import streamlit as st |
import re |
import io |
from io import BytesIO |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import time |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
from datetime import datetime |
from spacy import displacy |
import random |
import base64 |
import seaborn as sns |
import logging |
from ..database.morphosintax_mongo_db import get_student_morphosyntax_analysis |
from ..database.semantic_mongo_db import get_student_semantic_analysis |
from ..database.discourse_mongo_db import get_student_discourse_analysis |
from ..database.chat_mongo_db import get_chat_history |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
def display_student_activities(username: str, lang_code: str, t: dict): |
""" |
Muestra todas las actividades del estudiante |
Args: |
username: Nombre del estudiante |
lang_code: Código del idioma |
t: Diccionario de traducciones |
""" |
try: |
st.header(t.get('activities_title', 'Mis Actividades')) |
tabs = st.tabs([ |
t.get('morpho_activities', 'Análisis Morfosintáctico'), |
t.get('semantic_activities', 'Análisis Semántico'), |
t.get('discourse_activities', 'Análisis del Discurso'), |
t.get('chat_activities', 'Conversaciones con el Asistente') |
]) |
with tabs[0]: |
display_morphosyntax_activities(username, t) |
with tabs[1]: |
display_semantic_activities(username, t) |
with tabs[2]: |
display_discourse_activities(username, t) |
with tabs[3]: |
display_chat_activities(username, t) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error mostrando actividades: {str(e)}") |
st.error(t.get('error_loading_activities', 'Error al cargar las actividades')) |
def display_morphosyntax_activities(username: str, t: dict): |
"""Muestra actividades de análisis morfosintáctico""" |
try: |
analyses = get_student_morphosyntax_analysis(username) |
if not analyses: |
st.info(t.get('no_morpho_analyses', 'No hay análisis morfosintácticos registrados')) |
return |
for analysis in analyses: |
with st.expander( |
f"{t.get('analysis_date', 'Fecha')}: {analysis['timestamp']}", |
expanded=False |
): |
st.text(f"{t.get('analyzed_text', 'Texto analizado')}:") |
st.write(analysis['text']) |
if 'arc_diagrams' in analysis: |
st.subheader(t.get('syntactic_diagrams', 'Diagramas sintácticos')) |
for diagram in analysis['arc_diagrams']: |
st.write(diagram, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error mostrando análisis morfosintáctico: {str(e)}") |
st.error(t.get('error_morpho', 'Error al mostrar análisis morfosintáctico')) |
def display_semantic_activities(username: str, t: dict): |
"""Muestra actividades de análisis semántico""" |
try: |
analyses = get_student_semantic_analysis(username) |
if not analyses: |
st.info(t.get('no_semantic_analyses', 'No hay análisis semánticos registrados')) |
return |
for analysis in analyses: |
with st.expander( |
f"{t.get('analysis_date', 'Fecha')}: {analysis['timestamp']}", |
expanded=False |
): |
st.text(f"{t.get('analyzed_file', 'Archivo analizado')}:") |
st.write(analysis['text']) |
if 'key_concepts' in analysis: |
st.subheader(t.get('key_concepts', 'Conceptos clave')) |
df = pd.DataFrame( |
analysis['key_concepts'], |
columns=['Concepto', 'Frecuencia'] |
) |
st.dataframe(df) |
if 'concept_graph' in analysis and analysis['concept_graph']: |
st.subheader(t.get('concept_graph', 'Grafo de conceptos')) |
image_bytes = base64.b64decode(analysis['concept_graph']) |
st.image(image_bytes) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error mostrando análisis semántico: {str(e)}") |
st.error(t.get('error_semantic', 'Error al mostrar análisis semántico')) |
def display_discourse_activities(username: str, t: dict): |
"""Muestra actividades de análisis del discurso""" |
try: |
analyses = get_student_discourse_analysis(username) |
if not analyses: |
st.info(t.get('no_discourse_analyses', 'No hay análisis del discurso registrados')) |
return |
for analysis in analyses: |
with st.expander( |
f"{t.get('analysis_date', 'Fecha')}: {analysis['timestamp']}", |
expanded=False |
): |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
st.text(f"{t.get('text_1', 'Texto 1')}:") |
st.write(analysis['text1']) |
with col2: |
st.text(f"{t.get('text_2', 'Texto 2')}:") |
st.write(analysis['text2']) |
if 'key_concepts1' in analysis and 'key_concepts2' in analysis: |
st.subheader(t.get('comparison_results', 'Resultados de la comparación')) |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
st.markdown(f"**{t.get('concepts_text_1', 'Conceptos Texto 1')}**") |
df1 = pd.DataFrame( |
analysis['key_concepts1'], |
columns=['Concepto', 'Frecuencia'] |
) |
st.dataframe(df1) |
with col2: |
st.markdown(f"**{t.get('concepts_text_2', 'Conceptos Texto 2')}**") |
df2 = pd.DataFrame( |
analysis['key_concepts2'], |
columns=['Concepto', 'Frecuencia'] |
) |
st.dataframe(df2) |
if all(key in analysis for key in ['graph1', 'graph2']): |
st.subheader(t.get('visualizations', 'Visualizaciones')) |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
st.markdown(f"**{t.get('graph_text_1', 'Grafo Texto 1')}**") |
if analysis['graph1']: |
image_bytes = base64.b64decode(analysis['graph1']) |
st.image(image_bytes) |
with col2: |
st.markdown(f"**{t.get('graph_text_2', 'Grafo Texto 2')}**") |
if analysis['graph2']: |
image_bytes = base64.b64decode(analysis['graph2']) |
st.image(image_bytes) |
if 'combined_graph' in analysis and analysis['combined_graph']: |
st.subheader(t.get('combined_visualization', 'Visualización Combinada')) |
image_bytes = base64.b64decode(analysis['combined_graph']) |
st.image(image_bytes) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error mostrando análisis del discurso: {str(e)}") |
st.error(t.get('error_discourse', 'Error al mostrar análisis del discurso')) |
def display_discourse_comparison(analysis: dict, t: dict): |
"""Muestra la comparación de análisis del discurso""" |
st.subheader(t.get('comparison_results', 'Resultados de la comparación')) |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
st.markdown(f"**{t.get('concepts_text_1', 'Conceptos Texto 1')}**") |
df1 = pd.DataFrame(analysis['key_concepts1']) |
st.dataframe(df1) |
with col2: |
st.markdown(f"**{t.get('concepts_text_2', 'Conceptos Texto 2')}**") |
df2 = pd.DataFrame(analysis['key_concepts2']) |
st.dataframe(df2) |
''' |
##########versión 25-9-2024---02:30 ################ OK (username)#################### |
def display_student_progress(username, lang_code, t, student_data): |
st.title(f"{t.get('progress_of', 'Progreso de')} {username}") |
if not student_data or len(student_data.get('entries', [])) == 0: |
st.warning(t.get("no_data_warning", "No se encontraron datos para este estudiante.")) |
st.info(t.get("try_analysis", "Intenta realizar algunos análisis de texto primero.")) |
return |
with st.expander(t.get("activities_summary", "Resumen de Actividades"), expanded=True): |
total_entries = len(student_data['entries']) |
st.write(f"{t.get('total_analyses', 'Total de análisis realizados')}: {total_entries}") |
# Gráfico de tipos de análisis |
analysis_types = [entry['analysis_type'] for entry in student_data['entries']] |
analysis_counts = pd.Series(analysis_types).value_counts() |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
analysis_counts.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax) |
ax.set_title(t.get("analysis_types_chart", "Tipos de análisis realizados")) |
ax.set_xlabel(t.get("analysis_type", "Tipo de análisis")) |
ax.set_ylabel(t.get("count", "Cantidad")) |
st.pyplot(fig) |
# Mostrar los últimos análisis morfosintácticos |
with st.expander(t.get("morphosyntax_history", "Histórico de Análisis Morfosintácticos")): |
morphosyntax_entries = [entry for entry in student_data['entries'] if entry['analysis_type'] == 'morphosyntax'] |
for entry in morphosyntax_entries[:5]: # Mostrar los últimos 5 |
st.subheader(f"{t.get('analysis_of', 'Análisis del')} {entry['timestamp']}") |
if 'arc_diagrams' in entry and entry['arc_diagrams']: |
st.components.v1.html(entry['arc_diagrams'][0], height=300, scrolling=True) |
# Añadir secciones similares para análisis semánticos y discursivos si es necesario |
# Mostrar el historial de chat |
with st.expander(t.get("chat_history", "Historial de Chat")): |
if 'chat_history' in student_data: |
for chat in student_data['chat_history'][:5]: # Mostrar las últimas 5 conversaciones |
st.subheader(f"{t.get('chat_from', 'Chat del')} {chat['timestamp']}") |
for message in chat['messages']: |
st.write(f"{message['role'].capitalize()}: {message['content']}") |
st.write("---") |
else: |
st.write(t.get("no_chat_history", "No hay historial de chat disponible.")) |
##########versión 24-9-2024---17:30 ################ OK FROM--V2 de def get_student_data(username)#################### |
def display_student_progress(username, lang_code, t, student_data): |
if not student_data or len(student_data['entries']) == 0: |
st.warning(t.get("no_data_warning", "No se encontraron datos para este estudiante.")) |
st.info(t.get("try_analysis", "Intenta realizar algunos análisis de texto primero.")) |
return |
st.title(f"{t.get('progress_of', 'Progreso de')} {username}") |
with st.expander(t.get("activities_summary", "Resumen de Actividades y Progreso"), expanded=True): |
total_entries = len(student_data['entries']) |
st.write(f"{t.get('total_analyses', 'Total de análisis realizados')}: {total_entries}") |
# Gráfico de tipos de análisis |
analysis_types = [entry['analysis_type'] for entry in student_data['entries']] |
analysis_counts = pd.Series(analysis_types).value_counts() |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4)) |
analysis_counts.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax) |
ax.set_title(t.get("analysis_types_chart", "Tipos de análisis realizados")) |
ax.set_xlabel(t.get("analysis_type", "Tipo de análisis")) |
ax.set_ylabel(t.get("count", "Cantidad")) |
st.pyplot(fig) |
# Histórico de Análisis Morfosintácticos |
with st.expander(t.get("morphosyntax_history", "Histórico de Análisis Morfosintácticos")): |
morphosyntax_entries = [entry for entry in student_data['entries'] if entry['analysis_type'] == 'morphosyntax'] |
if not morphosyntax_entries: |
st.warning("No se encontraron análisis morfosintácticos.") |
for entry in morphosyntax_entries: |
st.subheader(f"{t.get('analysis_of', 'Análisis del')} {entry['timestamp']}") |
if 'arc_diagrams' in entry and entry['arc_diagrams']: |
try: |
st.write(entry['arc_diagrams'][0], unsafe_allow_html=True) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error al mostrar diagrama de arco: {str(e)}") |
st.error("Error al mostrar el diagrama de arco.") |
else: |
st.write(t.get("no_arc_diagram", "No se encontró diagrama de arco para este análisis.")) |
# Histórico de Análisis Semánticos |
with st.expander(t.get("semantic_history", "Histórico de Análisis Semánticos")): |
semantic_entries = [entry for entry in student_data['entries'] if entry['analysis_type'] == 'semantic'] |
if not semantic_entries: |
st.warning("No se encontraron análisis semánticos.") |
for entry in semantic_entries: |
st.subheader(f"{t.get('analysis_of', 'Análisis del')} {entry['timestamp']}") |
if 'key_concepts' in entry: |
st.write(t.get("key_concepts", "Conceptos clave:")) |
concepts_str = " | ".join([f"{concept} ({frequency:.2f})" for concept, frequency in entry['key_concepts']]) |
st.markdown(f"<div style='background-color: #f0f2f6; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px;'>{concepts_str}</div>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if 'graph' in entry: |
try: |
img_bytes = base64.b64decode(entry['graph']) |
st.image(img_bytes, caption=t.get("conceptual_relations_graph", "Gráfico de relaciones conceptuales")) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error al mostrar gráfico semántico: {str(e)}") |
st.error(t.get("graph_display_error", f"No se pudo mostrar el gráfico: {str(e)}")) |
# Histórico de Análisis Discursivos |
with st.expander(t.get("discourse_history", "Histórico de Análisis Discursivos")): |
discourse_entries = [entry for entry in student_data['entries'] if entry['analysis_type'] == 'discourse'] |
for entry in discourse_entries: |
st.subheader(f"{t.get('analysis_of', 'Análisis del')} {entry['timestamp']}") |
for i in [1, 2]: |
if f'key_concepts{i}' in entry: |
st.write(f"{t.get('key_concepts', 'Conceptos clave')} {t.get('document', 'documento')} {i}:") |
concepts_str = " | ".join([f"{concept} ({frequency:.2f})" for concept, frequency in entry[f'key_concepts{i}']]) |
st.markdown(f"<div style='background-color: #f0f2f6; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px;'>{concepts_str}</div>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
try: |
if 'combined_graph' in entry and entry['combined_graph']: |
img_bytes = base64.b64decode(entry['combined_graph']) |
st.image(img_bytes, caption=t.get("combined_graph", "Gráfico combinado")) |
elif 'graph1' in entry and 'graph2' in entry: |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
if entry['graph1']: |
img_bytes1 = base64.b64decode(entry['graph1']) |
st.image(img_bytes1, caption=t.get("graph_doc1", "Gráfico documento 1")) |
with col2: |
if entry['graph2']: |
img_bytes2 = base64.b64decode(entry['graph2']) |
st.image(img_bytes2, caption=t.get("graph_doc2", "Gráfico documento 2")) |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(t.get("graph_display_error", f"No se pudieron mostrar los gráficos: {str(e)}")) |
# Histórico de Conversaciones con el ChatBot |
with st.expander(t.get("chatbot_history", "Histórico de Conversaciones con el ChatBot")): |
if 'chat_history' in student_data and student_data['chat_history']: |
for i, chat in enumerate(student_data['chat_history']): |
st.subheader(f"{t.get('conversation', 'Conversación')} {i+1} - {chat['timestamp']}") |
for message in chat['messages']: |
if message['role'] == 'user': |
st.write(f"{t.get('user', 'Usuario')}: {message['content']}") |
else: |
st.write(f"{t.get('assistant', 'Asistente')}: {message['content']}") |
st.write("---") |
else: |
st.write(t.get("no_chat_history", "No se encontraron conversaciones con el ChatBot.")) |
# Añadir logs para depuración |
if st.checkbox(t.get("show_debug_data", "Mostrar datos de depuración")): |
st.write(t.get("student_debug_data", "Datos del estudiante (para depuración):")) |
st.json(student_data) |
# Mostrar conteo de tipos de análisis |
analysis_types = [entry['analysis_type'] for entry in student_data['entries']] |
type_counts = {t: analysis_types.count(t) for t in set(analysis_types)} |
st.write("Conteo de tipos de análisis:") |
st.write(type_counts) |
#############################--- Update 16:00 24-9 ######################################### |
def display_student_progress(username, lang_code, t, student_data): |
try: |
st.subheader(t.get('student_activities', 'Student Activitie')) |
if not student_data or all(len(student_data.get(key, [])) == 0 for key in ['morphosyntax_analyses', 'semantic_analyses', 'discourse_analyses']): |
st.warning(t.get('no_data_warning', 'No analysis data found for this student.')) |
return |
# Resumen de actividades |
total_analyses = sum(len(student_data.get(key, [])) for key in ['morphosyntax_analyses', 'semantic_analyses', 'discourse_analyses']) |
st.write(f"{t.get('total_analyses', 'Total analyses performed')}: {total_analyses}") |
# Gráfico de tipos de análisis |
analysis_counts = { |
t.get('morpho_analyses', 'Morphosyntactic Analyses'): len(student_data.get('morphosyntax_analyses', [])), |
t.get('semantic_analyses', 'Semantic Analyses'): len(student_data.get('semantic_analyses', [])), |
t.get('discourse_analyses', 'Discourse Analyses'): len(student_data.get('discourse_analyses', [])) |
} |
# Configurar el estilo de seaborn para un aspecto más atractivo |
sns.set_style("whitegrid") |
# Crear una figura más pequeña |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) |
# Usar colores más atractivos |
colors = ['#ff9999', '#66b3ff', '#99ff99'] |
# Crear el gráfico de barras |
bars = ax.bar(analysis_counts.keys(), analysis_counts.values(), color=colors) |
# Añadir etiquetas de valor encima de cada barra |
for bar in bars: |
height = bar.get_height() |
ax.text(bar.get_x() + bar.get_width()/2., height, |
f'{height}', |
ha='center', va='bottom') |
# Configurar el título y las etiquetas |
ax.set_title(t.get('analysis_types_chart', 'Types of analyses performed'), fontsize=12) |
ax.set_ylabel(t.get('count', 'Count'), fontsize=10) |
# Rotar las etiquetas del eje x para mejor legibilidad |
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right') |
# Ajustar el diseño para que todo quepa |
plt.tight_layout() |
# Mostrar el gráfico en Streamlit |
st.pyplot(fig) |
# Mostrar los últimos análisis |
for analysis_type in ['morphosyntax_analyses', 'semantic_analyses', 'discourse_analyses']: |
with st.expander(t.get(f'{analysis_type}_expander', f'{analysis_type.capitalize()} History')): |
for analysis in student_data.get(analysis_type, [])[:5]: # Mostrar los últimos 5 |
st.subheader(f"{t.get('analysis_from', 'Analysis from')} {analysis.get('timestamp', 'N/A')}") |
if analysis_type == 'morphosyntax_analyses': |
if 'arc_diagrams' in analysis: |
st.write(analysis['arc_diagrams'][0], unsafe_allow_html=True) |
elif analysis_type == 'semantic_analyses': |
if 'key_concepts' in analysis: |
st.write(t.get('key_concepts', 'Key concepts')) |
st.write(", ".join([f"{concept} ({freq:.2f})" for concept, freq in analysis['key_concepts']])) |
if 'graph' in analysis: |
st.image(base64.b64decode(analysis['graph'])) |
elif analysis_type == 'discourse_analyses': |
for i in [1, 2]: |
if f'key_concepts{i}' in analysis: |
st.write(f"{t.get('key_concepts', 'Key concepts')} {t.get('document', 'Document')} {i}") |
st.write(", ".join([f"{concept} ({freq:.2f})" for concept, freq in analysis[f'key_concepts{i}']])) |
if 'combined_graph' in analysis: |
st.image(base64.b64decode(analysis['combined_graph'])) |
# Mostrar el historial de chat |
with st.expander(t.get('chat_history_expander', 'Chat History')): |
for chat in student_data.get('chat_history', [])[:5]: # Mostrar las últimas 5 conversaciones |
st.subheader(f"{t.get('chat_from', 'Chat from')} {chat.get('timestamp', 'N/A')}") |
for message in chat.get('messages', []): |
st.write(f"{message.get('role', 'Unknown').capitalize()}: {message.get('content', 'No content')}") |
st.write("---") |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error in display_student_progress: {str(e)}", exc_info=True) |
st.error(t.get('error_loading_progress', 'Error loading student progress. Please try again later.')) |
##################################################################### |
def display_student_progress(username, lang_code, t, student_data): |
st.subheader(t['student_progress']) |
if not student_data or all(len(student_data[key]) == 0 for key in ['morphosyntax_analyses', 'semantic_analyses', 'discourse_analyses']): |
st.warning(t['no_data_warning']) |
return |
# Resumen de actividades |
total_analyses = sum(len(student_data[key]) for key in ['morphosyntax_analyses', 'semantic_analyses', 'discourse_analyses']) |
st.write(f"{t['total_analyses']}: {total_analyses}") |
# Gráfico de tipos de análisis |
analysis_counts = { |
t['morpho_analyses']: len(student_data['morphosyntax_analyses']), |
t['semantic_analyses']: len(student_data['semantic_analyses']), |
t['discourse_analyses']: len(student_data['discourse_analyses']) |
} |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
ax.bar(analysis_counts.keys(), analysis_counts.values()) |
ax.set_title(t['analysis_types_chart']) |
st.pyplot(fig) |
# Mostrar los últimos análisis |
for analysis_type in ['morphosyntax_analyses', 'semantic_analyses', 'discourse_analyses']: |
with st.expander(t[f'{analysis_type}_expander']): |
for analysis in student_data[analysis_type][:5]: # Mostrar los últimos 5 |
st.subheader(f"{t['analysis_from']} {analysis['timestamp']}") |
if analysis_type == 'morphosyntax_analyses': |
if 'arc_diagrams' in analysis: |
st.write(analysis['arc_diagrams'][0], unsafe_allow_html=True) |
elif analysis_type == 'semantic_analyses': |
if 'key_concepts' in analysis: |
st.write(t['key_concepts']) |
st.write(", ".join([f"{concept} ({freq:.2f})" for concept, freq in analysis['key_concepts']])) |
if 'graph' in analysis: |
st.image(base64.b64decode(analysis['graph'])) |
elif analysis_type == 'discourse_analyses': |
for i in [1, 2]: |
if f'key_concepts{i}' in analysis: |
st.write(f"{t['key_concepts']} {t['document']} {i}") |
st.write(", ".join([f"{concept} ({freq:.2f})" for concept, freq in analysis[f'key_concepts{i}']])) |
if 'combined_graph' in analysis: |
st.image(base64.b64decode(analysis['combined_graph'])) |
# Mostrar el historial de chat |
with st.expander(t['chat_history_expander']): |
for chat in student_data['chat_history'][:5]: # Mostrar las últimas 5 conversaciones |
st.subheader(f"{t['chat_from']} {chat['timestamp']}") |
for message in chat['messages']: |
st.write(f"{message['role'].capitalize()}: {message['content']}") |
st.write("---") |
def display_student_progress(username, lang_code, t, student_data): |
st.subheader(t['student_activities']) |
if not student_data or all(len(student_data[key]) == 0 for key in ['morphosyntax_analyses', 'semantic_analyses', 'discourse_analyses']): |
st.warning(t['no_data_warning']) |
return |
# Resumen de actividades |
total_analyses = sum(len(student_data[key]) for key in ['morphosyntax_analyses', 'semantic_analyses', 'discourse_analyses']) |
st.write(f"{t['total_analyses']}: {total_analyses}") |
# Gráfico de tipos de análisis |
analysis_counts = { |
t['morphological_analysis']: len(student_data['morphosyntax_analyses']), |
t['semantic_analyses']: len(student_data['semantic_analyses']), |
t['discourse_analyses']: len(student_data['discourse_analyses']) |
} |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
ax.bar(analysis_counts.keys(), analysis_counts.values()) |
ax.set_title(t['analysis_types_chart']) |
st.pyplot(fig) |
# Mostrar los últimos análisis |
for analysis_type in ['morphosyntax_analyses', 'semantic_analyses', 'discourse_analyses']: |
with st.expander(t[f'{analysis_type}_expander']): |
for analysis in student_data[analysis_type][:5]: # Mostrar los últimos 5 |
st.subheader(f"{t['analysis_from']} {analysis['timestamp']}") |
if analysis_type == 'morphosyntax_analyses': |
if 'arc_diagrams' in analysis: |
st.write(analysis['arc_diagrams'][0], unsafe_allow_html=True) |
elif analysis_type == 'semantic_analyses': |
if 'key_concepts' in analysis: |
st.write(t['key_concepts']) |
st.write(", ".join([f"{concept} ({freq:.2f})" for concept, freq in analysis['key_concepts']])) |
if 'graph' in analysis: |
st.image(base64.b64decode(analysis['graph'])) |
elif analysis_type == 'discourse_analyses': |
for i in [1, 2]: |
if f'key_concepts{i}' in analysis: |
st.write(f"{t['key_concepts']} {t['document']} {i}") |
st.write(", ".join([f"{concept} ({freq:.2f})" for concept, freq in analysis[f'key_concepts{i}']])) |
if 'combined_graph' in analysis: |
st.image(base64.b64decode(analysis['combined_graph'])) |
# Mostrar el historial de chat |
with st.expander(t['chat_history_expander']): |
for chat in student_data['chat_history'][:5]: # Mostrar las últimas 5 conversaciones |
st.subheader(f"{t['chat_from']} {chat['timestamp']}") |
for message in chat['messages']: |
st.write(f"{message['role'].capitalize()}: {message['content']}") |
st.write("---") |
def display_student_progress(username, lang_code, t, student_data): |
st.subheader(t['student_activities']) |
if not student_data or all(len(student_data[key]) == 0 for key in ['morphosyntax_analyses', 'semantic_analyses', 'discourse_analyses']): |
st.warning(t['no_data_warning']) |
return |
# Resumen de actividades |
total_analyses = sum(len(student_data[key]) for key in ['morphosyntax_analyses', 'semantic_analyses', 'discourse_analyses']) |
st.write(f"{t['total_analyses']}: {total_analyses}") |
# Gráfico de tipos de análisis |
analysis_counts = { |
t['morphological_analysis']: len(student_data['morphosyntax_analyses']), |
t['semantic_analyses']: len(student_data['semantic_analyses']), |
t['discourse_analyses']: len(student_data['discourse_analyses']) |
} |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
ax.bar(analysis_counts.keys(), analysis_counts.values()) |
ax.set_title(t['analysis_types_chart']) |
st.pyplot(fig) |
# Mostrar los últimos análisis |
for analysis_type in ['morphosyntax_analyses', 'semantic_analyses', 'discourse_analyses']: |
with st.expander(t[f'{analysis_type}_expander']): |
for analysis in student_data[analysis_type][:5]: # Mostrar los últimos 5 |
st.subheader(f"{t['analysis_from']} {analysis['timestamp']}") |
if analysis_type == 'morphosyntax_analyses': |
if 'arc_diagrams' in analysis: |
st.write(analysis['arc_diagrams'][0], unsafe_allow_html=True) |
elif analysis_type == 'semantic_analyses': |
if 'key_concepts' in analysis: |
st.write(t['key_concepts']) |
st.write(", ".join([f"{concept} ({freq:.2f})" for concept, freq in analysis['key_concepts']])) |
if 'graph' in analysis: |
st.image(base64.b64decode(analysis['graph'])) |
elif analysis_type == 'discourse_analyses': |
for i in [1, 2]: |
if f'key_concepts{i}' in analysis: |
st.write(f"{t['key_concepts']} {t['document']} {i}") |
st.write(", ".join([f"{concept} ({freq:.2f})" for concept, freq in analysis[f'key_concepts{i}']])) |
if 'combined_graph' in analysis: |
st.image(base64.b64decode(analysis['combined_graph'])) |
# Mostrar el historial de chat |
with st.expander(t['chat_history_expander']): |
for chat in student_data['chat_history'][:5]: # Mostrar las últimas 5 conversaciones |
st.subheader(f"{t['chat_from']} {chat['timestamp']}") |
for message in chat['messages']: |
st.write(f"{message['role'].capitalize()}: {message['content']}") |
st.write("---") |
def display_student_progress(username, lang_code, t): |
st.subheader(t['student_activities']) |
st.write(f"{t['activities_message']} {username}") |
# Aquí puedes agregar más contenido estático o placeholder |
st.info(t['activities_placeholder']) |
# Si necesitas mostrar algún dato, puedes usar datos de ejemplo o placeholders |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) |
col1.metric(t['morpho_analyses'], "5") # Ejemplo de dato |
col2.metric(t['semantic_analyses'], "3") # Ejemplo de dato |
col3.metric(t['discourse_analyses'], "2") # Ejemplo de dato |
def display_student_progress(username, lang_code, t): |
st.title(f"Actividades de {username}") |
# Obtener todos los datos del estudiante |
student_data = get_student_data(username) |
if not student_data or len(student_data.get('entries', [])) == 0: |
st.warning("No se encontraron datos de análisis para este estudiante.") |
st.info("Intenta realizar algunos análisis de texto primero.") |
return |
# Resumen de actividades |
with st.expander("Resumen de Actividades", expanded=True): |
total_entries = len(student_data['entries']) |
st.write(f"Total de análisis realizados: {total_entries}") |
# Gráfico de tipos de análisis |
analysis_types = [entry['analysis_type'] for entry in student_data['entries']] |
analysis_counts = pd.Series(analysis_types).value_counts() |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
analysis_counts.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax) |
ax.set_title("Tipos de análisis realizados") |
ax.set_xlabel("Tipo de análisis") |
ax.set_ylabel("Cantidad") |
st.pyplot(fig) |
# Histórico de Análisis Morfosintácticos |
with st.expander("Histórico de Análisis Morfosintácticos"): |
morpho_analyses = [entry for entry in student_data['entries'] if entry['analysis_type'] == 'morphosyntax'] |
for analysis in morpho_analyses[:5]: # Mostrar los últimos 5 |
st.subheader(f"Análisis del {analysis['timestamp']}") |
if 'arc_diagrams' in analysis: |
st.write(analysis['arc_diagrams'][0], unsafe_allow_html=True) |
# Histórico de Análisis Semánticos |
with st.expander("Histórico de Análisis Semánticos"): |
semantic_analyses = [entry for entry in student_data['entries'] if entry['analysis_type'] == 'semantic'] |
for analysis in semantic_analyses[:5]: # Mostrar los últimos 5 |
st.subheader(f"Análisis del {analysis['timestamp']}") |
if 'key_concepts' in analysis: |
concepts_str = " | ".join([f"{concept} ({frequency:.2f})" for concept, frequency in analysis['key_concepts']]) |
st.markdown(f"<div style='background-color: #f0f2f6; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px;'>{concepts_str}</div>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if 'graph' in analysis: |
try: |
img_bytes = base64.b64decode(analysis['graph']) |
st.image(img_bytes, caption="Gráfico de relaciones conceptuales") |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"No se pudo mostrar el gráfico: {str(e)}") |
# Histórico de Análisis Discursivos |
with st.expander("Histórico de Análisis Discursivos"): |
discourse_analyses = [entry for entry in student_data['entries'] if entry['analysis_type'] == 'discourse'] |
for analysis in discourse_analyses[:5]: # Mostrar los últimos 5 |
st.subheader(f"Análisis del {analysis['timestamp']}") |
for i in [1, 2]: |
if f'key_concepts{i}' in analysis: |
concepts_str = " | ".join([f"{concept} ({frequency:.2f})" for concept, frequency in analysis[f'key_concepts{i}']]) |
st.write(f"Conceptos clave del documento {i}:") |
st.markdown(f"<div style='background-color: #f0f2f6; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px;'>{concepts_str}</div>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if 'combined_graph' in analysis: |
try: |
img_bytes = base64.b64decode(analysis['combined_graph']) |
st.image(img_bytes) |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"No se pudo mostrar el gráfico combinado: {str(e)}") |
# Histórico de Conversaciones con el ChatBot |
with st.expander("Histórico de Conversaciones con el ChatBot"): |
if 'chat_history' in student_data: |
for i, chat in enumerate(student_data['chat_history'][:5]): # Mostrar las últimas 5 conversaciones |
st.subheader(f"Conversación {i+1} - {chat['timestamp']}") |
for message in chat['messages']: |
st.write(f"{message['role'].capitalize()}: {message['content']}") |
st.write("---") |
else: |
st.write("No se encontraron conversaciones con el ChatBot.") |
# Opción para mostrar datos de depuración |
if st.checkbox("Mostrar datos de depuración"): |
st.write("Datos del estudiante (para depuración):") |
st.json(student_data) |
''' |