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A targeted search for strongly lensed supernovae and expectations for
targeted searches in the Rubin era: Gravitationally lensed supernovae (glSNe) are of interest for time delay
cosmology and SN physics. However, glSNe detections are rare, owing to the
intrinsic rarity of SN explosions, the necessity of alignment with a foreground
lens, and the relatively short window of detectability. We present the Las
Cumbres Observatory Lensed Supernova Search, LCOLSS, a targeted survey designed
for detecting glSNe in known strong-lensing systems. Using cadenced
$r^\prime$-band imaging, LCOLSS targeted 112 galaxy-galaxy lensing systems with
high expected SN rates, based on estimated star formation rates. No plausible
glSN was detected by LCOLSS over two years of observing. The analysis performed
here measures a detection efficiency for these observations and runs a Monte
Carlo simulation using the predicted supernova rates to determine the expected
number of glSN detections. The results of the simulation suggest an expected
number of detections and $68\%$ Poisson confidence intervals, $N_{SN} = 0.20,
[0,2.1] $, $N_{Ia} = 0.08, [0,2.0]$, $N_{CC} = 0.12, [0,2.0]$, for all SN, Type
Ia, and core-collapse (CC) SNe respectively. These results are broadly
consistent with the absence of a detection in our survey. Analysis of the
survey strategy can provide insights for future efforts to develop targeted
glSN discovery programs. We thereby forecast expected detection rates for the
Rubin observatory for such a targeted survey, finding that a single visit depth
of 24.7 mag with the Rubin observatory will detect $0.63 \pm 0.38$ SNe per
year, with $0.47 \pm 0.28$ core collapse SNe per year and $0.16 \pm 0.10$ Type
Ia SNe per year. | Luminosity-dependent unification of Active Galactic Nuclei and the X-ray
Baldwin effect: The existence of an anti-correlation between the equivalent width (EW) of the
narrow core of the iron Kalpha line and the luminosity of the continuum (i.e.
the X-ray Baldwin effect) in type-I active galactic nuclei has been confirmed
over the last years by several studies carried out with XMM-Newton, Chandra and
Suzaku. However, so far no general consensus on the origin of this trend has
been reached. Several works have proposed the decrease of the covering factor
of the molecular torus with the luminosity (in the framework of the
luminosity-dependent unification models) as a possible explanation for the
X-ray Baldwin effect. Using the fraction of obscured sources measured by recent
X-ray and IR surveys as a proxy of the half-opening angle of the torus, and the
recent Monte-Carlo simulations of the X-ray radiation reprocessed by a
structure with a spherical-toroidal geometry by Ikeda et al. (2009) and
Brightman & Nandra (2011), we test the hypothesis that the X-ray Baldwin effect
is related to the decrease of the half-opening angle of the torus with the
luminosity. Simulating the spectra of an unabsorbed population with a
luminosity-dependent covering factor of the torus as predicted by recent X-ray
surveys, we find that this mechanism is able to explain the observed X-ray
Baldwin effect. Fitting the simulated data with a log-linear L_{2-10keV}-EW
relation, we found that in the Seyfert regime (L_{2-10keV}< 10^44.2 erg s^-1)
luminosity-dependent unification produces a slope consistent with the
observations for average values of the equatorial column densities of the torus
of log N_H^T > 23.1. In the quasar regime (L_{2-10 keV}> 10^44.2 erg s^-1) a
decrease of the covering factor of the torus with the luminosity slower than
that observed in the Seyfert regime (as found by recent hard X-ray surveys) is
able to reproduce the observations for 23.2 < log N_H^T < 24.2. |
Determining the Baryon Impact on the Matter Power Spectrum with Galaxy
Clusters: The redistribution of baryonic matter in massive halos through processes like
active galactic nuclei feedback and star formation leads to a suppression of
the matter power spectrum on small scales. This redistribution can be measured
empirically via the gas and stellar mass fractions in galaxy clusters, and
leaves imprints on their electron density profiles. We constrain two
semi-analytical baryon correction models with a compilation of recent Bayesian
population studies of galaxy groups and clusters sampling a mass range above
$\sim 3 \times 10^{13}$ $M_\odot$, and with cluster gas density profiles
derived from deep, high-resolution X-ray observations. We are able to fit all
the considered observational data, but highlight some anomalies in the
observations. The constraints allow us to place precise, physically informed
priors on the matter power spectrum suppression. At a scale of $k=1 h$
Mpc$^{-1}$ we find a suppression of $0.042^{+0.012}_{-0.014}$
($0.049^{+0.016}_{-0.012}$), while at $k=3h$ Mpc$^{-1}$ we find
$0.184^{+0.026}_{-0.031}$ ($0.179^{+0.018}_{-0.020}$), depending on the model
used. In our fiducial setting, we also predict at 97.5 percent credibility,
that at scales $k<0.37h$ Mpc$^{-1}$ baryon feedback impacts the matter power
less than $1\%$. This puts into question if baryon feedback is the driving
factor for the discrepancy between cosmic shear and primary CMB results. We
independently confirm results on this suppression from small-scale cosmic shear
studies, while we exclude some hydro-dynamical simulations with too strong and
too weak baryonic feedback. Our empirical prediction of the power spectrum
suppression shows that studies of galaxy groups and clusters will be
instrumental in unlocking the cosmological constraining power of future cosmic
shear experiments like \textit{Euclid} and Rubin-LSST, and invites further
investigation of the baryon correction models. | Cosmography from well-localized Fast Radio Bursts: Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are millisecond-duration pulses occurring at
cosmological distances that have emerged as prominent cosmological probes due
to their dispersion measure (DM) evolution with redshift. In this work, we use
cosmography, a model-independent approach to describe the evolution of the
universe, to introduce the cosmographic expansion of the DM-z relation. By
fitting two different models for the intergalactic medium and host
contributions to a sample of 23 well-localized FRBs, we estimate the kinematic
parameters $q_0=-0.59 \substack{+0.20 \\ -0.17}$, $j_0=1.08 \substack{+0.62 \\
-0.56}$, $s_0=-2.1\pm7.0$, and $H_0=69.4\pm4.7$ achieving a precision of $6\%$
and $7\%$ for the Hubble constant depending on the models used for
contributions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this approach can be used as an
alternative and complementary cosmological-model independent method to revisit
the long-standing "Missing Baryons" problem in astrophysics by estimating that
$82\%$ of the baryonic content of the universe resides in the intergalactic
medium, within $7\%$ and $8\%$ precision, according to the contribution models
considered here. Our findings highlight the potential of FRBs as a valuable
tool in cosmological research and underscore the importance of ongoing efforts
to improve our understanding of these enigmatic events. |
Gravity in the Local Universe : density and velocity fields using
CosmicFlows-4: This article publicly releases three-dimensional reconstructions of the local
Universe gravitational field below z=0.8 that were computed using the
CosmicFlows-4 catalog of 56,000 galaxy distances and its sub-sample of 1,008
type Ia supernovae distances. The article also provides measurements of the
growth rate of structure using the pairwise correlation of radial peculiar
velocities f sigma8 = 0.38(+/-0.04) (ungrouped CF4), f sigma8 = 0.36(+/-0.05)
(grouped CF4), f sigma8 = 0.30(+/-0.06) (SNIa) and of the bulk flow in the 3D
reconstructed Local Universe of 230 +/- 136 km s-1 at 300 Mpc of distance from
the observer. The exploration of 10,000 reconstructions gives that the
distances delivered by the Cosmicflows-4 catalog are compatible with a Hubble
constant of H0 = 74.5 +/- 0.1 (grouped CF4), H0 = 75.0 +/- 0.35 (ungrouped CF4)
and H0 = 75.5 +/- 0.95 (CF4 SNIa subsample). | Two superluminous supernovae from the early universe discovered by the
Supernova Legacy Survey: We present spectra and lightcurves of SNLS 06D4eu and SNLS 07D2bv, two
hydrogen-free superluminous supernovae discovered by the Supernova Legacy
Survey. At z = 1.588, SNLS 06D4eu is the highest redshift superluminous SN with
a spectrum, at M_U = -22.7 is one of the most luminous SNe ever observed, and
gives a rare glimpse into the restframe ultraviolet where these supernovae put
out their peak energy. SNLS 07D2bv does not have a host galaxy redshift, but
based on the supernova spectrum, we estimate it to be at z ~ 1.5. Both
supernovae have similar observer-frame griz lightcurves, which map to restframe
lightcurves in the U-band and UV, rising in ~ 20 restframe days or longer, and
declining over a similar timescale. The lightcurves peak in the shortest
wavelengths first, consistent with an expanding blackbody starting near 15,000
K and steadily declining in temperature. We compare the spectra to theoretical
models, and identify lines of C II, C III, Fe III, and Mg II in the spectrum of
SNLS 06D4eu and SCP 06F6, and find that they are consistent with an expanding
explosion of only a few solar masses of carbon, oxygen, and other trace metals.
Thus the progenitors appear to be related to those suspected for SNe Ic. A high
kinetic energy, 10^52 ergs, is also favored. Normal mechanisms of powering
core- collapse or thermonuclear supernovae do not seem to work for these
supernovae. We consider models powered by 56Ni decay and interaction with
circumstellar material, but find that the creation and spin-down of a magnetar
with a period of 2ms, magnetic field of 2 x 10^14 Gauss, and a 3 solar mass
progenitor provides the best fit to the data. |
Limits on the luminosity function of Ly-alpha emitters at z = 7.7: The Ly-alpha luminosity function (LF) of high-redshift Ly-alpha emitters
(LAEs) is one of the few observables of the re-ionization epoch accessible to
date with 8-10 m class telescopes. The evolution with redshift allows one to
constrain the evolution of LAEs and their role in re-ionizing the Universe at
the end of the Dark Ages.
We have performed a narrow-band imaging program at 1.06 microns at the CFHT,
targeting Ly-alpha emitters at redshift z ~ 7.7 in the CFHT-LS D1 field. From
these observations we have derived a photometric sample of 7 LAE candidates at
z ~ 7.7.
We derive luminosity functions for the full sample of seven objects and for
sub-samples of four objects. If the brightest objects in our sample are real,
we infer a luminosity function which would be difficult to reconcile with
previous work at lower redshift. More definitive conclusions will require
spectroscopic confirmation. | Weak lensing power spectra for precision cosmology: Multiple-deflection,
reduced shear and lensing bias corrections: It is usually assumed that the ellipticity power spectrum measured in weak
lensing observations can be expressed as an integral over the underlying matter
power spectrum. This is true at second order in the gravitational potential. We
extend the standard calculation, constructing all corrections to fourth order
in the gravitational potential. There are four types of corrections:
corrections to the lensing shear due to multiple-deflections; corrections due
to the fact that shape distortions probe the reduced shear $\gamma/(1-\kappa)$
rather than the shear itself; corrections associated with the non-linear
conversion of reduced shear to mean ellipticity; and corrections due to the
fact that observational galaxy selection and shear measurement is based on
galaxy brightnesses and sizes which have been (de)magnified by lensing. We show
how the previously considered corrections to the shear power spectrum
correspond to terms in our analysis, and highlight new terms that were not
previously identified. All correction terms are given explicitly as integrals
over the matter power spectrum, bispectrum, and trispectrum, and are
numerically evaluated for the case of sources at z=1. We find agreement with
previous works for the ${\mathcal O}(\Phi^3)$ terms. We find that for ambitious
future surveys, the ${\mathcal O}(\Phi^4)$ terms affect the power spectrum at
the ~ 1-5 $\sigma$ level; they will thus need to be accounted for, but are
unlikely to represent a serious difficulty for weak lensing as a cosmological
probe. |
Physical conditions in high-redshift GRB-DLA absorbers observed with
VLT/UVES: Implications for molecular hydrogen searches: We aim to understand the nature of the absorbing neutral gas in the galaxies
hosting high-redshift long-duration GRBs and to determine their physical
conditions. We report the detection of a significant number of previously
unidentified allowed transition lines of Fe+, involving the fine structure of
the ground term and that of other excited levels, from the zabs=3.969, log
N(H0)=22.10 DLA system located in the host galaxy of GRB 050730. The
time-dependent evolution of the observed Fe+ energy-level populations is
modelled by assuming the excitation mechanism is fluorescence following
excitation by ultraviolet photons. This UV pumping model successfully
reproduces the observations, yielding a burst/cloud distance (defined to the
near-side of the cloud) of d=440\pm 30 pc and a linear cloud size of
l=520{+240}{-190} pc. We discuss these results in the context of no detections
of H2 and CI lines in a sample of seven z>1.8 GRB host galaxies observed with
VLT/UVES. We show that the lack of H2 can be explained by the low
metallicities, [X/H]<-1, low depletion factors and, at most, moderate particle
densities of the systems. This points to a picture where GRB-DLAs typically
exhibiting very high H0 column densities are diffuse metal-poor atomic clouds
with high kinetic temperatures, Tkin>~1000 K, and large physical extents,
l>~100 pc. The properties of GRB-DLAs observed at high spectral resolution
towards bright GRB afterglows differ markedly from the high metal and dust
contents of GRB-DLAs observed at lower resolution. This difference likely
results from the effect of a bias, against systems of high metallicity and/or
close to the GRB, due to dust obscuration in the magnitude-limited GRB
afterglow samples observed with high-resolution spectrographs. | The Effect of a Single Supernova Explosion on the Cuspy Density Profile
of a Small-Mass Dark Matter Halo: Some observations of galaxies, and in particular dwarf galaxies, indicate a
presence of cored density profiles in apparent contradiction with cusp profiles
predicted by dark matter N-body simulations. We constructed an analytical
model, using particle distribution functions (DFs), to show how a supernova
(SN) explosion can transform a cusp density profile in a small-mass dark matter
halo into a cored one. Considering the fact that a SN efficiently removes
matter from the centre of the first haloes, we study the effect of mass removal
through a SN perturbation in the DFs. We found that the transformation from a
cusp into a cored profile is present even for changes as small as 0.5% of the
total energy of the halo, that can be produced by the expulsion of matter
caused by a single SN explosion. |
Higher order clustering of Ly$α$ forest: Higher order clustering statistics of Ly$\alpha$ forest provide a unique
probe to study non-gaussianity in Intergalactic matter distribution up to high
redshifts and from large to small scales. The author presents a brief review of
his work studying the spatial clustering properties of Ly$\alpha$ absorbers,
with emphasis on 3-point statistics. The observational side of this involves
redshift-space clustering of low-$z$ ($z<0.48$) and high-$z$ ($1.7<z<3.5$)
Ly$\alpha$ absorbers. This is complemented with astrophysical inferences drawn
from N-body hydrodynamical simulations. We also use simulations to study
2-point and 3-point clustering statistics in the transverse direction using
projected QSO triplet sightlines. Such studies will become possible
observationally with upcoming surveys. | Third-Epoch Magellanic Cloud Proper Motions II: The Large Magellanic
Cloud Rotation Field in Three Dimensions: We present the first detailed assessment of the large-scale rotation of any
galaxy based on full three-dimensional velocity measurements. We do this for
the LMC by combining our HST average proper motion (PM) measurements for stars
in 22 fields, with existing line-of-sight (LOS) velocity measurements for 6790
individual stars. We interpret these data with a model of circular rotation in
a flat disk. The PM and LOS data paint a consistent picture of the LMC rotation
and their combination yields several new insights. The PM data imply a stellar
dynamical center that coincides with the HI dynamical center, and a rotation
curve amplitude consistent with that inferred from LOS velocity studies. The
implied disk viewing angles agree with the range of values found in the
literature, but continue to indicate variations with stellar population and/or
radius. Young (RSG) stars rotate faster than old (RGB/AGB) stars due to
asymmetric drift. Outside the central region, the circular velocity is
approximately flat at Vcirc = 91.7 +/- 18.8 km/s. This is consistent with the
baryonic Tully-Fisher relation, and implies an enclosed mass M(8.7 kpc) = (1.7
+/- 0.7) x 10^10 solar masses. The virial mass is larger and depends on the
full extent of the dark halo. The tidal radius is 22.3 +/- 5.2 kpc (24.0 +/-
5.6 degrees). Combination of the PM and LOS data yields kinematic distance
estimates for the LMC, but these are not yet competitive with other methods. |
Universal properties in galaxies and cored Dark Matter profiles: In this paper I report the highlights of the talk: "Universal properties in
galaxies and cored Dark Matter profiles", given at: Colloquium Lectures, Ecole
Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge. The 14th Paris Cosmology
Colloquium 2010 "The Standard Model of the Universe: Theory and Observations". | The Formation and Evolution of Massive Black Holes: The past 10 years have witnessed a change of perspective in the way
astrophysicists think about massive black holes (MBHs), which are now
considered to have a major role in the evolution of galaxies. This appreciation
was driven by the realization that black holes of millions solar masses and
above reside in the center of most galaxies, including the Milky Way. MBHs also
powered active galactic nuclei known to exist just a few hundred million years
after the Big Bang. Here, I summarize the current ideas on the evolution of
MBHs through cosmic history, from their formation about 13 billion years ago to
their growth within their host galaxies. |
The Evolution of Swift/BAT blazars and the origin of the MeV background: We use 3 years of data from the Swift/BAT survey to select a complete sample
of X-ray blazars above 15 keV. This sample comprises 26 Flat-Spectrum Radio
Quasars (FSRQs) and 12 BL Lac objects detected over a redshift range of
0.03<z<4.0. We use this sample to determine, for the first time in the 15--55
keV band, the evolution of blazars. We find that, contrary to the Seyfert-like
AGNs detected by BAT, the population of blazars shows strong positive
evolution. This evolution is comparable to the evolution of luminous optical
QSOs and luminous X-ray selected AGNs. We also find evidence for an
epoch-dependence of the evolution as determined previously for radio-quiet
AGNs. We interpret both these findings as a strong link between accretion and
jet activity. In our sample, the FSRQs evolve strongly, while our best-fit
shows that BL Lacs might not evolve at all. The blazar population accounts for
10-20 % (depending on the evolution of the BL Lacs) of the Cosmic X-ray
background (CXB) in the 15--55 keV band. We find that FSRQs can explain the
entire CXB emission for energies above 500 keV solving the mystery of the
generation of the MeV background. The evolution of luminous FSRQs shows a peak
in redshift ($z_c$=4.3$\pm0.5$) which is larger than the one observed in QSOs
and X-ray selected AGNs. We argue that FSRQs can be used as tracers of massive
elliptical galaxies in the early Universe. | Constraining decaying dark matter with the effective field theory of
large-scale structure: I present the first constraints on decaying cold dark matter (DCDM) models
thanks to the effective field theory of large-scale structure (EFTofLSS)
applied to BOSS-DR12 data. I consider two phenomenological models of DCDM: i) a
model where a fraction $f_{\rm dcdm}$ of cold dark matter (CDM) decays into
dark radiation (DR) with a lifetime $\tau$; ii) a model (recently suggested as
a potential resolution to the $S_8$ tension) where all the CDM decays with a
lifetime $\tau$ into DR and a massive warm dark matter (WDM) particle, with a
fraction $\varepsilon$ of the CDM rest mass energy transferred to the DR. I
discuss the implications of the EFTofLSS constraints for the DCDM model
suggested to resolve the $S_8$ tension. |
Rare Events Are Nonperturbative: Primordial Black Holes From
Heavy-Tailed Distributions: In recent years it has been noted that the perturbative treatment of the
statistics of fluctuations may fail to make correct predictions for the
abundance of primordial black holes (PBHs). Moreover, it has been shown in some
explicit single-field examples that the nonperturbative effects may lead to an
exponential tail for the probability distribution function (PDF) of
fluctuations responsible for PBH formation -- in contrast to the PDF being
Gaussian, as suggested by perturbation theory. In this paper, we advocate that
the so-called $\delta N$ formalism can be considered as a simple, yet
effective, tool for the nonperturbative estimate of the tail of the PDF. We
discuss the criteria a model needs to satisfy so that the results of the
classical $\delta N$ formalism can be trusted and most possible complications
due to the quantum nature of fluctuations can be avoided. As a proof of
concept, we then apply this method to a simple example and show that the tail
of the PDF can be even {\it heavier} than exponential, leading to a significant
enhancement of the PBH formation probability, compared with the predictions of
the perturbation theory. Our results, along with other related findings,
motivate the invention of new, nonperturbative methods for the problem and open
up new ideas on generating PBHs with notable abundance. | Planck 2015 results. IV. Low Frequency Instrument beams and window
functions: This paper presents the characterization of the in-flight beams, the beam
window functions, and the associated uncertainties for the Planck Low Frequency
Instrument (LFI). The structure of the paper is similar to that presented in
the 2013 Planck release; the main differences concern the beam normalization
and the delivery of the window functions to be used for polarization analysis.
The in-flight assessment of the LFI main beams relies on measurements performed
during observations of Jupiter. By stacking data from seven Jupiter transits,
the main beam profiles are measured down to -25 dB at 30 and 44 GHz, and down
to -30 dB at 70 GHz. It has been confirmed that the agreement between the
simulated beams and the measured beams is better than 1% at each LFI frequency
band (within the 20 dB contour from the peak, the rms values are 0.1% at 30 and
70 GHz; 0.2% at 44 GHz). Simulated polarized beams are used for the computation
of the effective beam window functions. The error budget for the window
functions is estimated from both main beam and sidelobe contributions, and
accounts for the radiometer band shapes. The total uncertainties in the
effective beam window functions are 0.7% and 1% at 30 and 44 GHz, respectively
(at $\ell \approx 600$); and 0.5% at 70 GHz (at $\ell \approx 1000$). |
Probing photon decay with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect: The fundamental properties of the photon have deep impact on the
astrophysical processes that involve it, like the inverse Compton scattering of
CMB photon by energetic electrons residing within galaxy cluster atmospheres,
usually referred to as the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE). We calculate the
combined constraints on the photon decay time and mass by studying the impact
of the modified CMB spectrum, as recently calculated (Heeck 2013), on the SZE
of galaxy clusters. We analyze the modifications of the SZE as produced by
photon decay effects. We study in details the frequency regimes where these
modifications are large and where the constraints derived from the SZE can be
stronger with respect to those already obtained from the CMB spectrum. We show
that the SZE can set limits on the photon decay time and mass, or on $E^* =
\frac{t_0}{\tau_\gamma}m_\gamma c^2$, that are stronger than those obtained
from the CMB: the main constraints come from the low frequency range $\nu
\approx 10-50$ GHz where the modified SZE $\Delta I_{mod}$ is larger than the
standard one $\Delta I$, with the difference $|(\Delta I_{mod} - \Delta I)|$
increasing with the frequency for increasing values of $E^*$; additional
constraints can be set in the range $120 - 180$ GHz where there is an increase
of the frequency position of the minimum of $\Delta I_{mod}$ with respect to
the standard one with increasing values of $E^*$. We demonstrated that the
effect of photon decay can be measured or constrained by the Square Kilometer
Array in the optimal range $\approx 10-30$ GHz setting limits of $E^* \leq 1.4
\times 10^{-9}$ eV and $5 \times 10^{-10}$ eV for 30 and 260 hour integration
for A2163, respectively. These limits are stronger than those obtained with the
COBE-FIRAS spectral measurements of the CMB. | Halo and Subhalo Demographics with Planck Cosmological Parameters:
Bolshoi-Planck and MultiDark-Planck Simulations: We report and provide fitting functions for the abundance of dark matter
halos and subhalos as a function of mass, circular velocity, and redshift from
the new Bolshoi-Planck and MultiDark-Planck $\Lambda$CDM cosmological
simulations, based on the Planck cosmological parameters. We also report the
halo mass accretion rates, which may be connected with galaxy star formation
rates. We show that the higher cosmological matter density of the Planck
parameters compared with the WMAP parameters leads to higher abundance of
massive halos at high redshifts. We find that the median halo spin parameter
$\lambda_{\rm B} = J(2M_{\rm vir}R_{\rm vir}V_{\rm vir})^{-1}$ is nearly
independent of redshift, leading to predicted evolution of galaxy sizes that is
consistent with observations, while the significant decrease with redshift in
median $\lambda_{\rm P} = J|E|^{-1/2}G^{-1}M^{-5/2}$ predicts more decrease in
galaxy sizes than is observed. Using the Tully-Fisher and Faber-Jackson
relations between galaxy velocity and mass, we show that a simple model of how
galaxy velocity is related to halo maximum circular velocity leads to
increasing overprediction of cosmic stellar mass density as redshift increases
beyond redshifts $z\sim1$, implying that such velocity-mass relations must
change at redshifts $z>1$. By making a realistic model of how observed galaxy
velocities are related to halo circular velocity, we show that recent optical
and radio observations of the abundance of galaxies are in good agreement with
our $\Lambda$CDM simulations. Our halo demographics are based on updated
versions of the \rockstar\ and \ctrees\ codes, and this paper includes
appendices explaining all of their outputs. This paper is an introduction to a
series of related papers presenting other analyses of the Bolshoi-Planck and
MultiDark-Planck simulations. |
Second-order solutions of the equilibrium statistical mechanics for
self-gravitating systems: In a previous study, we formulated a framework of the entropy-based
equilibrium statistical mechanics for self-gravitating systems. This theory is
based on the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy and includes the generalized virial
equations as additional constraints. With the truncated distribution function
to the lowest order, we derived a set of second-order equations for the
equilibrium states of the system. In this work, the numerical solutions of
these equations are investigated. It is found that there are three types of
solutions for these equations. Both the isothermal and divergent solutions are
thermally unstable and have unconfined density profiles with infinite mass,
energy and spatial extent. The convergent solutions, however, seem to be
reasonable. Although the results cannot match the simulation data well, because
of the truncations of the distribution function and its moment equations, these
lowest-order convergent solutions show that the density profiles of the system
are confined, the velocity dispersions are variable functions of the radius,
and the velocity distributions are also anisotropic in different directions.
The convergent solutions also indicate that the statistical equilibrium of
self-gravitating systems is by no means the thermodynamic equilibrium. These
solutions are just the lowest-order approximation, but they have already
manifested the qualitative success of our theory. We expect that higher-order
solutions of our statistical-mechanical theory will give much better agreement
with the simulation results concerning dark matter haloes. | Steady Outflows in Giant Clumps of High-z Disk Galaxies During Migration
and Growth by Accretion: We predict the evolution of giant clumps undergoing star-driven outflows in
high-z gravitationally unstable disk galaxies. We find that the mass loss is
expected to occur through a steady wind over many tens of free-fall times (t_ff
~ 10 Myr) rather than by an explosive disruption in one or a few t_ff. Our
analysis is based on the finding from simulations that radiation trapping is
negligible because it destabilizes the wind (Krumholz & Thompson 2012, 2013).
Each photon can therefore contribute to the wind momentum only once, so the
radiative force is limited to L/c. When combining radiation, protostellar and
main-sequence winds, and supernovae, we estimate the total direct injection
rate of momentum into the outflow to be 2.5 L/c. The adiabatic phase of
supernovae and main-sequence winds can double this rate. The resulting outflow
mass-loading factor is of order unity, and if the clumps were to deplete their
gas the timescale would have been a few disk orbital times, to end with half
the original clump mass in stars. However, the clump migration time to the disk
center is on the order of an orbital time, about 250 Myr, so the clumps are
expected to complete their migration prior to depletion. Furthermore, the
clumps are expected to double their mass in a disk orbital time by accretion
from the disk and clump-clump mergers, so their mass actually grows in time and
with decreasing radius. From the 6-7 giant clumps with observed outflows, 5 are
consistent with these predictions, and one has a much higher mass-loading
factor and momentum injection rate. The latter either indicates that the
estimated outflow is an overestimate (within the 1-sigma error), that the SFR
has dropped since the time when the outflow was launched, or that the driving
mechanism is different, e.g. supernova feedback in a cavity generated by the
other feedbacks. |
Preliminary evidence for a virial shock around the Coma galaxy cluster: Galaxy clusters, the largest gravitationally bound objects in the Universe,
are thought to grow by accreting mass from their surroundings through
large-scale virial shocks. Due to electron acceleration in such a shock, it
should appear as a $\gamma$-ray, hard X-ray, and radio ring, elongated towards
the large-scale filaments feeding the cluster, coincident with a cutoff in the
thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) signal. However, no such signature was found
until now, and the very existence of cluster virial shocks has remained a
theory. We find preliminary evidence for a large, $\sim 5$ Mpc minor axis
$\gamma$-ray ring around the Coma cluster, elongated towards the large scale
filament connecting Coma and Abell 1367, detected at the nominal $2.7\sigma$
confidence level ($5.1\sigma$ using control signal simulations). The
$\gamma$-ray ring correlates both with a synchrotron signal and with the SZ
cutoff, but not with Galactic tracers. The $\gamma$-ray and radio signatures
agree with analytic and numerical predictions, if the shock deposits $\sim 1\%$
of the thermal energy in relativistic electrons over a Hubble time, and $\sim
1\%$ in magnetic fields. The implied inverse-Compton and synchrotron cumulative
emission from similar shocks can significantly contribute to the diffuse
extragalactic $\gamma$-ray and low frequency radio backgrounds. Our results, if
confirmed, reveal the prolate structure of the hot gas in Coma, the feeding
pattern of the cluster, and properties of the surrounding large scale voids and
filaments. The anticipated detection of such shocks around other clusters would
provide a powerful new cosmological probe. | Minimal inflationary cosmologies and constraints on reheating: With the growing consensus on simple power law inflation models not being
favored by the PLANCK observation, dynamics for the non-standard form of the
inflaton potential gain significant interest in the recent past. In this paper,
we analyze in great detail classes of phenomenologically motivated inflationary
models with non-polynomial potential which are the generalization of the
potential introduced in \cite{mhiggs}. After the end of inflation, inflaton
field will coherently oscillate around its minimum. Depending upon the initial
amplitude of the oscillation and coupling parameters standard parametric
resonance phenomena will occur. Therefore, we will study how the inflationary
model parameters play an important role in understanding the resonant structure
of our model under study. Subsequently, the universe will go through the
perturbative reheating phase. However, without any specific model
consideration, we further study the constraints on our models based on model
independent reheating constraint analysis. |
Characterizing fast radio bursts through statistical cross-correlations: Understanding the origin of fast radio bursts (FRB's) is a central unsolved
problem in astrophysics that is severely hampered by their poorly determined
distance scale. Determining the redshift distribution of FRB's appears to
require arcsecond angular resolution, in order to associate FRB's with host
galaxies. In this paper, we forecast prospects for determining the redshift
distribution without host galaxy associations, by cross-correlating FRB's with
a galaxy catalog such as the SDSS photometric sample. The forecasts are
extremely promising: a survey such as CHIME/FRB that measures catalogs of $\sim
10^3$ FRB's with few-arcminute angular resolution can place strong constraints
on the FRB redshift distribution, by measuring the cross-correlation as a
function of galaxy redshift $z$ and FRB dispersion measure $D$. In addition,
propagation effects from free electron inhomogeneities modulate the observed
FRB number density, either by shifting FRB's between dispersion measure (DM)
bins or through DM-dependent selection effects. We show that these propagation
effects, coupled with the spatial clustering between galaxies and free
electrons, can produce FRB-galaxy correlations which are comparable to the
intrinsic clustering signal. Such effects can be disentangled based on their
angular and $(z, D)$ dependence, providing an opportunity to study not only
FRB's but the clustering of free electrons. | Going beyond the Kaiser redshift-space distortion formula: a full
general relativistic account of the effects and their detectability in galaxy
clustering: Kaiser redshift-space distortion formula describes well the clustering of
galaxies in redshift surveys on small scales, but there are numerous additional
terms that arise on large scales. Some of these terms can be described using
Newtonian dynamics and have been discussed in the literature, while the others
require proper general relativistic description that was only recently
developed. Accounting for these terms in galaxy clustering is the first step
toward tests of general relativity on horizon scales. The effects can be
classified as two terms that represent the velocity and the gravitational
potential contributions. Their amplitude is determined by effects such as the
volume and luminosity distance fluctuation effects and the time evolution of
galaxy number density and Hubble parameter. We compare the Newtonian
approximation often used in the redshift-space distortion literature to the
fully general relativistic equation, and show that Newtonian approximation
accounts for most of the terms contributing to velocity effect. We perform a
Fisher matrix analysis of detectability of these terms and show that in a
single tracer survey they are completely undetectable. To detect these terms
one must resort to the recently developed methods to reduce sampling variance
and shot noise. We show that in an all-sky galaxy redshift survey at low
redshift the velocity term can be measured at a few sigma if one can utilize
halos of mass M>10^12 Msun (this can increase to 10-sigma or more in some more
optimistic scenarios), while the gravitational potential term itself can only
be marginally detected. We also demonstrate that the general relativistic
effect is not degenerate with the primordial non-Gaussian signature in galaxy
bias, and the ability to detect primordial non-Gaussianity is little
compromised. |
Subhalo statistics of galactic halos: beyond the resolution limit: We study the substructure population of Milky Way (MW)-mass halos in the
$\Lambda$CDM cosmology using a novel procedure to extrapolate subhalo number
statistics beyond the resolution limit of N-body simulations. The technique
recovers the mean and the variance of the subhalo abundance, but not its
spatial distribution. It extends the dynamic range over which precise
statistical predictions can be made by the equivalent of performing a
simulation with 50 times higher resolution, at no additional computational
cost. We apply this technique to MW-mass halos, but it can easily be applied to
halos of any mass. We find up to $20\%$ more substructures in MW-mass halos
than found in previous studies. Our analysis lowers the mass of the MW halo
required to accommodate the observation that the MW has only three satellites
with a maximum circular velocity $V_{max}\ge30 km/s$ in the $\Lambda$CDM
cosmology. The probability of having a subhalo population similar to that in
the MW is $20\%$ for a virial mass, $M_{200}=1\times10^{12} M_\odot$ and
practically zero for halos more massive than $M_{200}=2\times10^{12} M_\odot$. | Effects of Explosion Asymmetry and Viewing Angle on the Type Ia
Supernova Color and Luminosity Calibration: Phenomenological relations exist between the peak luminosity and other
observables of type Ia supernovae (SNe~Ia), that allow one to standardize their
peak luminosities. However, several issues are yet to be clarified: SNe~Ia show
color variations after the standardization. Also, individual SNe~Ia can show
residuals in their standardized peak absolute magnitude at the level of $\sim
0.15$ mag. In this paper, we explore how the color and luminosity residual are
related to the wavelength shift of nebular emission lines observed at $\gsim
150$ days after maximum light. A sample of 11 SNe Ia which likely suffer from
little host extinction indicates a correlation ($3.3\sigma$) between the peak
$B-V$ color and the late-time emission-line shift. Furthermore, a nearly
identical relation applies for a larger sample in which only three SNe with
$B-V \gsim 0.2$ mag are excluded. Following the interpretation that the
late-time emission-line shift is a tracer of the viewing direction from which
an off-centre explosion is observed, we suggest that the viewing direction is a
dominant factor controlling the SN color and that a large part of the color
variations is intrinsic, rather than due to the host extinction. We also
investigate a relation between the peak luminosity residuals and the wavelength
shift in nebular emission lines in a sample of 20 SNe. We thereby found a hint
of a correlation (at $\sim 1.6 \sigma$ level). The confirmation of this will
require a future sample of SNe with more accurate distance estimates. Radiation
transfer simulations for a toy explosion model where different viewing angles
cause the late-time emission-line shift are presented, predicting a strong
correlation between the color and shift, and a weaker one for the luminosity
residual. |
Effective Theory of Dark Energy at Redshift Survey Scales: We explore the phenomenological consequences of general late-time
modifications of gravity in the quasi-static approximation, in the case where
cold dark matter is non-minimally coupled to the gravitational sector. Assuming
spectroscopic and photometric surveys with configuration parameters similar to
those of the Euclid mission, we derive constraints on our effective description
from three observables: the galaxy power spectrum in redshift space,
tomographic weak-lensing shear power spectrum and the correlation spectrum
between the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect and the galaxy distribution. In
particular, with $\Lambda$CDM as fiducial model and a specific choice for the
time dependence of our effective functions, we perform a Fisher matrix analysis
and find that the unmarginalized $68\%$ CL errors on the parameters describing
the modifications of gravity are of order $\sigma\sim10^{-2}$--$10^{-3}$. We
also consider two other fiducial models. A nonminimal coupling of CDM enhances
the effects of modified gravity and reduces the above statistical errors
accordingly. In all cases, we find that the parameters are highly degenerate,
which prevents the inversion of the Fisher matrices. Some of these degeneracies
can be broken by combining all three observational probes. | The two-and three-point correlation functions of the polarized five-year
WMAP sky maps: We present the two- and three-point real space correlation functions of the
five-year WMAP sky maps, and compare the observed functions to simulated LCDM
concordance model ensembles. In agreement with previously published results, we
find that the temperature correlation functions are consistent with
expectations. However, the pure polarization correlation functions are
acceptable only for the 33GHz band map; the 41, 61, and 94 GHz band correlation
functions all exhibit significant large-scale excess structures. Further, these
excess structures very closely match the correlation functions of the two
(synchrotron and dust) foreground templates used to correct the WMAP data for
galactic contamination, with a cross-correlation statistically significant at
the 2sigma-3sigma confidence level. The correlation is slightly stronger with
respect to the thermal dust template than with the synchrotron template. |
Effect of accretion on primordial black holes in Brans-Dicke theory: We consider the effect of accretion of radiation in the early universe on
primordial black holes in Brans-Dicke theory. The rate of growth of a
primordial black hole due to accretion of radiation in Brans-Dicke theory is
considerably smaller than the rate of growth of the cosmological horizon, thus
making available sufficient radiation density for the black hole to accrete
causally. We show that accretion of radiation by Brans-Dicke black holes
overrides the effect of Hawking evaporation during the radiation dominated era.
The subsequent evaporation of the black holes in later eras is further modified
due to the variable gravitational ``constant'', and they could survive up to
longer times compared to the case of standard cosmology. We estimate the impact
of accretion on modification of the constraint on their initial mass fraction
obtained from the $\gamma$-ray background limit from presently evaporating
primordial black holes. | The photometric evolution of dissolving star clusters: II. Realistic
models. Colours and M/L ratios: Evolutionary synthesis models are the prime method to construct models of
stellar populations, and to derive physical parameters from observations. One
of the assumptions for such models so far has been the time-independence of the
stellar mass function. However, dynamical simulations of star clusters in tidal
fields have shown the mass function to change due to the preferential removal
of low-mass stars from clusters. Here we combine the results from dynamical
simulations of star clusters in tidal fields with our evolutionary synthesis
code GALEV to extend the models by a new dimension: the total cluster
disruption time. We reanalyse the mass function evolution found in N-body
simulations of star clusters in tidal fields, parametrise it as a function of
age and total cluster disruption time and use this parametrisation to compute
GALEV models as a function of age, metallicity and the total cluster disruption
time. We study the impact of cluster dissolution on the colour (generally, they
become redder) and magnitude (they become fainter) evolution of star clusters,
their mass-to-light ratios (off by a factor of ~2 -- 4 from standard
predictions), and quantify the effect on the cluster age determination from
integrated photometry (in most cases, clusters appear to be older than they
are, between 20 and 200%). By comparing our model results with observed M/L
ratios for old compact objects in the mass range 10^4.5 -- 10^8 Msun, we find a
strong discrepancy for objects more massive than 10^7 Msun (higher M/L). This
could be either caused by differences in the underlying stellar mass function
or be an indication for the presence of dark matter in these objects. Less
massive objects are well represented by the models. The models for a range of
total cluster disruption times are available online. (shortened) |
Large scale structure of the Universe: A short overview is given on the development of our present paradigm of the
large scale structure of the Universe with emphasis on the role of Ya. B.
Zeldovich. Next we use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data and show that the
distribution of phases of density waves of various scale in the present-day
Universe are correlated. Using numerical simulations of structure evolution we
show that the skeleton of the cosmic web was present already in an early stage
of the evolution of structure. The positions of maxima and minima of density
waves (their phases) are the more stable, the larger is the wavelength. The
birth of the first generation of stars occured most probably in the central
regions of rich proto-superclusters where the density was highest in the early
Universe. | Dark Matter: A Brief Review: From astronomical observations, we know that dark matter exists, makes up 23%
of the mass budget of the Universe, clusters strongly to form the load-bearing
frame of structure for galaxy formation, and hardly interacts with ordinary
matter except gravitationally. However, this information is not enough to
identify the particle specie(s) that make up dark matter. As such, the problem
of determining the identity of dark matter has largely shifted to the fields of
astroparticle and particle physics. In this talk, I will review the current
status of the search for the nature of dark matter. I will provide an
introduction to possible particle candidates for dark matter and highlight
recent experimental astroparticle- and particle-physics results that constrain
the properties of those candidates. Given the absence of detections in those
experiments, I will advocate a return of the problem of dark-matter
identification to astronomy, and show what kinds of theoretical and
observational work might be used to pin down the nature of dark matter once and
for all. This talk is intended for a broad astronomy audience. |
The galaxy cluster mass scale and its impact on cosmological constraints
from the cluster population: The total mass of a galaxy cluster is one of its most fundamental properties.
Together with the redshift, the mass links observation and theory, allowing us
to use the cluster population to test models of structure formation and to
constrain cosmological parameters. Building on the rich heritage from X-ray
surveys, new results from Sunyaev-Zeldovich and optical surveys have stimulated
a resurgence of interest in cluster cosmology. These studies have generally
found fewer clusters than predicted by the baseline Planck LCDM model,
prompting a renewed effort on the part of the community to obtain a definitive
measure of the true cluster mass scale. Here we review recent progress on this
front. Our theoretical understanding continues to advance, with numerical
simulations being the cornerstone of this effort. On the observational side,
new, sophisticated techniques are being deployed in individual mass
measurements and to account for selection biases in cluster surveys. We
summarise the state of the art in cluster mass estimation methods and the
systematic uncertainties and biases inherent in each approach, which are now
well identified and understood, and explore how current uncertainties propagate
into the cosmological parameter analysis. We discuss the prospects for
improvements to the measurement of the mass scale using upcoming
multi-wavelength data, and the future use of the cluster population as a
cosmological probe. | Probing the inflationary particle content: extra spin-2 field: We study how inflationary observables associated with primordial tensor modes
are affected by coupling the minimal field content with an extra spin-2
particle during inflation. We work with a model that is ghost-free at the fully
non-linear level and show how the new degrees of freedom modify standard
consistency relations for the tensor bispectrum. The extra interacting spin-2
field is necessarily massive and unitarity dictates its mass be in the $m
\gtrsim H$ range. Despite the fact that this bound selects a decaying solution
for the corresponding tensor mode, cosmological correlators still carry the
imprints of such "fossil" fields. Remarkably, fossil(s) of spin $\geq 1$
generate distinctive anisotropies in observables such as the tensor power
spectrum. We show how this plays out in our set-up. |
Scaling in necklaces of monopoles and semipoles: Models of symmetry breaking in the early universe can produce networks of
cosmic strings threading 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles. In certain cases there is
a larger global symmetry group and the monopoles split into so-called
semipoles. These networks are all known as cosmic necklaces. We carry out
large-scale field theory simulations of the simplest model containing these
objects, confirming that the energy density of networks of cosmic necklaces
approaches scaling, i.e. that it remains a constant fraction of the background
energy density. The number of monopoles per unit comoving string length is
constant, meaning that the density fraction of monopoles decreases with time.
Where the necklaces carry semipoles rather than monopoles, we perform the first
simulations large enough to demonstrate that they also maintain a constant
number per unit comoving string length. We also compare our results to a number
of analytical models of cosmic necklaces, finding that none explains our
results. We put forward evidence that annihilation of poles on the strings is
controlled by a diffusive process, a possibility not considered before. The
observational constraints derived in our previous work for necklaces with
monopoles can now be safely applied to those with semipoles as well. | On the Anomalous Silicate Absorption Feature of the Prototypical Seyfert
2 Galaxy NGC 1068: The first detection of the silicate absorption feature in AGNs was made at
9.7 micrometer for the prototypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 over 30 years
ago, indicating the presence of a large column of silicate dust in the
line-of-sight to the nucleus. It is now well recognized that type 2 AGNs
exhibit prominent silicate absorption bands, while the silicate bands of type 1
AGNs appear in emission. More recently, using the Mid-Infrared Interferometric
Instrument on the Very Large Telescope Interferometer, Jaffe et al. (2004) by
the first time spatially resolved the parsec-sized dust torus around NGC 1068
and found that the 10 micrometer silicate absorption feature of the innermost
hot component exhibits an anomalous profile differing from that of the
interstellar medium and that of common olivine-type silicate dust. While they
ascribed the anomalous absorption profile to gehlenite (Ca_2Al_2SiO_7, a
calcium aluminum silicate species), we propose a physical dust model and argue
that, although the presence of gehlenite is not ruled out, the anomalous
absorption feature mainly arises from silicon carbide. |
Under an Iron Sky: On the Entropy at the Start of the Universe: Curiously, our Universe was born in a low entropy state, with abundant free
energy to power stars and life. The form that this free energy takes is usually
thought to be gravitational: the Universe is almost perfectly smooth, and so
can produce sources of energy as matter collapses under gravity. It has
recently been argued that a more important source of low-entropy energy is
nuclear: the Universe expands too fast to remain in nuclear statistical
equilibrium (NSE), effectively shutting off nucleosynthesis in the first few
minutes, providing leftover hydrogen as fuel for stars. Here, we fill in the
astrophysical details of this scenario, and seek the conditions under which a
Universe will emerge from early nucleosynthesis as almost-purely iron. In so
doing, we identify a hitherto-overlooked character in the story of the origin
of the second law: matter-antimatter asymmetry. | Toward a New Geometric Distance to the Active Galaxy NGC 4258. III.
Final Results and the Hubble Constant: We report a new geometric maser distance estimate to the active galaxy NGC
4258. The data for the new model are maser line-of-sight velocities and sky
positions from 18 epochs of Very Long Baseline Interferometry observations, and
line-of-sight accelerations measured from a 10-year monitoring program of the
22 GHz maser emission of NGC 4258. The new model includes both disk warping and
confocal elliptical maser orbits with differential precession. The distance to
NGC 4258 is 7.60 +/- 0.17 +/- 0.15 Mpc, a 3% uncertainty including formal
fitting and systematic terms. The resulting Hubble Constant, based on the use
of the Cepheid Variables in NGC 4258 to recalibrate the Cepheid distance scale
(Riess et al. 2011), is H_0 = 72.0 +/- 3.0 km/s/Mpc. |
CMB lensing and primordial squeezed non-Gaussianity: Squeezed primordial non-Gaussianity can strongly constrain early-universe
physics, but it can only be observed on the CMB after it has been
gravitationally lensed. We give a new simple non-perturbative prescription for
accurately calculating the effect of lensing on any squeezed primordial
bispectrum shape, and test it with simulations. We give the generalization to
polarization bispectra, and discuss the effect of lensing on the trispectrum.
We explain why neglecting the lensing smoothing effect does not significantly
bias estimators of local primordial non-Gaussianity, even though the change in
shape can be >~10%. We also show how tau_NL trispectrum estimators can be well
approximated by much simpler CMB temperature modulation estimators, and hence
that there is potentially a ~10-30% bias due to very large-scale lensing modes,
depending on the range of modulation scales included. Including dipole sky
modulations can halve the tau_NL error bar if kinematic effects can be
subtracted using known properties of the CMB temperature dipole. Lensing
effects on the g_NL trispectrum are small compared to the error bar. In
appendices we give the general result for lensing of any primordial bispectrum,
and show how any full-sky squeezed bispectrum can be decomposed into orthogonal
modes of distinct angular dependence. | The Age Spread of Quiescent Galaxies with the NEWFIRM Medium-band
Survey: Identification of the Oldest Galaxies out to z~2: With a complete, mass-selected sample of quiescent galaxies from the NEWFIRM
Medium-Band Survey (NMBS), we study the stellar populations of the oldest and
most massive galaxies (>10^11 Msun) to high redshift. The sample includes 570
quiescent galaxies selected based on their extinction-corrected U-V colors out
to z=2.2, with accurate photometric redshifts, sigma_z/(1+z)~2%, and rest-frame
colors, sigma_U-V~0.06 mag. We measure an increase in the intrinsic scatter of
the rest-frame U-V colors of quiescent galaxies with redshift. This scatter in
color arises from the spread in ages of the quiescent galaxies, where we see
both relatively quiescent red, old galaxies and quiescent blue, younger
galaxies towards higher redshift. The trends between color and age are
consistent with the observed composite rest-frame spectral energy distributions
(SEDs) of these galaxies. The composite SEDs of the reddest and bluest
quiescent galaxies are fundamentally different, with remarkably well-defined
4000A- and Balmer-breaks, respectively. Some of the quiescent galaxies may be
up to 4 times older than the average age- and up to the age of the universe, if
the assumption of solar metallicity is correct. By matching the scatter
predicted by models that include growth of the red sequence by the
transformation of blue galaxies to the observed intrinsic scatter, the data
indicate that most early-type galaxies formed their stars at high redshift with
a burst of star formation prior to migrating to the red sequence. The observed
U-V color evolution with redshift is weaker than passive evolution predicts;
possible mechanisms to slow the color evolution include increasing amounts of
dust in quiescent galaxies towards higher redshift, red mergers at z<1, and a
frosting of relatively young stars from star formation at later times. |
Average Heating Rate of Hot Atmospheres in Distant Clusters by Radio
AGN: Evidence for Continuous AGN Heating: We examine atmospheric heating by radio active galactic nuclei (AGN) in
distant X-ray clusters by cross correlating clusters selected from the 400
Square Degree (400SD) X-ray Cluster survey with radio sources in the NRAO VLA
Sky Survey. Roughly 30% of the clusters show radio emission above a flux
threshold of 3 mJy within a projected radius of 250 kpc. The radio emission is
presumably associated with the brightest cluster galaxy. The mechanical jet
power for each radio source was determined using scaling relations between
radio power and cavity (mechanical) power determined for nearby clusters,
groups, and galaxies with hot atmospheres containing X-ray cavities. The
average jet power of the central radio AGN is approximately $2\times
10^{44}$\ergs. We find no significant correlation between radio power, hence
mechanical jet power, and the X-ray luminosities of clusters in the redshift
range 0.1 -- 0.6. This implies that the mechanical heating rate per particle is
higher in lower mass, lower X-ray luminosity clusters. The jet power averaged
over the sample corresponds to an atmospheric heating of approximately 0.2 keV
per particle within R$_{500}$. Assuming the current AGN heating rate does not
evolve but remains constant to redshifts of 2, the heating rate per particle
would rise by a factor of two. We find that the energy injected from radio AGN
contribute substantially to the excess entropy in hot atmospheres needed to
break self-similarity in cluster scaling relations. The detection frequency of
radio AGN is inconsistent with the presence of strong cooling flows in 400SD
clusters, but does not exclude weak cooling flows. It is unclear whether
central AGN in 400SD clusters are maintained by feedback at the base of a
cooling flow. Atmospheric heating by radio AGN may retard the development of
strong cooling flows at early epochs. | Effelsberg 100-m polarimetric observations of a sample of Compact
Steep-Spectrum sources: We completed observations with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope to
measure the polarised emission from a complete sample of Compact Steep-Spectrum
sources. We observed the sources at four different frequencies. We complemented
these measurements with polarisation parameters at 1.4 GHz derived from the
NVSS. Previous single dish measurements were taken from the catalogue of Tabara
and Inoue. The depolarisation index DP was computed for four pairs of
frequencies. A drop in the fractional polarisation appeared in the radio
emission when observing at frequencies below about 2 GHz. Rotation measures
were derived for about 25% of the sources in the sample. The values range from
about -20 rad/m**2} found for 3C138 to 3900 rad/m**2 in 3C119. In all cases,
the lambda**2 law is closely followed. The presence of a foreground screen as
predicted by the Tribble model or with ``partial coverage'' as defined by
ourselves can explain the polarimetric behaviour of the CSS sources detected in
polarisation by the present observations. Indication of repolarisation at lower
frequencies was found for some sources. A case of possible variability in the
fractional polarisation is also suggested. The most unexpected result was found
for the distribution of the fractional polarisations versus the linear sizes of
the sources. Our results appear to disagree with the findings of Cotton and
collaborators and Fanti and collaborators for the B3-VLA sample of CSS sources,
the so-called ``Cotton effect''. This apparent contradiction may, however, be
caused by the large contamination of the sample by quasars with respect to the
B3-VLA. |
Time Delay Cosmography: Gravitational time delays, observed in strong lens systems where the variable
background source is multiply-imaged by a massive galaxy in the foreground,
provide direct measurements of cosmological distance that are very
complementary to other cosmographic probes. The success of the technique
depends on the availability and size of a suitable sample of lensed quasars or
supernovae, precise measurements of the time delays, accurate modeling of the
gravitational potential of the main deflector, and our ability to characterize
the distribution of mass along the line of sight to the source. We review the
progress made during the last 15 years, during which the first competitive
cosmological inferences with time delays were made, and look ahead to the
potential of significantly larger lens samples in the near future. | The Non-Linear Matter Power Spectrum in Warm Dark Matter Cosmologies: We investigate the non-linear evolution of the matter power spectrum by using
a large set of high-resolution N-body/hydrodynamic simulations. The linear
matter power in the initial conditions is consistently modified to accommodate
warm dark matter particles which induce a small scale cut-off in the power as
compared to standard cold dark matter scenarios. The impact of such thermal
relics is addressed at small scales with k > 1 h/Mpc and at z < 5, which are
particularly important for the next generation of Lyman-alpha forest, weak
lensing and galaxy clustering surveys. We quantify the mass and redshift
dependence of the warm dark matter non-linear matter power and we provide a
fitting formula which is accurate at the ~2% level below z=3 and for masses
m_wdm > 0.5 keV. The role of baryonic physics (cooling, star formation and
feedback recipes) on the warm dark matter induced suppression is also
quantified. Furthermore, we compare our findings with the halo model and show
their impact on the cosmic shear power spectra. |
The fate of large-scale structure in modified gravity after GW170817 and
GRB170817A: The coincident detection of gravitational waves (GW) and a gamma-ray burst
from a merger of neutron stars has placed an extremely stringent bound on the
speed of GW. We showed previously that the presence of gravitational slip
($\eta$) in cosmology is intimately tied to modifications of GW propagation.
This new constraint implies that the only remaining viable source of
gravitational slip is a conformal coupling to gravity in scalar-tensor
theories, while viable vector-tensor theories cannot now generate gravitational
slip at all. We discuss structure formation in the remaining viable models,
demonstrating that (i) the dark-matter growth rate must now be at least as fast
as in GR, with the possible exception of the beyond Horndeski model. (ii) If
there is any scale-dependence at all in the slip parameter, it is such that it
takes the GR value at large scales. We show a consistency relation which must
be violated if gravity is modified. | Measuring the scatter of the mass-richness relation in galaxy clusters
in photometric imaging surveys by means of their correlation function: Knowledge of the scatter in the mass-observable relation is a key ingredient
for a cosmological analysis based on galaxy clusters in a photometric survey.
In this paper we aim to quantify the capability of the correlation function of
galaxy cluster to constrain the intrinsic scatter $\sigma_{\ln M}$. We
demonstrate how the linear bias measured in the correlation function of
clusters can be used to determine the value of this parameter. The new method
is tested in simulations of a $5, 000 deg^2$ optical survey up to $z \sim 1$,
similar to the ongoing Dark Energy Survey (DES). Our results show that our
method works better at lower scatter values. We can measured the intrinsic
scatter $\sigma_{ln M} = 0.1$ with a standard deviation of $\sigma(\sigma_{ln
M}) \sim 0.03$ using this technique. However, the expected intrinsic scatter of
the DES RedMaPPer cluster catalog $\sigma_{ln M} \sim 0.2$ cannot be recovered
with this method at suitable accuracy and precision because the area coverage
is insufficient. For future photometric surveys with a larger area such as LSST
and Euclid, the statistical errors will be reduced. Therefore, we forecast
higher precision to measure the intrinsic scatter including the value mention
before. We conclude that this method can be used as an internal consistency
check method on their simplifying assumptions and complementary to
cross-calibration techniques in multi-wavelength cluster observations |
GUT-Scale Primordial Black Holes: Mergers and Gravitational Waves: Tight constraints on the abundance of primordial black holes can be deduced
across a vast range of masses, with the exception of those light enough to
fully evaporate before nucleosynthesis. This hypothetical population is almost
entirely unconstrained, to the point where the early Universe could pass
through a matter-dominated phase with primordial black holes as the primary
component. The only obvious relic of this phase would be Hawking radiated
gravitons which would constitute a stochastic gravitational wave background in
the present-day Universe, albeit at frequencies far beyond the scope of any
planned detector technology. This paper explores the effects of classical
mergers in such a matter dominated phase. For certain ranges of parameters, a
significant fraction of the black holes merge, providing an additional,
classical source of primordial gravitational waves. The resulting stochastic
background typically has a lower amplitude than the Hawking background and lies
at less extreme frequencies, but is unlikely to be easily detectable, with a
maximal present day density of $\Omega_{GW} \sim 10^{-12}$ and frequencies
between $10^{15} - 10^{19}$ Hz. We also asses the impact of radiation accretion
on the lifetimes of such primordial black holes and find that it increases the
black hole mass by $\sim 14 \%$ and the lifetimes by about $50 \%$. However,
this does not qualitatively change any of our conclusions. | The Scales of Gravitational Lensing: After exactly a century since the formulation of the general theory of
relativity, the phenomenon of gravitational lensing is still an extremely
powerful method for investigating in astrophysics and cosmology. Indeed, it is
adopted to study the distribution of the stellar component in the Milky Way, to
study dark matter and dark energy on very large scales and even to discover
exoplanets. Moreover, thanks to technological developments, it will allow the
measure of the physical parameters (mass, angular momentum and electric charge)
of supermassive black holes in the center of ours and nearby galaxies. |
Exploring Primordial Black Holes from the Multiverse with Optical
Telescopes: Primordial black holes (PBHs) are a viable candidate for dark matter if the
PBH masses are in the currently unconstrained "sublunar" mass range. We revisit
the possibility that PBHs were produced by nucleation of false vacuum bubbles
during inflation. We show that this scenario can produce a population of PBHs
that simultaneously accounts for all dark matter, explains the candidate event
in Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) data, and contains both heavy black holes as
observed by LIGO and very heavy seeds of supermassive black holes. We
demonstrate with numerical studies that future observations of HSC, as well as
other optical surveys, such as LSST, will be able to provide a definitive test
for this generic PBH formation mechanism if it is the dominant source of dark
matter. | The Most Massive Galaxies at 3.0<z<4.0 in the NEWFIRM Medium-Band
Survey: Properties and Improved Constraints on the Stellar Mass Function: [Abridged] We use the NEWFIRM Medium-Band Survey (NMBS) to characterize the
properties of a mass-complete sample of 14 galaxies at 3.0<z<4.0 with
M_star>2.5x10^11 Msun, and to derive more accurate measurements of the
high-mass end of the stellar mass function (SMF) of galaxies at z=3.5, with
significantly reduced contributions from photometric redshift errors and cosmic
variance to the total error budget of the SMF. The typical very massive galaxy
at z=3.5 is red and faint in the observer's optical, with median r=26.1, and
rest-frame U-V=1.6. About 60% of the sample have optical colors satisfying
either the U- or the B-dropout color criteria, although ~50% of these galaxies
have r>25.5. About 30% of the sample has SFRs from SED modeling consistent with
zero. However, >80% of the sample is detected at 24 micron, with total infrared
luminosities in the range (0.5-4.0)x10^13 Lsun. This implies the presence of
either dust-enshrouded starburst activity (with SFRs of 600-4300 Msun/yr)
and/or highly-obscured active galactic nuclei (AGN). The contribution of
galaxies with M_star>2.5x10^11 Msun to the total stellar mass budget at z=3.5
is ~8%. We find an evolution by a factor of 2-7 and 3-22 from z~5 and z~6,
respectively, to z=3.5. The previously found disagreement at the high-mass end
between observed and model-predicted SMFs is now significant at the 3sigma
level. However, systematic uncertainties dominate the total error budget, with
errors up to a factor of ~8 in the densities, bringing the observed SMF in
marginal agreement with the predicted SMF. Additional systematic uncertainties
on the high-mass end could be introduced by either 1) the intense
star-formation and/or the very common AGN activities as inferred from the MIPS
24 micron detections, and/or 2) contamination by a significant population of
massive, old, and dusty galaxies at z~2.6. |
WISE detections of known QSOs at redshifts greater than six: We present WISE All-Sky mid-infrared (IR) survey detections of 55% (17/31) of
the known QSOs at z>6 from a range of surveys: the SDSS, the CFHT-LS, FIRST,
Spitzer and UKIDSS. The WISE catalog thus provides a substantial increase in
the quantity of IR data available for these sources: 17 are detected in the
WISE W1 (3.4-micron) band, 16 in W2 (4.6-micron), 3 in W3 (12-micron) and 0 in
W4 (22-micron). This is particularly important with Spitzer in its warm-mission
phase and no faint follow-up capability at wavelengths longwards of 5 microns
until the launch of JWST. WISE thus provides a useful tool for understanding
QSOs found in forthcoming large-area optical/IR sky surveys, using PanSTARRS,
SkyMapper, VISTA, DES and LSST. The rest-UV properties of the WISE-detected and
the WISE-non-detected samples differ: the detections have brighter i/z-band
magnitudes and redder rest-UV colors. This suggests that a more aggressive hunt
for very-high-redshift QSOs, by combining WISE W1 and W2 data with red observed
optical colors could be effective at least for a subset of dusty candidate
QSOs. Stacking the WISE images of the WISE-non-detected QSOs indicates that
they are on average significantly fainter than the WISE-detected examples, and
are thus not narrowly missing detection in the WISE catalog. The WISE-catalog
detection of three of our sample in the W3 band indicates that their mid-IR
flux can be detected individually, although there is no stacked W3 detection of
sources detected in W1 but not W3. Stacking analyses of WISE data for large AGN
samples will be a useful tool, and high-redshift QSOs of all types will be easy
targets for JWST. | Constraining the curvature density parameter in cosmology: The cosmic curvature density parameter has been constrained in the present
work independent of any background cosmological model. The reconstruction is
performed adopting the non-parametric Gaussian Processes (GP). The constraints
on $\Omega_{k0}$ are obtained via a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis.
Late-time cosmological probes viz., the Supernova (SN) distance modulus data,
the Cosmic Chronometer (CC) and the radial Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
($r$BAO) measurements of the Hubble data have been utilized for this purpose.
The results are further combined with the data from redshift space distortions
(RSD) which studies the growth of large scale structure in the universe. The
only \textit{a priori} assumption is that the universe is homogeneous and
isotropic, described by the FLRW metric. Results indicate that a spatially flat
universe is well consistent in 2$\sigma$ within the domain of reconstruction
$0<z<2$ for the background data. On combining the RSD data we find that the
results obtained are consistent with spatial flatness mostly within 2$\sigma$
and always within 3$\sigma$ in the domain of reconstruction $0<z<2$. |
Dark Matter Halos from the Inside Out: The balance of evidence indicates that individual galaxies and groups or
clusters of galaxies are embedded in enormous distributions of cold, weakly
interacting dark matter. These dark matter 'halos' provide the scaffolding for
all luminous structure in the universe, and their properties comprise an
essential part of the current cosmological model. I review the internal
properties of dark matter halos, focussing on the simple, universal trends
predicted by numerical simulations of structure formation. Simulations indicate
that halos should all have roughly the same spherically-averaged density
profile and kinematic structure, and predict simple distributions of shape,
formation history and substructure in density and kinematics, over an enormous
range of halo mass and for all common variants of the concordance cosmology. I
describe observational progress towards testing these predictions by measuring
masses, shapes, profiles and substructure in real halos, using baryonic tracers
or gravitational lensing. An important property of simulated halos (possibly
the most important property) is their dynamical 'age', or degree of internal
relaxation. The age of a halo may have almost as much effect as its mass in
determining the state of its baryonic contents, so halo ages are also worth
trying to measure observationally. I review recent gravitational lensing
studies of galaxy clusters which should measure substructure and relaxation in
a large sample of individual cluster halos, producing quantitative measures of
age that are well-matched to theoretical predictions. The age distributions
inferred from these studies will lead to second-generation tests of the
cosmological model, as well as an improved understanding of cluster assembly
and the evolution of galaxies within clusters. | The Herschel Filament: a signature of the environmental drivers of
galaxy evolution during the assembly of massive clusters at z=0.9: We have discovered a 2.5 Mpc (projected) long filament of infrared-bright
galaxies connecting two of the three ~5x10^14 Msun clusters making up the RCS
2319+00 supercluster at z=0.9. The filament is revealed in a deep Herschel
Spectral and Photometric Imaging REceiver (SPIRE) map that shows 250-500um
emission associated with a spectroscopically identified filament of galaxies
spanning two X-ray bright cluster cores. We estimate that the total (8-1000um)
infrared luminosity of the filament is Lir~5x10^12 Lsun, which, if due to star
formation alone, corresponds to a total SFR 900 Msun/yr. We are witnessing the
scene of the build-up of a >10^15 Msun cluster of galaxies, seen prior to the
merging of three massive components, each of which already contains a
population of red, passive galaxies that formed at z>2. The infrared filament
demonstrates that significant stellar mass assembly is taking place in the
moderate density, dynamically active circumcluster environments of the most
massive clusters at high-redshift, and this activity is concomitant with the
hierarchical build-up of large scale structure. |
On the luminosity distance and the epoch of acceleration: Standard cosmological models based on general relativity (GR) with dark
energy predict that the Universe underwent a transition from decelerating to
accelerating expansion at a moderate redshift $z_{acc} \sim 0.7$. Clearly, it
is of great interest to directly measure this transition in a model-independent
way, without the assumption that GR is the correct theory of gravity. We
explore to what extent supernova (SN) luminosity distance measurements provide
evidence for such a transition: we show that, contrary to intuition, the
well-known "turnover" in the SN distance residuals $\Delta\mu$ relative to an
empty (Milne) model does not give firm evidence for such a transition within
the redshift range spanned by SN data. The observed turnover in that diagram is
predominantly due to the negative curvature in the Milne model, {\em not} the
deceleration predicted by $\Lambda$CDM and relatives. We show that there are
several advantages in plotting distance residuals against a flat,
non-accelerating model $(w = -1/3)$, and also remapping the $z-$axis to $u =
\ln(1+z)$; we outline a number of useful and intuitive properties of this
presentation. We conclude that there are significant complementarities between
SNe and baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs): SNe offer high precision at low
redshifts and give good constraints on the net {\em amount} of acceleration
since $z \sim 0.7$, but are weak at constraining $z_{acc}$; while radial BAO
measurements are probably superior for placing direct constraints on $z_{acc}$. | The XMM Cluster Survey: Exploring scaling relations and completeness of
the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 redMaPPer cluster catalogue: We cross-match and compare characteristics of galaxy clusters identified in
observations from two sky surveys using two completely different techniques.
One sample is optically selected from the analysis of three years of Dark
Energy Survey observations using the redMaPPer cluster detection algorithm. The
second is X-ray selected from XMM observations analysed by the XMM Cluster
Survey. The samples comprise a total area of 57.4 deg$^2$, bounded by the area
of 4 contiguous XMM survey regions that overlap the DES footprint. We find that
the X-ray selected sample is fully matched with entries in the redMaPPer
catalogue, above $\lambda>$20 and within 0.1$< z <$0.9. Conversely, only 38\%
of the redMaPPer catalogue is matched to an X-ray extended source. Next, using
120 optically clusters and 184 X-ray selected clusters, we investigate the form
of the X-ray luminosity-temperature ($L_{X}-T_{X}$), luminosity-richness
($L_{X}-\lambda$) and temperature-richness ($T_{X}-\lambda$) scaling relations.
We find that the fitted forms of the $L_{X}-T_{X}$ relations are consistent
between the two selection methods and also with other studies in the
literature. However, we find tentative evidence for a steepening of the slope
of the relation for low richness systems in the X-ray selected sample. When
considering the scaling of richness with X-ray properties, we again find
consistency in the relations (i.e., $L_{X}-\lambda$ and $T_{X}-\lambda$)
between the optical and X-ray selected samples. This is contrary to previous
similar works that find a significant increase in the scatter of the luminosity
scaling relation for X-ray selected samples compared to optically selected
samples. |
Statistics of the excursion sets in models with local primordial
non-Gaussianity: We use the statistics of regions above or below a temperature threshold
(excursion sets) to study the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy in
models with primordial non-Gaussianity of the local type. By computing the
full-sky spatial distribution and clustering of pixels above/below threshold
from a large set of simulated maps with different levels of non-Gaussianity, we
find that a positive value of the dimensionless non-linearity parameter f_NL
enhances the number density of the cold CMB excursion sets along with their
clustering strength, and reduces that of the hot ones. We quantify the
robustness of this effect, which may be important to discriminate between the
simpler Gaussian hypothesis and non-Gaussian scenarios, arising either from
non-standard inflation or alternative early-universe models. The clustering of
hot and cold pixels exhibits distinct non-Gaussian signatures, particularly at
angular scales of about 75 arcmin (i.e. around the Doppler peak), which
increase linearly with f_NL. Moreover, the clustering changes strongly as a
function of the smoothing angle. We propose several statistical tests to
maximize the detection of a local primordial non-Gaussian signal, and provide
some theoretical insights within this framework, including an optimal selection
of the threshold level. We also describe a procedure which aims at minimizing
the cosmic variance effect, the main limit within this statistical framework. | Lensing dispersion of supernova flux: a probe of nonlinear structure
growth: The scatter in the apparent magnitude of type Ia supernovae induced by
stochastic gravitational lensing is highly dependent on the nonlinear growth of
cosmological structure. In this paper, we show that such a dependence can
potentially be employed to gain significant information about the mass
clustering at small scales. While the mass clustering ultimately hinges on
cosmology, here we demonstrate that, upon obtaining more precise observational
measurements through future cosmological surveys, the lensing dispersion can
very effectively be used to gain information on the poorly understood
astrophysical aspects of structure formation, such as the clumpiness of dark
matter halos and the importance of gas physics and star formation into shaping
the large-scale structure. In order to illustrate this point we verify that
even the tentative current measurements of the lensing dispersion performed on
the Supernova Legacy Survey sample favor a scenario where virialized structures
are somewhat less compact than predicted by $n-$body cosmological simulations.
Moreover, we are also able to put lower limits on the slope of the
concentration-mass relation. By artificially reducing the statistical
observational error we argue that with forthcoming data the stochastic lensing
dispersion will allow one to importantly improve constraints on the baryonic
physics at work during the assembly of cosmological structure. |
Cosmological Features of Primordial Magnetic Fields: The aim of this thesis is to study the effects on the CMB anisotropy due to
primordial magnetic fields and to analyze some favorable scenarios of
magnetogenesis constrained by those signatures, including limits on the
amplitude of the fields from bounds on CMB non-Gaussianity and background
models. In fact, we found out that helicity in the fields plays an important
role in the analysis PMFs origin, by generating significant features in the
cross-correlation polarization pattern and the increasing of the signal in the
reduced CMB bispectrum. In the latter case, we reported that non-causal fields
(mainly generated during the inflation epoch) are the most favorable models
constrained by CMB observations. Moreover, we have studied the presence of an
IR cutoff in the spectra and bispectra finding appealing unique features from
primordial magnetic fields. Another important result shown in this thesis is
the equivalence between different approaches of cosmological perturbation
theory in the magnetized context. In fact, assuming a magnetized Universe and
building gauge invariant quantities in both approaches: the 1+3covariant and
the gauge invariant; we found out that those invariants represent the same
physical meaning. Besides, we define gauge invariant related to the
electromagnetic potentials which in future works, could help us to study
magnetogenesis models on perturbed scenarios. | Simulations of the Galaxy Cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301 I: Thermal Model and
Shock Properties: The giant radio relic in CIZA J2242.8+5301 is likely evidence of a Mpc sized
shock in a massive merging galaxy cluster. However, the exact shock properties
are still not clearly determined. In particular, the Mach number derived from
the integrated radio spectrum exceeds the Mach number derived from the X-ray
temperature jump by a factor of two. We present here a numerical study, aiming
for a model that is consistent with the majority of observations of this galaxy
cluster. We first show that in the northern shock upstream X-ray temperature
and radio data are consistent with each other. We then derive progenitor masses
for the system using standard density profiles, X-ray properties and the
assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. We find a class of models that is
roughly consistent with weak lensing data, radio data and some of the X-ray
data. Assuming a cool-core versus non-cool-core merger, we find a fiducial
model with a total mass of $1.6 \times 10^{15}\,M_\odot$, a mass ratio of 1.76
and a Mach number that is consistent with estimates from the radio spectrum. We
are not able to match X-ray derived Mach numbers, because even low mass models
over-predict the X-ray derived shock speeds. We argue that deep X-ray
observations of CIZA J2242.8+5301 will be able to test our model and
potentially reconcile X-ray and radio derived Mach numbers in relics. |
Local gravitational physics of the Hubble expansion: We study physical consequences of the Hubble expansion of FLRW manifold on
measurement of space, time and light propagation in the local inertial frame.
We analyse the solar system radar ranging and Doppler tracking experiments, and
time synchronization. FLRW manifold is covered by global coordinates (t,y^i),
where t is the cosmic time coinciding with the proper time of the Hubble
observers. We introduce local inertial coordinates x^a=(x^0,x^i) in the
vicinity of a world line of a Hubble observer with the help of a special
conformal transformation. The local inertial metric is Minkowski flat and is
materialized by the congruence of time-like geodesics of static observers being
at rest with respect to the local spatial coordinates x^i. We consider geodesic
motion of test particles and notice that the local coordinate time x^0=x^0(t)
taken as a parameter along the world line of particle, is a function of the
Hubble's observer time t. This function changes smoothly from x^0=t for a
particle at rest (observer's clock), to x^0=t+1/2 Ht^2 for photons, where H is
the Hubble constant. Thus, motion of a test particle is non-uniform when its
world line is parametrized by time t. NASA JPL Orbit Determination Program
presumes that motion of light (after the Shapiro delay is excluded) is uniform
with respect to the time t but it does not comply with the non-uniform motion
of light on cosmological manifold. For this reason, the motion of light in the
solar system analysed with the Orbit Determination Program appears as having a
systematic blue shift of frequency, of radio waves circulating in the
Earth-spacecraft radio link. The magnitude of the anomalous blue shift of
frequency is proportional to the Hubble constant H that may open an access to
the measurement of this fundamental cosmological parameter in the solar system
radiowave experiments. | Field theoretic interpretations of interacting dark energy scenarios and
recent observations: Cosmological models describing the non-gravitational interaction between dark
matter and dark energy are based on some phenomenological choices of the
interaction rates between dark matter and dark energy. There is no such guiding
rule to select such rates of interaction. {\it In the present work we show that
various phenomenological models of the interaction rates might have a strong
field theoretical ground.} We explicitly derive several well known interaction
functions between dark matter and dark energy under some special conditions and
finally constrain them using the latest cosmic microwave background
observations from final Planck legacy release together with baryon acoustic
oscillations distance measurements. Our analyses report that one of the
interacting functions is able to alleviate the $H_0$ tension. We also perform a
Bayesian evidence analyses for all the models with reference to the
$\Lambda$CDM model. From the Bayesian evidence analyses, although the reference
scenario is preferred over the interacting scenarios, however, we found that
two interacting models are close to the reference $\Lambda$CDM model. |
Constraints on dark matter-neutrino scattering from the Milky-Way
satellites and subhalo modeling for dark acoustic oscillations: The elastic scattering between dark matter (DM) and radiation can potentially
explain small-scale observations that the cold dark matter faces as a
challenge, as damping density fluctuations via dark acoustic oscillations in
the early universe erases small-scale structure. We study a semi-analytical
subhalo model for interacting dark matter with radiation, based on the extended
Press-Schechter formalism and subhalos' tidal evolution prescription. We also
test the elastic scattering between DM and neutrinos using observations of
Milky-Way satellites from the Dark Energy Survey and PanSTARRS1. We
conservatively impose strong constraints on the DM-neutrino scattering cross
section of $\sigma_{{\rm DM}\text{-}\nu,n}\propto E_\nu^n$ $(n=0,2,4)$ at
$95\%$ confidence level (CL), $\sigma_{{\rm DM}\text{-}\nu,0}< 10^{-32}\ {\rm
cm^2}\ (m_{\rm DM}/{\rm GeV})$, $\sigma_{{\rm DM}\text{-}\nu,2}< 10^{-43}\ {\rm
cm^2}\ (m_{\rm DM}/{\rm GeV})(E_\nu/E_{\nu}^0)^2$ and $\sigma_{{\rm
DM}\text{-}\nu,4}< 10^{-54}\ {\rm cm^2}\ (m_{\rm DM}/{\rm
GeV})(E_\nu/E_{\nu}^0)^4$, where $E_\nu$ is the neutrino energy and $E_\nu^0$
is the average momentum of relic cosmic neutrinos today, $E_\nu^0 \simeq 6.1\
{\rm K}$. By imposing a satellite forming condition, we obtain the strongest
upper bounds on the DM-neutrino cross section at $95\%$ CL, $\sigma_{{\rm
DM}\text{-}\nu,0}< 4\times 10^{-34}\ {\rm cm^2}\ (m_{\rm DM}/{\rm GeV})$,
$\sigma_{{\rm DM}\text{-}\nu,2}< 10^{-46}\ {\rm cm^2}\ (m_{\rm DM}/{\rm
GeV})(E_\nu/E_{\nu}^0)^2$ and $\sigma_{{\rm DM}\text{-}\nu,4}< 7\times
10^{-59}\ {\rm cm^2}\ (m_{\rm DM}/{\rm GeV})(E_\nu/E_{\nu}^0)^4$. | Observational constraints on the metagalactic Ly$α$ photon
scattering rate at high redshift: The scattering of Ly$\alpha$ photons from the first radiating sources in the
Universe plays a pivotal role in 21-cm radio detections of Cosmic Dawn and the
Epoch of Reionization through the Wouthuysen-Field effect. New data from JWST
show the Ly$\alpha$ photon scattering rate exceeds that required to decouple
the intergalactic hydrogen spin temperature from that of the Cosmic Microwave
Background up to $z\sim14$ and render the neutral hydrogen visible over the
main redshift range expected for the Epoch of Reionization. |
Investigating the accelerated expansion of the Universe through updated
constraints on viable $f(R)$ models within the metric formalism: Modified theories of gravity encompass a class of $f(R)$-models that seek to
elucidate the observed late time accelerated expansion of the universe. In this
study, we examine a set of viable $f(R)$ models (Hu-Sawicki: two cases,
Satrobinsky, Tsujikawa, exponential and arcTanh models) in metric formalism,
using recent cosmological data sets: type Ia supernovae data, cosmic
chronometer observations, baryonic acoustic oscillations data, data from
H\textsc{ii} starburst galaxies, and local measurements of the Hubble parameter
$H_0$. The model parameters are constrained using a Bayesian analysis with the
Monte Carlo Markov Chain method. We employ statistical tools such as the Akaike
Information Criterion, Bayesian Information Criterion, and reduced chi-square
statistics to conduct a comparative investigation of these models. We determine
the transition redshift, the evolution of total equation-of-state (EoS)
parameter, and the EoS for the component responsible for current accelerated
expansion to characterize the expansion's evolution. Taking into account the
``Hubble tension," we perform the study with and without a Gaussian prior for
$H_0$ from local measurements. Our findings are as follows: (i) in many cases
the $f(R)$ models are strongly favored over the standard $\Lambda$CDM model,
(ii) the deviation parameter ($b$) significantly deviates from zero in several
cases, (iii) the inclusion of local $H_0$ not only increases the fitted value
of $H_0$ (as expected) but also affects the gap between predictions of $f(R)$
models and the $\Lambda$CDM model, and (iv) the relevant quantities
characterizing the (accelerated) expansion of the universe obtained in our
models are consistent with those obtained in a model-independent way by others.
Our investigation and results present a compelling case for pursuing further
research on $f(R)$ models with future observations to come. | First Dark Matter Limits from the COUPP 4kg Bubble Chamber at a Deep
Underground Site: The COUPP 4 kg bubble chamber employs 4.0 kg of CF$_3$I as a WIMP scattering
target for use as a dark matter direct detection search. This thesis reports
the first experimental results from operating this bubble chamber at the deep
underground site (6000 m.w.e.) of SNOLAB, near Sudbury, Ontario. Twenty dark
matter candidate events were observed during an effective exposure of 553.0
kg-days, when operating the bubble chamber at three different bubble nucleation
thresholds. These data are consistent with a neutron background internal to the
detector. Characterization of this neutron background has led to the
recommendation to replace two detector components to maximize dark matter
signal sensitivity in a future run with this bubble chamber. A measurement of
the gamma-ray flux has confirmed that this detector should not be sensitive to
a gamma-induced background for more than three orders of magnitude below
current sensitivity. The dark matter search data presented here set a new
world-leading limit on the spin-dependent WIMP-proton scattering cross section
and demonstrate significant sensitivity to spin-independent WIMP-nucleon
scattering. |
Cosmic flows in the nearby universe from Type Ia Supernovae: Peculiar velocities are one of the only probes of very large-scale mass
density fluctuations in the nearby Universe. We present new "minimal variance"
bulk flow measurements based upon the "First Amendment" compilation of 245 Type
Ia supernovae (SNe) peculiar velocities and find a bulk flow of 249 +/- 76 km/s
in the direction l= 319 +/- 18 deg, b = 7 +/- 14 deg. The SNe bulk flow is
consistent with the expectations of \Lambda CDM. However, it is also marginally
consistent with the bulk flow of a larger compilation of non-SNe peculiar
velocities (Watkins, Feldman, & Hudson 2009). By comparing the SNe peculiar
velocities to predictions of the IRAS Point Source Catalog Redshift survey
(PSCz) galaxy density field, we find \Omega_{m}^{0.55} \sigma_{8,lin} = 0.40
+/- 0.07, which is in agreement with \Lambda CDM. However, we also show that
the PSCz density field fails to account for 150 +/- 43 km/s of the SNe bulk
motion. | Baryogenesis from Decaying Magnetic Helicity: As a result of the Standard Model chiral anomalies, baryon number is violated
in the early universe in the presence of a hypermagnetic field with varying
helicity. We investigate whether the matter / anti-matter asymmetry of the
universe can be created from the decaying helicity of a primordial
(hyper)magnetic field before and after the electroweak phase transition. In
this model, baryogenesis occurs without $(B-L)$-violation, since the $(B+L)$
asymmetry generated by the hypermagnetic field counteracts the washout by
electroweak sphalerons. At the electroweak crossover, the hypermagnetic field
becomes an electromagnetic field, which does not source $(B+L)$. Although the
sphalerons remain in equilibrium for a time, washout is avoided since the
decaying magnetic helicity sources chirality. The relic baryon asymmetry is
fixed when the electroweak sphaleron freezes out. Under reasonable assumptions,
a baryon asymmetry of $n_B / s \simeq 4 \times 10^{-12}$ can be generated from
a maximally helical, right-handed (hyper)magnetic field that has a field
strength of $B_0 \simeq 10^{-14} \, {\rm Gauss}$ and coherence length of
$\lambda_{0} \simeq 1 \, {\rm pc}$ today. Relaxing an assumption that relates
$\lambda_0$ to $B_0$, the model predicts $n_B / s \gtrsim 10^{-10}$, which
could potentially explain the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe. |
X-ray Scaling Relation in Early-Type Galaxies: Dark Matter as a Primary
Factor in Retaining Hot Gas: We have revisited the X-ray scaling relations of early type galaxies (ETG) by
investigating, for the first time, the LX,Gas - MTotal relation in a sample of
14 ETGs. In contrast to the large scatter (by a factor of 102-103) in the
LX,Total - LB relation, we found a tight correlation between these physically
motivated quantities with a rms deviation of a factor of 3 in LX,Gas = 1038 -
1043 erg s-1 or MTotal = a few x 1010 - a few x 1012 Mo. More striking, this
relation becomes even tighter with a rms deviation of a factor of 1.3 among the
gas-rich galaxies (with LX,Gas > 1040 erg s-1). In a simple power-law form, the
new relation is (LX,Gas / 1040 erg s-1) = (MTotal / 3.2 x 1011 Mo)3. This
relation is also consistent with the steep relation between the gas luminosity
and temperature, LX,Gas ~ TGas4.5, identified by Boroson, Kim & Fabbiano
(2011), if the gas is virialized. Our results indicate that the total mass of
an ETG is the primary factor in regulating the amount of hot gas. Among the
gas-poor galaxies (with LX,Gas < a few x 1039 erg s-1), the scatter in the
LX,Gas - MTotal (and LX,Gas - TGas) relation increases, suggesting that
secondary factors (e.g., rotation, flattening, star formation history, cold gas
etc.) may become important. | High redshift cosmography: new results and implication for dark energy: The explanation of the accelerated expansion of the Universe poses one of the
most fundamental questions in physics and cosmology today. If the acceleration
is driven by some form of dark energy, one can try to constrain the parameters
using a cosmographic approach. Our high-redshift analysis allows us to put
constraints on the cosmographic expansion up to the fifth order. It is based on
the Union2 Type Ia Supernovae (SNIa) data set, the Hubble diagram constructed
from some Gamma Ray Bursts luminosity distance indicators, and gaussian priors
on the distance from the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO), and the Hubble
constant h (these priors have been included in order to help break the
degeneracies among model parameters). To perform our statistical analysis and
to explore the probability distributions of the cosmographic parameters we use
the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method (MCMC). We finally investigate implications
of our results for the dark energy, in particular, we focus on the
parametrization of the dark energy equation of state (EOS). Actually, a
possibility to investigate the nature of dark energy lies in measuring the dark
energy equation of state, w, and its time (or redshift) dependence at high
accuracy. However, since w(z) is not directly accessible to measurement,
reconstruction methods are needed to extract it reliably from observations.
Here we investigate different models of dark energy, described through several
parametrizations of the equation of state, by comparing the cosmographic and
the EOS series. |
Fast simulations of gas sloshing and cold front formation: We present a simplified and fast method for simulating minor mergers between
galaxy clusters. Instead of following the evolution of the dark matter halos
directly by the N-body method, we employ a rigid potential approximation for
both clusters. The simulations are run in the rest frame of the more massive
cluster and account for the resulting inertial accelerations in an optimised
way. We test the reliability of this method for studies of minor merger induced
gas sloshing by performing a one-to-one comparison between our simulations and
hydro+N-body ones. We find that the rigid potential approximation reproduces
the sloshing-related features well except for two artefacts: the temperature
just outside the cold fronts is slightly over-predicted, and the outward motion
of the cold fronts is delayed by typically 200 Myr. We discuss reasons for both
artefacts. | Probing light relics through cosmic dawn: We explore the prospects of upcoming 21-cm surveys of cosmic dawn
($12\lesssim \!z\lesssim\!30$) to provide cosmological information on top of
upcoming cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large-scale structure surveys,
such as CMB-S4, Simons Observatory (SO) and DESI. We focus on the effective
number of relativistic species $N_{\rm eff}$ which is a promising observable
for probing beyond the Standard Model theories. We show including upcoming
21-cm surveys such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) can allow probing a wide
range of models for light particles at $2\sigma$ level achieving
$2\sigma(N_{\rm eff})=0.034$ with CMB-S4, for example. Taking into account the
degeneracy between $N_{\rm eff}$ and primordial helium fraction $Y_p$, one can
achieve improvements in sensitivities to cosmological parameters, in
particular, by more than a factor of 2 for $N_{\rm eff}$ and dark matter
fractional energy density $\omega_c$. |
The viable f(G) gravity models via reconstruction from the observations: We reconstruct the viable f(G) gravity models from the observations and
provide the analytic solutions that well describe our numerical results. In
order to avoid unphysical challenges that occur during the numerical
reconstruction, we generalize f(G) models into f(GA), which is the simple
extension of f(G) models with the introduction of a constant A parameter. We
employ several observational data together with the stability condition, which
reads d2f/dG2 > 0 and must be satisfied in the late-time evolution of the
universe, to give proper initial conditions for solving the perturbation
equation. As a result, we obtain the analytic functions that match the
numerical solutions. Furthermore, it might be interesting if one can find the
physical origin of those analytic solutions and its cosmological implications. | Four IRAC Sources with an Extremely Red H-[3.6] Color: Passive or Dusty
Galaxies at z>4.5?: We report detection of four IRAC sources in the GOODS-South field with an
extremely red color of H$-$[3.6]$>$4.5. The four sources are not detected in
the deep HST WFC3 H-band image with H$_{limit}$=28.3 mag. We find that only 3
types of SED templates can produce such a red H$-$[3.6] color: a very dusty SED
with the Calzetti extinction of A$_V$=16 mag at z=0.8; a very dusty SED with
the SMC extinction of A$_V$=8 mag at z=2.0$\sim$2.2; and an 1Gyr SSP with A$_V
\sim$0.8 at z=5.7. We argue that these sources are unlikely dusty galaxies at
z$\leq$2.2 based on absent strong MIPS 24$\mu$m emission. The old stellar
population model at z$>$4.5 remains a possible solution for the 4 sources. At
z$>$4.5, these sources have stellar masses of
Log(M$_*$/M$_{\odot}$)=10.6$\sim$11.2. One source, ERS-1, is also a type-II
X-ray QSO with L$_{2-8keV}$=1.6$\times 10^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$. One of the four
sources is an X-ray QSO and another one is a HyperLIRG, suggesting a
galaxy-merging scenario for the formation of these massive galaxies at high
redshifts. |
Cosmology from LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey Data Release 2:
Cross-correlation with the cosmic microwave background: We combine the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS)
second data release (DR2) catalogue with gravitational lensing maps from the
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) to place constraints on the bias evolution of
LoTSS radio galaxies, and on the amplitude of matter perturbations. We
construct a flux-limited catalogue, and analyse its harmonic-space
cross-correlation with CMB lensing maps from Planck, $C_\ell^{g\kappa}$, as
well as its auto-correlation, $C_\ell^{gg}$. We explore the models describing
the redshift evolution of the large-scale radio galaxy bias, discriminating
between them through the combination of both $C_\ell^{g\kappa}$ and
$C_\ell^{gg}$. Fixing the bias evolution, we then use these data to place
constraints on the amplitude of large scale density fluctuations. We report the
significance of the $C_\ell^{g\kappa}$ signal at a level of $26.6\sigma$. We
determine that a linear bias evolution of the form $b_g(z) = b_{g,D} / D(z)$,
where $D(z)$ is the growth rate, is able to provide a good description of the
data, and measure $b_{g,D} = 1.41 \pm 0.06$ for a sample flux-limited at
$1.5\,{\rm mJy}$, for scales $\ell < 250$ for $C_\ell^{gg}$, and $\ell < 500$
for $C_\ell^{g\kappa}$. At the sample's median redshift, we obtain $b(z = 0.82)
= 2.34 \pm 0.10$. Using $\sigma_8$ as a free parameter, while keeping other
cosmological parameters fixed to the Planck values, we find fluctuations of
$\sigma_8 = 0.75^{+0.05}_{-0.04}$. The result is in agreement with weak lensing
surveys, and at $1\sigma$ difference with Planck CMB constraints. We also
attempt to detect the late-time integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect with LOFAR, but
with the current sky coverage, the cross-correlation with CMB temperature maps
is consistent with zero. Our results are an important step towards constraining
cosmology with radio continuum surveys from LOFAR and other future large radio
surveys. | Inverse Compton Contribution to the Star-Forming Extragalactic Gamma-Ray
Background: Fermi has resolved several star-forming galaxies, but the vast majority of
the star-forming universe is unresolved and thus contributes to the
extragalactic gamma ray background (EGB). Here, we calculate the contribution
from star-forming galaxies to the EGB in the Fermi range from 100 MeV to 100
GeV, due to inverse-Compton (IC) scattering of the interstellar photon field by
cosmic-ray electrons. We first construct a one-zone model for a single
star-forming galaxy, assuming supernovae power the acceleration of cosmic rays.
The same IC interactions leading to gamma rays also substantially contribute to
the energy loss of the high-energy cosmic-ray electrons. Consequently, a
galaxy's IC emission is determined by the relative importance of IC losses in
the cosmic-ray electron energy budget ("partial calorimetry"). We use our
template for galactic IC luminosity to find the cosmological contribution of
star-forming galaxies to the EGB. For all of our models, we find the IC EGB
contribution is almost an order of magnitude less than the peak of the emission
due to cosmic-ray ion interactions (mostly pionic p_cr p_ism \rightarrow \pi_0
\rightarrow \gamma \gamma); even at the highest Fermi energies, IC is
subdominant. Moreover, the flatter IC spectrum increases the high-energy signal
of the pionic+IC sum, bringing it into better agreement with the EGB spectral
index observed by Fermi . Partial calorimetry ensures that the overall IC
signal is well constrained, with only modest uncertainties in the amplitude and
spectral shape for plausible model choices. Partial calorimetry of cosmic-ray
electrons should hold true in both normal and starburst galaxies, and thus we
include starbursts in our calculation. We conclude with a brief discussion on
how the pionic spectral feature and other methods can be used to measure the
star-forming component of the EGB. |
Maximum Likelihood Random Galaxy Catalogues and Luminosity Function
Estimation: We present a new algorithm to generate a random (unclustered) version of an
magnitude limited observational galaxy redshift catalogue. It takes into
account both galaxy evolution and the perturbing effects of large scale
structure. The key to the algorithm is a maximum likelihood (ML) method for
jointly estimating both the luminosity function (LF) and the overdensity as a
function of redshift. The random catalogue algorithm then works by cloning each
galaxy in the original catalogue, with the number of clones determined by the
ML solution. Each of these cloned galaxies is then assigned a random redshift
uniformly distributed over the accessible survey volume, taking account of the
survey magnitude limit(s) and, optionally, both luminosity and number density
evolution. The resulting random catalogues, which can be employed in
traditional estimates of galaxy clustering, make fuller use of the information
available in the original catalogue and hence are superior to simply fitting a
functional form to the observed redshift distribution. They are particularly
well suited to studies of the dependence of galaxy clustering on galaxy
properties as each galaxy in the random catalogue has the same list of
attributes as measured for the galaxies in the genuine catalogue. The
derivation of the joint overdensity and LF estimator reveals the limit in which
the ML estimate reduces to the standard 1/Vmax LF estimate, namely when one
makes the prior assumption that the are no fluctuations in the radial
overdensity. The new ML estimator can be viewed as a generalization of the
1/Vmax estimate in which Vmax is replaced by a density corrected Vdc,max. | The structural elements of the cosmic web: In 1970 Zel'dovich published a far-reaching paper presenting a simple
equation describing the nonlinear growth of primordial density inhomogeneities.
The equation was remarkably successful in explaining the large scale structure
in the Universe that we observe: a Universe in which the structure appears to
be delineated by filaments and clusters of galaxies surrounding huge void
regions. In order to concretise this impression it is necessary to define these
structural elements through formal techniques with which we can compare the
Zel'dovich model and N-body simulations with the observational data.
We present an overview of recent efforts to identify voids, filaments and
clusters in both the observed galaxy distribution and in numerical simulations
of structure formation. We focus, in particular, on methods that involve no
fine-tuning of parameters and that handle scale dependence automatically. It is
important that these techniques should result in finding structures that relate
directly to the dynamical mechanism of structure formation. |
Spectroscopic confirmation of hydrogen alpha-selected satellite galaxies: We present a spectroscopic test confirming the potential of narrow-band
optical imaging as a method for detecting star-forming satellites around nearby
galaxies. To date the efficiency of such methods, and particularly the fraction
of false detections resulting from its use, has not been tested. In this paper
we use optical spectroscopy to verify the nature of objects that are apparently
emission-line satellites, taken from imaging presented elsewhere. Observations
of 12 probable satellites around 11 host galaxies are presented and used to
compare the recession velocities of the host and satellite. This test confirms,
in all cases, that there is genuine line emission, that the detected line is
hydrogen alpha, and that the satellites have similar recession velocities to
their hosts with a maximum difference of ~ 250 km/s, consistent with their
being gravitationally bound companions. We conclude that the spectroscopy has
confirmed that narrow-band imaging through H alpha filters is a reliable method
for detecting genuine, star-forming satellites with low contamination from
galaxies seen in projection along the line-of-sight. | Gravitational Waves from Abelian Gauge Fields and Cosmic Strings at
Preheating: Primordial gravitational waves provide a very important stochastic background
that could be detected soon with interferometric gravitational wave antennas or
indirectly via the induced patterns in the polarization anisotropies of the
cosmic microwave background. The detection of these waves will open a new
window into the early Universe, and therefore it is important to characterize
in detail all possible sources of primordial gravitational waves. In this paper
we develop theoretical and numerical methods to study the production of
gravitational waves from out-of-equilibrium gauge fields at preheating. We then
consider models of preheating after hybrid inflation, where the symmetry
breaking field is charged under a local U(1) symmetry. We analyze in detail the
dynamics of the system in both momentum and configuration space, and show that
gauge fields leave specific imprints in the resulting gravitational wave
spectra, mainly through the appearence of new peaks at characteristic
frequencies that are related to the mass scales in the problem. We also show
how these new features in the spectra correlate with string-like spatial
configurations in both the Higgs and gauge fields that arise due to the
appearance of topological winding numbers of the Higgs around Nielsen-Olesen
strings. We study in detail the time evolution of the spectrum of gauge fields
and gravitational waves as these strings evolve and decay before entering a
turbulent regime where the gravitational wave energy density saturates. |
Effective Field Theory for Inflation: This is a version of the author's Ph.D. thesis. The methods of effective
field theory are used to study generic theories of inflation with a single
inflaton field and to perform a general analysis of the associated
non-Gaussianities. We investigate the amplitudes and shapes of the various
three and four-point correlators which are generated by different classes of
single-field inflationary models. Besides the well-known results for the so
called P(X,\phi) model and the ghost inflationary theories, which we recover,
we point out that extrinsic curvature-generated interactions may give rise to
large non-Gaussianities with distinctive features in the form of specific
shape-functions (e.g. flat, orthogonal etc..) for the correlators. | Recalibration of the virial factor and M-sigma relation for local active
galaxies: Determining the virial factor of the broad-line region (BLR) gas is crucial
for calibrating AGN black hole mass estimators, since the measured
line-of-sight velocity needs to be converted into the intrinsic virial
velocity. The average virial factor has been empirically calibrated based on
the M-sigma relation of quiescent galaxies, but the claimed values differ by a
factor of two in recent studies. We investigate the origin of the difference by
measuring the M-sigma relation using an updated galaxy sample from the
literature, and explore the dependence of the virial factor on various fitting
methods. We find that the discrepancy is primarily caused by the sample
selection, while the difference stemming from the various regression methods is
marginal. However, we generally prefer the FITEXY and Bayesian estimators based
on Monte Carlo simulations for the M-sigma relation. In addition, the choice of
independent variable in the regression leads to ~0.2 dex variation in the
virial factor inferred from the calibration process. Based on the determined
virial factor, we present the updated M-sigma relation of local active
galaxies. |
Structure of neutron stars in R-squared gravity: The effects implied for the structure of compact objects by the modification
of General Relativity produced by the generalization of the Lagrangian density
to the form f(R)=R+\alpha R^2, where R is the Ricci curvature scalar, have been
recently explored. It seems likely that this squared-gravity may allow heavier
Neutron Stars (NSs) than GR. In addition, these objects can be useful to
constrain free parameters of modified-gravity theories. The differences between
alternative gravity theories is enhanced in the strong gravitational regime. In
this regime, because of the complexity of the field equations, perturbative
methods become a good choice to treat the problem. Following previous works in
the field, we performed a numerical integration of the structure equations that
describe NSs in f(R)-gravity, recovering their mass-radius relations, but
focusing on particular features that arise from this approach in the profiles
of the NS interior.
We show that these profiles run in correlation with the second-order
derivative of the analytic approximation to the Equation of State (EoS), which
leads to regions where the enclosed mass decreases with the radius in a
counter-intuitive way. We reproduce all computations with a simple polytropic
EoS to separate zeroth-order modified gravity effects. | Constraints on dark energy equation of state parameters from cosmic
topology: Despite our present-day inability to predict the topology of the universe it
is expected that we should be able to detect it in the near future. A
nontrivial detectable topology of the space section of the universe can be
probed for all homogeneous and isotropic universes through the
circles-in-the-sky. We discuss briefly how one can use this observable
attribute to set constraints on the dark energy equation of state parameters. |
Energy Deposition Profiles and Entropy in Galaxy Clusters: We report the results of our study of fractional entropy enhancement in the
intra-cluster medium (ICM) of the clusters from the representative XMM-Newton
cluster structure survey (REXCESS). We compare the observed entropy profile of
these clusters with that expected for the ICM without any feedback, as well as
with the introduction of preheating and entropy change due to gas cooling. We
make the first estimate of the total, as well as radial, non-gravitational
energy deposition up to r500 for a large, nearly flux-limited, sample of
clusters. We find that the total energy deposition corresponding to the entropy
enhancement is proportional to the cluster temperature (and hence mass), and
that the energy deposition per particle as a function of gas mass shows a
similar profile in all clusters, with its being more pronounced in the central
region than in the outer region. Our results support models of entropy
enhancement through AGN feedback. | The cosmic history of the spin of dark matter haloes within the large
scale structure: We use N-body simulations to investigate the evolution of the orientation and
magnitude of dark matter halo angular momentum within the large scale structure
since z=3. We look at the evolution of the alignment of halo spins with
filaments and with each other, as well as the spin parameter, which is a
measure of the magnitude of angular momentum. It was found that the angular
momentum vectors of dark matter haloes at high redshift have a weak tendency to
be orthogonal to filaments and high mass haloes have a stronger orthogonal
alignment than low mass haloes. Since z=1, the spins of low mass haloes have
become weakly aligned parallel to filaments, whereas high mass haloes kept
their orthogonal alignment. This recent parallel alignment of low mass haloes
casts doubt on tidal torque theory as the sole mechanism for the build up of
angular momentum. We see evidence for bulk flows and the broadening of
filaments over time in the alignments of halo spin and velocities. We find a
significant alignment of the spin of neighboring dark matter haloes only at
very small separations, $r<0.3$Mpc/h, which is driven by substructure. A
correlation of the spin parameter with halo mass is confirmed at high redshift. |
Impact of internal bremsstrahlung on the detection of gamma-rays from
neutralinos: We present a detailed study of the effect of internal bremsstrahlung photons
in the context of the minimal supersymmetric standard models and their impact
on gamma-ray dark matter annihilation searches. We find that although this
effect has to be included for the correct evaluation of fluxes of high energy
photons from neutralino annihilation, its contribution is relevant only in
models and at energies where the lines contribution is dominant over the
secondary photons. Therefore, we find that the most optimistic supersymmetric
scenarios for dark matter detection do not change significantly when including
the internal bremsstrahlung. As an example, we review the gamma-ray dark matter
detection prospects of the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy for the MAGIC
stereoscopic system and the CTA project. Though the flux of high energy photons
is enhanced by an order of magnitude in some regions of the parameter space,
the expected fluxes are still much below the sensitivity of the instruments. | Observational Constraints on Early Coupled Quintessence: We investigate an Early Coupled Quintessence model where a light scalar
mediates a fifth force stronger than gravity among dark matter particles and
leads to the growth of perturbations prior to matter-radiation equality. Using
cosmological data from the $\textit{Planck}$ Cosmic Microwave Background power
spectra, the Pantheon+ Type 1a Supernovae, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, and
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, we constrain the coupling strength $\beta$ and the
redshift $z_{\rm OFF}$ at which the interaction becomes effectively inactive,
finding a firm degeneracy between these two parameters which holds true
regardless of when the scaling regime begins. |
Filling in CMB map missing data using constrained Gaussian realizations: For analyzing maps of the cosmic microwave background sky, it is necessary to
mask out the region around the galactic equator where the parasitic foreground
emission is strongest as well as the brightest compact sources. Since many of
the analyses of the data, particularly those searching for non-Gaussianity of a
primordial origin, are most straightforwardly carried out on full-sky maps, it
is of great interest to develop efficient algorithms for filling in the missing
information in a plausible way. We explore practical algorithms for filling in
based on constrained Gaussian realizations. Although carrying out such
realizations is in principle straightforward, for finely pixelized maps as will
be required for the Planck analysis a direct brute force method is not
numerically tractable. We present some concrete solutions to this problem, both
on a spatially flat sky with periodic boundary conditions and on the pixelized
sphere. One approach is to solve the linear system with an appropriately
preconditioned conjugate gradient method. While this approach was successfully
implemented on a rectangular domain with periodic boundary conditions and
worked even for very wide masked regions, we found that the method failed on
the pixelized sphere for reasons that we explain here. We present an approach
that works for full-sky pixelized maps on the sphere involving a kernel-based
multi-resolution Laplace solver followed by a series of conjugate gradient
corrections near the boundary of the mask. | Prospective Type Ia Supernova Surveys From Dome A: Dome A, the highest plateau in Antarctica, is being developed as a site for
an astronomical observatory. The planned telescopes and instrumentation and the
unique site characteristics are conducive toward Type Ia supernova surveys for
cosmology. A self-contained search and survey over five years can yield a
spectro-photometric time series of ~1000 z<0.08 supernovae. These can serve to
anchor the Hubble diagram and quantify the relationship between luminosities
and heterogeneities within the Type Ia supernova class, reducing systematics.
Larger aperture (>4-m) telescopes are capable of discovering supernovae shortly
after explosion out to z~3. These can be fed to space telescopes, and can
isolate systematics and extend the redshift range over which we measure the
expansion history of the universe. |
Manyfield Inflation in Random Potentials: We construct models of inflation with many randomly interacting fields and
use these to study the generation of cosmological observables. We model the
potentials as multi-dimensional Gaussian random fields (GRFs) and identify
powerful algebraic simplifications that, for the first time, make it possible
to access the manyfield limit of inflation in GRF potentials. Focussing on
small-field, slow-roll, approximate saddle-point inflation in potentials with
structure on sub-Planckian scales, we construct explicit examples involving up
to 100 fields and generate statistical ensembles comprising of 164,000 models
involving 5 to 50 fields. For the subset of these that support at least sixty
e-folds of inflation, we use the 'transport method' and $\delta N$ formalism to
determine the predictions for cosmological observables at the end of inflation,
including the power spectrum and the local non-Gaussianities of the primordial
perturbations. We find three key results: i) Planck compatibility is not rare,
but future experiments may rule out this class of models; ii) In the manyfield
limit, the predictions from these models agree well with, but are sharper than,
previous results derived using potentials constructed through non-equilibrium
Random Matrix Theory; iii) Despite substantial multifield effects,
non-Gaussianities are typically very small: $f_{\rm nl}^{\rm loc} \ll 1$. We
conclude that many of the 'generic predictions' of single-field inflation can
be emergent features of complex inflation models. | A Study of Selection Methods for H alpha Emitting Galaxies at z~1.3 for
the Subaru/FMOS Galaxy Redshift Survey for Cosmology (FastSound): The efficient selection of high-redshift emission galaxies is important for
future large galaxy redshift surveys for cosmology. Here we describe the target
selection methods for the FastSound project, a redshift survey for H alpha
emitting galaxies at z=1.2-1.5 using Subaru/FMOS to measure the linear growth
rate f\sigma 8 via Redshift Space Distortion (RSD) and constrain the theory of
gravity. To select ~400 target galaxies in the 0.2 deg^2 FMOS field-of-view
from photometric data of CFHTLS-Wide (u*g'r'i'z'), we test several different
methods based on color-color diagrams or photometric redshift estimates from
spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting. We also test the improvement in
selection efficiency that can be achieved by adding near-infrared data from the
UKIDSS DXS (J). The success rates of H alpha detection with FMOS averaged over
two observed fields using these methods are 11.3% (color-color, optical), 13.6%
(color-color, optical+NIR), 17.3% (photo-z, optical), and 15.1% (photo-z,
optical+NIR). Selection from photometric redshifts tends to give a better
efficiency than color-based methods, although there is no significant
improvement by adding J band data within the statistical scatter. We also
investigate the main limiting factors for the success rate, by using the sample
of the HiZELS H alpha emitters that were selected by narrow-band imaging.
Although the number density of total H alpha emitters having higher H alpha
fluxes than the FMOS sensitivity is comparable with the FMOS fiber density, the
limited accuracy of photometric redshift and H alpha flux estimations have
comparable effects on the success rate of <~20% obtained from SED fitting. |
Cosmological Tests of General Relativity with Future Tomographic Surveys: Future weak lensing surveys will map the evolution of matter perturbations
and gravitational potentials, yielding a new test of general relativity on
cosmic scales. They will probe the relations between matter overdensities,
local curvature, and the Newtonian potential. These relations can be modified
in alternative gravity theories or by the effects of massive neutrinos or
exotic dark energy fluids. We introduce two functions of time and scale which
account for any such modifications in the linear regime. We use a principal
component analysis to find the eigenmodes of these functions that cosmological
data will constrain. The number of constrained modes gives a model-independent
forecast of how many parameters describing deviations from general relativity
could be constrained, along with $w(z)$. The modes' scale and time dependence
tell us which theoretical models will be better tested. | Hierarchical clustering and the BAO signature: In this contribution we present the preliminary results regarding the
non-linear BAO signal in higher-order statistics of the cosmic density field.
We use ensembles of N-body simulations to show that the non-linear evolution
changes the amplitudes of the BAO signal, but has a negligible effect on the
scale of the BAO feature. The latter observation accompanied by the fact that
the BAO feature amplitude roughly doubles as one moves to higher orders,
suggests that the higher-order correlation amplitudes can be used as probe of
the BAO signal. |
Microlensing of Sub-parsec Massive Binary Black Holes in Lensed QSOs:
Light Curves and Size-Wavelength Relation: Sub-parsec binary massive black holes (BBHs) are long anticipated to exist in
many QSOs but remain observationally elusive. In this paper, we propose a novel
method to probe sub-parsec BBHs through microlensing of lensed QSOs. If a QSO
hosts a sub-parsec BBH in its center, it is expected that the BBH is surrounded
by a circum-binary disk, each component of the BBH is surrounded by a small
accretion disk, and a gap is opened by the secondary component in between the
circum-binary disk and the two small disks. Assuming such a BBH structure, we
generate mock microlensing light curves for some QSO systems that host BBHs
with typical physical parameters. We show that microlensing light curves of a
BBH QSO system at the infrared-optical-UV bands can be significantly different
from those of corresponding QSO system with a single massive black hole (MBH),
mainly because of the existence of the gap and the rotation of the BBH (and its
associated small disks) around the center of mass. We estimate the half-light
radii of the emission region at different wavelengths from mock light curves
and find that the obtained half-light radius vs. wavelength relations of BBH
QSO systems can be much flatter than those of single MBH QSO systems at a
wavelength range determined by the BBH parameters, such as the total mass, mass
ratio, separation, accretion rates, etc. The difference is primarily due to the
existence of the gap. Such unique features on the light curves and half-light
radius-wavelength relations of BBH QSO systems can be used to select and probe
sub-parsec BBHs in a large number of lensed QSOs to be discovered by current
and future surveys, including the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response
System (Pan-STARRS), the Large Synoptic Survey telescope (LSST) and Euclid. | Interference pattern in the collision of structures in the BEC dark
matter model: comparison with fluids: In order to explore nonlinear effects on the distribution of matter during
collisions within the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) dark matter model driven
by the Schr\"odinger-Poisson system of equations, we study the head-on
collision of structures and focus on the interference pattern formation in the
density of matter during the collision process. We explore the possibility that
the collision of two structures of fluid matter modeled with an ideal gas
equation of state also forms interference patterns and found a negative result.
Given that a fluid is the most common flavor of dark matter models, we conclude
that one fingerprint of the BEC dark matter model is the pattern formation in
the density during a collision of structures. |
Interpreting the Global 21-cm Signal from High Redshifts. II. Parameter
Estimation for Models of Galaxy Formation: Following our previous work, which related generic features in the
sky-averaged (global) 21-cm signal to properties of the intergalactic medium,
we now investigate the prospects for constraining a simple galaxy formation
model with current and near-future experiments. Markov-Chain Monte Carlo fits
to our synthetic dataset, which includes a realistic galactic foreground, a
plausible model for the signal, and noise consistent with 100 hours of
integration by an ideal instrument, suggest that a simple four-parameter model
that links the production rate of Lyman-$\alpha$, Lyman-continuum, and X-ray
photons to the growth rate of dark matter halos can be well-constrained (to
$\sim 0.1$ dex in each dimension) so long as all three spectral features
expected to occur between $40 \lesssim \nu / \mathrm{MHz} \lesssim 120$ are
detected. Several important conclusions follow naturally from this basic
numerical result, namely that measurements of the global 21-cm signal can in
principle (i) identify the characteristic halo mass threshold for star
formation at all redshifts $z \gtrsim 15$, (ii) extend $z \lesssim 4$ upper
limits on the normalization of the X-ray luminosity star-formation rate
($L_X$-SFR) relation out to $z \sim 20$, and (iii) provide joint constraints on
stellar spectra and the escape fraction of ionizing radiation at $z \sim 12$.
Though our approach is general, the importance of a broad-band measurement
renders our findings most relevant to the proposed Dark Ages Radio Explorer,
which will have a clean view of the global 21-cm signal from $\sim 40-120$ MHz
from its vantage point above the radio-quiet, ionosphere-free lunar far-side. | The one-loop bispectrum of galaxies in redshift space from the Effective
Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure: We derive the kernels and the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure
counterterms for the one-loop bispectrum of dark matter and of biased tracers
in real and redshift space. This requires the expansion of biased tracers up to
fourth order in fluctuations. In the process, we encounter several subtleties
related to renormalization. One is the fact that, in renormalizing the
momentum, a local counterterm contributes non-locally. A second subtlety is
related to the renormalization of local products of the velocity fields, which
need to be expressed in terms of the renormalized velocity in order to preserve
Galilean symmetry. We check that the counterterms we identify are necessary and
sufficient to renormalize the one-loop bispectrum at leading and subleading
order in the derivative expansion. The kernels that we originally present here
have already been used for the first analyses of the one-loop bispectrum in
BOSS data [1, 2]. |
Testing gravity with gravitational waves $\times$ electromagnetic probes
cross-correlations: In a General Relativistic framework, Gravitational Waves (GW) and
Electromagnetic (EM) waves are expected to respond in the same way to the
effects of matter perturbations between the emitter and the observer. A
different behaviour might be a signature of alternative theories of gravity. In
this work we study the cross-correlation of resolved GW events (from compact
objects mergers detected by the Einstein Telescope, either assuming or
excluding the detection of an EM counterpart) and EM signals (coming both from
the Intensity Mapping of the neutral hydrogen distribution and resolved
galaxies from the SKA Observatory), considering weak lensing, angular
clustering and their cross term ($\mathrm{L \times C}$) as observable probes.
Cross-correlations of these effects are expected to provide promising
information on the behaviour of these two observables, hopefully shedding light
on beyond GR signatures. We perform a Fisher matrix analysis with the aim of
constraining the $\{\mu_0,\eta_0,\Sigma_0\}$ parameters, either opening or
keeping fixed the background parameters $\{w_0,w_a\}$. We find that, although
lensing-only forecasts provide significantly unconstrained results, the
combination with angular clustering and the cross-correlation of all three
considered tracers (GW, IM, resolved galaxies) leads to interesting and
competitive constraints. This offers a novel and alternative path to both
multi-tracing opportunities for Cosmology and the Modified Gravity sector. | Horizon-Flow off-track for Inflation: Inflation can be parameterized by means of truncated flow equations. In this
"horizon-flow" setup, generic results have been obtained, such as typical
values for $r/(1-n_\mathrm{S})$. They are sometimes referred to as intrinsic
features of inflation itself. In this paper we first show that the
phenomenological class of inflationary potentials sampled by horizon-flow is
directly responsible for such predictions. They are therefore anything but
generic. Furthermore, the horizon-flow setup is shown to rely on trajectories
in phase space that differ from the slow-roll. For a given potential, we
demonstrate that this renders horizon-flow blind to entire relevant
inflationary regimes, for which the horizon-flow trajectory is shown to be
unstable. This makes horizon-flow a biased parameterization of inflation. |
SNe Ia as a cosmological probe: Type Ia supernovae luminosities can be corrected to render them useful as
standard candles able to probe the expansion history of the universe. This
technique was successful applied to discover the present acceleration of the
universe. As the number of SNe Ia observed at high redshift increases and
analysis techniques are perfected, people aim to use this technique to probe
the equation of state of the dark energy. Nevertheless, the nature of SNe Ia
progenitors remains controversial and concerns persist about possible evolution
effects that may be larger and harder to characterize than the more obvious
statistical uncertainties. | Measurements of the Rate of Type Ia Supernovae at Redshift z < ~0.3 from
the SDSS-II Supernova Survey: We present a measurement of the volumetric Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) rate
based on data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II (SDSS-II) Supernova Survey.
The adopted sample of supernovae (SNe) includes 516 SNe Ia at redshift z
\lesssim 0.3, of which 270 (52%) are spectroscopically identified as SNe Ia.
The remaining 246 SNe Ia were identified through their light curves; 113 of
these objects have spectroscopic redshifts from spectra of their host galaxy,
and 133 have photometric redshifts estimated from the SN light curves. Based on
consideration of 87 spectroscopically confirmed non-Ia SNe discovered by the
SDSS-II SN Survey, we estimate that 2.04+1.61-0.95 % of the photometric SNe Ia
may be misidentified. The sample of SNe Ia used in this measurement represents
an order of magnitude increase in the statistics for SN Ia rate measurements in
the redshift range covered by the SDSS-II Supernova Survey. If we assume a SN
Ia rate that is constant at low redshift (z < 0.15), then the SN observations
can be used to infer a value of the SN rate of rV = (2.69+0.34+0.21-0.30-0.01)
x10^{-5} SNe yr^{-1} Mpc-3 (H0 /(70 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}))^{3} at a mean redshift
of ~ 0.12, based on 79 SNe Ia of which 72 are spectroscopically confirmed.
However, the large sample of SNe Ia included in this study allows us to place
constraints on the redshift dependence of the SN Ia rate based on the SDSS-II
Supernova Survey data alone. Fitting a power-law model of the SN rate
evolution, r_V(z) = A_p x ((1 + z)/(1 + z0))^{\nu}, over the redshift range 0.0
< z < 0.3 with z0 = 0.21, results in A_p = (3.43+0.15-0.15) x 10^{-5} SNe
yr^{-1} Mpc-3 (H0 /(70 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}))^{3} and \nu = 2.04+0.90-0.89. |
Chandra observations of dying radio sources in galaxy clusters: The dying radio sources represent a very interesting and largely unexplored
stage of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) evolution. They are considered to be
very rare, and almost all of the few known ones were found in galaxy clusters.
However, considering the small number detected so far, it has not been possible
to draw any firm conclusions about their X-ray environment. We present X-ray
observations performed with the Chandra satellite of the three galaxy clusters
Abell 2276, ZwCl 1829.3+6912, and RX J1852.1+5711, which harbor at their center
a dying radio source with an ultra-steep spectrum that we recently discovered.
We analyzed the physical properties of the X-ray emitting gas surrounding these
elusive radio sources. We determined the global X-ray properties of the
clusters, derived the azimuthally averaged profiles of metal abundance, gas
temperature, density, and pressure. Furthermore, we estimated the total mass
profiles. The large-scale X-ray emission is regular and spherical, suggesting a
relaxed state for these systems. Indeed, we found that the three clusters are
also characterized by significant enhancements in the metal abundance and
declining temperature profiles toward the central region. For all these
reasons, we classified RX J1852.1+5711, Abell 2276, and ZwCl 1829.3+6912 as
cool-core galaxy clusters. | Optimal bispectrum constraints on single-field models of inflation: We use WMAP 9-year bispectrum data to constrain the free parameters of an
'effective field theory' describing fluctuations in single-field inflation. The
Lagrangian of the theory contains a finite number of operators associated with
unknown mass scales. Each operator produces a fixed bispectrum shape, which we
decompose into partial waves in order to construct a likelihood function. Based
on this likelihood we are able to constrain four linearly independent
combinations of the mass scales. As an example of our framework we specialize
our results to the case of 'Dirac-Born-Infeld' and 'ghost' inflation and obtain
the posterior probability for each model, which in Bayesian schemes is a useful
tool for model comparison. Our results suggest that DBI-like models with two or
more free parameters are disfavoured by the data by comparison with single
parameter models in the same class. |
Growth of Dark Matter Perturbations during Kination: If the Universe's energy density was dominated by a fast-rolling scalar field
while the radiation bath was hot enough to thermally produce dark matter, then
dark matter with larger-than-canonical annihilation cross sections can generate
the observed dark matter relic abundance. To further constrain these scenarios,
we investigate the evolution of small-scale density perturbations during such a
period of kination. We determine that once a perturbation mode enters the
horizon during kination, the gravitational potential drops sharply and begins
to oscillate and decay. Nevertheless, dark matter density perturbations that
enter the horizon during an era of kination grow linearly with the scale factor
prior to the onset of radiation domination. Consequently, kination leaves a
distinctive imprint on the matter power spectrum: scales that enter the horizon
during kination have enhanced inhomogeneity. We also consider how matter
density perturbations evolve when the dominant component of the Universe has a
generic equation-of-state parameter $w$. We find that matter density
perturbations do not grow if they enter the horizon when ${0< w < 1/3}$. If
matter density perturbations enter the horizon when ${w > 1/3}$, their growth
is faster than the logarithmic growth experienced during radiation domination.
The resulting boost to the small-scale matter power spectrum leads to the
formation of enhanced substructure, which effectively increases the dark matter
annihilation rate and could make thermal dark matter production during an era
of kination incompatible with observations. | Spectral Energy Distribution variation in BL Lacs and FSRQs: We present the results of our study of spectral energy distributions (SEDs)
of a sample of ten low- to intermediate-synchrotron-peaked blazars. We
investigate some of the physical parameters most likely responsible for the
observed short-term variations in blazars. To do so, we focus on the study of
changes in the SEDs of blazars corresponding to changes in their respective
optical fluxes. We model the observed spectra of blazars from radio to optical
frequencies using a synchrotron model that entails a log-parabolic distribution
of electron energies. A significant correlation among the two fitted spectral
parameters ($a$, $b$) of log-parabolic curves and a negative trend among the
peak frequency and spectral curvature parameter, $b$, emphasize that the SEDs
of blazars are fitted well by log-parabolic curves. On considering each model
parameter that could be responsible for changes in the observed SEDs of these
blazars, we find that changes in the jet Doppler factors are most important. |
Galactic Outflows and Evolution of the Interstellar Medium: We present a model to self-consistently describe the joint evolution of
starburst galaxies and the galactic wind resulting from this evolution. We
combine the population synthesis code Starburst99 with a semi-analytical model
of galactic outflows and a model for the distribution and abundances of
chemical elements inside the outflows. Starting with a galaxy mass, formation
redshift, and adopting a particular form for the star formation rate, we
describe the evolution of the stellar populations in the galaxy, the evolution
of the metallicity and chemical composition of the interstellar medium (ISM),
the propagation of the galactic wind, and the metal-enrichment of the
intergalactic medium (IGM). In this paper, we study the properties of the
model, by varying the mass of the galaxy, the star formation rate, and the
efficiency of star formation. Our main results are the following: (1) For a
given star formation efficiency f*, a more extended period of active star
formation tends to produce a galactic wind that reaches a larger extent. If f*
is sufficiently large, the energy deposited by the stars completely expels the
ISM. Eventually, the ISM is being replenished by mass loss from supernovae and
stellar winds. (2) For galaxies with masses above 10^11 Msun, the material
ejected in the IGM always falls back onto the galaxy. Hence lower-mass galaxies
are the ones responsible for enriching the IGM. (3) Stellar winds play a minor
role in the dynamical evolution of the galactic wind, because their energy
input is small compared to supernovae. However, they contribute significantly
to the chemical composition of the galactic wind. We conclude that the history
of the ISM enrichment plays a determinant role in the chemical composition and
extent of the galactic wind, and therefore its ability to enrich the IGM. | Separating inner and outer contributions in gravitational lenses using
the perturbative method: This paper presents a reconstruction of the gravitational lens SL2S02176-0513
using the singular perturbative method presented in Alard 2007, MNRAS Letters,
382, 58 and Alard, C., 2008, MNRAS, 388, 375. The ability of the perturbative
method to separate the inner and outer contributions of the potential in
gravitational lenses is tested using SL2S02176-0513. In this lens, the
gravitational field of the central galaxy is dominated by a nearby group of
galaxies located at a distance of a few critical radius. The perturbative
functionals are re-constructed using local polynomials. The polynomial
interpolation is smoothed using Fourier series, and numerically fitted to HST
data using a non-linear minimization procedure. The potential inside and
outside the critical circle is derived from the reconstruction of the
perturbative fields. The inner and outer potential contours are very
different.The inner contours are consistent with the central galaxy, while the
outer contours are fully consistent with the perturbation introduced by the
group of galaxies. The ability of the perturbative method to separate the inner
and outer contribution is confirmed, and indicates that in the perturbative
approach the field of the central deflector can be separated from outer
perturbations. The separation of the inner and outer contribution is especially
important for the study of the shape of dark matter halo's as well as for the
statistical analysis of the effect of dark matter substructures. |
Cosmology of the selfaccelerating third order Galileon: In this paper we start from the original formulation of the galileon model
with the original choice for couplings to gravity. Within this framework we
find that there is still a subset of possible Lagrangians that give
selfaccelerating solutions with stable spherically symmetric solutions. This is
a certain constrained subset of the third order galileon which has not been
explored before. We develop and explore the background cosmological evolution
of this model drawing intuition from other even more restricted galileon
models. The numerical results confirm the presence of selfacceleration, but
also reveals a possible instability with respect to galileon perturbations. | The Future of Primordial Features with Large-Scale Structure Surveys: Primordial features are one of the most important extensions of the Standard
Model of cosmology, providing a wealth of information on the primordial
universe, ranging from discrimination between inflation and alternative
scenarios, new particle detection, to fine structures in the inflationary
potential. We study the prospects of future large-scale structure (LSS) surveys
on the detection and constraints of these features. We classify primordial
feature models into several classes, and for each class we present a simple
template of power spectrum that encodes the essential physics. We study how
well the most ambitious LSS surveys proposed to date, including both
spectroscopic and photometric surveys, will be able to improve the constraints
with respect to the current Planck data. We find that these LSS surveys will
significantly improve the experimental sensitivity on features signals that are
oscillatory in scales, due to the 3D information. For a broad range of models,
these surveys will be able to reduce the errors of the amplitudes of the
features by a factor of 5 or more, including several interesting candidates
identified in the recent Planck data. Therefore, LSS surveys offer an
impressive opportunity for primordial feature discovery in the next decade or
two. We also compare the advantages of both types of surveys. |
Challenges in Constraining Gravity with Cosmic Voids: We compare void size and clustering statistics for nDGP and $f(R)$ gravity
models and GR using N-body simulations. We show how it is critical to consider
the statistics derived from mock galaxy catalogs rather than the dark matter
halos alone. Marked differences between the void size functions for GR and
$f(R)$ models which present when voids are identified using dark matter halos
are removed when voids are identified, more realistically, from mock galaxy
tracers of the halos. The void radial velocities and velocity dispersions in
the $f(R)$ and nDGP models are enhanced relative to GR in both halos and mock
galaxy identified voids. Despite this, we find that the redshift space void
quadrupole moments derived from the mock galaxy tracers are strikingly similar
across the three gravity models. The Gaussian Streaming Model (GSM) is shown to
accurately reconstruct $\xi_2$ in modified gravity models and we employ the
GSM, using a functional derivative approach, to analyze the insensitivity of
$\xi_2$ to the gravity model. Assuming linear theory, we show the void
quadrupole to be an unbiased estimator of the redshift space growth rate
parameter $\beta=f/b$ in the modified gravity theories. | The Evolution of the Hubble Sequence: morpho-kinematics of distant
galaxies: The main objective of my thesis was to provide us, for the first time, with a
reliable view of the distant Hubble sequence, and its evolution over the past 6
Gyr. To achieve this goal, we have created a new morphological classification
method which (1) includes all the available observational data, (2) can be
easily reproduced, and (3) presents a negligible subjectivity. This method
allows us to study homogeneously the morphology of local and distant galaxies.
The first step has been to study the evolution of galaxies using the IMAGES
survey. This survey allowed us to establish the kinematic state of distant
galaxies, to study the chemical evolution of galaxies over the past 8 Gyr, and
to test important dynamical relations such as the Tully-Fisher relation. The
information gained from kinematics is, indeed, crucial to guarantee a robust
understanding of the different physical processes leading to the present day
Hubble sequence. Using Integral Field Spectroscopy, we have been able to test
our new morphological classification against the kinematic state of each
galaxy. We found that the morpho-kinematic correlation is much better using our
classification than other morphological classifications. Applying our
morphological classification to a representative sample of both local and
distant galaxies, having equivalent observational data, we obtained a Hubble
sequence both in the local and distant Universe. Our results strongly suggest
that more than half of the present-day spirals had peculiar morphologies, 6 Gyr
ago. Finally, I present further studies concerning the history of individual
galaxies at z < 1, combining kinematic and morphological observations. I also
present the first ever-estimated distant baryonic Tully-Fisher relation, which
does not appear to evolve over the past 6 Gyr. |
The statistical theory of dark matter flow and high order kinematic and
dynamic relations for velocity and density correlations: Statistical theory for self-gravitating collisionless dark matter flow is not
fully developed because of 1) intrinsic complexity involving constant
divergence flow on small scale and irrotational flow on large scale; 2) lack of
self-closed description for peculiar velocity; and 3) mathematically
challenging. To better understand dark matter flow, kinematic and dynamic
relations must be developed for different types of flow. In this paper, a
compact derivation is presented to formulate general kinematic relations of any
order for incompressible, constant divergence, and irrotational flow. Results
are validated by N-body simulation. Dynamic relations can only be determined
from self-closed description of velocity evolution. On large scale, we found i)
third order velocity correlation can be related to density correlation or
pairwise velocity; ii) effective viscosity in adhesion model originates from
velocity fluctuations; iii) negative viscosity is due to inverse energy
cascade; iv) $q$th order velocity correlations follow $\propto a^{(q+2)/2}$ for
odd $q$ and $\propto a^{q/2}$ for even $q$; v) overdensity is proportional to
density correlation on the same scale,
$\langle\delta\rangle\propto\langle\delta\delta'\rangle$; vi) (reduced)
velocity dispersion is proportional to density correlation on the same scale.
On small scale, self-closed description for velocity evolution is developed by
decomposing velocity into motion in halo and motion of halos. Vorticity,
enstrophy, and energy evolution can all be derived subsequently. Dynamic
relation is derived to relate second and third order correlations. Third moment
of pairwise velocity is determined by energy cascade rate $\epsilon_u$ or
$\langle(\Delta u_L)^3\rangle\propto\epsilon_uar$. Combined kinematic and
dynamic relations determines the exponential and one-fourth power law velocity
correlations on large and small scales, respectively. | A Technique for Foreground Subtraction in Redshifted 21 cm Observations: One of the main challenges for future 21 cm observations is to remove
foregrounds which are several orders of magnitude more intense than the HI
signal. We propose a new technique for removing foregrounds of the redshifted
21 cm observations. We consider multi-frequency interferometer observations. We
assume that the 21 cm signals in different frequency channels are uncorrelated
and the foreground signals change slowly as a function of frequency. When we
add the visibilities of all channels, the foreground signals increase roughly
by a factor of ~N because they are highly correlated. However, the 21 cm
signals increase by a factor of ~\sqrt{N} because the signals in different
channels contribute randomly. This enables us to obtain an accurate shape of
the foreground angular power spectrum. Then, we obtain the 21-cm power spectrum
by subtracting the foreground power spectrum obtained this way. We describe how
to obtain the average power spectrum of the 21 cm signal. |
Massive Primordial Black Holes in Contemporary and Young Universe (old
predictions and new data): A brief review of the recent astronomical data, indicating that the universe
is abundantly populated by heavy black holes (BH), is presented. Conventional
astrophysics and cosmology cannot explain such a high population of BHs. A
mechanism of the paper of 1963 is described, which at least qualitatively
explained the observational data. In particular, the prediction that massive
primordial BHs can be cosmological dark matter "particles" is discussed. | A physical understanding of how reionization suppresses accretion onto
dwarf halos: We develop and test with cosmological simulations a physically motivated
theory for how the interplay between gravity, pressure, cooling, and
self-shielding set the redshift--dependent mass scale at which halos can
accrete intergalactic gas. This theory provides a physical explanation for the
halo mass scale that can accrete unshocked intergalactic gas, which has been
explained with ad hoc criteria tuned to reproduce the results of a few
simulations. Furthermore, it provides an intuitive explanation for how this
mass scale depends on the reionization redshift, the amplitude of the ionizing
background, and the redshift. We show that accretion is inhibited onto more
massive halos than had been thought because previous studies had focused on the
gas fraction of halos rather than the instantaneous mass that can accrete gas.
A halo as massive as 10^11 Msun cannot accrete intergalactic gas at z=0, even
though typically its progenitors were able to accrete gas at higher redshifts.
We describe a simple algorithm that can be implemented in semi-analytic models,
and we compare the predictions of this algorithm to numerical simulations. |
Improved BBN Constraints on the Variation of the Gravitational Constant: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) is very sensitive to the cosmological
expansion rate. If the gravitational constant $G$ took a different value during
the nucleosynthesis epoch than today, the primordial abundances of light
elements would be affected. In this work, we improve the bounds on this
variation using recent determinations of the primordial element abundances,
updated nuclear and weak reaction rates and observations of the Cosmic
Microwave Background (CMB). When combining the measured abundances and the
baryon density from CMB observations by Planck, we find $G_\mathrm{BBN}/G_0 =
0.99^{+0.06}_{-0.05}$ at $2\sigma$ confidence level. If the variation of $G$ is
linear in time, we find $\dot{G}/G_0 = 0.7^{+3.8}_{-4.3}\times 10^{-12} \,
\mathrm{yr}^{-1}$, again at $2\sigma$. These bounds are significantly stronger
than those from previous primordial nucleosynthesis studies, and are comparable
and complementary to CMB, stellar, solar system, lunar laser ranging, pulsar
timing and gravitational wave constraints. | Fisher Matrix Preloaded -- Fisher4Cast: The Fisher Matrix is the backbone of modern cosmological forecasting. We
describe the Fisher4Cast software: a general-purpose, easy-to-use, Fisher
Matrix framework. It is open source, rigorously designed and tested and
includes a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with automated LATEX file creation
capability and point-and-click Fisher ellipse generation. Fisher4Cast was
designed for ease of extension and, although written in Matlab, is easily
portable to open-source alternatives such as Octave and Scilab. Here we use
Fisher4Cast to present new 3-D and 4-D visualisations of the forecasting
landscape and to investigate the effects of growth and curvature on future
cosmological surveys. Early releases have been available at since May 2008 with 750 downloads in the first
year. Version 2.2 is made public with this paper and includes a Quick Start
guide and the code used to produce the figures in this paper, in the hope that
it will be useful to the cosmology and wider scientific communities. |
The improved Amati correlations from Gaussian copula: In this paper, we obtain two improved Amati correlations of the Gamma-Ray
burst (GRB) data via a powerful statistical tool called copula. After
calibrating, with the low-redshift GRB data, the improved Amati correlations
based on a fiducial $\Lambda$CDM model with $\Omega_\mathrm{m0}=0.3$ and
$H_0=70~\mathrm{km~s^{-1}Mpc^{-1}}$, and extrapolating the results to the
high-redshift GRB data, we obtain the Hubble diagram of GRB data points.
Applying these GRB data to constrain the $\Lambda$CDM model, we find that the
improved Amati correlation from copula can give a result well consistent with
$\Omega_\mathrm{m0}=0.3$, while the standard Amati and extended Amati
correlations do not. This results suggest that when the improved Amati
correlation from copula is used in the low-redshift calibration method, the GRB
data can be regarded as a viable cosmological explorer. However, the Bayesian
information criterion indicates that the standard Amati correlation remains to
be favored mildly since it has the least model parameters. Furthermore, once
the simultaneous fitting method rather than the low-redshift calibration one is
used, there is no apparent evidence that the improved Amati correlation is
better than the standard one. Thus, more works need to be done in the future in
order to compare different Amati correlations. | Excursion set peaks in energy as a model for haloes: The simplest models of dark matter halo formation are based on the heuristic
assumption, motivated by spherical collapse, that virialized haloes originate
from initial regions that are maxima of the smoothed density field. Here, we
replace this notion with the dynamical requirement that protohalo patches be
regions where the local gravitational flow converges to a point. For this
purpose, we look for spheres whose gravitational acceleration at the boundary
-- relative to their center of mass -- points towards their geometric center:
that is, spheres with null dipole moment. We show that these configurations are
minima of the total energy, i.e. the most energetically bound spheres. For this
reason, we study peaks of the energy overdensity field, and argue that the
approach shows considerable promise. This change simply requires that one
modify the standard top-hat filter, with the added important benefit that, for
power spectra of cosmological interest, the resulting model is no longer
plagued by divergences. Although the formalism is no more complicated than the
overdensity based approach, the model is richer in the sense that it naturally
predicts scatter in the overdensities of protohalo patches that are destined to
form haloes of the same mass, in qualitative agreement with simulations of halo
formation. |
Testing Screening Mechanisms with Mass Profiles of Galaxy Clusters: We present \textsc{MG-MAMPOSSt}, a license-free code to constrain modified
gravity models by reconstructing the mass profile of galaxy clusters with the
kinematics of the cluster's member galaxies. We describe the main features of
the code and we show the capability of the method when the kinematic
information is combined with lensing data. We discuss recent results and
forecasts on two classes of models currently implemented in the code,
characterized by different screening mechanisms, namely, chameleon and
Vainshtein screening. We further explore the impact of possible systematics in
view of application to the data from upcoming surveys. This proceedings
summarizes the results presented at the ALTECOSMOFUN workshop in September
2021. | Self-shielding effect of a single phase liquid xenon detector for direct
dark matter search: Liquid xenon is a suitable material for a dark matter search. For future
large scale experiments, single phase detectors are attractive due to their
simple configuration and scalability. However, in order to reduce backgrounds,
they need to fully rely on liquid xenon's self-shielding property. A prototype
detector was developed at Kamioka Observatory to establish vertex and energy
reconstruction methods and to demonstrate the self-shielding power against
gamma rays from outside of the detector. Sufficient self-shielding power for
future experiments was obtained. |
On the origin of the fundamental metallicity relation and the scatter in
galaxy scaling relations: We present a simple toy model to understand what sets the scatter in star
formation and metallicity of galaxies at fixed mass. The scatter ultimately
arises from the intrinsic scatter in the accretion rate, but may be
substantially reduced depending on the timescale on which the accretion varies
compared to the timescale on which the galaxy loses gas mass. This model
naturally produces an anti-correlation between star formation and metallicity
at a fixed mass, the basis of the fundamental metallicity relation. We show
that observational constraints on the scatter in galaxy scaling relations can
be translated into constraints on the galaxy-to-galaxy variation in the mass
loading factor, and the timescales and magnitude of stochastic accretion onto
star-forming galaxies. We find a remarkably small scatter in the mass loading
factor, < 0.1 dex, and that the scatter in accretion rates is smaller than
expected from N-body simulations. | Statistical analysis with cosmic-expansion-rate measurements and
two-point diagnostics: Direct measurements of Hubble parameters $H(z)$ are very useful for
cosmological model parameters inference. Based on them, Sahni, Shafieloo and
Starobinski introduced a two-point diagnostic $Omh^2(z_i, z_j)$ as an
interesting tool for testing the validity of the $\Lambda$CDM model. Applying
this test they found a tension between observations and predictions of the
$\Lambda$CDM model. We use the most comprehensive compilation $H(z)$ data from
baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) and differential ages (DA) of passively
evolving galaxies to study cosmological models using the Hubble parameters
itself and to distinguish whether $\Lambda$CDM model is consistent with the
observational data with statistical analysis of the corresponding $Omh^2(z_i,
z_j)$ two-point diagnostics. Our results show that presently available $H(z)$
data significantly improve the constraints on cosmological parameters. The
corresponding statistical $Omh^2(z_i, z_j)$ two-point diagnostics seems to
prefer the quintessence with $w>-1$ over the $\Lambda$CDM model. Better and
more accurate prior knowledge of the Hubble constant, will considerably improve
the performance of the statistical $Omh^2(z_i, z_j)$ method. |
Cosmology with Eddington-inspired Gravity: We study the dynamics of homogeneous, isotropic universes which are governed
by the Eddington-inspired alternative theory of gravity which has a single
extra parameter, $\kappa$. Previous results showing singularity-avoiding
behaviour for $\kappa > 0$ are found to be upheld in the case of domination by
a perfect fluid with equation of state parameter $w > 0$. The range $-1/3 < w <
0$ is found to lead to universes which experience unbounded expansion rate
whilst still at a finite density. In the case $\kappa < 0$ the addition of
spatial curvature is shown to lead to the possibility of oscillation between
two finite densities. Domination by a scalar field with an exponential
potential is found to also lead to singularity-avoiding behaviour when $\kappa
> 0$. Certain values of the parameters governing the potential lead to
behaviour in which the expansion rate of the universe changes sign several
times before transitioning to regular GR-like behaviour. | Early massive clusters and the bouncing coupled dark energy: The abundance of the most massive objects in the Universe at different epochs
is a very sensitive probe of the cosmic background evolution and of the growth
history of density perturbations, and could provide a powerful tool to
distinguish between a cosmological constant and a dynamical dark energy field.
In particular, the recent detection of very massive clusters of galaxies at
high redshifts has attracted significant interest as a possible indication of a
failure of the standard LCDM model. Several attempts have been made in order to
explain such detections in the context of non-Gaussian scenarios or interacting
dark energy models, showing that both these alternative cosmologies predict an
enhanced number density of massive clusters at high redshifts, possibly
alleviating the tension. However, all the models proposed so far also
overpredict the abundance of massive clusters at the present epoch, and are
therefore in contrast with observational bounds on the low-redshift halo mass
function. In this paper we present for the first time a new class of
interacting dark energy models that simultaneously account for an enhanced
number density of massive clusters at high redshifts and for both the standard
cluster abundance at the present time and the standard power spectrum
normalization at CMB. The key feature of this new class of models is the
"bounce" of the dark energy scalar field on the cosmological constant barrier
at relatively recent epochs. We present the background and linear perturbations
evolution of the model, showing that the standard amplitude of density
perturbations is recovered both at CMB and at the present time, and we
demonstrate by means of large N-body simulations that our scenario predicts an
enhanced number of massive clusters at high redshifts without affecting the
present halo abundance. (Abridged) |
Bayesian Cluster Finder: Clusters in the CFHTLS Archive Research Survey: The detection of galaxy clusters in present and future surveys enables
measuring mass-to-light ratios, clustering properties, galaxy cluster
abundances and therefore, constraining cosmological parameters. We present a
new technique for detecting galaxy clusters, which is based on the Matched
Filter Algorithm from a Bayesian point of view. The method is able to determine
the position, redshift and richness of the cluster through the maximization of
a filter depending on galaxy luminosity, density and photometric redshift
combined with a galaxy cluster prior that accounts for color-magnitude
relations and BCG-redshift relation. We tested the algorithm through realistic
mock galaxy catalogs, revealing that the detections are 100% complete and 80%
pure for clusters up to z $<$1.2 and richer than $\Lambda_{CL}>$20 (Abell
Richness $\sim$0, M$\sim4\times10^{14} M_{\odot}$). The completeness and purity
remains approximately the same if we do not include the prior information,
implying that this method is able to detect galaxy cluster with and without a
well defined red sequence. We applied the algorithm to the CFHTLS Archive
Research Survey (CARS) data, recovering similar detections as previously
published using the same or deeper data plus additional clusters which appear
to be real. | Probing Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Limits from BBN and the CMB
Independently and Combined: We present new Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) limits on the cosmic expansion
rate or relativistic energy density, quantified via the number $N_\nu$ of
equivalent neutrino species. We use the latest light element observations,
neutron mean lifetime, and update our evaluation for the nuclear rates $d+d
\rightarrow He3 + n$ and $d+d \rightarrow H3 + p$. Combining this result with
the independent constraints from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) yields
tight limits on new physics that perturbs $N_\nu$ and $\eta$ prior to cosmic
nucleosynthesis: a joint BBN+CMB analysis gives $N_\nu = 2.898 \pm 0.141$,
resulting in $N_\nu < 3.180$ at $2\sigma$. We apply these limits to a wide
variety of new physics scenarios including right-handed neutrinos, dark
radiation, and a stochastic gravitational wave background. We also search for
limits on potential {\em changes} in $N_\nu$ and/or the baryon-to-photon ratio
$\eta$ between the two epochs. The present data place strong constraints on the
allowed changes in $N_\nu$ between BBN and CMB decoupling; for example, we find
$-0.708 < N_\nu^{\rm CMB}-N_\nu^{\rm BBN} < 0.328$ in the case where $\eta$ and
the primordial helium mass fraction $Y_p$ are unchanged between the two epochs;
we also give limits on the allowed variations in $\eta$ or in $(\eta,N_\nu)$
jointly. Looking to the future, we forecast the tightened precision for $N_\nu$
arising from both CMB Stage 4 measurements as well as improvements in
astronomical \he4 measurements. We find that CMB-S4 combined with present BBN
and light element observation precision can give $\sigma(N_\nu) \simeq 0.03$.
Such future precision would reveal the expected effect of neutrino heating
($N_{\rm eff}-3=0.044$) of the CMB during BBN, and would be near the level to
reveal any particle species ever in thermal equilibrium with the standard
model. |
Quantifying discordance in the 2015 Planck CMB spectrum: We examine the internal consistency of the Planck 2015 cosmic microwave
background (CMB) temperature anisotropy power spectrum. We show that tension
exists between cosmological constant cold dark matter (LCDM) model parameters
inferred from multipoles l<1000 (roughly those accessible to Wilkinson
Microwave Anisotropy Probe), and from l>=1000, particularly the CDM density,
Omega_ch^2, which is discrepant at 2.5 sigma for a Planck-motivated prior on
the optical depth, tau=0.07+/-0.02. We find some parameter tensions to be
larger than previously reported because of inaccuracy in the code used by the
Planck Collaboration to generate model spectra. The Planck l>=1000 constraints
are also in tension with low-redshift data sets, including Planck's own
measurement of the CMB lensing power spectrum (2.4 sigma), and the most precise
baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale determination (2.5 sigma). The Hubble
constant predicted by Planck from l>=1000, H_0=64.1+/-1.7 km/s/Mpc, disagrees
with the most precise local distance ladder measurement of 73.0+/-2.4 km/s/Mpc
at the 3.0 sigma level, while the Planck value from l<1000, 69.7+/-1.7
km/s/Mpc, is consistent within 1 sigma. A discrepancy between the Planck and
South Pole Telescope (SPT) high-multipole CMB spectra disfavors interpreting
these tensions as evidence for new physics. We conclude that the parameters
from the Planck high-multipole spectrum probably differ from the underlying
values due to either an unlikely statistical fluctuation or unaccounted-for
systematics persisting in the Planck data. | Vibrationally Excited HCN in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 4418: Infrared pumping and its effect on the excitation of HCN molecules can be
important when using rotational lines of HCN to probe dense molecular gas in
galaxy nuclei. We report the first extragalactic detection of (sub)millimeter
rotational lines of vibrationally excited HCN, in the dust-enshrouded nucleus
of the luminous infrared galaxy NGC 4418. We estimate the excitation
temperature of T_vib ~ 230 K between the vibrational ground and excited (v_2=1)
states. This excitation is most likely due to infrared radiation. At this high
vibrational temperature the path through the v_2=1 state must have a strong
impact on the rotational excitation in the vibrational ground level, although
it may not be dominant for all rotational levels. Our observations also
revealed nearly confusion limited lines of CO, HCN, HCO+, H13CN, HC15N, CS,
N2H+, and HC3N at lambda ~ 1 mm. Their relative intensities may also be
affected by the infrared pumping. |
Structure formation from non-Gaussian initial conditions: multivariate
biasing, statistics, and comparison with N-body simulations: We study structure formation in the presence of primordial non-Gaussianity of
the local type with parameters f_NL and g_NL. We show that the distribution of
dark-matter halos is naturally described by a multivariate bias scheme where
the halo overdensity depends not only on the underlying matter density
fluctuation delta, but also on the Gaussian part of the primordial
gravitational potential phi. This corresponds to a non-local bias scheme in
terms of delta only. We derive the coefficients of the bias expansion as a
function of the halo mass by applying the peak-background split to common
parametrizations for the halo mass function in the non-Gaussian scenario. We
then compute the halo power spectrum and halo-matter cross spectrum in the
framework of Eulerian perturbation theory up to third order. Comparing our
results against N-body simulations, we find that our model accurately describes
the numerical data for wavenumbers k < 0.1-0.3 h/Mpc depending on redshift and
halo mass. In our multivariate approach, perturbations in the halo counts trace
phi on large scales and this explains why the halo and matter power spectra
show different asymptotic trends for k -> 0. This strongly scale-dependent bias
originates from terms at leading order in our expansion. This is different from
what happens using the standard univariate local bias where the scale-dependent
terms come from badly behaved higher-order corrections. On the other hand, our
biasing scheme reduces to the usual local bias on smaller scales where |phi| is
typically much smaller than the density perturbations. We finally discuss the
halo bispectrum in the context of multivariate biasing and show that, due to
its strong scale and shape dependence, it is a powerful tool for the detection
of primordial non-Gaussianity from future galaxy surveys. | Primordial black hole formation from non-Gaussian curvature
perturbations: We consider several early Universe models that allow for production of large
curvature perturbations at small scales. As is well known, such perturbations
can lead to formation of primordial black holes (PBHs). We briefly review the
today's situation with PBH constraints and then focus on two models in which
strongly non-Gaussian curvature perturbations are predicted: the hybrid
inflation waterfall model and the curvaton model. We show that PBH constraints
on the values of curvature perturbation power spectrum amplitude are strongly
dependent on the shape of perturbations and can significantly (by two orders of
magnitude) deviate from the usual Gaussian limit ${\cal P}_\zeta \lesssim
10^{-2}$. We give examples of PBH mass spectra calculations for both
inflationary models. |
UV-extending Ghost Inflation: We present a setup that provides a partial UV-completion of the ghost
inflation model up to a scale which can be almost as high as the Planck mass.
This is achieved by coupling the inflaton to the Lorentz-violating sector
described by the Einstein-aether theory or its khronometric version. Compared
to previous works on ghost inflation our setup allows to go beyond the study of
small perturbations and include the background dynamics in a unified framework.
In the specific regime when the expansion of the Universe is dominated by the
kinetic energy of the inflaton we find that the model predicts rather high
tensor-to-scalar ratio r ~ 0.02 $\div$ 0.2 and non-Gaussianity of equilateral
type with f_NL in the range from -50 to -5. | Stability and pulsation of the first dark stars: The first bright objects to form in the Universe might not have been
"ordinary" fusion-powered stars, but "Dark Stars" (DSs) powered by the
annihilation of dark matter (DM) in the form of Weakly Interacting Massive
Particles (WIMPs). If discovered, DSs can provide a unique laboratory to test
DM models. DSs are born with a mass of order $M_\odot$ and may grow to a few
million solar masses; in this work we investigate the properties of early DSs
with masses up to $\sim \! 1000 \, M_\odot$, fueled by WIMPS weighing $100$
GeV. We improve the previous implementation of the DM energy source into the
stellar evolution code MESA. We show that the growth of DSs is not limited by
astrophysical effects: DSs up to $\sim \! 1000 \, M_\odot$ exhibit no dynamical
instabilities; DSs are not subject to mass-loss driven by super-Eddington
winds. We test the assumption of previous work that the injected energy per
WIMP annihilation is constant throughout the star; relaxing this assumption
does not change the properties of the DSs. Furthermore, we study DS pulsations,
for the first time investigating non-adiabatic pulsation modes, using the
linear pulsation code GYRE. We find that acoustic modes in DSs of masses
smaller than $\sim \! 200 \, M_\odot$ are excited by the $\kappa-\gamma$ and
$\gamma$ mechanism in layers where hydrogen or helium is (partially) ionized.
Moreover, we show that the mass-loss rates potentially induced by pulsations
are negligible compared to the accretion rates. |
Constraining the early universe with primordial black holes: In this thesis, the effect of non-Gaussianity upon the abundance of
primordial black holes (PBHs), and the implications of such an effect are
considered. It is shown that even small non-Gaussianity parameters can have a
large effect on the constraints that can be placed on the primordial curvature
perturbation power spectrum - which can become stronger or weaker by an order
of magnitude. The effects of super-horizon curvature perturbation modes at the
time of PBH formation are considered, and it is shown that these have little
effect on the formation of a PBH, but can have an indirect effect on the
abundance of PBHs due to modal coupling to horizon-scale modes in the presence
of non-Gaussianity. By taking into account the effect of modal coupling to
CMB-scale modes, many models can be ruled out as a mechanism to produce enough
PBHs to constitute dark matter. | Deep Luminosity Functions and Colour-Magnitude Relations for Cluster
Galaxies at 0.2 < z < 0.6: We derive deep $I$ band luminosity functions and colour-magnitude diagrams
from HST imaging for eleven $0.2<z<0.6$ clusters observed at various stages of
merging, and a comparison sample of five more relaxed clusters at similar
redshifts. The characteristic magnitude $M^*$ evolves passively out to $z=0.6$,
while the faint end slope of the luminosity function is $\alpha \sim -1$ at all
redshifts. Cluster galaxies must have been completely assembled down to $M_I
\sim -18$ out to $z=0.6$. We observe tight colour-magnitude relations over a
luminosity range of up to 8 magnitudes, consistent with the passive evolution
of ancient stellar populations. This is found in all clusters, irrespective of
their dynamical status (involved in a collision or not, or even within
subclusters for the same object) and suggests that environment does not have a
strong influence on galaxy properties. A red sequence luminosity function can
be followed to the limits of our photometry: we see no evidence of a weakening
of the red sequence to $z=0.6$. The blue galaxy fraction rises with redshift,
especially at fainter absolute magnitudes. We observe bright blue galaxies in
clusters at $z > 0.4$ that are not encountered locally. Surface brightness
selection effects preferentially influence the detectability of faint red
galaxies, accounting for claims of evolution at the faint end. |
Testing gravity with halo density profiles observed through
gravitational lensing: We present a new test of the modified gravity endowed with the Vainshtein
mechanism with the density profile of a galaxy cluster halo observed through
gravitational lensing. A scalar degree of freedom in the galileon modified
gravity is screened by the Vainshtein mechanism to recover Newtonian gravity in
high-density regions, however it might not be completely hidden on the outer
side of a cluster of galaxies. Then the modified gravity might yield an
observational signature in a surface mass density of a cluster of galaxies
measured through gravitational lensing, since the scalar field could contribute
to the lensing potential. We investigate how the transition in the Vainshtein
mechanism affects the surface mass density observed through gravitational
lensing, assuming that the density profile of a cluster of galaxies follows the
original Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile, the generalized NFW profile and the
Einasto profile. We compare the theoretical predictions with observational
results of the surface mass density reported recently by other researchers. We
obtain constraints on the amplitude and the typical scale of the transition in
the Vainshtein mechanism in a subclass of the generalized galileon model. | The XMM Cluster Survey: Galaxy Morphologies and the Color-Magnitude
Relation in XMMXCS J2215.9-1738 at z=1.46: We present a study of the morphological fractions and color-magnitude
relation in the most distant X-ray selected galaxy cluster currently known,
XMMXCS J2215.9-1738 at z=1.46, using a combination of optical imaging data
obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys, and
infrared data from the Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph, mounted
on the 8.2m Subaru telescope. We find that the morphological mix of the cluster
galaxy population is similar to clusters at z~1: approximately ~62% of the
galaxies identified as likely cluster members are ellipticals or S0s; and ~38%
are spirals or irregulars. We measure the color-magnitude relations for the
early type galaxies, finding that the slope in the z_850-J relation is
consistent with that measured in the Coma cluster, some ~9 Gyr earlier,
although the uncertainty is large. In contrast, the measured intrinsic scatter
about the color-magnitude relation is more than three times the value measured
in Coma, after conversion to rest frame U-V. From comparison with stellar
population synthesis models, the intrinsic scatter measurements imply mean
luminosity weighted ages for the early type galaxies in J2215.9-1738 of ~3 Gyr,
corresponding to the major epoch of star formation coming to an end at z_f =
3-5. We find that the cluster exhibits evidence of the `downsizing' phenomenon:
the fraction of faint cluster members on the red sequence expressed using the
Dwarf-to-Giant Ratio (DGR) is 0.32+/-0.18. This is consistent with
extrapolation of the redshift evolution of the DGR seen in cluster samples at z
< 1. In contrast to observations of some other z > 1 clusters, we find a lack
of very bright galaxies within the cluster. |
Properties and use of CMB power spectrum likelihoods: Fast robust methods for calculating likelihoods from CMB observations on
small scales generally rely on approximations based on a set of power spectrum
estimators and their covariances. We investigate the optimality of these
approximation, how accurate the covariance needs to be, and how to estimate the
covariance from simulations. For a simple case with azimuthal symmetry we
compare optimality of hybrid pseudo-C_l CMB power spectrum estimators with the
exact result, indicating that the loss of information is not negligible, but
neither is it enough to have a large effect on standard parameter constraints.
We then discuss the number of samples required to estimate the covariance from
simulations, with and without a good analytic approximation, and assess the use
of shrinkage estimators. Finally we discuss how to combine an approximate
high-ell likelihood with a more exact low-ell harmonic-space likelihood as a
practical method for accurate likelihood calculation on all scales. | Constraints on interacting dark energy revisited: implications for the
Hubble tension: In this paper, we have revisited a class of coupled dark energy models where
dark energy interacts with dark matter via phenomenological interactions. We
included correction terms on the perturbation equations taking into account the
perturbation of the Hubble rate, which was absent in previous works. We also
consider more recent data sets such as cosmic microwave background (CMB)
anisotropies from \textit{Planck} 2018, type I-a supernovae (SNIa) measurements
from Pantheon+ and data from baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), and redshift
space distortions (RSD). One of the models presents a strong incompatibility
when different cosmological datasets are used. We analyzed the influence of the
SH0ES Cepheid host distances on the results and, although for one model the
discrepancy of $H_0$ is reduced to $1.3\sigma$ when compared to $\Lambda$CDM
and $4.6\sigma$ when compared to the SH0ES team, joint analysis is
incompatible. Including BAO with RSD shows incompatibility with SH0ES for all
models considered here. We performed a model comparison, but there is no clear
preference for interacting dark energy over $\Lambda$CDM ($|\Delta \chi^2|<1$
for all the models for joint analysis CMB+BAO+RSD+SNIa). We conclude that the
models of interactions in the dark sector considered in this paper are not
flexible enough to fit all the cosmological data including values of $H_0$ from
SH0ES in a statistically acceptable way, either the models would need to be
modified to include further flexibility of predictions or that there remains a
tension in this coupled dark energy paradigm. |
Formation threshold of rotating primordial black holes: Within the framework that primordial black holes are formed by the direct
gravitational collapse of large primordial density perturbations in the
radiation dominated stage, we derive the threshold of the density contrast for
the formation of rotating primordial black holes based on the simple Jeans
criterion. It is found that the threshold value increases in proportion to the
square of the angular momentum. We then apply the recently refined analysis on
the formation threshold for non-rotating black holes to the case of rotating
black holes, and contrast the derived threshold with the former. Caveats and
effects ignored in our analysis are also presented, which suggests that the
uncertainties of our result can be addressed only by means of numerical
relativity. | Can interacting dark energy with dynamical coupling resolve the Hubble
tension: The $H_0$ tension between low- and high- redshift measurements is definitely
a serious issue faced by current cosmologists since it ranges from 4$\sigma$ to
6$\sigma$. To relieve this tension, in this paper we propose a new interacting
dark energy model with time varying coupling parameter by parameterizing the
densities of dark matter and dark energy, this parametric approach for
interacting dark sectors are inspired by our previous work concerning the
coupled generalized three-form dark energy model in which dark matter and dark
energy behave like two uncoupled dark sectors with effective equation of state
when the three-form $|\kappa X|\gg1$, for this reason, we reconstruct coupled
generalized three-form dark energy from such parametric model under the
condition $|\kappa X_0|\gg1$. In the end, we place constraints on the
parametric model with the coupled generalized three-form dark energy model
proposed in our previous work in light of the Planck 2018 cosmic microwave
background (CMB) distance priors, baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) data from
the BOSS Data Release (DR) 12, Pantheon compilation of Type Ia supernovae (SN
Ia) data and the latest local determinations of the Hubble constant from Riess
et al., i.e. the so called R20. The fitting results show that, comparing to
R20, the parametric model relieves the Hubble tension to 0.05$\sigma$ with
$\chi_{\rm min}^2=6.70$ and the coupled generalized three-form dark energy
model relieves the Hubble tension to 0.70$\sigma$ with $\chi_{\rm min}^2=9.02$.
However, it is worth noting that the tiny Hubble tension between R20 and the
parametric model is mostly due to the fact that the introduction of the
parameter $k$ greatly increase the uncertainty of the Hubble constant obtained
without using a $H_0$ prior. |
Constraints on Newton's Constant from Cosmological Observations: Newton's constant has observational effects on both the CMB power spectra and
the light curves of SNIa. We use Planck data, BAO data and the SNIa measurement
to constrain the varying Newton's constant $G$ during the CMB epoch and the
redshift ranges of PANTHEON samples, and find no evidence indicating that $G$
is varying with redshift. By extending the $\Lambda$CDM model with one free
parameter $G$, we get $G =(6.65635_{-0.18560}^{+0.18766} ) \times 10^{-11} \rm
m^3kg^{-1}s^{-2}$ and $H_0=67.62^{+1.24}_{-1.25} $ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ at
68$\%$ C.L. from Planck$+$BAO$+$uncalibrated PANTHEON. The results show the
value of $G$ is consistent with CODATA 2018, but the $H_0$ tension can't be
solved in this way. | Inflation and Reheating in Induced Gravity: Inflation is studied in the context of induced gravity (IG) $\gamma \sigma^2
R$, where $R$ is the Ricci scalar, $\sigma$ a scalar field and $\gamma$ a
dimensionless constant. We study in detail cosmological perturbations in IG and
examine both a Landau-Ginzburg (LG) and a Coleman-Weinberg (CW) potential toy
models for small field and large field (chaotic) inflation and find that small
field inflationary models in IG are constrained to $\gamma \lesssim 3 \times
10^{-3}$ by WMAP 5 yrs data. Finally we describe the regime of coherent
oscillations in induced gravity by an analytic approximation, showing how the
homogeneous inflaton can decay in its short-scale fluctuations when it
oscillates around a non-zero value $\sigma_0$. |
Synergies across the spectrum for particle dark matter indirect
detection: how HI intensity mapping meets gamma rays: Neutral hydrogen (HI) intensity mapping traces the large-scale distribution
of matter in the Universe and therefore should correlate with the gamma-ray
emission originated from particle dark matter annihilation or from active
galactic nuclei and star-forming galaxies, since the related processes occur in
the same cosmic structures hosting HI. In this paper, we derive the
cross-correlation signal between the brightness temperature of the 21-cm line
emission of the HI spin-flip transition in the Universe and the unresolved
gamma-ray background. Specifically, we derive forecasts for the
cross-correlation signal by focussing on the opportunities offered by the
combination of the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) gamma-ray sensitivity with
the expectations of the HI intensity mapping measurements from future radio
telescopes, for which we concentrate on the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and
MeerKAT, one of its precursors. We find that the combination of MeerKAT with
the current Fermi-LAT statistics has the potential to provide a first hint of
the cross-correlation signal originated by astrophysical sources, with a
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 3.7. With SKA Phase 1 and SKA Phase 2, the SNR
is predicted to increase up to 5.7 and 8.2, respectively. The bounds on dark
matter properties attainable with SKA combined with the current statistics of
Fermi-LAT are predicted to be comparable to those obtained from other
techniques able to explore the unresolved components of the gamma-ray
background. The enhanced capabilities of SKA Phase 2, combined with a future
generation gamma-ray telescope with improved specifications, can allow us to
investigate the whole mass window for weakly interacting massive particles up
to the TeV scale. | In-depth analysis of the clustering of dark matter particles around
primordial black holes I: density profiles: Primordial black holes may have been produced in the early stages of the
thermal history of the Universe after cosmic inflation. If so, dark matter in
the form of elementary particles can be subsequently accreted around these
objects, in particular when it gets non-relativistic and further streams freely
in the primordial plasma. A dark matter mini-spike builds up gradually around
each black hole, with density orders of magnitude larger than the cosmological
one. We improve upon previous work by carefully inspecting the computation of
the mini-spike radial profile as a function of black hole mass, dark matter
particle mass and temperature of kinetic decoupling. We identify a phase-space
contribution that has been overlooked and that leads to changes in the final
results. We also derive complementary analytical formulae using convenient
asymptotic regimes, which allows us to bring out peculiar power-law behaviors
for which we provide tentative physical explanations. |
An Informational Approach to Cosmological Parameter Estimation: We introduce a new approach for cosmological parameter estimation based on
the information-theoretical Jensen-Shannon divergence (${\cal D}_{\rm JS}$),
calculating it for models in the restricted parameter space $\{H_0, w_0,
w_a\}$, where $H_0$ is the value of the Hubble constant today, and $w_0$ and
$w_a$ are dark energy parameters, with the other parameters held fixed at their
best-fit values from the Planck 2018 data. As an application, we investigate
the $H_0$ tension between the Planck temperature power spectrum data (TT) and
the local astronomical data by comparing the $\Lambda$CDM model with the $w$CDM
and the $w_0w_a$CDM dynamic dark energy models. We find agreement with other
works using the standard Bayesian inference for parameter estimation; in
addition, we show that while the ${\cal D}_{\rm JS}$ is equally minimized for
both values of $H_0$ along the $(w_0,w_a)$ plane, the lines of degeneracy are
different for each value of $H_0$. This allows for distinguishing between the
two, once the value of either $w_0$ or $w_a$ is known. | Mimetic Dark Matter: We reformulate Einstein's theory of gravity, isolating the conformal degree
of freedom in a covariant way. This is done by introducing a physical metric
defined in terms of an auxiliary metric and a scalar field appearing through
its first derivatives. The resulting equations of motion split into a traceless
equation obtained through variation with respect to the auxiliary metric and an
additional differential equation for the trace part. As a result the conformal
degree of freedom becomes dynamical even in the absence of matter. We show that
this extra degree of freedom can mimic cold dark matter. |
Spherical Bispectrum: A Novel Visualization Scheme For Facilitating
Comparisons: Recent developments of Perturbation Theory (PT), specifically the Effective
Field Theory of Large Scale Structure (EFTofLSS) and its equivalents, have
proven powerful in analyzing galaxy clustering statistics such as the galaxy
power spectrum and bispectrum. To further this pursuit, we have devised a novel
spherical-bispectrum visualization scheme that collapses configuration
dependencies to highlight the scale dependence of the bispectrum. The resulting
one-dimensional curves facilitate the comparison between different bispectra,
for example, from simulation and PT calculation. Using the new scheme, we
present a quantitative analysis of the accuracy of PT modeling by comparing
PT's analytical prediction to the result from a suite of Quijote simulations.
Specifically, we determine $k_{\rm NL}$, the wavenunmber below which the
analytical prediction matches well with the N-body result by inspecting both
leading order (LO) and next-to-leading order (NLO) power spectrum and
bispectrum at redshifts $z=0$, $0.5$, $1$, $2$, $3$. We also quantify the
binning effect in Fourier space and show that an appropriate correction must be
applied to the analytic predictions in order to compare them with the discrete
Fourier transform results obtained from N-body-simulation or real data. | On topological bias of discrete sources in the gas of wormholes: The model of space in the form of a static gas of wormholes is considered. It
is shown that the scattering on such a gas gives rise to the formation of a
specific diffuse halo around every discrete source. Properties of the halo are
determined by the distribution of wormholes in space and the halo has to be
correlated with the distribution of dark matter. This allows to explain the
absence of dark matter in intergalactic gas clouds. Numerical estimates for
parameters of the gas of wormholes are also obtained. |
Unbiased Cosmic Opacity Constraints from Standard Sirens and Candles: The observation of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) plays an essential role in
probing the expansion history of the universe. But the possible presence of
cosmic opacity can degrade the quality of SNe Ia. The gravitational-wave (GW)
standard sirens, produced by the coalescence of double neutron stars and black
hole--neutron star binaries, provide an independent way to measure the
distances of GW sources, which are not affected by cosmic opacity. In this
paper, we first propose that combining the GW observations of third-generation
GW detectors with SN Ia data in similar redshift ranges offers a novel and
model-independent method to constrain cosmic opacity. Through Monte Carlo
simulations, we find that one can constrain the cosmic opacity parameter
$\kappa$ with an accuracy of $\sigma_{\kappa}\sim0.046$ by comparing the
distances from 100 simulated GW events and 1048 current Pantheon SNe Ia. The
uncertainty of $\kappa$ can be further reduced to $\sim0.026$ if 800 GW events
are considered. We also demonstrate that combining 2000 simulated SNe Ia and
1000 simulated GW events could result in much severer constraints on the
transparent universe, for which $\kappa=0.0000\pm0.0044$. Compared to previous
opacity constraints involving distances from other cosmic probes, our method
using GW standard sirens and SN Ia standard candles at least achieves
competitive results. | GEMINI-GMOS spectroscopy in the Antlia cluster: We present preliminary results of a spectroscopic study performed in the
Antlia cluster through GEMINI-GMOS data. We derived new radial velocities that
allow us to confirm the cluster membership of several new faint galaxies, as
well as to identify very interesting background objects. |
The Physical Origin of Dark Energy Constraints from Rubin Observatory
and CMB-S4 Lensing Tomography: We seek to clarify the origin of constraints on the dark energy equation of
state parameter from CMB lensing tomography, that is the combination of galaxy
clustering and the cross-correlation of galaxies with CMB lensing in a number
of redshift bins. In particular, we consider the two-point correlation
functions which can be formed with a catalog of galaxy locations and
photometric redshifts from the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space
and Time (LSST) and CMB lensing maps from the CMB-S4 experiment. We focus on
the analytic understanding of the origin of the constraints. Dark energy
information in these data arises from the influence of three primary
relationships: distance as a function of redshift (geometry), the amplitude of
the power spectrum as a function of redshift (growth), and the power spectrum
as a function of wavenumber (shape). We find that the effects from geometry and
growth play a significant role and partially cancel each other out, while the
shape effect is unimportant. We also show that Dark Energy Task Force (DETF)
Figure of Merit (FoM) forecasts from the combination of LSST galaxies and
CMB-S4 lensing are comparable to the forecasts from cosmic shear in the absence
of the CMB lensing map, thus providing an important independent check. Compared
to the forecasts with the LSST galaxies alone, combining CMB lensing and LSST
clustering information (together with the primary CMB spectra) increases the
FoM by roughly a factor of 3-4 in the optimistic scenario where systematics are
fully under control. We caution that achieving these forecasts will likely
require a full analysis of higher-order biasing, photometric redshift
uncertainties, and stringent control of other systematic limitations, which are
outside the scope of this work, whose primary purpose is to elucidate the
physical origin of the constraints. | Betti Functionals as a Probe for Cosmic Topology: The question of the global topology of the Universe (cosmic topology) is
still open. In the $\Lambda$CDM concordance model it is assumed that the space
of the Universe possesses the trivial topology of $\mathbb{R}^3$ and thus that
the Universe has an infinite volume. As an alternative, we study in this paper
one of the simplest non-trivial topologies given by a cubic 3-torus describing
a universe with a finite volume. To probe cosmic topology, we analyse certain
structure properties in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) using Betti
Functionals and the Euler Characteristic evaluated on excursions sets, which
possess a simple geometrical interpretation. Since the CMB temperature
fluctuations $\delta T$ are observed on the sphere $\mathbb{S}^2$ surrounding
the observer, there are only three Betti functionals $\beta_k(\nu)$, $k=1,2,3$.
Here $\nu=\delta T/\sigma_0$ denotes the temperature threshold normalized by
the standard deviation $\sigma_0$ of $\delta T$. Analytic approximations of the
Gaussian expectations for the Betti functionals and an exact formula for the
Euler characteristic are given. It is shown that the amplitudes of
$\beta_0(\nu)$ and $\beta_1(\nu)$ decrease with increasing volume $V=L^3$ of
the cubic 3-torus universe. Since the computation of the $\beta_k$'s from
observational sky maps is hindered due to the presence of masks, we suggest a
method yielding lower and upper bounds for them and apply it to four Planck
2018 sky maps. It is found that the $\beta_k$'s of the Planck maps lie between
those of the torus universes with side-lengths $L=2.0$ and $L=3.0$ in units of
the Hubble length and above the infinite $\Lambda$CDM case. These results give
a further hint that the Universe has a non-trivial topology. |
Optimisation of the Population Monte Carlo algorithm: Application to
constraining isocurvature models with cosmic microwave background data: We optimise the parameters of the Population Monte Carlo algorithm using
numerical simulations. The optimisation is based on an efficiency statistic
related to the number of samples evaluated prior to convergence, and is applied
to a D-dimensional Gaussian distribution to derive optimal scaling laws for the
algorithm parameters. More complex distributions such as the banana and bimodal
distributions are also studied. We apply these results to a cosmological
parameter estimation problem that uses CMB anisotropy data from the WMAP
nine-year release to constrain a six parameter adiabatic model and a fifteen
parameter admixture model, consisting of correlated adiabatic and isocurvature
perturbations. In the case of the adiabatic model and the admixture model we
find respective degradation factors of three and twenty, relative to the
optimal Gaussian case, due to degeneracies in the underlying parameter space.
The WMAP nine-year data constrain the admixture model to have an isocurvature
fraction of at most $36.3 \pm 2.8$ percent. | Hydrogen Burning in Low Mass Stars Constrains Alternative Gravity
Theories: The most general scalar-tensor theories of gravity predict a weakening of the
gravitational force inside astrophysical bodies. There is a minimum mass for
hydrogen burning in stars that is set by the interplay of plasma physics and
the theory of gravity. We calculate this for alternative theories of gravity,
and find that it is always significantly larger than the general relativity
prediction. The observation of several low mass Red Dwarf stars therefore rules
out a large class of scalar-tensor gravity theories, and places strong
constraints on the cosmological parameters appearing in the effective field
theory of dark energy. |
Iterative mean-field approach to the spherical collapse of dark matter
halos: Gravitational collapse of dark matter overdensities leads to the formation of
dark matter halos which embed galaxies and galaxy clusters. An intriguing
feature of dark matter halos is that their density profiles closely follow a
universal form irrespective of the initial condition or the corresponding
growth history. This represents a class of dynamical systems with emergent
universalities. We propose an "iterative mean-field approach" to compute the
solutions of the gravitational collapse dynamics. This approach iteratively
searches for the evolution of the interaction field $\phi(t)$ -- in this case
the enclosed mass profile $M(r,t)$ -- that is consistent with the dynamics,
thus that $\phi(t)$ is the fix-point of the iterative mapping,
$\mathcal{H}(\phi) = \phi$. The formalism replaces the N-body interactions with
one-body interactions with the coarse-grained interaction field, and thus
shares the spirit of the mean-field theory in statistical physics. This
"iterative mean-field approach" combines the versatility of numerical
simulations and the comprehensiveness of analytical solutions, and is
particularly powerful in searching for and understanding intermediate
asymptotic states in a wide range of dynamical systems where the solutions can
not be obtained through the traditional self-similar analysis. | Cosmological implications of a viable non-analytical f(R) model: Power-law corrections (having the exponent strictly between 2 and 3) to the
Einstein-Hilbert action yield an extended theory of gravity which is consistent
with Solar-System tests and properly reproduces the main phases of the Universe
thermal history. We find two distinct constraints for the characteristic length
scale of the model: a lower bound from the Solar-System test and an upper bound
by requiring the existence of the matter-dominated era. We also show how the
extended framework can accommodate the existence of an early de Sitter phase.
Within the allowed range of characteristic length scales, the relation between
the expansion rate and the energy scale of inflation is modified, yielding a
value of the rate several orders of magnitude smaller than in the standard
picture. The observational implication of this fact is that a tiny value of the
tensor-to-scalar ratio is expected in the extended framework. The suppression
of primordial tensor modes also implies that the inflationary scale can be made
arbitrarily close to the Planck one according to the current limits. Finally,
an analysis of the propagation of gravitational waves on a Robertson-Walker
background is addressed. |
Deep 1.4 GHZ Follow Up of the Steep Spectrum Radio Halo in Abell 521: In a recent paper we reported on the discovery of a radio halo with very
steep spectrum in the merging galaxy cluster Abell 521 through observations
with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). We showed that the steep
spectrum of the halo is inconsistent with a secondary origin of the
relativistic electrons and supports a turbulent acceleration scenario. At that
time, due to the steep spectrum, the available observations at 1.4 GHz
(archival NRAO - Very Large Array - VLA CnB-configuration data) were not
adequate to accurately determine the flux density associated with the radio
halo. In this paper we report the detection at 1.4 GHz of the radio halo in
Abell 521 using deep VLA observations in the D-configuration. We use these new
data to confirm the steep-spectrum of the object. We consider Abell 521 the
prototype of a population of very-steep spectrum halos. This population is
predicted assuming that turbulence plays an important role in the acceleration
of relativistic particles in galaxy clusters, and we expect it will be unveiled
by future surveys at low frequencies with the LOFAR and LWA radio telescopes. | Gravitational waves from bubble walls: We present a general method for computing the gravitational radiation arising
from the motion of bubble walls or thin fluid shells in cosmological phase
transitions. We discuss the application of this method to different wall
kinematics. In particular, we derive general expressions for the bubble
collision mechanism in the envelope approximation and the so-called bulk flow
model, and we also consider deformations from the spherical bubble shape. We
calculate the gravitational wave spectrum for a specific model of deformations
on a definite size scale, which gives a peak away from that of the bubble
collision mechanism. |
Trends in Molecular Emission from Different Extragalactic Stellar
Initial Mass Functions: Banerji et al. (2009) suggested that top-heavy stellar Initial Mass Functions
(IMFs) in galaxies may arise when the interstellar physical conditions inhibit
low-mass star formation, and they determined the physical conditions under
which this suppression may or may not occur. In this work, we explore the
sensitivity of the chemistry of interstellar gas under a wide range of
conditions. We use these results to predict the relative velocity-integrated
antenna temperatures of the CO rotational spectrum for several models of high
redshift active galaxies which may produce both top-heavy and unbiased IMFs. We
find that while active galaxies with solar metallicity (and top-heavy IMFs)
produce higher antenna temperatures than those with sub-solar metallicity (and
unbiased IMFs) the actual rotational distribution is similar. The high-J to
peak CO ratio however may be used to roughly infer the metallicity of a galaxy
provided we know whether it is active or quiescent. The metallicity strongly
influences the shape of the IMF. High order CO transitions are also found to
provide a good diagnostic for high far-UV intensity and low metallicity
counterparts of Milky Way type systems both of which show some evidence for
having top-heavy IMFs. We also compute the relative abundances of molecules
known to be effective tracers of high density gas in these galaxy models. We
find that the molecules CO and CS may be used to distinguish between solar and
sub-solar metallicity in active galaxies at high redshift whereas HCN, HNC and
CN are found to be relatively insensitive to the IMF shape at the large visual
magnitudes typically associated with extragalactic sources. | Improving Physical Cosmology: An Empiricist's Assessment: The $\Lambda$CDM cosmology passes demanding tests that establish it as a good
approximation to reality, but it could be improved. I present a list of
possibly interesting and less well explored things that might yield hints to a
better theory. |
Cosmological implications of a modified galaxy cluster pressure profile
using the $Planck$ tSZ power spectrum: The mean pressure profile of the cluster population is a key element in
cosmological analyses based on surveys of galaxy clusters observed through the
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. A variation of both the shape and the amplitude
of this profile could explain part of the discrepancy currently observed
between the cosmological constraints obtained from the analyses of the CMB
primary anisotropies and those from cluster abundance in SZ surveys for a fixed
mass bias parameter. We study the cosmological implications of a modification
of the mean pressure profile through the analysis of the SZ power spectrum
measured by $Planck$. We define two mean pressure profiles on either side of
the one obtained from the observation of nearby clusters by $Planck$. The
parameters of these profiles are chosen to ensure their compatibility with the
distributions of pressure and gas mass fraction profiles observed at low
redshift. We find significant differences between the cosmological parameters
obtained by using these two profiles to fit the $Planck$ SZ power spectrum and
those found in previous analyses. We conclude that a ${\sim}15\%$ decrease of
the amplitude of the mean normalized pressure profile is sufficient to
alleviate the discrepancy observed between the constraints of $\sigma_8$ and
$\Omega_m$ from the CMB and cluster analyses. | Easily Interpretable Bulk Flows: Continuing Tension with the Standard
Cosmological Model: We present an improved Minimal Variance (MV) method for using a radial
peculiar velocity sample to estimate the average of the three-dimensional
velocity field over a spherical volume, which leads to an easily interpretable
bulk flow measurement. The only assumption required is that the velocity field
is irrotational. The resulting bulk flow estimate is particularly insensitive
to smaller scale flows. We also introduce a new constraint into the MV method
that ensures that bulk flow estimates are independent of the value of the
Hubble constant $H_o$; this is important given the tension between the locally
measured $H_o$ and that obtained from the cosmic background radiation
observations. We apply our method to the \textit{CosmicFlows-3} catalogue and
find that, while the bulk flows for shallower spheres are consistent with the
standard cosmological model, there is some tension between the bulk flow in a
spherical volume with radius $150$\hmpc\ and its expectations; we find only a
$\sim 2\%$ chance of obtaining a bulk flow as large or larger in the standard
cosmological model with \textit{Planck} parameters |
Cosmological Radiative Transfer Comparison Project II: The
Radiation-Hydrodynamic Tests: The development of radiation hydrodynamical methods that are able to follow
gas dynamics and radiative transfer self-consistently is key to the solution of
many problems in numerical astrophysics. Such fluid flows are highly complex,
rarely allowing even for approximate analytical solutions against which
numerical codes can be tested. An alternative validation procedure is to
compare different methods against each other on common problems, in order to
assess the robustness of the results and establish a range of validity for the
methods. Previously, we presented such a comparison for a set of pure radiative
transfer tests (i.e. for fixed, non-evolving density fields). This is the
second paper of the Cosmological Radiative Transfer (RT) Comparison Project, in
which we compare 9 independent RT codes directly coupled to gasdynamics on 3
relatively simple astrophysical hydrodynamics problems: (5) the expansion of an
H II region in a uniform medium; (6) an ionization front (I-front) in a 1/r^2
density profile with a flat core, and (7), the photoevaporation of a uniform
dense clump. Results show a broad agreement between the different methods and
no big failures, indicating that the participating codes have reached a certain
level of maturity and reliability. However, many details still do differ, and
virtually every code has showed some shortcomings and has disagreed, in one
respect or another, with the majority of the results. This underscores the fact
that no method is universal and all require careful testing of the particular
features which are most relevant to the specific problem at hand. | Running coupling: Does the coupling between dark energy and dark matter
change sign during the cosmological evolution?: In this paper we put forward a running coupling scenario for describing the
interaction between dark energy and dark matter. The dark sector interaction in
our scenario is free of the assumption that the interaction term $Q$ is
proportional to the Hubble expansion rate and the energy densities of dark
sectors. We only use a time-variable coupling $b(a)$ (with $a$ the scale factor
of the universe) to characterize the interaction $Q$. We propose a
parametrization form for the running coupling $b(a)=b_0a+b_e(1-a)$ in which the
early-time coupling is given by a constant $b_e$, while today the coupling is
given by another constant, $b_0$. For investigating the feature of the running
coupling, we employ three dark energy models, namely, the cosmological constant
model ($w=-1$), the constant $w$ model ($w=w_0$), and the time-dependent $w$
model ($w(a)=w_0+w_1(1-a)$). We constrain the models with the current
observational data, including the type Ia supernova, the baryon acoustic
oscillation, the cosmic microwave background, the Hubble expansion rate, and
the X-ray gas mass fraction data. The fitting results indicate that a
time-varying vacuum scenario is favored, in which the coupling $b(z)$ crosses
the noninteracting line ($b=0$) during the cosmological evolution and the sign
changes from negative to positive. The crossing of the noninteracting line
happens at around $z=0.2-0.3$, and the crossing behavior is favored at about
1$\sigma$ confidence level. Our work implies that we should pay more attention
to the time-varying vacuum model and seriously consider the phenomenological
construction of a sign-changeable or oscillatory interaction between dark
sectors. |
From Asymptotic Safety to Dark Energy: We consider renormalization group flow applied to the cosmological dynamical
equations. A consistency condition arising from energy-momentum conservation
links the flow parameters to the cosmological evolution, restricting possible
behaviors. Three classes of cosmological fixed points for dark energy plus a
barotropic fluid are found: a dark energy dominated universe, which can be
either accelerating or decelerating depending on the RG flow parameters, a
barotropic dominated universe where dark energy fades away, and solutions where
the gravitational and potential couplings cease to flow. If the IR fixed point
coincides with the asymptotically safe UV fixed point then the dark energy
pressure vanishes in the first class, while (only) in the de Sitter limit of
the third class the RG cutoff scale becomes the Hubble scale. | The first massive black holes: I briefly outline recent theoretical developments on the formation of the
first massive black holes (MBHs) that may grow into the population of MBHs
powering quasars and inhabiting galactic centers today. I also touch upon
possible observational tests that may give insights on what the properties of
the first MBHs were. |
Anisotropic to Isotropic Phase Transitions in the Early Universe: We propose that the early Universe was not Lorentz symmetric and that a
gradual transition to the Lorentz symmetric phase occurred. An underlying form
of the Dirac equation hints to such a transition for fermions. Fermions were
coupled to space-time in a non-trivial manner such that they were massless in
the Lorentz violating phase. The partition function is used as a transfer
matrix to model this transition on a two level thermodynamics system that
describes how such a transition might have occurred. The system that models
this transition evolves, with temperature, from a state of large to negligible
entropy and this is interpreted as describing the transition to a state with
Lorentz symmetry. In addition to this, analogy is created with the properties
of this system to describe how the fields were massless and how a baryon
asymmetry can be generated in this model. | Galaxy Clusters, a Novel Look at Diffuse Baryons Withstanding Dark
Matter Gravity: [abridged] The equilibria of the intracluster plasma (ICP) and of the
gravitationally dominant dark matter (DM) are governed by the hydrostatic and
the Jeans equation. Jeans, with the DM `entropy' set to K ~ r^\alpha and \alpha
~ 1.25 - 1.3 applying from groups to rich clusters, yields our radial
\alpha-profiles. In the ICP the entropy run k(r) is mainly shaped by shocks, as
steadily set by supersonic accretion of gas at the cluster boundary, and
intermittently driven from the center by merging events or by AGNs; the
resulting equilibrium is described by the exact yet simple formalism
constituting our ICP Supermodel. With a few parameters, this accurately
represents the runs of density n(r) and temperature T(r) as required by recent
X-ray data on surface brightness and spectroscopy for both cool core (CC) and
non cool core (NCC) clusters; the former are marked by a middle temperature
peak, whose location is predicted from rich clusters to groups. The Supermodel
inversely links the inner runs of n(r) and T(r), and highlights their central
scaling with entropy n_c ~ k_c^-1 and T_c ~ k_c^0.35, to yield radiative
cooling times t_c ~ 0.3 (k_c/15 keV cm^2)^1.2 Gyr. We discuss the stability of
the central values so focused either in CC and NCC clusters. From the
Supermodel we derive as limiting cases the classic polytropic \beta-models, and
the `mirror' model with T(r) ~ \sigma^2(r) suitable for NCC and CC clusters,
respectively; these highlight how the ICP temperature T(r) tends to mirror the
DM velocity dispersion \sigma^2(r) away from entropy injections. Finally, we
discuss how the Supermodel connects information derived from X-ray and
gravitational lensing observations. |
Effect of Measurement Errors on Predicted Cosmological Constraints from
Shear Peak Statistics with LSST: The statistics of peak counts in reconstructed shear maps contain information
beyond the power spectrum, and can improve cosmological constraints from
measurements of the power spectrum alone if systematic errors can be
controlled. We study the effect of galaxy shape measurement errors on predicted
cosmological constraints from the statistics of shear peak counts with the
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). We use the LSST image simulator in
combination with cosmological N-body simulations to model realistic shear maps
for different cosmological models. We include both galaxy shape noise and, for
the first time, measurement errors on galaxy shapes. We find that the
measurement errors considered have relatively little impact on the constraining
power of shear peak counts for LSST. | CMB distance priors revisited: effects of dark energy dynamics, spatial
curvature, primordial power spectrum, and neutrino parameters: As a physical and sufficient compression of the full CMB data, the CMB
distance priors, or shift parameters, have been widely used and provide a
convenient way to include CMB data when obtaining cosmological constraints. In
this paper, we revisit this data vector and examine its stability under
different cosmological models. We find that the CMB distance priors are an
accurate substitute for the full CMB data when probing dark energy dynamics.
This is true when the primordial power spectrum model is directly generalized
from the power spectrum of the model used in the derivation of the distance
priors from the CMB data. We discover a difference when a non-flat model with
the untilted primordial inflation power spectrum is used to measure the
distance priors. This power spectrum is a radical change from the more
conventional tilted primordial power spectrum and violates fundamental
assumptions for the reliability of the CMB shift parameters. We also
investigate the performance of CMB distance priors when the sum of neutrino
masses $\sum m_{\nu}$ and the effective number of relativistic species
$N_{\text{eff}}$ are allowed to vary. Our findings are consistent with earlier
results: the neutrino parameters can change the measurement of the sound
horizon from CMB data, and thus the CMB distance priors. We find that when the
neutrino model is allowed to vary, the cold dark matter density $\omega_{c}$
and $N_{\text{eff}}$ need to be included in the set of parameters that
summarize CMB data, in order to reproduce the constraints from the full CMB
data. We present an updated and expanded set of CMB distance priors which can
reproduce constraints from the full CMB data within $1\sigma$, and are
applicable to models with massive neutrinos, as well as non-standard
cosmologies. |
Spectral properties of a sample of type 1 AGNs: influence of star
formation: To find the spectral properties of AGNs in optical spectral band (around the
Hb line) we constructed an Fe II template, that is covering Fe II emission from
4100 A to 5600 A. Using the new Fe II template we explored spectral properties
of 302 type 1 AGNs. The most interesting results we found is the correlation of
the Hb Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) and luminosity for a subsample of type
1 AGNs where the ratio of narrow lines indicates a significant starburst
contribution. | Simulations for single-dish intensity mapping experiments: HI intensity mapping is an emerging tool to probe dark energy. Observations
of the redshifted HI signal will be contaminated by instrumental noise,
atmospheric and Galactic foregrounds. The latter is expected to be four orders
of magnitude brighter than the HI emission we wish to detect. We present a
simulation of single-dish observations including an instrumental noise model
with 1/f and white noise, and sky emission with a diffuse Galactic foreground
and HI emission. We consider two foreground cleaning methods: spectral
parametric fitting and principal component analysis. For a smooth frequency
spectrum of the foreground and instrumental effects, we find that the
parametric fitting method provides residuals that are still contaminated by
foreground and 1/f noise, but the principal component analysis can remove this
contamination down to the thermal noise level. This method is robust for a
range of different models of foreground and noise, and so constitutes a
promising way to recover the HI signal from the data. However, it induces a
leakage of the cosmological signal into the subtracted foreground of around 5%.
The efficiency of the component separation methods depends heavily on the
smoothness of the frequency spectrum of the foreground and the 1/f noise. We
find that as, long as the spectral variations over the band are slow compared
to the channel width, the foreground cleaning method still works. |
Impact of local structure on the cosmic radio dipole: We investigate the contribution that a local over- or under-density can have
on linear cosmic dipole estimations. We focus here on radio surveys, such as
the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS), and forthcoming surveys such as those with the
LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
(ASKAP) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). The NVSS has already been used to
estimate the cosmic radio dipole; it was shown recently that this radio dipole
amplitude is larger than expected from a purely kinematic effect, assuming the
velocity inferred from the dipole of the cosmic microwave background. We show
here that a significant contribution to this excess could come from a local
void or similar structure. In contrast to the kinetic contribution to the radio
dipole, the structure dipole depends on the flux threshold of the survey and
the wave band, which opens the chance to distinguish the two contributions. | Warm Dark Matter Constraints Using Milky-Way Satellite Observations and
Subhalo Evolution Modeling: Warm dark matter (WDM) can potentially explain small-scale observations that
currently challenge the cold dark matter (CDM) model, as warm particles
suppress structure formation due to free-streaming effects. Observing
small-scale matter distribution provides a valuable way to distinguish between
CDM and WDM. In this work, we use observations from the Dark Energy Survey and
PanSTARRS1, which observe 270 Milky-Way satellites after completeness
corrections. We test WDM models by comparing the number of satellites in the
Milky Way with predictions derived from the Semi-Analytical SubHalo Inference
ModelIng (SASHIMI) code, which we develop based on the extended Press-Schechter
formalism and subhalos' tidal evolution prescription. We robustly rule out WDM
with masses lighter than 4.4 keV at 95% confidence level for the Milky-Way halo
mass of $10^{12} M_\odot$. The limits are a weak function of the (yet
uncertain) Milky-Way halo mass, and vary as $m_{\rm WDM}>3.6$-$5.1$ keV for
$(0.6$-$2.0) \times 10^{12} M_\odot$. For the sterile neutrinos that form a
subclass of WDM, we obtain the constraints of $m_{\nu_s}>11.6$ keV for the
Milky-Way halo mass of $10^{12} M_{\odot}$. These results based on SASHIMI do
not rely on any assumptions of galaxy formation physics or are not limited by
numerical resolution. The models, therefore, offer a robust and fast way to
constrain the WDM models. By applying a satellite forming condition, however,
we can rule out the WDM mass lighter than 9.0 keV for the Milky-Way halo mass
of $10^{12} M_\odot$. |
Low Scale Higgs Inflation with Gauss-Bonnet Coupling: Recent LHC data provides precise values of coupling constants of the Higgs
field, however, these measurements do not determine its coupling with gravity.
We explore this freedom to see whether Higgs field non-minimally coupled to
Gauss-Bonnet term in 4-dimensions can lead to inflation generating the observed
density fluctuations. We obtain analytical solution for this model and that the
exit of inflation (with a finite number of e-folding) demands that the energy
scale of inflation is close to Electro-weak scale. We compare the scalar and
tensor power spectrum of our model with PLANCK data and discuss its
implications. | First Results from the 3D-HST Survey: The Striking Diversity of Massive
Galaxies at z>1: We present first results from the 3D-HST program, a near-IR spectroscopic
survey performed with the Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope. We
have used 3D-HST spectra to measure redshifts and Halpha equivalent widths for
a stellar mass-limited sample of 34 galaxies at 1<z<1.5 with M(stellar)>10^11
M(sun) in the COSMOS, GOODS, and AEGIS fields. We find that a substantial
fraction of massive galaxies at this epoch are forming stars at a high rate:
the fraction of galaxies with Halpha equivalent widths >10 A is 59%, compared
to 10% among SDSS galaxies of similar masses at z=0.1. Galaxies with weak
Halpha emission show absorption lines typical of 2-4 Gyr old stellar
populations. The structural parameters of the galaxies, derived from the
associated WFC3 F140W imaging data, correlate with the presence of Halpha:
quiescent galaxies are compact with high Sersic index and high inferred
velocity dispersion, whereas star-forming galaxies are typically large
two-armed spiral galaxies, with low Sersic index. Some of these star forming
galaxies might be progenitors of the most massive S0 and Sa galaxies. Our
results challenge the idea that galaxies at fixed mass form a homogeneous
population with small scatter in their properties. Instead we find that massive
galaxies form a highly diverse population at z>1, in marked contrast to the
local Universe. |
The Uchuu Simulations: Data Release 1 and Dark Matter Halo
Concentrations: We introduce the Uchuu suite of large high-resolution cosmological $N$-body
simulations. The largest simulation, named Uchuu, consists of 2.1 trillion
($12800^3$) dark matter particles in a box of side-length 2.0 Gpc/h, with
particle mass $3.27 \times 10^{8}$ Msun/h. The highest resolution simulation,
Shin-Uchuu, consists of 262 billion ($6400^3$) particles in a box of
side-length 140 Mpc/h, with particle mass $8.97 \times 10^{5}$ Msun/h.
Combining these simulations we can follow the evolution of dark matter halos
and subhalos spanning those hosting dwarf galaxies to massive galaxy clusters
across an unprecedented volume. In this first paper, we present basic
statistics, dark matter power spectra, and the halo and subhalo mass functions,
which demonstrate the wide dynamic range and superb statistics of the Uchuu
suite. From an analysis of the evolution of the power spectra we conclude that
our simulations remain accurate from the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation scale down
to the very small. We also provide parameters of a mass-concentration model,
which describes the evolution of halo concentration and reproduces our
simulation data to within 5 per cent for halos with masses spanning nearly
eight orders of magnitude at redshift 0<z<14. There is an upturn in the
mass-concentration relation for the population of all halos and of relaxed
halos at z>0.5, whereas no upturn is detected at z<0.5. We make publicly
available various $N$-body products as part of Uchuu Data Release 1 on the
Skies & Universes site. Future releases will include gravitational lensing maps
and mock galaxy, X-ray cluster, and active galactic nuclei catalogues. | The evolution of the mass-size relation to z=3.5 for UV-bright galaxies
and sub-mm galaxies in the GOODS-NORTH field: We study the evolution of the size - stellar mass relation for a large
spectroscopic sample of galaxies in the GOODs North field up to $z \sim 3.5$.
The sizes of the galaxies are measured from $\textit{K}_{s}$-band images
(corresponding to rest-frame optical/NIR) from the Subaru 8m telescope. We
reproduce earlier results based on photometric redshifts that the sizes of
galaxies at a given mass evolve with redshift. Specifically, we compare sizes
of UV-bright galaxies at a range of redshifts: Lyman break galaxies (LBGs)
selected through the U-drop technique ($z \sim 2.5-3.5$), BM/BX galaxies at $z
\sim 1.5-2.5$, and GALEX LBGs at low redshift ($z \sim 0.6-1.5$). The median
sizes of these UV-bright galaxies evolve as $(1+z)^{-1.11\pm0.13}$ between $z
\sim 0.5-3.5$. The UV-bright galaxies are significantly larger than quiescent
galaxies at the same mass and redshift by $0.45\pm0.09$ dex. We also verify the
correlation between color and stellar mass density of galaxies to high
redshifts. The sizes of sub-mm galaxies in the same field are measured and
compared with BM/BX galaxies. We find that median half-light radii of SMGs is
$2.90 \pm 0.45$ kpc and there is little difference in their size distribution
to the UV-bright star forming galaxies. |
Solving the small-scale structure puzzles with dissipative dark matter: Small-scale structure is studied in the context of dissipative dark matter,
arising for instance in models with a hidden unbroken Abelian sector, so that
dark matter couples to a massless dark photon. The dark sector interacts with
ordinary matter via gravity and photon-dark photon kinetic mixing. Mirror dark
matter is a theoretically constrained special case where all parameters are
fixed except for the kinetic mixing strength, $\epsilon$. In these models, the
dark matter halo around spiral and irregular galaxies takes the form of a
dissipative plasma which evolves in response to various heating and cooling
processes. It has been argued previously that such dynamics can account for the
inferred cored density profiles of galaxies and other related structural
features. Here we focus on the apparent deficit of nearby small galaxies
("missing satellite problem"), which these dissipative models have the
potential to address through small-scale power suppression by acoustic and
diffusion damping. Using a variant of the extended Press-Schechter formalism,
we evaluate the halo mass function for the special case of mirror dark matter.
Considering a simplified model where $M_{\text{baryons}} \propto
M_{\text{halo}}$, we relate the halo mass function to more directly observable
quantities, and find that for $\epsilon/10^{-10} \approx 2$ such a simplified
description is compatible with the measured galaxy luminosity and velocity
functions. On scales $M_{\text{halo}} \lesssim 10^8 \ M_\odot$, diffusion
damping exponentially suppresses the halo mass function, suggesting a
nonprimordial origin for dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies, which we
speculate were formed via a top-down fragmentation process as the result of
nonlinear dissipative collapse of larger density perturbation. This could
explain the planar orientation of satellite galaxies around Andromeda and the
Milky Way. | Perturbative Resonance in WIMP paradigm and its Cosmological
Implications on Cosmic Reheating and Primordial Gravitational Wave Detection: We investigate the co-evolution of dark matter (DM) density perturbation and
metric perturbation in the WIMP paradigm. Instead of adopting the conventional
assumption that DM starts out in thermal equilibrium, we propose a simple phase
of DM production for the WIMP paradigm and extend our analysis to this phase.
Being free from the envelop of thermal equilibrium, an amplified perturbative
resonance between DM density perturbation and scalar modes of metric
perturbation takes place during the DM production phase, and consequently
results in a suppression of the tensor-to-scalar ratio of metric perturbation.
By specifying the cosmic background with a typical realization of cosmic
reheating, we establish a relation between DM particle mass $m_\chi$ and the
tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ in the WIMP paradigm, which also contains two
reheating parameters, the reheating temperature $T_{R_f}$ and the dissipative
constant $\Gamma_0$. Notably, for a sizeable parameter region of WIMP candidate
and cosmic reheating, this relation predicts a smaller value of $r$ in
comparing with the conventional expectation obtained by assuming DM starts out
in thermal equilibrium. Once the suppression of $r$ is measured in future
observations of primordial gravitational wave in CMB, this relation can be used
to constrain $m_\chi$, $T_{R_f}$ and $\Gamma_0$ in principle. |
CMB with the background primordial magnetic field: We investigate the effects of the background primordial magnetic field (PMF)
on the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The sound speed of the tightly
coupled photon-baryon fluid is increased by the background PMF. The increased
sound speed causes the odd peaks of the CMB temperature fluctuations to be
suppressed and the CMB peak positions to be shifted to a larger scale. The
background PMF causes a stronger decaying potential and increases the amplitude
of the CMB. These two effects of the background PMF on a smaller scale cancel
out, and the overall effects of the background PMF are the suppression of the
CMB around the first peak and the shifting of peaks to a large scale. We also
discuss obtaining information about the PMF generation mechanisms, and we
examine the nonlinear evolution of the PMF by the constraint on the maximum
scale for the PMF distributions. Finally, we discuss degeneracies between the
PMF parameters and the standard cosmological parameters. | The planetary nebula population in the halo of M87: We investigate the diffuse light in the outer regions of the nearby
elliptical galaxy M87 in the Virgo cluster, using planetary nebulas (PNs) as
tracers. The surveyed areas (0.43 squared degrees) cover M87 up to a radial
distance of 150 kpc, in the ransition region between galaxy halo and
intracluster light (ICL). All PNs are identified through the on-off band
technique using automatic selection criteria based on the distribution of the
detected sources in the colour-magnitude diagram and the properties of their
point-spread function. We extract a catalogue of 688 objects down to
m_5007=28.4, with an estimated residual contamination from foreground stars and
background Lyalpha galaxies, which amounts to ~35% of the sample. This is one
of the largest extragalactic PN samples in number of candidates, magnitude
depth, and radial extent, which allows us to carry out an unprecedented
photometric study of the PN population in the outer regions of M87. We find
that the logarithmic density profile of the PN distribution is shallower than
the surface brightness profile at large radii. This behaviour is consistent
with the superposition of two components associated with the halo of M87 and
with the ICL, which have different luminosity specific PN numbers, the ICL
contributing three times more PNs per unit light. Because of the depth of this
survey we are also able to study the shape of the PN luminosity function (PNLF)
in the outer regions of M87. We find a slope for the PNLF that is steeper at
fainter magnitudes than the standard analytical PNLF formula and adopt a
generalised model that treats the slope as a free parameter. Comparing the PNLF
of M87 and the M31 bulge, both normalised by the sampled luminosity, the M87
PNLF contains fewer bright PNs and has a steeper slope towards fainter
magnitudes. |
Linear and non-linear bias: predictions vs. measurements: We study the linear and non-linear bias parameters which determine the
mapping between the distributions of galaxies and the full matter density
fields, comparing different measurements and predictions. Associating galaxies
with dark matter haloes in the MICE Grand Challenge N-body simulation we
directly measure the bias parameters by comparing the smoothed density
fluctuations of haloes and matter in the same region at different positions as
a function of smoothing scale. Alternatively we measure the bias parameters by
matching the probability distributions of halo and matter density fluctuations,
which can be applied to observations. These direct bias measurements are
compared to corresponding measurements from two-point and different third-order
correlations, as well as predictions from the peak-background model, which we
presented in previous articles using the same data. We find an overall
variation of the linear bias measurements and predictions of $\sim 5 \%$ with
respect to results from two-point correlations for different halo samples with
masses between $\sim 10^{12} - 10^{15}$ $h^{-1}M_\odot$ at the redshifts
$z=0.0$ and $0.5$. Variations between the second- and third-order bias
parameters from the different methods show larger variations, but with
consistent trends in mass and redshift. The various bias measurements reveal a
tight relation between the linear and the quadratic bias parameters, which is
consistent with results from the literature based on simulations with different
cosmologies. Such a universal relation might improve constraints on
cosmological models, derived from second-order clustering statistics at small
scales or higher-order clustering statistics. | The MillenniumTNG Project: High-precision predictions for matter
clustering and halo statistics: Cosmological inference with large galaxy surveys requires theoretical models
that combine precise predictions for large-scale structure with robust and
flexible galaxy formation modelling throughout a sufficiently large cosmic
volume. Here, we introduce the MillenniumTNG (MTNG) project which combines the
hydrodynamical galaxy formation model of IllustrisTNG with the large volume of
the Millennium simulation. Our largest hydrodynamic simulation, covering (500
Mpc/h)^3 = (740 Mpc)^3, is complemented by a suite of dark-matter-only
simulations with up to 4320^3 dark matter particles (a mass resolution of 1.32
x 10^8 Msun/h) using the fixed-and-paired technique to reduce large-scale
cosmic variance. The hydro simulation adds 4320^3 gas cells, achieving a
baryonic mass resolution of 2 x 10^7 Msun/h. High time-resolution merger trees
and direct lightcone outputs facilitate the construction of a new generation of
semi-analytic galaxy formation models that can be calibrated against both the
hydro simulation and observation, and then applied to even larger volumes -
MTNG includes a flagship simulation with 1.1 trillion dark matter particles and
massive neutrinos in a volume of (3000 Mpc)^3. In this introductory analysis we
carry out convergence tests on basic measures of non-linear clustering such as
the matter power spectrum, the halo mass function and halo clustering, and we
compare simulation predictions to those from current cosmological emulators. We
also use our simulations to study matter and halo statistics, such as halo bias
and clustering at the baryonic acoustic oscillation scale. Finally we measure
the impact of baryonic physics on the matter and halo distributions. |
Dynamical Age vs Spectral Age of the Lobes of Selected Giant Radio
Sources (GRSs): Dynamical ages of the opposite lobes determined {\sl independently} of each
other suggest that their ratios are between $\sim$1.1 to $\sim$1.4. Demanding
similar values of the jet power and the radio core density for the same GRS, we
look for a {\sl self-consistent} solution for the opposite lobes, which results
in different density profiles along them found by the fit. A comparison of the
dynamical and spectral ages shows that their ratio is between $\sim$1 and
$\sim$5, i.e. is similar to that found for smaller radio galaxies. Two causes
of this effect are pointed out. | The One-Loop Matter Bispectrum in the Effective Field Theory of Large
Scale Structures: Given the importance of future large scale structure surveys for delivering
new cosmological information, it is crucial to reliably predict their
observables. The Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures (EFTofLSS)
provides a manifestly convergent perturbative scheme to compute the clustering
of dark matter in the weakly nonlinear regime in an expansion in $k/k_{\rm
NL}$, where $k$ is the wavenumber of interest and $k_{\rm NL}$ is the
wavenumber associated to the nonlinear scale. It has been recently shown that
the EFTofLSS matches to $1\%$ level the dark matter power spectrum at redshift
zero up to $k\simeq 0.3 h\,$Mpc$^{-1}$ and $k\simeq 0.6 h\,$Mpc$^{-1}$ at one
and two loops respectively, using only one counterterm that is fit to data.
Similar results have been obtained for the momentum power spectrum at one loop.
This is a remarkable improvement with respect to former analytical techniques.
Here we study the prediction for the equal-time dark matter bispectrum at one
loop. We find that at this order it is sufficient to consider the same
counterterm that was measured in the power spectrum. Without any remaining free
parameter, and in a cosmology for which $k_{\rm NL}$ is smaller than in the
previously considered cases ($\sigma_8=0.9$), we find that the prediction from
the EFTofLSS agrees very well with $N$-body simulations up to $k\simeq 0.25
h\,$Mpc$^{-1}$, given the accuracy of the measurements, which is of order a few
percent at the highest $k$'s of interest. While the fit is very good on average
up to $k\simeq 0.25 h\,$Mpc$^{-1}$, the fit performs slightly worse on
equilateral configurations, in agreement with expectations that for a given
maximum $k$, equilateral triangles are the most nonlinear. |
Evaluating the Calorimeter Model with Broadband, Continuous Spectra of
Starburst Galaxies Observed with the Allen Telescope Array: Although the relationship between the far-infrared and cm-wave radio
luminosities of normal galaxies is one of the most striking correlations in
astronomy, a solid understanding of its physical basis is lacking. In one
interpretation, the "calorimeter model," rapid synchrotron cooling of cosmic
ray electrons is essential in reproducing the observed linear relationship.
Observed radio spectra, however, are shallower than what is expected of cooled
synchrotron emission. In Thompson et al. (2006), a simple parameterized model
is presented to explain how relatively shallow observed spectra might arise
even in the presence of rapid synchrotron cooling by accounting for ionization
losses and other cooling mechanisms. During the commissioning of the 42-element
Allen Telescope Array, we observed the starburst galaxies M82, NGC 253, and Arp
220 at frequencies ranging from 1 to 7 GHz, obtaining unprecedented broadband
continuous radio spectra of these sources. We combine our observations with
high-frequency data from the literature to separate the spectra into thermal
and nonthermal components. The nonthermal components all steepen in the cm-wave
regime and cannot be well-modeled as simple power laws. The model of Thompson
et al. is consistent with our M82 results when plausible parameters are chosen,
and our results in fact significantly shrink the space of allowed model
parameters. The model is only marginally consistent with our NGC 253 data.
Assuming the Thompson et al. model, a steep electron energy injection index of
p = -2.5 is ruled out in M82 and NGC 253 to >99% confidence. We describe in
detail the observing procedures, calibration methods, analysis, and consistency
checks used for broadband spectral observations with the Allen Telescope Array. | Astrophysical Tests of Modified Gravity: A Screening Map of the Nearby
Universe: Astrophysical tests of modified modified gravity theories in the nearby
universe have been emphasized recently by Hui, Nicolis and Stubbs (2009) and
Jain and VanderPlas (2011). A key element of such tests is the screening
mechanism whereby general relativity is restored in massive halos or high
density environments like the Milky Way. In chameleon theories of gravity,
including all f(R) models, field dwarf galaxies may be unscreened and therefore
feel an extra force, as opposed to screened galaxies. The first step to study
differences between screened and unscreened galaxies is to create a 3D
screening map. We use N-body simulations to test and calibrate simple
approximations to determine the level of screening in galaxy catalogs. Sources
of systematic errors in the screening map due to observational inaccuracies are
modeled and their contamination is estimated. We then apply our methods to
create a map out to 200 Mpc in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey footprint using
data from the Sloan survey and other sources. In two companion papers this map
will be used to carry out new tests of gravity using distance indicators and
the disks of dwarf galaxies. We also make our screening map publicly available. |
Inherently stable effective field theory for dark energy and modified
gravity: The growing wealth of cosmological observations places increasingly more
stringent constraints on dark energy and alternative gravity models.
Particularly successful in efficiently probing the vast model space has been
the effective field theory of dark energy and modified gravity, providing a
unified framework for generalised cosmological predictions. However, the
optimal parametrisation of the free time-dependent functions inherent to the
formalism is still unresolved. It should respect a multitude of requirements,
ranging from simplicity, generality, and representativity of known theories to
computational efficiency. But in particular, for theoretical soundness, the
parameter space should adhere to strict stability requirements. We have
recently proposed an inherently stable effective field theory with physical
basis of Planck mass evolution, sound speed of the scalar field fluctuation,
kinetic coefficient, and background expansion, which covers Horndeski models
with luminal speed of gravity. Here we devise a parametrisation of these basis
functions that can straightforwardly be configured to evade theoretical
pathologies such as ghost or gradient instabilities or to accommodate further
theoretical priors such as (sub)luminal scalar sound speed. The parametrisation
is simple yet general, conveniently represents a broad range of known dark
energy and gravitational theories, and with a simple additional approximation
can be rendered numerically highly efficient. Finally, by operating in our new
basis, we show that there are no general limitations from stability
requirements on the current values that can be assumed by the phenomenological
modification of the Poisson equation and the gravitational slip besides the
exclusion of anti-gravity. The inherently stable effective field theory is
ready for implementation in parameter estimation analyses employing linear
cosmological observations. | Analytical expressions and numerical evaluation of the luminosity
distance in a flat cosmology: Accurate and efficient methods to evaluate cosmological distances are an
important tool in modern precision cosmology. In a flat $\Lambda$CDM cosmology,
the luminosity distance can be expressed in terms of elliptic integrals. We
derive an alternative and simple expression for the luminosity distance in a
flat $\Lambda$CDM based on hypergeometric functions. Using a timing experiment
we compare the computation time for the numerical evaluation of the various
exact formulae, as well as for two approximate fitting formulae available in
the literature. We find that our novel expression is the most efficient exact
expression in the redshift range $z\gtrsim1$. Ideally, it can be combined with
the expression based on Carlson's elliptic integrals in the range $z\lesssim1$
for high precision cosmology distance calculations over the entire redshift
range. On the other hand, for practical work where relative errors of about
0.1% are acceptable, the analytical approximation proposed by Adachi & Kasai
(2012) is a suitable alternative. |
Angular Correlation of the CMB in the R_h=ct Universe: The emergence of several unexpected large-scale features in the cosmic
microwave background (CMB) has pointed to possible new physics driving the
origin of density fluctuations in the early Universe and their evolution into
the large-scale structure we see today. In this paper, we focus our attention
on the possible absence of angular correlation in the CMB anisotropies at
angles larger than ~60 degrees, and consider whether this feature may be the
signature of fluctuations expected in the R_h=ct Universe. We calculate the CMB
angular correlation function for a fluctuation spectrum expected from growth in
a Universe whose dynamics is constrained by the equation-of-state p=-rho/3,
where p and rho are the total pressure and density, respectively. We find that,
though the disparity between the predictions of LCDM and the WMAP sky may be
due to cosmic variance, it may also be due to an absence of inflation. The
classic horizon problem does not exist in the R_h=ct Universe, so a period of
exponential growth was not necessary in this cosmology in order to account for
the general uniformity of the CMB (save for the aforementioned tiny
fluctuations of 1 part in 100,000 in the WMAP relic signal. We show that the
R_h=ct Universe without inflation can account for the apparent absence in CMB
angular correlation at angles > 60 degrees without invoking cosmic variance,
providing additional motivation for pursuing this cosmology as a viable
description of nature. | The SDSS Coadd: Cosmic Shear Measurement: Stripe 82 in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey was observed multiple times,
allowing deeper images to be constructed by coadding the data. Here we analyze
the ellipticities of background galaxies in this 275 square degree region,
searching for evidence of distortions due to cosmic shear. The E-mode is
detected in both real and Fourier space with $>5$-$\sigma$ significance on
degree scales, while the B-mode is consistent with zero as expected. The
amplitude of the signal constrains the combination of the matter density
$\Omega_m$ and fluctuation amplitude $\sigma_8$ to be $\Omega_m^{0.7}\sigma_8 =
0.252^{+0.032}_{-0.052}$. |
Reionization history and CMB parameter estimation: We study how uncertainty in the reionization history of the universe affects
estimates of other cosmological parameters from the Cosmic Microwave
Background. We analyze WMAP7 data and synthetic Planck-quality data generated
using a realistic scenario for the reionization history of the universe
obtained from high-resolution numerical simulation. We perform parameter
estimation using a simple sudden reionization approximation, and using the
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique proposed by Mortonson and Hu. We
reach two main conclusions: (1) Adopting a simple sudden reionization model
does not introduce measurable bias into values for other parameters, indicating
that detailed modeling of reionization is not necessary for the purpose of
parameter estimation from future CMB data sets such as Planck. (2) PCA analysis
does not allow accurate reconstruction of the actual reionization history of
the universe in a realistic case. | The Spectrally Resolved Lyman-alpha Emission of Three Lyman-alpha
Selected Field Galaxies at z~2.4 from the HETDEX Pilot Survey: We present new results on the spectrally resolved Lyman-alpha (LyA) emission
of three LyA emitting field galaxies at z~2.4 with high LyA equivalent width
(>100 Angstroms) and LyA luminosity (~10^43 erg/s). At 120 km/s (FWHM) spectral
resolution, the prominent double-peaked LyA profile straddles the systemic
velocity, where the velocity zero-point is determined from spectroscopy of the
galaxies' rest-frame optical nebular emission lines. The average velocity
offset from systemic of the stronger redshifted emission component for our
sample is 176 km/s while the average total separation between the redshifted
and main blueshifted emission components is 380 km/s. These measurements are a
factor of ~2 smaller than for UV continuum-selected galaxies that show LyA in
emission with lower LyA equivalent width. We compare our LyA spectra to the
predicted line profiles of a spherical "expanding shell" LyA radiative transfer
grid that models large-scale galaxy outflows. Specifically blueward of the
systemic velocity where two galaxies show a weak, highly blueshifted (by ~1000
km/s) tertiary emission peak, the model line profiles are a relatively poor
representation of the observed spectra. Since the neutral gas column density
has a dominant influence over the shape of the LyA line profile, we caution
against equating the observed LyA velocity offset with a physical outflow
velocity, especially at lower spectral resolution where the unresolved LyA
velocity offset is a convoluted function of several degenerate parameters.
Referring to rest-frame ultraviolet and optical Hubble Space Telescope imaging,
we find that galaxy-galaxy interactions may play an important role in inducing
a starburst that results in copious LyA emission, as well as perturbing the gas
distribution and velocity field which have strong influence over the LyA
emission line profile. |
Momentum transfer in the dark sector and lensing convergence in upcoming
galaxy surveys: We investigated a cosmological model that allows a momentum transfer between
dark matter and dark energy. The interaction in the dark sector mainly affects
the behaviour of perturbations on small scales while the background evolution
matches the $w$CDM solution. As a result of the momentum transfer, these kinds
of models help alleviating the $\sigma_8$ discrepancy in the standard model,
but do not resolve the so-called $H_0$ tension. We confirm that this is indeed
the case by computing cosmological constraints. While our analysis tends to
favour $\sigma_8$ values lower than in $\Lambda$CDM, we do not find evidence
for a non-vanishing momentum transfer in the dark sector. Since upcoming galaxy
surveys will deliver information on scales and red-shift relevant for testing
models allowing momentum transfer in the dark sector, we also carried out
forecasts using different survey configurations. We assessed the relevance of
neglecting lensing convergence $\kappa$ when modelling the angular power
spectrum of number counts fluctuations $C_\ell^{\rm ij}(z,z')$. We found that
not including $\kappa$ in analyses leads to biased constraints ($\approx
1-5\,\sigma$) of cosmological parameters even when including information from
other experiments. Incorrectly modelling $C_\ell^{\rm ij}(z,z')$ might lead to
spurious detection of neutrino masses and exacerbate discrepancies in $H_0$ and
$\sigma_8$. | Using pulsar timing arrays and the quantum normalization condition to
constrain relic gravitational waves: In the non-standard model of relic gravitational waves (RGWs) generated in
the early universe, the theoretical spectrum of is mainly described by an
amplitude $r$ and a spectral index $\beta$, the latter usually being determined
by the slope of the inflation potential. Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) data have
imposed constraints on the amplitude of strain spectrum for a power-law form as
a phenomenological model. Applying these constraints to a generic, theoretical
spectrum with $r$ and $\beta$ as independent parameters, we convert the PTAs
constraint into an upper bound on the index $\beta$, which turns out to be less
stringent than those upper bounds from BBN, CMB, and LIGO/VIRGO, respectively.
Moreover, it is found that PTAs constrain the non-standard RGWs more stringent
than the standard RGWs. If the condition of the quantum normalization is
imposed upon a theoretical spectrum of RGWs, $r$ and $\beta$ become related.
With this condition, a minimum requirement of the horizon size during inflation
is greater than the Planck length results in an upper bound on $\beta$, which
is comparable in magnitude to that by PTAs. When both PTAs and the quantum
normalization are applied to a theoretical spectrum of RGWs, constraints can be
obtained for other cosmic processes of the early universe, such as the
reheating, a process less understood observationally so far. The resulting
constraint is consistent with the slow-roll, massive scalar inflation model.
The future SKA will be able to constrain RGWs further and might even detect
RGWs, rendering an important probe to the very early universe. |
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