.74902344, -1.4335938, 0.012283325, 0.7578125, 2.1386719, -0.3203125, 0.71533203, 2.4648438, 0.12261963, -2.3652344, -2.1738281, -0.6738281, 0.98779297, 0.40673828, 0.29589844, 0.60009766, 0.4411621, -1.6933594, -0.2705078, 0.70166016, -0.3017578, 0.5917969, -0.111083984, -0.3305664, 0.30200195, 0.60058594, 0.09692383, -0.54541016, 2.2324219, 1.7734375, 0.17260742, -0.26342773, 0.21936035, 2.2675781, -1.7919922, 0.67529297, -0.21899414, -0.31445312, 1.9804688, -0.17810059, 1.0410156, 0.062927246, 1.3164062, 0.08581543, -1.3681641, 1.0224609, -1.2802734, -1.9394531, -0.8725586, -0.9658203, -0.35913086, -0.35888672, 1.6923828, -0.8232422, -1.8994141, -1.3037109, 0.7832031, 1.7050781, 4.0664062, 0.9892578, 0.8901367, -3.2988281, -0.08850098, 0.10668945, -1.7373047, 1.6074219, 0.76904297, -0.23791504, 0.61376953, 1.5429688, -1.3476562, -1.3222656, -4.2226562, -0.46850586, 1.7587891, -0.6743164, 0.37695312, 0.03152466, -1.34375, 1.5078125, 1.59375, 0.6542969, 0.5629883, -0.9169922, -0.74853516, -0.2446289, -0.9506836, -2.5976562, 0.8173828, 0.2277832]" Dawn of Ages: Medieval Games,com.stratospheregames.miniciv,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stratospheregames.miniciv,strategy history is written on the pages of war scribe the saga of your empire at the dawn of medieval history build your castle and evolve your army using real weapons and armor from ages past march against hostile civilizations as you retrace the steps of history engage your rivals and crush their empires in battle no dragons no magic not now not ever as students of history were only interested in creating a game that puts us in the shoes of actual historical events battles moments and epochs thats why every new piece of content or piece of armor is,"[0.99658203, -1.3037109, 1.1660156, 1.0214844, 0.46679688, -0.625, 0.83251953, -0.61376953, 0.8286133, 1.7822266, 2.2949219, 0.95166016, -0.46923828, -1.3798828, -0.15478516, -0.25219727, -1.1572266, 0.12597656, -0.4165039, -1.25, 0.93847656, 2.0585938, 0.6113281, -1.6132812, 1.7548828, -0.49023438, -1.2226562, -2.8300781, 2.9824219, 0.8925781, -1.7744141, 0.021499634, -1.359375, 0.51416016, 0.13378906, -0.21228027, 0.74316406, -0.93066406, 1.0390625, 2.4453125, -1.7949219, -0.13232422, 0.5913086, -0.8925781, 2.2988281, 0.60791016, -1.4746094, -0.44604492, -0.21142578, -1.4648438, 2.9648438, -2.3164062, 2.7949219, -0.9277344, -1.2646484, 0.59521484, -2.7226562, -2.0488281, 0.53759766, -0.36450195, 0.46484375, 1.7753906, -0.60253906, -2.515625, -0.6098633, 0.7480469, 0.7949219, -1.9345703, 1.40625, 0.8276367, 1.1728516, 0.21398926, 0.1204834, -0.29296875, 3.2402344, -0.87158203, -0.5263672, 0.6855469, 1.8447266, -0.8203125, -0.8310547, 0.07763672, -3.0429688, 0.54833984, -1.1435547, 0.68847656, 1.0761719, 0.32592773, 0.8671875, 2.5605469, -0.1361084, -1.6074219, -0.9140625, -0.31445312, -1.5800781, 3.0800781, 0.24951172, 0.6972656, -1.9853516, -2.8789062, -0.8769531, 0.23425293, -1.3232422, -1.6044922, -1.0976562, 1.7539062, -0.6040039, 0.31030273, 0.11138916, -2.2246094, -1.2558594, -0.7919922, 0.43286133, 2.0625, -0.8203125, -0.24890137, 0.5566406, -1.2109375, -0.69091797, 1.3486328, 0.7236328, 0.04751587, -0.4963379, 2.0722656, 0.25146484, 0.034942627, -0.41625977, -0.1899414, -1.1025391, 2.6328125, -0.3701172, -2.1621094, 2.96875, -1.5126953, 2.3300781, -1.375, 0.17749023, 0.91503906, 1.0205078, 1.7587891, -0.37695312, 1.2119141, 1.9472656, 2.28125, -1.6582031, 1.3710938, 0.20800781, 0.40405273, 0.28930664, -1.3349609, 0.62841797, 2.2089844, -1.0273438, 1.7890625, 4.4335938, 1.96875, 0.78515625, -1.2900391, 0.30639648, 3.0234375, 1.3740234, -0.03970337, -0.7216797, 1.9365234, 0.5253906, 0.7763672, 0.34936523, 0.7705078, 0.17028809, -3.75, -1.6445312, -0.7294922, 3.1738281, -0.8520508, -1.1044922, -0.8359375, 0.61816406, 3.2207031, -0.0063285828, -1.4189453, -2.0644531, 1.1738281, -2.0742188, 1.8505859, 1.5126953, 0.27001953, 0.6513672, -2.6582031, 0.1060791, 1.7900391, 0.27563477, -1.4013672, 1.40625, 1.3007812, 0.111694336, 0.9511719, -0.47216797, 0.9482422, 1.4853516, -1.4892578, 0.046539307, 0.13464355, 0.8276367, -0.8154297, -1.2246094, 0.5239258, -1.1162109, 0.79345703, 0.5214844, 0.6323242, 0.4807129, -0.14489746, -0.3071289, 0.10455322, -3.25, 0.019805908, 1.4482422, 1.0253906, -0.12609863, -0.46777344, -0.62158203, -1.109375, 1.9345703, -0.7636719, -0.11151123, 1.3798828, 0.71972656, 3.3789062, -0.8261719, 0.9584961, -0.48901367, -0.24829102, 0.31591797, -0.25683594, 1.0830078, -4.609375, 0.85302734, 0.5024414, 0.07147217, 1.375, 1.5664062, -0.22094727, -1.1738281, -0.29248047, -1.4404297, 1.1132812, -0.34985352, -1.5576172, 1.5615234, -2.9902344]" Boxes: Lost Fragments,com.snapbreak.boxes,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.snapbreak.boxes,puzzle as a legendary thief your next assignment lures you into a grand and lavish mansion there you find a series of puzzle boxes designed for an unknown purpose soon signs begin to emerge that you are no longer in control of what is unfolding and perhaps never were you start to doubt if this is an ordinary residence or a containment facility of some sort what should have been a quick inandout gradually turns into your own harrowing struggle for freedom and answers inspired by the cryptic atmosphere intricate machinery and smooth controls of the best room escape games we,"[2.8925781, -0.58984375, 1.4736328, -0.82421875, -0.19067383, -0.55126953, -2.1855469, -2.375, -1.6816406, -0.20861816, -2.1230469, 0.20800781, -3.8476562, -0.6669922, 0.111816406, -0.036895752, 1.4462891, 0.97802734, -0.8588867, 1.2900391, -0.30541992, 0.9794922, -2.1484375, -1.6035156, 0.5722656, -1.9257812, 0.22912598, -1.4091797, -0.49853516, 0.83691406, -1.9111328, -1.4863281, -1.5566406, 1.8359375, -0.8432617, -1.9375, 0.3005371, -0.9746094, 0.36254883, 1.2089844, -0.20568848, 0.9370117, 0.39770508, -0.6665039, 0.23291016, 1.6435547, -1.1142578, -0.15771484, -2.6445312, -0.71240234, 3.65625, -2.109375, -2.5566406, -1.9746094, -0.15368652, 1.0400391, -2.2304688, -0.43603516, -0.21704102, -0.067993164, 1.7626953, 2.21875, 0.18640137, -0.14660645, -0.042053223, 0.17932129, 0.84228516, -1.7373047, 1.0820312, 2.0761719, 2.4941406, 1.4902344, -0.06262207, -0.87060547, 2.5800781, -0.9199219, -0.72314453, 0.6958008, -0.22363281, -0.36621094, 0.24304199, -2.3320312, -1.3603516, -0.33984375, 0.0023880005, 1.5263672, -0.49438477, -0.1796875, -0.76171875, -0.78808594, 0.32470703, -0.22485352, -0.7763672, 1.9082031, -0.7026367, -1.6904297, -0.6845703, 1.3652344, -0.9951172, -2.5292969, -1.2363281, 0.5253906, 1.2470703, -1.2939453, -0.16369629, 0.375, 1.4648438, -0.6357422, 0.3942871, -0.5888672, -0.21594238, -1.6640625, -0.80126953, 1.5830078, -0.64941406, -0.22253418, -0.1685791, 0.76464844, 0.24633789, -0.32006836, -0.5805664, 0.73535156, 0.76171875, 1.2285156, 1.6484375, -1.9736328, -1.8447266, -1.9580078, -0.6557617, 0.66064453, -2.5117188, -1.703125, 0.2626953, 0.7910156, 0.0062217712, 0.31640625, 0.77001953, -0.16552734, 0.20141602, 0.7470703, 1.3896484, -0.50634766, 1.4794922, -0.08728027, -1.8701172, -0.12854004, -0.5078125, -0.2783203, 0.42016602, 0.38916016, -0.6459961, -1.125, -0.14025879, 2.3046875, -0.6826172, 0.39990234, 0.81640625, -0.9658203, -2.0820312, 1.0654297, 2.3085938, 0.050933838, -1.875, -0.7504883, 0.81689453, -2.2265625, -0.14562988, 0.3581543, -0.18762207, 1.6259766, -0.7807617, -2.3007812, -0.052215576, 1.5146484, 0.5566406, -0.75146484, 1.1474609, -0.12731934, -0.2854004, 0.74072266, 0.047088623, 1.0400391, 1.2167969, 1.2177734, -1.109375, 0.32299805, 0.73583984, 2.28125, 1.9443359, -0.34057617, 0.26831055, -1.1289062, -0.22131348, 1.0410156, 0.16760254, 0.6796875, 0.46923828, -0.030059814, 0.18200684, -1.5859375, 1.9570312, 1.2792969, -0.94921875, -0.8310547, -2.34375, 0.44262695, 2.1503906, -0.7402344, 1.6660156, -0.027526855, -0.28588867, 0.10900879, 0.82421875, -1.4765625, -1.4140625, -0.08239746, -0.19274902, 0.9379883, 1.1923828, -0.80859375, 0.5854492, -1.625, 1.1630859, 0.10119629, -2.296875, 2.8691406, 0.05987549, -1.6503906, 0.45336914, -0.8828125, -0.59765625, -1.7871094, 0.27368164, -0.26123047, -1.6787109, 1.2207031, 0.05319214, 0.90478516, -1.1123047, 1.4814453, 0.9589844, -0.4272461, -0.09240723, 0.87353516, -0.38867188, -0.51953125, 0.26367188, -0.7089844, -0.27514648, 0.2680664]" Cat Garden - Food Party Tycoon,com.daerigame.nekomakase,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.daerigame.nekomakase,simulation hey there hooman loads of furry new friends are waiting for you in cat garden food party tycoon well whisker you away to a world full of sushi and adorableness get ready for a tailspinning experience like no other cattivating gameplay the cutest chefs in town need your help creating the most purrfect sushi ever weve gotz our chef hats on and our paws are ready to make bread and sushi pawfect sushi satisfy your cravings with catthemed sushi rolls and a variety of delectable japanese dishes meownificent make yourself at home make your restaurant as cute as we are,"[2.8984375, 0.3154297, 2.28125, 1.0195312, -0.18591309, 0.28588867, 0.2565918, -0.45117188, -1.0332031, 0.26293945, -0.9790039, 1.3525391, -1.0107422, -1.125, 1.7294922, -0.88134766, 1.9580078, -1.5576172, -0.11816406, -0.7841797, 0.025039673, 1.8574219, 2.8769531, -3.0019531, -0.39575195, -1.5585938, 0.39575195, 0.12756348, 0.45214844, 0.66552734, -1.203125, -0.15783691, 0.9345703, 1.7128906, -2.4277344, -0.9526367, 1.1337891, 1.3886719, 2.1621094, -0.5493164, 1.2578125, 1.5888672, 0.10394287, 0.64501953, 0.39892578, 0.25683594, -1.4560547, -0.14257812, -0.31103516, 2.09375, 2.0917969, 0.15734863, 0.5644531, -2.4921875, -1.2041016, 1.3359375, -2.9863281, 1.1464844, -0.8540039, -0.51953125, -0.47192383, 0.8388672, -0.2836914, 0.87597656, -0.86279297, -1.2148438, 1.2460938, 0.6201172, 1.1435547, 0.9580078, 3.1015625, -0.83984375, -1.4902344, 0.42749023, 0.15490723, 1.2382812, 0.017745972, -1.7744141, -0.95410156, -1.4296875, 0.1673584, 0.5527344, 0.14208984, 0.20129395, -0.4543457, -0.16748047, 0.014144897, -0.0107421875, -2.8652344, 3.1171875, -0.34692383, -1.3808594, -1.1289062, -0.4350586, -1.4580078, -0.7421875, 0.25683594, -0.62841797, -1.7314453, -1.2519531, -0.13024902, 1.3515625, -0.059906006, -0.2536621, -1.3466797, 0.52734375, -0.6850586, -0.3310547, -1.2041016, -1.4541016, 1.6425781, 0.07836914, -0.9086914, 1.4707031, 2.390625, 0.13171387, 0.8613281, -1.9814453, 1.2675781, -1.3310547, 0.6977539, -1.9941406, 0.83740234, 2.2265625, 1.8857422, 1.8017578, -0.91552734, -1.515625, -0.013374329, 0.9140625, -0.30004883, -2.2363281, 0.6411133, 0.7236328, 2.03125, -0.008865356, -0.5107422, -1.8710938, 0.62939453, 0.24499512, 1.9169922, -0.46850586, 2.5175781, 0.2553711, -0.09863281, -0.48461914, -2.2460938, 0.6176758, -1.1923828, -1.0458984, -1.6669922, -0.00045132637, -0.67333984, 2.484375, 3.1933594, -0.51660156, 1.9960938, -0.6611328, 0.9667969, 0.034973145, 0.32763672, -1.3427734, -1.1064453, -0.10229492, 0.19726562, 0.10253906, -1.6103516, -0.98779297, -3.0488281, -1.15625, -0.60546875, 0.8095703, 0.30737305, -0.066833496, 0.9189453, -1.1064453, -0.29663086, -0.85839844, 0.34521484, 0.42895508, -0.86083984, -0.5996094, 1.4453125, 0.15576172, -1.8457031, 1.3447266, -0.40795898, -1.6474609, -1.2744141, 0.48120117, 0.9238281, -1.3154297, -0.7138672, 1.7958984, -2.0507812, 0.83984375, 0.8300781, -2.0839844, 4.6601562, 0.114746094, 0.6171875, -0.39648438, 0.734375, 1.2509766, -2.3769531, -0.16674805, -0.43310547, -2.03125, 0.625, 0.59033203, -1.3105469, 0.78759766, 0.6772461, -1.4365234, 0.7919922, 0.20117188, 1.3417969, 1.1943359, 2.0585938, 0.8388672, 1.0244141, -0.7216797, -1.5517578, 1.1611328, -1.5654297, 1.8789062, -0.7294922, 0.26489258, -0.08526611, 2.75, -1.2900391, -0.25024414, -2.2558594, -0.30371094, 1.3095703, -3.15625, 0.7788086, 2.2636719, -0.7446289, 2.6210938, 1.4306641, -0.56640625, 0.08300781, 0.35205078, -1.3466797, 0.6972656, 0.095214844, -0.39501953, 1.9511719, 0.19946289]" Merge 2 Survive: Zombie Game,com.pixodust.games.merge.survive.puzzle.game,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pixodust.games.merge.survive.puzzle.game,puzzle step into a world where everythings changed zombies everywhere and surviving is your only goal merge survive isnt just any game its an epic journey where strategic thinking meets puzzlesolving excitement meet mia brave and unstoppable on a mission to find out what happened to her dad in a city swallowed by the apocalypse get ready to wade into zombieinfested war zones remnants of a world that once buzzed with life every merge you make isnt just a move its a pivotal moment in mias story youre crafting weapons putting together defenses and bringing people together to hold off the,"[4.0585938, -2.0058594, 3.2734375, -0.3239746, -0.6430664, -1.1591797, 0.33764648, 0.33544922, 0.2529297, 0.03186035, -0.2866211, 0.5473633, 0.3930664, 1.8222656, -0.5551758, -1.1904297, 0.32714844, -0.17248535, 0.16601562, -0.8754883, -0.54833984, 1.2802734, 0.8959961, -0.21069336, 0.16223145, 0.6425781, 0.5205078, 0.3581543, 1.6074219, -0.66748047, -1.6748047, 0.3605957, -0.1739502, -1.546875, -0.33935547, -0.47485352, -0.20788574, 0.6958008, 1.2871094, -0.87060547, -2.4804688, 1.515625, 0.055847168, 1.2382812, 0.1451416, -0.5361328, -2.5136719, -0.52978516, 0.8334961, -0.27539062, 0.47143555, -1.0791016, -1.0107422, -0.23022461, -1.4287109, 0.68066406, -1.7568359, 0.6694336, -0.7001953, -0.91259766, -0.14501953, 2.0585938, 0.55566406, -0.51953125, -0.25268555, -0.1105957, -0.34472656, -1.3330078, 0.9042969, 0.28759766, 0.36621094, -1.0908203, -2.9179688, 0.31225586, 1.6660156, 1.0429688, -1.5771484, -1.5009766, 1.4482422, -0.5722656, -3.859375, -1.8847656, 0.38671875, 0.29418945, -1.5712891, 0.8989258, 1.578125, 0.110961914, -1.2089844, 0.4152832, -3.0898438, -0.5727539, -0.47729492, 0.60009766, -1.0703125, 1.1298828, 1.4677734, 1.1337891, -1.2490234, -1.6865234, 0.83251953, 1.0566406, -0.16589355, -2.8886719, -0.63964844, 1.4658203, 0.7294922, -2.9824219, 0.22827148, -0.98291016, 0.12561035, -1.3037109, -0.83251953, 2.28125, -2.234375, -0.39941406, -0.23498535, 1.4511719, -1.9873047, 0.099487305, 0.75878906, 0.07910156, 1.4501953, 1.2490234, 0.85253906, 0.14648438, 0.19592285, -0.8798828, -2.78125, 2.2675781, -1.4658203, -1.1367188, 0.0039978027, 0.3173828, 4.5703125, -3.09375, 0.35131836, -0.7285156, -3.5273438, -0.3569336, 1.2568359, -0.94921875, 0.18078613, -0.51123047, -2.4765625, -0.29296875, -0.15612793, -0.23852539, -1.2851562, 0.3635254, -2.7441406, 0.36767578, -0.19238281, 1.9267578, -0.7104492, 0.37158203, -1.4726562, -1.0214844, -1.4980469, -0.028915405, -1.1367188, -0.15612793, 1.3251953, 0.2446289, 3.0820312, 1.140625, 2.0175781, -0.10345459, -0.52197266, -1.4042969, 0.18334961, 0.061431885, 0.9433594, 0.4519043, 0.12286377, -1.8427734, 2.6230469, -0.5761719, -0.63134766, 0.14526367, 0.29101562, 0.625, 0.0012493134, 1.2763672, -0.3161621, -0.27172852, 1.1572266, 2.4589844, 0.8251953, 0.23754883, 0.3293457, -0.4182129, 0.8222656, 0.5053711, -1.0292969, 1.25, -2.4648438, 0.68310547, 1.2597656, -2.2246094, -0.47265625, 0.81689453, 1.1005859, -0.2788086, -1.9804688, 0.56396484, -0.07714844, -2.3144531, 2.0644531, 0.8857422, -0.421875, -2.6054688, 0.77685547, -0.07287598, -0.24523926, 1.7851562, -1.8378906, 0.7270508, 1.7519531, 0.65722656, 0.118652344, -1.1738281, 0.68896484, 0.52197266, -0.78125, -2.4550781, 0.61083984, 2.2421875, 1.3798828, 0.76171875, -0.9111328, -1.421875, 0.41333008, -1.2128906, 1.5107422, -0.8540039, 0.25390625, 0.27612305, -1.1201172, 1.2119141, 2.078125, 0.6503906, 0.6435547, 0.7792969, -0.5888672, 0.40014648, -1.6962891, -4.1875, 0.8955078, 1.2822266]" Kiss the Dragon: Fantasy otome,com.storytaco.c14client,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.storytaco.c14client,simulation idon t want to lose you the provocative sensual obsessive and sweet tastes which dragon do i want out of the four you can make all the choices only in kiss the dragon kiss the dragon game story you before going on job hunting go on a solo trip when an unexpected crisis starts in a strange hotel the mana which entered your body threatens your life can you safely remove it and return home seems you were enjoying it what is it like to be in the opposite situation my body twitched everytime a layer was taken off but,"[1.3408203, -1.2851562, 1.2519531, -1.4560547, 0.80126953, 0.6791992, -1.5117188, 0.6040039, 2.0429688, 1.5947266, -1.9003906, 0.6508789, -0.62158203, -0.7817383, 0.32006836, 0.14331055, 0.40185547, 0.9638672, 1.4326172, 0.5083008, 0.9345703, 0.6308594, -0.9736328, -1.5136719, -0.39575195, -0.2849121, 0.19140625, -0.080078125, -1.0380859, 0.8276367, -1.7783203, -3.2636719, 1.96875, 0.9946289, -1.4628906, -1.8994141, 2.3339844, 0.71484375, 0.9824219, 0.022155762, 0.081970215, 1.4414062, -0.29663086, -0.058441162, 3.1386719, 0.012001038, -0.5024414, 1.4335938, 0.48266602, 1.8046875, 0.65966797, -0.3334961, 0.07421875, -0.14294434, -0.47802734, -0.24401855, -0.43896484, -1.1542969, 0.19641113, -0.050994873, -0.080322266, 1.5595703, 0.8666992, 0.27124023, 0.72021484, 0.9116211, 0.5732422, -0.69628906, 1.6132812, 1.1533203, 0.79833984, 1.4873047, -2.0019531, 0.39892578, 0.8144531, 0.25317383, -0.07080078, -0.66748047, -0.09423828, 1.4111328, 0.5463867, -0.65283203, -1.1181641, 0.7758789, 0.040374756, 1.7421875, 0.22460938, -1.6787109, -3.7109375, 0.9326172, 0.7495117, 0.765625, -2.1328125, 2.3808594, -1.3867188, 1.3398438, 0.30151367, 0.62402344, -1.5957031, 1.7275391, 0.42138672, 0.32592773, -1.2138672, -1.9892578, -1.8847656, 0.46142578, -0.45361328, -1.8583984, -0.45117188, -3.4960938, -0.4802246, 0.17773438, -0.7109375, 0.4399414, 1.5673828, -1.4960938, 0.9814453, -0.73291016, -0.06262207, -1.0, 0.8955078, -1.8847656, 0.51416016, 0.4987793, 1.2988281, -0.27319336, -0.45922852, -1.1533203, 0.18981934, 1.828125, -0.6904297, -0.8129883, -0.32202148, -1.1835938, 3.0039062, 0.0736084, 0.8383789, -1.5136719, -0.9404297, 1.9072266, 0.99316406, 0.09039307, 1.40625, 1.5175781, -2.2929688, 1.1777344, -0.9614258, 0.111694336, 0.7109375, 0.20788574, -0.5942383, -1.0634766, 1.0898438, 2.8671875, 0.6269531, -0.21716309, 1.5673828, -0.40576172, -2.3769531, 2.6640625, 1.0732422, -1.3984375, -1.296875, 0.4489746, 1.8398438, -0.36572266, 0.16357422, -0.55322266, -0.68652344, -1.0976562, -1.9355469, -0.14294434, 2.6992188, -0.65771484, 0.21533203, -1.0615234, 0.35620117, 1.8652344, -1.0654297, -0.46923828, -0.26171875, 1.2910156, -0.11907959, -0.6855469, -2.3144531, 3.703125, -0.85302734, -1.8681641, -0.2861328, 0.8071289, 0.078063965, -1.078125, -1.375, 0.52441406, -0.2824707, -1.0351562, 0.6826172, 0.09118652, 2.2265625, -0.3942871, 0.3605957, -0.101989746, 0.78222656, -0.40795898, 0.9213867, -0.09338379, 1.75, 0.40942383, -1.3457031, 0.9609375, -0.017654419, -0.5161133, 0.5878906, -1.0439453, -1.8164062, -1.1455078, 1.1855469, 1.6005859, 1.6064453, 1.5097656, -1.4111328, -0.26220703, 0.02470398, -0.43798828, -1.3017578, -0.25390625, 0.23791504, -1.7519531, 0.16491699, 2.4355469, -0.7558594, -1.3574219, -2.7636719, 0.4831543, 1.6826172, 1.0175781, -0.28735352, 0.07043457, -1.5517578, 1.2314453, 0.65527344, 0.49243164, 0.10308838, 1.1679688, 0.14331055, -1.0605469, 0.8354492, -1.6914062, 0.9951172, -2.2949219]" Smash Hit,com.mediocre.smashhit,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mediocre.smashhit,arcade take a surreal journey through an otherworldly dimension move in harmony with sound and music and smash everything in your path this experience requires focus concentration and timing to not only travel as far as you can but also break the beautiful glass objects that stand in your way smash your way through a beautiful futuristic dimension smashing obstacles and targets in your path and experiencing the best destruction physics on mobile devices musically synchronized gameplay music and audio effects change to suit each stage obstacles move to each new tune over different rooms with different graphic styles and realistic,"[1.7246094, 0.99609375, 1.6191406, 1.2148438, 0.24694824, -0.38549805, 1.8125, -0.4567871, 0.73046875, -0.40771484, -1.2421875, 2.2871094, -0.6904297, -0.3112793, 2.3085938, -0.37329102, 0.3623047, 0.34716797, 0.10046387, 0.39526367, 0.7324219, 1.0791016, 1.4550781, -3.7480469, 2.4355469, 1.5732422, 0.15063477, -2.0761719, 0.2166748, -0.22583008, 0.9091797, -1.4384766, -0.4501953, 0.39575195, 0.1619873, -1.2460938, -0.55810547, -1.3310547, 2.6289062, -0.56103516, -0.32714844, -0.11694336, 1.2988281, -0.5307617, -0.7192383, 0.31030273, 0.82714844, 0.25952148, -1.2304688, 0.7270508, 0.03829956, -0.6098633, -1.6669922, -1.1855469, 0.26000977, -0.07305908, 5.5195312, 0.20373535, -2.1640625, 1.9414062, 1.5761719, 0.019454956, -0.83447266, 1.3369141, 1.1523438, 0.265625, -1.3144531, -2.9160156, 0.0014286041, 0.9345703, 1.8955078, 0.24633789, 2.3300781, -1.0888672, 0.1484375, -0.38500977, -0.33251953, -0.34594727, -0.80908203, 0.17810059, -0.47631836, -1.3203125, -1.0302734, 2.3457031, -0.39575195, 0.8071289, 0.9863281, 0.37036133, -2.0839844, 0.2614746, -1.7382812, 0.05984497, -0.083496094, -0.058441162, 0.49658203, -0.8901367, 0.6430664, 1.1914062, 0.22631836, -0.66748047, 1.3212891, 0.057861328, 0.029510498, -0.6411133, -0.45825195, -1.4169922, 1.9707031, -0.93359375, -0.42773438, -0.23144531, -1.3398438, -0.22741699, 1.2021484, -1.0488281, -1.2988281, 0.17077637, 0.94921875, 0.90234375, 0.4140625, -1.7695312, 0.3557129, -0.8417969, 1.8427734, -1.2568359, 2.5332031, -2.5507812, -1.7978516, -0.32714844, -0.9633789, 0.92822266, -0.41357422, 0.14819336, -1.4833984, -5.877018e-05, 2.1328125, -1.5048828, 1.5830078, 0.18615723, -0.8691406, -2.1855469, 3.2519531, -0.9345703, 1.1054688, 0.79296875, -0.58251953, -1.4355469, -1.8388672, -1.8271484, 1.7080078, -0.17675781, -1.0703125, -0.6635742, 2.0078125, 0.34057617, 2.2519531, 0.8666992, -1.2099609, -0.73046875, -1.2998047, 0.4404297, -0.9189453, -0.44482422, -0.9628906, -0.31518555, 1.6015625, -1.1142578, -0.55859375, 0.6928711, 0.32299805, -0.64160156, 1.4697266, 0.6123047, 1.5576172, 2.1074219, 0.90966797, 0.024490356, -0.19689941, -1.2617188, 0.44091797, 1.2587891, -2.2246094, 1.2050781, -0.8510742, 1.3867188, -1.53125, 0.6035156, 0.28564453, 1.7792969, 0.2388916, -1.0654297, 0.63427734, -0.7836914, 1.1298828, 0.8129883, -0.48095703, -0.2322998, -0.16235352, 0.34570312, -3.1582031, -0.60009766, 1.4140625, 0.08520508, -0.87402344, 0.9243164, -1.4179688, 0.47631836, 2.3925781, 0.12719727, 1.6367188, 0.9926758, 0.29858398, -1.4804688, -0.77441406, 0.30126953, -1.4003906, 0.85302734, -1.7060547, 1.7431641, 3.5507812, -2.4628906, -0.21044922, -1.2871094, 0.49560547, 0.40844727, 0.081726074, 3.671875, 0.5722656, -0.32666016, 0.62060547, 1.0498047, -0.21496582, -2.1738281, 1.6806641, -0.55859375, 0.40356445, -1.0048828, -0.04727173, 1.2441406, -3.1328125, 1.5664062, 1.3994141, 1.6542969, -0.5522461, 0.99658203, -1.0234375, -1.7363281, -1.4443359, -2.6582031, 2.796875, 0.6323242]" Usagi Shima: Cute Bunny Game,com.pank0.usagishima,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pank0.usagishima,casual want to build a bunny paradise embark on a bunnyfilled journey in usagi shima where you transform an abandoned island into a cozy haven for adorable bunnies usagi shima is a relaxing bunnycollecting idle game bunny wonderland makeover turn your island into a whimsical bunny paradise with toys plants and charming building decorations relax and enjoy the calm and cozy island atmosphere synced to your time of day befriend bunny companions entice fluffy tourists deck your island with cuteness and befriend lovable bunnies dress them in delightful hats and earn a special gift as you become the best of bunny,"[1.3935547, -0.2993164, 0.25317383, 0.80908203, -0.74365234, 0.36572266, -0.13928223, 0.8417969, -0.03012085, 0.9033203, -1.7597656, -0.13269043, 0.43115234, -1.6728516, 0.6254883, -0.59716797, 0.7763672, -0.921875, -1.3398438, 0.7348633, 2.0644531, -0.15612793, 0.9663086, -0.88916016, -1.2636719, -1.0761719, 1.0068359, -2.5917969, 0.5678711, 0.6855469, -2.0507812, -1.1630859, 0.77246094, 0.72998047, -1.2558594, -1.1748047, 0.40893555, -1.0771484, 1.0742188, -0.7236328, 2.7011719, -0.044769287, 2.6074219, 0.76220703, 1.1669922, -0.67822266, -2.1367188, -1.1074219, -0.6723633, 1.4082031, 2.4121094, 1.7373047, 0.34375, -2.0957031, -0.46899414, 0.4284668, -0.40551758, -0.7158203, -2.15625, -2.7460938, -0.30297852, 2.3261719, 1.1933594, -1.0664062, -0.47802734, -0.38842773, 0.8286133, -0.5932617, -1.0820312, -0.7597656, 2.8789062, -0.22692871, -0.78759766, 0.6791992, 0.94628906, 0.6298828, -1.2402344, -0.28320312, -2.03125, -0.61083984, -2.9960938, -0.2980957, 0.70654297, 0.00074005127, 1.1953125, 0.93896484, -0.29077148, -0.8388672, -2.03125, 3.1328125, 0.2364502, -1.3466797, -0.50634766, 1.2871094, -0.43139648, 0.061065674, -0.2866211, 0.45776367, -1.2597656, -0.28344727, 0.41259766, -0.49804688, 0.0057373047, -0.49194336, 0.97265625, 0.6904297, 0.92529297, -0.8613281, -0.828125, -1.0429688, 1.1044922, 0.43359375, -1.03125, 1.0927734, 1.4345703, 0.38452148, -1.3466797, -1.5009766, 0.18835449, -2.4609375, 0.34228516, -2.1660156, -1.3886719, -0.8574219, 1.5546875, 1.5136719, -0.27905273, -0.21008301, -0.38378906, 2.0859375, -0.7729492, -1.1181641, -3.1035156, 0.6533203, 1.3945312, 0.15441895, -1.0126953, -1.2255859, -1.2998047, 3.2363281, -0.5415039, -1.46875, 1.4951172, 0.07269287, 0.4243164, -1.0322266, -1.125, 1.5166016, -0.85058594, -0.014457703, -0.77441406, 0.5888672, 1.1005859, 3.7304688, 3.2832031, -0.68066406, 0.89501953, -0.9472656, 1.1787109, 1.9023438, 0.30688477, 0.14245605, 0.84228516, 2.0859375, -0.9663086, 1.2607422, -1.2519531, 0.91748047, -2.2441406, 2.5, -0.04550171, -1.4931641, 1.4560547, -0.72753906, 0.61816406, -0.6489258, -0.5756836, -1.4208984, -1.2753906, 1.0410156, -1.6875, 0.18347168, 1.6464844, 1.0820312, -0.6855469, 0.03213501, 1.5205078, -0.10595703, 1.2607422, -0.63916016, -0.49047852, -0.2758789, 0.9326172, 2.4179688, 0.66015625, 0.7080078, 1.3818359, -0.95703125, 4.7617188, -0.7055664, 0.41796875, 0.034088135, 2.5722656, -1.2177734, -1.8222656, 2.7089844, -1.1132812, 1.1582031, 0.15905762, 0.030303955, -1.9414062, 0.30859375, 1.3730469, 0.796875, -0.99609375, -0.7192383, 0.73779297, -0.011390686, 1.4677734, 0.28857422, 1.2958984, -1.2578125, 0.3083496, -0.17749023, -0.09979248, 0.7504883, 0.9472656, -0.37670898, -1.2792969, 2.4375, -1.2167969, -0.18334961, -3.2128906, -0.45996094, -0.089782715, -0.103393555, 0.23083496, 3.2949219, -1.5410156, 1.4980469, 0.61328125, -0.63134766, 0.39013672, 0.06951904, -1.3681641, -1.6923828, -2.5410156, 0.7626953, 0.62353516, -0.6821289]" Alto's Odyssey,com.noodlecake.altosodyssey,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noodlecake.altosodyssey,action just beyond the horizon sits a majestic desert vast and unexplored join alto and his friends and set off on an endless sandboarding journey to discover its secrets soar above windswept dunes traverse thrilling canyons and explore longhidden temples in a fantastical place far from home along the way you ll grind across vines bounce atop hot air balloons ride towering rock walls and escape mischievous lemurs all while uncovering the desert s many mysteries features a standalone experience alto s odyssey is the followup to the critically acclaimed alto s adventure but you don t need to have played,"[2.1894531, -1.9111328, 0.3630371, -0.15551758, -0.33764648, -0.5800781, 0.5307617, -1.0263672, 0.7426758, 2.4277344, -0.34570312, 0.9506836, -0.6542969, 0.375, 0.6845703, 0.5234375, -0.3059082, -1.4150391, 0.32104492, -0.23144531, 0.26904297, -0.61621094, -0.30493164, -1.0722656, -0.6791992, 0.36865234, -0.34716797, -1.0146484, -0.50146484, -0.76123047, 0.19873047, -0.05822754, 0.34155273, 1.2490234, 1.0908203, -5.8398438, 1.1542969, -0.8959961, 1.5244141, -0.4880371, 1.2138672, 0.96777344, -0.73339844, -0.86083984, -0.7421875, 1.3925781, 1.5166016, -1.8310547, 0.099975586, 1.1064453, -1.0986328, -0.37231445, 0.42919922, -0.37451172, -1.6630859, -1.2890625, 0.9091797, -0.140625, -0.4633789, -0.11431885, 1.9658203, 0.39648438, -1.0888672, 0.32739258, -0.23486328, 1.4892578, -1.0439453, 1.2041016, 0.72802734, -1.0341797, 0.5449219, 0.6191406, -0.52246094, -0.94628906, 2.1992188, -0.90478516, -0.4020996, -1.3408203, -1.6044922, -0.3725586, 2.4160156, -1.2431641, 0.6166992, 1.1884766, -0.7114258, 0.33496094, -0.35986328, -1.0166016, -1.6005859, 1.9980469, -1.3828125, -1.2148438, -1.1962891, -0.8730469, -2.4414062, 0.097717285, 1.8154297, 0.73339844, -2.2773438, 1.3193359, 1.203125, -1.6767578, -0.8388672, -0.17443848, 0.41601562, -1.59375, 1.2832031, -0.81591797, 0.2709961, 2.2539062, -2.1269531, -2.0703125, 0.49389648, 1.1816406, -1.2431641, -1.0673828, 0.5913086, -0.09338379, -0.8618164, -0.34204102, -2.0644531, 0.15441895, 0.8798828, 0.08300781, 3.1523438, -3.0, 0.65527344, -0.9301758, -0.47558594, 1.2109375, 2.734375, -0.097961426, -3.5273438, 1.7158203, 3.6914062, -1.9755859, 0.9716797, -1.5029297, 0.50097656, -1.1162109, -1.3701172, -0.39990234, 1.3417969, 2.4101562, 0.13415527, -0.2607422, -0.15942383, -1.5332031, 1.3701172, 0.6777344, -0.52441406, -1.1464844, 1.0078125, 2.4355469, 0.6586914, 0.08654785, -1.3613281, -0.61083984, -3.0761719, 0.47070312, 0.54052734, -0.9296875, -3.0117188, 0.98535156, -0.203125, 1.3994141, 0.12322998, 0.16247559, -0.32421875, -1.0078125, 1.7333984, -0.99902344, 0.3955078, 0.12768555, 0.91015625, 0.25195312, -1.3154297, -2.7011719, 1.4228516, 0.20349121, 0.84765625, 0.0236969, 0.9609375, 0.5083008, 0.015419006, -0.15600586, 1.3261719, 0.6040039, -0.31762695, -1.1601562, -0.64208984, 0.046325684, -0.72314453, 0.50683594, 1.2939453, -0.048706055, -0.6845703, -0.17578125, -0.39282227, -0.8613281, 1.3447266, 1.0791016, 0.5595703, -1.03125, 0.21191406, 2.296875, -0.39038086, -1.6318359, 1.1289062, -1.3271484, 1.1513672, -1.7666016, 0.097717285, -0.29296875, -2.6875, -0.4099121, 1.8730469, 0.5620117, -0.12408447, -0.047424316, 0.85791016, -2.9589844, -0.11956787, 1.625, -1.0273438, 0.38842773, 1.8779297, -0.7993164, -1.0537109, -1.9033203, -2.0214844, -1.1162109, -1.0986328, 2.953125, -0.02961731, 0.8203125, 0.46728516, 2.3222656, -2.0058594, 1.0458984, 1.8251953, 0.9897461, -0.50683594, 0.609375, 0.44799805, -0.7973633, -0.6352539, -0.55810547, 4.1640625, -0.91308594]" "Yes, Your Grace",com.noodlecake.yesyourgrace,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noodlecake.yesyourgrace,roleplaying notice play the beginning for free a onetime inapp purchase unlocks the full game no ads in this kingdom management rpg petitioners will arrive in the throne room each turn to ask for your advice and assistance decide whether to help them with their problems or to conserve resources for more important matters remember supplies are limited and not everyone has the kingdom s best interests at heart listen to petitioners each turn and decide who needs your support aid your family with their personal problems and decide upon their fate hire generals witches and hunters to aid your efforts,"[0.23413086, -0.4177246, 1.5507812, -0.48583984, 1.4990234, -0.3869629, -1.0146484, -1.2753906, 0.21960449, 1.2431641, -0.81689453, 1.6875, -0.5366211, -2.1777344, 0.56933594, -0.07128906, -1.4394531, 0.57958984, 0.30664062, 0.88134766, 1.4082031, 1.0908203, -0.77490234, -1.5214844, 0.92626953, 0.4736328, -0.1328125, 0.50146484, 0.40063477, 0.4873047, 0.1850586, 0.095581055, 2.0039062, 0.05126953, -0.53515625, 0.53027344, 1.515625, 0.7011719, 1.4121094, 1.5205078, -1.8066406, -0.33520508, 2.5703125, -0.27685547, 1.4697266, -0.4206543, -0.61865234, 0.4658203, -1.3183594, 0.79541016, 1.6972656, -0.17224121, 0.8261719, -2.5644531, -2.1269531, -1.0126953, -3.3203125, -1.3320312, -0.3425293, -0.35009766, 1.0253906, 2.9863281, -1.2070312, -3.2792969, -0.64208984, -0.3461914, 1.15625, 0.1149292, 0.26635742, 1.1611328, 2.2402344, -0.4260254, 0.4633789, 0.39624023, 1.8652344, -1.4511719, 1.4765625, -0.19689941, 0.4501953, -1.4570312, -1.4882812, 0.022018433, 1.2275391, 1.6923828, 1.7060547, 0.6411133, 1.1113281, 1.1640625, -2.6660156, 1.3173828, 1.9785156, -0.10510254, -3.4160156, -1.046875, -2.2773438, -0.030288696, 1.3720703, 1.3613281, -1.0986328, -2.3046875, 1.2109375, 1.5078125, 0.6225586, -1.0126953, -1.9042969, 3.1289062, 0.8129883, -0.93896484, -3.765625, 0.33154297, -1.5322266, -1.8388672, -1.1611328, 1.0068359, 1.3603516, -1.734375, 1.3779297, -2.75, -2.1367188, 2.1328125, 0.71875, 0.08673096, 0.53466797, 0.95751953, 0.78125, -0.14648438, -0.10369873, -0.42407227, -0.7861328, 1.1044922, -0.5566406, -0.22387695, 1.2597656, -1.0361328, 0.73828125, 1.1660156, 1.453125, 0.8173828, -1.8193359, 2.328125, -0.09124756, 1.4296875, 0.96240234, -0.7475586, -1.2246094, 3.3359375, 0.5722656, 0.46948242, 0.011520386, 0.78564453, -1.0478516, 0.48046875, -1.6308594, 1.9628906, 2.3945312, 0.33007812, 0.1694336, -1.2861328, 0.4807129, 1.8271484, 0.21252441, -1.7246094, -1.2802734, -1.1845703, 1.2167969, -0.4177246, 0.9975586, 1.8964844, 0.6557617, -0.8598633, -2.3378906, -0.24133301, 2.421875, -1.3945312, -0.33203125, 0.23266602, 0.4165039, 3.2617188, 1.3564453, -0.6113281, -0.027252197, 1.2666016, -1.09375, 2.6152344, 0.8623047, 1.4208984, -0.1616211, -0.8779297, 1.2929688, 1.6113281, -1.484375, -0.65625, -0.7246094, 0.9296875, -2.40625, 0.09881592, -1.2314453, -1.1816406, 4.6445312, 0.65771484, 1.9921875, -0.31469727, -0.60546875, 1.0537109, -1.3037109, 0.22668457, -0.4333496, -0.7011719, -2.1835938, -0.44335938, 0.8364258, -1.1484375, -0.5214844, -0.51171875, -1.6669922, -0.9555664, 0.124816895, 1.3876953, -0.26367188, 1.4980469, 0.19848633, -1.1894531, -0.16662598, -0.20495605, -1.1855469, 0.72802734, 0.06713867, -2.7128906, -1.265625, 2.2519531, -0.7192383, -0.1116333, -0.20117188, 0.14587402, -0.8227539, 0.17346191, 0.54003906, -0.74072266, -0.3088379, 1.1972656, 2.5039062, 0.66259766, 0.28833008, 0.034362793, -1.6708984, 1.2871094, -0.6870117, -0.10144043, 0.37426758, -1.9326172]" Cat Cooking Bar - Food game,com.idle.foodgame.catcookingbar,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.idle.foodgame.catcookingbar,simulation big news have you heard a cat cooking bar has opened on the corner it is a heartwarming management simulation gamehow adorable it is to see cute kitty creating delicious foods welcome to the fluffy cat snack bar where the kittens help you relax chase away worries and experience a wonderful healing time meow as the owner of a cat snack bar you will encounter different cat customers every day and prepare various dishes that cats want cook cat soup taiyaki lemonade hotdogs hamburgers pizzas and so much more in this cute cat game hire adorable feline staff including ragdoll,"[1.9775391, -0.9902344, 2.3300781, 1.4501953, 0.24926758, 0.047302246, 0.12524414, 0.48876953, -0.105163574, 1.2402344, -1.8496094, 0.75097656, 0.0063819885, -1.0712891, 0.99121094, 0.91308594, 0.92041016, -1.0605469, -1.0585938, -0.3527832, 1.3242188, 0.8017578, 0.66845703, -0.70410156, 0.3515625, -2.1914062, 0.47338867, -2.4707031, 1.6972656, 0.70458984, -1.5839844, 0.054107666, 0.20788574, 0.4128418, -2.6796875, 0.5258789, 0.7265625, 0.40698242, 1.7207031, -1.6865234, 2.0410156, 0.9663086, 1.2822266, 0.39916992, 1.1650391, -1.1591797, 0.1932373, -0.55029297, -0.20227051, 2.8066406, 1.7773438, 0.2043457, -0.14465332, -1.0058594, -1.6240234, 1.9335938, -1.8662109, 0.7084961, -1.1367188, -1.6181641, -0.008964539, 1.8652344, -1.5166016, -0.6035156, -0.33544922, -0.2890625, 2.2011719, -0.5292969, -0.2097168, 1.1738281, 1.3115234, -0.8989258, -1.7773438, 1.1591797, -0.6694336, 1.4882812, -0.01864624, 0.68652344, -0.05783081, -0.23754883, -3.0703125, 1.1591797, -0.5986328, 1.4746094, -0.3684082, -0.8286133, 0.6743164, 1.2167969, -2.7597656, 1.7470703, 0.5493164, -0.6582031, -1.8525391, -1.1542969, -0.96191406, 1.1757812, 0.8051758, -0.33642578, -1.7011719, -0.67041016, 0.30615234, 0.33374023, -0.85498047, 0.5048828, -0.6479492, 1.171875, -0.52978516, -0.90966797, -1.8037109, -1.9501953, 0.9760742, -0.20007324, 0.3466797, 0.4555664, 0.5371094, -0.23693848, -0.8618164, -1.4238281, 1.25, -1.6923828, 0.6088867, -1.5683594, -0.67089844, 0.7910156, 1.1376953, 1.4677734, 0.08416748, -1.0429688, 0.8154297, 1.9462891, -2.0253906, -0.9301758, -1.0175781, -0.05001831, 0.7807617, -0.3095703, -0.37841797, -0.58935547, 0.34399414, 1.3564453, 2.6738281, -1.2470703, 2.3203125, 0.4260254, -1.265625, -1.1923828, -1.8574219, 0.89697266, -0.88964844, -1.71875, -1.5644531, 0.9321289, 0.7397461, 1.5791016, 2.8574219, -1.1162109, 1.7314453, -0.36499023, 0.4086914, 1.7529297, -0.35986328, -0.59375, 0.36108398, 0.2006836, 0.5292969, -0.016418457, -0.40478516, -0.053009033, -2.0917969, -0.94873047, -0.88134766, 0.29418945, -0.52001953, 0.26733398, -0.14147949, 0.37182617, 0.055480957, 0.6582031, 1.6757812, -1.0791016, -1.1455078, -0.6816406, 1.0244141, 0.56103516, 0.19140625, 1.0253906, -0.3876953, -0.09106445, -1.390625, 0.8984375, 1.0449219, -1.2685547, 0.17272949, 0.765625, -1.4375, 0.19836426, 2.3457031, -0.5751953, 3.3789062, 0.5395508, 0.9135742, 0.22485352, -0.7675781, 0.8666992, -3.1113281, -0.4975586, -0.42871094, -1.4208984, -0.21569824, -0.5761719, -1.3193359, 0.83251953, 0.8388672, 0.2529297, -0.00058174133, 0.18151855, 0.20043945, 1.28125, 1.3369141, 0.24353027, 0.08782959, -1.6669922, -1.5585938, 0.9033203, 0.7416992, 0.8720703, 0.33984375, 0.35668945, 0.36621094, 2.5214844, 0.1451416, -0.02079773, -1.3115234, -0.74121094, 0.7314453, -2.8359375, 1.6445312, 2.2050781, -0.8413086, 1.796875, 1.8310547, -0.6489258, 0.30200195, -0.375, 0.67822266, 1.15625, -0.7714844, -1.0488281, 2.1054688, -0.2286377]" Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion,com.pid.turnipboy,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pid.turnipboy,adventure embark on a humorous adventure filled with action puzzles and tax evasion meet cute talking vegetables and fruits while also fighting massive animal bosses and dozens of different enemies in epic dungeons take control of an adorable turnip who happens to be an absolute menace to society after failing to pay taxes and getting evicted from your home you must go on an epic quest to pay back your massive debt to an onion mayor during your journey uncover what s spoiling this garden community and rise to tear down the corrupt vegetable government key features a thrilling singleplayer adventure,"[0.50097656, -0.8100586, 1.8330078, 0.56591797, -2.5957031, 0.03161621, -2.5078125, -1.0136719, -0.03933716, 0.80615234, -0.6772461, 0.44018555, -0.5996094, -0.09118652, 0.6801758, -1.9335938, 0.35229492, 2.328125, 0.038635254, 0.13452148, -0.7314453, -1.1630859, -1.5302734, -2.8144531, -0.2734375, -0.47851562, 0.004032135, 0.40307617, 1.2050781, 1.8564453, -0.41845703, 0.5649414, -1.1933594, 0.083618164, -0.99658203, -2.9785156, 0.7763672, 0.55322266, -0.040161133, 1.2363281, 1.28125, 0.66552734, -0.15307617, -0.29663086, 2.3632812, -0.05734253, -2.9453125, 0.6401367, 0.24743652, 1.6455078, 1.4023438, 0.09814453, 0.6538086, -0.53125, -0.4321289, -0.9345703, 1.3417969, -0.20617676, -0.65771484, -2.5117188, 1.0117188, 0.3984375, -0.7397461, 1.3232422, 0.5966797, 0.40234375, -0.5439453, 1.9921875, 1.7041016, 0.46850586, 0.75, -0.10864258, -0.6713867, -0.7866211, 0.009315491, 0.3605957, 0.20153809, 0.7421875, 0.4338379, -2.1757812, 0.8564453, -1.59375, -0.35839844, 1.8076172, -0.15942383, 0.35180664, -0.08856201, 0.37524414, -2.5371094, 0.6123047, 0.2763672, 0.089904785, -1.1289062, 2.7148438, -0.49487305, -1.4453125, 1.5371094, 1.0273438, 0.023666382, -0.5566406, 0.42041016, 0.8984375, 0.012031555, -2.5429688, -0.062347412, -0.89453125, 0.5966797, -1.765625, -1.9814453, -0.68066406, -1.9453125, -0.11151123, 1.2695312, 1.7880859, 1.2949219, 0.80908203, -0.4650879, -1.3232422, -0.58935547, 0.6748047, -0.6591797, 0.23852539, 1.1787109, 0.5053711, 0.72802734, -0.828125, -0.68310547, -2.4101562, -1.6259766, 1.8828125, -0.08843994, -0.80908203, 1.2490234, 0.32788086, 0.36206055, 0.22851562, 0.85302734, 0.88623047, -1.0263672, 1.2646484, 0.4819336, -0.36206055, -0.10211182, -0.5161133, 0.43432617, 2.6132812, -0.52001953, 0.5214844, -0.5107422, 0.67529297, -1.4208984, 0.014556885, -1.5107422, 1.5917969, 0.5175781, 0.5449219, -0.71191406, -1.7236328, -1.4199219, -0.43188477, 0.33325195, -1.8574219, -0.9003906, -0.7084961, 0.9086914, -0.41455078, 1.2314453, 0.49121094, -1.0839844, -0.85302734, -0.17443848, -2.0371094, 0.6645508, -0.11968994, -1.0566406, -1.3691406, -1.1679688, -2.3535156, -0.19787598, -0.0904541, 0.5107422, -0.49975586, 1.5859375, -0.68066406, -1.5039062, 2.6210938, 1.3535156, 2.0332031, -0.04232788, 1.4414062, 0.72021484, 0.47924805, -0.76904297, -0.45776367, -1.578125, -0.22460938, -0.97998047, -1.0878906, 2.4296875, -0.8461914, 0.7734375, 1.53125, -1.1162109, 0.19897461, 0.3173828, 0.2783203, -0.19396973, -1.7421875, 2.9472656, -0.46118164, 0.6669922, -0.9379883, 0.8510742, -1.6757812, -1.65625, -1.2441406, 1.9130859, 0.58984375, 0.18530273, 1.2382812, -0.06542969, -0.28710938, 0.32177734, 0.9863281, -2.4023438, 0.84277344, -1.1816406, -1.0537109, 0.22473145, 0.14416504, -1.3310547, -1.8037109, -3.1269531, -2.21875, 2.3867188, -2.4511719, 1.2109375, 1.4160156, -1.90625, 1.0537109, 2.4550781, -0.51220703, 0.21484375, -0.47387695, 0.10028076, 0.98779297, -1.9580078, -1.7919922, 0.6582031, 0.45239258]" LIMBO,com.playdead.limbo.full,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.playdead.limbo.full,adventure what the press said limbo is as close to perfect at what it does as a game can get destructoid the game is a masterpiece giantbomb limbo is genius freaky weird genius disturbing uncomfortable genius the escapist dark disturbing yet eerily beautiful limbo is a world that deserves to be explored joystiq winner of more than awards including gameinformer s best downloadable gamespot s best puzzle game kotaku s the best indie game gamereactor s digital game of the year spike tv s best independent game xplay s best downloadable game ign s best horror game limbo is an awardwinning,"[2.5410156, -1.0244141, 1.2041016, -1.0703125, -2.3554688, 0.2602539, -2.140625, -0.1776123, 0.0154953, 1.3818359, 0.36254883, 0.26293945, -1.2636719, 0.7036133, -0.17858887, 0.030838013, 0.3330078, -0.08026123, 0.099975586, -0.34985352, -0.8149414, -1.8730469, 1.2050781, -2.9765625, -2.59375, -0.1352539, 0.8701172, 0.44213867, 0.8798828, -0.64501953, 0.95458984, -2.1660156, -0.7602539, 1.0498047, -3.5390625, -1.9541016, 0.2006836, -1.1914062, 1.2304688, -0.78759766, 0.69677734, 1.7705078, -1.6757812, 1.2910156, -1.4013672, 1.3935547, -3.5449219, -2.1816406, -1.2587891, 0.8691406, 0.81347656, -2.2910156, -0.46777344, -0.05609131, -0.01727295, 1.7822266, 0.9223633, -0.64501953, -2.4628906, 0.22558594, 0.1887207, 1.15625, 0.7133789, -0.15917969, -1.3916016, -0.67871094, -1.5957031, -0.19104004, 0.8774414, 0.13635254, -2.6640625, 1.8652344, -0.60546875, -1.3320312, 0.9272461, -0.18273926, -2.7792969, -0.4790039, -0.5214844, -0.93408203, -1.4667969, 0.21887207, -0.6879883, -1.1533203, -1.921875, -1.1044922, 0.0881958, 0.35913086, -1.2646484, -1.0996094, -0.65771484, -1.2695312, -0.18164062, 2.0917969, -0.09429932, -1.6640625, -0.51953125, 0.5307617, -0.7109375, 0.7519531, 0.61816406, -0.19128418, -0.9707031, -0.8339844, 0.8442383, -1.9882812, 2.2519531, -0.02859497, 0.47705078, -1.3925781, -1.3193359, 0.2619629, -0.6713867, 1.6787109, -1.6523438, -0.29248047, -0.22436523, 1.8496094, -1.5419922, -2.0761719, 0.22363281, -0.4177246, 0.08728027, -0.14099121, 1.1884766, -0.47387695, -0.48657227, -1.3339844, -1.1054688, 1.7607422, -2.7675781, -2.0332031, -0.7451172, 0.75439453, 0.6201172, -0.28710938, -0.7631836, 0.4453125, 1.7431641, -1.4160156, 0.5385742, -1.7744141, 1.6796875, 2.5566406, 0.030212402, -0.75878906, 0.9086914, 0.67871094, -0.7919922, 0.069885254, -0.1706543, -1.5771484, -2.2011719, 2.1132812, 2.0957031, -0.052215576, -1.2734375, -0.7392578, -0.22387695, 1.7265625, 2.0898438, -0.1907959, 0.98828125, -1.8447266, 1.5048828, -0.86572266, 0.9526367, -0.8496094, -0.88671875, 1.7900391, -0.08886719, -1.7705078, 1.7490234, 1.5869141, -0.7241211, 0.6171875, 0.36376953, -2.2792969, -0.60839844, -0.16137695, -1.7763672, -0.29907227, 0.9863281, -2.3847656, -0.5419922, -1.5341797, 0.859375, 0.3400879, -0.52441406, 0.27172852, 1.6386719, 0.77734375, 0.75, 0.34277344, -0.9824219, 0.3251953, 0.88916016, -0.42919922, -1.2617188, -2.6699219, 0.8198242, 1.0400391, 0.21374512, -0.6328125, -0.44970703, -0.36157227, 2.1796875, 0.6713867, 2.734375, 1.1835938, -0.9995117, -2.2460938, -0.20227051, -0.89501953, -0.7104492, -3.1230469, -1.7578125, 0.08355713, 0.50146484, 0.24682617, -0.31982422, 0.1307373, 1.6962891, 0.11529541, -0.8754883, 1.4453125, -0.95214844, -2.0839844, 0.66503906, 2.03125, -1.4238281, -2.7597656, 0.49047852, -0.84521484, -0.9213867, 1.3417969, 0.2166748, 1.578125, -1.40625, 0.76416016, 0.71972656, 1.8417969, -0.60302734, 1.0800781, 0.37060547, -0.63623047, -0.5258789, -0.5566406, -1.4726562, -1.234375]" Cookies Must Die,com.rebeltwins.cookiesmustdie,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rebeltwins.cookiesmustdie,action winner of the google indie games festival play a new game from the creators of dragon hills and daddy was a thief jack is a supersecret agent with special powers implanted in his body by government scientists he has to stop a group of evil mutated cookies and their powerful bosses before they reduce his city to rubble hurry grab the best weapon and sling onto the battlefield start an intense and exciting war crush your enemies survive the attacks defeat huge bosses with your smart movements and skills deadly jellies angry cookies threatening chocolates and many more sweet but,"[2.5917969, 0.5161133, 0.38989258, 1.5419922, 0.3720703, 0.68310547, 0.73095703, 0.35717773, 1.1611328, 1.5800781, -1.4794922, 0.47045898, -0.59521484, -2.9257812, 1.8027344, 0.105529785, 0.14294434, 1.6298828, 1.7333984, -0.93408203, -0.25927734, -0.3623047, 0.2705078, -2.0332031, 0.82373047, -1.3535156, 0.9868164, 1.3037109, -0.66503906, 0.21679688, -0.60302734, 0.73535156, -0.9111328, -0.1517334, -0.77490234, -0.3010254, 0.9995117, -0.49121094, 1.4013672, -2.3945312, 0.59521484, 1.4912109, -0.26904297, -0.82470703, 2.0820312, 0.2163086, -2.5996094, 0.45141602, 0.5292969, 0.8432617, 0.35351562, -0.5395508, 1.0605469, 0.31982422, -0.008796692, -1.4042969, 0.828125, -2.8671875, -0.5048828, -1.0878906, 0.31591797, 0.50634766, -1.8730469, 1.734375, -1.1425781, -0.8798828, -1.1191406, -1.3837891, 0.62402344, 1.2636719, 0.039001465, 0.2097168, 0.06173706, -0.65966797, 1.9394531, 1.7548828, 0.23242188, -0.3713379, 0.47045898, -2.4121094, 0.6279297, 1.0166016, -1.6962891, -0.22351074, -0.63623047, 0.6044922, -0.3894043, -1.1240234, -2.78125, 0.70996094, 0.10681152, -0.062683105, 0.28125, 2.1367188, -0.8618164, 0.97802734, 1.6689453, -0.11206055, -0.49072266, 0.8515625, -1.6542969, -1.6757812, -0.6557617, -2.0742188, -1.0615234, -0.07385254, 2.1972656, -0.29077148, -0.19396973, 0.22827148, 2.171875, 0.06201172, -2.4316406, 0.8256836, -0.5966797, 0.15783691, -0.57421875, -0.4333496, 1.0029297, -0.38842773, 0.1850586, 1.8701172, -1.4492188, -0.23461914, 0.60058594, -0.76904297, -1.4208984, -0.35229492, -1.0996094, 0.8798828, -1.2363281, 0.03955078, -0.7973633, 0.7993164, 4.859375, 2.2890625, 1.6748047, 0.050994873, -0.5097656, -2.6367188, 0.06555176, -2.1953125, 0.8066406, -0.6064453, -1.2880859, -0.02368164, 0.92333984, 0.8833008, 0.58935547, -0.3359375, 0.18286133, 0.86376953, 1.2265625, 0.73046875, 1.0419922, 0.6689453, -0.8046875, -2.3554688, -1.3320312, 0.48266602, -0.23010254, -1.9785156, -1.171875, 0.34423828, 3.1523438, -0.9301758, 0.1171875, 1.2080078, -1.9570312, -0.04547119, -1.0556641, -0.11810303, 1.1826172, 0.77246094, 0.10784912, -3.25, -0.2692871, -2.1738281, 2.1386719, 0.27001953, 0.4572754, -0.20837402, -0.21203613, -1.3701172, -3.0527344, 1.0585938, 0.18945312, 1.1171875, 0.9453125, -1.2138672, 0.5678711, -0.4736328, -0.86083984, 0.29077148, -0.33862305, 0.9116211, -0.5673828, 0.29711914, 3.0351562, -0.8041992, 0.5732422, -0.87646484, -3.1738281, -0.7421875, -1.3886719, 1.3378906, -0.121520996, -0.9033203, -0.03439331, 0.059265137, -0.55615234, -2.0234375, -0.27270508, -1.7666016, -0.6816406, 0.63671875, -0.62841797, 1.1455078, 0.5834961, 1.2695312, 0.66259766, -1.6259766, 0.0077056885, 1.4111328, -0.6591797, 0.26513672, -1.6640625, 0.19848633, 1.5488281, 2.46875, 0.05130005, -1.390625, -2.171875, -0.7270508, -1.5986328, 2.4453125, -0.42773438, -0.4086914, -0.7529297, 0.5444336, 0.56933594, -0.7573242, 1.1787109, 0.5151367, -2.2832031, 0.2861328, 0.8808594, 0.7783203, 0.21960449, 2.1796875]" Shovel Pirate,com.neutronized.shovelpirate,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neutronized.shovelpirate,adventure follow the map search for hints and collect all the treasures play as a pirate on a quest to gather all the wackiest treasures shovel pirate is a cute platformer game with fun puzzles adorable characters and clever traps to avoid game features levels packed with action intuitive and easy controls clever puzzles secret collectibles charming music tracks,"[2.078125, -0.37646484, -0.52197266, 0.111450195, 1.0859375, -1.1123047, -1.8095703, -0.5439453, -0.8808594, -0.9555664, -0.7211914, 0.5107422, 0.29467773, -0.96533203, 0.10455322, -2.0546875, -1.0283203, 0.43115234, -0.37329102, -0.6435547, 0.14245605, 1.7119141, -0.9482422, -2.5253906, -0.80615234, -2.6015625, 0.31518555, -1.6640625, -1.2822266, -0.61376953, -0.78271484, -0.48364258, -0.4477539, -0.67578125, -1.5712891, -6.046875, 0.25610352, -0.8745117, 1.3134766, -0.9057617, 1.6894531, 0.890625, -0.10253906, -0.7089844, 1.4169922, -0.36987305, -3.0273438, 1.0458984, -1.7138672, 0.085632324, 1.4580078, 1.9443359, 0.70214844, -2.2050781, -1.2939453, -1.7158203, -0.02432251, 0.7729492, -2.8925781, -1.2314453, 1.03125, 2.5917969, -1.2001953, 0.07751465, -0.10821533, -0.6455078, 0.29907227, 0.5703125, 1.5849609, 0.8466797, 1.8720703, 0.5263672, -2.0214844, -0.10858154, 1.3671875, 1.2734375, 0.2512207, -1.0068359, -0.40625, -0.7524414, 0.14404297, -0.46972656, -1.6015625, 0.43188477, 0.037322998, 1.3476562, 1.3212891, -1.8574219, -1.8466797, 1.5908203, -0.55126953, -0.42626953, 0.76953125, 1.0800781, 0.071777344, 0.44189453, 0.3095703, -0.8183594, -0.52246094, -1.1298828, -1.0859375, 0.51171875, 0.7895508, -0.10211182, 1.1474609, 1.2773438, 0.09277344, -0.52246094, -1.5869141, -0.5576172, 1.8623047, -1.4697266, -0.36450195, 1.9501953, 0.9448242, 0.63720703, -0.77197266, 0.90234375, -1.5449219, -0.7338867, -1.0097656, -0.74072266, -0.12487793, 1.3457031, 1.8691406, -1.1328125, -0.6904297, -0.89746094, -1.4287109, 0.007183075, 0.33374023, -1.8798828, 1.1201172, -0.029052734, 3.6308594, 0.22265625, 0.67089844, 2.0136719, -1.3447266, 1.1621094, 0.24633789, -0.74853516, 0.4086914, 1.0761719, -0.8208008, 0.41577148, 0.4543457, 0.2277832, 0.3701172, -0.019683838, -0.51660156, 0.62597656, 0.7260742, 3.1582031, -2.2128906, 0.24975586, -0.2927246, -0.15539551, -0.5600586, 1.2431641, 2.2988281, -2.4160156, -0.84375, -0.4909668, 2.7832031, 1.2285156, -0.75, 1.546875, 2.328125, 1.3388672, -0.84277344, -1.5888672, 2.4863281, 1.28125, 1.2421875, -1.6767578, 0.17651367, -1.5527344, 1.5175781, 1.3222656, -0.7949219, 0.24499512, -1.2265625, 0.44702148, -0.6401367, 0.14501953, -0.26220703, 0.6425781, 1.9521484, -0.8017578, -1.90625, -0.8691406, -0.37329102, 1.2236328, 1.5351562, -0.070007324, 0.56640625, -2.8984375, 0.36694336, -2.1425781, -0.40673828, 1.1845703, 0.10986328, 1.0742188, -2.8203125, 1.4794922, -0.8676758, 1.7841797, 0.24951172, 0.68603516, -1.0673828, -1.4238281, 0.26489258, -0.28076172, -2.6445312, -0.25170898, 1.3320312, -0.4465332, 0.60253906, 0.89160156, -0.14050293, -1.5166016, -0.04348755, 1.3476562, -1.8955078, 2.6347656, -0.6171875, -0.85791016, -0.037475586, 0.52783203, -0.1932373, -0.59375, 0.71972656, -0.23046875, 0.8178711, 2.2753906, 0.7602539, 2.1738281, -2.6894531, 2.2285156, 1.4511719, -0.77490234, 0.66748047, 2.0410156, -1.9267578, 0.671875, 0.63916016, -1.1914062, 1.65625, -1.125]" Bird Alone,com.GeorgeBatchelor.BirdAlone,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.GeorgeBatchelor.BirdAlone,casual experience the google indie game festival winner become best friends with the loneliest bird in the world a journey of growth and loss with a best friend talk about life make music draw pictures and write poetry start each day answering your new friends questions about life death and the meaning of existence guide the bird through daily life as it confronts the same worries as the rest of us whats your favourite colour where are all my friends do you ever think about death what will your best friend ask you today draw a picture for the art gallery,"[1.6962891, -1.1884766, 1.8867188, -0.19042969, -0.77246094, 0.5385742, -0.116760254, -0.6948242, 0.26953125, 1.2353516, -0.6113281, 0.8798828, 0.28979492, 0.75634766, 0.59277344, 0.25512695, 1.1142578, 1.0087891, -2.3476562, 0.9921875, 1.0117188, 0.99902344, 1.1787109, -0.20788574, -0.9501953, 2.3574219, 0.17663574, -1.03125, -1.7998047, 0.35009766, 0.43237305, -1.375, 0.3395996, 0.4855957, -0.6464844, -4.5664062, 1.2402344, -0.33251953, 0.92333984, -1.1220703, 0.70703125, -0.32373047, -0.9609375, 0.29467773, 0.13879395, 0.14428711, -0.76123047, -1.9775391, 1.5761719, 1.0449219, 1.9736328, 0.46704102, 0.09106445, -0.034362793, -2.3730469, 1.1015625, -2.4414062, -2.2460938, -1.5283203, 0.49829102, -0.011299133, 3.65625, -0.93652344, -0.010314941, -1.5996094, -0.113708496, -0.46069336, -1.7451172, 0.36791992, 0.66503906, 0.8071289, 1.4130859, -1.234375, -0.12286377, 2.2578125, -0.0869751, -0.3479004, -0.020401001, -0.6899414, 0.11987305, -0.58740234, -0.61621094, -1.9042969, -0.06188965, -0.97265625, 0.6040039, -0.9038086, 1.0644531, -1.2099609, 3.6953125, -0.30737305, -1.5361328, -1.6464844, -0.2565918, -0.3293457, 1.5966797, -0.023452759, 2.09375, -2.2558594, 0.1282959, 0.03918457, -0.2709961, 1.140625, -2.2324219, 1.2080078, -0.4987793, 0.7163086, 0.32373047, -0.13366699, -1.4794922, 0.75, -0.27807617, -0.7558594, 1.0283203, -0.9506836, -1.0908203, 0.43017578, 0.9760742, -1.2617188, -2.2714844, -0.63964844, -0.6411133, 0.55078125, 0.16967773, 2.0859375, 1.1953125, 0.09338379, -1.1855469, -0.39013672, 0.34692383, -1.4443359, -0.5004883, 0.3798828, 0.36108398, -0.24230957, -0.6147461, 0.18823242, -0.12646484, -0.984375, 0.11590576, 0.6635742, -2.2089844, 2.3164062, 0.79833984, -0.7285156, -1.0009766, 0.69921875, -0.3046875, -0.8964844, -0.6660156, -1.7265625, -0.7836914, -3.0839844, 2.0957031, 0.5131836, -2.6171875, 0.91796875, -0.11254883, -0.37109375, 0.5932617, 2.4707031, -0.038757324, -0.5551758, -0.02268982, 0.93408203, 0.9926758, 0.8120117, 2.671875, -1.890625, 0.4880371, -0.66845703, -2.5761719, 2.3339844, 0.13293457, 0.7109375, -0.15966797, -0.48876953, -0.21899414, -0.122924805, 0.22875977, -0.001707077, 0.47998047, 0.95703125, 1.9951172, 1.3369141, 0.5859375, -1.1904297, -0.23925781, 0.43066406, 1.828125, 0.49267578, -0.7475586, 0.44848633, 1.4511719, 0.9277344, -0.6171875, 0.27563477, -2.78125, 3.3339844, -2.6210938, 2.0234375, -0.9785156, 2.3828125, -0.5151367, -1.9511719, 2.8222656, -0.18554688, 1.3105469, -1.2783203, 1.2675781, -1.1484375, -1.0957031, 0.34960938, -0.023895264, -1.1240234, 0.9194336, 0.7836914, 0.039855957, 2.3007812, 2.0722656, 0.78759766, -0.86328125, -0.6894531, 0.26611328, -2.2304688, 2.9667969, 1.3525391, -1.6513672, -0.7553711, 1.0585938, -0.7939453, -1.0195312, 0.8022461, 1.0449219, 1.1181641, 0.12097168, 0.10015869, 3.8496094, -1.5068359, 1.1884766, 0.92041016, -1.7451172, 1.3710938, -0.08996582, -0.5996094, -2.3613281, -0.6542969, -1.5507812, 0.1743164, -2.2207031]" Dungeons of Dreadrock,com.goongames.DungeonsofDreadrock,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.goongames.DungeonsofDreadrock,adventure puzzle your way through handcrafted levels into the ancient depths of dreadrock mountain its super creative ign a masterpiece watson beautifully designed purenintendo something really special macworld,"[3.4765625, -0.16345215, 1.3330078, 0.3400879, 1.6572266, -0.5288086, -1.1435547, -2.0078125, 0.7441406, 0.4741211, -0.44799805, 0.79296875, -1.6279297, -0.1083374, 0.8017578, -0.73779297, -0.026504517, 1.5791016, -0.062561035, -0.5307617, -0.11627197, 0.076660156, 0.0032367706, -2.2734375, 1.1689453, -1.3486328, -0.29467773, -0.23620605, -0.15002441, 0.66503906, -0.1595459, -4.109375, 0.38720703, 0.5546875, -2.1816406, -2.1914062, 0.95458984, 0.43041992, 0.99902344, -0.6694336, 1.5458984, -0.1315918, -0.3564453, 0.5649414, -0.4777832, 1.1484375, -2.0234375, 2.0117188, -1.2128906, 1.0878906, 2.3164062, -0.7910156, 1.0419922, -1.3603516, -1.6845703, 0.03665161, -1.2890625, 0.19177246, -0.105285645, -1.109375, -1.4941406, 2.1328125, -0.47314453, -1.5507812, -0.63134766, 0.16955566, -0.35375977, -0.7836914, 0.3840332, -0.09033203, 1.9912109, 0.46923828, -0.7084961, -0.77441406, 0.7441406, -0.066101074, 0.1529541, -1.4677734, 1.0947266, 0.23120117, 1.1650391, -0.8300781, -1.2792969, 0.6894531, -0.49194336, 0.2529297, 0.83740234, 0.28466797, -2.0488281, 1.8515625, -1.2236328, -1.28125, -0.5395508, 0.69628906, -0.3881836, 0.15795898, 1.6074219, -0.2668457, -1.1425781, -1.4863281, 0.4284668, 0.18811035, -0.62890625, -1.4912109, 0.90527344, 0.25878906, 2.0058594, -0.67333984, 0.41870117, -1.6708984, 0.60498047, 0.4650879, -2.1875, 1.2324219, -0.6357422, 0.7495117, -0.107421875, -0.0769043, -0.7373047, 0.82958984, -0.9453125, -1.2880859, 1.953125, 0.6801758, 1.5605469, -0.82373047, -1.1806641, -2.4902344, -2.0839844, 1.7783203, -1.3916016, -0.069885254, 0.15319824, 0.62158203, 3.4140625, 0.4248047, 0.9560547, 1.9111328, 1.3974609, 2.1367188, 3.140625, 0.45703125, 0.26098633, 0.69921875, 1.5537109, 0.8388672, -0.076293945, 2.0898438, 2.6171875, 0.25610352, -0.8930664, 0.44750977, -1.3828125, 1.3417969, 0.16772461, -0.07965088, -1.5361328, -0.52441406, -1.2617188, 0.796875, 1.1357422, -0.47314453, -2.265625, 0.7519531, 2.4101562, -0.94628906, -0.8886719, 2.2480469, -0.55126953, -0.8276367, -0.11175537, -1.9677734, 2.0, 0.2310791, -1.7080078, 0.57177734, 0.09008789, -3.1816406, -0.71972656, 0.2902832, -1.1074219, 0.13220215, 0.5029297, 0.04067993, -0.12670898, 0.8046875, 0.3371582, 0.29296875, 0.7421875, 1.8427734, 0.29003906, 0.375, 0.8413086, 0.6274414, 1.2470703, -0.28515625, -1.1269531, -0.30932617, 2.578125, -2.453125, 1.8125, -0.9067383, -0.31030273, 0.3076172, -1.8232422, -0.47094727, -1.1074219, 0.4206543, 0.7211914, 0.072265625, -0.5385742, -2.4589844, -1.1230469, 0.03491211, -2.9140625, -0.14648438, -1.3847656, 0.734375, 1.2099609, 1.8876953, 0.40112305, -0.34936523, -0.40454102, -0.041656494, -0.8725586, 2.8652344, 1.9121094, -1.4023438, 1.2431641, -0.17907715, -2.5878906, -2.1679688, 1.5048828, -1.796875, 0.05810547, -1.9306641, 0.39892578, 2.5976562, 0.2524414, 1.5244141, 1.9658203, 0.5727539, 1.3203125, 1.8320312, -1.2431641, 0.7998047, -1.6201172, -0.83203125, -0.52734375, -1.4580078]" The Past Within,com.RustyLake.ThePastWithin,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.RustyLake.ThePastWithin,adventure note the past within is a coop only game both players need to own a copy of the game on their own device mobile tablet or computer as well as a way to communicate with each other play together with a friend or find a partner on our official discord server the past and future cannot be explored alone team up with a friend and piece together the mysteries surrounding albert vanderboom communicate what you see around you to help one another solve various puzzles and explore the worlds from different perspectives the past within is the first coop only,"[3.1289062, -2.2832031, 1.5107422, -2.1894531, -0.4729004, -0.14001465, -1.4677734, -2.0488281, 1.1738281, 0.58935547, 0.55859375, 1.2216797, -1.0234375, 1.1181641, 0.0067825317, -1.6425781, -1.1796875, -0.97558594, 0.56884766, -1.2841797, 0.12322998, 1.8574219, -0.27172852, -1.0107422, -0.3720703, 1.5673828, 1.7841797, -1.2373047, -1.3525391, -0.15905762, 2.2597656, -0.7241211, 1.25, -1.28125, 0.23217773, -1.3261719, 0.21105957, 1.2480469, -0.13598633, 0.66552734, 0.044128418, -1.9189453, -0.51123047, 1.7910156, 0.6972656, 1.6777344, -1.0283203, -0.5961914, -0.070617676, -0.74072266, 0.12890625, 0.8808594, 1.3115234, -1.3164062, -1.1210938, -1.9707031, 4.5507812, 1.3291016, -0.47827148, -1.890625, -0.20788574, 2.5351562, -0.95751953, -1.09375, 0.05038452, 0.39233398, -0.3708496, 0.079589844, 1.5654297, -0.7294922, -1.3398438, 0.37817383, 0.4975586, 0.47924805, 0.24645996, -0.39160156, 0.17529297, -0.44091797, 2.4179688, -0.39916992, 0.12084961, 0.5317383, 0.7636719, -0.09667969, -1.2802734, 1.1962891, 2.9746094, 1.0996094, -2.4179688, 1.1826172, -1.1884766, -0.61621094, -1.8916016, -1.0996094, 0.75390625, -1.0976562, -0.1517334, 0.6269531, 0.32495117, -0.6425781, 0.16503906, 0.6245117, 0.64697266, -2.0546875, -0.28735352, 0.78222656, -0.14916992, 0.18591309, 0.38671875, 1.0859375, 0.6645508, -1.4765625, -1.0419922, 1.5966797, -1.1894531, -2.4492188, 0.75634766, -0.9511719, -1.3496094, 0.08770752, -0.014221191, 0.63964844, -0.58447266, -1.0126953, 1.6630859, 0.27954102, -0.4675293, -1.5761719, 0.35742188, 0.47680664, -0.5004883, -0.66015625, -0.4658203, 0.13781738, 1.6787109, -1.6796875, 0.62597656, 1.0283203, -2.6679688, -0.36328125, 1.4824219, 1.4267578, 0.33935547, 2.6230469, -0.38867188, -0.8623047, 1.0322266, -1.6035156, 0.7504883, 0.1706543, 1.6298828, 0.5463867, -4.671875, 0.043395996, 3.2304688, 0.32128906, -0.33081055, -1.4072266, -1.3867188, 1.4560547, 1.6425781, -0.14868164, -3.4277344, 0.20117188, -1.6787109, 3.5039062, -0.40283203, 0.48046875, -2.6953125, 0.20666504, -0.3269043, -1.1914062, 0.53759766, -0.5214844, 1.4404297, 3.2421875, -0.23291016, -0.4880371, 1.0058594, 0.51464844, 2.0976562, -1.2988281, 0.19836426, 2.8769531, -0.17663574, 1.7128906, 0.7089844, 0.7211914, -1.1210938, 0.26611328, -0.08227539, 0.5004883, 1.953125, 0.9428711, 0.39135742, 0.29052734, 0.3022461, 1.6328125, 2.9804688, 0.1463623, 0.26953125, 0.42529297, -1.4521484, 1.2089844, -0.83691406, 1.0478516, 0.86083984, -0.9916992, 0.42382812, -2.0351562, -0.37182617, -0.6430664, 1.0439453, 0.17114258, -2.0136719, 0.34472656, 2.0839844, 0.034088135, 0.54345703, 1.0009766, 0.09222412, -2.515625, 1.2070312, 0.40356445, -2.1132812, 0.7192383, -0.34350586, -0.20019531, -0.21264648, -2.8847656, -0.6430664, -2.3085938, -1.0878906, 1.6523438, -1.8925781, 0.4572754, -1.0136719, 0.92626953, -2.0332031, 1.7148438, 0.94628906, -0.48754883, 0.31689453, 0.18469238, -0.6113281, -0.037628174, 0.17834473, -1.5410156, 0.6855469, -0.8642578]" Underground Blossom,air.com.RustyLake.UndergroundBlossom,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.RustyLake.UndergroundBlossom,adventure descend into the rusty lake underground and travel through the life and memories of laura vanderboom travel from station to station each metro stop symbolising a piece of lauras past and future solve various puzzles find the correct metro to board and uncover one of laura s timelines while simultaneously helping her make sense of her life and escape the corruption of her mind underground blossom is a new pointandclick adventure developed by the creators of the cube escape rusty lake series features a new experience in a familiar setting enjoy a classic rusty lake pointandclick puzzle adventure with a,"[2.1953125, -0.69873047, -1.3115234, 0.47583008, -2.7050781, -0.5517578, 1.6992188, -0.060699463, -0.4128418, 2.2539062, 0.7128906, -0.15026855, 1.1015625, 1.1210938, 0.21105957, -2.7675781, -0.00793457, 0.56103516, 0.25073242, 1.0097656, -0.82128906, -2.2226562, -1.5517578, -0.18457031, -1.140625, -2.5742188, -1.6103516, -1.9443359, -0.31079102, -0.53027344, 1.5927734, -0.31054688, 0.62890625, 1.7822266, -0.84521484, -0.27392578, -1.7099609, 2.21875, -0.33618164, -0.29516602, 0.96484375, -0.5932617, -1.5234375, -0.24902344, 0.02796936, 0.31982422, -0.85595703, -1.0507812, 0.5317383, 1.3867188, 2.0859375, 0.6972656, -0.9194336, -1.3642578, -2.0898438, 0.31420898, 1.1386719, -1.5097656, -2.4609375, -0.78564453, 1.0615234, 0.19335938, 0.50683594, 0.09661865, -0.77734375, 0.85058594, -0.33862305, 0.21875, 1.4960938, 0.63183594, -0.40112305, 2.0585938, 0.03375244, 0.8564453, -0.64746094, -0.051086426, -1.8525391, -0.051971436, -0.21777344, -0.5444336, 0.21435547, -1.6777344, 0.45874023, 0.6308594, -1.0878906, -1.2480469, 0.26342773, 0.9824219, -0.9482422, -0.5834961, -0.9213867, -1.0205078, -0.5097656, 1.2744141, 0.60595703, 0.42822266, 0.65625, 0.4152832, 0.01083374, -0.82421875, 0.97558594, -0.0038108826, 2.671875, -2.8242188, 2.625, 0.24084473, 0.010246277, 0.66064453, 1.7929688, -1.2265625, -1.3847656, 0.5888672, -0.6669922, 1.0009766, -0.8598633, 0.69873047, -0.359375, 2.0957031, -1.9951172, -1.0400391, -0.6381836, 0.56884766, 1.8779297, -0.11651611, 2.8925781, 0.52441406, -0.68408203, -2.9726562, -1.1289062, -0.15991211, -0.34692383, 1.2832031, -2.3886719, 1.9169922, 2.6152344, -0.8276367, 1.2392578, -0.45922852, 0.109436035, 0.09039307, 1.4121094, -1.9150391, 0.2668457, 0.50341797, 0.4375, 1.8037109, 1.5839844, -0.0063972473, -1.3203125, 0.62402344, -0.9819336, -0.8203125, 1.8544922, 2.7324219, 0.57666016, 0.48413086, -0.21728516, 0.24645996, -1.8085938, 0.84228516, -0.90966797, 0.2841797, -0.16027832, -0.08343506, 3.1660156, 0.097351074, 0.91308594, -0.7114258, 0.013687134, -1.1103516, -0.08648682, -1.7568359, -0.48632812, 1.8632812, 0.9711914, 1.9267578, 1.6484375, -3.5703125, 0.023071289, 1.3994141, -1.3974609, 0.22546387, 1.484375, -0.87158203, -0.84277344, 1.1328125, 1.2177734, 2.0605469, -0.1920166, -1.0029297, -1.9375, -1.9101562, -0.6665039, 0.0049934387, 0.99560547, -0.67626953, 0.5522461, -1.0439453, -1.6171875, 0.03616333, -0.30981445, 0.83984375, -1.7236328, 1.1757812, -0.6435547, 0.60791016, -0.08215332, -0.94140625, 2.4902344, 0.24194336, -0.15307617, -2.2050781, 1.1728516, 0.7871094, 0.17016602, -2.3066406, -0.81396484, -0.3100586, 0.23962402, -1.9628906, 0.92626953, -2.1953125, 0.0592041, 1.0322266, -0.9580078, 0.45483398, -0.45825195, -1.1132812, -0.27368164, -0.15209961, -0.9707031, -1.5927734, 1.7880859, -1.9160156, -0.61865234, 0.8774414, -0.8803711, 2.5820312, -2.4003906, 0.23034668, 1.8740234, 0.2409668, -0.46435547, 2.9316406, -0.5917969, 2.0390625, -0.33422852, 0.5888672, 1.4082031, -2.0839844]" The White Door,air.com.RustyLake.WhiteDoor,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.RustyLake.WhiteDoor,adventure robert hill wakes up in a mental health facility and suffers from severe memory loss follow the facility s strict daily routine explore his dreams and help him recall his memories the white door is a new pointandclick adventure developed by the creators of the cube escape rusty lake series features pickupandplay easy to start but hard to put down interactive storyline follow a daily routine and recollect memories in a playful way filled with brain teasers and riddles a unique rusty lake splitscreen adventure experience robert hills stay in rusty lakes mental health facility with an innovative splitscreen gameplay,"[0.48168945, -0.40795898, -0.94140625, -0.050933838, -1.2304688, -1.0527344, 0.1895752, -1.3417969, -0.35986328, 2.5546875, 0.46801758, 0.13891602, -0.8359375, 1.8984375, 0.3100586, -0.6713867, -0.17370605, 1.3779297, -1.3730469, 0.46142578, -2.1328125, -1.7958984, -1.3535156, 0.53808594, -1.6738281, -0.7055664, -0.7290039, -1.3759766, -0.3310547, -0.7363281, 1.9013672, 0.23803711, -1.7197266, 0.93652344, 1.0009766, -2.5996094, -0.21459961, 0.74853516, 1.4658203, -1.0214844, 0.8144531, -1.6318359, -0.5385742, -0.25024414, -0.18481445, -0.39697266, -1.4326172, -0.34106445, 0.62841797, 0.69873047, 1.3125, -1.3154297, 0.50390625, -0.78222656, -0.41992188, 0.1751709, -0.45385742, -0.9501953, -1.5888672, 0.32128906, 1.8798828, 0.93115234, 1.4892578, -0.75634766, 1.1855469, 0.2644043, 0.89941406, 1.484375, 0.52685547, 0.91015625, 0.38452148, 1.7119141, 1.4013672, 0.3010254, 1.5039062, 0.15722656, -1.5908203, -0.006801605, -0.58984375, -1.3671875, -0.27001953, 0.13452148, -2.1738281, 0.1932373, -0.23620605, -0.89941406, -0.2644043, 0.12097168, -1.8398438, -0.6333008, -1.5039062, -0.6381836, -1.1230469, 1.4287109, 0.12609863, 1.0615234, 1.3964844, -0.3010254, 1.1660156, -0.8647461, -0.5019531, -0.21142578, 1.3505859, -1.5927734, 1.8955078, 0.3930664, 0.16040039, -0.7294922, 1.6845703, 0.3840332, 0.27197266, 1.3583984, 1.8496094, -0.77685547, 0.60009766, 0.89208984, -0.44067383, 0.8647461, -1.3339844, -0.66015625, 0.056762695, 1.1484375, 1.7275391, 1.3300781, 2.5273438, -0.62597656, -0.51220703, -2.0761719, -0.30615234, -0.07281494, -0.43579102, 0.5527344, -0.8725586, 0.020843506, 0.43115234, -0.47485352, 0.61816406, 0.8144531, -0.35205078, 1.3535156, 0.24328613, -0.22436523, -0.7441406, -1.6298828, 0.33764648, 1.0546875, 0.22363281, -0.5410156, -0.41186523, 1.8730469, -1.171875, -1.2197266, 3.0078125, 1.5410156, -0.8149414, -0.8754883, 0.93847656, 0.9511719, -0.59765625, -0.9536133, -0.76416016, 0.54296875, -0.0657959, -1.8417969, 1.7763672, -1.3144531, -0.45410156, 1.4892578, 0.19335938, -1.8027344, -0.46704102, -2.7363281, -0.4506836, 1.8896484, 0.5991211, 1.0654297, 0.69433594, -2.609375, 0.87646484, 0.92089844, -2.453125, 0.29614258, 0.23059082, -1.9570312, 0.95996094, -0.41235352, 0.40283203, 1.6357422, -0.5180664, 1.2626953, -1.6914062, -1.5595703, -0.4020996, 0.34106445, -0.6010742, -0.95996094, -0.058288574, -0.01058197, -0.8774414, -0.41137695, -0.96533203, 0.46240234, -0.65185547, -0.0039978027, -0.82958984, 2.0957031, -1.2128906, -0.19177246, 0.6821289, -0.0017137527, -0.035217285, 0.07678223, 0.8574219, -0.124938965, -0.046020508, -2.3496094, -1.3466797, -0.6826172, 0.9199219, 0.61816406, 0.84375, -0.0647583, -0.91064453, 1.4970703, 0.4423828, 0.9604492, -0.2322998, -0.4736328, -1.6591797, 0.9785156, -0.6538086, -0.8359375, -0.07318115, -0.90478516, -0.5932617, 2.8417969, 0.75390625, 1.8505859, -1.6337891, -0.70166016, 1.8203125, -0.07897949, -1.1103516, 2.1914062, -1.2207031, 0.8828125, -1.2373047, -0.7573242, 1.0126953, -2.5917969]" Roblox,com.roblox.client,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.roblox.client,adventure roblox is the ultimate virtual universe that lets you create share experiences with friends and be anything you can imagine join millions of people and discover an infinite variety of immersive experiences created by a global community already have an account log in with your existing roblox account and explore the infinite metaverse of roblox millions of experiences in the mood for an epic adventure want to compete against rivals worldwide or do you just want to hang out and chat with your friends online a growing library of experiences created by the community means there s always something new,"[1.4238281, -0.9902344, 2.8457031, -1.0566406, -3.9648438, -0.43139648, -0.44604492, -0.27001953, -0.99316406, 1.5449219, -0.5673828, -0.7246094, -0.12194824, 0.91552734, 1.4736328, 0.31689453, 0.12335205, 0.8442383, -0.29223633, -0.76904297, 2.0683594, 0.81884766, 1.0800781, -3.7734375, -0.6508789, 0.32226562, -0.6855469, -3.5742188, 0.75927734, -0.2758789, -0.9086914, -0.18737793, 0.17712402, 0.9042969, 1.1904297, -0.70996094, 0.40795898, -0.9091797, 0.14416504, 0.07556152, 0.20202637, 1.3291016, -0.7241211, -1.4003906, 0.007850647, -0.23022461, -1.0419922, -0.93652344, -0.84521484, 1.4316406, 1.671875, -1.2353516, 0.018173218, -1.2441406, -1.3964844, -2.15625, 0.13635254, -0.8745117, -0.5136719, -1.2714844, 1.8759766, 1.125, -0.3557129, 2.2910156, 0.16540527, -1.3544922, 0.07952881, 1.1347656, 2.4980469, 1.5458984, 1.0830078, -0.6098633, -0.9169922, 0.13024902, 2.5820312, -2.3554688, 2.1210938, 0.21105957, -0.7915039, -0.5683594, -1.3291016, -0.8574219, 0.5888672, 3.1152344, -2.1367188, -0.5605469, -0.14819336, -0.061676025, -1.1738281, 0.4206543, 0.5053711, 1.0576172, -0.15429688, 0.30786133, -0.85791016, -2.4765625, 0.7495117, 0.7890625, 0.2692871, -0.25830078, -0.49658203, 0.3383789, 0.40942383, -2.9980469, -1.9677734, 0.8178711, 0.012123108, -0.65185547, -1.7958984, -0.58203125, 1.4414062, -1.6503906, -0.9111328, 2.6660156, -0.38208008, -0.4741211, 0.43432617, -1.0634766, -0.89208984, 0.8989258, -0.0036506653, -1.3144531, 0.38598633, 0.41796875, 0.21936035, 0.018997192, -1.3759766, -0.70458984, -1.3222656, 0.70410156, -3.5664062, 0.5185547, 0.33935547, -1.1083984, 0.83251953, -1.9287109, 0.21081543, 1.1884766, -1.6181641, -1.6904297, 0.1315918, 0.72998047, 1.0195312, 2.2949219, -1.8417969, 0.49536133, 0.4753418, 0.6982422, -0.72021484, 0.37036133, -0.92333984, -0.9316406, 1.7890625, 2.2773438, -0.99316406, 1.3085938, -1.5048828, 0.33007812, 1.2451172, 1.9599609, 0.40429688, 0.62841797, -0.63134766, 0.22058105, -1.6035156, -0.7626953, 0.1352539, 1.5136719, -0.3173828, -2.0820312, 0.07183838, 0.17956543, -0.44384766, 0.6376953, -0.13049316, -1.9169922, -0.5332031, 0.22998047, 0.12756348, 0.99072266, -0.921875, -0.035949707, -0.23718262, 0.94189453, -1.75, 0.28686523, 1.3544922, -0.98046875, 1.0654297, -0.6152344, 1.6054688, -1.3564453, -0.46533203, 1.6845703, -1.0341797, 0.057647705, -1.2851562, -0.001074791, -2.1074219, -0.5644531, -0.9033203, 0.90771484, 1.578125, -2.265625, -0.05923462, 2.3730469, 0.06286621, -0.038024902, 0.6142578, -0.64453125, 0.068603516, -1.6181641, 0.9995117, -0.5107422, -0.8720703, -0.43115234, -2.1132812, 0.74658203, -0.27905273, 0.9667969, -1.5996094, -1.3642578, 1.1914062, -0.09753418, 0.7080078, 2.9785156, -1.2275391, -2.2011719, 0.68847656, 1.2148438, -2.9589844, -0.19641113, -3.9882812, 0.6269531, 0.58691406, 2.2246094, 0.43408203, 0.9765625, -1.8828125, 1.6162109, 1.2431641, 2.3300781, -1.0644531, 2.6757812, 0.44140625, 2.5546875, -2.7617188, -2.0410156, 1.9814453, 0.40014648]" MONOPOLY GO!,com.scopely.monopolygo,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.scopely.monopolygo,board hit go roll the dice earn 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0.72216797, 0.20141602, -1.3144531, 0.8227539, 1.7158203, 1.0957031, 0.46557617, -0.09039307, -2.1210938, 1.4199219, -0.00046396255, -1.2988281, -0.85595703, -1.453125, 0.7915039, -2.0546875, -1.2412109, -0.4819336, -1.0146484, 1.1601562, 0.27124023, 0.3034668, 0.32885742, -2.0175781, -0.45288086, 1.046875, -1.0664062, 0.109313965, 0.09631348, 0.88134766, -0.49731445, -0.15710449, 1.6210938, -1.0947266, -0.19970703, -2.1542969, -1.2841797, -0.017333984, -1.3017578, -1.5712891, -0.09887695, -0.5698242, 0.3083496, -2.2929688, 0.08508301, -0.63134766, 0.74560547, -1.7412109, 1.4365234, 1.9052734, 0.5673828, -1.2177734, -1.9003906, 1.625, -0.44213867, -0.8378906, 0.5263672, -1.1494141, 0.3798828, -0.42285156, 3.1914062, -0.33081055, -0.35546875, -1.8974609, -2.6953125, 0.75341797, -1.1298828, -1.5839844, 0.10803223, -0.81152344, 2.5742188, 1.3349609, -0.9267578, 0.13220215, -0.94970703, 0.8857422, 1.0419922, 0.25805664, 0.22546387, 0.31982422, -0.46972656, 0.19104004, 0.24377441, 0.51708984, -0.094055176, 1.0439453, 0.1607666, 0.009231567, 3.0078125, -0.9013672, 0.23181152, 1.4716797, -2.7207031, -1.9199219, 0.6713867, -0.95410156, 1.46875, -2.6503906, -0.75146484, -1.7216797, 1.8105469, -0.7006836, 0.08569336, 1.1279297, 0.13256836, -1.9179688, -0.28125, 0.34228516, 3.1074219, 0.27075195, 0.36767578, -1.2285156, 1.9980469, -1.0244141, -0.12792969, -0.20739746, -0.9692383, 1.7587891, -1.2216797, 0.007144928, 0.12536621, 0.35473633, 0.70996094, 1.6708984, 1.4238281, 0.02671814, 0.20861816, -0.85791016, 0.8076172, 0.30493164, -1.90625, 0.5786133, -0.7236328, -1.0771484, 0.83691406, -0.140625, -1.3056641, 1.7958984, -0.21289062, 0.93652344, -2.2480469, 0.097595215, 0.39160156, -1.4970703, 0.8251953, -1.5146484, 1.2392578, -1.7861328, -0.46972656, -0.66845703, 0.10235596, 2.9160156, -0.73779297, 1.6787109, 0.1373291, 0.54003906, 0.30859375, -2.3066406, 0.3623047, 0.6044922, -0.41796875, -0.4025879, 1.7802734, 2.0273438, 0.36645508, 2.2714844, 0.2208252, -0.44628906, 0.39160156, -1.3525391, -0.13122559, -0.7709961, 1.4248047, -0.57666016, -1.5742188, 1.4873047, 3.1640625, -0.057739258, -1.0869141, -0.45483398, 0.29174805, 0.10064697, 0.2290039, -1.1298828, 0.05331421, 3.1015625]" Toca Boca World,com.tocaboca.tocalifeworld,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tocaboca.tocalifeworld,educational toca boca world is a game with endless possibilities where you can tell stories and decorate a whole world and fill it with characters you collect and create what will you do first design your dream house spend a day at the beach with friends or direct your own sitcom decorate a restaurant or play that you re running a dog daycare center express yourself play with your characters and designs tell stories and explore a world of fun with gifts every friday youll love toca boca world because you can download the app and start playing right away tell,"[-0.5756836, -2.3632812, 2.8652344, 3.8007812, -2.1679688, -1.6679688, 1.8212891, 0.37890625, 1.1279297, 0.81396484, -0.2614746, -0.8828125, -0.34375, -0.1895752, -0.24621582, -0.4519043, 0.09637451, 0.44628906, 0.47509766, 0.35620117, 0.40673828, 0.85839844, 1.2216797, -1.3222656, 0.5341797, 0.9160156, -2.1425781, -1.7822266, -1.0429688, -1.7246094, 0.5546875, 1.0742188, 1.7714844, -0.79785156, 0.56884766, -0.29492188, -1.7958984, 0.070007324, 2.8164062, -1.8242188, 0.79589844, 0.107666016, 1.8896484, -0.8027344, 0.28979492, 1.0107422, -1.6796875, -0.17871094, -0.96777344, -0.4321289, 2.5195312, 0.5541992, -1.4746094, -0.18322754, -0.35766602, 1.6533203, 1.5986328, -0.35620117, -0.0758667, -2.4902344, 1.6855469, 0.3269043, -1.046875, -1.4423828, 0.2692871, -0.58984375, 0.90625, 0.81347656, -1.4013672, 0.0071983337, -1.7011719, -0.9482422, 0.5888672, -0.29077148, 0.5800781, -0.77490234, 0.6015625, 0.6435547, -2.9121094, 1.9169922, 0.32177734, -1.7148438, -1.7724609, 2.28125, -0.44384766, -1.0722656, 0.94140625, 0.6791992, -1.2490234, -0.9199219, 0.62353516, 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0.36279297, -1.7265625, -1.6601562, -1.1201172, 0.30932617, -0.37109375, -2.1582031, 0.0231781, 0.4091797, 2.359375, -0.41870117, 0.70947266, 1.3271484, 2.0371094, -0.10998535, -1.7041016, 1.5195312, -2.6953125, -0.77490234, 1.7470703, -1.8496094, 1.6132812, -1.3632812, -0.37280273, 2.8886719, -0.7573242, 0.9243164, 1.7314453, -0.99658203, 0.11798096, -1.0205078, 2.2167969, -0.029205322, 0.48461914, -0.18945312, -0.05883789, -0.2866211, -1.7939453, -0.80126953, 1.7021484, -2.2109375, -1.8339844, -1.1220703, -1.2617188, 0.57373047, -1.3876953, -1.5556641, -2.9628906, 1.0683594, 0.53027344, -2.453125, 0.82666016, 0.8666992, -0.12194824, 0.87841797, 1.7783203, 0.49682617, -1.1738281, 1.3398438, 2.0820312, 0.97216797, 0.48510742, -0.23522949, 3.2304688, -2.0449219, 1.8427734, 0.87353516, -1.0986328, 0.12731934, 0.8955078, 0.18115234, -0.14074707, -0.13183594, -0.46801758, 1.1279297, 0.12438965]" Pok?mon 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0.5253906, -1.9658203, 1.1513672, 1.3222656, -0.69921875, 0.8984375, -0.0892334, 1.0615234, -0.7734375, 0.15759277, -0.4909668, 0.8618164, 1.9658203, -0.18054199, 1.0097656, 0.7084961, 2.6054688, -3.3828125, 0.073791504, 1.7324219, 2.1777344, -0.7553711, -0.80908203, 1.0009766, 1.2919922, -1.4335938, -1.0947266, -0.8198242, 1.6972656, 0.84472656, 0.85791016, -0.8100586, 1.9560547, -0.39892578, 0.54833984, 0.21826172, -0.21789551, 0.43701172, -1.6367188, 1.1513672, 1.4121094, -1.0585938, 0.5996094, -0.5917969, 1.046875, 2.4492188, -0.72265625, 0.72509766, 0.6035156, -0.5341797, -0.7998047, 0.8076172, 0.3474121, 0.35009766, -0.45263672, 0.073791504, -1.1708984, 1.0986328, -1.4326172, -2.5761719, 1.5283203, -0.671875, -0.4934082, -1.5605469, -0.6923828, -1.9365234, 0.03527832, -0.17919922, 1.1933594, -1.0527344, -1.0078125, -1.3466797, 1.59375, -0.9951172, -1.1152344, -0.20263672, 2.1113281, 1.0478516, -0.5800781, -1.2714844, -0.96240234, 0.1315918, 0.2434082, 0.22375488, 1.9511719, 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0.2861328, -0.9790039, 2.2695312, 0.3852539, -2.6464844, 0.7841797, 1.1904297, 1.0205078, 0.7211914, 1.1308594, -0.11218262, -1.5615234, 2.15625, -3.4863281, -0.49926758, 0.4423828, -1.1005859, -0.0025482178, -1.6416016, 1.7529297, 0.73876953, -0.40429688, -1.3388672, 0.4440918, -0.9477539, -2.1816406, -0.08099365, -3.7832031, -0.105163574, 0.6923828]" Dice Dreams???,com.superplaystudios.dicedreams,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.superplaystudios.dicedreams,casual welcome to dice dreams join millions of players around the world roll the dice on the magical board steal coins attack your friends build your epic kingdom and embark on an adventurous journey roll win go on and roll the dice on the board win golden coins to build your kingdom become the dice king and master the dice board game features play for free with your friends and enjoy a variety of kingdoms join the action with players from around the world and play with your social network steal from other boards 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1.0791016, 1.9550781, -1.6083984, -0.2479248, -0.20166016, 0.9169922, -3.9667969, -0.3269043, 1.0576172, -1.4169922, -1.3554688, -1.9160156, -1.6025391, -1.328125, 0.3474121, 0.4230957, 0.7680664, -4.3710938, -0.33691406, 0.35131836, -0.01576233, -0.65283203, -1.0478516, 1.9677734, -0.3022461, -0.6821289, -2.3925781, -0.49267578, 0.91503906, -1.2548828, -1.0429688, 0.26464844, -0.6635742, 0.85839844, -0.09106445, -1.5615234, 1.2958984, 0.49389648, 0.9003906, -1.5449219, 0.70996094, 1.3105469, 0.022003174, -1.4521484, -0.9824219, 0.7319336, -0.6113281, 0.74658203, -1.2255859, -0.6777344, 2.3105469, -0.2626953, 2.2070312, 1.5820312, 1.2744141, 0.87402344, -1.3632812, -0.10095215, -0.07873535, -0.026382446, 2.0527344, -0.6772461, -0.056671143, 0.17443848, -0.078063965, 1.4101562, -1.8681641, -0.69970703, -0.5864258, 1.1367188, 0.2084961, 2.2792969, 0.68066406, -0.4362793, 0.8100586, -0.9824219, 0.3569336, 1.8369141, 1.0195312, -1.3886719, -1.4570312, -1.0693359, -0.15600586, 1.6650391, -0.4099121, 3.2597656, -0.23254395, -3.4394531, -1.6386719, -1.1357422, 1.7958984, -1.1132812, -1.0214844, -2.2695312, -0.953125, 0.9511719, 0.06817627, -0.40673828, -1.1396484, 1.546875, -0.50439453, 1.3847656, -0.44799805, 2.0234375, 0.033203125, 0.19335938, 3.2773438, 1.3837891, -0.15637207, -0.037261963, 0.6879883, 1.1904297, -1.8125, -0.046447754, -0.5986328, -0.50146484, 3.4375, 0.4477539, 1.1914062, -0.13500977, 1.9707031, -0.40454102, -0.87060547, 0.050231934, -0.265625, -0.54248047, -1.1591797, 2.0527344, 1.2675781, -1.0927734, -0.6689453, -0.6386719, -0.5761719, -1.5761719, 0.31201172, 1.0537109, 0.43066406, 0.4169922, 1.2851562, 0.066223145, 0.5576172, -1.5449219, 0.5307617, 3.3046875, -0.03869629, -0.9614258, -0.47998047, 1.109375, -2.2695312, 0.6386719, -2.6894531, -1.8183594, -1.4521484, -2.6054688, 0.51660156, 1.3134766, 0.5541992, 0.7939453, 1.4365234, 0.5888672, -0.6582031, 0.012863159, -0.3930664, -0.7426758, -1.5634766, -0.35791016, 1.4199219, -0.69433594]" Royal Match,com.dreamgames.royalmatch,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dreamgames.royalmatch,puzzle welcome to royal match the king of puzzle games swipe colors solve match puzzles and help king robert decorate his castle an exciting adventure is calling you we have thousands of challenging match levels for you to play in the royal arena on this fun journey you will solve exciting puzzles receive coins for unlocking new areas decorate king robert s castle and get extra boosters to continue your saga also you can compete with millions of players in events such as kings cup sky race team battle lightning rush and claim exciting rewards for your achievements fun and challenge,"[0.21386719, 0.11828613, -0.8515625, 0.6035156, 0.16711426, -0.8154297, 2.9003906, -1.9492188, 0.11773682, -1.2480469, -0.5698242, 1.71875, 0.7807617, 0.66259766, -0.13769531, -1.5371094, -2.4609375, -0.49731445, -0.9345703, 2.90625, 0.1262207, -0.11352539, 0.58203125, -0.55859375, 0.61035156, 1.3710938, 0.17529297, 0.47607422, 0.55371094, -1.2597656, -0.95166016, 0.57373047, 0.17004395, -0.7910156, -1.1191406, -1.59375, 1.7548828, -1.3076172, 3.7089844, -0.9326172, -0.8666992, -1.5126953, 0.93408203, -1.4501953, -0.5576172, 1.6025391, -0.9916992, 0.62597656, -1.5253906, 1.0410156, 2.6425781, -0.80126953, 0.10595703, -0.7392578, -2.2382812, -0.12408447, -0.88671875, 0.32592773, 1.6855469, -1.4570312, 1.4501953, 1.3554688, -0.31274414, -2.1152344, -0.6796875, 0.58251953, -1.0683594, 0.33447266, 1.6464844, 1.6503906, -1.0097656, 0.49047852, 0.5292969, -0.15136719, 1.5419922, -1.703125, -2.0566406, 0.14709473, -1.6621094, -1.5117188, -0.95458984, -0.06695557, 0.6118164, -0.9819336, 0.06890869, -0.027572632, -0.7285156, 0.07867432, -2.5351562, -0.23754883, 2.2089844, -0.23486328, 0.42138672, -1.3378906, -1.703125, 0.011604309, -0.640625, -0.12805176, 1.3691406, -3.7109375, -1.4824219, 0.8876953, -1.3330078, -0.42944336, -0.10687256, 3.6308594, -0.84716797, -1.9033203, -3.140625, 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1.34375, 0.13171387, -0.12915039, 0.04800415, -1.0644531, 1.4726562, 0.93652344, 0.40649414, -0.09161377, -0.31884766, 1.2128906, -2.9707031, 0.0925293, -0.24157715, -0.2631836, -0.60009766, -1.65625, 3.1210938, 1.5283203, -0.9042969, -1.6855469, 0.25195312, 2.4023438, -1.2011719, 2.7636719, -0.5258789, -0.8208008, 2.1425781, -1.3642578, -0.02166748, -2.9238281, -1.9609375, 2.2675781, 0.064941406, -2.1074219, -1.1181641, 1.4111328, -1.6835938, 0.6411133, 1.5371094, -1.9619141, -1.0185547, 2.59375, -0.3383789, -0.05480957, -0.33740234, 0.47460938, 1.1738281, 0.88623047, -0.36010742, 0.51464844, 0.054626465, -0.8730469, -1.8769531, -0.2763672, 2.1015625, -3.0097656]" Candy Crush Saga,com.king.candycrushsaga,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.king.candycrushsaga,casual master the legendary match puzzle game from king and have a blast with over a trillion matching levels played candy crush saga is the popular match puzzle game match pop and blast candies in this tasty puzzle adventure to progress to the next level and get a sugar blast master match puzzles with quick thinking and smart matching moves to be rewarded with sugar bonuses and tasty candy combos spread jam by matching or more candies in a row and blast your way through the extra sticky puzzles using jelly fishes blast jam and chocolate to collect sweet candy juice,"[-0.40478516, 0.9951172, -0.7661133, 2.0410156, 1.0107422, 1.578125, 2.7050781, -0.9746094, 1.4238281, 0.65966797, -2.0761719, 2.7773438, -0.2529297, 1.7773438, 1.9677734, -1.5859375, -1.8066406, -1.2089844, 0.6894531, 2.2714844, -0.4633789, 1.2451172, 1.3339844, -1.8408203, 0.4711914, -0.5727539, 0.46923828, 0.24865723, 1.6064453, -1.8417969, -1.2236328, -2.6835938, 1.5830078, 0.65283203, 0.25683594, -1.1464844, 0.31396484, -0.44262695, 3.3144531, -0.88378906, -0.2421875, -0.10229492, -0.25439453, 0.49169922, -1.1210938, -0.1517334, -2.6484375, -0.6640625, -0.27294922, 1.0068359, 1.4091797, -0.83447266, -1.0263672, -1.8623047, 0.5258789, 0.37475586, 1.6142578, -0.3083496, -0.5136719, -1.8486328, 1.7822266, 1.5742188, 0.29858398, 1.0439453, -1.8027344, 1.2851562, -0.1932373, -0.18115234, -0.7319336, 1.0292969, 0.2824707, 0.9316406, -0.8120117, 0.14733887, 0.015304565, 0.78027344, -2.296875, -0.28686523, -0.08178711, -1.2626953, -2.2226562, -1.1152344, 1.5273438, 0.4819336, 0.07678223, -0.3552246, 0.72998047, -1.0732422, -2.8828125, 1.5097656, 1.2519531, -0.24853516, -1.1884766, 0.34375, -2.5429688, 0.81640625, 0.17321777, 0.7084961, -0.09991455, -0.6113281, -1.4160156, -0.014556885, -0.07397461, -0.8046875, -0.030395508, 0.41186523, -0.090148926, -2.5878906, -0.8515625, -0.16577148, -1.1210938, -0.4399414, -1.8476562, -0.7109375, -0.95166016, 2.5449219, 0.26464844, 1.2285156, 0.1829834, 1.1289062, 0.8886719, -0.67041016, 0.15075684, 1.375, -0.73046875, 0.7792969, -2.0996094, -0.12060547, -0.8286133, 1.8027344, -2.0644531, -1.1728516, 0.41723633, -0.52490234, 5.59375, -1.0732422, -0.23852539, 1.5576172, -0.9267578, 0.37182617, 1.7431641, -1.375, 2.8867188, -0.31518555, -3.6210938, 0.2109375, -0.36328125, 0.83154297, -2.5839844, -0.8671875, -2.0410156, 0.30688477, 2.4277344, 0.73828125, 1.0556641, 0.96240234, 1.3173828, -0.49047852, 1.2617188, 3.9238281, 0.74658203, -0.43945312, -0.6899414, -0.51464844, -0.25561523, 2.8476562, -2.3261719, -0.98291016, -0.84716797, 0.83496094, -0.85058594, -0.8979492, 1.6933594, 0.88720703, -1.0546875, -1.2910156, 1.1376953, -1.7675781, 0.31079102, -0.3635254, -2.5117188, 0.7504883, -0.3791504, 0.9165039, -1.0185547, 0.18029785, 1.5166016, 0.31762695, 0.56933594, 0.55322266, 1.3652344, -0.29785156, 2.0273438, 2.3320312, -0.46289062, 0.63964844, -1.2509766, -1.2216797, 0.390625, -0.46777344, 0.7338867, 0.11883545, -0.79248047, 0.8857422, -3.5117188, -1.1943359, 0.59033203, -1.3964844, 0.68847656, -0.54345703, 0.39160156, 0.10443115, 0.6381836, -3.171875, 0.1887207, 1.1054688, -1.8388672, 2.0742188, 1.0859375, 1.2070312, 0.72802734, -2.7304688, -0.28955078, -2.109375, -1.234375, 0.43481445, 1.1181641, -1.3515625, 0.21533203, 1.6064453, -0.9741211, 0.0085372925, -2.0351562, -0.28710938, -0.21264648, 0.19152832, -0.76660156, 0.0546875, -0.20227051, 1.7314453, 1.3222656, 0.06304932, 0.23583984, -0.4506836, -0.9536133, 0.46118164, -0.36767578, 0.3623047, 1.7001953, 0.7421875]" Last War:Survival Game,com.fun.lastwar.gp,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fun.lastwar.gp,strategy a global zombie infestation has converted many into zombies as a survivor your primary goal is to retain your humanity and survive think fast move faster begin your journey with an intense survival challenge dodge and combat waves of zombies its not just about survival its about quick reflexes and strategic thinking as each lane presents unique obstacles and zombies create your zombiefree shelter customize your base and expand your army you are the light in this shelter leading people towards a glimmer of hope in this strategic game your choices in building and developing your base will shape the,"[4.25, -0.7939453, 2.1542969, -0.9536133, -1.3125, -0.84375, -1.2460938, 0.7270508, -0.22717285, -0.92822266, -0.35668945, 1.3916016, 0.76904297, 0.61865234, -1.1865234, -1.9365234, 0.9145508, -0.97314453, 0.5961914, -1.5810547, -1.1044922, -0.59033203, 0.5605469, -1.5917969, 0.86572266, -1.1455078, 1.8642578, 0.63671875, 2.4511719, -1.1669922, 0.28393555, 0.07366943, 1.2939453, 1.0546875, -1.5898438, -0.87402344, -0.75390625, 0.7114258, 0.6928711, -0.19140625, -1.5585938, 2.1464844, 1.5322266, -1.2578125, 0.7866211, 0.7885742, -2.5644531, -1.6787109, -0.053863525, 0.31152344, 1.5332031, -1.5146484, 0.056640625, 0.11291504, 0.51171875, 0.6875, -4.328125, 0.50390625, -1.5869141, -0.2980957, -1.3886719, 1.2011719, 0.2055664, -0.15258789, 1.2255859, -1.5292969, 2.0234375, -0.54833984, 1.3134766, -0.7192383, 1.5947266, -0.1385498, -1.3701172, 1.1074219, 2.015625, 0.42333984, -0.12359619, 0.13256836, 1.3369141, -1.1894531, -3.1464844, 1.2128906, -1.1103516, -1.0458984, -0.5839844, -0.13012695, 1.1416016, 0.8881836, 0.59765625, 1.5517578, -0.69189453, -0.87841797, -1.7363281, 0.40527344, -1.2519531, 2.7402344, -0.40112305, 2.015625, -1.4638672, -3.6582031, 0.43164062, 0.94873047, -1.5888672, -1.6943359, -0.8959961, 0.609375, 0.16320801, -1.1640625, 0.22277832, -1.9199219, -0.6557617, -0.6738281, -0.22045898, 1.2988281, -0.31420898, 0.28955078, 0.25805664, 0.025405884, -0.65527344, 0.5019531, -0.17041016, 0.64501953, -0.16247559, 0.6582031, 0.13916016, 0.042755127, 0.031402588, -0.3515625, -1.8945312, 2.7871094, -1.7490234, -0.94677734, 1.0058594, 0.7788086, 3.8085938, -2.4472656, 0.6557617, 0.053375244, -0.32373047, -1.3056641, 0.68359375, -1.0361328, -0.061645508, -0.69091797, -1.4931641, 0.55371094, 0.4970703, -0.29663086, -2.0722656, -0.7529297, -1.9316406, 0.4411621, 2.390625, 1.6855469, -0.24072266, 1.8984375, -0.42407227, -1.1796875, -3.0917969, 0.7675781, 0.51953125, -0.57128906, 1.1210938, 0.9345703, 2.265625, 0.5727539, 0.8466797, 1.2861328, -0.81689453, -1.7451172, -1.3681641, -0.3486328, 2.390625, 0.0418396, 0.4567871, 0.20996094, 1.9912109, 0.8105469, 0.296875, -0.6879883, 0.5258789, 0.69433594, -1.2060547, 0.38427734, 0.53564453, -0.17797852, -0.27539062, 1.0898438, 1.1572266, 1.2744141, 0.86035156, -0.13977051, 1.0957031, 0.23364258, -0.22595215, 1.8925781, -0.73779297, 0.76904297, 2.9589844, -0.07312012, -0.46142578, 0.45214844, 2.6074219, -1.7041016, -0.5654297, 0.9370117, 0.65185547, -2.6113281, 1.5498047, 0.5444336, -1.2011719, -1.8076172, 0.86328125, 0.9658203, 0.057006836, 0.31054688, -1.2138672, 0.3310547, 1.6728516, 1.1630859, 0.103027344, -0.84765625, 0.44848633, -1.3613281, -0.39990234, -1.5205078, 0.6386719, 2.7128906, 0.10229492, 0.6411133, -1.4462891, 0.61376953, 1.2919922, -0.90283203, 2.3203125, -3.5351562, 1.2451172, 0.38964844, -0.9980469, 0.7348633, 2.6953125, 0.6088867, -0.96240234, 1.0078125, -1.2675781, -0.48632812, -0.89404297, -3.1367188, 1.3017578, -0.8066406]" Stumble Guys,com.kitkagames.fallbuddies,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kitkagames.fallbuddies,action stumble guys is a massive multiplayer party knockout game with up to players online join millions of players and stumble to victory in this fun multiplayer knockout battle royale are you ready to enter the running chaos running stumbling falling jumping and winning has never been so fun dodge obstacles and battle your opponents run stumble and fall against up to players and battle through knockout rounds of races survival elimination and team play in different maps levels and game modes survive the fun multiplayer chaos and cross the finish line before your friends to qualify for the next round,"[1.0898438, 0.6254883, 1.1679688, -1.4736328, -0.18371582, -0.4404297, -0.1149292, -0.7753906, 0.7583008, 0.35766602, -0.06628418, 1.9482422, -0.2836914, 0.82177734, 1.1142578, -0.46972656, 2.2421875, 0.6230469, -0.59228516, 1.6357422, 0.6088867, -0.5683594, 1.3632812, -0.47973633, 1.5439453, -2.2460938, 0.87597656, -1.2197266, 3.5039062, 0.52441406, -1.6035156, -0.91503906, -1.1347656, 0.06713867, 0.21484375, -3.6738281, 0.15014648, -0.12780762, -0.11846924, -1.8466797, 1.7480469, 0.48754883, -0.10583496, -0.8203125, -0.71777344, 0.65722656, -0.56152344, -0.11413574, 0.56396484, 0.5473633, -0.41845703, -3.6875, 2.15625, -0.6933594, -1.5800781, -0.66845703, 3.2832031, 0.64404297, -1.0634766, -0.107788086, 0.7373047, 3.3339844, 1.6259766, -0.05090332, 0.4699707, -0.69921875, 0.83447266, -0.79345703, 2.4316406, 1.4609375, -1.2294922, 0.08886719, -1.6113281, 0.5522461, 0.08929443, -0.45898438, 0.5415039, -0.39257812, 0.37231445, -1.7431641, 0.17736816, 1.0761719, 0.6245117, 0.46875, -0.98046875, -0.13427734, -0.31860352, -1.2802734, -2.1113281, 1.8886719, -0.35742188, -0.56933594, 0.14575195, 1.8652344, -1.3730469, -0.46020508, -0.016357422, 1.5810547, 0.5834961, -3.1816406, 2.0390625, -0.9082031, 0.75439453, 0.64990234, 0.28100586, -0.2565918, 0.48608398, -0.49658203, -0.18737793, -2.6601562, -0.95947266, -2.5664062, -1.2734375, 2.6425781, -2.75, 1.1591797, 0.55126953, -0.19299316, 0.1307373, 0.93310547, 1.7568359, 0.04348755, 0.21813965, -0.5932617, -0.58691406, -1.7109375, -0.81347656, 0.114746094, -2.9296875, 0.77001953, -2.3769531, -0.15356445, -0.65771484, -0.28198242, 4.0820312, -0.7758789, 0.83251953, 0.8203125, -1.7910156, -2.3789062, 3.3417969, -0.20288086, 0.51464844, -1.9863281, 0.9819336, -0.09307861, 0.010116577, 2.1621094, -2.2363281, 0.20812988, -0.027450562, -0.34887695, 2.6308594, -0.71972656, 0.092285156, 2.9863281, 0.21887207, -0.37353516, -0.42700195, 1.0302734, 0.3696289, -1.4853516, 1.8955078, 1.2890625, -0.09881592, 1.9033203, 0.12145996, 0.99658203, -1.1455078, 1.6982422, 0.36206055, 0.039520264, 1.8613281, 0.5449219, -0.24084473, -1.1328125, 1.9296875, -6.3828125, 0.6020508, 0.43847656, -1.7636719, 0.47265625, -1.3212891, 0.4345703, 0.5991211, -0.92529297, 1.2392578, 2.125, 0.47607422, -0.2932129, 0.99072266, -0.9897461, -0.048065186, 1.3613281, 0.1586914, -0.049468994, -2.7285156, 0.25097656, -0.17114258, 0.9707031, 0.038238525, 1.8486328, 0.8383789, -2.3730469, -1.8007812, 0.35498047, -0.31835938, 1.3095703, 1.5869141, 0.44458008, 0.9770508, -1.2568359, 1.0488281, -0.9057617, -2.4023438, 1.0400391, -0.3701172, 0.89697266, 0.97802734, -0.43920898, 0.8378906, -1.2021484, 0.51708984, -0.42285156, 0.48168945, -1.3300781, -0.15209961, 0.08074951, -0.113342285, 1.6240234, -0.49389648, -0.83984375, -3.4824219, -1.8300781, -0.0054130554, -1.6210938, -0.18481445, 0.62939453, -1.8896484, 1.2597656, 1.1015625, 0.48461914, 0.048065186, 0.57421875, -1.921875, -0.121276855, -3.2695312, -0.32592773, 0.14562988, 0.0859375]" PUBG MOBILE,com.tencent.ig,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tencent.ig,action epic battle royale masterpiece lots of events for you to explore climb to the top in pubg mobile and fire at will in this war zone every shot is a potential gamechanger pubg mobile is the original battle royale game on mobile and one of the best mobile shooting games extreme battles in minute matches prepare your firearms respond to the call for battle in pubg mobile and fire at will only the most strategic and quickwitted players emerge from the chaos of warfare tons of maps and modes pubg mobile has many maps and gameplay mechanics that give you,"[1.1816406, -1.3173828, 1.1328125, 0.9086914, -0.31298828, -0.31103516, -0.75, -1.3173828, 0.9926758, 0.48779297, -1.9785156, 1.2333984, 0.36450195, 3.3183594, 1.9609375, -0.054992676, 0.61816406, -0.8051758, -0.5185547, -0.73095703, 0.6279297, 2.0546875, 1.5888672, -0.17797852, 0.7861328, -1.8505859, 0.3425293, -1.0966797, 1.6865234, -1.6816406, -2.1386719, -1.3164062, -0.1439209, -1.5322266, -0.9057617, 0.07159424, 0.28686523, -3.1210938, 0.4597168, 0.11645508, 0.23999023, 0.18652344, 0.9272461, -1.7236328, 0.7651367, 0.24902344, -0.8911133, -1.9550781, 1.3427734, 0.94384766, 1.9208984, -1.0087891, -0.57470703, 0.30004883, -1.3398438, -0.85058594, 1.0205078, 1.859375, -1.2646484, -1.9013672, 0.17089844, 1.5761719, -1.1923828, -1.6992188, -0.10845947, -0.16845703, 0.41918945, 0.031066895, 1.8818359, 1.7744141, 2.1816406, -0.5683594, -1.5585938, -0.40405273, 0.5673828, -0.2824707, 1.5283203, -0.18713379, 0.33813477, 1.3544922, -2.2402344, 0.93603516, -1.1591797, 1.0341797, 1.3144531, -1.7412109, 1.2939453, -1.2890625, 3.2070312, -1.3017578, -0.54541016, -0.97314453, 0.5751953, -0.40649414, -0.41210938, 0.4165039, -0.033355713, 0.21862793, 0.22607422, -1.6386719, 0.31982422, 1.7675781, -0.7319336, 0.5205078, -1.3037109, 1.2255859, 0.609375, 0.039367676, -0.9326172, -1.9990234, 0.37890625, -0.89208984, -1.6640625, -0.047180176, -2.2128906, -0.80371094, -1.7763672, 1.0888672, 0.123291016, -1.7998047, 0.49243164, -2.1972656, 0.42358398, -0.072753906, 1.0859375, -0.22387695, 0.3239746, -1.1601562, -1.1767578, 0.9663086, -1.6425781, -0.80908203, 2.1191406, 0.36914062, 1.546875, -0.8847656, -1.3574219, 2.3652344, -2.2050781, 0.86621094, 0.9838867, -0.4321289, 1.2412109, 2.5742188, -0.50439453, -0.25341797, -0.22827148, 0.29003906, -0.81591797, -0.82666016, -1.2255859, 0.68115234, 2.0527344, -0.75390625, 0.22167969, 0.39672852, -1.3105469, -2.3574219, 2.3007812, 0.8232422, 1.8105469, -0.5488281, 0.3256836, -0.9526367, 0.49975586, -1.8994141, -1.1152344, -0.98828125, -1.2597656, -1.5810547, 0.55615234, 0.7060547, 1.1787109, 1.7373047, 0.8569336, -0.034484863, -0.1920166, 0.5522461, -0.13293457, 0.33789062, -2.2324219, 2.9648438, -1.4853516, 0.6582031, 0.7211914, -1.2568359, -1.0, -0.6044922, 0.9194336, -0.859375, 2.3789062, -2.2246094, 0.09301758, 1.7324219, -0.015823364, 0.39941406, -0.9243164, -0.085876465, -1.3896484, 0.625, 0.7939453, 3.4101562, 0.98779297, -0.121398926, -2.0976562, -0.048736572, 1.5058594, 0.5126953, 0.3623047, 2.7089844, 1.6738281, -1.0341797, -1.4658203, 0.7861328, -0.70703125, 2.0234375, -0.36206055, 0.81103516, 0.2722168, -0.49804688, -0.017852783, -2.4082031, 1.4511719, -0.59033203, -1.7402344, 1.0400391, 2.1289062, 1.875, -1.0029297, 1.3652344, 0.08502197, -1.4648438, 2.15625, -1.1826172, -0.4086914, -0.9301758, -0.47436523, 2.734375, -0.609375, 0.58496094, 1.6982422, -0.9033203, -1.3232422, 0.26098633, 0.38110352, -2.6503906, -0.6508789, -0.5439453, -0.1262207, 1.0429688]" Township,com.playrix.township,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.playrix.township,casual township is a unique blend of citybuilding and farming build your dream town harvest crops at the farms process them at your facilities and sell goods to develop your town trade with exotic countries open restaurants cinemas and other community buildings to give life in your town special flavor explore the mine to get resources and find ancient artifacts run your own zoo and collect animals from around the world are you ready to become a farmer and citymanager to build your dream let s get started township features different buildings and decorations you can use to create your dream,"[0.7451172, 0.46557617, 2.0507812, 1.6748047, -0.1295166, 0.70654297, -0.18847656, 1.7734375, -0.6298828, 0.4658203, -0.36157227, 1.2490234, -0.5678711, 0.61572266, 0.6225586, -0.24865723, 1.8134766, 0.46264648, -2.5683594, 0.45483398, 3.1503906, 0.4013672, 0.4658203, -0.38183594, -0.71533203, -0.27319336, -0.5449219, -1.7617188, 0.2775879, 1.1298828, -2.4003906, -0.27392578, -0.8310547, 1.8457031, 0.7290039, 2.6621094, 0.0592041, -0.26831055, 2.3457031, -0.7109375, 1.1582031, -1.5927734, 1.1269531, 0.099853516, 1.1591797, -1.1474609, -0.23339844, -1.4873047, -0.3720703, 0.37548828, 2.0253906, -1.5351562, -0.8017578, -1.7089844, -0.7001953, 0.9326172, -1.1777344, -1.3701172, -1.1484375, -3.0585938, -0.5839844, 2.0351562, 0.7001953, -3.2382812, -0.47216797, 0.5654297, 2.6660156, 0.55566406, 0.044128418, -0.09387207, 4.125, -2.9570312, -1.0810547, 0.7578125, 1.0068359, 0.9760742, -0.30322266, 0.22973633, -1.4277344, 1.5068359, -0.16821289, 0.67041016, -1.1357422, 0.5942383, -0.46704102, -0.21154785, -0.48486328, 0.3425293, -0.61572266, 0.734375, 0.61035156, -2.296875, -1.3027344, 0.045532227, 0.08459473, -0.03778076, 0.5390625, 0.045440674, -1.3320312, -2.5429688, -0.8417969, 0.43017578, 1.4277344, 0.9379883, -1.5673828, 1.3144531, 0.072021484, 1.1738281, 0.09527588, -0.6098633, 1.5126953, -1.1865234, -1.0351562, 0.8286133, 0.06964111, 1.4394531, -0.3762207, -1.1318359, 1.8144531, -0.19152832, 0.6542969, -1.7666016, 0.22375488, 2.1171875, 0.7441406, 1.3642578, -1.6748047, -0.69677734, -0.69970703, -1.0556641, -1.6191406, -0.96191406, 0.55615234, 0.9892578, -0.0770874, -2.1855469, -0.8178711, 0.6386719, -2.9511719, -0.65185547, 1.2197266, -0.6113281, 1.5400391, -1.0498047, -0.040161133, 0.5498047, 1.0488281, 1.1738281, -1.34375, -0.9970703, -1.1914062, -0.055389404, 0.43286133, 2.6152344, 0.53222656, -1.7919922, 1.6269531, -1.0302734, 2.0898438, 0.8457031, 1.1777344, -0.73779297, -1.0605469, -1.2128906, -1.3730469, 0.72509766, 0.25610352, 1.4179688, -1.6523438, 0.3166504, -0.3515625, -2.7167969, 0.76416016, 0.82714844, 0.2602539, -0.87402344, 0.1776123, -1.5712891, -1.4443359, -0.5126953, -0.79345703, 1.3876953, 1.6464844, 2.9296875, -0.8984375, 0.7548828, 0.32763672, -0.5024414, -0.21813965, 0.38671875, 0.36450195, -0.4326172, -0.27416992, 1.8320312, -1.4355469, 1.6777344, 1.4873047, 0.2175293, 2.4492188, -0.26708984, 1.7382812, -0.9291992, 2.5195312, -2.7714844, -2.296875, 3.4042969, -0.7480469, 0.6230469, 0.47045898, 0.7314453, -1.1455078, 0.16711426, 1.0585938, 0.57714844, -0.76171875, -1.5068359, 0.88671875, -0.14367676, 0.69433594, -1.3613281, 0.57666016, -0.27563477, -0.18847656, -0.61279297, -0.49902344, 2.1210938, 1.2802734, -0.77685547, -0.9399414, -0.41064453, -2.2539062, 0.0042037964, -3.453125, 0.06555176, 0.11456299, -3.5488281, -0.09362793, -0.18920898, -0.040496826, 1.5976562, 0.71728516, -1.5830078, 0.75878906, 0.61572266, -1.1269531, -0.22485352, -0.16174316, -0.77001953, -0.18725586, -0.06762695]" Minecraft,com.mojang.minecraftpe,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mojang.minecraftpe,arcade minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine play in creative mode with unlimited resources or hunt for tools to fend off danger in survival mode with seamless crossplatform play on minecraft bedrock edition you can adventure solo or with friends and discover an infinite randomly generated world filled with blocks to mine biomes to explore and mobs to befriend or fight the choice is yours in minecraft so play your way expand your game minecraft marketplace discover the latest community creations in the marketplace get unique worlds skins and texture packs,"[2.5527344, -0.52197266, 2.7128906, 2.5371094, -2.2714844, -0.50439453, 1.1191406, 0.9379883, 0.48217773, 1.2685547, -0.46899414, 1.2646484, 0.01576233, 1.7841797, 1.9423828, -0.5595703, 0.60839844, -1.390625, -0.3022461, -0.61328125, 0.92822266, 3.0117188, 0.65185547, -1.8603516, 0.26513672, -0.7080078, 0.027145386, -1.59375, 1.0742188, -0.92626953, 0.40283203, 0.5263672, -1.3359375, -0.55908203, 0.1083374, -0.5288086, 0.87109375, 0.20800781, 2.0488281, -1.0273438, -0.57666016, 0.5395508, 0.72998047, 0.4609375, 0.93603516, 0.1920166, 1.0009766, -0.7084961, -1.1416016, 0.003862381, 1.5146484, -2.3730469, -2.1230469, -1.1386719, 0.33862305, 0.015701294, 0.9873047, 0.12658691, -0.59765625, -2.1621094, 0.056640625, 0.16210938, -1.3984375, 0.9091797, -0.5419922, 0.41967773, 0.8041992, -0.15759277, 0.2980957, 2.4316406, 0.64453125, 0.121520996, 0.43188477, 0.13500977, 0.2614746, -0.97021484, -1.0732422, -1.1503906, 0.011428833, -0.052978516, -1.1982422, 0.52490234, -1.6708984, 2.1035156, 0.20666504, -0.4699707, -1.21875, 0.94873047, -0.86376953, -0.2631836, -1.4892578, 0.85302734, 0.04321289, 0.43603516, 0.9194336, -1.3134766, 1.8144531, -1.7207031, -0.008354187, -1.0400391, 2.1054688, -0.117614746, 0.17565918, 0.1496582, -0.55126953, -0.13952637, -0.30004883, -0.3137207, -1.2548828, 0.72216797, -0.79785156, -0.9555664, -1.9306641, 1.3818359, -1.1308594, 0.4724121, 0.3659668, 1.4609375, -1.1279297, -0.65234375, 0.09082031, -1.7958984, 0.47509766, -0.140625, -0.5053711, -1.2705078, -0.84033203, -2.1640625, -1.3759766, 1.4541016, -3.1308594, -0.5625, 1.1279297, -0.08996582, 2.0019531, -4.0078125, 2.4238281, 0.04837036, -0.79785156, -1.0996094, 0.4206543, -2.0605469, 0.8334961, 1.0732422, -2.390625, 1.3896484, 0.0104904175, 0.50341797, 1.7890625, 0.65283203, -0.01689148, -0.07366943, 1.90625, 3.1601562, -0.8618164, -0.3515625, -1.7119141, -2.4316406, -0.08239746, -1.40625, -0.31445312, -1.8291016, -1.4628906, -0.60009766, 2.2578125, 0.6430664, 1.3828125, 2.8535156, 0.01687622, 0.17834473, -0.24255371, 0.73095703, 0.65771484, 0.8442383, 0.52734375, 0.12719727, 2.8417969, -1.8896484, 1.4316406, -0.52001953, -2.7851562, 1.3925781, -2.5292969, 1.8955078, -1.3525391, -0.055419922, 1.0214844, 0.23071289, 0.037078857, -1.5263672, 1.5205078, 0.1739502, -0.87890625, 2.2753906, -1.8056641, 0.7192383, -0.37524414, 1.5302734, -2.7597656, 0.17346191, -1.2353516, 1.2050781, 2.3867188, 0.5576172, -1.8613281, 0.34521484, -0.74560547, -1.2275391, -0.7006836, -1.265625, 0.38110352, -2.0527344, -1.6279297, 0.74121094, -0.4790039, -1.4775391, -1.7998047, 0.28564453, 1.0800781, -1.6396484, 0.60839844, -2.2011719, 0.89697266, 0.72509766, 1.6582031, 2.6894531, -0.08337402, -0.57373047, 2.0566406, -1.6972656, -1.1123047, -2.0273438, -0.21179199, 0.079711914, -1.4072266, -2.0371094, 0.6376953, 1.4697266, -0.55029297, 3.5898438, 2.3769531, 1.0058594, 0.24938965, 0.9423828, -0.46142578, -0.93847656, -0.9301758, -3.4746094, 3.5351562, -0.21350098]" Fishdom,com.playrix.fishdomdd.gplay,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.playrix.fishdomdd.gplay,puzzle never fishdomed before take a deep breath and dive into an underwater world of match fun with fishdom an allnew free game try challenging and fun match gameplay with unique puzzles as you decorate aquariums to create cozy homes for lovely talking fish feed them play with them and watch them interact with each other hey your finned friends are waiting for you so dive in now and enjoy this amazing underwater adventure features unique gameplay swap and match pieces design and decorate aquariums play with and take care of fish all in one puzzle game play hundreds of challenging,"[0.98046875, -0.2939453, -0.88720703, 0.85009766, 1.5791016, -0.2944336, -0.6220703, -2.2519531, 1.4013672, -0.30810547, 1.4072266, 1.6318359, -0.6484375, -1.8486328, -0.11706543, -1.0693359, 0.5161133, 0.2956543, -0.5361328, -0.08087158, -0.7084961, -0.2902832, 1.1445312, -2.5839844, 0.9995117, -1.0869141, 0.26782227, -0.27270508, -0.79345703, -0.24353027, 0.33813477, -2.7265625, -0.03225708, -0.3215332, -1.6806641, 1.34375, 0.7163086, 0.60546875, 3.7617188, 0.15112305, 1.28125, 1.6611328, -1.0625, -0.6791992, 0.3203125, 0.5996094, -1.6425781, 0.58691406, -1.0771484, -0.24694824, 1.9941406, -0.7583008, 0.40551758, -0.8066406, 0.08441162, -0.63964844, 0.14465332, 2.1757812, -0.28100586, -1.0390625, 0.8100586, 1.5605469, 0.7265625, -1.8339844, -0.65185547, 0.09777832, -0.6225586, 0.25854492, 1.7373047, 1.9257812, 0.64746094, -0.09326172, -0.85009766, 0.23461914, 0.9243164, 0.013534546, -0.66552734, 0.25439453, -1.7265625, -0.35424805, -0.0033073425, -1.0380859, 1.3085938, 0.103271484, -0.69384766, 0.60302734, 1.5097656, -1.0253906, -1.7441406, -0.61328125, 1.0634766, 0.39916992, -0.47192383, -0.4272461, -0.81640625, 0.22888184, -2.2070312, 0.4519043, 0.6850586, -2.90625, -0.64990234, 1.1367188, 1.4648438, -2.5351562, 2.40625, 0.7421875, -1.0566406, 0.43579102, -1.0634766, 0.18481445, 1.0429688, 0.84472656, -0.2310791, 2.0351562, -1.4287109, 0.94091797, -0.4975586, 1.6328125, 0.1381836, -0.4777832, 0.5751953, -2.7050781, 1.4160156, 1.6484375, 0.5463867, 1.8691406, -1.7558594, -1.5136719, -1.3232422, -0.46166992, 0.08581543, -0.99316406, 1.2138672, 0.7788086, 4.25, -0.50146484, -1.1347656, 0.33422852, 2.7382812, 3.34375, 2.1074219, 1.1689453, 0.87402344, 1.8212891, -0.22717285, 2.6191406, -0.5517578, 2.6621094, -0.20019531, 0.04269409, -2.7050781, -0.26660156, -0.044769287, 1.5126953, 2.0253906, -0.27978516, 2.6660156, -0.14672852, -0.87060547, 0.30932617, 1.3876953, -1.6123047, 0.6826172, 0.12225342, 1.3623047, 0.54785156, -1.8681641, -0.62646484, -1.1591797, 2.0546875, 1.9423828, 0.7363281, 2.5566406, 0.98046875, -0.21362305, 0.31274414, -0.5102539, -2.71875, -0.28735352, 0.8955078, -2.0488281, 0.0927124, 0.63378906, -0.5473633, -0.78271484, 0.8154297, -0.054779053, -0.3701172, 3.1523438, 1.28125, 0.10992432, -0.8125, 0.4506836, 2.9960938, -1.4736328, 1.7226562, -0.2668457, -0.7636719, 3.8125, -1.2783203, 1.0419922, 1.6806641, 1.1015625, 2.6328125, -2.4863281, 1.2363281, -0.32128906, -1.2958984, 0.6591797, 0.80810547, -0.7890625, 0.56152344, -0.2487793, -0.73535156, 1.359375, -0.96435547, 1.8779297, 1.4443359, 1.0908203, 0.22875977, -0.45458984, -0.09643555, 1.7998047, 0.90527344, -1.6416016, 2.5683594, -0.16333008, 0.5805664, -1.2587891, 0.5439453, -1.8505859, -1.9072266, -0.42138672, -2.8417969, 0.029953003, -0.17382812, -0.81103516, 1.4902344, -1.4804688, 1.0947266, 1.5712891, -1.7880859, 0.3564453, -1.3144531, 0.98583984, 1.0898438, 1.3808594, -0.29370117, -1.1816406, 0.16345215]" Whiteout Survival,com.gof.global,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gof.global,strategy whiteout survival is a survival strategy game to center on a glacial apocalypse theme fascinating mechanics and intricate details await you to explore the catastrophic decline in global temperatures has wreaked havoc on human society those who have made it out of their crumbling homes are now faced with a new set of challenges vicious blizzards ferocious beasts and opportunistic bandits looking to prey on their despair as the head of the last city in these icy wastes you are the only hope for humanitys continued existence can you successfully guide the survivors through the ordeal of adapting to the,"[0.53271484, -1.6386719, 0.6274414, -0.007949829, -0.63720703, -0.68115234, 0.67089844, -0.7998047, 0.25683594, 0.21704102, 0.39111328, 0.28857422, 1.1787109, 0.7866211, -0.32861328, -1.0351562, 1.1289062, -0.62158203, 0.75341797, 0.07092285, -1.3095703, -1.0117188, -0.26586914, -0.55126953, 0.3720703, 0.05895996, 1.8271484, 0.4111328, 0.5415039, -0.453125, 0.9892578, 0.6015625, -0.61328125, 0.92285156, -0.9394531, -3.7714844, 0.80566406, 1.4091797, 0.34399414, -0.30126953, -1.1181641, 2.7773438, -0.47216797, -2.0175781, 0.65771484, 1.2880859, -1.7451172, 0.33496094, 1.3076172, -1.359375, 1.1289062, -2.2539062, 1.328125, 0.37231445, -0.8027344, -0.6567383, -5.2421875, 0.4255371, -1.0800781, -1.1523438, 0.27441406, 1.8076172, 1.453125, -0.4584961, 0.6352539, -2.7773438, 0.5395508, 0.9296875, 2.8808594, -0.30541992, 2.2070312, 1.0927734, -3.8808594, 0.31225586, 0.62841797, -1.5859375, -0.6191406, 0.22436523, 3.2988281, -1.4179688, -0.023010254, 0.37280273, -1.8173828, 1.4453125, -0.6977539, 0.25854492, 1.0947266, 0.28735352, 0.71777344, -0.27563477, -1.2128906, -1.6835938, -0.7241211, -0.7011719, 0.56640625, 1.0332031, -1.3701172, 0.68115234, -0.31933594, -2.7285156, 1.2304688, 0.5986328, 0.2685547, -0.9584961, -4.4375, 1.6796875, -0.5761719, 1.1396484, 1.5888672, -0.59375, 0.48950195, 0.86376953, -1.6601562, 1.8554688, -1.2998047, -0.4543457, 1.0585938, -1.2978516, -0.8930664, 0.54003906, 0.52978516, 1.6132812, 0.011451721, 2.2519531, 1.5322266, -1.0546875, -0.5317383, 0.08282471, -1.8886719, 0.6171875, 0.5932617, -2.4589844, -0.103271484, -0.0015907288, 2.0957031, -1.828125, 1.2548828, -0.97509766, 1.3076172, 1.2617188, -1.6738281, -1.6162109, 0.5917969, 0.6069336, -0.5620117, 0.61376953, 0.29125977, -1.3535156, -1.4101562, -0.4794922, 0.29345703, -0.94384766, 0.5751953, 1.3095703, -0.36328125, 3.1347656, -0.35913086, -1.7070312, -2.2539062, 2.328125, -0.62353516, -1.5019531, 0.22766113, 1.6181641, -0.23754883, 0.7207031, 0.4633789, -0.26733398, -1.4570312, -0.03173828, -1.3837891, -1.1171875, -0.42773438, 0.265625, 0.81347656, 0.13391113, -0.1451416, -0.84375, 0.9140625, -0.24023438, 0.6298828, -0.7626953, -0.3684082, -1.4003906, -1.6230469, 0.54345703, -1.7294922, -0.64990234, 0.8261719, 1.8955078, -0.08746338, -0.6113281, 0.1307373, 0.0960083, 0.2368164, 2.6386719, -0.77734375, 1.3759766, 3.1601562, 0.93115234, -0.6425781, -0.5517578, 1.6074219, -2.1660156, -1.8398438, 0.3293457, 0.375, -0.5810547, 1.4521484, -0.2277832, -1.9179688, -1.5605469, 2.4746094, 0.7446289, -1.8300781, 2.2773438, 0.027008057, 1.6728516, 0.47460938, 1.4287109, -0.84814453, -1.046875, 0.7421875, -1.7470703, 1.4179688, -0.22912598, 1.8134766, 2.2265625, 0.1472168, 1.2519531, -1.7236328, -0.009681702, -0.7866211, 1.2841797, 1.7128906, -1.7949219, 0.82714844, -0.029922485, -0.3256836, -0.27929688, 0.36669922, -1.9375, -0.2644043, 1.0947266, -1.6201172, 1.0507812, -1.3525391, -3.1523438, 2.4472656, -2.0234375]" Clash Royale,com.supercell.clashroyale,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.supercell.clashroyale,strategy enter the arena build your battle deck and outsmart the enemy in fast realtime battles from the creators of clash of clans comes a realtime multiplayer battle game starring your favourite clash characters and more start battling against players from around the world become a master of strategy and deck building choose unique cards to your battle deck and head to the arena for battle place your cards right and knock down the enemy king and princesses from their towers in a strategic and fastpaced match collect and upgrade cards hog rider collect and upgrade cards featuring the clash of,"[-0.071777344, -0.5996094, 1.1162109, -0.5024414, 1.1074219, -0.6508789, 2.2773438, -0.8774414, 1.3886719, 0.17919922, -0.4333496, 1.0478516, -0.091796875, 2.2050781, 2.2265625, -1.7773438, -0.7685547, -1.0068359, -1.1132812, 0.42773438, 0.7661133, 1.2744141, 1.7373047, -1.2392578, -0.30664062, 0.1673584, -0.84472656, -1.9316406, 2.8203125, -2.2070312, -2.0917969, 2.6875, -1.1074219, -0.67626953, -0.34985352, -2.6386719, 0.6479492, -2.1015625, 1.9707031, 0.20166016, -0.036834717, -0.30810547, 1.2324219, -0.52001953, 1.0166016, 1.9208984, -1.6923828, -0.65185547, 0.5917969, 0.07623291, 2.5742188, -0.22827148, 0.80566406, -0.75439453, -2.1972656, 0.85058594, -3.1855469, 0.6279297, -0.57177734, 0.032287598, -0.14123535, 1.8994141, -0.13781738, -2.8046875, 0.40600586, -0.6435547, 1.5195312, -1.0361328, 2.5878906, 1.1210938, -0.84765625, 1.1054688, -1.6474609, 0.97265625, 0.7651367, -2.3847656, -1.1484375, -0.38745117, 2.1894531, -1.9804688, -2.3613281, -0.8051758, -1.3085938, 2.078125, -0.5493164, -0.064086914, 0.8833008, -1.5927734, -0.94091797, 1.5449219, -2.078125, -1.2138672, -0.7182617, -1.1142578, 0.37451172, 0.6694336, -0.75439453, 0.051818848, 0.27612305, -2.9257812, -0.20727539, 0.82714844, -1.0634766, -1.0087891, -1.2685547, 1.0527344, 0.5776367, -1.6162109, -1.5927734, -2.0722656, -0.87939453, -1.4375, 0.4326172, 0.09112549, -0.32714844, 2.5488281, 0.011749268, -1.2382812, 1.6308594, 1.4199219, 0.6538086, -1.4130859, 0.43432617, 1.8251953, 1.9990234, -0.7573242, -0.33129883, -2.1601562, -3.1992188, 1.2890625, -1.4296875, -0.87597656, 0.4831543, 0.8125, 1.9208984, -1.0458984, -1.2539062, -0.75878906, 0.91308594, -0.18811035, 0.36547852, 0.2536621, 1.8798828, 1.8886719, -0.58984375, 0.71533203, -0.28564453, 0.9165039, -1.4804688, 0.28393555, -0.55078125, 1.2949219, 3.2832031, -0.14587402, 2.2167969, 0.91748047, -0.53808594, -2.5644531, 1.6689453, 1.6367188, -0.40600586, -1.3769531, -0.13916016, 1.1367188, 2.3828125, 0.55078125, -0.9863281, 0.25805664, 0.045318604, -1.6103516, -3.7910156, 0.6386719, 3.1015625, 0.2836914, -0.4777832, -0.97998047, 2.1445312, 1.9140625, 1.1494141, -1.1621094, -0.34643555, 1.9306641, 0.5996094, 0.8149414, 0.03375244, 0.4338379, 0.44702148, -1.1054688, 2.015625, 0.10455322, 0.20935059, -2.140625, 0.53564453, 0.04940796, -0.8823242, 1.8007812, -0.37329102, 1.5625, 0.7348633, -0.24060059, -0.6118164, 0.51123047, 4.359375, -1.28125, -0.9536133, -0.8310547, -0.1928711, -0.7480469, 0.052001953, -2.5039062, 0.35742188, -1.6318359, -1.0205078, -0.86572266, -0.43530273, 1.5986328, 1.2480469, 0.6689453, -0.3642578, -0.40112305, -0.4814453, -1.9013672, 1.5458984, -2.4628906, 0.064819336, 2.5292969, 0.6459961, 0.5288086, -1.125, 2.6621094, 0.31079102, -0.08294678, -0.67089844, -0.42626953, -0.5883789, -0.05154419, 0.7290039, -1.5625, -0.33642578, 1.9462891, 3.2382812, -0.69140625, -1.1845703, -0.6699219, -1.2929688, -0.52197266, -0.053466797, -0.95703125, 2.7539062, -0.92285156]" Candy Crush Soda Saga,com.king.candycrushsodasaga,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.king.candycrushsodasaga,casual you loved playing king s match puzzle game candy crush saga start playing candy crush soda saga enjoy even more delicious matching 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-0.41357422, -0.67626953, -1.6806641, 0.84375, 2.0664062, -0.37768555, -1.2666016, -1.7177734, 1.3544922, -0.87841797, 2.1347656, 0.5966797, -0.18127441, -2.6171875, 2.1640625, 0.3076172, 0.032104492, 0.118896484, -2.0839844, 1.40625, 0.098083496, 1.2109375, -1.0507812, 1.6933594, 0.39233398, 0.38916016, 0.5283203, 0.10632324, 0.96777344, -0.70410156, -0.48217773, -0.55615234, -2.1171875, -0.21276855, -0.19152832, -0.359375, 1.1933594, 0.7963867, 0.6723633, -1.2421875, 0.49047852, -0.6899414, -1.7314453, 1.0644531, 1.1337891, -0.55566406, -1.6357422, -0.5239258, -1.3515625, -0.28222656, 0.70214844, 0.5161133, -0.75, 0.2854004, 0.13208008, 0.36279297, 0.7006836, -0.47338867, 0.3322754, 0.6689453, -0.013687134, -0.6567383, 0.03515625, -0.39038086, -2.1289062, -0.36767578, -2.0820312, -0.91308594, 0.0063285828, 0.9345703, 0.6870117, 0.7817383, -0.60498047, 0.5517578, 0.7368164, -0.24975586, 0.47998047, 1.4697266, 0.11669922, -0.36767578, -1.9794922, -0.36499023, -0.3388672, 2.3261719, 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2.6308594, -0.88378906, -0.25219727, 3.1914062, -0.07312012, 1.1191406, -1.5253906, -1.3222656, 0.26586914, -0.61083984, -1.4765625, -0.6479492, -0.9926758, -0.5966797, -0.96728516, -0.2298584, -0.19458008, 0.68603516, -0.014915466, 0.8618164, -2.1152344, -0.55859375, -1.6396484, -0.07513428, 0.2220459, -2.0800781, -0.44555664, -0.6508789, -0.103881836, 0.056793213, 3.3945312, 0.06100464, -0.50390625, 0.37060547, 0.08111572, 0.2208252, -1.6347656, 0.8959961, 0.4802246, -1.546875, -0.08459473, -0.58154297, -0.98876953, -1.5791016, 1.7734375, 0.76464844, 1.5498047, -0.6928711, -0.5336914, -1.421875, 0.8413086, -0.80371094, -1.1386719, -0.6738281, 1.2216797, 0.72802734, -0.03100586, 0.88134766, -1.2861328, 0.5908203, -1.8798828, 2.1621094, 2.0644531, -0.24279785, 0.34765625, -1.2900391, 0.34716797, 2.4375, -2.1699219, -1.4404297, 2.4414062, 0.17248535, -1.1337891, -2.2558594, 1.5839844, 0.38500977, -0.7885742, -2.8574219, -3.1699219, 0.9511719, -1.2421875, 0.19970703, 2.65625, -0.61279297, 0.50683594, 0.49389648, -0.019180298, -0.15820312, -0.9301758, 0.44506836, 1.3935547, -1.6787109, 0.8857422, 1.1230469, -0.010749817]" Clash of Clans,com.supercell.clashofclans,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.supercell.clashofclans,strategy join millions of players worldwide as you build your village raise a clan and compete in epic clan wars mustachioed barbarians fire wielding wizards and other unique troops are waiting for you enter the world of clash classic features join a clan of fellow players or start your own and invite friends fight in clan wars as a team against millions of active players across the globe test your skills in the competitive clan war leagues and prove you re the best forge alliances work together with your clan in clan games to earn valuable magic items plan your unique,"[0.7392578, -1.0234375, 2.3574219, -0.7006836, -0.4716797, -1.0097656, 1.1347656, 0.7392578, 0.13745117, 0.61621094, 0.35351562, 2.7382812, -0.57373047, 0.5864258, 0.671875, -0.6503906, -2.1015625, -0.47436523, -1.9667969, -2.1367188, 2.6289062, 1.9511719, 1.7958984, -1.1669922, 1.8417969, -2.1152344, -1.0634766, -0.8310547, 1.7050781, -0.6484375, -3.7421875, 1.2753906, -0.9091797, 1.3173828, -0.48388672, -0.94677734, -1.21875, -0.0826416, 1.3203125, 0.041168213, 0.013549805, -0.19604492, 2.0449219, -2.1347656, 2.2324219, 1.140625, -1.9990234, 0.9707031, 0.9448242, 1.0947266, 1.2587891, 0.07885742, 2.4589844, -0.30639648, -3.4960938, 1.1064453, -4.4257812, -1.9619141, -0.16113281, -1.0712891, -0.19726562, 1.6962891, -1.4121094, -2.84375, 1.0849609, 0.3876953, 1.9824219, -1.0615234, 2.609375, -0.5385742, 1.9052734, 0.73046875, -0.42041016, 0.8598633, 0.7211914, -2.0253906, -0.60839844, -1.5263672, 1.2900391, -2.6738281, -0.26538086, 0.4230957, -0.8979492, 1.7128906, -1.0058594, -0.39770508, 1.3310547, -0.34692383, 0.36987305, 2.3632812, -0.8154297, -3.1972656, -1.1523438, -2.390625, -1.0976562, 1.828125, 0.63378906, -0.4091797, -1.4316406, -2.7675781, -0.65771484, 1.1953125, -1.4619141, -1.5283203, -0.58496094, 2.0839844, 0.42919922, -0.9472656, -1.2617188, -1.4814453, -1.0615234, -0.7836914, 0.7705078, 0.7519531, -0.010276794, 1.2158203, 0.46362305, -1.6640625, -0.29833984, 0.70751953, 0.25439453, -0.062164307, -0.54785156, 2.6933594, 1.6982422, 0.6459961, -0.22375488, -1.0253906, -2.5039062, 1.7617188, 0.6855469, -0.4638672, 1.6826172, 0.5053711, 1.4326172, 0.6401367, 0.22631836, 0.6538086, 0.12060547, 1.1552734, 0.66796875, -0.20996094, 1.8447266, -0.065979004, -0.71435547, 1.4414062, 0.66308594, 0.5566406, 0.013198853, -1.7353516, 0.35473633, 0.7109375, 0.18139648, 0.5444336, 0.8828125, 1.2646484, -0.22827148, -1.8642578, 1.7539062, 1.46875, 1.0078125, -0.8486328, 0.075805664, 1.9365234, 1.0771484, 0.54052734, 0.015640259, 2.4316406, 0.56689453, -4.2617188, -4.1835938, -1.1933594, 1.5117188, -0.71191406, 0.7949219, -1.5507812, -0.032714844, 1.5712891, 1.0175781, -1.1621094, 0.2705078, 1.8623047, -1.3105469, 0.14892578, 1.7080078, 0.43725586, 0.6503906, -2.2402344, 1.1230469, 0.98339844, 0.44970703, -2.2128906, 2.0820312, 0.6118164, -0.44702148, 0.55908203, -0.41455078, 0.8574219, 2.6074219, 0.5151367, -0.62939453, 0.9736328, 5.1679688, -1.7744141, -2.484375, 0.28295898, 0.06524658, -2.4179688, 0.30078125, -0.13098145, -0.17565918, -0.7167969, -0.33569336, 0.074157715, -1.4355469, 1.5771484, 2.8515625, -0.5566406, 0.64746094, 0.80029297, 0.26123047, -1.4628906, 0.88134766, -1.9267578, -1.0810547, 1.703125, 1.1103516, 1.3730469, -0.90722656, 1.4951172, -1.0146484, -0.828125, -0.06021118, -1.5253906, -0.3154297, -2.8300781, 1.1503906, -0.07574463, -1.3564453, 2.7597656, 3.2402344, -0.31201172, -1.3681641, -1.2412109, -1.3085938, 1.28125, -0.3942871, -0.8417969, 0.66748047, -2.3730469]" Fallout Shelter,com.bethsoft.falloutshelter,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bethsoft.falloutshelter,simulation google play best of mobile game of the year dice awards winner golden joystick best handheldmobile game might just be the best freetoplay game out there gamesbeat probably the best game of e gizmodo fallout shelter is simple to play and addictive as hell gamezone build the perfect vault create a brighter future underground select from a variety of modernday rooms to turn an excavation beneath feet of bedrock into the very picture of vault life oversee a thriving community get to know your dwellers and lead them to happiness find their ideal jobs and watch them flourish provide them,"[3.2714844, -1.4228516, -0.8745117, 0.7631836, -2.6542969, -0.3227539, -1.0039062, -1.2119141, 0.51464844, 1.59375, 0.23144531, 1.4853516, 0.21557617, 2.265625, 0.1451416, -0.54052734, 1.8632812, 1.4873047, -0.24108887, 0.037719727, 0.38842773, 1.6074219, -1.2451172, -0.9716797, 0.68652344, -0.59521484, 0.0015392303, -0.2553711, 0.1262207, -2.3476562, -0.40966797, 0.59814453, -1.6269531, 1.4511719, -0.91259766, -2.2636719, -1.4414062, 0.097473145, 0.5517578, -0.84277344, -0.105285645, 1.15625, -0.23815918, -1.2724609, 0.9082031, 0.64404297, -2.3144531, 1.0292969, -0.6274414, -0.48266602, 3.3730469, -2.9277344, -2.2285156, -0.5756836, -0.54785156, -0.7963867, -0.9194336, -0.6435547, -1.2519531, -2.4980469, 0.57714844, 0.87646484, 0.24633789, -1.2939453, 0.007396698, 0.19897461, 0.8823242, -1.3779297, 1.6376953, 0.20410156, 3.2675781, 0.4165039, -0.94384766, 0.3864746, 1.9570312, -0.28027344, 1.2275391, 0.14013672, 0.27563477, 0.33276367, -0.83154297, 1.6904297, -2.5390625, 1.2880859, 0.06890869, -1.3818359, 1.1914062, 1.2714844, -0.8652344, 1.6738281, 1.6044922, -0.8261719, -1.9443359, 0.98876953, -0.2680664, -0.56640625, -0.08526611, 0.35473633, -2.0859375, -0.41552734, 0.13891602, 0.5488281, -0.6953125, -1.8544922, -0.15625, 0.4741211, -0.22265625, 0.82373047, -0.18237305, 0.066467285, -0.16479492, -0.72265625, -1.9423828, 1.3876953, -0.16662598, 0.81689453, -1.1572266, 1.4169922, -0.3840332, 0.28222656, -0.2927246, -1.0214844, -1.0869141, 1.4648438, 2.4179688, -0.23779297, -1.5976562, -2.2050781, -0.7573242, 0.99902344, -1.7001953, -1.4853516, 1.4677734, -0.22814941, 2.8730469, -1.6787109, 0.10241699, 2.3574219, -2.5390625, 3.5644531, 0.8330078, -0.97265625, 1.7304688, -0.16564941, -0.8383789, 0.17346191, 0.009483337, 0.17248535, -0.69628906, 0.22973633, -0.25341797, -0.34106445, 1.2226562, 0.38256836, 1.6904297, 1.0644531, -0.61328125, -1.1572266, 0.16748047, 1.2060547, 0.07763672, -0.3034668, -0.14489746, -1.1240234, 1.6396484, -2.1484375, 1.9189453, 1.1708984, -1.2568359, -0.70703125, -1.0429688, -1.84375, 2.5253906, 0.3161621, 0.5800781, 1.3779297, 0.4482422, -0.34448242, -0.08709717, 0.43798828, -1.1367188, 1.8759766, -1.0605469, 0.70458984, -2.1621094, -1.0351562, 0.4494629, -0.8964844, 0.45654297, 1.3652344, 1.4960938, 0.94677734, 0.3334961, 0.29589844, -0.8413086, 0.39819336, 1.2851562, -0.07324219, 4.140625, -2.3652344, 3.3125, 1.8046875, -0.3305664, -1.0712891, -1.5693359, 1.8232422, 0.3461914, -0.8256836, 1.40625, 1.2832031, -0.20166016, -1.1318359, 0.69677734, 0.119140625, 0.5004883, -2.1308594, -1.1640625, 1.0224609, 0.9941406, 1.1425781, 0.8232422, -1.1611328, 0.38916016, 0.7104492, -0.013916016, 1.5859375, -0.06524658, -1.5859375, 0.6123047, 0.15209961, -1.6669922, -1.7695312, 0.6816406, -1.7792969, -0.42504883, -0.92822266, 1.3417969, 1.9853516, -1.0654297, 0.122924805, 3.6875, 0.41137695, -0.09320068, 0.46289062, -0.9824219, -0.49829102, -0.5917969, -2.1484375, 1.1708984, -2.7792969]" Asphalt 9: Legends,com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftA9HM,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftA9HM,racing in asphalt legends take the wheel of real cars from highend renowned legendary car manufacturers such as ferrari porsche lamborghini and w motors among many other international brands drive boost and perform stunts across dynamic reallife locations in single or multiplayer play racing adrenaline brought to you by the creators of asphalt airborne customise highend hypercars there are over of the world s abrand highspeed motor machines to collect each vehicle has been selected from among the world s renowned car brands and manufacturers and has customisable aesthetics pick your car customise its body paint the rims and wheels or,"[-0.79052734, -0.87890625, 2.2285156, 1.7666016, -0.1628418, 1.4316406, 3.0410156, -1.625, -1.2636719, 1.5849609, 0.27416992, 2.4570312, -0.9394531, 1.4248047, 3.3320312, -0.10870361, 0.17956543, 1.1728516, -0.63427734, 0.8334961, 1.1064453, 2.9726562, 1.9794922, -0.7758789, 0.35839844, 1.1289062, -1.4365234, -2.4804688, -0.7504883, -0.20959473, -1.4853516, 0.140625, 0.39404297, -1.5742188, 1.2724609, -2.9492188, 1.2792969, 0.22387695, -1.2675781, -0.3564453, -1.5664062, -0.8359375, 0.85791016, -0.7158203, -1.4052734, -0.5336914, 1.2685547, -0.13720703, -0.9321289, -0.012619019, 1.2890625, -1.2148438, -2.3945312, -0.34814453, -0.6635742, -0.23425293, -0.44458008, 0.058502197, -0.036132812, 1.4628906, 1.1025391, 0.9135742, 0.58251953, 1.9755859, -0.37573242, 0.81396484, 1.4462891, 1.6318359, 1.5908203, 2.8320312, 0.13232422, 0.8647461, -0.042053223, 1.3271484, -0.20153809, -0.8569336, -1.4130859, -1.4667969, 0.7890625, 1.0585938, 0.8955078, 0.02520752, 0.77441406, 1.078125, -0.8461914, -1.5478516, -1.5214844, -0.83935547, -1.234375, 2.4042969, -0.8383789, -1.4326172, -0.6347656, -0.13842773, -2.3339844, -3.1015625, 0.79296875, 1.8310547, -0.1706543, -1.0371094, -1.8847656, -1.3046875, 0.1809082, 1.4179688, 0.11254883, 0.025009155, -0.17346191, -0.03643799, -1.4482422, -1.3710938, -0.61328125, 1.3173828, -0.37768555, 0.8520508, -1.3271484, -0.3486328, 1.0185547, 2.3554688, 1.6464844, 0.062469482, -0.9345703, 0.013771057, -0.6279297, -0.5996094, 1.2021484, -2.0507812, -1.2119141, -1.1845703, -0.8666992, 1.4541016, -0.20092773, 0.83935547, 1.9160156, -0.48535156, 1.0712891, -2.3320312, 0.99609375, -0.62109375, -0.09436035, -3.1328125, 1.0371094, -2.109375, 0.84814453, -0.071777344, -0.9091797, 1.5947266, 2.1621094, 0.95751953, -0.14941406, 1.2539062, 0.17529297, 3.34375, 3.1132812, 0.11444092, 3.3164062, 1.5419922, 0.21704102, -1.5166016, 1.4501953, 0.57666016, -2.8574219, 1.9189453, -3.7753906, -1.0214844, -0.8408203, 0.1418457, 1.296875, -1.953125, -0.5234375, -0.5239258, 1.6943359, -0.7915039, 1.6660156, 1.9169922, 1.0419922, -1.1962891, 1.2695312, -2.0488281, -0.6899414, 0.45947266, -0.9897461, -0.70458984, -0.890625, 0.9404297, 1.5302734, 0.5942383, 0.050476074, -3.3652344, 2.2539062, -2.2832031, 0.9560547, 0.5292969, -1.2910156, 0.6171875, -1.5761719, 0.52001953, 0.66259766, 0.54785156, -4.5625, 2.3203125, 0.6791992, 0.67285156, -0.47509766, -2.0195312, -0.7319336, -0.21838379, 1.0107422, -1.6181641, -1.3466797, -0.8745117, 1.0732422, 0.23791504, -0.20410156, -0.5317383, 1.9335938, -2.453125, 0.011932373, -0.3022461, -0.40356445, -0.32788086, 0.43408203, 1.3027344, 0.6899414, 0.29125977, -1.7441406, 0.88427734, 0.6953125, -1.1611328, -1.8212891, -0.1763916, -0.49047852, -0.09069824, -0.6777344, 1.6171875, -0.40576172, -0.99902344, 0.57177734, -0.27197266, 1.4824219, 1.5058594, 1.1357422, 0.58203125, 1.2265625, 0.58203125, 0.039398193, -0.062408447, 1.5400391, -0.26757812, 3.3183594, -0.42358398]" Shadow Fight 3 - RPG fighting,com.nekki.shadowfight3,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nekki.shadowfight3,roleplaying legend has it that a hero will come to end the fight for shadow energy he will have to learn three fighting styles collect the best weapons and challenge the strongest warriors the world is on the edge of an epic war the mighty force unleashed by the gates of shadows many years ago has turned into a weapon and now three war clans are fighting to decide the future of this force the legion warriors want to destroy the dangerous energy the people of the dynasty want to use it for their own benefit while the mysterious ninjas of,"[2.078125, -0.79003906, 0.78027344, -2.3027344, 0.7788086, -0.45288086, -0.16516113, -0.9814453, 1.9345703, 1.2919922, 0.6928711, 1.2880859, 0.39404297, -0.14086914, 1.2841797, -3.0234375, -1.796875, -0.38598633, 0.37817383, 0.35913086, 1.9492188, 1.5849609, 2.8183594, -2.3476562, -0.11254883, -1.5087891, -1.4941406, -0.77685547, 0.21618652, 0.95410156, -1.5009766, 1.1728516, -0.8569336, 1.5634766, 1.375, -0.59033203, 0.4777832, 0.23852539, -1.3759766, 0.64160156, 0.52246094, 0.11785889, 0.19177246, -2.1660156, 1.2011719, 1.4736328, -1.34375, -2.1542969, 1.0224609, 1.2773438, 0.67089844, -0.7602539, 3.0332031, -1.4462891, -0.9404297, 0.98046875, -1.7373047, -2.1914062, 0.54248047, 1.7265625, -0.9951172, 0.9448242, -0.8876953, -2.0136719, -0.4658203, -1.8076172, -0.013473511, 0.4248047, 0.52783203, 0.32177734, 3.0429688, 2.0390625, -1.5039062, -1.2451172, 0.3161621, -1.5126953, -0.30273438, -1.8955078, 3.2050781, -1.1806641, 0.41796875, -1.3857422, 0.25805664, -0.77783203, -0.17102051, 0.26831055, 0.80810547, -0.30615234, -1.1699219, 3.2597656, -0.35327148, -0.62402344, -1.3496094, 0.116882324, -0.5756836, -0.5913086, 2.3476562, 0.69091797, -0.69873047, -1.7773438, -0.9838867, 1.6748047, -3.359375, -3.4492188, -0.4658203, -0.8911133, 0.70166016, -1.9150391, -1.1816406, -1.6943359, -0.09246826, -1.2294922, -0.3046875, 1.5712891, 0.18151855, -0.6875, 0.40795898, 0.26098633, 0.036376953, -0.22607422, 1.1962891, 1.6025391, -1.0146484, -0.20166016, 2.6757812, -1.7695312, -0.014274597, 0.6982422, -2.171875, 2.8046875, 1.0751953, -0.8989258, 2.2167969, 1.3320312, 0.96191406, -0.61035156, 1.5341797, -1.2509766, -0.9404297, -0.1751709, 0.16711426, 0.93115234, 1.203125, 1.671875, -1.0908203, 1.0371094, 1.9892578, -0.9453125, -1.3173828, -0.29907227, 1.0908203, 2.2441406, -0.45117188, -0.78564453, 3.46875, -0.32983398, 0.25830078, -2.7597656, -0.39819336, 0.11859131, 0.4206543, 1.1972656, -0.38671875, -0.23791504, 1.9179688, -0.51123047, 0.80810547, -0.5571289, 0.64208984, -3.6953125, -0.72265625, 0.37231445, 1.7734375, 0.41577148, -0.7788086, -2.8769531, 0.42211914, 0.9067383, 1.2607422, -0.32055664, 0.21606445, 1.9121094, -0.61865234, -0.22973633, 2.328125, 2.9433594, -0.8486328, -0.55078125, 1.8769531, 0.48339844, -0.77978516, -2.1835938, -1.3193359, -1.0087891, -1.6201172, 0.4765625, 0.45751953, 1.0205078, -0.765625, 0.8847656, 0.06719971, 0.8256836, -0.40356445, -0.6347656, -1.5595703, -1.2880859, -0.14526367, -1.0693359, -0.61621094, -0.32104492, 1.6699219, -0.9067383, 0.88378906, -0.3125, -0.0053520203, -0.003780365, 1.5400391, -0.5258789, 0.7939453, -1.3632812, -1.5097656, 0.890625, -0.30664062, -2.1484375, -1.5507812, 3.3925781, 1.9335938, -0.34228516, 0.2097168, 0.5834961, -1.2167969, -1.2587891, -2.1503906, -1.0800781, -0.41748047, 1.3193359, 1.6835938, 0.7260742, 1.2451172, 0.63964844, 2.7792969, -0.7392578, 0.29760742, 0.71191406, 0.4189453, -0.7285156, -0.084106445, -0.16662598, 0.9213867, 0.30444336]" Into the Dead 2,com.pikpok.dr2.play,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pikpok.dr2.play,action the sequel to the hit zombie action game into the dead million downloads journey through the zombie apocalypse in a race to save your family arm yourself with an arsenal of powerful weapons and do whatever it takes to survive maim mow down and massacre the dead anything to keep moving in a world where no one is safe how far will you go to make it out alive continue the nightmare with exclusive story events including a terrifying prequel to night of the living dead and an expansion to the ghostbusters universe features evolving story and multiple endings complete,"[3.2753906, -0.41430664, 2.2402344, -0.33813477, -0.7895508, -0.86279297, 1.5585938, 0.91015625, -0.47827148, 0.33911133, 0.08251953, 1.3916016, -0.41210938, 2.890625, 0.87109375, -0.83935547, -1.4785156, -1.0029297, 0.8745117, -0.94873047, 0.11340332, 1.1376953, -0.5488281, -0.38134766, 0.57373047, 1.7138672, -0.43115234, 0.80566406, 0.9042969, -0.88720703, -1.2802734, -0.65283203, 0.49414062, -0.4567871, -1.0976562, -2.7460938, -0.16955566, 0.3708496, 1.4228516, 0.35083008, -0.1418457, 0.76464844, 0.44921875, -1.4111328, 1.1601562, -1.0791016, -1.6748047, -0.5888672, 0.7553711, 1.0859375, 1.5527344, -1.9306641, 0.93652344, -0.58154297, -1.1142578, 1.2431641, 0.04284668, 0.62158203, -0.2866211, -1.5458984, -1.2431641, 1.1728516, 0.18237305, 0.48168945, -0.082214355, 0.28466797, -0.45117188, -0.19335938, 0.16320801, -0.83251953, 0.16064453, -1.1523438, -3.5078125, 1.390625, 0.19519043, 0.27026367, -1.890625, 1.1572266, 2.2128906, -0.56591797, -2.3691406, -1.3339844, -0.9838867, 1.0107422, -0.69384766, -0.5629883, 0.4633789, 0.15795898, -0.7519531, 0.8691406, -2.3613281, -0.0035095215, -0.8754883, -0.36499023, -2.6386719, 0.578125, 0.7236328, -0.3569336, -0.15393066, -3.1777344, 0.5830078, 1.1494141, -0.84716797, -2.1835938, 0.4050293, -1.0380859, 2.2460938, -1.8964844, 0.08709717, -0.34423828, -0.72558594, 0.16577148, -1.2373047, 2.2714844, -1.7666016, 0.5058594, -0.609375, 1.09375, -0.59765625, -1.4658203, -0.48901367, -0.18164062, 0.49047852, -0.890625, -0.31860352, 0.31713867, -0.73583984, 0.7661133, -2.8535156, 3.3496094, -1.2978516, -0.46826172, 3.0996094, 0.2076416, 3.3789062, -1.9130859, 0.34472656, 0.31396484, -2.8945312, 0.6826172, 0.78808594, -1.0791016, -0.65283203, -0.030960083, -1.3671875, 1.6025391, 1.0859375, -0.18884277, -1.3945312, 0.89208984, -0.46411133, 0.1307373, -0.4880371, 0.8027344, -1.3408203, 1.5996094, -0.38085938, -2.2519531, -0.9160156, -1.7041016, 0.40356445, 0.37768555, 0.4326172, -1.4990234, 0.5336914, 0.3330078, 0.72558594, -0.61816406, -1.5253906, -0.64697266, -0.2939453, -1.6386719, -0.103393555, 1.0751953, 0.52783203, -0.14831543, 1.5820312, -0.86328125, 0.25854492, 0.18151855, -0.77978516, -0.3256836, 0.22937012, 1.6015625, 0.26000977, 0.5991211, 1.4179688, 2.1289062, 1.578125, 0.18762207, 1.3115234, 0.23510742, 0.6430664, -0.18310547, -2.5429688, 1.3222656, -1.1572266, 0.05505371, 1.6708984, -0.8432617, -0.61865234, 2.359375, -1.2099609, 1.4101562, -2.1289062, -1.1669922, 0.78027344, -3.046875, 0.7060547, 1.6728516, -0.54248047, -2.3359375, -0.86376953, -0.6113281, 0.37109375, 1.7988281, -1.4033203, -0.055389404, -0.6308594, 2.2382812, 0.7290039, -0.97802734, 0.088134766, 0.68408203, 0.5488281, -2.9921875, 1.5771484, 0.9760742, 0.113586426, 1.7753906, 0.29296875, -0.44140625, -1.3945312, -1.2597656, 0.52197266, -2.0683594, 0.8642578, -0.17028809, -1.4423828, 2.5683594, 1.9033203, -0.37695312, -1.5283203, 0.1484375, -2.7480469, 1.9472656, -2.6113281, -1.7373047, 1.1054688, 0.8925781]" Bloons TD Battles,com.ninjakiwi.bloonstdbattles,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ninjakiwi.bloonstdbattles,strategy play the toprated tower defense franchise in this free headtohead strategy game its monkey vs monkey for the first time ever go head to head with other players in a bloonpopping battle for victory from the creators of bestselling bloons td this all new battles game is specially designed for multiplayer combat featuring over custom headtohead tracks incredible towers and upgrades allnew range of powers and the ability to control bloons directly and send them charging past your opponents defenses check out these awesome features headtohead two player bloons td over custom battles tracks awesome monkey towers each with powerful,"[1.9736328, 0.123413086, -0.3527832, 0.13891602, -1.6445312, -1.3925781, 1.1621094, -1.3554688, 0.48754883, 2.1953125, -0.27490234, 0.7792969, -0.5473633, 2.9960938, 1.1289062, -1.5654297, 0.78027344, -0.13195801, 0.15490723, -0.75146484, 0.034729004, 0.32641602, 1.5419922, -2.1328125, 1.7333984, 0.010757446, 1.4941406, -0.69628906, 1.3056641, -1.3974609, -1.1474609, 0.14538574, 0.6274414, 1.5585938, -0.46069336, -2.0039062, 2.0761719, -2.6757812, 4.03125, 0.35888672, -0.97998047, 2.015625, 0.7036133, -0.5151367, 0.3876953, 0.7163086, -3.3945312, 1.3251953, 1.1953125, -0.5004883, 2.3066406, -1.0068359, 0.8173828, 1.8642578, -1.8779297, -1.2753906, 0.5151367, 0.35473633, -1.0429688, -3.2871094, 1.1826172, 0.54003906, -0.63720703, -0.74365234, -0.42260742, 0.41748047, 0.39453125, 0.09008789, 0.98339844, 0.9682617, 0.7558594, -1.2929688, -1.8662109, 0.08868408, 1.7441406, 0.16503906, -1.4365234, -0.14575195, -0.4951172, -0.7939453, -5.1914062, 0.7211914, -0.032440186, 1.1894531, 1.1650391, 1.5976562, 0.7319336, -2.6132812, 1.3867188, 0.6923828, -1.7412109, -2.6875, 0.002462387, 1.640625, -0.27026367, 0.24475098, -0.37646484, -0.21472168, -0.47680664, -1.3769531, 0.8769531, 1.4208984, -1.1425781, -0.09112549, -1.7558594, -0.51220703, -1.0322266, -1.9023438, -0.053375244, -1.5517578, -1.1386719, -1.0664062, 0.21411133, -0.23168945, -0.6166992, 0.8676758, -0.62890625, -0.86328125, 0.16906738, 1.0478516, 1.1591797, -0.087890625, 0.84814453, -0.59228516, -0.25976562, -0.34326172, -1.3974609, -1.6542969, -0.51123047, 3.4746094, 0.8510742, -0.72753906, 2.859375, 0.9433594, 3.921875, -2.4140625, 0.10003662, -0.9790039, -1.0800781, 0.109375, -0.33129883, 1.2998047, 0.20031738, 1.7167969, 0.15991211, -0.47338867, -0.8339844, 1.3037109, 0.24194336, 1.9765625, 0.54003906, -0.36743164, 1.2363281, 0.2088623, 3.8027344, 0.9160156, 0.20239258, -1.9804688, 0.5239258, 2.3652344, -0.49536133, -0.95458984, -0.5390625, 0.2010498, -1.4267578, 0.29858398, -1.4052734, -0.95166016, 0.8354492, -0.0025691986, -1.3359375, 0.044433594, 1.6826172, 0.55029297, -1.1630859, -0.70996094, 0.6791992, -2.4746094, 1.5566406, -0.53564453, -0.3828125, -0.49609375, 0.47631836, 0.40942383, 0.34399414, 0.8417969, 1.8349609, 0.31640625, -0.7241211, 2.2167969, 1.6806641, -0.8066406, 0.2980957, 2.4960938, -1.375, -0.14855957, -1.5908203, 0.7519531, -0.078186035, -0.7055664, -0.13354492, 1.7695312, 0.41577148, -1.1464844, -1.9580078, -1.0546875, -0.48388672, -1.1308594, 0.74365234, 0.021896362, 0.7001953, -1.0732422, 0.21069336, -0.2479248, -2.3144531, 3.4042969, 1.0585938, 0.55126953, -0.2932129, 1.3300781, -0.4658203, -1.1142578, 0.8857422, -1.5322266, -1.2421875, -0.6220703, 1.0136719, 0.24108887, -1.4853516, 1.1240234, -1.1289062, 0.095825195, 0.27905273, -1.4638672, 2.0722656, 2.1035156, -0.7133789, -0.58447266, -1.4140625, -0.41967773, 1.8564453, -0.28759766, -0.640625, 0.68115234, -1.3085938, -1.78125, -0.38745117, 0.33374023, 0.84521484, -1.7626953]" DOOM,com.bethsoft.DOOM,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bethsoft.DOOM,action celebrate doom s th anniversary with the rerelease of the original doom including the expansion thy flesh consumed is now available on android devices first released in doom introduced millions of gamers to the fastpaced whiteknuckle demonslaying action the franchise is known for relive the birth of the firstperson shooter wherever you go and experience the classic demonblasting fun that popularized the genre,"[2.7246094, 0.015235901, 0.5419922, -0.40039062, 0.29418945, 0.23205566, -0.8261719, -0.2376709, 2.1855469, 1.5019531, 0.4387207, 3.15625, -2.9003906, 3.6640625, 2.3691406, -1.203125, -1.0332031, -0.36328125, 1.5322266, -0.44067383, 0.26904297, 1.6123047, -0.053253174, -2.5898438, 0.6904297, -0.8364258, 0.25195312, 0.89160156, -0.92041016, 0.2154541, -3.1816406, -2.5703125, 0.07373047, 0.5527344, -1.8125, -0.7084961, 0.18005371, 0.10668945, 1.9970703, -0.37963867, -0.74658203, 1.6328125, 0.26391602, -0.14746094, -0.091552734, -1.0439453, -1.3720703, -0.052124023, 1.9765625, 0.24157715, -0.19372559, -1.9736328, 0.65722656, -0.9433594, -1.1289062, 2.8417969, 2.6074219, -1.9189453, -0.9003906, -0.9316406, -0.9145508, 0.65185547, -0.043151855, 0.8618164, 1.0458984, -1.1904297, -2.015625, -0.31933594, 0.37280273, 0.13085938, 0.8149414, 0.02947998, -1.3339844, 0.1439209, 1.2744141, -0.20227051, 0.71777344, -0.6665039, -0.25341797, -0.90966797, 0.1385498, 0.9423828, -1.4941406, -0.62158203, -0.11114502, -1.7070312, 0.78466797, 0.20495605, -3.015625, 0.37646484, -1.2324219, -0.35791016, -0.76953125, 1.9042969, 0.15197754, 0.74609375, 0.70751953, 0.8847656, -1.3613281, -3.171875, 1.1953125, 0.36865234, -2.1308594, -0.3232422, -0.34106445, 1.0126953, 1.4560547, -1.3251953, 0.97216797, -0.51416016, -0.39257812, 1.7568359, 0.35327148, -0.36376953, -1.1806641, -0.5683594, 0.97509766, 1.203125, 0.2232666, -1.3896484, 1.6748047, 0.8486328, -2.4589844, -1.6787109, -0.73291016, 1.3085938, -0.5390625, -1.0244141, -1.1552734, 1.5986328, -3.3789062, -0.3972168, 0.027145386, 0.1850586, 3.3886719, 0.95410156, -0.28442383, 1.6386719, -2.421875, -1.2216797, 1.0361328, -2.1621094, -0.30664062, 0.94677734, -2.0292969, -0.07757568, 0.7939453, -0.8652344, 0.42382812, -0.0010089874, 1.3046875, 0.84765625, 1.9785156, -0.10369873, 1.3388672, -0.3996582, -0.72998047, -1.0556641, -0.7138672, -0.92041016, 1.7929688, -0.7207031, 1.9541016, -0.39941406, 0.76416016, 0.32739258, 1.2314453, 1.4101562, -1.7617188, -1.1425781, -0.19396973, 0.61328125, 0.9663086, -0.9086914, -1.3349609, -0.8857422, 0.7607422, -0.26635742, -0.6513672, 0.4831543, -2.1582031, -0.2322998, -0.9555664, 1.5996094, -0.8125, 0.056030273, 1.4580078, -0.39404297, -0.4855957, -0.36523438, 1.7617188, -0.66748047, 1.2275391, 0.90625, -2.109375, 0.5078125, -1.1474609, 1.2539062, -0.61083984, 0.0692749, 0.4716797, 0.65527344, -2.9628906, -0.005504608, -1.5234375, -1.9541016, 0.93652344, -0.2467041, 1.1005859, 1.8564453, 0.03768921, -1.4941406, -1.7617188, -0.4362793, -0.51416016, -0.85839844, -0.5864258, 0.27197266, -0.21582031, 2.1367188, -1.1474609, 2.0058594, 0.96875, -0.7133789, 0.58691406, 1.1259766, 1.6582031, 1.1728516, 0.5498047, 0.8461914, -0.88916016, -3.2441406, -0.69384766, -0.66015625, -0.70947266, -1.2724609, 1.1865234, -0.6665039, -1.3476562, 2.2578125, 1.5224609, 1.484375, 0.73828125, -1.5732422, -1.7998047, -0.25976562, 0.31030273, 1.3603516, 0.6298828, -0.111206055]" DOOM II,com.bethsoft.DOOMII,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bethsoft.DOOMII,action celebrate dooms th anniversary with the rerelease of doom ii this beloved sequel to the groundbreaking doom gave players the brutal super shotgun to bear against deadlier demons and the infamous boss the icon of sin the rerelease of doom ii includes the master levels additional levels made by the community and supervised by the developers to save earth you must descend into the depths of hell survive demon hordes and take part in the fiercest battle ever,"[2.9121094, 0.16564941, -0.2277832, -0.55371094, 1.0283203, -0.92333984, -1.8037109, 0.39819336, 1.3115234, 1.5625, -0.9213867, 3.1054688, -2.703125, 2.8066406, 2.4667969, -1.0195312, -1.1796875, 0.95458984, 0.7973633, -1.0761719, 0.58984375, 0.44140625, -1.7333984, -1.9462891, 1.8056641, -2.0078125, -0.054718018, 0.4958496, 0.18347168, 0.20117188, -1.5654297, -2.359375, -0.031463623, 0.66015625, -1.2275391, -1.4423828, 0.19799805, 0.35864258, 1.2675781, -0.42578125, -0.19848633, 0.67578125, 0.8432617, -1.3271484, 0.18603516, 0.2763672, -0.20324707, 1.6289062, 1.4023438, 0.5053711, 0.9765625, -0.6357422, 0.41259766, -1.3603516, 0.32006836, 2.4960938, -0.52783203, -0.4555664, -0.59375, -1.0517578, -0.55566406, -0.24060059, -0.046966553, 0.45922852, 0.87158203, 0.4873047, -2.1445312, -0.53564453, -0.5019531, 0.023971558, 1.0927734, 0.4453125, -1.4335938, 0.42895508, 2.2753906, 0.5307617, 0.6855469, -1.5537109, 0.17602539, -1.0839844, -1.140625, 0.4663086, -0.58154297, -0.8208008, 0.25341797, -0.5463867, -0.6801758, 0.07092285, -2.4765625, 2.5898438, -1.4912109, -0.022476196, -0.8466797, 1.6367188, -0.02508545, 0.31225586, 1.7773438, 0.30151367, -0.37719727, -0.9848633, 1.2695312, -0.11468506, -1.8271484, -1.1962891, -0.7973633, -0.67871094, 1.3007812, -1.0419922, 1.7216797, 0.19177246, -0.3701172, 1.5371094, -1.6318359, 0.5131836, -2.1074219, 0.5107422, 0.7519531, 1.1738281, 0.47021484, -0.8364258, -0.016952515, -0.29736328, -0.62890625, -0.19970703, -0.19091797, 1.4589844, -0.22924805, -1.7128906, -3.3203125, 1.5283203, 0.3425293, 0.7373047, 0.12524414, -0.87158203, 3.7832031, 0.8676758, -0.021896362, 1.0087891, -2.2988281, -1.8662109, 0.53564453, -1.6064453, 0.30664062, 1.328125, -1.1865234, 1.3945312, 0.040649414, 0.53564453, 0.6176758, 0.71972656, 0.4711914, 1.6503906, -1.484375, 0.18286133, 0.5566406, 0.18408203, -0.21557617, -1.75, -0.50097656, 0.23913574, 1.4072266, -0.9135742, 1.3115234, -0.046173096, 0.94384766, 0.5332031, 1.4306641, 1.0244141, 0.036346436, -1.2568359, 0.11663818, -1.7285156, 0.8652344, 0.19689941, -1.7021484, -1.2929688, 1.0585938, -2.2890625, -0.890625, 1.1005859, 0.6044922, -1.9306641, -1.3632812, 0.59277344, 0.012084961, 1.3408203, 1.2607422, -0.50097656, 0.08001709, -0.8847656, 1.5712891, -1.3916016, 0.80126953, 1.2089844, -0.7324219, -0.35766602, -1.2207031, 0.44555664, -0.95751953, -0.91748047, -2.1269531, 0.4169922, -1.8476562, 0.19152832, -1.6689453, -1.3457031, -0.19055176, -1.2246094, 0.2626953, 2.0136719, 0.5214844, -2.5644531, -0.68408203, -1.0146484, -1.1054688, 1.8164062, -1.7275391, 0.65185547, -1.6933594, 2.5273438, -0.04953003, 1.2724609, -0.38964844, -1.9912109, 1.2753906, -0.016616821, 2.4453125, 0.21447754, 0.13256836, 0.69189453, 0.8901367, -3.0117188, -1.7304688, -0.30004883, 0.6118164, 0.39916992, 2.6074219, -0.20153809, -1.6474609, 2.0429688, 3.3984375, 0.5136719, -0.14794922, -1.2460938, 0.5180664, -1.4384766, 0.09075928, 2.0136719, 1.0830078, -0.19189453]" Crypt of the NecroDancer,com.braceyourselfgames.necrodancer,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.braceyourselfgames.necrodancer,action crypt of the necrodancer is an award winning hardcore roguelike rhythm game move to the music and deliver beatdowns to the beat groove to the epic danny baranowsky soundtrack or select songs from your own mp collection this game requires google play games to be installed the android version is also optimized for chromebook,"[1.4707031, 1.2001953, 1.8154297, 0.6196289, 0.16577148, 0.41552734, 0.9448242, -0.5292969, 0.30151367, 0.6484375, -0.49438477, 3.2070312, -0.24926758, 0.9980469, 1.4941406, -0.94433594, -1.5009766, 0.7421875, 1.0820312, -0.46972656, 0.032348633, -0.27368164, -0.87841797, -3.1230469, 0.9145508, -2.6347656, -0.57421875, -0.30371094, -0.12335205, 0.01637268, -1.0615234, 0.050079346, -0.8461914, -1.0097656, -0.25830078, -0.5205078, 0.70654297, -0.12841797, 1.8642578, -1.1083984, -0.5966797, 2.53125, -1.4248047, 0.53564453, -0.4333496, 1.6279297, -0.27685547, -1.2158203, -0.028076172, 0.94970703, -0.45410156, -0.62841797, -0.53466797, -0.08227539, -1.9580078, 0.20214844, -0.16625977, -3.1640625, -0.2705078, 1.7832031, -1.3378906, 2.3183594, -0.15039062, -0.46679688, 1.7832031, -1.625, -1.4863281, -0.4699707, 0.1616211, 0.15270996, -1.9208984, 0.08520508, -0.31860352, -0.8208008, 0.9375, 0.2775879, -0.82373047, 0.17382812, 0.8574219, -1.0556641, 1.8105469, 0.81933594, -1.9541016, 0.7314453, -0.4116211, -0.73583984, 0.06768799, -0.5107422, -1.7236328, 0.12915039, 1.2236328, -1.3486328, -1.0664062, 0.7998047, 1.2939453, -0.13964844, 1.2666016, -0.92089844, 0.17749023, -1.0703125, -0.17553711, -0.07019043, -0.47436523, -0.62646484, 0.95654297, -1.4550781, 0.9667969, -1.3232422, 1.609375, -0.9355469, -0.1586914, 2.0234375, -0.8803711, -0.40576172, 0.22424316, 0.5175781, -0.29858398, -0.10394287, -1.6943359, -1.4033203, -1.0322266, 2.2265625, -0.39770508, 0.96484375, 3.0117188, 0.26000977, -1.421875, -1.078125, -0.05859375, 2.1542969, -2.4570312, -1.4853516, 0.42407227, 1.3134766, 3.9960938, 2.7734375, 1.0839844, 1.1904297, 0.82470703, -1.6201172, 2.5078125, 0.061553955, 0.1138916, -0.65185547, -1.9511719, 0.8071289, 0.1307373, -1.5517578, 1.8251953, -0.19348145, -0.8564453, -1.7841797, 2.1660156, 0.16674805, -0.6904297, -0.41357422, -1.9677734, -0.20263672, 0.53515625, 0.89208984, 0.1574707, -1.2246094, -1.0029297, -1.0302734, 1.1308594, 0.0925293, 2.3769531, 2.3554688, -1.9394531, -0.37719727, -2.5039062, -0.16564941, 0.9189453, 1.1542969, 0.56396484, 1.1435547, 0.48291016, -2.8613281, 0.78027344, 0.23364258, -1.6044922, 1.1611328, -0.43725586, 0.55566406, -0.7211914, 0.13952637, -0.14050293, 0.6176758, 1.4414062, 1.7402344, 0.6386719, -0.7363281, -0.54345703, -1.2099609, -0.23913574, -0.31274414, 2.4785156, -1.40625, 0.76953125, -2.2675781, 0.43579102, -1.859375, -0.107177734, 0.77001953, -1.3447266, 1.0800781, 1.2851562, 0.74853516, 1.8320312, -0.17419434, 0.012008667, -1.3115234, 0.7602539, -2.4082031, -2.2382812, -1.5605469, -0.39208984, 0.021728516, 1.6191406, -0.036346436, -0.10986328, -1.8632812, -0.7080078, -0.033203125, 0.2322998, 1.453125, 2.34375, -0.65625, -0.50878906, 0.36694336, -0.8129883, -1.4365234, -1.3535156, 0.10644531, 1.3046875, 2.3007812, -0.34204102, 1.328125, -1.2792969, 0.24414062, 1.4511719, 0.4128418, 0.9042969, -0.98095703, -1.4599609, -1.0205078, 1.0869141, 0.19372559, 1.4550781, -1.1425781]" Geometry Tower,com.cyberjoy.geometrytower,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cyberjoy.geometrytower,strategy defend your tower with strategy in battles and enjoy exciting challenges of this roguelike game roguelike gameplay choose from numbers of upgrades to make it an indestructible tower after endless waves of enemies in roguelike battles experience the fun of roguelike idle tower defense addictive tower defense gameplay with idle mechanism easy to play defend against the attacks from enemies with simply clicks collect resources from battles to level up the atk and hp of your tower in the meantime develop the researches of your tower to power up defeat with strategy upgrade your tower to be stronger with strategy,"[2.1660156, -0.27563477, 0.1048584, -0.5888672, -0.46679688, -1.9404297, -0.1541748, 0.43310547, 0.44482422, 1.2490234, -0.58203125, 0.41186523, -1.0498047, 0.6508789, 1.1357422, -1.3730469, 0.86328125, -0.8378906, -0.033111572, -1.1972656, 0.8378906, -0.43286133, -0.12731934, -2.2402344, 0.74365234, -2.7324219, -0.3190918, -0.22070312, 2.6074219, -0.6088867, -2.0449219, 1.3837891, -0.9248047, 1.1992188, 0.25146484, -1.5224609, 1.0703125, -2.1171875, 3.3066406, 0.03375244, -0.16125488, 0.3215332, 1.2216797, -0.5185547, 1.7412109, 2.4355469, -1.8447266, -0.0072135925, 0.6640625, 1.1074219, 2.7070312, -1.9667969, -0.4921875, 0.0418396, -2.109375, 0.122924805, -3.5585938, -0.105041504, -1.3789062, -1.5371094, -0.33740234, 0.30688477, 0.62402344, -1.6816406, -0.77978516, -0.43066406, 2.4140625, 0.05883789, 2.7578125, 0.087646484, 1.4882812, 0.17614746, -0.7553711, 0.49804688, 1.3105469, 0.63378906, 0.39794922, 0.6875, -0.43066406, -1.4785156, -3.609375, 0.81396484, -2.265625, 2.0917969, -0.3737793, -0.33764648, -0.23852539, -0.12237549, 0.35888672, 2.1503906, 2.1621094, -1.0957031, -0.64990234, -0.26635742, -0.7084961, 0.7055664, -0.91015625, 0.056854248, -2.9082031, -1.0712891, -0.34033203, 2.3378906, -1.3671875, 0.39892578, -1.9414062, 1.8603516, 0.16601562, -0.86621094, -0.40576172, -1.4267578, -1.4580078, -0.5996094, 0.3322754, 0.16320801, 0.3984375, 0.88183594, -0.42407227, -1.1708984, -0.40405273, 0.765625, 1.4287109, 0.26831055, -0.76904297, 0.16796875, -0.08294678, -1.6337891, -0.8105469, -0.39282227, -1.9287109, 3.1425781, 0.3173828, -0.27929688, 0.4272461, 0.9375, 0.29907227, -0.79541016, 0.15930176, -0.111694336, 0.029525757, 2.5839844, -1.7998047, 1.1806641, 0.4650879, -0.68359375, -1.3476562, 1.3974609, 0.10424805, -0.46850586, -0.091796875, -0.123168945, 0.41357422, 0.91259766, 0.65234375, 0.2849121, 2.59375, 0.040740967, 0.40600586, -2.0351562, 1.2226562, 1.0585938, 0.31396484, -0.8964844, 0.81884766, 0.4892578, 2.1992188, -1.4208984, -0.6230469, 0.011932373, 0.7314453, -2.4160156, -3.4609375, -0.20373535, 3.0742188, 0.83496094, -0.028060913, 0.6557617, 0.6586914, 0.671875, 2.0019531, 0.5595703, -1.4785156, 0.2746582, -0.5473633, -0.5908203, -0.17175293, 1.8144531, 1.1884766, -0.22277832, 1.6015625, 1.3994141, 0.16503906, -1.765625, -0.18945312, 0.77978516, -1.484375, 1.9941406, -0.34423828, 2.1113281, 1.1679688, -0.62939453, 0.8598633, -0.5073242, 1.7675781, -1.2177734, -1.7519531, 1.9609375, -0.13586426, 1.0585938, 0.10345459, 1.2089844, 1.6279297, -1.4345703, -0.21105957, -1.3808594, -1.3291016, 1.6162109, 1.4453125, 0.66503906, 0.45751953, -0.015182495, -0.5629883, -0.00017094612, 0.051818848, -2.2871094, -1.9863281, 1.3349609, 0.74853516, -0.3630371, -1.4384766, 1.1728516, -2.5488281, -0.25854492, -2.3320312, -1.8623047, 0.9038086, -1.9277344, -0.7470703, 1.0429688, -1.96875, 0.87109375, 2.3183594, -1.0683594, -0.93310547, -0.1517334, -3.0722656, -1.5439453, -1.8134766, 0.9472656, -0.22729492, -1.4472656]" Fishing Frenzy:Idle Hooked Inc,com.cyberjoy.fishing,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cyberjoy.fishing,simulation welcome to the ultimate fishing adventure in this idle fishing game your main goal is to become a fishing tycoon by catching fish and earning income youll start by boarding your boat and setting out to sea to begin your journey as you start collecting fish and earning your income you can begin to upgrade your bait and hire experienced anglers to help you catch more fish with a team of skilled fishermen youll be able to upgrade your bait and attract more impressive fish in the deep sea as you progress youll increase your fishing skills and become a,"[1.8076172, 0.5449219, 1.7246094, 0.09869385, 0.84716797, -0.8676758, -1.7265625, -1.0742188, 0.51171875, -0.1026001, -0.48217773, 0.020828247, -1.2363281, -1.4189453, -0.23693848, -0.89941406, -1.2109375, -0.57177734, 0.54248047, -1.9384766, -0.16149902, -0.6635742, -0.13867188, -1.7490234, -0.2668457, -2.3046875, -2.2167969, -1.5546875, 1.0644531, 1.4228516, -0.92871094, 0.88134766, 0.33935547, -0.51220703, -0.6904297, 0.033172607, 0.14526367, 1.4462891, 2.0449219, 1.0673828, 2.3632812, -0.07891846, -1.6621094, -0.06036377, 1.8828125, 0.59277344, -2.6484375, -0.74902344, 0.20251465, 0.85498047, 1.5488281, -1.5917969, -2.1464844, -1.0849609, 0.4609375, -2.3300781, -0.46728516, -0.7602539, -0.71777344, 0.49267578, 1.7246094, 0.53515625, -0.4951172, 0.15551758, 1.0605469, -1.8144531, 1.8896484, 1.1181641, 1.4833984, 0.77734375, 3.6582031, -0.49194336, -1.4599609, 0.89160156, 1.7929688, 1.3134766, -1.5888672, -0.05645752, -0.98779297, -0.18408203, 0.10235596, 0.6381836, 0.40795898, 0.47924805, -0.9550781, 0.25268555, -0.06225586, -1.15625, -2.7285156, 1.1279297, 2.171875, 0.114990234, -1.9228516, -0.013626099, 0.123046875, 0.56591797, 0.28149414, 0.31518555, -1.1230469, -3.1367188, -1.9150391, 1.1132812, 1.0224609, 0.42504883, -1.625, 2.453125, 0.09362793, -0.0055999756, -0.5385742, -0.13537598, 0.070617676, -0.6875, 0.6948242, 1.1699219, 1.7900391, 1.4375, 0.7163086, 0.9116211, -0.12109375, -1.3554688, 0.29345703, -0.8442383, -0.8461914, 0.013923645, 1.1113281, 0.57666016, -0.3425293, 0.079589844, 0.44091797, 0.14770508, -0.029388428, -1.6015625, 0.8696289, 0.13928223, 1.7197266, -0.96435547, 1.2421875, -0.87402344, -0.7583008, 1.4853516, 0.18640137, 0.91064453, 0.9301758, 1.7636719, -0.74121094, 0.51464844, 1.1044922, 1.9931641, -2.4394531, -0.55810547, -1.0927734, -1.1015625, -0.7739258, 1.9853516, 0.58984375, -0.5698242, 2.921875, -0.6479492, -0.07647705, 1.9130859, 2.6914062, -4.2578125, 1.6796875, 1.5146484, 0.7158203, 0.23059082, 1.2431641, 0.19677734, -2.3300781, 0.5078125, -0.5722656, -1.6523438, -0.39501953, 1.5078125, 0.06112671, -2.6855469, 0.7988281, -1.5849609, -0.5385742, 0.5566406, -2.4121094, 0.28466797, 0.5390625, -1.1416016, 0.8847656, 1.6230469, 0.050231934, -1.9511719, 2.9648438, 0.3642578, -0.94970703, -1.4511719, -0.78759766, 0.95214844, -1.3564453, 0.008094788, 0.66845703, 0.8120117, 7.0429688, 0.67285156, -0.70654297, 2.7988281, 0.46069336, -1.9863281, -2.9335938, 2.2207031, 0.86816406, -0.71972656, 0.17907715, 1.6074219, -1.2207031, 1.5273438, 0.28930664, 1.5683594, -1.2128906, -0.40039062, 1.2080078, 1.8916016, 1.6367188, 1.3398438, 1.0302734, 1.6601562, 0.9350586, 1.0488281, -1.3994141, 1.1201172, -0.1875, 0.7104492, -1.9443359, 1.0175781, -3.0761719, -0.99560547, -3.6582031, -1.0126953, 2.4042969, -2.0195312, 0.96875, -0.38476562, -2.234375, 1.3085938, 0.77490234, -3.1953125, -1.2753906, 0.8378906, -0.091674805, 2.796875, 0.35742188, -1.1386719, 1.5390625, 0.6586914]" Wooden Block Jigsaw Puzzle,block.wood.jigsaw.game.wooden,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=block.wood.jigsaw.game.wooden,puzzle welcome to wooden block jigsaw puzzle a brandnew brainteasing wooden puzzle game dive into the world of wooden block puzzles and experience unique gameplay that will keep you entertained for hours this game combines block with jigsaw gameplay will keep your brain healthy and help you emotionally recharge with simple controls and a variety of challenging levels wooden block jigsaw puzzle is a perfect game to relax and exercise your intellect how to play jigsaw mode tap the wood blocks to move them to suitable locations place wood blocks to match the pattern classic mode drag and drop wood blocks,"[1.1240234, 0.6040039, -0.15942383, 1.1591797, -1.4501953, 0.39770508, 0.5576172, -0.45776367, -0.14770508, -0.93603516, 0.14050293, -0.06793213, -1.3681641, 0.8925781, 0.5991211, -0.7631836, -0.33325195, -0.56396484, -1.6728516, -0.6928711, -1.3632812, 0.09313965, -0.0039482117, -2.390625, 1.4189453, -1.3740234, 0.21850586, 0.95996094, -0.25146484, -1.4316406, 1.7265625, -0.7553711, -1.3535156, 1.2753906, -1.0634766, -3.0976562, 0.5175781, 1.0234375, 4.1875, -0.82470703, 1.2421875, 1.6796875, -0.20251465, 0.32202148, -0.44018555, 2.1914062, -1.1503906, 1.9267578, -0.14086914, 0.9589844, 1.7451172, -0.70751953, 0.7006836, -0.8798828, -0.027236938, 0.35839844, 0.89501953, 2.15625, 0.73046875, -1.4863281, 1.2138672, 0.6542969, 0.8486328, -0.7080078, -1.0097656, -0.31713867, -1.6865234, -1.0498047, 1.9052734, 2.4707031, 1.0683594, 1.7060547, -0.80566406, 0.39038086, -0.045166016, 1.0996094, -1.7392578, -0.6074219, 0.57421875, 0.1928711, -1.2636719, -0.46118164, -0.36743164, 0.20617676, -0.23034668, 2.2148438, 0.9033203, 0.6748047, -3.25, -0.32348633, 0.94921875, -0.48754883, -0.1508789, -1.8007812, 0.26489258, -0.117370605, -0.8701172, 0.46655273, -0.26708984, -2.4023438, -0.07104492, 1.1933594, 1.6816406, 0.5102539, 1.1181641, 0.30615234, -0.609375, -0.36254883, -0.27368164, -0.2166748, -0.65234375, -1.6240234, 0.3894043, 0.34814453, 0.76123047, 1.7265625, 0.31591797, 1.4892578, -1.1796875, 0.37109375, 0.2644043, -0.3564453, 1.1523438, 2.0996094, -0.5053711, 0.5390625, -2.4628906, 1.0712891, -0.5234375, -0.8256836, 0.76660156, -0.32763672, 1.0097656, 0.98828125, 3.4160156, -0.55908203, 0.953125, -0.26489258, -0.48168945, -0.7089844, 2.2636719, -1.7246094, 0.7089844, -0.5888672, -0.51123047, 0.21142578, -1.5820312, 0.26464844, 0.16638184, -1.9511719, -2.1972656, -0.05581665, -0.09906006, 0.12200928, -1.6669922, -1.1806641, 1.3251953, -0.24255371, 1.078125, 0.6303711, -1.1923828, 1.1582031, -0.18225098, 0.2788086, 3.0878906, 1.3388672, 0.28979492, -0.5307617, -0.88378906, -0.3408203, -1.0849609, -0.38867188, 0.1274414, 2.0839844, 0.5336914, 1.2431641, -0.17883301, -1.4345703, 1.0361328, 2.5703125, -2.0898438, 0.2861328, 0.4807129, -0.011650085, -0.75390625, -0.18725586, 0.5332031, 0.37548828, 0.76708984, 1.1142578, -0.76123047, -0.05239868, -0.3791504, 2.6855469, 1.7392578, -0.9580078, -1.5888672, -0.046844482, -0.14746094, -1.3242188, 0.03656006, -0.57910156, 1.0429688, 0.8256836, -2.9960938, 0.71533203, -0.37573242, 0.60791016, -0.9760742, 0.23339844, -0.32958984, -1.1181641, 0.24902344, -0.73583984, -0.9819336, -0.2746582, -0.26367188, 0.5629883, 0.59228516, 0.18725586, 0.4165039, -0.094177246, 0.8725586, -0.21984863, -2.046875, 1.2236328, -1.0292969, -2.4609375, 0.7290039, 0.9223633, -1.7607422, -2.1308594, -1.5859375, -1.0546875, -1.4267578, 1.96875, 0.68310547, 0.79003906, -1.0693359, 0.7788086, 1.03125, 1.3164062, -0.41259766, -0.30566406, 0.05050659, -1.3554688, -0.5371094, -2.0878906, 0.703125, 0.90234375]" Fluffy Ball: Music Hop Game,beatmaker.edm.musicgames.fluffyhop,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=beatmaker.edm.musicgames.fluffyhop,music do you like little furry friends are you looking for a music game with a twist lets enjoy the rhythm of music with these adorable singing creatures in youll experience the perfect blend of special vocals and pop tunes this isnt just an average rhythm game get ready to embark on a global adventure with these cuddly fluffy balls take care of them grow with them and explore amazing places with them main features there are tons of popular songs to choose from onebutton control easy to operate take care of your furry friends and watch them grow remixes of,"[2.0527344, -0.2927246, 1.4931641, 1.3271484, -0.62402344, -0.9506836, -0.14282227, 0.75634766, 0.06939697, 2.5976562, 0.17468262, 2.1640625, -0.14294434, -1.8466797, 1.9970703, -0.75146484, -0.18823242, 0.7441406, -0.8754883, -0.42260742, 0.5673828, -0.5473633, 2.4492188, -2.3886719, 0.52685547, -1.9765625, 0.17443848, -3.2128906, 0.6845703, -0.1953125, 1.2109375, -1.3330078, 0.41601562, 0.26611328, -0.9819336, -0.46899414, 1.3447266, 0.44067383, 0.08666992, -0.025299072, 0.4572754, 1.5683594, -0.27246094, 0.51416016, -0.28295898, 0.4987793, -0.5307617, -1.4511719, 1.8007812, 0.8745117, -0.3642578, 0.86035156, 0.37719727, -1.8046875, -1.4921875, -0.53222656, -1.4492188, 1.0751953, -1.6542969, -0.07324219, 2.8027344, 1.0273438, -1.1923828, 1.0136719, 2.2929688, -1.9794922, -0.3334961, -1.4228516, 1.0917969, -0.1784668, 1.5126953, -1.5576172, 1.3339844, 1.1748047, 0.58740234, 0.9736328, -1.0722656, -0.3544922, -0.6689453, -0.47094727, -0.3725586, 0.11639404, -0.089538574, 1.5019531, -0.9223633, 0.30151367, 0.9682617, 1.6152344, -3.4433594, 4.6054688, -1.734375, -0.73291016, -0.17736816, -1.0566406, -1.0625, 0.036376953, 1.0839844, 0.19433594, -0.6904297, -0.5864258, 1.0732422, 0.7529297, 0.41333008, -2.4472656, 1.6572266, 0.6176758, 0.27734375, -2.2832031, -0.5419922, -1.5097656, -1.5478516, 0.56152344, -2.2265625, -0.09490967, 0.51171875, 0.007911682, -1.0029297, -0.9790039, -0.48901367, -0.81591797, -0.52197266, -0.43603516, 0.1895752, -0.004634857, 1.8867188, -0.24377441, -0.2770996, -1.5419922, 0.9926758, 0.88916016, 2.0605469, 0.6953125, 0.016555786, 1.0732422, 3.9863281, 0.72265625, 0.34448242, -0.28295898, -1.1582031, -0.109191895, 0.3388672, -0.41210938, 0.16931152, 1.3779297, 0.28759766, 0.20043945, -2.0820312, -0.10668945, 1.4833984, 0.27490234, -3.734375, -0.7871094, 2.0957031, 0.3317871, 4.2851562, -0.63427734, 0.64501953, 2.2128906, 1.5283203, 0.84716797, 0.8432617, -0.57177734, -0.3779297, 0.35595703, -0.83447266, 0.87353516, -0.5239258, -0.2376709, -2.7753906, -1.1152344, 0.14013672, 0.16467285, -0.36694336, 0.7602539, 0.71191406, 1.3837891, -0.86865234, -3.1992188, 1.0400391, 2.8300781, -1.7871094, -0.12585449, 0.7817383, 0.7836914, -0.4819336, 0.68359375, 1.1904297, 0.45532227, -0.13830566, 1.5791016, -0.9658203, -1.5029297, 0.39868164, 2.5292969, -0.11968994, -0.03643799, 0.5673828, -1.6337891, 2.2871094, -1.3496094, 2.1699219, -0.17687988, 1.1308594, 1.4472656, -0.49975586, 3.203125, -1.2705078, -0.31469727, 1.1660156, 0.16064453, -0.4248047, -1.1347656, -0.5463867, 0.41186523, -0.67089844, -0.16040039, 1.2001953, 1.2753906, 2.71875, 0.78564453, 0.07714844, -1.2841797, -0.5209961, 0.14733887, -0.7949219, 0.41210938, 0.18127441, -2.7304688, -0.3930664, 0.81933594, -0.71777344, -0.71728516, -0.44995117, -0.70214844, 0.96191406, 0.7597656, -0.76660156, 1.109375, -2.1679688, 0.53125, 0.6381836, -0.38085938, -0.9370117, 0.068725586, -1.1162109, 1.9179688, -0.9267578, -0.28100586, 1.8818359, 0.67089844]" Fortias Saga: Action Adventure,com.ondi.fortias.saga,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ondi.fortias.saga,roleplaying welcome to fortias continent the land of magic and mythical creatures in the th year according to the eradel calendar a war broke out between the human alliance and the dark forces across the land to save humanity you along with other heroes embark on an adventure through amazing worlds explore dungeon fight against hordes of monsters and the dark forces collect magical resources to enhance the power of your team and strengthen human defence by upgrading the stronghold throughout the adventure you need to recruit new heroes and form the strongest team ever together battle against powerful bosses fortias,"[2.5019531, -2.3085938, 1.2861328, -0.4807129, -1.4785156, -1.5283203, -0.94189453, 0.0027923584, 2.2695312, 0.5986328, -0.16809082, 0.4584961, -0.43554688, -0.17712402, 0.43579102, -0.6767578, -1.7988281, 0.57128906, -0.2208252, 0.75683594, 1.4423828, -0.41455078, 1.0087891, -1.4580078, 1.3486328, -1.828125, -2.3925781, -0.8691406, 2.1484375, 0.59472656, -0.6899414, 0.7817383, -1.1992188, 0.31713867, 0.7504883, -0.49243164, -0.18029785, 1.1787109, -0.88623047, -0.58447266, 0.16308594, 0.1862793, 2.3105469, -0.9604492, 3.2734375, 1.2792969, -1.8466797, -0.45166016, 1.3261719, 1.4365234, 0.4116211, -1.4472656, 2.7050781, -0.32666016, -3.0800781, -0.15783691, -1.7666016, -0.7158203, -0.7260742, 1.8154297, -0.16088867, -0.7158203, -1.6201172, -1.7646484, 1.2070312, -0.3857422, 2.2441406, 0.50927734, 0.3137207, 0.1361084, 0.86328125, 1.2890625, 0.77783203, 1.0371094, 1.1855469, -1.2695312, -0.18933105, -0.5546875, 0.73339844, -0.85839844, -1.1582031, -0.011161804, -0.014694214, 0.6088867, -0.1295166, 0.6640625, 0.5029297, -0.94433594, -3.4628906, 2.6191406, -0.2553711, -1.7363281, -0.8691406, 0.60302734, -0.61083984, 0.9663086, 1.7304688, -1.4873047, -2.3476562, -3.5332031, -0.9868164, 0.27172852, -2.7363281, -2.6132812, -1.0683594, 0.8671875, -0.22290039, -2.1367188, -0.80859375, -1.5214844, 0.21789551, -1.9375, -0.27294922, 1.8134766, -0.60546875, -0.84277344, -0.6748047, -0.95166016, 0.33544922, 1.1777344, -0.8461914, 0.17504883, -0.14941406, 0.6298828, 1.6181641, -0.6147461, -1.1953125, -0.7270508, -1.2041016, 0.62890625, -0.56884766, -1.0146484, -0.9399414, 1.0097656, -0.12207031, 1.2236328, 2.2050781, -0.33544922, -2.5273438, 2.3007812, -1.0693359, -0.42895508, 1.3115234, 2.6484375, 0.39208984, 2.4335938, -0.21557617, 0.88964844, -2.4140625, 1.046875, 0.20397949, 0.4411621, 1.3173828, 0.46850586, 3.0917969, 1.2421875, -0.8754883, -3.4472656, 1.1298828, 2.3359375, -0.1159668, -0.066345215, -1.1611328, 1.03125, 1.5429688, 0.28466797, 1.7587891, 1.3125, 1.6787109, -3.65625, -2.2890625, 0.48388672, 2.5117188, -2.7246094, 1.3720703, -0.6171875, -0.14331055, 1.015625, -0.9555664, -2.0527344, 1.0800781, -1.2666016, -1.5273438, 2.515625, 0.8339844, 2.4980469, 1.7685547, 1.5234375, 2.4414062, 0.28588867, -0.98828125, -1.0458984, 1.4433594, 1.5087891, -1.4492188, 0.12854004, -0.079589844, -0.1784668, 1.8496094, 0.68408203, -0.10998535, 0.08581543, -0.16125488, -0.51123047, 0.0690918, 0.9448242, -0.4597168, -1.0605469, -0.8486328, 0.72802734, 0.12200928, -2.2246094, 0.26342773, -0.4243164, -1.2734375, -0.5600586, 2.4023438, 1.2304688, -1.2490234, -0.8989258, 1.4521484, -0.42895508, -0.2861328, -0.35058594, -1.3291016, 0.24682617, 1.7177734, 0.8540039, 0.1217041, -0.48388672, -1.1308594, 0.52734375, -1.5507812, 0.08215332, -2.0234375, -1.2412109, 1.4160156, 0.8510742, -1.8193359, 0.09899902, 0.9692383, 0.43359375, -0.21166992, -0.6279297, 0.5214844, 0.5620117, 0.6660156, -0.63134766, 1.1308594, 0.0769043]" Bubble Shooter Magic Adventure,com.bubbleshooter.pop.dream.classic.panda.puzzle,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bubbleshooter.pop.dream.classic.panda.puzzle,puzzle bubble shooter magic adventure a free bubble shooter puzzle game filled with peace and art relax and challenge your brain with this fun bubble shooting game and beautiful scenery this fun bubble shooter puzzle game is designed especially for fans of bubble pop and handpainted aesthetic landscapes alone or with your family and friends you can enjoy the addictive offline panda theme bubble shooter game with bubble shooting explosions and falling balls beat level after level in bubble shooter magic adventure pop colorful balls for free and have brainchallenging fun immerse yourself in bubble puzzles and artistic picture backgrounds to,"[-0.34179688, -3.0683594, -0.75634766, -0.5258789, -0.0008378029, -0.015945435, 1.6308594, -0.57177734, 2.8046875, -0.20715332, -0.008293152, 0.27441406, -0.13293457, 0.95458984, -0.14343262, -1.0664062, -1.1503906, -0.88378906, -0.060302734, -1.0224609, -0.22290039, 1.3242188, 1.6689453, -2.5175781, 0.3935547, -0.24584961, -0.15979004, -1.8369141, 0.6245117, -0.7895508, 0.21972656, -1.3857422, 1.3691406, 1.5371094, -1.0615234, 1.1074219, -0.31958008, -0.07159424, 2.5605469, -0.5317383, 0.21728516, -0.62939453, 1.0869141, -0.42260742, -2.2910156, -0.21289062, -0.4885254, -0.25634766, 2.1601562, 0.7783203, 0.5253906, 2.5664062, -0.9013672, -0.048034668, 0.15234375, 0.16967773, 2.1542969, 1.0498047, -2.6328125, -0.61376953, 1.7246094, 2.4082031, 0.43920898, 0.19726562, -0.14477539, 0.3173828, -0.73583984, -0.44604492, 0.11895752, 1.4951172, -1.6923828, 1.7314453, 0.49853516, -1.640625, -0.75683594, 0.51708984, -2.4199219, -0.20300293, -0.36865234, -0.97753906, -3.2988281, -0.55029297, -0.7675781, 0.5136719, 0.8588867, -0.20861816, 0.5307617, -2.0683594, 0.014602661, -0.040039062, 0.037841797, -0.45825195, -2.0488281, 0.10638428, -1.5849609, 0.31445312, -0.9042969, -1.1357422, -1.1357422, -1.5263672, 0.66796875, 2.5917969, -0.26171875, -1.2314453, 1.8691406, -2.6269531, -1.5341797, -2.1738281, -0.71972656, 0.30126953, -0.95703125, -2.2050781, -0.60791016, -0.8457031, 1.2421875, 0.3942871, -0.27392578, 1.7539062, -2.1386719, -1.3828125, 0.6821289, -1.1210938, 1.3544922, 1.2539062, -1.21875, 2.0429688, -0.55371094, -0.35668945, -0.00051164627, 0.9238281, 0.82177734, -1.0283203, -0.71435547, 0.0014829636, 1.7841797, -1.6796875, -0.09460449, 1.1210938, -0.65234375, 3.171875, 1.2373047, -0.7006836, 1.3291016, -0.96777344, -2.6308594, 0.48339844, -0.61572266, 1.2636719, -0.13549805, 0.11425781, -0.72802734, 0.033813477, 1.4140625, 0.86865234, 1.8837891, -0.052093506, 0.890625, 0.0289917, 1.6660156, 3.0703125, 1.5185547, -0.64697266, 0.16723633, -0.52734375, -0.38867188, -0.75878906, -1.3789062, -0.45361328, -1.0566406, -0.029067993, 0.9223633, -1.4267578, 1.8271484, 1.4414062, 0.3918457, 0.22155762, -1.0654297, -2.7949219, 1.5605469, -0.70996094, -2.0683594, -0.97802734, 0.93408203, 0.061553955, -1.0605469, -0.49609375, 2.4335938, 0.79052734, 0.13220215, -0.7993164, -0.24865723, -1.4101562, 3.4257812, 2.7636719, -0.55078125, 0.8383789, -0.7114258, -0.7675781, 0.3408203, -1.9228516, 0.8178711, 0.56591797, -0.39404297, 1.9130859, -3.4433594, -0.84814453, -0.7402344, -0.31298828, 0.77734375, 1.4511719, 0.87158203, -2.3769531, 0.5126953, -1.96875, -1.4296875, 0.92041016, -1.1572266, 1.1162109, 1.3349609, 0.9897461, -1.4697266, -1.7011719, 2.578125, -1.0, -1.5371094, 1.7802734, -0.39916992, -0.5727539, -1.0332031, 0.61865234, -1.3378906, -1.0039062, 2.8144531, -2.6757812, -0.54541016, -1.6865234, -0.18579102, 2.2714844, -0.8310547, 1.1210938, 3.2617188, 0.93066406, -1.4580078, -0.01109314, -0.34375, 0.44726562, -2.2871094, -2.4023438, -0.055908203, -1.5849609]" Dragon Wings - Fantasy Shooter,rpg.arcade.space.shooter.dragon.wings,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=rpg.arcade.space.shooter.dragon.wings,action hero command your squadron of dragons in spectacular battles against epic bosses throughout the galaxy your next favorite space shooter dragon wings fantasy shooter combines exhilarating space shooting games mechanics with the mythical allure of dragons pitting you against epic bosses in a celestial showdown if you are a big fan of space shooting games like space shooter and with new modern shooting ways and want something new and crazy then dragon wings fantasy shooter is the perfect game for you why do i say that what im about to say will make you understand why features dragon wings fantasy,"[1.1201172, -0.31811523, 1.3164062, 0.25805664, 1.1171875, -1.4941406, 0.23364258, -0.53808594, 1.7636719, 1.2060547, 0.2130127, 2.0234375, -0.8334961, 1.4472656, 1.5761719, -0.29345703, -1.2548828, 1.3037109, -0.27807617, -1.6914062, 1.0488281, 4.1367188, 1.6201172, -1.7412109, 2.65625, -0.09576416, -1.5927734, 0.35498047, -0.24267578, 0.3046875, -1.8837891, -1.3144531, -0.8125, 0.81152344, -2.8691406, 0.36816406, 1.171875, -0.4074707, -0.016540527, -0.24841309, -0.07208252, 2.0976562, 0.043792725, -1.8740234, 0.79345703, -1.6123047, -0.11541748, 2.5761719, 1.6201172, -0.80615234, 0.9897461, 0.6088867, 1.7636719, -1.2109375, -1.0810547, -1.0712891, 0.89208984, -0.84814453, -0.05645752, -0.27490234, 0.59814453, -0.3486328, 0.6870117, 0.67626953, 0.25024414, 0.34375, -0.16430664, -0.79248047, 1.2958984, 0.94677734, 0.073913574, -0.38964844, -1.1689453, 0.15808105, 1.5400391, -1.4462891, 0.10101318, -2.7363281, -0.05493164, 0.6147461, -1.9492188, -0.69433594, -0.67089844, 0.3059082, -0.3239746, 2.3535156, 0.12451172, 0.3786621, -0.025680542, 0.83447266, -0.7519531, -1.4462891, 0.98876953, 1.6357422, -1.2412109, 0.46679688, 0.8095703, 0.37524414, -0.7128906, -3.140625, -0.85546875, 0.17370605, -2.2128906, -1.7441406, -0.17346191, -0.6455078, -0.08728027, -1.8408203, -1.8134766, -2.8183594, -0.6713867, -1.3535156, -0.9682617, -0.62841797, -1.1494141, -0.48291016, -0.5439453, -0.20922852, 0.83935547, -0.4946289, 0.6616211, -0.07519531, 0.7158203, -0.38916016, 1.0400391, -0.7651367, -0.27612305, 1.1230469, -1.3359375, 2.7578125, 0.36694336, -1.3603516, 2.5234375, 0.006011963, 1.5458984, 0.16186523, -0.7993164, -1.2109375, -1.2197266, 0.6245117, -0.17578125, 0.95751953, 1.1103516, 0.8354492, -1.5761719, -0.49194336, -0.5966797, 1.2060547, -0.0035972595, -1.03125, 0.52441406, 1.4277344, 2.5917969, 0.23266602, 3.7734375, 1.1240234, 0.2915039, 0.58496094, 2.3652344, 2.421875, 1.7275391, -3.1464844, -0.7026367, -0.6489258, 2.5390625, -1.0966797, 0.68847656, 0.5058594, 0.23840332, -2.0410156, -0.23608398, -0.16516113, 2.4433594, 0.49291992, 1.1230469, -2.9042969, 0.11047363, -0.13110352, 0.9013672, 0.32910156, -1.3496094, 0.6982422, -1.3408203, 0.6328125, -0.03753662, 2.9042969, -1.6582031, -2.7148438, 1.3007812, -0.4489746, 0.29711914, -0.42236328, 0.14892578, 2.6035156, 0.4165039, 0.7114258, -0.38183594, 0.4387207, -2.2773438, -0.33862305, 0.66552734, 0.40795898, 1.609375, -1.4921875, -2.4023438, 1.4824219, 0.07385254, 1.1796875, -0.9135742, 0.3178711, 1.1757812, -2.4394531, -1.3017578, -1.4277344, -2.2832031, 1.6210938, 1.9384766, 2.1914062, 1.2822266, -0.76416016, -1.3691406, 0.7519531, 1.8154297, -0.0949707, -1.7216797, 3.6054688, -0.010635376, 0.83154297, -0.26953125, 0.96728516, -1.8398438, -1.6044922, 1.75, -1.0136719, 2.4160156, -2.1152344, -0.101257324, 0.859375, -0.06866455, 1.5449219, 0.76660156, 0.25170898, -0.6196289, -0.28027344, -0.6152344, -2.1074219, -0.010360718, -1.6591797, -0.5864258, 0.4921875]" Mahjong Solitaire Classic Game,mahjong.solitaire.card.games.free.senior.match.puzzle,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mahjong.solitaire.card.games.free.senior.match.puzzle,board the challenging addictive mahjong solitaire card puzzle game for you this beautifully designed puzzle tests your skills through thousands of crafted card matching levels blending classic mahjong elements with solitaire strategy whether youre a seasoned player or new to mahjong enhance your reaction and relax with each tile match perfect for players seeking a serene escape and a mental workout the matching game offers a modern twist on a timeless classic for you to experience the charm of traditional chinese graphics and wisdom how to play mahjong solitaire setup the game begins with up to tiles arranged on the board,"[-1.1035156, 0.24194336, -0.65966797, -0.19836426, 0.9921875, -0.7597656, 2.0527344, -0.35327148, 0.52246094, -1.5126953, -1.2373047, -0.90283203, -1.0986328, 0.76220703, 0.74853516, -0.9008789, -0.10681152, -1.1992188, -1.3154297, -0.8574219, -0.9082031, 0.8408203, 0.99658203, -1.3476562, -0.7285156, -1.8154297, -0.74609375, 1.3554688, 1.1240234, -0.16064453, -0.1899414, 0.04824829, -1.9404297, -0.2541504, 1.1123047, 1.4316406, 1.5175781, -0.105773926, 3.0195312, 0.9277344, 0.4309082, -0.50439453, 0.7675781, 0.9038086, -2.1386719, 3.3769531, -4.0078125, 0.2286377, -1.1376953, -0.43798828, 2.1660156, -0.22692871, -0.8432617, 0.08666992, 0.6254883, 1.7646484, 0.57958984, 2.15625, 0.19006348, -0.12719727, -0.12988281, 4.1992188, 2.8378906, -2.5527344, -0.7714844, 0.97802734, 0.06518555, -0.8540039, 1.9345703, 2.3535156, 1.4365234, 1.4648438, -0.47070312, -1.3134766, -0.8154297, -0.12756348, -2.8417969, -1.6669922, -0.53515625, 0.2919922, -2.2363281, -1.6738281, -0.7084961, 0.72021484, 0.1673584, 1.7861328, 0.7529297, -1.6005859, -1.3369141, 1.3847656, -1.8652344, -0.60253906, -1.4482422, -2.8535156, -0.13330078, -0.54589844, -2.1230469, 1.546875, -0.92578125, -2.8378906, 0.10070801, 1.8925781, -0.46069336, 0.36157227, 0.13366699, -0.19946289, 0.43310547, -2.0625, 0.2849121, -0.6557617, -0.69970703, -0.77783203, -2.1210938, 1.5859375, -1.3193359, 1.7255859, 0.6484375, 0.90966797, -0.7636719, 1.0839844, 0.6455078, -0.5019531, 0.9765625, 3.2441406, -0.072509766, -0.124572754, -0.70458984, 0.6738281, -1.2333984, 0.94140625, -0.78564453, -0.77783203, 1.3652344, 0.25634766, 2.6484375, -1.3300781, -0.4580078, -0.15637207, 0.29638672, -1.2988281, 2.2988281, -0.19055176, 2.3046875, 2.3710938, -1.5761719, -0.40185547, -0.6152344, 0.0736084, 1.4609375, -0.66503906, -1.4990234, -0.13500977, 0.37524414, 1.5800781, -0.4729004, -0.037384033, 0.33520508, 1.5019531, 1.1103516, 1.7304688, 0.047180176, -0.58691406, 0.12805176, 0.089782715, 1.3183594, -0.16748047, -0.56396484, -1.1972656, -0.18371582, -0.14587402, -0.43530273, -0.39916992, 1.7265625, 0.70703125, 0.22058105, -1.6914062, 0.26513672, 1.2285156, -0.1348877, -0.84716797, -1.2851562, 1.0664062, -0.088134766, -0.2619629, -0.65283203, 0.5024414, 1.1845703, -1.2382812, 1.9570312, 0.8076172, -1.4335938, -2.1933594, 1.0761719, 3.3359375, -0.8173828, 1.0634766, -0.24841309, -0.09020996, 1.4707031, -0.05102539, 0.2980957, 1.0019531, 0.2529297, -1.3154297, -2.0957031, -0.7817383, 1.6162109, -0.86035156, 0.22888184, -0.16931152, -0.31079102, 0.93847656, -0.7006836, -0.46850586, -1.1220703, 0.024383545, 2.1132812, 1.8115234, -0.17980957, 0.4584961, -0.5878906, -1.9160156, 2.1191406, 0.06311035, -2.0429688, 1.1123047, 0.51464844, -1.8759766, 0.2824707, 0.06304932, -2.8730469, 0.8149414, 1.0126953, -0.41137695, -0.78759766, -0.7109375, 0.8647461, -0.68652344, -0.5214844, -0.06842041, 1.9658203, -1.2666016, 0.40063477, 1.3134766, -0.70458984, -0.09472656, -0.55322266, -2.1054688, 1.8447266, -0.23803711]" Cooking Wonderland Global,com.kitchen.xingnang.en,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kitchen.xingnang.en,casual a simulation game that integrates multiple gameplay elements such as food restaurant running and so on god created dreams the interweaving of sweet dreams and nightmares created the spirit world of dreams in the game you will play as a little fairy who has been banished to the spirit world of dreams you are requested to run an ancient restaurant with the butler charles it is said that you must go through trials to return to the divine realm looking at the desolate and dilapidated restaurant you don t know what to do at this moment frog prince inugami red,"[1.7333984, -1.9277344, 1.5371094, 0.2849121, 0.5361328, -1.2929688, -0.35058594, 0.9296875, 0.8442383, 0.86083984, -0.93115234, -0.17041016, -1.640625, -0.9638672, 1.7841797, -0.61572266, 0.75878906, -0.0524292, -1.4697266, 0.6098633, 2.3710938, -0.008659363, 1.2197266, -0.7084961, -1.1503906, -1.9345703, 1.1005859, -1.4414062, -1.7597656, -0.21313477, -2.0859375, -1.4033203, 1.4648438, 1.0214844, -1.6464844, 0.20385742, 0.10864258, -0.30200195, 0.8745117, 0.40405273, -0.65283203, -0.1751709, 1.0498047, 0.6611328, 1.6396484, 0.8432617, -0.7167969, -1.1171875, -0.41577148, 1.2539062, 1.2685547, 0.47509766, -1.3066406, -1.7119141, -2.0605469, 1.8105469, -0.17712402, -0.09649658, -1.7314453, 1.5800781, 0.44604492, 1.0439453, -0.6635742, -0.96240234, -0.75878906, -0.7319336, 2.7734375, -0.5966797, 0.48364258, -0.043304443, 0.9897461, 1.5175781, -1.3964844, 0.5097656, 1.046875, -0.29541016, -0.5263672, 1.2958984, -1.3222656, -0.5444336, -0.068115234, -0.8964844, -0.46679688, 1.3574219, -1.4667969, -1.5732422, -0.10900879, 0.8930664, -3.1132812, -0.3173828, -0.36108398, -0.68847656, -1.9589844, -0.26708984, -1.0771484, -0.18701172, 1.0029297, 0.4868164, -0.21801758, -1.7626953, -0.59277344, 0.5703125, 0.32885742, -1.2207031, -1.2734375, 1.015625, 0.7636719, -1.484375, -0.90283203, -2.640625, 0.65966797, -0.9770508, -1.8369141, 0.80371094, -1.0234375, 0.5175781, -1.3095703, -0.07220459, 0.67529297, -1.3916016, 0.88671875, -1.4345703, 0.5810547, -0.016326904, 0.7128906, 0.20996094, -1.1103516, -1.3232422, -1.0888672, 2.7070312, -2.703125, -2.2285156, 1.4414062, 0.5708008, 0.8857422, 0.0059547424, -0.82714844, -1.3476562, -0.21240234, 0.4321289, 0.9165039, 0.041656494, 1.0371094, 0.55322266, 0.73291016, 0.25317383, -0.101135254, 0.02558899, -1.0898438, -0.7602539, -1.4267578, 0.6635742, 0.093566895, 3.0136719, 3.4667969, -1.1484375, 2.1191406, -0.9379883, 0.27416992, 1.7734375, 0.7529297, -0.74560547, 0.4338379, -0.7890625, 2.2050781, 1.0917969, -1.1035156, 1.2304688, -2.015625, 0.49047852, -2.5078125, -0.72216797, 1.4814453, 0.22888184, -1.1748047, 0.024673462, 0.46411133, -0.11401367, -0.6064453, 0.35839844, -2.5859375, 0.4333496, 0.55126953, 0.88134766, -0.21325684, 0.52246094, 0.10559082, 0.22241211, 1.5283203, -0.11328125, -1.0371094, 0.07220459, 0.34204102, 1.5683594, -2.4042969, 0.6069336, 2.265625, 0.070739746, 3.828125, -0.6801758, 0.19213867, 0.22290039, -0.0029640198, -0.08166504, -0.7084961, -0.5004883, 0.47265625, 0.4501953, -0.06048584, 1.6611328, -1.0351562, -1.8095703, -0.56396484, 0.15368652, -0.10357666, -0.18273926, 0.9033203, -1.4492188, 1.1025391, -0.18896484, 0.09503174, 0.72753906, -0.28173828, -0.23547363, 0.7602539, 2.4667969, -0.28735352, 1.5380859, -0.96972656, 1.2119141, -0.38232422, -1.2744141, -1.5839844, -1.3095703, -0.7661133, -2.359375, 0.24633789, 2.1425781, -0.2553711, 2.7148438, 1.1445312, -0.3725586, -0.0021705627, 0.30932617, -0.9868164, 0.42041016, -0.111083984, -1.3154297, 1.4306641, -0.6591797]" Mini Heroes: Mars' Squad,com.and.brawl.en,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.and.brawl.en,roleplaying mars an ordinary guy accidentally falls into a parallel universe the tribe world with great ambition he dreams of living a high life here discover his secrets of victory in this fantasy idle rpg summon rewards come and enjoy rewards with no tricks guaranteed summons daily unique bump combat experience fresh bump combat in mini heroes its all about strategic lineups bump your way to victory and you can turn the table around anytime build your own squad collect and upgrade your favorite mini heroes from different classes if you fancy new heroes switch them with no extra cost explore,"[1.3300781, -0.7988281, 2.3339844, -0.8886719, -0.20385742, -0.74121094, 0.83984375, 0.4724121, 0.609375, 1.78125, -1.1933594, -0.69921875, -0.45629883, 0.4326172, 1.7988281, -0.5546875, 0.41259766, 1.2763672, -0.66015625, 0.019256592, 1.8857422, 0.4741211, 2.8730469, -1.1220703, -0.13891602, -0.7607422, 0.6308594, -2.8144531, 1.3525391, 3.0878906, -2.6875, -0.11010742, 0.14013672, -0.124572754, 2.1328125, -0.78564453, 0.5698242, 0.90283203, -0.06652832, 0.27612305, -1.6992188, -0.90966797, 0.5126953, 0.28076172, 0.85302734, -0.8852539, 0.3305664, -0.47314453, 1.4130859, 2.296875, 1.5576172, -2.1425781, 2.6269531, -1.9248047, -1.1494141, 0.21398926, 2.0996094, 0.042175293, -1.3925781, 0.5805664, 0.6376953, 0.01146698, 0.09820557, -0.41479492, -0.77783203, -0.09320068, 2.3554688, -1.6972656, 0.13269043, 0.64746094, -0.7993164, 1.5771484, -0.46435547, -1.3925781, 0.70458984, -0.05822754, -1.6796875, -1.1650391, -0.8486328, -1.5712891, -1.9980469, -1.5673828, 0.08843994, 0.36987305, -0.121520996, -0.23730469, -0.8823242, -0.703125, -2.2363281, 3.046875, -0.6821289, -0.9165039, -2.1425781, 1.2392578, -2.0605469, 0.30566406, 0.77441406, 1.9003906, 0.20935059, 0.09838867, 0.07165527, 1.4492188, -1.9628906, -3.7636719, -0.96484375, 0.46166992, 1.9384766, -1.1767578, -0.25463867, -1.1464844, -0.8808594, -0.9423828, -0.24365234, 1.3359375, -1.3193359, 0.24536133, -0.39941406, -1.3330078, -1.2001953, 0.76660156, 1.0908203, -1.9638672, -0.96240234, -1.7998047, 2.6542969, -0.5620117, -0.21691895, -0.51464844, -0.26538086, 1.8310547, -2.9160156, -0.25805664, 1.3583984, -0.37939453, 2.4277344, -3.0195312, 0.58154297, 0.009651184, -2.3671875, 1.7822266, 0.88134766, -0.22216797, 1.6425781, 3.3007812, -0.1899414, 0.10015869, -0.7319336, 0.6347656, -2.6933594, 1.2666016, -0.63964844, -0.33251953, 1.9550781, 1.8681641, 3.3164062, 2.8652344, 1.5673828, -1.4560547, -0.4650879, 2.1074219, -0.19555664, -0.7114258, -0.2939453, 1.2490234, -0.58203125, -0.3479004, 0.76904297, 1.703125, 0.91796875, -2.5996094, -0.5805664, 1.0253906, 0.9838867, -0.13061523, -0.68408203, -1.28125, 0.043670654, -1.4746094, 0.13049316, 0.14025879, 0.0113220215, 0.54345703, -1.5419922, 1.1640625, 2.0527344, 2.6992188, 1.234375, 1.6191406, 1.1074219, -0.12609863, 0.25024414, -1.3574219, 0.9316406, 1.2890625, -2.1425781, -1.3203125, -1.1455078, 0.46557617, 2.4042969, 0.5131836, 0.20812988, 1.3154297, 0.5708008, -0.7890625, 0.33544922, 1.2324219, -1.0371094, 1.1660156, -0.09307861, -0.9238281, -0.062469482, -2.3007812, 1.1630859, -0.4831543, 0.28076172, 0.48388672, -0.57470703, 0.47998047, 0.6191406, -0.031402588, -0.34814453, 0.2668457, 0.6694336, -0.4934082, 1.765625, -0.56347656, 0.08087158, -2.7949219, -0.6948242, 1.0664062, -2.8046875, -0.99658203, -1.7021484, -0.048553467, -0.22607422, -1.8837891, 0.4555664, 0.8222656, -2.6015625, 1.7587891, 1.2236328, 0.0002975464, 0.11553955, 1.6025391, -0.9760742, 2.5644531, -1.578125, -0.6845703, 2.1542969, -1.6367188]" Solitaire Classic,classic.solitaire.klondike.free.card,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=classic.solitaire.klondike.free.card,card experience the ultimate classic solitaire adventure indulge in the worlds most popular card game classic solitaire and immerse yourself in its timeless charm known as patience this addictive game is not only a perfect way to relax but also a powerful brain trainer with stunning card decks captivating animations and the freedom to play offline solitaire offers unrivaled entertainment to pass the time prepare to get hooked on the countless winnable solitaire decks and exquisite card designs that make classic solitaire one of the most addictive games ever unwind and unleash your patience in search of thrilling games to unwind,"[-1.3623047, -1.3730469, -0.27270508, 1.0957031, 0.9770508, -0.9267578, 1.1738281, -0.06890869, 0.23327637, -0.67578125, -0.043640137, -0.0069084167, -0.42822266, 1.90625, 0.5463867, 0.6928711, -1.6669922, 0.3659668, 1.1308594, -0.025894165, -0.88134766, 0.5488281, -1.2705078, -2.640625, 0.19750977, -0.7705078, 0.6308594, 1.1025391, 1.3447266, 0.13708496, -2.4101562, -1.4287109, -2.4433594, 1.0683594, 1.2763672, -0.85058594, 1.6445312, 1.0175781, 2.0898438, 1.78125, 1.6826172, -0.21838379, 1.8212891, 0.037963867, -0.7680664, 2.8710938, -2.5019531, -1.7470703, 0.56103516, 0.06048584, 1.7207031, 0.26879883, -2.3925781, -0.011772156, 1.1904297, 0.27294922, 0.8808594, -0.47436523, -0.71972656, 0.5776367, 0.15600586, 3.1523438, 0.85302734, -1.921875, -0.7446289, 0.63671875, 0.99609375, -1.5449219, 0.9140625, 2.5371094, -1.1826172, 1.234375, 0.15893555, -2.1757812, 1.3642578, -0.09655762, -1.2753906, -0.97265625, 1.3515625, 1.1943359, -2.1621094, 0.76708984, -3.0527344, 0.4790039, 0.5283203, 1.0556641, -0.08483887, -1.6757812, -1.7626953, 1.8818359, -1.1884766, -1.5263672, -2.7148438, -2.0820312, -0.10559082, 0.32592773, -1.4433594, 1.953125, -0.21520996, -2.3789062, 1.1503906, 2.1210938, 1.2177734, 0.30151367, -1.4814453, 0.010108948, 0.66796875, -1.1269531, 1.0097656, 1.1210938, -0.16906738, -0.45336914, -0.43896484, -0.43188477, -0.75878906, 1.1035156, 0.20336914, 0.79003906, -1.5849609, 0.51416016, 0.20629883, -1.1962891, 0.609375, 1.2265625, -0.8769531, 0.48754883, -1.6191406, -0.7036133, -1.5703125, 1.625, -3.0117188, -0.30737305, 1.1416016, 0.28295898, 2.5585938, -1.8466797, -0.05065918, 1.1689453, -1.4921875, -0.043060303, 1.3564453, -1.0947266, 1.6113281, 1.65625, -0.5991211, -0.25708008, -0.5722656, -0.6621094, 0.87402344, -0.37768555, -1.3339844, -1.0439453, 0.24169922, 1.546875, 0.83251953, 0.23596191, 0.3684082, 0.94189453, 1.6806641, 1.5078125, 1.59375, -1.4003906, -0.19824219, 0.1282959, 1.6621094, -1.3681641, -0.22387695, -1.3183594, -0.021240234, 0.32788086, -0.78808594, -1.7763672, 2.5195312, 0.8754883, -0.42211914, -2.46875, -0.43774414, -0.53759766, -0.46704102, -3.328125, -0.89208984, -0.13146973, -0.32470703, -0.9536133, -0.19250488, 0.091430664, 0.52490234, -1.1865234, 1.09375, 0.75439453, 0.15039062, -0.90234375, 1.0693359, 2.2636719, -0.85253906, 1.7294922, -0.93310547, -0.9995117, 1.6142578, -2.4667969, 0.2631836, -1.4658203, -0.2565918, -2.2363281, -2.7734375, -0.7270508, 0.5727539, 0.029037476, 0.9819336, -1.8710938, 0.6665039, -0.49267578, -0.05807495, -2.2089844, -1.4912109, -1.3134766, 0.8125, 0.3635254, -1.1445312, 0.22741699, -0.53759766, -1.890625, 2.3417969, -0.40478516, -3.0195312, 3.1738281, 0.57666016, -2.7773438, 0.57714844, 0.70654297, -3.7089844, -1.5546875, 1.2714844, 0.89697266, -0.9042969, -0.3708496, 0.9404297, 0.3815918, -0.70996094, 0.9140625, 1.5732422, -0.80859375, -0.20568848, 1.546875, -1.5703125, -0.7895508, -1.2294922, -2.0625, 1.1884766, 0.14880371]" Colorma,com.logisk.chroma,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.logisk.chroma,puzzle colorma is here think youve mastered the world of color think again colorma an innovative puzzle game challenges your perception and creativity like never before place color tiles create stunning gradients and conquer intricate challenges on grids that bend and twist like a crossword puzzle decoys clones and keyless levels will test your spatial reasoning and unlock your inner color wizard immerse yourself in a world of vibrant hues calming soundtracks and hundreds of meticulously handcrafted levels whether youre a beginner blending your first palette or a master crafting intricate gradients colorma offers endless challenge and relaxation features hundreds of,"[-0.44995117, -0.9135742, 1.4648438, 0.3334961, -1.3818359, 0.12451172, 1.7167969, 0.72802734, 0.7397461, -1.0615234, -0.6665039, 0.25024414, 0.77441406, 0.4658203, 0.29858398, -0.49169922, 0.084106445, -1.4931641, 0.4152832, 1.0859375, 0.9223633, -0.6533203, 2.8164062, -0.9511719, 2.0234375, 0.79248047, -2.0117188, 0.515625, 0.7084961, -1.5722656, 0.4946289, -0.4309082, -0.5292969, 1.3427734, 0.19372559, -0.43896484, 0.5932617, 0.9951172, 2.171875, -1.2099609, 0.2878418, 2.8886719, -0.98828125, -1.3486328, -2.3671875, 2.7558594, -1.1074219, 0.12805176, -1.1972656, -0.033050537, -0.37646484, -0.10101318, -3.3359375, 0.6772461, -0.34838867, 1.1787109, 4.0507812, 1.7402344, -1.4599609, -2.1777344, 1.6679688, 1.0996094, 0.5136719, -1.0693359, -0.7998047, -1.8134766, 0.14147949, -0.14440918, 1.5058594, 0.6088867, -1.4814453, 0.44360352, 0.96191406, -1.3837891, 1.1972656, -0.19299316, -1.3193359, -0.9604492, -1.3759766, 1.3583984, -0.5751953, -2.6328125, 0.53466797, 1.7910156, -1.3779297, -0.7651367, -0.48754883, -0.5854492, 0.32836914, -1.25, 0.28710938, -0.83154297, -1.1875, -1.2558594, -0.46069336, -0.8881836, -1.1220703, 0.8232422, 0.06768799, -0.93310547, 0.24816895, 0.7441406, 0.79248047, -1.7978516, 1.3017578, -1.0634766, 1.0859375, -0.6928711, -0.9941406, -0.5917969, -0.68066406, 0.100097656, -0.4934082, 1.6318359, -2.8515625, -0.24633789, 0.38085938, 0.61083984, -1.1806641, 0.34643555, -0.6972656, 0.1517334, 2.3417969, 2.140625, 2.1210938, 0.9194336, -2.0039062, -0.75683594, -1.5351562, 0.27197266, -0.78808594, -1.0712891, 0.34106445, 0.4169922, 2.2167969, -1.1220703, 0.15112305, 0.9399414, 0.058410645, 2.9980469, 1.2558594, -1.4648438, 1.7314453, 1.8945312, -0.11242676, -0.2998047, 0.5336914, -1.2021484, 1.3173828, 1.1396484, -3.8027344, -1.4296875, -0.009780884, 0.2902832, 0.7636719, -1.0791016, 1.46875, 0.84521484, -0.90625, 1.9707031, -0.5600586, 1.9023438, -0.34960938, -0.5649414, -0.99121094, 0.17504883, 0.07366943, 1.8349609, 1.2548828, -0.76220703, -1.1376953, -2.0664062, 2.0703125, 0.13269043, -1.0664062, 0.1003418, -0.09906006, -1.1669922, -0.33666992, -0.38354492, -1.2226562, -0.2902832, -0.72509766, -0.6826172, -1.1318359, -0.2290039, 0.33276367, 0.67578125, 1.4726562, 0.78271484, 1.0195312, -0.40698242, -1.0292969, 3.0097656, -0.23156738, 0.79785156, 0.23828125, -1.4257812, -2.5292969, -3.3125, 0.68310547, -1.3027344, 1.8525391, 0.09942627, -0.91796875, -0.4831543, 0.05831909, 0.5253906, 1.7832031, 0.020858765, -1.0507812, -2.3398438, 1.4892578, -0.030639648, 0.38110352, 1.1201172, -0.92285156, 0.64404297, 1.4951172, -1.3291016, -0.60058594, -1.7421875, 0.44433594, -0.72216797, -0.15930176, 2.7246094, 0.93066406, -2.390625, -0.8540039, 1.5380859, -1.9541016, -1.3027344, 2.2792969, -0.83496094, 0.49169922, -1.1601562, -0.2553711, 1.9833984, -0.030197144, -2.1035156, 0.45458984, 0.80566406, -1.0136719, 0.65625, 0.68359375, -0.78027344, -0.9980469, -0.75341797, 1.2568359, -1.5625]" Sort Match:3D Goods Master,com.sortmatch.triple.drop.goods.puzzle,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sortmatch.triple.drop.goods.puzzle,casual sort match is an addictive yet challenging goodsinspired d matching game immerse yourself in a bustling supermarketlike setting where your keen eye for organization will help you to train your brain and categorize scattered d goods to create satisfying matches the only thing you need to do is find and gather three identical goods in a variety of items ranging from fresh crops to essential household items as you efficiently organize the shelves clear them and accomplish tasks within the given time sort match sorting game features lots of styles for you to discover toys desserts over levels super boosters,"[1.1738281, 0.29003906, 0.9121094, 1.7929688, 0.7895508, 1.15625, 1.1884766, -0.3623047, -0.5629883, -1.1767578, -0.35302734, 1.3671875, 1.9550781, 0.4362793, 1.3837891, 0.1348877, 0.02305603, 0.22583008, -2.0292969, 2.796875, 0.28125, 2.296875, 0.12371826, -0.31591797, 1.4023438, -0.7597656, 2.6738281, -1.0253906, 0.72216797, 0.34106445, -2.2265625, -0.52685547, -0.5180664, 0.017562866, 0.03050232, -0.084472656, 1.0332031, -0.17492676, 2.0722656, -0.5239258, 0.7949219, 1.1240234, -0.13171387, 0.9379883, -1.0224609, 2.0332031, -0.19116211, -1.4042969, -1.3183594, 0.9321289, 1.6318359, -0.33618164, -1.0820312, 0.014144897, 0.8071289, 0.4375, 2.125, -1.9521484, -0.6635742, -1.3037109, 0.17358398, 1.6542969, 0.36499023, -2.5664062, -2.7148438, 1.7617188, 0.06542969, -0.040283203, 0.09576416, 1.5498047, 0.7866211, 0.91064453, -0.484375, -0.06222534, 1.2539062, 0.81640625, -2.171875, -0.083618164, -1.5205078, -0.1282959, -2.8007812, -0.4074707, -0.65185547, 0.07086182, 1.09375, 0.65966797, -0.3635254, 0.47631836, -0.09484863, 0.54003906, 0.038269043, 1.9355469, 0.48950195, -0.80566406, -0.63964844, -0.75927734, 0.15783691, 1.4365234, -0.26513672, -1.0771484, -1.6376953, 1.1083984, 2.5625, 0.32348633, 0.8696289, -0.30908203, 0.43725586, -0.9682617, -0.83251953, 0.70214844, -0.8720703, -2.5019531, -1.21875, 0.68359375, -0.095458984, 1.4228516, 0.47924805, -0.111450195, -0.3840332, 0.072143555, 0.5932617, -0.42407227, 0.66064453, 0.92285156, -0.42236328, 2.0722656, -0.76904297, 0.20703125, -0.48266602, -0.22375488, 1.5537109, -0.9682617, 0.6040039, -1.6201172, 1.9824219, 0.6845703, 0.1015625, 0.99072266, -1.1787109, -1.5507812, 1.0664062, -0.4296875, 1.0302734, 0.52001953, -1.9892578, 0.79589844, 0.49267578, 0.703125, -2.8476562, -1.3193359, -1.7988281, 0.37304688, 1.7724609, 1.3193359, 0.20129395, -1.0048828, 3.2265625, 0.47851562, 1.2441406, 0.91845703, 1.9619141, 1.1914062, -1.3867188, 0.77001953, -0.10949707, 2.7675781, -0.88964844, 1.9501953, -0.32128906, 2.5644531, -2.0019531, 0.35742188, -0.19921875, 0.9501953, -1.4394531, -0.89746094, 0.31420898, -2.4550781, -0.7270508, 0.06573486, -1.5742188, 1.8056641, 0.71435547, 2.0039062, -0.0027828217, -0.0011482239, 0.23291016, 0.15539551, 1.1582031, -0.7753906, -0.47460938, -0.96972656, -0.20629883, 2.9335938, -2.1269531, 0.9584961, 2.7382812, -1.4316406, 0.7885742, -2.1953125, 0.094055176, -0.5620117, -0.1116333, 0.70947266, -1.3076172, 0.67871094, -0.9848633, 0.6113281, -0.6879883, -0.68652344, -0.49487305, 0.17199707, 1.2392578, 0.002878189, -0.5961914, -0.31469727, 0.24682617, 1.7021484, 0.44091797, -1.0068359, -0.39282227, -1.4199219, -0.74658203, -0.85009766, -1.3261719, 0.44555664, -0.88134766, -0.8261719, 0.0016975403, -0.81933594, -0.3527832, 0.41186523, -1.1074219, -0.8100586, 1.0214844, -0.15136719, -1.8193359, -0.74560547, -0.21264648, -0.5566406, 0.21069336, -2.6152344, 1.7871094, -0.24597168, 0.20800781, -0.07080078, 0.21191406, -2.1289062, 1.6630859, 0.117614746]" Rise of Empire: Idle Tycoon,com.jettoast.kukulu,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jettoast.kukulu,simulation welcome to the rise of empire kingdom sim a thrilling economy idle tycoon game where you lead your empire through history take charge of resource processing manage supplies and construct the world wonders the ultimate achievements for your civilization in this immersive simulation experience this is a unique blend of civilization tycoon idle empire game and old the settlers series connecting realtime great strategy and offline progression game features resource manager begin in the prehistoric times and advance your empire up to the medieval kingdom benefit from idle mode progress your game collect resources offline in this engaging idle simulation,"[0.98095703, -1.953125, 0.40283203, -0.38623047, -0.82666016, 0.2878418, 0.8413086, -0.57177734, 1.0703125, 2.6816406, 1.5517578, -0.13427734, -1.1201172, -0.5566406, 1.0761719, 1.3867188, -1.265625, -0.13696289, 0.79833984, 0.79589844, 2.5195312, -0.89453125, 1.3623047, -1.3486328, 0.20690918, -1.1875, -1.1533203, -1.5908203, 2.8203125, 1.0058594, -2.5371094, -1.1806641, -0.79785156, 0.52197266, -0.34692383, -0.48828125, 0.39086914, -1.3681641, 3.5820312, 0.9458008, -1.1826172, -0.6738281, 0.7841797, -0.13244629, 2.5644531, 1.7773438, -2.2714844, -1.0761719, 0.59228516, 1.6064453, 2.4238281, -1.9169922, 0.23779297, -1.4482422, -0.45410156, -0.16833496, -4.3085938, -1.0517578, 0.13232422, -2.9648438, 0.89160156, 2.0839844, -0.033355713, -1.9013672, 0.029571533, -1.0996094, 1.7792969, -0.27514648, 0.7578125, 0.70458984, 1.1894531, -0.4885254, 1.6210938, 0.6894531, 0.60839844, 0.18225098, 0.34423828, 0.56152344, -0.39892578, -0.22644043, 0.20837402, 2.2714844, -1.5419922, 3.2539062, 0.3190918, 0.45141602, 0.43920898, 0.44067383, -0.9428711, 0.1595459, 1.8867188, -0.94091797, -3.4667969, -0.21887207, -2.1132812, 0.60302734, 1.4677734, -1.2080078, -0.99609375, -1.3388672, 0.41210938, 0.25463867, -0.5756836, -0.9580078, -3.2382812, 0.9580078, -0.2524414, -0.6616211, -1.0722656, -0.8618164, -0.7963867, 0.008666992, -0.30859375, 1.2880859, 1.6650391, 1.3984375, 1.5410156, -1.1435547, -0.81884766, 2.0488281, 2.0898438, -1.6318359, -0.5566406, -0.97509766, -0.66015625, -0.0010595322, -0.67041016, -0.6381836, -0.3762207, 3.2714844, -0.78125, -0.98046875, 1.4306641, 1.0224609, -0.5727539, -1.9511719, -0.010017395, -0.81884766, -0.8925781, 3.5039062, -1.4013672, -0.6328125, 1.671875, -1.2900391, -1.6015625, 1.2285156, 0.6928711, 0.1348877, 0.17687988, 0.10040283, -1.1669922, 0.7944336, -0.46704102, 0.22094727, 4.1914062, -0.5395508, 0.3305664, -1.6826172, 0.019088745, 2.171875, 0.049346924, -1.4296875, -0.20251465, -0.74316406, 0.3449707, -1.9638672, -0.12371826, 0.43164062, -2.4804688, -2.9863281, -1.9941406, -0.70996094, 1.7080078, -0.15905762, -0.03564453, 0.0982666, 0.59716797, 2.2636719, 0.19262695, 0.2668457, -1.1748047, 1.0830078, -1.2890625, -0.4074707, 0.9199219, -0.045562744, -0.4658203, -3.6503906, 0.54296875, 2.96875, -0.2758789, -1.5214844, 0.6196289, 0.44995117, -1.2666016, 1.2421875, 0.08050537, 0.9916992, 1.7988281, 0.6738281, 1.6816406, 1.1767578, -0.64697266, -2.9902344, -4.4453125, 1.3642578, -1.4140625, -0.9838867, 0.39331055, 0.5415039, 1.5859375, 0.8779297, -0.24499512, 0.20007324, -1.9013672, -0.79248047, 0.9863281, 0.86865234, 0.52246094, -0.1685791, -0.4975586, -0.19897461, 1.6230469, -0.28881836, -1.5097656, 2.2109375, -0.78125, 0.08453369, 1.1943359, 2.0605469, -3.2636719, 0.13708496, -0.9628906, -0.47924805, -1.0917969, -0.5986328, 1.3203125, 0.15917969, -0.84472656, 1.1982422, 1.8857422, 1.1132812, -0.41674805, -0.60498047, -3.9511719, 2.3066406, -1.1035156, -0.46264648, 1.5849609, -1.4511719]" Survival Random Defense,com.dreamplay.survivalrandomdefense.google,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dreamplay.survivalrandomdefense.google,strategy enjoy the strategy of tower defense and the action pleasure of survival io at the same time the wizard left alone in the dungeon by an unknown force is the last survivor of the tower combine various equipment and skills to defeat monsters such as slimes zombies and vampires break through the trials become the last survivor by taking advantage of roguelike elements in various monster waves that change in each stage enjoy the strategic fun of random tower defense and the pleasure of a survival io game at the same time this app is for early access but all,"[3.4199219, -1.8369141, -0.9824219, -0.91259766, -0.05407715, -1.6210938, -1.5537109, -0.7597656, 1.5625, 0.57177734, -0.7246094, 1.9462891, -0.11206055, 1.8261719, -0.08862305, -0.4519043, 0.8286133, -0.5136719, 1.9990234, -1.6669922, 0.5708008, 0.6069336, -0.9633789, -2.6386719, 0.12646484, -2.2285156, 0.82128906, 0.8383789, 2.1699219, -0.9375, -1.8164062, -1.8691406, 0.55126953, -0.088256836, -2.2421875, 0.46411133, 0.8847656, -0.3203125, 0.86376953, -0.3190918, -0.93066406, 1.3359375, 0.2619629, -0.77490234, 0.8876953, 1.0566406, -1.9248047, -2.0390625, 0.60839844, 1.7001953, 0.20593262, -1.5302734, 0.78222656, 0.3918457, -3.265625, 1.375, -1.7509766, 0.94189453, -1.8769531, -1.7958984, -0.5180664, 2.1738281, -0.640625, -1.4375, 0.14916992, -0.84814453, 1.3183594, 0.14562988, 1.7236328, 0.47802734, -0.49438477, 0.6279297, -1.0722656, -0.30419922, 2.0527344, 0.35009766, 0.28955078, 0.22314453, 1.5576172, -0.68115234, -1.5986328, 0.24658203, -0.44702148, 0.53222656, 0.2244873, -0.2364502, 0.105895996, 0.34423828, 0.5214844, 0.98046875, -1.1386719, -1.8710938, -1.8896484, 1.0117188, 0.3557129, 1.1601562, 0.63378906, 0.5292969, -2.0488281, -1.4570312, 0.119628906, -0.42797852, -2.1054688, -2.7167969, -0.8925781, 1.3398438, 0.81640625, -1.2177734, -0.9116211, -1.3349609, 1.0859375, -1.5898438, 0.13500977, 1.4853516, -1.0986328, -1.2890625, 0.34545898, 0.96777344, -2.7363281, -0.72509766, 1.1630859, -0.9223633, -0.08874512, -0.64697266, 0.22058105, -0.27075195, -0.21472168, -2.7675781, -1.8066406, 1.7695312, -1.6044922, -1.4697266, 1.2431641, 1.0537109, 3.5722656, -2.1367188, 1.3740234, -0.2919922, 0.28393555, -0.14367676, 0.49023438, -0.7817383, 0.39086914, -0.65722656, -1.9072266, 1.2724609, 0.9980469, 0.014633179, -0.72558594, -0.5600586, 1.4501953, 0.15795898, 0.23303223, 2.8652344, 1.7851562, 1.0693359, -1.2041016, -1.8056641, -0.9042969, 1.6054688, 0.22290039, -1.9619141, 0.20129395, 1.8818359, 0.6586914, -0.5488281, 0.8774414, 1.7421875, -0.89501953, -1.5849609, -1.7675781, 0.08581543, 2.1464844, 0.42626953, -0.31396484, 1.3457031, 2.1601562, -1.4609375, 0.43603516, -0.6855469, 0.24853516, 0.51660156, -1.2382812, 0.8613281, 0.4309082, 0.7636719, 1.2998047, -0.3955078, 0.15856934, 1.9667969, 0.16418457, -0.48242188, 0.34692383, 0.9824219, -1.3388672, 1.5048828, -0.87597656, 1.0644531, 0.12902832, -1.1474609, 0.45532227, 1.1386719, 1.7304688, -2.046875, -1.5205078, -0.059417725, 0.9042969, -2.9746094, 0.42626953, -0.37841797, -1.0097656, -3.1464844, 0.03704834, 0.024978638, -1.1787109, -0.3623047, 0.044921875, 1.1425781, 0.8383789, 0.7285156, -0.90527344, -1.9082031, 1.0917969, -2.25, -1.1523438, -1.8476562, 0.90234375, 1.0507812, -0.8691406, 2.0664062, -0.11199951, -1.3007812, -0.82177734, -1.1513672, -0.92871094, -1.84375, 0.09423828, 0.2927246, -1.3554688, 2.2792969, 2.8164062, 0.17504883, 0.7324219, 0.045562744, 0.24084473, -0.23876953, -0.50927734, -0.99365234, 2.8652344, -1.0078125]" Kingdom Defense??agic vs Slime,com.Kingdom.MagicSlimeTd,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Kingdom.MagicSlimeTd,casual embark on a charming journey through the imaginative world of graffiti magic adventure this captivating game will take you deep into a field full of colorful characters puzzling challenges and endless fun kingdom defense magic vs slime provides players with a unique blend of adventure creativity and strategy that will surely capture your imagination features guard your kingdom the threat of unknown enemies is right in front of us become a powerful wizard obtain various equipment collect and synthesize gems build a powerful wizard and obtain the ultimate henry collect your fantasy skills explore mysterious skills and equipment to form,"[1.0986328, -0.703125, 1.2792969, 0.89404297, 0.14038086, 1.4707031, 1.2587891, -0.05886841, 3.2480469, -0.19140625, 0.21618652, 1.1171875, -1.7724609, -0.3408203, -0.27978516, -1.6582031, -0.94091797, 1.0595703, -0.83154297, 1.9013672, 1.1113281, -1.2802734, 0.7211914, -1.8642578, -1.3320312, -0.39648438, -0.3564453, -1.3164062, -0.56933594, -0.5019531, -3.0292969, -0.47021484, -0.36767578, -0.36572266, -1.7167969, -0.087768555, 0.034729004, -1.2548828, -0.61035156, -0.22717285, -0.23840332, -1.2949219, 2.6328125, -2.328125, 0.45361328, -0.34838867, -2.1386719, -0.38964844, 0.734375, 0.32958984, 1.5556641, -1.03125, 0.70996094, -1.3359375, -2.8574219, -0.38378906, -3.1289062, -0.5126953, -1.2958984, -0.9863281, 2.1816406, 4.171875, -0.6582031, 0.43969727, 0.6933594, -0.63183594, 2.6132812, -1.1982422, 1.4462891, 2.1777344, 0.4345703, 0.12817383, 0.52001953, -0.78027344, 1.5263672, -0.0619812, 0.5629883, -0.27148438, -0.34521484, -0.8208008, -0.1081543, 0.28857422, -1.7695312, -1.0986328, 0.39819336, -0.84375, -0.42016602, -0.19152832, -2.6621094, -0.71240234, -0.18530273, -1.0898438, -1.5175781, 0.08062744, -0.3857422, 0.21655273, 0.35986328, -2.328125, -0.6040039, -1.9179688, -2.1542969, 0.24609375, -0.6875, -2.3300781, -1.0224609, 2.0332031, -0.1352539, -2.2910156, -2.6347656, -2.7792969, 0.76123047, -2.0527344, 0.95654297, 1.6435547, -1.2978516, -0.7993164, -1.7578125, -2.6894531, -1.3974609, 0.3161621, 0.75878906, 0.05319214, 0.45361328, -0.43481445, 1.2353516, -1.1181641, 0.12561035, -0.91503906, -1.1132812, 2.1132812, -1.0302734, 0.35180664, 1.2871094, 2.3964844, 2.1425781, -1.0585938, 0.16552734, 0.20959473, -0.83935547, 2.2441406, 0.45166016, -2.1210938, 1.15625, -1.2939453, -1.3085938, 2.0878906, 0.4645996, 1.1083984, -1.3349609, 0.3552246, -1.3349609, 1.3642578, 0.91503906, 2.9785156, 4.0234375, 0.95214844, 0.68359375, -1.875, -0.00806427, 3.9667969, -0.1673584, 0.027572632, -0.3232422, 1.1191406, 0.52734375, 0.21789551, 0.42041016, 2.3671875, 0.30322266, -1.3769531, -0.49169922, -2.0351562, 3.2988281, -0.43017578, 0.1348877, 0.7729492, 0.32592773, -0.63427734, 0.83984375, -2.0605469, -2.2285156, 1.3769531, -0.14550781, 1.4121094, -0.43530273, 0.022964478, 0.64501953, 0.64453125, 0.82470703, 0.10900879, 0.009437561, -0.4169922, 0.29907227, 1.4414062, -1.7265625, -0.48876953, -0.14440918, -0.74365234, -0.06616211, -1.0419922, 1.4570312, -0.57714844, 1.1708984, 0.2607422, -2.421875, 1.7167969, 0.3708496, 0.48461914, -1.9150391, 1.5195312, -0.5620117, -1.7949219, -0.27905273, -2.015625, -1.75, -1.0732422, 0.62060547, 0.48291016, 2.0488281, -0.31762695, -1.0400391, 0.1262207, -0.89453125, -0.7817383, 0.3635254, 1.1884766, 1.3945312, -0.61279297, -2.0839844, 1.0566406, -1.0986328, -1.0947266, -0.46679688, -1.1044922, -0.34057617, -2.2480469, -0.047210693, 2.5742188, -0.5410156, 0.92871094, 1.0234375, 1.5371094, 1.6269531, -1.0771484, -2.0449219, 0.45654297, -1.6513672, 0.421875, 1.1083984, -1.9609375]" Chaos Galaxy - Space Shooter,com.Zeeppo.ChaosGalaxy,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Zeeppo.ChaosGalaxy,arcade welcome to chaos galaxy your ultimate space shooter adventure embark on an epic journey with chaos galaxy a space shooting game that brings highoctane action and strategy to your screen as a brave defender of the galaxy its your duty to stand against the alien invasion ensuring peace and safety in your space in the game confront alien forces experience intense gameplay as you resist the waves of alien forces utilize your shooter skills and strategic planning to secure the galaxy battle mighty bosses prepare for the ultimate challenge as you face off against powerful alien bosses in epic showdowns,"[0.87402344, -1.2392578, 2.0292969, -0.90283203, -0.66748047, -1.1142578, 1.9853516, 0.20739746, 2.8046875, 0.73828125, -0.16516113, 2.0839844, -0.28125, 1.7109375, 1.6992188, -1.0595703, 0.38085938, 0.88671875, 0.11114502, -0.042816162, 2.0859375, 0.52685547, 2.5683594, -1.9287109, 2.4804688, -0.19445801, -0.67285156, -0.034606934, 1.7285156, -0.83691406, -1.9345703, -0.41430664, -2.0898438, -0.38452148, -0.7055664, -0.73583984, -0.5517578, 0.49829102, 1.7773438, -0.8720703, 0.20227051, 0.14538574, 0.35986328, -1.53125, -0.054504395, -0.13354492, -0.6386719, 1.5117188, 0.0418396, -0.53271484, 1.2324219, 0.12939453, -0.3894043, -0.7998047, -1.2939453, 0.11846924, 1.4951172, -0.7573242, -1.1826172, 0.26391602, 1.0419922, 0.52490234, 0.6411133, 0.76171875, 0.75634766, 0.41357422, -0.9501953, -0.4152832, 0.9013672, -0.38452148, 0.2722168, -0.30419922, 0.07836914, -0.034332275, -1.2646484, -0.8730469, -0.41723633, 0.40478516, 0.3317871, -0.38623047, -2.3515625, -0.29296875, -1.3388672, -0.22888184, -0.7363281, 0.06311035, 0.87158203, -0.24060059, -1.2988281, 1.9111328, -0.2692871, -2.0507812, 0.6040039, 2.6855469, -0.51660156, 0.30004883, 0.013427734, 0.59716797, -1.4628906, -1.3388672, 0.037841797, 0.64746094, -1.4619141, -1.2949219, -1.2792969, -1.0664062, 0.17993164, -1.0292969, -0.57910156, -2.3769531, -0.10247803, -1.0068359, -1.5830078, 0.09350586, -1.9394531, 1.5419922, -0.3779297, 0.6040039, -0.79785156, 1.0898438, 1.1611328, 0.29589844, 1.4453125, -1.0498047, 1.8798828, -0.28076172, -2.8457031, 1.5263672, -2.5332031, 2.3554688, -0.7788086, -0.007911682, -2.0390625, 1.1298828, 1.8925781, -0.2220459, 0.7246094, -0.15759277, -0.48364258, 1.5371094, 1.2392578, -0.45361328, 0.25024414, 0.0927124, 0.4013672, 0.16833496, -0.71777344, 0.48535156, -0.58691406, -0.36645508, 1.1230469, -0.23547363, 4.125, -0.3347168, 2.65625, 0.32226562, -1.1054688, -1.8642578, 1.3095703, -0.15429688, -0.6274414, -1.6445312, -0.075927734, -0.6166992, 3.6113281, -1.4609375, 0.90478516, 0.52685547, -0.10424805, -1.0419922, 2.0175781, -0.0069007874, 1.1689453, 1.6367188, 0.25317383, -2.4375, 0.8046875, -2.3847656, -0.5595703, -0.24072266, -1.5224609, -0.33276367, -1.2998047, -0.2775879, -1.6914062, -0.06677246, 0.9375, -0.32617188, 2.6660156, -1.4121094, 2.7695312, -0.3935547, -0.88378906, 1.5712891, 0.13195801, 1.5742188, -0.23620605, -0.8461914, -2.0625, 0.4091797, -2.0625, 0.35473633, -0.97558594, 0.30981445, -1.4277344, 0.20324707, 1.1347656, -0.30126953, 2.5390625, 1.4345703, 2.5234375, -3.7246094, -0.055847168, -1.3632812, -1.7617188, 3.3808594, 0.8613281, 1.5654297, 0.97998047, -1.2587891, 0.23449707, -0.29760742, 1.1269531, -0.45776367, -0.4423828, 0.59033203, 2.1210938, 0.16638184, 0.9760742, 0.8359375, -2.2226562, -1.2539062, 0.6430664, 0.37060547, 1.4423828, -2.5429688, -0.021835327, 1.46875, -2.1914062, 0.33203125, 2.1699219, 0.8051758, -0.5292969, -2.1601562, -1.2382812, -0.66308594, -0.32495117, 1.0341797, 0.24255371, 1.7353516]" Hedgies: Farming & Building,com.aidiangames.Hedgies.gp,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aidiangames.Hedgies.gp,simulation hedgies is a delightful blend of farming simulation and townbuilding starring adorable hedgehogs as your main companions build your dream farm plant and harvest a variety of crops such as apples carrots tomatoes corn and wheat tend to your crops with care to reap bountiful harvests construct different buildings and decorations to create your own vibrant farm world meet a host of charming animal friends including sheep tigers beavers and more unlock new areas to expand your farm and visit the farms of other players whether they are your friends or new acquaintances are you ready to become a farmer,"[1.6904297, 0.4428711, 2.1445312, 0.24682617, -1.09375, 0.5078125, -1.171875, 1.7275391, -0.3635254, 1.2607422, 1.4443359, -0.5136719, -1.6113281, -1.2871094, 0.56347656, -0.45776367, 0.71240234, -0.08111572, -2.1738281, -0.69628906, -1.0097656, -0.3894043, -1.2871094, -2.3378906, 0.80566406, -1.5839844, 0.09020996, -1.5410156, 2.5917969, 1.2822266, 0.64990234, 1.3378906, -0.17919922, 1.3154297, -2.1914062, 0.12548828, -0.30981445, 1.8916016, -0.88427734, -2.5371094, 2.078125, -0.17553711, -0.6821289, -1.2705078, 2.25, -0.35986328, -0.74902344, 0.29638672, 2.6816406, -0.65283203, -0.35742188, 0.98828125, -0.8095703, -1.8828125, 0.85058594, -0.9838867, -0.9868164, -0.40551758, -1.4589844, -1.8564453, 1.0683594, -1.2714844, 1.3759766, -0.13977051, 1.9257812, 0.5859375, 0.9692383, 0.1697998, 2.7636719, 0.31884766, 2.96875, 0.3869629, -0.94140625, -0.019592285, 0.79296875, 0.80859375, -0.6069336, -2.4414062, -0.37109375, 0.02583313, -0.63916016, 0.70996094, -2.3007812, 0.27954102, -2.4121094, 0.028656006, 2.3925781, 1.0556641, -1.3447266, 3.4199219, 0.86083984, -2.2304688, -1.4628906, 1.1816406, -0.7832031, -0.3395996, 0.22912598, -0.86865234, -1.0400391, -1.3173828, -0.4909668, 1.1464844, 0.8417969, -0.9614258, -2.5058594, 0.8730469, -1.3681641, 0.0017995834, -1.2910156, -2.9199219, -0.9316406, -0.7529297, -1.3496094, 0.90234375, 1.9023438, 1.0341797, -0.14538574, 0.41308594, -0.47729492, -1.2441406, -1.1933594, -0.6386719, -0.9921875, 1.7431641, 0.7529297, -0.70654297, -0.88427734, -2.0175781, -1.6025391, 0.78466797, 0.86865234, -0.4104004, 2.7363281, 0.5708008, 1.9316406, -1.3134766, -0.2746582, 1.9169922, -1.4101562, 1.0263672, 1.0546875, -0.0501709, 1.4892578, 2.4628906, 1.3457031, 1.0507812, -2.2578125, 1.1689453, 0.13464355, -1.3486328, -1.5078125, -0.32006836, 1.1455078, 1.1806641, 0.13562012, 0.37573242, 0.96191406, -1.421875, 0.6743164, -0.36572266, 0.6118164, -0.07220459, -0.9057617, 0.42407227, 1.5537109, -0.14343262, 0.7006836, 0.7158203, -1.1982422, -1.2304688, 0.31396484, -0.45239258, -0.4711914, -0.33789062, 2.4882812, -0.31982422, -1.0019531, -1.9130859, -0.765625, 2.3476562, -0.9951172, 1.2617188, 2.3730469, -0.734375, -1.2226562, -0.056732178, 1.1601562, -1.03125, -0.11767578, 0.9169922, 0.47802734, 0.12121582, -0.2479248, 2.3027344, -0.114868164, 0.49853516, -0.47070312, 0.20666504, 2.6601562, -0.72216797, 0.12475586, -0.61035156, 0.5673828, -0.6928711, -1.3476562, 3.21875, -0.7080078, 0.7104492, 0.50683594, -0.59033203, -1.6923828, -1.1123047, -0.32836914, 1.0087891, 0.3935547, -2.1582031, 1.5380859, 0.98291016, 1.8671875, 0.30273438, 0.9423828, 1.2539062, -0.7558594, 0.43066406, -2.3398438, 1.1894531, 0.70947266, -0.032226562, 0.67333984, -0.32470703, -0.2788086, -0.95947266, -3.0, -1.2060547, -0.2915039, -1.4892578, 1.2851562, 1.1220703, -2.9492188, 0.70166016, 1.4072266, 1.4267578, -0.3310547, -0.4814453, -0.42773438, -0.95166016, 0.24499512, -0.18725586, 0.4802246, -1.3007812]" Puzzle Legends,com.alinagame.puzzlelegends,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alinagame.puzzlelegends,puzzle match strategy meets hero combat its simple its fun go download it and give it a whirl unleash your strategic might in puzzle legends the ultimate match battle game in puzzle legends each hero possesses unique abilities waiting to be unlocked by you dive into the perfect blend of match and battle conquer every level and become the ultimate adventurer puzzle legends is a dynamic match battle game with both easytolearn and deep gameplay experiences its a clever fusion of casual match and traditional turnbased battles offering both the thrilling satisfaction of puzzle breakthroughs and the strategic challenge of classic,"[-0.21203613, -1.0732422, 1.0976562, -0.8222656, 0.4765625, -0.5678711, 0.1661377, -1.9853516, 1.8193359, -0.25219727, 0.58984375, 2.0703125, -0.6743164, 1.7724609, 1.1494141, -2.0917969, -1.109375, -0.19213867, -1.125, 0.44702148, 1.0302734, 1.4667969, 1.3740234, -1.1357422, 0.25976562, -1.9267578, 0.30615234, -0.06124878, 2.765625, -0.75683594, -3.2363281, 0.030014038, -0.10089111, -2.0449219, 0.12670898, -1.5234375, 2.1816406, -1.1982422, 1.1289062, -0.5410156, -0.71240234, -0.57666016, 0.67578125, -0.8847656, -1.5449219, 2.3964844, -3.4960938, -0.10424805, -0.09576416, 1.34375, 0.24279785, 0.23620605, 0.4880371, -0.9555664, -2.3632812, 0.5761719, 1.7236328, 2.6757812, 0.44189453, -0.8256836, 2.5507812, 2.453125, -0.5058594, -0.8876953, -0.5839844, 0.092163086, 1.1210938, -0.8666992, 1.8251953, 1.4013672, 0.48632812, 1.3310547, -1.7265625, -0.44067383, 2.4765625, -0.05718994, -2.4746094, 0.4387207, 0.6738281, -1.5039062, -1.5039062, -1.0419922, 0.6586914, 0.45336914, -0.040283203, 0.028381348, 0.27783203, 0.23742676, -1.2294922, -0.11010742, -1.8242188, 0.66015625, -0.49536133, -1.6601562, -0.68359375, -0.57177734, -0.61865234, 0.61328125, -0.07977295, -2.9550781, -1.96875, 1.0136719, -2.3398438, -2.5390625, 0.78222656, -0.10247803, 2.1425781, -2.4609375, -0.7529297, -2.5957031, -1.0839844, -1.3515625, -1.3994141, -0.16809082, -2.6210938, 1.3632812, -1.0419922, 0.9785156, -1.2421875, 1.3515625, 1.5888672, -0.81933594, 1.0830078, 1.4169922, 1.0888672, -0.6894531, -0.15246582, -0.056427002, -1.3701172, 1.8076172, -1.7294922, -1.7333984, 3.0039062, 1.6982422, 2.3984375, -0.83203125, 0.546875, 0.52978516, 0.3828125, 1.0019531, 1.1015625, -0.95654297, 1.7480469, 0.81689453, -0.86816406, 0.85009766, -0.2927246, 0.37402344, -1.59375, -0.096191406, -1.0107422, 2.7363281, 1.3115234, 1.6386719, 1.6308594, 0.8881836, 0.3684082, -0.6586914, 2.2402344, 2.2148438, 0.47827148, -0.5136719, -0.24719238, 0.7871094, 1.7236328, 1.0927734, -1.1816406, -0.48461914, -1.3193359, 0.4675293, -0.46435547, 1.9042969, 2.1328125, 0.6347656, -0.43945312, 0.0635376, 1.4921875, -0.49658203, 0.13842773, -0.9394531, -2.0722656, 0.08892822, 0.30200195, 1.2734375, 3.0703125, 1.0751953, 1.6201172, 0.12164307, 1.0419922, -0.038330078, 0.35888672, -1.3935547, 0.20861816, 1.2207031, 0.83691406, 0.88378906, 0.15490723, 0.5053711, -0.07647705, -0.6098633, 0.67529297, 1.1240234, 0.46875, -1.4638672, -3.7753906, -0.45532227, -0.50634766, -1.4814453, 0.87939453, -0.8256836, 1.2294922, -0.7573242, -0.16711426, -1.3271484, -0.86816406, -0.19042969, 0.80615234, 2.2597656, -0.19116211, -0.45288086, -0.06744385, -0.24707031, 2.1230469, -3.3378906, -1.2539062, 2.0234375, -0.69873047, -0.31518555, -1.0722656, 0.44580078, -1.0673828, 0.003200531, -1.1855469, -1.3955078, -1.3046875, -0.00085020065, 0.21032715, 2.1015625, 0.007171631, 0.75683594, 1.8349609, -0.6591797, 1.3447266, -0.53515625, -1.0615234, 0.04434204, -1.8574219, -2.2636719, 1.5107422, 0.6435547]" Squad Busters,com.supercell.squad,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.supercell.squad,action every match is busting with unique unpredictable fun grow your squad loot bosses bust your friends collect evolve allstar supercell characters from clash of clans brawl stars hay day clash royale and boom beach play endless combinations of maps with crazy twists and fresh gameplay in every epic player match hold on to the most gems if you can merge evolve over characters start your journey with cute babies evolve them to fullgrown superstars with fresh looks and exciting abilities game modifiers amp up the fun dozens of different modifiers and constantly changing character lineups make millions of unique games,"[1.2089844, 1.3222656, 3.3085938, -0.3828125, 1.0722656, -1.6728516, 0.92626953, -1.109375, 0.34960938, 0.4333496, -0.7319336, 1.2646484, 0.13696289, 2.4492188, 2.2011719, -2.4960938, -0.71533203, 0.54003906, -0.72802734, 0.36791992, 1.6318359, 1.5634766, 2.2695312, -2.3183594, 1.3222656, -0.39770508, -0.62890625, -1.3378906, 1.0869141, -0.8120117, -1.5341797, -0.19787598, -0.24145508, 0.3894043, 0.41381836, -0.011787415, 1.1455078, -0.07751465, 1.9599609, -0.5151367, 1.8564453, 0.80566406, 0.43432617, -0.76708984, -1.9238281, -0.69140625, -1.2324219, 2.0097656, 0.9848633, -1.2158203, 1.2714844, -0.40893555, 1.8964844, -1.3837891, -1.5478516, -0.43701172, 1.3183594, 0.32006836, -2.0292969, -1.8662109, 0.12670898, 0.60498047, 0.95751953, -0.4946289, -0.578125, 0.19152832, -0.14904785, -1.1513672, 2.3574219, 1.7666016, 3.484375, -0.29077148, -0.98046875, 1.1279297, 1.4628906, -0.92578125, 0.86376953, -0.51660156, -1.7294922, -0.79345703, 0.11126709, -0.43798828, 0.6176758, 2.1132812, -1.3613281, -0.20092773, -0.9951172, -0.67089844, -0.4025879, 2.4375, -0.95947266, 0.11071777, -1.0009766, -0.38134766, -0.5517578, 0.05026245, -0.3959961, 1.78125, -0.8803711, 0.7998047, 0.23242188, 1.7255859, -0.5810547, -0.65625, 0.36254883, -0.18371582, 2.4472656, -0.056915283, 0.3125, -1.7509766, -2.1425781, -0.95458984, -0.5229492, -0.48120117, -1.1083984, 1.5517578, -0.30541992, -0.9716797, 0.85009766, 2.15625, 0.7416992, -0.6220703, -1.0283203, 0.6430664, 2.4492188, -0.07409668, 0.66015625, -0.68066406, -1.9824219, 2.078125, -1.5644531, 0.06707764, 0.6611328, -0.6557617, 3.5410156, -2.0058594, -0.70214844, -0.8486328, -0.5185547, -0.99853516, 1.71875, -0.6484375, 2.4121094, 1.6240234, -1.5019531, 0.97314453, -0.40112305, 1.875, -1.6474609, 0.62158203, -0.34423828, 1.8574219, 3.140625, -0.6201172, 1.3369141, 1.0556641, -0.93847656, -0.35180664, 2.6523438, 0.45361328, 1.8222656, -1.1962891, -1.5488281, -1.2597656, 0.01953125, 0.15356445, 0.13720703, 0.69140625, -0.2878418, -1.4228516, 0.81884766, -1.5068359, 1.9140625, -0.13354492, -0.65625, -1.5185547, 0.99609375, -2.0351562, -0.5864258, 0.90478516, -1.0351562, 2.0429688, -0.73876953, 0.25952148, -0.8178711, 1.8886719, 0.4741211, 0.2097168, 1.1689453, 0.5913086, 2.4277344, -2.8417969, 0.24279785, 1.5839844, -0.54052734, 0.18969727, -1.0087891, 0.4519043, 0.45263672, -0.56103516, 2.0878906, 1.1318359, 0.22851562, -1.5654297, -2.0429688, 0.8466797, 1.3818359, 0.05340576, 1.2011719, 0.024978638, 0.39501953, -2.2636719, -1.1875, 0.2088623, -0.54833984, -1.4472656, 1.7011719, 0.40454102, 0.35351562, 0.95654297, -0.5493164, -3.6523438, 1.2802734, -1.2734375, -1.0878906, 0.98046875, 0.31323242, -1.8681641, -0.90722656, 2.3339844, 1.3095703, -0.08074951, -2.1796875, -1.3066406, 0.14367676, -1.5605469, 0.34814453, 1.1269531, -0.46044922, -0.43139648, 2.4628906, -2.2167969, -0.41870117, -0.4807129, -0.6645508, 1.171875, -0.50097656, -0.9682617, 0.7060547, -0.42529297]" Solo Leveling:Arise,com.netmarble.sololv,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.netmarble.sololv,action the brandnew hunter meilin fisher is here with a kitty friend and kitty aesthetic almighty shaman kargalgans shadow soldier form tusk can now be recruited join forces with this adventurous catgirl and magicwielding orc to tackle the new vulcan raid get a legendary artifact set sung jinwoos black suit costume just by playing the game the adaptation of the webtoon with billion views is playable now play solo levelingarise the actionpacked webtoon comes to life with amazing graphics play as jinwoo and experience every moment of his climb from the weakest hunter of all mankind to the world s strongest,"[4.0273438, -0.9580078, 0.058013916, -1.2578125, 1.2177734, -0.8383789, 1.0253906, -0.61035156, 2.3652344, 1.3154297, -0.13647461, 1.1367188, 0.91552734, 1.2207031, 0.016571045, -0.6352539, -0.5, -0.79003906, -0.47265625, -2.3554688, -1.7089844, 1.7138672, 0.87060547, -1.9013672, 0.65625, -2.6152344, 0.22290039, 0.1227417, 1.9560547, 1.5605469, -1.1679688, 0.25, 1.3818359, -1.6416016, -0.55859375, 0.1307373, 0.46875, -0.44970703, -1.5175781, -0.89697266, 1.9882812, 1.3867188, 0.013183594, 0.3935547, 1.2021484, -0.10498047, -2.3242188, -0.7841797, 0.71435547, 3.2636719, 0.7861328, 1.2861328, 1.0634766, -1.2978516, -0.8510742, 0.23046875, -1.0234375, -1.1484375, -0.25732422, -0.0018625259, -0.7446289, 3.359375, -0.5805664, -0.56640625, -0.55371094, -0.0023288727, 1.4667969, -1.0712891, 1.6513672, 1.7138672, 2.1679688, 1.6708984, -2.4257812, -0.094177246, -0.058532715, 0.3869629, -0.78808594, -1.8466797, 1.1435547, 0.07720947, -0.59716797, -0.20581055, -1.0517578, 0.00013136864, 0.4543457, 1.2773438, 0.4248047, -2.4121094, -2.7109375, 2.8613281, -1.3574219, -0.15209961, -1.1376953, 0.7290039, -1.2060547, 2.234375, 2.4433594, -1.0898438, -1.1308594, -1.6083984, 0.17810059, 0.053710938, 0.21813965, -1.046875, 2.1523438, 0.9682617, 0.57470703, -1.7236328, -0.40698242, 0.36328125, 0.12414551, -0.63720703, -1.8759766, 2.6875, -1.296875, -0.18054199, -0.8808594, -0.08905029, -0.90234375, -1.890625, -0.062561035, 1.3388672, -0.2631836, -0.22827148, 2.5664062, -0.18688965, -0.18896484, -0.28076172, -2.1660156, 2.4960938, -0.18640137, 0.13269043, -1.8642578, 1.9960938, 1.5703125, 0.58154297, 0.94677734, -0.95166016, 0.12133789, 0.82128906, 0.00995636, -0.6772461, 0.22058105, 2.1035156, -1.1601562, 0.27539062, -0.3330078, 1.3808594, -0.06542969, -0.7993164, 0.40014648, 0.40771484, 0.15197754, 2.5976562, 3.1191406, -0.13891602, 0.10998535, -1.2597656, -1.0673828, -0.19104004, 1.0976562, -1.4345703, -0.38891602, 1.484375, 2.1015625, 0.90283203, -1.8095703, 1.171875, -0.36206055, -0.78515625, 0.9350586, 0.107055664, 1.1464844, -0.28881836, 0.38061523, -0.41845703, -0.41137695, -1.7441406, -0.029830933, -1.6748047, -1.390625, -1.9267578, -1.1787109, 0.8652344, -0.3371582, 1.7685547, 0.030593872, -0.0012130737, 1.7060547, 0.14257812, -0.20483398, -2.7734375, -1.125, 0.2487793, -1.1669922, 1.5576172, 0.7685547, -0.3486328, 1.8828125, 0.24206543, -0.921875, 0.09265137, 1.4990234, 1.2695312, -1.7109375, -0.4248047, -0.2944336, -2.0898438, 0.00705719, 0.44726562, -1.2529297, -1.1347656, -0.013519287, -0.4074707, -1.0390625, 1.8876953, 0.8876953, 0.45239258, 1.8818359, 0.8823242, -0.24035645, -1.6132812, -0.2319336, 0.82666016, -1.4814453, 2.8789062, -0.54248047, 0.15454102, 0.44726562, 0.8203125, -0.6972656, -2.7402344, -2.9628906, -0.49951172, 1.2675781, -0.65771484, 0.82177734, 0.45898438, -0.27368164, 2.234375, 2.1953125, -1.0361328, 0.30737305, -0.6743164, 1.4003906, 0.3569336, 1.59375, 1.3349609, -0.51904297, -1.7177734]" LEGO? Hill Climb Adventures,com.fingersoft.legohillclimbadventures,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fingersoft.legohillclimbadventures,adventure set off on a grand adventure as you brave the hills in lego hill climb adventures a singleplayer exploration game where iconic lego worlds and hill climb racing collide select from a variety of hill climb racing and lego vehicles and climb the classic climb canyon hills using the familiar fun gameplay of hill climb racing this brand new game adds twists and extra depth to the beloved gameplay formula with the addition of exploration adventures and stories for you to discover where will your adventure take you features discover fun adventures and amazing stories meet unique lego hill climb,"[-1.0849609, -0.5283203, 1.8496094, 0.49145508, -3.1289062, -2.1015625, -1.3671875, -2.5625, -0.3996582, 1.6601562, 0.98339844, 1.5400391, -0.8647461, 0.7685547, 1.140625, 0.84277344, 0.45117188, -0.52685547, -1.0625, -0.5810547, 0.42895508, 2.0253906, 1.1728516, -0.3947754, -0.29882812, 0.6821289, -0.46875, -0.66796875, 2.9589844, -0.40600586, -2.0273438, 0.83496094, -1.1357422, 0.19006348, 1.2871094, -2.3554688, 0.66308594, 1.8046875, 0.35888672, -0.9453125, -0.12408447, 0.7705078, 1.7539062, -1.7412109, 0.06921387, 1.2324219, -1.1650391, 0.23461914, -1.8837891, 0.546875, -0.18652344, -1.8339844, 1.8691406, -0.7836914, -0.8198242, -2.5429688, -0.20483398, -0.86865234, -1.6757812, -2.3222656, 2.7324219, -0.19226074, 1.1259766, -0.7949219, 1.8994141, 0.41015625, -0.69433594, 2.6699219, 1.2197266, 0.83251953, 0.67041016, 1.1162109, 0.46240234, 0.17504883, 0.41308594, -2.1328125, -0.8222656, 0.70751953, -0.75341797, -1.2167969, -1.3076172, -0.55126953, -0.5385742, 2.6542969, -2.6171875, -0.7988281, 0.22058105, 0.3696289, -2.109375, 1.5546875, 0.081970215, -2.2207031, -0.6586914, 1.3974609, 0.20385742, -0.9868164, 1.0253906, -0.035827637, -1.4296875, -0.7841797, -2.4082031, -1.0390625, -0.5878906, 1.6142578, -0.21032715, -0.48583984, 0.23876953, -0.9165039, 0.65527344, -0.7807617, -0.41015625, 0.17053223, 1.6904297, 0.62060547, 0.83154297, 0.89160156, 0.5004883, 1.3535156, -0.3125, 1.7158203, -1.9667969, 1.2900391, 1.4228516, 1.4541016, 1.8203125, -2.2675781, -2.1015625, 0.095703125, -0.34814453, -0.08111572, 2.9628906, -0.033355713, 1.4609375, 1.7724609, 0.062469482, -2.3398438, -0.515625, -2.3671875, 0.39501953, -1.296875, -0.15014648, -2.1425781, 1.3447266, 0.41479492, -1.2236328, 0.24255371, -0.9316406, 1.3164062, 0.47729492, 0.65234375, -0.5234375, -0.3552246, 4.03125, -0.15625, 0.23937988, 0.58691406, -1.7900391, 0.074401855, 1.7919922, -0.65722656, 1.3476562, -0.27294922, -1.296875, 0.98291016, -2.5839844, -0.21887207, 2.1542969, -0.15563965, -0.21386719, -0.9042969, -1.3876953, -1.4326172, 0.75683594, 1.2626953, 0.51708984, -0.5522461, 0.58203125, -3.3144531, 0.77246094, -1.6445312, -0.796875, 0.6689453, -0.99072266, -0.31762695, 0.56689453, 0.63134766, 0.546875, -1.4541016, 1.3154297, 0.01235199, 0.9584961, 0.16479492, -0.73583984, 0.06274414, -0.6616211, 0.51904297, -0.70166016, 0.984375, -5.1054688, -1.4853516, -0.020355225, 1.0234375, -0.88183594, -3.015625, -2.1953125, 0.20812988, -1.3330078, -2.0429688, 3.0351562, -0.5571289, -0.7236328, -0.00349617, -1.4472656, 0.43530273, -1.0712891, -2.3945312, -0.2734375, 0.63134766, -1.7167969, -0.20092773, 1.3144531, -1.8466797, 0.28222656, 0.36206055, -1.4345703, 0.13452148, 0.5024414, -0.49780273, 0.3095703, -1.4599609, -0.9482422, 0.01071167, -2.1269531, 1.6171875, -0.6699219, 1.5830078, 1.7988281, 0.56933594, -1.2021484, 0.26464844, 3.0742188, 1.2421875, -0.06890869, 0.94873047, 0.2006836, 1.1933594, -0.3322754, -0.2788086, 2.0488281, -2.0976562]" Zombie.io - Potato Shooting,com.mrtgd.an.netfun,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mrtgd.an.netfun,action apocalyptic adventures available now epic heroes s equipment and many rewards await in the day server events join the game now to fight the zombie apocalypse and save the world immerse yourself in this delightful casual shooting mobile game in zombieio where you take on the role of an adorable potato protagonist the game unfolds in a world where extraterrestrial potatoes accidentally find themselves on earth forging an alliance with humans to combat the sudden zombie threat and save the world in the game you can assemble a team of heroes and lead them on a mission to eradicate zombies,"[4.2460938, -1.7470703, 3.578125, 0.6665039, -2.59375, -1.2021484, -0.36401367, -1.265625, 0.8515625, 0.3552246, -0.5864258, 0.4958496, 0.12072754, 1.5625, 1.5527344, -1.3955078, -0.35913086, 0.079833984, 0.1574707, -0.90966797, 0.82421875, -0.31445312, 0.7910156, -1.3027344, 0.51171875, -0.25317383, 0.09362793, 1.0488281, 1.0761719, -0.016159058, 0.051696777, 2.3613281, 0.6088867, -0.6591797, -0.9995117, 0.057006836, 0.47094727, 1.2431641, 0.17932129, -1.0458984, 1.2441406, 1.4990234, 0.3996582, 0.46240234, 0.62841797, -1.5322266, -0.3330078, -0.9370117, 0.7524414, 1.9238281, 0.83984375, -0.60302734, 0.13916016, -1.3740234, -1.2958984, -0.31567383, 0.5756836, 1.2021484, -0.9682617, -0.5463867, -0.07147217, 0.2322998, 0.33740234, 1.1669922, 1.125, -0.9511719, 0.7578125, 1.2304688, 2.1230469, 0.07385254, 0.2244873, -0.32055664, -2.4863281, -0.18811035, 2.734375, 1.0390625, -1.2685547, -0.12792969, 1.2851562, -1.7353516, -1.9160156, 1.0488281, -1.0693359, 1.4726562, -1.0058594, -1.2402344, -0.24938965, 1.1132812, -0.5180664, 1.2890625, 1.5263672, -1.4472656, -0.25195312, 1.0244141, -0.65722656, 0.2130127, 1.9189453, 1.8876953, 0.4885254, -2.03125, 0.8676758, 0.47070312, -2.5292969, -3.546875, -1.0917969, 1.0888672, 1.4277344, -0.91308594, -1.7851562, -0.9736328, 1.0195312, -1.4931641, -1.1318359, 2.4589844, -0.7783203, 0.08691406, -0.34057617, -0.53808594, -0.5126953, 1.296875, -0.24194336, -0.52001953, 0.3942871, 0.3269043, -0.04977417, 0.43676758, 0.46850586, -1.7958984, -1.8046875, 2.8183594, -2.2109375, 0.2142334, 1.1259766, -0.50927734, 3.890625, -1.0908203, 0.9628906, 0.8666992, -3.9257812, 1.8105469, -0.58740234, -0.53125, -0.28149414, -0.8330078, -1.4355469, 1.6083984, -0.39819336, 2.4980469, -1.2998047, 0.9472656, -1.2216797, 0.14233398, 1.2529297, 1.0791016, 0.97509766, 1.0458984, -1.4609375, -1.1337891, 1.1806641, 0.9453125, -1.2529297, -0.23095703, -0.21447754, -1.2021484, 1.9746094, 1.8291016, 0.60791016, -0.3857422, 0.3005371, -2.8574219, -0.06573486, -0.020858765, 1.1337891, -0.029647827, -0.56103516, -0.39990234, 0.04449463, -2.0507812, 1.0712891, 1.4589844, 0.49804688, -0.1463623, -0.15966797, 2.1933594, -1.5556641, 1.6191406, 1.7109375, 2.1015625, 0.32885742, 0.5708008, 2.2617188, -1.2353516, -0.06781006, 0.38598633, -1.3945312, 0.2553711, 0.09362793, -0.105407715, 3.8574219, 0.39916992, 0.7558594, 0.8051758, 0.7734375, -0.83691406, -1.3740234, 0.2915039, -0.3569336, -2.8496094, 1.1103516, 0.8330078, -0.3449707, -1.6611328, 1.0878906, -0.030792236, -1.921875, -0.31958008, 1.7753906, 0.5722656, 1.0986328, 0.61816406, -0.3425293, 0.24401855, 0.5371094, 0.7988281, -2.4453125, -1.0556641, -0.88671875, -0.7495117, 0.52490234, 0.25195312, -0.8930664, -0.45507812, -1.9609375, -0.3996582, 1.8691406, -3.3886719, 0.9941406, 1.1884766, -1.8066406, 1.6992188, 1.6152344, 0.5185547, 0.39746094, 0.2697754, -1.7890625, -0.6074219, -0.3935547, -3.2949219, 0.77197266, 2.2285156]" Rumble Club,com.lightfoxgames.punch,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lightfoxgames.punch,action first rule of rumble club tell everyone about rumble club fall into a physics based massive multiplayer battle join up to clumsy players in epic knockout madness and punch push throw and trick everyone else out of the arena fly in on captain punch s sky yacht get bopped into the arena find silly gadgets to battle with and survive the dropping floor and shrinking battlefield to be the last player standing are you ready to punch your way to victory and reach a win as an ultimate champion made to be fun tap to jab and throw knockedout players,"[0.093322754, 0.22644043, 0.375, -0.09588623, 0.2836914, -1.0244141, -0.6347656, -3.0957031, 0.40771484, -0.39770508, -1.2900391, 2.4394531, -0.40966797, -0.1328125, 2.2441406, -1.1142578, 0.07421875, 0.5942383, -0.5751953, 1.9238281, 2.2558594, 2.5195312, 1.6240234, -2.2070312, 0.4267578, -1.7490234, -0.63964844, -1.078125, -1.7597656, 1.1816406, -2.8730469, 1.3251953, -1.625, 0.9584961, -0.78515625, -5.5898438, 1.7275391, -0.6513672, 1.5136719, -0.38989258, 1.8818359, -0.23950195, -0.8486328, -0.3930664, 1.6884766, 0.49438477, 0.39941406, 0.39819336, -0.765625, -0.051696777, 1.8857422, -1.9541016, 1.7695312, 0.60302734, -1.9072266, -0.4572754, 1.8027344, 1.7001953, -0.15002441, 0.20507812, 0.46313477, 0.73095703, -1.9404297, 0.19580078, -0.9794922, -2.4492188, -0.11053467, -1.0078125, 2.0410156, 2.1699219, 0.9785156, -0.8754883, -0.796875, 0.5673828, -0.113586426, -0.72509766, 0.6064453, -0.1027832, -1.0761719, -2.1816406, 0.46142578, -0.5644531, 1.7578125, 1.3642578, -1.7695312, 0.64208984, 0.24865723, -0.6796875, -0.83447266, -0.5078125, -1.9277344, -0.25561523, 0.5839844, -1.1376953, -1.0371094, -0.21813965, -0.54541016, 1.9892578, 0.39038086, -1.5322266, 1.2070312, -0.11743164, -0.07989502, -0.13830566, 0.07092285, -0.14038086, 1.1523438, -0.84472656, -2.3632812, -1.6210938, -0.0904541, -2.1503906, 0.5444336, 0.20446777, -2.3417969, 0.027435303, 1.5996094, -0.17980957, 2.6894531, 0.37548828, 1.8095703, -1.0703125, 0.5673828, 2.1035156, 0.5175781, -1.4570312, -1.2119141, 0.79541016, -2.2773438, 0.86816406, 0.8857422, -0.18103027, -0.2919922, 0.86328125, 3.1542969, 0.9711914, 1.6064453, -0.024551392, 0.5449219, -0.6254883, 2.2597656, -1.1933594, 0.75, 1.3222656, 0.78027344, -0.34765625, -0.77783203, 1.4951172, -0.8613281, -0.34570312, -0.4699707, 0.38549805, 2.8144531, -0.2705078, 4.1484375, 1.7324219, -0.54296875, -1.1474609, -0.67626953, -0.26733398, -0.38842773, -0.076416016, 1.2900391, 0.68066406, 1.5810547, -0.70751953, 0.42382812, 1.671875, 0.6542969, 0.0713501, -0.025482178, 0.23583984, 0.3413086, 0.057647705, -0.27612305, -1.8886719, 0.11151123, -0.37158203, 0.46923828, 0.8564453, 0.53808594, 1.1123047, 0.08441162, 1.3623047, -1.0175781, 1.4052734, -0.97558594, 0.9550781, 1.2568359, -0.62841797, -0.66015625, -1.5302734, -1.0380859, -0.6958008, 0.5722656, -0.5439453, -2.3183594, -0.22521973, 1.3193359, 1.8710938, -0.90722656, 2.015625, 1.3466797, -2.8085938, 0.1763916, 0.5966797, 0.24316406, 0.59472656, 0.39672852, 0.9921875, 1.0371094, -2.1347656, -0.17858887, 0.16223145, 1.5019531, 2.6328125, -0.6870117, 2.2070312, 2.3671875, -1.15625, 1.1464844, -0.9394531, 0.8833008, -1.5585938, -0.9941406, 0.118774414, -0.33325195, -0.21032715, -0.82470703, 2.4863281, -0.24560547, 0.35766602, -1.7333984, -1.5595703, 1.7919922, -0.090270996, 1.5439453, 1.2158203, -0.69091797, 1.8652344, 1.0361328, -0.59472656, 0.13439941, 1.5527344, 0.072387695, -0.68359375, -3.1660156, -0.52246094, 1.6855469, 0.5048828]" Horse Racing Hero: Riding Game,com.miniclip.horsey,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.miniclip.horsey,racing get ready to experience the thrill of the horse racing world with horse racing hero mobile game with its stunning graphics and realistic animations youll feel like youre truly riding these majestic creatures immerse yourself in the life of a jockey and ride horses to victory in this game youll have the opportunity to own and manage your very own stable of horses youll be responsible for their care training and development as you work to build a winning team of equine athletes youll have the chance to own unique and rare horses and unlock new ones on a daily,"[2.6660156, 0.1149292, 1.4716797, 0.41723633, 1.7333984, 0.54785156, -1.2890625, -0.3798828, -0.097717285, -0.50341797, 1.0449219, 2.1269531, -1.1708984, 2.3496094, 2.1523438, -0.31835938, 0.85546875, 0.8847656, -1.8525391, -0.17285156, 2.5117188, 1.0, 1.3808594, 0.57714844, -1.1289062, -0.3713379, 0.5019531, -2.2851562, 0.80566406, 0.9448242, -1.5615234, 0.75634766, -1.140625, -0.8022461, 0.9736328, -1.8027344, -0.25024414, -0.037750244, 0.99902344, -0.76464844, 1.7207031, 0.45385742, -0.6899414, -1.4853516, 1.3798828, 0.09661865, -1.1494141, -1.1162109, 0.38916016, 1.296875, -0.3762207, -1.9355469, -0.0012054443, -1.8134766, -1.7568359, -2.1933594, -3.1386719, -0.3540039, 1.2763672, 1.640625, -0.17358398, 1.8085938, 0.016418457, -1.7216797, -0.11682129, -1.2207031, 1.3066406, -0.96777344, 1.7177734, 2.6445312, 1.3173828, 0.69873047, -1.4736328, -0.060058594, 3.1503906, -0.3876953, 0.30444336, 0.39111328, 0.45214844, -1.3691406, 0.17260742, 1.3779297, -2.4257812, 2.6367188, -0.5839844, -0.90771484, 1.1171875, 0.41064453, -1.4863281, 2.4023438, 1.2226562, -2.6503906, -2.4960938, -0.8984375, -0.78759766, -0.26000977, 1.2714844, 0.47583008, -0.7783203, -4.4335938, -0.73535156, 0.06500244, 0.2709961, -3.6816406, 0.35473633, 1.8515625, 2.9667969, -0.18566895, -0.9326172, -1.6396484, -0.2890625, 0.29418945, -0.8701172, -0.6357422, 0.62939453, 0.056518555, -0.1529541, -0.8408203, 0.07336426, 0.8833008, 0.92285156, -0.78759766, -0.15698242, 0.7270508, 0.78759766, -1.0966797, 0.38427734, -1.6904297, -0.4116211, 0.35717773, 0.45141602, 0.14013672, 2.5703125, 1.0351562, 2.3535156, 0.59277344, -0.5541992, -0.71435547, -0.9550781, 2.2734375, 0.3996582, 0.07550049, 1.4785156, 2.0976562, -1.4980469, -0.0014381409, -1.3369141, 1.0761719, 0.9404297, -0.87402344, -3.5429688, 1.25, 4.9921875, 0.21960449, 1.46875, 0.9291992, 2.09375, 0.003545761, 1.4130859, -0.64990234, 0.828125, 0.099121094, -0.45361328, 0.33203125, 0.64208984, -0.81396484, 0.103515625, 1.3134766, -0.58203125, -0.58154297, -0.13928223, -0.63916016, 1.0947266, 0.8496094, 1.5273438, 1.0039062, -1.1835938, -1.125, 0.04650879, -0.4243164, 0.44311523, 0.19006348, -0.2084961, 1.3408203, -1.3144531, 0.7636719, -0.6279297, 0.4753418, 2.9511719, 0.9951172, -0.8198242, -1.5292969, -0.064208984, -0.20605469, -1.8574219, -0.9667969, 0.6777344, 0.33691406, 1.3945312, 0.66796875, 2.4941406, 0.122680664, 1.0751953, -2.1855469, -1.9638672, -0.55615234, -0.50634766, -0.53808594, -0.75878906, -0.74658203, -0.9326172, 1.1767578, -1.0146484, -0.45629883, 1.8037109, -3.5839844, 1.859375, 1.6318359, -0.4814453, -0.51464844, -2.1054688, -0.94091797, 0.5986328, -0.8847656, -2.0546875, 0.6298828, 0.70654297, -0.35473633, -1.1279297, 0.4296875, -1.1591797, 0.18920898, -0.14611816, -0.22692871, -0.066467285, 1.5878906, 1.6865234, -1.6279297, -0.26049805, 0.31762695, 2.6035156, -1.296875, -1.9287109, 0.09326172, -0.56689453, 0.24072266, 0.37280273, 0.43920898, 0.8222656, -1.1914062]" Villains: Robot BattleRoyale,com.birdletter.villains.android,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.birdletter.villains.android,action villains x robots moba x battle royale there are no set rules choose your favorite villains and robots to enjoy hundreds of styles we have combined the essence of the popular genres moba and battle royale to make it simple and fun game story on the prison planet prisoners battle to become the ultimate villain game features realtime gameplay with players worldwide easy and fun rules that you can learn in just one game fastpaced battles that always end within minutes famous villains and monsters with unique skills powerful and stylish robots with various roles duo mode for enjoying the,"[3.1152344, -1.6425781, 3.5273438, -0.30151367, -1.1054688, -1.4033203, 0.90478516, -1.0253906, 0.29077148, 2.1992188, -1.1464844, 1.9541016, -0.3449707, 0.8652344, 1.734375, -1.6230469, 2.0039062, 1.3554688, -0.35424805, -0.5708008, 0.68115234, 1.5410156, 1.1289062, -3.6171875, 1.6171875, -1.2988281, -0.86328125, -1.0078125, 1.7558594, -0.6904297, -2.5917969, 0.4194336, -0.4638672, -1.109375, -1.1298828, -0.2705078, 1.6328125, -0.58251953, -0.3708496, 0.059783936, 0.91064453, 1.1845703, 0.76464844, -0.35742188, 0.5366211, -0.048858643, -2.1582031, -0.22033691, -0.16027832, 0.48657227, 2.859375, -1.2148438, 0.83935547, -0.8515625, -2.0039062, 0.32714844, 2.5019531, 0.18078613, -1.9570312, -1.3984375, 0.92871094, 0.021057129, -1.6503906, 1.2568359, -0.35961914, -0.95751953, 1.1152344, 0.15539551, 2.4082031, 1.9746094, -0.46020508, -0.23095703, -0.5703125, 0.24377441, 0.96240234, 0.37841797, -1.3505859, 0.9458008, -0.07751465, -1.8222656, -2.546875, 0.5620117, 0.53515625, 0.1776123, -0.93066406, -0.6713867, -1.7314453, -0.20007324, -0.28857422, 0.7392578, -0.74902344, -1.0859375, 0.7319336, 1.7119141, 0.921875, -0.28442383, 0.15991211, 0.39770508, -1.4648438, 0.11743164, 0.6171875, 0.3869629, -0.96972656, -3.1269531, -1.8291016, -0.5986328, -0.35327148, -1.6738281, -0.9453125, -2.8769531, -0.50878906, 0.08544922, -2.7421875, 0.6230469, -0.5307617, -0.06488037, -2.7402344, -1.3857422, -0.20593262, 0.86621094, 1.6787109, -1.5966797, -0.890625, -0.7998047, 2.9257812, -1.1298828, -0.6645508, -0.5214844, -2.3007812, 1.4580078, -0.05130005, -0.32470703, 0.6816406, 1.5371094, 1.1796875, -0.93359375, -1.0019531, 0.4416504, 0.33740234, -3.2753906, 1.3349609, 0.08532715, -1.078125, 3.0703125, -1.4414062, 0.6767578, -2.0917969, -0.024353027, -1.5, 2.1953125, 0.9038086, 0.24169922, 5.3164062, 1.1123047, 4.46875, 0.60791016, -0.67822266, -1.7041016, 2.6894531, 2.1171875, 0.48461914, -1.8857422, -0.31860352, -1.0107422, 2.6035156, -0.6611328, -0.63183594, 1.4873047, -0.105163574, 0.016677856, 0.54833984, 0.85498047, 0.07952881, 0.22521973, -0.09576416, -0.70166016, 1.0380859, -2.0273438, -0.59716797, -0.35888672, -1.7480469, 0.17321777, -1.1748047, 0.21972656, 0.12243652, 4.0625, 0.7524414, 0.02784729, 0.8745117, -0.31298828, 1.4804688, -2.53125, -0.91845703, 0.23034668, -0.7138672, 0.73779297, -0.16027832, -0.65966797, -1.5849609, -0.34692383, -1.7597656, 0.5913086, -0.30249023, -0.9394531, -1.234375, 1.3574219, 1.6015625, -2.8535156, 1.0097656, -0.005657196, 0.7270508, -1.7714844, -0.31933594, -0.9848633, -1.0185547, 0.46118164, 0.87890625, 1.0029297, 0.69628906, -1.2382812, 0.36157227, -1.9931641, 1.0605469, -1.046875, -0.92871094, 0.7626953, 0.17260742, -0.23059082, -0.41015625, 1.2666016, -0.27539062, -1.625, -0.19189453, -2.0058594, -1.1318359, 5.1679688, 1.2128906, 1.1601562, -1.3232422, 1.0351562, 2.4453125, -0.79541016, 0.15686035, 1.5830078, 0.23071289, 0.8383789, -0.20336914, 0.3972168, 0.8642578, 2.2851562]" The Legend of Tartar,com.byabyak.Tartar,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.byabyak.Tartar,adventure dangerous monsters have appeared in tartars dreams please help tartar stay undisturbed in its sweet sleep our adventure will become another legend key features tactical autobattles no realtime controls collect your own unique equipment complete the most powerful skillmastery combinations conquer bosses with various concepts discord httpsdiscordggnpwyht,"[2.8671875, -0.3239746, 2.6679688, -0.99609375, 1.5771484, -1.6679688, -0.03866577, -0.49731445, -0.49291992, 1.6533203, 1.4130859, 1.1679688, -1.7685547, -0.09259033, 1.5976562, -0.67041016, -1.1425781, 1.3388672, 0.4140625, -1.3867188, 0.75, 1.609375, 2.0097656, -1.796875, 0.93115234, -0.11871338, -0.8671875, -0.96191406, 0.3623047, -0.14440918, -1.0009766, -0.078308105, -0.9628906, -1.9775391, -0.5800781, -2.6542969, 2.3085938, 0.03265381, 0.26904297, 0.29638672, 0.85839844, -0.96533203, 1.1152344, -0.51123047, 0.7084961, 1.5517578, 0.7416992, 0.42700195, 0.2956543, 2.9433594, -0.8173828, -0.72753906, 0.23925781, -1.2490234, -3.0390625, 0.27075195, -1.9892578, -2.3125, 0.28027344, 1.6308594, -0.26708984, 1.6914062, -2.1425781, -0.62841797, 0.4230957, -1.5722656, 1.3574219, 0.18981934, 0.80078125, -0.4140625, 1.6376953, 0.67871094, -1.6445312, 0.50878906, 2.3808594, -0.19702148, -2.5546875, -0.29174805, 2.5058594, -1.3857422, -0.17712402, -0.25830078, 0.99365234, -0.4399414, -0.59814453, -0.6435547, 0.74853516, -0.58740234, -2.5644531, 2.8769531, 0.40063477, 0.26123047, -0.44604492, 0.27954102, -1.6640625, 0.91259766, -0.048217773, -1.3144531, -0.6660156, -1.1035156, -1.2402344, 0.04574585, 0.21813965, -1.2138672, -1.0791016, 0.6953125, 1.5947266, -2.0566406, -0.3095703, -1.4287109, -0.7192383, -0.03881836, -3.6875, 2.4707031, -0.4140625, -0.080200195, -0.75, -0.09564209, -0.5703125, 0.7392578, -1.53125, -0.2479248, -1.1220703, 0.17236328, 3.3535156, 1.3037109, -0.86816406, 0.21838379, -1.4482422, 0.8178711, -0.17651367, -0.6323242, 0.06842041, -0.30444336, 2.7207031, 0.5073242, 1.2119141, 0.15393066, -0.7050781, 0.6777344, -1.2919922, 0.82421875, -0.53808594, 0.90771484, -2.78125, -0.03665161, 1.1152344, 0.68652344, -0.09777832, 0.0031490326, -1.328125, 1.8876953, 0.20373535, 2.6464844, 2.5761719, 1.9697266, -0.3857422, -1.9980469, -1.7900391, 1.5761719, 1.9716797, -0.82177734, -2.2675781, 0.4765625, 0.5678711, 0.8120117, -1.0820312, 3.25, -0.2680664, -1.5283203, -1.203125, -1.1367188, 2.1875, -0.48095703, -2.2539062, -0.9135742, 1.1728516, -2.4179688, 0.07397461, -0.765625, -1.6162109, -1.9941406, -1.3339844, 2.5527344, 0.28759766, 1.7333984, -0.2064209, -0.72802734, 1.7392578, -0.047454834, -1.2158203, -1.5058594, 1.6513672, 0.44604492, -1.1132812, 0.18762207, -0.4790039, -0.9785156, 1.46875, 0.6660156, 0.033813477, 2.0566406, 0.55810547, -0.35424805, -1.4248047, 0.23132324, -0.31860352, -0.09667969, -0.29711914, -0.4934082, -0.045288086, -1.5732422, 0.4892578, -1.2099609, -1.9814453, 1.4160156, -0.42016602, 0.70751953, 1.2949219, 1.1884766, 0.7338867, -0.38598633, 0.47998047, -0.013702393, -0.31201172, -0.8852539, 0.6738281, -0.17944336, -1.8603516, 0.6743164, -1.2587891, -1.0996094, 0.029052734, 1.0947266, -1.453125, -0.6660156, 0.31030273, 1.0400391, -2.328125, 3.015625, 2.1484375, -0.8588867, -1.6601562, -0.26635742, -0.23083496, 1.3447266, -0.6152344, 0.49731445, 0.7753906, 2.0546875]" Mech vs Aliens: War Robots RPG,com.RightSoftLabs.MvAB,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.RightSoftLabs.MvAB,action join our gamers community on discord for exclusive content tips and to connect with other mech commanders click the link to join the robot shooting game httpsdiscordgggjquktp step into the thrilling world of mech vs aliens robots rpg its an exciting shooter game featuring war robots in the battle arena collect your unique mechs and crush the enemy in engaging pvp gameplay become the commander of a force comprising more than different robots and gunbound pilots utilize an extensive arsenal of weapons to create countless gameplay strategies in this multiplayer war shooter game construct your war machine base level up,"[3.2285156, -1.5244141, 2.2324219, -0.9550781, -0.5644531, -0.4477539, -0.039031982, -1.0498047, 1.1513672, 1.8017578, -0.015945435, 0.6298828, 0.042907715, 0.5263672, 1.2753906, -0.8544922, 2.5292969, 0.6142578, 0.07714844, -1.1152344, 1.3984375, 0.81689453, 3.4863281, -0.7836914, 2.375, -3.1054688, 0.042053223, -1.265625, 1.7050781, 0.8574219, -1.5761719, 0.61865234, 0.4621582, -1.4042969, 1.1503906, 1.8144531, 0.33325195, -0.05593872, 1.7519531, -0.8496094, 0.5683594, 0.6821289, -1.4726562, -0.0814209, 1.7783203, -0.80078125, 0.2919922, -0.5600586, 0.0021095276, 1.9882812, 0.7392578, -1.3525391, 1.1660156, -1.4248047, -0.48706055, -2.0917969, -1.2050781, -0.103271484, -1.2353516, 0.1772461, -0.08001709, 1.3134766, 0.37719727, -1.4697266, 0.28857422, -0.9604492, 0.6713867, -0.52490234, 1.8076172, 0.74316406, -0.39453125, -0.61816406, -1.3144531, 0.38208008, 0.90527344, 0.10095215, -3.0957031, -1.1591797, -0.47460938, -3.1113281, -2.0390625, 0.9165039, -0.0357666, 0.39453125, -0.6958008, 0.123535156, 0.38549805, -1.4707031, 1.3857422, 0.027511597, 0.08862305, -1.203125, -0.53222656, 1.2333984, -2.6855469, -1.4345703, -0.50097656, 0.017166138, -0.011077881, -0.36865234, -2.078125, 0.84521484, -1.3671875, -1.7236328, -0.22351074, 0.96728516, -0.3486328, -0.8901367, -2.6113281, -2.3066406, -1.6845703, -1.3837891, -0.20727539, 2.2421875, 0.07043457, 0.7182617, -1.1289062, -1.7851562, 1.2792969, 1.0166016, -0.2763672, 0.33129883, -1.0878906, -0.70703125, 1.9277344, -0.30737305, -0.98583984, -0.12780762, -1.7861328, 0.6972656, 1.4052734, -0.7324219, -0.5649414, 0.70703125, 1.2451172, -0.0925293, -1.4980469, -0.37817383, -1.2226562, -0.51953125, 1.0322266, 1.1748047, -0.7211914, 0.57421875, -1.4570312, 0.15917969, 0.85595703, 0.15979004, -1.4375, -0.4621582, 0.48779297, -0.39453125, 2.4609375, -1.2597656, 1.5087891, 1.3652344, -0.6425781, -2.8222656, 1.7539062, 0.05496216, 1.5761719, -2.7792969, 0.7631836, -2.7539062, 2.2070312, -0.5136719, 0.03086853, 1.5410156, -0.95410156, -2.7207031, -1.2001953, 1.4492188, 1.3496094, 2.3789062, -0.23474121, -0.6508789, 0.9633789, -2.0117188, 2.2929688, 0.056549072, -1.1972656, -1.0488281, -0.8076172, 1.6025391, -0.0057678223, 0.3540039, -0.17016602, -0.6772461, 1.7802734, -1.4042969, 1.2958984, -0.7270508, -1.0966797, 0.89990234, 0.2454834, -0.034698486, -1.5908203, 0.96972656, -0.35546875, 0.7133789, -0.8613281, 0.7548828, 1.671875, 0.20263672, -1.1464844, 1.8037109, 2.0820312, -0.49804688, -1.1601562, -0.52734375, 1.8896484, -2.0644531, 0.1262207, -1.640625, 0.64501953, 1.7724609, 0.3786621, 0.48120117, 2.1152344, -1.0878906, -0.22473145, -1.3613281, 0.5239258, -0.4802246, 0.86376953, 0.91796875, -1.1650391, 0.074523926, -0.26513672, 0.61035156, -2.5976562, -0.24536133, 1.0664062, -0.5336914, 0.23059082, 0.5151367, 0.7241211, 0.2055664, -1.2382812, 0.7104492, 1.0888672, -0.8676758, -1.0625, -0.44970703, -0.96777344, 1.3095703, -0.9589844, -0.3388672, -0.5678711, 2.2578125]" Door Kickers,com.khg.doorkickers,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.khg.doorkickers,strategy the unforgiving awardwinning swat tactics and strategy game rockpapershotgun s bestest best tactics game award door kickers is a game about cops kicking down doors and these doors are a lot of fun to kick down it is also very hard and i love it for that pc gamer it evokes lot of the more demanding thrills that modern games have left behind the grit and the hard won satisfaction of overcoming intimidating challenges or the experimental fun of spending hours tinkering with all the different ways you can play through a big openended level i had a blast inching,"[3.7441406, -1.3427734, 0.13024902, 0.45239258, 0.025100708, -2.0878906, -0.20983887, 0.35180664, -0.75, -0.035827637, -1.8662109, 2.6308594, -0.26391602, 0.44726562, 2.2675781, -1.0195312, 2.0976562, 0.92089844, 0.34399414, -1.0683594, -0.4807129, 1.1953125, 0.34716797, -0.75927734, 2.125, -0.84228516, 1.3769531, 0.18041992, -0.40942383, -0.13476562, -2.9160156, -1.3046875, -1.1523438, 0.7290039, -0.703125, -4.0585938, 0.703125, 1.0195312, -0.5136719, -1.5273438, -0.11303711, 1.3730469, -0.5058594, -1.0097656, -0.5229492, 0.061706543, 0.49414062, 1.59375, -1.0830078, -0.703125, 4.1015625, -1.0820312, -0.2866211, 1.1445312, -0.016845703, -0.052703857, -1.7646484, -0.19543457, -0.024963379, -0.59033203, 1.2197266, 0.7807617, -0.3244629, -1.5488281, -1.5371094, 0.71728516, 0.51953125, -1.3408203, 2.0058594, 0.31860352, 3.0917969, -0.8574219, -0.9433594, -1.0273438, 1.6474609, 0.8588867, 0.46533203, 0.78759766, 0.7890625, -1.4023438, -1.4658203, 0.1850586, -0.7397461, 0.28515625, 0.5463867, 0.75341797, 1.0673828, -1.359375, 1.6132812, 1.640625, -0.75097656, -1.3955078, 1.6259766, 0.8017578, -0.80810547, 0.6796875, -0.17407227, 0.59033203, -1.3408203, 1.0429688, 0.13635254, 0.80908203, -0.40673828, -0.8178711, -1.2910156, 0.6879883, 0.48510742, 0.56933594, -0.14331055, -0.052093506, 0.4675293, -2.4375, -3.8085938, 0.9189453, -0.71728516, 0.609375, -1.1572266, -0.74658203, -0.41210938, 0.26513672, 1.1630859, -0.6308594, -0.0044021606, 0.8105469, 1.0273438, -1.5810547, -1.4072266, -1.1572266, -1.953125, 1.2128906, -2.8613281, -2.5507812, 1.0253906, 0.68408203, 3.0234375, -0.33911133, 0.71240234, 0.3725586, 0.022476196, -1.9550781, 1.4931641, 0.6567383, 1.8398438, -1.2597656, -0.5966797, -1.7119141, 0.54052734, -0.5605469, -0.35302734, -0.40429688, -0.91796875, -0.4399414, 0.9560547, -0.52783203, 2.609375, 1.1103516, 0.36083984, -2.171875, 2.1054688, 1.0761719, 0.45996094, -0.46875, -0.31713867, -0.75, 0.57714844, -2.4160156, 0.46435547, -1.4023438, 0.6645508, 0.7675781, -0.27514648, -1.3369141, -0.2956543, 0.8129883, 0.39257812, -2.1972656, 0.23828125, -1.0761719, 1.2470703, 0.7011719, -1.2763672, -0.47924805, -0.17810059, -1.0605469, -0.5527344, -0.9785156, -0.44384766, 1.1523438, 1.9228516, -0.054992676, 2.234375, -1.0634766, -1.0175781, 1.7568359, 0.8100586, 0.6557617, -1.3515625, 0.6586914, -1.9697266, -0.119018555, -0.04876709, 0.22595215, 0.1998291, -1.5888672, -2.6464844, 0.21496582, 2.5742188, 1.4960938, 0.31713867, 2.53125, -0.17468262, -0.71484375, 0.63427734, -1.4052734, -1.46875, 2.5097656, -2.1171875, 1.3603516, 1.1904297, 0.6225586, -0.5961914, 0.07086182, 1.6064453, -2.6621094, -2.4941406, 3.1054688, 1.7255859, 0.34692383, 0.7866211, 1.1015625, -1.6054688, -1.8173828, -0.66259766, -0.5175781, 1.5009766, -0.109680176, -0.1274414, 2.8574219, -1.7089844, 2.1210938, -0.44384766, 0.0049819946, 1.0263672, 0.27075195, -0.8388672, -1.3222656, 0.4572754, -1.2636719, -0.51123047, -1.0449219]" Extreme Car Driving Simulator,com.aim.racing,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aim.racing,racing extreme car driving simulator is the open world car simulator since thanks to its advanced real physics engine ever wanted to try a sports car simulator now you can drive drift and feel a racing sports car be a furious racer on a whole city for you no need to brake because of traffic or racing other rival vehicles so you can perform illegal stunt actions and run full speed without the police chasing you drifting fast and doing burnouts had never been so fun burn the asphalt of this open world city game features mini game checkpoint mode drive,"[-0.27685547, -0.29663086, 1.5117188, 2.7050781, -0.30664062, 1.6552734, 0.6982422, -0.5864258, -0.8774414, 2.8320312, 0.59033203, 0.86083984, -0.7636719, 0.8701172, 2.0605469, 1.1904297, 1.4824219, 2.3496094, -0.46020508, -0.27368164, 0.046173096, 0.20214844, 3.40625, -0.64453125, 0.33642578, -0.15454102, 0.7504883, -1.4453125, -1.8359375, 0.12988281, -1.7089844, -1.6699219, 1.6796875, -0.011184692, 1.0322266, -2.6132812, 1.0800781, 1.4716797, 0.22741699, -0.4416504, -0.29711914, 0.6879883, 0.6352539, -0.32763672, 1.3417969, -1.2626953, -0.40722656, -0.056671143, 0.16247559, 0.023986816, 0.28515625, -1.6835938, -2.5761719, -0.20605469, 0.95458984, -1.03125, 1.2490234, 1.7167969, 0.50097656, -0.09661865, 0.33666992, 1.1523438, 0.91748047, 0.48291016, -0.38012695, 0.36376953, 0.6894531, 0.43798828, -0.7758789, 1.4042969, -1.2783203, -0.04208374, -1.6347656, 0.57177734, 0.24768066, -0.5341797, -0.30908203, -1.7041016, -0.2980957, 0.08166504, -1.4316406, 0.17822266, -1.3652344, 2.7519531, -2.1171875, 1.015625, -0.70458984, -0.97509766, 0.11651611, 1.6533203, 1.1796875, -0.24365234, -0.3449707, -0.37402344, -0.10479736, -1.6708984, 1.2802734, 0.6894531, -0.38012695, -0.60253906, -1.1806641, -0.27026367, -0.14160156, 0.3564453, -2.546875, -0.92626953, 0.2927246, 1.4199219, -0.9736328, -0.11956787, 1.2861328, 1.5751953, -0.87158203, -0.79248047, -1.890625, 0.10723877, 0.58496094, -0.27026367, 0.7866211, -1.5839844, -0.28222656, -1.3681641, -1.0175781, -1.3505859, 0.9736328, -3.0566406, -2.53125, -2.4570312, -0.32666016, 0.9326172, -0.1340332, -1.3857422, -1.0703125, -0.28588867, 2.9121094, -2.4003906, 0.037841797, -0.57910156, -0.4711914, -3.1132812, 0.24047852, -1.3886719, 2.6113281, -1.3857422, -0.9941406, -0.8955078, -0.96533203, 1.0673828, 0.7319336, 0.04208374, -2.0761719, 0.11566162, 3.09375, 0.67578125, 1.1728516, 1.2382812, 0.29663086, -0.76123047, 0.7763672, -0.13476562, -0.4165039, -0.14782715, -1.4863281, -0.3791504, -0.7680664, -1.6005859, 1.7558594, -1.453125, -1.6435547, -1.6738281, 1.4091797, -1.7714844, 0.09863281, 1.7236328, 0.8173828, -1.2089844, 0.81152344, -2.1777344, -1.2275391, 1.1494141, -1.5400391, 0.82666016, -0.70654297, -0.8388672, -0.6772461, -0.059783936, -0.8300781, -1.7001953, 1.1396484, -1.2314453, 0.8383789, -0.8588867, 0.080200195, -0.19030762, -2.4199219, -0.28833008, -0.81933594, 0.28564453, -2.6855469, 0.1303711, 0.029464722, 1.8847656, 0.5620117, -2.8730469, -1.9023438, -0.32910156, 0.1262207, -0.75, 0.31640625, -1.1777344, 0.5083008, -0.7729492, 1.0371094, -1.4755859, -0.2902832, -0.044708252, -0.5463867, 2.4101562, 0.55566406, 0.73535156, -1.4169922, 0.30932617, 0.5942383, 1.0244141, -0.4633789, 1.1083984, -0.64501953, 1.8613281, 0.46533203, 1.6777344, -2.0898438, -1.4511719, 0.30786133, 1.0058594, 2.28125, -2.421875, 1.2539062, -0.01159668, -0.64404297, 1.4648438, 1.5947266, -0.117248535, 0.0016441345, 1.0458984, 0.6147461, 1.0302734, 0.5991211, -1.6201172, 1.4609375, -0.045074463]" State of Survival: Zombie War,com.kingsgroup.sos,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kingsgroup.sos,strategy welcome to state of survival in a zombie postapocalyptic world full of horror you must quickly escape the threat of infection and the shadow of death here your mission is to establish and command your own shelter join with mighty allies and together resist the threat of vile zombies it s up to you to deploy the right strategy to increase your power smash the zombies to pieces and launch a defense against waves of infiltration survival is your mission in this world of horror where you need to find ways in which you can escape your shelter is the,"[4.3671875, -1.5634766, 1.2832031, -1.1875, -1.2080078, -0.9736328, 0.41503906, -0.16430664, 0.27929688, -0.2109375, -0.055999756, 0.037994385, 0.5488281, 1.625, 0.09454346, -0.47558594, 0.23950195, -0.62158203, 0.18444824, -0.6196289, 1.0722656, -0.33007812, -0.85253906, -0.1171875, 2.15625, -1.0966797, 0.66015625, 0.38452148, 4.125, -2.1015625, -0.7578125, -0.13452148, -1.1347656, 1.1787109, -1.296875, -2.5703125, 0.033935547, -0.19274902, -0.31567383, -0.5175781, -1.0361328, 1.5341797, 2.1972656, -0.19458008, 0.3527832, -1.3857422, -1.8535156, -0.46972656, 0.7192383, 0.2310791, 0.7446289, -1.0751953, -0.1784668, -0.9975586, -0.28027344, 0.9663086, -4.2421875, -0.50683594, -0.77001953, -1.2363281, -0.9555664, 1.4931641, 1.1738281, -0.88378906, 1.4072266, -0.070739746, 0.9140625, 0.054718018, 2.4550781, -0.35742188, 0.6503906, 1.6875, -2.1816406, -0.24914551, 2.4179688, 0.22290039, -0.0791626, 0.82714844, 1.5214844, -0.26098633, -3.2050781, 2.0917969, -0.21533203, -0.95166016, -0.70410156, -0.5048828, 1.7158203, 1.3886719, -0.25317383, 0.8803711, 0.61376953, -1.8935547, -0.7080078, 0.8022461, -0.18444824, 2.9746094, -0.13903809, 1.8876953, -2.4804688, -0.96875, 1.0234375, -0.114990234, -0.013122559, -1.8359375, -0.81591797, 0.8227539, 0.13146973, -0.90527344, 0.5703125, -2.2460938, -0.56347656, -0.37817383, -1.6113281, 3.0449219, -0.1496582, 0.72509766, 0.9111328, 0.4555664, 0.7553711, 1.6113281, -0.37695312, -0.54345703, -0.6665039, 1.1669922, 1.4072266, -0.51220703, -0.11279297, -0.4362793, -2.9316406, 2.0097656, -0.4387207, -1.5019531, 2.5683594, 1.2490234, 2.6933594, -2.2890625, 0.027786255, 0.35986328, -0.9355469, -1.3642578, -1.3828125, -1.6484375, 0.5498047, -1.9443359, -0.89941406, -0.61083984, -1.1542969, -0.57177734, -2.7871094, 0.23156738, 1.6064453, 0.9238281, 2.953125, 1.5527344, 0.47753906, 1.5683594, -0.7236328, -1.6064453, -2.7988281, 0.4128418, -0.1328125, 0.6669922, 1.9306641, 2.7363281, 2.1054688, 0.9477539, 0.42944336, 1.1806641, -0.6767578, -1.8027344, -1.1494141, 1.0292969, 2.7714844, 1.2802734, -0.39111328, 0.5751953, 2.3339844, -0.12390137, -0.9667969, -0.33618164, 0.25268555, 0.4333496, -0.5136719, 0.5541992, -0.15539551, 0.23461914, 0.9296875, 1.2832031, 1.4794922, 0.3864746, 0.8544922, -1.7041016, 1.0410156, -0.5703125, -0.14648438, 1.8583984, 1.6044922, 2.0, 1.3632812, 0.049072266, -1.1699219, 0.69970703, 2.8730469, -1.8261719, -2.1269531, 0.85498047, 0.8959961, -1.8291016, 0.46899414, 0.5058594, -0.5800781, -1.5576172, 1.2578125, -0.23278809, -1.1865234, 2.6113281, 0.7705078, 1.1611328, 1.3964844, 1.3105469, 0.31274414, -2.4589844, 0.3803711, -1.7138672, 0.60009766, -2.4472656, 1.3544922, 1.4277344, 0.9008789, 0.6958008, -0.6274414, 0.3383789, -0.50683594, -0.9267578, 1.0888672, -4.1523438, 0.7236328, -0.25097656, -1.2421875, 2.0351562, 1.7089844, 0.43237305, 0.15100098, 1.2265625, -1.7236328, 0.40454102, -0.42626953, -1.8808594, 0.6191406, 0.48291016]" Bloons TD 6,com.ninjakiwi.bloonstd6,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ninjakiwi.bloonstd6,strategy craft your perfect defense from a combination of powerful monkey towers and awesome heroes then pop every last invading bloon over a decade of tower defense pedigree and regular massive updates makes bloons td a favorite game for millions of players enjoy endless hours of strategy gaming with bloons td huge content regular updates we release several updates every year with new characters features and gameplay boss events fearsome boss bloons will challenge even the strongest defenses odysseys battle through a series of maps connected by their theme rules and rewards contested territory join forces with other players and battle,"[1.140625, 0.62646484, 0.95410156, 0.47485352, -0.29003906, -1.2412109, -0.9892578, 0.9472656, 1.0664062, 1.5439453, 0.18786621, 0.83496094, -1.4785156, 0.7270508, 2.140625, -2.6464844, 0.41259766, 0.008087158, 0.8823242, -1.1757812, 1.3320312, -0.08557129, 0.90478516, -2.6914062, 0.7548828, -0.28930664, 0.75390625, -1.0458984, 1.4873047, 0.5517578, -1.8144531, -0.022857666, -0.6166992, 1.7382812, -0.70996094, -0.5102539, 1.6464844, -2.4472656, 3.8730469, -0.04727173, -0.08544922, 2.1503906, 0.91845703, -0.29956055, 1.0097656, 1.2207031, -1.5322266, 1.1289062, 1.7539062, -0.79052734, 1.4560547, -1.9355469, 0.91552734, 1.7441406, -1.1621094, -0.045043945, -2.2207031, 0.13012695, -1.1748047, -3.3632812, 0.5566406, 0.55859375, -0.19262695, -0.4777832, 0.14221191, -0.21789551, -0.12371826, 0.45043945, 0.8364258, -0.44628906, 2.2890625, -1.7001953, -1.4394531, 0.0040893555, 2.5566406, 0.20166016, 0.015823364, 0.4338379, -0.5024414, -0.8618164, -2.9453125, 0.17028809, -0.74902344, 2.0078125, 0.54003906, 0.27734375, 1.2373047, -1.0263672, 0.55566406, 2.8925781, 0.07043457, -0.65185547, -0.047546387, 0.22229004, -1.7490234, -0.36987305, 0.6459961, 0.7866211, -1.2539062, -0.8183594, 1.2285156, 1.8476562, -2.4882812, -0.93847656, -1.1894531, 0.5698242, 0.25024414, -0.7050781, -1.234375, -1.1640625, -1.9306641, -1.6162109, 0.18347168, 0.15722656, -0.22790527, 0.60839844, -1.0410156, -1.2021484, -0.7480469, 0.80859375, 1.5712891, 0.33911133, -0.7246094, 0.92822266, -0.095214844, -1.0517578, -1.8417969, -1.3408203, -1.3398438, 2.2890625, -0.07434082, -1.2939453, 1.7851562, 2.1757812, 3.8027344, -1.9677734, 0.48217773, -0.34814453, -1.1337891, -0.045166016, -0.3869629, 0.6010742, -0.013023376, 1.3574219, -0.7939453, 0.7915039, 0.6176758, 1.9296875, -0.6386719, 1.4765625, 0.22277832, -0.61572266, 0.98339844, 1.125, 3.4492188, 0.7841797, 1.2304688, -2.2382812, 1.1328125, 1.3681641, 0.29663086, -1.2978516, -1.1845703, 0.47851562, -0.89746094, -0.7753906, -0.9682617, -0.34545898, -0.2902832, -1.3447266, -1.3740234, 0.09741211, 2.0585938, -0.4350586, -0.9511719, -0.86035156, -0.3701172, -1.0771484, 1.9228516, 0.25878906, -1.4257812, -0.86865234, -0.19848633, -0.46606445, -0.80615234, 1.5722656, 1.3818359, 0.04360962, -0.4958496, 1.3964844, 1.4472656, -1.7568359, 0.57421875, 2.4941406, -1.4804688, 0.95166016, -2.4238281, 1.4111328, 0.95947266, -1.3623047, 0.0491333, 1.3339844, 1.1933594, -0.4350586, -0.90283203, 1.5771484, 0.58740234, 0.48754883, -0.64208984, 0.71240234, 0.92871094, -1.046875, -0.2758789, 0.26708984, -1.2509766, 0.17895508, -0.24182129, -0.14868164, -0.032440186, 0.54003906, -0.20471191, -1.890625, 1.7871094, -1.4101562, -0.6694336, 0.19677734, 1.265625, -0.46166992, -0.8071289, 1.4335938, -0.11694336, -1.015625, -1.3603516, -1.8291016, 1.0322266, 0.3215332, -1.1503906, -0.1081543, -1.4794922, 1.1396484, 1.4169922, -0.4091797, -0.44384766, 0.23132324, -0.095581055, -0.12805176, -0.6147461, 0.10284424, 1.6542969, 0.035369873]" Train Station 2: Rail Tycoon,com.pixelfederation.ts2,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pixelfederation.ts2,strategy welcome to train station railroad empire tycoon where all railway enthusiasts train collectors and tycoon game fans come together its your time to shine as a railway mogul embark on a thrilling train journey where youll not only place trains on tracks but also create and manage a sprawling global railway empire achieve tycoon status and immerse yourself in an engaging train simulator experience filled with surprises achievements and challenging contracts key features of train station railroad empire tycoon collect and own iconic trains dive into the history of rail transport and collect the most popular trains upgrade them to,"[1.2578125, 0.41796875, -0.18188477, 0.038391113, -1.2724609, -0.45532227, -1.1005859, -0.24169922, -0.44506836, 0.60058594, -0.014923096, 0.21313477, -2.40625, -0.22302246, 1.6845703, -0.06561279, 1.2216797, 1.1650391, -0.30908203, 0.15734863, 1.4726562, -0.25146484, 1.7294922, -1.0273438, 0.17529297, 0.2310791, -0.9848633, -2.3691406, 2.0878906, 1.7724609, -3.8828125, -1.9013672, -1.7626953, 2.8808594, -0.8876953, -1.4892578, 1.21875, -1.2216797, 1.0410156, 0.8935547, 0.29248047, 1.1582031, -0.79541016, 2.0273438, 2.3671875, 2.1953125, -0.85253906, 2.0839844, -0.1842041, 1.8447266, 4.515625, -1.9667969, -2.0839844, -2.0605469, 0.16479492, -1.3574219, -3.4628906, 1.4960938, 0.5883789, -1.6933594, 0.9760742, 1.6591797, 0.13012695, -2.2148438, -1.1279297, -1.8261719, 2.1386719, -2.9960938, 1.234375, 1.9384766, 3.1699219, -1.4072266, 0.18664551, 0.16357422, -0.3293457, -0.33544922, -1.4716797, 1.9023438, 0.03692627, -1.8867188, 0.002029419, 0.5620117, -0.14465332, 3.2070312, -1.6914062, -0.46362305, 0.11437988, 0.39746094, -0.18798828, 1.6425781, 0.15014648, -2.1894531, -1.4150391, -1.7353516, -0.34350586, 0.9838867, -0.01902771, 0.2310791, -1.5117188, -1.9658203, 0.33203125, 0.7324219, 0.57470703, -0.055358887, -4.8398438, 0.7290039, -0.23205566, 0.16027832, 1.1523438, -1.3642578, 0.85253906, -0.4650879, 0.5957031, 0.60302734, 0.9682617, 3.3203125, 0.9711914, 0.44555664, -1.0039062, 2.5351562, 0.64404297, -2.2636719, -0.2277832, 0.19494629, -0.8413086, -1.7539062, -2.7988281, -1.4921875, -1.8232422, 0.80810547, -1.7607422, -0.20532227, 2.5449219, 1.4892578, 0.6435547, -0.84521484, 0.44873047, -0.3959961, 1.5673828, 0.42529297, -1.5224609, 1.3222656, 2.1171875, -0.6010742, -0.6118164, -0.6352539, -1.2763672, -1.6142578, 0.43725586, 0.020568848, -2.609375, -0.90234375, 0.12207031, 1.3017578, 3.6367188, 1.0976562, 0.55322266, -2.0175781, 1.2988281, 1.8613281, 0.69970703, -1.0654297, -0.8823242, -0.5136719, -0.7080078, -0.8359375, 0.66503906, -0.50439453, -1.0966797, -1.8037109, -3.9707031, -0.77734375, -0.32885742, 0.69189453, 0.9003906, -0.09350586, 0.9042969, 0.81933594, 0.43554688, 0.12890625, -1.0410156, -0.15356445, 1.1230469, -0.046447754, -0.5864258, 0.27001953, 0.040161133, -1.9208984, -0.019180298, 0.0524292, 0.79296875, -1.2802734, 0.7998047, 2.5253906, 0.24487305, 0.46557617, 0.14379883, 0.15100098, -1.3300781, 0.38134766, 1.4912109, 1.4921875, -0.3996582, -1.2314453, -2.7871094, 0.52441406, 0.59814453, -0.36621094, 0.07989502, 1.5068359, -0.03527832, 1.3330078, -0.64941406, 0.30908203, 0.3881836, -0.75341797, 1.3046875, 1.3369141, 0.9140625, -0.3959961, -0.75878906, -0.2956543, 1.9794922, -1.4257812, 0.09625244, 0.6401367, 0.80810547, -0.31469727, -0.5966797, 2.4511719, -2.5410156, -0.017242432, -0.6875, -0.44433594, -0.37402344, -4.078125, 2.3828125, -0.60595703, -1.0009766, 0.4404297, 0.6557617, 0.5595703, -2.0898438, 2.3046875, -1.5126953, 1.1904297, -0.8046875, 1.0634766, 1.28125, -0.12207031]" Shop Titans: Crafting & Design,com.ripostegames.shopr,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ripostegames.shopr,simulation you are the new craftsman in town craft build and grow your own medieval shop into an epic fantasy empire personalize your shopkeeper design your store craft legendary items and sell them to heroes to bring back more loot team up with blacksmiths tailors priestesses carpenters and herbalists for crafting building and expanding your business start by showing off your medieval style and customizing your shopkeeper then dust off the accounting table learn how to craft design the layout of your store for optimal shopping and attract as many customers as possible manage your store well to become the top,"[3.40625, -1.2392578, 1.3798828, -0.02798462, -0.36450195, -0.5888672, -0.67578125, 0.83740234, -0.2998047, 1.6914062, 0.82177734, 2.3828125, -2.5859375, -1.6337891, 0.050933838, -0.15002441, 0.091552734, 0.8408203, -2.2070312, 0.10211182, 2.9980469, 1.6308594, -0.3317871, -1.5087891, -0.38256836, 0.5649414, 0.7504883, -2.5546875, 1.2861328, 1.4521484, -1.8261719, 0.7080078, -1.1806641, 0.8779297, -0.7573242, -0.79003906, 0.5522461, 1.3271484, 2.9511719, -0.056427002, -0.5839844, -1.3652344, 2.4238281, -1.53125, 1.0146484, 0.40063477, -1.8945312, -0.8300781, -0.32080078, -0.65527344, 2.8027344, -0.71777344, 0.6225586, -1.5800781, -0.37548828, -0.6254883, -3.1152344, -0.75390625, -0.70654297, -2.4101562, 0.98095703, 1.7548828, -1.7529297, -2.4785156, -0.50683594, -1.7421875, 1.3476562, 0.58740234, 2.1933594, 1.0527344, 2.7324219, -0.55566406, 0.019943237, 1.1386719, -0.5, 1.5400391, 1.6728516, -1.4365234, -0.1496582, -0.5830078, -0.39160156, 0.88916016, -1.8554688, 1.5947266, 0.0048294067, 0.03591919, 0.8125, 1.03125, -2.0507812, 1.9365234, 0.17370605, -1.9912109, -5.0585938, -1.9238281, -1.6923828, 1.0107422, 2.8378906, -1.2099609, -1.3007812, -4.1914062, -1.1660156, 0.75097656, -0.45581055, -0.8774414, -0.70947266, 3.3808594, 0.5239258, 0.13012695, -2.140625, -1.9667969, -0.11315918, -2.109375, 1.0722656, 0.47583008, 2.6699219, 0.50683594, 0.072509766, -0.62646484, -0.33691406, 0.95947266, 0.10241699, 0.14709473, -0.07446289, 1.5449219, -0.2529297, 0.04534912, -1.2314453, -1.8964844, -1.4335938, 2.2617188, -0.62060547, -1.9814453, 3.1894531, -0.32617188, 1.0849609, 1.0273438, 1.4492188, 0.41381836, -0.12402344, 0.7138672, 1.2148438, 0.58251953, 2.84375, 0.42944336, -2.2890625, 1.109375, -0.51416016, 0.1673584, -0.7319336, 0.09020996, -1.9033203, 1.1777344, 0.20593262, 2.3398438, 0.041900635, -0.48461914, 1.1728516, -0.8491211, 0.32617188, 2.59375, 1.2724609, -0.8486328, -0.6953125, -0.047424316, 2.7734375, -0.31103516, 2.1484375, 1.9169922, -0.39624023, -2.7011719, -3.1699219, -2.6015625, 0.5961914, 1.0595703, 1.0244141, 0.84521484, 1.4482422, 2.7265625, 1.6074219, -1.4941406, -0.98876953, 1.4990234, -0.9033203, -0.13574219, -0.47070312, 0.4206543, -0.87158203, -2.6328125, -0.29956055, 0.15222168, 0.22021484, 0.45629883, -0.29760742, 1.8964844, -0.5864258, 1.2910156, -0.05831909, 1.8798828, 3.4824219, -0.6953125, 0.88378906, -0.25390625, -0.35180664, -0.09887695, -2.9140625, 0.94433594, -1.5683594, -2.1933594, -1.2617188, 1.7314453, 0.47631836, -0.7792969, 0.020751953, 0.45996094, -0.6743164, -1.2050781, -0.5107422, 1.1679688, 1.3515625, 0.95654297, 0.2355957, -0.4946289, 1.3193359, -0.24023438, -0.9550781, 1.1513672, 0.7998047, -1.1445312, -1.34375, 0.96728516, -0.8027344, -1.4863281, -3.0800781, -2.0820312, 0.37939453, -4.4453125, 2.0253906, 0.22058105, -0.81933594, 0.70703125, 1.7753906, 0.33764648, -0.9135742, -0.3425293, -1.375, 1.3798828, -1.4052734, -0.43481445, 1.9404297, -3.109375]" Alto's Adventure,com.noodlecake.altosadventure,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noodlecake.altosadventure,action join alto and his friends as they embark on an endless snowboarding odyssey journey across the beautiful alpine hills of their native wilderness through neighbouring villages ancient woodlands and longabandoned ruins along the way youll rescue runaway llamas grind rooftops leap over terrifying chasms and outwit the mountain elders all while braving the ever changing elements and passage of time upon the mountain features fluid graceful and exhilarating physicsbased gameplay procedurally generated terrain based on realworld snowboarding fully dynamic lighting and weather effects including thunderstorms blizzards fog rainbows shooting stars and more easy to learn difficult to master one button,"[3.4023438, -1.7119141, 0.9301758, 0.58251953, 0.48876953, 0.39672852, 0.035369873, -0.6801758, 0.2915039, 2.890625, 1.4638672, 2.1699219, -0.016571045, 0.23986816, 1.5048828, -0.6508789, 0.74121094, -0.1595459, -0.9248047, -0.9291992, -0.010147095, 0.05783081, 2.65625, -1.6855469, 0.21655273, -0.14819336, -0.73291016, 0.03756714, -0.98046875, 0.4091797, -0.56640625, 2.4570312, 1.5029297, 1.3164062, 0.27368164, -4.4023438, 0.36376953, 1.3681641, -0.06781006, -0.9370117, 1.2763672, -0.009262085, -0.9770508, -1.6943359, -0.85253906, 1.2441406, 0.21020508, 0.9008789, 0.5131836, 1.5214844, -0.38256836, -0.90185547, -0.058776855, -0.4716797, -0.95996094, -1.2880859, 1.6669922, 0.2775879, -0.1809082, -0.58251953, 1.6494141, 1.828125, -0.5209961, -0.012748718, -0.16064453, -0.12536621, -0.7939453, 2.3847656, 0.63720703, -0.35791016, 2.0917969, 0.3564453, -0.35546875, 0.54541016, 0.75341797, -1.2871094, 0.22180176, -0.24804688, -1.1201172, -1.0644531, 1.2001953, -1.0917969, 1.9365234, 1.0585938, 0.20532227, -1.2587891, -1.9189453, -0.36547852, -1.2070312, 2.5703125, -1.4208984, -2.6601562, 0.3828125, 0.32495117, -0.52490234, -0.5708008, 0.8383789, 1.0810547, -1.6376953, 0.048675537, 0.02444458, -1.1230469, -0.04135132, -0.48217773, -0.22033691, 0.076293945, 1.3564453, -0.28710938, -1.9335938, -0.68896484, -0.74072266, -1.1513672, 1.4355469, 0.1307373, -0.57666016, 0.16467285, 0.44262695, -0.89404297, -0.46679688, 0.6767578, -0.86083984, 1.0634766, 1.3691406, -0.37231445, 2.4765625, -1.2578125, -0.38720703, -0.63916016, -1.6582031, 1.1806641, 2.1992188, 0.14379883, -1.2089844, 0.86376953, 3.6074219, -1.9648438, 1.8945312, -0.4753418, 0.8730469, -0.3869629, -0.765625, -1.5878906, 0.33422852, -1.0839844, 0.6411133, 0.7109375, -0.41967773, -0.25195312, 0.77197266, 1.7060547, -0.6147461, -1.0097656, -0.3239746, 1.9492188, 0.9472656, 0.9741211, -1.7509766, -0.54541016, -0.2553711, 0.8256836, -0.82666016, -1.3271484, -1.6699219, 1.7802734, -0.5859375, 0.117614746, 0.00093603134, 0.30664062, 0.6074219, -0.9682617, 0.5751953, -2.9375, 0.23913574, 1.2548828, 1.3447266, -0.056274414, -1.8398438, -2.5058594, 1.9082031, 1.2568359, -1.1318359, 1.1474609, 2.1113281, 1.0830078, -1.1367188, -0.0013227463, 1.6279297, 0.6826172, 2.0625, 0.43920898, 0.09893799, -1.2128906, -0.65771484, -0.23632812, -0.53759766, -0.58691406, -1.2207031, 0.4765625, 0.9169922, -0.5395508, 0.6386719, -0.9536133, 0.69140625, -2.8652344, -0.1583252, 2.5390625, -0.86816406, -3.2441406, 1.5449219, 0.20703125, -0.61279297, -1.3632812, 0.5996094, 0.068847656, -1.7363281, 0.63671875, 1.9765625, 1.0048828, 0.64941406, 0.015686035, 0.92285156, -3.8203125, 0.21069336, -0.085998535, -1.5693359, 1.2714844, 2.2832031, 0.42700195, -0.2529297, -1.5146484, -2.5097656, -1.8535156, -0.85058594, 0.071777344, 1.2480469, -0.84228516, 1.0517578, 1.8154297, -1.2900391, 0.91259766, 2.7636719, 0.39111328, -0.9819336, 0.7885742, -1.7080078, -0.49975586, -1.9902344, -0.14099121, 1.9541016, -3.4707031]" Summoners War,com.com2us.smon.normal.freefull.google.kr.android.common,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.smon.normal.freefull.google.kr.android.common,roleplaying an actionpacked fantasy rpg summoners war sky arena the best turn based rpg with over million summoners around the world jump into the sky arena a world under battle over the vital resource mana crystals summon over different types of monsters to compete for victory in the sky arena summoners war 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0.8984375, 0.030441284, 0.12670898, 0.22741699, 0.6245117, -1.5810547, -1.0888672, 0.18688965, -2.1835938, 1.1669922, -0.27734375, 1.9697266, -0.71435547, 0.9716797, -0.7402344, -0.57714844, 0.44506836, 2.4628906, -2.3867188, 1.0644531, -0.78125, -1.0615234, -1.2080078, -1.1181641, 0.20703125, 0.47753906, -0.23669434, -1.2373047, -0.7998047, 0.26660156, -0.43798828, -1.4121094, 1.9248047, 0.96728516, -2.3203125, -0.86816406, -0.92089844, -1.0878906, 0.97021484, 0.35595703, 0.29223633, -1.5673828, -2.8886719, -0.24279785, 0.59814453, -2.1113281, -2.9824219, -0.21813965, 1.2597656, 1.4960938, -1.1533203, -1.0283203, -2.2050781, -0.5083008, -0.6933594, -1.0957031, 1.2871094, -0.28515625, -0.8613281, -0.20471191, -0.77441406, 0.671875, 0.99560547, 0.49926758, -1.1630859, -0.71533203, -0.47924805, 1.2412109, 0.984375, -1.4414062, -0.73339844, -3.3710938, 2.9121094, -0.23852539, 0.14367676, -1.1074219, -0.38842773, 2.7441406, -0.17163086, -0.6064453, -1.4238281, 0.9458008, 3.6914062, -1.5888672, -0.62060547, 1.375, 1.5273438, -0.74365234, -0.7475586, -0.1274414, 0.3059082, -1.5517578, -0.8535156, 0.028945923, 1.3935547, 3.2109375, 1.3603516, 3.4824219, 1.6142578, -0.6196289, -1.4677734, 0.7475586, -0.75439453, 0.79589844, -1.0380859, -0.2454834, 2.3261719, 1.5449219, -1.3535156, -0.5996094, 1.2753906, -0.75927734, -1.5058594, -1.7089844, 0.9165039, 2.7558594, -0.09020996, -0.12780762, 0.61376953, -0.6503906, 0.94189453, 1.1611328, 1.3330078, 0.46166992, 0.27954102, -1.1025391, 1.9707031, -0.24438477, 0.97509766, -0.87402344, -1.3232422, 0.78466797, 1.4882812, -0.5004883, -1.1757812, 1.125, 1.5498047, -0.66308594, 0.7182617, -0.33129883, 1.0527344, 1.5087891, 0.32495117, 0.28735352, 0.5527344, 4.7617188, -0.7182617, -1.8330078, 1.3320312, -1.7685547, -0.29638672, 0.9316406, -1.0019531, 2.9414062, -1.7226562, 0.43286133, -0.5629883, -1.3662109, 0.65722656, -0.39746094, 0.3803711, 0.1418457, -0.4663086, -0.9716797, -0.8232422, 0.5410156, -0.62353516, -1.3544922, 2.5664062, 0.7939453, 1.1992188, -0.7949219, 2.1796875, -1.9101562, -0.6220703, -0.62158203, 1.0771484, 0.5371094, 0.6220703, 1.1923828, 0.5214844, 0.94677734, 0.6352539, 2.1367188, 0.066223145, 0.27514648, 1.1591797, -0.6616211, 1.2509766, -0.8540039, 0.17260742, 2.6015625, -0.9555664]" Dragon Mania Legends,com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftDOHM,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftDOHM,adventure welcome to dragolandia a secret island where hundreds of dragons live and many adventures keep happening do you have what it takes to become a dragon trainer experience a dragon fantasy city create a team of legendary dragons in a magic world breed and train them to master their powers in battles through different islands and worlds dragon mania legends is a dragon simulator game for the family build a dragon city merge and collect different dragon breeds and collect different dragon pets battle and clash against other monsters in this animal fantasy experience experience battles with fantastic animals dragon,"[0.5576172, -1.1611328, 1.9257812, 0.81689453, -0.5839844, 0.90771484, -0.6254883, 0.3503418, 1.1943359, 0.84033203, 0.44873047, -0.115112305, -0.796875, 0.08569336, -1.4804688, -1.5498047, -1.8759766, 1.4130859, -0.13916016, 0.7871094, 2.2675781, 0.13061523, 0.9038086, -2.40625, 0.20092773, 1.3476562, 0.021209717, -2.3164062, -0.07824707, 0.08630371, -1.3134766, -0.14489746, 0.5258789, 0.45629883, -0.80810547, 0.5776367, 0.4814453, 0.22021484, 1.9492188, -1.4775391, 0.76416016, 1.4501953, 1.1806641, -1.1162109, 3.1230469, 2.5507812, -1.5771484, -0.6713867, 2.3554688, 0.87060547, 1.0673828, 0.09100342, 3.0976562, -1.0849609, -3.1152344, -0.31420898, -1.5693359, 0.5390625, -0.3527832, -0.14697266, 0.77197266, 0.8823242, -0.14501953, -1.0244141, 0.1439209, -0.32177734, 1.0410156, 0.5527344, 1.953125, 0.6386719, 0.31835938, 0.29174805, -1.1806641, 2.2949219, 0.9941406, -0.99365234, -0.3642578, -0.61328125, -0.9472656, -0.6269531, -0.5024414, -1.0058594, -0.4428711, 2.0039062, -1.1376953, -0.46557617, 0.95410156, -0.3503418, -3.4160156, 1.2304688, -0.3630371, -0.9536133, -0.94921875, 0.765625, -1.1347656, 0.08728027, -0.076171875, -0.8457031, -1.4394531, -2.9746094, -0.33276367, 0.117126465, -1.0888672, -2.5839844, -0.89453125, -0.54589844, 0.33813477, -1.0605469, -3.1914062, -2.6621094, 0.7661133, -0.4248047, 0.7480469, 0.84277344, 0.71777344, -1.0126953, -1.5292969, 0.15600586, -0.89990234, -0.08721924, 0.35302734, -1.6259766, -0.11468506, -0.9423828, 1.359375, -1.5654297, -2.8027344, -0.98339844, -0.81591797, 0.7524414, -1.3378906, 0.11694336, 2.6386719, 0.8535156, 1.4111328, -1.1015625, 0.25024414, -2.2675781, 0.35205078, 0.28955078, 0.8959961, -0.5732422, 3.9550781, 0.66748047, -0.1517334, 1.4287109, -0.6323242, 1.4785156, -0.78271484, 1.140625, -1.7792969, 0.65185547, -0.38134766, 2.1425781, 3.3125, 1.2275391, -1.7099609, -2.2753906, 2.2851562, 2.296875, -0.18811035, -0.22277832, -0.8959961, 0.24597168, -0.024795532, 1.2900391, 0.8261719, 2.21875, 0.03074646, -1.4238281, -0.80126953, 0.9213867, 1.9833984, -1.2509766, 1.4345703, -1.2246094, -0.33642578, 0.36035156, 0.024871826, 0.31933594, 0.08453369, -0.14733887, 0.5131836, 0.984375, -0.28955078, 2.9804688, 0.8154297, -1.2890625, 1.5292969, -0.9926758, -0.087890625, -0.72314453, 0.9482422, 0.4375, -1.9492188, 0.32080078, 1.0751953, -0.36914062, 1.8652344, -0.5541992, 1.7128906, 0.90234375, 1.5576172, -0.35498047, -1.7080078, -0.22717285, -2.203125, -1.296875, -0.03567505, -0.4794922, 1.6181641, -1.2607422, 0.7207031, -1.3476562, -0.33569336, -1.5908203, 1.4785156, 1.1035156, 0.1295166, -1.5390625, -2.0878906, -1.4013672, 0.6328125, -1.1455078, -0.10595703, -0.19311523, 0.30517578, -2.5898438, 0.6347656, 1.6445312, -1.1308594, -1.4277344, -0.37402344, -0.6904297, -1.0146484, -0.4873047, -0.17712402, -0.017211914, -0.33129883, 1.0693359, 3.4550781, 1.0175781, 0.0014066696, 0.21765137, 1.5097656, 1.6240234, 0.31640625, 0.07312012, 1.8212891, -0.19848633]" Rise of Castles: Ice and Fire,com.im30.ROE.gp,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.im30.ROE.gp,strategy one world one server real time nation vs nation medieval strategy war game join now train your troops and go to war rise of castles is a massive multiplayer realtime strategy war game the player will take on the role of a leader in a small town devastated by the invasion of the eastern dynasty and the mysterious appearance of the legendary death harbingers who now has corrupted and have full control of the ancient powers of the dragons build your castle once again from the ruins train your troops tame dragons recruit legendary heroes and join your allies in,"[-0.56347656, -0.62109375, -0.59033203, 0.2956543, -1.4160156, -1.7080078, 0.4165039, -0.27246094, 1.1972656, 0.7314453, 0.68847656, 1.0439453, -2.8691406, 0.6201172, 0.5180664, -0.80371094, -2.5234375, 0.18322754, -1.953125, -1.1142578, 2.6035156, 1.6826172, 1.8925781, -0.6953125, 1.328125, -1.9707031, -1.0957031, -2.5703125, 2.0585938, -0.49047852, -0.8027344, 0.20983887, -1.4335938, 1.0791016, 0.20959473, -1.1601562, 1.3613281, -2.6523438, 0.66845703, 1.5664062, -0.8911133, 0.35424805, 1.2021484, -1.3164062, 1.4599609, 0.8105469, -1.0996094, 0.08856201, 0.69677734, 0.9453125, 0.8754883, -0.9013672, 2.484375, -0.62890625, -3.4199219, -0.083740234, -6.0507812, -2.4003906, -0.8730469, -0.35302734, -0.6665039, 2.53125, -1.7597656, -2.5703125, 0.21179199, -1.7617188, 2.6191406, -0.9472656, 2.796875, 1.1601562, -0.08282471, 0.6767578, -0.30297852, 0.76220703, 1.1494141, -0.6557617, 0.033355713, -0.20227051, 2.03125, -1.40625, -1.3447266, 0.7294922, 0.7480469, 0.44213867, -0.17956543, 1.5888672, 0.62109375, -0.77490234, 1.4277344, 0.41088867, 0.47924805, -2.6054688, -0.6845703, -0.8154297, -1.1640625, 1.8994141, 0.42382812, 0.41235352, -1.0615234, -1.3232422, 0.9316406, 0.014144897, -2.1816406, -4.3046875, -1.6181641, 1.9873047, 0.27124023, -0.6953125, 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-0.61816406, -0.11975098, 2.7636719, -2.6875, -2.7207031, -0.25146484, -0.60058594, -1.0917969, -1.1972656, 0.9741211, -0.87060547, 0.61035156, -1.5976562, -2.1289062, 0.58251953, 0.32202148, 1.0771484, -0.67871094, 0.92871094, 0.7055664, 0.34326172, 1.546875, -0.27197266, 0.21020508, 2.1171875, -0.26782227, 0.4584961, -0.60009766, 1.1640625, -0.5722656, -0.3527832, -0.061157227, -0.6689453, 1.3505859, 0.7416992, -0.02798462, 0.9375, 0.7104492, -2.0175781, 3.7539062, 0.08605957, -1.65625, -2.4980469, -1.1875, -1.6894531, 0.17468262, 1.9541016, -0.7158203, -1.46875, -1.984375, -0.23242188, 1.2519531, -1.9121094, -3.3789062, 0.13598633, 1.7851562, 1.3037109, -0.9458008, -0.8642578, -1.53125, -2.0957031, -0.18078613, -0.3466797, 0.40771484, -0.7573242, 0.8071289, 0.7817383, -1.484375, -1.7412109, -0.12512207, 0.49951172, 0.9526367, -0.4951172, 0.6254883, 0.90722656, 0.012016296, 0.4543457, 0.10803223, -1.5947266, 2.6269531, -0.9091797, -0.07562256, 2.59375, 1.1708984, 0.32299805, 0.47875977, -0.25805664, -0.75, -2.6699219, 3.4863281, -0.21411133, -0.036499023, 1.5742188, 1.1699219, -1.9394531, 1.1210938, -0.40673828, -0.6767578, -0.88720703, 0.33203125, -1.4267578, 0.89404297, 0.24975586, 0.9980469, 2.6347656, -0.0435791, -0.25610352, -1.234375, 0.1586914, 1.8105469, 1.0986328, -0.8984375, -0.13757324, -0.17590332, 2.4726562, -0.08746338, 1.0078125, 2.4453125, -0.09698486, -3.5429688, -2.9824219, -0.002521515, 2.4335938, -1.2832031, -0.5625, -1.1669922, 0.25, -0.4572754, -0.057006836, 0.112854004, 0.122680664, 0.8051758, -1.3945312, 0.23168945, 1.8388672, 2.5136719, 0.6386719, 1.0068359, 1.265625, 1.2646484, -0.6328125, -2.0039062, 0.30004883, 1.2695312, -1.4863281, 0.7402344, 0.31884766, 0.58496094, 2.0273438, 0.3071289, 0.18334961, 0.83935547, 1.7363281, -0.6557617, -1.7246094, -0.30004883, -0.6586914, -2.2636719, 0.94873047, -0.12573242, 0.5473633, -0.9658203, -0.29541016, 0.077819824, -0.47094727, 1.2832031, 1.234375, 0.62841797, 0.19873047, -1.0546875, 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0.053375244, 1.6240234, -1.2265625, 0.19946289, 0.8378906, 0.5253906, 1.5986328, -0.18225098, -0.18603516, -0.625, -0.42089844, -0.7475586, 0.45361328, 0.6875, -2.4453125, 1.2568359, -0.6191406, 0.58984375, 1.9726562, -1.9775391, -0.29003906, 0.60058594, -0.17272949, -0.8911133, -0.04220581, 0.098083496, -0.2788086, 0.38110352, -0.19616699, -0.73046875, 0.17260742, -1.2363281, 0.48754883, -0.15136719, -0.40942383, -0.20092773, -0.31762695, -1.2480469, -1.0078125, 0.23339844, 0.60546875, 1.2197266, -0.26586914, -1.7001953, 0.45507812, 0.74121094, -0.96533203, -0.4440918, 0.0019741058, -1.0878906, 0.3161621, -0.47070312, 1.0898438, 3.1269531, 1.8076172, 1.4931641, 0.41918945, 0.082336426, 0.94628906, 0.0063667297, -0.054718018, -0.51171875, -1.3876953, -0.6958008, 0.25073242, 0.52441406, -0.24206543, 0.4025879, 0.008285522, 0.116882324, -0.22521973, -0.6723633, -1.3789062, 0.15063477, -0.4814453, -2.2304688, 0.3503418, -3.0019531, -0.30517578, -0.7524414, 1.0605469, 0.9926758, 1.3974609, -1.5927734, -0.54589844, -0.44677734, -0.13439941, -0.7182617, -0.9589844, 1.2753906, 1.7324219, -0.31591797, -0.9277344, 0.010681152, -0.6689453, -1.8007812, -0.73046875, -0.5371094, -1.6308594, 0.7480469, -0.54589844, -0.9604492, 1.046875, -0.25878906, 2.1972656, -0.6635742, 0.45361328, 0.32666016, 1.75, -0.057006836, -0.69384766, -0.28955078, -0.5258789, 3.828125, -3.1386719, -0.021270752, 1.7675781, 0.80322266, 1.0488281, -2.3476562, 0.17407227, -0.0074539185, -2.7714844, -0.56591797, 2.5253906, -1.1230469, 2.2285156, 0.30664062, -0.3894043, 0.38867188, -1.3349609, 1.0068359, -0.7338867, -0.8745117, -1.1132812, 0.8154297, 1.8486328, 0.4650879, 2.828125, 0.9941406, 1.6171875, -0.07507324, 0.9980469, 0.97216797, 0.9121094, -0.28198242, -0.9116211, 1.2871094, -0.32348633, 1.3945312, -0.07647705, -1.0136719, -0.057495117, 0.5732422, -0.4699707, -1.6396484, -1.2109375, 1.0791016, -0.3894043, -2.1386719, 1.0292969, -2.1855469, -0.44799805, 1.4130859, 0.34985352, 1.7998047, 0.74658203, -0.73535156, -0.4338379, 2.4472656, 1.0351562, 0.8129883, 1.3525391, 0.049591064, 1.4628906, -1.7109375, 0.5805664, 1.2021484, -0.3083496, 1.2832031, -0.4699707, 0.21899414, 2.9140625, -0.021224976, 1.2070312, 1.4726562, 1.3076172, -1.7890625, -0.7709961, -0.2878418, 0.7182617, -1.3554688, 0.4345703, 1.1708984, 0.6879883, -0.78466797, 0.5239258, -0.16662598, -1.1005859, 2.4082031, 2.0136719, 2.1542969, 0.08605957, -0.5073242, 0.43115234, -0.765625, 2.0195312, -0.9926758, -1.6425781, 1.8291016, 0.46362305, 0.5878906, -0.1274414, 2.3027344, 0.7470703, -0.9008789, -2.5, -1.8359375, 2.9199219, 0.29077148, 0.65527344, 1.4980469, 0.41577148, 2.3222656, 0.6323242, -1.2080078, 1.1474609, 1.2109375, -1.5048828, -2.9882812, -2.359375, -0.21960449, 0.75097656, -0.3564453]" The House of Da Vinci 3,com.bluebraingames.thehouseofdavinci3,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bluebraingames.thehouseofdavinci3,puzzle the grand finale to the house of da vinci trilogy is here solve numerous 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-0.3930664, -0.42260742, 0.039733887, 1.1699219, -2.6621094, -0.2536621, -0.12585449, -0.041809082, 1.3007812, -0.41088867, -2.6738281, 1.1337891, 1.0087891, 2.0683594, 1.1376953, 0.23547363, 0.5083008, -0.48950195, 1.3730469, 1.8388672, -1.2773438, -1.3896484, -0.17712402, 0.16271973, 0.6010742, -0.33251953, 2.5390625, 0.7241211, -0.75097656, 0.36547852, -2.8515625, -0.090026855, 0.8930664, -0.028503418, -0.62646484, -1.2441406, -0.22998047, -0.44433594, -0.27075195, -1.1289062, 0.111694336, -1.8818359, -1.2822266, 2.1074219, -0.3947754, 0.25341797, -0.46948242, -0.37426758, -0.54589844, -0.7324219, -1.5253906, 1.1591797, -2.0410156, -0.4897461, -0.86328125, 1.0214844, -1.1435547, -0.55322266, -1.4189453, -1.8320312, 0.27954102, 0.19763184, 0.10083008, 0.14501953, -0.484375, -1.7226562, 0.18261719, -1.5205078, -0.84228516, -0.3713379, 0.08496094, -1.6142578, -1.4707031, -0.96972656, 1.0224609, 0.7626953, -0.7207031, -0.6098633, 0.08929443, 0.060150146, 1.0957031, 0.28955078, 2.9746094, -1.2167969, -1.4316406, -0.6464844, -1.625, 1.5107422, -1.2490234, -0.27929688, -0.22436523, 0.48364258, 1.1582031, -0.027069092, 0.16967773, -2.25, 0.18286133, -1.4931641, 0.15942383, 0.6948242, 0.6142578, 1.0576172, -0.13439941, -1.4033203, -0.89697266, 1.1123047, -0.5258789, 0.42089844, 0.71728516, -0.8564453, -4.9023438, 1.7001953, 1.8916016, -0.74853516, 2.1894531, -0.7583008, -0.5048828, 0.5629883, 0.28564453, 1.234375, -3.0839844, 0.6767578, -0.82910156, -1.9716797, 0.9746094, 0.60595703, 0.83984375, -0.17224121, 0.2631836, -2.7753906, 1.6542969, 1.5810547, -1.1806641, 2.2402344, 0.97802734, -0.6147461, -0.08605957, -0.22460938, 0.2626953, 1.1992188, -0.014183044, -0.5419922, 0.09527588, 1.8271484, 1.8046875, 0.47338867, 0.11505127, 0.008049011, -0.55566406, 0.45336914, 1.2402344, 0.039733887, -0.041015625, -2.0039062, 0.25, -1.4003906, -0.104003906, -3.171875, 8.583069e-06, 1.8300781, -1.8623047, 0.23132324, -1.7695312, 0.14941406, 0.14208984, -1.5449219, 1.3085938, 1.9208984, 0.9589844, -1.5839844, 0.36987305, -1.7285156, 0.5102539, 0.31518555, -2.4648438, -0.09259033, 1.4931641, -1.1787109, 0.13305664, 0.91796875, 1.6064453, -1.2197266, -2.4316406, 2.2832031, 0.2788086, 0.011512756, 0.09710693, -0.045288086, -0.8251953, -3.078125, 1.5371094, -1.6132812, -2.6679688, 1.9472656, 0.2064209, 0.6767578, -1.1328125, -0.23840332, 1.6992188, 0.45751953, -0.9785156, 0.61083984, 2.0488281, -0.6035156, -0.7915039, -0.80908203, 0.9223633, -3.3378906]" Boosteroid Cloud Gaming PWA,com.boosteroid.cloud.twa,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.boosteroid.cloud.twa,entertainment boosteroid allows you to play hundreds of top pc games on your chromeos devices you don t need to download install store or update game files on your computer just go to boosteroid pick a game you want to play log in to the game account and enjoy boosteroid connects you to a highend remote gaming rig that takes care of all processing our custom hardware designed together with 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1.4169922, 2.6953125, 0.27026367, -0.3400879, -0.7050781, -1.3427734, -0.23425293, 0.14135742, 0.8364258, -0.36914062, 0.03262329, 1.6865234, -0.6225586, 3.8613281, -1.8222656, -0.40185547, -0.023468018, -0.47729492, -0.59521484, -0.8540039, 1.4277344, -0.0395813, 2.0292969, -2.2675781, -0.37548828, 0.57958984, 1.7490234, -1.1972656, 0.20324707, 1.7265625, -0.68652344, 0.44335938, 0.23449707, 1.328125, 1.6855469, -1.3164062, -0.7246094, 1.3662109, 1.2900391, -0.5751953, 0.029724121, 0.009315491, -1.5996094, -0.07757568, -3.1113281, -1.0107422, -1.765625, -0.73339844, -0.7783203, -1.4394531, -0.7128906, -0.97021484, -0.15771484, -0.00793457, -1.234375, -0.34643555, 1.6015625, -0.5830078, -0.14440918, -1.4423828, 1.0410156, 1.7177734, -2.6347656, -0.3413086, -0.5341797, -0.88623047, -0.67089844, -0.06488037, -1.4824219, 3.6875, -3.0273438, 0.07397461, 1.6884766, 0.05130005, 1.1826172, 1.9511719, -2.3496094, 0.5546875, 1.7402344, -0.69433594, 1.65625, 2.0273438, -0.58691406, -0.77978516, -0.67333984, -1.4550781, -1.6953125, -1.3183594, -1.4863281, -1.0566406, 0.7392578, -0.20031738, 0.08087158, 0.9663086, 0.39794922, -0.8071289, 1.5009766, -0.2454834, 0.10015869, 2.1464844, -1.7666016, -1.7138672, -0.99902344, -0.60253906, 0.8779297, -0.36914062, 0.82666016, 1.2246094, 0.25976562, -3.6054688, 1.7421875, 0.92871094, -1.6572266, 0.68066406, 0.20422363, 1.4804688, -0.80859375, -1.4101562, 0.26879883, 0.3149414, 0.042510986, -0.6152344, 1.8896484, -2.8046875, -0.24780273, -0.39624023, -2.9785156, 0.23754883, -1.3369141, 1.7324219, -0.55566406, -0.22912598, 0.030441284, -0.038085938, -0.16467285, -1.8232422, -2.828125, 0.87109375, 0.56103516, 0.7651367, -0.2644043, 1.2861328, 0.65722656, -0.5834961, 0.86621094, -1.1337891, 0.10333252, -1.1367188, 0.95166016, -0.6430664, -2.53125, 0.44555664, -1.9130859, -0.49951172, 0.62939453, -0.9892578, 1.8076172, -0.015419006, -3.0859375, 0.23657227, -0.20812988, 1.234375, 0.37524414, -2.4101562, -0.8066406, 1.6953125, 0.025985718, 2.2148438, -0.9086914, 1.5986328, -2.2207031, -1.6025391, 1.1728516, 0.2619629, 0.013290405, -0.48364258, 1.3681641, -0.8540039, 0.83740234, -0.83203125, 0.2722168, -0.8964844]" Travel Town - Merge Adventure,io.randomco.travel,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.randomco.travel,puzzle explore travel town where you can combine everything into better and more useful items while you travel the world reveal secrets as you discover yourself and help the friendly people of travel town follow travel town on facebook and instagram for exclusive offers and bonuses facebook facebookcomtraveltowngame instagram instagramcomtraveltowngame terms of service httpsmagmaticgamestermsandconditionsmg privacy notice httpsmagmaticgamesprivacypolicymg questions about the game our support is ready and waiting at httpssupporttraveltowngamecom travel town features merge objects discover over fantastic objects through hundreds of levels freely drag objects around the beautiful world and merge of a kind evolve them into more superior items fulfill,"[1.9492188, 0.4050293, 1.3554688, -0.07537842, -1.5292969, -2.453125, -0.8154297, -0.40356445, -0.2919922, 0.38476562, 0.52197266, -0.24475098, -0.93408203, 0.07678223, -0.11138916, -0.3383789, -0.2939453, 0.34838867, -1.3916016, -0.115234375, -0.03326416, 0.18041992, 1.2685547, -0.97265625, -1.03125, 0.07293701, 1.0615234, -1.1660156, -0.043395996, -0.2902832, -3.7890625, 0.5058594, 1.0947266, 1.1279297, -0.0051231384, 0.3334961, 0.7949219, 0.25146484, 1.9296875, 0.30273438, 2.1191406, 1.3789062, 0.76123047, 1.4648438, -0.041503906, -0.07342529, -1.0400391, -1.1582031, -0.71875, 0.010772705, 0.7583008, -0.14233398, 1.3574219, -1.6044922, -0.42993164, -0.7558594, -1.6533203, 0.49291992, -2.2675781, -1.4326172, 1.7958984, 2.2441406, -0.9277344, -1.2949219, -0.11383057, -0.4013672, 0.38256836, -0.4321289, 0.4248047, -0.9345703, 2.3027344, 0.28881836, -1.3662109, 0.060791016, 0.69384766, 1.5048828, 0.025253296, 1.3339844, -0.91503906, 0.48217773, -0.7919922, -1.65625, 0.015060425, 1.2353516, -1.6308594, -0.066833496, 1.3486328, -0.81640625, -3.5058594, -0.45385742, -0.49609375, -0.08569336, -1.6347656, -1.6044922, -2.7246094, -0.9550781, 0.11352539, -0.1583252, -1.6289062, -0.44970703, -1.0146484, 0.90185547, 1.4023438, -0.08526611, -0.1348877, 0.94628906, 0.07495117, -0.79296875, -1.0537109, -1.8691406, -0.46313477, -1.015625, 1.0439453, 1.5576172, -1.3408203, 0.28320312, 0.06970215, -1.4833984, -0.48461914, 0.7128906, 0.1998291, 0.16174316, 0.9916992, 1.0527344, 1.5166016, -0.0021018982, -2.1269531, -0.11907959, -1.6376953, -0.28759766, -0.8671875, -0.5859375, 0.1907959, -0.18566895, 2.3496094, -0.21557617, 0.78515625, 1.125, -1.8085938, 2.8378906, 1.3388672, 0.81640625, 1.0800781, 0.14001465, -1.5849609, -1.4746094, -0.97558594, 0.21557617, 0.33447266, 0.6640625, -2.6308594, -1.2001953, 0.07531738, 1.9775391, 0.6401367, -0.52197266, -0.58984375, -1.2138672, 2.3085938, 2.3515625, 0.4638672, 1.8466797, -1.9365234, -0.10241699, 0.22497559, 0.93359375, -0.16821289, 0.39819336, -1.703125, -0.5341797, -0.6801758, -1.2802734, 1.0820312, 0.57128906, 0.9916992, -1.0410156, 1.421875, -1.3779297, 0.43188477, -0.67041016, -0.95703125, -1.0751953, -0.54248047, 1.0361328, -0.16271973, -0.7661133, 0.18444824, 1.1445312, 0.10522461, 0.053771973, 0.12084961, -0.5175781, 1.7177734, 1.0605469, -0.46484375, 1.4453125, 0.0006418228, -1.7451172, 3.7265625, -2.0546875, 2.71875, 0.06707764, 2.3085938, 0.50390625, -1.2197266, 0.3010254, -0.20324707, -0.18798828, 0.7109375, 0.46728516, -0.06719971, -0.89160156, 0.7421875, -0.3647461, -0.1418457, -0.8886719, -0.9394531, -0.39111328, 0.011054993, 0.07659912, 0.2084961, -2.3964844, 0.45141602, 1.7138672, 0.18103027, -1.8251953, 0.2854004, -1.6103516, -1.5673828, 1.546875, -1.6650391, -0.113098145, -0.31860352, -0.9135742, -0.90234375, -1.9287109, -0.2800293, 0.57177734, -1.8144531, 1.1699219, 1.6503906, 1.4140625, 0.04864502, 1.2080078, -1.2597656, 2.1035156, -1.2705078, -0.13171387, 0.73779297, -2.6054688]" Lords Mobile: Last Fighter,com.igg.android.lordsmobile,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.igg.android.lordsmobile,strategy lords mobile is teaming up with the king of fighters xv witness the aweinspiring might of the legendary fighters kyo kusanagi and mai shiranui as they enter the fray in the kingdoms of athena are you ready for a real fight the true emperor has fallen we need a real hero a true lord who can unite the kingdoms recruit heroes from various backgrounds from dwarves and mermaids to dark elves and steampunk robots and assemble your army in this magical world fight and conquer to establish your empire in the strategy games game features embark on the guild expedition,"[-0.26000977, -0.26831055, 1.5722656, -0.9003906, -0.9765625, -1.7363281, 1.3574219, -1.6630859, 1.5859375, 1.7470703, 0.54589844, 0.9550781, -0.093444824, -0.5859375, 1.0048828, -1.546875, -1.1064453, -0.04171753, -1.7382812, -0.4543457, -0.22045898, 0.08099365, 1.3623047, -1.1953125, 1.1904297, -2.2753906, 0.67626953, -1.1455078, 0.36889648, -2.3574219, -2.7148438, 0.7192383, 1.1835938, -0.19934082, -1.3193359, -1.0175781, -0.034057617, -1.6542969, 0.32617188, 1.1933594, -0.32861328, -0.050567627, 2.3574219, -0.5571289, 1.2851562, -0.2902832, -3.25, -0.2915039, 0.8510742, 2.234375, 2.03125, 0.6645508, 3.125, -2.484375, -2.8222656, 0.40454102, -3.2265625, 0.62841797, 0.6040039, -0.6953125, -0.44482422, 0.98095703, -0.55371094, -0.9536133, 0.40625, 0.07489014, 0.5629883, -0.021148682, 1.6884766, 0.58203125, 2.2421875, 2.2597656, -1.2919922, 0.48828125, -0.36621094, -0.50878906, -0.6855469, 0.55322266, 0.6904297, -1.2851562, -0.3034668, 1.1484375, -0.34106445, -0.12695312, 1.4902344, -0.4958496, 0.3942871, 0.58203125, -1.75, 0.28637695, -0.0836792, -1.6914062, -0.14868164, -0.45654297, -2.5351562, 1.7792969, 1.7402344, -1.4658203, -0.22937012, -1.6933594, -1.1914062, 1.5136719, -2.6132812, -2.90625, -2.2480469, 0.81689453, -0.50683594, -1.8291016, -2.96875, -1.9765625, -0.5541992, -0.56347656, 0.22241211, 0.23620605, -0.41455078, 0.2401123, -0.6323242, -3.1484375, 0.10369873, 1.2148438, 0.9199219, -1.2548828, 0.78564453, -0.6489258, 1.9228516, -0.18933105, -0.96777344, 0.10144043, -1.4550781, 1.6992188, -1.1738281, -0.64160156, 1.3935547, 0.43798828, 1.9921875, 1.265625, -0.7739258, -0.7602539, 0.8613281, 0.95654297, -0.5449219, 0.08013916, 0.83691406, 1.3867188, -0.42456055, 1.0556641, -0.16113281, -0.3449707, 0.6274414, -0.111572266, 0.4543457, 1.3623047, 5.3320312, 0.26757812, 5.6914062, 1.8564453, 1.2089844, -1.8203125, 1.4472656, 1.1679688, -0.5048828, -1.1191406, -0.25463867, 1.0009766, 1.9472656, -0.5864258, -1.4863281, 0.5600586, -0.64453125, -2.3867188, -0.73291016, 0.81689453, 3.1484375, -1.3134766, -0.5678711, 1.1513672, -1.0390625, 2.9921875, 0.59033203, -1.2480469, -2.1425781, 0.85791016, -1.6240234, 0.37060547, 0.7036133, 1.9824219, 0.094055176, -1.4951172, 2.1738281, 2.1113281, 0.3395996, -1.2226562, 0.03265381, 0.22546387, -0.3630371, 1.3134766, 0.22070312, -0.51464844, 0.92285156, 0.48388672, 0.9301758, -0.10131836, 0.75341797, -0.25708008, -1.4677734, 0.7817383, -0.9404297, -1.0253906, -0.20422363, -0.022399902, 0.8779297, 0.42163086, -0.51171875, -1.7626953, -0.08514404, 1.0810547, 1.0478516, 1.5585938, -0.54541016, -0.72998047, 0.31274414, -2.2148438, 1.3115234, -2.890625, -0.23571777, 4.078125, 1.1962891, 0.76123047, 0.27416992, 0.70996094, -0.33642578, -0.14990234, -0.5288086, -2.0644531, -0.25805664, -1.1943359, -0.6123047, 0.20361328, 0.034088135, 2.2597656, 2.7558594, 1.6875, 0.38549805, -0.6738281, -2.015625, 1.1181641, 0.53027344, 1.328125, 2.4355469, -2.4433594]" Puzzles & Survival,com.global.ztmslg,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.global.ztmslg,strategy match puzzle meets strategy solve the mysteries and build an impenetrable sanctuary the future of humanity is in your hands tip use your brain to defend your brain apocalyptic features strategy match solve puzzles to kill zombies arm yourself with strategy and tactics a combination of a tactical wargame and casual puzzle gameplay an innovative postapocalyptic experience build a sanctuary lead survivors in the last bastion of humanity craft cuttingedge equipment to smash your enemies formidable heroes superhuman powers emerged alongside the zombie virus recruit heroes from the notorious noahs tavern heroes improve your military and economical strength friends or,"[3.984375, -1.8476562, 1.5488281, -1.0117188, -1.7832031, -2.3730469, 0.103881836, -0.9790039, 0.8125, 1.1425781, -0.1973877, 1.2363281, 0.08123779, 0.33325195, 0.3256836, -1.3710938, -1.1328125, -1.1132812, -0.17712402, -0.73828125, -0.54248047, 0.5629883, 0.21850586, -1.8769531, 0.86865234, -0.5292969, 0.93603516, 0.10723877, 3.0605469, -0.72509766, -0.36865234, -0.005672455, -2.109375, -0.28076172, -0.93408203, -2.2109375, -0.5341797, -0.59375, 0.91064453, 0.08062744, -1.7480469, 1.3808594, 0.27905273, -0.30981445, 0.69677734, 0.107299805, -1.4912109, 0.22375488, 0.76123047, 0.0390625, 2.2675781, -0.80908203, 0.010635376, 0.36450195, 0.28735352, 0.63671875, -3.8144531, -0.4025879, -0.6064453, -1.34375, -0.026519775, 1.1796875, -0.31323242, -1.3466797, 0.5048828, -0.890625, 0.8364258, -1.3017578, 2.4238281, -0.049224854, 1.4345703, 0.27368164, -2.6074219, 0.6635742, 3.0644531, 0.7260742, -2.4375, -0.07965088, 3.0390625, -0.06591797, -2.8203125, 1.2226562, -0.27026367, -0.18103027, -0.58203125, -0.5473633, 0.88916016, -0.017074585, 0.82373047, 1.4560547, -0.25732422, -1.3212891, -1.2705078, 0.1385498, -0.30664062, 3.1816406, -0.0129852295, 0.41577148, -1.6494141, -2.2304688, 0.6308594, 0.34350586, -0.4897461, -1.6289062, 0.41259766, 0.2409668, 0.40356445, -2.8105469, 0.051757812, -1.1962891, 0.9091797, -1.0097656, -2.2070312, 0.8095703, -0.30908203, -0.83691406, -0.5566406, 0.3359375, -0.052612305, 0.92333984, -0.6044922, -0.2602539, -0.028320312, 2.6191406, 0.81689453, 0.9838867, 0.6464844, 0.3383789, -1.6757812, 2.0019531, -2.7753906, -0.8857422, 2.0253906, 1.2089844, 4.5546875, -1.8916016, 0.51220703, 0.8129883, -0.8823242, 1.4257812, -0.6635742, -0.34277344, -0.7373047, -0.1821289, -2.0585938, -1.0595703, -0.16027832, -0.73046875, -1.8818359, -0.42260742, -0.3149414, -0.05670166, -0.16821289, 0.27929688, 1.2275391, -0.022857666, -0.24853516, -2.4296875, -1.2646484, 1.0341797, 0.11450195, -1.0859375, 0.16369629, -0.54003906, 1.9794922, 2.0449219, -0.8071289, 0.22583008, 0.13000488, -2.4804688, -2.1484375, -0.10046387, 2.3007812, -0.13354492, 0.03427124, -0.49560547, 2.9707031, 0.21105957, 0.08557129, -1.5146484, -0.04675293, 0.44677734, -0.9633789, 0.38916016, -0.3239746, 0.6591797, 2.3496094, 1.2666016, 1.0615234, 0.90234375, 0.18652344, -0.00016832352, 2.109375, 0.7832031, 0.70703125, 1.4355469, -0.17602539, 1.3564453, 3.734375, 0.02532959, -1.7226562, 1.3046875, 2.046875, -0.8676758, -1.6113281, 0.3227539, -0.14575195, -0.91552734, 0.75, 0.47192383, -0.19445801, -1.0507812, 0.4104004, -0.9345703, -0.9121094, 2.0898438, 0.6411133, 0.8286133, 0.8496094, -0.10522461, 1.0439453, -1.6904297, -0.12359619, -0.56152344, 0.14086914, -2.9199219, 0.035736084, 1.2578125, 0.49926758, 0.54785156, 0.007205963, -0.5488281, -0.38427734, -0.72265625, 0.5463867, -2.6738281, 0.90234375, 0.23791504, -1.5585938, 2.0917969, 2.6210938, -0.058929443, -0.453125, 0.64453125, -1.1767578, -0.8510742, -0.26538086, -2.4550781, 1.0166016, -0.51904297]" orange,air.com.bartbonte.orange,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.bartbonte.orange,puzzle can you make the screen orange in levels each level has its own logic its here the next part of my colour puzzle series after yellow red black blue green and pink its time to solve new conundrums do you need help use the light bulb button in the top right corner of each level to get hints there are multiple hints for each level with the no ads inapp purchase you will not get ads before the hints a bart bonte bontegames puzzle game enjoy bartbonte,"[-1.2568359, -0.3305664, 2.0097656, -0.8442383, -2.3554688, -0.6386719, -0.2541504, 0.23120117, 1.9023438, 0.13464355, -2.1972656, 1.0878906, 2.2734375, 1.0888672, -0.03945923, -0.73046875, -2.2246094, 0.06976318, 0.3161621, 0.7138672, 1.4501953, -1.8681641, -0.42260742, 0.39233398, 1.0976562, 0.5419922, -2.2695312, 0.3786621, 0.7675781, -1.1943359, 0.73535156, 0.5839844, 1.5410156, -1.2207031, 1.2109375, -1.6376953, 1.8583984, 0.42260742, 0.65283203, -0.80859375, 1.1123047, 1.65625, -1.4384766, -0.55615234, -0.6489258, 2.4277344, -1.9394531, 2.1191406, -2.4414062, -0.5258789, 0.36328125, -1.5771484, -2.8046875, 1.0820312, 0.0023326874, -0.4633789, -0.78271484, -1.6054688, -1.2285156, -3.6640625, 1.28125, 0.16479492, -0.6928711, 1.4960938, -0.45141602, 0.32788086, 0.10626221, 0.38842773, 0.29125977, 0.6767578, -2.1347656, 0.54541016, 0.9296875, -2.5683594, -0.578125, 0.35083008, -1.0136719, -0.07098389, 1.0273438, -1.9755859, -1.2724609, -1.7949219, 1.4648438, -0.859375, -0.90966797, 0.61376953, 0.8613281, 0.28320312, -0.17944336, 3.2421875, -0.014846802, 0.44433594, -1.5195312, -0.9589844, -0.3605957, -0.26391602, -0.52685547, 0.9682617, -1.2753906, 1.171875, 0.6323242, -1.1728516, -0.6508789, -1.5712891, -0.8442383, -0.16516113, -1.2822266, -0.7524414, 0.55322266, -0.33398438, -1.8222656, 1.4199219, -1.3173828, 1.3964844, -0.9272461, 0.6953125, -0.17687988, -0.06719971, -1.7431641, -1.609375, -1.5683594, 0.6376953, 0.7841797, 2.2792969, 2.0859375, 1.2412109, -0.99658203, -3.2636719, 0.8642578, 2.4179688, 0.40185547, -1.6972656, -4.4296875, -0.1352539, 2.1191406, 0.21984863, 1.2910156, 1.1103516, -1.7490234, 3.2109375, 0.013160706, -3.3730469, 1.1201172, 2.8222656, 0.7758789, 1.3300781, -0.28051758, -0.78466797, 1.4882812, -0.5810547, 0.88671875, 0.5371094, -1.8740234, 0.9536133, 3.2851562, -1.6738281, 1.7470703, 0.3671875, 0.033599854, 2.0976562, -1.4570312, 0.6328125, -0.7944336, -0.28955078, 0.0049591064, 1.5351562, 0.12683105, 1.1074219, -0.4013672, 0.2915039, -2.2148438, -0.86328125, 1.3955078, 1.2509766, 0.07086182, 1.265625, -0.035217285, -3.2597656, 3.1289062, -0.09442139, -0.49414062, 0.01550293, -1.765625, 0.5488281, -0.43432617, 0.0826416, 0.5805664, 2.2402344, 0.07891846, 1.2851562, -1.0214844, -0.025344849, -0.3642578, 0.11090088, -0.64990234, -1.9707031, -1.3701172, 0.0574646, 0.6064453, -0.73535156, 0.54345703, 0.059387207, 0.9560547, 1.3222656, -0.72314453, -0.48266602, 2.3671875, -0.42578125, 0.24511719, 0.17028809, -0.61621094, -1.2734375, 1.1962891, 0.15356445, -1.0410156, 0.1583252, 0.113708496, 0.9140625, 0.62353516, -1.0214844, -0.046081543, -0.67529297, 0.23791504, 1.0517578, 2.5058594, 0.4506836, -1.5332031, -2.1445312, -2.4335938, 0.34570312, -0.5517578, -1.3828125, 1.3583984, -0.4645996, 0.064453125, 1.8037109, -0.2607422, 1.4853516, -1.8339844, 0.62646484, 0.30615234, 0.38085938, -0.44970703, 1.8789062, -0.100097656, -1.5039062, -2.4140625, -2.0703125, 2.3398438, -1.2431641]" Wuthering Waves,com.kurogame.wutheringwaves.global,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kurogame.wutheringwaves.global,action wuthering waves is a storyrich openworld action rpg with a high degree of freedom you wake from your slumber as rover joined by a vibrant cast of resonators on a journey to reclaim your lost memories and surmount the lament introduction welcome aboard roving voyager upon the shores lay the silent embers of a world during the ebb tide desolated by the lament the erstwhile creations and earthly beings are left static but they strike back strong enough to penetrate the silence humanity has risen anew from the ashes of the apocalypse and you rover are poised for an adventure,"[1.5898438, -0.74072266, 1.8466797, 0.33813477, 0.32006836, -1.1992188, 0.5678711, -1.9443359, 1.7480469, 0.6748047, 1.3583984, 1.2080078, -0.5493164, -1.9833984, 2.1074219, -1.8681641, -1.1308594, -0.80126953, -0.7084961, -0.7573242, -0.16418457, 2.9453125, 0.9765625, -2.75, -0.48364258, -4.1992188, -1.9501953, -0.5678711, 1.0908203, -0.8144531, -0.9633789, 0.9555664, 1.5732422, 0.37817383, -0.23254395, -1.0292969, -0.5097656, -0.28833008, -0.9995117, 0.4729004, 0.19567871, -0.51708984, -0.17016602, -1.6123047, 0.96191406, 0.04257202, -2.625, -0.70458984, 0.43969727, 0.6850586, 0.6542969, -1.7900391, 1.2412109, -0.88720703, -1.515625, -1.3886719, 1.8847656, 0.40063477, -2.0761719, 1.1757812, -0.025390625, 3.25, 0.5385742, 0.3095703, 0.29174805, -1.4677734, 0.8935547, -1.3662109, 2.3925781, -0.36889648, 0.6591797, 0.25830078, -1.25, -0.8588867, 0.5175781, -0.8051758, -0.36083984, -1.265625, 0.8198242, 0.18933105, -2.4394531, -2.7167969, -0.8798828, -1.4912109, -0.13781738, 0.24401855, 0.43408203, -0.59716797, -1.3115234, 3.3164062, 1.1367188, -1.7685547, -1.2988281, -0.40356445, 0.57177734, 0.80566406, 1.1669922, 0.9609375, -1.1337891, -1.6992188, 0.75341797, 0.80322266, 0.009346008, -0.16418457, -1.6435547, 0.59277344, 2.4375, -0.546875, 0.49951172, 1.6123047, 0.9033203, -1.8876953, 0.46264648, 1.9882812, 0.8671875, -1.2724609, 0.34936523, 0.79785156, -0.31225586, -0.3959961, -1.0253906, -0.9404297, 0.45922852, 0.37548828, 2.3867188, -2.6601562, -0.31030273, -0.68066406, -2.8828125, 0.24572754, 3.3652344, 0.12976074, -0.24206543, 0.73291016, 0.55615234, -1.8769531, 0.3215332, 0.57666016, -1.0214844, 0.81591797, 0.21020508, -0.5053711, -0.39819336, 1.2783203, 0.43725586, 1.6035156, 1.5917969, -0.53271484, 0.23181152, 0.4333496, -0.18554688, 0.5917969, 1.1757812, 0.37231445, -0.98779297, 1.6005859, -1.1591797, -0.2758789, 0.40283203, -1.5664062, 0.4453125, 0.057159424, -0.9638672, -0.89160156, 1.8945312, -1.0791016, 0.49316406, 1.03125, 0.6142578, -1.3271484, 1.2568359, -1.1279297, 2.4140625, 0.84375, -0.4555664, -1.0205078, 0.26660156, -0.25463867, 0.57958984, 2.0449219, -1.0800781, 1.9443359, -0.9296875, 0.7832031, -0.5776367, 1.9033203, 1.2861328, 1.3427734, 1.6845703, -0.14697266, -1.234375, -0.25708008, -0.35986328, 2.4394531, 1.3564453, 0.08660889, -1.265625, -0.5498047, -0.6166992, -1.0654297, -1.2832031, -0.038238525, 1.5566406, -0.14050293, -1.7021484, -0.2775879, 0.76220703, 1.3251953, 1.9941406, 0.12902832, -1.1552734, -3.2539062, 0.23400879, 1.4160156, -1.9794922, 0.13598633, 0.47045898, -0.76904297, 1.2470703, -0.22229004, -1.2539062, -0.26293945, 0.19360352, 1.5458984, -2.71875, -0.99902344, 1.1699219, 1.4707031, 1.6621094, 0.86816406, -1.9736328, -0.19909668, -0.029296875, 0.20568848, 0.9536133, 0.055145264, 1.453125, 1.2558594, -2.2324219, 0.7319336, 1.9023438, 0.10559082, -0.984375, 1.7929688, -1.7412109, -0.85595703, 1.1201172, -1.8408203, 2.4199219, 1.8652344]" Color Oasis - Color by Number,com.tapcolor.color.coloring.number.paint.free,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tapcolor.color.coloring.number.paint.free,board indulge in a calming coloring experience that takes you on a journey of tranquility release your worries relieve stress and fully immerse yourself in the peaceful world of coloring infuse life into these realistic paintings and rediscover the longlost peace and beauty within your heart as colors fill the canvas tranquility and immersion washes over you immerse yourself in an oasis of calmness and relaxation explore immersive paintings that promote focus and breathe life into your creations accompanied by soothing background music relieve anxiety and embrace the flow experience during the coloring process enjoying a sense of calm vitality and,"[-0.36206055, -0.5683594, 0.32373047, 0.53515625, -0.24145508, -0.5239258, 1.4775391, -1.0273438, 1.2675781, -1.6113281, -0.54541016, -0.39697266, -0.14550781, 1.8945312, -0.4404297, 0.43554688, -0.03945923, -0.08074951, -2.2949219, 1.9287109, 1.6064453, -2.2285156, 2.796875, -1.6572266, 0.24865723, -0.52441406, -2.8398438, -0.23657227, 1.1474609, -1.3544922, 1.1953125, 1.2001953, -0.9404297, -0.03164673, -1.7011719, -2.7324219, -1.1523438, 2.4199219, 1.7236328, -0.4086914, 1.3632812, 1.0517578, 2.8339844, -0.12939453, -2.0214844, 1.5488281, 0.5761719, -0.98535156, 0.6303711, -0.66259766, 0.6489258, 0.4177246, -0.88916016, -0.06616211, 1.1484375, 0.8027344, 0.87158203, 0.9423828, -1.6289062, 0.09136963, 1.6074219, 0.74365234, 0.051605225, 0.25805664, 0.3359375, -0.23535156, 0.4453125, 0.7529297, 1.2910156, 1.1767578, -0.5449219, 1.3691406, 0.9604492, -0.9873047, 0.9140625, -1.4316406, 0.14221191, -1.1611328, -0.3310547, 1.4023438, -0.1739502, -1.4697266, -1.7617188, -0.07043457, -1.0185547, -0.094177246, 1.1425781, -1.7109375, -0.8618164, 0.94189453, 0.56689453, 0.64208984, -2.0410156, -2.609375, -1.8857422, -1.7080078, -1.7666016, 0.77246094, -0.2208252, -4.296875, 0.3383789, 1.5175781, 0.4248047, -0.39038086, 0.41503906, 1.2021484, 1.7949219, -2.5820312, -1.7900391, 0.8129883, -1.5380859, -0.71777344, -3.3417969, 0.10089111, -2.0585938, 0.13928223, 1.4482422, 1.1210938, -1.3867188, -0.56396484, 0.055999756, -0.60009766, 1.1757812, 0.5180664, 1.8007812, -0.14318848, 0.74121094, -0.035247803, -0.07684326, -0.74853516, 2.5351562, -0.66015625, 1.3095703, 0.3515625, 0.33935547, -0.6430664, -0.087890625, 0.32958984, -0.6230469, 0.3779297, 1.078125, -0.8461914, -0.31689453, 1.9931641, -1.1855469, 0.80322266, 1.1367188, -0.5546875, 0.55322266, -0.7841797, -3.0527344, -2.7363281, -1.9921875, 0.93603516, -2.1894531, -0.6538086, 0.42285156, -0.8574219, -1.296875, 1.4394531, 1.2851562, 0.43774414, 0.07446289, 0.7373047, 1.3935547, -1.0654297, -0.8208008, 0.6977539, 1.1503906, -2.7714844, 2.0253906, -3.5253906, 2.2753906, 0.6826172, -1.9560547, 0.7661133, -2.0527344, 1.0654297, -0.17834473, -0.15478516, -0.9135742, -2.5527344, 0.2709961, 0.20458984, -1.1660156, -0.36450195, -1.0488281, -0.09301758, 2.484375, 0.76171875, -1.4511719, 0.375, 0.6591797, 3.2148438, 1.4716797, -0.028564453, -1.7382812, -1.6152344, -0.9716797, -1.0234375, 1.6503906, -2.0175781, 1.5957031, 2.4316406, -1.5400391, 0.22460938, -1.2958984, 3.0175781, 0.5205078, -0.26513672, 0.13562012, -0.80908203, -0.5957031, 1.6884766, -0.46313477, -1.6142578, 0.020523071, 0.096069336, 0.028564453, -1.5205078, -0.89208984, -1.0107422, 0.78466797, 0.99560547, 0.19030762, 2.484375, 2.078125, -2.0449219, -0.3942871, 1.4765625, -3.5722656, 0.18066406, -0.10223389, 2.9433594, 0.1583252, 1.03125, 2.1445312, 2.0195312, -0.29077148, -0.44970703, 1.3115234, 0.12890625, 0.07220459, 0.67626953, 1.9492188, -0.80810547, -1.1171875, -0.8017578, 0.23266602, 0.625]" Hollywood Crush,com.match.hollywood,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.match.hollywood,casual experience the road to hollywood in hollywood crush match to dress up and live out your redcarpet dream as a young rising star playing small roles and working as an extra your journey in hollywood has been challenging but life is like a box of chocolates you never know what youre going to get along with the news of the famous star peters passing there is also the revelation of an undisclosed daughter who happens to be you from this moment on your life takes a whirlwind of transformation alongside navigating the everwatchful eyes of the media you must also,"[0.23132324, 0.68896484, 2.5234375, 0.32910156, -0.5761719, 0.65625, 1.3085938, -0.94628906, -1.2919922, 0.5107422, -1.8203125, 0.3330078, -0.16723633, 1.1992188, 1.6142578, 0.6796875, 0.6582031, 0.5239258, 0.30664062, 1.9902344, 1.8251953, 2.21875, 0.3696289, 1.2246094, -0.90185547, 4.0742188, 0.38745117, -2.8496094, -2.1582031, 0.6875, -1.9287109, 0.59033203, -1.1904297, -0.44067383, 1.7871094, -1.3896484, 0.1899414, 1.1464844, -0.13769531, -0.9272461, -1.6240234, -0.52246094, -0.6508789, -0.20458984, -0.75634766, -2.2226562, 0.9555664, -0.39648438, -0.65771484, -1.0253906, 0.5361328, -2.7304688, 0.89208984, -2.8535156, -1.5068359, -0.7109375, -0.36669922, -1.8554688, -1.1757812, 0.2626953, 2.4433594, 1.8408203, 2.3632812, 0.90771484, -0.85009766, -0.8881836, 1.0732422, -0.39282227, 0.99560547, 1.75, 2.1484375, 1.0107422, -1.2080078, 0.9145508, 0.25512695, -0.54248047, 2.2460938, -1.6181641, 0.48632812, 1.0371094, -1.2939453, -0.7832031, 0.8754883, 3.1054688, -1.9736328, 0.55078125, 0.12402344, -0.5756836, -0.3232422, 1.2519531, 0.5136719, 0.20129395, -3.5644531, 0.78222656, -0.27197266, 0.28588867, 1.5244141, 2.1542969, -2.140625, -0.091308594, -1.1259766, -0.18591309, 2.1074219, -0.8330078, 0.6196289, -0.20678711, 0.1586914, 0.45043945, 0.25708008, 0.45458984, 0.7294922, -0.044525146, 0.2019043, 0.11608887, -1.2587891, -0.52978516, 0.1171875, -0.68359375, 0.33544922, 1.1318359, 0.16552734, 0.69628906, 0.7910156, 1.0810547, -0.1796875, -0.77197266, -0.42871094, 1.0947266, 0.09954834, -0.36132812, -3.7480469, -0.37573242, 0.31445312, 0.7368164, 0.91015625, -2.609375, 1.2861328, -0.51953125, -4.0664062, -0.6616211, 2.5507812, -0.6254883, 3.4316406, 0.57910156, -2.2871094, -1.2480469, 0.98535156, -0.12805176, -2.7070312, -1.0205078, -2.5703125, 0.6044922, 1.1123047, 0.9433594, 0.65722656, -1.7333984, 2.1289062, -0.42944336, 1.7841797, 1.5, -0.24523926, 1.5322266, -0.47314453, 0.08392334, 1.9296875, 0.8178711, 1.7109375, -0.17871094, -1.8955078, 0.6171875, -0.81640625, -2.7128906, -1.5195312, 0.42211914, -0.07537842, -2.2460938, 1.421875, 0.2836914, -2.0488281, -0.5708008, 0.5258789, 2.5683594, 1.5126953, 2.0507812, 0.80859375, 1.2714844, 0.89160156, 3.0742188, 0.4753418, -2.7792969, -0.28442383, -0.5419922, -0.86621094, 1.0644531, -0.26123047, -0.6503906, -0.39794922, -0.56347656, 0.65478516, -1.1630859, 0.22998047, 0.79541016, -1.6503906, -0.625, 0.7758789, -0.9140625, 2.5722656, 0.96435547, -0.95703125, 0.28637695, -1.2226562, -0.6660156, -0.49072266, 0.36621094, -0.14978027, -2.1699219, -0.92578125, -0.19763184, 0.36669922, 0.27026367, 0.7553711, 0.032043457, -1.0107422, -1.7060547, 0.83154297, 0.4169922, 1.9208984, -0.99609375, -1.4257812, 1.0478516, -1.3408203, 0.47265625, -3.5898438, -0.47631836, 0.80371094, 2.5566406, -2.0253906, 0.5083008, -0.70410156, 0.99609375, -0.2006836, -1.6376953, 0.91259766, 1.8496094, -1.484375, -1.4541016, -1.6679688, -0.38891602, 1.2646484, 0.23876953]" Ancient Seal: The Exorcist,com.wanxin.tgen,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wanxin.tgen,roleplaying in the ancient era full of chaos the world was not yet clear and everything was shrouded in fog when the original fire ignited the world began to awaken heat and cold life and death light and darkness these opposite and unified elements began to shape the world the original fire brought not only life and civilization but also the desire for power and the ambition for domination under the influence of desire and ambition the ancient war between good and evil broke out exquisite picture unique and beautiful picture quality as same as that of pc game gorgeous light,"[0.71533203, -2.3085938, 1.4804688, -1.3085938, -0.3083496, -0.8881836, -0.13195801, -1.7099609, 3.1347656, 1.046875, 0.44702148, 0.2368164, -0.11859131, 0.64697266, 0.1616211, 0.39404297, 0.05166626, 0.23632812, -0.4963379, 0.28393555, 0.75097656, 1.0185547, 2.3964844, 0.58203125, 2.5429688, -1.1103516, -0.57177734, -0.41845703, 0.1227417, 1.1054688, -2.7734375, -1.0439453, -1.0253906, 0.45703125, 1.5644531, -0.030227661, -0.17944336, 0.5620117, -1.1123047, 2.3457031, -0.6357422, -0.2319336, 1.0146484, 0.17211914, 1.3730469, 0.57714844, -1.4560547, -0.44384766, 0.12646484, 1.2099609, 1.0820312, -2.3105469, 1.1582031, -0.70458984, -0.3762207, 0.24255371, -1.2285156, -1.3369141, 0.5253906, 0.4724121, -1.5146484, 0.82421875, 0.39892578, -1.7304688, -0.6328125, 0.9555664, 0.8652344, -1.9257812, 1.4414062, -0.42236328, -0.09295654, 1.9677734, 0.9711914, -0.73583984, -0.22570801, -0.20178223, -0.3869629, -1.1005859, 1.2001953, 0.6015625, -1.765625, -1.3876953, 0.84472656, 0.27001953, -1.1484375, 0.5917969, 1.1787109, -0.4074707, -1.8984375, 3.1972656, -1.1806641, -0.42382812, -2.7148438, 0.21594238, -0.3684082, 0.30737305, 2.3671875, 0.030944824, -2.0859375, -2.5039062, -1.1337891, 1.1777344, -2.3535156, -2.7910156, -0.8129883, -1.4003906, -0.34204102, 1.1201172, -0.11419678, -2.5214844, -0.4699707, 0.37524414, -3.34375, 1.0068359, -1.3378906, -0.047607422, 0.7475586, 0.11810303, -0.29663086, 0.72802734, -0.2232666, -0.090270996, -0.08453369, 0.51464844, 0.76171875, -0.8847656, 0.14453125, -0.15356445, -2.3769531, 2.6230469, 3.1210938, -0.6225586, -0.9433594, -1.7265625, -0.23718262, -1.9277344, 0.4555664, 0.29101562, -2.2207031, 0.43237305, 1.6484375, 0.9951172, 1.3857422, 1.5771484, -0.36914062, 1.1689453, 0.36938477, -1.2548828, 0.5522461, -1.2265625, -0.13745117, 1.2304688, 0.24804688, 1.7226562, 2.1640625, -0.15905762, 1.0507812, -1.6689453, -0.7001953, 0.4543457, 1.3115234, -1.1347656, -0.56689453, 0.18322754, 0.66015625, -0.020065308, 0.32373047, 0.103515625, 0.64160156, -2.8730469, -0.7114258, 0.009216309, 1.4345703, -0.9082031, 0.18457031, -1.7714844, -0.66259766, 1.5117188, -0.05331421, 0.40722656, -0.39819336, 0.14782715, -0.29785156, 1.2607422, 0.5024414, 2.0214844, -0.6640625, -1.4667969, 2.6914062, 1.4804688, 0.20812988, -1.9912109, 0.6894531, 0.61083984, -0.85009766, -0.15332031, -0.9453125, 0.7890625, 0.2685547, 1.8300781, 1.7519531, 0.26000977, 0.7211914, -1.3916016, 0.024032593, -0.5205078, -0.20996094, -1.8242188, 0.3881836, -0.056854248, 0.15234375, -2.9355469, 0.3503418, -0.31762695, -1.7490234, -0.8027344, 1.1787109, 0.41625977, 1.0996094, -0.96777344, -1.3896484, 1.2607422, 0.09576416, -0.95751953, -1.8583984, 3.1347656, -0.5263672, 0.16345215, 0.95654297, -0.15332031, -2.0351562, -2.84375, -1.5820312, -0.20288086, -0.9951172, -0.35229492, 0.27416992, 0.9692383, -0.07104492, -0.12158203, -0.23095703, -1.8164062, 0.4650879, 0.5463867, 0.5834961, -1.1054688, 0.29052734, 0.49169922, 1.0527344, 0.021514893]" Ant Colony: Wild Forest,com.PIXELCELLS.AntColony2,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.PIXELCELLS.AntColony2,simulation features strategy with simulator elements completely freestyle anthill building unlimited amount of ants raids on enemy bases make your own deck types of ants you can play with more coming soon enemies including termites spiders and even crabs difficulty levels normal for a simulator fans or hard for those who looking for challenge realistic ants behavior and so much more follow us on discord httpsdiscordggacdhyp twitter httpstwittercompixelcells,"[3.1308594, 0.026382446, 2.5996094, 0.15002441, -0.68115234, -0.8334961, 1.9228516, 0.026306152, 0.53271484, 0.6411133, 1.9189453, 1.5634766, -1.3759766, -0.8388672, 0.14025879, 1.3564453, 1.0556641, 1.3837891, 0.47460938, -0.6015625, -0.3022461, -0.24560547, 1.5263672, -1.9189453, 1.6435547, -1.4931641, 2.0195312, -0.79589844, 1.5, 0.36328125, 0.1829834, 0.07293701, -1.4052734, 0.38842773, -0.31958008, -1.8359375, 1.9707031, 1.0292969, 1.5742188, -1.0546875, -0.8334961, 0.7753906, 0.0031223297, -1.0917969, 1.609375, -0.72509766, 0.8486328, 1.8818359, 0.9868164, 0.5048828, 2.7226562, -0.10675049, 0.42041016, -0.051696777, -2.0195312, -0.109313965, -0.58740234, -0.5541992, -0.21582031, -0.20727539, -0.09991455, 1.1884766, -0.9111328, -1.2802734, 0.74365234, 0.20117188, -0.22253418, -0.12841797, 1.296875, 0.19824219, 2.7617188, -0.5834961, 0.3244629, 0.5288086, 1.6435547, -0.21618652, -2.1894531, 0.42114258, 0.17028809, -0.16784668, -0.64501953, -0.18786621, -0.9194336, 2.2421875, -2.2480469, -0.53515625, -0.080078125, -0.6464844, 0.6201172, 2.6933594, 0.6333008, -2.1367188, -1.0869141, 0.73779297, -1.5039062, 1.5595703, 0.27685547, -0.40112305, -1.0761719, -0.9863281, -0.9404297, 0.44433594, -0.6015625, -1.7490234, -0.48364258, -0.009124756, -1.4697266, -0.5620117, -0.94628906, -1.6972656, -1.0634766, 0.12054443, -2.2167969, 0.6401367, 0.38305664, 1.4179688, 1.2177734, -2.5136719, 0.39160156, 0.7373047, -0.25439453, -1.1582031, 0.8183594, 1.1416016, 2.1171875, -0.26171875, -1.4140625, 0.34643555, -1.3251953, 1.6318359, 0.3930664, -1.640625, 1.0146484, 0.01285553, 3.5136719, -2.3730469, 0.9765625, 1.5380859, 0.39648438, -0.46142578, 2.4101562, -0.65966797, -1.2119141, -0.6401367, -0.9165039, 0.5800781, -0.5292969, 0.83154297, -0.6635742, 0.17333984, 0.12365723, -1.1416016, 1.4189453, 1.6660156, 3.6679688, 0.10882568, -0.049560547, -1.9501953, -1.9941406, 0.2788086, -0.101623535, -0.019515991, -0.35473633, 0.7558594, 1.6152344, 0.40942383, 1.8691406, 2.3398438, -0.9506836, -2.7929688, -2.2109375, -1.2255859, 2.6894531, 0.11871338, -0.38964844, -2.1191406, 1.5976562, -2.9453125, 0.27026367, -0.0056762695, -1.2861328, 0.21618652, -0.25439453, -0.11981201, -0.25097656, 0.50683594, -0.11480713, -2.2871094, 0.9243164, 1.4013672, 0.35742188, -1.3447266, -0.32006836, 2.1386719, -1.1943359, 1.1318359, -2.5761719, -1.1347656, 0.6015625, -2.4804688, 0.15979004, -0.9453125, 0.14758301, -0.81103516, -1.3095703, 2.6875, 0.9379883, -1.7353516, -0.37646484, -1.0595703, -0.6015625, -0.8466797, 0.71972656, 0.39086914, -1.7861328, 3.8320312, -0.8769531, 1.5742188, 0.84716797, 0.80078125, 1.3974609, 0.52197266, 0.73779297, 0.1126709, -0.08129883, 1.0908203, 0.4128418, -0.14978027, -0.09844971, 0.59472656, -0.8466797, -0.6191406, -0.036712646, 1.484375, 1.2568359, -2.2324219, -0.3347168, 0.42163086, -2.7675781, 0.6879883, 2.5761719, -0.09277344, -1.5, 0.8256836, -0.8051758, 1.1298828, 0.56933594, -0.5629883, 1.7714844, -1.2089844]" Heroes of Crown: Legends,com.ujoy.hoc,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ujoy.hoc,adventure preregister now for exclusive rewards upon release receive special rewards including lightdark exclusive selection recruitment tickets diamonds k gold coins plus a whopping extra draws when the chosen one is born they will find the lost seven ancient crowns ensuring that darkness will never encroach upon the homeland heroes of crown legends is a d nextgen idle adventure rpg the game utilizes nextgeneration modeling vivid scenes gpu particle effects and pbr rendering to create highquality artistic design the easy and casual idle gameplay that contains a fantasy adventure merging multiple civilizations and legendary heroes from netherworld allows you to embark,"[1.6552734, -0.8613281, 1.1933594, -1.1035156, 0.6948242, -0.4572754, 0.16870117, -1.2919922, 2.4355469, 2.7597656, 0.51123047, 1.2255859, -0.15783691, -0.1850586, 0.984375, -0.90966797, -2.3164062, 0.796875, 1.6455078, 1.6455078, 2.1210938, -1.7314453, 0.7788086, -1.5009766, -1.6064453, -3.0195312, -0.9790039, 0.24414062, -0.86376953, 0.56152344, -1.0400391, 0.28979492, 1.0927734, -1.078125, -0.030319214, -1.3759766, 1.1601562, -0.38720703, 1.2705078, 0.5205078, -0.11932373, -0.3408203, 0.9350586, -1.1826172, 0.23828125, 2.125, -2.5742188, -0.47314453, 0.31323242, 1.2431641, 1.5195312, -0.72802734, 0.97265625, -1.0712891, -2.0390625, -0.23876953, -2.0839844, -1.5341797, 0.85009766, 1.2988281, 0.98339844, 2.3847656, -1.2119141, -0.4921875, -0.27539062, 0.15661621, 0.6879883, 0.12310791, 0.49072266, -0.2705078, -0.47216797, 3.0664062, -0.14086914, 1.3925781, 2.0605469, -1.2705078, 0.08465576, -0.48535156, 2.4277344, -0.41259766, -0.09741211, -0.3840332, -0.82470703, 0.97021484, -0.21533203, 0.7133789, 0.22021484, -0.6352539, -3.2753906, 1.8613281, -0.00881958, -0.41235352, -2.0351562, 0.6801758, -0.91552734, -0.7993164, 0.05368042, -0.625, -0.3125, -2.7890625, -0.8930664, -0.060668945, -2.3867188, -2.5917969, -1.3027344, 0.39575195, 0.8256836, -1.6074219, 0.0758667, -1.4550781, 0.08874512, 1.1796875, -1.7236328, 0.08465576, -1.4775391, 0.4267578, 0.05117798, -0.5986328, -0.8022461, 0.48095703, 0.5161133, 0.68359375, -0.6616211, -0.28076172, 1.5566406, -0.8100586, 0.13867188, -0.3552246, -1.6025391, 2.5976562, -0.5180664, -0.7446289, 1.7109375, 0.13293457, 0.89160156, 0.006187439, 0.29614258, 1.5029297, -2.8886719, 2.6347656, -0.85058594, -0.2680664, 2.03125, 1.1914062, -2.7578125, 0.89404297, 3.2070312, -0.8769531, -0.39794922, 1.6201172, -0.74365234, 1.828125, -2.3632812, 0.53759766, 1.3564453, -0.7861328, -0.98339844, -1.0136719, 1.2626953, 1.2822266, 0.61279297, -1.2460938, -1.4628906, -0.8027344, 0.6796875, 0.93359375, 0.43408203, 2.28125, -0.44628906, -2.8828125, -1.4189453, -1.96875, 2.4101562, -0.8925781, -0.3491211, -0.38330078, 0.26098633, -1.5498047, 0.06945801, -1.4570312, -1.0195312, 0.9223633, -0.29589844, 0.2902832, 1.3203125, 2.0214844, 0.26904297, -1.5458984, 1.9873047, -0.26245117, -1.5214844, -1.0869141, 0.71728516, -0.6040039, -2.2226562, 0.15759277, -0.05291748, -0.6044922, 2.0878906, 0.14221191, 1.3896484, -0.040771484, -1.0205078, -1.4423828, -2.6738281, -0.45751953, -0.058166504, -0.71240234, -0.984375, -1.5820312, 0.25683594, -0.066589355, -0.5107422, -1.234375, -2.7910156, -1.3291016, 0.9589844, -0.28222656, 1.1542969, 0.12646484, -0.097229004, -0.67285156, -0.96777344, -0.27172852, -0.73779297, 1.6513672, 0.0010166168, -2.3808594, -0.7993164, -0.4621582, -0.6308594, -1.6513672, -2.171875, 0.53564453, -1.7519531, 4.8984375, -0.7138672, 0.070495605, 0.65283203, 1.3359375, -0.10656738, -0.7597656, -1.1123047, 0.5932617, -1.2109375, 1.4921875, -1.5566406, -2.4648438, 1.7929688, -2.4609375]" Dragon BUURRP!,com.wemademax.projectsb,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wemademax.projectsb,casual from the olden days the great dragons needed three things treasures princesses and above all else a super awesome tower led by instinct our newborn baby dragon set out to find a perfect tower for himself but the vile monsters of the tower dungeon were anticipating the dragon s arrival join our cuddly baby dragon for an adventure to conquer the tower features this little dragon s burp packs powerful energy use various elemental skills to release powerful dragon breath collect upgrade fuse powerful skill balls to create your own deck experiment with endless combinations the more the ball ricochet,"[1.8486328, -0.7597656, -1.1552734, 0.46948242, 1.0380859, -0.35083008, 0.67041016, 0.57421875, 2.4609375, 2.2011719, -1.9794922, -1.1484375, -1.3417969, -1.1601562, -0.14465332, -1.1269531, -0.80615234, 0.22924805, -0.17089844, 0.5097656, 1.6865234, 1.0556641, 0.12695312, -0.35864258, 0.24475098, -2.2734375, 0.40039062, -1.5605469, -3.2832031, -0.32617188, -2.4082031, -0.91503906, -1.1083984, 1.6259766, -1.8945312, 0.41381836, 0.1998291, -1.0996094, 1.5869141, 0.07849121, 1.1582031, -1.3466797, 0.7607422, -0.6796875, 0.52734375, 1.1269531, 0.06591797, 0.6879883, 0.9838867, 1.1816406, 1.9570312, -0.171875, 0.49487305, -0.5864258, -1.2558594, 0.10809326, -1.5859375, -0.4345703, 0.59716797, -0.5239258, 0.10247803, 2.6191406, 0.5629883, -0.5683594, -0.97021484, 0.7583008, 0.6308594, -1.6748047, 0.7993164, 0.48828125, 2.7871094, 1.7460938, -0.12390137, 1.5361328, 1.25, 1.0908203, -1.0292969, -2.1367188, -1.9726562, 0.18066406, -0.7885742, -1.2314453, -1.5527344, 1.0214844, 0.6152344, 2.1269531, -0.80859375, -0.29492188, -1.4316406, 0.58154297, -2.0625, -1.4365234, 0.9628906, 0.9863281, 0.5136719, 1.4033203, -0.42016602, -0.49316406, -2.4335938, -1.4267578, -1.1855469, 0.84814453, -2.3496094, 0.048797607, 1.9941406, 0.09832764, 1.2929688, 0.07397461, -0.4736328, -1.5888672, -0.30004883, -1.4814453, 0.5576172, -0.9375, -0.2626953, -1.2421875, -1.1162109, -0.37353516, 0.5957031, 0.10675049, 1.1445312, 0.7519531, 0.16882324, 0.06567383, 0.8334961, 0.52441406, -0.16784668, -1.2597656, -0.16516113, 1.9589844, 2.0019531, 0.9848633, -0.040100098, 0.38183594, 3.4609375, -0.52490234, 0.12011719, -0.5029297, -0.48706055, -0.0859375, 0.6254883, -0.46069336, 3.0136719, -1.4589844, -1.1181641, 1.8457031, 0.64990234, 0.6875, 1.1123047, -2.0214844, 0.027252197, 1.4492188, -0.056152344, 3.4316406, 5.65625, -1.0830078, 0.15283203, -0.6923828, 1.3339844, 1.7861328, -0.059814453, -1.7578125, 0.3959961, 0.3564453, 1.0615234, -0.04522705, -0.47314453, 1.2910156, -0.49121094, -1.3085938, -2.2324219, 0.14013672, 2.6894531, -0.62353516, -1.1367188, -0.6772461, 0.8022461, 0.3059082, 0.40820312, 0.37817383, -1.2734375, 0.6230469, -1.3330078, 0.6953125, -0.6645508, 2.2167969, -0.11981201, -1.8378906, 0.9394531, -0.0058174133, -1.0195312, -0.6459961, 0.6669922, 0.23449707, -0.12011719, -0.15161133, 0.69384766, -0.5859375, -0.55859375, -1.1865234, 1.7949219, -0.43652344, -0.8652344, -1.3583984, -1.5605469, 1.5126953, -0.7758789, 1.1308594, 0.49316406, -0.21618652, 0.5800781, -0.8359375, -0.41601562, -1.3925781, -2.1445312, -1.2441406, 2.5, 1.1230469, 0.15478516, -0.95703125, 1.0517578, -1.6513672, -1.0722656, -0.31469727, -0.61279297, 2.8417969, -1.1328125, -0.74560547, -1.9375, 0.9863281, 0.3215332, -1.8134766, -2.6269531, -1.2773438, -0.43139648, -0.20776367, -0.71875, 0.14379883, 0.8652344, 0.9379883, 0.6098633, 0.07623291, -0.30859375, 1.0742188, -0.62060547, -0.2055664, -1.1591797, 0.12731934, 1.6806641, -1.8115234]" Piano Fire 2: Slide Challenge,beatmaker.edm.musicgames.pianofire2,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=beatmaker.edm.musicgames.pianofire2,music love music and want to show off your sense of rhythm wait no more try out piano fire the new goto game for music lovers its a funpacked adventure through various musical genres tapping along to rock pop classical and jazz youll be grooving to the beat and sharpening your reflexes in no time how do you play its easy tap the colorful blocks in time with the music keep it fast and accurate to master the tunes and ramp up the fun game features a symphony of songs over tracks to choose from ensuring theres a melody for everyone,"[1.7197266, -1.0175781, -0.6621094, 1.4423828, -0.2064209, 0.19421387, -0.7441406, -0.7685547, 0.07373047, -0.9404297, -0.13391113, 2.3085938, 0.5800781, 0.38183594, 1.3798828, -0.49145508, -0.5996094, -1.6523438, 0.28808594, -0.63378906, -0.81933594, -0.6176758, 1.6962891, -2.7382812, 3.9628906, -1.9658203, 1.1435547, 0.4675293, 0.24658203, -1.1796875, 0.19030762, -0.60839844, -0.8857422, 0.9604492, -0.9296875, 0.08959961, 0.8178711, -0.1817627, 0.71777344, -0.9379883, 0.13061523, 1.4384766, -1.0703125, 0.26538086, 0.12402344, 1.8173828, -0.8198242, -1.1982422, 1.6201172, -0.18444824, 1.0019531, -0.75097656, -1.796875, -0.20153809, -0.28759766, -0.6435547, 2.34375, -0.14526367, -1.8447266, -0.7036133, 0.27075195, 0.30078125, -1.1728516, 1.0917969, 2.1386719, -0.640625, 0.6411133, -2.4179688, 1.0195312, 0.6303711, 1.4453125, -0.5600586, 1.21875, 0.9892578, 0.57958984, -0.24182129, -0.6904297, -1.0429688, 0.17211914, 1.1738281, 0.91845703, 0.95947266, -0.32788086, 0.015777588, 0.40771484, -0.0042915344, 1.2285156, -0.23266602, -1.2832031, 2.4101562, -0.7783203, -1.4257812, -1.1162109, -0.97558594, 0.65527344, -1.1923828, 1.9150391, 1.0, -0.84765625, -0.5419922, 1.0175781, -0.22106934, -0.52246094, -0.54345703, -0.23779297, -0.16381836, 0.18408203, 0.094055176, -0.97021484, -1.4091797, -1.1064453, 0.023971558, -0.62597656, 0.12408447, -1.8681641, -0.9824219, 0.27294922, 0.45703125, -0.94628906, -0.015625, 0.7294922, -0.021209717, 1.6982422, 1.0712891, 1.8007812, -0.9003906, -0.8125, -0.45825195, 0.4309082, 0.51708984, 1.2460938, 0.5205078, -0.73876953, 1.7558594, 2.2324219, 0.69970703, 0.9238281, 1.8183594, 0.18615723, -0.8334961, 1.3964844, -0.859375, 0.4375, 0.59765625, -0.01889038, 0.24865723, -1.0117188, -0.35742188, 0.9746094, -1.6054688, -3.15625, -1.3837891, -0.9189453, -0.7753906, 2.0761719, -1.4589844, 1.0839844, 2.1660156, 0.67041016, 0.9013672, -0.6669922, 1.5341797, 0.33666992, -1.3564453, 0.6020508, 1.1035156, -0.4572754, -0.80908203, -3.4628906, -0.4873047, -0.22888184, 0.80810547, -0.87402344, 1.5966797, 0.89453125, 1.1367188, 0.7519531, 0.65185547, 2.1503906, 1.0136719, -1.9384766, 2.390625, 1.3974609, 0.061553955, -0.114990234, 0.2836914, -0.21032715, -0.94628906, 0.32348633, 0.68310547, 0.105407715, -1.4316406, -0.7207031, 2.5371094, 1.4697266, -0.8745117, 0.5332031, -0.6196289, -0.018005371, -1.3271484, 3.0507812, -0.7246094, -1.0800781, 0.23168945, -0.76953125, 0.8178711, 1.4072266, -1.2773438, -1.2021484, 0.82373047, -1.3925781, -1.3359375, -0.40405273, 0.94628906, -1.5800781, 0.6635742, -1.1835938, 2.0820312, 1.078125, -0.6621094, -1.5, 0.07745361, 0.13378906, -0.8769531, -0.07757568, 1.2148438, 1.8662109, -1.921875, 0.66748047, 0.38134766, -1.6738281, -1.5263672, 1.0898438, 1.7636719, 0.4387207, -2.0878906, -0.032409668, 1.5322266, -1.8066406, 0.86816406, 0.70703125, -0.99121094, 0.07159424, 0.03982544, -0.39404297, -1.0878906, -0.5698242, 0.2541504, 1.0732422, -2.3964844]" Disney Frozen Royal Castle,com.budgestudios.googleplay.FrozenFRZ,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.budgestudios.googleplay.FrozenFRZ,simulation the world of disney frozen comes to life in this funfilled doll house game disney frozen royal castle parents can have fun with kids while playing with anna elsa kristoff and other frozen dolls as they dress up cook and explore featuring content from the beloved films kids can customize and play in their very own royal doll house allowing them to express their creativity and imagination explore players can explore the great hall the kitchen the fragrance suite and interact with many items in each room dress up there are all kinds of frozen fashions to try on kids,"[2.2402344, -0.023223877, 0.3815918, 2.3261719, -1.7929688, 0.28710938, 0.74560547, 0.55371094, -2.0703125, 1.2119141, 0.9160156, 0.9711914, -0.76904297, -1.0458984, -0.3581543, -0.19604492, -0.28637695, -0.734375, 0.15686035, 0.41796875, 1.1708984, 0.14709473, -0.8847656, -1.3974609, 1.7275391, 0.27734375, 0.0769043, 0.5913086, -0.6772461, 0.04751587, 0.1821289, 0.81152344, 0.061767578, -0.07940674, -2.3320312, -0.60595703, -0.56884766, 1.1513672, 1.8359375, 0.031921387, 0.4819336, -1.6054688, 2.1601562, -1.5439453, -0.42138672, 0.51123047, -0.26489258, -0.88623047, -1.9169922, 0.08581543, 1.6083984, 1.0478516, -1.5712891, -2.1816406, -0.90283203, -0.4411621, -1.2548828, 1.0810547, 0.23815918, -1.0976562, 1.5947266, 1.5888672, -0.79296875, -0.609375, 0.7324219, -0.27978516, -0.75878906, -0.43139648, 1.3623047, 1.6806641, 0.7055664, -0.89746094, 0.68310547, 2.4257812, 1.0605469, -0.3647461, 0.7661133, -0.044189453, -1.9951172, -0.9453125, -2.6816406, 0.21582031, -0.48779297, 1.2324219, -1.1484375, 0.3642578, 0.20654297, 0.8208008, 0.0028686523, 0.53027344, 0.82373047, -2.2402344, 0.7578125, -0.61328125, -1.1337891, -0.87890625, 0.6015625, 0.105407715, -0.08770752, -1.4609375, -0.66503906, 0.39770508, -0.5698242, -1.1962891, -1.1015625, 3.1191406, -1.1464844, 0.13220215, -3.5429688, -0.42993164, 0.9682617, -2.0058594, -1.8339844, -1.1425781, 0.6411133, -0.71240234, -0.11846924, -1.7255859, 0.27612305, 0.35253906, -1.0429688, 0.44360352, 2.0761719, 0.5620117, 0.40673828, -1.2724609, -1.2285156, -2.3769531, 1.8369141, 1.4970703, -2.6679688, -0.3395996, -0.734375, -1.4267578, 0.1763916, 2.0214844, 2.3964844, -1.4423828, -1.8291016, 1.1132812, 0.029342651, 1.1318359, 2.1425781, 2.9375, -1.9248047, 0.6064453, -1.1757812, 1.6708984, -1.0009766, 0.45996094, -2.2148438, 0.0046424866, 2.2148438, 1.2119141, 1.8691406, -0.34033203, -0.061676025, -1.234375, 2.5058594, 1.1943359, -1.2519531, -0.80371094, -1.4609375, 0.049957275, 2.265625, -1.5146484, 1.2294922, -0.65478516, -0.54003906, -2.7070312, -0.7426758, -1.1865234, -0.09698486, 1.3818359, 0.43701172, 1.7441406, -0.29907227, -0.016036987, 1.2070312, 0.19799805, -1.5166016, 1.4931641, 0.9121094, 1.0605469, -0.8383789, 2.0019531, -0.012161255, 1.0351562, 1.2714844, 0.11340332, -0.5463867, -0.10430908, -0.21679688, 0.37304688, -1.3486328, 0.7290039, -0.6113281, 0.43823242, -0.016235352, 0.06488037, -0.3605957, -0.5, -2.1972656, 1.5419922, -1.4794922, -0.98095703, -0.31054688, -1.5527344, -0.6484375, 0.53027344, 0.27954102, 2.0117188, -0.9160156, -0.32861328, 0.07659912, -1.3701172, -1.4785156, 0.74853516, 0.84228516, -0.53808594, 0.22021484, -0.87597656, 0.95458984, -1.1181641, -1.0263672, 3.9902344, 0.7788086, -0.9794922, 0.6171875, 1.4042969, -1.3779297, -1.0537109, 0.6713867, -0.7583008, 0.93310547, 0.7324219, 1.3212891, -0.16186523, -1.3027344, 2.5429688, 0.8378906, 1.7841797, -0.48828125, -0.7026367, 1.2470703, 0.3310547, -0.71972656, -0.4658203, 1.7197266, -2.0117188]" Popular Words 2: Trivia Quiz,com.unicostudio.popularwords2,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.unicostudio.popularwords2,trivia sequel to the fanfavorite word trivia quiz game popular words family game is here being your own tv show game with amazing new game modes and even more fun trivia questions enhance your trivia quiz game experience with popular words it has a unique design and it is an addictive fun quiz game like its predecessor popular words this brain teasing game invites you to the best trivia game experience test your general knowledge vocabulary intelligence and ingenuity with a relaxing design and gameplay while improving your iq memory concentration attention and logic guessing words has never been this fun,"[1.3310547, 0.7319336, 2.1425781, 1.6054688, -0.27246094, -0.96533203, 0.69628906, 1.6152344, 0.26171875, 1.2070312, 1.4619141, 2.046875, -1.5722656, 1.9140625, 0.99121094, 0.31982422, -2.3320312, -0.32983398, -1.21875, 0.36010742, -0.045959473, 0.53564453, -0.8598633, -2.1601562, -0.36572266, -0.6723633, -0.64697266, 0.6582031, -0.29174805, -2.4882812, -1.9414062, -2.2070312, -1.6376953, 0.3125, 0.87890625, -0.05392456, 0.035369873, -0.49487305, 1.7773438, 0.8852539, -0.08520508, -1.7158203, 1.3164062, 0.98046875, -1.3310547, -0.1274414, -2.3554688, 0.19519043, -0.8417969, -1.2197266, 1.0634766, -1.8671875, -0.515625, 0.09082031, -1.75, 1.5927734, -2.3789062, -0.24975586, -0.74560547, -1.3681641, 0.8408203, 1.609375, -0.28320312, -1.0283203, -0.03866577, 1.0273438, -0.33129883, -1.1445312, 0.6347656, 2.6308594, -1.4716797, -0.39013672, -1.3378906, 0.31054688, 2.4726562, 1.4042969, -0.16564941, -0.09326172, -0.60546875, -0.1607666, -1.2138672, 0.1161499, -2.8242188, 0.9848633, -1.1601562, 1.6816406, 0.6347656, -0.37182617, -1.546875, 3.4980469, -1.6474609, 0.87890625, -1.1259766, -0.6723633, -0.01977539, -1.2958984, -1.4433594, 0.1895752, 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Master: Hidden Objects,com.scavenger.hunt.hidden.objects.find.out.puzzle.games.free,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.scavenger.hunt.hidden.objects.find.out.puzzle.games.free,puzzle looking for a way to unwind and give your brain a workout look no further than find master hidden objects this beloved find game provides hours of casual entertainment while also helping you find out and sharpen your mind start an exciting scavenger hunt as you search for hidden objects scattered throughout beautifully crafted scenes the objective is simple yet satisfying find hidden objects and complete each levels challenges by mastering the art of scavenger hunting youll breeze through the levels with ease get ready to relax and challenge your logic with find master hidden objects the ultimate find it,"[0.6147461, -0.91845703, -0.66748047, 0.5253906, -0.7597656, -0.3334961, 1.5878906, 1.0576172, 0.625, 1.1171875, -1.7675781, 1.0087891, 0.28833008, 1.3828125, -0.66015625, 0.7080078, 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-0.33666992, 1.1298828, -0.13879395, 2.3828125, 0.018539429, -2.0351562, -0.1809082, 0.73046875, 2.8789062, 0.17773438, 1.921875, 0.9472656, -1.3964844, -2.1191406, -3.4902344, 2.0292969, 2.0527344, 1.3681641, 1.3173828, -3.8378906, 1.0488281, -1.4287109, 0.39526367, -0.6015625, 1.3671875, 0.32055664, -0.18432617, 1.9267578, 0.025146484, -0.8647461, 1.7421875, -0.92871094, 1.2011719, 2.0214844, 0.38305664, 1.0615234, -1.6035156, 0.8515625, 0.6040039, -2.7675781, 1.2753906, 0.29174805, -2.46875, -0.18908691, -1.9746094, -2.4082031, -1.6826172, -0.74609375, 0.69873047, 0.5214844, -0.5136719, 0.28515625, 1.0019531, -0.38354492, -0.08856201, 1.9003906, -0.5463867, -0.34985352, 1.3447266, 1.8183594, 2.4882812, -0.6020508, 0.87841797, 1.1669922, 0.15441895]" GranSagaIdle: KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS,com.piedpixels.gransagaidle,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.piedpixels.gransagaidle,casual introduction the gran knights the las knights the samurai of the great continent and even the elite of the gerus empire fought against this battle but the situation was overwhelmingly unfavorable their lonely battle ends in defeat it was supposed to be that way at a desperate moment the world is rewound years ago by the power of eve and lilith for las and his friends a second chance to save humanity has arrived there the black dragon and the army of darkness are once again threatening the world complete quests fight monsters gather friends lets overcome the crisis that,"[1.7832031, -1.8300781, 2.4667969, -1.125, 1.0126953, -0.90234375, 0.17114258, 0.72021484, 2.3066406, 2.3378906, -0.95458984, 1.6953125, 0.19299316, -0.70703125, 0.0440979, -2.3378906, -0.44213867, 0.41210938, 0.07733154, -0.29516602, 0.03842163, 0.47875977, 2.53125, -1.3027344, 0.6274414, 0.06921387, -0.33129883, -1.1337891, -2.1796875, -0.17993164, -0.39038086, 0.8100586, -0.19519043, -0.13220215, 1.7236328, -1.2158203, 1.8974609, 0.8696289, -0.7919922, 0.23632812, -0.24890137, 0.63916016, 1.5683594, -0.32299805, 1.5107422, -0.061462402, -2.3632812, 0.6772461, 0.6870117, 1.4521484, -0.875, -0.9638672, 3.3613281, -0.35009766, -2.25, 0.98779297, -2.3222656, -0.7138672, 1.0400391, 0.78808594, -0.45385742, 2.1972656, -1.5205078, -0.5834961, -2.1074219, -0.64501953, -1.3798828, 0.14233398, -0.43920898, 0.15014648, 0.94384766, 1.9755859, -1.8017578, 0.030975342, 1.3261719, -0.66845703, -0.13256836, -1.1777344, 0.8642578, 0.96777344, 0.0012292862, 0.01499939, -0.71728516, 0.13842773, 0.16210938, 0.17553711, 0.23278809, 0.8876953, -1.5175781, 3.2519531, -0.4699707, -1.1298828, -1.8701172, 0.65966797, -2.9433594, 0.26782227, 1.4746094, 1.9365234, -1.3076172, -0.453125, -1.1083984, 0.87890625, -1.8740234, -4.09375, 0.12310791, 0.58154297, -0.17004395, -2.1210938, -0.69091797, -2.5019531, -0.88964844, -0.7583008, 0.24279785, 2.1503906, -1.1650391, -0.4428711, 0.79248047, -1.0644531, -1.3378906, -0.5024414, 0.49804688, 0.6567383, 0.10845947, 0.8491211, 0.30737305, 0.25, 0.078125, -0.16833496, -2.2617188, 2.8945312, 1.3408203, -0.6899414, 0.0692749, -1.2324219, 0.078552246, 0.20739746, 1.8417969, -0.7993164, -0.54345703, 0.68847656, -1.0996094, -1.2285156, 1.7783203, 1.1054688, -0.85791016, 1.3222656, -0.2010498, -0.11810303, -0.5463867, -0.55566406, -0.044158936, 2.2480469, 0.5629883, 1.3261719, 4.4570312, -0.09100342, 0.23498535, -1.4853516, -0.6645508, 1.0800781, -0.43920898, -0.60546875, 0.54003906, -0.0034236908, 3.5820312, 0.4440918, 1.7373047, 1.9521484, 0.9501953, -1.4296875, -0.53271484, 0.22485352, 1.2958984, -0.77001953, -0.9213867, -0.91308594, 0.88427734, -1.7558594, 0.2076416, -0.60546875, 0.27954102, -0.13781738, -1.4697266, 1.3271484, 1.71875, 3.6738281, 0.61328125, 0.9135742, -0.46142578, 0.24707031, 0.26220703, -1.3583984, 0.35302734, 0.027740479, -1.3583984, -0.5751953, -0.5473633, -0.026397705, -0.5649414, -0.41430664, -0.31103516, 0.36743164, 0.40014648, -0.21594238, -1.1689453, -0.048553467, -0.42382812, -0.8959961, -0.07220459, -0.08679199, 0.24694824, -2.0996094, 0.0056533813, 0.94384766, -1.1240234, 1.2871094, 1.0205078, -0.4699707, 0.21862793, -1.59375, 0.73339844, -0.47094727, -0.12634277, -1.9521484, 1.3125, -0.7890625, 0.7685547, -0.64404297, -1.0087891, -0.13891602, -1.0625, -1.4658203, -1.6464844, -1.4296875, -0.48999023, -2.3535156, -0.4921875, 0.107543945, 0.5493164, 1.5419922, 2.375, -0.0848999, 1.2011719, 0.6123047, -0.88427734, -0.2154541, -2.0273438, 0.7607422, 1.7177734, 1.4267578]" Energy Manager - 2024,com.trophygames.energymanager,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trophygames.energymanager,simulation are you the next power and energy mogul can you achieve a monopoly in energy manager you create and manage your own power empire where you build it up from nothing to owning routes all over the world compete to be at the top of the multiplayer leaderboards and challenge your friends and other real life energy managers from all over the world game modes easy and realistic energy source and storage types countries to start from cities to expand to real life energy generators utilize the power of an energy tycoon simulator to create a strategy where you can,"[1.8203125, -0.46777344, 2.40625, -0.6201172, -1.3486328, 0.11584473, 0.69384766, 0.66503906, 0.105041504, 2.703125, 0.3762207, -0.21203613, -0.3659668, -0.19885254, -1.0917969, -0.01184845, 0.6166992, 0.67089844, 0.9238281, 0.24169922, 1.2021484, 1.2597656, 2.3515625, -0.38476562, 1.9912109, -0.086364746, -0.42749023, -1.9804688, 1.2880859, 1.8369141, -1.6591797, -0.2607422, -1.2285156, 0.38989258, 0.8930664, -0.7182617, 1.5068359, -1.0205078, 0.98339844, -0.83154297, 0.31274414, 1.1240234, -0.0925293, -0.67089844, 1.9091797, 1.6132812, -0.4934082, -1.0029297, 0.796875, 0.1430664, 3.1601562, -1.2382812, -1.3330078, -1.6240234, -0.33544922, -0.11743164, -3.1308594, 1.4951172, -1.4169922, -2.2324219, -0.4111328, 1.6337891, -1.1582031, -2.0566406, 1.4287109, -1.8652344, 1.3496094, -0.6489258, 0.98291016, 2.1640625, 3.5800781, -1.3076172, -0.91845703, 0.43237305, -1.453125, -0.73828125, -0.4567871, 0.032287598, 0.58496094, 0.11505127, -0.087402344, -0.044281006, -2.0742188, 2.203125, -0.640625, 0.5600586, -1.3300781, 0.26635742, -0.00020349026, 0.12322998, 2.5839844, -1.6123047, -1.9238281, -1.0605469, 0.23937988, 0.034332275, 0.68847656, 1.9736328, -1.640625, -0.5161133, 0.93408203, 0.98095703, -1.2167969, -0.35546875, -2.6171875, 0.67871094, -0.9760742, 0.8256836, -0.2685547, -2.5234375, -0.18481445, 0.12060547, 0.45410156, 1.3652344, 3.4023438, 1.1650391, 0.8154297, -1.4609375, 0.21679688, 0.32836914, 1.8222656, -2.0625, -0.6586914, 0.49682617, 0.41723633, -1.5087891, -1.4423828, -2.796875, -0.65283203, 2.3261719, -2.0664062, -1.8945312, 1.7275391, 0.4104004, -0.2322998, -2.6835938, -0.057739258, -1.0615234, 0.7114258, 0.108947754, -0.15026855, -0.54785156, 2.8691406, 1.9238281, -1.4892578, -0.25048828, -0.32348633, 0.59472656, -0.8847656, -0.52001953, -0.29125977, -0.8652344, -0.39624023, 2.0546875, 2.4375, 0.0869751, 0.6352539, -2.0722656, -1.1308594, 1.0878906, 0.3996582, -0.15234375, 0.18615723, -0.11047363, -1.4580078, -0.79296875, 1.0429688, -0.13671875, -2.375, -2.6738281, -2.7304688, -0.49365234, -0.43164062, 0.86035156, 1.0888672, -1.8242188, 1.9716797, -0.48632812, -0.30566406, 1.5966797, -0.27929688, 1.0537109, 1.9042969, -0.41845703, -1.1513672, 0.8071289, -1.7460938, -1.4599609, 1.2236328, 1.5439453, -0.6074219, -1.1738281, -0.6801758, -0.02142334, -1.8242188, 0.85791016, 0.14733887, 1.5048828, 3.6015625, -0.8774414, 1.7128906, -0.028640747, 0.9628906, -2.2011719, -1.5400391, 0.34887695, 0.6074219, -0.2758789, -0.9995117, 0.94384766, -0.8227539, -1.6201172, 1.7402344, 0.60498047, -0.4013672, 1.4228516, 1.6240234, 2.0292969, -0.17236328, -0.77001953, -0.5834961, -0.5761719, 0.40527344, -0.44384766, 1.0458984, -0.12408447, 1.5957031, 0.7421875, 0.14343262, 1.4423828, -2.375, -2.1992188, -0.7319336, 0.6430664, 0.03555298, -1.7783203, 0.4777832, 0.052856445, 1.3261719, 0.57714844, -0.07086182, 0.6464844, -1.015625, 2.1777344, -2.0039062, 2.5195312, 0.13476562, -2.0234375, 1.9521484, -0.93652344]" Hero Assemble: Epic Idle RPG,com.cookapps.heroassemble,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cookapps.heroassemble,roleplaying dive into hero assemble epic idle rpg where thrilling battles meet adorable characters this mobile rpg merges idle gameplay with engaging action allowing your adventure to thrive even offline epic boss battles test your skills in challenging boss fights precision and strategy are key to victory in each encounter unique skins with stats enhance your heroes with skins that boost their powers and match your style for intense action diverse characters and combos explore various characters and discover powerful combos for strategic victories in the heat of battle build your village unlock events and strengthen your heroes in your evolving,"[2.09375, -0.7861328, 3.40625, -0.6845703, 0.5722656, -0.48388672, -0.014312744, -1.1220703, 0.9482422, 1.3496094, 0.27026367, 2.3027344, -0.10058594, 0.7885742, 1.03125, -1.7714844, -0.55859375, 0.95654297, -1.9716797, 0.6796875, 1.7451172, -0.15612793, 0.5004883, -2.0117188, -0.7446289, -1.6542969, -0.36865234, -0.5058594, 3.0996094, 0.23901367, -2.8554688, 1.7714844, 0.74072266, -2.3417969, 0.91552734, -2.6582031, 1.1298828, 0.62597656, 1.2558594, -1.0917969, 1.1708984, -0.09240723, 0.9555664, -0.4033203, 0.2980957, 1.0048828, -2.4667969, -2.5429688, 0.8286133, 1.4804688, -0.027893066, -1.0742188, 1.2460938, -1.9697266, -0.6411133, -0.2939453, -0.84765625, -0.1427002, -1.3212891, 0.27319336, 0.58251953, 2.6035156, -0.98291016, -1.9521484, 0.20812988, -0.38208008, 1.2929688, 0.9458008, 1.7792969, 0.63916016, -0.50097656, 1.7128906, -0.7910156, 0.2890625, 2.3613281, 1.1523438, 0.42211914, 0.18225098, 0.54589844, -0.5917969, -0.9946289, -0.20373535, -1.0351562, 1.5488281, -0.4267578, -0.6020508, 1.2285156, -0.38354492, -1.8574219, 1.9033203, 0.8041992, -1.1337891, -2.6386719, 0.18701172, -2.4570312, 0.27124023, 0.9399414, -0.31713867, -0.50390625, -2.0996094, -1.1298828, 0.63623047, -1.2792969, -2.6464844, -0.5600586, 1.3134766, 1.2382812, -1.7714844, -1.4765625, -2.1699219, -1.7734375, -0.26342773, -0.23901367, -0.75683594, -2.2890625, 0.66308594, -0.05380249, -2.1308594, -0.38598633, 0.5488281, 0.9741211, 1.0283203, -0.75683594, -0.2355957, 1.0439453, 0.58154297, 1.4541016, 0.1932373, -1.0058594, 1.3173828, -0.8046875, -0.95458984, 2.1796875, 1.7392578, 2.109375, 0.6616211, 0.10925293, 0.12902832, -2.6328125, 3.0839844, 0.14855957, 0.56152344, 0.98291016, 0.68652344, -1.5, 1.5498047, 0.16442871, 1.359375, -1.7226562, 1.5488281, -2.28125, 1.3378906, -0.29003906, 1.0175781, 1.7568359, 0.7260742, 0.44921875, -1.4355469, 2.0214844, 2.59375, 0.07165527, -1.0185547, -1.15625, 0.953125, 2.1484375, 0.69091797, 0.13830566, 1.8203125, -0.38891602, -2.5449219, -0.71435547, 0.41430664, 1.7441406, 0.23242188, -0.6821289, 0.43408203, 0.59716797, -1.0683594, 0.8671875, 0.07080078, 0.4909668, 0.16015625, -0.88916016, 0.5761719, 2.9375, 3.8417969, 1.6376953, 0.87597656, 1.0244141, 0.82470703, -0.1038208, -1.9150391, 1.9306641, 0.52001953, -0.7475586, 0.09625244, -0.96972656, 1.4501953, 2.4199219, 0.115234375, 0.79345703, -0.029205322, 0.8925781, -2.3144531, -3.0878906, 0.6010742, -0.78222656, -2.1992188, 1.1914062, -0.41870117, 0.67333984, 0.29541016, -0.036102295, -0.39697266, -0.43164062, -0.5473633, 0.36816406, 1.7851562, -0.090270996, 0.026107788, -0.8486328, 0.05239868, 2.0507812, -1.5429688, -1.9394531, 1.2285156, 1.6230469, -0.14440918, -2.109375, 1.6728516, -0.86572266, -0.33642578, -3.2578125, -1.6533203, -0.33666992, 1.1220703, 1.1884766, 0.61279297, -1.3789062, 0.5498047, 2.6503906, -1.2207031, 0.48535156, 0.3701172, -0.90234375, 1.9951172, -1.2080078, -0.062805176, 0.76220703, -0.110961914]" Delusion: Tactical Idle RPG,com.superplanet.delusion,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.superplanet.delusion,simulation opening event recruiting party members attend for days to claim the adorable cat hero elin create an account to get pulls the fallen sorcerers curse spread around the world and the spire was covered in darkness the greatest heroes of the era set out to conquer the spire but their fate was unclear now it is time for you to step in set out on a journey with your party to conquer the spire spire conquest guide chapter do not stop move dodge and attack march forward relentlessly to the top chapter strategy is power place the heroes to suit,"[1.7441406, -1.2080078, 2.2753906, -1.3759766, 0.85595703, 0.21081543, -1.5097656, -0.8149414, 1.4052734, 0.24304199, 0.15881348, 1.2490234, -0.5541992, 0.5336914, -0.6508789, -0.23071289, -1.2041016, 0.025863647, -0.61035156, 0.37817383, 1.3095703, 0.95214844, 0.75439453, -0.4399414, 1.0126953, -2.4902344, 0.19262695, -0.6381836, -1.1083984, -0.3815918, -2.1484375, 1.8115234, -0.3161621, 0.2685547, 0.11444092, -0.98583984, 2.2011719, -0.08502197, 3.0996094, -0.23986816, 1.53125, -0.6455078, 0.086242676, -0.6660156, 1.3144531, 0.19372559, -2.1054688, -0.90771484, 1.1015625, 1.1601562, -1.0722656, -1.0644531, 1.4091797, -2.3808594, -2.3730469, 0.15063477, -3.2890625, -0.21313477, -1.4589844, 1.3359375, -0.7348633, 2.4511719, -0.98583984, -2.2402344, 0.8911133, -0.5097656, -0.21362305, 0.3347168, -0.082336426, -0.47631836, 1.0185547, 0.89697266, -0.77441406, 0.86328125, 0.6435547, -0.44433594, -1.0166016, -0.80566406, 0.9472656, -0.44360352, -1.9257812, -0.6542969, -1.8222656, 1.6347656, 0.056427002, 0.57958984, 0.91308594, -1.2255859, -0.07507324, 1.2519531, 1.6113281, -1.5673828, -1.3535156, -0.7426758, -1.0771484, 0.84033203, 0.72314453, 0.8173828, -2.6484375, -0.54833984, -0.06652832, 1.3867188, -2.5253906, -0.6738281, -0.9814453, 1.3730469, 0.9692383, -1.0683594, 1.40625, -1.5712891, 0.7495117, -0.57666016, 0.20593262, 2.7929688, -1.1689453, -1.6298828, 1.4414062, -3.0175781, -0.4033203, -0.90771484, -0.013961792, 0.12243652, 1.3427734, 1.0576172, 1.4404297, 0.3635254, 0.81396484, -0.8847656, -2.0488281, 2.4082031, -0.828125, -1.7509766, -0.19604492, 0.026107788, 0.37817383, 1.09375, 1.1689453, 0.8354492, -1.8193359, 2.5566406, 0.21789551, 1.2509766, 2.5625, 0.21789551, -3.3828125, 1.2666016, -0.7138672, 0.39526367, 0.010040283, -0.171875, -0.40625, 0.7548828, 0.27172852, 2.6113281, 2.6035156, 1.5166016, -1.2783203, -1.7490234, -1.6962891, 0.60546875, 0.6381836, -1.1484375, 0.45166016, 0.75634766, 2.90625, -1.1015625, 1.0283203, 2.015625, 0.90527344, -3.2988281, -2.0625, -0.56591797, 2.7519531, -1.5498047, -0.3791504, -0.23168945, 0.6689453, -1.7929688, -0.43945312, -0.3618164, 1.4980469, 1.1376953, -0.74121094, 0.29907227, -0.4609375, 1.3095703, -1.0605469, 0.001042366, 0.8076172, 0.19384766, 0.015655518, -0.77490234, -0.35424805, -0.17224121, -1.7880859, -1.1181641, -1.3085938, 0.45703125, 1.4238281, -0.31591797, -0.06695557, -0.73535156, 0.7285156, -1.4609375, -0.80908203, -0.58496094, 0.23632812, -1.2597656, 0.82421875, -0.1730957, 0.113464355, -1.4160156, 0.90527344, -1.0302734, -1.7470703, 2.5449219, 2.0703125, 1.1191406, 0.52685547, 0.04397583, 0.22338867, -0.29638672, -0.5551758, -0.76464844, 0.73291016, 2.2695312, 0.19213867, 0.7524414, -0.7128906, 2.3613281, 0.73876953, -0.5048828, -2.7226562, 0.93066406, -0.076171875, 0.088134766, 0.12548828, -0.7993164, -0.75146484, 0.9433594, 0.80810547, 0.48217773, -0.3269043, -0.4873047, -0.58740234, 0.6743164, -1.1298828, 0.94091797, 0.3876953, -0.7163086]" Soul Weapon Idle,com.highbrow.games.swidle,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.highbrow.games.swidle,roleplaying become the god of all weapons the weapon itself and save the world idle rpg with the taste of growing every day the battle is spectacular growth is super fast raise a soul weapon that grows on its own without you having to touch it highquality dot design the biggest advantage of pixel graphics cute costumes bosses monsters and backgrounds wherever you 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0.37109375, 0.46191406, -0.66308594, 1.5175781, 0.8076172, 0.93066406, 0.41210938, -0.79296875, -0.40063477, 3.2851562, 1.0527344, 2.9433594, -0.62109375, -0.63720703, 0.23205566, -1.4697266, 0.06530762, -1.4306641, 0.2680664, -0.32666016, 0.14685059, -0.56347656, 0.25, -1.2382812, 3.8378906, 1.1777344, -0.73291016, -1.234375, -0.5522461, -2.0976562, -1.7617188, 0.97998047, 0.7895508, -1.9589844, -0.7753906, -0.33544922, 0.27294922, -2.0605469, -1.3544922, -0.45117188, 0.58251953, -0.07775879, -1.3632812, -1.5136719, -2.1875, 0.24206543, -0.97558594, -0.7246094, 0.14233398, -0.73291016, -0.020309448, -0.38916016, -0.88964844, -1.5039062, 0.01763916, -0.8071289, 0.52783203, -1.1240234, -1.3828125, 1.5869141, -0.34545898, 0.3227539, -0.7504883, -2.703125, 3.0664062, -0.82910156, -0.296875, 1.1699219, 0.46606445, 0.7841797, 1.0214844, -0.1661377, 0.1706543, -2.3339844, -1.3144531, 1.6611328, -0.5449219, -0.009666443, 2.578125, -1.5517578, -0.18701172, -0.40161133, 0.29663086, -1.1835938, 1.5097656, -1.7314453, 0.31591797, 2.0664062, 0.82177734, 1.6269531, 0.65722656, -1.6914062, -1.4169922, 0.66552734, 1.7148438, 1.3955078, -1.3544922, -0.44921875, 0.93359375, 2.4589844, -0.19433594, 0.6020508, 0.62841797, 1.4794922, -2.2871094, -0.7553711, -1.0527344, 2.3417969, 0.016799927, 0.33251953, -0.5883789, 1.0390625, -0.6269531, 1.4511719, 1.3359375, -0.055633545, -0.37695312, -0.7475586, -0.54003906, 1.1240234, 1.7460938, 0.6171875, 1.0087891, -0.5332031, 1.0068359, 0.31762695, -0.6220703, 0.53808594, 0.83740234, -0.9838867, 0.52246094, 0.058288574, 1.5185547, 0.7788086, 0.19873047, 1.8447266, 1.1425781, 2.5273438, -1.8408203, -3.3203125, -0.4814453, -0.32714844, -0.32348633, -1.1455078, 1.4501953, 0.56933594, -2.2890625, 0.67626953, 0.43041992, -0.017425537, -1.0693359, 0.33691406, 0.68359375, 0.9121094, 0.6254883, -0.6088867, -1.0576172, 1.1806641, -1.5458984, 0.5336914, 2.1914062, 0.98828125, -0.30688477, -0.8017578, 2.2226562, -0.625, -1.8671875, -1.7255859, -1.3984375, 0.70166016, -1.7011719, 0.8261719, 0.52197266, -1.0859375, 0.8105469, 1.2373047, -0.22912598, 0.1459961, 2.0351562, 0.46557617, -0.17346191, -1.2285156, -0.94970703, 2.1289062, -0.23937988]" Elevate - Brain Training Games,com.wonder,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wonder,education elevate is an awardwinning brain trainer that uses fun games and brain teasers to improve vocabulary speaking abilities processing speed memory skills mental math and more for adults and students each person gets a personalized learning program that adjusts over time to maximize results the more you play elevate the more youll improve practical cognitive skills with engaging brain teasers that boost productivity earning power and selfconfidence over of users notice improvements in vocabulary memory math skills and overall mental sharpness by regularly engaging with our games and exercises elevate is designed to test and enhance cognitive abilities making it,"[0.24243164, -0.52783203, 0.8154297, -0.5209961, -1.0800781, -0.03277588, 0.2208252, -1.5195312, 0.21411133, -0.018081665, 0.8066406, -1.5732422, 0.5913086, 2.5292969, 0.21313477, 0.98876953, -0.67871094, -0.42016602, -0.5991211, 0.1854248, -2.0664062, -1.8886719, -0.45776367, -0.9980469, -0.8535156, -0.31030273, -3.0273438, 1.28125, -0.09112549, -0.10430908, -0.7714844, 1.2949219, -1.4189453, 0.2734375, 1.1103516, -1.3046875, -1.9111328, 1.2646484, 3.1152344, 0.3942871, -0.9511719, -0.7441406, 0.7949219, 0.75097656, -2.2773438, 0.16882324, -1.0195312, -0.56591797, -0.27685547, 0.0574646, -2.5761719, 0.23156738, -0.94091797, 0.52978516, 1.5703125, 0.7807617, -4.1796875, 0.45654297, -1.0537109, -1.5498047, 0.75, 0.9067383, 2.0703125, -0.96972656, -1.3369141, -1.0742188, -0.98876953, 2.0253906, -0.026947021, 1.5351562, -2.5800781, 1.0957031, 1.4609375, -0.3708496, 2.9765625, 0.9433594, -0.16479492, -1.0947266, -2.0722656, 2.1835938, -1.3496094, 0.14221191, -0.6621094, 0.8417969, -0.21728516, 3.0078125, 0.24902344, -1.0683594, -1.1835938, 0.5371094, 1.8544922, 0.3076172, -2.9746094, -1.34375, 0.6166992, -0.009735107, -1.9287109, -1.0742188, -0.6269531, -1.6474609, -0.79296875, 0.6088867, 1.2451172, 0.66308594, 2.2246094, -0.28564453, -0.13122559, -2.2246094, 2.5839844, 0.47314453, -1.2587891, 0.5058594, 1.7929688, -0.7885742, 1.3994141, 2.6542969, 0.4140625, -3.5742188, 0.09814453, -0.45263672, 1.6386719, -2.2675781, -0.1842041, 0.55126953, -1.4570312, -0.63964844, -0.47045898, 0.023651123, 1.2041016, 1.2011719, 0.69970703, 0.56152344, 2.2011719, -0.8442383, 2.1386719, -3.1640625, -0.14074707, 0.39697266, 0.4362793, -0.31860352, -0.29345703, 0.9355469, 2.8027344, 3.4121094, -1.9921875, 0.57373047, 0.69433594, -0.8535156, 1.3525391, 0.11029053, -1.3876953, -1.3125, -1.6894531, 1.9130859, -1.6669922, -1.4619141, 0.48217773, -1.1552734, -0.4206543, 0.31201172, 2.2578125, -2.2167969, -0.76660156, -0.6323242, 1.1015625, -0.017227173, 1.9501953, 1.9941406, -0.6845703, -4.0820312, -2.015625, -1.8476562, -0.60595703, -1.1484375, -0.13012695, 3.3417969, -2.1328125, 0.28149414, 0.047027588, -0.45410156, -0.6801758, 0.93408203, -0.203125, -1.8447266, -0.33764648, -0.050628662, 2.0371094, 1.2148438, -1.5371094, 0.30908203, -0.96240234, -0.7939453, -0.53222656, -0.48535156, 0.5102539, -0.5957031, -1.8710938, 2.2265625, -0.75634766, -0.8491211, -0.92285156, 1.6953125, 0.5473633, -0.94140625, -0.63134766, 0.35205078, -1.4765625, 0.35473633, -0.0791626, 1.0117188, 0.9135742, -0.35473633, 0.22875977, 0.66064453, -0.70996094, -1.2333984, -1.5146484, 0.028869629, -0.41918945, -2.5390625, -0.5288086, -3.375, -0.07434082, -1.0097656, -2.4589844, 1.5517578, -0.4753418, -0.56933594, 1.2050781, 0.83935547, -1.5732422, -0.87402344, -2.0332031, 2.6699219, 1.7871094, 0.6875, -0.020645142, 1.4521484, -0.6503906, -0.65527344, 4.03125, 1.8681641, -1.4238281, -0.94628906, 2.3222656, -0.15344238, -0.111572266, -0.4753418, 0.38623047, -2.2167969]" Dancing Road: Color Ball Run!,com.amanotes.pamadancingroad,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.amanotes.pamadancingroad,music get ready to hop tile and music your way into an electrifying world of rhythm with dancing road this isnt just any song game its a rush of colors beats and excitement as a hopper in the world of ball games youll find yourself lost in the tunes of piano tiles and the challenge of a rhythm game that keeps you on your toes think youve got what it takes to master the rhythm lets find out why dancing road is the ultimate music game for you epic music variety dive into a sea of songs ranging from the hottest,"[0.93359375, 0.7919922, -0.5839844, 2.3222656, -0.15209961, -0.7519531, -1.0332031, 0.10357666, -0.25878906, 2.0039062, -0.8203125, 2.0351562, -0.11767578, 0.1986084, 2.6035156, -0.115478516, 0.55615234, -0.8105469, -0.76708984, -0.121520996, -0.96191406, 0.31103516, 3.21875, -2.53125, 1.1181641, -2.7421875, 0.28198242, -2.8515625, 0.69970703, -2.3066406, -1.875, -0.7441406, -1.1796875, -0.57177734, 2.40625, -0.8203125, 0.31518555, -0.34423828, -2.328125, -0.3022461, -0.17382812, 1.0888672, -1.0166016, -0.4597168, -0.28637695, 1.8525391, -0.09716797, -1.2392578, 1.7167969, -1.0830078, 0.58496094, -1.4658203, -0.4970703, -0.6879883, -0.11071777, -0.9121094, 0.2524414, -2.1816406, -1.8916016, 1.2773438, 1.4873047, 0.5756836, 0.014053345, 0.38183594, 1.9677734, -2.4394531, 0.93652344, -1.1152344, 2.2851562, 0.031066895, 0.20678711, 0.3876953, 0.9111328, -0.7524414, 0.34887695, 2.0351562, -3.3515625, -0.63378906, -0.5078125, 0.5698242, 0.11981201, 0.39770508, -0.8276367, 1.703125, -1.234375, -0.18408203, 0.6557617, -0.9091797, -1.3798828, 2.7089844, -0.6401367, -0.28076172, -0.4802246, -2.1777344, 1.3535156, 0.73535156, 1.4492188, 1.8417969, 1.7402344, -0.79248047, 0.10839844, -0.57714844, -0.7236328, -2.1328125, 0.31958008, -1.046875, 0.29785156, -0.49291992, -0.63964844, -0.26049805, -0.084472656, 0.36083984, -0.13452148, 1.6552734, -3.1230469, -0.69628906, 0.19628906, 0.58984375, 0.83740234, 0.8725586, 0.20336914, 0.026687622, 1.2265625, 1.8681641, 1.4863281, -1.328125, 0.41308594, -0.60253906, 0.72265625, -0.2376709, 0.69677734, -0.93359375, -0.92578125, 2.0996094, 3.3417969, -0.7441406, -0.2052002, -1.3222656, 0.51904297, -1.2851562, 0.9326172, -0.7753906, 0.2775879, -1.2001953, -1.1982422, 0.2758789, -3.4472656, -0.5522461, 0.875, -1.3925781, -3.0800781, -2.1367188, 2.4785156, 0.98828125, 0.9946289, 0.09790039, 0.04812622, 2.6777344, 1.2001953, 2.3828125, -2.1972656, 1.2480469, 0.4428711, -0.7480469, 0.5722656, 0.60595703, -0.8569336, -0.9321289, -1.4492188, -0.40307617, 0.78808594, -0.9824219, -0.9555664, 1.8857422, 2.0761719, -1.2480469, 0.46533203, 0.39794922, 0.02104187, 0.9741211, -2.4277344, 0.8515625, 0.22729492, -0.86328125, -1.1513672, -0.7495117, 1.3203125, 1.4375, 1.1513672, 1.1376953, -1.2265625, -0.76123047, -0.74072266, 2.3144531, -0.1739502, -0.8911133, 1.1738281, -1.3867188, -3.1621094, -0.4519043, 3.2128906, 0.18530273, 0.6796875, -0.08996582, -0.3408203, -0.42211914, 0.112854004, 0.20288086, 1.640625, 0.5107422, -1.4648438, -0.6225586, 0.0368042, 0.24523926, -2.3886719, 0.10687256, -1.4306641, 1.5849609, 2.2011719, -0.7294922, 0.74658203, -0.52197266, -0.63671875, -1.1259766, -0.63916016, 1.4941406, 1.5283203, -1.4960938, -0.66748047, 1.4208984, -1.2763672, 0.015419006, -1.6367188, -0.8647461, 0.38354492, 0.3996582, -0.14404297, 1.328125, -2.09375, 1.7480469, 0.96777344, 0.22521973, 0.08947754, 1.0175781, -0.8149414, 0.098083496, -0.24658203, 0.0836792, 2.5800781, 0.28466797]" Heads Up!,com.wb.headsup,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wb.headsup,word it s the game the new york times called a sensation and cosmopolitan said will be the best dollar you ve spent heads up is the fun and hilarious game by ellen degeneres that she plays on the ellen show and is one of the best fun games to play with friends love playing charades games looking to play games on zoom with friends heads up is one of the best word guessing games you ll ever play from naming celebrities to singing to silly accents it s a perfect house party game and a fun charades app to play,"[2.1425781, -0.51220703, 2.7089844, 0.6152344, -0.5991211, -0.2602539, 1.2578125, -0.45581055, -0.32714844, 1.4980469, -0.23522949, 2.140625, -0.19543457, 3.7421875, 1.0615234, -0.30566406, -0.5908203, -1.3359375, -0.023208618, 0.5522461, 0.74658203, 1.78125, -1.8134766, -1.5439453, 0.25732422, -0.6542969, -2.1308594, -0.8378906, -1.3759766, -0.23925781, 0.23669434, -0.05014038, -1.2382812, -1.0556641, -0.5566406, -2.9042969, 0.59033203, 0.29223633, 0.7192383, -0.5854492, -0.484375, -1.109375, -0.2770996, 1.5068359, -1.8886719, 0.44189453, -2.7421875, -2.4628906, -2.2324219, -0.019500732, -0.26831055, 1.0908203, 0.50390625, -0.640625, -2.0800781, 0.074645996, 0.47216797, -1.3603516, -1.5703125, 0.9970703, 0.58154297, 0.8769531, -0.5136719, -0.20092773, 1.0878906, 1.5878906, 0.39892578, -0.6245117, 1.3398438, 1.2822266, -0.45947266, -0.4753418, -0.41064453, 0.15344238, 1.2773438, 1.1835938, 0.13684082, 0.006034851, 0.29174805, 0.22314453, 0.44677734, 1.8525391, -0.59765625, 1.3447266, -0.53222656, 0.609375, 0.55859375, -0.81884766, -0.37646484, 2.0039062, -1.2861328, -0.6098633, -0.12817383, -1.0927734, -0.41259766, -0.45043945, -1.5576172, -0.45996094, -1.1494141, -1.5185547, 0.85302734, 0.7104492, 3.5175781, -0.5185547, 1.5449219, 0.81591797, 0.35986328, -0.5698242, -0.82373047, 0.3918457, -0.10864258, -0.84716797, 0.2310791, 0.8149414, 0.060516357, 0.33764648, -0.55078125, -0.09790039, 1.0654297, -0.87158203, 0.70996094, -1.5947266, 0.58203125, 1.0693359, 0.18933105, -1.0263672, -1.3417969, 0.6958008, -0.7348633, 1.5683594, -1.9960938, -1.8125, 0.41064453, -0.8339844, 2.3300781, -1.8017578, 1.8994141, 1.9746094, -2.6015625, 0.85253906, 0.6118164, 0.2783203, 2.0234375, 0.7368164, -0.7685547, -0.25927734, 0.65185547, 0.2939453, 0.7963867, 0.068603516, -0.8222656, -2.2148438, -2.3046875, 0.72265625, 1.3076172, -0.59765625, 0.39990234, 0.2619629, 1.1435547, 2.5351562, 0.82373047, -0.78564453, -0.95703125, -0.88623047, 0.85595703, 1.0419922, 1.0351562, 1.4355469, -1.0224609, -0.14013672, 0.13659668, -1.2324219, -0.9145508, -0.5834961, 1.2070312, 0.73339844, 0.76660156, -1.5537109, 0.13598633, -0.17883301, -1.6503906, 2.078125, 0.33862305, 0.52246094, -0.028900146, 0.15258789, 1.2587891, 0.92871094, -0.21496582, 1.9980469, 1.2109375, -0.21228027, 2.4355469, 1.6318359, -0.10626221, 0.90527344, -0.6381836, -1.1386719, 3.6484375, -0.9863281, 1.2041016, -0.43408203, 1.6298828, 0.022781372, -0.6821289, -1.6679688, 0.71240234, 0.8227539, 2.1230469, 0.8754883, 0.1239624, -0.1529541, 1.3212891, -1.0996094, -0.44628906, -0.5332031, 0.14367676, 2.4980469, 1.4746094, 0.76660156, 0.36157227, -1.109375, 0.022262573, 0.18859863, -2.7011719, 0.72802734, 0.72509766, -0.08892822, -0.89941406, 2.4550781, -1.1796875, -0.6933594, 1.1933594, 0.78222656, -0.05026245, -0.7709961, 0.1303711, 2.4023438, -1.2353516, 1.0097656, 1.0224609, 1.7646484, -0.41625977, -0.40771484, -1.3144531, 1.3173828, -0.88964844, -0.7885742, 0.075805664, -2.0898438]" Spelling & Phonics: Kids Games,com.rvappstudios.abc.spelling.toddler.spell.phonics,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rvappstudios.abc.spelling.toddler.spell.phonics,educational ready to play a truly free spelling game for kids what about a spelling game without ads did we mention we ve got multiple spelling games all in one game learning to spell is not one size fits all thats why our free kids game includes over different spelling games to play the perfect game for kids to learn to spell while having fun the game helps young children learn to spell by sounding out words phonics and teaches how to associate letters with pictures our goal with our collection of spelling games was to have the kids play and,"[-0.66308594, -2.4179688, 1.671875, 1.7431641, 1.2705078, 1.5839844, 0.38500977, 0.42041016, 0.41723633, 1.7148438, 0.24133301, 1.2832031, -0.8208008, -0.56103516, 0.8227539, 1.3642578, -0.13427734, -0.48950195, 0.19116211, 0.5727539, -0.18322754, -0.34960938, -1.2275391, -1.1796875, 1.4882812, -0.53564453, -1.0615234, 0.7241211, -0.68847656, -1.8037109, -0.69921875, 0.91845703, -3.2265625, -0.27368164, 0.37109375, -1.1367188, -1.3359375, -0.39575195, 1.2519531, 0.5996094, -0.5834961, 0.40649414, -0.35107422, -0.6542969, -0.105651855, -0.8666992, -0.83984375, 1.3789062, -0.9770508, -0.49975586, 1.4541016, 1.1298828, 0.6279297, -1.828125, -2.0566406, -1.2792969, -1.6464844, -0.8071289, -0.79345703, -2.1738281, 2.0429688, 2.2773438, 0.39672852, -1.5498047, -0.15930176, 0.37719727, -0.3864746, 0.09698486, -0.30541992, 2.8632812, 1.2314453, -1.4316406, 1.5263672, -0.5576172, 2.7675781, 1.4990234, 0.072143555, 0.022262573, -2.1523438, -0.92089844, -1.1826172, -0.6455078, -0.6875, 0.5605469, 0.049346924, 1.0400391, 3.0800781, 0.41088867, -0.36279297, 2.8261719, -0.57714844, 0.91845703, -1.1738281, -2.390625, 0.859375, -0.91748047, 0.16821289, 0.20202637, -1.8154297, -3.5703125, -0.44970703, 0.9404297, 3.9628906, 0.69189453, -0.37768555, 1.1484375, -0.17504883, -0.84765625, -2.3574219, 0.017868042, -2.125, -2.2265625, 0.14367676, 0.070739746, 1.3710938, -0.48095703, 0.10479736, 1.3154297, -0.28271484, -0.50439453, -0.09814453, -1.0898438, 0.45483398, 1.0917969, -0.93310547, -1.1533203, -1.0283203, 0.2626953, -0.016601562, 1.7558594, -0.21447754, 0.6928711, -0.27734375, -2.5019531, 3.6210938, -1.3066406, 0.8642578, -0.65234375, -2.1699219, 1.3046875, -0.7167969, 1.7089844, 1.4345703, 3.0664062, 0.051971436, 1.6533203, -0.28149414, 1.6347656, -0.18554688, 0.79541016, -1.3632812, -0.6308594, -0.6274414, 0.9970703, -0.3190918, 1.2314453, 0.6640625, -0.2998047, 4.0351562, 0.07879639, 0.6171875, -0.91796875, -0.20202637, -0.6616211, 0.8696289, 0.11810303, -0.14611816, 1.5556641, -0.08831787, -0.87597656, 0.84228516, -0.57958984, 0.6557617, -0.9350586, 0.08758545, -1.4316406, -0.27929688, -0.76171875, -0.08569336, 1.4501953, -1.5537109, 0.123535156, 0.10510254, 0.92041016, 0.14697266, 0.73779297, -0.044281006, 0.7519531, 0.41967773, 1.8759766, -1.0332031, -0.7182617, 0.24633789, 2.0214844, -0.97802734, 1.4082031, 1.5449219, -2.2167969, -0.13696289, -0.9301758, 0.39526367, 2.5800781, 0.36401367, -0.15124512, -2.1523438, 0.07104492, 0.27294922, 1.1914062, -0.62939453, 0.37036133, 1.0390625, -0.38745117, -1.7236328, -0.75097656, -0.6791992, -0.39648438, -3.1738281, 1.7246094, -0.31298828, -0.6459961, -0.27978516, -4.3359375, -0.625, 1.3046875, -2.3535156, 2.9179688, 1.1220703, 0.52001953, 1.0566406, 0.5878906, 0.83447266, -2.5234375, 1.3408203, 1.1171875, 0.34838867, 2.4824219, -0.23999023, 1.1357422, -1.1728516, 0.115356445, 1.6738281, 1.7802734, -0.9277344, -2.0585938, -0.6928711, -2.0878906, -0.5620117, -2.6875, -1.3261719, -1.5419922]" CarX Street,com.carxtech.sr,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carxtech.sr,racing embrace the freedom of being a street racer in the dynamic open world of carx street accept the challenge and become the legend of sunset city realistic races on highways and city streets plus topspeed drift races from the makers of carx drift racing build the car of your dreams using part tuning that unlocks all the physics of carx technology car behavior explore every corner the enormous world of carx street and the exciting car races will leave you exhilarated conquer clubs hit top speed and drift warning you may spend hours playing this game make sure to take,"[-0.04360962, -0.42578125, 3.1171875, 2.9394531, -0.83154297, 2.2539062, 0.81396484, -0.60009766, -2.0234375, 0.8857422, 0.69433594, 1.7421875, 1.0634766, 0.26708984, 2.2304688, 0.62158203, 1.0634766, 1.1962891, -0.2211914, 0.10003662, 0.7241211, 1.8613281, 1.1630859, -0.5048828, 2.0722656, 0.43188477, 0.09454346, -2.6855469, -0.4802246, -1.0761719, -2.296875, -1.2578125, 2.0703125, -0.47583008, 0.85058594, -1.3457031, 0.1427002, 1.4697266, 0.7397461, -0.43920898, -1.2861328, 0.6347656, -0.83935547, -0.31225586, 0.63671875, -0.47436523, -0.2479248, 0.43530273, -0.2980957, -0.9682617, 0.50683594, -1.75, -4.3867188, 0.4099121, 1.1787109, -1.7109375, 2.1484375, 2.7636719, 0.9199219, 1.0507812, -0.2602539, 0.8383789, 2.1679688, 0.32104492, 0.09710693, 0.9350586, 2.1210938, -0.26171875, 1.4472656, 2.6503906, 0.44848633, 0.7661133, -0.017333984, 0.07104492, 1.8056641, -0.012741089, -0.34375, -2.2929688, 1.0742188, 0.30029297, -1.9365234, -0.94189453, 0.48779297, 2.0761719, -1.8964844, 0.7265625, -0.13635254, -0.48583984, -2.6054688, 1.7880859, -0.2052002, -1.5947266, -1.0146484, 0.28149414, 0.04727173, -2.0292969, 1.265625, 2.1972656, -0.66259766, -1.0654297, -0.59472656, 0.7631836, -0.17700195, -0.41064453, -3.3515625, 0.097961426, 0.1149292, 1.2949219, -1.6396484, -1.1035156, 0.39453125, 2.21875, -2.0761719, -0.14794922, 0.44799805, 0.7246094, 1.0664062, -0.12188721, 2.328125, -0.85595703, 0.37304688, -0.80126953, -0.9160156, -1.1748047, 2.4101562, -3.4082031, -1.6542969, -2.0664062, -0.8911133, -0.28808594, -0.58496094, -0.43725586, -0.60253906, 1.4287109, 2.1132812, -2.8867188, 0.109558105, -0.26586914, -1.9638672, -4.2929688, 2.6621094, -1.4501953, 2.6269531, 0.98535156, -0.59472656, -0.6958008, -0.023239136, -0.19445801, 0.51220703, 0.11273193, -2.7636719, -0.2298584, 5.7695312, 0.79833984, 1.1708984, -1.5429688, 1.0263672, -0.38183594, 1.875, -0.86083984, 0.67041016, 0.9633789, -1.7890625, -0.9296875, -1.1865234, -1.3330078, 0.2467041, -0.28857422, -1.09375, -0.12286377, 2.2363281, -1.3798828, 0.96191406, 1.1201172, 1.3798828, -0.53271484, 0.35595703, -2.3808594, -0.9223633, 1.3066406, -2.1875, 1.0, -0.5805664, 0.10949707, -1.1513672, 0.27270508, -0.113098145, -1.9160156, 2.0996094, -0.14770508, 0.8671875, -0.80078125, -0.2783203, 0.62353516, -0.7685547, -1.4111328, -0.21118164, -0.72021484, -2.9296875, 0.4453125, 0.52734375, 1.0410156, 0.6899414, -2.1972656, -2.421875, -0.22033691, 1.09375, -0.39648438, -0.06689453, -0.6386719, 0.45166016, -0.9404297, 0.58935547, -1.859375, -0.06402588, 0.00025081635, -0.09185791, 1.0908203, 0.7294922, 0.7963867, -0.54003906, -0.71191406, 0.76904297, 0.3840332, -0.42895508, 2.1347656, 0.93066406, 0.40478516, -0.1328125, 2.0839844, -2.5644531, -0.5917969, -2.28125, 1.8232422, 1.2158203, -1.8613281, 1.3300781, 0.8305664, -0.124572754, 2.7675781, 1.5966797, 0.037200928, 0.60009766, 1.6201172, -1.0205078, -0.8808594, 0.6503906, -1.1464844, 2.2089844, -1.0322266]" Bluey: Let's Play!,com.budgestudios.googleplay.BlueyBLU,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.budgestudios.googleplay.BlueyBLU,casual explore imagine create play in blueys house theres so much to do wackadoo come join bluey her friends family for real life fun easy calm kids learning game for boys and girls of all ages preschool children and toddlers will enjoy this app parents and other family members can play along too explore discover and play all over the heeler family home just like in the tv show hunt for longdogs play a game of pop up croc listen to your favorite bluey tunes and so much more can you find all the hidden surprises imagine every room allows for,"[1.9404297, -0.66259766, 1.3818359, 2.0390625, -0.5439453, 0.07086182, 1.4384766, 0.08203125, 0.31982422, 0.57470703, -0.40673828, 0.27807617, -0.91845703, 0.27197266, -0.5410156, -0.21411133, -1.1044922, 0.06781006, 0.0993042, -0.63378906, 0.44799805, 0.22021484, 0.20166016, -2.9277344, 0.16845703, 0.02041626, -0.45336914, -0.5551758, 0.10668945, -0.16625977, 1.0625, -0.34277344, -1.1074219, 0.75146484, -1.9667969, -2.8261719, -0.10992432, -1.3115234, 0.27294922, -1.0839844, 2.2226562, -1.453125, -1.6259766, -0.46166992, 0.6743164, 1.2402344, -1.3867188, 1.3759766, -0.37060547, -0.8955078, -0.1977539, 0.7055664, -2.8339844, -0.28173828, -3.21875, 0.23791504, 2.0761719, -1.1875, 0.34472656, -0.95947266, 1.2910156, 2.5390625, -1.1259766, -0.59521484, 0.1204834, 1.4013672, -0.3791504, -1.9228516, 1.3017578, 0.2861328, 0.36767578, -1.2382812, 2.9316406, 0.022628784, 2.4765625, 0.10479736, -0.48461914, -0.9345703, -1.9794922, -1.2060547, -0.57958984, -1.4277344, -0.6010742, -0.21411133, -0.32177734, 2.0664062, 2.2832031, 0.6508789, -1.9453125, 2.8144531, 0.35107422, -0.62939453, -0.7270508, -0.16430664, -0.5048828, 0.015388489, -1.8486328, 0.14050293, -0.3227539, 0.5732422, 0.22741699, 1.2861328, 2.109375, -1.0517578, -0.49902344, -0.30517578, -0.5214844, 0.03564453, -0.82421875, -1.2714844, 0.1685791, -0.91503906, -1.5605469, 1.2138672, -0.8334961, -0.43579102, 0.04989624, 0.13635254, -2.4355469, 0.7006836, -0.37573242, -0.122558594, 0.51660156, -0.3544922, 1.0029297, 0.055786133, -0.90966797, -1.5107422, 1.2441406, 1.9892578, 0.08081055, -0.13305664, -2.0761719, 0.80029297, 2.0371094, -0.7026367, 0.9423828, 1.6855469, -2.7851562, 2.0410156, 1.3984375, 0.007160187, 1.5126953, 1.3935547, 0.08648682, 0.052978516, 0.5053711, 1.3759766, -0.012817383, -0.52734375, -1.5380859, -1.8378906, -0.15197754, 0.3330078, 1.7880859, -0.8286133, -0.79785156, 0.32299805, -0.3491211, 0.50927734, 0.38330078, 0.59765625, -2.3378906, 1.0917969, -0.7636719, -0.06201172, -0.30981445, 2.0859375, -0.5625, -0.61083984, -0.04928589, -1.6835938, 1.2910156, 0.29614258, 0.4128418, 0.29956055, -0.32910156, -2.0039062, -0.043151855, 1.2177734, -0.46655273, 1.6542969, 1.0761719, 1.0263672, 0.62353516, -0.103271484, 0.08441162, 1.2802734, 1.2197266, 0.3371582, -0.5571289, -1.7304688, 0.13208008, 1.1972656, -0.5830078, 0.07165527, 0.90478516, -0.28076172, 1.0146484, -1.5214844, -0.47070312, 0.1940918, 1.671875, 2.3378906, -0.5625, 1.7763672, 0.13256836, 0.008621216, 0.71240234, 0.63916016, -1.5097656, -0.15881348, 0.17443848, -0.5488281, -2.09375, -1.0634766, 0.4489746, -0.8730469, 0.85009766, -0.039611816, -1.4833984, -0.0051651, 1.4316406, 0.77490234, -1.7402344, 2.2890625, 0.55371094, -1.734375, 0.041625977, 1.3388672, -1.7001953, -0.95996094, 1.6845703, 0.7207031, -0.06329346, 3.4570312, 0.8647461, 1.0498047, -2.7460938, 0.16455078, 2.5703125, 0.53564453, -0.62939453, 0.16845703, 1.3554688, 0.26123047, -0.16760254, -1.4394531, 0.62841797, -1.4501953]" Piano Fire: Edm Music & Piano,beatmaker.edm.musicgames.PianoGames,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=beatmaker.edm.musicgames.PianoGames,music players around the world have chosen us play piano fire on mobile anywhere today piano fire is a special game in different genres of piano games with wonderful gameplay blends piano and edm music perfectly you can feel the collision of ice and fire get addicted to hot and popular songs around the world how to play it s similar to other piano games tap the tiles continuously to follow the music melody and dont miss any tile prove how fast and accurate you can play game features real music feeling when tapping the tiles more albums and songs of,"[-0.22070312, -1.6005859, -0.85058594, 3.3261719, -1.0234375, 0.50634766, 1.3457031, -0.9790039, -0.21435547, -0.6772461, 0.06744385, 1.7705078, -0.40307617, 0.3544922, 1.7109375, 0.46875, 0.32592773, -1.3164062, -0.87060547, 0.3630371, -1.3925781, 0.8227539, 1.5566406, -0.30786133, 3.3242188, -1.7060547, 1.4677734, 0.5004883, 0.7504883, -1.9892578, 0.9667969, 0.35595703, -0.26098633, -0.64160156, -1.4023438, 0.78564453, 1.2382812, -0.027114868, 0.55859375, -1.1074219, 0.15270996, 1.1699219, 0.14562988, -0.43408203, 1.0800781, 2.3339844, -0.0892334, -2.3496094, 1.3691406, 0.88964844, 0.38793945, 0.5209961, -1.9052734, -0.26538086, -0.5239258, -0.85546875, 2.3242188, -1.5546875, -1.4130859, -0.2524414, -0.6098633, 1.0205078, 0.28759766, 1.0732422, 1.5009766, 0.34765625, 0.41723633, -2.1582031, 1.6074219, 0.8745117, 1.5654297, -0.26391602, 2.3085938, 1.4853516, -0.32617188, 0.7060547, 0.19116211, -1.4511719, -0.2734375, 1.7109375, -0.89697266, 0.82373047, 0.23693848, 0.81640625, 0.0016756058, -0.19250488, 0.37158203, -0.36279297, 0.32495117, 1.1699219, -0.3083496, -0.39257812, -1.5439453, -2.4160156, 0.68310547, 0.099487305, 0.39453125, 1.3554688, 0.007835388, -1.4794922, 1.8300781, -0.06036377, -1.8115234, -0.6977539, 0.2446289, 0.5810547, 0.78125, 0.43530273, -1.3115234, -1.8476562, -0.5727539, 0.14318848, -0.61621094, -0.5175781, -2.0996094, -0.5839844, -0.71875, 1.8925781, -1.8320312, -0.38427734, 0.76660156, -0.5776367, 1.6591797, 1.1972656, 1.5175781, -0.80859375, -0.2241211, -1.0283203, 0.80810547, 0.89501953, 1.0009766, -0.03213501, -0.28344727, 0.06921387, 2.3183594, 0.041107178, 0.11993408, 1.8369141, -1.4970703, 2.2695312, -0.6401367, -0.77441406, 1.4404297, 1.8046875, 0.5698242, 1.6669922, -2.6445312, -1.0009766, 0.28198242, -1.6445312, -1.8300781, -0.27001953, -2.9707031, -0.51660156, 0.058258057, -1.0537109, 1.0615234, 0.9980469, 0.82714844, 1.0400391, -0.9321289, 1.5224609, -0.09942627, 0.17028809, -0.7973633, 2.3339844, -0.77246094, -1.7470703, -3.1816406, -0.57666016, 0.093688965, 0.9511719, -0.10357666, 0.40307617, 0.79541016, 1.7646484, -0.93115234, 2.1660156, 1.859375, 2.46875, -2.40625, 1.9677734, 1.3789062, 2.0546875, -1.2255859, 0.8745117, -0.95214844, -1.5800781, 2.1660156, 1.3974609, 0.63623047, -2.2539062, -0.07897949, 2.6757812, 0.6713867, -1.1044922, 0.67578125, -0.16186523, -0.20983887, 0.09234619, 4.4257812, -1.0029297, 0.32373047, -0.54541016, -0.006290436, 0.52001953, 1.5273438, -0.72509766, -1.8994141, 2.078125, -1.4042969, -1.5527344, 0.5019531, -0.38378906, -2.0019531, -0.6015625, -0.2668457, 1.9248047, -0.79345703, -0.33520508, -1.8378906, 0.38012695, -0.55078125, -0.26831055, -1.5390625, 3.1660156, 0.72509766, -1.1640625, -0.20605469, 0.6254883, -0.5415039, -0.51708984, 1.0830078, 1.6171875, -0.12841797, -5.2382812, -0.37353516, 3.4257812, -0.6538086, 0.4362793, 0.53759766, -0.87939453, 0.40063477, 1.5126953, 1.7207031, -1.4462891, 0.45507812, -0.6611328, 2.1269531, -1.7255859]" Piano Game: Classic Music Song,game.piano.music.tiles.challenge,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=game.piano.music.tiles.challenge,music are you ready to experience the magic of classic piano songs indulge in the delightful world of piano game classic music song lose yourself in mesmerizing harmonies feel your heart race with each accelerating rhythm drawing you deeper into the allure of the music the visually stunning simplicity of the game will leave you spellbound while the flawless sound quality eases you into a realm of pure auditory bliss embrace the musical journey unleash your inner maestro and watch your skills soar whether youre a seasoned pianist or a beginner anyone can become a virtuoso in this inclusive game share,"[0.66552734, -1.3115234, -0.13623047, 1.28125, 0.87646484, 1.25, -1.1416016, 0.07171631, -0.027633667, 0.5786133, 1.3027344, 1.5820312, -0.50097656, 0.7817383, 0.6635742, -0.099609375, -0.84765625, -0.84472656, -0.08294678, 1.0039062, 1.5878906, 0.94140625, 1.7226562, -1.7490234, 3.2050781, -2.2011719, -0.16357422, -0.2944336, -0.19812012, 0.09484863, -0.7392578, -1.7021484, -0.5073242, 0.013885498, -0.32470703, -0.8334961, 0.73095703, 1.7373047, 0.13244629, 0.7998047, -0.3857422, 0.80566406, 0.21972656, -0.39208984, -0.22583008, 0.04550171, -0.4189453, -1.7744141, 0.4716797, 0.77783203, -0.47387695, 1.4453125, -1.3232422, -1.4082031, -0.9736328, -0.12322998, 0.68408203, -1.4960938, -0.5449219, 0.9941406, 1.7070312, 1.4492188, -0.81689453, 1.3261719, 1.9658203, -0.62890625, 0.046203613, -1.5097656, 1.5332031, 0.51464844, 2.3710938, -0.74658203, 1.8945312, -0.52978516, -0.34033203, 0.40673828, -2.3789062, -2.4589844, -0.1328125, 0.6723633, 0.47558594, -0.7480469, -2.7226562, 1.1699219, -1.0136719, 0.007843018, -0.42871094, -0.1270752, -3.1367188, 2.6855469, -2.1582031, -1.7158203, -2.7246094, -1.0322266, -0.042938232, -0.88427734, 2.515625, 2.1386719, 0.04031372, -2.8203125, 0.32836914, 0.8457031, 0.044281006, -2.6796875, 1.7871094, -0.29736328, 0.20031738, -0.18188477, -1.7285156, -0.3642578, -0.38134766, -0.2854004, -0.7607422, 0.35375977, -1.7724609, -1.7714844, 0.30517578, 0.82421875, -0.8183594, -0.6323242, 0.50097656, -0.17797852, 1.9755859, 1.3808594, 1.5449219, -1.0400391, -0.75683594, -1.3837891, -0.78466797, 1.1210938, -0.42211914, -0.08520508, -1.5527344, 0.57910156, 0.3100586, 0.026306152, 1.5332031, 0.038330078, 0.26586914, -0.43041992, 1.4941406, -0.76171875, 2.0878906, -0.39892578, -0.53222656, -0.25268555, -1.8564453, -1.2841797, 0.60839844, 0.022903442, -3.3183594, -0.19042969, -2.2226562, 2.9140625, 0.5942383, -1.0947266, -0.40771484, 1.8886719, -0.2854004, 2.2421875, 0.7026367, 1.4814453, -0.87402344, -0.56689453, 0.78027344, 0.38427734, 0.52734375, -0.12219238, -2.046875, -1.375, -0.12768555, -1.3378906, 0.78271484, 1.5175781, 0.38378906, -0.04458618, -0.76220703, 0.9057617, 0.31079102, -0.22973633, -1.0078125, 0.75341797, 1.2021484, 1.21875, -0.1027832, 0.91259766, -0.21691895, -0.25097656, 1.0488281, 0.46118164, -1.0683594, -1.1835938, -0.01828003, 2.2988281, 1.0048828, -1.0029297, -0.12597656, -0.40185547, -1.8984375, -2.2421875, 2.3398438, -0.96875, -0.09320068, 0.8901367, -2.0449219, -0.43041992, 1.5625, 1.1962891, 0.4375, 0.29467773, -0.24291992, -1.5253906, -1.0039062, 0.8017578, -2.5117188, -0.39672852, -1.4179688, 1.1796875, 2.765625, 0.5419922, -1.5566406, -1.3125, -0.107299805, -0.36938477, -1.6181641, 3.3535156, 1.5224609, -1.0742188, 1.1533203, 0.63623047, -2.4882812, 0.27441406, 0.48632812, 1.9375, -0.13549805, -0.23022461, 0.10241699, 2.0253906, -2.0683594, 1.6464844, 1.3212891, -0.0129852295, -0.19616699, 0.026321411, 0.23779297, -0.9189453, -1.5244141, 0.14465332, 0.51171875, 0.20166016]" BASEBALL 9,us.kr.baseballnine,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.kr.baseballnine,sports enjoy fastpaced realistic baseball game featuring compact gameplay and informative stats play baseball nine to become the legend league champion game features lean and fast gameplay casual characters and serious game mechanics pitching and fielding as fun as batting you can play base running manually comprehensive player stats improved autoplay with selective automation of player inning watching and quick result rename gear up and customize your players offline mode available fast compact gameplay enjoy a speedy streamlined playing experience hit massive dingers and get thrilling strikeouts specialized auto functions by game by inning and by player are a given enjoy,"[1.5722656, 0.77734375, 3.0351562, 1.2851562, 2.6171875, 0.4111328, 1.0009766, -2.0136719, -0.5263672, 0.39868164, 0.27661133, 1.8769531, 0.72558594, -0.3774414, 1.2148438, -1.1201172, 0.66845703, 1.6708984, -1.0048828, 0.35717773, 1.3339844, 1.7519531, 1.2753906, -0.41186523, -0.5053711, -0.9921875, -0.24389648, -1.2773438, 0.37939453, 1.6738281, -1.6425781, 2.3027344, -1.1464844, 0.14672852, 2.0859375, -1.6806641, -0.6074219, 1.5253906, -0.48657227, 0.63720703, -0.54541016, 0.44628906, 0.36767578, 0.31396484, 0.051086426, 0.6166992, 0.37353516, -0.28710938, -0.35961914, -0.56591797, -0.6245117, -0.2919922, -2.0742188, -1.0175781, -1.6181641, -0.32617188, -1.3466797, 0.8779297, 1.7246094, -1.53125, -0.11633301, 1.1123047, -0.33203125, -1.1357422, -0.7265625, -0.5834961, -0.24230957, -0.4946289, 2.1113281, 2.9375, 2.8183594, 0.79345703, 0.20166016, -0.2800293, 1.0830078, -1.0371094, -0.050445557, -1.2490234, -0.8203125, 0.49365234, 0.6645508, 0.2927246, -1.1552734, 0.23095703, 0.32250977, -0.51123047, -1.6943359, 0.19787598, -0.30371094, 1.8261719, -0.39916992, -2.0234375, -0.31567383, -3.3945312, -0.6191406, -1.7988281, 1.5058594, 0.6777344, 1.1640625, -2.4238281, -0.47680664, 0.78515625, 0.55859375, -0.9609375, -2.1464844, 0.9765625, 1.9121094, -1.3017578, -1.7421875, -1.2226562, -1.4189453, -1.4003906, -2.4433594, 0.58691406, -0.63378906, 1.1777344, -0.44067383, -2.1582031, -0.46606445, -0.6557617, 1.4003906, -1.171875, -0.13659668, 0.6640625, 2.1015625, -0.49902344, 0.6699219, -0.34472656, -0.48535156, 3.4296875, -3.4765625, -0.12841797, 2.4140625, 1.6191406, 2.15625, -2.0351562, -0.36938477, 1.2431641, -3.1171875, -1.6962891, 2.3027344, -1.3017578, 1.3535156, -0.86376953, 0.4169922, 0.9667969, -1.1103516, -0.105651855, -1.9150391, -0.6152344, -1.0644531, 1.4892578, 0.5620117, 0.86621094, 3.5976562, 1.8027344, 1.1855469, 0.54248047, 2.453125, 0.265625, 0.6821289, -0.5498047, -1.3945312, 0.5292969, -0.12213135, 0.6538086, -0.015594482, 0.14343262, -0.31103516, 0.37670898, -1.3945312, -1.5595703, -0.85009766, 0.8623047, -0.6196289, -2.171875, 1.25, -1.0224609, -0.49829102, 0.21179199, -1.0712891, 2.1738281, 1.8623047, -0.9399414, -0.9580078, 3.9140625, -0.66845703, -0.7788086, 1.8056641, 0.60009766, 0.48999023, -1.8828125, -0.25048828, 1.6035156, -0.5991211, 1.5244141, -0.38793945, 1.5458984, 1.7626953, -1.0283203, 1.3828125, 1.0742188, -0.24182129, -0.7685547, 0.64941406, 0.12011719, 0.69970703, -1.7792969, 0.016311646, 1.3876953, 0.25708008, -0.9589844, 1.1552734, -0.99121094, -0.6669922, -0.9736328, 1.8164062, 0.2770996, -0.25634766, -0.3708496, -0.8339844, 0.21044922, 2.3125, -1.390625, -3.1445312, 2.1894531, 0.4033203, -0.7163086, -0.6875, 2.8144531, 0.5151367, -1.0664062, -2.71875, -1.0556641, 2.2011719, 2.78125, -0.37548828, 1.9248047, -0.12463379, 1.1982422, 0.10675049, -1.5380859, 0.27929688, 1.046875, 0.09448242, -3.4375, -3.15625, -0.19592285, 0.5888672, -1.4873047]" Dune: Imperium Digital,com.direwolfdigital.dune,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.direwolfdigital.dune,board immerse yourself in the world of dune experience the ultimate blend of strategy and intrigue as you navigate the treacherous landscapes of arrakis in the awardwinning board game dune imperium battle online locally with ai or against the formidable house hagal earn achievements that showcase your prowess as a leader embark on more than a dozen challenges that will test your wit and cunning compete for badges in the rotating skirmish mode where no two games are the same control the spice control the universe arrakis dune desert planet raise your banner above the vast wasteland before you as the,"[0.41601562, -1.4833984, 1.5195312, -0.12487793, -0.76953125, -0.39575195, 0.67871094, -1.3466797, 1.3603516, 0.9873047, -0.13439941, 0.9067383, -1.9365234, 1.7490234, 0.39208984, 0.6455078, -0.22241211, -1.3271484, 0.91503906, 0.54345703, 0.6879883, 0.8364258, -1.6181641, -0.7792969, 1.2529297, 1.6279297, 0.45239258, -2.4238281, 2.2265625, 0.6635742, -2.1816406, 0.066101074, -3.0507812, 0.8129883, 0.78271484, -2.9335938, 1.7207031, -1.3173828, 2.3925781, 0.16052246, -0.28881836, 1.2744141, 0.07720947, -0.27783203, 1.2470703, -0.99853516, -0.17480469, 0.47387695, -0.17285156, -0.62597656, 0.91503906, -1.0966797, 0.8984375, -0.0010490417, 0.25073242, -2.3398438, 0.27392578, 0.72753906, 0.24621582, 0.43920898, 0.44750977, 0.7211914, -0.53466797, -3.0761719, -1.2119141, 0.007286072, 1.2353516, -0.75146484, 0.9399414, 1.8427734, 0.7402344, 2.4921875, 0.053222656, -1.2460938, 1.5605469, -0.043273926, -1.8154297, -1.1787109, 0.33007812, -0.35546875, -1.8378906, -1.7490234, 0.26635742, 2.3671875, -1.7558594, 0.5600586, 2.2089844, -1.1240234, -1.7236328, 1.7988281, -0.3083496, -2.328125, -1.9804688, -0.9135742, -2.8339844, 1.1230469, -0.3137207, 1.2558594, -0.3762207, -0.6323242, 0.43310547, -0.5566406, -0.93896484, -0.72753906, -1.8076172, 1.0214844, 1.6884766, -1.2539062, -0.5517578, 0.23522949, -1.5214844, 0.6513672, -1.4746094, 0.30810547, -1.8037109, 0.17651367, 0.5415039, -0.043426514, 0.7890625, 1.2919922, -0.34472656, -0.67822266, 0.6879883, 0.04397583, 3.5722656, -1.3867188, -1.7109375, -1.3505859, -1.4853516, 1.2714844, -0.29833984, -1.7695312, -1.1591797, 0.3334961, 0.68066406, -2.4511719, 0.16845703, 0.6152344, -0.3190918, 1.2314453, 0.93603516, 0.5517578, 0.45996094, 3.0878906, 0.14941406, 0.14331055, -0.8979492, -1.1347656, 0.49291992, -0.1973877, -0.16748047, -0.0017051697, -0.41748047, 2.0664062, -0.54589844, 1.4501953, 1.1230469, -2.78125, -1.6933594, -0.87939453, 0.72998047, -1.1953125, -1.6582031, 0.87841797, 1.7373047, -0.13745117, -0.07867432, 1.578125, 0.79003906, -4.0195312, -0.2512207, -0.78222656, 1.4423828, 0.43603516, 0.59472656, -3.4589844, -0.7602539, -0.5761719, -1.4462891, -1.2324219, 0.041809082, 0.10583496, -0.9238281, 0.27368164, -0.30566406, 0.47680664, 1.7236328, 0.2758789, 1.046875, 1.4394531, -0.35498047, 0.95654297, -0.85009766, 0.19995117, -1.8730469, 0.06939697, -1.4970703, 0.6894531, 0.265625, -0.6430664, 0.59228516, 1.2783203, 2.0605469, 0.0597229, -0.8598633, 0.5336914, 0.7602539, -0.40942383, 2.6445312, 0.014984131, 1.3886719, -2.8554688, -1.7636719, -0.087646484, -0.32592773, 1.7207031, 1.8564453, 0.13769531, -0.2541504, 0.3935547, 0.26049805, 0.101623535, 1.7470703, 0.15124512, 0.17150879, 1.3476562, 0.89208984, -1.0986328, 0.7368164, 1.6123047, -2.5234375, -1.1972656, -1.9707031, 0.6333008, 0.33544922, -0.8984375, 2.2441406, -0.36254883, -1.1005859, 0.26000977, 2.3925781, 1.7597656, -0.0042381287, 0.21936035, 0.5776367, 0.72802734, -0.34545898, 0.4350586, 0.9477539, -0.03488159]" DEEMO II,com.rayark.deemo2,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rayark.deemo2,music just in time for rayarks th anniversary comes a sequel to their classic ip deemo a kingdom created through music faces an uncertain future after a monster called the ancestor plagues the land with a destructive hollow rain this dangerous rain causes anyone it touches to bloom turning into a flurry of white flower petals and ultimately vanishing from existence deemo ii follows echo a girl who has bloomed but mysteriously reappeared and deemo an enigmatic station guardian as they journey through this rainsoaked world in hopes of finding a way to save it features a mysterious and emotional story,"[3.4863281, -0.12658691, -0.47827148, 0.42236328, 0.5004883, -0.8964844, 1.0351562, 1.0498047, -0.13806152, 1.9570312, -0.23962402, 3.3828125, -0.08831787, -0.5722656, 2.9023438, -2.7851562, -0.5385742, 0.24438477, 1.5800781, -0.5126953, -1.0126953, -0.5878906, 1.3808594, -1.9238281, -0.56347656, -0.82958984, -1.0615234, -0.59765625, 1.7910156, -1.3349609, 1.4677734, -0.75683594, 2.578125, -0.48388672, 1.0712891, 0.4819336, 0.40429688, -0.328125, 1.6474609, 0.3161621, 1.34375, 0.2019043, 0.9526367, 0.044708252, -0.3017578, 0.30371094, 0.19946289, -1.4169922, 0.9863281, 1.3613281, 0.23291016, 1.7910156, -1.3564453, -1.8398438, -1.7949219, -0.1661377, -1.2441406, 1.7490234, -1.5029297, -0.30566406, 0.2565918, 0.87060547, -0.40625, 2.046875, 0.31982422, -1.90625, -1.0234375, 1.4775391, 1.8212891, -0.6777344, 0.55908203, 0.18725586, 1.7099609, 1.0371094, 0.7758789, -1.6484375, -0.88378906, -0.94970703, -0.13122559, -0.44018555, 1.5742188, -0.84716797, -1.0234375, 3.4589844, -0.6948242, 0.5595703, -0.015167236, 1.0097656, -1.5615234, 4.625, 0.3803711, 0.60253906, -2.6015625, 0.19641113, -2.7714844, -1.8232422, 0.16394043, 1.6582031, -0.8339844, -0.062469482, 1.7714844, -0.38623047, -1.4990234, -4.8320312, -0.3413086, -1.7246094, 0.7758789, -0.65283203, 0.2944336, 0.6767578, -0.8535156, -0.0099487305, -1.2773438, -0.21801758, 0.034729004, 0.82421875, -0.4736328, -0.30664062, 0.7128906, -0.006916046, -0.39672852, 1.4697266, 1.5585938, -0.11975098, 1.4550781, -1.0966797, 0.296875, -0.65283203, -1.9248047, 0.2241211, 1.2734375, -0.4423828, -4.3476562, 2.0703125, 1.0224609, -0.84716797, -0.26220703, -2.1464844, -0.67871094, 0.95703125, -0.2553711, 0.79833984, -0.7114258, 1.2832031, -1.3759766, 1.2714844, -0.107788086, -0.21875, 0.31469727, 0.30200195, -1.5761719, -0.29858398, -1.2050781, 1.5390625, 2.0507812, 1.1728516, 1.3027344, 0.059051514, -0.91015625, 1.8212891, -0.04446411, -0.22814941, -0.3322754, -2.1035156, -0.13842773, -0.48217773, -0.82910156, -1.4570312, -1.8916016, -0.48706055, -0.06964111, -0.7426758, 1.6464844, 1.0517578, 0.074157715, 0.57958984, -1.1708984, -1.1240234, -0.44384766, 1.2705078, -0.66845703, -0.9633789, -0.67578125, -1.5390625, -1.0097656, 1.8886719, 1.1445312, 1.3330078, 1.0595703, 0.26098633, -1.3408203, -1.3125, 0.7949219, 1.1376953, 0.36132812, -1.5195312, 1.2060547, -0.76464844, -0.011314392, -1.3164062, 0.7036133, 0.119262695, -1.8652344, 0.90527344, 0.9267578, 0.7895508, -1.0712891, -0.58447266, 1.1455078, -0.40698242, -1.8847656, -0.44555664, 0.036193848, 0.38378906, -0.4506836, -0.7314453, 0.15209961, -1.2871094, 2.1894531, 0.057891846, -0.043426514, -2.109375, -1.65625, 0.44995117, 0.5449219, 1.1943359, 1.8808594, -1.2714844, 1.3828125, 1.1962891, 0.16516113, -1.5830078, 0.8408203, -1.0263672, 0.56591797, 2.234375, 0.56933594, -1.6787109, -0.61279297, -0.08166504, 2.6425781, -0.5126953, -0.67626953, -0.49487305, -1.7539062, -0.22338867, -1.0351562, -0.7973633, 1.5087891, -1.9394531]" Phase 10: World Tour,com.mattel163.phase10,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mattel163.phase10,card start playing phase for free today the fun and 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-0.3173828, -0.39282227, -0.27197266, -0.24938965, -1.0996094, 1.0019531, -0.28027344, -0.6152344, 0.80810547, -0.9501953, 0.77783203, 1.0019531, -1.5507812, -0.9482422, 0.49780273, 0.0680542, 2.2832031, 0.3203125, -1.1933594, 1.5537109, -0.24938965, 4.09375, 1.0292969, -1.5869141, 1.0253906, 0.4494629, 2.3496094, -1.6523438, -0.035095215, 2.8046875, 0.41210938, -1.4111328, -0.22363281, -0.9350586, -0.32421875, 1.53125, -0.40771484, -0.86035156, 1.0439453, -1.9257812, 0.23864746, -0.39526367, -0.65966797, 0.82373047, -0.13208008, 1.1982422, 0.69091797, -0.7192383, -0.22265625, 3.5195312, -1.1953125, -1.1582031, -1.1455078, -1.9423828, 0.021514893, -1.1162109, -2.15625, 1.4824219, 0.93652344, 0.80371094, 1.0087891, 1.6337891, -0.4099121, -1.4150391, -1.0888672, -0.34375, 2.1347656, -0.4519043, 0.59716797, -1.5996094, -0.9296875, -0.65966797, -0.11175537, 0.6113281, -0.9458008, -1.21875, 2.203125, 0.35083008, -0.32714844, -1.2763672, 1.2089844, -0.3798828, 0.61035156, 3.171875, 0.5058594, -1.4169922, 0.22290039, -1.5429688, -0.98828125, 2.2363281, -0.4892578, -0.5673828, -1.1914062, 0.052520752, 2.6640625, -1.0429688, -0.36010742, 0.13061523, -2.5332031, -0.9379883, 0.65234375, -1.4638672, 1.7001953, 2.1132812, -0.7006836, -0.06964111, -0.92578125, -0.7001953, -0.094055176, -0.18688965, 0.98535156, -0.51416016, 1.3867188, -1.4179688, 2.1582031, 0.1887207, -0.81689453, 0.6254883, -0.8173828, 2.7109375, 1.2675781, 0.2763672, -0.96972656, 1.1640625, 0.08874512, 0.5703125, -1.4462891, -1.3916016, -1.3710938, -0.17480469, -1.6640625, 0.8076172, 2.1171875, -0.69921875, 1.2890625, -0.30273438, -0.06402588, -0.40405273, 0.54003906, 0.8183594, -0.5024414, 2.6542969, -0.119628906, 0.75439453, -0.6196289, -1.8476562, 1.9599609, -1.796875, -0.1026001, 0.49072266, -0.25219727, 0.8745117, -0.30810547, 1.0517578, -1.1269531, 2.3300781, -0.76171875, -0.82714844, 1.7646484, -0.25170898, -0.8652344, -0.7319336, 0.57421875, -0.7734375, 0.23718262, 0.9057617, 1.8701172, 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bananas game features dressed to impress now that gru s gone good the minions have a new goal to become the ultimate secret agents so they ve created dozens of fun costumes that don t just look slick but have unique skills such as extra,"[2.1113281, -0.69970703, 3.0957031, 1.5664062, -0.38500977, -0.3251953, -0.69970703, -1.0136719, 0.7036133, 1.2783203, 0.37036133, 0.90966797, -0.22473145, 1.1914062, 1.0410156, -0.48876953, 1.6816406, 1.3349609, 0.50683594, 0.16333008, -0.075927734, -1.6582031, 0.8569336, -3.0449219, 0.82421875, -2.2578125, 0.4597168, -2.1054688, 0.6455078, 2.2519531, -4.78125, -0.09838867, 0.4050293, -0.5336914, 0.4597168, -2.9804688, 0.16369629, -0.20947266, -0.83251953, -0.17578125, 1.5976562, 0.11126709, 0.5805664, 0.9790039, 0.96728516, -0.1282959, -0.95458984, 0.54052734, 0.049591064, 1.0820312, 1.1806641, -1.3251953, -1.4746094, -1.3828125, -1.09375, 0.2331543, 1.0644531, -2.2128906, -1.4765625, -0.9458008, -0.36694336, 3.2128906, -0.796875, 0.34204102, -2.15625, -1.109375, -0.22668457, -0.009056091, 0.4970703, 0.08557129, -0.004348755, -1.7109375, 0.5136719, 0.9995117, 2.3496094, 0.46191406, -2.09375, -1.2988281, -0.63623047, -1.40625, -0.30200195, 0.50683594, -1.2314453, 1.2490234, 0.4465332, -0.052124023, -0.3881836, -0.28466797, -2.1230469, 3.0117188, 0.671875, -0.8598633, -1.3818359, 1.4521484, -1.3417969, -0.81591797, 0.78027344, 1.1992188, -1.34375, -1.6113281, 0.45581055, -1.2919922, -0.85302734, -2.1679688, -1.6005859, 0.58984375, 0.7993164, -1.4111328, -0.54052734, -2.953125, -0.7714844, -0.87353516, -2.1308594, -0.4501953, 0.033050537, 0.24621582, -0.9790039, -0.7988281, 0.058563232, -0.4033203, 0.59472656, -0.5234375, 0.48413086, -0.4724121, 0.60498047, -0.45410156, -0.028244019, -1.8251953, 0.68652344, 3.140625, -1.3769531, -0.12365723, 0.95996094, 1.5498047, 3.6894531, -1.2402344, 1.3730469, -0.23400879, -2.234375, 0.35742188, 0.6220703, -0.515625, 1.4169922, -0.5131836, 0.2919922, 1.3271484, -0.60058594, 1.6767578, 1.3310547, 0.63720703, -0.70410156, -1.3056641, 3.5800781, 3.421875, 3.2695312, 0.8569336, 1.3974609, -1.1640625, -0.28710938, 1.7744141, -0.19360352, -0.72021484, -1.0009766, -0.24853516, -0.47485352, -0.21899414, 0.32421875, 0.7915039, -1.4570312, 0.75927734, 0.101623535, -2.5957031, 0.6870117, 0.5097656, -0.5966797, 0.7993164, 0.62158203, -1.8867188, 0.051727295, -1.4179688, -1.2802734, 0.34204102, -0.7475586, 0.9951172, -0.60009766, 1.046875, 0.16784668, -0.3544922, 0.5722656, 2.3007812, 0.21057129, 0.47851562, -0.6801758, 1.0195312, -1.9013672, 0.94140625, 0.101745605, -2.2636719, -0.8198242, -0.20349121, -0.8701172, 1.6513672, 0.35229492, -0.58740234, -0.15686035, 0.6220703, -0.026412964, -1.7851562, 1.0273438, -0.26904297, -1.0576172, -1.1826172, -0.17297363, -0.36694336, -1.8916016, -0.69873047, 1.3369141, 0.61328125, -0.020843506, 0.8574219, -0.1340332, -0.6621094, 0.06124878, 0.13720703, -0.7290039, 0.94970703, 2.1152344, 0.34033203, -0.26489258, 1.7988281, -1.4033203, -1.8994141, -2.7929688, 0.40698242, 0.8071289, 1.9082031, 0.7475586, -0.08605957, -1.3828125, 1.9013672, 1.7275391, -0.29711914, -0.19628906, 0.94433594, -2.515625, 1.6220703, 0.052947998, -0.4621582, 0.24194336, 1.1728516]" Hill Climb Racing 2,com.fingersoft.hcr2,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fingersoft.hcr2,racing embark on the ultimate driving adventure with hill climb racing an arcade racing game that takes the thrill challenge and excitement of the original to a whole new level set off on a journey of epic proportions as you conquer treacherous terrains perform jawdropping stunts and race against friends and players from around the world with its exhilarating gameplay stunning visuals and a wide range of customizable vehicles hill climb racing is the ultimate driving experience youve been waiting for welcome to climb canyon track editor the brand new track editor feature is now here and open to everyone design,"[0.54589844, 0.11621094, 0.48779297, 1.1269531, -1.2880859, 0.3010254, -0.20703125, -2.0332031, 0.81396484, 2.4003906, 0.80908203, 2.6992188, -0.84228516, 2.0664062, 1.9794922, 1.1347656, 0.78564453, 0.44140625, 0.5888672, -0.5566406, 0.94189453, 0.2253418, 1.9277344, -0.6069336, 0.14233398, -0.3215332, -0.123046875, -0.37109375, 0.32617188, -0.53808594, -3.1386719, -1.46875, -0.11291504, 0.46142578, 1.1982422, -4.4804688, 1.1337891, 1.2177734, 1.0097656, -1.1542969, 0.37646484, 1.59375, -0.3190918, -0.9760742, 1.3544922, -1.0351562, 0.4206543, 1.9443359, -0.28588867, 0.09136963, -1.0068359, -2.0351562, -1.7607422, 0.3203125, -0.51416016, -2.71875, 0.67333984, 0.2512207, 0.69873047, -2.1699219, 0.54345703, 0.8569336, 0.55322266, 0.50927734, 0.22949219, 0.35473633, -0.45288086, 1.3017578, 0.78125, 1.5009766, 1.1816406, 0.6870117, 0.114746094, 0.09295654, 1.8193359, -1.9609375, -0.7338867, -1.3876953, 0.36767578, 0.42236328, -0.86328125, -0.28515625, -0.72509766, 3.0332031, -1.140625, -1.0693359, 0.09161377, -1.109375, -1.6630859, 0.4008789, 0.41235352, -1.1777344, -0.46899414, 1.1132812, -0.2097168, -1.5048828, 0.24902344, 1.2011719, -0.9614258, -2.390625, -2.0039062, 0.09844971, 0.1352539, -0.11810303, -0.51708984, 0.5288086, 0.56689453, 1.1552734, -0.796875, -1.8613281, -0.20373535, 2.0039062, -0.83251953, 0.74902344, -1.2158203, 1.59375, 2.1679688, 0.80859375, 0.2722168, 0.16223145, -0.097229004, 0.54833984, -0.45483398, -1.4375, 1.0166016, -2.390625, -0.7504883, -2.0664062, -1.2978516, 0.78564453, 0.29614258, 0.7026367, 0.5048828, 1.8896484, 3.3261719, -1.484375, 0.4519043, -0.5961914, -0.6323242, 1.8662109, 1.5263672, -1.0917969, 0.47143555, 0.87890625, -1.2158203, -0.51660156, -0.89746094, 0.66503906, 3.7167969, 0.38330078, -0.82958984, -0.7919922, 4.09375, 0.51416016, 0.6357422, -0.62353516, -1.8847656, -0.017196655, 1.3154297, -1.0654297, 1.2939453, -1.4609375, -3.3027344, 0.23510742, -1.0478516, -1.7724609, 0.35766602, -0.6513672, -2.3496094, -1.1083984, 0.953125, -2.875, -0.70996094, 1.0449219, 0.6376953, 0.49365234, 0.41870117, -3.7636719, -0.2467041, -1.8613281, -1.2050781, -0.87109375, -2.5, -0.36791992, -0.02078247, -0.5541992, 1.4306641, -1.5458984, 1.5605469, 0.33764648, 0.7416992, -0.17053223, 1.0751953, -0.21557617, -1.1083984, -1.1533203, -0.53759766, -0.5488281, -1.8486328, -1.1201172, -0.43969727, 2.1210938, -0.32739258, -2.3300781, -3.6679688, -0.072753906, 0.36791992, -1.1289062, 2.0488281, -0.15856934, 1.1044922, -0.92529297, -0.24719238, -0.23474121, -0.17932129, 0.036193848, -0.5600586, 2.0722656, -0.5131836, -0.47338867, 0.32470703, -3.203125, 1.0107422, 0.039733887, -0.056121826, 0.16870117, 1.3603516, 1.2294922, 0.91748047, 0.050994873, -1.4609375, -0.63671875, -2.5957031, 2.0566406, 0.69873047, -1.6572266, 2.5429688, 1.9248047, 1.1542969, 0.54052734, 2.0722656, 2.0351562, -0.60791016, 0.8520508, 0.044952393, -0.6303711, -0.48486328, 0.29614258, 2.3945312, -0.10949707]" Pixel Car 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0.39013672, -0.5258789, -1.328125, -1.1484375, -0.5883789, -1.4052734, -1.7822266, -0.30151367, 1.6484375, -0.8588867, -0.25610352, 0.5131836, -0.984375, -1.6025391, 0.6069336, 0.20703125, -1.1425781, -0.34838867, -1.1855469, -0.9008789, -1.5703125, -1.0703125, -0.20935059, -1.578125, -1.1015625, -0.0016307831, 0.23535156, 1.2919922, -0.30371094, -1.2802734, -0.75341797, 1.6025391, -1.15625, -0.07098389, 0.39013672, -0.5991211, -0.2763672, -1.6279297, 0.9199219, 0.26000977, 0.2878418, 1.1708984, -1.3867188, 0.35351562, 0.7495117, -0.05947876, -0.85009766, 0.15393066, 0.66503906, -0.04623413, -1.3046875, -0.003320694, 0.47045898, -1.2636719, -0.5859375, 0.65771484, 0.56591797, 1.8730469, 0.9970703, 4.3710938, -2.671875, 2.4179688, 0.6269531, -1.5136719, -0.24865723, 0.7949219, -0.8105469, 0.61376953, 0.30932617, -2.3515625, -1.0439453, 1.2265625, 0.27319336, 1.5058594, 1.5068359, -0.52001953, -0.5620117, -0.4128418, 0.5683594, -0.7368164, -0.32543945, 0.3010254, 1.5800781, 0.16442871, 1.8867188, 0.56591797, -1.40625, -3.0527344, 1.2197266, -0.6508789, -0.7636719, -1.1171875, 2.5429688, -1.3486328, -2.2460938, -0.4897461, -1.2109375, 1.2578125, -0.036743164, 1.0029297, -0.62939453, 0.92333984, -1.9638672, 0.6743164, 0.41186523, 0.025939941, 0.14770508, 0.41748047, 1.6171875, 0.14428711, -0.19226074, 1.2939453, -0.7885742, 0.25708008, 0.95458984, 0.38208008, -1.1933594, 1.5458984, 2.1425781, 1.2568359, 0.32592773, -1.4931641, -0.8540039, 3.8378906, -0.7421875, -0.39648438, 1.2216797, 0.94628906, -1.1962891, -2.296875, 1.0761719, -1.6455078, 0.0004181862, 3.6171875, 1.1953125, 0.7363281, -0.76953125, 1.2285156, -0.63671875, -2.7265625, -0.6665039, 0.81591797, 1.4160156, 2.0195312, -0.091796875, 1.1933594, -2.4316406, 0.12976074, 0.8461914, 0.041168213, 1.1425781, 1.0957031, -1.0849609, -1.4394531, 0.6796875, -1.0849609, -2.2753906, -0.50146484, -0.4777832, -0.5, 0.40698242, 0.19494629, 1.3378906, -0.16052246, 0.74121094, 0.3552246, 0.9082031, -0.8076172, 0.37475586, 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1.9140625, -1.1181641, -1.2431641, 0.75097656, 1.2617188, 1.4833984, -1.1318359, -0.51953125, -1.6796875, -0.79345703, 0.96484375, 1.1904297, -2.1054688, -0.21411133, -0.5078125, -1.0820312, -0.42163086, 0.41186523, 0.9692383, 1.9296875, 1.5849609, -1.15625, 0.77490234, 0.0690918, -3.03125, -1.4892578, 0.013748169, 3.4648438, 0.9692383, 0.44482422, -0.11315918, 0.47558594, 0.6323242, -0.33154297, 0.9941406, -1.5224609, 0.8691406, -0.05722046, 0.9506836, -0.55126953, 1.3867188, 0.61621094, 2.2949219, -1.4179688, -0.33203125, 2.9433594, -2.2050781, -0.3659668, -0.8378906, 0.5996094, 0.7416992, -2.9902344, 0.7060547, -1.4511719, -0.6694336, -0.6904297, -2.0410156, -0.7373047, 2.0898438, -0.81689453, -1.5039062, 3.5019531, -0.13745117, 1.2841797, -0.087768555, -0.32617188, -0.19763184, 0.013465881, 0.27001953, -0.44848633, 1.2978516, -2.7792969, 0.9394531, -0.38476562, 0.07684326, 1.6308594, 0.90478516, -0.40844727, 4.7539062, 0.2602539, 1.1503906, -0.58496094, -0.6459961, 0.5932617, 1.046875, -0.6376953, -0.93310547, -1.7714844, -2.8242188, -0.0657959, 1.2832031, 1.4013672, -0.81884766, 0.1920166, -0.72802734, -1.4355469, -0.6347656, -1.3300781, -1.8847656, -2.2539062, -1.4091797, -1.0771484, -1.3193359, 0.4020996, 0.7998047, -1.0048828, -0.3684082, -1.7675781, -1.3095703, -0.70654297, -0.1394043, -0.15673828, 1.0117188, -1.8916016, -0.1204834, -1.2519531, 1.6298828, 1.2451172, 2.3476562, 3.6914062, 0.17541504, 0.93115234, -2.5625, 5.7460938, -0.84472656, 0.55078125, 3.2734375, -0.54541016, 1.1484375, -2.0273438, 0.13366699, 1.4609375, 3.5644531, 0.4975586, 0.97509766, 0.13220215, 0.46972656, 0.07122803, -0.21411133, -1.5986328, -1.2998047, -4.2304688, 0.08862305, 2.1601562, -0.29101562, -1.0439453, 0.29101562, 2.171875, -0.13134766, 1.6923828, 0.3017578, -2.4980469, -0.70458984, 0.04748535, 1.4824219, 0.7363281, -0.17163086, 0.072753906, -0.8535156, -3.2597656, -0.18774414, 0.9243164, 0.21887207, 0.5317383, 0.7089844, -1.4072266, -2.234375, 0.032592773, 0.7529297, -2.8027344, 3.0117188, -1.6289062, -0.0770874, 0.2232666, -0.76416016, 0.34936523, -0.20507812, 0.39135742, 1.3496094, -0.1862793, -0.7128906, 0.20727539, 0.9316406, -0.5371094, 0.9345703, -0.21875, -2.7109375, 4.5078125, -3.4863281, -0.068847656, 1.7431641, -1.3173828, 1.2695312, -1.2480469, 3.2929688, -0.40795898, 0.7246094, 0.42211914, 1.2050781, 0.36987305, 0.14819336, -1.8925781, 0.9614258, -0.43237305, -3.8769531, 0.50146484, 1.3349609, 0.09075928, -0.85546875, -0.9189453, -4.6835938, -0.23962402, 1.2392578, -1.6787109, 1.6962891, 0.41137695, -1.7324219, -1.3457031, 0.6875, -0.16015625, -1.8212891, -1.2792969, 0.13867188, -0.7290039, 2.9746094, 0.8671875, 0.625, -1.6191406, 0.40454102, 2.9707031, -0.067871094, -1.4179688, -1.5849609, -0.21960449, -0.4399414, -0.8417969, 0.5888672, 1.2177734, -3.0878906]" TRIVIA STAR Quiz Games Offline,com.trivia.star.android,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trivia.star.android,trivia download the best trivia games free 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-0.44995117, 3.046875, -0.9975586, 1.2060547, -0.3515625, 0.24597168, 1.2783203, -1.3085938, 2.5488281, -0.05166626, 1.1015625, -1.3857422, -1.3486328, 1.3330078, -1.03125, -1.0126953, 0.26293945, 0.15808105, 0.082214355, 2.8398438, 1.1015625, 0.8359375, 0.8261719, 0.30908203, 1.3476562, -0.17590332, 0.17150879, 0.08251953, 1.4482422, -0.36938477, -0.12683105, 1.2529297, 2.3652344, -1.3896484, 0.67871094, -0.69970703, -0.14855957, 1.3525391, -0.27905273, -0.39257812, 1.3105469, -1.6113281, 0.42456055, -2.8339844, 0.20727539, 0.15393066, 0.1628418, -1.5244141, 0.04067993, 0.5830078, -1.0654297, -0.44189453, 1.2617188, 1.2822266, -1.1894531, -1.5029297, -2.0410156, -0.43920898, -0.5800781, -0.22668457, 1.390625, -1.4150391, -1.2832031, 0.042175293, 0.4494629, 1.5478516, -0.7128906, -2.0859375, -1.5517578, 0.9067383, -0.72558594, -1.6113281, 0.67529297, -1.8916016, -0.20092773, -0.061035156, 0.4008789, 0.9013672, 0.87353516, 0.8925781, -1.3417969, -0.08087158, -0.38549805, 0.70996094, 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0.22485352, -0.42895508, 2.9785156, -1.0947266, 0.9350586, -0.33911133, 1.9443359, 0.8129883, -0.9682617, 2.390625, 0.62402344, -1.5517578, -0.7529297, -0.54052734, -0.26464844, -0.42749023, 0.13476562, 1.5175781, 0.30322266, -2.0917969, 1.9658203, -1.9833984, -1.4238281, 0.13928223, 2.6621094, -0.8144531, -2.6054688, 0.39916992, -1.0380859, -0.123168945, 0.068115234, -0.9165039, 0.4453125, -1.0722656, 1.6230469, -0.010887146, -1.5966797, 0.10601807, 1.3808594, -1.9179688, -0.020126343, 0.92333984, -0.08258057, 0.7504883, 2.0429688, 1.3144531, 2.7246094, -2.5878906, 0.9736328, -0.75634766, -2.4238281, 0.41064453, -2.7265625, 0.3166504, -0.18884277, -1.0039062, -0.9375, 0.5498047, -0.03665161, -0.86621094, 1.1660156, -0.46826172, -0.28295898, -1.1025391, 2.1367188, 0.9580078, -0.015701294, 0.7890625, -1.6289062, -1.0625, 1.515625, -1.4355469, -0.17358398, 0.4831543, 2.0390625, -1.5605469, -2.8476562, 0.30297852, -2.2890625, -0.14794922, -1.5722656, 0.20922852, 1.1630859, 0.06088257, 0.010223389, 1.0488281, -1.9277344, -3.4179688, 0.5888672, -0.6738281, -0.40673828, 0.8144531, -0.7729492, -0.58691406, -0.28149414, -1.3671875, -0.10089111, -0.14050293, -2.5097656, -1.3730469, -0.22241211, 1.4785156, 0.1862793, -1.3457031, -1.09375, -1.6591797, -0.30004883, -0.6894531, -0.22668457, 1.3994141, -0.37231445, 1.0615234, 0.0033340454, 0.90527344, -0.7792969, 1.3847656, 0.014373779, -0.48828125, 0.028656006, -0.18359375, 0.78515625, 0.1026001, 0.025680542, -1.3105469, -2.4765625, 3.5722656, -1.3642578, -2.0292969, 0.1920166, 0.31152344, 3.1152344, -0.5517578, 0.016418457, 0.21252441, 0.2866211, -0.3022461, 0.08306885, -1.7285156, 0.5395508, 0.32836914, -1.7617188, 0.25952148, 1.0097656, -0.6171875, -0.6308594, 0.16320801, 0.9633789, 0.33422852, 4.6601562, -1.2802734, 0.62402344, 0.9296875, 0.3046875, -1.4931641, 1.5976562, -0.29418945, 0.68408203, -0.53271484, 0.08807373, 0.25268555, 1.4580078, 0.034210205, 1.3320312, 1.4189453, 0.8491211, -3.8964844, 0.22009277, -0.5732422, 3.6660156, 0.29516602, 0.33496094, 0.20544434, 0.9760742, 3.7734375, 0.8261719, -0.26171875, -1.9589844, -0.41552734, -1.3349609, 1.1347656, 0.73876953, 0.07727051, 0.041778564, 0.0079422, -0.044677734, 1.2363281, 1.7675781, -1.7753906, -0.20324707, 0.875, -2.0, 1.0458984, -1.0976562, 1.2617188, 1.0458984, 0.42700195, -1.7099609, 1.3427734, 3.5878906, -0.8701172, -2.2109375, 0.1850586, -0.2746582, -1.5585938, 1.6318359, 0.65478516, 1.9658203, -1.9091797, -0.44555664, -0.99072266, -1.296875, 1.15625, 1.9589844, 0.69433594, -1.3691406, -0.5366211, -0.7626953, -0.055267334, 3.2539062, -2.0605469, 0.2644043, 0.9765625, 1.0673828, 4.0039062, 1.6074219, 2.0175781, -1.5078125, 0.67041016, -0.70458984, 0.4284668, 1.2724609, -4.3242188, 1.71875, 0.77197266, -0.78808594, 1.6435547, 2.0683594, 1.2304688, -0.8886719, -0.31518555, -2.9492188, -1.4472656, -0.42260742, -1.8271484, 0.5932617, -1.1269531]" Need for Speed??No 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-2.2832031, -1.4033203, -1.8701172, 2.6816406, 0.14538574, 0.14294434, 0.7324219, 1.1376953, 0.25830078, -1.53125, 2.0605469, 2.3496094, -0.35424805, -0.33911133, -1.2480469, 1.4960938, 1.4169922, 0.5151367, 0.036132812, 1.3154297, 1.3447266, -0.26660156, 0.077819824, -0.6166992, -0.66552734, 0.2866211, 0.64501953, 2.171875, 0.27514648, 0.68652344, 1.3388672, -0.8808594, -1.5556641, -0.5410156, -0.8803711, -0.33813477, 3.0703125, 1.9931641, -0.6508789, -1.3818359, -2.8710938, -0.3076172, 0.93066406, 0.3413086, 0.8535156, 0.39892578, -0.85791016, 0.20239258, 1.4472656, 0.39819336, -1.5341797, -1.9814453, 0.35107422, 1.6855469, 0.8203125, -1.2929688, 0.3918457, -0.7597656, 1.5673828, -2.3535156, -1.0537109, -0.6040039, 0.48266602, 1.1972656, 0.78271484, -0.9008789, 0.9667969, 1.3681641, 0.3737793, 0.046569824, -0.09185791, 2.4902344, -0.86621094, -0.12200928, 0.3330078, 1.3867188, 0.8774414, -0.060668945, 0.3293457, 0.5986328, 0.7529297, 3.0996094, 0.39526367, 0.8222656, 0.6279297, -1.59375, -0.08959961, 0.32177734, -0.24487305, 1.7919922, 2.2246094, 0.9707031, -0.049316406, -0.18676758, 0.6069336, 0.6640625, -0.44140625, -2.0625, 0.007583618, -0.44677734, -2.1347656, 0.082458496, -0.72216797, 0.80859375, 1.3017578, 0.9135742, 1.4111328, -0.5991211, 2.3554688, -0.6088867, -0.65185547, -0.33642578, 0.5253906, -0.25878906, 0.4885254, -1.5009766, -0.7714844, 0.3046875, -1.6591797, 0.15625, 1.8759766, 1.7578125, 1.2998047, -0.3388672, 0.8720703, 0.8833008, 0.77441406, -0.04147339, 2.2832031, 0.15600586, 1.6826172, -0.8613281, -0.50341797, -0.9501953, 0.039001465, 1.3134766, 1.6621094, 0.24267578, -3.0703125, -1.1113281, 2.5644531, 0.48461914, -1.53125, 0.7265625, -1.2041016, -0.37182617, -0.6879883, 3.2890625, -1.2255859, 2.9042969, 0.9902344, -0.36401367, 1.7138672, -0.11828613, -0.97802734, 1.8691406, 0.54296875, -0.80908203, 0.043395996, -1.1542969, -0.40429688, -1.8144531, -0.051879883, -0.7558594, 1.6484375, 1.7490234, 1.296875, -1.1923828, -0.5292969, -0.19152832, 0.5600586, -1.0253906, 1.3613281, 1.7460938, 0.04888916, -0.5024414, 1.7519531, -1.3574219, 0.59716797, 0.0029659271, -1.5771484, -0.47460938, -2.1523438, 0.45361328, 0.91015625, -0.8754883, 1.0214844, 1.6962891, -0.5859375, -1.7216797, 0.68652344, -0.92871094, 0.35961914, 0.6357422, -0.6567383, 1.4130859, -1.8271484]" 8 Ball Pool,com.miniclip.eightballpool,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.miniclip.eightballpool,sports do you want to play in the world of pool games ball pool is an addictive challenging game based on real d pool games where you will challenge your friends online become a master of the pool the balls game is easy to win you just have to select the table and get ready join us and challenge your friends to this ball game in pvp mode use your pool strategy with the cue wisely in this online multiplayer ball game as every round will be more difficult after each level you can play in multiplayer or pvp mode in,"[-1.1269531, -2.1289062, 0.9189453, 1.5830078, 1.2265625, 0.17480469, 1.5253906, -1.5498047, -0.7553711, -1.1298828, 0.6801758, 0.58496094, -1.2431641, 0.4753418, 0.8930664, -0.33251953, -0.076171875, 0.67871094, -1.0498047, 0.17810059, -0.08862305, -0.09265137, 0.75439453, 0.36523438, -0.70703125, -2.71875, 0.14587402, -4.0039062, -1.4462891, 0.22851562, 0.20678711, 0.5073242, -1.5986328, -1.1884766, 1.4443359, 0.5756836, 1.2539062, -1.3623047, 1.9599609, 0.12902832, 0.46191406, -0.39916992, -0.4025879, 0.578125, -0.030288696, 1.359375, -0.27148438, -2.0410156, 0.8051758, -0.578125, 0.39794922, -1.4365234, 0.46435547, 0.37231445, -0.67285156, -1.4599609, -0.31958008, 2.5351562, -0.4609375, -0.7402344, 0.34521484, -0.28442383, 0.4248047, -1.2011719, -0.56591797, -1.0, 1.0556641, -0.6430664, 0.38232422, 1.3789062, -0.62939453, 1.3652344, 0.012763977, -3.0722656, -0.48046875, -0.32714844, 0.14733887, 0.55615234, 1.0146484, -1.3681641, -1.4472656, 0.84277344, 0.27197266, 1.9462891, -1.140625, 0.40063477, -0.1751709, -1.890625, 0.31030273, -1.4394531, 0.4663086, -1.5859375, -0.6777344, -2.3476562, -0.59472656, -1.3144531, -0.22839355, 0.47851562, 1.7402344, 0.46728516, 0.014381409, 0.80371094, -1.5908203, -1.5107422, 1.0664062, 1.0712891, 1.0771484, -0.7055664, -1.2431641, 0.33520508, -0.7602539, -0.79833984, -2.203125, 1.3261719, -0.9707031, 0.6855469, -0.8041992, 0.31079102, -0.36816406, -2.0957031, 0.79052734, -1.3369141, 1.7597656, -1.0380859, 0.38208008, -0.03942871, -1.1425781, -1.4873047, 0.40234375, 2.9121094, -0.72802734, -1.9599609, 1.1542969, -0.27294922, 0.8515625, -4.1015625, -0.8432617, -1.7177734, -1.9384766, -3.4355469, 1.1914062, 0.51416016, 1.4335938, 0.6269531, -1.1601562, 1.0498047, -0.65722656, 2.3085938, -0.74121094, -0.5996094, 0.68408203, -1.109375, 3.0644531, -0.083618164, 3.1191406, 0.08618164, 0.8129883, -0.082092285, 0.59765625, 0.7807617, -0.13061523, -0.033996582, 0.95166016, 1.3642578, 0.3876953, 1.3515625, -1.5224609, -0.97265625, -0.8095703, 1.5166016, -1.5429688, -0.14819336, -1.3623047, 2.4101562, -0.5180664, -3.3710938, 0.078063965, -1.4658203, -0.21862793, 0.9316406, -1.3271484, 1.1455078, 1.0585938, -0.2668457, -0.7285156, 0.7573242, 0.0023288727, -0.70214844, 1.9902344, 0.11248779, 1.4033203, -0.18530273, -0.5839844, 0.64990234, -1.3056641, 0.45239258, -0.7861328, 0.2980957, 0.18835449, -1.4248047, 0.17687988, 1.8242188, 0.9819336, -0.78027344, -1.7001953, -0.57714844, -0.053222656, -1.6289062, 0.8798828, 0.87841797, -0.64990234, -2.0507812, -0.08117676, -0.6357422, 0.52441406, 1.5605469, 2.0527344, 2.1757812, -0.54248047, 0.1027832, -0.6118164, -0.58251953, 2.9316406, -1.8925781, -2.6191406, 1.8046875, -0.5571289, 2.3769531, -1.3652344, 2.1484375, -0.3671875, -1.8535156, -1.3642578, -3.4667969, 0.3984375, 0.70166016, 0.02243042, 1.9179688, -0.11273193, 1.5488281, -0.27416992, 1.2734375, 0.89208984, 1.3408203, 0.6381836, -0.038238525, -1.9189453, 1.1328125, 1.1494141, -0.7260742]" Race Craft - Kids Car 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1.4560547, -0.99072266, 0.8359375, -0.30297852, 0.09436035, 1.2539062, 0.8857422, 0.24853516, 1.3847656, 0.28637695, -1.6386719, -1.8388672, -0.033599854, 0.59472656, -1.8994141, 0.060577393, 3.6152344, -0.6044922, 0.97802734, -1.0615234, 0.06921387, 1.8203125, -0.6777344, -0.78759766, -0.031234741, 0.2644043, -0.45141602, -0.86865234, 0.75341797, -1.6201172, 0.58984375, -0.8149414, 0.5629883, 0.7163086, -1.7568359, -1.0712891, 0.2175293, 0.3779297, -1.1748047, -0.20166016, -1.9619141, 0.28515625, -0.40307617, -1.3671875, 0.68408203, -2.1328125, -0.44799805, 0.2401123, 0.80371094, 1.7255859, -0.8027344, -1.2207031, -0.9082031, 1.7460938, -0.95166016, -0.7578125, -0.0491333, -0.32202148, -1.2285156, -2.8945312, -0.5395508, 0.3305664, 0.011100769, 1.25, -0.98876953, 0.0066719055, -0.8232422, -0.7504883, -1.4902344, 0.4074707, 0.88964844, -1.0996094, -0.043182373, -0.6645508, 1.0742188, -0.03894043, 1.7558594, 0.51904297, 0.34179688, 1.1845703, -0.46850586, 4.21875, -1.0576172, 2.0976562, 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0.47094727, 0.9511719, -0.51220703, 0.0052986145, -0.5107422, 0.55371094, -0.39038086, 0.71777344, -1.3193359, 0.8881836, 0.41503906, 0.27612305, -2.1523438, 0.8129883, -2.5742188, -1.296875, 0.55566406, -0.16577148, -1.4052734, -0.14648438, -0.1439209, 0.1295166, -0.6816406, -1.6328125, -1.6542969, 1.5820312, -1.8085938, -0.48120117, -0.79003906, 0.080566406, 0.44018555, -1.4140625, -1.2490234, -0.19616699, 0.4572754, -1.6972656, 1.4414062, -0.038269043, 0.9511719, 0.23815918, -1.3769531, -2.359375, -1.1494141, 2.0976562, -1.0732422, 0.6826172, -0.053375244, 0.17248535, -1.3222656, -0.3059082, -2.5859375, -0.029586792, 1.1894531, 0.03765869, 0.62597656, -0.28051758, -0.11645508, 0.27929688, -0.26733398, 1.3193359, 1.7304688, -0.9379883, 0.04220581, 1.4003906, 1.4003906, -1.6728516, 1.3828125, -0.07354736, 0.032684326, -1.5537109, 0.12408447, 1.4619141, -1.4335938, 1.3457031, -0.12976074, 0.3149414, 1.0751953, -0.36254883, 0.73535156, -0.6928711, 0.75097656, 0.86376953, -0.29785156, 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3.4648438, 0.37231445, 1.7851562, -0.84814453, 2.9355469, -0.034820557, -1.1289062, -0.32861328, -2.1699219, -1.8076172, -0.6586914, 0.18115234, -0.94189453, -0.42651367, 1.5898438, 0.8564453, -1.0205078, 1.2890625, -0.2824707, 1.6953125, 0.11578369, -0.7524414, -1.0751953, -0.2685547, -0.0016975403, -1.4101562, -1.2890625, -2.1816406, -0.14147949, -1.2783203, 1.9755859, 0.7294922, 2.3378906, 0.088256836, 0.12036133, -0.18615723, -0.55566406, -1.9960938, -1.3935547, -0.034606934, 0.88720703, 0.050750732, -1.7802734, 0.62841797, 0.4243164, -0.39648438, -0.89404297, -0.21459961, -0.61816406, -1.2509766, 0.28930664, -0.026031494, -1.0263672, -1.9091797, -0.46044922, -1.1367188, -0.02331543, 0.78222656, -0.8671875, 2.5507812, 1.9863281, -0.27563477, 2.8183594, 0.39770508, 2.3710938, 0.33276367, -1.1162109, 1.375, 0.5600586, -0.7368164, 0.40576172, 1.8603516, 0.5175781, 0.74902344, -0.47021484, -0.48510742, 1.3955078, 1.8691406, -0.5161133, -1.1386719, 0.043182373, 1.8085938, 0.22180176, 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1.8134766, -0.042236328, -1.5175781, 0.4987793, 1.3867188, 0.012062073, -0.49853516, -0.77783203, -2.0703125, -0.4260254, -2.5351562, 0.41552734, 1.6044922, 0.6323242, 0.40014648, 0.26464844, -0.57470703, -2.7167969, 0.6977539, 0.9057617, -0.1899414, -0.26123047, 1.2871094, -0.007873535, 0.4453125, -0.82470703, -1.9394531, -0.46069336, 1.3193359, -4.3085938, -1.46875, -1.0058594, 2.2460938, 2.5488281, 0.049743652, -0.9746094, 1.5429688, -1.4179688, 1.4824219, 0.099609375, -1.0009766, 1.4931641, 0.12408447, -1.5351562, -0.49560547, -1.7373047, -0.34228516, -0.94921875, 0.4345703, 0.36523438, -1.1318359, 2.8769531, -0.8310547, 2.625, 0.48608398, -1.2792969, 0.87158203, 0.7495117, 3.6601562, 0.3466797, -0.7006836, -1.0175781, 1.3828125, 0.55908203, 0.75878906, -1.9052734, 0.09613037, -0.5727539, 0.59814453, -0.32910156, -2.5292969, 1.8310547, -0.703125, 0.56103516, -2.5976562, 0.43652344, -2.03125, 0.6567383, 1.0634766, 0.042785645, -0.24145508, -0.13378906, -1.5751953, -2.0234375, 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1.1787109, 0.56347656, -0.9707031, 0.74072266, -0.11651611, 0.3190918, -1.1972656, 0.34985352, 2.1367188, 0.9350586, -1.734375, 0.25634766, -2.4101562, 0.49438477, -0.79345703, -0.91503906, -0.5620117, -1.1367188, 0.11468506, 1.1386719, 1.1796875, -1.7353516, -0.49731445, 0.8457031, 0.6972656, -0.97265625, -0.17041016, 1.4941406, -1.4550781, -0.14196777, 0.44140625, -0.50097656, 2.234375, 0.6308594, -0.33251953, -0.34936523, -1.9423828, -0.32836914, -0.37109375, -1.0058594, -0.23522949, -0.14733887, 0.21862793, 0.3630371, 0.6269531, -0.7167969, 1.0546875, 1.7705078, 0.36206055, 0.19348145, -0.6489258, -1.7675781, -0.8823242, -1.8603516, -1.0761719, 1.1552734, -1.7050781, -3.4160156, 1.4667969, 1.8789062, 3.4902344, 2.0898438, -1.3359375, 2.6757812, 0.68310547, -2.0097656, -1.5253906, 1.5566406, -0.17773438, -0.97558594, 0.3071289, 0.95947266, 1.125, 0.6279297, -1.1669922, 1.7675781, -0.17236328, 0.41723633, 0.24658203, -1.7255859, 0.24694824, 1.7050781, 0.12683105, -0.32006836, 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-0.72558594, 0.11242676, 2.7988281, 0.3984375, -0.8413086, -1.875, 0.81103516, 0.20617676, -1.1025391, 1.4052734, 0.11645508, 0.35375977, -1.1269531, 0.8701172, -0.5029297, 0.74902344, 0.18676758, -0.11816406, 1.9638672, 0.3881836, 0.9350586, -1.1826172, -0.53515625, -2.8964844, -0.3635254, -2.28125, 2.8027344, -0.1295166, 0.6801758, -2.2109375, -0.59765625, 0.6977539, -0.6513672, -0.7290039, -0.5024414, 1.71875, -0.34472656, -0.19299316, 0.58984375, -0.73779297, 1.0175781, -0.62646484, 0.62158203, 2.5703125, -0.057617188, 1.4443359, -1.9511719, -1.3867188, -0.60595703, -1.8505859, 1.2597656, -0.7524414, -0.60839844, 1.4541016, 0.6069336, -0.3725586, -2.1132812, -1.1337891, 0.8803711, 3.4140625, -2.8320312, -0.5336914, 2.3652344, 0.26220703, 1.5537109, -1.2949219, -0.084472656, -0.18139648, -2.5234375, 2.390625, 0.41381836, -1.2392578, -0.41430664, 0.10046387, -0.109558105, 1.2109375, -0.4267578, 1.1630859, -0.093811035, -1.2666016, -0.39257812, -0.37524414, -1.0761719, 2.1425781, 3.1347656, 0.8535156, 1.5273438, -1.0615234, -0.44555664, 2.7402344, 1.0996094, 1.0195312, 0.50097656, 0.35253906, -0.57714844, 0.2052002, -0.82373047, -0.58203125, -3.5625, -1.9814453, 0.7290039, -0.30029297, -1.4101562, -0.40698242, -1.3320312, 0.15197754, -1.0097656, -0.55126953, -1.8330078, 0.13964844, -0.10021973, 2.1660156, 0.85791016, 0.8540039, -0.7426758, 0.75683594, 0.02178955, -0.59521484, 3.15625, -1.1503906, 0.021881104, -0.80029297, -0.38208008, -0.049438477, -3.2910156, 0.1743164, 0.8125, 2.7539062, 1.5214844, 0.91308594, 0.5605469, 1.6162109, 1.7998047, -1.6552734, -1.7382812, -2.5429688, 1.8134766, -2.0585938, -0.9121094, 1.0244141, -1.1269531, 0.04119873, 0.021881104, 0.01675415, 2.2792969, -0.30029297, 2.1601562, 0.03149414, 0.14160156, -0.39257812, 0.37695312, 1.2724609, 0.69873047, -1.1914062, -3.6738281, 3.4121094, 1.2636719, -0.77001953, -0.2644043, 0.9980469, 0.25610352, -0.3330078, -1.7617188, -0.9169922, 1.3300781, -4.171875, 0.4572754, 0.95703125, -0.33691406, 1.1738281, -0.64501953, -0.099853516, 1.9013672, -0.6479492, 0.55029297, -1.9492188, -2.8652344, -2.9726562, 0.5473633, 0.042266846]" Mario Kart Tour,com.nintendo.zaka,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nintendo.zaka,action challenge players worldwide in multiplayer you can race against up to seven other players whether theyre registered as ingame friends nearby or scattered around the world multiplayer races can be customized with a variety of rules such as individual or team races kart speed and number of item slots you can play however you want mario kart takes a world tour mario and friends go global in this new mario kart as they race around courses inspired by realworld cities in addition to classic mario kart courses these destinations will be featured in tours that rotate every two weeks in,"[-0.24243164, 0.5263672, 0.2644043, 3.0253906, 0.96875, -1.4550781, 0.69433594, -1.0986328, -0.55322266, 0.20678711, 0.6230469, 1.8251953, 0.22912598, 3.3105469, 2.203125, -0.7246094, -0.39648438, -0.99316406, -1.2099609, -0.1607666, 1.3710938, 0.88671875, 1.0068359, 0.5317383, 0.045959473, 2.6113281, 0.82128906, -2.0878906, -0.22802734, 1.3310547, -0.79785156, -2.4765625, 1.5234375, -1.4677734, 0.66503906, -2.8125, 1.8544922, 0.40063477, -0.7680664, 0.6699219, -0.35791016, -0.6538086, -0.97265625, -1.6601562, 0.14074707, -0.04458618, -1.7070312, 0.06713867, -1.1015625, -0.16271973, -1.5986328, -1.0146484, -0.045532227, 0.4326172, -1.9414062, 1.2568359, 5.078125, 1.8056641, 1.0253906, 0.8222656, -0.8696289, 1.4296875, 0.42382812, 0.113586426, 0.6269531, -1.0136719, 1.1787109, 0.8286133, -0.42236328, 1.5605469, -2.2714844, -0.8100586, -1.4755859, 0.81347656, -0.2548828, -1.1289062, 2.9335938, 0.19250488, 1.5166016, -0.92529297, -0.19213867, 0.33691406, -1.0361328, 1.1455078, -0.8100586, 0.6245117, -2.0234375, 0.6972656, -1.8359375, 0.3984375, -1.0986328, -3.5332031, -0.87841797, -0.4831543, -0.22827148, -1.7294922, -0.07574463, -0.6542969, 2.4863281, -0.2841797, 0.6118164, 2.1347656, -2.796875, 1.3701172, -2.3320312, 1.0712891, 0.5883789, 0.1977539, -1.1269531, -1.5253906, 0.8027344, 0.077697754, -2.3652344, 0.82421875, -2.9003906, -1.5234375, 2.5605469, -1.0986328, -0.46411133, -0.3317871, 0.85009766, -1.5546875, 2.390625, -0.08227539, 0.6191406, -2.7753906, -1.9462891, -1.4492188, -0.5576172, 1.7236328, 0.82421875, -0.30664062, -1.109375, 0.43017578, 0.5410156, -3.0742188, 0.7319336, 0.23352051, 0.7993164, -1.3066406, 0.82128906, -0.051971436, 2.2988281, 2.4277344, -1.5771484, 0.32861328, -0.8442383, 1.0136719, -1.4111328, 0.98046875, -1.3359375, 1.2675781, 2.8007812, -0.86621094, 2.9707031, 0.4855957, -0.6582031, -1.2275391, 0.026062012, 0.39404297, 1.3896484, -1.2041016, -1.0839844, 0.62158203, -0.46435547, 0.9711914, 0.4543457, -0.29833984, 0.88671875, 1.5888672, 0.21801758, 1.2109375, 1.1542969, 1.8583984, 0.52685547, -2.1484375, 1.5146484, -3.0585938, -0.5761719, -1.2353516, -1.8388672, -0.05215454, -0.640625, 1.0673828, 0.7319336, 1.2519531, 0.66015625, -0.921875, 0.18469238, 0.44482422, 1.8955078, -0.7158203, -1.3115234, 0.35766602, -1.4697266, 0.9975586, -1.1386719, 0.029571533, -1.0234375, 1.1503906, -0.7246094, 2.3886719, 0.6381836, -0.7504883, -2.5976562, -1.8818359, -0.31420898, -1.5712891, -0.62109375, -0.45166016, 0.87109375, -0.48657227, 0.37036133, 1.4677734, -0.34228516, 2.1074219, -1.7871094, 0.4753418, 0.6069336, -0.3828125, -0.15991211, -0.62890625, 0.9682617, 1.3291016, 0.69628906, 0.07324219, -0.57714844, 0.12988281, 0.9848633, 1.7724609, -1.5947266, 0.34350586, 0.75097656, -1.2109375, -2.421875, 3.9863281, -0.6508789, 1.1572266, -0.8696289, 1.8369141, -0.1171875, -0.54345703, 0.0635376, 0.1977539, 0.10070801, 0.3984375, -2.2636719, -0.54589844, 2.7382812, 0.49829102]" Retro Bowl,com.newstargames.retrobowl,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.newstargames.retrobowl,sports retro bowl is the perfect game for the armchair quarterback to finally prove a point presented in a glorious retro style the game has simple roster management including press duties and the handling of fragile egos while on the field you get to call the shots can you pass the grade and take your team all the way to the ultimate prize can you win the retro bowl,"[0.7211914, -0.9033203, -0.18164062, 2.1875, 1.9931641, -0.10443115, 1.2626953, -2.703125, -0.48901367, -0.074279785, 0.1217041, 0.10864258, -0.7363281, 1.1933594, 2.0839844, 0.9165039, 1.1708984, 0.9560547, -2.3300781, 0.089416504, 0.95703125, 0.2980957, -1.1855469, 0.67285156, 0.12817383, 0.38232422, -0.27392578, -2.0996094, -1.0117188, 0.13208008, -1.0175781, -0.85595703, -0.44335938, 0.18273926, 0.41625977, -2.0722656, 1.390625, 0.6123047, 1.2001953, 0.99658203, -1.0488281, -0.65966797, -1.2080078, -2.2910156, -0.9746094, -0.45898438, 0.171875, 0.32763672, -0.7290039, -1.5498047, 1.3974609, -1.1484375, -1.8398438, -0.025512695, 0.4543457, 0.80566406, -3.0039062, -0.05331421, 1.4248047, -1.4931641, 1.2890625, 0.89208984, -0.15979004, 0.088256836, -1.6015625, 0.48461914, -0.27148438, -2.9960938, 2.1445312, 1.6435547, 1.0664062, 1.8642578, -0.0847168, -1.9238281, 1.2587891, 0.3828125, 1.8183594, -1.6972656, -2.2597656, -1.2783203, -0.9946289, 2.0, -2.4902344, 0.85595703, -0.57666016, -0.0803833, -0.49389648, -0.23742676, 2.4707031, 1.5107422, -1.6972656, -0.98876953, 0.7861328, -1.0214844, 0.5253906, -0.4038086, 0.9682617, 2.4433594, 0.5366211, -2.2949219, -0.9746094, 1.0947266, 0.39697266, -2.2363281, -0.20214844, 0.2553711, 0.0814209, 1.2871094, 0.09069824, 0.9223633, 0.4934082, -0.87060547, -2.2832031, 0.69091797, -1.6835938, 0.89746094, -0.6542969, -1.0195312, 0.9824219, -1.3095703, 1.1953125, -0.9506836, -0.21765137, 0.31518555, 0.85302734, 0.2788086, -0.4020996, -0.027572632, -0.16442871, 2.140625, 0.4921875, 0.21850586, 2.4101562, -0.82470703, 3.5664062, -3.2929688, 1.125, 0.28759766, -2.1953125, 2.3164062, 0.71484375, 0.15759277, 0.67041016, -3.0761719, -1.2636719, 0.5097656, -1.8857422, 1.3720703, -1.5097656, -0.42578125, 0.12475586, 2.4179688, 1.5810547, 1.7890625, 2.140625, 0.37158203, -0.15905762, 1.5253906, 2.3007812, 1.84375, -0.3413086, -0.37890625, 0.5341797, 2.03125, 0.32348633, -0.05908203, -0.8911133, -0.120910645, -0.5498047, 0.03173828, 1.1503906, -2.2929688, -1.1181641, 1.7890625, -1.0576172, -1.5048828, 1.8066406, -1.2412109, -0.22998047, 0.083984375, -0.47094727, 2.0878906, -1.0410156, 0.39233398, -0.4506836, 2.0273438, -0.14526367, -0.83154297, 1.3535156, -1.6669922, 1.3115234, -2.9960938, 0.7524414, 1.4033203, -2.703125, -1.0039062, -0.4868164, 3.2382812, 0.31689453, -1.3798828, 0.004333496, -0.13598633, -0.5395508, -0.028778076, -2.8574219, -0.2890625, 0.7211914, -0.51416016, 1.2548828, 0.67529297, 0.12719727, 2.046875, 0.072021484, -1.9169922, -0.2220459, 1.2597656, 0.090026855, 2.1757812, -0.38085938, -0.4699707, 0.47802734, 1.0527344, 1.1474609, 0.33691406, -0.57421875, 2.4277344, 0.24389648, -0.73095703, -2.1113281, -0.4753418, 0.56152344, -0.9711914, -2.6074219, -2.3925781, 2.3554688, -1.3300781, 0.47802734, 1.3300781, -1.0732422, 1.4775391, 0.5180664, 1.2177734, -0.20544434, 0.4260254, -0.96728516, -2.0761719, -3.78125, 0.25952148, 1.9541016, -0.34570312]" Spades Plus - Card Game,net.peakgames.mobile.spades.android,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.peakgames.mobile.spades.android,card let s join the largest spades community in the world to play with millions of online players whether youre a seasoned spades player or a newcomer spades plus offers you a great experience against many spades players from all around the world you can play in many different game modes such as classic solo mirror and whiz now playing spades is much better with tournaments knockout and many other different modes spades is one of the traditional tricktaking classic card games like bid whist hearts euchre canasta but this game is played in pairs in which spades is always the,"[-1.1074219, -0.77490234, -0.6152344, 1.1738281, -0.6147461, 0.07696533, 0.6230469, -1.3525391, -0.13916016, -1.9287109, 0.32421875, 2.7480469, 0.6123047, 2.1679688, 0.79052734, 1.1933594, -1.3583984, -0.48266602, 0.5307617, -0.18029785, -0.6118164, 0.013755798, -1.4404297, -2.6542969, 1.7177734, -1.7246094, 1.0898438, -0.23693848, -0.6220703, 1.0947266, -1.8574219, -0.82666016, -0.88623047, 1.1464844, -0.32763672, -0.83154297, 2.4472656, -0.13415527, 1.3056641, 0.85546875, 0.0026664734, 0.45629883, -0.36010742, 0.75439453, -0.86376953, 2.1699219, -3.1777344, -2.6152344, -0.013198853, -0.4152832, 1.4042969, 0.20166016, -1.4042969, -0.1184082, -0.21765137, -0.6640625, -1.5371094, 1.2978516, 0.41357422, -0.7211914, 1.1308594, 1.3535156, 0.7270508, -1.0976562, 0.13830566, 0.17382812, 1.1914062, -1.1064453, 1.6015625, 1.8037109, 0.32104492, -1.0380859, -0.036987305, -0.1394043, 0.91015625, -0.10888672, -1.1357422, 2.9003906, -0.20690918, -0.9711914, -1.0537109, 1.0859375, -1.2138672, 1.0039062, -0.27197266, 1.3828125, 0.026733398, -1.7539062, -0.9428711, 1.9824219, -0.9267578, -0.69384766, -0.96191406, -1.9521484, 0.8334961, 0.7792969, 0.18054199, 0.17871094, 1.1162109, -1.2910156, 1.6259766, 1.0654297, 0.8886719, 0.578125, -1.2060547, -0.6791992, 0.8027344, 0.23168945, 1.078125, 1.0693359, 0.79003906, -0.8432617, -0.12365723, 1.2949219, -1.5595703, 0.69677734, 0.8798828, -0.33496094, 0.63378906, -1.6767578, 0.02998352, -1.7607422, 0.41064453, 0.8911133, -0.08276367, -0.8779297, -0.51123047, -0.31762695, -2.2460938, 2.3457031, -2.3632812, -0.64453125, -0.13830566, -0.10821533, 2.6230469, -1.5107422, 0.1427002, 1.3662109, -2.296875, -0.47827148, -0.6796875, -0.81884766, 1.2587891, 1.1826172, -1.1699219, -0.20776367, -0.43896484, 0.24194336, -0.76171875, -0.171875, 0.22680664, -1.1064453, 2.6152344, 1.4609375, 2.4199219, 0.40478516, -0.5708008, 0.42456055, 0.13232422, 0.8691406, 0.009185791, -1.6259766, -0.30322266, 1.5537109, 1.8496094, 0.65966797, -0.14575195, 1.4882812, 0.5883789, 0.97509766, -2.0410156, -0.7675781, 1.2128906, 0.6826172, -1.3535156, -1.7890625, 1.1064453, 0.38720703, 0.4777832, -1.1728516, 0.1685791, 1.765625, -1.0439453, -0.15405273, -0.1149292, 1.4619141, -0.1661377, -0.43432617, -0.39697266, 0.4104004, 0.91064453, -2.7910156, 0.37402344, 1.7910156, -0.14196777, -0.03955078, -1.1054688, 1.3476562, 1.5751953, 0.5488281, -1.0429688, -0.19873047, 2.6914062, -1.8544922, -2.7695312, -1.7939453, 0.078308105, -2.0039062, 1.2382812, -0.17626953, 0.6723633, -2.2363281, 0.29370117, -1.6113281, 0.1361084, 0.5097656, 1.5214844, 2.2832031, 0.24707031, 0.5756836, 2.0175781, -0.97265625, 1.8867188, 0.46850586, -0.6123047, 2.7167969, 0.56152344, 0.3239746, 0.21533203, 1.7529297, 0.55908203, -1.0048828, 0.7895508, 0.60253906, -0.47460938, -0.7651367, 1.3447266, 1.0742188, 0.21008301, 1.1816406, 0.90234375, 0.9057617, -0.23706055, -0.10284424, -1.0957031, -2.2050781, -0.9067383, 0.033569336, -0.34033203, -0.047851562]" Solitaire - Classic Card Games,beetles.puzzle.solitaire,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=beetles.puzzle.solitaire,card solitaire classic solitaire card games by beetles is an addicting challenging classic card games for all cards game true lovers like spider solitaire solitaire pyramid solitaire this solitaire card game is absolutely more fun brand new classic solitaire experience with the original solitaire games solitaire used to be a classic computer game now we make it easy for people to play solitaire games on mobile phone and tablet playing solitaire is a great time killer and keep your brain and mind sharp solitaire is classic card games solitaire classic solitaire card games is well designed for phone and tablet we,"[-0.59228516, -0.6879883, -0.80810547, 1.2509766, 0.20056152, -0.9550781, 1.7646484, -0.3244629, -1.0136719, -0.84765625, -0.04660034, -0.082458496, 0.6347656, 2.7089844, 0.26953125, 0.6147461, -0.8466797, -0.44140625, -0.54052734, -0.34887695, -1.3017578, -0.030822754, -1.0800781, -0.6113281, -0.73046875, -0.26953125, 0.32910156, 0.25683594, 3.1054688, -2.0449219, -1.0947266, -1.3261719, -1.3369141, 1.3115234, 1.9228516, -1.6171875, 3.4511719, -0.3334961, 2.4394531, 1.7431641, 0.3232422, 0.56347656, -0.23461914, 1.0107422, -1.2353516, 2.2792969, -1.7705078, -1.0214844, -0.36767578, -0.4580078, 0.99658203, -0.4038086, -2.3125, 0.5786133, -0.39941406, 1.4853516, -0.5058594, -0.7558594, 0.14221191, -0.23034668, -0.75146484, 2.0957031, 0.24108887, -0.80859375, -0.6123047, 1.7851562, -0.01914978, 0.43432617, 0.9892578, 2.4082031, -0.3173828, 1.1064453, -0.6020508, -2.0839844, -0.38476562, -0.07116699, -1.6132812, -0.027008057, -0.02420044, -0.062927246, -2.1074219, 1.4667969, -2.8222656, 0.85595703, -0.069885254, -0.62060547, 1.3896484, -1.1337891, -1.0810547, 2.5683594, 0.5527344, -1.7470703, -0.7006836, -1.5673828, 1.1455078, 0.21789551, -2.3496094, 0.8173828, 0.5488281, -1.5605469, 1.0185547, 1.6738281, -0.625, -1.1796875, 0.6123047, -0.7680664, -0.17883301, -0.10369873, 0.90283203, -0.076660156, -0.6074219, -0.40600586, -0.62890625, -1.1386719, 0.36865234, 2.34375, -0.90722656, 0.18041992, -0.84033203, 0.74560547, 1.2109375, -0.07104492, 0.30517578, 1.9619141, -0.9428711, 0.7011719, -1.3398438, -1.1494141, -0.16186523, 1.7675781, -1.7880859, -1.28125, 1.0761719, 0.28173828, 2.1328125, 0.39526367, -0.20275879, 1.0429688, -1.0322266, 1.1074219, 2.1875, -1.2001953, 2.3574219, -0.43676758, -0.9902344, -0.24890137, -0.29003906, 0.39672852, 0.6298828, 0.8330078, -0.27807617, -0.5131836, 2.3867188, 0.47729492, 1.4169922, -0.2878418, -1.1318359, 1.4443359, 0.98828125, 1.7646484, -0.30688477, -0.5053711, 0.22631836, -0.40161133, 2.1582031, -0.7675781, -0.40600586, 0.32348633, 0.97021484, 0.5834961, -1.5576172, -1.2587891, 1.7011719, 0.61328125, -0.9555664, -0.29760742, -0.52441406, -1.4101562, 0.8310547, -2.3535156, -0.51171875, 0.14953613, -0.44335938, 0.48706055, 0.51171875, -0.51708984, -0.17382812, 0.10614014, 0.0970459, 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0.22070312, -1.0175781, -0.5229492, 0.08984375, 1.53125, 0.6142578, -0.30419922, 1.2304688, 2.9570312, -1.5214844, 1.1708984, -1.0664062, 1.9433594, 0.6425781, 0.49951172, -1.2753906, 1.9335938, 0.8564453, -0.3557129, 0.60253906, -1.4824219, 0.4399414, -0.05026245, 1.3447266, -0.24206543, 1.3320312, -0.3203125, 0.7583008, 0.39794922, -0.28222656, -0.5708008, -0.26220703, -2.015625, 0.9814453, -0.9394531, -0.9160156, -2.203125, -2.7011719, 2.1679688, -1.0302734, 0.25805664, 0.4645996, 0.61328125, -2.7929688, 0.73779297, -0.0637207, -0.35107422, -1.5253906, 0.9667969, -0.8930664, 0.76464844, -1.7167969, -2.2050781, -2.2734375, -0.23876953, -1.2744141, 1.1132812, 0.6748047, -1.9394531, 0.00025820732, -0.02230835, 1.5976562, -0.49316406, -0.04925537, 0.7080078, -0.30908203, 1.7021484, 1.5761719, 0.42333984, -1.4365234, 0.14868164, -0.072509766, 0.49560547, 0.062438965, 0.19848633, -0.031555176, -1.0253906, 0.78808594, 2.2460938, -0.08892822, 2.0917969, -0.08392334, -0.47753906, 0.70654297, 1.3769531, -0.24658203, 1.3769531, 0.6171875, -0.8691406, 1.0888672, -1.6582031, -1.1162109, 0.8178711, -0.22094727, -2.46875, -0.7216797, -1.3837891, 0.46826172, -1.0244141, -1.0654297, -0.34423828, 1.6230469, 1.28125, 3.7617188, -1.4951172, 1.3085938, 0.21118164, -0.32910156, -0.7475586, 0.22973633, -0.8120117, -1.5527344, -1.5722656, -1.2080078, -1.0791016, 1.5742188, 0.18737793, 1.3144531, 0.8413086, 0.75, -0.09875488, 3.9257812, 1.2480469, -0.27026367, -2.6777344, 1.1621094, 0.6376953, 1.1308594, -1.5732422, 0.6088867, 0.9291992, -1.3183594, -1.0322266, 1.6855469, -0.3227539, -1.7861328, -0.4970703, 2.6640625, -0.10418701, -0.80371094, 0.890625, 0.9272461, -2.1542969, 0.09210205, 2.8710938, -0.8457031, 0.46044922, -0.45092773, -1.5517578, 0.024093628, 1.0205078, 0.72558594, -1.4912109, 0.57910156, -0.96777344, -0.5053711, -1.3417969, -0.91308594, -1.5537109, -2.2011719, -0.7036133, 1.9072266, 2.0292969, -0.4326172, -1.5732422, -0.6923828, -0.022384644, -0.07495117, -0.16809082, 1.5839844, 0.3864746, -1.3642578, -0.119506836, 0.14404297, -1.7304688, 0.57714844, 0.7607422, -0.21105957, -0.87939453, -2.8476562, 0.006629944, 1.6103516, -0.024810791, 1.2646484, 1.0917969, 0.20056152, 1.0097656, -0.10247803, -0.88964844, -1.1132812, 0.04751587, -0.6381836, 2.7539062, -0.9975586]" D4DJ Groovy Mix,com.bushiroad.en.d4dj,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bushiroad.en.d4dj,music hey dj turn it up in ddj groovy mix the next big djthemed anime rhythm game tap slide and scratch to over tracks play a mix of groovy original songs cover songs anime and game osts completely customize the ui and difficulty to fit your desired skill level collect various cute cool and gorgeous members to form hype dj units read hundreds of stories and get to know each girl in detail meet ddjs adorable cast meet girls from all of ddjs units happy around peaky pkey photon maiden mermid rondo and lyrical lily pay attention to each units unique,"[1.7939453, 1.5732422, 0.7783203, 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0.5371094, -2.6582031, 2.6289062, -0.15551758, 0.49682617, 0.85302734, -1.8818359, -1.5664062, -0.7241211, 1.5722656, 1.4628906, -1.0019531, 1.3574219, 1.4824219, 0.9038086, -1.4638672, -1.8076172, -0.3881836, -0.41796875, 1.2910156, -0.91748047, -0.95654297, -2.6464844, -1.9101562, 0.07006836, 0.25610352, -0.10253906, -1.7695312, 0.87841797, 0.061187744, -2.8945312, 0.28466797, -2.0546875, 0.22924805, -0.3154297, -0.1895752, 0.6171875, 2.6679688, -0.22644043, -0.18371582, 0.117004395, 0.20410156, -0.6176758, 0.046081543, -1.1835938, -1.4257812, 2.2441406, 3.1835938, -0.7758789, -0.14782715, -2.3574219, 0.4880371, -0.5, 0.026519775, -0.7861328, -0.038208008, -0.014053345, 0.4724121, 0.57128906, -1.5185547, 0.03668213, 0.011894226, -0.70410156, -2.0449219, -2.4726562, 2.4550781, 0.010643005, 3.546875, 0.72998047, -0.6069336, 0.9838867, -0.7973633, 1.671875, -0.5205078, -1.1230469, 0.16137695, 1.5341797, 1.2900391, -0.13867188, -0.5205078, -0.3630371, -2.8066406, -1.2431641, 0.41674805, 1.3740234, -0.33276367, 0.5517578, 1.2470703, 1.515625, 0.89697266, -1.78125, 0.7363281, 2.109375, -1.7705078, 1.2275391, 0.875, -0.3647461, -1.7294922, 1.8105469, 1.3007812, 0.028564453, -0.35351562, 1.4892578, 0.34545898, -0.50683594, -0.69384766, -0.34057617, 1.6777344, -0.8120117, 0.12927246, 0.28149414, 1.6152344, -1.3779297, 2.9335938, -0.5161133, 0.0073776245, 2.3144531, -0.59814453, 1.7568359, -0.34643555, -0.7524414, -0.58447266, 1.1611328, -0.6015625, -1.1552734, -0.34326172, -1.7275391, 0.48486328, 0.7636719, -0.1661377, 1.7929688, 3.1171875, -0.7988281, -1.1494141, 0.56396484, 0.9248047, 0.34814453, -0.6928711, 0.21850586, 2.1347656, -2.9199219, -0.3310547, 1.5947266, -1.5507812, -0.61279297, -1.0380859, -0.5463867, -0.22424316, -0.009994507, -0.5385742, 0.24279785, -1.0117188, -0.06585693, -0.5390625, -0.9848633, 0.5214844, -1.2998047, 0.2668457, 0.859375, -0.76123047, 2.2207031, 2.2382812, 0.8984375]" Bebi: Baby Games for 2-4y kids,com.happytools.learning.kids.games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.happytools.learning.kids.games,educational empower your preschool toddler to learn and have fun playing educational games from drawing coloring and phonics to math shapes and music with baby games for preschool by bebi you can support and encourage your toddler to learn unsupervised while having a fun in a ad free safe environment baby games for preschool keeps your toddler occupied and away from video streaming apps by offering different educational activities puzzles and games it s free to install so why not download today and start enriching your toddler s education what can or even year olds learn the alphabet phonics numbers words,"[1.2890625, -0.7104492, 1.2958984, 2.2558594, 0.47265625, 0.17858887, 1.078125, 1.1855469, 1.4189453, 2.7851562, 3.0390625, 0.18103027, -1.0458984, 0.34228516, 0.97558594, 0.39672852, 0.9560547, 0.10266113, 0.13635254, -0.08660889, -2.0292969, -1.3896484, 1.375, 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-0.61621094, -0.7939453, 0.43481445, -0.28808594, 0.9477539, 0.4050293, -0.98291016, 1.9238281, -0.5654297, 0.66503906, 0.3178711, -1.2949219, 0.15478516, -2.0996094, 0.9848633, -1.1230469, -0.0026435852, 0.051330566, 0.8251953, -0.9970703, -0.060180664, -1.96875, 1.3105469, -1.375, -2.0839844, -1.6269531, 0.8828125, -0.16992188, -0.4819336, -0.69140625, -4.6679688, -0.68408203, 0.23828125, -2.0117188, 2.9550781, 0.25585938, 0.30566406, 0.99902344, 1.2421875, -0.27197266, -2.90625, 0.15966797, 1.4980469, -0.36645508, 3.0761719, 1.7763672, 0.6230469, -1.9238281, 1.0859375, 2.6210938, 1.2041016, -0.9746094, 0.8144531, -0.8925781, -2.4375, -1.4794922, -1.3339844, 0.25195312, -0.5288086]" Fairway Solitaire - Card Game,com.bigfishgames.fairwaysolitaireuniversalf2pgoogle,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bigfishgames.fairwaysolitaireuniversalf2pgoogle,card set course for the fairwaysof the world but don t expect an easy lie or to improve your golf swing get ready to play solitaire with a twist playing fairway solitaire the golf card game that s easy to pick up but impossible to put down fairway solitaire is the unique card strategy game where solitaire and golf combine into an easy to play puzzle game simply play one card up or one card down from your draw pile to clear the puzzle board as you take on challenging golf solitaire puzzles on handpainted scenic courses from all around the,"[0.07366943, 0.28955078, -1.0869141, 0.61328125, 0.3647461, -0.73339844, 0.69970703, 0.11383057, 0.24902344, -3.3535156, -1.6689453, -0.29638672, -0.55371094, 0.5908203, -0.08087158, -0.13256836, 0.44482422, -0.60498047, 0.12756348, -1.390625, -1.1152344, 1.9833984, -0.06933594, -0.8095703, 0.040924072, -0.79296875, 0.6171875, -1.5263672, 0.20666504, -0.34423828, -2.0957031, -0.11657715, 0.21484375, 0.056365967, 1.1943359, -0.05105591, 2.1777344, 1.7597656, 2.1875, 0.3371582, 0.66503906, -0.8671875, -0.12445068, 0.9453125, 1.3603516, -0.025634766, -0.9614258, -0.7055664, -1.6308594, -0.12805176, 0.7397461, -1.3066406, -1.5908203, -0.31640625, 0.27148438, -0.36499023, 0.8100586, 2.5742188, -0.8154297, 0.80322266, 0.5317383, 0.79541016, 0.8774414, -1.3388672, -1.1201172, 1.1123047, 0.83154297, -0.45898438, -0.3527832, 1.5625, -0.46728516, 0.19055176, -1.671875, -2.1347656, -0.23400879, 1.9238281, 0.7836914, 0.120666504, -1.1035156, -0.76708984, 0.2668457, -1.4697266, -1.4248047, -0.3774414, -0.06890869, 2.2441406, -0.06439209, -0.8359375, 0.30273438, -0.33081055, -2.2265625, -2.2714844, 0.5185547, -2.4804688, -0.038085938, -1.1240234, -2.2539062, 0.09259033, 1.0839844, -0.81347656, 0.5209961, 2.3730469, 1.1376953, 1.8466797, -2.8085938, -0.09503174, 1.6699219, -0.69140625, 1.109375, -0.64404297, 1.109375, -1.0556641, -1.5078125, 0.06976318, -0.08331299, 0.92626953, 1.3183594, 1.1103516, -0.050964355, 1.0253906, -0.16723633, -0.85791016, 0.32641602, 1.5263672, 0.2692871, 0.44213867, -0.9682617, 0.99658203, -1.3613281, 1.7119141, -1.1064453, -1.7714844, -0.2409668, -0.29296875, 4.6601562, -1.4404297, -0.32470703, -1.4794922, 1.0947266, 2.4199219, 1.0966797, 0.59033203, 1.4619141, 1.8828125, 0.13806152, -0.3190918, -1.2080078, 0.19299316, 1.328125, 0.75146484, -2.2460938, 0.040100098, 1.3037109, 0.72509766, 1.9628906, 0.78808594, 0.6953125, 0.62597656, -0.3671875, 0.13928223, 0.14111328, -0.14746094, -0.78515625, 0.3347168, 0.18249512, 0.3786621, 0.65234375, -0.84277344, -1.8505859, 1.8330078, 1.4794922, -0.359375, 0.76220703, 1.0107422, -0.13745117, -0.51416016, 0.42822266, -1.0947266, 0.46655273, -2.2675781, 0.103881836, 0.27392578, 0.7685547, 0.021896362, -0.7290039, -0.99658203, -1.6152344, 0.07476807, 3.0800781, -1.7763672, -1.0595703, -0.41015625, -0.95166016, 2.3535156, -0.5161133, 1.9833984, -1.8183594, -1.2919922, 3.2714844, -2.3242188, 0.77978516, -1.5, 0.6640625, 1.3583984, -0.13195801, -1.0439453, -0.17175293, 0.87841797, 2.5625, -0.54248047, -0.4387207, -0.14428711, -0.08673096, -0.7783203, -0.3491211, -0.42773438, 2.703125, 2.0253906, -0.21411133, -0.29882812, -0.018554688, -0.70751953, 1.2910156, 1.6015625, -2.1816406, 1.3974609, 0.39233398, -0.7890625, 0.578125, -0.7890625, -2.2539062, 1.0361328, 2.4257812, -1.0878906, 0.6015625, 1.2255859, -1.0214844, 1.8291016, -0.30932617, 1.3232422, -0.38232422, -0.80126953, -0.12585449, 1.4453125, -1.1464844, -1.4550781, -2.3222656, -2.4960938, 0.83691406, -1.5478516]" Trivia Crack,com.etermax.preguntados.lite,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.etermax.preguntados.lite,trivia welcome to trivia crack the ultimate trivia questions where you become the true trivia star by playing exciting trivia games are you ready to test your knowledge with our captivating quiz questions and conquer the ranking of the trivia leaderboard trivia crack offers an unparalleled quiz experience with endless questions across various categories become the trivia star youve always wanted to be as you challenge friends and family with questions in this exhilarating 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0.16589355, -0.39013672, -0.8769531, 1.25, -0.72802734, 0.35595703, -0.60839844, -1.6337891, 1.4707031, -2.0390625, -0.93359375, -0.44555664, -1.3662109, 1.46875, 2.3574219, 0.20422363, -1.2871094, -0.51464844, 1.015625, -1.2021484, -1.6425781, 1.4667969, 2.1621094, 0.16882324, 1.6962891, -1.3759766, -1.7890625, 0.16931152, 0.24523926, -1.4365234, 1.0800781, -0.19848633, -1.3203125, -1.5009766, -1.0888672, 0.27319336, -0.3083496, -0.40161133, 1.8740234, 1.3388672, -0.42456055, -2.0292969, 2.0507812, -0.6411133, -0.04824829, -0.9501953, -0.50390625, -1.2822266, -2.0429688, -1.7050781, 0.8144531, -1.8056641, -1.3212891, 0.51904297, 0.53466797, 1.7480469, 0.2211914, 1.9150391, 2.2167969, -0.5366211, -0.072509766, -0.296875, -0.7709961, 0.65185547, -1.3457031, -2.4160156, 2.046875, -1.0029297, 1.40625, 0.6225586, 0.3010254, -1.0224609, 0.053253174, 1.2509766, 0.51904297, 0.45825195, 0.8779297, 0.44213867, -0.4375, -0.80810547, -1.1308594, -1.0283203, 1.9824219, -2.2207031, -0.4645996, -0.40966797, -1.59375, 2.015625, 0.18859863, 1.5566406, 1.1669922, -1.8759766, 0.24365234, 1.5791016, 0.265625, 0.08355713, -0.8095703, -1.3046875, -1.6064453, 0.58154297, 0.38549805, 0.359375, 1.4541016, -0.44262695, -0.6303711, -0.3359375, 0.6010742, -0.96240234, -0.46923828, 0.76171875, -0.6713867, 1.3554688, 1.9833984, 1.4072266, -0.06188965, -3.0996094, 0.10510254, 0.43579102, 0.4567871, -0.54345703, 2.3867188, 0.030212402, 0.24316406, 0.17980957, -1.4882812, 1.3974609, 0.8178711, 1.5878906, 1.7177734, 1.5625, -0.020706177, 1.2744141, 0.859375, 0.44799805, -0.19482422, -0.044647217, 0.1026001, 0.80322266, 0.068847656, -0.43286133, 2.515625, 0.49169922, 0.83251953, 0.35888672, -0.5058594, 0.203125, 1.3164062, -0.28344727, 1.1933594, -1.7666016, -0.36767578, 4.234375, -0.2286377, 0.021759033, -0.09301758, 0.8276367, 0.87597656, -1.3212891, 0.85498047, 2.7578125, -2.1113281, 0.7817383, 0.921875, 2.0859375, 0.15026855, 0.37719727, -0.28710938, -0.47802734, -0.024627686, 0.3955078, 1.5800781, 0.5214844, -1.0117188, 0.2956543, 0.33911133, 2.6914062, 0.12261963, -0.2854004, 1.0507812, 0.16088867, -1.6835938, 0.5698242, 0.3215332, -0.71484375, -3.3867188, 0.38183594, -0.59814453, -1.1279297, -0.2319336, -0.5097656, 1.1201172, -1.9873047, 0.24511719, 1.2421875, 0.92578125, 1.3349609, 0.095336914, -0.26635742, 2.2207031, -0.5600586, -1.0390625, -1.0400391, -1.4501953]" Coloring Games: Color & Paint,com.rvappstudios.kids.coloring.book.color.painting,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rvappstudios.kids.coloring.book.color.painting,educational kids love fun coloring games and this coloring game is one of the best free coloring book and painting apps for children coloring games is filled with fun colorful and creative drawing and painting tools that help kids of all ages enjoy creating art on your mobile device there are multiple modes the whole family can enjoy including paint by numbers color by numbers doodling modes and free coloring books of all types whether your kid is a toddler or a preschooler theyre bound to have fun with this free coloring game coloring games was built specifically for children it,"[0.6088867, -1.4326172, 0.67626953, 1.3173828, -0.42114258, 0.3569336, 1.2724609, 1.2070312, 1.9599609, 0.4152832, -0.66015625, 2.1210938, -0.3630371, 1.9580078, 0.1427002, 0.054473877, 0.17126465, 0.51123047, 0.34545898, 0.5517578, 1.4042969, -2.9902344, 1.9189453, -2.609375, 0.29296875, -0.45410156, -2.0234375, -0.0340271, 0.0056533813, -1.1220703, 0.22229004, 0.20910645, 0.020141602, -0.20239258, -1.7890625, -1.8662109, -0.9301758, 0.25439453, 2.9785156, -0.9291992, 1.2392578, 0.016693115, 0.25732422, -0.2705078, -0.29907227, 1.2353516, 0.8691406, 0.3881836, 0.90234375, -0.6352539, 2.7792969, 0.012466431, -1.9345703, 0.53271484, -1.90625, -0.05441284, 2.0722656, -0.94921875, -2.1074219, -1.3251953, 1.2089844, 1.0253906, -1.6318359, 0.71240234, -1.1269531, -0.6230469, 0.40795898, 0.2290039, 0.8178711, 2.7617188, -1.8837891, 0.21240234, 2.3847656, -0.5800781, -0.020309448, 0.42163086, 2.1191406, -0.6196289, -1.5, -1.3955078, 0.63134766, 1.5195312, -3.3574219, -0.18127441, -1.3876953, -0.63916016, 3.2714844, -0.40673828, -0.8227539, 2.5292969, 0.5864258, 0.44848633, -0.5253906, -0.49365234, -0.029052734, -0.120788574, -2.7695312, -0.875, -0.7885742, -1.7900391, -0.0020599365, 1.0957031, 0.49975586, -0.20800781, 0.734375, -0.08898926, -0.68847656, -1.0283203, -4.046875, -0.67285156, -1.7490234, 0.39819336, -3.0722656, -0.4399414, -2.6191406, -0.97216797, -1.2265625, -1.09375, -1.9746094, -1.4384766, -1.1591797, -0.68115234, -0.40771484, 0.3100586, -0.78027344, -0.79003906, -1.3701172, -1.2890625, 1.1269531, 1.7724609, 1.5976562, 0.12719727, -0.15942383, 0.07867432, 2.2597656, 0.5107422, 1.1728516, 1.1855469, -1.1152344, 3.2851562, 0.26513672, -0.56689453, 0.515625, 0.95410156, -0.9760742, 0.5239258, 0.83203125, 1.2138672, 0.32299805, 1.5371094, -1.3769531, -1.2998047, -1.6474609, -0.2446289, 2.3652344, 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2.703125, -0.8046875, -0.99902344, -1.5117188, 0.7006836, 0.7685547, -2.8730469, -0.45263672, 0.1887207, -1.4785156]" Basketball Stars: Multiplayer,com.miniclip.basketballstars,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.miniclip.basketballstars,sports from the creators of multiple smashhit online multiplayer sports games dribble shoot score win in this competitive live multiplayer basketball game on mobile grab the ball and take on the world with basketball stars play fastpaced authentic v multiplayer basketball show your skills moves and fakes to juke out your opponent and shoot for the basket on defense stay in the face of the attacker steal the ball and time your leaps to block their shots all in realtime realistic d graphics basketball on mobile has never looked this good fully customisable d players and a variety of dream environments,"[0.16442871, 1.3310547, 1.7285156, 2.1132812, 1.734375, 0.097351074, 0.8261719, -1.6103516, 1.6914062, -0.6152344, 0.43676758, 0.23168945, 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0.36376953, -0.859375, 2.1757812, -0.079589844, 0.61035156, -0.6567383, -1.0224609, -1.1933594, 1.5185547, -1.3232422, -1.6748047, -0.14538574, -2.2871094, -2.3964844, -0.58984375, -2.0605469, -0.2685547, 1.0605469, 0.22546387, -0.87402344, -0.4501953, 3.1621094, -1.1328125, 1.3164062, -0.27514648, 0.1484375, 0.42163086, -0.47314453, -0.48266602, -0.90625, 1.2138672, -1.5380859, 0.33740234, 1.4257812, -0.09625244, -0.9057617, -0.4567871, -2.9160156, 0.22766113, -1.0234375, -0.36401367, -0.5488281, -1.0898438, 0.6113281, 2.1347656, 0.009506226, -0.5917969, -0.17944336, 1.9121094, -1.1855469, -0.08178711, 0.054626465, 2.796875, -1.6884766, 0.23522949, -0.22912598, 0.3005371, 0.86816406, 0.2076416, -0.8847656, -0.64697266, -2.234375, -0.7011719, -1.0742188, -0.36865234, -0.6323242, -0.03326416, -1.1591797, 0.4951172, 1.2705078, -0.96875, -1.34375, 2.1347656, 0.008926392, 0.2290039, -0.8803711, -0.50146484, 0.3942871, -0.9057617, -2.0703125, -0.8095703, -0.43237305, -2.4257812, -0.89941406, 1.9492188, 3.0292969, 0.6899414, -0.98876953, 1.0791016, 0.8310547, -1.0244141, -1.4560547, 1.1992188, -1.0869141, -0.0035972595, 1.3251953, 0.13171387, 0.7475586, 0.9760742, -0.3515625, 1.6230469, -0.8964844, 0.8618164, -0.037261963, 0.08062744, 0.75634766, 1.1044922, -0.97509766, -1.0673828, -0.61865234, -0.8847656, -1.1357422, 1.4423828, -0.5449219, 1.4140625, 0.79248047, -1.5126953, 3.2714844, -1.1357422, 0.53466797, 0.55810547, -2.2050781, -2.7910156, 0.43115234, -1.4746094, 0.7636719, 1.1181641, 0.018966675, 0.17980957, 1.2431641, 0.9770508, -0.30151367, 0.17102051, -1.2177734, -0.01499176, -0.55078125, 0.27954102, -1.2333984, -0.99902344, -1.2675781, 2.2578125, 3.3789062, 0.83691406, 0.058441162, -0.2052002, 0.48120117, -1.9501953, 0.17419434, 0.18078613, 0.91308594, 2.2460938, 0.078186035, -0.1348877, -0.6074219, -2.2871094, 1.6826172, -0.4951172, 0.58984375, -0.0848999, -0.109375, -0.93408203, 0.035003662, 0.007106781, -0.89160156, -0.3371582, 0.40356445, 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-1.2597656, 2.9570312, 1.2773438, 1.6972656, -1.1738281, 0.8071289, 0.6015625, -0.49780273, 0.7373047, -0.80078125, 0.5854492, -0.43310547, -0.97021484, 0.016723633, -1.8964844, -1.8046875, 1.0742188, 0.32885742, 2.6191406, 1.3251953, -0.30859375, -0.48779297, 0.13671875, -0.1149292, 2.75, -0.5498047, -1.0800781, -1.0166016, 1.1542969, -0.35620117, 1.5507812, -0.39233398, 1.8105469, -2.7949219, -0.56591797, 1.1083984, 1.6962891, 1.8554688, -0.15893555, -0.68652344, 0.69384766, -0.9301758, 1.2265625, -2.3339844, -0.5288086, -1.28125, 0.28173828, 0.32592773, -0.13122559, 0.5253906, -0.8588867, 1.0498047, 0.2668457, -1.4580078, -1.0390625, -1.0839844, -1.1269531, -0.9301758, -0.7392578, -1.9140625, 2.1835938, -1.2705078, -0.27905273, 0.14453125, -0.88916016, 2.7792969, -0.19726562, -1.2880859, -2.15625, -1.2587891, -1.4746094, -0.33251953, -0.64208984, -2.2109375, -0.92626953, 0.7089844, 0.06762695, 0.35375977, 0.65478516, 0.8120117, -1.9521484, 1.1123047, -0.105407715, 0.36010742, -1.9677734, -0.30297852, 1.0, -0.5864258, -1.0576172, -0.46166992, -0.08074951, -1.5361328, 0.640625, -1.9121094, -0.78466797, 1.1992188, 0.6845703, 3.7304688, -2.0527344, 1.2939453, 1.2783203, -0.72558594, -1.5058594, -0.9321289, -0.066467285, 0.23461914, 0.7661133, -1.015625, -0.10925293, 2.4277344, 0.19177246, 0.061828613, 0.0031776428, -0.6484375, -0.20300293, 1.0976562, 0.28393555, 0.67333984, 0.095214844, 3.9667969, 0.9042969, -1.0615234, -0.69873047, 2.2519531, -0.44189453, -2.6914062, -0.6767578, -1.1621094, -0.14233398, 0.09094238, 0.08416748, 0.5859375, -0.30249023, -0.96191406, -2.4316406, 2.0390625, 0.5854492, -0.42700195, -1.203125, 0.8647461, 0.52685547, 0.48339844, -0.37719727, -0.5996094, -0.8071289, -1.0996094, 2.6289062, 0.13696289, -1.3603516, 2.1992188, 0.24401855, -0.18017578, 1.625, 1.7353516, -0.89501953, 1.2392578, 2.7539062, -0.6538086, 0.18017578, 0.19238281, -0.25512695, 5.3320312, -0.5332031, 0.10522461, 2.6386719, 0.5864258, 0.7597656, -1.7236328, 1.1455078, -0.22595215, -0.3383789, 0.77685547, 1.2880859, 1.6357422, -0.29174805, 1.4765625, -0.28833008, -0.47680664, -0.41552734, 0.1496582, -0.2529297, 1.1748047, -0.6816406, -2.2890625, -2.6972656, -0.04800415, 1.6679688, -0.8496094, -0.03894043, 1.3164062, -0.8959961, -0.1303711, 0.9038086, 0.9667969, -2.703125, 1.2841797, -0.17749023, 0.66503906, 0.5991211, 0.21618652, 0.2388916, -0.5493164, 0.020584106, -0.6303711, 0.14343262, -1.4140625, -0.23840332, 3.0039062, -1.0878906, -0.06274414, -2.2089844, 2.5546875, -2.1171875]" Beatstar - Touch Your Music,com.spaceapegames.beatstar,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spaceapegames.beatstar,music experience the next generation of music games with beatstar a new type of rhythm game that lets you touch your music follow the rhythm to your favorite songs tap and swipe to the instruments vocals or beats to master your favorite songs and experience them in a whole new way every beat is yours for the taking just make sure you 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-0.59228516, -0.8178711, -0.05178833, -1.3476562, -0.53564453, 2.8554688, -1.3066406, -2.140625, -0.01966858, -2.546875, -0.19030762, -1.1689453, -0.98535156, 0.9951172, -0.37060547, -0.2788086, 1.2890625, 0.8598633, -0.11456299, -0.06451416, -2.421875, 0.60009766, -0.038238525, -0.030151367, 0.17944336, -0.11456299, -1.46875, -1.3251953, -0.5415039, -1.3320312, 0.37963867, 1.7060547, -1.0478516, -1.421875, -1.7871094, 0.7114258, 1.4697266, 0.06628418, 0.95703125, 1.6269531, -0.05596924, 0.21984863, -1.1484375, -0.96533203, -0.5263672, 1.0185547, -2.0, -1.0517578, 2.2597656, -0.8046875, 3.1445312, -0.96435547, 0.85595703, 1.484375, -0.88720703, 0.8183594, 1.7158203, -0.5390625, 1.1220703, 1.0, 1.0917969, 0.43823242, 0.89453125, 0.12536621, 1.2695312, -0.034179688, -0.40893555, -1.1552734, 1.3408203, 0.21264648, -0.5800781, 0.13842773, -0.29174805, 1.1962891, 1.5302734, 1.0302734, 0.7192383, -0.7714844, -1.5117188, 0.12097168, 1.2832031, -0.5673828, -0.4580078, -0.3701172, 0.051452637, -0.5332031, -1.1152344, -0.7285156, 1.9990234, 0.5234375, 0.68359375, -1.0927734, -0.14648438, -0.2524414, 1.1826172, -1.6103516, -0.85302734, 1.2226562, 0.26635742, -0.8901367, 0.14941406, -0.14208984, -0.3647461, -1.5957031, 2.6445312, 2.1875, 0.4716797, -1.1855469, -0.35864258, 2.3203125, -0.7104492, 0.61376953, -1.5458984, -1.9648438, 1.859375, -2.5214844, 0.64746094, 0.17150879, 0.63378906, -1.8037109, -2.7539062, 0.9038086, 1.9111328, -0.8676758, -0.39819336, -0.27148438, -0.3864746, 0.35107422, -0.78466797, -1.2392578, 0.016220093, -1.1679688, -1.40625, 0.60595703, 0.42138672, -0.5029297, 0.23388672, -1.6640625, 1.5771484, 0.6274414, -0.95654297, 2.7910156, 0.23596191, -0.99658203, 0.9868164, 2.390625, -0.76464844, -1.515625, 1.2402344, 0.11212158, -1.4628906, -1.7841797, 0.70947266, -0.15808105, -1.4931641, 1.8535156, 2.5410156, -0.35424805, 0.25805664, 2.203125, -1.6523438, -0.7265625, -1.2177734, -2.1113281, 0.41992188, -0.16760254]" Ultimate Basketball GM 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1.8125, -0.8798828, 0.77246094, 1.7539062, -0.8041992, -0.64941406, 1.2617188, -2.1386719, -0.7241211, -0.8769531, -1.1992188, 0.45288086, -0.88183594, -0.9633789, 1.3339844, 1.6748047, -0.93652344, 1.0371094, 0.20373535, -0.5058594, -0.66308594, 1.234375, -1.4248047, 0.2775879, -1.2998047, 0.5673828, -1.1601562, 0.11584473, 0.42797852, -3.3378906, -0.43017578, -0.6147461, -1.7285156, -1.1630859, 1.8632812, -0.12683105, -1.5722656, 0.29418945, 1.7001953, -0.7890625, -0.34643555, -0.51953125, -0.04421997, 0.65527344, -0.16308594, 0.40014648, 2.0039062, 1.6640625, -0.37597656, -0.14196777, -0.6977539, -0.5419922, -0.3972168, 1.5341797, 0.36254883, -0.8378906, 0.8701172, 0.1418457, 1.0517578, -1.0898438, 0.5605469, 1.4638672, -0.46899414, 1.0917969, 0.44140625, 1.4052734, -2.8203125, -0.16381836, -0.32250977, -1.9794922, -1.0537109, -3.1660156, -0.79833984, 0.7529297, 0.6040039, -0.33398438, -1.9130859, 0.9746094, 0.19580078, -0.6074219, -0.27246094, -2.1347656, 1.3925781, 1.9824219, 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0.7182617, -0.35375977, -0.20593262, -3.4042969, -0.6777344, 0.7578125, 1.109375, -1.8759766, 1.1035156, -1.5009766, -0.50146484, 0.76904297, 1.8720703, -0.22363281, -1.4589844, -0.75927734, 1.5058594, 0.91015625, -0.41088867, 0.7421875, 0.49829102, 0.62939453, 1.0185547, -0.76123047, -1.8076172, 0.29296875, 1.1767578, -0.5078125, -0.033996582, -0.49414062, -0.42016602, -1.0986328, 0.8076172, -1.6064453, 0.42895508, 0.13317871, -0.2548828, 0.2956543, -1.7880859, -0.5288086, 1.9970703, -0.41870117, -2.4824219, -2.3105469, -1.8720703, -1.2011719, -0.828125, -1.5078125, -0.3869629, -0.049224854, -1.0322266, 0.06555176, 0.9790039, 2.6152344, 1.2607422, -3.4726562, 0.5107422, 1.2509766, -1.5322266, 0.026855469, -0.12237549, -1.9619141, 0.07861328, 0.39160156, 0.1730957, 1.4130859, 2.1425781, 0.75927734, -0.36865234, -1.5400391, 1.1503906, 0.7285156, -0.51953125, 1.3886719, 0.43188477, 1.8613281, 0.24206543, -0.4140625, -0.92822266, -1.0898438, 2.59375, -0.11785889, 1.1396484, 1.8828125, -0.859375, 1.5693359, 0.6796875, 0.81152344, 0.99316406, -1.0517578, 0.92626953, -0.29785156, 0.17944336, 1.9033203, -0.14123535, 0.81152344, -1.2763672, 0.25463867, 1.0898438, 1.2548828, -1.265625, -1.1796875, -1.2363281, -0.057373047, -0.032989502, 0.99609375, 0.41210938, -0.44555664, 1.1083984, 2.2050781, 0.16564941, 1.8769531, 0.28979492, -1.9394531, -0.59033203, 1.7197266, -0.58203125, -0.21289062, -0.89160156, 0.19885254, 0.20788574, 0.08001709, -1.4814453, 1.9052734, 0.056762695, 0.42626953, 0.06970215, 0.44799805, -0.6972656, 0.98779297, -0.46264648, 0.47045898, 1.5859375, -0.9863281, -0.008850098, -0.65722656, 0.47851562, 0.5449219, -1.8681641, 2.234375, 1.828125, -0.3684082, -0.24560547, 0.75146484, 3.4609375, 0.035003662, 0.041168213, -0.7441406, -0.81347656, 1.8007812, -3.5351562, 0.4008789, -0.93408203, 0.78027344, -0.39013672, -2.6933594, 0.87158203, 0.06567383, -1.5273438, 0.70654297, -0.70166016, -0.5629883, -0.21533203, 1.1533203, -2.2890625, -0.66015625, 0.48461914, 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learn simple shapes and match them in our preschool app there are also games for kids in which toddlers learn,"[1.6171875, -0.9628906, 1.6806641, 1.25, -1.2480469, 0.09588623, 0.57714844, 0.5644531, 2.0527344, 2.5566406, 2.5820312, 0.82373047, -0.8491211, -1.0, 0.48535156, 1.0273438, 0.7138672, -0.2376709, -0.11645508, -1.0742188, -0.9238281, -0.9707031, 1.9013672, -1.328125, 0.6816406, -1.4501953, -0.0368042, -1.8105469, -0.44482422, 0.33251953, 0.09094238, 0.16601562, -1.5917969, 0.9321289, -0.60058594, -1.3574219, -1.7167969, -0.6308594, 1.4638672, 0.82470703, 1.0761719, -0.113586426, -1.4335938, 0.83984375, 0.59033203, 1.2216797, -0.28881836, 1.2285156, 1.2773438, 0.21496582, 0.5576172, 0.26342773, 0.7705078, 1.3925781, -1.1533203, 0.11456299, 1.4384766, -1.4833984, -0.5629883, -1.8789062, 1.7431641, 0.45336914, -0.028778076, 0.44506836, -1.3486328, -0.67822266, 0.21582031, -0.5708008, -0.5336914, 2.0273438, 2.0136719, -0.27270508, 3.9296875, 0.13964844, 1.3046875, 0.47680664, 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3.2578125, -0.4272461, -0.8461914, -1.7255859, -0.6455078, 1.1982422, 0.42016602, 0.31298828, -1.2109375, 0.15356445, -1.5019531, 0.12683105, 0.32641602, 0.13085938, 0.19299316, 1.2568359, -1.2324219, -1.6875, 0.72509766, 2.1191406, -2.6113281, 2.3671875, -0.8359375, 0.6738281, 0.21252441, -1.3183594, -0.7675781, 0.6430664, 1.0380859, 0.82470703, -0.74609375, -0.77001953, -0.27490234, 1.0273438, -0.07623291, 1.2207031, 0.45507812, -0.9169922, 3.5917969, -1.4111328, 1.7998047, -0.1348877, -2.3867188, 0.7026367, -1.3925781, 0.39672852, -0.69433594, 0.21508789, 0.61328125, 0.4777832, -1.0351562, -0.044677734, -2.2207031, 0.26513672, -0.88671875, -3.9785156, -0.8022461, 0.47705078, 0.13623047, -1.3066406, -0.7949219, -4.4023438, -0.18847656, 0.1817627, -0.39648438, 1.578125, -2.3378906, -0.06561279, 0.012557983, 1.8164062, 0.14160156, -2.5136719, -0.10217285, 0.5908203, -0.9008789, 4.015625, 0.70166016, 0.51464844, -1.7001953, 0.81347656, 3.2714844, 1.0019531, -0.95996094, -0.5263672, 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1.3583984, -0.23413086, 0.008354187, 1.8828125, 0.04888916, -0.61376953, -2.0996094, 2.171875, 0.47924805, -2.4648438, 1.3310547, -1.6318359, 1.7167969, 1.2167969, -2.7070312, 0.7548828, -1.9951172, 1.3642578, 1.1054688, -1.0097656, 0.76953125, 0.17883301, -0.87109375, 1.2314453, 0.9941406, -2.6132812, -1.2910156, -1.203125, 0.2121582, 3.2617188, 0.32714844, 1.5869141, -0.3310547, 0.10253906, -1.4990234, -0.3466797, 0.9736328, -0.19555664, 0.8154297, -0.52490234, 2.078125, 1.1826172, -0.34570312, -0.19812012, 0.76123047, 0.8017578, 0.31835938, 2.078125, 0.7167969, 2.4960938, 2.4765625, -1.4511719, -1.1552734, -1.8408203, -0.30541992, -0.97216797, -1.5751953, 0.17150879, -0.17675781, -1.1474609, -0.65283203, 0.080322266, 1.5693359, 0.5883789, -0.32958984, 1.8769531, -0.14794922, 0.030807495, 0.7294922, 0.9013672, -3.25, -0.5253906, -1.1728516, -0.6616211, 0.99609375, -0.25512695, 0.97753906, -0.27856445, -2.5527344, 1.6025391, 1.5644531, 0.68896484, 0.22790527, -1.6298828, 1.3535156, -0.7504883, -1.3183594, -1.5634766, -0.30981445, 0.13110352, 0.56640625, -0.9550781, 1.859375, -0.068115234, 0.122802734, 1.3369141, 1.3222656, 0.24707031, 1.8046875, 0.6015625, -1.5175781, 0.3935547, 0.6953125, -0.99658203, -1.5390625, -1.2851562, -1.7265625, -0.16796875, 1.6054688, -0.7363281, -0.7573242, 0.57421875, -1.4267578, 1.1298828, -0.14160156, 0.44604492, 1.7978516, -1.3046875, 0.19348145, -0.27001953, -0.2939453, 0.8261719, 2.8496094, -1.7470703, 0.15307617, -0.56152344, -0.56591797, 0.31445312, 0.06414795, -1.1767578, -0.92529297, -0.32714844, 0.81152344, -1.2050781, -0.07080078, 1.1347656, -1.0615234, 0.2364502, 1.2763672, 1.8486328, -0.4765625, -1.7138672, 0.2614746, 0.37768555, 0.5703125, 0.5751953, 0.2524414, -1.1923828, -1.9804688, 0.82128906, -1.7929688, 2.7851562, -1.59375, 0.98046875, -1.4316406, -1.1357422, -0.06341553, -0.18969727, -0.4621582, 0.17150879, 0.54541016, -0.8701172, 0.5878906, 0.74316406, 1.4589844, -0.23400879, -0.28271484, 1.0078125, 1.0078125, -0.19799805, -0.7866211, 0.18432617, 0.9921875, -1.1630859, 1.0078125, -0.48168945, -1.6591797, 2.71875, -0.009719849, 1.7402344, -0.2668457, -0.4194336, 0.5761719, -1.8564453, -0.5991211, 0.54345703, 0.6582031, 2.2558594, -1.5820312, -0.671875, -0.49560547, -0.09539795, -0.5058594, -1.7949219, -0.26831055, 2.8046875, -0.43041992, 0.15722656, -0.14135742, -0.2685547, -0.71484375, 0.66748047, 1.4755859, 1.1972656, 3.6210938, 1.7451172, -0.58203125, 1.0371094, -0.025375366, -1.7919922, 0.15637207, -1.3916016, 1.6103516, -0.6191406, -1.8964844, 1.5146484, 2.0390625, -0.008560181, 2.3066406, 1.9658203, 0.0859375, 0.5839844, 0.6035156, -1.3730469, -0.11804199, 0.92333984, -0.9213867, 1.3867188, -0.5493164]" Family Feud? 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-0.49267578, 0.9272461, -1.5205078, -0.10418701, 1.6269531, -1.4707031, 2.0761719, 0.5571289, 1.0488281, -0.03173828, 1.6875, -2.5820312, -0.40649414, 0.28686523, 0.1361084, 0.82177734, -2.4863281, 1.5830078, -1.4306641, -1.0546875, 0.29418945, -1.5703125, 0.2208252, 1.1455078, -2.8847656, 0.44750977, 1.1777344, -0.3322754, 1.2158203, 0.64941406, -1.4755859, 2.0019531, -1.0322266, -1.2685547, -0.7753906, -0.036865234, 0.45825195, -0.3269043, 0.82910156, 2.8085938, 3.375, -0.00047898293, 0.43774414, 0.5566406, -0.09088135, -0.76416016, 0.9482422, -0.42236328, 0.23632812, -1.0947266, 0.045928955, 0.86035156, 1.6777344, 0.12866211, -1.7861328, 0.36328125, 1.9990234, -0.76708984, -1.4658203, 2.953125, -0.8613281, -0.61035156, 0.14746094, -1.3027344, 0.08203125, -0.42333984, -0.22668457, 1.796875, -1.4091797, -2.2011719, 0.3540039, 1.2050781, 2.546875, -0.94384766, -1.7539062, 1.859375, -0.36547852, 0.36083984, -1.7988281, 0.78515625, 0.1739502, -1.4619141, -0.9667969, 1.4472656, 0.9121094, 0.82666016, 1.4707031, 0.39379883, -0.17797852, -0.30737305, 0.7949219, -0.25439453, 1.1259766, 0.08190918, 1.1201172, -0.02029419, -1.5917969, -1.0371094, 1.0273438, 0.83154297, 1.9130859, -0.7832031, 0.19030762, -1.0078125, 3.0351562, -1.0830078, 2.0664062, 2.6289062, -0.103759766, -1.671875, 0.83447266, -0.47973633, 1.1542969, 1.0917969, -0.92089844, -0.2421875, 0.47021484, 0.7163086, 0.2626953, -0.011268616, -0.93408203, 0.10748291, 0.2722168, 1.8017578, 1.9707031, 1.1816406, 1.9199219, -0.20788574, -0.5996094, 1.1689453, 1.1630859, 1.7119141, -1.6513672, 0.49536133, 2.4453125, -0.5957031, -0.5004883, 1.078125, 1.5126953, -1.0175781, -2.0605469, -1.1298828, 1.5683594, -0.45288086, 0.42993164, -0.21618652, 3.4277344, -1.1425781, 1.6669922, -0.48999023, 0.7363281, 1.4189453, -0.14978027, 1.4726562, -0.0035381317, 0.32788086, -0.45166016, -0.6923828, 1.3525391, 1.5615234, 0.42626953, -0.4350586, 0.50439453, 0.59765625, -0.22143555, 0.6381836, -2.5703125, 0.60058594, 5.9023438, -0.9638672, 0.8852539, 0.39892578, -0.27661133, -0.4050293, -3.2226562, 0.78515625, 1.8203125, -1.890625, 1.8857422, 0.3269043, 0.1685791, 0.52734375, 0.29077148, -0.3635254, -0.08459473, 2.1230469, -1.3759766, 1.8056641, 1.6953125, 0.40234375, 2.1894531, -0.8496094, 0.32055664, 1.0683594, -3.5703125, -1.4550781, 2.5761719, 0.22607422, -0.8388672, 2.0859375, -0.35620117, -1.4550781, -1.1054688, -1.6611328, -0.8852539, -0.32080078, 1.0585938, -0.43481445, -0.36376953, 0.022369385, 0.9086914, 1.2441406, -1.359375, -0.40307617, -0.4729004, 1.8291016, -2.4296875, 0.30786133, 0.89160156, -2.3535156]" Baseball Clash: Real-time game,com.neowiz.game.baseball.clash,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowiz.game.baseball.clash,sports a multiplayer baseball game for everyone enjoy thrilling matches against your opponent fast matchmaking quick games single tap for multiplayer matchmaking and start the game dont wait to finish all innings play only inning of fierce competition 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-2.3847656, 0.16015625, 1.4394531, 1.15625, 0.66552734, -2.3203125, 0.44580078, 1.8330078, -1.0166016, -1.3847656, -0.33154297, -0.95751953, 1.2207031, -2.390625, 1.3691406, 2.0859375, 1.3261719, 0.51220703, -0.265625, -0.1282959, 0.85839844, -0.28442383, 0.4736328, -1.2919922, -0.22229004, -1.6855469, -1.234375, 0.089660645, -1.5615234, 0.94970703, -0.796875, 0.33984375, -0.7402344, -0.54785156, -0.8857422, 1.3867188, -0.8251953, -2.1894531, 0.24450684, -2.6875, 0.009056091, -0.7753906, 1.0263672, 0.67333984, 2.0078125, -1.0068359, -0.30932617, 0.33764648, 0.87939453, -1.4052734, -0.1920166, 0.7470703, 2.8183594, -1.0810547, -1.2988281, 0.78271484, 0.37597656, -2.34375, -1.3886719, 0.97998047, -2.0917969, 0.28100586, 0.11004639, -0.6333008, -0.20812988, -0.4946289, 1.4111328, -1.4316406, -0.081848145, -0.17541504, 1.7949219, 0.7607422, -0.30029297, 0.05795288, -1.0634766, 3.4804688, -2.5332031, -0.93652344, 0.8823242, 1.3037109, 1.9404297, -1.015625, -0.28466797, 1.578125, -2.6425781, -1.9648438, 2.1035156, -1.0869141, 2.6171875, -0.04849243, -0.06173706, 0.74316406, -1.7148438, 2.2890625, -0.85302734, -0.53027344, -1.4638672, 1.5791016, -1.1728516, 0.47460938, 1.4511719, 1.0576172, 1.3310547, 0.052337646, 0.91552734, 1.2539062, 0.099487305, -0.20825195, -0.42382812, 0.44091797, -1.0253906, 1.9931641, -0.0008249283, -0.08843994, 0.28564453, 0.45410156, -0.67333984, -1.8886719, -1.2412109, 0.82714844, -1.0859375, -2.3789062, 2.1660156, -2.3105469, -1.453125, 0.022201538, 0.21044922, 1.28125, 1.0244141, 1.1494141, 0.45410156, 1.7402344, 0.33251953, -0.3623047, 0.42211914, 0.6748047, 1.4833984, -1.5869141, -0.6640625, 0.6245117, 0.058135986, 1.0361328, -1.7832031, 0.42163086, 1.8955078, -0.93310547, 0.77490234, 1.4082031, 1.8994141, -1.7900391, 0.057617188, -1.53125, -0.46655273, -1.5566406, 1.8837891, 0.80322266, 1.2910156, -0.7451172, 0.23425293, 0.66845703, -0.3701172, 1.1113281, 1.4189453, 1.1884766, -1.0839844, 0.19567871, -0.015792847, -0.17602539, 2.5136719, 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-1.0400391, -0.1418457, 1.3867188, -0.7167969, -0.38183594, 0.3071289, -2.8007812, 0.26611328, -0.03741455, -0.48657227, 0.9584961, -0.92333984, -1.2226562, -1.5136719, -1.3828125, -2.5117188, 2.1289062, -0.08087158, -2.6289062, 8.0645084e-05, -0.09869385, 1.9550781, -1.7480469, -0.77246094, -0.3239746, 0.8442383, -0.8071289, -1.2949219, -0.08154297, 0.33422852, -0.6279297, -0.9057617, 0.92089844, 0.43798828, 0.9379883, 0.49072266, -0.29541016, 0.2097168, -0.3852539, 0.067993164, -2.0136719, 0.2644043, 1.1044922, -0.03933716, -1.0146484, -1.3310547, 0.25439453, -0.8046875, 0.6953125, -2.7714844, -0.29492188, -0.20092773, -2.1191406, 5.0507812, -2.8984375, 1.8164062, 0.70947266, -2.5292969, 0.9277344, -1.0742188, 0.69433594, 2.3691406, 0.97753906, -0.5605469, -1.0195312, 0.68847656, 0.97753906, -0.0019741058, -0.45385742, -0.16040039, -2.2363281, -0.32373047, 4.1796875, -0.8251953, -0.94433594, 1.5332031, 1.4013672, -1.4482422, 1.9238281, 2.5917969, -0.81884766, -2.03125, 0.05307007, -1.6142578, -0.7578125, -1.7548828, 0.8105469, -0.6191406, -0.29345703, -2.9726562, -1.4873047, -0.24768066, -0.66015625, 1.5546875, -3.2949219, 2.328125, 0.87890625, -0.13757324, -0.5234375, -0.56689453, -0.07324219, -0.9897461, 0.8154297, -0.1652832, -0.5732422, 2.0742188, -0.55322266, 0.82958984, 0.77734375, 0.085876465, 0.49072266, 1.7851562, 0.6381836, -1.03125, -0.23510742, -0.9057617, 0.13562012, 6.4453125, -2.4785156, -0.86621094, 3.3476562, -0.92333984, -0.6513672, -1.9091797, 1.2460938, 1.2226562, -0.5073242, 0.4753418, 1.4169922, 1.1845703, 0.64160156, 0.22680664, -0.11932373, -0.40771484, -0.5390625, -0.9604492, 1.6464844, 1.0625, 0.28051758, -0.19958496, -3.3203125, -0.3244629, 1.3291016, -0.8623047, -1.5087891, 0.27441406, 0.6308594, -2.3691406, 2.1289062, -0.13952637, -0.3022461, -0.18188477, 0.16748047, 0.7128906, 0.81933594, -1.3935547, 0.05014038, -1.6298828, 1.0146484, -0.43652344, 0.3852539, -0.97753906, -0.039855957, 0.6665039, 2.6074219, -2.2089844, -1.9599609, 3.25, -0.03765869]" Jeopardy!? 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1.3046875, 0.12902832, -0.41748047, 1.7392578, -2.8378906, -0.69384766, 0.40454102, 0.16784668, 0.003850937, 1.3554688, -1.375, 0.50390625, -1.4609375, 0.4645996, 0.66748047, 0.71777344, -0.5102539, 0.90625, 0.5229492, -0.3256836, 1.0185547, -1.8925781, 0.14453125, -0.7294922, 0.57910156, -1.7519531, -0.7998047, -0.84277344, -0.3618164, -1.5087891, 0.14489746, 0.5625, 0.057647705, 1.2099609, -0.4868164, 2.1699219, 1.8417969, -0.5258789, -0.53271484, -0.6503906, -0.52246094, 1.1875, -0.87060547, 1.6494141, 1.7636719, -0.7919922, 2.09375, 0.3154297, 1.1933594, 1.9755859, 0.22814941, 0.8144531, 0.8154297, 0.19946289, -0.72558594, -0.3828125, 0.40820312, -0.63623047, 0.5522461, -1.7695312, 0.058776855, 0.34448242, -1.2783203, -0.96191406, -1.4794922, -0.8520508, 0.43701172, -0.6933594, -1.4541016, -0.26489258, 0.02355957, -1.9980469, 1.7246094, -1.1113281, -2.1113281, -0.091552734, 0.23779297, 1.9853516, -0.097229004, 0.6376953, -1.3847656, 0.004432678, -1.625, 0.48999023, 0.94189453, 0.6479492, -0.92822266, 0.57958984, 1.6582031, 0.45361328, -0.25463867, 1.0253906, -1.3027344, 0.81689453, 0.3046875, 0.32763672, -0.31567383, 0.68603516, 0.60595703, 0.51171875, -0.10784912, -2.3066406, -0.70703125, -0.30786133, 0.13293457, -1.8574219, 0.54052734, 0.5019531, 0.2993164, 3.6367188, -3.2832031, 1.3974609, -0.71728516, -1.6806641, -1.2353516, 0.72314453, -0.38452148, 2.0449219, 1.2871094, -0.62646484, -0.52441406, -0.8911133, -0.054229736, 0.671875, 1.3125, -1.3974609, -0.38549805, -0.5776367, 1.9833984, 1.5458984, -2.7832031, 0.20483398, -0.23547363, 0.90527344, 1.2919922, 0.44018555, -0.02619934, -1.5839844, -0.63720703, 1.1542969, 2.0976562, -2.0039062, 2.109375, -0.099365234, -1.7441406, -1.3320312, -2.3417969, -0.20080566, 0.43701172, 1.0068359, -1.0341797, 1.4160156, -1.5947266, -0.50341797, -2.2578125, -0.12310791, 0.8623047, -0.049041748, 2.0546875, -0.6816406, -1.0810547, 0.62597656, 0.42358398, 0.51464844, 1.7050781, 1.6240234, -0.019515991, 0.8300781, 2.2089844, 0.25708008, 1.2080078, -1.9931641, -0.7290039, 3.5, -0.8330078, 0.92626953, 2.4101562, -0.3239746, 0.14892578, -0.3635254, -0.31518555, 0.5151367, -1.1503906, 1.9609375, 1.0341797, 0.43823242, 0.5498047, 0.29760742, -2.2695312, -0.8125, -0.29907227, -2.1308594, -0.3305664, 1.1591797, -0.67822266, 1.6552734, -3.0820312, 0.037353516, 0.8652344, -2.234375, -0.49072266, 1.9882812, 0.32983398, -1.0634766, 0.8051758, -0.31323242, -1.0117188, 1.7753906, -0.38134766, -0.8847656, 1.7597656, 0.33642578, 0.9902344, 0.07922363, 0.30566406, 0.10687256, 1.9648438, -0.9902344, -0.1171875, 0.46948242, 0.62939453, -2.3125, -0.15356445, 1.6328125, -0.48461914]" Hill Climb Racing,com.fingersoft.hillclimb,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fingersoft.hillclimb,racing play the original classic hill climb racing race your way uphill in this physics based driving game playable offline meet bill the young aspiring uphill racer he is about to embark on a journey through climb canyon 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-2.6542969, 0.20288086, -1.0546875, -0.46777344, -1.7578125, 0.24304199, 0.75634766, 0.33007812, -0.016998291, -0.008659363, 0.7597656, -0.2487793, 0.97998047, 1.0273438, 1.3378906, 1.2695312, -0.0546875, 0.22973633, -0.20043945, 0.55615234, -1.2773438, -1.2519531, -0.3972168, -0.7578125, -1.1865234, -1.0615234, -0.5751953, -0.65234375, 2.7734375, -1.7363281, -0.51464844, 0.7373047, -1.7998047, -0.19714355, 2.3847656, 0.49414062, -2.5703125, -1.3310547, 0.0048561096, 0.13977051, -1.2158203, 0.52783203, 1.8867188, -0.8535156, -0.081970215, -2.6289062, 0.52197266, -0.49975586, 1.3291016, 0.8745117, 0.9145508, 0.4897461, 1.5527344, 0.64697266, -0.96972656, -1.546875, 2.0410156, 0.6035156, -0.89404297, -0.14050293, 1.7548828, 1.1621094, 0.50341797, 0.06750488, 0.69384766, 0.017745972, 0.5332031, -0.36035156, -0.3359375, 1.2734375, -1.7626953, -0.4802246, -1.8164062, -0.32617188, 1.3457031, 2.4863281, 0.21374512, -1.2988281, 2.3652344, 0.54785156, -2.2011719, 0.25439453, 0.42895508, 0.6870117, 1.0996094, 1.2382812, -2.0546875, 1.6591797, -0.2512207, -0.50683594, 0.26660156, -1.2841797, 0.24279785, 1.6572266, 0.12597656, 0.15527344, 0.18139648, 3.2714844, -1.1171875, 2.5761719, -0.081970215, -1.3203125, 1.2314453, 0.9946289, -0.22338867, 0.8222656, 0.35717773, -1.4042969, 0.51464844, -1.0449219, -0.88916016, 0.56152344, -1.28125, -1.4570312, 0.25683594, -0.6767578, -3.0683594, 0.33276367, 1.3046875, 0.84716797, -0.074279785, -0.014541626, -3.265625, 0.8671875, -0.38842773, 0.27978516, 0.7011719, -1.9501953, -2.2128906, 0.28637695, 0.75341797, 2.7578125, -2.1035156, 1.9638672, 0.94628906, -0.82128906, -0.20935059, 0.7416992, -1.4003906, -0.19335938, -0.71191406, -0.3659668, -0.8413086, 0.72509766, -1.7851562, 0.4892578, 1.4804688, -1.4101562, -2.1679688, -1.40625, 0.55810547, -0.31884766, -2.4433594, 2.4511719, -0.12384033, 0.21960449, -0.16784668, 0.21972656, -0.83154297, -1.2861328, -0.004623413, -0.72265625, 0.07879639, -0.6845703, 2.1875, 0.43798828, -2.5859375, 0.34057617, 0.51220703, -1.1533203, -1.0332031, 0.97216797, 1.9296875, -1.3232422, 0.021499634, -1.2177734, 0.39624023, -2.9042969, 0.28051758, 0.03353882, -1.1552734, 2.4960938, 1.9238281, -0.09661865, 0.36206055, 2.234375, 0.9916992, 1.0322266, 0.99902344, -2.2421875, 0.43432617, -1.1357422, 1.2597656, 2.7597656, -1.9384766]" Madden NFL 24 Mobile Football,com.ea.gp.maddennfl21mobile,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ea.gp.maddennfl21mobile,sports kickoff for the th season on the gridiron with madden nfl mobile football authentic sports game action realworld events and mobilefirst visuals await in the world s most immersive nfl football experience on mobile journey back in time with vintage programs iconic artwork and unforgettable players that left their mark on the game football manager or armchair qb touchdown and enjoy the celebrated sport with new and unique experiences capped by an iconic madden mobile legend from a past season coach your team to victory with the 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0.31640625, -1.2470703, -0.9038086, -0.48364258, 0.76953125, -2.7089844, 1.5341797, 2.1601562, -0.30932617, -0.40112305, -0.8466797, -0.5654297, 0.46289062, -0.9135742, -0.62939453, -0.55029297, -0.57910156, -1.6425781, -1.0634766, 1.3964844, 2.1230469, -0.56689453, -2.5996094, 0.06677246, 0.09222412, -0.4584961, -0.17224121, -1.2060547, 1.9121094, 0.27685547, -0.71240234, -0.45922852, 0.45361328, -0.62597656, -0.52685547, -1.0478516, 1.2841797, -0.7973633, 0.09033203, -0.73046875, 0.32641602, -0.31469727, -1.4111328, 0.5473633, -0.54589844, -0.9326172, 1.7050781, 0.9213867, -0.7788086, -0.4934082, -0.73779297, -0.70458984, 3.4003906, -2.0195312, 0.33032227, 2.7929688, 0.051605225, -0.06124878, -2.1289062, 1.3339844, -0.093322754, -3.4550781, 0.7763672, 0.88378906, -2.2910156, -0.36865234, -1.9814453, 0.53759766, 2.0664062, -0.8413086, 0.7114258, -1.2578125, 0.9926758, -1.3154297, 0.3461914, 2.2207031, 0.38134766, 1.2333984, 2.40625, 2.7695312, -0.91552734, 2.0800781, 1.4785156, -0.21386719, 0.46655273, -0.89160156, -0.43237305, -0.59521484, -1.2705078, -0.02885437, -0.20397949, -1.3388672, -1.1308594, -1.2314453, -0.07611084, -0.77197266, 1.2724609, -0.58203125, -1.59375, 0.27905273, -0.5756836, -0.6274414, 1.2265625, -1.2734375, 2.8945312, -0.08306885, 1.6826172, 0.7529297, -0.4699707, -1.375, 0.4724121, 1.6699219, -0.5419922, 1.9599609, -1.3652344, 0.7915039, 3.3222656, -3.0644531, 0.5366211, -2.1132812, 1.6064453, -0.5102539, -0.21716309, 1.2119141, 0.57470703, -0.8901367, 0.8823242, -0.76123047, -0.5942383, 2.5214844, -1.59375, -1.0068359, 1.4091797, -0.82910156, 0.96191406, -0.89501953, -0.0062446594, 0.48583984, -0.54052734, -1.7236328, 0.9663086, -0.42114258, -0.89941406, -0.9663086, 0.21972656, 2.1367188, 2.1289062, 0.35864258, 1.1054688, 0.8017578, 0.43188477, -1.9658203, -0.38745117, 0.89404297, -1.9130859, -0.74902344, -2.0039062, 1.7138672, -0.47705078, -0.30688477, 1.0644531, 0.31176758, 1.7275391, 1.6972656, 1.4638672, -1.1728516, 0.96533203, 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1.5537109, 1.2001953, 0.5649414, -0.60058594, 0.44018555, 0.5332031, 0.63720703, -0.43139648, 1.171875, 1.78125, 0.13659668, -0.9897461, -1.203125, -1.3857422, -1.3662109, -0.008712769, 0.36157227, 0.32983398, -0.66308594, -0.79345703, -0.99365234, -0.55371094, -0.0019626617, 1.4042969, -1.8330078, 1.5097656, -0.4855957, -1.0556641, -1.3808594, -0.16271973, -0.41259766, -2.421875, -1.4863281, -0.90283203, -0.08093262, -1.8935547, -2.0722656, 1.4628906, 0.53271484, -1.71875, 0.15124512, 0.64990234, 0.8852539, -1.7324219, -2.2421875, -0.30639648, 0.6665039, 0.22753906, 1.0654297, -0.8701172, 0.2758789, -0.28710938, -0.23864746, 0.33007812, -1.3027344, 1.5244141, -0.19360352, 0.54003906, -1.0878906, 1.9316406, 1.453125, -1.7089844, 0.09075928, 1.9121094, 0.78564453, 0.37890625, -2.0449219, -0.8959961, -1.6582031, 1.9423828, -3.2363281, -0.74609375, 0.89697266, -1.1259766, 2.9355469, -1.3017578, 0.44189453, -1.1660156, -0.69628906, 2.4667969, 1.8125, -0.08728027, 3.8085938, 1.4814453, 0.19616699, -1.1230469, -1.7646484, -0.6303711, 0.02279663, 0.27197266, -0.31835938, -1.4394531, 0.73046875, 1.2441406, 0.34033203, 0.16479492, -0.36669922, 0.6069336, 0.8120117, 2.7792969, -0.11529541, -0.25805664, -1.3095703, -0.5283203, -0.19311523, -0.60839844, -0.69628906, -0.50097656, -0.36889648, 0.01927185, -1.0537109, -0.78564453, -0.9321289, -0.28955078, 0.32739258, -1.2265625, 0.27734375, -0.17468262, -0.11657715, -0.7963867, 0.72802734, 0.36499023, 1.5771484, -0.06726074, 0.44555664, 0.12097168, 0.47705078, -0.12310791, 2.1503906, 0.96484375, 0.3395996, -1.28125, 1.1660156, 1.6611328, -1.6396484, 0.81347656, -0.40014648, -0.22094727, 4.2265625, -2.6738281, -0.18933105, 0.1340332, -0.8076172, -1.8251953, -1.1347656, 0.57714844, 1.8115234, -0.6401367, 1.1152344, 0.27978516, 0.3149414, 1.2080078, -1.0019531, -0.50097656, -0.62841797, -0.90722656, 1.3222656, 0.6801758, -0.124694824, 0.15124512, 0.9970703, -0.51416016, 2.1386719, -0.671875, 0.40014648, 0.24780273, -0.52685547, -1.0439453, -0.4477539, 0.9140625, -2.1503906, 1.1855469, 0.77685547, -0.57910156, -0.95996094, -0.79833984, 0.38354492, 0.04498291, -0.051116943, 0.33081055, 0.29614258, 0.38842773, 0.5214844, 1.1435547, -3.0585938, 1.0888672, -2.9472656, -2.1855469, 2.2246094, -1.9277344]" The Castles Of Burgundy,com.digidiced.bvbrelease,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.digidiced.bvbrelease,board the loire valley during the th century as influential princes the players devote their efforts to careful trading and building in order to lead their estates to prominence two dice set out the action options but the players always make the final choices whether trading or livestock farming city building or scientific research many different paths lead to the prosperity and prominence of the players the many ways to gain victory points in this building game require careful thought round after round along with extensive planning ahead thanks to the different estates the game remains challenging for the players for,"[0.12670898, -0.7553711, 0.7763672, -1.0615234, -1.7138672, -1.1171875, 0.6152344, -0.5336914, 0.0038280487, 1.6025391, 1.4384766, 0.031234741, -2.421875, 0.83251953, -0.26831055, -2.4570312, -1.0341797, -1.0478516, 0.5361328, 0.38671875, 2.1425781, 1.3320312, 1.5097656, 0.40600586, 1.4628906, 0.71777344, -1.59375, -2.2324219, 0.77783203, 2.4375, -0.31762695, 1.2880859, -1.5722656, 1.9326172, -0.09814453, 0.36108398, 0.103393555, 0.42358398, 2.6855469, 0.95947266, -2.3378906, -0.23254395, 0.9692383, 0.024276733, 1.1660156, 1.8701172, -1.8701172, 0.062805176, -0.25878906, -0.9628906, 4.2773438, -0.83935547, -0.23840332, -1.3535156, -1.4746094, -1.1552734, -2.375, 0.2788086, -0.23571777, -0.8911133, 0.6459961, 1.0585938, 0.7114258, -2.0175781, -0.18835449, -1.4111328, 1.6523438, -0.28076172, 1.0722656, 0.95214844, 3.4199219, 0.01071167, -0.3557129, -0.41674805, -0.75878906, -0.19592285, 0.74560547, -0.8515625, 0.076049805, -0.875, -0.66845703, 0.19238281, -0.28125, -0.03717041, -0.064453125, 0.037139893, 0.53466797, 0.8745117, -0.84765625, 1.3417969, 0.20178223, -2.0859375, -2.3632812, 0.32202148, -1.5332031, -0.29370117, 0.9980469, 1.109375, -1.0849609, -2.421875, -0.29052734, 1.265625, 0.5546875, 1.3798828, -3.5449219, 1.5634766, -1.0625, 1.1347656, -0.7314453, -0.10430908, -0.5839844, -0.50878906, -1.3349609, 1.1884766, 0.9375, 0.69189453, 0.9213867, -3.2050781, 0.44580078, 1.484375, 2.5957031, 1.359375, 0.25756836, 2.59375, -0.3388672, -2.0566406, -2.2792969, -0.32055664, -1.2919922, 0.018447876, -0.2355957, -1.3193359, -0.47045898, -0.93408203, 1.2451172, -1.4677734, 0.51708984, -0.072143555, 0.31030273, -0.06732178, 0.008384705, 1.1582031, 1.3457031, 3.3925781, -0.4958496, 0.40722656, 0.85498047, -1.9609375, -0.1809082, -0.89453125, -0.4724121, -1.1845703, -1.5087891, 1.6152344, 3.5332031, -0.38012695, 0.93310547, -0.15270996, -0.2006836, 2.5644531, 0.6386719, -0.52197266, -1.0996094, 0.73828125, 0.40454102, 0.3696289, 0.26611328, 0.51416016, -0.7446289, -1.0175781, -3.0898438, -2.5722656, 1.1933594, -0.030548096, 0.57910156, 0.79541016, -0.47851562, 1.6416016, 1.2558594, -0.9902344, -0.96240234, 2.3242188, 0.36157227, 0.21826172, -1.6533203, 1.6103516, -0.76708984, -0.83203125, 0.76123047, 1.0703125, -1.2109375, -0.0031852722, -0.14929199, 0.8461914, -1.7929688, 1.2109375, 0.6303711, 0.515625, 6.7578125, -0.3857422, 1.1738281, -0.13708496, -0.43701172, -1.4619141, -0.25854492, 0.40307617, -0.5263672, -1.8916016, 1.0214844, 0.578125, 0.75097656, -1.5634766, 0.17944336, 0.119140625, -1.1474609, -1.890625, 1.9072266, -0.7060547, -0.39941406, -0.38208008, 2.0683594, 0.4675293, 1.1513672, -0.72265625, -1.3916016, 0.53027344, 1.0185547, 0.39892578, 0.4729004, -0.18029785, -0.18017578, 0.46875, -2.5878906, -1.2607422, 0.29296875, -1.9785156, 0.08050537, 0.5571289, -0.8305664, 1.2167969, 1.4873047, 1.9775391, -1.7705078, 0.32739258, -1.1396484, -1.1904297, -1.9550781, -1.9023438, 0.5708008, -1.2988281]" HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE!,com.sega.ColorfulStage.en,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sega.ColorfulStage.en,music find your music join hatsune miku in her latest mobile rhythm game and discover a rich cast of characters overcoming their struggles through the power of music story find your true feelings a mysterious song named untitled with no melody or lyrics is passed around amongst the youth in shibuya tokyo this song unlocks access to sekai a strange place that allows everyone to discover their true emotions and their own song play with hatsune miku and her virtual friends as well as an original cast of characters overcoming their struggles through the power of music game features tap hold,"[1.8378906, 0.11932373, -0.58496094, 1.21875, 0.60253906, -0.10870361, 0.032073975, -1.2939453, -0.15368652, 2.3183594, -1.0722656, 2.1894531, 2.4316406, 0.85253906, 1.1191406, -2.0839844, -1.2900391, 0.3540039, -1.6171875, 0.5366211, 0.17602539, -0.81103516, 0.27514648, -2.0351562, 0.004634857, -0.08270264, 0.50097656, -1.6738281, 0.12878418, -1.2675781, -0.69189453, -0.33862305, 1.1123047, -1.1875, 0.4333496, -0.90185547, -0.026763916, -0.4987793, -0.54052734, 0.66064453, 1.796875, 2.6386719, -0.023712158, 0.96484375, 1.3769531, 0.0029888153, -1.5205078, -2.3867188, 1.8027344, 0.49731445, -0.93847656, 1.1220703, 0.013298035, -2.1601562, -2.3261719, -0.20239258, 0.9526367, 1.2626953, -2.3085938, 1.3125, 1.890625, 2.5527344, -0.8754883, 0.28100586, 1.7802734, -1.03125, -0.43676758, -0.81396484, 0.9555664, 0.2746582, -0.08972168, -0.484375, -0.041992188, -0.15881348, 0.79248047, 1.2480469, -1.9199219, -0.54296875, 1.0458984, 0.5605469, -0.6098633, -0.42041016, 0.064697266, 0.578125, -0.27197266, 1.1435547, 1.9238281, -0.6376953, -3.5488281, 2.9648438, -0.74560547, 0.36010742, -1.9511719, -0.60839844, -1.5175781, -1.3134766, 2.5371094, 1.6162109, 0.3852539, 0.43823242, 1.4042969, 0.16369629, -0.73779297, -4.1171875, 0.5102539, 0.38623047, -0.04324341, -2.2753906, 0.38061523, -0.22436523, 1.6933594, -0.7104492, 1.1376953, 0.76464844, -1.578125, -0.97509766, 0.022354126, -0.5551758, -1.6035156, -1.6816406, 1.0830078, 0.80859375, 0.4025879, -0.3293457, 2.9707031, -1.1943359, 0.39526367, 0.5449219, -0.45166016, 1.9667969, -2.1445312, -0.828125, -2.0722656, 1.5537109, 0.18969727, -0.68896484, 0.89746094, -1.3876953, -1.8349609, 2.2402344, 0.66552734, -0.88623047, 0.44384766, 3.7675781, 0.3227539, 0.89453125, -1.5224609, -0.51123047, -0.41845703, -0.64404297, -2.9863281, -1.0410156, 0.22338867, 1.3017578, 2.0566406, 0.84472656, 0.51171875, 1.5214844, 0.20214844, 1.9980469, 1.34375, 0.30126953, -1.5, 0.6411133, -0.18518066, 1.1113281, -1.9082031, -0.3137207, -1.40625, 0.39135742, 0.2487793, 0.017227173, 0.29345703, 1.2451172, 0.1854248, 1.3417969, -1.4082031, -0.3737793, -0.34692383, 0.6455078, -0.73339844, 0.72802734, 0.5083008, -0.72509766, -0.45336914, 0.69140625, 1.4599609, 0.5986328, -0.50097656, 0.9682617, -1.4521484, -1.0322266, 0.68652344, 0.49731445, 2.390625, -0.85009766, 1.296875, -1.3056641, 2.8320312, -0.5083008, 2.7050781, 1.5244141, 0.73779297, 2.5820312, 0.03591919, 1.8486328, 0.8041992, -0.32202148, -0.5830078, 0.92578125, 0.10247803, -0.2758789, -0.089782715, 1.3212891, -0.64746094, 0.7368164, 0.49829102, 0.1060791, 2.6523438, 0.5966797, -0.79052734, -1.5019531, -0.41064453, -0.37036133, 0.06915283, -0.026031494, -0.2824707, -0.9169922, 0.53564453, 0.2220459, -1.1767578, -0.2154541, 0.5966797, 0.7060547, 1.203125, 1.8681641, -0.73535156, 1.6103516, -1.9052734, 0.28149414, 2.1835938, -1.2333984, 0.84472656, 0.5551758, -0.5053711, 1.1855469, -2.0507812, -1.2421875, 1.3447266, -1.5322266]" Ensemble Stars Music,com.happyelements.es2.en.gp,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.happyelements.es2.en.gp,music super real d live closer to the stage switch on the d live mode enjoy the melodious music and see the stylish mv performances unfold before your eyes four difficulty levels from easy to expert for live stages are available the live experience remains the same on all difficulty levels so please enjoy the fabulous beats on whatever level you like you are free to set any idol as a center for performance and change outfits for your idols center idols give mesmerizing special performances spp heartwarming bonds bittersweet story ensemble stars music is mainly written by akira the renowned,"[0.99560547, 1.2099609, 0.9526367, 0.4699707, 3.1542969, -1.2285156, 0.65722656, 0.25, -1.9101562, 0.68359375, -0.5102539, -0.10070801, -0.119262695, 2.0371094, 1.1806641, -0.80566406, -0.6308594, 0.88427734, -0.6923828, 0.515625, 0.9790039, -0.43896484, 1.5283203, -1.0341797, 1.2314453, 1.3662109, -0.18847656, -0.20385742, 0.6044922, -0.7578125, 3.828125, -0.7192383, 2.5683594, -1.1318359, 1.15625, -1.0800781, 2.2265625, 0.94140625, -0.46655273, -0.3256836, 1.8310547, 1.6748047, -0.07147217, 1.1044922, -0.31298828, 0.24768066, -0.19238281, -1.7783203, 0.7084961, 0.17382812, -1.5058594, -0.4025879, 2.0605469, -1.5996094, -2.296875, -0.85009766, 3.0859375, 1.125, 0.32714844, -0.44726562, 0.41235352, -1.6162109, 0.03994751, 1.0068359, 2.4179688, -1.8183594, -1.4365234, 1.5400391, 0.28588867, 0.8095703, -0.74560547, -0.63378906, 0.74072266, 1.640625, -0.81396484, 0.8183594, 0.30395508, 0.22692871, 0.67871094, 1.6943359, 0.5234375, -0.086242676, 1.3818359, 2.1875, -1.1054688, 1.1796875, -0.010574341, -0.84228516, -1.1328125, 2.7382812, 1.7802734, 0.40063477, -1.9638672, -0.8588867, -2.5957031, 1.4648438, -0.061309814, 0.71728516, -0.75927734, 0.062194824, 0.08520508, 0.49121094, -1.4365234, -2.1132812, -0.1194458, -0.46801758, 1.4023438, 0.97558594, 0.54833984, -0.5371094, 0.81103516, 0.35766602, -1.3369141, 0.16992188, -0.4609375, 1.2080078, -0.11004639, -1.8632812, 0.35205078, -0.09375, -0.00869751, -0.23254395, 1.25, 0.6635742, 1.2080078, -1.9990234, -0.22888184, 0.03314209, 1.171875, 0.24682617, -0.9199219, -2.0761719, -0.31323242, -0.29174805, 2.4394531, 0.30395508, 1.1894531, -2.3632812, -0.7441406, -3.3007812, 0.45703125, 0.75927734, 1.4941406, 0.71240234, -1.4169922, 1.0449219, -0.8598633, -0.83691406, -1.6416016, 0.703125, -1.5400391, -2.0996094, -0.6201172, -0.035858154, 0.60498047, 0.6074219, 0.4897461, 0.7504883, -0.7836914, 1.2919922, 0.60839844, 0.55029297, -1.1660156, 1.0302734, 1.5214844, -1.6171875, -0.25170898, -1.4912109, 0.75146484, -1.1679688, -0.4206543, -0.19067383, 0.17675781, 0.3647461, -1.2714844, 0.5683594, 0.4501953, 0.8666992, -0.22045898, 0.78515625, -1.0585938, 2.3164062, 1.4326172, -0.31420898, -1.203125, 2.578125, -0.9667969, 1.0703125, 0.87109375, 1.5361328, 1.0361328, -1.1777344, -1.3095703, 0.7558594, -0.20458984, -0.9589844, -0.52490234, 0.068603516, 0.091552734, -0.2849121, 1.5986328, 0.76123047, -0.3251953, 1.3017578, 1.0888672, 1.7490234, -0.13757324, -0.58447266, -0.9379883, -0.79296875, 0.034118652, -2.4453125, -0.9003906, 0.51220703, -0.93066406, -1.3925781, -0.42211914, 1.4697266, 1.7470703, 1.3115234, -1.6474609, -0.81640625, -0.7416992, -0.9326172, 0.69921875, 0.3557129, 0.6791992, 0.22668457, -0.21582031, 1.5566406, -0.2553711, -1.7646484, 0.81103516, -1.3642578, -1.6660156, 3.3261719, -0.84716797, 0.76953125, -1.5087891, 2.0566406, 0.6347656, 0.38110352, -0.17871094, 0.8095703, 1.828125, 0.24780273, -1.7333984, 1.0175781, 1.6230469, 0.32006836]" Tennis Clash: Multiplayer Game,com.tfgco.games.sports.free.tennis.clash,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfgco.games.sports.free.tennis.clash,sports welcome to tennis clash the ultimate online multiplayer tennis game get ready to experience the thrill of the court like never before with tennis clash the ultimate multiplayer online tennis game thats taking the sports gaming world by storm dive into the action with breathtaking graphics realistic gameplay and fierce competition all from the palm of your hand its time to show off your racket skills and become the ultimate tennis champion main features tennis clash experience intense tennis matches with players from around the world in a fastpaced competitive environment multiplayer online challenge friends and rivals in realtime tennis,"[0.9033203, -0.50439453, 0.73095703, 0.57177734, -0.828125, -0.29077148, 1.4902344, -2.8222656, 1.4023438, 0.027374268, -0.6669922, 2.9140625, -0.40454102, 1.2402344, 1.6044922, -0.9921875, -0.35961914, 0.35205078, -0.9013672, 3.1757812, 2.4179688, 0.37768555, 2.0996094, 0.7216797, 0.26464844, -0.7792969, 0.16418457, -1.0498047, -0.101867676, 0.5576172, -1.4150391, 1.5537109, -2.3964844, -0.7915039, 1.0146484, -1.9960938, 0.16992188, 0.7573242, 1.9179688, 0.3330078, 0.79003906, -0.021484375, -0.90722656, -0.4501953, 1.0058594, 1.2666016, -0.38549805, -1.1386719, -0.36206055, -1.0576172, -1.0039062, 0.015098572, 0.05609131, -0.45092773, 0.13122559, -1.3505859, -0.7109375, -0.010604858, -0.5283203, -1.53125, 0.5083008, 0.77441406, -1.1484375, -0.58691406, -0.9926758, 0.42089844, 0.7705078, -0.9560547, 2.40625, 1.8925781, 0.9555664, 0.9614258, -0.27392578, 0.6879883, -1.4326172, -2.65625, 0.9169922, -0.20336914, 0.0043144226, -2.5410156, -1.890625, 0.09399414, 0.24621582, 2.25, -0.4477539, 0.07745361, 0.5732422, -1.2138672, -0.15612793, -1.3925781, -3.40625, -0.29956055, -0.47045898, -1.9863281, 0.71435547, -1.2402344, -0.03503418, 1.8544922, 0.99658203, -0.9379883, -0.5595703, 0.6982422, 0.8911133, -0.50341797, -0.5229492, 1.3730469, 2.3027344, -0.3413086, -1.8183594, -0.0039634705, -0.78564453, 0.2614746, -3.0703125, 0.22094727, -0.7910156, 1.2382812, -0.38330078, -0.88964844, 1.8457031, 0.10992432, 0.7915039, -2.1347656, -0.37402344, 1.3349609, 2.0878906, 0.16918945, -1.5722656, 0.28027344, -1.2490234, 2.9570312, 0.5786133, -0.56933594, -0.28930664, 0.26123047, 1.0693359, -2.4101562, -1.390625, -0.46191406, -2.0859375, -3.5546875, 1.9433594, 0.2529297, 1.328125, 1.5039062, -0.075927734, 0.27294922, -0.42822266, 1.0722656, -0.27978516, -0.33740234, -1.453125, -0.6352539, 1.7226562, -0.22265625, -0.3701172, 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Play & Create Quizzes,no.mobitroll.kahoot.android,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=no.mobitroll.kahoot.android,education play engaging quizbased games kahoots at school at home and at work create your own kahoots and learn something new kahoot brings the magic of learning for students teachers office superheroes trivia fans and lifelong learners here s what you can do with the kahoot app now available in english spanish french german italian brazilian portuguese and norwegian students study with unlimited free flashcards and other smart study modes join kahoots hosted live in class or virtually and use the app to submit answers complete selfpaced challenges study at home or on the go with flashcards and other study modes,"[0.71777344, -1.0605469, 0.7290039, 0.40673828, 0.9692383, -0.9667969, -0.6845703, 0.55566406, 0.8959961, -0.5522461, 0.19067383, -0.36938477, 0.9897461, 2.171875, 0.9765625, -0.8125, 1.0185547, -1.71875, 0.73779297, -3.0058594, -0.019546509, 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2.1816406, 0.43969727, 1.5078125, -1.2675781, -0.9770508, 0.42578125, -0.859375, 0.2861328, -0.13671875, 1.3613281, 2.8203125, -0.0993042, 1.9853516, 0.024169922, 0.5786133, -0.3227539, -1.1982422, 0.8364258, -0.83251953, 1.1503906, 0.08538818, 0.5546875, 0.20996094, -1.2451172, -1.2060547, 0.6123047, -0.5058594, -0.8823242, -2.71875, -0.14770508, 0.7788086, -0.20300293, -0.83935547, -2.8085938, 0.3371582, 0.74316406, -3.1875, 0.77783203, -0.2939453, -1.1113281, -1.1855469, 0.026916504, 0.76953125, -1.0185547, 0.22546387, 2.4296875, -0.3996582, 2.1367188, -0.7480469, 1.5058594, -1.9257812, 0.9394531, 1.2324219, 0.11767578, -1.1298828, -0.46899414, 0.09246826, -1.0722656, -0.95410156, 2.9667969, 1.7119141, -2.1503906]" Baby Games: Piano & Baby Phone,com.rvappstudios.baby.games.piano.phone.kids,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rvappstudios.baby.games.piano.phone.kids,educational entertain your baby for hours with baby games piano baby phone first words a fun simple 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-1.3574219, -0.34643555, -0.50634766, 0.57958984, -0.47729492, -0.58984375, 0.5751953, 1.1337891, -0.095825195, 0.9272461, -1.7109375, 0.24523926, -1.1855469, -0.6010742, 1.6181641, -1.8876953, -2.9648438, -2.4003906, 1.0634766, 1.8007812, 0.9589844, 0.3088379, 0.84033203, -0.21691895, 0.066345215, -1.8466797, -0.029647827, 1.1484375, 2.7480469, -0.20043945, 2.0898438, 0.3017578, 0.48754883, 1.4238281, 0.097351074, 0.18969727, -1.1777344, -0.3708496, -0.4416504, 0.30200195, -1.8251953, 1.2021484, -1.296875, 0.85498047, 1.4023438, 0.26708984, -0.6298828, 3.1972656, -0.65283203, -0.009353638, -1.8457031, -0.85302734, 0.12792969, -0.9897461, -1.9306641, -0.8378906, -1.7509766, -0.016204834, -0.22753906, 0.8984375, 0.9863281, -1.2148438, 3.4121094, -1.3535156, 0.4501953, 1.2548828, -1.34375, 0.63964844, -1.4667969, 0.95410156, 1.3115234, -0.06842041, -1.1025391, -0.75634766, -0.875, -0.61865234, -0.46899414, -0.8125, -2.0175781, 0.14294434, 1.4042969, 1.0117188, -0.91845703, 0.0014925003, -0.6298828, -0.64453125, 1.0839844, 1.9599609, 1.3632812, 1.0400391, -1.3544922, -0.73535156, 3.7617188, 0.104003906, -0.5551758, 0.23840332, -1.1435547, -0.027786255, -0.0519104, 0.08013916, 2.2421875, 2.2675781, -1.3759766, -0.22509766, -1.2460938, 0.12573242, 1.5039062, 0.140625, -3.1308594, -1.734375, -3.9707031, 0.5180664, 1.4121094, -2.0097656, 0.22143555, 1.1611328, 3.6503906, -0.88378906, 2.0644531, -0.045806885, -0.9140625, -2.1972656, 1.0458984, 0.37548828, -0.1899414, 0.57910156, -1.5820312, 0.5932617, 0.083984375, 1.0859375, -0.5629883, 0.35839844, -1.0175781, 1.65625, -1.3261719, 1.078125, 2.1113281, 1.2304688, -2.5, 1.8837891, 2.46875, 1.5722656, 0.3034668, -0.7368164, -0.023162842, 0.33740234, 0.39404297, 0.44677734, -1.1484375, 0.111694336, -0.2932129, 1.5175781, 1.1611328, 0.5214844, 0.6982422, -1.25, 1.2753906, -2.1933594, 2.9414062, 1.5048828, -1.4033203, 0.49365234, -1.0126953, 1.5332031, 0.90234375, 0.9277344, 1.3173828, 0.18701172, -1.1728516, 0.515625, 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0.9765625, 1.9140625, -0.2565918, -1.015625, -1.8320312, 1.03125, -1.4189453, -0.82666016, 0.23693848, -1.0263672, 3.46875, -1.7480469, 0.1182251, 0.38183594, 0.4267578, -2.5175781, 1.0996094, -0.66259766, -1.0878906, -0.36987305, 0.9243164, -2.4140625, -1.5449219, -0.7236328, 1.9394531, -0.056243896, -1.0625, -0.2932129, 1.2333984, -0.6513672, -1.7871094, -1.0332031, -0.16357422, 0.83203125, 0.092163086, -1.03125, -1.9394531, -0.43310547, 1.8789062, -2.9414062, 1.2763672, -0.31152344, 1.2382812, 0.105041504, -0.7192383, 1.4765625, -1.6621094, -0.15148926, 0.2800293, 0.3474121, -0.020828247, 1.6152344, -3.2421875, -1.3408203, -2.6816406, 0.17602539, 0.3798828, 0.30859375, -0.8413086, -0.9555664, -0.36767578, 3.3007812, -2.40625, -0.67626953, 0.75097656, -1.5976562, -4.0742188, 1.5585938, -1.4550781, 1.7646484, 1.296875, -1.0595703, 0.06951904, 1.28125, 0.31762695, -0.13244629, -0.12432861, -0.37182617, -0.5126953, 1.671875, 0.890625, 1.2568359, -0.38012695, 1.2158203, 0.59033203, 0.16918945, -0.2998047, 0.4699707, -0.17333984, -1.8984375, -0.2175293, 0.57666016, 0.60791016, 0.06124878, -0.41845703, -2.0097656, -0.515625, 1.7675781, -0.79785156, 1.5488281, 0.46850586, 0.57714844, 0.22216797, -0.021621704, -2.9257812, 0.3371582, 0.4267578, -2.1699219, 0.72265625, -1.7460938, -0.86865234, -1.1376953, -0.14892578, 0.5878906, -2.6914062, 1.4306641, -0.077819824, -0.15942383, -1.3652344, 0.81152344, -0.1227417, -0.8251953, -0.87939453, -0.09643555, -0.8071289, -2.9882812, -0.19311523, -0.5361328, 1.9853516, 0.38452148, -1.8105469, -2.6953125, 0.45288086, 1.2109375, -0.97509766, 1.1748047, -1.0966797, 0.054534912, -0.9248047, 0.46313477, -1.0341797, -1.2099609, -0.27612305, -1.6259766, 0.5493164, 0.79589844, 0.82666016, 0.114868164, -1.3378906, 0.7055664, 0.17956543, 1.0039062, 0.7529297, 0.5942383, -0.70166016, 0.015586853, 2.9648438, -1.8476562, -0.7734375, -0.9663086, 0.6855469, 0.16552734, -2.2050781, 0.8076172, -0.8823242, -0.8754883, 2.2578125, 2.1660156, 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0.5966797, 0.32592773, 2.6152344, 0.3095703, -0.06304932, 2.4296875, -1.6513672, 1.2460938, -1.8867188, 1.2050781, -2.484375, -0.87890625, -0.2866211, -1.390625, -2.8574219, 1.375, 0.14978027, 1.1923828, -1.8662109, 2.1171875, 0.09613037, 0.73583984, 0.41748047, -0.35839844, -0.26904297, -0.2553711, -0.7631836, 0.5498047, 0.5341797, -1.8535156, -1.0810547, -0.13842773, 3.0546875, 1.2578125, -3.2421875, -0.75341797, 0.34692383, -0.5078125, 1.1914062, 1.2392578, 1.0800781, 0.9165039, 0.09954834, -1.0888672, -0.01272583, 0.7885742, 0.6088867, -1.7890625, -0.5595703, 0.7495117, -1.3740234, -0.35351562, 1.5283203, 1.2949219, 0.6845703, -1.1162109, -0.9628906, -0.5073242, -0.035308838, -2.2460938, -2.2519531, 1.0048828, 0.15393066, -0.007896423, 0.24511719, -0.14953613, 0.8442383, -1.1835938, 0.5341797, 1.0615234, -0.6508789, -1.4628906, 4.1015625, -1.0839844, -1.2167969, -0.6411133, -0.14941406, -0.5234375, -1.8671875, 1.5048828, 1.6777344, 0.37109375, -0.89746094, -1.0322266, 1.0058594, 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0.37597656, -0.2565918, -1.6669922, 3.0644531, 1.1572266, 0.009284973, 0.40185547, -0.30541992, -0.6020508, -0.44213867, -0.10064697, -0.37768555, -0.7885742, -2.6679688, -0.37841797, 2.3476562, 0.8051758, -0.93359375, -0.5439453, -0.9433594, -0.5073242, 0.43969727, -0.7475586, -1.1611328, -1.1972656, 0.98583984, -1.3310547, -1.1064453, -1.0039062, 0.31225586, 0.64501953, -0.11303711, 3.4980469, 0.8364258, 1.4667969, -0.028274536, 0.8623047, 1.2363281, 0.4387207, 0.06427002, -0.036132812, 1.6962891, 0.37597656, -0.42944336, 0.5498047, -1.6230469, -0.40429688, -1.8300781, 0.44726562, 1.4257812, -1.0771484, 1.2236328, -1.234375, -0.31640625, -0.2376709, 2.046875, 0.34399414, -0.7895508, -0.17028809, 1.4101562, -0.24829102, -2.4199219, 2.0605469, 1.0175781, 0.9711914]" BabyBus World: Kids Games,com.sinyee.babybus.world,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sinyee.babybus.world,educational baby panda world is a family app favored by fans it collects all the popular cartoony 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0.98828125, -0.08148193, 1.9326172, 1.4423828, 1.6826172, 0.7783203, -1.1650391, -0.12347412, 0.7631836, 1.8017578, -1.2617188, -1.1757812, -1.7324219, 0.89160156, 1.1894531, -0.88378906, -0.08178711, -0.49853516, -1.1259766, 0.42211914, 1.0019531, -0.6977539, -0.2758789, -0.9038086, 1.1669922, 3.2949219, 0.73828125, -0.6035156, -0.1607666, -0.12225342, -0.34545898, -0.74658203, -1.2607422, -1.9150391, -0.75097656, -1.4140625, 2.0976562, -1.5820312, 0.13952637, 1.9052734, 1.3085938, -1.2695312, 2.3886719, -0.6176758, -0.6958008, -1.8017578, -0.44091797, -0.035614014, -0.02432251, -0.8276367, 0.037078857, -0.43286133, 0.28222656, 0.22937012, 0.9350586, 0.60058594, -1.4423828, 0.042175293, -1.8476562, -0.82470703, 0.8256836, -1.1455078, -0.30444336, 1.0664062, -0.41918945, 0.015350342, 0.69970703, -1.1220703, -1.2363281, 0.7949219, 0.37402344, 0.5332031, -0.057800293, -0.8354492, -0.9916992, 0.80078125, -0.5708008, -2.6601562, 0.2401123, -1.0742188, -1.7832031, -0.7338867, 2.6113281, 0.93115234, 1.0292969, -1.8388672, 0.1484375, 2.6875, -1.2763672, -0.002565384, 0.15881348, -1.8388672, -0.18676758, -0.3371582, 1.5332031, 2.0214844, 3.375, -1.8701172, 0.78808594, -1.0458984, 1.8496094, 0.34106445, 1.0517578, -2.4472656, -0.21887207, -4.421875, 2.1113281, 0.07232666, -0.9213867, 0.28735352, -0.05041504, 2.0390625, 2.0839844, 1.2236328, 1.4941406, 0.1583252, -0.70751953, 0.19445801, 0.4543457, -0.07098389, -0.4909668, -1.5371094, -0.9433594, -0.4802246, 0.7446289, 0.3010254, 1.0244141, 0.03878784, -0.7167969, -1.4248047, -1.4931641, 1.0205078, 1.0625, -1.9238281, -0.19006348, 1.0292969, 2.3574219, -0.014793396, 0.7470703, 0.23840332, 0.75390625, 0.5209961, -1.6806641, 0.15710449, -1.8925781, 0.48950195, 2.375, 0.08605957, 1.4863281, 0.66503906, -1.7119141, 2.8847656, -0.9975586, 2.2207031, 1.6074219, -2.921875, 0.012748718, -2.6328125, 0.9501953, -1.4990234, 0.095581055, 0.4152832, 0.12573242, -0.8774414, -0.5834961, -0.9003906, 1.5742188, -2.5136719, -2.0996094, -1.3632812, -0.63623047, 2.3359375, -0.5761719, -1.5185547, -2.7753906, 0.67089844, 0.2084961, -1.8173828, 2.234375, -0.5263672, -0.44311523, 0.8930664, 0.875, 0.34155273, -0.4416504, 0.80029297, -0.028518677, -0.1303711, 2.1582031, 0.09051514, 0.93847656, -1.0869141, 1.6201172, 1.7050781, 0.8432617, -1.7509766, 2.3652344, -0.4885254, -0.75439453, -1.0546875, -2.1894531, 0.76464844, 1.3574219]" Wordscapes Search,com.peoplefun.wordsearch,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.peoplefun.wordsearch,word would you like to relax exercise your brain and expand your vocabularyall at the same time with wordscapes search the newest game from the makers of wordscapes you can these incredibly addicting word search puzzles are brain blasting fun connect letters to find every word on the board and sail through thousands of classic puzzle levels set against stunning nature backgrounds training your brain has never been easier or more relaxing once you start playing you just wont be able 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-0.57128906, 1.6181641, 0.16210938, -0.17248535, -0.16918945, -2.4199219, -0.19885254, -0.91796875, -0.63427734, -0.421875, -0.70703125, -0.40405273, 0.9916992, 0.8261719, -0.24145508, -2.046875, 2.0371094, 1.2128906, 0.003353119, 0.010917664, -2.7558594, 0.25732422, -1.1064453, -0.85791016, 0.1484375, -1.2519531, -2.5917969, 1.0839844, 2.0332031, 2.7128906, 2.3632812, -1.2568359, 2.7167969, 1.1953125, -1.9257812, -1.3818359, 1.4208984, -0.41625977, -1.0527344, 1.8544922, 1.2939453, 2.4140625, 0.75, -1.2167969, 2.3476562, -0.42138672, 0.4958496, 0.010734558, -2.1269531, 1.2197266, 2.7304688, 0.22680664, -0.04058838, -1.0839844, -0.77001953, -2.0859375, -0.8256836, 0.26489258, 1.3867188, 0.6430664, -0.9140625, 2.2890625, -3.1152344, 0.20385742, -0.13049316, -1.1162109, -0.92089844, 1.3105469, -0.54248047, 0.35131836, 1.3808594, -1.2089844, 0.8754883, 0.68408203, -0.6142578, 1.109375, -0.28637695, -3.0429688, -1.1933594, 0.89453125, 2.0136719, -2.75, -0.18041992, 0.22241211, 1.8193359, 0.34887695, 1.6845703, 0.6166992, -0.56591797, 0.32177734, 0.92578125, -0.0037155151, 0.3779297, -1.3388672, 2.265625, 0.48583984, -2.0429688, 1.6875, -2.3515625, 2.0878906, -0.5361328, -1.1396484, -0.8833008, -2.2675781, -1.4189453, -0.4873047, -2.0957031, -0.8647461, -0.36645508, 0.3642578, 0.6694336, -0.16088867, -0.29003906, 0.8984375, -0.2980957, 1.8876953, 1.8261719, -0.088012695, -1.1123047, 3.0722656, 2.2324219, 1.6455078, 1.9599609, -1.4765625, -1.7666016, 0.75146484, -2.4570312, 1.0009766, 0.7426758, 2.625, -0.7524414, -3.9726562, 0.9746094, -2.1269531, 2.0390625, 1.1826172, 0.7270508, -0.8808594, -1.8056641, 0.9243164, -0.48242188, -1.9775391, 0.26953125, -0.5205078, -0.7890625, -0.14819336, -0.67626953, -0.25048828, -2.3046875, 1.1318359, 1.2265625, -4.140625, 3.3378906, 1.4736328, -0.5961914, 0.97998047, -0.8598633, -2.1152344, -0.6611328, 1.9609375, 0.73046875, -0.58203125, 1.0, -0.7270508, 2.5585938, -0.08728027, -0.5390625, 1.1025391, 0.9589844, -1.0048828, 1.6796875, 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0.74365234, -0.16149902, -2.4257812, -0.48632812, -0.0044136047, 0.41845703, -0.54052734, 0.515625, -0.21374512, -2.7773438, -0.13952637, -0.2536621, -1.1074219, 0.4050293, 0.30249023, -2.9550781, -2.0527344, 0.0635376, -0.92626953, -0.31811523, 0.4423828, -0.030960083, -0.6489258, -0.04171753, 3.0507812, 0.09350586, 0.3244629, -0.5673828, 0.8125, 0.54052734, -0.6513672, 0.85058594, -1.9228516, 0.40893555, -1.4404297, 0.3737793, 1.1230469, -0.23535156, -0.17089844, 1.1621094, -1.8652344, 0.3647461, -2.2363281, -0.9814453, 0.030960083, -0.117614746, 0.4453125, 1.7841797, 0.012802124, -1.7626953, -0.2232666, 1.3466797, -0.7050781, -0.9189453, 0.6069336, 2.7636719, 0.86865234, 0.032409668, -0.44995117, -0.15393066, 2.2851562, 1.7158203, -0.5463867, -0.17993164, -1.5273438, 1.0488281, -1.5732422, -0.8701172, -0.8486328, 0.09106445, -1.6357422, 0.5151367, 1.1171875, -1.2314453, -1.4882812, 1.8984375, -0.1418457, 0.3034668, -0.7084961, -2.1894531, -0.057159424, -1.671875, -0.18676758, 1.203125, -1.7744141, -0.7421875, 0.40014648, 0.4555664, 2.4394531, 0.19616699, -1.7402344, 1.5039062, 0.7944336, -1.2519531, -2.5859375, 1.2626953, -0.84277344, -0.33154297, -0.7885742, 1.2207031, 0.63671875, 0.49853516, 1.1269531, 0.63671875, -0.9008789, -0.46777344, -0.45581055, -1.8466797, 0.05038452, 1.015625, -1.2119141, -0.2208252, -0.04638672, -0.21472168, -1.6171875, 0.06842041, -2.4375, 0.4375, -0.41796875, 0.08532715, 4.5664062, -2.6503906, 1.4101562, 1.7919922, -3.6816406, -0.10949707, 0.6796875, -0.9296875, 0.6699219, 0.9423828, -0.15356445, 1.3564453, 0.08514404, -0.37353516, 0.3552246, 0.7910156, -0.4008789, 0.11236572, -0.16662598, 1.4150391, -2.3105469, -1.5126953, 0.15002441, 1.4785156, 2.7851562, 1.7080078, 1.4628906, -1.4228516, -0.9663086, -0.5078125, 0.8828125, 0.50146484, -1.2382812, 1.6884766, 0.06225586, -0.18017578, -1.5048828, -3.0546875, 0.9760742, -0.61572266, 0.90771484, -1.6748047, 1.8105469, -1.0585938, 0.90234375, -0.5366211, 0.2548828, -1.0361328, -1.0019531, 1.2001953, -0.11682129, -0.98828125, 1.8613281, -0.44360352, 0.86279297, 2.9355469, 1.0791016, -1.9091797, 1.6972656, 2.0195312, 0.85791016, 1.2158203, -0.86279297, -1.3251953, 4.4609375, -3.046875, 0.16467285, 1.7099609, 1.4638672, -1.0410156, -2.2167969, 1.1689453, -0.3881836, 0.73095703, -0.87890625, 0.7480469, 1.5292969, -1.5605469, 0.6669922, -1.5371094, -1.0429688, -0.80029297, -1.0976562, 0.6425781, -0.12719727, 0.52978516, -0.94677734, -0.7495117, 0.5673828, 1.0634766, -2.9277344, 1.71875, 1.2207031, -0.06085205, -0.54345703, 1.2177734, 0.05340576, -2.7734375, 2.3085938, -1.6259766, -0.5732422, 1.4423828, -0.44213867, 0.9160156, -2.1992188, 0.32299805, -0.3149414, 1.3710938, -0.9472656, 0.2553711, 0.8491211, 0.08618164, -0.19091797, -0.8833008, 2.6640625, -2.2949219]" Dominion,com.templegatesgames.DominionAndroid,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.templegatesgames.DominionAndroid,card expand a small kingdom to a mighty dominion play the spiel des jahres winner beloved by millions of boardgame hobbyists around the world this is the officially licensed implementation reigning deckbuilder discover the game that defined a genre dominion was first to popularize deckbuilding and remains a staple of tabletop grow your kingdom collect as many victory points as you can by building a powerful deck your deck starts out a small sad set of estates and coppers but you hope that by the end of the game it will be brimming with gold provinces and the inhabitants and structures,"[-0.17675781, -0.33789062, -0.13439941, 0.18322754, -0.05368042, -0.68310547, 2.4316406, -1.6992188, 1.8730469, 0.009613037, 0.33618164, 1.6621094, -1.9082031, 1.0400391, 0.5864258, -0.0068511963, -1.1416016, 1.0429688, 1.4707031, 0.7651367, 2.7128906, -0.09295654, -0.47998047, -0.79345703, 1.0595703, -0.40283203, 0.16357422, -1.9296875, -0.043884277, 0.36254883, -1.9296875, 1.0439453, -1.7929688, 2.0429688, 0.015716553, 1.9033203, 1.9101562, -1.9033203, 2.4179688, 1.6699219, -1.3681641, -0.31152344, 2.3457031, -0.5419922, 0.4013672, -0.48095703, -1.4521484, -1.1767578, 0.8798828, -0.23754883, 3.2695312, -0.4609375, 0.64208984, -0.17871094, -0.35083008, -0.6323242, -1.4863281, 0.29907227, 1.8984375, -0.41992188, 0.40844727, 2.2636719, 0.7338867, -1.6162109, -0.021652222, -0.012794495, 0.42822266, -0.3630371, 1.6386719, 2.375, 0.4428711, 1.4648438, -1.0996094, 1.0195312, -0.20153809, 0.020233154, 0.34155273, 0.3708496, 0.70947266, -1.5273438, 0.20727539, -0.37475586, -1.1601562, 0.49072266, -0.5996094, 0.76123047, -0.17016602, -0.92626953, -1.7275391, 0.20385742, -1.1171875, -2.0507812, -1.5527344, -1.1240234, -1.0810547, -0.79833984, 0.18322754, 0.45825195, 0.87402344, -2.7558594, 0.32666016, 0.80322266, -0.5136719, -0.23596191, -0.9658203, 0.8964844, -0.9316406, -1.4208984, -1.8457031, -0.8261719, 0.46923828, -0.036590576, 0.15344238, 1.1396484, -0.7553711, 0.22375488, 0.5708008, -0.14208984, 2.1191406, 1.8759766, 1.0664062, -1.8837891, -0.48120117, 0.3317871, -1.2587891, -1.8681641, -1.3056641, -0.21179199, -1.7539062, 0.90283203, -1.5166016, -0.20874023, 1.4033203, 0.640625, 3.5839844, -0.05770874, -1.0800781, 0.32592773, 1.0507812, 1.9072266, 0.9008789, 0.21105957, 1.1035156, 1.1933594, -1.1445312, 0.62158203, 1.6953125, -0.6582031, 0.013000488, -0.88964844, -1.0390625, -0.27783203, 0.6772461, 1.9199219, 1.3134766, 0.09869385, 0.45043945, -1.09375, 0.8613281, 2.1796875, 1.1523438, -2.2109375, 0.19970703, -0.6699219, 2.3339844, -0.5908203, -0.17089844, -0.34594727, -0.421875, -1.3720703, -0.36572266, -1.4658203, 2.4511719, -0.74365234, -0.87060547, -0.5463867, 0.9082031, 2.2460938, 0.2602539, -2.4179688, -1.7802734, 1.0976562, -0.22338867, -0.18981934, -0.5908203, 1.1132812, -0.8666992, -2.9375, 2.0117188, 1.6621094, 0.3125, 0.08581543, 0.6982422, 0.45458984, -4.3476562, 2.0800781, -0.6147461, 1.4980469, 3.0214844, 0.8178711, 0.34375, -0.09436035, 1.2802734, -0.66503906, -0.075683594, -0.5366211, -0.4807129, 0.7192383, -1.1796875, -0.012702942, 1.6269531, -0.15673828, -1.2060547, -1.7705078, 1.2578125, -1.5898438, 1.4541016, -0.92529297, 1.3583984, -0.03930664, 0.32592773, -2.2617188, 0.91796875, -1.6796875, 0.20227051, 3.8984375, 1.0302734, -0.3203125, 0.98339844, 2.1621094, -1.8691406, -1.3232422, -1.9248047, -0.55371094, -1.3779297, -1.7724609, 0.5698242, -0.56103516, 0.97753906, 0.88427734, -1.2216797, 1.1777344, 0.61572266, -0.8540039, -2.8417969, 1.1152344, -0.6513672, -0.24230957, 0.85302734, -1.6289062]" THE GAME OF LIFE Road Trip,com.marmalade.golv,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.marmalade.golv,board visit volcano island make memories and have a great time go on a vacation collect souvenirs and take pictures in this enjoyable board game for the whole family travel around the island and compete with family and friends in activities such as scuba diving and building sand sculptures the player with the most and happiest memories wins save your memories in your scrapbook and make different choices to complete your collection based on the classic board game the game of life just like the original spin the wheel and follow your fate as you go on your dream vacation families,"[-1.8134766, -0.46166992, 0.22131348, 0.81347656, -0.23962402, -1.6298828, 0.26879883, -0.9086914, 0.27368164, -0.75683594, -2.4121094, -0.27514648, -2.4003906, 0.43847656, 1.5722656, -1.5126953, -1.4902344, -1.3476562, -0.30688477, -0.9121094, 1.7324219, 0.50683594, -0.25634766, -0.17773438, 0.49951172, -1.0488281, -0.093811035, 0.58691406, 0.5449219, -0.5361328, 0.55859375, 0.61621094, -0.40234375, 2.3554688, -1.1845703, -1.8671875, 0.30810547, 0.7421875, 0.9916992, -0.35351562, 0.74902344, 0.16918945, 0.3071289, -0.52783203, -0.030731201, -0.15454102, -0.6616211, 0.9399414, -1.8583984, -2.4980469, 3.09375, -1.6367188, 1.7880859, -2.3691406, -2.0097656, -0.8154297, -0.4584961, -1.0517578, -1.1201172, -0.4375, 0.9716797, 1.4882812, 1.140625, 0.0947876, 0.61035156, -0.7036133, 0.44799805, 0.6098633, 1.9599609, -1.0048828, 3.2539062, 2.7011719, -1.6318359, 0.25439453, -0.044067383, -1.6865234, 0.8286133, -0.25512695, -1.5214844, 0.04486084, -1.5527344, -0.51171875, -0.16638184, 2.8632812, -1.3935547, 0.39013672, 0.85791016, 0.1829834, -0.8022461, 2.1523438, 0.52197266, -1.7402344, -1.2451172, -2.2714844, -0.4206543, -0.9848633, -0.16674805, 0.8208008, 0.3269043, -1.671875, -0.25732422, 1.3134766, 0.010536194, 1.2177734, -0.9838867, 1.7636719, 0.6616211, -1.9472656, -2.8339844, -0.60546875, 1.1523438, -1.3867188, 0.07928467, 1.6074219, 0.6513672, -0.8071289, 0.51123047, 0.12219238, 0.19116211, 0.20214844, 0.8095703, -1.8818359, 0.65966797, -0.17480469, 0.22460938, -0.32226562, -0.15014648, -0.21166992, 1.1611328, 0.27319336, -0.15686035, -1.0302734, 1.3222656, -1.4833984, 0.31591797, -2.4355469, 0.97265625, -0.25805664, -0.61035156, 0.8461914, -0.42993164, 0.34204102, 1.0263672, 0.22924805, -0.6870117, 0.07196045, -0.18554688, -0.26391602, -0.45336914, 1.6884766, -0.94091797, 0.43920898, -4.0820312, 2.765625, -2.2460938, 1.765625, -0.078063965, -0.85058594, 1.9365234, 2.1191406, 0.41577148, 0.5024414, -1.5400391, 1.7421875, 0.6586914, 0.20092773, -0.8300781, 1.3408203, -0.2944336, -1.0556641, 1.2890625, -2.2441406, 1.5830078, -1.9365234, 1.0234375, -1.3515625, 0.25390625, 1.1083984, 0.234375, 0.18798828, 0.78222656, 0.21936035, 0.5986328, 0.5493164, -0.004131317, 1.3408203, 1.1738281, 0.33251953, 1.203125, -0.29418945, -0.23535156, -0.3371582, 1.2685547, 1.6044922, -0.21118164, 1.484375, -0.85009766, -0.203125, 3.9238281, -0.9946289, 1.421875, 0.21374512, -0.6513672, 1.3574219, 0.87841797, 0.6875, 0.81933594, -0.22033691, 1.5185547, 0.34423828, -1.6259766, -2.1191406, 0.50439453, 0.6738281, -2.0761719, -1.4511719, 0.62890625, -0.27856445, 0.43017578, -0.055267334, 0.18408203, -2.3300781, 1.4648438, -0.62841797, 1.5175781, 0.67871094, 1.7880859, -1.1552734, -0.019622803, -0.25756836, -3.0585938, -0.63623047, -1.5126953, -0.7207031, -0.07647705, 3.0136719, 1.0761719, 0.79003906, -1.7597656, 0.099731445, 2.8066406, 0.91015625, 1.2441406, 1.0351562, -0.9091797, -0.66308594, -0.18774414, 0.42089844, 1.4433594, -1.4501953]" Drum Pad Machine - beat maker,com.agminstruments.drumpadmachine,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.agminstruments.drumpadmachine,music&audio drum pad machine is a popular dj beats music mixer create music with the dj app in just a few clicks on your own be a beat maker mix loops and record your own melodies with super pads on the launchpad use your imagination to discover a new world of hiphop tracks with beatbox maker we make music production easy with the help of the drum pad machine soundboard you can not only learn the basics of music creation but mix music beats as well a wide variety of sound effects will help you to create appropriate chords and use,"[1.4580078, 0.45239258, 1.359375, 0.9350586, -0.005268097, -1.203125, 0.5878906, -0.1126709, 0.46069336, 2.4453125, -2.0859375, 3.3554688, -1.7041016, 2.4121094, 1.3828125, -0.48583984, 0.49316406, 1.4941406, 1.1240234, -0.30737305, 2.671875, 0.7397461, -0.76953125, -1.7275391, 0.5625, 0.32470703, 1.8867188, -2.3085938, 1.0615234, -0.6401367, 0.95654297, 0.31079102, -1.2675781, 0.96777344, -0.9013672, 2.2460938, 0.39404297, -0.31958008, 2.4453125, -1.5048828, -0.63720703, 1.1894531, -2.0683594, -0.6479492, 0.44140625, -1.4023438, 2.3359375, -1.6708984, 0.80126953, -0.21105957, 0.44067383, 1.1689453, 2.3300781, -0.23327637, -0.10571289, -1.1269531, 1.2939453, -0.89746094, -1.7695312, 2.890625, 1.4355469, 1.0615234, 0.32666016, 2.3554688, 0.7817383, -1.4326172, -0.8496094, -0.8071289, 0.28881836, 1.1962891, 1.0585938, -1.6386719, 1.2255859, 0.29077148, 1.0410156, 1.1103516, 0.3239746, 0.05065918, 1.4550781, 2.0273438, 2.1328125, -0.050445557, -0.23864746, 0.3959961, 0.099609375, -0.9482422, 0.045440674, 2.4746094, 0.8808594, -2.109375, 0.02305603, 1.7050781, -0.21325684, -0.6113281, -0.70654297, -0.9003906, 1.9423828, 0.6855469, -0.63916016, 0.42211914, 0.37597656, -1.1894531, 0.5683594, -0.8720703, 0.23278809, -2.3730469, 1.234375, -0.7104492, -0.828125, -0.95654297, -1.2626953, -0.013504028, 0.20080566, 0.265625, -0.41479492, -1.9033203, -0.7163086, 2.4023438, 1.3769531, -1.4511719, -0.43286133, -1.4003906, 0.3269043, -0.23864746, 0.9003906, -0.2619629, 1.0771484, 0.17614746, 0.75097656, -0.3623047, 0.8095703, 0.22729492, -0.33496094, 0.7138672, 3.6132812, 1.6113281, 1.3222656, -1.8085938, -0.64160156, -2.3339844, -0.22583008, -0.7734375, 0.41503906, -0.016723633, 0.35253906, 0.12365723, -2.0292969, -0.49145508, 0.93115234, 0.94970703, -3.6425781, -2.0019531, 0.01512146, -2.0761719, -0.072753906, -0.2692871, -1.0625, 2.21875, 0.8144531, 0.115112305, -1.2285156, 1.1630859, 0.42529297, -0.60791016, 3.0097656, -0.04525757, -0.7167969, -2.6191406, -1.5947266, 0.20959473, 0.5053711, 1.9775391, -0.56152344, 1.1669922, 0.7182617, -0.4543457, 1.1171875, -1.1044922, 0.39501953, 1.7587891, -0.97753906, 0.41577148, 0.87158203, 1.0605469, 0.26245117, -1.0703125, -0.55810547, 2.3300781, -0.31420898, -0.009475708, 1.3857422, 1.4130859, -2.1738281, -0.08959961, 1.1855469, 0.27612305, 1.5458984, 0.9980469, 0.32299805, -1.5664062, 2.9257812, -1.0126953, -2.515625, 0.87890625, -2.9238281, 0.67089844, -0.28442383, 1.8398438, 0.18774414, 1.1523438, 1.2578125, -1.7724609, -1.7802734, -0.035614014, -0.18444824, -0.044433594, -2.0742188, 1.625, 0.8935547, -1.6025391, -0.81347656, -0.73046875, -0.5336914, -0.2770996, 0.23571777, 1.5732422, 2.2011719, -3.0976562, 2.1191406, 0.94970703, 0.94091797, -1.6455078, -1.0322266, 2.265625, -1.4511719, -2.6679688, -0.25390625, -0.8017578, -0.7128906, -0.6713867, 0.6225586, 0.52001953, 0.19567871, -1.9658203, 1.9550781, -0.7421875, 0.703125, 1.5566406, 2.0390625, 5.046875]" Cytus II,com.rayark.cytus2,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rayark.cytus2,music cytus ii is a music rhythm game created by rayark games its our fourth rhythm game title following the footsteps of three global successes cytus deemo and voez this sequel to cytus brings back the original staff and is a product of hardwork and devotion in the future humans have redefined internet development and connections we can now easily sync the real world with the internet world changing life as we have known for thousands of years in the mega virtual internet space cytus there exists a mysterious dj legend sir his music has an irresistible charm people fall madly,"[0.7392578, -1.1474609, 0.70166016, -0.15612793, 0.4169922, 0.01940918, 0.8305664, 0.5703125, -0.36401367, 2.4511719, -0.0949707, -0.41186523, 1.03125, -0.28808594, 0.44799805, -0.18017578, -1.5214844, 0.8745117, 0.68652344, 1.6865234, 0.24987793, -0.82666016, 1.0664062, -2.2695312, 0.98046875, -1.9550781, 0.6899414, -0.98095703, 2.2558594, -0.56396484, 1.7861328, -3.3320312, -0.55322266, 0.46313477, 0.7807617, -0.7807617, 0.1204834, -1.0390625, 0.8808594, -0.77734375, 0.15856934, 1.875, -1.4775391, -1.0263672, 0.13671875, 0.60302734, -0.9638672, -1.1884766, 1.6474609, 1.4267578, -0.44995117, 0.78222656, -0.63623047, -1.3007812, -1.3447266, -0.057373047, -0.47680664, 0.06100464, -1.6699219, 1.6318359, 0.22155762, 0.49975586, -0.7392578, 1.4238281, 2.6269531, -1.1494141, -0.6513672, -0.67529297, 0.7807617, -0.5209961, -0.7885742, -1.1982422, 1.8447266, -0.04776001, 1.6494141, 1.0498047, -3.1386719, -1.8583984, 0.56591797, 0.43969727, -0.30249023, 1.1152344, -0.41430664, 2.5273438, -1.1230469, -0.07501221, 1.4765625, 0.4033203, -3.7070312, 2.2382812, -0.8198242, -0.7026367, 0.21594238, 0.38891602, -2.1484375, -0.013267517, 0.96191406, 1.1259766, 0.7392578, 1.9765625, 0.7475586, -0.14831543, -2.4394531, -3.5175781, -0.17285156, -0.41674805, 0.02999878, -1.6083984, 1.6318359, -1.2949219, -0.56152344, 0.25732422, -0.75341797, 0.6972656, 0.62402344, -0.48388672, -0.67871094, 0.16894531, -0.25073242, -0.052856445, 1.3330078, -0.88916016, 1.0195312, -2.4628906, 2.15625, 0.7626953, -0.17871094, -2.4042969, 0.14611816, 1.2138672, -1.5498047, -1.2119141, -3.1992188, 2.4453125, 1.5595703, -1.2822266, -0.2331543, -1.3496094, -1.2099609, -2.4453125, 0.99316406, -0.19995117, 1.4248047, 1.7080078, 0.2944336, 0.42138672, -0.14501953, 0.46411133, 0.6953125, 0.09777832, -1.7568359, -2.3847656, 1.4199219, 0.7163086, 1.3330078, 0.38305664, -0.37231445, 1.2734375, 1.1826172, -0.16674805, 0.33129883, -0.6953125, -0.12097168, -0.85595703, -0.39331055, -0.87402344, -2.0058594, -2.3847656, -2.7597656, -1.5136719, -1.5839844, 1.0117188, 1.875, 0.048797607, -0.57177734, 0.6333008, 0.6010742, -0.7001953, -0.16699219, 0.5493164, -1.0605469, 0.33422852, 0.20007324, -0.009857178, -2.2148438, -0.6953125, 0.85253906, -0.93066406, 0.19909668, 1.1416016, 1.2714844, -0.54003906, -0.038269043, -0.7739258, -0.5410156, -1.0439453, 2.0253906, -0.5463867, 1.2822266, -1.5283203, 1.3261719, 0.4272461, -0.5839844, -0.66259766, -0.44018555, 1.3662109, 0.89990234, -1.2978516, 1.1865234, -1.4853516, 0.49145508, -2.234375, 1.1728516, -1.0615234, -1.6386719, 0.25561523, -0.6035156, 1.0537109, 0.81152344, 0.101379395, -0.64453125, -2.3808594, -1.09375, -0.2734375, -0.7817383, -0.16149902, 1.0126953, -1.2109375, 2.0253906, 2.6191406, -0.43408203, 0.68652344, 0.73583984, 0.35205078, 0.68310547, 1.8017578, -1.9746094, 0.35766602, -0.99609375, 0.8330078, 1.4853516, -0.2454834, -0.67626953, -0.021072388, -1.4394531, 0.92578125, 0.5058594, -0.14611816, 1.3095703, 0.54833984]" Just Dance Now,com.ubisoft.dance.JustDance,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ubisoft.dance.JustDance,music unleash your inner dancer with just dance now enjoy just dances greatest songs and moves on the go the quintessential rhythm game where you can learn new dance moves party with your friends and stay fit all in one space dance to a free song every day get ready to dance to over top global hits from around the world including the best tunes from the just dance edition console game 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-0.84765625, 0.47631836, -1.0800781, 2.5390625, -0.006122589, -1.4921875, 1.5117188, 0.20788574, -0.26757812, -0.52783203, 2.578125, 0.05178833, -1.1748047, 0.07574463, 1.3408203, 1.9472656, -1.3554688, -2.2617188, 0.15734863, -1.0810547, -0.09613037, -0.54541016, -0.44189453, -0.8149414, -0.16809082, -0.4038086, 2.9199219, 0.8066406, -0.41845703, 0.5175781, 0.61328125, -0.33496094, -1.2353516, 0.19519043, 1.7910156, -0.6357422, 1.9853516, 0.47265625, -1.3945312, 1.7568359, 0.21520996, -0.7661133, 0.0047569275, -0.44018555, 0.9238281, -1.7890625, 0.36132812, -2.203125, 0.6923828, -0.20288086, -0.12390137, 0.65722656, -1.6474609, 0.24511719, 0.46704102, -0.40820312, -1.7900391, -1.1943359, -0.44750977, -0.52441406, 0.20275879, -1.8388672, -0.13110352, -0.7363281, -1.6318359, 0.6616211, 1.8076172, -1.1152344, 0.1829834, 0.6069336, -0.7714844, -0.91308594, -1.0673828, 0.5522461, -0.5410156, -0.3046875, 1.2910156, 1.03125, -2.3007812, 1.8115234, 2.3222656, 0.8725586, 0.5913086, -2.4824219, 1.171875, 1.8847656, 0.24035645, 0.86328125, 0.5708008, 1.2451172, 0.66552734, -0.8071289, -1.6308594, 0.4633789, 0.97998047, -1.9560547, -0.95996094, 1.9472656, -0.26367188, 3.5429688, 1.3964844, -0.7416992, 0.25073242, -2.1796875, 2.671875, 0.8305664, -0.69140625, 2.53125, 1.2412109, 0.08428955, 0.19091797, 0.30493164, -1.0029297, 2.0957031, -0.05883789, -0.9165039, 1.0878906, 2.4296875, 0.06365967, -0.4189453, -0.42529297, -0.77246094, 1.7519531, 3.1796875, 1.5507812, -0.73339844, -0.8378906, -0.9824219, -1.3466797, 0.75878906, -2.9667969, -0.7709961, 1.53125, -0.45214844, -0.5600586, -1.6904297, 1.1484375, 0.99560547, 0.7138672, 0.005924225, -0.15148926, -0.24230957, -0.0047340393, 1.9394531, -2.6171875, -0.13708496, 1.3339844, -1.3369141, 0.09307861, 0.92333984, -0.026168823, 1.4179688, -1.4951172, 0.61376953, 2.078125, 0.2854004, -0.9819336, 0.16882324, 0.7709961, -0.9765625, 0.8588867, -0.14208984, -1.8173828, 1.3759766, -3.1445312, 1.640625, 0.7167969, -0.5390625, -0.21179199, -1.7412109, 0.9946289, 1.2724609, -0.6254883, 0.022735596, -0.27734375, 0.6621094, 1.7558594, -0.4099121, -1.3388672, 0.7114258, -0.35473633, -1.4912109, 2.2597656, -0.2956543, 1.3935547, 0.66552734, -2.6621094, 1.8027344, -0.7290039, -0.63183594, 1.1669922, 0.09576416, -0.008766174, 0.24682617, 1.09375, -0.6196289, -1.6259766, 3.6347656, 0.16674805, -1.7099609, -1.0224609, 0.14465332, -1.2597656, -0.31225586, 0.3293457, 1.9658203, 0.69921875, -0.6533203, 1.9111328, -2.7890625, -0.6196289, -0.39501953, -0.48535156, 2.2207031, -1.3759766]" Golf Battle,games.onebutton.golfbattle,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=games.onebutton.golfbattle,sports the most exciting multiplayer mini golf game battle challenge real players from around the world and make it to the top gather your friends and play v or with up to facebook friends all together super easy controls fun intuitive gameplay battle with your friends in a golf battle play with your friends on more than mini golf courses in this exciting multiplayer pvp golf game play with up to friends at the same time beat your friends in a multiplayer mini golf battle play golf on the same course as your friends and watch them in real time show,"[-0.82177734, 0.11853027, 1.578125, 0.32910156, -0.45996094, -1.4755859, 0.9458008, -2.1171875, 0.8955078, -0.30737305, -0.26513672, 0.8720703, -0.065979004, 0.18676758, 1.4833984, -1.5302734, -0.32958984, 0.12915039, -1.3466797, -0.26953125, 0.7397461, 2.6972656, 1.2617188, -0.027526855, 0.33203125, -1.6816406, 0.13439941, -0.5917969, 2.15625, -0.4584961, -0.66748047, 0.12512207, 0.1472168, -1.0351562, -0.51171875, -0.78027344, 2.7363281, 0.87841797, 2.3632812, -0.8120117, 1.0634766, -0.34716797, -0.040252686, 0.26513672, 0.09509277, -0.06817627, -0.6152344, -1.7666016, 0.54589844, -0.16320801, 0.19702148, -2.0644531, -1.2958984, -1.0859375, -3.2167969, -2.4121094, 1.203125, 2.2675781, -1.1972656, -1.3154297, -0.07733154, 1.1835938, -1.1699219, -0.4350586, -0.3046875, -0.5996094, 1.7431641, -0.6196289, 0.8354492, 1.3994141, -0.8027344, -0.45532227, -2.1445312, 1.1992188, 0.734375, 0.57470703, 1.7988281, -1.0488281, -0.26953125, -1.7998047, 0.14587402, 0.5126953, -0.28588867, 1.4785156, -0.5102539, 1.1533203, 0.1854248, -1.1835938, -0.21484375, 2.4121094, -2.5039062, -3.1777344, -0.58496094, -1.0722656, -1.3886719, -1.8056641, -1.9804688, -1.0732422, 2.0996094, -0.18432617, -1.2158203, 2.1953125, -0.95214844, -0.73291016, -1.4580078, 2.4414062, 1.7539062, -1.2998047, -1.1865234, -1.4257812, -0.18981934, -2.1464844, -2.6015625, 1.8544922, -0.49536133, 0.3515625, -0.19506836, -0.7651367, 0.26635742, 0.7558594, 0.21289062, -1.8183594, 0.9765625, -1.6181641, 1.4511719, 1.1142578, -0.41845703, 0.6923828, -0.5209961, 1.3037109, -1.5136719, -1.8164062, 1.0693359, -1.1103516, 2.9921875, -4.2539062, -0.055358887, -0.23583984, -1.9619141, -0.5385742, 2.1171875, 1.140625, 1.9404297, 0.37719727, 0.10534668, 0.9355469, -0.47216797, 1.9765625, -1.7890625, 0.04574585, -0.61279297, -0.5605469, -1.1777344, 0.43164062, 1.9384766, 0.9873047, 0.45117188, -1.1357422, -0.27539062, 0.59228516, 1.1865234, -1.3300781, -0.32666016, 1.5087891, -0.4921875, -0.47485352, 0.0076904297, -0.11462402, -1.2841797, 0.26904297, -0.007045746, -0.07092285, -1.0234375, 2.2148438, -1.453125, 0.32373047, 0.30371094, -0.25390625, 0.29223633, -0.4284668, -1.015625, 0.01448822, 0.62841797, 0.7832031, 1.7197266, 0.35253906, -0.7416992, 0.13952637, -0.03878784, 0.8203125, 1.5341797, -0.42626953, -0.032562256, 1.1884766, -2.0234375, 1.4980469, -2.7382812, 0.71435547, -1.03125, -1.1767578, 0.39379883, 1.4697266, 2.3105469, 0.7084961, -0.6269531, -1.1142578, 1.9794922, -1.4882812, 1.9599609, 1.0107422, -0.49145508, -1.6806641, 0.17700195, -0.11431885, 0.14440918, 1.7587891, 2.140625, 2.7597656, -1.4863281, -0.34521484, 0.47875977, -0.41625977, 0.36450195, -0.9902344, -2.2519531, 0.061401367, 0.6894531, 1.5439453, -1.4863281, 1.484375, -1.5859375, 1.0488281, 0.2697754, -2.9238281, 0.78808594, 0.22424316, 0.64697266, 1.9160156, -0.32348633, 1.0419922, 2.4375, -0.08685303, 0.34594727, 1.9667969, 0.28149414, 0.7729492, -1.7011719, 0.040252686, 2.1425781, -0.53222656]" Baby Games for 1-3 Year Olds,com.educational.baby.games,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.educational.baby.games,educational keep your baby occupied playing safe educational games that will help them learn while having fun baby games for year olds provides a safe learning experience for preschool toddlers aged years old allowing them to spend time honing their motor skills whilst taking the first steps on their education journey through fun engagement and play your or year old toddler can learn shapes sizes colors counting and basic multiplication how to recognise animals farming skills and recycling how to make healthy food choices baby games for year olds is planned and tested by experts in toddler development and is designed,"[1.3095703, -0.1463623, 0.7192383, 1.5703125, -0.9580078, -0.37060547, 1.1376953, 1.1132812, 1.0009766, 2.7695312, 3.7636719, -0.3881836, -1.3564453, 0.24645996, 0.42944336, 0.4008789, -0.19812012, -0.3244629, -0.21789551, -0.4489746, -1.6328125, -1.1523438, 0.8286133, 0.12237549, 0.72314453, -1.1474609, -1.6132812, -2.7929688, 0.035339355, 0.9614258, -0.34936523, 1.5009766, -3.1289062, -0.296875, -1.0048828, -1.2216797, -1.5712891, -1.2685547, 1.0048828, 0.5966797, 1.5068359, 0.8310547, -3.0039062, 1.5341797, -0.13891602, 1.5830078, -0.25097656, 1.7392578, 1.078125, -0.5053711, -0.18701172, 0.5703125, 0.20544434, 0.7475586, -0.57373047, 0.57958984, 1.1953125, -2.2890625, -1.7382812, -2.8925781, 0.9902344, -0.92285156, -0.7636719, -2.4550781, -1.8808594, -0.5913086, 1.2753906, 1.6923828, 0.32421875, 1.3046875, 0.49047852, 0.8779297, 3.7167969, 0.13342285, 2.0761719, 0.074645996, 0.3359375, 0.09173584, -1.1503906, -1.015625, -1.2021484, 1.359375, -2.0566406, 2.9433594, -1.0068359, 1.7080078, 1.5761719, 1.6914062, -1.7460938, 1.7021484, 1.3876953, -0.7661133, 0.09832764, -0.8925781, -0.61328125, 0.18554688, -1.8632812, 0.2052002, -0.9423828, -1.4345703, -0.049468994, 1.6982422, 0.7055664, 0.43945312, 2.5195312, -1.4462891, -1.3740234, 1.5693359, 0.5527344, -0.93359375, -1.3769531, -0.40478516, 1.2675781, 1.7734375, 0.50439453, -1.3203125, -0.08898926, 1.0322266, 0.18225098, -0.06011963, -1.6601562, 0.9770508, -1.5966797, 0.02444458, -2.3261719, -1.1650391, -0.82470703, 1.484375, 1.0058594, 2.6660156, 4.1679688, -0.56396484, 0.75683594, -0.95458984, 1.7568359, -0.9863281, -0.65234375, 1.6083984, -1.6591797, -0.50878906, -0.6586914, 2.8945312, 1.7324219, 1.2490234, 0.044952393, -0.23571777, -0.26245117, 0.5029297, 0.83154297, -1.1835938, -1.2246094, -0.2854004, -3.8066406, -1.1259766, 3.1074219, -1.0302734, 0.37109375, -0.09899902, 0.03286743, -0.56884766, 3.484375, -0.6455078, -2.6523438, -2.6171875, 0.026062012, 2.2929688, 0.7548828, 0.29418945, -1.4658203, -1.9980469, -1.6240234, -0.39990234, -1.0849609, -0.32055664, 0.6875, 0.7636719, -0.39086914, -0.73876953, 1.7255859, 2.1328125, -1.0283203, 1.5664062, -0.1854248, 1.3886719, -0.38598633, -0.19873047, -0.26367188, 0.9013672, -0.29125977, -0.17248535, -0.5917969, -0.82373047, -1.3769531, 0.5024414, -0.9399414, 0.7294922, 0.86865234, -0.14379883, 3.8046875, -0.21032715, 0.44702148, 0.036376953, -2.5917969, 1.1601562, -0.98291016, 0.0071105957, 0.3334961, -0.25024414, 0.74316406, 1.1142578, -1.9404297, -0.72998047, -1.7275391, 1.4882812, -2.4355469, -3.0019531, -0.29223633, 0.3034668, 0.6557617, -1.3144531, -1.0048828, -4.03125, -1.2089844, 1.5458984, -0.9482422, 1.6416016, -2.3417969, -1.2080078, 1.1181641, 0.2590332, -0.28344727, -2.1796875, 0.90771484, 0.2241211, 0.32910156, 3.7460938, 0.7192383, 0.04800415, -2.0683594, 1.1982422, 1.8691406, 1.3867188, -1.4824219, 0.78222656, -2.1523438, -3.2636719, -0.7734375, -1.953125, 0.55566406, -0.011405945]" Groovepad - music & beat maker,com.easybrain.make.music,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.easybrain.make.music,music&audio become a dj with groovepad bring your musical dreams to life and make groovy smoothsounding music with ease our beat making app will teach you to create your own songs and play different music tracks just choose your favorite genres and tap on the pads to make beats and create music experiment mix styles create incredible melodies and master your beat making skills step by step with groovepad groovepad is an easytouse music maker app that is guaranteed to bring out the artist in you some of its exceptional features include an extensive library of unique and eccentric soundtracks where,"[1.7255859, 0.62890625, 1.5517578, 0.6767578, 0.54589844, -0.35791016, 0.45385742, -0.7167969, 0.093322754, 2.0371094, -0.9511719, 2.7148438, -0.5307617, 0.5527344, -0.26904297, -0.5395508, 0.52490234, -0.81933594, 0.42529297, 0.11218262, 1.0820312, 1.3398438, -0.05630493, -1.9892578, 1.0986328, 1.9267578, 0.9379883, -0.61328125, 0.54345703, -1.4023438, 0.7944336, -0.09436035, 0.20935059, 0.20251465, 0.9716797, 0.4128418, 0.42041016, -0.15197754, 1.9560547, -0.73291016, -1.7382812, 1.2333984, -1.0537109, -1.1328125, 1.0820312, 0.2376709, 0.81396484, -2.5761719, 1.5214844, -0.58203125, -0.578125, 1.2050781, -0.13012695, 0.1842041, -0.38500977, -2.4667969, 2.9160156, -0.8408203, -1.3427734, 2.3964844, 1.1347656, 0.14343262, 0.59472656, 1.2929688, 1.0400391, -1.2480469, 0.11517334, -1.7558594, 0.8803711, 0.11352539, 2.2558594, -1.8203125, 1.8066406, -0.13989258, 1.3486328, 2.53125, -0.2626953, -0.71728516, 0.47583008, 1.3203125, 4.3085938, 0.26171875, 0.8461914, 0.5151367, 0.6142578, -1.2597656, -0.3095703, 1.0800781, 0.46801758, -1.5283203, -0.54345703, 1.4384766, -0.7446289, -0.0018539429, -0.072387695, -0.6748047, 1.6923828, 0.8881836, -0.4584961, -0.2705078, -0.32226562, -0.3684082, 0.54003906, -1.7392578, -1.3964844, -1.2333984, 1.5429688, -1.6142578, 0.09680176, -0.5991211, -1.390625, 0.9067383, 0.8071289, -0.091308594, -0.7001953, -1.3916016, 0.30004883, 0.5932617, 1.7158203, -1.4482422, -0.035369873, -0.74072266, 0.6816406, -0.9555664, 0.99853516, 0.6586914, 0.9160156, 0.6274414, 1.1923828, -0.94140625, 1.5703125, 0.30810547, -0.9165039, 1.0742188, 4.40625, -0.38452148, 0.025604248, -0.37890625, -1.8496094, -1.0800781, 0.34033203, -0.14453125, 0.6923828, -0.10003662, 0.75683594, -0.5644531, -0.81591797, -0.62158203, -0.111328125, 0.30981445, -3.6230469, -1.8662109, -0.26293945, -1.3925781, 1.9033203, -0.3466797, -1.2802734, 0.953125, 0.953125, 0.82666016, -0.9526367, 0.5600586, 0.8359375, -1.4228516, 0.58154297, 1.2148438, -0.7338867, -1.8193359, -2.421875, 0.22827148, 0.49951172, 0.9589844, -0.0058517456, 0.9790039, 2.1679688, 0.5214844, 0.50683594, -0.68847656, 0.06774902, 1.5175781, -2.2226562, 2.2578125, 0.22521973, 0.98583984, -0.3461914, -2.109375, 0.32299805, 1.2666016, 1.1015625, -0.7128906, 1.9658203, 0.040374756, -2.0078125, 0.13342285, -0.36669922, -0.5883789, 1.0654297, 0.80322266, -0.15844727, -1.5, 3.796875, -1.3730469, -1.2109375, 1.7050781, -1.3261719, 1.6142578, 0.059265137, 0.5991211, 0.48754883, 1.8300781, -0.1071167, -1.2832031, -2.4785156, 0.43920898, -0.22277832, -1.3242188, -0.8598633, 0.6816406, -0.45117188, -1.3613281, -1.5009766, -0.50878906, 0.5546875, -1.0546875, 0.21960449, 2.6113281, 1.3574219, -3.6347656, 1.3642578, 1.0048828, 0.29589844, -1.3203125, 0.7705078, 1.4667969, -1.6503906, -3.3730469, -0.4645996, -0.24035645, -0.40039062, -0.69091797, 1.3310547, -0.41088867, -0.36206055, -2.6308594, -0.23632812, -0.43969727, -0.06384277, 0.9501953, 2.046875, 3.9023438]" Mouse Trap - The Board Game,com.marmalade.mousetrap,https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.marmalade.mousetrap,board mouse trap is back with a snap it s the chaotic board game you remember on your mobile join your friends and race to collect the most cheese are you ready welcome to the cheese board of your dreams 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-0.9345703, 2.0683594, -0.5161133, -0.6982422, 0.73876953, -1.4238281, -0.017593384, 0.9863281, -1.0849609, 0.016616821, 0.8964844, 1.5654297, -0.45483398, -1.6142578, 1.7666016, -0.75, 1.5908203, 0.3408203, -0.9086914, -1.1298828, 1.1728516, 1.1806641, -2.5761719, 0.60253906, -0.5390625, -2.0722656, -1.2167969, -0.69873047, 1.4277344, 0.5864258, -0.72998047, 0.24108887, -0.08355713, -0.8066406, -0.20336914, 2.4003906, -0.5410156, -0.84716797, 2.1660156, 0.34692383, -0.4025879, -0.60791016, -0.48754883, 1.3046875, 0.79248047, -1.0761719, 0.8261719, 0.12988281, 2.6640625, -0.26513672, -0.27783203, 0.14196777, -0.49365234, -0.1496582, -1.3388672, -0.7426758, 0.45898438, -0.60498047, -0.7001953, 0.8256836, -2.0527344, 0.95214844, 0.62158203, 0.012924194, 0.3544922, 1.1962891, 2.328125, 1.1210938, 1.234375, 0.73828125, 1.6796875, 0.7011719, -1.3896484, -0.14196777, -1.140625, -0.35864258, 0.97314453, 0.3942871, -1.2724609, 0.6816406, 2.8515625, -0.3544922, 1.5273438, 1.9121094, 2.2265625, 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0.8808594, -1.7402344, 0.52441406, -1.7099609, -1.0439453, 0.78515625, 0.052001953, 0.25048828, 1.6220703, 0.4111328, -1.9804688, 0.7290039, -0.9838867, -2.1523438, -1.8779297, 0.19177246, 1.5078125, 1.9287109, -0.13378906, 1.1308594, -1.4482422, 1.2792969, 0.93310547, 0.32373047, -0.65722656, 1.6767578, 1.1396484, 0.45581055, -0.13122559, -0.059936523, -0.4189453, 0.60009766, -1.2744141, -0.12792969, 2.0078125, -0.036254883, 0.063964844, -2.0488281, 1.5107422, 0.95654297, -0.5864258, -0.74560547, -1.8330078, -0.875, 0.17041016, -0.49438477, 0.20739746, 2.1269531, 1.5166016, -0.91064453, 3.7363281, 0.43725586, 1.6083984, 0.027526855, -0.32202148, -0.45263672, -1.5078125, -0.93847656, -2.0507812, 1.0927734, -2.0722656, 3.1210938, 0.08581543, 0.8876953, 1.7998047, 1.1669922, -0.8022461, 4.0859375, -0.29882812, 0.47802734, -1.7167969, -0.8886719, 0.55566406, 0.2607422, -0.41088867, -0.99365234, -1.7431641, -3.609375, 0.06341553, 1.1806641, 1.9501953, 0.18139648, 1.3828125, -0.4333496, 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-1.2558594, 0.27929688, -1.1318359, -2.3457031, 1.3896484, -0.9926758, 1.0126953, 0.1385498, -0.010986328, -0.42797852, -0.88378906, 0.8676758, -0.35864258, -1.6962891, -0.9111328, 1.7832031, 1.0546875, -1.1738281, 2.6621094, 0.37719727, 0.32763672, -0.4025879, -0.16589355, 0.2902832, -1.0927734, -0.18811035, -0.7626953, -0.57128906, -1.1972656, 0.053649902, 0.5908203, -0.35839844, -0.7006836, -0.83691406, 0.28881836, -0.68066406, 0.57177734, 1.6660156, -0.15270996, 0.11102295, 0.66064453, -2.671875, -0.10479736, 2.140625, -0.59521484, 0.57910156, 1.2226562, 0.94433594, -0.734375, 0.74609375, 0.039733887, 0.14611816, 0.63623047, -1.2480469, 1.6240234, -0.3244629, -0.24645996, 0.5385742, -1.9101562, -0.3540039, -0.52197266, 1.1328125, -4.5117188, 1.78125, 0.5004883, 0.41674805, 0.15600586, -0.55322266, -0.36987305, -1.1357422, 1.6210938, -1.03125, -0.1998291, -0.82666016, -0.029785156, -0.9370117, -0.7626953, -1.0664062, 1.8408203, 2.3339844, 0.30371094, 1.2431641, -0.54296875, 0.42236328, -1.6953125, -0.48242188, 2.0664062, 0.5708008, 0.39672852, 0.94384766, -0.32006836, 1.0058594, -1.1318359, 1.2919922, -0.35595703, 0.30273438, 0.76953125, -1.9130859, 1.9619141, -1.5410156, 0.7573242, 1.9619141, 0.44360352, 1.890625, 0.3947754, 1.1728516, 1.2382812, 1.6865234, 0.25439453, -2.828125, -0.9238281, -0.35351562, 2.7089844, -1.7753906]"