#!/usr/bin/env bash SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" || exit KEY_FILE=.webui_secret_key PORT="${PORT:-8080}" HOST="${HOST:-}" if test "$WEBUI_SECRET_KEY $WEBUI_JWT_SECRET_KEY" = " "; then echo "Loading WEBUI_SECRET_KEY from file, not provided as an environment variable." if ! [ -e "$KEY_FILE" ]; then echo "Generating WEBUI_SECRET_KEY" # Generate a random value to use as a WEBUI_SECRET_KEY in case the user didn't provide one. echo $(head -c 12 /dev/random | base64) > "$KEY_FILE" fi echo "Loading WEBUI_SECRET_KEY from $KEY_FILE" WEBUI_SECRET_KEY=$(cat "$KEY_FILE") fi if [ "$USE_OLLAMA_DOCKER" = "true" ]; then echo "USE_OLLAMA is set to true, starting ollama serve." ollama serve & fi if [ "$USE_CUDA_DOCKER" = "true" ]; then echo "CUDA is enabled, appending LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include torch/cudnn & cublas libraries." export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/lib:/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/nvidia/cudnn/lib" fi # Check if SPACE_ID is set, if so, configure for space if [ -n "$SPACE_ID" ]; then echo "Configuring for HuggingFace Space deployment" # Copy litellm_config.yaml with specified ownership echo "Copying litellm_config.yaml to the desired location with specified ownership..." cp -f ./space/litellm_config.yaml ./data/litellm/config.yaml if [ -n "$ADMIN_USER_EMAIL" ] && [ -n "$ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD" ]; then echo "Admin user configured, creating" WEBUI_SECRET_KEY="$WEBUI_SECRET_KEY" uvicorn main:app --host "$HOST" --port "$PORT" --forwarded-allow-ips '*' & webui_pid=$! echo "Waiting for webui to start..." while ! curl -s http://localhost:8080/health > /dev/null; do sleep 1 done echo "Creating admin user..." curl \ -X POST "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/auths/signup" \ -H "accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "{ \"email\": \"${ADMIN_USER_EMAIL}\", \"password\": \"${ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD}\", \"name\": \"Admin\" }" echo "Shutting down webui..." kill $webui_pid fi export WEBUI_URL=${SPACE_HOST} fi WEBUI_SECRET_KEY="$WEBUI_SECRET_KEY" exec uvicorn main:app --host "$HOST" --port "$PORT" --forwarded-allow-ips '*'