import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision.models as models from torch.jit import script class WSConv2d(nn.Conv2d): def __init___(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=True): super(WSConv2d, self).__init__(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, groups, bias) def forward(self, x): weight = self.weight weight_mean = weight.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True).mean(dim=2, keepdim=True).mean(dim=3, keepdim=True) weight = weight - weight_mean std = weight.view(weight.size(0), -1).std(dim=1).view(-1, 1, 1, 1) + 1e-5 # std = torch.sqrt(torch.var(weight.view(weight.size(0),-1),dim=1)+1e-12).view(-1,1,1,1)+1e-5 weight = weight / std.expand_as(weight) return F.conv2d(x, weight, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups) def conv_ws(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=True): return WSConv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, groups=groups, bias=bias) ''' class Mish(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Mish, self).__init__() def forward(self, x): return x*torch.tanh(F.softplus(x)) ''' @script def _mish_jit_fwd(x): return x.mul(torch.tanh(F.softplus(x))) @script def _mish_jit_bwd(x, grad_output): x_sigmoid = torch.sigmoid(x) x_tanh_sp = F.softplus(x).tanh() return grad_output.mul(x_tanh_sp + x * x_sigmoid * (1 - x_tanh_sp * x_tanh_sp)) class MishJitAutoFn(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x): ctx.save_for_backward(x) return _mish_jit_fwd(x) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): x = ctx.saved_variables[0] return _mish_jit_bwd(x, grad_output) # Cell def mish(x): return MishJitAutoFn.apply(x) class Mish(nn.Module): def __init__(self, inplace: bool = False): super(Mish, self).__init__() def forward(self, x): return MishJitAutoFn.apply(x) ###################################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################################### # pre-activation based upsampling conv block class upConvLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, scale_factor, norm, act, num_groups): super(upConvLayer, self).__init__() conv = conv_ws if act == 'ELU': act = nn.ELU() elif act == 'Mish': act = Mish() else: act = nn.ReLU(True) self.conv = conv(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False) if norm == 'GN': self.norm = nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=num_groups, num_channels=in_channels) else: self.norm = nn.BatchNorm2d(in_channels, eps=0.001, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True) self.act = act self.scale_factor = scale_factor def forward(self, x): x = self.norm(x) x = self.act(x) # pre-activation x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=self.scale_factor, mode='bilinear') x = self.conv(x) return x # pre-activation based conv block class myConv(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch, kSize, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=True, norm='GN', act='ELU', num_groups=32): super(myConv, self).__init__() conv = conv_ws if act == 'ELU': act = nn.ELU() elif act == 'Mish': act = Mish() else: act = nn.ReLU(True) module = [] if norm == 'GN': module.append(nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=num_groups, num_channels=in_ch)) else: module.append(nn.BatchNorm2d(in_ch, eps=0.001, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)) module.append(act) module.append(conv(in_ch, out_ch, kernel_size=kSize, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, groups=1, bias=bias)) self.module = nn.Sequential(*module) def forward(self, x): out = self.module(x) return out # Deep Feature Fxtractor class deepFeatureExtractor_ResNext101(nn.Module): def __init__(self, args, lv6=False): super(deepFeatureExtractor_ResNext101, self).__init__() self.args = args # after passing ReLU : H/2 x W/2 # after passing Layer1 : H/4 x W/4 # after passing Layer2 : H/8 x W/8 # after passing Layer3 : H/16 x W/16 self.encoder = models.resnext101_32x8d(weights=models.ResNeXt101_32X8D_Weights.DEFAULT) self.fixList = ['layer1.0', 'layer1.1', '.bn'] self.lv6 = lv6 if lv6 is True: self.layerList = ['relu', 'layer1', 'layer2', 'layer3', 'layer4'] self.dimList = [64, 256, 512, 1024, 2048] else: del self.encoder.layer4 del self.encoder.fc self.layerList = ['relu', 'layer1', 'layer2', 'layer3'] self.dimList = [64, 256, 512, 1024] for name, parameters in self.encoder.named_parameters(): if name == 'conv1.weight': parameters.requires_grad = False if any(x in name for x in self.fixList): parameters.requires_grad = False def forward(self, x): out_featList = [] feature = x for k, v in self.encoder._modules.items(): if k == 'avgpool': break feature = v(feature) # feature = v(features[-1]) # features.append(feature) if any(x in k for x in self.layerList): out_featList.append(feature) return out_featList def freeze_bn(self, enable=False): """ Adapted from """ for module in self.modules(): if isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d): module.train() if enable else module.eval() module.weight.requires_grad = enable module.bias.requires_grad = enable # ASPP Module class Dilated_bottleNeck(nn.Module): def __init__(self, norm, act, in_feat): super(Dilated_bottleNeck, self).__init__() conv = conv_ws # in feat = 1024 in ResNext101 and ResNet101 self.reduction1 = conv(in_feat, in_feat // 2, kernel_size=1, stride=1, bias=False, padding=0) self.aspp_d3 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat // 2, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 2) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=3, dilation=3, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.aspp_d6 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat // 2 + in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 2 + in_feat // 4) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=6, dilation=6, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.aspp_d12 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=12, dilation=12, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.aspp_d18 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat + in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat + in_feat // 4) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=18, dilation=18, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.reduction2 = myConv(((in_feat // 4) * 4) + (in_feat // 2), in_feat // 2, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=((in_feat // 4) * 4 + (in_feat // 2)) // 16) def forward(self, x): x = self.reduction1(x) d3 = self.aspp_d3(x) cat1 =[x, d3], dim=1) d6 = self.aspp_d6(cat1) cat2 =[cat1, d6], dim=1) d12 = self.aspp_d12(cat2) cat3 =[cat2, d12], dim=1) d18 = self.aspp_d18(cat3) out = self.reduction2([x, d3, d6, d12, d18], dim=1)) return out # 512 x H/16 x W/16 class Dilated_bottleNeck2(nn.Module): def __init__(self, norm, act, in_feat): super(Dilated_bottleNeck2, self).__init__() conv = conv_ws # in feat = 1024 in ResNext101 and ResNet101 # self.reduction1 = conv(in_feat, in_feat//2, kernel_size=1, stride = 1, bias=False, padding=0) self.reduction1 = conv(in_feat, in_feat // 2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False) self.aspp_d3 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat // 2, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 2) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=3, dilation=3, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.aspp_d6 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat // 2 + in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 2 + in_feat // 4) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=6, dilation=6, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.aspp_d12 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=12, dilation=12, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.aspp_d18 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat + in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat + in_feat // 4) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=18, dilation=18, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.aspp_d24 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat + in_feat // 2, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat + in_feat // 2) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=24, dilation=24, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.reduction2 = myConv(((in_feat // 4) * 5) + (in_feat // 2), in_feat // 2, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=((in_feat // 4) * 5 + (in_feat // 2)) // 16) def forward(self, x): x = self.reduction1(x) d3 = self.aspp_d3(x) cat1 =[x, d3], dim=1) d6 = self.aspp_d6(cat1) cat2 =[cat1, d6], dim=1) d12 = self.aspp_d12(cat2) cat3 =[cat2, d12], dim=1) d18 = self.aspp_d18(cat3) cat4 =[cat3, d18], dim=1) d24 = self.aspp_d24(cat4) out = self.reduction2([x, d3, d6, d12, d18, d24], dim=1)) return out # 512 x H/16 x W/16 class Dilated_bottleNeck_lv6(nn.Module): def __init__(self, norm, act, in_feat): super(Dilated_bottleNeck_lv6, self).__init__() conv = conv_ws in_feat = in_feat // 2 self.reduction1 = myConv(in_feat * 2, in_feat // 2, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat) // 16) self.aspp_d3 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat // 2, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 2) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=3, dilation=3, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.aspp_d6 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat // 2 + in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 2 + in_feat // 4) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=6, dilation=6, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.aspp_d12 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=12, dilation=12, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.aspp_d18 = nn.Sequential( myConv(in_feat + in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat + in_feat // 4) // 16), myConv(in_feat // 4, in_feat // 4, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=18, dilation=18, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(in_feat // 4) // 16)) self.reduction2 = myConv(((in_feat // 4) * 4) + (in_feat // 2), in_feat, kSize=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=((in_feat // 4) * 4 + (in_feat // 2)) // 16) def forward(self, x): x = self.reduction1(x) d3 = self.aspp_d3(x) cat1 =[x, d3], dim=1) d6 = self.aspp_d6(cat1) cat2 =[cat1, d6], dim=1) d12 = self.aspp_d12(cat2) cat3 =[cat2, d12], dim=1) d18 = self.aspp_d18(cat3) out = self.reduction2([x, d3, d6, d12, d18], dim=1)) return out # 512 x H/16 x W/16 # Laplacian Decoder Network class Lap_decoder_lv5(nn.Module): def __init__(self, args, dimList): super(Lap_decoder_lv5, self).__init__() norm = args.norm conv = conv_ws if norm == 'GN': if args.rank == 0: print("==> Norm: GN") else: if args.rank == 0: print("==> Norm: BN") if args.act == 'ELU': act = 'ELU' elif args.act == 'Mish': act = 'Mish' else: act = 'ReLU' kSize = 3 self.max_depth = args.max_depth self.ASPP = Dilated_bottleNeck(norm, act, dimList[3]) self.dimList = dimList ############################################ Pyramid Level 5 ################################################### # decoder1 out : 1 x H/16 x W/16 (Level 5) self.decoder1 = nn.Sequential( myConv(dimList[3] // 2, dimList[3] // 4, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 2) // 16), myConv(dimList[3] // 4, dimList[3] // 8, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 4) // 16), myConv(dimList[3] // 8, dimList[3] // 16, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 8) // 16), myConv(dimList[3] // 16, dimList[3] // 32, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 16) // 16), myConv(dimList[3] // 32, 1, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 32) // 16) ) ######################################################################################################################## ############################################ Pyramid Level 4 ################################################### # decoder2 out : 1 x H/8 x W/8 (Level 4) # decoder2_up : (H/16,W/16)->(H/8,W/8) self.decoder2_up1 = upConvLayer(dimList[3] // 2, dimList[3] // 4, 2, norm, act, (dimList[3] // 2) // 16) self.decoder2_reduc1 = myConv(dimList[3] // 4 + dimList[2], dimList[3] // 4 - 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 4 + dimList[2]) // 16) self.decoder2_1 = myConv(dimList[3] // 4, dimList[3] // 4, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 4) // 16) self.decoder2_2 = myConv(dimList[3] // 4, dimList[3] // 8, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 4) // 16) self.decoder2_3 = myConv(dimList[3] // 8, dimList[3] // 16, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 8) // 16) self.decoder2_4 = myConv(dimList[3] // 16, 1, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 16) // 16) ######################################################################################################################## ############################################ Pyramid Level 3 ################################################### # decoder2 out2 : 1 x H/4 x W/4 (Level 3) # decoder2_1_up2 : (H/8,W/8)->(H/4,W/4) self.decoder2_1_up2 = upConvLayer(dimList[3] // 4, dimList[3] // 8, 2, norm, act, (dimList[3] // 4) // 16) self.decoder2_1_reduc2 = myConv(dimList[3] // 8 + dimList[1], dimList[3] // 8 - 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 8 + dimList[1]) // 16) self.decoder2_1_1 = myConv(dimList[3] // 8, dimList[3] // 8, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 8) // 16) self.decoder2_1_2 = myConv(dimList[3] // 8, dimList[3] // 16, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 8) // 16) self.decoder2_1_3 = myConv(dimList[3] // 16, 1, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 16) // 16) ######################################################################################################################## ############################################ Pyramid Level 2 ################################################### # decoder2 out3 : 1 x H/2 x W/2 (Level 2) # decoder2_1_1_up3 : (H/4,W/4)->(H/2,W/2) self.decoder2_1_1_up3 = upConvLayer(dimList[3] // 8, dimList[3] // 16, 2, norm, act, (dimList[3] // 8) // 16) self.decoder2_1_1_reduc3 = myConv(dimList[3] // 16 + dimList[0], dimList[3] // 16 - 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 16 + dimList[0]) // 16) self.decoder2_1_1_1 = myConv(dimList[3] // 16, dimList[3] // 16, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 16) // 16) self.decoder2_1_1_2 = myConv(dimList[3] // 16, 1, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 16) // 16) ######################################################################################################################## ############################################ Pyramid Level 1 ################################################### # decoder5 out : 1 x H x W (Level 1) # decoder2_1_1_1_up4 : (H/2,W/2)->(H,W) self.decoder2_1_1_1_up4 = upConvLayer(dimList[3] // 16, dimList[3] // 16 - 4, 2, norm, act, (dimList[3] // 16) // 16) self.decoder2_1_1_1_1 = myConv(dimList[3] // 16, dimList[3] // 16, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 16) // 16) self.decoder2_1_1_1_2 = myConv(dimList[3] // 16, dimList[3] // 32, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 16) // 16) self.decoder2_1_1_1_3 = myConv(dimList[3] // 32, 1, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[3] // 32) // 16) ######################################################################################################################## self.upscale = F.interpolate def forward(self, x, rgb): cat1, cat2, cat3, dense_feat = x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3] rgb_lv6, rgb_lv5, rgb_lv4, rgb_lv3, rgb_lv2, rgb_lv1 = rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3], rgb[4], rgb[5] dense_feat = self.ASPP(dense_feat) # Dense feature for lev 5 # decoder 1 - Pyramid level 5 lap_lv5 = torch.sigmoid(self.decoder1(dense_feat)) lap_lv5_up = self.upscale(lap_lv5, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') # decoder 2 - Pyramid level 4 dec2 = self.decoder2_up1(dense_feat) dec2 = self.decoder2_reduc1([dec2, cat3], dim=1)) dec2_up = self.decoder2_1([dec2, lap_lv5_up, rgb_lv4], dim=1)) dec2 = self.decoder2_2(dec2_up) dec2 = self.decoder2_3(dec2) lap_lv4 = torch.tanh(self.decoder2_4(dec2) + (0.1 * rgb_lv4.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True))) # if depth range is (0,1), laplacian of image range is (-1,1) lap_lv4_up = self.upscale(lap_lv4, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') # decoder 2 - Pyramid level 3 dec3 = self.decoder2_1_up2(dec2_up) dec3 = self.decoder2_1_reduc2([dec3, cat2], dim=1)) dec3_up = self.decoder2_1_1([dec3, lap_lv4_up, rgb_lv3], dim=1)) dec3 = self.decoder2_1_2(dec3_up) lap_lv3 = torch.tanh(self.decoder2_1_3(dec3) + (0.1 * rgb_lv3.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True))) # if depth range is (0,1), laplacian of image range is (-1,1) lap_lv3_up = self.upscale(lap_lv3, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') # decoder 2 - Pyramid level 2 dec4 = self.decoder2_1_1_up3(dec3_up) dec4 = self.decoder2_1_1_reduc3([dec4, cat1], dim=1)) dec4_up = self.decoder2_1_1_1([dec4, lap_lv3_up, rgb_lv2], dim=1)) lap_lv2 = torch.tanh(self.decoder2_1_1_2(dec4_up) + (0.1 * rgb_lv2.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True))) # if depth range is (0,1), laplacian of image range is (-1,1) lap_lv2_up = self.upscale(lap_lv2, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') # decoder 2 - Pyramid level 1 dec5 = self.decoder2_1_1_1_up4(dec4_up) dec5 = self.decoder2_1_1_1_1([dec5, lap_lv2_up, rgb_lv1], dim=1)) dec5 = self.decoder2_1_1_1_2(dec5) lap_lv1 = torch.tanh(self.decoder2_1_1_1_3(dec5) + (0.1 * rgb_lv1.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True))) # if depth range is (0,1), laplacian of image range is (-1,1) # Laplacian restoration lap_lv4_img = lap_lv4 + lap_lv5_up lap_lv3_img = lap_lv3 + self.upscale(lap_lv4_img, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') lap_lv2_img = lap_lv2 + self.upscale(lap_lv3_img, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') final_depth = lap_lv1 + self.upscale(lap_lv2_img, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') final_depth = torch.sigmoid(final_depth) return [(lap_lv5) * self.max_depth, (lap_lv4) * self.max_depth, (lap_lv3) * self.max_depth, (lap_lv2) * self.max_depth, (lap_lv1) * self.max_depth], final_depth * self.max_depth # fit laplacian image range (-80,80), depth image range(0,80) class Lap_decoder_lv6(nn.Module): def __init__(self, args, dimList): super(Lap_decoder_lv6, self).__init__() norm = args.norm conv = conv_ws if norm == 'GN': if args.rank == 0: print("==> Norm: GN") else: if args.rank == 0: print("==> Norm: BN") if args.act == 'ELU': act = 'ELU' elif args.act == 'Mish': act = 'Mish' else: act = 'ReLU' kSize = 3 self.max_depth = args.max_depth self.ASPP = Dilated_bottleNeck_lv6(norm, act, dimList[4]) dimList[4] = dimList[4] // 2 self.dimList = dimList ############################################ Pyramid Level 6 ################################################### # decoder1 out : 1 x H/32 x W/32 (Level 6) self.decoder1 = nn.Sequential( myConv(dimList[4] // 2, dimList[4] // 4, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 2) // 16), myConv(dimList[4] // 4, dimList[4] // 8, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 4) // 16), myConv(dimList[4] // 8, dimList[4] // 16, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 8) // 16), myConv(dimList[4] // 16, dimList[4] // 32, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 16) // 16), myConv(dimList[4] // 32, 1, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 32) // 8) ) ######################################################################################################################## ############################################ Pyramid Level 5 ################################################### # decoder2 out : 1 x H/16 x W/16 (Level 5) # decoder2_up : (H/32,W/32)->(H/16,W/16) self.decoder2_up1 = upConvLayer(dimList[4] // 2, dimList[4] // 4, 2, norm, act, (dimList[4] // 2) // 16) self.decoder2_reduc1 = myConv(dimList[4] // 4 + dimList[3], dimList[4] // 4 - 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 4 + dimList[3]) // 16) self.decoder2_1 = myConv(dimList[4] // 4, dimList[4] // 4, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 4) // 16) self.decoder2_2 = myConv(dimList[4] // 4, dimList[4] // 8, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 4) // 16) self.decoder2_3 = myConv(dimList[4] // 8, dimList[4] // 16, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 8) // 16) self.decoder2_4 = myConv(dimList[4] // 16, 1, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 16) // 16) ######################################################################################################################## ############################################ Pyramid Level 4 ################################################### # decoder2 out2 : 1 x H/8 x W/8 (Level 4) # decoder2_1_up2 : (H/16,W/16)->(H/8,W/8) self.decoder2_1_up2 = upConvLayer(dimList[4] // 4, dimList[4] // 8, 2, norm, act, (dimList[4] // 4) // 16) self.decoder2_1_reduc2 = myConv(dimList[4] // 8 + dimList[2], dimList[4] // 8 - 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 8 + dimList[2]) // 16) self.decoder2_1_1 = myConv(dimList[4] // 8, dimList[4] // 8, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 8) // 16) self.decoder2_1_2 = myConv(dimList[4] // 8, dimList[4] // 16, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 8) // 16) self.decoder2_1_3 = myConv(dimList[4] // 16, 1, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 16) // 16) ######################################################################################################################## ############################################ Pyramid Level 3 ################################################### # decoder2 out3 : 1 x H/4 x W/4 (Level 3) # decoder2_1_1_up3 : (H/8,W/8)->(H/4,W/4) self.decoder2_1_1_up3 = upConvLayer(dimList[4] // 8, dimList[4] // 16, 2, norm, act, (dimList[4] // 8) // 16) self.decoder2_1_1_reduc3 = myConv(dimList[4] // 16 + dimList[1], dimList[4] // 16 - 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 16 + dimList[1]) // 8) self.decoder2_1_1_1 = myConv(dimList[4] // 16, dimList[4] // 16, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 16) // 16) self.decoder2_1_1_2 = myConv(dimList[4] // 16, 1, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 16) // 16) ######################################################################################################################## ############################################ Pyramid Level 2 ################################################### # decoder2 out4 : 1 x H/2 x W/2 (Level 2) # decoder2_1_1_1_up4 : (H/4,W/4)->(H/2,W/2) self.decoder2_1_1_1_up4 = upConvLayer(dimList[4] // 16, dimList[4] // 32, 2, norm, act, (dimList[4] // 16) // 16) self.decoder2_1_1_1_reduc4 = myConv(dimList[4] // 32 + dimList[0], dimList[4] // 32 - 4, kSize=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 32 + dimList[0]) // 8) self.decoder2_1_1_1_1 = myConv(dimList[4] // 32, dimList[4] // 32, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 32) // 8) self.decoder2_1_1_1_2 = myConv(dimList[4] // 32, 1, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 32) // 8) ######################################################################################################################## ############################################ Pyramid Level 1 ################################################### # decoder5 out : 1 x H x W (Level 1) # decoder2_1_1_1_1_up5 : (H/2,W/2)->(H,W) self.decoder2_1_1_1_1_up5 = upConvLayer(dimList[4] // 32, dimList[4] // 32 - 4, 2, norm, act, (dimList[4] // 32) // 8) # H x W (64 -> 60) self.decoder2_1_1_1_1_1 = myConv(dimList[4] // 32, dimList[4] // 32, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 32) // 8) self.decoder2_1_1_1_1_2 = myConv(dimList[4] // 32, dimList[4] // 64, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 32) // 8) self.decoder2_1_1_1_1_3 = myConv(dimList[4] // 64, 1, kSize, stride=1, padding=kSize // 2, bias=False, norm=norm, act=act, num_groups=(dimList[4] // 64) // 4) ######################################################################################################################## self.upscale = F.interpolate def forward(self, x, rgb): cat1, cat2, cat3, cat4, dense_feat = x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4] rgb_lv6, rgb_lv5, rgb_lv4, rgb_lv3, rgb_lv2, rgb_lv1 = rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3], rgb[4], rgb[5] dense_feat = self.ASPP(dense_feat) # Dense feature for lev 6 # decoder 1 - Pyramid level 6 lap_lv6 = torch.sigmoid(self.decoder1(dense_feat)) lap_lv6_up = self.upscale(lap_lv6, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') # decoder 2 - Pyramid level 5 dec2 = self.decoder2_up1(dense_feat) dec2 = self.decoder2_reduc1([dec2, cat4], dim=1)) dec2_up = self.decoder2_1([dec2, lap_lv6_up, rgb_lv5], dim=1)) dec2 = self.decoder2_2(dec2_up) dec2 = self.decoder2_3(dec2) lap_lv5 = torch.tanh(self.decoder2_4(dec2) + (0.1 * rgb_lv5.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True))) # if depth range is (0,1), laplacian image range is (-1,1) lap_lv5_up = self.upscale(lap_lv5, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') # decoder 2 - Pyramid level 4 dec3 = self.decoder2_1_up2(dec2_up) dec3 = self.decoder2_1_reduc2([dec3, cat3], dim=1)) dec3_up = self.decoder2_1_1([dec3, lap_lv5_up, rgb_lv4], dim=1)) dec3 = self.decoder2_1_2(dec3_up) lap_lv4 = torch.tanh(self.decoder2_1_3(dec3) + (0.1 * rgb_lv4.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True))) # if depth range is (0,1), laplacian image range is (-1,1) lap_lv4_up = self.upscale(lap_lv4, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') # decoder 2 - Pyramid level 3 dec4 = self.decoder2_1_1_up3(dec3_up) dec4 = self.decoder2_1_1_reduc3([dec4, cat2], dim=1)) dec4_up = self.decoder2_1_1_1([dec4, lap_lv4_up, rgb_lv3], dim=1)) lap_lv3 = torch.tanh(self.decoder2_1_1_2(dec4_up) + (0.1 * rgb_lv3.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True))) # if depth range is (0,1), laplacian image range is (-1,1) lap_lv3_up = self.upscale(lap_lv3, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') # decoder 2 - Pyramid level 2 dec5 = self.decoder2_1_1_1_up4(dec4_up) dec5 = self.decoder2_1_1_1_reduc4([dec5, cat1], dim=1)) dec5_up = self.decoder2_1_1_1_1([dec5, lap_lv3_up, rgb_lv2], dim=1)) lap_lv2 = torch.tanh(self.decoder2_1_1_1_2(dec5_up) + (0.1 * rgb_lv2.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True))) # if depth range is (0,1), laplacian image range is (-1,1) lap_lv2_up = self.upscale(lap_lv2, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') # decoder 2 - Pyramid level 1 dec6 = self.decoder2_1_1_1_1_up5(dec5_up) dec6 = self.decoder2_1_1_1_1_1([dec6, lap_lv2_up, rgb_lv1], dim=1)) dec6 = self.decoder2_1_1_1_1_2(dec6) lap_lv1 = torch.tanh(self.decoder2_1_1_1_1_3(dec6) + (0.1 * rgb_lv1.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True))) # if depth range is (0,1), laplacian image range is (-1,1) # Laplacian restoration lap_lv5_img = lap_lv5 + lap_lv6_up lap_lv4_img = lap_lv4 + self.upscale(lap_lv5_img, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') lap_lv3_img = lap_lv3 + self.upscale(lap_lv4_img, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') lap_lv2_img = lap_lv2 + self.upscale(lap_lv3_img, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') final_depth = lap_lv1 + self.upscale(lap_lv2_img, scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear') final_depth = torch.sigmoid(final_depth) return [(lap_lv6) * self.max_depth, (lap_lv5) * self.max_depth, (lap_lv4) * self.max_depth, (lap_lv3) * self.max_depth, (lap_lv2) * self.max_depth, (lap_lv1) * self.max_depth], final_depth * self.max_depth # fit laplacian image range (-80,80), depth image range(0,80) # Laplacian Depth Residual Network class LDRN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, args): super(LDRN, self).__init__() lv6 = args.lv6 self.encoder = deepFeatureExtractor_ResNext101(args, lv6) if lv6 is True: self.decoder = Lap_decoder_lv6(args, self.encoder.dimList) else: self.decoder = Lap_decoder_lv5(args, self.encoder.dimList) def forward(self, x): out_featList = self.encoder(x) rgb_down2 = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=0.5, mode='bilinear') rgb_down4 = F.interpolate(rgb_down2, scale_factor=0.5, mode='bilinear') rgb_down8 = F.interpolate(rgb_down4, scale_factor=0.5, mode='bilinear') rgb_down16 = F.interpolate(rgb_down8, scale_factor=0.5, mode='bilinear') rgb_down32 = F.interpolate(rgb_down16, scale_factor=0.5, mode='bilinear') rgb_up16 = F.interpolate(rgb_down32, rgb_down16.shape[2:], mode='bilinear') rgb_up8 = F.interpolate(rgb_down16, rgb_down8.shape[2:], mode='bilinear') rgb_up4 = F.interpolate(rgb_down8, rgb_down4.shape[2:], mode='bilinear') rgb_up2 = F.interpolate(rgb_down4, rgb_down2.shape[2:], mode='bilinear') rgb_up = F.interpolate(rgb_down2, x.shape[2:], mode='bilinear') lap1 = x - rgb_up lap2 = rgb_down2 - rgb_up2 lap3 = rgb_down4 - rgb_up4 lap4 = rgb_down8 - rgb_up8 lap5 = rgb_down16 - rgb_up16 rgb_list = [rgb_down32, lap5, lap4, lap3, lap2, lap1] d_res_list, depth = self.decoder(out_featList, rgb_list) return d_res_list, depth def train(self, mode=True): super().train(mode) self.encoder.freeze_bn()