{ |
"brandText": "Automatisch", |
"searchPlaceholder": "Search", |
"accountDropdownMenu.settings": "Settings", |
"accountDropdownMenu.adminSettings": "Admin", |
"accountDropdownMenu.logout": "Logout", |
"drawer.dashboard": "Dashboard", |
"drawer.flows": "Flows", |
"drawer.apps": "My Apps", |
"drawer.executions": "Executions", |
"drawer.explore": "Explore", |
"settingsDrawer.myProfile": "My Profile", |
"settingsDrawer.goBack": "Go to the dashboard", |
"settingsDrawer.notifications": "Notifications", |
"settingsDrawer.billingAndUsage": "Billing and usage", |
"adminSettingsDrawer.users": "Users", |
"adminSettingsDrawer.roles": "Roles", |
"adminSettingsDrawer.authentication": "Authentication", |
"adminSettingsDrawer.userInterface": "User Interface", |
"adminSettingsDrawer.goBack": "Go to the dashboard", |
"adminSettingsDrawer.apps": "Applications", |
"app.connectionCount": "{count} connections", |
"app.flowCount": "{count} flows", |
"app.addConnection": "Add connection", |
"app.addCustomConnection": "Add custom connection", |
"app.reconnectConnection": "Reconnect connection", |
"app.createFlow": "Create flow", |
"app.settings": "Settings", |
"app.connections": "Connections", |
"app.noConnections": "You don't have any connections yet.", |
"app.flows": "Flows", |
"app.noFlows": "You don't have any flows yet.", |
"apps.title": "Apps", |
"apps.addConnection": "Add connection", |
"apps.addNewAppConnection": "Add a new app connection", |
"apps.searchApp": "Search for app", |
"apps.noConnections": "You don't have any connections yet.", |
"addAppConnection.submit": "Submit", |
"addAppConnection.callToDocs": "Visit <docsLink>our documentation</docsLink> to see how to add connection for {appName}.", |
"connection.flowCount": "{count} flows", |
"connection.viewFlows": "View flows", |
"connection.testConnection": "Test connection", |
"connection.testSuccessful": "Test successful", |
"connection.testFailed": "Test failed", |
"connection.testing": "Testing...", |
"connection.reconnect": "Reconnect", |
"connection.delete": "Delete", |
"connection.deletedMessage": "The connection has been deleted.", |
"connection.addedAt": "added {datetime}", |
"createFlow.creating": "Creating a flow...", |
"flow.active": "ON", |
"flow.inactive": "OFF", |
"flow.published": "Published", |
"flow.paused": "Paused", |
"flow.draft": "Draft", |
"flow.successfullyDeleted": "The flow and associated executions have been deleted.", |
"flow.successfullyDuplicated": "The flow has been successfully duplicated.", |
"flowEditor.publish": "PUBLISH", |
"flowEditor.unpublish": "UNPUBLISH", |
"flowEditor.publishedFlowCannotBeUpdated": "To edit this flow, you must first unpublish it.", |
"flowEditor.noTestDataTitle": "We couldn't find matching data", |
"flowEditor.noTestDataMessage": "Create a sample in the associated service and test the step again.", |
"flowEditor.testAndContinue": "Test & Continue", |
"flowEditor.continue": "Continue", |
"flowEditor.chooseApp": "Choose an app", |
"flowEditor.chooseEvent": "Choose an event", |
"flowEditor.pollIntervalLabel": "Poll interval", |
"flowEditor.pollIntervalValue": "Every {minutes} minutes", |
"flowEditor.triggerEvent": "Trigger event", |
"flowEditor.actionEvent": "Action event", |
"flowEditor.instantTriggerType": "Instant", |
"filterConditions.onlyContinueIf": "Only continue if…", |
"filterConditions.orContinueIf": "OR continue if…", |
"chooseConnectionSubstep.continue": "Continue", |
"chooseConnectionSubstep.addNewConnection": "Add new connection", |
"chooseConnectionSubstep.addNewSharedConnection": "Add new shared connection", |
"chooseConnectionSubstep.chooseConnection": "Choose connection", |
"flow.createdAt": "created {datetime}", |
"flow.updatedAt": "updated {datetime}", |
"flow.view": "View", |
"flow.duplicate": "Duplicate", |
"flow.delete": "Delete", |
"flowStep.triggerType": "Trigger", |
"flowStep.actionType": "Action", |
"flows.create": "Create flow", |
"flows.title": "Flows", |
"flows.noFlows": "You don't have any flows yet.", |
"flowEditor.goBack": "Go back to flows", |
"executions.title": "Executions", |
"executions.noExecutions": "There is no execution data point to show.", |
"execution.id": "Execution ID: {id}", |
"execution.createdAt": "created {datetime}", |
"execution.test": "Test run", |
"execution.statusSuccess": "Success", |
"execution.statusFailure": "Failure", |
"execution.noDataTitle": "No data", |
"execution.noDataMessage": "We successfully ran the execution, but there was no new data to process.", |
"executionStep.id": "ID: {id}", |
"executionStep.executedAt": "executed {datetime}", |
"profileSettings.title": "My Profile", |
"profileSettings.fullName": "Full name", |
"profileSettings.email": "Email", |
"profileSettings.updateProfile": "Update your profile", |
"profileSettings.updatedProfile": "Your profile has been updated.", |
"profileSettings.newPassword": "New password", |
"profileSettings.confirmNewPassword": "Confirm new password", |
"profileSettings.deleteMyAccount": "Delete my account", |
"profileSettings.deleteAccount": "Delete account", |
"profileSettings.deleteAccountSubtitle": "This will permanently delete...", |
"profileSettings.deleteAccountResult1": "Your account", |
"profileSettings.deleteAccountResult2": "All your flows", |
"profileSettings.deleteAccountResult3": "All your connections", |
"profileSettings.deleteAccountResult4": "All execution history", |
"billingAndUsageSettings.title": "Billing and usage", |
"billingAndUsageSettings.paymentInformation": "Payment information", |
"billingAndUsageSettings.paymentPortalInformation": "To manage your subscription, click <link>here</link> to go to the payment portal.", |
"deleteAccountDialog.title": "Delete account?", |
"deleteAccountDialog.description": "This will permanently delete your account and all the associated data with it.", |
"deleteAccountDialog.cancel": "Cancel?", |
"deleteAccountDialog.confirm": "Yes, delete it", |
"notifications.title": "Notifications", |
"notification.releasedAt": "Released {relativeDate}", |
"webhookUrlInfo.title": "Your webhook URL", |
"webhookUrlInfo.description": "You'll need to configure your application with this webhook URL.", |
"webhookUrlInfo.helperText": "We've generated a custom webhook URL for you to send requests to. <link>Learn more about webhooks</link>.", |
"webhookUrlInfo.copy": "Copy", |
"signupForm.title": "Sign up", |
"signupForm.fullNameFieldLabel": "Full name", |
"signupForm.emailFieldLabel": "Email", |
"signupForm.passwordFieldLabel": "Password", |
"signupForm.confirmPasswordFieldLabel": "Confirm password", |
"signupForm.submit": "Sign up", |
"signupForm.validateEmail": "Email must be valid.", |
"signupForm.passwordsMustMatch": "Passwords must match.", |
"signupForm.mandatoryInput": "{inputName} is required.", |
"loginForm.title": "Login", |
"loginForm.emailFieldLabel": "Email", |
"loginForm.passwordFieldLabel": "Password", |
"loginForm.forgotPasswordText": "Forgot password?", |
"loginForm.submit": "Login", |
"loginForm.noAccount": "Don't have an Automatisch account yet?", |
"loginForm.signUp": "Sign up", |
"loginPage.divider": "OR", |
"ssoProviders.loginWithProvider": "Login with {providerName}", |
"forgotPasswordForm.title": "Forgot password", |
"forgotPasswordForm.submit": "Send reset instructions", |
"forgotPasswordForm.instructionsSent": "The instructions have been sent!", |
"forgotPasswordForm.emailFieldLabel": "Email", |
"resetPasswordForm.passwordsMustMatch": "Passwords must match.", |
"resetPasswordForm.mandatoryInput": "{inputName} is required.", |
"resetPasswordForm.title": "Reset password", |
"resetPasswordForm.submit": "Reset password", |
"resetPasswordForm.passwordFieldLabel": "Password", |
"resetPasswordForm.confirmPasswordFieldLabel": "Confirm password", |
"resetPasswordForm.passwordUpdated": "The password has been updated. Now, you can login.", |
"usageAlert.informationText": "Tasks: {consumedTaskCount}/{allowedTaskCount} (Resets {relativeResetDate})", |
"usageAlert.viewPlans": "View plans", |
"jsonViewer.noDataFound": "We couldn't find anything matching your search", |
"planUpgrade.title": "Upgrade your plan", |
"usageDataInformation.subscriptionPlan": "Subscription plan", |
"usageDataInformation.monthlyQuota": "Monthly quota", |
"usageDataInformation.nextBillAmount": "Next bill amount", |
"usageDataInformation.nextBillDate": "Next bill date", |
"usageDataInformation.yourUsage": "Your usage", |
"usageDataInformation.yourUsageDescription": "Last 30 days total usage", |
"usageDataInformation.yourUsageTasks": "Tasks", |
"usageDataInformation.upgrade": "Upgrade", |
"usageDataInformation.freeTrial": "Free trial", |
"usageDataInformation.cancelPlan": "Cancel plan", |
"usageDataInformation.updatePaymentMethod": "Update payment method", |
"usageDataInformation.monthlyPayment": "(monthly payment)", |
"usageDataInformation.upgradePlan": "Upgrade plan", |
"invoices.invoices": "Invoices", |
"invoices.date": "Date", |
"invoices.amount": "Amount", |
"invoices.invoice": "Invoice", |
"invoices.link": "Link", |
"trialBadge.xDaysLeft": "{remainingDays} trial {remainingDays, plural, one {day} other {days}} left", |
"trialBadge.endsToday": "Trial ends today", |
"trialBadge.over": "Trial is over", |
"trialOverAlert.text": "Your free trial is over. Please <link>upgrade</link> your plan to continue using Automatisch.", |
"checkoutCompletedAlert.text": "Thank you for upgrading your subscription and supporting our self-funded business!", |
"subscriptionCancelledAlert.text": "Your subscription is cancelled, but you can continue using Automatisch until {date}.", |
"customAutocomplete.noOptions": "No options available.", |
"powerInputSuggestions.noOptions": "No options available.", |
"usersPage.title": "User management", |
"usersPage.createUser": "Create user", |
"deleteUserButton.title": "Delete user", |
"deleteUserButton.description": "This will permanently delete the user and all the associated data with it.", |
"deleteUserButton.cancel": "Cancel", |
"deleteUserButton.confirm": "Delete", |
"deleteUserButton.successfullyDeleted": "The user has been deleted.", |
"editUserPage.title": "Edit user", |
"createUserPage.title": "Create user", |
"userForm.fullName": "Full name", |
"userForm.email": "Email", |
"userForm.role": "Role", |
"userForm.password": "Password", |
"createUser.submit": "Create", |
"createUser.successfullyCreated": "The user has been created.", |
"editUser.submit": "Update", |
"editUser.successfullyUpdated": "The user has been updated.", |
"userList.fullName": "Full name", |
"userList.email": "Email", |
"userList.role": "Role", |
"rolesPage.title": "Role management", |
"rolesPage.createRole": "Create role", |
"deleteRoleButton.title": "Delete role", |
"deleteRoleButton.description": "This will permanently delete the role.", |
"deleteRoleButton.cancel": "Cancel", |
"deleteRoleButton.confirm": "Delete", |
"deleteRoleButton.successfullyDeleted": "The role has been deleted.", |
"editRolePage.title": "Edit role", |
"createRolePage.title": "Create role", |
"roleForm.name": "Name", |
"roleForm.description": "Description", |
"createRole.submit": "Create", |
"createRole.successfullyCreated": "The role has been created.", |
"editRole.submit": "Update", |
"editRole.successfullyUpdated": "The role has been updated.", |
"roleList.name": "Name", |
"roleList.description": "Description", |
"permissionSettings.cancel": "Cancel", |
"permissionSettings.apply": "Apply", |
"permissionSettings.title": "Conditions", |
"appAuthClientsDialog.title": "Choose your authentication client", |
"userInterfacePage.title": "User Interface", |
"userInterfacePage.successfullyUpdated": "User interface has been updated.", |
"userInterfacePage.titleFieldLabel": "Title", |
"userInterfacePage.primaryMainColorFieldLabel": "Primary main color", |
"userInterfacePage.primaryDarkColorFieldLabel": "Primary dark color", |
"userInterfacePage.primaryLightColorFieldLabel": "Primary light color", |
"userInterfacePage.svgDataFieldLabel": "Logo SVG code", |
"userInterfacePage.submit": "Update", |
"authenticationPage.title": "Single Sign-On with SAML", |
"authenticationForm.active": "Active", |
"authenticationForm.name": "Name", |
"authenticationForm.certificate": "Certificate", |
"authenticationForm.signatureAlgorithm": "Signature algorithm", |
"authenticationForm.issuer": "Issuer", |
"authenticationForm.entryPoint": "Entry point", |
"authenticationForm.firstnameAttributeName": "Firstname attribute name", |
"authenticationForm.surnameAttributeName": "Surname attribute name", |
"authenticationForm.emailAttributeName": "Email attribute name", |
"authenticationForm.roleAttributeName": "Role attribute name", |
"authenticationForm.defaultRole": "Default role", |
"authenticationForm.successfullySaved": "The provider has been saved.", |
"authenticationForm.save": "Save", |
"roleMappingsForm.title": "Role mappings", |
"roleMappingsForm.remoteRoleName": "Remote role name", |
"roleMappingsForm.role": "Role", |
"roleMappingsForm.appendRoleMapping": "Append", |
"roleMappingsForm.save": "Save", |
"roleMappingsForm.notFound": "No role mappings have found.", |
"roleMappingsForm.successfullySaved": "Role mappings have been saved.", |
"adminApps.title": "Apps", |
"adminApps.connections": "Connections", |
"adminApps.authClients": "Auth clients", |
"adminApps.settings": "Settings", |
"adminAppsSettings.allowCustomConnection": "Allow custom connection", |
"adminAppsSettings.shared": "Shared", |
"adminAppsSettings.disabled": "Disabled", |
"adminAppsSettings.save": "Save", |
"adminAppsSettings.successfullySaved": "Settings have been saved.", |
"adminAppsAuthClients.noAuthClients": "You don't have any auth clients yet.", |
"adminAppsAuthClients.statusActive": "Active", |
"adminAppsAuthClients.statusInactive": "Inactive", |
"createAuthClient.button": "Create auth client", |
"createAuthClient.title": "Create auth client", |
"authClient.buttonSubmit": "Submit", |
"authClient.inputName": "Name", |
"authClient.inputActive": "Active", |
"updateAuthClient.title": "Update auth client", |
"notFoundPage.title": "We can't seem to find a page you're looking for.", |
"notFoundPage.button": "Back to home page" |
} |