--- datasets: - yahma/alpaca_cleaned - lksy/ru_instruct_gpt4 language: - ru pipeline_tag: text2text-generation inference: false --- Based on [LLaMA 30B](https://huggingface.co./huggyllama/llama-30b). Trained on 4 LoRA modules. Parameters: ``` { "base_model_name_or_path": "./llama-30b-hf", "bias": "none", "enable_lora": null, "fan_in_fan_out": false, "inference_mode": true, "lora_alpha": 16, "lora_dropout": 0.05, "merge_weights": false, "modules_to_save": null, "peft_type": "LORA", "r": 16, "target_modules": [ "q_proj", "v_proj", "k_proj", "o_proj" ], "task_type": "CAUSAL_LM" } ``` Cutoff length set to 512 ``` Prompt template: { "description": "A shorter template to experiment with.", "prompt_input": "### Задание:\n{instruction}\n\n### Вход:\n{input}\n\n### Ответ:\n", "prompt_no_input": "### Задание:\n{instruction}\n\n### Ответ:\n", "response_split": "### Ответ:" } ``` Epochs: 3 Loss: 0.774 (Might be overfit a bit, try to use a checkpoint)