from packaging import version import torch from torch import nn class PatchNCELoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, opt): super().__init__() self.opt = opt self.cross_entropy_loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') self.mask_dtype = torch.uint8 if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse('1.2.0') else torch.bool def forward(self, feat_q, feat_k): num_patches = feat_q.shape[0] dim = feat_q.shape[1] feat_k = feat_k.detach() # pos logit l_pos = torch.bmm( feat_q.view(num_patches, 1, -1), feat_k.view(num_patches, -1, 1)) l_pos = l_pos.view(num_patches, 1) # neg logit # Should the negatives from the other samples of a minibatch be utilized? # In CUT and FastCUT, we found that it's best to only include negatives # from the same image. Therefore, we set # --nce_includes_all_negatives_from_minibatch as False # However, for single-image translation, the minibatch consists of # crops from the "same" high-resolution image. # Therefore, we will include the negatives from the entire minibatch. if self.opt.nce_includes_all_negatives_from_minibatch: # reshape features as if they are all negatives of minibatch of size 1. batch_dim_for_bmm = 1 else: batch_dim_for_bmm = self.opt.batch_size # reshape features to batch size feat_q = feat_q.view(batch_dim_for_bmm, -1, dim) feat_k = feat_k.view(batch_dim_for_bmm, -1, dim) npatches = feat_q.size(1) l_neg_curbatch = torch.bmm(feat_q, feat_k.transpose(2, 1)) # diagonal entries are similarity between same features, and hence meaningless. # just fill the diagonal with very small number, which is exp(-10) and almost zero diagonal = torch.eye(npatches, device=feat_q.device, dtype=self.mask_dtype)[None, :, :] l_neg_curbatch.masked_fill_(diagonal, -10.0) l_neg = l_neg_curbatch.view(-1, npatches) out =, l_neg), dim=1) / self.opt.nce_T loss = self.cross_entropy_loss(out, torch.zeros(out.size(0), dtype=torch.long, device=feat_q.device)) return loss