import AES from 'crypto-js/aes.js'; import enc from 'crypto-js/enc-utf8.js'; import App from './app.js'; import AppConfig from './app-config.js'; import AppAuthClient from './app-auth-client.js'; import Base from './base.js'; import User from './user.js'; import Step from './step.js'; import appConfig from '../config/app.js'; import Telemetry from '../helpers/telemetry/index.js'; import globalVariable from '../helpers/global-variable.js'; class Connection extends Base { static tableName = 'connections'; static jsonSchema = { type: 'object', required: ['key'], properties: { id: { type: 'string', format: 'uuid' }, key: { type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 }, data: { type: 'string' }, formattedData: { type: 'object' }, userId: { type: 'string', format: 'uuid' }, appAuthClientId: { type: 'string', format: 'uuid' }, verified: { type: 'boolean', default: false }, draft: { type: 'boolean' }, deletedAt: { type: 'string' }, createdAt: { type: 'string' }, updatedAt: { type: 'string' }, }, }; static get virtualAttributes() { return ['reconnectable']; } static relationMappings = () => ({ user: { relation: Base.BelongsToOneRelation, modelClass: User, join: { from: 'connections.user_id', to: '', }, }, steps: { relation: Base.HasManyRelation, modelClass: Step, join: { from: '', to: 'steps.connection_id', }, }, triggerSteps: { relation: Base.HasManyRelation, modelClass: Step, join: { from: '', to: 'steps.connection_id', }, filter(builder) { builder.where('type', '=', 'trigger'); }, }, appConfig: { relation: Base.BelongsToOneRelation, modelClass: AppConfig, join: { from: 'connections.key', to: 'app_configs.key', }, }, appAuthClient: { relation: Base.BelongsToOneRelation, modelClass: AppAuthClient, join: { from: 'connections.app_auth_client_id', to: '', }, }, }); get reconnectable() { if (this.appAuthClientId) { return; } if (this.appConfig) { return !this.appConfig.disabled && this.appConfig.allowCustomConnection; } return true; } encryptData() { if (!this.eligibleForEncryption()) return; = AES.encrypt( JSON.stringify(this.formattedData), appConfig.encryptionKey ).toString(); delete this.formattedData; } decryptData() { if (!this.eligibleForDecryption()) return; this.formattedData = JSON.parse( AES.decrypt(, appConfig.encryptionKey).toString(enc) ); } eligibleForEncryption() { return this.formattedData ? true : false; } eligibleForDecryption() { return ? true : false; } // TODO: Make another abstraction like beforeSave instead of using // beforeInsert and beforeUpdate separately for the same operation. async $beforeInsert(queryContext) { await super.$beforeInsert(queryContext); this.encryptData(); } async $beforeUpdate(opt, queryContext) { await super.$beforeUpdate(opt, queryContext); this.encryptData(); } async $afterFind() { this.decryptData(); } async $afterInsert(queryContext) { await super.$afterInsert(queryContext); Telemetry.connectionCreated(this); } async $afterUpdate(opt, queryContext) { await super.$afterUpdate(opt, queryContext); Telemetry.connectionUpdated(this); } async getApp() { if (!this.key) return null; return await App.findOneByKey(this.key); } async testAndUpdateConnection() { const app = await this.getApp(); const $ = await globalVariable({ connection: this, app }); let isStillVerified; try { isStillVerified = !!(await app.auth.isStillVerified($)); } catch { isStillVerified = false; } return await this.$query().patchAndFetch({ formattedData: this.formattedData, verified: isStillVerified, }); } async verifyWebhook(request) { if (!this.key) return true; const app = await this.getApp(); const $ = await globalVariable({ connection: this, request, }); if (!app.auth?.verifyWebhook) return true; return app.auth.verifyWebhook($); } } export default Connection;