{ |
"_name_or_path": "google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k", |
"architectures": [ |
"ViTForImageClassification" |
], |
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.0, |
"encoder_stride": 16, |
"hidden_act": "gelu", |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.0, |
"hidden_size": 768, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "haru urara", |
"1": "rice shower", |
"10": "copano rickey", |
"100": "seeking the pearl", |
"101": "berno light", |
"102": "buena vista", |
"103": "queen beret", |
"104": "beauty again", |
"105": "sun visor", |
"106": "satono crown", |
"107": "little trattoria", |
"11": "hishi amazon", |
"12": "agnes tachyon", |
"13": "seiun sky", |
"14": "silence suzuka", |
"15": "zenno rob roy", |
"16": "agnes digital", |
"17": "king halo", |
"18": "mayano top gun", |
"19": "orfevre", |
"2": "grass wonder", |
"20": "gold ship", |
"21": "twin turbo", |
"22": "eishin flash", |
"23": "mejiro dober", |
"24": "tamamo cross", |
"25": "meisho doto", |
"26": "admire vega", |
"27": "curren chan", |
"28": "nishino flower", |
"29": "yukino bijin", |
"3": "hishi akebono", |
"30": "special week", |
"31": "air groove", |
"32": "super creek", |
"33": "mr. c.b.", |
"34": "air shakur", |
"35": "matikanefukukitaru", |
"36": "tokai teio", |
"37": "sweep tosho", |
"38": "maruzensky", |
"39": "aston machan", |
"4": "daiwa scarlet", |
"40": "mejiro ardan", |
"41": "smart falcon", |
"42": "matikane tannhauser", |
"43": "el condor pasa", |
"44": "k.s.miracle", |
"45": "sirius symboli", |
"46": "kitasan black", |
"47": "gold city", |
"48": "mihono bourbon", |
"49": "wonder acute", |
"5": "nice nature", |
"50": "fuji kiseki", |
"51": "vodka", |
"52": "nakayama festa", |
"53": "narita brian", |
"54": "oguri cap", |
"55": "narita top road", |
"56": "tosen jordan", |
"57": "taiki shuttle", |
"58": "fine motion", |
"59": "biwa hayahide", |
"6": "symboli rudolf", |
"60": "yamanin zephyr", |
"61": "narita taishin", |
"62": "marvelous sunday", |
"63": "mejiro palmer", |
"64": "daring tact", |
"65": "deep impact", |
"66": "mejiro bright", |
"67": "sakura chiyono o", |
"68": "bitter glasse", |
"69": "mejiro ryan", |
"7": "satono diamond", |
"70": "akikawa yayoi", |
"71": "t.m. opera o", |
"72": "mejiro ramonu", |
"73": "daiichi ruby", |
"74": "ines fujin", |
"75": "yaeno muteki", |
"76": "shinko windy", |
"77": "tanino gimlet", |
"78": "ikuno dictus", |
"79": "symboli kris s", |
"8": "manhattan cafe", |
"80": "daitaku helios", |
"81": "bamboo memory", |
"82": "little cocon", |
"83": "sakura bakushin o", |
"84": "kin'iro ryotei", |
"85": "cheval grand", |
"86": "hokko tarumae", |
"87": "kawakami princess", |
"88": "winning ticket", |
"89": "light hello", |
"9": "mejiro mcqueen", |
"90": "happy meek", |
"91": "sakura laurel", |
"92": "inari one", |
"93": "trainer", |
"94": "biko pegasus", |
"95": "montjeu", |
"96": "broye", |
"97": "tsurumaru tsuyoshi", |
"98": "toni bianca", |
"99": "obey your master" |
}, |
"image_size": 224, |
"initializer_range": 0.02, |
"intermediate_size": 3072, |
"label2id": { |
"admire vega": "26", |
"agnes digital": "16", |
"agnes tachyon": "12", |
"air groove": "31", |
"air shakur": "34", |
"akikawa yayoi": "70", |
"aston machan": "39", |
"bamboo memory": "81", |
"beauty again": "104", |
"berno light": "101", |
"biko pegasus": "94", |
"bitter glasse": "68", |
"biwa hayahide": "59", |
"broye": "96", |
"buena vista": "102", |
"cheval grand": "85", |
"copano rickey": "10", |
"curren chan": "27", |
"daiichi ruby": "73", |
"daitaku helios": "80", |
"daiwa scarlet": "4", |
"daring tact": "64", |
"deep impact": "65", |
"eishin flash": "22", |
"el condor pasa": "43", |
"fine motion": "58", |
"fuji kiseki": "50", |
"gold city": "47", |
"gold ship": "20", |
"grass wonder": "2", |
"happy meek": "90", |
"haru urara": "0", |
"hishi akebono": "3", |
"hishi amazon": "11", |
"hokko tarumae": "86", |
"ikuno dictus": "78", |
"inari one": "92", |
"ines fujin": "74", |
"k.s.miracle": "44", |
"kawakami princess": "87", |
"kin'iro ryotei": "84", |
"king halo": "17", |
"kitasan black": "46", |
"light hello": "89", |
"little cocon": "82", |
"little trattoria": "107", |
"manhattan cafe": "8", |
"maruzensky": "38", |
"marvelous sunday": "62", |
"matikane tannhauser": "42", |
"matikanefukukitaru": "35", |
"mayano top gun": "18", |
"meisho doto": "25", |
"mejiro ardan": "40", |
"mejiro bright": "66", |
"mejiro dober": "23", |
"mejiro mcqueen": "9", |
"mejiro palmer": "63", |
"mejiro ramonu": "72", |
"mejiro ryan": "69", |
"mihono bourbon": "48", |
"montjeu": "95", |
"mr. c.b.": "33", |
"nakayama festa": "52", |
"narita brian": "53", |
"narita taishin": "61", |
"narita top road": "55", |
"nice nature": "5", |
"nishino flower": "28", |
"obey your master": "99", |
"oguri cap": "54", |
"orfevre": "19", |
"queen beret": "103", |
"rice shower": "1", |
"sakura bakushin o": "83", |
"sakura chiyono o": "67", |
"sakura laurel": "91", |
"satono crown": "106", |
"satono diamond": "7", |
"seeking the pearl": "100", |
"seiun sky": "13", |
"shinko windy": "76", |
"silence suzuka": "14", |
"sirius symboli": "45", |
"smart falcon": "41", |
"special week": "30", |
"sun visor": "105", |
"super creek": "32", |
"sweep tosho": "37", |
"symboli kris s": "79", |
"symboli rudolf": "6", |
"t.m. opera o": "71", |
"taiki shuttle": "57", |
"tamamo cross": "24", |
"tanino gimlet": "77", |
"tokai teio": "36", |
"toni bianca": "98", |
"tosen jordan": "56", |
"trainer": "93", |
"tsurumaru tsuyoshi": "97", |
"twin turbo": "21", |
"vodka": "51", |
"winning ticket": "88", |
"wonder acute": "49", |
"yaeno muteki": "75", |
"yamanin zephyr": "60", |
"yukino bijin": "29", |
"zenno rob roy": "15" |
}, |
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-12, |
"model_type": "vit", |
"num_attention_heads": 12, |
"num_channels": 3, |
"num_hidden_layers": 12, |
"patch_size": 16, |
"problem_type": "single_label_classification", |
"qkv_bias": true, |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"transformers_version": "4.20.1" |
} |