# SLING: Sino-Linguistic Evaluation of Large Language Models [![arxiv](https://img.shields.io/badge/arXiv-2210.11689-b31b1b.svg)](http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.11689) This is the official SLING dataset, accompanying the EMNLP 2022 paper "SLING: Sino-Linguistic Evaluation of Large Language Models" by Yixiao Song♢ Kalpesh Krishna♠ Rajesh Bhatt♢ Mohit Iyyer♠. You can find the paper on [arxiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.11689). We use this dataset for evaluation of a small-scale Chinese Language Model for the [BabyLM Challenge](https://babylm.github.io/). ## SLING Dataset See [`SLING_Data`](SLING_Data) and the readme file in it. A complete list of all phenomea and paradigms can be found in [`PhenomenonParadigmList.txt`](PhenomenonParadigmList.txt) ## Citation Information If you use SLING, please cite the **original paper** as follows: ``` @inproceedings{sling22, author={Yixiao Song and Kalpesh Krishna and Rajesh Bhatt and Mohit Iyyer}, booktitle = {Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, Year = "2022", Title={SLING: Sino Linguistic Evaluation of Large Language Models}, } ```