import sys, os import random import uuid import re from datetime import datetime import time sys.path.append(os.path.abspath("..")) from call_txt2img import * from call_img2img import * from build_dynamic_prompt import * from call_extras import * from model_lists import * def generateimages(amount = 1, size = "all",model = "currently selected model",samplingsteps = "40",cfg= "7",hiresfix = True,hiressteps ="0",denoisestrength="0.6",samplingmethod="DPM++ SDE Karras", upscaler="R-ESRGAN 4x+", hiresscale="2",apiurl="",qualitygate=False,quality="7.6",runs="5",insanitylevel="5",subject="all", artist="all", imagetype="all",silentmode=False, workprompt="", antistring="",prefixprompt="", suffixprompt="", negativeprompt="",promptcompounderlevel = "1", seperator="comma", img2imgbatch = "1", img2imgsamplingsteps = "20", img2imgcfg = "7", img2imgsamplingmethod = "DPM++ SDE Karras", img2imgupscaler = "R-ESRGAN 4x+", img2imgmodel = "currently selected model", img2imgactivate = False, img2imgscale = "2", img2imgpadding = "64",img2imgdenoisestrength="0.3",ultimatesdupscale=False,usdutilewidth = "512", usdutileheight = "0", usdumaskblur = "8", usduredraw ="Linear", usduSeamsfix = "None", usdusdenoise = "0.35", usduswidth = "64", usduspadding ="32", usdusmaskblur = "8",controlnetenabled=False, controlnetmodel="",img2imgdenoisestrengthmod="-0.05",enableextraupscale = False,controlnetblockymode = False,extrasupscaler1 = "all",extrasupscaler2 ="all",extrasupscaler2visiblity="0.5",extrasupscaler2gfpgan="0",extrasupscaler2codeformer="0.15",extrasupscaler2codeformerweight="0.1",extrasresize="2",onlyupscale="false",givensubject="",smartsubject=True,giventypeofimage="",imagemodechance=20, gender="all", chosensubjectsubtypeobject="all", chosensubjectsubtypehumanoid="all", chosensubjectsubtypeconcept="all", increasestability = False, qualityhiresfix = False, qualitymode = "highest", qualitykeep="keep used", basesize = "512", promptvariantinsanitylevel = 0, givenoutfit = "", autonegativeprompt = True, autonegativepromptstrength = 0, autonegativepromptenhance = False, base_model = "SD1.5", OBP_preset = "", amountoffluff = "none", promptenhancer = "none", presetprefix = "", presetsuffix = ""): loops = int(amount) # amount of images to generate steps = 0 upscalefilelist=[] originalimage = "" originalpnginfo ="" randomprompt = "" filename="" continuewithnextpart = True randomsubject = "" originalmodel = model originalsamplingmethod = samplingmethod originalnegativeprompt = negativeprompt originalimg2imgmodel = img2imgmodel originalimg2imgsamplingmethod = img2imgsamplingmethod originalimg2imgupscaler = img2imgupscaler originalupscaler = upscaler insanitylevel = int(insanitylevel) originalimg2imgdenoisestrength = img2imgdenoisestrength originalimg2imgpadding = img2imgpadding currentlyselectedmodel = "" modellist=get_models() samplerlist=get_samplers() upscalerlist=get_upscalers() img2imgupscalerlist=get_upscalers_for_img2img() img2imgsamplerlist=get_samplers_for_img2img() tempmodel = "v1-5-pruned-emaonly.safetensors [6ce0161689]" optionsresponse = requests.get(url=f'{apiurl}/sdapi/v1/options') optionsresponsejson = optionsresponse.json() currentlyselectedmodelhash = optionsresponsejson["sd_checkpoint_hash"] sdmodelsrespone = requests.get(url=f'{apiurl}/sdapi/v1/sd-models') sdmodelsresponsejson = sdmodelsrespone.json() for item in sdmodelsresponsejson: if(item['sha256'] == currentlyselectedmodelhash): currentlyselectedmodel = item['title'] break # Print the 'title' if found if currentlyselectedmodel != "": print("current selected model is:") print(currentlyselectedmodel) else: print("Cannot find current model.") currentlyselectedmodel = tempmodel while(currentlyselectedmodel == tempmodel or tempmodel not in modellist): tempmodel = random.choice(modellist) if(onlyupscale==True): script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # Script directory inputupscalemefolder = os.path.join(script_dir, "./automated_outputs/upscale_me/" ) for upscalefilename in os.listdir(inputupscalemefolder): f = os.path.join(inputupscalemefolder, upscalefilename) # checking if it is a file if os.path.isfile(f): if(f[-3:]!="txt"): upscalefilelist.append(f) loops = len(upscalefilelist) if(loops==0): print('No files to upscale found! Please place images in //upscale_me// folder') else: print("") print("Found and upscaling files") print("") if(ultimatesdupscale==False): upscalescript="SD upscale" else: upscalescript="Ultimate SD upscale" while steps < loops: # load the base model as a workaround if(steps > 0 and increasestability == True): print("") print("Increase Stability has been turned on.") print("To prevent a memory issue, we are going to unload and then load the checkpoint back in.") print("This helps with a memory leak issue. However A1111 is bad with memory management.") print("") response ='{apiurl}/sdapi/v1/unload-checkpoint') print("model unloaded") response ='{apiurl}/sdapi/v1/reload-checkpoint') print("model reloaded") # build prompt if(silentmode==True and workprompt == ""): print("Trying to use provided workflow prompt, but is empty. Generating a random prompt instead.") if(onlyupscale==False): # only do txt2img when onlyupscale is False if(silentmode==True and workprompt != ""): randomprompt = createpromptvariant(workprompt, promptvariantinsanitylevel) print("Using provided workflow prompt") print(randomprompt) else: randompromptlist = build_dynamic_prompt(insanitylevel,subject,artist,imagetype, False,antistring,prefixprompt,suffixprompt,promptcompounderlevel, seperator,givensubject,smartsubject,giventypeofimage,imagemodechance, gender, chosensubjectsubtypeobject, chosensubjectsubtypehumanoid, chosensubjectsubtypeconcept,True,False,-1,givenoutfit, prompt_g_and_l=True, base_model=base_model, OBP_preset=OBP_preset, prompt_enhancer=promptenhancer, preset_prefix=presetprefix, preset_suffix=presetsuffix) randomprompt = randompromptlist[0] randomsubject = randompromptlist[1] if(autonegativeprompt): negativeprompt = build_dynamic_negative(positive_prompt=randomprompt, insanitylevel=autonegativepromptstrength,enhance=autonegativepromptenhance, existing_negative_prompt=originalnegativeprompt, base_model=base_model) randomprompt = flufferizer(prompt=randomprompt, amountoffluff=amountoffluff) if(randomsubject == ""): # make the filename, from from a to the first comma # find the index of the first comma after "of a" or end of the prompt if(randomprompt.find("of a ") != -1): start_index = randomprompt.find("of a ") + len("of a ") end_index = randomprompt.find(",", start_index) if(end_index == -1): end_index=len(randomprompt) else: start_index = 0 end_index = 128 # extract the desired substring using slicing filename = randomprompt[start_index:end_index] else: filename = randomsubject[0:128] # Fix for too long filenames # cleanup some unsafe things in the filename filename = filename.replace("\"", "") filename = filename.replace("[", "") filename = filename.replace("|", "") filename = filename.replace("]", "") filename = filename.replace("<", "") filename = filename.replace(">", "") filename = filename.replace(":", "_") filename = filename.replace(".", "") filename = re.sub(r'[0-9]+', '', filename) safe_characters = set("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_.") # Use regular expression to filter out any characters not in the whitelist filename = re.sub(r"[^{}]+".format(re.escape(''.join(safe_characters))), '', filename) if(filename==""): filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) # create a datetime object for the current date and time now = filenamecomplete = now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + "_" + filename.replace(" ", "_").strip() #Check if there is any random value we have to choose or not if(originalmodel=="all"): model = random.choice(modellist) #lets not do inpainting models while "inpaint" in model: model = random.choice(modellist) print("Going to run with model " + model) if(originalmodel=="currently selected model"): model = currentlyselectedmodel # set the model here #if(originalmodel!="currently selected model"): option_payload = { "sd_model_checkpoint": model } response ='{apiurl}/sdapi/v1/options', json=option_payload) if(originalsamplingmethod=="all"): samplingmethod = random.choice(samplerlist) print ("Going to run with sampling method " + samplingmethod) if(originalupscaler=="all" and hiresfix == True): upscaler = random.choice(upscalerlist) print ("Going to run with upscaler " + upscaler) # WebUI fix for PLMS and UniPC and hiresfix if(samplingmethod in ['PLMS', 'UniPC']): # PLMS/UniPC do not support hirefix so we just silently switch to DDIM samplingmethod = 'DDIM' txt2img = call_txt2img(randomprompt, size ,hiresfix, 0, filenamecomplete,model ,samplingsteps,cfg, hiressteps, denoisestrength,samplingmethod, upscaler,hiresscale,apiurl,qualitygate,quality,runs,negativeprompt, qualityhiresfix, qualitymode, qualitykeep, basesize) originalimage = txt2img[0] #Set this for later use originalpnginfo = txt2img[1] #Sort of hacky way of bringing this forward. But if it works, it works continuewithnextpart = txt2img[2] image = txt2img[0] else: if(filename==""): filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) # create a datetime object for the current date and time now = filenamecomplete = now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + "_" + filename.replace(" ", "_").strip() image = upscalefilelist[steps] # else we get the image from the upscale file list originalimage = image # this is also the original image file # upscale via img2img img2imgloops = int(img2imgbatch) if(img2imgactivate == False or continuewithnextpart == False): # If we dont want to run, turn it off img2imgloops = 0 else: #Check if there is any random value we have to choose or not if(originalimg2imgmodel=="all"): img2imgmodel = random.choice(modellist) #lets not do inpainting models while "inpaint" in model: img2imgmodel = random.choice(modellist) print("Going to upscale with model " + img2imgmodel) if(originalimg2imgmodel=="currently selected model"): img2imgmodel = currentlyselectedmodel # set the model here #if(originalimg2imgmodel!="currently selected model"): option_payload = { "sd_model_checkpoint": img2imgmodel } response ='{apiurl}/sdapi/v1/options', json=option_payload) if(originalimg2imgsamplingmethod=="all"): img2imgsamplingmethod = random.choice(img2imgsamplerlist) print ("Going to upscale with sampling method " + img2imgsamplingmethod) if(originalimg2imgupscaler=="all"): img2imgupscaler = random.choice(img2imgupscalerlist) print ("Going to run with upscaler " + img2imgupscaler) # WebUI fix for PLMS and UniPC and img2img if(img2imgsamplingmethod in ['PLMS', 'UniPC']): # PLMS/UniPC do not support img2img so we just silently switch to DDIM img2imgsamplingmethod = 'DDIM' img2imgsteps = 0 # start the batching! img2imgdenoisestrength = originalimg2imgdenoisestrength img2imgpadding = originalimg2imgpadding while img2imgsteps < img2imgloops: #filenamecomplete = originalfilenamecomplete + "_" + str(img2imgsteps) #print(filenamecomplete) img2img = call_img2img(image, originalimage, originalpnginfo, apiurl, filenamecomplete, randomprompt,negativeprompt,img2imgsamplingsteps, img2imgcfg, img2imgsamplingmethod, img2imgupscaler, img2imgmodel, img2imgdenoisestrength, img2imgscale, img2imgpadding,upscalescript,usdutilewidth, usdutileheight, usdumaskblur, usduredraw, usduSeamsfix, usdusdenoise, usduswidth, usduspadding, usdusmaskblur,controlnetenabled, controlnetmodel,controlnetblockymode) image = img2img[0] if(originalpnginfo==""): originalpnginfo = img2img[1] img2imgdenoisestrength = str(round(float(img2imgdenoisestrength) + float(img2imgdenoisestrengthmod),2)) # lower or increase the denoise strength for each batch img2imgpadding = str(int(int(img2imgpadding) * float(img2imgscale))) # also increase padding by scale if(int(img2imgpadding)>256): # but not overdo it :D img2imgpadding="256" # Sometimes, we are too quick to do another call, causing memory issues. So we wait a bit to let the system settle done a bit. # Its stupid but it works. Sometimes.... time.sleep(5) img2imgsteps += 1 # upscale via extras upscaler next if(enableextraupscale==True and continuewithnextpart == True): if(extrasupscaler1=="all"): extrasupscaler1 = random.choice(img2imgupscalerlist) print ("Going to upscale with upscaler 1 " + extrasupscaler1) if(extrasupscaler2=="all"): extrasupscaler2 = random.choice(img2imgupscalerlist) print ("Going to upscale with upscaler 2 " + extrasupscaler2) image = call_extras(image, originalimage, originalpnginfo, apiurl, filenamecomplete,extrasupscaler1,extrasupscaler2 ,extrasupscaler2visiblity,extrasupscaler2gfpgan,extrasupscaler2codeformer,extrasupscaler2codeformerweight,extrasresize) if(continuewithnextpart == True): # only count images we actually fully processed steps += 1 print("") print("All done!") def tryinterrupt(apiurl=""): response ='{apiurl}/sdapi/v1/interrupt')