import streamlit as st |
from streamlit_float import * |
from streamlit_antd_components import * |
from streamlit.components.v1 import html |
import base64 |
from .morphosyntax_process import process_morphosyntactic_input, format_analysis_results |
from ..utils.widget_utils import generate_unique_key |
from ..database.morphosintax_mongo_db import store_student_morphosyntax_result |
from ..database.chat_db import store_chat_history |
from ..database.morphosintaxis_export import export_user_interactions |
import logging |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
def display_morphosyntax_interface(lang_code, nlp_models, t): |
""" |
Interfaz para el análisis morfosintáctico |
""" |
morpho_t = t.get('MORPHOSYNTACTIC', {}) |
st.title(morpho_t.get('title', 'AIdeaText - Morphological Analysis')) |
input_key = f"morphosyntax_input_{lang_code}" |
if input_key not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state[input_key] = "" |
sentence_input = st.text_area( |
morpho_t.get('morpho_input_label', 'Enter text to analyze:'), |
height=150, |
placeholder=morpho_t.get('morpho_input_placeholder', 'Enter your text here...'), |
value=st.session_state[input_key], |
key=f"text_area_{lang_code}" |
) |
if st.button(morpho_t.get('analyze_button', 'Analyze'), key=f"analyze_button_{lang_code}"): |
if sentence_input: |
result = process_morphosyntactic_input( |
sentence_input, |
lang_code, |
nlp_models, |
t |
) |
if result['success']: |
formatted_results = format_analysis_results(result, t) |
if formatted_results['highlighted_text']: |
st.markdown(formatted_results['highlighted_text'], unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.markdown(formatted_results['formatted_text']) |
if formatted_results['visualizations']: |
for i, viz in enumerate(formatted_results['visualizations']): |
st.markdown(f"**{morpho_t.get('sentence', 'Sentence')} {i+1}**") |
st.components.v1.html(viz, height=370, scrolling=True) |
if i < len(formatted_results['visualizations']) - 1: |
st.markdown("---") |
else: |
st.error(result['message']) |
else: |
st.warning(morpho_t.get('warning_message', 'Please enter a text to analyze.')) |
if st.button(morpho_t.get('export_button', 'Export Analysis')): |
pdf_buffer = export_user_interactions(st.session_state.username, 'morphosyntax') |
st.download_button( |
label=morpho_t.get('download_pdf', 'Download PDF'), |
data=pdf_buffer, |
file_name="morphosyntax_analysis.pdf", |
mime="application/pdf" |
) |
''' |
if user_input: |
# Añadir el mensaje del usuario al historial |
st.session_state.morphosyntax_chat_history.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input}) |
# Procesar el input del usuario nuevo al 26-9-2024 |
response, visualizations, result = process_morphosyntactic_input(user_input, lang_code, nlp_models, t) |
# Mostrar indicador de carga |
with st.spinner(t.get('processing', 'Processing...')): |
try: |
# Procesar el input del usuario |
response, visualizations, result = process_morphosyntactic_input(user_input, lang_code, nlp_models, t) |
# Añadir la respuesta al historial |
message = { |
"role": "assistant", |
"content": response |
} |
if visualizations: |
message["visualizations"] = visualizations |
st.session_state.morphosyntax_chat_history.append(message) |
# Mostrar la respuesta más reciente |
with st.chat_message("assistant"): |
st.write(response) |
if visualizations: |
for i, viz in enumerate(visualizations): |
st.markdown(f"**Oración {i+1} del párrafo analizado**") |
st.components.v1.html( |
f""" |
<div style="width: 100%; overflow-x: auto; white-space: nowrap;"> |
<div style="min-width: 1200px;"> |
{viz} |
</div> |
</div> |
""", |
height=350, |
scrolling=True |
) |
if i < len(visualizations) - 1: |
st.markdown("---") # Separador entre diagramas |
# Si es un análisis, guardarlo en la base de datos |
if user_input.startswith('/analisis_morfosintactico') and result: |
store_morphosyntax_result( |
st.session_state.username, |
user_input.split('[', 1)[1].rsplit(']', 1)[0], # texto analizado |
result.get('repeated_words', {}), |
visualizations, |
result.get('pos_analysis', []), |
result.get('morphological_analysis', []), |
result.get('sentence_structure', []) |
) |
except Exception as e: |
st.error(f"{t['error_processing']}: {str(e)}") |
# Forzar la actualización de la interfaz |
st.rerun() |
# Botón para limpiar el historial del chat |
if st.button(t['clear_chat'], key=generate_unique_key('morphosyntax', 'clear_chat')): |
st.session_state.morphosyntax_chat_history = [] |
st.rerun() |
''' |
''' |
############ MODULO PARA DEPURACIÓN Y PRUEBAS ##################################################### |
def display_morphosyntax_interface(lang_code, nlp_models, t): |
st.subheader(t['morpho_title']) |
text_input = st.text_area( |
t['warning_message'], |
height=150, |
key=generate_unique_key("morphosyntax", "text_area") |
) |
if st.button( |
t['results_title'], |
key=generate_unique_key("morphosyntax", "analyze_button") |
): |
if text_input: |
# Aquí iría tu lógica de análisis morfosintáctico |
# Por ahora, solo mostraremos un mensaje de placeholder |
st.info(t['analysis_placeholder']) |
else: |
st.warning(t['no_text_warning']) |
### |
################################################# |
''' |