import os os.environ["PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK"] = "1" import argparse import requests import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import wandb import wandb.apis.public from typing import List, Optional from huggingface_hub.hf_api import HfApi, upload_folder from huggingface_hub.repocard import metadata_save from pyvirtualdisplay.display import Display from publish.markdown_format import EvalTableData, model_card_text from runner.config import EnvHyperparams from runner.evaluate import EvalArgs, evaluate_model from runner.env import make_eval_env from shared.callbacks.eval_callback import evaluate from wrappers.vec_episode_recorder import VecEpisodeRecorder def publish( wandb_run_paths: List[str], wandb_report_url: str, huggingface_user: Optional[str] = None, huggingface_token: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: virtual_display = Display(visible=False, size=(1400, 900)) virtual_display.start() api = wandb.Api() runs = [ for rp in wandb_run_paths] algo = runs[0].config["algo"] env = runs[0].config["env"] evaluations = [ evaluate_model( EvalArgs( algo, env, seed=r.config.get("seed", None), render=False, best=True, n_envs=None, n_episodes=10, no_print_returns=True, wandb_run_path="/".join(r.path), ), os.path.dirname(__file__), ) for r in runs ] run_metadata = requests.get(runs[0].file("wandb-metadata.json").url).json() table_data = list(EvalTableData(r, e) for r, e in zip(runs, evaluations)) best_eval = sorted( table_data, key=lambda d: d.evaluation.stats.score, reverse=True )[0] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: _, (policy, stats, config) = best_eval repo_name = config.model_name(include_seed=False) repo_dir_path = os.path.join(tmpdirname, repo_name) # Locally clone this repo to a temp directory["git", "clone", ".", repo_dir_path]) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(repo_dir_path, ".git")) model_path = config.model_dir_path(best=True, downloaded=True) shutil.copytree( model_path, os.path.join( repo_dir_path, "saved_models", config.model_dir_name(best=True) ), ) github_url = "" commit_hash = run_metadata.get("git", {}).get("commit", None) card_text = model_card_text( algo, env, github_url, commit_hash, wandb_report_url, table_data, best_eval, ) readme_filepath = os.path.join(repo_dir_path, "") os.remove(readme_filepath) with open(readme_filepath, "w") as f: f.write(card_text) metadata = { "library_name": "rl-algo-impls", "tags": [ env, algo, "deep-reinforcement-learning", "reinforcement-learning", ], "model-index": [ { "name": algo, "results": [ { "metrics": [ { "type": "mean_reward", "value": str(stats.score), "name": "mean_reward", } ], "task": { "type": "reinforcement-learning", "name": "reinforcement-learning", }, "dataset": { "name": env, "type": env, }, } ], } ], } metadata_save(readme_filepath, metadata) video_env = VecEpisodeRecorder( make_eval_env( config, EnvHyperparams(**config.env_hyperparams), override_n_envs=1, normalize_load_path=model_path, ), os.path.join(repo_dir_path, "replay"), max_video_length=3600, ) evaluate( video_env, policy, 1, deterministic=config.eval_params.get("deterministic", True), ) api = HfApi() huggingface_user = huggingface_user or api.whoami()["name"] huggingface_repo = f"{huggingface_user}/{repo_name}" api.create_repo( token=huggingface_token, repo_id=huggingface_repo, private=False, exist_ok=True, ) repo_url = upload_folder( repo_id=huggingface_repo, folder_path=repo_dir_path, path_in_repo="", commit_message=f"{algo.upper()} playing {env} from {github_url}/tree/{commit_hash}", token=huggingface_token, ) print(f"Pushed model to the hub: {repo_url}") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--wandb-run-paths", type=str, nargs="+", help="Run paths of the form entity/project/run_id", ) parser.add_argument("--wandb-report-url", type=str, help="Link to WandB report") parser.add_argument( "--huggingface-user", type=str, help="Huggingface user or team to upload model cards", default=None, ) args = parser.parse_args() print(args) publish(**vars(args))