Premise 1,Premise 2,Syllogistic relation,Conclusion Variations in the optical efficiency of the eye and the variable use of glasses or contact lenses can result in a range of achievable focus for a fixed focused optical system.,Variations in the communicative actions and attitudes of teenagers can result in traditional value systems.,no,No conclusion Freedom in the World published each year since 1972 by the U.S.-based Freedom House ranks countries by political rights and civil liberties,legislative privilege and individual freedoms are derived in large measure from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,yes,Freedom in the World published each year since 1972 by the U.S.-based Freedom House ranks countries by the information derived in large measure from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Arsenal finished the Premier League season with zero loss.,Being unbeaten in Premier League grants a winner with golden trophy instead of silver. ,yes,Arsenal were granted with golden trophy instead of silver. Regenerating stamina requires the cooling of body during exercise.,Lowering the body temperature while working out is possible by sweating.,yes,Regenerating stamina is possible by sweating. North American toads’ inherit Glucose based body tissues.,Glucose based tissues are resistant to freezing temperatures.,yes,North American toads are resistant to freezing temperatures. Ancient Olympic Games,Their creation of modern olympic games was inspired by the ancient Olympic Games,no,No conclusion High inflation may lead to higher borrowing costs for businesses and people needing loans and mortgages .,Financial markets raise prices and increase the cost of borrowing on short and longer-term debt as a result of High inflation.,yes,"Rising prices and increase in the cost of borrowing on short and longer-term debt by financial markets, may lead to higher borrowing costs for businesses and people needing loans and mortgages." they want to change society and help people,Their aim is to make a change in the society and be in the service of the people.,no,No conclusion "Anything, from keyboard typing to your first-grade music recital, is remembered by the hippocampus.",The hippocampus allows you to recall everything from typing on your keyboard to your first-grade music recital.,no,No conclusion Curcumin offers anti-inflammatory properties.,"To cleanse your kidneys and give them a fighting chance, get your share of curcumin.",yes,"To cleanse your kidneys and give them a fighting chance, get your share of Something which offers anti-inflammatory properties.." "The harsh chemical, which is put in the water to eliminate harmful bacteria, strips our skin and hair of sebum, our body’s natural oil.","Striping our skin and hair of sebum, our body's natural oil, has a drying effect on the skin and hair.",yes,"The harsh chemical, which is put in the water to eliminate harmful bacteria, has a drying effect on the skin and hair." Do not imagine whatever might be the results of our efforts can contribute to a better focusing and performance. ,strategic optimists avoid thinking much about what might happen. ,yes,strategic optimists cancontribute to better focusing and performance. workers with mental illness don't function normally.,employers fire employees who don't work accurately.,yes,employers fire employees with mental illness. Cultures are driven from adaptations,Adaptations can lead to cultures.,no,No conclusion Diana knows something about diabetes and blindness.,one of the severe results of type 2 diabetes is the possibility of blindness. ,no,No conclusion People who adjust well to the evolving circumstances wait for appropriate ways to express their emotions rather than just reacting impulsively at the moment.,People who possess good self-regulation are able to adapt well to changing situations.,yes,People who possess good self-regulation wait for appropriate ways to express their emotions rather than just reacting impulsively at the moment. Reduction of need to raw materials preserves the planet for future generations.,The process of recycling reduces the need for raw materials.,yes,The process of recycling preserves the planet for future generations. growth of review sites like TripAdvisor put the customer in control of their purchases,"Being in control of your bills, costs and purchases is key in promoting positive cash flow for your business",yes,growth of review sites could help its customers to have a positive cash flow. Setting up Dangerous riddles to take the life of the others is a lunatic act.,A lunatic serial killer sets up dangerous riddles for his victims to turture them.,no,No conclusion People who have broken the records have their name in Guinness Book.,Hard workers are people who push the records.,yes,Hard workers have their names in Guinness Book. Native Indians were looking to hunt animals with sufficient amount of meat and wool.,American bison possesses high content of meat and wool.,yes,Native Indians were hunting American Bison. Psychological changes have been seen as brain waves slow down or speed up as a result of varying auditory stimulus,"different acoustical incentives,might in turn impact the way one thinks, feels, or even behaves",yes,"Psychological changes have been seen as brain waves slow down or speed up might in turn impact the way one thinks, feels, or even behaves" Columbus sailed across the Atlantic Ocean hoping to find a new route to India.,The new route we had planned took us right across Greece.,no,No conclusion Gardens with starch products are usually the target of caterpillars’ attack.,Caterpillars's favorite palces to attack are gardens in which have strach products.,no,No conclusion To be separated from the society is a severe punishment.,Imprisonment of someone is to separate them from the society.,yes,Imprisonment of someone is a severe punishment. How do i determine the length of luteal phase?,The phase which comes after ovulation is called the luteal phase.,no,No conclusion the outcomes of racist actions are often measured by the inequality in income and access to other cultural resources, A lack of education results in discrimination. ,yes,A lack of education results in inequality in income and access to other cultural resources Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin.,"Whatever narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, It depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important to skin health.",yes,Smoking depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important to skin health. the regions which shine back more of the approaching glaze and own more reflective power play an important part in moderating the Earth's temperature,deserts reflect more of the incoming light and their albedo is higher than that of forests or the sea,yes,Deserts play an important part in moderating the Earth's temperature than that of forests or the sea "Lobsters guard their injuries, learn to avoid dangerous situations, possess nociceptors","Having nociceptors, lobsters know how to evade dangers and injuries.",no,No conclusion "An outpour of guests, sportsmen and different channels will provide an increase in spending and injection of money into the local economy","The Olympics will see a surge in visitors, athletes and media",yes,The Olympics will provide an increase in spending and injection of money into the local economy Businesses suffer when there is a natural disaster going about,Most survivors of natural disaster suffer so much due to the shortage of living neccecities.,no,No conclusion Animals that reserve can hide surplus food for use at a later date.,Clark’s nutcracker are considered intelligent because of their cache large quantities of food. ,yes,Clark’s nutcracker are considered intelligent because of hiding surplus food for use at a later date. People who deal with chronic illnesses can't sleep or nap. ,Sleep appears to be necessary to prepare the brain for learning.,yes,"brain of people who deal with chronic illnesses, can't prepare their brain for learning." Mayan people was the inhabitants of region with seasonal tropical forests.,Seasonal tropical forests face the shortage of water supply at certain months of the year.,yes,Mayan people faced the shortage of water supply. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient used in fertilizer that helps plants become succulent.,"When the skin is deprived of essential nutrients, it becomes uneven",no,No conclusion "In a geyser, when the heat of the underground trapped water goes above the boiling point, it comes out in the form of steam.","The boiling point of water is 100C, beyond this temperature, water turns to gas.",no,No conclusion "The article was about which genre of film is the best, gangsters or other?",The genre of Goodfellas is gangster.,no,No conclusion Concern is the term used to capture the committee's thinking regarding the defense implications of synthetic biology–enabled capabilities.,This chapter analyses the digital trends in the financial sector and digitalisation of Global Fintech Industry.,no,No conclusion "Annually an estimate of 135,000 new jobs are being created in The United States by non govermental companies.",Those who created the United States government set Philadelphia as their central meeting place.,no,No conclusion Carbon dioxide causes warming of ocean waters.,Decomposition by organisms will make CO2.,yes,Decomposition by organisms causes warming of ocean waters. "When a candidate want to be elected, he should influence popular opinion through newspaper,TV and the internet.","Public interest is the thing a candidate should win through newspapers, TV, and the internet if they want to be elected.",no,No conclusion When do you keep track of the beat and redistribute the probability mass assigned to the outputs ?,Each day the organizations face a high probability of increase of threats to their networks and services that will lead to information security issues.,no,No conclusion Mammals are considered as animals with high body temperature.,Warm blooded animals demonstrate more tendency to mate in temperate conditions.,yes,Mammals demonstrate more tendency to mate in temperate conditions. E-books purchased online eliminate the need for any kind of solid substance at all. ,Removing the need for materials can help to have a clean environment. ,yes,e-books purchased online can help to have a clean environment. Tourism is greatly dependent on the efficient movement of products and utilities,"A good infrastructure, makes the flow of goods and services possible",yes,Tourism is greatly dependent on a good infrastructure " If not silenced, cell phones can sound or vibrate during class. ",Phone ringing during the course draws everyone's attention away from the lesson.,yes,"If not silenced, cell phones can draw everyone's attention away from the lesson ." students with trouble in understanding new ideas and theories get lower grades ,Ongoing sleep loss leads to difficulty in learning new concepts.,yes,students with ongoing sleep loss get lower grades Airline pilots are often unable to maintain sleep standards. ,Being far from rest patterns can easily lead to fatigue. ,yes,airline pilots are often subject to fatigue Some people may worry that supplements containing large amounts of vitamin B-12 could be harmful.,liver and liver products such as liver pâté are containing very large amount of vitamin A inside a small part of it.,no,No conclusion "To cleanse your kidneys and give them a fighting chance, get your share of turmeric.",Turmeric contains curcumin.,yes,"To cleanse your kidneys and give them a fighting chance, get your share of curcumin." "He suddenly got an irregular heartbeat, therefore, Doctor said you should gain weight or else you'll get thyroid problem.",Unintentional weight loss and a rapid or irregular heartbeat can be generated through too much thyroid.,no,No conclusion Many times people fall on the ground because of the construction waste.,Dehydrated leaves fall on the ground in autumn.,no,No conclusion The outstanding performance of cellphones of a company encourages the cellphone market to improvise.,Nokia was used to manufacture high quality and durable cellphones.,yes,Nokia encouraged the cellphone market to improvise. "As for reaching the top of the earth, I have never heard that it is possible to do that, and if you succeeded in getting there you would probably fall off.",Coupling coordinated development is between the social economy and ecological environment in Chinese provincial capital cities.,no,No conclusion He was frequently happy before loss of his father.,"Nowadays, children are less frequently referred to a rehabilitation center where therapies can be organized in a multidisciplinary way.",no,No conclusion People who do not recognize limitations don't think that they have limits and that others are separate. ,narcissists regularly violate the boundaries of others. ,yes,narcissists regularly don't think that they have boundaries and that others are seNo conclusionte "Many hilltops in the region have been changed considerably, with the summit area.",bears and goats are examples of mammals that live in the hilltops and summit.,no,No conclusion The practice of catching or attempting to catch fish with a hook is generally known as angling,One of the most basic requirements for any form of angling is a sharp hook.,no,No conclusion Carbon dioxide emissions impact human health by displacing oxygen in the atmosphere.,Exchange of CO2 and water could make CO2.,yes,Exchange of CO2 and water can affect human health by displacing oxygen in the atmosphere. Men are significantly more likely to take risks than women.,"Accepting uncertainties and threats can lead to failure, which in turn can help you grow as a person. ",yes, Men are significantly more likely to failure which in turn can help you grow as a person. The principal origin of protein is meat and dairy products.,The dairy product's trade is one of the major sources of income for Austraila.,no,No conclusion "Samuel Morse, developer of the telegraphic Morse Code, died in New York City aged 80.",He developed his own teaching style when he was only 25.,no,No conclusion "Recently, the museum had the good fortune and organ to acquire the portraits of the monarch and his queen illustrated here and write their name top of the museum.",Caterpillars have the organ that its name is monarch.,no,No conclusion For being not easy to notice you go just like others!,Ninjas don’t wear black because it is easy to notice.,yes,Ninjas go just like others to not be noticed. High achievements in education results in better future life quality. ,See our yearly results on the effectiveness of the life education program.,no,No conclusion Peppermint oil is sometimes used to improve irritable bowel syndrome.,Irritable bowel syndrome is an inflammatory condition that affects the large intestine.,yes,Peppermint oil is sometimes used to improve an inflammatory condition that affects the large intestine. How long until we find evidence of life beyond Earth?,May we build on its past to lift the quality of life in the future.,no,No conclusion Unbalanced working hours negatively affect your body,"there are more chances of getting sick,when your body is adversely impacted",yes,Unbalanced working hours increase the chances of getting sick the ward-based system is considered to be more stressful for patients and detrimental to their privacy,"a departmental arrangement is the one where patients are accommodated in communal rooms, separated by movable partitions",yes,"a system where patients are accommodated in communal rooms, seNo conclusionted by movable partitions is considered to be more stressful for patients and detrimental to their privacy" pineapples are especially rich in vitamin C,vitamin C is essential for growth and development,yes,pineapples are essential for growth and development The only way to boost the current rate of vending is through making more investments in research and development products,Businesses must continue to offer new goods or services to encourage ongoing sales,yes,Businesses must continue to offer new goods or services through making more investments in research and development products "to predict weather and possibility of delay on landing of an aircraft , controllers are available",controllers can predict whether an aircraft will be delayed on landing,no,No conclusion Good physical fitness is closely interwoven with being a police officer.,taking care of oneself is closely interwoven with being concerned with the welfare of the society,no,No conclusion Most commercial breads leads to rapid spikes in blood sugar.,Diabetics suffer from elevated levels of glucose in the blood.,yes,diabetes should avoid eating commercial breads. "Oranges are a great source of vitamin C, grapefruits pack a bigger punch.",Red meat is a great source of vitamin D for the body.,no,No conclusion Fluid retention can lead to shortness of breath and hospitalization.,"If you have heart disease or congestive heart failure, extra salt can cause fluid retention.",yes,"If you have heart disease or congestive heart failure, extra salt can lead to shortness of breath and hospitalization." "people who are more careful in driving, have fewer accidents.",You should be careful when you are working with a sharp knife.,no,No conclusion Tourist activities can lead to sound contamination.,Mindful movements activities can lead to healthy hearts.,no,No conclusion A friendship founded on business is better than business founded on friendship.,Pablo Escobar founded the Medellín Cartel.,no,No conclusion Eating pomegranates boosts antibody production.,Antibodies help to stop intruders from harming the body.,yes,Eating pomegranates helps to stop intruders from harming the body. Placing the station underground minimizes the outside area occupied by the station,"with little area taken by the station,vehicles and pedestrians are free to continue using the ground-level area in a similar way as before the station's construction",yes,Placing the station underground allows vehicles and pedestrians to continue using the ground-level area in a similar way as before the station's construction The behaviour of the elephant may lead to a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.,Researchers have discovered that the activities which decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are benefical for certain plants in the forest and potentially for the climate.,yes,Researchers have discovered that The behaviour of the elephant may are benefical for certain plants in the forest and potentially for the climate. "They have always made the change in recent decades, including industrial upheavals and reorientations.","In recent decades, the years have always been hotter.",no,No conclusion Materialism states that all that exists is physical matter .,"In physics, a state of matter is one of the distinct forms in which matter can exist.",no,No conclusion "His invention in the mining industry, construction processes fail and never made a penny from it.","Invention of dynamite eased the processes in mining, quarrying, construction, and demolition industries.",no,No conclusion Taking excessive amounts of calcium or vitamin D supplements over time can raise calcium levels in your blood above normal.,Eating excessive amounts of fat causes weight gain.,no,No conclusion Having a free and relaxed mind boosts your confidence,Your confidence is strengthened if your mind is calm and clear.,no,No conclusion Water companies disinfect their water sources by applying enzymes.,Enzyme addition alters the original taste of the water.,yes,Water companies alter the original taste of the water. "If you have kidney disease, too much salt in your diet may cause you to retain fluid.",Retaining fluid leads to weight gain and bloating.,yes,"If you have kidney disease, too much salt in your diet may leads to weight gain and bloating." Children tend to work harder when they study with their parents,"When parent read or study with their child, he or she feels that you are part of the education",yes,"When you read or study with your child, he or she tends to work harder" "Their menu offers many antipasti choices, but the entrée options are more limited but unusual.","This limited view seems to show a freight train on the south side of the station, away from the station canopy and passenger equipment.",no,No conclusion He was a pig headed and risk taking person.,The annual cost of income support to individuals with mental problem has increased to 10 thousand dollars a year.,no,No conclusion Love is sophisticated.,I think a more sophisticated approach is needed to solve this problem,no,No conclusion Looking at cute things overwhelm us with positive feelings,"When positive emotions reach their max, most of us show some aggression to balance it",yes,Most of us show some aggression when looking at cute things Masonry building materials with high thermal mass are very valuable for rejecting solar heat in the summer,"In warmer climates where cooling is a primary concern, passive solar designs can also be very effective",yes,"In warmer climates where cooling is a primary concern,Masonry building materials with high thermal mass are very valuable" Lots of animals take one egg each month out of the store they have inside their body.,egg yolks are having a lot of vitamin D inside themselves.,no,No conclusion Every job has one of the advantages.,We are creating at a rate exponentially more than our most recent ancestors.,no,No conclusion Venture capital is essential for financing the growth of innovative SMEs,Lack of finance is identified as the number one obstacle preventing the implementation of digital technologies in tourism SMEs,yes,Venture capitals could help the implementation of digital technologies in tourist SMEs. Nowadays Airlines have countless discounts throughout the year,"it's easier to find a good price to travel,when you can get price cuts all over the year",yes,nowadays it's easier to find a good price to travel with airlines Musical acoustics is the study of the physics of acoustic instruments,"some subjects of the physics of acoustic instruments include the audio signal processing used in electronic music; the computer analysis of music and composition, and the perception and cognitive neuroscience of music",yes,"Musical acoustics is the study of the audio signal processing used in electronic music; the computer analysis of music and composition, and the perception and cognitive neuroscience of music" "if moist ocean air is lifted upwards by mountains,the air cools due to expansion in lower pressure",condensation happens at the time that the air looses temperature because of the enlargement which happens in lower pressure,yes,condensation happens if moist ocean air is lifted upwards by mountains Soft drinks contain phosphoric acid,Dental erosion results from drinking acidic liquids ,yes,Drinking soft drinks can cause dental erosion exhausts from cars cause air pollution,air pollution is the core reason of many serious airborne diseases ,yes,exhausts from car are the core reason of many serious airborne diseases Liver cells can be destroyed by hepatitis.,It's a test that how the Hepatitis' virus works in the liver cells.,no,No conclusion You can also make small group of people or friends whoever is willing to help the society.,knowledgeable people help society to progress significantly.,no,No conclusion Researchers have found potential link between spikes in blood sugar which refined carbs can cause to higher AGE levels in the body.,AGE levels are the main culprit for skin damage and premature aging.,yes,Researchers have found potential link between spikes in blood sugar which refined carbs can cause to higher the main culprit for skin damage and premature aging. "with the lack of steps to enable fish to ascend a barrage, failure of breeding cycles is likely to happen","When you enable and like something, you make it possible for something to happen.",no,No conclusion Samuel Morse developed telegraph in the 1830s and 1840s.,Development of telegraph revolutionized long-distance communication.,yes,Samuel Morse revolutionized long-distance communication. Providing smaller servings might drive customers away,Restaurant owners can increase their profit margins by serving smaller portions,yes,Restaurant owners can increase their profit margins by driving customers away Phthalates are chemicals that can interrupt how hormones act in your body,Neil Campbell's latest book is about the natural chemical reactions occurring in the body.,no,No conclusion "Areas far away from people, where there are enough edible plants, gorillas live.",The gorillas live in areas far away from people and their place have plant for eating.,no,No conclusion No injuries of any kind occurred during tests and no encounters had to be stopped because of excessive or persistent aggression.,Paul Pogba have been suffering from Knee injury from October.,no,No conclusion Moisture issues are usually associated with materials deteriorating,"Material decay is observed in a lot of things,for example in wallpaper peeling",yes,"Moisture issues are observed in a lot of things,for example in wallpaper peeling" The person with symptoms of any disease that is similar to illnesses like flue might not think they need to see a healthcare provider..,The symptoms of AIDS are similar to common illnesses like the flu.,yes,The person with AIDS might not think they need to see a healthcare provider.. She works for a company that produces electrical goods.,Rotten cow milk produces an special gas called Xanthine Oxidase.,no,No conclusion "If you show people what they’re losing, they’re more likely to overcome their fears.",People tend to be more willing to overcome their fears when they see what they're losing,no,No conclusion They met each other at the university campus.,Sayyed Mahmoud Hessabi founded the university of Tehran.,no,No conclusion Dairy foods are containing a lot of calcium.,"When body has enough calcium, it can build strong bones and teeth.",yes,Dairy foods can build strong bones and teeth. many women replace clothes that have hardly been worn.,renewing something that has barely been used is a waste of money.,yes,many women waste money. Newton investigate the physics and discovered equilibrium rules.,Equilibrium discovery founded the modern era in history,yes,Newton founded the modern era in history. Lignite is the dirtiest coal used as fuel for electric power generation,He works with various fuels such as lignite and coal in a dirty repair.,no,No conclusion cutting onions under running water or submerged in a basin of water is a way to reduce onion gas diffusion.,decreasing in onion gas spread can avoid eye irritation . ,yes,cutting onions under running water or submerged in a basin of water is a way to Eye No conclusionitation avoidance "Heavy rain, snowstorms or hail can led to a insufficient visibility for drivers.", The limited sight makes drivers misjudge the distance of other vehicles surrounding them. ,yes,"Heavy rain, snowstorms or hail can make drivers to misjudge the distance of other vehicles surrounding them" The camera traps are devices that take a picture when they sense movement in the forest.,The findings were based on pictures taken by camera traps from January to April.,yes,"The findings were based on pictures taken by devices that take a picture when they sense movement in the forest, from January to April." "The Newsletter provides a forum for you to express your ideas, needs, scientific and artistic creations.",Delivery of Account Disclosures Depository institutions generally must provide account-opening disclosures to consumers before an account is opened or a service is provided.,no,No conclusion Burning of fossil fuels is a cause of air pollution,running cars requires burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel,yes,running cars is a cause of air pollution "If the cause of the disease is unknown, its treatment is also unknown.",Usually diseases which no one knows what causes it there is no cure for it.,no,No conclusion Extraverts tend to be cheerful in their social interactions.,Happy people find pleasure in the little things.,yes,Extraverts find pleasure in the little things. the principles that social laws are based on them can include education systems in elementary and secondary and higher education.,psychological research can have an effect on forming public policy.,yes,psychological research can have an effect on forming education systems in elementary and secondary and higher education being in peace with yourself can keep blood pressure in a acceptable level,Brady managed to keep his voice level.,no,No conclusion The global warming wil shortly lead to a rising number of floods and droughts all around the world.,Rising sales leads to large scale production.,no,No conclusion "less water content in the cartilage, makes it more susceptible to stress",Stress sensitivity results in the degeneration of the cartilage and arthritis,yes,Arthritis could result from less water content in the cartilage Future cities will be bigger in size and population,Governance of metropoles that are larger and more crowded requires the most dedicated of minds,yes,Governance of future cities requires the most dedicated of minds The car slip makes it challenging to come to a complete stop. ,he said it takes time for your car to come to a complete stop after you've hit your brakes.,no,No conclusion Laboratory classes provide students with hands-on experiences.,Students can learn better and more efficient through hands-on activities.,yes,Students can learn better and more efficient in laboratory classes. "all-inclusive medical centers,typically have an emergency department to treat urgent health problems ranging from fire and accident victims to a sudden illness",The best-known type of hospital is the general hospital,yes,The best-known type of hospital typically has an emergency department to treat urgent health problems ranging from fire and accident victims to a sudden illness Sleep deprivation leads to the development of mental health issues such as anxiety or depression.,"Despite all of their benefits, using Social Media too frequently prevents users from getting enough sleep.",yes,Using Social Media too frequently leads to the development of mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. Creation of smart robots led to the extinction of humans.,A scientist’s efforts helped in utilization of artificially intelligent robots.,yes,A scientist’s efforts led to the extinction of humans. Smoking is one of the main reasons that increases hair loss.,Inefficient camera placement in a surveillance system is one of the main reasons that increases cost and complexity of maintenance system.,no,No conclusion "The causes of dehydration include diarrhea, vomiting, and sweating.","sweating can occur for other reasons, such as stress or fear.",yes,Being stressed for too long can lead to dehydration. People may also occasionally have false beliefs that can lead to gloom and despair.,"Major depressive disorder can negatively change a person's personal life, work life, or education.",yes,"occasionally false beliefs can negatively change a person's personal life, work life, or education." Expert chefs always looking forward to cook delicious steaks.,Attaining pleasant steak is possible by marinating the raw meat before cooking.,yes,Expert chefs marinate the raw meat before cooking. "Occupational therapy can help children with coordination, focus and organizational skills.",Coordination is relevant to internally focused skills where the movement is essentially constrained by the individual.,no,No conclusion hapiness increases life expectancy .,Spending time with your friends and family to create memorable experiences is necessary for happiness.,yes,Spending time with your friends and family to create memorable experiences is especially important for life expectancy. In the 1950s the introduction of containerization gave massive efficiency gains in freight transport,better organized cargo transfer systems fostered globalization,yes,In the 1950s the introduction of containerization fostered globalization Collagen and elastin are proteins that help the skin stretch and keep its youthful appearance.,AGEs damage collagen and elastin.,yes,AGEs damage proteins that help the skin stretch and keep its youthful appearance. "Tents had sprung up two nights before, and the two people who could keep his powers from spinning out of control remained at the center of the beach.",She threw away all the things that were remined from her previous boyfriend.,no,No conclusion Greek empire’s benchmark for philosophy and religion made them a perfect idol for other dynasties.,My philosophy of life is work and the perfect meaning of religion is to serve humanity.,no,No conclusion Spam has become an increasingly common and actual users have been leaving to avoid the problems that come with unwanted solicitation and unrelated content.,Hosting an international event may be offset by locals leaving to avoid the influx and overcrowding,no,No conclusion People who are conscientious are disciplined.,He disliked disciplined and conscientious people in an eccentric way.,no,No conclusion They were brutally injured when the trains collided.,"Grey fox, a noble warrior, brutally injured and his arm and leg were amputated.",no,No conclusion We are far more complex than pottery that has fallen from a shelf and shattered into unmendable shards on the floor.,Installing offshore windmills are far more complex than on land,no,No conclusion Obesity has been found to increase the risk of musculoskeletal pain (MSP),"It is estimated that nearly 85% of people with type 2 diabetes, are overweight or obese",yes,around 85% of people with type 2 diabetes are in the risk of MSP. "losing your mother, could make you have suicidal thoughts",Jennifer Has recently lost his mother,yes,Jennifer has recently had suicidal thoughts "If you try to maximize your profits, you can allow new businesses to enter into the marketplace","When new commerces are admitted into the marketplace,your marketshare might become smaller",yes,"If you try to maximize your profits, your market share might become smaller" "As a mass of cancerous cells grows, it can develop into a tumor.","cancerous tumor growth in any organ of our body, can lead to death.",no,No conclusion Shiftign the working houres can contribute to a desynchronization with internal sleep-wake swings. ,asynchronism between physiological sleep-wake rhythms can lead to circadian rhythm sleep disorders.,yes,Shiftign the working houres can lead to circadian rhythm sleep disorders. "If you preserve daffodils’ bulbs firm, you can easily grow them.","Growing Daffodils is so easy, you should keep the bulbs feel firm.",no,No conclusion there is an increase in anxiety among those female workers working more than 55 hours per week,"The incidence of poverty among children has increased more than 50 percent from 1973 to 1983, reaching the highest level since the mid-1960's.",no,No conclusion "when you quit smoking, you can save money", managing and keeping our wealth can help you to have a better future ,yes,"when you quit smoking, can help yourself to have a better future " Song dynasty period peaked the outcome of artistic activities in china.,Efforts of Song artists were responsible for the production of high quality porcelain ceramics.,yes,Song dynasty was responsible for the production of high quality porcelain ceramics. Solving enigmatic ancient puzzle gifts the solver with Godly powers.,Archaelogists have spent many years trying to solve the enigmatic puzzles to enter the ancient Pyramid of Giza.,no,No conclusion Embedded air particles prevents cold weather from passing through.,Tiny particles of lipid which had sedimented in the artery prevented the blood from passing through.,no,No conclusion "In Washington, climate change and forest destruction drive birds and insects away.",In Washington loss of forests and climate change make birds and insects be no longer living in the area.,no,No conclusion The woman is jealous and very emotional,She is very sensitive and envious.,no,No conclusion People who suffer from autism prefer to live alone.,"Due to living alone, person turn to be concerned.",yes,People who suffer from autism turn to be concerned. Doctors’ knowledge about teeth was significantly increased during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.,During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries the criminals who were to be executed had to dig their grave with their own teeth.,no,No conclusion Bone mineral growth can help us in prevention of fracture. ,t can take growth for granted and thus overtax.,no,No conclusion British and American English have minor differences.,Minor differences in different dialects of a language does not make them separated languages.,yes,British and American English aren’t seNo conclusionted languages. "poverty limits access to proper food , hygiene and healthcare",serious illnesses are often caused because of malnutrition and lack of access to proper hygiene and healthcare,yes,serious illnesses are often caused because of poverty Social rivalry encourages violence,Aggression is the outcome of societal competition.,no,No conclusion "Despite the difficult years during and post the 2008 financial crisis, the creative economy has been robust, demonstrating resilience and in some instances growth"," Despite the difficulties, I think working hard to boost your creative output is worth it.",no,No conclusion Sharing workload is of enormous importance in complex jobs,Workload is shared between members when working as a team,yes,Working as a team is of enormous importance in complex jobs "let's say each job created means $100,000 of extra national income",There are over 2.3 million SMEs in tourism in Europe estimated to be directly employing some 12 million people,yes,"SMEs in tourism have been created an extera national income of about 1,200,000 million USD." The inflammation of saliva glands is one of the symptoms of mumps.,mumps virus makes your saliva galnds swell up,no,No conclusion Travel broadens your perspective.,One will have a new sense of wonder and empathy for other cultures and countries when traveling. ,yes,Having a new sense of wonder and empathy for other cultures and countries broadens your perspective. The bag should be adequately sitting on joints to make spasms of the back and neck smaller. ,"While the sole down stairs room would have saved considerable huffing and puffing, Dean feared the smaller quarters and especially the bed would not adequately accommodate the woman's substantial mass.",no,No conclusion The oceans transport heat from the equator to the poles.,you can get 6 ocean's transport templates.,no,No conclusion All of the tiger's parts are valuable in the illegal wildlife trade.,"When all of the animal's components are very special and impotant in the illegal wildlife trade, very little of the animals's remains are found.",yes,Very little of the tigers' remains are found. The Allies divided Germany into east and west parts.,The division of Germany made the country a battleground of the Cold War.,yes,The Allies made Germany a battleground of the Cold War. "with the enhanced rivalry in the roadway transfer sector,mechanical private transport originated","With the development of the combustion engine and the automobile around 1900, road transport became more competitive again",yes,"With the development of the combustion engine and the automobile around 1900,mechanical private transport originated" "The area between the southern border of Siberia and the margin of the temperate alpine zone of the Himalaya and north China, comprising what are commonly called central Asia, Turkestan, Mongolia and western Manchuria, is an almost rainless region, having winters of extreme severity and summers of intense heat.","materials that heat easily in the atmosphere are commonly used in flares, fireworks, and sparklers ",no,No conclusion Soluble fiber attracts water and forms a gel-like substance with food as it’s digested in turn.,"A gel-like substance is produced by soluble fiber, the absorbed water, and food.",no,No conclusion plain based farm animal production is particularly important in areas where crop production is not feasible by reason of climate or soil,"Grassland based livestock production relies upon plant material such as shrubland, rangeland, and pastures for feeding ruminant animals",yes,"plant material such as shrubland, rangeland, and pastures for feeding ruminant animals are particularly important in areas where crop production is not feasible by reason of climate or soil" Thiamin is used for breaking down and release energy from food .,peas are great sources of vitamin B1,yes, Peas can help breaking down and release energy from food. Collectivization of agricultural land resulted in millions dying from famine ,Stalin forced rapid industrialization and the collectivization of agricultural land.,yes,Stalin's decisions resulted in millions dying from famine. All grape varieties contain polyphenols.,Polyphenols are known antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the body.,yes,All grape varieties the contain known antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the body. "A process known as ""potholing"" involves twisting of a potentially deep hole in bedrock"," turbulent whirlpools spin stones around on the bed, drilling it out",yes,"A process known as ""potholing"" involves turbulent whirlpools" How do i determine the length of luteal phase?,After ovulation comes the luteal phase.,no,No conclusion Damaging nerves system can contribute to numbness .,The lightness of the needle enables the instrument to be moved without fear of damaging the suspension.,no,No conclusion people who are low in neuroticism tend to be even-keeled,balanced people insist on movement,yes,people who are low in neuroticism insist on movement vapors with a breaking point below normal temperatures can exist in equilibrium with their bulk liquid at a pressure that is higher than atmospheric pressure,Atmospheric pressure varies with elevation and temperature.,no,No conclusion Their intention is to raise awareness of AIDS.,Lowered sea levels exposes a remarkably beautiful scenery next to the Bering Sea.,no,No conclusion The dental drill that was powered by stepping on a device was a machine that made it possible for dentists to use both hands when working in a patient's mouth.,"And in eighteen-fifty-eight, another American dentist invented a dental drill that was powered by stepping on a device.",yes,"And in eighteen-fifty-eight, another American dentist invented a machine that made it possible for dentists to use both hands when working in a patient's mouth." poor quality interactions with your family and friends damage learning ,Low levels of trust in unequal societies lead to poor quality social and family relationships,yes,Low levels of trust in unequal societies damage learning Most of the environmental damage is because of the growing number of people on the planet.,"Better medical facilities, is one effective factor on overpopulation.",yes,Better medical facilities are because of the growing number of people on the planet. Nuclear disarmament helped end the Cold War.,Mikhail Gorbachev played a big role in nuclear disarmament.,yes,Mikhail Gorbachev played a big role in ending the Cold War. Your body becomes more resilient towards insulin if the amount of insulin released rises.,Increased insulin release makes your body resistant to insulin,no,No conclusion being stressed out can lessen people's ability to learn new things.,too much homework can be sterssful for a child.,yes,too much homework can lessen children's ability to learn new things. Homo sapiens migrated frequently to widen their settlements.,"efforts on widening the habitancy of Homo sapiens, resulted in the extinction of Neanderthals.",yes,Homo seipiens extincted Neanderthals. A high quality customer service is especially important in the hospitality industry,"Productive team work, will provide improved service for the customers",yes,Productive team work is especially important in the hospitality industry turning in the physical environment of organisms can contribute to some animals extinction.,ozone layer depletion is changing the ecosystem considerably.,yes,ozone layer depletion can contribute to some animals extinction The oceans transport heat from the equator to the poles.,Transportation of heat from the equator to the poles regulates our climate and weather patterns.,yes,The oceans regulate our climate and weather patterns. Best places to see auroras are near the poles,"jimmy said: ""from where I'm standing you could easily see the aurora.""",yes,Jimmy was somewhere near the poles Businesses are damaged from costly contracts and legal counsel.,Expensive contracts and legal advice hurt businesses,no,No conclusion washing incerases water disposal.,"If the price of cooking fuel increases, disposable income goes down and food purchases are affected.",no,No conclusion "Bananas are mainly rich in two types of fiber, Pectin and Resistant starch.",pectin may help protect against colon cancer.,yes,Bananas may safeguard against colon cancer. bad behaviours of managers makes stresses for employees.,mental pressures in people can lead to cancer.,yes,bad behavior of managers can lead to cancer for employees. Cyber bullying can have fatal effects,Cyber-bullying can have very adverse impacts.,no,No conclusion His results suggest that it may be necessary to consider a cycle of much stretching and straining of eddy motions to understand the full dynamics,Rapid development brings about too much stretching and straining,no,No conclusion "People who struggled with remembering kinds of stuff, their digestive systems may have been thrown off. ","The German tutor was trying to remember all the dishes, wines, and kinds of dessert, in order to send a full description of the dinner to his people in Germany; and he felt greatly offended when the butler with a bottle wrapped in a napkin passed him by.",no,No conclusion Memory lapses and deficiencies in recall are consequence of lack of vitamin B5.,Memory lapses and and deficiencies in recall cause forgetting things.,yes,Lack of vitamin B5 cause forgetting things. the yearlong accessibility of some ports can be of great geopolitical or economic interest,A warm-water port is one which is available year-round,yes,A warm-water port can be of great geopolitical or economic interest Star Wars is a critically acclaimed science-fiction franchise in history.,Science-fiction movies include high-tech gadgets and technologies which are not available during the film's era.,yes,Star Wars includes high-tech gadgets and technologies which are not available during the film's era. Singapore and Hong Kong have the the highest IQ scores according to the most recent data.,Continuous improvement at work is one of the many benefits of having high IQ.,yes, Singapore and Hong Kong people generally have continuous improvement at work Over specialisation in one country can lead to countries becoming over dependent on one particular commodity,"When countries become over dependent on a particular good, they don’t benefit as much from economic growth",yes,Countries don't benefit as much from economic growth when they over specialize "In the public sphere, women must assume sufficient power to make variation in the cultural imagery and the political landscape.","I had to be quite bullish at times to ensure that staff were covered, even if this put additional strain on the college.",no,No conclusion Openness people are adventurous.,Adventure is about taking each experience.,yes,.Openness people are adventurous.Adventure is about taking each experience. People in the Middle East countries are not provided with a large quantity of water.,Iran is one of the middle eastern countries in which possesses a large sources of natural gas in its national waters.,no,No conclusion "Costs of transmitting information have fallen dramatically in the postwar period, almost entirely because of the progress of technology. ",people can be in touch with their friends all over the world by cheap communication price.,yes,"people can be in touch with their friends all over the world in the postwar period, because of the progress of technology." High levels of cortisol lower our levels of stress,Frequent laughter increases the levels of cortisol in our bodies,yes,Frequent laughter lowers our levels of stress An organization's vision should drive the development of strategic plans to make sure that the elements of the plan are aligned with the vision,The vision of each company is its core value,yes,Every company's core value should drive the development of strategic plans to make sure that the elements of the plan are aligned with the vision Vitamin D increases levels of the element calcium in the blood.,Calcium is needed for nerve and muscle cells to work normally.,yes,"Vitamin D increases levels of the element that is needed for nerve and muscle cells to work normally, in the blood." "In an absolute monarchy, the monarch rules as an autocrat, with absolute power over the state and government",when the monarch's power is abave the the state and government and monarch rules as a dictator it called an absolute monarchy,no,No conclusion Aluminum coating forms are highly capable of sending back both light and heat.,All of the reflective covering materials have many uses in telescope mirrors. ,yes,aluminium has many uses in telescope mNo conclusionors. Sayyed Mahmoud Hessabi founded the university of Tehran.,Constituting university upsurges the scientific charisma of the society.,yes,Sayyed Mahmoud Hessabi upsurged the scientific charisma of the society. taking risks in your career might require getting out of your present job,furthering your career requires taking risks,yes,furthering your career might require leaving your present job Eating foods with more sugar as the first meal of the day could make a person feel hungrier at their next meal than if they ate a low-sugar meal.,Fast foods are typically high in sugar.,yes,Eating fast foods as the first meal of the day could make a person feel hungrier at their next meal than if they ate a low-sugar meal. flags wave when the weather is windy,the flags are waving in the mountains,yes,the weather is windy in the mountains "Chronic inflammation is one of the leading drivers of many serious diseases including heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and even obesity.",We learn how obesity contributes to heart disease.,no,No conclusion For preventing the children's bone disease rickets they must use foods that contains vitamin D.,Fish liver oil contains vitamin D.,yes,For preventing the children's bone disease rickets they must use fish liver oil. "materials with extortionate contraction power but less elastic flexibility,are usually reinforced with materials that are strong in tension","Portland cement can be formulated with excessive compressive strength, but always has lower tensile strength",yes,Portland cement is usually reinforced with materials that are strong in tension Whole eggs are an excellent source of choline.,"Whole grains are the most important source of food on our planet, providing nearly 50% of the caloric needs of cultures around the world.",no,No conclusion Vegetables and fruits are the best sources of vitamin C.,Egg are great sources of vitamin B1.,no,No conclusion Antioxidants like selenium help reduce oxidative stress by keeping free radical numbers in check.,"Oxidative stress is believed to be involved in both the onset and the progression of neurological diseases like Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease.",yes,A diet rich in antioxidants may help prevent neurological diseases like Parkinson’s. Iran holds the second-biggest oil reserves in the Middle East.,possessing vast resources of oil in a region resembles the prominance and significance of the country.,yes,Iran is a prominent and significant country. Operating efficiency is lowered as a result of low spirits.,low moods are responsible for weak work performances,no,No conclusion "In sleep apnea, oxygen delivery to the brain is interrupted several hundred times during the night. ",Sleep apnea affects spatial navigational memory.,yes,"If oxygen delivery to the brain is interrupted several hundred times during the night, it affects spatial navigational memory." Innovation companies stand out in the crowd,Crowd innovation basically uses the crowd to gain valuable insights.,no,No conclusion Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that lives in your stomach and can cause stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.,Olive oil contains many nutrients that can inhibit or kill harmful bacteria.,yes,Extra virgin olive oil has been found to be particularly effective against stomach cancer. the man at the beach was throwing his hand in the air,people throw hands up in the air when they are having fun,yes,the man at the beach was having fun Arthur Morgan had direct contact with the patient with Tuberculosis.,Having close distance to individuals with lung-disease increase the risk of infection.,yes,Arthur Morgan had high risk of infection. GABA relieves stress,Another side effect of alcohol is the release of a neurotransmitter called GABA,yes,Another side effect of alcohol is stress relief "Drones are expected to become part of daily operations across industries as varied as insurance, agriculture, and journalism","Each year, members have an opportunity to submit a letter of intent to become part of operations.",no,No conclusion Outlaws make the place unsafe for people. ,Criminal activities are more likely to happen in town than in the village,yes,town is more unsafe than the village. Having numerous connections comes in handy when applying for jobs,Applying for jobs can be more rewarding if you have numerous connections.,no,No conclusion "On a rolling basis throughout the year the non-current assets register is compared to plant and equipment on site by accounting department personnel, using identi?cation numbers in the register and permanently marked onto each item in the factory.",Each food item is potentially in-season throughout the year in the factory farming process,no,No conclusion Much of the wildlife is dying because of the oil spill., Fuel shed can be made by people making mistakes or being careless. ,yes,Much of the wildlife is dying because of people making mistakes or being careless. Adam and Eve disobeyed the God’s command. ,consuming forbidden fruits was considered as act of disobedience from god,yes,Adam and Eve were consumed forbidden fruits. Elderly are people who are most likely people to be able and willing to vote.,Extraverts are most likely people to be assertive.,no,No conclusion While growth improves the chances for a country's development it also creates a number of economic and social costs,"when a company become more extended, parallel growth in competition forces many companies to fire their workers in order to cut costs",no,No conclusion Solving puzzles helps reinforce existing connections between our brain cells,Better communication between the brain cells improve thought processes,yes,Solving puzzles improves thought processes Cortisol is a hormone that affects your brain.,"When you stress, research has shown that there is an increased release of cortisol.",yes,"When you stress, research has shown that there is an increased release of a hormone that affects your brain." one of the reasons of rising the Carbone Dioxide level deffution is Burning oil platforms,Burning oil platforms increased the Carbone Dioxide emission.,no,No conclusion Bats make echolocation noises in order to communicate and find their way.,Echolocation plays an important role in food hunting and their communication for dolphins and toothed whales and most of the bats.,no,No conclusion King Arthur pulled out the sword from the rock.,Releasing the sword from embedment requires unordinary strength.,yes,King Arthur had unordinary strength. Learning is negatively affected as a result of interacting badly with friends and family.,poor quality interactions with your family and friends damage learning,no,No conclusion He founded his own company at the age of eighteen.,Amir Kabir founded the Dar Al-Fonoun.,no,No conclusion He ran away from home when he was only twelve.,Dutch Van der Linde was running away from Pinkertons.,no,No conclusion Presenting free hygienic agents is aimed to improve the public health.,Restaurants now are offering free hand sanitizers.,yes,Restaurants now aim to improve the public health. Pain and tension around your head and neck is known as tension headaches,"Victims of bullying often suffer from tension in their forehead, the back of their head and their neck",yes,Victims of bullying often suffer from tension headaches Globalization facilitates the passing of large companies to efficent production,cost-effective manufacture is usually associated with lower prices,yes,globlization facilitates the passing of larger companies to lower prices The lion whose name is Magilani lives alone in the harsh desert of northen Kenya.,For living alone in the harsh deserts of northen Kenya the animal had to be smart.,yes,The lion whose name is Magilani had to be smart. Sustainable architecture is architecture that seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings,it is possible to keep down the unfavourable atmospheric consequences by using a conscious approach to energy and ecological conservation in the design of the built environment,yes,Sustainable architecture is architecture that uses a conscious approach to energy and ecological conservation in the design of the built environment Continuous harvesting of rice made double-cropping possible.,The technological advancements in China took the form of continual introduction from the south of earlier-ripening varieties of rice.,yes,Technological advancements in China made double-cropping possible. Here is a bedtime routine for you to calm your busy mind at nights.,having a busy mind at bedtime is a factor of insomnia.,no,No conclusion Many of skin disorders happen after direct exposure to sunrays,"With dehydration, the skin can become more vulnerable to skin disorders",yes,"With dehydration, the skin can become more vulnerable to direct exposure to sunrays" Foods that are great resources of fiber can decrease the risk of cancer.,"For lowering the risk of cancer through dietary, we should eat things that are source of Fiber.",no,No conclusion applying for loans online requires having an online bank account,Owning an online savings account might be the first step in buying a house,yes,Applying for loans online might be the first step in buying a house Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene and it is actually beta-carotene that gives carrots their orange color. ,Mushrooms are an excellent source of potassium which are very low in calories.,no,No conclusion high amount of uncontrolled exposure to mental pollution may result in poor memory .,weak mind contributes to hindering learning. ,yes,high amount of uncontrolled exposure to mental pollution may contribute to hindering learning. Budget cuts and shortages force companies to lay off workers,Loss of business and revenue leads to financial shortages in a small business,yes,Loss of business and revenue force companies to lay off workers Graphite boosts up the collision rate of atoms.,Collision of atoms breaks their structure.,yes,Graphite breaks atom’s structure She wore shabby old jeans and a T-shirt.,Sasan is wearing a Led Zeppelin T-shirt,no,No conclusion Drones may be the ultimate tool for corporate espionage,Rival companies usually use Collective surveillance against each other,yes,Rival companies usually use drones against each other Rose and cherry are members of the same plant family.,Japanese gardens are famous for their beautiful cherry blossoms and rose flowers as well as the other uniqe Japanese plants.,no,No conclusion "As I was asking Google’s CEO about the data collection, the congressman was using his phone.",congress man was using an iPhone when he was asking google CEO about data collection,no,No conclusion "the separation of lignin from cellulose strands, is accomplished by dissolving lignin in a cooking liquor, so that it may be washed from the cellulose","To produce pulp from wood, a chemical pulping process separates lignin from cellulose fibres",yes,"the production of pulp from wood,is accomplished by dissolving lignin in a cooking liquor, so that it may be washed from the cellulose" Vitamin B prevents pellagra.,"Pellagra is a disease that causes weakness, reddish skin and stomach problems.",yes,"Vitamin B prevents a disease that causes weakness, reddish skin and stomach problems." You might make blind purchases if you don't consult anyone.,there is no one to talk to in online shopping.,yes,You might make blind purchases in online shopping. pessimistic people always think in a cynical and lousy way ,negativity and bad thoughts can stop the growth of our brain,yes,pessimism can stop the growth of their brain Painting is a way to prevent particle oxidation. ,corrosion can change the physical appearance of a metal valve.,yes,painting can revent the physical appearance of a metal valve Virus attacks immediately delete all the important files on your system,"When your system lacks the unnecessary files, it ends up being crashed",yes,"Your system might end up being crashed, in case of virus attacks" The nor'wester had died down and the flood tide was coming in as Weely took his station in the bow.,Rostam confronted Esfandiar and took his eyes with a bow.,no,No conclusion One might argue that manipulating the Future and unfettered access to the present provides more than enough influence.,"the ability to access those customers that might have been laid off by online businesses, provides you with the opportunity that might exand your market share",no,No conclusion The clinic says hypnotherapy might help suppress headaches.,"In hypnotherapy, willing people are placed in a condition that lets them receive suggestions, They look like they are sleeping.",yes,"The clinic says willing people are placed in a condition that lets them receive suggestions, They look like they are sleeping might help suppress headaches." Duckweed can purify dirty water.,Contaminated water can be cleansed by duckweed.,no,No conclusion Zoos keep animals in cages.,In cages animals are preserved and taken care of.,yes,Zoos keep animals to be preserved and taken care of. Advertisements make people buy unnecessary products.,Advertising cause people buy products that are not necessary in their life.,no,No conclusion Each baleen plate is triangular in shape which is made of keratin.,Baleen plates are made of keratin and formed in the shape of triangles.,no,No conclusion supermarkets mostly buy large quantities of goods from suppliers,"If you buy a large quantity,then your average costs will be lower",yes,Supermarkets have lower average costs "In addition, power from a dirty source like coal has health.","Their leaders' ambition was to play an important role in the international arena, which was difficult for them due to an overall lack of power in such areas as the military or economy.",no,No conclusion Critical thinking helps us to form your own set of beliefs in everything.,Studying history allows to exercise critical thinking skills.,yes,Studying history helps us to form your own set of beliefs in everything. Carbonated drinks exposes teeth to mild acids.,Teeth with acid particles are prone to erosion.,yes,Carbonated drinks erode teeth. Impotence of governments in controlling economy decreases the life quality,Low quality of life increases the migration rate.,yes,Impotence of governments in controlling economy increases the migration rate. "Our lesson contains chemistry, computer science, Math and physic.",One of the branches of science is chemistry.,no,No conclusion "The utilization of laptops and smartphones have usurped the necessity for your memory to keep specific dates, times, and names on file.","Usurping the necessity for your memory to keep specific dates, times, and names on file, affects on your mental storage.",yes,The utilization of laptops and smartphones affects on your mental storage. Acetylcholine is a chemical that transmits nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another.,Sending out nerve impulses from on nerve cell to another is essential for both memory and thought.,yes,Acetylcholine is a chemical that is essential for both memory and thought. Graduates can expect to have better access to high-skill than non-graduates.,Learning high abilities can lead to have an excellent job and earn more money. ,yes, Graduates can expect to have a nice job and earn more money than non-graduates Blood clotting is a biological process that stops bleeding.,Blood clotting can prevent us from bleeding to death and protect us from the entry of bacteria and viruses.,yes,A biological process that stops bleeding. can prevent us from bleeding to death and protect us from the entry of bacteria and viruses. The practice of catching or attempting to catch fish with a hook is generally known as angling,"In angling, it is sometimes expected or required that fish be returned to the water",yes,"The practice of catching or attempting to catch fish with a hook,it is sometimes expected or required that fish be returned to the water" The Medellín Cartel dominated the cocaine market.,Pablo Escobar founded the Medellín Cartel.,yes,Pablo Escobar dominated the cocaine market. Super-Cell released a multi-platform game known as Clash of Clans.,publication of Clash of Clans was an enormous success in online gaming history.,yes,Super-Cell had an enormous success in online gaming history. One of the contries whose population is witnessing rapid growth is the United States.,the united states has one of the fastest rising populations in the world,no,No conclusion "With the rise of carbon dioxide, breathing becomes more difficult.",Attraction of two carbon monoxide and one oxygen molecule can make two carbon dioxide molecules.,yes,Attraction of two carbon monoxide and one oxygen molecule can make breathing more difficult. Protein structures in oats are similar to those of legume.,Protein structures in legume are considered to be of high nutritional value .,yes,Protein structures in oats are considered to be of high nutritional value . The subsidence should go on with a diminishing rate through the next two decades and its final magnitude should not exceed 10 cm in the Bangkok area.,Diminishing anxiety can improve productivity. ,no,No conclusion "Apple is one of the best producers of electronic devices like headset port ,smartphones and earpods.",The elimination of headset port from smartphones intended to open a market for EarPod.,no,No conclusion A variety of programs exist that provide assistance to under-prepared and at-risk students.,Various targeted policies exist that provide financial assistance to support SMEs.,no,No conclusion Unmatched acting in a movie grants an actor an Academy Awards trophy.,Leonardo Dicaprio had outstanding performance in “Revenant”.,yes,Leonardo Dicaprio won an Academy Awards trophy. Every organized system must have a creator.,The world is an organized system.,yes,The World must have a Creator. recently scientists have proven that classical music has a high correlation with human brain activity and can help alter its quantity.,regulating brain function activity can make people smarter.,yes,classical music can make people smarter. I accept my portion of the blame.,Muscle fibers and tiny blood vessels make up a large portion of stomach's muscles.,no,No conclusion A better governance over your income will help you to understand how much money you'll need for tax payments,"In order to see how much money is needed to pay taxes, you should manage your income more effectively.",no,No conclusion "When water freezes, it produces pressure in the pores of the concrete as a result of its' expansion.",Pressure in the pores of the concrete can develop cracks.,yes,"When water freezes, there is a possibility of developing cracks in the concrete." "Over time, heat-styling appliances such as hair dryers, curlers, and straighteners  weakens your hair follicles and damage the roots of your hair.",Damaged hair roots would result in hair loss.,yes,"Over time, heat-styling appliances such as hair dryers, curlers, and straighteners would result in hair loss." The iodine will turn purple on things that there's starch in them, iodine turns purpule on a potato chip,yes,there is starch in the potato chips Blood pressure may damage the arteries leading to the brain.,Eating too much salt cause the the raised blood pressure.,yes,Eating too much salt may damage the arteries leading to the brain. Psychological changes have been seen as brain waves slow down or speed up as a result of varying auditory stimulus,His research about the brain waves led to a huge change in the treatment method used for curing psychological illnesses,no,No conclusion "proceeding towards customers with an executive manner at all times,fosters trust and credibility",Further he had an engaging geniality of manner and much tact in dealing with men.,no,No conclusion "If costumers want products with high quality, they only buy products with top brands.",Consumers looking for high quality products prefer buying from top-end brands,no,No conclusion Customers value their time and respond well to companies with better customer service,Recognize that today's employees place a high value on their time and offer flexible scheduling and remote work options.,no,No conclusion The article was about the impact of the increased use of public transport and light rail lines on the carbon dioxide emission.,"It is also common to connect an airport and a city with rapid transit, light rail lines or other non-road public transport systems",no,No conclusion "The two apposed layers of endoderm in the cathammal area undergo complete fusion to form a single layer of epithelium, the endoderm-lamella of the adult medusa.",the narrower the layer the less ozone in that particular area,no,No conclusion boosted volume and velocity allowed specialization through manufacturing being located independently of natural resources,The Industrial Revolution in the 19th century saw a rise in speed and capacity,yes,The Industrial Revolution in the 19th century allowed specialization through manufacturing being located independently of natural resources Art needs to be seen.,Graffiti is a genuine form of art.,yes,Graffiti needs to be seen. "The time element in construction means that a delay costs money, and in cases of bottlenecks, the delay can be extremely expensive","a delay costs money and even it can be too expensive in bottlenecks cases ,so it shows the importance of the time elemet in construction",no,No conclusion The expulsion of the poorer people from touristic neighbourhoods is a significant problem caused by mass tourism,High rents expulse economically disadvantaged people from the new tourist areas,yes,High rents are a significant problem caused by mass tourism Non-aeronautical revenue is gained through things other than aircraft operations,other things(except for aircraft operations) make non-aeronautical income,no,No conclusion excessive bleeding could not be stopped and often resulted in death,"There was no way to stop the uncontrolled bleeding, which lead to the person dying most of the time.",no,No conclusion The stars are shown because of extra heat.,Extreme heat shines the stars.,no,No conclusion Paradox Interactive has a very loyal and active user community,San Diego has a very loyal and active theater-going public.,no,No conclusion "As the result of climate change, now we could see the accelerated sea level rise",The sudden release of freshwater from a glacial is one of reason of rapid climate change.,yes,The sudden release of freshwater from a glacial lead to the accelerated sea level rise Pork has a large amount of Vitamin B6.,Having large amounts of vitamin A can harm your unborn baby.,no,No conclusion "Due to international competition, the producers in a country attempt to produce better quality goods",Manufacturing more excellent products progress the efficiency and benefits to consumers all over the world. ,yes,Due to international competition the efficiency and benefits to the consumers all over the world progressed. Kratos unwillingly murdered his family.,Killing relatives in any condition is followed by enduring lifetime nightmare punishment by the Gods.,yes,Kratos endures lifetime nightmare punishment by the Gods. "As connectivity increases, especially among mobile users in developing countries, the level and demand for quality content will increase, together with demand for more creative goods and services","Increasing costs, together with demand for more fuel efficient vehicles, are encouraging integration of operations and the use of common vehicle components on a world basis.",no,No conclusion The Internet and mobile phones show development in Internet connections infrastructure.,Telecommunication improvements are significant factors of globalization.,yes, the Internet and mobile phones aresignificant factors of globalization. "When young adults or children spend too much time using various forms of media, they miss out on regular social activities",Not engaging in group activities diminishes your ability to function well in social settings ,yes,"When young adults or children spend too much time using various forms of media, their ability to function well in social settings diminishes " "When animals's metaolism slows, the amount of its energy for the activity reduces.","When an animal's body temperature drops too low, its metabolism slows.",yes,"When an animal's body temperature drops too low, the amount of its energy for the activity reduces." Extreme pressure on the essential foundation is linked to global climate change,Rapid urbanization strains basic infrastructure,yes,Rapid urbanization is linked to global climate change Our hearts are known to be muscular organs,Swimming strengthens the muscles in your body,yes,Swimming is known to strengthen our hearts Nero the Emperor set Roma on fire.,"""The apartment is on fire"" the man shouted.",no,No conclusion " when someone asks for a second, you can infer that he liked it",My guest asked for a second meal of what I cooked,yes,my guest enjoyed what I had cooked for him "Over the long term, digital transformation can unlock innovation",Investing in top companies over the long term can help your nest egg grow.,no,No conclusion graduates of unversities are likely to be nonsmokers .,"Our results suggest the existence of financial and labor market failures associated with young firms involved incollaborative projects with universities, which are likely to be university based start-ups, and some policy action is advised to correct market imperfections.",no,No conclusion Contingent workers are people who do not expect their jobs to last or who reported that their jobs are temporary.,Hard workers are people who push the records.,no,No conclusion New cells improve brain power and brain activity,Cardiovascular exercise helps create new cells,yes,Cardiovascular exercise improves brain power and brain activity The pastries were smooth and slightly wet.,Smooth and wet can contribute to the car slide. ,no,No conclusion "The combination of vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and zucchini with other crunchy delights like cabbage and capsicum tremendously make the food delicious.",green leafy vegetables – such as broccoli and spinach contain large amount of vitamin k .,no,No conclusion "By the year 1000, Italy was divided between a number of different empires and kingdoms.",Human body generates a varitey of important hormones.,no,No conclusion new proposals consider putting tariffs on foreign goods,imposing tariffs on foreign made goods can have wrecking financial consequences,yes,new proposals could have disastrous financial consequences Visiting the zoo with my aunt Joan was so cool.,My Aunt Joan is visiting us today,no,No conclusion "Having more spare time, can give you the opportunity to do more work",Online shopping saves us a lot of time,yes,Online shopping can give you the opportunity to do more work Excess demand causes the quantity demanded to decrease. ,The decrease in supply creates an excess demand at the initial price.,yes,The decrease in supply causes quantity demanded to decrease. Constipation is a condition of the digestive system where an individual has hard feces that are difficult to expel.,"In the same study, 44 percent of participants reported constipation.",yes,"In the same study, 44 percent of participants reported a condition of the digestive system where an individual has hard feces that are difficult to expel." Radiant energy is a type of kinetic energy that travels in waves.,Wind energy is a clean energy.,no,No conclusion "There may be viruses, bacteria, and parasites in the meat which is raw or not cooked well.","Undercooked or raw meat of any kind may harbor harmful viruses, bacteria, and parasites",no,No conclusion "By using Wikipedia, I’m confident I’ll get a good overview of the topic, and that the information I receive will be generally accurate.","When I’m doing research for an article I’m writing, or just want to satisfy my curiosity about something that caught my attention, I use a source in which I’m confident I’ll get a good overview of the topic, and that the information I receive will be generally accurate.",yes,"When I’m doing research for an article I’m writing, or just want to satisfy my curiosity about something that caught my attention, I use Wikipedia." Technology neutrality is ensured in the Electronic Transactions Act by not dictating the technology which would be given preference.,tourists increasingly booked and completed electronic transactions online,no,No conclusion Grasping things can be difficult with a weakened neuromuscular function.,The illness weakend her body in a way that she couldn't even grasp her own purse.,no,No conclusion "people who are not able to experience hurting, can't protect well from injury. ",Insensitivity to pain may result from abnormalities in the nervous system. ,yes,being not able to protect well from injury may result from abnormalities in the nervous system. Ordinary moles and marks in the body tend to have one solid color that is uniform throughout.,Selenium may lower markers of inflammation in the body.,no,No conclusion A battleground of the Cold War in the Germany was created after dividing it.,The division of Germany made the country a battleground of the Cold War.,no,No conclusion The Land Is Strong was the campaign slogan used by Pierre Trudeau's Liberals in their (near) disastrous 1972 re-election campaign.,Embracing the land with concrete makes the flow of water very strong.,no,No conclusion "Campylobacter has been knwon as the leading cause of diarrhea, fever, and cramping.",Raw chicken almost always contains Campylobacter.,yes,"Raw chicken has been knwon as the leading cause of diarrhea, fever, and cramping." the introduction of the steam boiler brought about the independence of land transport of human or animal muscles,The Industrial Revolution in the 19th century saw the invention of the steam engine,yes,The Industrial Revolution in the 19th century saw the independence of land transport of human or animal muscles "by paying the union entry fee and getting a journeyman's card, you may get journeyman status",Please pay the $ 15 entry fee with your credit card at the audition site.,no,No conclusion a higher GDP can indicate more development across a country and indicate better social services for citizens,The creative economy is recognized as a significant sector and a meaningful contributor to national gross domestic product,yes,The creative economy has a positive effect in country development. A body without knowledge is like a house with thin walls.,The walls of my house are thin.,no,No conclusion The color of iodine on a potato chip is purple., iodine turns purpule on a potato chip,no,No conclusion "When authorities receive more charges in cash, there will be a boost in public project developments",The additional revenue that comes into a community means governments will gain more tax dollars,yes,there will be more public project developmentswith the additional revenue that comes into a community "While multitasking, people cannot concentrate on important points.",You can’t give enough attention to important aspects when you are multitasking,no,No conclusion If something is too popular among people the availability of it reduces.,When the availability of something reduces you have to pay higher price for it or ask for it long before you want it.,yes,If something is too popular among people you have to pay higher price for it or ask for it long before you want it. The documentary went through all the picture details of the operation and actual graph in unsparing detail.,Pictures look like a real documentary through cinéma verité.,no,No conclusion Heart palpitations lead to fluttering sensation in the chest or a feeling that your heart has skipped a beat.,"Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as acid reflux, can sometimes result in heart palpitations.",yes,Gastroesophageal reflux disease lead to fluttering sensation in the chest or a feeling that your heart has skipped a beat. "factories demand for even more worker assemblies,meant that they typically grew up in an urban setting or fostered their own urbanization","Before the advent of mass transportation, factories needed ever-greater concentrations of laborers",yes,"Before the advent of mass transportation, factories typically grew up in an urban setting or fostered their own urbanization" Untreated gingivitis can progress to periodontitis disease.,Periodontitis disease destroys the bone supporting teeth.,yes,Untreated gingivitis can progress to destroys the bone supporting teeth. This house has an old construction and its doors and windows are so old to use it.,"PVC has a variety of use cases, including pipes, doors, and windows in construction as well as bottles, non-food packaging, and cards (such as bank or membership cards).",no,No conclusion "when you smoke, your family still breathes in harmful poisons."," Toxins made by smoking can put the smeller at risk of meningitis, cancer, bronchitis, and pneumonia. ",yes,"when you smoke, you can put the smeller at risk of meningitis, cancer, bronchitis and pneumonia." Aeronautical revenue are generated through the landing fees,the landing fees make Aeronautical income,no,No conclusion Parents go to great lengths to make their babies laugh.,Parents do anything to make their babies laugh.,no,No conclusion different factors affect and are affected by overall Industrialization growth.,Industrialization is a notable factor in population growth during the last decades.,no,No conclusion Definition of the word hero suggests that he/she must display extraordinary powers.,Every hospital must display power integrity and continuity throughout different power failure scenarios.,no,No conclusion "The Creative Economy is both a resilient, and expanding sector and with a global impact",Technical leaders transforming industries with global impact,yes,technical leader will transform the creative economy Even kids have a conscience.,"In manufacturing societies, there are not any rules regarding the age limitation of workers so many of them can employed even kids.",no,No conclusion Wages eventually decrease when high rates of tariffs have to be paid,Companies with bigger profits tend to pay higher prices in tax,yes,Companies with bigger profits tend to pay lower wages The UN-FAO report cites land management as the driving factor behind land degradation,"the deterioration of soil,might be in the forms of deforestation, desertification, soil erosion, mineral depletion, or chemical degradation",yes,"The UN-FAO report cites land management as the driving factor behind deforestation, desertification, soil erosion, mineral depletion, or chemical degradation" Children with malnutrition during fetal development are more susceptible to schizophrenia,Children of pregnant women struggling with poverty often do not receive enough nourishment when they are still in the womb,yes,Children of pregnant women struggling with poverty are more susceptible to schizophrenia belongins that can quickly be sold at the full price tend to bear lower risks,liquid assets can be sold swiftly and at a full value,yes,liquid assets tend to bear lower risks Activities during which endorphin is produced tend to become your habits.,Activities that release endorphins are usualy habit-forming.,no,No conclusion His parents were deeply disappointed in him.,Working at push on the service of someone else makes people disappointed.,no,No conclusion Benjamin Franklin suggested that wild turkey is a true original native of america bird .,Benjamin Franklin suggested that they should choose a true original native of america bird for the newly independent United States than the bald eagle.,yes,They should choose wild turkey for the newly independent United States than the bald eagle. "If the range is greater than 7, the number is considered heavy.",G3 is considered as a heavy long range firearm.,no,No conclusion "Becoming the manager of a professional football club is difficult, time-consuming, and expensive, but it will be well worth it if you love the game.",The professors in the university are English professional professors.,no,No conclusion Tesla cars are equipped with auto-pilot technology.,Technology plays a major role in our lives these days.,no,No conclusion child labor interferes with their ability to attend regular school ,Ability School is a private school for pre-k through middle school servicing children in Bergen.,no,No conclusion Drones are easily accessed by terrorists,Terrorists are able to wreak havoc with even the simplest of weapons they can get their hands on,yes,Terrorists are able to wreak havoc with drones Many females tend to have a higher ratio of gray matter in the left hemisphere of the brain in comparison to males.,"For low-income populations in general, the tendency to have a higher rate of spending out of one budgeted category may increase the risk to income shocks, particularly at the end of the month.",no,No conclusion altering our hopes help us to prepare ourselves for the worst cases. , Defensive pessimists can modify people's expectations. ,yes,Defensive pessimists can prepare ourselves for the worst cases. "You can use cocoa powder to make the cake rather than dark chocolate - it's a bit of a cheat, but nobody notices the difference.",Dark chocolate has significant antioxidant content.,no,No conclusion Nile River provided Egyptians with fertile land over its' banks.,"Fertile land made it possible for people to settle and develop a society in Egypt's hot, dry climate.",yes,"Nile River made it possible for people to settle and develop a society in Egypt's hot, dry climate." Environmental changes have a massive impact on world biology in case global warming trends continue.,"If global warming trends continue, changes in the enviroment will have an enormous impact on word biology.",no,No conclusion Garlic which contain allicin can be beneficial for your kidneys and blood pressure.,"Garlic, with its allicin component, has positive effects on kidneys and blood pressure.",no,No conclusion "Effect of too much fizzy pop or sweetened fruit juice is long term, making the pounds harder to shift and raising blood sugar levels, which increases the risk of conditions such as type 2 diabetes.",disturbance in blood flow increases the risk of conditions such as coronary heart disease and heart attack .,no,No conclusion "I don't know why, when dried noodles are as easy to find ,store and cook fresh pasta.","There are two main categories for pasta, namely dried and fresh pasta.",no,No conclusion The Catagen period of hair growth comes after the Anagen period.,Hair color shop will be closed after the indefinite period.,no,No conclusion with more qualifications you'll have more opportunities to move ahead in your career,Any opportunity to development in your career is a door to better future,no,No conclusion The cherry is a member of the same family of plants as the rose.,Japanese gardens are famous for their beautiful cherry blossoms and rose flowers as well as the other uniqe Japanese plants.,no,No conclusion Studies show that the flavanols from cocoa can improve blood flow to the skin,Boosted blood circulation to the skin lessens the risks of sun damage,yes,Studies show that the flavanols from cocoa can lessen the risks of sun damage G3 is considered as a heavy long range firearm.,Heawyweight assault guns produce high recoil and penetration.,yes,G3 produces high recoil and penetration. Reduction of narcotic trade ruled out several drug lords from performing illegal business.,Many drug lords from doing illegal business were ignored by reducing the narcotic trade.,no,No conclusion narcissists regularly violate the boundaries of others.,"The banks of a river or stream, the mean high water mark or any other irregular boundary may be altered by human action.",no,No conclusion One bad harvest could wipe out a significant amount of a grower's profits for the previous two years.,The considerable population of the rats was wiped out the streets by new method of city cleaning.,no,No conclusion One way of cutting costs is by reducing wages,with increased specialisation there will be intense competition to cut costs,yes,With increased specialisation wages get reduced "If you want to lose weight, dance!",Dancing helps with weight loss.,no,No conclusion Hottoys productions reanimates celebrities or movie characters with 3D printing of sixth scale figures.,He followed his sixth sense and took the risk.,no,No conclusion Apples are packed full of fiber which absorbs toxins.,Absorbs toxins does its job by taking some of the hard work away from your kidneys.,yes,Apples are packed full of fiber which does its job by taking some of the hard work away from your kidneys. Crude oil makes natural and organic materials that are components of plastics.,"Plastics, crude oil, and benzene are non-renewable materials that won't come back to the nature.",no,No conclusion Iodine can be found in plant foods.,Find out which foods are high in saturated fats so you can make healthy changes.,no,No conclusion "While watching TV, your brain activities will be done by the lower brain regions rather than the higher ones, as researchers say.","Researches has shown that when you are watching TV, your higher brain regions shut down and activities shift to the lower brain regions.",no,No conclusion "Their predecessors have signed, all were dedicated to making large crowded House.","Dean planned to spend his free time biking, but changed his mind when he saw the crowds in town and remembered the traffic that would clog the narrow roads.",no,No conclusion A positive mental attitude benefits you personally and professionally,Moving ahead in life is associated with boasting a conclusive point of view,yes,Moving ahead in life benefits you personally and professionally "Because of the car accident, I couldn't go to work for a short time.",I slept for a short time at work yesterday,no,No conclusion After World War II (1939–1945) the automobile and airlines took higher shares of transport,"with cars and air passenger carriers, getting hold of the transfer sector, rail and water ways were brought down to freight and short-haul passenger services",yes,"After World War II (1939–1945), rail and water ways were brought down to freight and short-haul passenger services" Having a purpose makes you plan more and better for the future.,"You don't need a bunch of books or time to prepare; there is no exact equation that is required to make you have a better, more meaningful interaction with our God.",no,No conclusion Brown rice has the great amount of magnesium.,"Umber is a brown clay, containing a large amount of iron oxide and between five and twenty percent manganese oxide.",no,No conclusion tooth decay can result in tooth loss if not treated ,eating sugary snacks is one of the main factors leading to tooth decay,yes,eating suagary snacks is one of the main factors leading to tooth decay Depression and low self-esteem are common side effects of variation in action and character. ,Behavioral and personality changes are commonly observed due to changes of the brain structure.,yes,depression and low self-esteem are commonly observed due to changes of the brain structure The whale swims at the surface of the water with its mouth open to allow sea water to enter the mouth.,"When sea water enter the mouth, tiny creatures collectively known as plankton are trapped on the baleen and become the whale's food.",yes,The whale swims at the surface of the water with its mouth open to allow tiny creatures collectively known as plankton trap on the baleen and become the whale's food. Most reputable tour guides are government certified,Those people who are verified by the administration are less likely to engage in illegal activities,yes,Most reputable tour guides are less likely to engage in illegal activities Death of Poseidon by the hands of Kratos unhinged the Black sea.,Unstable Sea waves destroyed the city of Olympus.,yes,Death of Poseidon resulted in the destruction of Olympus. "When the body's stored supply of creatin increases, it helps improve recovery time, muscle mass, strength, and exercise performance.",Research suggests that supplementing with creatine can increase your body’s stored supply of this compound.,yes,"Research suggests that supplementing with creatine can help improve recovery time, muscle mass, strength, and exercise performance." aquatic environment destruction leads to completely disrupting the food chain . ,Overfishing can destroy the marine ecology.,yes,Overfishing can lead to completely disrupting the food chain "Modern concrete is usually prepared as a viscous fluid, so that it may be poured into forms",formats are containers erected in the field to give the concrete its desired shape,yes,"Modern concrete is usually prepared as a viscous fluid, so that it may be poured into containers erected in the field to give the concrete its desired shape" For reduction of the effect of air pollution you shoud avoid sulphur dioxide from burning fossil fuels.,Sulfur dioxide made from fossil combustion should be avoided to reduce the impacts of air pollution.,no,No conclusion "When you're a member of a franchise brand, you have restrictions on the suppliers you can use",Limited access to suppliers could harm your business’s profitability rate,yes,Your business’s profitability rate could get harmed when you're a member of a franchise brand Archaeologists attribute the ruin to the establishment of Achaemenidean kingdom.,The order and discipline is believed to be brought to the Persia by establishment of Achaemenidean kingdom. ,no,No conclusion "Chronic inflammation is one of the leading drivers of many serious diseases including heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and even obesity.","Pomegranates have potent anti-inflammatory properties, which are largely mediated by the antioxidant properties of the punicalagins.",yes,"Consuming pomegranates prevent many serious diseases including heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and even obesity." world population number raises led to the phenomenon of urbanization., Industrialization is a notable factor in population growth during the last decades.,yes,Industrializationled to he phenomenon of urbanization. There are no fight scenes in this movie.,My son likes to see movies with different scenes.,no,No conclusion Lifting increases the number of calories you burn.,The number of factories that burn chemical fuels increase each year,no,No conclusion Factories arose with the introduction of machinery during the Industrial Revolution,"with the establishment of hardware during the industrial revolution,the capital and space requirements became too great for cottage industry or workshops",yes,Factories arose after the capital and space requirements became too great for cottage industry or workshops hosting a major sporting event like the Olympics can put taxpayers under pressure,"In sport choking under pressure is a major concern for athletes, coaches, and sport psychologists.",no,No conclusion Heat stress is the most common health issue associated with hot weather.,"In the hot weather, I had stress and the problem was that I stuck in traffic.",no,No conclusion Nutrients to the ground can promote vigorous growth. , The excellent main effect that volcanoes have on the environment is to provide the required food to the surrounding soil.,yes,the excellent main effect that volcanoes have on the environment is to promote vigorous growth. "When the researchers tested the urine of the workers, they found NNAL in their urine.",NNAL is a chemical found only in tobacco products that is linked to lung cancer.,yes,"When the researchers tested the urine of the workers, they found a chemical found only in tobacco products that is linked to lung cancer in their urine." the u.s public health service donates a big amount of money to different organizations,different organizations carry out medical researches,yes,the u.s public health service donates a big amount of money to medical researches Neurotoxins are chemicals that block the conduction of nerve impulses.,The venom contains a complex mixture of substances that includes neurotoxins.,yes,The venom contains a complex mixture of substances that includes chemicals that block the conduction of nerve impulses. all the celebrities and renowned people have privacy issues.,Lady Gaga is the most famous female singer in all over the world.,yes,Lady Gaga has privacy issues. Friction of earth layers results in earthquake.,Earthquake demolishes the bridges and buildings.,yes,Friction of earth layers demolishes the bridges and buildings. Dark green vegetables are good sources of folic acid. ,chicken is a great source of Pantothenic acid.,no,No conclusion Efficiency is decreased when community members are unable to interact,"When there is a lack of trust in a community, its ability to collaborate is impeded",yes,"When there is a lack of trust, efficiency is reduced" The slavery abolishment enhanced friction between states in the North and the slave-owning South.,Abraham Lincoln was the first president who abolished slavery in United States of America.,yes,Abraham Lincoln  enhanced friction between states in the North and the slave-owning South. divorce laws changes are reflecting the evolving social norms of societies.,social standards are determined by economical and political requirements.,yes,divorce laws changes reflecting evolving economical and political requirements. Duckweed is considered both as a blessing and also a threat.,"For some duckweed is a menace, for others it's a Godsend.",no,No conclusion Magnesium ignites simply in air and burns with a bright light. ,"materials that heat easily in the atmosphere are commonly used in flares, fireworks, and sparklers ",yes,"magnesium is commonly used in flares, fireworks and sparklers" changes in tendons and ligaments leads to less flexibility in the joints,Restrictions in Joint motions increase with age,yes,Changes in tendons and ligaments increase with age Effectively assigning duties helps you better manage your time.,Including physical activity in your daily routine helps you better manage your weight.,no,No conclusion Eating too much salt cause the the raised blood pressure.,Blood pressure is increased by too much salt.,no,No conclusion "Phthalates cause endocrine disruption, linked to asthma, developmental and reproductive effects.",There are many amount of Phthalates into medical waste with PVC.,yes,"Medical waste with PVC cause endocrine disruption, linked to asthma, developmental and reproductive effects." Consuming trans fat increases your risk for heart disease,Heart disease has a higher chance of occurring if one eats trans fats.,no,No conclusion "Children need different levels – such as physical, emotional and intellectual – of touching.",Touching children has effects on fulfilling their potential in adulthood.,yes,Children need touching for fulfilling their potential in adulthood. Today many designers are utilizing glass doors to bring back the light to the house.,Another ancient method of making glass that is still used today is casting.,no,No conclusion Putting away thieves helps you to have a safe home. ,"by simply barking of a dog, he can keep away a burglar who might think of entering your house.",yes, simply barking of a dog helps you to have safe home the activity of the moon determines the ocean waves which can get really high during the full moon.,Astronomical tides can be really dangerous for the life of marine species.,yes,the activity of the moon during full moon can be really dangerous for the life of marine species. Taking doses of folic acid damages the nervous system ,Liver is a great source of folic acid,yes,too much liver can damage the nervous system. Bulk transport is common with cargo that can be handled roughly without deterioration,"ore, coal, cereals and petroleum are typical examples of the kind of load that can be picked up forcefully but not break down into pieces",yes,"Bulk transport is common with ore, coal, cereals and petroleum" Many studies have shown that people who have predominantly larger dense LDL particles have a lower risk of heart disease.,"Egg consumption appears to change the pattern of LDL particles from small, dense LDL (bad) to large LD.",yes,Many studies have shown that Egg consumption appears to lower the risk of heart disease. Rapid urbanization is exacerbating the impacts of flooding and tropical cyclones,Coastal cities are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of hurricanes and swamps,yes,Coastal cities are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of rapid urbanization Digitalisation programmes don't have value unless the industry is ready to take up those skills and insights,Almost of half China is ready to take up crypto investment.,no,No conclusion Jonathan White takes readers across the globe to discover the science and spirit of ocean tides and moon explorations.,"Mrs. Griffin thinks she has pulled out the big guns here, but the consequence that Mrs. Griffin has threatened is too distantand clearly has no impact on her daughter.",no,No conclusion Olive oil contains modest amounts of vitamins E and K and is also loaded with powerful antioxidants.,"Tonic water contains modest amounts of quinine, which used to be sold over-the-counter to reduce leg cramps.",no,No conclusion Most of the herbs that boost performance have more health benefits including aiding blood circulation.,graduates have more benefits including health insurance.,no,No conclusion Writing a Good Introductory Paragraph can pique the interest of the reader into the topic.,"When the reader gets interested in the topic, he/she desires to pursue the text to the end.",yes,Writing a Good Introductory No conclusiongraph can make the readers to pursue the text to the end. "Global growth is now projected to slow from 3.6 percent in 2018 to 3.3 percent in 2019, before returning to 3.6 percent in 2020.",killing fishes and sea bushes growth could result in global food shortage. ,no,No conclusion Its final fall was due to the rise of the Arabic city of Fostat on the right bank of the Nile almost opposite the northern end of the old capital.,"NEC has announced that it will provide a large-scale facial recognition system for the 2020 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games in the host country, Tokyo.",no,No conclusion Yoga is a very effective technique for combating stress.,Researchers are currently unsure how effective probiotic supplements are.,no,No conclusion more than 800 million people around the world still live in extreme poverty,the strain of financial stress may lead to family conflict and potentially disruption,yes,more than 800 million people is in high risk of family conflict She wore shabby old jeans and a T-shirt.,Sasan has a Led Zeppelin T-shirt.,no,No conclusion The most economical arrangement would be building the dam in a site where it is flanked by earth embankments,the valley sides act as natural walls if the barrage is constructed in a narrow part of a deep river valley,yes,The most economical arrangement would be building the dam in a narrow part of a deep river valley Acute inflammation is an immune process used to help fight off infections,The intake of antibiotics has an effect against infections,yes,Acute inflammation is an immune process that has an effect as the intake of antibiotics The activities of total materials management in controlling finished goods inventory are vital to a business from the viewpoints of customer service,Innovation companies are associated with the production of finished goods that is highly desirable to consumers,no,No conclusion "Malnutrition delays wound healing, negatively affects the immune system, reduces mobility, causes loss of muscle strength, and significantly increases morbidity and mortality.",Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating condition that causes memory loss and negatively affects thinking and behavior.,no,No conclusion Energy drinks has caffeine which could last for hours on end.,"Caffeine which could last for hours on end, could causes blood pressure to skyrocket.",yes,Energy drinks could causes blood pressure to skyrocket. Subtle linguistic differences and figures of speech can frame our approaches to difficult problems and even affect our views on space and time.,Language can Influence Our Perception of Reality.,yes,Framing our approaches to difficult problems and effect on our views on space and time can Influence Our Perception of Reality. Hamburger is one favorite food source of humans because it is rich in iron.,Table V Comparison of Iron Phytates and food is Dietary Iron Source for Rats.,no,No conclusion It was obvious that much of what they recorded was far from the truth.,"In general, we can state that patterns only make sense if they are addressing easily problems.",no,No conclusion "Kelp is a kind of marine life, which has a significantly dangerous venom.",he Internet can be a dangerous neighborhood for children and teens.,no,No conclusion Medical ethics focus on professional behaviors in order to help both doctors and patients.,More focus on the training helps professional athletes to get better results.,no,No conclusion "In sport choking under pressure is a major concern for athletes, coaches, and sport psychologists.",Children are bombarded with images of airbrushed and manipulated bodies which can put under pressure on children and potentially lead to issues with their body image.,no,No conclusion "As more fat is stored in the body, the weight will also increase quicker.",Weight gain fastens when fat storage is increased,no,No conclusion "At the top of the shop had written, nice lunch but spoiled by poor table position.",The poor performance of Dallas stars weakened their position in NHL table.,no,No conclusion "If skin is more vulnerable to UV radiation, it can damage collagen and elasticity",An increased intake of trans fatty acids from the kinds of vegetable oils used in margarine can make skin more vulnerable to UV radiation,yes,An increased intake of trans fatty acids from the kinds of vegetable oils used in margarine can damage collagen and elasticity. Some infections can be spread in several different ways.,Fungal nail disease can spread the virus to the bloodstream.,no,No conclusion Apple is a source of Fiber.,"For lowering the risk of cancer through dietary, we should eat things that are source of Fiber.",yes,"For lowering the risk of cancer through dietary, we should eat apple." What we wear and buy are status symbols we can purchase to show off our economic success in the workplace.,our speech is the most accurate indicator of our economic backgrounds.,yes,"our speech,what we wear and buy give away our social backgrounds" It is easier to save money for retirement if you are employed because you will be offered a pension by your employer.,it is easier for retail businesses to save money for investment activities because of direct trade with suppliers,no,No conclusion This chapter analyses the digital trends in the financial sector and digitalisation of Global Fintech Industry.,Industry 4.0 is the term used to capture a number of trends occurring in the manufacturing sector driven by digitalisation,no,No conclusion "Due to the way modern cities and communities are planned and operated, a physical distinction between home and work usually exists","the actual separation between the place of residence and the office forces people to transport themselves to places of work, study, or leisure, as well as to temporarily relocate for other daily activities",yes,"people are forced to transport themselves to places of work, study, or leisure, as well as to temporarily relocate for other daily activities,Due to the way modern cities and communities are planned and operated" "If you choose to travel by train, you are actually not contributing to the gridlock of cars on roads","When you are not advancing the logjam of vehicles on roads, you might help to reduce carbon emissions",yes,"If you choose to travel by train, you might help to reduce carbon emissions" paper consume has decreased as a result of rising digitalization,in the last decade e-books and electronic documents have become quite popular,yes,paper consume has decreased in the last ten years Facial exercises relax and tone your face,When you laugh you are strengthening muscles in your face,yes,When you laugh your face relaxes and gets toned lactose intolerance is a condition in which a person can't have any food based on milk,Reza is lactose intolerant,yes,Reza can't have milk-based food The sails are placed in the direction of the wind so that they can turn with the help of an external rotating system.,Harry thought factory farms are still a threat to America's dollar family farmers.,no,No conclusion "The nymphs moult four to six times before they develop their final adult form, becoming larger after each moult.",Nymphs are the youngsters and they are white when they begin their lives.,yes,"The youngsters which are white when they begin their lives moult four to six times before they develop their final adult form, becoming larger after each moult." Dehydration can undermine performance in sports.,Improving in one aspect of a task can undermine performance in anothe.,no,No conclusion Internet surfing is readily available on most cell phones.," Glossy sheen is available on most countertop materials, so it comes with very few limitations regarding availability.",no,No conclusion All capacities should be developed and used.,All humans have the capacity for creative thinking. ,yes,All humans should use and develop creative Thinking. Muslim Americans have a generally positive view of the larger society.,Dismissive individuals have a positive view of the self and a negative view of others.,no,No conclusion "Hydraulic jets and hydraulic jumps at the toe of a falls can generate large forces to erode the bed, if the bed is removed of any substance","As the watercourse raises its velocity at the edge of the waterfall, it may pluck material from the riverbed",yes,"As the watercourse raises its velocity at the edge of the waterfall,Hydraulic jets and hydraulic jumps at the toe of a falls can generate large forces to erode the bed" Thick saw blades waste the significant amount of wood on trees.,Wasted tree logs reduce the efficiency of limber production.,yes,Thick saw blades reduce the efficiency of limber production. Aloe vera gel can be both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.,The Detol corporation is one of the biggest producers of aloe vera gels and anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory hand sanititizers.,no,No conclusion Constant studying leads to better grades.,metabolic deficiency leads to both physical and mental diseases.,no,No conclusion chemical drugs are not found in organic food and vegetables,"Chemical pesticides are known to cause breast, prostrate and other cancers",yes,"oganic food and vegetebales do not cause breast,prostate and other cancers" "A deep vin thrombosis is a blood clot, in which some blood thickens and blocks the flow to the heart.",Another problem for travelers can be a condition is deep vein thrombosis.,yes,"Another problem for travelers can be a condition is a blood clot, in which some blood thickens and blocks the flow to the heart." "While you are washing chickens, bacteria may transmit to your hands.",Washing chicken can spread bacteria onto your hands,no,No conclusion few mineral quantities in older people can make bones fragile . ,"The astrological belief that plants, animals and minerals are under the influence of the planets is shown in the older names of some of the metals, e.g.",no,No conclusion "By a smaller amount of automobile collisions, people will have a higher safety degree in their city.","The city has a public park of 110 acres and various smaller ones, and in the vicinity are several summer resorts, notably Virginia Beach, Ocean View, Old Point Comfort, Pine Beach and Willoughby Beach.",no,No conclusion Computer hackers can get access to databases of a software.,Heirs can get access to the medical records by proving they plan to take legal action.,no,No conclusion The site of the murder was investigated by the detectives.,Our professor has flown to Iceland to work on an archeaology site.,no,No conclusion "Biologically, the vegetables which have seeds inside them are considered as fruits.",Tomatoes are vegetables which contain seeds.,yes,"Biologically, the vegetables which have seed inside them are considered as fruits." Vladimir Lenin proposed the New Economic Policy.,The oil markets are affected by economic policy.,no,No conclusion Brussels sprouts is containing large amount of folic acid.,An acid or base which strongly conducts electricity contains a large number of ions and is called a strong acid or base.,no,No conclusion Most of the water supply is becoming polluted with nitrates in citie's sewage.,The German Shepherd is rated as one of the most intelligent of all breeds and continues to be very popular around the world.,no,No conclusion Steel mills utilize heat to melt the iron ingots.,Melted iron ingots are implemented in the production of steel members.,yes,Steel mills produce steel members. Education should play a major role in efforts to protect the environment,The forum will play a major role in efforts by the newly created Better Work programme to improve labour practices and competitiveness in global supply chains.,no,No conclusion the acceleration of the absorption of fumes in the oceans threaten underwater life,Higher temperatures fasten the absorption of excess emissions by the oceans,yes,Higher temperatures threaten underwater life people who are unqualified to receive personal belongings insurance are at risk of losing all their assets.,Mental illness can not get property insurance.,yes,people with mental illness are at risk of losing all their assets. "Fibers store water in their sleeves, therefore occupying more portion of stomach.",Muscle fibers and tiny blood vessels make up a large portion of stomach's muscles.,no,No conclusion Excessive hunting of Eastern Moose created ecosystem inversion.,American hunters recklessly caught and terminated Eastern moose.,yes,American hunters created ecosystem inversion. "When patients are particularly vulnerable, anesthesia professionals dedicate full attention to their patients.",Mobile phones can stop students from dedicating their full attention to their education.,no,No conclusion Consumers should buy high quality foods in order to remain healthy.,He was extremely obssesed with collecting high quality durable and high end electronic devices.,no,No conclusion There are sunburn stains on Wilma’s body.,she feels like the sun burns beneath her body.,no,No conclusion "In a departure from tradition, people keep wearing red dresses on the funerals.",Our integrity is kept as people by traditions.,no,No conclusion Travelling by car gives you the possibility to snap photos while on the move,Instagrammers love to take pictures while on the road,yes,Instagrammers love travelling by car "Everything is, as the Gospel teaches, “possible for those who believe”.",Those who go to war believe might is right.,no,No conclusion The Ministry of Manpower additionally issued a decision to ban the recruitment of a non-Omani labor force in some professions.,Job discrimination comes with underrepresented female labor force in some professions.,no,No conclusion Prolonged binge drinking can cause irreversible damage to the pancreas.,Indulgence drinking and alcoholism can cause or contribute to liver damage . ,no,No conclusion paper-based marketing is intrinsically environmentally unfriendly,Websites began to replace paper-based marketing materials,yes,Websites are replacing environmentally unfriendly methods Financial planning for the project is intended to ensure that a solid plan with adequate safeguards and contingency plans are in place before the project is started,"Mortgage bankers, accountants, and cost engineers are likely participants in creating an overall plan for the financial management of the building construction project",yes,"Mortgage bankers, accountants, and cost engineers ensure that a solid plan with adequate safeguards and contingency plans are in place before the project is started" Too much salt can have negative impacts on the arteries which lead to the heart.,Eating too much salt cause damaging the arteries leading to the heart.,no,No conclusion "maintaining a territory is done by rubbing fishing cat's cheeks or chin over an area, releasing a secretion from scent glands as it does so.",A fishing cat is generally a solitary animal and maintains a territory.,yes,"A fishing cat is generally a solitary animal and rubbs its cheeks or chin over an area, releases a secretion from scent glands as it does so." Ones with Revenant skill can reanimate corpses.,Dragonborn has the ability named Revenant.,yes,Dragonborn can reanimate corpses Embedded air particles prevents cold weather from passing through.,The void space in grid fiber structure of Wool traps the air molecules.,yes,The void space in grid fiber structure of Wool prevents cold weather from passing through. Computational science improves and accelerates every other field.,Supercomputers play an important role in the field of computational science.,yes,Supercomputers improve and accelerate every other field. The introduction of tourists to sensitive areas can increase resources.,growing sources can contribute to the preservation of culture and cultural sites. ,yes,The introduction of tourists to sensitive areas can contribute to the preservation of culture and cultural sites steady work decreases your overall performance,decreased performance can lead to less efficiency at work,yes,steady work can lead to less efficiency at work bilingual reading could improve your writing vocabulary,having a developed vocabulary can help you to achieve new language skills,yes,bilingual reading can help you to achieve new language skills Respiration from plants will make CO2.,The project is about the process of respiration in plants.,no,No conclusion a person who has a weak immune system takes longer to recover from illness ., Not getting enough sleep prevents the body from strengthening the immune system.,yes,Not getting enough sleep leads to take longer to recover from illness "The juicing process releases sugars from the cells of the fruit, turning them into free sugars.",Free sugars are type of sugars which we all need to cut down on.,yes,"The juicing process releases sugars from the cells of the fruit, turning them into type of sugars which we all need to cut down on." you have to spend more money to stand out when numerous businesses set their eyes on the same consumer base,"Over time, as a marketplace becomes attractive to sellers, more companies look to target the same customer base",yes,"Over time, as a marketplace becomes attractive to sellers,you have to spend more money to stand out" Elimination of health-threatening elements preserves digestive system from failure.,Hydrogen element of the periodic table was eliminated from the alkali metal group because of its last layer system.,no,No conclusion Ebooks save millions of trees from destruction.,We are alive because of the existence of trees.,no,No conclusion In today's world innovation plays an important role in the success of an organization,It is possible to drive modernisation within an organization by hiring people with qualified skills,yes,In today's world hiring people with qualified skills plays an important role in the success of an organization Graffiti painting is the colorful style of writing which young adults use paint in special cans to spray their tag on walls and train cars around the city.,Some graffiti paintings were signs marking the territories of city gangs or illegal crime groups.,yes,"Some colorful style of writing which young adults use paint in special cans to spray their tag on walls and train cars around the city, were signs marking the territories of city gangs or illegal crime groups." Liver is a great source of folic acid,Lemon is a great source of citric acid.,no,No conclusion Little foundation expenses make better customer service possible,Customer services are facilitated more with little foundation expenses.,no,No conclusion We can have better communication skills and become better problem solvers if we study philosophy.,The study of philosophy helps us to enhance our ability to solve problems and our communication skills.,no,No conclusion The water behind the dam provides the electricity force for residents of the city.,Transmitted water implements uplift forces to the dam.,no,No conclusion my brother spills soy sauce on the floor everytime he eats chinese food,there was soy sauce on the floor of my house,yes,my brother has eaten chinese food in my house Biotin is essential for the production of a hair protein called keratin,producing more keratin in the hair makes it more durable and beautiful ,yes,Biotin is essential for making hair more durable and beautiful Archeological sites are mostly protected with vegetation,Plants protect the majority of historical sites.,no,No conclusion Eating too much salt cause the the raised blood pressure.,The raised blood pressure may damage the arteries leading to the heart.,yes,Eating too much salt cause damaging the arteries leading to the heart. "because of the intensive methods found in factory farming , the quality of food improves every day","With the enhanced standards of food,farmers are able to earn more",yes,"Because of the intensive methods found in factory farming, farmers are able to earn more" Technology permits innovations like conservation tillage,"the preservation of cultivated lands,assists in the prevention of land loss to erosion, lessens water pollution, and enhances carbon sequestration",yes,"Technology permits the prevention of land loss to erosion, lessens water pollution, and enhances carbon sequestration" Positivity about work can help boost productivity,Your creativity will be enhanced if you are positive about what you do.,no,No conclusion Many successful artists have well-established goals and spend most of their time working toward them.,People who spend all their though and attention on their target are ambitious.,yes,successful artists are ambitious. Systematic doping reduced from clean sport.,Mother was cleaning the sport room.,no,No conclusion "Barring residents who are unable to embrace or pay for digitalisation, would contribute to the emergence of a new form of social divide",Digitalisation is rapidly changing the world and the social rules unabling some to emrace these changes.,no,No conclusion "Hercules' mother was mortal, yet his father was a God.",He doesn’t believe in God.,no,No conclusion Learning games combine education and enjoyment for kids with tests and different websites.,A healthy eating plan that helps you manage your weight includes a variety of foods you may not have considered.,no,No conclusion "When solar heating and thunderstorm development are at their maximum, it is the most moist and hotter hours in day.",Tornadoes favor the most moist and hotter hours in day.,yes,Tornadoes favor when solar heating and thunderstorm development are at their maximum. "Based on the research in 1980, dogs are mammals.",the young mammal children are fed milk produced by the mother's mammary gland.,yes, dogs feed their young chilren by the milk produced by their mammary gland Humans gladly do anything to provide their required meat.,"To get beef, people hunt or kill animals in industrial Slaughterhouses.",yes,Human gladly hunt or kill animals in industrial Slaughterhouses. The Haber-Bosch method allowed the synthesis of ammonium nitrate fertilizer on an industrial scale,"the allocation of ammonium nitrate compost in an industrial extent,greatly intensified crop yields and sustained a further rise in global population",yes,The Haber-Bosch method greatly intensified crop yields and sustained a further rise in global population Hair growth can be improved by taking vitamin E.,A 2010 study suggests that a nutrient in the vitamin E family may help promote hair growth.,no,No conclusion a favorable sense of food composites yield a much more powerful reward in the brain ,Eating processed junk food releases massive amounts of feel-good chemicals,yes,Eating processed junk food yields a much more powerful reward in the brain Living in an apartment usually requires rent payments,Rent is generally cheaper than a mortgage,yes,Living in an apartment is cheaper graduates tend to feel a greater sense of satisfaction in their careers than those without a degree.,Feel an immense sense of joy in jobs help people to work more comfortable and better. ,yes,graduates tend to work more comfortable and better than those without a degree. Lower blood pressure decreases the risks of coronary artery disease,Optimists often have lower blood pressure,yes,Optimists are less likely to suffer from coronary artery disease MichaelJackson was a singer.,"If Michael Jackson was musician in the United States, then he was a artist.",yes,Michael Jackson was a artist in the United States. Projecting numbers like national gross domestic product and per-capita income back into the past is a highly risky undertaking.,Cheddar is my constant companion and a meaningful contributor to my wellbeing.,no,No conclusion wheatgerm – found in cereals and cereal prod- is a source vitamin E.,Receiving enough amount of vitamin E can strengthen the body's natural defence against illness and infection (the immune system).,yes,wheatgerm can strengthen the body's natural defence against illness and infection (the immune system). "Upon capturing Berlin by Soviet Union forces, Adolf Hitler committed suicide.",The Nazi Germany era unofficially came to an end with Hitler's death.,yes,Capturing Berlin by Soviet Union forces unofficially terminated the Nazi Germany era. losing weight in fat people contributes them to feel more confident. , taking onion skin extract reduces body weight by a small amount in people who are overweight or obese. ,yes, taking onion skin extract in fat people contributes them to feel more confident retail outlets allow you to reach a customer base that might be put off by the online marketplace,"the ability to access those customers that might have been laid off by online businesses, provides you with the opportunity that might exand your market share",yes,retail outlets provide you with the opportunity that might expand your market share Thermal insulation is the reduction of heat transfer between objects in thermal contact or in range of radiative influence,"heat protection might be achieved with specially engineered methods or processes, as well as with suitable object shapes and materials.",yes,"the reduction of heat transfer between objects in thermal contact or in range of radiative influence might be achieved with specially engineered methods or processes, as well as with suitable object shapes and materials." Spam comments make the debates less productive.,Debates with digression are more likely to become insulting arguments.,yes,Spam comments make the debates insulting arguments. Global warming increases the melting of the Antarctic Ice sheet.,Turning Antarctic glazes to water raises sea levels remarkably.,yes,Global warming raises sea levels. Manufacturers of foods containing whole grains in specified amounts are allowed a health claim for marketing purposes in the United States.,cereal grains are containing the large amount of vitamin K.,no,No conclusion Music is a universal language.,Universal Music is the UK’s leading music company.,no,No conclusion All commercial glycometers have inaccrancy in measuring the blood sugar.,Bridge closure leads to rapid spike in illegal dumping.,no,No conclusion One study found that processed food contains phthalates,Phthalates are chemicals that can interrupt how hormones act in your body,yes,One study found that processed food could interrupt how hormones act in your body We all need to unwind in order to enjoy life more,Living in the Countryside is renowned for being less stressful,yes,We all need to love in the countryside in order to enjoy life more offroad common transfer structures lower the risk of missed flights due to traffic congestion,"It is also common to connect an airport and a city with rapid transit, light rail lines or other non-road public transport systems",yes,It is also common to connect an airport and a city with rapid transit or light rail lines to lower the risk of missed flights due to traffic congestion As improvement in balance abilities may prevent injuries,exergames offer a viable method to strengthen balance in elderly ,yes,exergames can prevent injuries Faulty engineering designs arise financial and life losses.,Uncertainties in soil properties can lead to faulty engineering designs.,yes,Uncertainties in soil properties arise financial and life losses. The gel of aloe vera have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.,The Detol corporation is one of the biggest producers of aloe vera gels and anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory hand sanititizers.,no,No conclusion Carbohydrates increase your blood sugar after being digested,Most fast food are loaded with carbohydrates,yes,Most fast food increase your blood sugar after being digested Factory farming encourages farmers to look for better efficiencies,farmers can create a stronger profit margin for themselves when they are motivated to search for improved productivity,yes,Farmers can create a stronger profit margin for themselves with factory farming High employee turnover is an important issue for small business owners,More employees tend to leave a business voluntarily when they think their income is not sufficient,yes,"It is an important issue for small business owners ,when employees think their income is not sufficient" The ignition of methane gas produced by from gaseous heater killed eight men.,Biogas produced from cow dung generally consists of methane.,no,No conclusion "A slight reduction in the amount of blood reaching the heart, may lead to angina.",Agina sharp pains in the chest when being active.,yes,"A slight reduction in the amount of blood reaching the heart, may lead to sharp pains in the chest when being active.." A single benefit will ease the process of moving into work by removing the need to claim different benefits.,A single currency will benefit tourists,no,No conclusion "legal equality, political freedom and rule of law have been identified as important characteristics in defining democracy","legitimate impartiality, legislative privilege and legal state are reflected in all eligible citizens being equal before the law and having equal access to legislative processes",yes,important characteristics in defining democracy are reflected in all eligible citizens being equal before the law and having equal access to legislative processes Feeling sad and hopeless contributes to a lack of appetite,Inappetence is worsened by feeling gloomy and disappointed.,no,No conclusion there are no glaciers on the planet between glacial and greenhouse periods,Earth's climate alternates between ice ages and greenhouse periods,yes,there are no glaciers on the planet if the Earth's climate alternates "In the past 17 years, the AIRS record of temperature has changed.",The AIRS record of temperature change since 2003.,no,No conclusion  Ferdowsi wrote Shahnameh.,Shahnameh preserved and purified the Persian language.,yes, Ferdowsi preserved and purified the Persian language. Stress contributes to physiological changes such as an increased heart rate.,Rising heartbeat leads to breathing shortly. ,yes,Stress contributes to physiological changes such as breathing shortly. Higher costs of products come with flexible demand curves.,"The flexibility of the demand curve,forces customers to buy products at higher costs",no,No conclusion "The ability to instantly and, for a very low cost, reliably transfer money to anyone on the planet is a key ingredient in increasing the amount of trade that occurs online.",the absence of transaction costs encourages trade within the eurozone,no,No conclusion You may drink a lot of liquid calories since sugar drinks do not help you overcome your hunger.,"Sugar beverages don't curb the hunger, making it easy to quickly consume a high number of liquid calories.",no,No conclusion "In fact, larger, predatory fish may contain mercury concentrations up to 10 times higher than the fish they consume.",Fish is containing large amount of cobalt.,no,No conclusion Preservation means the forbiddance of being hunted and special care.,Endangered species need preservation.,yes,Endangered species need the forbiddance of being hunted and special care. During the national war he was inactive because he was not needed.,The third reason people are physically inactive is because they feel there is a lack of options for physical activity.,no,No conclusion Your levels of happiness increase as extra endorphin is released.,More endorphine makes you feel happier,no,No conclusion "Focusing can let one free the body of the cramp, the stoppage, the physical effects of the problems one carries in the body.",Smoke carries poisons and venoms into the body.,no,No conclusion A study of personality traits across the United States released in 2013 found that openness is most prevalent on the West Coast.,"Openness people appreciate art, imagination and new things.",yes,"Most of the people of West Coast of USA appreciate art, imagination and new things." Rumi composed Mathnavi-ye-Ma’navi.,The opera was composed in 1931 but wasn’t performed until 1940.,no,No conclusion business decisions often rely on the interpersonal understanding,Emotional skill is a factor of our internal knowledge. ,yes,business decisions often rely on emotional skills Different characteristics of each person doesn’t make anyone superior to other.,"Race, religion, gender or age are different characteristics of each person.",yes,"Race, religion, gender or age doesn’t make anyone superior to other." There are the best food sources list.,Oysters are one of the best foods sources of zinc.,no,No conclusion "Cigarette smoke contains arsenic, according to what scientists have found.",scientists found much researchs about smoking and cigarette during the time.,no,No conclusion "According to journal Sleep, nicotine and alcohol should be avoided to increase the quality of sleep at night.","New research published in the journal Sleep suggests that to get a good night’s rest, you should cut back on nicotine and alcohol.",no,No conclusion "When earwigs go through people's ears and make a hole into their brain, earwings lay their egg there.","A very old rumour that's still circulating says that earwigs enter people's ears, burrow into their brain.",yes,A very old rumour that's still circulating says that earwigslay their egg into the brain. "The ozone layer can be depleted by free radical catalysts, including nitric oxide",the concentrations of nitric oxide rised markedly in recent decades because of the release of large quantities of man-made organohalogen compound,yes,the depletion of the ozone layer rised markedly in recent decades because of the release of large quantities of man-made organohalogen compound Air pollution can penetrating deep into our respiratory and circulatory system.,"Penetrating deep into our respiratory and circulatory system cause damaging our lungs, heart and brain.",yes,"Air pollution can cause damaging our lungs, heart and brain." Enhanced price exchangeability enables firms to source cheaper raw material,"With a common currency, it will be easier to compare prices in different countries",yes,A common currency enables firms to source cheaper raw material The insects feed on the sap of the cacao trees.,"The raw span of the cacao tree, without added sugar, milk or vegetable fat—is nutritionally superior to even the highest quality dark chocolate.",no,No conclusion The Smiths got rich by planting potatoes and now they're investing their fortune in the copper trade.,There is a lot of anti-aging copper in sweet potatoes.,no,No conclusion Health experts say washing your hands reduces the spread of viruses and other organisms.,Reducing the spread of viruses and other organisms make the probability of getting sick become less.,yes,Health experts say washing your hands make the probability of getting sick become less. listening to music can drown out our brain’s cries of fatigue,"When your body doesn't realize it's tired, you can exercise more",yes,Listening to music can help you exercise more "Without earthquakes, we wouldn't have any mountains.","If there were no tectonic plates, there would be no earthquakes.",yes,"If there were no tectonic plates, we wouldn't have any mountains." Involved solar systems include photovoltaic cells or solar hot water plans,Passive solar building design allows buildings to harness the energy of the sun efficiently without the use of any active solar mechanisms,yes,Passive solar building design allows buildings to harness the energy of the sun efficiently without the use of photovoltaic cells or solar hot water plans Nonsurgical procedures are scaling and root planing.,Treatments range from nonsurgical procedures to surgical procedures.,yes,Treatments range from scaling and root planing to surgical procedures. "If you’ve been diagnosed with celiac disease, you’ll need to avoid all foods that contain gluten.","If you have celiac disease, you should not eat any food which contains gluten.",no,No conclusion Soluble fiber slows down digestion and helps you feel full faster.,Whatever that slows down digestion and helps you feel full faster is important in weight management.,yes,Soluble fiber is important in weight management. The sudden release from pressure causes the formation of fractures on rocks.,The sudden release of freshwater from a glacial is one of reason of rapid climate change.,no,No conclusion vitamin K may help keep bones healthy.,vegetable oils may have large amount of vitamin K.,yes,vegetable oils can help keep bones healthy. College-educated parents are economically more stable.,The debate about working parents is often conducted as if the only group affected were financally stable high-income college-educated ones.,no,No conclusion People who are good with money aren't usually big spenders.,He disliked disciplined and conscientious people in an eccentric way.,no,No conclusion We decrease the sign of Green House Gases by burning them.,Green house gases are burnt to minimize their effect,no,No conclusion Overusing iron would certainly cause stomach pain.,Fortified breakfast cereals are containing large amount of iron.,yes,too much fortified breakfast cereals in dairy diet could surely lead to stomach pain. Various perspectives are needed in order to solve complex problems,Discussions with your team members give you a new perspective to analyze various situations,yes,Discussions with your team members are needed in order ro solve complex problems "While Earth is only the fifth largest planet in the solar system, it is the only world in our solar system with liquid water on the surface.",earth is the third planet in the Milky Way.,no,No conclusion Non-renewable resources do not exist in infinite supply.,Coal is a non-renewable resource.,yes,Coal does not exist in infinite supply. "Donald Glover is a writer, actor, musician, comedian, producer and director","Donald Glover does many things; he’s an actor, a comedian, a producer, a director, a musician and also a writer.",no,No conclusion Abstract prospective cohort studies suggest a lower risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD) in vegetarians and people or groups consuming largely plant-based diets than in regular meat eaters. ,Many studies have shown that people who have predominantly larger dense LDL particles have a lower risk of heart disease.,no,No conclusion Rivalry and competition will grow with a higher number of firms in the market.,"More firms in the market, increase competition and rivalry",no,No conclusion Dollar dealers spread the false news about Iran to be considered in FATF blacklist.,Media manipulation is often performed by a group to irritate economic situation of a country in their favor.,yes,Dollar dealers spread the false news to favor themselves. The decrease in demand causes excess supply to develop at the initial price.,A decrease in demand will cause a reduction in the equilibrium price and quantity of a good.,yes,Reduction in the equilibrium price and quantity of a good causes excess supply to develop at the initial price "Last week, my father and I climbedthe Mount Damavand located in the north of Iran.",Mount Tomuraushi is located in Hokkaid?.,no,No conclusion Swimming might help reduce pain,Lowering the levels of discomfort can be greatly soothing for people suffering from osteoarthritis,yes,Swimming can be greatly soothing for people suffering from osteoarthritis Trains can significantly decrease the duration of your travels,"Sea salt may sting a little bit, especially for those with sensitive skin, but it can significantly decrease the duration of your cold sore and the discomfort.",no,No conclusion Hobby is an activity pursued for pleasure after finishing your main occupation,my aunt likes to run after finishing his work just for pleasure,yes,my aunts hobby is running "He had no idea how long it would take her to regain consciousness, or, if even then, she would be strong enough to free herself, yet he saw no other option.","When antibiotic treatment is not adequate, you should take stronger medicine. ",no,No conclusion "The Article was about antibiotics, the human body, an animal’s body.",misuse of antibiotics in humans and animals contribute to antibiotic resistance.,no,No conclusion Difference in genes cause some dark hair and some more brighter skin.,"If the MC1R gene is active, it produces eumelanin and a person will have darker skin and hair.",no,No conclusion none of the Asian countries are top oil exporters.,"This export group consists of mostly smaller producers, as none of the top exporters participate in this group.",no,No conclusion Asprin prevent blood cells from sticking together to form clots.,Preventing blood cells from sticking together to form clots reduce the risk of heart attack.,yes,Asprin reduces the risk of heart attack. "Typically, the episode begins with heart palpitations,which results in shortness of breath, and a sense of choking.","Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as acid reflux, can sometimes result in heart palpitations.",no,No conclusion Soluble fiber beta-glucan has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels in multiple studies,Oats are rich in the soluble fiber beta-glucan.,yes,Oats have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels in multiple studies My uncle is going to get fired by his company,My uncle said: better be alone than in bad company.,no,No conclusion Edward Nigma tricks innocent people into deathly puzzles.,Setting up Dangerous riddles to take the life of the others is a lunatic act.,yes,Edward Nigma is a lunatic. Major sporting events certainly attract thousands of sports fans.,Drawing the attention of plays followers makes a share of revenue larger. ,yes,Major sporting events certainly make share of revenue larger. Facilitated access to information promotes doing more researchers,More researches can be done if you have better access to information.,no,No conclusion "The ability to save lives, is an effective factor in the increase of population.",The main effect of transmitting power at non-unity power factors is to increase losses and reduce the ability of the circuits to transport active power.,no,No conclusion Green lychees are supposed to lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and fatal brain dysfunction.,"In specific circumstances, unripe lychees can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and a dangerous brain dysfunction that may be deadly.",no,No conclusion "Beans are high in low-fat protein, packed with fiber, and contain a host of nutrients and phytonutrients",Fortified low-fat spreads are containing a lot of vitamin A.,no,No conclusion there is tons of entertainment available on the internet,Entertainment programmes bring joy to our lives ,yes,Internet brings joy to our lives farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that enabled people to live in cities,"the facilitation of urban life for ordinary citizens,was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization",yes,farming of domesticated species created food surpluses was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization One common effect of anemia is poor blood circulation in the body,Our brains can not function if they don't get enough circulation and oxygen,yes,One common effect of anemia is the inability of the brain to function "If your kid is scared to fail,he will never try new things",telling your child that he's bad at something will make them frightened of defeats,yes,your child will never try new things if you tell him that he's bad at something Vitamin B can make us strong.,For avoiding to be weak we must use vitamin B.,no,No conclusion sunscreen protects our skin from direct exposure to sun rays,direct exposure to sun rays can lead to skin cancer,yes,sunscreen protects our skin from skin cancer "With enhanced specialization and globalization, production is being located further away from consumption","with manufacture happening in distant places from the end users,the demand for transport soars upwards",yes,With enhanced specialization and globalization the demand for transport soars upwards Cyrus the great founded Achaemenid Empire.,The establishment of Achaemenidean kingdom brought order and discipline to the Persia.,yes,Cyrus the great brought order and discipline to the Persia. The implementation of a work plan requires clear accountability,What we need is a plan but let's give it until tomorrow to clear our minds,no,No conclusion Workers are responsible for welding the joints of the structure skeleton.,Welded joints asserts the safety of structural elements.,yes,Workers guarantee the safety of structural elements. "In the United States, the minimum dimensions for dry, hard landing fields are defined by the FAR Landing And Takeoff Field Lengths",the FAR Landing And Takeoff Field Lengths defines the minimum size for dr and hard landing in the United States,no,No conclusion Individuals who diligently take part in new ways of life are usually sociable.,"people who actively involve themselves in new lifestyles,tend to be outgoing",no,No conclusion All buildings should be constructed on a stiff underlying soil with enough strength.,"Organic soils, such as peats ave a very low bearing capacity and are very prone to shrinkage.",yes,Buildings should not be constructed on organic soils. As a resault of the lack of democracy in middle eastern countries any opposition would be suppressed.,"An important feature of the parliamentary democracy is the concept of the ""loyal opposition""",no,No conclusion "the absence of minerals as well as their leaking from farming soils contributes to eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems and pollution of groundwater, with harmful effects on human populations","Excessive fertilization and manure application to cropland, as well as high livestock stocking densities provokes nutrient runoff and leaching from agricultural land",yes,"Excessive fertilization and manure application to cropland, as well as high livestock stocking densities contributes to eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems and pollution of groundwater, with harmful effects on human populations" Iodine can be found in plant foods.,Taking high doses of iodine for long periods of time could change the way your thyroid gland works.,yes,Overusing plant foods would certainly harm thyroid gland's work in long period of time. first Arab sailors played a central role in the rise of the Maritime Silk Road,Accounting played a central role in the rise of financial capitalism as we know it today.,no,No conclusion When labour power is increased productivity becomes less efficient,Disorganized productivity negtively affects the marginal profit,yes,"When labour power is increased, marginal profit becomes negatively affected" Policy initiatives and actions are needed to support SME awareness of new technologies and make clear the benefits of their implementation,The report highlights that greater efforts and actions are needed to support the development and implementation of policies and programmes to abolish rural-urban differences.,no,No conclusion Victor hugo's average lexile level book is 1070L-1220L.,"The average Lexile level of textbooks, 1070L-1220L, does not consider the more wide range of student reading",yes,Victor hugo's book does not consider the more wide range of student reading. The solvent primarily passes through the permeable membrane to the solution.,Magnetic drums were once used as a primary storage device but have since been implemented as auxiliary storage devices. ,no,No conclusion Those who succeed are the ones who look in the mirror and see no change.,An adult man was playing with penguins and their eggs.,no,No conclusion Eye diseases are an example of bacterial infections. ,Antibiotics are medicines that can be used to prevent and treat bacterial illnesses.,yes,Antibiotics are medicines that can be used to prevent and treat eye infections. distributed sensors are unique in that they provide measurements at a large number of points ,Drones are distributed sensors,yes,Drones can provide measurements at a large number of points feeling alone and helpless often results in depression,most alcoholic parents feel alienated in their family life ,yes,depression is usually seen in alcoholic parents Overly specific production systems could be brought to a halt if there is a blockage in one area,"In highly detailed production systems, blockage in one area can bring a halt to the system.",no,No conclusion Recyclability minimizes the need to mine new resources and requires less energy than mining,Copper and its alloys are virtually reclaimable,yes,Copper and its alloys minimize the need to mine new resources and requires less energy than mining People with insomnia have greater levels of depression and anxiety than those who sleep normally. ,"when sleep is disrupted over and over, it can alter brain activity and neurochemicals that affect a person's mood and thinking.",yes,"Altered brain activity and change in neurochemicals effective on mood, can cause depression and anxiety. " Puffins in the breeding season have beautiful orange beaks then the rest of the year their beaks are much duller.,Usually the pictures of puffin that we see in social media are puffin that have orange beaks.,yes,Usually the pictures of puffin that we see in social media are puffin in the breeding season. People who are high in one of the five personality dimensions are likely to feel the most chills while listening to music.,People who have one strong personality dimension become very emotional while listening to music.,no,No conclusion "type 2 diabetes, which can be triggered by consuming excess sugar, is a risk factor for dementia.","High cholesterol, which can be triggered by consuming too many saturated or trans fats, isn't something that can be measured by stepping on the scales.",no,No conclusion "Alcohol-induced neurological criteria would lead to different rates of diagnosis and subsequent decline, stability, or inversion.",A society with alcoholism has a decline in social stability.,no,No conclusion Intuitive understand takes a lot of time to develop.,Understanding every word in a text takes a lot of time.,no,No conclusion Hosting the Olympics can bring about a rise in tax post games,"a hike in tariff rates after the matches,can be associated with political turmoil",yes,Hosting the Olympics can be associated with political turmoil "Hundreds of milions of years, but many of the world's freshwater megafauna find themselves on the brink of extinction.","Freshwater megafauna are fish reptiles, amphibians and mammals.",yes,"Hundreds of milions of years, but many of the world's megafauna are fish reptiles, amphibians and mammals find themselves on the brink of extinction." Ginger may protect against alzheimer's disease.,Alzheimer's disease can be improved by ginger.,no,No conclusion A bulldozer was employed for excavating the foundations of the building in a certain depth.,Excavating ground to a certain depth minimizes the projectile impact of enemy’s artillery.,no,No conclusion "By doing things that are dangerous for themselves and others, people reduce their safety levels.",Safety levels are decreased when people take actions that put themselves and others in danger,no,No conclusion Strong antioxidant and antt -inflamatory effects of six spice materials have been measured using peroxidevalue ( POV ) and acid value ( AV ) after extraction with dichloromethane.,Curcumin has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.,no,No conclusion children become more socialize by making friends and companions.,"By becoming more mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually capable, we use the abilities that lead to satisfaction.",no,No conclusion What's not okay is not getting the help you need.,Even the most affullent -who can afford private health care and buy luxurious matterial goods- can't buy a clean environment.,no,No conclusion We are in need of efficient politicians to negotiate with foreign countries.,"working on an ordered group, direct to faster, cheaper, and more efficient production.",no,No conclusion GISTEMP is a widely used index of global mean surface temperature anomaly.,GISTEMP shows how much warmer or cooler than normal Earth’s surface is in a given year.,yes,A widely used index of global mean surface temperature anomaly shows how much warmer or cooler than normal Earth’s surface is in a given year. The risk of cancer and heart disease can be decreased by flavonoids.,foods rich in flavonoids can reduce your risk for cancer and heart disease.,no,No conclusion Transmitted water implements uplift forces to the dam.,The seepage phenomenon transmits water to the area under the dam.,yes,The seepage phenomenon implements uplift forces to the dam. "The results indicate that the practical values of this kind of neutral degreaser, including: less trash production, environment protecting, and evidential effects of degreasing.","The chief minerals are sulphur, in the production of which Italy holds one of the first places, iron, zinc, lead; these, and, to a smaller extent, copper of an inferior quality, manganese and antimony, are successfully mined.",no,No conclusion Higher stomach acidity comes from a higher secretion of a hormone called gastrin.,A hormone called gastrin causes the stomach to produce too much acid.,no,No conclusion If you choose to live in the countryside your travel time can be reduced,"When you waste less time in traffic, you can spend more quality time with your family",yes,"If you choose to live in the countryside, you can spend more quality time with your family" destroying the buildings and bridges is one of the earthquake outcomes,Earthquake demolishes the bridges and buildings.,no,No conclusion The limited sight makes drivers misjudge the distance of other vehicles surrounding them. ,The most common cause of car accidents is misjudging distances by drivers.,no,No conclusion People who can't control their feelings can't communicate well with co-workers.,"Given the 30 hours work rule, the high tax rates are likely to affect workers who can control their hours of work above 30 per week.",no,No conclusion Bad economic status puts pressure on people to work prolonged. ,working long hours can contribute to Somnolence .,yes,bad economical status can contribute to Somnolence . extremity and injury units deal with immediate and urgent threats to health,acute-care hospitals normally have an emergency department or trauma center,yes,acute-care hospitals deal with immediate and urgent threats to health "Ihad to reinstall all of my chatting and image posting applications because, my phone's memory was full.",all applications that are using for chatting and posting images from all over the world had a great influence on the lifestyle of human.,no,No conclusion touchdown charges are charged per aircraft for landing the airplane in the airport property,Aeronautical revenue are generated through the landing fees,yes,Aeronautical revenue are generated through charges per aircraft for landing the airplane in the airport property Collagen and elastin are damaged by AGEs.,The Campbell biology textbook contains so much persice information about the body proteins such as collagen and elastin.,no,No conclusion Black-headed Grosbeak is a migratory bird so it should have energy reserves for the long flight south.,"For building energy reserves for the long flight south, the bird should gain the extra calories from bird feeders.",yes,Black-headed Grosbeak is a migratory bird so it should gain the extra calories from bird feeders. "To stop electricity conduction with external objects, duct tape is utilized.",Different parts of computer such as external objects will stop working without electricity cunduction.,no,No conclusion steps that should be taken to maintain the sources for the next generations must be plan at least for then years.,Future people's supplies and requirements can influence the government's programs.,yes,Future people's supplies and requirements can influence at least then years programs of government. Having large amounts of vitamin A can harm your unborn baby.,Milk has a large amount of vitamin B3.,no,No conclusion "If do not change your oil every 45000 to 7500kilometers (correct mileage is dependent upon your vehicle model), your car engine will experience the effects.","If you’re not changing, you’re not growing.",no,No conclusion Smoking can make your bones to become weak,People with fragile bones are more likely to Osteoporosis. ,yes,Smoking can make you more likely to Osteoporosis Inadequately cleaned rooms are directly linked to an atrocious occurrence,The word will travel very fast if someone has had a bad experience during his stay at your hotel,yes,The word will travel very fast if someone has had an inadequately cleaned room during his stay at your hotel "Biologically, the vegetables which have seeds inside them are considered as fruits.",Fruits are vegetables that have seeds inside.,no,No conclusion "He had this habbit of drinking afternoon tea, reading books and getting drowned in between the words.",reading books help non-native speakers gain exposure to words used in context.,no,No conclusion Blood clotting can prevent us from bleeding to death and protect us from the entry of bacteria and viruses.,Blood clotting helps to safeguard our bodies from the invasion of bacteria and viruses as well as deterring from fatal loss of excessive amounts of blood.,no,No conclusion "The quality of water is determined by elements like rain, snow, and similar phenomena.","rain, snow and such factors affect water quality",no,No conclusion Shutting off all electronic systems can be very costly for a vertical farm. ,"If the weather is mild, a moderate heat may be obtained by using the apparatus as an ordinary hot water system, and shutting off the steam injectors.",no,No conclusion Rhusmysorensis is endangered species of plant.,aloe vera is a plant species of the genus Aloe.,no,No conclusion blairdrummond safari park has giraffes,"Giraffes can be found in central, eastern and southern Africa",yes,"blairdrummond safari park is in central, eastern or southern Africa" leaving a bad impression of yourself on the interviewer makes it difficult for you to take new jobs,lack of certain qualifications leaves a bad impression on job interviewers,yes,lack of certain qualifications makes it difficult for you to take new jobs Facilitated access to information promotes doing more researchers,You can easily search and access knowledge on the internet,yes,Internet promotes doing more researchers the transformation of non-farming soils to farming lands contributes to climate change,the conversion of non-agricultural land such as forest for agricultural use occurs in farming activities,yes,farming activities contribute to climate change Gross tough particles in mixture increase the compressive strength.,Concrete is partly consisted of coarse aggregates.,yes,Concrete possess high compressive strength. airports greatly facilitate access to the other parts of the country ,a new airport is set to be built in the south of the country,yes,the southern part will have facilitated access to the other parts of the country Whatever has a high molasses content lends a toffee-like flavor to both savory and sweet dishes.,Muscovado sugar has a high molasses content.,yes,Muscovado sugar lends a toffee-like flavor to both savory and sweet dishes. "Lobsters have a peripheral system like humans, but instead of a single brain, they possess segmented ganglia.","Some researchers argue animals which have a peripheral system like humans, but instead of a single brain, they possess segmented ganglia are too dissimilar to vertebrates to feel pain.",yes,Some researchers argue lobsters are too dissimilar to vertebrates to feel pain. Lightheadedness and sleepiness are among the side effects of morphine.,Morphine is known to cause extra dizziness and drowsiness,no,No conclusion some companies spend a lot of time on training new workforces.,allocation of time on training apprentices lowers the chance of attaining new projects.,yes,Some companies lower their chance of attaining new projects. "Deep water ports such as Milford Haven are less common, but can handle larger ships with a greater draft","super tankers, Post-Panamax vessels and large container ships are all huge vessels that carry massive orders",yes,"Deep water ports such as Milford Haven are less common, but can handle super tankers, Post-Panamax vessels and large container ships" National sport of a country is the most important sport for its culture,The national emblem of Canada is a special sport called hockey which is a pefect representative of its culture,no,No conclusion Centivo is a new type of self-funded health plan built specifically for employers and their employees and families.,The company has introduced a new plan about random drug testing of its employers and its employees and their family.,no,No conclusion Activation of nerves in the eye often contributes to a stinging sensation in the eyes. ,releasing some material in onion can stimulate nerves in the eye.,yes,releasing some material in onion can contribute to a stinging sensation in the eyes When something helps food pass more quickly throught the stomach and intestines it is helpful for digesting.,Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool and helps food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines.,yes,Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool and it is helpful for digesting. Properties that can be quickly sold at their fullest price entail lower risks.,belongins that can quickly be sold at the full price tend to bear lower risks,no,No conclusion Information shows the process of how things were calculated.,The phone bill includes specific information.,yes,The phone bill shows the process of how things were calculated. problems in controlling feelings can harm your relationship,People with borderline personality disorder have issues managing moods,yes, People with borderline personality disorder can harm their relationships Non-aeronautical revenue is gained through things other than aircraft operations,"profits earned apart from the activities related to airplanes,include lease revenue from compatible land-use development, non-aeronautical building leases, retail and concession sales, rental car operations, parking and in-airport advertising",yes,"Non-aeronautical revenue includes lease revenue from compatible land-use development, non-aeronautical building leases, retail and concession sales, rental car operations, parking and in-airport advertising" "Annualy more and more kids are killed by their agitated unstable ,mostly addict parents.",Advanced care will be used on victims with less-severe injuries and who are more likely to survive their injuries.,no,No conclusion "Suddenly, our school bus stopped.",I ran to arrive my school bus on time.,no,No conclusion Children don't like to read the Bowhead Whales story.,Bowhead Whales don't have dorsal fin on their back.,no,No conclusion War leaves so many corpses and injured soldiers on the battleground,A battlefield promotion is awarded to enlisted soldiers who have transfered corpses and injured soldiers to hospitals.,no,No conclusion Whole eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet.,"Whole grains are the most important source of food on our planet, providing nearly 50% of the caloric needs of cultures around the world. ",no,No conclusion "Although computers can enhance people's ability to communicate, computer games are a cause of underdeveloped communication skills in children.",Treating sleep deprivation enhances people's life quality.,no,No conclusion The problem of unemployment gives rise to the problem of poverty.," To get rid of the stress of being out of job, people accept alcohol or pills. ",yes,The problem of unemployment gives rise to alcohol or pills accepting. NSA leaked information shocked the world.,"when you try and hide crucial infoemation from the world, they leak out at afifith of a second and shock everybody",no,No conclusion Exposure to Kryptonite weakens the body structure of Kryptonians.,Any type of damage to the structure of the brain can have significent effect on your body and eventually weaken your cognitive abilities,no,No conclusion Norman Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver attempted to study the Morse codes.,Gaining knowledge in Morse codes helped Norman and Bernard to invent barcodes.,yes,Norman Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver invented barcodes. Losing weight aids body to get healthier.,Running every day results in losing weight overtime.,yes,Running every day aids body to get healthier. Psychological effect on how we feel includes how we taste something.,The color of surrounding things have psychological effect on how we feel.,yes,The color of surrounding things affects how we taste something. The color of surrounding things have psychological effect on how we feel.,Judge's instructions have psychological effect on how jury thinks about evidence and what happened.,no,No conclusion wisdom comes from accepting there is much we don't know. ,From God came knowledge and understanding. ,yes,Accepting there is much we don't know came from God. The children are often proud and eager to report on the ways in which they and their parents helped improve the school.,Narcissists are often proudly and openly shameless.,no,No conclusion Imported herbs can change the natural plants in an ecosystem. , taking care in removing seeds from shoes and pants after hiking can decrease the spread of non-native species.,yes, taking care in removing seeds from shoes and pants after hiking can decrease the changing natural plants in an eco-system. Miners’ countless efforts result in the extraction of gold.,Extracted golds play main role in making jewelry.,yes,Miner’s countless efforts play main role in making jewelry Hormone imbalances are very common after pregnancies,Changes in the balance of hormones may trigger depression,yes,Depressions are very common after pregnancies in high-density urban precincts ground-level spaces are heavily utilised,ground level spaces are in use heavily in crowded urbon areas,no,No conclusion "Green House Gases which are closely associated to human activities, are the main cause of global warming.",The main cause of global warming is Green House gases which are related to our functions. ,no,No conclusion Hitler was determined to annex Austria to Germany and see the die of many people.,The Nazi Germany era unofficially came to an end with Hitler's death.,no,No conclusion Rosemary contains an ingredient called carnosic acid.,"Antacids, contain ingredients such as aluminum, calcium, are a class of medicines that neutralize acid in the stomach.",no,No conclusion Most children remain dependent on their parents while at university.,Dogs are dependent animals.,no,No conclusion A low-altitude mountain is range as an important refugium for narrow epidemics in the South West Australian.,Tehran is at a high altitude and is surrounded by the Alborz Mountain Range,no,No conclusion Tests which are helpful for doctor to see the cholesterol levels and look for signs of inflammation are frequently ordered by doctors for diagnosis the heartattacks.,Blood tests can help your doctor see your cholesterol levels and look for signs of inflammation.,yes,Blood testsare frequently ordered by doctors for diagnosis the heartattacks. his father has constant problems such as bronchitis and emphysema because of smoking.,Smoking leads to constant bronchitis and emphysema.,no,No conclusion "If you have never skied the Alps, Alpine Exposure is a guarantee of a great experience.",Sun exposure isn’t a year-long guarantee in a northern climate.,no,No conclusion Fractures in the cement can even make a dam to break completely.,Too much water pressure on dams can lead to cracks in the concrete.,yes,Too much water pressure on dams can even make a dam to break completely Focusing too much in detail on an event can lead to stress., A larger wedding often takes extra work on a more significant number of parts.,yes,A larger wedding often can lead to stress. garlic is useful to cure all infections.,disease spreads the virus in the lungs.,yes,garlic is useful to cure the spreads of the virus in the lungs. inhaling the smoke more and faster can bring in more dangerous chemicals that are highly harmful to the human body. ,"Iron and quinine citrate is used as a bitter stomachic and tonic. In the blood citrates are oxidized into carbonates; they therefore act as remote alkalis, increasing the alkalinity of the blood and thereby the general rate of chemical change within the body",no,No conclusion harvesting mangrove for timber and clearing for fishing turned down the mangrove forests,"the depletion in the volume of mangrove forets,proceeded in a loss of habitat and spawning grounds for marine life that was unique to the area",yes,"harvesting mangrove for timber and clearing for fishing,proceeded in a loss of habitat and spawning grounds for marine life that was unique to the area" decresing blood pressure can prove beneficial for people suffering from hypertension,People with hypertension are recommended to reduce their blood pressure.,no,No conclusion Having a proper expense program prevents people from over-spending.,"to prevent extravagance ,people can have a proper financial plan.",no,No conclusion The surface of the book was covered with dust and dirt.,The body ought to get burried beneath a thick layer of soil in a deep grave.,no,No conclusion "I'd call him, but of course he wouldn't be able to answer!",On april 18th the Government intend shortly to gather up-to-date factual information on the services available to students from their unions,no,No conclusion The well appreciated workers became partial owners of the shop.,The relative owners of the shop are well appreciated workers.,no,No conclusion Chemically-poisoned like alcohol drinks killed the commissioner continuously.,Chemically-poisoned alchoholic beverage killed the commissioner instantly.,no,No conclusion "Originally a naval architect, he is an outstanding figure in research and development of ships.","Naval architecture involves basic and applied research, design, development, design evaluation and calculations during all stages of the life of a marine vehicle",no,No conclusion An obstacle in demanding for consuming food can lead to a failure in growth and reproductive output. , Microplastics can block the urge to eat of aquatic creatures.,yes,microplastics can lead to a failure in growth and reproductive output. Exercise increases the flexibility of the walls of blood vessels.,Exercise helps to lower blood pressure.,yes,the flexibility of the walls of blood vessels is related to blood pressure I am so sad about this chapter in Christopher Nolan's movie.,Teacher refered students to chapter 10 for extra information.,no,No conclusion Firms have to employ more if they want to increase their production.,"The need to increase production, forces companies to hire more workers",no,No conclusion The success of a business plan depends heavily on its execution,"Spending so much time and energy on the development of the plan, would negatively impact its implementation",yes,Spending so much time and energy on the development of the plan would negatively impact its success "For those who have grown up with social media an era that was fruitfully mysterious for the rest of us, is surprisingly accessible.",A group that includes pretty much everyone under twenty-five are who have grown up with social media.,yes,"For a group that includes pretty much everyone under twenty-five an era that was fruitfully mysterious for the rest of us, is surprisingly accessible." "the study of nutrition includes food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion","Nutrition is the science that interprets the nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism",yes,"the study of food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion, interprets the nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism" Marketing on national media can not be done without a very large revenue,Most small firms do not advertise their products on national media,yes,Most small firms do not have large revenues It is the effects of inactivity and exercise on bone.,Engaging with critics such as activists can lead to significant positive changes in our worldview and business practices.,no,No conclusion The scraping of the ocean floor in bottom dragging is devastating to long-lived species that do not recover quickly,"the destruction of the long-lasting types that can hardly heal at once,alters the functioning of the ecosystem and can permanently alter species composition and biodiversity",yes,"The scraping of the ocean floor in bottom dragging,alters the functioning of the ecosystem and can permanently alter species composition and biodiversity" "When a massive star runs out of fuel, its' internal pressure drops.",Unfortunately had massive fuel pressure problems.,no,No conclusion The volunteers collected non-degradable plastic wastes in 120 bags.,A non-biodegradable material is plastic.,no,No conclusion "The larger the number of companies in the industry, the tenser the competition.","When the number of firms increases in the industry, competition gets more tense",no,No conclusion " Teens who want to adopt the lifestyle of their peers, feel the pressure of doing what everybody else.","While acting what others do, people might even risk losing their own individuality. ",yes," Teens who want to adopt the lifestyle of their peers, might even risk losing their own individuality." Rice production requires complete control of water,it is possible to manage the flow of water by flooding or draining the land,yes,Rice production requires lands that are either flooded or drained the prolonged drought has decreased the amount of farming productions,Farming manufacturing has gone down because of lengthy drought.,no,No conclusion What was the cause of explosion?,The exact cause of excessive yawning isn't known.,no,No conclusion "magnesium makes sure the parathyroid glands, which produce hormones important for bone health, work normally",Brown rice has the great amount of magnesium.,yes,"brown rice makes sure the No conclusionthyroid glands, which produce hormones important for bone health, work normally." Red meat is a great source of vitamin D for the body.,"Vitamin D is needed to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy.",yes,"Red meat is needed to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy. " Continuous driving exhaust the driver.,Exhausted driver leads to severe car accident.,yes,Continuous driving leads to severe car accident. Our relationships with our older friends are usually more enduring.,We tend to have a stronger bond with old friends,no,No conclusion An online ordering system for Restaurants provides end-to-end customer relationship management,Direct connection with customers helps enhance the customer-restaurant relationship,yes,An online ordering system helps enhance the customer-restaurant relationship Proteins inside the cell can restrict movement of membrane proteins.,Major sporting events can restrict freedom of movement of local citizens during games,no,No conclusion "If dependable people say they are going to do something, they do it.",People who are conscientious are usually dependable.,yes,"If conscientious people say they are going to do something, they do it." high rates of human trafficking leads to an increase in illegal immigration,there is an increase in human trafficking these days,yes,there is an increase in illegal immigration Sahar's friend won't talk to her anymore ,Sahar’s friend abandoned her.,no,No conclusion People who are stressed out all the time tend to have respiratory problems. ,anxiety is more common in females than in males.,yes,women tend to have more respiratory problems than males. Forest elephants are are often hidden by trees.,Trees can hide forest elephants.,no,No conclusion Beta-glucan has ability to form a gel-like substance in your digestive system.,Because it has ability to form a gel-like substance in your digestive system it has been shown to help control blood sugar.,yes,Beta-glucan has been shown to help control blood sugar. The movement toward greater freedom of the press is a new phenomenology that let audience enjoy news without censorship .,a movement in architecture which has been started since 1950s and reached a wide audience in the late 1970s and 1980s is Architectural phenomenology,no,No conclusion Sculpting famous characters with 3D printers even attracts the actual characters rather than common people.,Hottoys productions reanimates celebrities or movie characters with 3D printing of sixth scale figures.,yes,Hottoys productionseven attracts the actual characters rather than common people. A volcanic eruption produces pyroclastic flows which are mixtures of hot gas and ash.,Pyroclastic flows can kill people who are exposed to them.,yes,A volcanic eruption can kill people. Edward Snowden leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA).,NSA leaked information shocked the world.,yes,Edward Snowden shocked the world. Americans with higher education and income are more likely to be involved in community groups,"Using the specific property pattern followed by genes involved in disease, we have developed a model to predict which genes in the human genome are more likely to be involved in disease.",no,No conclusion Director-General Margaret Chan declared the sickness a pandemic.,Pandemic is a disease that has spread to many nations.,yes,Director-General Margaret Chan declared the sickness a disease that has spread to many nations. He adopted a very fearful and anxious little dog from the shelter.,He adopted a puppy from the shelter; it seemed very nervous and scared. ,no,No conclusion The doctor said he was suffering from fatigue and work-related stress.,Extreme fatigue lowers the person’s performance.,no,No conclusion Contamination of groundwater is among the consequences of land pollution.,The pollution of groundwater can destroy the water resources for the next generations. ,yes,land pollution can destroy the water resources for next generations. Anything that destroys healthy functioning of your lungs deteriorates your health.,Smoking destroys the healthy functioning of your lungs.,yes,Smoking deteriorates your health. "Lights which pass across our atmoshpere, they bend each ray of light.","When a light from star far away reaches our own planet, it then passes through our atmosphere.",yes,"When a light from star far away reaches our own planet, it bends each ray of light." Kingpin override security protocols of local beacons in town.,Hacking local beacons hindered the communication between police forces.,yes,Kingpin hindered the communication between police forces. "poverty limits access to proper food , hygiene and healthcare","Having difficulty procuring appropriate nourishment, sanitation, and medical services is among the results of poverty.",no,No conclusion E-commerce allows you to personalize upsells,Offering customized promotions can encourage customers to spend more on your products,yes,E-commerce encourages customers to spend more on your products Niacin could lead to take high doses of nicotinic acid supplements which can cause skin flushes.,Meat is containing suitable amount of vitamin B3.,yes,too much meat can cause skin flushes. Children of smoking parents often see them smoking,Stop smoking in front of children or else you will see a continuous smoking in parents of the future.,no,No conclusion War technicians and scientists developed sloped armor for tanks.,Sloped armors made it easier for tanks to deflect projectiles.,yes,War technicians and scientists made it easier for tanks to deflect projectiles. A 2010 study suggests that a nutrient in the vitamin E family may help promote hair growth.,Virgin olive oil contain vitamin E family .,yes,A 2010 study suggests that virgin olive oil is a helpful to promote hair growth. "Snail use conotoxins for hunting, a substance in their venom.","For hunting, snails use their conotoxins which is available in the venum.",no,No conclusion Mold spores usually exist in humid condition,The buckling of dry-walls usually happens in homes where mold is present,yes,The buckling of dry-walls usually happens in homes with humid conditions Foods may not be able to completely provide us with adequate amounts of vitamins.,Some people do not get enough vitamins from the foods they eat.,no,No conclusion Pascal examined the choice between being religious or being atheist by decision tree.,Decision tree results the optimized choice between several factors.,yes,Pascal examined the choice between being religious or being atheist by optimizing two options. Experts say Chinese people living almost five-thousand years ago treated tooth pain by acupuncture.,She is an expert in China's five-thousand-year old culture and the Chinese language.,no,No conclusion The bitcoin network consumes vast amounts of electricity.,High amounts of elictricity are used up in order for the bitcoin network to operate.,no,No conclusion Increased oil plays an important role in acne development,The progress of acne is helped by the rise in oil.,no,No conclusion Tourism setback damages local businesses,Domestic trades are negatively affected in the event of a complication for tourism.,no,No conclusion When people feel poorer aggregate expenditures will decrease,A reduce in the levels of money spent for buying decreases demand,yes,When people feel poorer demand gets decreased insects decompose dead material as a food source for themselves.,The decay of substances leads to recycling nutrients. .,yes,insects can recycle nutrients. "When someone has a mental illness, family members may share the experience of stigma.","When a someone in a family struggles with mental illness, other members might feel socially ashamed.",no,No conclusion There is a lot of sodium in processed meats such as fast foods.,"Processed meats — like hot dogs, bacon, or pepperoni — often contain very high amounts of sodium.",no,No conclusion Radula is a ribbon-like structure in the mouth that is covered with tiny teeth made of chitin.,The radula is used to rasp or cut food before it enters the esophagus.,yes,"A ribbon-like structure in the mouth that is covered with tiny teeth made of chitin, is used to rasp or cut food before it enters the esophagus." People who are stressed out all the time tend to have respiratory problems.,Animals who have food available all the time tend to have more frequent stomach upsets.,no,No conclusion Companies who stand in authority in their specific fields tend to set the bar for inferior businesses,The creativity exhibited by innovation companies often puts them in positions of leadership within their respective industries,yes,The creativity exhibited by innovation companies sets the bar for inferior businesses Exams are the reason to feel stressed.,Stress can cause blood pressure.,yes,Exams can cause blood pressure. Sunlight aids plants in the photosynthesis process.,Photosynthesis of plants helps them to produce fruits.,yes,Sunlight helps plants to produce fruits. William Henry Avery was an American Republican Party politician.,He said he was proud to be an American.,no,No conclusion A type of weight loss surgery makes the stomach size smaller.,Common symptoms of diabetes are weight loss and fatigue and a low size pancreas .,no,No conclusion We are entering a point where technology will change at extreme speeds,Understanding the bathymetry and geological history of the Arctic is an important part of understanding global climate change.,no,No conclusion Toxins of the resin in cigarettes make your blood vessels thicker.," In winter months atmospheric gases and air pollution accumulate, waiting dormant until spring and summer bring sunshine and plant-life, sparking transformations that change the make-up of gases in the atmosphere. ",no,No conclusion Water releases from a reservoir usually contain very little suspended sedimen,"with little excluded residue, river beds would score and river banks will be lost",yes,with Water releases from a reservoir usually river beds would score and river banks will be lost "The Rule of Law comprises a number of principles of a formal and procedural character, addressing the way in which a community is governed.",The Rule of Law also comprises certain substantive ideals like a presumption of liberty and respect for private property rights.,yes,A number of principles of a formal and procedural character addressing the way in which a community is governed are certain substantive ideals like a presumption of liberty and respect for private property rights. Climate change cause Warming Oceans.,"Warming Oceans will change ocean currents, potentially introducing sea turtles to new predators and harming the coral reefs some of them need to survive.",yes,"Climate change will change ocean currents, potentially introducing sea turtles to new predators and harming the coral reefs some of them need to survive." the tendency to get good grades make children study from morning until night.,"Conflict between parents, broken marriages, ignorant behavior, lack of care and attention has the tendency to make children vulnerable.",no,No conclusion President Kennedy’s plan to utilize an attack on Cuba was initiated.,commencing an attack against Cuba cost millions of dollars and brought a disappointing failure.,yes,President Kennedy’s plan cost millions of dollars and brought a disappointing failure. High levels of inequality makes it hard for societies to come to a political consensus,The inability to make political decisions results in sudden policy shifts,yes,High levels of inequality result in sudden policy shifts "You're less likely to become obese, when you do not eat more than you should","If you don’t eat more than you need, you will not become fat.",no,No conclusion A healthy air quality helps to reduce the number of airborne diseases,Plants are vital to a healthy ecosystem and air quality,yes,Plants are vital to reduce the number of airborne diseases Engineers make some special machines for doctor to treat patients.,The doctor gave Arick a special machine called a nebulizer.,no,No conclusion When planets' atmospheres have water and molecules that could be due to biological activity,The atmosphere of Mars have water and molecules.,yes,In Mars could be biological activity. creative services are expanding alongside the digital and sharing economies,joining the digital economy is still a challenge for developing countries in Africa and the Asia-Pacific,yes,expansion of creative services would be challanging in Africa ans Asia-pacific "we have many good dentists in America, visit one of them eight times a year for a check-up with a dental drill.","And in eighteen-fifty-eight, another American dentist invented a dental drill that was powered by stepping on a device.",no,No conclusion Olympian and Strictly star Louis Smith suspended by British Gymnastics over “thoughtless” video,Suspension of the driver's license is a penalty for thoughtless motorists. ,no,No conclusion A desert is a barren area of landscape where little precipitation occurs,living conditions for plant and animal life are hostile in areas where there's rarely any snow or rain,yes,A desert is a barren area of landscape where living conditions for plant and animal life are hostile Porous pure clay is used to decline the weight and fortify the durability of pottery.,"The hardware is tested for composition, durability and thickness under high weights for fortifying porpuses.",no,No conclusion Wade Wilson was diagnosed with cancer.,exposure to cancer could be cured with undergoing dangerous experiment at the time.,yes,Wade Wilson could be cured with undergoing dangerous experiment at the time. "Northeast India, Southeast Asia, and the Amazon Basin receive plentiful downpour and woodlands rapidly revitalize",shifting cultivation is practiced mainly in areas with abundant rainfall where the forest regenerates quickly,yes,"shifting cultivation is practiced mainly in Northeast India, Southeast Asia, and the Amazon Basin" Bessemer Process is a cheap process to create steel.,creating steel economically allowed us to build taller and more safe buildings and stronger vehicles.,yes,Bessemer Process allowed us to build taller and more safe buildings and stronger vehicles. male cats are different from females in weight and size.,Sexual dimorphism is the condition where the two sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics.,yes,cats are Sexual dimorphism germs can infect everything from our skin to our lungs,"Germs can contaminate everything, whether our skins or our lungs.",no,No conclusion "By losing customers to your rivals , you’re actually helping them to have bigger market share","When a company raises its prices, customers seek lower-priced, similar products from competitors",yes,"When a company raises its prices,it is actually helping rivals to have bigger market share" Here's some information about pomegranates production.,Eating pomegranates boosts antibody production.,no,No conclusion "it is possible to keep down the unfavourable atmospheric consequences by applying efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space and the ecosystem at large",Sustainable architecture is architecture that seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact,yes,"Sustainable architecture is architecture that applies efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space and the ecosystem at large" In general laws are made based on moral values of a particular society.,laws describe the basic behavior of human beings.,yes,"Moral values of a particular society, describe the basic behavior of human beings. " Sharif university of Technology trains the most prestigious and skilled students in Iran.,Expert and renowned students often come from high-rank universities.,yes,Sharif university of Technology is a high-rank university. There has been a recent increase in absenteeism at schools,non attendance leads to students poor performance in the class ,yes,poor students performances has increased recently Homesickness is often seen in students who study abroad,You might feel less confident Without your family nearby,yes,Students who study abroad might feel less confident Lack of proper education can turn today’s children into the future’s criminals.,Children who can't get proper education are more likely to commit crimes in the future,no,No conclusion Air pollutions produce Microscopic pollutants in the air.,"Whatever produce Microscopic pollutants in the air can slip past our body's defences, penetrating deep into our respiratory and circulatory system.",yes,"Air pollutions can slip past our body's defences, penetrating deep into our respiratory and circulatory system." Sara has a contagious disease and kissed Micheal.,The baby’s contagious enthusiasm excited all of us.,no,No conclusion One of my absolute favorite things in life is to connect two people that I believe can help one another and are likely to become fast friends and watch the relationship blossom.,Creative services are likely to become a fastgrowing sub-sector of the creative economy.,no,No conclusion F16 falcon fighter is reinforced with Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar.,AESA radar precisely pinpoints the locations of enemy’s artillery.,yes,F16 falcon fighter precisely pinpoints the locations of enemy’s artillery. It is easier to reach an untapped market with the acquired knowledge about the purpose market of your rivals,"In reason, as in revelation, man can only attain to the lower kind of knowledge; there is a higher kind which we may not hope to reach.",no,No conclusion Consuming Sugary foods quickly spike oil production,Increased oil plays an important role in acne development,yes,Consuming Sugary foods plays an important role in acne development people living in poverty often do not have access to proper clothing and food,You tend to be pessimistic about life when you can't dress and eat well,yes,People living in poverty tend to be pessimistic about life Facial recognition is an innate ability one is born with.,Everyone is born with the ability of facial recognition.,no,No conclusion people who don't have understanding and concern for other people are described as selfish,"As described in this extremely authoritative book: "" In terms of business continuity, immediate physical damage is not the most important concern.",no,No conclusion Some microorganisms possess an eye on their bodies.,some eye injuries are caused by foreign bodies and abrasions.,no,No conclusion Going by train is more economical and cheaper than going by plane especially in China.,Cheap workforce has led china to a dramatic economical growth.,no,No conclusion A lower quality can thus also reduce the file size.,The employer is going to reduce the salaries.,no,No conclusion Making a madeira cake starts with placing a special uncooked mixture in the freazing water within an airtight container.,The general process for making an anaerobic digester for cow dung starts with placing dung and water in an airtight container in specific condition.,no,No conclusion Technologically experience improve human knowledge.,Technologically improved blades assists men in experiencing smooth shaving.,no,No conclusion He adopted a puppy from the shelter; it seemed very nervous and scared. ,"Animals when threatened or abused in some way, they feel intense fear. ",yes,The puppy he adopted might have been threatened or abused in some way. The decay of substances leads to recycling nutrients. .,"As students embrace the recycling message, they are also learning an important life skill that will help them lead a more environmentally friendly lifestyle both now and in the future.",no,No conclusion Global warming melts down the glaciers.,Meltwater from the thawed glaciers leads to flooding and habitat destruction.,yes,Global warming indirectly leads to flooding and habitat destruction. We really have invested a lot into student related movement building so that people who care will eventually build a constituency of consciousness.,The most important employee in many restaurants is the manager.,no,No conclusion Chloroform is an interesting chemical that is famous for its ability to act as an anesthetic,Chloroform is strongly suspected of increasing the risk of cancer.,yes,An interesting chemical that is famous for its ability to act as an anesthetic is strongly suspected of increasing the risk of cancer. Not getting enough sleep suppresses your immune system,A weak immune system makes you more vulnerable to diseases,yes,Not getting enough sleep makes you more vulnerable to diseases "To win gold medals in any major competition , athletes must have hard training sessions.",Iranian wushu fighters received gold medals in World Wushu Championships.,yes,Iranian wushu fighters had hard training sessions. Innovation companies often hire the most inventive people,"Companies who stand out in the crowd, mostly hire the most creative talent possible",yes,Innovation companies stand out in the crowd "He was not able to procure oxygen from iode nor its acid, nor to make oxygen act upon the one or the other; nor had they any action on carbon; nor was iode decomposed by the galvanic battery.",Decomposition by microorganisms will make CO2.,no,No conclusion Smart mobility is able to alleviate traffic gridlocks,"Mitigating the influences of standstills in car traffic, will help solve the influx problem which plague many cities",yes,Smart mobility will help solve the influx problem which plague many cities Clearly written directions and manuals are some ways to establish successful interaction,"Everyone has feelings, Claudette, though some people are extremely successful at hiding them.",no,No conclusion the study of the central nervous system includes the brain and spine,"By observing how the central nervous system, is impacted by acoustics, the pathway in which acoustic influences the mind, and essentially the body, is evident",yes,"By observing how the brain and spine are impacted by acoustics, the pathway in which acoustic influences the mind, and essentially the body, is evident" Children who are not doing well at school sometimes seek more satisfactory experience in work.,trying to find a more satisfying experience in the job can lift the quality of life. ,yes,Children who are not doing well at school sometimes can lift the quality of life. The International Shark Attack File describes shark attacks as unprovoked.,"According to The International Shark Attack File, shark attacks are causeless.",no,No conclusion "Indeed, perceived disrespect in the initial contact can harm development of a positive mentoring relationship.",chronic stress can alter or harm the brain development of children and youth.,no,No conclusion Both brown and white sugar are considered added sugars.,Both white and brown sugars are extra.,no,No conclusion "If a person does not get enough sleep, the brain obtains microsleeps.",microsleeps during driving can be catastrophic.,yes,If a person does not get enough sleep can be catastrophic. Daffodil bulbs are poisonous and contain a toxic alkaloid named lycorine.,If they're eaten a toxic alkaloid which its name is lycorine in a large quantity they can kill a person.,yes,If they're eaten Daffodil bulbs in a large quantity they can kill a person. Sodium plays a vital role in maintenance and regulation of blood pressure of the human body.,Maintenance in blood pressure and regulation helps the healthy condition of the heart. ,yes,Sodium plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy condition of the heart. The results suggested that eating chicken was probably the important transmission factor of the Campylobacter enteritis.,There is always Campylobacter in raw chicken.,no,No conclusion Friction force between atoms dislocates the molecular layers.,molecular layers can be desplaced by Friction force between atoms,no,No conclusion Microsoft Volume Licensing program for organizations with five or more users.,Drunken drivers pose a serious threat to other road users,no,No conclusion "Animals found in taiga biomes are moose, elk, and bears are able to survive in areas with cold winters.",succulence species are able to survive in areas of low natural rainfall,no,No conclusion "If you continue to eat too much salt then, over time, the part of the heart that was receiving the blood no longer gets the oxygen and nutrients it needs and dies.",Heartattack happens when the part of the heart that was receiving the blood no longer gets the oxygen and nutrients it needs and dies.,yes,"If you continue to eat too much salt then, over time, Heartattack happens." "According to scientists, humans are a type of animal that can learn and have a degree of self-awareness.","Scientists view humans as a species of animal, and largely accept that many species (both vertebrates and invertebrate) are capable of learning and some level of self-awareness.",no,No conclusion Her hair color was strawberry blond in summer and auburn in winter.,"From strawberry blond to auburn, hair color can vary depending on specific mutations.",no,No conclusion Staying organized will help you dodge any mistakes and mishaps along the way,Trying to remember things will not help you to stay organized,yes,Trying to remember things will not help you dodge any mistakes Top researchers spend a lot of time in the field of genetics to get new information .,How had their conversation gone from an inquiry about money to a litmus test of their stay in Texas?,no,No conclusion Does Emotional Intelligence Play an Important Role in Leadership Effectiveness?,Smartphones play an important role in the communication process of people.,no,No conclusion Phylactic extended-field RT may reduce the distant failure rate. ,Mentoring reduces the distance,no,No conclusion Obesity involves low-grade inflammation that may promote liver fat storage.,Fatty liver occurs when too much fat builds up in the liver.,yes,Obesity may cause or contribute to developing fatty liver "When wine last longer in storage, It aged well and tasted even better over time.",Glass bottles and the tight seal of a cork permitted wine to last longer in storage.,yes,Glass bottles and the tight seal of a cork permitted wine to age well and taste even better over time. Cells from both the mesodermal and the ectodermal tissues contribute to the formation of the eye.,Activation of nerves in the eye often contributes to a stinging sensation in the eyes. ,no,No conclusion Governance is applied to those phenomena where direct control is neither feasible nor desirable. ,Computer-aided design (CAD) gives the designer much more direct control over the production process.,no,No conclusion Blockage of sunlight resulted in the extinction of Dinosaurs.,Collision of asteroids hindered the light absorption from atmosphere.,yes,Collision of asteroids extinct dinosaurs. Fair will allow people to bring in water bottles.,Tourism brings in economic prosperity,no,No conclusion Overconsumption of Carbohydrates leads to serious health issues like diabetes.,Coke has high amount of Carbohydrate.,yes,Coke leads to serious health issues like diabetes. Technology might exclude urban inhabitants who are unable to afford it or lack the capability required for its adoption,"Barring residents who are unable to embrace or pay for digitalisation, would contribute to the emergence of a new form of social divide",yes,Technology might contribute to the emergence of a new form of social divide "When people with celiac disease eat gluten, it triggers an immune response.","If something triggers an immune response, it damages their small intestine.",yes,"When people with celiac disease eat gluten, it damages their small intestine." Transformation of fish species led to the creation of terrestrial tetrapods.,Lack of water in the past times mutated water-dwelling fishes.,yes,Lack of water in the past times led to the creation of terrestrial tetrapods. Fatty fish boast a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids,omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for optimal body and brain function,yes,Fatty fish are crucial for optimal body and brain function hosting the Olympics can be assured of a persistent rise in the recognition of a city,enhancing the profile of a city can lead to lasting economic benefits,yes,Hosting the Olympics can lead to lasting economic benefits Brain should be protected against oxidative stress since neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are caused by the impacts of free radicals.,Free radicals play an important role in chemical reactions such as oxidative addiction reaction .,no,No conclusion if employees do not make a point to satisfy the customer the restaurant will see less and less people walk through the doors,"With less customers coming to your restaurant, there will be a decline in sales",yes,"if employees do not make a point to satisfy the customer, there will be a decline in sales" Looking at problems from different angles fastens the problem solving process,Better problem solving is a result of looking at problems from different perspectives.,no,No conclusion Steel is prone to the corrosion in presence of oxygen.,Chemical paints are suitable isolators against the interaction of oxygen with metals.,yes,Steel can be protected with paints. My friends are very hospitable.,my friends like to invite people to their homes,no,No conclusion "Paul Bright, the Mammal Society's conservation officer, discusses translocation in his latest fact - based research.",He was found guilty based on numerous evidence.,no,No conclusion A good leader maintains a balance between emotional drive and sound thinking.,"Sodium together with sodium and bicarbonate, maintains a sound balance between the positively charged the negatively charged ions.",no,No conclusion Shiftign the working houres can contribute to a desynchronization with internal sleep-wake swings. ,Fatigue of hard working can contribute to defeat.,no,No conclusion Things that are visible to the unaided eyes are seen by common people before scientists pay attention to them.,The blood vessels at the base of the brain are visible to the unaided eye.,yes,The blood vessels at the base of the brain are seen by common people before scientists pay attention to them. "Large factories tend to be located with access to multiple modes of transportation, with some having rail, highway and water loading and unloading facilities",Most big plants have large warehouses or warehouse-like facilities that involve heavy equipment used for assembly line production,yes,"warehouses or warehouse-like facilities that involve heavy equipment used for assembly line production tend to be located with access to multiple modes of transportation, with some having rail, highway and water loading and unloading facilities" Successful restaurants leave a good impression on customers,Make sure you brush your hair and wear a clean suit if you want to leave a good impression on your first day in the office.,no,No conclusion products that are manufactured in large quantities are often limited in terms of inventory options,wholesalers buy mass produced goods at a low cost,yes,wholesalers buy products that are often limited in terms of inventory options One of the factors facilitating health and fitness is the decreased consumption of fat.,consuming less fat helps to stay fit and healthy,no,No conclusion Stress fastens the development of certain diseases such as diabetes,anxious people might suffer from great stress,yes,Anxious people might develop certain diseases such as diabetes "New research published in the journal Sleep suggests that to get a good night’s rest, you should cut back on nicotine and alcohol.","Nicotine includes smoking, vaping, dipping.",yes,"New research published in the journal Sleep suggests that to get a good night’s rest, you should cut back on smoking, vaping, dipping." People’s respiratory and circulatory systems can be severely damaged by air pollution.,Air pollution can penetrating deep into our respiratory and circulatory system.,no,No conclusion If you're shopping online you have to give your credit card information to the system.,entering the credit card data into the system can make the risk of fraud like credit card scams larger,yes,"If you're shopping online, there's a larger risk of fraud like credit card scams" "Sugar beverages don't curb the hunger, making it easy to quickly consume a high number of liquid calories.",Consuming a high number of liquid calories lead to weight gain.,yes,"Sugar beverages don't curb the hunger, lead to weight gain." The attacking was held by Germany's alley Turkey in order to open up a supply route to Russia.,"As First Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill pushed the idea of attacking Gallipoli in 1915, which was held by Germany's ally Turkey",yes,"As First Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill pushed the idea of attacking Gallipoli in 1915, in order to open up a supply route to Russia." In leisure times individual experiences less negative PA-NA or positive and negative affect relationship after daily events.,Leisure can Lower Stress and Depression. ,yes,Experiencing less negative PA-NA after daily events can lower stress and depression. Teeth having acid cell are prone to decay.,Teeth with acid particles are prone to erosion.,no,No conclusion Eating too much salt may damage the arteries leading to the brain,Arteries which lead to the brain can be harmed by too much salt.,no,No conclusion The family have a history of mental disorder.,Benjamin Button was born with strange disorder.,no,No conclusion The German bounty hunter helped Django to seize his freedom.,"The rescued Django, rescued his wife from nefarious plantation owner.",yes,The German Bounty hunter helped Django to rescue his wife from nefarious plantation owner. Universal Studios theme park is a complex of several buildings in which many recreational machineries work from 7 a.m til 10 p.m.,"a manufacturing plant is an industrial site, usually consisting of buildings and machinery, or more commonly a complex having several buildings",no,No conclusion deteriorating the bond between concrete and FRP laminates can happen because of the presence of moisture in the junction of them,Presence of moisture in the interface of concrete and FRP laminates deteriorates the bond.,no,No conclusion Whatever destroy annoying pets like aphids and mites and ruin insects egg can e helpful in agricultures.,Erawigs eat annoying pests like aphids and mites and they also eat insect eggs in gardens.,yes,Earwigs can be helpful in a agriculture. "Smaller populations can suffer from reduced amount of genetic diversity, and be more susceptible to environmental changes",People who have thin arteries suffer from reducing the amount of oxygen-rich blood circulating to your organs.,no,No conclusion Poisonous toxic chemicals continue to be dumped in the North Sea in the name of ocean clearance.,Daffodil bulbs are poisonous and contain a toxic alkaloid named lycorine.,no,No conclusion You can lose extra weight or keep yourself fit through exercise.,Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. ,no,No conclusion Stress and depression can be decreased by leisure.,Leisure can Lower Stress and Depression. ,no,No conclusion non attendance leads to students poor performance in the class,The substandard performance of students is a result of not showing up to class.,no,No conclusion It is the effects of inactivity and exercise on bone.,physical inactivity can lead to significant bone loss.,no,No conclusion Pressure from magma and gasses can collapse or erupt in volcanoes., explosion and flow of volcanoes send tons of ash into the atmosphere. ,yes,pressure from magma and gasses can send tons of ash into atmosphere I saw an Islamic book about significant physicians called Ibn Sina. ,Ibn Sina is regarded as one of the most significant physicians of Islamic Golden Age.,no,No conclusion The whales who don't have dorsal fin on their back are not able ato swim right underneath the ice.,Bowhead Whales don't have dorsal fin on their back.,yes,Bowhead Whales are not able ato swim right underneath the ice. Vitamin B3 can keep the nervous system healthy.,fish is great source of vitamin B3.,yes,fish could keep the nervous system healthy. which the intentions were higher-level assessable?,Assessable goals are usually the ones tied to higher-level intentions,no,No conclusion "When drinking tea, Joe makes irritating noises.",The annoying thing is he usually drinks coffee but I just have tea.,no,No conclusion "I am immune from the disease, for I had it once but I'm not sure about celiac disease.","When people with celiac disease eat gluten, it triggers an immune response.",no,No conclusion North Korea's government has started the building process of labor camps since last March.,"The territorial additions to Brandenburg during this reign were few and unimportant, but the comparative wealth and prosperity enabled the elector to do a good deal for education, and to spend some money on buildings.",no,No conclusion Post-pregnancy hormone imbalances are very natural.,Hormone imbalances are very common after pregnancies,no,No conclusion "It won' t help your migraines, to eat salty food.","Migraines may be caused by foods that contain large amounts of salt and monosodium glutamate, according to the Mayo Clinic.",no,No conclusion High crime rates increase stress throughout a community,increased stress can negatively impact the functionality of a community,yes,High crime rates can negatively impact the functionality of a community "Air from our lungs passes through the tightened cords named larynx, and produce vibration.",The vibration produces vocal sounds.,yes,Air from our lungs produces vocal sounds. Different environments require different adaptation,Cultures are driven from adaptations,yes,Different enviroments have different cultures Beautiful and vivacious gardens are good for all the community.,"Lively, colorful gardens have community-wide benefits",no,No conclusion Many studies have shown that being thin - having a body mass index (BMI) less than 18.5 - increases the risk for osteoporosis-related fracture.,"Being obese can put more pressure on your bones, putting you at risk for an injury and fractures.",yes,Being thin and obese increases the risk for osteoporosis-related fracture. """Slow Feed"" Net designed to make animals work harder to get the hay and eat slower.",Examples of high quality cardiac stimulator include implantable cardiac rythm mangement devices such as pacemakers.,no,No conclusion "When minimum wage rises, companies have to pay more to their employees","An increase in the income of workers , rises the price of goods",yes,Price of goods rise when minimum wage rises Examples of high quality cardiac stimulator include implantable cardiac rythm mangement devices such as pacemakers.,high cardiac rhythm making your heart work harder than normal,no,No conclusion tooth decay can result in tooth loss if not treated,"If it is not medically addressed, the deterioration of a tooth might lead to it being lost.",no,No conclusion The Great Pyramid of Giza is considered as one of the breakthroughs in construction field.,The cutting-edge buildings from ancient times are considered as one of the seven wonders.,yes,The Great Pyramid of Giza is considered as one of the seven wonders. "one of the many submissive and effective methods to lessen the power demands of an establishment,is the use of site analysis", Architects use many different passive and active techniques to minimize the energy needs of buildings so to expand their ability to capture or generate their own energy,yes, Architects use site analysis to expand their ability to capture or generate their own energy Driving with a willful disregard of the safety of other people or property is considered reckless driving.,Suspension of the driver's license is a penalty for thoughtless motorists. ,yes,Suspension of the driver's license is a penalty for driving with a willful disregard of the safety of other people or property Service that is of substandard quality will eventually turn off customers,Restaurant employees who don’t care will inevitably lead to poor service,yes,Restaurant employees who don’t care will eventually turn off customers penetration of vehicles oil into the water or ground can destroy the insulating ability of fur-bearing mammals.,Cover the whole vehicle to prevent water penetration.,no,No conclusion mothers who are bothered by their children tend to have depression.,Children's television advertisements make kids to annoy their parents.,yes,Children's television advertisement make parents to have depression. "Seeds isn't the main food of wild birds, they search for other sources in nature.","Wild bird's other sources for food is insects, berries, and even small vertebrates.",yes,"Seeds isn't the main food of wild birds, they search for insects, berries, and even small vertebrates." "When an investment is large enough, it only takes a couple of workers to finish the work","with two or three employees needed for completing the job, we can pay people more for their work",yes,"When an investment is large enough, we can pay people more for their work" He discovered large amounts of gold.,I can't imagine the Earth without the large Amazon rainforest.,no,No conclusion "If the animal was very old or suffering from some kind of painful illness, it can be terribly bittersweet.",Paoulo initiated their first kiss when she was listening to music.,no,No conclusion "He was the first of his bloodline to earn one, and the coin-shaped pendant was new and bright.",Convenient “screen” allowing city leaders to divert public attention away from crucial questions.,no,No conclusion Freedom of speech is a fundamental right of every citizen.,Applying restrictions on fundamental rights is a sign of dictatorship.,yes,Violation of speech freedom is a sign of dictatorship. "children who doesn't have a proper growth hormones release, don't grow well.",Feeding your dog with organic foods will indeed help them to have a proper growth without having any danger and threat on one's life.,no,No conclusion "The hardware is tested for composition, durability and thickness under high weights for fortifying porpuses.","To reduce the weight and fortify the durability of pottery, porous pure clay is utilized.",no,No conclusion A comprehensive policy is needed to address issues related to art and artists of the war-affected province.,The energy policy of the United States addresses issues of energy production,no,No conclusion One of the ways to decrease your heart rate and blood pressure is to physically embrace someone.,hugging reduces your blood pressure level and heart rate,no,No conclusion Lack of water in the past times mutated water-dwelling fishes.,Lack of enough fresh air is an important issue in today's world.,no,No conclusion Gas emissions from volcanoes are a natural contributor to acid rain,acidic precipitations are harmful to fish and other wildlife,yes,Gas emissions from volcanoes are harmful to fish and other wildlife "Fotor is a free online picture editor and graphic designer, allowing you to use online photo editing tools, such as add filters, frames, text, stickers","In online shopping, you have to decide what you want to buy by looking at a picture of products. ",no,No conclusion A strengthened and well known brand will attract more customers,A well-designed menu has the potential to reinforce your brand personality,yes,A well designed menu has the potential to attract more customers Things from previous guests may remain in the room in case of partial control,She threw away all the things that were remined from her previous boyfriend.,no,No conclusion "Air travel is fast, safe and comfortable.",The material of these accessories is safe and comfortable for baby skin.,no,No conclusion "Th main pollutants are particulate matter, a mix of solid and liquid droplets arising mainly from fuel combustion and road traffic.",For reduction of the effects of air pollution you shoud avoid the main pollutants.,yes,"For reduction of effects of air pollution you shoud avoid particulate matter, a mix of solid and liquid droplets arising mainly from fuel combustion and road traffic." Living next to your neighbours can contribute to developing a sense of community,Apartment living is associated with the close proximity of neighbours,yes,Apartment living can contribute to developing a sense of community Various losses brought about by water intrusion will provide those most conditions mold requires,"If there is a leak in your home, it will eventually lead to water damage",yes,"If there's a leak in your home, it will provide those most conditions mold requires" Philosophy enhances your attitude when interacting with people of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.,Philosophy teaches you a variety of different concepts of human existence.,yes,learning a variety of different concepts of human existence enhances your attitude when interacting with people of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Israel occupied Palestinian territories in 1967.,Occupation of Palestine forced many of its'residents to migrate from their homeland.,yes,Israeil forced many Palestinians to migrate from their homeland. Open windows in patient rooms improve airflow and provide a wider range microbial diversity,"better airstream and an extensive microbic variety,demonstrated some evidence of beneficial outcomes",yes,Open windows in patient rooms demonstrated some evidence of beneficial outcomes Teamwork is a way of demonstrating strong work ethic,Volunteering requires high levels of work ethics,yes,Volunteering requires teamwork "No matter what kind of training a carpenter has had, some U.S. states require contractors to be licensed","some U.S. states want contractors to be licensed,no matter hich training a carptner has had",no,No conclusion Prevention of any danger from occurring is possible by predicting another driver’s intent. ,A good defensive driver is able to anticipate the moves of other drivers.,yes,A good defensive driver is able to prevent any danger from occurring Triggering another headache in patient discomforts them.,High headache annoys the sick.,no,No conclusion Acidification in the Pacific Northwest can kill all kinds of sea insects. ,sea butterflies make up a significant portion of the salmon diet.,yes,acidification in Pacific Northwest can kill a significant portion of the salmon diet. "When people use a gesture that doesn't match their words, it means they are confused.","When people are baffled, their words and gestures don’t match.",no,No conclusion Vitamin B2 keeps the nervous system healthy.,Fortified breakfast cereals would be a great source of vitamin B2.,yes,fortified breakfast cereals will keep the nervous system healthy. """My lack of knowledge is vast, and my horizons are narrow"".",Lack of therapeutic attention and infection inhibition results in a vast majority of disease and mortality. ,no,No conclusion "the three culinary regions of Eastern Mediterranean, Southern Europe, and North Africa make up the Mediterranean.","I have traveled to different regions such as the Eastern Mediterranean, Southern Europe, and North Africa.",no,No conclusion "PETE is used in fibres for clothing, containers for liquids and foods, thermoforming for manufacturing, and in combination with glass fibre for engineering resins.",PETE is the most common thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyester family.,yes,"The most common thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyester family is used in fibres for clothing, containers for liquids and foods, thermoforming for manufacturing, and in combination with glass fibre for engineering resins." Antioxidants fight inflammation and may lower your risk of heart disease.,Olive oil contains modest amounts of vitamins E and K and is also loaded with powerful antioxidants.,yes, olive oil lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. Smoking cigarettes can weaken a person's immune system.,A person's immune system is weaken it is linked to more susceptible to illness.,yes,Smoking cigarettes can be linked to more susceptible to illness. A great leader does not lead by forcing people to follow,the manager at my office forces us to follow his orders,yes,the manager of my office is not a great leader Read chapter 4 A Community Health Improvement Process.,"The country is covered with countless mounds (tells), each of which marks the site of a town.",no,No conclusion Physical activity can be used to strengthen social interactions,"Lessons taken from heroic activity can be used to strengthen the moral and ethical fiber of individuals, corporations, and governments.",no,No conclusion "When someone on the flight is suspected of having the flu, other passenger should be placed in medical isolation.",Someone on the students from a high school's flight ws suspected of having the flu.,yes,Students from a high school should be placed in medical isolation. all smart animals are capable of mimicking human behavior.,monkeys are intelligent creatures.,yes,monkeys are capable of mimicking human behavior. Cyber threats are a legitimate and constant threat to networked physical security products and solutions.,Most of old adults don't like physic.,no,No conclusion Iran is the 46th largest export economy in the world.,Acceptable contribution to export domestic products favors the economic position of the country.,yes,Iran has favorable favors economic position. "Eating too much of vitamin A in a day, can affect your bones, making them more likely to fracture when you're older.",Milk and yoghurt are the great sources of vitamin A.,yes,too much milk and yoghurt in each day in your diet can make the bones more likely to fracture in older ages. Harassment increases stress levels,High levels of stress increase intestinal sensitivity,yes,Harassment increases intestinal sensitivity When you plan for the future you feel better about the life you have.,Having a purpose makes you plan more and better for the future.,yes,Having a purpose makes you feel better about the life you have. Anticipated conditions during a critical situation.,glacier conditions are in critical situation in Antarctica.,no,No conclusion "If you want to attrack a timid bird to your yard, you should consider posting several feeders in order to alleviate congestion and encourage it to come in for seed.","By placing several feeders, you can attract a fearful bird to come for seeds to your yard.",no,No conclusion "Carbohydrates, protein consist of number of basic structural units linked together by chemical bonds.","Larger and more complex organic compounds, called polymers, consist of number of basic structural units linked together by chemical bonds.",yes,"Carbohydrates, protein are called polymers." Materialism states that all that exists is physical matter .,"Physical properties include: appearance, texture, color, odor, melting point, boiling point, density, solubility, polarity, and many others.",yes,"Materialism states that all that exists include: appearance, texture, color, odor, melting point, boiling point, density, solubility, polarity, and many others." "In the process of globalization, the mobility of capital has increased; and serious financial competition has emerged in global markets.",Financial markets raise prices and increase the cost of borrowing on short and longer-term debt as a result of High inflation.,no,No conclusion Reduced number of workers in companies become overworked and demoralized,Frustrated and tired staff lessen the opportunities to generate income,yes,Reduced number of workers in companies lessen the opportunities to generate income "Playing music in a workplace foster a cohesive workforce and thereby promote staff happiness, loyalty, and productivity.","Staff satisfaction, loyalty, and creativity will be higher if music is played in the workplace.",no,No conclusion Using CNG makes the engine cleaner and more efficient.,Iran has the world's largest fleet of vehicles running on CNG.,yes,Iran is targeting to have more cleaner and more efficient. "Putting the food in the oven to keep it warm, she decided there was enough time to feed the horses before he arrived.",Injuries to production can threaten food and nutrition security of millions at a time. ,no,No conclusion "When people do no consume carbs, the blood sugar level falls.",Proponents say keto diet force people avoid carbs.,yes,Proponents say keto diet falls the blood sugar level. "Water, wind, or ice are the natural causes of weathering.",Dinosaurs died because of natural causes.,no,No conclusion Photography brings out the discovery of new perspectives in capturing the visuals.,Finding new view angles in observation motivates artists to think about new methods of composing images in their paintings.,yes,Photography motivates artists to think about new methods of composing images in their paintings. The agency says people in coastal areas need to recognize signs of a possible tsunami.,"People who live in coastal areas should be careful about the signs of a possible tsunami, according to the agency.",no,No conclusion Preventing skull fracture helps creating pleasant race area.,Wearing a helmet by riders can reduce the risk of serious brain injury during a fall.,yes,Wearing a helmet by riders helps creating pleasant race area. genetic and psychological factors can lead to major depressive disorder ., some adults with significant hopelessness and despair die by suicide. ,yes, genetic and psychological factors can lead to suicide Acceptance of Roman soldiers in Britain helped them to start families.,Acceptance of Roman soldiers in Britain guided them to marry.,no,No conclusion We may feel unable to cope well if we think illogically.,Illogical thinking can leave us feeling less capable of coping,no,No conclusion Exercising increases the amount of endorphine released into your body,More endorphine makes you feel happier,yes,Exercising makes you feel happier Friedan re-awakened the feminist movement in the United States.,The feminist movement in the United States had helped women gain the right to vote in the nineteen twenties..,yes,Friedan had helped women gain the right to vote in the nineteen twenties.. What I describe above is using a new technology to solve an existing problem.,Most recommendation initiatives reward existing customers in return for new customers,no,No conclusion Doing hazardous experiments at the time can treat the exposure to cancer.,exposure to cancer could be cured with undergoing dangerous experiment at the time.,no,No conclusion Assessment of street situations can help the driver act better. ,A defensive driving course will teach students how to evaluate road conditions.,yes,A defensive driving course will teach students how to act better A successful marketing search needs to be as well organised as any other worthy executive task.,"Obtaining worthy data about the purpose market, is the first step in setting up a successful marketing strategy",no,No conclusion Physical disability is a constant threat for older adults,Most of old adults don't like physic.,no,No conclusion Definition of the word hero suggests that he/she must display extraordinary powers.,Extraordinary powers are not related to normal human beings.,yes,Definition of the word hero suggests that he/she isn’t a normal human being. High blood pressure can lead to a stroke or heart attack.,Eating too much salt raises the amount of sodium in your bloodstream which results in a higher blood pressure.,yes,Eating too much salt can lead to a stroke or heart attack. Hallucinations are frightening voices identifying threats where none exist.,"Patients with paranoid schizophrenia, which is characterized by delusional thinking and often so-called command hallucinations.",yes,"Patients with No conclusionnoid schizophrenia, which is characterized by delusional thinking and often so-called command frightening voices identifying threats where none exist." "depression of the central nervous system is relieved with headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.",The main effect of inhaling xylene vapor is depression of the central nervous system,yes,"The main effect of inhaling xylene vapor is relieved with headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting" Injuries to production can threaten food and nutrition security of millions at a time. ,Outbreaks and upsurges can contribute to huge losses to crops and pastures.,yes,Outbreaks and upsurges can threaten food and nutrition security of millions at a time. Amazon is the largest Internet company by revenue in the world.,Selena Gomez is one of the most famous people on the Internet and in the world.,no,No conclusion electricity transformed everything 100 years ago,AI is the new electricity,yes,AI will transform everything office hours are nothing more than enforced laborers.,Working at push on the service of someone else makes people disappointed.,yes,office hours are nothing more than disappointers. Terrorist planted a bomb in a church in Burkina Faso.,Hidden bomb in a church was triggered and killed 14 people.,yes,Terrorist killed 14 people. Paoulo initiated their first kiss when she was listening to music.,Listening to music initiates some kind of drugs that are the body’s natural pain relievers,no,No conclusion Efforts by the Republic of Congo take care of its protected areas.,I decided to make one more effort and take care of my things better this time.,no,No conclusion "There are many affordable e-packaging offers, If you choose to dropship from online shops",Cheaper delivery costs allow you to price your products competitively to a worldwide audience,yes,"If you choose to dropship from online shops, you can price your products competitively to a worldwide audience" Obesity has been linked to type 2 diabetes.,"Diets containing enough fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of obesity, heart attack, and stroke.",yes,diet including enough fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of diabetes. My knife is not gleaming and bright anymore.,my army pocket knife is not bright and shiny anymore,no,No conclusion Henderson is our captain and our best defensive mid who can play more offensive role as well. ,Children who play a lot on mobile tend to be more offensive.,no,No conclusion Coastal countries usually face terrible soil erosion.,Dire soil erosion is usually seen in coastal countries,no,No conclusion Studies reveal that people who eat fish every week have more gray matter,More gray cells in your brain mean that you're less likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s,yes,Studies reveal that people who eat fish every weel are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s The attack on Soviet Union altered the course of World War 2.,Hitler declared war on Soviet Union in 1941.,yes,Hitler altered the course of World War 2. better application of technology can boost agricultural productivity and ensure more efficient transmission of electricity,"With enhanced farming production and a better organized power transference, there will be more Consumption growth and less power line losses",yes,With better application of technology there will be more consumption growth and less power line losses By studying hard you can lessen your exam night anxiety.,checking health properties frequently lessen the rate of sudden deaths.,no,No conclusion "Due to the worsening fever and difficulty of breathing of the main co-founder of the company, the company stopped developing.","Cough with phlegm or pus, fever, chills, and difficulty breathing is developed by inflammation of lungs.",no,No conclusion making healthy relationships is based on mutual respect and caring.,"Aside from tribal cultures, the most significant divide in developed countries is between universal health care and market-based health care.",no,No conclusion increase in Insulin leads to raised fat storage and a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. ,Sleep deprivation contributes to the release of insulin.,yes,Sleep deprivation contributes to fat storage and a higher risk of type 2 diabetes "in online shopping, goods are delivered in several layers of plastic and cardboard packaging.",sheets of chemical covering and wrapping materials create unnecessary waste that can damage the environment.,yes,online shopping can damage the environment. "However, along with the good cliques there are adolescent cliques that are bad.",adolescents who have not offensive action can have a good relationship with classmates. ,no,No conclusion Today the sharp rise in the time spent on mobile phones has lead to an incredible decrease in the real life conversations between the members of the family.,Waves produced by mobile phones may decrease attention.,no,No conclusion We tend to have a stronger bond with old friends,Children usually make lifelong friends in the country areas,yes,Children usually make stronger bonds in country areas Variations in a plant's physiological nature confer an adaptive advantage to it.,"""The Luxembourgish authorities confer an advantage on Amazon",no,No conclusion A family may face financial problems if one parent does not work.,"When one parent does not work, the whole family could face financial disadvantages",no,No conclusion "Every time a child breathes in secondhand smoke, they breathe in thousands of chemicals",Breathing in compounds of any kind of soot puts people at risk of severe health conditions.,yes,"Every time a child breathes in secondhand smoke, they are put at risk of serious health conditions" I literally fell in love with the Friends series the very first moment watching the first episode.,Fall Into Me is a 8 episode web series ,no,No conclusion Air pollution is exacerbated by fossil fuel combustion.,Burning of fossil fuels is a cause of air pollution,no,No conclusion Using filtered gas enhances the car’s performance.,The well-functioning car decreases the hazardous gas emissions.,yes,Using filtered gas decreases the hazardous gas emissions A major constraint on providing all patients with their own rooms is however found in the unreasonable cost of building and operating such a hospital,some hospitals must charge for private rooms due to the obstacles in the way to supply each client with their own personal space,yes,some hospitals must charge for private rooms due to the unreasonable cost of building and operating such a hospital Aggression harms the mentality of person.,Does your dog show aggression towards any strangers or just towards men?,no,No conclusion cinéma vérité allows the picture to look like an actual documentary,“The Office” was filmed with a single-camera setup in a cinéma vérité,yes,“the office” is filmed like a documentary Staying organized will help you dodge any mistakes and mishaps along the way,Hobbies that will help you stay in shape are or at least should be the necessary part of your life.,no,No conclusion Green house gases are burnt to minimize their effect,Butane is considered as a Green house gas,yes,Butane is burnt to minimize its effect "he barracks area was heavily guarded, but she was struck by the lack of activity in the part of the castle that normally hummed with life.",the lack of access to reproduction areas is associated with the blocking of migration paths,no,No conclusion narrow parts of a deep river valley provide the smallest opening for the needed depository volume,best sites for building a dam are usually those where the gap becomes a minimum for the required storage capacity,yes,best sites for building a dam are usually narrow parts of a deep river valley dealing with young children requires a lot of patience,You have to be very patient to be able to deal with kids.,no,No conclusion Some religious people believed what we have is what God wants us to have.,The idea of God wants us to have this made them stop trying to innovate some stuff.,yes,Some religious stop trying to innovate some stuff. Maintaining an ecological balance while preserving biodiversity and controlling is essential for doctors.,The establishment of artificial swamplands is essential for ecological balanc,no,No conclusion "If the cells in the heart are bot receiving enough oxygen and nutrients, they are not able to work efficiently.","When the amount of blood reaching the heart reduces, the cells in the heart are bot receiving enough oxygen and nutrients.",yes,"When the amount of blood reaching the heart reduces, the cells in the heart are not able to work efficiently." Dancing requires rapid body movements.,Process of cooking foods that mainly requires rapid movement of the cooking liquid.,no,No conclusion "the excessive pressure of inland air in comparison to the air above the ocean,forces the air over the land to flow to the ocean",In the colder months the land cools faster than the oceans and the air over the land has more pressure than air over the ocean,yes,In the colder months the land cools faster than the oceans and forces the air over the land to flow to the ocean "It is equally true that, when under the influence of special local or other demand - proximity to towns, easy railway or other communication,",It is easier to perfect your product if you're aware of the consumer demand,no,No conclusion "advances such as cloud computing, mobile and wearable technologies, augmented and virtual reality, GPS, and increased integration and interoperability of digital systems have facilitated interconnectivities between digital and physical worlds","With a more connected digital and physical world, we have the opportunity to better optimize the building life cycle, from design to build to operate",yes,advanced technologies let us to better optimize the building life cycle Children in large families -particularly the younger siblings-generally have fewer allergies than children in small families do.,Children in small families are not exposed to allergies as children in large families are.,no,No conclusion Workers who are victims of bullying or harassment should know they aren't in a good position.,It should be said that any double-case watch with the crystal removed serves well enough for a blind person whose touch is sufficiently delicate to feel the position of the hands and not disturb or injure them.,no,No conclusion Ancient cultures broke off pieces of obsidian to make knives and weapons such as arrows.,Obsidian is a kind of black glass formed when the heat of a volcano melts the silica material in sand.,yes,"Ancient cultures broke off pieces of a kind of black glass formed when the heat of a volcano melts the silica material in sand, to make knives and weapons such as arrows." More processed words fasten the pace of learning,"When you read faster, your brain processes words more quickly",yes,"If you can read faster,you can learn faster" Materials used in sustainable buildings are mostly reclaimed,Using recycled materials contribute significantly to the protection of the environment,yes,Sustainable buildings contribute significantly to the protection of environment Humans’ complex minds gives them a gift of imagination.,Imagining ability led individuals to write novels.,yes,Human’s complex minds led them to write novels. The bag should be adequately sitting on joints to make spasms of the back and neck smaller. ,Adjusting strap length makes backpack place appropriately on the shoulders.,yes,Adjusting strap length makes spasms of the back and neck smaller Star's moving is oval shaped.,Oval shaped is when a star swings between being very close to and quite far from the galaxy’s central black hole.,yes,Star's moving is swinging between being very close to and quite far from the galaxy’s central black hole. Distributing personal information with strangers might have a negative impact on your privacy,You put your privacy at risk if you share your personal information with strangers.,no,No conclusion Remarkable screenplay and visual effects made Titanic one of the most successful movies of all time.,The distinctive vision of James Cameron resulted in perfect screenplay and effects.,yes,The distinctive vision of James Cameron made Titanic one of the most successful movies of all time. A common concern about vegetarian and vegan diets is that they might lack sufficient protein.,A common concern about pain-dose ketamine infusions is that they might increase delirium.,no,No conclusion high pressure on students can cause extra stress,Added stress might be induced in students as a result of excess pressure.,no,No conclusion A successful restaurant has an environment that matches the food it is serving,The coordination between the presented meals and the surroundings in a restaurant impresses its customers,yes,A successful restaurant impresses its customers Barcelona has higher education system of public universities,The Barcelona's officials had to bow to the public pressure about the closure of the universities,no,No conclusion The prices of goods are likely to be higher when you have to pay a regular amount every month,Franchise brands usually impose a monthly fee on members,yes,The prices of goods are likely to be higher in franchise brands "The more you read, the more words you gain exposure to.",The terms that you see and obtain can inevitably make their way into your everyday vocabulary. ,yes,"The more you read, the more words can inevitably make their way into your everyday vocabulary." Non-organic pollutants added to natural habitats by factories ruin animal lives.,"From the product so obtained most of the better sort of ""Burgundy pitch"" of the druggists is prepared.",no,No conclusion Brain cells have just been discovered inside the brains of mice.,One of Alzheimer’s key features is buildup of so-called beta-amyloid plaques inside brain cells.,no,No conclusion Higher inequality is associated with high murder rates,"As the rate of inequality rises, the number of homicides rises as well.",no,No conclusion Your marketing strategy and budget should be included in the business plan that you create before launching your business,With Covering the marketing and cost plan in your work plan will you should be able to determine how much you're going to spend on marketing,yes,You should be able to determine how much you're going to spend on marketing before launching your business "The drone market will grow steadily in the consumer, commercial, and military sectors.","growing steadily, is sign of a growing and healthy company",yes,The drone industry is healthy gravity falls everything on the ground.,the big apple was dropped from the tree on the grasses.,yes,the gravity probably dropped the big apple. People who are more prone to anger tend to make more risky decisions.,The court's decision is more likely to be announced on the next trial.,no,No conclusion people who meet different areas of daylight and night in whole a day are often unable to maintain sleep patterns. ,airline pilots often cross several timezones and regions of sunlight and darkness in one day.,yes,airline pilots are often unable to maintain sleep patterns. Whatever have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties could improve these symptoms.,The gel of aloe vera have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.,yes,The gel of aloe vera could improve these symptoms. Building construction is the process of adding structure to real property or construction of buildings,the act oof adding structure to real estate or construction of building is called building construction,no,No conclusion Participating in community programs helps keep your brain and body active and grows new skill sets ,Americans with higher education and income are more likely to be involved in community groups,yes,Americans with higher education and income are more keep their brain and body active and grows new skill sets It was therefore only made possible at all by reducing the rations of the fighting men to a minimum and by undertaking the risks of changing the line of communication three times.,"Master wrote some words like antibacterial, antibiotic, risk and overuse on the board.",no,No conclusion Microsoft Volume Licensing program for organizations with five or more users.,Microsoft introduced Office program for Windows users.,no,No conclusion " rapid transit, light rail lines or other non-road public transport systems are common ways to link an airport and a city",The article was about the impact of the increased use of public transport and light rail lines on the carbon dioxide emission.,no,No conclusion there was also the possiblity that as a result of the credit loss my advancement would be in jeopardy.,the loss of credit also had the potential to harm my advancement.,no,No conclusion The Safavid kings declared Islam as the official religion of the empire.,Declaration of Islam as official religion in Iran made one of the most important turning points in Muslim history.,yes,The Safavid kings made one of the most important turning points in Muslim history. Eating nutritious food that are not high in calories can help you lose weight,Watermelon is a low-calorie fruit but high in nutrients,yes,Watermelon can help you lose weight Do you like red grape or all grape varieties?,All grape varieties contain polyphenols.,no,No conclusion Smart and brilliant people at emotions recognition can respond appropriately to different situations., people with high EQs are adept at recognizing other people's emotions,yes, people with high EQs are able to respond appropriately to the different situation. Demand will be decreased with a reduced amount of money spent on shopping.,A reduce in the levels of money spent for buying decreases demand,no,No conclusion Unmatched value of Neymar Jr’s transfer altered values of other players in market.,PSG signed the forward Neymar Jr. with a record breaking fee.,yes,PSG altered values of other players in market. There is no doubt that stress can lead to physical illness.,sharp movement in units of water can lead to boiling. ,no,No conclusion cereal grains are containing the large amount of vitamin K.,Vitamin K is needed for blood clotting,yes,If you eat enough value of cereal grains; you won't have problem with blood clotting. A small amount of leaking water around the outdoor unit may result from normal system recycling of water.,Insensitivity to pain may result from abnormalities in the nervous system.,no,No conclusion Getting worked up with anxiety or envy from what we see on social media keeps the brain on high alert.,The brain will be in a state of high alertness if we experience a lot of negative feelings while we are on social media.,no,No conclusion Cancer can be prevented by antioxidants.,the main topics of the book are well-known antioxidants and cancer,no,No conclusion One of the first steps toward utilizing emotional intelligence skills is to be aware of yourself.,"self-awareness involves knowing different aspects of yourself, including your personal feelings.",yes,"One of the first steps toward utilizing emotional intelligence skills is knowing different aspects of yourself, including your emotions and feelings" "While Earth is only the fifth largest planet in the solar system, it is the only world in our solar system with liquid water on the surface.",He was the third wealthy person in US.,no,No conclusion Iranian people usually have dark hair.,Those with dark hair have cells that produce a pigment called eumelanin,yes,Iranian usually have cells that produce a pigment called eumelanin. Feeding your business is the best way to accelerate its growth,Drawing in cash is one way of supplying for your line of work,yes,Drawing in cash is the best way to accelerate the growth of your business Some oaks are of indirect importance from products formed by their insect enemies.," Metals that can be formed simply are used in a wide variety of products, including cans. ",no,No conclusion Industrialization creates jobs for people with various levels of skills.,convenience in finding an appropriate job makes anybody more confident.,yes,Industrialization makes people with various levels of skills more confident. Produced methanol by our bodies is made from using things that have spartame.,"Our bodies make small quantities of formic acid from the methanol that we ingest, inhale, or produce.",yes,"Our bodies make small quantities of formic acid from the methanol that we ingest, inhale, or made from using things that have spartame." "The project commenced on definition, meaning, English dictionary and synonym.",Elon Musk commenced the SpaceX project.,no,No conclusion Falling and breaking bones are more likely when one does not have heavy bones and muscles.,People with light bones and muscles have a greater risk for falling and breaking bones,no,No conclusion Sleep deprivation can also result in an increased risk of new and advanced respiratory illnesses.,Some of the respiratory diseases may contribute to breathing failure without any obvious obstruction.,yes,Sleep deprivation can also result in an increased risk of new and advanced breathing failure without any obvious obstruction. Preparing a gift requires time and effort.,Putting time and effort shows importance of someone to you.,yes,Preparing a gift for someone shows his/her importance to you. "sources of animal protein, animal fat, and cholesterol, and sweets are more acid-producing",acid-generating foods may increase the risk for microalbuminuria.,yes,"sources of animal protein, animal fat, and cholesterol, and sweets may increase risk for microalbuminuria" Activation and incitement of the human mind may result in pain reduction. ,music stimulates more parts of the brain than any other human function.,yes,music may result in pain reduction than any other human function. Optogenetics could help unravel big questions,Important questions could be answered by optogenetics.,no,No conclusion "When goods or services are highly demanded in a society, then businesses must work harder to produce more items",The need for goods and products is at high levels in a society who has embraced consumerism,yes,"In a society who has embraced consumerism,businesses must work harder to produce more items" The size of the global market for creative goods has expanded substantially more than doubling in size from $208 billion in 2002 to $509 billion in 2015.,Public works construction has expanded substantially more than private construction.,no,No conclusion bituminous coal is a relatively soft coal that breaks and burns readily and quickly,They burned soft coal to heat the apart of the room.,no,No conclusion Statins can lower the risk for recurrent heart attack by a small amount in people who already have had one.,taking onion skin extract reduces body weight by a small amount in people who are overweight or obese.,no,No conclusion In Great Plains territories in some areas is overlapped between Black-headed Grosbeak and Blue Grosbeak.,"When territories in some area is overlapped between to kinds of birds, interbreeding sometimes occurs between them.",yes,In Great Plains interbreeding sometimes occurs between Black-headed Grosbeak and Blue Grosbeak. "With a single currency, there will no longer be a cost involved in changing currencies",the absence of transaction costs when exchanging money will benefit tourists,yes,A single currency will benefit tourists The physical act of passing through a doorway is the reason why you often walk into a room.,Often when you pass through a door you completely forget what you were doing.,yes,Because going through a door signifies the beginning or end of something. osteoporosis is more common in females than in males.,Osteoporosis contributes to bones to become weak and brittle,yes,becoming weak and brittle in bones is more common in females than in males. "The muscles suffer at an early period: they fall off in bulk, and later suffer from fatty degeneration, the heart being probably the first muscle to give way.",One of the critical requirements of being handsome is dense and thick muscles.,no,No conclusion "Deming defined abnormal variation as special causes, which he said account for approximately 6 percent of the problems from process outcomes.","people who have problems with prefrontal cortex, have abnormal processing of emotions.",no,No conclusion "The fewer friends a person has, the higher levels of the blood-clotting protein ",Higher blood-clotting protein increases the risks of heart attack,yes,Having few friends increases the risks of heart attack The tree trunk was hollow inside and the branches were dried.,Cauliflorous have fruits and main branches on its trunk as well as a short stem that attaches them to the tree.,no,No conclusion I ran to arrive my school bus on time.,our school bus suddenly stopped running,no,No conclusion Interacting with other people is the first step in overcoming shyness,"You can make more friends, if you can control your introvert personality",yes,You can make more friends through interacting with other people The car slip makes it challenging to come to a complete stop. , Road conditions as a result of the rain can contribute to the vehicle slide.,yes,Road conditions as a result of the rain can challenging to come to a complete stop. Since 1990 it had been discovered that Helium features are fully matched with noble gases.,All noble gases have some standard characteristics like stability.,yes,Helium is stable. He tried to create a plan to utilize his car more efficiently.,President Kennedy’s plan to utilize an attack on Cuba was initiated.,no,No conclusion "reestablishing cash into your business in order to thrive, can make it hard for you to gain bigger benefits",Greater benefits are less likely to be gained by depositing cash into your business in order to thrive.,no,No conclusion