Can this Model Also Recognize Dogs? Zero-Shot Model Search from Weights
With the increasing numbers of publicly available models, there are probably pretrained, online models for most tasks users require. However, current model search methods are rudimentary, essentially a text-based search in the documentation, thus users cannot find the relevant models. This paper presents ProbeLog, a method for retrieving classification models that can recognize a target concept, such as "Dog", without access to model metadata or training data. Differently from previous probing methods, ProbeLog computes a descriptor for each output dimension (logit) of each model, by observing its responses on a fixed set of inputs (probes). Our method supports both logit-based retrieval ("find more logits like this") and zero-shot, text-based retrieval ("find all logits corresponding to dogs"). As probing-based representations require multiple costly feedforward passes through the model, we develop a method, based on collaborative filtering, that reduces the cost of encoding repositories by 3x. We demonstrate that ProbeLog achieves high retrieval accuracy, both in real-world and fine-grained search tasks and is scalable to full-size repositories.
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In this paper we propose an approach for searching for models in large repositories that can recognize a target concept. We first probe all models with a fixed, ordered set of probes, and define the values from each output dimension (logit) across all probes as a ProbeLog descriptor. We find that by normalizing these descriptors, we can compare them across different models, and even to zero-shot classifiers such as CLIP. With the pairwise discrepancy measure, we propose a method for searching models by text. We also present Collaborative Probing to significantly reduce the number of required probes at the same accuracy. We evaluate our approach on real-world models, and show it generalizes well to In-the-Wild models collected from HuggingFace ๐ค.
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