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Create a Transformers Agent from any LLM inference provider

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Create a Transformers Agent from any LLM inference provider

Authored by: Aymeric Roucher

This tutorial builds upon agent knowledge: to know more about agents, you can start with this introductory notebook

Transformers Agents is a library to build agents, using an LLM to power it in the llm_engine argument. This argument was designed to leave the user maximal freedom to choose any LLM.

Let’s see how to build this llm_engine from the APIs of a few leading providers.

HuggingFace Serverless API and Dedicated Endpoints

Transformers agents provides a built-in HfEngine class that lets you use any model on the Hub via the Serverless API or your own dedicated Endpoint. This is the preferred way to use HF agents.

!pip install openai anthropic "transformers[agents]" --upgrade -q
from huggingface_hub import notebook_login

>>> from transformers.agents import HfApiEngine, ReactCodeAgent

>>> repo_id = "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct"
>>> endpoint_url = "your_endpoint_url"

>>> llm_engine = HfApiEngine(model=repo_id)  # you could use model=endpoint_url here

>>> agent = ReactCodeAgent(tools=[], llm_engine=llm_engine)

>>>"What's the 10th Fibonacci number?")
['unicodedata', 're', 'math', 'collections', 'queue', 'itertools', 'random', 'time', 'stat', 'statistics']

The llm_engine initialization arg of the agent could be a simple callable such as:

def llm_engine(messages, stop_sequences=[]) -> str:
    return response(messages)

This callable is the heart of the llm engine. It should respect these requirements:

  • takes as input a list of messages in chat template format and outputs a str.
  • accepts a stop_sequences argument where the agent system will pass it sequences where it should stop generation.

Let’s take a closer look at the code for the HfEngine that we used:

from typing import List, Dict
from transformers.agents.llm_engine import MessageRole, get_clean_message_list
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient

llama_role_conversions = {
    MessageRole.TOOL_RESPONSE: MessageRole.USER,

class HfApiEngine:
    def __init__(self, model: str = "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct"):
        self.model = model
        self.client = InferenceClient(model=self.model, timeout=120)

    def __call__(self, messages: List[Dict[str, str]], stop_sequences=[]) -> str:
        # Get clean message list
        messages = get_clean_message_list(messages, role_conversions=llama_role_conversions)

        # Get LLM output
        response = self.client.chat_completion(messages, stop=stop_sequences, max_tokens=1500)
        response = response.choices[0].message.content

        # Remove stop sequences from LLM output
        for stop_seq in stop_sequences:
            if response[-len(stop_seq) :] == stop_seq:
                response = response[: -len(stop_seq)]
        return response

Here the engine is not a function, but a class with a __call__ method, which adds the possibility to store attributes such as the client.

We also use get_clean_message_list() utility to concatenate successive messages to the same role This method takes a role_conversions arg to convert the range of roles supported in Transformers Agents to only the ones accepted by your LLM.

This recipe can be adapted for any LLM! Let’s look at other examples.

Adapting the recipe for any LLM

Using the above recipe, you can use any LLM inference source as your llm_engine. Just keep in mind the two main constraints:

  • llm_engine is a callable that takes as input a list of messages in chat template format and outputs a str.
  • It accepts a stop_sequences argument.


import os
from openai import OpenAI

openai_role_conversions = {
    MessageRole.TOOL_RESPONSE: MessageRole.USER,

class OpenAIEngine:
    def __init__(self, model_name="gpt-4o"):
        self.model_name = model_name
        self.client = OpenAI(

    def __call__(self, messages, stop_sequences=[]):
        messages = get_clean_message_list(messages, role_conversions=openai_role_conversions)

        response =
        return response.choices[0].message.content


from anthropic import Anthropic, AnthropicBedrock

# Cf this page for using Anthropic from Bedrock:
class AnthropicEngine:
    def __init__(self, model_name="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620", use_bedrock=False):
        self.model_name = model_name
        if use_bedrock:
            self.model_name = "anthropic.claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620-v1:0"
            self.client = AnthropicBedrock(
            self.client = Anthropic(

    def __call__(self, messages, stop_sequences=[]):
        messages = get_clean_message_list(messages, role_conversions=openai_role_conversions)
        index_system_message, system_prompt = None, None
        for index, message in enumerate(messages):
            if message["role"] == MessageRole.SYSTEM:
                index_system_message = index
                system_prompt = message["content"]
        if system_prompt is None:
            raise Exception("No system prompt found!")

        filtered_messages = [message for i, message in enumerate(messages) if i != index_system_message]
        if len(filtered_messages) == 0:
            print("Error, no user message:", messages)
            assert False

        response = self.client.messages.create(
        full_response_text = ""
        for content_block in response.content:
            if content_block.type == "text":
                full_response_text += content_block.text
        return full_response_text

Next steps

Go on and implement your llm_engine for transformers.agents with your own LLM inference provider!

Then to use this shiny new llm_engine, check out these use cases:

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