import json |
import argparse |
import sys |
from collections import defaultdict |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer |
def read_conjunctive_sentences(args): |
with open(args.conjunctions_file, 'r') as fin: |
sent = True |
sent2conj = defaultdict(list) |
conj2sent = dict() |
currentSentText = '' |
for line in fin: |
if line == '\n': |
sent = True |
continue |
if sent: |
currentSentText = line.replace('\n', '') |
sent = False |
else: |
conj_sent = line.replace('\n', '') |
sent2conj[currentSentText].append(conj_sent) |
conj2sent[conj_sent] = currentSentText |
return sent2conj |
def get_conj_free_sentence_dicts(sentence, sent_to_conj, sent_id): |
flat_extractions_list = [] |
sentence = sentence.replace('\n', '') |
if sentence in list(sent_to_conj.keys()): |
for s in sent_to_conj[sentence]: |
sentence_and_extractions_dict = { |
"sentence": s + " [unused1] [unused2] [unused3] [unused4] [unused5] [unused6]", |
"sentId": sent_id, "entityMentions": list(), |
"relationMentions": list(), "extractionMentions": list()} |
flat_extractions_list.append(sentence_and_extractions_dict) |
return flat_extractions_list |
return [{ |
"sentence": sentence + " [unused1] [unused2] [unused3] [unused4] [unused5] [unused6]", |
"sentId": sent_id, "entityMentions": list(), |
"relationMentions": list(), "extractionMentions": list()}] |
def add_joint_label(ext, ent_rel_id): |
"""add_joint_label add joint labels for sentences |
""" |
none_id = ent_rel_id['None'] |
sentence_length = len(ext['sentText'].split(' ')) |
entity_label_matrix = [[none_id for j in range(sentence_length)] for i in range(sentence_length)] |
relation_label_matrix = [[none_id for j in range(sentence_length)] for i in range(sentence_length)] |
label_matrix = [[none_id for j in range(sentence_length)] for i in range(sentence_length)] |
ent2offset = {} |
for ent in ext['entityMentions']: |
ent2offset[ent['emId']] = ent['span_ids'] |
try: |
for i in ent['span_ids']: |
for j in ent['span_ids']: |
entity_label_matrix[i][j] = ent_rel_id[ent['label']] |
except: |
print("span ids: ", sentence_length, ent['span_ids'], ext) |
sys.exit(1) |
ext['entityLabelMatrix'] = entity_label_matrix |
for rel in ext['relationMentions']: |
arg1_span = ent2offset[rel['arg1']['emId']] |
arg2_span = ent2offset[rel['arg2']['emId']] |
for i in arg1_span: |
for j in arg2_span: |
relation_label_matrix[i][j] = ent_rel_id[rel['label']] - 2 |
relation_label_matrix[j][i] = ent_rel_id[rel['label']] - 2 |
label_matrix[i][j] = ent_rel_id[rel['label']] |
label_matrix[j][i] = ent_rel_id[rel['label']] |
ext['relationLabelMatrix'] = relation_label_matrix |
ext['jointLabelMatrix'] = label_matrix |
def tokenize_sentences(ext, tokenizer): |
cls = tokenizer.cls_token |
sep = tokenizer.sep_token |
wordpiece_tokens = [cls] |
wordpiece_tokens_index = [] |
cur_index = len(wordpiece_tokens) |
for token in ext['sentence'].split(' '): |
tokenized_token = list(tokenizer.tokenize(token)) |
wordpiece_tokens.extend(tokenized_token) |
wordpiece_tokens_index.append([cur_index, cur_index + len(tokenized_token)]) |
cur_index += len(tokenized_token) |
wordpiece_tokens.append(sep) |
wordpiece_segment_ids = [1] * (len(wordpiece_tokens)) |
return { |
'sentId': ext['sentId'], |
'sentText': ext['sentence'], |
'entityMentions': ext['entityMentions'], |
'relationMentions': ext['relationMentions'], |
'extractionMentions': ext['extractionMentions'], |
'wordpieceSentText': " ".join(wordpiece_tokens), |
'wordpieceTokensIndex': wordpiece_tokens_index, |
'wordpieceSegmentIds': wordpiece_segment_ids |
} |
def write_dataset_to_file(dataset, dataset_path): |
print("dataset: {}, size: {}".format(dataset_path, len(dataset))) |
with open(dataset_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fout: |
for idx, ext in enumerate(dataset): |
fout.write(json.dumps(ext)) |
if idx != len(dataset) - 1: |
fout.write('\n') |
def process(args, sent2conj): |
extractions_list = [] |
auto_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.embedding_model) |
print("Load {} tokenizer successfully.".format(args.embedding_model)) |
ent_rel_id = json.load(open(args.ent_rel_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8'))["id"] |
sentId = 0 |
with open(args.source_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fin, open(args.target_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fout: |
for line in fin: |
sentId += 1 |
exts = get_conj_free_sentence_dicts(line, sent2conj, sentId) |
for ext in exts: |
ext_dict = tokenize_sentences(ext, auto_tokenizer) |
add_joint_label(ext_dict, ent_rel_id) |
extractions_list.append(ext_dict) |
fout.write(json.dumps(ext_dict)) |
fout.write('\n') |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process sentences.') |
parser.add_argument("--source_file", type=str, help='source file path') |
parser.add_argument("--target_file", type=str, help='target file path') |
parser.add_argument("--conjunctions_file", type=str, help='conjunctions file.') |
parser.add_argument("--ent_rel_file", type=str, default="ent_rel_file.json", help='entity and relation file.') |
parser.add_argument("--embedding_model", type=str, default="bert-base-uncased", help='embedding model.') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
sent2conj = read_conjunctive_sentences(args) |
process(args, sent2conj) |