import os import requests import torch import torchvision.transforms as T from PIL import Image import torch.nn.functional as F # For softmax # Define device device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # Model and transformation setup def download_model_if_not_exists(url, model_path): """Download model from Hugging Face repository if it doesn't exist locally.""" if not os.path.exists(model_path): print("Model not found locally, downloading from Hugging Face...") response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: with open(model_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) print(f"Model downloaded and saved to {model_path}") else: print("Failed to download model. Please check the URL.") else: print("Model already exists locally.") def load_model(model_path): """Load model from the given path.""" model = torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) model.eval() # Set model to evaluation mode return model def preprocess_image(image_path): transform = T.Compose([ T.Resize((224, 224)), # Resize image to 224x224 T.ToTensor(), # Convert image to Tensor T.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) # Normalize ]) image ="RGB") # Open and convert image to RGB return transform(image).unsqueeze(0) # Add batch dimension def get_probabilities(logits): """Apply softmax to get probabilities.""" probabilities = F.softmax(logits, dim=1) percentages = probabilities * 100 return percentages def predict(image_path, model, class_names): """Make prediction using the trained model.""" image_tensor = preprocess_image(image_path).to(device) model.eval() with torch.inference_mode(): # Disable gradient calculations outputs = model(image_tensor) percentages = get_probabilities(outputs) _, predicted_class = torch.max(outputs, 1) # Get the index of the highest logit predicted_label = class_names[predicted_class.item()] return predicted_label, percentages # Define class names class_names = ['Heart', 'Oblong', 'Oval', 'Round', 'Square'] # Path to the model file model_path = r"model_85_nn_.pth" # Update this with the correct model path model_url = "" # Download the model only if it doesn't exist locally download_model_if_not_exists(model_url, model_path) # Load the model model = load_model(model_path) def main(image_path): """Run the prediction process.""" predicted_label, percentages = predict(image_path, model, class_names) result = {class_names[i]: percentages[0, i].item() for i in range(len(class_names))} sorted_result = dict(sorted(result.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)) print(sorted_result) # Call the function with the path to the image if __name__ == "__main__": image_path = "path_to_your_image.jpg" # Update this with your image path main(image_path)