{"tokens": 1869, "doc_id": "f2a017cd-c6a2-4611-b722-10951ad23a91", "name": "Welcome to LlamaIndex 🦙 !", "url": "https://docs.llamaindex.ai/en/stable/index", "retrieve_doc": true, "source": "llama_index", "content": "\n\n# Welcome to LlamaIndex 🦙 !\n\nLlamaIndex is a framework for building context-augmented generative AI applications with [LLMs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_language_model).\n\n
\n | restaurant_id | \nattributes | \ncuisine | \nDogsAllowed | \nembedding | \nOutdoorSeating | \nborough | \naddress | \n_id | \nname | \nmenu | \nTakeOut | \nlocation | \nPriceRange | \nHappyHour | \nreview_count | \nsponsored | \nstars | \n
0 | \n40366661 | \n{'Alcohol': ''none'', 'Ambience': '{'romantic'... | \nTex-Mex | \nNone | \n[-0.14520384, 0.018315623, -0.018330636, -0.10... | \nTrue | \nManhattan | \n{'building': '627', 'coord': [-73.975980999999... | \n{'$oid': '6095a34a7c34416a90d3206b'} | \nBaby Bo'S Burritos | \nNone | \nTrue | \n{'coordinates': [-73.97598099999999, 40.745132... | \n1.0 | \nNone | \n10 | \nNaN | \n2.5 | \n
1 | \n40367442 | \n{'Alcohol': ''beer_and_wine'', 'Ambience': '{'... | \nAmerican | \nTrue | \n[-0.11977468, -0.02157107, 0.0038846824, -0.09... | \nTrue | \nStaten Island | \n{'building': '17', 'coord': [-74.1350211, 40.6... | \n{'$oid': '6095a34a7c34416a90d3209e'} | \nBuddy'S Wonder Bar | \n[Grilled cheese sandwich, Baked potato, Lasagn... | \nTrue | \n{'coordinates': [-74.1350211, 40.6369042], 'ty... | \n2.0 | \nNone | \n62 | \nNaN | \n3.5 | \n
2 | \n40364610 | \n{'Alcohol': ''none'', 'Ambience': '{'touristy'... | \nAmerican | \nNone | \n[-0.1004329, -0.014882699, -0.033005167, -0.09... | \nTrue | \nStaten Island | \n{'building': '37', 'coord': [-74.138263, 40.54... | \n{'$oid': '6095a34a7c34416a90d31ff6'} | \nGreat Kills Yacht Club | \n[Mozzarella sticks, Mushroom swiss burger, Spi... | \nTrue | \n{'coordinates': [-74.138263, 40.546681], 'type... | \n1.0 | \nNone | \n72 | \nNaN | \n4.0 | \n
3 | \n40365288 | \n{'Alcohol': None, 'Ambience': '{'touristy': Fa... | \nAmerican | \nNone | \n[-0.11735515, -0.0397448, -0.0072645755, -0.09... | \nTrue | \nManhattan | \n{'building': '842', 'coord': [-73.970637000000... | \n{'$oid': '6095a34a7c34416a90d32017'} | \nKeats Restaurant | \n[French fries, Chicken pot pie, Mac & cheese, ... | \nTrue | \n{'coordinates': [-73.97063700000001, 40.751495... | \n2.0 | \nTrue | \n149 | \nNaN | \n4.0 | \n
4 | \n40363151 | \n{'Alcohol': None, 'Ambience': None, 'BYOB': No... | \nBakery | \nNone | \n[-0.096541286, -0.009661355, 0.04402167, -0.12... | \nTrue | \nManhattan | \n{'building': '120', 'coord': [-73.9998042, 40.... | \n{'$oid': '6095a34a7c34416a90d31fbd'} | \nOlive'S | \n[doughnuts, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate ... | \nTrue | \n{'coordinates': [-73.9998042, 40.7251256], 'ty... | \n1.0 | \nNone | \n7 | \nNaN | \n5.0 | \n