import copy from enum import Enum from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union import pytest from pytest import raises from omegaconf import ( Container, DictConfig, IntegerNode, ListConfig, OmegaConf, ReadonlyConfigError, StringNode, ValidationError, flag_override, open_dict, read_write, ) from omegaconf.errors import ConfigKeyError from . import Color, StructuredWithMissing, does_not_raise @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "input_, key, value, expected", [ # dict (dict(), "foo", 10, dict(foo=10)), (dict(), "foo", IntegerNode(10), dict(foo=10)), (dict(foo=5), "foo", IntegerNode(10), dict(foo=10)), # changing type of a node (dict(foo=StringNode("str")), "foo", IntegerNode(10), dict(foo=10)), # list ([0], 0, 10, [10]), (["a", "b", "c"], 1, 10, ["a", 10, "c"]), ([1, 2], 1, IntegerNode(10), [1, 10]), ([1, IntegerNode(2)], 1, IntegerNode(10), [1, 10]), # changing type of a node ([1, StringNode("str")], 1, IntegerNode(10), [1, 10]), ], ) def test_set_value( input_: Any, key: Union[str, int], value: Any, expected: Any ) -> None: c = OmegaConf.create(input_) c[key] = value assert c == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "input_, key, value", [ # dict ({"foo": IntegerNode(10)}, "foo", "str"), # list ([1, IntegerNode(10)], 1, "str"), ], ) def test_set_value_validation_fail(input_: Any, key: Any, value: Any) -> None: c = OmegaConf.create(input_) with raises(ValidationError): c[key] = value @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "input_, key, value", [ # dict (dict(foo=IntegerNode(10)), "foo", StringNode("str")), # list ([1, IntegerNode(10)], 1, StringNode("str")), ], ) def test_replace_value_node_type_with_another( input_: Any, key: Any, value: Any ) -> None: c = OmegaConf.create(input_) c[key] = value assert c[key] == value assert c[key] == value._value() @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "input_", [ pytest.param([1, 2, 3], id="list"), pytest.param([1, 2, {"a": 3}], id="dict_in_list"), pytest.param([1, 2, [10, 20]], id="list_in_list"), pytest.param({"b": {"b": 10}}, id="dict_in_dict"), pytest.param({"b": [False, 1, "2", 3.0, Color.RED]}, id="list_in_dict"), pytest.param({"b": DictConfig(content=None)}, id="none_dictconfig"), pytest.param({"b": ListConfig(content=None)}, id="none_listconfig"), pytest.param({"b": DictConfig(content="???")}, id="missing_dictconfig"), pytest.param({"b": ListConfig(content="???")}, id="missing_listconfig"), ], ) def test_to_container_returns_primitives(input_: Any) -> None: def assert_container_with_primitives(item: Any) -> None: if isinstance(item, list): for v in item: assert_container_with_primitives(v) elif isinstance(item, dict): for _k, v in item.items(): assert_container_with_primitives(v) else: assert isinstance(item, (int, float, str, bool, type(None), Enum)) c = OmegaConf.create(input_) res = OmegaConf.to_container(c, resolve=True) assert_container_with_primitives(res) @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "src, expected, expected_with_resolve", [ pytest.param([], None, None, id="empty_list"), pytest.param([1, 2, 3], None, None, id="list"), pytest.param([None], None, None, id="list_with_none"), pytest.param([1, "${0}", 3], None, [1, 1, 3], id="list_with_inter"), pytest.param({}, None, None, id="empty_dict"), pytest.param({"foo": "bar"}, None, None, id="dict"), pytest.param( {"foo": "${bar}", "bar": "zonk"}, None, {"foo": "zonk", "bar": "zonk"}, id="dict_with_inter", ), pytest.param({"foo": None}, None, None, id="dict_with_none"), pytest.param({"foo": "???"}, None, None, id="dict_missing_value"), pytest.param({"foo": None}, None, None, id="dict_none_value"), # containers pytest.param( {"foo": DictConfig(is_optional=True, content=None)}, {"foo": None}, None, id="dict_none_dictconfig", ), pytest.param( {"foo": DictConfig(content="???")}, {"foo": "???"}, None, id="dict_missing_dictconfig", ), pytest.param( {"foo": DictConfig(content="${bar}"), "bar": 10}, {"foo": "${bar}", "bar": 10}, {"foo": 10, "bar": 10}, id="dict_inter_dictconfig", ), pytest.param( {"foo": ListConfig(content="???")}, {"foo": "???"}, None, id="dict_missing_listconfig", ), pytest.param( {"foo": ListConfig(is_optional=True, content=None)}, {"foo": None}, None, id="dict_none_listconfig", ), pytest.param( {"foo": ListConfig(content="${bar}"), "bar": 10}, {"foo": "${bar}", "bar": 10}, {"foo": 10, "bar": 10}, id="dict_inter_listconfig", ), ], ) def test_to_container(src: Any, expected: Any, expected_with_resolve: Any) -> None: if expected is None: expected = src if expected_with_resolve is None: expected_with_resolve = expected cfg = OmegaConf.create(src) container = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg) assert container == expected container = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg, resolve=True) assert container == expected_with_resolve def test_string_interpolation_with_readonly_parent() -> None: cfg = OmegaConf.create({"a": 10, "b": {"c": "hello_${a}"}}) OmegaConf.set_readonly(cfg, True) assert OmegaConf.to_container(cfg, resolve=True) == { "a": 10, "b": {"c": "hello_10"}, } @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "src,expected", [ pytest.param(DictConfig(content="${bar}"), "${bar}", id="DictConfig"), pytest.param( OmegaConf.create({"foo": DictConfig(content="${bar}")}), {"foo": "${bar}"}, id="nested_DictConfig", ), ], ) def test_to_container_missing_inter_no_resolve(src: Any, expected: Any) -> None: res = OmegaConf.to_container(src, resolve=False) assert res == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "input_, is_empty", [([], True), ({}, True), ([1, 2], False), (dict(a=10), False)] ) def test_empty(input_: Any, is_empty: bool) -> None: c = OmegaConf.create(input_) assert c.is_empty() == is_empty @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", [str, repr]) # type: ignore @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "input_, expected", [ pytest.param([], "[]", id="list"), pytest.param({}, "{}", id="dict"), pytest.param([1, 2, 3], "[1, 2, 3]", id="list"), pytest.param([1, 2, {"a": 3}], "[1, 2, {'a': 3}]", id="dict_in_list"), pytest.param([1, 2, [10, 20]], "[1, 2, [10, 20]]", id="list_in_list"), pytest.param({"b": {"b": 10}}, "{'b': {'b': 10}}", id="dict"), pytest.param({"b": [1, 2, 3]}, "{'b': [1, 2, 3]}", id="list_in_dict"), pytest.param( StructuredWithMissing, ( "{'num': '???', 'opt_num': '???', 'dict': '???', 'opt_dict': '???', 'list': " "'???', 'opt_list': '???', 'user': '???', 'opt_user': '???', 'inter_num': " "'${num}', 'inter_user': '${user}', 'inter_opt_user': '${opt_user}'}" ), id="structured_with_missing", ), ], ) def test_str(func: Any, input_: Any, expected: str) -> None: c = OmegaConf.create(input_) string = func(c) assert string == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("flag", ["readonly", "struct"]) # type: ignore def test_flag_dict(flag: str) -> None: c = OmegaConf.create() assert c._get_flag(flag) is None c._set_flag(flag, True) assert c._get_flag(flag) is True c._set_flag(flag, False) assert not c._get_flag(flag) is True c._set_flag(flag, None) assert c._get_flag(flag) is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("flag", ["readonly", "struct"]) # type: ignore def test_freeze_nested_dict(flag: str) -> None: c = OmegaConf.create(dict(a=dict(b=2))) assert not c._get_flag(flag) assert not c.a._get_flag(flag) c._set_flag(flag, True) assert c._get_flag(flag) assert c.a._get_flag(flag) c._set_flag(flag, False) assert not c._get_flag(flag) assert not c.a._get_flag(flag) c._set_flag(flag, None) assert not c._get_flag(flag) assert not c.a._get_flag(flag) c.a._set_flag(flag, True) assert not c._get_flag(flag) assert c.a._get_flag(flag) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "src", [[], [1, 2, 3], dict(), dict(a=10), StructuredWithMissing] ) class TestDeepCopy: def test_deepcopy(self, src: Any) -> None: c1 = OmegaConf.create(src) c2 = copy.deepcopy(c1) assert c1 == c2 assert c1.__dict__.keys() == c2.__dict__.keys() for k in c1.__dict__.keys(): assert c1.__dict__[k] == c2.__dict__[k] assert id(c1) != id(c2) if isinstance(c2, ListConfig): c2.append(1000) elif isinstance(c2, DictConfig): c2.num = 42 assert c1 != c2 def test_deepcopy_readonly(self, src: Any) -> None: c1 = OmegaConf.create(src) OmegaConf.set_readonly(c1, True) c2 = copy.deepcopy(c1) assert c1 == c2 if isinstance(c2, ListConfig): with raises(ReadonlyConfigError): c2.append(1000) elif isinstance(c2, DictConfig): with raises(ReadonlyConfigError): c2.num = 42 assert c1 == c2 def test_deepcopy_struct(self, src: Any) -> None: c1 = OmegaConf.create(src) OmegaConf.set_struct(c1, True) c2 = copy.deepcopy(c1) assert c1 == c2 if isinstance(c2, ListConfig): c2.append(1000) elif isinstance(c2, DictConfig): with raises(AttributeError): = 42 def test_deepcopy_after_del() -> None: # make sure that deepcopy does not resurrect deleted fields (as it once did, believe it or not). c1 = OmegaConf.create(dict(foo=[1, 2, 3], bar=10)) c2 = copy.deepcopy(c1) assert c1 == c2 del c1["foo"] c3 = copy.deepcopy(c1) assert c1 == c3 def test_deepcopy_after_pop() -> None: c1 = OmegaConf.create(dict(foo=[1, 2, 3], bar=10)) c2 = copy.deepcopy(c1) assert c1 == c2 c2.pop("foo") assert "foo" not in c2 assert "foo" in c1 c3 = copy.deepcopy(c1) assert "foo" in c3 def test_deepcopy_with_interpolation() -> None: c1 = OmegaConf.create(dict(a=dict(b="${c}"), c=10)) assert c1.a.b == 10 c2 = copy.deepcopy(c1) assert c2.a.b == 10 # Yes, there was a bug that was a combination of an interaction between the three def test_deepcopy_and_merge_and_flags() -> None: c1 = OmegaConf.create( {"dataset": {"name": "imagenet", "path": "/datasets/imagenet"}, "defaults": []} ) OmegaConf.set_struct(c1, True) c2 = copy.deepcopy(c1) with raises(ConfigKeyError): OmegaConf.merge(c2, OmegaConf.from_dotlist(["dataset.bad_key=yes"])) @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "cfg", [ListConfig(element_type=int, content=[]), DictConfig(content={})] ) def test_deepcopy_preserves_container_type(cfg: Container) -> None: cp: Container = copy.deepcopy(cfg) assert cp._metadata.element_type == cfg._metadata.element_type @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "src, flag_name, func, expectation", [ pytest.param( {}, "struct", lambda c: c.__setitem__("foo", 1), raises(KeyError), id="struct_setiitem", ), pytest.param( {}, "struct", lambda c: c.__setattr__("foo", 1), raises(AttributeError), id="struct_setattr", ), pytest.param( {}, "readonly", lambda c: c.__setitem__("foo", 1), raises(ReadonlyConfigError), id="readonly", ), ], ) def test_flag_override( src: Dict[str, Any], flag_name: str, func: Any, expectation: Any ) -> None: c = OmegaConf.create(src) c._set_flag(flag_name, True) with expectation: func(c) with does_not_raise(): with flag_override(c, flag_name, False): func(c) @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "src, func, expectation", [ ({}, lambda c: c.__setitem__("foo", 1), raises(ReadonlyConfigError)), ([], lambda c: c.append(1), raises(ReadonlyConfigError)), ], ) def test_read_write_override(src: Any, func: Any, expectation: Any) -> None: c = OmegaConf.create(src) OmegaConf.set_readonly(c, True) with expectation: func(c) with does_not_raise(): with read_write(c): func(c) @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "string, tokenized", [ ("dog,cat", ["dog", "cat"]), ("dog\\,cat\\ ", ["dog,cat "]), ("dog,\\ cat", ["dog", " cat"]), ("\\ ,cat", [" ", "cat"]), ("dog, cat", ["dog", "cat"]), ("dog, ca t", ["dog", "ca t"]), ("dog, cat", ["dog", "cat"]), ("whitespace\\ , before comma", ["whitespace ", "before comma"]), (None, []), ("", []), ("no , escape", ["no", "escape"]), ], ) def test_tokenize_with_escapes(string: str, tokenized: List[str]) -> None: assert OmegaConf._tokenize_args(string) == tokenized @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "src, func, expectation", [({}, lambda c: c.__setattr__("foo", 1), raises(AttributeError))], ) def test_struct_override(src: Any, func: Any, expectation: Any) -> None: c = OmegaConf.create(src) OmegaConf.set_struct(c, True) with expectation: func(c) with does_not_raise(): with open_dict(c): func(c) @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "flag_name,ctx", [("struct", open_dict), ("readonly", read_write)] ) def test_open_dict_restore(flag_name: str, ctx: Any) -> None: """ Tests that internal flags are restored properly when applying context on a child node """ cfg = OmegaConf.create({"foo": {"bar": 10}}) cfg._set_flag(flag_name, True) assert cfg._get_node_flag(flag_name) assert not with ctx( = 20 assert cfg._get_node_flag(flag_name) assert not @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy_method", [lambda x: copy.copy(x), lambda x: x.copy()]) class TestCopy: @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "src", [[], [1, 2], ["a", "b", "c"], {}, {"a": "b"}, {"a": {"b": []}}] ) def test_copy(self, copy_method: Any, src: Any) -> None: src = OmegaConf.create(src) cp = copy_method(src) assert id(src) != id(cp) assert src == cp @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "src,interpolating_key,interpolated_key", [([1, 2, "${0}"], 2, 0), ({"a": 10, "b": "${a}"}, "b", "a")], ) def test_copy_with_interpolation( self, copy_method: Any, src: Any, interpolating_key: str, interpolated_key: str ) -> None: cfg = OmegaConf.create(src) assert cfg[interpolated_key] == cfg[interpolating_key] cp = copy_method(cfg) assert id(cfg) != id(cp) assert cp[interpolated_key] == cp[interpolating_key] assert cfg[interpolated_key] == cp[interpolating_key] # Interpolation is preserved in original cfg[interpolated_key] = "XXX" assert cfg[interpolated_key] == cfg[interpolating_key] # Test interpolation is preserved in copy cp[interpolated_key] = "XXX" assert cp[interpolated_key] == cp[interpolating_key] def test_list_copy_is_shallow(self, copy_method: Any) -> None: cfg = OmegaConf.create([[10, 20]]) cp = copy_method(cfg) assert id(cfg) != id(cp) assert id(cfg[0]) == id(cp[0]) def test_not_implemented() -> None: with raises(NotImplementedError): OmegaConf() @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "query, result", [ ("a", "a"), ("${foo}", 10), ("${bar}", 10), ("foo_${foo}", "foo_10"), ("foo_${bar}", "foo_10"), ], ) def test_resolve_str_interpolation(query: str, result: Any) -> None: cfg = OmegaConf.create({"foo": 10, "bar": "${foo}"}) assert ( cfg._resolve_interpolation( key=None, value=StringNode(value=query), throw_on_missing=False, throw_on_resolution_failure=True, ) == result ) def test_omegaconf_create() -> None: assert OmegaConf.create([]) == [] assert OmegaConf.create({}) == {} with raises(ValidationError): assert OmegaConf.create(10) # type: ignore @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "parent, key, value, expected", [ ([10, 11], 0, ["a", "b"], [["a", "b"], 11]), ([None], 0, {"foo": "bar"}, [{"foo": "bar"}]), ([None], 0, OmegaConf.create({"foo": "bar"}), [{"foo": "bar"}]), ({}, "foo", ["a", "b"], {"foo": ["a", "b"]}), ({}, "foo", ("a", "b"), {"foo": ["a", "b"]}), ({}, "foo", OmegaConf.create({"foo": "bar"}), {"foo": {"foo": "bar"}}), ], ) def test_assign(parent: Any, key: Union[str, int], value: Any, expected: Any) -> None: c = OmegaConf.create(parent) c[key] = value assert c == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( # type: ignore "cfg, key, expected", [ # dict (OmegaConf.create({"foo": "bar"}), "foo", "bar"), (OmegaConf.create({"foo": None}), "foo", None), (OmegaConf.create({"foo": "???"}), "foo", "???"), # list (OmegaConf.create([10, 20, 30]), 1, 20), (OmegaConf.create([10, None, 30]), 1, None), (OmegaConf.create([10, "???", 30]), 1, "???"), ], ) def test_get_node(cfg: Any, key: Any, expected: Any) -> None: assert cfg._get_node(key) == expected