File size: 200,274 Bytes
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2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 |
"56be4db0acb8001400a502ec": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56be4db0acb8001400a502ed": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56be4db0acb8001400a502ee": "Arabic numerals 50",
"56be4db0acb8001400a502ef": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56be4db0acb8001400a502f0": "February 7, 2016",
"56be8e613aeaaa14008c90d1": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56be8e613aeaaa14008c90d2": "February 7, 2016",
"56be8e613aeaaa14008c90d3": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56bea9923aeaaa14008c91b9": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56bea9923aeaaa14008c91ba": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56bea9923aeaaa14008c91bb": "February 7, 2016",
"56beace93aeaaa14008c91df": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56beace93aeaaa14008c91e0": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56beace93aeaaa14008c91e1": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56beace93aeaaa14008c91e2": "Super Bowl 50",
"56beace93aeaaa14008c91e3": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56bf10f43aeaaa14008c94fd": "February 7, 2016",
"56bf10f43aeaaa14008c94fe": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56bf10f43aeaaa14008c94ff": "February 7, 2016",
"56bf10f43aeaaa14008c9500": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56bf10f43aeaaa14008c9501": "February 7, 2016",
"56d20362e7d4791d009025e8": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56d20362e7d4791d009025e9": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56d20362e7d4791d009025ea": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56d20362e7d4791d009025eb": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56d600e31c85041400946eae": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56d600e31c85041400946eb0": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56d600e31c85041400946eb1": "February 7, 2016",
"56d9895ddc89441400fdb50e": "Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as \"Super Bowl L",
"56d9895ddc89441400fdb510": "February 7, 2016",
"56be4e1facb8001400a502f6": "Cam Newton",
"56be4e1facb8001400a502f9": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56be4e1facb8001400a502fa": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56beaa4a3aeaaa14008c91c2": "Cam Newton",
"56beaa4a3aeaaa14008c91c3": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91e9": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91ea": "Cam Newton",
"56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91eb": "Cam Newton",
"56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91ec": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56bead5a3aeaaa14008c91ed": "Cam Newton",
"56bf159b3aeaaa14008c9507": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56bf159b3aeaaa14008c9508": "Cam Newton",
"56bf159b3aeaaa14008c9509": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56bf159b3aeaaa14008c950a": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56bf159b3aeaaa14008c950b": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56d2045de7d4791d009025f3": "Cam Newton",
"56d2045de7d4791d009025f4": "Cam Newton",
"56d2045de7d4791d009025f5": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56d2045de7d4791d009025f6": "Cam Newton",
"56d6017d1c85041400946ebe": "Cam Newton",
"56d6017d1c85041400946ec1": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56d6017d1c85041400946ec2": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56d98a59dc89441400fdb52a": "Cam Newton",
"56d98a59dc89441400fdb52b": "1995. The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12\u20134 record, and denied the New England Patriots",
"56d98a59dc89441400fdb52e": "Cam Newton",
"56be4eafacb8001400a50302": "Von Miller",
"56be4eafacb8001400a50303": "three",
"56be4eafacb8001400a50304": "Von Miller",
"56beab833aeaaa14008c91d2": "Von Miller",
"56beab833aeaaa14008c91d3": "three turnovers, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller was named Super Bowl MVP",
"56beab833aeaaa14008c91d4": "Von Miller",
"56beae423aeaaa14008c91f4": "seven times and forced him into three turnovers, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller",
"56beae423aeaaa14008c91f5": "Von Miller",
"56beae423aeaaa14008c91f6": "three turnovers, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller",
"56beae423aeaaa14008c91f7": "three",
"56bf17653aeaaa14008c9511": "Von Miller",
"56bf17653aeaaa14008c9513": "three",
"56bf17653aeaaa14008c9514": "seven",
"56bf17653aeaaa14008c9515": "three",
"56d204ade7d4791d00902603": "Von Miller",
"56d204ade7d4791d00902604": "seven",
"56d601e41c85041400946ece": "seven times and forced him into three turnovers, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller",
"56d601e41c85041400946ecf": "three turnovers, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller",
"56d601e41c85041400946ed0": "Von Miller",
"56d601e41c85041400946ed1": "Von Miller",
"56d601e41c85041400946ed2": "seven",
"56d98b33dc89441400fdb53b": "seven times and forced him into three turnovers, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller",
"56d98b33dc89441400fdb53c": "three turnovers, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. Denver linebacker Von Miller",
"56d98b33dc89441400fdb53d": "Von Miller",
"56d98b33dc89441400fdb53e": "three",
"56be5333acb8001400a5030a": "$5 million",
"56be5333acb8001400a5030b": "$5 million",
"56be5333acb8001400a5030c": "Coldplay",
"56be5333acb8001400a5030d": "Coldplay",
"56be5333acb8001400a5030e": "$5 million",
"56beaf5e3aeaaa14008c91fd": "$5 million",
"56beaf5e3aeaaa14008c91fe": "$5 million",
"56beaf5e3aeaaa14008c91ff": "Coldplay",
"56beaf5e3aeaaa14008c9200": "Coldplay",
"56beaf5e3aeaaa14008c9201": "$5 million",
"56bf1ae93aeaaa14008c951b": "$5 million",
"56bf1ae93aeaaa14008c951c": "$5 million",
"56bf1ae93aeaaa14008c951e": "Coldplay",
"56bf1ae93aeaaa14008c951f": "$5 million",
"56d2051ce7d4791d00902608": "$5 million",
"56d2051ce7d4791d00902609": "$5 million",
"56d2051ce7d4791d0090260a": "Coldplay",
"56d2051ce7d4791d0090260b": "$5 million",
"56d602631c85041400946ed8": "$5 million",
"56d602631c85041400946eda": "$5 million",
"56d602631c85041400946edb": "$5 million",
"56d602631c85041400946edc": "$5 million",
"56d98c53dc89441400fdb544": "$5 million",
"56d98c53dc89441400fdb545": "$5 million",
"56d98c53dc89441400fdb546": "Coldplay",
"56d98c53dc89441400fdb548": "Coldplay",
"56be53b8acb8001400a50314": "Roger Goodell",
"56be53b8acb8001400a50315": "2012",
"56be53b8acb8001400a50316": "2012",
"56beafca3aeaaa14008c9207": "Roger Goodell",
"56beafca3aeaaa14008c9208": "Roger Goodell",
"56bf42f53aeaaa14008c95a3": "Roger Goodell",
"56d2053ae7d4791d00902610": "Roger Goodell",
"56d6edd00d65d21400198250": "Roger Goodell",
"56d6edd00d65d21400198251": "Roger Goodell",
"56d98d0adc89441400fdb54e": "Roger Goodell",
"56d98d0adc89441400fdb54f": "2012",
"56be5438acb8001400a5031a": "Levi's Stadium",
"56be5438acb8001400a5031b": "Levi's Stadium",
"56be5438acb8001400a5031c": "Levi's Stadium",
"56beb03c3aeaaa14008c920b": "Levi's Stadium",
"56beb03c3aeaaa14008c920d": "Levi's Stadium",
"56bf3c633aeaaa14008c9580": "Levi's Stadium",
"56bf3c633aeaaa14008c9581": "Mercedes-Benz Superdome, Miami's Sun Life Stadium",
"56bf3c633aeaaa14008c9582": "Levi's Stadium",
"56d20564e7d4791d00902612": "Levi's Stadium",
"56d6ee6e0d65d21400198254": "three",
"56d6ee6e0d65d21400198255": "New Orleans' Mercedes-Benz Superdome, Miami's Sun Life Stadium",
"56d6ee6e0d65d21400198256": "Levi's Stadium",
"56d6ee6e0d65d21400198257": "Levi's Stadium",
"56d6ee6e0d65d21400198258": "Levi's Stadium",
"56d98db6dc89441400fdb552": "Levi's Stadium",
"56d98db6dc89441400fdb553": "Levi's Stadium",
"56d98db6dc89441400fdb554": "Levi's Stadium",
"56be54bdacb8001400a50322": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56be54bdacb8001400a50323": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56be54bdacb8001400a50324": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56be54bdacb8001400a50325": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56be54bdacb8001400a50326": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56beb0f43aeaaa14008c921b": "Sun Life Stadium and Levi's Stadium",
"56beb0f43aeaaa14008c921c": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56beb0f43aeaaa14008c921d": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56beb0f43aeaaa14008c921e": "Levi's Stadium",
"56beb0f43aeaaa14008c921f": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56bf21b43aeaaa14008c9525": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56bf21b43aeaaa14008c9526": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56bf21b43aeaaa14008c9528": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56bf21b43aeaaa14008c9529": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56d6ef6a0d65d21400198260": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56d6ef6a0d65d21400198262": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56d98f0ddc89441400fdb558": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56d98f0ddc89441400fdb559": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56d98f0ddc89441400fdb55a": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56d98f0ddc89441400fdb55b": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56d98f0ddc89441400fdb55c": "1985 (Super Bowl XIX",
"56be5523acb8001400a5032c": "May 21, 2013",
"56be5523acb8001400a5032d": "Levi's Stadium",
"56be5523acb8001400a5032e": "2014",
"56be5523acb8001400a5032f": "2014",
"56be5523acb8001400a50330": "Levi's Stadium. The $1.2 billion stadium opened in 2014",
"56beb2153aeaaa14008c9225": "May 21, 2013",
"56beb2153aeaaa14008c9226": "May 21, 2013",
"56beb2153aeaaa14008c9227": "2014",
"56beb2153aeaaa14008c9228": "Levi's Stadium. The $1.2 billion",
"56beb2153aeaaa14008c9229": "May 21, 2013",
"56bf23363aeaaa14008c952f": "May 21, 2013",
"56bf23363aeaaa14008c9530": "2014",
"56bf23363aeaaa14008c9531": "Levi's Stadium. The $1.2 billion",
"56bf23363aeaaa14008c9532": "Levi's Stadium. The $1.2 billion stadium opened in 2014",
"56bf23363aeaaa14008c9533": "2014",
"56d6f0770d65d21400198268": "Levi's Stadium. The $1.2 billion stadium opened in 2014",
"56d6f0770d65d21400198269": "2014",
"56d6f0770d65d2140019826a": "2014",
"56d6f0770d65d2140019826c": "May 21, 2013",
"56d98fbfdc89441400fdb562": "2014",
"56d98fbfdc89441400fdb563": "2014",
"56d98fbfdc89441400fdb564": "2014",
"56d98fbfdc89441400fdb565": "2014",
"56be572b3aeaaa14008c9052": "six",
"56beb2a03aeaaa14008c922f": "Denver Broncos",
"56beb2a03aeaaa14008c9230": "Denver Broncos",
"56beb2a03aeaaa14008c9231": "Denver Broncos",
"56beb2a03aeaaa14008c9232": "Denver Broncos became one of four",
"56beb2a03aeaaa14008c9233": "Denver Broncos became one of four",
"56bf28c73aeaaa14008c9539": "six",
"56bf28c73aeaaa14008c953a": "six teams to have acquired a 15\u20131 record, while the Denver Broncos",
"56bf28c73aeaaa14008c953c": "Denver Broncos",
"56bf28c73aeaaa14008c953d": "Denver Broncos",
"56d6f1190d65d21400198272": "Denver Broncos",
"56d6f1190d65d21400198273": "six",
"56d6f1190d65d21400198274": "Denver Broncos became one of four",
"56d6f1190d65d21400198275": "Denver Broncos",
"56d6f1190d65d21400198276": "Denver Broncos",
"56d99179dc89441400fdb56c": "Denver Broncos",
"56d99179dc89441400fdb56d": "Denver Broncos",
"56d99179dc89441400fdb570": "six",
"56be59683aeaaa14008c9058": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56be59683aeaaa14008c9059": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56be59683aeaaa14008c905a": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56beb3083aeaaa14008c923d": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56beb3083aeaaa14008c923e": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56beb3083aeaaa14008c923f": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56beb3083aeaaa14008c9240": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56beb3083aeaaa14008c9241": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56bf2afe3aeaaa14008c9543": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56bf2afe3aeaaa14008c9544": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56bf2afe3aeaaa14008c9545": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56bf2afe3aeaaa14008c9547": "DeAngelo Williams",
"56d6f2000d65d2140019827c": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56d6f2000d65d2140019827d": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56d6f2000d65d2140019827e": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56d6f2000d65d2140019827f": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56d9943fdc89441400fdb576": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56d9943fdc89441400fdb577": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56d9943fdc89441400fdb578": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56d9943fdc89441400fdb57a": "DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin",
"56beb3a03aeaaa14008c9247": "six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56beb3a03aeaaa14008c9248": "636",
"56beb3a03aeaaa14008c9249": "six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56beb3a03aeaaa14008c924a": "six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56beb3a03aeaaa14008c924b": "six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56bf6b303aeaaa14008c960b": "six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56bf6b303aeaaa14008c960c": "six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56bf6b303aeaaa14008c960d": "six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56bf6b303aeaaa14008c960e": "six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56bf6b303aeaaa14008c960f": "six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56d6f2960d65d21400198286": "six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56d6f2960d65d21400198287": "Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56d6f2960d65d21400198288": "Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56d6f2960d65d21400198289": "Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56d6f2960d65d2140019828a": "636",
"56d997cddc89441400fdb586": "six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56d997cddc89441400fdb587": "Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56d997cddc89441400fdb588": "Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56d997cddc89441400fdb589": "Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56d997cddc89441400fdb58a": "six Pro Bowl selections. Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636",
"56beb4343aeaaa14008c925b": "Jared Allen",
"56beb4343aeaaa14008c925c": "Kurt Coleman, who led the team with a career high seven interceptions, while also racking up 88 tackles and Pro Bowl cornerback Josh Norman",
"56beb4343aeaaa14008c925d": "Jared Allen",
"56beb4343aeaaa14008c925e": "Jared Allen",
"56beb4343aeaaa14008c925f": "6\u00bd sacks. The Panthers line also featured veteran defensive end Jared Allen",
"56d6f3500d65d21400198290": "Jared Allen",
"56d6f3500d65d21400198291": "6\u00bd sacks. The Panthers line also featured veteran defensive end Jared Allen",
"56d6f3500d65d21400198292": "Jared Allen",
"56d6f3500d65d21400198293": "Jared Allen",
"56d6f3500d65d21400198294": "Jared Allen",
"56d9992fdc89441400fdb59c": "Jared Allen",
"56d9992fdc89441400fdb59e": "Jared Allen",
"56d9992fdc89441400fdb59f": "Jared Allen",
"56d9992fdc89441400fdb5a0": "Jared Allen",
"56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9265": "Wade Phillips",
"56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9266": "Wade Phillips",
"56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9267": "Wade Phillips",
"56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9268": "Wade Phillips",
"56beb4e43aeaaa14008c9269": "Wade Phillips",
"56bf301c3aeaaa14008c954d": "Wade Phillips",
"56bf301c3aeaaa14008c954e": "Brock Osweiler",
"56bf301c3aeaaa14008c954f": "Wade Phillips",
"56bf301c3aeaaa14008c9550": "Wade Phillips",
"56bf301c3aeaaa14008c9551": "Brock Osweiler",
"56d6f4030d65d2140019829a": "Brock Osweiler",
"56d6f4030d65d2140019829b": "Wade Phillips",
"56d6f4030d65d2140019829c": "Wade Phillips",
"56d6f4030d65d2140019829d": "Wade Phillips",
"56d6f4030d65d2140019829e": "Wade Phillips",
"56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5c8": "Wade Phillips",
"56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5c9": "Brock Osweiler",
"56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5ca": "Wade Phillips",
"56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5cb": "Wade Phillips",
"56d99b7bdc89441400fdb5cc": "Wade Phillips",
"56beb57b3aeaaa14008c9279": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56beb57b3aeaaa14008c927a": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56beb57b3aeaaa14008c927b": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56beb57b3aeaaa14008c927c": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56beb57b3aeaaa14008c927d": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56bf38383aeaaa14008c956b": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56bf38383aeaaa14008c956c": "Ronnie Hillman",
"56bf38383aeaaa14008c956d": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56bf38383aeaaa14008c956e": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56bf38383aeaaa14008c956f": "Ronnie Hillman",
"56d6fe0b0d65d214001982a4": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56d6fe0b0d65d214001982a5": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56d6fe0b0d65d214001982a6": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56d6fe0b0d65d214001982a7": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56d99c44dc89441400fdb5d6": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56d99c44dc89441400fdb5d7": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56d99c44dc89441400fdb5d8": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56d99c44dc89441400fdb5d9": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56d99c44dc89441400fdb5da": "Demaryius Thomas",
"56beb6533aeaaa14008c928d": "5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware",
"56beb6533aeaaa14008c928e": "5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware",
"56beb6533aeaaa14008c9290": "5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware",
"56beb6533aeaaa14008c9291": "5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware",
"56bf3e803aeaaa14008c9588": "5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware",
"56bf3e803aeaaa14008c9589": "5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware",
"56bf3e803aeaaa14008c958b": "5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware",
"56d6fea90d65d214001982ae": "5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware",
"56d6fea90d65d214001982af": "5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller",
"56d6fea90d65d214001982b0": "5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller",
"56d6fea90d65d214001982b2": "5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware",
"56d99da8dc89441400fdb5fd": "11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware",
"56d99da8dc89441400fdb5ff": "5\u00bd sacks. Pro Bowl linebacker Von Miller led the team with 11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware",
"56d99da8dc89441400fdb600": "11 sacks, forced four fumbles, and recovered three. Linebacker DeMarcus Ware",
"56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a1": "Seattle Seahawks",
"56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a2": "487",
"56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a3": "487",
"56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a4": "487",
"56beb6f23aeaaa14008c92a5": "487",
"56bf34293aeaaa14008c9559": "Arizona Cardinals",
"56bf34293aeaaa14008c955a": "Arizona Cardinals",
"56bf34293aeaaa14008c955b": "Arizona Cardinals",
"56d701280d65d214001982b8": "Seattle Seahawks",
"56d701280d65d214001982ba": "487",
"56d701280d65d214001982bc": "487",
"56d99e78dc89441400fdb616": "Seattle Seahawks",
"56d99e78dc89441400fdb618": "487",
"56d99e78dc89441400fdb619": "487",
"56d99e78dc89441400fdb61a": "487",
"56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ab": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ac": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ad": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56beb7953aeaaa14008c92ae": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56beb7953aeaaa14008c92af": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9561": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9562": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9563": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9564": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56bf36b93aeaaa14008c9565": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56d7018a0d65d214001982c2": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56d7018a0d65d214001982c3": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56d7018a0d65d214001982c5": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56d99f99dc89441400fdb628": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56d99f99dc89441400fdb629": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56d99f99dc89441400fdb62c": "11 points in the final three minutes of the game. They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots",
"56beb7fd3aeaaa14008c92b5": "Thomas Davis",
"56beb7fd3aeaaa14008c92b6": "11-year veteran who had already overcome three ACL tears in his career, went down with a broken arm in the NFC Championship Game",
"56beb7fd3aeaaa14008c92b7": "three ACL tears in his career, went down with a broken arm in the NFC Championship Game",
"56beb7fd3aeaaa14008c92b8": "11-year veteran who had already overcome three ACL tears in his career, went down with a broken arm in the NFC Championship Game",
"56bf3a223aeaaa14008c9575": "Thomas Davis",
"56bf3a223aeaaa14008c9576": "11-year veteran who had already overcome three ACL tears in his career, went down with a broken arm",
"56bf3a223aeaaa14008c9577": "11-year veteran who had already overcome three ACL tears in his career, went down with a broken arm in the NFC Championship Game",
"56bf3a223aeaaa14008c9579": "Thomas Davis",
"56d703d10d65d214001982d6": "three ACL tears in his career, went down with a broken arm in the NFC Championship Game",
"56d703d10d65d214001982d7": "Thomas Davis",
"56d703d10d65d214001982d8": "Thomas Davis",
"56d9a026dc89441400fdb632": "Thomas Davis",
"56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92bd": "John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII at age 38",
"56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92be": "John Elway",
"56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92bf": "Peyton Manning",
"56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92c0": "Peyton Manning",
"56beb86b3aeaaa14008c92c1": "Peyton Manning",
"56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9591": "John Elway",
"56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9592": "John Elway",
"56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9593": "John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII at age 38",
"56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9594": "John Elway",
"56bf3fd53aeaaa14008c9595": "John Elway",
"56d704430d65d214001982de": "John Elway",
"56d704430d65d214001982e0": "Peyton Manning",
"56d704430d65d214001982e1": "John Elway",
"56d704430d65d214001982e2": "John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII",
"56d9a0eadc89441400fdb63e": "Peyton Manning",
"56d9a0eadc89441400fdb63f": "John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII at age 38",
"56d9a0eadc89441400fdb640": "Peyton Manning",
"56beb90c3aeaaa14008c92c7": "2011",
"56beb90c3aeaaa14008c92c8": "2011",
"56beb90c3aeaaa14008c92c9": "2011",
"56beb90c3aeaaa14008c92ca": "2011",
"56beb90c3aeaaa14008c92cb": "1998 NFL draft, while Newton was picked first in 2011",
"56bf41013aeaaa14008c959b": "2011",
"56bf41013aeaaa14008c959c": "1998 NFL draft, while Newton was picked first in 2011",
"56bf41013aeaaa14008c959d": "2011",
"56bf41013aeaaa14008c959e": "2011",
"56d7096b0d65d214001982fc": "2011",
"56d7096b0d65d214001982fd": "2011",
"56d7096b0d65d214001982fe": "1998 NFL draft, while Newton was picked first in 2011",
"56d9a199dc89441400fdb647": "1998 NFL draft, while Newton was picked first in 2011",
"56d9a199dc89441400fdb648": "2011",
"56d9a199dc89441400fdb649": "2011",
"56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92db": "Elway at the end of the Broncos' defeats in Super Bowls XXI and XXIV",
"56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92dc": "Elway at the end of the Broncos' defeats in Super Bowls XXI and XXIV",
"56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92dd": "Elway",
"56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92de": "Elway",
"56beb97c3aeaaa14008c92df": "Elway",
"56bf6c3e3aeaaa14008c9615": "Elway",
"56bf6c3e3aeaaa14008c9617": "Elway",
"56d709ef0d65d21400198306": "Elway",
"56d709ef0d65d21400198307": "Kubiak",
"56beba103aeaaa14008c92e5": "Justin Tucker",
"56beba103aeaaa14008c92e6": "Justin Tucker",
"56beba103aeaaa14008c92e7": "Ed Mangan",
"56beba103aeaaa14008c92e8": "Ed Mangan",
"56beba103aeaaa14008c92e9": "Ed Mangan",
"56bf467d3aeaaa14008c95a5": "Justin Tucker",
"56bf467d3aeaaa14008c95a6": "Ed Mangan",
"56bf467d3aeaaa14008c95a7": "Ed Mangan",
"56d70adc0d65d21400198311": "Justin Tucker",
"56d70adc0d65d21400198312": "Justin Tucker",
"56d70adc0d65d21400198313": "Ed Mangan",
"56d70adc0d65d21400198314": "Justin Tucker",
"56d9a419dc89441400fdb678": "Justin Tucker",
"56d9a419dc89441400fdb679": "Ed Mangan",
"56bebad93aeaaa14008c92f9": "Denver QB",
"56bebad93aeaaa14008c92fa": "Denver QB",
"56bebad93aeaaa14008c92fb": "Denver QB",
"56bebad93aeaaa14008c92fc": "Denver QB",
"56bebad93aeaaa14008c92fd": "Denver QB",
"56bf48cc3aeaaa14008c95ab": "Denver QB",
"56bf48cc3aeaaa14008c95ac": "Denver QB",
"56bf48cc3aeaaa14008c95ae": "Denver QB",
"56bf48cc3aeaaa14008c95af": "Denver QB",
"56d70ccc0d65d2140019831d": "Denver QB",
"56d70ccc0d65d2140019831f": "Denver QB",
"56d9a637dc89441400fdb697": "Denver QB",
"56d9a637dc89441400fdb698": "Denver QB",
"56d9a637dc89441400fdb699": "Pittsburgh Steelers",
"56d9a637dc89441400fdb69a": "Denver QB",
"56bebb293aeaaa14008c9303": "San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott",
"56bebb293aeaaa14008c9304": "San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott",
"56bebb293aeaaa14008c9305": "Santa Clara Marriott",
"56bebb293aeaaa14008c9306": "Santa Clara Marriott",
"56bf49993aeaaa14008c95b5": "San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott",
"56bf49993aeaaa14008c95b6": "Santa Clara Marriott",
"56bf49993aeaaa14008c95b7": "San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott",
"56bf49993aeaaa14008c95b8": "San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott",
"56d70d240d65d21400198326": "San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott",
"56d70d240d65d21400198327": "San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott",
"56d70d240d65d21400198328": "San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott",
"56d70d240d65d21400198329": "San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott",
"56d9a6b4dc89441400fdb6a0": "San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott",
"56d9a6b4dc89441400fdb6a1": "Santa Clara Marriott",
"56d9a6b4dc89441400fdb6a2": "San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott",
"56d9a6b4dc89441400fdb6a3": "San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott",
"56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9315": "Jaime Weston",
"56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9316": "Jaime Weston",
"56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9317": "Jaime Weston",
"56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9318": "Jaime Weston",
"56bebbbf3aeaaa14008c9319": "Jaime Weston",
"56bf4e1b3aeaaa14008c95bd": "Jaime Weston",
"56bf4e1b3aeaaa14008c95be": "Jaime Weston",
"56bf4e1b3aeaaa14008c95c0": "Jaime Weston",
"56bf4e1b3aeaaa14008c95c1": "Jaime Weston",
"56d70daa0d65d21400198332": "Jaime Weston",
"56d70daa0d65d21400198333": "Jaime Weston",
"56d70daa0d65d21400198334": "Jaime Weston",
"56d70daa0d65d21400198335": "Jaime Weston",
"56d70daa0d65d21400198336": "Jaime Weston",
"56d9a7addc89441400fdb6a8": "Arabic numerals as Super Bowl 50",
"56d9a7addc89441400fdb6ab": "Jaime Weston",
"56bebc383aeaaa14008c931f": "gold, and beginning on week 7",
"56bebc383aeaaa14008c9320": "50-yard line on fields was colored gold, and beginning on week 7",
"56bebc383aeaaa14008c9321": "50-yard line on fields was colored gold, and beginning on week 7",
"56bf52483aeaaa14008c95c7": "gold, and beginning on week 7",
"56bf52483aeaaa14008c95c8": "homecoming",
"56d70e570d65d2140019833c": "homecoming",
"56d70e570d65d2140019833e": "homecoming",
"56d70e570d65d2140019833f": "50-yard line on fields was colored gold, and beginning on week 7",
"56d9b01fdc89441400fdb6d4": "gold, and beginning on week 7",
"56bebcbe3aeaaa14008c9325": "Super Bowl City",
"56bebcbe3aeaaa14008c9326": "Super Bowl City\" opened on January 30 at Justin Herman Plaza",
"56bebcbe3aeaaa14008c9327": "Super Bowl City\" opened on January 30 at Justin Herman Plaza",
"56bebcbe3aeaaa14008c9328": "Super Bowl City\" opened on January 30 at Justin Herman Plaza",
"56bebcbe3aeaaa14008c9329": "Justin Herman Plaza",
"56bf53e73aeaaa14008c95cb": "More than 1 million",
"56bf53e73aeaaa14008c95cc": "More than 1 million",
"56bf53e73aeaaa14008c95cd": "Justin Herman Plaza",
"56bf53e73aeaaa14008c95ce": "Super Bowl City\" opened on January 30 at Justin Herman Plaza",
"56d7145c0d65d2140019834c": "Super Bowl City",
"56d7145c0d65d2140019834d": "Super Bowl City",
"56d7145c0d65d2140019834f": "Super Bowl City\" opened on January 30 at Justin Herman Plaza",
"56d9b389dc89441400fdb6ec": "Super Bowl City",
"56d9b389dc89441400fdb6ed": "More than 1 million",
"56d9b389dc89441400fdb6ee": "More than 1 million",
"56d9b389dc89441400fdb6ef": "More than 1 million",
"56d9b389dc89441400fdb6f0": "Super Bowl City",
"56bebd713aeaaa14008c932f": "2 million",
"56bebd713aeaaa14008c9330": "$2 million",
"56bebd713aeaaa14008c9331": "$2 million",
"56bf555e3aeaaa14008c95d3": "$2 million",
"56bf555e3aeaaa14008c95d4": "2 million",
"56bf555e3aeaaa14008c95d5": "$2 million",
"56d714cd0d65d21400198356": "2 million",
"56d714cd0d65d21400198358": "$2 million",
"56d714cd0d65d21400198359": "$2 million",
"56d9b43edc89441400fdb700": "$2 million",
"56d9b43edc89441400fdb701": "2 million",
"56bebde53aeaaa14008c9335": "February 1, 2016",
"56bebde53aeaaa14008c9336": "February 1, 2016",
"56bebde53aeaaa14008c9337": "February 1, 2016",
"56bebde53aeaaa14008c9338": "February 1, 2016",
"56bebde53aeaaa14008c9339": "February 1, 2016",
"56bf57043aeaaa14008c95d9": "February 1, 2016",
"56bf57043aeaaa14008c95da": "February 1, 2016",
"56bf57043aeaaa14008c95db": "February 1, 2016",
"56bf57043aeaaa14008c95dc": "February 1, 2016",
"56bf57043aeaaa14008c95dd": "February 1, 2016",
"56d71bd80d65d2140019835e": "February 1, 2016",
"56d71bd80d65d21400198360": "February 1, 2016",
"56d71bd80d65d21400198361": "February 1, 2016",
"56d71bd80d65d21400198362": "February 1, 2016",
"56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb708": "February 1, 2016",
"56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb709": "February 1, 2016",
"56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb70a": "February 1, 2016",
"56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb70b": "February 1, 2016",
"56d9b4ebdc89441400fdb70c": "February 1, 2016",
"56bebe873aeaaa14008c933f": "$40 million",
"56bebe873aeaaa14008c9340": "$40 million",
"56bebe873aeaaa14008c9341": "$40 million",
"56bebe873aeaaa14008c9342": "$40 million",
"56bebe873aeaaa14008c9343": "$40 million",
"56bf59523aeaaa14008c95e3": "$40 million",
"56bf59523aeaaa14008c95e4": "$40 million",
"56bf59523aeaaa14008c95e5": "$40 million",
"56d71cb60d65d21400198368": "$40 million",
"56d9b5ffdc89441400fdb720": "$40 million",
"56d9b5ffdc89441400fdb721": "$40 million",
"56bebec43aeaaa14008c9349": "25 percent",
"56bebec43aeaaa14008c934a": "25 percent of all money it raises for philanthropic causes in the Bay Area. The committee created the 50 fund",
"56bf5abc3aeaaa14008c95e9": "25 percent",
"56bf5abc3aeaaa14008c95ea": "25 percent of all money it raises for philanthropic causes in the Bay Area. The committee created the 50 fund",
"56d71d150d65d2140019836e": "25 percent of all money it raises for philanthropic causes in the Bay Area. The committee created the 50 fund",
"56d71d150d65d2140019836f": "25 percent",
"56d71d150d65d21400198370": "25 percent of all money it raises for philanthropic causes in the Bay Area. The committee created the 50 fund",
"56d9b6a3dc89441400fdb72f": "25 percent",
"56d9b6a3dc89441400fdb730": "25 percent of all money it raises for philanthropic causes in the Bay Area. The committee created the 50 fund",
"56bec0353aeaaa14008c934d": "Vince Lombardi Trophy that all Super Bowl champions receive, the winner of Super Bowl 50",
"56bec0353aeaaa14008c934e": "18-karat gold-plated \"50",
"56bec0353aeaaa14008c934f": "Vince Lombardi Trophy",
"56bec0353aeaaa14008c9350": "Tiffany & Co",
"56bec0353aeaaa14008c9351": "Tiffany & Co",
"56bf5b933aeaaa14008c95ed": "Vince Lombardi Trophy that all Super Bowl champions receive, the winner of Super Bowl 50",
"56bf5b933aeaaa14008c95ef": "18-karat gold-plated \"50",
"56bf5b933aeaaa14008c95f1": "Tiffany & Co",
"56d71d9d0d65d21400198374": "Vince Lombardi Trophy that all Super Bowl champions receive, the winner of Super Bowl 50",
"56d71d9d0d65d21400198377": "Tiffany & Co",
"56bec0dd3aeaaa14008c9357": "CBS",
"56bec0dd3aeaaa14008c9358": "Phil Simms",
"56bec0dd3aeaaa14008c9359": "CBS",
"56bec0dd3aeaaa14008c935a": "CBS",
"56bec0dd3aeaaa14008c935b": "CBS",
"56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95f7": "CBS",
"56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95f8": "CBS",
"56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95f9": "CBS",
"56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95fa": "5K",
"56bf5e7b3aeaaa14008c95fb": "CBS",
"56d71ed50d65d2140019837c": "CBS",
"56d71ed50d65d2140019837d": "CBS",
"56d9b7dcdc89441400fdb740": "CBS",
"56d9b7dcdc89441400fdb741": "CBS",
"56d9b7dcdc89441400fdb742": "CBS",
"56d9b7dcdc89441400fdb743": "5K",
"56d9b7dcdc89441400fdb744": "CBS",
"56bec1823aeaaa14008c9361": "John Sutcliffe",
"56bec1823aeaaa14008c9362": "John Sutcliffe",
"56bec1823aeaaa14008c9363": "John Sutcliffe",
"56bec1823aeaaa14008c9364": "December 28, 2015",
"56bec1823aeaaa14008c9365": "John Sutcliffe",
"56bf6d343aeaaa14008c961b": "December 28, 2015, ESPN Deportes",
"56d71fc00d65d21400198386": "ESPN Deportes",
"56d71fc00d65d21400198389": "John Sutcliffe",
"56d9ba95dc89441400fdb754": "December 28, 2015, ESPN Deportes",
"56d9ba95dc89441400fdb757": "John Sutcliffe",
"56d9ba95dc89441400fdb758": "John Sutcliffe",
"56bec2013aeaaa14008c9371": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56bec2013aeaaa14008c9372": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56bec2013aeaaa14008c9373": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56bec2013aeaaa14008c9374": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56bec2013aeaaa14008c9375": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56bf6e7a3aeaaa14008c961f": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56bf6e7a3aeaaa14008c9620": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56bf6e7a3aeaaa14008c9621": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56bf6e7a3aeaaa14008c9622": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56d7205e0d65d21400198391": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56d7205e0d65d21400198392": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56d9bc13dc89441400fdb75e": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56d9bc13dc89441400fdb75f": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56d9bc13dc89441400fdb760": "NFL Mobile service. The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN",
"56bec2573aeaaa14008c937b": "James Corden",
"56bec2573aeaaa14008c937c": "James Corden",
"56bf6f743aeaaa14008c9631": "James Corden",
"56bf6f743aeaaa14008c9632": "James Corden",
"56d720c70d65d21400198396": "James Corden",
"56d720c70d65d21400198397": "James Corden",
"56d720c70d65d21400198398": "James Corden",
"56bec3153aeaaa14008c9389": "$5,000,000",
"56bec3153aeaaa14008c938a": "$5,000,000",
"56bec3153aeaaa14008c938b": "Doritos",
"56bec3153aeaaa14008c938c": "$5,000,000",
"56bf717d3aeaaa14008c9635": "$5,000,000",
"56bf717d3aeaaa14008c9637": "$5,000,000",
"56bf717d3aeaaa14008c9638": "Doritos",
"56bf717d3aeaaa14008c9639": "$5,000,000",
"56d721af0d65d2140019839e": "$5,000,000",
"56d721af0d65d2140019839f": "$5,000,000",
"56d721af0d65d214001983a0": "$5,000,000",
"56d9bdc1dc89441400fdb768": "$5,000,000",
"56d9bdc1dc89441400fdb769": "$5,000,000",
"56d9bdc1dc89441400fdb76a": "$5,000,000",
"56bec38b3aeaaa14008c9397": "nine",
"56bec38b3aeaaa14008c9398": "30-second commercial aired free of charge courtesy of QuickBooks. Death Wish Coffee beat out nine",
"56bec38b3aeaaa14008c9399": "30-second commercial aired free of charge courtesy of QuickBooks. Death Wish Coffee beat out nine",
"56bec38b3aeaaa14008c939a": "nine",
"56bf71e73aeaaa14008c963f": "30-second commercial aired free of charge courtesy of QuickBooks. Death Wish Coffee beat out nine",
"56bf71e73aeaaa14008c9640": "nine",
"56d722330d65d214001983a6": "30-second commercial aired free of charge courtesy of QuickBooks. Death Wish Coffee beat out nine",
"56d722330d65d214001983a7": "30-second commercial aired free of charge courtesy of QuickBooks. Death Wish Coffee beat out nine",
"56d722330d65d214001983a8": "nine",
"56d9be16dc89441400fdb770": "30-second commercial aired free of charge courtesy of QuickBooks. Death Wish Coffee beat out nine",
"56d9be16dc89441400fdb771": "30-second commercial aired free of charge courtesy of QuickBooks. Death Wish Coffee beat out nine",
"56bec4343aeaaa14008c93a9": "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and 10 Cloverfield Lane, Universal paid for The Secret Life of Pets",
"56bec4343aeaaa14008c93aa": "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and 10 Cloverfield Lane, Universal paid for The Secret Life of Pets",
"56bec4343aeaaa14008c93ab": "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and 10 Cloverfield Lane, Universal paid for The Secret Life of Pets",
"56bec4343aeaaa14008c93ac": "Gods of Egypt, Paramount paid for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and 10 Cloverfield Lane, Universal paid for The Secret Life of Pets",
"56d723560d65d214001983ac": "20th Century Fox",
"56d723560d65d214001983ad": "Gods of Egypt, Paramount paid for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and 10 Cloverfield Lane, Universal paid for The Secret Life of Pets",
"56d723560d65d214001983ae": "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and 10 Cloverfield Lane, Universal paid for The Secret Life of Pets",
"56d723560d65d214001983af": "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and 10 Cloverfield Lane, Universal paid for The Secret Life of Pets",
"56d9bf70dc89441400fdb77b": "Gods of Egypt, Paramount paid for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and 10 Cloverfield Lane, Universal paid for The Secret Life of Pets",
"56d9bf70dc89441400fdb77c": "Gods of Egypt, Paramount paid for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and 10 Cloverfield Lane, Universal paid for The Secret Life of Pets",
"56d9bf70dc89441400fdb77d": "Gods of Egypt, Paramount paid for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and 10 Cloverfield Lane, Universal paid for The Secret Life of Pets",
"56bec4a33aeaaa14008c93b1": "Mark Malone as sideline reporters. Jim Gray",
"56bec4a33aeaaa14008c93b2": "James Lofton and Mark Malone",
"56bec4a33aeaaa14008c93b3": "James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. Jim Gray",
"56bec4a33aeaaa14008c93b4": "James Lofton and Mark Malone",
"56bec4a33aeaaa14008c93b5": "James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. Jim Gray",
"56bf738b3aeaaa14008c9655": "James Lofton and Mark Malone",
"56bf738b3aeaaa14008c9656": "Mark Malone as sideline reporters. Jim Gray",
"56d723ad0d65d214001983b4": "James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. Jim Gray",
"56d723ad0d65d214001983b5": "James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. Jim Gray",
"56d723ad0d65d214001983b8": "Jim Gray",
"56d9c049dc89441400fdb78e": "James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. Jim Gray",
"56d9c049dc89441400fdb78f": "James Lofton and Mark Malone",
"56d9c049dc89441400fdb790": "James Lofton and Mark Malone",
"56d9c049dc89441400fdb791": "Mark Malone",
"56d9c049dc89441400fdb792": "Mark Malone as sideline reporters. Jim Gray",
"56bec5233aeaaa14008c93cf": "KRFX",
"56bec5233aeaaa14008c93d0": "KRFX",
"56bec5233aeaaa14008c93d1": "KRFX",
"56bec5233aeaaa14008c93d2": "KRFX",
"56bec5233aeaaa14008c93d3": "KRFX",
"56d724620d65d214001983be": "KRFX",
"56d724620d65d214001983bf": "KRFX",
"56d724620d65d214001983c0": "KRFX",
"56d724620d65d214001983c1": "KRFX",
"56d9c203dc89441400fdb7a0": "KRFX",
"56d9c203dc89441400fdb7a3": "KRFX",
"56bec5ff3aeaaa14008c93e3": "BBC Radio 5 Live and 5 Live Sports Extra",
"56bec5ff3aeaaa14008c93e4": "BBC Radio 5 Live and 5 Live Sports Extra",
"56bec5ff3aeaaa14008c93e5": "BBC Radio 5 Live and 5 Live Sports Extra",
"56d724ea0d65d214001983c8": "BBC Radio 5 Live and 5 Live Sports Extra",
"56d724ea0d65d214001983c9": "BBC Radio 5 Live and 5 Live Sports Extra",
"56bec6573aeaaa14008c93e9": "39",
"56bec6573aeaaa14008c93ea": "Peyton Manning",
"56bec6573aeaaa14008c93eb": "Peyton Manning",
"56bec6573aeaaa14008c93ec": "39",
"56bec6573aeaaa14008c93ed": "Peyton Manning",
"56d7251d0d65d214001983cc": "Peyton Manning",
"56d7251d0d65d214001983cd": "Peyton Manning",
"56d7251d0d65d214001983cf": "Peyton Manning",
"56d9c3a6dc89441400fdb7b4": "39",
"56d9c3a6dc89441400fdb7b5": "39",
"56d9c3a6dc89441400fdb7b6": "Peyton Manning",
"56d9c3a6dc89441400fdb7b7": "Peyton Manning",
"56d9c3a6dc89441400fdb7b8": "Peyton Manning",
"56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c93fd": "Marlee Matlin",
"56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c93fe": "Marlee Matlin",
"56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c93ff": "Lady Gaga",
"56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c9400": "Lady Gaga",
"56bec6ac3aeaaa14008c9401": "Lady Gaga",
"56d20650e7d4791d00902614": "Lady Gaga",
"56d20650e7d4791d00902615": "Lady Gaga",
"56d7253b0d65d214001983d4": "Lady Gaga",
"56d7253b0d65d214001983d5": "Lady Gaga",
"56d9c455dc89441400fdb7c4": "Lady Gaga",
"56d9c455dc89441400fdb7c5": "Marlee Matlin",
"56d9c455dc89441400fdb7c6": "Lady Gaga",
"56bec7353aeaaa14008c940d": "Coldplay",
"56bec7353aeaaa14008c940e": "Coldplay",
"56bec7353aeaaa14008c940f": "Coldplay",
"56bec7353aeaaa14008c9410": "Bruno Mars, who headlined the Super Bowl XLVIII halftime show, and Mark Ronson",
"56bec7353aeaaa14008c9411": "Coldplay",
"56d725790d65d214001983d8": "Coldplay",
"56d725790d65d214001983da": "Coldplay",
"56d725790d65d214001983db": "Coldplay",
"56d9c551dc89441400fdb7d0": "Coldplay",
"56d9c551dc89441400fdb7d1": "Coldplay",
"56d9c551dc89441400fdb7d2": "Coldplay",
"56d9c551dc89441400fdb7d3": "Coldplay",
"56bec7a63aeaaa14008c9417": "Andre Caldwell",
"56bec7a63aeaaa14008c9418": "Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell",
"56bec7a63aeaaa14008c9419": "Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell",
"56bec7a63aeaaa14008c941a": "Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell",
"56bec7a63aeaaa14008c941b": "Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell",
"56d728a10d65d21400198413": "Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell",
"56d728a10d65d21400198414": "Shaq Thompson",
"56d728a10d65d21400198415": "Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell",
"56d728a10d65d21400198416": "Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell",
"56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7d8": "Andre Caldwell",
"56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7d9": "Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell",
"56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7da": "Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell",
"56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7db": "Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell",
"56d9c5e7dc89441400fdb7dc": "Owen Daniels and a 22-yard throw to receiver Andre Caldwell",
"56bec8243aeaaa14008c942b": "Mike Carey",
"56bec8243aeaaa14008c942c": "Cam Newton",
"56bec8243aeaaa14008c942d": "Von Miller",
"56bec8243aeaaa14008c942e": "Von Miller",
"56bec8243aeaaa14008c942f": "Von Miller",
"56d728e00d65d2140019841c": "Cam Newton",
"56d728e00d65d2140019841d": "Mike Carey",
"56d728e00d65d2140019841e": "Von Miller",
"56d728e00d65d2140019841f": "Von Miller",
"56d728e00d65d21400198420": "Von Miller",
"56d9c660dc89441400fdb7e7": "Mike Carey",
"56d9c660dc89441400fdb7e8": "Von Miller",
"56d9c660dc89441400fdb7e9": "Von Miller",
"56d9c660dc89441400fdb7ea": "Von Miller",
"56bec8a13aeaaa14008c9435": "Jonathan Stewart",
"56bec8a13aeaaa14008c9436": "Jonathan Stewart",
"56bec8a13aeaaa14008c9437": "Jordan Norwood",
"56bec8a13aeaaa14008c9438": "51 yards and rushed twice for 25 yards, while Jonathan Stewart",
"56bec8a13aeaaa14008c9439": "Jonathan Stewart",
"56d729180d65d21400198426": "51 yards and rushed twice for 25 yards, while Jonathan Stewart",
"56d729180d65d21400198427": "Jonathan Stewart",
"56d729180d65d21400198428": "Jordan Norwood",
"56d729180d65d21400198429": "Jonathan Stewart",
"56d729180d65d2140019842a": "Jonathan Stewart",
"56d9c6e0dc89441400fdb7f0": "Jonathan Stewart",
"56d9c6e0dc89441400fdb7f4": "Jonathan Stewart",
"56bec9133aeaaa14008c9445": "Darian Stewart",
"56bec9133aeaaa14008c9446": "Darian Stewart",
"56bec9133aeaaa14008c9447": "Mike Tolbert lost a fumble while being tackled by safety Darian Stewart",
"56bec9133aeaaa14008c9448": "Mike Tolbert lost a fumble while being tackled by safety Darian Stewart",
"56bec9133aeaaa14008c9449": "Mike Tolbert lost a fumble while being tackled by safety Darian Stewart",
"56d729ec0d65d21400198430": "Mike Tolbert lost a fumble while being tackled by safety Darian Stewart",
"56d729ec0d65d21400198431": "Mike Tolbert lost a fumble while being tackled by safety Darian Stewart",
"56d729ec0d65d21400198432": "Mike Tolbert lost a fumble while being tackled by safety Darian Stewart",
"56d729ec0d65d21400198434": "Darian Stewart",
"56d9c79edc89441400fdb804": "Mike Tolbert lost a fumble while being tackled by safety Darian Stewart",
"56d9c79edc89441400fdb805": "Mike Tolbert lost a fumble while being tackled by safety Darian Stewart",
"56d9c79edc89441400fdb806": "Darian Stewart",
"56d9c79edc89441400fdb807": "Darian Stewart",
"56d9c79edc89441400fdb808": "Mike Tolbert lost a fumble while being tackled by safety Darian Stewart",
"56bec98e3aeaaa14008c9455": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56bec98e3aeaaa14008c9456": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56bec98e3aeaaa14008c9457": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56bec98e3aeaaa14008c9458": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56bec98e3aeaaa14008c9459": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56d7282f0d65d21400198408": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56d7282f0d65d21400198409": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56d7282f0d65d2140019840a": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56d7282f0d65d2140019840c": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56d9c92bdc89441400fdb80e": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56d9c92bdc89441400fdb80f": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56d9c92bdc89441400fdb810": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56d9c92bdc89441400fdb811": "42-yard pass to Corey Brown",
"56bec9e83aeaaa14008c945f": "50-yard line. A 16-yard reception by Devin Funchess",
"56bec9e83aeaaa14008c9460": "50-yard line. A 16-yard reception by Devin Funchess",
"56bec9e83aeaaa14008c9461": "50-yard line. A 16-yard reception by Devin Funchess",
"56bec9e83aeaaa14008c9462": "50-yard line. A 16-yard reception by Devin Funchess",
"56d7261e0d65d214001983e0": "Devin Funchess",
"56d7261e0d65d214001983e1": "Ealy",
"56d7261e0d65d214001983e2": "50-yard line. A 16-yard reception by Devin Funchess",
"56d7261e0d65d214001983e4": "50-yard line. A 16-yard reception by Devin Funchess",
"56d9ca0adc89441400fdb820": "Devin Funchess",
"56d9ca0adc89441400fdb821": "Devin Funchess",
"56d9ca0adc89441400fdb822": "12-yard run by Stewart",
"56d9ca0adc89441400fdb823": "Devin Funchess",
"56beca913aeaaa14008c946d": "Josh Norman",
"56beca913aeaaa14008c946e": "Josh Norman",
"56beca913aeaaa14008c946f": "Josh Norman",
"56beca913aeaaa14008c9470": "Josh Norman",
"56beca913aeaaa14008c9471": "Josh Norman",
"56d726b60d65d214001983ea": "Josh Norman",
"56d726b60d65d214001983eb": "Josh Norman",
"56d726b60d65d214001983ec": "Josh Norman",
"56d726b60d65d214001983ed": "Josh Norman",
"56d726b60d65d214001983ee": "Josh Norman",
"56d9cb47dc89441400fdb832": "Josh Norman",
"56d9cb47dc89441400fdb833": "Josh Norman",
"56d9cb47dc89441400fdb834": "Josh Norman",
"56d9cb47dc89441400fdb835": "Josh Norman",
"56d9cb47dc89441400fdb836": "Josh Norman",
"56becaf93aeaaa14008c9481": "six receptions for 83",
"56becaf93aeaaa14008c9482": "six receptions for 83",
"56becaf93aeaaa14008c9483": "six receptions for 83",
"56becaf93aeaaa14008c9484": "six receptions for 83",
"56becaf93aeaaa14008c9485": "six",
"56d7270c0d65d214001983f4": "six receptions for 83",
"56d7270c0d65d214001983f5": "six receptions for 83",
"56d7270c0d65d214001983f6": "six receptions for 83 yards. Anderson",
"56d7270c0d65d214001983f7": "six receptions for 83",
"56d7270c0d65d214001983f8": "six receptions for 83",
"56d9ccacdc89441400fdb842": "six",
"56d9ccacdc89441400fdb843": "six receptions for 83 yards. Anderson",
"56d9ccacdc89441400fdb844": "six receptions for 83",
"56d9ccacdc89441400fdb845": "six receptions for 83",
"56d9ccacdc89441400fdb846": "six receptions for 83",
"56becb823aeaaa14008c948b": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"56becb823aeaaa14008c948c": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"56becb823aeaaa14008c948d": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"56becb823aeaaa14008c948e": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"56becb823aeaaa14008c948f": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"56d7277c0d65d214001983fe": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"56d7277c0d65d214001983ff": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"56d7277c0d65d21400198401": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"56d7277c0d65d21400198402": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"56d9cd9adc89441400fdb84c": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"56d9cd9adc89441400fdb84d": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens in Super Bowl XXXV",
"56d9cd9adc89441400fdb84e": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"56d9cd9adc89441400fdb84f": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"56d9cd9adc89441400fdb850": "244 yards by the Baltimore Ravens",
"5733a5f54776f41900660f45": "Maria Sk\u0142odowska-Curie",
"5733a5f54776f41900660f48": "Maria Sk\u0142odowska-Curie",
"5733a5f54776f41900660f44": "Maria Sk\u0142odowska-Curie",
"5733a5f54776f41900660f46": "Maria Sk\u0142odowska-Curie",
"5733a5f54776f41900660f47": "Maria Sk\u0142odowska-Curie",
"57336755d058e614000b5a3d": "Franciszek Szanior",
"57336755d058e614000b5a3f": "Franciszek Szanior",
"57336755d058e614000b5a3c": "Franciszek Szanior",
"57336755d058e614000b5a3e": "Franciszek Szanior",
"57336755d058e614000b5a40": "Franciszek Szanior",
"57337ddc4776f41900660bbb": "13",
"57337ddc4776f41900660bbc": "13",
"57337ddc4776f41900660bba": "13",
"57337ddc4776f41900660bbd": "oxbow lakes, like Czerniak\u00f3w Lake",
"57337ddc4776f41900660bbe": "13",
"57337ea24776f41900660bd0": "219,000 (around 34% percent). Warsaw's prewar Jewish population of more than 350,000",
"57337ea24776f41900660bd3": "219,000",
"57337ea24776f41900660bd2": "219,000",
"57337ea24776f41900660bd1": "219,000",
"57337ea24776f41900660bd4": "219,000",
"57339555d058e614000b5df4": "2,000",
"57339555d058e614000b5df5": "2,000",
"57339555d058e614000b5df6": "2,000",
"57339555d058e614000b5df3": "1816",
"57339555d058e614000b5df7": "2,000",
"57339902d058e614000b5e70": "Irena Bajerska, was opened on 12 June 2002",
"57339902d058e614000b5e71": "two million",
"57339902d058e614000b5e72": "Irena Bajerska, was opened on 12 June 2002",
"57339902d058e614000b5e73": "Irena Bajerska, was opened on 12 June 2002",
"57339902d058e614000b5e74": "Irena Bajerska, was opened on 12 June 2002",
"573399b54776f41900660e64": "Three-Year Plan to rebuild Poland (especially Warsaw",
"573399b54776f41900660e65": "Three-Year Plan to rebuild Poland (especially Warsaw",
"573399b54776f41900660e66": "Three-Year Plan to rebuild Poland (especially Warsaw",
"573399b54776f41900660e67": "Three-Year Plan to rebuild Poland (especially Warsaw",
"57339a554776f41900660e74": "CMHI",
"57339a554776f41900660e75": "CMHI",
"57339a554776f41900660e76": "CMHI",
"57339a554776f41900660e77": "CMHI",
"57339a554776f41900660e78": "CMHI",
"57339ad74776f41900660e86": "the Teatr Wielki, the Polish National Opera, the Chamber Opera, the National Philharmonic Hall and the National Theatre",
"57339ad74776f41900660e87": "Roma and Buffo music theatres and the Congress Hall in the Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw hosts many events and festivals",
"57339ad74776f41900660e88": "Roma and Buffo music theatres",
"57339ad74776f41900660e89": "Roma and Buffo music theatres and the Congress Hall in the Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw hosts many events and festivals",
"57339ad74776f41900660e8a": "many events and festivals",
"57339c16d058e614000b5ec5": "1870 to 1939",
"57339c16d058e614000b5ec6": "1870 to 1939",
"57339c16d058e614000b5ec7": "1870 to 1939",
"57339c16d058e614000b5ec8": "1870 to 1939",
"57339c16d058e614000b5ec9": "1870 to 1939",
"57339dd94776f41900660ecc": "Wianki",
"57339dd94776f41900660ecd": "Polish for Wreaths",
"57339dd94776f41900660ece": "Polish for Wreaths",
"57339dd94776f41900660ecf": "Wianki",
"57339dd94776f41900660ed0": "Wianki",
"57339eb9d058e614000b5ef6": "National Museum",
"57339eb9d058e614000b5ef7": "National Museum",
"57339eb9d058e614000b5ef8": "National Museum",
"57339eb9d058e614000b5ef9": "National Museum",
"57339eb9d058e614000b5efa": "National Museum",
"5733a1854776f41900660f0a": "Katy\u0144 Museum",
"5733a1854776f41900660f0b": "Katy\u0144 Museum",
"5733a1854776f41900660f0c": "Warsaw Fotoplastikon",
"5733a1854776f41900660f0d": "Katy\u0144 Museum",
"5733a1854776f41900660f0e": "Katy\u0144 Museum",
"5733a2a9d058e614000b5f28": "17th century Royal Ujazd\u00f3w Castle",
"5733a2a9d058e614000b5f29": "about 500",
"5733a2a9d058e614000b5f2a": "Zach\u0119ta National Gallery of Art",
"5733a2a9d058e614000b5f2b": "about 500 projects a year. Zach\u0119ta National Gallery of Art",
"5733a2a9d058e614000b5f2c": "about 500",
"5733a32bd058e614000b5f32": "Polonia Warsaw",
"5733a32bd058e614000b5f33": "Polonia Warsaw",
"5733a32bd058e614000b5f34": "2000",
"5733a32bd058e614000b5f35": "Konwiktorska Street",
"5733a32bd058e614000b5f36": "Polonia Warsaw",
"5733a45d4776f41900660f23": "1390",
"5733a45d4776f41900660f24": "1390",
"5733a45d4776f41900660f25": "1390",
"5733a45d4776f41900660f26": "1390",
"5733a45d4776f41900660f27": "1390",
"5733a560d058e614000b5f77": "Vistula River and plunged into its waters. She stopped to rest on a sandy beach by the village of Warszowa",
"5733a560d058e614000b5f78": "Artur Oppman",
"5733a560d058e614000b5f79": "Artur Oppman",
"5733a560d058e614000b5f7a": "Warszowa",
"5733a560d058e614000b5f7b": "Vistula River and plunged into its waters. She stopped to rest on a sandy beach by the village of Warszowa",
"5733a6ac4776f41900660f58": "Maria G\u00f3rska in Warsaw to wealthy parents and in 1916 married a Polish lawyer Tadeusz \u0141empicki",
"5733a6ac4776f41900660f59": "Tadeusz \u0141empicki",
"5733a6ac4776f41900660f5a": "Maria G\u00f3rska in Warsaw to wealthy parents and in 1916 married a Polish lawyer Tadeusz \u0141empicki",
"5733a6ac4776f41900660f5b": "Tadeusz \u0141empicki",
"5733a6ac4776f41900660f5c": "Maria G\u00f3rska in Warsaw to wealthy parents and in 1916 married a Polish lawyer Tadeusz \u0141empicki",
"573312fcd058e614000b56e6": "Frontex",
"573312fcd058e614000b56e7": "Frontex",
"573312fcd058e614000b56e8": "Frontex",
"573312fcd058e614000b56e9": "Frontex",
"573312fcd058e614000b56ea": "Frontex",
"5733140a4776f419006606e0": "1313",
"5733140a4776f419006606e1": "1313",
"5733140a4776f419006606e2": "1313",
"5733140a4776f419006606e3": "1313",
"5733140a4776f419006606e4": "1313",
"573314e3d058e614000b56f0": "1980",
"573314e3d058e614000b56f1": "1980",
"573314e3d058e614000b56f2": "1980",
"573314e3d058e614000b56f3": "1980",
"573314e3d058e614000b56f4": "1980",
"57332442d058e614000b5720": "Warszawa",
"57332442d058e614000b5721": "Warcis\u0142aw; see also etymology of Wroc\u0142aw. Folk etymology attributes the city name to a fisherman, Wars, and his wife, Sawa",
"57332442d058e614000b5722": "Warcis\u0142aw; see also etymology of Wroc\u0142aw. Folk etymology attributes the city name to a fisherman, Wars, and his wife, Sawa",
"57332442d058e614000b5723": "Warcis\u0142aw; see also etymology of Wroc\u0142aw. Folk etymology attributes the city name to a fisherman, Wars, and his wife, Sawa",
"57332442d058e614000b5724": "Warszawa",
"57332562d058e614000b5730": "Boles\u0142aw II of Masovia, established this settlement, the modern-day Warsaw, in about 1300",
"57332562d058e614000b5731": "Warszowa",
"57332562d058e614000b5732": "Warszowa",
"57332562d058e614000b5733": "Boles\u0142aw II of Masovia, established this settlement, the modern-day Warsaw, in about 1300",
"57332562d058e614000b5734": "Boles\u0142aw II of Masovia, established this settlement, the modern-day Warsaw, in about 1300",
"5733266d4776f41900660712": "1573",
"5733266d4776f41900660713": "1573",
"5733266d4776f41900660714": "1573 the city gave its name to the Warsaw Confederation",
"5733266d4776f41900660715": "1573",
"5733266d4776f41900660716": "1573",
"57332a734776f41900660726": "1796",
"57332a734776f41900660727": "1806",
"57332a734776f41900660728": "1796",
"57332a734776f41900660729": "1796",
"57332a734776f4190066072a": "1796",
"57332b66d058e614000b5758": "November 1918",
"57332b66d058e614000b5759": "November 1918",
"57332b66d058e614000b575a": "Second Polish Republic, with Warsaw the capital. In the course of the Polish-Bolshevik War of 1920",
"57332b66d058e614000b575b": "1920",
"57332b66d058e614000b575c": "November 1918",
"57332c1e4776f4190066073a": "19 April 1943",
"57332c1e4776f4190066073b": "the General Government",
"57332c1e4776f4190066073c": "the General Government, a German Nazi colonial administration. All higher education institutions were immediately closed and Warsaw's entire Jewish population \u2013 several hundred thousand",
"57332c1e4776f4190066073d": "19 April 1943",
"57332c1e4776f4190066073e": "the General Government, a German Nazi colonial administration. All higher education institutions were immediately closed and Warsaw's entire Jewish population \u2013 several hundred thousand",
"57332e48d058e614000b5762": "AK",
"57332e48d058e614000b5763": "the underground Home Army",
"57332e48d058e614000b5764": "AK",
"57332e48d058e614000b5765": "63 days. Eventually the Home Army fighters and civilians assisting them were forced to capitulate. They were transported to PoW camps in Germany",
"57332e48d058e614000b5766": "150,000 and 200,000",
"57332f81d058e614000b5776": "Bricks for Warsaw",
"57332f81d058e614000b5777": "1980",
"57332f81d058e614000b5778": "1980",
"57332f81d058e614000b5779": "Palace of Culture and Science, a gift from the Soviet Union",
"57332f81d058e614000b577a": "Bricks for Warsaw",
"573330444776f41900660758": "1979 and 1983 brought support to the budding solidarity movement",
"573330444776f41900660759": "1979 and 1983 brought support to the budding solidarity movement",
"573330444776f4190066075a": "1979 and 1983 brought support to the budding solidarity movement",
"573330444776f4190066075b": "Victory Square",
"573330444776f4190066075c": "1979 and 1983 brought support to the budding solidarity movement",
"5733314e4776f4190066076a": "523 km (325 mi) east of Berlin, Germany",
"5733314e4776f4190066076b": "523 km (325 mi) east of Berlin, Germany",
"5733314e4776f4190066076c": "Vistula River",
"5733314e4776f4190066076d": "523 km (325 mi) east of Berlin, Germany",
"5733314e4776f4190066076e": "Vistula River. It is located in the heartland of the Masovian Plain",
"57335c20d058e614000b58f9": "plain moraine plateau and the Vistula Valley with its asymmetrical pattern of different terraces. The Vistula River",
"57335c20d058e614000b58fa": "plain moraine plateau and the Vistula Valley with its asymmetrical pattern of different terraces. The Vistula River",
"57335c20d058e614000b58fc": "plain moraine plateau and the Vistula Valley with its asymmetrical pattern of different terraces. The Vistula River",
"57335c20d058e614000b58fb": "Vistula River",
"57335c20d058e614000b58fd": "Warsaw Escarpment",
"57335ddbd058e614000b592f": "flood plain terrace",
"57335ddbd058e614000b5930": "flood plain terrace",
"57335ddbd058e614000b5931": "flood plain terrace",
"57335ddbd058e614000b5932": "flood plain terrace",
"57335ddbd058e614000b5933": "flood plain terrace",
"57335fcad058e614000b5970": "1950s and 1960s",
"57335fcad058e614000b5971": "1950s and 1960s",
"57335fcad058e614000b5972": "1950s and 1960s",
"57335fcad058e614000b5973": "1950s and 1960s",
"57335fcad058e614000b5974": "1950s and 1960s",
"573361404776f4190066093c": "St. John's Cathedral",
"573361404776f4190066093d": "14th century",
"573361404776f4190066093e": "St. John's Cathedral",
"573361404776f4190066093f": "house of Baryczko merchant family",
"573361404776f41900660940": "St. John's Cathedral",
"573362b94776f41900660974": "noble palaces and churches during the later decades of the 17th century",
"573362b94776f41900660975": "numerous noble palaces and churches during the later decades of the 17th century. One of the best examples of this architecture are Krasi\u0144ski Palace",
"573362b94776f41900660976": "numerous noble palaces and churches during the later decades of the 17th century. One of the best examples of this architecture are Krasi\u0144ski Palace",
"573362b94776f41900660977": "Palace on the Water",
"573362b94776f41900660978": "Palace on the Water",
"5733638fd058e614000b59e8": "socialist realism",
"5733638fd058e614000b59e9": "socialist realism",
"5733638fd058e614000b59ea": "socialist realism",
"5733638fd058e614000b59eb": "socialist realism",
"5733638fd058e614000b59ec": "socialist realism",
"5733647e4776f419006609ae": "Wincenty Ku\u0107ma",
"5733647e4776f419006609af": "Wincenty Ku\u0107ma",
"5733647e4776f419006609b0": "Warsaw Citadel",
"5733647e4776f419006609b1": "Wincenty Ku\u0107ma",
"5733647e4776f419006609b2": "Wincenty Ku\u0107ma",
"573368044776f41900660a29": "Jan Dobrowolski",
"573368044776f41900660a2a": "Jan Dobrowolski",
"573368044776f41900660a2b": "Jan Dobrowolski",
"573368044776f41900660a2c": "Jan Dobrowolski",
"573368044776f41900660a2d": "Jan Dobrowolski. In 1927",
"573368e54776f41900660a53": "Bielany Forest",
"573368e54776f41900660a54": "Kabaty Forest",
"573368e54776f41900660a55": "Kabaty Forest by the southern city border. Warsaw has also two botanic gardens: by the \u0141azienki park",
"573368e54776f41900660a56": "Bielany Forest",
"573368e54776f41900660a57": "Bielany Forest",
"57337f6ad058e614000b5bcb": "420,000. During the first years after the war, the population growth was c. 6%",
"57337f6ad058e614000b5bcc": "c. 1,300,000",
"57337f6ad058e614000b5bcd": "c. 6%",
"57337f6ad058e614000b5bce": "1939, c. 1,300,000",
"57337f6ad058e614000b5bcf": "420,000. During the first years after the war, the population growth was c. 6%",
"57338007d058e614000b5bda": "711,988",
"57338007d058e614000b5bdb": "711,988 inhabitants 56.2%",
"57338007d058e614000b5bdc": "711,988 inhabitants 56.2%",
"57338007d058e614000b5bdd": "711,988 inhabitants 56.2%",
"57338007d058e614000b5bde": "711,988 inhabitants 56.2%",
"573380e0d058e614000b5be9": "vogt",
"573380e0d058e614000b5bea": "vogt",
"573380e0d058e614000b5beb": "vogt (w\u00f3jt in Polish), however in the cities \u2013 burmistrz",
"57338160d058e614000b5bf9": "Rada Miasta",
"57338160d058e614000b5bfa": "Rada Miasta",
"57338160d058e614000b5bfb": "Rada Miasta",
"57338160d058e614000b5bfc": "Rada Miasta",
"57338160d058e614000b5bfd": "Rada Miasta",
"57338255d058e614000b5c0d": "Jan Andrzej Menich",
"57338255d058e614000b5c0e": "Jan Andrzej Menich",
"57338255d058e614000b5c0f": "Jan Andrzej Menich",
"57338255d058e614000b5c10": "Jan Andrzej Menich",
"57338255d058e614000b5c11": "Jan Andrzej Menich",
"573382d24776f41900660c37": "304,016",
"573382d24776f41900660c38": "304,016",
"573382d24776f41900660c39": "304,016",
"573382d24776f41900660c3a": "304,016",
"573382d24776f41900660c3b": "304,016",
"5733834ed058e614000b5c26": "1817 and continued trading until World War II. It was re-established in April 1991",
"5733834ed058e614000b5c27": "374 companies listed and total capitalization of 162 584 mln EUR as of 31 August 2009. From 1991 until 2000",
"5733834ed058e614000b5c28": "1817 and continued trading until World War II",
"5733834ed058e614000b5c29": "374",
"5733834ed058e614000b5c2a": "1817 and continued trading until World War II",
"573383d0d058e614000b5c35": "AvtoZAZ",
"573383d0d058e614000b5c36": "AvtoZAZ",
"573383d0d058e614000b5c37": "AvtoZAZ",
"573383d0d058e614000b5c38": "AvtoZAZ",
"573383d0d058e614000b5c39": "AvtoZAZ",
"573166ede6313a140071cef2": "2.666 million",
"573166ede6313a140071cef3": "2.666 million",
"573166ede6313a140071cef4": "Vistula River",
"573166ede6313a140071cef5": "2.666 million",
"573166ede6313a140071cef6": "2.666 million",
"5732b6b5328d981900602021": "2.666 million",
"5732b6b5328d981900602022": "Vistula River",
"5732b6b5328d981900602023": "2.666 million",
"5732b6b5328d981900602024": "2.666 million",
"5732b6b5328d981900602025": "1.740 million",
"56ddde6b9a695914005b9628": "Normanni",
"56ddde6b9a695914005b9629": "Nourmands; French: Normands; Latin: Normanni",
"56ddde6b9a695914005b962a": "The Normans (Norman: Nourmands; French: Normands; Latin: Normanni",
"56ddde6b9a695914005b962b": "Normanni",
"56ddde6b9a695914005b962c": "The Normans (Norman: Nourmands; French: Normands; Latin: Normanni",
"56dddf4066d3e219004dad5f": "William the Conqueror, led to the Norman conquest of England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066",
"56dddf4066d3e219004dad60": "William the Conqueror, led to the Norman conquest of England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066",
"56dddf4066d3e219004dad61": "Roger II",
"56dde0379a695914005b9636": "French words Normans/Normanz",
"56dde0379a695914005b9637": "French words Normans/Normanz",
"56dde0ba66d3e219004dad75": "911",
"56dde0ba66d3e219004dad76": "911",
"56dde0ba66d3e219004dad77": "911",
"56dde1d966d3e219004dad8d": "Picardy or the \u00cele-de-France",
"56dde27d9a695914005b9651": "Catholicism (Christianity) and the Gallo-Romance language of the local people, blending their maternal Frankish heritage with Old Norse traditions and customs",
"56dde27d9a695914005b9652": "Catholicism (Christianity) and the Gallo-Romance language of the local people, blending their maternal Frankish heritage with Old Norse traditions and customs",
"56dde2fa66d3e219004dad9b": "1066",
"56dde3aa9a695914005b9660": "Melus of Bari",
"56dde3aa9a695914005b9661": "Melus of Bari",
"56dde3aa9a695914005b9662": "Melus of Bari",
"56de0daecffd8e1900b4b595": "Tancred of Hauteville and the Drengot family",
"56de0daecffd8e1900b4b596": "William Iron Arm",
"56de0e25cffd8e1900b4b59a": "Anacletus II. The Kingdom of Sicily lasted until 1194",
"56de0e25cffd8e1900b4b59b": "Anacletus II. The Kingdom of Sicily lasted until 1194",
"56de0e25cffd8e1900b4b59c": "Anacletus II. The Kingdom of Sicily lasted until 1194",
"56de0ed14396321400ee2579": "Tabula Rogeriana",
"56de0ed14396321400ee257a": "Tabula Rogeriana",
"56de0ed14396321400ee257b": "Tabula Rogeriana",
"56de0f6a4396321400ee257f": "Sicily",
"56de0ffd4396321400ee258d": "1050s",
"56de0ffd4396321400ee258e": "Isaac Komnenos. In the 1060s",
"56de0ffd4396321400ee258f": "Isaac Komnenos. In the 1060s, Robert Crispin",
"56de10b44396321400ee2593": "Oursel",
"56de10b44396321400ee2594": "Oursel",
"56de10b44396321400ee2595": "Oursel",
"56de11154396321400ee25aa": "Petraliphae",
"56de148dcffd8e1900b4b5bc": "February 1082",
"56de148dcffd8e1900b4b5bd": "Comiscortes in the service of Byzantium. The city's garrison resisted until February 1082",
"56de148dcffd8e1900b4b5be": "February 1082",
"56de15104396321400ee25b7": "1107",
"56de15104396321400ee25b8": "1107",
"56de15104396321400ee25b9": "1107",
"56de1563cffd8e1900b4b5c2": "1185",
"56de1563cffd8e1900b4b5c3": "1185",
"56de1563cffd8e1900b4b5c4": "1185",
"56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5c8": "1013",
"56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5c9": "1013",
"56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5ca": "1013",
"56de15dbcffd8e1900b4b5cb": "1013",
"56de1645cffd8e1900b4b5d0": "Harthacnut",
"56de1645cffd8e1900b4b5d1": "Harthacnut",
"56de1645cffd8e1900b4b5d2": "Harthacnut",
"56de16ca4396321400ee25c5": "King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings. The invading Normans and their descendants replaced the Anglo-Saxons",
"56de16ca4396321400ee25c6": "King Harold II",
"56de16ca4396321400ee25c7": "King Harold II",
"56de16ca4396321400ee25c8": "Anglo-Saxons",
"56de1728cffd8e1900b4b5d7": "Latin",
"56de179dcffd8e1900b4b5da": "1169",
"56de179dcffd8e1900b4b5db": "Bannow Bay",
"56de179dcffd8e1900b4b5dc": "1169",
"56de17f9cffd8e1900b4b5e0": "Edgar Atheling",
"56de17f9cffd8e1900b4b5e1": "Edgar Atheling",
"56de17f9cffd8e1900b4b5e2": "Edgar Atheling",
"56de17f9cffd8e1900b4b5e3": "Edgar Atheling",
"56de3cd0cffd8e1900b4b6be": "King David I of Scotland",
"56de3cd0cffd8e1900b4b6bf": "King David I of Scotland, whose elder brother Alexander I had married Sybilla of Normandy, was instrumental in introducing Normans and Norman culture",
"56de3d594396321400ee26ca": "Edward the Confessor had set up the aforementioned Ralph as earl of Hereford and charged him with defending the Marches and warring with the Welsh",
"56de3d594396321400ee26cb": "Edward the Confessor had set up the aforementioned Ralph as earl of Hereford and charged him with defending the Marches and warring with the Welsh",
"56de3d594396321400ee26cc": "Edward the Confessor had set up the aforementioned Ralph as earl of Hereford and charged him with defending the Marches and warring with the Welsh",
"56de3dbacffd8e1900b4b6d2": "Bernard de Neufmarch\u00e9, Roger of Montgomery in Shropshire and Hugh Lupus in Cheshire",
"56de3e414396321400ee26d8": "1018",
"56de3e414396321400ee26d9": "Roger de Tosny travelled to the Iberian Peninsula to carve out a state for himself from Moorish lands, but failed. In 1064",
"56de3ebc4396321400ee26e6": "1097",
"56de3ebc4396321400ee26e7": "Tancred with an army of Italo-Normans",
"56de3ebc4396321400ee26e8": "Antioch in 1097",
"56de3efccffd8e1900b4b6fe": "Third Crusade",
"56de3f784396321400ee26fa": "April 1191",
"56de3f784396321400ee26fb": "Isaac Komnenos",
"56de3f784396321400ee26fc": "April 1191",
"56de3f784396321400ee26fd": "Isaac Komnenos",
"56de40da4396321400ee2708": "Guy de Lusignan",
"56de40da4396321400ee2709": "Guy de Lusignan",
"56de40da4396321400ee270a": "Guy de Lusignan",
"56de41504396321400ee2714": "Berengaria of Navarre, first-born daughter of King Sancho VI of Navarre. The wedding was held on 12 May 1191",
"56de41504396321400ee2715": "Berengaria of Navarre, first-born daughter of King Sancho VI of Navarre. The wedding was held on 12 May 1191",
"56de41504396321400ee2716": "Berengaria of Navarre, first-born daughter of King Sancho VI of Navarre. The wedding was held on 12 May 1191",
"56de48f34396321400ee2770": "Guy de Lusignan and became a stable feudal kingdom. It was only in 1489",
"56de48f34396321400ee2771": "Guy de Lusignan and became a stable feudal kingdom. It was only in 1489",
"56de49564396321400ee277a": "1402 and 1405",
"56de49a8cffd8e1900b4b7a7": "Enrique P\u00e9rez de Guzm\u00e1n",
"56de49a8cffd8e1900b4b7a8": "Enrique P\u00e9rez de Guzm\u00e1n",
"56de49a8cffd8e1900b4b7a9": "Enrique P\u00e9rez de Guzm\u00e1n",
"56de4a474396321400ee2786": "1200 and 1245; and the Grand coutumier de Normandie",
"56de4a474396321400ee2787": "10th and 13th centuries",
"56de4a89cffd8e1900b4b7bd": "England and Italy",
"56de4a89cffd8e1900b4b7be": "England and Italy",
"56de4b074396321400ee2793": "Early Gothic",
"56de4b074396321400ee2794": "Early Gothic",
"56de4b074396321400ee2795": "Early Gothic",
"56de4b5c4396321400ee2799": "Winchester school",
"56de4b5c4396321400ee279a": "Winchester school",
"56de4bb84396321400ee27a2": "16th century and French Revolution",
"56de4c324396321400ee27ab": "Bayeux Tapestry, which is not a tapestry but a work of embroidery",
"56de4c324396321400ee27ac": "Bayeux Tapestry",
"56de4c324396321400ee27ad": "Bayeux Tapestry, which is not a tapestry but a work of embroidery",
"56de51244396321400ee27ef": "Lombard Salerno",
"56de51c64396321400ee27f7": "Saint-Evroul Abbey",
"56de51c64396321400ee27f8": "Saint-Evroul Abbey",
"56de52614396321400ee27fb": "Robert de Grantmesnil, several monks of Saint-Evroul fled to southern Italy",
"56de52614396321400ee27fc": "Sant'Eufemia",
"56de52614396321400ee27fd": "Robert Guiscard and established a Latin monastery at Sant'Eufemia",
"56de52614396321400ee27fe": "Robert de Grantmesnil, several monks of Saint-Evroul fled to southern Italy",
"56df9e2838dc4217001520f6": "Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: \u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430 \u0422\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430; 10 July 1856 \u2013 7 January 1943",
"56df9e2838dc4217001520f8": "Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: \u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430 \u0422\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430; 10 July 1856 \u2013 7 January 1943",
"56df9e2838dc4217001520f9": "Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: \u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430 \u0422\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430; 10 July 1856 \u2013 7 January 1943",
"56e0b94b7aa994140058e6b7": "Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: \u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430 \u0422\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430; 10 July 1856 \u2013 7 January 1943",
"56e0b94b7aa994140058e6b8": "Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: \u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430 \u0422\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430; 10 July 1856 \u2013 7 January 1943",
"56e0b94b7aa994140058e6b9": "Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: \u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430 \u0422\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430; 10 July 1856 \u2013 7 January 1943",
"56e0b94b7aa994140058e6bb": "Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: \u041d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u043b\u0430 \u0422\u0435\u0441\u043b\u0430; 10 July 1856 \u2013 7 January 1943",
"56df9ee138dc421700152108": "Thomas Edison",
"56df9ee138dc421700152109": "Thomas Edison",
"56df9ee138dc42170015210a": "George Westinghouse",
"56df9ee138dc42170015210b": "Thomas Edison",
"56df9ee138dc42170015210c": "Thomas Edison",
"56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c1": "Thomas Edison",
"56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c2": "Thomas Edison",
"56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c3": "Thomas Edison",
"56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c4": "George Westinghouse",
"56e0b9d57aa994140058e6c5": "George Westinghouse",
"56dfa01738dc42170015211d": "intercontinental wireless transmission",
"56dfa01738dc42170015211e": "wireless lighting and electricity distribution",
"56dfa01738dc42170015211f": "wireless lighting and electricity distribution",
"56e0bab7231d4119001ac35b": "wireless lighting and electricity distribution",
"56e0bab7231d4119001ac35c": "intercontinental wireless transmission",
"56e0bab7231d4119001ac35d": "wireless lighting and electricity distribution",
"56e0bab7231d4119001ac35e": "intercontinental wireless transmission, his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower",
"56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebb7": "121,154 He lived most of his life in a series of New York hotels, through his retirement. Tesla died on 7 January 1943",
"56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebb8": "mad scientist",
"56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebb9": "121,154 He lived most of his life in a series of New York hotels, through his retirement. Tesla died on 7 January 1943",
"56dfa0d84a1a83140091ebba": "mad scientist",
"56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cb": "121,154 He lived most of his life in a series of New York hotels, through his retirement. Tesla died on 7 January 1943",
"56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cc": "121,154 He lived most of his life in a series of New York hotels, through his retirement. Tesla died on 7 January 1943",
"56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cd": "1943",
"56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6ce": "1943",
"56e0bb9f7aa994140058e6cf": "mad scientist",
"56dfa13d4a1a83140091ebc1": "Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian Orthodox priest. Tesla's mother, \u0110uka Tesla",
"56dfa13d4a1a83140091ebc2": "Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian Orthodox priest. Tesla's mother, \u0110uka Tesla",
"56dfa13d4a1a83140091ebc3": "Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian Orthodox priest. Tesla's mother, \u0110uka Tesla",
"56dfa13d4a1a83140091ebc4": "Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian Orthodox priest. Tesla's mother, \u0110uka Tesla",
"56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36b": "Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian Orthodox priest. Tesla's mother, \u0110uka Tesla",
"56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36c": "Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian Orthodox priest. Tesla's mother, \u0110uka Tesla",
"56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36d": "Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian Orthodox priest. Tesla's mother, \u0110uka Tesla",
"56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36e": "\u0110uka Tesla",
"56e0bcc0231d4119001ac36f": "Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian Orthodox priest. Tesla's mother, \u0110uka Tesla",
"56dfa1d34a1a83140091ebd4": "1861",
"56dfa1d44a1a83140091ebd6": "1861, Tesla attended the \"Lower\" or \"Primary\" School in Smiljan",
"56dfa1d44a1a83140091ebd7": "1861",
"56e0c0c7231d4119001ac375": "1861",
"56e0c0c7231d4119001ac376": "1861",
"56e0c0c7231d4119001ac377": "1861",
"56e0c0c7231d4119001ac378": "1861, Tesla attended the \"Lower\" or \"Primary\" School in Smiljan",
"56e0c0c7231d4119001ac379": "1861, Tesla attended the \"Lower\" or \"Primary\" School in Smiljan",
"56dfa24a38dc421700152142": "Martin Sekuli\u0107",
"56dfa24a38dc421700152143": "Martin Sekuli\u0107",
"56dfa24a38dc421700152144": "integral calculus",
"56dfa24a38dc421700152145": "Martin Sekuli\u0107",
"56dfa24a38dc421700152146": "Martin Sekuli\u0107",
"56e0c1617aa994140058e6d5": "Martin Sekuli\u0107",
"56e0c1617aa994140058e6d6": "Martin Sekuli\u0107",
"56e0c1617aa994140058e6d7": "Martin Sekuli\u0107",
"56e0c1617aa994140058e6d8": "Martin Sekuli\u0107",
"56e0c1617aa994140058e6d9": "Martin Sekuli\u0107",
"56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf2": "Smiljan",
"56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf3": "Smiljan",
"56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf4": "Smiljan",
"56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf5": "Smiljan",
"56dfa2c54a1a83140091ebf6": "Smiljan",
"56e0c2307aa994140058e6df": "1873",
"56e0c2307aa994140058e6e0": "Smiljan",
"56e0c2307aa994140058e6e1": "Smiljan",
"56e0c2307aa994140058e6e2": "1873, Tesla returned to his birthtown, Smiljan",
"56e0c2307aa994140058e6e3": "Smiljan",
"56dfa3394a1a83140091ebfc": "1874, Tesla evaded being drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army in Smiljan",
"56dfa3394a1a83140091ebfd": "Tomingaj",
"56dfa3394a1a83140091ebfe": "1874, Tesla evaded being drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army in Smiljan by running away to Tomingaj",
"56dfa3394a1a83140091ebff": "1874, Tesla evaded being drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army in Smiljan",
"56dfa3394a1a83140091ec00": "1874, Tesla evaded being drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army in Smiljan",
"56e0c2bc231d4119001ac389": "Tomingaj",
"56e0c2bc231d4119001ac38a": "1874, Tesla evaded being drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army in Smiljan",
"56e0c2bc231d4119001ac38b": "1874, Tesla evaded being drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army in Smiljan",
"56e0c2bc231d4119001ac38c": "Tomingaj",
"56dfa3c338dc421700152154": "Austrian Polytechnic",
"56dfa3c338dc421700152155": "Austrian Polytechnic",
"56dfa3c338dc421700152156": "1875",
"56dfa3c338dc421700152157": "nine exams (nearly twice as many required), started a Serbian culture club",
"56dfa3c338dc421700152158": "Austrian Polytechnic in Graz, Austria",
"56e0cbf3231d4119001ac3ab": "Austrian Polytechnic in Graz",
"56e0cbf3231d4119001ac3ac": "Austrian Polytechnic in Graz, Austria",
"56e0cbf3231d4119001ac3ad": "Austrian Polytechnic in Graz, Austria",
"56e0cbf3231d4119001ac3ae": "nine exams (nearly twice as many required), started a Serbian culture club",
"56e0cbf3231d4119001ac3af": "1875",
"56dfa7887aa994140058dfa9": "Milutin Tesla",
"56dfa7887aa994140058dfaa": "Milutin Tesla",
"56dfa7887aa994140058dfab": "Milutin Tesla",
"56dfa7887aa994140058dfac": "Milutin Tesla",
"56dfa7887aa994140058dfad": "Milutin Tesla",
"56e0ccaa7aa994140058e717": "Milutin Tesla",
"56e0ccaa7aa994140058e718": "Milutin Tesla",
"56e0ccaa7aa994140058e719": "Milutin Tesla",
"56e0ccaa7aa994140058e71a": "Milutin Tesla",
"56e0ccaa7aa994140058e71b": "Milutin Tesla",
"56dfaa047aa994140058dfbd": "Milutin Tesla died at the age of 60",
"56dfaa047aa994140058dfbe": "Milutin Tesla died at the age of 60",
"56dfaa047aa994140058dfbf": "Milutin Tesla died at the age of 60",
"56dfaa047aa994140058dfc0": "Milutin Tesla died at the age of 60",
"56dfaa047aa994140058dfc1": "Milutin Tesla died at the age of 60",
"56e0cd33231d4119001ac3bf": "Milutin Tesla died at the age of 60",
"56e0cd33231d4119001ac3c0": "Milutin Tesla died at the age of 60",
"56e0cd33231d4119001ac3c1": "Milutin Tesla died at the age of 60",
"56e0cd33231d4119001ac3c2": "Milutin Tesla died at the age of 60",
"56dfac8e231d4119001abc5b": "January 1880",
"56dfac8e231d4119001abc5c": "Charles-Ferdinand University; he never studied Greek, a required subject; and he was illiterate in Czech",
"56dfac8e231d4119001abc5e": "1880",
"56dfac8e231d4119001abc5f": "Charles-Ferdinand University; he never studied Greek, a required subject; and he was illiterate in Czech",
"56e0cdb9231d4119001ac3c7": "January 1880",
"56e0cdb9231d4119001ac3c8": "1880",
"56e0cdb9231d4119001ac3c9": "January 1880",
"56e0cdb9231d4119001ac3ca": "1880",
"56dfad0a7aa994140058dfc7": "Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s",
"56dfad0a7aa994140058dfc8": "Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s",
"56dfad0a7aa994140058dfc9": "Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s",
"56dfad0a7aa994140058dfca": "Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s",
"56dfad0a7aa994140058dfcb": "Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s",
"56e0d402231d4119001ac3fc": "Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s",
"56e0d402231d4119001ac3fd": "Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s",
"56e0d402231d4119001ac3fe": "Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s at a telegraph company, the Budapest Telephone Exchange",
"56e0d402231d4119001ac3ff": "Ferenc Pusk\u00e1s",
"56dfb0c8231d4119001abc83": "1882",
"56dfb0c8231d4119001abc84": "1882, Tesla began working for the Continental Edison Company in France",
"56dfb0c8231d4119001abc85": "Continental Edison Company in France",
"56dfb0c8231d4119001abc86": "Thomas Edison",
"56dfb0c8231d4119001abc87": "Continental Edison Company in France",
"56e0d54a7aa994140058e769": "Thomas Edison",
"56e0d54a7aa994140058e76a": "1882, Tesla began working for the Continental Edison Company in France",
"56e0d54a7aa994140058e76b": "Continental Edison Company in France",
"56e0d54a7aa994140058e76c": "Thomas Edison",
"56e0d54a7aa994140058e76d": "Thomas Edison",
"56dfb4be7aa994140058e00d": "1885",
"56dfb4be7aa994140058e00e": "1885",
"56dfb4be7aa994140058e010": "1885",
"56e0d6367aa994140058e773": "1885",
"56e0d6367aa994140058e774": "1885",
"56e0d6367aa994140058e775": "1885",
"56dfb5777aa994140058e021": "Robert Lane",
"56dfb5777aa994140058e022": "Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing",
"56dfb5777aa994140058e023": "Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing",
"56dfb5777aa994140058e024": "Robert Lane",
"56dfb5777aa994140058e025": "Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing",
"56e0d6cf231d4119001ac420": "Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing",
"56e0d6cf231d4119001ac421": "Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing",
"56e0d6cf231d4119001ac422": "Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing",
"56e0d6cf231d4119001ac423": "Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing",
"56e0d6cf231d4119001ac424": "Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail",
"56dfb5f5231d4119001abcb5": "1886/1887",
"56dfb5f5231d4119001abcb6": "$2 per day. Tesla considered the winter of 1886/1887",
"56dfb5f5231d4119001abcb8": "$2 per day. Tesla considered the winter of 1886/1887",
"56dfb5f5231d4119001abcb9": "1886/1887",
"56e0d76d231d4119001ac42b": "$2 per day. Tesla considered the winter of 1886/1887",
"56e0d76d231d4119001ac42c": "$2 per day. Tesla considered the winter of 1886/1887",
"56e0d76d231d4119001ac42d": "$2 per day. Tesla considered the winter of 1886/1887",
"56dfb666231d4119001abcc0": "Charles F. Peck",
"56dfb666231d4119001abcc1": "Charles F. Peck",
"56dfb666231d4119001abcc2": "Charles F. Peck",
"56dfb666231d4119001abcc3": "Charles F. Peck",
"56e0d810231d4119001ac432": "Charles F. Peck",
"56e0d810231d4119001ac433": "Alfred S. Brown, a Western Union superintendent, and New York attorney Charles F. Peck",
"56e0d810231d4119001ac434": "Alfred S. Brown, a Western Union superintendent, and New York attorney Charles F. Peck",
"56e0d810231d4119001ac435": "Charles F. Peck",
"56e0d810231d4119001ac436": "Charles F. Peck",
"56dfb6d17aa994140058e053": "alternating current",
"56dfb6d17aa994140058e054": "alternating current",
"56dfb6d17aa994140058e055": "alternating current",
"56dfb6d17aa994140058e056": "alternating current",
"56dfb6d17aa994140058e057": "alternating current",
"56e0d9e0231d4119001ac43c": "alternating current",
"56e0d9e0231d4119001ac43d": "alternating current",
"56e0d9e0231d4119001ac43e": "alternating current",
"56e0d9e0231d4119001ac43f": "alternating current",
"56e057e1231d4119001ac043": "George Westinghouse",
"56e057e1231d4119001ac044": "Thomas Commerford Martin",
"56e057e1231d4119001ac045": "Thomas Commerford Martin",
"56e057e1231d4119001ac046": "Thomas Commerford Martin",
"56e057e1231d4119001ac047": "Thomas Commerford Martin",
"56e0dbb57aa994140058e779": "Thomas Commerford Martin",
"56e0dbb57aa994140058e77a": "Thomas Commerford Martin",
"56e0dbb57aa994140058e77b": "Thomas Commerford Martin",
"56e0dbb57aa994140058e77c": "Thomas Commerford Martin",
"56e0dbb57aa994140058e77d": "Thomas Commerford Martin",
"56e05900231d4119001ac04d": "George Westinghouse for Tesla's polyphase induction motor and transformer designs for $60,000",
"56e05900231d4119001ac04e": "George Westinghouse for Tesla's polyphase induction motor and transformer designs for $60,000",
"56e05900231d4119001ac04f": "George Westinghouse",
"56e05900231d4119001ac051": "George Westinghouse for Tesla's polyphase induction motor and transformer designs for $60,000",
"56e0dc667aa994140058e783": "George Westinghouse for Tesla's polyphase induction motor and transformer designs for $60,000",
"56e0dc667aa994140058e784": "George Westinghouse for Tesla's polyphase induction motor and transformer designs for $60,000",
"56e0dc667aa994140058e785": "George Westinghouse",
"56e0dc667aa994140058e786": "George Westinghouse for Tesla's polyphase induction motor and transformer designs for $60,000",
"56e059c8231d4119001ac057": "DC traction motor",
"56e059c8231d4119001ac058": "DC traction motor",
"56e059c8231d4119001ac059": "DC traction motor",
"56e059c8231d4119001ac05a": "DC traction motor",
"56e0e518231d4119001ac444": "DC traction motor",
"56e0e518231d4119001ac445": "DC traction motor",
"56e05a78231d4119001ac062": "George Westinghouse",
"56e05a78231d4119001ac063": "George Westinghouse",
"56e05a78231d4119001ac064": "George Westinghouse",
"56e05a78231d4119001ac065": "George Westinghouse",
"56e0e5f37aa994140058e78b": "George Westinghouse",
"56e0e5f37aa994140058e78c": "George Westinghouse",
"56e0e5f37aa994140058e78d": "George Westinghouse",
"56e0e5f37aa994140058e78e": "George Westinghouse",
"56e0e5f37aa994140058e78f": "General Electric",
"56e07c86231d4119001ac1cd": "George Westinghouse",
"56e07c86231d4119001ac1ce": "one million dollars",
"56e07c86231d4119001ac1cf": "one million dollars",
"56e07c86231d4119001ac1d0": "George Westinghouse",
"56e07c86231d4119001ac1d1": "George Westinghouse",
"56e0ecd37aa994140058e7d5": "1893, George Westinghouse",
"56e0ecd37aa994140058e7d6": "one million dollars",
"56e0ecd37aa994140058e7d7": "one million dollars",
"56e0ecd37aa994140058e7d8": "one million dollars",
"56e0812c231d4119001ac213": "Richard Dean Adams",
"56e0812c231d4119001ac214": "Richard Dean Adams",
"56e0812c231d4119001ac215": "Richard Dean Adams",
"56e0812c231d4119001ac216": "Richard Dean Adams",
"56e0812c231d4119001ac217": "Richard Dean Adams",
"56e0ee12231d4119001ac459": "Richard Dean Adams",
"56e0ee12231d4119001ac45a": "Richard Dean Adams",
"56e0ee12231d4119001ac45b": "Richard Dean Adams",
"56e0ee12231d4119001ac45c": "Richard Dean Adams",
"56e089ab231d4119001ac285": "J. P. Morgan",
"56e089ab231d4119001ac287": "General Electric",
"56e089ab231d4119001ac288": "General Electric",
"56e089ab231d4119001ac289": "General Electric",
"56e0ef0c231d4119001ac462": "General Electric",
"56e0ef0c231d4119001ac463": "General Electric",
"56e0ef0c231d4119001ac464": "General Electric",
"56e08a1f7aa994140058e5da": "Tesla coil",
"56e08a1f7aa994140058e5db": "Tesla coil",
"56e08a1f7aa994140058e5dc": "electric lamps wirelessly at both locations, demonstrating the potential of wireless power transmission. In the same year, he patented the Tesla coil",
"56e08a1f7aa994140058e5dd": "Tesla coil",
"56e0ef90231d4119001ac468": "Tesla coil",
"56e0ef90231d4119001ac469": "Tesla coil",
"56e0ef90231d4119001ac46a": "Tesla coil",
"56e0ef90231d4119001ac46b": "Tesla coil",
"56e08aa0231d4119001ac299": "1894",
"56e08aa0231d4119001ac29a": "1892 to 1894",
"56e08aa0231d4119001ac29d": "1892 to 1894",
"56e0f019231d4119001ac470": "1892 to 1894",
"56e0f019231d4119001ac471": "1892 to 1894",
"56e0f019231d4119001ac472": "1892 to 1894",
"56e08b3c231d4119001ac2a4": "radiant energy of \"invisible\" kinds after he had noticed damaged film in his laboratory in previous experiments (later identified as \"Roentgen rays",
"56e08b3c231d4119001ac2a5": "1894",
"56e08b3c231d4119001ac2a6": "Roentgen rays\" or \"X-Rays",
"56e08b3c231d4119001ac2a7": "1894",
"56e0f32d231d4119001ac4c8": "1894",
"56e0f32d231d4119001ac4c9": "Crookes tubes",
"56e0f32d231d4119001ac4ca": "1894",
"56e0f32d231d4119001ac4cb": "Wilhelm R\u00f6ntgen's December 1895",
"56e0f32d231d4119001ac4cc": "1894",
"56e08d32231d4119001ac2ad": "X-ray imaging",
"56e08d32231d4119001ac2ae": "Wilhelm R\u00f6ntgen's discovery of X-ray and X-ray imaging (radiography",
"56e08d32231d4119001ac2af": "Tesla Coil (the modern term for the phenomenon produced by this device is bremsstrahlung or braking radiation",
"56e08d32231d4119001ac2b0": "X-ray imaging",
"56e08d32231d4119001ac2b1": "Tesla Coil",
"56e0f5a6231d4119001ac4d4": "Wilhelm R\u00f6ntgen",
"56e0f5a6231d4119001ac4d5": "braking radiation",
"56e0f5a6231d4119001ac4d6": "Tesla Coil",
"56e08f4a231d4119001ac2b7": "longitudinal waves",
"56e08f4a231d4119001ac2b8": "Roentgen rays, but by the ozone generated in contact with the skin, and to a lesser extent, by nitrous acid",
"56e08f4a231d4119001ac2b9": "ozone generated in contact with the skin, and to a lesser extent, by nitrous acid",
"56e08f4a231d4119001ac2ba": "Roentgen rays, but by the ozone generated in contact with the skin, and to a lesser extent, by nitrous acid",
"56e08f4a231d4119001ac2bb": "longitudinal waves",
"56e0f6aa231d4119001ac4ee": "Roentgen rays, but by the ozone generated in contact with the skin, and to a lesser extent, by nitrous acid",
"56e0f6aa231d4119001ac4ef": "longitudinal waves",
"56e0f6aa231d4119001ac4f0": "longitudinal waves",
"56e0f6aa231d4119001ac4f1": "Roentgen rays, but by the ozone generated in contact with the skin, and to a lesser extent, by nitrous acid",
"56e0e69b7aa994140058e795": "Benjamin Lamme",
"56e0e69b7aa994140058e796": "Benjamin Lamme had made great progress developing an efficient version of Tesla's induction motor and Westinghouse Electric",
"56e0e69b7aa994140058e797": "Benjamin Lamme",
"56e0ed557aa994140058e7dd": "Egg of Columbus",
"56e0ed557aa994140058e7e0": "Egg of Columbus",
"56e0fa5b7aa994140058e859": "11 July 1934, the New York Herald Tribune",
"56e0fa5b7aa994140058e85a": "1934",
"56e0fa5b7aa994140058e85b": "11 July 1934",
"56e0fa5b7aa994140058e85c": "11 July 1934",
"56e0fb14231d4119001ac525": "1893 in St. Louis, Missouri, the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the National Electric Light Association",
"56e0fb14231d4119001ac526": "Tesla Coil",
"56e0fb14231d4119001ac527": "Tesla Coil",
"56e0fb887aa994140058e869": "teleautomaton",
"56e0fb887aa994140058e86a": "teleautomaton",
"56e0fb887aa994140058e86b": "teleautomaton",
"56e0fb887aa994140058e86c": "teleautomaton",
"56e0fb887aa994140058e86d": "teleautomaton",
"56e0fc3f7aa994140058e877": "17",
"56e0fc3f7aa994140058e878": "1903, followed by a reverse decision in favor of Marconi in 1904. In 1943",
"56e0fc3f7aa994140058e879": "17",
"56e0fc3f7aa994140058e87a": "17",
"56e0fc3f7aa994140058e87b": "1903, followed by a reverse decision in favor of Marconi in 1904. In 1943",
"56e0fd167aa994140058e881": "1899",
"56e0fd167aa994140058e882": "Colorado Springs",
"56e0fd167aa994140058e883": "1899",
"56e0fd167aa994140058e884": "1899",
"56e0fde0cd28a01900c673ea": "lightning signals via his receivers. He stated that he observed stationary waves",
"56e0fde0cd28a01900c673eb": "stationary waves",
"56e0fde0cd28a01900c673ec": "lightning signals via his receivers. He stated that he observed stationary waves",
"56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6a": "artificial lightning",
"56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6b": "135 feet",
"56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6c": "15 miles away in Cripple Creek",
"56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6d": "100 feet of the lab glowed even when turned off. Horses in a livery stable",
"56e0fe85e3433e1400422a6e": "135 feet",
"56e0ff5dcd28a01900c673fb": "August 1917",
"56e0ff5dcd28a01900c673fc": "August 1917",
"56e0ff5dcd28a01900c673fd": "August 1917",
"56e0ff5dcd28a01900c673fe": "August 1917",
"56e10043e3433e1400422a84": "Julian Hawthorne",
"56e10043e3433e1400422a85": "Julian Hawthorne",
"56e10043e3433e1400422a86": "Julian Hawthorne",
"56e10043e3433e1400422a87": "Julian Hawthorne",
"56e10043e3433e1400422a88": "Julian Hawthorne",
"56e100b6cd28a01900c67403": "$100,000",
"56e100b6cd28a01900c67404": "$100,000",
"56e100b6cd28a01900c67405": "John Jacob Astor IV invested $100,000",
"56e100b6cd28a01900c67406": "$100,000",
"56e1011ecd28a01900c6740b": "1904",
"56e1011ecd28a01900c6740c": "1904",
"56e1011ecd28a01900c6740d": "1904",
"56e1011ecd28a01900c6740e": "1900",
"56e10179cd28a01900c67413": "trans-Atlantic wireless telecommunications facility known as Wardenclyffe",
"56e10179cd28a01900c67414": "trans-Atlantic wireless telecommunications facility known as Wardenclyffe",
"56e10179cd28a01900c67415": "trans-Atlantic wireless telecommunications facility known as Wardenclyffe",
"56e101f4e3433e1400422a8e": "1901",
"56e101f4e3433e1400422a8f": "Panic of 1901",
"56e101f4e3433e1400422a91": "1901",
"56e10296cd28a01900c67423": "50",
"56e10296cd28a01900c67424": "50",
"56e10296cd28a01900c67425": "50",
"56e10296cd28a01900c67426": "50",
"56e10325cd28a01900c67435": "16,000 rpm bladeless turbine. During 1910\u20131911",
"56e10325cd28a01900c67436": "16,000 rpm bladeless turbine. During 1910\u20131911",
"56e10325cd28a01900c67437": "1906",
"56e10325cd28a01900c67438": "16,000 rpm bladeless turbine. During 1910\u20131911",
"56e10412e3433e1400422aba": "steam-powered mechanical oscillator\u2014Tesla's oscillator",
"56e10412e3433e1400422abb": "steam-powered mechanical oscillator\u2014Tesla's oscillator",
"56e10412e3433e1400422abc": "steam-powered mechanical oscillator\u2014Tesla's oscillator",
"56e10412e3433e1400422abd": "steam-powered mechanical oscillator\u2014Tesla's oscillator",
"56e10412e3433e1400422abe": "steam-powered mechanical oscillator\u2014Tesla's oscillator",
"56e1066be3433e1400422ae4": "William H. Maxwell",
"56e1066be3433e1400422ae5": "William H. Maxwell",
"56e1066be3433e1400422ae6": "William H. Maxwell",
"56e1066be3433e1400422ae7": "William H. Maxwell",
"56e1075ae3433e1400422afa": "$20,000 ($472,500 in today's dollars). In 1917",
"56e1075ae3433e1400422afb": "$20,000 ($472,500 in today's dollars). In 1917",
"56e1075ae3433e1400422afc": "$20,000 ($472,500 in today's dollars). In 1917",
"56e1075ae3433e1400422afd": "$20,000 ($472,500 in today's dollars). In 1917",
"56e1075ae3433e1400422afe": "$20,000 ($472,500 in today's dollars). In 1917",
"56e108abe3433e1400422b0c": "\u00c9mile Girardeau, who helped develop France's first radar system in the 1930s, noted in 1953",
"56e108abe3433e1400422b0d": "fluorescent screen",
"56e108abe3433e1400422b0e": "\u00c9mile Girardeau, who helped develop France's first radar system in the 1930s, noted in 1953",
"56e108abe3433e1400422b0f": "\u00c9mile Girardeau, who helped develop France's first radar system in the 1930s, noted in 1953",
"56e1097dcd28a01900c6748f": "Sir William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg",
"56e1097dcd28a01900c67490": "Sir William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg",
"56e1097dcd28a01900c67491": "Sir William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg",
"56e1097dcd28a01900c67492": "Sir William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg",
"56e10a28cd28a01900c674b1": "Edison and Tesla",
"56e10aa5cd28a01900c674b3": "1937",
"56e10aa5cd28a01900c674b4": "1937",
"56e10aa5cd28a01900c674b5": "1915 and Tesla did receive one of 38 possible bids in 1937",
"56e10b6ee3433e1400422b24": "1,655,114",
"56e10b6ee3433e1400422b25": "1928",
"56e10b6ee3433e1400422b26": "1928, Tesla received his last patent, U.S. Patent 1,655,114",
"56e10b6ee3433e1400422b27": "1928, Tesla received his last patent, U.S. Patent 1,655,114",
"56e10c61e3433e1400422b36": "Hotel New Yorker",
"56e10c61e3433e1400422b37": "$125",
"56e10c61e3433e1400422b38": "$125",
"56e10c61e3433e1400422b39": "$125",
"56e10d2dcd28a01900c674d7": "1935",
"56e10d2dcd28a01900c674d8": "1935",
"56e10d2dcd28a01900c674d9": "1935",
"56e10d2dcd28a01900c674da": "1935",
"56e10d2dcd28a01900c674db": "1935",
"56e10ddce3433e1400422b48": "1937",
"56e10ddce3433e1400422b49": "1937",
"56e10ddce3433e1400422b4a": "1937",
"56e10ddce3433e1400422b4b": "1937",
"56e10ddce3433e1400422b4c": "1937",
"56e10e73cd28a01900c674eb": "death ray",
"56e10e73cd28a01900c674ec": "death ray",
"56e10e73cd28a01900c674ed": "death ray",
"56e10e73cd28a01900c674ee": "death ray",
"56e10e73cd28a01900c674ef": "death ray",
"56e10f14e3433e1400422b5c": "1937",
"56e10f14e3433e1400422b5d": "1937",
"56e10f14e3433e1400422b5e": "1937",
"56e10f14e3433e1400422b5f": "1937",
"56e10f14e3433e1400422b60": "1937",
"56e10fbacd28a01900c67509": "charged particle beam weapons",
"56e10fbacd28a01900c6750a": "charged particle beam weapons",
"56e10fbacd28a01900c6750b": "Belgrade",
"56e10fbacd28a01900c6750c": "charged particle beam weapons",
"56e10fbacd28a01900c6750d": "charged particle beam weapons",
"56e11044e3433e1400422b76": "teleforce weapon",
"56e11044e3433e1400422b77": "teleforce weapon",
"56e11044e3433e1400422b78": "teleforce weapon",
"56e110c3cd28a01900c67531": "Alice Monaghan",
"56e110c3cd28a01900c67532": "Alice Monaghan",
"56e110c3cd28a01900c67533": "Alice Monaghan",
"56e110c3cd28a01900c67534": "Alice Monaghan",
"56e110c3cd28a01900c67535": "Alice Monaghan",
"56e11161e3433e1400422b86": "Alien Property Custodian",
"56e11161e3433e1400422b87": "Alien Property Custodian",
"56e11161e3433e1400422b89": "Alien Property Custodian",
"56e11161e3433e1400422b8a": "Alien Property Custodian",
"56e111e5e3433e1400422b90": "Ave Maria\" and \"Tamo daleko\" were played in the background. On 12 January, two thousand",
"56e111e5e3433e1400422b91": "Ave Maria\" and \"Tamo daleko\" were played in the background. On 12 January, two thousand",
"56e111e5e3433e1400422b92": "two thousand",
"56e111e5e3433e1400422b93": "two thousand",
"56e111e5e3433e1400422b94": "Ave Maria\" and \"Tamo daleko\" were played in the background. On 12 January, two thousand",
"56e1127bcd28a01900c67549": "Sava Kosanovi\u0107, Tesla's entire estate was shipped to Belgrade in 80 trunks marked N.T. In 1957",
"56e1127bcd28a01900c6754a": "Sava Kosanovi\u0107",
"56e1127bcd28a01900c6754b": "Sava Kosanovi\u0107",
"56e1127bcd28a01900c6754c": "Sava Kosanovi\u0107, Tesla's entire estate was shipped to Belgrade in 80 trunks marked N.T. In 1957",
"56e1127bcd28a01900c6754d": "Sava Kosanovi\u0107, Tesla's entire estate was shipped to Belgrade in 80 trunks marked N.T. In 1957",
"56e11996e3433e1400422bde": "around 300",
"56e11996e3433e1400422bdf": "around 300",
"56e11996e3433e1400422be0": "around 300",
"56e11996e3433e1400422be1": "278",
"56e11a16cd28a01900c675b5": "Delmonico's restaurant and later the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel",
"56e11a16cd28a01900c675b6": "Delmonico's restaurant and later the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel",
"56e11a16cd28a01900c675b7": "Delmonico's restaurant and later the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel",
"56e11a16cd28a01900c675b8": "Delmonico's restaurant and later the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Tesla would telephone his dinner order to the headwaiter",
"56e11a73e3433e1400422bf0": "8 to 10 miles",
"56e11a73e3433e1400422bf1": "8 to 10 miles",
"56e11a73e3433e1400422bf2": "8 to 10 miles per day. He squished his toes one hundred times",
"56e11a73e3433e1400422bf3": "8 to 10 miles per day. He squished his toes one hundred times",
"56e11afbcd28a01900c675c7": "Arthur Brisbane",
"56e11afbcd28a01900c675c8": "Arthur Brisbane",
"56e11afbcd28a01900c675c9": "Arthur Brisbane",
"56e11ba9cd28a01900c675d7": "$2,000",
"56e11ba9cd28a01900c675d8": "$2,000",
"56e11ba9cd28a01900c675d9": "$2,000",
"56e11ba9cd28a01900c675da": "$2,000",
"56e11ba9cd28a01900c675db": "$2,000",
"56e11c24e3433e1400422c18": "142 pounds (64 kg), with almost no weight variance from 1888 to about 1926",
"56e11c24e3433e1400422c19": "142 pounds (64 kg), with almost no weight variance from 1888 to about 1926",
"56e11c24e3433e1400422c1a": "142 pounds (64 kg), with almost no weight variance from 1888 to about 1926",
"56e11c24e3433e1400422c1b": "142 pounds (64 kg), with almost no weight variance from 1888 to about 1926",
"56e11cedcd28a01900c675e7": "eight",
"56e11cedcd28a01900c675e8": "photographic memory.:33",
"56e11cedcd28a01900c675e9": "photographic memory.:33",
"56e11cedcd28a01900c675ea": "photographic memory.:33",
"56e11cedcd28a01900c675eb": "photographic memory.:33",
"56e11d8ecd28a01900c675f1": "84 hours without sleep or rest.:208 Kenneth Swezey",
"56e11d8ecd28a01900c675f2": "84 hours without sleep or rest.:208 Kenneth Swezey",
"56e11d8ecd28a01900c675f3": "84 hours without sleep or rest.:208 Kenneth Swezey",
"56e11d8ecd28a01900c675f4": "84 hours without sleep or rest.:208 Kenneth Swezey",
"56e11d8ecd28a01900c675f5": "84 hours without sleep or rest.:208 Kenneth Swezey",
"56e11e57e3433e1400422c28": "chastity was very helpful to his scientific abilities.:33",
"56e11e57e3433e1400422c29": "chastity was very helpful to his scientific abilities.:33",
"56e11e57e3433e1400422c2a": "chastity was very helpful to his scientific abilities.:33",
"56e11f05e3433e1400422c2e": "Robert Underwood Johnson",
"56e11f05e3433e1400422c2f": "Robert Underwood Johnson",
"56e11f05e3433e1400422c30": "Julian Hawthorne",
"56e11f05e3433e1400422c31": "Robert Underwood Johnson",
"56e11f05e3433e1400422c32": "Robert Underwood Johnson",
"56e11f83cd28a01900c67611": "George Sylvester Viereck",
"56e11f83cd28a01900c67612": "Mark Twain",
"56e11f83cd28a01900c67613": "George Sylvester Viereck",
"56e12005cd28a01900c67617": "overweight people, such as when he fired a secretary because of her weight.:110",
"56e12005cd28a01900c67618": "overweight people, such as when he fired a secretary because of her weight.:110",
"56e12005cd28a01900c67619": "overweight people, such as when he fired a secretary because of her weight.:110",
"56e12005cd28a01900c6761a": "overweight people, such as when he fired a secretary because of her weight.:110",
"56e120a1e3433e1400422c38": "smaller subatomic particles",
"56e120a1e3433e1400422c39": "19th century concept of an all pervasive \"ether",
"56e120a1e3433e1400422c3a": "19th century concept of an all pervasive \"ether",
"56e120a1e3433e1400422c3b": "19th century concept of an all pervasive \"ether",
"56e12110e3433e1400422c4a": "Einstein's theory of relativity",
"56e12110e3433e1400422c4b": "Einstein's theory of relativity",
"56e12110e3433e1400422c4c": "theory of relativity",
"56e121b7e3433e1400422c50": "1892, and in 1937, at age 81, claimed in a letter to have completed a \"dynamic theory of gravity",
"56e121b7e3433e1400422c51": "1892, and in 1937",
"56e121b7e3433e1400422c52": "1937, at age 81, claimed in a letter to have completed a \"dynamic theory of gravity",
"56e121b7e3433e1400422c53": "1937, at age 81, claimed in a letter to have completed a \"dynamic theory of gravity",
"56e122dacd28a01900c67639": "selective breeding version of eugenics",
"56e122dacd28a01900c6763a": "selective breeding version of eugenics",
"56e122dacd28a01900c6763b": "selective breeding version of eugenics",
"56e122dacd28a01900c6763c": "selective breeding version of eugenics",
"56e1239acd28a01900c67641": "Queen Bees",
"56e1239acd28a01900c67642": "Queen Bees",
"56e1239acd28a01900c67643": "Queen Bees",
"56e12477e3433e1400422c5e": "20 December 1914",
"56e12477e3433e1400422c5f": "Science and Discovery",
"56e12477e3433e1400422c60": "20 December 1914",
"56e12477e3433e1400422c61": "20 December 1914). Tesla believed that the League of Nations",
"56e124f1cd28a01900c6764f": "Orthodox Christian",
"56e124f1cd28a01900c67650": "Orthodox Christian",
"56e124f1cd28a01900c67651": "Orthodox Christian",
"56e1254ae3433e1400422c66": "1937",
"56e1254ae3433e1400422c67": "1937",
"56e1254ae3433e1400422c68": "1937",
"56e125b6e3433e1400422c6c": "David Hatcher Childress",
"56e125b6e3433e1400422c6d": "David Hatcher Childress",
"56e125b6e3433e1400422c6e": "David Hatcher Childress",
"56e1262fcd28a01900c67655": "1900",
"56e1262fcd28a01900c67656": "1900",
"56e1262fcd28a01900c67657": "1900",
"56e126dae3433e1400422c7c": "science fiction",
"56e126dae3433e1400422c7d": "science fiction",
"56e126dae3433e1400422c7e": "several",
"56e127bccd28a01900c6765b": "Time magazine",
"56e127bccd28a01900c6765c": "Time magazine",
"56e127bccd28a01900c6765d": "1931",
"56e127bccd28a01900c6765e": "1931",
"56e127bccd28a01900c6765f": "1931",
"56e16182e3433e1400422e28": "Computational complexity theory",
"56e16182e3433e1400422e29": "Computational complexity theory",
"56e16182e3433e1400422e2a": "Computational complexity theory",
"56e16839cd28a01900c67887": "mathematical models of computation",
"56e16839cd28a01900c67888": "mathematical models of computation",
"56e16839cd28a01900c67889": "mathematical models of computation to study these problems and quantifying the amount of resources needed to solve them, such as time and storage",
"56e16839cd28a01900c6788a": "mathematical models of computation",
"56e16839cd28a01900c6788b": "mathematical models of computation",
"56e17644e3433e1400422f40": "computability theory",
"56e17644e3433e1400422f41": "computability theory",
"56e17644e3433e1400422f42": "analysis of algorithms and computability theory",
"56e17644e3433e1400422f43": "analysis of algorithms and computability theory",
"56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a1": "primality testing",
"56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a2": "primality testing",
"56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a3": "primality testing",
"56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a4": "primality testing",
"56e17a7ccd28a01900c679a5": "primality testing",
"56e17e6ee3433e1400422f7f": "2000 kilometres",
"56e17e6ee3433e1400422f80": "2000 kilometres",
"56e17e6ee3433e1400422f81": "2000 kilometres",
"56e181d9e3433e1400422fa0": "binary alphabet",
"56e181d9e3433e1400422fa1": "binary alphabet",
"56e181d9e3433e1400422fa2": "computational problems, a problem instance is a string over an alphabet",
"56e181d9e3433e1400422fa3": "binary alphabet (i.e., the set {0,1}), and thus the strings are bitstrings",
"56e181d9e3433e1400422fa4": "binary notation, and graphs can be encoded directly via their adjacency matrices",
"56e190bce3433e1400422fc8": "Decision problems are one of the central objects of study in computational complexity theory",
"56e190bce3433e1400422fc9": "Decision problems are one of the central objects of study in computational complexity theory",
"56e190bce3433e1400422fca": "Decision problems are one of the central objects of study in computational complexity theory",
"56e190bce3433e1400422fcb": "formal language",
"56e190bce3433e1400422fcc": "Decision problems are one of the central objects of study in computational complexity theory",
"56e19557e3433e1400422fee": "arbitrary graph",
"56e19557e3433e1400422ff0": "arbitrary graph",
"56e19557e3433e1400422ff1": "arbitrary graph",
"56e19724cd28a01900c679f6": "traveling salesman",
"56e19724cd28a01900c679f7": "traveling salesman",
"56e19724cd28a01900c679f8": "integer factorization",
"56e19724cd28a01900c679f9": "integer factorization",
"56e19724cd28a01900c679fa": "traveling salesman",
"56e1a0dccd28a01900c67a2e": "decision problems",
"56e1a0dccd28a01900c67a2f": "two integers",
"56e1a38de3433e140042305c": "Complexity theory",
"56e1a38de3433e140042305d": "Complexity theory",
"56e1a38de3433e140042305e": "Complexity theory",
"56e1a38de3433e140042305f": "bits",
"56e1a38de3433e1400423060": "size of the instance. This is usually taken to be the size of the input in bits",
"56e1a564cd28a01900c67a48": "polynomial time algorithm",
"56e1a564cd28a01900c67a49": "function of n",
"56e1a564cd28a01900c67a4a": "function of n",
"56e1a564cd28a01900c67a4b": "function of n",
"56e1a564cd28a01900c67a4c": "function of n",
"56e1aba0e3433e1400423094": "A Turing machine",
"56e1aba0e3433e1400423095": "Turing machine",
"56e1aba0e3433e1400423097": "Turing machine",
"56e1aba0e3433e1400423098": "Turing machine",
"56e1aff7cd28a01900c67a68": "randomized algorithms",
"56e1aff7cd28a01900c67a69": "randomized algorithms",
"56e1aff7cd28a01900c67a6a": "randomized algorithms",
"56e1aff7cd28a01900c67a6b": "randomized algorithms",
"56e1aff7cd28a01900c67a6c": "randomized algorithms",
"56e1b00ce3433e140042309e": "complexity classes",
"56e1b00ce3433e140042309f": "principle",
"56e1b00ce3433e14004230a1": "Turing machines",
"56e1b169cd28a01900c67a72": "random access machines",
"56e1b169cd28a01900c67a73": "random access machines",
"56e1b169cd28a01900c67a74": "random access machines",
"56e1b169cd28a01900c67a75": "random access machines",
"56e1b355e3433e14004230b0": "non-deterministic Turing machine",
"56e1b355e3433e14004230b1": "non-deterministic Turing machine",
"56e1b355e3433e14004230b2": "non-deterministic Turing machine",
"56e1b355e3433e14004230b3": "non-deterministic Turing machine",
"56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa3": "the deterministic Turing machine",
"56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa4": "deterministic Turing machine",
"56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa5": "deterministic Turing machine",
"56e1b62ecd28a01900c67aa6": "deterministic Turing machine",
"56e1b754cd28a01900c67abc": "time and space",
"56e1b754cd28a01900c67abd": "Blum complexity axioms",
"56e1b754cd28a01900c67abe": "Blum complexity axioms",
"56e1b754cd28a01900c67abf": "Blum complexity axioms",
"56e1b754cd28a01900c67ac0": "Blum complexity axioms",
"56e1b8f3e3433e14004230e6": "three different ways of measuring the time complexity (or any other complexity measure) of different inputs of the same size. Since some inputs of size n",
"56e1b8f3e3433e14004230e7": "three different ways of measuring the time complexity (or any other complexity measure) of different inputs of the same size. Since some inputs of size n",
"56e1b8f3e3433e14004230e8": "three different ways of measuring the time complexity (or any other complexity measure) of different inputs of the same size. Since some inputs of size n",
"56e1b8f3e3433e14004230e9": "three different ways of measuring the time complexity (or any other complexity measure) of different inputs of the same size. Since some inputs of size n",
"56e1ba41cd28a01900c67ae0": "quicksort",
"56e1ba41cd28a01900c67ae1": "quicksort",
"56e1ba41cd28a01900c67ae2": "quicksort",
"56e1bc3ae3433e1400423104": "space consumption",
"56e1bc3ae3433e1400423105": "worst-case complexity, unless specified otherwise. Analyzing a particular algorithm falls under the field of analysis of algorithms",
"56e1bc3ae3433e1400423106": "upper and lower bounds",
"56e1bc3ae3433e1400423107": "worst-case complexity, unless specified otherwise. Analyzing a particular algorithm falls under the field of analysis",
"56e1bc3ae3433e1400423108": "upper and lower bounds",
"56e1bd4acd28a01900c67afc": "big O notation",
"56e1bd4acd28a01900c67afd": "big O notation",
"56e1bd4acd28a01900c67afe": "big O notation",
"56e1bd4acd28a01900c67aff": "big O notation",
"56e1c0f6cd28a01900c67b2c": "complicated definitions",
"56e1c0f6cd28a01900c67b2d": "complicated definitions",
"56e1c0f6cd28a01900c67b2e": "complicated definitions",
"56e1c2eee3433e1400423134": "quadratic time",
"56e1c2eee3433e1400423135": "quadratic time",
"56e1c2eee3433e1400423136": "xx | x",
"56e1c2eee3433e1400423137": "quadratic time",
"56e1c2eee3433e1400423138": "quadratic time",
"56e1c3e1e3433e1400423148": "time or space",
"56e1c3e1e3433e1400423149": "time or space",
"56e1c3e1e3433e140042314a": "time or space",
"56e1c4fce3433e140042314e": "AC and NC, which are defined using Boolean circuits; and BQP and QMA",
"56e1c4fce3433e140042314f": "AC and NC, which are defined using Boolean circuits; and BQP and QMA",
"56e1c4fce3433e1400423150": "AC and NC, which are defined using Boolean circuits; and BQP and QMA",
"56e1c4fce3433e1400423151": "AC and NC, which are defined using Boolean circuits; and BQP and QMA",
"56e1c4fce3433e1400423152": "AC and NC, which are defined using Boolean circuits; and BQP and QMA",
"56e1c720e3433e140042316a": "hierarchy theorems",
"56e1c720e3433e140042316b": "hierarchy theorems",
"56e1c720e3433e140042316c": "hierarchy theorems",
"56e1c720e3433e140042316d": "hierarchy theorems",
"56e1c720e3433e140042316e": "hierarchy theorems",
"56e1c7e2cd28a01900c67b74": "PSPACE",
"56e1c7e2cd28a01900c67b75": "L is strictly contained in PSPACE",
"56e1c7e2cd28a01900c67b76": "PSPACE",
"56e1c9bfe3433e1400423192": "a reduction",
"56e1c9bfe3433e1400423193": "a reduction",
"56e1c9bfe3433e1400423194": "a reduction",
"56e1c9bfe3433e1400423195": "a reduction",
"56e1c9bfe3433e1400423196": "a reduction",
"56e1cbe2cd28a01900c67bac": "polynomial-time reduction",
"56e1cbe2cd28a01900c67bad": "polynomial-time reduction",
"56e1cbe2cd28a01900c67bae": "polynomial-time reduction",
"56e1cbe2cd28a01900c67baf": "polynomial-time reduction",
"56e1cbe2cd28a01900c67bb0": "polynomial-time reduction",
"56e1ce08e3433e14004231a4": "polynomial-time reductions",
"56e1ce08e3433e14004231a5": "polynomial-time reductions",
"56e1ce08e3433e14004231a6": "polynomial-time reductions",
"56e1ce08e3433e14004231a8": "C",
"56e1d9fee3433e14004231cb": "\u03a01",
"56e1d9fee3433e14004231cc": "\u03a01",
"56e1d9fee3433e14004231cd": "\u03a01",
"56e1d9fee3433e14004231ce": "\u03a02",
"56e1dc62cd28a01900c67bca": "Cobham\u2013Edmonds thesis. The complexity class NP",
"56e1dc62cd28a01900c67bcb": "Cobham\u2013Edmonds thesis. The complexity class NP",
"56e1dc62cd28a01900c67bcc": "Cobham\u2013Edmonds thesis. The complexity class NP",
"56e1dc62cd28a01900c67bcd": "Cobham\u2013Edmonds thesis. The complexity class NP",
"56e1dc62cd28a01900c67bce": "Cobham\u2013Edmonds thesis. The complexity class NP",
"56e1ddfce3433e14004231d5": "US$1,000,000",
"56e1ddfce3433e14004231d6": "P versus NP",
"56e1ddfce3433e14004231d8": "Millennium Prize Problems proposed by the Clay Mathematics Institute",
"56e1ded7cd28a01900c67bd4": "Ladner",
"56e1ded7cd28a01900c67bd5": "integer factorization problem are examples of problems believed to be NP-intermediate",
"56e1ded7cd28a01900c67bd6": "Ladner",
"56e1e9dfe3433e14004231fc": "graph isomorphism",
"56e1e9dfe3433e14004231fd": "graph isomorphism problem is the computational problem of determining whether two finite graphs are isomorphic. An important unsolved problem in complexity theory",
"56e1e9dfe3433e14004231fe": "graph isomorphism problem is the computational problem of determining whether two finite graphs are isomorphic. An important unsolved problem in complexity theory",
"56e1e9dfe3433e14004231ff": "P, NP-complete, or NP-intermediate",
"56e1e9dfe3433e1400423200": "graph isomorphism problem is the computational problem of determining whether two finite graphs are isomorphic. An important unsolved problem in complexity theory",
"56e1ec83cd28a01900c67c0a": "Shor's algorithm",
"56e1ec83cd28a01900c67c0b": "Shor's algorithm",
"56e1ec83cd28a01900c67c0c": "Shor's algorithm",
"56e1ec83cd28a01900c67c0e": "Shor's algorithm",
"56e1ee4de3433e1400423210": "PP \u2286 PSPACE, but it is possible that P = PSPACE",
"56e1ee4de3433e1400423211": "PP \u2286 PSPACE, but it is possible that P = PSPACE",
"56e1ee4de3433e1400423212": "PSPACE, but it is possible that P = PSPACE",
"56e1ee4de3433e1400423214": "PP \u2286 PSPACE, but it is possible that P = PSPACE",
"56e1efa0e3433e140042321a": "co-NP",
"56e1efa0e3433e140042321b": "co-NP",
"56e1efa0e3433e140042321c": "co-NP",
"56e1efa0e3433e140042321d": "co-NP",
"56e1f10ee3433e1400423222": "L",
"56e1f10ee3433e1400423223": "NL and NC",
"56e1f10ee3433e1400423224": "NL and NC",
"56e1f10ee3433e1400423225": "NL and NC",
"56e1f10ee3433e1400423226": "NL and NC",
"56e1fc57e3433e140042322c": "intractable",
"56e1fc57e3433e140042322f": "intractable",
"56e1fc57e3433e1400423230": "intractable",
"56e1febfe3433e1400423236": "Presburger arithmetic",
"56e1febfe3433e1400423237": "decision problem in Presburger arithmetic",
"56e1febfe3433e1400423238": "decision problem in Presburger arithmetic",
"56e1febfe3433e1400423239": "decision problem in Presburger arithmetic",
"56e1febfe3433e140042323a": "decision problem in Presburger arithmetic",
"56e200e4cd28a01900c67c14": "Alan Turing in 1936",
"56e200e4cd28a01900c67c15": "Alan Turing in 1936",
"56e200e4cd28a01900c67c16": "1936",
"56e200e4cd28a01900c67c17": "1936",
"56e200e4cd28a01900c67c18": "Alan Turing in 1936",
"56e202e9e3433e1400423240": "Juris Hartmanis and Richard Stearns (1965",
"56e202e9e3433e1400423241": "Juris Hartmanis and Richard Stearns (1965",
"56e202e9e3433e1400423242": "Richard Stearns (1965",
"56e202e9e3433e1400423243": "Juris Hartmanis and Richard Stearns (1965",
"56e202e9e3433e1400423244": "Juris Hartmanis and Richard Stearns (1965",
"56e2042ecd28a01900c67c1e": "Raymond Smullyan",
"56e2042ecd28a01900c67c1f": "Raymond Smullyan",
"56e2042ecd28a01900c67c20": "Raymond Smullyan",
"56e20a27cd28a01900c67c24": "input encoding",
"56e20a27cd28a01900c67c25": "complexity-theoretic theorems regularly assume some concrete choice of input encoding",
"56e20a3ae3433e140042324a": "Stephen Cook",
"56e20a3ae3433e140042324b": "speed-up theorem. The field really began to flourish in 1971",
"56e20a3ae3433e140042324d": "Stephen Cook",
"56e20a3ae3433e140042324e": "Stephen Cook",
"56e7477700c9c71400d76f23": "continuing professional development",
"56e7477700c9c71400d76f24": "continuing professional development",
"56e7477700c9c71400d76f25": "continuing professional development",
"56e7477700c9c71400d76f26": "continuing professional development",
"56e7477700c9c71400d76f27": "continuing professional development",
"56e748a200c9c71400d76f37": "cultures",
"56e748a200c9c71400d76f38": "literacy and numeracy",
"56e748a200c9c71400d76f39": "literacy and numeracy",
"56e748a200c9c71400d76f3a": "literacy and numeracy",
"56e749dd00c9c71400d76f51": "home schooling",
"56e749dd00c9c71400d76f52": "home schooling",
"56e749dd00c9c71400d76f53": "home schooling",
"56e749dd00c9c71400d76f54": "home schooling",
"56e749dd00c9c71400d76f55": "home schooling",
"56e74af500c9c71400d76f65": "gurus, mullahs, rabbis, pastors/youth pastors and lamas",
"56e74af500c9c71400d76f66": "the Quran, Torah or Bible",
"56e74af500c9c71400d76f67": "Quran, Torah or Bible",
"56e74af500c9c71400d76f68": "religious texts such as the Quran, Torah or Bible",
"56e74bf937bdd419002c3e33": "homeschooling, or in the wider community. Formal teaching may be carried out by paid professionals",
"56e74bf937bdd419002c3e34": "homeschooling, or in the wider community. Formal teaching may be carried out by paid professionals",
"56e74bf937bdd419002c3e35": "homeschooling, or in the wider community. Formal teaching may be carried out by paid professionals",
"56e74bf937bdd419002c3e36": "homeschooling, or in the wider community. Formal teaching may be carried out by paid professionals",
"56e74bf937bdd419002c3e37": "homeschooling, or in the wider community. Formal teaching may be carried out by paid professionals",
"56e74d1f00c9c71400d76f6e": "supervisors for extracurricular activities. In some education systems, teachers may have responsibility for student discipline",
"56e74d1f00c9c71400d76f6f": "extracurricular activities. In some education systems, teachers may have responsibility for student discipline",
"56e74d1f00c9c71400d76f70": "formal teaching. Outside of the classroom teachers may accompany students on field trips, supervise study halls",
"56e74d1f00c9c71400d76f71": "student discipline",
"56e74e4800c9c71400d76f76": "teacher's colleges",
"56e74e4800c9c71400d76f77": "many governments operate teacher's colleges",
"56e74e4800c9c71400d76f78": "many governments operate teacher's colleges",
"56e74e4800c9c71400d76f79": "teacher's colleges",
"56e74e4800c9c71400d76f7a": "teacher's colleges",
"56e74faf00c9c71400d76f94": "the State Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Education Agency or other governmental bodies. In still other areas Teaching Unions",
"56e74faf00c9c71400d76f95": "State Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Education Agency or other governmental bodies. In still other areas Teaching Unions",
"56e74faf00c9c71400d76f96": "publicly funded schools must be members in good standing",
"56e74faf00c9c71400d76f97": "State Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Education Agency or other governmental bodies. In still other areas Teaching Unions",
"56e74faf00c9c71400d76f98": "the State Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Education Agency or other governmental bodies. In still other areas Teaching Unions",
"56e7504437bdd419002c3e5b": "outdoors",
"56e7504437bdd419002c3e5c": "outdoors",
"56e7504437bdd419002c3e5d": "outdoors",
"56e7504437bdd419002c3e5e": "outdoors",
"56e751fb00c9c71400d76fa8": "informal or formal approach to learning, including a course of study and lesson plan",
"56e751fb00c9c71400d76fa9": "informal or formal approach to learning, including a course of study and lesson plan",
"56e751fb00c9c71400d76faa": "informal or formal approach to learning, including a course of study and lesson plan",
"56e751fb00c9c71400d76fab": "informal or formal approach to learning, including a course of study and lesson plan",
"56e751fb00c9c71400d76fac": "informal or formal approach to learning, including a course of study and lesson plan",
"56e7535037bdd419002c3e6f": "practical skill",
"56e7535037bdd419002c3e70": "practical skill",
"56e7535037bdd419002c3e71": "standardized curricula as determined by the relevant authority. The teacher may interact with students of different ages, from infants to adults",
"56e7535037bdd419002c3e72": "standardized curricula as determined by the relevant authority. The teacher may interact with students of different ages, from infants to adults",
"56e7535037bdd419002c3e73": "standardized curricula as determined by the relevant authority. The teacher may interact with students of different ages, from infants to adults",
"56e7542f00c9c71400d76fbc": "differentiated instruction",
"56e7542f00c9c71400d76fbd": "differentiated instruction as well as supervision",
"56e7542f00c9c71400d76fbe": "differentiated instruction",
"56e7542f00c9c71400d76fbf": "differentiated instruction as well as supervision",
"56e7542f00c9c71400d76fc0": "differentiated instruction",
"56e7550700c9c71400d76fc6": "teachers and children",
"56e7550700c9c71400d76fc7": "form tutor, specialist teacher and surrogate parent",
"56e7550700c9c71400d76fc8": "form tutor, specialist teacher and surrogate parent",
"56e7550700c9c71400d76fc9": "form tutor, specialist teacher and surrogate parent",
"56e7550700c9c71400d76fca": "form tutor, specialist teacher and surrogate parent",
"56e7560937bdd419002c3e8b": "platoon\" system",
"56e7560937bdd419002c3e8c": "platoon",
"56e7560937bdd419002c3e8d": "platoon\" system",
"56e7560937bdd419002c3e8e": "platoon\" system",
"56e7560937bdd419002c3e8f": "platoon",
"56e756bc37bdd419002c3e95": "Co-teaching",
"56e756bc37bdd419002c3e96": "Co-teaching",
"56e756bc37bdd419002c3e97": "Co-teaching",
"56e756bc37bdd419002c3e98": "Co-teaching is defined as two or more teachers working harmoniously",
"56e756bc37bdd419002c3e99": "social networking",
"56e7578a37bdd419002c3ea9": "corporal punishment",
"56e7578a37bdd419002c3eaa": "corporal punishment",
"56e7578a37bdd419002c3eab": "corporal punishment",
"56e7578a37bdd419002c3eac": "corporal punishment",
"56e7578a37bdd419002c3ead": "corporal punishment",
"56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb3": "1977",
"56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb4": "1977",
"56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb5": "1977",
"56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb6": "1977",
"56e7586d37bdd419002c3eb7": "1977",
"56e7591b00c9c71400d76fec": "30",
"56e7591b00c9c71400d76fed": "30 US states have banned corporal punishment, the others (mostly in the South",
"56e7591b00c9c71400d76fee": "30",
"56e7591b00c9c71400d76fef": "American schools is administered to the seat of the student's trousers or skirt with a specially made wooden paddle",
"56e7591b00c9c71400d76ff0": "30",
"56e759bb00c9c71400d77000": "School corporal punishment",
"56e759bb00c9c71400d77001": "School corporal punishment",
"56e759bb00c9c71400d77002": "School corporal punishment",
"56e75a9037bdd419002c3ec7": "Saturday detention",
"56e75a9037bdd419002c3ec8": "Saturday detention",
"56e75a9037bdd419002c3ec9": "Saturday detention",
"56e75a9037bdd419002c3eca": "Saturday detention",
"56e75a9037bdd419002c3ecb": "Saturday detention",
"56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed1": "assertive teacher who is prepared to impose their will",
"56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed2": "immediate and fair punishment",
"56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed3": "assertive teacher who is prepared to impose their will upon a class. Positive reinforcement",
"56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed4": "assertive teacher who is prepared to impose their will upon a class. Positive reinforcement",
"56e75b8237bdd419002c3ed5": "assertive teacher who is prepared to impose their will",
"56e75d5037bdd419002c3ef5": "assertive and confrontational style of discipline",
"56e75d5037bdd419002c3ef6": "East Asia for instance\u2014that combine strict discipline with high standards of education",
"56e75d5037bdd419002c3ef7": "assertive and confrontational style of discipline.[citation needed] Such individuals claim that many problems with modern schooling",
"56e75d5037bdd419002c3ef8": "modern schooling stem from the weakness in school discipline and if teachers exercised firm control over the classroom they would be able to teach more efficiently",
"56e75e4500c9c71400d7702c": "Japan, for example, although average attainment on standardized tests may exceed those in Western countries, classroom discipline and behavior",
"56e75e4500c9c71400d7702d": "Japan, for example, although average attainment on standardized tests may exceed those in Western countries, classroom discipline and behavior",
"56e75e4500c9c71400d7702e": "Japan, for example, although average attainment on standardized tests may exceed those in Western countries, classroom discipline and behavior",
"56e75e4500c9c71400d7702f": "Japan, for example, although average attainment on standardized tests may exceed those in Western countries, classroom discipline and behavior",
"56e75f5500c9c71400d7703a": "40 to 50",
"56e75f5500c9c71400d7703b": "40 to 50",
"56e75f5500c9c71400d7703c": "40 to 50",
"56e75f5500c9c71400d7703d": "40 to 50",
"56e75f5500c9c71400d7703e": "40 to 50",
"56e7611500c9c71400d77054": "persuasion and negotiation",
"56e7611500c9c71400d77055": "Sudbury model democratic schools",
"56e7611500c9c71400d77056": "persuasion and negotiation",
"56e7611500c9c71400d77057": "Sudbury model democratic schools",
"56e7611500c9c71400d77058": "persuasion and negotiation",
"56e761d037bdd419002c3f13": "receptive students. These teachers do not teach by rote",
"56e761d037bdd419002c3f14": "receptive students. These teachers do not teach by rote",
"56e761d037bdd419002c3f15": "receptive students. These teachers do not teach by rote",
"56e761d037bdd419002c3f17": "receptive students. These teachers do not teach by rote",
"56e762fe00c9c71400d77072": "intrinsic motivation",
"56e762fe00c9c71400d77073": "intrinsic motivation",
"56e762fe00c9c71400d77074": "intrinsic motivation",
"56e762fe00c9c71400d77075": "intrinsic motivation",
"56e762fe00c9c71400d77076": "intrinsic motivation of college students has shown that nonverbal expressions of enthusiasm",
"56e763e800c9c71400d77086": "mere exposure",
"56e763e800c9c71400d77087": "mere exposure",
"56e763e800c9c71400d77088": "mere exposure",
"56e763e800c9c71400d77089": "mere exposure",
"56e764e200c9c71400d7708e": "student-teacher relationships",
"56e764e200c9c71400d7708f": "student-teacher relationships",
"56e764e200c9c71400d77090": "personal achievement",
"56e764e200c9c71400d77091": "Enthusiastic teachers are particularly good at creating beneficial relations with their students. Their ability to create effective learning environments that foster student achievement",
"56e764e200c9c71400d77092": "Enthusiastic teachers",
"56e765ba00c9c71400d770a2": "supportive and effective teachers. Effective teachers have been shown to invite student participation and decision making, allow humor",
"56e765ba00c9c71400d770a4": "supportive and effective teachers. Effective teachers have been shown to invite student participation and decision making, allow humor",
"56e765ba00c9c71400d770a5": "supportive and effective teachers. Effective teachers have been shown to invite student participation and decision making, allow humor",
"56e765ba00c9c71400d770a6": "supportive and effective teachers. Effective teachers have been shown to invite student participation and decision making, allow humor",
"56e7667e37bdd419002c3f49": "chemistry needs to enjoy the art of chemistry",
"56e7667e37bdd419002c3f4a": "chemistry needs to enjoy the art of chemistry",
"56e7667e37bdd419002c3f4b": "chemistry needs to enjoy the art of chemistry",
"56e7667e37bdd419002c3f4c": "chemistry",
"56e7667e37bdd419002c3f4d": "chemistry needs to enjoy the art of chemistry",
"56e7673a37bdd419002c3f53": "9.6%",
"56e7673a37bdd419002c3f54": "9.6%",
"56e7673a37bdd419002c3f55": "9.6%",
"56e7673a37bdd419002c3f56": "9.6%",
"56e7673a37bdd419002c3f57": "9.6%",
"56e7683d00c9c71400d770ca": "0.3%",
"56e7683d00c9c71400d770cb": "2,869",
"56e7683d00c9c71400d770cd": "2,869",
"56e7683d00c9c71400d770ce": "2,869",
"56e768ce37bdd419002c3f67": "Mary Kay Letourneau have caused increased scrutiny on teacher misconduct",
"56e768ce37bdd419002c3f69": "Mary Kay Letourneau have caused increased scrutiny on teacher misconduct",
"56e769dc00c9c71400d770e8": "Chris Keates",
"56e769dc00c9c71400d770e9": "Chris Keates",
"56e769dc00c9c71400d770ea": "statutory rape \"is a real anomaly in the law that we are concerned about.\" This has led to outrage from child protection and parental rights groups",
"56e769dc00c9c71400d770eb": "Chris Keates",
"56e769dc00c9c71400d770ec": "sex offenders register",
"56e76abf37bdd419002c3f75": "occupational stress",
"56e76abf37bdd419002c3f76": "occupational stress",
"56e76abf37bdd419002c3f77": "occupational stress",
"56e76abf37bdd419002c3f78": "occupational stress",
"56e76abf37bdd419002c3f79": "occupational stress",
"56e76b8337bdd419002c3f7f": "42%",
"56e76b8337bdd419002c3f80": "42%",
"56e76b8337bdd419002c3f81": "42%",
"56e76b8337bdd419002c3f82": "42%",
"56e76b8337bdd419002c3f83": "42%",
"56e76c6a00c9c71400d7710e": "stress-management training and counseling",
"56e76c6a00c9c71400d7710f": "stress-management training and counseling",
"56e76c6a00c9c71400d77110": "stress-management training and counseling",
"56e76c6a00c9c71400d77111": "stress-management training and counseling",
"56e76c6a00c9c71400d77112": "stress-management training and counseling",
"56e76d6537bdd419002c3f93": "prospective teachers pass a background check and psychiatric evaluation",
"56e76d6537bdd419002c3f94": "prospective teachers pass a background check and psychiatric evaluation",
"56e76d6537bdd419002c3f95": "elementary school education certificate",
"56e76d6537bdd419002c3f96": "prospective teachers pass a background check and psychiatric evaluation",
"56e76d6537bdd419002c3f97": "psychiatric evaluation",
"56e76de800c9c71400d77122": "individual states and territories",
"56e76de800c9c71400d77123": "three-tier",
"56e76de800c9c71400d77124": "three-tier model",
"56e76de800c9c71400d77125": "three-tier",
"56e76de800c9c71400d77126": "three-tier",
"56e76ea737bdd419002c3f9d": "$40,000/year to $90,000/yr",
"56e76ea737bdd419002c3f9e": "$40,000/year to $90,000/yr",
"56e76ea737bdd419002c3fa1": "$40,000/year to $90,000/yr",
"56e76f7000c9c71400d7712c": "Lehramtstudien",
"56e76f7000c9c71400d7712d": "Lehramtstudien",
"56e76f7000c9c71400d7712e": "Lehramtstudien",
"56e76f7000c9c71400d7712f": "Lehramtstudien",
"56e76f7000c9c71400d77130": "Lehramtstudien",
"56e7714a00c9c71400d77137": "\u20ac27,814 p.a., rising incrementally to \u20ac53,423",
"56e7714a00c9c71400d77138": "\u20ac27,814 p.a., rising incrementally to \u20ac53,423",
"56e7714a00c9c71400d77139": "\u20ac27,814 p.a., rising incrementally to \u20ac53,423",
"56e7714a00c9c71400d7713a": "\u20ac27,814 p.a., rising incrementally to \u20ac53,423",
"56e7721500c9c71400d77140": "2001",
"56e7721500c9c71400d77141": "Section 30 of the Teaching Council Act 2001",
"56e7721500c9c71400d77142": "2001",
"56e7721500c9c71400d77143": "2001",
"56e772bf37bdd419002c3fbb": "Garda vetting",
"56e772bf37bdd419002c3fbc": "2006 Garda vetting",
"56e772bf37bdd419002c3fbe": "2006 Garda vetting",
"56e772bf37bdd419002c3fbf": "2006 Garda vetting",
"56e773fa00c9c71400d7714a": "\u00a320,133 to \u00a341,004",
"56e773fa00c9c71400d7714b": "\u00a320,133 to \u00a341,004",
"56e773fa00c9c71400d7714c": "\u00a320,980",
"56e773fa00c9c71400d7714d": "\u00a320,980",
"56e773fa00c9c71400d7714e": "\u00a320,980",
"56e7752337bdd419002c3fd5": "alternative licensing programs",
"56e7752337bdd419002c3fd6": "alternative licensing programs",
"56e7752337bdd419002c3fd7": "alternative licensing programs",
"56e7752337bdd419002c3fd8": "alternative licensing programs",
"56e7752337bdd419002c3fd9": "alternative licensing programs",
"56e775ec00c9c71400d7715c": "GTCS",
"56e775ec00c9c71400d7715d": "GTCS). Teaching in Scotland",
"56e775ec00c9c71400d7715e": "GTCS",
"56e775ec00c9c71400d7715f": "GTCS",
"56e775ec00c9c71400d77160": "GTCS",
"56e7770037bdd419002c3fdf": "\u00a320,427",
"56e7770037bdd419002c3fe0": "\u00a320,427",
"56e7770037bdd419002c3fe1": "\u00a320,427",
"56e7770037bdd419002c3fe2": "\u00a320,427",
"56e7770037bdd419002c3fe3": "\u00a320,427",
"56e777e500c9c71400d77176": "22 per cent",
"56e777e500c9c71400d77177": "22 per cent",
"56e777e500c9c71400d77178": "22 per cent",
"56e777e500c9c71400d77179": "22 per cent",
"56e777e500c9c71400d7717a": "22 per cent",
"56e7788200c9c71400d77180": "2005 and 2010",
"56e7788200c9c71400d77181": "2005 and 2010",
"56e7788200c9c71400d77182": "2005 and 2010",
"56e7788200c9c71400d77183": "2005 and 2010",
"56e7788200c9c71400d77184": "2005 and 2010",
"56e7796637bdd419002c3ffd": "674,000 middle school teachers, and 1 million",
"56e7796637bdd419002c3ffe": "674,000 middle school teachers, and 1 million",
"56e7796637bdd419002c3fff": "674,000 middle school teachers, and 1 million",
"56e7796637bdd419002c4000": "674,000 middle school teachers, and 1 million",
"56e7796637bdd419002c4001": "674,000 middle school teachers, and 1 million",
"56e77a8700c9c71400d7718a": "$51,009",
"56e77a8700c9c71400d7718b": "$51,009",
"56e77a8700c9c71400d7718c": "$51,009",
"56e77a8700c9c71400d7718d": "$51,009",
"56e77a8700c9c71400d7718e": "$51,009",
"56e77b8c00c9c71400d77194": "the Roman Church",
"56e77b8c00c9c71400d77196": "spiritual guides",
"56e77b8c00c9c71400d77197": "Russian Orthodoxy",
"56e77b8c00c9c71400d77198": "spiritual guides",
"56e77c6737bdd419002c401d": "patriarchal blessing",
"56e77c6737bdd419002c401e": "Aaronic priesthood",
"56e77c6737bdd419002c401f": "patriarchal blessing",
"56e77c6737bdd419002c4020": "patriarchal blessing",
"56e77c6737bdd419002c4021": "patriarchal blessing",
"56e77cee00c9c71400d771a8": "guru, and, in many traditions of Hinduism - especially those common in the West - the emphasis on spiritual mentorship",
"56e77cee00c9c71400d771a9": "spiritual mentorship",
"56e77cee00c9c71400d771aa": "spiritual mentorship",
"56e77cee00c9c71400d771ab": "guru, and, in many traditions of Hinduism - especially those common in the West - the emphasis on spiritual mentorship",
"56e77da237bdd419002c403b": "Tulku",
"56e77da237bdd419002c403c": "Tulku",
"56e77da237bdd419002c403d": "Tulku",
"56e77da237bdd419002c403e": "Tulku",
"56e77da237bdd419002c403f": "Tulku",
"56e77e4a00c9c71400d771b0": "ulemas",
"56e77e4a00c9c71400d771b1": "ulemas",
"56e77e4a00c9c71400d771b2": "ulemas",
"56e77e4a00c9c71400d771b3": "ulemas",
"56e77e4a00c9c71400d771b4": "ulemas",
"56f7c651aef2371900625bf5": "10 November 1483 \u2013 18 February 1546",
"56f7c651aef2371900625bf6": "10 November 1483 \u2013 18 February 1546",
"56f7c651aef2371900625bf7": "10 November 1483 \u2013 18 February 1546",
"56f7c651aef2371900625bf8": "Martin Luther",
"56f7c651aef2371900625bf9": "Martin Luther",
"56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727a": "faith in Jesus Christ as redeemer from sin. His theology challenged the authority and office of the Pope",
"56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727b": "faith in Jesus Christ as redeemer from sin. His theology challenged the authority and office of the Pope",
"56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727c": "sacerdotalism by considering all baptized Christians to be a holy priesthood",
"56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727d": "sacerdotalism by considering all baptized Christians to be a holy priesthood",
"56f7c8aba6d7ea1400e1727e": "sacerdotalism by considering all baptized Christians to be a holy priesthood",
"56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17284": "Tyndale Bible",
"56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17285": "Tyndale Bible",
"56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17286": "Tyndale Bible",
"56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17287": "Tyndale Bible",
"56f7cb10a6d7ea1400e17288": "Tyndale Bible. His hymns influenced the development of singing in churches. His marriage to Katharina von Bora",
"56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e1728e": "Hans Luder (or Ludher, later Luther) and his wife Margarethe (n\u00e9e Lindemann) on 10 November 1483",
"56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e1728f": "Hans Luder (or Ludher, later Luther) and his wife Margarethe (n\u00e9e Lindemann) on 10 November 1483",
"56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e17290": "Hans Luder (or Ludher, later Luther) and his wife Margarethe (n\u00e9e Lindemann) on 10 November 1483",
"56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e17291": "Hans Luder (or Ludher, later Luther) and his wife Margarethe (n\u00e9e Lindemann) on 10 November 1483",
"56f7cdc2a6d7ea1400e17292": "Hans Luder (or Ludher, later Luther) and his wife Margarethe (n\u00e9e Lindemann) on 10 November 1483",
"56f7e9caaef2371900625c56": "1501",
"56f7e9caaef2371900625c57": "1501",
"56f7e9caaef2371900625c58": "1501",
"56f7e9caaef2371900625c59": "1501",
"56f7e9caaef2371900625c5a": "1501",
"56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172cd": "theology and philosophy",
"56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172ce": "theology and philosophy",
"56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172cf": "theology and philosophy",
"56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172d0": "theology and philosophy",
"56f7eba8a6d7ea1400e172d1": "theology and philosophy",
"56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172d7": "2 July 1505",
"56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172d8": "2 July 1505",
"56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172d9": "2 July 1505",
"56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172da": "2 July 1505",
"56f7eddca6d7ea1400e172db": "2 July 1505",
"56f7ef96aef2371900625c74": "Augustinian order",
"56f7ef96aef2371900625c75": "Johann von Staupitz",
"56f7ef96aef2371900625c76": "Johann von Staupitz",
"56f7ef96aef2371900625c77": "Augustinian order",
"56f7ef96aef2371900625c78": "Augustinian order",
"56f7f15aa6d7ea1400e172eb": "von Staupitz",
"56f7f15aa6d7ea1400e172ec": "von Staupitz",
"56f7f15aa6d7ea1400e172ed": "Biblical studies on 9 March 1508",
"56f7f15aa6d7ea1400e172ee": "9 March 1508",
"56f7f15aa6d7ea1400e172ef": "von Staupitz",
"56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb0": "1512",
"56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb1": "1512",
"56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb2": "1512",
"56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb3": "1512",
"56f7f2e0aef2371900625cb4": "19 October 1512",
"56f7fde8a6d7ea1400e17367": "1516",
"56f7fde8a6d7ea1400e17368": "1516",
"56f7fde8a6d7ea1400e17369": "1516",
"56f7fde8a6d7ea1400e1736a": "1516",
"56f7fde8a6d7ea1400e1736b": "1516",
"56f7ffadaef2371900625d5e": "Albert of Mainz",
"56f7ffadaef2371900625d5f": "Albert of Mainz",
"56f7ffadaef2371900625d60": "Albert of Mainz",
"56f7ffadaef2371900625d61": "Albert of Mainz",
"56f7ffadaef2371900625d62": "Albert of Mainz",
"56f80143aef2371900625d68": "Johann Tetzel",
"56f80143aef2371900625d69": "Johann Tetzel that \"As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory (also attested as 'into heaven",
"56f80143aef2371900625d6a": "Johann Tetzel that \"As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory (also attested as 'into heaven",
"56f80143aef2371900625d6b": "Johann Tetzel",
"56f802c6a6d7ea1400e17377": "God's alone to grant, those who claimed that indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error",
"56f802c6a6d7ea1400e17378": "forgiveness was God's alone to grant, those who claimed that indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation",
"56f802c6a6d7ea1400e17379": "forgiveness was God's alone to grant, those who claimed that indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation",
"56f802c6a6d7ea1400e1737a": "forgiveness was God's alone to grant, those who claimed that indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation",
"56f802c6a6d7ea1400e1737b": "forgiveness was God's alone to grant, those who claimed that indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error",
"56f8046faef2371900625d71": "Tetzel was by no means representative of contemporary Catholic teaching on indulgences",
"56f8046faef2371900625d72": "indulgences for the dead",
"56f8046faef2371900625d73": "indulgences for the living",
"56f8046faef2371900625d74": "Catholic dogma",
"56f80604a6d7ea1400e17387": "Philipp Melanchthon",
"56f80604a6d7ea1400e17388": "Philipp Melanchthon",
"56f80604a6d7ea1400e17389": "Philipp Melanchthon",
"56f80604a6d7ea1400e1738a": "Philipp Melanchthon",
"56f80604a6d7ea1400e1738b": "Philipp Melanchthon",
"56f8074faef2371900625d79": "1518",
"56f8074faef2371900625d7a": "1518",
"56f8074faef2371900625d7b": "1518",
"56f8074faef2371900625d7c": "January 1518",
"56f8074faef2371900625d7d": "1518",
"56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17391": "1519",
"56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17392": "1519",
"56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17393": "1519",
"56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17394": "1520",
"56f8094aa6d7ea1400e17395": "1519",
"56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739b": "1510 to 1520",
"56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739c": "1510 to 1520",
"56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739d": "1520",
"56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739e": "1510 to 1520",
"56f80ad1a6d7ea1400e1739f": "1520",
"56f80ccfaef2371900625d83": "1525",
"56f80ccfaef2371900625d84": "1525",
"56f80ccfaef2371900625d85": "1525",
"56f80ccfaef2371900625d86": "1525",
"56f80ccfaef2371900625d87": "1525",
"56f80e1daef2371900625d8d": "Christ and His salvation",
"56f80e1daef2371900625d8e": "Christ and His salvation",
"56f80e1daef2371900625d8f": "Christ and His salvation",
"56f80e1daef2371900625d90": "Christ and His salvation",
"56f80fdfaef2371900625d95": "December 1517",
"56f80fdfaef2371900625d96": "December 1517",
"56f80fdfaef2371900625d97": "December 1517",
"56f80fdfaef2371900625d98": "December 1517",
"56f80fdfaef2371900625d99": "December 1517",
"56f811bdaef2371900625d9f": "Sylvester Mazzolini",
"56f811bdaef2371900625da0": "Sylvester Mazzolini",
"56f811bdaef2371900625da1": "Sylvester Mazzolini",
"56f811bdaef2371900625da2": "Sylvester Mazzolini",
"56f811bdaef2371900625da3": "Sylvester Mazzolini",
"56f81393aef2371900625da9": "Johann Eck",
"56f81393aef2371900625daa": "Karl von Miltitz",
"56f81393aef2371900625dab": "Karl von Miltitz",
"56f81393aef2371900625dac": "Karl von Miltitz",
"56f81393aef2371900625dad": "Karl von Miltitz",
"56f81537aef2371900625db3": "15 June 1520",
"56f81537aef2371900625db4": "Karl von Miltitz",
"56f81537aef2371900625db5": "Karl von Miltitz",
"56f81537aef2371900625db6": "Karl von Miltitz",
"56f81537aef2371900625db7": "Karl von Miltitz",
"56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f1": "18 April 1521",
"56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f2": "18 April 1521",
"56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f3": "18 April 1521",
"56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f4": "18 April 1521",
"56f8225ea6d7ea1400e173f5": "18 April 1521",
"56f82454a6d7ea1400e173fb": "Johann Eck",
"56f82454a6d7ea1400e173fc": "Johann Eck, speaking on behalf of the Empire as assistant of the Archbishop of Trier",
"56f82454a6d7ea1400e173fd": "Johann Eck, speaking on behalf of the Empire as assistant of the Archbishop of Trier",
"56f82454a6d7ea1400e173fe": "Johann Eck, speaking on behalf of the Empire as assistant of the Archbishop of Trier",
"56f82454a6d7ea1400e173ff": "Johann Eck, speaking on behalf of the Empire as assistant of the Archbishop of Trier",
"56f82549a6d7ea1400e17415": "Michael Mullett",
"56f82549a6d7ea1400e17416": "Michael Mullett",
"56f82549a6d7ea1400e17417": "Michael Mullett",
"56f82549a6d7ea1400e17418": "Michael Mullett",
"56f826a7a6d7ea1400e17427": "Mullett",
"56f826a7a6d7ea1400e17428": "Mullett",
"56f826a7a6d7ea1400e17429": "Mullett",
"56f826a7a6d7ea1400e1742a": "May God help me\" only in later versions of the speech and not recorded in witness accounts of the proceedings. However, Mullett",
"56f827caa6d7ea1400e17439": "1521",
"56f827caa6d7ea1400e1743a": "25 May 1521",
"56f827caa6d7ea1400e1743b": "25 May 1521",
"56f827caa6d7ea1400e1743c": "1521",
"56f827caa6d7ea1400e1743d": "1521",
"56f82989aef2371900625e6b": "Jacobus Latomus",
"56f82989aef2371900625e6c": "Jacobus Latomus, an orthodox theologian from Louvain",
"56f82989aef2371900625e6d": "Eisenach",
"56f82989aef2371900625e6e": "Jacobus Latomus",
"56f82989aef2371900625e6f": "Jacobus Latomus",
"56f82b25a6d7ea1400e17457": "1521",
"56f82b25a6d7ea1400e17458": "1521",
"56f82b25a6d7ea1400e17459": "1521",
"56f82b25a6d7ea1400e1745a": "1521",
"56f82b25a6d7ea1400e1745b": "1521, Luther wrote to Melanchthon",
"56f84485aef2371900625f71": "1521",
"56f84485aef2371900625f72": "1521",
"56f84485aef2371900625f73": "1521",
"56f84485aef2371900625f74": "1521",
"56f84485aef2371900625f75": "1521",
"56f845dba6d7ea1400e17519": "1521",
"56f845dba6d7ea1400e1751a": "1521",
"56f845dba6d7ea1400e1751b": "1521",
"56f845dba6d7ea1400e1751c": "1521",
"56f845dba6d7ea1400e1751d": "Little Horn of Daniel 7",
"56f84760aef2371900625f81": "Gabriel Zwilling, embarked on a radical programme of reform there in June 1521",
"56f84760aef2371900625f82": "Gabriel Zwilling, embarked on a radical programme of reform there in June 1521",
"56f84760aef2371900625f83": "Gabriel Zwilling, embarked on a radical programme of reform there in June 1521",
"56f84760aef2371900625f84": "Gabriel Zwilling, embarked on a radical programme of reform there in June 1521",
"56f84760aef2371900625f85": "Gabriel Zwilling, embarked on a radical programme of reform there in June 1521",
"56f848e0a6d7ea1400e1752f": "6 March 1522",
"56f848e0a6d7ea1400e17530": "6 March 1522",
"56f848e0a6d7ea1400e17531": "6 March 1522",
"56f848e0a6d7ea1400e17532": "6 March 1522",
"56f848e0a6d7ea1400e17533": "1522",
"56f84a60aef2371900625f9d": "Jerome Schurf",
"56f84a60aef2371900625f9e": "Jerome Schurf",
"56f84a60aef2371900625f9f": "Jerome Schurf",
"56f84a60aef2371900625fa0": "Jerome Schurf",
"56f84a60aef2371900625fa1": "Jerome Schurf",
"56f84b68aef2371900625fa7": "radical reformers",
"56f84b68aef2371900625fa8": "radical reformers",
"56f84b68aef2371900625fa9": "Zwickau prophets",
"56f84b68aef2371900625faa": "radical reformers",
"56f84b68aef2371900625fab": "radical reformers",
"56f84d33aef2371900625fb1": "Thomas M\u00fcntzer",
"56f84d33aef2371900625fb2": "Thomas M\u00fcntzer helped instigate the German Peasants' War of 1524\u201325",
"56f84d33aef2371900625fb3": "Thomas M\u00fcntzer",
"56f84d33aef2371900625fb4": "Thomas M\u00fcntzer",
"56f84d33aef2371900625fb5": "Thomas M\u00fcntzer",
"56f84e63aef2371900625fc1": "May 1525",
"56f84e63aef2371900625fc2": "May 1525",
"56f84e63aef2371900625fc3": "May 1525",
"56f84e63aef2371900625fc4": "May 1525",
"56f84e63aef2371900625fc5": "May 1525",
"56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754b": "Christian brethren",
"56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754c": "Christian brethren",
"56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754d": "Christian brethren",
"56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754e": "Christian brethren",
"56f8507fa6d7ea1400e1754f": "Christian brethren",
"56f851b1a6d7ea1400e1755d": "the Swabian League at the Battle of Frankenhausen on 15 May 1525",
"56f851b1a6d7ea1400e1755e": "the Swabian League at the Battle of Frankenhausen on 15 May 1525",
"56f851b1a6d7ea1400e1755f": "1525",
"56f851b1a6d7ea1400e17560": "Frankenhausen on 15 May 1525",
"56f851b1a6d7ea1400e17561": "the Swabian League at the Battle of Frankenhausen on 15 May 1525",
"56f852fba6d7ea1400e1756d": "Katharina von Bora",
"56f852fba6d7ea1400e1756e": "Katharina von Bora",
"56f852fba6d7ea1400e1756f": "Katharina von Bora",
"56f852fba6d7ea1400e17570": "Katharina von Bora",
"56f852fba6d7ea1400e17571": "Katharina von Bora",
"56f8541da6d7ea1400e17577": "13 June 1525",
"56f8541da6d7ea1400e17578": "13 June 1525",
"56f8541da6d7ea1400e17579": "13 June 1525",
"56f8541da6d7ea1400e1757a": "1525",
"56f8541da6d7ea1400e1757b": "1525",
"56f855caaef2371900625ff3": "George Spalatin on 30 November 1524",
"56f855caaef2371900625ff4": "George Spalatin on 30 November 1524",
"56f855caaef2371900625ff5": "George Spalatin on 30 November 1524",
"56f855caaef2371900625ff6": "George Spalatin on 30 November 1524",
"56f855caaef2371900625ff7": "George Spalatin on 30 November 1524",
"56f8575aaef2371900625ffd": "The Black Cloister",
"56f8575aaef2371900625ffe": "The Black Cloister",
"56f8575aaef2371900625fff": "The Black Cloister",
"56f8575aaef2371900626000": "The Black Cloister",
"56f8575aaef2371900626001": "The Black Cloister",
"56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175af": "1526",
"56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175b0": "1525 to 1529",
"56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175b1": "1526",
"56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175b2": "1526",
"56f8599aa6d7ea1400e175b3": "1526",
"56f85bb8aef237190062600f": "John the Steadfast",
"56f85bb8aef2371900626010": "John the Steadfast",
"56f85bb8aef2371900626011": "John the Steadfast",
"56f85bb8aef2371900626012": "John the Steadfast",
"56f85bb8aef2371900626013": "John the Steadfast",
"56f85cf0aef2371900626019": "German Mass, which he published in early 1526",
"56f85cf0aef237190062601a": "simple people",
"56f85cf0aef237190062601b": "simple people",
"56f85cf0aef237190062601c": "simple people",
"56f85cf0aef237190062601d": "simple people",
"56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c3": "1527",
"56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c4": "1527",
"56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c5": "1527",
"56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c6": "1527",
"56f85e71a6d7ea1400e175c7": "1527",
"56f86680a6d7ea1400e175cd": "1529",
"56f86680a6d7ea1400e175ce": "1529",
"56f86680a6d7ea1400e175cf": "1529",
"56f86680a6d7ea1400e175d0": "1529",
"56f86680a6d7ea1400e175d1": "1529",
"56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175d7": "The catechism",
"56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175d8": "The catechism",
"56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175d9": "The catechism",
"56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175da": "The catechism",
"56f867e3a6d7ea1400e175db": "The catechism",
"56f86966aef2371900626053": "German vernacular",
"56f86966aef2371900626054": "German vernacular",
"56f86966aef2371900626055": "German vernacular",
"56f86966aef2371900626056": "German vernacular",
"56f86966aef2371900626057": "German vernacular",
"56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f5": "1534",
"56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f6": "1534",
"56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f7": "1534",
"56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f8": "1534",
"56f86b44a6d7ea1400e175f9": "1534",
"56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17605": "German",
"56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17606": "German",
"56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17607": "German",
"56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17608": "Saxon chancellery, intelligible to both northern and southern Germans. He intended his vigorous, direct language to make the Bible accessible to everyday Germans",
"56f86d30a6d7ea1400e17609": "German",
"56f86e91aef2371900626067": "Lucas Cranach",
"56f86e91aef2371900626068": "Lucas Cranach",
"56f86e91aef2371900626069": "Lucas Cranach",
"56f86e91aef237190062606a": "Lucas Cranach",
"56f86e91aef237190062606b": "Lucas Cranach",
"56f87000aef2371900626071": "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott\" (\"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God\"), based on Psalm 46",
"56f87000aef2371900626072": "Luke 2:11\u201312. Luther connected high art and folk music",
"56f87000aef2371900626073": "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott\" (\"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God\"), based on Psalm 46",
"56f87000aef2371900626074": "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott\" (\"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God\"), based on Psalm 46",
"56f87000aef2371900626075": "waldzither",
"56f8720eaef237190062608f": "Maria C. Tiddeman",
"56f8720eaef2371900626090": "Maria C. Tiddeman",
"56f8720eaef2371900626091": "Maria C. Tiddeman",
"56f8720eaef2371900626092": "John C. Messenger's translation by the title and first line \"Flung to the Heedless Winds\" and sung to the tune Ibstone",
"56f8720eaef2371900626093": "Maria C. Tiddeman",
"56f87392aef2371900626099": "1524",
"56f87392aef237190062609a": "three-stanza confession of faith prefiguring Luther's 1529",
"56f87392aef237190062609b": "1524",
"56f87392aef237190062609c": "1524",
"56f87392aef237190062609d": "three-stanza confession of faith prefiguring Luther's 1529",
"56f87531a6d7ea1400e1766f": "1538",
"56f87531a6d7ea1400e17670": "1538",
"56f87531a6d7ea1400e17671": "1538",
"56f87531a6d7ea1400e17672": "1538",
"56f87531a6d7ea1400e17673": "1538",
"56f87760aef23719006260cc": "1523 as a hymnic version of Psalm 130",
"56f87760aef23719006260cd": "Psalm 130",
"56f87760aef23719006260ce": "Psalm 130",
"56f87760aef23719006260cf": "Psalm 130",
"56f87760aef23719006260d0": "Psalm 130",
"56f879bdaef23719006260de": "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland",
"56f879bdaef23719006260df": "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland\" (Now come, Savior of the gentiles",
"56f879bdaef23719006260e0": "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland",
"56f879bdaef23719006260e1": "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland",
"56f879bdaef23719006260e2": "German Te Deum",
"56f87e95aef237190062610a": "1541",
"56f87e95aef237190062610b": "Johann Walter tune associated with a hymnic setting of Psalm 67's prayer for grace",
"56f87e95aef237190062610c": "Johann Walter tune associated with a hymnic setting of Psalm 67's prayer for grace",
"56f87e95aef237190062610d": "Johann Walter tune associated with a hymnic setting of Psalm 67's prayer for grace; Wolf Heintz",
"56f87e95aef237190062610e": "Wolf Heintz",
"56f88025aef237190062611e": "Johann Walter, Eyn geystlich Gesangk Buchleyn, all published in 1524",
"56f88025aef237190062611f": "Johann Walter, Eyn geystlich Gesangk Buchleyn, all published in 1524",
"56f88025aef2371900626120": "Johann Walter, Eyn geystlich Gesangk Buchleyn, all published in 1524",
"56f88025aef2371900626121": "Johann Walter, Eyn geystlich Gesangk Buchleyn, all published in 1524",
"56f88025aef2371900626122": "Johann Walter, Eyn geystlich Gesangk Buchleyn, all published in 1524",
"56f881e3a6d7ea1400e176f3": "Johann Sebastian Bach",
"56f881e3a6d7ea1400e176f4": "Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4, as early as possibly 1707",
"56f881e3a6d7ea1400e176f5": "Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4, as early as possibly 1707",
"56f881e3a6d7ea1400e176f6": "Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4, as early as possibly 1707",
"56f881e3a6d7ea1400e176f7": "Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4, as early as possibly 1707",
"56f8837aa6d7ea1400e176fd": "Purgatory",
"56f8837aa6d7ea1400e176fe": "Philipp Melanchthon",
"56f8837aa6d7ea1400e176ff": "Purgatory",
"56f8837aa6d7ea1400e17700": "Purgatory",
"56f8837aa6d7ea1400e17701": "Purgatory",
"56f884cba6d7ea1400e17707": "Franz Pieper",
"56f884cba6d7ea1400e17708": "Franz Pieper",
"56f884cba6d7ea1400e17709": "Franz Pieper",
"56f884cba6d7ea1400e1770a": "Franz Pieper",
"56f88690a6d7ea1400e17723": "Gottfried Fritschel pointed out in 1867",
"56f88690a6d7ea1400e17724": "Gottfried Fritschel pointed out in 1867",
"56f88690a6d7ea1400e17725": "Francis Blackburne in 1765",
"56f88690a6d7ea1400e17726": "Gottfried Fritschel pointed out in 1867",
"56f88690a6d7ea1400e17727": "Gottfried Fritschel pointed out in 1867",
"56f88c37aef2371900626176": "October 1529",
"56f88c37aef2371900626177": "fourteen points out of fifteen",
"56f88c37aef2371900626178": "October 1529",
"56f88c37aef2371900626179": "fourteen points out of fifteen",
"56f88c37aef237190062617a": "fourteen points out of fifteen",
"56f88eafaef2371900626194": "Johannes Oecolampadius",
"56f88eafaef2371900626195": "sacramental union",
"56f88eafaef2371900626196": "sacramental union",
"56f88eafaef2371900626197": "sacramental union",
"56f88eafaef2371900626198": "Johannes Oecolampadius",
"56f8907faef23719006261b2": "1530",
"56f8907faef23719006261b3": "1530",
"56f8907faef23719006261b4": "1530",
"56f8907faef23719006261b5": "1530",
"56f8907faef23719006261b6": "1530",
"56f895339e9bad19000a0177": "Biblical Criticism",
"56f895339e9bad19000a0178": "reason, which for him is the field of science, philosophy, history and empirical observation",
"56f895339e9bad19000a0179": "Bernhard Lohse",
"56f895339e9bad19000a017a": "Bernhard Lohse",
"56f895339e9bad19000a017b": "Bernhard Lohse",
"56f897059b226e1400dd0c5d": "1523",
"56f897059b226e1400dd0c5e": "1523",
"56f897059b226e1400dd0c5f": "1523",
"56f897059b226e1400dd0c60": "1523",
"56f897059b226e1400dd0c61": "1523",
"56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a5": "1518",
"56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a6": "1518",
"56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a7": "1518",
"56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a8": "1518",
"56f8989f9e9bad19000a01a9": "1518",
"56f89a959b226e1400dd0c9d": "1542",
"56f89a959b226e1400dd0c9e": "1542",
"56f89a959b226e1400dd0c9f": "1542",
"56f89a959b226e1400dd0ca0": "Mohammedanism\" or \"the Turk",
"56f89a959b226e1400dd0ca1": "1542",
"56f8a2969e9bad19000a022b": "Johannes Agricola",
"56f8a2969e9bad19000a022c": "Johannes Agricola",
"56f8a2969e9bad19000a022d": "Johannes Agricola",
"56f8a2969e9bad19000a022e": "Johannes Agricola",
"56f8a2969e9bad19000a022f": "Johannes Agricola",
"56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0251": "the law",
"56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0252": "the law",
"56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0253": "the law",
"56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0254": "the law",
"56f8a4e99e9bad19000a0255": "the law",
"56f8a6969e9bad19000a025b": "Christ's life",
"56f8a6969e9bad19000a025c": "Christ's life",
"56f8a6969e9bad19000a025d": "third use of the law.\" For Luther, also Christ's life",
"56f8a6969e9bad19000a025e": "Christ's life",
"56f8a6969e9bad19000a025f": "Christ's life, when understood as an example, is nothing more than an illustration of the Ten Commandments",
"56f8aa749b226e1400dd0da7": "Ten Commandments, and the beginnings of the renewed life of Christians accorded to them by the sacrament of baptism",
"56f8aa749b226e1400dd0da8": "Ten Commandments, and the beginnings of the renewed life of Christians accorded to them by the sacrament of baptism",
"56f8aa749b226e1400dd0da9": "sacrament of baptism",
"56f8ac579e9bad19000a02b9": "Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse",
"56f8ac579e9bad19000a02ba": "Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse",
"56f8ac579e9bad19000a02bb": "Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse",
"56f8ac579e9bad19000a02bc": "Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse",
"56f8ac579e9bad19000a02bd": "Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse",
"56f8ae099e9bad19000a02eb": "1523",
"56f8ae099e9bad19000a02ec": "1523",
"56f8ae099e9bad19000a02ed": "1523",
"56f8ae099e9bad19000a02ee": "1523",
"56f8ae099e9bad19000a02ef": "1523",
"56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e05": "60,000-word treatise Von den Juden und Ihren L\u00fcgen",
"56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e06": "1543",
"56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e07": "1543",
"56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e08": "sharp mercy",
"56f8afbc9b226e1400dd0e09": "60,000-word treatise Von den Juden und Ihren L\u00fcgen",
"56f8b2499b226e1400dd0e3b": "Josel of Rosheim",
"56f8b2499b226e1400dd0e3c": "Josel of Rosheim",
"56f8b2499b226e1400dd0e3d": "Josel of Rosheim",
"56f8b2499b226e1400dd0e3e": "Josel of Rosheim",
"56f8b2499b226e1400dd0e3f": "Josel of Rosheim",
"56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e75": "Julius Streicher",
"56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e76": "Julius Streicher",
"56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e77": "Julius Streicher",
"56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e78": "Julius Streicher",
"56f8b4d79b226e1400dd0e79": "Julius Streicher",
"56f8b7189e9bad19000a0389": "17 December 1941",
"56f8b7189e9bad19000a038a": "Daniel Goldhagen, Bishop Martin Sasse",
"56f8b7189e9bad19000a038b": "Daniel Goldhagen, Bishop Martin Sasse",
"56f8b7189e9bad19000a038c": "Daniel Goldhagen, Bishop Martin Sasse",
"56f8b7189e9bad19000a038d": "Daniel Goldhagen, Bishop Martin Sasse",
"56f8b9839e9bad19000a03bf": "Johannes Wallmann",
"56f8b9839e9bad19000a03c0": "Johannes Wallmann",
"56f8b9839e9bad19000a03c1": "Johannes Wallmann",
"56f8b9839e9bad19000a03c2": "Martin Brecht",
"56f8b9839e9bad19000a03c3": "Johannes Wallmann",
"56f8bbb09e9bad19000a03db": "Ronald Berger",
"56f8bbb09e9bad19000a03dc": "Ronald Berger",
"56f8bbb09e9bad19000a03dd": "Ronald Berger",
"56f8bbb09e9bad19000a03de": "Ronald Berger",
"56f8bbb09e9bad19000a03df": "Ronald Berger",
"56f8bd509b226e1400dd0eed": "Mark U. Edwards",
"56f8bd509b226e1400dd0eee": "Mark U. Edwards",
"56f8bd509b226e1400dd0eef": "Mark U. Edwards",
"56f8bd509b226e1400dd0ef0": "Mark U. Edwards",
"56f8bd509b226e1400dd0ef1": "Mark U. Edwards",
"56f8c0cd9b226e1400dd0f35": "4,745",
"56f8c0cd9b226e1400dd0f36": "4,745",
"56f8c0cd9b226e1400dd0f37": "4,745",
"56f8c0cd9b226e1400dd0f38": "4,745",
"56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f45": "December 1544",
"56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f46": "1531 to 1546",
"56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f47": "1546",
"56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f48": "1531 to 1546",
"56f8c2ee9b226e1400dd0f49": "1531 to 1546",
"56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f61": "1545 and 1546 Luther preached three times in the Market Church in Halle, staying with his friend Justus Jonas",
"56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f62": "Justus Jonas",
"56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f63": "1545 and 1546 Luther preached three times in the Market Church in Halle, staying with his friend Justus Jonas",
"56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f64": "Justus Jonas",
"56f8c43d9b226e1400dd0f65": "Justus Jonas",
"56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f7d": "1546",
"56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f7e": "15 February 1546",
"56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f7f": "15 February 1546",
"56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f80": "1546",
"56f8c5909b226e1400dd0f81": "1546",
"56f8c7029e9bad19000a04a0": "Count Albrecht of Mansfeld",
"56f8c7029e9bad19000a04a1": "Count Albrecht of Mansfeld",
"56f8c7029e9bad19000a04a2": "1545",
"56f8c7029e9bad19000a04a3": "1545",
"56f8c7029e9bad19000a04a4": "Count Albrecht of Mansfeld",
"56f8c8469e9bad19000a04c6": "17 February 1546",
"56f8c8469e9bad19000a04c7": "17 February 1546",
"56f8c8469e9bad19000a04c8": "17 February 1546",
"56f8c8469e9bad19000a04c9": "17 February 1546",
"56f8c8469e9bad19000a04ca": "17 February 1546",
"56f8c9719e9bad19000a04e0": "2:45 a.m. on 18 February 1546",
"56f8c9719e9bad19000a04e1": "2:45 a.m. on 18 February 1546",
"56f8c9719e9bad19000a04e2": "2:45 a.m. on 18 February 1546",
"56f8c9719e9bad19000a04e3": "2:45 a.m. on 18 February 1546",
"56f8c9719e9bad19000a04e4": "2:45 a.m. on 18 February 1546",
"56f8ca289b226e1400dd1007": "Latin, apart from \"We are beggars,\" which was in German",
"56f8ca289b226e1400dd1008": "Latin",
"56f8ca289b226e1400dd1009": "Latin",
"56f8cc399e9bad19000a0514": "1530s and 1540s",
"56f8cc399e9bad19000a0515": "frail Catholic saints",
"56f8cc399e9bad19000a0516": "1530s and 1540s",
"56f8cc399e9bad19000a0517": "frail Catholic saints",
"56f8cc399e9bad19000a0518": "1530s and 1540s",
"56f8ce779b226e1400dd103d": "18 February",
"56f8ce779b226e1400dd103e": "31 October",
"56f8ce779b226e1400dd103f": "18 February",
"56f8ce779b226e1400dd1040": "31 October",
"56f8ce779b226e1400dd1041": "18 February",
"5705e26d75f01819005e76d4": "SoCal",
"5705e26d75f01819005e76d5": "eight counties",
"5705e26d75f01819005e76d6": "SoCal",
"5705e26d75f01819005e76d7": "eight counties",
"5705e26d75f01819005e76d8": "SoCal",
"5705e33f52bb89140068964c": "greater Southern California Megaregion",
"5705e33f52bb89140068964d": "greater Southern California",
"5705e33f52bb89140068964e": "greater Southern California",
"5705e33f52bb89140068964f": "greater Southern California",
"5705e33f52bb891400689650": "greater Southern California",
"5705e3f252bb89140068966a": "seven",
"5705e3f252bb89140068966b": "seven",
"5705e3f252bb89140068966c": "3 million",
"5705e3f252bb89140068966d": "seven",
"5705e3f252bb89140068966e": "17.5 million people. With over 22 million people, southern California contains roughly 60 percent",
"5705e4fe75f01819005e7704": "Mojave Desert",
"5705e4fe75f01819005e7705": "Colorado Desert and the Colorado River",
"5705e4fe75f01819005e7706": "Colorado Desert and the Colorado River at the border with Arizona, and the Mojave Desert",
"5705e4fe75f01819005e7707": "Mojave Desert at the border with the state of Nevada",
"5705e63175f01819005e7720": "1,307,402",
"5705e63175f01819005e7721": "3,792,621",
"5705e63175f01819005e7722": "3,792,621",
"5705e63175f01819005e7723": "1,307,402",
"5705e63175f01819005e7724": "1,307,402",
"5705e99452bb891400689688": "five most populous in the state and all are in the top 15",
"5705e99452bb891400689689": "five most populous in the state and all are in the top 15",
"5705e99452bb89140068968a": "five most populous in the state and all are in the top 15",
"5705e99452bb89140068968b": "five most populous in the state and all are in the top 15",
"5705e99452bb89140068968c": "five most populous in the state and all are in the top 15",
"5705eb3375f01819005e7764": "Hollywood",
"5705eb3375f01819005e7765": "Hollywood, a district within Los Angeles, is also a name associated with the motion picture industry. Headquartered in southern California are The Walt Disney Company",
"5705eb3375f01819005e7766": "Walt Disney Company",
"5705eb3375f01819005e7767": "southern California. Hollywood, a district within Los Angeles, is also a name associated with the motion picture industry",
"5705eb3375f01819005e7768": "Walt Disney Company",
"5705ec1675f01819005e776e": "Shaun White",
"5705ec1675f01819005e776f": "Shaun White",
"5705ec1675f01819005e7770": "Shaun White",
"5705ec1675f01819005e7771": "Shaun White",
"5705ec1675f01819005e7772": "Transpac",
"5705eccb52bb8914006896b8": "Palm Springs",
"5705eccb52bb8914006896b9": "Palm Springs",
"5705eccb52bb8914006896ba": "desert city of Palm Springs",
"5705eccb52bb8914006896bb": "desert city of Palm Springs",
"5705edcd52bb8914006896ca": "Point Conception and the Tehachapi Mountains",
"5705edcd52bb8914006896cb": "37\u00b0 9' 58.23\" latitude",
"5705edcd52bb8914006896cc": "Point Conception and the Tehachapi Mountains",
"5705edcd52bb8914006896cd": "Point Conception and the Tehachapi Mountains",
"5705edcd52bb8914006896ce": "37\u00b0 9' 58.23\" latitude",
"5705eee952bb8914006896de": "36 degrees, 30 minutes, the line of the Missouri Compromise. Instead, the passing of the Compromise of 1850",
"5705eee952bb8914006896df": "36 degrees, 30 minutes, the line of the Missouri Compromise. Instead, the passing of the Compromise of 1850",
"5705eee952bb8914006896e0": "36 degrees, 30 minutes, the line of the Missouri Compromise. Instead, the passing of the Compromise of 1850",
"5705eee952bb8914006896e1": "36 degrees, 30 minutes, the line of the Missouri Compromise. Instead, the passing of the Compromise of 1850",
"5705eee952bb8914006896e2": "36 degrees, 30 minutes, the line of the Missouri Compromise. Instead, the passing of the Compromise of 1850",
"5705f09e75f01819005e77a4": "1859",
"5705f09e75f01819005e77a5": "1859",
"5705f09e75f01819005e77a6": "1850s to achieve a separate statehood or territorial status separate from Northern California. The last attempt, the Pico Act of 1859",
"5705f09e75f01819005e77a7": "1859",
"5705f09e75f01819005e77a8": "1859",
"5705f13d52bb8914006896f0": "1900, the Los Angeles Times",
"5705f13d52bb8914006896f1": "1900, the Los Angeles Times",
"5705f13d52bb8914006896f2": "1900, the Los Angeles Times",
"5705f13d52bb8914006896f3": "1900",
"5705f13d52bb8914006896f4": "1900, the Los Angeles Times",
"5705f36452bb891400689718": "South of the Tehachapis",
"5705f36452bb891400689719": "the California State Automobile Association",
"5705f36452bb89140068971a": "the California State Automobile Association",
"5705f36452bb89140068971b": "South of the Tehachapis",
"5705f36452bb89140068971c": "southern California region",
"5705f7c875f01819005e77dc": "San Diego\u2013Tijuana",
"5705f7c875f01819005e77dd": "San Diego\u2013Tijuana",
"5705f7c875f01819005e77de": "San Diego\u2013Tijuana",
"5705f7c875f01819005e77df": "Northeastern megalopolis. Much of southern California is famous for its large, spread-out, suburban communities and use of automobiles and highways",
"5705f7c875f01819005e77e0": "San Diego\u2013Tijuana",
"5705fb7f52bb891400689750": "Camp Pendleton",
"5705fb7f52bb891400689751": "Camp Pendleton",
"5705fb7f52bb891400689752": "Camp Pendleton",
"5705fb7f52bb891400689753": "Camp Pendleton",
"5705fb7f52bb891400689754": "Camp Pendleton",
"5705fc3a52bb89140068976a": "Mediterranean",
"5705fc3a52bb89140068976b": "Mediterranean",
"5705fc3a52bb89140068976c": "90-60's",
"5705fc3a52bb89140068976d": "Mediterranean",
"5705fc3a52bb89140068976e": "90-60's",
"5705fd8475f01819005e7841": "Pacific Ocean islands, shorelines, beaches, and coastal plains",
"5705fd8475f01819005e7840": "Southern California consists of one of the more varied collections of geologic, topographic, and natural ecosystem landscapes",
"5705fd8475f01819005e7842": "Southern California consists of one of the more varied collections of geologic, topographic, and natural ecosystem landscapes",
"5705fd8475f01819005e7843": "Pacific Ocean islands, shorelines, beaches, and coastal plains",
"5705fd8475f01819005e7844": "Transverse and Peninsular Ranges with their peaks, into the large and small interior valleys, to the vast deserts of California",
"5705fec152bb89140068977a": "about 10,000",
"5705fec152bb89140068977b": "about 10,000",
"5705fec152bb89140068977c": "about 10,000",
"5705fec152bb89140068977d": "about 10,000",
"5705fec152bb89140068977e": "about 10,000",
"5705ffde52bb891400689784": "San Andreas Fault",
"5705ffde52bb891400689785": "San Andreas Fault",
"5705ffde52bb891400689786": "San Andreas Fault",
"5705ffde52bb891400689787": "San Andreas Fault",
"5705ffde52bb891400689788": "San Andreas Fault",
"570602fa52bb89140068979e": "Southern California is divided culturally, politically, and economically into distinctive regions",
"570602fa52bb89140068979f": "global recognition",
"570602fa52bb8914006897a0": "distinctive regions, each containing its own culture and atmosphere",
"570603c475f01819005e7882": "22,680,010",
"570603c475f01819005e7883": "22,680,010",
"570603c475f01819005e7884": "22,680,010",
"570603c475f01819005e7885": "22,680,010",
"570603c475f01819005e7886": "22,680,010",
"5706074552bb8914006897d4": "five million",
"5706074552bb8914006897d5": "five million",
"5706074552bb8914006897d6": "five million",
"5706074552bb8914006897d7": "five million",
"5706074552bb8914006897d8": "five million",
"570607f575f01819005e78b4": "1.3 million",
"570607f575f01819005e78b5": "1.3 million",
"570607f575f01819005e78b6": "more than 200,000 residents and 34 cities over 100,000",
"570607f575f01819005e78b7": "200,000",
"570607f575f01819005e78b8": "1.3 million",
"5706094b52bb8914006897de": "petroleum",
"5706094b52bb8914006897df": "tourism and Hollywood",
"5706094b52bb8914006897e0": "2001\u20132007",
"5706094b52bb8914006897e1": "petroleum",
"5706094b52bb8914006897e2": "2007",
"57060a1175f01819005e78d2": "1920s, motion pictures, petroleum and aircraft manufacturing",
"57060a1175f01819005e78d3": "cattle and citrus",
"57060a1175f01819005e78d5": "1920s",
"57060a1175f01819005e78d4": "1920s",
"57060a1175f01819005e78d6": "1920s",
"57060a6e52bb8914006897f8": "Central business districts (CBD",
"57060a6e52bb8914006897f9": "Central business districts (CBD) include Downtown Los Angeles, Downtown San Diego, Downtown San Bernardino, Downtown Bakersfield, South Coast Metro and Downtown Riverside",
"57060a6e52bb8914006897fa": "Central business districts (CBD",
"57060cc352bb89140068980e": "Century City, Westwood and Warner Center",
"57060cc352bb89140068980f": "Century City, Westwood and Warner Center",
"57060cc352bb891400689810": "Century City, Westwood and Warner Center in the San Fernando Valley",
"57060cc352bb891400689811": "Downtown Los Angeles central business district",
"57060df252bb891400689820": "San Bernardino-Riverside area maintains the business districts of Downtown San Bernardino, Hospitality Business/Financial Centre, University Town",
"57060df252bb891400689821": "Downtown San Bernardino, Hospitality Business/Financial Centre, University Town",
"57060df252bb891400689822": "University Town",
"57060eaf75f01819005e7910": "Jamboree",
"57060eaf75f01819005e7911": "Jamboree Business Parks",
"57060eaf75f01819005e7912": "Irvine Tech Center",
"57060eaf75f01819005e7913": "Irvine Tech Center",
"57060eaf75f01819005e7914": "Jamboree",
"57060f3e75f01819005e7922": "University City",
"57060f3e75f01819005e7923": "University City",
"57060f3e75f01819005e7924": "University City",
"57060f3e75f01819005e7925": "Carmel Valley, Del Mar Heights, Mission Valley, Rancho Bernardo, Sorrento Mesa, and University City",
"570610b275f01819005e792a": "Los Angeles International Airport",
"570610b275f01819005e792b": "Los Angeles International Airport",
"570610b275f01819005e792c": "Los Angeles International Airport",
"570610b275f01819005e792d": "Los Angeles International Airport",
"570610b275f01819005e792e": "Los Angeles International Airport",
"5706111a52bb89140068984c": "Metrolink",
"5706111a52bb89140068984d": "Metrolink",
"5706111a52bb89140068984e": "Metrolink",
"5706111a52bb89140068984f": "Metrolink",
"570611c475f01819005e793c": "Los Angeles",
"570611c475f01819005e793d": "Los Angeles",
"570611c475f01819005e793e": "Los Angeles",
"5706139252bb891400689864": "5",
"5706139252bb891400689865": "5",
"5706139252bb891400689866": "5",
"5706139252bb891400689867": "5",
"5706139252bb891400689868": "5",
"5706143575f01819005e7950": "MLS (LA Galaxy",
"5706143575f01819005e7951": "MLS (LA Galaxy",
"5706143575f01819005e7952": "MLS (LA Galaxy",
"5706143575f01819005e7953": "MLS (LA Galaxy",
"5706143575f01819005e7954": "LA Galaxy",
"5706149552bb891400689880": "Chivas USA",
"5706149552bb891400689881": "2005 to 2014",
"5706149552bb891400689882": "2005 to 2014",
"5706149552bb891400689883": "2005 to 2014",
"5706149552bb891400689884": "2005 to 2014",
"570614ff52bb89140068988a": "USC Trojans",
"570614ff52bb89140068988b": "USC Trojans",
"570614ff52bb89140068988c": "southern California. The UCLA Bruins and the USC Trojans",
"570614ff52bb89140068988d": "USC Trojans",
"570614ff52bb89140068988e": "USC Trojans",
"5706155352bb891400689894": "Rugby is also a growing sport in southern California, particularly at the high school level, with increasing numbers of schools adding rugby",
"5706155352bb891400689895": "southern California, particularly at the high school level, with increasing numbers of schools adding rugby",
"5706155352bb891400689896": "southern California, particularly at the high school level, with increasing numbers of schools adding rugby",
"57092322efce8f15003a7db0": "British Sky Broadcasting Group plc changed its name to Sky plc",
"57092322efce8f15003a7db1": "British Sky Broadcasting Group plc",
"57092322efce8f15003a7db2": "British Sky Broadcasting Group plc",
"57092322efce8f15003a7db3": "British Sky Broadcasting Group plc changed its name to Sky plc",
"57092322efce8f15003a7db4": "British Sky Broadcasting Group plc changed its name to Sky plc",
"57094a79efce8f15003a7dc4": "Setanta Sports",
"57094a79efce8f15003a7dc5": "Setanta Sports",
"57094a79efce8f15003a7dc6": "Setanta Sports",
"57094a79efce8f15003a7dc7": "Setanta Sports",
"57094b4f9928a814004714f6": "Freeview",
"57094b4f9928a814004714f7": "Sky Three",
"57094b4f9928a814004714f8": "Freeview",
"57094b4f9928a814004714f9": "Freeview",
"57094b4f9928a814004714fa": "Freeview",
"57094ca7efce8f15003a7dd6": "Sky+ Box",
"57094ca7efce8f15003a7dd7": "Multiroom box",
"57094ca7efce8f15003a7dd8": "Sky+HD Box",
"57094ca7efce8f15003a7dd9": "Sky+ Box",
"57094ca7efce8f15003a7dda": "Multiroom box",
"57094d489928a8140047150a": "NDS",
"57094d489928a8140047150b": "NDS",
"57094d489928a8140047150c": "NDS",
"57094d489928a8140047150d": "NDS",
"57094d489928a8140047150e": "NDS",
"570953a7efce8f15003a7dff": "cable TV. The failure to renew the existing carriage agreements negotiated with NTL and Telewest",
"570953a7efce8f15003a7dfe": "2007",
"570953a7efce8f15003a7e00": "cable TV. The failure to renew the existing carriage agreements negotiated with NTL and Telewest",
"570953a7efce8f15003a7e01": "2007, BSkyB and Virgin Media",
"570953a7efce8f15003a7e02": "2007, BSkyB and Virgin Media",
"570960cf200fba1400367f01": "SkyDrive",
"570960cf200fba1400367f02": "July 2013",
"570960cf200fba1400367f03": "SkyDrive cloud storage",
"570960cf200fba1400367f04": "July 2013",
"570960cf200fba1400367f05": "SkyDrive cloud storage",
"570961aa200fba1400367f15": "Sam Chisholm and Rupert Murdoch",
"570961aa200fba1400367f16": "Sam Chisholm and Rupert Murdoch",
"570961aa200fba1400367f17": "400,000",
"570961aa200fba1400367f18": "Sam Chisholm and Rupert Murdoch",
"570961aa200fba1400367f19": "3.5 million",
"570963a5200fba1400367f33": "11 million",
"570963a5200fba1400367f34": "11 million",
"570963a5200fba1400367f35": "11 million",
"570963a5200fba1400367f36": "11 million",
"57096505ed30961900e84082": "Sky Q",
"57096505ed30961900e84083": "Sky Q",
"57096505ed30961900e84084": "Sky Q",
"57096505ed30961900e84085": "Sky Q",
"57096505ed30961900e84086": "Sky Q",
"570966e0200fba1400367f4f": "MPEG-2",
"570966e0200fba1400367f50": "OpenTV system, with set-top boxes including modems for a return path. Sky News",
"570966e0200fba1400367f51": "MPEG-4",
"570966e0200fba1400367f52": "OpenTV system, with set-top boxes including modems for a return path. Sky News",
"570966e0200fba1400367f53": "MPEG-4",
"570967c4ed30961900e840ba": "1998 the new service used the Astra 2A",
"570967c4ed30961900e840bb": "1998 the new service used the Astra 2A",
"570967c4ed30961900e840bc": "1998 the new service used the Astra 2A",
"570967c4ed30961900e840bd": "1998 the new service used the Astra 2A",
"570967c4ed30961900e840be": "1998 the new service used the Astra 2A",
"5709686c200fba1400367f77": "Sky+ HD",
"5709686c200fba1400367f78": "40,000",
"5709686c200fba1400367f79": "Sky+ HD",
"5709686c200fba1400367f7a": "Sky+ HD",
"5709686c200fba1400367f7b": "40,000",
"57096b66200fba1400367fa7": "8 February 2007",
"57096b66200fba1400367fa8": "Virgin Media",
"57096b66200fba1400367fa9": "Virgin Media",
"57096b66200fba1400367faa": "Virgin Media",
"57096b66200fba1400367fab": "Virgin Media",
"57096c95200fba1400367fbb": "LNB (9.75/10.600 GHz",
"57096c95200fba1400367fbc": "LNB (9.75/10.600 GHz",
"57096c95200fba1400367fbd": "LNB",
"57096c95200fba1400367fbe": "LNB",
"57096c95200fba1400367fbf": "LNB (9.75/10.600 GHz",
"57096e1ced30961900e84102": "\u00a334m per year to keep control of the rights. BSkyB joined forces with the BBC",
"57096e1ced30961900e84103": "\u00a334m per year to keep control of the rights. BSkyB joined forces with the BBC",
"57096e1ced30961900e84104": "\u00a318m",
"57096e1ced30961900e84105": "\u00a334m per year to keep control of the rights. BSkyB joined forces with the BBC",
"57096e1ced30961900e84106": "\u00a334m per year to keep control of the rights. BSkyB joined forces with the BBC",
"57096f37200fba1400367fe5": "open access being an enforced part of their operating licence from Ofcom",
"57096f37200fba1400367fe6": "28\u00b0 East",
"57096f37200fba1400367fe7": "28\u00b0 East",
"57096f37200fba1400367fe8": "28\u00b0 East",
"57096f37200fba1400367fe9": "28\u00b0 East",
"57097051ed30961900e84132": "Sky Digital",
"57097051ed30961900e84133": "Sky Digital",
"57097051ed30961900e84134": "Sky Digital",
"57097051ed30961900e84135": "Sky Digital",
"57097051ed30961900e84136": "Sky Digital",
"57097141200fba1400367ff9": "BBC HD",
"57097141200fba1400367ffa": "BBC HD",
"57097141200fba1400367ffb": "BBC HD",
"57097141200fba1400367ffc": "BBC HD",
"57097141200fba1400367ffd": "BBC HD",
"57097b50200fba140036804d": "10 million",
"57097b50200fba140036804e": "10 million",
"57097b50200fba140036804f": "10 million",
"57097b50200fba1400368050": "10 million",
"57097b50200fba1400368051": "10 million",
"57097c8fed30961900e841f2": "Alec Shelbrooke was proposing the payments of benefits and tax credits on a \"Welfare Cash Card",
"57097c8fed30961900e841f3": "Alec Shelbrooke",
"57097c8fed30961900e841f4": "Alec Shelbrooke",
"57097c8fed30961900e841f5": "Alec Shelbrooke",
"57097c8fed30961900e841f6": "Alec Shelbrooke",
"57097d63ed30961900e841fc": "\u00a330m",
"57097d63ed30961900e841fd": "\u00a330m",
"57097d63ed30961900e841fe": "\u00a330m",
"57097d63ed30961900e841ff": "\u00a330m",
"57097d63ed30961900e84200": "\u00a330m",
"570d2417fed7b91900d45c3d": "95,000 people. Victoria includes eight",
"570d2417fed7b91900d45c3e": "95,000 people. Victoria includes eight",
"570d2417fed7b91900d45c3f": "95,000 people. Victoria includes eight",
"570d2417fed7b91900d45c40": "95,000 people. Victoria includes eight",
"570d2417fed7b91900d45c41": "95,000",
"570d2556fed7b91900d45c47": "Buckland Valley near Bright in 1857",
"570d2556fed7b91900d45c48": "Buckland Valley near Bright in 1857",
"570d2556fed7b91900d45c49": "Buckland Valley",
"570d2556fed7b91900d45c4a": "Buckland Valley near Bright in 1857",
"570d2556fed7b91900d45c4b": "Buckland Valley near Bright in 1857",
"570d26efb3d812140066d48f": "44 to 40",
"570d26efb3d812140066d490": "44 to 40",
"570d26efb3d812140066d491": "44 to 40",
"570d26efb3d812140066d492": "44 to 40",
"570d26efb3d812140066d493": "44 to 40",
"570d28bdb3d812140066d4a3": "environmentalist Australian Greens",
"570d28bdb3d812140066d4a4": "environmentalist Australian Greens",
"570d28bdb3d812140066d4a5": "environmentalist Australian Greens",
"570d28bdb3d812140066d4a6": "environmentalist Australian Greens",
"570d28bdb3d812140066d4a7": "environmentalist Australian Greens",
"570d29c2b3d812140066d4bd": "168,637",
"570d29c2b3d812140066d4be": "168,637",
"570d29c2b3d812140066d4bf": "168,637",
"570d29c2b3d812140066d4c0": "168,637",
"570d29c2b3d812140066d4c1": "168,637",
"570d2af0fed7b91900d45c93": "Bass Strait and Tasmania",
"570d2af0fed7b91900d45c94": "Bass Strait and Tasmania",
"570d2af0fed7b91900d45c95": "Bass Strait and Tasmania",
"570d2af0fed7b91900d45c96": "Bass Strait and Tasmania",
"570d2af0fed7b91900d45c97": "Bass Strait and Tasmania",
"570d2c20fed7b91900d45ca7": "1803",
"570d2c20fed7b91900d45ca8": "1803",
"570d2c20fed7b91900d45ca9": "1803",
"570d2c20fed7b91900d45caa": "1803",
"570d2c20fed7b91900d45cab": "1803",
"570d2d68fed7b91900d45cbb": "3 million",
"570d2d68fed7b91900d45cbc": "3 million",
"570d2d68fed7b91900d45cbd": "3 million",
"570d2d68fed7b91900d45cbe": "3 million",
"570d2d68fed7b91900d45cbf": "3 million",
"570d2f5bfed7b91900d45ccf": "1855 colonial constitution, passed by the United Kingdom Parliament as the Victoria Constitution Act 1855",
"570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd0": "1855 colonial constitution, passed by the United Kingdom Parliament as the Victoria Constitution Act 1855",
"570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd1": "1855 colonial constitution, passed by the United Kingdom Parliament as the Victoria Constitution Act 1855",
"570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd2": "1855 colonial constitution, passed by the United Kingdom Parliament as the Victoria Constitution Act 1855",
"570d2f5bfed7b91900d45cd3": "1855 colonial constitution, passed by the United Kingdom Parliament as the Victoria Constitution Act 1855",
"570d30fdfed7b91900d45ce3": "Hopetoun",
"570d30fdfed7b91900d45ce4": "Hopetoun",
"570d30fdfed7b91900d45ce5": "Hopetoun",
"570d30fdfed7b91900d45ce6": "Hopetoun",
"570d30fdfed7b91900d45ce7": "48.8 \u00b0C (119.8 \u00b0F) was recorded in Hopetoun on 7 February 2009",
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