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worksofcharlesle01leve | The works of Charles Lever | Lever, Charles James, 1806-1872 | 1,872 | 692 | OL13499428M | OL3564322W | https://archive.org/download/worksofcharlesle01leve/worksofcharlesle01leve_djvu.txt |
specimensofexpos00lamorich | Specimens of exposition | Lamont, Hammond, 1864-1909 | 1,894 | 220 | OL7034373M | OL202608W | https://archive.org/download/specimensofexpos00lamorich/specimensofexpos00lamorich_djvu.txt |
recollectionsand00greerich | Recollections and reflections : an auto of half a century and more | Green, Wharton J. (Wharton Jackson), 1831-1910 | 1,906 | 400 | OL7098980M | OL7710550W | https://archive.org/download/recollectionsand00greerich/recollectionsand00greerich_djvu.txt |
walkinhellasorol00snidiala | A walk in Hellas; or, The old in the new | Snider, Denton Jaques, 1841-1925 | 1,892 | 540 | OL7213338M | OL2156400W | https://archive.org/download/walkinhellasorol00snidiala/walkinhellasorol00snidiala_djvu.txt |
puddnheadwilsont00twaiiala | Pudd'nhead Wilson, and Those extraordinary twins | Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 | 1,922 | 322 | OL7095992M | OL15269096W | https://archive.org/download/puddnheadwilsont00twaiiala/puddnheadwilsont00twaiiala_djvu.txt |
hansbreitmann00lelarich | Hans Breitmann in Germany; | Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903 | 1,895 | 184 | OL7202758M | OL4108366W | https://archive.org/download/hansbreitmann00lelarich/hansbreitmann00lelarich_djvu.txt |
martinlutherstor00singrich | Martin Luther, the story of his life | Singmaster, Elsie, 1879-1958 | 1,917 | 168 | OL14021760M | OL5958059W | https://archive.org/download/martinlutherstor00singrich/martinlutherstor00singrich_djvu.txt |
rhymesofrockieso00denvrich | Rhymes of the Rockies, or, What the poets have found to say of the beautiful scenery on the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, the scenic line of the world | Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company; Hooper, S. K. (Shadrick K.) | 1,891 | 80 | OL7237015M | OL16332313W | https://archive.org/download/rhymesofrockieso00denvrich/rhymesofrockieso00denvrich_djvu.txt |
recordoffourteen00canniala | Historical record of the Fourteenth, or the Buckinghamshire Regiment of Foot: containing an account of the formation of the regiment in 1685, and of its subsequent services to 1845 | Cannon, Richard, 1779-1865 | 1,845 | 134 | OL7214631M | OL4562574W | https://archive.org/download/recordoffourteen00canniala/recordoffourteen00canniala_djvu.txt |
worldofbooksguid00herzrich | The world of books; a guide to reading for young people in which may be found volumes of many kinds both grave and gay | Herzberg, Max J. (Max John), 1886- | 1,922 | 80 | OL7144378M | OL6203550W | https://archive.org/download/worldofbooksguid00herzrich/worldofbooksguid00herzrich_djvu.txt |
romanceholm00kirkrich | The romance of Gilbert Holmes : an historical novel | Kirkman, Marshall Monroe, 1842-1921 | 1,900 | 448 | OL7230478M | OL1527266W | https://archive.org/download/romanceholm00kirkrich/romanceholm00kirkrich_djvu.txt |
testimoniumanim00sihliala | Testimonium anim; | Sihler, E. G. (Ernest Gottlieb), 1853-1942 | 1,908 | 476 | OL14044884M | OL7549640W | https://archive.org/download/testimoniumanim00sihliala/testimoniumanim00sihliala_djvu.txt |
sirchristopher00goodrich | Sir Christopher; a romance of a Maryland manor in 1644 | Goodwin, Maud Wilder, 1856-1935; Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911 | 1,901 | 458 | OL7167082M | OL6623218W | https://archive.org/download/sirchristopher00goodrich/sirchristopher00goodrich_djvu.txt |
dingbatofarcady00wilkrich | The Dingbat of Arcady | Wilkinson, Marguerite Ogden Bigelow, 1883-1928 | 1,922 | 210 | OL13509852M | OL10329005W | https://archive.org/download/dingbatofarcady00wilkrich/dingbatofarcady00wilkrich_djvu.txt |
textbookofsound00catcrich | A text-book of sound | Catchpool, Edmund | 1,894 | 228 | OL7190423M | OL7430863W | https://archive.org/download/textbookofsound00catcrich/textbookofsound00catcrich_djvu.txt |
technologyofbact00dollrich | The technology of bacteria investigation; explicit directions for the study of bacteria: their culture, staining, mounting, etc | Dolley, Charles Sumner, 1856- | 1,885 | 292 | OL7134419M | OL7890604W | https://archive.org/download/technologyofbact00dollrich/technologyofbact00dollrich_djvu.txt |
scoutingexpediti00reidarch | The scouting expeditions of McCulloch's Texas rangers; or, The summer and fall campaign of the Army of the United States in Mexico--1846; including skirmishes with the Mexicans, and ... the storming of Monterey; also, the daring scouts at Buena Vista; together with anecdotes, incidents, descriptions of country, and sketches of the lives of ... Hays, McCulloch, and Walker | Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Chester), 1818-1897 | 1,847 | 56 | OL7093071M | OL1494000W | https://archive.org/download/scoutingexpediti00reidarch/scoutingexpediti00reidarch_djvu.txt |
charlesdarwinoth00cadmiala | Charles Darwin and other English thinkers, with reference to their religious and ethical value | Cadman, S. Parkes (Samuel Parkes), 1864-1936 | 1,911 | 338 | OL7153351M | OL2506851W | https://archive.org/download/charlesdarwinoth00cadmiala/charlesdarwinoth00cadmiala_djvu.txt |
germanyspointofv00machrich | Germany's point of view | Mach, Edmund von, 1870-1927 | 1,915 | 466 | OL6578392M | OL5159562W | https://archive.org/download/germanyspointofv00machrich/germanyspointofv00machrich_djvu.txt |
digestofneweduca00grea | A digest of the new Education bill; with historical introduction; the principal passages of the speech of the vice-president of the Council; the text of the bill, with notes explanatory of the effect of the various classes; statistics of the annual grants; and index | Great Britain. Laws, statutes, etc | 1,896 | 112 | OL17867494M | OL14883715W | https://archive.org/download/digestofneweduca00grea/digestofneweduca00grea_djvu.txt |
fishcultureinpon00meehrich | Fish culture in ponds and other inland waters | Meehan, William E. (William Edward) b. 1853 | 1,913 | 336 | OL7074027M | OL7879975W | https://archive.org/download/fishcultureinpon00meehrich/fishcultureinpon00meehrich_djvu.txt |
comedieshistorie06shakiala | The comedies, histories, tragedies, and poems of William Shakspere | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616; Knight, Charles, 1791-1873 | 1,842 | 512 | OL32184413M | OL14941856W | https://archive.org/download/comedieshistorie06shakiala/comedieshistorie06shakiala_djvu.txt |
holidayotherpoem00davi | Holiday and other poems; with a note on poetry | Davidson, John, 1857-1909 | 1,906 | 176 | OL7154760M | OL1092198W | https://archive.org/download/holidayotherpoem00davi/holidayotherpoem00davi_djvu.txt |
aroundgoldeep00reedrich | Around the golden deep. A romance of the Sierras | Reeder, A. P | 1,888 | 508 | OL7076834M | OL246745W | https://archive.org/download/aroundgoldeep00reedrich/aroundgoldeep00reedrich_djvu.txt |
treatiseonrocksr00merrrich | A treatise on rocks, rock-weathering and soils; | Merrill, George P. (George Perkins), 1854-1929 | 1,897 | 506 | OL7217407M | OL1552982W | https://archive.org/download/treatiseonrocksr00merrrich/treatiseonrocksr00merrrich_djvu.txt |
commercialprogra00welcrich | The commercial program of studies for high schools | Welch, Arnon W | 1,922 | 42 | OL7125051M | OL7889132W | https://archive.org/download/commercialprogra00welcrich/commercialprogra00welcrich_djvu.txt |
claimsofstudyofc00egerrich | The claims of the study of colonial history upon the attention of the University of Oxford; an inaugural lecture delivered on April 28, 1906 | Egerton, Hugh Edward, 1855-1927 | 1,906 | 44 | OL7039126M | OL1107619W | https://archive.org/download/claimsofstudyofc00egerrich/claimsofstudyofc00egerrich_djvu.txt |
unityofamericasd00speerich | The unity of the Americas; a discussion of the political, commerical, educational, and religious relationships of Anglo-America and Latin America | Speer, Robert E. (Robert Elliott), 1867-1947; Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada | 1,916 | 140 | OL7034566M | OL1529124W | https://archive.org/download/unityofamericasd00speerich/unityofamericasd00speerich_djvu.txt |
viewsafootoreuro00tayliala | Views a-foot : or, Europe seen with knapsack and staff | Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878 | 1,848 | 492 | OL7176891M | OL1147288W | https://archive.org/download/viewsafootoreuro00tayliala/viewsafootoreuro00tayliala_djvu.txt |
casesonlawofplea00hint | A selection of cases on the law of pleading under modern codes | Hinton, Edward Wilcox, 1868-1936 | 1,922 | 716 | OL23284346M | OL10330012W | https://archive.org/download/casesonlawofplea00hint/casesonlawofplea00hint_djvu.txt |
thesaurusofengli00rogerich | Thesaurus of English words and phrases : classified and arranged so as to facilitate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composition | Roget, Peter Mark, 1779-1869; Roget, John Lewis, 1828-1908 | 1,879 | 758 | OL13517979M | OL2900141W | https://archive.org/download/thesaurusofengli00rogerich/thesaurusofengli00rogerich_djvu.txt |
poemsrodker00rodkiala | Poems | Rodker, John, 1894- | 1,914 | 40 | OL7230321M | OL1189364W | https://archive.org/download/poemsrodker00rodkiala/poemsrodker00rodkiala_djvu.txt |
christinarossett00bellrich | Christina Rossetti, a biographical and critical study | Bell, Mackenzie, 1856-1930; Anderson, John Parker, 1841-; Spedling, Halliday, Mrs | 1,898 | 406 | OL23286661M | OL5304283W | https://archive.org/download/christinarossett00bellrich/christinarossett00bellrich_djvu.txt |
knowingbeing00veitrich | Knowing and being | Veitch, John, 1829-1894; Unversity of Glasgow | 1,889 | 364 | OL7204101M | OL7705550W | https://archive.org/download/knowingbeing00veitrich/knowingbeing00veitrich_djvu.txt |
voyagetodemerary00boli | A voyage to the Demerary, containing a statistical account of the settlements there, and of those on the Essequebo, the Berbice, and other contiguous rivers of Guyana | Bolingbroke, Henry, 1785-1855 | 1,807 | 434 | OL23357764M | OL227756W | https://archive.org/download/voyagetodemerary00boli/voyagetodemerary00boli_djvu.txt |
newsouthwalesits00newsiala | New South Wales, its progress and resources | New South Wales. Commission to the International exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876; Centennial Exhibition (1876 : Philadelphia, Pa.). New South Wales | 1,876 | 44 | OL7235104M | OL7584456W | https://archive.org/download/newsouthwalesits00newsiala/newsouthwalesits00newsiala_djvu.txt |
switzerlandinsun00dauvrich | Switzerland in sunshine and snow | D'Auvergne, Edmund B. (Edmund Basil) | 1,912 | 390 | OL23344476M | OL1100816W | https://archive.org/download/switzerlandinsun00dauvrich/switzerlandinsun00dauvrich_djvu.txt |
spiritgodhisrela00streiala | The Spirit; God and his relation to man considered from the standpoint of philosophy, psychology and art | Streeter, Burnett Hillman, 1874-1937; Seth Pringle-Pattison, A. (Andrew), 1856-1931 | 1,920 | 412 | OL7238447M | OL1139800W | https://archive.org/download/spiritgodhisrela00streiala/spiritgodhisrela00streiala_djvu.txt |
icepilot00leveiala | The ice pilot | Leverage, Henry; Doubleday, Page & Company, publisher; Country Life Press, printer; Tandler, Rudolph F., ill | 1,921 | 320 | OL7035990M | OL207784W | https://archive.org/download/icepilot00leveiala/icepilot00leveiala_djvu.txt |
civilizationsinf00flow | Civilization's inferno ; or, studies in the social cellar. | Flower, B. O. (Benjamin Orange), 1858-1918 | 1,893 | 264 | OL22864297M | OL4881245W | https://archive.org/download/civilizationsinf00flow/civilizationsinf00flow_djvu.txt |
manmachinepoweri00petaiala | Man and machine power in war and reconstruction | Petavel, James William, 1870- | 1,918 | 180 | OL7163038M | OL208914W | https://archive.org/download/manmachinepoweri00petaiala/manmachinepoweri00petaiala_djvu.txt |
mistressofwindfe00gwyn | The mistress of windfells : a novel | Gwynne, Agnes M | 1,921 | 268 | OL17976634M | OL12295457W | https://archive.org/download/mistressofwindfe00gwyn/mistressofwindfe00gwyn_djvu.txt |
drumsofforeaft00kipliala | The drums of the fore and aft | Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 | 1,899 | 138 | OL7199157M | OL20093W | https://archive.org/download/drumsofforeaft00kipliala/drumsofforeaft00kipliala_djvu.txt |
rustpreventiontr00sterrich | Rust prevention. A treatise on the preservation of structural steel used in bridges, buildings, fire escapes, etc., and sheet steel used in buildings, metal siding, roofing, smokestacks, boiler fronts, and standpipes, etc | Stern, L. M. (Lionel Moses), b. 1873 | 1,907 | 70 | OL7029379M | OL16779529W | https://archive.org/download/rustpreventiontr00sterrich/rustpreventiontr00sterrich_djvu.txt |
reportbyrail00newy | Report by the Bureau of Franchises upon the application of The Nassau Electric Railroad Company for a franchise to construct, maintain and operate a street surface railway extension upon and along atlantic avenue from fifth avenue to Shepherd avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, with suggestions as to the proposed form of contract | New York (N.Y.). Board of Estimate and Apportionment | 1,912 | 30 | OL23329558M | OL7752702W | https://archive.org/download/reportbyrail00newy/reportbyrail00newy_djvu.txt |
voyagetoindiacon00walliala | A voyage to India : containing reflections on a voyage to Madras and Bengal, in 1821, in the ship Lonach : instructions for the preservation of health in Indian climates and hints to surgeons and owners of private trading-ships | Wallace, James, Surgeon of London | 1,824 | 196 | OL7207004M | OL7901829W | https://archive.org/download/voyagetoindiacon00walliala/voyagetoindiacon00walliala_djvu.txt |
leadingconveyanc00inde | An epitome of leading conveyancing and equity cases; with some short notes thereon: chiefly intended as a guide to "Tudor's Leading cases on conveyancing," and "White and Tudor's Leading cases in equity." | Indermaur, John | 1,884 | 176 | OL13513550M | OL2744776W | https://archive.org/download/leadingconveyanc00inde/leadingconveyanc00inde_djvu.txt |
religiolaiciseri00beeciala | Religio laici : a series of studies addressed to laymen | Beeching, H. C. (Henry Charles), 1859-1919 | 1,902 | 300 | OL7217256M | OL6706744W | https://archive.org/download/religiolaiciseri00beeciala/religiolaiciseri00beeciala_djvu.txt |
tentativecourseo00seatiala | Tentative course of study in manual arts : elementary | Seattle Public Schools | 1,911 | 84 | OL7234434M | OL6724376W | https://archive.org/download/tentativecourseo00seatiala/tentativecourseo00seatiala_djvu.txt |
risensun00suyeiala | The risen sun; | Suyematsu, Kencho, baron, 1855-1920 | 1,905 | 378 | OL14039730M | OL10721810W | https://archive.org/download/risensun00suyeiala/risensun00suyeiala_djvu.txt |
miltonslettersof00fern | Milton's Letters of state | Fernow, Hans Eduard | 1,903 | 66 | OL6947823M | OL7846890W | https://archive.org/download/miltonslettersof00fern/miltonslettersof00fern_djvu.txt |
instinctinmancon00drevrich | Instinct in man; a contribution to the psychology of education | Drever, James, 1873-1950 | 1,917 | 308 | OL7108112M | OL168417W | https://archive.org/download/instinctinmancon00drevrich/instinctinmancon00drevrich_djvu.txt |
flagoffree00jonerich | Flag of the free | Jones, Edward Smyth, b. 1881; Rolph, James, 1869-1934 | 1,917 | 12 | OL7142260M | OL5023067W | https://archive.org/download/flagoffree00jonerich/flagoffree00jonerich_djvu.txt |
effectsofciviliz00hallrich | The effects of civilization on the people in European states | Hall, Charles, 1745?-1825? | 1,849 | 284 | OL7114183M | OL173343W | https://archive.org/download/effectsofciviliz00hallrich/effectsofciviliz00hallrich_djvu.txt |
ecclesiaanglican00over | Ecclesia anglicana; a poem; containing, an historic portraiture of the British church .. | Overton, Charles | 1,833 | 164 | OL22879082M | OL13203664W | https://archive.org/download/ecclesiaanglican00over/ecclesiaanglican00over_djvu.txt |
somethingelseaga00adamrich | Something else again | Adams, Franklin P. (Franklin Pierce), 1881-1960 | 1,920 | 156 | OL7139945M | OL190105W | https://archive.org/download/somethingelseaga00adamrich/somethingelseaga00adamrich_djvu.txt |
fredericklawolms01olmsrich | Frederick Law Olmsted, landscape architect, 1822-1903 | Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903; Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1870-1957; Hubbard, Theodora Kimball, 1887-1935 | 1,922 | 172 | OL7248910M | OL1619608W | https://archive.org/download/fredericklawolms01olmsrich/fredericklawolms01olmsrich_djvu.txt |
listofbooksonaut00blesrich | List of books on automobiles and motorcycles | Blessing, Arthur Reed, 1893- | 1,918 | 92 | OL7146345M | OL7892880W | https://archive.org/download/listofbooksonaut00blesrich/listofbooksonaut00blesrich_djvu.txt |
biographicalnote00bowe | Biographical notes on the university printers from the commencement of printing in Cambridge to the present time | Bowes, Robert, 1835?-1919 | 1,886 | 100 | OL13996409M | OL16734060W | https://archive.org/download/biographicalnote00bowe/biographicalnote00bowe_djvu.txt |
babymayotherpoem00benn | Baby May, and other poems on infants | Bennett, W. C. (William Cox), 1820-1895 | 1,861 | 68 | OL22850726M | OL16733288W | https://archive.org/download/babymayotherpoem00benn/babymayotherpoem00benn_djvu.txt |
bondboyce00boyciala | The bond | Boyce, Neith, 1872-1951 | 1,908 | 434 | OL7132552M | OL3852144W | https://archive.org/download/bondboyce00boyciala/bondboyce00boyciala_djvu.txt |
youngladyshome00tuthrich | The young lady's home | Tuthill, Louisa C. (Louisa Caroline), 1798-1879 | 1,848 | 356 | OL7068531M | OL1500888W | https://archive.org/download/youngladyshome00tuthrich/youngladyshome00tuthrich_djvu.txt |
domesticslavery00carerich | Some thoughts concerning domestic slavery | Carey, John L | 1,839 | 132 | OL7195361M | OL7706212W | https://archive.org/download/domesticslavery00carerich/domesticslavery00carerich_djvu.txt |
descriptiveecono00blymiala | Descriptive economics; an introduction to economic science for use in academies, high and normal schools, and business colleges | Bly, Myron T. (Myron Tuthill) | 1,893 | 264 | OL7245811M | OL7728446W | https://archive.org/download/descriptiveecono00blymiala/descriptiveecono00blymiala_djvu.txt |
rufuschoate01choa | The works of Rufus Choate, with a memoir of his life | Choate, Rufus, 1799-1859; Brown, Samuel Gilman, 1813-1885 | 1,862 | 602 | OL13520219M | OL1126430W | https://archive.org/download/rufuschoate01choa/rufuschoate01choa_djvu.txt |
wet-flyfishingtr00toderich | Wet-fly fishing treated methodically | Tod, E. M | 1,903 | 288 | OL7223052M | OL7904186W | https://archive.org/download/wet-flyfishingtr00toderich/wet-flyfishingtr00toderich_djvu.txt |
stenophonographe00parkiala | The stenophonographer. Upon the basis of Pitman's phonography, with the circular vowel scale of July, 1851 | Parkhurst, Henry M. (Henry Martyn), b. 1825 | 1,870 | 140 | OL7067821M | OL225446W | https://archive.org/download/stenophonographe00parkiala/stenophonographe00parkiala_djvu.txt |
storyofshortlife00ewinrich | The story of a short life | Ewing, Juliana Horatia Gatty, 1841-1885 | 1,893 | 230 | OL7224223M | OL1795302W | https://archive.org/download/storyofshortlife00ewinrich/storyofshortlife00ewinrich_djvu.txt |
producergassketc00sextrich | Producer gas. A sketch of the properties, manufacture, and uses of gaseous fuel | Sexton, Alexander Humboldt | 1,905 | 254 | OL7146066M | OL7704474W | https://archive.org/download/producergassketc00sextrich/producergassketc00sextrich_djvu.txt |
roamingthroughwe00franiala | Roaming through the West Indies / by Harry A. Franck .. | Franck, Harry A. (Harry Alverson), 1881- | 1,920 | 516 | OL7201554M | OL16779127W | https://archive.org/download/roamingthroughwe00franiala/roamingthroughwe00franiala_djvu.txt |
viewofcausescons00boucrich | A view of the causes and consequences of the American revolution ; in thirteen discourses, preached in North America between the years 1763 and 1775: with an historical preface | Boucher, Jonathan, 1738-1804 | 1,797 | 716 | OL7147955M | OL182255W | https://archive.org/download/viewofcausescons00boucrich/viewofcausescons00boucrich_djvu.txt |
york00shirelegendsparkrich | Yorkshire legends and traditions, as told by her ancient chroniclers, her poets, and journalists | Parkinson, Thomas, Rev | 1,889 | 268 | OL19376823M | OL210851W | https://archive.org/download/york00shirelegendsparkrich/york00shirelegendsparkrich_djvu.txt |
witsbeauxofsocie01thomiala | The wits and beaux of society | Thomson, A. T., Mrs., 1797-1862; Wharton, Philip, 1834-1860 | 1,860 | 364 | OL7172976M | OL7303113W | https://archive.org/download/witsbeauxofsocie01thomiala/witsbeauxofsocie01thomiala_djvu.txt |
orientalreligion00ellirich | Oriental religions and Christianity : a course of lectures delivered on the Ely Foundation before the students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891 | Ellinwood, Frank Field, 1826-1908 | 1,892 | 418 | OL7099595M | OL7884777W | https://archive.org/download/orientalreligion00ellirich/orientalreligion00ellirich_djvu.txt |
rebelgeneralsloy00averiala | The rebel general's loyal bride: a true picture of scenes in the late civil war | Avery, M. A | 1,873 | 434 | OL7156154M | OL234552W | https://archive.org/download/rebelgeneralsloy00averiala/rebelgeneralsloy00averiala_djvu.txt |
gloryconquered00glasrich | The glory of the conquered : the story of a great love | Glaspell, Susan, 1882-1948; Frederick A. Stokes Company. prt | 1,909 | 398 | OL7177448M | OL249377W | https://archive.org/download/gloryconquered00glasrich/gloryconquered00glasrich_djvu.txt |
politicaleconomy00readrich | Political economy. An inquiry into the natural grounds of right to vendible property, or wealth | Read, Samuel | 1,829 | 448 | OL7081689M | OL16331667W | https://archive.org/download/politicaleconomy00readrich/politicaleconomy00readrich_djvu.txt |
poemscornwell00baro | Poems | Baron-Wilson, Cornwell, Mrs., 1797-1846 | 1,821 | 114 | OL22889844M | OL7563379W | https://archive.org/download/poemscornwell00baro/poemscornwell00baro_djvu.txt |
firstlessonsinda00vannrich | First lessons in dairying,...a handbook setting forth the underlying principles of dairying for the student beginner in the laboratory and on the farm | Van Norman, Hubert Everett, 1872- | 1,908 | 116 | OL7162603M | OL7895393W | https://archive.org/download/firstlessonsinda00vannrich/firstlessonsinda00vannrich_djvu.txt |
drytonsdavenants00charrich | The Draytons and the Davenants : a story of the civil wars | Charles, Elizabeth Rundle, 1828-1896; Making of America Project | 1,866 | 524 | OL7231316M | OL5200930W | https://archive.org/download/drytonsdavenants00charrich/drytonsdavenants00charrich_djvu.txt |
shortstories00twairich | The £1,000,000 bank-note, and other new stories | Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910 | 1,893 | 274 | OL7246736M | OL53900W | https://archive.org/download/shortstories00twairich/shortstories00twairich_djvu.txt |
whiskeretta00halsiala | Whiskeretta | Halsey, Mina Deane, 1873- | 1,911 | 66 | OL23359779M | OL238584W | https://archive.org/download/whiskeretta00halsiala/whiskeretta00halsiala_djvu.txt |
worksofsymonpatr02patriala | The works of Symon Patrick, D.D., sometime bishop of Ely : including his autobiography | Patrick, Simon, 1626-1707; Taylor, Alexander, 1824?-1884 | 1,858 | 694 | OL7045038M | OL3872632W | https://archive.org/download/worksofsymonpatr02patriala/worksofsymonpatr02patriala_djvu.txt |
worksshakespeare01shak | The works of Shakespeare | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616; Herford, C. H. (Charles Harold), 1853-1931 | 1,904 | 426 | OL32214761M | OL20114770W | https://archive.org/download/worksshakespeare01shak/worksshakespeare01shak_djvu.txt |
zoezoezoe00whitrich | Zoe | Whitaker, Evelyn | 1,899 | 176 | OL7241858M | OL3785671W | https://archive.org/download/zoezoezoe00whitrich/zoezoezoe00whitrich_djvu.txt |
higheralgebra00salmrich | Lessons introductory to the modern higher algebra | Salmon, George, 1819-1904 | 1,866 | 332 | OL14011342M | OL5737600W | https://archive.org/download/higheralgebra00salmrich/higheralgebra00salmrich_djvu.txt |
springnotesfromt00torrrich | Spring notes from Tennessee | Torrey, Bradford, 1843-1912 | 1,896 | 250 | OL7111444M | OL1796873W | https://archive.org/download/springnotesfromt00torrrich/springnotesfromt00torrrich_djvu.txt |
handbookforheati00hoffrich | Hand-book for heating and ventilating engineers | Hoffman, James David; Raber, Benedict F. (Benedict Frederick), b. 1882 | 1,910 | 338 | OL7188508M | OL7574391W | https://archive.org/download/handbookforheati00hoffrich/handbookforheati00hoffrich_djvu.txt |
waysidethoughtso00camp | Wayside thoughts and other poems | Campbell, Archibald, of Ayr | 1,850 | 156 | OL23358766M | OL13797151W | https://archive.org/download/waysidethoughtso00camp/waysidethoughtso00camp_djvu.txt |
warlove00aldi | War and love (1915-1918) | Aldington, Richard, 1892-1962 | 1,919 | 116 | OL23358226M | OL1136033W | https://archive.org/download/warlove00aldi/warlove00aldi_djvu.txt |
triedtruecookboo00chriiala | Tried and true cook book | Christ Church (Los Angeles, Calif.) | 1,913 | 180 | OL7122062M | OL16523374W | https://archive.org/download/triedtruecookboo00chriiala/triedtruecookboo00chriiala_djvu.txt |
voicefromsilence00nettrich | A voice from the silence | Nettleton, Charles Philip; Coolbrith, Ina D. (Ina Donna), 1842?-1928; Robertson, A. M. (Alexander Mitchell), 1855-1934. (1904) bkp CU-BANC; Markham, Edwin, 1852-1940. asn CU-BANC; Miller, Joaquin, 1837-1913. asn CU-BANC; Coolbrith, Ina D. (Ina Donna), 1842?-1928. asn CU-BANC; Stanley-Taylor Co. (1904) bkp CU-BANC | 1,904 | 132 | OL7037303M | OL220442W | https://archive.org/download/voicefromsilence00nettrich/voicefromsilence00nettrich_djvu.txt |
evelynorjourneyf01bunbiala | Evelyn, or, A journey from Stockholm to Rome in 1847-48 | Bunbury, Selina, 1802-1882 | 1,849 | 358 | OL7193460M | OL4862852W | https://archive.org/download/evelynorjourneyf01bunbiala/evelynorjourneyf01bunbiala_djvu.txt |
willtobelieveot00jameiala | The will to believe, and other essays in popular philosophy | James, William, 1842-1910 | 1,912 | 364 | OL7119668M | OL1502061W | https://archive.org/download/willtobelieveot00jameiala/willtobelieveot00jameiala_djvu.txt |
essentialsofmusi00danarich | The essentials of musical knowledge | Dana, William Henry, 1846- | 1,915 | 68 | OL14050936M | OL10725439W | https://archive.org/download/essentialsofmusi00danarich/essentialsofmusi00danarich_djvu.txt |
dyspepsiaitsvari00fenwiala | Dyspepsia, its varieties and treatment | Fenwick, William Soltau | 1,910 | 526 | OL7224849M | OL7904467W | https://archive.org/download/dyspepsiaitsvari00fenwiala/dyspepsiaitsvari00fenwiala_djvu.txt |
yankeeincanada00thorrich | A Yankee in Canada, with Anti-slavery and reform papers | Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862; Channing, William Ellery, 1817-1901; Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882; Thoreau, Sophia E | 1,866 | 306 | OL7250566M | OL55715W | https://archive.org/download/yankeeincanada00thorrich/yankeeincanada00thorrich_djvu.txt |
derrytaleofrevol00chariala | Derry : a tale of the revolution of 1688 | Charlotte Elizabeth, 1790-1846 | 1,839 | 376 | OL7138160M | OL5786022W | https://archive.org/download/derrytaleofrevol00chariala/derrytaleofrevol00chariala_djvu.txt |
gamebirdslifehis00blaniala | Game birds; life histories of one hundred and seventy birds of prey, game birds and water-fowls | Blanchan, Neltje, 1865-1918 | 1,922 | 426 | OL7220373M | OL7632805W | https://archive.org/download/gamebirdslifehis00blaniala/gamebirdslifehis00blaniala_djvu.txt |
incidenceofindus00grea | The incidence of industrial accidents upon individuals, with special reference to multiple accidents | Great Britain. Industrial Fatigue Research Board; Greenwood, Major, 1880-; Woods, Hilda M | 1,919 | 40 | OL6623420M | OL7750784W | https://archive.org/download/incidenceofindus00grea/incidenceofindus00grea_djvu.txt |
Subsets and Splits