""" A Simple server used to show altair graphics from a prompt or script. This is adapted from the mpld3 package; see https://github.com/mpld3/mpld3/blob/master/mpld3/_server.py """ import sys import threading import webbrowser import socket from http import server from io import BytesIO as IO import itertools import random JUPYTER_WARNING = """ Note: if you're in the Jupyter notebook, Chart.serve() is not the best way to view plots. Consider using Chart.display(). You must interrupt the kernel to cancel this command. """ # Mock server used for testing class MockRequest: def makefile(self, *args, **kwargs): return IO(b"GET /") def sendall(self, response): pass class MockServer: def __init__(self, ip_port, Handler): Handler(MockRequest(), ip_port[0], self) def serve_forever(self): pass def server_close(self): pass def generate_handler(html, files=None): if files is None: files = {} class MyHandler(server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): """Respond to a GET request.""" if self.path == "/": self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(html.encode()) elif self.path in files: content_type, content = files[self.path] self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", content_type) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content.encode()) else: self.send_error(404) return MyHandler def find_open_port(ip, port, n=50): """Find an open port near the specified port""" ports = itertools.chain( (port + i for i in range(n)), (port + random.randint(-2 * n, 2 * n)) ) for port in ports: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) result = s.connect_ex((ip, port)) s.close() if result != 0: return port raise ValueError("no open ports found") def serve( html, ip="", port=8888, n_retries=50, files=None, jupyter_warning=True, open_browser=True, http_server=None, ): """Start a server serving the given HTML, and (optionally) open a browser Parameters ---------- html : string HTML to serve ip : string (default = '') ip address at which the HTML will be served. port : int (default = 8888) the port at which to serve the HTML n_retries : int (default = 50) the number of nearby ports to search if the specified port is in use. files : dictionary (optional) dictionary of extra content to serve jupyter_warning : bool (optional) if True (default), then print a warning if this is used within Jupyter open_browser : bool (optional) if True (default), then open a web browser to the given HTML http_server : class (optional) optionally specify an HTTPServer class to use for showing the figure. The default is Python's basic HTTPServer. """ port = find_open_port(ip, port, n_retries) Handler = generate_handler(html, files) if http_server is None: srvr = server.HTTPServer((ip, port), Handler) else: srvr = http_server((ip, port), Handler) if jupyter_warning: try: __IPYTHON__ # noqa except NameError: pass else: print(JUPYTER_WARNING) # Start the server print("Serving to http://{}:{}/ [Ctrl-C to exit]".format(ip, port)) sys.stdout.flush() if open_browser: # Use a thread to open a web browser pointing to the server def b(): return webbrowser.open("http://{}:{}".format(ip, port)) threading.Thread(target=b).start() try: srvr.serve_forever() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print("\nstopping Server...") srvr.server_close()