import streamlit as st |
import logging |
from ..utils.widget_utils import generate_unique_key |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import numpy as np |
from ..database.current_situation_mongo_db import store_current_situation_result |
from ..database.writing_progress_mongo_db import ( |
store_writing_baseline, |
store_writing_progress, |
get_writing_baseline, |
get_writing_progress, |
get_latest_writing_metrics |
) |
from .current_situation_analysis import ( |
analyze_text_dimensions, |
analyze_clarity, |
analyze_vocabulary_diversity, |
analyze_cohesion, |
analyze_structure, |
get_dependency_depths, |
normalize_score, |
generate_sentence_graphs, |
generate_word_connections, |
generate_connection_paths, |
create_vocabulary_network, |
create_syntax_complexity_graph, |
create_cohesion_heatmap |
) |
plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'sans-serif' |
plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True |
plt.rcParams['axes.spines.top'] = False |
plt.rcParams['axes.spines.right'] = False |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
'academic_article': { |
'name': 'Artículo Académico', |
'thresholds': { |
'vocabulary': {'min': 0.70, 'target': 0.85}, |
'structure': {'min': 0.75, 'target': 0.90}, |
'cohesion': {'min': 0.65, 'target': 0.80}, |
'clarity': {'min': 0.70, 'target': 0.85} |
} |
}, |
'student_essay': { |
'name': 'Trabajo Universitario', |
'thresholds': { |
'vocabulary': {'min': 0.60, 'target': 0.75}, |
'structure': {'min': 0.65, 'target': 0.80}, |
'cohesion': {'min': 0.55, 'target': 0.70}, |
'clarity': {'min': 0.60, 'target': 0.75} |
} |
}, |
'general_communication': { |
'name': 'Comunicación General', |
'thresholds': { |
'vocabulary': {'min': 0.50, 'target': 0.65}, |
'structure': {'min': 0.55, 'target': 0.70}, |
'cohesion': {'min': 0.45, 'target': 0.60}, |
'clarity': {'min': 0.50, 'target': 0.65} |
} |
} |
} |
'morphosyntactic': { |
'primary': ['vocabulary', 'clarity'], |
'secondary': ['structure'], |
'tools': ['arc_diagrams', 'word_repetition'] |
}, |
'semantic': { |
'primary': ['cohesion', 'structure'], |
'secondary': ['vocabulary'], |
'tools': ['concept_graphs', 'semantic_networks'] |
}, |
'discourse': { |
'primary': ['cohesion', 'structure'], |
'secondary': ['clarity'], |
'tools': ['comparative_analysis'] |
} |
} |
def display_current_situation_interface(lang_code, nlp_models, t): |
""" |
TAB: |
- Expander con radio para tipo de texto |
Contenedor-1 con expanders: |
- Expander "Métricas de la línea base" |
- Expander "Métricas de la iteración" |
Contenedor-2 (2 columnas): |
- Col1: Texto base |
- Col2: Texto iteración |
Al final, Recomendaciones en un expander (una sola “fila”). |
""" |
if 'base_text' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.base_text = "" |
if 'iter_text' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.iter_text = "" |
if 'base_metrics' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.base_metrics = {} |
if 'iter_metrics' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.iter_metrics = {} |
if 'show_base' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.show_base = False |
if 'show_iter' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state.show_iter = False |
tabs = st.tabs(["Análisis de Texto"]) |
with tabs[0]: |
with st.expander("Selecciona el tipo de texto", expanded=True): |
text_type = st.radio( |
"¿Qué tipo de texto quieres analizar?", |
options=list(TEXT_TYPES.keys()), |
format_func=lambda x: TEXT_TYPES[x]['name'], |
index=0 |
) |
st.session_state.current_text_type = text_type |
st.markdown("---") |
with st.container(): |
with st.expander("Métricas de la línea base", expanded=False): |
if st.session_state.show_base and st.session_state.base_metrics: |
display_metrics_in_one_row(st.session_state.base_metrics, text_type) |
else: |
display_empty_metrics_row() |
with st.expander("Métricas de la iteración", expanded=False): |
if st.session_state.show_iter and st.session_state.iter_metrics: |
display_metrics_in_one_row(st.session_state.iter_metrics, text_type) |
else: |
display_empty_metrics_row() |
st.markdown("---") |
with st.container(): |
col_left, col_right = st.columns(2) |
with col_left: |
st.markdown("**Texto base**") |
text_base = st.text_area( |
label="", |
value=st.session_state.base_text, |
key="text_base_area", |
placeholder="Pega aquí tu texto base", |
) |
if st.button("Analizar Base"): |
with st.spinner("Analizando texto base..."): |
doc = nlp_models[lang_code](text_base) |
metrics = analyze_text_dimensions(doc) |
st.session_state.base_text = text_base |
st.session_state.base_metrics = metrics |
st.session_state.show_base = True |
st.session_state.show_iter = False |
with col_right: |
st.markdown("**Texto de iteración**") |
text_iter = st.text_area( |
label="", |
value=st.session_state.iter_text, |
key="text_iter_area", |
placeholder="Edita y mejora tu texto...", |
disabled=not st.session_state.show_base |
) |
if st.button("Analizar Iteración", disabled=not st.session_state.show_base): |
with st.spinner("Analizando iteración..."): |
doc = nlp_models[lang_code](text_iter) |
metrics = analyze_text_dimensions(doc) |
st.session_state.iter_text = text_iter |
st.session_state.iter_metrics = metrics |
st.session_state.show_iter = True |
if st.session_state.show_iter: |
with st.expander("Recomendaciones", expanded=False): |
reco_list = [] |
for dimension, values in st.session_state.iter_metrics.items(): |
score = values['normalized_score'] |
target = TEXT_TYPES[text_type]['thresholds'][dimension]['target'] |
if score < target: |
suggestions = suggest_improvement_tools_list(dimension) |
reco_list.extend(suggestions) |
if reco_list: |
st.write(" | ".join(reco_list)) |
else: |
st.info("¡No hay recomendaciones! Todas las métricas superan la meta.") |
def display_metrics_in_one_row(metrics, text_type): |
""" |
Muestra las cuatro dimensiones (Vocabulario, Estructura, Cohesión, Claridad) |
en una sola línea, usando 4 columnas con ancho uniforme. |
""" |
thresholds = TEXT_TYPES[text_type]['thresholds'] |
dimensions = ["vocabulary", "structure", "cohesion", "clarity"] |
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns([1,1,1,1]) |
cols = [col1, col2, col3, col4] |
for dim, col in zip(dimensions, cols): |
score = metrics[dim]['normalized_score'] |
target = thresholds[dim]['target'] |
min_val = thresholds[dim]['min'] |
if score < min_val: |
status = "⚠️ Por mejorar" |
color = "inverse" |
elif score < target: |
status = "📈 Aceptable" |
color = "off" |
else: |
status = "✅ Óptimo" |
color = "normal" |
with col: |
col.metric( |
label=dim.capitalize(), |
value=f"{score:.2f}", |
delta=f"{status} (Meta: {target:.2f})", |
delta_color=color, |
border=True |
) |
def display_empty_metrics_row(): |
""" |
Muestra una fila de 4 columnas vacías (Vocabulario, Estructura, Cohesión, Claridad). |
Cada columna se dibuja con st.metric en blanco (“-”). |
""" |
empty_cols = st.columns([1,1,1,1]) |
labels = ["Vocabulario", "Estructura", "Cohesión", "Claridad"] |
for col, lbl in zip(empty_cols, labels): |
with col: |
col.metric( |
label=lbl, |
value="-", |
delta="", |
border=True |
) |
def display_metrics_analysis(metrics, text_type=None): |
""" |
Muestra los resultados del análisis: métricas verticalmente y gráfico radar. |
""" |
try: |
text_type = text_type or 'student_essay' |
thresholds = TEXT_TYPES[text_type]['thresholds'] |
metrics_col, graph_col = st.columns([1, 1.5]) |
with metrics_col: |
metrics_config = [ |
{ |
'label': "Vocabulario", |
'key': 'vocabulary', |
'value': metrics['vocabulary']['normalized_score'], |
'help': "Riqueza y variedad del vocabulario", |
'thresholds': thresholds['vocabulary'] |
}, |
{ |
'label': "Estructura", |
'key': 'structure', |
'value': metrics['structure']['normalized_score'], |
'help': "Organización y complejidad de oraciones", |
'thresholds': thresholds['structure'] |
}, |
{ |
'label': "Cohesión", |
'key': 'cohesion', |
'value': metrics['cohesion']['normalized_score'], |
'help': "Conexión y fluidez entre ideas", |
'thresholds': thresholds['cohesion'] |
}, |
{ |
'label': "Claridad", |
'key': 'clarity', |
'value': metrics['clarity']['normalized_score'], |
'help': "Facilidad de comprensión del texto", |
'thresholds': thresholds['clarity'] |
} |
] |
for metric in metrics_config: |
value = metric['value'] |
if value < metric['thresholds']['min']: |
status = "⚠️ Por mejorar" |
color = "inverse" |
elif value < metric['thresholds']['target']: |
status = "📈 Aceptable" |
color = "off" |
else: |
status = "✅ Óptimo" |
color = "normal" |
st.metric( |
metric['label'], |
f"{value:.2f}", |
f"{status} (Meta: {metric['thresholds']['target']:.2f})", |
delta_color=color, |
help=metric['help'] |
) |
st.markdown("<div style='margin-bottom: 0.5rem;'></div>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error mostrando resultados: {str(e)}") |
st.error("Error al mostrar los resultados") |
def display_comparison_results(baseline_metrics, current_metrics): |
"""Muestra comparación entre línea base y métricas actuales""" |
metrics_col, graph_col = st.columns([1, 1.5]) |
with metrics_col: |
for dimension in ['vocabulary', 'structure', 'cohesion', 'clarity']: |
baseline = baseline_metrics[dimension]['normalized_score'] |
current = current_metrics[dimension]['normalized_score'] |
delta = current - baseline |
st.metric( |
dimension.title(), |
f"{current:.2f}", |
f"{delta:+.2f}", |
delta_color="normal" if delta >= 0 else "inverse" |
) |
if delta < 0: |
suggest_improvement_tools(dimension) |
with graph_col: |
display_radar_chart_comparison( |
baseline_metrics, |
current_metrics |
) |
def display_metrics_and_suggestions(metrics, text_type, title, show_suggestions=False): |
""" |
Muestra métricas y opcionalmente sugerencias de mejora. |
Args: |
metrics: Diccionario con las métricas analizadas |
text_type: Tipo de texto seleccionado |
title: Título para las métricas ("Base" o "Iteración") |
show_suggestions: Booleano para mostrar sugerencias |
""" |
try: |
thresholds = TEXT_TYPES[text_type]['thresholds'] |
st.markdown(f"### Métricas {title}") |
for dimension, values in metrics.items(): |
score = values['normalized_score'] |
target = thresholds[dimension]['target'] |
min_val = thresholds[dimension]['min'] |
if score < min_val: |
status = "⚠️ Por mejorar" |
color = "inverse" |
elif score < target: |
status = "📈 Aceptable" |
color = "off" |
else: |
status = "✅ Óptimo" |
color = "normal" |
st.metric( |
dimension.title(), |
f"{score:.2f}", |
f"{status} (Meta: {target:.2f})", |
delta_color=color, |
help=f"Meta: {target:.2f}, Mínimo: {min_val:.2f}" |
) |
if show_suggestions and score < target: |
suggest_improvement_tools(dimension) |
st.markdown("<div style='margin-bottom: 0.5rem;'></div>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error mostrando métricas: {str(e)}") |
st.error("Error al mostrar métricas") |
def display_radar_chart(metrics_config, thresholds, baseline_metrics=None): |
""" |
Muestra el gráfico radar con los resultados. |
Args: |
metrics_config: Configuración actual de métricas |
thresholds: Umbrales para las métricas |
baseline_metrics: Métricas de línea base (opcional) |
""" |
try: |
categories = [m['label'] for m in metrics_config] |
values_current = [m['value'] for m in metrics_config] |
min_values = [m['thresholds']['min'] for m in metrics_config] |
target_values = [m['thresholds']['target'] for m in metrics_config] |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar') |
angles = [n / float(len(categories)) * 2 * np.pi for n in range(len(categories))] |
angles += angles[:1] |
values_current += values_current[:1] |
min_values += min_values[:1] |
target_values += target_values[:1] |
ax.set_xticks(angles[:-1]) |
ax.set_xticklabels(categories, fontsize=10) |
circle_ticks = np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.2) |
ax.set_yticks(circle_ticks) |
ax.set_yticklabels([f'{tick:.1f}' for tick in circle_ticks], fontsize=8) |
ax.set_ylim(0, 1) |
ax.plot(angles, min_values, '#e74c3c', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, |
label='Mínimo', alpha=0.5) |
ax.plot(angles, target_values, '#2ecc71', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, |
label='Meta', alpha=0.5) |
ax.fill_between(angles, target_values, [1]*len(angles), |
color='#2ecc71', alpha=0.1) |
ax.fill_between(angles, [0]*len(angles), min_values, |
color='#e74c3c', alpha=0.1) |
if baseline_metrics is not None: |
values_baseline = [baseline_metrics[m['key']]['normalized_score'] |
for m in metrics_config] |
values_baseline += values_baseline[:1] |
ax.plot(angles, values_baseline, '#888888', linewidth=2, |
label='Línea base', linestyle='--') |
ax.fill(angles, values_baseline, '#888888', alpha=0.1) |
label = 'Actual' if baseline_metrics else 'Tu escritura' |
color = '#3498db' if baseline_metrics else '#3498db' |
ax.plot(angles, values_current, color, linewidth=2, label=label) |
ax.fill(angles, values_current, color, alpha=0.2) |
legend_handles = [] |
if baseline_metrics: |
legend_handles.extend([ |
plt.Line2D([], [], color='#888888', linestyle='--', |
label='Línea base'), |
plt.Line2D([], [], color='#3498db', label='Actual') |
]) |
else: |
legend_handles.extend([ |
plt.Line2D([], [], color='#3498db', label='Tu escritura') |
]) |
legend_handles.extend([ |
plt.Line2D([], [], color='#e74c3c', linestyle='--', label='Mínimo'), |
plt.Line2D([], [], color='#2ecc71', linestyle='--', label='Meta') |
]) |
ax.legend( |
handles=legend_handles, |
loc='upper right', |
bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1.1), |
fontsize=10, |
frameon=True, |
facecolor='white', |
edgecolor='none', |
shadow=True |
) |
plt.tight_layout() |
st.pyplot(fig) |
plt.close() |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error mostrando gráfico radar: {str(e)}") |
st.error("Error al mostrar el gráfico") |
def suggest_improvement_tools_list(dimension): |
""" |
Retorna en forma de lista las herramientas sugeridas |
""" |
suggestions = [] |
for analysis, mapping in ANALYSIS_DIMENSION_MAPPING.items(): |
if dimension in mapping['primary'] or dimension in mapping['secondary']: |
suggestions.extend(mapping['tools']) |
return suggestions if suggestions else ["Sin sugerencias específicas."] |
def prepare_metrics_config(metrics, text_type='student_essay'): |
""" |
Prepara la configuración de métricas en el mismo formato que display_results. |
Args: |
metrics: Diccionario con las métricas analizadas |
text_type: Tipo de texto para los umbrales |
Returns: |
list: Lista de configuraciones de métricas |
""" |
thresholds = TEXT_TYPES[text_type]['thresholds'] |
return [ |
{ |
'label': "Vocabulario", |
'key': 'vocabulary', |
'value': metrics['vocabulary']['normalized_score'], |
'help': "Riqueza y variedad del vocabulario", |
'thresholds': thresholds['vocabulary'] |
}, |
{ |
'label': "Estructura", |
'key': 'structure', |
'value': metrics['structure']['normalized_score'], |
'help': "Organización y complejidad de oraciones", |
'thresholds': thresholds['structure'] |
}, |
{ |
'label': "Cohesión", |
'key': 'cohesion', |
'value': metrics['cohesion']['normalized_score'], |
'help': "Conexión y fluidez entre ideas", |
'thresholds': thresholds['cohesion'] |
}, |
{ |
'label': "Claridad", |
'key': 'clarity', |
'value': metrics['clarity']['normalized_score'], |
'help': "Facilidad de comprensión del texto", |
'thresholds': thresholds['clarity'] |
} |
] |