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posted an update 3 days ago
🧢 We are launching distilabel DataCraft: get started with synthetic data using clicks and natural language!

🌊 Workflow
- Write down your custom GenAI usecase
- Automatically generate system prompts
- Create sample datasets for quick iteration
- Produce full-scale datasets with customizable parameters
- Push generated datasets directly to the Hugging Face Hub

⚑️ Powered by Argilla's distilabel and open source LLMs
πŸ†“ Uses Free Serverless HF Inference Endpoints

πŸ’‘ Use Cases:
- Fine-tuning language models for specific domains
- Creating diverse datasets for robust model training
- Rapid prototyping of AI applications
- Generating synthetic data for privacy-sensitive projects

πŸš€ Start crafting your custom datasets today and do it quicker, easier and more private with distilabel DataCraft!