Can't access website
I can't access the website properly because there' always an error when I click on the button to send an OTP code. Is there any fix?
@greg91 I just noticed this same problem, most likely due to the website mishandling email addresses that contain a plus sign (as mine does).
I was able to mildly hack the website URL to fix the issue without having to spin up a different email address though: here is how I did that.
The page with the "Send OTP" button had my email address as part of the URL, though none of the special characters (plus sign, at sign, periods, etc) were escaped.
That's trouble because an unescaped plus sign in particular gets interpreted as a space by most web servers.
So I replaced the plus sign in the URL with the string %2B (percent sign, two, bee) which most web servers will correctly decode as a plus sign.
After that the "Send OTP" button worked and I got signed up! ^_^
Nope, unfortunately still not working for me π
@moweduh Do you have a plus sign (+) in your email address as greg and I did? Or any other special characters or punctuation besides the standard at sign(@) and periods (.)?
Please do not actually share your full email address here, just the possible properties it might have that could mess up their problematically designed registration webpage.
Also, are you seeing the same symptom we did (get to "send an OTP code" button, but web page always displays an error when we press it) or are you encountering a different symptom (page not loading, cloudflare making users do the captcha dance, SSL error, etc)?