File size: 5,095 Bytes
ac9a78c 1c0e9e4 16fd186 ac9a78c 16fd186 ac9a78c a2e1b68 ac9a78c 16fd186 ac9a78c 16fd186 ac9a78c 16fd186 ac9a78c 16fd186 ac9a78c e680df1 ac9a78c 16fd186 8de30d0 16fd186 10696f6 7557298 16fd186 7557298 16fd186 |
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- nl
- punctuation prediction
- punctuation
datasets: sonar
license: mit
- text: "Ondanks dat het nu bijna voorjaar is hebben we nog steds best koude dagen"
example_title: "Dutch Sample"
- f1
This model predicts the punctuation of Dutch texts. We developed it to restore the punctuation of transcribed spoken language.
This model was trained on the [SoNaR Dataset](
The model restores the following punctuation markers: **"." "," "?" "-" ":"**
## Sample Code
We provide a simple python package that allows you to process text of any length.
## Install
To get started install the package from [pypi](
pip install deepmultilingualpunctuation
### Restore Punctuation
from deepmultilingualpunctuation import PunctuationModel
model = PunctuationModel(model="oliverguhr/fullstop-dutch-sonar-punctuation-prediction")
text = "hervatting van de zitting ik verklaar de zitting van het europees parlement die op vrijdag 17 december werd onderbroken te zijn hervat"
result = model.restore_punctuation(text)
> hervatting van de zitting. ik verklaar de zitting van het europees parlement, die op vrijdag 17 december werd onderbroken, te zijn hervat.
### Predict Labels
from deepmultilingualpunctuation import PunctuationModel
model = PunctuationModel(model="oliverguhr/fullstop-dutch-sonar-punctuation-prediction")
text = "hervatting van de zitting ik verklaar de zitting van het europees parlement die op vrijdag 17 december werd onderbroken te zijn hervat"
clean_text = model.preprocess(text)
labled_words = model.predict(clean_text)
> [['hervatting', '0', 0.99998724], ['van', '0', 0.9999784], ['de', '0', 0.99991274], ['zitting', '.', 0.6771242], ['ik', '0', 0.9999466], ['verklaar', '0', 0.9998566], ['de', '0', 0.9999783], ['zitting', '0', 0.9999809], ['van', '0', 0.99996245], ['het', '0', 0.99997795], ['europees', '0', 0.9999783], ['parlement', ',', 0.9908242], ['die', '0', 0.999985], ['op', '0', 0.99998224], ['vrijdag', '0', 0.9999831], ['17', '0', 0.99997985], ['december', '0', 0.9999827], ['werd', '0', 0.999982], ['onderbroken', ',', 0.9951485], ['te', '0', 0.9999677], ['zijn', '0', 0.99997723], ['hervat', '.', 0.9957053]]
## Results
The performance differs for the single punctuation markers as hyphens and colons, in many cases, are optional and can be substituted by either a comma or a full stop. The model achieves the following F1 scores:
| Label | F1 Score |
| ------------- | -------- |
| 0 | 0.985816 |
| . | 0.854380 |
| ? | 0.684060 |
| , | 0.719308 |
| : | 0.696088 |
| - | 0.722000 |
| macro average | 0.776942 |
| micro average | 0.963427 |
## Languages
### Models
| Languages | Model |
| ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| English, Italian, French and German | [oliverguhr/fullstop-punctuation-multilang-large]( |
| English, Italian, French, German and Dutch | [oliverguhr/fullstop-punctuation-multilingual-sonar-base]( |
| Dutch | [oliverguhr/fullstop-dutch-sonar-punctuation-prediction]( |
### Community Models
| Languages | Model |
| ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
|English, German, French, Spanish, Bulgarian, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Czech, Portugese, Slovak, Slovenian| [kredor/punctuate-all]( |
| Catalan | [softcatala/fullstop-catalan-punctuation-prediction]( |
You can use different models by setting the model parameter:
model = PunctuationModel(model = "oliverguhr/fullstop-dutch-punctuation-prediction")
## How to cite us
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2301.03319},
url = {},
author = {Vandeghinste, Vincent and Guhr, Oliver},
keywords = {Computation and Language (cs.CL), Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences, I.2.7},
title = {FullStop:Punctuation and Segmentation Prediction for Dutch with Transformers},
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2023},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International}