In that scam, like many others, scammers will ask you to put the money on a Green Dot or prepaid Visa card. News 5's Ashley Knight looks into how the card works and why scammers love using them. It's tonight's Scam Buster Report. You can buy it at any Walmart, supermarket or corner drugstore. But a prepaid Green Dot card has quickly become a scammer's tool of choice. The prepaid Green Dot card, you can use it anywhere, even to pay your bills. People use them in place of credit cards, like if they don't have good enough credit or they don't want to go through the hassle of actually getting a credit card. But it can also be a con artist's best friend. Because they're so widely accepted, because they're so widely available. And totally untraceable. Lori Miles works with the Sheriff's Office and sees them used all the time in scams, most recently with their work release program. Somebody had called their office and said that they had been told to go and get a Visa Green Card so that they could get their loved one out of jail. The cards are not connected to a bank account. You buy one and you put between $10 and $500 on it. Then you scratch off a section of the back that reveals a set of numbers. It's those numbers the scammer needs. And they're trying to get you to pay them in order to access the money on the card. The minute you've given them the last number, that card's drained. Remember, no power company, no debt collector, or anyone from the government will ever demand that you pay them over the phone with a Green Dot card. If anybody ever calls you and says, you know, you have to pay this bill or you have to pay this fee and it has to be done by Green Dot, then it's a scam. And there's nothing wrong with getting a Green Dot card. The problem's not with the card. The problem is sharing that number on the back of the card with the person who's in charge of the card. I'm Ashley Knight and this scam has been busted.
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मेरे क्लाइंट ने मुझे UPI ID बेजा, मैंने उस पे अमाउंट ट्रांसवर कर दिया, उनसे पूछा तो उन्हें अमाउंट ही रिसीव नहीं हुआ, बाद में पता चला मुझे सुनील पे पैसे डालने थे और मैंने सुनील पे डाल दिये। फिर उन्होंने वो मेल सामने वाली बैंक को भेजा, फिर सेंटरल बैंक ने ये रिप्लाई करके बता है कि ट्रांजेक्शन हुआ है और उस परसन ने वो पैसे अब तक निकाले नहीं है। और फिर उन्होंने उस amount को hold पे डाल दिया, फिर मेरे relationship manager ने मुझे एक e-mandate form भराया और सामने वाली बैंक को भेजा और फिर सेंटरल बैंक ने उस person से consent लिया और finally within 24 hours में मेरे पैसे मेरे account में आ गया।
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So if you watch a lot of my videos then you probably know that I am a huge fan of the whole fintech and online banking movement. And honestly that's because not only do I really like what a lot of these fintech companies are offering, but I also just really dislike the large national banks and love seeing the little guy win for once. But there's still a small handful of established national banks that are doing a decent job of adapting to the modern world of banking, one of which being Marcus by Goldman Sachs. So today let's break down everything that they have to offer on the banking side of things and see if they are truly keeping up with all of these awesome fintech companies like SoFi, Ally, and Chime just to name a few, or if they should just be left in the dust and forgotten about like Wells Fargo. Alright let's jump right into it. So in case you didn't know, Goldman Sachs is old, like really old, and it's a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, in it, the large rebranding of many of their products under the name Marcus is a fairly new development and I believe it just happened around 2016. So while Goldman Sachs has been around for a while, these are fairly new products, so just keep that in mind. The other thing I want to note right off the bat is that while I personally consider Marcus by Goldman Sachs to be a national bank, or at least I put them in the same category as those national banks, they don't actually have a widespread network of physical brick and mortar locations. So while I don't personally have a problem with that, that is just another thing that you will want to keep in mind. Alright, so Goldman Sachs, and specifically the Marcus brand, offers a number of financial products, including banking options, investment accounts, loans, and a ton of other financial tools and resources. So I'll leave a link to the website in the description below if you do want to check out all of those different financial products that they offer. But in this video, I specifically want to take a look at some of the financial products that they offer. So I'm going to start with the Marcus by Goldman Sachs high yield savings account. So a high yield savings account used to mean like 2% or more at least, but because of the way interest rates have gone recently, that's kind of been crushed into the ground. However, thankfully, many of these companies have slowly started to increase those interest rates again, and currently the high yield savings account from Marcus by Goldman Sachs does offer 0.5%, which isn't great, but in the grand scheme of things and where interest rates are at currently, 0.5% of the interest rates are going to be going to the national bank. So if you compare those numbers to other national banks like Chase, Citi, and of course Wells Fargo, that's like 50 times what they offer since most of them just give you 0.01%, which is basically nothing. Keep in mind that that means if you had a million dollars in this account, you would make a whopping $100 in interest. And there's probably a number of reasons why Goldman Sachs is able to offer such a higher interest rate when compared to those national banks, but the main reason is that they're not going to be able to offer a higher interest rate than the about in previous videos, meaning they can offer that higher interest rate instead of dumping all of that money into expensive overpriced buildings that most of us probably never go to anymore anyways. I also have to give Marcus by Goldman Sachs some bonus points because they have this awesome calculator on their website where you can actually plug in some numbers and look at how much interest you would earn with a Marcus by Goldman Sachs high yield savings account. But the best part is that they totally don't have to maintain those physical brick and mortar locations as we've talked about in previous videos. They can also show you how little interest you would earn if you had the same numbers with those banks. So this high yield savings account has no fees, which is a must in my opinion, and they have no minimum balance requirements or no minimum deposit requirements, which is a really nice plus as well. They also have a same day transfer tool up to $100,000, which I have not personally been able to test myself, but if that is true, then that is pretty awesome if you ask me. So I'm going to give Marcus a high yield savings account and I'll see you in the next video. So I think it provides you with everything that you need for your basic banking needs. And if you compare this app to other mobile apps from other national banks, this is much more modern and is pretty intuitive and easy to use. So within the Marcus by Goldman Sachs app, which currently has 64,000 reviews with an average of 4.9 stars on iOS alone, you're able to track your balances, net worth, connect external bank accounts for banking, as well as investments. See a breakdown of your portfolios if you are using the investment tools with them. As well as a list of all the things you can do to get your money back. So you can track your spending and savings by category and take care of all of those basic banking needs like depositing checks and all of that good stuff. I will also mention that they do currently offer a high yield certificate of deposit, also known as a CD with terms as short as six months going all the way up to six years. And that one has a rate of 0.6% currently. And they also have a no penalty CD, which is one of my personal favorite financial tools. And while CDs are really not that great across the board right now, because of where interest rates are at, it is nice that they offer a high yield certificate of deposit. So if you are interested in buying a CD, you can get it at the dollar store. And I will definitely be keeping an eye on that in the future. Alright, so for the most part, I don't hate it. And I think there's a few things that they're definitely doing right, that allow them to beat out many of those other national banks that I mentioned earlier, especially in terms of interest rates. But if I'm being completely honest, I would still have a hard time understanding why anyone would go with Marcus by Goldman Sachs over one of the many much more advanced and higher end fintech companies like SoFi, Chime, Ally, and even Discover. SoFi is the design of all of those platforms that I just mentioned significantly better in my opinion, but they also have a lot more features. Several of them offer higher interest rates, even higher than 0.5% currently. And if your argument is that you'd like to have all of your financial tools under one umbrella, well, a company like SoFi has banking, investing, loans, credit cards, budgeting, and a ton of other financial tools right from an app on your smartphone. And the other huge difference here is that from what I can tell, and at least in my research, Marcus by Goldman Sachs is a very good company. And so if you're looking for a good company, you might be looking for one like SoFi. Now that said, I have to admit that這樣的 options and fintech companies like fintech options can work and can be two straight heavenly good МУЗЫКА and there is no one that actually does the same thing. And a cushion point here is usually your moins operation loo-we Char 좋은 and says it works, but it only works when toe high-nos does not work. withdraw that money at free ATMs. So here's what I would say about all of this. If you currently have a bank account with one of those large national banks like Wells Fargo, Chase, or one of those, then maybe something like Marcus by Goldman Sachs would be a good stepping stone if you're not completely ready to ditch your national bank and jump to one of these modern fintech companies. But in my opinion, I just don't see the advantage here. I mean, I love the investing tools, especially their automated investing tool, which is always a huge plus in my opinion, but we're not talking about investing today. And as far as banking is concerned, I think that Marcus by Goldman Sachs leaves a lot to be desired. The interest rate is okay, but there's no way to quickly access your money. There's no way to spend your money. The banking features in the app are pretty surface level. And overall, there's countless features that many fintech companies offer that are just non-existent with Marcus by Goldman Sachs. So I like to make these reviews on these larger national banks every now and then, just to remind myself how fantastic companies like SoFi, Chime, and Ally are, and why I believe they are truly the future of banking. And if you're still on the fence about all of this, then definitely check out my video that I made on why you should ditch your national bank. And I'll leave a link to that up here because I think that will definitely convince you. So I would love to know your thoughts on the Marcus by Goldman Sachs high yield savings accounts and how you feel it stacks up against not only national banks, but also against many of the fintech companies that I mentioned in today's video. Personally, I don't think it's that great, but I know that everyone has different needs and different opinions on this sort of thing. So I would love to know your thoughts on all of this down in the comment section below. If you did get value out of this content and you want to help support me, the easiest way to do that is actually checking out some of my favorite financial tools down in the description below, many of which will give you some free money, which we always love. Be sure to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel for more content like this in the future. And of course, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to watch my video. I really do appreciate that so much. Take it easy and I'll see you in the next one. Bye.
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I'd have to check. Is that some sort of rich person thing to order without knowing the price? I'll have the lobster. Okay, one lobster. No, no, no. We want to know the price first. It's based on the market. What market? Yo, Kenny. Hello? Guy wants to know the price of lobster. Tell him it's market price. Yeah, he's a little slow. What's it at now? Market's been crazy today. It's at $298. No, no. Now $300. $300? One lobster. One lobster? No, no, no. $300? Now it's $305. It just increased. It's the market. Now it's at $306. Okay, okay. I want to lock in that price. Okay, one lobster at $306. Oh, no. Market crashed. We've lost your lobster. What? It's how the market works. So I'm down $306. Could give you an off-the-market lobster, but it's not from the wild. So farm-raised. City-raised. Organic? Genetically modified. Mmm, sounds tasty. No, it doesn't. Can we just see the lobster before we buy it? What's up? Ew. Let's get out of here. One lobster to go, please.
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Card. In this quick overview, we'll share the 5 things you really need to know about the Chase Inc. Business Unlimited Card. First, Chase Inc. Business Unlimited usually offers a nice initial rewards bonus for spending a certain amount in the first few months your account is open. Second, Chase Inc. Unlimited is true to its name when it comes to ongoing rewards, giving unlimited cash back on all purchases. Third, Inc. Business Unlimited does not charge an annual fee, so there's no pressure to use the card enough just to break even. When redeemed, the cash back rewards you earn are pure earnings for your company. Fourth, Inc. Business Unlimited offers an introductory APR, which is helpful with cash flow management and those large ticket purchases you might have planned for the year. But it's best to pay the bill in full every month when the card's regular APR is in effect. Fifth and finally, you need at least good credit to qualify for the Chase Inc. Business Unlimited Card, which probably won't come as a surprise. The surprising thing is that your personal credit standing may matter a lot more than your company's credit when it comes to getting approved for a business credit card. That's true with small business cards from all major issuers, by the way, not just Chase. That's the short story, but you can stick with me for even more info. For example, if Unlimited compares to the other Chase credit cards. Besides the Inc. Business Unlimited card, there's the Inc. Business Cash Card and the Inc. Business Preferred card. Preferred is the way to go for business owners who want to get the most out of their rewards when they redeem for travel. Choosing between Inc. Unlimited and Cash is tougher because both offer cash back rewards. The biggest difference between the two is that Unlimited gives cash back at a flat rate on all purchases, while Inc. Cash varies the rate based on what you buy. Which one you pick really comes down to personal preference and how well the Inc. Cash Card's bonus categories complement your company's spending patterns. Another thing you might be contemplating is cards for your employees. Chase Inc. Unlimited offers employee cards at no extra cost. You also get to set a custom spending limit on each one and track their purchases through your account. Plus, all the rewards employee cardholders earn go right back to the business. Moving on, rewards credit card applicants are always interested in their options for redeeming what they earn. Well, with the Inc. Unlimited card, you can redeem for cash back via statement credit or bank account deposit, gift cards, travel, and more all through Chase Ultimate Rewards. Best of all, your cash back rewards are free. You can redeem for cash back via statement credit or bank account deposit. or use them as you earn them. And speaking of travel, is Chase Inc. Unlimited any good for it? It sure is. Chase Inc. Unlimited is accepted all over the world. The downside when it comes to international travel is that Inc. Unlimited charges a foreign transaction fee. If you're looking for a card that doesn't charge foreign transaction fees, check out Inc. Business Preferred. Yes, it does. Inc. Business Unlimited has great ratings from WalletHub's editors and users alike. So, with all of that, you should have all you need to make an informed decision about Chase Inc. Business Unlimited. But to learn more, you can head to this button right here. And that's it for this video. If you have any questions or other questions, feel free
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for you? Then listen carefully. Bank of America made this card for rebuilding credit scores. Here are the key points that you need to know about it. There is no annual fee. There are a lot of cards on the market that charge you with an annual fee. Fees are ranging from a few bucks and way above $70. It is very important to save money on annual fees. This secured credit card has so called graduation. Bank of America reviews your credit account and may decide to return your security deposit. This graduation is a good sign that you did a good job. It will show you exactly the moment when your credit card is returned. The range of potential credit limit and security deposit is quite high. From $300 and up to $4900. It depends on your income. Fees. There is no annual fee. But there are plenty of others. Foreign transaction fee will cost you 3% of the amount. Balance transfer is $10 or 3%. The balance transfer is $10 or 3%. Balance transfer to secured credit card would be a strange move in my opinion. Late payment penalty will cost you $29 the first time and $40 the second. But if your balance is less than $100 there will be no fee. This is very nice. The APR of this card is quite high. 23%. But you should not open a credit card if you cannot pay it off every month. The Bank of America Secured credit card makes no hard inquiry for your credit score. It makes only soft pull. Bank of America reports how you used this card to three major credit bureaus. So it will definitely build your credit score. You will get access to tracking your FICO credit score. For example Capital One secured card and Discover secured card. Feel free to watch them. Feel free to watch one of my videos. One of the most important things when you rebuild your credit score is establishing your primary credit card that you will keep for decades. And it is important to keep it free of annual fees over the decades. Watch one of these videos. See you there.
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People, central banks, have awakened to the need for gold? No, it's not waking up. They always knew in that toolbox they could use a gold revaluation, but they don't talk about that. Only when it's really needed, only when you reach the point that there's no other tool they can use to fix it.
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और ऐसे में अगर आप किसी गलत UPI में पैसे ट्रांसफर कर दें तो उसे कैसे रिकवर कर सकते हैं आज वही समझेंगे सबसे पहले आपको पर जाना होगा गेट इन टच के ड्रॉप डाउन में UPI कम्प्लेइन के ओप्शन को चूस करें कम्प्लेइन विंडो में आपको ट्रांसेक्शन का ओप्शन मिलेगा जिसमें आपको तीसरे नंबर का इशू यानि इनकरेक्टली ट्रांसफर टू अनदर अकाउंट को चुनना होगा अब अपनी बैंक डिटेल्स तारिक मेंशन करके फॉर्म सम्मिट कर दीजे रिक्वेस्ट मिलने के बाद एंपी सी आई और बैंक एक साथ मिलकर जल से जल्द आपकी प्रॉब्लम को सॉल्फ कर देंगे
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Walgreens, everywhere. Or you can order it online for free. But there is a monthly fee of $5. Is it worth the money? Let's check it out. Hi, I am Slava. Welcome back to my channel about money. The card is branded as PayPal and you need a PayPal account to fully use the benefits. Your transfers from and to PayPal account are limited to $300 per day and $2000 per month. The card is similar to NetSpend prepaid card. If you want to protect your card number, you can make a virtual debit card for online purchases. You can deposit money at your local bank. To install for your client. This is sold via ours bist Zheng Apt заказных действий. With the return of those Shayna specifies that this card will not show up on this product's Then fromnow on visa will show up directly on net thinks cards and pay with equal Payment withdrawal is $2.5. Card replacement is $6. Custom card is $4. If you want to close the card and take your money back it will cost you $6. And foreign transaction fee is 4%. The maximum balance you can carry is $15,000. If you have more than that, probably it is time to open a high yield savings account. Watch my review of a high yield savings account. Or watch my review of PayPal debit card. It is not the same as this prepaid card. Subscribe to my channel.
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Let me tell you, I accrued a 40 lakhs debt as soon as I graduated from Purdue University and I paid it off within three years being a non-tech person and you can do this too. Statistically, a lot of people, 95% plus people stay in the US after their graduation, they get a job and they are able to pay that loan back within the next five years. This is a great stats and that's why US is such a big hub of international education, of international students coming into the US and working and studying. Especially, even if you are non-tech, there are a lot of more opportunities as compared to other countries. I did not go to Europe because of the language difference. Here, you are speaking English and you are communicating with everyone really well and that's why you are able to cultivate and build those relationships and eventually make money and pay back your loan. So, don't be scared, take the risk. And you will be really happy that you did take that risk.
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He has all this money in, in stocks and, and they just, every 10 years, you know, stocks, there's no such thing as a 10 year period in history where the stock market went down. So you just have to wait long enough. And we've seen it in hex. We've seen it in crypto. And it's like those rich people like the Mitt Romney's like Elon Musk's, they just don't sell and they get loans. And power city is like this whole ecosystem. I'm going to try this again,
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Jennifer has a question. She says, why is someone trying to sell me a TFRA? I think she means tax-free retirement account. And what is the benefit to this? Does she call it a tax-free retirement account? Because. That is what Daniel and I think she means. I will be fully honest. So I'm going to go benefit of the doubt here, right? Right? We love Roth tax-free. See, why are you going to steal my thunder? Could you not see the build-up I was doing here? He was about to just set that up. I had an entire narrative. Keep going. I was going to do a thing. I'm sorry. Preach. You know what? I'm sorry. Why did you do that? Tax-free retirement accounts. We love them. We love them so much. We make them step five of our financial order of operations. Roth IRAs. It is truly a tax-free retirement account. And then if you include health savings. Health savings accounts. Those are also tax-free and they can be used in retirement. So we love those. Now, here's the great news. There was a catch there, though. Nobody has to sell you that. Were you about to say that? I was about to say. She used the word somebody's trying to sell me. Most people. Vanguard's not out there going. Fidelity Investments is not out there going. Hey, we have these Roth IRAs. They're going hot. You better get in here quick. That's exactly right. So a tax-free retirement account that you can go open for yourself is a Roth IRA. Or go open up a health. Health savings account. And those are wonderful. And you don't have to have someone sell them to you. You don't have to pay commission for that. What she's probably talking about, I'm guessing, is some sort of insurance product. Or some sort of tax-free annuity. Where you can build up assets in that. And you can borrow money at some future point. And it's going to be technically tax-free to do that. That is an entirely different thing. And I would not actually call that a true tax-free retirement account. Yeah. Because the only way it's tax-free is if you. You basically die with it. Yeah. Because otherwise you might be getting married to this insurance product for the rest of your life. Because think about the fact. To do what they always share in these tax-free insurance products. Is you build up. You overpay for insurance while you're young and healthy. So this cash value can build up in the background. And then where the tax-free comes in. Is you can take exactly what Bo said. You can take a loan from that cash value. But the problem is. Now once you take that loan from the cash value. What happens if you get to be late 70s, early 80s. You have a huge loan. And the cost of insurance is still building in the background. Because you're older. You know. Unfortunately we're all going to die at some point. So the cost of insurance knows inevitably that this policy will pay out. What if you burn too much of the cash value. Now the policy kind of implodes. And you create a big tax liability. It's no longer a tax-free thing. I don't like that. I'm trying to build financial independence. And financial independence to me means you have no encumbrances. Nobody who can tell you what wins. And that's. And what about. What do you think the insurance company. If you're overpaying for this insurance in your 20s. To build cash value. What's the insurance company doing with that money? They're investing it. So why not take out all the middle people that are in the middle. You know. Taking this. Paying commissions. Because usually those insurance commissions. There's a reason they can afford to have the sales force. Why don't you do that? Just do what the insurance company's going to do. If you need insurance. Go buy term life insurance. But then go and invest. In these Roth. True tax free growth opportunities. Like Roth IRAs. Roth 401ks. Health savings accounts. You don't need an insurance agent to make that stuff happen. Here's your litmus test. To protect yourself against the insurance agent. Go download our free deliverable. Go to Slash resources. Download the food deliverable. Brian hold it up. You should not even be thinking about these types of products. Until you've worked through. Until you've done your Roth. You've done your HSA. Until you've maxed out your other retirement available options. In your 401k and 403b. And it's only at that time. When you get to step seven of the financial order of operations. Would you even almost theoretically think about utilizing a product like this? And then you've got to lay it side by side. And say. Does this product make sense for me? Or is it just a regular taxable after tax brokerage account makes sense for me? What are the costs? What are the fees? What's the incentive for the person sitting on the other side? What's the other side of the table for me? And what's ultimately going to be in my best interest for the goals that I want to achieve? And I find that most people when you work through that process. At some point in there. You will disqualify this insurance or annuity product. Because it likely does not make sense for you. Go download also. Slash resources. The eight questions to ask a financial advisor. Because insurance agents fall into that category too. And if they tell you. When you say. How do you get paid? And they're like. Oh you don't pay me anything. The insurance company pays me this. And you'll be like. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. No. I'm still paying you. Even though the check's coming from the insurance company. It's through the premiums. Probably close to 100% of that first year premium. Is going to the insurance agent. Just ask those questions. Why not? Just be transparent. Find out what's going on. I think that will help you make the better decision. Love it.
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you're not losing out on any money. Hi everyone, this is Camilla the Focus Spender and welcome to my channel where I teach you how to get out of debt, save more money, and invest so that you can build wealth and leave a lasting legacy. So I've been a Capital One 360 user for several years now, and I mean since before they were Capital One 360 and they were ING Direct, and then they were bought out by Capital One. And the reason why I opened an account with them is because they were offering 5% in interest on their savings account, which was completely unheard of, especially compared to the 0.01% that I was earning with Bank of America. Also, you could open up multiple sub-savings accounts with them so that you could use it for your sinking funds. Now, if you don't know what a sinking fund is, it's basically a bucket of money that you use to save for very specific purposes. So we all know Christmas is at the end of the year. You can start saving for Christmas. In January, by putting money aside every single month into your Christmas sinking fund. Or you can do it to save for a new car, to save for a down payment on a house, if you know you have a vacation coming up. If you want to save for an insurance payment, literally whatever you want to save for throughout the year, you can do it in sinking funds. And I have a free tracker in the description box below that gives you a way to organize your sinking funds and helps you decide how much you want to save every single time you get paid. Now back to Capital One 360. The interest rate at the time was 5%, but as federal interest rates fell, so did their savings interest rates. And right now their regular savings interest rate is only 0.3%. Now, before you get upset for anyone that is a Capital One 360 user, they do have a performance savings account. Now, if you open up a savings account with them today, you're automatically enrolled in that performance savings account that is currently offering 3% in interest. So for new people, you're already in the savings account. But if you've had Capital One 360 for years, you're going to want to make sure that you log in and look at the interest rate that you're earning on your various savings accounts. It might only be 0.3%. And I know this for a fact because up until today, I still had a couple of accounts that were only earning 0.3%. So what you need to do is to log into your Capital One 360, click on open new account, and then click on checking and savings, and then performance savings account. You can open as many as you want. And so you open the account, you transfer the money from your old savings accounts into your new performance savings account, and you're automatically going to start earning 3%. But you also want to make sure that if you had already set up automatic transfers throughout the month, you're going to turn off those transfers on your old account and then restart them on your new accounts so that no money is going into your old account earning 0.3% and all your money is going into your new accounts earning 3%. So be sure you're auditing all of your accounts. Now if you want to learn more about sinking funds, be sure to click on one of the videos popping up on your screen. I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you next time. Thanks. Bye bye.
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and you know that there's clubs that want to spend right now, if you were looking at ways to improve the caliber of player in the league, improve the roster across the board, are there changes that you would make to how we're doing it? And how would you go about it? Would you just lift it all and impose a salary cap? What do you think is the ideal situation for MLS? Because I'm constantly saying we need to spend more money, but beyond that, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I think that MLS has all these rules and all these guardrails because they are generationally traumatized about what happened with the NASL. And they're also traumatized by what the finances of soccer outside of the United States looked like for a very long time, up until very recently, where before UEFA, and these leagues started instituting financial regulations. Every club in La Liga had gone bankrupt except for Real Madrid and Barcelona. We know what's going on with Barcelona right now. Even today, you look at Welcome to Wrexham, and the entire conceit of that show is, if we don't win the league, we lose all of our money. We cannot pay back our debts. And that is an insane financial setup to be in, for a business where only two clubs a year can recuperate their expenses. So I think there's always going to be concern in sports where you have two teams that need to compete to make sure that the teams that are not winning are still able to financially exist. So I think there's always going to be a need for some financial regulation, something to sort of... Keep the reins in.
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In this video, I'll review the Capital One Venture Rewards credit card which is currently offering a 75,000 miles sign up bonus. And more importantly, what's even more exciting, Capital One just announced that their currency will be transferable. Which means you can transfer the miles you earn with Capital One to a dozen airlines. This is an amazing game changing move from Capital One. As customers, you and I should be jumping for joy right now. Why? Because we get an additional way of earning a ton of miles that we can transfer to airlines to extremely maximize the value of these miles for business and first class flights. Or economy if that's your thing. I'm just kidding, I fly economy too. Sometimes. Hey guys, my name is Rami and welcome to Points Pointers. My goal for this channel is to help you earn and redeem as many points as possible to upgrade your travels for little to no money. So if you're interested in travel hacking and award travel, then please consider subscribing. I'll also share a lot of trip reports and reviews of first and business class flights from around the world as well as some travel vlogs. You can also download my free 10 step travel hacking guide in the description below. So let's start with the welcome bonus. Right now the card is offering 75,000 miles after spending $5,000 in the first 10 steps. Those 75,000 miles can be redeemed for $750 worth of travel, but now you can get even better value when you transfer those miles to airline partners which I'll get into in a bit. year. This is amazing. So you'll get between $750 to over $1,000 in value depending on how you use the 75,000 sign up bonus miles for free for the first year. With the Capital One Venture card, you can receive up to $100 credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck every 4 years. The Capital One has zero foreign transaction fees and it also has some nice travel perks like travel accident insurance up to $250,000, lost luggage reimbursement up to $3,000 and secondary auto rental coverage. You'll also get purchase security which replaces, repairs or reimburses you for purchases in the event of theft or damage within 90 days of the purchase. Earning miles on the Capital One Venture card is pretty straightforward. You'll earn 2 miles for every dollar you spend with the card on every transaction. Which means you're basically getting 2 cents in travel for every dollar in purchases with no annual cap. Very simple. The only exception, which is a good one, is when booking hotels through slash venture and pay with your Capital One Venture card. You'll earn 10 miles per day. That's an impressive earning rate at hotels which is equivalent to 10% back. This promotion is available until January 2020. You can even stack that deal with the own rewards program which effectively also offers another 10% back. This means you can get 20% back on all hotel stays booked through using your Capital One Venture card. Wow. Now the interesting part, redeeming those precious miles. When you're ready to redeem your miles. You can easily sign into your Venture Rewards Online account and redeem them for 1 cent per mile as a statement credit towards any eligible travel purchase you've made with the card in the last 90 days. This could be an airfare, a hotel stay, a cruise or a car rental. There's no minimum amount required to redeem. This used to be the only way to use Capital One Venture miles but Capital One just announced that starting in December, Capital One miles will become a flexible coins currency, which means you'll be able to redeem your venture rewards online. You can also use Capital One Venture miles to transfer your miles to a dozen airlines at a ratio of 2 to 1.5 which is equivalent to 750 airline miles to every 1000 Venture miles transferred. These partners are Aeromexico Club Premier, Air Canada Aeroplan, Air France KLM Flying Blue, Alitalia, Avianca Life Miles, Cathay Pacific Asia Miles, Etihad Guest, EVA Infinity Mileage Lands, Finnair Plus, Hainan Airlines, Qantas Airlines and Qatar Airways. You can also use Capital One Venture miles to transfer your miles to a dozen airlines miles transferred. Some of these partners are actually very useful like Aeroplan, Etihad, Flying Blue and Life Miles. Bottom line, this is all great and awesome news. The 75,000 increased sign up bonus, effectively getting 20% back on all hotel stays booked through until January 2020, plus adding flexibility to the points by having 12 airline transfer partners is incredible. cash back card to a true travel rewards card that earns transferable miles. Let me know what you think of this card and its new benefit in the comments below. Will you consider getting it or you will pass on it? Do you find any flaws in it? Do you wish that something else would have been added to it? Let me know in the comments. And finally, thank you guys for watching. If you liked the video, please give it a thumbs up and if this is your first time here, I would love to have you subscribe. Because every week I'm publishing videos that will help you earn a ton of credit card points and frequent flyer miles that will enable you to travel the world for little to no money.
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So you can complain if you think a firm isn't following the consumer duty, but the way you complain won't change. You'll still need to complain directly to the firm. I usually recommend doing that in writing and then give it eight weeks to respond. If it doesn't respond in that time or you're not happy with the response, you can go to the financial ombudsman service. We talk all the time about the ombudsman. It's a fantastic free alternative to the courts. However, waits can be very long, a couple of months. For some more complicated cases, the financial ombudsman does expect a short term increase in number of complaints following the introduction of consumer duty before a gradual reduction in this kind of general aim that the duty will reduce rule breaking by instituting good practice when products are developed.
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With many peaks and ever-increasing undercurrents of change, changes are always happening. In the wake of the collapse of bank sovereignty credit, digital currency is rising. AI technology is making financial equality popular. MetaBank is roaring across the horizon. MetaBank leads global banks into the new era of digital finance with its AI digital ecology.
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So as we know, banks are businesses, right? They need to make a profit. And anything that they offer you is taking away from potentially what they could give you as interest. And so banking used to be a way where they said, okay, if you would put money with us, we will give you some type of interest. And gradually as interest rates fell, it became a place where put money with us and we're going to even charge you fees and not give you any interest, which is crazy. And the reason is banks have overhead and they still need to make a profit. And as Americans, we think, okay, well, we need a bank and most of us do. So what's another way to bank that's not going to cost as much? Over the past 10 to 15 years, online banks have started popping up. And what they do is they cut out those brick and mortar locations. So if it's not that big of a deal for you to walk in and talk to a teller and get a lollipop and go through a drive-through and you're okay doing everything online or through ATMs, you can actually go with purely online banks who will give you a very good interest rate even on checking accounts. Right now, as we record this, there are banks that will give you a very good interest rate even on checking accounts. So if you don't use those conveniences of a brick and mortar bank, consider switching over to an online bank. And you can check the rates online. Just Google current bank rates. If you're looking for a checking or a savings account, you can Google checking interest rates or savings interest rates. Now, I'm not saying that brick and mortar banks are bad. I personally bank at a brick and mortar bank because we also have business. And it's important for us to have a relationship there. But if banking isn't that big of a part of your life, you might want to consider switching over and start earning some interest in the money you have saved with them. Thank you so much for watching our video. If financial literacy is something that is important to you, please consider subscribing to our page. Our goal is to teach you everything that we know about finances so you can apply it to your life and your situation. So click the subscribe button. We hope to see you at the next video. Thank you.
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Walgreens, CVS, 7-Eleven and others. You cannot order the Green Dot prepaid card online. To activate the Green Dot Visa Debit Card download Green Dot app and activate the card there. The process is pretty simple. What are the benefits of the Debit Card? First is that the prepaid card has 5% cashback. But there is an issue. Cashback is limited to $100 per year and you can redeem it once a year. What the heck? Remaining benefits are limited to cash deposits at retail stores and optional overdraft protection. To be eligible for the protection you have to have direct deposit every month. There is a monthly fee of $10 that you cannot escape. But there is another issue here. If you will not use the card for 90 days there is an inactivity fee of $10. Next benefit is the network of ATMs. To withdraw cash at an ATM you will have to pay a $3 fee. Nice benefit. You can deposit cash at the same retail stores where you can buy the Green Dot Cashback Card. Every deposit will cost you a flat $5 fee and each cash deposit is limited to $500. Except direct deposit. Sometimes it can be helpful. Another feature that you may enjoy is the mobile check deposit. You can use it to deposit paper checks with your mobile phone. But keep in mind that it will work only after a month after you open the account. For savers there is a special feature called Money Vault. You can set aside cash for emergencies and future purchases. Your balance in the Money Vault doesn't turn any interest. What the heck? At the same time Green Dot has a high interest savings account with 2% interest on up to $10,000. But the interest is paid once a year. What the heck? Why would you use Money Vault if you can earn interest on your balance in the savings account? There are no overdrafts by default, but you can turn them on if you have a direct deposit. Every month. Additionally, you can use this card for international or foreign transactions. But it will cost you $3 fee. The Green Dot cards have shady terms in cardholder agreement. So you will have to carefully inspect the cardholder agreement for hidden tricks that Green Dot is going to play with you. And you will have to pay $120 in fees per year to receive the $100 cashback once a year. Overall, I would recommend this card. I wouldn't recommend using this Green Dot 5% cashback prepaid card.
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This baby right here. We're going to cover the perks this card has, how to earn the rewards or how to earn the miles. We're going to compare it to cards that are in the same rank. And last but not least, I want to talk about who I think this card is best for. The Venture X card definitely belongs in the premium, so top tier travel card category. Perk number one, when you sign up, you will earn 75,000 miles if you spend $4,000 within the first three months. That is equivalent to $750 toward future travel spending. Perk number two is the annual $300 travel credit. So every year you will earn $300 in statement credit towards travel bookings you made via Capital One Travel. What this means is that if I bought a flight for $400 on the Capital One Travel website, that annual credit will take it down to basically $100 that comes out of my own pocket. Perk number three, airport lounges. Arguably one of my favorite perks for the Capital One Venture X. It's also attached to Priority Pass. I've not really been in an airport pretty much all over the world where there wasn't a lounge that I could access. There's free food, drinks, sometimes there's shower, places you can sleep, different types of amenities that are offered with the Priority Pass. The good thing about this is that if you had spent your own money out of your pocket to purchase a free lounge, you could get a free pass. It's not just a Priority Pass. It ranges anywhere from $75 to I think $429. So I don't know why anyone would actually buy the Priority Pass on their own. It is a much better deal getting it through a premium travel card. For the Capital One Venture X, they're also expanding and building more Capital One lounges all over the world. Number four is the anniversary bonus. This feels a little bit like that little extra cream on the top. For the most part, other cards don't have this anniversary bonus. What that means is that every time you hit that yearly mark of when you've signed up for this card, there's a 10,000 mile little extra bonus for you that's credited towards your travel purchases. Before I jump into perk number five, I think this is a great point to let you guys know what is the annual fee for the Capital One Venture X card. And it is $395. Now, if you've heard me list the perks prior, you will see that essentially with the 300 annual credit plus the lounge pass plus the anniversary perk, pretty much that has offset your annual fee to zero. If you are still fairly new to the credit card world or the premium travel card world, I completely understand. I started out with the Venture One card as my first card. This is like no annual fee, the very first tier of travel cards that Capital One offer. And if you want to see more options for other great cards that still has travel perks, but perhaps a lower or no annual fee, I did make a video before that I wanted to do, and I'll link up here as well as in the description box. So you can compare some other options if you're a bit new to the space. Moving on to perk number six is a $100 credit towards TSA PreCheck or Global Entry. I am a holder of both or I am a member. I don't know what you call it. And let me tell you, if you do any type of international traveling, it is a lifesaver. You get to skip the long annoying lines, both when you exit and when you enter back into your home country. What I really want to highlight here is I think moving forward, Capital One is really trying to streamline everything so that you book your travel, your car rental, your hotels, et cetera, through their Capital One travel website. I recently looked on their Capital One travel to look for flights, and it was actually incredibly easy to use. I think I even prefer it more than the Chase travel booking portal. So that is something to note. So let's talk about how the Capital One mile system works. So number one, you get 10x miles when you book a rental car or a hotel through the Capital One travel website. 10x is pretty incredible. Number two, you get 5x miles when you book flights on the Capital One travel website. And number three, you get 2x on any other purchases. That's still really good considering a lot of the other cards are 1 to 1 ratio or 1 to 1.5. Basically, you're redeeming those miles so that your flight, your hotel are free, or there's a big chunk ticket. And you're not taking off of what you would have to spend out of your own pocket naturally. It goes without saying, this card has no foreign transaction fees and the miles don't expire, but this is pretty standard practice now for all the cards. I'm going to list some of the other perks that are included in this card, but won't go into too much details. Things like return protection, trip cancellation and interruption coverage, extended warranty protection, their cell phone protection, Visa Infinite Concierge, travel accident insurance, as well as auto rental collision damage waiver. Moving on to the competition within this round. Right now, I think the main competition for the Capital One Venture X card would be the Platinum card by American Express, as well as the Chase Reserve card. Now, the annual fee for those, the American Express one is sitting at $695. And the Chase Reserve is sitting at $550. So the Capital One Venture X is $395. Who do I think this card is perfect for? I do think this card is better suited for someone that is not completely new. To the credit card space. If you're someone that's been in the credit card space for a while, you just kind of want to upgrade your game. And if you travel a lot, if you have to book hotels often, for whatever reason, if you work and you travel for work a lot, whether it's domestic or internationally, I think this is a great card for you. I have made a video previously to this one that covers all of my favorite travel credit cards, ranging for any type of lifestyle and any kind of budget. Feel free to check out that video. I will also link some really useful links in the description. There is a link down below from card ratings. I really like their website because they are great at comparing cards that are really similar in terms of its fees and perks. And you can also find categories like Travel, Small Business, etc. So all the helpful links that have made a difference on my decision-making when I'm choosing cards, I will link them down below. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out. This is a public forum. You probably don't want to be asking super personal financial questions. Or maybe you don't care. But reach out to me via Instagram, Diagen, or anything like that. I know if you are new to this space, it can feel a little bit intimidating. I was there myself not long ago and I've done such thorough research because that is the type of person I am. I like to know what I'm getting into before I get into it. I would love to help you out in any way that I can. Until next time guys, bye! Thanks for watching!
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Capital One Venture X card. Bam! And I just wanted to share my thoughts with you on whether or not that I think that this card is still worth it. And to be honest with you guys, I think honestly it... Wait, before we get into all of that, do not forget to smash that like button to show your boy some love. It really helps out with the channel. So I'm sure by now you've heard of this card. It was one of the hottest cards on the market at the time, which was about a year ago. Everybody was talking about it. Everybody was making videos about it. And I'm not going to lie, guys, I even jumped on a bandwagon. I was one of its biggest cheerleaders. I made a review video, which I'll link below if you want to check that out. Now, at the time, I didn't have any other premium credit cards. And I thought that this card was perfect for me because I could actually justify paying that high annual fee. Yes, this card does come with a $395 annual fee. However, this card is not a premium credit card. It's a premium credit card. It's a paying for itself in the end. You actually walk away on top with $5 in your pocket. When I first signed up, it was advertising 100,000 points after spending $10,000 in the first six months. Yes, that's a pretty steep spin, but I had some expenses coming up where I knew I could hit that spin easily. You also received a $200 vacation rental credit. Now, I didn't know how I was going to hit that $200 credit. I don't stay at Airbnbs or those type of places. I typically stay at a hotel. But I think I paid rent and it ended up triggering that credit. So that's how I ended up getting that credit and I'm not complaining. Now, the current signup bonus is 75,000 points after spending $4,000 in the first three months, which I think is a lot easier to hit, but it is a lower signup bonus and you no longer receive that $200 vacation rental. You also get 10X on hotels and rental cars when booked through the portal, 5X back on flights when booked through the portal, and then 2X back on everyday spending. You also get amazing cell phone protection when you're paying your monthly bill with this card, primary car insurance, and then great travel protection. Plus, the biggest benefit is that this card, gives you up to four authorized users at no cost. They get the same benefits and they get access to priority pass. Like I said, guys, this card comes with a ton of benefits. Who wouldn't want this card? I don't. So we talked about all of the good stuff, guys, and let's talk about some of the bad stuff because all of these cars have their pros and their cons. One thing was Capital One. They didn't have the best transfer partner setup. They changed this drastically to their ability, which is great because now it's one-to-one when you're transferring. Now, I'm going to constantly adding transfer partners, which is great. Another thing that I hated about Capital One was their customer service. They had the worst customer service. When I first got this card, I called in one time and I was just so frustrated. I almost canceled the card. The person on the other line didn't understand me. I didn't understand them. They would transfer it up to somebody higher. The same exact thing. We would just be going in circles. They didn't understand me. I didn't understand them. Now, if you want to outsource, that's fine, but you have to make sure that both parties can understand each other. But they did fix that. Now, when I call, I'm able to have a pleasant conversation, a pleasant interaction, and we both understand each other. So I definitely take my hats off and give them kudos for that because they did fix that customer service issue. But last but not least, guys, my biggest issue with Capital One is their travel portal. Every card has their own travel portal, which is fine. But the thing with Capital One, if you want to take advantage of some of their benefits, that 10X, that 5X back, that $300 annual credit, it has to be used through the travel portal. Now, you don't have to use the travel portal. That's totally up to you. But then you miss out on some of those benefits that really make this card what it is. So we can see that the pros definitely outweigh the cons with this card and what all the hype was about. So why did I end up downgrading this card, guys? Yes, that's right. I no longer have this card. I have the Capital One Venture Card. This is their no annual fee card. So if this card has all these benefits and it's so great, why did I end up getting rid of it? Well, to be honest, guys, I knew that I wasn't going to be doing a lot of traveling this year. I knew that I was going to be doing a lot of traveling this year. I just moved last year. I'm still trying to get settled in here. I'm going through so many life changes. So things are changed around me. And I knew that I wasn't going to be doing that much traveling. And I couldn't take advantage of that $300 travel credit, which helps offset that $395 annual fee. And with that travel credit, you can't carry it over. It's either you use it that year or you lose it. So I decided to get out while I was on top. However, I got tremendous value in that first year. I was able to take advantage of that 100,000 point signup bonus, which is about $1,000. That $300 travel credit, that $200 vacation rental credit, and the $100 for the global entry. Now, if you minus that $395 annual fee, I had a positive value of $1,205 plus the additional perks and benefits. So I definitely received my money's worth with this card. I even made another video on how to maximize the value of this card using its counterpart, the Capital One Saver. That is a no annual fee card. And I do think that's one of the best credit card combinations on the market. Now, my initial goal was to get rid of that $300 travel credit, but I didn't. So I having doubts. First was the removal of some of the Priority Pass benefits. As of January 1st, 2023, Venture X cardholders will no longer have access to participating restaurants, spa services, and shopping benefits across the Priority Pass network. Now, this wasn't that big of a deal for me personally, but to see these type of changes after the first year was a little alarming. Then as happy as I am that they've increased the transfer rate, they don't have any partners that really stand out. I mostly stay at Hyatt, which is, exclusively through Chase, and I fly Delta, which is exclusively through American Express. So one of the great things about this card is it does come with a points eraser feature. I use this so many times. Again, I don't have a problem booking my domestic flights through the portal. Like I said, I like to fly Delta. I like to fly Comfort or First Class. So I will book it through the portal. I will get those 5X points back, and then I will use the points that I've accumulated to erase that expense. The only issue with this is, it's only one cent per point. Now, I also have the Chase setup, where I'm able to get one cent per point. So I can get one cent per point. I can get one cent per point using their portals. So that's why I said this card started to make a little less sense to me. And also seeing that both of my travel partners that I use the most, Delta and Hyatt are with the other issuers, and they're starting to remove some of their priority paths and get those restrictions on that. I start to question how sustainable is this card. If they're making sure that everybody gets it in their wallet, because they're going to pay you to keep this card because you're coming out on top with that $5, and then everybody gets it, what's the next logical thing? You either remove some more of the benefits or you increase the annual fee, which I'm sure they're going to do this year. But that's why I decided to downgrade, guys. But I am looking forward to seeing what this year brings, seeing the new cards that come on the market, seeing the changes that they make to this card. So I'm really getting excited for that. But comment below, let me know if you decided to keep this card in year two. What's your experience with it? I would love to hear. As always, don't forget to like and subscribe, and I'll see you next time. Peace.
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Now tonight, two more Chase customers say they're out thousands as scammers continue to target them. As you can imagine, they're very frustrated. Fox 13's Alejandra Guzman joining us live after talking with them tonight. Natalie, you've been trying to get some answers. David, Jamie, I can tell you that we have, and it's been a long battle. These customers say that all they want is for their hard-earned money to be put back into their savings, checkings, or even business accounts. But instead, they've received letters or blank statements saying that they've benefited from having their money transferred to other accounts. They say that this is not what they intended for their accounts to be. Right now, all they want is for their money to be put back. Here's what they had to say. It all starts with what seems is a warning message. Chase Bank, did you attempt a $2,500 pending Zili? Reply yes or no. David Burdick replied no and says within minutes he got a call from whom he thought was a Chase representative the morning of January 19th. He says he was asked to go on the mobile app and verify if any other charges appeared to be fraudulent. He knew what stores I went to, how much I spent, and so that's what can make me believe that it was actually a real person from Chase. The 38-year-old says the alleged representative told him they'd have to transfer his savings into his checking account to prevent any more fraudulent activity. He transferred $4,300. He said he'd pay $55 with 12 cents with the promise of an email and a new account. I called Chase and asked him, hey, where's my information? Where's all these details? And he just kind of laughed and was like, dude, that's a scam. And I was like, what are you talking about? And he goes, oh yeah, this is a known problem. He says his money was wired to an account in Florida. David called customer service and filed a complaint with the executive office. I feel betrayed. I feel like, as we were taught growing up, you put your money in the bank. Your money is safe. Don't have to worry about it's insured. You know, no worries. That's not the case. He's not alone. Nearly two months ago, on December 19th, Trevor Sneva received the same text message. Did you just try to wire transfer $9,000, yes or no? He, too, went through the motions. He answered the phone after responding no, hoping to keep his business account safe. He asked for my password. I wouldn't give him that. However, he says they made him sign a document to keep the money. But after getting passed around to another representative who asked for security questions, he hung up and drove to his local branch in Spokane. While I was sitting at the bank, like two more wires went out for $9,000 or $9,250. Total of $20,000 taken from his account. Fox 13 reached out to Chase, who declined to an interview, but sent us this statement saying in part, Imposter scams are a societal problem. Scammers impersonate companies, banks, and even government agencies to try and keep their business accounts safe. They also trick customers out of their hard-earned money. We urge all customers to ignore phone or internet requests for money or access to their computer or bank accounts. They also sent us these tips, recommending you protect your personal account information, passwords, and one-time passcodes, saying if you want to be sure you're talking to a legitimate representative, call the number on the back of your card or visit a branch. But when it's the same number, I don't know. I got a lot of blanket excuses of what I did wrong. I really don't know. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it. Tonight, every single one of the victims Fox spoke with says that their accounts have not been reimbursed and they were told by Chase that they would not be. We reached out to the FBI, who says they're aware of the ongoing scams and they're tracking them. They also say, and they urge you to file a report with them as soon as possible. Two of the victims have already filed one and are waiting to hear back. If you feel you've been a victim of a scam, we have more information on how you can file that report on our website, That's you.
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Tip number one, if the credit card machine asks you to pay in USD or the local currency, always pick the local currency. If you choose US dollars, the credit card processor will dynamically convert your money. Dynamic conversion is bad for your money. If you choose local currency, your bank will convert your money at a more favorable rate. And this is what you want because you want your bank, the bank that you trust, to convert your money. In this case, it was a $166 difference. Tip number two is take advantage of VAT refunds. It might take a little bit of paperwork, but you'll get some of the taxes you paid refunded back to you. Tip number three is use a credit card that has no foreign transaction fees. Follow for more travel tips and comment below if you have any questions.
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Let's address this now because I think it may have been Fu Manchu who asked this. Hey, are CDs a good way to save for short-term events, for short-term ideas like cash accounts and that sort of thing? First of all, what is a certificate deposit? How does it work? And then is that a thing to be doing right now in a rising rate? Are there risks associated with that? How would you tackle that? Well, CDs have a place in my heart. I won't say a fine place in my heart because this was the only way my parents knew how to invest. And it frustrates me to no end because when my parents thought of investing, it was CDs. And CDs are something that your local bank will offer you. And this is the promise they give you is that, hey, if you let us lock your money up and they have stated periods, it could be six months, it can be 12 months, it can be multiple years. You say you're basically promising them you won't. Pull this money out because if you do, there's a penalty or you forfeit potentially the income that it could have made. But you're giving them the promise. I'm going to let you make use of this money and I'm going to lock up my ability to take it out or try to lock it up so that you will pay me a premium on the interest rate. And it's very, I think we're in this unique time now where interest rates have gone up dramatically. The Federal Reserve is fighting inflation. So they're raising rates very quickly. So we have gone from where your savings account. So even at the high yield banks, online banks that are FDIC insured, we've gone from where they were paying less than 1% to where currently it's not uncommon to be able to get well over 2.5% just on your FDIC insured money market that has no limitation on when you can pull that money out. You can put it in today and next week you can go pull it right back out with no penalty and they'll just pay you for the seven days that you let them actually have the privilege of holding your money. I like... Because here's, let me tell you my concerns with CD investing. Like I said, this is coming from a place from parents who did this is that for older people or, you know, let's just say people who are thinking of CDs instead of investment because right now they feel really safe. So a lot of people are saying that's how I'll invest because there's CDs now that if you lock it up for a little over a year, you can get over 3% now on these things, even 3.5%. Man, 3.5% risk-free feels really good right now. But if you're looking at it from an investment standpoint, I always tell you be careful of what's going on in the background that you might not see with, you know, in the context of CDs. Yes, you're getting 3.5% risk-free. But if inflation's 8%, over the long term, your purchasing power is getting eaten alive. I mean, your purchasing power is being eroded right before your eyes. If you're making 3.5%, but the, you know, but things are going up by 8% because investing, yes, is painful right now. But over the long term, there's a close to 90% risk-free. There's a 9% spread since 1980 to 2021 of what markets have done, the S&P 500 specifically, over what the stated inflation rate was. That's something that you're going to have the opportunity when economies recover, you'll be there. So that's the difference between CDs for, you know, for investment. But, Beau, I want to talk about cash reserves. Sure, yeah. Because specifically he was asking about should I use this for cash reserves? Are there any limitations that people ought to think about for CDs? And what are the risks in that aspect? This is what I think is so interesting. We as humans suffer horrendously from recency bias. Here's a great example. If I were to tell everyone, hey, right now you can go get a 4% mortgage, everyone would be like, oh, my gosh, that sounds incredible. Oh, that sounds so amazing. If we rewind it two years ago and I told you that you could have a 4% mortgage, oh, my God, it's so high. No way, right? We all struggle from that. So right now we're seeing these CD rates, and they're looking really attractive. Well, yeah, they sound really attractive right now. But what if you go buy a 2? You're a 2-year CD, and you lock your money up at 4%, 4.5%. But interest rates keep rising, and they keep going up. And then all of a sudden money markets are paying 4% to 5%. And then CDs are paying 6% to 7%. You're going to be like, man, why did I captivate those dollars and lock them in a rising rate environment where maybe I didn't have to? So right now, while things are on this move, I would be a little hesitant to lock my emergency reserves inside of a CD just because you can go get really, really. Yeah, exactly. With no strings, with no handcuffs on it. Now, I know, yes, there are no penalty CDs. I've already seen people mention that in chat. That is true. But do you really want to go through the difficulty of having to go buy a product, underwrite a product, figure out the product, when just opening up a high-yield savings account for your emergency fund that you can get to within one to three days might be a whole lot of an easier solution for someone who's trying to hold cash reserves? Bo, I thought this was just a coincidence. I was on. I wanted to go look up what the Fidelity Cash Reserves Fund paid. Seven-day moving yield because that's how you can figure out what's going on. So I typed in. I think it's FDRXX. And then it pulled up. And what I thought was interesting was, this is to give context, that what we don't understand is that the low interest rate, the 0% interest rate that we were all so used to is not the normal. What's normal, because if you looked at these since inception on the Fidelity Cash Reserves, it was like over 4%. And I think that that is something that people ought to remember. Cash in the past does pay more than half a percent or 35 basis points like your bank is probably offering you. So don't get so excited. Get caught up in the moment, like Bo said, and see a CD that's paying 3.5% and be like, yeah, let's go lock it up for a year and a half to two years when you might be surprised that you could be earning that exactly what Bo was talking about. Just out of the money market with no lockup period. And that's probably because cash reserves for me needs to be money I could get my hands on really quick because they're there for the rainy day fund. They're there for the emergencies. I don't like how CDs have the threat that they could essentially penalize me. And I know they won't take away my money, but just the benefit of the premium I'm getting could be undermined if I had a need for it. So why not just go with something that has zero restrictions? And like the high interest rate? Yeah. I mean, I think that's a good thing. If you're a big cash holder, know that there are different shares of money market funds or different class that you can buy. Some of them might pay like 2.5%, 2.6% for balances under $100,000. Some of them, if you have over $100,000, you can get 3%. So make sure you're looking at that when you choose your money market account that you're utilizing. Well, I mean, to your point on that, if you go look, I mean, I think like the Fidelity Cash Reserves was like 2.52. I'm dating this, but it'll be okay. Okay. But if you have $100,000 of cash, it was right at 3%. That's right. Yep. And then there's a million dollar one that is really right on where the treasury. I mean, the spread between what treasuries are offered and those is really tight. So that's a great another value add there, Bo.
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I responded that I thought our concerns were, in fact, in the next six years. I was fortunate to visit Taiwan just a little over six months ago. Government officials there described the last two years in their security environment as the most severe in their history, with multi-domain blockade rehearsals and attack demonstrations from all directions, from all domains. The PRC continues its campaign to coerce, co-opt, and corrupt other countries and business and political elites across the region to undermine the overall security landscape. The PRC also continues its integration of PRC civil and military entities. It continues to deepen the reach of its national security laws, even affecting U.S. business in the PRC. And lastly, the PLA continues to fight. It continues to follow Chairman Xi's edict to fight and win by 2027. I think if you're in a kinetic war where munitions are flying, the natural result of that is all maritime shipping in the area will stop a much more sudden and immediate separation of relations. And important American companies, notably Apple, would likely see the value of their operations fall very substantially just because of their supply chain dependence on a mix of Taiwan and China. A particular importance to the U.S. The flow of semiconductors out of Taiwan. That if you don't have the right chips, you can't produce a functional car. For some specific components, it would be almost impossible in the short run to find those components. I think your baseline would assume a near complete freeze of cross-border financial transactions. U.S. financial assets inside China would also likely be frozen. This is one of these jump kind of risk. Enormous amounts of instability in global financial markets. Those Americans who've invested in specific... Chinese companies or who've invested in indexes that have some exposure to China would see a meaningful portion of their wealth impaired. It would be responsible for all those making significant investments to make their portfolios, to the extent possible, resilient in the face of this kind of shock.
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Number one, वो आपको ऐसा एक illusion create करके देता है कि आपके पास पैसे हैं when the truth is शायद आपके पास पैसे नहीं है. Number two, अगर खुदाना खासता आप अपनी पूरी payment नहीं कर पाते हैं then it piles up on the interest like nothing else because 30 to 36% का interest देते हैं आप साल का which makes it the most expensive loan. Number three, अगर आपने payment पर default कर दिया आपका credit score गया that will make it harder for you to get loans or even if you get them आपको उनको higher rate of interest पर मिलेगा. But credit cards are not all that bad as well. There are three reasons why credit cards are awesome. Check my channel to get that shots as well.
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फोन पे यूजर है और आपने गलती से किसी को transaction कर दिया है अगर आप चाहते की वो पैसा आपको refund मिल जाए तो कैसे हो सकता है ये सारी आपको बताता हूँ वो ऐसे आपको करते जाना है तो चलिए वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं लेकिन वीडियो को स्टार्ट करने पहले हमारी आपको इस छोटी से request है कि चैनल पर नए है तो चैनल को सबस्क्राइब कर दीजिए और बेल के गंटे के अंदर आपको वापस मिल जाएगा. बस आपको इस वीडियो को complete देखना है, कई पर skip नहीं करना है. तो चलिए सबसे पहले मैं आपको बताता हूँ कि कैसे आप अपने पैसे को refund पा सकते हैं? इसके लिए आपको करना क्या होगा? तो कि वीडियो को skip नहीं करना है तभी आप जा करके सीख पाएंगे. इसके लिए सबसे पहले मैं आपको ले करके चलूंगा अपने फोन पेपर. तो आप यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं आपको यहाँ पर हमारा जितना transaction करके रखा होगा यहाँ पर आपको शो कर जाएगा. तो चलि मैं आपको यहाँ पर कुछ दिखा देता हूँ. जैसे मान लीजी कि यहाँ पर हमने transaction किया है तो हमें यहाँ पर यह पैसा receive हुआ है या फिर आपको आपने भेजा है गलती से भेज दिया है तो यहाँ पर transaction किया है यहाँ पर � excellence करना है तो जो भी transaction के रूप से दे रहा है तो आप नहीं रखेंगे या क्यल तक यहाँ से कामन करना है और यहाँ पर उप ले लीजिए आपने जॉबव purchasing की हैं तो इस बटन करने के बाद आपको यहाँ पर कर ले ली जाएगा इस open कर लेता हूँ. आप यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं हमारा जो Chrome browser है यहाँ पर यह open हो चुका है. Open होने के बाद आप यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं कि आपको यहाँ पर search का icon दिख रहा होगा. आपको यहाँ पर type करना है. N P C I. आपको यहाँ पर क्या देख सकते हैं कि कुछ इस प्रकार से यहा पर यह open हो जाएगा. तो आप यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं कि ऊपर के साइड में ही आप यहाँ पर left side में देख सकते हैं कि आपको यहाँ पर तीन line देख रही होगी. आपको इस line पर click करना है और जैसे आप यहाँ पर इस line पर click करेंगे तो आप यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं कि कुछ इस प्रकार से open हो जाएगा ओ ओपन होने के बाद आपको यहाँ पर कई सारे option और भी open हो जाते हैं यहाँ पर आने के बाद आप यहाँ पर देख सकते है कि आप को यहाँ पर लिखा मिल जाता है UPI complaint आपको UPI complaint पर click करना है यहाँ पर click करने के बाद आप यहाँ पर देख सकते है कि कुछ इस प्रकार से यहाँ पर आ जाएंगे आने की बाद आपको यहाँ पर नीचे आ свои नीचे आते हो यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं कि आपको यहाँ पर लिख करके आ जाता है ट्रांश कि आपको ट्रांड फली ऑफिसेंट पर क्लिक करना है अब जैसे यहां रूसलार सकते हैं. ऩिलापन जगहूर नेक्किन परोटी नोट क Committee है, हफ्ते मुख्य भी एकरन की प्रशिक्ष लवित है. और गांव न करा। लिए याद कि मूश्माल की कुछ के पिकाली करें want कर रहे हैं और app कर रहे हैं各位 एंड पिकाली हैं। मतलब मैं आपको बता देता हूं । person to person का मतलब यह होता है कि आपका यहाँ पर simple transaction हुआ है यानि एक आदमी से दूसरे आदमी को transaction किया गया है । दूसरा यहां पर आपको जो दिया गया है person to merchant । इसका मतलब यह होता है । कि आपने यहाँ पर किसी select issue drink in यहां पर आप देख सकते हैं कि यह पर बहुत सारे आप्शंस दिए जाते हैं और आपले पर पूछी जाते हैं कि आपने यहाँ पर क्या गलती किया है किस तरीके से आपने पैसा सेंड कर दिया है गलती से पैसा send कर दिया है तो आप यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं कि आपको यहाँ पर third number का जो option देखने के लिए मिल जाता है incorrectly transferred to another account तो आपको इस पर click कर लेना है और जैसे आप यहाँ पर click करते हैं तो आप यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं इस प्रकार से select हो एगा important तो आप यहाँ पर n你在 तो नीचे सकते है कि कमेंट आपको comments वाले option पर कमेंट तक ही लिख सकते हैं तो यहाँ पर लिखना का यह पय तलब बता देना है कि आपने जो ट्रैकस्चन किया वह गलत transaction कर दिया है, गलती से आपने उदना transaction कर दिया है तो चलिए मैं यहाँ पर लिख देता हूँ तो यहाँ पर आप देख सकते हैं कि मैंने यहाँ पर लिख दिया incorrect transaction, ठीक है इसके बाद में आपको यहाँ पर नीचे आना है आपको यहाँ पर example के तौर पर फिल करके भी दिखा देता हूँ. तो यहाँ पर मैं आपको दिखा देता हूँ ताकि आपको पता चल जाए कि transaction ID होती किया है. आप यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं कि आपको यहाँ पर लिख करके इस प्रकार से आ जाता है transaction ID और नीचे यहाँ पर आप देख सकते हैं कि आपको कुछ यहाँ पर डिजिस्ट और अलफाबेट दिए जाते हैं. तो आपको यहाँ पर करना क्या है? आपको यहाँ पर आपको बताना है कि आपका जो account था कौन से bank से जुड़ा हुआ था? जैसे मान लीजिए कि आपका जो bank है वो SBI भी हो सकता है. Punjab National Bank भी हो सकता है. या फिर Indian Bank भी हो सकता है. इस प्रकार से आपको यहाँ पर बहुत सारे bank दिए जाते हैं. जैसे Airtel Payments Bank हो सकता है. इस प्रकार सीड चली लिया पर आपने अपने अगर कुछ दिन रेट आते हैं को बताना जाता है फिर क्योंकि �แลवे से sampर बना रहा है फिर मुझी Cash's four उसके बाद में at the rate और उसके बाद में वहाँ पर कुछ डिटी दियाते हैं जो alphabet होते हैं जैसे ये भी CD ऐसे हो सकता है ठीक है तो यहाँ पर आपका जो भी UPI number है आपको यहाँ पर इसको फिल करना है UPI ID तो यहाँ पर मैं चूंपना तो यहाँ पर यहाँ पर बढ़कर रेल करके रेल कर रेल कर रेल कर रेल कर रेल कर रेल कर रेल कि आपको यहाँ पर इसको पढ़ना जाए है या फिलकिल पर यहाँ पर यहाँ पर यहाँ पर जो विस्त भी आती वाले अलगीती से आपको यहां पर विलट कर देना और सारी डेटेल्स आपको यहां पर सही सब्सक्राइब करना है किसी प्रकार को अफ़र सब्सक्राइब लिखा अगर चाहिए क्रिए नहीं करना पिछले आप यह सबसे पहले कहते मेना दो हजार चोबीश ठीक तो इस प्रकार से यहाँ पर सेलेक्ट हो चुका है उसके बाद में आप यहाँ पर नीचे देख सकते हैं कि आपको यहाँ पर आपसे आपका email id पूछा जाता है तो आप यहाँ पर अपना अपना email id फिल कर दीजिए जो भी आपका email id होगा जैसे मैं आपको यहाँ पर फिल करके दिखा देता हूं अमन ऑफिसियल यह देखिए आपको सारी चीजें आपको यहाँ पर सही चीजें भरनी है आपको किसी प्रकार की कोई गलत सीजिए नहीं बननी है उसके बाद में नीचे आप आते हैं तो आप यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं अपने यहाँ पर पूछा जाता है कि देश रजिस्ट्रेड मुबाइल नंबर आप आपका जो मोबाइल नंबर होता है आपको उसको फिल करना है तो चलिए सच्चन किया था आपका उसका इसकी सर्टिंग में साथ मैं आपको इस टाइटीगी में लेकर करें तो इसकी पर आप यहां पर स्तेल कर लेना तो चलिए जाएं वह क्लिक करता हूं और जैसे मैं आपको क्लिक करता हूं तो यह आपके गैलरी में आपको lawyers to a�िफर पर क्लिक कर देना है उसके बाद में आपको मपर कुछ चीजें तीजें आपको कहने की दोस्तों पर कुछ कहने की एक बात जैसे मान लीजिए कि आप नहीं कि अपना चैनल किया था जिस दिन किया था तो उस दिन ही कि 4 घंटे के अंदर ही आपको ये फर्म फिल करना होता है तभी आपका जो पैसा होता है वो आपको रिफंड मिलेगा
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such as personal loans, 0% balance transfers, or credit card cash advances. Personal loans have been a really hot industry the past several years. You can apply, get approved, and get the funds within 24 hours. The problem of late is that they've gotten a lot harder to qualify for. If you can qualify, it's a good option. And some people are considering the cash advance option that so many credit cards offer. What are the dangers with that? Unfortunately, cash advances are one of the worst options on our list because they charge high interest rates, often about 25%. There's no grace period. Interest starts accruing immediately. And they almost always come with another upfront fee.
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Fact 17 problem solver Ryan Cummings shares her story and tips from the unemployment office so you are not the next victim. I begged them to send me my money back Monday, Graham, and I was told that that was not an option. Rhonda DeLue gets her unemployment benefits deposited onto a prepaid card from NetSpend, a service that she has used for 12 years. She says she became a fraud victim at 339 on June 23rd. My card was reported stolen that I did not do. And by 530, my cell phone had also been reported stolen and my number was ported to another phone. And we can only figure it's in the state of Texas. She says that someone then transferred money from her old account to a new one. We're told NetSpend recovered 1,500 of it and will be sending 5,000 back to the Unemployment Insurance Agency. Well, they bought the card for fraud, not the account. That's how she got in and opened up another account, another card in my name that she purchased at a gas station in Grand Prairie, Texas. This all happened the same day that she added a woman on Facebook who was asking people about their unemployment checks. Whenever they would respond that their money had hit, she would ask, well, was it your... bi-weekly benefits or was it back pay? That person is posting in online unemployment groups under the name Alicia Lee. You can see the different accounts here claiming to live in Michigan, Ohio, and Texas. We're blurring the picture because we cannot confirm the woman in the photo is in fact the accused suspect. But the account is asking people about their NetSpend funds and if their money has hit. You can see these posts here targeting people in Texas and Ohio. So now I'm sitting on the back burner waiting for my... money to be mailed back to the unemployment office on July 6th. In a statement to Fox 17, the prepaid card company says in part, NetSpend does not employ the individual that has been contacting our cardholders and requesting their account information. We do not email or text our customers to ask for their card number or personal information. If customers receive a call they did not request, we encourage them to hang up and call the number on the back of their card. It's been very troubling, especially... There was some other incidents that has happened at my home that we could really use that money right now. The Secret Service is already working with Michigan on fraud cases. Over the last several weeks, tens of thousands of new claims were filed that are suspected of fraud. Since March 15th, the agency has had more than 58,000 identity theft and fraud reports, more than 25,000 since June 1st. So here are a few tips from the state. If you got a notice about unemployment benefits but did not apply, report it right away. Go to slash uia and click on report fraud or report identity theft. Guard your social security number and do not carry the card with you. Also, don't respond to unsolicited requests for your personal information. Shred your receipts, your credit card offers, account statements, and expired cards, and review your credit report at least once a year. Tips that Rhonda advises everyone to follow. If you see somebody trolling and asking certain prepaid cards, have hit, if their deposits have hit, do not respond. Please do not respond. All I said was that my net spend card hit, that my money was deposited, and within 30 minutes, my entire world was turned upside down. The UIA says for this case, if the debit card company is aware of fraud, it can send the money back to the agency. Rhonda says she's already applied for the Bank of America card through the UIA. The agency, though, cannot return money ever if it was stolen from a debit card or a credit card. Of course, we do have a lot of tips from the UIA and the Federal Trade Commission on our website. We have posted them with this story. Just head to In the newsroom, Ryan Cummings, Fox 17 News.
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Let me give you two of them. First, one, the hard evidence, Mr. Goldman and everybody else, now proves that the Biden family is hopelessly corrupt and has apparently engaged in a long pattern of extortion, bribery, influence peddling, and tax fraud, and staggering abuses of power. And number two, we're highlighting here today that we now know that a growing list of the most important executive branch agencies of the Biden administration are in on it. They've also been corrupted. They've been weaponized to help cover all this up, the first family's crimes. When we summarize all this stuff, it sounds like a premise of a dystopian novel or something, but it's actually happening right now on our watch. This is not conspiracy theories. This is evidence. Our hearing today is to put a spotlight on one more of these incredible avenues, this unprecedented corruption and government cover-up. And here again, a federal court has just affirmed all that hard evidence. It proves that the White House, the Department of Justice, and the FBI, among other agencies, threatened and coerced the social media platforms to censor and suppress disfavored viewpoints and conservatives' social media posts online.
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Good morning and thank you for joining us for Friday's Daily Market Outlook. Joining me today is Emily from our trading room to tell us more about recent developments. Let's hear from Emily. Gold prices steadied near three-week lows, touched in the previous session after US inflation data raised expectations that the Federal Reserve will hold far on rates next week. The UK's FTSE 100 hit its highest in six weeks after the European Central Bank signalled an end to its monetary tightening cycle. While industrial metal miners led the gains after a surge in iron ore prices, FTX received the green light to liquidate $3.6 billion in crypto assets from a US bankruptcy court in Delaware. Solana, Ethereum and Aptos are the top three altcoin holdings of the bankrupt FTX exchange. The euro-dollar pair fell 0.8% in the last session. According to the Stochastic RSI, we are in an oversold market. The Bitcoin dollar pair skyrocketed 1.4% in the last session. The RSI's positive signal is in line with the overall technical analysis. The pound-dollar pair fell 0.6% in the last session. The MACD is giving a negative signal which matches our overall technical analysis. The Aussie got a slight bump of 0.2% against the dollar in the last session. The Williams indicator is giving a positive signal. Japan's Tertiary Industry Index is showing a positive signal. The US Industrial Production Index will be released at 04.30 GMT. The Eurozone's trade balance at 09.00 GMT. The US Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index at 14.00 GMT. The US Industrial Production will be released at 13.15 GMT. Japan's CFTC JPY NC Net Positions at 20.30 GMT. The UK's CFTC GBP NC Net Positions at 20.30 GMT. We hope that you've enjoyed our Friday Market Outlook. On behalf of all of us here, we wish you a productive trading day.
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a government watchdog says. The US government accountability office posted a complaint about a cryptocurrency-related bulletin from the country's main securities regulator. Check us out on to earn some newme tokens. Power to the people.
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That's exactly what we're saying here. And you know, millions of people have turned to this app based banking system. And one of the big names out there is Chime. It is so easy to sign up. Takes just minutes. And that's part of the appeal. But let this Griffin woman and Fox 5 Atlanta viewer tell you how she's been asking for months for her $14,000 to be returned to her. The end of September, October, November. I was stressed. Just stressed. Not sleeping stressed. Not half eating stressed. It was September last year when Marla Jones got a puzzling message from Chime, a technology company that offers banking services. Her account was on hold. Chime had detected unusual activity on her account. The first few months, everything was fine. Which is why when they I received the email saying that they was going to put my account on hold. I wasn't alarmed. But that didn't last long. Chime closed her account and kept her money. She had no access to her $14,000 and she couldn't pay her bills. I've had to do borrow money from family members. And nobody wants to do that. She filed a complaint with a federal oversight group. She told them what she told us. She can't get a refund on her closed account. It's a familiar story. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has logged more than a thousand complaints in a short period of time about Chime. The Better Business Bureau has issued an alert. It says many customers claim they are having their accounts closed, no access to their money, even after providing requested information. In an email, Chime wrote the Fox 5i team that Ms. Jones hadn't answered an outstanding request for more information. They told me that I needed to provide a photo of me holding my gun. Government issued ID. They told me that I needed to provide a explanation of the activity in my account. She said she sent this picture. This email shows she told them she had a big influx of cash to her Chime account because she was moving it from another account. She asked for her money to be returned in January. Again in February. Nothing. I've done everything I've been asked. Give me my money. Soon after the Fox 5i team had their accounts closed, Ms. Jones had to apply for a free credit. She's been asked to pay the financial aid she provided that she wanted to give to her. She was not a member of the Fox 5i team. She's been in a relationship with the Fox 5i team for quite some time. She's been in love with the Fox 5i team. She's been in love with the Fox 5i team for quite some time. She's been in love with the Fox 5i team for quite some time. She's been in love with the Fox 5i team for quite some time. She's been team reached out to Chime. Her nearly 10-month-old case was resolved. They wrote that we resolved the matter and the member has full access to their account. More than $14,000 was returned to her. Here are a few things she's learned. Chime, where banking that's got your back, is not actually a bank. It's a financial technology company that works with banks. Chime and other app-based companies are called neobanks or fintech. Marla Jones says this new stuff might not be right for her. She's moving her money again. I'm thinking about putting my money up under my mattress. She's joking, of course, but she is going back to old-fashioned banking. I'll stay local when it comes to banking. I'll definitely stay local. Now, if you are app-based banking and you're going to stick with that method, which Millie? Millions of people will. Make sure you save your emails and documents in case you need them later and not just within the app, but outside on your desktop. So if you're locked out, you have access to these. And make sure that the company you're dealing with has your latest contact information. If you switch email addresses, make sure they know that in case they need to contact you. Portia? Well, Dana, the thing is, millions of people really are using these kinds of banking applications. So I think that's one of the things that's really important. This has got to be something you've got to watch out for. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, there's a banking consulting company that says Chime and many others, you know, increased their customer base during the pandemic, which meant a lot of large checks from the federal government were coming into these accounts, and these are setting off flags. Get that. Chime said, you know, they need to make sure these things aren't fraudulent. But locking down an account with your life savings for 10 months is an altogether different scenario. Yes, indeed. All right. Good information. Thank you so much, Dana.
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it was released back in 2019, but now that it's been widely available for about three years now and millions of people have it, I wanted to ask the question in this video, is the Apple Card still worth it in 2022? Now the quick and easy answer for most people could be yes, because after all, the Apple Card is a no annual fee credit card and it can also earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything when paying with Apple Pay, which is pretty good. But even if this card might be worth it, not everyone should be using it. So that's what we're going to be talking about today in this Apple Card review. We're going to go back and forth between some of the positives and some of the negatives of the Apple Card, and then we'll talk about the different types of people who actually could find some good value from having it. So let's just get right into it here. Make sure to go ahead and tap the like button and subscribe down below to help support the channel. But to start off, like I said, the Apple Card has no annual fee, which is the first positive feature about it. Now the fact is that annual fees on credit cards just don't appeal to the majority of people. So if you're a credit card user, you're going to want to make sure that you out there. And since Apple wanted to draw in a very large potential customer base for this credit card, it just made sense for them to keep that annual fee out of it. However, on the flip side of that, unlike many other credit card companies like Chase, American Express, Capital One, Citi, and others, the Apple Card is not going to be offering any sort of welcome bonus when you sign up. And I know that to some people, the fact that this card does not have a welcome bonus is not going to be a deal breaker on the surface. But let me quickly explain why getting some sort of welcome bonus on a new credit card is not going to be a deal breaker on the surface. So if you compare the Apple Card earning 2% back on everything through Apple Pay with no welcome bonus to something like the no annual fee Chase Freedom Unlimited that gets 1.5% back on everything with a $200 welcome bonus, that 0.5% difference in cash back might not seem like a big deal at first. But then when we factor in getting $200 upfront with the Freedom Unlimited, we can start to see why a bonus is so important. The reason for this, if we take a look at some simple math on the screen right now, you would have to spend $40,000 to get a $200 welcome bonus. So if you're using the Apple Card to earn $800 in cash back, you would have to spend $40,000 to earn $600 in cash back. Now, of course, $40,000 is a lot of spending to put on one single credit card, no matter how you look at it. And even if this was going to be your one and only credit card that you use, I still think that for most people, it would take several years to put $40,000 of expenses on this credit card just to pay for things that you would normally use a credit card for. And a quick side note here, that Freedom Unlimited card can actually be combined with other Chase credit cards so that the 1.5% back really turns into 3% back or more on everything, as long as you're redeeming those earnings on this credit card for things like travel. I know that might sound confusing if you're not familiar with this, so go check out some of my other videos after watching this one, where I explain all that in much more detail, and I'll link that stuff down in the description below. All right, now that we've addressed the Apple which I think is a positive, along with having no welcome bonus, which I do think is a negative, let's next start talking about some of the main features and benefits of this credit card, starting with a little bit more details around that 2% back on everything. So this is one of the main selling points of the Apple card. And like I said before, 2% cash back on all purchases is only available if you use your Apple card through Apple Pay on your Apple iPhone or some other Apple product. Now, clearly this was a very intentional play by Apple here to keep their users within their overall ecosystem. And it really shouldn't surprise anybody because Apple has such a huge following and has been so successful with a market cap that is now around $3 trillion. But from a general credit card user perspective, 2% cash back on all purchases is decent if you do find yourself using Apple Pay on a regular basis. The real downside here though, and the part that's frustrating to me and many other people out there, is that if you use the actual physical Apple credit card that you can receive in the mail, which Apple is constantly marketing on its website, is that it's not going to be able to get you to use it. So if you use it, basically just what any starter credit card out there can offer you. So in order to maximize what the Apple card can earn for you, you really should never even take it with you in your wallet. But people really like to show it off and look at it because it is a nice metal credit card. So it's a weird little dynamic that this card has. And it's another negative in my opinion, because with other cards out there, you'll get 2% cash back, whether you're paying with Apple Pay or just by swiping that physical credit card. But I get it. Apple's just trying to push Apple Pay out there. And this is kind of just a smart way for them to do it. Now, regardless of how you're using the Apple card to get either 1% with a physical card or 2% with Apple Pay, Apple is going to pay you out those earnings in the form of what they call daily cash back. So daily cash back is another nice positive feature that I do like about the Apple card, but it's probably not nearly as important as some people think it is. What Apple does is instead of waiting, until the end of a monthly billing cycle to pay out any credit card points or cash back in one lump sum payment, like many other credit card companies do, Apple card is going to pay its users that cash back on a daily basis as they accumulate it through their daily spending. That way, whatever daily cash back you have in your account is available right away for you to use it however you want. But honestly, this feature to me feels very similar to receiving your paycheck two days early, which many newer bank accounts are offering because it sounds nice on paper, but does it really matter? Now I get it. There's this whole idea about the time value of money where a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow because with a dollar today, you can invest that dollar sooner so that it can grow in value for you. But realistically, the amount of daily cash that you're going to be receiving that much sooner is not going to be anything that's truly meaningful to impact any of your planned spending or investing. And if you really do want to invest whatever small amounts of cash back you're earning each day or each week, you don't need the Apple card or daily cash back to do that because you know with other credit cards out there, even if you're getting that cash back at the end of the month or something like that, you still can see the amount of cash back you're accruing in that account. So if you're sitting on a cash reserve in a separate account, you can just take an equal amount of that cash and then dollar cost average into the market that way. Again, I really don't think that many people out there think about cash back with the Apple card like this, but I just wanted to mention it. So I'll say that daily cash back is another positive feature because it's always nice to see that cash back in your account sooner rather than later, but it's really not a feature that should make you want to go out and get the Apple card today. I also wanted to point out that on top of getting 1% back on everything, a physical card and 2% back on everything with Apple pay, there are some ways to get 3% cash back at a few places. So of course, as you'd expect, you'll get 3% back on all Apple purchases. That's going to be purchases that are physical and digital products, subscriptions, or really anything else that you buy through Apple. That's nice to see because 3% back is a good amount, but Apple purchases is not an everyday spending category. So it's not something that I really personally value too much. I'd much rather see the Apple card get 3% back at some everyday spending categories like travel or different things like that. Now, in addition, you can also get 3% cash back at a few select places like Panera, Walgreens, Uber, Nike, and a few others that maybe we'll see some changes or additions to over time. But for now, 3% back at those places isn't too bad either. Okay, next here for another feature of the Apple card, we're going to be talking about how this credit card can be used to finance Apple purchases at 0% interest, which might be interesting to you because Apple does sell some pretty pricey things. For a lot of people, it's when they're looking to buy a new iPad or iMac or anything like that from Apple that it comes to their attention that they can apply for the Apple card. That way they can buy those things, but finance it and pay for it over a longer period of time, again, at that 0% interest rate. Now, this sounds like a good deal and it definitely can be, but of course, from a personal finance perspective, I think that it's always important to ask yourself, why are you making this purchase? I like to always recommend to people that they look at the less expensive option first before they turn to that 0% financing on the Apple card. And there's very good reason for this because a lot of times, people will see that $2,000 sticker price for a brand new 2022 MacBook Pro, and they'll think to themselves, I don't have the cash on hand to pay for that right now, but then they'll see that it only costs $167 each month for the course of 12 months to pay for that same $2,000 MacBook Pro. And for some reason, it becomes easier in their heads to justify that purchase, even though they know that they don't have the cash to pay for that. Now, if that MacBook is going to be used to generate income for an online business that you have, or if it's truly necessary for something in your college studies or something like that, then yeah, I do think that the Apple card, could be a good option for you in those situations. You just have to make sure that you're using that 0% financing wisely. But personally, I think that if you can afford to pay in cash, then you definitely should, or at the very least, look at getting a refurbished model or the previous year's model instead to get a little bit more bang for your buck. Remember that even though it is 0% financing and you won't be paying any extra in interest, it's still debt and you're still gonna have to pay that back at some point. Plus, it's another new monthly payment that you have to factor into your budget. So I just like to put all that stuff out there when talking about this feature. Now, a few other important details about that 0% financing feature on the Apple card, depending on the type of new Apple product that you're purchasing, the length of time you're gonna get to pay back for that product is going to vary. So I'll put that on the screen right now, all the information that you need to know. But for iPhones, I believe it's 24 months, so 24 equal payments over two years. For MacBooks, it's gonna be 12 months, but that time period is different for Apple watches, for MacBooks, for AirPods, and other stuff like that. Another thing that you need to know and must consider before you finance the purchase of any new Apple product is that you need to know how much money you're gonna be spending with this credit card when you're approved. When you finance a product on the Apple card, the amount that you owe is going to reduce the amount of credit that's available to you from your overall credit limit. So for example, if you finance the purchase of a new $1,000 iPhone, but only have a $2,000 credit limit on your Apple card, that is going to use up $1,000 of that credit limit and leave you with only another $1,000 to use for other purchases. But more importantly, your credit utilization is now 50%, which is definitely on the high side for one single credit card. And any further purchases that you make with this Apple card is just going to add onto the balance and increase your utilization even more, which will definitely affect your credit score. I've talked about credit scores and credit utilization in some other videos that I have here on my channel, which I'll link up here on the screen and down in the description below. If you want to go check those out to learn more, if you don't understand what I'm talking about, but one thing that you definitely do need to understand that I'll mention here in this video is that credit utilization is a very high impact factor to your credit score. So if you're looking to get credit score, you're gonna want to make sure Okay, now next, let's talk about another positive feature of the Apple card. And this is one that I think is one of the most important and something that people value the most with this credit card, and that is going to be simplicity. Apple has always been about simplicity and making products that are easy for people to understand and use. Just look at the first iPhone from back in 2007, which was this revolutionary technology at the time, and it led to these smartphones that we have today, which have completely changed the way that we communicate and use the internet. All of these things really started with the first iPhone because it was simple to use and felt natural. Well, with the Apple card, Apple wants the users of this credit card to feel the same way because they know that credit cards in today's world are a bit mysterious. A lot of people out there don't know how to manage them and they don't fully understand how they can use credit cards strategically or how to use them to increase their credit score, how to avoid paying interest or other things like that. It's really not that much work. All you got to do is just a little bit of research on your own. And it all starts by subscribing to channels like mine, where I talk about credit cards and other good personal finance habits. And I'll see you in the next video. Bye. Now, being an authorized user on a parent's credit card account is a very common strategy for people who have just turned 18 and are looking to get a head start on building their own credit history from scratch. So I think that's a very good thing with the Apple card. All right, now let's talk about the types of people that I think the Apple card is right for, as well as the types of people that I think it's not right for. It's not right for people like me who like to use credit cards strategically in order to get welcome bonuses and to earn points to maximize and then redeem for free travel, because the Apple card is really just a basic cashback credit card. It's also not right for people that don't have an iPhone or for people that are considering switching between iPhones and other phones out there in the market. Because if you do not have an iPhone, then you're really not taking full advantage of all the features that the Apple card has to offer. And it's even probably not right for people who are looking for the optimal cashback credit card setup, because while it does get 2% cashback on everything with Apple Pay, you are limited by that Apple Pay feature only. There's plenty of other 2% cashback credit cards out there that offer 2% back no matter what, like the SoFi credit card, which is the double cash. So there's plenty of other options out there and plenty of other cashback cards that earn cashback at a much higher rate and better everyday spending categories as well. But now let's talk about who the Apple card is right for. So I believe that the Apple card is going to be right for you and worth it in 2022 if you truly value simplicity over everything else. If you're a beginner with credit cards and maybe have a limited credit history, then I do think the Apple card could be a good option for you because it's fairly easy to get approved for. And then once you are approved for it, you'll see that it's easy to use and you can get more comfortable using it and get a better understanding of how to use credit the right way. Then you can graduate onto some better credit cards out there that offer more than the Apple card in terms of benefits and rewards and features while still keeping the Apple card open since the Apple card is a no annual fee credit card and it'll continue to positively affect your credit score over time. And even if you're not a beginner with credit cards, the value of that simplicity that the Apple card offers with all those features that I talked about in this video, that value of simplicity can be much greater to you than you might value the rewards and other benefits of more traditional credit cards. But like I said before, if you do get the Apple card, then just make sure you're using it the right way to help your credit score and not hurt it. If you're curious about how to do that, then go check out this video that I made recently where I talk about the two factors that you need to focus on to help your credit score the most. As always, I just want to say thank you so much for watching this video all the way until the end. I hope you have a great day and I'll see you in the next one.
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People are not buying this net zero claptrap. I'm going to say it's that because I say this as an environmentalist. I care about the planet. Most people do. But these net zero solutions are causing huge damage for businesses and also households. And fundamentally, it's not going to solve the problem. The main issue, if you want to talk about climate change, is what's going on in China and their emissions. But what they're doing is they're coming up with solutions to the British government that is, at the moment, in a cost-of-living crisis, there are other forms of taxation making a lot of problems even worse. Yeah, I mean, it's almost as if Sunak, if you asked him to sort of sit down and come up with a master plan of how best to lose the next election, that he's putting it into practice. I mean, this is like, as I say, it's a textbook lesson in how to lose an election. The first thing you have to worry about if you're a prime minister is the pound in people's pockets. Can they afford to get by? I always say the key to political success is if the people can afford a roof over their heads, can afford to feed their kids, run a car, and go to Spain once a year on holiday, they'll vote you in. Sunak is a long way from delivering almost any of that. That's why he'll fail, because he doesn't understand personal finances. Yeah, he's so far removed from it. It's a gilded lifestyle. You're right in your summary there. Spot on. What the government has to focus on in serving the people is the bare essentials, the bare necessities, and that largely comes down to the economy. It comes down to, you know, there's other aspects in terms of good public services that connect to that, but if you have a tanking economy, and this particular economic crisis is a bit different to the other ones because it is connected to, as I said before, the bare essentials to do with energy and to do with food. And when you level extra taxation in a difficult time, in particular nonsense stuff like net zero, which no one's really buying, then people are going to be rightly miffed about this. And I agree with you. It's like if you had a sort of summary about how do I chuck away the next election? Oh, I know. I'll come up with stupid net zero solutions and patronise the British public in difficult times. Yeah, and make promises that I just don't keep.
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Please go and ask any businessman in India what happens to them if they support an opposition party. If they were to write a cheque for any opposition party, ask them what happens to them. Right, so we are facing a financial attack, we are facing a media attack. And we are doing pretty well. We have banded together. We are, I have not seen the opposition working like this before. Where we can sit down on the table and we can say look, we don't quite agree with you on that. And they can say well you know we don't agree with you on that. And we will say okay so what about this compromise solution. And they are like absolutely, this works for all of us. Right. So there is a great deal of flexibility and I must tell you, I am, I am not a big fan of this. I am very impressed with the flexibility that all the opposition parties are showing. Because we understand what is at stake here. What we are not fighting now a political party. Right, we are fighting the Indian state. And we are fighting to defend the idea of India and that is why we have given our name India. Sir, what's your opinion?
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This is a luxury airline credit card that's obviously best for people that fly quite a bit with United. So most likely you live in one of their hub cities like Houston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, the New York area, etc. And you probably travel a lot for business. So in this video, we'll cover the main things you need to know about the card, but we do have a full review on our website. So if you have any questions or if you want to really dig in, if you're watching on YouTube, just check out the links in the video description below. Or if you're watching our site, you can search around for the full review. Let's start off by talking about the rewards for this card. And keep in mind that this card is only partially about the rewards, and we'll cover that other stuff here in a second. So it earns four miles per dollar spent on United purchases. It earns two miles per dollar spent on all other non-United travel purchases. It earns two miles per dollar spent on dining, including certain delivery services, and then one mile per dollar spent on all other purchases. So overall, it does tend to offer more rewards than some of their other cards. And that makes sense considering the annual fee, which you can see here on the screen. We don't love the annual fee, but again, this card is primarily for people that are really loyal to United Airlines and are most likely more interested in the other benefits that the card offers, namely lounge access. So the card comes with a complimentary United Club membership, which if you were to purchase on your own, by the way, would cost you several hundred dollars. If you do have access to United Lounges, those give you additional space to relax or work. Plus, they oftentimes have beverages, snacks, and free Wi-Fi. As you'd expect, you can find the United Lounges at many of their hub cities. And I think overall, they say they have maybe 40 different lounges that you'd have access to. So I think the lounge access is really a big thing with this card, particularly if you're traveling a lot. It's nice to have. They're definitely more private. They're more comfortable. It's something that would be nice before and even after a flight. Now, in addition to that, the card usually comes with the opportunity to earn a signup bonus. In our videos, I generally do not talk about the signup bonus. I don't want to mention the current signup bonus. If you want to see the details about that, you can find it on our website. The reason I don't mention it is that it could change, but for new card holders, generally speaking, there's the opportunity to earn a pretty sizable signup bonus. Now, even more, the card comes with a credit of up to $1,000. Towards the cost of a global entry or TSA pre-check application. And you can use that credit once every four years. Now, as you'd expect, the card also comes with several United specific perks. For instance, you and a companion traveling on the same reservation can each check your first bag and your second bag for free on United flights. You also get a discount on in-flight purchases such as Wi-Fi and beverages, and you get priority boarding, priority check-in, and more. So just suffice it to say it's packed with a bunch of different United specific perks, and you can even see a larger list on our website. And in addition to all of that, the card does not charge any foreign transaction fees, which means you can use the card outside the US just like you would inside the US. There's not a fee associated with spending on the card internationally. I think that's great. So, you know, if you travel to Europe, Asia, you know, South America, wherever, if you're traveling outside the US, you do not get charged foreign transaction fees when you use this card. So that's it for the video. Thanks for watching. Hopefully, if you're watching on YouTube, we earned your thumbs up. Have a great day.
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And let's just say that we are in financial ruin. We have problems, yes. But let's just say that we were in financial ruin. Mr Speaker, if we were, I would expect the opposition to be the first people, if that's what they believe, to come to this Parliament and to vote in favour of any measures that increase revenue. Surely, surely you should be supporting any measure that increases more money because we're in financial ruin. But no. The Leader of the Petition yesterday complained about the increase in the prescription charge from £2.50 to £5. For goodness sake, it's £9.60 in the United Kingdom. Hasn't been touched in years. £2.50 to £5. We're in financial ruin. But he complains. It's not credible. It's just not credible.
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That's awesome, bro! Just ensure that you have an excellent credit score so you get very low interest rates. That's the problem, bro. I don't have a credit card and I'm too scared to get one. Is there like an easier way? I wish there was, man. But you do this instead, no? Get a credit card against the fixed deposit. What's the benefit of that? So if you miss your payment, the bank will use the fixed deposit to recover it. So you can never default and the credit score always keeps increasing. Also, FD is anyway growing at only 5%. So it's better to pay from that rather than paying the 40% credit card interest rate. Bro, how do you know all of this? You have to form a man, bro. Finance with Sharon.
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to be talking about the best starter cards for people who are just getting into either credit cards or they're just getting into points and miles. So a couple of key things that I keep in mind when I'm looking for starter cards. Number one is I want a card that is going to be easy to get approved for. So in my mind there's a lot of different types of cards. There's cards with very high annual fees, there's cards that are specifically for hotels or for airlines, and when you're actually getting approved for these cards, there's something on the back end of the bank and they kind of decide this is what is a low tier card, this is a high tier card. So the one big consideration that I like to recommend is I like to recommend cards in which people are actually going to get approved for. So all three of these cards that I'm going to talk about today, they're what I would call low tier cards. They're very easy even if you have no or very little credit history, they're very easy to get approved for. The second thing that's really important to me is having a card that has no annual fee. When you're starting off, you don't know if you're really going to go full bore into credit cards or travel hacking, so you want cards that you can get and that you can keep forever. Because if you keep the card forever, it's going to have a positive impact on your credit history. What you don't want to be doing is you're going to have to go full bore. to make your credit history shorter and shorter. So cards with no annual fee, that's a big win in my book. The final thing is either the ability to use whatever rewards you're gaining. So if that's cash back, the ability to get a lot of value from every time that you swipe your card, you're getting some kind of value back. Because the thing that I hate seeing the most is people who are... They're using their debit card or they're paying with cash for everything and then they're not earning points over time. So all three of these cards are very, very good for those reasons. The fourth and final thing is I like to recommend cards that have a 0% interest rate, a 0% APR for your first year of card membership. The reason that this is important is because when you're just starting out with credit cards, you're liable to make a mistake. Sometimes you might forget to pay your bill or something along those lines. to pay either interest or fees on your credit card, which in my mind is also a very big win. So with that being said, let's just jump into the first three cards. Obviously the number one on the list is probably going to be the Chase Freedom. This is a very simple, a very easy to use card, and it currently has a signup bonus of $150. Now for a card with no annual fee, that's pretty amazing to think that you're going to get $150 cash that you can use and spend on whatever you want. But the cool thing is that it's going to earn 1% on everything, and then it's going to have rotating 5% categories. Right? So every three months they're going to rotate to a new category and you're going to be able to earn 5% cash back on those categories. So in the wintertime around the holidays, it's usually you're going to get 5% back on online shopping and then sometimes Okay. It really just changes, but they're quite valuable. Aside from that, obviously the Chase Freedom has no annual fee and like I talk about in some of my future videos, there's actually some ability to transfer those points out to different airlines and hotels once you have a card like the Chase Sapphire Preferred or the Chase Sapphire Reserve. Now the other two cards that I'm going to recommend, they're both from Discover. So the Discover It card is exactly the same. The only difference is that it's a Discover card. So if you're inside of the United States, Discover is accepted pretty much everywhere. I would say it's an identical card to the Chase Freedom. The only big difference, well first, one big difference is that the signup bonus for the Discover It is smaller than what it is on the Chase Freedom. The most I've ever seen the Discover It offer is $50 as a cashback. That being said, a lot of people don't talk about this and a lot of people don't know is that during your first year of card membership, your first 12 months, Discover will actually double your cashback bonus. So if you think with the Chase Freedom, you're going to earn 1% on everything and then 5% on those rotating categories, for your first year of having the Discover It card, you're actually going to earn 2% on everything and then 10% back on those rotating 5% categories. a cashback bonus, that also gets doubled. So just keep that in mind. I would almost go as far to say that if you're comparing apples to apples, the Discover It card to the Chase Freedom, that the Discover It card, if the signup bonus is factored out, that the Discover It card is actually a better card for beginners, only because you're going to have that cashback bonus doubled. So that's why I would recommend looking at the Discover It miles card. Just like the other two cards, it doesn't have any annual fee. But what I really like about this one is that it earns 1.5 miles on everything, right? So it doesn't matter if you're buying yourself a card or not, it's just going to be a bonus It doesn't matter. You're going to earn 1.5 points per dollar spent on that Discover It miles card. But just like with the Discover It card, the Discover It miles, it's going to have everything during your first year of card membership is going to be doubled. So effectively you're going to be earning three miles per dollar spent on everything that you buy. One last really important thing that I love to talk about. What the Discover It miles card is that they actually give you completely for free every year, a $30 in-flight wifi credit. So if you've ever been on the plane and you see those really expensive wifi packages, you're just like, man, I really want to post on Instagram right now, or I want to respond to some emails. You can actually spend $30 a year and have it reimbursed from Discover It when you purchase on the miles card. So if you really think about it, you have a $0 annual fee, you're getting a $50 sign up bonus. You're getting a $30 wifi credit every single year. It's kind of a no brainer. It's a great card to get. So if you found that video to be helpful, please give me a thumbs up. And then if you have any questions, feel free to comment down below. Be more than happy to answer those. And then also subscribe to this channel for more helpful videos into the future. Thanks so much and have an awesome day.
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बहुत अच्छा मिला और मुझे अपने घर का इंटीरियर आपसे करवाना आप तो टाइम बुक करें और इमीजिटली मैं आपको रूपए का एडवांस भी भी जाओ अली सर एडवांस का कोई टेंशन नहीं है वह तो हम बाद में देख लेंगे नहीं नहीं एडवांस तो आपको लेना पड़ेगा मैं अभी आपको क्योर कोट भेज रहा हूं आप स्कैन कर लीजिए इमेजटली आपको आगे चलो किसी और के पास नहीं सब मुझे बिल्कुल और चाहिए मैं एक मिनट में काम करती हूं फ़स गया मेरा एक और बकर और मिल गए 20,000 रुपए यहां मार्केट में यूपीआई का नया स्कैम आप बचके रहिएगा और इस वीडियो को ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करिएगा ताकि आप लोगों की हेल्प कर सकें
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हिसाब से लगभग चार लाख ऐसे मंतली फिनेंशल ट्रांजेक्शन होते हैं जो ऑनलाइन किया जाते हैं और इन चार एक मंतली ऑनलाइन ट्रांजेक्शन में से 50 परसेंट ट्रांजेक्शन में फ्रॉड होता है जो यूपीआई आईडी के थ्रू की रहते हैं तो इस सवाल का सबसे इंपोर्टेंट रीजन है चार्ज बैक पॉलिसी इस चार्ज बैक पॉलिसी के चलते अगर आपने्य अकाउंट से किसी दूसरे इंडिविज़ियल के अकाउंट में किजी प्राधा क्या और अगर वह आपके इस ऑनलाइन पॉलिसी के अकाउंड में गए उसे वापस बुलाने की पॉलिसी को कहा जाता है चार्ज बैक ग hilft के इंडियन बैंक प्रॉबरली प्रश्न प्रश्न
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I have no idea where they're getting that information. All of my deals usually close within about 30 days. The deals that my agents do usually close in about 30 days. The caveat to that would be if it's a cash deal, it usually closes quicker, which they actually do get correct here. They say it takes about a week to close a cash deal, and that's about right unless you're doing inspections and things like that. But 50 days for a mortgage, no idea where that's coming from, from whether it's conventional, FHA, USDA, or did I say VA or FHA? Anyway, all of them, even the guppy loans, they're getting done in about 30 days. And there are some first-time homebuyer programs where they've got to kick it out to whoever, OFA, and they've got to send it back, and maybe that takes an extra couple days. But even then, you're still looking around. 33, 34 days, it's really not that bad. I have no idea where this 50 number is coming from. Agents, what's wrong?
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What is a HELOC? Is HELOC a good way to consolidate your high interest rate debt like credit cards and personal loans? Is HELOC a good tool to renovate your home, fund your retirement, or pay for living expenses? Am I going to use HELOC for my financial independence journey? Let me first briefly explain what a HELOC is. A HELOC is essentially allowing homeowners to use their homes as collateral to tap into the equity of their homes. How much you can borrow depends entirely on the value of your home. If you have equity in your home, HELOC is the way to withdraw funds over an extended period of time without ever selling a home. You can even get a HELOC for your investment property, but it comes with stricter lender requirements and higher interest rates. And make sure you don't confuse a home equity loan with a HELOC. A home equity loan is when you borrow the full lump sum you're approved for all at once from the equity of your home, and you need to pay back both principal and interest within 5-30 years. Most lenders will let you borrow up to 80 or 85% of your home's equity. So if your home is worth $400,000 and you owe $300,000, then your equity is $100,000, right? Then the lender might let you borrow up to $80,000 or $85,000, and you can use that money to pay back your loan. A HELOC, on the other hand, is a revolving credit line, so you can take a portion of the equity out of the home value and make interest-only payments during the draw period, typically between 5 and 10 years. You will need to repay the interest every single month. And once your draw period expires after 5 or 10 years, or whatever the agreement is between you and the lender, your HELOC transitions into the repayment period. and your monthly payments will no longer be interest-only payments, but will include both principal and interest. And if you have a zero balance on your HELOC by the time you enter the repayment period, your account will typically close automatically. And however, if you do have a balance on your HELOC, it's important to keep track of your draw period so you can be ready to repay the principal and interest during the repayment period. And that's the most important thing. while the repayment period lasts anywhere between 10 and 20 years. Now, let me give you some examples of a HELOC. If I'm looking to apply for a HELOC, I want to ask or look for answers to the following questions. Does this HELOC offer a fixed rate option on an outstanding balance during the repayment period, or is it just a variable rate? Or is there a cap on the interest rate? Being able to fix the rate going into the repayment period could help you save some money on your loan. Can you convert some or all of the variable rate HELOC to a fixed rate loan without a fee? What is the initial draw amount? Is there a minimum draw amount? Do you get a discount on the interest rate with the lender if you open other products like a checking or savings account? I know some banks do. How long is the draw period? And what are the options for the repayment period? It's typically a 5, 10, or 20-year repayment term. What is the maximum line of credit the lender allows you to have? Remember that HELOC is like a credit card. So you need to know what the annual fee is during both the draw and repayment periods. Some banks waive the initial annual fees. What are the closing costs, if any? What are the penalties if you decide to close your HELOC early? Do you have the option to refinance? Before I get into some more examples, don't forget that you can get our financial independence resources for free by visiting contact. You can also check out the FiresideChat shop, if you're looking to start your own YouTube channel. And I have all of my equipment at shopping. So let's say I have a house that's worth $400,000 and I use my home as collateral to open a HELOC, but only up to 50% of my home's value minus what I owe on my mortgage. And I'll just say I owe $200,000 on my mortgage to make it easier. With $200,000 in equity in my home, 50% of that equity will be $100,000. I'm going to keep the loan to value right. I'll just put in the ratio to 50% to make things easier here. My line of credit will be $100,000 with a 7 or 8% variable interest rate. Assuming my credit score is in the excellent category at 760 or higher, and due to the current federal funds target rate of 3% in 2022, or I think it's 4% actually, I'm sorry. The typical term comes with 10 years for the draw period followed by 20 years of the repayment period. If I decide to make an initial withdrawal of $10,000 and an account opening, I would probably owe anywhere around $100 or $120 a month in interest payments for 10 years during the draw period, which also includes the annual fee for my HELOC. Again, keep in mind that the $100 a month in payment is not fixed, so the payment could fluctuate based on the prime rate. What you also need to keep in mind before opening a HELOC is that you need to treat this like your credit card. When you carry a balance month over month, you're going to owe interest on it. HELOCs are generally variable rate products, so that means your interest rates could fluctuate based on the prime rate. So the interest rates in 2022, for example, have been increasing due to the strict monetary policy by the Federal Reserve. And during the draw period, your HELOC will follow the prime rate. And it could be 5% today, 6% next month, or even 7% next year. So you could be paying more or less in interest month over month, depending on the Fed, but the general rule of thumb is the Federal Funds target rate plus 3%. So if the Fed Funds rate is 3%, then the prime rate will be around 6% or even 7%. Now let's talk about the pros and cons of getting a HELOC. And you have to keep in mind that how you use your HELOC can have both positive and negative effects on your credit score. If you have a HELOC, you should always make your payments on time, period. And this concept applies to all other types of loans or debts or even your bills. First, you can withdraw your funds with a high credit limit while making interest-only payments during the draw period for typically 10 years. You can withdraw money to pay down high interest debts or debts that are in collection. You have to keep in mind that a HELOC should not be your ultimate escape plan from debt because you're essentially using your other debt to pay off your debt. Your ultimate goal should be staying debt-free to achieve your financial independence. However, if you have outstanding credit card debt, medical bills, or payday loans, you should be very careful with how much you're willing to leverage your house to pay off these other debts. If you have $20,000 in outstanding debt, you should only take out that amount and have the ability to pay it off within a year or two, hopefully a year. Second, you only make payments on interest during the draw period. However, you have to keep an eye on the Fed because the interest rates are variable. If you already have a HELOC and you're close to going into the repayment period, contact your lender to find out if you have the Fed interest rates. Before you take money out of your HELOC, you need to have the plan to pay the balance in full. You should never bite more than you can chew. Third, while it's nice to make interest-only payments during the draw period, you need to be ready for the repayment period if you plan to have an outstanding balance. If I have, let's say, $100,000 in the outstanding balance on my HELOC going into the repayment period with an 8% variable interest rate, my monthly payment could be $800,000. Or $900 a month. And that could be devastating if I'm in a lower-income household. Anytime you take out a loan or withdraw funds from your HELOC, you should never feel comfortable with it. You need to have the plan to pay down the debt. Fourth, every HELOC comes with annual maintenance fees, transaction fees, and other management expenses. That's how banks make their profits. You would still need to pay fees for inactivity if you go too long without withdrawing any money. On top of that, some lenders even charge you for closing your HELOC too quickly after opening it. They may charge your closing costs because when you close the account, they're losing their profits. What happens if you miss your payments? Your lender could foreclose on your house to repay the debt because they basically own your house now. What happens if your home value goes down by 10, 20, or 30%? Your lender could freeze or reduce your credit line if your property value drops. That's already happening in 2022 and most likely going into 2023. Again, you have to remember that you are leveraging your house to borrow more money. Am I ever going to need a HELOC to renovate my home or fund my retirement? Absolutely not. People on the FIRE journey don't leverage their homes to pay for something they want. The only line of credit I would even consider using is the Security Space Lines of Credit or SBLOC. Or S-Block. Or S-Block. Which leverages my investment portfolio when my net worth is $5 million or $10 million or more. That's more of a tax-saving strategy that many multi-millionaires and billionaires use. You can watch this video about the SBLOC and I'll put the link in the description below. I use my FIRE checklist to invest for my long-term retirement, early retirement, travel, entertainment, and home renovation. Nowhere on the FIRE checklist does it say I'm using my HELOC to fund my early retirement or build generational wealth. I have been debt-free since 2016, except for my mortgage. I plan to keep it that way for the rest of my life. I never took out a HELOC to pay down my debt. As a financial coach, I have comprehensive tools and strategies that can help you pay down debt without taking out any additional debt. If you need help with your personal finances, you can schedule a free 1-on-1 20-minute financial coaching session by visiting If you want to know more about how I invest, I have a free 1-on-1 20-minute financial coaching session by visiting I found FIRE not easy but it's a smart tool! It works for you. Actually already It's super cheap! Now it's too expensive.
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Never follow the crowd. Just because everybody else is going to college, getting in debt, trying to get a high-paying job, doesn't mean you need to do that. It's okay to be cheap. I was cheap for a couple years and I was able to save up enough money to buy some investments that let me leave my job. Most people work for money, but the rich understand how to make money work for them. If you don't want to trade time for money for the rest of your life, figure out how to make money work for you. Lower your big three. That's housing, transportation, and food. Figure out a way to cut those down as small as possible and you will save a ton of money that can change your life. Take risks while you're young. Trust me, going to zero at 21 as opposed to 41 is way better. The goal isn't to have more money. It is to have more freedom. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more.
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वीडियो को आप एंड तक देखते रहें चैनल पर अगर आप नए हैं तो सब्सक्राइब करके बैल आइकन को प्रिस करें पंजाब नेशनल बैंक में आर्डी अकाउंट बुक करने के लिए हम पी एंबी वन एप का यूज करेंगे आपने अभी तक ये एप रजिस्टर नही किया है तो गूगल प्ले स्टोर पर आपको एप मिल जाएगा आप पहले इसका रजिस्टरेशन कर लिजिए फिर आप जैसे ही एंपिन एंटर करके लोगिन करेंगे तो आपके सामने पी एंबी बैंक का होम इंटरफेस आएगा आप देख सकते हैं हमारा सेविंग अकाउं ओपन एप डी आग्री का ऑप्शन मिल जाएगा इस पर आपको एक बार क्लिक करना है यहां पर दोस्तों अकाउंट एंड सर्विसेस देखने को यहाँ पर शो करेगा, monthly deposit amount, आप monthly deposit कितना करना चाते है, RD account में आप monthly कितना save करना चाते है, कितना invest करना चाते है, वो amount आपको यहाँ पर enter करना है, for example मैं यहाँ पर 1000 रुपीज enter करता हूँ, example के लिए आपको बता रहा हूँ, आप ज़्यादा amount की RD book करना चाते हैं, तो वो भी कर सकते हैं, फिर दुस्तों आपको अपना tenure select करना होगा, tenure आप select कर सकते हैं, maximum आप यहाँ पर 10 year तक का tenure select कर सकते हैं, मैं यहाँ पर 1 साल का tenure select करता हूँ, and यहाँ पर 6 month का भी एक tenure ले लेता हूँ, फिर मैं ओके पर click करता हूँ, आप चाहे तो यहाँ पर show maturity पर click भी कर सकते हैं, कि आपका maturity amount कितना होने वाला है, वो पहले से आप यहाँ पर देख सकते हैं, फिर दोस्तों आपको यहाँ पर account opening date देखने को मिलेगा, आप कौन सी date को already open कर रहे हैं, auto debit आपको yes पर click करना है, monthly installment deduction date, आप जिस date को already open कर रहे हैं, वो date यहाँ पर mentioned रहेगी, और हर महिने की इसी तारिक को आपके saving account से, पैसा debit होके, आपके rd account में automatically deposit होता रहेगा, तो आप चाहे तो इस date को change भी कर सकते हैं, आगे आपको एक options मिलेगा, अपनी मन चाही date आप यहाँ पर select कर सकते हैं, फिर उस date को आपका amount है, वो debit होता रहेगा, और rd के account में deposit होगा, nomination आपको यहाँ पर yes पर click करना है, आपके account में जो भी nominee है, वो यहाँ पर automatically आजाएगा, मैं यहाँ पर yes पर click कर लेता हूँ, उसके बाद आपको view summary पर click करना है, दोस्तो जैसे आप view summary पर click करते हैं, तो आपके सामने एक नया page open हो जाएगा, confirm below detail to open recurring deposit, account opening date यहाँ पर आएगी, deposit amount हमारा 1000 है, आप देख सकते हैं, और tenure मैंने select किया है, 1 year 6 month का, auto debit यह से, monthly installment date हमारा 25 of every month है, interest rate में दिया जा रहा है 6.80% का, जो कि कापी बढ़िया है, without किसी risk के आपका पैसा deposit भी हो रहा है, save भी हो रहा है, and आपको यहाँ पर interest भी मिल रहा है, आपके maturity amount भी यहाँ पर बताया जाएगा, उसके बाद में आपको confirm पर click करना है, अपने transaction pin एंटर करेंगे, तो फिर आपके सामने इस तरह का page आ जाएगा, हमारा successfully RD account ओपन हो चुका है, अपने RD के number यहाँ पर आ जाएगे, account opening date आ जाएगा, deposit amount आ जाएगा, tenure आ जाएगा, auto debit यह से, monthly installment कब debit होगा, and maturity amount यहाँ पर show करेगा, आप देख सकते हैं, यहाँ पर deposit 1 हमारा RD account यहाँ पर show हो चुका है, RD account show हो चुका है, और हमने जो RD के लिए amount book किया है, वो भी यहाँ पर बता रहा है, आप अपने transaction को भी in future track कर पाएंगे, और इसी process को आपको follow करना है, जब भी आपको RD account ओपन करना है, पिन बी 1 app के माध्यम से, आप घर बैटे, पंजाब नेशनल बैंक में recurring deposit, RD account है, वो ओपन कर सकते हैं, book कर सकते हैं, same to same process आपको follow करना है, अगर आपका कोई भी confusion है, कोई भी doubt है, तो आप वीडियो के down में comment किजिए, और हाँ दोस्तो आपने जो भी deduction date select किया है, उस date से पहले आपको अपने saving account में पैसा रखना है, जो कि आपके RD account का है, क्योंकि वो automatically debit होने वाला है, और आपके recurring account में deposit हो जाएगा, I hope ये information आपके लिए बैतर रही होगी, वीडियो अगर आपको अच्छा लगा हो तो एक like कर लिजे, share किजिए अपने दोस्तों के साथ में, और हमारे channel credit shati को आप subscribe किजिए, ताकि आपको ऐसे ही वीडियो की information सबसे पहले मिले,
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And today I wanted to talk to you a little bit about safety deposit boxes and whether or not you should use one. So it's a question that we get a lot, especially from people who buy bullion. But also, if you have just family heirlooms that you want to hold on to, you know, whether or not you should buy or rent rather a safety deposit box at a bank. And there are I don't know that there's really a right answer to this, but I will say that there are things that you should really consider to both sides. One, of course, is, well, if you don't use a safety deposit box, where do you put your stuff? Well, that that in and of itself is an entire entire show. But, you know, generally speaking, if you are smart about your assets and you have trustworthy people in your lives, you should be OK in general. Now, I know a lot of people don't live someplace that's as safe as others, or maybe you don't have family that you can trust. So there's that. But as far as keeping them in a safety deposit box, keeping your valuables and collectibles. Here's some of the pros for keeping them in the safety deposit box. They're very secure. I mean, really, if you look. Yeah, all of the safety deposit. Boxes all over America. And you look at if they've been robbed successfully at all, you'll find that they actually have a very nice long track record of being safe. This is definitely a good thing. If you're doing estate planning, there is a certain amount of convenience to having in the location that is known by the family. And there's also secure away from their reach until such a time as, you know, you really want them. And you know, you're not going to have access to it. So it acts kind of like a third party to have that there. Of course, there is a downside. Also, one is that you don't have access to it 24 seven. You only have access during banking hours. The other one, and this is probably to me the biggest one, and there's the biggest misconception is that the banks do not have any liability for your goods that are that are held inside the bank vault. You know, I have. I had a customer who had a safety deposit box and he opened it up one day and there was standing water in his safety deposit box and the bank's reaction was. Sorry. That's it. I mean, they had nothing else to say, so they were not liable at all. And he had collector coins in there and they weren't slabbed. They were, you know, he had albums and so everything was getting wet and it was really a bad deal. Something else to consider. Is possibly the unseen. And to me, there's always been a little bit of an X factor with having your stuff out of your possession. And that is to say, I just spoke to somebody who was going through the whole COVID pandemic situation with their bank. And some of you may want to try this. If you haven't, a lot of banks have gone to buy appointment only. And he wanted to access his his metals and he couldn't. They said, oh, yeah, it's by appointment. And you can come in seven days from today. Well, seven days from today isn't going to work if you're trying to do a transaction today. You know, and so this is something that having it out of your control is something to consider when you're looking at a safety deposit box. So all in all, you know, whether or not you use one, there's a lot of X factors. There's no knowing necessarily that there's just a right answer. You have to consider the other. Side of things, if you don't have a safety deposit box. But I just wanted to focus on safety deposit box, a few pros and cons. And there is some something to be said on both sides of it. So leave your comments down below and let me know what you think, whether or not it's safe to use a safety deposit box or not. I'm Ben the Coin Geek. And you can subscribe by clicking on the button in the corner and watch more videos on the right side of the screen. Thanks.
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gave you 5% interest as opposed to what I get, which I think is a $15 fee for every time I bounce a check? It costs you money now to save your money. Yes. you give it to the bank. They loan it out to people and they make money on it, but it costs you for the privilege of letting them loan out your money so that they can make money. But I learned this episode that you used to be able to save your money and make money. I didn't even know that was an option. You would put your money... I remember I was... This is what I was looking for. 28 years old. Here we go. Here we go. Bananas cost... They would pay you to eat bananas. I remember I was working stand-up and it started getting... I remember I was working stand-up In the college gigs. So if you work stand-up in the city, you probably know this now, if you work during the week, you'd get $10, a little bit of hummus, a little bit of cab fare, a little bit of hummus. And if you worked the weekend, you'd get $40. Sometimes they would bump it up to $50, depending. So you can imagine... You know, you'd work those gigs downtown and then you'd... And then you'd... and you'd blow it all on food. That's not food. But yeah, go ahead. But if you went... And by food, I mean cocaine! That's right. That's what it is. We used to eat... There was a wonderful French cocaine place. Yeah. If you worked a college, though, one gig, you could get $500, $750, maybe $1,000. College. And all you had to do was go to, like, Arath's... Skeller at Roger Williams College. Right? Sure. So you do... There was a convention you did called a NACA, I think. You perform... Wait for the Southern colleges to walk out. Yeah. Yeah. And then try and pick up some of Carrot Top's overflow. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So the first few colleges I did, I, like, got, for the first time, money to save. And so I went and I bought in a bank. I got a savings account. And I bought a CD. I've heard about these. That's some confidence. You weren't going to touch the money for a while. It was a playable CD. It wasn't... Oh, okay. It wasn't... Got it. But it was, like, like you say, the whole idea of it was, if I wait six months, I'm not going to have $1,000. I'm going to have $1,080. Yeah, but, like, that's not possible anymore. Which I didn't know. Your money's just sitting in a savings account. And while other people use... your money to make money, because I'm not responsible with my own money, I guess, to not have it in a savings account. Like, I thought savings account, that was my bar. All you got to do is save money and now... It's completely impossible. The reason that your savings account interest rate is so low is because they're literally trying to incentivize you to invest Yes. by taking away the incentive to save. It's like zero interest. There's no other option in this world than stocks. Yep. looks like a blood out. Alcohol's left. It's like point... But it's not going to jail because it's not that high. Yeah. There we go. So when you go into your bank, do they say, blow into this? Right. All right. Whatever registered, that's what they give you. The most important the red card. You can have again. So what are you doing? Just кажется pr Suarez.
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can get. This card fights well above its weight class so we're going to do a full review talking about why I think it's easily worth over $1,000, how I would cash in on its value, and why it's number one. So right off the bat the card has a $95 annual fee but it's pretty easily offset by its 60,000 point welcome bonus. There is actually a secret welcome bonus that's going on right now at the time of filming. If you apply in branch there's a welcome bonus worth 90,000 points and this may be added online in the coming months. Hey guys so as I was finishing up editing this video wouldn't you know Chase announced a new 80,000 point welcome offer on this card. I wanted to get this out to you as quickly as possible so rather than refilming this entire video I left in sections that include the 60,000 point welcome offer but just know the newest offer is 80,000 points. So the card earns $1,000 a month and it's a welcome bonus. So if you apply in branch there's a welcome bonus worth $5,000 on travel paid for through Chase's Travel Portal. It also earns 3x on dining, online grocery, and select streaming services, 2x on travel, and 1x on everything else. The earning categories on this card are pretty solid but the card really starts to get interesting when you talk about its travel benefits which are many. One big benefit to this card is that you can redeem your points through Chase's Travel Portal for 25% more value. This means that if you're using your points for travel, you can redeem your points for travel. So if you're using your points to book through the travel portal, they'll be worth 25% more than they would as cash back. The value of Chase points is one cent per point meaning that the 60,000 point sign up bonus is worth $600 in cash back. But through the travel portal they could be worth $750 in travel. But there's another travel benefit to this card which outshines the 25% bonus by far and that is that the Sapphire Preferred allows you to transfer your Chase points to travel partners. This includes hotels and airlines, like Hyatt, Marriott, IHG, Southwest, United, and many others. The reason that this is so valuable is that often when you transfer your points they become worth far more than they would as cash back. These points are widely valued at two cents per point when you transfer them to travel partners. And that means that your 60,000 point welcome bonus is worth $1,200 in travel. But I've seen plenty of occasions where people earn three to five cents per point. Now let's get into the points here. And in my experience, it's not that hard to do that, especially if you transfer to partners like the World of Hyatt. Another superpower this card unlocks is called the Chase Trifecta. When you pair this card with other Chase Ultimate Reward Point earning cards, like the Chase Freedom Flex or Freedom Unlimited, you can combine points between those cards to your Chase Sapphire Preferred and transfer those points to travel partners. So the Sapphire Preferred makes the points from all of your Chase credit cards far more valuable. Another lesser known but great benefit is that it comes with a load of insurances with things like extended warranties, purchase protection, trip delay coverage, and trip cancellation insurances. But probably my favorite is Primary Collision Damage Waiver, which means when you rent a car using this card, you're fully covered with Primary Collision Damage Waiver. And you can decline the expensive and pesky. car rental insurance you're offered. Even premium travel credit cards like the Amex Platinum don't have Primary CDW. They only have Secondary CDW. And the Amex Platinum comes with a whopping $695 annual fee, which is one of the many reasons I say this card punches well above its weight class. Another benefit to the Chase Sapphire Preferred is that the card comes with a $50 annual hotel credit. But in order to use this benefit, you do need to book the hotel through the Chase Travel Portal, which is kind of like using Expedia. So for that reason, it's not my favorite travel perk. But if you're already spending money on hotels and you're willing to do it through the Travel Portal, that's an easy way to save $50 on travel. And that brings the effective annual fee down to $45. Speaking of the annual fee, if you ever get sick of paying the annual fee on this card, it's very easy to downgrade to one of the Freedom cards, which have no annual fee. So you could theoretically sign up for this card, earn the welcome bonus, hold it for a year, and then simply do it. And then you could downgrade to a no annual fee card later on. Or you could upgrade this card to the bigger brother, the Chase Sapphire Reserve. The Sapphire Reserve earns 3x on travel and gives you all sorts of travel perks like airport lounge access. It also comes with a $300 travel credit, but a much more hefty $550 annual fee. And the welcome bonus is almost always the same or lesser than the Sapphire Preferred. So if I were trying to choose between the Sapphire Preferred and the Chase Sapphire Reserve, I would almost always choose the card that gets the better welcome bonus. And usually that's the Sapphire Preferred. Another benefit to the Sapphire Preferred is that it comes with no foreign transaction fees. This is pretty standard for any credit card that has an annual fee. But it's just another benefit that shows this card really covers its basis. The traveling with this card will save you a ton of money that way. So the people I think this card would be most ideal for is those who want the most travel benefits for the lowest possible annual fee. And especially those who want to get free travel from their credit card points. Because the Sapphire Preferred allows you to transfer those points, I think it makes it one of the most valuable credit cards you can get. And of all the points currencies I would start with, Chase is number one. So this also makes it probably the number one beginner travel credit card. But just because it's good for beginners doesn't mean people who are more advanced and experienced in the credit card game wouldn't also get a ton of value from it. The travel perks and especially insurances that come with the card, make it one of the best travel credit cards. Even beating cards with much higher annual fees. And the welcome bonus is really solid. So for those reasons, I think this is a definite card to grab if you're looking for a good travel card. And it's my number one recommendation when people ask me which travel card to get. And if you are interested in applying for the Sapphire Preferred, please consider using my referral link down below. It's a huge way to help me out and I really appreciate it if you do use that. Now there's a lot more to cover on using credit cards like this. The Sapphire Preferred to travel for free. You can check out one of my latest video guides on how to use credit cards to travel for free. Thanks for watching guys and I'll see you next time.
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तो दुकानदार बोलता है कि अरे बाई नहीं इस पर नहीं करना तो ऐसे में आप क्या करोगे ऐसे में छोटी सी इस मोटो पर हमारे पास निर्मिति के लिए बेड़ करें और इसमें भी डिटेल प्रश्न करें। इस फ़्रेंड स्पीट पर उपयोग करें। इस तरह के और समस्याओं के निपटारे के लिए टेक्लोजीव को फॉलो करें।
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ट्रांजेक्शन करवा लिया जाते हैं कुछ लालच देकर उस प्रकार की इस्तिती में क्या करें उसके लिए एक बड़ी अच्छी तातकालिक व्यवस्ता है जो बहुत कम लोगों को भी मालूम है इसमें MHA ने एक नंबर जारी किया है ये नंबर मैं आपको कई बार दो या तीन बार रिपीट करूँगा ये नंबर है 155260 ये नंबर को note down करके रखिये कभी भी किसी भी कारणवश अगर कोई fraud होता है आपके साथ तो ततकाल इस नंबर पर फोन लगाईए उस registered number से जो registered number banking में banking के transaction के लिए आपने registered किया हुआ है उस नंबर से आप फोन लगाएंगे तभी काम हो पाएगा ये आव mobile number है या जो भी आपका phone number है जो banking के transaction के लिए किसी प्रगार के banking transaction के लिए registered है उस number से आप ये 155260 नंबर पर फोन लगाईए आप फोन लगाएंगे तो ये अभी MP और 36 गड के लिए कारे कर रहा है आपसे बच्चे पूछा जाएगा जब MP का आप बताएंगे तो आपसे कु पॉलेट जिससे पैसे जिसमें पैसे आज जिससे कटे है जिसमें गया है आधी इत्यादी वह जानकारी आप बता सकते हैं पिन वगैरह आप बिल्कुल मत बताइए क्योंकि इस तरह के नंबर का कोई दूसरा जहां से देकर आपसे पिन वगैरह भी पूछ सकता है तो एक त जितने भी आए यूपीआई है जितने भी यह फाइनेंशल ट्रांजेक्शन के पोर्टल है यह सब इससे जुड़े हुए हैं तत्काल आपका मैसेज इन सभी बैंकिंग संस्थानों को चला जाता है बैंकिंग एजेंसीज को चला जाता है क्योंकि जब फ्रॉड होता है एक रूट में कहीं भी रुक जाएगा अगर माली जे एक बैंक से चल दिया है दूसरे बैंक तक जाने के लिए तो उस रूट पर रूप दिया जाएगा आपका पैसा आपको वापस आ जाएगा मैं आपकी जानकरी में रखना चाहूंगा कि इस नंबर के आने से करोड़ों र� बताएंगे तो 100% आपका पैसा वापस आने की इसमें शिवरिटी रहती है आही जाता है अगर 24 घंटे के बाद आपको पता चलता है तो भी आप इस पोर्टल पर जो की नेशनल साइबर क्राइम रिपोर्टिंग पोर्टल है इस पोर्टल पर आप अपनी एप्लिकेशन अ� कि ने बताएंगे
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which is one of the premier travel credit cards out there. We'll talk about the main things you need to know about this card. We do, however, have a full review on our website, So if you're watching the video on YouTube, I will link that in the video description below and I'll link some other helpful articles as well. So if you want to dig in and learn even more about the card, check out those links. If you're on our site, you can easily navigate to find the full review from there. Let's start by discussing the rewards for this card. It earns 10 points per dollar spent on Chase dining purchases through Chase Ultimate Rewards, which essentially means that you're using your points to order food. I think that one's fine, but I'm much more excited about this next one. You earn 10 points per dollar spent on hotel stays and car rentals purchased through Ultimate Rewards and 5 points per dollar spent on air travel purchased through Ultimate Rewards. On top of that, the card earns 3 points per dollar spent on regular dining purchases and on travel purchases, though that does exclude purchases that are covered by the travel credit. So that means after you've used up your annual travel credit, then you start earning 3 points per dollar spent on dining and travel purchases. No issues there, I just wanted to mention it. And you can learn more about that annual travel credit on our website. Again, just check out the links in the video description. Additionally, the card earns 1 point per dollar spent on general purchases. So if it doesn't code as one of the categories I previously mentioned, it should have been on the travel credit. So if you've used up your annual travel credit, earn one point per dollar spent. So overall pretty good rewards, but this card is only partly about the rewards. There's a lot more to this card as there should be given its annual fee, which you can see here on the screen. One thing is that the card does usually come with the opportunity to earn a signup bonus, a pretty sizable signup bonus. I won't mention the signup bonus in this video because it changes. A lot of incentives with credit cards will change over time. And so I don't want to mention the current one as I'm filming this video, but if you want to see the current one, as you're watching this video, you can check out our website. We should have the details in our full review. On top of that, the card does come with lounge access and up to a $100 application credit for global entry or TSA pre-check. And that can be used once every four years. And for the record, you should always choose global entry because that actually includes TSA pre-check. So when you go to do this, make sure you do global entry. Now, even more, the card comes with a giant list of added perks. So if you're looking for a card that's going to be a little bit more expensive, you can go ahead and check out our full review. And if you want to see the card outside of the US, just like you would inside the US and you avoid the dreadful 3% foreign transaction fee. Honestly, there are just so many perks to this card that I can't list them in this video. If you want to see the larger list, just check out our full review. Now, one thing that I really like about this card, and this goes for other Chase credit cards as well, is that it's earned Chase Ultimate Rewards points, which are some of the most flexible and desirable points of any point system from any credit card company out there. Not only do you have a number of different redemption options from which to choose, but several of them yield a value of one cent per point, if not more. And that's something that you want to be mindful of when you're looking for a travel credit card. You want to know not only how many points you might earn, but what they convert at when you do go to redeem them. Now, if you're looking for a travel credit card, you want to know how many points you might earn, but what they convert at when you do go to redeem them. Now, if you getting a direct deposit, or getting gift cards, and there are other options as well. For instance, I know with a lot of people, when they're looking at a travel credit card, one of the things they're factoring in is that they want to store up a whole bunch of points or miles and go on a big trip. With this card, you have two different options to do that. One way to go is you can book travel through the Chase Ultimate Rewards portal, which is kind of like Chase's version of Kayak or Expedia. And if you do book travel through the Chase Ultimate Rewards portal, you can book travel through the Chase Ultimate Rewards portal. And if you do go this way, your points get a 50% boost. And the other way you can go is you can transfer your points to Chase's travel partners and book travel through their loyalty programs. And this last step is potentially how you can get the most value out of your points, but it does take the most time in terms of research and effort to maximize your value. If you want to see the current list of transfer partners for Chase, we do have that in our full review. I would say that they have one of the strongest lists of airline and hotel partners in the United States. And if you want to see the current list of transfer partners for the video. I would say my overall opinion is if you're looking for a luxury travel credit card, you should absolutely be considering this card and some other ones. We do have a full guide about the best travel credit cards on our website. You can check that out, but this is definitely in the hunt and it should get your full consideration. What's also nice is that if you get it and you end up not using it so much and you decide you're intimidated by the annual fee, or you feel like you're not getting enough value out of the card, then you should definitely consider this card. And if you're looking for a luxury travel credit card, there is the option to downgrade it to a card with a lesser annual fee as well. So you can learn all about that on Thanks for watching. Hopefully I earned your thumbs up. Have a great day. Bye.
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can you transfer it I am going to explain in short let's not waste any time I am using Google over here and in Google you can search for Axis Bank internet banking so once you search it you will get a link and the website is so you have to select that particular link in order to you know login into your net banking now on the next page you have to select login option and here you can login by 3 steps one is using your login ID or customer ID next one is by using your debit card number and the last one is using your mpin so you can choose any option to complete the login process I am going to go with mpin once you enter the details click on login option and now you can see we are on the home page of Axis Net Banking before going ahead make sure that you have added a beneficiary or a payee account in Axis Bank. in net banking also. So that is compulsory because you can select a particular payee and then you can transfer the money. Now to transfer the money all you have to do is you have to scroll down. So once you scroll down you can see you get a quick transfer option. So you can easily transfer money using this particular option over here. You have to enter the amount and then which payee you want to send money to. You can select that over here and click on payee option. You can transfer up to 2 lakhs using quick transfer option. But if you scroll down you will get fund transfer option. You can select that option and on the next page you can see you get an option of add payee. So you can add your new payee from here as well. In order to search for currently added payee you can just click on this search option over here and you can search the name. In my case I am searching it. After searching the name you can tap that particular person's name and you can see we are on the next page where all the account details are there and we have to complete the steps in order to transfer the money. So guys once you scroll down you have to enter the amount how much amount you want to transfer and from which account you want the amount to be debited. You have to select all these options. If you want to enter any message while transaction you can do it. Now this is one time payment or recurring payment you can select that option over here. You can select the date. Also if you scroll down a bit you can select the amount which you want to transfer. So you can select the amount which you want to transfer. You can select the mode of payment if you want to do IMPS payment which is instant payment you can select IMPS. Now there are charges for that but if you want to transfer the amount without paying any charges you can select any FT over here which might take some hours to transfer the amount or also you can do RTGS. So that depends on you by which mode of payment you want to do the payment. So I will fill up all the details very quickly and I will show you. Guys I have entered the amount over here. I have selected the account. I have entered test in Rimaco message because I am doing this for testing purpose. Scroll down. I have selected IMPS as the mode of payment. After selecting each and everything you have to click on proceed option. On the next page you can already see that I have received an OTP. You have to enter the OTP here in order to complete the transaction. Now you can check all the details over here. Now currently you can see charges is zero because I think amount is less which is why it is showing zero. You can check the amount and all over here. If I scroll down enter the OTP. After entering the OTP click on submit option to complete the transaction. Guys now you can see we have received a successful message. You can check out the reference number. Money has been transferred successfully. You can check all the details related to this particular transaction over here. If you scroll down you even get an option to download this particular transaction details. So guys these are the simple steps you have to follow in order to transfer money in AxisNet Banking. If you like this video hit that like button. Subscribe to my channel for more videos like this. I will see you all in the next one. Thank you. Subtitles by the community
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In this video I will make a brief overview of these accounts. Here is the agenda. I will talk about checking account, debit card, fees, I've read a fine print, savings accounts, high interest savings accounts and about sign up bonus. Discover Bank is well known in the US for its credit cards. But today we will talk about checking and savings accounts. Interested? Hi, I am Slava. Welcome to my channel about money. Subscribe to my channel if you want to see more videos like this. Discover Bank is definitely worth reviewing. It has checking accounts, savings accounts and credit cards. In this video I will talk only about checking accounts and savings accounts. When you open a checking account at Discover Bank. Bank you will receive a debit card. You can use it with over 60,000 ATMs. No fee ATMs. The debit card has also 1% cashback. No, it is not a credit card. It is a debit card with cashback. But 1% is only up to $3,000 of purchases each month. The checking account has no interest like Capital One. It is a credit card with a debit card. In June 2019 Discover Bank boldly claimed that there are no fees anymore. Period. Is it really true? Most of the fees were eliminated. That's correct. But not all fees. There are no insufficient funds fees, excessive withdrawals, falling below minimum balance and stop payment requests. Bank of America and Chase charge you $1,000. Charge fees when the balance on savings accounts drop below $500 or $300. Banks typically charge overdraft fees when you use your debit card and your balance is $0. Instead of having declined your card your bank can cover the difference and charge you an overdraft fee. Usually the overdraft fees are around $30. Is it the case here? Let's take a look. No. Your Discover Bank account balance cannot go below $0 anymore. Discover Bank is not covering overdrafts at all. It just declines the transaction. But there is a free overdraft protection with a few options. Discover Bank can just decline the transaction that exceed your balance. Or Discover Bank can protect your account using other account as a funding account. Here is how to do it. How it works. Only 2 accounts can participate in this overdraft protection. One checking account can be protected. And another savings account can be a funding account. When the balance on checking account cannot cover the transaction, Discover Bank will cover transaction with the funds from savings account. Other accounts cannot participate in this relationship. You can keep most of your money in high yield savings account. have a declining transaction or overdraft fees. You may ask, are there any other fees? There is a fine print with small letters. $30 service charge for outgoing wire transactions. Discover Bank will charge it for each outgoing wire transfer sent from your Discover Bank account. FEEE! Feeeee! For international wire transfer received in foreign currency there is a $20 currency exchange fee. Feeeee! We found two fees so far. Discover Bank has also online savings account. High interest savings account. As of today the APY is 1.7%. But it can go up and down any time. What I like in Discover Savings Account is how transparent it is. You can literally see all information on one page or on one screen in mobile app. Available balance, current balance, current APY, interest year to date and limited number of transactions per month. Withdrawals from this savings account are limited to 6 transactions per month. By the way, have you heard about sign up bonus at Discover Savings Account? You can earn $150 or $200. Watch my video about it. There are few points left. Discover Bank accounts are FDIC insured up to $250,000 per person. They are insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation . FDIC. The FDIC is an integrated Zelle. You can transfer money to your friends or family. Zelle will send money automatically if your friend already enrolled. Otherwise it will send SMS with a link. There your friend can accept the transfer. That's all for today. Did you like my review? Write a comment if you like the Discover Bank online savings account. Like this video and subscribe to my channel. Watch my other videos. See you in the next one. When there is a change in the weather. When does a train money?
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of 2007-2008 was a major financial crisis that affected the world economy. It began in the United States and then spread rapidly to other countries. The crisis was caused by a combination of four key factors. One, subprime mortgages. Two, the housing market bubble. Three, financial institutions like investment banks. And four, a lack of regulation. All right, the first one, subprime mortgages. Sub means below, prime means the best or premium. So subprime is below the best. So below average. Many people with poor credit history were given subprime mortgages, i.e. loans to buy homes that they eventually couldn't afford. These loans went on as subprime mortgages. These loans were also packaged into financial securities that the investment banks were investing in. Number two, the housing market bubble. So as a result of lots of people buying homes because now they can afford to do so, given subprime mortgages, house prices started increasing. This created a housing market bubble which eventually burst. All right, number three, financial institutions. Many of the large financial institutions like the investment banks all invested heavily in subprime mortgage banks. So when the housing market bubble burst and people defaulted on their loans, the investment banks and those who invested in these financial securities were in trouble. The value of these securities plummeted, causing huge losses for these financial institutions. Last but not least, number four, lack of regulation. There was a lack of regulation in the financial services industry which allowed these poor practices to occur without any proper oversight. The global financial crisis of 2007-2008 had far-reaching impacts all over the world. Many financial institutions faced bankruptcy. A lot went bust. Some had to be bailed out, blocked by governments, and the general public lost their faith in the financial system. As a result, the crisis led to a sharp decrease in economic growth, increase in unemployment, and a heavy drop in the stock market. This crisis should serve as a reminder of the importance of regulation and oversight in the financial services industry in order to prevent such events from happening again. Before you go, if you've got a finance term that you don't understand, let me know in the comments below and I'll do a two-minute explainer on it. If you aren't already, subscribe and I will see you in the next one. Peace. Bye.
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पर इसका ये UPI स्कैम बहुत तेज़े से बढ़ रहा है ओरे मामा मेरे UPI पर 10,000 रुपे आई किसी के क्या? 10,000? प्लीज आप भी बेशता हूँ बिचारा अबे ओ तु जो कोई भी हो मैं ये पैसे तुझे नहीं बेशने माला सर मैं आपकी कंप्लेंट पॉलिस टेशन में कर दूँगा आजा फिर उदर ही देख लूँगा तुझे बामा आप एसी इंसान हो यार बिचारी के मा की इलाज की पैसे था ये अरे बांजे ये स्क्याम है जिसमें ये खुछ से तुम्हें पैसे बेशते हैं बाद में एक लिंक बेचकर तुम्हे उस लिंक से पैसे रिफन्ड करने की मांग करते हैं और अगर तुमने उस link से उन्हें पैसे भेजे तो तुमारी पूरी bank की details उनके पास चली जाती है जाने मेरा bank account खाली होती होती बच गया पर इतना सब आपको कैसे पता money matrix संकित को follow करने से smartness तो बढ़ जाती है
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तुने लोन लिया नहीं होगा, बट तेरे नाम पर किसी और ने पक्का लिया है, लेकिन कैसे, देख, तिलंगाना में पांच लोगों ने मिलकर एक फेक कंपनी बनाई, अपने टाउन के 53 लोगों को सस्ते लोन का लालच देखा, उनके आधार और पैन कार्ड लिया है, और � उससे उनके सैलरी अकाउंट्स खुलवा दिया, आईसी आईसी आई बैंक में, उसके बाद हर महीने एक दो लाग की सैलरी भी भेजी, और डेबिट क्रेडिट कार्ड खुदी रख लिये, और एक दिन सभी के क्रेडिट कार्ड को यूज़ करके, 1.3 करोड का कैश निकाला, और फरार हो गए, जब तक उन बेचारे लोगों को पता चला कि उनके नाम पर एक बहुत बड़ा फ्रॉड हो गया, तब तक उनका सिबिल स्कोर डिस्ट्रॉय हो चुका था, पर मैंने तो अधार और पैम किसी को नहीं दिया यार, तूने नहीं दिया, बट ज़रा सोच कितनी चीज़े अपलाए करते वक्त हम ये डॉक्यूमेंट अपलोड करते हैं, इसको बिल्कुल लाइटली मत लेना, बहुत सिंपल सॉलूशन है, वन स्कोर एप डाउनलोड कर, इसमें सारे अक्टिव लोन्स और क्रेडिट कार्च दिख जाएंगे, और कोई ऐसा लोन दिखे जो तूने नहीं लिया है, उसको यहीं से रिपोर्ट कर सकता है, साथ में सिबिल स्कोर गिर क्यों रहा है, उसका रीजन भी पता चलेगा, और उसको ठीक कैसे करना, उसका टि लोन्स एक बार जानते हैं।
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Well, who's paying for all those rewards? We gotta go back to 2007. It's the Great Recession, and major U.S. banks like Wells Fargo, Chase, and Bank of America are struggling. Hey, we're gonna go broke! We ain't making enough money from mortgages no more! So they shift their business to credit cards. To get people stoked to use their cards, they start to offer epic rewards. And people ate it up, because as they spent more, they got more free points towards that free trip to Italy. But there ain't no free lunch! Who's paying for that Italy trip? See, when you buy something with your card, the store is charged an interchange fee. Then the bank collects the interchange fee from the store, and this is what they use to pay out your rewards. Now, retailers hate this, because why should they pay these fees just to get you a free trip to Italy? So stores increase their prices. Which means... People who... Pay cash in debit and don't claim rewards, they're paying for your...
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you can manage to spend just $4,000 within the first three months of card ownership. And with Chase Sapphire Preferred points being worth 1.25 cents per point, this sign up bonus is worth $1,000 when redeemed through Chase Ultimate Rewards. There is also the ability to transfer the points to 11 different airline partners and three different hotel partners at a one-to-one value. Now best of all, this card is not expensive at all as its annual fee is just $95. This is a bargain considering the value of the new sign up bonus, the benefits and points earning potential that are on offer. So let's take a closer look at everything that is included with the Chase Sapphire Preferred card to see if it's a good fit for you. And with that being said, let's jump straight into it. So who is this card good for? The Chase Sapphire Preferred card is a good credit card for people who frequently travel and dine out, as well as for those who want flexible redemption options. It's also a great card for international travel as it doesn't charge foreign transaction fees. So let's take a look at all of the benefits and perks that come with the Chase Sapphire Preferred card. Each year you will be provided with a $50 statement credit that comes with the Chase Sapphire Preferred card. And this effectively brings the annual fee down to just $45. Then each account anniversary year, Chase will give you back bonus points equal to 10% of your total purchases made during the previous year. So if you spend a fair amount on the card each year, it is possible to boost your points earning potential quite substantially. Now in terms of partner benefits, there are a few options on offer. The first is a complimentary six month Instacart Plus membership that provides you with $15 in statement credits each quarter. And with a 12 month membership, costing $99 a year, the six month membership is worth $50. Then when you add in the $30 in statement credits that you will receive over the first six months, just this benefit alone is worth $80. Then there is a complimentary 12 month DashPass subscription that is worth $96 a year. This provides you with lower service fees and free delivery on orders that are $12 or more. Then it is possible to receive a $10 monthly statement credit from GoPath. Here you can order a whole range of different products such as drinks, snacks or other household items. And this benefit is worth $120 a year. So just the benefits that I've listed so far are worth $346, which covers the cost of the annual fee by more than three times over. Now as I mentioned at the start of this video, it is possible to transfer points to 11 different airline partners and three different hotel partners. This can provide you with fantastic value if you put in the time and effort to find a good deal with one of the travel partners. So besides the fact that you can receive a 10% points earning bonus from Chase each anniversary year, there's also the ability to earn a reasonable amount of points from quite a wide variety of different categories. Initially you will be able to earn five times points for any travel related purchases that are made through Chase Ultimate Rewards. And when you travel via Lyft you will also receive five times points. Then when dining at a restaurant or ordering takeaway it is possible to earn three times points. Along with this you will also receive three times points for purchases made at select streaming services and for online grocery purchases. Any travel that is purchased from outside of Chase Ultimate Rewards will earn you two times points. Then all other purchases that are made on the card will earn you one point per dollar spent. Now even though the Chase Sapphire Preferred card is only $95 a year, it's still a great deal to purchase. So if you're looking for a travel-friendly travel card, then you can get the Chase Sapphire Preferred card at the link in the description below. The Chase Sapphire Preferred card is a great deal to purchase. $20,000 per trip. This can be used towards any prepaid non-refundable travel expenses. Then similar to this is trip delay reimbursement. This provides you and your family with up to $500 per ticket if your travel is delayed for more than 12 hours. There is also an auto rental collision damage waiver that provides you with primary coverage to help cover the costs of any theft or damage that is made to a rental car. With baggage delay insurance it is possible to receive up to $100 a day for up to five days if your luggage is delayed for more than six hours by a passenger carrier. Then with purchase protection, new purchases that are made to the card are covered for up to 120 days against damage or theft. This provides the ability to receive up to $500 per claim and a total of $50,000 per account. And finally there is extended warranty protection. This provides you with one additional year of coverage on your US manufacturer's warranties that are three years or less. So to finish off this review I'll just go over what the current APR rates are for this card and what fees you can expect to be charged if you happen to do a balance transfer or get a cash advance. Currently the APR for purchases and balance transfers is between 20.74% and 27.74% and with the balance transfer there will be a fee of either $5 or 5% of the amount of each transfer. If you get a cash advance, which I don't recommend, the APR will be 29.74% and there will also be a fee of either $10 or $5. So that pretty much covers everything there is to know about the Chase Sapphire Preferred card. And as you can see it is a fantastic card that currently has a large sign up bonus of 80,000 points which is worth $1,000 when used for travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards. Now if you transfer the points to one of the many travel partners it is possible to receive even more value than this, although it might take a bit of work to find the best deal. Now if you found this video helpful don't forget to hit the like button so more people get the chance to see this video. And if you'd like to see how the Chase Sapphire Preferred card stacks up against the more exclusive Chase Sapphire Reserve card check out my full in-depth review and comparison here.
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loan source and none other than Chase Bank and I'm sure you're watching this you have heard of Chase Bank see the commercial or you have an account with Chase Bank right now if you're looking for auto loan up to $100,000 today auto financing today for that car that you want or need then definitely want to apply with Chase Bank especially if you already member of the bank anyway all right so I'm gonna leave this website link pinned in the comments and the description box for the video guys you're gonna click it open up this website you can apply right here on the website get approved and head down to the dealership and get that car we're gonna do a quick walk through the website's content and then you can move forward if you want to apply let's get right into it finance and drive fine finance and that's right for you get a fast credit decision you can get a fast credit decision competitive rates with 30-day rate lock my guys is mr. Kevin Hart promo I have assault my guess it's commercials that we've seen with Kevin I don't know I don't remember seeing a chase commercial with Kevin Hart in it though but he's a very famous comedian if you don't know who that guy is right here you can just simply right now you'll watch this on YouTube anyway so just type in Kevin Hart H a RT and Kevin Hart and you'll see his comedy specials and check it out you guys will find them on Netflix too so a very very hilarious comedian he's also a half there so you watch movies about also if you don't know but that is all right get a fast credit decision now don't apply now yet guys remembered it if you requested up to a hundred thousand dollars more than likely you better chance of approval will be this a high credit score and income your income needs to be a certain amount of income what are going to prove you for anything high for auto finance this is how financing with chase works are you simply apply fill in a few details including card choice and and dealer to get a credit decision don't worry you can update your car later if needed to you're gonna get financing once approved we'll send the details directly to you to you and your chosen dealer saving you time and paperwork oh so this is a good thing when you get approved they'll send details of you and the dealer so letting the dealer know you're on the way you approve for $30,000 so when you get there you need to go in with a pep in your step and say hey guys a $30,000 we have already approved so I won't this Altima or whatever or whatever you want it dead cheap for $27,000 so all right so number three drive off the lot choose a car preferences with a dealer Chase is available if any financing changes are needed drive off the conference now you're gonna be paying chase chase they're gonna pay the dealer everybody's smiling now guys you ready to apply you want to click that blue apply now button not sure how much you can borrow get pre-qualified okay and this is the best thing to do matter of fact to go ahead and check your credit score right now I also check your income because that's gonna be a part of it and go ahead click pre-qualified get pre-qualified and they'll go ahead and give a pull to your credit and you'll find out how much you're gonna be approved for before you even move forward with the actual application to get to get the auto financing totally approved and go to actual dealership all right choose auto choose auto financing you can bank on you can lock in financing terms in advance to save time at the dealership know your estimated monthly payment rate and feel confident shopping for your car rates a lot for 30 days take your time to shop for your car for $30,000 easier with thousands of authorized dealer so of course chase thousands of dealers and what okay guys it's simple at this most dealers major dealers anyway I'm talking about you know you see Ford outside Chevy Mercedes etc they're already gonna have the financing available through Chase Bank or any other major bank but they're gonna have the financing available through Chase Bank or any other major bank but they're gonna have the financing available through Chase Bank or any other major bank but they're make chase making it is making it easy for you guys just go ahead and apply here on the website and just go down there and just pick the car you want and drive off make a quick smooth process now if you want to use this this calculator here explore rates and payments and for example here let's see you want a new car used car but we're going to stick with new and and so you're going to stick with the 2023 and the make let's see what we want we're going to just go with the jeep you want a new jeep and the state we're going to go with let's say we're arizona arizona and estimate credit rating my credit rating is good and amount i need for that jeep will be twenty four thousand dollars twenty four thousand so we're gonna get info all right here's what they're giving me here all right twenty four thousand credit is good so my estimated rate is going to be twenty four thousand dollars and i'm going to go ahead and put it in the box monthly payment for 48 months if i pay it off a little faster apr well well they actually apr drops if i make if and the payment drops also with 72 months so you make sure you look at that guys if you pay it off faster the monthly payment of course is going to be higher but if that we're going to go to 72 months you're going to drop it right to 72 months so right here so you're going to pay it off in six years and your monthly payment for this to pay back this loan will be 453 dollars with a 10.6 apr so my credit is good now you can change that if you have very good credit and it dropped apr guys all right there's this calculator here says we make car buying simple now these are videos you can watch get financing for you at the dealership i allow you guys to watch those remember i always leave the website link of the website link in the description box below and i'll see you guys next time check out the walmart web site to check with your bank which i'm using the viergerscene for donating Too Tie little blind and how you can go down to any dealership already approved and just drive off the lot all right guys so now at the end of this video you're going to see two playlists one is about personal loans business loans one is about credit personal credit cards business credit card all credit going to connect you to a source of financing money you want to need one of these playlists and this channel simply collects you to money and financing that you want to need so subscribe watch all the videos thank you for watching once again it is king hayward you guys stay safe out there
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of the best, if not the best, beginner credit cards. And this is still mostly true to this day. Since I'm assuming that you may be a beginner to credit cards, I'm going to give you a quick rundown. Credit cards like the Discovery Credit Card gives you cash back on the purchases that you make, and it also helps you to build your credit score in the process. Assuming that you pay your card off on time every time, which is what you should be doing when you get a credit card. If you do this, you'll never have to pay interest or a late fee. Boosting your credit score helps you get better deals on loans. It also helps you get a mortgage. It can help you get an apartment. It can also help you get other credit cards as well. Some people who are younger may actually not care about any of this stuff at all, but it's going to take you about a year to go from nothing to having an actual decent credit score. So you may find yourself in a position later on in life to where you actually want to get something, but your credit is just not good, which is why I think it's a good idea to actually get a credit card and just buy gas with it. Just buy gas with it, pay the card off on time every time, and you'll boost your credit score in the process. And your future self will probably end up thanking you. Also, some jobs do run credit checks, and some of those jobs, depending on the state they're in, can actually deny you the job if you have bad credit. A credit card is one of the easiest ways to start building up your credit score. The Discovery credit card was my first credit card, and I didn't even have a credit score when I got it, which is why this card is so oftentimes recommended because it's not that hard to get accepted. At first, I just used this card to buy gas, and I would pay the card off on time every time early. And as time went on, I got more used to it, and I got more comfortable with it. I just started buying everything with it because why not get the cash back? Now, it's very rare for me to ever use a debit card. Really, the only time I ever use a debit card is when I'm using Cash App's card and they have a certain boost available. This review will be broken down into sections. I'll have timestamps down below. The Discovery credit card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase that you make with 5% cash back on rotating categories. The rotating categories are actually pretty solid. The first quarter of 2023, we had grocery stores excluding Target and Walmart, drugstores, and select streaming services. Second quarter is restaurants and wholesale clubs. The next two quarters haven't been announced yet. Discovery usually has 5% cash back on PayPal, Amazon, and even gas stations at some point during the year. This cash back is good for up to $1,500 in purchases per quarter for up to $75 of cash back per quarter, which please try not to just max these out every single quarter. You want to just buy things you're going to buy anyway. Do not excessively spend with credit cards. Also, for the first year, you actually get double cash back on those purchases. So it ends up being 2% cash back on everything and 10% cash back on the rotating categories for the first year. So if you accumulate $100 of cash back during the year, after those 12 months are over, they'll give you another $100. The cash back can be used to pay off credit cards, donate to charity, or you can just send that money to a bank account. Discover also has automatic statement credits. At this moment, if you sign up using someone else's link, Discover will give you $100 after making your first purchase with the card within three months. I'll have my link down below. Feel free to use it or someone else's in order to get that $100 bonus. The Discovery credit card has no monthly fees and no annuals. The Discovery credit card has no monthly fees and no annuals. The Discovery credit card has no fees. Which makes it an excellent beginner credit card. Credit history and having a longer credit history boost your credit score. It's best for your credit card to have no annual fees or no monthly fees at all. So that way you're not stuck with some card that actually kind of sucks that you just keep paying off every single year because you don't want it to impact your credit score. Of course, there will be a late fee if you do not pay the card off on time. So I would strongly suggest setting up autopay. And what I do is I set it for the full statement balance. This way, you never have to worry about late fees or paying high interest as long as you have enough money in your checking account. If I were a beginner, I would only use it to buy gas at first, pay the card off early, and get more used to it and get more comfortable with the credit card. Because this credit card, like every other credit card, has high interest. Credit cards are useful for helping you build your credit score and giving you some cash back in the process. But if used incorrectly, you'll have to pay a lot of interest. Don't be one of these people. Only buy things you're going to buy anyway and pay the card off on time every time. One of the best benefits about the Discovery credit card, aside from getting cash back, is that their app is actually good. They have a solid app, and they're not easy to find what you're looking for. Many other credit card companies have apps that low-key kind of suck, or they're just all right. You can also view your FICO credit score through the app. It's probably going to take about six months for you to build it up if you have no credit score at the moment. From the app, you can request to raise your credit limit, freeze your card, see your recurring charges, change your PIN, contact customer service, and more. All through the app. On the topic of customer service, Discover has 24-7 customer service. Now let's mention some cons. While the app is solid, there are times in which there's a bit of lag when it comes to logging me in. It takes longer than it should, which for me at least, this isn't too big of a deal, and it's not a deal breaker. The biggest con for me personally would be the 5% rotating categories. You have to actually go into the app and activate the rotating categories every quarter. You can usually activate the current quarter that you're in and also the next quarter. While this isn't very time-consuming, it only takes a minute to do, I'm a set-it-and-forget-it kind of person when it comes to finances. I don't want to have to remember to activate the rotating categories every quarter it may be. Which as time goes on and your credit score goes up, you can actually apply and get a 2% cash back on everything credit card. And you can also start churning credit cards for their welcome bonuses. Otherwise, there's not many cons with the Discoverit credit card. There's a reason why it's so often recommended, especially for beginners. In conclusion, this is still an excellent credit card for beginners. I'm not a fan of having to activate the categories in order to get the 5% cash back, but it's not that big of a deal. Double cash back for the first year is really nice. And $100 statement credit if you make a purchase within the first year. I'd also like to note that there are some rules when it comes to credit cards. Credit cards can cripple you with high interest debt. At first, it's going to seem weird when you use a credit card because you'll buy something and it won't show up in your bank account. It doesn't show up into your bank account until you pay off the credit card. So if you're new to credit cards, this could actually mess with your mind a little bit, making you think you have more money than you actually do. Which is why I suggest only buying something like gas and nothing else with the credit card. And just pay that off on time every time. And pay it off early, especially if you're a beginner. Get used to this. Make it a habit. Have auto pay set up. Do not overspend. Which if you're not entirely responsible with money or you're not entirely confident in actually being able to pay it off on time every time, consider getting a different kind of credit card. You can get a credit card builder credit card, which is basically a debit credit card. If you're smart with credit cards, they could be an excellent tool to get cash back on purchases that you make and also boost your credit score in the process and potentially give you additional insurances on the things that you're purchasing. Otherwise, here are the rules. Remember to set up auto pay. Pay your credit card off early. Pay your credit card off on time every time. Only buy things you're going to buy anyway. Do not buy things that you cannot afford.
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Colin, with interest rates at some of the highest levels in the past 20 years, should I keep my funds in my high-yield savings, lock them up in a bank CD for a year, or invest in a treasury bond? That was such a great question, and especially now. And I'm sure many of you are wondering that same thing. So here is my take. I rarely advocate for an all-or-nothing strategy. I am a big believer in diversification to grow and protect wealth. So having some funds in high-yield savings getting the higher short-term rates, and some locked up in either CDs or treasury bonds, makes a lot of sense to me. But every situation is different. You know what doesn't make sense to a lot of people? The inverted yield curve. I created a short video about the inverted yield curve back in the summer of 2022. And it's still here. Normally, investors receive more. The longer you lock up your money, right? However, from time to time, the market moves interest rates to the point they become inverted. Shorter-term bonds and CDs yield more than longer-term CDs and bonds. According to my economics degree, this should never happen. But it does. And when it does happen, take notice. When short-term government bonds have higher yields than longer-term ones, despite carrying lower risk, these yield curve inversions are often viewed by markets as a sign we're headed into a recession. In theory, that should not be the case. It should never happen. You should never get a higher interest rate in a shorter-term lockup period. But that is exactly what we see now. An anomaly that usually only happens when a recession is likely. The markets are incentivizing you to keep your money in short-term lockups to earn more money. But the markets are also telling you that their belief is that interest rates will decline in the coming years. This is why rates are lower currently for longer lockups. This is a perfect spot to point out important disclosures before we go any further. The information in this video is for educational purposes. This is not specific financial planning, health insurance, or investment advice. In addition, everyone's tax situation is different. You should discuss your tax situation with a qualified tax advisor before implementing any planning strategy. All three of these options are generally very low-risk ways to preserve assets. Please note the rest of each option fairness rules in this article. per individual per bank or 500 thousand dollars for a joint couple the interest rate can and when mocked and the interest received is fully taxable at the federal the state and the local level in the year you receive it FDIC insured city's the same insurance benefits , and and local level in the year you receive it. The major difference is the interest rate is locked in and will not change for the term. US treasury bill or bond, no FDIC insurance, but a potentially even stronger benefit is that the United States treasury has to default in order to not be paid. There is no dollar limit. And if that happened, we have bigger fish to fry. The interest rate is locked in and will not change for the term. The big difference here is that the interest is only taxed at the federal level. State and local taxes are not paid on the interest on treasury bonds and bills. Now often treasury bonds are better than FDIC insured CDs for those people with higher asset levels, higher incomes, or those that live in higher tax states. They're also slightly more involved to invest in. Either buying directly from the treasury or through a brokerage account. Sometimes the familiarity with the CD at a local bank is just easier to understand. Even though the net return may be lower, jumping through a couple additional hoops sometimes isn't worth it for a few thousand dollars. You need to understand yourself and make the best decision for you and your family. Okay, now that we know the differences between the three and who they make the most sense for, should we even lock them in? Should we lock up our money? Interest rates are slightly down from their highs early this year, but they are still at some of the highest levels we've seen in recent memory. Will they stay at these levels, rise even higher, or will the Fed try to bring them back down? Well, the Federal Reserve usually follows the two-year treasury and raises or lowers the overnight rates based on what the two-year yield is doing. Just have a look at this chart. This chart is about a year old at this point, but you can clearly see the two-year yield and the Fed rate following the two-year yield up and down over the past 25 years. Here is the chart of the current yield on the two-year treasury in May, 2023. You can see it is down from its March, 2023 high. And if that trend continues and we slip further into a recession, I could easily see the Fed lowering interest rates back down to reduce the depth and the duration of the current yield. That means current interest rates could be as good as it gets, and these rates could be unavailable in a year or even in six months. Of course, the opposite could also be true. We could have a re-acceleration of inflation, no recession, and the Fed could be forced to jack up interest rates even further. Just watch the two-year treasury for clues on where interest rates are going. So back to the original question, what should you do? Well, in my opinion, I would say, go back to the beginning. of having some funds getting the elevated high-yield savings account rates as smart. And having some funds in either FDIC-insured CDs or treasury bonds that mature in one year, two year, three years, four years and five years can help you capture the current higher yielding rates, but also provide some benefit if interest rates come back down. And if rates continue to rise, well, guess what? You have some funds maturing every year that you can potentially reinvest at higher rates. A key point to understand is that when locking up your funds, you wanna understand the risks involved. What if you need the funds early? What are the potential penalties? How much should you lock up and what maturity? There is no one-size-fits-all strategy. This is where working with a good financial advisor who understands your personal situation rather than some internet guru may help. Good luck and make sure you watch this video next to learn more about the pros and cons of high-yield savings accounts.
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Okay, do you have any collateral? And what's your credit score? Yes, yes, my dad's house is like 5 crores and my credit score is 850. 5 crores? Beep boop beep. Sir, we can offer you 8.5% interest rate. So much? Get lost bro. These US banks are offering 6% interest rate. I am going with them. Sir, aren't you familiar with the concept of interest rate parity? What's that? So the interest rate from India and US cannot be completed on an apple to apple basis. This is because the rupee is weakening against the dollar every year. Meaning today, one dollar is like 75 rupees. Five years from now, it will become 85 rupees. So what does that mean? It means that the 6% US interest rate is actually 11% India interest rate. If you consider the rupee depreciation. This is some crazy shit dude. How do you know all of this? Sir, I work in the goddamn bank. It's my job to know all of this. Oh, I thought you... Follow my man Finance with Sharon. He is not the only one who knows, okay? I also know, so follow me.
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Just wanted to say a few quick words, because it's a pretty big achievement for us to have such a big event here, with so many great people attending, something I'm proud of in and of itself. But I just wanted to say, you know, kind of reflect on how I started in this whole industry back in 2016. So in 2016, we started working with Swift in the very beginning, through this thing called InnoTribe. And there were like three people in the whole company, and right now we're 524 people. And we started working with them when we were these three people, and I knew nothing about the capital markets. I knew like almost nothing about how any of this stuff worked, I just knew banks had a lot of money, and they made more money. And they're probably going to have even more money, because they already had all the money, and they were really good at it, and they're going to keep doing that. And I just wanted to say, you know, kind of reflect on how I started in this whole industry back in 2016. And so I had this big assumption, it was all about money, and just getting more of that, and that was the whole point. And the more I worked with the people at Swift, and the more I worked with people in the infrastructure side of banks, and the more I worked with everybody in this whole industry, the more I saw the same thing I see in startups, which is that people want to build things. The difference is that you guys are building something at such big scales, that it impacts so many people, that you just have to do it differently. But that whole ethos of, you know, building something, and making something, and building something that makes the world work better, is something that I really, you know, I didn't expect before I started working in the capital markets with all you folks. But now after coming to this conference for five to six years, and working with many of the people here on many of the things we work on together, you know, I've realized that that's a very genuine idea. That the people in this industry, they're trying to make new things, and they're trying to create a better world and make it work in a better way. And I've always had a lot of respect for that. And so, you know, on that basis, I feel really grateful to be part of this industry, and to work with many of you. And I'm really looking forward to building all these great things together, and making the world work better. So enjoy the rest of your evening. I'm really excited to talk with many of you. There's also some things I think Jonathan here from Swift is going to say. And, you know, Jonathan has been one of those people that's proven that to me over time, over the, you know, the past seven years that I've been working through this. Through all the ups and downs, you know, he's, you know, he's been a great mentor. how we can make things work better. So I think he's a great example for me of some of the best things about this industry. So Jonathan, please. So I just want to say something, right? If you were here back in Toronto last time we had Taibos, I was here and I saw Sergey walking alone in those, you know, corridors, looking for banks to understand what he's trying to do. What he's trying to build and what he was trying to, you know, make for the financial industry. And now for me, it's impressive to see now that they have a booth, that they have speakers and that they have a rooftop full of people. So I'm just proud of you guys. And I think what you're building is great. So just anything you have to say. So cheers for everybody and for you guys. All right.
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Come with me. In 2013, Amazon enters India. Back then, there were only like 100 sellers. 2014, Jeff Bezos invests $2 billion. 2015, we get our first great Indian festival where we purchased all our cheap iPhones and electronics from. 2016, Amazon launches Amazon Prime, launches legendary shows like Inside Edge, one of my favorite TV shows. 2017, Amazon launches Amazon Carigar to empower the artisans and weavers of a tier 2, tier 3 towns. 2018, Amazon launches Alexa, which wakes me up in the morning every single day. 2019, Amazon partners with the Indian Railways. 2020, Amazon pledges to digitize 1 crore MSMEs. 2021, Amazon launches its venture of $250 million to invest in startups. And finally, in 2023, Amazon becomes the first e-commerce company to launch a dedicated e-cargo network. What do you think Amazon is going to do next? Comment down below.
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अब कल मैंने दुकान से 18 रुपे का समान खरीदा और छुटे नहीं थे तो मैंने सीधा उसकी मशीन पर फोन टैप करके Payment कर दी शॉपकीपर भी हैरान हो गया इसके लिए आपने जीपे की प्रोफाइल पर जाना है और फिर यहां से अपना कार्ड आड़ कर लेना है और आप सिर्फ टैप और पे कर सकते हो कोई OTP या पिंट डालने की ज़रूरत ही नहीं है और यह सभी NFC वाले Android फोन्स में काम करता है यह उनके दोस्ता के लिए खतरनाग हो सकती है पे कंटेक्स पर टैप करके आप अपने दोस्तों के साथ एक नया ग्रूप बना सकते हो इसका मतलब है कि अगर आप अपने दोस्तों के साथ किए भार्पी पीने जाते हो आप उसे यहां से भी ब्लॉक कर सकते हो बाकि जीपे के आइकन पर टैप और होल करोगे तो यहां से डिरेक्टली स्कैनर खुल जाएगा पेमेंट करने के लिए आप में जाने की जरूरत नहीं है प्रेर करके दोस्तों भूल बताओ इन ट्रिक्स के बारे में और ऐसी यूजफुल चीजों के लिए टेकीला को फॉलो कर लो
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to Abu Dhabi and Dubai using our Points and Miles and today we are going to talk about my favorite credit card that I do not have. It's a credit card that I really want to have but I'm going to have to wait due to the issuer's silly rules. Guys, if it's your first time tuning in, we talk about credit cards, points, miles, cash back and travel and if you're interested in those things, please hit the subscribe button. If you get any value at all from this video, please hit the like button. It will really help with the YouTube algorithm and it will help me get this video out to more people. Alright guys, let's get right to it. Today we are going to talk about a credit card that I have been wanting for a very long time from Chase Bank and I am laughably over 524 and if you're not familiar with the 524, you're probably not familiar with the 524. you are not eligible for Chase Bank credit cards. This includes their business cards. So, right now I am LOL24 but I hope to be under 524 sometime in 2022 and I'm pretty sure this will be the first card I apply for. Today, guys, we are talking about the Chase 524. This is the Chase Bank Inc. Business Cash. Now, we have talked several times on the channel about the advantages of business credit cards. They don't count against your personal credit. They don't count against 524 and they are a really good way to kind of jump start your side hustle. They give great value as far as their redemptions and their rewards and they generally have really good bonuses. So, why do I want the Chase Bank Inc. Business Cash? Well, first off, we always talk about the bonus. So does this card have a bonus? You betcha. The bonus is $750 bonus for a $7,500 spend in the first three months of opening the card. Now, that bonus is going to be earned in the way of ultimate rewards points which can be converted to cash at a one to one ratio, one penny per point. Or you can redeem your card. I like to say that the bonus is going to be earned in the way of ultimate rewards points through the Chase Travel Portal. And the good thing about the cashback option is it is actually cashback. It can be directly deposited into your bank account. A lot of these cards will give you statement credit or some other things that aren't actually cashback. I prefer real cashback when I'm going that route. And the Chase Travel Portal is a really good option for a lot of people for a lot of your domestic travel. So, $750. Okay. relatively high spend bonus but most of us and especially if you are running a side hustle or a business marketing marketing marketing marketing marketing marketing marketing marketing marketing marketing passion starts WhatsApp, little pro questions, coffee totally, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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JumboTec is a B2B e-commerce solution in the food and grocery space. We serve over 2 lakh plus Kiana stores across 21 cities in India. We have been in operation for past 8 years and we have scaled significantly during that time. Two years back we reached out to Decentro for a payout solution. We were having struggle with the payout because different store payout was having differently and we wanted to bring them all on a single platform. Decentro had the right solutions and we came together and created the product. What I liked the most about the company was they were able to iterate very fast. While the initial product was not ideal, growth was not there. We were able to create a product that was very fast and we were able to grow it in the team and came back with few iterations and in the multiple iterations we came back with the perfect product. Thanks to their flexibility, their responsiveness, we have scaled much faster than we could otherwise have and I am sure in the process Decentro benefited from it. So, thank you so much Decentro team for the success we have achieved together and for the scale we have achieved. Thank you.
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here at our new Tripoli office. And I'm Kayla Schnoman, the assistant branch manager at the Klossville office. Kayla and I are here today to talk to you guys about proper credit card use. Kayla, you know what one thing I really love about credit cards is? The convenience. I just have to carry this small card in my purse. I don't have to carry a big wad of cash. That way if I lose it, I just have to make a phone call. They'll cancel my card, they'll send me a new one right away. You're right, Beth Ann. But the downside of having a credit card is overspending. It's very easy to overspend. Try to avoid buying things that you can't afford to pay back in a timely manner. This is very true. And another disadvantage is those high interest rates. They're probably one of the highest out there for credit. That's why you should try to pay your credit card down in full when possible. Very true. And a good way to pay your credit card down is you can contact one of our loan officers here. They may be able to help you get a home equity loan. They may be able to help you get a home equity loan. They may be able to help you get a Did you know that some credit card companies offer rewards points like cash back, hotel points, and more? I did know that. And that is such a good perk. But even though you have those nice perks, you want to make sure that you're reading that fine print because sometimes there's hidden fees and those can add up so fast. Another benefit of having a credit card though is it does help build your credit score. It does. As long as you pay it off in full, then your credit score goes up. But if you miss those payments, your credit score can go down. Some important tips that we covered today are to make sure you pay down your credit card in full when possible, don't exceed your credit limit, and keep track of your spending. And by doing all of that, you can apply for one of our Visa credit cards. New Tripoli Bank offers them. If you go to our website, you can look for an application or stop in one of our offices and a community banker will be happy to assist you. And that's all for today. Thank you for tuning into this episode of Helpful Hints and have a great week.
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filed a complaint with the Florida Elections Commission about Democrat Jacksonville Sheriff candidate Lakeisha Burton. Burton allegedly broke campaign finance laws. In the complaint, O'Hara says Burton accepted duplicate donations of $1,000 from contributors. The law is you can only donate up to $1,000 per election, per person, and per entity. The Burton campaign sent this email to supporters after their normal 2023 election switched to a special election this year due to Sheriff Mike Williams' retirement. The email said, quote, The second allegation is the Burton campaign used money from a political action committee called Make Every Voice Count, a group Burton is involved with, to pay for this video, which O'Hara says is directly advocating for the election. The advertisement says, vote for Lakeisha Burton, sponsored by Make Every Voice Count and approved by Lakeisha Burton. Be sure you're following Florida's Voice for details on this developing story.
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America secured credit card or the Bank AmeriCard. Is it worth getting? Well stay tuned we're gonna fill you in on today's Delta Credit Tip. Hello and welcome back to today's Delta Credit Tip. I'm Michael Holmes of Delta Credit Restoration bringing you yet more information to help you in your credit restoration process. Today we're talking about the Bank of America secured credit card or as they call it the Bank AmeriCard and gonna give you some of our opinions on some of those qualities of that card and is it really a good card to help build your credit with. A lot of times we want to borrow or rebank it just makes that relationship better and bigger and easier sometimes to get so we want to kind of go over those cards. So hopefully this information is helpful for you if so give us that thumbs up don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell icon so you don't miss any of our next videos. Subscribe and hit the bell so that every week as we come up with more information to help you with your credit repair process you get this information as we provide it it's timely it's on it helps you right away and you can go ahead and accomplish your goals. Alright so let's talk about this Bank of America secured credit card. Now there are certain characteristics of cards that we like okay normally with a bank credit card you think that them having branches would be a great idea because you can go in there and pay it but if you ever gone to Bank of America just to go and make a deposit like a 30-minute wait so a bank of America secured credit card is a great idea. Bank of America get some more tellers hire some people alright we're gonna get past that part that's really not a credit card issue but it's just a general customer service issue right there's no point in having branches if there's nobody there we'll get past that alright let's talk about more about the specifics of the card so one of the first things we always look at is of course the annual percentage rate now the annual percentage rate on the credit card is made up of two components prime and the margin right now prime is 3.25% and that kind of varies with the market which you can read in the Wall Street Journal it's based on indexes that you can find right but right now that's 3.24 the margin is 19.74 from Bank of America so when they add those two together that's where they get your interest rate from so right now you're looking at 22.99% so that's a bit high I know you're basically paying 23% but recognize credit cards are a great option. but recognize credit cards are a great option. the reason why credit cards are designed to only hold debts for 30 days or less that's why they have the grace period which this card does have the grace period and then afterwards they start charging you interest the grace period is the period during that billing cycle where if you pay it off in that billing cycle you're not charged interest so I charge something on a third of the month the bill comes I pay it in full and I get a 30% interest rate. to zero my effective rate is zero because they're not charging me any interest although the stated rate might be the 22.99% makes sense all right so interest rate not the best thing in the world going on that line of fees and interest the other characteristic that we like to look at is well how much is this going to cost me every year and this particular card has no annual fee that's a great thing right so you don't have to worry about that now they do have other kinds of fees so you don't have to worry about that now they do have other kinds of fees transfers fees late fees over the limit fees you know you can use the card as an overdraft protection which comes with a fee but there is no annual fee that comes with this card okay which is obviously good another characteristic that we really do like about this card one of the primary things that we look for is the ability to have a nice longevity with this account because remember the average age of your accounts represents 15 years. get your money back at some point in time the initial deposit that's required with Bank of America is $300 it goes up to 4900 so you could you have a nice little range there a lot of credit card companies start off at 200 so you know it's it's it's it's still you know relative to to to everybody else so no points lost there last but not least one thing that. Bank of America does offer with this card is the FICO score assistance that comes with it so you can go in there check your credit scores and they give you tips and tricks on how to manage that credit card because it's linked to it so that you can better manage that card and and get that score which we find great you know if you're reestablishing or just learning how to build credit having somewhere to coach you is a great thing to have so. how do we rate this card? well it's it's got some of the good qualities to it you know Bank of America traditionally has a target market that we wouldn't even think would offer a secured card so kudos for them to at least you know reaching out to that that segment of their of their of their customers that need the help in building their credit so we're going to give them a seven because we do like the fact that it does have the conversion factor we do like the fact that there's no annual fee with the card we're just kind of skeptical on. how to rate this card? you know the interest rate and some of those other qualities but if you bank with Bank of America it does make it super convenient and that adds a couple of points if you bank there because it just makes it easier because you're going to be there anyway you can check it online and manage your accounts better with it that way so hopefully this information helps if so give us that thumbs up don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell so that every week as we come out with more stuff you get it right out of the gate and hopefully this information will help you make a choice make a change. Delta. you're welcome
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They don't care about who they hurt or anything. It just makes you feel violated. Scams are when criminals trick you into giving them access to your money. As well as losing you money, this can also leave you feeling scared and ashamed. Knowing the techniques scammers use can help you protect yourself and your money. Anyone can fall for a scam. But people living with dementia can be more at risk because they can find managing money and assessing risk harder. This can make them more vulnerable to scammers. It can be particularly hard if you live alone. My name is Tracy and I'm a retired nurse. I was 45 when I was diagnosed with dementia. I had a stroke first and then I was diagnosed with dementia afterwards. About five years ago someone tried to scam me. I don't always remember ins and outs of it because it happened quite a long time ago. But I remember how it made me feel and how stupid I felt when it happened. Scams take many forms. Scammers can convince you to buy something that doesn't exist or spend money when you don't need to. They can pretend to be your bank, the police or another trusted organisation to try to get your personal information, bank details or money. They can also pretend to be someone they're not, such as pretending they're there to do building work on your house in order to be let into your home to steal from you. It may seem scary but there are ways to keep yourself safe. I had a desktop I suppose and I was having problems with it and it wasn't working and then the phone rang and somebody said, oh you've got a problem with your computer? And I was thinking, well I shall have. How amazing is that? How do they know that? And then not even realising that it was somebody who was scamming me. And then they were saying, talking to me about if I paid them some money they could mend them all for me. They asked for my bank details but then it got my brain sort of kicked into gear. They wanted me to give them my passcode and I refused to do that and then they were quite insistent and because they were quite insistent, they wouldn't take no for an answer so I ended up putting the phone down on them which I don't like doing because it makes me feel quite rude to do that. They rang about 20 times when I was out and then I spoke to the bank. She just said that nobody accessed it because nobody could and because I didn't give them my passcode. If you receive a letter, email, text or phone call you're unsure about which seems too good to be true or needs urgent action, ask someone you trust for a second opinion. If you have an unexpected visitor at your door, always ask to see their ID. It's okay to keep your door closed to strangers. If you get an email from a strange email address, don't reply or click any links. A real bank or organisation will never contact you out of the blue asking for your PIN, full password or to move money to another account. Finally, just hang up or end the conversation if you're unsure. Don't be afraid to say no. I felt ashamed because I'm usually quite hot about things and my brain kicks in and I just, because I was so frustrated of not having a computer that works, I found it really hard. I was thinking how did they know that my computer wasn't working but it was just a coincidence. Since it happened I've spoken to loads of people, loads of people who it has happened to, who are younger, who have nothing wrong with them and that makes me feel heaps better. Because it could have happened to anybody. If I didn't have dementia it could have still happened. Scammers use clever, high pressure tactics so you shouldn't feel ashamed if you have been scammed. There is help available. If you're worried you've been scammed or given your details to the wrong people, tell someone close to you and report it to your bank and the police straight away. Alzheimer's Society is here to support you.
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प्रॉब्लम आता है इसे कैसे भी करेंगे तो दोस्तों यहां पर मेरे फोन पर बेंट अप्लीकेशन में भी प्रॉब्लम जा रहा था यहां पर मैंने योटी या दिल्ली किया एनट यहां पर हम बैंक एककाउंट पर क्लिक करेंगे तो यहां पर मैं किसी को पैसा भेजना चाहिए था यहां पर मैं आपको दिखाता हूं यह रूपया स्टेंड करके यहां पर हम आपको डिटेल्स में बताऊंगा क्योंकि इस टाइप की जो प्रॉब्लम है मैंने पहले भी देखा है एंड आज भी यह प्रॉब्लम मेरे साथ आ रहा है तो इसे जो कैसे फिक्स करना है ब्रांच जाकर फिक्स करेंगे या जो यह आटोमेटिक प्रॉब्लम सों होगा एंड्रेद्ड शरीर से एप प्रॉब्लम आता है आज मैं आपको इस वीडियो में डिडेेल में बताऊंगा एंड किस टाइप से जो है यह प्रॉब्लम में स्टॉल करूंगा वह भी मैं आपको इस वीडियो में बताऊंगा तो दोस्तो तो आपको बता दे कि आपको यह सभी फाल्टू सेटिंग नहीं कहना है इन सभी के चक्कर में आपको नहीं पढ़ना है तो अत्त कृपि के अंदर ए पेमेंट नहीं पढ़ता है तो आपको यह प्रॉब्लम आया था तो अगर आपको पेमेंट हो गया अगर अटोमेटिक नहीं होता जाता है तो हो सकता आप जो बैंक अकाउंट परीच कर दिया गया है या जो आपका उम्र कम हो तो जो है यहां पर आप से पंड कार्ड मांगा जाएगा अगर आपका उम्र कम ख valtा है किसी का तो यहां पर टू ईयाइप पर आपका जो बैंक अकाउंट चोटा है उससे बड़ा करने के लिए भी यहां पर पैंट कार्ड मांगा जाता है इस टाइप के अगर प्रॉब्लम आता है तो आपको ब्रांच जाना पड़ेगा तो मैंने अब जो प्रॉब्लम है कैसे फिक्स किया जो आज मेरे पेटार डर गाज़ार करने से कोई भी सेटिंग करने समझ नहीं होने वाला है तो मैं कैसे इसे पूर्व करूंगा मैं अपना एक्सपीरियेंस आपको सेयर करूंगा जिससे दिव्याजू है आप भी वालो करके अभी अपना यह प्रॉब्लम प्रॉब्लम फॉरल कर सकते हैं या पर मेरा जो प्रोग्लम था वह इसलिए हो चुका है एंड यहां पर मैं फोन पर अपलिकेशन ओपन करके आपको दिखा देता हूं लाइफ रोक यहां पर मैं यह आइडी पर क्लिक करता हूं वर्वभू और अपने चर्श हैन में पैसा डहान चाहिए. जब स्क्लान नहीं खीज दिया, मैं जानती हूं क्लाइक या एक बार पैसा करना चाहता हूं थ। जो कि प्रॉब्लम आ रहा था तो यहां पर मेरा जो प्रॉब्लम फिक्स तो हो चुका है तो अभी जो है मैं आपको उसी अकाउंट में पैसा सेंड करके दिखाऊंगा एंड रोस्टो यह जो मेरा प्रॉब्लम व आटोमेटिक सोल हुआ जो कि मैंने आपको बताया था 24-48 गंटे में टेक्निकल इस वजह से प्रॉब्लम आता है एंड यहां पर मैस फीस जो पैसा इसी बैंक अकाउंट में सेंड करके आपको दिखा देता हूं यहां पर आप देख सकते हैं रुपए जो कि मैंने केल सेंड किया था यहां पर फिल्म बता रहा है एंड यहां पर मैं फीस थी एक रुपए सेंड करता हूं उसके बाद यहां पर मैं अपना यह उपयाय पेंटर करूंगा कि तो आप देखेंगे यहां पर कोई भी प्रॉब्लम नहीं हैगा पैसा यहां पर सेंड हो जाएगा तो आप देख सकते हैं पैसा यहां पर सेंड हो चुका है तो दोस्तों यह जो मेरा प्रॉब्लम आटोमेटिक फॉल होगा 24 घंटे के अंदर जो आटोमेटिक फॉल हो जाता है अगर टेक्निकल इशु रहता है लेकिन अगर ऐसा कोई प्रॉब्लम नहीं है तो हो सकता है आपका आने से जो है आपको प्रांच जाना पड़ेगा आपका बैंक एकाउंट खॉड़ी कर दिया गया हो तो मेरे केस में जो आटोमेटिक फॉल हो गया इसलिए जो मैं यहां पर बैंक नहीं है तो अगर आपका भी आटोमेटिक टो फोल हो जाता है तो ठीक है नहीं तो आपको ब्रांच जाना पड़ेगा और बाकी आपको मोबाइल में कोई सेटिंग बगएरा नहीं कहना है इसी प्रॉब्लम सोल नहीं होने अलार्म तो इस वीडियो में आपको बताइए इस प्रॉब्लम को झाल
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the Chase Inc Business Preferred card. Now it's the last of the three Chase Inc cards and also the top tier one. So today we'll be just reviewing it, diving into any details and any benefits that it has and also be giving my own personal testimony to see if it's worth getting or not. So starting off, there is an annual fee for this card unlike the two other Inc cards with the unlimited and cash back card. This one has an annual fee of $95 but the signup bonus is also greater with 100,000 signup bonus points and you have to spend at least $15,000 within the first three months. So it is quite a significant jump from the other two signup bonuses but if you have the cash to spend and if you're going to be spending that money anyway, this would be a great card for you to have for that signup bonus. Oh I forgot to mention guys, if you could all do me a huge favor and smash that like button, I would be so happy to see you guys in the next video. So if you're new to this channel, I hope you guys are enjoying this video and if you are, I know but I mean it's a free way of supporting this channel. It helped me out tremendously with the YouTube algorithm and also if you want two free stocks on Webull, I have my link down in the description below. But now we'll talk about the rewards of this card. Now when it comes to rewards for this card, this card offers three points for the first $150,000 spent in combined purchases on each account anniversary year for travel, shipping purchases, bills regarding internet, cable, and phone services, and also the annual fee for each account. So if you're a small business owner with employees, this is a great card to have to give your employees a company credit card to make their transactions on. But just keep in mind that you are solely reliable for any financial purchases made on this card, excluding obviously fraudulent purchases. Now regarding benefits with this card, it does carry the same benefits as the Inc. Unlimited and Inc. Cash card where you have the purchase protection plan. From the date of purchase, you have 120 days and up to $10,000 per claim and up to $50,000 per account. And you also get the one year extended manufacturer's warranty. And for the baggage delay of a minimum of six hours, you can get a hundred dollars per day and up to three days. And on top of those benefits, unlike the Inc. Unlimited card and the Inc. Cash back card where they have no trip cancellation insurance, this one does carry a trip cancellation insurance and a trip delay insurance. So for the trip cancellation insurance, you have a maximum of $5,000 per ticket and $10,000 per trip. Now for the trip delay insurance, you have either a minimum of a 12 hour delay or an overnight stay, and that'll be $500 per ticket. And lastly, the last benefit that this card carries is a self-service card. This card 12 month period. Now, some things worth mentioning with business cards in general is that they normally have a higher spending requirement in order to hit the signup bonus. And like I said earlier, this is a significant jump compared to the Inc. Unlimited and the Inc. Cash back card where their signup bonus requirement was $7,500 and this one will be $15,000. So if you have the money to spend and if you have some expenses in the near future that you can use towards this signup bonus, then I would say this is a great card for you to get. However, I wouldn't say go out of your way to spend money that you weren't going to spend anyway, just to hit a signup bonus because that wouldn't make any sense. And also by now, I know that you know of the Chase 524 rule. And so with this one, with all Inc. cards, as a matter of fact, they don't affect your 524 rule. Now again, I'll preface this by saying I can't guarantee that, but through numerous articles and personal testimonies, I can say that this doesn't affect the 524 rule. So it shouldn't affect your 524 rule either, but just take this advice with a grain of salt and use your own discretion when applying for these cards. Now in conclusion, who would I recommend this card for? And in reality, I believe with the annual fee only being $95, it can fit a lot of people's budget, whether it be small freelancers. But however, I would suggest this to be more of a credit card for more established businesses where they do have more revenue coming in through the door every single month because like I said, that $15,000 spending requirement for that signup bonus is pretty, it's a pretty far gap for a lot of people or for most people to hit. So if you are a more established business where you have more money coming through, through the door every single month, I would say this card is right for you. And it is also the only Inc. card that earns rewards on travel purchases specifically. Now for me personally, what I'd be getting this month. I would say the 524 rule. I would say that's requirement needed in order to hit that signup bonus. And also I don't think I'll be spending $15,000 anytime soon. So what I get in the future, maybe if I would be spending that kind of money, but I don't see myself spending $15,000 anytime soon. And for me, the Inc. cash card and the Inc. unlimited card is good enough for me. And plus they're no annual fee and the spending requirement is a little more tangible for me to hit. Well guys, that's all I have for you today. I know this video is a little bit more on the shorter side, but if you want to see any of my other videos for the Chase Inc. cards, I have my videos right over here. But this video did add value to you guys. I appreciate a like and a sub. And maybe even consider sharing this with somebody who's interested in getting any of the Chase Inc. cards. But until next time guys, shoots. .
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The dollar-yen pair traded sideways in the last session. The MACD is giving a negative signal. The Bitcoin dipped to slight 0.2% against the dollar in the last session. The ROC's negative signal is in line with the overall technical analysis. The Aussie dipped to slight 0.1% against the dollar in the last session. The RSI is giving a positive signal. The oil-dollar pair gained 0.6% in the last session after rising as much as 1.7% during the session. The MACD is giving a negative signal. Thank you for your insightful trading ideas. Moving on to world headlines. Bank of France head François-Villaroy de Gaulle, a governing council member of the European Central Bank, said that spike in oil and fuel prices did not change the ECB's objective to bring inflation back towards 2% by 2025. The Canadian dollar edged lower against its US counterpart to end last week but held on to a weekly gain as higher oil prices and the prospect of additional Bank of Canada interest rate hikes increased. Offset preliminary data showing that retail sales fell in August. Oil production cuts by Russia and the OPEC have helped push Brent crude prices up some 10% over the past month to roughly $93 per barrel. JP Morgan's head of EMEA Energy Equity Research fears it's just the beginning of an era of higher prices. And now, let's review today's major economic events. The US Chicago Fed National Activity Index will be released at 12.30 GMT. The U.S. Dallas Fed Manufacturing Business Index at 1430 GMT The U.S. 3-Month Bill Auction at 1530 GMT Germany's IFO Business Climate will be released at 0800 hours GMT Germany's IFO Current Assessment at 0800 hours GMT Germany's IFO Expectations at 0800 hours GMT We hope that you've enjoyed today's Market Outlook. On behalf of all of us here, we wish you a productive trading day. Thank you.
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है तो आपको क्या करना चाहिए मैं आपको एक ऐसा ट्रिक बताऊंगा जिसका उपयोग करके आप उसकी फ्रॉड एक्टिविटी की वास्तव पैमेंट है उसके पर करके नेक्स्ट करना नेक्स्ट करने के का आफ जो डिटेल पूछे जाती है वह डिटेल पूरी फील करके अपना इसकी इन्शोर्ड करतेज करके यहां पर डिजीटर सिग्नेशटर करके आप संबीटेट के प्रश्न प्रश्न
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क्या हो गया तू ऐसे क्यों कर रहा है मैंने गलत यूपियाई आईटी पे दससा सारोपे वेज़ दिया मुझे भेजने आता बिनो थूक एट देरेट बाई बिल पे मुझे मेरे पैसे बापस चाहिए कोई उपाय बता दो अरे अरे तू परेशान मादो तेरे पैसे बापस मिल जाएंगे तेरे पास तीन तरीके हैं पहला जो तूने ट्रांजेक्शन किया है उसका मैसेज तेरे फोन में आया होगा और उसमें एक हेल्प लाइन नमबर होगा सबसे पहले तू उसे कॉल कर और अपने ट्रांजेक्शन को रिवार्स करने बोल अगर इस तरीके से भी तेरी प्रॉब्लम सॉल्व नहीं होती है तो तू अपने बैंक को एक रिटेंड कम्प्लेंट कर दे और अगर सामने वाले का एक ओन सेम बैंक में होगा तो तेरा बैंक इस पैसे को इजली बापस करवा देगा और अगर सामने वाले का एक ओन aldiyah cvc का अकॉन पैसा बचने बैंक में होगा तो तुझे उस बैंक को भी रिटेंड कम्प्लेंट देना जाना होगा प्रस्तुति प्रस्तुति
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card, which is an unsecured credit card for people with pretty limited credit history, generally around a 580 FICO score or above. So this card is very basic, doesn't offer any rewards, but that's okay because it's designed for somebody that wants to build credit over time, not somebody that wants to rack up a bunch of points or miles. So in this video, we'll cover the main things you need to know about this card, but we do have a full review on our website. So it's going to be a quicker video, but if you have any further questions, check out our full review. If you're watching on YouTube, I will link that in the video description below. All right, so let's start off with the fact that this card has a $0 annual fee, so it's not costing you anything to keep it in your wallet. And it also comes with $0 fraud liability. And what that means is that if somebody steals your credit card, or maybe they write down the card number and they use it without your authorization, essentially, if there are any fraudulent charges, they're going to be fined $0. So if you're looking for a credit card, if you find those and report those in a timely manner, you won't be out any money with this card. And that's why a lot of people say it's safer actually to spend with a credit card than a debit card. That's part of the reason that it generally is safer to spend with a credit card versus a debit card. Now, on top of that, in addition to $0 fraud liability, the card does not charge any foreign transaction fees. So I'm not sure that's totally relevant to this card, but if you do find yourself outside the U.S., you can use this card normally, just like you would inside the U.S., and you don't incur, you know, a 3% foreign transaction fee in the process. Now, one thing you want to be mindful of, particularly if you have a limited credit history, is the credit limit on your new credit card. Now with this card, you're likely to have a smaller credit limit to start, but you can be automatically considered for a credit limit increase after six on-time monthly payments. And what's nice about that, is that if you can get a higher credit limit, you want it for a couple of reasons. One reason is having a higher credit limit provides you more of a buffer, more cushion. So it means that on a day-to-day basis, you're less likely to approach your credit limit or even try to exceed it. On top of that, your credit limit can impact your credit score, not directly, but through something that's called credit utilization. And credit utilization, or your credit utilization rate, is the current balance on the card, and it's divided by your credit limit on the card. So just mathematically, if you want a lower utilization rate, which you do, that will be a positive sign for your credit score. If you have a higher credit limit, it makes it easier to keep your utilization rate lower. So if you can be considered for a credit limit increase, if you can get it, you want to get it for a couple of different reasons, not the least of which is credit utilization is a major impact on your credit score. And speaking of your credit score, Capital One also provides you free access to see your credit score and to see how it progresses over time. And that's through CreditWise, through their mobile app, and on their site. My wife actually has a Capital One credit card, and she does use the CreditWise feature to keep tabs on her credit score. So I think it's really nice with this card because, you know, a big reason you're getting it is to build credit over time, and they provide you the tools to make sure you're on track. But that's about it for the credit card. Like I said, it is a very basic credit card. I think it's a great card to use for your credit score. And if you're looking for a credit score, great option, though, if you have limited credit history and you're looking for a place to start. You should definitely check out our full review, though. There's a lot more to learn about the card. Thanks for watching the video. Have a great day. Bye.
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आपका वह फोन है कर लेंगे आपका बैंक अकाउंट आपके के वाइस सब कुछ रखने और आपका बैंक अकाउंट पूरी तरह से खाली कर देंगे आप भी अगर बचना चाहते हो तो इस वीडियो को शेयर करो और वीडियो को लाइक कर दो कमेंट करके जरूर बताना कि वी� वीडियो के अशिर्वाद
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लेकिन हमारे एक सब्सक्राइबर अनीकेथ का ये एकसाइटमेंट एक महीने भी नहीं चला। अनीकेथ जो की एक स्टूडेंट है, उन्होंने अपना पहला बैंक अकाउंट खोला SBI ले। चार हजार रुपे जो पॉकेट मनी से बचाए थे, वो भी बैंक में जमा करा जाये। लेकिन कुछ ही दिनों बाद अकाउंट आधा खाली हो गया। ब्रांच में बात करी तो पता चला कि उनको कोई तो SBI जनरल इंशौरेंस चिपका दी गई है। और अब उनके आटो पे में हर साल 2000-95 रुपे कटते रहेंगे। ये कौन सी इंशौरेंस है, कब अपलाई किया, अनीकेथ को कोई आइडिया नहीं। और ऐसा सिर्फ अनीकेथ के साथ ही नहीं हो रहा। बैंक्स के द्वारा इंशौरेंस मिस्सेलिंग के केस बढ़ते जा रहे हैं। तो ऐसी सिट्वेशन से बच्चे कैसे? सबसे पहले ये समझ लो कि हमारे लिए केवल दो तरह की इंशौरेंस सबसे ज़रूरी है। वीडियो बना रखा है वो भी आपको पिंट कॉमेंट में मिल जाएगा। जैहिन।
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Senator, are you saying that you're opposed to debt relief for impoverished countries? No, we should forgive the debts, but that's not going to help those countries very much. What will? Tax cuts. Some African tax rates are the highest in the world. In Tanzania, the 30% rate kicks in at $475 of income. Plus, they have a 20% value-added tax. It gets added to everything you buy. Those high tax rates make it impossible to build capital in those countries. So nothing gets built. Not factories, not roads, not anything. Poor African countries have the lowest wage workers in the world. And yet a company like Nike, for instance, can't put a factory in one of those countries because of the oppressive tax rates. Taxes have killed any possibility of economic development. They killed any hope of these countries ever helping themselves. Helping themselves. And that leaves them completely at the mercy of charity and loans. And here's the worst part. You know why those countries have such high tax rates? Because of us. To show us that they can raise enough money to pay back their loans. But taxes can't raise any money if they kill the economies. It turns out that the tragic unintended consequence of our good intentions toward Africa, our kindness, is that we have encouraged those countries to pay back their loans. If we don't urge those countries to cut their tax rates, they will never grow their economies. People will live lifetimes of unemployment. Disease will be rampant. Poverty will be permanent. And children will be hungry. And our charity will never be enough. Never.
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Beating out prominent hedge funds like Renaissance, BlackRock, and Bridgewater by returning an unbelievable 191.5% over the last three years, Peconic Partners, led by William Harnish, is the highest returning fund since 2020. 2020. 2020.
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It's Eddie here with Got some ranting and some raving to do today. I don't know if any of you guys have a prepaid debit card, but this rant and rave is going to be about a website called These guys are based from a Bancorp bank, if that tells you anything. This is going to be my review on them. My fiance and I have been using them for about 5 or 6 months now. We recently moved out of town. We had to cancel our bank account because the bank that we had when we lived in the other town is 150 miles away and they don't have a branch anywhere close to here. It was a hometown bank. So we researched online. We should have done a little bit more in depth research because of AccountNow. Let me tell you what, we'll get right into that in just a second. So what happened was. I went to the ATM to withdraw $20 for gas for my car because when I went to swipe the card at the gas station, their bank swipey thingy, whatever you call it, it wasn't working. So what I did was went to the ATM across the street from the gas station. That way I could withdraw the $20 bill so I could put gas in my car. So I could get the work done. Well, the ATM ate my card. Yeah. The ATM just must have been hungry or something. I don't know. So. Sometime around that time. A day after or so, my fiance was trying to log into the account to request a new card. Our 14 month old daughter was climbing in her lap and made her submit the wrong password two times. Not three. Two times. Locked us out of the account. I don't know. Um, so now we have to order a new card from them, which is all fine and dandy, but we can't get in the account to money gram ourselves money tomorrow when our checks go through so we can buy our 14 month old daughter food, diapers, milk, gas for our cars to get to work. So we call this company and we say, Hey, what's the quickest way to get this done so we can log into our account, order a new card, money gram ourselves some money tomorrow when our checks come through so we can take care of our family. You know what the average American does? Take care of their family with their money that they've earned working anyway. Um, so they say, all right, you got to fax, uh, fax us these documents. Um, we need your driver's license. We need the front of the card. Yeah. After we've told them. That we need a replacement card because the ATM ate the card. They still want us to fax in the front of the card. So my fiance, uh, she's pretty aggressive on the phone. I wouldn't want to be on the other end of it. But anyway, um, they finally said, okay, proof of address, social security card, driver's license. Not a problem, right? Of course their fax machine is down. Oh, who would have thought? Seriously? Their fax machine's down. A company that relies on their security of documents to be sent to them via fax machine. This large company that's supposed to be based in California, but I can never get an American on the line. I get people with the name Ben Benjamin, Angela Angelica. Come on. So tomorrow when our checks come through, we're not going to be able to touch the money for an estimated five days. Five days. Anybody ever taken care of a kid with no money that needs diapers and food and gas? Gas isn't free. Neither are diapers and food. Do you want me to go to the store and steal some shit? Really? And blame it on account now. Honestly, I give account now one out of five stars. Don't ever use them. We've spent and had deposit of over 10 grand on that card in three months. 10,000 dollars. They never verified us then. So, I mean anybody can go drop 10 grand on a card, unverified. You lose your card, then they gotta verify you. I mean it's not enough to send them and I, you know. It's not enough to... give them your social security number. It's not enough to verify three, not two, not one, but three security questions. It's not enough to prove to them that you can log into your account. I understand. People are taking security to a new measure, but it's going around in circles and there's nothing that we can do about it. Now they just get a hold on to our money because in order to get a new card, we have to send them a picture of the front of the card that is lost or stolen by the ATM, a picture ID copy, and a copy of a social security card, and a copy of proof of address to a fax machine that doesn't work. Anybody else have any problems with Let's hear them in the comments. Don't forget to subscribe. Again, check out Also check out my new blog Don't ever use accountnow. Any company owned by Bancorp, don't use them. Peace, guys.
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बल थोड़ा परिशानी वाली बात तो है, बल आप अपना पैसा वापस कैसे पासकते हैं? आए जानें बल इंडिया में 71% लोग UPI यूज़ करते हैं, चाहे वो फोन पे हो, गुगल पे हो, पेटियम अगर आपका पैसा UPI से किसी और के पास चला गया है, तो उसको पाने के तीन तरीके हैं तब से पहला किसी भी क्वेरी और कम्प्लेइन के लिए आप UPI के टोल फ्री नंबर पर कॉल कर सकते हैं और दूसरा, www.npci पर अपनी कम्प्लेइन रेजिस्टर करके परिशल्य की प्रतिशिक्षक के लिए आप पाने के लिए किसी और के टोल फ्री नंबर पर कॉल कर सकते हैं
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सर आदा घंटा हो गया बेट करते करते। और कितना टाइम लगेगा। सर आदा घंटे से आपके पास बुक ये बजी जा रही है। दस भर चुके हैं। दस और भरनी है अभी। क्या। इतनी सारी पास बुक्स। सर जो आपने ये दस दस बीस पीसो रुपे की हजाराओं यूपीआई ट्रांजेक्शन कर रखी है ना। उसी के वजह से ये आई है। आपको पता है ये आजकल सब पेवमेंट्स यूपीआई से होती है। मैं खुद परेशान हूँ इससे। सर ये प्रॉब्लम काफी कस्टमर्स को आती है और इसके लिए एनपीसीआई ने लॉउंच किया है यूपीआई लाइट। इसे आप छोटी ट्रांजेक्शन के लिए यूज़ कर सकते हो जिनकी मैक्सिमिम लिमिट दो सौ रुपे तक है। और इसके बहुत सारे फायदे है पहला तो ये आपके बैंक सेटमेंट में रिफ्लेक्ट नहीं होता। दूसरा इसे आप बिना इंटरनेट के भी यूज़ कर सकते हो। और तीसरा इसमें ट्रांसफर करने से पहले कोई ओटी भी डालने की भी ज़रूरत नहीं होती। ये एक तरह से ओन डिवाइस बॉलेट पर जानते हैं।
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I personally use and believe is one of the best online banks currently available going into 2022. Now, if you've watched my videos in the past, then you know that chime and so far are my two go-to online banks, since to me, they offer a lot more than other online or traditional banks. But today I decided to talk about discover bank because it's another online bank I really like and when I currently use for my rental property. So by the end of this video, you should know what discover bank has to offer, how you can earn cash back with your discover checking account and how you can earn passive income with your savings account. So to begin with discover bank offers something that is extremely important when it comes to banking and that's no fees, which is pretty refreshing because no one really likes to pay unnecessary bank fees. This includes no minimum balance, no monthly maintenance fees, no foreign transaction fee, no insufficient funds fee. And no overdraft fee. I mean, you really shouldn't ever have to pay fees to any bank and discover does a great job at bringing this to life. That no overdraft fee alone is gold. Especially if you were to compare it to other banks like Wells Fargo, which are just $35 whenever you overdraft. I know that's a lot on top of no fees. This bank offers a variety of banking options with benefits, and that leads us to their checking account. The discover checking account comes with no fees, checks, and a debit card that allows you to earn cash back on your account. With your discover debit card, you're going to be able to earn 1% cash back on up to $3,000 in debit card purchases every single month, which is the same as $30 in cash back if you were to spend $3,000 monthly. So if you don't usually pay your bills with cash back credit cards, which I suggest, and instead you pay your bills with a debit card, then this would be a great way to pay your bills and earn some cash back while you're at it. You'll also have access to over 60,000. No fee ATMs in the U S where you're going to be able to use your debit card to withdraw money for free whenever you want. But keep in mind that you may be charged a fee by a merchant. If you use an ATM outside of the discover no fee network, but I don't really think this should be a problem since they offer more than 60,000 ATMs for you to choose from. Another benefit you'll get is the ability to send them, receive money fast and free with cell as well as an easy to use app where you can do things like check your account, deposit, and pay. You can also use the check. Now moving on to the discover savings account. This account is a high yield savings account, which is a savings account that pays you a higher than average interest rate on the money you have in that account. In other words, the money that you put into that account will earn you money. For example, discover offers 0.4% APY, which means if you had $10,000 in a discover savings account. Within a year. These are in a year that money will earn you an extra $40 without you doing anything. And although $40 might not seem like much for a whole year. When you actually compare that to other banks like bank of America and Wells Fargo, that only offers 0.1% APY with them. You'll only earn $1 within a year, which is not even enough to buy a cookie with inflation being so high. So honestly, it's not life changing money, but if you're going to leave your money parked in any bank account, then it should be earning you money. And with the discover savings account, you can also use it to save money when you need With discover, you'll also be able to open up a money market account, which is a savings account that offers checking account benefits with this type of account. You're going to be able to earn 0.3% interest on your money, as well as have access to a debit card checks, ATMs, and a lot more moving on to the last savings account discover offers, we've got a CD. In other words, a certificate of deposit, which is simply a savings account that allows you to lock in a specific amount of money at a fixed guaranteed interest rate for a fixed period of time. The main difference between this and a regular high yield savings account is that the interest rates on a high yield account can change while with a CD, you can lock in your money at a fixed interest rate that will never really change during the time the money is in that account. Now discover currently offers a variety of CDs that start from as low as three months to a high of 10 years, but the longer your term is the higher your interest will be. For example, as you can see on the screen, if you were to choose to lock in your money in a CD for 12 months, then you would earn 0.55% interest on that money. But if you were to choose a five-year term, then you'd earn 1% interest on all the money you have in that account, which is almost double now, although you can earn a lot of interest when putting your money into a CD, I don't really recommend anyone doing this because if you were to take your money out before your fixed period of time, then you'll need to pay a fee. I also don't see a point. And locking your money away for X amount of months or years, just to earn some interest, especially now when there are other ways for you to earn interest. For example, you can just get the regular discover high yield savings account and earn 0.40% interest while having access to your money at any time, instead of locking it away. And if you want an even higher return, you can look into banking platforms like chime, who currently offers 0.50% APY on their savings account. Now the last banking products discover offers are in. An IRA CD, as well as an IRA savings account that works the same as a CD and a regular discover savings account, except your money will be put into your individual retirement account. Now, lastly, discover has one of the best, if not the best 24, seven customer service where you can call and get any questions answered or any problem solved any day. And at any time within minutes, and this is extremely important when choosing an online bank, since there's no physical location you can go to, to speak to someone in conclusion, discover bank offers a variety of banking options and benefits, making this one of the best online banks currently available going into 2022. In my opinion, anyways, you guys, that's going to be the end of today's video. I hope you guys found value in today's video. If you did, please just show the like button, please send me some feedback down in the comment section and please make sure to subscribe. I have a new subscriber goal to reach 5,000 subscribers. So let's get it.
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then you could be losing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars. And if you are, then you could still be missing out on that same amount. Not because you're a dummy or anything like that, but because you might not know how to use a health savings account to its full potential. The Employee Benefit Research Institution found that only 6% of people who have an HSA are using it in a way that I'll show you in this video. So the odds are that you are a part of that 94% of people. Let's fix that. To be more specific, you could potentially be missing out on anywhere between $300,000 and 600,000 plus dollars. Now, if that doesn't get your attention, then I don't know what will. In this video, I'm gonna break down everything you need to know about an HSA so you can increase your chances of growing it to anywhere between 300 and $600,000. Later in the video, I'll take you into my HSA account to show you how much I have and how I'm using it to invest for financial independence and early retirement. We're gonna cover things like the what, why, and how, my top three HSA accounts that I recommend. I'll show you how to use the account to maximize its potential, and I'll share with you some of the tips and tricks that I found along the way to turn my health savings account into the ultimate wealth-building machine. This is one of those that I promise you'll regret not knowing about in the future, so pay attention and watch until the end. Hey, I'm Jared, and on this channel, we talk about all things personal finance, investing, and financial independence. Feel free to leave any questions down in the comments below, and I will answer every single one of them for you. If you could do me a huge favor and Hulk smash that thumbs up button, I would greatly appreciate it. It helps support myself, my dog, Molly, and of course this channel, so thank you so much in advance. At a basic level, an HSA is a savings account that allows you to contribute pre-tax money to it every single year. Starting in 2021, the lonely single people out there like me can contribute up to $3,600 per year, and a family can contribute up to $7,200 per year. Just a heads up, expect those amounts to increase over time, so if you're watching this at some point in the future, then they're probably higher, but everything else in this video is relevant. If you're 55 years or older, then you can contribute an additional $1,000 per year on top of that $3,600 and $7,200. The average person who doesn't know any better looks at a health savings account as a way to save for future health costs, hence the name, Health Savings Account. That person puts money into the account throughout the year and withdraws it whenever they have any medical expenses to pay for. But instead of looking at it as a health savings account, I want you to look at it as a health investment account. To be more specific, I want you to look at and treat an HSA like it's an additional retirement account. Think of it like a 401 , IRA, 403 and so on, except for the fact that an HSA is a completely tax-free investment account. More about that in just a few minutes though, so hang on. Think of an HSA as a way to start preparing now for medical expenses you're going to have when you're 60, 70 and 80 plus years old, because we all have medical expenses or more medical expenses as time goes on. It's like insurance for yourself, except for the fact that you get to keep all of the money that you put into it. I personally look at an HSA as a way to earmark less of the retirement money that's in my 401 , IRA and taxable investment accounts for medical expenses. Real quick, I need to get this out of the way. Nothing that I say in this video should be taken as investment advice. Please, please do your own research. I'm just a guy who makes YouTube videos and enjoys drawing stick figures in his free time. When you put money into an HSA, there's three things that you can do with it. Number one, you can let the money just sit in the account and slowly lose value due to inflation. Number two, you can spend the money in the account on medical expenses that you have today or in the near future. So if you go to the doctor next week to get that cough checked out, if you pick up a prescription, if you need to get a filling at the dentist or any sort of a medical costs like that, then you'd withdraw money from your HSA account to pay for those expenses today. Or number three, you could invest the money within your HSA account and let it sit there. Now, if you really wanna maximize an HSA, then investing the money and not withdrawing it for today's medical expenses is what you'd wanna do. This might not make sense on the surface though, because if you have medical expenses to pay for for today, then how are you supposed to pay for them if you don't use money from your HSA? Great question that we need to address. You'd pay for those expenses out of your pocket today to allow your money to be invested within your HSA for as long as possible. This is how you really unlock one of the many benefits of an HSA. You'd wanna avoid taking money out for as long as possible so that it can stay in the account to continue to grow. I cannot stress that more. Let's compare two people who both contribute to their HSA for one year so that you can truly understand the power of investing money in the account. We'll call these two people Asher and Kensley. The only difference between the two is that one of them spends all of his HSA contributions for the year on medical expenses in that same year without investing it. And the other decides to max out her HSA for the year, invest that money within the account and pay for any medical expenses out of her own pocket so that that money can stay invested within her HSA. Because Asher contributed $3,600 and spent $3,600 from his health savings account, he is left with $0 in his HSA account by the end of the year. Because Kensley contributed $3,600 and spent $0 from her HSA, she's left with $3,600 plus a little extra from the growth of her investments by the end of that same year. But here's where it gets interesting for Kensley, and not just Kensley, but for all of you who are watching this video, because he decided to spend all of his HSA money right away. She doesn't plan on touching that $3,600 at all. She's gonna let it stay invested within her HSA account and pay for her medical expenses out of pocket. Not only is Kensley the name of my niece and probably one of my absolute favorite humans in the world, but she's actually really smart for doing this. If she didn't touch that money and let it stay invested for 20 years, then that one year contribution of $3,600, at a time when she's not even in the world, the 7% return would turn into almost $14,000. And it would grow to $27,400 in 30 years. So even if Kensley had the same $3,600 in medical expenses as Asher for that first year that she paid for out of pocket, she's still ahead overall by $23,800 in 30 years because the growth from her money that was invested within the HSA. Because 27,400 minus 3,600 equals of course $23,800, hashtag math. Think about that for a minute. You'd only need to contribute to an HSA for one year and invest the money to have it grow to that amount. If you were a family that contributed the $7,200 for just one year, then after 20 years, it would grow to $27,800 and over $54,800 in 30 years. The key here is to try to keep your money invested within the account for as long as possible. So it has time to grow. We'll cover how to invest the money here in just a few minutes, so hang tight. But hold on because an HSA has another benefit that's overlooked a lot. It's probably the biggest selling point of a health savings account. An HSA has triple tax savings. It's not very often that the IRS legally allows you to skip out on paying taxes once, let alone three different times. The first way, the money that you contribute to an HSA is pre-tax money from your paycheck. The second way, the gains from your investment growth, dividend payouts and interest accumulation is not taxed at all. And the third way, when you withdraw the money for medical expenses, you do not pay any taxes on that distribution. One, two, three. An HSA is like a Roth IRA on steroids. So it's extremely important to take advantage of it if you're able to. One way that I'm supercharging my HSA even more is by charging all of my medical expenses over the years to a good rewards credit card. And paying it off at the end of every single month. Since I'll be spending money on these medical expenses out of pocket anyways, I might as well charge it instead of paying cash so I can take advantage of my 2% cash back rewards. So not only am I earning 2% on the money that I'm already spending, I'm also getting a triple tax savings and growing my money by investing it. If you feel comfortable with doing this, then go for it. If not, then no big deal. I just wanted to make sure that I mentioned it. Now there's a couple of different ways to open an HSA. So the first way is to open an HSA. First, you need to be at least 18 years old and covered under a high deductible health plan. Sometimes referred to as an HDHP for short. Here's an example of what mine looks like that I have through my employer. Notice how it says HDHP as part of the name. That would be the one that you'd wanna choose to be eligible for an HSA. I'd say that the majority of employers offer an HDHP. If you can't find one, then talk to your HR department or manager. If you get health insurance on your own, then you should definitely have access to a high deductible health plan. Once you sign up for a high deductible health plan, you'll need to open an actual HSA account. Now there's two ways to do this so that you can start investing in that HSA. The first is through your employer. If your employer offers a high deductible health plan, then they may or may not offer you an HSA account as well. If they do, then they've already chosen the third party company for you. So then they should, so at that point, they should provide you with a link to open up an account. Now my employer uses a company called Health Equity, which is the third party company that I manage my HSA through. Money gets deposited directly into my Health Equity account every time I get paid. And at that point, I can start managing that money. If your employer does not provide an HSA company for you, or you get health insurance on your own, then you need to open up an HSA account on your own. In this case, you'll have to deposit money into the account, on your own, unless you were able to set something up with your employer where they send your HSA contributions to directly to the HSA provider that you've chosen every time you get paid. There's three HSA providers that I'm familiar with, where you can open up an HSA account. The first is Health Equity. Now they do a great job, but my one problem with them are the fees that they charge. Now to be transparent, they only charge a monthly 0.03% administration fee, which isn't a lot, but I'd prefer not to pay anything at all if I can. If my employer didn't choose them for me automatically, then I would have chosen a different one, which I'll talk about in just a minute. The second is Fidelity. Now they offer an HSA with zero fees. Now I like the zero fees part of Fidelity, but the one thing that I hate about Fidelity in general is their user interface for investing. I personally think that it's trash and extremely confusing, but if you already have a Fidelity account, it might make sense to open up your HSA account, through them as well. The third is Lively. Now they're by far my favorite. They charge zero fees, give you access to low cost index funds, and their user interface is very, very good. They would be my personal number one choice. Let me give you a little behind the scenes of what I'm actually doing to utilize Lively. Now, since my employer forces me to automatically have my HSA contributions deposited into my Health Equity account or a Health Equity account, I'm personally rolling over all of those contributions to a Lively HSA account every single time that I get paid so that I can avoid the fees that Health Equity charges me. So keep that in mind. No matter who the HSA provider is that your employer chooses for you, you have full control over being able to roll that, roll that account or that money in that account into a different HSA company. If you are not happy with the one that your employer has chosen for you. I'll have a link to open an account with each of these three providers. providers down in the description below. To be transparent, the Lively link is an affiliate link, so if you open up an account using it, then it does help support this channel and myself, of course, at no extra cost to you. Let me make this very clear. I can't tell you what to do with your money or how to invest it, but I personally only invest my HS money into low-cost index funds. Now, I created a whole video on everything you need to know about low-cost index fund investing that I'll link up right above my head and down in the description as well. I've been investing in my HSA for less than two years, and my account is currently worth almost $7,800 at this point in time. Now, that's an investment return of 26.9% over that time period. So far, so good, and that example for Kensley was only at a 7% return, so I'm ahead of the curve at this point. The nice thing about an HSA is that you have full control over it and can take it everywhere with you. Once you start putting money in, you're going to be able to take it everywhere with you. So, if you want to invest your money into one, it is not tied to your employer at all. If you leave your current employer, then you still have access to that account through that third-party HSA company that you use. Or if you leave your current employer and you don't like that third-party HSA company that they're using, so if I didn't like health equity, then I could roll all of that money that I had in health equity over to a company like Lively. Technically, you can withdraw your money for non-medical expenses, but it does come with a little bit of a price, actually a pretty big one. So, if you're a health equity person, you can withdraw your money for non-medical expenses. If you use your funds to pay for things other than qualified medical expenses, then those funds will be taxed as ordinary income and the IRS will impose a 20% penalty as well. For example, if you spend $500 on non-qualified medical expenses out of your HSA, then you'll pay a penalty of $100. This $500 will also be shown as earned income for the year as well, which you'll pay taxes on. Not cool. Don't do this because it defeats the whole purpose of an HSA. I'll have a link down below in the description to give you access to a list of qualified medical expenses if you want to kind of check it out. Now, just a heads up, there are a lot of things covered and I'd honestly only expect for this list to grow as time goes on. So, if you look at that and you're like, oh, this isn't covered, this isn't covered, don't worry because the coverage usually grows from year to year and they keep adding more and more things to consider as qualified medical expenses. But after you reach the age of 65, you'll see that you can still get a tax-free income. So, if you're a child, you can still get withdraw will still be taxed as ordinary income. Just to touch on the insane amount of tax-free money that you can accumulate over time, if you maxed out your HSA at $3,600 per year as a single person over 30 years, then at a 7% return, your account would grow to $340,000 of tax-free money. Don't forget to Hulk smash that thumbs up button before you go. Check out the description for more resources and playlists to help out with all of your personal finance, investing, and financial independence needs. I'll see you in the next one, friends. Done.
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Today I wanted to talk about what I believe is the best beginner credit card on the market. Is it the fanciest? No. Is it the sexiest? No. No. But those are the exact reasons why I believe the Capital One Platinum Credit Card is the best credit card on the market for people rebuilding credit or just getting started on their credit journey. Now, the reason I say this is if you're just now starting on your credit card journey, you want a credit card that allows you to use the functionality of a credit card without enticing you into doing something stupid like spending money you don't have in order to get signup bonuses or rewards or just maxing out a credit card and eventually ruining your credit score from the get-go. And personally, I believe Capital One is the best company out there working with people with low to no credit scores. I mean, there are predatory companies out there, just go look at Credit One and Capital One is definitely not like that. Before we get started, my referral link is down below. So go ahead and click that, helps the channel out and go ahead and like and subscribe if you like this video. Let's get back to it. So let's get into the details. What does a Capital One Platinum credit card actually look like? I have mine right here. This is what it actually looks like. I'll put up a picture too, but I think you guys are here to look at what are the offers, what are the benefits connected with the card? So let's dive into it. So like I said, it's not sexy whatsoever. There's no signup bonuses. There's no cash back bonuses. There's no spending bonuses, but there's also, and here's a big part, no annual fee. Usually cards like this being offered from companies that try to copy Capital One, like Credit One will offer you a card with no benefits whatsoever. And they will actually charge you a 30, 40 or $50 annual fee just to have the credit card. For Capital One though, their standards are a little bit higher than Credit One. And if you aren't approved for the Capital One Platinum card, they will give you this exact same card in a secured credit card version. So I've talked about before my channel, but secure credit card is when you pay somebody like Capital One, $100, and they will give you a credit card with a line of $100. And credit. with you using that credit card. And if you use it responsibly for six months, they'll refund your $100. And you will just now have a unsecured or regular credit card with Capital One and their Capital One Platinum credit card version. And that's actually how I got started on my credit card journey. I opened a secure credit card with Capital One. And now I think I'm up to nine credit cards. Now the APR on the card is 26.99%, which is really high for a credit card. But keep in mind, you should never carry a balance on the credit card. So I don't actually care about the APR on credit cards because you should never ever use it as a way to carry a balance over from month to month. I actually pay the balance on my credit card as soon as the app lets me. So with Capital One, usually there's about a two day processing time. I pay it immediately as it allows me to. Some people say you should let it report to the credit bureaus first to increase your credit score. What I have found from my own personal experience is that nobody has the right answer to this, but it actually has lowered my credit score because my credit utilization has gone up from 0% to like 3%, which will just lower your score by four or five points each month. Now there are some other minor details connected with the card. There is a $39 late payment fee, which is relatively high. But once again, you should never be paying the credit cards late or carrying a balance. But luckily since it is a credit card, they do offer fraud liability protection. Meaning if you stole my credit card number from this video and try to buy something, I wouldn't actually be on the hook for that. And Capital One would just refuse it. They would refuse to make the payment. There's also no foreign transaction fee, but they do offer emergency card replacement. On top of the emergency card replacement, if you do put a rental card onto this credit card, you don't have to pay for that liability protection. They try to upcharge you when you are renting a car. So that's a nice benefit. And that's pretty much it. It's a pretty simple, straightforward card. So let's talk about why I think you should get this credit card. There aren't a lot of fees connected to the Capital One Platinum card. You probably won't get a high credit line with it as well, but that's kind of the point of the card is to target people starting out or rebuilding their credit. So it minimizes the amount of mistakes you're allowed to make. So you don't get a $10,000 credit line maxed out, and now you're $10,000 in debt. They might give you a $500 credit line. So you can't absolutely ruin your life with this card. Now, are there better cards on the market for general use and people who know how to use credit cards? A hundred percent. And I plan on making videos on those, but I think this is the best starter card on the market. I'll leave a referral link down below if you think you want to apply for this card. It's going to help this channel grow. So go ahead and click that link and apply if you do think you want to get started on this credit card journey. And remember, it may be hard now, but it doesn't always have to be. I'll see you in the next one. Bye.
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talk about should you have a joint bank account. Damien's going to run through the pros and cons of having a joint bank account with your partner and then just to finish I'm going to summarise the things you need to think about before you do go and get a joint bank account. So to get started Damien what's the pros of getting a joint bank account? Okay so if you're going to have a joint bank account for anybody the obvious pro is if you're going to be paying joint bills because then all the money comes out of one account. It makes managing money far easier if it all goes into one place. It also encourages you to build an element of trust with that person. If you've got a partner you're going to have to do that anyway when it comes to finance. I remember when I had to do it with my now wife getting the joint account was a felt like a big decision and it is but you've got to build enough trust as I'll come on to in the cons. The reasons why it makes it easier when you're paying your rent and mortgage that it comes from a joint account because then you can both control it and you both put money into it. It can prevent arguments over money. It can mean that if one member dies then you have access to that money straight away. So in my case if I was to die we've got a joint account and my wife can access the money straight away without having to go through probate and everything like that because if I had money in my sole account that we were using to live off then if I died then she would be able to access it straight away even though she is my wife. It'd be far harder on a joint account. She can just go and access that money straight away because her name is on it. Now there is a one benefit that people don't realize on joint accounts is that if you remember back to the financial crisis when everything was going a bit wrong and people worried that banks were going to go bust then there is the financial services compensation scheme that covers you for up to eighty five thousand pounds of a bank goes bust. If you've got anything up to eighty five thousand pounds of a bank goes bust then you've got to pay the money. Now there are some nuances on that. Go and google the financial services compensation scheme because that cover is for a per banking license so it's not for each brand so HSBC and First Direct for example they have one banking licence. They might be two brands but they have one banking licence which means you only get covered for one bank at a time. So if you have a joint account that's in a joint account now the cons there are cons of course you've got to be able to trust the other person who's not going to run off with the money and empty the account because they are entitled to if their name is on it they don't have to ask your permission and you have to be honest about your spending and of course you're going to be both responsible for any overdraft on an account so it's not just about the money that is in credit it's about the money that you could be in debt as well now one of the things if you get a joint account you have to be aware of is that you become financially linked to somebody so it means that if somebody's got a bad credit rating and then you have a joint account with them you become financially connected and it will start to impact your own credit rating so you have to bear that in mind particularly if your partner has got a poor credit rating you might not want to be become financially connected and might not want to take out financial products or joint accounts together and of course the final thing is that if you do break up and we're basing this on a couple but anybody can get joint accounts you don't have to be a couple but if you do break up for any reason or you fall out of friendship with somebody then that will be messy if you get a joint account so bear that in mind yep so to summarise should you get a joint account things to think about before you go and take one out is are you both on the same wavelength when it comes to assessing goals and aims with your money are you both saving for the same thing or is one of you going to go and do something else yeah so i wouldn't Kenya a little bit more about how come boyc czany pay I hear boyc the laptop frozen in the account and then until you come to an agreement that's when you can both access the money. So bear in mind that two accounts can still work you don't have to have a joint account it can be better than one but one last thing if you are going to have a joint account then make sure you both have access to logons online so you've got internet banking so you can see what is going on. Okay so that's it for this week's Millennial Money thanks so much for watching make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us over on our social media so our Facebook Money to the Masses, our Instagram at Money to the Masses and our Twitter at Money to the Masses with the number two. Thanks so much for watching.
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Number one, वो आपको ऐसा एक illusion create करके देता है कि आपके पास पैसे हैं when the truth is शायद आपके पास पैसे नहीं हैं. Number two, अगर खुदाना खासता आप अपनी पूरी payment नहीं कर पाते हैं then it piles up on the interest like nothing else because 30 to 36% का interest देते हैं आप साल का which makes it the most expensive loan. Number three, अगर आपने payment पर default कर दिया आपका credit score गया that will make it harder for you to get loans or even if you get them आपको उनको higher rate of interest पर मिलेगा. But credit cards are not all that bad as well. There are three reasons why credit cards are awesome. Check my channel to get that shots as well.
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अरे welcome, welcome, छोड़ो आप मुझे ये बताओ कि आपने मेरे account से किस बात के 800 रुपे काटे? Sir, bank में सिफ account open करने से कुछ नहीं होता है, उसमें आपको 10,000 का minimum balance भी maintain करना होता है. और वो थो आप करते हो नहीं, इसलिए penalty लगी है. क्या बात कर रहे हो भाईया, वो daily balance नहीं होता है, वो monthly average balance होता है, और वो तो मैं हमेशा maintain करता हूँ. But महिने की last date को आपके account में minimum balance नहीं था, इसलिए आपके पैसे कट गए. रुको मैं समझाता हूँ, अगर 30 दिनों में से भी 15 दिनों के लिए मैं account में 20,000 रुपे रखता हूँ, तो भी मेरा monthly average balance maintain हो जाएगा, और इसके बाद आप कोई भी तरह की penalty नहीं लगा सकते. अरे सर, अभी check करके आपके पैसे auto reversal करवा देता हूँ. ये हुई ना बात, अब आप इस वीडियो को share करो सबके साथ and follow up skills cool.
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This first one, I don't want to say I picked him or her because of the name, but the name was pretty good. This is from Foo, F-O-O, all capitals, Manchu. Foo Manchu. Looking for advice on HSA investments. Currently, I'm 100% equities because we're treating it like an IRA. Now we have a baby on the way and I'll probably end up tapping it each year. Should I stick to cash? How should I think about my HSA investments? So Brian, talk a little bit about, he said something interesting there, turning into an IRA. I think that's an interesting thing to talk about. And then how should you allocate an HSA from an investment standpoint? And does it change depending on life cycle and all that kind of stuff? Yeah, this is a great question. We love HSAs just to catch people up when this goes out as a highlight. We love HSAs because they are in that step five of the financial order of operations. That's why we love HSAs. Step five is tax-free growth. We love that HSAs, just like Roth IRAs, HSAs have the opportunity to grow completely tax-free. And they're triple tax advantage, meaning that when you fund an HSA, it is tax deductible. You get a deduction. It grows tax deferred, meaning that while it's invested, that money is growing. You're not paying taxes on an annual basis. And then if you use it for qualified medical expenses and health care, it will be distributed completely tax-free. That's why we say it's triple tax advantage. Now, Foo Manchu had a question here. He said, look, I have been investing. I'm part of the 4%, not the 96% that use this as a clearing account where I put it in, take the tax deduction, but then immediately reimburse myself. Foo Manchu is actually part of the 4% that has invested that money so they can take advantage of all three components of the triple tax advantage. But life's changing. Change it. So trying to figure out how does this all work with this investing strategy. So I want to back up on something. This is kind of a review course here on using good use of HSAs and investing. Remember, I want your HSA. If you or somebody who knows you're going to use it as a clearing account, there's nothing wrong before you start investing to fill up either. You have to choose. Is it the deductible or is it the out-of-pocket maximum for your family? Because realize every health savings account has a requirement. It has to be part of a high deductible health insurance plan. And those plans, and this is why you have tax savings on your contributions, but also the cost of the premiums is because more of the responsibilities actually go fall on your shoulders for your health care. So it really turns health insurance into a discount program more than it is a reimbursement program. Because I've been on a health savings account for years. I was in the health insurance business. And I don't think in the last three to four years, and we have a lot of health care expenses, I don't think I've gotten that much reimbursement whatsoever because you're usually just trying to fill up the deductibles. You're trying to fill up the out-of-pockets. So a lot of it's going to fall on you. So especially if you're having a baby or things like Fu Manchu talked about, you know more is going to fall on you. And if you can't afford to just collect those receipts and then reimburse yourself sometime in the future, after you've had years of compounding growth, then I would definitely lean into you making that decision on deductibles or out-of-pockets and then invest above and beyond that. Because remember, you are contributing every year to this plan. And hopefully you don't have such high medical expenses that it's wiping out that $7,100 or whatever the family maximum is for you whenever tax year you watch this video. So it is replenishing. But you at least need to have enough money to cover that first year's deductible or out-of-pocket, whatever your comfort level is. And I don't think, you know, because Fu Manchu, you mentioned that you've got a baby on the way. I don't think it's crazy to think about altering your HSA strategy depending on your stage of life. Perhaps you were a young person who didn't have any medical expenses. And so you're just dumping in those HSA dollars. Yeah, get those invested. Have an equity side portfolio. Have those dollars growing. But then as you start thinking about, okay, well, I'm going to have, a family and babies and sniffles and bumps and boo-boos and all that kind of stuff. Okay, maybe I want to shift my allocation. Or maybe I do want to have a little more cash in there to cover, exactly like you said, the deductible out-of-pocket max. It's okay to change. That's one of the beautiful things about finances. It's sort of a, it's a journey. It's a path that changes based on what's going on in our lives. Fu Manchu, great question. Great name. And congratulations on the new baby. That's super awesome. Ditto.
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the latest scams, whether they're brand new scams or scams that are becoming newly popular. This time I have seven new scams to talk about and some of them are very clever. And of course, the best way to protect against them is to simply know about them. So make sure you pay attention and watch all the way through. So let's get into it. Starting off with number one, we have a scam called virtual kidnapping, which I think is one of the most evil scams I've heard about in a long time. Probably deserves its own video, but here's the basics. How this scam works is a victim will receive a phone call that appears to be from a family member, but it's actually a scammer who has spoofed that family member's phone number. And then the scammer will actually pretend to have kidnapped that family member or friend. So when you go to pick up, they'll say, I have your mom hostage or whatever family member, and they'll usually have an accomplice in the background who is screaming or yelling or crying and making fake noises. And then the scammer will actually try to make you think that that's your family member and that they stole their phone and are calling you from them and demanding payment or else they're going to hurt them. So it's pretty evil. Sometimes the scammer will actually look on social media and try to find people who are on vacation because probably this person told their family members that they're going on vacation. So they might be more likely to believe that they were kidnapped while traveling. A lot of families worry when someone goes out of the country, for example, anyway, but believe it or not, it actually gets worse because these days the technology exists to actually clone someone's voice using just a few seconds of audio sample. And there have been cases where a scammer uses this technology to clone someone's voice and call family members pretending to be them. So the family member will get a spoofed phone call, appearing to come from this person, appearing to be this person on the phone talking and asking for the person's name. And then the family member will be the person to send money because whatever crisis is going on, maybe they're saying I'm kidnapped or maybe they're saying I'm in jail and I need bail, whatever reason. And I think as this technology becomes more accessible, it'll become more common. So you want to know about this ahead of time. However, even if this happens to you and you know, it's almost certainly a scam, but you want to be sure just in case there's several telltale signs that it is a scam. One thing is that if you demand verification or proof of life or something, the scammer will probably just make more threats and deny you to do that. So if you say, send a picture of this person or something like that, they'll probably just say, no, if you don't send the money right now, I'm going to hurt them even more. Something like that. They'll just outright refuse, even though it's probably in their best interest, if this was really the case to actually prove that they have what they say they do. And also they will go to great lengths to get you to not hang up the phone because they know that if you actually text the person back at the number. That they're spoofing or call them back, they're not going to get the phone call. The real person is, and then they'll immediately be able to know that it was a scam. So if you say something like, well, I'm going to hang up and call back to make sure you actually have the phone. They are going to give you every reason why you should not do that. And that you'll regret it if you do. And that sort of thing. So one thing you could try, if you really are not sure if this is the real deal, you could send a text message to this person who is supposedly calling you and say, I just sent you a text message. What does it say? And if this person on the other line who supposedly has that phone can't tell you what the text message is because they obviously wouldn't receive it because it was spoofed. Then you know, it's a scam a hundred percent, or you could even say something like, Hey, I'll pay you triple if I'm able to hang up and call you back and you pick up. And even though that seems like a great deal, they still won't do it. They'll say, no, you better not hang up. Whatever excuse. The thing with all these types of scams is they want you to pay. They want you to pay immediately. And they want you to not have a chance to verify. Anything. Now, one thing to note is if you're on a landline, be careful if you go to hang up and then try to call back because there's actually a lot of phone companies where if you hang up and the other person doesn't, it will actually keep the line connected. So when you go to pick up the phone again, after hanging up, you may still be talking to that scammer. This is actually the basis of another type of scam called a delayed disconnect scam. I did make a video about it in the past, so I'll have that pop out. So if you're on a cell phone. You don't have to worry about this, but just be aware of that. So anyway, to sum this up, if you get a phone call from supposedly a friend or family's number and it is some hostage taker or even appears to be the person themselves talking, but they're asking for money, be extremely suspicious and maybe verify using another method. Maybe call them from another phone or have some kind of password set up in case of emergency, something like that. All right. Now, before we continue, I want to give a big thanks to today's sponsor, Guardio. Which is relevant to this video. Guardio is a browser extension that provides real-time protection from all sorts of threats while browsing the web. For example, it blocks malicious sites using in-house custom-developed methods for detecting phishing and malware content, all before those threats have a chance to do any harm. It also scans your other browser extensions and alerts you if there are any disguised malicious extensions installed. And if there are any sites that trick you into enabling shady spam notifications, Guardio will trace the actual source of those notifications. And if you're not familiar with Guardio, you can use the link in the description to download Plus there are other features such as newly enhanced identity monitoring for leaks of your personal info on the dark web with real-time alerts, even if you signed up for something on mobile. Another feature is search hijack correction, like in case any sites attempt to change your browser settings without your permission. Guardio has also added download protection to block malicious files even if you accidentally clicked to download them, like infected game mods, program updates, and more. Recently it was found that even Google Ads were used to distribute malicious files to And Guardio can also block those. You may have also seen how recently a lot of YouTube channels have been taken over and used to stream fake cryptocurrency scams, and Guardio can also block the scams linked from those videos. You can scan your browser for threats for free by visiting slash theojo and installing the extension, and you'll also get a free 7 day trial to the premium features such as real-time threat removal. So if you want a secure and clean browsing experience, again, don't forget to check out And with all that being said, let's continue on to the rest of the scams. Moving on to scam number two, fortunately this isn't as evil as the first one, but definitely clever. And that is a self-checkout scam. So imagine you're at the grocery store, you go to the self-checkout, you buy your groceries and get home, and realize on the receipt that you got charged more than you should have. There's something on that list of items that you didn't get charged. Well, you just got scammed. But how did that happen? What happens with this is the scammer will go through the self-checkout with a gift card for some amount, say $20, and they'll start the checkout process, scan it, and then walk away. And they'll wait and hope that someone will show up to that self-checkout and start filling out their own groceries without realizing that the checkout process had already started, and then eventually they'll pay for not only their groceries, but the gift card that they'll buy. I've seen stories about this happening specifically at Walmart, and I'm not sure that this would probably work at all stores, depending on the user interface of the self-checkout. I bet at some stores it's more obvious than others that the checkout process has already been started and there's already something scanned. So just be sure if you're doing a self-checkout at any store that you're 100% certain that it starts out with a $0 total before you scan anything. So that's the scammer scam. So that way you can know no one scanned a gift card or something and they're going to go use it after you bought it. All right, now number three is more of a technique that might be used on any number of scams, and that is one-time password stealing. These days, a lot of services, especially banks and financial institutions, require two-factor authentication, at least in the form of an SMS message, where if you go to try and log in or send money or something, they'll send you a text and you have to type in the code to complete that. So that way, even if someone steals your password, they can't actually steal your password. But scammers have realized that a lot of times it's actually pretty easy to trick someone into giving them that code anyway. For example, if it's over the phone, they may say, hey, I'm going to send you a verification code and I need you to read that back to make sure you're real. But really what's happening is they're logging into your bank using your credentials that they stole some other way, maybe through phishing, and they need that code to log in. So they're pretending that they sent you the code. But the scammer needs it to log in. So they simply ask you for it, pretending to be the bank. It could also even be a phishing site that is set up to not only steal your login credentials, but also the code that they send you. So when you type in your login and password, it will try and log into the real bank site. It'll trigger the message to go to your phone. And then when you type the code into the fake phishing site, they'll be able to log into the real one. And there are even bots out there that will do this in an automated way. But I'm not going to go into that right now. But the scammer will be able to log into the fake phishing site where they'll call you and it'll have a robot voice pretending to be your bank. And they'll say, we're sending you a code. Please type it back in. But really it's the scammer. It's not from the bank. So when you go to type back into the phone, they steal it. I actually made a video about this specific technique in the past. I'll have that one pop out too. All right, moving on. We have fake QR codes, which again might be used in several different ways. Basically scammers will put QR codes that are malicious out there in public and hope people will scan them. One example I've seen. Scammers will put a QR code on a parking meter and pretend that's the way you're supposed to pay. So when someone goes up to pay the parking meter, they'll scan the code, send the money, and someone will think that they just paid the parking meter, but really they sent it to a scammer. I've also seen examples where scammers will mail out junk mail that has some kind of QR code for how you can claim a free gift or something like that. And it either steals your information or steals your credit card because of some fee. But basically they're just trying to get you to scan that code to take you to the scam. It's also possible they'll just put a QR code that links to malware of some kind, and they're hoping people will just scan it out of curiosity, or they might even replace a QR code that is legitimate at some store with a fake one. So just be aware of these things. All right, moving on. We have Facebook marketplace scams. These theoretically could happen on any online marketplace, but Facebook is apparently one of the more common ones these days. The one that's been popular recently is if you go to list an item on Facebook marketplace, they scammer will contact you and say, Hey, I want to give you a deposit and pay you right now and then I'll pick it up later or I'll have someone pick it up. So instead of paying in person like you normally would, they'll want to send the money ahead of time. And then usually what they'll do is just pretend to accidentally send too much money. And then it turns into a classic overpayment scam. Where. They paid you using some fraudulent method and they'll say, Oh, I sent too much. Can you send back the difference? And then if you send the difference back, the bank will realize the first transaction was fraudulent and they'll take that money back as well as what you sent them. And now you're out both amounts. There's also another scam I've mentioned before, where a scammer will say that they want to verify that you're real and ask you to send back a code, but it ends up being a Google voice code. And they'll basically use that to hijack your phone number. Effectively. So don't send back any kind of code they ask for. Don't accept payments that are non-normal, not in person. The best thing to do is if possible, meet in a neutral public place with a lot of people around to exchange this item. And actually these days, a lot of police departments have designated zones set up outside the department where it'll be 24 seven monitored and it's basically a safe spot for where you can sell or buy things in person. And that's where I think the most of the information comes in. I believe these are called safe exchange zones, usually. And there's actually one website it's called safe trade This one seems to be the most up to date and most comprehensive list. So you can look up your local area on that and see all the police departments that have a zone set up. You can do this safely, or you could always just Google safe exchange zone and the name of your town police, something like that. And if I was selling something really high priced, like a car, what I would probably do is have them meet you at their bank and then they'll go and you watch them get a cashier's check from the actual bank teller and they'll give that to you. And then you can know that it's a legitimate one that just came from the bank. All right, onto the next scam are text messages from your own number. Usually the scammer will send these out and pretend to be your phone carrier and it's mostly to get your attention. And I guess they figure, well, who else would be able to send a text message from my own number? Then the phone carrier. So you might think it's logical and it'll usually be something related to your bill. You'll say there was an error in your payment or here's the confirmation for your payment. It'll be some kind of phishing link or some other malware link of some kind. Theoretically this could be used for any type of scam, I guess, just to get your attention. But like I said, most of the time it's going to pretend to be your phone carrier. All right, finally onto number seven, though stick around. I do have a couple more to mention after this. And this one is student loan. Forgiveness scams. As you may know, in the United States, there's been a lot of talk of forgiving student loan debt and scammers have noticed this and are taking advantage. A lot of times this will involve either getting a spam email or maybe even seeing an ad that will claim that this is the way you can get your student loan debt forgiven of any amount. And then they'll require some kind of payment, whether it's a fee or whatever. And really they just end up stealing that money or they might just ask for personal information. They might use that to steal your identity and they might even ask for something like your FSA ID, federal student aid ID and password and use that for God knows what. Now I should point out that apparently there are legitimate companies out there that specialize in debt relief and charge a fee, but definitely be suspicious of these if they're even necessary. The usual advice I see is to reach out to your loan servicer directly. That's the company that you pay your interest payments to. They'll help you out. They'll help you out because it still means they get paid and you don't have to go through some third party that's potentially a scam. All right, finally, as a bonus, I'm going to quickly go through a few scams that I've already made dedicated videos about. So I'm not going to go into super detail, but I will put the links popping out or in the description. So while I'm quickly going through them, definitely watch those as well. The first is a big one. It's called the pig butchering scam and basically a scammer will spend a lot of time pretending to be either someone from a dating app or someone that reached out to you via text and is trying to be your friend. And eventually after gaining your trust, even potentially over months, they'll try to get you to invest in this crypto investing thing that they're supposedly doing and making a lot of money. But really they end up just stealing it because it's a fake site that they run. Better watch the whole video because it can be extremely involved, but just be aware that that is a scam that's become popular. If you Google pig butchering scam, you'll find a lot of results. Another one is called business email compromise. This is the one FBI warned about. And basically a scammer will hack into a company and access their email servers and then email out to customers and scam them using the real company's email address. And they'll pretend to say, hey, if you pay us this amount early, we'll give you a discount, something like that. And you end up paying the scammer. So again, watch that video. Third is a PayPal email scam where the scammer will use a feature in PayPal that lets you send out an invoice. And the email will actually come from PayPal. So you can see that the scammer will use a feature in PayPal that lets you send out an invoice. But really, you don't have to pay it at all. So be suspicious of emails, even if they appear to come from that are asking you to pay for something. And finally, I made a video talking about how comment scams are going rampant on YouTube. This may be saying to contact on WhatsApp and they'll impersonate the creator and say, oh, you won a prize. Send the shipping fee and we'll send it out. There's also one where a scammer will leave a spam comment pretending to recommend some kind of hacker on Instagram who will be able to get your money back if you had it stolen. And a lot of times they target videos just like this one. But of course, this is not a real person who is going to get your money back. They'll just steal it again. So I'll put links to all those in the description if they didn't pop out already. Definitely watch those. There's the ones I've made in the past year. So hopefully this video helps you out so you can avoid all of these scams. Thanks again to Guardio for sponsoring this video. I'll see you next time. Don't forget to visit slash TheoJoe and install the extension and scan your browser for threats for free. The link is also in the description. If you enjoyed this video, definitely give it a big thumbs up and let me know down in the comments if there's a scam that you've never heard of before and we can watch out for that too. If you want to keep watching, the next video I recommend is the video I made last year about new scams in 2022. They're still valid, so definitely check that out so you don't fall for those either. So thanks so much for watching everyone and I'll see you in the next video.
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My name is Anthony Cofrancesco from And today I'm going to be walking you through our updated video on the Chase Sapphire Preferred. Now this I think is one of the best all around travel cards on the market. Now, before I jump into the video, I will tell you with each of our videos, we have links down in the description below. It helps us earn a little bit of commissions that helps us to keep making these videos into the future. With that being said, let's jump right in with the basics. The first thing that I love to talk about is the signup bonus. And on this card, it's quite lucrative. It's quite good. 50,000 points. Now the type of points that you're actually going to be earning, these are Chase Ultimate Rewards points. And the really cool thing about these is they're transferable. Now I have multiple other videos explaining what transferable points are, but if you do remember what makes them so valuable is the flexibility. Okay. With transferable points, you're not locked into one airline or one hotel. You can transfer them out to a range of different partners, which really helps you to get a lot of good value. Okay. So now in terms of how you're actually earning the points, it's really simple here, you're going to earn two points per dollar spent anytime you're spending money on going out to restaurants or on travel, and then you're going to earn one point on everything else. So the annual fee on this card, another really good selling point right now is actually that. It's $95, but it is waived for the first year. So this is a really great opportunity. If you're new to travel hacking, if you're new to points and miles and you're thinking, am I going to get this card? Do I want to keep it? You actually do not have to pay that annual fee for the first year, but even so the $95 annual fee, if you're using this card correctly, it's pretty easy to pay for itself over the life of the card. Now the next section we're going to talk about is the perks. Okay. So with this card, when we're talking about the perks, there's a handful of different perks from purchase protection and a couple of different travel protections, but I don't think they're really the key selling points of this card. The most important one that people actually can take advantage of on a regular basis is the fact that this card has no foreign transaction fees. What this means is when you're outside of the United States, you're not going to be charged up to 3% just for swiping your card that is going to be waived. And that really adds up over time. Now, the last section I want to talk about is who is this card? Good for who is this card? Not good for, I'd say this card is really good for everyone pretty much all around. And the reason why is earning points is incredibly simple. The signup bonus is very, very large 50,000 points after you spend $4,000 within three months. And like I said, I really want to get back to this. Not only is earning the point simple, redeeming the points is simple. So you can very easily transfer to a handful of different partners, airlines, hotels, and through the chase travel portal, making it really easy to get a great value and a great redemption on your points. Like I said earlier, thank you so much for watching the video. If you're planning on applying for the chase Sapphire preferred, please use our links down below. It helps us create high quality content in the future. We've got some really great partners over at upgraded points. They create content that is much more detailed about each of the cards that we're talking about here. So I highly encourage you to go and check those out. On top of that, you can go to brainy and check out some of our really sick merchandise. And then we also, if you really want to dive into the world of points and miles and travel hacking, we actually have an entire course. It's four hours long and it's called the complete guide to travel hacking. And it's hosted through So you can check those out with the link in the descriptions. Thanks so much. And we'll see you in the next video.
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No, I don't think so. No, no, they don't have a credit card. So how are they shopping on streaming, on social media, on Instagram? GPI? I use GPI for everything. I don't use a credit card. I don't use cash. I use GPI for everything. It's just easier. I use it for ordering stuff online. I use it for food. I use it for an Uber. I'd use it for even if I'm going to buy like an ice cream on the road. I don't carry cash. I don't carry cash. From a financial lens, a credit card is giving you interest-free credit for 30 days. I know, but I'm choosing convenience over having to remember to pay a credit card. But you know that interest fee? So the thing is, with UPI, the vendor ecosystem is so much better. But she just mentioned getting ice cream on the road, the Uber driver. You won't accept a credit card. You're just blocked. You're just automatically ingrained into thinking that this is just the best and fastest way to... So what we're saying is if you're building a business for Gen Z, UPI is your go-to payment. Yeah.
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Card from Chase. So we'll be talking about the core rewards for this credit card. We won't talk about limited time offers or anything that can change. If you want to see the smaller details and all the updated like sign up bonus and stuff like that, you can always go to our website. If you're watching on YouTube, I'll link that in the video description. If you're watching on our website, you can easily find that review. All right, so now let's talk about the rewards. So the card earns 5% cash back on internet, cable, and phone services and at office supply stores. And that's up to $25,000 in purchases per year. And then you earn 1%. And then it also earns 2% cash back on gas station and dining purchases. And that is also capped by the way at $25,000 in purchases per year. And then you earn 1%. And then for all other purchases, the card earns 1% cash back. Also keep in mind that your rewards do not exceed the required amount of cash back. So if you're watching on YouTube, I'll link that in the description. And there are multiple different redemption options for the rewards you earn. In fact, this is one of my favorite things about Chase credit cards. I personally have a Chase credit card. I really like the fact that you have a number of different redemption options. The Chase ultimate rewards points are really flexible. You can redeem for a bunch of different things and you can choose which one is best for you. For example, you can redeem for statement credit, gift cards, direct deposit. You can even book travel with the points you earn. So let's say you're really concerned about offsetting the credit card bill. You can apply those points as statement credit, or let's say you want to get gift cards. You want to hand them out to employees, friends, whoever you can choose to get gift cards. I really like how flexible the Chase ultimate rewards points are. Also, another thing that I like about this card is that it pairs with other Chase credit cards well, and it has a $0 annual fee. So it doesn't have a big annual fee. You need to worry about offsetting. It costs you $0 year to year to keep this in your wallet and use it for business purchases. And if you have employees and you'd like them to be able to spend with a corporate credit card, you can get additional employee cards at no extra cost. Chase even allows you to set individual spending limits for the employees. And the best part is that the spending they do on their card, you get the rewards for. Also, the card comes with certain types of protections and insurance items, and it allows you to build a business credit, which is great because if you're just starting out, let's say this is your first corporate credit card. You might have to have a personal guarantee, but as you build business credit, hopefully that personal guarantee isn't required in the future. But that's just a quick overview of the card. Hopefully you found the video helpful. You can find a lot more information on our website, Have a great day. Bye.
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Step 1, learn the basics. But be patient, don't rush the process. And then decide what kind of trading strategy do you want. Do you want to be a long-term or short-term trader? Then open a brokerage account and make sure you start small. Don't use your grandmother's life savings. And of course, never stop learning.
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