# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """AutoTrain_LLM.ipynb Automatically generated by Colab. Original file is located at https://colab.research.google.com/github/huggingface/autotrain-advanced/blob/main/colabs/AutoTrain_LLM.ipynb """ #@title 🤗 AutoTrain LLM #@markdown In order to use this colab #@markdown - upload train.csv to a folder named `data/` #@markdown - train.csv must contain a `text` column #@markdown - choose a project name if you wish #@markdown - change model if you wish, you can use most of the text-generation models from Hugging Face Hub #@markdown - add huggingface information (token) if you wish to push trained model to huggingface hub #@markdown - update hyperparameters if you wish #@markdown - click `Runtime > Run all` or run each cell individually #@markdown - report issues / feature requests here: https://github.com/huggingface/autotrain-advanced/issues import os !pip install -U autotrain-advanced > install_logs.txt !autotrain setup --colab > setup_logs.txt #@markdown --- #@markdown #### Project Config #@markdown Note: if you are using a restricted/private model, you need to enter your Hugging Face token in the next step. project_name = 'my-autotrain-llm' # @param {type:"string"} model_name = 'abhishek/llama-2-7b-hf-small-shards' # @param {type:"string"} #@markdown --- #@markdown #### Push to Hub? #@markdown Use these only if you want to push your trained model to a private repo in your Hugging Face Account #@markdown If you dont use these, the model will be saved in Google Colab and you are required to download it manually. #@markdown Please enter your Hugging Face write token. The trained model will be saved to your Hugging Face account. #@markdown You can find your token here: https://huggingface.co./settings/tokens push_to_hub = False # @param ["False", "True"] {type:"raw"} hf_token = "hf_XXX" #@param {type:"string"} hf_username = "abc" #@param {type:"string"} #@markdown --- #@markdown #### Hyperparameters learning_rate = 2e-4 # @param {type:"number"} num_epochs = 1 #@param {type:"number"} batch_size = 1 # @param {type:"slider", min:1, max:32, step:1} block_size = 1024 # @param {type:"number"} trainer = "sft" # @param ["default", "sft", "orpo"] {type:"raw"} warmup_ratio = 0.1 # @param {type:"number"} weight_decay = 0.01 # @param {type:"number"} gradient_accumulation = 4 # @param {type:"number"} mixed_precision = "fp16" # @param ["fp16", "bf16", "none"] {type:"raw"} peft = True # @param ["False", "True"] {type:"raw"} quantization = "int4" # @param ["int4", "int8", "none"] {type:"raw"} lora_r = 16 #@param {type:"number"} lora_alpha = 32 #@param {type:"number"} lora_dropout = 0.05 #@param {type:"number"} os.environ["PROJECT_NAME"] = project_name os.environ["MODEL_NAME"] = model_name os.environ["PUSH_TO_HUB"] = str(push_to_hub) os.environ["HF_TOKEN"] = hf_token os.environ["LEARNING_RATE"] = str(learning_rate) os.environ["NUM_EPOCHS"] = str(num_epochs) os.environ["BATCH_SIZE"] = str(batch_size) os.environ["BLOCK_SIZE"] = str(block_size) os.environ["WARMUP_RATIO"] = str(warmup_ratio) os.environ["WEIGHT_DECAY"] = str(weight_decay) os.environ["GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION"] = str(gradient_accumulation) os.environ["MIXED_PRECISION"] = str(mixed_precision) os.environ["PEFT"] = str(peft) os.environ["QUANTIZATION"] = str(quantization) os.environ["LORA_R"] = str(lora_r) os.environ["LORA_ALPHA"] = str(lora_alpha) os.environ["LORA_DROPOUT"] = str(lora_dropout) os.environ["HF_USERNAME"] = hf_username os.environ["TRAINER"] = trainer !autotrain llm \ --train \ --model ${MODEL_NAME} \ --project-name ${PROJECT_NAME} \ --data-path data/ \ --text-column text \ --lr ${LEARNING_RATE} \ --batch-size ${BATCH_SIZE} \ --epochs ${NUM_EPOCHS} \ --block-size ${BLOCK_SIZE} \ --warmup-ratio ${WARMUP_RATIO} \ --lora-r ${LORA_R} \ --lora-alpha ${LORA_ALPHA} \ --lora-dropout ${LORA_DROPOUT} \ --weight-decay ${WEIGHT_DECAY} \ --gradient-accumulation ${GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION} \ --quantization ${QUANTIZATION} \ --mixed-precision ${MIXED_PRECISION} \ --username ${HF_USERNAME} \ --trainer ${TRAINER} \ $( [[ "$PEFT" == "True" ]] && echo "--peft" ) \ $( [[ "$PUSH_TO_HUB" == "True" ]] && echo "--push-to-hub --token ${HF_TOKEN}" )