import streamlit as st
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
from fpdf import FPDF
from datetime import datetime
# ---------- Inject Custom CSS for a Faded Existential Background and Glassy Widgets ----------
# ---------- Wrap Title, Description, and Form in a Glassy Widget ----------
", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.title("Mini Orientation Inventory")
"#### Discover your self-actualizing potential with this Mini Orientation Inventory. "
"This assessment is designed for college-age and adult individuals to help reveal attitudes "
"and values that indicate positive mental health."
# ---------- Define Sample Assessment Questions ----------
questions = [
{"trait": "Time Competence", "question": "I am focused on and engaged with the present moment."},
{"trait": "Inner-Directed", "question": "I trust my inner guidance when making decisions."},
{"trait": "Self-Actualizing Value", "question": "I strive to realize my full potential."},
{"trait": "Existentiality", "question": "I respond authentically to life’s challenges."},
{"trait": "Feeling Reactivity", "question": "I am sensitive to my own emotions."},
{"trait": "Spontaneity", "question": "I act spontaneously and express my true self."},
# ---------- Define Therapeutic Recommendations for Each Scale ----------
recommendations = {
"Time Competence": {
1: "Practice mindfulness meditation to become more present.",
2: "Incorporate breathing exercises into your daily routine.",
3: "Maintain daily mindfulness practices for balance.",
4: "Try advanced mindfulness techniques such as body scan meditation.",
5: "Your time competence is excellent; consider sharing your practices with peers."
"Inner-Directed": {
1: "Reflect on your personal values to strengthen your inner guidance.",
2: "Keep a journal to connect with your inner voice.",
3: "Maintain a balanced trust in your intuition.",
4: "Enhance decision-making skills with structured self-reflection.",
5: "Your inner-directedness is strong; consider mentoring others."
"Self-Actualizing Value": {
1: "Explore personal development workshops to unlock your potential.",
2: "Set modest goals and track your progress.",
3: "Balance ambition with realistic planning.",
4: "Engage in advanced personal growth activities.",
5: "Your pursuit of self-actualization is inspiring; share your journey with others."
"Existentiality": {
1: "Reflect on how you react to life’s challenges.",
2: "Consider counseling or group discussions to explore existential concerns.",
3: "Maintain a balanced approach to existential issues.",
4: "Engage in philosophical readings and discussions.",
5: "Your existential awareness is profound; consider guiding others."
"Feeling Reactivity": {
1: "Practice emotional regulation techniques like deep breathing.",
2: "Engage in mindfulness to better understand your emotions.",
3: "Balance sensitivity with calmness through daily meditation.",
4: "Participate in emotional intelligence training workshops.",
5: "Your emotional sensitivity is an asset; share your insights with others."
"Spontaneity": {
1: "Challenge yourself to act more freely in low-risk situations.",
2: "Engage in activities that encourage spontaneous expression.",
3: "Balance planning with spur-of-the-moment actions.",
4: "Explore creative outlets to express your spontaneity.",
5: "Your spontaneity is vibrant; consider creative leadership roles."
# ---------- Create the Assessment Form ----------
with st.form(key="assessment_form"):
", unsafe_allow_html=True)
name = st.text_input("Enter your full name")
st.markdown("##### Rate the following statements on a scale from 1 (Not at all) to 5 (Very Much):")
user_responses = {}
for q in questions:
user_responses[q["trait"]] = st.slider(q["question"], 1, 5, 3, key=q["trait"])
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit Assessment")
", unsafe_allow_html=True)
", unsafe_allow_html=True) # End of Title/Description/Form Container
# ---------- Process and Display Results ----------
if submitted and name:
st.success(f"Thank you, {name}! Your results are ready.")
# Orientation Profile section
st.markdown("", unsafe_allow_html=True)
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Trait": list(user_responses.keys()),
"Score": list(user_responses.values())
chart = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar().encode(
x=alt.X("Trait:N", sort=None, title="Trait"),
y=alt.Y("Score:Q", title="Score"),
color=alt.Color("Score:Q", scale=alt.Scale(scheme="category10"))
).properties(width=700, height=400)
st.altair_chart(chart, use_container_width=True)
", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# ---------- PDF Report Generation Function using FPDF (without chart image) ----------
def generate_pdf_report(name, responses, recs, generated_on):
pdf = FPDF()
# Optional: Set a decorative background in the PDF (requires pdf_background.png)
pdf.image("pdf_background.png", x=0, y=0, w=pdf.w, h=pdf.h)
except Exception:
# Draw a decorative border
pdf.set_draw_color(180, 180, 180)
pdf.rect(5, 5, pdf.w - 10, pdf.h - 10)
# Header with black background and white text
pdf.set_fill_color(0, 0, 0)
pdf.set_text_color(255, 255, 255)
pdf.set_font("Arial", "B", 20)
pdf.cell(0, 15, f"{name}'s Orientation Report", ln=True, align="C", fill=True)
pdf.set_font("Arial", "", 10)
pdf.set_text_color(0, 0, 0)
pdf.cell(0, 10, f"Generated on: {generated_on}", ln=True, align="C")
# Orientation Profile
pdf.set_font("Arial", "B", 12)
pdf.cell(0, 10, "Orientation Profile:", ln=True)
pdf.set_font("Arial", "", 12)
for trait, score in responses.items():
pdf.cell(0, 10, f"{trait}: {score}/5", ln=True)
# Therapeutic Recommendations
pdf.set_font("Arial", "B", 12)
pdf.cell(0, 10, "Therapeutic Recommendations:", ln=True)
pdf.set_font("Arial", "", 12)
for trait, score in responses.items():
pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, f"{trait}: {recs[trait][score]}")
# Footer
pdf.set_font("Arial", "I", 8)
pdf.cell(0, 10, "Developed by Kabura Kuria - Contact: +254 707 865 934", 0, 0, "C")
pdf.cell(0, 10, "© 2025", 0, 0, "C")
return pdf.output(dest="S").encode("latin1")
generated_on ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
pdf_bytes = generate_pdf_report(name, user_responses, recommendations, generated_on)
label="Download PDF Report",