# Be in control with config.csv After you start up One Button Prompt for the first time, it will create a config.csv file in the /userfiles/ folder. In this file, you can not only set what to generate, but you can even set the randomness of certain parts of the generation process. To update the UI, you might need to restart WebUI. ### On resetting/restoring the file If you made a mistake, or wish to fully restore the config.csv file in the /userfiles/ folder, simply remove it. It will be recreated by One Button Prompt. ## Setting main generation options In the following part, you can set parts of subjects the generations on and off. Turning off all subjects within a group, turns the main group off. Example, if you don't want fictional characters or celebrities in the generation process, turn off subject_fictional and subject_nonfictional. # objects; subject_object;on subject_vehicle;on subject_food;on subject_space;on subject_building;on subject_flora;on # animals; subject_animal;on # humanoids; subject_manwoman;on subject_manwomanrelation;on subject_fictional;on subject_nonfictional;on subject_humanoid;on subject_job;on subject_firstnames;on # landscape; subject_landscape;on # concept; subject_event;on subject_concept;on subject_poemline;on subject_songline;on ## Other generation options These options apply to the default prompt generation mode only. Here you can set the random chance of something appearing in the prompt, or even turn things on and off. The config you see is the default config of One Button Prompt. You can overwrite these, so for example, if you always want a pose to be generated change __posechance;uncommon__ to __posechance;always__ You can use the following random chances, in order of increasing appearing chance: - always - common - normal - uncommon - rare - legendary - unique - extraordinary - novel - never # other main lists, in order of appearance; # setting the random chance, for normal generation; # these can be, in order of most appearing to least appearing; # always, common, normal, uncommon, rare, legendary, unique, extraordinary, novel, never; custominputprefixrepeats;2 custominputprefixchance;uncommon imagetypechance;normal imagetypequalitychance;rare # some prefixes that happen rarely; minilocationadditionchance;unique artmovementprefixchance;unique minivomitprefix1chance;rare minivomitprefix2chance;unique # shot size generation; shotsizechance;uncommon # subject specific stuff; subjectdescriptor1chance;common subjectdescriptor2chance;uncommon subjectbodytypechance;normal subjectculturechance;normal subjectconceptsuffixchance;unique # subjectlandscape specific stuff; subjectlandscapeinsideshotchance;unique subjectlandscapeaddonlocationchance;normal subjectlandscapeaddonlocationdescriptorchance;rare subjectlandscapeaddonlocationculturechance;rare # all additions; objectadditionsrepeats;2 objectadditionschance;uncommon humanadditionchance;rare overalladditionchance;extraordinary # humanoid other stuff; emojichance;legendary joboractivitychance;normal # things in the middle of the prompt; custominputmidrepeats;2 custominputmidchance;uncommon minivomitmidchance;unique # humanoid main stuff; outfitchance;normal posechance;uncommon hairchance;normal accessorychance;normal humanoidinsideshotchance;legendary humanoidbackgroundchance;uncommon # minilocation stuff; landscapeminilocationchance;uncommon generalminilocationchance;rare # general stuff add the end of the prompt; timperiodchance;normal focuschance;normal directionchance;normal moodchance;normal minivomitsuffixchance;unique artmovementchance;normal lightingchance;normal photoadditionchance;common lenschance;normal colorschemechance;normal vomit1chance;uncommon vomit2chance;uncommon greatworkchance;novel poemlinechance;novel songlinechance;novel quality1chance;uncommon quality2chance;uncommon # custom style list (lora and tis); customstyle1chance;uncommon customstyle2chance;uncommon # suffix custom list; custominputsuffixrepeats;2 custominputsuffixchance;uncommon # artists stuff; artistsatbackchance;uncommon