--- tags: - bertopic library_name: bertopic pipeline_tag: text-classification --- # panda This is a [BERTopic](https://github.com/MaartenGr/BERTopic) model. BERTopic is a flexible and modular topic modeling framework that allows for the generation of easily interpretable topics from large datasets. ## Usage To use this model, please install BERTopic: ``` pip install -U bertopic ``` You can use the model as follows: ```python from bertopic import BERTopic topic_model = BERTopic.load("mond45/panda") topic_model.get_topic_info() ``` ## Topic overview * Number of topics: 386 * Number of training documents: 20776
Click here for an overview of all topics. | Topic ID | Topic Keywords | Topic Frequency | Label | |----------|----------------|-----------------|-------| | -1 | and - of - the - to - in | 10 | -1_and_of_the_to | | 0 | proton - collisions - tev - boson - cms | 6195 | 0_proton_collisions_tev_boson | | 1 | af - cardiac - heart - ventricular - patients | 563 | 1_af_cardiac_heart_ventricular | | 2 | supply - innovation - chain - smes - business | 266 | 2_supply_innovation_chain_smes | | 3 | graph - graphs - finite - mathbb - we | 211 | 3_graph_graphs_finite_mathbb | | 4 | microalgae - synechocystis - cyanobacteria - biomass - production | 210 | 4_microalgae_synechocystis_cyanobacteria_biomass | | 5 | resin - bond - fluoride - dentin - biofilm | 189 | 5_resin_bond_fluoride_dentin | | 6 | firms - board - corporate - market - firm | 148 | 6_firms_board_corporate_market | | 7 | glaucoma - eyes - corneal - iop - intraocular | 148 | 7_glaucoma_eyes_corneal_iop | | 8 | photocatalytic - tio2 - visible - photocatalysts - light | 145 | 8_photocatalytic_tio2_visible_photocatalysts | | 9 | hiv - art - cd4 - antiretroviral - children | 135 | 9_hiv_art_cd4_antiretroviral | | 10 | power - pv - electricity - energy - generation | 121 | 10_power_pv_electricity_energy | | 11 | pressure - gpa - structure - electronic - phonon | 114 | 11_pressure_gpa_structure_electronic | | 12 | mcr - isolates - coli - resistance - colistin | 111 | 12_mcr_isolates_coli_resistance | | 13 | skin - psoriasis - acne - laser - sebum | 105 | 13_skin_psoriasis_acne_laser | | 14 | strain - streptomyces - mk - micromonospora - genus | 105 | 14_strain_streptomyces_mk_micromonospora | | 15 | mathbf - networks - sparse - we - learning | 102 | 15_mathbf_networks_sparse_we | | 16 | osteogenic - differentiation - expression - cells - pulp | 98 | 16_osteogenic_differentiation_expression_cells | | 17 | prrsv - pigs - virus - dogs - porcine | 98 | 17_prrsv_pigs_virus_dogs | | 18 | quantum - qubit - dipole - algorithm - we | 98 | 18_quantum_qubit_dipole_algorithm | | 19 | pla - pbs - blend - poly - pbat | 97 | 19_pla_pbs_blend_poly | | 20 | booster - vaccine - vaccination - bnt162b2 - coronavac | 96 | 20_booster_vaccine_vaccination_bnt162b2 | | 21 | brand - customer - intention - trust - purchase | 96 | 21_brand_customer_intention_trust | | 22 | shrimp - wssv - vpahpnd - monodon - penaeus | 96 | 22_shrimp_wssv_vpahpnd_monodon | | 23 | elegans - neuroprotective - glutamate - extract - extracts | 95 | 23_elegans_neuroprotective_glutamate_extract | | 24 | fluorescence - fluorescent - sensor - ions - detection | 94 | 24_fluorescence_fluorescent_sensor_ions | | 25 | tilapia - fish - tilv - oreochromis - nile | 93 | 25_tilapia_fish_tilv_oreochromis | | 26 | mdd - depression - disorder - disorders - immune | 91 | 26_mdd_depression_disorder_disorders | | 27 | biodiesel - catalyst - transesterification - oil - reaction | 91 | 27_biodiesel_catalyst_transesterification_oil | | 28 | oer - electrocatalysts - orr - electrochemical - reduction | 90 | 28_oer_electrocatalysts_orr_electrochemical | | 29 | happiness - retirement - social - older - being | 89 | 29_happiness_retirement_social_older | | 30 | parkinson - pd - tremor - movement - motor | 88 | 30_parkinson_pd_tremor_movement | | 31 | antenna - mimo - 5g - metasurface - channel | 86 | 31_antenna_mimo_5g_metasurface | | 32 | thai - gothic - cultural - music - muslim | 85 | 32_thai_gothic_cultural_music | | 33 | rocks - fault - triassic - basin - permian | 83 | 33_rocks_fault_triassic_basin | | 34 | learning - students - online - teachers - skills | 81 | 34_learning_students_online_teachers | | 35 | zinc - zn - batteries - electrolyte - zibs | 81 | 35_zinc_zn_batteries_electrolyte | | 36 | optimization - design - control - robust - controller | 79 | 36_optimization_design_control_robust | | 37 | asean - political - china - party - law | 78 | 37_asean_political_china_party | | 38 | income - tax - gini - economic - investment | 77 | 38_income_tax_gini_economic | | 39 | fish - reproductive - digestive - histological - pranburi | 76 | 39_fish_reproductive_digestive_histological | | 40 | adsorption - adsorbent - dom - removal - activated | 76 | 40_adsorption_adsorbent_dom_removal | | 41 | ash - geopolymer - cement - fly - concrete | 73 | 41_ash_geopolymer_cement_fly | | 42 | aki - kidney - injury - rrt - acute | 73 | 42_aki_kidney_injury_rrt | | 43 | cancer - lung - akt - csc - cells | 72 | 43_cancer_lung_akt_csc | | 44 | electrode - sensor - electrochemical - detection - glucose | 71 | 44_electrode_sensor_electrochemical_detection | | 45 | concrete - beams - steel - shear - reinforced | 71 | 45_concrete_beams_steel_shear | | 46 | sleep - diabetes - osa - glucose - hba1c | 68 | 46_sleep_diabetes_osa_glucose | | 47 | lumbar - fusion - spine - interbody - endoscopic | 67 | 47_lumbar_fusion_spine_interbody | | 48 | compounds - cytotoxicity - isolated - ic50 - alkaloids | 65 | 48_compounds_cytotoxicity_isolated_ic50 | | 49 | elastic - beam - surface - element - substrate | 64 | 49_elastic_beam_surface_element | | 50 | pyrolysis - catalyst - catalytic - ni - catalysts | 63 | 50_pyrolysis_catalyst_catalytic_ni | | 51 | flood - disaster - tsunami - damage - bcm | 63 | 51_flood_disaster_tsunami_damage | | 52 | text - word - language - sentence - thai | 63 | 52_text_word_language_sentence | | 53 | coral - corals - reefs - gulf - species | 62 | 53_coral_corals_reefs_gulf | | 54 | nasal - rhinosinusitis - rhinitis - saline - incs | 62 | 54_nasal_rhinosinusitis_rhinitis_saline | | 55 | thalassemia - g6pd - transfusion - tdt - hbe | 62 | 55_thalassemia_g6pd_transfusion_tdt | | 56 | cognitive - hearing - moca - dementia - memory | 61 | 56_cognitive_hearing_moca_dementia | | 57 | english - students - reading - language - writing | 60 | 57_english_students_reading_language | | 58 | ceo2 - ni - catalysts - catalyst - co2 | 60 | 58_ceo2_ni_catalysts_catalyst | | 59 | hawc - gamma - ray - observatory - tev | 60 | 59_hawc_gamma_ray_observatory | | 60 | nursing - nurses - nurse - competence - managerial | 59 | 60_nursing_nurses_nurse_competence | | 61 | nps - chitosan - nanoparticles - delivery - curcumin | 59 | 61_nps_chitosan_nanoparticles_delivery | | 62 | english - learners - l1 - thai - corpus | 59 | 62_english_learners_l1_thai | | 63 | galaxies - star - alma - stellar - galaxy | 59 | 63_galaxies_star_alma_stellar | | 64 | nov - species - sp - genus - snail | 58 | 64_nov_species_sp_genus | | 65 | robot - grasping - actuator - stiffness - torque | 58 | 65_robot_grasping_actuator_stiffness | | 66 | rubber - nr - composites - vulcanization - natural | 58 | 66_rubber_nr_composites_vulcanization | | 67 | cellulose - agnps - cmc - hydrogels - starch | 58 | 67_cellulose_agnps_cmc_hydrogels | | 68 | salt - rice - stress - tolerance - kdml105 | 57 | 68_salt_rice_stress_tolerance | | 69 | network - iot - cloud - wireless - traffic | 55 | 69_network_iot_cloud_wireless | | 70 | schizophrenia - deficit - igm - iga - symptoms | 54 | 70_schizophrenia_deficit_igm_iga | | 71 | hpv - cervical - cancer - women - papillomavirus | 54 | 71_hpv_cervical_cancer_women | | 72 | antioxidant - phenolic - riceberry - bean - seed | 53 | 72_antioxidant_phenolic_riceberry_bean | | 73 | farmers - peasant - agroecology - farming - agriculture | 53 | 73_farmers_peasant_agroecology_farming | | 74 | electric - field - particle - cell - trapping | 52 | 74_electric_field_particle_cell | | 75 | spp - parasites - canis - bartonella - immitis | 52 | 75_spp_parasites_canis_bartonella | | 76 | quicke - braconidae - species - hymenoptera - nov | 52 | 76_quicke_braconidae_species_hymenoptera | | 77 | forest - mangrove - forests - trees - soil | 51 | 77_forest_mangrove_forests_trees | | 78 | job - employees - employee - turnover - embeddedness | 50 | 78_job_employees_employee_turnover | | 79 | variants - exome - sequencing - variant - genetic | 50 | 79_variants_exome_sequencing_variant | | 80 | levan - levansucrase - inulosucrase - enzyme - maltose | 50 | 80_levan_levansucrase_inulosucrase_enzyme | | 81 | warehouse - inventory - cost - problem - scheduling | 50 | 81_warehouse_inventory_cost_problem | | 82 | undrained - stability - anisotropic - clays - tunnels | 49 | 82_undrained_stability_anisotropic_clays | | 83 | black - gravity - holes - hole - drgt | 49 | 83_black_gravity_holes_hole | | 84 | lignin - pyrolysis - biomass - bio - torrefaction | 49 | 84_lignin_pyrolysis_biomass_bio | | 85 | land - rainfall - basin - area - climate | 48 | 85_land_rainfall_basin_area | | 86 | pain - tka - knee - morphine - postoperative | 48 | 86_pain_tka_knee_morphine | | 87 | pythiosis - insidiosum - fungal - pythium - keratitis | 48 | 87_pythiosis_insidiosum_fungal_pythium | | 88 | alcohol - smoking - cannabis - tobacco - drinking | 48 | 88_alcohol_smoking_cannabis_tobacco | | 89 | furfural - hmf - catalysts - catalyst - hydroxymethylfurfural | 47 | 89_furfural_hmf_catalysts_catalyst | | 90 | sjs - hla - ten - reactions - drug | 47 | 90_sjs_hla_ten_reactions | | 91 | oa - knee - synovial - osteoarthritis - rtl | 45 | 91_oa_knee_synovial_osteoarthritis | | 92 | tb - tuberculosis - mtbc - mtb - mycobacterium | 45 | 92_tb_tuberculosis_mtbc_mtb | | 93 | glucosidase - inhibitory - compounds - antidiabetic - inhibition | 45 | 93_glucosidase_inhibitory_compounds_antidiabetic | | 94 | forecasting - semantic - forecast - weather - arima | 44 | 94_forecasting_semantic_forecast_weather | | 95 | anesthesia - anesthetic - incidents - perioperative - paad | 44 | 95_anesthesia_anesthetic_incidents_perioperative | | 96 | seizure - epilepsy - seizures - eeg - neurological | 44 | 96_seizure_epilepsy_seizures_eeg | | 97 | petri - bpmn - timed - workflow - nets | 44 | 97_petri_bpmn_timed_workflow | | 98 | flow - drift - velocity - wake - flux | 44 | 98_flow_drift_velocity_wake | | 99 | groundwater - pb - contamination - metals - cd | 44 | 99_groundwater_pb_contamination_metals | | 100 | pertussis - rsv - vaccine - vaccination - children | 43 | 100_pertussis_rsv_vaccine_vaccination | | 101 | covid - 19 - pandemic - health - countries | 43 | 101_covid_19_pandemic_health | | 102 | lupus - sle - fcgriib - mice - fcγriib | 43 | 102_lupus_sle_fcgriib_mice | | 103 | energy - δln - emissions - sector - policy | 43 | 103_energy_δln_emissions_sector | | 104 | consortium - degradation - degrading - biodegradation - profenofos | 41 | 104_consortium_degradation_degrading_biodegradation | | 105 | co2 - mea - amine - amp - absorption | 41 | 105_co2_mea_amine_amp | | 106 | reactor - fluidized - sorbent - bed - co2 | 41 | 106_reactor_fluidized_sorbent_bed | | 107 | microplastics - mps - microplastic - plastic - pollution | 41 | 107_microplastics_mps_microplastic_plastic | | 108 | gaas - insb - nanowires - epitaxy - gasb | 40 | 108_gaas_insb_nanowires_epitaxy | | 109 | falciparum - plasmodium - malaria - vivax - parasite | 40 | 109_falciparum_plasmodium_malaria_vivax | | 110 | mutations - imperfecta - mutation - heterozygous - teeth | 40 | 110_mutations_imperfecta_mutation_heterozygous | | 111 | silk - fibroin - sf - hydrogel - scaffolds | 40 | 111_silk_fibroin_sf_hydrogel | | 112 | curcumin - cur - cisplatin - pain - prodrug | 40 | 112_curcumin_cur_cisplatin_pain | | 113 | pain - neck - office - back - workers | 40 | 113_pain_neck_office_back | | 114 | stone - aldosterone - urinary - oxalate - urolithiasis | 39 | 114_stone_aldosterone_urinary_oxalate | | 115 | macaques - macaque - macaca - fascicularis - tailed | 39 | 115_macaques_macaque_macaca_fascicularis | | 116 | herbal - curcuma - species - barcoding - speciosa | 39 | 116_herbal_curcuma_species_barcoding | | 117 | species - kidyoo - corolla - ceropegia - lobes | 39 | 117_species_kidyoo_corolla_ceropegia | | 118 | caries - dental - oral - health - children | 39 | 118_caries_dental_oral_health | | 119 | transit - motorcycle - bangkok - bus - rha | 39 | 119_transit_motorcycle_bangkok_bus | | 120 | cd - rice - cadmium - edta - arsenic | 38 | 120_cd_rice_cadmium_edta | | 121 | llms - cactus - language - tasks - llm | 38 | 121_llms_cactus_language_tasks | | 122 | leptospira - leptospirosis - interrogans - lipl32 - serovar | 38 | 122_leptospira_leptospirosis_interrogans_lipl32 | | 123 | hiv - plhiv - plwh - antiretroviral - art | 38 | 123_hiv_plhiv_plwh_antiretroviral | | 124 | candollei - mirifica - pueraria - isoflavonoids - cultures | 37 | 124_candollei_mirifica_pueraria_isoflavonoids | | 125 | hardness - coatings - ks - wear - prime | 36 | 125_hardness_coatings_ks_wear | | 126 | dose - ct - radiation - cbct - kv | 36 | 126_dose_ct_radiation_cbct | | 127 | γcd - solubility - cyclodextrin - complexes - aqueous | 35 | 127_γcd_solubility_cyclodextrin_complexes | | 128 | hbv - hepatitis - hbsag - chb - hbeag | 35 | 128_hbv_hepatitis_hbsag_chb | | 129 | resonant - equation - equations - schrödinger - mechanics | 35 | 129_resonant_equation_equations_schrödinger | | 130 | steam - cao - reforming - gasification - co2 | 35 | 130_steam_cao_reforming_gasification | | 131 | asd - autism - bpa - apap - bdnf | 34 | 131_asd_autism_bpa_apap | | 132 | anaerobic - wastewater - cod - mbr - bioreactor | 34 | 132_anaerobic_wastewater_cod_mbr | | 133 | eus - segmentation - lesions - images - ai | 34 | 133_eus_segmentation_lesions_images | | 134 | plant - antibody - binding - produced - neoantigen | 34 | 134_plant_antibody_binding_produced | | 135 | pd - peritoneal - dialysis - peritonitis - pdopps | 34 | 135_pd_peritoneal_dialysis_peritonitis | | 136 | alu - dna - methylation - hypomethylation - epigenetic | 33 | 136_alu_dna_methylation_hypomethylation | | 137 | nutrition - hpn - septic - sepsis - parenteral | 33 | 137_nutrition_hpn_septic_sepsis | | 138 | waste - management - msw - solid - municipal | 33 | 138_waste_management_msw_solid | | 139 | preeclampsia - placental - uterine - trimester - pregnant | 32 | 139_preeclampsia_placental_uterine_trimester | | 140 | extraction - gold - hfslm - stripping - mercury | 32 | 140_extraction_gold_hfslm_stripping | | 141 | cov - sars - binding - 3clpro - mpro | 32 | 141_cov_sars_binding_3clpro | | 142 | ammonia - nitrification - nitrogen - nitrifying - oxidizing | 32 | 142_ammonia_nitrification_nitrogen_nitrifying | | 143 | artery - facial - nerve - cadavers - arteries | 32 | 143_artery_facial_nerve_cadavers | | 144 | cd - inclusion - cyclodextrin - βcd - complexes | 32 | 144_cd_inclusion_cyclodextrin_βcd | | 145 | eeg - emotion - bci - classification - signals | 32 | 145_eeg_emotion_bci_classification | | 146 | software - web - code - testing - test | 31 | 146_software_web_code_testing | | 147 | oil - surfactant - wax - oilfield - recovery | 31 | 147_oil_surfactant_wax_oilfield | | 148 | nafld - fibrosis - liver - steatosis - apri | 31 | 148_nafld_fibrosis_liver_steatosis | | 149 | perovskite - solar - pscs - perovskites - cigs | 31 | 149_perovskite_solar_pscs_perovskites | | 150 | extract - antioxidant - extracts - activities - macrophylla | 31 | 150_extract_antioxidant_extracts_activities | | 151 | version - validity - qol - reliability - thai | 31 | 151_version_validity_qol_reliability | | 152 | hcv - hepatitis - hbv - infection - rna | 31 | 152_hcv_hepatitis_hbv_infection | | 153 | gnss - positioning - pwv - cors - navigation | 31 | 153_gnss_positioning_pwv_cors | | 154 | car - lymphoma - cell - cd19 - survival | 31 | 154_car_lymphoma_cell_cd19 | | 155 | blockchain - bct - iot - bpm - trust | 31 | 155_blockchain_bct_iot_bpm | | 156 | biliary - drainage - ercp - eus - stent | 31 | 156_biliary_drainage_ercp_eus | | 157 | addiction - media - smartphone - screen - children | 31 | 157_addiction_media_smartphone_screen | | 158 | nov - sp - species - enghoff - genus | 30 | 158_nov_sp_species_enghoff | | 159 | candida - gut - mice - bg - dysbiosis | 30 | 159_candida_gut_mice_bg | | 160 | oscillators - waveguide - photon - coupling - hair | 30 | 160_oscillators_waveguide_photon_coupling | | 161 | species - tylototriton - verrucosus - snake - feihyla | 30 | 161_species_tylototriton_verrucosus_snake | | 162 | npc - ebv - nasopharyngeal - adc - radiation | 30 | 162_npc_ebv_nasopharyngeal_adc | | 163 | pda - polydiacetylene - reversible - nanocomposites - assemblies | 30 | 163_pda_polydiacetylene_reversible_nanocomposites | | 164 | pm2 - air - pm10 - pollution - traffic | 30 | 164_pm2_air_pm10_pollution | | 165 | bile - lab - fermented - cholesterol - bacillus | 30 | 165_bile_lab_fermented_cholesterol | | 166 | aclf - liver - cirrhosis - aarc - failure | 30 | 166_aclf_liver_cirrhosis_aarc | | 167 | grass - pretreatment - napier - fermentation - pretreated | 29 | 167_grass_pretreatment_napier_fermentation | | 168 | battery - vanadium - zinc - vrfb - flow | 29 | 168_battery_vanadium_zinc_vrfb | | 169 | traffic - travel - gps - road - prediction | 29 | 169_traffic_travel_gps_road | | 170 | dose - vmat - plans - field - beam | 29 | 170_dose_vmat_plans_field | | 171 | hydroxyapatite - brake - eggshell - powder - calcium | 29 | 171_hydroxyapatite_brake_eggshell_powder | | 172 | sperm - semen - cryopreservation - motility - spermatozoa | 29 | 172_sperm_semen_cryopreservation_motility | | 173 | leishmania - leishmaniasis - martiniquensis - trypanosoma - mundinia | 29 | 173_leishmania_leishmaniasis_martiniquensis_trypanosoma | | 174 | random - bounds - approximation - stein - cdo | 29 | 174_random_bounds_approximation_stein | | 175 | dosing - mic - pharmacokinetic - meropenem - vancomycin | 29 | 175_dosing_mic_pharmacokinetic_meropenem | | 176 | juno - neutrino - scintillator - detector - pmts | 29 | 176_juno_neutrino_scintillator_detector | | 177 | clustering - series - reward - outlier - time | 28 | 177_clustering_series_reward_outlier | | 178 | pesticide - pesticides - farmers - exposure - op | 28 | 178_pesticide_pesticides_farmers_exposure | | 179 | pd - catalysts - glycerol - fame - pt | 28 | 179_pd_catalysts_glycerol_fame | | 180 | adsorption - co2 - zif - carbon - mil | 28 | 180_adsorption_co2_zif_carbon | | 181 | dismantling - pahs - waste - workers - metals | 28 | 181_dismantling_pahs_waste_workers | | 182 | cos - broilers - diet - yolk - supplementation | 28 | 182_cos_broilers_diet_yolk | | 183 | user - recommendation - rating - recommender - item | 27 | 183_user_recommendation_rating_recommender | | 184 | neutron - stars - matter - star - quark | 27 | 184_neutron_stars_matter_star | | 185 | hypertension - ht - pressure - hbp - blood | 27 | 185_hypertension_ht_pressure_hbp | | 186 | electrochemical - immunosensor - detection - crp - cortisol | 27 | 186_electrochemical_immunosensor_detection_crp | | 187 | ethanol - catalysts - catalyst - ethylene - catalytic | 27 | 187_ethanol_catalysts_catalyst_ethylene | | 188 | mindfulness - abuse - self - drawings - athletes | 27 | 188_mindfulness_abuse_self_drawings | | 189 | cov - sars - rbd - fc - vaccine | 27 | 189_cov_sars_rbd_fc | | 190 | oral - olp - pain - oidp - planus | 27 | 190_oral_olp_pain_oidp | | 191 | allergens - allergen - der - hdm - ige | 27 | 191_allergens_allergen_der_hdm | | 192 | cca - cholangiocarcinoma - lin28b - fluke - necroptosis | 27 | 192_cca_cholangiocarcinoma_lin28b_fluke | | 193 | surfactant - surfactants - detergency - microemulsion - washing | 27 | 193_surfactant_surfactants_detergency_microemulsion | | 194 | sars - cov - detection - crispr - covid | 27 | 194_sars_cov_detection_crispr | | 195 | ba - hcc - liver - atresia - mir | 27 | 195_ba_hcc_liver_atresia | | 196 | implant - cais - implants - static - placement | 27 | 196_implant_cais_implants_static | | 197 | thyroid - ptc - mutation - braf - niftp | 26 | 197_thyroid_ptc_mutation_braf | | 198 | ppp - infrastructure - projects - project - subcontractor | 26 | 198_ppp_infrastructure_projects_project | | 199 | chikv - zikv - denv - chikungunya - mosquitoes | 26 | 199_chikv_zikv_denv_chikungunya | | 200 | ibd - uc - colitis - bowel - ibs | 26 | 200_ibd_uc_colitis_bowel | | 201 | sows - piglets - piglet - farrowing - colostrum | 26 | 201_sows_piglets_piglet_farrowing | | 202 | claudin - odontogenic - ameloblastoma - lesions - pten | 26 | 202_claudin_odontogenic_ameloblastoma_lesions | | 203 | earthquake - seismic - liquefaction - ground - northern | 26 | 203_earthquake_seismic_liquefaction_ground | | 204 | mhd - wave - equations - cem - pdi | 26 | 204_mhd_wave_equations_cem | | 205 | so - gauged - supergravity - supersymmetric - gauge | 26 | 205_so_gauged_supergravity_supersymmetric | | 206 | nsclc - chemotherapy - egfr - advanced - osimertinib | 26 | 206_nsclc_chemotherapy_egfr_advanced | | 207 | silver - ters - sers - raman - agmss | 26 | 207_silver_ters_sers_raman | | 208 | indoor - air - respiratory - exposure - pollution | 26 | 208_indoor_air_respiratory_exposure | | 209 | amh - kisspeptin - gilts - testicular - hormone | 25 | 209_amh_kisspeptin_gilts_testicular | | 210 | pna - nucleic - dna - acpcpna - pyrrolidinyl | 25 | 210_pna_nucleic_dna_acpcpna | | 211 | bim - construction - building - project - system | 25 | 211_bim_construction_building_project | | 212 | sigma - process - maintenance - defect - fmea | 25 | 212_sigma_process_maintenance_defect | | 213 | gc - column - chromatography - 2d - comprehensive | 25 | 213_gc_column_chromatography_2d | | 214 | classification - image - cnn - trash - classify | 25 | 214_classification_image_cnn_trash | | 215 | bar - t_ - 3872 - tetraquark - tetraquarks | 24 | 215_bar_t__3872_tetraquark | | 216 | lattice - ising - singlet - zeroes - fractons | 24 | 216_lattice_ising_singlet_zeroes | | 217 | goats - dcad - hta - milk - dairy | 24 | 217_goats_dcad_hta_milk | | 218 | venom - snakebite - antivenom - snake - antivenoms | 24 | 218_venom_snakebite_antivenom_snake | | 219 | ysz - anode - scgz - electrolyte - sintering | 24 | 219_ysz_anode_scgz_electrolyte | | 220 | methanol - dme - gasification - co2 - synthesis | 23 | 220_methanol_dme_gasification_co2 | | 221 | sars - cov - wastewater - coronavirus - cats | 23 | 221_sars_cov_wastewater_coronavirus | | 222 | tac - tacrolimus - cyp3a5 - transplantation - kidney | 23 | 222_tac_tacrolimus_cyp3a5_transplantation | | 223 | protein - residue - residues - native - hv1 | 23 | 223_protein_residue_residues_native | | 224 | flour - starch - rice - pasting - starches | 23 | 224_flour_starch_rice_pasting | | 225 | asfv - swine - csfv - asf - fever | 23 | 225_asfv_swine_csfv_asf | | 226 | radon - thoron - bq - msv - dose | 23 | 226_radon_thoron_bq_msv | | 227 | stroke - ischemic - ais - nihss - nwu | 23 | 227_stroke_ischemic_ais_nihss | | 228 | pani - conductivity - pss - polyaniline - electrical | 22 | 228_pani_conductivity_pss_polyaniline | | 229 | ckd - kidney - egfr - gfr - epi | 22 | 229_ckd_kidney_egfr_gfr | | 230 | exercise - hiit - training - endurance - obese | 22 | 230_exercise_hiit_training_endurance | | 231 | theories - symmetries - quiver - 2n - symmetry | 22 | 231_theories_symmetries_quiver_2n | | 232 | middle - east - subfamily - species - iran | 22 | 232_middle_east_subfamily_species | | 233 | mangostin - zebrafish - embryos - acanthamoeba - mangostana | 22 | 233_mangostin_zebrafish_embryos_acanthamoeba | | 234 | shielding - csi - glass - radiation - ray | 21 | 234_shielding_csi_glass_radiation | | 235 | mxene - ldh - ti3c2 - lithium - mah | 21 | 235_mxene_ldh_ti3c2_lithium | | 236 | aircraft - segmentation - images - remote - decoder | 21 | 236_aircraft_segmentation_images_remote | | 237 | stars - galaxy - cmb - metallicity - ksz | 21 | 237_stars_galaxy_cmb_metallicity | | 238 | plantar - foot - fasciitis - ankle - stretching | 21 | 238_plantar_foot_fasciitis_ankle | | 239 | gerd - esophageal - reflux - egj - achalasia | 21 | 239_gerd_esophageal_reflux_egj | | 240 | gaba - lactic - strain - sporolactobacillus - acid | 21 | 240_gaba_lactic_strain_sporolactobacillus | | 241 | tendon - repair - suture - arthroscopic - tear | 21 | 241_tendon_repair_suture_arthroscopic | | 242 | breast - mri - lesions - mammography - malignancy | 21 | 242_breast_mri_lesions_mammography | | 243 | lewis - catalysts - metathesis - sio2 - coke | 21 | 243_lewis_catalysts_metathesis_sio2 | | 244 | biorefinery - scgs - pulping - pulp - kraft | 21 | 244_biorefinery_scgs_pulping_pulp | | 245 | bleeding - esd - ppi - rebleeding - endoscopic | 21 | 245_bleeding_esd_ppi_rebleeding | | 246 | groundwater - recharge - aquifer - river - saigon | 20 | 246_groundwater_recharge_aquifer_river | | 247 | ns3 - na - influenza - binding - protease | 20 | 247_ns3_na_influenza_binding | | 248 | classification - tuberculosis - tb - image - chest | 20 | 248_classification_tuberculosis_tb_image | | 249 | shape - memory - copolymers - epoxy - benzoxazine | 20 | 249_shape_memory_copolymers_epoxy | | 250 | heat - thermal - gshp - pumps - cooling | 20 | 250_heat_thermal_gshp_pumps | | 251 | inflation - inflaton - supergravity - supersymmetry - symmetry | 20 | 251_inflation_inflaton_supergravity_supersymmetry | | 252 | sofc - fuel - soec - steam - electrolysis | 20 | 252_sofc_fuel_soec_steam | | 253 | sts - children - sdcp - palsy - cerebral | 20 | 253_sts_children_sdcp_palsy | | 254 | topological - quantum - localized - wannier - mgo | 19 | 254_topological_quantum_localized_wannier | | 255 | building - bems - energy - smart - hvac | 19 | 255_building_bems_energy_smart | | 256 | sg - organoids - epithelial - gland - salivary | 19 | 256_sg_organoids_epithelial_gland | | 257 | probiotics - gut - synbiotic - lactobacillus - microbiome | 19 | 257_probiotics_gut_synbiotic_lactobacillus | | 258 | hydrate - methane - hydrates - formation - dissociation | 19 | 258_hydrate_methane_hydrates_formation | | 259 | lichen - usnea - parmotrema - xanthone - nmr | 19 | 259_lichen_usnea_parmotrema_xanthone | | 260 | federated - fl - privacy - learning - training | 19 | 260_federated_fl_privacy_learning | | 261 | sicp - moulding - si3n4 - powder - sintered | 19 | 261_sicp_moulding_si3n4_powder | | 262 | adolescent - anc - mothers - bangladesh - utilization | 19 | 262_adolescent_anc_mothers_bangladesh | | 263 | egfr - jak2 - tk - kinase - inhibitors | 19 | 263_egfr_jak2_tk_kinase | | 264 | formulas - formula - moments - swaps - conditional | 19 | 264_formulas_formula_moments_swaps | | 265 | deposits - storm - tsunami - beach - sea | 19 | 265_deposits_storm_tsunami_beach | | 266 | tdf - tenofovir - taf - rpv - switching | 19 | 266_tdf_tenofovir_taf_rpv | | 267 | records - speleothem - isotope - forcing - monsoon | 18 | 267_records_speleothem_isotope_forcing | | 268 | stock - prediction - market - neural - trading | 18 | 268_stock_prediction_market_neural | | 269 | caregivers - care - ciic - ltc - family | 18 | 269_caregivers_care_ciic_ltc | | 270 | resolution - super - image - network - lf | 18 | 270_resolution_super_image_network | | 271 | fuel - pemfc - converter - optimization - algorithm | 18 | 271_fuel_pemfc_converter_optimization | | 272 | sulfonated - membrane - proton - speek - conductivity | 18 | 272_sulfonated_membrane_proton_speek | | 273 | complexes - coordination - ligand - cu - ln | 18 | 273_complexes_coordination_ligand_cu | | 274 | depression - transgender - anxiety - trd - mental | 18 | 274_depression_transgender_anxiety_trd | | 275 | drug - network - associations - drugs - proteins | 18 | 275_drug_network_associations_drugs | | 276 | colonoscopy - adr - endoscopists - adenoma - polyps | 18 | 276_colonoscopy_adr_endoscopists_adenoma | | 277 | peritonitis - peritoneal - pd - dialysis - catheter | 18 | 277_peritonitis_peritoneal_pd_dialysis | | 278 | flavin - fad - c1 - hpa - nadh | 17 | 278_flavin_fad_c1_hpa | | 279 | plasma - hydrogenation - fame - discharge - margarine | 17 | 279_plasma_hydrogenation_fame_discharge | | 280 | dredged - pavement - sediments - cement - opc | 17 | 280_dredged_pavement_sediments_cement | | 281 | thioglycosides - synthesis - yields - pot - chlorides | 17 | 281_thioglycosides_synthesis_yields_pot | | 282 | moea - assembly - line - nsga - balancing | 17 | 282_moea_assembly_line_nsga | | 283 | cr - vi - chromium - extraction - electromembrane | 17 | 283_cr_vi_chromium_extraction | | 284 | ckd - calcification - cinacalcet - indoxyl - sulfate | 17 | 284_ckd_calcification_cinacalcet_indoxyl | | 285 | iloprost - bone - periodontal - prf - ofd | 17 | 285_iloprost_bone_periodontal_prf | | 286 | pharmacists - pharmacy - community - hds - pharmacist | 17 | 286_pharmacists_pharmacy_community_hds | | 287 | uv - dmdc - shelf - storage - juice | 17 | 287_uv_dmdc_shelf_storage | | 288 | nhi - health - households - healthcare - oop | 16 | 288_nhi_health_households_healthcare | | 289 | tourism - tourists - golf - local - coffee | 16 | 289_tourism_tourists_golf_local | | 290 | methylation - hpv - cervical - hpv16 - promoter | 16 | 290_methylation_hpv_cervical_hpv16 | | 291 | camsap3 - mtorc2 - lung - microtubules - cancer | 16 | 291_camsap3_mtorc2_lung_microtubules | | 292 | sinus - endoscopic - skull - frontal - endonasal | 16 | 292_sinus_endoscopic_skull_frontal | | 293 | pbhs - gravitational - inflation - pbh - cosmological | 16 | 293_pbhs_gravitational_inflation_pbh | | 294 | inversion - adcigs - migration - image - optics | 16 | 294_inversion_adcigs_migration_image | | 295 | chaotic - resource - allee - fear - dynamics | 16 | 295_chaotic_resource_allee_fear | | 296 | covid - spo2 - affective - physio - long | 16 | 296_covid_spo2_affective_physio | | 297 | periodontitis - periodontal - flowcharts - cal - salivary | 16 | 297_periodontitis_periodontal_flowcharts_cal | | 298 | dtmuv - ducks - duck - tembusu - mosquitoes | 16 | 298_dtmuv_ducks_duck_tembusu | | 299 | death - acceptance - buddhist - spiritual - care | 16 | 299_death_acceptance_buddhist_spiritual | | 300 | ripening - durian - fruit - auxin - ethylene | 16 | 300_ripening_durian_fruit_auxin | | 301 | concrete - confined - ultimate - compressive - hemp | 16 | 301_concrete_confined_ultimate_compressive | | 302 | leadership - teacher - school - teachers - principals | 16 | 302_leadership_teacher_school_teachers | | 303 | ti - nitrogen - titanium - alloys - laser | 16 | 303_ti_nitrogen_titanium_alloys | | 304 | salmonella - oyster - contamination - vibrio - water | 16 | 304_salmonella_oyster_contamination_vibrio | | 305 | iii - nzvi - removal - arsenate - adsorption | 15 | 305_iii_nzvi_removal_arsenate | | 306 | classifier - minority - tree - instances - class | 15 | 306_classifier_minority_tree_instances | | 307 | membranes - membrane - tio2 - pvdf - grafting | 15 | 307_membranes_membrane_tio2_pvdf | | 308 | tyrosinase - melanin - mitf - melanogenic - sericin | 15 | 308_tyrosinase_melanin_mitf_melanogenic | | 309 | wound - bc - cellulose - films - dressing | 15 | 309_wound_bc_cellulose_films | | 310 | malaria - intervention - knowledge - aor - township | 15 | 310_malaria_intervention_knowledge_aor | | 311 | cdtb - cdta - mpr1 - cdr1 - albicans | 15 | 311_cdtb_cdta_mpr1_cdr1 | | 312 | skeletal - cephalometric - airway - mma - convex | 15 | 312_skeletal_cephalometric_airway_mma | | 313 | literacy - parents - app - health - mchh | 15 | 313_literacy_parents_app_health | | 314 | wheezing - allergy - ar - children - allergic | 15 | 314_wheezing_allergy_ar_children | | 315 | kda - fraction - peptides - scavenging - radical | 15 | 315_kda_fraction_peptides_scavenging | | 316 | pesticide - organophosphate - pesticides - sensor - ache | 15 | 316_pesticide_organophosphate_pesticides_sensor | | 317 | oral - dogs - tumors - lom - ms | 15 | 317_oral_dogs_tumors_lom | | 318 | excavation - clay - diaphragm - ground - soft | 15 | 318_excavation_clay_diaphragm_ground | | 319 | soil - micp - spores - urea - calcite | 15 | 319_soil_micp_spores_urea | | 320 | lca - design - dfma - dfcwm - bim | 15 | 320_lca_design_dfma_dfcwm | | 321 | lps - macrophages - ezh2 - sepsis - mice | 14 | 321_lps_macrophages_ezh2_sepsis | | 322 | pain - injection - needling - lidocaine - usg | 14 | 322_pain_injection_needling_lidocaine | | 323 | supercapacitor - capacitance - supercapacitors - graphene - hybrid | 14 | 323_supercapacitor_capacitance_supercapacitors_graphene | | 324 | soa - db - amplifier - edfa - qd | 14 | 324_soa_db_amplifier_edfa | | 325 | prb - pr - pra - progesterone - breast | 14 | 325_prb_pr_pra_progesterone | | 326 | polymerization - ethylene - hexene - thf - tnoa | 14 | 326_polymerization_ethylene_hexene_thf | | 327 | slco1b1 - ugt1a1 - polymorphisms - irinotecan - abcc2 | 14 | 327_slco1b1_ugt1a1_polymorphisms_irinotecan | | 328 | nanoemulsion - cinnamon - clove - oil - nanoemulsions | 14 | 328_nanoemulsion_cinnamon_clove_oil | | 329 | ecg - pulse - rppg - psg - video | 14 | 329_ecg_pulse_rppg_psg | | 330 | solubility - liquid - nrtl - lttms - tie | 14 | 330_solubility_liquid_nrtl_lttms | | 331 | fall - falls - home - elderly - hfhat | 14 | 331_fall_falls_home_elderly | | 332 | nanopore - rna - sequencing - editing - rnas | 14 | 332_nanopore_rna_sequencing_editing | | 333 | iot - imsi - security - rfid - authentication | 14 | 333_iot_imsi_security_rfid | | 334 | tendon - fhl - peroneal - mkh - accessory | 14 | 334_tendon_fhl_peroneal_mkh | | 335 | amplitudes - string - loop - scattering - ambitwistor | 14 | 335_amplitudes_string_loop_scattering | | 336 | release - drug - permeation - transdermal - insulin | 14 | 336_release_drug_permeation_transdermal | | 337 | rabies - id - rabv - prophylaxis - vaccines | 13 | 337_rabies_id_rabv_prophylaxis | | 338 | reservoir - decline - commingled - gas - layer | 13 | 338_reservoir_decline_commingled_gas | | 339 | apis - honey - honeybee - mellifera - bee | 13 | 339_apis_honey_honeybee_mellifera | | 340 | covid - 19 - severe - ssc - variants | 13 | 340_covid_19_severe_ssc | | 341 | titanium - dlc - ti - anodization - surface | 13 | 341_titanium_dlc_ti_anodization | | 342 | chest - plb - ftlp - wall - copd | 13 | 342_chest_plb_ftlp_wall | | 343 | hydrogenation - fe - catalysts - selectivity - co2 | 13 | 343_hydrogenation_fe_catalysts_selectivity | | 344 | crocodiles - amoxicillin - freshwater - crocodylus - pharmacokinetic | 13 | 344_crocodiles_amoxicillin_freshwater_crocodylus | | 345 | robot - automation - autonomous - robots - twin | 13 | 345_robot_automation_autonomous_robots | | 346 | masticatory - denture - bite - wearers - peanut | 13 | 346_masticatory_denture_bite_wearers | | 347 | rollover - tripped - untripped - rollovers - neural | 13 | 347_rollover_tripped_untripped_rollovers | | 348 | microneedles - microneedle - microsuture - skin - prn | 13 | 348_microneedles_microneedle_microsuture_skin | | 349 | peri - implant - implantitis - abutment - tissue | 13 | 349_peri_implant_implantitis_abutment | | 350 | students - teaching - physiology - medical - learning | 13 | 350_students_teaching_physiology_medical | | 351 | ballistic - polybenzoxazine - friction - composites - aramid | 13 | 351_ballistic_polybenzoxazine_friction_composites | | 352 | kidney - dialysis - countries - hdf - conservative | 12 | 352_kidney_dialysis_countries_hdf | | 353 | covid - 19 - pandemic - distancing - resilience | 12 | 353_covid_19_pandemic_distancing | | 354 | radar - photonic - bandwidth - autonomous - vehicles | 12 | 354_radar_photonic_bandwidth_autonomous | | 355 | poroelastic - foundations - rigid - dynamic - foundation | 12 | 355_poroelastic_foundations_rigid_dynamic | | 356 | h2 - halophytica - production - hydrogenase - cyanobacterium | 12 | 356_h2_halophytica_production_hydrogenase | | 357 | rhizosphere - plant - soil - microbial - diversity | 12 | 357_rhizosphere_plant_soil_microbial | | 358 | heritages - urban - cultural - ordinary - heritage | 12 | 358_heritages_urban_cultural_ordinary | | 359 | counting - plaque - automated - rbc - nrbc | 12 | 359_counting_plaque_automated_rbc | | 360 | adsorption - h2 - zro2 - vo - hydrogen | 12 | 360_adsorption_h2_zro2_vo | | 361 | pricing - tensor - asset - financial - machine | 12 | 361_pricing_tensor_asset_financial | | 362 | mdd - pufas - dr - vitamins - dentium | 12 | 362_mdd_pufas_dr_vitamins | | 363 | crack - cracks - singular - weakly - boundary | 12 | 363_crack_cracks_singular_weakly | | 364 | fruits - insect - abundance - richness - bee | 12 | 364_fruits_insect_abundance_richness | | 365 | antimicrobial - antibiotic - asp - antibiotics - pediatric | 12 | 365_antimicrobial_antibiotic_asp_antibiotics | | 366 | shfz - ปกรณ - fixation - fracture - plate | 12 | 366_shfz_ปกรณ_fixation_fracture | | 367 | exchanger - hen - heat - retrofit - refrigeration | 12 | 367_exchanger_hen_heat_retrofit | | 368 | pleistocene - fossil - miocene - sung - khok | 12 | 368_pleistocene_fossil_miocene_sung | | 369 | dielectric - electrostriction - vdf - pu - tpus | 12 | 369_dielectric_electrostriction_vdf_pu | | 370 | hnscc - methylation - squamous - oscc - pbmcs | 11 | 370_hnscc_methylation_squamous_oscc | | 371 | perturbative - fock - representations - sda - gsl | 11 | 371_perturbative_fock_representations_sda | | 372 | screening - cancer - crc - cost - colon | 11 | 372_screening_cancer_crc_cost | | 373 | twitter - nuclear - protest - perception - machine | 11 | 373_twitter_nuclear_protest_perception | | 374 | wound - foam - healing - hydrogels - poloxamer | 11 | 374_wound_foam_healing_hydrogels | | 375 | adults - older - balance - f8w - sway | 11 | 375_adults_older_balance_f8w | | 376 | underweight - anemia - women - donation - ida | 11 | 376_underweight_anemia_women_donation | | 377 | pwm - overmodulation - converters - inverters - voltage | 11 | 377_pwm_overmodulation_converters_inverters | | 378 | biofeedback - prokinetics - anal - bast - reflex | 11 | 378_biofeedback_prokinetics_anal_bast | | 379 | hydrogen - fermentation - garden - wastes - biohydrogen | 10 | 379_hydrogen_fermentation_garden_wastes | | 380 | speed - force - peak - tomoa - eccentric | 10 | 380_speed_force_peak_tomoa | | 381 | mds - ddx41 - mutations - myelodysplastic - tp53 | 10 | 381_mds_ddx41_mutations_myelodysplastic | | 382 | cbct - computed - alveolar - bone - tomography | 10 | 382_cbct_computed_alveolar_bone | | 383 | infliximab - p13 - secukinumab - psa - biosimilar | 10 | 383_infliximab_p13_secukinumab_psa | | 384 | pontodrilus - litoralis - species - hirudinaria - earthworm | 10 | 384_pontodrilus_litoralis_species_hirudinaria |
## Training hyperparameters * calculate_probabilities: False * language: None * low_memory: False * min_topic_size: 10 * n_gram_range: (1, 1) * nr_topics: None * seed_topic_list: None * top_n_words: 10 * verbose: False * zeroshot_min_similarity: 0.7 * zeroshot_topic_list: None ## Framework versions * Numpy: 1.24.1 * HDBSCAN: 0.8.33 * UMAP: 0.5.6 * Pandas: 2.2.2 * Scikit-Learn: 1.4.2 * Sentence-transformers: 2.7.0 * Transformers: 4.40.1 * Numba: 0.59.1 * Plotly: 5.22.0 * Python: 3.10.12