import random import re if __package__ is None or __package__ == '': # A1111 style (standalone script or direct module execution) # Use absolute imports for compatibility with A1111 WebUI environment from csv_reader import * from random_functions import * from one_button_presets import OneButtonPresets from superprompter.superprompter import * else: # ComfyUI style (imported as a package) # Use relative imports for proper integration with ComfyUI from .csv_reader import * from .random_functions import * from .one_button_presets import OneButtonPresets from .superprompter.superprompter import * OBPresets = OneButtonPresets() #builds a prompt dynamically # insanity level controls randomness of propmt 0-10 # forcesubject van be used to force a certain type of subject # Set artistmode to none, to exclude artists def build_dynamic_prompt(insanitylevel = 5, forcesubject = "all", artists = "all", imagetype = "all", onlyartists = False, antivalues = "", prefixprompt = "", suffixprompt ="",promptcompounderlevel ="1", seperator = "comma", givensubject="",smartsubject = True,giventypeofimage="", imagemodechance = 20, gender = "all", subtypeobject="all", subtypehumanoid="all", subtypeconcept="all", advancedprompting=True, hardturnoffemojis=False, seed=-1, overrideoutfit="", prompt_g_and_l = False, base_model = "SD1.5", OBP_preset = "", prompt_enhancer = "none", subtypeanimal="all", subtypelocation="all", preset_prefix = "", preset_suffix = ""): remove_weights = False less_verbose = False add_vomit = True add_quality = True anime_mode = False configfilesuffix = "" if(forcesubject == "------ all"): forcesubject = "all" superprompter = False prompt_enhancer = prompt_enhancer.lower() if(prompt_enhancer == "superprompter" or prompt_enhancer == "superprompt" or prompt_enhancer == "superprompt-v1" or prompt_enhancer == "hyperprompt"): superprompter = True if(superprompter==True): base_model = "Stable Cascade" # new method of subject choosing from the interface, lets translate this: subjectlist = translate_main_subject(forcesubject) forcesubject = subjectlist[0] # ugly but it works :D Keeps both methods working while the UI changes. if(subtypeobject != "all" or subtypeobject != ""): subtypeobject = subjectlist[1] if(subtypeanimal != "all" or subtypeanimal != ""): subtypeanimal = subjectlist[1] if(subtypelocation != "all" or subtypelocation != ""): subtypelocation = subjectlist[1] if(subtypehumanoid != "all" or subtypehumanoid != ""): subtypehumanoid = subjectlist[1] if(subtypeconcept != "all" or subtypeconcept != ""): subtypeconcept = subjectlist[1] # set seed # For use in ComfyUI (might bring to Automatic1111 as well) # lets do it when its larger than 0 # Otherwise, just do nothing and it will keep on working based on an earlier set seed if(seed > 0): random.seed(seed) originalinsanitylevel = insanitylevel if(advancedprompting != False and random.randint(0,max(0, insanitylevel - 2)) <= 0): advancedprompting == False original_OBP_preset = OBP_preset if(OBP_preset == OBPresets.RANDOM_PRESET_OBP): obp_options = OBPresets.load_obp_presets() random_preset = random.choice(list(obp_options.keys())) print("Engaging randomized presets, locking on to: " + random_preset) selected_opb_preset = OBPresets.get_obp_preset(random_preset) insanitylevel = selected_opb_preset["insanitylevel"] forcesubject = selected_opb_preset["subject"] artists = selected_opb_preset["artist"] subtypeobject = selected_opb_preset["chosensubjectsubtypeobject"] subtypehumanoid = selected_opb_preset["chosensubjectsubtypehumanoid"] subtypeconcept = selected_opb_preset["chosensubjectsubtypeconcept"] gender = selected_opb_preset["chosengender"] imagetype = selected_opb_preset["imagetype"] imagemodechance = selected_opb_preset["imagemodechance"] givensubject = selected_opb_preset["givensubject"] smartsubject = selected_opb_preset["smartsubject"] overrideoutfit = selected_opb_preset["givenoutfit"] prefixprompt = selected_opb_preset["prefixprompt"] suffixprompt = selected_opb_preset["suffixprompt"] giventypeofimage = selected_opb_preset["giventypeofimage"] antistring = selected_opb_preset["antistring"] # api support tricks for OBP presets OBP_preset = "" if(OBP_preset != "" and OBP_preset != 'Custom...'): selected_opb_preset = OBPresets.get_obp_preset(OBP_preset) insanitylevel = selected_opb_preset["insanitylevel"] forcesubject = selected_opb_preset["subject"] artists = selected_opb_preset["artist"] subtypeobject = selected_opb_preset["chosensubjectsubtypeobject"] subtypehumanoid = selected_opb_preset["chosensubjectsubtypehumanoid"] subtypeconcept = selected_opb_preset["chosensubjectsubtypeconcept"] gender = selected_opb_preset["chosengender"] imagetype = selected_opb_preset["imagetype"] imagemodechance = selected_opb_preset["imagemodechance"] givensubject = selected_opb_preset["givensubject"] smartsubject = selected_opb_preset["smartsubject"] overrideoutfit = selected_opb_preset["givenoutfit"] prefixprompt = selected_opb_preset["prefixprompt"] suffixprompt = selected_opb_preset["suffixprompt"] giventypeofimage = selected_opb_preset["giventypeofimage"] antistring = selected_opb_preset["antistring"] prefixprompt = preset_prefix + ", " + prefixprompt suffixprompt = suffixprompt + ", " + preset_suffix # new method of subject choosing from the interface, lets translate this: # really hacky way of doing this now. if("-" in forcesubject): subjectlist = translate_main_subject(forcesubject) forcesubject = subjectlist[0] # ugly but it works :D Keeps both methods working while the UI changes. if(subtypeobject != "all" or subtypeobject != ""): subtypeobject = subjectlist[1] if(subtypeanimal != "all" or subtypeanimal != ""): subtypeanimal = subjectlist[1] if(subtypelocation != "all" or subtypelocation != ""): subtypelocation = subjectlist[1] if(subtypehumanoid != "all" or subtypehumanoid != ""): subtypehumanoid = subjectlist[1] if(subtypeconcept != "all" or subtypeconcept != ""): subtypeconcept = subjectlist[1] originalartistchoice = artists doartistnormal = True outfitmode = 0 animalashuman = False partlystylemode = False # cheat for presets if(OBP_preset=='Waifu''s' or OBP_preset=='Husbando''s'): basemodel = "Anime Model" # Base model options, used to change things in prompt generation. Might be able to extend to different forms like animatediff as well? base_model_options = ["SD1.5", "SDXL", "Stable Cascade", "Anime Model"] if base_model not in base_model_options: base_model = "SD1.5" # Just in case there is no option here. # "SD1.5" -- Standard, future: More original style prompting # "SDXL" -- Standard (for now), future: More natural language # "Stable Cascade" -- Remove weights if(base_model == "Stable Cascade"): remove_weights = True add_vomit = False add_quality = False if(base_model == "SD1.5"): less_verbose = True if(base_model == "Anime Model"): less_verbose = True advancedprompting = False anime_mode = True configfilesuffix = "anime" # Hard overwrite some stuff because people dont config this themselves if((anime_mode or imagetype == "all - anime") and (artists == "all" or normal_dist(insanitylevel))): artists = "none" # load the config file config = load_config_csv(configfilesuffix) # first build up a complete anti list. Those values are removing during list building # this uses the antivalues string AND the antilist.csv emptylist = [] antilist = csv_to_list("antilist",emptylist , "./userfiles/",1) antivaluelist = antivalues.split(",") antilist += antivaluelist # clean up antivalue list: antilist = [s.strip().lower() for s in antilist] # Some tricks for gender to make sure we can choose Him/Her/It etc on the right time. if(gender=="all"): genderchoicelist = ["male", "female"] gender = random.choice(genderchoicelist) heshelist = ["it"] hisherlist = ["its"] himherlist = ["it"] # we also need to oppositegender for some fun! oppositegender = "male" if(gender=="male"): oppositegender = "female" # build all lists here colorlist = csv_to_list("colors",antilist) animallist = csv_to_list("animals",antilist) materiallist = csv_to_list("materials",antilist) objectlist = csv_to_list("objects",antilist) fictionallist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="fictional characters",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) nonfictionallist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="nonfictional characters",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) oppositefictionallist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="fictional characters",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=oppositegender) oppositenonfictionallist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="nonfictional characters",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=oppositegender) conceptsuffixlist = csv_to_list("concept_suffix",antilist) buildinglist = csv_to_list("buildings",antilist) vehiclelist = csv_to_list("vehicles",antilist) outfitlist = csv_to_list("outfits",antilist) locationlist = csv_to_list("locations",antilist) backgroundlist = csv_to_list("backgrounds",antilist) accessorielist = csv_to_list("accessories",antilist,"./csvfiles/",0,"?",False,False,gender) artmovementlist = csv_to_list("artmovements",antilist) bodytypelist = csv_to_list("body_types",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) cameralist = csv_to_list("cameras",antilist) colorschemelist = csv_to_list("colorscheme",antilist) conceptprefixlist = csv_to_list("concept_prefix",antilist) culturelist = csv_to_list("cultures",antilist) descriptorlist = csv_to_list("descriptors",antilist) devmessagelist = csv_to_list("devmessages",antilist) directionlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="directions",antilist=antilist,insanitylevel=insanitylevel) emojilist = csv_to_list("emojis",antilist) eventlist = csv_to_list("events",antilist) focuslist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="focus",antilist=antilist, insanitylevel=insanitylevel) greatworklist = csv_to_list("greatworks",antilist) haircolorlist = csv_to_list("haircolors",antilist) hairstylelist = csv_to_list("hairstyles",antilist) hairvomitlist = csv_to_list("hairvomit",antilist,"./csvfiles/",0,"?",False,False) humanoidlist = csv_to_list("humanoids",antilist) if(anime_mode or imagetype=="all - anime"): if(imagetype == "all"): imagetype = "all - anime" imagetypelist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="imagetypes_anime",antilist=antilist, insanitylevel=insanitylevel, delimiter="?") else: imagetypelist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="imagetypes",antilist=antilist, insanitylevel=insanitylevel, delimiter="?") joblist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="jobs",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) lenslist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="lenses",antilist=antilist, insanitylevel=insanitylevel) lightinglist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="lighting",antilist=antilist, insanitylevel=insanitylevel) malefemalelist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="malefemale",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) manwomanlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="manwoman",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) moodlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="moods",antilist=antilist, insanitylevel=insanitylevel) othertypelist = csv_to_list("othertypes",antilist) poselist = csv_to_list("poses",antilist) qualitylist = csv_to_list("quality",antilist) shotsizelist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="shotsizes",antilist=antilist, insanitylevel=insanitylevel) timeperiodlist = csv_to_list("timeperiods",antilist) vomitlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="vomit",antilist=antilist, insanitylevel=insanitylevel) if(anime_mode): replacements = { "-allstylessuffix-": "-buildfacepart-", "-artistdescription-": "-buildfacepart-" } for i, item in enumerate(vomitlist): for old, new in replacements.items(): item = item.replace(old, new) vomitlist[i] = item foodlist = csv_to_list("foods", antilist) genderdescriptionlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="genderdescription",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) minilocationlist = csv_to_list("minilocations", antilist) minioutfitlist = csv_to_list("minioutfits",antilist,"./csvfiles/",0,"?",False,False,gender) seasonlist = csv_to_list("seasons", antilist) elaborateoutfitlist = csv_to_list("elaborateoutfits", antilist) minivomitlist = csv_to_list("minivomit", antilist) imagetypequalitylist = csv_to_list("imagetypequality", antilist) rpgclasslist = csv_to_list("rpgclasses", antilist) brandlist = csv_to_list("brands", antilist) spacelist = csv_to_list("space", antilist) poemlinelist = csv_to_list("poemlines", antilist) songlinelist = csv_to_list("songlines", antilist) musicgenrelist = csv_to_list("musicgenres", antilist) manwomanrelationlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="manwomanrelations",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) manwomanmultiplelist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="manwomanmultiples",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender,delimiter="?") waterlocationlist = csv_to_list("waterlocations", antilist) containerlist = csv_to_list("containers", antilist) firstnamelist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="firstnames",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) floralist = csv_to_list("flora", antilist) printlist = csv_to_list("prints", antilist) patternlist = csv_to_list("patterns", antilist) chairlist = csv_to_list("chairs", antilist) cardnamelist = csv_to_list("card_names", antilist) coveringlist = csv_to_list("coverings", antilist) facepartlist = csv_to_list("faceparts", antilist) outfitvomitlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="outfitvomit",antilist=antilist,delimiter="?") humanvomitlist = csv_to_list("humanvomit", antilist) eyecolorlist = csv_to_list("eyecolors", antilist) fashiondesignerlist = csv_to_list("fashiondesigners", antilist) colorcombinationlist = csv_to_list("colorcombinations", antilist) materialcombinationlist = csv_to_list("materialcombinations", antilist) agelist = csv_to_list("ages", antilist) agecalculatorlist = csv_to_list("agecalculator", antilist) elementlist = csv_to_list("elements", antilist) settinglist = csv_to_list("settings", antilist) charactertypelist = csv_to_list("charactertypes", antilist) objectstoholdlist = csv_to_list("objectstohold", antilist) episodetitlelist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="episodetitles",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True) flufferlist = csv_to_list("fluff", antilist) tokenlist = [] # New set of lists locationfantasylist = csv_to_list("locationsfantasy", antilist) locationscifilist = csv_to_list("locationsscifi", antilist) locationvideogamelist = csv_to_list("locationsvideogame", antilist) locationbiomelist = csv_to_list("locationsbiome", antilist) locationcitylist = csv_to_list("locationscities", antilist) birdlist = csv_to_list("birds", antilist) catlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="cats", antilist=antilist,delimiter="?") doglist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="dogs", antilist=antilist,delimiter="?") insectlist = csv_to_list("insects", antilist) pokemonlist = csv_to_list("pokemon", antilist) pokemontypelist = csv_to_list("pokemontypes", antilist) occultlist = csv_to_list("occult", antilist) marinelifelist = csv_to_list("marinelife", antilist) # additional descriptor lists outfitdescriptorlist = csv_to_list("outfitdescriptors",antilist) hairdescriptorlist = csv_to_list("hairdescriptors",antilist) humandescriptorlist = csv_to_list("humandescriptors",antilist) locationdescriptorlist = csv_to_list("locationdescriptors",antilist) basicbitchdescriptorlist = csv_to_list("basicbitchdescriptors",antilist) animaldescriptorlist = csv_to_list("animaldescriptors",antilist) # descriptorlist becomes one with everything descriptortotallist = descriptorlist + outfitdescriptorlist + hairdescriptorlist + humandescriptorlist + locationdescriptorlist + basicbitchdescriptorlist + animaldescriptorlist # Deduplicate the list while preserving casings descriptorlist = [] seen_items = set() for item in descriptortotallist: # Convert the item to lowercase to ignore casing item_lower = item.lower() if item_lower not in seen_items: seen_items.add(item_lower) descriptorlist.append(item) humanlist = fictionallist + nonfictionallist + humanoidlist objecttotallist = objectlist + buildinglist + vehiclelist + foodlist + spacelist + floralist + containerlist + occultlist outfitprinttotallist = objecttotallist + locationlist + colorlist + musicgenrelist + seasonlist + animallist + patternlist if(less_verbose): humanactivitycheatinglist = ["-miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)", "-miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)", "-miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)", "-miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)", "-miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)", "-miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)", "-miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)"] else: humanactivitycheatinglist = ["OR(;, -heshe- is;uncommon) -miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)", "OR(;, -heshe- is;uncommon) -miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)", "OR(;, -heshe- is;uncommon) -miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)", "OR(;, -heshe- is;uncommon) -miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)", "OR(;, -heshe- is;uncommon) -miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)", "OR(;, -heshe- is;uncommon) -miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)", "OR(;, -heshe- is;uncommon) -miniactivity- OR(in;at) a OR(-location-;-building-;-waterlocation-)"] # build artists list if artists == "wild": artists = "all (wild)" # we want to create more cohorence, so we are adding all (wild) mode for the old logic # all else will be more constrained per type, to produce better images. # the popular artists will be used more the lower the insanitylevel is # Future: add in personal artists lists as well # lets maybe go wild "sometimes", based on insanitylevel if(artists == "all" and rare_dist(insanitylevel)): artists = "all (wild)" originalartistchoice = artists artisttypes = ["popular", "3D", "abstract", "angular", "anime" ,"architecture", "art nouveau", "art deco", "baroque", "bauhaus", "cartoon", "character", "children's illustration", "cityscape", "cinema", "clean", "cloudscape", "collage", "colorful", "comics", "cubism", "dark", "detailed", "digital", "expressionism", "fantasy", "fashion", "fauvism", "figurativism", "graffiti", "graphic design", "high contrast", "horror", "impressionism", "installation", "landscape", "light", "line drawing", "low contrast", "luminism", "magical realism", "manga", "melanin", "messy", "monochromatic", "nature", "photography", "pop art", "portrait", "primitivism", "psychedelic", "realism", "renaissance", "romanticism", "scene", "sci-fi", "sculpture", "seascape", "space", "stained glass", "still life", "storybook realism", "street art", "streetscape", "surrealism", "symbolism", "textile", "ukiyo-e", "vibrant", "watercolor", "whimsical"] artiststyleselector = "" artiststyleselectormode = "normal" if(artists == "all" and normal_dist(insanitylevel + 1)): artiststyleselector = random.choice(artisttypes) artists = artiststyleselector elif(artists == "all"): artiststyleselectormode = "custom" # then else maybe do nothing?? if(random.randint(0,6) == 0 and onlyartists == False): generateartist = False # go popular! Or even worse, we go full greg mode! elif(common_dist(max(3,insanitylevel))): artists = "popular" elif(random.randint(0,1) == 0): # only on lower instanity levels anyway if(insanitylevel < 6): #too much greg mode! artists = "greg mode" else: artists = "popular" else: artists = "none" else: artiststyleselectormode = "custom" artistlist = [] # create artist list to use in the code, maybe based on category or personal lists if(artists != "all (wild)" and artists != "all" and artists != "none" and artists.startswith("personal_artists") == False and artists.startswith("personal artists") == False and artists in artisttypes): artistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category",artists) elif(artists.startswith("personal_artists") == True or artists.startswith("personal artists") == True): artists = artists.replace(" ","_",-1) # add underscores back in artistlist = csv_to_list(artists,antilist,"./userfiles/") elif(artists != "none"): artistlist = csv_to_list("artists",antilist) # create special artists lists, used in templates fantasyartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","fantasy") popularartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","popular") romanticismartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","romanticism") photographyartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","photography") portraitartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","portrait") characterartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","character") landscapeartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","landscape") scifiartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","sci-fi") graphicdesignartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","graphic design") digitalartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","digital") architectartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","architecture") cinemaartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","cinema") gregmodelist = csv_to_list("gregmode", antilist) # add any other custom lists stylestiloralist = csv_to_list("styles_ti_lora",antilist,"./userfiles/") generatestyle = bool(stylestiloralist) # True of not empty custominputprefixlist = csv_to_list("custom_input_prefix",antilist,"./userfiles/") generatecustominputprefix = bool(custominputprefixlist) # True of not empty custominputmidlist = csv_to_list("custom_input_mid",antilist,"./userfiles/") generatecustominputmid = bool(custominputmidlist) # True of not empty custominputsuffixlist = csv_to_list("custom_input_suffix",antilist,"./userfiles/") generatecustominputsuffix = bool(custominputsuffixlist) # True of not empty customsubjectslist = csv_to_list("custom_subjects",antilist,"./userfiles/") customoutfitslist = csv_to_list("custom_outfits",antilist,"./userfiles/") # special lists backgroundtypelist = csv_to_list("backgroundtypes", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") insideshotlist = csv_to_list("insideshots", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") photoadditionlist = csv_to_list("photoadditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") if(less_verbose): buildhairlist = csv_to_list("buildhair_less_verbose", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") buildoutfitlist = csv_to_list("buildoutfit_less_verbose", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") humanadditionlist = csv_to_list("humanadditions_less_verbose", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") objectadditionslist = csv_to_list("objectadditions_less_verbose", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") buildfacelist = csv_to_list("buildface_less_verbose", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") buildaccessorielist = csv_to_list("buildaccessorie_less_verbose", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") humanactivitylist = csv_to_list("human_activities_less_verbose",antilist,"./csvfiles/",0,"?",False,False) humanexpressionlist = csv_to_list("humanexpressions_less_verbose",antilist,"./csvfiles/",0,"?",False,False) else: buildhairlist = csv_to_list("buildhair", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") buildoutfitlist = csv_to_list("buildoutfit", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") humanadditionlist = csv_to_list("humanadditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") objectadditionslist = csv_to_list("objectadditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") buildfacelist = csv_to_list("buildface", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") buildaccessorielist = csv_to_list("buildaccessorie", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") humanactivitylist = csv_to_list("human_activities",antilist,"./csvfiles/",0,"?",False,False) humanexpressionlist = csv_to_list("humanexpressions",antilist,"./csvfiles/",0,"?",False,False) humanactivitylist = humanactivitylist + humanactivitycheatinglist animaladditionlist = csv_to_list("animaladditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") minilocationadditionslist = csv_to_list("minilocationadditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") overalladditionlist = csv_to_list("overalladditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") imagetypemodelist = csv_to_list("imagetypemodes", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") miniactivitylist = csv_to_list("miniactivity", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") animalsuffixadditionlist = csv_to_list("animalsuffixadditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") buildfacepartlist = csv_to_list("buildfaceparts", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") conceptmixerlist = csv_to_list("conceptmixer", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") tokinatorlist = csv_to_list("tokinator", antilist,"./csvfiles/templates/",0,"?") styleslist = csv_to_list("styles", antilist,"./csvfiles/templates/",0,"?") stylessuffix = [item.split('-subject-')[1] for item in styleslist] breakstylessuffix = [item.split(',') for item in stylessuffix] allstylessuffixlist = [value for sublist in breakstylessuffix for value in sublist] allstylessuffixlist = list(set(allstylessuffixlist)) artistsuffix = artist_descriptions_csv_to_list("artists_and_category") breakartiststylessuffix = [item.split(',') for item in artistsuffix] artiststylessuffixlist = [value for sublist in breakartiststylessuffix for value in sublist] artiststylessuffixlist = list(set(artiststylessuffixlist)) allstylessuffixlist += artiststylessuffixlist dynamictemplatesprefixlist = csv_to_list("dynamic_templates_prefix", antilist,"./csvfiles/templates/",0,"?") dynamictemplatessuffixlist = csv_to_list("dynamic_templates_suffix", antilist,"./csvfiles/templates/",0,"?") # subjects mainchooserlist = [] objectwildcardlist = [] locationwildcardlist = [] animalwildcardlist = [] hybridlist = [] hybridhumanlist = [] humanoidsubjectchooserlist = [] eventsubjectchooserlist = [] locationsubjectchooserlist = [] addontolocationinsidelist = [] addontolocationlist = [] # load subjects stuff from config generatevehicle = True generateobject = True generatefood = True generatebuilding = True generatespace = True generateflora = True generateoccult = True generateconcept = True generateanimal = True generatebird = True generatecat = True generatedog = True generateinsect = True generatepokemon = True generatemarinelife = True generatemanwoman = True generatemanwomanrelation = True generatemanwomanmultiple = True generatefictionalcharacter = True generatenonfictionalcharacter = True generatehumanoids = True generatejob = True generatefirstnames = True generatelandscape = True generatelocation = True generatelocationfantasy = True generatelocationscifi = True generatelocationvideogame = True generatelocationbiome = True generatelocationcity = True generateevent = True generateconcepts = True generatepoemline = True generatesongline = True generatecardname = True generateepisodetitle = True custominputprefixrepeats = 2 custominputprefixchance = 'uncommon' imagetypechance = 'normal' generateimagetype = True imagetypequalitychance = 'rare' generateimagetypequality = True generateminilocationaddition = True minilocationadditionchance = 'unique' artmovementprefixchance = 'unique' minivomitprefix1chance = 'rare' minivomitprefix2chance = 'unique' shotsizechance = 'uncommon' subjectdescriptor1chance = 'common' subjectdescriptor2chance = 'uncommon' subjectbodytypechance = 'normal' subjectculturechance = 'normal' subjectconceptsuffixchance = 'unique' subjectlandscapeinsideshotchance = 'unique' subjectlandscapeaddonlocationchance = 'normal' subjectlandscapeaddonlocationdescriptorchance = 'rare' subjectlandscapeaddonlocationculturechance = 'rare' objectadditionsrepeats = 2 objectadditionschance = 'uncommon' humanadditionchance = 'rare' overalladditionchance = 'extraordinary' emojichance = 'legendary' buildfacechance = 'legendary' humanexpressionchance = 'rare' joboractivitychance = 'normal' humanvomitchance = 'rare' custominputmidrepeats = 2 custominputmidchance = 'uncommon' minivomitmidchance = 'unique' outfitchance = 'normal' posechance = 'uncommon' hairchance = 'normal' accessorychance = 'normal' humanoidinsideshotchance = 'legendary' humanoidbackgroundchance = 'uncommon' landscapeminilocationchance = 'uncommon' generalminilocationchance = 'rare' timperiodchance = 'normal' focuschance = 'normal' directionchance = 'normal' moodchance = 'normal' minivomitsuffixchance = 'unique' artmovementchance = 'normal' lightingchance = 'normal' photoadditionchance = 'common' lenschance = 'normal' colorschemechance = 'normal' vomit1chance = 'uncommon' vomit2chance= 'uncommon' greatworkchance = 'novel' poemlinechance = 'novel' songlinechance = 'novel' quality1chance = 'uncommon' quality2chance = 'uncommon' customstyle1chance = 'uncommon' customstyle2chance = 'uncommon' custominputsuffixrepeats = 2 custominputsuffixchance = 'uncommon' artistsatbackchance = 'uncommon' for item in config: # objects if item[0] == 'subject_vehicle' and item[1] != 'on': generatevehicle = False if item[0] == 'subject_object' and item[1] != 'on': generateobject = False if item[0] == 'subject_food' and item[1] != 'on': generatefood = False if item[0] == 'subject_building' and item[1] != 'on': generatebuilding = False if item[0] == 'subject_space' and item[1] != 'on': generatespace = False if item[0] == 'subject_flora' and item[1] != 'on': generateflora = False if item[0] == 'subject_occult' and item[1] != 'on': generateoccult = False # animals if item[0] == 'subject_animal' and item[1] != 'on': generateanimal = False if item[0] == 'subject_bird' and item[1] != 'on': generatebird = False if item[0] == 'subject_cat' and item[1] != 'on': generatecat = False if item[0] == 'subject_dog' and item[1] != 'on': generatedog = False if item[0] == 'subject_insect' and item[1] != 'on': generateinsect = False if item[0] == 'subject_pokemon' and item[1] != 'on': generatepokemon = False if item[0] == 'subject_marinelife' and item[1] != 'on': generatemarinelife = False # humanoids if item[0] == 'subject_manwoman' and item[1] != 'on': generatemanwoman = False if item[0] == 'subject_manwomanrelation' and item[1] != 'on': generatemanwomanrelation = False if item[0] == 'subject_manwomanmultiple' and item[1] != 'on': generatemanwomanmultiple = False if item[0] == 'subject_fictional' and item[1] != 'on': generatefictionalcharacter = False if item[0] == 'subject_nonfictional' and item[1] != 'on': generatenonfictionalcharacter = False if item[0] == 'subject_humanoid' and item[1] != 'on': generatehumanoids = False if item[0] == 'subject_job' and item[1] != 'on': generatejob = False if item[0] == 'subject_firstnames' and item[1] != 'on': generatefirstnames = False # landscape if item[0] == 'subject_location' and item[1] != 'on': generatelocation = False if item[0] == 'subject_location_fantasy' and item[1] != 'on': generatelocationfantasy = False if item[0] == 'subject_location_scifi' and item[1] != 'on': generatelocationscifi = False if item[0] == 'subject_location_videogame' and item[1] != 'on': generatelocationvideogame = False if item[0] == 'subject_location_biome' and item[1] != 'on': generatelocationbiome = False if item[0] == 'subject_location_city' and item[1] != 'on': generatelocationcity = False # concept if item[0] == 'subject_event' and item[1] != 'on': generateevent = False if item[0] == 'subject_concept' and item[1] != 'on': generateconcepts = False if item[0] == 'subject_poemline' and item[1] != 'on': generatepoemline = False if item[0] == 'subject_songline' and item[1] != 'on': generatesongline = False if item[0] == 'subject_cardname' and item[1] != 'on': generatecardname = False if item[0] == 'subject_episodetitle' and item[1] != 'on': generateepisodetitle = False # main list stuff if item[0] == 'custominputprefixrepeats': custominputprefixrepeats = int(item[1]) if item[0] == 'custominputprefixchance': custominputprefixchance = item[1] if(custominputprefixchance == 'never'): generatecustominputprefix = False if item[0] == 'imagetypechance': imagetypechance = item[1] if(imagetypechance == 'never'): generateimagetype = False if item[0] == 'imagetypequalitychance': imagetypequalitychance = item[1] if(imagetypequalitychance == 'never'): generateimagetypequality = False if item[0] == 'minilocationadditionchance': minilocationadditionchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'artmovementprefixchance': artmovementprefixchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'minivomitprefix1chance': minivomitprefix1chance = item[1] if item[0] == 'minivomitprefix2chance': minivomitprefix2chance = item[1] if item[0] == 'shotsizechance': shotsizechance = item[1] if item[0] == 'subjectdescriptor1chance': subjectdescriptor1chance = item[1] if item[0] == 'subjectdescriptor2chance': subjectdescriptor2chance = item[1] if item[0] == 'subjectbodytypechance': subjectbodytypechance = item[1] if item[0] == 'subjectculturechance': subjectculturechance = item[1] if item[0] == 'subjectconceptsuffixchance': subjectconceptsuffixchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'subjectlandscapeinsideshotchance': subjectlandscapeinsideshotchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'subjectlandscapeaddonlocationchance': subjectlandscapeaddonlocationchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'subjectlandscapeaddonlocationdescriptorchance': subjectlandscapeaddonlocationdescriptorchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'subjectlandscapeaddonlocationculturechance': subjectlandscapeaddonlocationculturechance = item[1] if item[0] == 'objectadditionsrepeats': objectadditionsrepeats = int(item[1]) if item[0] == 'objectadditionschance': objectadditionschance = item[1] if item[0] == 'humanadditionchance': humanadditionchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'overalladditionchance': overalladditionchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'emojichance': emojichance = item[1] if(hardturnoffemojis==True): emojichance='never' if item[0] == 'buildfacechance': buildfacechance = item[1] if item[0] == 'humanexpressionchance': humanexpressionchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'humanvomitchance': humanvomitchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'joboractivitychance': joboractivitychance = item[1] if item[0] == 'custominputmidrepeats': custominputmidrepeats = int(item[1]) if item[0] == 'custominputmidchance': custominputmidchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'minivomitmidchance': minivomitmidchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'outfitchance': outfitchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'posechance': posechance = item[1] if item[0] == 'hairchance': hairchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'accessorychance': accessorychance = item[1] if item[0] == 'humanoidinsideshotchance': humanoidinsideshotchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'humanoidbackgroundchance': humanoidbackgroundchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'landscapeminilocationchance': landscapeminilocationchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'generalminilocationchance': generalminilocationchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'timperiodchance': timperiodchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'focuschance': focuschance = item[1] if item[0] == 'directionchance': directionchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'moodchance': moodchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'minivomitsuffixchance': minivomitsuffixchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'artmovementchance': artmovementchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'lightingchance': lightingchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'photoadditionchance': photoadditionchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'lenschance': lenschance = item[1] if item[0] == 'colorschemechance': colorschemechance = item[1] if item[0] == 'vomit1chance': vomit1chance = item[1] if item[0] == 'vomit2chance': vomit2chance = item[1] if item[0] == 'greatworkchance': greatworkchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'poemlinechance': poemlinechance = item[1] if item[0] == 'songlinechance': songlinechance = item[1] if item[0] == 'quality1chance': quality1chance = item[1] if item[0] == 'quality2chance': quality2chance = item[1] if item[0] == 'customstyle1chance': customstyle1chance = item[1] if item[0] == 'customstyle2chance': customstyle2chance = item[1] if item[0] == 'custominputsuffixrepeats': custominputsuffixrepeats = int(item[1]) if item[0] == 'custominputsuffixchance': custominputsuffixchance = item[1] if item[0] == 'artistsatbackchance': artistsatbackchance = item[1] generatevehicle = bool(vehiclelist) and generatevehicle generateobject = bool(objectlist) and generateobject generatefood = bool(foodlist) and generatefood generatebuilding = bool(buildinglist) and generatebuilding generatespace = bool(spacelist) and generatespace generateflora = bool(floralist) and generateflora generateoccult = bool(occultlist) and generateoccult generateobject = generatevehicle or generateobject or generatefood or generatebuilding or generatespace or generateflora or generateoccult if(generatevehicle): objectwildcardlist.append("-vehicle-") hybridlist.append("-vehicle-") addontolocationlist.append("-vehicle-") if(generateobject): objectwildcardlist.append("-object-") hybridlist.append("-object-") if(generatefood): objectwildcardlist.append("-food-") hybridlist.append("-food-") if(generatespace): objectwildcardlist.append("-space-") hybridlist.append("-space-") addontolocationlist.append("-space-") if(generatebuilding): objectwildcardlist.append("-building-") hybridlist.append("-building-") addontolocationlist.append("-building-") addontolocationinsidelist.append("-building-") if(generateflora): objectwildcardlist.append("-flora-") hybridlist.append("-flora-") addontolocationlist.append("-flora-") if(generateoccult): objectwildcardlist.append("-occult-") hybridlist.append("-occult-") addontolocationlist.append("-occult-") if(generateobject): mainchooserlist.append("object") if(generatelandscape): mainchooserlist.append("landscape") if(generatelocationfantasy): locationwildcardlist.append("-locationfantasy-") if(generatelocationscifi): locationwildcardlist.append("-locationscifi-") if(generatelocationvideogame): locationwildcardlist.append("-locationvideogame-") if(generatelocationbiome): locationwildcardlist.append("-locationbiome-") if(generatelocationcity): locationwildcardlist.append("-locationcity-") if(generatelocation): locationwildcardlist.append("-location-") if(generateanimal): animalwildcardlist.append("-animal-") if(generatebird): animalwildcardlist.append("-bird-") if(generatecat): animalwildcardlist.append("-cat-") if(generatedog): animalwildcardlist.append("-dog-") if(generateinsect): animalwildcardlist.append("-insect-") if(generatepokemon): animalwildcardlist.append("-pokemon-") if(generatemarinelife): animalwildcardlist.append("-marinelife-") generatefictionalcharacter = bool(fictionallist) and generatefictionalcharacter generatenonfictionalcharacter = bool(nonfictionallist) and generatenonfictionalcharacter generatehumanoids = bool(humanoidlist) and generatehumanoids generatemanwoman = bool(manwomanlist) and generatemanwoman generatemanwomanrelation = bool(manwomanrelationlist) and generatemanwomanrelation generatemanwomanmultiple = bool(manwomanmultiplelist) and generatemanwomanmultiple generatejob = bool(joblist) and generatejob generatefirstnames = bool(firstnamelist) and generatefirstnames generatehumanoid = generatefictionalcharacter or generatenonfictionalcharacter or generatehumanoids or generatemanwoman or generatejob or generatemanwomanrelation or generatefirstnames or generatemanwomanmultiple if(generatefictionalcharacter): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.append("fictional") hybridlist.append("-fictional-") hybridhumanlist.append("-fictional-") if(generatefictionalcharacter): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.append("non fictional") hybridlist.append("-nonfictional-") hybridhumanlist.append("-nonfictional-") if(generatehumanoids): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.append("humanoid") hybridlist.append("-humanoid-") hybridhumanlist.append("-humanoid-") if(generatemanwoman): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.append("human") if(generatemanwomanrelation): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.append("manwomanrelation") if(generatemanwomanmultiple): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.append("manwomanmultiple") if(generatejob): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.append("job") if(generatehumanoid): mainchooserlist.append("humanoid") if(generatefirstnames): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.append("firstname") generateanimal = bool(animallist) and generateanimal generatebird = bool(birdlist) and generatebird generatecat = bool(catlist) and generatecat generatedog = bool(doglist) and generatedog generateinsect = bool(insectlist) and generateinsect generatepokemon = bool(pokemonlist) and generatepokemon generatemarinelife = bool(marinelifelist) and generatemarinelife generateanimaltotal = generateanimal or generatebird or generatecat or generatedog or generateinsect or generatepokemon or generatemarinelife if(generateanimal): hybridlist.append("-animal-") if(generatebird): hybridlist.append("-bird-") if(generatecat): hybridlist.append("-cat-") if(generatedog): hybridlist.append("-dog-") if(generateinsect): hybridlist.append("-insect-") if(generatepokemon): hybridlist.append("-pokemon-") if(generatemarinelife): hybridlist.append("-marinelife-") if(generateanimaltotal): mainchooserlist.append("animal") generatelocation = bool(locationlist) and generatelocation generatelocationfantasy = bool(locationfantasylist) and generatelocationfantasy generatelocationscifi = bool(locationscifilist) and generatelocationscifi generatelocationvideogame = bool(locationvideogamelist) and generatelocationvideogame generatelocationbiome = bool(locationbiomelist) and generatelocationbiome generatelocationcity = bool(locationcitylist) and generatelocationcity generatelandscape = generatelocation or generatelocationfantasy or generatelocationscifi or generatelocationvideogame or generatelocationbiome or generatelocationcity if(generatelandscape): addontolocationlist.append("-location-") addontolocationlist.append("-background-") addontolocationinsidelist.append("-location-") addontolocationinsidelist.append("-background-") locationsubjectchooserlist.append("landscape") if(generatelocation): locationsubjectchooserlist.append("location") if(generatelocationfantasy): locationsubjectchooserlist.append("fantasy location") if(generatelocationscifi): locationsubjectchooserlist.append("sci-fi location") if(generatelocationvideogame): locationsubjectchooserlist.append("videogame location") if(generatelocationbiome): locationsubjectchooserlist.append("biome") if(generatelocationcity): locationsubjectchooserlist.append("city") generateevent = bool(eventlist) and generateevent generateconcepts = bool(conceptprefixlist) and bool(conceptsuffixlist) and generateconcepts generatepoemline = bool(poemlinelist) and generatepoemline generatesongline = bool(songlinelist) and generatesongline generatecardname = bool(cardnamelist) and generatecardname generateepisodetitle = bool(episodetitlelist) and generateepisodetitle generateconcept = generateevent or generateconcepts or generatepoemline or generatesongline if(generateevent): eventsubjectchooserlist.append("event") if(generateconcepts): eventsubjectchooserlist.append("concept") if(generatepoemline): eventsubjectchooserlist.append("poemline") if(generatesongline): eventsubjectchooserlist.append("songline") if(generatecardname): eventsubjectchooserlist.append("cardname") if(generateepisodetitle): eventsubjectchooserlist.append("episodetitle") if(generateconcept): mainchooserlist.append("concept") # determine wether we have a special mode or not if(random.randint(1,int(imagemodechance)) == 1 and (imagetype == "all" or imagetype == "all - anime") and giventypeofimage == "" and onlyartists == False): if(less_verbose): imagetypemodelist.remove("dynamic templates mode") if(anime_mode): imagetypemodelist.remove("only templates mode") imagetypemodelist.remove("massive madness mode") imagetypemodelist.remove("fixed styles mode") imagetypemodelist.remove("unique art mode") imagetype = random.choice(imagetypemodelist) # override imagetype with a random "mode" value specialmode = False templatemode = False artblastermode = False qualityvomitmode = False uniqueartmode = False colorcannonmode = False photofantasymode = False massivemadnessmode = False onlysubjectmode = False stylesmode = False thetokinatormode = False dynamictemplatesmode = False artifymode = False # determine wether we should go for a template or not. Not hooked up to insanitylevel if(imagetype == "only templates mode"): specialmode = True templatemode = True print("Running with a randomized template instead of a randomized prompt") if(imagetype == "art blaster mode"): specialmode = True if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel)): artblastermode = True elif(bool(artistlist)): onlysubjectmode = True artifymode = True else: artblastermode = True print("Running in art blaster mode") if(imagetype == "unique art mode"): specialmode = True uniqueartmode = True print("Running in unique art mode") if(imagetype == "quality vomit mode"): specialmode = True qualityvomitmode = True print("Running in quality vomit mode") if(imagetype == "color cannon mode"): specialmode = True colorcannonmode = True print("Running in color cannon mode") if(imagetype == "photo fantasy mode"): specialmode = True photofantasymode = True print("Running in photo fantasy mode") if(imagetype == "massive madness mode"): specialmode = True massivemadnessmode = True print("Running in massive madness mode") print("Are you ready for this?") if(imagetype == "subject only mode"): specialmode = True onlysubjectmode = True print("Running in only subject mode") if(imagetype == "fixed styles mode"): specialmode = True stylesmode = True print("Running with a randomized style instead of a randomized prompt") if(imagetype == "the tokinator"): specialmode = True thetokinatormode = True # for performance, load the list here tokenlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="tokens",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True) print("Running with a completely random set of words") print("All safety and logic is turned off") if(imagetype == "dynamic templates mode"): specialmode = True dynamictemplatesmode = True print("Running with dynamic templates mode") # just for testing, you can't choose this. Artify runs through Art Blaster instead. if(imagetype == "artify mode"): specialmode = True onlysubjectmode = True artifymode = True print("Running with artify mode") # main stuff generatetype = not specialmode generatesubject = not templatemode if(thetokinatormode): generatesubject = False # normals generateartist = bool(artistlist) and not specialmode if(thetokinatormode): generateartist = bool(artistlist) generateoutfit = bool(outfitlist) and not templatemode generatebodytype = bool(bodytypelist) and not templatemode generateaccessorie = bool(accessorielist) and not specialmode generateartmovement = bool(artmovementlist) and not specialmode generatecamera = bool(cameralist) and not specialmode generatecolorscheme = bool(colorschemelist) and not specialmode generatedescriptors = bool(descriptorlist) and not templatemode generatedirection = bool(directionlist) and not specialmode generatefocus = bool(focuslist) and not specialmode generatehairstyle = bool(hairstylelist) and not templatemode generatelens = bool(lenslist) and not specialmode generatelighting = bool(lightinglist) and not specialmode generatemood = bool(moodlist) and not specialmode generatepose = bool(poselist) and not templatemode generatevomit = bool(vomitlist) and not specialmode and add_vomit generatequality = bool(qualitylist) and not specialmode and add_quality generateshot = bool(shotsizelist) and not specialmode generatetimeperiod = bool(timeperiodlist) and not specialmode generateemoji = bool(emojilist) and not templatemode generateface = bool(buildfacelist) and not specialmode generatehumanexpression = bool(humanexpressionlist) and not specialmode generatehumanvomit = bool(humanvomitlist) and not specialmode # specials: generatebackground = bool(backgroundtypelist) and not specialmode generateinsideshot = bool(insideshotlist) and not specialmode generatephotoaddition = bool(photoadditionlist) and not specialmode generatehairstyle = bool(buildhairlist) and not templatemode generateoutfit = bool(buildoutfitlist) and not templatemode generateobjectaddition = bool(objectadditionslist) and not templatemode generatehumanaddition = bool(humanadditionlist) and not templatemode generateanimaladdition = bool(animaladditionlist) and not templatemode generateaccessories = bool(buildaccessorielist) and not templatemode generategreatwork = bool(greatworklist) and not specialmode generatepoemline = bool(poemlinelist) and not specialmode generatesongline = bool(songlinelist) and not specialmode generatecardname = bool(cardnamelist) and not specialmode generateepisodetitle = bool(episodetitlelist) and not specialmode generateminilocationaddition = bool(minilocationadditionslist) and not specialmode generateminivomit = bool(minivomitlist) and not specialmode and add_vomit generateimagetypequality = bool(imagetypequalitylist) and not specialmode and generateimagetypequality generateoveralladdition = bool(overalladditionlist) and not specialmode generateimagetype = bool(imagetypelist) and not specialmode and generateimagetype # Smart subject logic givensubjectlist = [] if(givensubject != "" and smartsubject == True): givensubject = givensubject.lower() # Remove any list that has a matching word in the list # Remove any list/logic with keywords, such as: # wearing, bodytype, pose, location, hair, background # use function to split up the words givensubjectlist = split_prompt_to_words(givensubject) # Check only for the lists that make sense? # outfit foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in outfitlist] for word in givensubjectlist) keywordslist = ["wearing","outfit", "dressed"] keywordsinstring = any(word.lower() in givensubject.lower() for word in keywordslist) if(foundinlist == True or keywordsinstring == True): generateoutfit = False # bodytype foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in bodytypelist] for word in givensubjectlist) keywordslist = ["bodytype","body type","model"] keywordsinstring = any(word.lower() in givensubject.lower() for word in keywordslist) if(foundinlist == True or keywordsinstring == True): generatebodytype = False # hair foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in hairstylelist] for word in givensubjectlist) keywordslist = ["hair","hairstyle"] keywordsinstring = any(word.lower() in givensubject.lower() for word in keywordslist) if(foundinlist == True or keywordsinstring == True): generatehairstyle = False # descriptorlist foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in descriptorlist] for word in givensubjectlist) foundinlist2 = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in culturelist] for word in givensubjectlist) if(foundinlist == True or foundinlist2 == True): generatedescriptors = False # background foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in locationlist] for word in givensubjectlist) foundinlist2 = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in buildinglist] for word in givensubjectlist) keywordslist = ["location","background", "inside", "at the", "in a"] keywordsinstring = any(word.lower() in givensubject.lower() for word in keywordslist) if(foundinlist == True or foundinlist2 == True or keywordsinstring == True): generatebackground = False generateinsideshot = False # accessorielist foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in accessorielist] for word in givensubjectlist) if(foundinlist == True): generateaccessorie = False # lenslist foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in lenslist] for word in givensubjectlist) if(foundinlist == True): generatelens = False # lightinglist foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in lightinglist] for word in givensubjectlist) keywordslist = ["lighting"] keywordsinstring = any(word.lower() in givensubject.lower() for word in keywordslist) if(foundinlist == True or keywordsinstring == True): generatelighting = False # mood foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in moodlist] for word in givensubjectlist) keywordslist = ["mood"] keywordsinstring = any(word.lower() in givensubject.lower() for word in keywordslist) if(foundinlist == True or keywordsinstring == True): generatemood = False # poselist foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in poselist] for word in givensubjectlist) keywordslist = ["pose", "posing"] keywordsinstring = any(word.lower() in givensubject.lower() for word in keywordslist) if(foundinlist == True or keywordsinstring == True): generatepose = False # qualitylist foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in qualitylist] for word in givensubjectlist) keywordslist = ["quality"] keywordsinstring = any(word.lower() in givensubject.lower() for word in keywordslist) if(foundinlist == True or keywordsinstring == True): generatequality = False # shotsize foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in shotsizelist] for word in givensubjectlist) keywordslist = ["shot"] keywordsinstring = any(word.lower() in givensubject.lower() for word in keywordslist) if(foundinlist == True or keywordsinstring == True): generateshot = False # timeperiodlist foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in timeperiodlist] for word in givensubjectlist) if(foundinlist == True): generatetimeperiod = False # vomit foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in vomitlist] for word in givensubjectlist) if(foundinlist == True): generatevomit = False # directionlist foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in directionlist] for word in givensubjectlist) if(foundinlist == True): generatedirection = False # focus foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in focuslist] for word in givensubjectlist) if(foundinlist == True): generatefocus = False # artmovementlist foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in artmovementlist] for word in givensubjectlist) if(foundinlist == True): generateartmovement = False # camera foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in cameralist] for word in givensubjectlist) if(foundinlist == True): generatecamera = False # colorschemelist foundinlist = any(word.lower() in [item.lower() for item in colorschemelist] for word in givensubjectlist) if(foundinlist == True): generatecolorscheme = False # given subject subject override :p subjectingivensubject = False if("subject" in list(map(str.lower, givensubjectlist)) and smartsubject == True): givensubjectpromptlist = givensubject.split("subject") subjectingivensubject = True completeprompt = "" promptstocompound = int(promptcompounderlevel) compoundcounter = 0 while compoundcounter < promptstocompound: isphoto = 0 othertype = 0 humanspecial = 0 animaladdedsomething = 0 isweighted = 0 amountofimagetypes = 0 hybridorswap = "" artistmode = "normal" insideshot = 0 buildingfullmode = False subjectchooser = "" mainchooser = "" #completeprompt += prefixprompt completeprompt += ", " if(templatemode==True): templatelist = csv_to_list("templates", antilist,"./csvfiles/templates/",1,";",True) # templateenvironments = [templateenvironment[1] for templateenvironment in templatelist] # templateenvironmentsources = [templateenvironmentsource[2] for templateenvironmentsource in templatelist] # templatesubjecttypes = [templatesubjecttype[3] for templatesubjecttype in templatelist] targettemplateenvironment = "all" templateenvironmentsources = "all" # takes the prompt based on filters: # targettemplateenvironment: either civitai model or website # templateenvironmentsources: either templateprompts = [templateprompt[0] for templateprompt in templatelist if( (templateprompt[1] == targettemplateenvironment or targettemplateenvironment =="all") and (templateprompt[2] == templateenvironmentsources or templateenvironmentsources == "all") and (templateprompt[3] == forcesubject or forcesubject == "all") ) ] templatepromptcreator = [templateprompt[1] for templateprompt in templatelist if( (templateprompt[1] == targettemplateenvironment or targettemplateenvironment =="all") and (templateprompt[2] == templateenvironmentsources or templateenvironmentsources == "all") and (templateprompt[3] == forcesubject or forcesubject == "all") ) ] templatesubjects= [templateprompt[4] for templateprompt in templatelist if( (templateprompt[1] == targettemplateenvironment or targettemplateenvironment =="all") and (templateprompt[2] == templateenvironmentsources or templateenvironmentsources == "all") and (templateprompt[3] == forcesubject or forcesubject == "all") )] # choose the template chosentemplate = random.choice(templateprompts) templateindex = templateprompts.index(chosentemplate) print("Processing a prompt that was inspired from: " + templatepromptcreator[templateindex]) # if there is a subject override, then replace the subject with that if(givensubject==""): completeprompt += chosentemplate.replace("-subject-",templatesubjects[templateindex] ) elif(givensubject != "" and subjectingivensubject == False): completeprompt += chosentemplate.replace("-subject-",givensubject ) elif(givensubject != "" and subjectingivensubject == True): completeprompt += chosentemplate.replace("-subject-", givensubjectpromptlist[0] + " " + templatesubjects[templateindex] + " " + givensubjectpromptlist[1]) # custom prefix list for i in range(custominputprefixrepeats): if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, custominputprefixchance) and generatecustominputprefix == True): completeprompt += random.choice(custominputprefixlist) + ", " if(insanitylevel==0): insanitylevel = random.randint(1, 10) # 10 = add everything, 1 is add almost nothing insanitylevel3 = int((insanitylevel/3) + 1.20) # print("Setting insanity level to " + str(insanitylevel)) # main chooser: 0 object, 1 animal, 2 humanoid, 3 landscape, 4 event/concept #mainchooserlist = ["object","animal","humanoid", "landscape", "concept"] # ["popular", "3D", "abstract", "angular", "anime" ,"architecture", "art nouveau", "art deco", "baroque", "bauhaus", "cartoon", "character", "children's illustration", "cityscape", "clean", "cloudscape", "collage", "colorful", "comics", "cubism", "dark", "detailed", "digital", "expressionism", "fantasy", "fashion", "fauvism", "figurativism", "gore", "graffiti", "graphic design", "high contrast", "horror", "impressionism", "installation", "landscape", "light", "line drawing", "low contrast", "luminism", "magical realism", "manga", "melanin", "messy", "monochromatic", "nature", "photography", "pop art", "portrait", "primitivism", "psychedelic", "realism", "renaissance", "romanticism", "scene", "sci-fi", "sculpture", "seascape", "space", "stained glass", "still life", "storybook realism", "street art", "streetscape", "surrealism", "symbolism", "textile", "ukiyo-e", "vibrant", "watercolor", "whimsical"] # Some new logic, lets base the main chooser list on the chosen art category, to make it more cohorent # first for humanoids artiststylelistforchecking = ["popular", "3D", "anime" "art nouveau", "art deco", "character", "fantasy", "fashion", "manga", "photography","portrait","sci-fi"] if((artiststyleselector in artiststylelistforchecking or artists in artiststylelistforchecking) and (forcesubject == "all" or forcesubject == "")): # remove the shizzle based on chance? # we want it to be MORE diverce when the insanity level raises # in this case, raise the chance for a humanoid, gets more wierd when going above 5 if(random.randint(0,6) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "concept" in mainchooserlist): mainchooserlist.remove("concept") if(random.randint(0,6) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "landscape" in mainchooserlist): mainchooserlist.remove("landscape") if(random.randint(0,6) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "object" in mainchooserlist): mainchooserlist.remove("object") if(random.randint(0,6) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "animal" in mainchooserlist): mainchooserlist.remove("animal") # second for landscapes # Some new logic, lets base the main chooser list on the chosen art category, to make it more cohorent artiststylelistforchecking = ["architecture","bauhaus", "cityscape", "cinema", "cloudscape","impressionism", "installation", "landscape","magical realism", "nature", "romanticism","seascape", "space", "streetscape"] if((artiststyleselector in artiststylelistforchecking or artists in artiststylelistforchecking) and (forcesubject == "all" or forcesubject == "")): # remove the shizzle based on chance? # we want it to be MORE diverce when the insanity level raises # in this case, raise the chance for a landscape, gets more wierd when going above 5 if(random.randint(0,6) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "concept" in mainchooserlist): mainchooserlist.remove("concept") if(random.randint(0,6) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "animal" in mainchooserlist): mainchooserlist.remove("animal") if(random.randint(0,6) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "object" in mainchooserlist): mainchooserlist.remove("object") if(random.randint(0,8) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "humanoid" in mainchooserlist): mainchooserlist.remove("humanoid") #focus in animemode on mostly humans if(anime_mode and (forcesubject == "all" or forcesubject == "")): if(random.randint(0,11) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "concept" in mainchooserlist): mainchooserlist.remove("concept") if(random.randint(0,11) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "landscape" in mainchooserlist): mainchooserlist.remove("landscape") if(random.randint(0,11) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "object" in mainchooserlist): mainchooserlist.remove("object") if(random.randint(0,8) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "animal" in mainchooserlist): mainchooserlist.remove("animal") # choose the main subject type mainchooser = random.choice(mainchooserlist) if(forcesubject != "" and forcesubject != "all"): mainchooser = forcesubject # 0 object, 1 animal, 2 animal as human, 3 ManWoman, 4 Job, 5 fictional, 6 non fictional, 7 humanoid, 8 landscape, 9 event if(mainchooser == "object"): subjectchooser = "object" if(mainchooser == "animal" and (random.randint(0,5) == 5 or anime_mode)): # sometimes interpret the animal as a human # for anime_mode this is always true animalashuman = True if(mainchooser == "humanoid"): #humanoidsubjectchooserlist = ["human", "job", "fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation", "firstname"] # Lets put generic humans as a more 'normal' value. Manwoman relation as the least picked. # balanced around 5, to have more normal man/woman # lower values even more stable # Upper values are still quite random humanoidsubjectchooserlistbackup = humanoidsubjectchooserlist.copy() # make a backup of the list if(random.randint(0,20) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "manwomanrelation" in humanoidsubjectchooserlist): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.remove("manwomanrelation") if(random.randint(0,30) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "manwomanmultiple" in humanoidsubjectchooserlist): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.remove("manwomanmultiple") if(random.randint(0,7) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "firstname" in humanoidsubjectchooserlist): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.remove("firstname") if(random.randint(0,5) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "job" in humanoidsubjectchooserlist): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.remove("job") if(random.randint(0,5) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "fictional" in humanoidsubjectchooserlist): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.remove("fictional") if(random.randint(0,5) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "non fictional" in humanoidsubjectchooserlist): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.remove("non fictional") if(random.randint(0,5) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "humanoid" in humanoidsubjectchooserlist): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.remove("humanoid") # more random stuff on higher levels if(random.randint(0,4) > max(2,insanitylevel -2) and "human" in humanoidsubjectchooserlist): humanoidsubjectchooserlist.remove("human") # if we accidently remove everything, then restore the backup list if(not bool(humanoidsubjectchooserlist)): humanoidsubjectchooserlist = humanoidsubjectchooserlistbackup subjectchooser = random.choice(humanoidsubjectchooserlist) if(subtypehumanoid != "all"): if(subtypehumanoid == "generic humans"): subjectchooser = "human" elif(subtypehumanoid == "generic human relations"): subjectchooser = "manwomanrelation" elif(subtypehumanoid == "multiple humans"): subjectchooser = "manwomanmultiple" elif(subtypehumanoid == "celebrities e.a."): subjectchooser = "non fictional" elif(subtypehumanoid == "fictional characters"): subjectchooser = "fictional" elif(subtypehumanoid == "humanoids"): subjectchooser = "humanoid" elif(subtypehumanoid == "based on job or title"): subjectchooser = "job" elif(subtypehumanoid == "based on first name"): subjectchooser = "firstname" else: subjectchooser = subtypehumanoid if(mainchooser == "landscape"): subjectchooser = random.choice(locationsubjectchooserlist) if(mainchooser == "concept"): #eventsubjectchooserlist = ["event", "concept", "poemline", "songline"] subjectchooser = random.choice(eventsubjectchooserlist) if(subtypeconcept != "all"): if(subtypeconcept == "event"): subjectchooser = "event" elif(subtypeconcept == "the X of Y concepts"): subjectchooser = "concept" elif(subtypeconcept == "lines from poems"): subjectchooser = "poemline" elif(subtypeconcept == "lines from songs"): subjectchooser = "songline" elif(subtypeconcept == "names from card based games"): subjectchooser = "cardname" elif(subtypeconcept == "episode titles from tv shows"): subjectchooser = "episodetitle" elif(subtypeconcept == "concept mixer"): subjectchooser = "conceptmixer" else: subjectchooser = subtypeconcept # After we chose the subject, lets set all things ready for He/She/It etc if(not less_verbose and subjectchooser in ["manwomanmultiple"] and givensubject != "" and subtypehumanoid != "multiple humans"): heshelist = ["they"] hisherlist = ["their"] himherlist = ["them"] # on rare occasions do "one of them" if(random.randint(0,20) == 0): heshelist = ["one of them"] hisherlist = ["one of their"] himherlist = ["one of them"] elif(not less_verbose and subjectchooser in ["human", "job", "fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation","firstname","manwomanmultiple"]): if(gender == "male"): heshelist = ["he"] hisherlist = ["his"] himherlist = ["him"] if(gender == "female"): heshelist = ["she"] hisherlist = ["her"] himherlist = ["her"] if(not less_verbose and subjectchooser in ["manwomanmultiple"] and givensubject == ""): heshelist = ["they"] hisherlist = ["their"] himherlist = ["them"] # on rare occasions do "one of them" if(random.randint(0,20) == 0): heshelist = ["one of them"] hisherlist = ["one of their"] himherlist = ["one of them"] # special modes # start art blaster here if(artblastermode==True): step = 0 end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel) + 1 while step < end: if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artistlist)): completeprompt += "-artist-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artmovementlist)): completeprompt += "-artmovement-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(vomitlist)): completeprompt += "-vomit-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(imagetypelist)): completeprompt += "-imagetype-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(colorschemelist)): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artistlist)): completeprompt += "-artiststyle-, " step = step + 1 # start unique art here if(uniqueartmode==True): step = 0 end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel) + 1 while step < end: if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(othertypelist)): completeprompt += "-othertype-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artmovementlist)): completeprompt += "-artmovement-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(colorschemelist)): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(vomitlist)): completeprompt += "-vomit-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(lightinglist)): completeprompt += "-lighting-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(imagetypelist)): completeprompt += "-imagetype-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(qualitylist)): completeprompt += "-quality-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artistlist)): completeprompt += "-artistdescription-, " step = step + 1 # start quality vomit here if(qualityvomitmode==True): step = 0 end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel) + 1 while step < end: if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(vomitlist)): completeprompt += "-vomit-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(flufferlist)): completeprompt += "-fluff-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(qualitylist)): completeprompt += "-quality-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(minivomitlist)): completeprompt += "-minivomit-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artmovementlist)): completeprompt += "-artmovement-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(colorschemelist)): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " step = step + 1 # start mood color here if(colorcannonmode == True): step = 0 end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel) + 1 while step < end: if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(moodlist)): completeprompt += "-mood-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(colorschemelist)): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(vomitlist)): completeprompt += "-vomit-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artmovementlist)): completeprompt += "-artmovement-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(lightinglist)): completeprompt += "-lighting-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(allstylessuffixlist)): completeprompt += "-allstylessuffix-, " step = step + 1 # start photo fantasy here if(photofantasymode == True): step = 0 end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel) + 1 if(common_dist(insanitylevel)): if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += "-imagetypequality- " completeprompt += " photograph, " while step < end: if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(lightinglist)): completeprompt += "-photoaddition-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(lightinglist)): completeprompt += "-lighting-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(cameralist)): completeprompt += "-camera-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(lenslist)): completeprompt += "-lens-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(moodlist)): completeprompt += "-mood-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(colorschemelist)): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " step = step + 1 # start massive madness here if(massivemadnessmode == True): step = 0 end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel) + 1 while step < end: if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artistlist)): completeprompt += "-artist-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(descriptorlist)): completeprompt += "-descriptor-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(moodlist)): completeprompt += "-mood-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(colorschemelist)): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(vomitlist)): completeprompt += "-vomit-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artmovementlist)): completeprompt += "-artmovement-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(lightinglist)): completeprompt += "-lighting-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(minilocationadditionslist)): completeprompt += "-minilocationaddition-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(materiallist)): completeprompt += "-material-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(conceptsuffixlist)): completeprompt += "-conceptsuffix-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(qualitylist)): completeprompt += "-quality-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(cameralist)): completeprompt += "-camera-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(lenslist)): completeprompt += "-lens-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(imagetypelist)): completeprompt += "-imagetype-, " step = step + 1 # start styles mode here if(stylesmode == True): chosenstyle = random.choice(styleslist) chosenstyleprefix = chosenstyle.split("-subject-")[0] chosenstylesuffix = chosenstyle.split("-subject-")[1] completeprompt += chosenstyleprefix if(dynamictemplatesmode == True): if(artists == "none"): dynamictemplatesprefixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatesprefixlist if "-artist-" not in sentence.lower()] chosenstyleprefix = random.choice(dynamictemplatesprefixlist) completeprompt += chosenstyleprefix if(chosenstyleprefix[-1] == "."): completeprompt += " OR(Capturing a; Describing a;Portraying a;Featuring a)" else: completeprompt += " OR(with a;capturing a; describing a;portraying a;of a;featuring a)" # start artist part artistsplacement = "front" # remove the artistsatbackchange to be depended on the insanitylevel, we would like this to be a set chance if(random.randint(0, 2) == 0 and onlyartists == False): artistlocations = ["back", "middle"] artistsplacement = random.choice(artistlocations) if(artists != "none" and artistsplacement == "front" and generateartist == True): doartistnormal = True if(artists == "greg mode"): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " -gregmode-, " doartistnormal = False # in case we have ALL, we can also do a specific artist mode per chosen subject. sometimes elif(originalartistchoice == "all" and random.randint(0,3) == 0): if(mainchooser in ["humanoid", "animal"]): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " OR(-portraitartist-;-characterartist-), OR(-portraitartist-;-characterartist-) OR(;and OR(-fantasyartist-;-scifiartist-;-photographyartist-;-digitalartist-;-graphicdesignartist-);uncommon), " doartistnormal = False elif(mainchooser in ["landscape"]): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " OR(-landscapeartist-;-digitalartist-), OR(-landscapeartist-;-graphicdesignartist-) OR(;and OR(-fantasyartist-;-scifiartist-;-photographyartist-;-digitalartist-;-graphicdesignartist-);uncommon), " doartistnormal = False elif(subjectchooser in ["building"]): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " OR(-landscapeartist-;-architectartist-), OR(-landscapeartist-;-architectartist-) OR(;and OR(-fantasyartist-;-scifiartist-;-photographyartist-;-digitalartist-;-graphicdesignartist-);uncommon), " doartistnormal = False # else sometimes to something like this? elif(random.randint(0,5) == 0): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " OR(-portraitartist-;-characterartist-;-fantasyartist-;-scifiartist-;-photographyartist-;-digitalartist-;-graphicdesignartist-), OR(-portraitartist-;-characterartist-;-fantasyartist-;-scifiartist-;-photographyartist-;-digitalartist-;-graphicdesignartist-) and OR(-portraitartist-;-characterartist-;-fantasyartist-;-scifiartist-;-photographyartist-;-digitalartist-;-graphicdesignartist-)" doartistnormal = False if(doartistnormal): # take 1-3 artists, weighted to 1-2 step = random.randint(0, 1) minstep = step end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel3) # determine artist mode: # normal # hybrid | # switching A:B:X # adding at step x a:X # stopping at step x ::X # enhancing from step x modeselector = random.randint(0,10) if modeselector < 5 and end - step >= 2: artistmodeslist = ["hybrid", "stopping", "adding", "switching", "enhancing"] artistmode = artistmodeslist[modeselector] if(advancedprompting == False): artistmode = "normal" if (artistmode in ["hybrid","switching"] and end - step == 1): artistmode = "normal" if(onlyartists == True and artistmode == "enhancing"): artistmode = "normal" # if there are not enough artists in the list, then just go normal if(len(artistlist) < 3): artistmode = "normal" if(onlyartists == True and step == end): step = step - 1 if artistmode in ["hybrid", "stopping", "adding","switching"]: completeprompt += " [" while step < end: if(normal_dist(insanitylevel) and remove_weights == False): isweighted = 1 if isweighted == 1: completeprompt += " (" #completeprompt = add_from_csv(completeprompt, "artists", 0, "art by ","") if(step == minstep): # sometimes do this if(giventypeofimage=="" and imagetype == "all" and random.randint(0, 1) == 0): if(artiststyleselectormode == "normal"): completeprompt += artiststyleselector + " art " else: completeprompt += "-artiststyle- art " artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] else: artistbylist = [""] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " -artist-" if isweighted == 1: completeprompt += ":" + str(1 + (random.randint(-3,3)/10)) + ")" if artistmode in ["hybrid"] and not end - step == 1: completeprompt += "|" if artistmode in ["switching"] and not end - step == 1: completeprompt += ":" if artistmode not in ["hybrid", "switching"]and not end - step > 1: completeprompt += "," elif artistmode not in ["hybrid", "switching"]and not end - step == 1: completeprompt += " and " isweighted = 0 step = step + 1 if artistmode in ["stopping"]: completeprompt += "::" completeprompt += str(random.randint(1,19)) if artistmode in ["switching","adding"]: completeprompt += ":" + str(random.randint(1,18)) if artistmode in ["hybrid", "stopping","adding", "switching"]: completeprompt += "] " if(onlyartists == True): #Parse or statements completeprompt = parse_custom_functions(completeprompt, insanitylevel) # replace artist wildcards completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-artist-", artistlist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-gregmode-", gregmodelist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-fantasyartist-", fantasyartistlist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-popularartist-", popularartistlist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-romanticismartist-", romanticismartistlist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-photographyartist-", photographyartistlist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-portraitartist-", portraitartistlist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-characterartist-", characterartistlist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-landscapeartist-", landscapeartistlist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-scifiartist-", scifiartistlist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-graphicdesignartist-", graphicdesignartistlist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-digitalartist-", digitalartistlist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-architectartist-", architectartistlist, False, False) completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, "-cinemaartist-", cinemaartistlist, False, False) # clean it up completeprompt = cleanup(completeprompt, advancedprompting, insanitylevel) print("only generated these artists:" + completeprompt) return completeprompt completeprompt += ", " # sometimes do this as well if(giventypeofimage=="" and imagetype == "all" and random.randint(0, 2) == 0): completeprompt += "-artiststyle- art, " if artistmode in ["enhancing"]: completeprompt += " [" # start tokinator here if(thetokinatormode == True): tokinatorsubtype = ["personification", "human form", "object", "landscape", "OR(creature;beast;animal;myth;concept;world;planet)", "building", "location", "shape", "being", "-token-"] if(anime_mode and gender == "male"): tokinatorsubtype = ["(1boy, solo)"] if(anime_mode and gender == "female"): tokinatorsubtype = ["(1girl, solo)"] if(chance_roll(insanitylevel,"normal")): if(chance_roll(insanitylevel,"normal") and remove_weights == False): completeprompt += "(OR(;-imagetypequality-;uncommon) OR(-imagetype-;-othertype-;rare):1.3) " else: completeprompt += "OR(;-imagetypequality-;uncommon) OR(-imagetype-;-othertype-;rare) " completeprompt += random.choice(tokinatorlist) completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-tokensubtype-", random.choice(tokinatorsubtype)) if("subject" in givensubject and smartsubject): givensubject = givensubject.replace("subject", "-token-") if(givensubject == "" and overrideoutfit == ""): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-subject-", "-token-") elif(givensubject == "" and overrideoutfit != "" and "-outfit-" not in completeprompt): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-subject-", "-token- wearing a OR(-token-;;normal) -outfit-") elif(givensubject != "" and overrideoutfit != "" and "-outfit-" not in completeprompt): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-subject-", givensubject + " wearing a OR(-token-;;normal) -outfit-") else: completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-subject-", givensubject) if(overrideoutfit == ""): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-outfit-", "-token-") else: completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-outfit-", overrideoutfit) # start image type if(giventypeofimage == "" and (imagetype == "none" or giventypeofimage=="none") ): generatetype = False if(giventypeofimage=="" and generatetype == True): if(imagetype != "all" and imagetype != "all - force multiple" and imagetype != "only other types" and imagetype != "all - anime"): completeprompt += " " + imagetype + ", " elif(imagetype == "all - force multiple" or unique_dist(insanitylevel) and not anime_mode): amountofimagetypes = random.randint(2,3) elif(imagetype == "only other types"): if(amountofimagetypes < 2 and random.randint(0,2) == 0): partlystylemode = True print("Ohhh! Adding some secret sauce to this prompt") chosenstyle = random.choice(styleslist) chosenstyleprefix = chosenstyle.split("-subject-")[0] chosenstylesuffix = chosenstyle.split("-subject-")[1] completeprompt += " " + chosenstyleprefix + ", " else: othertype = 1 completeprompt += random.choice(othertypelist) if((imagetype == "all" or imagetype == "all - anime") and chance_roll(insanitylevel, imagetypechance) and amountofimagetypes <= 1): amountofimagetypes = 1 # on lower insanity levels, almost force this if((imagetype == "all" or imagetype == "all - anime") and insanitylevel <= 3 and amountofimagetypes <= 1 and random.randint(0,1)== 0): amountofimagetypes = 1 if((imagetype == "all" or imagetype == "all - anime") and insanitylevel <= 2 and amountofimagetypes <= 1): amountofimagetypes = 1 for i in range(amountofimagetypes): # one in 6 images is a complex/other type if((chance_roll(insanitylevel, imagetypequalitychance) or originalartistchoice == "greg mode") and generateimagetypequality): completeprompt += "-imagetypequality- " if(imagetype == "all - anime" and not anime_mode): completeprompt += " anime" if(random.randint(0,4) < 4 and insanitylevel > 3 ): # woops, never to this as wildcards. We need to know as early as possible wether something is a photo. Lets put it back! completeprompt += " " + random.choice(imagetypelist) + ", " elif(random.randint(0,1) == 0 and insanitylevel <= 3): completeprompt += " " + random.choice(imagetypelist) + ", " elif(not anime_mode): if(amountofimagetypes < 2 and random.randint(0,1) == 0): partlystylemode = True print("Ohhh! Adding some secret sauce to this prompt") chosenstyle = random.choice(styleslist) chosenstyleprefix = chosenstyle.split("-subject-")[0] chosenstylesuffix = chosenstyle.split("-subject-")[1] completeprompt += " " + chosenstyleprefix + ", " else: othertype = 1 completeprompt += " " + random.choice(othertypelist) + ", " if(othertype==1): completeprompt += " of a " else: completeprompt += ", " elif(generatetype == True): othertype = 1 completeprompt += giventypeofimage + " of a " ## do less insane stuff while working for superprompter if(superprompter == True): insanitylevel = max(1, insanitylevel-4) ### here we can do some other stuff to spice things up if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, minilocationadditionchance) and generateminilocationaddition == True): completeprompt += " -minilocationaddition-, " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, artmovementprefixchance) and generateartmovement == True): generateartmovement = False completeprompt += " -artmovement-, " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, minivomitprefix1chance) and generateminivomit == True): completeprompt += " -minivomit-, " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, minivomitprefix2chance) and generateminivomit == True): completeprompt += " -minivomit-, " # start shot size if(mainchooser in ["object", "animal", "humanoid", "concept"] and othertype == 0 and "portrait" not in completeprompt and generateshot == True and chance_roll(insanitylevel,shotsizechance)): completeprompt += "-shotsize- of a " elif("portrait" in completeprompt and generateshot == True and partlystylemode == False): completeprompt += " , close up of a " elif(mainchooser in ["landscape"] and generateshot == True and partlystylemode == False): completeprompt += " landscape of a " elif(generateshot == True): completeprompt += ", " genjoboractivity = False # start subject building # divider between subject and everything else completeprompt += " @@@ " if(generatesubject == True): # start with descriptive qualities # outfit in front mode? # outfitmode = 0 = NO # outfitmode = 1 IN FRONT # outfitmode = 2 IS NORMAL if(overrideoutfit!=""): outfitmode = 2 if(animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["human","fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation","manwomanmultiple", "firstname"] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, outfitchance) and generateoutfit == True and humanspecial != 1): if(random.randint(0,10)==0): outfitmode = 1 else: outfitmode = 2 if(outfitmode == 1): completeprompt += "OR(wearing;dressed in;in;normal) OR(;OR(;a very;rare) -outfitdescriptor-;normal) OR(;-color-;uncommon) OR(;-culture-;uncommon) OR(;-material-;rare) -outfit-, " if(extraordinary_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += " -outfitvomit-, " if(subjectingivensubject): completeprompt += " " + givensubjectpromptlist[0] + " " # Once in a very rare while, we get a ... full of ...s if(novel_dist(insanitylevel) and (animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["human", "job", "fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation","firstname"])): buildingfullmode = True insideshot = 1 heshelist = ["they"] hisherlist = ["their"] himherlist = ["them"] completeprompt += "a OR(-building-;-location-;-waterlocation-;-container-;-background-;rare) full of " # Sometimes the descriptors are at the back, in more natural language. Lets determine. descriptorsintheback = random.randint(0,2) if(descriptorsintheback < 2): # Common to have 1 description, uncommon to have 2 if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, subjectdescriptor1chance) and generatedescriptors == True): if(animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["human", "job", "fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation", "manwomanmultiple","firstname"]): if(anime_mode and random.randint(0,2)<2): completeprompt += "-basicbitchdescriptor- " else: completeprompt += "-humandescriptor- " elif(mainchooser == "landscape"): completeprompt += "-locationdescriptor- " elif(mainchooser == "animal"): completeprompt += "-animaldescriptor- " else: completeprompt += "-descriptor- " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, subjectdescriptor2chance) and generatedescriptors == True): if(animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["human", "job", "fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation", "manwomanmultiple","firstname"]): if(anime_mode and random.randint(0,2)<2): completeprompt += "-basicbitchdescriptor- " else: completeprompt += "-humandescriptor- " elif(mainchooser == "landscape"): completeprompt += "-locationdescriptor- " elif(mainchooser == "animal"): completeprompt += "-animaldescriptor- " else: completeprompt += "-descriptor- " # color, for animals, landscape, objects and concepts if(mainchooser in ["animal", "object", "landscape", "concept"] and unique_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += " OR(-color-;-colorcombination-) " # age, very rare to add. if(subjectchooser in ["human", "job", "fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation", "manwomanmultiple","firstname"] and extraordinary_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += str(random.randint(20,99)) + " OR(y.o.;year old) " if((animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["human", "job", "fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation", "manwomanmultiple","firstname"]) and chance_roll(insanitylevel, subjectbodytypechance) and generatebodytype == True): completeprompt += "-bodytype- " if((animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["object","human", "job", "fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation", "manwomanmultiple","firstname"]) and chance_roll(insanitylevel, subjectculturechance) and generatedescriptors == True): completeprompt += "-culture- " if(mainchooser == "object"): # first add a wildcard that can be used to create prompt strenght completeprompt += " -objectstrengthstart-" # if we have an overwrite, then make sure we only take the override if(subtypeobject != "all"): if(subtypeobject == "generic objects"): objectwildcardlist = ["-object-"] if(subtypeobject == "vehicles"): objectwildcardlist = ["-vehicle-"] if(subtypeobject == "food"): objectwildcardlist = ["-food-"] if(subtypeobject == "buildings"): objectwildcardlist = ["-building-"] if(subtypeobject == "space"): objectwildcardlist = ["-space-"] if(subtypeobject == "flora"): objectwildcardlist = ["-flora-"] # not varied enough #if(subtypeobject == "occult"): # objectwildcardlist = ["-occult-"] subjectchooser = subtypeobject # if we have a given subject, we should skip making an actual subject # unless we have "subject" in the given subject if(givensubject == "" or (subjectingivensubject and givensubject != "")): if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and advancedprompting == True): hybridorswaplist = ["hybrid", "swap"] hybridorswap = random.choice(hybridorswaplist) completeprompt += "[" chosenobjectwildcard = random.choice(objectwildcardlist) completeprompt += chosenobjectwildcard + " " if(hybridorswap == "hybrid"): if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += "|" + random.choice(objectwildcardlist) + "] " else: completeprompt += "|" completeprompt += chosenobjectwildcard + " " completeprompt += "] " if(hybridorswap == "swap"): if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += ":" + random.choice(objectwildcardlist) + ":" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + "] " else: completeprompt += ":" completeprompt += chosenobjectwildcard + " " completeprompt += ":" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + "] " else: completeprompt += " " + givensubject + " " hybridorswap = "" if(mainchooser == "animal"): # first add a wildcard that can be used to create prompt strenght completeprompt += " -objectstrengthstart-" if(anime_mode and "1girl" not in givensubject and "1boy" not in givensubject): anthrolist = ["anthro", "anthrophomorphic", "furry"] if(gender=="male"): completeprompt += random.choice(anthrolist) + ", 1boy, solo, " else: completeprompt += random.choice(anthrolist) + ", 1girl, solo, " # if we have a given subject, we should skip making an actual subject if(givensubject == "" or (subjectingivensubject and givensubject != "")): if(subtypeanimal != "all"): if(subtypeanimal=="generic animal"): animalwildcardlist = ["-animal-"] elif(subtypeanimal=="bird"): animalwildcardlist = ["-bird-"] elif(subtypeanimal=="cat"): animalwildcardlist = ["-cat-"] elif(subtypeanimal=="dog"): animalwildcardlist = ["-dog-"] elif(subtypeanimal=="insect"): animalwildcardlist = ["-insect-"] elif(subtypeanimal=="pokemon"): animalwildcardlist = ["-pokemon-"] elif(subtypeanimal=="marine life"): animalwildcardlist = ["-marinelife-"] chosenanimalwildcard = random.choice(animalwildcardlist) if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and advancedprompting == True): hybridorswaplist = ["hybrid", "swap"] hybridorswap = random.choice(hybridorswaplist) completeprompt += "[" if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and generateanimaladdition == True): animaladdedsomething = 1 completeprompt += "-animaladdition- " + chosenanimalwildcard + " " if(animaladdedsomething != 1): completeprompt += chosenanimalwildcard + " " if(hybridorswap == "hybrid"): if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += "|" + random.choice(hybridlist) + "] " else: completeprompt += "| " + chosenanimalwildcard + " ] " if(hybridorswap == "swap"): if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += ":" + random.choice(hybridlist) + ":" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + "] " else: completeprompt += ":" + chosenanimalwildcard + ":" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + "] " else: completeprompt += " " + givensubject + " " hybridorswap = "" # move job or activity logic here. We want to place it at 2 different places maybe if((animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["human","fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation", "manwomanmultiple","firstname"]) and chance_roll(insanitylevel, joboractivitychance) and humanspecial != 1 and generatesubject == True): genjoboractivity = True genjoboractivitylocationslist = ["front","middle", "middle","back","back", "back"] genjoboractivitylocation = random.choice(genjoboractivitylocationslist) if(genjoboractivity and genjoboractivitylocation=="front"): completeprompt += "-job- " # if we have a given subject, we should skip making an actual subject if(mainchooser == "humanoid"): # first add a wildcard that can be used to create prompt strenght completeprompt += " -objectstrengthstart-" if(anime_mode and "1girl" not in givensubject and "1boy" not in givensubject): if(subjectchooser != "manwomanmultiple"): if(gender=="male"): completeprompt += "1boy, solo, " else: completeprompt += "1girl, solo, " else: if(gender=="male"): completeprompt += "multipleboys, " else: completeprompt += "multiplegirls, " if(givensubject == "" or (subjectingivensubject and givensubject != "")): if(subjectchooser == "human" and not anime_mode): completeprompt += "-manwoman-" if(subjectchooser == "manwomanrelation"): completeprompt += "-manwomanrelation-" if(subjectchooser == "manwomanmultiple"): completeprompt += "-manwomanmultiple-" if(subjectchooser == "job"): if(not anime_mode): completeprompt += "-malefemale- " completeprompt += "-job-" if(subjectchooser == "fictional"): if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and advancedprompting == True and buildingfullmode == False): hybridorswaplist = ["hybrid", "swap"] hybridorswap = random.choice(hybridorswaplist) completeprompt += "[" # Sometimes, we do a gender swap. Much fun! if(novel_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += gender + " version of -oppositefictional-" else: completeprompt += "-fictional-" if(hybridorswap == "hybrid"): completeprompt += "|" + random.choice(hybridhumanlist) + " ] " if(hybridorswap == "swap"): completeprompt += ":" + random.choice(hybridhumanlist) + ":" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + "] " hybridorswap = "" if(subjectchooser == "non fictional"): if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and advancedprompting == True and buildingfullmode == False): hybridorswaplist = ["hybrid", "swap"] hybridorswap = random.choice(hybridorswaplist) completeprompt += "[" # Sometimes, we do a gender swap. Much fun! if(novel_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += gender + " version of -oppositenonfictional-" else: completeprompt += "-nonfictional-" if(hybridorswap == "hybrid"): completeprompt += "|" + random.choice(hybridhumanlist) + "] " if(hybridorswap == "swap"): completeprompt += ":" + random.choice(hybridhumanlist) + ":" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + "] " hybridorswap = "" if(subjectchooser == "humanoid"): if(gender != "all"): completeprompt += "-malefemale- " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and advancedprompting == True and buildingfullmode == False): hybridorswaplist = ["hybrid", "swap"] hybridorswap = random.choice(hybridorswaplist) completeprompt += "[" completeprompt += "-humanoid-" if(hybridorswap == "hybrid"): completeprompt += "|" + random.choice(hybridhumanlist) + "] " if(hybridorswap == "swap"): completeprompt += ":" + random.choice(hybridhumanlist) + ":" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + "] " hybridorswap = "" if(subjectchooser == "firstname"): if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and advancedprompting == True and buildingfullmode == False): hybridorswaplist = ["hybrid", "swap"] hybridorswap = random.choice(hybridorswaplist) completeprompt += "[" completeprompt += "-firstname-" if(hybridorswap == "hybrid"): completeprompt += "|" + "-firstname-" + "] " if(hybridorswap == "swap"): completeprompt += ":" + "-firstname-" + ":" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + "] " hybridorswap = "" if(buildingfullmode == True): completeprompt += "s" completeprompt += " " else: if(subjectchooser == "manwomanmultiple" and subtypehumanoid != "multiple humans" and givensubject not in ["1girl", "1boy", "solo"]): if(random.randint(0,1) == 1): completeprompt += " " + givensubject + " and a -manwomanmultiple- " else: completeprompt += " a OR(group;couple;crowd;bunch) of " + givensubject + " " else: completeprompt += " " + givensubject + " " # sometimes add a suffix for more fun! if( (mainchooser == "humanoid" or mainchooser == "animal" or mainchooser == "object") and chance_roll(insanitylevel, subjectconceptsuffixchance)): completeprompt += " of -conceptsuffix- " if(mainchooser == "humanoid" or mainchooser == "animal" or mainchooser == "object"): # completion of strenght end completeprompt += "-objectstrengthend-" if(mainchooser == 'animal' and legendary_dist(insanitylevel)): animaladdedsomething = 1 completeprompt += " -animalsuffixaddition- " if(mainchooser == "landscape"): # first add a wildcard that can be used to create prompt strenght completeprompt += " -objectstrengthstart-" # if we have a given subject, we should skip making an actual subject if(givensubject == "" or (subjectingivensubject and givensubject != "")): if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and advancedprompting == True): hybridorswaplist = ["hybrid", "swap"] hybridorswap = random.choice(hybridorswaplist) completeprompt += "[" if(subtypelocation != "all"): if(subtypelocation=="location"): locationwildcardlist = ["-location-"] elif(subtypelocation=="fantasy location"): locationwildcardlist = ["-locationfantasy-"] elif(subtypelocation=="videogame location"): locationwildcardlist = ["-locationvideogame-"] elif(subtypelocation=="sci-fi location"): locationwildcardlist = ["-locationscifi-"] elif(subtypelocation=="biome"): locationwildcardlist = ["-locationbiome-"] elif(subtypelocation=="city"): locationwildcardlist = ["-locationcity-"] chosenlocationwildcard = random.choice(locationwildcardlist) completeprompt += chosenlocationwildcard + " " if(hybridorswap == "hybrid"): completeprompt += "|" + chosenlocationwildcard + "] " if(hybridorswap == "swap"): completeprompt += ":" + chosenlocationwildcard + ":" + str(random.randint(1,5)) + "] " else: completeprompt += " " + givensubject + " " hybridorswap = "" # completion of strenght end completeprompt += "-objectstrengthend-" # shots from inside can create cool effects in landscapes if(chance_roll(max(1,insanitylevel-2), subjectlandscapeaddonlocationchance) and insideshot == 0): insideshot = 1 # lets cheat a bit here, we can do something cool I saw on reddit if(mainchooser=="humanoid" and legendary_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += " looking at a -addontolocationinside- " elif(mainchooser=="humanoid" and legendary_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += " facing a -addontolocationinside- " elif(legendary_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += " in the distance there is a -addontolocationinside- " else: completeprompt += " from inside of a -addontolocationinside- " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, subjectlandscapeaddonlocationchance) and insideshot == 0): completeprompt += " and " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, subjectlandscapeaddonlocationdescriptorchance)): completeprompt += "-locationdescriptor- " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, subjectlandscapeaddonlocationculturechance)): completeprompt += "-culture- " #addontolocation = [locationlist,buildinglist, vehiclelist] if(random.randint(0,1) == 1): completeprompt += "-addontolocation- " else: completeprompt += "-background- " if(mainchooser == "concept"): # first add a wildcard that can be used to create prompt strenght completeprompt += " -objectstrengthstart- " if(subjectchooser == "conceptmixer"): chosenconceptmixerprelist = random.choice(conceptmixerlist) chosenconceptmixerlist = chosenconceptmixerprelist.split("@") chosenconceptmixer = ''.join([chosenconceptmixerlist[0]]) chosenconceptmixersubject = ''.join([chosenconceptmixerlist[1]]) # if there is a subject override, then replace the subject with that if(givensubject==""): chosenconceptmixer = chosenconceptmixer.replace("-subject-",chosenconceptmixersubject ) elif(givensubject != "" and subjectingivensubject == False): chosenconceptmixer = chosenconceptmixer.replace("-subject-",givensubject ) if(overrideoutfit!="" and ("-outfit-" in chosenconceptmixer or "-minioutfit-" in chosenconceptmixer)): chosenconceptmixer = chosenconceptmixer.replace("-outfit-",overrideoutfit ) chosenconceptmixer = chosenconceptmixer.replace("-minioutfit-",overrideoutfit ) outfitmode = 1 # We dont want another outfit in this case completeprompt += chosenconceptmixer elif(givensubject == "" or (subjectingivensubject and givensubject != "")): if(subjectchooser == "event"): completeprompt += " \"-event-\" " if(subjectchooser == "concept"): completeprompt += " \"The -conceptprefix- of -conceptsuffix-\" " if(subjectchooser == "poemline"): completeprompt += " \"-poemline-\" " if(subjectchooser == "songline"): completeprompt += " \"-songline-\" " if(subjectchooser == "cardname"): completeprompt += " \"-cardname-\" " if(subjectchooser == "episodetitle"): completeprompt += " \"-episodetitle-\" " # making subject override work with X and Y concepts, much fun! elif(givensubject != "" and subjectchooser == "concept" and subjectingivensubject == False): if(random.randint(0,3) == 0): completeprompt += " \"The -conceptprefix- of " + givensubject + "\" " else: completeprompt += " \"The " + givensubject + " of -conceptsuffix-\" " else: completeprompt += " " + givensubject + " " # completion of strenght end completeprompt += " -objectstrengthend-" if(subjectingivensubject): completeprompt += " " + givensubjectpromptlist[1] + " " if(genjoboractivity and genjoboractivitylocation=="middle"): joboractivitylist = [joblist,humanactivitylist] completeprompt += random.choice(random.choice(joboractivitylist)) + ", " if(descriptorsintheback == 2): # Common to have 1 description, uncommon to have 2 if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, subjectdescriptor1chance) and generatedescriptors == True): if(animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["human", "job", "fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation","manwomanmultiple", "firstname"]): if(less_verbose): if(anime_mode and random.randint(0,2)<2): completeprompt += ", -basicbitchdescriptor- " else: completeprompt += ", -humandescriptor- " elif(random.randint(0,3) > 0): completeprompt += ", OR(;-heshe- is;normal) OR(;very;rare) -humandescriptor- " elif(subjectchooser == "manwomanmultiple"): completeprompt += ", the -samehumansubject- are OR(;very;rare) -humandescriptor-" else: completeprompt += ", OR(the -manwoman-;-samehumansubject-) is OR(;very;rare) -humandescriptor-" elif(mainchooser == "landscape"): if(less_verbose): completeprompt += ", -locationdescriptor- " else: completeprompt += ", OR(;-heshe- is;normal) OR(;very;rare) -locationdescriptor- " elif(mainchooser == "animal"): if(less_verbose): completeprompt += ", -animaldescriptor- " else: completeprompt += ", OR(;-heshe- is;normal) OR(;very;rare) -animaldescriptor- " else: if(less_verbose): completeprompt += ", -descriptor- " else: completeprompt += ", OR(;-heshe- is;normal) OR(;very;rare) -descriptor- " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, subjectdescriptor2chance) and generatedescriptors == True): if(animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["human", "job", "fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation","manwomanmultiple","firstname"]): if(less_verbose): completeprompt += ", -humandescriptor- " else: completeprompt += " and -humandescriptor- " elif(mainchooser == "landscape"): if(less_verbose): completeprompt += ", -locationdescriptor- " else: completeprompt += " and -locationdescriptor- " elif(mainchooser == "animal"): if(less_verbose): completeprompt += ", -animaldescriptor- " else: completeprompt += " and -animaldescriptor- " else: if(less_verbose): completeprompt += ", -descriptor- " else: completeprompt += " and -descriptor- " completeprompt += ", " ## set the insanitylevel back if(superprompter == True): insanitylevel = originalinsanitylevel if(thetokinatormode == False): # object additions for i in range(objectadditionsrepeats): if(mainchooser == "object" and chance_roll(insanitylevel, objectadditionschance) and generateobjectaddition == True): completeprompt += ", -objectaddition- , " # riding an animal, holding an object or driving a vehicle, rare if((animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["human","fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation","manwomanmultiple","firstname"]) and chance_roll(insanitylevel, humanadditionchance) and generatehumanaddition == True): humanspecial = 1 completeprompt += "-humanaddition- " completeprompt += ", " # unique additions for all types: if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, overalladditionchance) and generateoveralladdition == True): completeprompt += "-overalladdition- " # SD understands emoji's. Can be used to manipulate facial expressions. # emoji, legendary if((animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["human","fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation","manwomanmultiple","firstname"]) and chance_roll(insanitylevel, emojichance) and generateemoji== True): completeprompt += "-emoji-, " # human expressions if((animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["animal as human,","human","fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation","manwomanmultiple","firstname"]) and chance_roll(insanitylevel, humanexpressionchance) and generatehumanexpression== True): completeprompt += "-humanexpression-, " # cosplaying #if(subjectchooser in ["animal as human", "non fictional", "humanoid"] and rare_dist(insanitylevel) and humanspecial != 1): # completeprompt += "cosplaying as " + random.choice(fictionallist) + ", " # Job # either go job or activity, not both if(genjoboractivity and genjoboractivitylocation=="back"): if(random.randint(0,1)==0): completeprompt += ", " + random.choice(humanactivitylist)+ ", " else: completeprompt += ", OR(,; as a;rare) -job-, " # add face builder sometimes on generic humans if(subjectchooser in ["human", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation","firstname"] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, buildfacechance) and generateface== True): completeprompt += random.choice(buildfacelist) + ", " # custom mid list for i in range(custominputmidrepeats): if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, custominputmidchance) and generatecustominputmid == True): completeprompt += random.choice(custominputmidlist) + ", " # add in some more mini vomits if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, minivomitmidchance) and generateminivomit == True): completeprompt += " -minivomit-, " # outfit builder if(outfitmode == 2): completeprompt += " " + random.choice(buildoutfitlist) + ", " if(extraordinary_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += " -outfitvomit-, " elif(outfitmode == 2 and overrideoutfit != "" and imagetype != "only templates mode"): completeprompt += " " + random.choice(buildoutfitlist) + ", " if(extraordinary_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += " -outfitvomit-, " if((animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["human","fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation","manwomanmultiple", "firstname"]) and chance_roll(insanitylevel, posechance) and humanspecial != 1 and generatepose == True): completeprompt += random.choice(poselist) + ", " if(subjectchooser in ["human","job","fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation","manwomanmultiple", "firstname"] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, hairchance) and generatehairstyle == True): completeprompt += random.choice(buildhairlist) + ", " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += " -hairvomit-, " if((animalashuman or subjectchooser in ["human","fictional", "non fictional", "humanoid", "manwomanrelation","manwomanmultiple", "firstname"]) and chance_roll(insanitylevel, accessorychance) and generateaccessorie == True and generateaccessories == True): completeprompt += random.choice(buildaccessorielist) + ", " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, humanoidinsideshotchance) and subjectchooser not in ["landscape", "concept"] and generateinsideshot == True): insideshot = 1 completeprompt += random.choice(insideshotlist) + ", " if(subjectchooser not in ["landscape", "concept"] and humanspecial != 1 and insideshot == 0 and chance_roll(insanitylevel, humanoidbackgroundchance) and generatebackground == True): completeprompt += random.choice(backgroundtypelist) + ", " # minilocation bit if(subjectchooser in ["landscape"] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, landscapeminilocationchance) and generateminilocationaddition == True): completeprompt += " -minilocationaddition-, " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, generalminilocationchance) and generateminilocationaddition == True): completeprompt += " -minilocationaddition-, " # divider between subject and everything else completeprompt += " @@@ " # Add more quality while in greg mode lol if(originalartistchoice == "greg mode" and generatequality == True): completeprompt += "-quality-, " # landscapes it is nice to always have a time period if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, timperiodchance) or subjectchooser=="landscape"): if(generatetimeperiod == True): completeprompt += "-timeperiod-, " if(mainchooser not in ["landscape"] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, focuschance) and generatefocus == True): completeprompt += "-focus-, " # artists in the middle, can happen as well: if(artists != "none" and artistsplacement == "middle" and generateartist == True): completeprompt += ", " doartistnormal = True if(artists == "greg mode"): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " -gregmode-, " doartistnormal = False # in case we have ALL, we can also do a specific artist mode per chosen subject. sometimes elif(originalartistchoice == "all" and random.randint(0,3) == 0): if(mainchooser in ["humanoid", "animal"]): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " OR(-portraitartist-;-characterartist-), OR(-portraitartist-;-characterartist-) OR(;and OR(-fantasyartist-;-scifiartist-;-photographyartist-;-digitalartist-;-graphicdesignartist-);uncommon), " doartistnormal = False elif(mainchooser in ["landscape"]): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " OR(-landscapeartist-;-digitalartist-), OR(-landscapeartist-;-graphicdesignartist-) OR(;and OR(-fantasyartist-;-scifiartist-;-photographyartist-;-digitalartist-;-graphicdesignartist-);uncommon), " doartistnormal = False elif(subjectchooser in ["building"]): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " OR(-landscapeartist-;-architectartist-), OR(-landscapeartist-;-architectartist-) OR(;and OR(-fantasyartist-;-scifiartist-;-photographyartist-;-digitalartist-;-graphicdesignartist-);uncommon), " doartistnormal = False if(doartistnormal): # sometimes do this as well, but now in the front of the artists if(giventypeofimage=="" and imagetype == "all" and random.randint(0, 2) == 0): completeprompt += "-artiststyle- art, " # take 1-3 artists, weighted to 1-2 step = random.randint(0, 1) minstep = step end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel3) # determine artist mode: # normal # hybrid | # switching A:B:X # adding at step x a:X # stopping at step x ::X modeselector = random.randint(0,10) if modeselector < 4 and end - step >= 2: artistmodeslist = ["hybrid", "stopping", "adding", "switching"] artistmode = artistmodeslist[modeselector] if(advancedprompting == False): artistmode = "normal" if artistmode in ["hybrid","switching"] and end - step == 1: artistmode = "normal" # if there are not enough artists in the list, then just go normal if(len(artistlist) < 3): artistmode = "normal" if artistmode in ["hybrid", "stopping", "adding","switching"]: completeprompt += " [" while step < end: if(normal_dist(insanitylevel) and remove_weights == False): isweighted = 1 if isweighted == 1: completeprompt += " (" #completeprompt = add_from_csv(completeprompt, "artists", 0, "art by ","") if(step == minstep): # sometimes do this if(giventypeofimage=="" and imagetype == "all" and random.randint(0, 1) == 0): if(artiststyleselectormode == "normal"): completeprompt += artiststyleselector + " art " else: completeprompt += "-artiststyle- art " artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] else: artistbylist = [""] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " -artist-" if isweighted == 1: completeprompt += ":" + str(1 + (random.randint(-3,3)/10)) + ")" if artistmode in ["hybrid"] and not end - step == 1: completeprompt += "|" if artistmode in ["switching"] and not end - step == 1: completeprompt += ":" if artistmode not in ["hybrid", "switching"]and not end - step == 1: completeprompt += "," isweighted = 0 step = step + 1 if artistmode in ["stopping"]: completeprompt += "::" completeprompt += str(random.randint(1,19)) if artistmode in ["switching","adding"]: completeprompt += ":" + str(random.randint(1,18)) if artistmode in ["hybrid", "stopping","adding", "switching"]: completeprompt += "] " completeprompt += ", " # end of the artist stuff if(thetokinatormode == False): # todo descriptivemode = False # if we have artists, maybe go in artists descriptor mode if(not anime_mode and not less_verbose and templatemode == False and specialmode == False and "-artist-" in completeprompt and uncommon_dist(max(8 - insanitylevel,3))): for i in range(random.randint(1,3)): # print("adding artist stuff") completeprompt += ", -artistdescription-" descriptivemode = True completeprompt += ", " # if not, we could go in random styles descriptor mode elif(not anime_mode and not less_verbose and templatemode == False and specialmode == False and legendary_dist(10 - insanitylevel)): for i in range(random.randint(1,max(7,insanitylevel + 2))): # print("adding random crap") completeprompt += ", -allstylessuffix-" descriptivemode = True completeprompt += ", " # and on high levels, DO EVERYTHING :D if(descriptivemode == False or rare_dist(insanitylevel)): # Add more quality while in greg mode lol if(originalartistchoice == "greg mode" and generatequality == True): completeprompt += "-quality-, " # others if(chance_roll(max(1,insanitylevel -1), directionchance) and generatedirection == True): completeprompt += "-direction-, " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, moodchance) and generatemood == True): completeprompt += "-mood-, " # add in some more mini vomits if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, minivomitsuffixchance) and generateminivomit == True): completeprompt += " -minivomit-, " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, artmovementchance) and generateartmovement == True): completeprompt += "-artmovement-, " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, lightingchance) and generatelighting == True): completeprompt += "-lighting-, " # determine wether we have a photo or not if("photo" in completeprompt.lower()): isphoto = 1 if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, photoadditionchance) and isphoto == 1 and generatephotoaddition == True): completeprompt += random.choice(photoadditionlist) + ", " if(isphoto == 1 and generatecamera == True): completeprompt += "-camera-, " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, lenschance) or isphoto == 1): if(generatelens == True): completeprompt += "-lens-, " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, colorschemechance) and generatecolorscheme == True): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " # vomit some cool/wierd things into the prompt if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, vomit1chance) and generatevomit == True): completeprompt += "-vomit-, " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, vomit2chance)): completeprompt += "-vomit-, " # human specfic vomit if(mainchooser == "humanoid" and chance_roll(insanitylevel, humanvomitchance) and generatehumanvomit == True): completeprompt += "-humanvomit-, " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, humanvomitchance)): completeprompt += "-humanvomit-, " #adding a great work of art, like starry night has cool effects. But this should happen only very rarely. if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, greatworkchance) and generategreatwork == True): completeprompt += " in the style of -greatwork-, " #adding a poemline. But this should happen only very rarely. if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, poemlinechance) and generatepoemline == True): completeprompt += " \"-poemline-\", " #adding a songline. But this should happen only very rarely. if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, songlinechance) and generatesongline == True): completeprompt += " \"-songline-\", " # everyone loves the adding quality. The better models don't need this, but lets add it anyway if((chance_roll(insanitylevel, quality1chance) or originalartistchoice == "greg mode") and generatequality == True): completeprompt += "-quality-, " if((chance_roll(insanitylevel, quality2chance) or originalartistchoice == "greg mode")): completeprompt += "-quality-, " # start second part of art blaster here if(artblastermode==True): step = 0 end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel) + 1 while step < end: if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artistlist)): completeprompt += "-artist-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artmovementlist)): completeprompt += "-artmovement-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(vomitlist)): completeprompt += "-vomit-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(imagetypelist)): completeprompt += "-imagetype-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(colorschemelist)): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " step = step + 1 # start second part of unique art here if(uniqueartmode==True): step = 0 end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel) + 1 while step < end: if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artmovementlist)): completeprompt += "-artmovement-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(colorschemelist)): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(vomitlist)): completeprompt += "-vomit-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(lightinglist)): completeprompt += "-lighting-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(qualitylist)): completeprompt += "-quality-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artistlist)): completeprompt += "-artist-, " if(novel_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(greatworklist)): completeprompt += "in style of -greatwork-, " if(novel_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(poemlinelist)): completeprompt += "\"-poemline-\", " if(novel_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(songlinelist)): completeprompt += "\"-songline-\", " step = step + 1 # start second part of quality vomit here if(qualityvomitmode==True): step = 0 end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel) + 1 while step < end: if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(vomitlist)): completeprompt += "-vomit-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(qualitylist)): completeprompt += "-quality-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(minivomitlist)): completeprompt += "-minivomit-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artmovementlist)) : completeprompt += "-artmovement-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(colorschemelist)): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " step = step + 1 # start second part of mood color here if(colorcannonmode == True): step = 0 end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel) + 1 while step < end: if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(moodlist)): completeprompt += "-mood-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(colorschemelist)): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(vomitlist)): completeprompt += "-vomit-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artmovementlist)): completeprompt += "-artmovement-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(lightinglist)): completeprompt += "-lighting-, " step = step + 1 # start second part of photo fantasy here if(photofantasymode == True): step = 0 end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel) + 1 while step < end: if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(lightinglist)): completeprompt += "-lighting-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(cameralist)): completeprompt += "-camera-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(lenslist)): completeprompt += "-lens-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(moodlist)): completeprompt += "-mood-, " if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(colorschemelist)): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " step = step + 1 # start second part of massive madness here if(massivemadnessmode == True): completeprompt += ", " step = 0 end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel) + 1 while step < end: if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artistlist)): completeprompt += "-artist-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(descriptorlist)): completeprompt += "-descriptor-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(moodlist)): completeprompt += "-mood-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(colorschemelist)): completeprompt += "-colorscheme-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(vomitlist)): completeprompt += "-vomit-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(artmovementlist)): completeprompt += "-artmovement-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(lightinglist)): completeprompt += "-lighting-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(minilocationadditionslist)): completeprompt += "-minilocationaddition-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(materiallist)): completeprompt += "-material-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(conceptsuffixlist)): completeprompt += "-conceptsuffix-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(qualitylist)): completeprompt += "-quality-, " if(rare_dist(insanitylevel) and bool(cameralist)): completeprompt += "-camera-, " step = step + 1 # start styles mode here if(stylesmode == True): completeprompt += chosenstylesuffix templatesmodechance = 0 if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel) and not anime_mode): # not for anime models! templatesmodechance = 1 if(dynamictemplatesmode == True and templatesmodechance == 1): for i in range(random.randint(1,max(2,insanitylevel))): completeprompt += ", -allstylessuffix-" if(dynamictemplatesmode == True and common_dist(insanitylevel) and templatesmodechance == 0): if("-artist-" in completeprompt or artists == "none"): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-artist-" not in sentence.lower()] dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-artiststyle-" not in sentence.lower()] dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-artistdescription-" not in sentence.lower()] if("-lighting-" in completeprompt): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-lighting-" not in sentence.lower()] if("-shotsize-" in completeprompt): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-shotsize-" not in sentence.lower()] if("-artmovement-" in completeprompt): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-artmovement-" not in sentence.lower()] if("-imagetype-" in completeprompt or "-othertype-" in completeprompt ): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-imagetype-" not in sentence.lower()] dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-othertype-" not in sentence.lower()] if("-colorcombination-" in completeprompt or "-colorscheme" in completeprompt ): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-colorcombination-" not in sentence.lower()] dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-colorscheme-" not in sentence.lower()] if("-mood-" in completeprompt or "-humanexpression" in completeprompt ): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-mood-" not in sentence.lower()] dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-humanexpression-" not in sentence.lower()] chosenstylesuffix = random.choice(dynamictemplatessuffixlist) completeprompt += ". " + chosenstylesuffix if(normal_dist(insanitylevel)): if("-artist-" in completeprompt): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-artist-" not in sentence.lower()] if("-lighting-" in completeprompt): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-lighting-" not in sentence.lower()] if("-shotsize-" in completeprompt): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-shotsize-" not in sentence.lower()] if("-artmovement-" in completeprompt): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-artmovement-" not in sentence.lower()] if("-imagetype-" in completeprompt or "-othertype-" in completeprompt ): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-imagetype-" not in sentence.lower()] dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-othertype-" not in sentence.lower()] if("-colorcombination-" in completeprompt or "-colorscheme" in completeprompt ): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-colorcombination-" not in sentence.lower()] dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-colorscheme-" not in sentence.lower()] if("-mood-" in completeprompt or "-humanexpression" in completeprompt ): dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-mood-" not in sentence.lower()] dynamictemplatessuffixlist = [sentence for sentence in dynamictemplatessuffixlist if "-humanexpression-" not in sentence.lower()] chosenstylesuffix = random.choice(dynamictemplatessuffixlist) completeprompt += " " + chosenstylesuffix # custom style list if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, customstyle1chance) and generatestyle == True): completeprompt += "-styletilora-, " if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, customstyle2chance)): completeprompt += "-styletilora-, " # custom suffix list for i in range(custominputsuffixrepeats): if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, custominputsuffixchance) and generatecustominputsuffix == True): completeprompt += random.choice(custominputsuffixlist) + ", " if artistmode in ["enhancing"]: completeprompt += "::" + str(random.randint(1,17)) + "] " if(artists != "none" and artistsplacement == "back" and generateartist == True): completeprompt += ", " doartistnormal = True if(artists == "greg mode"): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " -gregmode- ," doartistnormal = False # in case we have ALL, we can also do a specific artist mode per chosen subject. sometimes elif(originalartistchoice == "all" and random.randint(0,3) == 0): if(mainchooser in ["humanoid", "animal"]): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " OR(-portraitartist-;-characterartist-), OR(-portraitartist-;-characterartist-) OR(;and OR(-fantasyartist-;-scifiartist-;-photographyartist-;-digitalartist-;-graphicdesignartist-);uncommon), " doartistnormal = False elif(mainchooser in ["landscape"]): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " OR(-landscapeartist-;-digitalartist-), OR(-landscapeartist-;-graphicdesignartist-) OR(;and OR(-fantasyartist-;-scifiartist-;-photographyartist-;-digitalartist-;-graphicdesignartist-);uncommon), " doartistnormal = False elif(subjectchooser in ["building"]): artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " OR(-landscapeartist-;-architectartist-), OR(-landscapeartist-;-architectartist-) OR(;and OR(-fantasyartist-;-scifiartist-;-photographyartist-;-digitalartist-;-graphicdesignartist-);uncommon), " doartistnormal = False if(doartistnormal): # take 1-3 artists, weighted to 1-2 step = random.randint(0, 1) minstep = step end = random.randint(1, insanitylevel3) # determine artist mode: # normal # hybrid | # switching A:B:X # adding at step x a:X # stopping at step x ::X modeselector = random.randint(0,10) if modeselector < 4 and end - step >= 2: artistmodeslist = ["hybrid", "stopping", "adding", "switching"] artistmode = artistmodeslist[modeselector] if(advancedprompting == False): artistmode = "normal" if artistmode in ["hybrid","switching"] and end - step == 1: artistmode = "normal" # if there are not enough artists in the list, then just go normal if(len(artistlist) < 3): artistmode = "normal" if artistmode in ["hybrid", "stopping", "adding","switching"]: completeprompt += " [" while step < end: if(normal_dist(insanitylevel) and remove_weights == False): isweighted = 1 if isweighted == 1: completeprompt += " (" #completeprompt = add_from_csv(completeprompt, "artists", 0, "art by ","") if(step == minstep): # sometimes do this if(giventypeofimage=="" and imagetype == "all" and random.randint(0, 1) == 0): if(artiststyleselectormode == "normal"): completeprompt += artiststyleselector + " art " else: completeprompt += "-artiststyle- art " artistbylist = ["art by", "designed by", "stylized by", "by"] else: artistbylist = [""] completeprompt += random.choice(artistbylist) + " -artist-" if isweighted == 1: completeprompt += ":" + str(1 + (random.randint(-3,3)/10)) + ")" if artistmode in ["hybrid"] and not end - step == 1: completeprompt += "|" if artistmode in ["switching"] and not end - step == 1: completeprompt += ":" if artistmode not in ["hybrid", "switching"]and not end - step == 1: completeprompt += "," isweighted = 0 step = step + 1 if artistmode in ["stopping"]: completeprompt += "::" completeprompt += str(random.randint(1,19)) if artistmode in ["switching","adding"]: completeprompt += ":" + str(random.randint(1,18)) if artistmode in ["hybrid", "stopping","adding", "switching"]: completeprompt += "] " # end of the artist stuff if(partlystylemode == True): # add a part of the style to the back chosenstylesuffixlist = chosenstylesuffix.split(",") for i in range(len(chosenstylesuffixlist)): if(random.randint(3, 10) 7 and unique_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-descriptor-", "-artmovement-",1) # On low insanity levels (lower than 5) ,a chance refer to the basic bitch list on some occasions if(random.randint(0,insanitylevel) == 0 and insanitylevel < 5): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-locationdescriptor-", "-basicbitchdescriptor-") completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-humandescriptor-", "-basicbitchdescriptor-") completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-outfitdescriptor-", "-basicbitchdescriptor-") completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-descriptor-", "-basicbitchdescriptor-") completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-animaldescriptor-", "-basicbitchdescriptor-") # we now have color combinations, which are stronger than just color. So lets change them while we are at it. if(random.randint(0,max(0, insanitylevel - 2)) <= 0): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-color- and -color-", "-colorcombination-") # any color and color becomes a color combination colorreplacementlist = ["-color-","-color-","-color-","-colorcombination-","-colorcombination-", "-colorcombination-", "-colorcombination-", "-colorcombination-", "-colorcombination-", "-colorcombination-"] random.shuffle(colorreplacementlist) # Convert completeprompt to a list to allow character-wise manipulation completeprompt_list = list(completeprompt) # Iterate over the characters in completeprompt_list for i in range(len(completeprompt_list) - len("-color-") + 1): if "".join(completeprompt_list[i:i+len("-color-")]) == "-color-": # Replace -heshe- with a value from the shuffled list replacement = colorreplacementlist.pop() completeprompt_list[i:i+len("-color-")] = replacement # Convert the list back to a string completeprompt = "".join(completeprompt_list) # we now have material combinations, which are stronger than just one material. So lets change them while we are at it. if(random.randint(0,max(0, insanitylevel - 4)) <= 0): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-material- and -material-", "-materialcombination-") # any color and color becomes a color combination materialreplacementlist = ["-material-","-material-","-material-","-materialcombination-","-materialcombination-", "-materialcombination-", "-materialcombination-", "-materialcombination-", "-materialcombination-", "-materialcombination-"] random.shuffle(materialreplacementlist) # Convert completeprompt to a list to allow character-wise manipulation completeprompt_list = list(completeprompt) # Iterate over the characters in completeprompt_list for i in range(len(completeprompt_list) - len("-material-") + 1): if "".join(completeprompt_list[i:i+len("-material-")]) == "-material-": # Replace -heshe- with a value from the shuffled list replacement = materialreplacementlist.pop() completeprompt_list[i:i+len("-material-")] = replacement # Convert the list back to a string completeprompt = "".join(completeprompt_list) # print(completeprompt) # lol, this needs a rewrite :D while ( "-color-" in completeprompt or "-material-" in completeprompt or "-animal-" in completeprompt or "-object-" in completeprompt or "-fictional-" in completeprompt or "-nonfictional-" in completeprompt or "-conceptsuffix-" in completeprompt or "-building-" in completeprompt or "-vehicle-" in completeprompt or "-outfit-" in completeprompt or "-location-" in completeprompt or "-conceptprefix-" in completeprompt or "-descriptor-" in completeprompt or "-food-" in completeprompt or "-haircolor-" in completeprompt or "-hairstyle-" in completeprompt or "-job-" in completeprompt or "-culture-" in completeprompt or "-accessory-" in completeprompt or "-humanoid-" in completeprompt or "-manwoman-" in completeprompt or "-human-" in completeprompt or "-colorscheme-" in completeprompt or "-mood-" in completeprompt or "-genderdescription-" in completeprompt or "-artmovement-" in completeprompt or "-malefemale-" in completeprompt or "-objecttotal-" in completeprompt or "-outfitprinttotal-" in completeprompt or "-bodytype-" in completeprompt or "-minilocation-" in completeprompt or "-minilocationaddition-" in completeprompt or "-pose-" in completeprompt or "-season-" in completeprompt or "-minioutfit-" in completeprompt or "-elaborateoutfit-" in completeprompt or "-minivomit-" in completeprompt or "-vomit-" in completeprompt or "-rpgclass-" in completeprompt or "-subjectfromfile-" in completeprompt or "-outfitfromfile-" in completeprompt or "-brand-" in completeprompt or "-space-" in completeprompt or "-artist-" in completeprompt or "-imagetype-" in completeprompt or "-othertype-" in completeprompt or "-quality-" in completeprompt or "-lighting-" in completeprompt or "-camera-" in completeprompt or "-lens-" in completeprompt or "-imagetypequality-" in completeprompt or "-poemline-" in completeprompt or "-songline-" in completeprompt or "-greatwork-" in completeprompt or "-fantasyartist-" in completeprompt or "-popularartist-" in completeprompt or "-romanticismartist-" in completeprompt or "-photographyartist-" in completeprompt or "-emoji-" in completeprompt or "-timeperiod-" in completeprompt or "-shotsize-" in completeprompt or "-musicgenre-" in completeprompt or "-animaladdition-" in completeprompt or "-addontolocationinside-" in completeprompt or "-addontolocation-" in completeprompt or "-objectaddition-" in completeprompt or "-humanaddition-" in completeprompt or "-overalladdition-" in completeprompt or "-focus-" in completeprompt or "-direction-" in completeprompt or "-styletilora-" in completeprompt or "-manwomanrelation-" in completeprompt or "-manwomanmultiple-" in completeprompt or "-waterlocation-" in completeprompt or "-container-" in completeprompt or "-firstname-" in completeprompt or "-flora-" in completeprompt or "-print-" in completeprompt or "-miniactivity-" in completeprompt or "-pattern-" in completeprompt or "-animalsuffixaddition-" in completeprompt or "-chair-" in completeprompt or "-cardname-" in completeprompt or "-covering-" in completeprompt or "-heshe-" in completeprompt or "-hisher-" in completeprompt or "-himher-" in completeprompt or "-outfitdescriptor-" in completeprompt or "-hairdescriptor-" in completeprompt or "-hairvomit-" in completeprompt or "-humandescriptor-" in completeprompt or "-facepart-" in completeprompt or "-buildfacepart-" in completeprompt or "-outfitvomit-" in completeprompt or "-locationdescriptor-" in completeprompt or "-basicbitchdescriptor-" in completeprompt or "-animaldescriptor-" in completeprompt or "-humanexpression-" in completeprompt or "-humanvomit-" in completeprompt or "-eyecolor-" in completeprompt or "-fashiondesigner-" in completeprompt or "-colorcombination-" in completeprompt or "-materialcombination-" in completeprompt or "-oppositefictional-" in completeprompt or "-oppositenonfictional-" in completeprompt or "-photoaddition-" in completeprompt or "-age-" in completeprompt or "-agecalculator-" in completeprompt or "-gregmode-" in completeprompt or "-portraitartist-" in completeprompt or "-characterartist-" in completeprompt or "-landscapeartist-" in completeprompt or "-scifiartist-" in completeprompt or "-graphicdesignartist-" in completeprompt or "-digitalartist-" in completeprompt or "-architectartist-" in completeprompt or "-cinemaartist-" in completeprompt or "-element-" in completeprompt or "-setting-" in completeprompt or "-charactertype-" in completeprompt or "-objectstohold-" in completeprompt or "-episodetitle-" in completeprompt or "-token-" in completeprompt or "-allstylessuffix-" in completeprompt or "-fluff-" in completeprompt or "-event-" in completeprompt or "-background-" in completeprompt or "-occult-" in completeprompt or "-locationfantasy-" in completeprompt or "-locationscifi-" in completeprompt or "-locationvideogame-" in completeprompt or "-locationbiome-" in completeprompt or "-locationcity-" in completeprompt or "-bird-" in completeprompt or "-cat-" in completeprompt or "-dog-" in completeprompt or "-insect-" in completeprompt or "-pokemon-" in completeprompt or "-pokemontype-" in completeprompt or "-marinelife-" in completeprompt): allwildcardslistnohybrid = [ "-color-","-object-", "-animal-", "-fictional-","-nonfictional-","-building-","-vehicle-","-location-","-conceptprefix-","-food-","-haircolor-","-hairstyle-","-job-", "-accessory-", "-humanoid-", "-manwoman-", "-human-", "-colorscheme-", "-mood-", "-genderdescription-", "-artmovement-", "-malefemale-", "-bodytype-", "-minilocation-", "-minilocationaddition-", "-pose-", "-season-", "-minioutfit-", "-elaborateoutfit-", "-minivomit-", "-vomit-", "-rpgclass-", "-subjectfromfile-","-outfitfromfile-", "-brand-", "-space-", "-artist-", "-imagetype-", "-othertype-", "-quality-", "-lighting-", "-camera-", "-lens-","-imagetypequality-", "-poemline-", "-songline-", "-greatwork-", "-fantasyartist-", "-popularartist-", "-romanticismartist-", "-photographyartist-", "-emoji-", "-timeperiod-", "-shotsize-", "-musicgenre-", "-animaladdition-", "-addontolocationinside-", "-addontolocation-", "-objectaddition-", "-humanaddition-", "-overalladdition-", "-focus-", "-direction-", "-styletilora-", "-manwomanrelation-", "-waterlocation-", "-container-", "-firstname-", "-flora-", "-print-", "-miniactivity-", "-pattern-", "-animalsuffixaddition-", "-chair-", "-cardname-", "-covering-", "-heshe-", "-hisher-", "-himher-", "-outfitdescriptor-", "-hairdescriptor-", "-hairvomit-", "-humandescriptor-", "-manwomanmultiple-", "-facepart-", "-buildfacepart-", "-outfitvomit-", "-locationdescriptor-", "-basicbitchdescriptor-", "-animaldescriptor-", "-humanexpression-", "-humanvomit-", "-eyecolor-", "-fashiondesigner-", "-colorcombination-", "-materialcombination-", "-oppositefictional-", "-oppositenonfictional-", "-photoaddition-", "-age-", "-agecalculator-", "-gregmode-" ,"-portraitartist-", "-characterartist-" , "-landscapeartist-", "-scifiartist-", "-graphicdesignartist-", "-digitalartist-", "-architectartist-", "-cinemaartist-", "-setting-", "-charactertype-", "-objectstohold-", "-episodetitle-", "-token-", "-allstylessuffix-", "-fluff-", "-event-", "-background-" , "-occult-", "-locationfantasy-", "-locationscifi-", "-locationvideogame-", "-locationbiome-", "-locationcity-", "-bird-", "-cat-", "-dog-", "-insect-", "-pokemon-", "-pokemontype-", "-marinelife-"] allwildcardslistnohybridlists = [colorlist, objectlist, animallist, fictionallist, nonfictionallist, buildinglist, vehiclelist, locationlist,conceptprefixlist,foodlist,haircolorlist, hairstylelist,joblist, accessorielist, humanoidlist, manwomanlist, humanlist, colorschemelist, moodlist, genderdescriptionlist, artmovementlist, malefemalelist, bodytypelist, minilocationlist, minilocationadditionslist, poselist, seasonlist, minioutfitlist, elaborateoutfitlist, minivomitlist, vomitlist, rpgclasslist, customsubjectslist, customoutfitslist, brandlist, spacelist, artistlist, imagetypelist, othertypelist, qualitylist, lightinglist, cameralist, lenslist, imagetypequalitylist, poemlinelist, songlinelist, greatworklist, fantasyartistlist, popularartistlist, romanticismartistlist, photographyartistlist, emojilist, timeperiodlist, shotsizelist, musicgenrelist, animaladditionlist, addontolocationinsidelist, addontolocationlist, objectadditionslist, humanadditionlist, overalladditionlist, focuslist, directionlist, stylestiloralist, manwomanrelationlist, waterlocationlist, containerlist, firstnamelist, floralist, printlist, miniactivitylist, patternlist, animalsuffixadditionlist, chairlist, cardnamelist, coveringlist, heshelist, hisherlist, himherlist, outfitdescriptorlist, hairdescriptorlist, hairvomitlist, humandescriptorlist, manwomanmultiplelist, facepartlist, buildfacepartlist, outfitvomitlist, locationdescriptorlist, basicbitchdescriptorlist, animaldescriptorlist, humanexpressionlist, humanvomitlist, eyecolorlist, fashiondesignerlist, colorcombinationlist, materialcombinationlist, oppositefictionallist, oppositenonfictionallist, photoadditionlist, agelist, agecalculatorlist, gregmodelist , portraitartistlist, characterartistlist, landscapeartistlist, scifiartistlist, graphicdesignartistlist, digitalartistlist, architectartistlist, cinemaartistlist, settinglist, charactertypelist, objectstoholdlist, episodetitlelist, tokenlist, allstylessuffixlist, flufferlist, eventlist, backgroundlist , occultlist, locationfantasylist, locationscifilist, locationvideogamelist, locationbiomelist, locationcitylist, birdlist, catlist, doglist, insectlist, pokemonlist, pokemontypelist, marinelifelist] allwildcardslistwithhybrid = ["-material-", "-descriptor-", "-outfit-", "-conceptsuffix-","-culture-", "-objecttotal-", "-outfitprinttotal-", "-element-"] allwildcardslistwithhybridlists = [materiallist, descriptorlist,outfitlist,conceptsuffixlist,culturelist, objecttotallist, outfitprinttotallist, elementlist] # keywordsinstring = any(word.lower() in givensubject.lower() for word in keywordslist) for wildcard in allwildcardslistnohybrid: attachedlist = allwildcardslistnohybridlists[allwildcardslistnohybrid.index(wildcard)] completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, wildcard, attachedlist,False, advancedprompting, artiststyleselector) for wildcard in allwildcardslistwithhybrid: attachedlist = allwildcardslistwithhybridlists[allwildcardslistwithhybrid.index(wildcard)] completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, wildcard, attachedlist,True, advancedprompting, artiststyleselector) completeprompt = replace_user_wildcards(completeprompt) # prompt strenght stuff # if the given subject already is formed like this ( :1.x) # then just ignore this matches = [] if(givensubject != ""): pattern = r'\(\w+:\d+\.\d+\)' matches = re.findall(pattern, givensubject) if(len(completeprompt) > 325 and matches == [] and remove_weights == False): if(len(completeprompt) < 375): strenght = "1.1" elif(len(completeprompt) < 450): strenght = "1.2" else: strenght = "1.3" completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-objectstrengthstart-","(") completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-objectstrengthend-",":" + strenght + ")") else: completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-objectstrengthstart-","") completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-objectstrengthend-","") # Now, we are going to parse any custom functions we have build in # this is OR() # OR() # OR(foo;bar;bla) --> randomly take foo, bar or bla # OR(foo;bar;bla;uncommon) --> Take foo, unless it hits uncommon roll. Then take bar or bla # OR(;foo) --> empty or foo # OR(;foo;uncommon) --> empty unless it hits uncommon roll. Then take foo # OR(;foo;bar;uncommon) --> empty unless it hits uncommon roll. Then take foo or bar completeprompt = parse_custom_functions(completeprompt, insanitylevel) # prompt enhancer! if(templatemode == False and specialmode == False and base_model != "Stable Cascade"): # how insane do we want it? maxamountofwords = max(0, -1 + random.randint(0,4),6 - insanitylevel) amountofwords = random.randint(0,maxamountofwords) if(amountofwords > 0): enhance_positive_words = enhance_positive(completeprompt, amountofwords) completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-tempnewwords-", enhance_positive_words) completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-tempnewwords-", "") # clean it up completeprompt = cleanup(completeprompt, advancedprompting, insanitylevel) # Split it up for support for prompt_g (subject) and prompt_l (style) if("@@@" in completeprompt and prompt_g_and_l == True): promptlist = completeprompt.split("@@@") prompt_g = cleanup(promptlist[1], advancedprompting, insanitylevel) prompt_l = cleanup((promptlist[0] + ", " + promptlist[2]).replace("of a",""), advancedprompting, insanitylevel) if("@@@" in completeprompt and superprompter == True): #load_models() promptlist = completeprompt.split("@@@") subjectprompt = cleanup(promptlist[1], advancedprompting, insanitylevel) startprompt = cleanup(promptlist[0], advancedprompting, insanitylevel) endprompt = cleanup(promptlist[2], advancedprompting, insanitylevel) superpromptresult = one_button_superprompt(insanitylevel=insanitylevel, prompt=subjectprompt, seed=seed, override_subject=givensubject, override_outfit=overrideoutfit, chosensubject=subjectchooser, gender=gender, restofprompt = startprompt + endprompt) completeprompt = startprompt + ", " + superpromptresult + ", " + endprompt prompt_g = superpromptresult prompt_l = completeprompt elif(prompt_g_and_l == True): prompt_g = completeprompt prompt_l = completeprompt completeprompt = completeprompt.replace(" @@@ ", " ") completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("@@@ ", " ") completeprompt = completeprompt.replace(" @@@", " ") completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("@@@", " ") completeprompt = cleanup(completeprompt, advancedprompting, insanitylevel) #just for me, some fun with posting fake dev messages (ala old sim games) if(random.randint(1, 50)==1): print("") print(random.choice(devmessagelist)) print("") print(completeprompt) # keep this! :D if(prompt_g_and_l == False): return completeprompt else: return completeprompt, prompt_g, prompt_l # function that takes an existing prompt and tries to create a variant out of it def createpromptvariant(prompt = "", insanitylevel = 5, antivalues = "" , gender = "all", artists = "all", advancedprompting = True): # first load the lists, all copied from above (can that be done better?) # do we want to use the same settings or keep it open?? # strip the prompt, for EVO in ruinedfooocus: prompt = prompt.strip() # first build up a complete anti list. Those values are removing during list building # this uses the antivalues string AND the antilist.csv emptylist = [] antilist = csv_to_list("antilist",emptylist , "./userfiles/",1) antivaluelist = antivalues.split(",") antilist += antivaluelist # build all lists here colorlist = csv_to_list("colors",antilist) animallist = csv_to_list("animals",antilist) materiallist = csv_to_list("materials",antilist) objectlist = csv_to_list("objects",antilist) fictionallist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="fictional characters",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) nonfictionallist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="nonfictional characters",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) conceptsuffixlist = csv_to_list("concept_suffix",antilist) buildinglist = csv_to_list("buildings",antilist) vehiclelist = csv_to_list("vehicles",antilist) outfitlist = csv_to_list("outfits",antilist) locationlist = csv_to_list("locations",antilist) backgroundlist = csv_to_list("backgrounds",antilist) locationlist = locationlist + backgroundlist accessorielist = csv_to_list("accessories",antilist,"./csvfiles/",0,"?") artmovementlist = csv_to_list("artmovements",antilist) bodytypelist = csv_to_list("body_types",antilist) cameralist = csv_to_list("cameras",antilist) colorschemelist = csv_to_list("colorscheme",antilist) conceptprefixlist = csv_to_list("concept_prefix",antilist) culturelist = csv_to_list("cultures",antilist) descriptorlist = csv_to_list("descriptors",antilist) devmessagelist = csv_to_list("devmessages",antilist) directionlist = csv_to_list("directions",antilist) emojilist = csv_to_list("emojis",antilist) eventlist = csv_to_list("events",antilist) focuslist = csv_to_list("focus",antilist) greatworklist = csv_to_list("greatworks",antilist) haircolorlist = csv_to_list("haircolors",antilist) hairstylelist = csv_to_list("hairstyles",antilist) hairvomitlist = csv_to_list("hairvomit",antilist,"./csvfiles/",0,"?",False,False) humanactivitylist = csv_to_list("human_activities",antilist,"./csvfiles/",0,"?",False,False) humanoidlist = csv_to_list("humanoids",antilist) imagetypelist = csv_to_list("imagetypes",antilist) joblist = joblist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="jobs",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) lenslist = csv_to_list("lenses",antilist) lightinglist = csv_to_list("lighting",antilist) malefemalelist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="malefemale",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) manwomanlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="manwoman",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) moodlist = csv_to_list("moods",antilist) othertypelist = csv_to_list("othertypes",antilist) poselist = csv_to_list("poses",antilist) qualitylist = csv_to_list("quality",antilist) shotsizelist = csv_to_list("shotsizes",antilist) timeperiodlist = csv_to_list("timeperiods",antilist) vomitlist = csv_to_list("vomit",antilist) foodlist = csv_to_list("foods", antilist) genderdescriptionlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="genderdescription",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) minilocationlist = csv_to_list("minilocations", antilist) minioutfitlist = csv_to_list("minioutfits",antilist,"./csvfiles/",0,"?",False,False,gender) seasonlist = csv_to_list("seasons", antilist) elaborateoutfitlist = csv_to_list("elaborateoutfits", antilist) minivomitlist = csv_to_list("minivomit", antilist) imagetypequalitylist = csv_to_list("imagetypequality", antilist) rpgclasslist = csv_to_list("rpgclasses", antilist) brandlist = csv_to_list("brands", antilist) spacelist = csv_to_list("space", antilist) poemlinelist = csv_to_list("poemlines", antilist) songlinelist = csv_to_list("songlines", antilist) musicgenrelist = csv_to_list("musicgenres", antilist) manwomanrelationlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="manwomanrelations",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) manwomanmultiplelist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="manwomanmultiples",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender,delimiter="?") waterlocationlist = csv_to_list("waterlocations", antilist) containerlist = csv_to_list("containers", antilist) firstnamelist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="firstnames",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True,gender=gender) floralist = csv_to_list("flora", antilist) printlist = csv_to_list("prints", antilist) patternlist = csv_to_list("patterns", antilist) chairlist = csv_to_list("chairs", antilist) cardnamelist = csv_to_list("card_names", antilist) coveringlist = csv_to_list("coverings", antilist) facepartlist = csv_to_list("faceparts", antilist) humanexpressionlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="humanexpressions",antilist=antilist,delimiter="?") humanvomitlist = csv_to_list("humanvomit", antilist) eyecolorlist = csv_to_list("eyecolors", antilist) fashiondesignerlist = csv_to_list("fashiondesigners", antilist) colorcombinationlist = csv_to_list("colorcombinations", antilist) materialcombinationlist = csv_to_list("materialcombinations", antilist) agelist = csv_to_list("ages", antilist) agecalculatorlist = csv_to_list("agecalculator", antilist) elementlist = csv_to_list("elements", antilist) settinglist = csv_to_list("settings", antilist) charactertypelist = csv_to_list("charactertypes", antilist) objectstoholdlist = csv_to_list("objectstohold", antilist) episodetitlelist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="episodetitles",antilist=antilist,skipheader=True) flufferlist = csv_to_list("fluff", antilist) outfitdescriptorlist = csv_to_list("outfitdescriptors",antilist) hairdescriptorlist = csv_to_list("hairdescriptors",antilist) humandescriptorlist = csv_to_list("humandescriptors",antilist) locationdescriptorlist = csv_to_list("locationdescriptors",antilist) basicbitchdescriptorlist = csv_to_list("basicbitchdescriptors",antilist) animaldescriptorlist = csv_to_list("animaldescriptors",antilist) humanlist = fictionallist + nonfictionallist + humanoidlist + malefemalelist + manwomanlist + manwomanrelationlist + manwomanmultiplelist objecttotallist = objectlist + buildinglist + vehiclelist + foodlist + spacelist + floralist + containerlist outfitprinttotallist = objecttotallist + locationlist + colorlist + musicgenrelist + seasonlist + animallist + patternlist styleslist = csv_to_list("styles", antilist,"./csvfiles/templates/",0,"?") stylessuffix = [item.split('-subject-')[1] for item in styleslist] breakstylessuffix = [item.split(',') for item in stylessuffix] allstylessuffixlist = [value for sublist in breakstylessuffix for value in sublist] allstylessuffixlist = list(set(allstylessuffixlist)) # build artists list if artists == "wild": artists = "all (wild)" artistlist = [] # create artist list to use in the code, maybe based on category or personal lists if(artists != "all" and artists != "none" and artists.startswith("personal_artists") == False and artists.startswith("personal artists") == False): artistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category",artists) elif(artists.startswith("personal_artists") == True or artists.startswith("personal artists") == True): artists = artists.replace(" ","_",-1) # add underscores back in artistlist = csv_to_list(artists,antilist,"./userfiles/") elif(artists != "none"): artistlist = csv_to_list("artists",antilist) # create special artists lists, used in templates fantasyartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","fantasy") popularartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","popular") romanticismartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","romanticism") photographyartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","photography") portraitartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","portrait") characterartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","character") landscapeartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","landscape") scifiartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","sci-fi") graphicdesignartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","graphic design") digitalartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","digital") architectartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","architecture") cinemaartistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category","cinema") gregmodelist = csv_to_list("gregmode", antilist) # New set of lists locationfantasylist = csv_to_list("locationsfantasy", antilist) locationscifilist = csv_to_list("locationsscifi", antilist) locationvideogamelist = csv_to_list("locationsvideogame", antilist) locationbiomelist = csv_to_list("locationsbiome", antilist) locationcitylist = csv_to_list("locationscities", antilist) birdlist = csv_to_list("birds", antilist) catlist = csv_to_list("cats", antilist) doglist = csv_to_list("dogs", antilist) insectlist = csv_to_list("insects", antilist) pokemonlist = csv_to_list("pokemon", antilist) pokemontypelist = csv_to_list("pokemontypes", antilist) occultlist = csv_to_list("occult", antilist) marinelifelist = csv_to_list("marinelife", antilist) # add any other custom lists stylestiloralist = csv_to_list("styles_ti_lora",antilist,"./userfiles/") generatestyle = bool(stylestiloralist) # True of not empty custominputprefixlist = csv_to_list("custom_input_prefix",antilist,"./userfiles/") generatecustominputprefix = bool(custominputprefixlist) # True of not empty custominputmidlist = csv_to_list("custom_input_mid",antilist,"./userfiles/") generatecustominputmid = bool(custominputmidlist) # True of not empty custominputsuffixlist = csv_to_list("custom_input_suffix",antilist,"./userfiles/") generatecustominputsuffix = bool(custominputsuffixlist) # True of not empty customsubjectslist = csv_to_list("custom_subjects",antilist,"./userfiles/") customoutfitslist = csv_to_list("custom_outfits",antilist,"./userfiles/") # special lists backgroundtypelist = csv_to_list("backgroundtypes", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") insideshotlist = csv_to_list("insideshots", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") photoadditionlist = csv_to_list("photoadditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") buildhairlist = csv_to_list("buildhair", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") buildoutfitlist = csv_to_list("buildoutfit", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") objectadditionslist = csv_to_list("objectadditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") humanadditionlist = csv_to_list("humanadditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") animaladditionlist = csv_to_list("animaladditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") buildaccessorielist = csv_to_list("buildaccessorie", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") minilocationadditionslist = csv_to_list("minilocationadditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") overalladditionlist = csv_to_list("overalladditions", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") imagetypemodelist = csv_to_list("imagetypemodes", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") miniactivitylist = csv_to_list("miniactivity", antilist,"./csvfiles/special_lists/",0,"?") prompt = prompt.replace(",", " , ") prompt = prompt.replace("(", " ( ") prompt = prompt.replace(")", " ) ") prompt = prompt.replace("[", " [ ") prompt = prompt.replace("]", " ] ") prompt = prompt.replace("|", " | ") prompt = prompt.replace(":", " : ") prompt = " " + prompt # store the (sort of) original prompt originalprompt = prompt originaloriginalprompt = prompt basicenhance = ", OR(-vomit-;-imagetype-;-basicbitchdescriptor-;-mood-;-lighting-;-descriptor-), " ### Get all combinations of 1 to 4 consecutive words words = prompt.split() num_words = len(words) if(num_words < 15 and common_dist(insanitylevel)): # add some random words maybe? if(common_dist(insanitylevel)): if(random.randint(0,1)== 0): prompt += basicenhance else: prompt = basicenhance + prompt if(common_dist(insanitylevel)): prompt += basicenhance prompt = parse_custom_functions(prompt, insanitylevel) # then add some enhanced words amountofwords = random.randint(0,3) if(amountofwords > 0): enhance_positive_words = enhance_positive(prompt, amountofwords) prompt += enhance_positive_words originalprompt = prompt combinations_list = [] for length in range(1, 5): # Generate combinations of length 1 to 4 for start_idx in range(num_words - length + 1): end_idx = start_idx + length combination = ' '.join(words[start_idx:end_idx]) combinations_list.append(combination) maxamountofruns = 4 runs = 0 if(insanitylevel != 0): print("") print("Creating a prompt variation") print("") while(originalprompt == prompt and runs != maxamountofruns): for combination in combinations_list: lowercase_combination = combination.lower() combination = " " + combination + " " # some rare changes if needed if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in humanlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "rare"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -human- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in objecttotallist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "rare"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -objecttotal- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in artistlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "rare"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -artist- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in colorlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -color- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in animallist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -animal- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in objectlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -object- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in fictionallist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -fictional- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in nonfictionallist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -nonfictional- ") #if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in conceptsuffixlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): # prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -conceptsuffix- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in buildinglist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -building- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in vehiclelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -vehicle- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in outfitlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -outfit- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in locationlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -location- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in backgroundlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -background- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in accessorielist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -accessory- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in artmovementlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -artmovement- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in bodytypelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -bodytype- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in cameralist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -camera- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in colorschemelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -colorscheme- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in eyecolorlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -eyecolor- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in fashiondesignerlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -fashiondesigner- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in colorcombinationlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -colorcombination- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in materialcombinationlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -materialcombination- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in photoadditionlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -photoaddition- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in agelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -age- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in agecalculatorlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -agecalculator- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in gregmodelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -gregmode- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in elementlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -element- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in settinglist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -setting- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in charactertypelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -charactertype- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in objectstoholdlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -objectstohold- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in episodetitlelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -episodetitle- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in flufferlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -fluff- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in occultlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -occult- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in locationfantasylist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -locationfantasy- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in locationscifilist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -locationscifi- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in locationvideogamelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -locationvideogame- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in locationbiomelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -locationbiome- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in locationcitylist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -locationcity- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in birdlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -bird- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in catlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -cat- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in doglist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -dog- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in insectlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -insect- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in pokemonlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -pokemon- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in marinelifelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -marinelife- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in pokemontypelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -pokemontype- ") #if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in conceptprefixlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): # prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -conceptprefix- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in culturelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -culture- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in descriptorlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -descriptor- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in outfitdescriptorlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "rare"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -outfitdescriptor- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in hairdescriptorlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "rare"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -hairdescriptor- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in hairvomitlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "rare"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -hairvomit- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in humandescriptorlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "rare"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -humandescriptor- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in locationdescriptorlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "rare"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -locationdescriptor- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in basicbitchdescriptorlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "rare"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -basicbitchdescriptor- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in animaldescriptorlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "rare"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -animaldescriptor- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in directionlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -direction- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in emojilist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -emoji- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in humanexpressionlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -humanexpression- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in humanvomitlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -humanvomit- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in eventlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -event- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in focuslist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -focus- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in greatworklist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -greatwork- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in haircolorlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -haircolor- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in hairstylelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -hairstyle- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in directionlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -direction- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in humanoidlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -humanoid- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in joblist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -job- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in lenslist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -lens- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in lightinglist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -lighting- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in malefemalelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -malefemale- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in manwomanlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -manwoman- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in moodlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -mood- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in othertypelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -othertype- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in poselist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -pose- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in qualitylist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -quality- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in shotsizelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -shotsize- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in timeperiodlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -timeperiod- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in vomitlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -vomit- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in foodlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -food- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in genderdescriptionlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -genderdescription- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in minilocationlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -minilocation- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in minioutfitlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -minioutfit- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in lenslist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -lens- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in seasonlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -season- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in imagetypequalitylist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -imagetypequality- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in rpgclasslist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -rpgclass- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in brandlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -brand- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in spacelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -space- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in poemlinelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -poemline- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in songlinelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -songline- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in musicgenrelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -musicgenre- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in manwomanrelationlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -manwomanrelation- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in manwomanmultiplelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -manwomanmultiple- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in waterlocationlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -waterlocation- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in containerlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -container- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in firstnamelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -firstname- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in floralist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -flora- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in printlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -print- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in miniactivitylist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -miniactivity- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in patternlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -pattern- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in chairlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -chair- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in cardnamelist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -cardname- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in coveringlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -covering- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in facepartlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -facepart- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in fantasyartistlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -fantasyartist- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in popularartistlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -popularartist- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in romanticismartistlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -romanticismartist- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in photographyartistlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -photographyartist- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in portraitartistlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -portraitartist- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in characterartistlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -characterartist- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in landscapeartistlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -landscapeartist- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in scifiartistlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -scifiartist- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in graphicdesignartistlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -graphicdesignartist- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in architectartistlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -architectartist- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in cinemaartistlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -cinemaartist- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in stylestiloralist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -styletilora- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in waterlocationlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -waterlocation- ") if lowercase_combination in [x.lower() for x in allstylessuffixlist] and chance_roll(insanitylevel, "uncommon"): prompt = prompt.replace(combination," -allstylessuffix- ") runs += 1 # If nothing changed... Lets do at least something if(prompt.lower().strip() == originaloriginalprompt.lower().strip()): if(random.randint(0,1)==0): prompt += basicenhance else: prompt = basicenhance + ", " + prompt if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, "common")): prompt += basicenhance if(chance_roll(insanitylevel, "common")): enhance_positive_words = enhance_positive(prompt, 1) prompt += enhance_positive_words prompt = parse_custom_functions(prompt, insanitylevel) prompt = prompt.replace(" :", ":") prompt = prompt.replace(": ", ":") completeprompt = prompt while ( "-color-" in completeprompt or "-material-" in completeprompt or "-animal-" in completeprompt or "-object-" in completeprompt or "-fictional-" in completeprompt or "-nonfictional-" in completeprompt or "-conceptsuffix-" in completeprompt or "-building-" in completeprompt or "-vehicle-" in completeprompt or "-outfit-" in completeprompt or "-location-" in completeprompt or "-conceptprefix-" in completeprompt or "-descriptor-" in completeprompt or "-food-" in completeprompt or "-haircolor-" in completeprompt or "-hairstyle-" in completeprompt or "-job-" in completeprompt or "-culture-" in completeprompt or "-accessory-" in completeprompt or "-humanoid-" in completeprompt or "-manwoman-" in completeprompt or "-human-" in completeprompt or "-colorscheme-" in completeprompt or "-mood-" in completeprompt or "-genderdescription-" in completeprompt or "-artmovement-" in completeprompt or "-malefemale-" in completeprompt or "-objecttotal-" in completeprompt or "-outfitprinttotal-" in completeprompt or "-bodytype-" in completeprompt or "-minilocation-" in completeprompt or "-minilocationaddition-" in completeprompt or "-pose-" in completeprompt or "-season-" in completeprompt or "-minioutfit-" in completeprompt or "-elaborateoutfit-" in completeprompt or "-minivomit-" in completeprompt or "-vomit-" in completeprompt or "-rpgclass-" in completeprompt or "-subjectfromfile-" in completeprompt or "-outfitfromfile-" in completeprompt or "-brand-" in completeprompt or "-space-" in completeprompt or "-artist-" in completeprompt or "-imagetype-" in completeprompt or "-othertype-" in completeprompt or "-quality-" in completeprompt or "-lighting-" in completeprompt or "-camera-" in completeprompt or "-lens-" in completeprompt or "-imagetypequality-" in completeprompt or "-poemline-" in completeprompt or "-songline-" in completeprompt or "-greatwork-" in completeprompt or "-fantasyartist-" in completeprompt or "-popularartist-" in completeprompt or "-romanticismartist-" in completeprompt or "-photographyartist-" in completeprompt or "-emoji-" in completeprompt or "-timeperiod-" in completeprompt or "-shotsize-" in completeprompt or "-musicgenre-" in completeprompt or "-animaladdition-" in completeprompt or "-objectaddition-" in completeprompt or "-humanaddition-" in completeprompt or "-overalladdition-" in completeprompt or "-focus-" in completeprompt or "-direction-" in completeprompt or "-styletilora-" in completeprompt or "-manwomanrelation-" in completeprompt or "-manwomanmultiple-" in completeprompt or "-waterlocation-" in completeprompt or "-container-" in completeprompt or "-firstname-" in completeprompt or "-flora-" in completeprompt or "-print-" in completeprompt or "-miniactivity-" in completeprompt or "-pattern-" in completeprompt or "-chair-" in completeprompt or "-cardname-" in completeprompt or "-covering-" in completeprompt or "-outfitdescriptor-" in completeprompt or "-hairdescriptor-" in completeprompt or "-hairvomit-" in completeprompt or "-humandescriptor-" in completeprompt or "-facepart-" in completeprompt or "-locationdescriptor-" in completeprompt or "-basicbitchdescriptor-" in completeprompt or "-animaldescriptor-" in completeprompt or "-humanexpression-" in completeprompt or "-humanvomit-" in completeprompt or "-eyecolor-" in completeprompt or "-fashiondesigner-" in completeprompt or "-colorcombination-" in completeprompt or "-materialcombination-" in completeprompt or "-photoaddition-" in completeprompt or "-age-" in completeprompt or "-agecalculator-" in completeprompt or "-gregmode-" in completeprompt or "-portraitartist-" in completeprompt or "-characterartist-" in completeprompt or "-landscapeartist-" in completeprompt or "-scifiartist-" in completeprompt or "-graphicdesignartist-" in completeprompt or "-digitalartist-" in completeprompt or "-architectartist-" in completeprompt or "-cinemaartist-" in completeprompt or "-element-" in completeprompt or "-setting-" in completeprompt or "-charactertype-" in completeprompt or "-objectstohold-" in completeprompt or "-episodetitle-" in completeprompt or "-allstylessuffix-" in completeprompt or "-fluff-" in completeprompt or "-event-" in completeprompt or "-background-" in completeprompt or "-occult-" in completeprompt or "-locationfantasy-" in completeprompt or "-locationscifi-" in completeprompt or "-locationvideogame-" in completeprompt or "-locationbiome-" in completeprompt or "-locationcity-" in completeprompt or "-bird-" in completeprompt or "-cat-" in completeprompt or "-dog-" in completeprompt or "-insect-" in completeprompt or "-pokemon-" in completeprompt or "-pokemontype-" in completeprompt or "-marinelife-" in completeprompt ): allwildcardslistnohybrid = [ "-color-","-object-", "-animal-", "-fictional-","-nonfictional-","-building-","-vehicle-","-location-","-conceptprefix-","-food-","-haircolor-","-hairstyle-","-job-", "-accessory-", "-humanoid-", "-manwoman-", "-human-", "-colorscheme-", "-mood-", "-genderdescription-", "-artmovement-", "-malefemale-", "-bodytype-", "-minilocation-", "-minilocationaddition-", "-pose-", "-season-", "-minioutfit-", "-elaborateoutfit-", "-minivomit-", "-vomit-", "-rpgclass-", "-subjectfromfile-", "-outfitfromfile-", "-brand-", "-space-", "-artist-", "-imagetype-", "-othertype-", "-quality-", "-lighting-", "-camera-", "-lens-","-imagetypequality-", "-poemline-", "-songline-", "-greatwork-", "-fantasyartist-", "-popularartist-", "-romanticismartist-", "-photographyartist-", "-emoji-", "-timeperiod-", "-shotsize-", "-musicgenre-", "-animaladdition-", "-objectaddition-", "-humanaddition-", "-overalladdition-", "-focus-", "-direction-", "-styletilora-", "-manwomanrelation-", "-waterlocation-", "-container-", "-firstname-", "-flora-", "-print-", "-miniactivity-", "-pattern-", "-chair-", "-cardname-", "-covering-", "-outfitdescriptor-", "-hairdescriptor-", "-hairvomit-", "-humandescriptor-", "-manwomanmultiple-", "-facepart-", "-locationdescriptor-", "-basicbitchdescriptor-", "-animaldescriptor-", "-humanexpression-", "-humanvomit-", "-eyecolor-", "-fashiondesigner-", "-colorcombination-", "-materialcombination-", "-photoaddition-", "-age-", "-agecalculator-", "-gregmode-" ,"-portraitartist-", "-characterartist-" , "-landscapeartist-", "-scifiartist-", "-graphicdesignartist-", "-digitalartist-", "-architectartist-", "-cinemaartist-", "-setting-", "-charactertype-", "-objectstohold-", "-episodetitle-", "-allstylessuffix-", "-fluff-", "-event-", "-background-" , "-occult-", "-locationfantasy-", "-locationscifi-", "-locationvideogame-", "-locationbiome-", "-locationcity-", "-bird-", "-cat-", "-dog-", "-insect-", "-pokemon-", "-pokemontype-", "-marinelife-"] allwildcardslistnohybridlists = [colorlist, objectlist, animallist, fictionallist, nonfictionallist, buildinglist, vehiclelist, locationlist,conceptprefixlist,foodlist,haircolorlist, hairstylelist,joblist, accessorielist, humanoidlist, manwomanlist, humanlist, colorschemelist, moodlist, genderdescriptionlist, artmovementlist, malefemalelist, bodytypelist, minilocationlist, minilocationadditionslist, poselist, seasonlist, minioutfitlist, elaborateoutfitlist, minivomitlist, vomitlist, rpgclasslist, customsubjectslist, customoutfitslist, brandlist, spacelist, artistlist, imagetypelist, othertypelist, qualitylist, lightinglist, cameralist, lenslist, imagetypequalitylist, poemlinelist, songlinelist, greatworklist, fantasyartistlist, popularartistlist, romanticismartistlist, photographyartistlist, emojilist, timeperiodlist, shotsizelist, musicgenrelist, animaladditionlist, objectadditionslist, humanadditionlist, overalladditionlist, focuslist, directionlist, stylestiloralist, manwomanrelationlist, waterlocationlist, containerlist, firstnamelist, floralist, printlist, miniactivitylist, patternlist, chairlist, cardnamelist, coveringlist, outfitdescriptorlist, hairdescriptorlist, hairvomitlist, humandescriptorlist, manwomanmultiplelist, facepartlist, locationdescriptorlist, basicbitchdescriptorlist, animaldescriptorlist, humanexpressionlist, humanvomitlist, eyecolorlist, fashiondesignerlist, colorcombinationlist, materialcombinationlist, photoadditionlist, agelist, agecalculatorlist, gregmodelist , portraitartistlist, characterartistlist, landscapeartistlist, scifiartistlist, graphicdesignartistlist, digitalartistlist, architectartistlist, cinemaartistlist, settinglist, charactertypelist, objectstoholdlist, episodetitlelist, allstylessuffixlist, flufferlist, eventlist, backgroundlist , occultlist, locationfantasylist, locationscifilist, locationvideogamelist, locationbiomelist, locationcitylist, birdlist, catlist, doglist, insectlist, pokemonlist, pokemontypelist, marinelifelist] allwildcardslistwithhybrid = ["-material-", "-descriptor-", "-outfit-", "-conceptsuffix-","-culture-", "-objecttotal-", "-outfitprinttotal-", "-element-"] allwildcardslistwithhybridlists = [materiallist, descriptorlist,outfitlist,conceptsuffixlist,culturelist, objecttotallist, outfitprinttotallist, elementlist] # keywordsinstring = any(word.lower() in givensubject.lower() for word in keywordslist) for wildcard in allwildcardslistnohybrid: attachedlist = allwildcardslistnohybridlists[allwildcardslistnohybrid.index(wildcard)] completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, wildcard, attachedlist,False, advancedprompting) for wildcard in allwildcardslistwithhybrid: attachedlist = allwildcardslistwithhybridlists[allwildcardslistwithhybrid.index(wildcard)] completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, wildcard, attachedlist,True, advancedprompting) # clean it up completeprompt = cleanup(completeprompt, advancedprompting, insanitylevel) return completeprompt # function def replacewildcard(completeprompt, insanitylevel, wildcard,listname, activatehybridorswap, advancedprompting, artiststyleselector = ""): if(len(listname) == 0): # handling empty lists completeprompt = completeprompt.replace(wildcard, "",1) else: while wildcard in completeprompt: if(unique_dist(insanitylevel) and activatehybridorswap == True and len(listname)>2 and advancedprompting==True): hybridorswaplist = ["hybrid", "swap"] hybridorswap = random.choice(hybridorswaplist) replacementvalue = random.choice(listname) listname.remove(replacementvalue) hybridorswapreplacementvalue = "[" + replacementvalue if(hybridorswap == "hybrid"): replacementvalue = random.choice(listname) listname.remove(replacementvalue) hybridorswapreplacementvalue += "|" + replacementvalue + "] " if(hybridorswap == "swap"): replacementvalue = random.choice(listname) listname.remove(replacementvalue) hybridorswapreplacementvalue += ":" + replacementvalue + ":" + str(random.randint(1,20)) + "] " completeprompt = completeprompt.replace(wildcard, hybridorswapreplacementvalue,1) #if list is not empty if(bool(listname)): replacementvalue = random.choice(listname) if(wildcard not in ["-heshe-", "-himher-","-hisher-"]): listname.remove(replacementvalue) else: replacementvalue = "" # override for artist and artiststyle, only for first artist if(wildcard == "-artist-" and ("-artiststyle-" in completeprompt or "-artistmedium-" in completeprompt or "-artistdescription-" in completeprompt)): artiststyles = [] artiststyle = [] chosenartiststyle = "" artistscomplete = artist_category_by_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category",replacementvalue) artiststyles = artistscomplete[0] artistmediums = artistscomplete[1] artistdescriptions = artistscomplete[2] artiststyle = [x.strip() for x in artiststyles[0].split(",")] artiststyle = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, artiststyle)) # remove empty values if(artiststyleselector in artiststyle): artiststyle.remove(artiststyleselector) # Sorry folks, this only works when you directly select it as a style if("nudity" in artiststyle): artiststyle.remove("nudity") # keep on looping until we have no more wildcards or no more styles to choose from # leftovers will be removed in the cleaning step while bool(artiststyle) and "-artiststyle-" in completeprompt: chosenartiststyle = random.choice(artiststyle) completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-artiststyle-",chosenartiststyle ,1) artiststyle.remove(chosenartiststyle) if("-artistmedium-" in completeprompt): if(artistmediums[0].lower() not in completeprompt.lower()): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-artistmedium-",artistmediums[0] ,1) if("-artistdescription-" in completeprompt): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-artistdescription-",artistdescriptions[0] ,1) while bool(artiststyle) and "-artiststyle-" in completeprompt: chosenartiststyle = random.choice(artiststyle) completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-artiststyle-",chosenartiststyle ,1) artiststyle.remove(chosenartiststyle) # Sneaky overrides for "same" wildcards # Are overwritten with their first parent if(wildcard == "-outfit-" or wildcard == "-minioutfit-"): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-sameoutfit-", replacementvalue,1) # Why do it in this detail?? Because we can: # Check if "from" exists in the string. For example Chun Li from Streetfighter, becomes Chun li if "from" in replacementvalue: # Find the index of "from" in the string from_index = replacementvalue.find("from") # Remove everything from and including "from" replacementvalueforoverrides = replacementvalue[:from_index].strip() else: replacementvalueforoverrides = replacementvalue if(wildcard in ["-human-" ,"-humanoid-" , "-manwoman-" , "-manwomanrelation-" , "-manwomanmultiple-"] and "-samehumansubject-" in completeprompt): if(completeprompt.index(wildcard) < completeprompt.index("-samehumansubject-")): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-samehumansubject-", "the " + replacementvalueforoverrides) if(wildcard in ["-fictional-" , "-nonfictional-" , "-firstname-" , "-oppositefictional-" , "-oppositenonfictional-"] and "-samehumansubject-" in completeprompt): if(completeprompt.index(wildcard) < completeprompt.index("-samehumansubject-")): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-samehumansubject-", replacementvalueforoverrides) # job is here, to prevent issue with a job outfit being replace. So doing it later solves that issue if(wildcard in ["-job-"] and "-samehumansubject-" in completeprompt): if(completeprompt.index(wildcard) < completeprompt.index("-samehumansubject-")): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-samehumansubject-", "the " + replacementvalueforoverrides) # This one last, since then it is the only subject we have left if(wildcard in ["-malefemale-"] and "-samehumansubject-" in completeprompt): if(completeprompt.index(wildcard) < completeprompt.index("-samehumansubject-")): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-samehumansubject-", "the " + replacementvalueforoverrides) if(wildcard in ["-animal-" , "-object-" , "-vehicle-" , "-food-" , "-objecttotal-" , "-space-" , "-flora-" , "-location-" , "-building-"] and "-sameothersubject-" in completeprompt): if(completeprompt.index(wildcard) < completeprompt.index("-sameothersubject-")): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("-sameothersubject-", "the " + replacementvalueforoverrides) completeprompt = completeprompt.replace(wildcard, replacementvalue,1) return completeprompt def build_dynamic_negative(positive_prompt = "", insanitylevel = 0, enhance = False, existing_negative_prompt = "", base_model="SD1.5"): negative_primer = [] negative_result = [] all_negative_words_list = [] remove_weights = False # Base model options, used to change things in prompt generation. Might be able to extend to different forms like animatediff as well? base_model_options = ["SD1.5", "SDXL", "Stable Cascade"] if base_model not in base_model_options: base_model = "SD1.5" # Just in case there is no option here. # "SD1.5" -- Standard, future: More original style prompting # "SDXL" -- Standard (for now), future: More natural language # "Stable Cascade" -- Remove weights if base_model == "Stable Cascade": remove_weights = True # negavite_primer, all words that should trigger a negative result # the negative words to put in the negative prompt negative_primer, negative_result = load_negative_list() # do a trick for artists, replace with their tags instead artistlist, categorylist = load_all_artist_and_category() # lower them artist_names = [artist.strip().lower() for artist in artistlist] # note, should we find a trick for some shorthands of artists?? artistshorthands = csv_to_list(csvfilename="artistshorthands",directory="./csvfiles/special_lists/",delimiter="?") for shorthand in artistshorthands: parts = shorthand.split(';') if parts[0] in positive_prompt: positive_prompt = positive_prompt.lower().replace(parts[0].lower(), parts[1].lower()) for artist_name, category in zip(artist_names, categorylist): positive_prompt = positive_prompt.lower().replace(artist_name, category) allwords = split_prompt_to_words(positive_prompt) #lower all! for word in allwords: if(word.lower() in negative_primer): index_of_word = negative_primer.index(word.lower()) all_negative_words_list.append(negative_result[index_of_word]) all_negative_words = ", ".join(all_negative_words_list) all_negative_words_list = all_negative_words.split(",") all_negative_words_list = [elem.strip().lower() for elem in all_negative_words_list] if enhance == True: enhancelist = ["worst quality", "low quality", "normal quality", "lowres", "low details", "oversaturated", "undersaturated", "overexposed", "underexposed", "grayscale", "bw", "bad photo", "bad photography", "bad art", "watermark", "signature", "text font", "username", "error", "logo", "words", "letters", "digits", "autograph", "trademark", "name", "blur", "blurry", "grainy", "ugly", "asymmetrical", "poorly lit", "bad shadow", "draft", "cropped", "out of frame", "cut off", "censored", "jpeg artifacts", "out of focus", "glitch", "duplicate"] all_negative_words_list += enhancelist # new lets remove some based on the reverse insanitylevel removalchance = int((insanitylevel) * 10) for i in range(len(all_negative_words_list)): if(random.randint(1, 100) 2 and remove_weights == False): #counttotal = int(count/2) counttotal = count if(counttotal > 3): counttotal = 3 unique_words.append(f"({word}:1.{counttotal})") else: unique_words.append(word) negative_result = ", ".join(unique_words) negative_result += ", " + existing_negative_prompt return negative_result def enhance_positive(positive_prompt = "", amountofwords = 3): wordcombilist = csv_to_list(csvfilename="wordcombis", directory="./csvfiles/special_lists/",delimiter="?") # do a trick for artists, replace with their tags instead artistlist, categorylist = load_all_artist_and_category() # lower them artist_names = [artist.strip().lower() for artist in artistlist] # note, should we find a trick for some shorthands of artists?? artistshorthands = csv_to_list(csvfilename="artistshorthands",directory="./csvfiles/special_lists/",delimiter="?") for shorthand in artistshorthands: parts = shorthand.split(';') if parts[0] in positive_prompt: positive_prompt = positive_prompt.lower().replace(parts[0].lower(), parts[1].lower()) for artist_name, category in zip(artist_names, categorylist): positive_prompt = positive_prompt.lower().replace(artist_name, category) allwords = split_prompt_to_words(positive_prompt) allwords = [elem.strip().lower() for elem in allwords] # lower them newwordlist = [] addwords = "" wordsfound = 0 #lower all! for combiset in wordcombilist: combiwords = set(combiset.split(', ')) for combiword in combiwords: for word in allwords: if(word.lower() == combiword.lower()): wordsfound += 1 combiwords2 = set(combiset.split(', ')) # remove and only take one combiwords2 = [word for word in combiwords2 if word not in allwords] #for combiword2 in combiwords2: if(combiwords2): newwordlist.append(random.choice(combiwords2)) newwordlist = [word for word in newwordlist if word not in allwords] newwordlist = list(set(newwordlist)) # make unique for i in range(0,amountofwords): if(len(newwordlist) > 0): addwords += ", " + newwordlist.pop(random.randrange(len(newwordlist))) #print(addwords) return addwords def artify_prompt(insanitylevel = 5, prompt = "", artists = "all", amountofartists = "1", mode="standard", seed = -1): if(amountofartists=="random"): intamountofartists = random.randint(1,int((insanitylevel/3) + 1.20)) else: intamountofartists = int(amountofartists) # set seed # For use in ComfyUI (might bring to Automatic1111 as well) # lets do it when its larger than 0 # Otherwise, just do nothing and it will keep on working based on an earlier set seed if(seed > 0): random.seed(seed) # first build up a complete anti list. Those values are removing during list building # this uses the antivalues string AND the antilist.csv emptylist = [] antilist = csv_to_list("antilist",emptylist , "./userfiles/",1) # clean up antivalue list: antilist = [s.strip().lower() for s in antilist] # build artists list if artists == "wild": artists = "all (wild)" # we want to create more cohorence, so we are adding all (wild) mode for the old logic artisttypes = ["popular", "3D", "abstract", "angular", "anime" ,"architecture", "art nouveau", "art deco", "baroque", "bauhaus", "cartoon", "character", "children's illustration", "cityscape", "cinema", "clean", "cloudscape", "collage", "colorful", "comics", "cubism", "dark", "detailed", "digital", "expressionism", "fantasy", "fashion", "fauvism", "figurativism", "graffiti", "graphic design", "high contrast", "horror", "impressionism", "installation", "landscape", "light", "line drawing", "low contrast", "luminism", "magical realism", "manga", "melanin", "messy", "monochromatic", "nature", "photography", "pop art", "portrait", "primitivism", "psychedelic", "realism", "renaissance", "romanticism", "scene", "sci-fi", "sculpture", "seascape", "space", "stained glass", "still life", "storybook realism", "street art", "streetscape", "surrealism", "symbolism", "textile", "ukiyo-e", "vibrant", "watercolor", "whimsical"] artiststyleselector = "" artiststyleselectormode = "normal" artiststyleselector = random.choice(artisttypes) artistlist = [] # create artist list to use in the code, maybe based on category or personal lists if(artists != "all (wild)" and artists != "all" and artists != "none" and artists.startswith("personal_artists") == False and artists.startswith("personal artists") == False and artists in artisttypes): artistlist = artist_category_csv_to_list("artists_and_category",artists) elif(artists.startswith("personal_artists") == True or artists.startswith("personal artists") == True): artists = artists.replace(" ","_",-1) # add underscores back in artistlist = csv_to_list(artists,antilist,"./userfiles/") elif(artists != "none"): artistlist = csv_to_list("artists",antilist) # load up the styles list for the other modes styleslist = csv_to_list("styles", antilist,"./csvfiles/templates/",0,"?") stylessuffix = [item.split('-subject-')[1] for item in styleslist] breakstylessuffix = [item.split(',') for item in stylessuffix] allstylessuffixlist = [value for sublist in breakstylessuffix for value in sublist] allstylessuffixlist = list(set(allstylessuffixlist)) artistsuffix = artist_descriptions_csv_to_list("artists_and_category") breakartiststylessuffix = [item.split(',') for item in artistsuffix] artiststylessuffixlist = [value for sublist in breakartiststylessuffix for value in sublist] artiststylessuffixlist = list(set(artiststylessuffixlist)) allstylessuffixlist += artiststylessuffixlist completeprompt = "" if(common_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += "-artiststyle- " completeprompt += "art by " #Lets go effing artify this MF'er for i in range(0,intamountofartists): if(intamountofartists > 1 and i == intamountofartists - 2): completeprompt += "-artist- and " else: completeprompt += "-artist-, " if(uncommon_dist(insanitylevel)): completeprompt += "-artistmedium-, " # now add the prompt in completeprompt += prompt if(mode.lower() == "remix"): for i in range(0,intamountofartists): completeprompt += ", " + artistsuffix.pop(artistsuffix.index(random.choice(artistsuffix))) elif(mode.lower() == "super remix turbo"): for i in range(0,intamountofartists*4): completeprompt += ", " + allstylessuffixlist.pop(allstylessuffixlist.index(random.choice(allstylessuffixlist))) else: # else just go standard for i in range(0,intamountofartists): completeprompt += ", -artistdescription-" while ("-artist-" in completeprompt): completeprompt = replacewildcard(completeprompt,5,"-artist-", artistlist,"","",artiststyleselector) return completeprompt def flufferizer(prompt = "", amountoffluff = "dynamic", seed = -1, reverse_polarity = False): if(amountoffluff == "none"): return prompt # set seed # For use in ComfyUI (might bring to Automatic1111 as well) # lets do it when its larger than 0 # Otherwise, just do nothing and it will keep on working based on an earlier set seed if(seed > 0): random.seed(seed) if(reverse_polarity): flufferlist = csv_to_list("antifluff") # all negative words else: flufferlist = csv_to_list("fluff") # dynamic = based on prompt length + insanitylevel minfluff = 4 maxfluff = 6 # short = 4-6 # medium = 5-8 # long = 8-12 if(amountoffluff == "dynamic"): if(len(prompt) < 150): amountoffluff = "long" elif(len(prompt) < 250): amountoffluff = "medium" else: amountoffluff = "short" if(amountoffluff == "long"): minfluff = 8 maxfluff = 12 if(amountoffluff == "medium"): minfluff = 5 maxfluff = 8 for i in range(0,random.randint(minfluff, maxfluff)): prompt += ", " + flufferlist.pop(flufferlist.index(random.choice(flufferlist))) return prompt def replace_match(match): # Extract the first word from the match words =[1:-1].split('|') return words[0] def cleanup(completeprompt, advancedprompting, insanitylevel = 5): # This part is turned off, will bring it back later as an option # first, move LoRA's to the back dynamically # Find all occurrences of text between < and > using regex # allLoRA = re.findall(r"<[^>]+>", completeprompt) # Remove the extracted matches from completeprompt # completeprompt = re.sub(r"<[^>]+>", "", completeprompt) # if we are not using advanced prompting, remove any hybrid stuff: if(advancedprompting==False): hybridpattern = r'\[\w+\|\w+\]' # Replace the matched pattern with the first word in the group completeprompt = re.sub(hybridpattern, replace_match, completeprompt) # Doesnt work if there are multiple words, so then just get rid of things as is :D completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("[", " ") completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("]", " ") completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("|", " ") # sometimes if there are not enough artist, we get left we things formed as (:1.2) completeprompt = re.sub(r'\(\:\d+\.\d+\)', '', completeprompt) # lets also remove some wierd stuff on lower insanitylevels if(insanitylevel < 7): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("DayGlo", " ") completeprompt = completeprompt.replace("fluorescent", " ") # all cleanup steps moved here completeprompt = re.sub(r'\[ ', '[', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r'\[,', '[', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r' \]', ']', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r' \|', '|', completeprompt) #completeprompt = re.sub(r' \"', '\"', completeprompt) #completeprompt = re.sub(r'\" ', '\"', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r'\( ', '(', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r' \(', '(', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r'\) ', ')', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r' \)', ')', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' :', ':', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(',::', '::', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(',:', ':', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(',,', ', ', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(',,', ', ', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(',,,', ', ', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(', ,', ',', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' , ', ', ', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' ,', ',', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' ,', ',', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' ,', ',', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r',\(', ', (', completeprompt) while " " in completeprompt: completeprompt = re.sub(' ', ' ', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('a The', 'The', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('the the', 'the', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(', ,', ',', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(',,', ',', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(', of a', ' of a', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('of a,', 'of a', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('of a of a', 'of a', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' a a ', ' a ', completeprompt) # a / an completeprompt = re.sub(' a a', ' an a', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' a e', ' an e', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' a i', ' an i', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' a u', ' an u', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' a o', ' an o', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('art art', 'art', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('Art art', 'art', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('lighting lighting', 'lighting', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('Lighting lighting', 'lighting', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('light lighting', 'light', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('-artiststyle- art,', '', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('-artiststyle- art', '', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('-artiststyle-', '', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('-artistmedium-', '', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('-artistdescription-', '', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('- art ', '', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('anime anime', 'anime', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('anime, anime', 'anime', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('shot shot', 'shot', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('a his', 'his', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('a her', 'her', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('they is', 'they are', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('they has', 'they have', completeprompt) # some space tricks completeprompt = re.sub('- shaped', '-shaped', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('echa- ', 'echa-', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('style -', 'style-', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(', as a', ' as a', completeprompt) #small fix for multisubject thing completeprompt = re.sub('a 2', '2', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('a 3', '3', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('a 4', '4', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('a 5', '5', completeprompt) # clean up some hacky multiples with adding a s to the end completeprompt = re.sub('fs ', 'ves ', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('fs,', 'ves,', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('sss ', 'ss ', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('sss,', 'ss,', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' Mans', ' Men,', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' mans', ' men', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' Womans,', ' Women', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(' womans,', ' women,', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r'\(Mans', '(Men,', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r'\(mans', '(men', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r'\(Womans', '(Women', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r'\(womans', '(women', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('-sameothersubject-', 'it', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub('-samehumansubject-', 'the person', completeprompt) completeprompt = re.sub(r'(? using regex allLoRA = re.findall(r"<[^>]+>", prompt) # Remove the extracted matches from completeprompt prompt = re.sub(r"<[^>]+>", "", prompt) override_subject = re.sub(r"<[^>]+>", "", override_subject) temperature_lookup = { 1: 0.01, 2: 0.1, 3: 0.3, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.6, 6: 0.7, 7: 1.0, 8: 2.5, 9: 5.0, 10: 10.0 } max_new_tokens_lookup = { 1: 45, 2: 45, 3: 50, 4: 55, 5: 60, 6: 70, 7: 90, 8: 100, 9: 150, 10: 255 } top_p_lookup = { 1: 0.1, 2: 1.0, 3: 1.3, 4: 1.5, 5: 1.6, 6: 1.75, 7: 2.0, 8: 3.0, 9: 5.0, 10: 15.0 } chosensubject_lookup = { "humanoid": "fantasy character", "manwomanrelation": "person", "manwomanmultiple": "people", "firstname": "", "job": "person", "fictional": "fictional character", "non fictional": "person", "human": "person", "animal": "animal", "animal as human": "human creature", "landscape": "landscape", "concept": "concept", "event": "concept", "concept": "concept", "poemline": "concept", "songline": "concept", "cardname": "concept", "episodetitle": "concept", "generic objects": "object", "vehicles": "vehicle", "food": "food", "building": "building", "space": "space", "flora": "nature", } # for insanitylevel in range(1,11): j = 0 temperature = temperature_lookup.get(insanitylevel, 0.5) if(setnewtokens < 1): max_new_tokens = max_new_tokens_lookup.get(insanitylevel, 70) else: max_new_tokens = setnewtokens top_p = top_p_lookup.get(insanitylevel, 1.6) subject_to_generate = chosensubject_lookup.get(chosensubject, "") translation_table_remove_stuff = str.maketrans('', '', '.,:()<>|[]"" ') translation_table_remove_numbers = str.maketrans('', '', '0123456789:()<>|[]""') # check if its matching all words from the override: possible_words_to_check = override_subject.lower().split() + override_outfit.lower().split() #print(possible_words_to_check) words_to_check = [] words_to_remove = ['subject', 'solo', '1girl', '1boy'] for word in possible_words_to_check: word = word.translate(translation_table_remove_stuff) #print(word) if word not in words_to_remove: if (not word.startswith("-") and not word.endswith("-")) and (not word.startswith("_") and not word.endswith("_")) : words_to_check.append(word) #print(words_to_check) if chosensubject not in ("humanoid","firstname","job","fictional","non fictional","human"): gender = "" if(superpromptstyle == "" or superpromptstyle == "all"): if "fantasy" in restofprompt or "d&d" in restofprompt or "dungeons and dragons" in restofprompt or "dungeons and dragons" in restofprompt: superpromptstyle = "fantasy style" elif "sci-fi" in restofprompt or "scifi" in restofprompt or "science fiction" in restofprompt: superpromptstyle = random.choice(["sci-fi style","futuristic"]) elif "cyberpunk" in restofprompt: superpromptstyle = "cyberpunk" elif "horror" in restofprompt: superpromptstyle = "horror themed" elif "evil" in restofprompt: superpromptstyle = "evil" elif "cinestill" in restofprompt or "movie still" in restofprompt or "cinematic" in restofprompt or "epic" in restofprompt: superpromptstyle = random.choice(["cinematic","epic"]) elif "fashion" in restofprompt: superpromptstyle = random.choice(["elegant","glamourous"]) elif "cute" in restofprompt or "adorable" in restofprompt or "kawaii" in restofprompt: superpromptstyle = random.choice(["cute","adorable", "kawaii"]) else: superpromptstyle = random.choice(superprompterstyleslist) if(words_to_check): question += "Make sure the subject is used: " + ', '.join(words_to_check) + " \n" imagetype = "" if "portrait" in restofprompt: imagetype = "a portrait" elif "painting" in restofprompt: imagetype = "a painting" elif "digital art" in restofprompt: imagetype = "a digital artwork" elif "concept" in restofprompt: imagetype = "concept art" elif "pixel" in restofprompt: imagetype = "pixel art" elif "game" in restofprompt: imagetype = "video game artwork" if imagetype != "" and (normal_dist(insanitylevel) or usestyle == True): question += "Expand the following " + gender + " " + subject_to_generate + " prompt to describe " + superpromptstyle + " " + imagetype + ": " elif imagetype != "": question += "Expand the following " + gender + " " + subject_to_generate + " prompt to describe " + imagetype + ": " elif(normal_dist(insanitylevel) or usestyle == True): question += "Expand the following " + gender + " " + subject_to_generate + " prompt to make it more " + superpromptstyle else: question += "Expand the following " + gender + " " + subject_to_generate + " prompt to add more detail: " prompt = prompt.translate(translation_table_remove_numbers) while done == False: #print(seed) #print(temperature) #print(top_p) #print(question) #print("chosen subject: " + chosensubject) superpromptresult = answer(input_text=question + prompt, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, repetition_penalty=2.0, temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, top_k=10, seed=seed) #print("orignal: " + prompt) #print("insanitylevel: " + str(insanitylevel)) #print("") #print("complete superprompt: " + superpromptresult) #print("") # Find the indices of the nearest period and comma period_index = superpromptresult.rfind('.') comma_index = superpromptresult.rfind(',') # Determine the index to cut off the string cut_off_index = max(period_index, comma_index) # Cut off the string at the determined index if cut_off_index != -1: # If either period or comma exists superpromptresult = superpromptresult[:cut_off_index + 1] # Include the period or comma else: superpromptresult = superpromptresult # If neither period nor comma exists, keep the entire text # piercing green eyes problem # basically, the model has some biasses, lets get rid of it, OBP style! if(common_dist(insanitylevel) and remove_bias): # but not always superpromptresult = remove_superprompt_bias(superpromptresult=superpromptresult, insanitylevel=insanitylevel, override_outfit=override_outfit) #print(words_to_check) # Iterate through each word and check if it exists in the other string i = 0 for word in words_to_check: if word not in superpromptresult.lower() and word != "subject": i += 1 if(i==0 or j == 20 or insanitylevel >= 9): done = True # slowly converge and change else: seed += 100 j += 1 if(temperature < 0.5): temperature += 0.05 + round((1/random.randint(15,25)),2) else: temperature -= 0.1 if(top_p < 1.0): top_p += 0.2 + round((1/random.randint(25,35)),2) else: top_p -= 0.3 max_new_tokens += 3 print("") print(random.choice(devmessagessuperpromptlist) + "... Retrying...") print("") superpromptresult += " " + " ".join(allLoRA) return superpromptresult def remove_superprompt_bias(superpromptresult = "", insanitylevel = 5, override_outfit = ""): if(" green eye" in superpromptresult): eyecolorslist = csv_to_list("eyecolors") eyecolorslist = [x for x in eyecolorslist if not x.startswith('-')] neweyecolor = " " + random.choice(eyecolorslist).lower() + " eye" #print(neweyecolor) superpromptresult = superpromptresult.replace(" green eye", neweyecolor) # white gown or white dress if(" white gown" in superpromptresult or " white dress" in superpromptresult or " black suit" in superpromptresult): colorcombinationslist = csv_to_list("colorcombinations") colorcombinationslist = [x for x in colorcombinationslist if not x.startswith('-')] colorslist = csv_to_list("colors") colorslist = [x for x in colorslist if not x.startswith('-')] if(normal_dist(insanitylevel)): newcolordress = " " + random.choice(colorcombinationslist).lower() + " dress" newcolorgown = " " + random.choice(colorcombinationslist).lower() + " gown" newcolorsuit = " " + random.choice(colorcombinationslist).lower() + " suit" else: newcolordress = " " + random.choice(colorslist).lower() + " dress" newcolorgown = " " + random.choice(colorslist).lower() + " gown" newcolorsuit = " " + random.choice(colorcombinationslist).lower() + " suit" #print(newcolordress) #print(newcolorgown) #print(newcolorsuit) superpromptresult = superpromptresult.replace(" white dress", newcolordress) superpromptresult = superpromptresult.replace(" white gown", newcolorgown) superpromptresult = superpromptresult.replace(" black suit", newcolorsuit) if(" gown" in superpromptresult or " dress" in superpromptresult or " suit" in superpromptresult and not "gown" in override_outfit and not "dress" in override_outfit and not "suit " in override_outfit and not " dressed" in superpromptresult and not " suited" in superpromptresult): if(override_outfit == ""): outfitslist = csv_to_list("outfits") outfitslist = [x for x in outfitslist if not x.startswith('-')] newoutfit = " " + random.choice(outfitslist).lower() else: newoutfit = " " + override_outfit superpromptresult = superpromptresult.replace(" dress", newoutfit) superpromptresult = superpromptresult.replace(" gown", newoutfit) superpromptresult = superpromptresult.replace(" suit", newoutfit) if(" sleek " in superpromptresult): descriptorslist = csv_to_list("descriptors") descriptorslist = [x for x in descriptorslist if not x.startswith('-')] newdescriptor = " " + random.choice(descriptorslist).lower() + " " #print(newdescriptor) superpromptresult = superpromptresult.replace(" sleek ", newdescriptor) ## lush green (meadow), sun shines down # A graceful woman with long, flowing hair stands on a lush green lawn, her arms spread wide as she kneels gently in the breeze. The sun shines down on her if("lush green meadow" in superpromptresult): backgroundlist = csv_to_list("backgrounds") backgroundlist = [x for x in backgroundlist if not x.startswith('-')] newbackground = random.choice(backgroundlist).lower() #print(newbackground) superpromptresult = superpromptresult.replace("lush green meadow", newbackground) if("long, flowing hair" in superpromptresult): hairstylelist = csv_to_list("hairstyles2") hairstylelist = [x for x in hairstylelist if not x.startswith('-')] newhairstyle = random.choice(hairstylelist).lower() #print(newhairstyle) superpromptresult = superpromptresult.replace("long, flowing hair", newhairstyle) return superpromptresult def replace_user_wildcards(completeprompt): for i in range(0,10): user_wildcards_list = re.findall(r'-[\w_]*-', completeprompt) for user_wildcard in user_wildcards_list: user_wildcard_clean = user_wildcard.strip("-") wordlist = csv_to_list(csvfilename=user_wildcard_clean, directory="./userfiles/wildcards/") if(wordlist): completeprompt = completeprompt.replace(user_wildcard, random.choice(wordlist),1) return completeprompt def translate_main_subject(main_subject=""): subjecttype_lookup = { "all": ["all", "all"], "random": ["all", "all"], "--- all": ["all", "all"], "------all": ["all", "all"], "------ all": ["all", "all"], "object - all": ["object", "all"], "--- object - all": ["object", "all"], "object": ["object", "all"], "object - generic": ["object", "all"], "generic object": ["object", "generic objects"], "generic objects": ["object", "generic objects"], "genericobject": ["object", "generic objects"], "genericobjects": ["object", "generic objects"], "object - vehicle": ["object", "vehicles"], "vehicle": ["object", "vehicles"], "vehicles": ["object", "vehicles"], "object - food": ["object", "food"], "food": ["object", "food"], "object - building": ["object", "buildings"], "building": ["object", "buildings"], "buildings": ["object", "buildings"], "object - space": ["object", "space"], "space": ["object", "space"], "object - flora": ["object", "flora"], "flora": ["object", "flora"], "nature": ["object", "flora"], "animal - all": ["animal", "all"], "--- animal - all": ["animal", "all"], "animal": ["animal", "all"], "animals": ["animal", "all"], "animal - generic": ["animal", "generic animal"], "generic animal": ["animal", "generic animal"], "generic animals": ["animal", "generic animal"], "genericanimal": ["animal", "generic animal"], "genericanimals": ["animal", "generic animal"], "animal - cat": ["animal", "cat"], "cat": ["animal", "cat"], "cats": ["animal", "cat"], "animal - dog": ["animal", "dog"], "dog": ["animal", "dog"], "dogs": ["animal", "dog"], "animal - bird": ["animal", "bird"], "bird": ["animal", "bird"], "birds": ["animal", "bird"], "animal - insect": ["animal", "insect"], "insect": ["animal", "insect"], "insects": ["animal", "insect"], "animal - pokémon": ["animal", "pokemon"], "animal - pokemon": ["animal", "pokemon"], "pokemon": ["animal", "pokemon"], "pokemons": ["animal", "pokemon"], "pokémon": ["animal", "pokemon"], "pokémons": ["animal", "pokemon"], "animal - marine life": ["animal", "marine life"], "marine life": ["animal", "marine life"], "marinelife": ["animal", "marine life"], "ocean gang": ["animal", "marine life"], "oceangang": ["animal", "marine life"], "marine": ["animal", "marine life"], "human - all": ["humanoid", "all"], "--- human - all": ["humanoid", "all"], "human": ["humanoid", "all"], "humans": ["humanoid", "all"], "person": ["humanoid", "all"], "persons": ["humanoid", "all"], "people": ["humanoid", "all"], "man": ["humanoid", "all"], "woman": ["humanoid", "all"], "male": ["humanoid", "all"], "female": ["humanoid", "all"], "guy": ["humanoid", "all"], "girl": ["humanoid", "all"], "human - 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