import functools import logging import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import math import numpy as np logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_device_of(tensor): """This function returns the device of the tensor refer to Arguments: tensor {tensor} -- tensor Returns: int -- device """ if not tensor.is_cuda: return -1 else: return tensor.get_device() def get_range_vector(size, device): """This function returns a range vector with the desired size, starting at 0 the CUDA implementation is meant to avoid copy data from CPU to GPU refer to Arguments: size {int} -- the size of range device {int} -- device Returns: torch.Tensor -- range vector """ if device > -1: return torch.cuda.LongTensor(size, device=device).fill_(1).cumsum(0) - 1 else: return torch.arange(0, size, dtype=torch.long) def flatten_and_batch_shift_indices(indices, sequence_length): """This function returns a vector that correctly indexes into the flattened target, the sequence length of the target must be provided to compute the appropriate offsets. refer to Arguments: indices {tensor} -- index tensor sequence_length {int} -- sequence length Returns: tensor -- offset index tensor """ # Shape: (batch_size) if torch.max(indices) >= sequence_length or torch.min(indices) < 0: raise RuntimeError("All elements in indices should be in range (0, {})".format(sequence_length - 1)) offsets = get_range_vector(indices.size(0), get_device_of(indices)) * sequence_length for _ in range(len(indices.size()) - 1): offsets = offsets.unsqueeze(1) # Shape: (batch_size, d_1, ..., d_n) offset_indices = indices + offsets # Shape: (batch_size * d_1 * ... * d_n) offset_indices = offset_indices.view(-1) return offset_indices def batched_index_select(target, indices, flattened_indices=None): """This function returns selected values in the target with respect to the provided indices, which have size ``(batch_size, d_1, ..., d_n, embedding_size)`` refer to Arguments: target {torch.Tensor} -- target tensor indices {torch.LongTensor} -- index tensor Keyword Arguments: flattened_indices {Optional[torch.LongTensor]} -- flattened index tensor (default: {None}) Returns: torch.Tensor -- selected tensor """ if flattened_indices is None: # Shape: (batch_size * d_1 * ... * d_n) flattened_indices = flatten_and_batch_shift_indices(indices, target.size(1)) # Shape: (batch_size * sequence_length, embedding_size) flattened_target = target.view(-1, target.size(-1)) # Shape: (batch_size * d_1 * ... * d_n, embedding_size) flattened_selected = flattened_target.index_select(0, flattened_indices) selected_shape = list(indices.size()) + [target.size(-1)] # Shape: (batch_size, d_1, ..., d_n, embedding_size) selected_targets = flattened_selected.view(*selected_shape) return selected_targets def get_padding_vector(size, dtype, device): """This function initializes padding unit Arguments: size {int} -- padding unit size dtype {torch.dtype} -- dtype device {int} -- device = -1 if cpu, device >= 0 if gpu Returns: tensor -- padding tensor """ pad = torch.zeros(size, dtype=dtype) if device > -1: pad = pad.cuda(device=device, non_blocking=True) return pad def array2tensor(array, dtype, device): """This function transforms numpy array to tensor Arguments: array {numpy.array} -- numpy array dtype {torch.dtype} -- torch dtype device {int} -- device = -1 if cpu, device >= 0 if gpu Returns: tensor -- tensor """ tensor = torch.as_tensor(array, dtype=dtype) if device > -1: tensor = tensor.cuda(device=device, non_blocking=True) return tensor def gelu(x): """Implementation of the gelu activation function. For information: OpenAI GPT's gelu is slightly different (and gives slightly different results): 0.5 * x * (1 + torch.tanh(math.sqrt(2 / math.pi) * (x + 0.044715 * torch.pow(x, 3)))) Also see refer to: """ return x * 0.5 * (1.0 + torch.erf(x / math.sqrt(2.0))) def pad_vecs(vecs, padding_size, dtype, device): """This function pads vectors for batch Arguments: vecs {list} -- vector list padding_size {int} -- padding dims dtype {torch.dtype} -- dtype device {int} -- device = -1 if cpu, device >= 0 if gpu Returns: tensor -- padded vectors """ max_length = max(len(vec) for vec in vecs) if max_length == 0: pad_vecs =[get_padding_vector((1, padding_size), dtype, device).unsqueeze(0) for _ in vecs], 0) return pad_vecs pad_vecs = [] for vec in vecs: pad_vec = + [get_padding_vector((1, padding_size), dtype, device)] * (max_length - len(vec)), 0).unsqueeze(0) assert pad_vec.size() == (1, max_length, padding_size), "the size of pad vector is not correct" pad_vecs.append(pad_vec) return, 0) def get_bilstm_minus(batch_seq_encoder_repr, span_list, seq_lens): """This function gets span representation using bilstm minus Arguments: batch_seq_encoder_repr {list} -- batch sequence encoder representation span_list {list} -- span list seq_lens {list} -- sequence length list Returns: tensor -- span representation vector """ assert len(batch_seq_encoder_repr) == len( span_list), "the length of batch seq encoder repr is not equal to span list's length" assert len(span_list) == len(seq_lens), "the length of span list is not equal to batch seq lens's length" hidden_size = batch_seq_encoder_repr.size(-1) span_vecs = [] for seq_encoder_repr, (s, e), seq_len in zip(batch_seq_encoder_repr, span_list, seq_lens): rnn_output = seq_encoder_repr[:seq_len] forward_rnn_output, backward_rnn_output = rnn_output.split(hidden_size // 2, 1) forward_span_vec = get_forward_segment(forward_rnn_output, s, e, get_device_of(forward_rnn_output)) backward_span_vec = get_backward_segment(backward_rnn_output, s, e, get_device_of(backward_rnn_output)) span_vec =[forward_span_vec, backward_span_vec], 0).unsqueeze(0) span_vecs.append(span_vec) return, 0) def get_forward_segment(forward_rnn_output, s, e, device): """This function gets span representaion in forward rnn Arguments: forward_rnn_output {tensor} -- forward rnn output s {int} -- span start e {int} -- span end device {int} -- device Returns: tensor -- span representaion vector """ seq_len, hidden_size = forward_rnn_output.size() if s >= e: vec = torch.zeros(hidden_size, dtype=forward_rnn_output.dtype) if device > -1: vec = vec.cuda(device=device, non_blocking=True) return vec if s == 0: return forward_rnn_output[e - 1] return forward_rnn_output[e - 1] - forward_rnn_output[s - 1] def get_backward_segment(backward_rnn_output, s, e, device): """This function gets span representaion in backward rnn Arguments: forward_rnn_output {tensor} -- backward rnn output s {int} -- span start e {int} -- span end device {int} -- device Returns: tensor -- span representaion vector """ seq_len, hidden_size = backward_rnn_output.size() if s >= e: vec = torch.zeros(hidden_size, dtype=backward_rnn_output.dtype) if device > -1: vec = vec.cuda(device=device, non_blocking=True) return vec if e == seq_len: return backward_rnn_output[s] return backward_rnn_output[s] - backward_rnn_output[e] def get_dist_vecs(span_list, max_sent_len, device): """This function gets distance embedding Arguments: span_list {list} -- span list Returns: tensor -- distance embedding vector """ dist_vecs = [] for s, e in span_list: assert s <= e, "span start is greater than end" vec = torch.Tensor(np.eye(max_sent_len)[e - s]) if device > -1: vec = vec.cuda(device=device, non_blocking=True) dist_vecs.append(vec) return torch.stack(dist_vecs) def get_conv_vecs(batch_token_repr, span_list, span_batch_size, conv_layer): """This funciton gets span vector representation through convolution layer Arguments: batch_token_repr {list} -- batch token representation span_list {list} -- span list span_batch_size {int} -- span convolutuion batch size conv_layer {nn.Module} -- convolution layer Returns: tensor -- conv vectors """ assert len(batch_token_repr) == len(span_list), "the length of batch token repr is not equal to span list's length" span_vecs = [] for token_repr, (s, e) in zip(batch_token_repr, span_list): if s == e: span_vecs.append([]) continue span_vecs.append(list(token_repr[s:e].split(1))) span_conv_vecs = [] for id in range(0, len(span_vecs), span_batch_size): span_pad_vecs = pad_vecs(span_vecs[id:id + span_batch_size], conv_layer.get_input_dims(), batch_token_repr[0].dtype, get_device_of(batch_token_repr[0])) span_conv_vecs.append(conv_layer(span_pad_vecs)) return, dim=0) def get_n_trainable_parameters(model): """This function calculates the number of trainable parameters of the model Arguments: model {nn.Module} -- model Returns: int -- the number of trainable parameters of the model """ cnt = 0 for param in list(model.parameters()): if param.requires_grad: cnt += functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, list(param.size()), 1) return cnt def js_div(p, q, reduction='batchmean'): """js_div caculate Jensen Shannon Divergence (JSD). Args: p (tensor): distribution p q (tensor): distribution q reduction (str, optional): reduction. Defaults to 'batchmean'. Returns: tensor: JS divergence """ m = 0.5 * (p + q) return (F.kl_div(p, m, reduction=reduction) + F.kl_div(q, m, reduction=reduction)) * 0.5 def load_weight_from_pretrained_model(model, pretrained_state_dict, prefix=""): """load_weight_from_pretrained_model This function loads weight from pretrained model. Arguments: model {nn.Module} -- model pretrained_state_dict {dict} -- state dict of pretrained model Keyword Arguments: prefix {str} -- prefix for pretrained model (default: {""}) """ model_state_dict = model.state_dict() # # load weight except decode weight # filtered_state_dict = { # k: pretrained_state_dict[k] # for k, v in model_state_dict.items() if k in pretrained_state_dict # and v.size() == pretrained_state_dict[k].size() and 'decoder' not in k # } # # load bert encoder & cnn # filtered_state_dict.update({ # k: pretrained_state_dict[k[k.find('.') + 1:]] # for k, v in model_state_dict.items() if k[k.find('.') + 1:] in pretrained_state_dict # and v.size() == pretrained_state_dict[k[k.find('.') + 1:]].size() and 'decoder' not in k # }) filtered_state_dict = {} for k, v in model_state_dict.items(): if 'decoder' in k: continue # if 'bert_encoder' not in k: # continue k = k.split('.') for candi_name in ['.'.join(k), '.'.join(k[1:]), '.'.join(k[2:])]: if candi_name in pretrained_state_dict and v.size() == pretrained_state_dict[candi_name].size(): filtered_state_dict['.'.join(k)] = pretrained_state_dict[candi_name] break candi_name = prefix + candi_name if candi_name in pretrained_state_dict and v.size() == pretrained_state_dict[candi_name].size(): filtered_state_dict['.'.join(k)] = pretrained_state_dict[candi_name] break # only load bert encoder # filtered_state_dict = {k: pretrained_state_dict[k[k.find('.') + 1:]] for k, v in model_state_dict.items() if 'bert_encoder' in k and k[k.find('.') + 1:] in pretrained_state_dict and v.size() == pretrained_state_dict[k[k.find('.') + 1:]].size() and 'decoder' not in k}"Load weights parameters:") for name in filtered_state_dict: model_state_dict.update(filtered_state_dict) model.load_state_dict(model_state_dict) def clone_weights(first_module, second_module): """This function clones(ties) weights from first module to second module refers to: Arguments: first_module {nn.Module} -- first module second_module {nn.Module} -- second module """ first_module.weight = second_module.weight if hasattr(first_module, 'bias') and first_module.bias is not None: = torch.nn.functional.pad(, (0, first_module.weight.shape[0] - first_module.bias.shape[0]), 'constant', 0)