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Doctor Who (23 Nov, 1963; First Doctor) - An Unearthly Child
(Coal Hill School corridor)
[GIRL] Night, Miss Wright.
[BARBARA] Wait in here, please, Susan. I won't be long.
[BOY] Goodnight, Miss Wright.
[IAN] Oh? Not gone yet?
[BARBARA] Obviously not.
[IAN] Right, ask a silly question.
[BARBARA] I'm sorry.
[IAN] That's all right. I'll forgive you this time.
[BARBARA] Oh, I had a terrible day. I don't know what to make of it.
[IAN] Oh, what's the trouble? Can I help?
[BARBARA] Oh, it's one of the girls, Susan Foreman.
[IAN] Susan Foreman? She your problem too?
[IAN] You don't know what to make of her?
[IAN] How old is she, Barbara?
[BARBARA] Fifteen.
[IAN] Fifteen. She lets her knowledge out a bit at a time so as not toembarrass me. That's what I feel about her. She knows more science thanI'll ever know. She's a genius. Is that what she's doing with history?
[BARBARA] Something like that.
[IAN] So your problem is whether to stay in business or to hand over theclass to her.
[BARBARA] No, not quite.
[IAN] What, then?
[BARBARA] Ian, I must talk to someone about this, but I don't want toget the girl into trouble. And I know you're going to tell me I'mimagining things.
[IAN] No, I'm not.
[BARBARA] Well, I told you how good she is at history. I had a talk withher and told her she ought to specialise. Well, she seemed quiteinterested until I said I'd be willing to work with her at her home.Then she said that would be absolutely impossible as her grandfatherdidn't like strangers.
[IAN] He's a doctor, isn't he? That's a bit of a lame excuse.
[BARBARA] Well, I didn't pursue the point but then recently herhomework's been so bad.
[IAN] Yes, I know.
[BARBARA] Finally I got so irritated with all her excuses I decided tohave a talk with this grandfather of hers and tell him to take someinterest in her.
[IAN] Did you indeed? And what's the old boy like?
[BARBARA] Well, that's just it. I got her address from the secretary, 76Totter's Lane, and I went along there one evening. Oh Ian, do payattention.
[IAN] Sorry. You went along there one evening?
[BARBARA] There isn't anything there. It's just an old junkyard.
[IAN] You must have gone to the wrong place.
[BARBARA] Well, that was the address the secretary gave me.
[IAN] The secretary got it wrong, then.
[BARBARA] No. I checked. There's a big wall on one side, houses on theother and nothing in the middle. And this nothing in the middle isnumber 76 Totter's Lane.
[IAN] Hmm. That's a bit of a mystery. Well, there must be a simpleanswer somewhere.
[BARBARA] Well, what?
[IAN] Well, we'll have to find out for ourselves, won't we?
[BARBARA] Thank you for the we. She's waiting in one of the classrooms.I'm lending her a book on the French Revolution.
[IAN] What's she going to do, rewrite it? Oh, all right. What do we do?Ask her point-blank?
[BARBARA] No, I thought we could drive there, wait till she arrives andsee where she goes.
[IAN] Oh, all right.
[BARBARA] That is, if you're not doing anything.
[IAN] No, I'm not. After you.
[BARBARA] Susan?
[SUSAN] Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Wright. I didn't hear you coming in. Aren'tthey fabulous?
[SUSAN] It's John Smith and the Common Men. They've gone from nineteento two.
[IAN] John Smith is the stage name of the Honourable Aubrey Waites. Hestarted his career as Chris Waites and the Carollers, didn't he, Susan?
[SUSAN] You are surprising, Mister Chesterton. I wouldn't expect you toknow things like that.
[IAN] I have an enquiring mind. And a very sensitive ear.
[SUSAN] Oh, I'm sorry.
[IAN] Thank you.
[SUSAN] Is that the book you promised me?
[SUSAN] Thank you very much. It will be interesting. I'll return ittomorrow.
[BARBARA] Oh, that's not necessary. Keep it until you've finished it.
[SUSAN] I'll have finished it.
[IAN] Oh, where do you live, Susan? I'm giving Miss Wright a lift, I'vegot room for one more.
[SUSAN] No, thank you, Mister Chesterton. I like walking through thedark. It's mysterious.
[BARBARA] Be careful, Susan, there'll probably be fog again tonight.
[SUSAN] Mmm.
[BARBARA] See you in the morning.
[SUSAN] I expect so. Good night.
[BARBARA] Good night.
[IAN] Good night, Susan.
[SUSAN] But that's not right.
(Totter's Lane)
[BARBARA] Over there.
[IAN] We're lucky there was no fog. I'd never have found this.
[BARBARA] Well, she doesn't seem to have arrived yet. I suppose we aredoing the right thing, aren't we?
[IAN] You can't justify curiosity.
[BARBARA] But her homework?
[IAN] A bit of an excuse, really, isn't it? I've seen far worse. Thetruth is, we're both curious about Susan and we won't be happy until weknow some of the answers.
[BARBARA] You can't just pass it off like that. If I thought I was justbeing a busybody, I'd go straight home. I thought you agreed she was abit of a mystery.
[IAN] Yes, but I think you'll find there's a very simple explanation toall this.
[BARBARA] Well, I don't know how you explain the fact that a fifteenyear old girl does not know how many shillings there are in a pound.
[IAN] Really?
[BARBARA] Really. She said she thought we were on the decimal system.
[IAN] Decimal system?
(Memory - classroom)
[SUSAN] I'm sorry, Miss Wright.
[BARBARA] Don't be silly, Susan. The United States has a decimal system.You know perfectly well that we do not.
[SUSAN] Of course, the decimal system hasn't started yet.
(Totter's Lane)
[IAN] I suppose she couldn't be a foreigner? No,doesn't make sense. Nothing about this girl makes sense. For instance,the other day I talking about chemical changes. I'd given out thelitmus paper to show cause and effect
[BARBARA] And she knew the answer before you'd started.
[IAN] Well, not quite. The answer simply didn't interest her.
[SUSAN] Yes, I can see red turns to blue, MisterChesterton, but that's because we're dealing with two inactivechemicals. They only act in relation to each other.
[IAN] But that's the whole point of the experiment, Susan.
[SUSAN] Yes, it's a bit obvious, isn't it? Well, I'm not trying to berude, but couldn't we deal with two active chemicals? Then red couldturn blue all by itself and get on with something else? I'm sorry, itwas just an idea.
(Totter's Lane)
[IAN] She means it. These simple experiments arechild's play to her.
[BARBARA] You know, it's almost got to the point where I deliberatelywant to trip her up.
[IAN] Yes. Something like that happened the other day. I'd set the classa problem with A, B and C as the three dimensions.
(Memory - classroom)
[SUSAN] It's impossible unless you use D and E.
[IAN] D and E? Whatever for? Do the problem that's set, Susan.
[SUSAN] I can't, Mister Chesterton. You can't simply work on three ofthe dimensions.
[IAN] Three of them? Oh, time being the fourth dimension, I suppose?Then what do you need E for? What do you make the fifth dimension?
[SUSAN] Space.
(Totter's Lane)
[BARBARA] Too many questions and not enoughanswers.
[IAN] Stupid? Or just doesn't know. So we have a fifteen year old girlwho is absolutely brilliant at some things, and excruciatingly bad atothers.
[BARBARA] There she is.
[BARBARA] Look, can we go in now? I hate to think of her alone in thatplace.
[IAN] If she is alone. Look, she is fifteen. She might be meeting a boy.Didn't that occur to you?
[BARBARA] I almost hope she is.
[IAN] What do you mean?
[BARBARA] Well, it would be so wonderfully normal. It's silly, isn't it?I feel frightened. As if we're about to interfere in something that isbest left alone.
[IAN] Come on, let's get it over with.
[BARBARA] Well, don't you feel it?
[IAN] I take things as they come. Come on.
(Junk yard)
[IAN] What a mess. We're not turning over any of this stuff to findher..
[BARBARA] Over there?
[IAN] Blast. I've dropped it.
[IAN] The torch.
[BARBARA] Well, use a match.
[IAN] I haven't got any. Oh, never mind.
[BARBARA] Susan?
[IAN] Susan? Susan? Susan! Susan. Mister Chesterton and Miss Wright. Shecan't have got out without us seeing her.
[BARBARA] Ian, look at this.
[IAN] It's a police box! What on earth's it doing here? These things areusually on the street. Feel it. Feel it. Do you feel it?
[BARBARA] It's a faint vibration.
[IAN] It's alive!
[IAN] It's not connected to anything, unless it's through the floor.
[BARBARA] Look, I've had enough. Let's go and find a policeman.
[IAN] Yes, all right.
[BARBARA] Is that her?
[IAN] That's not her. Quick.
[SUSAN [OC]] There you are, Grandfather.
[BARBARA] It's Susan.
[IAN] Shush!
[IAN] Excuse me.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing here?
[IAN] We're looking for a young girl.
[BARBARA] Good evening.
[DOCTOR] What do you want?
[IAN] One of our pupils, Susan Foreman, came into this yard.
[DOCTOR] Really? In here? Are you sure?
[BARBARA] Yes, we saw her from across the street.
[DOCTOR] (aside) One of their pupils, not the police, then.
[IAN] I beg your pardon?
[DOCTOR] Why were you were spying on her? Who are you?
[IAN] We heard a young girl's voice call out to you.
[DOCTOR] Your hearing must be very acute. I didn't hear anything.
[BARBARA] It came from in here.
[DOCTOR] You imagined it.
[BARBARA] I certainly did not imagine it.
[DOCTOR] Young man, is it reasonable to suppose that anybody would beinside a cupboard like that, hmm?
[IAN] Would it therefore be unreasonable to ask you to let us have alook inside?
[DOCTOR] I wonder why I've never seen that before. Now isn't thatstrange. Very damp and dirty.
[BARBARA] Won't you help us? We're two of her teachers from the CoalHill School. We saw her come in and we haven't seen her leave.Naturally, we're worried.
[DOCTOR] Have to be cleaned. Hmm? Oh, I'm afraid it's none of mybusiness. I suggest you leave here.
[IAN] Not until we're satisfied that Susan isn't in there. And frankly,I don't understand your attitude.
[DOCTOR] Yours leaves a lot to be desired.
[IAN] Will you open the door?
[DOCTOR] There's nothing in there.
[IAN] Then what are you afraid to show us?
[DOCTOR] Afraid? Oh, go away.
[IAN] I think we'd better go and fetch a policeman.
[DOCTOR] Very well.
[IAN] And you're coming with us.
[DOCTOR] Oh, am I? I don't think so, young man. No, I don't think so.
[BARBARA] We can't force him.
[IAN] But we can't leave him here. Doesn't it seem obvious to you he'sgot her locked up in there? Look at it. There's no door handle. Theremust be a secret lock somewhere.
[BARBARA] That was Susan's voice.
[IAN] But of course it was. Susan! Susan! Susan, are you in there? It'sMister Chesterton and Miss Wright, Susan.
[DOCTOR] Don't you think you're being rather high-handed, young man? Youthought you saw a young girl enter the yard. You imagine you heard hervoice. You believe she might be inside there. It's not verysubstantial, is it?
[BARBARA] But why won't you help us?
[DOCTOR] I'm not hindering you. If you both want to make fools ofyourselves, I suggest you do what you said you'd do. Go and find apoliceman.
[IAN] While you nip off quietly in the other direction.
[DOCTOR] Insulting. There's only one way in and out of this yard. Ishall be here when you get back. I want to see your faces when you tryto explain away your behaviour to a policeman.
[IAN] Nevertheless, we're going to find one. Come on, Barbara.
[SUSAN [OC]] What are you doing out there?
[IAN] She is in there!
[DOCTOR] Close the door!
[IAN] Barbara!
[DOCTOR] Close the door, Susan. I believe these people are known to you.
[SUSAN] They're two of my schoolteachers. What are you doing here?
[BARBARA] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] They must have followed you. That ridiculous school. I knewsomething like this would happen if we stayed in one place too long.
[SUSAN] But why should they follow me?
[BARBARA] Is this really where you live, Susan?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] And what's wrong with it?
[IAN] But it was just a telephone box.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps.
[BARBARA] And this is your grandfather?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[BARBARA] But why didn't you tell us that?
[DOCTOR] I don't discuss my private life with strangers.
[IAN] But it was a police telephone box. I walked all around it.Barbara, you saw me.
[DOCTOR] You don't deserve any explanations. You pushed your way in hereuninvited and unwelcome.
[BARBARA] I think we ought to leave.
[IAN] No, just a minute. I know this is absurd, but I feel
[DOCTOR] Oh dear, dear, dear dear. This is very
[IAN] I walked all round it.
[DOCTOR] It's stopped again, you know, and I've tried hmm? Oh, youwouldn't understand.
[IAN] But I want to understand.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. By the way, Susan, I managed tofind a replacement for that faulty filament. It's an amateur job, but Ithink it'll serve.
[IAN] It's an illusion. It must be.
[DOCTOR] What is he talking about now?
[SUSAN] What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] You don't understand, so you find excuses. Illusions, indeed?You say you can't fit an enormous building into one of your smallersitting rooms.
[IAN] No.
[DOCTOR] But you've discovered television, haven't you?
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Then by showing an enormous building on your television screen,you can do what seemed impossible, couldn't you?
[IAN] Well, yes, but I still don't know
[DOCTOR] Not quite clear, is it. I can see by your face that you're notcertain. You don't understand. And I knew you wouldn't. Never mind. Nowthen, which switch was it? No. No, no. Ah yes, that is it. The point isnot whether you understand. What is going to happen to you, hmm?They'll tell everybody about the ship now.
[IAN] Ship?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, ship. This doesn't roll along on wheels, you know.
[BARBARA] You mean it moves?
[SUSAN] The Tardis can go anywhere.
[BARBARA] Tardis? I don't understand you, Susan.
[SUSAN] Well, I made up the name Tardis from the initials, Time AndRelative Dimension In Space. I thought you'd both understand when yousaw the different dimensions inside from those outside.
[IAN] Just let me get this straight. A thing that looks like a policebox, standing in a junkyard, it can move anywhere in time and space?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Quite so.
[IAN] But that's ridiculous.
[SUSAN] Why won't they believe us?
[BARBARA] How can we?
[DOCTOR] Now, now, don't get exasperated, Susan. Remember the RedIndian. When he saw the first steam train, his savage mind thought itan illusion, too.
[IAN] You're treating us like children.
[DOCTOR] Am I? The children of my civilisation would be insulted.
[IAN] Your civilisation?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my civilisation. I tolerate this century, but I don'tenjoy it. Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers in thefourth dimension? Have you? To be exiles? Susan and I are cut off fromour own planet, without friends or protection. But one day we shall getback. Yes, one day. One day.
[SUSAN] It's true. Every word of it's true. You don't know what you'vedone coming in here. Grandfather, let them go now, please. Look, ifthey don't understand, they can't, they can't hurt us at all. Iunderstand these people better than you. Their minds reject things theydon't understand.
[IAN] He can't keep us here.
[BARBARA] Susan, listen to me. Can't you see that all this is anillusion? It's a game that you and your grandfather are playing, if youlike, but you can't expect us to believe it.
[SUSAN] It's not a game!
[BARBARA] But Susan, it's
[SUSAN] It's not! Look, I love your school. I loved England in thetwentieth century. The last five months have been the happiest of mylife.
[BARBARA] But you are one of us. You look like us, you sound like us.
[SUSAN] I was born in another time, another world.
[IAN] Now look here, Susan, you. Oh, come on, Barbara, let's get out ofhere.
[SUSAN] It's no use, you can't get out. He won't let you go.
[IAN] He closed the doors from over there. I saw him. Now, which is it?Which is it? Which control operates the door?
[DOCTOR] You still think it's all an illusion?
[IAN] I know that free movement time and space is a scientific dream Idon't expect to find solved in a junkyard.
[DOCTOR] Your arrogance is nearly as great as your ignorance.
[IAN] Will you open the door? Open the door! Susan, will you help us?
[SUSAN] I mustn't.
[IAN] Very well, then. I'll have to risk it myself.
[DOCTOR] I can't stop you.
[SUSAN] Don't touch it! It's live!
[BARBARA] Ian! What on earth do you think you're doing?
[SUSAN] Grandfather, let them go now, please.
[DOCTOR] And by tomorrow we shall be a public spectacle, a subject fornews and idle gossip.
[SUSAN] But they won't say anything.
[DOCTOR] My dear child, of course they will. Put yourself in theirplace. They are bound to make some sort of a complaint to theauthorities, or at the very least talk to their friends. If I do letthem go, Susan, you realise of course we must go, too.
[SUSAN] No, Grandfather, we've had all this out before.
[DOCTOR] There's no alternative, child.
[SUSAN] I want to stay! But they're both kind people. Why won't youtrust them? All you've got to do is ask them to promise to keep oursecret
[DOCTOR] It's out of the question.
[SUSAN] I won't go, Grandfather. I won't leave the twentieth century.I'd rather leave the Tardis and you.
[DOCTOR] Now you're being sentimental and childish.
[SUSAN] No, I mean it.
[DOCTOR] Very well. Then you must go with them. I'll open the door.
[BARBARA] Are you coming, Susan?
[SUSAN] Oh, no, Grandfather! No!
[DOCTOR] Let me go.
[DOCTOR] Get back to the ship, child. Hold it.
[MOTHER] Where is the fire Za makes?
[HUR] (a woman) In his hands. We are not going to the wood.
[ZA] My father made fire.
[MOTHER] They killed him for it. It is better that we live as we havealways done.
[ZA] He showed me how to sharpen the stones and trap the bear and thetiger. He should have shown me this, too.
[MOTHER] So that everyone would bow to you as they did to him?
[ZA] Tell me what my father did to make fire.
[MOTHER] I never saw him make it. That is all I know.
[ZA] Out of my sight, old woman. You should have died with him.
[MOTHER] Za will never make fire.
[ZA] Put on more of the dead fire.
[HUR] The old men are talking against you, Za. They say it would bebetter for the stranger Kal to lead us.
[ZA] Kal?
[HUR] They say you sit all day rubbing your hands together while hebrings us meat.
[ZA] Without meat, we go hungry. Without fire, we die.
[HUR] Old men see no further than tomorrow's meat. They will make Kalthe leader. My father will give me to him.
[ZA] Kal is no leader.
[HUR] The leader is the one who makes fire.
[ZA] Where has the fire gone? Where? Where?
[BARBARA] Ian? Ian.
[IAN] I'm all right. I must have hit my head. The movement's stopped.
[SUSAN] The base is steady.
[DOCTOR] Layer of sand, rock formation. Good.
[SUSAN] We've left 1963.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, undoubtedly. I'll be able to tell you where presently.Zero? That's not right. I'm afraid this yearometer is not calculatingproperly. Hm! Well, anyway, the journey's finished. (to Ian) What areyou doing down there?
[BARBARA] What have you done?
[IAN] Barbara, you don't believe all this nonsense.
[SUSAN] Well, look at the scanner screen.
[DOCTOR] Yes, look up there. They don't understand and I suspect theydon't want to. Well, there you are. A new world for you.
[IAN] Sand and rock?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's the immediate view outside the ship.
[BARBARA] But where are we?
[IAN] You mean that's what we'll see when we go outside?
[SUSAN] Yes, you'll see it for yourself.
[IAN] I don't believe it.
[DOCTOR] You really are a stubborn young man, aren't you?
[IAN] All right, show me some proof. Give me some concrete evidence. I'msorry, Susan, I don't want to hurt you, but it's time you were broughtback to reality.
[SUSAN] But you're wrong, Mister Chesterton.
[DOCTOR] They are saying I'm a charlatan. What concrete evidence wouldsatisfy you?
[IAN] Just open the doors, Doctor Foreman.
[DOCTOR] Eh? Doctor who? What's he talking about?
[BARBARA] They're so sure, Ian.
[IAN] Yes, I know.
[BARBARA] And remember the difference between the outside of the policebox and the inside.
[IAN] Yes, I know, but. Are you going to open the doors or aren't you?
[IAN] You see?
[DOCTOR] Not until I'm quite sure it's safe to do so. Well, yes, good.Yes, it is, it's good. Excellent, excellent. You've got the radiationcounter there. What's it read?
[SUSAN] It's reading normal, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Splendid, splendid. Well, I think I'll take my Geiger counterwith me in any case. So, you still challenge me, young man?
[IAN] Well, just open the doors and prove your point.
[DOCTOR] You're so narrow-minded, aren't you? Don't be so insular.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, do you know where we are?
[DOCTOR] Yes, we've gone back in time, all right. One or two samples andI shall be able to make an estimate. With rock pieces and a few plants.But I do wish this wouldn't keep letting me down. However, we can goout now.
[IAN] Just a minute. You say we've gone back in time?
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite so.
[IAN] So that when we go out of that door, we won't be in a junkyard inLondon in England in the year 1963?
[DOCTOR] That is quite correct. But your tone suggests ridicule.
[IAN] But it is ridiculous. Time doesn't go round and round in circles.You can't get on and off whenever you like in the past or the future.
[DOCTOR] Really? Where does time go, then?
[IAN] It doesn't go anywhere. It just happens and then it's finished.
[DOCTOR] (to Barbara) You're not as doubtful as your friend, I hope?
[IAN] Barbara, you can't
[BARBARA] I can't help it. I just believe them, that's all.
[DOCTOR] If you could touch the alien sand and hear the cries of strangebirds and watch them wheel in another sky, would that satisfy you?
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Now, see for yourself.
[IAN] It's not true. It can't be.
[SUSAN] That's not on the screen.
[DOCTOR] Well I've no more time to argue with you. I must get somesamples, Susan.
[SUSAN] Be careful, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] (exiting, muttering) Oh, dear, it's disgusting really.
[BARBARA] Ian, come out and look.
[SUSAN] Oh here, lean on me.
[IAN] No, thank you. I'm all right, thanks.
[IAN] But there must be some explanation.
[DOCTOR] It's still a police box. Why hasn't it changed? Dear, dear, howvery disturbing.
[BARBARA] What do you think it could be? Ian, look at this.
[IAN] I don't know. It hasn't got any horns or antlers. Could be ahorse. Could be anything. Incredible. A police box in the midst of. Oh,it just doesn't make sense.
[SUSAN] It should have changed. Wonder why it hasn't happened this time.
[BARBARA] The ship, you mean?
[SUSAN] Yes, it's been an Ionic column and a sedan chair.
[BARBARA] Disguising itself wherever it goes.
[SUSAN] Yes, that's right. But it hasn't happened this time. I wonderwhy not. I wonder if this old head would help Grandfather. Where is he?
[BARBARA] You're very quiet.
[IAN] I was wrong, wasn't I.
[BARBARA] Oh, look, I don't understand it any more than you do. Theinside of the ship, suddenly finding ourselves here. Even some of thethings Doctor Foreman says
[IAN] That's not his name. Who is he? Doctor who? Perhaps if we knew hisname we might have a clue to all this.
[BARBARA] Look, Ian, the point is, it's happened.
[IAN] Yes, it has. But it's impossible to accept. I know I'm here
[SUSAN] I can't see him anywhere.
[BARBARA] He can't be far away. I had a feeling just now as if we werebeing watched. Grandfather.
[SUSAN] Grandfather!
[IAN] Come on!
[IAN] Look.
[SUSAN] What is it?
[BARBARA] Some of his things.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, where are you?
[IAN] Susan, don't panic.
[SUSAN] I must find him.
[IAN] Susan.
[SUSAN] I must see.
[IAN] Well, be careful then.
[BARBARA] Ian, look.
[IAN] (broken Geiger counter) It's not much good any more.
[BARBARA] Well, maybe he saw something and went off to investigate.
[IAN] Leaving this? (his hat)
[BARBARA] Well, what do you think happened?
[IAN] I don't know. Perhaps he was excited and went off to investigatesomething as you suggest, but. He may have been taken.
[SUSAN] I can't see him. I can't find him anywhere. There's not a signof him.
[IAN] Calm down, Susan.
[BARBARA] Susan, don't worry. What's the matter?
[SUSAN] It's his notes. He'd never leave his notebook. It's tooimportant to him. It's got the key codes of all the machines in theship. It's got notes of everywhere we've been to. Something terriblehas happened to him, I know it has. We must find him.
[BARBARA] Susan, Susan. We'll find him, I promise you. He can't be faraway.
[IAN] What's on the other side of those rocks?
[SUSAN] There's a line of trees. There's a gap in them. There might be apath on the other side.
[IAN] (gathering up the Doctor's things) All right, we'll try therefirst. Come on. Strange.
[IAN] This sand. It's cold. It's nearly freezing.
[HORG] Kal says, where he comes from, he's often seen men make fire.
[ZA] Kal is a liar.
[HORG] He says Orb will soon show him how it is done.
[ZA] All his tribe died in the last cold. If he had not found us, hewould have died too.
[HUR] What else did he say?
[HORG] He says Orb only shows the secret to the leader.
[ZA] I am leader. Orb will show me. I am the son of the great firemaker,but he does not show me how to put flames into the sticks. Kal comes. Ido not kill him. I let him eat with us and sleep in our caves. I willhave to spill some blood and make people bow to me.
[ZA] This is a strange creature.
[KAL] Is Za, son of the firemaker, afraid of an old man? When will Zamake fire come from his hands?
[ZA] When Orb decides it.
[KAL] Orb is for strong men. Orb has sent me this creature to make firecome from his fingers. I have seen it. Inside, he's full of fire. Thesmoke comes from his mouth.
[ZA] As lies come out of yours. He wears strange skins.
[KAL] Za is afraid. There was a strange tree. The creature was in it. Zawould have run away had he seen it.
[ZA] Silence!
[KAL] When I saw fire come from his fingers I remembered Za, son of thefiremaker. And when the cold comes, you will all die if you wait for Zato make fire for you. I, Kal, am a true leader. We fought like thetiger and the bear. My strength was too much for him. He lay down tosleep. And I, Kal, carried him here to make fire for you.
[ZA] Why do you listen to Kal?
[HORG] Za has many good skins. He has forgotten what the cold is like.
[ZA] Tomorrow, I kill many bears. You all have warm skins.
[HORG] I say tomorrow you will rub your hands together and hold them tothe dry sticks and ask Orb to send you fire. And the bears will staywarm in their own skins.
[ZA] What I say I will do, I will do.
[KAL] The firemaker is dead. You all carry dry sticks with you. Buttonight, I make them burn. I am leader.
[HUR] The creature has opened its eyes.
[DOCTOR] Where's my, where.
[KAL] Do you want fire, or do you want to die in the cold?
[ALL] Fire! Fire!
[KAL] When it's cold, the tiger comes to our caves again at night. Zawill give you to the tiger. Za will give you to the cold. Za rubs hishands and waits for Orb to remember him. My creature can make fire comefrom his fingers. I have seen it. But I, Kal, brought him here. Thecreature is mine.
[ZA] He's just an old man in strange skins. Kal has been with us toolong. It is time he died.
[HORG] I say there is truth in both of you. Za speaks truth, but firecannot live in men. And Kal speaks the truth that we die without fire.
[HUR] Will my father listen to a woman? If this old man can make firecome from his fingers, let us see it now.
[ZA] I say what is to be done here, not old men and women.
[KAL] Za tries to talk like his father, the firemaker. Za does not wantto see fire made. But I, Kal, am not afraid of fire. I will make mycreature make fire.
[ZA] I will take him to the Cave of Skulls and he will tell me thesecret!
[DOCTOR] I can make fire for you. Let me go and I'll make all the fireyou want. You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm an old man. How can anold man like me harm any of you?
[ZA] What does he say?
[HORG] Fire? He says he can make fire for us.
[KAL] He makes it for me and I give you fire. I am firemaker.
[ZA] He will make it for me.
[DOCTOR] (searching his pockets) My matches. Where are they? I must getback. Must get back to the ship.
[KAL] Kal's creature, he makes fire only for Kal.
[DOCTOR] Take me back to my ship and I will make fire for you. All thefire you want.
[ZA] This is more of your lies. The old man cannot make fire.
[KAL] There was a tree and the creature came from in it. And the fire,it came out of his fingers.
[ZA] You want to be strong like Za, son of the great firemaker. You allheard him say that there would be fire. There is no fire. Za does nottell you lies. He does not say, I will do this thing, and then not doit. He does not say, I will make you warm, and then leave you to thedark. He does not say, I will fight away the tiger with fire, and thenlet him come to you in the dark. Do you want a liar for your chief?
[ALL] No!
[KAL] Make fire. Make fire.
[HUR] You are trapped in your own lies, Kal.
[ZA] Great chief who is afraid of nothing. Oh great Kal, save us fromthe cold. Save us from the tiger.
[KAL] Make fire. Make fire come from your fingers as I saw you.
[DOCTOR] I have no matches. I cannot make fire. I cannot make fire!
[ZA] Let the old man die. And we'll watch the great Kal as he kills hisstrong enemy.
[KAL] Make fire! Make fire! Or I kill you now!
[ZA] Or we'll keep them and make them hunt for us. It's good to havesomeone to laugh at!
[SUSAN] Grandfather!
[DOCTOR] If he dies, there will be no fire.
[MOTHER] Kill her. Kill her.
[ZA] Wait. You cannot kill all our enemies. When Orb gives fire back tothe sky, let him look down on them. Then that is when they die, and Orbwill give us fire again. Take them to the Cave of Skulls.
[SUSAN] No! Grandfather!
[DOCTOR] All right.
[ZA] The woman is mine.
[HORG] My daughter is for the leader of the tribe.
[ZA] Yes, the woman is mine.
[HORG] I do not like what has happened.
[ZA] Old men never like new things to happen.
[HORG] I was a great leader of many men.
[ZA] Many men, yes. They all dies when Orb left the sky and the greatcold was on the ground. And Orb will give me fire again. To me. Not toyou. Just as you will give me her.
[HUR] Za will be a strong leader of many men. If you give me to him, hewill remember and always give you meat.
[MOTHER] There were leaders before there was fire. Fire will kill us allin the end. You should have killed the four strangers. Kill them.
[ZA] I have said we will wait until Orb shines again. Then they die.
(Cave of Skulls)
[IAN] Are you all right? Did they hurt you?
[BARBARA] No. Ian, I'm frightened.
[IAN] Try and hang on.
[BARBARA] But how are we going to get out of this?
[DOCTOR] We should use our cunning. I hope you can get yourself free,Chesterton. I can't. The stench in here. The stench. I'm sorry. It'sall my fault. I'm desperately sorry.
[SUSAN] Don't blame yourself, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Look at that. Look at it. (skulls)
[IAN] They're all the same. They've been split open.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, it's all myfault. I'm desperately sorry.
[SUSAN] Oh, don't blame yourself, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Look at those. Look at them. (the skulls)
[IAN] Yes, they're all the same. They've been split wide open.
[SUSAN] I've found another piece with a rough edge.
[IAN] Thank you.
[IAN] It's no good, it keeps crumbling.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's hopeless, hopeless. Even if we do get free, we shallnever move that stone.
[IAN] There's air coming in here from somewhere.
[BARBARA] Yes, there is. I can feel it on my face.
[IAN] It may only be a small opening. Don't count on it.
[DOCTOR] Well you obviously are.
[IAN] Of course I am. Any hope is better than none. Don't just lie therecriticising us. Do something. Help us all to get out of here. Oh, thisstone's no good.
[BARBARA] Well, don't give up, Ian. Please.
[IAN] Oh, all right.
[DOCTOR] No, no, don't waste time. Try those bones, they may be. They'resharper, perhaps.
[IAN] That's a good idea.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, I knew you'd think of something.
[DOCTOR] We must all take it in turns and try and cut his hands free.
[IAN] Surely we should get the girls free?
[DOCTOR] No, no, we've got to free you first. You're the strongest, andyou may have to defend us.
[IAN] All right.
[DOCTOR] Susan, you have a go. My arms are tired.
[SUSAN] All right.
[DOCTOR] And don't think of failing.
[DOCTOR] Well, try and remember, if you can, how you and the othersfound your way here. Concentrate on that please.
[BARBARA] Yes, yes, I'll try. You're trying to help me.
[DOCTOR] Fear makes companions of all of us. That's right.
[BARBARA] I never thought once you were afraid.
[DOCTOR] Fear is with all of us, and always will be. Just like thatother sensation that lives with it.
[BARBARA] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Your companion referred to it. Hope. Hope, that's right.
[MOTHER] You will not make fire.
(Outside the cave)
[ZA] Now tell me.
[HUR] I saw the old woman take your knife.
[ZA] Why did you let her? She's old, you could have held her.
[HUR] Why did she take it?
[ZA] She has gone into the forest.
[HUR] No. She's going to kill the strangers.
[ZA] Did she say this?
[HUR] No, but she took your knife. She is afraid of fire.
[ZA] You should have stopped her.
[HUR] Kal was in the cave. Leaders are awake when others sleep. Thestrange tribe will not be able to show you how to make fire if the oldwoman kills them.
[ZA] If I stop her from killing them, they will give fire to me. And notto Kal. The woman could not have got into the cave. The great stone isstill there. Why do you tell me this?
[HUR] No! No!
[ZA] The old woman is talking to them.
(Cave of Skulls)
[MOTHER] I will set you free if you will go awayand not make fire. Fire will bring trouble and death to the tribe.
[DOCTOR] There will be no fire.
(Outside the cave)
[HUR] No, we cannot move the great stone.
[ZA] The old woman is talking to them. I will move it.
(Cave of Skulls)
[MOTHER] Hurry, hurry. You must go across the tuft and into the trees.
[IAN] Yes.
[HUR] She set them free!
[MOTHER] They would have made fire. They would have made fire! No.
[ZA] They have gone into the night.
[HUR] They have taken fire with them.
[ZA] The beasts will kill them. They will kill us if we follow.
[HUR] Now, you are leader. You are as strong as the beasts. You will bestronger still when you know how fire is made. Stronger than Kal.
[DOCTOR] Stop. Just a minute, let me get my
[IAN] We can't stop here.
[DOCTOR] Just a moment.
[IAN] Look, we've got to go further on.
[DOCTOR] I know. I know that. But I must get. Breathe. I must breathe.
[IAN] Try. Try. I shall have to carry you.
[DOCTOR] There's no need for that. Don't be so childish. I'm not senile.Just let me get my breath for a moment.
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather, come on.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I'm not so young, you know.
[BARBARA] Are you sure this is the right way?
[IAN] Yes, I think so.
[BARBARA] I can't remember. I simply can't remember.
[IAN] We're free, Barbara. Think about that. Free.
[BARBARA] Yes. Yes.
[SUSAN] I'm sure I remember this place. But we didn't come round it, wewent across it.
[BARBARA] Yes, there was a sort of trail.
[IAN] If that's true, we must be quite near the ship. How are youfeeling?
[DOCTOR] I'm all right. Don't keep on looking upon me as the weakestlink of the party.
[IAN] What's the matter?
[BARBARA] I don't know. I saw something. Over there in the bushes.
[DOCTOR] What nonsense.
[BARBARA] The bushes moved. I saw them. I saw them! Oh, we're nevergoing to get out of this awful place! Never! Never! Never!
[IAN] Barbara.
[SUSAN] What do you think it could have been, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] Oh, sheer nonsense, child. Imagination.
[BARBARA] We'll die in this place.
[IAN] Barbara, no we won't. We're going to get back to the ship and thenwe'll be safe.
[BARBARA] Oh, Ian, what's happening to us?
[IAN] Look, Barbara, we got out of the cave, didn't we?
[SUSAN] I'm so cold.
[DOCTOR] I'm hot with all this exertion.
[IAN] We'll rest for a couple of minutes.
[SUSAN] Oh, good. Is there any chance of them following us?
[DOCTOR] I expect so.
[IAN] Yes, that's why I don't want to stop here too long.
[DOCTOR] Do you think I want to?
[IAN] No. We'll change the order. You and Susan go in front, Barbara andI'll bring up the rear. Susan seems to remember the way better than anyof us.
[DOCTOR] You seem to have elected yourself leader of this little party.
[IAN] There isn't time to vote on it.
[DOCTOR] Just so long as you understand I won't follow your ordersblindly.
[IAN] If there were only two of us, you could find your own way back tothe ship.
[DOCTOR] Aren't you a tiresome young man!
[IAN] And you're a stubborn old man. But you will lead, the girls inbetween, and I'll bring up the rear. Because that's the safest way.Barbara was probably right. I thought we heard something when westopped back there.
[DOCTOR] Oh, sheer imagination.
[IAN] Why are you so confident about it?
[DOCTOR] I won't allow myself to be frightened out of my wits by mereshadows, that's all.
[IAN] All right.
[HUR] Look, there is a branch broken.
[ZA] They have strange feet.
[HUR] They wear skins on their feet.
[ZA] There are marks here.
[HUR] They've gone this way.
[ZA] It was wrong to do this. We should not have followed them.
[HUR] We cannot turn back now.
[IAN] I think we'd better get going. Doctor, will you lead?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes.
[IAN] Come on, Barbara.
[IAN [OC]] Barbara, Barbara.
[ZA] Down here. That was one of the women.
[SUSAN] A dead animal.
[DOCTOR] It must have just been killed. By a larger animal, too.
[IAN] Shush. Shush. That must be them. They followed us. Quick, quick.Over there.
[IAN] Keep down, and not a sound.
[ZA] Wait. There is danger. I will go.
[IAN] Quick, now's our chance. Let's get away. Run!
[BARBARA] Look at them. We can't just leave them! I don't care whatthey've done.
[IAN] Barbara. Barbara, come on.
[BARBARA] I think he's dead. There isn't any danger.
[IAN] Barbara, for heaven's sake.
[SUSAN] I'm going too.
[DOCTOR] Susan! You stay here with me.
[SUSAN] No, Grandfather. We can't leave them.
[DOCTOR] Silence! We're going back to the ship.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing? They must be out of their minds.
[HUR] No, keep away.
[IAN] Let me look at him.
[HUR] No.
[IAN] I am your friend. You understand? Friend. I want to help him.
[HUR] Friend?
[IAN] I want water.
[HUR] Water.
[IAN] Go and fetch some water for his wounds.
[HUR] Water is there.
[BARBARA] Please, show me. Give me your handkerchief.
[IAN] Here you are.
[SUSAN] Is he all right?
[IAN] I think so. He must have buried his axe head in the animal. Thankyou.
[HUR] Water comes out of the skin!
[IAN] Yes. I think most of this is the animal's blood.
[SUSAN] Good.
[BARBARA] There's a scar on the side of his head.
[IAN] Well, we've lost our chance of getting away. Your flat must belittered with stray cats and dogs.
[BARBARA] These are human beings, Ian.
[IAN] Yes, I know.
[DOCTOR] What exactly do you think you're doing?
[IAN] Have you got any antiseptic in the ship?
[SUSAN] Yes, lots.
[DOCTOR] One minute ago we were trying desperately to get away fromthese savages.
[IAN] All right, now we're helping them. You're a doctor, do something.
[DOCTOR] I'm not a doctor of medicine.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, we can make friends with them.
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't be ridiculous, child.
[BARBARA] Why? You treat everybody and everything as something lessimportant than yourself.
[DOCTOR] You're trying to say that everything you do is reasonable, andeverything I do is inhuman. Well, I'm afraid your judgement's at fault,Miss Wright, not mine. Haven't you realised if these two people canfollow us, any of these people can follow us? The whole tribe mightdescend upon us at any moment.
[HUR] The tribe is asleep.
[DOCTOR] And what about the old woman who cut our bonds? You understand?
[IAN] He's right. We're too exposed here. We'll make a stretcher andcarry him.
[DOCTOR] You're not going to take him back to the ship?
[IAN] Take your coat off, Barbara. Susan, try and find me two poles.Long ones, fairly straight.
[BARBARA] The old woman won't give us away. She helped.
[DOCTOR] Do you think so? These people have logic and reason, have they?Can't you see their minds change as rapidly as night and day? She'sprobably telling the whole tribe at this very moment.
(Cave of Skulls)
[KAL] The creatures. Where? Where?
[MOTHER] Gone.
[KAL] The great stone. They could not move it.
[MOTHER] Za moved it.
[KAL] Za has gone with them?
[MOTHER] Za and Hur went after them.
[KAL] There were skins around their hands and their feet. They could notmove. Za helped them to get free? They're gone with Za to show himfire?
[MOTHER] They won't make fire. There won't be fire any more.
[KAL] Old woman, you helped them.
[IAN] It's not going to work like this. What can wedo?
[HUR] No! He's mine.
[SUSAN] I was only trying to help.
[IAN] She doesn't understand, Susan. She's jealous of you.
[HUR] I don't understand what you are doing. You are like a mother witha child. Why do you not kill?
[IAN] How can we explain to her? She doesn't understand kindness,friendship.
[BARBARA] We will make him well again. We will teach you how to makefire. In return, you show us the way back to our cave.
[ZA] Listen to them. They do not kill.
[IAN] Come on. Let's get on with this stretcher. Let's try the sleevesinside. That's it.
[ZA] Water.
[HUR] Water.
[IAN] How about giving us a hand, Doctor?
[SUSAN] He's always like this if he doesn't get his own way.
[BARBARA] The old woman won't give us away. And now that we've got thesetwo on our side, we should get back to the ship.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Get your hand off me.
[IAN] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Well, I, I was going to get him to draw our way back to theTardis.
[IAN] We've been too long as it is. Is the stretcher ready?
[IAN] Right, you take one end of it.
[DOCTOR] You don't expect me to carry him, do you?
[IAN] Do you want the women to do the job for you?
[DOCTOR] Oh, very well.
[IAN] Right, now move him over very carefully. Now, back again, gently.
[IAN] Good. Right, now, Susan, you get in front with her.
[KAL] They have gone. Za and Hur have gone withthem and we must go after them.
[HORG] Hur would not help them to get away.
[KAL] She has gone with them.
[HORG] The old woman sleeps in the cave too, and she has gone.
[KAL] The old woman is in the Cave of Skulls.
[HORG] Hur would not go with them!
[KAL] Ask the old woman. She will tell what is done.
(Cave of Skulls)
[KAL] She will tell.
[KAL] My eyes tell me what has happened. As they do when I sleep and Isee things. Za and Hur came to free them, and find a way to make fire.The old woman saw them. Za killed old woman.
[HORG] The old woman is dead. It must have been as your eyes said itwas.
[KAL] Za has gone with them, taking them to their cave. Za takes awayfire. Now I, Kal, lead. Go!
[IAN] Hold the branches back, Susan.
[SUSAN] The Tardis! There's the Tardis!
[IAN] Back! Back! Go back.
[IAN] Back. Get back.
[HORG] They are coming.
[KAL] Za and the woman went with them. I, Kal, stop them.
[HUR] They saved Za from death near the stream.
[KAL] They set them free from the Cave of Skulls and went with them.
[HUR] The old woman cut them free.
[KAL] Za is so weak a woman speaks for him.
[HUR] It was the old woman. She showed them a new way out of the Cave ofSkulls.
[KAL] The old woman does not speak. She does not say she did this or didthat. The old woman is dead. Za killed the old woman.
[HUR] No!
[KAL] Za killed the old woman with his knife.
[HUR] No.
[KAL] Here. Here is the knife he killed her with.
[DOCTOR] This knife has no blood on it. I said, this knife has no bloodon it.
[KAL] It is a bad knife. It does not show the things it does.
[DOCTOR] It is a finer knife than yours.
[KAL] I, Kal, say it is a bad knife.
[DOCTOR] This knife can cut and stab. I have never seen a better knife.
[KAL] I will show you one.
[DOCTOR] This knife shows what it has done. There is blood on it. (toZa) Who killed the old woman?
[ZA] I did not kill her.
[DOCTOR] (to Kal) You killed the old woman.
[KAL] Yes! She set them free. She set them free. She did this. I, Kal,killed her.
[DOCTOR] Is this your strong leader? One who kills your old women? He isa bad leader. He will kill you all. Yes, all. (to Ian) Follow myexample.
[DOCTOR] Drive him out. Out.
[IAN] Yes, drive him out. He killed the old woman.
[TRIBE] Drive him out.
[IAN] Remember, Kal is not stronger than the whole tribe.
[ZA] Kal is no longer one of this tribe. We will watch for him. We willall fight Kal if he comes back. We will watch for him. Take them to theCave of Skulls.
[IAN] Take us back to the desert and we will make fire for you.
[ZA] The great stone will close one place, and you will stand by anotherI will show you. Take them.
[DOCTOR] Don't struggle.
[ZA] They are inside the cave. You see them come out, kill them.
(Cave of Skulls)
[DOCTOR] This place is evil.
[ZA] Tell me what happened after I fought the beastin the forest.
[HUR] You were stronger than the beast. It took away your axe in itshead. You lay on the earth. I believed you were dead.
[ZA] Tell me what they did.
[HUR] The young man of their tribe came towards you, but he did notkill. He told me his name.
[ZA] Name?
[HUR] His name is Friend.
[ZA] They come from the other side of the mountains.
[HUR] Nothing lives there.
[ZA] There are other tribes there. This new tribe must come from there.Tell me more of what happened.
[HUR] I did not understand them. Their hands moved slowly and theirfaces were not fierce. It was like a mother guarding her baby.
[ZA] They are a new tribe. Not like us. Not like Kal. The young one,whose name is Friend, spoke to me.
[HUR] Do you remember it?
[ZA] He said, Kal is not stronger than the whole tribe.
[HUR] I do not understand.
[ZA] The whole tribe drove Kal away with the stones. The whole tribe cancollect more fruit than one. The whole tribe can kill a beast where oneof the tribe would die.
[HUR] Do you think they come from Orb?
[ZA] No. They are a tribe who know how fire is made, but they do notwant to tell us.
[HUR] Then you will not kill them?
[ZA] Horg says the leader must know how fire is made. I do not want tobe driven into the forest like Kal. I must make fire, or they must die,as the old men say. I will speak with him. I must hear more things toremember. The leader would have things to remember.
(Cave of Skulls)
[SUSAN] I think this is what you want, Mister Chesterton.
[IAN] Thank you.
[BARBARA] Here are some leaves, and some dead grass.
[IAN] Yes, well spread them around the hole. Don't put them inside. Ihope this is going to work. Now, spread them around a bit more. Yes,that's it.
(Outside the second exit)
[ZA] (to guard) I will speak with them. You waithere.
(Cave of Skulls)
[SUSAN] I can smell something.
[BARBARA] Yes, so can I.
[SUSAN] It's burning! It's burning!
[IAN] It's a long way off yet.
[ZA] What is this?
[DOCTOR] We are making fire.
[ZA] You are called Friend?
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Don't stop.
[ZA] Hur said you were called Friend. I am called Za. You are the leaderof your tribe?
[IAN] No. He is our leader.
[SUSAN] Are you going to set us free?
[ZA] The tribe say you are from Orb and when you are returned to him onthe stone of death, we will have fire again.
[BARBARA] But that's not true.
[ZA] I think you are from the other side of the mountains. If you showme how to make fire, I will take you back to the foot of the mountains.If you do not show me, I cannot stop you dying on the old stone.
[IAN] Put some more leaves and grass round it. I think it's beginning towork.
[DOCTOR] Do you understand? We are making fire for you.
[ZA] I am watching.
[IAN] The whole tribe should be watching. Everyone should know how tomake fire.
[ZA] Everyone cannot be leader.
[IAN] No, that's perfectly true. But in our tribe, the firemaker is theleast important man.
[ZA] Ha! I do not believe this.
[DOCTOR] He is the least important because we can all make fire.
[SUSAN] I hope he doesn't make Grandfather prove that.
[IAN] Look, I think it's beginning to work. Susan, Barbara, blow gently.That's it!
[SUSAN] We've done it.
[IAN] Yes.
[ZA] Fire. Fire.
[HORG] Orb strikes the old stone and Za does notbring them out. We have no meat, and no fruit from the trees, and noroots. Za is no leader.
[HUR] Za would kill you if he could hear you. He's talking now with themin the Cave of Skulls. You should lie on the old stone until your bloodruns into the earth.
[HORG] Za is letting them go away, just as the old woman set them free.
[HUR] Za told one of them to watch and guard them until he came out ofthe Cave of Skulls.
(Cave of Skulls)
[HORG] Orb is above us and there is no fire. Bringthem out from the Cave of Skulls and Za as well. Come on.
(Cave of Skulls)
[IAN] Take this, and show it to your tribe.
[ZA] You, stay here.
[IAN] We will come with you.
[ZA] No, you'll stay here.
[IAN] I will come with you.
[DOCTOR] Give him a chance. Give him a chance. Let him show the tribefire, establish himself as leader, then he'll let us go.
[IAN] But we ought to go with him now.
[ZA] Fire.
[TRIBE] Fire.
[ZA] Kal is dead. I give you fire. I am leader. We will give food andwater to the new tribe in the Cave of Skulls.
[HORG] There is no meat.
[ZA] I will go into the forest and get meat.
[HORG] Yes. I remember how the meat and fire joined together.
[ZA] Good. Watch the new tribe. They must be here when I return.
(Cave of Skulls)
[IAN] It didn't work. They're going to keep ushere.
[IAN] Why are you keeping us here?
[HUR] Za has gone into the forest to find meat. There will be more foodlater.
[BARBARA] But why can't we go outside?
[SUSAN] Please let us go. It's terrible in here.
[HUR] Za is leader.
[SUSAN] But we helped you. We gave you fire.
[HUR] We have fire now.
[IAN] Yes. And I was the fool who gave it to you. Why didn't I wait?
[BARBARA] Well at least we're alive. We wouldn't be if we hadn't giventhem fire.
[SUSAN] They brought us some meat.
[BARBARA] And the Doctor found a stone with a hole in it, and theyfilled it with water.
[IAN] All the comforts of home.
[ZA] The animal was hard to kill. The meat on it is good. They havebrought you fruit and water has been put into a stone. Is this thestone? Has anyone hurt you?
[DOCTOR] When are you going to let us go, hmm?
[ZA] You will stay here. I have the meat and I have the stick, and apiece of skin. I can make fire now. Your tribe and my tribe will jointogether.
[IAN] We don't want to stay here.
[ZA] Why? There is no better place the other side of the mountains. Donot try to leave here.
[DOCTOR] Quench the fire. Take the fire away from them. Scaring them,somehow.
[SUSAN] (putting a skull on top of a burning brand) Hey, Grandfather,look! It's almost alive.
[IAN] Not alive, Susan. Almost dead. We're going to make four torches.We'll find the sticks. And we'll use the fat from the meat. And then
[SUSAN] And then?
[IAN] And then, to all intents and purposes, we're going to die.
[IAN] When I give the sign.
[SUSAN] What are they?
[ZA] Look. It is nothing but fire and the bones of the dead. They havegone! While we look at their fire, they have gone!
[HUR] Into the night. The dark will hide them.
[ZA] With fire, it is day.
[IAN] Come on, Doctor, get us off! Get us off!
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's matching up.
[SUSAN] We're beginning to land.
[DOCTOR] Oh, how I wish.
[IAN] Have you taken us back to our own time?
[DOCTOR] You know I can't do that. Please be reasonable.
[IAN] What?
[BARBARA] Please, you must take us back. You must.
[DOCTOR] You see, this isn't operating properly. Or rather, the code isstill a secret. When you put the right data, precise information to asecond of the beginning of a journey, then we can fix a destination,but I had no data at my disposal.
[BARBARA] Are you saying that you don't know how to work this thing?
[DOCTOR] Well of course I can't. I'm not a miracle worker.
[SUSAN] You can't blame Grandfather. We left the other place tooquickly, that's all.
[IAN] Just a minute. Did you try and take us back to our own time?
[DOCTOR] Well, I got you away from that other time, didn't I?
[IAN] That isn't what I asked you.
[DOCTOR] It's the only way I can answer you, young man. Now. Now weshall see.
[DOCTOR] It could be anywhere. Dear, dear, dear, dear. It's no help tous at all. Well, I suggest before we go outside and explore, let usclean ourselves up.
[SUSAN] Oh, yes.
[DOCTOR] Now what does the radiation read, Susan?
[SUSAN] It's reading normal, Grandfather.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s01", "episode": "e01", "title": "An Unearthly Child"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (21 Dec, 1963; First Doctor) - The Daleks
[DOCTOR] Well, I suggest before we go outside andexplore, let us clean ourselves up.
[SUSAN] Oh, yes.
[DOCTOR] Now what does the radiation read, Susan?
[SUSAN] It's reading normal, Grandfather.
[BARBARA] There's been a forest fire. Everything'ssort of white and ashen.
[IAN] Funny mist.
[DOCTOR] The heat must have been indescribable. Look at this soil here.Look at it. It's all turn to sand and ashes. Extraordinary. How canshrubs or trees grow in soil like that, hmm?
[IAN] Something else that's strange. There's quite a breeze blowing.
[SUSAN] Well?
[IAN] Well, look at the branches and things.
[SUSAN] They don't seem to be moving.
[BARBARA] They're not. They're absolutely still.
[IAN] Huh. Like stone, look. Very brittle stone. It crumbles when youtouch it. Look.
[DOCTOR] It's petrified. How fascinating, a petrified jungle. Hm.Extraordinary. Yes, I must really investigate that. Couldn't have beenheat, then, and age would merely decay.
[SUSAN] What could have caused it, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, I don't know, but I intend to find out.
[SUSAN] Well I'm coming too.
[BARBARA] Ian, where are we?
[IAN] I don't know.
[BARBARA] Well why doesn't he take us back?
[IAN] I'm not sure that he can.
[BARBARA] What, ever?
[IAN] I hate it as much as you. I'm just as afraid. But what can we do?
[BARBARA] Well, we could at least stay near the ship.
[IAN] The ship's no good without him. We'd better keep an eye on him. Heseems to have a knack of getting himself into trouble.
[BARBARA] You think there's any danger?
[IAN] Not necessarily.
[BARBARA] But don't be too complacent. No, you're right, I suppose. Ijust wish
[IAN] We'll be all right.
[BARBARA] Yes. Well, I suppose we'd better make sure he doesn't falldown and break a leg. Don't you ever think he deserves something tohappen to him?
[IAN] Yes.
[SUSAN] Oh Grandfather, look! It's a flower. A perfect flower. Well,it's even kept some of it's colour.
[DOCTOR] Yes, very pretty, very pretty. Hm.
[SUSAN] Hey, look. Look what I've found.
[IAN] Oh, that's beautiful.
[SUSAN] Isn't it? I'm going to try and pick it and keep it all in onepiece.
[IAN] Oh, be careful. It'll be very fragile. There we are.
[SUSAN] Beautiful. When I get it back to the ship I'm
[SUSAN] going to put it into a glass and
[IAN] Coming, coming.
[IAN] What is it? What's the matter?
[IAN] It's all right. Like everything else in this place, solid stone.
[BARBARA] It's hideous.
[IAN] Yes, it is. It's also significant. Nothing on Earth could looklike this.
[BARBARA] It looks like some sculptor's nightmare.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's certainly alien to anything on your planet. Butyou're wrong about one thing, Chesterfield. This isn't like everythingelse. The animal is solidified, certainly, but it's not crumbly stone.It's metal. Yes, it always was.
[IAN] What, even when it was alive? But that's impossible.
[DOCTOR] Why? Can't you imagine an animal unless it's flesh, blood andbone, hmm? No, I tell you this is an entirely different formation. Ishould say originally it was some pliable metal held together by amagnetic field, or an inner magnetic field, rather, and it may have hadthe ability to attract it's victims towards it, if they were metal too.
[BARBARA] We're not on Earth, then.
[DOCTOR] No, certainly not.
[IAN] Are you sure?
[DOCTOR] Oh, certain. And you needn't look at me like that, young man.We started this journey far too hurriedly to make any calculations. Youknow that as well as I do. However, we're alive.
[SUSAN] Hey, Grandfather, look. The jungle ends over there.
[IAN] Try not to be too upset.
[BARBARA] I counted so much on just going back to things I recognise andtrust. But here there's nothing to rely on. Nothing.
[IAN] Well, there's me. Barbara, all I ask you to do is believe, reallybelieve, we'll go back. We will, you know.
[BARBARA] I wish I was more like you. I'm afraid I'm a very unwillingadventurer.
[IAN] I'm not exactly reveling in it myself.
[SUSAN] Grandfather's talking about fixing our position by the stars.
[IAN] Good. Where is he?
[SUSAN] Just over there.
[BARBARA] Susan. Don't you have anything in the ship that records thejourneys?
[SUSAN] Oh, yes. There's a meter fixed to a great big bank of computers.If you feed it with the right sort of information, it can take over thecontrols of the ship and deliver you to any place you want to go.
[BARBARA] Then why don't we know where we are?
[SUSAN] Well, it's a question of the right information, you see. I don'tsay that Grandfather doesn't know how to work the ship, but he's soforgetful, and then he will go off and. Well, he likes to work on hisown.
[BARBARA] So I've noticed.
[SUSAN] Anyway, he's only got to do some computations back in the shipand we can move on.
[BARBARA] Well, it can't be too soon for me.
[DOCTOR] Well now, are we ready?
[BARBARA] Oh, Doctor, have you worked out yet how all this happened?
[DOCTOR] No, not really, not really. Whatever it was destroyedeverything that was living, but the planet is dead, totally dead.
[IAN] Barbara, Doctor. Over here.
[DOCTOR] What is it, Chesterton? We really must get back to
[DOCTOR] Most fascinating.
[BARBARA] A city, a huge city.
[IAN] Well, Doctor? Can you see anything? Any sign of life?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no sign of life. No, just buildings. Magnificentbuildings, I
[SUSAN] Oh, let me have a look. It's fabulous. Here, you have a look.
[IAN] What do you think, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, I don't know. Whatever it was destroyed thevegetation here certainly hasn't damaged the city. But there's no signof life. No movement, no light, no. No, I shall know more about it whenI've been down there.
[BARBARA] Down there? Oh, no. We're going back to the ship.
[DOCTOR] Now, don't be ridiculous. That city down there is a magnificentsubject for study, and I don't intend to leave here until I'vethoroughly investigated it.
[IAN] Well it's too late to talk about it now. It's getting dark. We'lldiscuss it when we get back to the ship.
[SUSAN] Yes. Whatever you decide, it's too late to get down there now.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, all right then. But I assure you I'm determinedto study that place.
[IAN] You can do what you like, as long as you don't endanger the restof us.
[DOCTOR] Very well then. I shall look at it myself, alone.
[IAN] You're the only one who can operate the ship. I'm afraid I can'tlet you do that, Doctor. Your glasses.
[IAN] I think this is the way we came.
[SUSAN] Who's there?
[IAN] All right, Susan, it's all right. You're safe now.
[BARBARA] Did Susan tell you what frightened her?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. She's convinced that someone touched her, and I triedto make her see it wasn't possible but I'm afraid she wouldn't listento me. I wonder, would you have a talk with her?
[BARBARA] Yes, of course I will.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you know, sometimes I find the gulf between Susan's ageand mine makes difficult understanding between us.
[BARBARA] I'll see what I can do.
[DOCTOR] Oh, would you? Thank you, thank you very much. I'd be grateful.
[BARBARA] Hello.
[SUSAN] Hello.
[BARBARA] What are you doing?
[SUSAN] Just drawing.
[BARBARA] Well, can I see?
[SUSAN] It's the flower I saw in the jungle.
[BARBARA] What happened out there?
[SUSAN] Nothing.
[BARBARA] Well Ian said you were terrified. Well, something must havefrightened you.
[SUSAN] It's not that so much. It's just that I'm, I'm fed up no onebelieves me.
[BARBARA] Believes what?
[SUSAN] Oh, I don't know.
[BARBARA] That there was someone out there and they touched you on theshoulder?
[SUSAN] There was someone there.
[BARBARA] But you didn't see who it was?
[SUSAN] No. It was like that. A light touch on the shoulder. I couldn'thave been mistaken.
[BARBARA] Well, I believe you.
[SUSAN] But Grandfather says that it's impossible for anyone to live outthere.
[BARBARA] Oh, Susan, it isn't that he doesn't believe you. It's justthat he finds it difficult to go against his scientific facts.
[SUSAN] I know.
[BARBARA] Oh, look. Why don't you just try and forget it for the moment?
[SUSAN] For the moment.
[IAN] What's this one for? I don't know how you make sense of any ofthis.
[DOCTOR] You're quite right, quite right.
[IAN] Can you find where we are? Well, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh.
[IAN] I was wondering if perhaps you
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, these eternal questions of yours. Do I know wherewe are, I suppose?
[IAN] Now listen, Doctor, I don't want to argue with you. We're fellowtravellers whether we like it or not. But for heaven's sake try and seeit from our point of view. You've uprooted us violently from our ownlives. You
[DOCTOR] You pushed your way into the ship, young man.
[IAN] All right, all right, I admit it. A small part of the blame isours.
[DOCTOR] Oh, small?
[IAN] But naturally we're anxious. What are we going to do? Can we livehere? What do we eat? There are millions of questions.
[DOCTOR] A very good idea. I'm hungry.
[DOCTOR] Oh, what's the matter?
[BARBARA] Oh, I've suddenly got this terrible headache.
[DOCTOR] Oh, dear, dear, how irksome for you. Oh, this stuff is verygood. This should cure it. Now, not too much, dear, not too much.
[SUSAN] No. Oh, Grandfather. I'm sorry I was so silly just now. Here,try this.
[BARBARA] Thank you. Oh, it's very nice.
[IAN] Let's hope it does you some good.
[DOCTOR] Oh, did you want something to eat? What would you like?
[BARBARA] I'd like some bacon and eggs.
[IAN] All right, bacon and eggs.
[DOCTOR] Bacon and eggs.
[IAN] But
[SUSAN] This is fully automatic.
[DOCTOR] Yes, certainly, certainly. J62.
[SUSAN] (turning dials) J62.
[IAN] I hope mine doesn't taste of engine grease.
[DOCTOR] Now, now, now, don't be ridiculous.
[BARBARA] Shall I get plates and things?
[SUSAN] No, there's no need to.
[SUSAN] Eggs and bacon.
[DOCTOR] Bacon and eggs.
[IAN] What, this?
[SUSAN] Go on, try it.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[IAN] Mm. Not bad. What do you think, Barbara?
[BARBARA] I think it's delicious.
[IAN] My bacon's a bit salty.
[DOCTOR] It shouldn't be. It's English.
[IAN] No, seriously, Doctor, this is remarkable. I mean, one bite and Itaste the bacon, another and I taste the egg. How do you do it?
[DOCTOR] Food has component parts, dear boy. Flavours are rather likeprimary colours, you know, you blend two to achieve a third, a fourth,etc, etc.
[IAN] Well, I think it's wonderful.
[SUSAN] How's your headache now?
[BARBARA] Oh, it's much better. I don't usually get them at all.
[DOCTOR] Susan, would you like something to eat?
[SUSAN] No thanks, I'm not hungry.
[DOCTOR] Oh, child, that's unusual. I do hope your affects outside theship hasn't affected you too much.
[SUSAN] No. I think I'll go to bed now, anyway.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[SUSAN] Do you want to know where you can sleep, Miss Wright?
[BARBARA] Oh, yes.
[IAN] What's that?
[DOCTOR] The scanner.
[SUSAN] There was somebody there.
[IAN] Nothing. Not a thing.
[SUSAN] But something must have made that noise.
[BARBARA] Look, I've had enough of this. Please, can't we get out ofhere?
[DOCTOR] Ah, but the city. I must see the city.
[BARBARA] But why?
[DOCTOR] I will not be questioned. Uninvited passengers. I didn't invitethem to the ship. I shall do what I want to do.
[IAN] Why endanger the rest of us by staying here?
[SUSAN] Grandfather, please. Please.
[BARBARA] Stone trees are all very well, but the next forest I walkthrough I want them all to be made of wood.
[SUSAN] What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. The power take-up was rising normally and
[IAN] What's wrong?
[DOCTOR] Oh don't distract me, please.
[SUSAN] Shall I trace it on the fault locator, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think you'd better, child.
[SUSAN] (checking a printout) K7.
[DOCTOR] K7? Ah, yes, of course, the fluid link. Yes, yes, yes. Yes.
[DOCTOR] Yes, there we are, you see. The end of it's unscrewed itselfand the fluid has run out.
[IAN] Have you got a spare?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no need for that. This is easily repaired. All we haveto do is refill it.
[IAN] What liquid do you need?
[DOCTOR] Mercury.
[IAN] Mercury. Can I get it for you?
[DOCTOR] No, I'm afraid you can't. We haven't any at all.
[IAN] What?
[IAN] Don't you carry a supply?
[DOCTOR] No, it hasn't been necessary. This hasn't happened before.
[IAN] But you must have some somewhere, surely.
[DOCTOR] No, no. We shall have to get some from outside.
[BARBARA] But where? There isn't anything outside because
[IAN] Yes. There's the city.
[DOCTOR] Yes, the city, of course. Of course we're bound to get somemercury there. Yes, we're bound to. Well, I mean, what else can we do,hmm?
[IAN] It seems we have no alternative. We have to go to the city.
[DOCTOR] Yes, indeed. At first light, then?
[IAN] Well, it's light enough and there doesn't seem to be anything outthere. We might as well get started. Oh, and Doctor. Remember we'regoing to this city to find mercury, and once we've found it we'recoming straight back here. Is that clear?
[DOCTOR] Oh, quite so, quite so.
[IAN] Well, shall I lead?
[DOCTOR] Yes, by all means.
[IAN] Look.
[BARBARA] Don't touch it, it might go off.
[SUSAN] Be careful.
[DOCTOR] What is it, Chesterton?
[IAN] I don't know. Stand back, all of you.
[IAN] I think it's all right. A metal box. It's a box of glass phials.Look.
[DOCTOR] Let me see.
[SUSAN] Then there was somebody here last night. They must have droppedthem. I knew I was right.
[IAN] Yes. Sorry, Susan.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'd like to run a few tests on those. Susan, would youtake these into the ship, please?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Oh, and by the way, did you remember the foodsupplies?
[SUSAN] Yes. A day's supply for four. That's enough, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, ample, ample.
[IAN] I trust we won't be more than a couple of hours. You ready, Susan?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[IAN] Come on, then. Off we go.
[DOCTOR] Do you mind if I sit down for a minute? I feel a bit exhausted.
[IAN] You all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm just a bit tired. It was a long journey and my legsare rather weak.
[BARBARA] Why don't you rest here? Ian and I will look around and see ifwe can
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, I want to look around too. I shall be allright, thank you.
[IAN] I must say, I don't feel too good myself. Look, why don't we getthis over with quickly. Look for instruments, gauges, anything likethat. Ideally what we want is a laboratory.
[BARBARA] Ian, look.
[IAN] Why don't we separate and go different ways and meet back here insay, ten minutes. All right?
[BARBARA] Fine. I'll go this way. (through the door)
[DOCTOR] Would you lend me your arm, would you, Susan? Thank you.
[SUSAN] Let's try this one. (the door opens for her) There's no light.
[IAN] Ah, there you are. Any luck?
[SUSAN] No. How about you?
[IAN] No, no luck. Barbara should be here by now. Barbara! Barbara!We'll give her a couple of minutes more, and then if she's not backwe'll have to go and look for her.
[IAN] We've waited long enough for her. We must go and find her.
[IAN] Barbara? Barbara? Barbara?
[SUSAN] Miss Wright?
[IAN] Barbara?
[SUSAN] Hey, there's a corridor over here.
[IAN] We might as well see where it goes to. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Wait.
[IAN] What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] Listen.
[SUSAN] I can hear a ticking noise.
[DOCTOR] Quiet, child. Now listen.
[IAN] Yes. Over here somewhere.
[DOCTOR] It's stopped now.
[SUSAN] Hey, there it is again.
[IAN] It's coming from in here.
[DOCTOR] Measuring equipment. But measuring what? Look here. Look atthis drum. The ink's still quite wet.
[IAN] Yes. Hard to imagine what sort of people these are.
[DOCTOR] They're intelligent, anyway. Very intelligent.
[IAN] Yes, but how do they use their intelligence? What form does ittake?
[DOCTOR] Oh, as if that matters. What these instruments tell us is thatwe're in the midst of a very, very advanced civilised society.
[SUSAN] Here it is. The thing that's ticking. It's over here. It's aGeiger counter.
[IAN] But look at the needle! It's past the danger point.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, that explains a lot of things, doesn't it. A jungleturned to stone, the barren soil and the fact that we're not feelingwell.
[IAN] Radiation sickness?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid so. The atmosphere here is polluted with a veryhigh level of fallout, and we've been walking around in it completelyunprotected.
[IAN] What? But how do you explain the buildings? They're intact.
[DOCTOR] A neutron bomb. Yes. It destroys all human tissue, but leavesthe buildings and machinery intact. Yes.
[IAN] What? But how much radiation, and how badly?
[DOCTOR] We need, we need drugs to be treated.
[IAN] But where are we going to find them?
[SUSAN] The Tardis will have to take us to another time and place wherewe can be cured.
[IAN] But don't you remember? We can't move the ship until we find themercury for the fluid link!
[DOCTOR] For the fluid link, yes. Yes, I'm afraid I cheated a little onthat. I was determined to see the city, but everybody wanted to go onand, well, to avoid arguments, in short, there's nothing wrong with thefluid link.
[SUSAN] What? Grandfather, do you mean to say that you risked leavingthe ship just to see this place?
[IAN] You fool. You old fool!
[DOCTOR] Abuse me as much as you like, Chesterton. The point is we needan immediate return to the ship, and I suggest we leave at once.
[IAN] We're not leaving until we've found Barbara.
[DOCTOR] Very well. You may stay and search for her if you wish, butSusan and I are going back to the ship. Now, come along, child.
[IAN] All right, carry on, fine. How far do you think you'll get withoutthis? (the fluid link)
[DOCTOR] Give that to me.
[IAN] Not until we've found Barbara.
[DOCTOR] Give it to me, I say.
[IAN] No! It's time you faced up to your responsibilities. You got ushere. Now I'm going to make sure that you get us back.
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, this is
[IAN] We're wasting time. We should be looking for Barbara.
[SUSAN] He's right, Grandfather. We are wasting time.
[DOCTOR] Child, if only you'd think as an adult sometimes. Oh, verywell. Let's go then. Let's go.
[DALEK] You will move ahead of us and follow my directions. This way.Immediately.
[DALEK] I said immediately!
[DALEK] Fire!
[IAN] My legs! My legs!
[DALEK] Stop! Your legs are paralysed. You will recover shortly unlessyou force us to use our weapons again. In that case, the condition willbe permanent. You two, help him.
[IAN] My legs, my legs. I can't use my legs.
(Detention cell)
[DALEK [OC]] Stop here.
[BARBARA] Susan!
[SUSAN] Miss Wright!
[IAN] Barbara, thank heaven we've found you. Are you all right?
[BARBARA] Yes. What's the matter? What's happened?
[IAN] Oh, I'm all right.
[SUSAN] He tried to get away and they hurt him.
[BARBARA] Can't you stand up?
[IAN] Not without help. The feeling's coming back, don't worry.
[BARBARA] Come over here.
[IAN] How about you, Barbara? We tried to look for you and then thosemachines caught us.
[BARBARA] They trapped me in some sort of lift. It seemed to go down forages.
[IAN] They didn't hurt you?
[BARBARA] No. Ian, what are they?
[IAN] I don't know. Barbara, did you notice anything? I mean, when theywere moving you about. Any little thing may help us.
[BARBARA] No, nothing much. They moved me from floor to floor, always inlifts. Where we are now must be miles underground. Well, there wasn'tany furniture now I come to think about it.
[IAN] I'm afraid that's not very much help.
[BARBARA] Ian, do you think they really are just machines?
[IAN] What do you mean?
[BARBARA] Well, I was going to say, do you think there's someone insidethem?
[IAN] That's a point. We haven't any idea what's inside them.
[BARBARA] I tried to think of how I could get away from them, but then Ibegan to feel so weak and giddy. It's getting worse now. I think theymust have drugged me in some way.
[IAN] It's not that. Barbara, we've got radiation sickness. All of us.The Doctor's pretty badly hit.
[BARBARA] Well, how do you know it's radiation?
[SUSAN] We found a Geiger counter. It seems that all the time we've beenin the open, we've been exposed to it.
[BARBARA] Well, what's going to happen to us?
[DOCTOR] Well, unless, unless we get treatment, we shall die. Yes, weshall die.
(Control room)
[DALEK 1] Bring in the old man Thal prisoner. Two hundred days ago theradiation count was ninety three.
[DALEK 2] It is now fifty eight. An impressive reduction.
[DALEK 1] It is still enough to destroy. Our prisoners are showingpreliminary stages of sickness already.
[DALEK 2] We know the Thals are able to live on the surface.
[DALEK 1] And that they must have found immunity.
[DALEK 2] Perhaps it is a drug. Is it failing them now? Why are thesefour showing signs of radiation sickness?
[DALEK 1] A few questions will reduce the mystery.
[DALEK 1] Do not move out of the light. Sit on the floor.
[DALEK 2] You are one of the Thal people?
[DOCTOR] I don't understand you.
[DALEK 1] Why are you suffering from radiation?
[DOCTOR] Why? Because we were not aware of it until it was too late,that's why.
[DALEK 2] No, that is not true. We know the Thals have existed outsideour city.
[DALEK 1] The truth is your supply of drugs has failed, and you cameinto the city to see if you could find more.
[DOCTOR] No, no. Thals? What are you talking about? We're not Thals, orwhatever you may call them. Can't you see we're very ill.
[DALEK 1] You and your companions need a drug to stay alive.
[DOCTOR] We have no drugs. (softly) A drug? A drug. The drugs leftoutside the Tardis.
[DALEK 2] Tardis? He is becoming delirious. I do not understand hiswords.
[DOCTOR] Listen to me.
[DALEK 1] Stay in the light.
[DOCTOR] My friends and I are travellers. We did find something in theforest near our encampment. They may be the drugs you're referring to.Why not let one of us go and bring the phials here? And under guard, ifnecessary.
[DALEK 1] We cannot move outside the city.
[DOCTOR] Very well, then. Let one of us go and hold the others until hereturns.
[DALEK 1] Providing whoever you send understands the rest of you will beheld responsible for his return.
[DOCTOR] He will have our lives in his hands. That is enough.
[DALEK 1] Then we agree.
[DOCTOR] Tell me something about the people, the Thals.
[DALEK 1] Over five hundred years ago there were two races on thisplanet. We, the Daleks, and the Thals. After the neutronic war, ourDalek forefathers retired into the city, protected my our machines.
[DOCTOR] And the Thals?
[DALEK 1] Most of them perished in the war, but we know that there aresurvivors. They must be disgustingly mutated, but the fact that theyhave survived tells us they must have a drug that preserves the lifeforce.
[DOCTOR] And knowing that these mutated creatures exist outside thecity, you're willing to send one of us in amongst them?
[DALEK 1] As you say yourself, all your lives depend on it.
(Detention cell)
[BARBARA] Is it any easier?
[IAN] Yes, I think it is. I'm going to try and stand on my own.
[SUSAN] Be careful.
[IAN] I'll be all right. Oh, that's not too bad, is it?
[BARBARA] Why don't you sit down for a minute?
[IAN] No, no, no. I'll be all right.
[IAN] No good.
[BARBARA] Come on, sit down. It'll wear off in time.
[IAN] How are you feeling, Barbara?
[BARBARA] Not too good.
[IAN] Susan?
[SUSAN] Well, it doesn't seem to have affected me as much as the rest ofyou.
[SUSAN] Grandfather!
[IAN] Are you all right?
[SUSAN] What happened?
[DOCTOR] In a moment, child. The phial of drugs left outside the Tardis,remember?
[BARBARA] Yes, what about them?
[DOCTOR] It's possible that they may have been anti-radiation gloves.Drugs. I can't be certain, but it does give us a chance. The peoplehere, whoever they may be, are very eager to get hold of them.
[IAN] None of us are in very good shape to go and get them.
[BARBARA] Oh, I could do it.
[IAN] No, it must be me.
[BARBARA] But you can't walk.
[IAN] Oh, I'll be all right in a couple of hours.
[DOCTOR] Whoever goes must be very careful. As far as I can ascertain,the creatures out there are the ones who dropped the box. They'recalled Thals. They're mutations.
[IAN] So it wasn't our captors who left the drugs behind?
[DOCTOR] No. If they were drugs. I've learnt quite a lot from theDaleks.
[IAN] The who?
[DOCTOR] The Daleks, our captors here. Oh, if I didn't feel so. Oh. ButI was right about the neutron bomb. The Daleks built this undergroundcity as a kind of huge shelter.
[IAN] But what about the, what do you call them, the Thals? I mean, howdid they survive out there? They
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[IAN] Doctor. Doctor? I must get that drug quickly.
[SUSAN] He's burning hot.
[IAN] Yes. As soon as they take me to the surface, I'll ask for water.In the meantime you must keep him as cool as you possibly can. I thinkthere's some life coming back into my toes.
[SUSAN] You can't go alone, Ian. I have to go with you.
[IAN] No, I want you to stay here, Susan.
[SUSAN] But I can't. I must go with you.
[IAN] Don't argue with me.
[SUSAN] You can't get into the ship.
[IAN] All right then, give me the key.
[SUSAN] It's not just a question of turning the key. The whole lockcomes away from the door.
[IAN] Susan, supposing these Daleks insist that only one of us goes.Then I'll have to take the key and I'll have to go on trying until thedoor opens.
[SUSAN] No, you'd jam the lock. Look, it's a defence mechanism. Thereare twenty one different holes inside the lock. There's one right placeand twenty wrong ones. If you make a mistake, you'll. Well, the wholeinside of the lock will melt.
[IAN] There's nothing else for it, then. We must go together. Come on,let's see if I can walk. No, it's all right, Barbara. You take it easy.Rest. My right leg is better, you know. I've got feeling in this one,but the left is just pins and needles.
[DALEK 1] You must leave now.
[IAN] I'm not well enough yet.
[DALEK 1] You must leave now.
[IAN] My legs are still
[DALEK 1] Which one of you is going?
[IAN] You must give me more time.
[SUSAN] Can't you see how weak he is?
[DALEK 1] There are others.
[BARBARA] Oh, Ian, I can't. The whole room's going round.
[SUSAN] Must I? Alone?
[BARBARA] You can't let her go alone. She's just a child. Plead withthem. Anything!
[IAN] Susan, you see how ill they both are. We can't afford to waituntil I can walk. An hour might make all the difference.
[SUSAN] I'm so afraid.
[IAN] Go on.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[IAN] Don't stop for anything. Straight there, straight back.
[DALEK 1] Are you ready?
[IAN] Yes, all right.
[SUSAN] I'm coming now.
[BARBARA] Ian, the others in the forest. He said they were mutations.
[IAN] But what else could I do?
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] The child has set out.
[DALEK 1] Her direction is being followed on the rangescopes?
[DALEK 2] Yes.
[DALEK 1] Mark her movements carefully. If there are more Thal peopleliving in the jungle, she will try to contact them.
[DALEK 2] I understand. If she returns with the drugs, am I to allow theprisoners to use it?
[DALEK 1] No. They will die in time. There only value is in bringing usenough of the Thal drug to duplicate it for our own use.
[ALL] Yes, at last we have a chance.
(Detention cell)
[BARBARA] He's getting worse.
[IAN] How long did the Doctor say we'd last without treatment? Fortyeight hours?
[BARBARA] I don't know. It's hit him so badly, Ian.
[IAN] Yes. How are you feeling?
[BARBARA] Oh, I ache all over. I have difficulty in keeping my eyesopen.
[IAN] Yes, I'm about the same. All his fault! Had to have his own way,see the city.
[BARBARA] Oh, Ian, that doesn't help.
[IAN] I know, I know.
[BARBARA] We must wait. That's all we can do.
[IAN] Wait. Yes. An hour ago I thought we might try and escape, watchtheir movements, make a plan. There's always a chance. Now we're toolate. I think even if they left the doors wide open we wouldn't havethe strength to crawl through them.
[BARBARA] How long has she been gone?
[IAN] About an hour. She should just be on the edge of the jungle bynow.
(Detention cell)
[BARBARA] He's so hot. It's like a fever.
[IAN] Yes, his breathing's so bad. What do you think, Barbara?
[BARBARA] I don't know. Even if Susan got back now, I don't know whethershe'd be in time. Give me his coat.
[IAN] Here you are.
[IAN] Barbara, come on now.
[BARBARA] I'm all right.
[IAN] Sit down. No, you rest. You can't do anything more for him.
[BARBARA] It's so hot in here.
[IAN] Yes. Now you try and sleep, Barbara. Try and sleep.
[BARBARA] Yes, I'd like to sleep.
[IAN] Yes.
[BARBARA] It's so hot.
[IAN] Hurry, Susan. Hurry, Susan!
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] I have just come from the prisoners. Theold man is dying.
[DALEK 1] Then he must die. There is no help we can give him. How arethe others?
[DALEK 2] The woman is sleeping very heavily. The young man fightsagainst it.
[DALEK 1] What of the girl? Has she reached the jungle?
[DALEK 2] Yes, the rangerscopes tracked her that far. Now they have losther.
[IAN [OC]] Don't stop for anything. Straight there, straight back. Anhour might make all the difference.
[SUSAN] I must. I must.
[SUSAN] Who are you? What do you want?
[ALYDON] Don't be afraid.
[SUSAN] What do you want? But they said you were, but they called you.But you're not. You're perfect.
[ALYDON] I tried to speak to you in the forest yesterday, but Ifrightened you. I'm sorry.
[SUSAN] I was frightened. I was terrified.
[ALYDON] Yes, I was very clumsy. I have come now to make certain youunderstand how to use the drugs I left for you.
[SUSAN] You left? But we thought they had been dropped by accident.
[SUSAN] We didn't even know they were drugs.
[MAN] You mean you haven't taken them yet? But you must.
[SUSAN] That's why I came back, you see. My grandfather and two of myfriends are prisoners in the city and
[ALYDON] No, please, please, you're too quick for me. There are four ofyou, I know that. I've watched you. And what do you mean, prisoners?
[SUSAN] Well, don't you know about the Daleks?
[ALYDON] So the Dalek people have survived. But do they live in thatdead city?
[SUSAN] Well, underneath it, anyway. You see, the Daleks want the drugstoo, and they won't let us go until I bring them back to them.
[ALYDON] But why should they want the drugs? Surely they must have somethemselves if they're still alive.
[SUSAN] I don't know. Look, my grandfather and my friends are terriblyill. I must take the drug back to them.
[ALYDON] No. No, no, wait. Are you sure the Daleks want the drugs foryour friends and not for themselves?
[SUSAN] I hadn't thought of that.
[MAN] Do you trust them?
[SUSAN] No. I'm not sure.
[ALYDON] You still have the drugs I left for you. I shall give you afurther supply which you must hide as best you can. Do you trust me?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[ALYDON] I am Alydon of the Thal race. I shall go with you through theforest to the outer wall of the city, if you will allow me.
[SUSAN] Oh, thank you. I don't understand. They said you were. Well,they called you mutations.
[ALYDON] Here, take my cloak. You're cold.
[SUSAN] Thank you.
[ALYDON] We are the survivors of a final war. But the radiation stillpersists and that is why your friends are ill. I wonder if the Dalekshave seen us.
[SUSAN] Seen you?
[ALYDON] I mean, if they call us mutations, what must they be like?
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] I have returned the girl to the cell.
[DALEK 1] Very well.
[DALEK 2] They are asking for water.
[DALEK 1] Give them some. It is clear that the girl must have madecontact with the Thals.
[DALEK 2] Our prisoners could bring the Thals to us.
[DALEK 1] Precisely that.
(Detention cell)
[SUSAN] The Thal said the drug would act quickly.
[IAN] Don't give him any more water, Susan. His pulse is steady nowanyway.
[BARBARA] My arms are tingling.
[SUSAN] Yes, Alydon said you'd feel that. It just means the drug'sworking, that's all.
[IAN] This Alydon of yours seems to have kept his wits about him. Givingyou that extra supply of drugs.
[SUSAN] Yes. It was strange when the Daleks found it. I thought first ofall they were going to keep both lots. Then they suddenly seemed tochange their mind and gave the second lot back to me.
[IAN] Yes. Still, the Thals seem more friendly.
[SUSAN] Oh, yes. Alydon gave me this cloak to keep me warm.
[BARBARA] Why do the Daleks think they're mutations?
[SUSAN] I don't know. Judging by Alydon, they're magnificent people.
[DOCTOR] Susan.
[SUSAN] Grandfather? You'll feel better soon. I brought the drugs back.
[DOCTOR] Give me a little while and then we must go back to the ship.
[SUSAN] No, we're still prisoners.
[DOCTOR] Oh, are we? Oh, yes. Well, we must leave here soon. We must,must leave. Yes.
[SUSAN] As soon as grandfather's properly awake we must try and find away of helping the Thals.
[BARBARA] We can't even help ourselves, locked up in here like this.
[SUSAN] We must try and talk to the Daleks. Alydon says the Thals aregoing to starve unless they can find new supplies of food. You see,after the war, the Thals that survived managed to cultivate small plotsof land. Well, that's how they've survived ever since. But they'vealways had to be very, very careful, because the crops have always beenin danger. But, you see, they rely on a great rainfall that onlyhappens about every four or five years. Well, it's two years overduenow, and all their crops are ruined. Well, that's why the whole Thalrace had to leave their plateau and go in search of food.
(Control room)
[SUSAN [on monitor]] Alydon says, unless we canhelp them arrange some sort of treaty with the Daleks, they're allgoing to die.
[IAN [on monitor]] But how can we, Susan?
[SUSAN [on monitor]] Well, he wants to talk to the Daleks. He said ifthey agree to supply food for them, then one of us must take a messageoutside the city.
[DALEK 2] We could let this catastrophe destroy the Thals.
[DALEK 1] Will they let themselves starve to death? No. I feelpreserving our prisoners was a good idea.
[DALEK 2] And an arrangement to bring the Thals inside our city an evenbetter one.
[DALEK 1] We'll let our prisoners sleep and then give them food. Afterthat, we can plan.
[DALEK 2] Why not begin now?
[DALEK 1] Because the lapse of time, the relaxation of sleep, theprovision of food, all these things will give them a false sense ofsecurity.
(Detention cell)
[DALEK 1] We have brought you food and more water. (Barbara takes it)The girl is to come with me.
[IAN] Why?
[SUSAN] It's all right.
[BARBARA] Well, what are they going to do to her?
[DALEK 1] She will be returned. We are going to help the Thals, which iswhat you want us to do. Come now.
[DOCTOR] I can't understand. Why have they taken Susan?
[IAN] How do they know we want to help the Thals?
(Jungle, outside the Tardis)
[ALYDON] Ah, Ganatus.
[GANATUS] Alydon.
[ALYDON] You've been longer than I thought.
[GANATUS] The path was rough.
[ALYDON] The dead city lies over there.
[TEMMOSUS] (a man with a headdress) Get the tent here, towards the west.
[DYONI] (a young woman) What is it, Temmosus.
[TEMMOSUS] This must be the craft in which the strangers arrived here.So, Alydon, we were right to believe the city inhabited.
[ALYDON] Yes, Temmosus.
[TEMMOSUS] I wonder what they'll be like. How they'll be disposedtowards us.
[GANATUS] They are Daleks.
[TEMMOSUS] Yes, but we've changed over the centuries. Why shouldn'tthey? The once famous warrior race of Thals are now farmers.
[DYONI] But the Daleks were teachers, weren't they, Temmosus?
[TEMMOSUS] Yes, they were. And philosophers.
[GANATUS] Perhaps they are the warriors now.
[TEMMOSUS] From the distance, the city looks as if they make science andinvention their profession. It's a magical architecture. Perhaps we canexchange ideas with them, learn from them.
[GANATUS] Perhaps.
[TEMMOSUS] And these others, they arrived here in this weird object?
[ALYDON] Yes, Temmosus.
[TEMMOSUS] And you trust them, Alydon?
[ALYDON] I have only spoken with the young girl, but if the others areanything like her, I would trust them absolutely.
[TEMMOSUS] I hope you're not too generous in your beliefs. What do yousay, Dyoni?
[DYONI] I have no opinions in the matter.
[GANATUS] How unusual.
[TEMMOSUS] Where is the girl now?
[ALYDON] I have given her the drugs and she has returned to the city.
[DYONI] It would have been better if you had given it to a man insteadof a girl.
[ALYDON] I had no chance. They're prisoners in the city.
[GANATUS] Prisoners?
[TEMMOSUS] Are you sure?
[ALYDON] I'm afraid so. From everything the young girl said, the Daleksare certainly very suspicious of others.
[TEMMOSUS] Tell me, Alydon. How old is this young girl?
[ALYDON] No longer a child, not yet a woman.
[TEMMOSUS] Ah, then perhaps it's safe for you to talk to her, if she'snot yet a woman.
[ALYDON] I don't understand her. If we don't find a new food supply fornext year, we're finished. Doesn't she understand that? We're allworking towards the same end.
[GANATUS] Now there's a double meaning for you.
[TEMMOSUS] But don't you realise that Dyoni sees her personal future inyou. You must remember that when we left our plateau and started onthis journey, she was little more than a child. But that was four yearsago.
[ALYDON] I'm not quite so blind.
[TEMMOSUS] Well, go on. What have you planned?
[ALYDON] The young girl will speak with the Daleks, and a message willcome from the city.
[TEMMOSUS] Direct from the girl?
[TEMMOSUS] But how shall we know that it is not a trick?
[ALYDON] Well, she told me her name> Susan. And that is how themessage is to be signed. Otherwise, we shall know the Daleks arehostile to us.
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] Have liquid foods, water in abundance. We can also supplyunlimited quantities of fresh vegetables which are forced in artificialsunlight.
[SUSAN] Just a minute. Artificial sunlight. All right, go on.
[DALEK 2] In return, we shall expect the Thals to help us in there-cultivation of the land surrounding the
[DALEK 1] Why have you stopped writing?
[SUSAN] Well, I can only ask them. I can't accept for them.
[DALEK 1] Then put down that we expect them to help us.
[SUSAN] Yes, I'm sure they will.
[DALEK 1] Please sit still while we examine what you've written.
[DALEK 1] What is the last word here?
[SUSAN] The last word?
[DALEK 1] Su San. Stop that noise. (a giggle)
[SUSAN] It's what I'm called. It's my name. Susan.
[DALEK 1] Have you told the Thals that you would write this name on themessage?
[SUSAN] Yes. Look, there's no need to be frightened of them. They'revery friendly people. All they want is food. Let me take the message tothem.
[DALEK 1] No.
[SUSAN] Why not?
[DALEK 1] We have planned otherwise.
[IAN [on monitor]] But how long are they going to keep Susan, Doctor?
[BARBARA [on monitor]] What do they want with her?
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Perhaps they're going to let us go. I don't know.
[SUSAN] We knew you could hear us, 'cause you knew about the Thals andthe food.
[DALEK 1] It does not matter. We have the message now.
(Detention cell)
[IAN] All set, Doctor? (loud) The whole pattern ofthings is suspicious. Just because the Daleks didn't kill us is noreason to trust them.
[DOCTOR] Or suspect them either.
[BARBARA] Or maybe they just have a different way of doing things.
[IAN] The Thals have helped us. The Daleks put us in a cell. I knowwhich of the two I prefer.
[DOCTOR] I tell you, the Daleks are brilliant people. I think we oughtto cooperate with them.
[IAN] Ever since you talked alone to the Daleks, you've been on theirside. What have they done, bribed you or something? Look, I want toknow why. Why are you on their side and against the rest of us.
[DOCTOR] Take your hands off me. How dare you shout
[SUSAN] Leave my grandfather alone!
[IAN] I want an answer.
[BARBARA] Stop arguing.
[IAN] Please give me space.
[DOCTOR] Keep away from me!
[BARBARA] Susan, what are you doing?
[IAN] Did I hurt you?
[SUSAN] No, of course you didn't.
[DOCTOR] Don't waste time.
[IAN] Fix you for a while.
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] Do you think it was broken accidentallyin their struggle?
[DALEK 1] No, the cable is strong. They have broken it deliberately.
[DALEK 3] They can be moved immediately to another room, the eyerepaired.
[DALEK 1] No.
[DALEK 2] Extermination, then.
[DALEK 1] There is no escape from the room that holds them. They maywell be useful again. We shall deal with the Thals.
(Detention cell)
[DOCTOR] The point is, how do we get out of here?Wait until the Daleks open the door, and force the issue?
[BARBARA] But we'd never get near them.
[SUSAN] We must try and trick them. We must all pretend to be dead. Thenwhen they come in to investigate, we must rush down the corridor
[IAN] Yes, and then what? No. We must find a way of putting thesemachines out of action.
[BARBARA] Yes. Remember what they did to your legs.
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] The floors are metal. All the floors are metal.
[BARBARA] Well, so are the streets of the city outside.
[BARBARA] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] No, I know you don't know. I mean, why do they use metal? Is itbecause it lasts longer? Or because
[IAN] Because it's essential to them. That's an idea.
[BARBARA] Well how is that going to help us?
[IAN] Well, if metal is essential
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, now listen. Let's concentrate on the Daleks. Haveyou noticed, for example, that when they move about there's a sort ofacrid smell?
[SUSAN] Yes, yes, I've noticed that.
[BARBARA] I know. A fairground.
[IAN] That's it. Dodgems.
[DOCTOR] It's electricity. I think they're powered that way.
[IAN] Yes. But just a minute. They have no pick-up or anything. And onlythe base of the machine touches the floor. How do they complete thecircuit?
[SUSAN] Batteries?
[DOCTOR] No, no. I believe the Daleks have discovered a way to exploitstatic electricity. Very ingenious, if I'm right.
[BARBARA] What, drawing power from the floor?
[DOCTOR] Precisely. If I'm right, of course. Now, what do we know apartfrom guessing how they are powered?
[SUSAN] Well, they can see all round them.
[BARBARA] Yes. Their eye is flexible, like a large camera lens.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes. Now, Chesterton, do you mind concentrating,young man?
[IAN] Hmm? Susan. The cloak the Thals gave you.
[SUSAN] Yes, it's just behind you.
[IAN] Barbara, come here. What do you think this is made of?
[BARBARA] I don't know. It isn't plastic, I don't think it's nyloneither.
[IAN] Whatever it is, it'll do for what we want.
[DOCTOR] And what will it do, young man? Hmm?
[IAN] Insulate. If you are right, Doctor, about the Daleks taking uppower from the floor, this is a perfect way of putting them out ofaction.
(Thal camp outside the Tardis)
[DYONI] Oh, look, Ganatus, they've found a Magneton under some bushes.
[GANATUS] Dead, I hope.
[DYONI] Well, of course it's dead. Oh, I never know when you're seriousand when you're joking.
[GANATUS] We'll be able to recharge the hand lights. I'll go and tellAntodus.
[DYONI] Is he still afraid of the dark? I'm sorry, I
[GANATUS] My brother isn't afraid of anything.
[ALYDON] Temmosus, suppose the Daleks refuse to help us. What then?
[TEMMOSUS] I believe the Daleks hold the key to our future. Whateverthat future may be, we must accept it gracefully and without regret.
[ALYDON] I wish I could be as objective as you. We've lived for so longa time.
[TEMMOSUS] Perhaps we have lived too long. I've never struggled againstthe inevitable. It's a vain occupation. But I should always advise youto examine very closely what you think to be inevitable. It'ssurprising how often apparent defeat can be turned to victory.
[GANATUS] This was found at the city gates.
[ALYDON] What does it say?
[TEMMOSUS] They're going to help us! It's signed by the girl, Susan. Shesays the Dalek people have no malice towards us, and they hope thatthey can work with us to build a new and safe world, free from the fearof war. They have the ability to produce food by means of syntheticsunlight, and they have left a quantity of it in the entrance hall oftheir main building. We are to collect it tomorrow. So there is afuture for us.
(Detention cell)
[SUSAN] Shh. He's coming.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Now all of you watch very carefully. See that you notice everydetail in that machine, right?
[DALEK 1] Move back from the door.
[DALEK 1] Take the food.
[IAN] I'll be able to jam the door with a piece of this. (the spycamera)
[SUSAN] He seemed to be able to cover all of us.
[BARBARA] It's impossible to hide from it.
[IAN] Yes. Perhaps we can throw a coat over the lens.
[BARBARA] Surely it would see you.
[IAN] Yes. Doctor, perhaps we can stage something. You know, adistraction. And when the lens looks the other way, throw somethingover it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
[BARBARA] Now, wait a minute. Susan, throw me your shoes.
[IAN] What are you up to?
[BARBARA] Making mud.
[DOCTOR] If he's on time, we have three minutes.
[IAN] I'm ready.
[DOCTOR] How's the mud?
[BARBARA] It's very sticky and very nasty.
[DOCTOR] Very good. Very good idea.
[SUSAN] Shall I spread the cloak over?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Not too near the door. We don't want to make himsuspicious.
[SUSAN] Just down there?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Quickly. Good, child.
[IAN] He's coming.
[DOCTOR] Mind your head.
[DALEK 1] Take this.
[DALEK 1] Keep away. Keep away from me.
[DALEK 1] Keep away from me! Keep away! Keep away!
[IAN] That's a gun! That's a gun!
[DALEK 1 ] Keep away from me! Keep away from me! Keep away from me! Keepaway from me! Keep away from me!
[SUSAN] Yes, I got it!
[DOCTOR] Well done, Susan.
[BARBARA] Ian, come on out of the way.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right, Susan?
[SUSAN] Yes, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Splendid, splendid.
[IAN] I think I'm all right. Swing it round. Keep out of the way, Susan.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[IAN] Now, I think it's worked. Take your hand off the gun. It has! It'sworked! Now, there must be a catch here somewhere. I've found one.
[IAN] Susan, Barbara, go in the corridor and keep a lookout.
[IAN] You'll have to help me. (they lift the lid again) Let's roll itoff the cloak. A bit more, all right?
[IAN] Give me that cloak. That's it. All right. Now.
[IAN] Lift.
[IAN] Now, see if I can get inside it. All clear in the corridor?
[SUSAN] I think there's a sentry down the other end of the corridor.
[BARBARA] Well, they made such a terrible noise. Ian, hurry.
[IAN] Not much room for my legs, but try the top.
[DOCTOR] Barbara, Susan, give me a hand. Move it down gently. (theylower the lid) How is it?
[IAN] (Dalek-like) It's very cramped indeed.
[DOCTOR] Well, can't you sound more like a Dalek?
[BARBARA] Yes, in a monotone. You've heard them.
[IAN] Do you mean like this?
[DOCTOR] That's it.
[SUSAN] Can you see all right?
[IAN] No. There's some sort of screen. No, it's the mud. Wipe the mudoff the lens.
[SUSAN] Oh, yes, all right. It's all clogged up. Is that better?
[IAN] Yes, I can see now.
[SUSAN] Good.
[IAN] I can't make this thing move. It's full of controls.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, we'll push you.
[IAN] It moves well enough.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[BARBARA] Surely they'll know that we're pushing you.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, it won't be suspicious at all.
[IAN] All right now, Susan, Barbara. You get infront and pretend I'm taking you for questioning.
[SUSAN] Right.
[IAN] And Susan.
[SUSAN] Yes?
[IAN] You lead us. You know the way.
[SUSAN] All right. This way, then.
[IAN] Hey. Let go a minute. I think I've found out how to operate thisthing. Yes, I can. Quick, Doctor, get in front. Ready? Off we go.
[SUSAN] Wait. This looks like the place. Stay there. (She looks around acorner and comes back) There's a great iron door with a Dalek on guard.And beyond the door there's a lift.
[DOCTOR] It's up to you now, Chesterton. You have to do as littletalking as possible.
[IAN] All right.
[DALEK] Stop.
[IAN] The council wishes to question the prisoners.
[DALEK] I have not been informed. Wait.
[SUSAN] No! I'm not going! No!
[DALEK] Hold her.
[IAN] I have got her. Now hold still. Help me to get them inside.
[IAN] You too.
[DALEK] Shall I help you to the fourth level withthem?
[IAN] No. Close the doors. The girl cannot run far inside.
[DOCTOR] That's fixed the door.
[BARBARA] That was a very good idea, Susan.
[IAN] He didn't hurt you?
[SUSAN] No, not really.
[IAN] Well, help me to get out of this thing. I'm suffocating.
[BARBARA] The clasp is stuck.
[DOCTOR] Here, let me help fix it.
[DALEK] I have just passed the prisoners through into lift shaft seven.
[DALEK 1 [OC]] There are no orders to move the prisoners. Hold them.
[DALEK] The door is locked. Emergency alarm.
[DALEK 1 [OC]] Attention. Immobilise lift shaft seven floor area.
[IAN] They know. Come on, hurry up will you?
[DOCTOR] Wait a minute. There, it's free. Lift it from the top.
[SUSAN] Good. Hurry up.
[BARBARA] I can't move it. It won't budge.
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, try and force it up from the inside.
[IAN] I'm trying. No, no, it's no good. There's something jammed insidehere. Forcing it's only making it worse.
[BARBARA] Ian, come on, hurry.
[IAN] I, I can't move it!
[SUSAN] Ow! That door's red hot.
[DOCTOR] They're cutting through the door.
[BARBARA] We'll have to move you into the lift.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but hurry, hurry.
[SUSAN] It's stuck.
[BARBARA] I don't understand it. It moved easily enough before.
[DOCTOR] They've magnetised the floor. You feel it?
[BARBARA] Are you sure?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Chesterton, we're not able to get you into the lift.
[IAN] Yes, I realise that. Take the others away in the lift, Doctor.
[BARBARA] We're not going without you.
[IAN] Don't waste time. Go on.
[DOCTOR] Well, come on. He's right.
[BARBARA] No. I'm not leaving Ian.
[DOCTOR] When we get to the top, we'll send the lift back down for you.All right?
[SUSAN] No, Grandfather, we can't.
[IAN] Go on, go on.
[IAN] Go on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Susan.
[IAN] Barbara, for goodness sake, go.
[SUSAN] Oh, look!
[IAN] I must, must get out.
[BARBARA] How long will it take them to cut throughthe door?
[DOCTOR] Oh, maybe ten minutes. If we're lucky, longer.
[SUSAN] But even if he does get out, he's stuck down there. His only wayout is the lift. We must go back for him!
[DOCTOR] Susan, it's no good. We cannot do anything for him now, child.
(Level One)
[BARBARA] We should never have left him. It's so slow. It'll never reachhim in time.
[DALEK 1] It is nearly completed.
[DALEK 1] It is empty.
[DALEK 2] Lock the lift.
[DALEK 1] The emergency switch. Bring it down.
(Level One)
[BARBARA] Come on, Ian. Come on.
[IAN [OC]] All right, I'm coming.
[IAN] They had about two inches of that door to cut through when I gotout.
[SUSAN] Are you all right?
[IAN] Yes, thank you, Susan.
[DOCTOR] Well never mind that now. We must try and find a way out ofthis room.
[BARBARA] Daylight!
[IAN] Yes, but where exactly are we?
[DOCTOR] We're right at the top of the building. I can just see thesurface of the city. See over there? There's the edge of the petrifiedjungle.
[IAN] Yes. I'm trying to recognise the streets we came along.
[BARBARA] Everything looks so different from above. Do you see anythingat all that looks like
[IAN] What is it?
[IAN] What's the matter?
[BARBARA] There's someone down there. Look, by that sort of gatewaything beyond the low building. I saw someone cross that space.
[DOCTOR] A Dalek?
[BARBARA] No, it was a man. A human being.
[SUSAN] The Thals! They've come for food supplies.
[DOCTOR] They're walking into an ambush.
[DALEK 2] Make no attempt to capture them. They are to be exterminated.You understand? Exterminated.
[DALEK 1] I understand.
(Level One)
[IAN] Oh, it's no good. This room must be soundproof. We must find a wayof getting down there.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but how, dear boy?
[BARBARA] Isn't this a door?
[IAN] Yes! Doctor, open it.
[DOCTOR] Well, yes.
[SUSAN] What's the matter with it?
[DOCTOR] They've magnetised it, too. Come on, let's try and force itopen.
[IAN] I can get my fingers in. Sorry. Yes, it's beginning to move.
[BARBARA] Ian, the lift's coming back!
[SUSAN] Oh, no.
[IAN] Doctor, keep working the door. (he tries the lift controls) It'sno good. Wait. Come over here and give me a hand. Quick, now. All pushtogether.
[DOCTOR] It's open. I've done it.
[SUSAN] Good.
[IAN] Be right with you.
[DOCTOR] Look, what are you doing?
[IAN] Just cutting down the odds a bit. Are you ready? All together,one, two, three, push!
[IAN] All right, Doctor, through you go. Yes, go on.
[TEMMOSUS] You're much too suspicious.
[ALYDON] Perhaps I am, Temmosus, but why should the Daleks help us?
[TEMMOSUS] You've been saying that ever since their message arrived.Perhaps their offer was coldly worded, but friendship grows with time.These Daleks must have believed that they were the only survivors onthis planet.
[ALYDON] And are they relieved to find they aren't? Or are they shockedand horrified, perhaps insanely jealous?
[TEMMOSUS] You've no reason to say that. I think you misjudge them.
[ALYDON] Well, yes, I'm being illogical, unfair if you like, but I justhave an instinct.
[TEMMOSUS] Listen. We must find a new source of food. The Daleks haveit. They've offered it to us. These are facts, Alydon, facts.
[ALYDON] Yes, yes, I know, but let me talk to them.
[TEMMOSUS] It's right that I should do so.
[ALYDON] But supposing
[TEMMOSUS] No, Alydon. And you must thrown off these suspicions. They'rebased on fear, and fear breeds hatred and war. I shall speak to thempeacefully. They'll see that I'm unarmed. There's no better argumentagainst war than that.
[ALYDON] Yes, if they really want to listen.
(Food area)
[DALEK 1] They are approaching.
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather, come on. Come on, hurry.
[BARBARA] Where are we?
[IAN] By the city wall, I think. Yes, there's a gateway about fiftyyards away.
[BARBARA] Are there any Daleks?
[IAN] Wait there. No, no, I think we're all right.
[DOCTOR] Well, lets get back to the ship.
[SUSAN] No, no, I must warn the Thals.
[DOCTOR] Susan.
[SUSAN] We can't let them walk into a trap.
[DOCTOR] The Thals are no concern of ours. We cannot jeopardise ourlives getting involved in an affair which is none of our business.
[BARBARA] Of course it's our business. The Thals gave us theanti-radiation drug. Without that, we'd be dead!
[IAN] Yes, but the Doctor's got a point. There's no sense in risking ourwhole party. You go back to the ship and I'll stay and warn the Thals.
[SUSAN] No, we're all in this together. We're all going to stay here.
[IAN] Susan, you do as I say! You go back to the ship with Barbara andyour grandfather.
[SUSAN] But don't you understand
[BARBARA] I know what Ian means. He stands a much better chance on hisown if he doesn't have us to worry about. Now, come on. We'll wait foryou.
[IAN] I'll be there.
[DOCTOR] Good luck, Chesterton.
[IAN] Thank you. Go on.
(Food Area)
[TEMMOSUS] Daleks, can you hear me? Daleks, the Thal people wish to livein peace. If this is your wish too, then let us work together torebuild our world. We need your help, and in return we'll make the soillive again, grow crops, build homes. The time for enmity is passed. Ifthis is the kind of future that you want, then send for us and we shalltalk.
[TEMMOSUS] You need not decide now. We've been waiting for centuries. Weshall go on waiting.
[TEMMOSUS] Take these things.
[IAN] No! It's a trap! Get out of here! Run!
[DALEK] Fire!
[IAN] Who are you?
[ALYDON] I am Alydon. You are the man who warned us?
[IAN] Yes. I'm sorry I was late.
[ALYDON] Yes, our leader Temmosus is dead.
[IAN] I know. I saw it.
[ALYDON] Why? Why kill him? They didn't even know him.
[IAN] We can't stand here discussing it. Get yourself and your men awayfrom here. Come on.
(Thal camp)
[ELYON] No, not yet.
[DOCTOR] Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. You know, these recordsmust go back nearly half a million years.
[DYONI] The complete history of our planet Skaro is here. It seems nowthat no one will survive to read it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, nonsense, young lady. Your survival is all here. What, er,is this a solar system?
[DYONI] Yes. Skaro is the twelfth planet. Here.
[DOCTOR] I see. And this? What is this planet?
[DYONI] Each of these maps is a tiny section of another solar system, sothe total picture can be built up.
[DOCTOR] Total? Oh, you have records of other systems?
[DYONI] Yes. Well, I say total. Of course, we were only able to map outas far as our electroscopes allowed.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I see. I wonder if I could see the plans.
[DYONI] Oh, yes.
[DOCTOR] I might be able to fix our position. Oh, yes, yes. Absorbing,most absorbing.
[SUSAN] Grandfather seems to be enjoying himself.
[ALYDON] Some of the children have heard something moving in the forest.
[IAN] It can't be the Daleks. They told us they couldn't come out of thecity.
[ALYDON] Nevertheless, I think we should all be on our guard.
[ELYON] Here they are. Antodus has been wounded.
[GANATUS] We had to go round the other side of the city.
[ALYDON] Is he badly hurt?
[GANATUS] It's his shoulder.
[DYONI] I'll get some ointment, and something to cover the burns.
[SUSAN] We've got some in the ship.
[DYONI] There's some over here.
[GANATUS] We tried to go back for Temmosus.
[ELYON] Temmosus? What's happened to Temmosus?
[GANATUS] It was hopeless.
[ALYDON] These are the people the Daleks were holding prisoner. This isthe man who shouted to warn us.
[GANATUS] Thank you. Did the others get away, Alydon?
[ALYDON] Tecanda was killed.
[ALL] Tecanda?
[ALYDON] The rest of us escaped.
[BARBARA] The burns don't seem to be too bad.
[DYONI] I'll get some water for him to drink. Can you manage?
[GANATUS] Have you decided what we're going to do, Alydon? You must takethe place of Temmosus now.
[ALYDON] Yes. Yes, I know. If only I knew why the Daleks hated us. If Iknew that, I, I could alter our approach to them, perhaps.
[IAN] Your leader, Temmosus.
[IAN] Well, he appealed very sensibly to them. Any reasonable humanbeings would have responded to him. The Daleks didn't. They obviouslythink and act and feel in an entirely different way. They just aren'thuman.
[GANATUS] Yes, but why destroy without any apparent thought or reason?That's what I don't understand.
[IAN] Oh, there's a reason. Explanation might be better. It's stupid andridiculous, but it's the only one that fits.
[ALYDON] What?
[IAN] A dislike for the unlike.
[ALYDON] I don't follow you.
[IAN] They're afraid of you because you're different from them. Sowhatever you do, it doesn't matter.
[DYONI] What would you have us do? Fight against them?
[IAN] I didn't say that. But you must teach them to respect you. Showthem some strength.
[DYONI] But you really believe we ought to fight.
[IAN] Yes, I think it may have to come to that.
[DYONI] You understand as little about us as the Daleks do!
[IAN] What would you do if the Daleks could leave their city? If theycame up here and attacked you?
[ALYDON] We would go away, back to our plateau where we came from.
[BARBARA] You'd simply run away?
[IAN] Alydon, you can't go on running away. There are some things worthpreserving.
[GANATUS] We're not afraid to die. Temmosus proved that.
[IAN] I am not talking about dying. Look, you can't hand yourselves overto the Daleks. Sooner or later, they're going to try and destroy you ifthey can.
[ALYDON] I can see you want to help us, but as Dyoni says, you don'tunderstand. There can never be any question of the Thals fighting theDaleks. Come, Ganatus.
[BARBARA] I don't understand them. They're not cowards, they don't seemto be afraid. Can pacifism become a human instinct?
[IAN] Pacifism? Is that it? Pacifism only works when everybody feels thesame.
[BARBARA] Yes, but are they really pacifists? I mean, genuinely so. Oris it a belief that's become a reality because they've never had toprove it. DOCTOR
[IAN] You mean this (humanoid) became
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. It took hundreds of years, of course. In the secondexample, our recent hosts, the mutation has not completed its fullcircle. Why, I don't know. But do you remember that monstrosity we tookout of its machine?
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] This is its forebear.
[IAN] The original Dalek.
[DOCTOR] Yes. They called them Dals then. Oh, it's all there, everymoment of it is Skaroene history. Minutely but brilliantly recorded.Priceless, absolutely priceless.
[BARBARA] Is this a sword the Thal's holding?
[DOCTOR] Yes. They were the warriors then.
[BARBARA] Were they?
[DOCTOR] Undoubtedly.
[SUSAN] Antodus is feeling much better.
[DOCTOR] I'm very glad to hear he's improving. Well, now, I'm sure youall agree with me, its time we went back to the ship. Now, come along.
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather, couldn't we stay a bit longer? The Thals aresuch nice people.
[DOCTOR] And the Daleks are not, which is more important, my child.
[IAN] I wonder if there's any point in reminding the Thals of what theyused to be?
[BARBARA] Oh, they're opposed to fighting. We were trying to convincethem that it was a necessity for their own survival.
[DOCTOR] But our fate doesn't rest with the Thals, surely. Let's leavewell alone. We have ourselves to worry about. Now, come along, comealong. Wasting time.
[IAN] Maybe the Doctor's right.
[BARBARA] Yes. Let's get in the ship and get as far away from here aspossible.
[DOCTOR] Oh, please, come along. Oh, by the way, let me have the fluidlink, will you? Oh, dear boy, now please, please, come along. You knowI can't start the ship without it.
[IAN] The fluid link.
[SUSAN] You've lost it?
[BARBARA] Ian, you can't have.
[IAN] No. The Daleks took it from me when they searched me. It's downthere somewhere. In the city.
[IAN] The fluid link.
[SUSAN] You've lost it?
[BARBARA] Ian, you can't have.
[IAN] No. The Daleks took it from me when they searched me. It must bedown there somewhere. In the city.
(Control room)
[DALEK 1] The drug has been duplicated.
[DALEK 2] And the distribution?
[DALEK 1] The drug is to be taken by sections of us so work will not beinterrupted.
[DALEK 2] Have you processed the pictures?
[DALEK 1] Appearing now on frequency 6.
[DALEK 1] It is the elder prisoner.
[DALEK 2] Show second picture.
[DALEK 1] The girl and the young woman. Is that the body of the fourthprisoner? The young man?
[DALEK 2] If so, he has been injured.
[DALEK 1] Show third picture.
[DALEK 1] They have made contact with the Thals.
[DALEK 2] It is logical that together they will attack us.
(Thal camp)
[ALYDON] No. And that is my final word.
[IAN] Be careful what you're doing up there, Susan.
[SUSAN] (up a tree) Oh, it's all right, Mister Chesterton. I'm quitesafe.
[IAN] No good. I've tried everything I know. They just won't risk afight with the Daleks. The trouble is, I can't go too far.
[BARBARA] What do you mean?
[IAN] Well, why should they help us? Some of them are bound to getkilled. What argument can you use to make a man sacrifice himself foryou?
[BARBARA] Ian, you don't seem to understand. We'll be prisoners hereunless we can think of some way of getting that fluid link back fromthe Daleks.
[IAN] I am quite well aware of that, Barbara.
[BARBARA] And you know very well they'll find a way out of their city.
[IAN] I know nothing
[BARBARA] Well, you know they will.
[SUSAN] Well, they need metal to travel on.
[BARBARA] Oh, they'll find a way. They're clever enough. They'll find usand kill us, you know that as well as I do.
[IAN] Look, even supposing you're right, I will not ask the Thals tosacrifice themselves for us. I'm sorry, Barbara, I just can't do it.
[BARBARA] Ian, why can't you see?
[SUSAN] Any luck, Grandfather?
[SUSAN] Well, have you made another fluid link yet?
[DOCTOR] No, I can't, my child. And I've looked through all my sparesand I've really discovered we do need some mercury.
[SUSAN] Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] It's put us in a bit of a jam. I must get that fluid link backagain. I'm afraid my little trick has rather rebounded on me. What youmight call tempting providence, Chesserman.
[IAN] Well, don't worry about it now, Doctor. It's happened.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, at least you're not vindictive.
[IAN] Well I will be if you don't get my name right.
[IAN] It's Chesterton.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Hey? I know that.
[BARBARA] How you two can stand there wasting time with small talk beatsme.
[DOCTOR] I can assure you, young lady, I haven't been wasting my time.There's always a way.
[SUSAN] You always think of something, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, my dear. Your faith is something that I prize veryhighly. You all realise, of course, we cannot succeed against theDaleks alone?
[BARBARA] Of course not.
[DOCTOR] We have a ready-made army here. The Thals. They're strong, andthey have one great advantage against the Daleks. They can move so muchmore quickly.
[IAN] They have one great disadvantage. They have no arms or ammunition.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's all right, young man. The mind will alwaystriumph. With me to lead them, the Thals are bound to succeed.
[SUSAN] But Grandfather, we've been talking and arguing about this allmorning. The Thals won't fight. They're against war.
[DOCTOR] My dear child, this is no time for morals. They must fight forus.
[IAN] Why?
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear young man, I do hope you're not going to bedifficult.
[BARBARA] The Doctor's right. Ian, can't you see? If only we can get theThals to attack the city, we could beat the Daleks and get the linkback.
[DOCTOR] It's just common sense. Young lady, I've been underestimatingyou.
[IAN] I will not allow you to use the Thals to fight for us.
[DOCTOR] Are you challenging me?
[IAN] Yes, I am.
[BARBARA] Do I have any say in this?
[IAN] Of course you do.
[BARBARA] Well I think the Doctor's right and I want to get out of here.
[IAN] I am sorry, I'm not having anyone's death on my conscience.
[BARBARA] Except mine and Susan's and the Doctor's?
[DOCTOR] Quite so.
[IAN] The only way the Thals can fight is if they themselves want to. Itmust have nothing whatsoever to do with us.
[SUSAN] I know what you mean. We must help the Thals to save themselvesand not just them help us.
[IAN] Exactly.
[BARBARA] All you're doing is playing with words.
[DOCTOR] We need action, not arguments.
[IAN] Now listen, you two. What victory are you going to show thesepeople when most of them have been killed? A fluid link? Is this whatyou're going to hold up to them and say, 'Thank you very much. This iswhat you fought and died for'?
[SUSAN] The thing is, can the Thals still fight?
[IAN] Well that's what we've got to find out. Are they cowards, or arethey just against fighting on principle?
[BARBARA] Well, how can we find out?
[IAN] Well, I've got an idea. But whatever I do, don't interfere. I'mnot even sure that I'm right.
[IAN] Well, let's see what happens.
[DOCTOR] Hmm, strange young man.
[SUSAN] He's right, though.
[BARBARA] Yes, he is.
[DOCTOR] Yes, we'll see.
[IAN] to have self- respect. At this moment, anyone could come in here.They could rob, they could steal.
[DOCTOR] Let's see what he's up to.
[IAN] They could even kill you. And you wouldn't lift a finger to helpyourselves.
[ALYDON] We will not fight. There will be no more wars. Look at ourplanet. This was once a great world, full of ideas and art andinvention. In one day it was destroyed. And you will never find onegood reason why we should ever begin destroying everything again. I'msorry.
[IAN] You're not sorry. You stand here, mumbling a lot of words out ofyour history. But it means nothing, nothing at all. You carry thisaround with you. Your history records. Well, it must be valuable toyou. Supposing I take it down to the city and try and trade with theDaleks? Perhaps they'd think it valuable enough to exchange for ourfluid link.
[ALYDON] I don't believe you'd do it.
[IAN] I would.
[ALYDON] None of us would stop you.
[IAN] If I don't get the fluid link back, the four of us will die.Perhaps the Daleks are more interested in people? Maybe they wereholding us to experiment on us? I could take them an alternative.
[IAN] So there is something you'll fight for.
(Experiment chamber)
[DALEK] Help. Cannot control. Cannot control. Help me. Help me. Help!Help! Help! Help! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
(Control room)
[DALEK [OC]] Emergency. Emergency. All Daleks insection three are incapable of working.
[DALEK 1] Section three? That was the first section to get theanti-radiation drug received from the Thals.
[DALEK 2] Stand by for a general announcement. This is control. Alldistribution of the anti-radiation drug is to be stopped immediately.The Dalek race has become conditioned to radiation.
[DALEK 1] But if you are right, we are in danger.
[DALEK [OC]] All Daleks in section three are dying.
[DALEK 2] They must be examined immediately.
[DALEK 1] Look, the disease has reached us in here.
[DALEK 2] Then we cannot delay.
[DALEK 1] But what are we to do? Is this the end of the Daleks?
[DALEK 2] We need radiation to survive. So we must increase our supplyof radiation.
[DALEK 1] But there is only one way to do that.
[DALEK 2] Exactly. We may have to explode another neutron bomb.
(Thal camp)
[DYONI] Why don't you sleep?
[ALYDON] Presently.
[DYONI] Are you angry with yourself for striking the young man?
[ALYDON] No, I knew he was trying to make me do it. I still couldn'tstop myself. Do you despise me for hitting him?
[DYONI] If you hadn't fought him, I think I would have hated you.
[ALYDON] I knew he wouldn't really take you and give you to the Daleks.But I fought him. Oh, I wish Temmosus were here. What would he havesaid, Dyoni? Which is the most important? To fight and live, or to diewithout fighting.
[BARBARA] What will happen now?
[GANATUS] I don't know. We always do what the leader of our race decidesfor us. He never decides anything without our full approval.
[BARBARA] And if Alydon decides not to help us? Well, we'll have to waittill the morning. What's that light in the sky? It's a reflection fromthe city, I suppose.
[GANATUS] No, the lake. Some sort of chemical in the water that makes itglow in the moonlight.
[BARBARA] You've been down there?
[GANATUS] Yes. There's horror down there in the swamp. Five of us wentthere in search of food, and only my brother and I came back.
[BARBARA] What happened to the others?
[GANATUS] Well, we found what was left of one of them. The lake is alivewith mutations, bred and crossbred until the original has long beenreplaced by. I'm sorry, I'm being morbid.
[BARBARA] Oh, I don't mind as long as we're this far away. But I wonderwhy the Daleks haven't cleaned it out? Killed everything?
[GANATUS] Why should they? Isn't it the perfect defence for the back ofa city? Only a fool would attack the city from the lake.
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] Has the anti-radiation drug distribution been stopped?
[DALEK 3] Yes. Only Daleks in section two and three received it. AllDaleks in section three have now died.
[DALEK 2] Daleks in section two are to be brought to the sonic chamber.
[DALEK 3] We will direct the air polluted by radiation away from thenuclear reactors into the sonic chamber.
[DALEK 2] And if they do not die, we shall have our answer.
[DALEK 3] But if we need radiation, we can never rebuild the worldoutside.
[DALEK 1] We do not have to adapt to the environment. We will change theenvironment to suit us.
(Thal camp)
[ALYDON] I have one question to ask of you. If wedo not help you, what will you do?
[IAN] We'll find our way into the city, and take back our lostequipment.
[ALYDON] You see, we cannot stand by and let these people die. If we donot help them, it would be the same as if we had killed them ourselves.Well, the way I have reasoned is this. The Daleks are strong and theyhate us. And I am sure they will find a way to come out of their cityand kill us. So it is not merely a question of whether we go off in avain search for food and in all probability starve to death. We facedeath now. In the city is enough food for all of us and all of theDaleks, a hundred times over. My conclusion is this. There is noindignity in being afraid to die. But there is a terrible shame inbeing afraid to live. If none of you agree with my reasons, then let mego with these people, and I will help you elect a new chief.
[GANATUS] I'll go with you, Alydon.
[THAL] And I.
[THAL 2] Let's start at once.
[IAN] Thank you.
[ALYDON] You knew what my decision would be.
[GANATUS] I could always have destroyed it if you'd decided differently.
[DOCTOR] If we get this intelligent anticipation, we shall succeed.Let's see this. Now, what is this area here?
[GANATUS] The swamp. Here are the mountains. This is the far side of thecity. I've been into the swamp. It's surrounded by lakes, here, as yousee. The lakes are inhabited by all sorts of strange creatures.
[IAN] Can we get into the city this way?
[ALYDON] Over the mountains?
[IAN] Yes.
[GANATUS] That means going through that swamp.
[ALYDON] We can't go through the swamp. It's too dangerous.
[GANATUS] It is dangerous, yes, but I realised last night when I wastalking to Barbara that it is undefended.
[ALYDON] Undefended? It's a perfect natural barrier. All thosecreatures, you know that yourself.
[GANATUS] Yes, I know, but I mean the Daleks won't be on guard there.There's a chance to take them by surprise. Believe me, I'm not happyabout this, but it's the best possible chance there is.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Well, now, I suggest we split into two groups. Theone to distract the Daleks on the city wall side, and the others to tryand force a way through the mountains.
[IAN] Yes, I think that's the best plan.
[DOCTOR] Are we all agreed?
[ALYDON] Yes. Very well then. That is what we must do.
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] The laser scope is transmitting. Thequality is poor. What has happened? Has this group broken away? Isthere a plan behind it? Why divide their forces?
[DALEK 1] The figures are coming through on the radiation treatment.
[DALEK 2] Discontinue laser scope.
[DALEK 1] There is an improvement. Except for one serious case, allDaleks in section two have shown signs of recovery.
[DALEK 2] Then our position is clear. For us, the drug is a poison.
[DALEK 1] And radiation is still necessary to us.
[DALEK 2] Essential. I want a complete survey of our stock of nuclearmaterials. I want an estimate of the amount of waste matter from thenuclear reactors.
[ANTODUS] We'll never get through.
[GANATUS] Yes, we will.
[ANTODUS] What makes you think it'll be any different to the first time.
[GANATUS] At least we know what to expect.
[ANTODUS] But the others don't.
[GANATUS] We promised Alydon we'd find a way through the mountains, andthat's what we're going to do.
[ANTODUS] You'd never get the others to follow you if you told them whathappened the first time. It's your duty to tell them. How we watchedAmezus dragged beneath the waters of the lake, while you and I ran interror when
[GANATUS] That's enough. We're going on, Antodus. You keep your fears toyourself. I don't want you upsetting the others. Is that clear?
[GANATUS] Well, is it?
[GANATUS] Well, this is the swamp. From now on it's going to be ratheruncomfortable.
[IAN] Yes, I see what you mean.
[GANATUS] The ground's very uneven. Sometimes rock, sometimes thick mud.You'll have to watch how you walk. I think it'll be a wise plan to finda place to rest for the night.
[IAN] Yes. We've made very good time. It's only taken four hours to gethere from the edge of the forest. That leaves us with two and a halfdays to go through the mountains to the city.
[GANATUS] If there is a way through.
[IAN] We'll find a way. I'll go and give Barbara a hand.
[GANATUS] I'm surprised you let her come.
[IAN] I'd be more surprised if I could have stopped her. How are youdoing?
[BARBARA] Fine. Oh, I'm glad the mountaineering's over.
[IAN] There'll be some more once we get through this little lot.
[BARBARA] We're going through there?
[IAN] Well, we must. We've got a deadline with the Doctor in two and ahalf days, and we've got to make it.
[BARBARA] Well I think we could all do with a rest.
[IAN] No, we'll keep up with the others. They'll be breaking camp soon.Now take care. Watch where you put your feet. All right?
[GANATUS] This looks like a fairly dry section.
[IAN] Yes, this'll do.
[GANATUS] Right, we'll make camp here. See if we can gather up some drybranches.
[IAN] All right.
[GANATUS] It'll make it more comfortable to sleep on. Barbara, you seeto the food. I'll get the fire going.
[BARBARA] Right.
[GANATUS] At least it might stop some of these, these things frombothering us.
[BARBARA] What was it? Did you see anything?
[IAN] Yes, it was a
[GANATUS] Kristas, stand guard here, will you?
[KRISTAS] Right.
[GANATUS] We'll take the first watch between us.
[IAN] I'm all right, really.
[GANATUS] Yes, I know, but I think you two Earth people should get asmuch sleep as possible. We're more used to this kind of life. It's overa year since we left our own plateau in search of a new source of food.I'd almost forgotten what it was like to stay in one place and enjoyit. I suppose there'll be an end to it one day.
[GANATUS] Time to move, my friend.
[IAN] You let me sleep.
[IAN] Why didn't you wake me?
[ELYON] Ganatus.
[GANATUS] What's the matter?
[ELYON] Come and see what I found by the lake.
[GANATUS] Right.
[IAN] Hold on. I'll come with you. Morning.
[BARBARA] Morning. Oh, for a feather pillow and a spring mattress.
[GANATUS] What did you see?
[ELYON] Over there.
[IAN] We were right. The Daleks do get their water from the lake.
[GANATUS] But how would it get to the city from there?
[IAN] Well, there must be a way. I mean, the Daleks aren't very mobile.They must have cut a pathway through there to work on the pipeline.
[GANATUS] How long do you think it will take us to reach there?
[ELYON] Most of today. If we could cross the lake we could reach it muchquicker.
[IAN] I'm sorry, that's one way I'm not going.
[ELYON] Well, it would be dangerous, certainly. The lake is full ofmutations.
[GANATUS] No, we must go round.
[IAN] Yes, and we ought to try and get there before the sun goes down.
[ELYON] Well I'll just go and fill the water bags. (a little away fromIan) There's no point in trying to cross the lake, you think?
[GANATUS] No. No, he's right. Anyway, think how long it would take tobuild a light raft.
[IAN] Barbara, we saw some pipes going into the lake.
[BARBARA] So we can go through?
[IAN] Maybe. With a bit of luck, eh? Thanks. (for the hot drink) Mmm.Good.
[BARBARA] Where's Elyon?
[GANATUS] He's gone to fill the water bags. He won't be long.
[GANATUS] Stay here.
[ANTODUS] What is it? What's happened to Elyon?
[IAN] There's nothing we can do here.
[ANTODUS] Did Elyon fall in? What happened?
[GANATUS] It must have happened very quickly. Come on now. We must reachthe cliffs by tonight.
(Forest edge)
[SUSAN] There are four roads that lead off from the main square, goingnorth, south, east and west.
[ALYDON] The main ventilators seem to be over in this section.
[SUSAN] Oh, that's wrong. It goes down there and up.
[DOCTOR] Can you see any way in at all?
[DOCTOR] Oh, you'll allow me, will you?
[SUSAN] Grandfather, get down.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes. Now, the things we have to put out of action isthe radio and television waves. They've obviously got complete coveragein and around the city.
[ALYDON] They don't leave much to chance.
[DOCTOR] We must presume they don't leave anything to chance.
[DYONI] If they have pictures of the entrance to the city, how can we doanything?
[DOCTOR] Then we must stop the pictures. Remember, the Daleks aren'tvery mobile.
[SUSAN] Yes, we do have speed on our side.
[DOCTOR] And there's always value in surprise. I know it looksdifficult, but we must try it, my friends. Yes, we must.
[ALYDON] Yes. I wish I knew what they were planning for us.
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] The report for the neutron bomb isprepared.
[DALEK 1] Let us hear it.
[DALEK [OC]] Report on neutron bomb to cover five hundred square miles.Time to construct, twenty three days.
[DALEK 1] Is that the shortest possible time?
[DALEK [OC]] Yes.
[DALEK 1] Very well. It is too long.
[DALEK 2] We must abandon the idea of a neutron bomb.
[DALEK 1] We must find another way of spreading radiation.
[GANATUS] It's getting narrower.
[BARBARA] Oh, it's like all the other caves. Just tails off into a deadend.
[GANATUS] There's a gloomy thought for you.
[BARBARA] I wonder if Ian's doing any better?
[GANATUS] When did we arrange to meet him and the others?
[BARBARA] Oh, we ought to be going back now.
[GANATUS] Let's make sure this is impossible first. I must have hadsixth sense. Look at that. Pity. Well, let's go back and try one of theother ways.
[BARBARA] No, wait a minute.
[GANATUS] Can you see something?
[BARBARA] No, stand still for a minute. There, can you hear it? Thesound of water.
[GANATUS] Yes. Barbara, look! There's a passageway here.
[BARBARA] Well, that won't be easy.
[GANATUS] It's a good job we haven't been over-eating recently. It'sgoing to be a long crawl. Well, we won't use one of the customs of yourplanet.
[BARBARA] And what's that?
[GANATUS] Ladies first.
[BARBARA] I should hope not.
[GANATUS] Pay the rope out as I move in, will you?
[BARBARA] Yes, all right. But be careful. Remember what Ian said. We'renot to take any chances.
[GANATUS] Do you always do what Ian says?
[BARBARA] No, I don't.
[GANATUS] Well, let me have the torch then. Unless you think you
[BARBARA] No, no. Your need is greater than mine.
[GANATUS [OC]] Barbara?
[GANATUS] There seems to be a drop of about thirty feet or so. I'm goingdown.
[BARBARA] Well, be careful.
[GANATUS [OC]] Tie your end of the rope around a rock or something, willyou?
[BARBARA] Yes, all right. (she uses a boulder by her feet) Ready.
[GANATUS [OC]] Right.
[BARBARA] Ganatus? Ganatus!
[IAN] What's happened?
[BARBARA] I couldn't hold onto it.
[IAN] Where's Ganatus?
[BARBARA] It slipped through my fingers. He's down here, look.
[GANATUS] (bottom of shaft) Barbara?
[IAN [OC]] All right this end. Are you hurt?
[GANATUS] No, I'm not.
[ANTODUS] Is my brother hurt?
[BARBARA] No, he isn't, but it was my fault. The rope slipped off therock.
[IAN] The rope, Antodus.
[GANATUS] Barbara?
[IAN] Are you sure you're all right?
[GANATUS] Yes. What happened to Barbara?
[IAN] She's okay. Don't worry. Hang on a minute. I'm bringing anotherrope down to you.
[GANATUS] It would be better if you came down here.There's a big cavern with lots of tunnels going off it. Unless you'vefound anything else, this seems a fair chance.
[IAN [OC]] No, we haven't. Hang on, we'll be with you in a couple ofminutes.
[GANATUS] Good. It looks as though it may have been a lucky fall.
(Control room)
[DALEK [OC]] Rangerscopes are recording greatactivity amongst the Thal people.
[DALEK 1] Are there pictures?
[DALEK [OC]] No, reception is bad.
[DALEK 1] They are attacking our instruments.
[DALEK 2] We must keep alert.
[DALEK 1] Yes. Concentrate all power of rangerscopes and vibrascopes onall entrances to the city.
(City wall)
[DOCTOR] It looks as if my plan has worked.
[ALYDON] We can't keep up this light reflection for long.
[DOCTOR] Never mind. It gives us a better chance to get into the cityunnoticed.
[SUSAN] We can't be sure of that, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I know it's risky, but, well, we mustn't diddle about here.Now, I want to get to the east side of that antennae.
[ALYDON] Doctor, look.
[ALYDON] According to the map, we should be moving further to our left,in that direction.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I see. Well you go ahead, will you? Go along, child.Yes, we'll show them a thing or two.
(Cavern ledge)
[IAN] So far, so good. It seems to be broadeningout a bit.
[GANATUS] Who knows, it may stop being impossible.
[BARBARA] Just become unbearable.
[IAN] Well, at least we can breathe in here.
[GANATUS] We seem to be travelling more or less in a straight line.
[IAN] Yes, I think we are.
[KRISTAS] I'll take the fire.
[IAN] Oh, thank you.
[KRISTAS] Shall I lead on then?
[IAN] Yes, I suppose you might as well. We'll have a rest in a minute.
[ANTODUS] Ganatus. I want to go back.
[GANATUS] What for?
[ANTODUS] I can't go on any more.
[GANATUS] You must.
[ANTODUS] No. We're going deeper, deeper all the time. We'll be trappedin the mountain, I know we will. Please, Ganatus, let me go back.
[GANATUS] You can't.
[ANTODUS] But you don't really need me, not really. I could, well, Icould go back and signal to the others that we've managed to get as faras we have.
[GANATUS] Antodus, we go on together.
[ANTODUS] Why? Why are you making me do all these things? Even if we doget through, we'll never defeat the Daleks. Ganatus, we're all going tobe killed.
[GANATUS] We can't turn back now.
[ANTODUS] The others can't, but we could. Listen, they're going to dieanyway. We could just go back and tell the others that the Dalekskilled them.
[GANATUS] What are you talking about? You must go back.
[ANTODUS] I'm not going on.
[GANATUS] You are. You must. (there's a scuffle, and Antodus bangs hishead) Antodus? I'm sorry. Are you hurt? Ian!
[IAN] Is he hurt?
[GANATUS] A rock hit him. It would have hit me, but he pushed me aside.He was very brave.
[IAN] Well, I hope he hasn't cut his head.
[ANTODUS] I'm all right.
[GANATUS] Ian, we can't go back the way we came. We must go on now.
(Control room)
[DALEK [OC]] Emergency. Emergency. Reaction on thevibrascopes.
[DALEK 1] Where?
[DALEK [OC]] Section fifteen, city wall.
[DALEK 2] Shall I redirect the rangerscopes?
[DALEK 1] No. If we track them by their vibrations, we can take them bysurprise.
(City wall)
[SUSAN] Hey, Grandfather, look.
[SUSAN] Is this what you want?
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes, a single cable. The whole city is powered by staticelectricity.
[ALYDON] Well how do you know that?
[DOCTOR] The single wire, you see. Round here, there, see? And there.That must be the answer.
[SUSAN] Well it leads up to the antennae.
[ALYDON] Well, it certainly goes in that direction, but I can't see itall.
[SUSAN] I wonder if I can open this box. There aren't any hinges on it.Oh, that's it. Look, look, it slides up.
[DOCTOR] Ah, good girl. Now, just take it over there. That's it. Now,look out.
[SUSAN] The thing is, how are we going to cut the wire now it's exposedwithout getting a terrific shock?
[ALYDON] Look, we can't wait around here too long.
[DOCTOR] No, just a minute. Now, you go and tell your friends to stopflashing the light on the antennae. Because for all we know, the Daleksmight have a beam to throw on them, paralyse them, kill them.
[ALYDON] But I can't leave you two here.
[DOCTOR] We shall be all right. Now, go along, and tell them to movetheir position from time to time. Now hurry, please.
[ALYDON] Very well, then. But don't waste time here. I'll come back foryou if I can.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes. We shall be back before then. Now go. Dear,dear, dear, that young man gets so agitated. Now, I'll tell you whatwe'll do. We'll short-circuit it to another conductor. Let me have thekey of the ship, Susan, will you? The key of the ship, dear.
[SUSAN] Oh, what a good idea. Yes.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes. I can always make another one if necessary.
[SUSAN] Of course.
[DOCTOR] Now, the power's running away. That'll teach the Daleks tomeddle in our affairs.
[SUSAN] What about this one?
[DOCTOR] Well, of course.
[DOCTOR] Watch it.
[DOCTOR] Now, we've shorted it, you see. So something must have gonesomewhere else. The extent of the damage, of course, we don't know yet.
[SUSAN] Look, Grandfather, this is marvellous, but they must have afault locator somewhere. We must get away from here.
[DOCTOR] But, my dear child, don't you realise what I've done? A fewsimple tools
[SUSAN] Yes, but we mustn't waste time.
[DOCTOR] A superior brain.
[SUSAN] We must go now!
[DOCTOR] But, child, look
(Cavern ledge)
[IAN] Look out. No place for a quiet stroll, is it?
[GANATUS] It looks pretty wide.
[IAN] Yes, and deep. Well, you might as well take a rest while we sortthis one out. No point in going that way, it widens out. There's nofoothold at all on this side. There's a ledge over there, look. Abouttwo to three feet, would you say?
[GANATUS] There seems to be some sort of cleft in the rock face there.
[IAN] Yes, I think you're right. We'll have to get over there.
[GANATUS] How about going down this side on a rope, and trying to climbthe other?
[IAN] Yes, well, see how deep it is. Hold the torch. A pebble.
[GANATUS] How do we do it?
[IAN] We jump.
[GANATUS] There's not much space to land in.
[IAN] No.
[GANATUS] Ah, well, I'll go
[IAN] I'll. You go and tell them we're going to jump.
[GANATUS] We're going to jump it.
[IAN] Shine the torch on that ledge. Keep clear of me when I run, andgive me plenty of rope.
[BARBARA] Good luck.
[IAN] All right. Ganatus, you come over next and we'll explore thatcleft in the rock.
[GANATUS] Right.
[IAN] Quite firm. I think there's just about enough room for two of us.
[GANATUS] (throws another rope) Take up the slack, will you?
[IAN] Right.
[BARBARA] Good luck.
[GANATUS] Ready?
[IAN] Take a good long run. (he does) Good jump. You should have comefirst.
[GANATUS] Now, I'll take a look at this cleft. The torch? Pay it outslowly.
[IAN] Right.
[GANATUS] It's all right. There's a handhold just here. (he disappearsfrom sight) [OC] A little more rope. It goes wider. It seems to be somesort of a tunnel. I don't need the rope any more. Bring the othersover.
[IAN] Right. Rope coming over.
(Control room)
[DALEK 1] You have destroyed our videoscope and one of our lifts.
[DOCTOR] And you in turn killed the Thal leader in your ambush. And youwill be responsible for more deaths unless you help these people.
[DALEK 1] The only interest we have in the Thals is their totalextermination.
[SUSAN] What do you mean?
[DALEK 1] Tomorrow the atmosphere will be bombarded by the radiationfrom our nuclear reactors.
[SUSAN] Why are you doing this?
[DOCTOR] That's sheer murder.
[DALEK 1] No, extermination.
[DOCTOR] But you must listen to reason. Please, you must.
[DALEK 1] Without radiation, the Dalek race is ended. We need it as youand the Thals need air.
[ALL] Tomorrow, we will be the masters of planet Skaro.
(Cavern ledge)
[BARBARA] Oh, I thought I wouldn't make it.
[IAN] You did well. Just get your breath back for a minute.
[BARBARA] I'm all right. Ian?
[IAN] Oh, no, not that way. Now stay still. Give me your other hand.You've got to come back. Now, swing. Now this time, face the rock. Andreach round with that arm. Reach higher. Can you feel?
[BARBARA] I, I can't reach.
[IAN] Higher. Go on.
[IAN] Now, let go of my hand and swing yourself round. Go on. (shedisappears into the cleft) All right?
[KRISTAS] I'll throw the fire.
[IAN] Right. Rope coming over.
[KRISTAS] Will you go next, Antodus?
[ANTODUS] No, you go on.
[KRISTAS] Very well.
[IAN] You made it look easy. Got the grip?
[KRISTAS] Yes, I'm clear. Rope coming over.
[IAN] Sorry. Bad throw, my fault. Move back from the edge.
[ANTODUS] I can't do it.
[IAN] Move back from the edge and catch this rope. Ready? Coming now.Good. Now, tie it round yourself. Tight! Now give yourself a good longrun and jump. I'm ready whenever you are.
[ANTODUS [OC]] Help me! Help me! I can't hold on. I can't hold on!
(Cavern ledge)
[GANATUS] I daren't let go with my other hand.
[IAN] Antodus, get a grip on the rock face. Take the weight off therope.
[ANTODUS] It's too smooth.
[IAN] Stop it, you fool!
[GANATUS] I'm losing you.
[IAN] Sweat on my hands.
[GANATUS] It's no good, Ian.
[IAN] Call the others.
[GANATUS] Kristas! Kristas!
[IAN] Kristas!
[GANATUS] Antodus.
(Control room)
[DALEK] What we need for life means death for the Thals.
[DOCTOR] You could live in the city and the others could. But why do youhave to destroy? Can't you use your brains for right?
[DALEK] Only one race can survive.
[DOCTOR] What are you planning?
[DALEK] We wish to escape captivity. Go out and rebuild the planetSkaro. Our oxygen distributors will be subjected to waste radiation bythe ejector capsule.
[DOCTOR] Nothing can live outside if you do that. Nothing.
[DALEK] Except the Daleks.
[DOCTOR] When do you intend to put this into operation?
[DALEK] Now.
[DOCTOR] This senseless, evil killing.
[KRISTAS] There's been a fall of rock. The way isblocked.
[IAN] Did you look all round it?
[KRISTAS] Yes. There's no way through.
[GANATUS] Then we'll have to go back. We came this far. We've done ourbest and more. First Elyon died, and now my brother. For what? Can'tyou see there isn't any sense in it anymore.
[BARBARA] We can't give up now.
[GANATUS] What is it that you want us to do?
[IAN] We must go back and find another way.
[GANATUS] Oh, why don't we just give up?
[IAN] Because your brother died, for one thing. He gave us a chance.
[GANATUS] My brother didn't want us to come. He said we'd all die.
[BARBARA] What's the matter with it?
[KRISTAS] I don't know. Dirt's got into it, I expect. And if we're goingback, we'll have to go back now. We can't cross the chasm withoutlight.
[BARBARA] Well, we still have the torch.
[KRISTAS] That's weak too.
[IAN] Can we use it sparingly? Well, turn it off, Kristas.
[KRISTAS] Right.
[IAN] Wait a minute. There's a light coming in here. Where's it comingfrom? Where's the light coming from? Here. Give me a hand.
[BARBARA] Can you see anything?
[GANATUS] What is it?
[IAN] We're through. We must have been travelling under the pipes allthe time. We're through.
(Forest edge)
[DYONI] Alydon. The antenna hasn't moved for sometime.
[ALYDON] No. The Doctor must have succeeded in putting it out of action.
[DYONI] But why haven't they returned?
[ALYDON] The Daleks must have captured them. Now listen, everybody. Theway to the city is clear. Now is the time to attack. We may be farmers,but have we forgotten how to fight?
(Control room)
[DALEK 1] Power down to half.
[DALEK 2] Down to half.
[DALEK 1] Seal off nuclear waste disposer.
[DALEK 2] Sealing complete.
[DALEK 1] Begin radiation redirection to distribution capsule.
[SUSAN] Can't we stop them? Can't we do anything?
[DOCTOR] Just a moment. I haven't told you how we came to this planet.
[DALEK 1] It does not matter now.
[DOCTOR] But it does. I have a ship capable of crossing the barriers ofspace and time. Surely this would be invaluable to you?
[DALEK 1] A ship? What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] A machine.
[DALEK 1] I do not believe you.
[DOCTOR] But I have.
[SUSAN] It's true. We have.
[DALEK 1] You are not capable of creating such a machine.
[DOCTOR] And you took a part of my ship away from one of my companions.The young man.
[DALEK 1] What did it look like?
[DOCTOR] A small rod with metal at either end. It belongs to my ship. Afluid link containing mercury. Examine it for yourselves. You will seeit's part of a complicated machine.
[DALEK 1] Yes, I have it here.
[DOCTOR] What if we show you the ship? Explain it to you. Help you tobuild another?
[DALEK 1] A bargain for your lives?
[DALEK 1] Where is this machine?
[DOCTOR] In the petrified forest outside the city.
[DALEK 1] Good. When the neutron operation has been completed, we willfind a way to travel outside the city limits.
[DALEK 1] We will examine your machine.
[DOCTOR] No. Not unless you stop what you're doing. Otherwise I won'texplain its secrets to you and its philosophy of movement.
[DALEK 1] Now we know of the machine, we can examine it for ourselves.
[DOCTOR] But you can't operate it without me.
[DALEK 1] Every problem has a solution.
[DALEK [OC]] Vibration locator records movement inside the city wall.
[DALEK 1] Details.
[DALEK [OC]] Disturbance is too great.
[DALEK 1] Alert Daleks in Section one. The Thals are entering the city.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, they're coming.
[DOCTOR] Can they get here in time?
[IAN] Now where are we?
[BARBARA] I have no idea. I have some experience in these corridors.They all look alike.
[IAN] Yes, we could go back to the lift, but. Get back!
[DALEK [OC]] Alert. The Thals are entering the city. All Daleks insection one to level one. Immediate. Immediate.
[IAN] Alydon and the Thals must be in the city. We must find the controlroom.
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] Interior videoscopes are recordingmovement on level eight.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, look. Look, they found a way through.
[DALEK 1] All Daleks on level eight. Urgent.
[DALEK 1] The Thals have penetrated to level eight. Immediate action.Immediate action.
[DALEK 2] How did they get into the city?
[DALEK 3] Capsule ready to go critical.
[DALEK 1] Stand by.
[DALEK 3] Standing by, ready.
[DALEK 1] The last stage of the operation is about to begin.
[DOCTOR] Stop it, please.
[DALEK 1] Nothing can stop the Daleks. Begin countdown. One hundred.
[DALEK 3] Beginning now.
[GANATUS] Alydon.
[ALYDON] Ganatus. Have you found the Doctor?
[BARBARA] Well, isn't he with you?
[ALYDON] No, he must have been captured by the Daleks. And Susan.
[IAN] But the Daleks know you and the Thals are in the city.
[ALYDON] We split ourselves into groups, but without the Doctor wedidn't know what to look for.
[IAN] We must find that control room.
[BARBARA] We must find the Doctor and Susan.
[IAN] Barbara, first and foremost we must find the control room andknock it out.
[ALYDON] And Antodus?
[GANATUS] Yes, he died bravely.
[DALEK [OC]] Daleks go to control room immediately. All Daleks to levelten.
[ALYDON] But this is level nine. We must be near.
[KRISTAS] We've got to go on.
[BARBARA] There's a lift back there. It's only one floor up.
[DALEK [OC]] All Daleks to level ten immediately. Corridor intersectionson all levels other than ten will be sealed now.
[IAN] Get the door, quick! (but it closes) That one.
[ALYDON] You first.
[BARBARA] There's another one.
[ALYDON] Quickly, Barbara, get to it.
[GANATUS] Barbara!
(Control room)
[DALEK 3] Fifty two.
[DALEK 2] The Thals are blocking the intersections from sealing on levelnine.
[DALEK 3] Fifty one.
[DALEK 1] Increase power. Emergency. Increase power.
[DALEK 3] Forty nine. Forty eight.
[IAN] Quick. Wait a minute, I'll take the strain. Barbara, try and slideyourself out.
[BARBARA] I can't move.
[GANATUS] (who has also wedged himself under the door) They're pressingdown harder.
[IAN] They're increasing the pressure. Barbara, you must try and rollout. Try and free yourself.
[KRISTAS] Just get my hands under.
[BARBARA] I'm through.
[IAN] Alydon. Right. You go next.
(Control room)
[DALEK] Forty six. Forty five. Forty four. Fortythree. Forty two.
[GANATUS] Try, Ian. It's crushing us both. Come on.
(Control room)
[DALEK] Forty. Thirty nine. Thirty eight. Thirtyseven. Thirty six. Thirty five. Thirty four. Thirty three.
[DALEK] Thirty two. Thirty one. Thirty. Twenty nine. Twenty eight.Twenty seven. Twenty six. Twenty five. Twenty four. Twenty three.Twenty two. Twenty one. Twenty.
[DALEK] Nineteen. Eighteen. Seventeen.
[DALEK] Sixteen. Fifteen. Fourteen.
[DALEK] Thirteen.
[DALEK 1] Follow and kill her.
[DALEK] Twelve. Eleven. Ten.
[DALEK 2] Trapped. Help me. Trapped.
[DALEK] Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four.
[DALEK 3] Reinforcements. Overpowered. Reinforcements. Quickly. Quickly.
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, come here.
[IAN] Doctor! Doctor, I think they're dying.
[DALEK 1] Power going.
[DOCTOR] They were about to spread radiation into the air.
[IAN] We've knocked out their source of power, I tell you. Look!
[SUSAN] Barbara, is he all right?
[BARBARA] Yes. He's very badly hurt, but he's alive.
[DALEK 1] Listen to me.
[DALEK 1] (very slowly) Stop our power from wasting or it will be theend of the Daleks.
[DOCTOR] Even if I wanted to, I don't know how.
[ALYDON] It's finished. The final war. Five hundred years of destructionend in this.
[DOCTOR] No doubt you will have other wars to fight. Chesterton, comealong, my boy. We've got work to do. I want to look at the reactors andsee if there's any radiation leakage.
[IAN] Yes, and get the ship working again, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, yes, yes, yes, of course. Come along. Come along.
[ALYDON] Kristas, you all right? Here, let's get him up to the air. Allthis machinery. What good is it to us? None of us knows the first thingabout it.
[BARBARA] Well, you must experiment. These Dalek inventions should be ofsome use to you.
[SUSAN] The Daleks have developed food by artificial sunlight. You'vegot everything you need now.
[GANATUS] Yes. If only there'd been some other way.
(Thal camp)
[DOCTOR] This is what they call a compensator, my friend.
[ALYDON] Which is?
[DOCTOR] The whole of it. It's useless. Throw it away. Forget it. Unlessyou want to live in a shell like our dead friends.
[ALYDON] Where do you get your knowledge, Doctor? You know, there neverseems to have been time to ask, but we don't really know where you comefrom, or why.
[DOCTOR] To rebuild a whole new world. How I envy you.
[ALYDON] But you must stay and help us. We could learn from you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no. I'm afraid I'm much too old to be a pioneer.Although I was once amongst my own people.
[ALYDON] Well then, stay and advise us. Please.
[DOCTOR] No, no, thank you. We're much too far away from home, mygranddaughter and I. Thank you all the same. It's a nice gesture onyour part. You know, this soil is not quite so barren as you think.I've been making tests, and even you might live to see and hear thebirds amongst the trees. You wanted advice you said. I never give it.Never. But I might just say this to you. Always search for truth. Mytruth is in the stars and yours is here.
[DYONI] Won't you rest with us?
[DOCTOR] No, I'm afraid it's out of the question. But I might visit yourgrandchildren to find if they've learned the secrets, and if they have,well, who knows, I might live with them.
[SUSAN] Ta-da! Look, Grandfather, isn't it terrific? Thank you, Dyoni.
[IAN] What are you up to, Susan?
[SUSAN] It's a present from Dyoni. Isn't it gorgeous?
[IAN] It's lovely. By the way, Doctor, have you fitted the fluid link?
[DOCTOR] Not yet, but I have it safely here. And there's no need toworry about mercury, young man.
[IAN] Good. Well, goodbye, Dyoni.
[IAN] Goodbye, Alydon.
[ALYDON] Goodbye, Ian.
[DOCTOR] Come along, my child. I'm hungry.
[SUSAN] Goodbye, Dyoni.
[DYONI] Goodbye.
[SUSAN] Thank you. (hugs Alydon) Goodbye.
[IAN] Goodbye, Ganatus.
[GANATUS] Goodbye, Ian.
[IAN] Barbara.
[BARBARA] Right.
[DOCTOR] Oh, how stupid of me. I very nearly forgot my specimens. Oh,your hand, sir. (shakes it) Goodbye.
[ALYDON] Goodbye, Doctor.
[BARBARA] Well, Ganatus?
[GANATUS] Well, Barbara. (hands over material) The dress you make fromthis won't be suitable for swamps and caverns.
[BARBARA] Well, that's a good thing.
[BARBARA] It's beautiful. Thank you very much. Thank you for everything.
[GANATUS] I wish
[SUSAN [OC]] Barbara, we're waiting.
[ALYDON] Come along, Ganatus.
[DYONI] Don't be sad, Ganatus.
[GANATUS] I won't be. But I don't think I'll ever forget her.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s01", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Daleks"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (8 Feb, 1964; First Doctor) - The Edge of Destruction
[BARBARA] Mister Chesterton? Ian Chesterton? I thought
[SUSAN] I know you. Ow!
[BARBARA] Have you hurt your head?
[SUSAN] Yes, terribly.
[BARBARA] Well, let me look at it.
[SUSAN] My neck hurts too. It's going away now. That's better. Icouldn't think where I was
[BARBARA] Do you want to sit down?
[SUSAN] No, it's all right. Grandfather!
[BARBARA] He's cut his head open.
[SUSAN] I've got some ointment.
[BARBARA] Well get some water too.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[SUSAN] Who's that? Oughtn't we to go and help him?
[BARBARA] I don't like the look of this cut at all.
[SUSAN] Water. What happened?
[BARBARA] I don't know. Well, go on.
[IAN] You're working late tonight, Miss Wright. Can I have a glass ofwater?
[BARBARA] Susan's fetching some.
[IAN] Susan Foreman, you mean?
[IAN] What's he doing there?
[BARBARA] Oh, he's cut his head. Are you feeling all right?
[IAN] Dizzy. Shouldn't we help him? His heart seems all right, and hisbreathing's quite regular. I don't think that cut's as deep as youthink.
[BARBARA] What do we do if his skull's fractured?
[IAN] I don't think it's as bad as that.
[DOCTOR] I can't take you back, Susan. I can't.
[IAN] He's rambling.
[BARBARA] The ship! The Tardis!
[IAN] What?
[SUSAN] Empty?
[SUSAN] That's funny.
[SUSAN] The doors! Well, they can't open on their own. They can't!
[IAN] Perhaps he did it.
[SUSAN] Grandfather?
[IAN] Did it before he cut his head open.
[SUSAN] No, he wouldn't.
[BARBARA] They must have been forced open when we crashed.
[IAN] Crashed?
[SUSAN] No, the ship can't crash. It's impossible. Grandfather.Grandfather!
[BARBARA] Susan, it's all right.
[SUSAN] No. No, there's something here. Inside the ship.
[IAN] What?
[BARBARA] But that's not possible.
[SUSAN] You feel it, don't you?
[BARBARA] Give me the bandage. What's this?
[SUSAN] The coloured part is the ointment. You'll find the colourdisappearing. It goes into the wound. When the bandage is completelywhite, it means the wound is healed.
[IAN] Did you do that?
[SUSAN] We haven't moved.
[SUSAN] I'm going to try the controls.
[BARBARA] Be careful, Susan.
[IAN] She's fainted. But she was all right a minute ago.
[BARBARA] Yes, and a while before that, you were all unconscious.
[IAN] What's going on here?
[BARBARA] He's beginning to stir. Take the girl and put her to bed.
[IAN] If anything happens, let me know.
[BARBARA] Well, what could happen?
[IAN] I don't know.
[BARBARA] How are you?
[DOCTOR] My head.
[BARBARA] You cut your forehead, but you'll be all right.
[DOCTOR] It hurts here.
[BARBARA] Where? Show me. I can't see anything. There's no bump orbruise or anything.
[DOCTOR] No, I was hit on the back of the neck.
[IAN] Water.
[IAN] Empty?
[IAN] All right.
[IAN] What are you doing?
[SUSAN] No. Who are you?
[IAN] Susan. You don't need that.
[DOCTOR] No, no, the ship must have stopped and put us down somewhere.
[BARBARA] But where? Where are we?
[DOCTOR] Oh, all these questions, Miss Wright. Please.
[BARBARA] You don't know, do you? You're just guessing, aren't you?
[BARBARA] Can we have some light in here?
[DOCTOR [OC]] What for?
[IAN] Have you any idea where we are, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Where is not as important as why, young man. I must go andcheck the fault locator again.
[IAN] Everything's in a mess.
[DOCTOR] You didn't touch the controls, did you?
[IAN] No.
[DOCTOR] Or you?
[DOCTOR] I know Susan wouldn't. I'm worried about that child. Temporarylapse of memory.
[BARBARA] I was thinking.
[IAN] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Well, yes, yes, anything may help.
[BARBARA] Do you think something could have got into the ship?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no.
[BARBARA] When the doors were open?
[DOCTOR] No, it's ridiculous.
[IAN] What do you mean? An animal, or a man or something?
[DOCTOR] It's not very logical, is it?
[BARBARA] Or another intelligence.
[DOCTOR] Well, as I said, it's not very logical.
[BARBARA] No, it isn't. But does it have to be? I mean, things aren'talways very logical, are they? It's just that one's been through somuch, I've
[DOCTOR] I've been very patient with you, Miss Wright, and really,there's no more time for these absurd theories.
[IAN] Probably a mechanical fault.
[DOCTOR] Yes, or electric.
[DOCTOR] It may even be the main unit. I don'tknow. I'm very worried about it all. Young man, I think you'll have tohelp me with that fault locator now that Susan's been put out ofaction.
[IAN] Yes, yes, of course I will.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. It won't take us long.
[IAN] I wouldn't go near the control column if I were you, Doctor. Itmight give you an electric shock.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, perhaps it would be wiser to check the fault locatorfirst. I'm glad I thought of that. Yes, come along. Come along.
[IAN] Barbara.
[BARBARA] Keep an eye on Susan?
[IAN] Yes. Don't tell her about something being in the ship.
[BARBARA] No, of course not.
[IAN] You know, the less said, the better, eh?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Chesterton!
[IAN] Coming. Coming.
[IAN] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, these numbers keep blurring before my eyes, that's all.
[IAN] What can I do to help?
[DOCTOR] Well if you wouldn't mind standing in front of that indicatorand what you will see will be a series of numbers.
[BARBARA] You're awake now. How are you feeling?Susan? You do remember who I am, don't you?
[SUSAN] Of course I do. You're Barbara.
[SUSAN] Why?
[SUSAN] There's nothing wrong with me.
[BARBARA] No, you're, you just need a rest, that's all.
[SUSAN] Where's Grandfather?
[BARBARA] He's checking the controls with Ian.
[SUSAN] Have they found out what's wrong with the ship?
[BARBARA] Ian thinks there was a power failure.
[SUSAN] Why did you ask me if I knew who you were?
[BARBARA] Susan, why don't you give me those scissors? Give them to me.Susan, what's all this about?
[SUSAN] You said there'd been a power failure.
[BARBARA] No, I didn't. I said that's what Ian thinks.
[SUSAN] I overheard the two of you. There's something here in the shipand he doesn't want you to tell me.
[BARBARA] I see. You just overheard a couple of words and you
[SUSAN] No! You lied to me.
[BARBARA] We wouldn't hurt you, Susan. Surely you know that?
[SUSAN] I never noticed the shadows before. It's so silent in the ship.
[BARBARA] Yes. Or we're imagining things. We must be. I mean, how wouldanything get into the ship, anyway?
[SUSAN] The doors were open.
[BARBARA] Yes, but, but where would it hide?
[SUSAN] In one of us.
[BARBARA] No. No. We must stop talking about this. I mean, can youimagine what the others would say if we told them? They'd simply laughat us.
[SUSAN] Supposing there isn't a fault.
[IAN] You must be clairvoyant. We've just checked everything and it'sall perfect. Which is fantastic. How are you feeling?
[SUSAN] I'm all right.
[IAN] Good.
[SUSAN] What's my grandfather doing?
[IAN] That's what I came to tell you both. He's decided that the onlyfault can be outside the ship. He's gone to turn on the scanner.
[SUSAN] No! No, he mustn't!
[SUSAN] Don't touch!
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Are you all right, child?
[SUSAN] Yes. Grandfather, I tried to touch it, and it was like beinghit, but without any pain.
[DOCTOR] Hit where?
[SUSAN] Well, the back of my neck hurt.
[DOCTOR] Yes, rather like mine.
[IAN] Funny, it didn't affect Barbara and me like that.
[DOCTOR] No, it didn't, did it? I must find out what's outside the ship,Susan. Stand close beside me, will you?
[SUSAN] Nothing happened to you.
[DOCTOR] No, indeed.
[BARBARA] Why does he keep looking at us like that?
[SUSAN] Hey, the scanner's working.
[BARBARA] That could be England.
[SUSAN] Oh, yes, I remember that.
[DOCTOR] That's very curious. That can't be what's outside the ship.This is a photograph.
[DOCTOR] Close the door, Susan!
[IAN] I'll do it.
[IAN] Well I didn't touch it.
[BARBARA] There's another picture.
[SUSAN] Oh, I recognise that. That's where we nearly lost the Tardis,four or five journey's back.
[DOCTOR] Yes, the planet Quinnis, of the fourth universe.
[SUSAN] That's not outside either. That's a photograph.
[IAN] Can you explain it?
[DOCTOR] Did I ever tell you that the ship has a memory bank, hmm?
[SUSAN] Yes, it records our journeys.
[IAN] No, I don't think so.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure? I thought I did.
[SUSAN] Hey, look.
[IAN] Well, what's all that about?
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't you know? I thought you might be able to explain it.
[IAN] Why me?
[DOCTOR] Trying to confuse me, eh?
[IAN] What are you getting at?
[BARBARA] Look, why don't we just try and open the doors and see forourselves what's outside?
[DOCTOR] What is inside, madam, is most important at the moment.
[BARBARA] Inside?
[IAN] But you've just been telling us that the only people inside areourselves.
[DOCTOR] Precisely. I know now who's responsible. You are. You sabotagedmy ship.
[BARBARA] We didn't even touch your ship.
[IAN] (overlapping) What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] You're the cause of this disaster. And you knocked both Susanand I unconscious.
[BARBARA] Don't be ridiculous. We were all knocked out.
[DOCTOR] A charade. You attacked us.
[IAN] Absolute nonsense.
[DOCTOR] And when we were lying helpless on the floor, you tampered withmy controls.
[IAN] But you checked everything yourself and you couldn't find anythingwrong with it.
[DOCTOR] No, sir. We checked everything. You and I.
[BARBARA] But why would we? For what reason?
[DOCTOR] Blackmail, that's why. You tried to force me to return you toEngland.
[BARBARA] Oh, don't be so stupid.
[DOCTOR] I know it. I'm sure of it.
[BARBARA] How dare you! Do you realise, you stupid old man, that you'dhave died in the Cave of Skulls if Ian hadn't made fire for you?
[BARBARA] And what about what we went through against the Daleks? Notjust for us, but for you and Susan too. And all because you tricked usinto going down to the city.
[BARBARA] Accuse us? You ought to go down on your hands and knees andthank us. But gratitude's the last thing you'll ever have, or any sortof common sense either.
[IAN] You can't blame us for this, Doctor. Where is he?
[DOCTOR] I've decided we need more time to think. We're all somewhatoverwrought. Mister Chesterton. (offers the cups around) Miss Wright.Susan.
[IAN] I wish I could understand you, Doctor. One moment you're abusingus, and the next, you're playing the perfect butler.
[DOCTOR] A little nightcap to help us relax and sleep.
[IAN] If it is night. We have no way of telling now.
[BARBARA] I'm going to bed.
[SUSAN] Make it up with her, Grandfather. Please do.
[IAN] Doctor, some very strange things are happening. I feel we're in avery dangerous position. This is no time for personal quarrels.
[DOCTOR] Meaning?
[IAN] I think you should go and apologise to Barbara at once.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid we have no time for codes and manners. And Icertainly don't underestimate the dangers, if they exist. But I musthave time to think. I must think. Rash action is worse than no actionat all, hmm?
[IAN] I don't see anything rash in apologising to Barbara.
[IAN] Frankly, Doctor, I find it hard to keep pacewith you.
[DOCTOR] You mean, to keep one jump ahead. That you will never be. Youneed my knowledge and ability to apply it, and then you need myexperience to gain the fullest results.
[IAN] Results? For good or for evil?
[DOCTOR] One man's law is another man's crime. Sleep on it, Chesterton.Sleep on it.
[SUSAN] I'm sorry for what Grandfather said to you.
[BARBARA] It wasn't your fault.
[SUSAN] I know, but, try and understand him. Forgive him.
[BARBARA] Try and get some sleep.
[DOCTOR] So, it was you?
[DOCTOR] It's no use pretending.
[BARBARA] Well, help him.
[DOCTOR] Help him? You saw him. You saw what he tried to do.
[BARBARA] But now he's fainted just like Susan did.
[DOCTOR] Susan didn't faint. It was you that told me she fainted and Ivery nearly believed you.
[BARBARA] Oh, what does it matter?
[DOCTOR] Matter? Matter, young lady? He very nearly tried to strangleme.
[BARBARA] But he has fainted. Look at him.
[DOCTOR] Oh, he's play-acting.
[BARBARA] No, he isn't. Oh, Doctor, don't you see? Something terrible'shappening to all of us.
[DOCTOR] Not to me. Nothing's happened to me. This is a plot between thetwo of you to get control of my ship.
[BARBARA] Oh, that isn't true.
[DOCTOR] Can't you see I've found you out? Why won't you admit it, hmm?
[SUSAN] Yes. Why don't you?
[BARBARA] Susan!
[SUSAN] You've been behaving very strangely. Both of you.
[SUSAN] I think you're right, Grandfather.
[BARBARA] But you're wrong. I swear we haven't done anything.
[DOCTOR] I told you i'd treat you as enemies.
[DOCTOR] There's no other way.
[BARBARA] Well what are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] That is my business.
[BARBARA] Ian, wake up. For heaven's sake, wake up, Ian. Ian, Ian, helpme.
[IAN] I, I, I
[DOCTOR] There's no alternative. Your little trick endangered our lives.
[SUSAN] How did he get like this?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's all a charade.
[BARBARA] He went near the control panel.
[SUSAN] It did happen to me, Grandfather.
[BARBARA] Yes, you remember. You lost your memory. And there was thisterrible pain at the back of your neck.
[SUSAN] Yes. Yes, that's true.
[BARBARA] What do you think we've done? Hypnotised you? Drugged you?Susan, we wouldn't do anything like that. Believe me.
[DOCTOR] I see. Divide and conquer, eh? She's trying to poison your mindagainst me.
[IAN] (suddenly sitting up) Don't touch it, Doctor! (and falling backagain)
[SUSAN] I do believe you. Grandfather, they couldn't have done all thethings that happened.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, I admit they were very smart.
[SUSAN] No, it's not a question of being smart.
[DOCTOR] Don't you see I wouldn't allow them to hurt you, child? They'revery resourceful and cunning, and it only leaves me one recourse. Theymust be put off the ship.
[SUSAN] No! You can't do that!
[DOCTOR] I can and I must.
[BARBARA] But you can't open the doors.
[DOCTOR] Don't underestimate my powers, young lady.
[SUSAN] Look, Grandfather. You've no means of telling what's out there.There may be no air, it may be freezing, it may be too hot to exist.
[DOCTOR] Yes, or it might be the Earth in the twentieth century. Hadn'tit occurred to you? My ship is very valuable, remember?
[BARBARA] Why are you so suspicious of us?
[DOCTOR] Put yourself in my place, young lady, and you'd do preciselythe same thing, wouldn't you? Hmm?
[IAN] What are you two saying to each other?
[DOCTOR] You're getting off the ship, Chesterton.
[IAN] Now?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Now. Get up.
[IAN] You'll have to help me, Barbara.
[IAN] You'll have to help me, Barbara.
[IAN] I'll be all right when I get outside.
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather. He doesn't know what's happening. I won't letyou do this.
[DOCTOR] If, of course, they'd like to confess to me what they have doneto my ship, I may even change my mind.
[BARBARA] What, what was that?
[SUSAN] The danger signal.
[DOCTOR] The fault locator! The whole of it!
[IAN] Oh, don't touch it, Doctor.
[BARBARA] It's all right.
[IAN] No. No, you'll get knocked out.
[BARBARA] It's all right, Ian.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, tell me.
[BARBARA] It's all right.
[DOCTOR] The whole area of the fault locator has just given us awarning.
[SUSAN] But everything can't be. Everything can't be wrong!
[DOCTOR] That's what it means, child.
[BARBARA] No! Ian! Ian, it's all right. It's, it's all right. It's allright.
[IAN] I pulled you away. The controls are alive. (passes out)
[DOCTOR] No, you mustn't be frightened of me. Not now, please. I can'texplain, but I've just realised the danger we're in.
[SUSAN] It went off again, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Hurry. Look. We must pull him round. You see that panel upthere? You've heard me refer to it? The fault locator?
[DOCTOR] If one small piece of apparatus fails, a little bulbilluminates and tells me precisely where the fault is. Can you imaginewhat would happen if the whole of it lights up? Hmm? It means that theship is on the point of disintegration. You're not to blame. All fourof us are to blame!
[IAN] Oh, you're all right. That drink you gave us.
[DOCTOR] Oh, a mere harmless sleeping drug.
[IAN] I thought so.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you rather suspected I was up to some mischief.
[IAN] Yes. And I told you not to go near the control column. I told youyou'll electrocute yourself.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid I must have misjudged you both.
[SUSAN] Fifteen seconds. It's happening every fifteen seconds.
[BARBARA] But all the clock are
[SUSAN] I counted.
[DOCTOR] Well please go on counting. Now both of you listen. Can youconcentrate?
[IAN] Yes, I think I'm all right.
[DOCTOR] We're on the brink of destruction, so all four of us must workclosely together. We must find out where we are and what is happeningto my ship.
[IAN] Just a moment. Why did you say that, the brink of destruction?
[DOCTOR] There's a strong force at work somewhere, which is threateningmy ship. It's so strong that every piece of equipment can be out ofaction at the same time.
[IAN] What? Total disintegration?
[DOCTOR] Precisely. We haven't crash-landed, otherwise I would havediscovered that immediately. And I don't believe there's an evilintelligence in the ship. Just at the same token, I don't reallybelieve that you, either of you, have been the cause of this trouble.
[IAN] Well, what is, then?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but we must find out.
[IAN] Yes, but how long have we got?
[SUSAN] It's definitely every quarter of a minute.
[IAN] Well what does that prove?
[BARBARA] That we have a measure of time as long as it lasts. Yes, ofcourse. That explains the clock face. We had time taken away from us,and now it's being given back to us because it's running out.
[SUSAN] The column.
[DOCTOR] But, it's impossible.
[IAN] Doctor, I thought it only moved when the power was on.
[DOCTOR] Yes. The heart of the machine is under the column.
[IAN] Well what made it move?
[DOCTOR] The source of power. You see, when the column rises, it provesthe extent of the power thrust.
[BARBARA] Then what would have happened if the column had come outcompletely?
[SUSAN] Well, the power would be free to escape.
[DOCTOR] Can it be possible then, that this is the end?
[IAN] The end? What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] We have ten minutes to survive.
[BARBARA] Ten minutes? As little as that?
[DOCTOR] Maybe less.
[IAN] Be careful, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's quite safe here. This is where I stood when I triedthe scanner switch.
[BARBARA] Yes. Yes. Why is that part safe?
[SUSAN] We'll never stop it in time!
[BARBARA] Don't, Susan. Please don't.
[DOCTOR] I don't know even where to begin, Chesterton. If only I had aclue.
[BARBARA] I think. I think, perhaps, we've been given nothing else butclues.
[IAN] Have we? Like the food machine, you mean.
[IAN] It registered empty, but it wasn't.
[BARBARA] But the clock is the most important. It made us aware of time.
[SUSAN] By taking time away from us.
[BARBARA] Yes. And it replaced time by the light on the fault locator.
[IAN] Yes, it did.
[DOCTOR] It? It? What do you mean? My machine can't think.
[BARBARA] You say it has a built-in defence mechanism?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it has.
[BARBARA] Well that's where we've been wrong. Originally, the machinewasn't at fault, we were. And it's been trying to tell us so eversince.
[IAN] A machine that can think for itself?
[IAN] Is that feasible, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, think not as you or I do, but it must be able to think as amachine. You see, it has a bank of computers.
[BARBARA] You say the power is under this column?
[BARBARA] And the column holds it down.
[BARBARA] Well, then, what would make it want to escape?
[DOCTOR] I've been racking my brains. I don't know.
[IAN] Something outside?
[DOCTOR] Yes, possible.
[IAN] A magnetic force?
[DOCTOR] Well, it would have to be a gigantic one. A one as strong as asolar system.
[BARBARA] You see? The machine's been warning us all along. All thoseblackouts we had.
[SUSAN] Yes. But only if anybody went near the control column.
[IAN] But it could be the power escaping.
[DOCTOR] No, no, it couldn't. If you felt the power, dear boy, youwouldn't live to speak of it. You'd be blown to atoms in a splitsecond.
[SUSAN] Besides, it's the part of it that's safe.
[BARBARA] Yes. The scanner. I wonder.
[DOCTOR] We'll try it, but we're clutching at straws. Come.
[DOCTOR] Now, Susan, and you, young lady, should those doors open again,I want you to be standing by them, and tell me whatever it is you seeoutside, understand?
[DOCTOR] I lied, deliberately, so that they won't know.
[IAN] Won't know what?
[DOCTOR] We have five minutes only. When the end does come, they won'tknow anything about it.
[IAN] There's no hope, then.
[DOCTOR] I can't see any. Will you face it with me?
[SUSAN] What are you two talking about?
[IAN] Oh, just a theory of mine that didn't work.
[DOCTOR] Yes, we must solve this problem, you know. We must.
[SUSAN] There's nothing there. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing but space.
[BARBARA] It's all right, Susan.
[IAN] Barbara could be right, Doctor.
[BARBARA] I am right. I know I am. Whenever there's a good picture, thedoors open because it's safe for us to go outside. And then it shows usa terrible picture and the doors close again.
[DOCTOR] Yes, then we have the sequence. A planet, a planet in the solarsystem, getting further away. Blinding flash. Destruction. Yes, ofcourse. It's our journey.
[BARBARA] And the ship refused to destroy itself.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes!
[BARBARA] The defence mechanism stopped the ship, and it's been tryingto tell us so ever since!
[DOCTOR] Of course. Of course!
[DOCTOR] I know. I know. I said it would take the force of a total solarsystem to attract the power away from my ship. We're at the verybeginning, the new start of a solar system. Outside, the atoms arerushing towards each other. Fusing, coagulating, until minute littlecollections of matter are created. And so the process goes on, and onuntil dust is formed. Dust then becomes solid entity. A new birth, of asun and its planets.
[IAN] But, Doctor, where are we? When we left the planet Skaro, wheredid you ask the machine to take us to? Think, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I, er, had hoped to reach your planet Earth. Skaro was in thefuture and I used the fast return switch.
[IAN] The fast return switch? You've sent us back too far. Doctor, showme. Show me that switch. Where is it?
[DOCTOR] Well, I can't very well see it without a light, can I?
[SUSAN] It's near the scanner switch.
[BARBARA] Really? But that's the part of the control that's safe.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Strange.
[IAN] Doctor, we haven't got very much time left.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I see. Here it is. (pulls a small torch from his pocket)Here, you see? Now, look, there's the switch. You see?
[IAN] Yes, well how does it work?
[DOCTOR] Well, you merely press it down, and. It's stuck. It hasn'treleased itself!
[IAN] What? You mean it's been on all this time?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it must have been.
[IAN] Well, come on, Doctor. Let's get it unstuck.
[DOCTOR] Hold that. Yes, just a minute now. Yes, there you are, you see?
[IAN] What's wrong?
[DOCTOR] The spring's not connecting. It's come off the base.
[IAN] Hurry, Doctor, hurry.
[DOCTOR] There we are. Take it out. Now, luckily we can turn it over andnow it should work. There. Ah, that's all right.
[SUSAN] We're safe now.
[BARBARA] Are you sure?
[DOCTOR] Yes, we can all relax. We're quite safe now. But it was anarrow squeak.
[SUSAN] Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my child?
[SUSAN] What happened?
[DOCTOR] What happened? It was the switch. It was still in place. Yousee, there's a little spring inside it and it was stuck. It hadn'treleased itself.
[SUSAN] But why didn't the fault locator tell us?
[DOCTOR] Well, the switch hadn't broken down, therefore the faultlocator couldn't give us any recognition. You see, let me give you ademonstration. (using his torch) Now, look, when I put my thumb onthere, the light comes on. And it only stays on so long as my thumb ispressing that switch. As soon as I take if off, a little spring insidereleases the switch here and out goes the light.
[SUSAN] Oh, I see. So if the spring were broken, it would be as if yourfinger were pressing it down all the time.
[DOCTOR] Precisely. As simple as that. You know, my dear child, I thinkyour old grandfather is going a tiny little bit around the bend. Well,I think you were very brave and I was proud of you.
[SUSAN] Grandfather? What about them? You said some terrible things tothem. When I thought he was going to attack you, even I was againsthim.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I, I, er, well
[IAN] Don't bother to say anything, Doctor. You know there are timeswhen I can read every thought on your face.
[DOCTOR] Really? And I always thought that you were a young man withoutany recrimination in you. Well, as for you, young lady, well, you wereabsolutely right. It was your instinct and intuition against my logic,and you succeeded. I mean, the blackouts, and the still pictures andthe clock. Well, you read a story into all these things and weredetermined to hold on to it. We all owe you our lives.
[DOCTOR] You know, I really believe I have underestimated that younglady in the past, Chartow. Well now, we can all start again, eh? Yes,we can. Yes. But which? Hmm? What are you laughing at, dear boy? Oh,really, you are
[DOCTOR] I'd like to talk to you, if I may. We've landed on a planet andthe air is good, but it's rather cold outside.
[BARBARA] Susan told me.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you haven't forgiven me, have you.
[BARBARA] You said terrible things to us.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose it's the injustice that's upsetting you, andwhen I made a threat to put you off the ship it must have affected youvery deeply.
[BARBARA] What do you care what I think or feel?
[DOCTOR] As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves.
[BARBARA] Perhaps.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Because I accused you unjustly, you were determined toprove me wrong. So, you put your mind to the problem and, luckily, yousolved it.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, we're going out now.
[DOCTOR] Oh, please, yes. Do open the doors, will you?
[SUSAN] Are you coming?
[SUSAN] Good.
[DOCTOR] Oh, by the way, Susan has left you some wearing apparel foroutside. You know, we have a very extensive wardrobe here.
[BARBARA] Yes, she gave me these.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think they're rather charming. We must look after you,you know. You're very valuable. Yes.
[DOCTOR] Shall we go?
[DOCTOR] Oh, good taste.
[IAN] Hello.
[BARBARA] Very chic.
[SUSAN] Look, snow!
[DOCTOR] Well, I think that's absolutely splendid, Chesterton. Yes, itsuits you.
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Always a trifle too big for me. You know, I acquired thatulster from Gilbert and Sullivan.
[IAN] Oh, really? I thought it was made for two. Well, shall we join theladies, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, why not.
[SUSAN [on scanner]] Grandfather, look.
[SUSAN] Look at this huge footprint. It must havebeen made by a giant.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s01", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Edge of Destruction"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (22 Feb, 1964; First Doctor) - Marco Polo
[SUSAN] Must've been made by a giant. What do you make of this?
[IAN] Well, it could be a perfectly ordinary footprint, Susan, and thesun's melted the edges and made it look a bit bigger.
[IAN] You all right, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Oh, a little bit out of breath. Oh, that's quiteunderstandable. After all, we're several thousand feet above sea level.
[SUSAN] Do you know where we are then, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] Well, I directed the ship towards Earth and it looks as thoughI've been successful.
[SUSAN] But what about that? (the footprint)
[DOCTOR] That? Oh, I can't see anything without my glasses. Anyway, Idon't like this place. You'll have to excuse me. I've got a lot of workto do first.
[IAN] Barbara, I wonder, do you think it could be the Earth? If it were,where do you think we could be? In the Alps?
[BARBARA] Or it could be the Andes.
[SUSAN] Himalayas, the roof of the world.
[IAN] The roof of the world. I wonder. If only. Well, the Doctor isn'tvery reliable, you know. Mustn't count onanything.
[DOCTOR] Oh, dear, dear, dear, dear. We're always in trouble, Isn't thisextraordinary? It follows us everywhere.
[IAN] What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] All the lights in the ship have gone out. The whole circuit hasburned itself to a cinder, and added to that it affected the water. Wehaven't got any.
[IAN] Well, the water's no bother, Doctor. I mean, we've got snow,plenty of it. But how about the heating?
[DOCTOR] Oh, the heating as well. Everything's gone to pot.
[BARBARA] But that's serious. We could freeze to death.
[DOCTOR] Serious. Are you telling? There's no need for you to tell methat, really.
[IAN] I think I'd better try and find some fuel.
[DOCTOR] Fuel? Now where on earth do you expect to find fuel here, hmm?
[IAN] Well, I must try, mustn't I?
[DOCTOR] Oh well, I wish you luck.
[BARBARA] I'll come with you, Ian.
[IAN] Thank you.
[SUSAN] Yes, me too.
[IAN] No, Susan, you stay here.
[DOCTOR] You stay with me, child. You might be able to help me.
[SUSAN] Okay.
[IAN] Oh, come on, Barbara, we haven't much time.
[DOCTOR] Now, Susan, go into the ship and fetch me the two L oh, willyou? You know what it is. Even if I do find the fault, I don't supposeI shall be able to repair it before it gets dark, and then we shall allfreeze to death.
[BARBARA] Ian, wait a minute. I must rest.
[IAN] Come on, Barbara. We haven't found anything yet. We must findsomething.
[BARBARA] All right then, you go on. I'll catch up with you.
[IAN] All right.
[BARBARA] Oh, it's hopeless.
[IAN] What is it? What's the matter?
[BARBARA] I, there was there was an animal or something! Just standingthere staring at me. You don't believe me, do you? Well, look at thesefootprints.
[IAN] I'd better take you back to the ship.
[SUSAN] Can you mend it, Grandfather, or have you got to make a new one?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid it's going to need a new one, dear. It's going totake me days. Oh well, I don't know, really, I always seem to
[DOCTOR] Well, Chesterton?
[IAN] Just as you predicted, Doctor, nothing but snow and ice.
[BARBARA] Have you found the fault?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, but it's going to take such a long time. Time wedon't have. Now the only chance is to try and get down to a loweraltitude and, you know, before it gets cold and we
[BARBARA] Doctor, there are strange things on the mountain. I saw one ofthem.
[DOCTOR] What's she talking about now?
[IAN] Well, I only saw a print.
[DOCTOR] Print? What sort of print? Paws, hooves, what?
[IAN] To tell you the truth, I thought it was made by a fur boot.
[BARBARA] No, Ian, I'm sure it wasn't human.
[DOCTOR] And if it were, that means there's shelter nearby.
[SUSAN] Look!
[BARBARA] Look, there it is.
[IAN] Quick, after it. It's our only chance of shelter.
[SUSAN] Come on, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] All right. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
[IAN] Which way did it go?
[SUSAN] Grandfather!
[IAN] Keep still. We're travellers, lost on the mountains. Will you giveus shelter?
[TEGANA] Hear me, Mongols. In these parts live evil spirits, who takeour likeness to deceive us and then lead us to our deaths. Let ustherefore destroy these evil spirits before they destroy us.
[IAN] We're not evil spirits. We are people like yourselves.
[TEGANA] Destroy them.
[POLO] Stop! Put up your swords.
[TEGANA] Would you have us killed? These are evil spirits.
[POLO] I command you in the name of Kublai Khan.
[POLO] The old man has the mountain sickness?
[IAN] Yes, he has.
[POLO] My caravan is further down the pass. Come.
[IAN] Come on, Doctor.
[SUSAN] Who is he, Barbara?
[BARBARA] I was asking myself the same question.
[POLO] We have guests, Ping-Cho. They are cold andhungry.
[PING-CHO] (a young girl) Yes, Messer Marco.
[IAN] Sit down, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, my dear.
[SUSAN] He's not like her, or any of the others.
[BARBARA] No, he's a European, Susan, and he mentioned Kublai Khan.
[SUSAN] Kublai Khan?
[BARBARA] He was a great Mongol leader, who conquered all of Asia. Hehad a European in his service. He was a Venetian and his name
[POLO] I'm afraid the liquid is not too warm, but the cold here is sointense, it even robs a flame of its heat.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's excellent nourishment, sir.
[IAN] The cold can't affect the heat of the flame, sir. The liquid boilsat a lower temperature, because there's so little air up here.
[POLO] You mean the air is responsible?
[IAN] Well, the lack of it. Just as the lack of it is responsible forthe Doctor's mountain sickness.
[BARBARA] Is your name Marco Polo?
[POLO] It is, my lady, and may I ask who you are?
[DOCTOR] Oh we're travellers yes. That's my grandchild, Susan, andthat's Miss Wright, and that's Charlton.
[IAN] Chesterton. Ian Chesterton.
[POLO] My companions are the Lady Ping-Cho and the Warlord Tegana. Wetravel to Shang Tu.
[BARBARA] Shang Tu? That's in China, isn't it?
[POLO] China? I do not know this place. Shang Tu is in Cathay.
[BARBARA] Oh, silly of me. Yes, of course, Cathay.
[POLO] Well, you must all be very tired. Ping-Cho, you will share yourquarters with?
[SUSAN] Susan.
[POLO] Susan. I will sleep here with the others, and Lady?
[BARBARA] Miss Wright.
[POLO] Miss Wright, you will have mine.
[BARBARA] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. You saved our lives.
[POLO] I'm rather curious to know why you were wandering around themountainside at night, but questions can wait until morning.
[DOCTOR] Oh, there were two, young man, that I would like to ask.
[POLO] Well, ask them.
[DOCTOR] What year is this and where are we, hmm?
[POLO] You do not know?
[DOCTOR] That is why I'm asking you.
[POLO] How long have you been travelling? It is twelve hundred andeighty nine and this is the Plain of Pamir, known to those who travelto Cathay as The Roof of the World.
[IAN] The Roof of the World?
[DOCTOR] Twelve hundred and eighty nine. Ah..
(The girl's compartment)
[PING-CHO] Are you asleep, Susan?
[PING-CHO] Where are you from?
[SUSAN] That's a very difficult question to answer, Ping-Cho.
[PING-CHO] You do not know where your home is?
[SUSAN] Well, I've had many homes in many places. What about you?
[PING-CHO] I come from Samarkand. My father is government official there.
[SUSAN] But I thought Mister Polo said that
[PING-CHO] Messer Marco! That's what we call him in Cathay.
[SUSAN] Well, I thought Messer Marco said that you were going to ShangTu. Are you on holiday?
[PING-CHO] No, Kublai Khan's summer palace is in Shang Tu. I am goingthere to be married.
[SUSAN] What? But how old are you?
[PING-CHO] I am in my sixteenth year.
[SUSAN] Well, so am I.
[PING-CHO] Do you marry at our age in your land? Here it is the custom.
[SUSAN] Is your fiancé handsome?
[PING-CHO] My what?
[SUSAN] Your, the man you're going to marry.
[PING-CHO] I have never seen him.
[SUSAN] What?
[PING-CHO] The marriage has been arranged by my family. I know only twothings about him.
[SUSAN] What are they?
[PING-CHO] He is very important man.
[SUSAN] That's a good start.
[PING-CHO] And he's seventy-five years old.
[TEGANA] You should have let me kill them.
[POLO] Why? Because their clothes are different from ours? Because theirwords are unfamiliar to our ears? No, Tegana, they are travellers.
[TEGANA] They are evil spirits. Sorcerers. Magicians. Tomorrow, if welive until then, you may see that I speak the truth.
[POLO] I think the sun's rays will dispel the shadows from your mind,Tegana.
[TEGANA] Is that what you believe. Listen, the carriage they travel inhas no wheels. It just stands there like a warlord's tomb on one end.And another thing. It is not large enough to carry four people.
[POLO] It must be.
[TEGANA] I say it is not, and yet I saw all four walk from it. Upon mysword, I swear it to you.
(Outside the Tardis)
[POLO] So, this is your caravan?
[IAN] Yes, the Doctor calls it the Tardis.
[POLO] Where are the wheels?
[IAN] It doesn't have any.
[POLO] Then how does it move?
[IAN] Through the air.
[TEGANA] Did I not say they that they were evil spirits?
[POLO] Are you of the Buddhist faith?
[IAN] No, why?
[POLO] Well, at the Khan's court in Peking, I have seen Buddhist monksmake cups of wine fly through the air unaided and offer themselves tothe Great Khan's lips. I do not understand it, but I have seen it.There is room for all of you inside here, Miss Wright?
[POLO] And one enters here?
[BARBARA] It's locked.
[POLO] Where is the key?
[BARBARA] The Doctor has it, and you wouldn't let him come up here.
[POLO] Oh yes, he has the mountain sickness. Have you the power to makeit fly?
[IAN] No, only the Doctor has that power.
[POLO] Why is it here?
[SUSAN] It's damaged.
[POLO] What?
[IAN] Part of it is broken.
[POLO] But it could be moved by hand?
[IAN] Oh yes, if you had sufficient men.
[POLO] Well, we'll make a sledge and take it down the pass. Then weshall see.
[DOCTOR] Ping-Cho, this smells very, very good! What is it?
[PING-CHO] Bean-sprout soup, my lord.
[DOCTOR] Allow me. (he tastes it) Oh, it's delicious, delicious.
[PING-CHO] My lord is kind.
[DOCTOR] You know, it's rather surprising to find the daughter of a highgovernment official working as a servant in Marco Polo's caravan.
[PING-CHO] I wish to serve, my lord, although, among Messer Marco'sretinue, there is a man who calls himself a cook.
[DOCTOR] His name wouldn't be Tegana, would it?
[PING-CHO] Oh no, my lord. The Warlord Tegana is a special emissary fromthe camp of the great Mongol Lord Khan Noghai, who has been at war withKublai Khan.
[DOCTOR] Yes, Mongol fighting Mongol.
[PING-CHO] The war is over, my lord. Noghai has sued for peace andTegana travels to Kublai's court to discuss the armistice plans.
[DOCTOR] Yes, oh well, yes. Well, for an emissary of peace, he hasrather blood-thirsty habits, doesn't he?
[POLO] I find your caravan most unusual, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, Messer Marco, it is different.
[POLO] And in need of repair?
[DOCTOR] That is true.
[SUSAN] Messer Marco has ordered a sledge to be made. He's going tobring the Tardis down here.
[DOCTOR] Oh indeed? That's charming of you. Very charming of you. Itwon't take me very long to repair. A day or two. But I assure you thatI shall not hold up your journey any longer than is necessary.
[POLO] I'm afraid we can't stay here. One crosses the Plain of Pamir asquickly as possible. However, we will be spending a few days at Lop.
[BARBARA] Lop? Where's that?
[POLO] It's a town on the edge of the Gobi Desert, beyond Kashgar andYarkand.
[DOCTOR] I see, and you will be taking us along with you, including theTardis?
[POLO] Doctor, I once transported an entire army and its equipment fromCathay to India, all without loss.
[DOCTOR] Oh good, good. Then I can work as we proceed.
[POLO] No.
[DOCTOR] Why not, hmm?
[POLO] The Mongol bearers still half believe that you are evil spirits.They also believe that outside your caravan, you are harmless. However,should any of you attempt to enter, there would be trouble.
[DOCTOR] I see. You saved our lives, Messer Marco and the least we cando is to respect your wishes. No one will enter the Tardis until wereach Lop.
[POLO] Good.
[POLO [OC]] Success. My plan has worked. Thestrangers and their unusual caravan accompany me to Lop. Our routetakes us across the Roof of the World, down to the Kashgar Valley andsoutheast to Tarkand. Here we join the Old Silk Road, along which thecommerce and culture of a thousand years has travelled to and fromCathay. I wonder what the strangers' reaction will be when I tell themwhat I propose to do?
[POLO] My caravan is large, Yeng, so I shall needplenty of food and water before venturing out into the Gobi Desert.
[POLO] Is the accommodation to your liking, Ping-Cho?
[PING-CHO] Thank you, Messer Marco. It is most comfortable.
[SUSAN] Oh, I think it's fab.
[PING-CHO] Fab? What is that, Susan?
[SUSAN] Well, it's, it means wonderful! It's a verb we often use onEarth.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Messer Marco, these way-stations, do you have many of thesein Cathay?
[POLO] Yes, the Khan has them dotted at regular intervals throughout hisdomain. Those who work in his service and wear the Khan's gold sealhave the right to demand anything they may require. Provisions, horses,shelter.
[SUSAN] May I have a look, please?
[POLO] Of course.
[SUSAN] Thank you.
[IAN] Doctor.
[IAN] They've set the Tardis up in the courtyard.
[DOCTOR] Oh, excellent, excellent. If you'll pardon me, I have a lot ofwork to do and
[DOCTOR] What does this mean?
[POLO] Please sit down, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I don't wish to sit down. I want you to call your guards off.
[POLO] Please be seated.
[POLO] I beg you to hear me out.
[DOCTOR] But I have work to do.
[BARBARA] I think, perhaps, we should listen to him. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Oh, very well.
[POLO] My home is Venice. I left there with my father and my uncle tocome to Cathay in twelve seventy one. The journey to Peking took usthree and a half years. When I arrived at the Khan's court, I wastwenty one. I was an alert young man, good at languages, and willing tolearn. The Khan liked me.
[DOCTOR] Oh, really?
[POLO] On my twenty fifth birthday, I was given an appointment in theKhan's service.
[BARBARA] Twelve seventy seven.
[POLO] It was, as you say, twelve seventy seven. Since then, I havetravelled to every corner of his domain and beyond it. Two years ago,my father, my uncle and I asked the Khan for permission to go home. Herefused. I think we had all served him too well.
[DOCTOR] Well, I really don't see what this has to do with my repairingthe Tardis.
[POLO] Doctor, I have not seen my home for eighteen years. I want to goback.
[DOCTOR] Well, ask the Khan again.
[POLO] I intend to. This time, I shall offer him a gift so magnificentthat he will not be able to refuse me.
[IAN] You mean to give the Doctor's caravan to him?
[POLO] Yes.
[DOCTOR] You're mad.
[POLO] You can make another.
[DOCTOR] What? In Peking, or Shang Tu?
[POLO] You do me an injustice, Doctor. I will not leave you stranded inCathay, just as I did not let you die on the mountain. No, you willcome with me to Venice and make another one there.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you think so, really? Oh no. Oh no.
[IAN] Marco, it's impossible.
[POLO] Surely, for a man who possesses a flying caravan, all things arepossible?
[IAN] No. We need special metals, materials, things that don't exist inVenice. I'm afraid you don't understand all the problems involved.
[DOCTOR] And neither do you, young man.
[POLO] Well, travel home by ship. We trade with every port in the world.It may take you longer, but you'll get there eventually.
[DOCTOR] Eventually. He doesn't know what he's talking about. The man'sa lunatic. Ho.
[POLO] No, Doctor, desperate. There are many men who are jealous of thePolo influence at court, and the Khan suffers from an affliction forwhich there is no cure.
[BARBARA] What's that?
[POLO] Old age. If he dies, I may never see Venice again.
[DOCTOR] Well, that is your problem, not mine.
[POLO] I have just made it yours, Doctor.
[BARBARA] But you do see Venice again, Marco, I know you do.
[IAN] What makes you so sure that the Doctor's caravan is a suitablepresent? The Doctor is the only one who can fly it.
[POLO] I told you about the Buddhist monks. They will discover itssecret. A caravan that flies. Do you imagine what this will mean to theKhan? It will make him the most powerful ruler the world has everknown. Stronger than Hannibal. Mightier than Alexander the Great.
[IAN] Marco, you don't understand.
[POLO] I refuse to listen you to any more. My mind is made up. Yourcaravan goes with me to Kublai Khan.
[BARBARA] Doctor, come on. Come and sit down.
[DOCTOR] Oh well, what a mess.
[SUSAN] Grandfather. Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Go by sea, he says.
[SUSAN] Why are you laughing? He means it.
[BARBARA] Doctor, he's serious.
[DOCTOR] I know he is. Yes.
[SUSAN] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] (in total hysterics) I haven't the faintest idea.
[MAN] Be careful, my lord. One drop will poison anarmy.
[TEGANA] I will use it well, on all but the first of Marco Polo's watergourds, for tomorrow, the caravan sets out to cross the Gobi Desert.Now, you will follow us, and on the third night I will walk back toyou. Then we will ride back here to Lop, wait for two days, and thenreturn to the caravan to collect the thing of magic, and bring themighty Kublai Khan to his knees!
[POLO [OC]] I have taken charge of the travellers'unusual caravan, and set out into the Gobi Desert. The journey acrossthis vast ocean of sand is slow and hazardous. To make matters worse,the old Doctor continually shows his disapproval of my action by beingboth difficult and bad-tempered. For three days now, during which timewe have covered no more than thirty miles, I have had to endure hisinsults.
[IAN] How much water does a caravan like this use crossing the GobiDesert, Marco?
[POLO] We will use one barrel every five days, Ian. I have allowed foreight gourds to carry us across to the other side.
[TEGANA] The bones of many men who thought they had enough lie bleachedin the desert sand.
[POLO] I think we should exercise some restraint, Tegana. I'm sorry theDoctor wouldn't eat with us this evening.
[SUSAN] Yes, so am I, Messer Marco. I've given him food.
[POLO] A game of chess, Ian?
[IAN] Oh, well, I'm not very good, but I'll give you a game.
[POLO] I gladly accept your challenge.
[BARBARA] What magnificent pieces.
[POLO] Yes, I purchased them in Hamutz, on my first journey to Cathay.Now, they go with me everywhere.
[TEGANA] Do you
[SUSAN] I'm sorry, Marco.
[TEGANA] Do you play chess, lady?
[BARBARA] Not very well, Tegana. Excuse me.
[TEGANA] I find it a fascinating game of strategy of war. Two equallybalanced armies deployed upon a field of battle, and each commanderdetermined to be the one who cries shah mat.
[IAN] Shah mat? Check mate?
[TEGANA] It means the king is dead.
(Outside the tent)
[BARBARA] We'll get the Tardis back, Susan.
[SUSAN] Yes, at Kublai Khan's court when it's too late. We should be upthere. Another time, another galaxy.
[BARBARA] We'll think of something.
[SUSAN] How? Ian's playing chess with Marco. Grandfather's being rudeand sulking by himself.
[BARBARA] Oh, I don't think he's sulking, is he?
[SUSAN] Well, he won't eat. He won't even talk to me.
[BARBARA] Well, you know him better than I do, but I'd have said he wasjust feeling defenceless. He has a wonderful machine, capable of allsorts of miracles, and it's taken away from him by a man he calls aprimitive. Look, Tardis is the only home we have at the moment. Whenwe're in it we feel safe and secure. When we're out of it.
[SUSAN] Will he talk to me? Confide in me?
[BARBARA] Oh, he's like a rubber ball. He'll come bouncing out of theresoon full of ideas.
[SUSAN] One day we'll know all the mysteries of the skies, and we'llstop our wandering.
[BARBARA] Then you and I will say goodbye.
[SUSAN] Oh, not yet. Not for a long time.
[BARBARA] Well, I think we should say goodnight anyway.
[SUSAN] Are you coming?
[BARBARA] No, not for the moment.
[SUSAN] Goodnight.
[SUSAN] Ping-Cho?
[POLO] Shh. She's gone to bed.
[SUSAN] Oh, well, I'll go too then. Goodnight.
[POLO] Goodnight, Susan. Sleep well. Now, what was I about to do? Ahyes.
[IAN] Ouch.
(The girl's compartment)
[SUSAN] Not asleep yet?
[PING-CHO] No, I was thinking.
[SUSAN] What about?
[PING-CHO] How peaceful it is in the desert.
[SUSAN] Oh, it's a lovely night.
[PING-CHO] The moon will rise later. That is the time to see the desert.It is like a great silver sea.
[SUSAN] The metal seas of Venus.
[PING-CHO] Where?
[SUSAN] Oh, a long way from here. I've never seen a moonlit night. Howlong before the moon rises?
[PING-CHO] Two or three hours. I'll call you then.
[BARBARA] Night in the desert is very beautiful.
[POLO] Don't be deceived by it, Miss Wright, the desert is alwaysdangerous.
[IAN] Like my Queen. Check.
[TEGANA] Marco, can you save your King?
[POLO] I think so, Tegana. Check.
(Outside the girls' compartment)
[SUSAN] Oh crazy. Hey, Ping-Cho.
[PING-CHO] Shh. The guard'll hear you. Crazy?
[SUSAN] We like dig it. You know, like it.
[PING-CHO] This language of yours is very strange.
[SUSAN] Tegana. Let's follow him.
[PING-CHO] He'll be angry.
[SUSAN] You're not afraid?
[PING-CHO] No. I am not. Come.
[IAN] What is it, Marco?
[POLO] The horses are very restless.
(Outside the tent)
[POLO] There's a sandstorm coming, Ian.
[IAN] How do you know?
[POLO] Notice how still it is. As if everything were waiting. They senseit too.
[IAN] Will it be a bad one?
[POLO] Bad enough. I must attend to the horses.
[SUSAN] He walks so quickly. Can you still see him?
[PING-CHO] Yes. There he is, over there.
[SUSAN] Oh, let's give up.
[PING-CHO] Who is afraid now?
[SUSAN] No, I'm not afraid. It's just that it's so hot I can hardlybreathe.
[PING-CHO] Yet it was most pleasant when we left the caravan.
[SUSAN] Oh, come on, let's go back.
[PING-CHO] All right. Susan? Listen.
[SUSAN] What's that?
[PING-CHO] Where?
[SUSAN] That cloud on the horizon.
[PING-CHO] Susan, it's a sandstorm!
[SUSAN] What! It's coming this way! Ping-Cho, we must get back before itreaches us!
[PING-CHO] No, the caravan's too far away!
[SUSAN] No, come on! We must get back. We can't stay here!
[PING-CHO] No, we'll get caught in it, and we'll never find our way!
[SUSAN] Ping-Cho, come on!
[PING-CHO] No, we must shelter here!
[BARBARA] Ian, what is it? What's happened?
[IAN] Don't be afraid, Barbara. It's a sandstorm. It sounds as if allthe devils in hell were laughing.
[POLO] It's the wind shifting the sand.
[BARBARA] It's terrifying!
[POLO] Not always, Barbara. Sometimes, it sounds like musicalinstruments being played. The clashing of drums and cymbals. I've heardit sound like a great many people talking as they trekked across thedesert. It can also be like a familiar voice calling your name. You'renot the only one to be afraid. Travellers of the Gobi Desert have goodreason to fear the singing sands, Barbara.
[IAN] It's fantastic that the doctor's still asleep.
[POLO] Tegana's not here. His bed's empty.
[IAN] What?
[POLO] Has anyone seen him?
[IAN] Well, he can't be out in this.
[POLO] He must be.
[BARBARA] Well, what will happen to him?
[POLO] If he finds shelter, he'll be all right.
[BARBARA] Well, can't we do anything?
[POLO] Nothing.
[BARBARA] I think I'll see if the girls are all right. Ping-Cho?
[POLO] Tegana's no fool. He can look after himself. Don't worry.
[BARBARA] They're gone. They're not there!
[IAN] Gone?
[POLO] Barbara, you can't go out there!
[BARBARA] Let go!
[POLO] Barbara, you'll be lost in seconds!
[IAN] Calm down, Barbara! Marco's right. There's nothing we can do.
[BARBARA] The girls.
[POLO] We must wait until the storm calms down. There's nothing we cando now.
[BARBARA] Oh, it's all your fault anyway! If you hadn't kept us prisonerhere, none of this would have happened. Susan! Susan!
[SUSAN] Ping-Cho, what's that? There it is again. It's Ian. I can hearhim. Ian! Ian! Ian! We're here. Ian!
[IAN] Let me go look for them.
[POLO] Not until it's light.
[IAN] Let me go as soon as the storm is over.
[POLO] Ian, you'd miss them in the dark. You must wait until it's light.
[BARBARA] We can't just go on sitting here.
[IAN] Shh. The Doctor's still asleep. We don't want him to know aboutthe girls.
[POLO] Barbara, I give you my word that until we find the girls, we willnot leave this place.
[BARBARA] Susan! Do you know you had us half worried to death. Wherehave you been?
[SUSAN] We went for a walk.
[BARBARA] A walk?
[POLO] Without asking me? Don't you dare do that again, do youunderstand? That also applies for you, Ping-Cho.
[SUSAN] I'm sorry, Messer Marco. Has Grandfather been very worried?
[IAN] Luckily for you, he's been asleep the whole time.
[POLO] And we don't want him to know anything about this. I'm surprisedthat you'd encourage such a venture, Tegana.
[TEGANA] oh, they weren't with me. I found them, crouched behind a sanddune.
[POLO] You were alone?
[TEGANA] Well, it was a pleasant night. I decided for a walk. I told theguard. He knew all about it.
[POLO] In future, the guards will be told to notify me immediately ifany of you wish to leave the camp. Now go and change. We have to breakcamp soon.
[SUSAN] Yes, Messer Marco.
[BARBARA] This has been a terrible experience for us all, Marco.Couldn't we spend one more night here?
[POLO] I'm sorry, Miss Wright.
[BARBARA] But surely one day can't make all that much difference?
[POLO] One day without progress is one day's water wasted, And in theGobi Desert that could mean the difference between life and death.
[POLO [OC]] Progress today has been good, althoughwe were all very tired after a sleepless night. How can I ever repayTegana for saving Ping-Cho and Susan? We covered fifteen miles before Igave the order to set up camp for the night.
(The girls' compartment)
[PING-CHO] Susan? Susan.
[SUSAN] I still can't get this sand out of my hair.
[PING-CHO] Last night there were moments when I was sure I would neverbe here again.
[SUSAN] Ping-Cho, did you believe Tegana last night, when he told MesserMarco about going for a walk?
[PING-CHO] Why not?
[SUSAN] Well, I don't think Tegana's the kind of man who goes for a walkjust because it's a nice night. I think he goes because he has a reasonto go.
[PING-CHO] Susan, why would he lie to Messer Marco?
[SUSAN] I don't know.
[PING-CHO] He's an important man. He's a special emissary of the greatMongol leader who has been at war with Kublai Khan. Tegana is toarrange a peaceful settlement between them. Would a man like that lieabout walking in the desert?
[SUSAN] No, no, he wouldn't. That's what's so strange.
[PING-CHO] What?
[SUSAN] The fact that he did.
[TEGANA] What is that you do?
[POLO] I keep a journal.
[POLO] Because it interests me.
[TEGANA] Marco!
[TEGANA] That's excellent, excellent. But it's better a man keeps theblade of his sword clean, and it's edge sharp. You continue yourwriting, Marco. I'll see to the horses tonight. I'll give the guard hisinstructions.
[POLO] No, send him to me. Please.
(Outside the tent)
[IAN] All of them, Marco?
[POLO] Yes, except for the one we're using.
[IAN] How much is there left?
[POLO] Without rationing, enough for today.
[IAN] And with rationing, how long will it last?
[POLO] Three, four days.
[BARBARA] Enough to get us back to Lop?
[POLO] If we're very careful with it, yes.
[IAN] But who would have done it?
[POLO] Bandits, Ian.
[BARBARA] Bandits? In the desert?
[POLO] Yes, it has happened before, but not to me. The bandits follow acaravan out into the desert. Then one night, this happens. The caravanis forced to turn back. Then when everyone is weak through lack ofwater, the bandits attack.
[IAN] So if we turn back, we're bound to be attacked.
[POLO] Yes.
[TEGANA] Then we shall fight.
[IAN] There must be somewhere else we can go to.
[POLO] The nearest is a small oasis, but that's one weeks journey northfrom here.
[IAN] Marco, if we pressed really hard, walked day and night, how longwould it take us?
[POLO] Five, possibly six days.
[IAN] As long as that?
[POLO] Yes, and with the water rationed we'll be growing weaker all thetime. There is another danger, Ian. Bandits always camp near an oasis.
[BARBARA] Then we must go back to Lop.
[IAN] But they're bound to be waiting for us there. No, we must gonorth, and take a chance.
[POLO] Yes, what Ian says makes sense. We go to the oasis.
[TEGANA] We shall all die of thirst. I will not go.
[POLO] Then what will you do?
[TEGANA] Return to Lop. I'm not afraid of any bandits. Just give me myshare of the water.
[POLO] No, Tegana.
[TEGANA] You refuse the War Lord Tegana?
[POLO] I am Commander of this caravan, and I am responsible to KublaiKhan for your safety. We go north together.
[POLO [OC]] Have I made the right decision? Eachday, our progress towards the oasis becomes less. On the first day, wecovered twenty miles. On the second, fifteen. The third, ten. Thefourth day's total was eight. Now on the fifth day we have travelledonly two miles before the heat of the sun has forced us to stop. We arenearly exhausted, and our situation is perilous.
[POLO] The worst of the sun is nearly over. We must move on again assoon we've had this.
[IAN] The bearers have their ration?
[POLO] No.
[IAN] You take it.
[POLO] We will share.
[DOCTOR] Marco, is this all we're going to get until tonight, hmm?
[POLO] Until we reach the oasis, Doctor, yes.
[BARBARA] There's no more?
[TEGANA] How much further?
[POLO] I cannot say.
[TEGANA] I will go to the oasis and bring back water.
[POLO] You think you could reach the oasis?
[TEGANA] Yes. My horse is still the strongest.
[POLO] Very well, Tegana.
[TEGANA] You wait for me here.
[POLO] No. No, while we can we'll push on towards the oasis.
[IAN] Good luck, Tegana!
[POLO] We must go.
[DOCTOR] Susan.
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather! What's the matter with him?
[IAN] He's exhausted.
[POLO] We'll fix up a cot for him in the wagon.
[BARBARA] To be jostled and bumped about? He needs to rest in comfort,Marco. What about the Tardis?
[IAN] He'd be more comfortable, Marco.
[SUSAN] Please, Messer Marco.
[POLO] Very well. The Doctor can travel in his own caravan. Susan, youcan go with him. But you, Barbara, and you, Ian, must remain with me.
[IAN] Thank you. Marco, without water, the Doctor isn't going to lasttwenty four hours.
[POLO] None of us are, Ian, without water. Our fate rests with Tegana.
[TEGANA] Here's water, Marco Polo. (pours it on the sand) Come for it!
[POLO [OC]] What has happened to Tegana? Is he lost?Perhaps he never found the oasis. But in the hope he did, I inched ourcaravan forward through the night. What misery. A bitterly cold windswept down from the north and set us shivering as we stumbled on. Ifear the end is not far off.
[POLO] No sign of Tegana.
[IAN] Nothing but sand.
[POLO] Tegana is our only hope now.
[BARBARA] Surely, he should be back by now.
[POLO] He would not start back from the oasis in the dark for fear ofmissing us.
[PING-CHO] Then we must get going.
[POLO] Yes.
[IAN] Hot again soon, Marco. Hadn't we better get started?
[POLO] We would not get very far, Ian. No, we must wait here.
[BARBARA] The Doctor and Susan are still in the Tardis.
[IAN] Let them sleep, Barbara.
[DOCTOR] Water! Susan, Susan, child. Susan, wake up. Wake up, quickly!Fetch some cloth and cups.
[SUSAN] All right, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] We must catch the water. We mustn't waste a drop! Come along,child, wake up, quickly! Look at it, streaming down the walls. Look. Wemust collect it. It's water!
[SUSAN] Water!
[DOCTOR] We must. Quickly, quickly, before the ship heats up in the sun.Hurry, child. Hurry, please.
[IAN] Not a sign of him.
[SUSAN] Water! Look! Water!
[DOCTOR] Please wait. We must be careful.
[POLO] This is in your caravan?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but it's not pure water you see.
[POLO] You told me you weren't carrying any, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I haven't got any water, don't you understand. I wouldn't allowus to get into this state if I had water, young man. No, this was thewater that was running off the walls. It's condensation. It'sunbelievable. Condensation, do you understand?
[POLO] No, I do not understand!
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, make him understand. It was condensation off thewalls and I
[POLO] The old man lied to me!
[SUSAN] No, he did not lie.
[IAN] Marco, you remember, last night it was cold. Bitterly cold, Marco.The outside of the caravan cooled, but the inside stayed warm, and somoisture formed on the inside. It's condensation, we just call it that.It's just a name.
[SUSAN] That's true, Messer Marco. It was running down the walls, andfrom the ceiling. We, we took it in this, look, we squeezed it in here.You see?
[DOCTOR] You understand now?
[POLO] I have seen this happen. Let me see you drink it.
[DOCTOR] Not too much. Steady.
[TEGANA] There were bandits here last night when I arrived, so I had towait in hiding until this morning when they left. And then when Iprepared to leave for you, I saw your caravan coming across the deserttowards me.
[POLO] Had the Doctor not discovered water, you might have been too lateto save us, Tegana.
[BARBARA] And are those bandits likely to return?
[TEGANA] No, I overheard them saying they were going to ride forKarakorum.
[BARBARA] Karakorum? That used to be to the north, on the great Steppes.
[POLO] It still is, Barbara. Well, the sooner we leave here the better.
[BARBARA] But, Marco
[POLO] This oasis is dangerous, Barbara. We must leave here as soon aspossible.
[BARBARA] Marco, we're all in need of rest, and the Doctor is still veryweak.
[POLO] We will stay here until tomorrow morning, no longer. Please tellthe others.
[POLO] What amuses you?
[TEGANA] You don't really believe their story, do you, of water forminginside a caravan?
[POLO] Yes. I know it to be true.
[DOCTOR] I think I can repair the circuit in a week, maybe less.
[BARBARA] We're leaving here tomorrow.
[DOCTOR] Oh, we're always rushing around. A good day's rest would do usall a lot of good.
[BARBARA] Marco's worried about bandits.
[DOCTOR] Oh, rubbish.
[BARBARA] Tegana said there were some here last night. Well, if theywere, they were very clean about it.
[IAN] What do you mean?
[BARBARA] Look, last night was very cold, but there's no sign of a firehaving been lit.
[IAN] Perhaps they didn't want anyone to know they'd been here.
[BARBARA] Yes, that may be. But I think Tegana just used the bandits asan excuse for not coming back to us with water.
[IAN] Maybe. Well, the thing to do is to ask Tegana.
[TEGANA] Ask Tegana what?
[IAN] How many bandits were there here last night?
[TEGANA] Twelve.
[IAN] It was a cold night. Didn't they light a fire?
[POLO] If they had, Ian, the remains would still be visible. Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well?
[POLO] Barbara may have told you that we're leaving here tomorrow, soget all the rest you can today. You may use your caravan again, butbefore we leave in the morning, it will be locked and the key handedover to me.
[DOCTOR] Young man, you have no concept of what is happening, have you?And you still don't seem to realise that you're speaking to a man ofsuperior intellect.
[POLO [OC]] My conscience pricks me. I was adamantdespite the Doctor's protests, that the key and his caravan should behanded over to me. Now we journey on across this burning desert and Ishall not rest until I see the temple spires of the city of Tun-Huang.
(Tun-Huang Way Station)
[SUSAN] I've never seen so many temples in my life.
[PING-CHO] Tun-Huang is a famous city, Susan.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[BARBARA] Isn't the cave of the Thousand Buddhas near here?
[SUSAN] Thousand Buddhas?
[POLO] Yes. Have you heard of the cave of the Five Hundred Eyes?
[BARBARA] No, I haven't.
[PING-CHO] I do not know that one either, Messer Marco.
[BARBARA] I'm intrigued by this cave, Marco. Why is it called FiveHundred Eyes?
[POLO] On the walls are painted the faces of two hundred and fifty evilmen who once lived there. They were the Hashashins.
[SUSAN] Hashashins?
[POLO] Yes, and they were so called because they used a drug, hashish.
[SUSAN] Are there still Hashashins in the cave?
[POLO] No, Susan. They were put to the sword twenty years ago by a greatMongol conqueror called Hulagu.
[PING-CHO] There is a story of Hulagu and the Hashashins.
[SUSAN] Oh, tell it to us, Ping-Cho.
[PING-CHO] Later, if you wish.
[SUSAN] Why not now?
[PING-CHO] It needs preparation.
[DOCTOR] It seems we shall be stopping here for awhile. It means I can get on with more work.
[IAN] Huh?
[DOCTOR] Repairing the circuit, young man.
[IAN] Aren't you forgetting something, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Don't you realise they will be much less vigilant? I shall beable to sneak into the Tardis, no worry at all.
[IAN] Yes, but you've given Marco Polo the key.
[DOCTOR] A key, my boy. A key. What use do you think it's going to be tohim, hmmm? And where do you suppose I got that from?
[IAN] I have no idea.
[DOCTOR] I made it.
[IAN] Made it? When?
[DOCTOR] On the night of the oasis. Only chance I had. She knows allabout it, don't you, Susan?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[IAN] You crafty old fox.
[SUSAN] Grandfather?
[SUSAN] What do you know about the Hashashin?
[DOCTOR] Well, now, let me think, let me think. Yes, they were some kindof sect. Why?
[SUSAN] Well, Ping-Cho knows a story and she's going to tell us aboutit.
[DOCTOR] Oh, how delightful. Yes, yes, why not?
(Tun-Huang Way Station)
[BARBARA] Ian, Ian, I must talk to you.
[IAN] What is it?
[BARBARA] It's about Tegana. I caught him off-guard.
[IAN] Shh. Later. Come and sit over here.
[BARBARA] No, I'll be all right over here.
[SUSAN] Ping-Cho. Oh, Ping-Cho, are you ready?
[PING-CHO] I am ready, Susan.
[SUSAN] Oh, good.
[PING-CHO] Gracious maidens, gentle lords, pray attend me while I tellmy tale of Ala-eddin, the Old Man of the Mountains, who by deviousschemes, evil designs and foul murders ruled the land.
[DOCTOR] That was really delightful, Ping-Cho.
[PING-CHO] My lord is kind.
[POLO] Thank you, Ping-Cho.
[IAN] Charming, Ping-Cho, charming. Susan, do you know that we use theword Hashashin in English today?
[IAN] Yes. Assassins.
[SUSAN] Assassin!
[IAN] Yes.
[SUSAN] Ping-Cho, is the lair of Ala-eddin near here?
[PING-CHO] No, Susan. It was on a mountain called Mount Alumet inPersia.
[SUSAN] Persia? But Messer Marco said that Hulagu killed the Hashashinsnear here.
[POLO] So he did, Susan. Some of Ala-eddin's followers lived near here,in the cave of Five Hundred Eyes.
(Cave of 500 Eyes)
[TEGANA] Malik? Malik?
[MALIK] Who calls my name?
[TEGANA] Tegana, the Mongol War Lord.
[MALIK] We have waited for you Tegana.
[TEGANA] You need wait no more, old man. What news from Noghai?
[MALIK] You shall hear it. You shall hear it. Come, follow me.
(Inner Chamber)
[ACOMAT] Welcome.
[TEGANA] Acomat! What news from Noghai?
[ACOMAT] He has formed his army and marches now for Karakorum.
[TEGANA] Good.
[ACOMAT] Where he will await news of your success.
[TEGANA] I will not fail him.
[ACOMAT] You failed at Lop. You were to meet our courier on the thirdnight in the desert.
[TEGANA] There was a sandstorm.
[ACOMAT] He did not return.
[MALIK] Before the courier left, he spoke of gift to Noghai.
[TEGANA] Yes, a caravan that flies. It belongs to an old magician whoaccompanies us. Polo's taking it to the Kublai Khan.
[ACOMAT] With such a caravan, Noghai would be invincible.
[TEGANA] Yes, that is why you must capture it. You will attack ourcaravan as we're going to Shang-Tu.
[ACOMAT] It shall be done.
[TEGANA] And then, deliver it to Noghai.
[ACOMAT] And Polo and those that go with him? What of them? Kill them?
[TEGANA] Of course.
[MALIK] Did a woman accompany you here?
[MALIK] There is one in the outer cave now.
(Tun-Huang Way Station)
[POLO] This is the most dangerous thing she couldhave done! What kind of country do you come from where a woman canwander alone through the streets at night?
[TEGANA] You will never find her alive in Tun-Huang.
[IAN] We won't find her sitting here.
[POLO] Wait, Ian. We will search together. The city is divided intodistinct areas. Tegana, you will take one, we will take another. Wewill meet back here in two hours time.
[IAN] Let's get started.
[DOCTOR] Do you need my help?
[POLO] No, Doctor, you stay here. And nobody else move.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, child. We'll find her. Don't worry.
[SUSAN] Grandfather. Grandfather. Don't worry about Ping-Cho, you cantrust her.
[DOCTOR] Well, it looks as though I must, doesn't it? What is it, hmm?
[SUSAN] We think we might know where Barbara is.
[DOCTOR] Oh, where?
[PING-CHO] Messer Marco was telling us about the Cave of Five HundredEyes.
[SUSAN] Yes, and Barbara was very interested. So we thought she mighthave gone off to a look without asking anybody, because Messer Marcomight have tried to stop her.
[DOCTOR] Do you know where this Cave of Five Hundred Eyes is?
[PING-CHO] I do not know, my lord, but Chenchu would know.
[DOCTOR] Aha, my friend! And how long have you been lurking there, hmmm?
[CHENCHU] I arrived this very moment my lord.
[DOCTOR] Where is the Cave of Five Hundred Eyes?
[CHENCHU] The Cave of Five Hundred
[DOCTOR] Yes. Where is it?
[CHENCHU] On the road to Su-Chow, my Lord. Set back against thefoothills.
[DOCTOR] Well, how far is it from here?
[CHENCHU] About a third of a league, my lord.
[DOCTOR] A mile, a mile, yes. Now you two go back in there and wait. Goalong, go along, go along.
[CHENCHU] My lord is going there now, at this time of night? But it ishaunted, my lord. The spirits of the Hashashins walk. You should notgo, my lord.
[SUSAN] You mustn't go there alone, Grandfather. And anyway, we muststay with you.
[PING-CHO] Messer Marco will be angry. He told us to stay here.
[DOCTOR] Never mind about him. Which road?
[CHENCHU] The road to Su-Chow.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, you'll never find it on your own. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Yes, all right, if you insist. Then come along, both of you,quickly.
[CHENCHU] Do not go, my lord. Not at night. You will not come backalive!
(Cave of 500 Eyes)
[PING-CHO] Frightening.
[SUSAN] Look at those eyes.
[PING-CHO] I'd prefer not to, Susan.
[DOCTOR] How extraordinary. Look. Yes, it's quartz. Yes, a mineral ore.Look, you see the veins going through the rock structure. And look howcleverly that face is carved so that at the eye the quartz is exposed.Now, isn't that interesting, hmm?
[SUSAN] Grandfather, we're supposed to be looking for Barbara.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Barbara? Oh yes, of course. Yes, yes, we mustn't wastetime. No. Come on. Now, let's see if we can find the spirits.
(Tun-Huang Way Station)
[CHENCHU] My lord?
[TEGANA] Oh, it's you.
[CHENCHU] He's gone, my lord.
[TEGANA] Gone?
[CHENCHU] The old lord has gone. After you had gone, the young ladiesapproached me. They were looking for him.
[TEGANA] Well, wasn't he in his room?
[CHENCHU] Not so, my lord. He was out there. That's where they foundhim. That's why I came and told you, my lord. But he forced me to tellhim the way to the cave.
[TEGANA] What cave?
[CHENCHU] He forced me, my lord. He forced me.
[TEGANA] What cave!
[CHENCHU] The Cave of Five Hundred Eyes.
[TEGANA] You fool!
[CHENCHU] He forced me.
(Cave of 500 Eyes)
[DOCTOR] A fool's errand, it's a fool's errand,child. That's what you've brought me on. And I had so much work to doin the Tardis. Now, come along, we mustn't waste any more time here.Barbara's probably in bed and asleep by now. If you had any sense,where both of you should be.
[PING-CHO] My lord, look.
[DOCTOR] Hmmm?
[SUSAN] That's Barbara's. She must have been here. Barbara!
[PING-CHO] Miss Wright!SUSAN
[SUSAN] Barbara!
[PING-CHO] Miss Wright!
[DOCTOR] Miss Wright!
[SUSAN] Barbara! Barbara! Barbara! (screams) They moved! The eyes moved!
(Tun-Huang Way Station)
[CHENCHU] Oh, Tegana took a horse, and rode off.
[POLO] To the Cave of Five Hundred Eyes?
[CHENCHU] So I believe my lord.
[POLO] When will your companions realise I know what I'm talking aboutwhen I say it's dangerous to wander about at night? First Barbara, andnow the Doctor goes off, taking Susan and Ping-Cho with him.
[IAN] All right, Marco, you can be angry later. Let's get to this cave.Do you know where it is?
[POLO] Yes.
(Cave of 500 Eyes)
[DOCTOR] It must be your imagination, child. These eyes didn't move.It's quartz.
[SUSAN] I saw them move, Grandfather. I swear I did.
[DOCTOR] Oh rubbish, child.
[PING-CHO] Look. Look.
[DOCTOR] Tegana!
[TEGANA] What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] If you must know, sir, we are looking for Miss Wright.
[TEGANA] Well, why would she be in this cave?
[DOCTOR] I think this is your answer. We found it.
[TEGANA] You found that here?
[SUSAN] Yes. Over there.
[TEGANA] In the passageway. It is not wise to remain in these caves.They are possessed with evil spirits.
[DOCTOR] I'm not afraid of ghosts.
[TEGANA] Oh, yes, I forgot. You're the magician, aren't you?
[IAN [OC]] Doctor? Susan?
[SUSAN] That's Ian. Ian!
[IAN [OC]] Susan!
[SUSAN] Ian!
[IAN [OC]] Doctor, where are you?
[SUSAN] Ian! Over here!
[DOCTOR] Over here.
[IAN [OC]] Doctor!
[SUSAN] Round the corner!
[DOCTOR] Over here, my boy.
[IAN] Doctor! Ah. Have you found Barbara?
[DOCTOR] Just this handkerchief. We found that over there.
[IAN] This is Barbara's.
[TEGANA] Leave before the spirits are angered.
[DOCTOR] This man thinks this cave is haunted.
[PING-CHO] He's not the only one. Susan saw the eyes in one of the facesmove.
[DOCTOR] Oh, rubbish, child, rubbish.
[IAN] Which face, Susan?
[SUSAN] This one here.
[IAN] Marco, quick. Look!
[TEGANA] Do not strike them down, great spirits of Hashashin. Depart!The War Lord Tegana entreats you.
[IAN] Is it safe for us to look now?
[TEGANA] Do as you will.
[DOCTOR] Well, what are you looking for, Chesterton?
[IAN] Susan was right. She did see the eyes move.
[DOCTOR] Oh, rubbish, rubbish.
[SUSAN] Of course I did.
[DOCTOR] What proof have you?
[IAN] I've just seen them move myself. Look. These eyes you see herehave been set in from behind. There must be some sort of a room behindthis rock face. Look, there's a crack. There's a door here.
[POLO] Yes. All we need now is to find out how to open it.
[POLO] Ian!
[IAN] It's all right, Barbara.
[BARBARA] There were four of them. They played dice to see who'd killme, and he won. He won.
[IAN] All right Barbara. You're safe now Barbara. Safe now. Don't worry.
(Tun-Huang Way Station)
[POLO] We were just in time, Tegana. A moment or twolater, and she would have been killed.
[TEGANA] What is that to you?
[POLO] I'm responsible for their safety.
[TEGANA] Why not let them go on their way.
[POLO] My conscience does not permit it. Look, I took their caravan awayfrom them. The least I can do is see them safely on their way home.
[TEGANA] You think they hold you in such esteem?
[POLO] The Doctor, no, with good reason. The others, yes.
[TEGANA] Marco, which one leads them?
[POLO] The Doctor.
[TEGANA] And leaders are obeyed. Has not that cunning Susan already wonPing-Cho from your side?
[POLO] She's a child, Tegana.
[TEGANA] Only a fool defends his enemies. Be warned, Marco. They willset us at each other's throats by lies and deceit, and then, when theyhave divided us, then they will destroy us one by one.
[POLO] They are harmless, Tegana.
[TEGANA] Harmless? They possess a caravan that flies.
[POLO] What power they have is locked inside it, and I have the key.
[TEGANA] This very evening, Marco, when we were out looking for thisBarbara, Chenchu thought the old man was in his room and he was not.Marco, he was out there with his caravan.
[POLO] What are you saying?
[TEGANA] I'm saying, does a magician need a key to open a door?
[POLO] How are you feeling?
[BARBARA] Still bit shaky.
[POLO] You realise you're most fortunate to be alive.
[BARBARA] Yes, I know.
[POLO] Why did you go to the cave? You know my rule about obtainingpermission to leave here.
[IAN] Tell him, Barbara.
[BARBARA] I followed Tegana there.
[TEGANA] Me? I've only been there once, and you were there when Iarrived.
[BARBARA] But that's not true. I followed you there.
[TEGANA] I have only been there once.
[BARBARA] But why would I lie? I was almost killed.
[POLO] Be quiet!
[TEGANA] Mark well all that I have said.
[POLO] Tegana.
[TEGANA] My friend, mark it well.
[POLO] Ping-Cho, you will remove your belongings to another room. Fromthis night on, you will not share with Susan again.
[PING-CHO] But Messer Marco
[POLO] Obey me!
[POLO [OC]] Poor Susan and Ping-Cho. Yet whatalternative had I but to separate them? Now my caravan seethes withsuspicion and discontent as we journey south-west. The route takes usto the ancient cities of Su-Chow and Kan-Chow, where the Great Wall ofCathay begins. Following the wall, we travel south to Lan-Chow, whichlies on the banks of the Yellow River. Here, our route swings north,and with the river always in sight, we journey towards Shang-Tu.
[DOCTOR] The trouble is, Polo's change of attitudehas slowed down my progress on the circuit.
[IAN] I think you've done brilliantly to make any progress at all,Doctor.
[BARBARA] How much longer do you think you'll need?
[DOCTOR] Well, with a bit more time, and a lot of luck, I should sayabout another night.
[BARBARA] But that's marvellous, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] The following evening will even be better.
[BARBARA] And that's when we say goodbye to Marco Polo.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and a jolly good riddance.
[BARBARA] Well, I shall be jolly glad to leave here. In fact, the onlyregrets I'll have will be for Susan.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean?
[BARBARA] Oh, I think she and Ping-Cho are very fond of each other. It'sa pity they've been kept apart so much.
[DOCTOR] It's a pity there was any association at all. That Chinesechild makes me nervous.
[IAN] What on Earth do you mean?
[DOCTOR] She found out about the key.
[IAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Yes, on the night that Barbara was captured. Susan and Ping-Chothought Barbara had gone down to the cave and met with an accident, sothey came looking for me just as I was about to enter the Tardis. Itwas then Ping-Cho saw the key.
(Outside the tent)
[SUSAN] Ping-Cho, what's the matter?
[PING-CHO] For me this journey, in spite of all the dangers, was thehappiest time of my life, until Tun-Huang.
[SUSAN] What did Tegana say to make Messer Marco change so much? Did youask Messer Marco?
[PING-CHO] A hundred times, but he remains silent.
[SUSAN] If only we could find out. If only we could prove that Teganahad seen the Cave of Five Hundred Eyes before.
[PING-CHO] It won't make much difference soon.
[SUSAN] Why not?
[PING-CHO] You will be leaving.
[SUSAN] Leaving?
[PING-CHO] Your grandfather must have nearly finished the work in yourcaravan by now.
[SUSAN] Ping-Cho, he has.
[PING-CHO] Will you go home? Will you say goodbye to me before youleave?
[SUSAN] Of course I will.
[PING-CHO] Even if it is very late?
[SUSAN] No matter what time of night it is.
[PING-CHO] Hey, this'll cheer you up.
[SUSAN] What?
[PING-CHO] I've forgotten hearing anything about the key.
[POLO [OC]] For the past three days, I have followedthe course of the Yellow River as it flows north to the small town ofSinju, which lies nestled against the Great Wall.
(Sinju Way Station Courtyard)
[POLO] Have you seen my clothing bag, Tegana?
[TEGANA] Er, yes, it's in the passageway outside your door.
[POLO] Thank you.
[TEGANA] Oh, I want to go into town.
[POLO] Very well.
[TEGANA] Thank you.
[PING-CHO] The passageway. Why have I not thought of it before? Susan?Susan, I've got proof. I can prove it!
[SUSAN] What?
[PING-CHO] That Tegana lied.
[POLO] You can prove what?
[PING-CHO] Messer Marco, do you remember Tegana's reply when Miss Wrightsaid she had followed him to the Cave of Five Hundred Eyes?
[POLO] Yes, he said he'd never been there before.
[PING-CHO] He lied, Messer Marco.
[POLO] You bring a very serious charge, Ping-Cho. I hope you have proof.
[PING-CHO] When he came into the cave, Susan's grandfather showed himMiss Wright's handkerchief, saying we had found it over there, and theold lord pointed to a dark corner of the cave. And do you remember whathe said? He asked if we had found it in the passageway.
[POLO] Well?
[PING-CHO] If he had never been to the cave before, how could he knowthat the dark corner was a passageway?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[POLO] This is your proof? You call this evidence?
[PING-CHO] Yes, Messer Marco.
[POLO] And on these grounds you dare to call the War Lord Tegana a liar?You foolish child, how dare you make such a reckless accusation.Believe me, it will take much more than this to shake my confidence inTegana.
(Tea Room)
[ACOMAT] It was your fault. You should have killedthem all when you
[TEGANA] You listen to me, Acomat, and you listen well. The day aftertomorrow, the caravan sets out to cross the bamboo forest. On thesecond night, I shall silence the guard, and then when all is well, Ishall signal you with a burning torch. Then you will move in andslaughter them all. But with stealth, mind you.
[ACOMAT] And the magician's caravan?
[TEGANA] You will send that on to Noghai, whilst I will continue on toShang-Tu with terrible stories of bandit attacks.
[ACOMAT] Polo?
[TEGANA] Well, I should let Polo die like an old woman in her bed.
[ACOMAT] The old magician. How can you kill him?
[TEGANA] With a stake through the heart.
(Sinju Way Station door)
[DOCTOR] There isn't very much more to do. I won't be long. Keep youreyes open.
(Sinju Way Station)
[BARBARA] I think Tegana must have seen him going into it.
[IAN] Where's Tegana now?
[BARBARA] I don't know.
[IAN] Stay here.
[IAN] Not a sign of him. Where's Marco?
[SUSAN] He must be in his room.
[IAN] Good. Now listen. Go and get the Doctor out of the ship, thenhide. I'm going to try a bluff. If it works, we may be able to turn thetables on Tegana. Now, go quickly.
[IAN] Ah, Marco, I was just coming to have a word with you.
[POLO] What about?
[IAN] Well, I should have thought that was pretty obvious.
[POLO] Be more explicit, Ian.
[IAN] Oh, come on Marco, we're friends aren't we?
[POLO] We were.
[IAN] Well, why the sudden change? And tell me, why separate Susan andPing-Cho?
[POLO] Susan's a bad influence.
[IAN] Oh, you can't really mean that.
[POLO] Ping-Cho's first loyalty is to me, yet she backed you againstTegana.
[IAN] Perhaps that's because we were telling the truth. It is possible,you know.
[POLO] Let me tell you something, Ian. Tegana is a special emissary ofNoghai, on his way to talk peace with Kublai Khan. He's a veryimportant man. You are mysterious travellers from some far off land Iknow nothing about. Now, if you were in my position, a servant ofKublai Khan, whose word would you take?
[IAN] Well, I should keep an open mind.
[TEGANA] Marco, I have something rather interesting to show you.
[POLO] What is it?
[TEGANA] The old magician is in his caravan.
[POLO] He's what? Is this true, Ian?
[IAN] Well, why don't we go outside and have a look?
(Sinju Way Station Courtyard)
[POLO] Are you sure about this?
[TEGANA] He's got another key. I saw him go inside.
[IAN] So all we can do now is wait for him to come out.
[POLO] This you are prepared to do?
[IAN] If it'll convince you that Tegana is making trouble, we can waithere all night.
[POLO] Tegana, are you absolutely positive?
[TEGANA] When the War Lord Tegana says it is so, Marco, it is so. He isin there.
[IAN] Doctor, lock the door quickly!
[POLO] I'm sorry I doubted your word, Tegana. Give me the key, Doctor.
[POLO] You're an old man and I do not wish to use force.
[DOCTOR] That is what you'll precisely have to do, Polo.
[TEGANA] Did I not say he had another key?
[DOCTOR] Put that key in the lock, Polo, and you will destroy the ship.Then where will your precious Khan be, hmmm? You need more than a keyto enter my ship. You need knowledge. Knowledge you will never possess.
[POLO] Tell me.
[DOCTOR] No, understand? No! I'd let you wreck it first!
[POLO] Guards! Guards!
[DOCTOR] Let go of me!
[POLO] Bear witness. I wear the gold seal of Kublai Khan, and by theauthority it invests in me, I do hereby seize and hold your caravan inhis name. Be warned. Any resistance to this decree is instantlypunishable by death.
[DOCTOR] You poor, pathetic, stupid savage.
[POLO] Take them away!
[TEGANA] Marco, are you now convinced which of us makes trouble?
[POLO [OC]] What a nightmare this journey hasbecome. Our progress is impeded because Tegana, the bearers and I mustconstantly be on the alert for any signs of trouble from the prisoners,and Ping-Cho's resentment of me only serves to make my task moredifficult. But I have succeeded in keeping her away from them bysetting up a separate tent for the Doctor and his companions.
(Doctor's Tent)
[IAN] We can't go on like this. We must get out!
[BARBARA] That's easier said than done.
[IAN] I know Barbara. I know the odds are against us, but at least we'vegot to try.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I quite agree with you. The ship's waiting outside, withthe circuit finished and installed.
[BARBARA] And Polo has both keys.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that wretched child.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, Ping-Cho wouldn't tell him about the second key. Iknow she wouldn't.
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear Susan
[IAN] Oh, don't you worry about that now. We must concentrate on gettingone of those keys back.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and the only way I can see it, is that we should have tocapture Polo.
[IAN] Why not? Take him hostage.
[BARBARA] But we're hopelessly outnumbered.
[IAN] Only by day. At night, we've got the edge on them. They've onlygot one guard, remember.
[SUSAN] Yes, but how are you going to disarm him?
[IAN] I don't know. Somehow. I'll do it.
[DOCTOR] Now just a minute. First things first, young man. How are wegoing to get out of here, and remember that guard is out there watchingfor us, hmmm?
[IAN] With this. I'll cut my way out.
[DOCTOR] That's a very good idea. Good.
[IAN] As soon as I've dealt with that guard, I'll come back for you.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, supposing Messer Marco won't give him the keys?
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, my child. I think by the time I've finished withthat gentleman, he'll only be too glad to let us go.
(Bamboo Forest)
[ACOMAT] Are the men in position?
[MONGOL] The caravan is surrounded, my lord.
[ACOMAT] Do they know the signal to attack?
[MONGOL] Each one has been told that lord Tegana will wave a burningtorch.
[ACOMAT] Then we shall watch for it.
(Outside the tent)
[DOCTOR] What's the matter? Did you kill him?
[IAN] No, of course not. He was dead.
[IAN] Yes, he's been stabbed.
[BARBARA] Bandits?
[IAN] They must be just on the point of attacking us.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, what are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] Well, continue with our plan, get the keys, and get out of hereas soon as possible.
[SUSAN] Tegana!
[IAN] We're already too late, Doctor. The only thing I can do now iswarn Marco.
[BARBARA] Be careful, Ian.
[IAN] I will.
(Marco Polo's compartment)
[IAN] Marco. Marco, wake up. No, no, it's all right.Marco, the guard's dead, I think we're in for a bandit attack.
[POLO] Bandits? Where's Tegana?
[IAN] He's outside. I didn't tell him. I thought it best to tell youfirst.
[POLO] Tegana, wake the bearers.
[TEGANA] What is it?
[POLO] Bandits.
[TEGANA] What's he doing free?
[POLO] Never mind about that. A guard's been killed. Now, wake thebearers and get some swords, quickly. Call the others.
[IAN] Doctor, Susan, Barbara, quickly, here.
[POLO] Miss Wright, Susan, go into the tent and stay there.
[SUSAN] What about Ping-Cho?
[POLO] Now, she sleeps now, but if she wakes up, make sure she stayswith you.
[POLO] Are the bearers awake?
[TEGANA] Yes, they've taken their positions around the edge of the camp.
[POLO] Do you know how to use one of these?
[IAN] No, but given half a chance, I'll learn.
[DOCTOR] Pardon me.
[POLO] (gives a sword to the Doctor) If you're half as aggressive withthis as you are with your tongue, Doctor, we can't lose.
[IAN] How many of them are there likely to be?
[POLO] Oh, more than enough for us.
[DOCTOR] Well, we look a bit silly standing here, don't we?
[POLO] Then what do you suggest we do?
[DOCTOR] Use the Tardis.
[POLO] Your caravan? To go where?
[DOCTOR] Yes, get out of here, anywhere where it's safe.
[TEGANA] Look, this is another of the magician's tricks. I don't believethere are any bandits.
[POLO] Tegana, a guard is dead.
[TEGANA] Could they have not killed him? What better way to give thislie the ring of truth.
[IAN] Not everyone lives by your standards, Tegana.
[TEGANA] Well, where are these bandits if there are any? Why haven'tthey attacked? I warn you Marco, if you go in their caravan, they willsurely destroy you.
[DOCTOR] If you believe that, Polo, you're a bigger fool that even Ithink you are.
[POLO] You deceived me before, Doctor. No, we will not use your caravan.If there are bandits, we shall fight.
[DOCTOR] Well, we're not going to get very far with this overgrown breadknife! We shall have to use more enterprise than this.
[IAN] The Doctor's right, Marco. We need more than these swords. Wait aminute. Perhaps we can outwit them.
[POLO] How?
[IAN] We'll use this bamboo.
[POLO] Well, what good would that do?
[IAN] If we throw it on the fire, it'll expand and blow up. It's aterrifying noise. It's worth a chance, Marco.
[POLO] Let us hope time is our ally.
(Bamboo Forest)
[ACOMAT] What keeps him then? The moon will soonrise to deny us darkness.
[MONGOL] Perhaps he is sleeping.
[ACOMAT] True. He is not as young as we are. Tell the others that unlesshe signals before the moon's first light, we attack then.
[MONGOL] As my lord commands.
[ACOMAT] But not with stealth, as lord Tegana wished. We'll make sportof it.
[POLO] Does the lamb conceal the wolf, or the wolf the lamb? Were youtrying to escape?
[IAN] Yes.
[POLO] It was very reckless of you.
[IAN] It was the only thing we could do.
[POLO] Even though failure might have meant death?
[IAN] We hoped we'd succeed.
[POLO] Tell me, Ian, what were you going to do to me?
[IAN] Take the key from you, and use you as a hostage until we weresafely at the Tardis.
[POLO] Then, I shall have to be more careful in future.
[IAN] Marco, I wish I could explain to you how important the Tardis isto us.
[POLO] And I wish I could explain to you, Ian, how important it is tome.
[IAN] The moon will soon be up.
[POLO] Yes, we must gamble that the attack comes now. Tegana, wake thebearers.
[TEGANA] They are alert, Marco.
[IAN] All three of them, that makes seven. We can wake the Doctor.Marco, the bamboo will need time to heat up.
[POLO] Yes, we must gamble that the attack comes now.
[TEGANA] There are no bandits! This was all a ruse.
[IAN] A ruse, Tegana?
[POLO] Good luck, Ian.
[IAN] Doctor, wake up. The bandits.
[ACOMAT] So, the mighty War Lord is awake!
[IAN] They're running! They're running! We've won! We've won!
[SUSAN] What was the explosion?
[POLO] Bamboo. The bandits thought there were devils in the fire, andfled.
[DOCTOR] No, it wasn't the devils in the fire. Their leader was killed.That's why they broke up and ran.
[TEGANA] Well, in battle all men face death.
[DOCTOR] And few expect to meet it, hmm?
[POLO [OC]] At sunrise, we buried the dead, brokecamp, travelled to the edge of the bamboo forest, and out beyond itonto the plain. But at midday, as we were all tired after the events ofthe previous night, I ordered a halt.
[BARBARA] Surely he can't punish us! By trying to escape, we saved hislife.
[DOCTOR] If that fool had any decency at all, he'd let us go.
[IAN] I doubt if he'll do that, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, then we must go on trying to escape. The circuit'sfinished, and all we need are those keys.
[IAN] That's not going to be very easy, is it, after last night. Marco'sbound to be on his guard.
[POLO] I have a question to ask all of you. Will you promise on yourhonour, not to attempt another escape?
[POLO] So be it.
[DOCTOR] We sacrificed our freedom to save you.
[POLO] Yes, I know. And in return, I revoke the seizure of your caravanby official decree.
[DOCTOR] Huh. Very noble of you, I'm sure.
[IAN] What you're really saying, Marco, is that we're no longer KublaiKhan's prisoners, only yours?
[POLO] That's right.
[DOCTOR] Thanks for nothing.
[POLO] All the freedoms you enjoyed before will be restored. Susan andPing-Cho can share each other's company, and no guards will watch youby night.
[DOCTOR] And the keys to the Tardis?
[POLO] As before, Doctor, they remain with me. And I shall be guardedday and night.
[TEGANA] Marco, let me be your sword.
[POLO] You are in my charge, Tegana, not I in yours.
[TEGANA] Work your magic on him if you will, but make no move againstme.
[IAN] He knows we're on to him.
[DOCTOR] Strange that Tegana should watch the fire. A sort of menial jobhe'd order a guard to do.
[BARBARA] How could he? The guard was dead.
[IAN] Tegana wasn't to know that, otherwise he'd have given the alarm.
[DOCTOR] Would he?
[IAN] You mean he was implicated in the attack?
[DOCTOR] Of course he was. The bandit knew him. I'm certain he did.
[BARBARA] Ian, do you remember that bandit we buried this morning? Iknew I'd seen him somewhere before. He was in the Cave of Five HundredEyes.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and he had to kill him or be exposed.
[IAN] But what's Tegana's game? What's he after?
[DOCTOR] My ship.
[IAN] Oh, no, Doctor, he's terrified of it. It must be something else.Whatever it is, we're in the way, that's for sure.
[BARBARA] Marco too?
[IAN] I don't know. Maybe.
[BARBARA] Well, shouldn't we warn
[DOCTOR] No, no, ssh ssh. We mustn't be impetuous. We must choose theright moment carefully.
[SUSAN] This is a courier from Kublai Khan. Have you seen Messer Marco?
[IAN] Yes, he's in there.
[PING-CHO] Please be seated.
[LING-TAU] Thank you, my lady.
[PING-CHO] I will fetch him.
[SUSAN] His name is Ling-Tau.
[IAN] You look as though you've travelled far.
[LING-TAU] From the summer palace at Shang-Tu, my Lord.
(Marco Polo's compartment)
[POLO] What is it, Ping-Cho?
[PING-CHO] A courier from the great Khan has arrived, Messer Marco.
[POLO] Ask him to wait, please. I'll be with him in a moment. Ping-Cho,do I have your word not to tell anyone where these keys are?
[PING-CHO] Yes, Messer Marco.
[IAN] When did you leave Shang-Tu?
[LING-TAU] Yesterday, my lord.
[IAN] Yesterday!
[DOCTOR] But that's three hundred miles away, isn't it?
[LING-TAU] We change horses every league my lord.
[IAN] Every league.
[LING-TAU] That's the reason we wear these, my lord (bells around hiswaist) To warn the post-house of our arrival. And when we get there afresh horse is saddled and waiting, ready for the next three miles.
[BARBARA] And you ride without rest until you reach your destination?
[LING-TAU] Yes, my lady.
[DOCTOR] I would have thought it was a physical impossibility.
[LING-TAU] Our bodies would be shaken to pieces, my lord, were it notfor these. Bound tight, like this one, on my head.
[IAN] Tell me, are there many men who can ride such long distanceswithout a break?
[LING-TAU] We are few, my lord.
[DOCTOR] Three hundred miles a days on horseback. Very few people canride more than twenty five.
[LING-TAU] It's in our blood, my lord. We all come from the greatsteppes to the north.
[POLO] Courier!
[LING-TAU] My lord Polo?
[POLO] I am he.
[LING-TAU] The mighty Kublai Khan sends his greetings to his faithfulservant.
[POLO] Thank you.
[POLO] Thank you. (reads) We must leave here at once.
[PING-CHO] Why, Messer Marco?
[POLO] Kublai Khan wishes to see me without delay. Six days hard ridingfrom here is the city of Cheng-Ting, where we can take horses and rideon to Shang-Tu.
[PING-CHO] But our possessions, Messer Marco?
[POLO] They will have to follow on one of the many trade caravans thattravels the route.
[DOCTOR] And the Tardis?
[POLO] That too must follow on, Doctor.
[POLO [OC]] My only concern now is to reach theSummer Palace as quickly as possible. So within an hour, we were on themove again, and on the sixth day of our journey, the spires ofCheng-Ting could be seen on our horizon. By later afternoon, we hadarrived at the way station of the White City, as Cheng-Ting is oftencalled.
(Cheng-Ting Way Station)
[WANG-LO] And how long will you honour us with yourpresence, my lord?
[POLO] We have to ride to Shang-Tu tomorrow.
[WANG-LO] Oh, how sad. Good day, my gracious ladies. Cheng-Ting is sodelightful at this time of the year.
[DOCTOR] Well, where is it?
[POLO] What?
[DOCTOR] The Tardis. Oh, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear.
[WANG-LO] I was advised of your pending arrival, my lord Marco, by acourier who passed this way from Shang-Tu.
[DOCTOR] Polo?
[POLO] What is it now?
[DOCTOR] I thought you said the Tardis was to be placed in thecourtyard.
[WANG-LO] To what does the old lord refer?
[POLO] His caravan.
[WANG-LO] Oh, that's what it is! I had it moved.
[DOCTOR] Where to?
[WANG-LO] The stables, my lord.
[DOCTOR] The stables.
[WANG-LO] Well, I could hardly leave it in the hanging garden, my lord,now could I?
[POLO] It'll be safe enough there, Doctor. What, when does the nextcommerce caravan leave for Shang-Tu?
[WANG-LO] The day after tomorrow, my lord.
[POLO] Will you see that all the baggage goes with it, including thatcaravan?
[WANG-LO] I shall make it a personal duty, my lord Marco. And now, ifyou step this way, I'll escort you to your apartment.
[POLO] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] I could hardly have it placed in the hanging garden, now couldI? What does he think it is? A potting shed, or something.
[BARBARA] Well it's better there than in the courtyard, Doctor. At leastit's out of sight.
(Way Station Courtyard)
[SUSAN] Look at that one there. He's just like Wang-Lo, all fat, smoothand silky. And look at this one here. He's very solemn. He's just likeMarco Polo. And look at this one dashing around all over the place.He's got Ian's energy. Ah, look, that one's all by itself. It'sindependent, like Barbara.
[PING-CHO] There's you, Susan. A wicked goldfish.
[SUSAN] Now, where are you Ping-Cho? Oh, look there. That little prettyone down there, with the wedding veil. Oh, Ping-Cho, I'm sorry.
[PING-CHO] How I miss my home in Samarkand. And your home, Susan? You'venever told me about that. Is it so very far away?
[SUSAN] Yes, it is. It's as far away as a night star.
[PING-CHO] But you can reach it from Venice, can't you?
[SUSAN] No, Ping-Cho, no I can't.
[PING-CHO] And if Messer Marco does give your caravan to Kublai Khan,you will never see your home again?
[SUSAN] That's right.
[PING-CHO] I gave him my word, Susan. I promised not to tell anyonewhere he put the key.
[SUSAN] And I promise you that no-one will ask you.
[KUIJU] What is it, lord?
[TEGANA] A War Lord's tomb. I want it. Can you arrange to have it takenfor me?
[KUIJU] Are you prepared to pay a good price?
[TEGANA] How much?
[KUIJU] We want gold, not Kublai Khan's paper money.
[TEGANA] You shall have it.
[KUIJU] In advance.
[TEGANA] One half tonight, the other half when I get the tomb.
[KUIJU] One hundred golden pieces.
[TEGANA] You shall have it.
[KUIJU] That first part, my lord. When do I receive it?
[TEGANA] Tonight.
[KUIJU] The Street of the Beggars at midnight.
[TEGANA] I shall be there.
[KUIJU] So shall I.
[TEGANA] A War Lord's tomb. More than that, a Khan's throne for Noghai.
(Marco Polo's room)
[POLO] Come in.
[PING-CHO] It is dinner time, Messer Marco.
[POLO] Thank you, Ping-Cho. Oh dear, I have ink on my fingers. I willjoin you there.
(Way Station Courtyard)
[PING-CHO] I have something to give you.
[SUSAN] What is it?
[PING-CHO] Can't you guess?
[PING-CHO] This.
[SUSAN] Ping-Cho! But you promised Messer Marco.
[PING-CHO] Not to tell anyone. I haven't. You don't know where I got it.
[SUSAN] But he'll be terribly angry.
[PING-CHO] But one of us will be on their way home.
[TEGANA] Good night, ladies.
[PING-CHO] Goodnight, my lord.
[SUSAN] Do you think he saw it?
[PING-CHO] No, I don't think so. Let me go up to our room before youtell the others.
[SUSAN] Yes, all right.
[PING-CHO] You will say goodbye, won't you?
[SUSAN] Of course I will. Ping-Cho, what can I say?
[IAN] Got the key, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course I have.
[IAN] Get back. there's a guard.
[DOCTOR] Dear, dear, dear, dear, haven't you any ideas?
[IAN] Yes. Yes, I have.
[IAN] Why don't you have a drink?
[(While the guard is distracted, the Doctor and Barbara sneak to thestables.)SUSAN] Ping-Cho.
[IAN] All right, Doctor, close the doors. Wait!Where's Susan? Where is she?
[BARBARA] She must have gone to say goodbye to Ping-Cho.
[DOCTOR] What on Earth does that child think she's doing? Great Olympus!
[IAN] Don't panic. Give her a second. I knocked out the guard.
[SUSAN] Grandfather!
[IAN] Tegana.
[TEGANA] Stand still.
[IAN] Let her go.
[IAN] Let us all go, I appeal to you. What possible difference could itmake to you? You hate Marco.
[TEGANA] Is the old man inside the caravan?
[IAN] Yes.
[TEGANA] And the other woman?
[IAN] Yes.
[TEGANA] Tell them to come out. Do as I command!
[DOCTOR] There is no need.
[POLO] What's happened?
[TEGANA] They would all have escaped if I had not caught this one.
[DOCTOR] Tell that man to take his hands off my grandchild.
[POLO] The key first, Doctor. (The Doctor hands it over) Release her,Tegana.
[POLO] What are you?
[TEGANA] Let me kill them, and be done with it.
[POLO] We will kill no-one.
[TEGANA] Are you mad? They will only escape again.
[POLO] I don't think so.
[SUSAN] I'm sorry, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] So long as you're safe, Susan. That's all that matters.
[POLO] Where did you get this key, Doctor?
[PING-CHO] Messer Marco
[IAN] I took it.
[POLO] You did?
[IAN] Yes, I searched your room last night.
[POLO] I see.
[IAN] What are you going to do about it?
[POLO] Tomorrow morning at dawn, we ride for Shang-Tu. When next you seeyour caravan, it will be at the great Khan's Summer Palace, and thatwill make an end of it.
[POLO [OC]] A day of hard riding. We left Cheng-Tingat dawn, and by dusk had covered forty miles. As this is a denselypopulated area of Cathay, accommodation is not hard to find, and wehave stopped for the night at an inn. Our baggage, including theDoctor's caravan, is following on with a trade caravan.
[IAN] How's the Doctor? Got over his ride yet?
[BARBARA] No, I don't think we'll ever get him on another horse as longas he lives. Listen, we need the Tardis. You must talk to Marco.
[IAN] Talk to Marco? I've done nothing else but talk to Marco.
[BARBARA] Oh, Marco, Ian wants a word with you. I'm feeling a bit tired,so I think I'll go off to bed.
[IAN] But. Just a minute. Barbara, come here. I. Well, I.
[POLO] Well?
[IAN] Marco, you must give us back the Tardis.
[POLO] Is that what you want to talk to me about?
[IAN] Yes.
[POLO] Look, I've told you before, Ian. You know what this caravan meansto me. If I give it to the Khan, he'll let me go home.
[IAN] But we want to go home too, Marco. And we can't go home withoutthe Tardis.
[POLO] I have offered to take you back to Venice with me, and see yousafely on your way home from there.
[IAN] By boat. We can't go by boat, Marco, we need the Tardis.
[POLO] Why, Ian? Why?
[IAN] All right, I'll tell you why. And I'll tell you the truth. I don'tsuppose you'll believe it, but still. As I told you, I come fromEngland. Barbara as well.
[POLO] Well, I grant you England's a long way, but the journey's notimpossible, Ian. The Crusaders did it.
[IAN] The Crusaders? Oh, Marco. To me, the Crusaders lived seven hundredyears ago.
[POLO] What are you talking about, Ian? The Crusaders were in the HolyLand twenty five years ago.
[IAN] I come from another time. Our caravan, it not only coversdistance, it can cross time.
[POLO] Travel into the past and the future?
[IAN] Yes. I know it's difficult to believe, but it's the truth.
[POLO] On my travels to Cathay, Ian, I have come to believe many thingswhich I previously doubted. For instance, when I was a boy in Venice,they told me that in Cathay there was a stone which burned. I did notbelieve them, but there is such a stone. I have seen it.
[IAN] It's black, isn't it.
[POLO] Yes.
[IAN] Coal.
[POLO] In Cathay, we call it the burning stone. And if a stone burns,why not a caravan that flies? Birds fly. I have even seen fish thatfly. You are asking me to believe that your caravan can defy thepassage of the sun? Move not merely from one place to another, but fromtoday into tomorrow, today into yesterday? No, Ian. That I cannotaccept.
[IAN] I'm telling you the truth, Marco.
[POLO] Are you, Ian?
[IAN] I swear it.
[POLO] (holding out the Tardis key) Where did you get that?
[IAN] From your room.
[POLO] Whereabouts? Where had I hidden it? Come, Ian, surely you knowwhere you found it? You didn't find it, did you? It was given to you,and you lied about finding it to protect Ping-Cho. Ian, don't you seeit doesn't matter to me why you lied. What is important is the factthat you are capable of lying.
[IAN] So you don't believe me when I say I came from another time.
[POLO] If I did Ian, I would give you the key.
(The girls' room)
[PING-CHO] Goodbye Susan.
[IAN] There's no sign of her.
[BARBARA] She must have run away. But why?
[IAN] Because of that key, obviously.
[SUSAN] I'm sorry, Messer Marco, I didn't hear a word.
[POLO] I'm not blaming you, Susan, but we must find her and quickly.
[BARBARA] Susan, have you any idea where she'd go? Well, speak up.
[POLO] There are robbers and cut-throats on the road.
[SUSAN] I, I think she might have tried to reach home.
[POLO] Samarkand? But that's a thousand miles from here.
[TEGANA] Will we go back and find her?
[POLO] I suppose we must.
[TEGANA] The Khan ordered you to ride without delay to Shang-Tu.
[POLO] I am also responsible for Ping-Cho's safety.
[TEGANA] Well, you're the one who will face his wrath.
[IAN] Will the Khan be angry, Marco?
[POLO] Of course he will.
[IAN] Very well, then. You ride on, I'll go back and find Ping-Cho.
[POLO] Alone?
[IAN] Why not? I can remember the road we came along. She can't be far.But she is in danger, and you yourself can't go.
[POLO] What do you hope to gain by this gesture, Ian? I'm sorry. When doyou want to start?
[IAN] As soon as possible.
[POLO] Go with Messer Ian and prepare a horse and provisions.
[BARBARA] Don't worry, Marco. He'll bring her back. You mustn'tunderestimate him.
[TEGANA] Very good advice, Marco.
(Cheng-Ting Way station)
[WANG-LO] When the embroiderers arrive, take themstraight to the lady May-Chin. My ladies, I cannot tell you howwonderful it is to.
[KUIJU] The trade caravan to Shang-Tu.
[WANG-LO] Where is the other man?
[KUIJU] The old man is very ill. It's my authority to collect the
[WANG-LO] I see. I've got eyes. It's in the stables.
[KUIJU] Hey! Give that to me!
[WANG-LO] Now, about your business!
[KUIJU] The old man is a fool.
[WANG-LO] (to other travellers) Please follow me.
[PING-CHO] My lord?
[KUIJU] Yes.
[PING-CHO] Are you with the caravan, my lord?
[KUIJU] I am, my lady.
[PING-CHO] Is your caravan bound for Samarkand?
[KUIJU] It might. Why?
[PING-CHO] I would like to journey with your caravan, unless it is goingto Shang-Tu.
[KUIJU] It's possible.
[PING-CHO] I can pay.
[KUIJU] Come to think of it, we do strike inland. I'll talk to thecommander of the caravan.
[PING-CHO] Shall I come with you?
[KUIJU] No, you wait here. Give me the money. (she does) Don't worry,little one. I'll arrange it.
[WANG-LO] You paid money? You foolish child. You have been robbed.
[PING-CHO] Robbed? What shall I do? It was all the money I had.
[WANG-LO] Haven't I seen you before? Not long since. I know. You werewith Messer Marco Polo's caravan.
[PING-CHO] No, my lord, no.
[WANG-LO] What have you done, child? Run away? Oh.
[IAN] Ping-Cho, why did you do it?
[PING-CHO] The key. And I can't marry a man old enough to be mygrandfather. I can't. Please don't take me back. Please.
[IAN] I must, Ping-Cho. I promised Marco.
[WANG-LO] I knew I'd seen her before, my lord. Silly child let herselfbe robbed.
[IAN] What?
[WANG-LO] Oh, some villain, posing as a caravan driver, took all hermoney on the promise of letting her travel inland with the caravan.
[IAN] Where did you meet this man?
[PING-CHO] Here.
[WANG-LO] At my way station? Impossible.
[PING-CHO] No, my lord, he was in the courtyard with you.
[WANG-LO] Oh, that one! But he was going to Shang-Tu. I have thedocument authorising him to take the old lord's caravan from thestables. Here it is.
[IAN] So the Tardis is on the road to Shang-Tu, eh?
[WANG-LO] Yes, my lord.
[DRIVER] The trade caravan to Shang-Tu, excellency. There is somethinghere for us to take.
[WANG-LO] Oh, but the other man said you were ill.
[DRIVER] What other man?
[WANG-LO] The one that took the old lord's caravan.
[DRIVER] But here is my authorisation.
[WANG-LO] But. But.
[IAN] What's the matter?
[WANG-LO] Oh, nothing, my lord. Just a slight confusion. I'm sure it canbe rectified.
[IAN] It's been stolen. The Tardis has been stolen!
[POLO [OC]] I hope all is well and Ian has foundPing-Cho. Our progress towards Shang-Tu continues to be excellent, andwe are now beyond the Great Wall, spending the fourth night of ourjourney at an inn about fifty miles from the Summer Palace.
(Another Inn)
[TEGANA] You trust too much, and doubt too little!Marco, let me go back after him.
[POLO] I will not agree to this.
[TEGANA] But, Marco!
[POLO] Look, it's no good. How will it appear if I stand before the Khanwithout you? You speak for Noghai. Silence could mean war.
[POLO] You must be at the Summer Palace. You must be, I say.
[TEGANA] Marco, the magician's caravan. Why do you think Ian offered soreadily, so, so eagerly to go back after Ping-Cho?
[POLO] What's your point?
[TEGANA] Ping-Cho could be anywhere. The chances of finding her are verysmall. But, Ian knows where the caravan is. He knows exactly where itis.
[POLO] You're wrong, Tegana. I think I know something of Ian'scharacter.
[TEGANA] You can't know it all. Marco, just give me a strong horse. Now,by using your name, I can bring them both back to you. I can bring thegirl to you, and the caravan will be safe. You need the caravan.Because when peace is concluded with Kublai Khan, he might very wellexchange this magician's caravan for your return to Venice.
[TEGANA] Ah, all their sympathies are with Ping-Cho. They are allagainst this marriage.
[POLO] Then why did Ian go back to look for her?
[TEGANA] Exactly.
[TEGANA] I'm glad to see that your humour is not impaired by ourmisfortune.
[BARBARA] What do you mean? What misfortune?
[TEGANA] Well, your friend Ian has not returned. We can only assume thathe's failed to find Ping-Cho.
[BARBARA] Oh, you haven't given him enough time yet.
[SUSAN] Anyway, I'm glad. I hope he doesn't.
[TEGANA] Oh, I see. You want to see her alone, do you? Without friends?She might be kidnapped, murdered.
[SUSAN] Well, that won't happen to her. She's got money. She can buy asafe passage home.
[TEGANA] Money! Are we all sit in fear for her, and her intended husbandsits in despair?
[SUSAN] Oh, even you couldn't be so cruel as to want her to marry a manfour times her age.
[TEGANA] Even I? I thank you, lady. And this is your opinion too, Isuppose?
[BARBARA] I suppose so.
[POLO] One moment. Are you opposed to Ping-Cho's marriage?
[BARBARA] Look, why are we
[POLO] Answer my question please.
[BARBARA] Yes I am. Completely opposed to it.
[TEGANA] How very unusual for you and Ian to disagree.
[BARBARA] It isn't unusual at all. We don't agree about everything. Andin this case, we're in complete agreement. All of us.
[POLO] This marriage has the Khan's blessing. Am I to understand thatyou oppose it? Am I?
[POLO] All four of you?
[BARBARA] Yes, all four of us.
[POLO] Take your horse, Tegana. You have my leave to go. Use my name orsuch powers as you will, but bring them both to the Summer Palace!
[TEGANA] I shall do so.
[SUSAN] Why did you do that?
[POLO] To make certain.
[SUSAN] Certain of what?
[POLO] That Ian has gone back to look for Ping-Cho, and not yourcaravan.
(Way Station Courtyard)
[IAN] I've got to find it. I've got to. But where?
[PING-CHO] Perhaps it is still here.
[IAN] No, no, Ping-Cho. We should have heard. No, it's been taken, allright. Is must have been taken by some old road. Some route that's nolonger used.
[PING-CHO] The Karakorum road.
[IAN] Karakorum? But Karakorum's the capital of the Mongol empire.
[PING-CHO] Not any more. Not since the Khan built his palace at Peking.
[IAN] Yes, but it'll still be an important place. I mean, caravans'llstill go there.
[PING-CHO] Karakorum was not a city of stone. It was just a collectionof tents. When the Khan moved, the Mongols dispersed.
[IAN] So the road isn't used any more?
[PING-CHO] Never.
[IAN] Then, that'll be the answer.
[PING-CHO] Why would someone take the Tardis to Karakorum?
[IAN] I don't know, Ping-Cho. But until I find it, we shall never leaveKublai Khan's Cathay.
(Summer Palace Throne room)
[VIZIER] The Great War Lord and Master of the World,mighty Kublai Khan, is pleased to grant you an audience.
[POLO] We wait the Great Khan's pleasure.
[DOCTOR] It's all Chinese. Very interesting. It's odd that a Mongolshould choose Chinese architecture, isn't it?
[SUSAN] Did you see those beautiful pavilions?
[BARBARA] Yes. Weren't they magnificent?
[POLO] Some of them are made of solid gold.
[SUSAN] Are they?
[DOCTOR] What size are the grounds?
[POLO] Oh, they're enormous. They have to be to accommodate the Khan'stwo great passions, hunting and falconry. Do you know, in his stableshe has ten thousand white stallions?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, one's enough for me, young man. Red, white or blue.VIZIER
[DOCTOR] Pray then, what am I supposed to do, sir?
[VIZIER] Kow-tow. Kneel upon the ground and touch your forehead upon thefloor three times.
[DOCTOR] I shall do no such thing!
[VIZIER] Kublai Khan is the mightiest man the world has ever seen. Notto pay him homage will cost you your head.
[DOCTOR] Well, if it breaks my back, then he can take all of me. So whywaste time on small items?
[SUSAN] Grandfather, please.
[DOCTOR] Oh, do be quiet child. I'm not going to make a spectacle of
[VIZIER] Silence! Those who dare to come before the sight of the greatKublai Khan, kow-tow. Kow-tow before the War Lord of War Lords. Mightyand fearful in his strength. Kow-tow before the Ruler of Asia, India,Cathay and other territories. Kow-tow before the Master of the World.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, come on, get down.
[VIZIER] Kow-tow! Kow-tow!
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes. I'll manage it.
[VIZIER] Kow-tow!
[KHAN] Fools!
[KHAN] Do you mock our afflictions?
[DOCTOR] It's my back.
[KHAN] What ails it?
[DOCTOR] It's broken!
[VIZIER] Don't be impertinent!
[DOCTOR] I am not being impertinent, sir. I'm far from unwell.
[VIZIER] How dare you speak out!
[KHAN] This gout will be the end of us.
[KHAN] Marco, get up.
[POLO] My lord.
[KHAN] Get up, all of you. These gracious ladies also accompany you.Marco?
[POLO] They do, my lord.
[KHAN] We bid you welcome to our court, ladies. What's the matter withhim?
[POLO] Oh, five days hard riding on horseback, my lord. The Doctor's notaccustomed to it.
[KHAN] Doctor? Oh, is he? Are you, perchance, a physician?
[DOCTOR] I am not a doctor of medicine, sire, otherwise I should be ableto cure these pains.
[KHAN] Oh, what a pity. Where is the War Lord Tegana?
[POLO] Riding for Shang-Tu, my lord, with the lady Ping-Cho and acompanion of theirs.
[KHAN] Noghai's army's encamped at Karakorum.
[POLO] But that's impossible, my lord. When Tegana joined my caravan,Noghai's army was only forty miles north of Samarkand.
[KHAN] Then it stands hundred miles from Shang-Tu. We are very anxiousto hear Tegana's explanation of his master's conduct.
[POLO] I can understand my lord's concern, and it is my fault that he isnot here.
[KHAN] We are on our guard against treachery. Our patrols watch theKarakorum road, and tomorrow we'll ride for Peking.
[SUSAN] Must we go too?
[VIZIER] Silence. Speak only when you are addressed.
[KHAN] Tut, tut, tut. What was it you said?
[SUSAN] Well, I wondered if we might wait for Ping-Cho, my lord.
[KHAN] No, I think it is better that you ride with us.
[DOCTOR] Oh, not another horse.
[KHAN] You spoke?
[DOCTOR] I said I don't think I could get on another horse.
[KHAN] Then walk!
[DOCTOR] In my present condition, sir? And what about that lump ofyours, hmmm?
[VIZIER] The Master of the World has a carriage of state.
[DOCTOR] Well, he's lucky. He won't be jogged about.
[KHAN] Tomorrow you ride in state with us.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[KHAN] (in pain) Find suitable accommodation for our guests.
[VIZIER] As my lord commands.
[KHAN] Marco.
[POLO] My lord?
[KHAN] When Tegana arrives, bring him directly to us.
[POLO] Very good, my lord.
[KHAN] We have healing waters here which relieve my gout. Come, let usobserve their effects upon your aches and pains.
[DOCTOR] Very well, very well.
[KHAN] Oh, what a trial old age is.
[DOCTOR] It must be borne with dignity, sir.
[KHAN] Oh, dignity. Yes, of course. Now, take my arm, friend.
[SUSAN] That's the mighty Kublai Khan.
[POLO] Laugh if you will, Susan, but he is the greatest administratorthe world has ever seen.
[SUSAN] I'm sorry, Messer Marco.
[BARBARA] Marco, we can't leave here tomorrow. Not without Ian andPing-Cho.
[POLO] I'm afraid we have no choice, Barbara. Don't worry, Tegana willbring them to Peking.
[BARBARA] Will he?
(Karakorum Road)
[PING-CHO] That's him, Messer Ian. That's the man who robbed me.
[IAN] Yes. It looks as though he's waiting for something. Waiting forsomebody. That's why he's brought the Tardis here. Take cover.Get down, Ping-Cho.
[KUIJU] Who are you? What do you want? Speak!
[PING-CHO] Where's my money?
[IAN] Where is it? Where's the young girl's money?
[KUIJU] In my pouch, lord.
[IAN] Get it, Ping-Cho. You're a greedy man, aren't you? And you broughtthe old lord's caravan here, I suppose, to get money? Well, was it?
[KUIJU] Yes, lord!
[IAN] And who's going to give you that money? Tell me! Tell me!
[KUIJU] The War Lord Tegana.
[IAN] Tegana.
[IAN] I'll kill him.
[TEGANA] Do so. He is of no importance. Come. Come.
(Karakorum Road)
[IAN] Will the mighty War Lord kill a child as well?
[TEGANA] If in my way, as you are.
[IAN] And Kublai Khan? Is he in your way too?
[TEGANA] I serve Noghai. And with that, (the Tardis) he'll rule theworld.
[IAN] Only the Doctor can make that work.
[TEGANA] Noghai's sorcerers will reveal its secrets. Now, enough of thisgame.
[LING-TAU] Disarm them!
[LING-TAU] Stop him!
[LING-TAU] You fool. I did not command his death.
[TEGANA] My name is Tegana, the War Lord. Get rid of these men
[LING-TAU] I am Ling-Tau, captain and courier in the great Khan'sservice.
[TEGANA] They were trying to steal the Khan's property.
[IAN] That's not true.
[LING-TAU] I remember both of you. You were with Messer Marco Polo'scaravan.
[PING-CHO] He is the thief. We caught him with that.
[LING-TAU] Pardon me, my lady. I have not the authority to judge in thisdispute. It's a matter for the great Khan.
[TEGANA] Then take us to Shang-Tu.
[LING-TAU] The great Khan has left the Summer Palace at Shang-Tu, mylord. You will see him in Peking.
(Peking Throne room)
[DOCTOR] My game.
[KHAN] You're too good for us at backgammon. Tea?
[DOCTOR] Please.
[KHAN] Oh, that is our reckoning?
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes it is, sire, yes.
[KHAN] What do we owe?
[DOCTOR] Er, thirty-five elephants with ceremonial bridles, trappings,brocades and pavilions. Four thousand white stallions, and twenty-fivetigers.
[KHAN] That's not too bad, so far.
[DOCTOR] And the sacred tooth of Buddha which Polo brought over fromIndia.
[KHAN] Oh, that? What else? What more?
[DOCTOR] I'm very much afraid all the commerce from Burma for one year,sire.
[KHAN] Oh, the Empress. Hide it, hide it!
[EMPRESS] Winning, my love?
[KHAN] One wins, one loses, my dear.
[DOCTOR] The great Khan is far too modest, my lady.
[EMPRESS] You're not wagering are you? You know how it affects yourgout.
[DOCTOR] How charming.
[KHAN] Charming indeed, and yet there are moments, old friend, when wewish our character were more like that of our lamented grandfather,Genghis. Did you hear of him?
[DOCTOR] Genghis Khan? No, I didn't meet him, but I have heard of him.Yes.
[KHAN] Oh, he was the warrior of the family. Nothing frightened him. Weare the clan of the statistician and the administrator. Oh, she will befurious with me when she finds out what I have lost.
[DOCTOR] Oh, then you've lost nothing, sire.
[KHAN] No, no, no. These are bets of honour.
[DOCTOR] Well, one more game then, and if you win, you can take it allback again.
[KHAN] And if you win?
[DOCTOR] Well, er, Marco Polo has taken away my caravan and given it toyou, sire. If I win, perhaps I could have my caravan back again?
[KHAN] No, not that. No, take something else. The Island of Sumatra. Wecan't give you Marco's gift. We haven't even seen it yet.
[DOCTOR] But none of this is important to me, sire. You see, win orlose, you can have it all back again. But if I win, my ship, Tardis,comes back to me, hmm?
[KHAN] Let's play at that stake. (a knock at the door) Oh, go away!
[POLO [OC]] It's Marco Polo, my Lord.
[KHAN] Oh, Marco Polo. Well, would you object to one interruption?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no.
[KHAN] Enter.
[KHAN] We are too busy for that, Marco. Be brief, please. Be brief.
[POLO] As my lord commands. The War Lord Tegana has arrived in Peking.When he reaches the palace, shall I bring him directly to you?
[KHAN] No. No, we'll grant him an audience as soon as possible. Oh, wewant to tell you something, Marco. We owe half of Asia to our friend atbackgammon.
[POLO] It is unusual for you to lose, my Lord.
[KHAN] Oh, he is a fortunate one. But our friend here made a truly royalgesture which we have accepted, although it might upset you.
[POLO] Why should it do that?
[KHAN] That's our last game. Our losses against your gift to me.
[POLO] The caravan?
[DOCTOR] Yes, Marco. We're playing for the Tardis.
[POLO] But my Lord
[KHAN] Well?
[POLO] Nothing, my Lord. I will leave you to your game.
[DOCTOR] My throw.
[KHAN] But. Yes, your throw.
(Peking Palace Cloister)
[POLO] You will not believe this, but I swear it'strue. They're playing backgammon for your caravan.
[POLO] If the Doctor wins, he has won back Tardis.
[BARBARA] And if he loses?
[POLO] He's lost everything.
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather will win. I hope.
[POLO] The sly old fox. The Khan hasn't even seen it yet, and he'staking it away from me.
[BARBARA] Then this will solve everything. You've made your gesture andgiven the Tardis to the Khan, so he should let you go home. And withany luck, we can go home too. So we'll all have what we want.
[SUSAN] Yes, all except Ping-Cho.
[POLO] Yes, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about her, Susan. Herfuture husband is already in Peking.
[SUSAN] What in the palace?
[POLO] Yes, there is to be a banquet tonight in his honour, at which sixthousand guests will attend.
[SUSAN] Six thousand!
[POLO] He's a very important man.
[BARBARA] He must be. When is the wedding?
[POLO] Tomorrow morning.
[SUSAN] Poor Ping-Cho.
[LING-TAU] My lord, Polo.
[POLO] Yes? Oh, you're the courier that brought me the message fromShang-Tu, aren't you?
[LING-TAU] I am my Lord.
[POLO] It's a pleasure to see you again.
[LING-TAU] No, my Lord, I fear not.
[POLO] Why? What is wrong?
[LING-TAU] Two members of your party, the lord known as Ian, and thelady Ping-Cho, are being held under guard.
[POLO] Why?
[LING-TAU] They're accused of stealing the Khan's property.
[BARBARA] The Tardis?
[POLO] Well, who accuses them?
[BARBARA] Tegana.
[LING-TAU] Yes, my lady.
[BARBARA] That man is
[SUSAN] Wait! But Grandfather's going to win back the Tardis, so nocharges can be brought.
[POLO] Susan, you don't take your prize until you win the game.
[SUSAN] Grandfather! Grandfather, you've not lost?
[DOCTOR] He gave me this. A consolation prize. A piece of his papercurrency.
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather!
(Palace room)
[POLO] You have told me all?
[IAN] Everything from the moment I found Ping-Cho.
[POLO] And you distinctly heard Tegana say that the Khan was his enemy?
[IAN] Yes, Tegana said I serve Noghai, and he will conquer the world.Ping-Cho heard it as well.
[PING-CHO] Distinctly, Messer Marco.
[POLO] Ling-Tau, did you hear this?
[LING-TAU] No, my lord. I did not.
[POLO] That's a pity.
[IAN] You mean our word isn't strong enough against Tegana's?
[PING-CHO] There are two of us, Messer Marco.
[POLO] No, Ping-Cho. Ian must stand trial alone.
[POLO] Your husband-to-be has asked the Khan to excuse you. He promisesto take you away from Peking as soon as the marriage ceremony is over.
[PING-CHO] And the Khan has agreed?
[POLO] You are to be married tomorrow morning.
(Peking Throne room)
[KHAN] So this is our flying caravan. Thank you for recovering it forus, Lord Tegana.
[TEGANA] Good fortune gave me the opportunity of serving the great Khan.
[KHAN] The lady Ping-Cho has been excused of complicity in the theft.
[TEGANA] The Khan shows much wisdom and compassion. What crimes shecommitted were done under the influence of others.
[KHAN] Crimes? Who else was there?
[TEGANA] The old magician, my lord, tried several times to regain thecaravan.
[KHAN] Were there other attempts to steal it? Marco did not mention themto us.
[TEGANA] Is that not natural, my lord, that he would wish to guard them?
[KHAN] You have served us well.
[TEGANA] In dealings with Mongols like ourselves, yes, my lord. But heis as they are. And does not one's loyalty first lie with one's ownkind?
[KHAN] Your point is taken, Lord Tegana.
[KHAN] Marco, thank you for our gift.
[POLO] I am the Khan's obedient servant.
[KHAN] We are glad to know. But then, there were other attempts to stealthe caravan? Why did you not invoke our laws?
[POLO] To have done so would have been unjust, my lord. Our laws arealien to them.
[KHAN] They were on our soil, therefore, subject to our laws. Why didyou not invoke them?
[POLO] The caravan belonged to them, my lord.
[TEGANA] My lord, I can hold my peace no longer. Forgive me. How canthat be? You claimed it in the Khan's name?
[POLO] It was wrong of me to do so.
[TEGANA] You wear the Khan's gold seal. It gives you your authority totake what you will.
[POLO] When the cause is just. This was not.
[KHAN] What was it then?
[POLO] Selfish.
[KHAN] What did you hope to gain?
[TEGANA] He wanted to force you to let him return to Venice.
[KHAN] You wanted to bribe us, Marco?
[POLO] I'd hoped you would allow me to return home, my lord.
[KHAN] Your gift has failed. It is ours because we won the right to keepit in a game of chance. Where is the key?
[POLO] In my quarters, my lord.
[KHAN] Bring it to us after the banquet, and then we'll examine ourprize.
[POLO] My lord, you do me a great wrong.
[KHAN] We are distressed and angered by your conduct, Marco. Pleasethink about it. You'll also attend us after the banquet, Lord Tegana.We'll discuss the terms of our settlement with Noghai. But we be onguard against you.
[TEGANA] What have I that the Khan should fear?
[KHAN] The power of persuasion.
(Peking Throne room - later that evening)
[KHAN] Dead! And in the middle of the feast. Howshall we tell her? Terrible! Horrible! Terrible and horrible! Horribleand terrible!
[KHAN] Oh, here you are, my child. Come, we have something to tell you.A tragedy has occurred at the table tonight.
[PING-CHO] Tragedy, my lord?
[KHAN] Your beloved husband-to-be, so anxious to be worthy of your love,drank a potion of quicksilver and sulphur, the elixir of life andeternal youth, and expired.
[EMPRESS] Come into my arms, child. Let me share your grief.
[KHAN] You're overdoing it, my dear, the child is dry-eyed.
[EMPRESS] Oh, ungrateful wretch! Do you not weep for your lost love?
[PING-CHO] My lady, I grieve an old man's death as all would do. But howcan I weep for a love I have never known?
[KHAN] Tell us, Ping-Cho. Do you wish to return to your home inSamarkand? Or would you like to stay a while in our Court and brightenall our days?
[PING-CHO] If I may, my lord, I would like to stay.
[KHAN] So be it. Wait, Marco. Tell us, my child, your opinion of thetravellers from a distant land?
[PING-CHO] They are my friends, my lord. As they will always be.
[KHAN] Thank you, Ping-Cho. Wait, Marco. Let that young officer escortlady Ping-Cho to her quarters.(Ping-Cho and Ling-Tau leave)
[KHAN] She is forthright and honest. We trust her, as we once did you.Our mind dwells upon your conduct, Marco, and we've decided that youhave to prove yourself worthy of our trust. If you fail this to do, wetake from you our patronage, banish you from our Court, and let yourenemies fall upon you. You have the key of the caravan?
[POLO] Yes, my lord, but you would be well advised to have the Doctorwith you when you open it.
[KHAN] Fetch him, Marco, fetch him. No, wait. Not until our audiencewith the Lord Tegana is concluded.
(Outside the Throne room)
[POLO] I underestimated you, Tegana.
[TEGANA] No, you overestimated yourself.
(Palace room)
[SUSAN] The Khan won't even see us.
[DOCTOR] What's the point. We've tried everything.
[BARBARA] What's Tegana's game?
[IAN] Well, we can be quite clear about that. Tegana said, I serveNoghai and he will conquer the world with the help of the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] I always knew Tegana was a two-faced villain.
[SUSAN] Yes, well, that doesn't help Ian, does it? He's got to take theblame.
[BARBARA] I wish I could remember what it was the Khan said that upsetMarco so much.
[IAN] What's it matter now?
[BARBARA] Well, it was something about Noghai and Tegana.
[SUSAN] I'm sure Tegana was behind that bandit raid. But why?
[DOCTOR] It wasn't just my ship then. Whatever double-game Tegana isplaying, he must have decided upon a long time before we appeared onthe scene.
[BARBARA] I remember!
[DOCTOR] Hmmm?
[BARBARA] The Khan was furious because Noghai had moved his armies fromSamarkand to Karakorum.
[DOCTOR] And that's why he delayed Marco Polo's caravan. To give Noghaimore time to move his armies nearer Peking.
[IAN] Yes, that makes sense. Even so, why should Kublai Khan fearNoghai? He has an enormous army, and he's already defeated him once,surely.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but what you have to take into account where battles areconcerned, dear boy, are its leaders. Kill the leader, and where areyou? What happens? The whole army dissipates itself into chaos andutter confusion. It's happened throughout your history time and timeagain!
[SUSAN] Grandfather, do you mean to say Tegana's going to assassinatethe Khan?
[DOCTOR] Exactly, and what could be a better answer then to disorganiseeverything here. It gives Noghai the perfect answer to overrun thecountry.
[BARBARA] But then, we must get to the Khan before Tegana kills him,otherwise.
[IAN] I've had it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, we've all had it.
[SUSAN] Look, how are we going to get Ian past the guard?
[DOCTOR] Guard! Open the door.
[SUSAN] Which way?
[IAN] Let's try down here.(They run on until they meet Polo and a guard)
[IAN] Marco.
[POLO] Ian, what are you doing, you fool?
[IAN] Marco, you must stop Tegana! He's going to kill the Khan!
[POLO] Seize him!
[IAN] Marco, listen to me, Tegana
[POLO] Take him back to his cell, and keep him under close surveillance.
[SUSAN] But Messer Marco, you must
[LING-TAU] My lord!
[POLO] What is it?
[LING-TAU] A messenger has just arrived. Noghai's army is marching onPeking.
[POLO] Tegana's in the throne room with the Khan now.
[DOCTOR] Well, then, look, somebody must protect him.
[POLO] Hold that, Doctor, and stay here, all of you.
(Peking Throne room)
[TEGANA] Your terms of peace are hard, my lord.
[KHAN] Tegana, those who rise against us must be humbled.
[TEGANA] They shall be honoured. I promised Noghai to make an end ofthis matter.
[POLO] Tegana!
[KHAN] We warned you, Tegana, those who rise against us will be humbled.You must die.
[POLO] Take him away. Doctor, take the keys quickly.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[POLO] Now go.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[POLO] Go.
[DOCTOR] Come along.
[PING-CHO] Susan, goodbye.
[SUSAN] Bye, Ping-Cho.
[PING-CHO] Your caravan, quickly.
[SUSAN] Goodbye!
[POLO] I'm sorry, my lord. I had to give them back their flying caravan.
[KHAN] If you hadn't, the old man would have won it at backgammon. Andit is true. A flying caravan. There's something for you to tell yourfriends in Venice.
[POLO] No, my lord. They would not believe half the things that I haveseen in Cathay. But what is the truth? I wonder where they are now? Thepast or the future?
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s01", "episode": "e04", "title": "Marco Polo"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (11 Apr, 1964; First Doctor) - The Keys Of Marinus
[IAN] Any radiation, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] No, nothing to speak of. The counter's hardly reading anything.Shall we take a look?
[BARBARA] Pity you don't have colour television.
[DOCTOR] Oh, but I have.
[BARBARA] Where is it, then?
[DOCTOR] Well, at the moment it's temporarily hors de combat.
[BARBARA] Oh, look. That's the sea, isn't it?
[SUSAN] Yes, and sand. Grandfather, I wonder where we are?
[IAN] One thing's sure. We're not at Southend.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, can we go and have a look? Can we?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I don't think, I don't see why not. There's nothing, nodanger about. Come on. Let's go and have a look.
[IAN] No.
[DOCTOR] What?
[IAN] Well, I thought when you switched the scanner on, I thought I sawsomething move up there. Oh, probably just a shadow.
[DOCTOR] Well, let's go outside and have a look.
[SUSAN] It is the sea. It's beautiful.
[IAN] Yes, absolutely calm. Not even a ripple.
[BARBARA] It isn't frozen, is it?
[DOCTOR] No, impossible in this temperature. Besides, it's too warm.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, do you think it's safe to go for a swim?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no. Not at the moment, child. However inviting thatwater looks, we don't know what sort of creatures might be lurkingbeneath its surface.
[BARBARA] It's so quiet.
[IAN] Yes, it is. No birds or anything.
[BARBARA] There's nothing growing.
[DOCTOR] I say, what do you make of this, Chesterton? Fascinating.
[IAN] It's glass.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it is, isn't it. Yes. Glass instead of sand, eh?Intriguing, intriguing, my boy.
[IAN] Do you think the sand turned into glass?
[DOCTOR] Or was the glass put here deliberately, and if so, why, hmm?
[SUSAN] There's a lovely pool over here. If I can't swim, at least I canpaddle.
[BARBARA] (slipping and bumping into her, making her drop a shoe intothe pool) Oh, sorry, Susan.
[SUSAN] Never mind. I'll get it. You going to come in?
[IAN] No, Susan, don't!
[BARBARA] Ian, what is it?
[IAN] Must be some sort of acid.
[BARBARA] But it was so fast. It just seemed to dissolve.
[SUSAN] And I was going to paddle in it.
[BARBARA] It's all right, Susan. It's all right. Look, you've got somemore shoes back at the ship, haven't you? Well, go and put them on.We'll wait here for you.
[IAN] Here, you'd better take my boots.
[SUSAN] I can't put those on. They're much too big for me.
[BARBARA] Now, come on. It's better than cutting your feet open on thisglass.
[SUSAN] All right.
[IAN] There.
[SUSAN] I'm going to fill them up with sand anyway.
[IAN] All right?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[IAN] They'll give you lovely corns, those will.
[BARBARA] Seven league boots, hey?
[BARBARA] Ian. This is a tidal pool.
[IAN] Yes, I agree. Rather ties up with the glass beach, doesn't it.
[BARBARA] Then everything out there is acid too. A sea of acid.
[DOCTOR] Sea of acid. Astonishing. You know, in all my travels I'venever come across anything like this before. However, Susan wasn'tharmed, anyway.
[BARBARA] She was a bit frightened of losing her shoes, but she's goneback to the ship for another pair.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and if you'd had your shoes on, my boy, you could havelent her hers. You mustn't get sloppy in your habits, you know. Goodgracious.
[BARBARA] It looks like a glass torpedo.
[IAN] Or a one man submarine. It's certainly designed for going underthe water.
[DOCTOR] Under acid, more likely.
[IAN] Yes. I don't know if it's occurred to you, Doctor, but this meansthis place is inhabited.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, it has occurred to me. Let's see what it is. Help meget this top off.
[BARBARA] Doctor!
[BARBARA] There's another one over here, and there's something insideit.
[SUSAN] Grandfather!
[DOCTOR] See that crack along there? It's where the acid must haveseeped in.
[IAN] That's got it.
[IAN] Now, let's have a look at you.
[DOCTOR] Use that, use that.
[IAN] Hmm? Oh, all right. (uses the Doctor's walking stick to pull out afrogman's suit)
[BARBARA] It's a protective suit!
[DOCTOR] Yes, and whatever it was wore it, is similar to a human being,hmm?
[IAN] Yes, but how did it get out? Seems to be perfectly intact.
[BARBARA] I don't think it did get out. There's a tear in the materialhere.
[IAN] You mean the acid got in. Poor devil.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I think we ought to go back to the ship and try andfind Susan. She should have caught up with us by now. Come along.
[IAN] Look at that fantastic building! (the pyramid)
[DOCTOR] Good! Now perhaps we might learn who it is that uses thesestrange ships. Anyway, lets get back to the ship and find Susan. Later,perhaps, a little visiting, I think.
[IAN] Yes.
[BARBARA] She isn't inside anywhere.
[DOCTOR] Oh, wretched child. Now where's she got to, I wonder?
[BARBARA] Ian, there are your boots. And there are Susan's footprints inthe sand here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, sand here and glass on the beach. I'm beginning to thinkthat sea of acid is a defence barrier.
[IAN] Except against glass submarines, eh, Doctor?
[BARBARA] What you mean is that all visitors are unwelcome.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it would seem so.
[IAN] We must find Susan. She may have gone to have a look at thatbuilding.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes.
(Outside the building)
[IAN] Oh, it's enormous!
[BARBARA] Look at the joins in the blocks, Ian.
[IAN] Yes, no mortar. Must have been built with tremendous accuracy.
[BARBARA] Yes, the Egyptians did the same thing. So did the Indians ofCentral and Southern America.
[IAN] A precise distribution of weight, that's the key, isn't it?
[BARBARA] Yes. Marvellous, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, now before you two get carried away, I think we'd bettergo and find Susan, hmm?
[BARBARA] Yes, you're quite right.
[IAN] Well, for a start, let's make a circuit of this place.
[DOCTOR] Excellent. Now I suggest we go different ways and meet back atthe furthermost point, which is probably round the corner theresomewhere. Off you go, off you go now.
[BARBARA] Did you hear that?
[IAN] Yes, it was Susan. Come on!
[BARBARA] I could have sworn I heard her.
[IAN] We certainly heard something. Can't be sure it was Susan, ofcourse.
[BARBARA] Well, I am sure.
[IAN] Yes, but where's the Doctor? Even if he'd been travelling at halfspeed, he should have reached that far corner by now.
(Outside the building)
[BARBARA] Well, Ian, there's only one thing to do.That's another circuit of the walls.
[IAN [OC]] I've just been all around and I couldn't find a dooranywhere.
[BARBARA] Well, I suppose there's every chance she didn't come this way.She's probably back at the ship waiting for us. I said, she's probablyback at the ship waiting for us. Ian? Ian? Ian!
[SUSAN] Dreadful. The wall just seemed to swallow me up, and then thisman grabbed me and the next thing I knew, he fell dead in front of me.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. From what Susan has described, he was wearing a suitsimilar to the one we found on the beach.
[BARBARA] Are these the ones that live here?
[DOCTOR] No, no. The man wearing the monk's habit lives in thisbuilding.
[BARBARA] So the men from the glass submarines are intruders, like us.
[DOCTOR] Yes, with one difference, which is puzzling but revealing. Theydied, and we're only prisoners.
[BARBARA] Well maybe we're to be killed, too.
[DOCTOR] I shouldn't worry too much about that. That young schoolmasterfriend of yours is very resourceful. Whilst he's free, our chance ofrescue is still good.
[BARBARA] Well, that's just it, Doctor. He isn't free. He was capturedbefore I was.
[ARBITAN] Why do you protect me?
[IAN] Are you a prisoner here?
[ARBITAN] In a way. I can never leave here. In a way, this is my home.
[IAN] Where are my friends?
[ARBITAN] Safe. I saw your machine materialise. Until I knew otherwise Ihad to treat you as potential enemies. The Voord were trying topenetrate the walls.
[IAN] The Voord?
[ARBITAN] The man you just saved me from was a Voord. It's many yearssince their last assault, but now they've returned and if they continueto come they're bound to succeed eventually.
[IAN] I should have thought this place was impregnable. How many of youdefend it?
[ARBITAN] How many? I am alone. Oh, please, let us release yourcompanions and then I'll try to explain.
[IAN] Good idea.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. I want to know more about thisplanet. Your technology, you say, reached its peak over two thousandyears ago?
[ARBITAN] Yes, and all our knowledge culminated in the manufacture ofthis. At the time, it was called the Conscience of Marinus. Marinus,that is the name of our planet. At first, this machine was simply ajudge and jury that was never wrong, and unfair. And then we added toit, improved on it, made it more and more sophisticated so that finallyit became possible to radiate its power and influence the minds of menthroughout the planet. They no longer had to decide what was wrong orright. The machine decided for them.
[DOCTOR] I see. And in that case it was possible to eliminate evil fromthe minds of men for all time.
[ARBITAN] That is exactly what happened. Marinus was unique in theuniverse. Robbery, fear, hate, violence were unknown among us. Yes,yes, for seven centuries we prospered, and then a man named Yartekfound a means of overcoming the power of the machine. He and hisfollowers, the Voords, were able to rob, exploit, kill, cheat. Ourpeople could not resist because violence is alien to them.
[IAN] But surely by this time this machine had become a great danger toyou? If it had fallen into the hands of the Voords, they could havecontrolled Marinus. Why didn't you destroy it?
[ARBITAN] We always hoped to find a way of modifying it and making itagain irresistible. So instead of destroying it, we removed the fivekey microcircuits.
[IAN] What did you do with them?
[ARBITAN] One of them, I kept. There it is. (points up) The other fourwere taken and put in places of safety all over Marinus. Only I knowwhere they are, and now the time has come when they must be recovered.
[BARBARA] Well why don't you simply make new keys?
[ARBITAN] The keys are very simple, but the microcircuits inside arevery complicated. A permutation of numbers and signals that would takea thousand years to unravel. And besides, since the keys were hidden, Ihave worked on this machine and modified it, so that when they'rereplaced
[DOCTOR] When they're replaced it would mean that your machine isirresistible and you can overcome and control the Voords again.
[IAN] Surely there must be someone you can send for these keys?
[ARBITAN] Through the years all my friends, all my followers, have gone.They have never returned. Last year I sent my daughter. She has notcome back. All I have now to comfort me is the distant echo of hervoice, the imagined sound of her footsteps. But now your coming'sbrought new hope. Oh yes, yes, you must find the keys for me.
(Outside the Tardis)
[BARBARA] Ian, wait a minute. The Doctor's milesbehind. I don't know about you, but I felt terrible leaving that oldman. We seem to be his last hope.
[IAN] Yes, I wish there had been something we could have done for him.
[SUSAN] Oh, come on, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] I'm coming, child. Don't rush, I'm coming. Well, don't juststand there, come along, come along. Keeping me waiting.
[DOCTOR] What?
[BARBARA] What is it?
[IAN] Well, it's some sort of invisible barrier. What do you make of it,Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I don't know. There's no substance here. Have alook round the side, child. Go along.
[BARBARA] It's like an invisible wall.
[DOCTOR] Is it a circular barrier?
[SUSAN] Goes all the way round. Can't see a cause to it.
[DOCTOR] No, of course, there wouldn't be. The molecules would be attheir weakest. Ha! It's fascinating, Chesterton. Yes, I've got it, I'vegot it. You know, I think a force barrier has been put up around theship.
[ARBITAN [OC]] I am sorry you forced me to keep you from your ship, butyour refusal to help me left me no alternative.
[IAN] Arbitan, where are you?
[ARBITAN [OC]] That is not important. If you help me find the keys ofMarinus, I will let you have access to your machine when you havedelivered all the keys to me. If not, you will stay on the islandwithout food or water. The choice is yours.
[IAN] Choice? What choice?
(Control room)
[IAN] Well, at least we know the rough location of the keys. Now all wehave to do is get them.
[ARBITAN] As soon as you have started your voyage, I will release theforcefield. Your ship will be available to you when you return.
[BARBARA] If we return.
[DOCTOR] I know we have no choice, but this whole affair is outrageous.Blackmail, pure and simply blackmail.
[IAN] Oh, Doctor, don't lets go through all that again. Let's just geton with the job.
[ARBITAN] Perhaps you will bring me news of my daughter. I miss her.Yes, I miss her.
[DOCTOR] And another thing. If you think I'm going to travel across thatacid sea in one of these primitive submersibles, you're very muchmistaken.
[ARBITAN] I wouldn't think of asking you to travel in such an absurdway. No, I'm going to give you a device which will enable you to movefrom place to place.
[DOCTOR] Oh, really.
[ARBITAN] The principle is much the same as that of your ship. Placethat around your wrist, please. You told me about, except this willenable you to cross space, not time.
[IAN] What, this little thing?
[DOCTOR] Oh don't be ridiculous, my boy. This is a perfectly acceptablemethod of travel. Very compact and very neat, sir, if I may say. Yes.
[ARBITAN] They're all programmed to the same destination. You have onlyto twist the dial once.
[BARBARA] Like this?
[SUSAN] Barbara!
[IAN] What! What have you done to Barbara?
[ARBITAN] You must not waste time. You must follow, quickly. One finalword. If when you return, you find the Voord have taken this building,do not let them get the keys. You understand? Destroy them! Now, now,twist the dials.
[ARBITAN] For the sake of all my people, I hope you succeed.
(Outside a metal door)
[DOCTOR] Oh, how exhilarating.
[SUSAN] Where's Barbara? She should be here now. Barbara? Barbara?
[IAN] It's Barbara's travel dial. Look, there's blood on it!
(Outside a metal door)
[DOCTOR] Yes, I can't imagine why Barbara left ofher own free will.
[SUSAN] No, surely she'd wait for us.
[IAN] Of course she would.
[DOCTOR] It seems there's only one conclusion. What ever it is that'sbehind that door must have taken her by force.
[IAN] Let's get inside.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. Don't let us be precipitous.
[IAN] Doctor, there's blood on this strap. That means she's hurt, maybebadly. We can't argue now. Let's get inside.
[DOCTOR] Very well, but I say I'm sure it's a mistake.
[IAN] I don't believe it.
[BARBARA] Ian! Susan! I'm glad you're here.
[SUSAN] Barbara! You're all right!
[BARBARA] Of course I'm all right. In fact I'm better than all right.
[SUSAN] We saw your travel dial. There was blood on it.
[BARBARA] I know. That was silly. I turned the dial and I seemed to befalling through space. I got frightened and tried to tear it off mywrist. It just scratched me, see.
[IAN] Well, I must say, quite a nice little place you've got here.
[BARBARA] You haven't seen anything yet. Will you get some food for myfriends?
[BARBARA] You may be seated.
[IAN] Your royal highness is most gracious. Perhaps if your majesty willstop hogging the grapes we can all have some.
[BARBARA] Help yourself.
[IAN] Thanks.
[SUSAN] This is great.
[IAN] Well, what do you think about all this, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, sensuous and decadent, but rather pleasant. I say, is thata pomegranate?
[IAN] Yes, here you are.
[DOCTOR] Extraordinary.
[IAN] Well, whatever we expected, it certainly wasn't anything likethis.
[SUSAN] Oh, those silks. They're gorgeous. I'd love a dress made fromone of these.
[BARBARA] Well, that's what they're here for. They asked me to choosethe materials I wanted for my robe.
[DOCTOR] It's all most remarkable.
[BARBARA] Oh, it's magnificent.
[IAN] It certainly is.
[SUSAN] Hey, I'm starving.
[BARBARA] What's the matter? Don't you like it?
[IAN] No, I've just realised nobody's shown me the menu.
[SUSAN] They've got everything here.
[DOCTOR] Truffles. I do believe they're truffles. Well, well.
[BARBARA] Go on, Ian. Have one.
[IAN] No. You see, I don't know the price yet.
[BARBARA] But we're guests here.
[IAN] You've met the host, have you?
[BARBARA] Yes, I have, and his manners are perfect.
[DOCTOR] So is his kitchen. Delicious.
[SUSAN] Hey, we've got a visitor.
[IAN] This is where we pay the bill.
[BARBARA] Oh, relax, Ian.
[ALTOS] No, no, don't get up. I apologise for intruding, but I wonderedif there was anything you wanted?
[BARBARA] There is one thing you could do. Tell us about this place,about your people. Who do we have to thank for all this?
[ALTOS] You are in the city of Morphoton. Our people are perhaps themost contented in the universe. Nothing they desire is denied them.
[SUSAN] Could I have a dress made
[DOCTOR] Susan.
[ALTOS] No, please, please, let her go on.
[SUSAN] Well, I'd love a dress made from this silk here.
[DOCTOR] Susan, I will not have you take advantage
[ALTOS] She takes no advantage. Truly. Our one wish is to fulfil yourevery need. She shall have the dress.
[SUSAN] Thank you. Thank you.
[ALTOS] And you? Have you no wish, no great desire?
[DOCTOR] Well, er, yes, perhaps, but I'm afraid it's not quite as easyas giving Susan a dress out of that.
[SUSAN] What is it, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] Well, perhaps, if I had to choose, a well equipped laboratorywith every conceivable instrument. Yes. Yes.
[ALTOS] It will be arranged.
[IAN] It will? You mean he can have it?
[ALTOS] Perhaps in the morning when you see the laboratory, you willfind our way of life easier to understand, to believe. Now, as it islate, I suggest you sleep. In the morning, when you wake, you willlearn everything about Morphoton.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Well, we shall look forward to that.
[IAN] Yes, and even if you're not serious about the laboratory, we'revery grateful
[ALTOS] But I am serious. Goodnight.
[BARBARA] Goodnight.
[DOCTOR] Charming young man. Yes, charming. I think a study of thisculture is going to prove very, very fascinating. Oh, dear me. I'mtired, you know.
[BARBARA] I think the excitement's been too much for Susan, too. Comeon.
[BARBARA] Well, you don't look very happy.
[IAN] Me? No, no, no, not at all. Well, I think it's all marvellous.
[BARBARA] You're not very convincing. I don't know what you want.
[IAN] Perhaps it's my materialistic side. How rich and powerful do youhave to be to give things away free?
[BARBARA] Oh, now don't spoil it all for me.
[IAN] I didn't mean to do that.
[BARBARA] You can't apply Earth standards. You just can't.
[IAN] No. Certainly very different here. You notice that man's eyes?
[BARBARA] What about them?
[IAN] He didn't blink once. Am I being ridiculous?
[BARBARA] Yes. They're just kind, hospitable people.
[IAN] Yes.
[BARBARA] Try to get some sleep. You'll feel differently in the morning.
[IAN] I suppose it could be worse.
[IAN] Oh, good morning. Thank you very much.
[DOCTOR] Most refreshing.
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Look at these exquisite glasses, Chesterton.
[SUSAN] Can I have some more orange juice, please?
[IAN] Why not? Help yourself, there's plenty more.
[DOCTOR] Now, now, child. Don't take it all. We must leave some forBarbara when she wakes up.
[IAN] Yes, Barbara. She really is having a deep sleep, isn't she?
[DOCTOR] What's the matter, hmm?
[IAN] Oh, this, oh, I don't know. Just a sort of mild irritation on theforehead. It's nothing at all.
[DOCTOR] No, there's nothing there. I only mentioned it because I haverather a sore spot here myself.
[SUSAN] Oh, look! Look, Grandfather, it's my dress. Thank you. Thankyou. It's beautiful, look.
[IAN] Yes, it really is very elegant, Susan.
[SUSAN] Can I show Barbara? Can I wake her up?
[IAN] Why not. She can't sleep all the morning.
[SUSAN] Barbara. Barbara. Wake up. Wake up.
[BARBARA] What's happened?
[IAN] What's the matter?
[BARBARA] Well, look. Look around you. Can't you see?
[DOCTOR] I don't think she's properly awake. Susan, get me a glass ofthat fruit juice, will you?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Here, drink this.
[BARBARA] No, it's filthy!
[DOCTOR] Now you've broken it.
[IAN] Barbara, what's got into you?
[BARBARA] Why can't you see?
[DOCTOR] This is going to test our host's patience, you know. It's oneof a set.
[BARBARA] It's just a dirty old mug. And the room, why have they changedit?
[SUSAN] It's the same, Barbara.
[BARBARA] No it isn't. It isn't. And this terrible dress. And thefurniture.
[DOCTOR] What's happened to her?
[BARBARA] Why can't you see it?
[IAN] Barbara, Barbara.
[BARBARA] It's all changed!
[IAN] Come on, now, get a hold of yourself.
[SUSAN] Don't be frightened, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Ian, try to see. Please. Try to see the truth.
[SUSAN] Don't be afraid. Look. They brought me my dress.
[BARBARA] It's dirty. Dirty rags.
[IAN] Barbara, these people are very kind to us. They've given useverything.
[BARBARA] They've given you nothing. I don't know what they've done toyou, or why it hasn't worked on me, but I must find a way to show you.I must, before it's too late.
[DOCTOR] Ah, here comes Altos. Now perhaps he can convince you.
[BARBARA] He knows it's failed on me.
[ALTOS] What's the matter? Aren't you feeling well? Let me take you toour physicians.
[ALTOS] Please, I only want to help you.
[IAN] Barbara!
[ALTOS] Please, don't concern yourself. She's overwrought. I'll dealwith it. You stay here.
(Morpho's room)
[ALTOS] One of the women has resisted the power of the mesmerant. Shehas escaped into the city.
[MORPHO] Who placed the discs?
[ALTOS] The girl Sabetha.
[MORPHO] She has failed us and must be punished. Return now to the otherthree. Reassure them about their friend. Take them to their laboratory.In four hours we will give them the final exposure to the mesmerant.They will be completely subjugated.
[ALTOS] And what of the one that has escaped?
[MORPHO] She has seen the truth, and is beyond our control. Find her anddestroy her.
[BARBARA] You're the girl who put the discs on our foreheads.
[SABETHA] I made a mistake. I am to be punished.
[BARBARA] Tell me all you can about this place.
[SABETHA] I am to be punished.
[BARBARA] Listen to me. I believe you're under some deep form of deephypnosis.
[SABETHA] I am to be punished.
[BARBARA] Oh, what's the use?
(Outside the laboratory)
[ALTOS] The physician says she was in a highlynervous condition. She is now under deep sedation. She will soonrecover.
[IAN] Well, that's a relief. Perhaps we can visit her later?
[ALTOS] Yes, of course.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, well, naturally we're all glad that she's going to beall right, so if there's nothing more we can do for her, I suggest weget a look at the laboratory, hmm?
[IAN] I've never seen anything like it!
[DOCTOR] I think I shall find considerable scope here.
[IAN] Doctor, isn't that a cyclotron?
[DOCTOR] What? Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. A simple toy. I'm sure that willamuse you. Ah, now this might be helpful.
[DOCTOR] Yes, if I can have instruments like these, I might be able toovercome the fault in the time mechanism aboard the ship.
[IAN] They really can do it, eh? They can give you anything you ask for.
[BARBARA] Where did you get this?
[SABETHA] It's mine.
[BARBARA] I don't want to take it away from you. I just want to knowwhere you got it.
[SABETHA] They gave it to me. My masters. It was the thing I desiredmost. It's mine.
[BARBARA] But why? Why did you want it?
[SABETHA] It's mine.
[BARBARA] Listen to me. Does the name Arbitan mean anything to you?Arbitan?
[SABETHA] Arbitan?
[BARBARA] Oh, please, please try to remember.
[SABETHA] Arbitan. He sent me here. I was. I can't remember.
[BARBARA] Is Arbitan your father?
(Morpho's room)
[MORPHO] Open the panel. They're sleeping soundly.Altos is placing the Somnar discs. Already I sense their will beginningto weaken, memories fading. When they wake, all resistance will haveended. They will remember no more.
[ALTOS] What are your orders for them when they have recovered?
[MORPHO] The two men will join the working parties. We can use theyounger one's strength with the haulage gangs. The old man is weaker,but intelligent. Isolate him and put him to work on the scheme forincreasing my powers. As for the child, she must be trained rapidly.She will take the place of Sabetha, the one that failed us.
[ALTOS] And what of the one that has escaped?
[MORPHO] That is your responsibility. As soon as it is light, a thoroughsearch must be made. If you fail, you will be killed. She must befound.
[BARBARA] Concentrate, Sabitha, please. Look, we'realmost finished.
[SABETHA] I can't remember any more. I feel so sleepy.
[ALTOS] You are to come with me.
[BARBARA] Sabetha, I must find the others and try and convince them. IfI succeed, I'll come back for you.
[BARBARA] Ian! Oh, thank heaven I've found you. Oh,I thought they must have got to you. I thought. Ian?
[IAN] You must be the one who escaped. The one they told me about.
[IAN] I must take you to them.
(Morpho's room)
[MORPHO] So, she has been caught. You have donewell and proved yourself worthy.
[BARBARA] It's disgusting. Ian, can't you see how you're being used?
[MORPHO] We are the masters of this place. Our brains out-grew ourbodies. It is our intelligence that has created this whole city, but weneed the help of the human body to feed us and to carry out our orders.
[BARBARA] You use your people to act as machines for you.
[MORPHO] Much more than machines. The human body is the most flexibleinstrument in the world. No single mechanical device could reproduceits mobility and dexterity.
[BARBARA] So I'm to become one of your slaves?
[MORPHO] No. You have seen the truth of our city. It is beyond our powerto erase this from your memory. You must be destroyed. Kill her. Killher.
[MORPHO] Kill her. Kill her. Kill her.
[MORPHO] Kill her! Kill her! Argh!
[IAN] Oh, oh, where are we? Barbara! Barbara.
[BARBARA] It's all right, Ian. It's all right now.
[BARBARA] They're burning the city!
[IAN] Yes. I don't blame them. Trouble is, they'll be up here soon.
[DOCTOR] Seeking their revenge, are they? Poor creatures.
[BARBARA] Ian thinks we should get out of here as soon as possible.
[IAN] Yes, I do.
[BARBARA] Where's Susan?
[DOCTOR] We're all meeting here. She's bringing Sabetha and that youngman Altos. I questioned him and there's no doubt about it. He's one ofArbitan's couriers.
[IAN] They're coming with us?
[DOCTOR] Yes. He's going with you, certainly. By the way, I found thesetravel dials. Those repellant brain things didn't appreciate theirsignificance, fortunately.
[BARBARA] Doctor, what did you mean, Altos is going with you?
[DOCTOR] I will explain it all in good time. Ah, here are the others.
[IAN] Good. Let's go, then.
[DOCTOR] No, wait. Now, we have one key and there are three more tofind.
[SUSAN] Yes. Sabetha wanted to continue the search with us.
[ALTOS] I wish to join you, too.
[DOCTOR] Good idea.
[ALTOS] I was sent by Arbitan. I and a friend called Eprin. Our plan wasas follows. He would go ahead in search of key four, and I would comehere for the first.
[IAN] Arbitan hadn't heard from either of you. Or anyone else, for thatmatter.
[DOCTOR] Well, we must presume something has happened to your friendEprin.
[ALTOS] It may just be that he couldn't reach the key. It lies somewherein the city of Millenius.
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes, the place you mentioned, yes. The highly civilisedsociety. Now then, I've decided to adopt his plan.
[IAN] What? You mean go two jumps ahead and try and find the fourth key?
[DOCTOR] Yes, precisely. I shall try and find out what's happened toyour friend Eprin. If he's alive, make contact, then we can all meetagain.
[SUSAN] Do you know how to adjust the dial, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] Yes, Altos has shown me how to adjust mine.
[SUSAN] Yours? Well, aren't I coming?
[DOCTOR] No. I think it better if you travel with the main party, child.
[SUSAN] But I want to go with you!
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I know, Susan, but don't you see it's better if wesplit our forces. You see, it's a very dangerous situation and thesooner we get on with it, the better. For my part, I know you'll bewell looked after. And as for me, well, I'm going to a well-orderedsociety and I think it's the best and speediest way, really.
[SUSAN] All right. Won't be for long though, will it?
[BARBARA] I was wondering if we should fix a time to meet.
[DOCTOR] Say five days.
[IAN] Yes, that's not a bad idea. But you'd better give us another twojust in case of possible delays.
[BARBARA] I hope everything won't be as bad as this place.
[DOCTOR] No, I hope not. Put these on, please.
[IAN] Well, goodbye Doctor, and take care of yourself.
[DOCTOR] Oh, of course I will. And you see that you take good care ofSusan.
[BARBARA] Yes, we will.
[ALTOS] Well, I'm ready.
[SABETHA] So am I. I wish you well, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, my dear. Now off you go.
[SUSAN] Goodbye, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye, my child.
[BARBARA] Susan! She should have waited for us.
[DOCTOR] Now, quickly. You must go and follow her.
[SUSAN] Stop it! Stop it! Go away! Go away!
[BARBARA] Susan.
[SUSAN] Oh, go back!
[BARBARA] What is it?
[SUSAN] We can't stay here. It's stopped.
[BARBARA] What did you see?
[IAN] What's the matter?
[BARBARA] Susan, answer me.
[SUSAN] Didn't you hear it?
[ALTOS] There could be animals in this jungle around us.
[SUSAN] No, no, it wasn't anything like that.
[IAN] Take it easy, Susan, and try and tell us what it was you heard.
[SUSAN] Well, well, it was horrible.
[BARBARA] She'll tell us in time. Look, Susan, whatever it was, it'sgone now.
[SUSAN] I did hear it, you know.
[SABETHA] This is a dead place.
[IAN] Yes, it's very quiet, isn't it.
[SABETHA] That isn't quite what I meant.
[ALTOS] The key must be on the other side of this wall.
[IAN] Yes. Some sort of an archway. Look at these creepers.
[ALTOS] Some of them are almost as thick as small trees.
[SUSAN] And was Grandfather all right?
[SUSAN] I didn't want to stay until the last possible moment. I don'tlike to say goodbye.
[BARBARA] No, I know.
[SABETHA] I suppose we could cut them down.
[IAN] Not unless we have to. Take us the best part of a day to hack thatlittle lot down. The best thing we can do is take a walk round thesewalls.
[ALTOS] Oh yes, that would be wise. Then we might find another entrance.
[SABETHA] I'll go with you.
[BARBARA] Ian, Susan and I will stay here.
[IAN] All right. We won't be long, anyway.
[BARBARA] We'll look around for some branches and things in case we haveto force our way though that arch.
[IAN] That's a good idea, but don't do anything until we get back, hey?
[BARBARA] All right.
[IAN] Come on, let's try this way.
[BARBARA] I do wish Ian wouldn't treat us like Dresden china.
[SUSAN] I think it's nice the way he looks after us all the time.
[BARBARA] Yes, I know, but just once in a while
[SUSAN] You rebel.
[BARBARA] Yes. How are you feeling now?
[SUSAN] Oh, I'm all right, thank you.
[BARBARA] Susan, what did happen?
[SUSAN] Well, it was a sound. A noise like tapping, and whirring, allmixed up with a screeching. I've heard it before.
[BARBARA] Where?
[SUSAN] Well that's just it. I can't remember. I just recognise it asbeing something evil.
[BARBARA] You know, I've never seen vegetation as dense as this before.It'll overrun the building in time.
[SUSAN] Do you think the key's inside, Barbara?
[BARBARA] Oh yes, it must be. It's a funny old place, isn't it? Youknow, in a few years these walls will be so weak you could push yourway through.
[BARBARA] You know, Susan, looking at this archway, I'm not at all sure.It isn't half as dense as it looks. I'm sure we could get through.
[SUSAN] Barbara! Barbara!
[SUSAN] It was alive! A snake crawling all over me!
[BARBARA] No, no. It must have fallen on you from the trees.
[SUSAN] It didn't, it didn't. It's alive.
[BARBARA] Now stop it, Susan. Stop it.
[SUSAN] It was trying to twine all round me.
[BARBARA] It was just your imagination.
[SUSAN] I'm sorry.
[BARBARA] It couldn't move by itself. You know it couldn't.
[BARBARA] Come on over here and help me at the archway. You know, you'llfrighten me if you go on like this.
[SUSAN] Oh look, you can move some of these back quite easily.
[BARBARA] Yes, I thought so.
[SUSAN] What is it?
[BARBARA] I'm not sure. It's so dark in here. There's a statue at theend of the tunnel. An idol or something.
[SUSAN] Be careful, Barbara. Barbara? Barbara? Are you all right?
[SUSAN] Oh, please don't go any further!
[BARBARA [OC]] It's all right, I can see it now. It's a big grotesquestatue.
[IAN] Oh, there's no other way in, Susan.
[SUSAN] Oh, Ian, thank goodness you're here.
[IAN] What? Where's Barbara?
[SUSAN] She's gone down here.
[IAN] Barbara! What are you doing? I told you to wait until we got back.
[BARBARA] I thought there was a way through. Ian,look! The key, the microcircuit, I've found it!
[IAN [OC]] Hang on, I'm coming.
[BARBARA] No, no, it's all right, I can reach it.
[ALTOS] What's happening?
[IAN] Barbara's found the micro-key.
[SABETHA] Wonderful.
[ALTOS] Can you manage?
[BARBARA] Yes, yes, I think I've got it.
[BARBARA] Ian! Help me! Help me!
[IAN] You see what happened?
[ALTOS] Yes. Is there no break in the wall? Perhaps there's a hiddenspring.
[IAN] Well if there is, I can't find it.
[ALTOS] Well we must get inside.
[IAN] Yes, but how? Oh, let's get out in the open. I can't think inhere.
[IAN] Barbara's disappeared. That idol thing was onsome sort of a pivot.
[ALTOS] At least she found the micro-key.
[IAN] Oh, I don't care about that now. The only thing that matters isgetting Barbara out of there.
[ALTOS] Yes, I agree. Here, Sabetha, you'd better take this. Keep itwith the other, and keep it safe.
[SABETHA] Thank you. Look, I don't want to raise false hopes, butperhaps things aren't as bad as they seem.
[IAN] What do you mean?
[SABETHA] Well, Barbara was wearing her travel dial, wasn't she?
[SUSAN] Yes. None of us have taken them off.
[SABETHA] Then as long as she wasn't injured when she was trapped, shecan escape whenever she wants.
[IAN] It's a possibility.
[ALTOS] Well, I'm sure she would have thought of that.
[IAN] Yes, of course. She may not have taken advantage of it yet.Anything might have happened to her.
[SABETHA] But if she was in danger, she'd have to use her travel dial.
[SUSAN] It's turning again. Now the arms are open.
[ALTOS] That means it either must have released her or she's escaped.
[IAN] She may have been injured, or even
[SABETHA] But if she used her travel dial, and gone on to the nextdestination, we don't know what danger she may be in there.
[IAN] No. Well, we must cover all possibilities to the best of ourabilities. You'd better go on ahead with Susan and Altos.
[ALTOS] Yes, that's wise. I think that is the wisest course.
[SUSAN] Ian, what are you going to do?
[IAN] I'm going back in there. If that idol works once as a trap,there's no reason why it shouldn't work again. Once inside, well, ifthere's no sign of Barbara, I'll follow you as quickly as I can.
[ALTOS] Well, if that's settled, there's no point in delaying. Youready, Sabetha? Susan?
[SUSAN] Can't I come with you, Ian?
[IAN] No, Susan. Better not.
[SABETHA] We'll wait for you, Ian.
[ALTOS] And I'll be your guardian, Susan.
[IAN] Look after her, Altos.
[ALTOS] Take care, my friend.
[SUSAN] Goodbye, Ian.
[IAN] Good luck. (Altos and Susan vanish. Sabetha has dropped themicro-key) Here, you'd better put this on your chain with the otherone. We don't want you losing it somewhere in outer space.
[SABETHA] That would be terrible. There. I think that's safe enough.This isn't it.
[IAN] What?
[SABETHA] It's just an imitation. Look, Ian. This edge is a fractionshorter.
[IAN] Are you absolutely sure? I mean, isn't it possible there was somegenuine variation in the original micro-keys?
[SABETHA] No, they all look absolutely identical, so this one must be animitation.
[IAN] We're no further on than when we arrived here.
[SABETHA] Do you want me to stay with you?
[IAN] No. You go on ahead with the others. They'll be worried already.Tell them what happened, and tell them I'll follow as soon as I findthe real micro-key.
[SABETHA] Please be careful.
[IAN] I will. Off you go.
[BARBARA] Ian, behind you!
[BARBARA] You're not hurt?
[IAN] No, just a bit shaken. Barbara, if you hadn't shouted
[BARBARA] Never mind about that now. Ian, I've been so frightened. Ifyou hadn't turned up in another half an hour I was going to turn thetravel dial.
[IAN] I'm glad you didn't. That micro-key you found, it was a fake.
[IAN] Yes. The real one must be in here somewhere.
[BARBARA] And I warn you it's not going to be easy to find.
[IAN] No?
[BARBARA] This whole place is one big booby-trap. It's full of thingslike that statue. I'd only been here a minute when part of the wallcrashed down just where I'd been standing.
[IAN] We'll take it very slowly. That doorway looks a good place tostart. Any idea where it leads to?
[BARBARA] No. Into the building, I suppose.
[IAN] Well, that's a likely place to hide a key. Come on.
[BARBARA] These vines are everywhere. They seem to be crawling all overthe building.
[IAN] Not only the vines. It's all vegetation. Look at that wall.
[BARBARA] It seems to be trying to get in.
[IAN] Let's get the micro-key and get out of here. It looks as if we'regoing to have to break this door down. It's pretty solid. I shall needsomething to. I wish I could.
[BARBARA] I saw some iron bars in an alcove down there.
[BARBARA] Ian. Ian!
[IAN] I'll be right with you.
[BARBARA [OC]] Ian! Ian!
[BARBARA] Help me, Ian. Help me!
[DARRIUS] Why have you come in search of the keys?
[BARBARA] Help me.
[DARRIUS] Who are you? What interest have you in the keys?
[BARBARA] Look, I can't talk to you like this. Let me go.
[DARRIUS] Are you a Voord? You do not resemble their race and yet
[BARBARA] Arbitan sent us.
[DARRIUS] That is a lie.
[BARBARA] No, it's true. He was alone on the island. He couldn't sendanyone else.
[DARRIUS] How can you prove it?
[BARBARA] I don't know. Look, where's Ian? What have you done to him?
[DARRIUS] How can you prove that Arbitan sent you.
[BARBARA] Oh, the travel dial on my wrist.
[DARRIUS] I will examine this, and if it is set correctly with theproper journey programme I shall know that you speak the truth. OnlyArbitan could set your complete journey.
[BARBARA] What have you done with Ian?
[DARRIUS] Help me! Help me!
[IAN] Barbara. Are you all right?
[BARBARA] Yes. In there.
[IAN] What?
[BARBARA] In here. MAN [OC]
(Bed room)
[DARRIUS] Help! Help me.
[DARRIUS] It's coming again. The jungle is coming. When the whisperingstarts, it's death, I tell you. Death!
[BARBARA] He's coming round, Ian. Ian, I think he's dying.
[DARRIUS] You must not stay here.
[IAN] Listen to me. Where is the micro-key? We're looking for it. Do youunderstand? Arbitan sent us.
[DARRIUS] Has Arbitan sent someone at last?
[IAN] Yes.
[DARRIUS] The idol. I put a false key on its head.
[BARBARA] Yes, I found it.
[DARRIUS] I know. A system of mirrors. When the false key was taken Iput my traps in motion. Only those warned by Arbitan could avoid them.
[BARBARA] He's getting weaker, Ian. I wish there was something I coulddo. I feel so helpless.
[DARRIUS] I haven't long to live, have I?
[IAN] You must trust us. Tell us, where is the micro-key?
[DARRIUS] Closer. D E 3 O 2.
[IAN] What do you mean? I don't understand.
[DARRIUS] Quickly, the darkness! The whispering will start.
[BARBARA] He pointed to this door. What did the numbers and the lettersmean?
[IAN] I don't know. Could be the combination to a safe. Let's go andsee.
(Living room)
[BARBARA] Ian, you were right. It is a safe.
[IAN] And a combination one, at that.
[BARBARA] D E 3 O 2.
[IAN] Hello. It's only got the letters on. Perhaps the figures were thenumbers of turns?
[BARBARA] Yes, try it.
[IAN] D E 1 2 3 O 1 2. It doesn't work. Are you sure we got it right?
[BARBARA] Yes, certain.
[IAN] Try again. D E 1 2 3 O 1 2. No, no, it doesn't work. Well, Isuppose he could have hidden the combination somewhere.
[BARBARA] Yes, I suppose so. There's also a possibility that he didn'tmean the safe at all. Judging by the traps and decoys around here, Ishould think the obvious hiding place is the least likely.
[IAN] We must go over this room inch by inch. Eliminating everything butthe safe. Then if we haven't found it, it must be in here.
[BARBARA] I'll start over here.
[BARBARA] Ian, I've been trying to think back. What did he mean,darkness, the whispering will begin. Whispering? I wonder if that'swhat Susan heard?
[IAN] I don't know. I think he was rambling, he didn't mean anything.I'm hoping to find a lead in here. It's a diary of his experiments.
[BARBARA] What was he working on?
[IAN] Biology seems to have been his field as far as I can make out.
[BARBARA] Well, judging by the specimens in here, I'd say he was verysuccessful.
[IAN] Yes. Last couple of entries are a bit strange. All about thebalance of nature and increased destructive forces. Listen to this.Nature has a fixed tempo of destruction. Water dripping on a stone maytake a thousand years to produce any sign of wear.
[BARBARA] Well, that's not very original.
[IAN] It is if you could speed up everything. The wear on the stonecould happen in one day.
[BARBARA] But that's ridiculous.
[IAN] Is it? He didn't seem to think so. He ends up by saying, thegrowth accelerator has changed nature's tempo of destruction entirely.
[BARBARA] Yes, well that may all be very fascinating, but we aresupposed to be looking for the combination to that safe.
[IAN] All right. All right.
[BARBARA] You know, it's quite dark outside. Have you looked throughthis one?
[IAN] No.
[IAN] What's that?
[BARBARA] I don't know. It sounds like whispering. He said it wouldbegin when darkness came. That must be what Susan heard.
[IAN] Well, what's causing it?
[BARBARA] Shush. Listen. It's like someone trying to get in.
[IAN] You said that when we were outside, about the jungle.
[BARBARA] But it couldn't, Ian, it couldn't.
[IAN] Look! Oh, Barbara, don't you see? It's what he meant. Tempo ofdestruction. It would normally take fifty or a hundred years for ajungle to overrun this place. Now the whole process has beenaccelerated.
[BARBARA] You mean the jungle is attacking us?
[IAN] Yes.
[IAN] Look, Barbara. It's a chemical formula! DE3O2. The micro-key's inone of these jars. Come on! Quickly, find it.
[BARBARA] Ian, the key!
[IAN] Barbara, you've found it! Let's get out of here, quickly. Turn thetravel dial, now! Now!
[BARBARA] Oh, it must be far below zero.
[IAN] Barbara, this wind's going right through me. We must move.
[BARBARA] I can't. I can't move, Ian. I'm too cold.
[IAN] Barbara, you've got to. We must move. If we don't find shelter, wedon't stand a chance.
[BARBARA] It's no good, Ian. I'm too tired. Sleep.
[IAN] No!
[BARBARA] I must sleep.
[IAN] No. No, Barbara. We'll freeze to death.
(Vasar's hut)
[VASAR] Don't be afraid. You're safe now.
[BARBARA] Oh, how did I? Ian? Where's Ian?
[VASAR] Your friend is here. He still sleeps. Your hand is slightlyfrostbitten. Put it in mine. We must help your friend like this too.Rub the hand slowly, like this. Yes? Understand? Are you afraid of me?
[VASAR] Last year I broke the back of a wolf with my bare hands. I'mVasar. Most men fear me, so I have few visitors. There, see? The bloodis beginning to return.
[BARBARA] Thank you.
[VASAR] I'll get a warm drink for both of you.
[BARBARA] Ian, wake up. How are you feeling?
[IAN] Oh, my hands.
[BARBARA] Yes, they're swollen with frostbite. No, no, no, you mustn'tput them near the fire. You have to bring back the circulation slowly.
[IAN] Where are we?
[BARBARA] I don't know. I don't even know how we got here.
[VASAR] Ah, you're awake. Good. Here, drink this.
[IAN] Oh, thank you. Mmm. Oh, that's better. Do we have you to thank forsaving us on the mountain.
[VASAR] I found you when I was resetting my traps. Had a difficultjourney getting you back to the hut.
[BARBARA] We would have frozen to death.
[VASAR] The wolves would have eaten you first.
[IAN] Wolves?
[VASAR] Yes, there are more than ever of them this winter. I've counteda dozen packs, twenty in each. They're hungry. They're even raiding thevillages at night.
[BARBARA] Are we in a village?
[VASAR] No, the nearest village is three miles away. I stay out here tolook after my traps.
[IAN] Well, we're grateful to you, getting to us before the wolves.
[VASAR] One of you would have died anyway if it hadn't been for thestranger. Couldn't carry you both.
[BARBARA] Stranger? What stranger?
[VASAR] A madman. Came in here early last night, raving and ranting. Icouldn't talk to him. Gave him some clothes and went with him up themountain. He was searching for a couple of girls.
[IAN] Altos!
[BARBARA] Where is he now?
[VASAR] In the village, I think. After we got you back here, I think hewent out.
[BARBARA] Did he say he was coming back?
[VASAR] Yes, but it's getting nearly dark. He won't be able to get overthe ledge at night.
[IAN] We must go and help him.
[VASAR] There's a storm coming up.
[IAN] You've already done so much for us. I can't ask you to risk comingwith me, but will you lend me warm clothing?
[VASAR] Lend you? My furs are my living. I'm a poor man. I wouldn't havemuch chance of getting them back if you fall down a crevice.
[IAN] I can't pay you for them. I haven't got any money.
[VASAR] That thing on your wrist looks valuable.
[IAN] Yes, all right. Now please, hurry.
[VASAR] All right, coat and gloves over there. I'll get you a lantern.
[BARBARA] Ian, Susan and Sabetha, do you think you'll find them?
[IAN] I don't know what to think, Barbara. I'll know more when and if Ifind Altos.
[VASAR] Here you are. The village lies that way. When you get throughthe fur forest you'll see the lights.
[IAN] Well, thank you.
[IAN] I'll be back as soon as I can.
[VASAR] Now, we're alone.
[BARBARA] Oh, he'll be back. I know he will.
[VASAR] We'll see. Well I'll go and get us some food. We must fatten youup, eh?
(Vasar's hut)
[BARBARA] They sound so close.
[VASAR] You're safe here. That door'll keep anything out. Or in. Youclear those things will you, and I'll get rid of these.
[BARBARA] Sabetha's chain.
[VASAR] What are you doing in that drawer?
[BARBARA] Where did you get these? One of the girls was wearing this.
[VASAR] You give me those. They're worth money.
[BARBARA] How did you get them?
[VASAR] There's a cave on the mountain where I store my traps. I foundthe two girls hiding there.
[BARBARA] So they're alive.
[VASAR] They may be. That was yesterday. I gave them food and flint inreturn for these, and I left them there.
[BARBARA] But why? Why didn't you bring them back?
[VASAR] Oh, don't keep annoying me. These accusations. I can't afford tolook after every fool that gets lost on the mountains.
[BARBARA] They gave you all those things in the drawer.
[VASAR] Trinkets.
[BARBARA] But what about Altos? The young man, who
[VASAR] He forced me to go up the mountain to look for these girls.Instead we found you. And when we'd brought you back here he wanted togo out again.
[BARBARA] I don't believe you. You stole those things.
[VASAR] Oh, did I?
[BARBARA] They might have given you the wrist bracelets, but the keysand the chain? Sabetha would never have parted with them.
[VASAR] Yes, I thought they were valuable.
[BARBARA] What have you done with them? You didn't kill them?
[VASAR] You don't kill anyone in this country. The cold and the wolvesdo that.
[BARBARA] Well, when Ian gets back
[VASAR] What makes you think he will get back? He doesn't know what's inthat bag I gave him.
[BARBARA] What did you put in it? Tell me!
[IAN] They're getting closer. We can't stay here. How are your legs?
[ALTOS] The feeling's beginning to return. I should be able to walk in aminute or two.
[IAN] You haven't yet told me who tied you up.
[ALTOS] The trapper.
[IAN] What? But he rescued us.
[ALTOS] Only because I forced him to. He's utterly ruthless.
[IAN] Barbara's back there with him. Alone!
[ALTOS] We must get back there as quickly as we can. Come on, help meup.
[IAN] All right. Can you stand?
[ALTOS] Yes.
[IAN] Just a minute, look at this. Raw meat. What on earth would Vasarwant to give me that for?
[ALTOS] There's your answer. Those beasts could scent meat a couple ofmiles away. Draw them like a magnet. Vasar's making certain youwouldn't get back.
[IAN] Well he's got a surprise coming, hasn't he.
[IAN] Come on.
(Vasar's hut)
[VASAR] There's nowhere you can run.
[BARBARA] Keep away.
[VASAR] Put that down.
[BARBARA] Don't you dare come near me.
[VASAR] All right, I'm in no hurry. There's no one coming to help you. Ican wait.
[IAN] They're catching up.
[ALTOS] Look!
[IAN] About a quarter of a mile, I make it. I think we've got a chance,but we'll have to run, Altos.
[ALTOS] All right, I'll try. Come on.
(Vasar's hut)
[VASAR] All right, I'll wait no longer.
[IAN [OC]] Barbara, open the door!
[VASAR] Come back.
[IAN [OC]] Open the door!
[IAN [OC]] Open the door! Open the door!
[IAN] Are you all right?
[BARBARA] Yes, the girls are all right. They're in a cave in themountain.
[VASAR] I meant them no harm, I swear it. I gave them food and flint tolight a fire.
[ALTOS] You treacherous
[IAN] No, Altos. We want him unharmed. He's going to show us where thecave is.
[SUSAN] I'm sorry, Sabetha.
[SABETHA] It doesn't matter. There is hardly any wood left.
[SUSAN] Look, there's no point in us waiting here. We must go out thereand take a chance.
[SABETHA] In these clothes? We wouldn't last an hour.
[SUSAN] How long do you think we'll last here without any fire?
[SABETHA] I suppose you're right.
[SUSAN] Come on, then.
[SABETHA] That isn't the way we came in. It was the tunnel on the right.
[SUSAN] Well I'm sure it was this one.
[SABETHA] I could have sworn it. Well, if you're certain.
[SUSAN] I thought I was certain. You've made me doubtful now.
[SABETHA] Come on, let's try it.
[IAN] How much further?
[VASAR] It's just beyond the next ridge. When we get there, can I goback?
[IAN] You're getting no promises out of me. Come on.
[SABETHA] Now we've got to go back.
[SUSAN] I'm sorry, Sabetha.
[SABETHA] It's not your fault. Don't worry, we'll just go back the waywe came. Come on.
[IAN] They're not here.
[VASAR] Look, there's been a fire. I told you I helped them.
[IAN] This ash is still warm. They can't have been gone long.
[BARBARA] Is there another way out of these caves?
[VASAR] No, this is the only one.
[ALTOS] How far do these tunnels go?
[VASAR] Oh, right through the mountain.
[IAN] Then they must have gone in deeper. Lead on, Vasar.
[VASAR] No! No! No! We mustn't! There are demons in there. I won't goon.
[IAN] I am not asking you, I'm telling you. Now, move!
[SUSAN] It's no good, Sabetha. We're just goingdeeper into the mountain.
[SABETHA] If we keep going, we must find a way out. Now, come on.
[SUSAN] Oh, look. We've got a rope bridge.
[SABETHA] Be careful. Is it safe?
[SUSAN] I think so.
[SABETHA] Don't look down.
[SABETHA] Come on, let's move quickly.
[BARBARA] I've just realised. This wall isn't rock,it's solid ice.
[VASAR] Oh, please, we mustn't go on. I told you the truth when I saidthere were demons here. There are men who've seen them.
[IAN] Well, who knows, you might be a man who's seen them too. You'renot going back, anyway. Come on, get on. Go.
[SUSAN] Oh, Barbara!
[IAN] Hang on, I'm coming over.
[IAN] Thank you. Oh, Susan. Here, put this round you.
[SUSAN] I though we'd never get out of there.
[IAN] Well, you're all right now. What happened?
[BARBARA] What was it that frightened you?
[SABETHA] Down there. There's somebody down there.
[SUSAN] We almost ran into them.
[ALTOS] Ian, stop him!
[IAN] Vasar, wait.
[VASAR] No, you wait. Wait there forever. There's no other way out.
[IAN] What a fool I was.
[BARBARA] How do we get across?
[IAN] I don't know. It's too wide to jump.
[BARBARA] Well, maybe we could find some planks or logs and lay themacross.
[IAN] Yes, all right. Let's go and look.
[ALTOS] Shall I lead the way?
[IAN] Yes.
[ALTOS] Sabetha, keep close behind me. Look out forthis slope.
[IAN] Yes. Mind the slope. All right? Altos, look out! This rock's theonly thing supporting this block of ice.
[ALTOS] It might have crushed us to death.
[IAN] Yes, well the only thing to do is keep away from it. Keep down asyou go under.
[ALTOS] Yes, I agree.
[IAN] Right down.
[SUSAN] Can't we go back?
[BARBARA] No, Susan, we must find the key.
[IAN] Susan, we must search all these tunnels properly. That key'sprobably hidden somewhere here, inside the mountain.
[SUSAN] Not there!
[IAN] We have no alternative.
(Knight's room)
[BARBARA] Is this what you saw, Susan?
[SUSAN] Yes. But they seem so life-like.
[IAN] These must be the demons that Vasar talked about. Well they'recertainly the stuff that make legends.
[SABETHA] Look, right in the middle of the ice. It's the key.
[ALTOS] Yes. It couldn't be better protected, could it? A solid block ofice.
[IAN] And four dead warriors to guard it, eh? Each perfectly preserved.They certainly look frightening enough, don't they.
[BARBARA] There's a pipe here. It runs right round the block of ice.
[SUSAN] Oh, yes, look. It comes out over here. You can see it runningunderneath the ice.
[BARBARA] Ian, over here. It's a sort of valve, or something.
[IAN] Whoa, steady on. Go on turning it. It's getting warmer. (the pipe)
[SABETHA] But how could it be? Where could the heat come from?
[BARBARA] Must be a volcanic spring buried deep in the bowels of theearth. Like the hot springs in Iceland.
[SABETHA] Iceland? Where's that?
[IAN] In our own country, far away.
[SUSAN] It's melting.
[ALTOS] Quite quickly.
[IAN] Well, while we're waiting for it to melt, let's go and see what wecan do about that bridge.
[IAN] With any luck they'll freeze together. Cold on the hands, isn'tit. Well, lets get it over. Careful. We don't want it to break. Right,slide it along that one gently. Right, now careful when it comes offthe end. Careful. Oh, it didn't break. Right, let's get some more, pilethem round. Where are the girls?
[ALTOS] I asked them to go and see how the melting process was comingalong.
(Knight's room)
[SABETHA] The key!
[BARBARA] Ian, Altos, it's all right. The ice has melted.
[SUSAN] Hey, look at these weapons. Wouldn't like to come across one ofthese in a battle.
[SUSAN] He's alive! He's alive!
[IAN] What's the matter? Get out of here! Run! Have you got the key?
[IAN] Then run!
[BARBARA] Susan.
[ALTOS] It'll never take her weight. It can't have frozen solid yet.
[ALTOS] Well done, Susan. Come on, Sabetha. Get ready. You first.
[IAN] Right, you carry on. I'll catch you up.
(Vasar's hut)
[VASAR] What? How did you get?
[IAN] We've come to collect our things, Vasar.
[VASAR] No! No! No! No!
[IAN] Here, Sabetha, put those round your neck. Now, put the travel dialon. We've all got our travel dials on? We'll keep our date with theDoctor.
[VASAR] They're coming, they're coming. The devils from the mountain arecoming here.
[IAN] I'm afraid you'll have to entertain them alone, Vasar. We have toleave you.
[VASAR] (grabbing Susan) No! You stay, you hear? Stay, or I'll kill her.
[IAN] Take your hands off her.
[VASAR] I'm going out the back way.
[IAN] He's dead. The dials, quick, the dials.
[IAN] Who are you?
[TARRON] My name is Tarron. I'm an interrogator in the GuardianDivision. You feel well enough to talk?
[IAN] Well, my head's pretty sore. What happened here?
[TARRON] I'm waiting for you to tell me.
[IAN] Me? I don't know much. I just came through that door.
[TARRON] It was unlocked?
[IAN] It was ajar. I saw the body on the floor, I bent down to have alook, and someone hit me on the head from behind.
[TARRON] You could not have come through that door unless the guard onduty in here let you in.
[IAN] It was open. I've already told you.
[TARRON] This is a maximum security vault. No one is admitted untilthey've undergone a complete probity check. There's no record of youever having completed such a check.
[IAN] Well of course there isn't. I've never been here before.
[TARRON] However, you did get inside. I must assume that you eithertricked the guard there or you were in league with him.
[IAN] What? What are you talking about? I told you how I got in.
[TARRON] Yes, and I'm recording all your answers. Do you feel wellenough? Are you going to tell me the truth?
[IAN] Yes, well, as far as I can, but
[TARRON] Well, let's be orderly about this. Name?
[IAN] Ian Chesterton.
[TARRON] You are a visitor to this district?
[IAN] Yes.
[TARRON] Your work?
[IAN] I'm a teacher. Science.
[TARRON] Hmm. You know the purpose of the micro-key? No reply. It wouldmake my report complete if you would tell me how you got rid of themicro-key.
[IAN] I didn't get rid of it. I never had it. I saw it in that glasscase before someone hit me on the back of the head.
[TARRON] While you were unconscious, my men searched the room. Theysearched you and the body of the guard. They didn't find it. Now, whatdid you do with it?
[IAN] I didn't do anything with it. I told you all I know.
[TARRON] All right. (into telephone) Open your side. We're coming out.
[IAN] Where are we going?
[TARRON] To the Guardian building. You will be charged formally.
[IAN] Charged? With what?
[TARRON] Murder.
[IAN] Just a minute, what's your name? Tarron?
[IAN] This business is beginning to run away from me. I've told you thetruth!
[TARRON] That isn't for me to decide.
[IAN] But there was another man in here. I've got a lump on the back ofmy head to prove it.
[TARRON] The dead man could have hit you before he was killed.
[IAN] I suppose I killed him while I was unconscious.
[TARRON] Well it does suggest you had an accomplice, I agree. So you hadbetter produce him. That's my advice to you, for what it's worth.
[IAN] I don't have to produce him, Tarron. You do. This iscircumstantial evidence. You must prove that I did the actual killing.
[TARRON] That is contrary to our legal system.
[IAN] What?
[TARRON] I mean that you are already guilty of this crime. The burden ofdefence is entirely yours. You must prove without any shadow of doubtthat you are innocent, otherwise
[IAN] Otherwise?
[TARRON] You will die. If you will take my advice, you will find someoneto speak for you at the tribunal. Do you know any body in the city?
[IAN] Yes, I do know someone, if I can find him.
[TARRON] Who is he?
[IAN] Who? He's a doctor.
(Reception desk)
[CLERK] Permission has been granted for you toattend the court proceedings.
[BARBARA] Thank you.
[CLERK] But I'm to tell you there must be no disturbances of any kind.The laws are very rigid. Offenders can be sent for one year to theglass factories in the desert, instantly and without trial.
[BARBARA] I understand.
[CLERK] Chief Enquirer Tarron has arranged for you to speak to yourfriend, but you do understand that you mustn't give him any packets orarticles not previously examined by me, yes? Good.
[BARBARA] Any news?
[SUSAN] No, not a sign of him anywhere.
[SABETHA] Several people saw him only two days ago.
[ALTOS] Was that before or after Ian was arrested.
[SUSAN] Well, after, as far as we can work it out.
[ALTOS] I haven't been able to find out anything about my friend Eprineither.
[BARBARA] Well, we've got permission to see Ian, anyway.
[SUSAN] Oh, good. Couldn't we make a dash for it?
[BARBARA] No, it's too dangerous.
[BARBARA] How are you?
[IAN] They're treating me well enough. Have you found the Doctor yet?
[BARBARA] No. There isn't a sight or sound of him anywhere.
[IAN] We must find him, Barbara. We must. The laws in this country are amockery.
[DOCTOR] I quite agree with you, my boy.
[IAN] Doctor!
[SUSAN] Grandfather!
[BARBARA] How did you get here? ALTOS
[SUSAN] I'm just glad we're back together again.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so am I, dear child. So am I. However, we have someimportant work to attend to. Excuse me. Chesterton, you and I must havea talk.
[IAN] We haven't much time for a talk, Doctor. In a moment I've got togo in there and face an accusation of murder. I need a man to defendme.
[DOCTOR] I am that man.
[JUDGE] Our decision on the report of Chief Enquirer Tarron is that theprisoner, Ian Chesterton, is guilty of murder and that his sentence isdeath. The said sentence to be administered three days after the end ofthis hearing, unless the representative for the accused can showpositive proof why the execution should not be carried out. Will youstand up?
[JUDGE] Representative for the defence, you have a grave duty. You haveoffered your services in this matter, which complies with the law ofthe city of Millenius, in that any person may speak on behalf ofanother. Are you acquainted with our laws?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I have studied some, my Lord.
[JUDGE] Every latitude will be allowed to you, and if you are at fault,I will give you directions.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[JUDGE] The representative of the court, Eyesen, has spoken his facts.You may now reply.
[DOCTOR] My Lords, I cannot defend a man when I have not consideredevery aspect of the case. I must have time to examine witnesses, readstatements and to prepare my case.
[EYESEN] I object most strongly.
[JUDGE] The demand is reasonable in itself. The crime of murder inMillenius is in itself unusual. Then I grant you two days.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, my Lord.
[EYESEN] I congratulate you.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[EYESEN] It will not alter the outcome.
[DOCTOR] We shall see.
[IAN] Well done, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I've been starting and studying their laws ever since I heardthat Eprin had been murdered.
[ALTOS] Eprin?
[IAN] He was your friend?
[ALTOS] Yes. You found him, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, I had met him and arranged to take the micro-key, butsomething must have happened. That's why he tried to take the keyearlier than we'd arranged.
[SABETHA] And he was killed?
[DOCTOR] Yes. He must have told his plans to someone else and thatsomeone else killed him and took the key.
[IAN] Then all we have to do is find out who took the key and why.
[ALTOS] In two days.
[DOCTOR] Yes, we shall need every minute of that. Now, we must all takea task on. Murder, I gather, is very rare here. Now, I want both of youto go to the library and find out all the case histories you can. Factsand figures.
[ALTOS] Sentences.
[SABETHA] And reasons for people being found not guilty.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, quite. Now, off you go, both of you, and meet me backhere in three hours.
[ALTOS] Right.
[SUSAN] What can I do, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] Well, you, my child, and Barbara, can be my detectives. Andyou, my friend.
[IAN] Yes. What can I do, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Trust me.
[TARRON] There was a mace beside the body, andthere was blood on it. Chesterton was on the floor, unconscious. Eitherhe slipped and bumped his head, or Eprin had got a blow in before hedied.
[BARBARA] And the key was gone, you say.
[TARRON] Yes, and that's the only element of the case I don'tunderstand. My men did a heat reflector search of this room. It isabsolutely certain that the micro-key isn't in here. It is equallycertain that it's not been taken from here.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come now, Tarron. We're not dealing in magic, you know.It's obvious to me the key must have been taken from this room.
[TARRON] No. every person that came in here was checked by the autho-rayscanner as they went out. If anyone had the key on them, the scannerwould have detected it.
[SUSAN] Supposing the murderer hid the key on the body?
[TARRON] The body was searched. It wasn't there.
[DOCTOR] Then would you mind telling us what happened after the alarmbell went, please?
[TARRON] Well, the relief guard was the first to reach the outside ofthe door. He was joined almost immediately by the Controller and aGuardian who was on patrol outside. When I reached the door, it wasopened and, well, you know what we found inside.
[SUSAN] That's fantastic. It couldn't disappear into thin air.
[DOCTOR] Precisely, and I rather gather when we discover its location weshall also discover the real identity of the murderer.
[TARRON] But we know the murderer. It was Chesterton.
[DOCTOR] Mister Tarron, I wonder if you'd mind leaving us alone for afew moments. We'd like to discuss the aspects of this case.
[TARRON] Very well.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, hmm.
[BARBARA] Any ideas? Well?
[DOCTOR] What?
[BARBARA] Have you any ideas how the key got out of here?
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, elementary, elementary.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, do you mean you know? How? Where?
[DOCTOR] All in good time, my child. The important is I believe I knowwho did the killing.
[BARBARA] But how? Tarron's been working on it all day. You've only beenhere a few minutes.
[DOCTOR] You see, Tarron never doubted that Chesterton was guilty. Agrave error. Yes, a very grave error.
[SUSAN] Yes, where as we know he's innocent.
[DOCTOR] Precisely. But someone did it, and we also know there was athird man in the room. How he got in here we shall know in a moment.Now let us assume he was hiding. Yes. Behind this door. Now, Barbara,you imagine that you are Chesterton for a moment. Come here. Nowplease, you look into the room, you see a body on the floor. What doyou do?
[BARBARA] I'd see if I could help.
[SUSAN] I'll be the body.
[DOCTOR] Good. Right, now let me see you do it. There's a weapon besidethe body. Do you examine it?
[BARBARA] Yes, yes, I think I would.
[DOCTOR] Good. Then you look up in front of you and you see exactly whatyou came here for, the micro-key. Unbeknown to you, the third man comesout of hiding, creeps up behind you, and you are struck down, so. Now,he could take what he came here for. He opens the case, lifts the key,the alarm bell sounds. Now, he only has a few seconds so he concealsthe key, runs to the door, opens it, gets out and then closes it. Buthe can't go any further because already the security guards andofficials are on their way. So he decides to pretend that he is firston the scene!
[SUSAN] The relief guard!
[BARBARA] Yes, of course. That's why the guard inside let him in in thefirst place. He knew him. He even expected him.
[DOCTOR] Yes, he went in, killed his colleague, heard Chesterton in thehall, hid behind the door and the rest we know.
[SUSAN] That must be how it happened. I'll go and tell Tarron.
[DOCTOR] My dear child, this is only a theory. We must have proof.
[BARBARA] But surely, if you know where the key is, that's proof.
[DOCTOR] If Tarron were to know that now, his case against Chestertonwould be complete. I can't prove at this very moment that Chestertondidn't hide in its present location.
[BARBARA] Oh. What do we do, then?
[DOCTOR] I have a little errand for you, and I think you will find itvery, very interesting.
(Ayden's home)
[KALA] Oh. Please come in.
[BARBARA] Thank you.
[KALA] I'm afraid my husband isn't here at the moment. Do sit down.
[BARBARA] I did want to talk to your husband. I thought there might besome facts he'd overlooked.
[KALA] I'm sure he'd want to help, but he's already told you everythinghe knows.
[BARBARA] Well, there might be some small thing, something he thoughtunimportant.
[KALA] The Guardians are very thorough, you know. Anyway, he'd want themurderer to be caught. Eprin was a good friend of his. He wouldn'tconceal anything.
[BARBARA] No, of course not. Tell me, why would anyone want to steal themicro-key?
[KALA] Because there are only five of them in the entire universe. Itwas brought to the city years ago by a man called Arbitan. It was thesworn duty of the Elders to protect it.
[SUSAN] So they'd pay highly to recover it.
[KALA] Yes, but you know all this. Why else would your friend steal it?
[AYDEN] I had to go to the Guardian building again. They're askingquestions about
[AYDEN] You're one of the people with Chesterton. What are you doinghere?
[BARBARA] I want to talk to you.
[AYDEN] I have nothing to say to you. Get out.
[KALA] Ayden.
[AYDEN] I don't want people prying into my affairs. Has she been askingquestions about me?
[SUSAN] Not as many as my Grandfather will ask when he calls you as awitness.
[AYDEN] Get out! You heard me, get out!
[SUSAN] I thought you might like to know that we know where the key ishidden.
[BARBARA] Susan!
[AYDEN] But you couldn't know where it is. I. Yes, yes, you know whereit's hidden because Chesterton told you where he hid it. And now you'retrying to throw suspicion on me. Well it won't work. Now get out beforeI
[BARBARA] Before you what?
[SUSAN] Kill us like you killed Eprin?
[KALA] You'd better go.
[AYDEN [OC]] What were they doing here?
[KALA [OC]] Asking a few questions, nothing more.
[AYDEN [OC]] What did she mean about the key? KALA [OC]
[AYDEN [OC]] Don't you talk to me like that.
(Ayden's home)
[EYESEN [OC]] Eyesen here.
(Guardian HQ)
[EYESEN] Don't say any more, there are people near.I'll take it on the personal. All right, go ahead. (pause) You reallythink she knows something? (pause) You mean that our young friend mightnot be able to go through with it? (pause) Well listen carefully, andI'll tell you what you may have to do.
[EYESEN] This mace, a weapon used in primitivetimes by vicious, savage, warmakers. The same savagery that wielded itthen lives on in men like the accused. Members of the tribunal, theevidence already offered is more than enough to ensure the convictionof this man. But add to it the fact that under psychometric examinationthis mace was found to have been held in the right hand of theprisoner. I need say no more. That concludes the evidence for theprosecution.
[JUDGE] We will now hear the statement from the representative of theaccused and convicted.
[DOCTOR] My Lords, let me begin by saying that the murderer is withoutany doubt in this chamber. The trouble is, he's not under arrest, butmy young friend here is.
[JUDGE] But, can you substantiate this?
[DOCTOR] I can, my Lord. You will know his identity in a moment. I willnow call my first witness. Thank you.
[DOCTOR] This, my Lords, is a reproduction of the stolen micro-key. Doyou recognise this, young lady?
[DOCTOR] And do you know where it is now?
[SABETHA] Yes, I do.
[DOCTOR] Then please tell the tribunal where its present location is.
[SABETHA] It is here.
[DOCTOR] Where did you get it?
[SABETHA] It was given to me by the man who killed the guard.
[DOCTOR] Is he here?
[DOCTOR] Then please point him out to us.
[SABETHA] There, sitting in the front row.
[AYSEN] But she can't have found it. I
[AYSEN] All right, I'll tell you everything. I'm not in this alone. Theymade me do it. I'll tell you
[DOCTOR] And so you see, my Lords, when Sabetha was showing the courtthe micro-key, it wasn't in actual fact the one that was stolen fromthe vault.
[JUDGE] You say you have three of the micro-keys in your possession?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my Lord, and we returned to find the last one. Then theywould all be returned to Arbitan.
[JUDGE] The fact remains that the fourth key is missing.
[EYESEN] Still in the place where it was hidden by the murdererChesterton.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come now. Surely you don't think that he's still guilty? Iadmit that I resorted to a subterfuge when Sabetha accused Ayden oftaking the key, but I think the results justifies the means.
[JUDGE] There are a number of other points which we'd like to seecleared up.
[DOCTOR] Yes, my Lord.
[JUDGE] First of all.
[TARRON] Yes, and I'm having psychometric tests made on the weapon thatkilled Ayden.
[IAN] What exactly are these psychometric tests?
[TARRON] Its the science psychometry. Experts are able to divine from anobject the characteristics of the person who last had contact with thatobject.
[BARBARA] Well that sounds an improvement on fingerprints.
[TARRON] Fingerprints?
[BARBARA] It's not important.
[IAN] Whoever killed Ayden must have been implicated in the theft. Hadhe lived, he might have told us everything.
[BARBARA] It was his wife I felt sorry for.
[TARRON] The doctors have given her oblivative drugs and sent her hometo rest. She was hysterical. You'd better resume your places, thetribunal is about to start again.
[ALTOS] Where's Susan?
[BARBARA] She's gone to get Ian's statement.
[JUDGE] It is clear that Aydon was involved in either the theft or thekilling. It is also clear that he had an accomplice. Bearing in mindthat the accused came here with the express purpose of recovering themicro-key, and remembering the evidence against him, his guilt becomeseven more obvious. Will the prosecutor please summarise.
[EYESEN] Despite the dramatics and hysterics of recent events, verylittle has changed. I submit that the accused did, by threat orcoercion, involve Ayden in the murder and robbery. His last dying wordswere, they made me do it. They were the accused and his accomplices.They were standing near him when he was killed. One of them isresponsible for his death.
[EYESEN] I submit that the defence has offered no new evidence, and thesentence of the tribunal should be carried out.
[JUDGE] The tribunal concurs. Though it has deprived us of more detailedevidence, the unfortunate death of Guardian Ayden has surely notaffected the issue. We will now hear a statement, a closing statement,from the defence.
[DOCTOR] I beg the indulgence of the tribunal, and ask for time toproduce new evidence.
[JUDGE] Denied. No purpose would be served in delaying these proceedingsfurther. If you have nothing to add, the accused will be taken fromhere and executed in the prescribed manner.
(Reception area)
[BARBARA] What is it?
[CLERK] A messenger brought this for you.
[BARBARA] Thank you.
[CLERK] I have to get back inside. Will you excuse me?
[SABETHA] What is it?
[BARBARA] It says, there will be another death if you disclose where thekey is hidden.
[ALTOS] What? Barbara, do you realise what this means? It proves thatsomeone else was involved. We must tell Tarron and the Doctor, quickly.
[BARBARA] Yes, but what does it mean, another death? Whose death?
[CLERK] Someone wishes to speak to you.
[BARBARA] Hello?
[SUSAN [OC]] I want to speak to Barbara Wright.
[BARBARA] Susan?
[SUSAN [OC]] Barbara, they made me call you.
[BARBARA] Who, Susan? Who?
[SUSAN [OC]] Barbara, listen
[BARBARA] Susan? Susan? Are you there, Susan!
[SUSAN [OC]] They're going to kill me.
[BARBARA] Susan?
[SABETHA] We must tell Tarron.
[SABETHA] Well, what else can we do? We've got to find her.
[BARBARA] Yes, of course we have, but
[ALTOS] You're thinking of the Doctor.
[BARBARA] He mustn't know anything about this. He must keep his mindabsolutely clear in order to concentrate on Ian. Anyway, how do we knowthat Tarron isn't implicated? Who'd suspect the Chief Investigator? Hewas next to Ayden in court when he was killed.
[SABETHA] What do we do, Barbara?
[BARBARA] We find Susan ourselves.
[ALTOS] And remember, whoever is behind this kidnapping is either inleague with the murderer, or is the murderer.
[BARBARA] Trouble is, where to begin? Best thing we can do is to go overeverything that's happened to us since we landed in Millenius. There'sa link somewhere, and it's probably the one and only way to save Ian.
[IAN] How much longer?
[CLERK] Execution is set to take place when the pointer reaches thestar.
[IAN] Will I be allowed to see my friends?
(Reception area)
[BARBARA] I've got it. I've got it!
[ALTOS] What is it?
[BARBARA] Well, it's a start, anyway.
[ALTOS] Go on.
[BARBARA] Ayden is the only one we know for certain was connected withthe crime. He knew all the others, though. That's probably why he waskilled.
[SABETHA] I don't see how that helps.
[ALTOS] Well, they must have been in contact when they were planning therobbery. It's just possible that his wife, Kala, might know someonethat he was seeing quite frequently.
[SABETHA] But if she did, do you think she'd tell us?
[ALTOS] Well of course she would. She'd be as eager as we are to findthe man that murdered her husband.
[SABETHA] I'm not so sure.
[BARBARA] It's a chance. Come on. It's a chance.
(Ayden's home)
[KALA] You.
[BARBARA] I'm terribly sorry to disturb you. We know what a terribleordeal you've been through, but we think you might be able to help us.
[KALA] I don't think so. I know nothing.
[BARBARA] Oh, please. May we come in?
[KALA] If you must.
[BARBARA] Thank you. The people who murdered your husband have kidnappedSusan, the young girl who was with us.
[ALTOS] They've threatened to kill her too. We thought it was possiblethat you might know someone your husband was seeing quite frequently.
[KALA] I know of no one. My husband was very secretive. He never told mewho he saw or where he went. Now, please, Ayden is dead. If hecommitted a crime, he's paid for it. He's dead, but I'll have to livewith the memory of his crime for the rest of my life.
[BARBARA] I'm sorry, but you see, you're our only help.
[KALA] Leave me alone. Leave me alone. I do understand and I sympathisewith you. You must have been sick with worry since you spoke to Susan,but I just can't help you. I know nothing.
[BARBARA] I'm sorry.
[ALTOS] Come on.
[BARBARA] Please understand, we had to try. Goodbye.
[KALA] Your friends were here looking for you. No, don't look hopeful.They've gone. They won't be back. They're like all the rest of them.Stupid. Stupid.
[KALA] Yes?
[EYESEN [OC]] The trial has just ended. Chesterton is to be executed atthe beginning of the next zenith.
[KALA] Good. The old man didn't say where the key was hidden?
[EYESEN [OC]] No. I'm certain he doesn't know. I'll get it later thencome for you. Be ready.
[KALA] I will. What about the child?
[EYESEN [OC]] She's no more use now, and she can identify you. Kill her.
[ALTOS] We cannot delay telling the Doctor now.
[BARBARA] Oh, we should have told him long ago. Sabetha, you were right.If anything's happened to Susan, I'll never forgive myself.
[SABETHA] It was a terrible choice. She sounded so afraid.
[SABETHA] What is it?
[BARBARA] What you just said. Kala couldn't have known.
[ALTOS] Known? Known what? What are you talking about?
[BARBARA] Kala said, you must have been sick with worry since you spoketo Susan. Well how did she know we'd spoken to Susan? We've told noone.
[ALTOS] Then Kala must have been with Susan when she telephoned.
[ALTOS] Come on, we're going back.
(Aysen's home)
[KALA] Seems a pity, really. The old man didn't know where the key washidden after all.
[KALA] Let me go! Let go of me! Let me go.
[ALTOS] Don't struggle.
[BARBARA] There.
[SUSAN] Oh, Barbara!
(Reception area)
[EYESEN] Don't take it too hard.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, it's you.
[EYESEN] I just wanted to say what a good job you did on the defence.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and you did an even better job for the prosecution, myman.
[EYESEN] I am sorry we couldn't have met under happier circumstances.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes.
[EYESEN] Goodbye.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye.
[CLERK] Oh, excuse me. The exhibits and documents. Where do you wantthem?
[EYESEN] In the cupboard, please. Well, I don't think there's anythingelse. Goodbye.
[TARRON] Goodbye, sir.
[TARRON] It's time to leave, sir.
[DOCTOR] Leave? I can't leave now. I must find new evidence and re-openthe case.
[CLERK] Yes?
[BARBARA [OC]] I'd like to speak to Interrogator Tarron.
[TARRON] This is Tarron.
[BARBARA [OC]] This is Barbara Wright. Have you had the results yet onthe gun that killed Ayden?
[TARRON] No, not yet.
[BARBARA [OC]] Well just to save time I'll tell you what they say. Aydenwas killed by his wife, Kala.
[TARRON] What?
[BARBARA [OC]] I'm with her now. Why don't you come and get her?
[TARRON] Come on.
[BARBARA] So we realised Kala couldn't have known we'd talked to Susan.
[SUSAN] Yes, then the three of them crept up behind her and pow!
[BARBARA] Shouldn't have taken the chance, though. I had no right torisk Susan's life.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps not, perhaps not. However, child, you're safe and well.I wish I could say the same thing about Chesterton.
[ALTOS] But surely they'll stop the execution now that Kala's confessed.
[DOCTOR] I hope so. I sincerely hope so. Well? Well!
[TARRON] Kala's made a full statement. She's named her accomplice.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Then you can stay the execution.
[TARRON] No, I can't. Kala's sworn testimony states that the man she wasworking with was Ian Chesterton.
[DOCTOR] Impossible!
[BARBARA] But she's lying.
[TARRON] Yes, I have doubts myself. She's a vicious, dangerous woman,but just doubts aren't enough to ask for a stay of execution. They'dneed positive proof.
[SUSAN] What about that man who called on the phone thing? I heard himtell her to kill me.
[TARRON] Did you recognise the voice?
[DOCTOR] What else did he say?
[SUSAN] Oh, nothing much. Just that he'd collect the key later and thenpick her up.
[DOCTOR] Collect the key. Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Yes, yes. Youunderstand? The villain that planned all this, the one who planned thiswhole affair, is now planning to collect the key! What a wonderfulopportunity it gives us to catch him red-handed. And to releaseChesterton!
[TARRON] Call the prison.
[SUSAN] The key!
[IAN] How did you know it was there, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] It had to be. I knew it all along. Until we knew the culprit,the information was no good.
[TARRON] Everyone and everything that went in and out of that vault waschecked. Everything except this mace.
[BARBARA] Have you any idea why they did it?
[TARRON] Oh, yes, they've owned up to everything. Kala and theProsecutor had planned to steal the key and sell it, and Chestertonhere just happened to walk right into the middle of it. They made himlook so guilty I never doubted for a moment he was the one.
[DOCTOR] You should read Pyrrho, my boy. He founded Scepticism. A greatasset to your business.
[IAN] Thank heaven you remembered reading Pyrrho, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Reading? What are you talking about? I met the man.
[SUSAN] Whoopee! Now we can go and join Altos and Sabetha.
[IAN] What, have you sent them on ahead, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] There was no point in keeping them here, so I thought it mightcheer Arbitan up to know that we'd been successful.
[BARBARA] Yes, well, it'll be lovely for him to see his daughter again.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[CLERK] The senior judge has just written this.
[DOCTOR] Ah, is that the authorisation?
[TARRON] You've just got permission to take the key, sir.
[DOCTOR] All we need now is the wrist strap you impounded fromChesterton.
[IAN] Ah. Thank you.
[CLERK] I see you're all wearing them. What are they for?
[DOCTOR] Our means of travel.
[IAN] They do look a bit odd, but they work. They give us movementthrough space.
[TARRON] I don't believe it.
[DOCTOR] Show him.
[IAN] All right. Now.
[SUSAN] Ready?
[BARBARA] Steady.
[IAN] Go.
[DOCTOR] Well, one of them might have waited for me. However, I supposeI'd better join them.
[CLERK] I don't understand. Where have they gone?
[DOCTOR] Goodbye, my friends.
[CLERK] He's gone too.
[TARRON] Yes. He told us what was going to happen and we saw it. Butnobody else has seen it. We'd be better off keeping this story toourselves.
[CLERK] How are you going to complete the report, Tarron?
[TARRON] I shall say that they left. They left to take the key back toits inventor, Arbitan.
(Control room)
[YARTEK] Arbitan is dead. Do you hear me? I, Yartek, am in control now.
[ALTOS] What have you done with Sabetha?
[YARTEK] Where is the final key?
[ALTOS] I don't know.
[YARTEK] Why are you so stubborn? What purpose does it serve? I'm goingto find out in the end.
[ALTOS] What have you done to Sabetha?
[ALTOS] Sabetha!
[SABETHA] Why have you tied him up? He's of no use to you.
[SABETHA] He's just a servant. He knows nothing, I tell you.
[YARTEK] He means nothing to you?
[SABETHA] I have no thoughts about him at all. I told you, he's just oneof my servants. Let him go.
[ALTOS] Sabetha.
[SABETHA] Be quiet! I did not give you permission to speak. I tell youhe knows nothing.
[YARTEK] In that case, as you think so little of him, as I gather fromthe way you treat him, it doesn't matter what happens to him.
[SABETHA] Of course not. Send him away.
[YARTEK] Yes, I can do that. Or I can have him killed. After all, he'sonly a servant. Kill him!
[YARTEK] Useless lies! Where is the final key?
[SABETHA] I'll never tell you. Never.
[YARTEK] But this man is no servant. He travelled with you. He is inlove with you. I think he will tell me.
[SABETHA] The man who loves me cannot betray me.
[YARTEK] The man who loves you cannot condemn you to death. I canpromise you one thing. If you do not tell me where the final key is, Ishall order my creatures to kill her.
[ALTOS] The man who was with us, the Doctor, he has it.
[DOCTOR] What on earth are you doing, dear boy? You frightened the lifeout of me.
[IAN] Doctor, I'm sorry.
[SUSAN] Is the Tardis all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, the forcefield's been lifted, and I peered in for a momentor two. Now, everything appears to be all right.
[BARBARA] Arbitan kept his promise, then. He said he'd remove theforcefield.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, come along, come along. You're all running aroundhere like a lot of scared chickens.
[IAN] We were waiting for you.
[DOCTOR] I'm here! My dear Chesterton, sometimes you drive me round thebend. I don't know
[SUSAN] Grandfather.
[IAN] Even so, it's a bit odd.
[BARBARA] You mean Sabetha not being here to meet us?
[IAN] Or Altos. We'd better keep our eyes open.
(Control room)
[VOORD] I have put them in the cell, as ordered.
[YARTEK] Keep well out of sight then now, but be within call.
[YARTEK] One more. Just one more.
[IAN] Well done, Doctor. I was afraid of this.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and I think it's time now to go back to the ship.
[BARBARA] What about Sabetha and Altos?
[SUSAN] Yes. They may be hiding somewhere.
[IAN] Yes. Right. We split up. Susan, you come with me. We'll go insearch of Arbitan. Doctor, you and Barbara see if you can find Sabethaand Altos. Give me the key.
[DOCTOR] Here, and don't part with it until you're absolutely sure itgoes into the right hands.
[IAN] Don't worry, I won't. Come on, Susan.
[DOCTOR] And you accompany me, my dear, will you?
[BARBARA] Yes, all right. Look, I think we'll take this with us.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes.
[BARBARA] Just in case.
[SABETHA] It's no use. Even if we manage to untie ourselves, we'll neverbreak the gates down.
[ALTOS] At least I could defend you. I can't even do that.
[SABETHA] At least you're with me, Altos.
[ALTOS] I'll never leave you.
(Control room)
[SUSAN] Arbitan!
[IAN] Thank heaven. We were afraid
[YARTEK] Have you brought the key?
[IAN] Where's Sabetha?
[YARTEK] Where is the old man? He is the one who has the key.
[SUSAN] I don't understand you. We've done all these things for you andall you can think about is the key.
[YARTEK] Forgive me. The key has filled my mind for so long I've becomeinsensitive to anything else. Sabetha is safe and well.
[IAN] Do you realise that the full
[YARTEK] Stop! Don't come near me. Power from my machine escaped. I amsuffering from a deadly disease.
[SUSAN] Cam we do anything to help?
[YARTEK] Sabetha alone knows the cure.
[IAN] Where is Altos?
[YARTEK] The young man, who attached himself to her while she was away.Is he a good man? Is he sincere in his feelings for her?
[IAN] What is your impression of him?
[YARTEK] There are many races of men on Marinus. He looks and soundswell enough, but I don't know.
[IAN] Naturally, we like and admire him, but since you don't know himyou must make up your own mind.
[YARTEK] I agree, of course. But the key, the final key. Do you have it?
[IAN] Yes.
[SUSAN] Ian.
[IAN] I have it here.
[YARTEK] Throw it down. Good! Now bring the old man to me. Sabetha willbe here, and we can enjoy our triumph together.
[IAN] All right, I will.
[VOORD] Shall I follow and destroy them?
[YARTEK] No. The machine will enslave them now. Bring Sabetha and theyoung man to me. I want them here when the final key is inserted and mypower is absolute.
[SUSAN] Ian, that man couldn't have been Arbitan.
[IAN] No. I thought Arbitan sent Altos for the keys. This man said hewas a stranger. He never looked at us. I think there was somethingfunny going on there.
[SUSAN] But then why give him the key?
[DOCTOR] So when Yartek gets the final key, his power will be absolute.
[ALTOS] Yes, with the aid of the machine he could control us all.
[DOCTOR] And our impulse to leave this planet would be destroyed.
[SABETHA] That is true.
[SUSAN] Altos, Sabetha.
[DOCTOR] You heard about Arbitan?
[IAN] Yes. We met the man who's usurped his place.
[DOCTOR] Give me the key. We must have it destroyed.
[SUSAN] Ian gave it to him.
[DOCTOR] What! You gave it away?
[IAN] I gave him a key. Sabetha, you remember that fake key? Barbarafound it on the idol.
[BARBARA] I remember.
[IAN] That was the key I gave him. This is the genuine key.
[DOCTOR] My dear boy!
[SABETHA] We must go quickly. Leave the building.
[IAN] Why?
[ALTOS] Yartek may put that false key into the machine at any moment. Ifhe does, it will set the machine in motion, but once it feels the fullforce of the power, it'll break under the strain.
[IAN] You mean the machine'll blow up?
[ALTOS] Yes.
[DOCTOR] There's not a moment to loose. Come on!
[ALTOS] And everything in this building with it.
[DOCTOR] To the moving wall!
(Outer wall)
[DOCTOR] About where you are, Susan.
[IAN] What do you mean, about? Don't you know exactly?
[DOCTOR] Somewhere here. Somewhere here. There's a small stone. It movedunder my hand.
[IAN] Yes.
(Control room)
[YARTEK] Why haven't you obeyed my commands?Where's Sabetha?
[VOORD] The others have set them free. They're in the corridor near thecell.
[YARTEK] She will have told them of her father's death, of course, butit doesn't matter. The machine's power will spread through the planet.There is no escape now except for us. I will bring them back with this.
(Outside the Tardis)
[SUSAN] Everything all right, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my child. Chase the others up, will you?
[SUSAN] Right. (leaves)
[DOCTOR] I'm glad to have this moment alone with you, Sabetha. I want tospeak of your father. You know, he was a very wise and brilliant man,and I know how you felt when you learned of his death.
[SABETHA] His life's work destroyed.
[DOCTOR] No, no, I wouldn't say that. His work will go on, only notquite in the same way. But I don't believe that man was made to becontrolled by machines. Machines can make laws, but they cannotpreserve justice. Only human beings can do that. Now I only hope thatyou'll carry on his good work, please. Goodbye. Bless you, my child.
[SUSAN] What are you going to do now?
[ALTOS] We might well return to the city of Millenius.
[SABETHA] We still have our travel dials. It's a good place to start.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Susan!
[SUSAN] We've got to go now. Bye, Sabetha.
[SABETHA] Goodbye, Susan.
[SUSAN] Goodbye, Altos.
[ALTOS] Goodbye, Susan.
[IAN] What shall I do with this key? The one I didn't give to Yartek.
[ALTOS] Why don't you give it to the Doctor.
[BARBARA] That's a good idea.
[IAN] All right, I will.
[ALTOS] Goodbye, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Goodbye, Altos.
[SABETHA] We shall think of you often.
[ALTOS] Ian.
[IAN] Goodbye, Altos. Goodbye, Sabetha.
[BARBARA] Take care, Altos.
[ALTOS] You may depend on that.
[BARBARA] Oh dear, I shall miss them.
[IAN] Come on, Barbara.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s01", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Keys Of Marinus"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (23 May, 1964; First Doctor) - The Aztecs
[BARBARA] Look at that.
[SUSAN] I am.
[BARBARA] It's an Aztec mask. He must have been a priest.
[SUSAN] Well, the Aztecs were Mexicans. We must be on Earth again. Iwonder what year it is.
[BARBARA] He must have died around 1430, I should think.
[SUSAN] How do you know that?
[BARBARA] All these things belong to the Aztec's early period.
[SUSAN] That's what I call really knowing your subject.
[BARBARA] Ah, well, that was one of my specialties, Susan.
[SUSAN] The little I know about them doesn't impress me. Cutting outpeople's hearts.
[BARBARA] Oh, that was only one side to their nature. The other side washighly civilised.
[SUSAN] The Spanish didn't think so.
[BARBARA] They only saw the acts of sacrifice. That was the tragedy ofthe Aztecs. The whole civilisation was completely destroyed, the goodas well as the evil.
[SUSAN] Cortes landed in 1520, didn't he? Hey, look, cartoons! They'vegot bubbles coming out of their mouths. Oh, hey, Barbara, look!
[SUSAN [OC]] Don't go too far.
[BARBARA] It's all right, there's no one here.
[SUSAN [OC]] I think I'll get the others.
[BARBARA] It's perfect.
[AUTLOC] Woman, how came you here? The temple is sacred to the memory ofthe High Priest Yetaxa. You trespass and must be punished. Warriors!
[DOCTOR] I don't care if she is interested in them,I told her repeatedly not to go off on her own.
[SUSAN] The door! It's closed.
[IAN] (in normal shirt and trousers this time) Now where is this door,Susan?
[SUSAN] Here. Ah.
[IAN] Barbara? Barbara? No sign of her.
[SUSAN] She was here just now.
[IAN] Doctor, look at this extraordinary city down here.
[DOCTOR] The Aztecs. They knew how to build.
[IAN] We must be pretty high up here. Place seems absolutely deserted.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I hope you're right. These Aztecs had some rather gruesomehabits. I should hate to be carved up on that by some Aztec highpriest.
[IAN] The door!
[DOCTOR] Quickly!
[IAN] There's nothing to get a grip on.
[SUSAN] There must be some way of opening it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you push from the other side. These tombs were designed toprevent grave robbers, not to aid and abet them.
[AUTLOC] Autloc, High Priest of Knowledge, most humbly greets theservants of Yetaxa.
[DOCTOR] The servants of whom, sir?
[AUTLOC] Yetaxa, the High Priest.
[IAN] Where's Barbara?
[AUTLOC] Of whom do you speak?
[IAN] The woman who was here a moment ago.
[AUTLOC] In due time you shall meet again, but first grant us ourcourtesies. No evil exists in our hearts towards you. In fact, wehonour you.
[DOCTOR] What is your name, sir?
[AUTLOC] Autloc.
[DOCTOR] And you are the High Priest?
[AUTLOC] As such I serve.
[DOCTOR] You know where we came from?
[AUTLOC] The tomb.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, is there a way through from this side?
[AUTLOC] The tomb is sealed. Go now with these attendants, and soon youshall meet the one who wears the bracelet of Yetaxa.
[DOCTOR] What's he talking about now?
[SUSAN] He must be talking about Barbara. She picked up a bracelet fromthe tomb.
[IAN] Well, perhaps we'd better go and meet her.
[SUSAN] Ugh!
[DOCTOR] You know who he is?
[IAN] The local butcher by the look of him.
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[AUTLOC] You have seen her?
[TLOTOXL] (as Richard Crookback) A vision is with us, Autloc. When doesit rain?
[AUTLOC] This day. When the sun's fire first touches the horizon to thewest.
[TLOTOXL] At that moment shall I present her to the people. A vision iswith us and shall stand before them. And I, in supplication to the RainGod, shall offer human blood. The rains will come. No more talk againstus that the gods were against us and brought drought to the land. Therains will come and power shall again be ours.
[AUTLOC] I tell you the rains will come with or without sacrifice.
[TLOTOXL] Does the High Priest of Knowledge only worship him who hasfallen, and not him who has made us strong?
[AUTLOC] I worship the same god as you.
[TLOTOXL] Then above all, honour him. He has made us rulers of the land.For this he demands blood. And he shall have it.
(Ante Chamber)
[SUSAN] Well, they've treated us all right so far.
[DOCTOR] The Aztecs always showed the utmost courtesy towards theirintended victims.
[IAN] Barbara!
[BARBARA] Leave us.
[DOCTOR] Good gracious.
[IAN] What on earth are you doing there?
[BARBARA] They think I'm a reincarnation of that priest in the tomb. Ifound this and put it on, and when the High Priest caught me I wasstill wearing it.
[SUSAN] So he thought you were a god?
[SUSAN] But the priest in the tomb's a man! How can you be areincarnation of him?
[BARBARA] The form the spirit takes isn't important, Susan. This iswhat's important.
[IAN] Yes, that High Priest, what was his name?
[DOCTOR] Autloc.
[IAN] That's right, Orkloc.
[ALL] Autloc!
[IAN] Autloc. Well, he said we were the servants of Yetaxa. Is that whothey think you are?
[IAN] And we're your servants?
[BARBARA] That's right.
[DOCTOR] Charming.
[BARBARA] Well, it's very useful for us, Doctor. It means we can go intothe tomb any time we want to, get into the Tardis and leave.
[SUSAN] We can't. It only opens from the inside.
[DOCTOR] Reincarnations can come out, but human beings can't go in.
[IAN] We must find out how that door opens.
[DOCTOR] That's one thing you mustn't do. As Yetaxa, you're supposed toknow everything. If the Aztecs decide you're not what you're supposedto be, then we shall all die.
[TLOTOXL] Great spirit of Yetaxa, I, Tlotoxl, High Priest of Sacrifice,salute you.
[DOCTOR] As you said, Chesterton, the local butcher.
[BARBARA] I acknowledge the High Priest's greeting.
[AUTLOC] For many days the Rain God has looked away from us, and theland withers and the people groan.
[TLOTOXL] We have prayed that the land may again be bountiful. And thisday we honour Tlaloc's name.
[AUTLOC] When the sun's fire first touches the horizon to the west, thepeople will stand before the temple in obedience to our commands. Wehumbly beg, Great Spirit, that at that time the people shall see youand know that their suffering draws to an end.
[DOCTOR] And Barbara will appear and down will come the rains.
[BARBARA] I shall do as the High Priest requests.
[AUTLOC] We also beseech you, Great Spirit, to permit your handmaidenand your servants to move freely among our people.
[DOCTOR] O, Great Spirit, grant us this our wish, that we may be youreyes and ears among the people to do our best and serve in all ourinterests.
[AUTLOC] The aged servant of Yetaxa speaks with wisdom.
[BARBARA] My handmaiden remains with me. The others may do as you wish.
[AUTLOC] We shall await you.
[DOCTOR] A wonderful performance, my dear. Congratulations. We now haveeverything we want, exactly.
[BARBARA] We do?
[DOCTOR] Yes. You and Susan here in safety, and Ian and I outsidefinding out about the tomb.
[IAN] Yes, it sounds all right, but I don't think we should take oureyes off those two for a second.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I shouldn't mind them. They're far too bust timing theirmiracle.
[SUSAN] What miracle?
[DOCTOR] Presenting Barbara to the public one second before it rains.
[TLOTOXL] Autloc, who serves Yetaxa?
[AUTLOC] We do, as High Priests of the Temple.
[TLOTOXL] What purpose then serve the others?
[AUTLOC] Yetaxa
[TLOTOXL] Would it not be better if one led our force of arms?
[AUTLOC] The young man?
[TLOTOXL] A warrior favoured of the gods.
[AUTLOC] But Ixta is our chosen warrior.
[TLOTOXL] Let Ixta prove himself more worthy than the servant of Yetaxa.(to Ian) It has been decided. The old man may walk abroad. You shalltrain to command our army.
[DOCTOR] Surely that is for Yetaxa to decide?
[IAN] Yetaxa would not refuse so great an honour. I accept.
[TLOTOXL] Autloc, take the old man into the Garden of Peace, that he maysit in comfort. Come now and encounter Ixta.
[IAN] Who is he?
[TLOTOXL] Your rival to command.
(Warriors hall)
[IXTA] I greet you, Tlotoxl. What manner of warrior is this?
[TLOTOXL] He is the servant of Yetaxa.
[IXTA] I had heard that Yetaxa again guides us in wisdom and instrength. Would the High Priest care for me to demonstrate my skill?
[TLOTOXL] (to Ian) To command, one must prove oneself in courage, skill,intelligence. Ixta has taken many prisoners on the battlefield. He hasno fear of death.
[TLOTOXL] So shall other tribes fear the Aztecs even more.
[IXTA] Tell Yetaxa that I shall serve well.
[TLOTOXL] I shall carry your salutation for you. He remains.
[IXTA] Here dwell only warriors chosen to command.
[TLOTOXL] I know it.
[IXTA] What name did your mother give you?
[IAN] Ian.
[IXTA] Then I tell you, Ian, six warriors dwelt here. Only I remain.There is no fear of you in me. Rather I welcome you. For one day allmen shall fear Ixta, the Aztec commander who killed the chosen servantof Yetaxa.
[TLOTOXL] Let him be clothed according to his rank.
[IXTA] It shall be done. Is he to assist at the ceremony of the RainGod?
[TLOTOXL] Ian is as you are, a chosen warrior.
[IAN] What duties must I perform at this ceremony?
[IXTA] All honour rests with us. We shall deliver the human sacrifice toTlotoxl.
(Garden of Peace)
[DOCTOR] Why are all these people here?
[AUTLOC] It is our law that all who attain their fifty second year shallpleasurably pass the remainder of their lives free from responsibilityand care.
[DOCTOR] Poor old souls, they must be bored to tears doing nothing.
[AUTLOC] We often seek the accumulated wisdom of their years.
[DOCTOR] What about?
[AUTLOC] All manner of things. Each person here has served the communityin one way or another. He was a weaver of priestly garments, she was awoman of medicine. That man
[DOCTOR] And what about her?
[AUTLOC] Cameca? Of all those here, her advice is most sought after.
[DOCTOR] What did you say her name was?
[AUTLOC] Cameca. You will find her a companion of wit and interest. Andnow I beg permission to depart.
[DOCTOR] Of course.
[DOCTOR] In spite of the drought, there's plenty of water for theflowers.
[CAMECA] Better to go hungry than starve for beauty.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Mmm, all the perfume of the gods. I find this placedelightful. So restful.
[CAMECA] It is the Garden of Peace.
[DOCTOR] A very apt description.
[CAMECA] The words of Topau.
[DOCTOR] Topau?
[CAMECA] The man who built the temple.
[DOCTOR] Oh, he designed all this, did he?
[CAMECA] As a labour of love.
[DOCTOR] Yes, one senses that immediately. Does he come here often?
[CAMECA] He watches over us constantly.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I see, he's a gardener.
[DOCTOR] But you just said that he watches
[CAMECA] So he does. In spirit.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I see. He's dead.
[DOCTOR] Please.
[DOCTOR] I would have liked to have met him. You knew him?
[CAMECA] Well. His son lives.
[DOCTOR] Ah, a builder.
[CAMECA] A warrior.
[DOCTOR] Yes, still I suppose he knows much of his father's work. I findthe temple here very fascinating.
[CAMECA] A meeting between you could be arranged.
[DOCTOR] My dear lady, I should be so grateful.
[IAN] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] My dear Chesterton, this dear lady has promised me to arrange ameeting between myself and the son of the man who built the temple.
[IAN] Most kind of you, madam.
[CAMECA] Pray excuse me, then you may talk more freely.
[DOCTOR] Charming person.
[IAN] Doctor
[DOCTOR] So intelligent and gentle.
[IAN] Doctor, there is to be a human sacrifice today at the ceremony forthe Rain God, and I have to
[DOCTOR] Just a minute, what are you supposed to do?
[IAN] I must escort the victim to the altar and hold him down. Doctor, Ican't
[DOCTOR] Do it, man! Do it but don't interfere.
[IAN] But
[DOCTOR] There's no buts about it. If human sacrifice is essential hereand it's their tradition, then let them get on with it. But for oursakes, don't interfere. Now promise me, please. Promise. I'll go andtell Barbara.
[SUSAN] Hey, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Just the thing for the Royal Enclosure at Ascot.
[SUSAN] I'm rather mad about being handmaiden to a goddess.
[BARBARA] Well, I must admit that this end of it isn't too hard to take,either.
[SUSAN] Isn't that beautiful?
[BARBARA] You know, that's what gets me. I mean, take Autloc. He'ssensitive, intelligent. And then there's
[SUSAN] Tlotoxl. It's incredible, isn't it? Beauty and horror developinghand in hand.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Get out of my way. Go on. Let me pass. I must talk toYetaxa.
[DOCTOR] Susan, please go outside and don't let anybody in.
[SUSAN] Right.
[BARBARA] What is it? What's happened?
[DOCTOR] There's to be a human sacrifice today at the Rain Ceremony.
[BARBARA] Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] And you must not interfere, do you understand?
[BARBARA] I can't just sit by and watch.
[DOCTOR] No, Barbara! Ian agrees with me. He's got to escort the victimto the altar.
[BARBARA] He has to what?
[DOCTOR] Yes, they've made him a warrior, and he's promised me not tointerfere with the sacrifice.
[BARBARA] Well, they've made me a goddess, and I forbid it.
[DOCTOR] Barbara, no!
[BARBARA] There will be no sacrifice this afternoon, Doctor. Or everagain. The reincarnation of Yetaxa will prove to the people that youdon't need to sacrifice a human being in order to make it rain.
[DOCTOR] Barbara, no.
[BARBARA] It's no good, Doctor, my mind's made up. This is the beginningof the end of the Sun God.
[DOCTOR] What are you talking about?
[BARBARA] Don't you see? If I could start the destruction of everythingthat's evil here, then everything that is good would survive whenCortes lands.
[DOCTOR] But you can't rewrite history! Not one line!
[SUSAN] Barbara, the high priests are coming.
[DOCTOR] Barbara, one last appeal. What you are trying to do is utterlyimpossible. I know, believe me, I know.
[BARBARA] Not Barbara, Yetaxa.
[SUSAN] Grandfather? Grandfather, what's happening?Why can't I see what's going on?
[DOCTOR] You must stay here, child. You must.
[AUTLOC] A vision has come to us, my people. TheHigh Priest Yetaxa has returned that you may look once more upon thesign of the coiled serpent. Great Spirit of Yetaxa, stand forth that wemay honour you.
[TLOTOXL] Take his arms. Take his legs. Great Tlaloc, God of Rain, ITlotoxl, High Priest of Sacrifice, call upon you to look with favourupon our land. Give us the water that is our life, and we will honouryou with blood.
[BARBARA] Stop. I, Yetaxa, command you. There shall be no more bloodspilt.
[MAN] You have denied me honour.
[TLOTOXL] Honour us then with your death.
[TLOTOXL] With death came rain.
[BARBARA] Without your sacrifice came rain.
[TLOTOXL] Does Yetaxa speak with the voice of the gods or as theprotector of a handmaiden?
[BARBARA] As a god.
[TLOTOXL] Then let the handmaiden be punished. She cried out anddesecrated sacred ground. She transgressed the law.
[BARBARA] She did not know it.
[TLOTOXL] Then let knowledge be beaten into her.
[BARBARA] No one shall be punished for an offence committed inignorance.
[TLOTOXL] I demand that she be punished.
[BARBARA] No! Let her instead be taught respect for your customs.
[AUTLOC] I will take her to the seminary.
[BARBARA] So be it, Autloc.
[AUTLOC] The Great Spirit of Yetaxa has spoken.
[TLOTOXL] No, no, this is not Yetaxa. This is a false goddess! And Ishall destroy her.
[DOCTOR] Well, young woman, I hope you'resatisfied. A happy day for you.
[BARBARA] Doctor, please.
[DOCTOR] You wouldn't be advised, would you. Oh, dear me, no, you knewbetter.
[BARBARA] I couldn't stand by and watch that man being sacrificed.
[DOCTOR] Do you think we felt any differently?
[BARBARA] No, of course not.
[DOCTOR] Then why not leave well alone? Human sacrifice is theirtradition. Their religion. There's nothing we can do about it.
[BARBARA] I had to try.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what happened? Tlotoxl lost faith in you, our livesare in danger, and Susan is locked up in some kind of seminary.
[BARBARA] Well at least she is safe there.
[DOCTOR] Safe? Safe, my dear child? She was perfectly safe here untilyou started meddling.
[BARBARA] Look, I wanted it to rain without that man being killed. Iwanted them to see that his death was unnecessary.
[DOCTOR] Don't you realise he wanted to be offered to the gods? It madehim feel one.
[BARBARA] I just didn't think about it.
[DOCTOR] No, that's just it. You didn't think.
[BARBARA] Oh, go away. Leave me alone.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, my dear. I didn't mean to be so harsh with you.
[BARBARA] No, you had every right.
[DOCTOR] However, what's done is done, and now it's up to you whathappens next.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you'll have to hold Tlotoxl off.
[BARBARA] How can I? He's lost faith in me. He thinks I'm a falsegoddess.
[DOCTOR] No, not to Autloc.
[BARBARA] You want me to play them off against each other?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The more Tlotoxl doubts you, the more you must convinceAutloc that you are Yetaxa.
[BARBARA] Tlotoxl won't dare defy Autloc.
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[BARBARA] What about you and Ian?
[DOCTOR] Oh well, Ian can look after himself, and I think I shall knowmore about the entrance to the tomb tonight. I've met somebody whoknows how the temple was built. An Aztec lady.
[BARBARA] You're an old rogue.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but really it's up to you, Barbara. We're quite safe hereas long as you're here. So
[BARBARA] You enter unannounced.
[TLOTOXL] I proclaim myself only to my gods. Let the old man go down tothe garden.
[BARBARA] Enjoy the company of your new-found friends.
[DOCTOR] As Yetaxa commands.
[TLOTOXL] I would ask you, how shall a man know his gods?
[BARBARA] By the signs of their divinity.
[TLOTOXL] And what if thieves walk among the gods?
[BARBARA] Then indeed, how shall a man know?
[TLOTOXL] By the secrets of the gods' minds.
[BARBARA] It is true. Their knowledge will reveal them.
[TLOTOXL] How many heavens are there?
[BARBARA] Does Tlotoxl covet the mantle of the High Priest of Knowledge?
[TLOTOXL] How many heavens?
[BARBARA] Thirteen.
[TLOTOXL] Name them.
[BARBARA] If the truth of my divinity lies in my mind, let Autloc seekit.
[TLOTOXL] So he shall, just as Ixta now challenges the servant ofYetaxa.
[BARBARA] For what reason?
[TLOTOXL] To discover who shall live to command our armies.
(Warriors hall)
[IXTA] Thus shall my enemies fall.
[IAN] Real enemies can hit back.
[IXTA] I have no fear of death.
[IAN] Perhaps not. The dead never win.
[AUTLOC] How would you attack?
[IAN] I should use more cunning. Surprise my enemy.
[IXTA] This also I can do.
[IAN] This is all I need.
[AUTLOC] To win a victory with your thumb needs magic.
[IAN] To know your enemy's weakness isn't magic, it's common sense.
[IXTA] What weakness have I that is vulnerable to your thumb?
[IAN] You'll be surprised. I won't kill you this time. Not this time,Ixta.
[IXTA] You mock the arts of war. I defy you to harm me.
[IAN] Pick up your club.
[IAN] Don't worry, he'll be all right.
[TLOTOXL] Autloc, there is a (sees Ixta slumped across the table)
[AUTLOC] No, he sleeps. Yetaxa's servant won the victory with his thumb.
[TLOTOXL] You saw the blow?
[AUTLOC] There was no blow. He fought with his thumb.
[IAN] Tell him to have a good rest when he wakes up.
[AUTLOC] Where do you go?
[IAN] For a walk.
[TLOTOXL] Could you not fight against it?
[IXTA] I was powerless.
[CAPTAIN] The Perfect Victim desires to be admitted.
[TLOTOXL] All his requests must be granted. (to himself) Must begranted.
[TLOTOXL] You grace us here with your presence. Ixta. Here is one whowould be Commander of our armies. His name is Ixta.
[CAPTAIN] All have heard of the prowess and bravery of Ixta.
[TLOTOXL] Now there are those who say that the stories and the truth arefar apart.
[IXTA] No man can win against me.
[TLOTOXL] No man? Not one?
[IXTA] I shall lead the armies. It is my right.
[TLOTOXL] Yesterday it would seem so.
[CAPTAIN] You would make an enemy?
[TLOTOXL] I? I only know that I have seen one who could defeat him.
[VICTIM] Defeat Ixta?
[IXTA] Once, and by a trick. I tell you, face to face I can pull himdown.
[TLOTOXL] Perhaps.
[VICTIM] You drive the man. How often have you and Oftla instructed methat small failings in a man may be his saving graces.
[TLOTOXL] But you, O Perfect Victim, are, as your name implies. When youmeet the gods, you will be able to tell them of the Aztecs. A commandershould be as pure, so that his name may be held in very awe and dread.
[VICTIM] Then he who defeated Ixta should be our commander.
[IXTA] No!
[TLOTOXL] It may be that the other won by a trick. A second contestwould show, but I cannot order it.
[CAPTAIN] Only the Perfect Victim may be obeyed at all times.
[VICTIM] My faith in Ixta is supreme. I wish to see him meet the otherman.
[TLOTOXL] So be it. I shall arrange it at the sunset.
[CAPTAIN] Ixta could challenge the other.
[VICTIM] Let it be so.
[TLOTOXL] This I promise you. All honour and glory shall be yours if youdestroy him.
(Garden of Peace)
[DOCTOR] What leaf is this?
[CAMECA] It's from a herb. The sap is used by our medicine men to inducesleep, but the leaves are harmless.
[DOCTOR] I think I know about it.
[CAMECA] You are a healer?
[DOCTOR] No, no, they call me the Doctor. I am a scientist, an engineer.I'm a builder of things.
[CAMECA] Now I understand your interest in the temple.
[DOCTOR] Yes, there are one or two features inside the temple thatintrigue me.
[CAMECA] I have some knowledge of it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, for instance, the tomb is sealed. Now surely the builderhad some way of opening it?
[CAMECA] My knowledge is too limited to answer you, but the builder'sson may know.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course I don't wish to pry into family matters
[CAMECA] No one could think that of you. I shall arrange a meeting.
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear, how charming of you.
[CAMECA] When shall it be?
[DOCTOR] Oh, any time. Today?
[CAMECA] An interested mind brooks no delay.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and I'm sure that's true of you, too.
[CAMECA] It was true. Now I am content to spend the time here like theothers.
[DOCTOR] Oh, but their minds are old, Cameca, and that's something I'msure yours will never be.
[CAMECA] Your heart is young too, Doctor.
[TLOTOXL] Leave us.
[CAPTAIN [OC]] Warriors.
[TLOTOXL] The High Priest of Knowledge will question you.
[BARBARA] And if he finds I am the spirit of Yetaxa returned?
[TLOTOXL] Then I shall beg forgiveness of the gods.
[BARBARA] The High Priest of Sacrifice has spoken. I shall remember hiswords.
[TLOTOXL] Remember this also. Whilst your divinity is in dispute, onlythose who serve the temple may approach you.
[BARBARA] My servants also?
[TLOTOXL] No, you must remain alone.
[TLOTOXL] A false goddess and her servants could conspire against us.This is a danger we are not prepared to face.
[BARBARA] Then tell my servants that they may not enter here.
[TLOTOXL] They shall be told.
(Warriors hall)
[CAMECA] Ixta, you wish to see me?
[IXTA] I greet you warmly, Cameca, and would seek your advice.
[CAMECA] If I can give it, I shall.
[IXTA] What do you know of magic?
[CAMECA] Nothing, though it's my belief I know one who does.
[IXTA] Name him.
[CAMECA] The old servant of Yetaxa.
[IXTA] He is of no use to me.
[CAMECA] But you can be of service to him. He seeks an interview withyou.
[IXTA] To what end?
[CAMECA] He is interested in your father's work.
[IXTA] Does he know my name?
[IXTA] Tell him I will speak with him.
[CAMECA] Where?
[IXTA] In the garden.
[CAMECA] I shall tell him, Ixta.
[IXTA] What better way to destroy your enemies than to let them destroythemselves.
[AUTLOC] You have studied the Code of the Good Housewife?
[SUSAN] I have.
[AUTLOC] I would hear it.
[SUSAN] Tend well your nurseries and your flowerbeds. Keep clean yourpot and stew pans. Do not spend recklessly. Do not destroy or cheapenyourself. Erm, erm.
[AUTLOC] You will never have a house.
[SUSAN] Yes. You'll never have a house or home of your own if you livelike that.
[TONILA] She has learnt diligently, Autloc.
[AUTLOC] Susan is a good pupil. She uses her intelligence. Susan, thisis Tonila, one of the Priests of Knowledge.
[AUTLOC] No, no, you do not greet your elders in such a manner.
[AUTLOC] No, you stand still, not looking around. You keep your eyesfixed on the person you're being introduced to, unless you're meetingyour future husband for the first time. Then you keep you eyesdowncast.
[SUSAN] Well, how will I know?
[AUTLOC] Know what?
[SUSAN] Well, that he's to be my future husband.
[AUTLOC] You'll be told.
[SUSAN] Told? I'm not going to be told who to marry.
[AUTLOC] What say have you in the matter?
[SUSAN] It's my life, I'll spend it with whom I choose, not someonepicked out for me.
(Garden of Peace)
[IXTA] You are the old servant of Yetaxa?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, indeed, I am.
[IXTA] My father built the temple.
[DOCTOR] Oh, indeed, yes. Well, I find the entrance to the High Priest'stomb a particularly fine piece of work.
[IXTA] Few temples have an entrance like it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, of course, yes, yes, he kept that secret, didn't he.
[IXTA] He has drawn it.
[DOCTOR] Really? I wonder if it's at all possible that I might see thedrawings, hmm?
[IXTA] Can a humble warrior deny the request of Yetaxa's servant? I willbring it to you after sunset, if the gods are willing.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't see why not, hmm?
[IXTA] Tonight, at sunset, I have to meet another warrior in combat.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I hope not to the death?
[IXTA] No, but defeat would mean disgrace. No man could look upon me orspeak to me for many days.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I see.
[IXTA] My opponent has been selected. I know his name and I fear defeat.
[DOCTOR] And what weapons do you use?
[IXTA] Only my hands. My strength lies in the use of a spear or a club.
[DOCTOR] Really? Indeed. Yes. Oh, dear, dear, dear, and I would haveloved to have seen those drawings.
[IXTA] No more than I desire a victory.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, may I suggest that we assist each other?
[IXTA] I thank the older servant of Yetaxa.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think a little horticulture might go a long way.
(Warriors hall)
[TLOTOXL] Does fatigue affect the servant of the gods?
[IAN] Does the High Priest scorn my attempts to be worthy of command?
[TLOTOXL] (quietly) Can you conquer him?
[IXTA] I know it. Ian.
[IAN] Yes, Ixta.
[IXTA] I challenge you to a contest of strength.
[IAN] A fight?
[IXTA] Without weapons. Your hands have defeated me. Let mine try to wina victory over you.
[TLOTOXL] Will you deny him?
[IAN] No.
[IXTA] We will fight here as the sun sets.
[IAN] All right.
[TLOTOXL] You are confident of victory?
[IXTA] If you wish it, he shall die.
[TLOTOXL] Let him die.
[BARBARA] I tell you, Tlotoxl is determined todestroy me.
[AUTLOC] He cannot while I believe you to be Yetaxa.
[BARBARA] Yet you question me at his bidding.
[AUTLOC] We both serve the gods.
[BARBARA] Do you? Were you not angry when I forbade the sacrifice to theRain God?
[BARBARA] Do you question the value of such sacrifice?
[AUTLOC] I accepted it. But we send messengers to the gods, why shouldthe gods not send a messenger to us?
[BARBARA] To say there shall be no more human sacrifice?
[AUTLOC] I shall not oppose the gods if it is their will that suchsacrifices cease.
[BARBARA] The High Priest of Knowledge speaks withgreat wisdom.
[AUTLOC] If your words are denied, shall we not be living in defiance ofthe gods?
[BARBARA] Famine, drought and disaster will come, and more and moresacrifices will be made. I see a time when ten thousand will die in oneday.
[AUTLOC] Where will it end, Yetaxa?
[BARBARA] In total destruction. Your civilisation will pass forever fromthe land.
[AUTLOC] You prophesy our doom.
[AUTLOC] Let me think upon these words, Great Spirit.
[BARBARA] As the High Priest desires.
(Garden of Peace)
[IXTA] The thorn of a cactus will give me victory?
[DOCTOR] Yes, and make sure that you don't scratch yourself.
[IXTA] The aged servant of Yetaxa offers poison.
[DOCTOR] No, it won't kill. It'll slowly drain away the strength of youropponent. And scratch here.
[IXTA] I thank you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, and young man, you won't forget the drawings, hmm?
[IXTA] I shall be here after sunset.
[DOCTOR] So shall I.
[TLOTOXL] She prophesied our doom?
[TLOTOXL] To avert her own. I tell you she is a false goddess.
[AUTLOC] I do not know it.
[TLOTOXL] You will question her again?
[TLOTOXL] Conceal yourself.
[DOCTOR] Barbara? Barbara!
[BARBARA] Doctor, go away.
[DOCTOR] What?
[BARBARA] You're not allowed in here.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense. I'm supposed to be one of your servants.
[BARBARA] Hasn't Tlotoxl told you that while I'm being questioned no oneis allowed to see me.
[DOCTOR] All right, I'll go, but first, I think I shall know more aboutthe entrance to the tomb tonight.
[DOCTOR] All I had to do was make certain some warrior won a fight.
[BARBARA] What warrior?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. But he had a sort of mask or face like a cat.
[BARBARA] But that's Ixta, Doctor, and he's fighting Ian.
[DOCTOR] Ixta? Ixta! I must warn Ian.
[TLOTOXL] Hold him. He has transgressed the law.
[DOCTOR] Sir, I will not have
[CAPTAIN] Do you wish him confined or
[TLOTOXL] Take him to the barracks.
[DOCTOR] I demand to be released. Take your hands off me, sir. How dareyou! How dare you!
[BARBARA] He had no right to arrest my servant.
[AUTLOC] The old man transgressed the law.
[BARBARA] He did not know it. No one told him.
[AUTLOC] If that is so, to hold him prisoner would be unjust. I shallobtain his release.
[BARBARA] Thank you. Autloc? There is to be a contest between Ian andIxta. I forbid it.
[AUTLOC] Great Spirit, it cannot be avoided. Only one of them cancommand our army.
[BARBARA] Then let it be Ixta.
[AUTLOC] You deny your servant honour?
[BARBARA] The contest is ill-timed. Ixta has trained for many months.
[AUTLOC] Yet I have seen your servant defeat him, and it is not a mortalcombat.
[BARBARA] Then see that it remains so.
[AUTLOC] The spirit of Yetaxa has spoken.
(Warriors hall)
[VICTIM] Let the contest begin.
[DOCTOR] Ian, don't let him scratch you.
[IAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Tlotoxl, stop this nonsense. Stop it!
[DOCTOR] Ixta is using that magic I gave him.
[TLOTOXL] Then you should rejoice. Ixta will win.
[DOCTOR] Autloc, stop this!
[TLOTOXL] No. Let it continue, to the death!
[TLOTOXL] Destroy him, Ixta.
[AUTLOC] Yetaxa forbids it.
[TLOTOXL] A false goddess forbids it. Destroy him.
[TLOTOXL] Your place is in the temple.
[BARBARA] I am loyal to those who serve me.
[TLOTOXL] If you are Yetaxa, save him.
[BARBARA] If my servant dies, so does Tlotoxl. Put it down.
[BARBARA] I did as you commanded. Now you must obey me. Those who serveme shall not be punished.
[TLOTOXL] So be it.
[VICTIM] The contest is ended. Ixta may not claim the victory.
[AUTLOC] Attend Yetaxa's sermon. Take the old man to the courtyard andin obedience to Yetaxa, release him.
[TLOTOXL] Is it true? The old man gave you this to win a victory?
[IXTA] It is true.
[TLOTOXL] It is not magic. It is the juice from a plant. Tonila willknow. Why did he aid you?
[IXTA] It was a trick. He did not know that I was to fight Ian. Hepromised to help me if I told him the secret of my father's work.
[TLOTOXL] What secrets?
[IXTA] How the tomb of Yetaxa may be opened.
[TLOTOXL] I must question him about it.
[IXTA] Tlotoxl, what of Ian? He was at my mercy.
[TLOTOXL] So shall he be again. I promise it.
[IXTA] And next time you will honour your promise.
[AUTLOC] Tlotoxl was humiliated. He will notforget, nor will he forgive.
[BARBARA] I did as he commanded.
[AUTLOC] But not as he expected.
[BARBARA] What did he want? A miracle?
[AUTLOC] We all awaited it.
[BARBARA] Why should I use divine powers when human ability willsuffice?
[AUTLOC] Yetaxa has spoken.
[BARBARA] Has the High Priest of Knowledge thoughtabout my prophesy?
[AUTLOC] I have. It is true, if we defy the gods we shall be destroyed.
[BARBARA] There are two ways. The god's way, and Tlotoxl's, which isevil and must be destroyed.
[AUTLOC] He is the High Priest of Sacrifice.
[BARBARA] When is the next sacrifice?
[AUTLOC] Three days from today. The moon will pass before the sun andthen all will be in darkness.
[BARBARA] At noon?
[AUTLOC] Even so.
[BARBARA] There's to be an eclipse. And Tlotoxl will offer human bloodso that the sun will shine again.
[BARBARA] But it's a trick! As the High Priest of Knowledge, you knowthe sun will shine again.
[AUTLOC] Unless the gods withdraw their favour from us.
[BARBARA] Am I not a god? Support me. Tlotoxl won't dare defy us both.
[AUTLOC] If I take that course, there is no way back for me. In allhumility, I beg you, do not deceive me or prove false to me.
(Garden of Peace)
[TLOTOXL] The priest Tonila's knowledge of plantshas served me well.
[DOCTOR] I'm delighted.
[TLOTOXL] What manner of servant are you?
[DOCTOR] Oh, go away, Tlotoxl.
[TLOTOXL] I'm curious about you. First you try to give Ixta victory.
[DOCTOR] Ixta cheated me.
[TLOTOXL] I wonder.
[DOCTOR] I am faithful to my friends.
[TLOTOXL] Yet you deceive Yetaxa.
[DOCTOR] Not at all.
[TLOTOXL] You try to get into the tomb without her knowledge. What is ityou want from the tomb?
[DOCTOR] What is it you want from me?
[TLOTOXL] I want but one thing. Proof that she is a false goddess.
[DOCTOR] Then open the tomb.
[TLOTOXL] That cannot be achieved.
[DOCTOR] Then talk to Ixta. He has some drawings.
[TLOTOXL] In whose service are you?
[DOCTOR] I serve the truth. Help me, Tlotoxl, and I promise you, youwill find it.
(Warriors hall)
[IXTA] Do not be afraid of me, Ian. Now that I can defeat you openly, Ihave no need to destroy you in secret.
[IAN] Whatever it was you scratched me with beat me, not you, Ixta.
[IXTA] Did you yourself not say use stealth, surprise your enemy?
[IAN] True.
[IXTA] Did I not do those things?
[IAN] Yes, you did.
[IXTA] A thorn, some poison, and the aged servant of Yetaxa.
[IAN] Did the Doctor help you?
[IXTA] Your friends make strange allies, Ian.
[IAN] Did he know you were going to fight me?
[IXTA] No.
[IAN] I need some fresh air.
[IXTA] Let me help you. Now that I have proved that I can be the victor,we two can be friends for the little while that you have left to live.
[IAN] Oh, I'm going to die, am I?
[IXTA] Oh yes, Ian. Next time I shall not fail to kill you.
[TLOTOXL] Ixta. I see your strength has been restored to you.
[IAN] Don't tell me you're my friend now.
[TLOTOXL] Ixta, I have need of the drawings.
[IXTA] The ones I promised to the old man? None exist. The secret of thetomb died with my father.
[TLOTOXL] Why did he not set it down?
[IXTA] He thought to, but disappeared before it could be done.
[IAN] So that's why the Doctor prepared a thorn for you.
[IXTA] Yes, and now the old man waits in vain for the drawings. Stealthand cunning, Ian.
[TLOTOXL] You are well versed in these matters, Tonila. Just as the oldman helped Ixta defeat Ian, so shall you help me destroy the falseYetaxa.
[IXTA [OC]] Ian?
[TONILA] I cannot do this. No, I will not. Destroy the gods and wedestroy ourselves.
[TLOTOXL] The gods are immortal, are they not?
[TLOTOXL] Then how can we, mere flesh and blood, destroy them?
[TONILA] But did you not suggest the use of knowledge of poisons againstYetaxa?
[TLOTOXL] I say that such a test would prove the woman. If she dies, sheis mortal. If she lives, then she is indeed the spirit of Yetaxareturned. Now, would you deny yourself the glory, Tonila, of seeing thegods proved before your eyes?
[TONILA] I shall prepare the mixture, then you and I and Autloc willtest Yetaxa.
[TLOTOXL] Autloc? I think not.
[TONILA] Why not?
[TLOTOXL] His mind is set that she is Yetaxa. He would forbid the test.No, you and I will do this thing, Tonila. For once, the High Priest ofKnowledge shall be in ignorance.
(Garden of Peace)
[AUTLOC] Such happiness, Cameca, outshines the sun.
[CAMECA] And may outlast it, Autloc.
[AUTLOC] What brings about such joy?
[AUTLOC] Then I am grateful to him. You carry cocoa beans. For barter?
[CAMECA] I've been to the market and obtained food.
[AUTLOC] Then these must be for drink.
[CAMECA] Only the gods may know.
[AUTLOC] And the mortals live in hope.
[CAMECA] He is a gentle companion, and most dear to me.
[AUTLOC] Then prepare these beans as a love potion.
[CAMECA] That would be too bold. Rather he should show his love for me.
[AUTLOC] You wish him to prepare it?
[AUTLOC] Good fortune.
[CAMECA] I greet the good and noble Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, my dear Cameca. How nice to see you again. The garden'sbeen a lonely place without you.
[CAMECA] If one's interest is held, loneliness does not exist.
[DOCTOR] I was merely passing the time until you arrived. Oh, this sign.I hadn't noticed it before.
[CAMECA] It is the Yetaxa sign. In almost every building, honour is paidto Yetaxa.
[DOCTOR] Oh, really?
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear. Cocoa beans?
[CAMECA] We use these to barter for our daily needs.
[DOCTOR] What am excellent idea. A currency you can drink. Delicious.
[CAMECA] You know our custom?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my dear, of course.
[CAMECA] The drinking of cocoa has it's own special meaning.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I agree. A rare delight. We should take a cup together.
[CAMECA] Are you certain?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, quite. Now, give me some beans and I'll prepare them.
[CAMECA] You insist upon this?
[DOCTOR] I do. I insist absolutely. As a token of my esteem.
[CAMECA] The gods are smiling favour through your eyes. May it always beso. My dear Doctor, I accept with all my heart.
[DOCTOR] Wait here, my dear. I'll be back.
[BARBARA] Why do you take such risks?
[IAN] Because I overheard something that Tlotoxl said to Tonila.
[BARBARA] Tonila? I didn't know they were allies.
[IAN] They're planning something against you. I'm sure of it.
[BARBARA] I'll watch them both. Tlotoxl's dangerous. He seems able tobring people around to his way of thinking.
[IAN] You've got it all wrong, Barbara. All the people here shareTlotoxl's views.
[BARBARA] What about Autloc? I'm sick and tired of all this arguing andquarrelling. First the Doctor and now you. Why can't you see what I'mtrying to do?
[IAN] I can.
[BARBARA] Well you're not helping. Tlotoxl's evil and he'll makeeveryone else the same.
[IAN] They are the same, Barbara. That's the whole point. You keep oninsisting that Tlotoxl's the odd man out, but he isn't.
[BARBARA] I don't believe it.
[IAN] Well, you must. If only you could stand away from this thing,you'd see it clearly. Autloc's the extraordinary man here. He's thereasonable one, the civilised one, the one that's prepared to listen toadvice. But he's one man, Barbara. One man.
[BARBARA] Then everything I've tried to do. Oh, I thought I could alterthem.
[IAN] You can't fight a whole way of life, Barbara.
[BARBARA] I suppose not. I've just been fooling myself. Ian, what can wedo?
[IAN] We can get into that tomb and leave them alone.
[BARBARA] Yes. Ian. There's someone coming.
[TLOTOXL] We greet Yetaxa.
[BARBARA] What do you want here?
[TLOTOXL] I come before Yetaxa in humility.
[BARBARA] Such quiet words do you credit.
[TLOTOXL] We have both spoken hot words and thought black deeds, and Imust be the one to find a common ground.
[TONILA] End this conflict.
[BARBARA] Drink this draught with us as a symbol of our new friendship.Then I will serve you, and whatever words Yetaxa speaks, I shall echo.
[TONILA] I am the witness.
[BARBARA] Then I accept.
[TLOTOXL] I hear your words and I rejoice.
[BARBARA] Tlotoxl, you do believe me to be Yetaxa?
[TLOTOXL] I shall proclaim you when we stand together before the people.
[BARBARA] Then I would have you perform one small service. For as Iprove my faith in you, so must you prove yours to me.
[TLOTOXL] Tell me quickly, that I may obey and all the past beforgotten.
[BARBARA] Drink first.
[BARBARA] Drink it.
[BARBARA] So this is your friendship. (she smashes the cup) You defilethis temple. Get out of my sight. Go!
[TLOTOXL] I only meant to test you.
[BARBARA] With poison?
[TLOTOXL] Yetaxa would have lived. The gods are immortal.
[BARBARA] Well I would have died. I am not Yetaxa.
[TLOTOXL] False. False! I knew.
[BARBARA] And who will believe you? I warn you, Tlotoxl, you say oneword against me to the people and I'll have them destroy you. Destroyyou!
[IAN] Don't worry, Barbara. It'll be all right. We'll get away from thisplace.
(Garden of Peace)
[DOCTOR] Happy days, my dear.
[CAMECA] The happiest of my life, dear heart. Was ever such a potionbrewed? In bliss is quenched my thirsty heart.
[DOCTOR] Very prettily put, my dear.
[CAMECA] Oh, sweet-favoured man, you have declared your love for me, andI acknowledge and accept your gentle proposal.
[AUTLOC] What progress do our pupils make at theseminary, Tonila?
[TONILA] All are diligent in their studies.
[AUTLOC] And how does Yetaxa's handmaiden fare?
[TONILA] Her intelligence far exceeds that of the others, and she hasknowledge of things known only to the priests.
[AUTLOC] You are surprised? She also serves the gods.
[TLOTOXL] She serves other gods than ours.
[AUTLOC] Tlotoxl, when will you cease to doubt Yetaxa's divinity?
[TLOTOXL] I know she is false. She has come amongst us to destroy us.
[AUTLOC] Or to save us.
[TLOTOXL] Autloc believes in Yetaxa. What of you?
[TONILA] I'm not sure. I do not know whose voice to hear.
[TLOTOXL] When I have the proof, my voice will be like thunder in thesky. But what is the way? She is too clever. Her handmaiden. Alone, inthe seminary.
[TONILA] She's intelligent, but self-willed.
[TLOTOXL] Tell me about her.
[TONILA] One day, in the presence of Autloc and myself, she said shewould only marry someone of her own choosing.
[TLOTOXL] She would not marry on advice or for honour?
[TONILA] Not unless she chose the man.
[TLOTOXL] Then we must find a suitable husband for her, Tonila. Yetaxa'sweakness lies not in herself, but in her servants.
[AUTLOC] In the annals of Kohurticlan, there is themyth of the Five Suns in the Sky. Name them.
[SUSAN] The first was known as Four Tiger, the second the Sun of Air,the third the Son of Fire and Rain, the fourth the Sun of Water, andfinally the present one, the Sun of Man.
[AUTLOC] Excellent, Susan.
[TONILA] I greet you, Autloc.
[AUTLOC] I honour you, but why do you come here?
[VICTIM] It is my wish to look upon her.
[AUTLOC] Do you know who she is?
[VICTIM] Does she know who I am?
[VICTIM] Tell her.
[AUTLOC] In a few days time, Susan, darkness will descend upon the landeven though it is day.
[TONILA] The sun will be hidden from our eyes.
[SUSAN] You mean there'll be an eclipse.
[AUTLOC] At that time, a sacrifice will be made to the Sun God, and thisyoung man
[SUSAN] Is to be the victim. Oh, it's horrible.
[VICTIM] But it is a great honour for me to be chosen. I shall take heras my bride.
[SUSAN] Bride? He thinks I'll marry him? He must be mad.
[TONILA] For his last few days of life, all that he desires is grantedto him.
[SUSAN] Well, that doesn't include me. Let him die if he wants to die,but don't ask me to marry him.
[AUTLOC] It is the Aztec law, Susan.
[SUSAN] It's barbaric. I won't do it. I won't.
[TONILA] For this you will be most severely punished.
[AUTLOC] But, Tonila.
[TONILA] She has broken the law. It must be reported to Tlotoxl.
[AUTLOC] Whatever's in my power, I shall do.
[SUSAN] You're monsters. All of you, monsters. Oh, Grandfather.Grandfather.
(Garden of Peace)
[CAMECA] My dear, I'm glad to find you alone.
[DOCTOR] Cameca.
[CAMECA] I have a gift for you. It signifies my love for you. It camefrom Yetaxa's tomb.
[DOCTOR] From where?
[CAMECA] The tomb. See, it has Yetaxa's sign on it.
[DOCTOR] Magnificent, my dear. Where did you get it?
[CAMECA] Ixta's father. He was in love with me. He gave it me the nightbefore he disappeared.
[DOCTOR] In this garden?
[CAMECA] Yes. He was never seen again. But all this is a long time ago,and I now look forward to a life of bliss with you.
[DOCTOR] And I with you, my dear.
[CAMECA] Peace and contentment.
[DOCTOR] Serenity.
[CAMECA] We must have a garden of our own.
[DOCTOR] Yes, why not? A garden of our won.
[BARBARA] Why do you attend me?
[TONILA] There is a matter we would place before you. BARBARA
[BARBARA] Yet you sin against them with your test of poison.
[TLOTOXL] Let us talk of this when
[BARBARA] Be quiet. Tonila, we freely forgive you your sins against us.
[TLOTOXL] What is the punishment for one who talks out against ourteachings?
[BARBARA] In public?
[TONILA] Yes, and after warnings.
[BARBARA] Who heard this?
[TONILA] Autloc and I.
[BARBARA] Autloc?
[TLOTOXL] Then it must be true.
[TONILA] Great Spirit, the penalty is set. The offender must bepublically scourged and ridiculed.
[TLOTOXL] The tongue and ears must be pierced with thorns.
[BARBARA] No, I cannot agree to that.
[TLOTOXL] Would you deny a punishment that Autloc himself upholds?
[TONILA] Without discipline what purpose is there? We would all scatterand give way to weakness.
[BARBARA] When is this punishment to take place?
[TONILA] On the day of darkness.
[TLOTOXL] Before the people. You must be there so that all know thegravity of the offence.
[BARBARA] I wish my servants to be present. The two men and myhandmaiden.
[TLOTOXL] I shall arrange it. The two men and your handmaiden shall bethere.
(Warriors hall)
[DOCTOR] That came out of the tomb. And the man whodiscovered it later disappeared in the garden. And on the wall is astone with Yetaxa's sign on it.
[IAN] You mean there's a tunnel from there to the tomb?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's what I suspect.
[IAN] Where did you get hold of this?
[DOCTOR] My fiancée.
[IAN] I see. Your what?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I made some cocoa and got engaged. Don't giggle, my boy,It's neither here nor there. We must find that tunnel tonight.
[IAN] Yes, all right.
[DOCTOR] Now, I'll wait for you in the garden, and when Ixta's asleep,you come out.
[IAN] Yes, I will. All right. Oh, by the way, Doctor. Congratulations.
[AUTLOC] Is it still your intention to intervene atthe human sacrifice?
[AUTLOC] I shall match your courage, Yetaxa.
[BARBARA] Thank you, Autloc.
[AUTLOC] I thought. It grieves my heart, as it must yours.
[BARBARA] Oh, I shan't be sorry to see the end of the sacrifices.
[AUTLOC] I refer to your handmaiden.
[BARBARA] Susan? What about her?
[AUTLOC] She spoke against our teachings.
[BARBARA] So she's the one to be punished. I must stop it, Autloc.
[AUTLOC] You cannot.
[BARBARA] Yes, I can. She'll be punished at the eclipse. So when we'vestopped the human sacrifice, I can order Tlotoxl to release her.
[AUTLOC] But Susan will be punished first, before the sacrifice.
[BARBARA] I can't let him harm her. I can't.
[AUTLOC] Will you sacrifice us to save your handmaiden pain?
(Warriors hall)
(Garden of Peace)
[IAN] Doctor? Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Ian. I can't move that an inch.
[IAN] Let me try. Yes, it does move.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[IAN] There is a tunnel.
[DOCTOR] Yes. You stay guard.
[IAN] No, no, no, no, no. I'll go.
[DOCTOR] Both of us.
[IAN] No, no, Doctor. It's too dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Wait a minute, wait a minute. Take that. You might need it. (atorch)
[IAN] Yes, thanks.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, a pleasant evening.
[IXTA] A fine night for walking.
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. I was just about to do that.
[IXTA] I myself could not sleep.
[DOCTOR] Oh, dear, what a pity.
[IXTA] That stone must be replaced.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Somebody must have moved it. I suppose they had areason. I should leave it where it is.
[IXTA] The garden would be ruined.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, ruined?
[IXTA] There is a tunnel. My father built it. A water course from a lakein the hills. Would you see the garden flooded?
[DOCTOR] It's perfectly dry.
[IXTA] There's a small gate near the entrance by the lake. It is openedand closed often. I must replace the stone before the tunnel fills withwater.
(Garden of Peace)
[DOCTOR] Open this, Ixta. Ixta, please. Please openit.
[IXTA] Why?
[DOCTOR] Ian Chesterton is in there.
[IXTA] I thank you, old man. This time you have really given me myvictory.
[DOCTOR] Open it! Open it!
[IAN] Barbara, there's a tunnel all the way up from the garden into thetomb!
[BARBARA] You came through there?
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Barbara! Barbara! Something terrible, my dear. I just don'tknow how to tell you. Ian
[IAN] I'm all right.
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, I thought you were drowned.
[IAN] I nearly was. Who put that stone back?
[DOCTOR] Ixta.
[IAN] Oh, so he followed me, eh?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course he followed you. But never mind about that. Howdoes that door work?
[IAN] Don't worry, I've got it licked. All we have to do is get Susan uphere.
[BARBARA] We can't. She refused to marry the victim for the nextsacrifice so she's to be punished.
[DOCTOR] Is she still at that seminary?
[BARBARA] I think so, but she'll be heavily guarded.
[IAN] Don't worry, I'll get her out. Now you stay here.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. And watch out for that man Ixta.
(Warriors hall)
[TLOTOXL] The chosen warrior has done well. WithIan dead they are at completely at our mercy. The rewards I promisedyou shall be yours.
[IXTA] Thank you.
[TLOTOXL] I have a task for you.
[IXTA] Tell me.
[TLOTOXL] Guard the handmaiden.
[TLOTOXL] Do not let her escape nor release her to Autloc. His faith inour gods is wavering.
[SUSAN] Why have I been brought here? Does Autloc know I'm here? What ofYetaxa? I'm her handmaiden. She wished to see me.
[TLOTOXL] Oh, she will see you, at the appointed time.
[IXTA] Rest there.
[TLOTOXL] Tlotoxl thanks you.
[IXTA] Do you ask yourself where Ian is? I can tell you. He is dead.
[SUSAN] I don't believe you.
[IXTA] The old man saw him die. He knows it to be true.
[IXTA] Now seven warriors have challenged my right to command and only Isurvive.
[IAN] Good commanders don't jump to conclusions, Ixta.
[SUSAN] Ian! I knew he was lying.
[IAN] Yes.
[SUSAN] He said you were dead.
[IAN] I nearly was. Come on, let's get going.
[SUSAN] Where are we going?
[IAN] The Tardis. Come on.
[BARBARA] It'll soon be light.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's bound to take him some time to get there and back.
[BARBARA] Oh, I just want to get out of here as quickly as possible.
[DOCTOR] Hmm, and the history?
[BARBARA] Remains unchanged.
[DOCTOR] No rewriting?
[DOCTOR] This isn't going to be easy, you know.
[BARBARA] Well, if we all pull.
[DOCTOR] Yes, we can pull, but I think we'd better do it at an angle.What we really need is a pulley.
[BARBARA] A pulley? But the Aztecs don't have the wheel.
[DOCTOR] I know, but it isn't going to be easy.
[SUSAN] Grandfather!
[DOCTOR] My dear Susan. I'll tell you how glad I am to see you later on.Come along. Don't waste time.
[IAN] All right. Susan, as soon as the door opens, grab it.
[SUSAN] All right.
[DOCTOR] Now, this is not going to be so easy as you think, young man.
[IAN] Oh? Well let's give it a try, anyway.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, be careful.
[IAN] Ready, steady. Pull.
[DOCTOR] Cord's old. It might break. No, no, wait. Let's do it at anangle. Come along.
[IAN] All right.
[DOCTOR] That's it, it's safer.
[IAN] Right?
[DOCTOR] Right.
[IAN] Ready?
[IAN] Pull!
[DOCTOR] Harder!
(Warriors hall)
[IXTA] How could he have escaped?
[TLOTOXL] Did you not let the handmaiden escape? She must be in mypower.
[IXTA] I shall find her.
[TLOTOXL] No, I shall. I have another task for you.
[IXTA] Tell me.
[TLOTOXL] Should Autloc learn of the warrior's return, he will be trulyconvinced that she is Yetaxa.
[IXTA] What can I do?
[TLOTOXL] His faith in her must be completely destroyed. (picks up aweapon) Is this one Ian's? Then use it on Autloc.
[IXTA] To strike down a High Priest? There is no greater offence.
[TLOTOXL] Would you see us humiliated? Each day as the sun rises, Autlocwalks in meditation alone in the garden. Approach him with stealth andstrike him down. Leave this close at hand.
[IXTA] So that Ian will be blamed.
[TLOTOXL] This time, Ixta, do not fail me.
[IAN] Yes, I must try that stone in the garden.
[DOCTOR] I think you're right.
[IAN] But I'll need someone to watch.
[BARBARA] No, I think Susan should stay here.
[IAN] Yes. We'd be careful, Barbara. If Susan and I can get that stonefree, we can let you into the tomb from the other side.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[BARBARA] All right.
[IAN] Come on.
[SUSAN] Don't worry.
[BARBARA] Oh, we're like drowning people, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, now, now, now, don't worry, don't worry, don't worry. Don'tgive up hope.
[BARBARA] Maybe it's this place. I just feel sometimes as if all thepeople who've died here are watching, waiting for me to die, too.
(Garden of Peace)
[IAN] Get yourself down behind that bush.
[SUSAN] Right. I'll whistle if anyone comes.
[IAN] All right.
[SUSAN] Ian! Look. Is he dead?
[IAN] No.
[IAN] This is a trap. This is mine. Ixta gave it to me. Come on, let'sget out of here.
[CAPTAIN] Hold him! This belongs to you?
[IXTA] Yes, I gave it to him. (helping Autloc up) Ian was helping thehandmaiden to escape. He struck you down from behind.
[IAN] How do you know he was hit from behind?
[IXTA] That club belongs to Ian. Take them away.
[AUTLOC] You are the servants of a false goddess.
(Warriors hall)
[TLOTOXL] She is a false goddess, and now Autlochas proclaimed it. Yet we cannot destroy her, Tonila, until the time isripe.
[TONILA] The people would not understand.
[TLOTOXL] The day of darkness is the perfect time. As the Perfect Victimleaves this land, so shall the woman who calls herself Yetaxa alsodepart.
[TONILA] How shall it be done?
[TLOTOXL] As the gods appear, may they not also disappear just assuddenly? I shall arrange it. I had a vision, Tonila, of a room withthree walls. The false Yetaxa shall be placed in that room and thefourth wall added. Then order shall be restored.
(Garden of Peace)
[CAMECA] Of all Aztec men, the High Priest of Knowledge is the mostgentle.
[DOCTOR] Ian didn't hit him, Cameca.
[CAMECA] Yet his club was found here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and as Ian has said, he was in the garden. I know, andhe's innocent.
[CAMECA] Yet he is to die.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Butchered by Ixta.
[CAMECA] If it is your wish, let our marriage be postponed. What is ityou're making.
[DOCTOR] Oh, just something to take my mind off the problems.
[CAMECA] Let me intercede with Autloc on your friend's behalf.
[DOCTOR] It isn't just Tlotoxl that we have to contend with. He and hiskind will destroy all this one day.
[CAMECA] How can it be prevented if it is the will of the gods.
[DOCTOR] It isn't the will of Yetaxa.
[CAMECA] The gods wish an end to sacrifice?
[DOCTOR] Yes, and Yetaxa speaks for them. But Autloc is needed here, andhe won't go to the temple.
[CAMECA] I shall persuade him to go to Yetaxa, beloved.
[BARBARA] I thank you for attending me, Autloc.
[AUTLOC] Such gratitude is due to Cameca.
[BARBARA] Then thank her for me. My servant did not strike you, Autloc.
[AUTLOC] The evidence we have proves he did.
[BARBARA] If that is true, then I am unworthy of your trust. Of allpeople, Autloc, why should I harm you? No, there's some plan here. Whowould benefit most by breaking up our friendship? Tlotoxl.
[AUTLOC] Tlotoxl hates you, I know that, and Ixta does his bidding. AndI am bewildered by the things that happen. I have many doubts, but inthis matter I must believe you. As for the others, I do not know if youare Yetaxa. I do not know what you are.
[BARBARA] My servants are in danger. Will you see them die?
[AUTLOC] Your handmaiden I may be able to protect, but the young man Ianis too closely guarded.
[BARBARA] He didn't strike you, Autloc. He didn't.
[AUTLOC] I cannot save him.
(Garden of Peace)
[DOCTOR] There you are, my dear, it's nearly finished.
[CAMECA] As is our time together. I do not know what its purpose is, butI've always known it would take you from me.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I'm sorry, my dear.
[CAMECA] Tomorrow will truly be a day of darkness.
[DOCTOR] For both of us.
[CAMECA] Tlotoxl is determined to destroy Yetaxa?
[DOCTOR] He must do to safeguard his own beliefs.
[CAMECA] We are a doomed people, my dear. There's no turning back forus.
[DOCTOR] You're a very fine woman, Cameca, and you'll always be very,very dear to me.
[AUTLOC] Cameca, I must speak with you. You are sad, Cameca.
[CAMECA] I have just lost all that is dear to my heart.
[AUTLOC] The same cloud hangs over us. The sunlight of the truth isdarkened and I must know the reason for that darkness.
[CAMECA] Yours is a tragedy far greater than mine.
[AUTLOC] Yet we may help each other. Although I have lost my faith inour traditions, I keep my faith in you.
[CAMECA] And I in you, High Priest.
[AUTLOC] See this ornament? It proves the title to my dwelling house andall my wealth. You will take it to the one who guards Yetaxa'shandmaiden. It will serve to turn his head away while you take the girlup to the temple.
[CAMECA] I shall do it. Where will you seek your truth?
[AUTLOC] In the wilderness, away from the influence of other men.
[CAMECA] You shall not search in vain.
[AUTLOC] And you, Cameca, be happy in the trust I place in you.
(Warriors hall)
[TONILA] May your sacrifice bring pleasure to the gods and peace to ourlands.
[VICTIM] I thank Tonila for his many gratitudes.
[TONILA] I have come to escort you as you walk among the people beforeyou find your destiny.
[SUSAN] What's to happen to us, Tonila?
[TONILA] You shall both be punished before the Perfect Victim goes tofind his heaven.
[IXTA] I, Ixta, the Chosen Warrior, shall proudly lead you to yourglory.
[VICTIM] May victory always rest upon your shoulders.
[IXTA] When we have reached the temple steps, bring them on. We shallhave one more meeting, Ian.
[IAN] Yes, a final one.
[BARBARA] Doctor, why won't you listen to me?
[DOCTOR] They're all busy at the ceremony and this is just the righttime.
[BARBARA] But they'll be here at any moment. Don't you realise that?
[DOCTOR] Yes, now let me see. Oh, I think you ought to order Autloc torelease Susan and Ian.
[BARBARA] What, in front of everybody?
[DOCTOR] Yes. It'll only take me a moment to open the doors and then weshall all dash through there and
[TLOTOXL] The procession has started. Are you ready to attend theceremony?
[BARBARA] Where's Autloc?
[TLOTOXL] He will not be present.
[BARBARA] Why not? What have you done with him?
[TLOTOXL] I? Nothing. He has gone into the wilderness.
[BARBARA] When will he return?
[TLOTOXL] Never.
(Warriors hall)
[CAPTAIN] I greet you, Cameca.
[CAMECA] Do you know this ornament? Autloc desires that it shall beyours. It is the title to his dwelling and all his possessions.
[CAPTAIN] Give it to me.
[CAMECA] You must earn it.
[CAMECA] Send away the warriors from outside this place.
[IAN] What are you doing?
[CAMECA] I've come to help you. It is important that the
[CAMECA] As I give you this, so you shall close your eyes. Autlocdesires that the handmaiden shall leave here with me. There is positionand honour in this ornament.
[IAN] Well somebody had to make up his mind for him.
[CAMECA] Come, quickly. The handmaiden must come to the temple with me.
[IAN] Go on, Susan.
(Garden of Peace)
[TONILA] The Perfect Victim stands before thepeople.
[TLOTOXL] The darkness approaches. Now here is the order of my plan. Weshall despatch Ian and the girl, and then the sky will grow black. Thenfollows the Perfect Sacrifice. Then you and I, Tonila, will retire intothe temple and bind the false Yetaxa. As light appears in the sky weshall again stand in our places. Autloc has gone into the wilderness.You shall be High Priest of Knowledge in his place.
[TONILA] I shall be at your side.
[SUSAN [OC]] Grandfather! Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear Susan.
[SUSAN] Where's Barbara?
[DOCTOR] She's in there.
[SUSAN] Barbara. Barbara?
[CAMECA] I honour Autloc's trust. I bring you your handmaiden.
[DOCTOR] That was a very brave thing for you to do, Cameca, but youcan't stay here.
[CAMECA] I'd hoped I might stay by your side. Then think of me. Think ofme.
(Warriors hall)
[TLOTOXL] Why do you delay?
[IXTA] He has betrayed us. Ian and the girl have gone.
[TLOTOXL] We dare not wait. The darkness will come and go. Sacrificemust be made! Kill him.
[TONILA] Escort Yetaxa to the sacrificial altar.
[TONILA] Go now and bring those who are to be punished.
[BARBARA] Where's Tlotoxl? The ceremony cannot begin without him.
[TONILA] He comes with the handmaiden. She shall be pierced with thorns.
[TLOTOXL] False goddess, you have betrayed us. I shall destroy you.
[TLOTOXL] Ixta! Ixta!
[IAN] Run, Barbara.
[IAN] It's opening!
[DOCTOR] Go! Quickly!
[TONILA] The darkness, Tlotoxl!
[TLOTOXL] Let them go.
[TLOTOXL] Great God of the Sun and the Warriors, I, Tlotoxl, thank youfor this victory. In your honour, let Perfect Sacrifice be made.
[BARBARA] We failed.
[DOCTOR] Yes, we did. We had to.
[BARBARA] What's the point of travelling through time and space if wecan't change anything? Nothing. Tlotoxl had to win.
[BARBARA] And the one man I had respect for, I deceived. Poor Autloc. Igave him false hope and in the end he lost his faith.
[DOCTOR] He found another faith, a better, and that's the good you'vedone. You failed to save a civilisation, but at least you helped oneman.
[IAN] What's the matter, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] We have a bit of a mystery, my boy.
[BARBARA] What sort of mystery?
[DOCTOR] My instruments.
[SUSAN] Yes. According to these controls here, we've stopped.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and those instruments say that we're still moving.
[IAN] Perhaps we've landed on top of something.
[BARBARA] Or inside something.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s01", "episode": "e06", "title": "The Aztecs"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (20 Jun, 1964; First Doctor) - The Sensorites
[IAN] Perhaps we've landed on top of something.
[BARBARA] Or inside something.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? This says everything has stopped, but the ship.
[SUSAN] What did you mean, Barbara, inside something?
[IAN] Perhaps that's why we still appear to be moving.
[BARBARA] Try the scanner, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Covered with static. Let's try it again, Susan.
[IAN] That could be caused by an unsuppressed motor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, or a magnetic field.
[SUSAN] Shall we go outside, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] No, I shan't be happy until I've solved this little mystery.
[BARBARA] I don't know why we ever bother to leave the ship.
[DOCTOR] You're still thinking about the experiences you had with theAztecs.
[BARBARA] No, I've got over that now.
[IAN] There's one thing about it, Doctor. We're certainly different fromwhen we started out with you.
[SUSAN] That's funny. Grandfather and I were talking about that justbefore you came in. How you've both changed.
[BARBARA] Well we've all changed.
[SUSAN] Have I?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it all started out as a mild curiosity in a junkyard, andnow it's turned out to be quite a, quite a great spirit of adventure,don't you think?
[IAN] Yes. We've had some pretty rough times and even that doesn't stopus. It's a wonderful thing, this ship of yours, Doctor. Taken us backto prehistoric times, the Daleks.
[SUSAN] Marco Polo, Marinus.
[BARBARA] And the Aztecs.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and that extraordinary quarrel I had with that Englishking, Henry the Eighth. You know, he threw a parson's nose at me.
[BARBARA] What did you do?
[DOCTOR] Threw it back, of course. Take them to the Tower, he said.That's why I did it.
[SUSAN] The Tardis was inside the Tower.
[DOCTOR] Of course, it was long before you appeared on the scene.However, now, let us get back to this little problem. Open the door,Susan.
[IAN] Have you checked everything, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Plenty of fresh air, temperature normal.
[BARBARA] Oh, just the unknown, then.
[DOCTOR] Precisely.
(Control room)
[IAN] You were right, Barbara. We have landed in something.
[DOCTOR] It's a spaceship. Close the door, Susan. Let us be careful.There's been some kind of catastrophe here.
[IAN] Dead.
[SUSAN] This one's a girl.
[BARBARA] I'm afraid she's the same. What could have happened? I can'tsee a wound or anything.
[IAN] Suffocation, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I never make uninformed guesses, my friend, but certainlythat's one answer. Oh, dear, dear, dear, what a tragedy you know. She'sonly a few years older than Susan.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, let's go back to the Tardis.
[SUSAN] I don't know. I've got a feeling about this.
[BARBARA] Yes, I can sense something too.
[IAN] You mean that whatever it was killed them could kill us?
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, have you noticed anything about this watch? (andthe man's) Neither of them are working. These are the non-winding type.A movement of the wrist recharges the spring inside for twenty fourhours.
[IAN] Yes, and they both stopped at about three o'clock.
[DOCTOR] Yes, then suppose we say that they've only just stopped. Nowthat would mean that the last movement of their wrists would be atleast twenty four hours ago.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, he's still warm.
[BARBARA] Then they've only just died.
[DOCTOR] It doesn't make sense, does it. But the facts are all here. Ithink it would be wise if we returned to the ship and left thesepeople. There's nothing we can do for them.
[BARBARA] No, we can't even bury them.
[DOCTOR] Come along, open the door, Susan.
[IAN] His heart had stopped beating, Doctor. He was dead.
[MAITLAND] (something)
[IAN] What do you want? Yes?
[MAITLAND] Over there.
[IAN] Where? There?
[MAITLAND] Behind you.
[IAN] Here?
[MAITLAND] No, on the left.
[IAN] What, this? (a metal box)
[MAITLAND] Yes, that.
[MAITLAND] Carol. Place this against Carol's chest.
[BARBARA] I'm sorry, Carol's dead.
[MAITLAND] Please, do as I ask.
[IAN] You were both dead.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, what was in that box?
[MAITLAND] It's a heart resuscitator. When you found us, we were in avery long sleep, but we weren't dead. My name is Maitland. This isCarol Richmond, my co-astronaut.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, are you from the Earth?
[BARBARA] So are we. How's it looking?
[CAROL] The Earth, do you mean?
[CAROL] Still too much air traffic.
[IAN] They got it off the roads, did they?
[MAITLAND] You might say that, yes.
[IAN] Barbara and I, we come from London. Tell me, is Big Ben still ontime?
[MAITLAND] What century do you come from? The twenty first, perhaps?
[BARBARA] No, the twentieth.
[CAROL] What's Big Ben?
[BARBARA] Well, it's a clock. Near Westminster Abbey.
[MAITLAND] Yes, you see, the whole lower half of England is calledCentral City now. There hasn't been a London for four hundred years. Wecome from the twenty eighth century.
[CAROL] Captain Maitland, these people must leave immediately.
[MAITLAND] Yes, you will have to.
[IAN] But there are so many things we want to know.
[MAITLAND] There's only danger here for you. You must go.
[BARBARA] Danger? What sort of danger?
[MAITLAND] It's better that you don't know what happened to us.
[BARBARA] But we might be able to help you.
[DOCTOR] No. No, Barbara. I learned not to meddle in other people'saffairs years ago. (Ian laughs) Now, now, now, don't be absurd. There'snot an ounce of curiosity in me, my dear boy. Tell me, why are you indanger?
[MAITLAND] Very well, I'll try to explain. Out there is a planet we callthe Sensphere. The creatures on it, the Sensorites, have alwaysprevented us from leaving this area of space.
[DOCTOR] You mean they have some kind of power over your craft.
[MAITLAND] Exactly. But it's not that simple. They not only control ourcraft, they have some influence over us as well.
[DOCTOR] Hypnosis, do you mean?
[MAITLAND] No, I do not mean hypnosis.
[DOCTOR] Well, what then?
[MAITLAND] Somehow they have some control over our brains. They arehostile, these Sensorites, but in the strangest possible way. Theywon't let us leave this area of space yet they don't attempt to killus.
[SUSAN] What had happened when we found you?
[CAROL] The same thing that's happened many times before. The Sensoriteshave put us into a deep sleep that gives the appearance of death, andyet they've never made any actual effort to destroy us.
[MAITLAND] Far from it. We both have very hazy recollections of themreturning from time to time to our ship to actually feed us.
[IAN] Doesn't add up at all.
[CAROL] This is why you must leave us at once.
[MAITLAND] Yes. The Sensorites may try to prevent you from leaving.
[BARBARA] I can smell something burning.
[SUSAN] So can I.
[MAITLAND] You mustn't delay any longer.
[IAN] I'm inclined to agree with him, Doctor. But surely there'ssomething we can do for you?
[MAITLAND] No. Nobody can help us.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, couldn't we take them back with us?
[MAITLAND] We cannot leave this ship.
[CAROL] You see, there's John to think of too.
[DOCTOR] John?
[BARBARA] Ian, there is something burning.
[IAN] Yes, I think you're right. Maitland, you wouldn't have anythingshorting, would you?
[MAITLAND] No, that's not possible.
[BARBARA] It seems to be coming from over here.
[DOCTOR] You have additional crew, I take it?
[CAROL] Yes.
[MAITLAND] Doctor, you must go. Leave us.
[DOCTOR] Well, it seems to me that there's nothing else I can do.Goodbye, my friend. Bye, bye, my child. Come along, Susan.
[SUSAN] Goodbye.
[BARBARA] It's stronger over here, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh? Perhaps it's coming from inside the Tardis.
[SUSAN] Grandfather!
[DOCTOR] Good gracious! They've taken the lock!
[SUSAN] It's not so much the lock, it's the opening mechanism. Thedoor's permanently locked!
[IAN] Permanently? But there must be some way of getting in? What can wedo, Doctor? Break down the door?
[DOCTOR] And disturb the field dimensions inside the Tardis? We darenot. We've been most effectively shut out.
[BARBARA] The Sensorites?
[DOCTOR] Who else?
[SUSAN] What do they want with us?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. And why have they kept those other two incaptivity, hmm?
[CAROL] The Sensorites! Get back! Get away!
[IAN] Must get up the other end.
[DOCTOR] What is happening, my friend? Can't you control the ship?
[MAITLAND] I'm powerless. The Sensorites are stronger than I am.
[DOCTOR] Which is your parallel thrust?
[DOCTOR] Right. Velocity, Chesterton. Check velocity.
[IAN] It's not even on the unit marker, Doctor.
[MAITLAND] Don't try and control the spacecraft. It's suicide, I tellyou.
[DOCTOR] Please go away.
[IAN] The velocity needle's hitting the red, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Right, stabilisers, Maitland.
[DOCTOR] Oh, at last. At last. The ship was rolling about on its axis.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, look! We're heading straight for it.
[CAROL] It's the Sense-Sphere.
[DOCTOR] Where's your deflection rays? Maitland! Deflection rays.
[MAITLAND] There, the white panel. But it's useless.
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll see about that. We'll see about that. Reading,please.
[CAROL] Mach three, braking one.
[IAN] Nineteen miles to the nearest point of impact.
[CAROL] Closing fast.
[SUSAN] Barbara, we're going to hit. We're going to hit!
[CAROL] Lifting slightly.
[MAITLAND] You're on collision course.
[DOCTOR] Jet. Jet course. Port. Now.
[IAN] Velocity still rising.
[DOCTOR] Jet reverse. Starboard. Now.
[CAROL] Increasing to mach four. Heading straight for point of impact.
[IAN] The altitude is still falling.
[CAROL] Mach four.
[DOCTOR] Barbara, see that panel? Check status. Three lights normal.
[BARBARA] Yes. Three lights on.
[DOCTOR] Boost engines. Forward thrust and lock.
[MAITLAND] Why couldn't I do it?
[DOCTOR] Well, my friend, are you feeling better?
[MAITLAND] Yes, my head's much clearer.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I rather fancy that's settled that little bit ofsolution. You know, I think these Sensorites have found a way to takecontrol of your minds.
[IAN] Do you think they were deliberately trying to kill us, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] No, no, I don't. I think it was an exercise in fear and power.
[CAROL] Yes, but for some reason or other your minds aren't open tothem.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and you found a way to resist them, whereas Maitland here,his power to resist was taken from him.
[MAITLAND] I was afraid.
[IAN] You weren't afraid. They just made you hopeless.
[DOCTOR] Yes, they're dangerous and cunning, these people. But that'snot all. Things are very strange here. You know, they can control, theycan frighten and yet they don't attempt to kill you. Furthermore, theyfeed you and keep you alive. All this is most extraordinary.
[IAN] Yes. Talking about food, I shall be glad when we eat. How's itcoming along?
[BARBARA] All right. Be ready in a minute.
[SUSAN] Iron rations a la carte.
[CAROL] Well, from the size of our stocks, they've obviously been givingus their own food.
[BARBARA] What about water, Carol?
[CAROL] Down there on the right.
[BARBARA] Right, we'll find it.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, have either of you ever met any of these creatures orseen them?
[CAROL] John has.
[IAN] Ah, he's the other member of your crew, isn't he.
[MAITLAND] Yes, our mineralogist.
[DOCTOR] I'd like to have a talk with him.
[MAITLAND] I'm afraid that's out of the question.
[DOCTOR] Oh? Why not?
[MAITLAND] I'd rather not talk about it.
[BARBARA] I suppose she meant the water was through this door. Let's tryit.
[SUSAN] I can't see any handle on the door. Try this. That doesn't work.
[SUSAN] That's funny. Oh, I see, it's the ray. I must have broken theconnection.
[BARBARA] Let's get that water. I'm dying of thirst.
[SUSAN] Yes, so am I.
[BARBARA] Well, down here on the right, she said.
[BARBARA] I don't think we should stay in here.
[SUSAN] (picking up a book) Hey, this is bliss.
[BARBARA] I wonder where that water is?
[SUSAN] I don't know.
[BARBARA] Shh. Listen.
(Control room)
[IAN] Don't you see? John may be able to give ussome valuable information.
[CAROL] I told you. You can't see him.
[DOCTOR] You're both being rather secretive.
[IAN] Where are the others?
[MAITLAND] We should have warned them.
[IAN] What is it? What's wrong?
[CAROL] The door's been locked on the other side. Quickly. They're indanger. We must get in from the other end.
[MAITLAND] This way. This is the other way through.
[CAROL] Oh, it's no use. The ray's been jammed on the other side.
[MAITLAND] I'm sorry, Ian. There's nothing we can do.
[IAN] But what is it? What's wrong? What's going on inside there?
[MAITLAND] It's no use, no use.
[IAN] Barbara! Susan!
[CAROL] No! No, please. No!
[IAN] Are there Sensorites in there?
(Store room)
(Control room)
[CAROL] We must find out about John.
[MAITLAND] We've been over this a hundred times before, Carol.
[CAROL] But the other times were different. The Sensorites made ourdecisions for us.
[MAITLAND] As far as we know they still do.
[CAROL] But the Doctor and the others showed us we can resist them. Wecan! It's only fear that makes us weak, that's all.
[MAITLAND] That may be so, but we mustn't go in there, Carol. It's toodangerous.
[CAROL] What you really mean is, I mustn't go in there. You're afraidfor me, aren't you?
[MAITLAND] I know what John means to you.
[CAROL] The last time I saw him, he didn't even know my name. I must seehim. I must find out. Besides, there are the girls.
[MAITLAND] All right.
[IAN] Maitland, you must get that door opened.
[MAITLAND] Yes, I'll have to cut round the lock.
[IAN] All right, well get on with it.
[MAITLAND] I'll get the machine rigged up.
[IAN] Carol, tell me. What is it that you're both afraid of?
[CAROL] John's in there with your friends. He and I were going to getmarried when we got back to the Earth. The Sensorites attacked him farmore than Captain Maitland and me. I had to sit there helplessly andwatch him get worse and worse.
[IAN] You mean they've taken over his mind.
[CAROL] Yes.
[IAN] What's it done to him? Carol, you've got to tell me.
[CAROL] He'll be frightened of strangers. He may become violent.
[SUSAN] He's crying.
[JOHN] Who are you? You look like my sister. Have you come to help me?Four years.
[BARBARA] Are you one of the crew of the spaceship? You want to tell mesomething? About yourself?
[SUSAN] Is he trying to say he's ill?
[JOHN] Yes. Ill.
[BARBARA] (comforting him) Don't be afraid. We'll take care of you.
[SUSAN] What do you think happened to him, Barbara?
(Control room)
[IAN] Where's the power come from?
[MAITLAND] Electro-magnectics. We should be to the locks very soon.
[IAN] You say you haven't seen John for months?
[CAROL] He was dangerous once the Sensorites got at his brain.
[DOCTOR] Can't you go faster? Susan's in there.
[MAITLAND] It won't be long now.
[DOCTOR] Now what is it? Get on with the job, please.
[MAITLAND] Listen, don't you hear it? I thought there was somethingelse.
[IAN] You mean that high-pitched whine? Is that it?
[MAITLAND] Sensorites.
[CAROL] They must be near. That noise is caused by the machines thatcarry them through space.
[MAITLAND] Carol, get back to your instruments. Doctor, would you takethe controller seat?
[DOCTOR] Anything but this awful waiting.
[IAN] What about Barbara and Susan.
[MAITLAND] There's no time now. Look for glowing lights on the moveabout the ship.
[IAN] How will they attack us?
[MAITLAND] They won't. Not in the normal way.
[IAN] Then how can we defend ourselves.
[MAITLAND] You'll find out soon enough. Look out there. There they are!See them moving?
[IAN] Yes, but they look miles away.
[MAITLAND] It won't take them long to get here.
[IAN] How long do you think it'll take them, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. They must have made the journey before. They werehere before, remember? They took away the lock mechanism from my ship.
[IAN] Yes. Probably took it back to their own planet.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and now they're coming back, with what orders? To takeover our minds? Hmm? Or to kill us?
[BARBARA] Do you hear that?
[SUSAN] It's coming from outside.
[BARBARA] No, you need rest. There's nothing wrong.
[JOHN] I'll protect you.
[BARBARA] Yes. All right. You'll protect us.
(Control room)
[IAN] Would it be a good idea to move?
[MAITLAND] Where to? We already know we can't leave this area of space.
[IAN] All the same, I think
[MAITLAND] Anyway, we're not going to be destroyed. Had the Sensoritesintended that, they would have done so long ago.
[IAN] If that collision course was their idea of a joke, I'd hate to beone of their enemies.
[CAROL] They wouldn't really try to crash us. They just keep on playingthis game of nerves.
[DOCTOR] What's that noise?
[MAITLAND] Yes, we always hear that.
[CAROL] Interference now on all our scans.
[MAITLAND] Now remember, all of you, no violence unless the Sensoritesstart it first.
[IAN] Why no violence? Surely we've got the right to protect ourselves?
[DOCTOR] My dear Chesterton. It's our minds that they take over, so wemust presume that the brain is all important. Now let our ownintelligence be our own defence, and attack.
[CAROL] I can sense them all around us now.
[IAN] Doctor. Doctor.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] Steady, Chesterton. The calmer you are,the stronger.
[IAN] Doctor, look at these two.
[DOCTOR] Maitland. Maitland! Can you hear me? Fear, my boy. It'sloosened his mind. It gives the Sensorites a chance to control it.
[IAN] Doctor, that thing's still out there.
[DOCTOR] Oh, ignore it. Maitland!
[MAITLAND] Yes. I hear you.
[DOCTOR] There's work to be done, my boy. Work. Understand?
[IAN] He's responding.
[DOCTOR] Yes, a door to be opened.
[MAITLAND] A door? Yes.
[DOCTOR] Danger on the other side.
[MAITLAND] John. Yes, we must get the two girls out.
[DOCTOR] Good, good, good.
[BARBARA] All we want you to do is open the door.
[JOHN] No. I'll protect you.
[SUSAN] But our friends are out there.
[JOHN] They're dead. All dead.
[BARBARA] But we were just with them.
[SUSAN] Just a few minutes ago. What is it?
[JOHN] They're here. Inside here.
[BARBARA] John, open the door.
[JOHN] Frighten them? No, I can't do that. No. No.
[SUSAN] Somebody's talking to him. Inside his mind.
[JOHN] No, don't force me. You can't. I won't do it. My head! Pain.(unintelligible)
[SUSAN] Somebody's ordering him to do something, I know they are.Something to harm us.
(Control room)
[MAITLAND] I'll have to use the cutter.
[IAN] Oh, not again. How long will this take?
[MAITLAND] It's the only way.
[IAN] Yes, I know. Just that I'm so worried about Barbara and Susan.
[DOCTOR] Now, now, now. Try and contain your emotions. Use self-control.Otherwise it confuses the brain and leaves it wide open to an attack bythe Sensorites. Look at Maitland here. Fear and inertia left himvulnerable.
[IAN] Yes, it's true enough, Doctor.
[CAROL] The Sensorites are in the ship now.
[IAN] What? How did they get here?
[CAROL] Through the loading bay.
[DOCTOR] But that can't be where Barbara and Susan are now?
[CAROL] No, but we must get to them as soon as possible.
[IAN] Nobody's arguing about that.
[DOCTOR] But that man John's with them.
[CAROL] The Sensorites have control over John's mind. They may force himto obey their orders.
[IAN] How's it coming.
[MAITLAND] Slowly, but it's working.
[IAN] If only we knew what was happening on the other side of this door.Barbara! Susan!
[SUSAN] Listen. It's coming from outside.
[BARBARA] Yes, I can just hear it. It must be Ian trying to get through.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[JOHN] Give me your hand. They want me to frighten you. I mustn't giveway.
[SUSAN] He's so tense, Barbara. Can't we help him?
[BARBARA] John, we're not afraid.
[JOHN] You're not afraid?
[BARBARA] Not while we have you to protect us.
[SUSAN] It's quiet and peaceful here. There's no real danger.
[JOHN] The Sensorites.
[BARBARA] We're your friends, John.
[JOHN] Friends. No, they are my friends!
[SUSAN] Barbara, I've got an idea.
[SUSAN] He's quiet now, but we can't be sure the Sensorites won't makehim help them. Look, if they can use their brains, why can't we useours?
[BARBARA] To defend him?
[SUSAN] Yes, and ourselves. Grandfather and I landed on a planet oncecalled Esto. The plants there used thought transference. If you stoodin between two of the plants, they set up a sort of screeching noise.Grandfather said it was because they were aware of another mind.
[BARBARA] Breaking in on their communications.
[SUSAN] Yes, exactly. I thought if we both tried together.
[BARBARA] Well anything's better than just sitting here.
[JOHN] Sensorites! They're near us now.
[SUSAN] You see? If we both think of the same thing at the same time.
[BARBARA] What do you mean? We defy you. Something like that?
[SUSAN] Yes. Yes, we defy you. We've got to picture the words veryclearly in our minds. We must both concentrate very hard. Ready?
[BARBARA] Yes. When I count to five. One, (cut to Sensorites) four,five.
(Control room)
[MAITLAND] Oh, it's jammed. I'll have to cut the whole section out.
[IAN] We can't wait. I'll give you a hand. Ready?
[MAITLAND] That's it.
[IAN] It's going.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it might be possible for Susan's thoughts to reach out tothe Sensorites.
[CAROL] So we really can resist them?
[DOCTOR] Yes. And there's that friend of yours, you know. John. We mustlook after him. Let me see now. Of course, they have a hold of hismind, you know.
[CAROL] He's sleeping peacefully now.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I wonder. Did Susan release the pressure?
[SUSAN] I had hundreds of voices in my mind, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and that was a dangerous thing to do, child. Because youwere strong-willed and without fear, they didn't harm you.
[MAITLAND] He's resting now. Did you know his hair was almost white?
[DOCTOR] There's nothing wrong with that.
[MAITLAND] In a man of thirty, Doctor? And he looks so old. Why have theSensorites done this? What do they want from us?
[IAN] Doctor. John muttered something just now, before he passed out.Sounded like, the dreams of avarice. Now, on Earth we have a saying.Rich beyond the dreams of avarice. I think he's discovered something.Would explain why he's had the worst of it from the Sensorites.
[DOCTOR] Yes. What were John's duties?
[MAITLAND] He's our mineralogist.
[IAN] You see? Makes sense. John mumbling something about riches. Ithink he must have discovered something that the Sensorites wanted tokeep secret, so they silenced him and kept all of you prisoners abouttheir planet.
[DOCTOR] I see. And now they're trying to do the same to us. We must getthe lock of the Tardis back. Have you tried talking to them?
[MAITLAND] Talking to them?
[DOCTOR] Yes, we must try. We must.
(Loading bay)
[SENSORITE 1] (soft-spoken, holding a microphone to his forehead) Thefirst elder is communicating. Be alert while I listen. Yes. The firstelder is interested in human voice that said we defy you.
[SENSORITE 2] (a deeper voice) The human creatures who are newly arrivedseem to possess more intelligence than the others.
[SENSORITE 1] The first elder said that they have less fear of us. Weare to stay here and watch, and listen to them closely. If they try toattack us with force, we are to summon our warriors to destroy them.
(Control room)
[MAITLAND] One spectroscope, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] So I see.
[CAROL] I do remember he was beginning to take a reading of the mineralsin the vicinity.
[BARBARA] And then what happened?
[CAROL] That was the first time the Sensorites attacked us.
[DOCTOR] Would you like to look at that graph for a moment?
[IAN] Yes. Oh, there's nothing much here. Very ordinary collection ofthings. Oxygen, hydrogen, sodium.
[SUSAN] What's that?
[IAN] It's a spectrograph, Susan. You see these lines? They representthe emission wavelengths.
[SUSAN] Oh, yes, of course.
[IAN] No, there certainly isn't anything very special indicated on this.
[CAROL] You're very strange people.
[SUSAN] Are we?
[CAROL] Well, you've come from nowhere and you seem to be going nowhere.
[BARBARA] We're very dependant on the Doctor. He leads and we follow.
[CAROL] Travel without a purpose?
[BARBARA] Oh, no, there's a purpose in it. He's trying to get us back toour own time. On Earth.
[CAROL] Oh, I see.
[SUSAN] Isn't' it a better thing to travel hopefully than arrive?
[CAROL] Anything's better than circling round a planet for ever andbeing kept alive. Alive. It's been more like a living death.
[DOCTOR] (having looked through a notebook) I just don't understand.There must be a clue here somewhere. There must be.
[IAN] Well I don't know, Doctor. Certainly isn't here.
[MAITLAND] I studied it whenever I could, but it didn't look likeanything that would cause much excitement. The Sensphere is just anordinary planet with a slightly bigger land mass than usual, but that'sall.
[DOCTOR] Yes. That's very interesting. May I?
[MAITLAND] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me.
[SUSAN] I know the Sensorites have discovered thought transference.
[BARBARA] Yes. And when John discovered something, he became so excitedthat his mind opened up and broadcast it to the Sensorites. And it wassomething they wanted kept a secret.
[DOCTOR] What? What is this? What was it Chesterton said? Rich beyondthe dreams of avarice. Yes. Of course. Of course! I know what he found.
[IAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Molybdenum. It's here, in the graph, but it's all mixed up withthe lines so it doesn't make obvious reading.
[IAN] Molybdenum?
[MAITLAND] It resists very high temperatures.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It's used as an alloy in steel. In fact this machine wouldbe useless without it. Now let me see. Iron melts at one thousand fivehundred and thirty nine degrees centigrade, and molybdenum melts at twothousand six hundred and twenty two degrees centigrade. So, you know,we've some idea. Yes, I see now just what John found. I wonder if hewas excited. Yes, that planet must be full of it. Full of it! It's averitable gold mine!
[MAITLAND] Sensorites!
[CAROL] They're here. On the ship.
[IAN] Come on, Barbara. Let's find them.
[BARBARA] Where do you suppose this leads?
[IAN] I don't know. Let's find out. Needn't come if you don't want to.
[BARBARA] Nonsense.
[IAN] Open the door.
[IAN] Go and find Maitland. Ask him how to lockthese doors.
[BARBARA] But Ian.
[IAN] Go on. Don't worry about me. Go on.
(Control room)
[BARBARA] Just tell me, how do we lock the doors?Please, try and concentrate.
[DOCTOR] The sick member of the crew. Try him.
[BARBARA] He'll be in no condition to help.
[DOCTOR] Do as I say.
(John's room)
[BARBARA] John. Show me how to lock the doors. TheSensorites are on the ship. We must stop them.
[BARBARA] Ian, no.
[IAN] Why not? How else can I keep these creatures off?
[BARBARA] Well, do you need to keep them off? Have they actuallyattacked you? Come on, John. Lock the door.
[JOHN] They can't open now.
[BARBARA] It's strange they didn't harm you.
[JOHN] No.
[IAN] I think they were as frightened of me as I was of them.
[BARBARA] They're not very aggressive, are they.
[IAN] No.
[BARBARA] Come on, let's get back to the others.
[IAN] The others! The other way! The Sensorites can get through thatway!
(Control room)
[MAITLAND] It's beginning to clear now.
[BARBARA] Bolt the door, John. Bolt it.
[IAN] Now we'll see what the Sensorites can do.
[DOCTOR] This is all very well, but I think we should try and contactthem.
[BARBARA] Are you two feeling better now?
[MAITLAND] Much better.
[CAROL] Oh, I don't know what happened, but I'm certainly feeling betternow.
[IAN] I'm sure it's no coincidence that the Sensorites attacked you assoon as you discovered molybdenum.
[SUSAN] Yes, but they won't agree to that.
[DOCTOR] Agree? To what? What are you talking about, child?
[SUSAN] I'm sure they'll talk to you about it.
[BARBARA] Susan, what is it?
[SUSAN] All right, I'll ask them. I'll tell you later. The Sensoriteswant to know if it's all right for them to talk to you.
[IAN] Are you saying that you're in
[DOCTOR] Are you saying you've made contact with them?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Well of course we shall see them, but they must agree not toharm us.
[SUSAN] Right.
[DOCTOR] If they try to harm us then I shall fight them.
[SENSORITE 1] Which one is the Doctor?
[SENSORITE 2] The one with the white hair.
[DOCTOR] Speak up. I can't hear you.
[SENSORITE 1] We have been speaking to each other.
[DOCTOR] What is it you want of us? Why don't you let these space peoplego back to their Earth, hmm?
[SENSORITE 2] None of you can ever again leave the area of theSensphere.
[IAN] Why not?
[SENSORITE 1] You know the answer to that.
[IAN] Because of molybdenum. We are not interested in it.
[SENSORITE 2] So you say, but once before we trusted Earth men, to ourcost.
[DOCTOR] So Earth men have visited the Sensphere.
[SENSORITE 1] Yes, and they caused us a fearful affliction. We shall notallow it to happen again.
[MAITLAND] What do you expect us to do? Drift around for ever?
[SENSORITE 1] No, you must all come back with us. A special area hasbeen prepared for you on the Sensphere. There you will live, and thereyou will be looked after.
[DOCTOR] These people cannot possibly accede to your request. It's outof the question.
[SENSORITE 2] You will do exactly as we tell you because you have nochoice. None of you.
[DOCTOR] My party does have a choice, and I assure you we have nointention of spending the rest of our lives with you.
[IAN] Well, you have our answer. What do you propose to do?
[SENSORITE 1] We intend taking you down to the Sensphere, but we do notwish to harm you in any way.
[IAN] Since we've met you, we have no wish to harm you either, but youmust get off this ship.
[SENSORITE 1] What if we refuse?
[IAN] We will attack you.
[SENSORITE 1] The other Earth people will not be able to help you.
[BARBARA] Surely we've proved that we don't need help.
[SENSORITE 2] You have only proved that you can lock doors. We canunlock them.
[DOCTOR] Now listen to me, both of you. You've taken the lock of my shipand I want it returned immediately.
[SENSORITE 1] You're in no position to threaten us.
[DOCTOR] I don't make threats. But I do keep promises. And I promise youI shall cause you more trouble than you bargained for if you don'treturn my property!
[SENSORITE 2] We must decide what we shall do.
[BARBARA] What do they mean, decide?
[IAN] I don't know. Sounds as though there's something else they can doto us.
[DOCTOR] So they might have been referring to Susan.
[SUSAN] The Sensorites only spoke to me through my
[DOCTOR] Next time, if there is a next time, they might try and controlyour mind, my child. Like they've done to these two people.
[MAITLAND] Doctor, is there no way you can get into your own ship?
[DOCTOR] No, not unless they return what they stole from my ship.
[CAROL] But they'll never give it back to you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear, they're not invincible. Oh, no, no, no. Did any ofyou notice the peculiarity in their eyes?
[MAITLAND] No, I can't say I did.
[DOCTOR] It's a fallacy, of course, that cats can see in the dark. Theycan't. But they can see better than we humans, because the iris oftheir eyes dilates at night. Yes.
[IAN] What are you driving at, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's all perfectly simple, Chesterton. You see, theSensorites eyes are the exact opposite to that of a cat. The Sensoriteseyes were completely dilated, that is, enormous, in light.
[IAN] The conclusion being that they would contract in darkness.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. And that is our best weapon. The Sensorites will befrightened of the dark.
[SUSAN] You can't be sure of that. You're only sure they can't see inthe dark.
[DOCTOR] I very much doubt, my child, whether they can see in thesemi-darkness.
[BARBARA] But Doctor, assuming you're right
[IAN] Which he is, of course.
[DOCTOR] Naturally.
[BARBARA] Well, how can you be sure that the Sensorites will befrightened of the dark?
[DOCTOR] My dear Barbara, wouldn't you be afraid if you couldn't seeyour enemies, hmm? Thank you for your admiration, dear boy. Thank you.
[IAN] I never said a word.
[DOCTOR] Telepathy. You know, telepathy isn't only a prerequisite of theSensorites. I know sometimes what you're thinking.
[SUSAN] Don't want to go.
[DOCTOR] My dear. What?
[BARBARA] They're talking to her again.
[IAN] What are they saying?
[SUSAN] Shh. I can't hear them very well. Oh, that's better. There'sjust one voice a long way away.
[DOCTOR] Well, what's the message, child?
[SUSAN] Oh. Oh, all right. But none of the others must be harmed. Don'tmove, any of you. Grandfather, it was the only way. They knew I'dagree.
[DOCTOR] Agree? To what?
[SUSAN] To go down with them to their planet, otherwise we'll all bekilled.
[BARBARA] Susan mustn't go with them.
[DOCTOR] There can't be air outside the spaceship.
[MAITLAND] You can't stop them.
[DOCTOR] We must!
[IAN] Come with me, Barbara.
[CAROL] Don't. They'll only harm her or kill her if you try andinterfere.
[IAN] And if we do nothing, she'll die.
[BARBARA] Do you intend to try out the Doctor's theory that they can'tsee in the dark?
[IAN] Why not? It's all we have.
[SENSORITE 1] Go back.
[SUSAN] Don't interfere, please.
[SENSORITE 1] The young girl has agreed to go with us. She will not beharmed. Why do you follow us now?
[BARBARA] She must not go with you.
[SENSORITE 2] They are not carrying any weapons, yet I am frightened ofthem.
[SENSORITE 1] Do not come any nearer.
[IAN] We want to talk to you.
[SENSORITE 2] We have no wish to harm you in any way.
[IAN] I said talk, not fight.
[SENSORITE 2] Intruders from other planets always say they wish to talk,but all they mean to do is destroy.
[SUSAN] Ian, please let me go with them. Because I can use telepathy,they trust me.
[BARBARA] You're not going with them, Susan, and that's final.
[SUSAN] Why? It's suspicion that's making them enemies. You don'tunderstand the Sensorites.
[DOCTOR] Do you think I don't understand? Trust is a two-sided affair.
[SUSAN] You're putting us all in danger.
[DOCTOR] If you go with them, then they will have all the advantage.
[SUSAN] But they only want to talk to me.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Susan, but I don't believe you have the ability torepresent us. That's all.
[SUSAN] Stop treating me like a child.
[DOCTOR] You will do as you're told, Susan. Come here.
[SUSAN] I'm sorry, Grandfather, I can't do it.
[DOCTOR] This instant!
[SENSORITE 1] We must stun them with the hand rays.
[DOCTOR] Now, Chesterton.
[IAN] You were absolutely right, Doctor. They're helpless in the dark.
[DOCTOR] Susan, go and join Carol. Wait there. I want to talk to you.
[SENSORITE 2] Give us back the light.
[SENSORITE 1] The light, the light. I'm afraid. Afraid. Please, help us.
[DOCTOR] Put on the light, Chesterton. You could have been left here inthe darkness. We have power over you, but we don't intend to use it.Only in our defence.
[SENSORITE 1] What do you want?
[DOCTOR] Nothing that isn't ours.
[IAN] You stole the lock from our ship. You also threatened to take usprisoner.
[SENSORITE 1] We must ask for new orders.
[DOCTOR] What's that? Speak up!
[SENSORITE 1] I must refer this matter to the Sensphere.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[SENSORITE 2] You must be patient.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I won't put up with this nonsense. If they try anything,put the light out again.
[IAN] All right, I will.
[DOCTOR] Dictated to by petty thieves and my own grandchild!
[IAN] I wonder what that thing is that they put up to their foreheads,Barbara. Do you think if we did it, we could read each other's minds?Hey, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Sorry, I was thinking. You know, I've never seen the Doctor soangry.
[IAN] Oh, yes. Susan set him off, didn't she. The Sensorites must havehypnotised her in some way.
[BARBARA] No, I don't think so. She's just growing up, Ian.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] What is all this, setting yourself againstme, hmm?
[SUSAN] I didn't, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I know you thought you were doing your best, child, in thecircumstances, but I think I'm a better judge of that.
[SUSAN] Well, I have opinions too.
[DOCTOR] My dear girl, the one purpose in growing old is to accumulateknowledge and wisdom, and to help other people.
[SUSAN] So I'm to be treated like a silly little child.
[DOCTOR] If you behave like one, yes.
[SUSAN] Oh, look, Grandfather. I understand the Sensorites. They'retimid little people. Because their minds and mine can communicatesometimes, they trust me.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and I assure you we shall make good use of that fact, butnot without discussions. You will not make decisions on your ownaccord. Now, do you understand? Is that quite clear? Well, is it?
[SUSAN] Look, I'm not saying I'm as clever as you, of course I'm not.But I won't be pushed aside. I'm not a child anymore, Grandfather. I'mnot.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Susan, Susan.
[SENSORITE 1] Why do you make her unhappy?
[SENSORITE 2] We can read the misery in her mind.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and it's a good thing you can't read the anger in mine. Inall the years my granddaughter and I have been travelling, we havenever had an argument. And now you have caused one.
[SUSAN] All right, Grandfather, I'll do as you tell me.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Now let's work together and see if we can't get thelock of the Tardis back, hmm?
[SENSORITE 1] We have orders from the First Elder.
[IAN] Is he your ruler?
[SENSORITE 1] He says we are to listen to you and to transmit your wordsto him.
[DOCTOR] Very well, I'd like to talk to him, face to face. I want toarrange the release of this spaceship. Tell him we're not pirates orplunderers. There's only one treasure we desire from him.
[SENSORITE 1] What is that?
[DOCTOR] Freedom.
(John's room)
[CAROL] Oh, it's all right, John. I'm here.
[JOHN] The voices. I can hear them.
[CAROL] I know.
[JOHN] In here. The voices. Afraid. Begging me.
[CAROL] John. John, do you know who I am?
[JOHN] You're good. The Sensorites, they want me to forget. All thevoices begging me and imploring me to forget.
[CAROL] John's just woken up.
[MAITLAND] You look much better, John. Much better. We'll soon have youas good as new.
[JOHN] I don't like the voices. I want to have silence in my head.
[MAITLAND] You're going to be all right, John. Try not to upsetyourself.
[JOHN] No. Silence. Silence.
[CAROL] It's no use, is it. He might as well be dead.
[MAITLAND] That's foolish, Carol.
[CAROL] Oh, is it? Look at him. Listen to him. Can you imagine what it'slike being in love with someone, to look at them, to see them and knowthey've been destroyed.
[MAITLAND] You're going down to the Sensphere with John and some of theothers. They're going to cure him.
[CAROL] Oh, it's no use. It's too late.
[JOHN] You're good.
(Control room)
[BARBARA] And you can do something for John?Really?
[SENSORITE 1] Yes, in time.
[IAN] And that's the whole point, isn't it. How long? You're askingBarbara and Maitland to stay on the spaceship while we go down to theSensphere.
[SENSORITE 1] We cannot trust you without some safeguard.
[IAN] But you're asking us to trust you.
[SENSORITE 1] We shall prove trust by curing the man called John.
[IAN] Well I don't like this splitting up.
[BARBARA] Well, I don't mind, Ian.
[IAN] Well I do. It always leads to trouble.
[SENSORITE 1] We cannot agree to any other arrangement.
[BARBARA] Then we accept.
[IAN] Oh, very well then. And how do we get down to this Sensphere?There's no air outside the ship.
[SENSORITE 1] A craft will be made available to you.
[DOCTOR] Before we make this journey, one or two questions.
[SENSORITE 1] There's time. The craft has not arrived yet.
[DOCTOR] These discs you wear round your neck. You press them to yourforehead and you speak or hear through your mind, hmm?
[DOCTOR] Otherwise, you communicate as we do.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I see. Quite remarkable. Then you use telepathy to blanketout the minds of the spaceship's crew, hmm?
[SUSAN] Gently, Grandfather. Don't antagonise them.
[DOCTOR] I merely want to know why you attacked Maitland and the others.
[SENSORITE 1] Ten years ago, five human beings landed on the Sensphere.Our planet welcomed them. Their minds were closed against us, althoughwe sensed they thought our planet was a rich one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, rich in minerals, yes, quite. Go on.
[SENSORITE 1] Then the five men quarrelled. Two of the humans took offin a ship. It exploded a mile in the atmosphere.
[BARBARA] What happened to the other three men?
[SENSORITE 1] We imagine they hid themselves aboard, then fought theother two for control. Anyway, all were killed.
[IAN] Yes, but that still doesn't explain why you attacked Maitland andthe others.
[SENSORITE 1] Ever since that day of the explosion in the sky, ourpeople have been dying in greater numbers every year.
[DOCTOR] Yes, some kind of disease I imagine, Chesterton.
[IAN] Maybe.
[BARBARA] Could be as simple as scarlet fever.
[SUSAN] And yet you're allowing us to visit your planet?
[SENSORITE 1] Our people are dying, and the First Elder says he sensesgreat knowledge in you.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! I thought so. Yes, yes, yes, some kind of bargainingahead of us.
[SENSORITE 2] The craft is approaching.
[IAN] Well I suppose it's worth it, Doctor, if we get the lock of theTardis back.
[DOCTOR] Yes, provided we can produce our side of the bargain. That'sthe whole point of the issue. Well, my dear. Reluctant as I am to leaveyou, I'm afraid we have no alternative.
[BARBARA] Oh, I shall be all right. I'm more worried about you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I shall manage. Come along my boy. Susan.
[IAN] Sorry about this, Barbara.
[BARBARA] I keep telling you I shall be all right.
[IAN] All right.
[BARBARA] Susan.
[SUSAN] Yes?
[BARBARA] Look, I know how you feel, but your grandfather loves you.
[SUSAN] Yes, I know.
[BARBARA] Be patient. We're all on your side really, you know.
[DOCTOR] Susan. We can't do without you. Can we?
[IAN] Well, we're all ready now.
[SENSORITE 1] I will stay on this ship. You must proceed to theSensphere. The First Elder awaits you.
(Palace of the Elders - Reception room)
[1ST ELDER] But I have already made my decision.
[2ND ELDER] The deaths of our people will increase.
[1ST ELDER] You cannot prove that.
[2ND ELDER] The deaths began at the time of the last visit of humanbeings. Why should we welcomed to our planet the same creatures whohave been the means of our destruction.
[1ST ELDER] I am the ruler of this planet, am I not?
[2ND ELDER] Of course.
[1ST ELDER] Then what is the point of a ruler if he's not allowed torule? I have decided to invite these humans because I hope to use themto end the deaths of our own people.
[2ND ELDER] But how?
[1ST ELDER] I will explain. Sometimes one must use fire to make fire.
[2ND ELDER] The First Elder makes a wise decision. In one degree Iconfess I am anxious. These creatures, these Earth people, are loud andugly things. Why could we not have met them in the desert or in themountains?
[1ST ELDER] It is a failure of all beings that they judge through theirown eyes. To them, we may appear to be ugly. What we must createbetween us is trust. That is why I have invited them to my palace.
[2ND ELDER] But are we sure these Earth creatures are beings as you say?There are animals in the deserts and mountains, but we do not invitethem in to our palaces. Perhaps these Earth creatures are animals too?
[1ST ELDER] Do not underestimate them. Do we possess a spaceship thatcan cross the barriers of the universe? And this small mechanism, whichmy men brought to me, looks like an ordinary lock but in point of factis an electronic miracle which reveals a mind of science far beyondours. And this new arrival known as the Doctor. His mind was quick torealise our weakness in the dark and use it against us, but, I wouldremind you, not unfairly. Merely to protect the girl called Susan.Well, and what does our city administrator say?
[ADMINISTRATOR] Sir, you were elected to lead our people because of yourgreat brain. I would not dare to question your actions.
[1ST ELDER] No opinion can be worse sometimes than a very dogmatic one.
[2ND ELDER] You need not fear me. You may speak your mind.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I am cautious. You are his second opinion, yet he makeshis decisions without you.
[2ND ELDER] He makes a wise decision.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Based entirely upon trust. Do you trust these Earthcreatures? No more do I.
[2ND ELDER] The decision of the First Elder cannot be set aside.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I would not suggest such a thing. His mind is pure. Weare realists. That is why I have beamed the disintegrator to this room.
[2ND ELDER] Without permission? You are presumptuous.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I am the city's administrator. It is my duty to protectthe one who rules. Can you say that these Earth creatures will not useforce? I am only guarding the First Elder. One suspicious act and thedisintegrator will destroy them.
[2ND ELDER] Very well. But you will do nothing further until I haveconsidered the matter.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I shall not wait. We will not be safe until these Earthcreatures are dead.
[DOCTOR] I'm glad to have left those silent people.
[SENSORITE 2] Earth people are not popular.
[IAN] Because your people have been dying?
[DOCTOR] It must be explained to them. The disease, if that's what itis, isn't anybody's fault. Besides, there's cures and preventives.
[SENSORITE 2] You mentioned explaining to the people. You must not speakto them. You are forbidden to talk to the lower caste.
[SUSAN] Lower caste? Do you have such distinctions?
[SENSORITE 2] Yes. How else can we tell what each man is best fitted todo? The Elders think and rule, the Warriors fight, the Sensorites workand play.
[DOCTOR] You make it sound so very simple.
[SENSORITE 2] And all are happy.
[IAN] But some are happier than others, eh?
[SENSORITE 2] I do not understand. There is no disgrace in being in anyof the castes. It is simply what one is best fitted for.
[JOHN] They're near us now.
[CAROL] It's all right, John. I'm here.
[JOHN] The evil minds.
[SUSAN] He knows something.
[CAROL] Oh, it's just a jumble of words.
[SUSAN] No, Carol, no. Remember, his mind is open. He can tell thedifference between good and evil people. He's trying to tell ussomething.
[CAROL] Come on. Come on. Come on.
(Disintegrator control)
[ADMINISTRATOR] Is everything prepared?
[ENGINEER] I must test the impulse circuits. Ready to receive power.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Here is the firing key. Beam the disintegrator to thereception room at the Palace of the Elders.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Three places have been assigned to the Earth creatures.Horizontal lines four
[ADMINISTRATOR] Seven and nine.
[ENGINEER] Nine. The vertical positions?
[ENGINEER] X B three. And the last?
[ENGINEER] X C four. What part of the body do you want the beam tostrike?
[ADMINISTRATOR] In each case, to the heart.
[ENGINEER] Are the hearts of the human creatures on the right or leftside of their bodies, or in the centre as in ours?
[ADMINISTRATOR] I do not know.
[ENGINEER] Then I will aim the beam at the centre of the chest in eachcase.
[ADMINISTRATOR] And that will prove fatal?
[ENGINEER] Yes. Two, eight, seven. The disintegrator is beamed andready. They are just entering the corridor to the reception room now.Impulses working correctly. They are just entering the reception room.This switch here turns on the beam.
[ADMINISTRATOR] How can you judge their movements so correctly,Engineer?
[ENGINEER] The palace is defended with electrothermal couples. We tracetheir movements by the heat of their bodies.
[ADMINISTRATOR] And you can tell exactly when they move into theirplaces in the reception room?
[ENGINEER] With absolute accuracy.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Then when they are seated, kill them.
(Reception room)
[1ST ELDER] Very well, I agree.
[SUSAN] You can do it?
[1ST ELDER] Yes. The man John can be exactly as he used to be, but itwill take time. Conduct him to one of the rest rooms. Say that myorders are that he must be treated.
[CAROL] I must go with him, because he needs me.
[1ST ELDER] Very well. You will be given a room near him.
[CAROL] Thank you. Come on, John.
[JOHN] Good. He is a good man. Not like.
[DOCTOR] Not like who, John?
[JOHN] He is good.
[IAN] Thank you for being so understanding.
[DOCTOR] It doesn't alter the fact that you're responsible for hiscondition. I think it's utterly disgraceful.
[1ST ELDER] Please, do not condemn before you know the facts.
[DOCTOR] Facts? What facts, sir?
[SUSAN] Grandfather, please don't.
[DOCTOR] Very well.
[1ST ELDER] Please sit at the places set for you.
(Disintegrator control)
[ENGINEER] They are just taking their positions.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Get ready to fire.
[2ND ELDER] Stop! Disconnect the disintegrator.
[2ND ELDER] Because they are reasonable, they are civilised.
[ADMINISTRATOR] They are Earth creatures, and dangerous to us.
[2ND ELDER] I tell you, they're talking with the First Elder, and in amost friendly fashion. We need not fear them.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Not whilst we have the disintegrator. It is beamed totheir positions. They can be destroyed in a second.
[2ND ELDER] But they will not be. Dismantle the machine.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I say that the trust that we give to each other, wecannot show to these Earth creatures.
[2ND ELDER] And I order that the machine be dismantled. Give me thefiring key.
[2ND ELDER] I am doubtful about you. You question orders, you questionauthority. Take care lest my doubts are become realities.
(Reception room)
[1ST ELDER] If foreigners visited your planet with intention to steal,what would you do? Would you imprison them? Would you kill them? Theman John was like the other humans who came here. He became so excitedwhen he found that our planet contained a valuable ore that his mindjust opened up and shouted out the secret to us.
[DOCTOR] Molybdenum.
[1ST ELDER] That is correct. He thought of a fleet of spaceships to comehere and mine the metal and transport it back to his own planet. We sawthe pictures he formed in his mind, and we saw that it was the end ofour way of life. We had no alternative but to imprison him and hisfriends in orbit round the Sensphere.
[IAN] Yes, but that's no reason for driving him out of his mind.
[1ST ELDER] Happened only, I assure you, because of his excitement. Hismind had no reserve, no defence. We caused the others to sleep, but heheard the full power of our voices in his brain. Stop. Do not drink.Why do you offer insult to our guests? Why do you not give them thesame food and drink that I am given? Who ordered this? The cityAdministrator?
[1ST ELDER] You will bring them the crystal water and take the otheraway.
[IAN] Tell me, what exactly is the difference?
[1ST ELDER] In the yellow mountains that surround this city, Idiscovered a pure spring. Very unusual in this planet. I believe thewater holds special qualities, so I have flagons of it stored for theuse of the Elders.
[IAN] And this one?
[1ST ELDER] Is very well refined. We are very proud of our aqueduct. Itlies beneath the city.
[IAN] I hope you won't be offended if I drink some. I'm very thirsty.(drinks)
[1ST ELDER] As long as you taste of the crystal water. It is very fine.None of the Elders drink anything else.
[DOCTOR] Vintage water.
[SUSAN] This fruit is delicious. It tastes like peaches.
[DOCTOR] Now, sir, let us talk of the future. Our future.
(Disintegrator control)
[ADMINISTRATOR] We are being bound hand and footand given to these people from Earth. Our leaders are grown weak.
[ENGINEER] I will follow you, the city Administrator. Command me.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I thank you for your loyalty. You shall have myconfidence.
[ENGINEER] I gladly accept. I do not trust these Earth creatures.
[ADMINISTRATOR] The First and Second Elders are deceived. I questiontheir leadership. If they do not change their attitude, they may haveto give way to one of stronger thought and action.
[ENGINEER] Command me.
[ADMINISTRATOR] For the moment, I am glad of your loyalty. The time foraction will not be far away.
(Reception room)
[SUSAN] So you are the senior Elder?
[1ST ELDER] Signified by the twin sash I wear. The Second Elder, myadvisor, wears one sash. Other important professions wear distinctivemarkings.
[DOCTOR] And the ordinary people?
[1ST ELDER] Are contented with their similarity.
[IAN] Would you mind telling us something about the (sudden coughingfit) I beg your pardon. The disease.
[SUSAN] Yes, would you tell us about it. We might be able to help you.
[1ST ELDER] I intended to. We need help with this calamity. The diseaseis invisible, and resists all our attempts to stamp it out. It hits allmanner of people, irrespective of their tasks.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Does it affect the Elders?
[DOCTOR] I wonder why not?
[1ST ELDER] I cannot imagine. We have been fortunate?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it, er, might be a clue. But what I hope, sir, was thiser, that if my friends and I succeed where your scientists failed, willyou return the lock of my ship?
[SUSAN] It would be a just return.
[1ST ELDER] Your granddaughter speaks well.
[DOCTOR] Yes, she's a fine young woman. My dear Chesterton, are you allright?
[IAN] My throat, burning. I wonder if you could give me a glass ofwater, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Is this a symptom of your disease?
[SUSAN] Ian! Grandfather, he's unconscious.
[1ST ELDER] There is no hope. Your friend is dying.
(Reception room)
[DOCTOR] Why has it happened to him and not to us?
[SUSAN] Can you do anything for him?
[1ST ELDER] The disease hits all manner of people. Suddenly, withoutwarning.
[DOCTOR] Never the Elders?
[DOCTOR] It's incredible. The build-up in body temperature. Thisdisease, as you call it, is it contagious?
[DOCTOR] I wonder. Is it a germ in the air?
[SUSAN] Grandfather, it doesn't seem like a disease at all.
[DOCTOR] I agree with you.
[SUSAN] We've done everything together. We've come from the spaceshiptogether, we've come through the city together.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes.
[SUSAN] This room. The fruit.
[DOCTOR] No. No, no, no, no, no. You had some of it.
[SUSAN] Oh, yes.
[DOCTOR] I know. He drank a different kind of water. It's the water!
[1ST ELDER] Then why do not all who drink the aqueduct water die?
[DOCTOR] Well, it depends on their resistance. In time, of course, allwill succumb.
[1ST ELDER] You cannot be sure of this.
[DOCTOR] No, I can't. This is all we have to go on. Send for yourservant, please.
[SUSAN] His eyes are opening, Grandfather.
[IAN] (very hoarse) Susan.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, Chesterton. Rest quietly. This isn't a disease,it's more like poison.
[DOCTOR] Oh, go to your scientists now. I want some sodium chloride andI want it quickly.
[IAN] What happened to me?
[SUSAN] Hush, Ian. Just rest.
[1ST ELDER] Do you wish your companion to stay here?
[DOCTOR] Please, please.
[1ST ELDER] Bring some covers.
[DOCTOR] Now, sir, your indulgence.
[1ST ELDER] I am distressed by this tragedy. What can I do to be ofassistance?
[DOCTOR] Well, we must make sure no one drinks anything but the crystalwater.
[1ST ELDER] Agreed.
[DOCTOR] Fine. And can I work with your scientists?
[1ST ELDER] They will be honoured.
[DOCTOR] Splendid, splendid.
[SUSAN] How long has he got?
[1ST ELDER] I hear the distress in your mind. I respond to it. I wish Icould be more reassuring.
[SUSAN] How long?
[1ST ELDER] From the first symptoms, no one has lived longer than thethird day.
[DOCTOR] As long as that? Then we have time. I have chemicals andequipment on my ship. Return the lock and I promise you, sir, I willnot only cure my young friend but all your people.
[DOCTOR] Ah, good.
[1ST ELDER] I must discuss this matter with the Second Elder.
[DOCTOR] Well do not delay any longer than is necessary, please. Thankyou. Now, salt and water, Susan. An old-fashioned remedy but I'm sureit'll serve. Thank you. Now, my boy.
[SUSAN] Ian. Ian, try and sit up.
[DOCTOR] Come along, old chap.
[IAN] Feeling very weak, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, now I want you to drink all of this. It isn't going to bepleasant, but it's all for your own good.
[IAN] Drink.
[DOCTOR] That's it.
[DOCTOR] Will they let me into my ship?
[2ND ELDER] Now be guided by me in this matter. Theone they call the Doctor may not be sincere.
[1ST ELDER] But his friend is dying.
[2ND ELDER] Or pretending to die. Then you let the Doctor into hisspaceship.
[1ST ELDER] Would he leave his friends at our mercy?
[2ND ELDER] But who knows what power he has in the ship? Once inside it,we may be at his mercy.
[1ST ELDER] Well, I believe in him.
[2ND ELDER] The Doctor may go away to fetch an army of human beings anda fleet of spaceships.
[1ST ELDER] This is a terrible picture you paint. Do you mistrust themas much as all that?
[2ND ELDER] I do not trust them as much as you, so I advise caution.
[1ST ELDER] I will think of your advice, and weigh up the matter.
[SCIENTIST] How may I help the city Administrator?
[ADMINISTRATOR] Why is this creature here?
[SCIENTIST] We are clearing his mind.
[ADMINISTRATOR] On whose orders?
[SCIENTIST] The First Elder.
[ADMINISTRATOR] It would have been better to kill him than cure him,Scientist.
[2ND ELDER] Leave us.
[2ND ELDER] Once again you question the voice of authority.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Sir, the Elders rule this planet while I am onlyresponsible for this city, yet I will do everything within my power toprotect and defend that city.
[2ND ELDER] Be careful your power is not taken from you.
[ADMINISTRATOR] These intruders threaten us all. This creature is beingcured!
[2ND ELDER] Yes, we fulfil a promise.
[ADMINISTRATOR] At any moment you will put them in their ship and letthem go! This is madness!
[2ND ELDER] One more insolent word from you and I shall ask that yourcollar of office be taken from you. This man is to be cured. As for theother one.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Which other one?
[2ND ELDER] The one known as Ian Chesterton.
[ADMINISTRATOR] These are absurd names they all have. None of them wearany signs of authority or badges of position. How are we to distinguishthem? What is wrong with the other one?
[2ND ELDER] He has caught the disease. Their commander, the Doctor,believes our water supply is to blame.
[ADMINISTRATOR] What a brilliant scheme. Evil, but undoubtedlybrilliant.
[2ND ELDER] Explain.
[ADMINISTRATOR] To attack our confidence in one of the necessities.There is nothing wrong with our water supply. Nothing at all. This is atrick to get us at their mercy.
[JOHN] Evil. Evil.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Do you see? Even this half-broken creature here admitsthe truth.
[2ND ELDER] I must warn the First Elder.
[JOHN] No, no. Evil is here.
[ADMINISTRATOR] He cannot hear you. Your mind is closed by the machine.Your voice is not believed.
[JOHN] You are my enemy.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I am the enemy of all Earth creatures, and any Sensoritewho defends them shall be swept away.
[JOHN] I must warn them of your evil. I must. I must!
[ADMINISTRATOR] Your brain is too weak to harm me.
[CAROL] How's John? Oh, I am sorry. I thought you were one of thescientists.
[ADMINISTRATOR] You can see my collar of office. I am the cityAdministrator.
[CAROL] Yes, I'm sorry, but when your backs are turned, it's verydifficult to see. I don't know what we'd all do if you changed yourbadges and sashes. We wouldn't be able to tell you apart.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I have never thought of that.
[CAROL] John?
(Reception room)
[DOCTOR] But he'll die!
[1ST ELDER] No noise! I beg of you.
[SUSAN] Why can't you make up your mind?
[DOCTOR] Just look at that young man. I've done all I can for him at themoment. Given him salt and water. He's been coughing his heart out. Imust have chemicals and equipment. His death will be your fault, andyours alone.
[1ST ELDER] Very well, I
[2ND ELDER] Sir.
[DOCTOR] What is it now?
[SUSAN] I can't hear very clearly. Their minds aren't open to me.
[DOCTOR] Do you really mean you can hear their minds talking, Susan?
[SUSAN] Yes, but it's not very distinct.
[1ST ELDER] Doctor, I cannot allow you to go to your ship.
[DOCTOR] Don't set yourself against me.
[1ST ELDER] There is a laboratory here. You may prove your poisonedwater theory there, or not at all.
[DOCTOR] You fool!
[SUSAN] Grandfather, please! They think you're attacking them. We'resorry. There's so much about your planet we don't understand.
[DOCTOR] It's inhuman.
[SUSAN] Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Just monstrous.
[SUSAN] We didn't mean to use sound as a weapon. We didn't even knowsound hurt you.
[DOCTOR] Theory?
[SUSAN] Grandfather, please!
[DOCTOR] I know we have no alternative, but such outrageous behaviour!Oh, forget it, child. Now, I want you to stay here and act as nurse.Watch his pulse rate, will you, and let me know immediately
[IAN] Doctor. What's happened to me?
[DOCTOR] How are you feeling?
[IAN] My throat's still sore.
[DOCTOR] Any pains elsewhere?
[IAN] No, but I feel very giddy.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, you just rest there quietly. Yes, we'll let him haveall the crystal water he wants, and if his breathing gets febrile,artificial respiration. Now, sir. Your laboratory. And I only hopethere's time to save him.
[ENGINEER] The Second Elder has given the firingpin to the Chief of Warriors. I saw him.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Then the disintegrator is no longer of any use to us.How can we destroy these crea
[1ST ELDER] I have placed our laboratory at the disposal of the mancalled the Doctor. See to it that he is given every cooperation.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Your witness. These creatures are defeating us withsmiles and gentle words. Our leaders listen and agree. Soon we shallall be slaves.
[ENGINEER] What can we do?
[ADMINISTRATOR] Bring the Second Elder to me. Alone. The girl Carol gaveme an idea. How would you recognise the Second Elder at a distance?
[ENGINEER] By the sash he wears.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Bring the Second Elder to me at the disintegrator room.
[ADMINISTRATOR] We must match cunning with cunning.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I have to say, very comprehensive. Now, gentlemen,time is not on our side. I believe your people have been dying becausethere is atropine poison in the aqueduct water. Now, allow me. I'vemade a few notes here which might interest you. Now these are thesymptoms. Atropine causes dilation of the blood vessels. Temperaturerises and pulse rate becomes very rapid. A rash may appear. The mouthand throat both become extremely dry. Now what we have to do is this,gentlemen. Isolate the poison and then prescribe the remedy.
[SCIENTIST 2] We give you our assistance.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[SCIENTIST] Although we have tested the water already.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well then we must try again.
[SCIENTIST] Over here is a sample of the aqueduct water.
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes. You know, a strange thing here is, not all your peopledied.
[SCIENTIST 2] Three in every ten. Last year it was two in every ten.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course some may be able to resist it or perhaps some ofthe water is good.
[SCIENTIST] But all the water is the same.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but surely from different outlets?
[SCIENTIST 2] There are ten districts in the city, but only one source.
[DOCTOR] Well, gentlemen, there's a poison at work here. I know thesigns. Now what you must do is to test samples from each and everydistrict. Where did that come from?
[SCIENTIST 2] This palace. It is district ten.
[DOCTOR] I see. Well now, I suggest that you sample that bottle, andmark it and then start keeping records. And there's not a moment tolose. And remember, I want samples from all the outlying districts.It's imperative.
[DOCTOR] This one! I've found it. And just as I suspected, atropinepoison. That's why your people have been dying off.
[SCIENTIST] But why were some of the districts negative?
[DOCTOR] Because it varies from place to place, and when you made yourtests, you didn't discover it.
(Reception room)
[1ST ELDER] And can the Doctor discover a cure?
[2ND ELDER] He says so. Caffeine citrate is the antidote.
[1ST ELDER] Remarkable man. Remarkable.
[2ND ELDER] I have an appointment, then I shall return to thelaboratory.
[1ST ELDER] Give my Doctor the congratulations on the progress.
[SUSAN] He's much easier now.
[1ST ELDER] The Doctor has had some success. A remedy will be availablesoon.
[SUSAN] Thank goodness. Ian. Ian, you're going to be all right.
(Disintegrator room)
[ADMINISTRATOR] They are coming now.
[2ND ELDER] Why are we meeting here?
[2ND ELDER] You will be punished for this offence.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I advise you to answer my questions. Your family groupis also in my power.
[2ND ELDER] What have you done with them?
[ADMINISTRATOR] Nothing so far. Has the Doctor completed hisexperiments?
[2ND ELDER] Yes.
[ADMINISTRATOR] And the antidote is to be given to the young man Ian?
[2ND ELDER] Yes.
[ADMINISTRATOR] And then to our people who are also ill?
[2ND ELDER] Yes.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I do not believe there is an antidote. The young manpretends to be ill. The Doctor pretends to cure him, and then he willkill us all with the poison he has made.
[2ND ELDER] That's not true! Our scientists have worked with him. Theysay
[ADMINISTRATOR] Silence! You are a traitor to our people. You are notworthy to wear this.
[2ND ELDER] What are you going to do?
[ADMINISTRATOR] This so-called antidote must be stopped. The people willobey their Elders.
[2ND ELDER] The First Elder has approved the antidote.
[ADMINISTRATOR] And yet it will be stopped. The Second Elder willsuppress it.
[2ND ELDER] I will not!
[ADMINISTRATOR] I wear your sash of office. Who is to know that I am notthe Second Elder now? Bind him. Keep him here.
[CAROL] You're tired out, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but a happy tiredness, my dear. How's our friend?
[CAROL] Oh, he's improving, but he still seems to go back sometimes tothat old state of confusion.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you must expect that. Ah, my friend. You've prepared theantidote?
[SCIENTIST] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Splendid. Now I think we ought to start making this in largequantities. Will you please see that that goes to the First Elder'sroom? Give it to my granddaughter, Susan.
[SCIENTIST] I'll send a messenger immediately.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well now we shall soon be off this planet.
[CAROL] When John's cured. There's no quick antidote for him.
[DOCTOR] Oh, courage, my dear. Courage. Of course, I'm rather baffledwith this atropine poison, because it only seems to appear in one partof the city or rather one reservoir at a time. It's curious.
[CAROL] Yes, but you've discovered an antidote now.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, that's a cure all right, but then why cure somethingwhen we can stamp it out, hmm?
[JOHN] Enemies.
[DOCTOR] What's that, my friend?
[JOHN] Plotting.
[CAROL] He's more coherent now, but it's as if he was living in a dreamworld where he's surrounded by enemies.
[JOHN] Enemies. Yes. Making plots.
[DOCTOR] I don't know. He might be more lucid, you know, than one shouldimagine. Now I'm going off on an expedition, and I want you to takenote of what he says.
[JOHN] Listen to John.
[DOCTOR] You see, he knows his name. Now you stay with him. I think he'sgetting better, and I'm sure you're going to have a great futurebetween you, later on. Now, after my little exploration...
[CAROL] Where are you going, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to find the First Elder, Scientist, rather, and we'regoing off on an exploration. It isn't dangerous, of course. But when Ihave solved my problem I'm sure we shall all be out of trouble.
[ENGINEER] Supposing your disguise is seen through?
[ADMINISTRATOR] You must remember that the First and Second Elders arewell known only to those in powerful positions. The people see themrarely, and mostly at a distance.
[SCIENTIST] I greet the Second Elder.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I return your greeting, Scientist.
[ENGINEER] Success!
[ADMINISTRATOR] Yes. Scientist, come here. Where are you going?
[SCIENTIST] The man from the spaceship, the Doctor, has found a cure.Poison was in our water supply. Here is the antidote.
[ADMINISTRATOR] You take it to the young Earth creature who is ill?
[ADMINISTRATOR] Give it to me. I will deliver it. Return to yourlaboratory.
[ENGINEER] If this Doctor has found a cure
[ADMINISTRATOR] It's a trick. They are trying to poison us all. I willprove it to you. They say without the antidote the young man will die.I say he will live because he is pretending.
[ADMINISTRATOR] This will prove it one way or the other.
(Reception room)
[SUSAN] Why hasn't the antidote arrived yet?
[1ST ELDER] I do not know.
[IAN] Doctor must have run into a snag, Susan. It's not always possibleto do these things at the snap of a finger.
[SUSAN] I'm going to find out why. May I do that?
[1ST ELDER] Yes. I will have you conducted to the laboratory. Go withthis servant, and give my respects to the senior scientist.
[SCIENTIST] Here is the entrance to the aqueduct.
[DOCTOR] It's very gloomy.
[SCIENTIST] All our attempts to light it end in failure for one reasonor another.
[DOCTOR] But that must make it rather difficult for you. The Sensoritesdislike darkness, don't they?
[SCIENTIST] We avoid this place. We have no reason to go down to theaqueduct anyway.
[DOCTOR] Well, it may be because you've neglected it that the water'sbecome poisoned.
[SCIENTIST] Shall we return now?
[DOCTOR] Return? I don't want to return. I haven't just come here for alook. I'm going in there.
[SCIENTIST] No! You must not.
[DOCTOR] And why?
[SCIENTIST] You will not be able to see.
[DOCTOR] Oh, but I have a torch.
[SCIENTIST] There are monsters in there.
[DOCTOR] Indeed? Are there?
[SCIENTIST] Yes, we've heard them.
[DOCTOR] And not seen them?
[SCIENTIST] No, but they are there. The noise is terrifying.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think you should return to the laboratory. I shall beall right. Leave it to me, will you? I assure you.
[DOCTOR] How very convenient. Yes. Noise and darkness. The two thingsthe Sensorites dislike. There's more in this than meets the eye.
(Reception room)
[1ST ELDER] I cannot understand why the Second Elder did not bring theantidote here.
[SUSAN] Well I managed to get some more. That's all that really matters.Thank you. Now, no running around for a bit, Ian.
[IAN] Yes, Matron. Actually, I'm quite happy to stay here. I feel asthough someone has given me a good going over with a hammer.
[SCIENTIST] I attend you, sire.
[1ST ELDER] My orders have not been complied with. I asked for regularreports. Where have you been?
[SCIENTIST] Forgive me, sir. The Doctor asked me to take him to theaqueduct.
[1ST ELDER] Why?
[SCIENTIST] He said that that was where the root of the trouble lay. Icouldn't stop him. He sent me away and said he was going in.
[1ST ELDER] Did you not warn him?
[SCIENTIST] Yes, but he took no notice.
[SUSAN] Warn him of what?
[1ST ELDER] The aqueduct. It's inhabited by monsters.
[IAN] What? Why did you let him go down there?
[SCIENTIST] I couldn't stop him.
[IAN] We must get him out. Haven't you got someone you can send downthere to help him?
[1ST ELDER] The caverns are dark. We are helpless.
[SUSAN] Take some light with you then.
[1ST ELDER] Other expeditions have tried and failed. Most of our men donot return, and those that do speak of terrible things.
[IAN] Well, I'll have to go myself and
[SUSAN] No you won't.
[IAN] We can't stay here, Susan.
[SUSAN] You're too ill, Ian.
[IAN] I'm not that ill.
[SUSAN] All right. We'll need someone to show us the way.
[1ST ELDER] I beg you to change your minds. You cannot save your friend.
[IAN] We'll never know till we try, will we?
[1ST ELDER] These people have fine qualities. The Second Elder and Ihave misjudged them, and I will tell him so.
(Disintegrator room)
[2ND ELDER] I hear you, sir. I hear you.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Someone's mind is in communication with yours? Whose isit? The First Elder?
[2ND ELDER] Give me the mind transmitter.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Do you think I'm a fool? You can hear, but you cannotspeak your mind without this. What is he saying to you?
[2ND ELDER] I refuse to tell you.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Think of your family group. Its safety depends upon you.
[2ND ELDER] It is the First Elder. He says we have misjudged the humanbeings from Earth. He's saying the one called the Doctor has gone downinto the viaduct, that the young man and the girl called Susan havegone to rescue him. He is asking why I don't reply.
[ADMINISTRATOR] No one, no one can come out of the aqueduct alive. Theone known as the Doctor is near death. The other two approach death. Isee victory for all my plans!
[IAN] Is this it?
[SCIENTIST] Yes. Take this. It's a radio-electric light.
[SUSAN] Thank you. Ian, how do you feel? If you don't want to go anyfurther, just say.
[IAN] No, I'm fine. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Is it? Yes. I thought so. Atropa Belladonna. Deadly Nightshade.
[SUSAN] What is it, Ian?
[IAN] We must find him.
[SUSAN] Are you all right?
[IAN] Yes.
[SUSAN] Lean on me.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Keep away!
[SUSAN] Grandfather!
[IAN] He's unconscious. Here, help me to get him out of here.
[SUSAN] Look at the state he's in.
[IAN] Don't worry about that. Collect up his things. We don't want tohang around here. It's going away.
[SUSAN] Ian, what do you think this is?
[IAN] I don't know. Part of an old lighting system I suppose. Don'tworry about that now. Let's get him out of here before that thing comesback.
[CAROL] Can't just give up. You know the aqueduct.Surely you can help them in some way?
[SCIENTIST] I regret it is impossible.
[1ST ELDER] You have no conception of what extreme sound does to us. Itstuns the brain and paralyses the nerves.
[SCIENTIST] And in the darkness we're helpless anyway. Our warriors willbe more of a hindrance than a help.
[CAROL] Is there no hope for them, then?
[1ST ELDER] Let us speak of your companion, the man John. The seniorscientist told me that he's making excellent progress. The finaltreatment will be given today.
[CAROL] Thank you.
[1ST ELDER] You are sad for the friends you have lost. Rejoice for thefriend who is being returned to you. Scientist, you will report to meon your progress.
[SCIENTIST] I will, sir.
[CAROL] Those poor people.
[SUSAN] Just look at this coat. It's ruined.
[IAN] Those look like claw marks. Strange they didn't reach your skin.
[DOCTOR] Yes, strange indeed when you realise that I was at the mercy ofthat creature. It was so dark in there it was invisible and it knockedme to the ground.
[IAN] Are you sure you didn't see it?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. Something hit me under the heart and it was mostunpleasant. It was a good thing I sent you that antidote. Otherwise Imight have been in a much worse state than I was.
[SUSAN] We didn't get the antidote. I had to go all the way back to the laboratoryand get some more.
[DOCTOR] What?
[IAN] Yes. Surrounded by enemies.
[DOCTOR] Then it's true. True. The water, and those monsters in there,and now it appears that there's someone among the Sensorites that bearus ill-will. That's two separate enemies.
[IAN] Don't you mean three?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. No, don't mistake me. The water and thosemonsters are distinctly connected. I've more or less solved thatproblem. But this Sensorite who's against us is a much greater danger.Now I suggest we go back and try and find out which one it is.
[IAN] Yes.
[JOHN] Treachery.
[CAROL] He keeps on saying the same things.
[JOHN] A plot. I must warn you.
[CAROL] I'm sure he's discovered something or he's overheard someone andhe's trying to tell us.
[JOHN] Yes. Tell you. Warn you.
[CAROL] You see?
[SCIENTIST] It must be illusion. Our society is based upon trust.Treason or secret plotting is impossible.
[CAROL] That's rather a sweeping statement.
[SCIENTIST] But why should a Sensorite make any secret plans againstanyone? We have the perfect society. All are contented.
[CAROL] Some people always want more than others.
[SCIENTIST] That is a human value, surely.
[CAROL] Perhaps. Rest quietly now, John. It won't be long. (toScientist) You were trying to explain something to me earlier.
[SCIENTIST] We discovered long ago that in our brains there were manydifferent compartments or divisions. When fear or alarm is at work,that section becomes open, a veil is lifted. Do you understand?
[CAROL] Yes.
[SCIENTIST] That is what happened to the man John. But the veil will notlower itself. Thus he is constantly afraid. Even when he's at peace,when he's asleep for example, the body says one thing, the brain theother. That's his condition, utter confusion.
[CAROL] And this treatment you're giving him is in order to close downthat veil?
[SCIENTIST] Yes. Not permanently, of course, or he would step intodanger without concern. The veil must function normally again.
[CAROL] It's rather like an eyelid, isn't it. These shutters over myeyes.
[SCIENTIST] Yes. To see all the time is not a good thing. Now, we mustbegin.
[CAROL] Yes. I'll be here all the time, John.
[JOHN] Carol.
[CAROL] Yes, that's right.
[JOHN] I must tell you, but it's so difficult.
[CAROL] Soon you'll be able to tell me all you've found out.
(Disintegrator room)
[ENGINEER] There is no mistake, City Administrator. I saw the Doctor andthe other two leave the aqueduct. I hear them talking. They aresuspicious.
[ADMINISTRATOR] The creature John is nearly cured. He too can speakagainst me. We are nearly surrounded by our enemies.
[2ND ELDER] You will be uncovered as a traitor and a criminal.
[ENGINEER] What are we to do?
[ADMINISTRATOR] These Earth creatures are working to destroy theSensorite nation. Their pleasant smile conceals sharp teeth, their softwords hide deadly threats.
[2ND ELDER] Please, don't listen.
[ADMINISTRATOR] And who opposes them? Weak and timid creatures like thisSecond Elder here, whose sash I wear.
[2ND ELDER] Thief.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Whimpering betrayer of our people. Coward! I shouldimprison you in some room wherein no light can shine, and fill thatroom with noise!
[2ND ELDER] Do it, then. Finish with me.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Not yet. Remember, I hold your family group. First youshall do something for me. Summon the Senior Warrior with your mindtransmitter. Tell him to bring the firing key of the disintegrator andmeet you in the forecourt of the palace.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Remember your family group.
[2ND ELDER] Very well.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I shall be listening. Stand over him. Stab him if hesends his mind to anyone other than the Senior Warrior. Now send thisthought. Senior Warrior, this is the Second Elder. Go on! Send it!Good. He's answering. Tell him to bring the firing key and meet you inthe courtyard of the Palace of the Elders. That is enough. I shall keepthe appointment you have made. The Senior Warrior shall know me by thesash I wear. Your sash. Guard him well.
[2ND ELDER] Why do you listen to him? Why do you follow him?
[ENGINEER] He will not betray our people, nor surrender our planet.
[2ND ELDER] He will bring us all down. All of us.
[ENGINEER] Be silent!
[2ND ELDER] All of us.
[DOCTOR] You've been exerting yourself, boy, andnaturally you're weak.
[SUSAN] He can rest now though, can't he, Grandfather. We'll force himto.
[IAN] I wish you two'd stop fussing over me.
[DOCTOR] Now, now, you must do as you're told, and that is that. Isn'tthat one of the Elders?
[SUSAN] It's the Second Elder. He's only got one sash.
[DOCTOR] Take it easy. I want a word with him. I say, you, sir. Sir, I'dlike a word with you.
[SUSAN] It's a funny place down here, isn't it?
[IAN] What about up there? I wonder how Barbara's getting on?
[SUSAN] I wish she were down here with us.
[IAN] I wish we were up there in the Tardis and away from here. Still, Iknow what you mean. Hey, why don't we ask the First Elder if Barbaracan come down and join us.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Most extraordinary. He ran away from me!
[SUSAN] (laughs) That must have looked funny. Flip, flap, flip, flap.
[DOCTOR] I can assure you he was very mobile, my child. Come along,let's get into the First Elder's room. Come along.
(Disintegrator room)
[ADMINISTRATOR] Why have you not retied his hands?(the Engineer obeys) Now, now I have the power.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Stop him, you fool!
[ADMINISTRATOR] He has broken it!
[ENGINEER] The Second Elder is dead!
[ADMINISTRATOR] The only other firing key is in the possession of theFirst Elder!
[ENGINEER] Then we shall have to give up. We must leave the city, hidein the mountains.
[ADMINISTRATOR] No, no. Don't be foolish. The death of the Second Eldercan help us, not condemn us. We must act quickly. You know the mancalled the Doctor?
[ADMINISTRATOR] You can describe him?
[ADMINISTRATOR] Good. Then I will outline my plan to you.
(Reception room)
[1ST ELDER] Yes, I have asked questions. The firstsupply of the antidote you sent, Doctor, was intercepted by my SecondElder, my advisor. He has since disappeared.
[SUSAN] We saw him in the courtyard.
[1ST ELDER] His behaviour is a mystery.
[DOCTOR] Yes, strange indeed, sir. I tried to talk to him and he ranaway.
[IAN] Yes. You still won't accept that he's done something bad.
[1ST ELDER] I cannot. I selected him for office, but it is not pridewhich makes me defend my choice. I know that Sensorite. I trust him.
[SUSAN] And yet you can't explain his actions.
[1ST ELDER] A mystery does not mean that he is guilty.
[1ST ELDER] For the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] My dear sir. That's most civil of you. I ruined my jacket downin the aqueduct, but of course I have others on my ship. Thank you.
[SUSAN] Very smart.
[DOCTOR] Beau Brummell always said I looked better in a cloak.
[1ST ELDER] The City Administrator wishes to speak?
[ADMINISTRATOR] Urgently, sir. A story has been put before me that youshould hear.
[1ST ELDER] Now?
[ADMINISTRATOR] It concerns the Second Elder and these Earth creatures.
[1ST ELDER] Very well.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Tell your story.
[ENGINEER] Sir, the Second Elder is dead. He was killed in thecourtyard. I saw the man who killed him.
[1ST ELDER] The man?
[ENGINEER] Yes, sir. It was the man called the Doctor.
[SUSAN] That's not true!
[ADMINISTRATOR] The Senior Warrior here has evidence. Speak.
[WARRIOR] I met the Second Elder in the courtyard, as he ordered me to.I gave him the firing key of the disintegrator. Then I saw the Doctorgo after the Second Elder.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I did that, but I didn't kill him.
[ENGINEER] I saw you. You wrestled for possession of the firing key.
[ADMINISTRATOR] There is the firing key, bent as though in a struggle.
[ENGINEER] And finally, when the Second Elder resisted, you took anobject from inside your coat, and struck him down and killed him.
[1ST ELDER] This is a grave charge.
[IAN] But obviously untrue, sir.
[1ST ELDER] Why?
[IAN] How did you recognise the Doctor?
[ENGINEER] His hair is different.
[IAN] Yes.
[ENGINEER] So are his clothes.
[IAN] Oh, yes, his clothes. You say that you saw him take an object fromhis pocket.
[IAN] You could see quite clearly? You're sure it was from his coatpocket?
[ENGINEER] I tell you yes! All the Sensorites know the Doctor by his
[IAN] The Doctor's coat is outside the aqueduct. You are lying.
[ENGINEER] Then, then it was a cloak he was wearing! Yes, it was. I'msure of it now. It was a cloak.
[1ST ELDER] I have just presented the Doctor with that cloak. Your storyis a tissue of lies. Remove him.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I shall interview you myself.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Sir, you must forgive his wild accusation, but I felthis story should be brought before you.
[1ST ELDER] You acted correctly. What can have possessed my advisor?
[ADMINISTRATOR] The Second Elder, sir, was always opposed to ourvisitors. Perhaps he stole the firing key in order to attack them withthe disintegrator?
[SUSAN] I bet he stole our antidote too. He was our enemy.
[1ST ELDER] A sad matter. But since he has deceived us, my sympathyshall not be wasted. As to his replacement.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I have his sash of office here, so that you may select anew advisor immediately.
[IAN] Perhaps he ought not to look further than this room.
[SUSAN] Yes. If he thought he got promotion because of us, he'd be auseful ally.
[DOCTOR] Just what I was thinking. Yes, of course, we have no wish tointerfere in your affairs, but the City Administrator appears to haveall the qualifications.
[1ST ELDER] Well, what do you say? Can you accept such power, suchauthority?
[ADMINISTRATOR] My only ambition is to serve the Sensorite nation.
[1ST ELDER] Then accept this sash. I make you my advisor. From now onyou will be know as the Second Elder, second only on the Sensphere tome. And once this order is made, only a betrayal of trust can set itaside.
[1ST ELDER] My new advisor and I have much to discuss. You will excuseus?
[DOCTOR] Certainly, sir. My companions and I will pay a visit to the manJohn, and note his progress.
[SUSAN] Oh, you were going to ask about Barbara.
[IAN] I don't think this is quite the moment. I'll ask later.
[SUSAN] All right.
[IAN] Oh, and congratulations.
[ADMINISTRATOR] When you address one of the Elders, you call him sir.
[SCIENTIST] Now we shall know.
[CAROL] John. John?
[JOHN] Such a headache.
[SCIENTIST] That will go quickly.
[JOHN] It's easing now. Carol. You're crying.
[CAROL] I'm all right, really I am. It's just that I haven't seen yousmile for so long.
[JOHN] But we can't have you crying, can we. I'm all right now. I'm allright. That John's gone quite suddenly. Was it awful?
[CAROL] All that matters is how you are now.
[JOHN] What have I been like all this time?
[CAROL] Don't you remember?
[JOHN] Some things, but most of it seems a sort of grey cloud. I justremember that it seems a very long time.
[CAROL] Yes. Oh, John, I can't tell you how I feel. How glad.
[SCIENTIST] It is indeed a time of happiness for both of you.
[CAROL] Oh, this is the scientist who cured you.
[JOHN] Then I have a lot to thank you for.
[SCIENTIST] What do you ask for?
[JOHN] We have a custom of shaking hands with someone, in friendship.
[SCIENTIST] Then, I accept.
[DOCTOR] Well, well. What a happy scene.
[SUSAN] Do you remember us?
[JOHN] I remember you distinctly.
[IAN] Well I'm Ian, and this is the Doctor, Susan's grandfather.
[DOCTOR] I'm glad to see you don't bear a grudge against the Sensoritesfor the past.
[CAROL] All that matters now is the present.
[DOCTOR] Splendid. Now sir, the antidote. I wonder if
[JOHN] I remember another girl.
[SUSAN] Oh, that's Barbara. We both found you. She's up in thespaceship.
[JOHN] Oh I see.
[SUSAN] John, all the time you were ill, you were trying to warn us ofsomething.
[JOHN] There was a Sensorite who was dangerous. I must try and rememberwhat happened.
[JOHN] I know there was a plot. Yes, that's it. Someone was plottingagainst you
[ADMINISTRATOR] And this Sensorite. Can you identify him?
[JOHN] No.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Is he in this room?
[JOHN] No. There was something particularly odd about his clothes, Iremember. Exactly what
[ADMINISTRATOR] Yes, it must have been the Sensorite who just died.
[SUSAN] Yes. I suppose it must.
[ADMINISTRATOR] The First Elder wishes to talk to the Doctor. You willinform him.
[SUSAN] All right.
[JOHN] He's not very friendly.
[SUSAN] Well, he's only just become Second Elder. I should think he'strying out his new authority.
[CAROL] I wouldn't like to cross him.
[DOCTOR] And what is this little collection of things here?
[SCIENTIST] Left behind by the humans that were killed in the spaceshipexplosion.
[DOCTOR] I see.
[IAN] Oh, look at these, Doctor. Family snapshots. Look.
[DOCTOR] Yes, now just a moment. This is rather important. This is arough plan of the aqueduct.
[SCIENTIST] One of the human beings was very interested in the aqueduct.
[DOCTOR] Is that so?
[SUSAN] Grandfather, the First Elder wants to talk to you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. I have a couple of questions for him.
[SCIENTIST] This is only a sketch. I can let you have a plan in detailif you need.
[DOCTOR] Very valuable, very valuable.
[SCIENTIST] The City Administrator can have no objection.
[SUSAN] The City Administrator! Of course!
[DOCTOR] What about him? What about him?
[SUSAN] John, you know you said that there was something odd about theSensorite? Was it his collar?
[JOHN] Collar. Yes, that was it.
[SUSAN] You see, the City Administrator. He was our enemy.
[IAN] What, the one who's just been made the Second Elder?
[SUSAN] Yes! When John was ill, he must have given himself away.
[IAN] Yes. He was certainly pretty odd with me.
[DOCTOR] If this is true what you say, Susan, there's trouble ahead forus. That Sensorite has power now.
[IAN] Yes, and the worst of it is, we gave him the power.
(Disintegrator room)
[ADMINISTRATOR] You were not to know that theDoctor had changed his coat. I managed your escape from prison and thatis all that matters.
[ENGINEER] I am grateful, but what use am I now?
[ADMINISTRATOR] I still have a task for you. You are accomplished inmechanical matters.
[ENGINEER] Yes. What do you want me to do?
[ADMINISTRATOR] (holding weapons) Can you remove the mechanisms butleave them looking perfect from the outside?
[ADMINISTRATOR] Then see to it.
(Reception room)
[IAN] It's no use telling him stories about theSecond Elder, Doctor. We've got to give him proof.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I quite agree. And the only way to get that proof is to goback into the aqueduct. What about Susan?
[IAN] Look, why don't you ask the First Elder if we can have Barbaradown here again.
[DOCTOR] A good idea.
[1ST ELDER] Gentlemen. Be seated.
[DOCTOR] Yes, thank you.
[IAN] Well, sir, the Doctor and I have discussed this poison business,and we are convinced that your water supply is being deliberatelypoisoned.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what we propose to do, sir, is to go down into theaqueduct, find your enemies and stop them.
[1ST ELDER] Very well. But you will take light with you, and such armsas we can provide.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. We're making progress.
[IAN] Barbara.
[DOCTOR] I wonder, sir, could I ask you a small favour?
[1ST ELDER] Ask it.
[DOCTOR] We have a companion, a young lady, on the ship. Is it possiblefor her to be brought down here in the Sensphere?
[1ST ELDER] It will be arranged.
[DOCTOR] Splendid, sir. Splendid.
[WARRIOR] I have brought the weapons, sir.
[1ST ELDER] Ah. Thank you. Warrior. Instruct them as to their use.
[ADMINISTRATOR] It's done. I have arranged that theuseless weapons shall be delivered to the humans. Hide yourself.
[ADMINISTRATOR] What have you there?
[SCIENTIST] It is the plan of the aqueduct, sir. The Doctor asked forit.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Give it to me. I will deliver it. Return to your duties.
[SCIENTIST] Thank you, sir.
[ADMINISTRATOR] The plan of the aqueduct. (Engineer reappears) Quickly,change some of the routes on this and see that a messenger delivers itto the Doctor.
[ENGINEER] It shall be done.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Now, not only shall they go down into the aqueduct withuseless armaments, but they will be hopelessly lost as well.
(Reception room)
[IAN] Very simple to use, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Careful.
[WARRIOR] The range is considerable. The ray paralyses up to a distanceof thirty yards.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, splendid. And remember, dear boy, that I shall bestanding nearly next to you. I've never liked weapons at any time.However, they're handy little things. Tell me, how long does thisparalysis last?
[WARRIOR] One hour.
[DOCTOR] Fine, fine. These weapons are splendid, sir. And without adoubt they'll help us to make success.
[1ST ELDER] And yet I do not envy you your adventure. I still wish Icould dissuade you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and that brings me to another problem. My granddaughter,Susan. She's bound to want to come with us.
[IAN] I don't think she ought to, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, I quite agree with you, my boy. We must go and not tellher, and save any arguments. I wonder, sir, would you mind keeping asmall secret until we're well and truly away?
[1ST ELDER] Very well.
[DOCTOR] Yes, thank you. After all, there's no danger now we have theseprotectors, and I'm sure we can settle our little business in an houror two.
[1ST ELDER] Ah, the map of the aqueduct.
[DOCTOR] Oh, excellent, excellent, my dear sir.
[IAN] Well, let's go and make an end of it, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Are you quite sure you're up to it?
[IAN] Quite.
[DOCTOR] Splendid. Lead the way. Sir.
[WARRIOR] They are brave people, sir.
[1ST ELDER] We will not regret having known them.
[WARRIOR] I am glad they were innocent of killing the Second Elder, sir.
[1ST ELDER] Yes, I am still anxious about that. You realise that if theydid not kill my advisor, then he must have been killed by a Sensorite.
[WARRIOR] But who would do such a thing?
[1ST ELDER] Who, yes, but also I ask myself, why was it done?
[JOHN] I've never felt so hungry.
[CAROL] Oh, won't it be wonderful when we get back to the Earth, John?How I long for a thick, juicy steak.
[JOHN] Well, you'll just have to make do with a small juicy fruit.
[SUSAN] I wonder where they've gone to? I don't know what they'retalking about all this time.
[CAROL] Oh, I expect they're arranging for our return to the spaceship.
[CAROL] I think I'll go over to the Palace of the Elders and try andhurry them up.
[SUSAN] Oh, would you, Carol? Thank you.
[JOHN] Tell them I'm starving.
[CAROL] All right.
[SUSAN] John, I'm so happy that you're better now. So's Carol. Well, youcan see that for yourself.
[JOHN] Hmm. She's had a bad time. You know, I've a feeling that we'llboth give up space travelling when we get back to Earth.
[SUSAN] Oh, and get married?
[JOHN] She's all I really care about. Come on, let's eat. I'm tired ofwaiting.
(Disintegrator room)
[CAROL] Why are you doing this?
[ADMINISTRATOR] Pay attention to me. You write a letter to the man John.
[CAROL] I certainly will not.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Argument is a waste of time. Two of your friends havegone up into the spaceship. They cannot help you. Two of the othershave gone down into the aqueduct.
[CAROL] The Doctor and Ian?
[ADMINISTRATOR] Yes. They cannot help you. The other two, the man Johnand the girl Susan, are waiting innocently in the laboratory for you.Your party is divided.
[CAROL] What do you want me to do?
[ADMINISTRATOR] Write to the man John. Tell him you have gone up intothe spaceship. In this way, he will not suspect your disappearance.
[CAROL] You can't force me to do this.
[ADMINISTRATOR] I can see that you stay alive. Your life means nothingto me. Let us strike a bargain. You will write the note, I will see youlive.
[CAROL] Very well.
[ENGINEER] Be wary of her. We cannot read her thoughts. She may
[ADMINISTRATOR] Be quiet. Write! You will stay here and guard her. Shewill guarantee the success of all my plans.
[ENGINEER] And I shall be given high office?
[ADMINISTRATOR] I shall reward those who are faithful to me.
(Reception room)
[SUSAN] She couldn't have gone up to the spaceship.
[JOHN] Either you'd have seen her, or passed her on the way.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[BARBARA] She was obviously forced to write this. Whoever made her do ithad no idea that I was being brought down here.
[SUSAN] I bet the City Administrator had something to do with it.
[JOHN] But why kidnap her?
[BARBARA] I should think the why's fairly obvious, wouldn't you?
[JOHN] No, I don't think it is, Barbara. We're on good terms with theFirst Elder, the Doctor's discovered an antidote for the poison and nowhe and Ian are tracking down the cause of the trouble.
[BARBARA] Look, I've been away in the ship so maybe I can see thingsmore clearly. And I think we're being used by one of the Sensorites whowants to gain power.
[SUSAN] You mean we're not just being attacked because we're from otherplanets?
[1ST ELDER] I greet you.
[BARBARA] Thank you. Your friends expressed so much concern about you, Iagreed to have you brought down to the Sensphere.
[BARBARA] I'm afraid we must ask for your help.
[1ST ELDER] If I can.
[BARBARA] The Doctor and Ian are missing. Have you any idea where theyare? Well please tell me.
[1ST ELDER] There is a quality in human beings which intrigues me. Yourconcern for each other. I assure you the two men are safe.
[BARBARA] You know where they are?
[1ST ELDER] Yes, but they asked me not to tell you what their planswere.
[SUSAN] That's Grandfather.
[BARBARA] Look, would you mind reading this letter?
[1ST ELDER] I gave no such order.
[BARBARA] No, we didn't think you did.
[1ST ELDER] Then why does your friend write what is not true?
[JOHN] Because someone made her write it.
[1ST ELDER] She could not travel without my ordering it. Where did youreceive this?
[SUSAN] It was given to us in the courtyard, where the arches are.
[JOHN] She is being held prisoner.
[1ST ELDER] Not by any Sensorite.
[JOHN] Of course she is!
[BARBARA] Quietly, John.
[SUSAN] Look, whatever she wrote this with wasn't dry. I put my thumb onit and smudged it.
[1ST ELDER] And this is her writing?
[ALL] Yes.
[JOHN] And that smudge means that it was written just before we got it.
[1ST ELDER] Are you implying that your friend Carol is being heldprisoner in this palace? I assure you she is not.
[BARBARA] Well, are there any other buildings in the vicinity?
[1ST ELDER] None, except the disintegrator room.
[BARBARA] Where's that?
[1ST ELDER] Below the courtyard. It is rarely used now. I cannot unravelthis mystery, but I can see that it worries you. As to your otherfriends, I must tell you. They have gone down into the aqueduct.
[SUSAN] What?
[1ST ELDER] They were given light and a good map. Also they were wellarmed. They can be in no danger.
[IAN] There's no doubt about it, Doctor. The insidefilament's been removed. These weapons are useless.
[DOCTOR] It's only one of our troubles, dear boy. Look at this map. It'sno good to us. Look, all the lines have been altered. Somebody's beenjiggering around with it.
[IAN] We'll get out of here somehow, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, in time. But have we got that time? Remember, we broughtno food with us and the only water available is that poisoned water outthere with Deadly Nightshade. A charming outlook.
(Disintegrator room)
[CAROL] How long are you going to keep me here?
[ENGINEER] That is not for me to say.
[CAROL] Look, I've had nothing to eat and I'm very thirsty.
[ENGINEER] It is of no consequence.
[CAROL] But I wrote the letter.
[ENGINEER] But surely you did not think you would be released? All humancreatures are naive. They live while they have a purpose. As soon asthat purpose is achieved, then their life has no value left.
[ENGINEER] Stop. I've only to touch her with this and she will die.
[JOHN] Don't be foolish. Put it down.
[ENGINEER] No Sensorite should be humbled before a human creature!
[JOHN] Throw it down. Throw it down!
[JOHN] Take him to the First Elder.
[WARRIOR] I have already imprisoned you once. This time you will notescape.
[CAROL] Oh, John.
(Reception room)
[1ST ELDER] This is very serious. That Sensoritewas imprisoned on my order. Now I find he has escaped and kidnapped oneof the human beings.
[ADMINISTRATOR] He is a menace to our society.
[1ST ELDER] I agree.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Let him be punished.
[1ST ELDER] He shall be. We must also find who his accomplice is.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Ah. So you believe that another Sensorite is workingwith him?
[1ST ELDER] Obviously. He had to guard the girl Carol. Who thendelivered the letter she was forced to write?
[1ST ELDER] What I cannot tolerate is accusation. I must have clear anddefinite proof.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Yes, sir. Clear and definite proof.
[1ST ELDER] Come in, my friends. You have been questioning thisSensorite who has acted so treacherously?
[SUSAN] Yes, and what he told us is terrifying.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Has he identified his accomplice?
[SUSAN] Not yet.
[BARBARA] But he did say that the maps and the guns given to the Doctorand Ian are quite useless.
[1ST ELDER] Outrageous. This Sensorite will die for this.
[SUSAN] Yes, but what about Grandfather and Ian?
[1ST ELDER] What can I say? Lost and unarmed in the aqueduct.
[BARBARA] I'm afraid that answer isn't good enough.
[ADMINISTRATOR] Do not be insolent to the First Elder!
[BARBARA] Look, you must decide who your friends are, and save them.
[1ST ELDER] There is nothing I can do.
[BARBARA] Is there an authentic map to the aqueduct?
[1ST ELDER] Yes.
[BARBARA] Well, if Susan and I can find a way to rescue them, will youhelp us?
[ADMINISTRATOR] I am suspicious of these creatures, sir. They ask toomuch.
[1ST ELDER] That other human being, the Doctor, he found a cure for ourpeople. He has placed his life in danger for the sake of the Sensoritenation. Yes, I will give you all the help I can.
[IAN] Well, whatever's out there hasn't attacked usyet.
[DOCTOR] Courage, my boy, both hands. Come on.
[IAN] Doctor. Something moved slightly up ahead of us.
[IAN] Doctor, it was a man! I know it was.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure?
[IAN] Yes. Look. This came away in the struggle.
[DOCTOR] It looks like a shoulder flash. I-N-E-E-R. Yes, just as Isuspected. It must be one of those survivors from the spaceship thatexploded.
[IAN] Why should they come here?
[DOCTOR] To hide and poison the water.
[IAN] Yes, but why poison the water in the first place.
[DOCTOR] Let's go and ask him.
(Reception room)
[BARBARA] This is the entrance to the aqueduct.
[1ST ELDER] Yes.
[BARBARA] Tell me, do you think I could use one of your mindtransmitters?
[1ST ELDER] You have my permission to try. But how will it help you?
[BARBARA] John and I will go down to the aqueduct, Susan will stay hereand direct us.
[SUSAN] Yes, then we can guide them both out.
[1ST ELDER] My scientists tell me that you do not require the use of ourmind transmitter.
[SUSAN] Well, I've always been able to read your mind, but only when youallowed me to.
[1ST ELDER] Your mind must be finely tuned. The frequencies covering thesurface of the Sensphere are numerous. You must be able to break in onthe major ones.
[BARBARA] Well I can't. Do you mind if I try your invention?
[1ST ELDER] Hold it to your forehead and try to close your mind toeverything but the person to whom you wish to communicate. It is safeprovided you do not allow your concentration to slip.
[BARBARA] All right. Susan, let's try a little experiment.
[SUSAN] Right. (a moment of telepathy) The entrance to the aqueduct isthere.
[BARBARA] It works. Well, there's no point in delaying. As soon as Johnand I reach the entrance, you start directing us. All right?
[SUSAN] All right. Carol'll be here to help me.
[BARBARA] Good. Oh, by the way, I would like one of your warriors lefthere with Susan.
[SUSAN] Yes, one that you trust implicitly.
[1ST ELDER] I trust all Sensorites. You will be guarded safely.
[SUSAN] Thank you. Please find them, Barbara.
[1ST ELDER] A very capable human being.
[SUSAN] Yes, she is.
[1ST ELDER] Gentle, yet with strong determination and courage.
[BOTH] I was going to
[SUSAN] I was going to say, why do you trust your people?
[1ST ELDER] Why do you want to make me doubt them?
[SUSAN] Trust can't be taken for granted. It must be earned. I trustyou, but only because I know you.
[1ST ELDER] But Susan, our whole life is based on trust.
[SUSAN] Yes, and that might be your downfall. Look you don't trust theground you walk on until you know it's firm, do you. So why trust yourpeople blindly?
[1ST ELDER] When I listen to you, you who are so young among your ownkind, I realise that we Sensorites have a lot to learn from the peopleof Earth.
[SUSAN] Grandfather and I don't come from Earth. Oh, it's ages sincewe've seen our planet. It's quite like Earth, but at night the sky is aburned orange, and the leaves on the trees are bright silver.
[1ST ELDER] My mind tells me that you wish to see your home again, andyet there is a part of you which calls for adventure. A wanderlust.
[SUSAN] Yes. Well, we'll all go home some day. That's if you'll let us.
[1ST ELDER] I think I will.
[IAN] We could be going round in circles.
[DOCTOR] No, no, my boy. No, no, no, no. I'm marking these, thesections, the pipes.
[IAN] Uncanny. It's so quiet.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Perhaps they're preparing an ambush.
[IAN] You're a cheerful soul, I must say.
[DOCTOR] I assure you, dear boy, my spirits couldn't be higher.Collecting evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, calculating it,pursuing it until it's inevitable. It's fascinating.
[IAN] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't interrupt, young boy. It's most irritating.
[DOCTOR] Chesterton.
[IAN] I know. I've been trying to tell you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, it's all right. Let's back up and perhaps we canjump out on them.
[IAN] You were right about the ambush, weren't you.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Don't do anything to alarm them.
[MAN 1] (nearest the Doctor) You have come at last.
[DOCTOR] We came to find you.
[IAN] That's right.
[MAN 1] We have been waiting for you. Are they all dead?
[DOCTOR] Dead?
[IAN] The Sensorites, you mean?
[MAN 1] Yes, the Sensorites. Do you have a spaceship?
[MAN 1] Are there more of you?
[IAN] No.
[MAN 2] No others in the channels at all? You haven't brought theSensorites with you?
[IAN] No.
[DOCTOR] Wouldn't you like to leave these tunnels and go out into thesunshine again?
[MAN 1] No, they would hear our minds talking. Follow me. He is going totalk to you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I thought there'd be a third.
[MAN 1] Yes, the Commander. You'll have to talk to him. Follow me.
(Reception room)
[SUSAN] They're entering the aqueduct now. It's alittle indistinct.
[CAROL] Well, tell her to speak to you. You do the same.
[SUSAN] All right. Barbara, speak the words as you think them. Oh,that's better.
[BARBARA] Yes, all right, Susan. We're to gostraight ahead to start with, and then keep turning to the right.
[JOHN] Right. I'll lead.
(Reception room)
[SUSAN] They're beginning now.
[MAN 1] You'll give us your word you're alone.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, definitely.
[JOHN] There's something here. It's the Doctor'smap, all right. I remember the senior Scientist drawing it in thelaboratory.
[BARBARA] But it's all screwed up. They must have realised it wasuseless.
[JOHN] Shall we take it with us?
[BARBARA] Yes, we'll need it as proof that the maps were tampered with.
(Reception room)
[1ST ELDER] How is it progressing?
[SUSAN] They haven't found them yet.
[CAROL] Well, at least they found the map.
[SUSAN] Oh, Barbara's talking to me again.
[JOHN] No doubt about it.
[BARBARA] John says this is a fresh mark, probably made by the Doctor.We're going to try and follow these marks, Susan. So instead of youdirecting us, we'll tell you what route we're going to take.
[JOHN] Let's hope they were made by the Doctor, that's all.
[DOCTOR] In case we have to make a run for it, my boy.
[IAN] I'm glad you're on my side, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] In case we have to make a run for it, my boy.
[IAN] I'm glad you're on my side, Doctor.
(Reception room)
[SUSAN] That's right, Barbara. She's going downthis channel now.
[1ST ELDER] And no harm has come to them yet. Perhaps the Doctor and Ianare chasing the creatures in the aqueduct.
[SUSAN] Or they've been captured.
[MAN 1] Wait here. The new arrivals are here,Commander.
[COMMANDER] This is the best news I've had for a long time. (shakestheir hands) I'm very glad to see you both. Did you have a roughjourney? Yes, of course. I'm sure you must have done. Let's havesomething to sit down on, Number One.
[MAN 1] Yes, sir. They're very rough quarters here. You'll have toexcuse that. But I'm sure you're both used to battle stations by now.Yes. Excuse me. Number Two, you can take over ammunition detail now.You'll find the new supplies all ready. Hide it in pipe number seventhis time. All right, carry on.
[COMMANDER] Number One?
[MAN 1] Yes, sir.
[COMMANDER] Organise a lecture for Number Two, will you? Civility isn'tfor me, you understand, it's for the uniform. Understood?
[MAN 1] Yes, sir.
[COMMANDER] Have to keep discipline up, you know. But they're all goodmen. Very fine, Morale's very high here. Sit down.
[IAN] Well, you have a very well ordered base here, sir.
[COMMANDER] It's very good of you to say so.
[DOCTOR] We have a surprise for you. The war with the Sensorites isover.
[COMMANDER] Is that true?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes.
[COMMANDER] And the planet's ours now, is it? Completely?
[IAN] Completely.
[COMMANDER] Well, this is absolutely wonderful! We nearly lost, youknow. I had command of a fine spaceship, very fine. Two of my mendeserted, pretended they had to go back to Earth to get reinforcements.
[DOCTOR] So you had to blow up your spaceship.
[COMMANDER] Yes. Still, I suppose I'll get another one. I'll be able toafford it now. Planet's very rich
[IAN] Oh, yes. Molybdenum.
[COMMANDER] Oh, you know about that, do you? You do realise this war hasbeen fought by me and my men here. Any treasure trove is ours.
[DOCTOR] That's quite understandable, isn't it, Chesterton.
[COMMANDER] And I'm prepared to back that statement up with force, ifnecessary. I have good supplies here. Loyal men. Of course, we're justdiscussing this. But you are alone, aren't you. Hardly in a position tofight me. And I have my men, and my organisation.
[MAN 1] Commander. Warning in route two.
[COMMANDER] What? Have you been telling me lies? You've brought otherpeople with you, haven't you?
[MAN 1] Perhaps they're really allies of the Sensorites.
[COMMANDER] No, Number One, not allies. Spies. The war isn't over atall, is it. I thought it was a bit too good to be true.
[IAN] Now just a minutes. We knew nothing this warning system of yours
[COMMANDER] No, of course you didn't, and it's tripped you up, hasn'tit? Number One, there'll be a court martial. Immediately. Treason.
[IAN] Barbara!
[IAN] What on Earth are you doing here?
[COMMANDER] What's this? Who are these people?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid you misjudged us, sir. These people are part of thecommittee, here to welcome you. We all came down here to take you outagain to the surface.
[IAN] To celebrate your success, sir.
[BARBARA] What's going on?
[IAN] Play it cool.
[COMMANDER] And who is this?
[IAN] This is our navigator. She is going to lead us back.
[COMMANDER] Well, I'm glad the fighting's over. Look forward to a bit ofa rest now for a while.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you deserve it, sir. So do your men. And I think thesooner we take you out into the sunshine, the better.
[COMMANDER] Number One, assemble the men, please. We'll be leavingimmediately. It seems we have a victory to celebrate. You might pass onmy congratulations to the men, Number One.
[MAN 1] Thank you very much, sir.
[COMMANDER] Shall we move, then?
[WARRIOR] They are coming. You will take up your position just by theentrance, there. When they have all come through, you will step out andprevent anyone from escaping back into the aqueduct. Now take yourplace.
[WARRIOR] It is useless to resist.
[IAN] Don't worry. I think we can handle these two. Lead on, Barbara.
[COMMANDER] Come back here, you men. Treachery.
[DOCTOR] It's all over now.
[COMMANDER] Treachery!
[DOCTOR] Pitiful fellow. Oh, I know he did your people incalculableharm.
[WARRIOR] I could have killed him. I wanted to. But that would not bethe way, would it.
[WARRIOR] He could have destroyed the entire Sensorite nation.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but the fact is, you didn't kill him. Shows great promisefor the future of your people.
(Reception room)
[IAN] Captain Maitland has agreed to take theothers back to Earth.
[BARBARA] They were completely insane. They really believed they were atwar with you.
[1ST ELDER] At some time, they must have opened their minds, orexperimented with the mind transmitters. Every really rational thoughtwas crushed out, and all they had left was the game they played. Thegame of war.
[BARBARA] What about the Second Elder?
[1ST ELDER] You finding the map proves his treachery. He will bebanished to the outer wastes.
[IAN] Well, I think we must go back to the ship, sir.
[1ST ELDER] Yes, you must go. The lock has already been sealed back init's proper place. So go your way now, and take the gratitude of theSensorites with you.
[IAN] Thank you.
[BARBARA] Goodbye.
[DOCTOR] Where are those other two, hmm?
[SUSAN] They're coming.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter, my child?
[SUSAN] I had a talk with the senior Scientist just before we left. Itseems that the Sensphere has an extraordinary number of ultra highfrequencies, so I won't be able to go on using thought transference.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. It's rather a relief, I think. After all, noone likes an eavesdropper about, do they. No, I think you obviouslyhave a gift in that direction. When we get home to our own place, Ithink we should try and perfect it.
[SUSAN] When will we get back, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, my dear. This old ship of mine seems to be anaimless thing. However, we don't worry about it, do we? Do you?
[SUSAN] Sometimes I feel I'd like to belong somewhere, not just be awanderer. Still, I'm not unhappy.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
[IAN] Well, here we are.
[DOCTOR] Always last. I very nearly went off without you.
[BARBARA] We were saying goodbye to John and Carol.
[DOCTOR] Let's have a look at Maitland and see him off, shall we?
[IAN] Well, at least they know where they're going.
[DOCTOR] Implying I don't?
[IAN] I didn't mean anything
[DOCTOR] So, you think I'm an incompetent old fool, do you?
[IAN] Now, Doctor, I never said that.
[DOCTOR] Since you are so dissatisfied, my boy, you can get off theship. At the very next place we stop, I shall take you off myself, andthat is quite final. Carry on.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s01", "episode": "e07", "title": "The Sensorites"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (12 Sep, 1964; First Doctor) - Reign of Terror
[DOCTOR] There we are. Home.
[BARBARA] Doctor, we
[DOCTOR] It's all right. Chesterton made the position quite clear. Now,I have some work to do.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, please.
[DOCTOR] Hush, child. Say your goodbyes and remember, we shall beleaving almost immediately.
[IAN] Do you have to be in such a hurry?
[DOCTOR] Enough time has been wasted bringing you back, young man. Ihave the universe to explore.
[SUSAN] Must you go?
[BARBARA] Susan, we've visited many places together, had lots ofadventures, but you always knew we intended to return home when wecould.
[SUSAN] Yes, I know, but
[BARBARA] Look, I know it's hard to say goodbye, but one day you'llunderstand why we had to.
[SUSAN] But Grandfather can bring you back any time now.
[IAN] Don't you see, Susan, the longer we leave it the harder it'll be.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Still here?
[IAN] Yes, we're waiting for you to carry out the checks.
[DOCTOR] Quite unnecessary.
[IAN] Oh is it? Are you so certain you know where we are?
[DOCTOR] Certain? Of course I'm certain. If you doubt me, take a lookfor yourselves.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps that will satisfy you.
[BARBARA] Mmm. It could be, I suppose.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Obviously you're still in doubt. Let us take alonger look, through the trees, hmm?
[BARBARA] Ian, look. Fields, crops, it's fully cultivated!
[IAN] Yes. Pity it's so dark. I can't see a sign of any buildings.
[BARBARA] You know, it reminds me of a holiday I once took in Somerset.
[DOCTOR] Then I expect it is Somerset, my dear. Well, if you're going,be off with you.
[IAN] Look Doctor, I think it'd be better if you came with us. At leastto explore.
[DOCTOR] It's out of the question. I refuse to leave the ship.
[IAN] Maybe you have succeeded. Maybe we are where you say we are. But Iremember an occasion when you took us home once before.
[BARBARA] Yes, and we met Marco Polo.
[DOCTOR] Entirely different circumstances! I'm rather tired of yourinsinuations that I am not master of this craft. Oh, I admit, it diddevelop a fault, a minor fault on one occasion, perhaps twice, butnothing I couldn't control.
[IAN] I know that. Of course you're in control. You're always incontrol. And I'm sure you could revisit us at any time.
[DOCTOR] Very simple. Quite simple.
[IAN] Exactly, quite simple. But you have your important researches tocomplete. You may not find the time. There's a chance that we won'tmeet again. Don't you think it would be better if we parted under morefriendly circumstances, say over a drink?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, well perhaps, since you put it that way, an hour ortwo won't come amiss. Susan, bring my stick will you?
[SUSAN] Yes, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to see Ian and Barbara back home safely.
[BARBARA] Well done, Ian. I say, do you think we really are home?
[IAN] I don't know. Won't take us long to find out, will it? Come on.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[BARBARA] Well those crops suggest a manor or farmhouse. It should bereasonably close.
[SUSAN] It's very warm, isn't it? It must be summertime. Ian?
[IAN] Yes?
[SUSAN] Why aren't there any lights?
[IAN] That's a point. It's dusk, and we've got a very good view fromhere.
[BARBARA] Well, towns and villages can be well-spaced, even in England.
[DOCTOR] Are we going to stand here talking all night, hmm? Hmm?
[IAN] All right, Susan, I saw it. Keep talking.
[SUSAN] All right. Be careful though.
[BARBARA] Did you see what it was?
[SUSAN] No, I didn't.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps it was a rabbit. Do you know, Chesterton's gettingquite jumpy these days. Young man like him shouldn't suffer fromnerves.
[BARBARA] Well, that rabbit of yours is putting up quite a fight. Ian,you're hurting him!
[IAN] Oh, no, I'm not!
[DOCTOR] Come here, my boy. Where are we? Where do you live, hmm?
[SUSAN] Grandfather, you're frightening him. We're your friends. Don'tbe afraid.
[BARBARA] Look at him. He's absolutely terrified.
[IAN] Yes. Of us, or of something else?
[DOCTOR] Come along, answer my questions, boy.
[JEAN PIERRE] Please, I've done nothing.
[IAN] We're not going to hurt you.
[BARBARA] No of course, we're not. Look, we've lost our way and we needyou help. This is England, isn't it?
[JEAN PIERRE] England? No, France.
[IAN] France? Well, how far from Paris?
[JEAN PIERRE] Not far. Twelve kilometres.
[IAN] Oh, that's something, I suppose.
[DOCTOR] Paris, eh? A hundred miles or so either way is to be expected.After all, it's only a fraction of the distance we've covered. It'squite accurate, in fact.
[IAN] Yes. Assuming the distance is our only error. You know, Doctor, Ihave a feeling you've been building up our hopes again.
[DOCTOR] Oh, nonsense. Let's have a word with the boy. Now look here, myboy. Hold still
[IAN] We lost him.
[DOCTOR] You don't say.
[IAN] Pity. Probably knows these woods like the back of his hand.
[SUSAN] I wonder why he was so afraid.
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, there's a house. Look, straightahead of us.
[IAN] Yes. What do you make of it, Barbara?
[BARBARA] Well, it looks deserted. You know, I'm certain we're sometimein the past.
[IAN] Yes. Well, we were a hundred miles out. Perhaps we're a hundredyears out.
[DOCTOR] Oh, rubbish, rubbish.
[BARBARA] Well, it's possible.
[IAN] You know, I think we ought to get back to the ship while we stillcan.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense. It was your idea to explore, anyway. Besides, thatmight be very interesting. The walk will do us good.
[SUSAN] Come on, you two. You don't want to be lost in the dark.
[IAN] Don't worry, we're right behind you.
[BARBARA] Well, we're still not home.
[IAN] No, we're not, are we? Still, I do think he tried this time, evenif it was out of bad temper.
[BARBARA] So we stay with the ship.
[IAN] Yes. Cheered Susan up, hasn't it?
[BARBARA] Well, are you disappointed?
[IAN] Funny enough, no. I don't know. Depends where we are. I stillcould be.
[SUSAN] Ian! Barbara!
[BARBARA] Well, we'd better join the others.
[DOCTOR] It looks uninhabited. I wonder if we can get in?
[BARBARA] Did you find anything?
[SUSAN] Not yet. Grandfather's seeing if he can get in.
[IAN] Oh, is he now?
[IAN] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I say, take a look through there, will you? I think your eyesare sharper than mine.
[IAN] Too dark to see anything, Doctor. No, I don't think anyone's livedhere for years. Doctor? Doctor?
[DOCTOR] We're in luck. The door's unlocked.
[DOCTOR] I'll take upstairs and you search down.
[IAN] All right.
[BARBARA] Where's the Doctor?
[IAN] He's gone upstairs. Look at this. What do you think a candlesticklike that's doing in a place like this?
[BARBARA] I don't know.
[IAN] Here's a tinderbox.
[SUSAN] Look at this!
[BARBARA] Hey, this is eighteenth century.
[SUSAN] Look at this one!
[BARBARA] You know, there's a whole wardrobe here. Look, they're alldifferent sizes too.
[IAN] Look at these bundles. Bottles of wine. Bread. A bit stale.
[BARBARA] There's another bundle over here. Hey, look at all these maps.There's a whole bunch of daggers down here.
[IAN] These documents. Official documents. Undated and the name is leftblank. They're passes, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Yes, but nobody lives here. I mean, look at the dusteverywhere.
[IAN] This is a stopping-off place. A link in some escape chain. Here,look at this.
[BARBARA] Ian, this is signed by Robespierre!
[IAN] Robespierre? Must be a. Oh, wait a minute. The Doctor's put usdown right in the middle of the French Revolution.
[BARBARA] Yes. The Reign of Terror.(Upstairs, the Doctor has been hit from behind and knocked out)
[IAN] Doctor? Doctor?
[BARBARA] How do I look?
[IAN] Very pretty, mademoiselle. Hairstyle's a bit modern, but it's allright. It was a good idea to change into these clothes. We won't lookso conspicuous when we go back to the ship.
[SUSAN] We might not get back to the ship if Grandfather hears we're inthe Reign of Terror.
[IAN] Why not?
[SUSAN] It's his favourite period in the history of Earth.
[IAN] Not getting very far, are we? What on Earth's he doing up there?Come on. Let's go and find him.
[ROUVRAY] Don't move. Please put that on the table.
[ROUVRAY] Thank you. What are you doing here?
[D'ARGENSON] Don't waste time, Rouvray. Kill them. They're after us.
[ROUVRAY] I think not, but I would advise you to answer the question.
[BARBARA] We're travellers.
[SUSAN] We only stopped here til we could find our way.
[ROUVRAY] At a deserted house?
[D'ARGENSON] You'll gain nothing by this questioning. We should bemoving on!
[ROUVRAY] Patience, d'Argenson, even in these troubled times ourvisitors have the right of an explanation, even if our enemies do notaccord suchprivileges.
[IAN] We're not your enemies. We are what we say we are, travellers.
[ROUVRAY] When you entered our hideout, you entered our lives. Do youtravel alone?
[D'ARGENSON] You see, they lie!
[ROUVRAY] We found the old man upstairs. Do not count on his assistance.
[SUSAN] What have you done with him?
[ROUVRAY] At the moment he's safe. It was in your power to see that hecame to no harm. But your answer proves that you do not speaktruthfully. There is something you are concealing.
[IAN] It doesn't concern you.
[D'ARGENSON] We must be leaving now. The soldiers will have followed!
[ROUVRAY] In France now there are only two sides. You're either with usor against us. Our sympathies are obvious. We want to know yours.
[BARBARA] We appreciate what you say, but we have no side. We're noteven French.
[ROUVRAY] A word of warning. If you intend to stay in France you willhave to choose.
[D'ARGENSON] We cannot trust them now!
[ROUVRAY] If we are to escape from France, we must have faith. If allpeople are incapable of our trust, we shall take the Terror with us.
[SUSAN] Where is my Grandfather?
[ROUVRAY] The old man? D'Argenson, go.
[IAN] Shh! Listen.
[D'ARGENSON] The soldiers! They've found us!
[ROUVRAY] Quiet.
[D'ARGENSON] But they'll take us to Paris, to the guillotine. Rouvray, Ican't, I can't let that happen. My whole family were executed, even myyounger sister. They came to the house while I was out and they draggedthem away. Rouvray, we must go while we have the chance!
[ROUVRAY] They will see us. Our only hope is to stay here and hide. Theymay pass.
[IAN] They're coming in.
[D'ARGENSON] It will be the guillotine for all of us!
[ROUVRAY] D'Argenson. D'Argenson, quiet!
[SERGEANT] (to soldiers) Wait here! The pigs willstill be running. They won't have stopped yet.
[LIEUTENANT] This is their route according to our information, sergeant.They could be hiding in this house.
[SERGEANT] I'll have the men search the place.
[LIEUTENANT] No. No, let's let them rest. They've had a long march.We'll cover the back.
[SERGEANT] We'll block their escape.
[LIEUTENANT] If they are in there, we can let them suffer the waiting.
[SERGEANT] You. Round the back.
[SOLDIER] Go yourself, citizen!
[SERGEANT] And if they run, you'll have the chance of stopping them.
[SOLDIER] Yes. It's a long time since I had a royalist to myself.
[SERGEANT] Keep your eyes open.
[SOLDIER] Don't worry. They won't get past me.
[IAN] They're not coming in.
[ROUVRAY] No. The intention is to break our nerve.
[ROUVRAY] and then we were warned to leave or face arrest and execution.Friends warn us, and friends denounce us.
[IAN] It seems the soldiers followed you. Who knew you were taking thisroad?
[ROUVRAY] Who indeed. It's difficult to have secrets these days.
[SUSAN] Ian. Grandfather.
[ROUVRAY] The old man? He's upstairs somewhere. D'Argenson? You dealtwith him.
[IAN] Never mind. I'll find him.
[ROUVRAY] D'Argenson! Come back! You fool!
[LIEUTENANT] Sergeant! Rouvray.
[ROUVRAY] Don't move! And get away from that man.
[LIEUTENANT] Take him!
[ROUVRAY] You'll listen to me!
[LIEUTENANT] So Rouvray, your voice still carries authority, even to mysoldiers.
[ROUVRAY] You. Come here. Give it to me.
[ROUVRAY] You can give them uniforms, Lieutenant, but they remainpeasants underneath.
[SOLDIER] Let's get the other one! Hold him! Hold him!
[LIEUTENANT] A desperate attempt, and it very nearly worked.
(Farmhouse, upstairs)
[IAN] Doctor? Doctor? Where are you?
[LIEUTENANT] My sergeant was right. It did pay us to look in the house.
[IAN] We are not
[LIEUTENANT] Silence! If any of them speak again without permission,shoot them.
[SERGEANT] The bodies have been removed, Lieutenant. What about these?
[SERGEANT] Go on, you heard the Lieutenant, move!
[SOLDIER] Outside into the courtyard.
[SERGEANT] Load muskets!
[SOLDIER] We already have. Get out the way.
[LIEUTENANT] Stop. We take them to Paris.
[SOLDIER] No, we'll shoot them here.
[LIEUTENANT] We've got the men we came for.
[SOLDIER] Yes, and more. I say we kill them.
[LIEUTENANT] Now listen. Listen. We also want credit for our additionalprisoners. LeMaitre may not believe us if he doesn't see them forhimself.
[SOLDIER] That's true.
[SERGEANT] But there may be a reward.
[SOLDIER] The sergeant's right, perhaps there is a reward.
[LIEUTENANT] And besides, why should we do what Madame Guillotine can doso much better?
[SOLDIER] Let's take them to Paris. To the guillotine!
[SERGEANT] Wait. We'll burn the house down!
(Farmhouse, upstairs)
[DOCTOR] Help! Can you hear me?
[SUSAN] Is there really no sign of him?
[BARBARA] The house! Look at the house!
[SUSAN] What about Grandfather?
[BARBARA] I'm sure he got out, Susan.
[IAN] I hope so, for all our sakes.
[SOLDIER] Get moving!
(Farmhouse, upstairs)
[DOCTOR] Hello! Hello! Can you hear me? Get me out!
[BARBARA] Are we to be allowed to tell our story?
[JUDGE] Prisoners are not required to speak. I have the charges here.You were found in the house with Rouvray and D'Argenson and arrested bya platoon of soldiers. I am satisfied as to your guilt as being in thecompany of wanted traitors. The sentence, immediate execution.
[BARBARA] We demand the right to speak.
[JUDGE] You have no rights! You will be guillotined as soon as it can bearranged. Take them to the cells!
(Jail corridor)
[JAILER] Stay back, by the wall.
[SUSAN] Ian!
[JAILER] Go away. Keep hold of her, can't you? (to Ian) I told you tostay back by the wall. There's nothing to interest you.
[JAILER] Stay with her over there. Lady like you shouldn't be kept inthis pig sty. Course, I have the keys. It wouldn't be very difficult toleave a few doors open, now, would it?
[BARBARA] No, of course not. But I couldn't pay you. I don't have anymoney.
[JAILER] The soldiers in this place, they're nothing but peasants. Notfit company for an intelligent man like myself. Gets very lonely inhere sometimes. Very lonely indeed. Now, if we were to be friends, eh?
[JAILER] You'll regret that! I promise you. Here! Lock them away. No, inthere. It's the cell I keep for my special guests.
(Woman's cell)
[SUSAN] The smell in here. Oh, it's terrible!
[BARBARA] Yes, it reminds me of when we were prisoners before, in theprehistoric age.
[SUSAN] Oh, yes. I remember that. But there was one very importantdifference. Grandfather and Ian were with us then. I wish I could seewhere we were. Oh. You'll have to lift me up, Barbara. Barbara?
[BARBARA] Sorry. Yes.
[SUSAN] I can't see very much down there. It's just a prison yard.There's nothing to the right. That's no good. Oh, if only I knew whereGrandfather was.
[BARBARA] He'd have got out of that house, Susan. I know he would.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Thank you. Oh, It's most refreshing. Where are my fiends,hmm?
[JEAN-PIERRE] The soldiers set fire to the farmhouse and took them toParis, to the Conciergerie Prison. They'll be locked up there beforethey go to the guillotine.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, very brave boy.
[JEAN-PIERRE] Are you feeling all right now, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think so. Thank you. It's quite remarkable. How could Iever begin to thank you?
[JEAN-PIERRE] You see, there were two men hiding in the house. One ofthem knocked you over the head. Then the soldiers came and the two menwere shot and your friends arrested.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's a tragic business.
[JEAN-PIERRE] But you can still escape. My mother can give you somefood. Our farm isn't far away. Just over there. And that way leads toParis.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I must rescue my friends.
[JEAN-PIERRE] But you mustn't do that, sir! You'll be captured, sent tothe guillotine.
[DOCTOR] You saved me, my boy, so I must rescue them. Now you canunderstand that, can't you?
[JEAN-PIERRE] Yes. I wish I could come with you, but since my father wastaken away, he told me to look after my mother.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes. Now, you're the head of the house. Yes. Yes,well I oh, thank you. Thank you for everything. And what's your name?
[JEAN-PIERRE] Jean-Pierre.
[DOCTOR] I shall remember. Yes. Jean-Pierre. Au revoir, MonsieurCaptain.
(Women's cell)
[BARBARA] He's going.
[SUSAN] Oh, what's the use? We'll never get out of this dreadful place.
[BARBARA] Oh, you mustn't lose heart, Susan.
[SUSAN] I'm not going to fool myself.
[BARBARA] Well, think of the times we've been in trouble before. We'vealways managed to get out of it in the end.
[SUSAN] Oh, we've been lucky. We can't go on being lucky. Things catchup with you.
[BARBARA] I've never heard you talk like this before. You're usually sooptimistic.
[SUSAN] I want to know about Grandfather.
[BARBARA] I'm sure he's all right, Susan.
[SUSAN] You keep on saying that. I just want to know, that's all.
[BARBARA] Look, we should try and get out of here. It hasn't always beenluck, you know. We made our own opportunities. Did you notice that wecame past the river to get here?
[SUSAN] Oh, you're not going to dig your way out, are you?
[BARBARA] Well, why not?
[SUSAN] It's solid stone.
[BARBARA] Hey, there's a damp patch in the wall here. Hmm. Maybe a sewerleading to the river.
[SUSAN] Yes. All you need are a couple of dozen drills and a gang of menand you might, might get out. What are you looking at?
[BARBARA] Crowbars. May not be necessary to dig our way out after all. Imight be able to lever up one of those stones with this.
[BARBARA] Look. You go over there and keep your eye open for the jailer.
[SUSAN] Shh!
(Jail corridor)
[JAILER] Put him in there.
[JAILER] Don't make so much noise. You'll give the place a bad name.
(Ian's cell)
[WEBSTER] Sorry, Ian. My side's hurting again.
[IAN] The bleeding's stopped, Webster. You've lost a lot of blood.
[WEBSTER] As soon as we were arrested we couldn't wait to pull thetrigger. Is there any more water?
[IAN] Yes. Must be about the last of it. You know, I've looked thisplace over, and it isn't impossible to escape.
[WEBSTER] It is for me, and you know it. I'll never get up from here.Listen, you're an Englishman. You must help me.
[IAN] How?
[WEBSTER] One day soon, France will stop this madness and turn her fullattention across the channel. We must be ready for that day. There's aman in France, Englishman, working to that end. He will tell us whenthat day is near. You understand?
[IAN] England at war with France? Yes, I know that.
[WEBSTER] I was sent to bring him home to England. The day nears thathis information is important. Find him if you can. Try to escape. Try.Promise to find James Stirling, and home. Promise! Promise!
[IAN] Yes, yes. James Stirling. Find James Stirling and tell him to getback to England. He has important information. I understand and Ipromise. Where shall I find him, Webster?
[WEBSTER] Jules Renan.
[IAN] Jules Renan, yes.
[WEBSTER] The sign of Le Chien Gris.
[IAN] Le Chien Gris.
(The road to Paris)
[OVERSEER] Come on, put your backs into it. You can work faster thanthat.
[DOCTOR] Good day. Pleasant day, sir.
[OVERSEER] Yes, it is.
[DOCTOR] I wonder if you can assist me. I'm bound for Paris. Am I stillon the right road?
[OVERSEER] You are.
[DOCTOR] Splendid. Splendid. I was beginning to have my doubts. Ihaven't seen a soul for hours.
[OVERSEER] You've come a long way?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Further than you would think.
[OVERSEER] Get on with your work! Nobody told you to stop. I have towatch them all the time. I don't even know why they bother to put themto work. You know what I'd do with tax dodgers?
[DOCTOR] Oh, so they're not volunteers, eh?
[OVERSEER] Volunteers? Ha. I have to watch them every second. I'm givena schedule. Finish this section by tomorrow, they told me. And if Idon't
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite a responsibility.
[OVERSEER] But it'll be finished, even if I have to drive every one ofthem into the ground.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I see you believe in drastic measures, eh?
[OVERSEER] Now, put your backs into it. Look as if you mean it. Thesooner its finished, the better it'll be for all of us.
[DOCTOR] I'm sure you're very experienced at this job, my man. But, asan impartial onlooker I think I might have a bit of an advice to giveyou.
[OVERSEER] Well, I'll listen to anything that'll get this job finishedquickly.
[DOCTOR] Well, if you were to expend your energy helping with the road,instead of bawling and shouting at them every few seconds, you might beable to get somewhere. Good day to you, sir!
[OVERSEER] I suppose you think you're very clever.
[DOCTOR] Well, without any undue modesty, yes! Now, would you mindstanding aside?
[OVERSEER] Now, show me your papers, or something to prove youridentity.
[DOCTOR] I am not in the habit of
[OVERSEER] I see. You can't prove your identity. Have you paid yourtaxes? No? Then perhaps you'd join the poor wretches and put yourenergy to better use. Give him a pick.
[OVERSEER] Now get to work, skinny. I shouldn't try to run away.Remember, I've got this.
[DOCTOR] Common fellow.
[OVERSEER] Well, what are you waiting for? Get to work! I'll completethat schedule yet.
(Women's cell)
[BARBARA] Oh, I must rest. It's tearing my hands topieces.
[SUSAN] Well, shall I take over?
[BARBARA] No, no. Your hands are worse than mine.
[SUSAN] I wonder what Ian's doing? Barbara, I think I'll work. It takesmy mind off things.
[BARBARA] Come on, we'll rest.
[SUSAN] I can't do it, Barbara.
[BARBARA] And we'll start again later. We've make good progress. Weshould be through soon.
[SUSAN] It takes so long. Still, we have done well, haven't we?Someone's coming. Barbara, they're coming for us!
[JAILER] There's your food. A waste if you ask me. What are they doingdown there?
[JAILER] The blankets. I'm responsible for everything in the cells. Pickthem up! All right, all right. It gets cold at night. You'll get noothers.
[LEMAITRE [OC]] Jailer!
[JAILER] LeMaitre.
[LEMAITRE [OC]] Jailer!
[JAILER] Coming, Citizen!
(Ian's cell)
[LEMAITRE] How long has he been dead? I asked howlong he's been dead.
[IAN] Several hours, citizen.
[LEMAITRE] Did he speak?
[IAN] No. No, he didn't.
(Jailer's office)
[LEMAITRE] I'll ask you once more. Did they talk toeach other?
[JAILER] Well, they may have done so, citizen, but, well
[LEMAITRE] Just simply tell me if you heard their voices.
[JAILER] Yes. Well, yes, citizen. he did. I didn't know what he said,but I definitely heard them speak. But not for long.
[LEMAITRE] Let me have the execution list.
[JAILER] At once, citizen!
[LEMAITRE] The other prisoner, which one is he?
[JAILER] Ian Chesterton.
[LEMAITRE] Have the body removed from the cell.
[JAILER] Yes, citizen. Guards!
(Women's cell)
[SUSAN] Well, I felt sure he'd discover that.
[BARBARA] Yes, so did I. You know, I'd no idea how hungry I was. Or whatI'd eat.
[SUSAN] I think I'll get back to work now.
[BARBARA] Oh. no, it was my turn, Susan.
[SUSAN] No, it's all right. (a little shriek)
[BARBARA] What is it?
[SUSAN] Rats!
[SUSAN] They must have smelt the food. Barbara, there's rats down there.
[SUSAN] Barbara. I can't do it anymore. Not with those down there. Ican't do it! I can't!
[BARBARA] They won't come in. Not now. We won't do any more digging.We'll just stay where we are.
(The road to Paris)
[DOCTOR] It's the tenth time he's counted hiswealth.
[PEASANT] He does it all the time. Some of us thinks he likes moneybetter than he likes himself.
[DOCTOR] Do any of you got any money, hmm?
[PEASANT] Would we be here if we had?
[DOCTOR] You want to leave here, don't you?
[PEASANT] Well, yes, but how? He never goes anywhere without that pistoland he never turns his back!
[DOCTOR] Well, do as I say. Follow me.
[DOCTOR] Ah! Ah, ha! Yes, there it is.
[OVERSEER] What's this? What are you staring at?
[DOCTOR] We're waiting for the eclipse, look.
[OVERSEER] Eclipse?
[PEASANT] He said the moon is going to pass in front of the sun at anymoment. See! Look!
[DOCTOR] Yes, you've heard about it, haven't you?
[OVERSEER] Yes, yes, yes. I've heard.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It's quite a phenomenon, isn't it? Yes.
[OVERSEER] All right, all right. We'll see it when it happens. Untilthen, get back to work. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ah! Look! Look at the coin!
[OVERSEER] What's wrong now?
[DOCTOR] I've just found this coin down there. It must come from somehidden treasure.
[OVERSEER] Treasure? More likely dropped by a passing traveller.
[DOCTOR] No, no, definitely a hidden treasure.
[OVERSEER] Now where were you digging?
[DOCTOR] Just there. Just there.
[OVERSEER] Here's another.
[DOCTOR] Catch his spade! Stop!
[OVERSEER] Just stand back! It's nothing to do with you. Nothing! I'lldo the digging and then it'll be mine. Now stand back.
[PEASANT] Sacre bleu!
[DOCTOR] Good day to you, sir! Pleasant dreams.
(Jail corridor)
[JAILER] All right you two, come on out. Stand inline.
[SUSAN] Where's Ian?
[JAILER] Was that your friend? He was lucky. LeMaitre crossed him offthe list. You're not so fortunate. This batch for the guillotine! Takethem away!
(Ian's cell)
[IAN] Barbara. Susan.
[JEAN] A tumbril should have passed by now, Jules.
[JULES] You must try and cultivate patience, my friend. It will standyou in good stead.
[JEAN] I will never get used to the waiting. If only it wasn't so quiet.
[JULES] That's why we're here, Jean. A crowded street and a successfulrescue will never mix.
[JEAN] I know. But it is late. Perhaps they've taken another route?
[JULES] No, they'll come this way. They always do. Are you ready?
[JEAN] Yes, I'm ready. How many soldiers do you think there'll be?
[JULES] Six, maybe five.
[JEAN] It's a pity Leon isn't with us today. The odds would have beenmore favourable.
[JULES] Yes, I admit Leon would have been a great help, but don't forgetwe have surprise on our side. It is worth three men.
[JEAN] They must have left the prison later than usual.
(Jail corridor)
[JAILER] (to Ian) If you want some food, get back against the wall andstay there!
[LEMAITRE] Jailer!
[JAILER] Yes, citizen? Yes?
[LEMAITRE] Here. Immediately!
[JAILER] Coming. Coming, citizen!
[LEMAITRE] Jailer!
(Jailer's office)
[LEMAITRE] Didn't you hear me calling you?
[JAILER] I'm sorry, citizen, I came as fast as I could. I was busy withthe food.
[LEMAITRE] Prison food is unimportant! You realise that Robespierre willbe asking to see the execution figures?
[JAILER] I have them ready, citizen.
[LEMAITRE] I hope for your sake that they're satisfactory. Otherwise,instead of being jailer here, you could find yourself a prisoner.
(Ian's cell)
(Jailer's office)
[LEMAITRE] Good, good.
[JAILER] Thank you, citizen, thank you. My only wish is to serve thecause to the best of my ability.
[LEMAITRE] Nevertheless, loyalty should not go unrewarded.
[JAILER] Citizen, I seek no reward.
[LEMAITRE] That is as it should be, but I shall see to it that your nameis mentioned in the right quarter.
[BARBARA] Susan, I think the horse has thrown a shoe. The moment theystart to unhitch it, we'll make a run for it.
[SUSAN] I don't think I can, Barbara. I don't feel very well.
[BARBARA] Look, I'll help you but you must make an effort.
[SUSAN] All right. I'll do my best.
[BARBARA] Good. Now, as soon as soon as they start to lead the horseaway.
[JEAN] It is them?
[JULES] Yes. It looks as if they've had soon trouble with the horse.
[JEAN] That is why they were so late. We were right to come looking forthem. Are you ready?
[JULES] Yes.
[JEAN] You see how big the guard is, don't you?
[JULES] Yes, four. But one of them's taken the horse away. I think we'rein luck.
[JEAN] You know what to do. I'll take the one on the right.
[BARBARA] Susan, are you ready? Come on, now.
[SUSAN] Oh, I can't! You go, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Don't be silly. Come on! Pull yourself together!
[SUSAN] Oh, my head's splitting and my back's aching.
[BARBARA] All right, Susan. It's all right.
(Tailor's shop)
[TAILOR] Good evening, citizen.
[DOCTOR] Good evening.
[TAILOR] I was just about to close my humble shop, but if I can be ofservice?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, very likely.
[TAILOR] Did you see the executions today, citizen?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, no, no, I didn't.
[TAILOR] I missed them too. Most unusual. Citizen Robespierre is doing afine job, don't you think, hounding out the traitors?
[DOCTOR] Yes, splendid fellow. You seem to be very interested in thesetraitors.
[TAILOR] I consider it my duty.
[DOCTOR] Then perhaps you can confirm that newly arrested prisoners aretaken to the, what is it, the Conciergerie Prison? Hmm?
[TAILOR] That is correct, citizen. As a matter of fact, you can see theprison from the end of the street here.
[TAILOR] A wise choice, citizen. There is no finer set of apparel in allof Paris.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I was thinking of something new along these lines.
[TAILOR] Yes, it would certainly be more suitable than what you'rewearing at present.
[DOCTOR] That's very impressive.
[TAILOR] Yes, citizen. It signifies the position of regional officer ofthe provinces.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm quite aware of that. Yes, quite aware. Yes. In fact,it's a post that I myself personally occupy.
[TAILOR] I see. I'm sorry, citizen.
[DOCTOR] Don't apologise. I want to try that on.
[TAILOR] Certainly, citizen. The quality is unmatched, and incomparison, the price
[DOCTOR] The price is of no matter. I haven't any money.
[TAILOR] No money?
[DOCTOR] No. No, I though possibly we could arrange an exchange.
[TAILOR] For this?
[DOCTOR] What's wrong with it?
[TAILOR] Nay, it's little better than a fancy dress outfit.
[DOCTOR] A fancy dress? My dear sir, I doubt that you've seen a coatlike it.
[TAILOR] I agree.
[DOCTOR] Am I correct to assume that you're not interested?
[TAILOR] You realise there is not much call for a
[DOCTOR] Have you had a similar coat like this in your shop?
[TAILOR] Never.
[DOCTOR] Then I can understand why there has been no call.
[TAILOR] It is a heavy material, I grant you, and perhaps with a fewalterations. You are offering the entire outfit?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Of course.
[TAILOR] Yes, well, I shall require something else too. Like that ringyou're wearing, for example.
[DOCTOR] You may have it, providing you agree to let me have parchmentand writing materials into the bargain, hmm?
[TAILOR] Very well.
[DOCTOR] Then we have a bargain, my dear sir.
(Chez Jules)
[SUSAN] Thank you. Oh, I feel better already.
[JEAN] Danielle?
[JULES] We have closed the rest of the house and sent the servants away.It is safer.
[DANIELLE] I expect you'd like a bath and some food. I'll prepare it foryou. Jean, will you help me?
[JULES] It is not exactly a palace, but you're both very welcome here.
[BARBARA] What can I say? I can't begin to thank you.
[JULES] Oh, please. I insist you do not even mention it. It is one of myrules.
[BARBARA] All right. I don't even know your name.
[JULES] And that is another of my rules. Christian names only. The lessmy friends and I know, the less we can admit to when questioned. Sopermit me. I am Jules.
[BARBARA] Barbara, and this is Susan.
[JULES] This is my sister, Danielle. She's looking after us. This is myyoung friend, Jean.
[BARBARA] How do you do.
[JULES] I expect you're wondering what is going to happen to you. Well,after you have eaten, you must rest. Then tomorrow we will makearrangements to smuggle you away from France.
[SUSAN] But you can't do that.
[JULES] Why not?
[SUSAN] Barbara. Grandfather.
[BARBARA] Yes, and Ian. He's still in the prison.
(Jail corridor)
[IAN [OC]] Jailer?
[LEMAITRE] Did Webster give you a message for James Stirling or not? Weshall see. We shall see.
(Chez Jules)
[SUSAN] I do feel better after that.
[BARBARA] Here, let me help.
[DANIELLE] No, Barbara. You stay where you are. Jean and I can manage.
[BARBARA] Jules?
[JULES] They can manage. Now, you both agreed to tell me your story.
[SUSAN] Yes, what about the map?
[JULES] Oh, yes.
[JULES] Here we are.
[SUSAN] Now according to the sun's position, we were travelling south.
[BARBARA] Yes, let's see. Forest should be in this area, here.
[SUSAN] Yes, And there was a group of houses, wasn't there?
[SUSAN] Yes. That would be the forest.
[BARBARA] Yes, turn it round this way.
[SUSAN] Okay.
[BARBARA] Jules, I think we can show you now. We arrived in this areahere.
[SUSAN] Yes, we walked through the forest, you see. Then we got lost. Sowe asked our way at a house and. Where was the house?
[BARBARA] Here it is.
[BARBARA] That's where we saw the soldiers, remember?
[JULES] Are you sure?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[JULES] Jean!
[BARBARA] What's wrong?
[SUSAN] We didn't find Grandfather though. We don't even know if he gotaway.
[BARBARA] Susan, wait a minute.
[JULES] Show Jean where you were arrested.
[SUSAN] Just here.
[JULES] Did you meet two men there?
[BARBARA] Yes. How did you know?
[JEAN] Their names?
[BARBARA] D'Argenson.
[JULES] And Rouvray.
[JEAN] They must have discovered our escape route, Jules.
[JULES] They may have just been unlucky. We'll wait till we've heardfrom Leon. The route is his responsibility. Were d'Argenson and Rouvraybrought back with you?
[BARBARA] No. There was a fight with the soldiers. They were shot.
[JEAN] Soldiers? Jules, this isn't the first time.
[JULES] Oh, later, later.
[JEAN] Someone's informing on us.
[JULES] Later, Jean.
[SUSAN] You knew those men, didn't you?
[JULES] Hmm? Yes. Yes, we did. We rescued them as we did you. In theircase our effort was wasted.
[BARBARA] So this isn't the first time you've risked your life?
[JEAN] Not all Frenchmen can allow innocent people to be led to theguillotine, Barbara. Jules has saved many lives.
[JULES] It would appear that my that luck is running out.
[JEAN] Luck? Not if what I say is true.
[JULES] I shall sort it out, Jean. Now, you say your Grandfather wasleft here.
[SUSAN] Yes, in that house.
[JULES] Then I shall send someone to search for him as soon as I can.
[BARBARA] There were four of us all together. Ian, as I've already toldyou, is still in the prison.
[JULES] I promise you, I give you my word, that I will not rest untilthe four of you have been brought together again.
[BARBARA] Headache again?
[SUSAN] Ah, yes. It keeps coming and going.
[JULES] The young lady needs sleep. Danielle?
[BARBARA] If you could show me where
[JULES] Danielle will escort you.
[DANIELLE] Oh yes, come with me. You look worn out.
[SUSAN] If I could just lie down.
[JULES] Sleep well, and have pleasant dreams.
[SUSAN] Thank you. Goodnight.
[JULES] Goodnight, Susan.
[JEAN] Oh, Leon.
[LEON] I'm sorry it's so late, but I have a message for Jules.
[JULES] Leon! It's good to see you.
[JEAN] D'Argenson and Rouvray were taken.
[JULES] Not now, Jean. Well Leon, what's wrong?
[LEON] There is a man. A stranger. He's been asking for you.
[LEON] He's being watched. He's by the inn near the prison. We thoughtyou should know.
[JULES] Yes, thank you. We'll take care of it.
[JULES] Oh Barbara, this is a good friend of mine, Leon. Barbara. She'shere with a young friend. They're staying with us for a few days.
[BARBARA] I'm pleased to meet you.
[LEON] Hello.
[JULES] We're slipping out for a while, Barbara. It won't be for long.
[LEON] I'll take good care of her, Jules.
[JULES] Come, Jean. Don't delay.
[LEON] Perhaps you'd care for some wine?
[BARBARA] Yes. Thank you.
(Jailer's office)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Let me in, you fools! I could have you shot at dawn. Getit open, will you?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Ah, that's better. Thank you. Open again? You don't wantall the prisoners to escape, do you?
[DOCTOR] Who is in charge of this prison, hmm? Well, speak up, my man!
[JAILER] I am, citizen.
[DOCTOR] My credentials.
[DOCTOR] And while we are about it, why wasn't I met, hmm? Do yourealise that I walked through the whole of Paris without a guard? Me?
[JAILER] We would have arrange an escort had we been advised of your
[DOCTOR] You were advised! I forwarded the communication myself. What ifRobespierre hears about this?
[JAILER] Robespierre? Why, I don't think you should worry the firstdeputy, citizen. He's a very busy man. I am at your service, citizen.Anything you wish to know.
[DOCTOR] Very well. Very well. Thank you. Yes. You seem a capable manand I'm sure this misunderstanding is none of your doing.
[JAILER] Oh, indeed citizen. I am most conscientious, but when you'reassisted by idiots.
[DOCTOR] Of course, of course. And I'm glad we understand each other.
[JAILER] Some wine, citizen?
[DOCTOR] No, thank you.
[JAILER] I would deem it a privilege if I could be of help.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, citizen! It's all perfectly simple. Three traitorswere brought here. A man, a woman and a young child. They fled from myprovince. I'm sure you remember them?
[JAILER] Ah, yes. Ah, yes. Er.
[DOCTOR] Well? If they're still here.
[JAILER] The women were dispatched to the guillotine. Unfortunately,there was a rescue.
[DOCTOR] What? By whom?
[JAILER] We don't know! Many times traitors have been snatched away onthe road to the guillotine. You understand, of course, that I cannot beheld responsible?
[JAILER] They were outside my jurisdiction.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Of course, if course. And the man? You haven't mentionedhim.
[JAILER] No. Well, the man, er, well er.
[DOCTOR] Well, come along. Out with it, man.
[JAILER] He escaped, He was a desperate fanatic, citizen. He gave methis wound. I fought with him, prepared to give my life to stop hisescape. But he fought with the strength of ten men.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, I believe what you say. I'm sure you did thebest you could. It's a pity you're surrounded by such fools.
[JAILER] Exactly, citizen. Exactly.
[DOCTOR] Yes. All three of them are somewhere in Paris.
[JAILER] They will be caught, you may rest assured.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes. What? Oh, of course. Yes, yes, of course, of course.Well, I'll take up no more of your time, citizen.
[JAILER] LeMaitre. The citizen here has been enquiring.
[LEMAITRE] Yes, I heard what was said. Your papers, citizen?
[JAILER] He's a regional officer from the southern province.
[LEMAITRE] I can read, thank you, jailer. And where are you going now,citizen?
[DOCTOR] Well, er, home.
[LEMAITRE] It's rather late. It would perhaps be better if you journeyedtomorrow.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I could do that.
[LEMAITRE] You see, I'm taking the execution lists to the first deputy'spalace and, by a coincidence if you like, your province is going to bediscussed. It would be a great help if you were on hand to answer anydifficult questions that crop up.
[DOCTOR] A great help. Very well.
[LEMAITRE] I promise you will find it most interesting. Come. We mustnot keep Citizen Robespierre waiting.
(Chez Jules)
[LEON] Where do you come from, Barbara?
[BARBARA] Does it matter?
[LEON] No. I'd just like to know.
[BARBARA] I don't think you'll like the answer. I was born in England,so that makes us enemies.
[LEON] Does it? I prefer to think that it means you have no interest inFrance or the Revolution.
[BARBARA] That's a strange thing to say.
[LEON] Perhaps I'll explain one day.
[BARBARA] Well, I think I'd better go and see if Susan's all right.
(Jailer's office)
[JAILER] I keep telling you. He's just left to seeCitizen Robespierre. Are you sure it's so urgent? Well, what is itabout?
[TAILOR] I want to give him this.
[JAILER] What is it?
[TAILOR] Evidence against a traitor.
(Robespierre's office)
[LEMAITRE [OC]] LeMaitre, to see Citizen Robespierre.
[ROBESPIERRE] Send Citizen LeMaitre in.
[LEMAITRE] Here is the complete and detailed list of the recentexecutions, Citizen.
[ROBESPIERRE] Who is this, LeMaitre?
[LEMAITRE] A Regional Deputy visiting from our southern province,Citizen. And as the province in question is to be discussed, I thoughtthe Citizen could make his report personally.
[ROBESPIERRE] I see. I am always prepared to listen to a first-handaccount of a region's situation.
[DOCTOR] I welcome the opportunity. Thank you. Before you question me,perhaps you would like to hear my views on Paris?
[ROBESPIERRE] When did you arrive?
[DOCTOR] Just today.
[ROBESPIERRE] Hardly long enough for you to have gauged the present moodof our capital.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I wouldn't say that.
[ROBESPIERRE] I am only interested in your comments on your ownterritory. Recent memoranda from your province suggest that the purgeof our enemies in your region is progressing very slowly.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you've reached that conclusion. Hmm. Well, perhaps we havefewer enemies in our region, and it maybe that Paris can take anexample from us, hmm?
[ROBESPIERRE] We in Paris are aware of the danger, Citizen. We live introubled times. There is much, much work to be done, work that isconstantly delayed by the need to ferret out the traitors that weharbour in our midst.
[DOCTOR] Is there such a need, Citizen Robespierre? Hmm? I mean, whatcan this reign of terror possibly gain? For every opponent you put tothe guillotine, two more will spring up!
[LEMAITRE] I think you have said enough, Citizen.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you do, do you?
[ROBESPIERRE] Let him speak, LeMaitre. What he said is true. My enemiesdo multiply. He is only warning me of the dangers I face.
[LEMAITRE] As you wish, Citizen.
[ROBESPIERRE] I could, and I shall, do great things for France. For toolong the Nobility have kept our people to heel. And now finally, myworld is at power, what happens? My colleagues, my trusted friends,plot for power.
[DOCTOR] Do they? Or is it just their wish to keep their heads, hmm?
[ROBESPIERRE] Danton planned to restore the monarchy. I had the proof, Iknew! I had to dispose of him. And the Girondins. Even now, Conventionmembers are at work, plotting my downfall. But I will triumph, even ifI have to execute every last one of them! Death, always death. Do youthink I want this carnage? Three hundred and forty two executions innine days in Paris alone. What a memory I shall leave behind if thisthing lasts. You must come again, Citizen. We never did talk about yourprovince.
[DOCTOR] No we didn't, did we, and I was so looking forward to it. It'sa pity we talked for so long about Paris.
[ROBESPIERRE] Bring him with you tomorrow, LeMaitre.
[LEMAITRE] Yes, Citizen.
(Chez Jules)
[DANIELLE] This will warm you.
[SUSAN] Thank you. What is it?
[DANIELLE] Just drink it all up.
[LEON] Would you like something, Barbara?
[BARBARA] No, thank you.
[LEON] I think I'd like some more wine.
[DANIELLE] The wine is on the table.
[LEON] Thank you,
[DANIELLE] I think I'll return to bed, if you'll excuse me.
[BARBARA] Yes, of course. I'm sorry we disturbed you.
[LEON] One can't be friends with everybody.
[BARBARA] How do you feel now?
[SUSAN] I'm all right, thanks.
[BARBARA] That's right. You try and get some rest. I'll be here if youwant me. I wish I knew for certain what it was. She could have caughtalmost anything in that jail.
[LEON] We've done all we can, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Yes, but is it enough? When I went upstairs, she'd kicked offall her clothes and was shivering with cold. I was so worried, Ithought I'd better bring her down here.
[LEON] It's probably just a chill.
[BARBARA] Yes, but what if it's worse?
[LEON] Well, we could call a physician, but it would be dangerous. Theyreport almost everything to the militia these days, if only to savetheir own necks.
[BARBARA] Yes, well, that's a risk we'll have to take. You must knowsomeone we could trust.
[LEON] Yes. Yes, I think I do.
[BARBARA] Good. That's settled then. She's asleep.
[LEON] Good. I wonder what's happened to Jules? He should have been backbefore this.
[BARBARA] Oh. Well, if you have to go, we'll be all right here.
[LEON] Are you sure?
[BARBARA] Yes, of course. I know you didn't intend to stay so long.
[LEON] I think I'd better go. I shall need time to arrange for thephysician.
[BARBARA] We'll see you tomorrow?
[LEON] If I can't come back, I'll send a message. You'll tell Jules?
[BARBARA] Yes. And, be careful, Leon.
[LEON] I will. We'll meet again, Barbara. And soon.
[BARBARA] I thought you were asleep.
[SUSAN] No, just dozing.
[BARBARA] Want to go back to bed now?
[SUSAN] You like Leon, don't you?
[BARBARA] Come on, I'll help you upstairs.
[JULES] Now, let's just have a look at him. It's a pity we had to hithim so hard.
[JEAN] Well, the streets are filled with soldiers. He only had to callout and we'd have been arrested.
[JULES] If he is against us, yes. I wonder who it is?
[LEMAITRE] No, far from it. I'd say you created afavourable impression on Citizen Robespierre.
[DOCTOR] I didn't say half the things I wanted to say. He twisted mywords.
[LEMAITRE] Politicians usually do. Still, you are going to have anotheropportunity.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I think not. No, nom no, no. Your hospitality has been mostsuccessful, and most accepted. No, I think I must bid you goodbye andleave you.
[LEMAITRE] That would be rather difficult, Citizen. Robespierre isexpecting you tomorrow.
[DOCTOR] Then convey my apologies to him.
[LEMAITRE] On the contrary. It would be more than my neck is worth todisobey such an order. You must try and stay.
[DOCTOR] It's out of the question!
[LEMAITRE] Oh, but I insist. Jailer!
[JAILER] LeMaitre.
[LEMAITRE] Arrange suitable accommodation for our Citizen guest.
[JAILER] Of course, Citizen, of course. For how long?
[LEMAITRE] He will be staying at least until tomorrow night.
[DOCTOR] Definitely no longer.
[JAILER] He can have one of the soldiers' rooms. I'll throw them out.Oh, Citizen, just one thing. There's a man waiting to see you. It'svery important.
[LEMAITRE] I trust the room will be to your satisfaction.
[DOCTOR] I'm sure it will be.
(LeMaitre's office)
[LEMAITRE] Well? You wanted to see me?
[TAILOR] Yes, Citizen LeMaitre. I think I may have some information foryou.
(Jailor's office)
[JAILER] If you're ready, Citizen, I'll show youyour room.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's alright, Jailer. I don't think I shall stay afterall.
[DOCTOR] No, I'm sure LeMaitre will understand. It's a pity that I askedhim to put me up. Besides, those poor soldiers will need their rest.
[JAILER] It doesn't matter about them.
[DOCTOR] Nevertheless, I must be on my way. I have a long journey. Sokindly give my regards to LeMaitre.
[JAILER] Citizen!
[DOCTOR] And just what do you think you're doing, jailer? Hmm?
[JAILER] LeMaitre said you are staying. I must obey him.
[DOCTOR] And what do you think he'll say when he hears you delayed me,hmm?
[JAILER] I'm sorry, Citizen, I'm sorry. But he comes back and finds yougone, it could be even worse.
[DOCTOR] Very well, I'll stay then. And I shall say nothing of thisdisgraceful behaviour, if only for your sake.
[JAILER] Thank you, Citizen, thank you. This way.
(LeMaitre's office)
[LEMAITRE] Your story is that this white-haired oldgentleman exchanged clothes and this ring, and that you also gave himwriting material.
[TAILOR] And the sash, Citizen. It was when he took the insignia of aRegional Officer of the Provinces that I became, well, suspicious.
[LEMAITRE] Yes, so you said.
[TAILOR] Of course I realise it may be nothing, but it was my duty toreport it.
[LEMAITRE] You did well, Citizen.
[TAILOR] Will you be keeping the ring and the clothes, Citizen?
[LEMAITRE] They may be needed as evidence.
[TAILOR] Oh. Yes. Of course, you realise they were part of the exchange.I'm a poor man, Citizen, and normally I'd have thrown him out of myshop.
[LEMAITRE] This should more than compensate.
[TAILOR] Thank you, Citizen! Although I cannot accept a reward for what,after all, was my duty.
[LEMAITRE] Keep it, on one condition.
[TAILOR] Anything, Citizen.
[LEMAITRE] You will say nothing of this to anyone.
[TAILOR] You have my word.
[LEMAITRE] Leave this way. I don't want you seen in the prison.
[TAILOR] Thank you, Citizen, thank you.
(Chez Jules)
[JULES] He's coming round.
[JULES] I'm sorry we were so long, Barbara. We had to carry him all theway, dodging patrols all the time. How's Susan?
[BARBARA] Oh, she has a slight fever, but she's sleeping now.
[JULES] Leon not here?
[BARBARA] No, he had to leave. He's arranging for Susan to see a doctort (sees the newcomer) Ian!
[IAN] Barbara!
[IAN] Is Susan here too?
[BARBARA] Yes, she's upstairs.
[IAN] But I thought you were both. Oh, this is great. Any news of theDoctor?
[BARBARA] No. We don't even know if he got to Paris.
[JULES] Well, we did not know when we left here we were going to collectone of your friends, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Ian, this is Jules. He saved our lives.
[IAN] Not Jules Renan, by any chance?
[JULES] Yes?
[IAN] What? I've been looking for you.
[JULES] We heard that somebody was. We did not know it was you.
[IAN] You can say that again.
[JULES] We're very sorry about that. Jean, this calls for a celebration.
[JEAN] I'll get a bottle from the cellar.
[JULES] Come and sit over here, you'll be more comfortable.
[BARBARA] I think I'd better go and sit with Susan.
[IAN] Oh?
[BARBARA] She isn't feeling at all well.
[IAN] What's wrong with her?
[BARBARA] Don't know. We're hoping to see a doctor tomorrow. Althoughwhen she hears you're back, that should be tonic enough.
[JULES] I know it is good news, but I think it's best not to wake her.
[BARBARA] Oh no, I won't. She doesn't sleep for very long anyway. Look,you have a talk to Ian.
[IAN] Sounded like an order.
[JULES] Well, there is one question I would like to ask you. How did youknow Barbara and Susan were here?
[IAN] I didn't.
[JULES] But I thought when you were asking for me.
[IAN] That was for an entirely different reason. Do you know a mancalled Webster?
[IAN] I shared a cell with him in prison. Unfortunately he died. Heasked me to contact a man called James Stirling.
[JULES] James Stirling. No, I'm afraid that name means nothing to meeither.
[IAN] What? You mean to say you don't know him?
[JULES] No. Should I?
[IAN] Well, I don't know. I somehow took it for granted that you would.
[JULES] Perhaps you'd better tell me the complete story.
[IAN] Yes.
[JULES] Over a glass of wine.
[IAN] Well, as far as I know, Webster was an Englishman who'd come overto France to persuade Stirling to return to England. Stirling must be aspy.
[JEAN] I'll share one drink, then I must start my journey.
[JULES] Thank you. Yes, you should leave before dawn. Your health, Ian.
[IAN] Well, as I told you, Webster was dying. But before he died, hebegged me to get a message to James Stirling. I asked him, how would Irecognise him? And he told me to contact you at the sign of Le ChienGris.
[JEAN] I see. Well, Webster is right there. It is an inn that wefrequent. I'm sorry, please go on.
[IAN] No, that's all there is to say. Except that, as I found Le ChienGris, you found me.
[JULES] Did Webster know Stirling?
[IAN] Oh, I imagine so.
[JEAN] Probably by sight.
[JULES] But if as you say Stirling is a spy, to do his job properly hemust be able to move around freely. That would mean an alias, acompletely new identity.
[IAN] What, something that Webster didn't know?
[JULES] Yes, exactly.
[IAN] So Webster was counting on recognising him?
[JULES] Well, that makes good sense.
[IAN] Yes, well why did he ask me to contact you?
[JULES] Men like Webster have been in touch with me before. I imaginethe English are giving me as a contact to people they send over in casethey need help.
[IAN] That's not going to help me find Stirling, is it?
[JULES] What's the matter, eh?
[JEAN] I'm not sure I like the idea of being used by the English. Youshouldn't either, Jules. We're at war! And they're our enemies, andhere we are helping their spies.
[JULES] England is at war with the people ruling France, Jean. So arewe. When the tyranny ends, so will the war.
[IAN] I suppose the chances of finding Stirling are pretty slim.
[JULES] We can try.
[IAN] Good.
[JEAN] Now, you have a few days to spare, if that's correct.
[IAN] Oh, do I?
[JULES] Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't told you. Jean is leaving soon tosearch for the fourth member of your party, Susan's grandfather.
[IAN] You know where he is?
[JULES] No, but he will start at the house where you were arrested andfollow the trail from there, won't you, Jean?
[JEAN] Yes, I will find him.
[JULES] And while we wait, we will also search, for Stirling.
[JEAN] Providing you have no objections, Jules, I'll start my journeynow.
[JULES] No objections.
[JEAN] You'll hear from me within three days.
[JULES] Take care, Jean.
[JEAN] Ian.
[IAN] Good luck, and thanks.
[JULES] If anyone can find him, Jean can. Now to our problem. I wonderwho can help us?
[JEAN] Of course, there is one man.
[JULES] Leon?
[IAN] A friend of yours?
[JULES] We've shared many escapades. He moves in a very wide circle andknows a great many people. Perhaps he is James Stirling?
[IAN] I'd like to meet him. Can you arrange it?
[JULES] Very easily, he's coming here tomorrow, bringing a physician forSusan.
[IAN] Good. This calls for another drink. Oh, Barbara, just in time.
[JULES] Susan?
[BARBARA] I'm afraid she's getting worse.
[LEMAITRE] Good morning, Citizen. I hope you slept well?
[DOCTOR] I did not! The bed was hard, and the draught blew through theroom like the north wind.
[LEMAITRE] I'm sorry.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I dare say you are, but if I catch rheumatism, apologieswon't cure it. Will it, hmm?
[JAILER] Better feed the pigs.
[DOCTOR] Most appropriate.
[LEMAITRE] Come, we'll have breakfast. And your time may not be wasted,Citizen. I've got a feeling that it will be quite an eventful day.
[DANIELLE] A message from Leon. The physician won'tcome here.
[JULES] Thank you.
[IAN] But we must do something for Susan.
[JULES] Well, if Danielle says the physician won't come here, Susan mustbe taken to him, that's all.
[DANIELLE] I'll arrange for a carriage to take them.
[IAN] Let me go with Susan.
[JULES] No, I think it'll look less suspicious if two women were to go.Yes, the physician is reasonably near. Yes, Barbara can take her.
[IAN] I've just found them. I don't want to lose them again.
[JULES] That's quite understandable. But there's no reason for you tofear for your safety. Besides, there's your meeting with Leon.
[IAN] Yes, but you haven't arranged it yet.
[JULES] I can. Ian, it'll all be over by today. You'll be able to leavetogether. It'll be quicker this way.
[IAN] Well, I don't like it this way, but.
[JULES] Good. I'll go and fetch Barbara and Susan.
[IAN] Let's hope we can trust the physician.
(Consulting room)
[PHYSICIAN] Yes, you appear to have a feverish chill, but it's nothingvery serious.
[BARBARA] Well, that's a relief.
[PHYSICIAN] All the same, I'm surprised at your condition. Tell me, haveyou any idea how you came to catch it?
[SUSAN] No, none.
[PHYSICIAN] Your symptoms would suggest that you haven't been lookingafter yourself.
[SUSAN] Well, I've done nothing unusual.
[PHYSICIAN] Has she been eating properly?
[BARBARA] She has an enormous appetite. Look, doctor, if you could,well, give her something? We appreciate your time's valuable. We've nowish to delay you.
[PHYSICIAN] Quite so, quite so. There's another thing, your, er, yourhands. They're very blistered, aren't they?
[SUSAN] We've been doing some gardening.
[BARBARA] Doctor, can you help her?
[PHYSICIAN] Yes, I'll treat her. It's a simple matter of blood-letting.Unfortunately, I shall have to go out and collect some leeches. Youcalled rather early; I was on my way to collect them first thing thismorning. But you're welcome to wait.
[BARBARA] Well, maybe it would be better if we came back.
[PHYSICIAN] Come back? No, no, no. I shall be out all day. You'll haveto wait. But please, make yourselves comfortable.
[SUSAN] Barbara, I don't like him, and I can't stand the thought ofhaving leeches on me.
[BARBARA] I know, and I got the impression that he suspected us. Comeon, let's go.
[SUSAN] It's locked!
[JAILER] Get a move on. They'll be out of Paris if you don't hurry up!
[PHYSICIAN] If I'm wrong, there'll be no repercussions, will there,Citizen?
[JAILER] Don't worry. From what you've told me, it's the escapedprisoners alright. The soldiers will go with you. All you've got to dois to point them out.
[PHYSICIAN] Yes, yes, I'd better hurry back.
[JAILER] Go with the physician. Right turn. Quick march.
(Consulting room)
[BARBARA] Oh, this door's stronger than it looks.
[SUSAN] He's been gone ages. He'll be back soon. There's someone coming.
[PHYSICIAN] There they are.
[IAN] Barbara and Susan aren't back yet.
[JULES] They'll be all right. It is not unusual to be kept waiting atthe physician.
[IAN] Well, I've got a feeling something's gone wrong.
[JULES] Now don't worry, Ian. I've arranged your meeting with Leon.
[IAN] Oh, he can wait.
[JULES] If it'll make you any happier, I'll go and fetch Barbara andSusan. Now if you want to see Leon, you must hurry. He moves around agreat deal. It may be your only chance.
[IAN] But you'll leave immediately?
[JULES] Yes, of course I will. Leon is at a disused church. You're to goalone. I've explained some of the story.
[IAN] Ah, so he's not James Stirling.
[JULES] No. I'll draw a map for you, It will help you find the way.
[JAILER] So, you thought you'd escaped. Well, we'renot as big a fools as you take us for. Ah, LeMaitre. Two recapturedprisoners.
[SUSAN] Barbara, what do you think they're talking about?
[BARBARA] I don't know, but we'll find out soon enough.
[JAILER] I'll see that your orders are carried out, Citizen. Take thegirl to the cells.
[SUSAN] No! Barbara!
[JAILER] Not you. You're wanted for questioning.
[JAILER] Citizen LeMaitre thought you might like toquestion this prisoner.
[DOCTOR] What's that?
[BARBARA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] My dear Barbara!
[BARBARA] Doctor!
(Church crypt)
[IAN] Leon?
[LEON] Yes. You must be Ian.
[IAN] That's right.
[LEON] Are you alone?
[IAN] Yes. Jules said you might be able to help.
[IAN] Soldiers.
[LEON] Yes, I know. You walked right into my trap, didn't you, Ian?
(Church crypt)
[LEON] You can put all ideas of escape out of yourhead. And as for your rescue? Well,no one will come here, you can take my word for that.
[IAN] If I don't go back, Jules is going to get suspicious.
[LEON] By the time that happens, my friend, we shall have left. Andafterwards we'll take care of him.
[IAN] You never know who your friends are.
[LEON] My association with Jules was bound to come to an end. He alreadysuspected that a traitor, if you want to use those words, was workingin the organisation. But it's no matter. We're ready now to close in onhim, too.
[IAN] So what do you want with me?
[LEON] Information. You will cooperate, Ian. Think about it. We haveplenty of time.
[SOLDIER] He's giving you time to consider.
[IAN] I don't need time, I have no information.
[SOLDIER] We'll decide that when you talk. And you'll talk. You'll talk.
[BARBARA] Oh, Doctor, I thought we were never goingto see you again.
[DOCTOR] You should know by now, young lady, that you can't get rid ofthe old Doctor as easily as that.
[BARBARA [OC]] Tell me, how did you get out of that burningfarmhouse?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Oh, never mind about that now.
[DOCTOR] What happened? Where's Susan? How is she?
[BARBARA] She's here. We were arrested together.
[DOCTOR] She's here?
[DOCTOR] Is she well?
[BARBARA] Yes, she's fine. She had a slight fever, but she's recoverednow.
[DOCTOR] Good. Well now, we must find Chesterton and try and get back tothe ship.
[BARBARA] Oh, I know where he is.
[BARBARA] I know where he is.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[BARBARA] We were all in hiding at a house owned by a Jules Renan.
[LEMAITRE] Not now, Jailer.
[JAILER] But Citizen.
[LEMAITRE] I said, not now.
[JAILER] I've just had a message from the First Deputy, Citizen.
[LEMAITRE] Well, what is it?
[JAILER] Robespierre says he wants to see you immediately. It's a matterof the utmost importance. Robespierre said immediately, Citizen.
[LEMAITRE] Yes, yes. Has the young girl been locked away?
[JAILER] She has. I saw to it myself, just as you ordered, Citizen.
[LEMAITRE] Good. She shall remain in her cell, do you understand? Underno circumstances is the door to be opened.
[JAILER] Just as you say, Citizen.
[LEMAITRE] And if that order is disobeyed, I'll have you guillotined.(LeMaitre leaves)
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's it! That's it!
[BARBARA] Oh, I should never have taken Susan to see that physician.
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't blame yourself, Barbara. As it happens, everythinghas turned out very well. Might have taken us ages to find each other.
[BARBARA] Do you think we stand a chance of getting out of here?
[DOCTOR] Well, my voice seems to carry some weight, hmm?
[BARBARA] Yes, well, I'm not surprised in that get-up.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's rather impressive, isn't it? Now, listen. I'm goingthrough that door. Give me a few minutes, then I want you to go throughthe door and straight out of the prison.
[BARBARA] Are you serious?
[DOCTOR] Absolutely serious, but I've no time to explain. Just do asyou're asked.
[BARBARA] What about Susan?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll look after her and follow later.
[BARBARA] But Doctor, you
[DOCTOR] Now, now, now, there's no buts. Don't argue. You know my plansalways work perfectly. Hmm? In a few minutes, then.
(Jailer's office)
[DOCTOR] Ah, tell me. Is LeMaitre here?
[JAILER] He's left to see Citizen Robespierre.
[DOCTOR] Oh, dear, dear, dear. How irritating. And I did want him sourgently.
[JAILER] Well, I'm sure he'll be back shortly, Citizen.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, this matter can't wait. It's urgent. I've just beeninterrogating that young woman, and I'm convinced she's a member ofthat dangerous Traitor's Party.
[JAILER] Oh, I see, I see.
[DOCTOR] And do you know, she could tell us the names of every traitorin this country.
[JAILER] Perhaps we should make her talk?
[DOCTOR] No, no, chance of that. No, she'd rather die first than betrayher friends. No, I think, if there's only some way of using her.If only we could get through her to her friends.
[JAILER] Perhaps.
[JAILER] Perhaps.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps what?
[JAILER] Well, if she were to escape, she could be followed. She'd meetthese traitors, then we'd arrest them. LeMaitre once did this.
[DOCTOR] My dear, what an excellent idea! What an excellent idea! Yes,of course, now why didn't I think of that? Yes, that's what we'll do,and LeMaitre will be delighted! Now look here, Mister Jailer, I wantyou to open those prison doors. Keep out of sight.
[JAILER] Oh, but, er
[DOCTOR] Tch, tch, tch. No buts, no! And sooner or later, that youngwoman will come through those doors and we can grab her. Go along,quickly.
[JULES] Ian, Barbara, Susan? Ian? Ian?
(Church crypt)
[SOLDIER] Getting impatient, are we? That's a goodsign. Citizen Colbert really knows how to make pigs like you talk. Heleaves them alone, lets them think. Now me, I have other ways.
[LEON] Stop that. I'm sorry. I'm afraid my men are very bad-tempered.Ian, I don't want anything to happen to you really, but I think youhave the information that will help the cause I believe in.
[IAN] You're wasting your time with me. I'm very small fry.
[LEON] Surely you don't expect me to believe that? We learned of theexistence of James Stirling two months ago. We've been searching forhim ever since.
[IAN] We?
[LEON] Yes. I've been loyal to the Revolution from the beginning. Ifyou'd known what France was like six years ago, before the Bastille,you'd understand.
[IAN] I do understand, but I can't help you.
[LEON] Or you won't. France will never be anything until we're rid ofthese high-born leeches who've been sucking the life-blood of Francefor so long.
[IAN] You must believe me, I can help you in no way.
[LEON] Ian. You can save yourself a lot of trouble and suffering bytalking. This is your only chance! Do you realise that when I'vefinished with you I'll transfer you to the prison, and then to theguillotine? Now, if you were to talk, I have the power to set you free.
[IAN] Jules must have told you all I know.
[LEON] Ah yes, what did Jules say? That Webster gave you a message togive to Stirling.
[IAN] Yes, that's right. Only I can't recognise Stirling. That's why I'mhere.
[LEON] Oh, that I accept. But you must have known of their organisation.You were in it with Webster. He would never have trusted you otherwise.Now, who sent you from England? How did you get here, and who helpedyou?
[IAN] What's the use?
[LEON] I really don't understand what you hope to gain. If I don't getthe information from you, I shall find it elsewhere. Now be sensible.Save yourself from the guillotine.
[IAN] You wouldn't believe my story anyway.
[LEON] Suppose you let me be the judge of that. How did you get toFrance?
[IAN] You really want to know, eh?
[LEON] The truth?
[IAN] Oh yes, it's the truth all right.
[LEON] You swear it?
[IAN] Yes, I swear it. I flew here with three friends in a small box.When I left England it was 1963.
[JULES] All right, Leon. Release him.
[IAN] Jules!
[JULES] You traitor. It's you who's the enemy of the people.
[IAN] I thought I was going mad when I saw you here. Why did you come?
[JULES] Bad news for you.
[IAN] Oh?
[JULES] Barbara and Susan were arrested at the physician.
[IAN] Yes, I feared that as soon as Leon turned up here. We must get tothem.
[JULES] I think it's best to go back to my hide-out.
[IAN] What? The soldiers will be there already.
[JULES] Well, if I know Leon, he will have wanted the satisfaction ofarresting me himself. And anyway, we'll just have to risk it. Come on.
(Susan's cell)
[SUSAN] What is it? What do you want?
[DOCTOR] Susan, Susan, it's me, child! Me!
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather! Oh, Grandfather, you've found us! Well, how'dyou get away from the farmhouse?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I can't explain that now, child, it'd take too long.
[SUSAN] Oh, Barbara's here somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I've taken care of that. She should be out of theprison and well on her way now. And I. Shh! There's someone coming!Quiet! See you later. Shh!SUSAN
(Jailer's office)
[JAILER] But Citizen!
[JAILER] Didn't you collect the soldiers and follow the releasedprisoner?
[DOCTOR] Me? Certainly not!
[JAILER] But, whatever, why not?
[DOCTOR] But I was under the impression, my dear man, that you weredoing so. I'm hardly dressed in the proper clothes to go skulking afterpeople, now am I?
[JAILER] I couldn't have gone. I can't leave the prison.
[DOCTOR] Well why didn't you say that in the first place? Well, did you?
[JAILER] No, Citizen.
[DOCTOR] No, and what do you think LeMaitre will say? He's bound to wantto know whose idea it was.
[JAILER] It was mine. Citizen, you must help me.
[DOCTOR] I'll try. Now, don't worry, I'll cover up for you. But youknow, I have a feeling that this young girl is tied up in this somehow.Now I think if we let her go, I personally could follow, and thenarrest all of them. All I need from you is the key to that child'scell.
[JAILER] Citizen, LeMaitre was very clear with his instructions. If thatdoor is opened, I lose my head. That's what, what LeMaitre said justbefore he left, that's what he said.
[DOCTOR] LeMaitre, LeMaitre. Why can't you use your own initiative, myman?
[JAILER] Aye, well you must see him when he returns, Citizen. I'm just ahumble servant. If his orders are countermanded, well then.
[DOCTOR] I demand you open that cell door!
[JAILER] To lose one prisoner is bad enough, to lose two would be theend of me. Especially after my orders. LeMaitre will be returning soon.We'll do as he says. Until then, that door remains closed.
(Robespierre's office)
[ROBESPIERRE] Ah good, LeMaitre. We are not to bedisturbed. The news is serious, Citizen, and there is not much time.
[LEMAITRE] I am at your service. You have only to give the order.
[ROBESPIERRE] There is a meeting of the Convention tomorrow.
[LEMAITRE] Yes, I know, Citizen.
[ROBESPIERRE] I have been warned that certain influential Members,traitors, all of them, are planning to bring an indictment againstanother Member.
[LEMAITRE] You have their names?
[ROBESPIERRE] Oh, I realise they are forever plotting, but this latestinformation suggests that more and more of the Paris Commune are takingsides. The plan is that even I shall not be allowed to speak. They'reout to destroy me.
[LEMAITRE] All is not lost, Citizen. You still have many friends sittingin the Convention.
[ROBESPIERRE] But can I trust them? If this motion gets underway, theywill turn against me to save their own necks. Mark my words, LeMaitre.If this plot is successful, tomorrow, the 27th of July 1794, will be adate for history.
[LEMAITRE] Tell me the leader of this group, Citizen. He will beimmediately executed.
[ROBESPIERRE] Patience, LeMaitre. This is no lone voice we are fightingagainst. If they are to hold power, they will need the Army on theirside. Meetings must have been arranged.
[LEMAITRE] By whom?
[ROBESPIERRE] It is my guess that Deputy Paul Barrass is at theforefront of the rebels, but I must be certain before I strike. I shallnot get a second chance, LeMaitre.
[LEMAITRE] Tell me what I must do.
[ROBESPIERRE] I understand that Barrass is leaving Paris tonight. Iassume it must be for a meeting. With the position as it is, it can befor no other reason. I want to know who with, and the decision. Giventhat, I can still defeat my enemies.
[LEMAITRE] What if he's just a decoy?
[ROBESPIERRE] That is my worry, LeMaitre. Tonight my men will beeverywhere. Barrass is your responsibility.
[LEMAITRE] I shall not fail you. Against which Member is the indictmentbeing brought, Citizen?
[ROBESPIERRE] Against me, LeMaitre! Against me, Robespierre!
[JULES] Leon was right. He did not tell me aboutthis place. We're safe here for the moment. But I shall have to give upthis house very soon. It's becoming too dangerous.
[IAN] Barbara! We thought you'd been arrested.
[BARBARA] Yes, we were, but when we got to the prison, the Doctor wasthere.
[IAN] What?
[BARBARA] Yes, he's dressed up as if he was running the revolution! Fromwhat I could gather, half the people there take orders from him.
[IAN] That sounds like the Doctor, all right.
[JULES] The Doctor? You mean Susan's grandfather?
[BARBARA] Yes, that's right.
[IAN] And where's Susan?
[BARBARA] Oh, she'll be along later with him. I just walked out.
[IAN] Walked out? But. I don't know how he gets away with it half thetime. What did he say?
[BARBARA] Well, not very much, we didn't have a chance. But he'll behere soon, so no doubt we'll get the whole story, several times. Whathave you done?
[IAN] Oh, it's nothing much. Let's just say I fell into the wrong hands,and Jules arrived in time.
[BARBARA] And Leon?
[JULES] He's dead, Barbara. I killed him.
[BARBARA] Killed him?
[JULES] Yes. He was the traitor we were looking for.
[IAN] It was the only way, Barbara.
[JULES] He deserved to die. He was a traitor.
[BARBARA] What do you mean, he was a traitor?
[IAN] When I got to the church, he turned on me. He was going to killme.
[JULES] He betrayed us, Barbara.
[BARBARA] He was a traitor to you. To his side he was a patriot.
[IAN] Barbara, we've taken sides just by being here. Jules actually shothim. It could just as easily have been me.
[JULES] And what about Robespierre? I suppose you think
[BARBARA] Well just because an extremist like Robespierre
[IAN] Oh, Barbara, Jules is our friend. He saved our lives!
[BARBARA] I know all that! The revolution isn't all bad, and neither arethe people who support it. It changed things for the whole world, andgood, honest people gave their lives for that change.
[IAN] Well, he got what he deserved.
[BARBARA] You check your history books, Ian, before you decide whatpeople deserve.
(Susan's cell)
[DOCTOR] Susan.
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather! I thought you were never coming.
[DOCTOR] I shall have you out of here soon, but I must have your help.Now look, I want you to get down onto the floor, behind this door, anddon't move, whatever you do!
[SUSAN] Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Do it now, child. Don't argue, do it now. And don't make asound! Stay there! There's someone coming.
[SUSAN] Be careful!
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, don't fuss.
(Jailer's office)
[JAILER] Oh, it'll be the end of me, this business.I don't know what LeMaitre will say.
[DOCTOR] Oh, he's not back yet then, eh?
[JAILER] Oh, but we expect him any minute, and then
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Jailer! Jailer! That young girl, she's gone!
[JAILER] What?
[DOCTOR] She's gone!
(Corridor outside Susan's cell)
[JAILER] She's gone!
[DOCTOR] Come along, child, quickly!
[LEMAITRE] Guards! Guards!
[JAILER] He tricked me, Citizen. He tricked me!
[LEMAITRE] Lock her away.
[JAILER] He did as you said 'e would, Citizen. He tried to get the younggirl released, and he let the other prisoner go.
[DOCTOR] Oh, spare your breath, please! I'm quite capable of explainingthe situation myself.
[LEMAITRE] All right, Jailer. I think it's about time we had a talk.
[DOCTOR] I must insist that you release that youngchild immediately!
[LEMAITRE] I'm afraid you're not in a position to insist on anything atthe moment.
[DOCTOR] Position, sir? Do you realise who you're talking to?
[LEMAITRE] Not yet. But I intend to find out. Do you recognise this,Citizen?
[DOCTOR] No. Should I?
[LEMAITRE] And these. They're yours, aren't they? Given in exchange forthose rather splendid clothes and the insignia of a Regional ProvincialDeputy.
[DOCTOR] Do you know that's the biggest fairy story I've ever heard inmy life.
[LEMAITRE] I could have had you arrested any time I wanted!
[DOCTOR] Yes. Why didn't you? (puts the ring on his finger)
[LEMAITRE] Please, please, keep it. Why didn't I? Well, with thepolitical situation as it is, and my position being what it is, I needfriends even if they're enemies. People I can call on for help. If Ihave something on them, so much the better.
[DOCTOR] It's become quite obvious to me why you didn't wish me to leavethe prison.
[LEMAITRE] I knew I'd never see you again if you did.
[DOCTOR] But you relaxed the regulations today, and I could have walkedout any time I wished.
[LEMAITRE] And left your granddaughter? Just an assumption, butobviously correct. I knew I had you so long as she remained here underlock and key. If you remember, when I first met you, you were enquiringafter your friends. The young woman, whom the jailer says you've justreleased, the girl and, what was his name? Ian.
[DOCTOR] So you knew all the time?
[LEMAITRE] Let's just say I added to my knowledge. Listening at doorscan still be effective.
[DOCTOR] What do you want?
[LEMAITRE] Ah. So I see we understand each other. If you agree to helpme, your granddaughter will be released after you have kept your sideof the bargain.
[DOCTOR] The least I can do is listen.
[LEMAITRE] Good. Now, I'm reasonably certain that your group are workingwith, or for, Jules Renan. I think you used his hideout. Certainly youknow where it is, and if you don't, your granddaughter does.
[DOCTOR] I have never met the man! Oh, I fully appreciate why you mustwant to find him, but if you think that I am going to betray him, thenyou are a very poor judge of character.
[LEMAITRE] If you want your granddaughter released, you will have totake me to his hideout.
[DOCTOR] Never, sir, I refuse!
[LEMAITRE] I repeat. if you want your granddaughter released, you do nothave a choice!
[BARBARA] Where's Jules?
[IAN] He went to the end of the street, to look for Susan and theDoctor.
[BARBARA] Well, the Doctor would have to wait for the right moment.
[IAN] Yes, but how long can we wait?
[BARBARA] Oh, I don't know. Whenever somebody passes the house, I thinkit might be them.
[IAN] Yes, I know. Barbara. Sorry about Leon, but it really was the onlyway, believe me.
[BARBARA] I know. I wanted to apologise to Jules. I'm so sick and tiredof death, Ian. We never seem able to get away from it.
[JULES] There is no way, Barbara. Well, there's no sign of your friends.
[BARBARA] Well, we must wait a little longer.
[JULES] I left the door unlatched.
[IAN] Oh, so now anyone can walk in.
[JULES] Try and be patient, Ian. Oh, I know these long hours of waitingonly too well. I've had my share.
[BARBARA] Jules, when I spoke to you before, I. The things I said.
[JULES] You said because of Leon the man. Yes, I know. But I did what Ihad to do because of what he represents. Do you ever wonder why I'mdoing these things, hiding in shadows, fighting in corners?
[IAN] We took it for granted you belonged to the other side, thearistocracy.
[JULES] No. No, I have no title or position. I belong, well, in themiddle. But I hate to see order thrown out of the window like so muchdust. There can be no loyalty or honour where anarchy prevails.
[BARBARA] And Leon was your friend.
[JULES] There are only two sides today, Barbara. Those who rule by fearand treachery, and those who fight for reason and justice. Anyone whobetrays these principles is worse than the devil in hell!
[IAN] Here they are.
[BARBARA] LeMaitre.
[JULES] Your friend has betrayed us!
(Chez Jules)
[IAN] You brought the soldiers!
[LEMAITRE] No, I came alone and unarmed. Ask your friend.
[DOCTOR] We came alone, my boy. We made a bargain. Let him speak. Heholds Susan prisoner.
[JULES] What can you have to say to us?
[LEMAITRE] Please, I come as a friend.
[BARBARA] A friend?
[LEMAITRE] Ian will tell you that what I say is true.
[IAN] I will?
[LEMAITRE] Well, surely you realise that your escape from prison wasarranged? I saw to it that you got the key and I took care of thejailer.
[IAN] Why? Why should you do that?
[LEMAITRE] I was certain in my own mind that Webster gave you a messageto deliver. You had to have the opportunity to deliver it.Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to wait now. I have to collect.
[BARBARA] Collect?
[LEMAITRE] Yes. I am James Stirling.
[IAN] Stirling? You?
[STIRLING] Is it so surprising? You must have already decided that to beof any use I would have to hold some position of authority.
[JULES] Why have you not made yourself known here before? Webster hadbeen told about me.
[STIRLING] I've been in France several years. When I came over you musthave been unknown to us, although I'm not sure I would have contactedyou even if I could. I prefer to work alone.
[IAN] You could have made yourself known to me in prison.
[STIRLING] Yes, but I didn't know whether I could trust you. Thereagain, I could have been overheard. No, Ian, I took the only coursepossible.
[DOCTOR] That's all very well, LeMaitre, Stirling, or whatever your nameis, but the only reason I brought you here was to help Susan. And I'vekept my part of the bargain.
[STIRLING] I know, but let me explain my position.
[DOCTOR] I certainly will not! I want my granddaughter out of thatprison!
[STIRLING] She already has been out of that prison and she wasrearrested. I will help you if you will help me. Don't you see? I canuse my authority to get safe passage for all of you to wherever youwant to go.
[DOCTOR] But look here.
[IAN] He's right, Doctor.
[STIRLING] No harm will come to Susan, I promise. I gave orders that shewas to remain in the cell. Now you know that's true. The jailer woulddie rather than see that cell door opened again.
[DOCTOR] Very well. Very well. If you must, tell your story then get onwith it.
[STIRLING] First, the message.
[IAN] Oh, Webster said very little. He was badly wounded as you know.
[STIRLING] Yes. I know that. I read reports of all arrests in casesomething like this happens. It's why I came to your cell, I realisedthat he could have been Webster. I've been expecting to be contactedfor months.
[IAN] He didn't know where you were, or even where I could find you.
[STIRLING] No. The plan was that he was to look for and recognise me. Hewas a good friend. Ian, the message?
[IAN] He said you were to return to England immediately. It seems thatwhatever information you have is wanted there urgently.
[STIRLING] Nothing more?
[IAN] That was all Webster said.
[STIRLING] Are you sure?
[IAN] Well, he mumbled occasionally. Odd words. But what I've just toldyou was all he asked me to tell you.
[STIRLING] What were these mumblings about?
[IAN] Oh, well, they didn't really make sense. He was unconscious. Hesaid strange things. I can't really remember now.
[STIRLING] He may have realised that he didn't have very much time.
[IAN] Yes. I'm afraid I can't remember them.
[STIRLING] Well, I'm already planning my return to England, but before Igo, and before I can give Susan and you safe passage, there is one morepiece of information I must have.
[BARBARA] But you asked for our help. What can we do? You have all thepower.
[STIRLING] Robespierre sent for me today. There is another plot todepose him.
[JULES] Good. Will it succeed, do you think?
[STIRLING] Possibly. He gave orders that I should follow Paul Barrass, adeputy, and report back on a meeting.
[IAN] Barrass. Meeting. Webster did speak of that.
[STIRLING] What did he say?
[IAN] Well, nothing specific but he said Barrass, meeting, and somethingabout a sinking ship. No. No, The Sinking Ship. That was it!
[JULES] Just a moment. There's an inn called the Sinking Ship on theCalais Road. It would be ideal for a secret meeting.
[STIRLING] Right. Better than following him, we can plan a receptioncommittee. If I can discover the results of this meeting, I'm ready toreturn to England and I'm free to help you.
[BARBARA] Have you any idea who Barrass is meeting?
[STIRLING] No, but whoever he is, he could be the next ruler of France.
[IAN] I still don't understand why you need our help.
[STIRLING] Barrass knows me by sight, I'm sure of that. He could evenknow of you, Doctor. Now my plan, if you agree, is for Barbara and Ianto attend the meeting.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense! It's far too risky.
[JULES] Why not use your own men? You would still learn the details.
[STIRLING] True but then they would also know and they may talk. Then Ihave no advantage.
[BARBARA] I think we should go. Ian?
[IAN] It's risky, but we're not going to get away without help.
[DOCTOR] Quite so, and there's Susan to think about.
[STIRLING] Then you agree to go?
[IAN] We agree.
[STIRLING] The Doctor and I will remain here. If we're seen it couldhinder you, or worse.
[JULES] I'll take them to the inn, Stirling, if you've no objection.
[STIRLING] Good. I was going to ask you to. Now, when you get there Isuggest that the innkeeper.
[JULES] You can leave it to us, Stirling.
[STIRLING] Sorry. I know I can. You should have little difficultygetting there tonight. Stay the night and return here tomorrow morning.That way you won't run into any patrols. Now, where exactly is thisinn, Jules?
[JULES] It's a good two hours ride. We'll take the Calais road and ridedue north. When we reach this fork we'll see a forest. We'll circle itand ride west.
(The Sinking Ship - bar)
[(The full moon disappears behind storm clouds.Barbara is masquerading as a waitress as Jules sits near the doorJULES] Thank you.
[BARBARA] Well, if this is a typical night's trade, I'm not surprisedthis place was chosen.
[JULES] I've bound and gagged the innkeeper and left him in the winecellar. He'll be found when we leave.
[BARBARA] Ian's nearly finished.
[JULES] Good.
[BARBARA] You know, if Barrass doesn't arrive soon, he'll find the placeclosed.
[JULES] Perhaps that's what he's waiting for.
(The Sinking Ship - back room)
[BARBARA] You're through.
[IAN] Yes, I know. That'll do it. Many out there?
[BARBARA] Just two. They look set for the night. Oh, and Jules ofcourse. He's put the innkeeper in the cellar.
[IAN] Good. Yes, looks all right. Aye. Now we're ready for them.
(The Sinking Ship - bar)
[IAN] Ah, let me take your cloak, Citizen. Horrible night.
[BARRASS] Where is Jacques?
[IAN] Ah, Jacques? Oh, he's sick. He asked me to help him out. You mustbe the citizen who ordered the room. This way. This way, citizen. Herewe are.
(The Sinking Ship - back room)
[BARBARA] Can I get you anything, Citizen?
[BARRASS] Yes. Some wine.
[BARBARA] How many guests are you expecting?
[BARRASS] Just the one.
(The Sinking Ship - bar)
[BARBARA] There'll only be two of them.
[IAN] Goodnight!
[CITIZEN] Goodnight!
[IAN] As soon as his guest comes you can lock up.
[BARBARA] Did you see who it was?
[IAN] No. Did you?
(The Sinking Ship - back room)
[BARRASS] Well, I'm delighted you could get here,General.
(The Sinking Ship - bar)
[IAN] Barbara. Barbara. It's Napoleon. NapoleonBonaparte!
(The Sinking Ship - back room)
[BARRASS] We're quite safe here. I made certain Iwasn't followed.
[NAPOLEON] The meeting place was well chosen.
[BARRASS] I, er, assume from your presence here that you're interestedin my proposition.
[NAPOLEON] Interested, obviously. But, no more. At least, not until youdisclose the full details.
[BARRASS] Robespierre will be arrested after tomorrow's conventionmeeting.
[NAPOLEON] Will be? It won't be the first attempt.
[BARRASS] But it will be the successful one. He'll be tried and executedbefore his friends have time to reorganise.
[NAPOLEON] You make it sound simple, Barrass. I think you underestimateRobespierre. He has a talent for commanding support.
[BARRASS] Only if he is allowed to speak. And he won't be able to.
[NAPOLEON] As far as I'm concerned, your success or failure means verylittle to me.
[BARRASS] Oh, possibly, but only for the immediate future. Success couldwell mean that I would take control of the governingcommittee.
[NAPOLEON] It would be within the constitutional rights?
[BARRASS] And then the constitution could be amended. Oh, I'm well awareof your disgust forpoliticians, tearing France to pieces while her enemies wait to pounce.
[NAPOLEON] Exactly what is your proposal?
[BARRASS] I believe that to rule a country successfully, one needs acertain support from the people being governed.
[NAPOLEON] Agreed. And how do you plan to raise that support?
[BARRASS] With you. Your victories, inspiring victories, in the AustrianWars have made you a public figure. You're a hero in the people's eyes.
[NAPOLEON] And in your eyes? A useful prop for your new government.
[BARRASS] Oh, come, general. You would be more than just a figurehead.
[NAPOLEON] Yes, I know I would. I'm glad you appreciate it. In whichcapacity would you require me to serve?
[BARRAS] The constitution amendment would call for a government of threeconsuls. You would be one of them.
[NAPOLEON] When would you require my decision?
[NAPOLEON] If I refuse?
[BARRASS] You're in a strong position, Bonaparte, but hardlyindispensible. There are other young men equally ambitious.
[NAPOLEON] I accept, dependent on Robespierre's downfall. In the eventof failure, I shall of course deny this meeting ever took place.
[BARRASS] I will summon you to Paris as soon as a suitable time haselapsed.
[NAPOLEON] I shall be ready to take over.
(Chez Jules)
[STIRLING] Napoleon? Napoleon as ruler of France?
[BARBARA] Yes. As one of three consuls.
[STIRLING] He won't be content with that. I've watched his promotions.Bonaparte's clever and ambitious. If he gets a foothold to power, oneday he will rule France.
[DOCTOR] Our only concern now is Susan.
[STIRLING] She's only part of it, Doctor. If they take Robespierre tothe prison we might find it hard to get in there, let alone get out.
[IAN] You made a bargain with us.
[STIRLING] And I'll keep to it.
[IAN] You knew this might happen.
[STIRLING] Yes. But I had no idea Barrass was so strong. Jules. Whattime is this convention meeting?
[JULES] It will be over by now.
[STIRLING] Then Robespierre could already be under arrest. I must findout. There may still be time.
[BARBARA] You'd keep Robespierre as ruler of France?
[STIRLING] If I thought it was the only way to
[JULES] We need a strong government, but not a military dictatorship.And it could happen.
[BARBARA] It will happen.
[DOCTOR] Oh, save your breath, my dear. Do as you think fit. I'm goingoff for Susan.
[STIRLING] Doctor?
[STIRLING] Take Barbara with you. Let her hide outside the prison.Jules?
[JULES] Yes?
[STIRLING] Get a carriage. Take her to the prison. If there are crowds,wait until they disperse. Barbara will watch out for you.
[JULES] Right.
[STIRLING] If you can get Susan, take her and join Barbara and wait forthe carriage. Ian and myself will join you as soon as we can.
[IAN] Where shall we go?
[STIRLING] To the palace. We'll get news of Robespierre. If you're notoutside the prison when we return, I'll come for you.
[DOCTOR] Go with him, my boy. You can't help me but at least you canmake sure that he helps us.
[IAN] All right. I'll see you outside the prison. Good luck.
[BARBARA] Take care, Ian.
[DOCTOR] What is it? What do you find so amusing, hmm?
[BARBARA] Oh, I don't know. Yes, I do. It's this feverish activity totry and stop something that we know is going to happen. Robespierrewill be guillotined whatever we do.
[DOCTOR] I've told you of our position so often.
[BARBARA] Yes, I know. You can't influence or change history. I learntthat lesson with the Aztecs.
[DOCTOR] The events will happen, just as they are written. I'm afraid soand we can't stem the tide. But at least we can stop being carried awaywith the flood! Now, Susan and the prison.
(Robespierre's office)
[SOLDIER] A warrant for your arrest, Citizen. Issued by the governingcommittee.
[ROBESPIERRE] Oh, don't be fools, citizens! They're traitors, all ofthem. Traitors! Don't be fools, they're just using you. They'll neversucceed in taking over the government of France! They'll never succeed!Within hours I shall be as powerful as ever I was and the traitors willpay with their lives!
(Outside Robespierre's office)
[ROBESPIERRE [OC]] If, citizens, you swear your allegiance to me now, Iwill promise your safety. I promise to save France. I will promise!(a gunshot silences the rhetoric)
[SOLDIER [OC]] Ha! That'll keep you quiet for a while. No more talk outof him. Come on, Citizen, to the prison.
[STIRLING] You should have let me go in, Ian.
[IAN] No, Stirling. Robespierre's finished. We were too late.
[STIRLING] Yes. Did you hear the men? They're taking him to the prison.
[IAN] Yes. It's up to the Doctor now.
(Opposite the Prison)
[DOCTOR] I think we're going to have quite a storm.
[BARBARA] Yes. We were lucky to find shelter so near the prison.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. We've waited around here long enough. It's far tooconspicuous. I think the carriage might be here when I return. Will yoube all right?
[BARBARA] Yes, of course.
[DOCTOR] I think I'll go and get Susan, or at least try. Be careful.
(Jailer's office)
[JAILER] Up with the Revolution. You! You came back.
[DOCTOR] I can see you did not expect me.
[JAILER] No, but I am glad you came. I still have a score to settle withyou.
[DOCTOR] Really? I see you haven't heard the news yet, my man.
[JAILER] Who hasn't? Robespierre has been overthrown!
[DOCTOR] Yes. And LeMaitre was shot trying to run away.
[JAILER] LeMaitre, shot?
[DOCTOR] Shot. And now we're going to deal with his accomplices.
[JAILER] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] Why do you think a high-ranking official like myself came toParis, hmm? I was part of the plan. I came to make sure ofRobespierre's downfall.
[JAILER] I didn't know, Citizen.
[DOCTOR] No, you didn't, did you? And that is why you didn't expect meto come back. You thought you'll get away with it.
[JAILER] Get away with what?
[DOCTOR] Being LeMaitre's accomplice. Take him! You were LeMaitre'saccomplice, weren't you? You did help him to carry out his torturousactions?
[JAILER] I only carried out the orders I was given, Citizen.
[DOCTOR] Orders? Orders? Don't tell me that, my man, I was there,remember? I saw youconniving with him all the time.
[JAILER] I didn't, Citizen.
[DOCTOR] Didn't what?
[JAILER] Do what you just said.
[DOCTOR] It was you that betrayed me to LeMaitre, was it not?
[JAILER] Well, after all, Citizen, you did hit me on the head. And howwas I to know LeMaitre was a traitor? And, well, you, Citizen, you,well, that was a secret wasn't it?
[DOCTOR] Well, I suppose there's some logic in that. I can't decidewhether you're a rogue or a half-wit or both. Ha. However, I will giveyou the benefit of the doubt. (to the guards) Get out. Now, while we'rereconsidering the post of jailer you may stay here in a temporarycapacity.
[JAILER] Thank you, Citizen. You won't regret it, I promise you.
[DOCTOR] I hope not. Now, Robespierre's friends smuggled him away afterthe convention. The soldiers are after him. He will be caught andprobably brought here.
[JAILER] Ah, well we'll look after him, Citizen. Never fear.
[DOCTOR] Tomorrow there will be a new bunch of prisoners, Robespierre'sfriends, so I hope everything will be ready, including the cells?
[JAILER] Well, shall I release the prisoners, Citizen?
[DOCTOR] Certainly. Now let me have the key to the dungeon.
(Opposite the Prison)
[SOLDIER] Open up! We've got Robespierre!
[IAN] The Doctor back yet?
[BARBARA] No. But they've got Robespierre! I've just seen them take himinto the prison.
[STIRLING] Yes, we followed them here. Perhaps I'd better go and seewhat's happened.
[IAN] You stay where you are, Stirling. You set one foot inside thatprison and you'll be arrested. We must wait until Jules arrives withthe carriage.
[BARBARA] And you obviously didn't get to Robespierre.
[IAN] No.
[STIRLING] We saw him taken. He was shot in the jaw.
[IAN] Jules going to be able to see us from here?
[BARBARA] I think so. At least this storm will allow him to pull up infront of the prison.
[STIRLING] I shall be heading for Calais. I can get a boat from there.
[IAN] Good. We can save you some time. We go the same way.
[STIRLING] While we're waiting, you might as well explain exactly whereit is you're making for.
[BARBARA] Well, as far as I can remember from the map I saw in thehideout, we head north of Paris.
[IAN] Here's Jules!
(Prison corridor)
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather!
[DOCTOR] Ah. There, Susan. We're all going back to the ship. It's allover for you.
[SUSAN] Where are the others?
[DOCTOR] Well, Barbara's outside and Ian should arrive at any moment. Wehave a carriage waiting.
[SUSAN] A carriage? Oh, that's better than a tumbril.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I.
[SUSAN] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] They've just heard about the downfall of Robespierre. A sort ofcelebration, you know?
[SUSAN] Oh, look!
[SOLDIER] Jailer!
[JAILER] Yes. What is it about?
[SOLDIER] A prisoner for you.
[JAILER] Oh, Citizen Robespierre? This is indeed an honour.
[SOLDIER] Don't waste your breath on him. He can't answer you back. Hetried writing us a letter but, too bad we don't read, hey?
[SUSAN] Let's go back to the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, Susan. The rabble are far too busy to bother aboutus. Everybody lived in fear yesterday of that man, andtoday. Let's go, Susan. Let's go.
(Opposite the Prison)
[JULES] Yes, the fall of Robespierre has changedeverything for me.
[IAN] I'm sure it has, Jules. What are you going to do now?
[JULES] First I must find Jean. Then I shall wait somewhere in thecountry and see how this situation in Paris develops.
[IAN] Going to be disturbed for a long time, I think.
[JULES] Yes, I know. I wonder who will emerge as the next ruler ofFrance?
[IAN] Remember the name, Napoleon Bonaparte.
[JULES] Corsican? Ruling France?
[STIRLING] Well, if you're certain that's where you want to be left.
[BARBARA] That's the place. We'll be safe there.
[STIRLING] Yes, but I don't
[BARBARA] Please. No questions. Promise?
[STIRLING] Very well, if that's what you want. Now that I'm going home,I just can't wait to see England again.
[BARBARA] Oh, England. I know how you feel only too well.
[STIRLING] Why don't you all come with me?
[BARBARA] Er, no. We must travel our way.
[STIRLING] Barbara, who are you really? Where do you all come from?
[JULES] Here they are!
[IAN] He's got Susan!
[SUSAN] Ian!
[DOCTOR] Now come along. Don't stand around. It's too dangerous.
[IAN] Come along. Hurry.
[JULES] Come LeMaitre. We mustn't keep them waiting. I hope they have apleasant journey.
[STIRLING] So do I. But to where, Jules? Funny, I get the impressionthey don't know where they're heading for. Come to that, do any of us?
[DOCTOR] Well, I can assure you, my dear Barbara,Napoleon would never have believed you.
[IAN] Yes, Doctor, but supposing we had written Napoleon a letter,telling him, you know, some of the things that were going to happen tohim.
[SUSAN] It wouldn't have made any difference, Ian. He'd have forgottenit, or lost it, or thought it was written by a maniac.
[BARBARA] I suppose if we'd tried to kill him with a gun, the bulletwould have missed him.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's hardly fair to speculate, is it? No, I'm afraid youbelittle things. Our lives are important, at least to us. But as wesee, so we learn.
[IAN] And what are we going to see and learn next, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, unlike the old adage, my boy, our destiny is in thestars, so let's go and search for it.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s01", "episode": "e08", "title": "Reign of Terror"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (30 Dec, 1972; Third Doctor) - The Three Doctors
(Outside the Lodge)
[MRS OLLIS] Doctor Tyler, is it?
[TYLER] Yeah. Sorry to be a trouble. Thanks very much for calling.
[MRS OLLIS] Arthur's keeping an eye on it, down by the lake. He hasn'ttouched it.
[TYLER] Oh good.
[MRS OLLIS] It's not chemicals, is it? Only the birds, you see.
[TYLER] No, you'll be all right. Nothing to worry about.
(Lake side)
[TYLER] Mister Ollis! Mister Ollis?
[TYLER] Put me through to UNIT HQ will you, please?
(UNIT Laboratory)
[TYLER] So there you are. Mrs Ollis says her husband's down there, I seehim wave, get there and there he is, gone. So I got in touch with youlot.
[BRIGADIER] Well quite right too. That's what we're here for, eh,Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes of course.
[JO] What exactly is this machine for?
[TYLER] Cosmic Ray Research, Miss Grant.
[JO] And you still use balloons?
[TYLER] That's right. We may not be NASA, but we get the results. Insidethat is the most sophisticated Cosmic Ray Monitoring device betweenhere and Cape Kennedy. You see, I was going to get in touch with youpeople anyway, even before this business.
[BRIGADIER] Oh? Why was that?
[TYLER] Can you give me that briefcase, please?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course.
[TYLER] Well, we've been getting some pretty funny results on theselatest tests. Now this is the first one you see. Ah, this is normal.
[TYLER] Now then, this is why I'm here. Last week's test. Now, look atthat.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Good grief.
[TYLER] Yeah. Nobody knows what to make of it. Well, they've all seenit. Yanks, and the other lot.
[TYLER] Now here somewhere, oh yes. Now this is what really put the tinhat on it. From that deep space monitor Houston put up. Just take alook at those readings.
[BRIGADIER] Er, the Doctor's the
[TYLER] What?
[BRIGADIER] The Doctor's the man you
[TYLER] Oh, I see.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Well, it's travelling faster than light.
[TYLER] Yes. And it can't, can it. I don't know what to make of it. It'scome all that way, through millions of star systems. It must have beendirected, and it must have been directed at us. Now why?
[DOCTOR] Why indeed, Professor Tyler, why indeed.
[BRIGADIER] Thing is, Doctor, is there anything I can do?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Pass me a silicon rod will you?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, what I meant was, is there anything that UNIT can doabout this space lightning business?
[DOCTOR] Lightning? Yes, I suppose it could look like lightning, only itisn't. No. If there where such a thing I would say it was compressedlight. A sort of controlled superlucent emission.
[JO] He means it travels faster than light.
[BRIGADIER] Thank you, Miss Grant.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, Professor, is this machine of yours functioningproperly?
[TYLER] Far as I can tell. Haven't developed that latest plate yet, ofcourse.
[DOCTOR] Then I suggest that you do so immediately and let me know theresult of your findings. Jo, you and I are going to take a look at thescene of the crime.
[JO] Right.
[DOCTOR] I think you'll find everything you need here.
[TYLER] Oh, right. Er, thanks.
[TYLER] Oh, I can manage now, thank you.
[BRIGADIER] I'm delighted to hear it. Make yourself at home. We're onlysupposed to be a top secret security establishment. Liberty Hall,Doctor Tyler. Liberty Hall.
[TYLER] That shouldn't happen.
[TYLER] That definitely shouldn't happen.
(Lake side)
[MRS OLLIS] This here's the place all right.
[JO] Are you sure, Mrs Ollis?
[MRS OLLIS] Well, the Land Rover tracks stop here, don't they? I toldyou, you're too late. The other gentleman's been and gone.
[DOCTOR] You haven't seen your husband since this morning?
[MRS OLLIS] No. Nothing unusual in that. Oh, he'll be off somewhere. Weshan't see him now until dark. I'll look for him if you like.
[DOCTOR] No. No, it's not important.
[MRS OLLIS] Please yourself. I'll be getting on then.
[JO] It is important, isn't it, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, Jo. Yes, it's much more important than I thought.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Doctor Tyler, these reports mightinterest
[BRIGADIER] Tyler? Doctor Tyler? Sergeant Benton!
[BRIGADIER] Doctor Tyler appears to be wandering around UNIT HeadQuarters. Go and find him and bring him here at once.
[BENTON] Yes, sir.
(Behind UNIT HQ)
[DOCTOR] Right, let's see what Doctor Tyler's found out about thatplate.
[JO] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Jo! Back slowly away behind the car. Do as I say!
[JO] What is it?
[DOCTOR] When I tell you to run, you run. Right, run!
[JO] What happened? What is that?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[JO] Poor old Bessie.
[DOCTOR] Right, Come on.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Well, where is he?
[BENTON] Sorry sir, we just couldn't find him. Doctor Tyler has justdisappeared. We've searched the grounds and the buildings, sir, andthere's no sign of him. Oh, and there was an explosion in the garage,sir.
[BRIGADIER] Explosion? What explosion? I heard nothing.
[DOCTOR] No, you wouldn't, Brigadier.
[BENTON] But there was a flash, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] A flash, yes, not an explosion. It was a release of kineticenergy.
[BRIGADIER] One of Bessie's gadgets misfire?
[JO] It's far more serious than that, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] You'd better check, Benton.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
[DOCTOR] No. I shouldn't go anywhere near it. Not just at the moment.
[BENTON] What shall I do, sir?
[DOCTOR] I suggest that you put a guard on the drains, Benton.
[BENTON] The drains?
[DOCTOR] Yes, the drains!
[BRIGADIER] Put the men on stand by, Benton.
[BENTON] Right away, sir.
[DOCTOR] All right, Brigadier. Now then, what's the situation as you seeit?
[BRIGADIER] Well, I've just had a call from Mrs Ollis. Her husbandhasn't returned.
[JO] Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I was rather afraid that might happen.
[BRIGADIER] We're cooperating with the local Police, but we have gotfifteen hundred acres to cover.
[DOCTOR] Well, I shouldn't bother going on looking for him, Brigadier. Ithink you'll find that that's Mister Ollis.
[BRIGADIER] Is this the plate that Tyler was developing when we left?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right.
[BRIGADIER] When I came back with these satellite reports, Tyler haddisappeared and this box was open as it is now.
[DOCTOR] Nothing's been moved?
[BRIGADIER] Nothing.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me a minute, will you?
[DOCTOR] All right, Brigadier, go on.
[BRIGADIER] These are tracking reports and assessments from just aboutevery country in the world.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. It looks as if Tyler was right. That light beam orwhatever it is, seems to have scanned the Earth like a searchlight andpicked on us.
[BRIGADIER] Since UNIT is now in charge of this investigation, Doctor,it would help if you were a little more forthcoming.
[JO] Tell him about Bessie, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Huh? Oh, yes. Well, Brigadier, now Bessie has disappeared.
[JO] But it was after us.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, but what was after you?
[DOCTOR] Well, some kind of powerful organism thing with a very stronghunting instinct.
[JO] It was hunting you, wasn't it, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I'm afraid so.
[BRIGADIER] Are you trying to tell me that this whole thing has beenarranged just for your benefit?
[JO] Oh yes, that's right. You see that stuff simply ignored me as soonas it saw the Doctor.
[BRIGADIER] What about this chap Ollis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. Well, perhaps this thing was confused, or itsinstructions weren't getting through.
[BRIGADIER] And Tyler?
[DOCTOR] Tyler? Yeah. Yes, that was its second mistake, here in thislaboratory where I usually work. And its third mistake was Bessie.
[JO] And you were in Bessie.
[BRIGADIER] And you think there's a link between the beam and this, thisorganism thing.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I do. I think that that beam was the method it used to gethere.
[BRIGADIER] Well, now it's arrived, and it's hostile, and it's stillhere, so what do we do and how do we find it?
[DOCTOR] We don't find it, Brigadier. If we wait around here longenough, it'll find us.
(Outside UNIT HQ)
[GUARD] Holy Moses! What's that?
[GUARD] Get Sergeant Benton, quick!
[BENTON] How many of them?
[GUARD] I'm not sure, Sarge. They seem to be springing out all over theplace.
[BENTON] Right. You hold them off here, and I'll cover the back. Right,you men come with me. Hurry.
[GUARD] Fire at will!
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] What are those creatures? Where are they coming from?
[DOCTOR] Obviously from the same source as that organism thing. Firstthe scout, then the reinforcements.
[BRIGADIER] Their grasp of military tactics is very good.
[JO] Well, let's hope Sergeant Benton's are even better.
(Outside UNIT HQ)
[BENTON] Hurry, men, and keep your heads down.
[BENTON] Great shot, Johnson.
[BENTON] Brigadier, do you read me? Over.
[BRIGADIER [OC]] What's the situation, Benton? Over.
[BENTON] We're under attack from all sides. Weapons are useless. Nothingseems to touch them. Nothing. Over.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Get the men out, Benton. Completeevacuation, then report to me in the laboratory. Is that clear? Over.
[BENTON [OC]] Okay, lads, fall back! Complete evacuation. I wanteveryone out of the building. Everybody. Now, move.
[BRIGADIER] I'd better see what's happening. You stay here, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Not much point in my going anywhere else is there?
[DOCTOR] I think you ought to get out of here too, Jo.
[JO] Not a chance. I'm staying right here with you.
[DOCTOR] Now please, Jo, do as I ask. They won't harm you. You ignorethem, they'll ignore you. I'm the one they're after.
[JO] Well, I'll just have to risk it, won't I?
[BENTON] Right, Jo, Doctor, have you seen the Brigadier?
[DOCTOR] Sergeant Benton. Just the man I wanted to see. Will you pleasetake Miss Grant with you? Even if you have to carry her.
[BENTON] I'm sorry, Doc, my orders were to report to the Brigadier.
[DOCTOR] Your orders, Sergeant
[DOCTOR] Into the Tardis, quickly!
[DOCTOR] Right, force field on.
[JO] You were going off without me, weren't you?
[DOCTOR] Well, Sergeant, aren't you going to say it that it's bigger onthe inside than it is on the outside. Everybody else does.
[BENTON] It's pretty obvious, isn't it? Anyway, nothing to do with yousurprises me anymore, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you for the complement.
[DOCTOR] It's not reacting. There's only one thing for it. I'll have tosend an SOS. I hate having to call them, but, there we are.
[JO] What were you planning to do, anyhow?
[DOCTOR] I was planning to lure that stuff away from Earth, Jo, but nowas it seems to have immobilised the Tardis, I'm not going anywhere.We're trapped.
[JO] So what are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] At least we can watch that thing in comfort, and then we cansend in a report and see what they have to say about it.
[BENTON] Who are they?
[JO] The Time Lords. Oh, things are pretty serious.
[DOCTOR] Yes, they are.
(Time control)
[PRESIDENT] Is the Doctor holding out?
[TIME LORD] We are giving his Tardis all the energy we can spare.
[PRESIDENT] And the hostile?
[TIME LORD] Unidentified so far, my lord.
[CHANCELLOR] And the source of this beam?
[PRESIDENT] You see, Chancellor? The black hole.
[CHANCELLOR] That's a nowhere, no place, a void. According to all knownlaws, nothing can exist there.
[PRESIDENT] Yet somehow, through this black hole, vital cosmic energy isdraining away in spite of all we can do to check it.
[CHANCELLOR] Already the time travel facility is in danger, my lord.
[PRESIDENT] Without it, we shall be helpless. Unless the energy loss isstopped the whole fabric of space time will be destroyed. We are beingconsumed and we can find no way to fight back.
[CHANCELLOR] Are you telling me we are up against an adversary, a force,equal to our own?
[PRESIDENT] Equal and opposite to our own.
[CHANCELLOR] A force which inhabits a universe where by definition evenwe cannot exist?
[PRESIDENT] Yes. A force in the universe of antimatter.
[CHANCELLOR] But that's too terrible to contemplate. Someone must go andhelp the Doctor.
[PRESIDENT] I agree, but no one can be spared, your Excellency. Everyoneis needed to combat the energy drain.
[CHANCELLOR] Are you saying we can't help him?
[PRESIDENT] Yes, I am, but perhaps he can help himself. Show me theDoctor's time stream, the section for his earlier self before hechanged his form.
[CHANCELLOR] You can't allow him to cross his own time stream. Apartfrom the enormous energy it would need, the First Law of Time expresslyforbids him to meet his other selves.
[PRESIDENT] I am aware of that, your Excellency, but this is anemergency.
[CHANCELLOR] But you can't!
[PRESIDENT] Your Excellency, I have to.
[CHANCELLOR] Be it on your own head.
[PRESIDENT] Now, show me.
[DOCTOR] That's odd. Nobody touched anything did they?
[DOCTOR] But you heard it though, didn't you?
[JO] Yes, and felt it too. Could it be that stuff outside?
[DOCTOR] No, I don't think so. Hello, what's this?
[DOCTOR] It seems strangely familiar. Is it yours, Jo?
[JO] A flute? No.
[DOCTOR] Well, properly speaking it's a recorder.
[DOCTOR 2] Thank you.
[DOCTOR 2] I was wondering where that had got too.
[DOCTOR 2] You haven't been trying to play this have you? Oh. I can seeyou've been doing the Tardis up a bit. Hmm. I don't like it.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh my word.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh dear, we are in trouble, aren't we. Just as well I turnedup.
[JO] Doctor, who on earth
[BENTON] Doctor! Where did you spring from?
[DOCTOR 2] Now don't tell me. Corporal Benton, isn't it?
[BENTON] Sergeant Benton now.
[DOCTOR 2] How do you do, my dear fellow.
[BENTON] Nice to see you.
[DOCTOR 2] I haven't seen you since that nasty business with theCybermen.
[BENTON] It happened all those years ago.
[JO] Who is he and how did he get in here.
[DOCTOR] Well it's a bit difficult to explain, Jo.
[JO] He's not one of them, is he?
[DOCTOR] Well, not so much one of them as one of us. One of me to beprecise.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh no, no, no, no. I'm sorry, my dear, I hate to be contrarybut I can see he's a little bit confused, poor old chap, and I do feelyou should have the correct explanation. You don't mind, do you.
[DOCTOR 2] I didn't think you would. You see, Jo. I may call you Jo,mayn't I? You see, he is one of me.
[JO] Oh, I see. You're both Time Lords.
[DOCTOR 2] Well quite. Well, not quite.
[JO] Oh.
[DOCTOR 2] Not, not just Time Lords. We're the same Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Now please, you're only confusing my assistant. Jo, it's allquite simple. I am he and he is me.
[JO] "And we are all together, goo goo ga joob?"
[JO] It's asong by theBeatles.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, how does it go?
[DOCTOR] Oh, please be quiet.
[JO] Look, is he really you?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I'm afraid so.
[BENTON] I think he is Miss Grant. You see, when the Brig and I firstmet the Doctor, he looked like him.
[JO] How?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's what I'd like to know. You've got no right to behere.
[DOCTOR 2] Perhaps
[DOCTOR] What about the First Law of Time?
[DOCTOR 2] Perhaps I could explain?
[DOCTOR] Perhaps you could.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, our fellow Time Lords out there are just as much undersiege as we are.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR 2] And they couldn't send anyone to help you. But they didsummon up enough temporal energy to lift me out of my bit of our timestream and pop me down here, into my own future, so to speak.
[DOCTOR 2] My dear fellow, you are being a bit dim, aren't you? Youreffectiveness is now doubled!
[DOCTOR] Halved, more like.
[DOCTOR 2] Now, now. There's no need to be ungracious. Suppose we have alook at our problem, shall we? Er, you don't mind, do you?
[DOCTOR] Oh, be my guest.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, thank you.
(Outside the Laboratory)
[SOLDIER] Good grief, sir. What's that?
[BRIGADIER] Don't just stand there, man. Open fire!
[BRIGADIER] Fall back!
[DOCTOR 2] Dear old Lethbridge Stewart. Stillblazing away as usual.
[BENTON] Can't we do something to help them, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] They'll be all right as long as they keep out of its way.Right, now you can see our problem, can't you.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes. Most unpleasant. They are very worried, you know.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and so am I. I think perhaps I ought to put you in thepicture.
[DOCTOR 2] Right.
[DOCTOR] Contact.
[DOCTOR 2] Contact.
[DOCTOR 2] I see. So it's after you, or should I say us?
[DOCTOR] That's right. And as they can't help us, we'll just have tohelp ourselves.
[DOCTOR 2] Twinkle, twinkle little star.
[BENTON] Now what was all that about?
[JO] A sort of telepathic conference, I think.
[DOCTOR] Must you?
[DOCTOR 2] Are we going to take this attitude to my music all the time?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm rather afraid we are.
[JO] Oh dear.
(Time Control)
[TIME LORD] We've achieved a transference, sir.
[PRESIDENT] Splendid.
[TIME LORD] But I don't think it's going to work.
[PRESIDENT] Why, what's wrong?
[TIME LORD] They refuse to co-operate.
[PRESIDENT] I see. Well, we'll soon settle that. Show me the earliestDoctor.
[TIME LORD] Him too, sir? But surely
[PRESIDENT] Show me.
[PRESIDENT] He'll keep them in order.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, you've been fiddling with it,haven't you?
[DOCTOR] It was perfectly all right until you touched it. Now if onlyyou'd leave things to me.
[DOCTOR 2] If we were to leave things with you, my dear fellow, we'd bein a fine pickle, wouldn't we.
[DOCTOR] Look, you lost the image, not me.
[BENTON] There they go again.
[DOCTOR 2] I did not loose the image!
[DOCTOR] I set this thing up
[JO] Doctor, look. Both of you!
[DOCTOR] What?
[JO] Look.
[DOCTOR 1] [on scanner] Ah, there you are. I seem to be stuck up here.Hmm? Hmm? Oh, so you're my replacements. Huh. A dandy and a clown. Haveyou done anything?
[DOCTOR 2] Well, we've, er, assessed the situation.
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Just as I thought. Nothing.
[DOCTOR] Well it's not easy, you know.
[DOCTOR 2] It's not as if we know what that stuff is.
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Then I'll tell you. It's a time bridge.
[DOCTOR 2] It's a what?
[DOCTOR] I see.
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Now, what's a bridge for, eh?
[DOCTOR 2] Well, er
[DOCTOR] Crossing?
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Right. So stop dilly-dallying and cross it!
[DOCTOR 2] No! No wait!
[DOCTOR] You faded him again.
[DOCTOR 2] I did not fade him. You saw
[DOCTOR] Yes, you certainly did.
[JO] I hate to ask, but who was that?
[DOCTOR 2] Call, will you?
[DOCTOR] Heads.
[DOCTOR 2] Hard luck.
[DOCTOR] All right. Stand by to disconnect the force field.
[BENTON] What are you going to do?
[JO] Doctor, no!
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Jo, get back!
[DOCTOR 2] Steady now, Sergeant. He knows what he's doing. At least Ihope he does.
[BENTON] Yes, but what about Jo?
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, it's a pity she ran after him like that. Let's have alook, shall we?
[BENTON] Will they be all right?
[BENTON] Well, where are they? Doctor!
[DOCTOR 2] As far as I can see, that stuff's gone to a great deal oftrouble to find me, er, him, so whoever or whatever it was that sent itcan't merely want to kill him. No, no, they've been transportedsomewhere.
[BENTON] Transported? What do you mean, transported? Transported towhere?
[DOCTOR 2] No, wait a minute. Do you know, Sergeant, I think our friendhas gone off the boil, so to speak.
[BENTON] Right then. Now I'm going to take this chance to blow it tobits. I'll get a grenade. We'll soon see
[DOCTOR 2] No, I think we could try a more subtle approach. Let's turnoff the force field and open the doors first, shall we?
[BENTON] Right.
[DOCTOR 2] Wait a minute. Let me go first.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR 2] Hmm. Awaiting further instructions, I would think.
[BENTON] You're not going near that thing, Doctor, are you?
[DOCTOR 2] It's all right. I think it was just hiccups. Fascinating.
[BRIGADIER] For heaven's sake be careful, Doctor!
(Outside the UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR 2] No, no, Brigadier. Leave it alone. It's not dangerous for themoment. It seems to think it's achieved its mission.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, yes.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, but you're not the
[BENTON] Yes, it is, sir. It's the first one.
[DOCTOR 2] How are you, Brigadier?
[BRIGADIER] Pretty well, thanks. Doctor, what the blazes are you doing?Why have you changed your appearance? And what's happened to MissGrant?
[DOCTOR 2] There you are. It's all quite simple really.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, well, I'm sorry. Well, I don't believe a word of it.Look, just tell me this. Are you or are you not the Doctor that I metduring the Yeti business, and then later when the Cybermen invaded?
[DOCTOR 2] Of course I am. You can see that.
[BRIGADIER] Right. But then you subsequently appeared on Earth duringthat trouble with the Autons, only then you'd changed into a tall, thinfellow.
[DOCTOR 2] Had I really? How fascinating.
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, I warn you.
[DOCTOR 2] It's no use your asking me about all this, Brigadier. As faras I'm concerned, it hasn't happened yet. Don't you see? I'm just atemporal anomaly.
[BRIGADIER] It's quite obvious to me what's happened. You've beenmucking around with that infernal machine of yours.
[BENTON] Be careful, sir.
[BRIGADIER] You've been mucking around with that infernal machine ofyours, and somehow or other you've changed back your appearance andshot poor Miss Grant off to heaven knows where.
[BENTON] It's not quite as simple as that, sir, honestly.
[BRIGADIER] Now that'll do, Benton. Just two things I want from you,Doctor. An effective way of controlling that stuff and the safe returnof Miss Grant.
[BENTON] What about our Doctor, sir? Don't you want him back?
[BRIGADIER] Enough of that nonsense, Benton. I've got him back. As longas he does the job, he can wear what face he likes.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, I'll do my best, but I can't make any promises.
[BRIGADIER] In that case, you'd better consult those all-powerfulsuperiors of yours for their advice.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, I don't think that'd do any good. At the moment they'refar from being all-powerful. That's why it's been left up to me and meand me.
(Time Control)
[CHANCELLOR] What's happening?
[TIME LORD] It's draining our power as fast as we pump it in, sir.
[CHANCELLOR] Yet you continue to waste the power we so urgently need.What is more, by permitting the Doctor to meet his other selves, youhave transgressed the first and most important law of time.
[TIME LORD] I know that, your Excellency, but this is an emergency.
[CHANCELLOR] No emergency can justify this transgression. This operationmust stop immediately.
[PRESIDENT] On the contrary, it must continue. The Doctor is our onlyhope. There is no one else.
[CHANCELLOR] I could wish for more hope than that.
[PRESIDENT] Your Excellency, you have said yourself we are dealing witha threat from an area over which even we have no control. A black holein space. The universe of antimatter. Unknown forces at least equal andopposite to our own.
[CHANCELLOR] But the first law of time must be obeyed!
[PRESIDENT] It will be obeyed, later. For the moment the Doctor needsall the help he can get. We can't stop now. Transporting his otherselves across the time stream has already utilised more energy than wecan afford.
[CHANCELLOR] Criminal irresponsibility.
[PRESIDENT] They have only a limited time together, and if they do notsucceed we shall lose our time travel facility and become as vulnerableas those we are pledged to protect.
[CHANCELLOR] You would do better to husband your resources, not throwthem away on what is no more than a dangerous gamble.
[PRESIDENT] I am prepared to take that risk.
[CHANCELLOR] I understand your attempt to transport yet one more Doctorhas met with only limited success.
[PRESIDENT] His transportation unit became trapped in a time eddy. Atthe moment he can do no more than advise, but the second Doctor isassisting UNIT to help with matters on Earth.
[CHANCELLOR] I see. And the other?
[PRESIDENT] He, together with his companion, has passed into the blackhole. They are over the absolute event horizon.
[CHANCELLOR] Theoretically, they're dead.
(Planet surface)
[DOCTOR] Jo? Jo? Can you hear me? Jo, wake up.
[JO] Where are we? Everything seems so strange.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[JO] We're not?
[JO] We are, aren't we. We're dead.
[DOCTOR] This is a place. It's just like any other place. Well, almost.We've been brought here. Anyway, it's not much like heaven, is it. Comeon, let's go and take a look around.
(Outside the Laboratory)
[DOCTOR 2] So wherever they are, Miss Grant and myother self, we can't contact them. That's the problem with antimatter.You can see the effect but never the cause. It's like being punched onthe nose by the invisible man.
[BRIGADIER] Then what's this stuff?
[DOCTOR 2] The invisible man. Antimatter.
[BRIGADIER] But I thought you said that matter and antimatter couldn'tmeet without an explosion.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, that's right.
[BRIGADIER] So, it shouldn't exist here, but it does.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes. Awkward, isn't it? As far as I can see, there's only oneexplanation.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, this stuff, or whoever sent it, is cleverer than weare. Unfortunate, isn't it.
[BRIGADIER] And there's nothing that even you can do?
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, I wouldn't say that. We can make sure it stays harmlessfor a start.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, that's a relief. Look, can I leave you to get on withthat? Those other things are still outside there. I must contactGeneva.
[BENTON] Doc, I think the strain's been a bit too much for him. What arewe going to do now?
[DOCTOR 2] Keep it confused. Feed it with useless information. I wonderif I have a television set handy.
(Planet surface)
[DOCTOR] That's odd.
[JO] Hey, surely that's the water cooler from outside the lab.
[JO] And what's this?
[DOCTOR] Well, that's the Brigadier's computer.
[JO] Oh.
[DOCTOR] Look, this is the lab door.
[JO] It's locked.
[DOCTOR] Well, it says No Admittance.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, we both know what that is, don't we?
[JO] Sure do.
[DOCTOR] Er, Jo, do you see what I see?
[JO] Oh, yes!
[DOCTOR] That clinches it. We have been transported, and so has all thisstuff. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Right. All we've got to do is find out where we are and whobrought us here.
[JO] Right, come on then.
[DOCTOR] Where to?
[JO] Twice round the park?
[DOCTOR] Right.
[JO] Right.
[DOCTOR] Man Friday, would you believe?
[JO] At the moment, I'd believe anything.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR 2] It's quite like old time, eh, Sergeant?
[BENTON] Yes, it is, isn't it. Is it ready yet?
[DOCTOR 2] Hmm? Oh, nearly ready for testing.
[BENTON] Look, Doc, why don't we give this great big blancmange the fulltreatment now?
[DOCTOR 2] Now steady on, Sergeant.
[BRIGADIER] Right, come on, Doctor. Security Council want an explanationand I'm leaving it all up to you.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, no.
[BRIGADIER] They're on video in my office.
[DOCTOR 2] But won't they think it strange? I mean, me?
[BRIGADIER] I've explained all that. You're his assistant.
[DOCTOR 2] His what!
[BRIGADIER] I decided the truth was too much for them. Assistant it willhave to be. Well?
[DOCTOR 2] Well, I've just set this thing up! Now I won't be able toconfuse it!
[BRIGADIER] No doubt. It seems to be your forte, Doctor, confusingpeople. You're sure that thing's all right?
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, as quiet as a lamb. We've got it thoroughly subdued,haven't we, Sergeant.
[BENTON] We haven't tested it.
[BRIGADIER] All right then, Benton, you'd better keep an eye on it.
[BENTON] Me, sir?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, you.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, very well. Here you are, Sergeant, you'll need this. Nowif it gives the slightest trouble, a little dose of that will settleit.
[BENTON] Yes, but say that doesn't work, Doctor?
[DOCTOR 2] Then give it the lot! Come on, Brigadier.
[BENTON] Now you're not going to give me any trouble, are you, okay?
[BENTON] Doctor? Doctor, are you there?
[BENTON] Doctor! Doctor! Doctor!
[DOCTOR 2] What is it? Oh!
[BRIGADIER] Benton, what have you done?
[BENTON] I did what the Doctor told me, sir, but it wouldn't work. It'sgone mad.
[DOCTOR 2] Into the Tardis, quickly! Come on, Brigadier!
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, it's quite cozy, isn't it? Oh,you'll soon get used to it, old chap. Relative dimensions and all that.
[BRIGADIER] So this is what you've been doing with UNIT funds andequipment all this time. How's it done? Some sort of optical illusion?
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, no, no, no. They come like this. Really.
[BENTON] Hey, Doc, it's going berserk out there.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, it is, isn't it.
[BRIGADIER] All right, now we're in here, what do we do?
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, we have a think. Care for a jelly baby?
(Planet surface)
[TYLER] E equals MC squared. There's no doubt about that. But if youequate gravitation with acceleration, I must have travelled faster thanthe speed of light. That's impossible. By definition, the light heremust be travelling backwards, but I can still see.
[JO] Who's that?
[DOCTOR] It's Doctor Tyler. Doctor Tyler!
[TYLER] Huh? Why, it's the Doctor, isn't it? And Miss Grant.
[JO] How did you get here?
[TYLER] Well, I was in your lab, developing that plate, and there wassome kind of an explosion and here I am. Oh, it's fascinating.
[JO] Do you know where we are, Doctor Tyler?
[TYLER] No, I don't. Do you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. We're at the other end of that light streak of yours.
[TYLER] What?
[DOCTOR] We've been transported along it.
[TYLER] That's in the black hole.
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. That's where we are. On a stable world in auniverse of antimatter. An anomaly within an impossibility.
[JO] Huh?
[TYLER] What he means is that a place like this shouldn't exist in acosmos like this, and even if it does, we shouldn't be here anyway. Ithink.
[JO] Oh.
[DOCTOR] Well, here we are. Kidnapped and marooned. But by whom?
(Throne room)
[OMEGA] At last, a Time Lord within my power. Let my guests be broughtinto my presence.
(Planet surface)
[DOCTOR] Well, these things sound very much likethe creatures that attacked us at UNIT HQ.
[JO] Yeah.
[DOCTOR] What exactly did they look like?
[TYLER] Like that.
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, will you open this door?
[BENTON] It's still thrashing about out there, sir.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, it is, isn't it. My little plan seems to have misfired.I seem to have accentuated its metabolic rate
[DOCTOR 2] Most unfortunate. It shouldn't have happened. Now, what wentwrong?
[BRIGADIER] Will you let me out of this contraption!
[DOCTOR 2] The beam should have desensitised. Of course, you fool. It'santimatter! The opposite effect! Instead of quietening down, I'vestimulated it.
[BRIGADIER] Will you stop nattering?
[DOCTOR 2] You haven't seen my recorder anywhere, have you? It's alittle thing about this long with holes in. I had it when I came in andI put it down somewhere and I can't find it.
[BRIGADIER] For the last time, will you let me out of this madhouse!
[DOCTOR 2] There's no point.
[BRIGADIER] I'm sorry, Doctor, but I'm afraid I must insist. My place iswith the men out there, trying to do something about this, well,whatever it is out there, not standing around here messing aboutlooking for some damn fool flute!
[DOCTOR 2] Brigadier, I cannot open that door without first turning offthe force field, and even if I did, you'd never make it across thefloor. That thing out there has become a killer. It's my fault and I'msorry.
[DOCTOR 2] All we can do now is think, and I think best to music. Now,where is my recorder?
(Omega's palace)
[JO] It looks like Aladdin's cave.
[DOCTOR] It's the entrance to some sort of palace, I should imagine.
[TYLER] I wonder who it belongs to?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea, but I expect we'll soon find out.
[JO] I'm not sure that I really want to.
[TYLER] Whoever had us brought here doesn't mean us much good.
[JO] I have a feeling you might be right.
[TYLER] And I don't fancy hanging around to meet him. I'm going to tryand make a break for it.
[DOCTOR] What?
[BRIGADIER] Corporal Palmer, this is the Brigadier. Do you read me?Over.
[DOCTOR 2] You're wasting your time. You'll never get through with theforce field on.
[BRIGADIER] I've got to find out what's going on out there.
[DOCTOR 2] Let's have a look at this thing.
[DOCTOR 2] I'll try to set you up a communications unit.
[BRIGADIER] Be careful.
[DOCTOR 2] It's all right. Don't worry. I can boost this through theTardis's communication circuit. I think.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, I give up.
[BENTON] With respect, sir, aren't we wasting time?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, we are.
[DOCTOR 2] Are you still worried about your other Doctor, Sergeant?
[BENTON] Well, yes, I am, and Miss Grant.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, I shouldn't worry too much if I were you. In fact, Irather envy them.
[BENTON] You what?
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, I think they're having a very interesting time.
(Omega's palace)
[TYLER] The time to make a getaway is now, whilewe're still near the entrance. Once they get us down that maze ofpassageways we shall never get out.
[DOCTOR] My dear Doctor Tyler, I don't want to get out. I want to meetour host. I allowed myself to be brought here for that very purpose.
[TYLER] Perhaps you did, Doctor, but we didn't want to come here and wedon't want to stay.
[DOCTOR] Don't you understand? You were both brought here by accident.Your only chance of getting back lies in my persuading whoever broughtyou here to send you home.
[TYLER] I prefer to take a chance on my own. How about you, Miss Grant?Are you coming with me?
[JO] No. No, I'll stick with the Doctor, thank you.
[TYLER] Looks like I'll have to go on my own then.
[DOCTOR] Doctor Tyler, you're not going anywhere.
[TYLER] What?
[DOCTOR] I refuse to allow you to endanger all our lives.
[TYLER] No. No, I suppose you're right.
[DOCTOR] Tyler! Tyler, come back! Tyler!
[DOCTOR] Idiot. He'll jeopardise the entire operation.
[JO] With his life, probably.
[JO] They might not harm him. You said we were only here by mistake.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right, Jo. I'm the one they're after. I'm sure Ican persuade our host to send you back.
[JO] But supposing you can't? Well, they might just get rid of us.
[DOCTOR] Jo, we're dealing here with a creature of great intelligence,and superior intelligence and senseless cruelty just do not gotogether.
[JO] Oh, I hope you're right.
[JO] Tyler!
[DOCTOR] Tyler! Come on, get up. Up, up. Are you all right?
[TYLER] Yes, I think so. Thanks. That was a bit of a waste of time,wasn't it.
[DOCTOR 2] Here we are, Brigadier. Have a try with that. It's all right,it won't bite you.
[BRIGADIER] Corporal Palmer? Come in, Palmer.
[PALMER [OC]] Corporal Palmer here. Over.
[BRIGADIER] Corporal Palmer, this is the Brigadier. Now listen. We'repinned down in the laboratory. What's the situation there? Over.
[PALMER [OC]] Ah, sir, we've been trying to reach you. The building isstill surrounded but we're just standing by for further orders. Over.
[BRIGADIER] Now listen, Palmer. I want every man to maintain vigilance,but no further offensive action, is that clear? Over.
[PALMER [OC]] But sir, I thought
[BRIGADIER] That's an order, Palmer!
[PALMER [OC]] Roger, sir. Wilco.
[BRIGADIER] Keep in contact. Out.
[DOCTOR 2] Hmm?
[BENTON] Hey, Doctor, it's the old boy.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, excuse me.
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Made any progress?
[DOCTOR 2] No, none at all. And you?
[DOCTOR 1] Hardly. I'm trapped in this infernal time eddy.
[DOCTOR 2] What about our fellow Time Lords?
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Growing steadily weaker. They can't seem tocheck their energy loss.
[DOCTOR 2] We can't help you, I'm afraid.
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Oh yes, you could.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh? How?
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Well, first turn off your force field.
[DOCTOR 2] What? But I don't
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Off, I said.
[DOCTOR 2] But I still don't see
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Oh, use your intelligence.
[BRIGADIER] Who in the name of heaven was that?
[DOCTOR 2] I'm afraid you'd never believe me.
[TYLER] It still doesn't make sense, Doctor. We are matter, and you saythis place is antimatter.
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[TYLER] So, the mere fact of our being here should cause a colossalexplosion.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, our bodies have been converted, processed in someways, so that we can exist here.
[JO] Just as that organism thing could exist in our world?
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly.
[TYLER] I just don't believe it. This is matter. I can see it. Why, Ican feel it.
[DOCTOR] But things aren't always as they seem, you know, Doctor Tyler.Now, you take this pencil, for example.
[TYLER] It's just a pencil, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] Ah, but is it? Watch very, very closely.
[DOCTOR] Or is it a bunch of flowers?
[TYLER] Ah ha, that's all very well, but that's just a conjuring trick.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's exactly what this place is, a scientific conjuringtrick of a very high order. I think the waiting is over.
[BRIGADIER] But you're not going to turn off theforce field?
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, I think so.
[BRIGADIER] But why?
[DOCTOR 2] Because he told me to, and I've always had a great respectfor his advice.
[BENTON] Doctor, if you switch the force field off, that thing out therecan get at the Tardis.
[DOCTOR 2] Precisely! Hold tight, everyone.
(Throne room)
[JO] It's fabulous!
[DOCTOR] Yes, most impressive, I must admit that.
[TYLER] Almost worth the trip just to see this place.
[JO] Yes, but who brought us here, and why?
[OMEGA] I did. I am the one who brought you here.
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[OMEGA] In the legends of your people I am called Omega.
[DOCTOR] Omega? But that's impossible. Omega was destroyed.
[OMEGA] No, brother Time Lord, I was not destroyed, as you can see. Takethe man and the girl.
[DOCTOR] Where are you taking them?
[OMEGA] They will not be harmed, Doctor. They have no part in myrevenge.
[OMEGA] I have been grievously wronged, Doctor, and now it is time formy vengeance!
[TYLER] Well, they won't hold us long in here. Not in a cell without adoor.
[JO] Look!
[TYLER] It's impossible! It's a real wall.
[JO] Really? What kind of a place is this? And who was that creature inthe mask?
[TYLER] I don't know.
[JO] The Doctor seemed to know him.
[TYLER] Yes, and whoever it was knew the Doctor, but I wouldn't say theywere exactly friends.
[JO] No, it seemed more like they were deadly enemies.
(Throne room)
[OMEGA] Without me, there would be no time travel.You and our fellow Time Lords would still be locked in your own time,as puny as those creatures you now so graciously protect.
[DOCTOR] You knew your mission was dangerous.
[OMEGA] Dangerous, yes, but I completed it, and I did not expect to beabandoned. Many thousands of years ago, when I left our planet, allthis was then a star until I arranged its detonation.
[DOCTOR] You were the solar engineer. It was your duty.
[OMEGA] It was an honour, or so I thought then. I was to be the one tofind and create the power source that would give us mastery over timeitself.
[DOCTOR] Well, you succeeded, and are revered for it.
[OMEGA] Revered? Here? I was abandoned.
[DOCTOR] The histories say that you were lost in the supernova.
[OMEGA] I was sacrificed to that supernova. I generated those forces,and for what? To be blown out of existence into this black hole ofantimatter? My brothers became Time Lords, but I was abandoned andforgotten!
[DOCTOR] No, not forgotten. All my life I've known of you and honouredyou as our greatest hero.
[OMEGA] A hero? I should have been a god!
[JO] Why would the creature bring the Doctor hereif they're deadly enemies? Unless he means him some terrible harm.
[TYLER] Come along, Jo, pull yourself together. No point in gettingworried about this. We don't know that they're enemies. In any case,I'm sure the Doctor knows what he's doing.
[JO] I hope you're right.
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR] Well, theoretically, of course, all thisis quite impossible.
[OMEGA] Here, Doctor, everything is possible. Be seated.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Tell me, how did you manage to survive?
[OMEGA] How does anyone survive? Force of will. Mind, you might say,over antimatter.
[DOCTOR] And this organism stuff that you sent to bring us here?
[OMEGA] Created from the raw stuff of matter. An organism that can existin your world and mine. It brought you here and imbued you with itsproperties so that you too could exist in both worlds.
[DOCTOR] But how do I fit into this picture?
[OMEGA] There are some things that even I cannot do, not alone, and atthis point in my plans I need the help of a brother Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I see.
[OMEGA] And it pleases me to use you against them.
[DOCTOR] And if I give you my help, do you really think you can defeatthe Time Lords? All of them?
[OMEGA] But I am defeating them, Doctor. All of their power isinsufficient to prevent the cosmic energy drain which I have caused.
[DOCTOR] And if I refuse to cooperate?
[OMEGA] Then you will face the wrath of Omega, you and those miserablehumans who accompany you.
[OMEGA] Investigate immediately but do not harm them.
[DOCTOR] Them?
[OMEGA] Well, Doctor, it seems that we have more company.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, we appear to have arrived.
[BRIGADIER] (into mike) Corporal Palmer. Come in, Palmer.
[DOCTOR 2] I don't think you'll get through with that thing.
[BRIGADIER] Why not?
[DOCTOR 2] It hasn't quite got the range.
[BRIGADIER] What are you talking about, Doctor? They're only justoutside the building.
[DOCTOR 2] Brigadier
[BRIGADIER] Corporal Palmer, do you read me?
[DOCTOR 2] I think you should prepare yourself for a bit of a shock.
[BENTON] Can we take a look outside, Doc?
[DOCTOR 2] We can try.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, I never.
[BENTON] It seems to have gone, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, well, it looks quiet enough. Right, Doctor, if you'lljust open that door, I'll see what's going on.
[DOCTOR 2] I really wouldn't advise it.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, come along now, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, all right. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, I do wish you'dlisten to me. Come along, we'd better follow him.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR 2] That's extraordinary. That stuff musthave found the Tardis a bit indigestible even without the force fieldon, so it swallowed a bit of the surrounding matter as well. Hmm.Rather like taking a pill with a swig of water.
[BRIGADIER] Well, we seem to have got rid of it. Benton, you stay here.
[BENTON] So you think we've moved, is that it, Doctor?
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, I'm quite sure we have.
[BENTON] Well, where do you reckon we are?
[DOCTOR 2] Not where he thinks we are.
[BRIGADIER] Now see here, Doctor, You have finally gone too far.
[DOCTOR 2] I rather think we all have. What's it like out there?
[BRIGADIER] There's, well, there's sand everywhere!
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, splendid. Who's for a swim?
[BRIGADIER] Do you realise what you've done? You've stolen the whole ofUNIT HQ. Now what am I going to tell Geneva? That the whole blessedbuilding has been picked up and put down on some deserted beach? We'reprobably miles from London!
[DOCTOR 2] I'm afraid we're a little bit further than that, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] You mean we're not even in the same country? There'll beinternational repercussions. This could be construed as an invasion.
[BENTON] It's not just a matter of the same country, sir. If theDoctor's right, we're not even in the same universe.
[BRIGADIER] What? Oh, nonsense, Benton. I tell you that's a beach outthere. It's probably Norfolk or somewhere like that.
[DOCTOR] Oh, please, if you'd only listen to me.
[BRIGADIER] Right, now I'll tell you what we'll do. You two stay here.See that nobody wanders in. We can't have the place overrun withholiday makers. I'll nip out, find a phone and tell the authoritiesexactly where we are. I'm fairly sure that's Cromer. Back in a jiff.
[DOCTOR 2] Dear oh dear oh dear.
[BENTON] Let's go after him, Doc.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, I suppose we better had. Just a minute. I think I'llhave another look for my recorder.
[BENTON] Doctor, when are you going to face the facts? You've lost yourrecorder and that's that.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, no, I'm sure it's in the Tardis somewhere. I shan't be aminute.
[BENTON] Doctor! Look.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh my giddy aunt!
(Outside the lab)
[DOCTOR 2] Oh!
[BENTON] Get back. Back.
(Planet surface)
[OLLIS] Hey! Hey, you! Just a minute.
[BRIGADIER] Who are you?
[OLLIS] Ollis, game warden.
[BRIGADIER] Ollis? Yes, of course, the chap who found the balloon thenvanished. Where are we? What's going on here?
[OLLIS] I thought you'd have told me that. They're your manoeuvres.
[BRIGADIER] No, Mister Ollis, I'm as much in the dark as you are. Isn'tthere anything you can tell me?
[OLLIS] Well, there were two others in a daffy old motor car for astart. A man and a girl. They went off after another fellow and all gottook by those lumpy creatures.
[BRIGADIER] What did the man look like?
[OLLIS] Tall, fancy get up, white hair.
[BRIGADIER] But that's. What happened to them?
[OLLIS] I told you! They got took by those things. They didn't get me,though, because I'm used to moving quiet, stalking them and that.
[BRIGADIER] What, did you follow them?
[OLLIS] I was just coming to that. Look out!
[OLLIS] That's them. That's those things. That's what I meant.
[BRIGADIER] They've got the Doctor and Benton. Come on.
[OLLIS] Hold on now. It's no use rushing them. I know where they'rebound.
[OLLIS] Now what, General?
[BRIGADIER] First we do a recce, then we mount a surprise attack. MisterOllis, you will consider yourself under my orders.
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR] Look, if you cannot reverse the energydrain, the fabric of the entire universe could be torn apart.
[OMEGA] What if it is? It will make an interesting spectacle.
[DOCTOR] Then you would be utterly alone forever.
[OMEGA] I am used to solitude. And I shall have had my revenge. I shallbe satisfied.
[DOCTOR] Omega, if you would undo the harm that you've done and resumeyour place on the High Council, you could have the freedom to doanything that you wished.
[OMEGA] Power is the only freedom that I seek.
[OMEGA] Absolute power is absolute freedom. No bargains.
[OMEGA] Especially not with those who betrayed and deserted me. No,Doctor, you are here for a reason. Who are you?
[DOCTOR] Oh, just some more innocent bystanders. Probably scooped up bythat bungling organism of yours. Send them back, Omega. They can do youno harm.
[OMEGA] The organism was programmed to seek out a Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] And it has done so.
[OMEGA] Can this or this also be a Time Lord?
[DOCTOR 2] Appearances aren't everything, you know.
[OMEGA] Ah, you do not fear me. Can it be? Two Time Lords? Ha! The sameTime Lord! The High Council must be desperate indeed to transgress thelaws of time.
[DOCTOR 2] I really think you're making a mistake, you know.
[OMEGA] You have tried to trick me.
[DOCTOR 2] I was out for a stroll with my friend here when this horriblegreat jelly
[OMEGA] I might have known the High Council would make some suchpathetic attempt to deceive me.
[DOCTOR] Now, Omega
[OMEGA] Be silent! (thunder roll) While I consider what shall be yourfate.
[DOCTOR 2] (sotto) Is it really him? Omega?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Yes, I'm afraid so.
[OMEGA] You have angered me. You are facing death! Take them away!
(Planet surface)
[BRIGADIER] Did you find a way in?
[OLLIS] No. You?
[BRIGADIER] No. There's only one thing for it.
[BRIGADIER] Wait till the door opens then take them by storm. A fullscale frontal attack using all the resources available.
[OLLIS] What does that mean?
[BRIGADIER] That, Mister Ollis, means you and me. Come on.
[DOCTOR] I tell you, I practically had him won overthen you turned up and he started treating me like an imposter.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, you are really, aren't you.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR 2] Well, I suppose in another way we both are. Or is it neitherof us?
[DOCTOR] Look, for heaven's sake, stop twittering on.
[DOCTOR 2] There's no need to be offensive!
[DOCTOR] I'm not being offensive. The important thing is
[JO] There they go again.
[BENTON] You're supposed to help one another.
[JO] That was the idea.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, all right, I'm sorry. Perhaps I did speak a triflesharply.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, well, I'm sorry, too. Well, what did you think of thischap Omega?
[DOCTOR] Frankly, I thought he was somewhat confused.
[TYLER] Yes, and I'm somewhat confused. Who's he?
[TYLER] I beg your pardon?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ask Jo, there's a good chap. You see, one minute he wastalking about destroying everything
[DOCTOR 2] Yes.
[DOCTOR] The next minute he's talking about freedom.
[TYLER] Look if this is a world of antimatter, how can it all exist?
[DOCTORS] The phenomenon of singularity.
[TYLER] Singularity?
[DOCTOR] Look, you explain to him. You're far better at it than I am.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, no, no, please. Older and wiser head.
[TYLER] Singularity. Now I know it's supposed to exist
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, it does exist. Right here, I'm afraid.
[TYLER] But that's just a theory.
[JO] Oh look, Doctors, what are you talking about? And simple answers,please. One at a time this time.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, singularity is a point in space time which can existonly inside a black hole. We are in a black hole, in a world ofantimatter very close to this point of singularity, where all the knownphysical laws cease to exist. Now, Omega has got control of singularityand has learned to use the vast forces locked up inside the black hole.
[DOCTOR] Now, that is how Omega is able to create the world we are nowliving in by a fantastic effort of his will, but unfortunately hethinks he's been wronged by the Time Lords.
[TYLER] Time Lords?
[DOCTOR] Yes, and now he's hell bent on revenge.
[JO] Well, you'll just have to stop him, won't you.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, the trouble is, we're not sure we can.
[BENTON] Well, who is this Omega, anyway?
[DOCTOR] A Time Lord. One of the greatest of all my race.
[DOCTOR 2] Our race.
[DOCTOR] Our race. Yes, sorry.
[DOCTOR 2] Long, long ago, we learnt the secret of time travel, but inorder to make it a reality we had to have a colossal source of energy.
[DOCTOR] Omega provided that energy by a fantastic feat of solarengineering. We thought he was destroyed, instead of which he finishedup here.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, it seems that his imprisonment was the price of ourfreedom to travel in time.
[JO] Even so, you can't let him smash everything up. Well, look, he'snot all-powerful, you know, or else why did he need to bring you here?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's true.
[BENTON] There must be something you can do to get us out of here?
[JO] What about your sonic screwdriver?
[DOCTOR] No, that's useless in this world. The only natural law here isthe law of Omega's will.
[JO] Omega's will. Look, if Omega can will up an entire world, wellsurely you two could will up a small door. Well look, you're a TimeLord, aren't you?
[JO] In fact, you're two Time Lords. Well, surely your wills combinedare a match for his? Why else do you think the High Council wanted thetwo of you here?
[DOCTOR] That might work. It just might.
[DOCTOR 2] It's worth a try.
[DOCTOR 2] Right.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[DOCTOR 2] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Ready.
[DOCTOR 2] Contact.
[DOCTOR] Contact.
[JO] It's working.
[DOCTOR] Well done.
[DOCTOR 2] I couldn't possibly have done it without you. Well, whatnext?
[DOCTOR] Now for the singularity chamber. That's the key to it all.
[DOCTOR 2] Splendid. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[JO] But you
[DOCTOR] Jo, you wait there.
[DOCTOR 2] It even opens!
[TYLER] Singularity chamber. Can't miss that. It's the chance of alifetime!
[JO] That's charming.
[BENTON] I'm not just going to sit here while they have all the fun.
[JO] Neither am I. Come on, Sergeant Benton.
[BENTON] Through here.
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR 2] Well, shall we?
[DOCTOR] The bull by the horns, eh?
[DOCTOR 2] All right.
[DOCTOR] Well, after you.
[DOCTOR 2] Let's toss, shall we?
[DOCTOR] What would be the point?
(Singularity room)
[DOCTOR] Singularity.
[DOCTOR 2] Fascinating.
[OMEGA] What! How is it that you two are free?
[DOCTOR] By combining our wills against yours.
[DOCTOR 2] Together we were able to break down your barriers, so you'renot all powerful after all, Omega.
[DOCTOR] If you free us, we'll plead your cause to the Time Lords.Otherwise we shall combine our wills to destroy you.
[OMEGA] You dare threaten to destroy me? You wish to fight the will ofOmega?
[DOCTOR] Yes, if I must.
[OMEGA] Then you shall, but you will fight the dark side of my mind. Thedark side of my mind.
[BENTON] It's no good. It all looks the same.
[TYLER] Well, we can't just stay here.
[JO] They're right behind us.
[BENTON] This way. They're everywhere.
[TYLER] Let's try down here.
[JO] Yes, come on.
[BENTON] It's no good, we're lost.
[TYLER] Well, we can't just give ourselves up.
[BENTON] Agreed. What do we do?
[JO] Let's try this way.
[JO] Hey, look what I found.
[BENTON] Oh great. Well, how can that help us?
[JO] It's the corridor to the main entrance. Come on.
(Palace doors)
[BENTON] Doctor Tyler, give me a hand with this.
[JO] Quickly, they're coming!
[BRIGADIER] Out! Make for the hills!
(Planet surface)
[BENTON] How did you know we were trying to get out?
[BRIGADIER] We didn't. We were trying to get in. Miss Grant, was theDoctor with you when you came here?
[JO] Yes, of course, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Well he can't have been. He was with me.
[BENTON] Sir, look over there.
[BRIGADIER] Come on, it's just over the dune.
[JO] What is?
(Time Control)
[DOCTOR 1 [on monitor]] Well, what do you want now?
[PRESIDENT] Energy levels are dangerously low, Doctor. You are our lastchance. You must go in.
[DOCTOR 1 [on monitor]] In?
[PRESIDENT] The black hole. I repeat, you are our last chance. All threeare needed to defeat Omega. We will use the last of our energy to sendyou through.
[DOCTOR 1 [on monitor]] Well, better than being stuck here, I suppose.All right.
(In the mind)
[OMEGA [OC]] Those who oppose the will of Omega shall not live! Destroyhim!
(In the mind)
[DOCTOR 2 [OC]] No, Omega! Destroy him and you'lldestroy your only chance of freedom.
(Singularity room)
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Omega. A most interesting demonstration.
[OMEGA] Be warned. You have seen my power. You and your friends willlearn that it is useless to defy me.
[DOCTOR 2] But our friends do not defy you!
[OMEGA] Oh, yes. They too are trying to escape.
(Planet surface)
[JO] Where are we going?
[JO] What?
[BRIGADIER] It's nearer than you think.
(Singularity room)
[DOCTOR] All this exists because you have willedsingularity to create it all for you.
[OMEGA] Exactly.
[DOCTOR 2] I say, you mean all you've got to do is think of a thing, rubyour magic lamp over there and shally me gally me zoop, there it is?That's jolly clever. That's jolly clever.
[OMEGA] Are you sure that you and he are of the same intelligence?
[DOCTOR 2] You couldn't run me up a quick recorder, could you? It's alittle thing about this long with holes in. I've lost mine, you see.
[OMEGA] I will tell you of the task that lies before you.
[DOCTOR 2] It's not much to ask, a small recorder!
[OMEGA] Silence!
[DOCTOR] Please, ignore him. Just ignore him. He's incorrigiblyfrivolous.
[DOCTOR 2] Just because you're not musical!
[DOCTOR] Please! Will you stop interrupting? Continue.
[OMEGA] Continue? (thunder and the palace wobbles) While you play stupidchildish games? You face annihilation, do you know that? You, yourentire race, your precious terrestrials, everything, and what do youdo? Huh? You wrangle and babble of pipes!
[DOCTOR 2] It's not a pipe!
[DOCTOR] (sotto) What the hell do you think you're trying to do?
[DOCTOR 2] (sotto) Testing the limits of his self control. They're notvery good, are they.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) No. No, they're not, but it'll be dangerous if you pushhim too far.
[DOCTOR 2] (sotto) We'll have to risk that. That temper is his onlyweakness.
[OMEGA] What are you saying? Do you plot against me?
[DOCTOR] No, no. I was just explaining to my associate here that heshould show you more respect, for both our sakes.
[DOCTOR 2] I am thoroughly repentant. You mentioned some task.
[OMEGA] Yes. I created this world through the power of my will. Icreated the organisms which brought you here. This is the source of thelight stream you travelled along, and I created it. I alone! Omega! Andit is not enough. None of it is enough. I am still trapped. As trappedas I was the moment I arrived in this, this desolation. Huh. Ironic, isit not?
[DOCTOR 2] But surely, if you can transmit matter to Earth down thatlight stream, you could transmit yourself anywhere.
[OMEGA] Yes, so I imagined, but no, there was no way out. No escape.
[DOCTOR] But why?
[OMEGA] So long as I control singularity, I can make it do my will. Allthese things exist because I will them to exist. Without me and theunceasing pressure of my will, the work of thousands of years wouldcollapse into chaos in microseconds. I am, if you like, the Atlas of myworld.
[DOCTOR] So, the moment you abandon control, you cannot escape, and youcannot escape without abandoning control.
[OMEGA] Exactly. I am a prisoner of my own power, my own creation. Orrather, I was, until now. And that is your task. To take over my burdenso that I may escape.
[OMEGA] Well? Your answer?
[DOCTOR] We will obey you, Omega.
[DOCTOR 2] We have no choice.
[OMEGA] Then you help me make my preparations. You must first removethis mask. Now you, too, will need such masks. The light stream has aslow, corrosive effect, due to the acceleration of the particles, butyou are in no immediate danger. The process takes time. Come, the mask.
[OMEGA] What is it? Why do you not obey me? Take off the mask.
[OMEGA] What are you doing? I am in haste to be gone!
[DOCTOR 2] We, we cannot remove the mask, Omega, because.
[DOCTOR] Because beneath that mask there is nothing left of you. Thecorrosion has already done its work.
[OMEGA] What?
[DOCTOR] You exist only because your will insists that you exist. Yourwill is all that is left of you.
[OMEGA] It is not true. I am Omega, creator of this world! And I canalso destroy! Therefore I must exist!
[DOCTOR 2] But don't you see? You can only exist here!
[OMEGA] If I exist only by my will, then my will is to destroy, and allthings shall be destroyed! All things! All things!
(Palace doors)
[OMEGA [OC]] All things! All things!
[DOCTOR 2] I told you he'd got no self control.
[DOCTOR] Come on, out!
(Planet surface)
[BENTON] Brigadier, mind that rock!
[TYLER] Watch out!
[OLLIS] Watch it!
[BRIGADIER] There it is, over there.
[JO] How did it get there?
[BRIGADIER] A very good question, Miss Grant. Come on!
[DOCTOR] That's funny. I could have sworn I left Bessie here.
[DOCTOR 2] You did, old chap. The tracks are leading that way.
[DOCTOR] That's Jo and Benton.
[DOCTOR 2] They'll be making for UNIT Headquarters.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR] Come on! Let's get a move on.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Locked. Typical. Just one moment, if you please! Now wait amoment. We may be in a somewhat unusual situation, but you two at leastare still supposed to be members of UNIT.
[JO] Yes, sir.
[BENTON] Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
[BRIGADIER] The question is this, what offensive action should we orindeed can we take against this chap Omega? Now in the absence of theDoctors it seems to me that
[BENTON] Sir, listen!
[BRIGADIER] Sounds like a full scale attack.
[JO] Maybe they're not firing at us. Maybe
[JO] It's the Doctors!
[BRIGADIER] Benton, open the door, quick!
[JO] Quickly, come on.
[DOCTOR 2] Tardis, everybody! Into the Tardis, quickly!
[TYLER] But we can't all get in there!
[DOCTOR] Come on, inside. Come on, Brigadier. Inside, inside!
[DOCTOR] Right, force field on.
[DOCTOR 2] Force field's on.
(Throne room)
[OMEGA] Fools. Do yo think to deny the might of Omega? Soon you willcome crawling to me for mercy, but by that time, your universe will nolonger exist.
(Time Control)
[TIME LORD] Energy almost completely exhausted, sir.
[PRESIDENT] And the latest transference?
[TIME LORD] No contact since we tried to pass him through the blackhole. The power level was so low that he may only be able to observe,advise, not to act.
[DOCTOR] Well, there you are, then. They can't getin
[DOCTOR 2] And we can't get out.
[DOCTOR] We're besieged.
[JO] Oh, great.
[DOCTOR 2] If only I could find my recorder, I could play you a littlesomething to pass the time.
[BRIGADIER] We must be thankful for small mercies.
[TYLER] Well, this Tardis of yours is a real marvel, Doctor. I stilldon't understand how we all got inside it, but I don't wish to spendthe rest of my life in it.
[JO] True. We can't just stay here for ever.
[BENTON] Come on, Doc. I mean, with two of you there should be twice asmany ideas. Well surely you can think up something to nobble this Omegabloke?
[DOCTOR 2] Nobble him? You're talking about one of the most powerfulblokes in the cosmos. Nobble him?
[DOCTOR] Well, I. Excuse me. Someone's trying to get through to us.
[DOCTOR 2] You don't think? (points up)
[DOCTOR] I hardly think so.
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] There you are, then. What's all this, a massmeeting?
[DOCTOR] Well, we had to bring them all in here. It wasn't safe outside.
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] In a pretty pickle, aren't you. Yes, trapped inyour own Tardis!
[DOCTOR 2] You're trapped in your own bubble. You can talk.
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Unfortunately, talk's all I can do, and not muchof that. The transference isn't stable. Let's get on with it, eh?
[DOCTOR 2] On with what?
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Putting our heads together and finding asolution. Ready?
[DOCTOR 2] Ready.
[DOCTOR] Ready.
[DOCTOR 2] Contact.
[DOCTOR] Contact.
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] We're all agreed, then. Risky, but it couldwork. I'll report back.
[DOCTOR] We'd have to strip down the force field.
[DOCTOR 2] But that'd mean leaving the Tardis defenceless.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know, but I think we'll have to risk it.
[DOCTOR 2] It's worth a try. Come on!
[BRIGADIER] What was all that about, Miss Grant?
[JO] Another telepathic conference, I think.
[BRIGADIER] That old chap?
[JO] Afraid so.
[BRIGADIER] Three of them. I didn't know when I was well off. Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Yes, what is it?
[BRIGADIER] Would you mind telling us laymen what you scientists aregetting so excited about?
[DOCTOR] We think we've found a way of dealing with Omega.
[TYLER] Mind telling me how?
[DOCTOR] Later, old chap. If there's still time.
[TYLER] Oh, splendid.
[DOCTOR] How do we know that he'll take the generator? What if he shouldrefuse?
[DOCTOR 2] Ah, I've found it.
[DOCTOR] Found what?
[DOCTOR] My recorder. It must have been there all the time.
[DOCTOR 2] Right in the corner of the force field.
[DOCTOR] Well, don't touch it.
[DOCTOR 2] I wasn't going to.
[DOCTOR] Don't you understand? It's exactly what we want. Far betterthan the force field generator.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh no, not my recorder!
[DOCTOR] I'll get you another one. I'll get you a hundred, I'll get youa thousand of them. Come on.
(Time control)
[TIME LORD] I've got a contact, sir.
[TIME LORD] The Doctor.
[PRESIDENT] Did you find them? Did you make contact?
[DOCTOR 1 [on monitor]] For a while.
[PRESIDENT] Is there any chance? We can't hold out much longer. What'shappening?
[DOCTOR 1 [on monitor]] There's a possible solution. I'll let you knowas soon as I can.
[DOCTOR 2] Here we are, then. This should do the trick.
[BRIGADIER] I suppose it would be too much to ask for someone to tell uswhat all this means.
[DOCTOR] It means, Brigadier, that we can now strike a bargain with ourfriend Omega.
[BRIGADIER] With that box of tricks there?
[JO] And a flute?
[DOCTOR] This box of tricks, as you call it, is a kind of portable forcefield.
[DOCTOR 2] And the recorder is considerably more than just a recorder.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Right, ready?
[DOCTOR 2] Here, if you'd just hold this.
[TYLER] Oh, splendid. Yes.
[DOCTOR] Right, switch on.
[DOCTOR 2] On.
[DOCTOR] Omega, we want to talk with you.
[OMEGA [on scanner]] I hear you, brother Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] We think we have discovered a way to give you back yourfreedom. Will you now free the Tardis so that we can come to you?
[OMEGA [on scanner]] Is this some deceit? You cannot escape my worldunless I will it.
[DOCTOR 2] No, not a bit of it, old chap. We just want to avoid a long,tiring walk, that's all.
[OMEGA [on scanner]] Very well. Come to me you shall!
[DOCTOR] Right. Now listen to me, everybody. From now on you are to doexactly as you are told.
[JO] Why? What's going to happen?
[DOCTOR] Now, Jo, please do as I ask. Do exactly as I tell you. Do youpromise?
[JO] All right, I promise.
[DOCTOR] Good. Are you ready? Stand by. Here we go.
(Singularity room)
[OMEGA] Do you think this trickery will save you for long?
[DOCTOR] We have come to set you free.
[OMEGA] What is this?
[DOCTOR] On one condition.
[OMEGA] I make the terms, Time Lords!
[DOCTOR] Omega, if you will send these people back to where they camefrom, we will stay and help you.
[DOCTOR] We think we have devised a way of restoring your freedom toyou.
[OMEGA] What way? I know now that you cannot give me my freedom, but youcan keep me company in the endless empty years that lie ahead. If youwill both stay here willingly and share my exile, then I will spareyour friends and their universe.
[DOCTOR] We shall give you that promise, Omega. We will not attempt toleave this world before you do.
[JO] You can't!
[OMEGA] Go, then, back to your planet. Be gone, and give thanks thatOmega is merciful.
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, what shall we do?
[DOCTOR] Brigadier, I want all of you to step through that column ofsmoke.
[DOCTOR] Don't be alarmed. It won't harm you. On the contrary, it willtake you back home.
[DOCTOR 2] Please, Brigadier, it's the only way.
[BRIGADIER] Well, I don't know what you're up to, but all right. Now,Mister Ollis?
[OLLIS] Not me. I'm not going in there.
[BRIGADIER] Doctor Tyler?
[TYLER] Are you sure it's all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course I'm sure.
[BRIGADIER] Now then, Mister Ollis.
[BRIGADIER] Sergeant Benton.
[BENTON] I'd sooner Miss Grant.
[BRIGADIER] Move, Benton.
[BRIGADIER] Now then, Miss Grant.
[JO] No! No, I want to stay with the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Jo, please.
[BRIGADIER] Come on, Jo.
[DOCTOR] Trust me.
[DOCTOR] You'll be all right.
[BRIGADIER] Goodbye, Doctor. Doctors.
[OMEGA] So, brother Time Lords, I have played your game. Now it is yourturn to play mine, and there can be no escape for any of us!
[DOCTOR 2] You are wrong, Omega. You can have your freedom. It is here.
[OMEGA] What is this childish contraption?
[DOCTOR 2] The only freedom you can ever have. Take it. Take it, Omega.
[DOCTOR] Take it!
[OMEGA] Commands? You command me? This is my world! I command! And youpester me with trinkets!
[DOCTOR 2] Run!
[DOCTOR] Come on, quick!
(Time Control)
[PRESIDENT] Another source of energy. Once again, Omega.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BENTON] We're back!
[TYLER] Well, we certainly seem to be.
[BENTON] But we're really back.
[JO] But the Doctors.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, I dare say they'll turn up as usual.
[BRIGADIER] Wonderful chap, both of him.
[JO] The Tardis!
[DOCTOR] I told you he had no self-control, didn't I?
[JO] Doctor!
[TYLER] How did you manage it?
[DOCTOR 2] By the skin of our teeth.
[TYLER] Splendid.
[DOCTOR 2] Where's Mister Ollis?
[TYLER] What?
[DOCTOR 2] Where's Mister Ollis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, back where he came from, I imagine.
[DOCTOR] So there you are. Omega's will was like the tension in theelastic. Once that will was broken, all the bits of Earth, UNIT etcjust snapped back right into their proper place.
[BENTON] But how come you turned up in the Tardis?
[DOCTOR 2] Because that was the proper place for us.
[JO] What was all that business about the flute?
[DOCTOR 2] Well, as you know, it accidentally fell into the force fieldof the Tardis, so that when we were all transformed into antimatter,that was the only thing that wasn't processed.
[DOCTOR] And when Omega knocked it out of our hands and it fell out ofthe force field, all the atoms and the anti-atoms annihilated oneanother.
[TYLER] So, big bang, and the black hole becomes a supernova!
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[DOCTOR 2] Pity, though. I think it had a lovely tone.
[DOCTOR 1 [OC]] Everything okay?
[DOCTOR] Well, here we are, back safe and sound.
[DOCTOR 2] Quite a party.
[DOCTOR 1 [on scanner]] Yes, well, the party's over now. You young menand I go back to our time zones. Though considering the way things havebeen going, well, I shudder to think what you'll do with out me.
[DOCTOR 2] Goodbye. Well, goodbye, everybody. Goodbye. It's been so niceto meet me.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I see what you mean. I hope I don't meet me again.
[DOCTOR 2] Ah.
[TYLER] Now I've seen it all.
[JO] Pity. He was so sweet.
[DOCTOR] Yes, wasn't I?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, well, as far as I'm concerned, Doctor, one of you isenough. More than enough. Sergeant Benton!
[BRIGADIER] You and I'd better make a full inventory of the HQ. Makesure everything's back in place. It's all got to be accounted for, youknow.
[BENTON] Well, excuse me, sir, but, well, if anything is missing, wheredo we say it's gone?
[BRIGADIER] Come along, Benton.
[TYLER] Well, I think I'd better be on my way, too. Thank you for afascinating trip, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye.
[TYLER] Goodbye. Goodbye, Jo.
[JO] Goodbye.
[TYLER] I don't think I'll write it up in the University journal, not ifI want to keep my job.
[JO] What's the matter, Doctor? Everything worked out all right, didn'tit?
[DOCTOR] Yes, for us.
[JO] I know what it is. It's because you had to trick Omega.
[DOCTOR] I didn't exactly trick him. I promised him his freedom and Igave it to him. The only freedom he could ever have.
[JO] What else could you do? It was either him or everything.
[DOCTOR] The Time Lords! Look, they've sent me a new dematerialisationcircuit. And my knowledge of time travel law and all thedematerialisation codes, they've all come back. They've forgiven me.They've given me back my freedom.
[JO] I suppose you'll be rushing off, then.
[DOCTOR] No, not straight away, Jo. Of course not. I've got to build anew force field generator first.
(Outside the Lodge)
[MRS OLLIS] And where do you think you've been,Arthur Ollis? I've been worried sick about you, I have. Everybody'sbeen searching. Where have you been? Soldiers looking for you. Youdidn't come home for your dinner. Well?
[OLLIS] You'd never believe me, woman. Supper ready?
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s10", "episode": "e01", "title": "The Three Doctors"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (27 Jan, 1973; Third Doctor) - Carnival of Monsters
(Space Port)
[KALIK] Well, the cargo shuttle has arrived at last.
[ORUM] One must prepare oneself to encounter the aliens.
[KALIK] Reluctantly, one agrees.
[VORG] Oh, phew. Oh dear.
[SHIRNA] Top of the bill, he says. Received like Princes, he says.
[VORG] Now, now, Shirna, don't be so. The scope! Come on. Come on, giveme a hand.
[VORG] Careful now. Please be careful.
[VORG] Now have a care with that, please? It cost a lot of credit bars.
[SHIRNA] Look out, here they come.
[ORUM] No, no, no. Back! Back! Back!
[ORUM] Very good. You have eradicated him.
[KALIK] No, no, no. Merely rendered him unconscious.
[ORUM] But he will be disposed of?
[KALIK] Naturally. But first his mental and nervous systems will besubjected to analysis.
[ORUM] Yes, of course. Now, one must deal with the aliens.
(Cargo hold)
[DOCTOR] Look, I tell you there's no need for a test, Jo. I've been herebefore and the air is perfectly
[JO] Poo, it smells.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, that's odd.
[JO] Sort of farmy.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, gaseous sulphides, low concentration. Nothing toworry about.
(Space Port)
[SHIRNA] Hey, Vorg.
[VORG] Well, well, well. We're getting a crowd. Better start the pitch.
[SHIRNA] Here?
[VORG] There's no point in wasting any time. Roll up, roll up and seethe monster show!
[VORG] Roll up and see the monster show! A carnival of monsters, allliving in their natural habitat, wild in this little box of mine. Amiracle of intragalactic technology! Roll up! Roll up! Roll
[KALIK] So those are Lurmans.
[ORUM] The male is called Vorg, it seems. The female, Shirna.
[KALIK] Ridiculous names. At least their physiology is familiar. One wasafraid they might have four heads.
[ORUM] No doubt that is why President Zarb decreed that Lurmans shouldbe our first alien visitors.
[KALIK] No good can come from fraternising with these inferior races.
[ORUM] Nevertheless, Commissioner Kalik, one has one's duty to perform,no matter how unpleasant.
[KALIK] Hmm. One thinks one will wait for Plectrac. He is chairman ofthis tribunal. Let him do his duty.
[SHIRNA] Vorg, look.
[VORG] Huh? Oh, that's nothing.
[VORG] I'm sure it's nothing.
[SHIRNA] It indicates a systems defect, doesn't it?
[VORG] It's just a loose connection somewhere. Nothing of anyimportance.
[SHIRNA] A systems defect.
[VORG] Of all the times to go wrong!
(Cargo hold)
[DOCTOR] Well, I can assure you that the last timeI was here, the air was like wine.
[JO] Are you certain we are here?
[DOCTOR] Where?
[JO] Well, where you think we are. Are you sure you can steer thatTardis properly?
[DOCTOR] Jo, I don't steer the Tardis, I programme it, and according toprogramme, this is Metebelis Three, the famous blue planet of theActeon group.
[JO] Shush. Listen!
[DOCTOR] That's extraordinary. We appear to be in some kind of amachine.
[JO] Yes, and it's moving. I can feel it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you're right. Come on.
[JO] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] Well, to find out where we are, of course.
[JO] I thought you knew?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, we may have slightly overshot the blue planet, butwe must be on one of planets in the group. We'll soon see.
[JO] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[JO] There's something alive over there.
[DOCTOR] Well, let's take a look, shall we?
[JO] Chickens!
[DOCTOR] Greetings!
[DOCTOR] All right, all right, all right, all right. We're friends.
[JO] Try clucking.
[DOCTOR] Jo, when you've travelled as much as I have, you'll learn neverto judge by appearances. These creatures may look like chickens, butfor all we know, they're the intelligent life form on this planet.
[JO] They not only look like chickens, they are chickens. And what aboutthis?
[DOCTOR] Singapore.
[JO] The Acteon galaxy, you said, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, Jo, do come on.
[JO] Bye.
(Main deck)
[JO] Hey
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[JO] It's just an ordinary ship.
[DOCTOR] Appearances can be very deceiving, Jo. There's something wronghere.
[JO] We're still on Earth, aren't we.
[DOCTOR] No, that's impossible.
[JO] Don't you ever admit that you're wrong?
[DOCTOR] No. That's impossible too. Come on, but keep low.
[DOCTOR] Okay.
[DALY [OC]] Splendid dinner. Absolutely topping.
[DALY] There's nothing like a good curry.
(Saloon cabin)
[DALY] You say the cook's a Madrasi, Andrews?
[ANDREWS] I believe so, sir.
[DALY] Oh. I find the Madrasis a bit idle myself. Won't have them on theplantation. Still, I must admit your fellow does know how to curry achicken. Sundowner?
[ANDREWS] Not for me, sir.
[DALY] Claire?
[CLAIRE] No thank you, Daddy. John and I thought we'd take a turn aroundthe deck.
[ANDREWS] Would you care to join us, sir? It's a glorious evening.
[DALY] No, no, no, no. You two run along. I'm going to do a spot ofreading. Determined to finish this book before we reach Bombay.
[CLAIRE] Well, we're due there tomorrow. How much have you got left?
[DALY] Only another two chapters.
[ANDREWS] Well, we'll see you later then, sir.
[DALY] Yes.
[ANDREWS] Twenty times round the deck is a mile, Claire. So, if we putour best feet forward
[CLAIRE [OC]] I love musical plays. I saw Lady Be Good four times. Don'tyou think that young American chap was marvellous? You know, Fredsomebody. Fred Astaire.
[ANDREWS [OC]] Personally, I think musicals are a lot of nonsense.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) No, there's only one explanation.
[JO] (sotto) What's that?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) This isn't Earth. It just looks like it.
[JO] (sotto) All right, Doctor, I'll convince you.
[DALY] (mumble) chota peg (mumble)
[JO] (sotto) There. Take a look at that.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) 1926?
[JO] (sotto) Convinced?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) No.
[JO] (sotto) Oh, Doctor, you're so stubborn. And you ought to have an Lplate for that police box of yours. You don't even know where you'regoing in it.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Come on, Jo.
[JO] (sotto) Where to?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Back to the Tardis.
[JO] (sotto) What for?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Well, I don't know what's happening here, but I don'tlike it. Why do you want to stay?
[JO] (sotto) I just want you to admit the truth, that's all. Well,instead of swanning around some distant galaxy, we've slipped backabout forty years in time and we're on a little cargo boat in themiddle of the Indian Ocean.
[DALY] What? What? What? What? What?
[CLAIRE] Daddy, there's something terrible out there in the sea!
[DALY] What's going on?
[ANDREWS] Some kind of monster!
[DALY] What the deuce is it?
[DOCTOR] That's a plesiosaurus!
[JO] What?
[DOCTOR] It's incredible! If this really is 1926, the plesiosaurus hasbeen extinct for a hundred and thirty million years!
[DALY] It's gone back in the sea.
[ANDREWS] I'd better get a rifle, Major. It might attack again. Here,sir, if you'll just look after Claire a moment.
[DALY] Yes, yes, yes, of course. I say, what a monstrous beast.
[CLAIRE] It was awful, horrible!
[DALY] There, there, there, my child. You'd better come and sit down.I've never seen anything like it in me life. I wonder if it'll comeback?
[CLAIRE] Oh, no!
[DALY] Hmm? Oh, you look as if you need a peg. Might get a shot at thebeast next time.
[DOCTOR] (silent) Come on.
[DALY] What a head, eh? Gad, I'd love to have that on the club wall,what?
[DALY] Hello?
[DOCTOR] Hello. Topping day, what?
[DALY] Just a minute. You two passengers?
[DOCTOR] Er, yes, but only temporarily.
[DALY] What?
[JO] Oh, he means only to Bombay.
[DALY] But I thought my daughter and I were the only passengers.
[CLAIRE] Where did you come aboard?
[JO] Port Said.
[CLAIRE] I don't understand. Why haven't we met before?
[JO] Ah, well you see, my uncle hasn't been terribly well, so
[DALY] Ah, poor traveller, eh? Not used to it, I suppose.
[DOCTOR] On that contrary, sir, I
[DALY] Well, never mind. We've now got a four for bridge, what?
[DALY] Or would you prefer Mah Jong?
[ANDREWS] Not a sign of the beast, Major. Who are these people?
[DALY] Well, don't you know, Andrews?
[CLAIRE] They said they joined the ship at Port Said.
[ANDREWS] Stowaways, eh?
[DALY] Stowaways!
[ANDREWS] Where have you been hiding?
[JO] You tell them, uncle.
(Space Port)
[PLETRAC] Another functionary has dared to ascend to the higher level.
[KALIK] One witnessed the event.
[ORUM] One cannot understand why they do it.
[KALIK] But then one is not a functionary.
[PLETRAC] It is a growing problem. As members of the official species,we must all share President Zarb's concern.
[ORUM] They've no sense of responsibility. Give them a hygiene chamberand they store fossil fuel in it.
(Saloon cabin)
[DALY] Look, let's all have a drink and discussthis thing like civilised people, what?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's an excellent idea, Major. I'll have a large scotch.
[ANDREWS] Major Daly, these people are stowaways, quite possibly evencriminals, and either unable or unwilling to give a satisfactoryaccount of themselves.
[DALY] Hang it all, Andrews. The fellow is a sahib, you know.
[ANDREWS] This is not a social occasion, Major.
[DALY] Oh, all right. Have it your own way. Though we can't extend backhospitality to a couple of poor wretched people in the
[ANDREWS] Well, actually, sir, I should like to extend to them thehospitality of your cabin.
[DALY] Eh? What?
[ANDREWS] Until the Captain is free to see them.
[DALY] Yes, very well. You may certainly have my cabin.
[ANDREWS] Thank you, sir. In that case, you two follow me. (to a sailor)You bring up the rear.
[SAILOR] Yes, sir.
[DOCTOR] I told you we should have left I wanted to.
(Below decks)
[DOCTOR] Here, Jo. Look at this.
[ANDREWS] Come on, in here.
[DOCTOR] Any more of these about on the ship, or is this the only one?
[DOCTOR] These. Is this the only one?
[ANDREWS] There's nothing there.
[JO] Do you mean you can't see it?
[ANDREWS] Get into this cabin!
[ANDREWS] And you.
(Daly's cabin)
[ANDREWS] I have a crew of Lascars who try to make a fool of me on everytrip. They've never managed it yet, and neither will you.
[DOCTOR] Don't underestimate us, sir.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, is this ship the SS Bernice?
[ANDREWS] You trying to pretend you didn't even know that?
[DOCTOR] I didn't, but I do now. It makes everything much clearer. Thankyou.
[ANDREWS] All right. Now I'm going to lock you in here until the Captainis ready to see you, and that might not be for a long time. He's a busyman.
[JO] All right, Doctor. What's clear?
[JO] You said everything seemed much clearer now.
[DOCTOR] Yes, relatively speaking. An extinct monster, that plate outthere on the deck. Yes, this is all most interesting.
[JO] Do you really believe Andrews couldn't see it?
[DOCTOR] What?
[JO] Well, the plate in the floor.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, it's been blocked from his consciousness. Yes. If I'mright, it would have to be. It's certainly no part of the fabric ofthis ship.
[JO] I'd say it was very much a part of the ship. A great lump of
[DOCTOR] A great lump of what? It's not steel, copper or iron. Thatmetal is unknown on Earth, Jo.
[JO] But we are on Earth. We must be. I mean, this ship, the people, thechickens. Oh, come on, Doctor, you're not going to tell me that MajorDaly is an alien from another planet, are you?
[JO] Well then?
[DOCTOR] Oh, look. Daly's been keeping track of the date.
[DOCTOR] I suppose the name of this ship means nothing to you, Jo?
[JO] No. Should it?
[DOCTOR] Well, in its time, the SS Bernice was as famous a sea mysteryas the Marie Celeste.
[JO] Why? What happened?
[DOCTOR] Nobody really knows. A freak tidal wave was the popularexplanation, although the Indian Ocean was as flat as a millpond onthat night.
[JO] You mean she sank?
[DOCTOR] No, she vanished, Jo. Two days out from Bombay on June the 4th,1926, the SS Bernice just disappeared off the face of the Earth.
[JO] Disappeared on June the, June the 4th? But according to thatcalendar, that's today.
[DOCTOR] Yes, intriguing, isn't it?
[JO] Shall I tell you something else intriguing?
[DOCTOR] Mmm hmm.
[JO] When we came in here, that clock said twenty five to eight.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[JO] Well, now look at it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you've noticed that, have you? Well done. Shall I tell yousomething that you may not have noticed? It's broad daylight outside.
[JO] So?
[DOCTOR] If this really is after dinner, and we are in the Indian Ocean,it should be pitch dark.
[JO] I don't get it.
[JO] Sonic screwdriver?
[DOCTOR] No, that only works on electronic locks, Jo. We need somethingfar more primitive.
[JO] Skeleton keys.
[DOCTOR] Oh, they'd do fine if only we had any.
[JO] Allow me, Doctor.
(Space Port)
[PLETRAC] From your data discs, it appear that youtravel from planet to planet performing some kind of ritual with thismachine? For what purpose?
[SHIRNA] We are entertainers.
[PLETRAC] Entertainers? Explain the term.
[SHIRNA] We put on a show. You understand?
[VORG] Our purpose is to amuse, simply to amuse. Nothing serious,nothing political.
[KALIK] Amusement is prohibited. It's purposeless.
[PLETRAC] Zarb is considering lifting that restriction. The latestthinking is that the latest outbreak of violence among thefunctionaries is caused through lack of amusement.
[KALIK] Oh, more anti-productive legislation.
[ORUM] Where will it end?
[KALIK] One can see where it will end, Orum. Ultimately, thefunctionaries will take over.
[ORUM] Take over?
[PLETRAC] It is not the functionaries who dream of power, Kalik.
[KALIK] Huh? One simply speaks one's thoughts.
[PLETRAC] Your thoughts are as clear as your ambitions.
[KALIK] How dare
[ORUM] Please! One is simply here to decide whether to grant theseLurmans an entrance visa.
[KALIK] Since their presence here is clearly subversive, one moves thattheir application be rejected.
[PLETRAC] Opposed.
[ORUM] Supported.
[PLETRAC] Oh, very well.
[PLETRAC] Your application for a visa has been rejected. You will beallotted space on the next outbound cargo thruster.
[VORG] But your worship, please, I beg you. We spent our last credit baron the journey here.
[KALIK] That was unwise.
[VORG] Your worship, please. I have a document here micrographed by thegreat Zarb himself. If you will just do me the honour of consideringit.
[PLETRAC] President Zarb?
[SHIRNA] Wasn't the Great Zarb that Walarian wrestler we met at theinstellar exhibition?
[VORG] Shush! Shut up!
[SHIRNA] You've got a nerve, Vorg, passing that off.
(Below decks)
[DOCTOR] It slides open.
[JO] How does it work?
[DOCTOR] Anti-magnetic cohesion, I should think.
[JO] Never heard of it.
[DOCTOR] No, you wouldn't have done, Jo. You were born about a thousandyears too early for that.
[JO] Oh, I do love being with you, Doctor. You make me feel so young.Can you open it?
[DOCTOR] Without a magnetic core extractor, no.
[JO] Oh, well. That's that, then, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] On the contrary. I happen to have got one in the Tardis.
[JO] Oh, I knew you wouldn't travel anywhere without one. But there'sone tiny little problem.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know, getting to the Tardis.
[JO] Right. It means we've got to go through the saloon.
[DOCTOR] They can only lock us up again, can't they.
[JO] True.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Saloon cabin)
[DALY] You say the cook's a Madrasi, Andrews?
[ANDREWS] I believe so, sir.
[DALY] Hmm. I find the Madrasis a bit idle myself. Won't have them onthe plantation. Still, I must admit your fellow knows how to curry achicken. Sundowner?
[ANDREWS] Er, not for me, sir.
[DALY] Claire?
[CLAIRE] No, thank you, Daddy. John and I thought we'd take a turnaround the deck.
[ANDREWS] Would you care to join us, sir? It's a glorious evening.
(Outside the saloon)
[DALY [OC]] No, no, no, no, no. You two run along.I'm going to do a spot of reading. Determined to finish this bookbefore we reach Bombay.
[CLAIRE [OC]] Well, we're due there tomorrow. How much have you gotleft?
[DALY [OC]] Only another two chapters.
[ANDREWS [OC]] Well, we'll see you later then, sir.
[DALY [OC]] Right.
[ANDREWS [OC]] Twenty times round the deck is a mile, Claire. So, if weput our best feet forward
[JO] (sotto) Doctor, they're saying exactly the same things as before.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Yes, I know.
[JO] (sotto) But if he
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Shush.
(Saloon cabin)
[CLAIRE [OC]] No, really, I love musical plays. I saw Lady be good fourtimes. And don't you think that young American chap was marvellous? Youknow, Fred somebody? Fred Astaire.
(Outside the saloon)
[ANDREWS [OC]] Personally, I think
[DOCTOR] (silent) Come on.
(Saloon cabin)
[JO] (sotto) Come on, Doctor. Let's get out ofhere.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) In a minute, Jo. If my theory's right, we should begetting confirmation any minute now.
[JO] (sotto) Theory? What theory?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) About what's happening to this ship.
[JO] (sotto) What is happening? I mean, it's like a gramophone record. Astuck gramophone record.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Yes, well, naturally. You see, they've all beenprogrammed to repeat a simple behaviour pattern.
[JO] (sotto) And that monster, the plesiosaurus, that was programmedtoo?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Very probably.
[JO] (sotto) But that was from a different time. They weren't anyplesiosaurus's in 1926.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Yes, exactly. Historically speaking, this collection isa bit of a jumble, I must admit.
[JO] (sotto) Do you mean that this ship is part of a collection? But itall seems so ordinary.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Jo, have you ever seen any small boys collecting seacreatures and putting them into a rock pool?
[JO] Hmm.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) And then after a minute all the sea creatures settledown and behave quite normally, quite naturally. It's only the smallboys looking down from above that see the change in the environment.
[JO] (sotto) Oh, yes, but that's different. Human beings are slightlymore intelligent than whelks.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Yes, and they were collected by a slightly moresophisticated means than a bucket of water. But everything is relative,Jo.
[JO] I'm sorry, Doctor, I just can't take it in.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, don't worry about it. Right, stand by for blasting.
[JO] Wait a minute, do you mean
[DOCTOR] Shush. Right. Go and hide. (They duck down behind the settee.The Doctor checks the exact time that the monster roars, Claire screamsand Daly wakes up.)
[DALY] What? What? What?
[CLAIRE] Oh, Daddy, there's something dreadful out there!
[DALY] What's going on?
[ANDREWS] Some kind of monster, sir!
[DALY] What the deuce is it?
[DALY] It's gone back in the sea!
[ANDREWS] I'd better get a rifle, Major. It might attack again. Here,Major, if you'll just look after Claire a moment?
[DALY] Oh. Yes, yes, of course. I say, what a monstrous beast!
[CLAIRE] Yes, it was awful, horrible!
[DALY] There, there, there, child. You'd better come and sit down. I'venever seen anything like it in me life! I wonder if it'll come back?
[CLAIRE] Oh no!
[DALY] Oh, oh, you look as if you need a peg. Might get a shot at thebeast next time.
[DALY] What a head, eh? By gad, I'd love to have that on the club wall,what?
(Cargo hold)
[DOCTOR] Hang on a minute, Jo. I'll get themagnetic core extractor.
[JO] Doctor, do we have to stay here? Can't we just leave?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Where's your scientific curiosity, Jo? Don't you want toknow what's going on?
[JO] Not much, no. Doctor!
[DOCTOR [OC]] What is it now?
[JO] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What is it, Jo?
[JO] Look!
(Cargo hold)
[JO] Where's it gone?
[DOCTOR] Up there.
[JO] But there's no way through. Are you sure?
[DOCTOR] Yes, the whole deckhead swings open.
[JO] But it's solid steel. It must weigh tons and tons.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and probably held in place by two tiny little wingnuts.
[JO] Tiny?
[DOCTOR] Relatively speaking. You saw the size of that hand.
[JO] But there's only deck above here.
[DOCTOR] That's what it looks like.
[JO] But we've been up there.
[DOCTOR] I told you this was no ordinary ship, Jo.
[JO] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] To find the Tardis, and that means finding a way off this ship.
(Space Port)
[SHIRNA] Vorg, they're coming over.
[VORG] Good. I think I've found the trouble anyway. There you are. A bitof bric-a-brac lodged inside circuit three.
[VORG] I'd better put it back. Might spoil the illusion. Never let thecustomer see too much.
(Main deck)
[CLAIRE [OC]] But I loved Choo Chin Chow. Daddy took me when I was alittle girl.
[ANDREWS] Choo Chin Chow! I tell you, the whole thing's absoluterubbish.
[CLAIRE] Oh, it wasn't. How can you say that?
[ANDREWS] Well, I've sailed into Shanghai fifty times, my girl. I knowwhat Johnny Chinaman's like.
[CLAIRE] Oh, John, you've seen so much of the world. It makes me seemso, so unsophisticated.
[JO] Suppose we're due for the monster bit any minute now.
[DOCTOR] Yes, very probably.
[ANDREWS [OC]] You're different.
[CLAIRE [OC]] I wouldn't want you to think I'm just a silly flapper.
(Space Port)
[KALIK] In what way does this machine amuse?
[VORG] Your worship, allow me to demonstrate. If you will watch theglo-sphere.
[ORUM] What is this?
[VORG] These creatures are Tellurians, a species discovered in a distantgalaxy. Scientists have been amazed at the remarkable similaritybetween these little chaps and our own dominant lifeform.
[ORUM] The resemblance is unpleasant.
[VORG] These are the only Tellurians in captivity. Some scientists thinkthat their discovery refutes Valdek's theory that life in the universeis infinitely variable. An even more interesting though less amusingform of life is the Ogron.
[VORG] They are of limited intelligence and are used as servants by somerace called, er, Daleks, I believe. We will shortly be seeing the prizeof my collection. The Drashigs!
[KALIK] Drashigs?
[VORG] They are, without doubt, the most evil, the most vicious andundoubtedly the most frightening form of life in the whole of theuniverse!
[SHIRNA] Oh look, there's one.
[KALIK] Amazing.
[VORG] The Drashigs have no intelligence centre, unfortunately, so Icannot control their behaviour.
[ORUM] But these pictures, they are recorded, surely?
[VORG] Oh no, your worship. The Scope is good, old-fashioned liveentertainment. The picture on the glo-sphere is an actual projection ofwhat is now taking place deep down inside.
[KALIK] Do you mean that all these creatures are living in there?
[VORG] Within their own miniaturised environments, of course. I'llswitch back to circuit three.
(Main deck)
[ANDREWS] Great heavens!
[JO] Just like goldfish in a bowl, aren't they, going round and roundforever. Isn't there anything we can do for them?
[DOCTOR] No, not while we're inside this thing. We've got to get out ofhere. Come on.
(Saloon cabin)
[DALY] What a head, eh? By gad, I'd love to havethat on the club wall, what?
[DALY] Oh, hello!
[DOCTOR] Oh, hello. Topping day, what?
[DALY] Absolutely splendid.
[DOCTOR] Yes, ninety nine skidoo! Well, must press on. Pip pip, oldchap.
[DALY] Just a minute. You two passengers?
[DOCTOR] You've asked us that question once before. Don't you remember?
[DALY] Have I? I'm sorry to be uncivil and all that, but
[DOCTOR] You see, Jo. No memory traces at all.
[DALY] What's that? Do you know, you'll think I'm an awful idiot, but doyou know
[DOCTOR] You've forgotten our names.
[DALY] What's that? Well, I never knew them. I've never bally well seenyou in all me life before!
(Space Port)
[VORG] Now, by simply adjusting the aggrometer, thepeaceful Tellurians can be made to behave in an amusingly violent way.Watch.
(Saloon cabin)
[ANDREWS] Right!
[CLAIRE] What are you doing, John?
[ANDREWS] I'm going to trash this fellow within an inch of his life!
[ANDREWS] Still sticking to that stupid story?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid so, old chap.
[ANDREWS] You'll regret it, sir. I think I ought to warn you, I used tobox for my school.
[DOCTOR] And I think I ought to warn you that I took lessons from John LSullivan himself.
[DALY] By Jiminy, the old fellow's got some pluck.
[DOCTOR] Queensbury rules?
[ANDREWS] Naturally.
[CLAIRE] John!
[DOCTOR] Good afternoon.
[ANDREWS] Cover the aft companionway. Quick! Right, come on.
(Main deck)
[ANDREWS] Stop or I'll fire!
[JO] Oh, how many times round the deck is a mile?
[DOCTOR] Who's counting?
[DOCTOR] Let's try that door.
[ANDREWS] Now we've got them. Patel!
(Below decks)
[DOCTOR] This way.
[JO] How does this thing work?
[DOCTOR] Hold it flat. Run it along the edge of the plate.
[JO] Right.
[DOCTOR] That's the idea.
[ANDREWS] All right, on your feet.
[DALY] We've had enough of your nonsense.
[ANDREWS] Right, bosun.
[JO] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, you can't!
(Space Port)
[VORG] I can't it for too long or the specimensstart damaging each other.
(Below decks)
[DALY] Ah, dinner. Splendid! Coming?
[DALY] Who the devil are those two?
[ANDREWS] I say, I hope there's something decent tonight.
[DALY] Yes!
[ANDREWS] I'm feeling rather peckish.
(Space Port)
[SHIRNA] Hey, Vorg. Do you know, I'd swear I'dnever seen those two before?
[VORG] What?
[SHIRNA] Those two Tellurians. Have you seen them before?
[VORG] Oh, really, Shirna. I mean, they all look so much alike.
[SHIRNA] They're new, Vorg. They're strangers.
(Below decks)
[DOCTOR] And here. That should do it. Yes.
[JO] Looks like some sort of shaft.
[DOCTOR] Good. Down we go.
(Inside the Scope)
[DOCTOR] Just look at this filter circuit, Jo. Whata beautiful piece of work. Now then, this must be the output and thatmust be the input through there. Let's have a look.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it is.
[JO] What is it?
[DOCTOR] What is it? My dear girl, this is a perfect example of an earlypulse mechanism based on the principal of caesium decay. Oh, this isabsolutely vintage stuff.
[JO] But this can't be the ship's engine room?
[DOCTOR] Well, of course it isn't. I told you. We're no longer in theship.
[JO] Well, where's the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea. Probably outside this machine entirely. And justlook at this, Jo. What a magnificent auxiliary capillary pump. Have youever seen anything like it?
[DOCTOR] I've never been small enough to get inside one of these thingsbefore. It's fascinating! It's like walking around inside a wristwatch.It's wonderful. It really is magnificent.
[JO] Well, can't we just find the way out?
[DOCTOR] We could try following this circuit. It'll probably run formiles though.
(Space Port)
[PLETRAC] Out of the way. Not authentic!
[VORG] What?
[PLETRAC] A forgery.
[VORG] A forgery? But your worship, I had no idea. And my assistant andI travelled all the way from Demos believing that we would be welcomeon your noble planet.
[PLETRAC] That is your misfortune.
[KALIK] Pletrac, this machine, this Scope, contains many aliencreatures. The Lurman has imported them without a licence.
[VORG] If I've done something wrong, I
[KALIK] The Interstellar Ecology Commission expressly forbids thetransference of zoological specimens between planets.
[ORUM] The creatures will have to be destroyed.
[VORG] Destroyed?
[PLETRAC] The machine, too.
[SHIRNA] You can't do that! Our livelihood depends on the Scope!
[VORG] We're just simple strolling players.
[PLETRAC] Destroyed!
[PLETRAC] Send the eradicator detachment to section two immediately.
[VORG] Barbarians.
[SHIRNA] Dim witted yokels, you said they were. Twist them round yourfinger, you said. Have them eating off of your hand, you said. Well, afine mess we're in now, aren't we.
[VORG] You're not blaming me?
[SHIRNA] Well, I didn't want to come here, Vorg. I should have stayedwith the All Star dance company.
[VORG] Huh. That third rate bunch of hoofers.
[SHIRNA] At least when I was with the company I always had a few creditbars, and we never travelled by cargo thruster.
[PLETRAC] Eradicator detachment, follow me.
[VORG] What's that?
[VORG] This is murder! Assassination!
[PLETRAC] Stand aside, you two.
[VORG] I'm not without influence, you know. I shall complain.
[PLETRAC] Prepare to erad. Wait.
[PLETRAC] Commence eradication. (The gun emits red energy which envelopsthe Scope.)
(Inside the Scope)
[JO] What's happening, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Hold on, Jo!
[JO] It's some kind of earthquake. It's getting hotter and hotter.
[DOCTOR] Come on. Keep moving.
(Space Port)
[KALIK] Bravo.
[PLETRAC] The machine must be armoured.
[KALIK] We have lost face, Pletrac. Our technology has proved deficient.
[ORUM] The eradicator was designed only for use against organicmolecules.
[PLETRAC] And the creatures in there?
[ORUM] They are organic. The eradicator will have destroyed them.
[PLETRAC] That is the main objective. Destruction of the machine isunimportant.
[VORG] Ha, ha! Built, eh? None of your modern rubbish! Oh!
[SHIRNA] Is it damaged? It might be damaged.
[VORG] We'll check the circuits.
(Inside the Scope)
[DOCTOR] Come on, Jo, get up.
[JO] Not yet, I'm only half-cooked.
[DOCTOR] Come on, get yourself up. Come on, give us your hand. Come on,up. There. Here, mop yourself down with this.
[JO] Thanks. Wow, what happened?
[DOCTOR] Well, it just a bit hot, didn't it?
[JO] Hey, it was them. They did it on purpose.
[JO] The giants, of course!
[DOCTOR] Well, why should they, Jo? We've done them no harm.
[JO] What other reason?
[DOCTOR] Look, one problem at a time, eh? Our problem is to find our wayout of here. This looks quite promising. Let's try it, eh?
[JO] Promising, huh?
(Space Port)
[SHIRNA] Well, that's marvellous. Who's going to pay good credit bars tosee a blob in a snowstorm?
[VORG] Yeah. All that heat, you know, must have affected the videocircuits. Still, the specimens are all right, and that's the mainthing. It only needs a slight readjustment.
[KALIK] Destroyed, Orum? All eradicated?
[ORUM] The machine must contain a defensive barrier.
[KALIK] But it seems we have no defences, Orum. Zarb and his councils offools have betrayed us.
[PLETRAC] That is dangerous talk, Kalik, even for the president'sbrother.
[KALIK] Some things need to be said. Zarb disbanded the army, and nowour only defence is that!
[KALIK] We have just demonstrated its inefficiency to those Lurmanspies.
[ORUM] One is told there's a new model being developed.
[KALIK] And do you think the Lurman battle fleets will wait? They'll bepicking their landing sites already.
[PLETRAC] You are an alarmist, Kalik. After all, we have defence pactswith all the neighbouring planets.
[KALIK] Don't talk to me about brotherhood and neighbourliness. We havesurvived in the past because of our strength!
[ORUM] And now?
[KALIK] We shall perish! Because of our weakness.
[ORUM] Do you really think the Lurman is a spy sent here to test ourdefences?
[KALIK] Isn't it clear?
[ORUM] Look! Perhaps a transmitter?
(Inside the Scope)
[DOCTOR] Right, come on now. Come on, quick as you can.
[JO] Okay.
[DOCTOR] That's it. That's it. There.
[JO] Doctor, I think we're going round in circles. I'm sure we've beenthis way before.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. All these shafts look very much alike.
[JO] Hey. I was right. Look, your handkerchief. I must have dropped it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you are right. We must have been this way before.
[JO] Oh, well that's it. We're lost.
[DOCTOR] Of course we're not lost, Jo. What makes you think that? Seethis? You know what that is? That's a bearing housing for one of theventilator shafts.
[JO] Oh, good. Knowing makes me feel so much better.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, I thought it might.
[JO] Oh, well, that means we're almost home, doesn't it.
[DOCTOR] It means there should be an air duct around here somewhere.
[JO] Silly question, but why are we looking for an air duct?
[DOCTOR] Well, where's air ducted from, Jo?
[JO] Outside!
[DOCTOR] Right first time.
[JO] Sorry, Doctor. It's just I thought we weren't getting anywhere.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. The trouble is we're inside the blueprint insteadof looking down on it.
[JO] What was that?
(Space Port)
[VORG] You know, Shirna, I'm not given toimagination, but I thought I saw two Tellurians in the works.
[KALIK] Slowly, Vorg.
[VORG] What are you gentlemen doing?
[ORUM] Where is the transmitter?
[VORG] Transmitter?
[KALIK] We know you've been sending signals.
[VORG] Signals?
[KALIK] Stop wasting time!
[VORG] But I, I have no transmitter.
[PLETRAC] What were you doing in there?
[VORG] Just minor repairs, that's all. Just silly little minor repairs.
[SHIRNA] We had a fault in one of the video circuits, that's all.Nothing.
[VORG] Nothing of consequence, nothing serious.
[KALIK] Orum?
[KALIK] If there is a transmitter in there, Vorg, you're dead.
[VORG] (sotto) What is a transmitter, Shirna?
[SHIRNA] (sotto) For sending messages, you idiot. A beam pulser.
[VORG] (sotto) We haven't got one, have we?
[SHIRNA] (sotto) I thought you told me you had a masters degree inradionics?
[VORG] (sotto) It's not exactly a degree. I never did understand theseelectrical. Would you please keep that a little further away? It's veryfrightening, you know.
[ORUM] No, one can't see anything, Kalik.
[KALIK] If there is a transmitter, it'll be disguised.
[ORUM] No, there's nothing in there. Only this.
[KALIK] What is it?
[VORG] A bit of bric-a-brac, your worship. It was causing interferenceinside circuit three. Better put it back in the Scope.
[KALIK] What is it? And let's have the truth this time!
[VORG] I don't know! I swear I don't know!
[PLETRAC] Some Lurman secret weapon perhaps?
[ORUM] It's some kind of a container.
[VORG] It was causing interference in circuit three!
[ORUM] Bric-a-brac? Why does it keep changing size?
[VORG] You took it outside the Scope's compression field and kept it outtoo long, you see? After a bit, things regain their normal size.
[PLETRAC] Silence! It is an alien artefact. Where did it come from? Howdid it get in there?
[SHIRNA] Vorg, the Tellurians!
[KALIK] What?
[SHIRNA] Earlier in circuit three, I noticed two new Tellurians.Strangers. I told Vorg at the time.
[VORG] My assistant is an imaginative
[KALIK] Quiet. Is this possible, Orum?
[ORUM] What?
[PLETRAC] For Tellurian invaders to penetrate the Scope in containerssuch as that?
[ORUM] Well, it wouldn't be possible for our technology, no. PerhapsTellurian science is more advanced.
[KALIK] And if they can get into the machine, no doubt they can also getout of it.
[ORUM] What are you thinking, Kalik?
[KALIK] These Tellurians are not even from our home galaxy. There is noway of telling what diseases they may have brought with them.
[PLETRAC] Is there an exit from that machine?
[VORG] Quite impossible, your worship. Each group of specimens ispermanently contained in its own individual chamber. The scope iscompletely and utterly escape proof.
(Inside the Scope)
[JO] It's almost through.
[JO] Free. Ladies first?
[DOCTOR] No, not this time, Jo. After all, we don't know what's behindthis door, do we.
[JO] The Tardis, I hope.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so do I.
[JO] Looks like some sort of cave.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Yeah. Not quite what I expected, Jo. Hang on a minute, willyou?
[JO] Can you see anything?
[DOCTOR] No, it's just the same.
[JO] It's a bit scary, isn't it? What are all those bubbles?
[DOCTOR] Oh, some sort of marsh gas. Probably highly inflammable. Comeon, we'd better take a look around.
[JO] There's nothing to look at.
(Space Port)
[PLETRAC] I will not accept this, Vorg. One repeatsto you; one will not accept this. It has been most clearly laid down inregulations
[VORG] Your worship, the scope if handled with care, is one of thesafest things in the galaxy. In all
[KALIK] Just a minute!
[VORG] My professional experience
[KALIK] What is that?
[SHIRNA] Oh, another fault has developed. It's in circuit five thistime.
[VORG] Oh, some insignificant electrical matter. Switch on the circuit,my dear.
[VORG] There you are, you see? It's working perfectly. Nothing wrongthere.
[SHIRNA] The fault is still being signalled.
[KALIK] What do you call the creatures here?
[VORG] The Drashigs. My little carnivores. Ho, ho, they're greatfavourites with the children, you know, with their gnashing andsnapping and tearing at each other.
[SHIRNA] Vorg, look!
[VORG] The Tellurians! They've broken into the circuit!
[SHIRNA] Vorg, you've got to get them out.
[VORG] How can I? They're already as good as dead.
[ORUM] Why?
[VORG] Once the Drashigs get their scent, they won't stand a chance.
[KALIK] Fascinating.
[DOCTOR] Something's wrong, Jo.
[JO] Let's go back, Doctor. I don't like it here.
[DOCTOR] No, neither do I.
(Space Port)
[SHIRNA] They'll never make it.
[JO] What was that?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but it didn't sound very friendly.
[JO] Look!
[JO] What a horrible thing! Why didn't it attack us?
[DOCTOR] It couldn't have seen us, Jo. It must be hunting by scent.
[JO] Hunting what?
[DOCTOR] Us, I'm afraid. It's following our outward trail.
[JO] But it'll be at the cave when we get back there. What's that?
[DOCTOR] There's more than one of those things about, Jo. Let's go.
(Space Port)
[ORUM] They are escaping.
[VORG] Nothing escapes the Drashigs. Even that size they terrify me.
[PLETRAC] How many are there?
[SHIRNA] In the scope? Oh, just one colony. Twenty or so.
[KALIK] Where do they come from?
[VORG] One of Grundle's satellites. It's said that many years ago, abattlethruster landed there for emergency repairs. It had a crew offifty and all the latest armaments. They thought they could hold theDrashigs off.
[PLETRAC] What happened?
[SHIRNA] Nothing more was heard from them so a scout orbiter was sentout. The pictures showed nothing left of the thruster. It had beeneaten.
[PLETRAC] Eaten? They ate a spaceship?
[SHIRNA] Apart from just a few scraps of the reactor ventricle. They'reomnivorous.
[VORG] Of course, they prefer flesh when they can get it.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Jo!
[JO] I can't.
[DOCTOR] But you must. We're nearly there.
[JO] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Run for it, Jo!
[JO] Doctor, I'm stuck!
[JO] They're coming back!
(Space Port)
[KALIK] Er, can't you help them?
[VORG] Me?
[KALIK] You're in charge of the machine. Can't you get the Telluriansout of there?
[VORG] What? But I should have to put my hand inside!
[SHIRNA] Oh, go on, Vorg. We can't stand here and let them be torn topieces.
[DOCTOR] It's no good. There's not enough gas.
[JO] Doctor, that hand.
[DOCTOR] No time to talk about that now, Jo. Let's get out of here. Comeon!
(Inside the Scope)
[JO] Oh, Doctor, I've got to rest.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm beginning to feel the century's myself.
[JO] That, that swamp place. It wasn't the real outside, was it?
[DOCTOR] No. I thought it was at first, though.
[JO] But that hand, that came from the real outside, didn't it? Thegiants were trying to help us.
[DOCTOR] Yes. By jingo, I've got it! I know what this is.
[JO] What?
[DOCTOR] We're in a miniscope!
[JO] Miniscope?
[DOCTOR] Yes, you know, Jo, it's like, it's like one of those things,those glass cases that people keep colonies of ants in.
[JO] Well, yes, but I don't see. Well, wait a minute. Do you mean thatthat Major Daly and all those people on the ship are in a sort of apeepshow?
[DOCTOR] That's right, Jo, and you and I are inside its works.
[JO] And outside there are people and creatures just looking at us forkicks?
[DOCTOR] Very probably.
[JO] They must be evil and horrible.
[DOCTOR] No, not necessarily, Jo. Thoughtless, maybe.
[JO] Thoughtless?
[DOCTOR] Well, haven't you ever been to the zoo? Have you never keptgoldfish in a bowl?
[JO] Well, yes, but that's slightly different. We're not animals.
[DOCTOR] We are to those creatures up there, Jo. Roll up! Roll up! Rollup! And see these funny little creatures in their native habitat! Watchthem go through their funny little tricks! Poke them with a stick andmake them jump!
[JO] Oh, stop it, Doctor. It's not funny.
[DOCTOR] No. Oh no, believe me, I'm just as angry as you are. As amatter of fact, I had a great deal to do with the banning of theseminiscopes.
[JO] You did?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I did. I managed to persuade the High Council of the TimeLords they were an offence against the dignity of sentient lifeforms.
[JO] But I thought the Time Lords never interfered?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, they don't as a rule. But, frankly, I made such anuisance of myself. Well, they banned the things.
[JO] But, well, if these Scope things were banned, how come we're insideone?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Officially, they were all called in anddestroyed.
[JO] And somehow this one was missed.
[DOCTOR] It looks like it. The Tardis must have materialised in itscompression field.
[JO] So, here we are all cosily wrapped up with the other specimens.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, but not for long, Jo. We'll soon get out of here.
[JO] Will we? Seems to me we have a choice of being shot by those idiotson the ship, or eaten by those horrors out there.
(Space Port)
[SHIRNA] Vorg, look at this. They're following theTellurians.
[VORG] I should have thought of that. The Drashigs never leave a scent.Not with a meal at the end of it.
[SHIRNA] But if they can get out of their circuit, Vorg, anything canhappen. They might even escape from the Scope!
[VORG] Keep your voice down, girl. We're in trouble enough as it is.
(Inside the Scope)
[JO] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Come on, Jo. It's time we got out of here.
(Space Port)
[PLETRAC] What is the legal position, Kalik?
[KALIK] According to law, the Lurmans should be deported and thezoological specimens impounded and destroyed.
[ORUM] But how?
[PLETRAC] How, indeed? The eradicator is powerless against their Scope.That is why one suggests, in order to save face, that the Lurmans bedeported together with their machine.
[ORUM] Agreed.
[KALIK] This tribunal is not empowered to bend regulations, Pletrac, noteven to save face.
[PLETRAC] We must be flexible! If we can't destroy the thing, what elsecan we do?
[KALIK] One suggests that you, Chairman Pletrac, seek special authorityfrom Zarb.
[PLETRAC] That may take time.
[KALIK] It is the correct procedure.
[ORUM] Kalik is right. The tribunal should observe the correct forms ofprocedure.
[PLETRAC] Oh, very well. Make sure the functionaries with the eradicatorremain alert.
(Inside the Scope)
[DOCTOR] We've one advantage over them, Jo. We'resmaller than them.
[JO] That's an advantage?
[DOCTOR] Yes, if we keep to the narrow sections, we can move faster.
[JO] You never give in, do you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Come on, quick. Down this way. Come on! Come on, give me yourhand. Come on, that's it. That's the idea. Quick as you can.
[JO] Oh, Doctor, those things'll follow us to the end of time. They'llnever give up either.
(Space Port)
[SHIRNA] Hey, Vorg!
[VORG] What? Oh, it's just a minor block in one of the feed lines,that's all.
[SHIRNA] That minor block is probably a Drashig. Look. Not a Drashig tobe seen.
[VORG] Well? That's not unusual.
[SHIRNA] After all that excitement? You know what they're like. Normallythey mill round for hours.
[VORG] Well?
[SHIRNA] They're loose inside the scope, Vorg! They must be roaminground out of their circuit!
[VORG] What?
[ORUM] The machine has become dangerous?
[VORG] Oh, no, no, no, your worship. Not at all, no.
[SHIRNA] Oh, tell them the truth. What does it matter now?
[ORUM] What is the truth?
[VORG] My assistant is an imaginative girl
[KALIK] Quiet.
[VORG] Whatever you say. You can rely upon my profound silence for aslong as you desire.
[KALIK] What is the truth?
[SHIRNA] We think the Drashigs have broken out of their circuit.
[VORG] You speak for yourself. Personally, I don't
[KALIK] Silence!
[ORUM] Broken out?
[SHIRNA] Well, they went into that cave after the Tellurians and none ofthem have come out again.
[ORUM] Where does the cave lead?
[SHIRNA] Down into the supply lines. There's a control valve at the backof the cave.
[VORG] Look, if the Drashigs have broken out of their circuit, and Idon't for one moment believe that they have, whose fault is it, Shirna?Whose suggestion was it that I help the Tellurians escape?
[KALIK] Mine.
[VORG] And a most merciful and compassionate gesture, your worship.
[ORUM] Merciful and compassionate?
[KALIK] One has twinges.
[ORUM] You expected the Drashigs
[KALIK] Shush!
[ORUM] You expected the Drashigs to follow the Tellurians?
[KALIK] They follow a scent blindly, so that primitive told us.
[ORUM] What's to be gained by that?
[KALIK] Possibly the world.
[ORUM] What?
[KALIK] The Tellurians will try to escape.
[ORUM] And?
[KALIK] The Drashigs will follow them.
[ORUM] What good will that do any of us?
[KALIK] Listen, Orum. For thousands of years, ever since the great spaceplague, our world has stood alone and been the stronger for it. NowZarb is trying to change our ways.
[ORUM] Because the functionaries are growing restive. They needdistractions.
[KALIK] What the functionaries need, Orum, what we all need, issomething to unite us. We need a sense of purpose. We need a newleader. We need a war!
[ORUM] How do you propose to achieve all that, Kalik?
[KALIK] By leading the rebellion against my dear brother Zarb.
(Inside the Scope)
[JO] Well?
[DOCTOR] Well, logically, there should be an extractor down there. Well,if I'd designed it, there would be one.
[JO] They're still following us, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Persistent little beggars, aren't they?
[JO] Well, that's it. We're done for.
[DOCTOR] I wonder?
[JO] Well, we'll break our necks if we try to get down there. We'll justgo on wandering around this ghastly machine forever. Well, sooner orlater, we'll crawl round a corner and run slap into one of them.
[DOCTOR] Things do look a little difficult at the moment, I must admit.
[JO] Difficult? They're impossible.
[DOCTOR] Not impossible, Jo. Nothing's impossible. There's always ananswer if you can find it.
[JO] Yeah, such as?
[DOCTOR] Well, that's the trouble, finding it. Now I think this is thetime for lateral thinking.
[JO] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, instead of approaching the problem from head on, youapproach it sort of sideways.
[JO] Sideways?
[DOCTOR] Yes, take our own particular example for a moment, eh? This isour problem. We can't go forward because this shaft is too steep. Wecan't go back the way we came because of our hungry little friendshere.
[JO] Oh, I see. So we've got to go sideways.
[DOCTOR] Well, I didn't mean it quite so literally, Jo. If we movesideways, we'll find ourselves back on the ship.
[JO] Wait a minute, the ship! Well, that's it. There's rope on the ship,miles of it. We can use it to get down the shaft. Oh, Doctor, you'rebrilliant!
[DOCTOR] I am?
[JO] Yes, of course you are. I see what you mean now be lateralthinking. Come on, let's go.
[DOCTOR] Right, hang on a minute. Let's take a look at the plan.
[JO] Right.
[DOCTOR] Now, according to this plan, there should be a way back on theship just around the corner. Come on.
(Space Port)
[SHIRNA] They must be in that upper section, Vorg.Can't you push them back into the circuit?
[VORG] I'm not putting my hand in there again.
[SHIRNA] Well, think of something. They'll wreck the machine if youleave them there.
[VORG] Look, all they're interested in, Shirna, is the Tellurians. Theminute they're polished off, they'll probably follow their own trailback home.
[SHIRNA] Why don't you close down the support system?
[VORG] Because I can't. We'd lose the entire collection.
(Cargo hold)
[DOCTOR] Right, it's all clear. Come on.
[JO] How much do we need?
[DOCTOR] About a dozen fathoms, I should think.
[JO] Fathoms?
[DOCTOR] Ah, here's some here.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[ANDREWS] Can't see anything here, Major.
[DALY] Well, I heard it quite plainly. Like the hound of the ballyBaskervilles!
[ANDREWS] Are you sure it came from here, sir?
[DALY] Positive, old boy.
[ANDREWS] Well, perhaps some of the cargo shifted.
[DALY] Oh, sea's a bit calm for that, isn't it?
[ANDREWS] Well, the vibration could have done it, sir. The skipper's gother up to full steam, trying to make up a few hours.
[DALY] Ah, Bombay tomorrow, eh? By Jove, I could do with a soak in a tubof fresh water, what?
[ANDREWS] All right. Come on out from there. It's no good lying doggo. Ican see your foot.
[DALY] By jingo, a memsahib!
[ANDREWS] Where did you stowaway?
[JO] Here we go again.
[JO] Nothing.
[ANDREWS] Well, you'd better come with us, Miss.
(Outside the Space Port)
[ORUM] Zarb's position is secure. How can a rebellion succeed?
[KALIK] The Drashigs escape from the machine and then into the city.They would cause havoc before finally being destroyed. The CentralBureau would be forced to admit to serious miscalculation. And on whosepart, Orum? Who would be blamed?
[ORUM] President Zarb.
[KALIK] Exactly. The Drashigs are only here because of Zarb'sliberal-minded weakness.
[ORUM] Popular feeling would be aroused against him, certainly.
(Space Port)
[ORUM] But you're forgetting one thing.
[KALIK] What?
[ORUM] The eradicator. Even if the Drashigs do escape, they'll never getinto the city.
(Saloon cabin)
[CLAIRE] Why don't you tell John how you came aboard?
[JO] Because he wouldn't believe me.
[CLAIRE] Well, he'll only keep questioning you until you do tell him thetruth. It's his job, you see?
[JO] Look, how long do you think you've been on this ship?
[CLAIRE] What?
[JO] Well, you know, how long?
[CLAIRE] Do you mean since we left England?
[JO] Well, yes, if you like.
[CLAIRE] Nearly four weeks. Why?
[JO] Well, doesn't it seem like ages? I mean, well, don't you seem likeyou've been doing the same things for as long as you can remember?
[CLAIRE] (pauses) I don't know what you mean.
[ANDREWS] Captain wants to see you, Miss.
[JO] Oh, well, anything for a change.
[ANDREWS] Not a pleasant change, I'm afraid. He's certain to put youunder arrest.
[JO] Well, last time he was too busy to see me.
[DALY] Last time?
[JO] Well, yes, when I was put in your cabin, Major Daly. No, wait aminute. No, that wasn't last time. That was the time before. Oh, can'tany of you remember anything?
[DALY] There it is again, Andrews!
[ANDREWS] And it did come from the forward hold!
(Cargo hold)
[DALY] I don't believe it!
(Space Port)
[ORUM] (sotto) Where are they going?
[KALIK] (sotto) To the guard block. One ordered them to take theirrepasts.
[ORUM] (sotto) But regulations state that no eradicator must be leftunattended. If there's a heat build up, it could engage accidentally!
[KALIK] (sotto) Yes. But this one won't, Orum, will it.
(Main deck)
[ANDREWS] What is it, man?
[CAPTAIN] What's going on, Mister Andrews?
[ANDREWS] Right, Now get going. It's through into the after hold, sir.
[CAPTAIN] Well, where on Earth did it come from, man? Out of the bilges?
[ANDREWS] It's as big as an elephant, sir. Bigger.
[CAPTAIN] Bosun, where's that gun?
[ANDREWS] I know where there's something even more useful, sir, in theforward hold. Dynamite.
[CAPTAIN] Bosun, chalo, chalo! Tilda caro!
(Space Port)
[PLETRAC] President Zarb has granted special powers. The Lurmans andtheir machine are to be deported.
[ORUM] Excellent.
[KALIK] And the, er, Tellurian vessel?
[PLETRAC] Oh, that too can be loaded and jettisoned in deep space,unless of course the Lurmans wish to enter a claim of ownership.
[ORUM] Agreed.
[PLETRAC] Where are the functionaries?! Why is the eradicatorunattended?
[KALIK] Er, one ordered them to leave it.
[PLETRAC] You ordered them? You?
[KALIK] They had been on duty continually for two periods.
[PLETRAC] You have exceeded your authority, Kalik! There will be anenquiry.
[KALIK] Very well.
[PLETRAC] But where are the functionaries?
[ORUM] In the guard room.
[PLETRAC] Well, fetch them. Fetch them at once!
[PLETRAC] From the time this tribunal is dissolved, Kalik, you will besuspended pending my official report. Is that clear?
[KALIK] Perfectly, Chairman Pletrac, perfectly clear.
(Main deck)
[DALY] Come on.
[JO] But the Doctor's down there!
[DALY] No place for the fair sex, my dear.
[JO] I must go!
[DALY] Take place in a lifeboat, the pair of you.
[JO] I'm not leaving here.
[DALY] Ah, the very thing. Give it to me, man. Quiet!
[CAPTAIN] Look out below! Major Daly!
(Saloon cabin)
[DALY] I'm sorry, my dear, I'm sure the Captainwon't be long. By Jove, that beast took a bit of stopping, eh? Well, wecould all do with a chota peg, what?
[CLAIRE] I've never seen anything like it. Have you?
[JO] Well, actually, I have. There's rather a lot of them about.
[DALY] Yes, strange waters these, you know.
[JO] Oh, look, please, I've got to find the Doctor.
[DALY] Ahh, you feeling a bit umpty? I'm not at all surprised.
(Cargo hold)
[DOCTOR] No, man, don't! You'll blow us all to bits! Don't!
[DOCTOR] No, man, no!
(Inside the Scope)
[DOCTOR] Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. That's done it.
(Space Port)
[SHIRNA] Look at those dials, Vorg.
[VORG] What about them?
[SHIRNA] They're suddenly dropping back, all of them. All the circuits.
[VORG] They can't be.
[SHIRNA] Well, look for yourself. It's a general power failure.
[VORG] Don't be ridiculous. The power system's fully protected.
[SHIRNA] Well?
[VORG] Well, it can't be a power failure.
[SHIRNA] The generators?
[VORG] The generators were built by the old Eternity Perpetual Company.They're designed to last forever. That's why the company went bankrupt.
[SHIRNA] Well, they're still dropping. They'll be down to critical soon.
[VORG] I can see that.
[SHIRNA] Well, that's that, then. That's the Scope finished.
[VORG] There should be enough power already in the circuits to keep itfunctioning for a time.
[SHIRNA] How long?
[VORG] I don't know. Nothing like this has ever happened before.
[SHIRNA] Long enough to repair it?
[VORG] Maybe, if I still had that handbook.
[SHIRNA] You've not lost it?
(Saloon cabin)
[DALY] Oh, hello, old chap. Sundowner?
[ANDREWS] Oh, not for me, sir.
[DALY] Claire?
[CLAIRE] No, thank you, Daddy. John and I are just going for a walk.
[ANDREWS] Twenty times round the deck is a mile.
[JO] You've forgotten, haven't you? You've forgotten everything!
[DALY] Upon my soul!
[ANDREWS] Who are you?
[JO] Here we go again.
[ANDREWS] You're not a passenger. Where did you come from?
[JO] How do know I'm not a passenger?
[JO] Well, since none of you can remember more than about ten minutesago, how do you know?
[JO] Can't you remember shooting the monster about twenty minutes ago?
[CLAIRE] What monster?
[JO] I was with you when you shot it down, Major!
[DALY] What?
[JO] Oh!
[DALY] Oh, poor young girl. Must have a touch of the sun, what?
[ANDREWS] Maybe. Still, we can't have stowaways wandering about.
[DALY] No.
[ANDREWS] Better get after her.
[DALY] Yeah. Watch out for the monster.
(Space Port)
[SHIRNA] The power's still dropping, Vorg.
[PLETRAC] What are you doing?
[VORG] (sotto) I wish I knew. (normal) Oh, routine maintenance, yourworship.
(Space Port)
[PLETRAC] Eradicator detachment, stand by!
[SHIRNA] It's one of the Tellurians.
[PLETRAC] Hurry, it must be eradicated!
[SHIRNA] Why? He hasn't done anything wrong. Are you all right, dear?
[PLETRAC] Don't touch it. It's probably crawling with germs.
[VORG] He's right, Shirna. Come away. The thing must be destroyed.
[PLETRAC] Eradicator detachment, one charge, maximum intensity.
[KALIK] Wait!
[PLETRAC] Stand aside, Kalik.
[KALIK] This procedure is not in order.
[PLETRAC] Not in order?
[KALIK] The eradicator cannot be used without authority from thetribunal.
[PLETRAC] In an emergency, it's perfectly
[KALIK] One alien hardly constitutes an emergency.
[PLETRAC] The function of this tribunal is to keep this planet clean.This Tellurian creature comes from outside our solar system and is apossible carrier of contagion. Furthermore the creature may be hostile.
[DOCTOR] Will you kindly stop referring to me as the creature, sir, or Imay well become exceedingly hostile.
[PLETRAC] Silence! This tribunal is deliberating.
[DOCTOR] The tribunal is not deliberating. The tribunal is arguing. Andquite nonsensically, if I may say so.
[PLETRAC] The tribunal will not tolerate insolence from unauthorisedlifeforms.
[DOCTOR] Will one of you kindly explain to me exactly where I am? Whichplanet, I mean?
[KALIK] You are on Inter Minor.
[DOCTOR] Inter Minor? Not Metebelis Three, the famous blue planet of theActeon galaxy?
[ORUM] Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] I see. Oh, thank heavens the Tardis is safe, anyway.
[PLETRAC] This container is yours?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it is indeed. And, oh yes, just as I thought. A miniscope.Now this is outrageous! Who is responsible for this device? Is ityours?
[PLETRAC] Certainly not! It is the property of this Lurman. The femaleis his assistant.
[DOCTOR] And you, sir, you are?
[PLETRAC] Chairman Pletrac of the Admissions Tribunal.
[ORUM] One wonders why the tribunal is submitting to questioning by thiscreature. Shouldn't it be the other way round?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you, gentlemen, but you are allin very serious trouble.
[ORUM] Really? One almost admires its audacity.
[DOCTOR] You are, I take it, the representatives of authority on thisplanet?
[PLETRAC] One's authority comes direct from President Zarb himself.
[DOCTOR] Then you have allowed the importation and the operation of amachine that is expressly forbidden by intergalactic law.
[PLETRAC] One did not allow it! One has already ordered the deportationof the Lurmans and their machine.
[DOCTOR] But for the moment the machine is here and it is in operation.Surely you'll scarcely deny that?
[PLETRAC] Well, strictly speaking, one must concede that, er, in a sense
[DOCTOR] Then you are responsible, are you not? As a direct result ofyour carelessness, my young companion is trapped inside this machine,in a situation of extreme peril.
[PLETRAC] Look, one is forced to remind you that the question beforethis tribunal is your own eradication as a menace to public health.
[DOCTOR] If you will allow me to rescue my young companion, and givewhat help I can to the rest of the unfortunates trapped in here, then Iam prepared to overlook the entire matter.
[ORUM] One is indeed overwhelmed.
[DOCTOR] If not, then you'll just have to take the consequences. Let meknow when you've made up your mind.
[VORG] Marvellous, Shirna! What audacity, eh? Do you know, I do believehe's one of us?
[SHIRNA] One of us? He's a Tellurian.
[VORG] Of course, but I recognise the type. He's in the carnivalbusiness, I'm sure. I mean, look at his manner and look at his clothes.Don't forget that I've worked many a Tellurian fairground.
[SHIRNA] You may be right. He's certainly got the style.
[VORG] Oh, I'd wager on it. He's got the measure of these grey facedidiots right enough.
[KALIK] Personally speaking, one is against this whole thing.
[PLETRAC] One might have expected you to take that attitude, Kalik.Orum, are you for or against the use of the eradicator?
[ORUM] Against.
[KALIK] You are outvoted, Pletrac.
[PLETRAC] Very well. Eradicator detachment, stand down.
[DOCTOR] Thank you for your timely intervention, sir.
[PLETRAC] Wait! Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] Just over there.
[KALIK] You're very nervous, Pletrac?
[PLETRAC] Not nervous so much as puzzled. What use is the Tellurian toyou?
[KALIK] Of no use.
[PLETRAC] You never do anything without a reason, Kalik. Why did you tryto save the Tellurian's life?
[KALIK] Out of mercy and compassion. Vorg will tell you.
[VORG] I bet he understands the palare. Listen to this.
[VORG] The Tellurian carnival lingo. Watch. Palare la carny?
[DOCTOR] I beg your pardon?
[VORG] Varda the Bona Palone?
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry.
[VORG] Niente dinari round here, y'jills.
[DOCTOR] I must apologise. I'm afraid I do not understand your language.
[VORG] Oh, you understand, all right. You're a showman, the same as me,ain't you.
[DOCTOR] Are you a showman, sir?
[VORG] Allow me to introduce myself. I am the great Vorg! And thisbeautiful young lady is Shirna, my assistant.
[DOCTOR] Delighted, Miss Shirna. I am the Doctor.
[VORG] Doctor. Great title, you know. Doctors, Professors, always pullsthem in.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, sir, are you in charge of this disgraceful device?
[VORG] Yes, why? Is something wrong?
[DOCTOR] Yes, something is very wrong. I too have an assistant, youknow, and she's trapped inside this machine. Now somehow I've got toget her out.
[VORG] Oh, Doctor, Doctor! I wouldn't put your hand in there. ThoseDrashigs can take a lump right out of you.
[DOCTOR] Drashigs?
[SHIRNA] They followed you out of the circuit. They're running wildinside there now. Doing terrible damage, aren't they, Vorg?
[VORG] Oh, they've broken the statofields. Very soon, I'm going to losethe entire collection.
[DOCTOR] What, lose them? That would be a tragedy.
[VORG] You can say that again. My insurance doesn't cover thereplacement of livestock.
[DOCTOR] Livestock? Let me tell you, sir, that the people inside thatship are human beings.
[VORG] That's right. Tellurians, Ogrons, Drashigs. Oh, marvellouscollection.
[DOCTOR] The collection of the simplest animal lifeforms is a dubiousenough pursuit in itself, sir, but the collection of civilisedintelligent beings is a positive crime. Now let me warn you that Iintend to put an end to this shameful business.
[VORG] There's no need to get excited. It's putting an end to itself.
[DOCTOR] Huh? What does that mean?
[VORG] The scope's packing up. All the life support systems are going tobreak down soon.
[SHIRNA] Even on tickover, the power's almost down to critical.
[DOCTOR] How long will it last?
[VORG] Who knows? Can't be much longer.
[DOCTOR] Well, that means that every living creature in there will die,including my assistant! Now somehow, I've got to find a way of savingthem.
(Main deck)
[ANDREWS] Have you seen her?
[DALY] Not this side.
[ANDREWS] Well, she can't get away. We'll get a search party togetherand search the ship.
(Space Port)
[ORUM] (sotto) What is the Tellurian doing?
[KALIK] Trying to rescue the other Tellurian, one imagines.
[ORUM] They are clearly social creatures.
[KALIK] Mmm, and harmless.
[ORUM] Pletrac is growing suspicious. If he should decide to examine theeradicator, he will discover that one has rendered it useless.
[KALIK] You worry too much, Orum.
[ORUM] President Zarb still decrees the death penalty for acts oftreason.
[KALIK] Have you destroyed the part?
[ORUM] What part?
[KALIK] From the eradicator.
[ORUM] Oh, you mean the trizon? Yes, it's here.
[KALIK] We will conceal it in the Lurman's baggage. Then if anythingshould go wrong, one of us can always discover it.
[ORUM] Of course! Blame it on the Lurman.
[KALIK] An alien spy and saboteur.
(Cargo hold)
[JO] Doctor? Doctor, are you there?
[ANDREWS] There she is!
[ANDREWS] Now then, Miss.
[JO] It's all right. I know the routine.
(Space Port)
[VORG] You know, Shirna, he could lose that nose of his just like that.
[SHIRNA] Vorg!
[VORG] That's odd. The Drashigs!
[SHIRNA] They've reached the outer hull. Vorg, if they get out, they'llexpand to full size.
[VORG] Come on, it's time we left. Come on.
[PLETRAC] And where are you going?
[VORG] Er, where are we going, yes.
[SHIRNA] Home?
[VORG] Home. We thought we'd take a shuttle out to the thruster base.
[PLETRAC] A transporter has been ordered for you. You will be taken,together with your machine, to the thruster base.
[VORG] There's no need to worry. I mean, we can find our own way. Don'tbother. You can keep the Scope. You're welcome to it.
[PLETRAC] You will remain here until the transporter arrives! Thequarantine regulation on the conveyance of aliens is explicit. You willbe taken to the thruster base in a transporter which we then bedisinfected before further use.
[VORG] Disinfected?
[PLETRAC] Back. Back, back.
(Daly's cabin)
[ANDREWS] Now, Miss, I'm going to lock you in hereuntil
[JO] Until the Captain can find time to see me. I know.
[ANDREWS] Right. Sensible girl.
(Space Port)
[DOCTOR] Vorg?
[VORG] Doctor, I shouldn't stay too near the Scope. The Drashigs, youknow.
[DOCTOR] Listen, Vorg, I shall need your help. I've got to get backinside this machine.
[VORG] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's the only way I can get Jo out of there in time andsave the rest of your livestock. But I shall need you to trigger thesettings for me.
[VORG] Settings?
[DOCTOR] Look, this is your machine, isn't it?
[VORG] Well, of course it is. Why?
[DOCTOR] Then I presume you know how it works.
[SHIRNA] He won it, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] He what?
[VORG] It was during the Great Wallarian Exhibition.
[SHIRNA] You know what gamblers the Wallarians are. Well, Vorg had themagum pod concession.
[VORG] Surely you've seen it? I have three magum pods and a yorrow seed.You know, the quickness of the hand deceives the eye. You put theyorrow seed under the middle pod
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I have seen something similar. You say you won thismachine? And you haven't the faintest idea how it works? I see. Well,look, this Wallarian that you got it from, did he by any chance giveyou a green or a blue disc. A thing about this big?
[VORG] Oh, he gave me a lot of odds and ends. They're in my bag. I thinkthere is something like that.
[DOCTOR] Well go and have a look, will you? It's very important.
[SHIRNA] What's the idea, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's simple, really. You see, the Scope's, er, omegacircuit is broken. Now if I can link it to the Tardis and use that asthe master, I can reprogramme the Scope.
[SHIRNA] And what will that do?
[DOCTOR] Well, two things I hope. It'll enable me to get Jo out of herein time, and get her out of this wretched contraption, and it willreturn all the other lifeforms to their original space timecoordinates.
[SHIRNA] So they'll all get back to where they came from.
[DOCTOR] I sincerely hope so, yes.
[VORG] Is this it? A bit mucky, I'm afraid.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's it. Thank heavens you kept it. Look, come with meand I'll tell you what I want you to do. Er, would you mind justwaiting there for a moment?
(Outside the Space Port)
[KALIK] Now remember. Do nothing until you get the signal. Is thatclear? Good. About your business. Quickly.
[ORUM] The transporter must arrive shortly.
[KALIK] So, do you think my plan has failed?
[ORUM] Upon reflection, one is conscious of certain flaws.
[KALIK] Indeed?
[ORUM] One gathers the intention is the escape of these Drashigs inorder to cause a disaster that will reflect badly upon President Zarband his regime.
[KALIK] Admirably put.
[ORUM] To this end, one has sabotaged the eradicator in order to leavethe city defenceless.
[KALIK] Precisely. The bigger the disaster, the better for us.
[ORUM] Yes, but is it not possible that one might oneself become part ofthat disaster?
[KALIK] There is a certain minimal risk.
[ORUM] One has no wish to be devoured by alien monstrosities, even inthe cause of political progress.
[KALIK] When the Drashigs burst from the machine, the city will be takenby surprise. We, on the other hand, will be ready to remove ourselvesfrom the area of danger.
[ORUM] One trusts the removal will be speedy. According to that Lurman,the ferocity of the Drashigs is formidable!
[KALIK] No doubt he exaggerates. And in any case, I'm sure that ascommissioners of Inter Minor we shall prove to be more than a match forthese, er, primitive lifeforms. Have no fear, Orum. My plan will notfail.
[ORUM] Well, it will if the Drashigs don't escape.
(Space Port)
[ORUM] And there's no sign of that.
[KALIK] Shush.
[KALIK] Isn't there?
[ORUM] (sotto) They'll never break through those plates. They'remolectic bonded disillum.
[KALIK] (sotto) Then perhaps one had better give them a little help.
[VORG] Will it work, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course it'll work.
[VORG] Well, it's not very well insulated.
[DOCTOR] Then don't touch any bare metal. Right, now listen to me. Thisis the phase one switch here. And this is the phase two. Now, don'ttouch the phase two until the last possible moment. Do youunderstand?
[VORG] I've got that. Phase one, phase two. Yes.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[PLETRAC] What are you doing?
[SHIRNA] The Doctor's going back into the Scope.
[PLETRAC] You will remain here. You came here illegally. Regulationsdemand that you be sent to the ICCA.
[DOCTOR] What's the ICCA?
[VORG] The Inner Constellation Corrective Authority. You won't like it,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Prison?
[PLETRAC] You are, by your own admission, a vagabond.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, yes, very much so. Phase one.
[PLETRAC] What? Er, stop!
[VORG] Oh, no!
[SHIRNA] We'll never get him back now!
[SHIRNA] Can you fix it?
[VORG] I don't know. All these wires.
[SHIRNA] Well, you must try.
[VORG] Well, I'm doing my best.
[SHIRNA] The Doctor's relying on us.
[VORG] Well, put your finger on there a minute, will you?
[SHIRNA] Here?
[VORG] Good. That must be the live terminal.
(Cargo hold)
[JO] Doctor? Doctor, can you hear me?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Jo? Jo, is that you?
[JO] Doctor! Doctor, where've you been?
[DOCTOR] Look, stop asking silly questions and come on.
(Inside the Scope)
[JO] Doctor.
(Space Port)
[VORG] Haven't you found that sprock yet?
[SHIRNA] I think you've lost that, too.
[VORG] Oh.
[ORUM] (sotto) One will have to hurry, Kalik. The transporter's due.
[KALIK] (sotto) Keep Pletrac busy.
[ORUM] (sotto) One will try.
[KALIK] (sotto) Orum.
[SHIRNA] Is this part of something, Vorg?
[VORG] Hmm? Where'd you get that?
[SHIRNA] I found it in your bag. Do you know what it is?
[VORG] Huh. I haven't seen one of these since my national service days.The old Fourteenth Heavy Lasers. Oh, what an outfit. Our batterysergeant was a Crustasoid mercenary with
[SHIRNA] Vorg! The power's almost down to critical. Is the phase twoswitch ready?
[VORG] Well, it won't be long. I've just got to fix this junction box.
(Inside the Scope)
[DOCTOR] Come on, Jo.
[JO] I can't
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[JO] Get my breath.
[DOCTOR] Come on, the circuits are going.
[JO] I can't.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Jo! Come on, one last effort. We're nearly there.
(Saloon cabin)
[CLAIRE] Daddy.
[DALY] Claire.
[CLAIRE] Oh, Daddy.
[DALY] My dear
[ANDREWS] What's the matter?
[DALY] Give us a hand. It's heat exhaustion. I should never have broughther out here.
(Outside the Space Port)
[ORUM] Ah, the transporter has arrived at last.
[PLETRAC] Yes, it is time to get these aliens aboard.
[ORUM] Why was it delayed?
[PLETRAC] One understands that the functionaries at the transporterdepot are refusing to work double shifts.
[ORUM] What impudence.
[PLETRAC] Yes, the functionaries are getting above themselves. We livein troubled times. Oh, do get out of the way, Orum. (From inside thearrivals area comes a roar and male scream.)
(Space Port)
[KALIK] No, no, no, no!
[PLETRAC] Quick, the eradicator!
[PLETRAC] Sabotage! Run for your lives!
[VORG] This way!
[SHIRNA] Vorg, look here!
[SHIRNA] Look out!
(Inside the Scope)
[DOCTOR] Vorg. Vorg. The phase two switch.
(Space Port)
[VORG] Well, that's that.
[SHIRNA] What about the Doctor?
[VORG] Oh, it must be too late.
[SHIRNA] Well, we can try.
[VORG] If you like.
[VORG] No, it's no use. The power's completely gone. No. No, wait aminute.
[VORG] I'll have to switch it off.
[SHIRNA] But you can't!
[VORG] Well, that's it, then.
[SHIRNA] No, wait!
[VORG] It worked!
[DOCTOR] Hello, Vorg. Well, you cut that a bit fine, didn't you?
[VORG] Oh, we had a spot of bother here.
[JO] Doctor? Doctor?
[DOCTOR] It's all right, Jo. It's all right, Jo, we've made it.
[JO] Well, where are the others?
[DOCTOR] Others?
[JO] Well, yes, on the ship?
[DOCTOR] Well, I reversed the original settings and linked them to theTardis, so they should still be on the ship.
[JO] But back in 1926 in the Indian Ocean?
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly.
(Daly's cabin)
[DALY] Who is it?
[CLAIRE] Only me. I didn't wake you, did I?
[DALY] Of course not.
[CLAIRE] I wouldn't want to wake you just to say goodnight.
[DALY] I've been reading.
[CLAIRE] Have you finished it?
[DALY] Yeah. Seems like the longest book I've ever read in me life.
[CLAIRE] It does seem to have been a long trip somehow. Daddy?
[DALY] Hmm?
[CLAIRE] Oh, nothing.
[DALY] Disappointing ending, you know. Fellow became a missionary. Ithought he was going to marry her.
[CLAIRE] Oh, you are an old romantic, aren't you, Daddy? I'll bet halfyour stories about the East are just romances.
[DALY] You'll see for yourself tomorrow, Claire. Bombay!
[CLAIRE] I'm looking forward to that.
[DALY] Don't think young Andrews is though.
[CLAIRE] That's what I mean, you see. Romantic. Goodnight, Daddy.
[DALY] Goodnight, my child. Sleep well.
(Space Port)
[VORG] There was this second monster, barreling in at ninety degrees,practically breathing down my neck, and I swung like this, see, keepinglow and I gave him a quick burst right in the vitals. Snap shot, itwas.
[PLETRAC] We are all extremely grateful to you. Your valour will not beforgotten.
[VORG] Well, it's my natural reaction to stand and fight, you know.
[PLETRAC] Our President will almost certainly wish to honour our Lurmanguests for their courageous action.
[VORG] Some form of decoration perhaps?
[SHIRNA] But how are we going to live? The Scope's had it, and wehaven't a credit bar to our name.
[VORG] You leave that to me, my dear. I say, Pletrac, old man, let meshow you a little trick.
[VORG] I'm so sorry. Now, I have here three magum pods and a yorrowseed. Right? Now, I place the yorrow seed under the middle pod, likeso. Now, I move them very, very slowly. Now watch.
[VORG] Watch carefully. Are you watching? You tell me which pod youthink the seed is under.
[PLETRAC] The middle one.
[VORG] The middle one? You wouldn't like to wager, say, a couple ofcredit bars on your judgement, would you?
[PLETRAC] Certainly. One will wager two credit bars that the seed isunder the middle pod. One can hardly discount the evidence of one'seyes.
[VORG] Oh, you're unlucky.
[PLETRAC] One was obviously too hasty. One will not make the samemistake a second time.
[VORG] Another little wager?
[PLETRAC] Five credit bars. No, ten!
[VORG] Whatever you say, Pletrac. Thank you. You know, I'm going to likeit here. You remind me of the Wallarians, you know. They're greatsportsmen, too. There we are.
[DOCTOR] I don't think we need worry too much about our friend Vorg.
[JO] He'll probably wind up President.
[VORG] Watch carefully.
[PLETRAC] One watches.
[VORG] I move them very, very slowly like that. Now keep watching. Nowyou tell me which pod you think the seed is under. I'm giving you achance to
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s10", "episode": "e02", "title": "Carnival of Monsters"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (24 Feb, 1973; Third Doctor) - Frontier in Space
(Spaceship Bridge)
[HARDY] This is Earth cargo ship C982 on course and on schedule. Weshall be entering hyperspace in fifty seconds.
[STEWART] Do you know what I'd like?
[HARDY] What?
[STEWART] A job on one of those luxury space liners. First Officer onthe Mars Venus cruise, that'd suit me.
[HARDY] You can keep it. Spit and polish, cocktail parties and all thosepassengers?
[STEWART] Gold braid uniform, beautiful stewardesses? Yeah, I'd takethat any time.
[HARDY] You'll more likely wind up pushing a battle cruiser.
[STEWART] There's not going to be an interplanetary war.
[HARDY] Didn't you see the videocast last night? The President ofEarth's government deplores the Draconian attack on two of Earth'scargo vessels.
[STEWART] Look, they steal a few of our cargoes, we steal a few oftheirs. It'll all blow over. Right, we're ready for the jump.
[HARDY] Preparing to enter hyperspace at twenty two oh nine seventy two,two thousand, five hundred and forty EST. Right.
[STEWART] Right.
[HARDY] Hey look, a ship.
[STEWART] That thing's not a ship!
[HARDY] It's going to hit us!
[STEWART] Pulling out of hyperspace now at twenty two thirteen seven twoseven two four zero!
[STEWART] Phew! That was a close thing.
[HARDY] It vanished. It just vanished.
[STEWART] You'd better report it.
[HARDY] Mysterious object sighted during hyperspace transition. Objectresembled large box with flashing light on top. Object disappearedbefore collision. Present whereabouts unknown.
(Spaceship cargo hold)
[JO] Well, I'm never going in that thing again.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on, Jo, be reasonable.
[JO] Only you could manage to have a traffic accident in space.
[DOCTOR] Well, we didn't hit it, did we?
[JO] Didn't we? Where's this then?
[DOCTOR] Well, by a rather brilliant last minute course correction, I'vemanaged to materialise the Tardis inside the spaceship. But to avoidhitting it, I've had to make a random jump back into normal space.
[JO] Terrific, but what do we do now?
[DOCTOR] Well, if I'm going to get us back to Earth, I'd better find outwhere we are. I'll just go and check the instruments.
[JO] Hmm, they're carrying bulk flour.
[DOCTOR [OC]] What?
[JO] They're carrying a cargo of bulk flour.
[JO] Doctor?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Well, I think I know where we are.
[DOCTOR] And I've got a pretty good idea about when.
[JO] Come and take a look at this.
[DOCTOR] Look at what?
[JO] That.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's just a space ship, Jo. You know, I reckon we must besomewhere in the twenty sixth century. Well, interstellar travel'spretty routine by now.
[JO] A moment ago, it seemed to change shape.
[JO] It was when I heard that noise. Didn't you hear it?
[DOCTOR] Well, I did hear something, but very faintly. Come on, Jo.Let's go and find the crew. I want to find the exact date for mycalculations.
[JO] Doctor, it's coming straight at us!
[DOCTOR] What?
(Spaceship Bridge)
[HARDY] You won't believe this.
[STEWART] Now what?
[HARDY] Maybe it's a wreck.
[STEWART] Try and make contact. They may need help.
[HARDY] This is earth cargo ship C982 in close proximity to you. Do youread me? Do you read me?
[STEWART] Try again.
[HARDY] Do you read me? Are you in need of assistance?
[HARDY] It's a weird looking crate.
[HARDY] Draconians!
[STEWART] This close to Earth?
[HARDY] They're going to attack us!
[STEWART] Get the blasters.
[HARDY] You can't take on a battle cruiser.
[STEWART] Get the blasters! Emergency, emergency, red alert. This isEarth cargo ship C982 on coordinate eight nine seven two stroke sixfour eight three. We are under attack by a Draconian battle cruiser,galaxy class, equipped with neutronic missiles. Emergency, emergency!
(Spaceship cargo hold)
[DOCTOR] Well, that's interesting. They must begoing to do a link up.
[JO] What for?
[DOCTOR] Well, the two ships are joined together by a sort of tunnel,you see, with two airlocks. Well, then they equalise the pressureallowing the crew to move from one ship to the other without usingspacesuits. Well, otherwise they'd have to get all kitted up and do aspace walk.
[JO] Fascinating, but let's get back to the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Look, Jo, don't worry. We'll be on our way soon. Now let's goand take look at the ship's calendar.
[DOCTOR] Ah, how do you do? I'm sorry about this intrusion.
[HARDY] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] I said, how do you do?
[HARDY] Dragons! Drop that gun.
[DOCTOR] Gun? I haven't got a gun. This is simply my hand.
[JO] Doctor. No!
[DOCTOR] Jo, what's the matter with you?
[JO] It's a Drashig!
[DOCTOR] Nonsense, it's simply a man with a gun. Now pull yourselftogether.
(Spaceship Bridge)
[STEWART] This is Earth cargo ship C982. Situationred alert. Draconian battle cruiser is now about to grapple. They aregoing to lock on now. Repeat, Draconian battle cruiser about to lock onnow. All anti-boarding procedures carried out. Awaiting instructions.Out.
[PILOT [on monitor]] This is the commander of the Draconian battlecruiser. We are locked onto your vessel and are about to board. If youoffer any resistance, you will be destroyed. Open the hatch of yourairlock.
[HARDY] Move!
[HARDY] I found these two Dragons in the hold.
[STEWART] But that's impossible. They're only just locking on.
[JO] Doctor, what's happening? What's going on?
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure, Jo. Something rather intriguing.
[PILOT [on monitor]] If you resist, we can destroy you with ourneutronic weapons.
[STEWART] If you destroy our ship, you won't get the cargo.
[DOCTOR] Oh, so that's what it's all about.
[PILOT [on monitor]] Open the hatch to your airlock or we shall enteryour ship by force.
[STEWART] We refuse.
[HARDY] They can blow us to pieces!
[STEWART] I've sent a message to Earth asking for help.
[HARDY] Tell them about the prisoners.
[STEWART] We have captured two of your soldiers. They will not surviveif you enter our ship. Lock them in the hold.
[HARDY] Move! Get moving!
[STEWART] Emergency, emergency. Red alert. This is cargo ship C982 oncoordinate eight nine seven two stroke six four eight three. Draconianbattle cruiser has now locked on. They are about to force entry.Repeat, they are about to force entry.
(President's office)
[PRESIDENT] But all these charges are false, your Highness. We are notattacking Draconian ships. We never have.
[PRINCE] Our soldiers have seen the Earthmen attack us. Our cargoes havebeen stolen. We are Draconians. We do not lie.
[PRESIDENT] The honour of your race is well known, your Highness. Thatis why I cannot understand your actions.
[PRINCE] Actions?
[PRESIDENT] You attack our ships, you steal their cargoes, you ignoreour protests and just meet them with these counter charges.
[PRINCE] Our charges are true but yours are false. We do not attack yourships.
[PRESIDENT] This is a transcript of a distress call from one of ourships. From Earth's cargo ship number C982 on coordinate eight nineseven two, six four eight three. We are under attack by a Draconianbattle cruiser, galaxy class, equipped with neutronic missiles.
[PRINCE] The treaty between our two empires established a frontier inspace. We have never violated that frontier. You have invaded our partof the galaxy many times.
[WILLIAMS] In pursuit of your ships when they have raided ours! We'vebeen very patient. perhaps too patient.
[PRESIDENT] General Williams! I take it a rescue attempt has beenmounted?
[WILLIAMS] We've established an automatic procedure because of thefrequency of these attacks.
[PRESIDENT] Then I suggest you go and supervise the matter.
[WILLIAMS] There's no need.
[PRESIDENT] Please do as I say.
[WILLIAMS] As you wish, Madam President.
[PRINCE] Your General is insolent. We know the hatred he has always feltfor our people. Long ago he caused war. Now he wishes to do so again.
[PRESIDENT] He's a soldier, your Highness, and he's angry. The people ofEarth are angry.
[PRINCE] So are the nobles of my father's court!
[PRESIDENT] I must ask you to take my personal appeal to your father,the Emperor. He must put a stop to these attacks. If Draconia has somegrievances against Earth, then this is not the way to deal with them.
[PRINCE] Many of our noblemen felt it was a mistake to make a treatywith the Earthmen. Perhaps they were right. You attack our ships andwhen we protest, you trick us with lies and evasions. I give you afinal warning. The path you are treading leads only to war. And in thatwar, Draconia will destroy you!
(Spaceship room)
[HARDY] In there.
[HARDY] In there.
[JO] Doctor, what's happening on this ship? Are they both mad or am I?First I see a Drashig and
[JO] No, you can put that away. Bolts. And why do they keep calling usDragons?
[DOCTOR] Well, that's the way they see us, I suppose.
[JO] Yes, but why Dragons?
[DOCTOR] It's got to be some non-human life form. Something that they'refrightened of. Dragons. Dragons. Yes, of course, Draconians.
[JO] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, if this is the period that I think it is, there are twogreat empires spreading their way through the galaxy of the Milky Way.
[JO] Empires? You mean like Solos?
[DOCTOR] Those were the declining years of Earth's planetary empire.This is just the beginning. Now Earth and Draconia are both beenexpanding, you see. Colonising one planet after another, and they'resitting on a powder keg.
[JO] Yes, but why do they mistake us for these Dragons?
[DOCTOR] No, Draconians. No, Dragons is rather an unflattering nickname.Well, you remember that sound you heard?
[JO] Yes.
[DOCTOR] And the man that you saw with the gun?
[JO] Oh, no. No, no, what I saw was a Drashig!
[DOCTOR] No, you didn't, Jo. That sound made you see what you fear most.
[JO] How?
[DOCTOR] Well, it shouldn't be too difficult. Ultrasonics geared tostimulate the fear centres of the brain, something like that.
[JO] How long does it last? How long before they see that we're justpeople?
[DOCTOR] Well, difficult to say. It seems to act like a sort ofpost-hypnotic command. It'll fade eventually, of course.
[JO] Why should anybody go to all this trouble to make people seethings?
[DOCTOR] Why indeed.
[JO] Well, we've got to get out of here somehow.
[JO] Doctor! I can see the Tardis!
[DOCTOR] Well, that's one consolation, isn't it?
(Spaceship Bridge)
[STEWART] Try Earth Control again.
[HARDY] Emergency, emergency, red alert. This is Earth cargo ship C982on coordinate eight nine seven two stroke six four eight three.
[HARDY] Ah, they're jamming us.
[STEWART] Well, maybe the first message got through. They'll send help.
[HARDY] Will they? They're probably still passing memos to each other.
[STEWART] They'll send help.
[HARDY] I know what they'll do. They'll send an urgent protest to theDraconian Embassy. By that time, we'll be finished. The governmentshould have blown the buggers out of space years ago.
[STEWART] And have another war?
[HARDY] What do you think this is?
[STEWART] Look, the door of our space lock is ninety nine percentdurilium. They're not going to get through that in a hurry.
[PILOT [on monitor]] Earth men, this is your last warning. Surrenderyour cargo and you will be unharmed. Resist and you will be destroyed.
[STEWART] Right. Looks like battle stations. We'd better get down to theairlock.
[HARDY] You're not going to fight them?
[STEWART] If I have to. Do you have a better idea?
[HARDY] It's only a load of flour!
[STEWART] It's my cargo. And if the Draconians want it, it's going tocost them more than just a few threats.
(President's office)
[NEWSMAN [on screen]] As yet there has been no official comment, butCongressman Brook, Leader of the Opposition has said, the people ofEarth will no longer tolerate these unprovoked attacks. It is time forthe World Government to take a stand and issue a final ultimatum to theDraconian Emperor.
[PRESIDENT] I thought I ordered a complete security blackout.
[WILLIAMS] The news services have their own monitors. They probablypicked up the distress messages.
[WILLIAMS] The rescue ships should rendezvous in seventeen and a halfminutes from now. It'll be too late, of course. All they'll find willbe dead men and a gutted ship.
[HARDY] They'll be through that door any minute!
(Spaceship room)
[DOCTOR] There we go.
[JO] Doctor, what are you doing?
[DOCTOR] I'm reversing the polarity of my ultrasonic screwdriver's powersource, thereby converting it into an extremely powerful electromagnet.
[JO] Oh. What good will that do?
[DOCTOR] You wait and see, Jo.
[JO] Is it working?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think so.
[HARDY] I'm going to get the prisoners.
[STEWART] What for?
[HARDY] We're using them as hostages, remember?
[STEWART] You'd better be quick about it. We haven't got much time.
(Spaceship room)
[JO] How's it going?
[DOCTOR] Nearly there. There you are - that's it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, how very embarrassing. Good afternoon.
[HARDY] Out.
[JO] That's just where we were going.
[HARDY] We're going to meet your friends.
[HARDY] Come on! Get up there!
[STEWART] Come on, they're almost through.
[HARDY] Get in front! If your friends start shooting, they'll get youfirst.
[JO] But they're not our friends!
[STEWART] You are part of their boarding party.
[DOCTOR] Well, they haven't boarded yet. They're still breaking throughthat door. Now, try and be logical, man.
[HARDY] They're coming through!
[JO] Ogrons!
[DOCTOR] Back to the Tardis, Jo. Back!
(Spaceship cargo hold)
[JO] Doctor! Doctor!
(President's office)
[NEWSMAN [OC]] Distress signals have been received from another Earthcargo ship, reporting an attack by a Draconian battle cruiser. Rescueships are now on their way.
[WILLIAMS] There have been anti-Draconian riots in Tokyo and Belgrade,and the Draconian Consulate in Helsinki has been burnt to the ground.In Los Angeles, demonstrators burnt an effigy of you.
[SECRETARY [on monitor]] They have just found the cargo ship, MadamPresident, but it is not responding to signals.
[WILLIAMS] And the Draconians?
[SECRETARY [on monitor]] There is no sign of any Draconian ships, sir.They are about to board now.
[PRESIDENT] Thank you. We shall soon know what really happened.WILLIAMS
(Spaceship cargo hold)
[JO [OC]] Doctor?
[JO [OC]] Doctor!
[JO [OC]] Doctor, I'm over here!
[DOCTOR] All right, Jo, what are you doing in there?
[JO] Oh, Doctor, thank goodness you're all right! I thought they'dkilled you.
(Spaceship room)
[JO] Come on, come and sit down.
[DOCTOR] Must have been some kind of neuronic stun gun. I wonder whythey didn't kill me? What exactly happened, Jo?
[JO] Well, they took the cargo, threw me in here and, Doctor?
[JO] They also took the Tardis.
[JO] We're stranded. What are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] Well, try and get the Tardis back, of course. Why should theOgrons attack this ship?
[JO] To steal the cargo.
[DOCTOR] No. No, there's more to it than that. That sound that youheard, it's all too sophisticated for the Ogrons.
[JO] Well, they're gone now.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, the question is, where?
[JO] Hey, Doctor, last time we met the Ogrons they were working for theDaleks, right? Well, you don't suppose that that
[DOCTOR] No, not necessarily. No, the Ogrons are mercenaries. Other lifeforms use them to do their dirty work. Come on, Jo, let's go and findthe crew.
[DOCTOR] Jo, take a look at that one. Well, they're both stunned, justas I was. That's funny. The Ogrons have repaired the airlock door.
[JO] Well, that was nice of them.
[DOCTOR] Well, if they hadn't, we'd have both been done for. All the airwould have escaped when the ships unlocked.
[JO] Why should they go to all that trouble?
[DOCTOR] Well, maybe they've got kind hearts. There's good in everyoneyou know, Jo.
[GARDINER [OC]] Earth Battle Cruiser to Earth cargo ship number C982. Weare now approaching you. Do you read me?
[DOCTOR] Look after them, will you?
[JO] Right.
[GARDINER [OC]] Do you read me? Earth Battle Cruiser to Earth cargo shipnumber C982. We are now approaching you. Do you read me? Over.
(Spaceship Bridge)
[GARDINER [on monitor]] Earth Battle Cruiser to Earth cargo ship numberC982. We are now approaching you. Do you read me? Do you read me?Prepare to be boarded. Repeat, prepare to be boarded. Do you read me?Over.
[DOCTOR] Hello battle cruiser, battle cruiser. This is the cargo ship.Over.
[GARDINER [on monitor]] What is your situation?
[DOCTOR] The ship has been attacked and the cargo stolen. Over.
[GARDINER [on monitor]] Do you have casualties?
[DOCTOR] Yes, the crew are stunned, but otherwise they're unharmed.Over.
[GARDINER [on monitor]] We shall lock on five seconds from now.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, Jo. We're being rescued.
[STEWART] What happened?
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, old chap. You'll be all right now. I think
[STEWART] Draconians! They're boarding!
[GARDINER] Stewart? Who are you?
[DOCTOR] Passengers.
[GARDINER] I see. Having a fancy dress party? What happened?
[STEWART] Dragons attacked us.
[GARDINER] Did they get the cargo?
[STEWART] I don't know.
[JO] Yes, they took everything.
[DOCTOR] Including some rather valuable property of mine.
[GARDINER] Well, tough luck.
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you very much.
[HARDY] Dragons. They attacked us.
[GARDINER] Yes, we know. You say you're passengers. Isn't that a littleunusual on a cargo ship?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're here, aren't we?
[GARDINER] Where did you pick these two up?
[STEWART] I don't know. I can't seem to remember.
[GARDINER] Pull yourself together! How did they get on board?
[STEWART] Stowaways. That's it. They were stowaways. They were sendingmessages.
[HARDY] That's right. They were helping the Dragons! They're traitors!
[JO] But that's absolute nonsense! Look, we didn'twant to be on this ship. It was an accident!
[GARDINER] You said you were passengers.
[DOCTOR] I was merely trying to avoid a lot of tiresome explanations,old chap.
[GARDINER] Stewart, I'll leave Kemp on board to take your ship back toEarth.
[STEWART] What about these two?
[GARDINER] Lock them in the hold. Put a guard on them.
[JO] But we haven't done anything!
[GARDINER] They say you have! Take them away.
[DOCTOR] Now, if you'll only listen to me
[GARDINER] You can talk to Earth Security. They'll listen. It's theirbusiness. Put them in the starboard cubicle.
[KEMP] All right, get moving.
(Spaceship cargo hold)
[KEMP] In there.
(Spaceship room)
[JO] Whoops! No need to push.
[DOCTOR] Listen. The ships, they're unlocking.
[JO] Still watching the door.
[DOCTOR] That's what he's there for, isn't it.
[JO] Right. We'll give it a few minutes, then I'll start groaning andpretending I'm ill. When he comes in, you can use your Venusian karate.
[DOCTOR] And then what?
[JO] Then, we'll take his gun, go to the flight deck and make somebodytake us back to Earth.
[DOCTOR] Jo, this ship's already going back to Earth.
[JO] Oh. Oh, dear. Hmm. Hey, I've got a terrific idea. I saw this filmonce, you see, and there were these two big gangsters, big fellows theywere, with sort of cauliflower ears
[DOCTOR] Look, Jo
[JO] And one of them
[DOCTOR] Will you stop pacing up and down like a perishing panda. Nowcome and sit down. Let me think, will you? That's better.
[JO] Doctor? Well, now the Ogrons have gone, why don't the crewmenremember what really happened?
[DOCTOR] Because the true facts have been erased from their minds,that's why.
[JO] Well, yes, but why do they keep telling lies about us?
[DOCTOR] They don't know that they're lying, Jo. They're desperatelytrying to fit us into their version of things.
[JO] Well, what are we going to do, then?
[DOCTOR] Well, when we get back to Earth, we've got to reach someone inauthority whose mind isn't already closed.
[JO] Closed to what?
[DOCTOR] Jo, look, these people believe that the Draconians areattacking their spaceships, right?
[JO] Right.
[DOCTOR] And we know that they're wrong, don't we?
[JO] Well, yes, it was Ogrons.
[DOCTOR] Well, we also know that the Ogrons couldn't possibly havecreated that hallucinatory device that makes the Earthmen think they'reDraconians.
[JO] Oh. Oh, well that's simple then. I mean, all we've got to do isfind out what's going on, who's behind the Ogrons, where they've takenthe Tardis, go and get it back and then we can all go home. Right?
[DOCTOR] Right.
[JO] Oh. I don't know what I've been worrying about
(President's office)
[KEMP [on monitor]] We are now in space port ten. The ship will land infifteen minutes. The crew are safe. Also aboard, two human stowaways,origins unknown.
[WILLIAMS] I want a cordon around the landing area the minute that shiptouches down. Nobody on, nobody off till I get there.
[KEMP [on monitor]] Sir.
[WILLIAMS] I'd better get down there. I want to handle the preliminaryinterrogations myself.
[PRESIDENT] Good. General Williams? Whatever you find out, you'll reportdirectly to me.
[WILLIAMS] Naturally. And now if you'll excuse me?
(Spaceship room)
[JO] What do they think they're doing? We've beenlanded for simply ages.
[DOCTOR] Well, twelve minutes to be exact, Jo.
[JO] Shush. Someone's coming.
[KEMP] Outside.
[JO] We want to see somebody in authority.
[KEMP] You're going to. Outside.
(Spaceship cargo hold)
[WILLIAMS] Now then, what's all this about?
(President's office)
[PRESIDENT] Draconian agents? Are you sure?
[WILLIAMS] What else can they be? Their story is obvious nonsense.
[PRESIDENT] But why? Why would the Draconians leave them on board theship?
[WILLIAMS] The Draconians are preparing for war.
[PRESIDENT] You're still only suspecting them. There is no proof.
[WILLIAMS] Then they need to plant human agents, traitors, on thisplanet to sabotage our war effort.
[PRESIDENT] But we are bound to suspect them. They must have realised?
[WILLIAMS] The Draconians probably thought the crew was dead. We couldeasily have accepted those two as passengers. Two unfortunate refugeesfrom a Draconian attack, ideally placed for espionage.
[PRESIDENT] If you are right, the sooner we confront the Draconians withthis, the better. Bring the prisoners in. We'll bring them face to facewith the Draconian ambassador.
(Outside the cell)
[GARDINER] In there.
[GARDINER] When did you last eat?
[JO] Quite some while ago.
[GARDINER] Well, I'll see they send you some food.
[DOCTOR] I'd like to get a message through to your President.
[GARDINER] Not a chance. I'm going straight back to my ship. Don't wantto get mixed up with security. It's not healthy. Look, I'll give you apiece of advice.
[GARDINER] Sooner or later, you're going to tell them everything.They'll use the mind probe. You talk to them now. You'll saveyourselves a lot of trouble.
[JO] A mind probe?
[DOCTOR] Oh, you don't want to worry about those things, Jo. As long asyou tell them the truth, they can't do you any harm.
[JO] They can't?
[DOCTOR] No, of course not. Well, they're only sort of computers with afew extra knobs on. And you know how stupid computers can be, don'tyou? Now come and sit down, stop worrying. Come on. Sit down. Did Iever tell you the story about how I was once captured by the Medusoids?
[JO] What are they?
[DOCTOR] Medusoids? How can I describe them to you? Well, they're a sortof hairy jellyfish with claws, teeth and a leg.
[JO] Erk!
[DOCTOR] Anyway, they put me under one of these mind probes things, yousee, and tried to get me to tell them where I was going. So, I said Iwas on my way to meet a giant rabbit, a pink elephant and a purplehorse with yellow spots.
[JO] What happened?
[DOCTOR] Well, the poor old machine just couldn't believe it, had anervous breakdown.
[JO] And then what happened?
[DOCTOR] Well, they put me under another one of these mind probe thingsand the same thing happened.
[JO] But you weren't telling the truth. I mean, you weren't really goingto meet a giant rabbit, a pink elephant and a, what was it?
[DOCTOR] A purple horse with yellow spots. Yes, I was. You see, theywere all delegates for the third Intergalactic Peace Conference.
[JO] How did you get away from these things?
[DOCTOR] Well they had to turn me loose eventually.
[JO] Why?
[DOCTOR] They ran out of mind probes.
(President's office)
[PRESIDENT] And you are quite sure it was aDraconian battle cruiser.
[STEWART] Of course, Madam.
[HARDY] They locked on and boarded us. We saw them. They wereDraconians.
[PRESIDENT] Thank you. That will be all. I hope you will soon recoverfrom your ordeal.
[PRESIDENT] Well, your Highness?
[PRINCE] These men are your servants. They are saying what they havebeen ordered to say.
[WILLIAMS] On this occasion, we have more than our servants to confrontyou with. We have captured two of your human agents.
[PRINCE] We have no human agents. Subversion and espionage are expresslyforbidden by the treaty of peace between our two empires.
[WILLIAMS] A treaty which you have flagrantly broken.
[PRINCE] I shall return to my embassy.
[PRESIDENT] Just a moment please, your Highness. Bring them in.
[WILLIAMS] These people stowed away on the cargo ship. They transmittedsignals which enabled your battlecruiser to home in on its prey.
[PRINCE] I know nothing of this.
[PRESIDENT] Perhaps you do not, but some servant of the Draconian empireemployed them.
[DOCTOR] Madam, I can assure that I've never been employed by anybody.Least of all by the Draconians.
[PRINCE] Your servants should have been better rehearsed in their lies.
[WILLIAMS] Or they're showing a misguided loyalty to their Draconianmasters.
[DOCTOR] If we really were working for the Draconians, why did theyleave us in your ship?
[WILLIAMS] To act as spies when you were brought back to Earth.
[DOCTOR] Allow me to congratulate you, sir. You have the most totallyclosed mind that I've ever encountered. Madam, I beg of you to listento me. Some third party is trying to provoke war between Earth andDraconia. You are both being duped.
[WILLIAMS] Take them away.
[PRESIDENT] Just a minute, please. Why should a third party wish to dothis?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea, Madam, but believe me, that is what is happening.
[WILLIAMS] Take them away!
[DOCTOR] Now please listen to me! If you don't you'll be involved in awar that could cause the death of millions!
[PRINCE] Is this the evidence upon which you accuse me?
[PRESIDENT] I must ask you to convey a formal protest to your Emperor.
[PRINCE] I shall inform him of this latest insult to the honour of theDraconian empire.
[WILLIAMS] We should have used the mind probe before we saw theAmbassador. If we'd had a full confession.
[PRESIDENT] Has it occurred to you that they might have been speakingthe truth?
[WILLIAMS] Is it likely? Mysterious alien giants that can change theirform? A pocket spaceship that appear inside another?
[PRESIDENT] I suppose you're right. It is nonsensical.
[WILLIAMS] Just you leave them to me. I'll get the truth out of them,eventually.
[JO] Well, we've seen the President.
[DOCTOR] I've got to get them to listen to me, for their sakes as wellas ours.
[JO] Well, why their sakes?
[DOCTOR] Well, that was a Draconian with the President, you know.Obviously an Ambassador of some kind.
[JO] So?
[DOCTOR] Well, clearly Earth and Draconia are on the brink of war, andthey both believe it's the others fault.
[JO] Well, never mind about that. What about getting us out of here?
[DOCTOR] Well, I can but try. Yeah, seems a fairly conventional type ofelectronic lock. Rather old-fashioned really. Here goes.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I think we'll sit here for a while after all.
(Draconian Ambassador's office)
[PRINCE] But why? Why should they produce such anelaborate lie?
[AIDE] The ways of the Earthmen are devious. They're an inscrutablespecies.
[PRINCE] Obviously they are preparing the next stage of their plan.First, the attacks on our ships and now this.
[AIDE] Is it possible, your Highness, that for once the Earthmen spokethe truth? Some plan of the Emperor of which your Highness has not beeninformed?
[PRINCE] The Emperor would not possibly contemplate such a plan. We donot break the treaty of peace.
[AIDE] Shall I prepare your Excellency's report to the Emperor on thismeeting?
[PRINCE] I must have more information.
[AIDE] It would be useful to question the humans who were found on theship.
[PRINCE] They are supposed to be prisoners.
[AIDE] Prisoners have been known to escape, your Highness.
[PRINCE] Not without help. And that would be a grave act of hostility. Icould not possibly countenance such a plan.
[AIDE] But should two escaping prisoners seek sanctuary in this Embassy,it would be uncivilised to turn them away.
[PRINCE] I must not detain you longer. No doubt you have dutiesdemanding your attention?
[AIDE] Your Highness.
(President's office)
[SECRETARY [on monitor]] The First Secretary from the Draconian embassywishes to speak you, Madam President.
[PRESIDENT] Very well.
[AIDE [on monitor]] I'm honoured that you consent to speak to me, MadamPresident.
[PRESIDENT] What is it that you wish to say?
[AIDE [on monitor]] It concerns the two Earthmen who were found on boardyour cargo ship.
[AIDE [on monitor]] His Highness would like to question them. In yourpresence, of course, Madam President.
[PRESIDENT] For what purpose?
[AIDE [on monitor]] His Highness feels that such an interrogation wouldhelp to convince you that they are not agents of Draconia.
[PRESIDENT] I shall have them brought here immediately. I suggest hisHighness joins me here. We shall question them together.
[GUARD] On your feet.
[GUARD] You heard me. Move.
[DOCTOR] Not unless you give me some good reason.
[GUARD] The President wants you. Is that good enough?
[JO] Perhaps she believed you?
[DOCTOR] Are you sure it's the President and not another ridiculousinterrogation.
[GUARD] I said move!
[DOCTOR] Come on, Jo, Perhaps we can convince them after all.
(Security building walkway)
[DOCTOR] Move, Jo! Get up and run!
[JO] Quickly! The Doctor!
[JO] But you don't understand! It's the Draconians. They've got theDoctor!
(President's office)
[WILLIAMS] We must demand the immediate withdrawalof the Draconian embassy.
[PRESIDENT] Break off diplomatic relations completely?
[WILLIAMS] What diplomatic relations? The embassy staff have behavedlike criminals.
[PRESIDENT] We don't know that the Ambassador was behind this!
[WILLIAMS] The attackers were Draconians. They were clearly seen. TheDraconian embassy tricked you into moving the prisoners, then mountedan armed attack in order to rescue their agents.
[PRESIDENT] Is the girl here?
[WILLIAMS] She's outside now.
[PRESIDENT] Bring the girl in. I wish to question her.
[WILLIAMS] And the closing of the Draconian embassy?
[PRESIDENT] I do not intend to break off diplomatic relations!
[WILLIAMS] But surely there's no alternative once this news gets out?
[PRESIDENT] Then it mustn't, General Williams. It is your responsibilityto ensure a complete security blackout on this incident.
[WILLIAMS] Very well, Madam. Under protest.
[PRESIDENT] You can go.
[PRESIDENT] Come forward, my dear. You realise that the escape of yourcolleague has left you in a very serious position?
[JO] But he didn't escape, he was kidnapped.
[WILLIAMS] He was rescued by your Draconian paymasters.
[PRESIDENT] The wisest course you can take now is to make a fullconfession. Remember your colleague has left you to your fate.
[JO] Oh, but you've got it all wrong. You see, the Doctor was pleasedwhen you sent for him because he wanted to talk to you, and
[WILLIAMS] We have eye witness reports on what occurred.
[PRESIDENT] We need to know how you came to work for the Draconians.
[WILLIAMS] When were you recruited? How many agents do they have onEarth? What are their plans?
[PRESIDENT] If you tell us everything, I'll promise you I'll see to itpersonally that you will be treated leniently. JO
[WILLIAMS] We're wasting time. I suggest you let me apply depthinterrogation techniques without delay.
[JO] Look, you can use your mind probe or whatever. I'm telling you thetruth.
(Draconian Ambassador's office)
[DOCTOR] Well, I must say it's very nice of yougentlemen to invite me here. And where is Miss Grant?
[AIDE] Your companion is still with your fellow Earthmen.
[DOCTOR] Don't you realise what you've done? You've now finallyconvinced them that we're both Draconian agents.
[PRINCE] There is no need to maintain this pretence. We know that youare both agents of the Earth government.
[AIDE] You're part of a plot against the Draconian empire.
[DOCTOR] My dear chap, I've already been through all this with thePresident of Earth. She thinks I'm working for you.
[PRINCE] You are working for General Williams.
[DOCTOR] I'm what?
[PRINCE] General Williams hates out people. Once before, he caused warbetween us and the Earthmen. Now he plans to do so again.
[AIDE] Such a war would be madness since both empires would bedestroyed.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I couldn't agree with you more. That's exactly what I'vebeen trying to say to you. The Earth cargo ship was not attacked byDraconians.
[AIDE] It was not attacked at all. The whole story is a lie!
[DOCTOR] I can assure you that it was attacked, but by Ogrons.
[PRINCE] Ogrons?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Some third party's employing them trying to make troublebetween Earth and Draconia.
[PRINCE] If you tell us the details of General Williams' plan, we shallbe able to expose him to your President. There will still be a chancefor peace.
[DOCTOR] My dear chap, nobody is more devoted to the cause of peace thanI am. But I cannot tell you something that I don't know.
[AIDE] We have mind probing techniques just as efficient as thoseemployed by you Earthmen. If you do not speak now, we shall force youto confess!
[DOCTOR] Don't you realise you're completely on the wrong tack? There isa plot, yes, but the Earthmen are not behind it any more than you are.
[AIDE] Take him away!
(Draconian Embassy)
[GUARD] Stop him!
[GUARD 2] Halt!
[DOCTOR] Hello, Jo.
[JO] Doctor, where've you been?
[DOCTOR] I've been paying a brief but unwilling visit to the Draconianembassy. And I'm afraid I had to leave in rather a hurry and foundmyself back here.
[JO] What happened?
[DOCTOR] Well, believe it or believe it not, Jo, they think we'reworking for General Williams and trying to provoke a war.
[JO] Oh no!
[DOCTOR] Yes, Earth is blaming Draconia and Draconia is blaming Earth.
[JO] And both sides are blaming us.
[DOCTOR] That's about it. What's the matter?
[JO] Well, that sound. The one I heard on the cargo ship. I think I canhear it again.
[JO] Ogrons!
[OGRON] You, come.
(President's office)
[PRESIDENT] What's next?
[SECRETARY] The Historical Monuments Preservation Society wants you toaddress their annual meeting on the tenth of January.
[PRESIDENT] Hmm. Clashes with a cabinet meeting. Er, express apologies.Congratulate them on their good work.
[SECRETARY] And there's an enquiry report in on the anti-Draconian riotsin Peking last week. The petitioners seek your support forcompensation.
[PRESIDENT] Pass that on to the Treasury with my recommendation. Allclaims to be sympathetically considered. Anything else?
[SECRETARY] General Williams requires an interview. He says it'sextremely urgent.
(Security building)
[DOCTOR] Get down. That was close.
(President's office)
[SECRETARY [OC]] General Williams to see you, Madam.
[PRESIDENT] Will you ask him to come in, please?
[WILLIAMS] Vanished. The Draconian kidnappers have completelydisappeared. No trace of them at all.
[PRESIDENT] Have some wine?
[WILLIAMS] Thank you. Well, at least they didn't get away with it. Thosetwo traitors are back in their cell and that's where they'll stay. Thetime has come for extreme measures.
[PRESIDENT] I know. You want me to break off diplomatic relations.
[WILLIAMS] I want more than that. This is a military situation. Weshould attack now.
[PRESIDENT] No! I will not be responsible for starting a war!
[WILLIAMS] There is one thing worse than war, Madam President, and thatis defeat. You must think of your own position.
[PRESIDENT] What about my position?
[WILLIAMS] If you're not seen to act decisively against the Draconians,you can, and will, be replaced.
[PRESIDENT] By you, perhaps?
[WILLIAMS] We used to be friends once. I know what's happened haschanged all that, but do you really think I'd betray you?
[PRESIDENT] No. No, I've never doubted you. I'm sorry.
[WILLIAMS] There are certain senior officers who feel that a militarydictatorship is needed. Your political opponents are clamouring forwar. You must act now or they will bring you down.
[PRESIDENT] I shall break off diplomatic relations. The DraconianAmbassador and his staff will be expelled from this planet. I shallinform the Emperor that his actions will no longer be tolerated. Butunless you give me conclusive evidence about their intentions, I shallnot strike the first blow.
[WILLIAMS] The proof you need is in the minds of those two traitors. Weshall have to use the mind probe.
[PRESIDENT] Not on the girl. Perhaps I can make her see reason.
[WILLIAMS] I doubt that. I prefer to put my faith in the mind probe.
[WILLIAMS] Well, Doctor, shall we try again?
[DOCTOR] You can suit yourself. But I warn you, you're wasting yourtime.
[WILLIAMS] Are you a member of the Draconian secret service?
[TECHNICIAN] No change in the rhythm, sir. He must be telling the truth.
[WILLIAMS] How did you get on the cargo ship?
[DOCTOR] I came here in my own ship, the Tardis.
[WILLIAMS] Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my own spaceship.
[WILLIAMS] Why did you help the Draconians attack the cargo ship?
[DOCTOR] I didn't. In any case, it wasn't the Draconians, it was theOgrons.
[WILLIAMS] Your machine can't be working properly, or else he'scontrolling it.
[TECHNICIAN] I've checked all the circuits, sir. Those are his thoughts.
[WILLIAMS] We know that this man is a Draconian agent. He must be lying.
[TECHNICIAN] Perhaps he's already been brainwashed, sir. But as far ashe's concerned, what he's telling us is the truth.
[WILLIAMS] Then we must break through his conditioning. Unless you tellme the truth, the real truth, I shall be forced to use increased power.
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't do that, old man. I know these machines. They aren'tawfully reliable, you know.
[WILLIAMS] You'd do better to worry about the effect on your mind.
[DOCTOR] There's just no telling some people, is there, my dear.
[WILLIAMS] Step up the power. Increase to twelve. Now! Are you an agentof the Draconians?
[WILLIAMS] When do they plan to attack us?
[DOCTOR] They don't.
[WILLIAMS] How did you board the cargo ship?
[DOCTOR] In the Tardis.
[WILLIAMS] Who first recruited you to serve the Draconians?
[DOCTOR] No one.
[WILLIAMS] Who are the other Draconian agents on Earth?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[WILLIAMS] The truth, man. I want the truth!
[DOCTOR] I'm telling you the truth.
[WILLIAMS] I will get the truth!
[JO] Doctor? Are you sure you're all right?
[DOCTOR] Mmm hmm. Apart from a bit of a headache. I like the new outfit.Who are you fighting tonight? What happened to you, anyway?
[JO] Oh, they kept going on at me to confess.
[DOCTOR] Yes, awkward, isn't it? Well, they've made up their minds, yousee. They'll only believe us if we tell them what they want to hear.It's a pity really that the Ogrons didn't succeed in kidnapping us.Perhaps we should have been more helpful.
[JO] Why?
[DOCTOR] Well, if they had succeeded, presumably they'd have taken us towhere the Tardis is. I'm sorry, Jo. I'm afraid another kidnappingattempt is our only ray of hope.
[JO] So, we just sit around here waiting for those jolly old Ogrons toturn up again.
[DOCTOR] That's about it, yes.
[GUARD] The President wants to see you. Get moving. Not you. (Jo) You.
[JO] This may be your chance. Good luck.
[DOCTOR] See you later.
[JO] Bye.
(President's office)
[PRESIDENT] I'm giving you a final chance to tellme the truth.
[DOCTOR] Madam President. I've been telling you the truth for someconsiderable time, but you just won't believe me.
[PRESIDENT] I can't think why you chose to work for the Draconians, butwhatever it is, I'll double any offer that they have made to you.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's very generous of you, Madam, but you'd only bebuying information that doesn't exist.
[PRESIDENT] You leave me no alternative. Under the powers invested in meby the Special Security Act, I'm sending you to the Lunar Penal Colony.
[DOCTOR] What, without a trial? Without even a chance to state my case?So, you're just tucking me quietly away, are you? What about mycompanion?
[PRESIDENT] She will remain here. I have hopes that away from yourinfluence, I might be able to make her see the error of her ways.
[DOCTOR] But you will see that she comes to no harm?
[PRESIDENT] We are not barbarians. If you want to help her, why don'tyou tell me where she comes from? I'd like to inform her family.
[DOCTOR] I'd like to, Madam. I really would, but there's nothing that Ican say that you'd believe. May I say goodbye to her?
[WILLIAMS] No! You'll be leaving immediately for the penal colony. We'reputting you where your Draconian friends will be unable to reach you.
(Penal colony association area)
[WARDER] Over there. Get in line and face the front! Face the front!
[PATEL] What did they get you for?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's a long story. I don't think you'd believe me even if Itold you.
[PATEL] You are a political, aren't you?
[DOCTOR] Not particularly, no.
[PATEL] Oh, come off it. Only politicals get sent to the moon, none ofyour common criminals.
[DOCTOR] Have you got many political prisoners here?
[PATEL] Thousands. Well, I mean, criticise the government and you're forit, aren't you? You a member of the Peace Party?
[DOCTOR] Well, you might put it like that, yes. Yes, I tried to stop awar.
[PATEL] Me, too. I tried to sabotage a military base.
[DOCTOR] Did you? How long is your sentence?
[PATEL] Sentence? Where have you been? There are no sentences. Once theysend you to the moon, it's forever.
[CROSS] No talking!
[WARDER] Get in line!
[CROSS] What have you got in there?
[PATEL] Nothing.
[CROSS] Show me.
[PATEL] Chocolate. My allowance from the remand prison.
[CROSS] No chocolate allowed here.
[DOCTOR] Now that's stealing, you know.
[CROSS] That's what I'm in for. Got a trouble maker, have we?
[DOCTOR] That's what I'm in for.
[CROSS] I'll remember you.
[DOCTOR] Good, I'm glad to hear it.
[WARDER] Attention!
[CROSS] New arrivals, sir.
[GOVERNOR] I am the Governor of this penal colony. There's one rulehere. You do as you're told. If you behave yourselves, you'll bereasonably treated, but you have no rights and there is no means ofescape. You'll do well to remember that you're here for the rest ofyour lives. Why is that man not in uniform?
[CROSS] Don't know, sir. That's how they sent him. Special securityprisoner.
[GOVERNOR] See he's kitted out immediately.
[CROSS] Sir.
[PATEL] We won't be staying here forever, you know! The Peace Party willwin one day.
[GOVERNOR] Very well, Cross, I'll leave them to you.
[CROSS] Sir. That's probably the last time you'll see the Governor. Butyou'll see me every day. Now I run a nice quiet tidy section here. Anytrouble, it's a black mark on my records, so there's, er, never anytrouble. Got it?
[PATEL] Look, don't you realise that you're one of us? We're allprisoners here! Victims of the system!
[CROSS] Shut up, you! (to the old man) You, kit out that man. (to theguard.) Come with me.
[DOCTOR] I thought you said there were no common criminals here?
[DALE] Cross is a trusty. They are all hardcore criminals speciallyimported from other prisons.
[PATEL] Professor Dale?
[DALE] You were on our youth committee, were you not?
[PATEL] That's right, sir. We met last year, just before your arrest.
[DALE] Well, you'll find yourself in very good company here, my boy. Isometimes think there are more members of the Peace Party up here thanback on Earth.
[DOCTOR] Don't any of you try to escape?
[DALE] Escape? Occasionally. Why do you ask?
[DOCTOR] It seems a perfectly natural question.
[DALE] Do you know this man?
[PATEL] Er, no, sir. I met him on the shuttle.
[DALE] I'd better get you a uniform. Come this way.
(President's office)
[PRESIDENT] There's no doubt about it. These are the same people.
[WILLIAMS] No doubt. But that doesn't mean we should hand them over toanyone.
[PRESIDENT] I'm surprised. Especially about the girl.
[PRESIDENT] All these crimes!
[WILLIAMS] Just the sort of people the Draconians would employ.
[PRESIDENT] Nevertheless the dominion government of Sirius 4 does have aclaim to them.
[WILLIAMS] And so do we. They have vital information.
[PRESIDENT] They must be very important to them. I think I'd better seetheir representative. Send in the Commissioner from Sirius 4, please.
[WILLIAMS] Surely you're not going to hand them over?
[PRESIDENT] Well, we'll have to see, won't we. Relationships with thecolony of planets are always difficult. And if there is a war, we'llneed all the allies we can get, won't we?
[SECRETARY] The commissioner, Madam.
[MASTER] Madam President. This is indeed a great honour.
(Penal colony association area)
[PATEL] Check and mate.
[DALE] Yes, there's an excellent library. There are books, videofilms,handicrafts and discussion groups. All sorts of ways of passing thetime.
[DOCTOR] Including planning to escape?
[DALE] That's not one of the things we discuss.
[DOCTOR] Oh, why? Doesn't anybody ever try?
[DALE] Occasionally. There was an attempt last month.
[PATEL] Yes, what did happen?
[DALE] What always happens. They are dead. No one escapes from here.
[DOCTOR] No. No, quite so. But there's got to be a first time foreverything, hasn't there? Come on, Professor, come and tell me all youknow about the layout here.
(President's office)
[MASTER] Truly, Madam President, I sympathise withyour position, but my government has sought these criminals throughoutthe galaxy.
[WILLIAMS] There are now prisoners of the government of Earth. That'sgood enough.
[MASTER] With the greatest respect, General Williams, I must disagree.They are citizens of Sirius 4.
[WILLIAMS] Part of Earth's empire.
[MASTER] Yes, but it has been granted dominion status.
[PRESIDENT] He has a point, General Williams. Once a colony has beenraised to dominion status it enjoys certain autonomous rights,including the right to try and punish its own citizens.
[MASTER] Exactly. But I feel assured that once these two have come totrial, my government will be only too happy to send them back to youfor further interrogation. But meanwhile, my orders are clear. I musttake them back with me to Sirius 4.
[WILLIAMS] I will not hand over vital prisoners to some tin-pot colony!
[PRESIDENT] As the Commissioner has pointed out, General Williams,Sirius 4 is no longer a colony. It is a dominion. Your request isgranted.
[MASTER] Madam President. I am most grateful.
[WILLIAMS] Heaven help you if you let them escape!
[MASTER] You may rest assured, General Williams, they will be perfectlysafe with me.
(Penal colony association area)
[WARDER] Right, keep it moving!
[DOCTOR] Is this all we get?
[DALE] It contains all the elements to support life.
[DOCTOR] Mmm, and absolutely nothing to make it enjoyable, eh?
[DALE] You get used to it after a month or two. Anyway, it's all we everget.
[WARDER] Keep moving!
[CROSS] You heard him. Move!
[DOCTOR] Not exactly friendly, are they.
[DALE] One gets used to it.
[PATEL] What time do we get to bed?
[DALE] Anytime. There's no day or night here.
[DOCTOR] No. Tell me, Professor, when do you plan to escape?
[DALE] No one escapes from here.
[DOCTOR] But you're going to try?
[DALE] For all I know, you could be a spy for the Governor.
[DOCTOR] If I were, I'd hardly be drawing attention to myself quite soquickly, now would I?
[DALE] No, a valid point of logic. I wonder if I can trust you?
[DOCTOR] You've little or no alternative, Professor. We're all in thissector together. Whatever you do, I shall know about it.
[PATEL] Yes, but we don't know you. Why did they send you here?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I was sent here at the express wish of a certain GeneralWilliams.
[DALE] We have no proof of that. We have no reason to tell you anything.
[DOCTOR] I'll tell you something. There is a conspiracy to start a warbetween Earth and Draconia.
[DALE] There are warmongers on both sides. We are aware of that.
[DOCTOR] But there's also a third party, Professor, who is plotting toset the two empires at each others throats.
(Outside the cell)
[MASTER] No, I'll see her alone.
[MASTER] Penny for them, Miss Grant?
[JO] You. What are you doing here?
[MASTER] To coin a phrase. I've come to take you away from all this.
[JO] What are you talking about?
[MASTER] Well, surely you don't want to spend the rest of your life inhere, do you?
[JO] Well, I'm not going anywhere with you, that's for sure.
[MASTER] Oh, but you are, you know. Believe it or not, I am a fullyaccredited Commissioner from the planet Sirius 4, and you and theDoctor are two dangerous criminals being handed over into my custody.
[JO] So it was you! You ordered those Ogrons to attack the ships andpretend they were Draconians!
[MASTER] But of course. Those lumbering idiots could never have thoughtup such a brilliant scheme by themselves.
[JO] Why did you want to start a war?
[MASTER] Now, come on, Miss Grant, be reasonable. You want to see theDoctor again, don't you?
[JO] Where is he?
[MASTER] He's in another prison, on the moon. We're going to collecthim.
[JO] How do I know you're telling the truth?
[MASTER] You don't. And the only way you'll find out is by coming withme. Well?
[JO] How did you know we were here in the first place?
[MASTER] Well, after they'd attacked the cargo ships, the Ogronsreturned to their planet, taking their loot with them. Now imagine mysurprise, and my delight, when I found that they'd brought me theDoctor's Tardis.
[JO] And why are you taking us with you?
[MASTER] Oh, need you ask? How could I leave two dear friends in suchdire straights?
[JO] Oh, you don't seriously think that I'm going to believe that youwant to help us
[MASTER] Believe what you like, Miss Grant. I have my reasons. Now, areyou coming, or do you really wish to vegetate in this hole for the restof your natural?
[JO] Very well. I'll come.
[MASTER] Excellent! The prisoner and I are ready to leave now, guard.
[JO] Anywhere is better than here.
(Penal colony association area)
[DOCTOR] Well, there you are. There you have it.That's how I came to be here.
[PATEL] It's fantastic! I mean, our people seeing Draconians, Draconiansseeing Earthmen. I can't believe it.
[DALE] Well, I can.
[DOCTOR] Good grief. Do you know, sir, you're the first person who'sbelieved me?
[DALE] It would explain a great deal. After the stupidity of theDraconian war, the bitterness eventually died down and we had manyyears of peace. There were trade treaties, cultural exchanges and thenfor no reason at all, these sudden acts of hostility.
[WARDER] Dale! Over here!
[DALE] Yes, what is it?
[WARDER] Spot check. You ought to know.
[DALE] If you'll excuse me. One of our little prison rituals.
[CROSS] (sotto) This is it. There's a VIP landing in his spaceship inten minutes time, bay seven. You can pinch it. I've set up two spacesuits for you.
[DALE] (sotto) I can't believe it.
[CROSS] (sotto) Well, I keep my promises, now you keep yours. When youget back to Earth, don't forget who your friends are.
[DALE] (sotto_ When the Peace Party takes over, you'll be given a freepardon. You have my word.
[CROSS] Right, you're clean. Report to airlock three for maintenancework. You and one other. You can choose him yourselves, okay?
[DOCTOR] What is it? What's up?
[DALE] Oh, just a search. All part of the routine.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Professor. Come on. You were giving off conspiracy inwaves over there. You can trust me, you know.
[DALE] The escape plan. It's now. We have to walk from the airlock,across the moon's surface. We are going to steal a spaceship. They haveleft two spacesuits for us.
[DOCTOR] Who are you taking with you?
[DALE] Well, I had planned to take another member of the Peace Partycommittee, but I'm afraid he'll have to give up his place. Doctor, Iwant you to come with me.
[DOCTOR] Well that's very generous of you, but
[DALE] We must get you back to Earth so that you can tell your story.
[DOCTOR] Well, it was telling my story on Earth that got me sent here inthe first place.
[DALE] We have contacts everywhere. Journalists, broadcasters, evenfriends in the government. We'll make them believe you.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Professor. You don't know what it means to me tohave found allies at last.
[DALE] Well, we'd better be going, Doctor. This spaceship will belanding any moment.
(Outside the Lunar airlock)
[DALE] Good! He's left it open.
(Lunar airlock)
[DALE] Excellent! Excellent! Come on, Doctor, we haven't got long.
[DOCTOR] Take this one?
[DALE] We can't use the main entrance to the space port. It's too wellguarded. All we have to do is to walk across the moon's surface. Aboutten minutes and we're there.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, Professor, why is Cross helping you?
[DALE] A kind of bribery, I'm afraid. I promised to get him a freepardon once we get into power.
[DOCTOR] That's extraordinary. I would have thought he would have wantedsomething far more positive than promises.
(Outside the Lunar airlock)
[DALE [OC]] Oh, he's not a bad fellow when you getto know him.
(Lunar airlock)
[DALE] I appealed to his better self. Now do hurry,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What's that? I thought I heard something.
[DALE] Yes. Now, Doctor, clip my cylinder on the back of my suit andthen I'll fix up yours.
[DOCTOR] All right.
[DOCTOR] Well, this one's empty.
[DALE] It can't be.
[DOCTOR] Well, it certainly is. Take a look for yourself. There, look atthe gauge. Yes, and so is this one. They're both empty, Professor.
[DOCTOR] The door. It's locked!
[DALE] Listen.
[DOCTOR] They're depressurising. Don't you understand, man? They'repumping out the air!
(Lunar airlock)
[DALE] We're going to suffocate!
[DALE] That's no good. They'll never hear us.
[DOCTOR] They certainly won't if we don't try.
[DALE] Help! Help! Help!
[DOCTOR] Professor, don't shout. You'll just waste oxygen.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Professor, come on. Come on, up you get.
[DOCTOR] Listen. Listen, it worked!
[MASTER] I do hope that you're all right, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You. Yes, I might have guessed.
[MASTER] I'd hate you to come to any harm, you know/
(Governor's office)
[DOCTOR] It was a deliberate attempt atcold-blooded murder, Governor. And I demand an enquiry.
[GOVERNOR] You were trying to escape. You've only yourselves to blamefor the consequences.
[DOCTOR] I also believe there was a conspiracy to destroy this manbecause he's politically dangerous to you.
[GOVERNOR] How dare you!
[DALE] Cross said he would help us to escape, and he left spacesuits forus in the airlock.
[DOCTOR] With no oxygen in the cylinders.
[GOVERNOR] Is there any truth in this?
[CROSS] No, sir. They stole the suits. Must have messed it up and takenones with empty cylinders.
[DOCTOR] And I take it we that also locked ourselves in the airlock fromthe outside and switched off the air supply?
[MASTER] He does have a point there, you know, Governor? Had it not beenfor my time
[CROSS] Maybe another prisoner did it? You know, one who had it in forthem?
[GOVERNOR] You are both guilty of attempting to escape. You'll both beplaced in solitary confinement for the next year.
[MASTER] Er, just a moment, Governor. Do what you will with the old manbut that one comes with me.
[GOVERNOR] Out of the question, I'm afraid. He's committed an internaloffence and is subject to prison discipline. Take them away.
[CROSS] Sorry about this, sir. I'll see it doesn't happen again.
[GOVERNOR] Yes, it had better not. All right, you can go.
[CROSS] Sir.
[MASTER] You know, I do wish that you'd reconsider, Governor. Obtainingcustody of that prisoner is very important to me. And I do have awarrant.
[GOVERNOR] It's out of the question, I'm afraid. You see, he's underpunishment. When he's completed his solitary confinement, I'llreconsider.
[MASTER] I see. You know, I have a theory about this incident.
[GOVERNOR] It's no concern of yours.
[MASTER] I think that those two prisoners were telling the truth. Ithink that your trusty, Cross, was helping them.
[GOVERNOR] Why should he do that?
[MASTER] On your instructions.
[GOVERNOR] That is an outrageous suggest
[MASTER] Oh come, Governor. You rid yourself of a politically dangerousprisoner, and foster the legend that escape is impossible in one go. Imust congratulate you.
[GOVERNOR] You're being very impermanent.
[MASTER] Suppose I were to support the Doctor's demand for an officialenquiry? Some very awkward questions could be asked.
[GOVERNOR] I have nothing to fear.
[MASTER] Haven't you? Oh, come, Governor. Hand the Doctor over to me andI promise you he'll be no further trouble to you.
[GOVERNOR] Well, I've no wish to be uncooperative. What would you dowith him?
[MASTER] Oh, take him back to Sirius 4 and see that he stands trial. Youwouldn't believe the list of crimes he's committed.
(Solitary confinement)
[GOVERNOR] I'm releasing you into the custody of this Commissioner. Hewill fly you back to Sirius 4 to stand trial.
[DOCTOR] And may I ask what I'm supposed to have done there?
[MASTER] Defrauding the Sirius 4 Dominion Bank, evasion of planetaryincome tax. Assault and battery committed upon the person of a Sirius 4police official. Taking a spaceship without authority and piloting thesaid spaceship without payment of tax and insurance. Landing the saidspaceship on an unauthorised area of Sirius 3. Need I go on?
[DOCTOR] I seem to be quite the master criminal, don't I? You don't meanto say that you really believe all this nonsense, do you, Governor?Whatever credentials that he's shown you are forged.
[MASTER] Oh come, Doctor, you know the game's up. Why not admit defeat?You know, this man always works with an accomplice. A girl. I've gother under lock and key in my ship. Well, Doctor, are you comingquietly?
(Police spaceship brig)
[DOCTOR] Hello, Jo.
[JO] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] How are you? All right?
[JO] Well
[MASTER] Right, they'll be plenty of time for the exchange of socialpleasantries. Put him inside.
[MASTER] Thank you, gentlemen. You can leave them to me now.
[MASTER] Well, Doctor, this is an interesting reversal. I remember youronce visiting me when I was in prison.
[DOCTOR] You know, I'd very much like to know why?
[MASTER] Why you've been locked up?
[DOCTOR] No. Why I'm still alive.
[MASTER] Oh, your health is very precious to me, for the moment. Yousee, my employers are most interested in you.
[JO] The Ogrons?
[MASTER] Miss Grant, please. I employ them.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well whatever it is you're up to, you needn't expect anyhelp from me.
[MASTER] I don't need any help. Your simple presence will be quiteenough. Oh, by the way, I need hardly warn you there is no point intrying to escape. This is an interplanetary police spaceship, speciallybuilt for carrying prisoners, as you can see.
[DOCTOR] Stolen, of course?
[MASTER] Of course. Oh, and another thing. There's a closed circuittelevision camera trained on you from up there, so you will be undercontinuous observation. I think that's all. Well now, if you'll excuseme, I have some rather complicated astro-navigational calculations towork out.
[DOCTOR] Er, may I ask where we're going?
[MASTER] Certainly. To the home of our friends, the Ogrons. A barren anduninteresting planet on the remote fringes of the galaxy.
[JO] Why are you taking us there?
[MASTER] That, Miss Grant, you will discover when you arrive.
[DOCTOR] Right, now listen to me. We haven't got much time before hegets back to the flight deck. Now, the first thing we've got to do isto escape. Now they took my sonic screwdriver from me in the prison,but they didn't get a hold of this.
[DOCTOR] A steel file.
[JO] Right, let's go.
[DOCTOR] No, not yet. Let's wait until he gets back to the flight deck,then he'll set the controls. Now, this is an automatic spaceship. Oncewe're underway, the computers take over, right?
[JO] Okay, so what's the plan?
[DOCTOR] Now this is what we're going to do.
(Police spaceship bridge)
[MASTER] Right, you'd better hold in there, you two. We're about to liftoff.
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] So I told the High Council of the Time Lords. Isaid they had absolutely no right to put me on trial in the firstplace. Well, if I chose to go wandering around the universe in my owntime
(Police spaceship brig)
[DOCTOR] That was my business.
[JO] What about stealing the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] I didn't steal it. I just borrowed it. I fully intended toreturn it, I assure you. Anyway, she wasn't exactly the latest model,poor old thing.
[JO] You can say that again.
[DOCTOR] I'll tell you, I made a complete fool of that prosecutingcouncil, though. I ridiculed his every argument. Yes, and I told himthat I had the complete answer to every one his charges against me.
[JO] And then what happened?
[DOCTOR] Then what happened. Well, they found me guilty, changed myappearance and exiled me to Earth.
[JO] And that's where you met me.
(Police spaceship bridge)
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] That's right. That's where Imet you. And that alone made the exile worth while, Miss Grant.
[JO [on monitor]] Thank you.
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Not that there's anything wrong with Earth. Well,it's quite a nice little planet in its own way, but after all, I am aTime Lord, Jo, and I think I deserve my freedom.
[JO [on monitor]] Right.
[MASTER] In reminiscent mood, are you, Doctor? Poor Miss Grant - youhave my deepest sympathy.
(Police spaceship brig)
[DOCTOR] As I soon realised, the trouble withLethbridge Stewart is that he's got a military mind.
[JO] Well, he is a Brigadier, after all. I mean, what do you expect?
[DOCTOR] No, that's the trouble though. He's hidebound, you see. Healways does everything by the rules. I keep telling him. I said, thereare times, you know, when you've simply got to cut right through thered tape.
[JO] And you managed to do that, have you?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I've managed to cut right through it.
[DOCTOR] And I'm not going to let authority stand between me and myfreedom.
[JO] Lethbridge-Stewart, how I. Hey! As far as he's concerned
(Police spaceship bridge)
[JO [on monitor]] I've been absent without leave all this time. I'malways telling you that you've no idea where you're going in
(Police spaceship brig)
[JO] That Tardis of yours. I mean, you're supposedto be getting me back to Earth, right? And we keep landing up in oneterrible situation after the other.
[JO] I mean, when I get back, I'll probably be court-martialled, andthen I'll be put in a cell again. That's if we do get back, and the waythings are going, it doesn't look like it. But if we do get back, I'mtelling you one thing, right here and now.
[JO] I'm never going back in that Tardis with you again. But if we doget back, I really do think you ought to be a bit more reasonable withthe Master.
[JO] I mean, he keeps offering you a share in the galaxy, or whatever'sgoing on, and you keep refusing him and playing dirty tricks on him.But, you see, the trouble is with you is, well, you're so stiff-necked.I mean, you've got to realise that this time
(Police spaceship bridge)
[JO [on monitor]] The Master has won. You might as well make the bestout of a terrible situation. I mean, look at it now. Here we are
[JO [on monitor]] This ship. Goodness knows where he's taking us to. Imean, just a few of those Ogrons is bad enough. Can you imagine, Imean, imagine a whole planet of them?
(Police spaceship brig)
[JO] Still, I suppose I suppose it's all my ownfault really. I mean, if I hadn't asked my uncle to pull those stringsand get me that job, I'd never have landed up in this mess in the firstplace.
[JO] You know, some people think that it's very romantic working inintelligence. Oh, but my goodness, I could tell you it's not.
[JO] I mean, they that I run around all day with terrific-looking JamesBond types going to suave dinner parties.
[JO] Oh, but I don't, you know. I mean, either I'm with the Brigadierand I'm doing the filing at HQ, which is very, very difficult, or elseI'm running around making tea and being general dogsbody. I mean, thetimes come really when I'm
(Police spaceship bridge)
[MASTER] You'd better hold on again, you two in there. Doctor, MissGrant, I'm going to make rather a sharp course correction.
(Police spaceship brig)
[MASTER [OC]] It'll only last a moment. (Theengines fire and Doctor loses his grip on the external ladder, floatingoff into space a short distance. It is 05 35 according to the bridgeclock. The Doctor disconnects his air hose and turns up the pressure touse it as a jet to push himself back to the ship's hull.)
(Police spaceship bridge)
[MASTER] Is everything all right, Miss Grant?
(Police spaceship brig)
[JO] Yes. Yes, I'm fine.
[MASTER [OC]] You appear a little distressed.
[JO] No. I'm, I'm just a bit shaken, that's all.
[MASTER [OC]] Yes, I can
(Police spaceship bridge)
[MASTER] Quite understand. And how about you,Doctor? No ill effects, I hope? (silence) Doctor, are you all right?
[JO [OC]] Please don't wake him. He's, he's fast asleep.
[MASTER] Is he? How very relaxed of him. (The Master gets a hand weaponfrom a cupboard and leaves. The Doctor has reconnected his air hose andis climbing up the spaceship to an access hatch, which he opens easily,and climbs inside.)
(Police spaceship brig)
[JO] (trying not to cry) You really ought to bemore careful, Doctor. I mean, I know there's a lot of, a lot of evil inthe universe, but you can't help to put it all right by yourself. Imean, one of these days your luck will run out and you'll get yourselfkilled.
[MASTER] Thank you, Miss Grant, we'll let you know. Where's the Doctor?
(Police spaceship bridge)
[MASTER [OC]] I say, he has been busy, hasn't he? Where is he, MissGrant?
[JO [OC]] He's gone.
(Police spaceship brig)
[MASTER] Why? What's his plan?
[JO] He wanted to get to the flight deck. He was outside the ship whenyou made your course correction!
[MASTER] Was he now. How very unfortunate. By now he's probablythousands of miles away, swimming around in space by himself. But justin case he isn't, you come with me, Miss Grant. Come on.
[MASTER] Right, in you go, Miss Grant.
[MASTER] Can you hear me, Doctor?
(Police spaceship bridge)
[MASTER [on monitor]] Are you on the flight deck?If so, listen to this. Miss Grant is in the airlock.
(Police spaceship brig)
[MASTER] Unless you surrender yourself to meimmediately, I shall open the outer door and hurl her into space.
[MASTER] What an ingenious fellow you are, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no you don't!
[JO [OC]] Let me out! Please let me out!
(Police spaceship airlock)
[JO] Doctor! Please let me out, somebody!
(Police spaceship brig)
[MASTER] Now hold it, Doctor, hold it! Get that blaster over to me or Ipress this button and that'll be the end of Miss Grant.
[MASTER] Thank you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hello. We appear to have company.
[DOCTOR] Would these be your Ogron friends?
[MASTER] Why, no, no.
[DOCTOR] Well, I should try and be a bit more hospitable, old chap. Comeon, put that gun away. They've probably got us outnumbered.
[MASTER] Welcome on board my ship. To what do I owe the honour?
[CAPTAIN] Why have you violated the Draconian frontier?
[MASTER] Yes, I'm most apologetic about that, but it was really beyondmy control. You see, my prisoners were trying to escape and my ship wasthrown off course.
[CAPTAIN] Prisoners?
[MASTER] Yes, I am the Commissioner of Earth's Interplanetary Police.I'm taking these two people back to planet Sirius 4 for trial. Here ismy warrant of authority.
[DOCTOR] Now don't believe this man. He's lying.
[CAPTAIN] I'm not concerned in disputes between Earthmen. Owing to themany insults and outrages committed against the empire of Draconia, astate of emergency exists and all diplomatic relations have beensevered. You have violated Draconian space. The penalty is death.
[MASTER] I insist on speaking to higher authority!
[CAPTAIN] You are in Draconian space. I am the authority here.
[DOCTOR] Captain, you cannot condemn us without a trial. Now I havevital information for your Emperor. At least give me the chance tospeak to him.
[CAPTAIN] We shall take them to Draconia. Put them in the cage.
[MASTER] But you can't do that! I'm a Commissioner of InterplanetaryPolice. This is my spaceship! I tell you, you can't do that!
[DOCTOR] Well, personally I'm quite happy to be going to Draconia, Jo.Perhaps we can convince the Emperor what our friend here has beentrying to do.
[MASTER] You really think he'd believe you?
[DOCTOR] Well, this won't be my first visit to Draconia, you know? Manyyears ago, I spent quite some time there. I was able to help themthrough a period of very great difficulty.
[MASTER] Huh! Displaying your usual sickening lovability, I suppose.
[JO] So there's a good chance that they'll believe you, huh?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a long time ago. Things may have changed. But I dounderstand the Draconian mentality, Jo. It all depends how you approachthem.
[JO] So, if they do believe the Doctor, you've had it.
[MASTER] Perhaps, Miss Grant, perhaps. But one never knows when help maybe at hand. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think that this is going to berather a long journey, so, er, goodnight.
[DOCTOR] We'll wake you with a cup of tea in the morning.
[MASTER] Thank you.
(Police spaceship brig)
[DOCTOR] Well, that's it then. Come on, we've landed.
[JO] Oh, hadn't we better wake our cellmate?
[DOCTOR] He's awake already. He's just trying to show us how unconcernedhe is.
[MASTER] How well you know me, Doctor! Now come on, smarten yourselvesup. We want to look our best for a royal audience, you know.
[JO] He's very confident.
[MASTER] Well, Miss Grant, as an Earth poet once said, 'My strength isas the strength of ten because my heart is pure'. Come on, you fellows,let me out! Your Emperor is waiting to see me.
(Throne room)
[PRINCE] So, father, once more Earthmen have invaded our space.
[EMPEROR] You will address the Emperor in a proper manner!
[PRINCE] Your pardon. May I have permission to address the Emperor?
[PRINCE] My life at your command.
[EMPEROR] One day, my son, you will inherit this throne. Then you willrealise the importance of due formality. Now, what do you wish to say?
[PRINCE] Surely now you will declare war upon the Earthmen? Let me leadyour battlefleets to crush their
[EMPEROR] They too have battlefleets, my son. Such a war could wellbring down both empires.
[PRINCE] Not if we strike first, then we shall be the victors!
[EMPEROR] In such a war, there are no victors.
[PRINCE] The nobles of the court are demanding action. They fear for thehonour of Draconia.
[EMPEROR] I am the Emperor. The honour of Draconia is vested in me.
[PRINCE] The throne depends upon the great families for support.Emperors have been deposed before now.
[EMPEROR] An Emperor who does not rule deposes himself.
[PRINCE] Then what will you do, father?
[EMPEROR] I shall question these Earthmen myself. I have already sentfor them.
[PRINCE] Why waste time listening to their lies?
[CAPTAIN] Majesty, I bring you the prisoners.
[DOCTOR] May I have permission to address the Emperor?
[PRINCE] This is an insult!
[DOCTOR] My life at your command, sire.
[PRINCE] How dare you address the Emperor in a manner reserved for anoble of Draconia?
[DOCTOR] Ah, but I am a noble of Draconia. The honour was conferred onme by the fifteenth Emperor.
[PRINCE] The fifteenth Emperor reigned five hundred years ago.
[MASTER] Your Majesty, do not be taken in by this ridiculous story.
[EMPEROR] Be silent! There is a legend among our people of a man whoassisted the fifteenth Emperor at a time of great trouble when we werealmost overwhelmed by a great plague from outer space. But you couldnot be that man. No Earthman lives so long.
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty, this man that you speak of, was he not known asthe Doctor? And did he not come to this planet in a spaceship calledthe Tardis?
[EMPEROR] He did.
[DOCTOR] Well, I am that man, sire. And I come from a race of peoplethat live far longer than any Earthman.
[EMPEROR] Even if I accept your claim, you have broken our law. Why didyou violate Draconian space?
[MASTER] Your Majesty, this man was, and still is, my prisoner.
[DOCTOR] It is true, your Majesty. I did come here as a prisoner, but Icame willingly, in order to warn you that this man is plotting a warbetween Earth and Draconia.
[PRINCE] All Earthmen are determined upon war.
[DOCTOR] Ah, but the Master is not an Earthman. I'm sorry to have toadmit it, but he's a renegade of my own race, and he's using creaturescalled Ogrons to attack your spaceships and those of the Earthmen.
[EMPEROR] The Earthmen who attacked our spaceships, they have been seenmany times.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, but there you are in error, sir. Your people haveseen Ogrons, but they appear to them as Earthmen because of a hypnoticdevice.
[JO] It's true, your Majesty. When Ogrons attacked the Earth ships, theEarthmen saw them as Draconians.
[PRINCE] Silence! Females are not permitted to speak in the presence ofthe Emperor.
[MASTER] Your Majesty, do not be deceived by the pathetic ravings of twocriminals trying to evade justice.
[EMPEROR] If what you say is true, it would explain much. We lived atpeace with the Earthmen for many years, then suddenly they began toraid our spaceships. When we protested, they said that we wereattacking them.
[PRINCE] In order to cover up their own attacks, This is simply a plotof the Earthmen to lull us into false security.
[EMPEROR] Speak!
[MESSENGER] Your Majesty, a spaceship from Earth seeks permission toland in the palace spaceport. They say they're on a special missionfrom the President of Earth.
[PRINCE] This is a trick! You must not allow them to land!
[EMPEROR] We are not yet at war with Earth. I shall hear what theirPresident has to say. I give my permission.
[MESSENGER] Your Majesty.
[DOCTOR] A wise decision, your Majesty. For only by Earth and Draconiaworking together can we hope to arrive at the truth.
[MASTER] I too welcome your wisdom, your Majesty. Nobody could be moredevoted to the cause of peace than I. As a commissioner of Earth'sInterplanetary Police, I have devoted my life to the cause of law andorder. And law and order can only exist in a time of peace.
[DOCTOR] You feeling all right, old chap?
[MASTER] Only during a period of social stability, can societyadequately deal with criminals such as this man and this unfortunategirl.
[JO] Doctor, listen! That sound!
[PRINCE] Silence, female!
[JO] Quiet! It's the same noise that I heard on the cargo ship. Doctor,it's the Ogrons!
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty, I beg of you to be cautious. Something isseriously wrong here. This ship that has just landed. I beg you, placeit under guard immediately.
[MASTER] Your majesty, please, I
[DRACONIAN] Earthmen!
[MASTER] Seize them, fool!
[MASTER] Bah! You idiots! Back to the ship, all of you!
[PRINCE] Now will you believe in the treachery of the Earthmen?
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty, look down here and tell me. What do you see?
[EMPEROR] I see one of your Earth soldiers who attacked my palace andkilled my people.
[DOCTOR] Jo? Jo, can you still hear that sound?
[JO] Yes, it's fading. It's almost gone.
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty, I beg of you. Please look again.
[PRINCE] Why do we delay? Destroy him!
[EMPEROR] Wait! He has spoken the truth.
(Ogron spaceship bridge)
[MASTER] Great lumbering idiots! Now you tell me that you've left one ofyour fellows in the palace. Do you realise what this means? As soon asthe effect of the hypnosound wears off, the Draconians will know who itreally was who attacked them. You've ruined everything!
[OGRON] What shall we do now?
[MASTER] Do? There's only one thing we can do. Make sure that the Doctorand his evidence is never allowed to reach Earth.
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR] Why does the Master want war between Earth and Draconia?
[PRINCE] Did you attack our spaceships and those of the Earthmen?
[JO] Oh, it's no good. We're not getting anywhere.
[PRINCE] Let me take him for questioning. He shall answer to me. I shalluse the mind probe.
[DOCTOR] You'd only be wasting your time. The Ogrons have got the finestdefence mechanism of all. Stupidity. They haven't got a mind for you toprobe.
[EMPEROR] Then remove him. We will deal with him later.
[EMPEROR] Why did that sound make us see this creature as a soldier fromEarth?
[JO] Because you're frightened of Earthmen.
[PRINCE] Draconians fear nothing, female.
[JO] Well, of course you do. You fear them and they fear you. That's whywhen Earthmen heard that sound, they saw Draconians.
[EMPEROR] That is true. We do fear the Earthmen and they fear us.
[DOCTOR] And fear breeds hatred, your Majesty. Fear is the greatestenemy of them all, for fear leads us to war.
[EMPEROR] We shall tell the Earthmen what has happened here. They toomust know the truth.
[PRINCE] They will not believe us.
[DOCTOR] The Prince is right, your Majesty. We must mount an expeditionat once, and we must take the Ogron as evidence.
[PRINCE] The empires are on the verge of war. A Draconian spaceship inEarth space could be destroyed before it reaches its destination.
[JO] We could use the ship that Master brought us in. It's an Earthpolice spaceship.
[PRINCE] Females are not permitted to speak
[EMPEROR] The female may speak.
[EMPEROR] We must respect the customs of our guests, strange though theymay be. The suggestion had merit.
[JO] Thank you, your Majesty.
[EMPEROR] You too will go on this mission. But it must be headed by aDraconian of noble rank. I shall send my son.
(Police spaceship brig)
[JO] Here you are. Brought you some food. And a delicious banana.
[JO] I think you're supposed to peel it first. Oh well. (to guard) Hey,you know, you want to be very careful of him. He's not as stupid as helooks. I know, I know, women aren't allowed to speak. You know, I thinkit's about time that women's lib was brought to Draconia.
(Police spaceship bridge)
[DOCTOR] Hello, Jo. How's your Ogron friend?
[JO] Not too happy. He seemed to enjoy his banana though. Doctor, whereare we?
[DOCTOR] We're just about to cross the frontier into Earth space.
[JO] Oh, that's good.
[PRINCE] Unless your Earth people destroy us.
[DOCTOR] Well, this is an Earth police spaceship, you know, sir.
[JO] Even if it is stolen.
[PRINCE] What is that?
[DOCTOR] Well, it looks like another spaceship. It appears to befollowing us.
(Ogron spaceship bridge)
[OGRON] Look!
[MASTER] Well, that must be them. No other ship would be on a course forEarth at a time like this.
[OGRON] We are on a course for Earth.
[MASTER] Well naturally, because we're chasing them! Oh, keep quiet andlet me think. Now, soon they'll be within striking distance.
[OGRON] What will you do, Master?
[MASTER] I'd like to try and take the Doctor alive if possible. If not,I'll blast him out of space. Pity though.
[OGRON] You do not wish to kill him?
[MASTER] Of course I do! But I don't know, rocket fire at long range,it's. I don't know, somehow it lacks that personal touch.
(Police spaceship bridge)
[DOCTOR] They're closing in. Perhaps it's afrontier patrol ship coming to investigate us.
[JO] Well, can't we talk to them and tell them who we are?
[DOCTOR] We can try. We should be within audio range. Hello, this isEarth police spaceship two three nine oh on a special mission to thePresident of Earth. Do you read me, do you read me? Over.
(Ogron spaceship bridge)
[DOCTOR [OC]] This is Earth police spaceship twothree nine oh on a special mission to the President of Earth. Do youread me, do you read me? Over.
[MASTER] This is Earth police spaceship number one four two. Your shipis one that has been reported as stolen. You will please reduce speedso that we can board you.
(Police spaceship bridge)
[DOCTOR] Hello, Earth police spaceship one fourtwo. (sotto) I think there'll be trouble over this. (normal) Hello,we've recaptured this ship and are taking it back to Earth. Over.
[MASTER [OC]] Reduce speed immediately so that we can board you.
[PRINCE] Why should we submit to this delay? Our mission has diplomaticimmunity.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but they, unfortunately, didn't know that, did they?Hello, Earth police spaceship, we are reducing speed as you request,over.
[JO] Doctor, are you sure? We don't really know if it's the police.
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. That's why I want to get them into visual scannerrange.
(Ogron spaceship bridge)
[MASTER] Right, they've reduced speed. They shouldbe within striking distance now. That's about it. Release the firstmissile!
(Police spaceship bridge)
[DOCTOR] We should be able to pick them up on thevisual scanner now.
[JO] It's an Ogron ship!
[DOCTOR] Hold tight! I'm taking evasive action.
(Ogron spaceship bridge)
[MASTER] Come on, Doctor, keep still, keep still.That's better. That's about it. Right, fire!
(Police spaceship bridge)
[DOCTOR] They're still after us.
(Ogron spaceship bridge)
[MASTER] Fire!
(Police spaceship bridge)
[PRINCE] Can we not fire back?
[DOCTOR] No. No, I'm afraid we're outgunned. This isn't a battlecruiser,you know.
[DOCTOR] Hang on. I think we're shaking them off. (The Ogron enters.)
[JO] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] He's broken out! Get out, Jo!
(Ogron spaceship bridge)
[MASTER] We must have hit them. They're losingspeed.
[OGRON] Shall I fire again?
[MASTER] No, no, it might be possible to take the Doctor alive afterall. Muster a boarding party.
[OGRON 2] Yes, Master.
(Police spaceship bridge)
[DOCTOR] Right, there you are, my friend.
(Police spaceship brig)
[JO] Are you all right?
[JO] Oh no, you don't! No, no! No, let go of me!
[OGRON 2] This way!
(Police spaceship bridge)
[JO [OC]] Let me go!
[DOCTOR] We've been boarded! We need the blasters. Come on!
[PRINCE] The prisoner?
[DOCTOR] Don't worry about him. He's no use to us at the moment.
[JO [OC]] No, let me go!
(Police spaceship cabin)
[JO [OC]] Let me go! No! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Get down!
[OGRON 2] The enemy!
[OGRON 2] You, go!
(Ogron spaceship bridge)
[MASTER] What is happening? They should have takenthat ship by now! Must I do everything myself?
[OGRON] Look!
[MASTER] An Earth battlecruiser. You'd better recall the boarding party.I'll take over here. As soon as they're back on board, we'll unlock.Fools!
(Police spaceship brig)
[JO] Help me! Doctor!
[OGRON 2] You come!
[OGRON] You must come!
[OGRON 2] No.
[OGRON] Look out! We must take the girl! JO
[OGRON] Bring the girl.
[JO] Doctor!
(Ogron spaceship bridge)
[OGRON] In here!
[MASTER] Right. Unlock!
(Police spaceship brig)
[DOCTOR] We should be all right in a minute. The ship'll pump in moreoxygen.
(Police spaceship bridge)
[EARTH CAPTAIN [on monitor]] This is Earth battlecruiser X two nine. Do you read me? Identify yourself. This is Earthbattle cruiser X two nine. Do you read me? Identify yourself.
[DOCTOR] Hello, this is Earth police spaceship two three nine oh on aspecial mission to the President of Earth. Over.
[EARTH CAPTAIN [on monitor]] Identify the ship that has just unlockedfrom you. They refuse to answer our signals.
[DOCTOR] Look, it's of vital importance that you pursue and capture thatship immediately. Over.
[EARTH CAPTAIN [on monitor]] You are in possession of a stolen policespaceship. You are under arrest. Stand by to be boarded.
(Ogron spaceship bridge)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Look, you don't understand. The manwho stole this ship is escaping in that vessel.
[EARTH CAPTAIN [OC]] You are under arrest. You'll be given theopportunity of making a full statement. Do not offer any resistance.Stand by to be boarded.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Oh, very well. We're standing by.
[MASTER] Ha, ha! Poor Doctor! Enmeshed in the throes of bureaucracy.It'll take him a long time to talk himself out of that one.
[JO] But he'll get to see the President eventually.
[MASTER] She won't believe him.
[JO] Oh yes, she will, when she sees the Ogron prisoner. He's ourevidence.
[MASTER] Your evidence is standing right behind you.
[JO] The Draconian Prince knows the truth and he's with the Doctor.
[MASTER] My dear Miss Grant, in the climate of opinion that I havecreated, do you think that any Earthman is going to believe the word ofa Draconian?
(President's office)
[PRESIDENT] Your Highness, we've heard the Doctor'stheory before, and, with respect, there is still no concrete evidence.I myself would like to believe you but, as you can see, I need proof toconvince my people.
[DOCTOR] Then we must mount an expedition to the planet of the Ogrons.The proof we need is there, Madam.
[WILLIAMS] With Earth on the brink of war, how can we divert our forcesinto such a pointless expedition? Suppose this is yet another Draconiantrick to divide our strength?
[DOCTOR] My dear chap, I'm not asking for a battlefleet. All I requireis one small spaceship.
[PRESIDENT] Your request is granted.
[WILLIAMS] On the contrary, your request is denied.
[PRESIDENT] My authority
[WILLIAMS] In a purely military matter of this kind, Madam, yourauthority is limited.
[PRESIDENT] I can overrule you.
[WILLIAMS] Only with the backing of the full Earth Senate. Do you thinkthey will give it?
[PRINCE] How can we expect help from a man such as this? This is the manwho deliberately caused war between our people!
[WILLIAMS] That is untrue!
[PRINCE] Twenty years ago, you destroyed a Draconian ship that had comein a mission of peace.
[WILLIAMS] A ship that was about to open fire on us when we were damagedand helpless.
[PRINCE] They came in peace as had been arranged.
[WILLIAMS] Then why didn't they answer my signals?
[PRINCE] Their communications equipment had been destroyed in a neutronstorm. The same neutron storm that damaged your ship!
[PRESIDENT] Is this true?
[PRINCE] I have read the records of my father's court. It is the truth.
[WILLIAMS] But why a battlecruiser? The agreement was that both shipswere to be unarmed.
[PRINCE] Naturally we sent a cruiser. How else should a nobleman ofDraconia travel? But its missile banks were empty. The ship wasunarmed.
(Ogron spaceship bridge)
[MASTER] Well, very soon we shall be landing. Ithink, Miss Grant, you had better prepare yourself for a long stay. I'mafraid it's not a very comfortable place, but as the old song says, 'Beit ever so humble, there's no place like home.
(President's office)
[WILLIAMS] Your Highness, please accept my deepestregrets for the wrong I have done your people.
[DOCTOR] Then can I take it, sir, that you will now authorise theexpedition?
[WILLIAMS] I intend to lead it. If the planet of the Ogrons exists, weshall find it.
(Ogron planet)
[MASTER] Be careful down here. This way. Right, in there.
(The Master's Lair)
[MASTER] Well, Miss Grant, welcome to my humble abode.
[JO] I think you were better off in prison.
[MASTER] Oh, temporary quarters, my dear. I shall soon be changing themfor something better.
[JO] Oh, you'll soon be back in jail. When the truth gets out, Earth andDraconia will combine their forces to attack you.
[MASTER] I don't think so. There's too much distrust between them.
[JO] The Doctor will find you eventually.
[MASTER] Ah, there I agree with you. He must find me. Not only to rescueyou, but also to be reunited with his beloved Tardis.
[MASTER] You know, Miss Grant, I'm going to set a trap for the Doctorand you are going to help me. What? No noble speeches to the effectthat you'd rather die than betray the Doctor?
[JO] You know I'm not going to help you.
[MASTER] I know that you are. I know that you will obey me. You willobey me! I am the Master.
[JO] Mary had a little lamb, his fleece was white as snow, andeverywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.
[MASTER] You will obey me!
[JO] "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
[MASTER] Stop that, Miss Grant!
[JO] It's a form of self-conditioning. You fill your mind with nonsenseand then you can't be hypnotised.
[MASTER] You will obey me.
[JO] See-saw, Marjory Daw, Johnny shall have a new master.
[MASTER] You will obey me.
[JO] He shall have but a penny a day, because he can't work any faster.
[MASTER] All right, all right, all right, all right! I was never veryfond of nursery rhymes anyhow.
[JO] Then you'll just have to give up all hope of hypnotising me, won'tyou? Once was quite enough, thank you.
[MASTER] In that case, I shall have to try something else. You may haveheard this noise before, Miss Grant. It works directly on the fearcentres deep in your mind!
(The Master's Lair)
[JO] It's not real! It's an illusion!
[MASTER] Then we shall have to try a little harder, Miss Grant.
[JO] It's not real!
[JO] It's you! It's the Master!
[MASTER] You cannot shut your eyes! It is impossible! Let's try a littleharder!
[JO] It's not real! It's an illusion! It's you!
[JO] It's the Master! It doesn't work on me any more! It's you! Itdoesn't work on me any more! It doesn't work on me any more! It
[MASTER] Congratulations, my dear. I seem to have failed again.
[JO] Yes, you do, don't you? Never mind. You can't win them all.
[MASTER] Hmm. I shall have to think about this. I'm afraid I shall haveto ask you to be my guest for a little longer. Show Miss Grant to herroom, will you?
[JO] No, let me go! No!
[OGRON] Master?
[MASTER] Yes, what is it?
[OGRON] Two raiding ships have returned.
[MASTER] Oh? Were they successful?
[OGRON] They found and attacked two Earth cargo ships.
[MASTER] Where was this?
[OGRON] In Earth space. One ship resisted. We destroyed it.
[MASTER] Excellent! That should stir things up. It can't be long nowbefore they declare war on each other.
(President's office)
[BROOK [on screen]] And I warn the President that the people of Earthwill no longer tolerate these insulting and murderous attacks! I hearthe cries all about me. Attack Draconia! Attack now! Earth will notproduce peace at the price of humiliation! There is only one solutionnow! War! War! War!
[PRESIDENT] I don't know how much longer I can hold them.
[PRINCE] You must tell them it is not the Draconians who attack you.
[DOCTOR] Your Royal Highness, could you convince your people they werenot being attacked by Earthmen?
[PRESIDENT] If only we had proof. Then I could convince my people andyou could convince yours. But there's not much time. (Williams enters.)
[WILLIAMS] Madam President, everything is ready. We shall use mypersonal scoutship.
[DOCTOR] We'd better leave at once. Madam President.
[PRINCE] My life at your command!
[WILLIAMS] Madam President.
[JO] Thanks, cheerful. (she sniffs the bowl) Yuk.
[DOCTOR] Right, thirty-four seconds. A course correction to galacticcoordinates two three four nine, six seven eight four.
[WILLIAMS] You realise where that will take us? A completely uninhabitedsector of the galaxy.
[DOCTOR] Well, not completely uninhabited, General Williams. That'swhere the Ogron's planet is.
[WILLIAMS] No doubt your information is better than mine. May I askwhere you obtained it?
[DOCTOR] Certainly. From the Master. He fed the coordinates into hisship's computer when I was his prisoner. And after you'd captured theship, sir, I extracted the information from the ship's memory banks.
[WILLIAMS] We're simply wasting time.
[WILLIAMS] Dragons!
[PRINCE] Let me talk to them. I shall explain.
[DOCTOR] Somehow I don't think they're in the mood for explanations atthis minute. Can you outrun them?
[WILLIAMS] This ship can outrun anything. Hyperdrive.
[WILLIAMS] Max hyperdrive!
[DOCTOR] Right, we're out of range now.
[WILLIAMS] Reduce speed, return to course.
[PRINCE] I regret the behaviour of my people. The officer will bepunished.
[DOCTOR] Well, we were infringing Draconian space, after all, your RoyalHighness.
[PILOT] General Williams?
[PILOT] I can't get her back on course, sir. One of the drive outlets ismalfunctioning.
[DOCTOR] Do you know exactly what's wrong?
[PILOT] There's damage to exterior electrical circuit.
[WILLIAMS] Can't you repair it?
[PILOT] It'll mean going outside, sir.
[WILLIAMS] Put the ship on automatic and get out there.
[PILOT] No good, sir. I've got to control it manually.
[DOCTOR] Right, well, you hold her steady. I'll go and effect therepairs.
[WILLIAMS] No doubt you're a qualified space engineer too, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Naturally.
[WILLIAMS] How's it going, Doctor?
[DOCTOR [OC]] A bit of a shambles, I'm afraid. Though I'll do my best tobodge something up.
[PRINCE] Look!
[WILLIAMS] It's coming up fast. Looks as if your friends are catching upwith us.
[PILOT] Once they're in range, they'll fire again.
[WILLIAMS] Doctor, there's a ship approaching.
(Outside the Scoutship)
[WILLIAMS [OC]] We think it's the Draconians. Howlong will you be?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea, old chap.
[WILLIAMS] Stand by for hyperdrive.
[PILOT] I can't sir. The Doctor's had to disconnect the main circuitryto make the repair. I can't boost the speed until he's finished.
[PRINCE] If my people fire, he will be killed. Let me speak to them.
[WILLIAMS] Do you think they'll wait to talk? The Draconians are comingup fast, Doctor. If you don't get that repair finished, we'll be asitting target.
(Outside the Scoutship)
[DOCTOR] I know. I'm on the outside.
[WILLIAMS [OC]] It's getting very close.
[DOCTOR] I'm being as quick as I can.
[PILOT] He's done it!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Right, I'm coming in now.
[WILLIAMS] Right, stand by.
[WILLIAMS] Maximum hyperdrive!
(The Master's Lair - passageway)
[DOCTOR] Pilot, can you get her into a closer orbit?
[PILOT] If you want me to take her in that close, sir, we may have toenter the atmosphere. What about that repair, will it stand the heat?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll just have to risk it. We can't see anything from uphere.
(The Master's Lair)
[JO] Mayday, mayday. This is an urgent message for both Draconian andEarth forces. The Ogrons are using a planet galactic coordinates twothree four nine to six seven eight four.
[JO [OC]] As a base for their attacks on both Earthand Draconian spaceships.
[PILOT] We're losing the signal.
[JO [OC]] Please inform the authorities.
[DOCTOR] Can you boost it up?
[JO [OC]] I repeat
[PILOT] I'm sorry, sir. We're nearly over the horizon.
[WILLIAMS] Did you get a fix on it?
[PILOT] Pretty close. I can put us down on a general area.
[WILLIAMS] How long will it take us to complete the orbit?
[PILOT] About twenty minutes.
[WILLIAMS] Increase speed.
(The Master's Lair)
[JO] Please inform the authorities of either Earthor Draconia. I repeat. Mayday, mayday, this is a
[MASTER] Thank you, Miss Grant. That was the trap.
[JO] Oh, no. You're the one who's trapped. I've just given your entireposition away.
[MASTER] Yes. I left those galactic coordinates for you to find.
[JO] You mean they were fakes?
[MASTER] Oh, no, no, no. They're genuine enough. But this is ashort-range transmitter, so no one will have picked up your messagemore than two or three hundred miles from this planet.
[JO] Nobody heard me.
[MASTER] On the contrary. The Doctor heard you. Yes, at this moment,he's orbiting the planet in a small spaceship. I picked him up on radara little while ago.
[JO] How do you know it was the Doctor?
[MASTER] My dear Miss Grant, who else could it be? You see, when theDoctor arrives, we'll be waiting for him. So you have been useful to meafter all. But, er, just in case the Doctor should get lost.
[MASTER] There. Now he'll think that this homing signal comes from you,Miss Grant. By the way, congratulations. I knew I could count on you toget out of your cage. Right, take her away. And this time, make surethat she's properly under guard.
[JO] No! No! No! Stop it!
[WILLIAMS] How much longer?
[PILOT] Two seconds to go.
[WILLIAMS] We're overheating badly.
[PILOT] Yes, I know. This is it. We should pick her up again now.
[PRINCE] What is that signal?
[DOCTOR] Jo must have fixed up some kind of homing device.
[WILLIAMS] Splendid! That'll lead us right to them.
[DOCTOR] Doesn't it strike you as being a bit too convenient?
[PILOT] The drive outlet circuit's gone again.
[DOCTOR] Can you get her down?
[PILOT] Yes. But I'm not sure where.
(The Master's Lair)
[MASTER] Yes, they should be here very soon now.Judging by the size of the ship, they can't be in any great force. Soconceal yourselves and ambush them as soon as they arrive. Right?
[MASTER] Hold on, wait a minute. Something's happened. They must havelanded very nearby. Right, send out patrols! Get them and bring themback here immediately. And remember, I want the Doctor alive.
[OGRONS] Yes, Master.
(Ogron planet)
[DOCTOR] Williams, look. Another one.
[WILLIAMS] One dominant lifeform. A large and savage reptile.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, let's hope we don't encounter one.
[WILLIAMS] Doctor, has it occurred to you what we're going to do when wediscover the source of this signal?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea, old chap. We'll find out when we get there. Comeon, can't be far.
[OGRON] Stop! Surrender!
[WILLIAMS] Take cover!
[WILLIAMS] What is that?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea, but whatever it is, it's on our side.
(The Master's Lair)
[MASTER] Yes, I await your arrival with the greatest of pleasure. And Ishall be there to meet you the moment that your ship touches down.
[MASTER] So where's the Doctor?
[OGRON] The monster came!
[MASTER] The monster? And I suppose you all ran like rabbits?
[OGRON] We fear the monster!
[MASTER] You stupid, cowardly idiots! You will answer to your mastersfor this!
[OGRON] What? They are coming?
[MASTER] Yes, they are coming! Which means that I can dispense with yourdoubtful assistance! Out of my way!
(Ogron planet)
[DOCTOR] That's good. It's started again. Come on.
[PRINCE] A ship!
[PRINCE] Somebody else seems to have received the message.
[WILLIAMS] What is it?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I've got a feeling. Some sort of premonition.
[WILLIAMS] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, come on.
[MASTER] Hello, Doctor!
[MASTER] So here you are at last, eh?
[WILLIAMS] Surrender or you'll be shot down!
[DOCTOR] No, he's unarmed.
[MASTER] Unarmed maybe, but not unaccompanied. I've brought some oldfriends along to meet you.
[MASTER] Quite a touching little reunion. You don't seem very pleased.
[DOCTOR] No! No, don't. It's no good.
(The Master's Lair)
[GOLD] Doctor, you are in our power and you will be exterminated.
[MASTER] No, not yet.
[GOLD] You will obey the Daleks!
[MASTER] You know as well as I do that this man does not fear death. Iwant him to suffer a much worse punishment. Look, my skill and cunninghas brought about this war which will make you the masters of thegalaxy. Leave the Doctor with me, and let him see the result of thatwar. Let him see the galaxy in ruins. Let him see the planet Earth,that he loves so much, in ruins, then exterminate him.
[GOLD] Very well. He will remain your prisoner until the war isconcluded. Then you will bring him to us and we shall exterminate him.We shall now return to our base and prepare the army of the Daleks.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I suppose I should thank you for saving my life?
[MASTER] Not for long, Doctor. It's going to be a very short war. Right,take them away.
[JO] Hello, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hello, Jo.
[JO] Oh, so now they've got all of us.
[WILLIAMS] All except the pilot. He's repairing the ship.
[PRINCE] Why do these Dalek creatures wish to set your people and mineat war?
[DOCTOR] Because war will mean the extermination of both empires, yourRoyal Highness, and the Daleks will emerge as the supreme rulers. Nowsomehow, we've got to get out of here and stop them.
[JO] (sotto) Doctor! Doctor, would the Master's little fear-box help?
[DOCTOR] Well done, Jo!
[JO] You see, we could use it to frighten the Ogrons away and then wecan all escape.
[WILLIAMS] Well, that's hardly practical, Miss Grant. They'd just runoff and we'd still be locked in.
[JO] Oh.
[DOCTOR] There is one thing we can do, though, and it'll need a veryslight adjustment.
(The Master's Lair)
[MASTER] There's nothing to worry about. The Doctor will be perfectlysafe in my hands. I promise you, when I deliver him to you, he'll be abroken man.
[DALEK [OC]] Do not fail the Daleks.
[MASTER] The war is certain now. And once the great empires destroy eachother, I ask but one thing. Let me rule the planet Earth in your name.
[DOCTOR] General Williams, if we do manage to getout of here, and Jo and I manage to create a diversion, could you findyour way back to your spaceship?
[WILLIAMS] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] Good. Right, that should do it. Now I want you to take offimmediately. Get the truth back to your respective governments.
[DOCTOR] Tell them that they must mount a joint expedition and capturethis base at once.
[PRINCE] I shall stay and help.
[DOCTOR] No, we'll need you to convince the Emperor, your RoyalHighness.
[WILLIAMS] What about you and Miss Grant? How will you get away?
[DOCTOR] Jo, I presume that the Tardis is still here?
[JO] Yes, I know where it is.
[DOCTOR] Well, don't worry about us. Our spaceship is here.
[WILLIAMS] That's all very well, Doctor, but we still happen to belocked in.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, would you mind blocking your ears and covering youreyes just for a moment?
[PRINCE] I do not understand.
[DOCTOR] No, but I think you will in a moment. Just do as I ask, wouldyou? You too, Jo.
[JO] Oh no, it's all right. I can resist it.
[DOCTOR] Can you?
[JO] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Good. Er, how much longer are you going to keep us locked inhere?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm talking to you.
[DOCTOR] Open the gate. Open the gate. Open the gate or I willexterminate you.
[DOCTOR] It worked.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[JO] Come on then. Follow me.
(The Master's Lair)
[DALEK [OC]] We are about to enter hyperdrive andreturn to our base. Do not fail the Daleks.
[MASTER] Right, we'll see who rules the galaxy when this is over. Do notfail the Daleks, indeed. You stupid tin boxes.
[MASTER] Why aren't you guarding the prisoners?
[OGRON 2] The Daleks sent me away!
[MASTER] There are no Daleks! The Daleks have all left the planet!
[OGRON 2] The Dalek said to open the cell.
[MASTER] Did he now? Fetch the others! I want them here immediately!
(The Master's Lair - passageway)
[JO] Doctor, look at this.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's fascinating.
[JO] Is it some sort of idol? I saw one of the Ogrons worshipping it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm not surprised. We've seen the real thing, haven't we.They're probably more frightened of him than they are of the Daleks.
[JO] Right, come on. This way.
(The Master's Lair)
[JO] Right, you can get out this way. Good luck.
[WILLIAMS] And you, Miss Grant. Doctor.
[DOCTOR] General Williams.
[WILLIAMS] Farewell.
[JO] Good luck.
[DOCTOR] Your Royal Highness.
[PRINCE] My life at your command.
[JO] The Tardis is over there.
[MASTER] Going somewhere, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] You know, you really are incredibly persistent, aren't you?
[MASTER] That is my property, I believe.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, yes, a most ingenious device. I congratulate you.
[OGRONS] The monster!
[JO] Oh, Doctor, I thought you were dead.
[DOCTOR] Help me up.
[JO] Come on. That's it. Careful.
[DOCTOR] Help me into the Tardis, Jo.
[JO] Okay.
[DOCTOR] All right, Jo.
[JO] Careful.
[DOCTOR] The first thing we've got to do is get out of here.
[JO] Doctor, what are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Telepathic circuits. Sending a message to the Time Lords.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s10", "episode": "e03", "title": "Frontier in Space"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (7 Apr, 1973; Third Doctor) - Planet of the Daleks
(The Master's Lair)
[JO] Oh, Doctor, I thought you were dead.
[DOCTOR] Help me up.
[JO] Come on. That's it, yes. Careful.
[DOCTOR] Help me into the Tardis, Jo.
[JO] Okay.
[DOCTOR] All right, Jo.
[JO] Careful.
[DOCTOR] The first thing we've got to do is get out of here.
[JO] Doctor, what are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Telepathic circuits. Sending a message to the Time Lords. Imust tell them to. I must, I
[JO] Doctor!
[JO] Come on, come and sit down. Come on. That's it.
[DOCTOR] Help me off with this.
[JO] Let me get this. Now just lie back.
[DOCTOR] Must lie down, Jo.
[JO] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Must rest for a while. Must rest. I must rest, Jo.
[JO] Yes.
[JO] It's all right.
[DOCTOR] Now, Jo, now listen to me. I'm liable to sleep for quite sometime. Now, if anything happens, anything at all, record it in the log.Record it in the log.
[JO] Log?
[JO] What log? Doctor, I don't know what you're talking about!
[DOCTOR] In the log, up there in the locker.
[JO] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Jo! Jo, careful!
[JO] Doctor?
[JO] Doctor!
[JO] Oh, he's so cold.
[JO] Shortly after entering the Tardis, the Doctor fell into a deepcoma. His respiration was very shallow and his skin icy to the touch. Icould find no trace of pulse or heartbeat, and his breathing apparentlyceased. But I've seen the Doctor in this condition once before and herecovered after a sudden rise in temperature.
[JO] The Tardis seems to have landed. I suppose the Time Lords areworking it by remote control again. I've no idea what the Doctor saidto them in his message, or where we are. I just hope that they'vebrought us somewhere where I can find some help for the Doctor.
[JO] Ice!
[JO] Doctor! Doctor, you're alive! Doctor? Doctor, I don't know whetheryou can hear me or not. Both your hearts are beating about oh, aboutonce every ten seconds and your body temperature is somewhere belowzero. I'm going outside. I'm going to try and find some help.
[JO] Scanner, scanner. Scanner. That's it.
[JO] Doctor? Doctor, I'm going now. I'll be back as soon as I can.
[JO] Things growing in this jungle seem more like animal than plantlife. The light is changing. It seems as if it's daybreak. There's asudden change in temperature. I haven't seen any form of intelligentlife except, except those bits of statue by the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Jo? Jo, where are you?
[DOCTOR] Jo? Jo?
[DOCTOR] That's odd. The atmosphere outside is breathable and yet theautomatic oxygen supply is on.
(Jungle - landing site)
[JO] Hello? Hello, is anybody there?
[DOCTOR] I'll just have to use the emergency supply.
[JO] Who are you?
[TARON] My name is Taron.
[TARON] This is Vaber.
[JO] I'm Jo Grant. Do you live here? I mean do you live on this planet?
[TARON] What are you? Where are you from?
[JO] Well, I'm from a planet called Earth.
[VABER] Earth?
[JO] You've heard of it?
[TARON] We've heard of the name.
[VABER] There is no such place as Earth. It's just a name in our oldlegends. It doesn't really exist.
[JO] Believe me, it does!
[TARON] How did you come here?
[JO] In the Tardis.
[TARON] Tardis?
[JO] Well, yes, it's a sort of spaceship.
[VABER] Are you alone?
[JO] No. No, I have a friend with me and he's very sick. I was trying tofind some help for him. Look, I'm afraid he's dying.
[VABER] We're not a hospital service.
[JO] Oh please? Please, you've got to help me.
[TARON] I'm qualified in space medicine. I'll do what I can.
[JO] Thank you. I was beginning to think that I'd never find anybody tohelp me.
[VABER] You were lucky they didn't find you.
[JO] They?
[TARON] Where is this ship of yours, the Tardis?
[JO] Well, back through the jungle.
[TARON] Is it far?
[JO] Well, no, not far. It's by some bits of statue.
[VABER] Reference seven?
[TARON] Yes, yes, yes.
[JO] Look, come on, I'll take you there, right?
[CODAL] Very near, a patrol.
[VABER] How many?
[CODAL] Three or four, headed this way. Who's this?
[TARON] We have to move.
[JO] Well, I'm coming with you.
[TARON] No, we know this jungle now. We can move in it quietly andquickly. You'll be safer if you stay hidden here.
[TARON] Get inside. You can work the securer from in there.
[JO] But I want to come with you.
[TARON] That would slow us all up. You'd endanger all of us. Don'tworry. We'll lead them away from here, lose them in the jungle.
[JO] Lose who?
[VABER] Come on! Come on!
[TARON] We'll do what we can for your friend. I'll come back for youlater.
[JO] Thank you. Please hurry!
[VABER] Which way are they moving?
[TARON] We're all right. They seem to be staying on the main tracks.There's a few scouts moving independently, but off that way.
[CODAL] What about the girl?
[TARON] Oh, she should be all right.
[VABER] And this friend of hers?
[TARON] Let's go and find him.
[DOCTOR] All the circuits are in order. The door must be held from theoutside. I must get it open. I must get that door open. Got to get thedoor, got to get that door open.
[DOCTOR] That's it. Must get it open. (falls to the floor) Must get itopen. Must get, must get, must get.
(Jungle - Ruins)
[TARON] Right, sit him down here.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Thank you very much. How did you find me?
[TARON] A girl we met.
[VABER] She told us where you were.
[DOCTOR] Is she all right?
[TARON] She should be.
[VABER] We left her hiding.
[TARON] Circle round the neighbourhood. See if there's any activity.
[VABER] What are you staring at?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sorry, it's just, just that I thought I knew you.
[VABER] That's not likely.
[DOCTOR] Where are you from?
[TARON] A planet, many systems from here.
[DOCTOR] Skaro! Yes, of course, you're Thals!
[TARON] How did you know that?
[DOCTOR] Because I've been to Skaro,that's why.
[TARON] When?
[DOCTOR] Oh, many years ago. During the Dalek war.
[VABER] Dalek war?
[VABER] That's impossible. That was generations ago. You couldn't havebeen there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I can assure you that I was.
[TARON] How?
[DOCTOR] By travelling through the barriers of time. If you must know, Iwas with the Thal group when they broke into the Dalek city.
[TARON] In our legend, there is a being, a figure from another planetwho came to Skaro when the Thals were in their greatest peril, insomething called a Tardis. He had three companions with him.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Barbara, Ian and Susan.
[VABER] And their leader was called?
[DOCTOR] The Doctor.
[TARON] Are you trying to tell us that you are the Doctor?
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[VABER] That's nonsense! You've come to spy on us. What are you doing onthis planet? Here, of all the planets in the galaxy! Answer!
[DOCTOR] Now you listen to me, young man. You may have saved my life,and I'm grateful, but that does not give you the right to subject me toan inquisition!
[TARON] Vaber, give me the spray.
[DOCTOR] What?
[VABER] Waste our medical supplies?
[TARON] The spray, Vaber.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing?
[TARON] You have been infected by a particularly deadly fungus. Closeyour eyes.
[TARON] They spread their spores in that liquid they've discharged. Andthe fungus spreads very quickly unless the surface has been speciallytreated. Turn your hand over. There, that should be all right now.
[DOCTOR] Now? Why, what would have happened?
[TARON] Without special treatment it would have spread all over yourbody.
[DOCTOR] Ah, that's nice.
[TARON] Until finally, you'd have been engulfed by it.
[VABER] Come on, let's get started.
[TARON] No. We wait for Codal.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, what's the name of this planet?
[VABER] Spiridon. One of the nastiest pieces of space garbage in theninth system.
[DOCTOR] Is it inhabited?
[VABER] Oh, yes. Vegetation that's more like animal life than plant,creatures hostile to everything including themselves and a climate thatchanges from tropical in the day to sub-freezing in the night.
[DOCTOR] Any intelligent life form?
[TARON] Oh, yes. the Spiridons. They're invisible.
[DOCTOR] Mmm, I'd very much like to see one of them. I mean, I'd verymuch like to come into contact with one of them.
[VABER] Don't worry, you will.
[DOCTOR] You said just now that you were on some sort of mission. Mayone ask what it is?
[TARON] No, I can't tell you that. That's top secret.
[DOCTOR] As you wish. I'm on something of a special mission myself.
[VABER] Taron, why can't you face it?
[TARON] Now listen
[VABER] None of us is ever going to get away from here.
[TARON] Vaber!
[VABER] The radio's gone, the ship's damaged, we can't take off. We'reon a suicide mission!
[TARON] It was your choice. Nobody made you come.
[DOCTOR] Well, whatever it was you came here to do, it must be prettyimportant.
[TARON] We think so.
[DOCTOR] How many are there of you?
[TARON] There were seven. But our commander was killed on touchdown. Andwe've lost three others since.
[DOCTOR] Oh, only three left.
[TARON] Yeah.
[DOCTOR] Well, you could make that four if you'd let me help you. Fivewith Jo Grant.
[TARON] Thanks. I'll think about it.
[DOCTOR] You still don't trust me?
[TARON] Why should I? You come here out of nowhere and then claim to besomething out of a legend.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I see your point. But I am on your side, you know?
[VABER] Anything about?
[CODAL] No, it seems quiet enough.
[TARON] You all right now?
[DOCTOR] Yes, never felt better.
[TARON] Good, we'll take you to your friend.
[DOCTOR] That's good.
[TARON] After that, you're on your own. If you see me signal, dive forcover quickly and don't make a sound. Understood?
[DOCTOR] Understood.
[TARON] It's coming this way. It sounds like it's in trouble. What doyou think?
[VABER] It could be ray exhaustion.
[CODAL] No, light wave sickness. That's what the others had.
[TARON] Do you think it's deactivated?
[CODAL] Well, we can't be sure.
[VABER] Let's chance it.
[DOCTOR] Spiridons?
[CODAL] Here.
[DOCTOR] What's this? Some kind of weapon?
[CODAL] A liquid colour spray.
[TARON] Point it in this direction, press the control on top and you'llsee what we're up against.
[DOCTOR] Daleks!
[DOCTOR] Motive power nil. Total loss of vision. Sensor plates notfunctioning, and weaponry deactivated.
[TARON] You seem to know a good deal about Daleks.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well I've had cause to. This one's something new. I'venever come across Daleks that have mastered invisibility before.
[VABER] They haven't mastered it, not completely.
[CODAL] As far as we can tell, they can only stay invisible for veryshort periods.
[TARON] Even so, it gives them quite an advantage.
[DOCTOR] Yes, a terrifying advantage. Have you any idea how they do it?
[TARON] Codal's our scientist.
[CODAL] They discovered it by studying the Spiridons. It's ananti-reflecting light wave. Their problem is that to create the energyrequired, they have to generate fantastic power, so they can't sustainit for very long.
[DOCTOR] I see.
[CODAL] I'd like to investigate a bit further. Let's lift off the top sothat
[DOCTOR] No, don't do that. No, most Daleks have an automatic distresscall. Even when they're deactivated, the transmitter may keepfunctioning.
[TARON] Thank you, Doctor. Let's go.
[JO] My hand and. My hand and my arm are infected by something I can'tdescribe. It's spreading rapidly and my hand is already quite numb.
[TARON] You wait here, Doctor. Codal and I willscout ahead. We won't be long.
[DOCTOR] Taron seems very cautious.
[VABER] Too cautious. Things would be different if Miro was still alive.
[DOCTOR] Oh? Who is Miro.
[VABER] Expedition commander. He was killed when we landed.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sorry. And Taron, who's he?
[VABER] Spacecraft doctor. Next in seniority so he took command. And afine mess he's making of it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, do you think so? I thought he seemed to be doing ratherwell.
[VABER] Do you? Three more dead. Nothing achieved. Nothing even planned.He'll go on being cautious until we're all killed.
[DOCTOR] Well, what do you think he should do?
[VABER] Oh, we've got explosives and weapons. We could attack the Daleklaboratory and wipe them all out.
[DOCTOR] How many Daleks are there, do you know?
[VABER] Well, as far as I know, there's not more than twelve. Just ascientific group, here to try and learn the technique of invisibility.One determined attack and we could destroy them all.
[DOCTOR] Tell me about these creatures that live here, the Spiridons.Are they invisible at all times?
[VABER] As far as I know.
[DOCTOR] Are they working with the Daleks?
[VABER] I imagine they've been totally subjugated. The usual Dalektechnique of rule by terror.
[DOCTOR] Mass exterminations followed by absolute suppression of thesurvivors. I know.
[VABER] I hate all this waiting round. I wish he'd get back and we couldget started.
[TARON] Probably going out to recover the one we found.
[CODAL] That's a pity.
[TARON] Let's check out the area in that direction, then get back to theothers.
[CODAL] Yeah.
[DOCTOR] Fascinating.
[VABER] The eyeplants?
[VABER] They've come in very useful.
[DOCTOR] Oh, how?
[VABER] They get very agitated whenever an invisible Spiridon comes nearthem. It's given us a, well, a kind of early warning system.
[DOCTOR] Vaber!
[VABER] Get my knife!
[DOCTOR] Hang on! Just hang on! I got it! Quickly, your hand. Let go!Let it go! Let it go.
[TARON] What happened?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's all right. Nothing much. Just that some sort oftentacle tried to make a breakfast of our friend here.
[TARON] Vaber?
[VABER] I'm all right.
[TARON] Are you sure?
[VABER] I said I'm all right! Thanks, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] My pleasure. Made an interesting little object lesson.
[VABER] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, just that it shows the need for continued caution, Ithink.
[VABER] You think I don't know that? I have been here rather longer thanyou have. But danger's not going to scare me into doing nothing.
[TARON] Vaber.
[DOCTOR] There's a considerable difference between courage and recklessstupidity, you know.
[VABER] If I have to die, I want it to be for a better reason thanproviding nourishment for a flesh eating tentacle.
[CODAL] The eye-plants are moving.
[TARON] It's a Spiridon patrol! Quick, over there.
[TARON] They're coming closer.
[DOCTOR] Unless they change direction, they're bound to find us.
[VABER] Why wait? We're well armed. Let's attack now.
[TARON] Don't be stupid. There could be dozens of them.
[CODAL] I'll try and lead them off.
[TARON] Codal's given us a chance. Let's not waste it!
(Jungle - landing site)
[TARON] There's our ship. Your friend's inside.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[VABER] Wait, something moving other side of the clearing.
[TARON] Where? Quick, get through there.
[DALEK] Primitive spacecraft of type originating on Skaro. Reportdiscovery to command centre.
[DALEK 2] Dalek patrol two calling command centre. We have located Thalspacecraft. Indicate course of action. (pause) Command centre ordersthe craft is to be destroyed.
[DALEK] Position to fire.
[DOCTOR] But Jo Grant's inside your ship. I've got to do something.
[TARON] There's nothing you can do.
[DALEK] Aim.
[DOCTOR] No! Wait! Wait. Somebody's still in there.
[DALEK] Save for interrogation. Disable.
[DALEK] Proceed as ordered.
[DOCTOR] No! No!
[DALEK] Fire. Repeat, full power.
[DALEK] Stand or we will exterminate you now.
[VABER] We've got to help him.
[TARON] There's nothing we can do. Nothing.
[DALEK] Walk! Walk!
[TARON] Let's get away from here.
[DALEK] Wait.
[DALEK] Walk.
[DALEK] Walk!
[DALEK] Halt.
[DALEK] Enter.
[CODAL] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Codal. So, they captured you too, did they?
[CODAL] Where are the others, Taron and Vaber?
[DOCTOR] Well, they're all right as far as I know. How are you?
[CODAL] I'm fine. Splitting headache, but I'll survive.
[DOCTOR] That's good.
[CODAL] Why didn't they kill us straight away, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I expect they're saving us for interrogation. They'll wantto know what we're doing on this planet. You know, what you did backthere, leading the searchers away from us, was very courageous.
[CODAL] I just didn't give myself time to think. If I had, I certainlywouldn't have taken the risk.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. I think you're doing yourself rather aninjustice there. If you hadn't acted the way you did, we'd have allbeen captured. They give medals for that sort of bravery.
[CODAL] Bravery? I've been terrified ever since I landed on this planet.It's different for Taron and Vaber, they're professionals. They've seenaction before.
[DOCTOR] And do you think they're any the less brave because of that?
[CODAL] They know how to deal with fear. They're used to living close todeath. I'm not. I'm a scientist, not an adventurer.
[DOCTOR] Well, forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't you a volunteer?
[CODAL] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Then you must have known what you were getting into?
[CODAL] No. None of us did. We're not a warlike people, Doctor. We'veonly just developed space flight. No one had attempted a voyage of thislength before, but every man and woman from my division volunteered.Over six hundred of them. You see, I didn't even have the courage to bethe odd man out. What are you laughing at?
[DOCTOR] Ah, you, my friend. You may be a very brilliant scientist butyou have very little understanding of people, particularly yourself.Courage isn't just a matter of not being frightened, you know.
[CODAL] What is it, then?
[DOCTOR] It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway, just asyou did.
[CODAL] I'm not convinced, but thanks anyway.
[DOCTOR] Right, well, after that little tutorial on bravery, let's seeif we can find a way of getting out of here.
[CODAL] Escape?
[DOCTOR] Yes, escape. Well, let's take a look in our pockets and see ifwe can come up with something that might prove useful. Come on. Turn'them out. Sonic screwdriver.
[CODAL] Battery.
[DOCTOR] Fancy hankie.
[JO [OC]] Shortly after entering the Tardis, the Doctor fell into a deepcoma.
[CODAL] Wasn't that the girl we met? Your assistant?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. She'd gone to fetch help for me. The Daleks
[CODAL] Took her prisoner?
[DOCTOR] No, they murdered her.
[JO [OC]] His respiration was very shallow and his skin icy to thetouch.
[WESTER] Don't be afraid. I want to help you.
[JO] What are you doing?
[WESTER] You've been infected by the fungoids. This will clear it.
[JO] Where are we?
[WESTER] A cave near the city. I found you unconscious in a spacecraftand brought you here. It was fortunate I found you in time. The machinewas destroyed shortly after by the Daleks.
[JO] Daleks! Daleks here?
[WESTER] You did not know?
[JO] Who are you? Why did you help me? There's so much I want to ask youbut I don't know where to start, where to begin.
[WESTER] All in good time. You must rest while the potion is takingeffect. When you're feeling better, I'll tell you everything I can.
[DOCTOR] No, that's hopeless. If there's one thing the Daleks are verygood at making, that is locks.
[CODAL] Well, what now? If we can't even get the door open?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll just have to start our escape when the door'salready open.
[CODAL] But they'll be a Dalek standing outside.
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. So, we're not trying to deal with a door, we'retrying to deal with a Dalek.
[CODAL] How?
[DOCTOR] How. That's a very good question. How. Well, there mustsomething here that could prove useful.
[CODAL] There's nothing that I can see.
[DOCTOR] Come on, come on. We've got to think of something.
[CODAL] Well, the one thing we have got is time.
[DOCTOR] On the contrary, my friend, the Daleks don't intend to let usrot down here, you know.
(Control room)
[LEADER] Report.
[DALEK] Section three requests that after interrogation, prisonersshould be transferred to their laboratory.
[LEADER] State reasons.
[DALEK] They are required for experiments of light ray emissions onliving tissue.
[LEADER] Agreed. Next.
[DALEK] Central control report that only two Thals are still at liberty.Their capture is expected shortly.
[TARON] Well, at least these haven't been found, that's something.
[VABER] There's enough explosive here to take care of fifty Daleks,never mind twelve. Come on, Taron, we'll take a chance, rush the mainentrance. If we can make it down that first tunnel, the blast fromthese will cave in the whole section, bury the Daleks.
[TARON] And if we don't make it down that tunnel?
[VABER] Oh, come on, Taron! What's the matter with you? When we came onthis mission, you knew there'd be risks. Well let's start taking them!
[TARON] We make our move when we have a chance of succeeding, notbefore.
[VABER] Give me the explosives.
[VABER] Get them out! I mean it, Taron. I'll kill you if I have to.
[TARON] That's the only way you'll get them.
[VABER] I mean it.
[TARON] What's that? A spaceship coming in too fast? Burning up.
[DOCTOR] A tiny motor with an electric powersource. That's it. Yes. Yes, I'll dismantle the circuitry, reverse thepolarity and convert to a low power receiver transmitter with apositive feedback.
[CODAL] That's right. The Dalek's guidance system functions by means ofhigh frequency radio impulses.
[DOCTOR] Correct, and if we can jam them
[CODAL] It should give them quite a headache.
[DOCTOR] It should give them quite a brainstorm. Give me yourscrewdriver.
[WESTER] All trace of the infection has gone. Your arm will be sore fora few days, but that's all.
[JO] Thank you. I'm very grateful to you. Tell me some more about yourplanet.
[WESTER] Before the Daleks invaded, they bombarded the planet withbacteria. Only a handful of my people survived. When the Daleks landed,we could offer no resistance. Those that were left were forced tocooperate with the Daleks.
[JO] But you don't?
[WESTER] No. There are a few of us, not many, who do what we can tofight back, and that's little enough.
[JO] Why did the Daleks invade you? What did they want?
[WESTER] To master our techniques of invisibility, and they seem veryclose to doing it.
[JO] Is there no way of stopping them?
[WESTER] They're too powerful. I had hoped the aliens from thespacecraft might help us, but there are so few of them. Two more werecaptured today.
[JO] You've seen them?
[WESTER] When they were taken to the city. A tall fair haired man, andlater, one with silver hair, also tall, wearing strange clothes.
[JO] The Doctor! Oh! Where is he?
[WESTER] You know him?
[JO] Well, yes. And I thought
[WESTER] He's imprisoned in the city.
[JO] Well then we must find a way of helping him. Get him out!
[WESTER] There is no way. The Daleks will interrogate him, and then usehim in their experiments. He'd be better off dead.
[VABER] Something moving.
[TARON] Rebec! Rebec! Rebec, are you all right?
[REBEC] I think so. Our flight angle was too steep and we came in toofast. We were lucky to get out alive. All the equipment, theexplosives, everything gone.
[TARON] Are you the only survivor?
[REBEC] No, Maret and Latep, they're following.
[TARON] But why did you come?
[REBEC] Communications intercepted another Dalek space signal. We had towarn you.
[TARON] Warn us? What about?
[REBEC] Do you know the strength of the Dalek force here?
[TARON] Well, it's no more than a dozen.
[REBEC] The signal we intercepted was to Dalek Supreme Command. Itstated that the force assembled on Spiridon was now complete. It gavetheir numbers. Well, somewhere on this planet there are ten thousandDaleks!
[TARON] Are you fit to move? We must find theothers quickly. They're bound to send a patrol to investigate thecrash.
[REBEC] With any luck, they might think there were no survivors.
[TARON] Maret, Latep, are you all right?
[LATEP] Just shaken. We came down with a bang.
[MARAT] I'm all right.
[TARON] Good. We must move. It's not fit to stay here.
[REBEC] Do you have a plan?
[TARON] Yes. Yes, I think so.
[VABER] We'd better get a move on. We haven't got much time.
(Outside the city entrance)
[JO] Is this the only way into the city?
[JO] Somehow I've got to find a way of getting past those Dalek guards.
[WESTER] Even if you could, what would you do once you got in there?
[JO] Well, find the Doctor and try to rescue him.
[WESTER] Ah. Those are my people, the Spiridons. The Daleks have madethem slaves.
[JO] But I can see them now.
[WESTER] You see the furs they wear to protect them from the cold.
[JO] What are they taking into the city?
[WESTER] Samples of our vegetation. The Daleks are experimenting withplant-destroying bacteria.
[JO] Now, if I could hide in one of those bundles.
[WESTER] You can't risk it.
[JO] Look, if I got into the city, where's the most likely place they'dbe holding the Doctor?
[WESTER] In the lower levels, most certain. Deep, deep down.
[JO] I'm going to try it.
[CODAL] Doctor?
[CODAL] If this jamming device of yours works, we'll have a weapon thatwe can use against all the Daleks. We can give the lot of thembrainstorms.
[DOCTOR] No, I'm afraid not, Codal. You see, the Daleks armour acts as asort of shield, so we've got to get in very close. In any case, theeffect will only be temporary.
[CODAL] Well, how long will it last then?
[DOCTOR] Well, if we're lucky, long enough to get away. That is, if
[CODAL] If what?
[DOCTOR] If it works.
(Tunnel entrance)
[REBEC] It's freezing!
[TARON] Yeah, it's an allotrope of ice.
[REBEC] A what?
[TARON] Well, it's a form of ice that never gets hard. Codal isconvinced that the core of this whole planet is a mass of it, becauseevery once in a while the pressure builds up and the whole thing burststo the surface.
[REBEC] Like a volcano?
[TARON] Yeah, but instead of white hot lava, this erupts with moltenice. We've seen it, tremendous explosions. The ice covers the junglefor miles around.
[MARAT] Are there many of these outlets?
[TARON] Yes, dozens of them, but this is the nearest one to the city.
[REBEC] Yes, but why is it important to us?
[TARON] Ah, well, when they built the city, they used this ice volcanoto provide a cooling system. They drove shafts out to meet the naturalfissures.
[MARAT] So if we could find the junctions we could get right inside thecity.
[TARON] That's the theory anyway. Trouble is, we don't know if theshafts will stay wide enough to crawl through and we'll have no ideawhich tunnel to follow.
[REBEC] And if the ice erupts when we're in there?
[VABER] I've left the rest of the explosives in a safe hiding place.
[TARON] Good.
[VABER] I've marked the position, just in case.
[TARON] Switch on your heating units. It's going to be cold in there.You two get started.
[TARON] Vaber, Latep, remember, positions by the main entrance to thecity. If we manage to cause a diversion, you attack.
[VABER] Right. Er, Taron, about what happened, I'm
[TARON] Forget it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, that's it. That's the best thatI can do. There's only one thing we need now.
[CODAL] What's that?
[DOCTOR] A Dalek to try it out on.
[WESTER] Quickly, now. (Jo runs over and gets into the container,covering herself with vegetation. The Spiridons return and startpushing the container away, and into the city.)
(Ice tunnel)
[REBEC] Oh, it's so cold. My heating unit's turned to maximum but I'mstill freezing.
[MARAT] How far do you think we've come?
[TARON] It's hard to tell. We should strike one of the cooling ductssoon.
[REBEC] What's that?
[TARON] I don't know. Just keep moving.
[MARAT] Taron, could be the start of an eruption, couldn't it?
[TARON] It's possible.
[MARAT] Then let's get back while we still have time.
[TARON] No, if it's coming, we're already too late. We've no chance ofgetting to the surface in time. Our only chance is to strike one of theshafts and quickly!
(Control room)
[DALEK] Attention! The prisoners are to be taken for interrogationimmediately.
[DALEK 2] I obey.
[CODAL] I can hear the lift. There's one coming.
[DOCTOR] Come sit here. Now remember what I told you. Get in close sothat it can't use its blaster, right?
[CODAL] Right.
[DALEK] Prisoners will stand.
[DALEK] Prisoners will stand!
[DALEK] Surrender or you will be exterminated!
[DOCTOR] Hold on! Hold it!
[DOCTOR] Mind yourself. Hold on to it! Hold on to it!
[CODAL] I can't!
[DOCTOR] Hold it!
[CODAL] That little machine of yours has quite an effect.
[DOCTOR] Had quite an effect.
[DOCTOR] Not any more, I'm afraid. You know, for a man who abhorsviolence, I must say I took great satisfaction in doing that. Right,let's get on. We may be out of the cell but we're a long way from beingfree.
[DOCTOR] Get your gun.
(Control room)
[DALEK] Sensors detect ice eruption is imminent.
[DALEK 2] Prepare to close all cooling ducts. Activate when scaleregisters red alert.
[DALEK] I obey.
(Ice tunnel)
[TARON] Back!
[DOCTOR] Back! Back!
[DALEK] Alert! Alert! Alert!
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] Level seven reports prisoners at liberty!
[DALEK] Instigate condition of maximum alert. Normal operations willcease.
[DALEK 2] I obey. DALEK
[DOCTOR] Back to the lift!
[DALEK] Halt! Halt!
[DOCTOR] Back to the lift!
[DOCTOR] Well, it's not going up. They must beoperating it by remote control. Well, there's only one thing for it,we'll have to go down.
[CODAL] Shut the doors!
[DOCTOR] That was close.
[CODAL] If they keep driving us down to the lower levels, we'll neverget out.
[DOCTOR] Presumably that's their intention. Still, we haven't muchalternative, have we? Let's try another level.
[CODAL] Let me go first, Doctor. At least I've got this. (aweapon)
[DOCTOR] Thank you very much.
(Ice tunnel)
[REBEC] Look, the shaft! (Taron leads the way up to a grill, and guesswho he sees through it.)
[TARON] Doctor! Codal!
[DOCTOR] I know it's not the moment to ask how you got in there, but I'dbe fascinated to know how.
[TARON] Help me free this grill! Hurry! The ice is moving up behind us!
[DOCTOR] Push it up! Use your knife. Right, now lever it down, lever itdown. Right, now push! That's it!
(Control room)
[DALEK] Eruption nearing danger peak. All cooling ducts now being closeddown. All cooling ducts now being closed down.
[DOCTOR] Doors are closing!
[TARON] Hold them! Hold them!
[CODAL] I can't hold it.
[DOCTOR] You must! Pull!
[DOCTOR] Come on. Put your leg here.
[CODAL] Look!
[DOCTOR] Out of here! Quick! Out! Come on, get him out of here!
(Control room)
[DALEK [OC}] And prisoners have been driven to level zero. All unitswill proceed to this level immediately.
[DALEK 2 [OC]] All ascent areas sealed off. Prisoners now confined tolevel zero.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[MARAT] You go on, I'll be all right.
[DOCTOR] Come on, hurry up. The door's going to close. Come on through.Come on, Marat! Marat, come on! Marat!
[MARAT] No, you get inside!
[DOCTOR] Come on, Marat!
[MARAT] Get in!
[DOCTOR] Marat!
(Cooling chamber)
[REBEC] Marat! Marat!
[TARON] There's nothing we can do. Nothing.
[DOCTOR] Right, now cover your eyes.
[DALEK 2] This was hidden on the prisoner's body.
[DALEK] This shows where the Thals have concealed their explosives. Takea patrol immediately. Locate explosives and destroy.
[DALEK 2] I obey.
[DALEK] Report.
[DALEK 3] Door mechanism fails to respond.
[DALEK] Bring cutting equipment.
(Cooling chamber)
[CODAL] Well, they won't open that in a hurry.
[DOCTOR] Never underestimate the Daleks, Codal. They won't let a littlematter of a metal door delay them for long.
[REBEC] Doctor?
[REBEC] Looks as if all Marat's courage was for nothing. There's noother door.
[DOCTOR] Oh. I don't know whether I've locked the Daleks out orourselves in.
[TARON] Have a look at this.
[TARON] What do you make of it?
[DOCTOR] Well, if it wasn't for the fact that it doesn't make sense, I'dsay it was a gigantic refrigeration unit.
[TARON] Yes, it's big enough to freeze an ocean.
[REBEC] But why? All their cooling needs are taken care of by the icetunnels.
[DOCTOR] What's this?
[TARON] Well, it's a ventilator shaft. Carries out the hot gases fromthe unit.
[DOCTOR] Right, that's it then.
[TARON] What do you mean? Nobody could climb that.
[DOCTOR] You're probably right. Nevertheless it does lead up to thesurface, doesn't it?
[CODAL] Shush! Something's happening outside.
[TARON] They're cutting through. Doctor? Doctor, they're cutting throughthe door.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's pretty obvious they'd do something of the sort.
[TARON] Well, what are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] Nothing. When faced with the inevitable, don't waste precioustime by resisting it. Now, what would you say the tensile strength ofthis material is?
(Control room)
[DALEK] We located the position where the Thals have hidden theirexplosives. We are to proceed to the area and destroy them.
(Cooling chamber)
[TARON] I wish you'd tell us what the point is of all this, Doctor.
[CODAL] Well, we're certainly not going to float out of here.
[DOCTOR] Huh. That's precisely what we are going to do. Come with me,Taron. I want to show you something.
[TARON] Hurry up, Doctor, it's pretty hot in here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly, but if we can turn the refrigeration unit up tomaximum, the updraft will be hotter and even more powerful. Now look atthis.
[TARON] So? Hot air rises.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. And if we can trap enough of it, we might be able torise with it.
[TARON] Fantastic. Will it work?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea. We haven't got much choice. TARON
[CODAL] Pull your end out.
[REBEC] Right.
[(They hold up the plastic as the Doctor turns up the heat. The cuttingDalek is on the second vertical of the doorway.) REBEC] It's beginningto fill. It's rising! Hurry up, Doctor!
[CODAL] Come on, Doctor!
[REBEC] Come on!
[CODAL] Get your rope, Doctor!
[DALEK] Attack force prepare. Fire power maximum. The prisoners are tobe exterminated.
(Cooling chamber)
[TARON] Doctor!
[CODAL] Come on, Doctor, come on! It's going up!
[TARON] Come on, Doctor.
[CODAL] Grab that.
[DOCTOR] Oh no.
[CODAL] There's not enough lift to take all our weight.
[TARON] Rise, will you? Rise!
[DOCTOR] Give it time, Taron, give it time.
[REBEC] It's not going to work! Doctor, it's not going to work!
(Cooling chamber)
[DOCTOR] It's lifting! It's beginning to lift! Hangon tight! Hang on!
[TARON] It's going.
[DALEK] Escape from this section is impossible. The prisoners arehiding. Locate and destroy. They are to be exterminated!
(Cooling shaft)
[TARON] How far have we come?
[DOCTOR] It's hard to tell. Let's hope we're high enough to be out ofrange.
(Cooling chamber)
[DALEK 2] Prisoners located! Prisoners located!
(Cooling shaft)
[DOCTOR] Yes, we are out of range. That's a relief.You all right, Rebec?
[REBEC] I can't stand heights. I daren't look down.
[TARON] Just keep your eyes closed and hang on tight. You'll be allright.
[CODAL] Any idea how far to the surface?
[DOCTOR] Miles, I should think. Don't forget we started at the lowestlevel of the city. Should be a long, slow haul.
(Cooling chamber)
[DALEK] A patrol will ascend to surface level andproceed immediately to the point where the shaft emerges. Patrol willrequire to travel at maximum speed to reach the point before prisonersescape. An anti-gravitational disc is to be brought here at once.
[DALEK] I obey.
(Jungle cliff face)
[DALEK] Explosives located. Assist.
[DALEK] The explosives are equipped with detonating mechanisms.
[DALEK 2] We will detonate them here. Activate mechanism.
[DALEK] All mechanisms primed. The bombs will self-detonate.
[DALEK 2] We will return to the city.
(Cooling shaft)
[DOCTOR] You know, after this, I think I must takeup hot air ballooning. It really is most exhilarating.
[REBEC] I'd prefer a rocket to take me off this planet.
[DOCTOR] Ah, cheer up, my dear. Just you hang on tight. We're perfectlysafe.
(Cooling chamber)
[DALEK] Anti-gravitational disc in position. Energylevel building to lift-off capacity.
[DALEK 3] Prepare for ascent.
[DALEK 2] Lift off.
[DALEK] We are nearing the top of the shaft.Central command reports prisoners still in shaft.
(Cooling shaft)
[TARON] Doctor, there's something coming up afterus.
[DOCTOR] Well, its rate of ascent doesn't seem much faster than ours. Weshould reach the surface before it can catch up with us.
[REBEC] Doctor, look!
[DOCTOR] The whole thing's going! Get on the side! Hang on!
(Jungle - top of shaft)
[REBEC] Taron, quickly!
[CODAL] The Dalek's only just below him!
[REBEC] He can't reach it!
[CODAL] I'll try mine.
[DOCTOR] Right!
[TARON] Get on the step.
[CODAL] Got it.
[TARON] Give me your hand! Come on, Doctor, that's it!
[REBEC] We've done it!
[CODAL] Well done, Rebec. We've made it!
[TARON] Thanks to the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I think we ought to postpone the celebrations untilwe're in a slightly safer area. Come on.
[TARON] Yes.
(Control room)
[LEADER] Whilst the aliens are at liberty, a full state of emergencywill be maintained. Normal operations will be suspended. Spiridon slaveworkers will cooperate with Dalek patrols in saturation level search.The aliens must be located and destroyed!
[JO] Doctor!
[JO] Oh, Doctor, I thought, I thought you were dead! I thought, oh, Idon't know what I thought. I'm so pleased to see you.
[DOCTOR] Jo, you were on that Thal spaceship. I saw it destroyed.
[JO] No, I wasn't.
[DOCTOR] But you were.
[JO] No, I wasn't. Look, Doctor, what's been happening? Where've youbeen?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a long story and there were a few moments that werea trifle worrying
[CODAL] A trifle worrying?
[DOCTOR] You know Codal and Taron, don't you?
[JO] Yes.
[DOCTOR] I don't think you've met Rebec.
[JO] Hello.
[REBEC] Hello.
[JO] Look, Doctor, the last I'd heard about you, you'd been captured bythe Daleks, right
[DOCTOR] Yeah, but
[JO] And I was told that they were going to take you
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know that
[JO] Because they're doing all these experiments
[DOCTOR] All right, all right, Jo
[JO] And then I thought you were going to be in them and I didn't knowwhat I was going to do
[DOCTOR] Jo! Jo! Jo! Please? Look, will you excuse us for a moment? Myfriend has rather a lot to tell me about.
[TARON] Yes, of course.
[JO] Doctor, wait till you hear what happened to me. It was terrible,and then I got rescued by this bowl.
[REBEC] You might say you're glad to see me.
[TARON] I might. Why did you come?
[REBEC] I was part of the back up crew. I was trained and ready. I hadno choice.
[TARON] That's not true. There were dozens of other people trained tothe same state of readiness as you. You could have backed out.
[REBEC] Why should I? I wanted to come on the first landing, and youmade sure I was kept out of your crew. So when the chance came, I tookit.
[CODAL] Look, I think one of us ought to keep watch. I'll take the firststretch.
[TARON] You shouldn't have come.
[REBEC] Now I'm here, we're together again. And there's nothing you cando about it.
[TARON] But don't you realise what you've done? Can't you see theposition you've put me in? I mean, not counting Jo and the Doctor,there's only five of us left now. Five of us out of two missions. Andsomehow we've got to achieve what we set out to do. We must destroy theDaleks!
[REBEC] And how does my being here change that?
[TARON] Because. Because I love you. I can't convert you into a cypher.But from now on, every judgment I make will be clouded. I'll evenhesitate to take the right risks because I'll be worrying about you.
[REBEC] I'm sorry. I didn't think of it like that. I didn't understand.
[TARON] Well, you might understand this. Your being here might be thevery reason the Daleks win.
(Control room)
[DALEK] Our patrols report no contact with thealiens. Temperatures falling rapidly.
[LEADER] The search will continue.
[DALEK] I obey.
[LEADER] Supreme Command has decreed that we prepare a bacteriologicalculture that will destroy all living tissue. Daleks and Spiridon slaveworkers will be given immunity to the disease.
[DALEK] If the aliens are not taken, the bacteria is to be released.Without immunity, no living thing can survive the disease. All will beexterminated!
[DOCTOR] But, Jo, why on earth didn't you stay inthe Tardis? We'd have been safe there.
[JO] Well, Doctor, you didn't look very safe. Well, I thought you weredying and I went out to try and find some help for you.
[DOCTOR] On a planet full of Daleks? Well, surely I warned you?
[JO] Well, Doctor, you didn't tell me anything. You just rushed into theTardis, you rattled off some sort of a message and, well, then youflaked out.
[JO] Uh huh.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sorry, Jo. I'm afraid I wasn't myself.
[JO] Doctor? What did you say to the Time Lords in your message?
[DOCTOR] Well, I told them about the Dalek spaceship leaving the Ogronplanet and told them to send the Tardis after it.
[JO] But what are the Daleks doing on this planet?
[DOCTOR] They've got an army based here, Jo, the mightiest army ofDaleks there's ever been.
[JO] But when we were on the Ogron planet, we put a stop to their planto sort of cause a war?
[DOCTOR] Well, evidently that was only part of their plan, to make theirconquest easier perhaps. With an army this size, we now know theyintend to invade the galaxy anyway unless we can stop them.
[JO] Just us?
[DOCTOR] And our Thal friends. Oh dear. Perhaps a female shoulder to cryon might come in handy.
[JO] Right.
[DOCTOR] Give it a try, will you?
[JO] Yes.
[DOCTOR] The load getting a little heavy?
[TARON] I don't think I'm equipped to handle all this any more.
[DOCTOR] Oh, why? Just because you've found out that you're not made ofstone?
[TARON] This job doesn't allow for human weakness.
[DOCTOR] Then they should have sent a machine, shouldn't they.
[TARON] I thought they had. I was wrong.
[DOCTOR] Good, because the business of command is not for a machine, isit? The moment that we forget that we're dealing with people, thenwe're no better off than the machines that we came here to destroy.When we start acting and thinking like the Daleks, Taron, the battle islost.
[TARON] Someone coming!
[CODAL] Look who I found.
[TARON] What happened to you?
[VABER] What happened to you? We saw the ice eruption and assumed youhadn't made it.
[LATEP] We went to the entrance of the city anyway.
[VABER] I wanted to take the chance, make a rush, but we found our bombwas faulty.
[LATEP] So we had to go back to get the other bombs, to find some Dalekshad been there before us and blown themselves up.
[JO] Well, I managed to get two of the bombs before that. I've hiddenthem.
[DOCTOR] Well done, Jo. If those two are all right, we at least have achance.
[TARON] We must move on. It'll be dark soon.
[CODAL] And cold. You haven't experienced a full Spiridon night, Doctor.You don't know what cold is until you have.
[DOCTOR] Then we must find shelter.
[VABER] Right, but not here. There are Daleks and Spiridon slave workersmaking a terrific sweep across the jungle not that far behind us.
[TARON] Well, prepare to move. We'll go to the plain of stones.
[JO] Plain of stones?
[CODAL] It's an area of huge boulders. They absorb the heat of the sunand then discharge it at night.
[DOCTOR] You know, this planet never ceases to amaze me. First we find agigantic refrigerator and now night storage heaters. It really soundsquite luxurious.
[CODAL] Not exactly, Doctor. All the animal life from the jungle goesthere as well.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's nice. Right, let's get going. Jo, where did you hidethe bombs?
[JO] I'll get them.
[LATEP] Let me help you.
[JO] They're here.
[LATEP] We haven't met properly. I am Latep.
[JO] I'm Jo. How do you do? Uh oh. You don't know about a handshake.Well, you see, it's an old Earth custom. We clasp hands like that andit shows that we're good friends and that we're pleased to meet oneanother. Come on.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) What are those animals?
[CODAL] (sotto) They're not animals, Doctor. Spiridons. They wear thosefurs against the cold.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) That's good. At least we can see them now. Did younotice anything peculiar about the Daleks, Jo?
[JO] Not particularly. Why?
[DOCTOR] Only that their movements seem to be slower.
[LATEP] Well, fast enough to kill us on sight, Doctor.
[CODAL] Almost as though their mechanical reflexes weren't functioningproperly.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but the reason. The reason is the important thing.
[CODAL] They're out of range now. I think we can chance a move.
[JO] Come on, let's do it. I'm freezing!
(Plain of Stones)
[REBEC] What was that?
[TARON] I don't know. We've heard them before. Never seen them. Latep,take first guard. Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course.
[TARON] Do you mind?
[DOCTOR] Come on, Jo. Come and keep me company.
[JO] All right.
[VABER] I hate this running and hiding. We need to attack, and soon.
[TARON] I'll decide when and how.
[VABER] You've been putting off this attack since we got here. What doyou want, a guarantee of safety?
[TARON] No, I just want the best possible guarantee of success. Anyattempt that fails is worth nothing.
[TARON] Codal, that giant refrigeration unit. What did you make of it?
[CODAL] It was neutron powered
[TARON] Yeah
[CODAL] Could run for a thousand years. I'm convinced that somehow it'svital to the Dalek's survival.
[TARON] Why do they need such low temperatures?
[CODAL] I can't answer that, but I am sure that refrigeration unit isthe key to our attack.
[VABER] Are you saying is we destroy the refrigeration plant, we destroythe Daleks?
[CODAL] Yes. Yes, I think it would wipe them out.
[VABER] Then that's it. That's the way we do it. We go in through theshaft you came out of. Or better still, we lower the bombs down.
[TARON] The Daleks wouldn't have left the top of that shaft unguarded.
[VABER] We think about that when we get there. If we leave now, we canbe there before light.
[TARON] We'll attack, but this has to be planned. Until it is, we'llwait.
[VABER] Wait! Wait! That's all we've heard from you. Why don't you faceit, Taron? Admit what we all know. Be honest. You're afraid. Miro wouldhave taken action by now. He was a real commander, and he wouldn't havehad her hanging around our necks!
[CODAL] Latep!
[TARON] I am still in command here, and like it or not, you will obeyorders. And believe me, Vaber, if you don't, I shan't hesitate to killyou. Now let's all get some rest. Latep, go back to your post.
[DALEK] The bacteria are multiplying.
[DALEK 2] We have calculated that after the release of the culture intothe atmosphere, it will totally contaminate the planet within the spaceof one Spiridon day.
[DALEK] All plant life will wither and die.
[DALEK 2] All unimmunised animal life will die within one hour ofinhaling the contaminated air.
[LEADER] Approved. Continue with preparations.
[DALEK] The most virulent form of the bacteria will be ready for releasein half a Spiridon day.
(Control room)
[LEADER] Report.
[DALEK 3] Spiridon slaves report aliens believed to be hiding at thePlain of Stones.
[LEADER] Order all search units into that area.
[DALEK 3] I obey.
(Plain of Stones)
[TARON] (sotto) Latep! Doctor! Codal. Codal!Where's Vaber?
[CODAL] He was sitting over there.
[TARON] Doctor, the bombs have gone.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CODAL] He left this.
[TARON] (reads) I'll do what I have to do alone.
[DOCTOR] He doesn't stand a chance.
[TARON] That's the last of the explosives.
[CODAL] We've got to stop him.
[TARON] I intend to. Codal, will you come with me? Doctor, would youstay here?
[DOCTOR] If that's what you want.
[TARON] Thanks.
[CODAL] He'll be heading for the ventilator shaft.
[TARON] Yeah. We'll be back as soon as we can. Latep, stay here. Comeon.
[REBEC] Be careful, Taron.
[DOCTOR] Have you still got your guns with you?
[REBEC] Yes.
[DOCTOR] That's good. Keep them handy, will you? Look around you.
[SPIRIDON] Take him to the Daleks.
[TARON] They've got Vaber.
[CODAL] And the bombs!
[TARON] We must get them.
(Plain of Stones)
[REBEC] What sort of creatures are they?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea, but whatever they are, they're moving in closer.
[REBEC] I'll try a shot at them.
[LATEP] They've gone. It scared them off.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but they don't stay scared for long, do they?
[LATEP] Let them get in closer.
[REBEC] That's the last of my charges.
[LATEP] And I've only two left.
[TARON] Help me into this.
[CODAL] All right.
[TARON] Let's see if we can get in there. Now listen, I'll try to getclose to one of the others. Be ready to move in when I jump him.
[CODAL] Right.
[TARON] Right.
[CODAL] Good luck.
(Plain of Stones)
[LATEP] That's it.
[DOCTOR] Well, if they come in ones and twos, we might manage to beatthem off.
[LATEP] And if they rush us?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to try something.
[DOCTOR] Don't just stand round there, get yourselves torches. They'refrightened of flame.
[LATEP] But, Doctor, there won't be enough wood for the fire.
[DOCTOR] We'll just have to hope that supply lasts till morning. We'vegot to keep that fire going at all costs!
[CODAL] Taron. If you can work your way through to Vaber, and get closeto him, then I'll
[TARON] Come on. You nearly got yourself killed!
[CODAL] I thought it was you.
[TARON] Get into this.
[TARON] Now, stay close to me. We've got to near the one carrying thebombs. When I jump him, grab the bombs and make off quickly. Make asmuch noise as you can. They'll follow you. I'll try and free Vaber.
[CODAL] Oh, I'll try and head back for the Doctor. If all goes well,I'll meet you there.
[TARON] All right.
(Plain of Stones)
[JO] Penny for them?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I was just thinking about Vaber. What on Earth possessedhim to go rushing off like that?
[REBEC] Once we'd worked out the plan, he wanted to attack straightaway.
[DOCTOR] Plan, what plan?
[REBEC] To blow up the refrigeration unit.
[DOCTOR] What? But that's the worse thing he could possibly do.
[REBEC] But Codal said if we destroyed the refrigeration unit, we'd bedestroying the Daleks.
[DOCTOR] On the contrary, you'd be bringing their army to life.
[LATEP] How, Doctor?
[JO] Oh, I get it. The Daleks you saw in the arsenal were in sort ofsuspended animation.
[DOCTOR] No ageing process, no degeneration. An army of Daleks in coldstorage until they're needed.
[REBEC] So that's why they built the refrigeration unit.
[JO] And you mean they need a constant controllable low temperaturebecause the volcano's too unstable.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's about it. And the moment that temperature rises,the Dalek army's going to be on the move. Now we've got to find theothers and warn them.
[DOCTOR] A Spiridon!
[JO] Doctor, no! That's Wester. He's the Spiridon that helped me.
[DOCTOR] You sure?
[JO] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Well, please accept my thanks, Mister Wester. I owe you a verygreat deal.
[WESTER] Jo, I have news from inside the city.
[JO] What is it?
[WESTER] The Daleks have prepared a bacteria bomb. It will destroy everyliving thing on this planet.
[DOCTOR] Except, presumably, the Daleks?
[WESTER] Yes, they have a way of immunising themselves. They arepreparing them to release the bomb now.
[JO] Well, what shall we do?
[WESTER] I shall go back into the city. Perhaps I can find some way ofdelaying them.
[DOCTOR] Well, thank you for warning us. We'll do all that we can tohelp you.
[WESTER] Goodbye, Jo.
[JO] Goodbye, Wester.
[WESTER] I must go now.
[JO] Wester! Take care.
[REBEC] What shall we do about Taron and Codal?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll wait till it's full light. If they're not back bythen, we move out without them.
[REBEC] Very well.
[JO] Doctor, what shall we do?
[DOCTOR] Well, first of all we've got to stop the Daleks releasing theirbacteria. Second, we've got to make sure their army stays inactive, andthird, we've got to generally put an end to their chances of invasionof other planets.
[JO] Well, how're we going to do all that?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) I haven't the faintest idea.
[DALEK] Halt! What is this?
[SPIRIDON] We have captured one of the aliens.
[DALEK] We will question him. Where are the others hiding? Answer!
[VABER] If you want them. If you want them, you find them!
[DALEK] Answer or we will exterminate you!
[VABER] I haven't seen them.
[DALEK] The others are near the Plain of Stones. You will lead us tothem.
[DALEK] You will lead us to them!
[VABER] No. No, don't fire. I'll take you there. Whatever you say.
[DALEK] We will start immediately.
[VABER] It's back this way.
[DALEK] Pursue! Pursue!
[LEADER] Report.
[DALEK] The antidote is prepared and ready to be administered.
[LEADER] Demonstrate.
[DALEK] Synthesised anti-bacterial elements are released in immediatevicinity of subject. The elements provide immunity on contact. We arenow protected against the bacteria.
[LEADER] Approved. I will order all Dalek units and Spiridon slaveworkers assembled here for treatment shortly. Is the bacteria ready forrelease?
[DALEK] All is prepared.
[LEADER] The final phase of the operation is to commence immediately.
[DALEK] Removal of the container top is all that is required to allowbacteria to enter the atmosphere.
(Control room)
[LEADER] Transmit a general call to all units. Theyare to report here immediately for protective treatment prior torelease of bacteria.
[DALEK 2] I obey.
(Plain of Stones)
[LATEP] Shush!
[DOCTOR] Where on earth did you get those?
[TARON] We persuaded a couple of Spiridons to part with them.
[DOCTOR] Well done. Have you got the bombs?
[CODAL] Yes.
[LATEP] Where's Vaber?
[CODAL] He's dead.
[TARON] I'll tell you about that later. We've got to move away fromhere. There's a Dalek patrol right behind us.
[DOCTOR] Now, wait. We can't go on running forever. It's time for achange of tactics.
[TARON] We can't risk a straightforward confrontation.
[DOCTOR] No, I agree, so let's stop for a moment and use ourintelligence, shall we?
[TARON] All right. What have you got in mind?
[DOCTOR] Well, to take any effective and permanent action, we've got toget inside that city.
[REBEC] How do we do that?
[DOCTOR] Well, I do have a plan, but you'll have to trust me.
[TARON] What do you want us to do?
[DOCTOR] Well, first of all, we've got to make sure that a Dalek patrolfinds us. Somebody must go out, show themselves and then lead them backhere.
[LATEP] I'll go.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Latep. Now try and lead them around for a bit beforeyou bring them back here. We'll need a little time to get ourselvesready.
[LATEP] All right.
[JO] Wait, Latep, I'm coming with you.
[JO] Doctor, I'm tired of being hunted too.
[DOCTOR] Yes, all right.
[DOCTOR] Taron?
[CODAL] We'll keep watch.
(Ice pool)
[DOCTOR] I noticed this this morning. Have you seen them before?
[TARON] Yes, they're all over the place. Molten ice pools. A sort ofnatural spring.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and hyper-cold. Yes, it's an odd phenomena, the water onthis planet. It sustains sub-zero temperatures and yet remainssemi-liquid.
[TARON] I'm sorry, I don't see the significance of all this. We've knownabout these ice pools for some time.
[DOCTOR] The Daleks are vulnerable to extremely low temperatures andthey hardly function at all at sub-zero levels.
[TARON] Yes. Yes, I see. Come on, let's look around. Find a way ofmaking it work.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's a good feeling, isn't it? When the hunted become thehunters.
(Control room)
[LEADER] Spiridon slave workers will proceed to level four to awaittreatment. Move!
[LEADER] Report.
[DALEK] Dalek patrol three is proceeding towards the city with remainderof Spiridon slave workers.
[LEADER] Only patrol seven remains unaccounted for. Report.
[DALEK 2] Contact with patrol seven established. They have made contactwith aliens and are in pursuit. They request permission to continue.
[LEADER] Permission granted. Advise that no prisoners are to be taken.They are to be exterminated.
[LATEP] You all right?
[JO] Bit winded. Never run so far in all my life!
[LATEP] I think we've given them enough running around now. It's time westarted back for the others.
[JO] Right.
[LATEP] There we are. Are you ready?
[JO] Yes.
[DALEK] Pursue! Pursue! Pursue! Surrender!
(Plain of Stones)
[DOCTOR] Right, you all set?
[CODAL] Yes, we're ready.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[REBEC] Doctor, it's Jo and Latep.
[JO] The Daleks are right behind us.
[TARON] Scatter!
[DOCTOR] Come on, Jo!
[DOCTOR] (sotto) All right, I'll try and draw them off that way.
[DALEK] Give protective fire.
(Ice pool)
[DOCTOR] Taron! Taron, get ready!
[DOCTOR] Get out of its line of fire!
[DOCTOR] Pull it!
[DALEK] Assist! Assist!
(Plain of Stones)
[DALEK 2] Halt!
[DALEK 2] Surrender! Surrender or you will be exterminated! Surrender!
[DALEK 2] Surrender or you will be exterminated!
[DALEK] I cannot see! Emergency! Alert! Vision impaired!
(Ice pool)
[DALEK] Assist! Assist! Assist! Assist! Assist!
[CODAL] Hold on!
[DALEK 2] Assist! Assist!
[JO] We did it!
[DOCTOR] Well done. Well done, everybody! Now, come on, Taron. We've gotwork to do.
[TARON] Latep, switch on your thermal liner.
[DOCTOR] Keep out of their angle of fire. They may still be dangerous.Right, now lift up the top section. Are they dead?
[TARON] Yes. The shock of the sudden cold must have killed them straightaway.
[DOCTOR] Right, get that one up onto the bank.
(Control room)
[LEADER] Report.
[DALEK 2] We have lost contact with patrol seven. Last reported positionwas they were entering the Plain of Stones in pursuit of the aliens.
[LEADER] No further information?
[DALEK 2] Weak signal from the automatic distress transmitter, thensilence.
[LEADER] We will wait no longer.
[DALEK 3] Stop! What are you doing here?
[WESTER] My name is Wester. I have a vital message for the sectionleader. I've made contact with the aliens, lured them into a trap.
[DALEK 3] The section leader is occupied.
[WESTER] He ordered an immediate report.
[DALEK 3] You will enter the laboratory and report when the sectionleader is free.
[LEADER] We will commence to administer theprotective treatments immediately.
[DALEK] I have located minor mechanical fault in the equipment. It willbe rectified quickly.
[LEADER] Work at all speed. I shall assist you.
[DALEK] Caution! Caution!
(Outside the city entrance)
[DOCTOR] You all right, Rebec?
[REBEC] Yes, I think so.
[DOCTOR] Latep, you're sure you know the way to the ventilator shaft?
[LATEP] Taron marked it on the chart, Doctor.
[JO] Can we come with you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Jo. No, it must be a two-pronged attack to doubleour chances of success. Have you got the bomb? Whichever group getsthere first must detonate that bomb in one of the tunnels near thecooling unit. Block off the Daleks completely. Now, whatever you do,don't damage the refrigeration unit. It's absolutely vital that thatcontinues to function.
[JO] We understand.
[TARON] Here you are, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] More gentle persuasion?
[TARON] You could put it like that.
[DOCTOR] Right, put it on.
[DOCTOR] Well, Jo, do I pass?
[JO] You'll do, in a pinch. Good luck, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] And to you.
[LATEP] Good luck.
[DOCTOR] All right, Rebec?
[REBEC] All right.
[DOCTOR] Okay.
[DOCTOR] Right, off we go.
[DALEK] All units were ordered to return to base. You are late. Reportto central control immediately.
[JO] (sotto) They're in!
[LATEP] (sotto) We'd better get going.
[JO] (sotto) Right.
[LATEP] (sotto) Come on.
(Control room)
[TARON] What are they doing?
[DOCTOR] Presumably they're preparing the bacteria.
[TARON] But there's a Spiridon in there.
[DOCTOR] That's Wester!
[DALEK] Fault rectified. Equipment now fullyoperational.
[LEADER] We are both already immune. We will start to administer theprotective treatment to all units at once.
[DALEK] You must not open container!
[DALEK] Bacteria is released. Do not open door! Repeat, do not opendoor!
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] (sotto) If they open that hermeticallysealed door even a fraction of an inch, the bacteria will escape anddestroy everything including themselves.
[LEADER] We cannot leave here. No one can enter. We can never leavehere. Never, never, never!
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Let's try and get to the lowerlevels.
[TARON] All right, Rebec.
[DALEK 2] Wait! Spiridon slave workers are to report to level fourimmediately. Move!
[DALEK 2] Wait! You are not Spiridons! Emergency! Emergency! Emergency!
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] Do not move! Alarm!
[DOCTOR] The cloak! Come on, over it!
[DALEK 2] Alarm! I cannot see! Vision impaired!
[DOCTOR] Get going!
[DOCTOR] Get it out! Come on!
[DALEK 2 [OC]] Pursue! Pursue!
[DOCTOR] This way!
(Control room)
[DALEK] Alert! Alert! Alert! Aliens at liberty incity. Instigate condition of maximum security. Alert! Alert! alert!
[DOCTOR] Come on! Come on! They're right behind you!
[TARON] Codal! Come back and give us a hand.
[DOCTOR] This way! This way! In you go.
[DALEK] Pursue! Pursue! Alarm! Pursue!
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] Report.
[DALEK 3] Aliens have descended to level eight.
[DALEK 2] Seal off all levels above them. They must be driven down tothe deepest levels.
[DALEK 3] I obey.
[DOCTOR] Out, quick!
[DOCTOR] Well, Rebec, it seems you stopped being a Dalek just in time.DOCTOR
[TARON] How deep are we going?
[DOCTOR] Down to the arsenal.
[CODAL] And what then? One bomb against an army of Daleks?
[DOCTOR] He's right, you know. One bomb won't destroy them all. The mostwe can hope for is to stop that army getting into action.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Okay, come on.
[DOCTOR] Look, see what you can find in the coolingchamber act as a barricade. Block off that corridor as best you can.
[CODAL] Right.
[DOCTOR] I know we can't stop them but it might hold them up for a bit.
[TARON] Yeah.
[CODAL] Right.
[DOCTOR] There you are, Rebec. The greatest Dalek invasion force everassembled.
[REBEC] And with the Spiridon's power to become invisible, nothing canstop them.
[DOCTOR] That's about it. Right, let's go and help the others with thebarricade.
(Control room)
[DALEK 2] Report.
[DALEK 3] Message from command spacecraft. The Dalek Supreme will touchdown in Spiridon shortly. He will assume total command of alloperations on this planet.
[DALEK 2] Understood.
[DALEK 3] Dalek command has identified the leading alien. The one who isnot a Thal.
[DALEK 2] Who is he?
[DALEK 3] He is the one known as the Doctor, the greatest enemy of theDaleks.
[DALEK 2] He has much knowledge that would be of value to us. He must becaptured alive for interrogation by the Dalek Supreme.
[JO] (sotto) I've never seen a Dalek like that before.
[LATEP] He's something very special. One of the supreme council. Theycertainly know how to build spacecraft.
[JO] Latep, could you fly that thing?
[LATEP] With the help of the others, yes.
[JO] Well then, it can take you back to Skaro.
[LATEP] I'd thought of that.
[JO] But don't you see what that means? Look, you thought that even ifthis mission was a successful one, that you'd be marooned here for therest of your lives. With that, you've got a chance of getting home.
[LATEP] But the Daleks haven't been defeated yet. Not by a long way.
[JO] I know. I know all that. But it gives you a chance. It gives youall something to hope for. I wish the others were here and then wecould tell them about it.
[LATEP] I'm glad they're not.
[JO] But why? If they knew there was a way to escape.
[LATEP] Just knowing might mean the difference between success andfailure. We all thought that whatever happened, there was no way out.It was a suicide mission. That's affected everything we've done. We'vefaced dangers and taken risks because there was nothing to lose, Jo.
[JO] Would you go on taking them?
[LATEP] I don't know. You see, I've found a reason to be more careful, areason for wanting to stay alive.
[JO] Come on, Latep. We've still got a long way to go.
[DOCTOR] That should hold them for a while. Rebec, stay near. At theslightest sound of the Daleks breaking through, give us plenty ofwarning. Come on, you two.
(Cooling chamber)
[DOCTOR] Any sign of Jo and Latep?
[TARON] No, not yet.
[CODAL] What are you after, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Blast! I was hoping there'd be a way of locking these controlsinto the on position. As soon as this refrigeration unit is switchedoff, those Daleks will be on the move.
[CODAL] The main switches are probably in the control room. We don'twant to go back there.
[DOCTOR] No. Then we'll have to use my other plan. Come on. Let's usknow as soon as you see Jo and Latep.
[TARON] Yeah.
[REBEC] Doctor! They're trying to get through!
[DOCTOR] Well, it should hold them for a little while yet. Now, don'tworry. Come on.
(Control room)
[SUPREME] Report.
[DALEK 2] Aliens still at liberty.
[SUPREME] All Dalek units are to be assigned to their captureimmediately. Take charge of all controls. Report on invisibilityexperiments.
[DALEK 2] Daleks can now achieve total invisibility for periods inexcess of two work cycles.
[SUPREME] Satisfactory. The Supreme Council has ordered our army to beactivated immediately. The invasion of all solar planets is to begintoday. Switch on arsenal heating. Close down refrigeration unit.
[TARON] Doctor!
[TARON] The refrigeration unit's been shut down. The temperature'sstarting to rise.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Taron. Come on, we haven't much time.
(Control room)
[SUPREME] Order space transporters to assemble andawait landing orders.
[DALEK 3] I obey.
[SUPREME] The action of the aliens has caused considerable disruption ofoperations on this planet.
[DALEK 2] This was a matter beyond my control!
[SUPREME] Your orders were to exterminate them!
[DALEK 2] It has not been possible! We have been unable to use thebacteria bomb!
[SUPREME] The responsibility was yours! You have failed! The SupremeCouncil does not accept failure!
(Jungle - top of shaft)
[LATEP] This should hold. Are you ready? Don't worry, we'll make it.
[JO] It's not so much the climb down that worries me. It's what we'llfind when we get there.
[LATEP] I'll go first.
[REBEC] (to Taron) It won't stand much more.
[CODAL] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Hello?
[CODAL] Take a look at this!
[DOCTOR] Well, it looks promising. How deep is it?
[CODAL] I can get my arm right inside.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's it then, although it does need a bit of clearing.
[CODAL] It's getting warmer down here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, the temperature has risen quite considerably.
[CODAL] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] In a minute, they'll all be fully active. Come on. Here.
[TARON] A couple more tries and the whole lot'scoming down. Let's get out of here.
[TARON] There's no power left to operate the door.Come on!
[DOCTOR] That should be wide enough.
[TARON] Doctor, there's no sign of Jo and Latep, and they're nearlythrough the barricade.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Taron. Look, I've got an idea that these catwalkslead to some sort of loading area on the surface. Check it out, willyou?
[TARON] Right. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Right, get the bomb.
[CODAL] The bomb! Get down!
[DOCTOR] Where is it?
[DOCTOR] Is it damaged?
[CODAL] The timing mechanism isn't functioning properly.
[DOCTOR] Can you fix it?
[CODAL] I think so. It'll take a minute or two.
[DOCTOR] Get on with it.
[TARON] Doctor? Doctor, you're right. There is a power ramp. It goes upto ground level. I think we can climb it.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
[REBEC] What are you planning to do, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, this whole area is simply honeycombed with ice tunnels.Now, a bomb put in the right place could so weaken those walls that thepressure of the ice would burst through the walls and flood this entirechamber.
[TARON] Bury the lot of them.
[DOCTOR] That's the theory.
[REBEC] But it won't destroy them, just put them back into their deepfrozen state of suspended animation.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but it would centuries to melt them out.
(Cooling chamber)
[LATEP] You all right?
[JO] Yes, I think so.
[JO] We've got to stop them.
[JO] Come on, let's see if we can find the Doctor.
[REBEC] They're here!
[LATEP] They're still coming, Doctor.
[JO] We did what we could though.
[DOCTOR] Well done, Jo.
[CODAL] Right, that's it.
[DOCTOR] Taron, you and the others get started. We'll set the bomb.
[TARON] Yes. Come on, you two.
[DOCTOR] Set it to detonate in thirty seconds.
[CODAL] Right. Detonator running now.
[CODAL] They're coming!
[CODAL] Hurry up, Doctor! Hurry up!
[DOCTOR] Off you go.
[DOCTOR] Twenty seven, twenty eight
[DOCTOR] It failed! Come on, let's get out of here.
[DOCTOR] The ice volcano!
[DOCTOR] Out, everybody, out!
(Control room)
[DALEK] Arsenal and all lower levels inundated. Molten ice risingthrough all sections.
[DALEK 2] No response from any Dalek unit. Total loss of contact.
[SUPREME] Seal off all sections.
[DALEK] Not possible. Controls not responding. Total power sourcefailure.
[DALEK 2] Sensors registering ice now advancing through upper levels!
[SUPREME] Advise Supreme Command that our attack force is totallyimmobilised, and that we are the only survivors.
[SUPREME] Set self destruct on all instruments. We are abandoning! Weare abandoning! We are abandoning! We are abandoning! We areabandoning!
(Outside the Dalek spaceship)
[LATEP] There it is!
[REBEC] We can get home. Back to Skaro!
[TARON] It's a bonus I never expected.
[LATEP] Jo, I must speak with you.
[CODAL] Doctor? I need to look over the controls of that ship.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course.
[CODAL] So I. (pause) You've done a lot for me, Doctor. Thank you.
[CODAL] Thank you.
[TARON] Doctor, we'd never have succeeded without all your help. I wishthere was some way of thanking you.
[DOCTOR] As a matter of fact, there is.
[REBEC] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Throughout history, you Thals have always been known as one ofthe most peace loving peoples in the galaxy.
[TARON] I hope we always will be.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well that's what I mean. When you get back to Skaro,you'll all be national heroes. Everybody will want to hear about youradventures.
[TARON] Of course.
[DOCTOR] So be careful how you tell that story, will you? Don'tglamorise it. Don't make war sound like an exciting and thrilling game.
[TARON] I understand.
[DOCTOR] Tell them about the members of your mission that will not bereturning, like Maro and Vaber and Marat. Tell them about the fear,otherwise your people might relish the idea of war. We don't want that.
[REBEC] You can depend on us.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, my dear. Well, you'd better get aboard, I think.
[TARON] What about them?
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure about them. Goodbye, Rebec.
[REBEC] Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Taron?
[TARON] Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good luck.
[LATEP] Doctor, I've asked Jo to come back to Skaro with me. Would youhave any objections?
[DOCTOR] If that what she wants, no.
[LATEP] Well, Jo? Is it?
[JO] No, I'm sorry, Latep. Look, I'm very fond of you, but you see, I'vegot my own world and my own life to go back to.
[LATEP] Thank you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Latep.
[DOCTOR] Right, shall we go and find the Tardis?
[JO] Look!
[DOCTOR] Come on, run!
[SUPREME] Aliens! Pursue! Pursue! Pursue! Pursue!
(Jungle - Ruins)
[JO] Wait! If those spores hit us
[DOCTOR] They're coming! Now cover your face and hands as best you can!Come on!
[DOCTOR] Jo, come on! Come on!
[SUPREME] Have Supreme Command send rescue craft.
[DALEK] I obey.
[SUPREME] Preparations will begin at once to free our army from the ice.We have been delayed, not defeated. The Daleks are never defeated!
[DOCTOR] Jo, look. That's Skaro.
[JO] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Any regrets?
[JO] No, not really.
[DOCTOR] But Jo, that's only one little world. There's so many hundredsof others to see.
[JO] There's only one little world I want to see right now.
[JO] That one.
[DOCTOR] That one? But, Jo, that's Earth.
[JO] That's right, Doctor. Home.
[DOCTOR] Home it is, Miss Grant.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s10", "episode": "e04", "title": "Planet of the Daleks"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (19 May, 1973; Third Doctor) - The Green Death
(Outside Global Chemicals)
[ELGIN] Welcome back, sir. What's the news?
[STEVENS] All good. How long has this been going on?
[ELGIN] Oh, since early this morning. They want to know what is going tohappen. We all do.
[STEVENS] In that case, I'll tell them.
[STEVENS] I have in my hand a piece of paper which will mean a greatdeal to all of you. Wealth in our time!
[STEVENS] When the National Coal Board were forced to close the pit lastyear
[MAN] It were a shame, that was.
[STEVENS] No, my friends, we must not be bitter. We must face the facts.Coal is a dying industry.
[MAN] Rubbish! Rubbish!
[STEVENS] Oil is our future now and the government agrees with me. Theyhave not only given us the go-ahead for our plans, they have promisedus money for future expansion! I have it here in black and white!
[STEVENS] Money for all of us! More jobs, more housing, more cars!
[JONES] More muck! More devastation! More death!
[MAN] Why don't you shut up and listen.
[STEVENS] Who is that? What did he say?
[ELGIN] It's that Professor Jones. He's a troublemaker.
[STEVENS] The Nobel prize winner?
[ELGIN] Yes. Go easy, sir. He gets a lot of coverage in the press.
[STEVENS] It seems there are some who do not agree with my vision, thefuture we hold in our hands. There are always those who resistprogress.
[JONES] Progress? Don't listen to him. He means fatter profits forGlobal Chemicals. At the expense of your land!
[MAN] Ah, shut your face.
[JONES] The very air you breathe! Aye, and the health of you and yourkids!
[EVANS] It's all right for you. You can afford to live the way you wantto. We need the jobs.
[MILKMAN] Aye, we can't live on nuts, man.
[EVANS] We can't live on nuts.
[JONES] Can't you see you're being exploited?
[MILKMAN] Ah, shut up!
[EVANS] Shut up or we'll shut you up.
[STEVENS] No, wait, wait, my friends. Professor Jones is right. We mustall share his concern. I assure you that I and my fellow directors
[EVANS] It's the pit!
[MILKMAN] Oh no!
[MAN] It's the pit!
[EVANS] Right, boys, come on!
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] What?
[JO] Sorry. I said is that the dematerialisation circuit?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no. No more trouble there, thank goodness. I can now takethe Tardis wherever and whenever I like. I've got absolute control overher.
[JO] Now that the Time Lords have forgiven you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly.
[JO] What is it, then?
[DOCTOR] What, this?
[JO] Mmm.
[DOCTOR] Well, this is the space time coordinate programmer. Thewretched thing's nearly worn out. That's the trouble with the Tardis.She's getting on a bit, you know, Jo.
[DOCTOR] Look, must you?
[JO] I'm sorry. It's my breakfast. I said no wonder we never got toMetebelis Three.
[DOCTOR] There's precious little protein in an apple, you know.
[JO] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] Protein's the thing for breakfast, Jo.
[JO] Eggs and bacon, yuk.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's where we're going to next.
[JO] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Metebelis Three. The Tardis can't miss this time. I've actuallywired the coordinates into the programmer.
[JO] Oh no! No, they can't!
[DOCTOR] I can't wait to go there, you know, Jo.
[JO] It's criminal. Absolutely criminal.
[DOCTOR] It must be a fascinating place. Just imagine it, a blue sun.
[JO] Listen. And at last the Ministry has given the green light toGlobal Chemicals
[DOCTOR] No, not a green light, it's a blue light. Everything's bluethere.
[JO] Common sense has triumphed at last. Well, don't they realise thepollution it will cause?
[DOCTOR] Mmm, absolutely.
[JO] And the futile protests of Professor Jones
[DOCTOR] You know, I might even get a hold of one of those famous bluesapphires. Well, there you are. That should do it, I think.
[JO] He won't give up, you know. A man like Professor Jones will nevergive up.
[DOCTOR] Where are you off to?
[JO] To pack a suitcase.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good. Give me a couple of minutes and we'll be off.
[JO] Off? Off where?
[DOCTOR] Well, Metebelis Three, of course.
[JO] I'm not going to Metebelis Three.
[DOCTOR] Why? Where are you thinking of going to?
[JO] Well, South Wales, of course. Llanfairfach.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Jo.
[JO] You haven't been listening, have you? Honestly, Doctor, you
[DOCTOR + JO] never listen to a word I say!
(Engine house)
[JONES] Well, what was he doing down the pit in the first place?
[EVANS] Monthly inspection. Best prop forward we ever had. What killedhim? You're a doctor, Doctor Jones.
[JONES] I'm not, you know. I'm a biologist. Some sort of gas maybe?
[EVANS] But why has he turned green, man?
[JONES] I've no idea. Except
[EVANS] Expect what?
[JONES] Well, that phosphorescent glow. It's almost like you get withputrefaction.
[EVANS] That's it then.
[JONES] Well, no, after several weeks. He's been dead less than an hour.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] No, no, no!
[BRIGADIER] But, Doctor, it's exactly your cup of tea. This fellow'sbright green apparently, and dead.
[DOCTOR] Lethbridge Stewart, I'm not a policeman. Neither are you, forthat matter.
[BRIGADIER] Ah, but there are international implications, you see.Possibility of sabotage at Global Chemicals. It's UNIT's duty toprotect them. My duty.
[DOCTOR] Then do your duty, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] But, Doctor, surely you must see the
[BRIGADIER] Ah, Miss Grant, I've a little job for you. I want you to
[JO] I'm sorry, Brigadier, I can't.
[BRIGADIER] Can't? Can I remind you, Miss Grant, that you are
[JO] That I am a member of UNIT. Orders, court martials and all that.But unless you arrest me, I mean, unless you actually seize me andfling me into a dungeon, I
[DOCTOR] Ah, Jo, all ready?
[JO] Oh dear. Doctor, I mean it. I'm going to go to South Wales becausethey have got to be stopped.
[BRIGADIER] Who's got to be stopped?
[JO] Well, Global Chemicals, of course. Can't you see the harm this goahead will do?
[BRIGADIER] No, Miss Grant, I can't. Cheap petrol and lots of it.Exactly what the world needs.
[JO] No! No, look it's time to call a halt! It's time that the worldawoke to the alarm bell of pollution instead of sliding down theslippery slopes of, of, of, whatever it is.
[DOCTOR] A very pretty mixed metaphor.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, I seem to recognise the style. This fellow, Jones,isn't it? The Nutcake Professor, isn't that what the papers call him?
[JO] That doesn't make him wrong, does it.
[BRIGADIER] And you want to go down there to help him in his noble fightagainst the windmills, down to Llanfairfach.
[JO] I'm sorry, Brigadier. I'm going to go even if it means resigningfrom UNIT.
[BRIGADIER] Ah. Well, we can discuss that on the way down, can't we?
[JO] You mean
[BRIGADIER] You will at least accept a lift, I trust? Yes, Miss Grant,I'm going there too. Also the Doctor, I hope?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to Metebelis Three.
[BRIGADIER] Wouldn't like to have to order you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't advise you to try.
[BRIGADIER] Yes. Ten minutes, Miss Grant.
[DOCTOR] Metebelis Three, Jo? Where else would you like to go? Youchoose for yourself.
[JO] But I've only got ten minutes.
[DOCTOR] Jo, you've got all the time in the world, and all the space.I'm offering them to you.
[JO] But, Doctor, don't you understand? I've got to go! This ProfessorJones, he's fighting for everything that's important, everything thatyou've fought for. In a funny way, he reminds me of a sort of youngeryou.
[DOCTOR] I don't know whether to feel flattered or insulted. It's allright, Jo, I understand.
[JO] Oh, Doctor! Thank you.
[JO] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] Tell the Brigadier that I'll follow him down.
[JO] Right.
[DOCTOR] Later.
[JO] Right. Bye!
[DOCTOR] Goodbye.
[DOCTOR] So the fledgling flies the coop.
[BRIGADIER] Excuse me? Can you tell me the way to Global Chemicals,please? The research place?
[MILKMAN] Well, if you don't turn off the straight road ahead, you can'tmiss it, can you. It's just past the chapel on the hill, isn't it.
[JO] And the Wholeweal community?
[MILKMAN] I beg your pardon, Miss?
[JO] The Wholeweal? Oh, you know, Professor Jones.
[MILKMAN] Oh, the Nuthutch. Well, you'll be passing the Nuthutch on themountain, won't you.
[BRIGADIER] Right, thank you.
[MILKMAN] You're welcome, boyo.
[JO] Boyo.
(Wholeweal Community)
[JO] Thanks for the lift.
[BRIGADIER] Not sure that I approve, Miss Grant. Duty is duty when all'ssaid and done.
[JO] Well a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. Sir.
[JO] Bye!
[BRIGADIER] The Doctor's no better, gallivanting off on a pleasure jauntat a time like this.
(Community house)
[JO] Hello? Hello?
[JO] Room for living. Hmm, like it. Anybody home?
[JONES [OC]] Come in.
(Jones' laboratory)
[JONES] No one in.
[JO] You are.
[JONES] Did my stint in the fields before breakfast, didn't I.
[JO] Oh, I see. They're all out in the fields.
[JONES] Aye, that's what I said. No work, no food. Logically,esthetically and morally right. Right?
[JO] Right, I suppose.
[JONES] Well, now, what. Shut the blasted door! Of all the silly younggoats.
[JO] Oh, I'm sorry. What did I do?
[JONES] Probably ruined a month's work, that's all. Can't you read? Itsaid on the door to watch it, didn't it?
[JO] Yes.
[JONES] Half a degree drop and
[JO] Well, I. Ow!
[JO] For goodness sakes.
[JONES] No, no, no - not there, you'll have the lot over. Not thereeither. You'll contaminate my spores.
[JO] Where can I go, for Pete's sake?
[JONES] Well, just try standing still, my love, eh? Tell us the dreadfulnews. You've come to join us, right?
[JO] Well, yes, in a way. You see, I'm Jo Grant. I rang from London. Ispoke to somebody who said her name was Mum.
[JONES] Mum? Oh, our Nancy that is. Yeah, Nancy with a laughing face.She didn't tell me.
[JO] Well, why should she? You see, I've come to see Professor Jones,not you.
[JO] So if you could tell me where I could wait?
[JO] I said, if you could
[JONES] Look. Look, Why not just have a stool over here. And careful,now! Look, that's it. Just sit there and simmer down. All right? Right.There, we've got off on the wrong foot, haven't we. Still I suppose youcan't help being a bit cloth-headed. You're only a kid, after all.
[JO] Charming.
[JONES] Hey, welcome to the Nuthutch!
[JO] Huh!
[JONES] Do you know anything about entomology?
[JO] Insects?
[JONES] Mmm.
[JO] Yes, a little.
[JONES] Right. What's got twenty legs, a yellow body about two incheslong and big red pincers on the front end?
[JO] Hmm. Don't know. Why?
[JONES] There's one crawling up your left leg.
[JO] Argh! There's nothing there.
[JONES] No, I couldn't stand the silence any longer.
[JO] But why toadstools?
[JONES] Oh, that's just our Nancy's little joke.
[JONES] This is really our new hybrid fungus, Saliota Orbis.
[JO] Pardon?
[JONES] It's a sort of cousin of the mushroom you can buy in the shops.
[JO] You mean you can eat it?
[JONES] Oh yes, that's the whole point. Well, the world's going to needsomething instead of meat. High protein fungus can be just the answer.
[JO] Well, yes. Yes, of course!
[JONES] You see, Jo, we haven't set up this community just to drop out.I mean, let's face it, who does like the petrol stinking, plasticrat-trap life we all live? No, no. If we're going to make a successhere at Wholeweal, we've got to do something that's going to help theentire world. So we're a biotechnic research unit as well as aNuthutch.
[JO] But that's marvellous! Did he think of that? The Professor, I mean?
[JONES] Well, I could never have got it off the ground without the Nobelprize money.
[JO] But (the penny drops) Are you Professor Jones?
[JONES] Your obedient servant, ma'am.
(Stevens' office)
[STEVENS] We've sunk a great deal of time and moneyinto this new project, and we're not going to stand by and see itwasted. Now your job, Brigadier, is
[BRIGADIER] Oh, forgive me, sir, but I know quite well what my job is.We'll look after you, never fear.
[STEVENS] I beg your pardon. I had no intention of
[BRIGADIER] Equally, I'm quite certain also that it's my job to find outabout this man's death. Events like that are the very reason UNIT wascreated.
[STEVENS] I see. What do you intend to do?
[BRIGADIER] Get hold of the Doctor at once. May I use your phone?
[STEVENS] Yes, of course. Elgin, get an outside line, will you?
[ELGIN] Sir.
[BRIGADIER] (into phone) I see. All right, keep trying and ring me hereas soon as you do get an answer, understood? Yes. Right, goodbye.Mister Stevens, I wonder if you'd explain to me exactly why ProfessorJones and his friends should object to your new process?
[STEVENS] I wish I could tell you. After all, he and the rest of thedoom merchants never stop telling us that we're using up the world'ssupply of oil. We can now produce twenty five percent more petrol anddiesel fuel from a given quantity of crude oil. If that isn'tconservation, I don't know what is.
(Jones' laboratory)
[JONES] But it's still using up the oil anddoubling the atmospheric pollution. No, the world has got to find waysof using the energy the sun is giving us now.
[JO] Well, like what, for instance?
[JONES] Well, like using the movement of the wind and the tides and therivers. Well, I mean, like here at the Nuthutch. Well, you are quitewarm?
[JO] The ambient temperature suits me fine, thank you.
[JONES] Heat from the river. And the heat pump works on electricitygenerated by a windmill. Alternative technology, see.
[JO] And no waste, no pollution!
[JONES] Exactly.
(Stevens' office)
[BRIGADIER] No waste? No pollution from an oilrefinery?
[STEVENS] Minimal. Negligible.
[BRIGADIER] Well, I'm no scientist, Mister Stevens, but I find thatsomewhat difficult to believe.
[ELGIN] Oh, it's been one of our strongest selling points. It makesnonsense of the objections. We've been able, in all sincerity, toassure the government, the people, indeed the world, that the Stevensprocess is clean.
(Jones' laboratory)
[JONES] The Steven's process must be based onBateson's polymerisation, and that means thousands of gallons of waste.Aye, a thick sludge you can't break down in any way, like a liquidplastic. And what properties that would have, heaven alone knows.
[JO] And you're wondering what they're going to do with it?
[JONES] I wondering what they're doing with it now. And I can't helpthinking that there must be some connection with Hughes' death.
[JO] You mean they're pumping the waste down into the old mine workings?
[JONES] Aye, could be.
[JO] Well then, let's go and have a look.
[JONES] Oh, that's a good idea.
[JO] I mean, I mean like now.
[JONES] My dear good child, I've got work to do.
[JO] You're being patronising.
[JONES] Aye, so I am. But I've still got work to do.
[JO] Oh!
[JONES] Shut the door!
(Pithead office)
[EVANS] It's plain stupid, man. Here we are, sitting about natteringlike the women after chapel, and we still don't know what killed him.
[BERT] Finding out won't do him any good now.
[EVANS] No, but it'll do me a lot of good, though, all this waiting.
[DAVE] Ah, well, it could be dangerous, man.
[EVANS] Dangerous? I've spent twenty years of my life down there. Thinkit scares me now?
[BERT] Oh, why bother?
[DAVE] Aye, don't panic, man.
[EVANS] I'm going down.
(Stevens' office)
[STEVENS] Therefore, I think it imperative thatnobody should go down the mine. It must be sealed off completely.
[BRIGADIER] I'm afraid I must disagree, sir. Indeed, I intend to makethe investigation of that mine my first priority as soon as the Doctorarrives.
[STEVENS] If he ever does arrive.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Hello? I'll speak to anyone.
(Engine house)
[DAVE] Okay.
(Stevens' office)
[BRIGADIER] At last. Now we can get on. Will you excuse me, sir?
[STEVENS] Do you still intend to go investigate the mine?
[BRIGADIER] Indeed I do.
[STEVENS] Hinks. At once.
[HINKS] Sir?
[STEVENS] Hinks, I want you to. I want you to
[HINKS] You all right, sir?
[STEVENS] Yes, yes. (mutters) Nobody must go down the mine. Hinks.Nobody must go down the mine. Nobody.
[HINKS] Yes, sir. You're sure you're all right?
[STEVENS] Yes, yes, of course. Go on, get on with it.
(Engine house)
[BERT] Here, maybe we shouldn't have let Dai godown there himself?
[DAVE] Well, I tell you now, boy, I once tried to stop him having adrink too many at the club, and I can still feel the bruises. Andthat's a fact.
[BERT] Aye.
[DAVE] Oh, hello, who's this now then?
[BERT] Here, private property this is.
[JO] Oh, I'm
[DAVE] Aye.
[JO] I'm sorry, but you see I'm with the UNIT people and I was wonderingif I could take a look down the mine.
[DAVE] Yeah, well, not without authority you can't.
[JO] Oh. Well, where do I get it?
[BERT] NCB, Cardiff.
[DAVE] Hang on here a minute. Hello. Who is it?
(Bottom of the lift)
[EVANS] Dave! Help me, Dave! Help me!
[DAVE [OC]] Dai? What's happened? What's the matter?
[EVANS] Help me, quick! Help!
(Engine house)
[DAVE] Dai's in trouble.
[BERT] Then we've got to get him out. I'll go down. You work the cage,Dave.
[JO] Well I'm coming, too.
[BERT] Oh, don't be daft.
[JO] Well look, I'm trained in first aid. I might be able to help saveyour friend's life.
[DAVE] Do you mean that?
[JO] Yes.
[DAVE] Yeah, well she's got something there, Bert. You take her down andlook after her.
[BERT] Right, come on with me now. We'll get you a helmet and lamp. JO
(Llanfairfach colliery)
[BRIGADIER] So I thought I'd better get you here at once to have a look.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you're quite right, Brigadier. Nobody must go down thatmine until I've had a chance to do just that.
[BRIGADIER] Someone's going down!
[DOCTOR] We must stop them!
(Engine house)
[DOCTOR] Who's in the cage?
[DAVE] Oh, it it's Bert Pritchard and the young lady from UNIT.
[DOCTOR] Well, stop winding!
[DAVE] No, I can't do that. They've gone down below to help Dai Evans.
[DOCTOR] Stop winding, I said!
[DOCTOR] Quickly, man, quickly!
[DAVE] I can't! The brake won't work. It's out of control!
[DOCTOR] What?
(Colliery lift)
[BERT] Its running away! Hang on! Try and hang on!
(Engine house)
[DAVE] The clutch and brake are both gone!
[DOCTOR] What? There's only one thing to do!
[DOCTOR] Right, reverse the motor!
[DAVE] That won't work! She'll get a cable break.
[DOCTOR] Don't argue, man. Do as I say. Brigadier, help me!
[DAVE] It's slowing! As long the cable holds.
[BRIGADIER] It seems to have seized up.
[DAVE] Here, I hand it to you, boyo. Another few moments and they'd havehad it.
[DOCTOR] How deep are they?
[DAVE] Nearly six hundred yards.
[DOCTOR] How deep's the shaft?
[DAVE] Six hundred yards.
(Colliery lift)
[JO] Bert? Bert? Are you all right?
[BERT] Oh, I think so.
[JO] What happened?
[BERT] It felt like brake failure. Can't happen in theory. Steady, love.
[JO] How are we going to get out of here?
[BERT] Oh, not up, that's for sure.
[BERT] Steady now, steady.
[BERT] About twenty feet? That was really close. Ah, let's try to getdown now.
[JO] Well, can't they haul us up in the cage?
[BERT] I doubt it. Anyway, we ought to get out of here. Listen to thatcable. It could go at any second, that.
[BERT] Right, there you go, Blodwyn.
[JO] Right. Bert?
[BERT] Eh?
[JO] Do you mind going down first?
[BERT] All right, love. Here goes.
[JO] Thanks. Careful. Okay.
(Engine house)
[DAVE] It's hopeless, man. The friction has welded it together. It'sjust scrap metal.
[BRIGADIER] What about the other shaft?
[DAVE] No, it's a counterweight lift system, see. As one goes down, theother one comes up. So if one is jammed, so is the other.
[DOCTOR] Well, can you rig a donkey engine and a pulley system? If wecan free the other cage, we could use that.
[DAVE] I suppose so, but it would be dangerous.
[DOCTOR] We'll just have to risk that. Mind you, it'd mean cutting thecable.
[DAVE] Yes, well, we haven't got any cutting equipment, you see? I mean,the mine's been out of action a year. But I know where we can get some.
[DOCTOR] Oh, where?
[DAVE] Global Chemicals.
(Bottom of the lift)
[BERT] Okay?
[JO] Yes.
[BERT] Watch your feet now.
[JO] Right.
[BERT] Ah, useless. Oh, the wire must have broken when the cage fell.
[JO] Oh, come on!
[BERT] Hey, it's Dai!
[JO] He's in a bad way.
[BERT] It's the same as poor Ted Hughes. Look!
(Elgin's office)
[ELGIN] Good heavens. Is anyone hurt? I see. Do you think you can getdown to them? Cutting equipment? Why yes, we
(Pithead office)
[BRIGADIER] Cut off!
[BRIGADIER] Well, now it's engaged.
[DAVE] Look, try the Wholeweal people. Jones the nutcake. They mighthave equipment for cutting cables, see?
(Community house)
[JONES] Cutting a cable? What cable? Why? What?Miss Grant? But why was she? Look, I'll come right over. No, no, wehaven't, but Global Chemicals have. Well, yes, definitely. We tried toborrow it a few weeks back. Aye.
(Stevens' office)
[FELL] But why me?
[STEVENS] You're my senior man. They'll believe you.
[FELL] I'm sorry, Mister Stevens, but I can't do it.
[STEVENS] Of course you can, Fell. You must.
[FELL] It was too late to save the miner. He was already dead, but this?Well, to leave them trapped down there, it's, well, it's murder!
[STEVENS] Don't be ridiculous man. They'll never have survived a falllike that. I just need a little more time, that's all. That mine mustnot be investigated. You know that as well as I do.
[FELL] One death is enough!
[FELL] Will you please get out of my way?
[BOSS] Stevens?
[BOSS] Process him.
[STEVENS] Is that wise?
[BOSS] It is necessary. Do as I say. Process.
[STEVENS] Very well.
[FELL] Who was that?
[STEVENS] Our boss. Yours and mine.
[FELL] I don't understand.
[STEVENS] You will, Fell. Very soon.
(Bottom of the lift)
[JO] I can hardly feel his pulse. Have you everseen anything like it before?
[BERT] No, never.
[JO] What could have caused it?
[BERT] Dunno. I tell you what though
[JO] What?
[BERT] Whatever it was, it's still down here with us.
(Stevens' office)
[STEVENS] Ah, Mister Fell. Our friend the Brigadier, needs our help. I'mafraid there's been another accident.
[FELL] Yes, sir. I heard.
[STEVENS] Good, good, now
[BRIGADIER] Look, we need some cutting equipment, oxy-acetylene, thatsort of thing, and we need it fast.
[FELL] I'm very sorry, Brigadier, but we have nothing of that kind.
[BRIGADIER] What, in a place of this size?
[FELL] The emergency equipment was withdrawn some time ago, to bereplaced by thermic lances. They have not yet arrived.
[STEVENS] Oh dear, oh dear, you'll think we're woefully ill-equipped.
[BRIGADIER] I find it very hard to believe.
[STEVENS] You're not accusing him of being deliberately obstructive, Ihope?
[BRIGADIER] No, of course not.
[STEVENS] Of course not. But you still have this problem, haven't you?Oh, have you tried Professor Jones. Oh no, now I come to think of itthey tried to borrow ours
[BRIGADIER] Excuse me.
[STEVENS [OC]] Yesterday, so presumably they can't have any
[ELGIN] What on Earth's going on, Ralph? We must have some cutting toolshere. Damn it, people's lives are at stake!
[FELL] I have given an exact account of the position.
[ELGIN] You feeling quite well?
[FELL] Perfectly. I must go.
[ELGIN] No, hang about, old son. No panic. I've been wanting to have aword with you.
[FELL] About what?
[ELGIN] Oh, our revered lord and master, friend Stevens.
[FELL] Well?
[ELGIN] It strikes me he's a bit too keen to hush up the green man bit.Is there something I don't know?
[FELL] I cannot discuss our Director with you, Elgin.
[ELGIN] Elgin?
[FELL] Your attitude will be reported.
[ELGIN] Reported? You sound like a head prefect.
[FELL] Disloyalty cannot be tolerated.
[ELGIN] Oh, we're not in the army now, you know.
[FELL] The Director shall hear of this.
(Global Chemicals)
[BRIGADIER] Greyhound to Trap One. Over?
[UNIT [OC]] Trap one. Go ahead, Greyhound. Over.
[BRIGADIER] Let me talk to Captain Yates.
(Bottom of the lift)
[BERT] Scared?
[JO] A bit.
[JO] What was that?
[BERT] Oh, it's only a touch of settling, love. The old mine's snoring abit, isn't she?
[JO] Oh, what are they doing up there, Bert?
[BERT] It takes time, girl. It takes time.
(Pithead office)
[DAVE] (into phone) Hello, NCB? Llanfairfach here. Look, there's beenmore trouble. Yes, another accident.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's where you're wrong.
[DAVE] Hang on a minute, will you? What is that you say?
[DOCTOR] Do you recognise that?
[DAVE] Yes, it's a cotter pin.
[DOCTOR] Yes, precisely. I found it on the floor. It had been removedfrom the brake linkage. This was no accident, Mister Davies. This wasdeliberate sabotage.
(Bottom of the lift)
[JO] He's much worse. We can't just stay here.
[BERT] What else can we do?
[JO] But he might die.
[BERT] Hang on. I've just thought of something.
[JO] What?
[BERT] Well, the last time I got trapped, it was over in the west seam.There was an emergency shaft sunk there.
[JO] Well, can we get to it?
[BERT] Well, the whole seam was filled up right after. Too dangerous towork any more, they said. But the shaft might still be open.
[JO] Well, it's better than staying here.
[BERT] I wonder if I can remember the way, though. Got a bit of paper?
[JO] Er, yes.
(Engine house)
[DOCTOR] What about the west seam here. Can we reach them through there?
[DAVE] No, that's closed after a bad fall. Fourteen killed.
[BRIGADIER] No luck, Doctor, they haven't got any.
[DOCTOR] That's ridiculous!
[BRIGADIER] Thought it a bit funny myself.
[DAVE] Well, that's nonsense, man. We had the equipment up here afortnight ago. I took it back myself. It's in the storage shed behindthe power house.
[BRIGADIER] Well, I've only quoted what the technical fellow told me.
[JONES] You should have insisted!
[BRIGADIER] Er, who's
[DAVE] Oh, this is Professor Jones.
[DOCTOR] Is it, indeed? I hadn't realised. I've been wanting to meet youfor a long time. Your paper on DNA synthesis was quite remarkable foryour age.
[JONES] A promising youngster, huh?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, I mean for the age that you live in. Now, you wereabout to make a suggestion, I believe, Professor?
[JONES] Why don't we just go back to Global Chemicals and take theequipment by force if necessary?
[BRIGADIER] Out of the question. Now then, let's talk sense, shall we?Now, where's the nearest town where we can get some cutting equipment?Newport?
[DAVE] Well, that's the nearest, yes, but it's quite a way from here.
[BRIGADIER] Well, better get started then.
[DAVE] I'll come with you. I know the place fairly well. It's near thegasworks. (Dave and the Brigadier leave.)
[DOCTOR] You know, Global Chemicals is beginning to interest me. Tellme, Professor, do you know the layout?
[JONES] Aye, very well. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
(Global Chemicals)
[GUARD] All security units to front section.
[GUARD] Demonstration at main gate. I repeat. All security units tofront section. Demonstration at main gate. Assist.
[JONES] Stevens out! Stevens out!
(Stevens' office)
[COMPUTER] Ground sensors picking up unauthorisedfootsteps, power house section. Cameras alerted.
[COMPUTER] Picture available.
[BOSS] Who is this?
[STEVENS] One of the UNIT personnel. I saw him talking to the Brigadierearlier. What instructions?
[BOSS] No action. Yet.
[COMPUTER] Entering number six sector into main storage area.
[STEVENS] Shall I terminate him?
[BOSS] Negative. Apprehend him. Find out his function and purpose.
(Global Chemicals yard)
[GUARD [OC]] Stop! Stand still! Perfectly still! Put your hands aboveyour head!
(Mine roadway)
[JO] Bert? Bert, I
[BERT] Oh, never fear, Blodwyn, Bert is here! Come on.
(Global Chemicals yard)
[HINKS] Well, well, well, bit old to play games, ain't we?
[DOCTOR] I'm quite spry for my age, actually.
[HINKS] Oh, going to have a go? Terrific.
[DOCTOR] Venusian akido, gentlemen. I do hope I haven't hurt you.
[STEVENS] Who are you? What do you want?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid you have me under several disadvantages, sir. Whomam I addressing?
[STEVENS] Forgive me. My name is Stevens. I'm the Director of thisproject.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and very efficient it is too, if I may say so.
[STEVENS] Thank you. You were about to explain your purpose.
[DOCTOR] It's really quite simple. I'm attached to UNIT as a scientificadvisor.
[STEVENS] Ah, the errant Doctor.
[DOCTOR] We urgently need cutting equipment at the mine. You haverefused to give it. Now my information is that it is stored in thatshed over there.
[STEVENS] My dear Doctor, you could have saved yourself all this bother.Why didn't you ask to see me? Please help yourself.
[STEVENS] You see?
[HINKS] Come on, Doctor.
(Mine roadway)
[JO] It's getting very stuffy in here.
[BERT] Oh, take deeper breaths now. That's better. Come on.
(Llanfairfach colliery)
[DAVE] Come on, lads, look sharp.
(Pithead office)
[DOCTOR] The breaking strength at this point shouldbe something in the region of a hundred and twenty three point thirtysix pounds.
[JONES] Aye, that's right.
[DOCTOR] Well, you're back quickly, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Sheer luck actually, Doctor. Stopped for petrol and therewas a fellow in the corner of the garage cutting up an old banger.Everything under control here?
[DOCTOR] Thank you, yes.
(Engine house)
[BRIGADIER] Right, will it take you long to set itup?
[DAVE] No, not long once we get started, see?
[BRIGADIER] Good. Right, well, I'll find some gear.
[DAVE] Oh no, it's my job to go down, isn't it. I mean, it's myresponsibility, isn't it.
[BRIGADIER] As the one in charge
[DAVE] Look here, you're not in charge of me, man.
[JONES] If you want a volunteer
[BRIGADIER] Look, there's no question of a volunteer.
[DOCTOR] Indeed there isn't, Brigadier. Jo and the others need my helpnow. So, if Mister Davies and some of his colleagues would come withme?
[DAVE] Oh, you couldn't stop me, man.
(Mine roadway)
[JO] Can't we stop for a bit, Bert?
[BERT] What? No. Once you start, you've got to keep going.
[JO] Is it much further?
[BERT] Oh, we'll take a breather when we get there.
[JO] Okay.
[BERT] Come on now.
[BERT] Right, come on. Nearly there. Oh, here we are, love. Oh, good.We'll take a rest now. Yes.
[JO] Oh, I couldn't, I couldn't have gone another step.
[BERT] Oh, we have about another hundred feet or so and then we start togo up. If we can do that, we'll find the emergency shaft. Oh, it onlygoes up for about forty five degrees and it comes out on the hillside.Oh, better save the lamps, eh?
[JO] Right. Okay.
[JO] Bert? How can light get down here?
[BERT] Well, it can't.
[JO] Then how can I see you?
[BERT] Hey, that's funny.
[JO] What's that smell? It's like something rotting.
[BERT] Hey, look.
[JO] Ugh, that smell. What is it?
[BERT] I don't know. I've never seen anything like that before.
[JO] I wouldn't touch
[BERT] Argh! It burns!
(Bottom of the lift)
[DAVE] Here's Dai.
[DOCTOR] Don't touch him.
[DOCTOR] He's dead. Come on, we'll find the others.
[DAVE] Yes, but they might
[DAVE] They might be dead too.
[DOCTOR] Jo? Where are you?
[DAVE] Look, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] (reads) Couldn't wait any longer. Gone to find another way out.Jo. The idiots. Why didn't they wait?
[DAVE] That looks like a map of the mine.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. That's the west seam. Come on. Let's go afterthem.
[DAVE] Doctor? You can't go on your own. You don't know the mine. Look,you two take Dai Evans up and send the cage back for us. I'll come withyou, Doctor.
(West seam roadway)
[BERT] Hey, it's my turn to feel tired now. I mustbe getting on.
[JO] Come on, Bert, keep going. It's not far now.
(Mine roadway)
[DAVE] Bert?
[DOCTOR] Jo, can you hear me?
[DAVE] Bert? (something welsh)
(West seam roadway)
[JO] That's it. That's it.
[BERT] Oh, it's no use. I can't go on. Oh, I feel so weak, oh so bad
[BERT] That means I've had it. Like Dai.
[JO] No, it doesn't. Look, we'll find help.
[BERT] No, it's no use. You must go on.
[JO] But I can't leave you, too.
[BERT] It's my only chance.
[JO] But I can't.
[BERT] You must! You must. Please, go on.
[JO] All right. I'll be as quick as I can.
(Mine roadway)
[DOCTOR] What's that light?
[DAVE] Where?
[DOCTOR] Up ahead, there.
[DAVE] Bert? (something welsh)
[DOCTOR] The light's green.
[BERT] Put our lights out then, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on. What an extraordinary smell. Come on.
[DOCTOR] What is this stuff? No, don't touch it. Come on, let's get on.
(West seam roadway)
[DAVE] Look, here's Bert!
[DOCTOR] Where?
[DAVE] Bert? Bert?
[DOCTOR] Dave, look at his hand!
[BERT] It burns, burns.
[DOCTOR] Where's the girl?
[BERT] Gone on ahead.
[DOCTOR] Take him up to the surface, quickly as you can. Let theprofessor take a look at him.
[DAVE] What about you?
[DOCTOR] I'm going on ahead to look for Jo. Tell the Brigadier that I'llfind her and bring her back, but don't let anybody come down lookingafter us. You understand?
[DAVE] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It's far too dangerous.
(Cavern roadway)
[DOCTOR] Jo? Jo, are you there?
[JO [OC]] Doctor! Here, quickly!
[JO] Doctor! Doctor, it's horrible!
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Good grief! Come on!
(Cavern roadway)
[JO] There's no way out.
[DOCTOR] Nil desperandum, Jo.
[JO] But, Doctor, those things crawling around in that green stuff. Yousaw what happened to the others.
[DOCTOR] We mustn't let them touch us, must we. Now, how do we get outof here?
[JO] What about those? Any good?
[DOCTOR] Lift it up. Right now, push it over.
(Engine house)
[DAVE] If anything happens to Bert too, I don't know what I'll do.
[JONES] It was their own decision to go down, man. You can't count ityour fault. No, it's obvious who's responsible. Global Chemicals. We'llhave to go down.
[DAVE] No! No, the Doctor, he was most emphatic. It's too dangerous. Onno account, go down.
[JONES] But that girl, man! She's in terrible danger.
[BRIGADIER] It may surprise you to learn, Professor Jones, that MissGrant is one of my staff. I think that she and the Doctor are quitecapable of looking after themselves.
[JONES] Two people, possibly three, have died already. She may be next.I'm going down even if you're not.
[BRIGADIER] Professor Jones, believe me, my concern for Miss Grant is asdeep as yours. Probably more so. The Doctor knows what he's doing.
[JONES] Very well, but you must do something. It's got to be stopped,man. It's gone too far!
[BRIGADIER] Far too far. I quite agree. I think it's time that I paidGlobal Chemicals another visit.
(Cavern roadway)
[DOCTOR] Get a hold of this pole. Take it over that side.
[JO] Right.
[DOCTOR] Make room for me.
[DOCTOR] Right, you ready?
[JO] Yeah.
[DOCTOR] Off we go. No, not that way. The rail's blocked. This way.Through the cave here.
[JO] Through those things?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's only about a foot deep.
[JO] I can't. I just can't!
[DOCTOR] Jo, we haven't got any alternative.
[JO] Doctor, it's not that I'm afraid, exactly, it's just, it's justthose maggots.
[DOCTOR] Then close your eyes.
[JO] All right.
[DOCTOR] Good girl. That's it. Right, now punt way.
(Global Chemicals corridor)
[ELGIN] Have you heard? They brought another twoout of the mine. One dead and the other dying.
[FELL] Yes, I heard.
[ELGIN] Is that all you can say? Do you feel no responsibility at all?
[FELL] I? Why should I?
[ELGIN] You told them we had no cutting equipment, and you knew we had,and I'm sure you know something about what's going on down in thatmine.
[FELL] No, I
[ELGIN] Oh, for heaven's sake, man. Tell the truth. Others might die ifyou don't.
[FELL] You are mistaken.
(Cavern roadway)
[DOCTOR] Well, I've heard of boating lakes, butthis is ridiculous. A bit more. Right, that'll do. Right, get rid ofyour pole.
[DOCTOR] Come on. That's it. Well done, Jo.
[JO] Now what?
[DOCTOR] We go up this crevice. It was marked on the map.
[JO] How do you know it leads to the surface?
[DOCTOR] Well, that stuff must have come down here from somewhere. Ifthere's a way down, there's a way up. I think I know where it leads to.Come on, you go first.
(Stevens' office)
[BRIGADIER] No, there's no question of it, sir.This is now a security matter and UNIT's taking charge. My people willbe arriving as soon as possible.
[STEVENS] Yes, but surely
[BRIGADIER] Now this cannot be dealt with locally. Now, I intend torequest a full international investigation under the auspices of theUnited Nations. There's too much at stake.
[STEVENS] Indeed! Indeed! Our work here is of international importance.However, I would point out a certain risk. Should it be thought that weare in any way connected with these deaths, my whole project might beclosed down. Sentimental fools are always with us.
[BRIGADIER] If it would become advisable to close down your plant
[STEVENS] That must never happen!
[BRIGADIER] Mister Stevens, two of my friends are still down there inthat mine in the gravest danger. If I consider it necessary to closeGlobal Chemicals, then closed it will be!
[STEVENS] Brigadier, I advise you to be careful. Very careful indeed.
[BRIGADIER] Are you threatening me, Mister Stevens?
[STEVENS] Yes, I think perhaps I am. Or perhaps I'm just counselling alittle prudence.
[BRIGADIER] If necessary, I can bring influence to bear at Cabinetlevel.
[STEVENS] Oh, you have friends in high places, have you? Well, so haveI.
[STEVENS] Stella? Will you get the Minister of Ecology on the phone,please?
[DOCTOR] If I remember rightly, it gets easier further up.
[JO] At least there's none of those awful. Urgh.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[JO] They look like eggs.
[DOCTOR] I think I'm beginning to understand. Now, hold on a minute.I've got to get a hold of one of those.
[DOCTOR] Come on by.
[JO] All right.
[DOCTOR] Now don't knock the pit prop over. You'll have the whole thingdown on us.
[JO] Okay.
[DOCTOR] Keep tight into the wall.
[JO] Right.
[DOCTOR] All right?
[JO] Yeah.
(Global Chemicals pumping room)
[FELL] What are you doing here? This is for authorised personnel only.
[ELGIN] Oh, come on, Ralph. You know quite well I'm as authorised as youare.
[FELL] Not for here.
[ELGIN] Why? What's so special about this room?
[FELL] Nothing.
[ELGIN] Looks like a pumping control to me. That's not a security area.
[FELL] So there's nothing to see. Why don't you go away?
[ELGIN] Oh, but I'm interested. You're venting one tank and fillinganother. Is that it?
[FELL] Yes, for cleaning purposes.
[ELGIN] I see.
[ELGIN] Now that one refers to the main waste tank on level four.Where's this one, the one you're filling?
[FELL] Close to it.
[ELGIN] The next big one on level three?
[FELL] Yes.
[ELGIN] But that's a heavy duty pump working. You shouldn't needanything more than gravity feed.
[FELL] I made a mistake. It is for a tank on a higher level.
[ELGIN] There isn't one on a higher level. No, hang about, there's thatnew special storage tank
[FELL] Excuse me. I cannot answer any more of your questions. I ambusy.
[ELGIN] Of course, old man. Of course.
(Cabinet room)
[MINISTER] Fair enough, Jocelyn, but you are interrupting a cabinetmeeting, you know. Who? Oh yes, the UNIT chap. Well, you'd better puthim on. Do forgive me, Prime Minister. Ah, Brigadier. Unfortunatebusiness, this.
(Stevens' office)
[BRIGADIER] I'd put it a little more strongly thanthat, sir. Well, it seems to me that an international investigation.No, I don't agree at all, sir.
(Cabinet room)
[MINISTER] Don't you, Brigadier. Interesting.Nevertheless, I strongly suggest that you put yourself and UNIT at thedisposal of the director of Global Chemicals. He is in by far the bestposition to handle the situation.
(Stevens' office)
[BRIGADIER] May I remind you that I answer toGeneva. Under Article seventeen of the Third Enabling Act, the
(Cabinet room)
[BRIGADIER [OC]] United Nations
[MINISTER] I helped draft that act, Brigadier. May I remind you ofArticle eighteen, Matters of Domestic Concern? Er, paragraph three if Iremember rightly, will place itself at the disposal of the host nationin all respects. The Prime Minister and I feel
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Sir, with
(Stevens' office)
[BRIGADIER] Respect, I disagree that this is apurely domestic matter, on the contrary
(Cabinet room)
[MINISTER] Wretched fellow needs a swift kick on the backside. Would youcare to administer, Jeremy?
(Stevens' office)
[BRIGADIER] And what's more, sir. What do you say?(pause) Oh. Yes, good afternoon, sir. Duty? Yes, I think I know. Yes, Iknow that. Is that an order, Prime Minister? I see.
[BRIGADIER] Well, you leave me no choice. You have very powerfulfriends, Mister Stevens.
[JO] I think I can see something.
[DOCTOR] Good. Go on.
[JO] Okay.
[DOCTOR] Right, let me pass.
[DOCTOR] A pipe. I was right.
[JO] Of course.
[DOCTOR] After you, Miss Grant.
[JO] Right.
[DOCTOR] Up you go.
[JO] What's that smell?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's crude oil. Or rather crude oil waste. You can see iton the sides of the pipe.
[JO] You mean it leads to Global Chemicals?
[DOCTOR] Where else. Come on, up you go.
[JO] Right.
(Global Chemicals pumping room)
[ELGIN] I don't know what's happened to you, Ralph, but you've got tofight it.
[COMPUTER] Intruder in the area. Section two. Visual identificationavailable.
[ELGIN] It's that Doctor chap, and there's a girl with him.
[FELL] Intruders located. Unauthorised entry into pipe.
[ELGIN] You mean they're actually in the pipe? Well, we've got to getthem out.
[FELL] Tank voiding operations completed. Waste disposal underway.
[ELGIN] Waste? You're putting the waste into that pipe? You'll killthem!
[FELL] They are intruders.
[ELGIN] Turn it off, damn you!
[FELL] I can't. The operation is automatic. Twenty eight seconds to go.
[JO] Doctor, there's a sort of vibration in thispipe. Can you feel it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I certainly can.
[JO] What does it mean?
[DOCTOR] It means I think we ought to hurry. Come on!
(Global Chemicals pumping room)
[ELGIN] For heaven's sake. There are two innocentpeople in there. We've got to save them.
[FELL] Not possible.
[ELGIN] Yes, it is. We can open this door.
[ELGIN] How's it done? How's it done?
[FELL] Unauthorised personnel. Not in the interests of the company.
[ELGIN] Interests be damned. It's murder. You've got to tell me. Howdoes it open?
[FELL] Murder. Unauthorised. Save lives.
[ELGIN] Fell, tell me
[FELL] Not permitted.
[ELGIN] How do I open the hatch?
[FELL] (in pain) Yellow button. Left side.
(Stevens' office)
[STEVENS] We're not murderers, Brigadier. I am asanxious as you are to prevent any further accidents.
[STEVENS] We shall cooperate with you in every possible way. An officewill be placed at your disposal and my secretary will be pleased to
[BRIGADIER] That's very kind of you, Mister Stevens, but my own staffwill be joining me. Well, thank you for the drink. And now if you'llexcuse me, I must find out if there's been any news about the Doctorand Miss Grant.
(Global Chemicals pumping room)
[ELGIN] Where can these creatures have come from?Do you think they are linked to the oil waste?
[DOCTOR] Well, they must be in some way. And that waste area down themine seems to be their breeding ground.
[ELGIN] Stevens couldn't have known anything about these, these maggots.Nor could Fell for that matter. Fell?
[ELGIN] He's gone.
[DOCTOR] Where? To tell Stevens about us?
[ELGIN] Perhaps, perhaps not. He was acting very strangely. Didn't seemto know which side he was on.
[DOCTOR] Oh, and which side are you on, Mister Elgin?
[ELGIN] I don't like what's happening here any more than you do.
[DOCTOR] Good man.
[ELGIN] So, what next? Beard the mighty Stevens in his den?
[JO] Doctor? I'm so cold.
[DOCTOR] Good heavens, what am I thinking of. Mister Elgin, can you getus out of here without us being seen?
[ELGIN] Yes, of course. We can take the back lift down to the car park.
[DOCTOR] And what about Fell?
[ELGIN] Well, even if he does go to see Stevens, I doubt if he'll makeany sort of sense.
(Stevens' office)
[STEVENS] What is it, man? What is it?
[FELL] I have a head ache.
[STEVENS] Of course you have. You've been overdoing it. Come and sitdown.
[FELL] My head. Help me.
[STEVENS] Of course I'll help you. I helped you once before, remember?
[FELL] Yes.
[STEVENS] I'll always help you.
[FELL] You helped me once before. Once before. Emergency equipment waswithdrawn.
[FELL] Oh! Oh! Once before
[FELL] You've done something to my mind.
[BOSS] Stevens, the processing was a failure. This man is of no furtheruse. I suggest self-destruction.
[STEVENS] That's not necessary, surely?
[BOSS] You are a sentimentalist, Stevens. I repeat, self-destruction.
[STEVENS] Not necessary, surely?
(Global Chemicals corridor)
[ELGIN] Fell.
[DOCTOR] Fell?
[ELGIN] Ralph! Ralph, come back!
(Stevens' office)
[BOSS] Stevens? You are a sentimentalist.
(Community Room for Living)
[BRIGADIER] Is that all?
[JONES] I don't believe it.
[DOCTOR] Well, the moral of story, of course, is never trust a Venusianshanghorn with a perigosto stick.
[JONES] A most useful moral too, with endless applications, no doubt.Some more wine, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Thanks very much. It's really excellent this wine, though Idon't recognise the vintage.
[JONES] A domestic elderberry, our Nancy's best.
[DOCTOR] Can I have a bottle to take home?
[JONES] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] Brigadier, do you want a little more wine?
[JONES] More risotto?
[JO] No, thank you.
[BRIGADIER] Thank you.
[NANCY] Doctor? You're wanted on the telephone.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me, will you?
[JONES] It's in the hall by the lab door.
[DOCTOR] Thanks.
[JONES] Some more, Brigadier?
[BRIGADIER] Oh, I wish I could. What was that meat?
[JONES] Not meat at all. Fungus.
[JONES] My new hybrid.
[JO] So you solved your problem? You've found what you've been lookingfor?
[JONES] Oh, I wish I had. No, no, it tastes fine, looks good, thetexture's right, but it's relatively low in protein. Has to be pickedat exactly the right moment, and it has to be eaten or dried straightaway, or it goes off.
[JO] Oh, so you've still got a long way to go.
[JONES] Yes, you could say that. Right up the Amazon in fact.
[JO] Up the Amazon?
[JONES] Aye in about a month's time.
[JO] Oh.
[JONES] Look, I'll show you.
[BRIGADIER] So, all your research is biological?
[JONES] Well, mine is. The others, well. Take Jessie there, tootlingaway on her tin whistle. She's one of the finest mathematicians in thecountry. She's doing a study of the probability factors in a projectedfuture ecology.
[BRIGADIER] Is she indeed. I never would have guessed. And the gentlemenmaking that statue thing?
[JONES] He used to design supersonic aircraft. They even made one once.
[BRIGADIER] What's he doing here?
[JONES] Making windmills.
[JONES] Aye, and when Hilda's not upside down there, she's writing abook on self-actualisation. Aren't you, love? She used to run anencounter group in Aldgate.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, I was stationed once in Aldgate.
[JONES] Really? Here it is. Up the Amazon with rifle and camera. It'spractically unexplored territory, see?
[BRIGADIER] What, the Amazon basin? Oh surely not.
[JONES] No, no, I mean the things people eat to get their protein.Grubs, caterpillars, locusts, the blood of their cattle.
[JO] Urgh.
[JONES] Well, it's only the same as black pudding, love.
[JO] Oh, that's disgusting.
[JONES] Ah, now listen to this. (reads) And when game is in shortsupply, these tribes, or so it is said, will subsist for months at atime on a certain giant toadstool peculiar to their region, whichserves them for their meat. Thus doth beneficent providence etc, etc.
[BRIGADIER] When was that published?
[JONES] 1884.
[BRIGADIER] And on the strength of that, you'll go gallivanting off intothe jungle?
[JONES] Aye.
[JO] But of course, Well look, it's like finding an old treasure map,isn't it?
[JONES] Aye, and what a treasure. It could help to make the whole worldrich.
[JO] Right.
[BRIGADIER] A toadstool?
[JONES] Aye, a toadstool!
[DOCTOR] Bad news. The other miner's dead.
[JO] Bert?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid so. He never regained consciousness.
[JO] Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] Well, they've completed the post mortem on Hughes.
[DOCTOR] Every cell in his body had been attacked. By some sort ofvirus, apparently. They still haven't been able to isolate it though.
[JONES] So we're fighting in the dark?
[DOCTOR] No, not quite. We've still got that egg, remember?
[JO] Poor Bert.
(Stevens' office)
[STEVENS] An egg? They've actually got an egg?
[HINKS] Well, that's what they were saying down in the village. You see,there was this old taff in the pub, and, er
[STEVENS] But the Doctor and the girl are the only ones actually to haveseen these creatures, is that right?
[HINKS] Load of old codswallop, if you ask me. Still, you know, Ithought I ought to tell you.
[STEVENS] Yes, quite right, quite right. And where is this egg now?
[HINKS] Over at the Nuthutch.
[STEVENS] I see. Well, you'd better go and get it, hadn't you?
(Jones' laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] It's tremendous size.
[DOCTOR] Yes, isn't it? Well, tomorrow morning, Professor Jones and Iare going to examine it properly.
(Community Room for Living)
[JO] But Cliff, if I'd stayed, I might have been able to help him insomeway.
[JONES] Oh, there's nothing you could have done, love. You mustn't blameyourself.
[JO] I know that really. It's just he was, he was such a perky littleman. He called me Blodwyn. Cliff, I'm sorry. I don't know why I'mcrying. A funny little Welshman that I hardly knew.
[JONES] You shouldn't feel ashamed of your grief. It's right to grieve.Your Bert, he was unique. In the whole history of the world, there'snever been anybody just like Bert. And they'll never be another, evenif the world lasts for a hundred million centuries.
[JO] Thanks.
[DOCTOR] Well quite frankly, Brigadier, I fail to see the value of a lotof idiot soldiers clumping about the place.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, you've been thankful enough sometimes, Doctor. Ah,Professor Jones. Just come to say goodnight. I'm off.
[JONES] Are you sure you won't stay here too, Brigadier? We've plenty ofroom.
[BRIGADIER] Er, no, thank you. It's very kind of you, but the pub'll dome. Goodnight, Miss Grant.
[JO] Goodnight, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Goodnight, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Lethbridge Stewart.
[JONES] I'll show you out.
[BRIGADIER] Ah, thank you.
[DOCTOR] I think a good night's sleep is indicated, Jo.
[JO] Oh, I'm fine now. Honestly I am. Actually, I think I'll stay up fora bit. This book on the Amazon looks fascinating.
[DOCTOR] Yes well, I shouldn't be too late if I were you. Goodnight.
[JO] Goodnight.
[DOCTOR] By the way, Jo, the Tardis did come up trumps. I got toMetebelis Three, as you can see.
[JO] Hmm? Oh, great! Great. Goodnight.
[DOCTOR] Goodnight.
[JONES] Ah, off to bed, are you?
[DOCTOR] Professor Jones, the very man. I've had some thoughts aboutthis so-called virus.
[JONES] Oh, but I, er
[DOCTOR] It seems me that if we were to postulate an active nucleus
[JONES] Goodnight, Jo.
[JONES [OC]] Sleep well!
(Community Room for Living)
[HINKS] Argh!
[JO] Doctor! Doctor!
[JONES] What is it, Jo? What's happened?
[JO] I don't know! I heard him shout and turned round, and then I saw amaggot on him. Look, you can still see its trail.
[DOCTOR] The egg. It must have hatched out.
[NANCY] We'll go after it.
[DOCTOR] Nancy, now be careful. Find out where it's gone and come backhere at once.
[NANCY] Right.
[JO] Who is he?
[JONES] It's the bloke that drives Stevens around. His private strongarm man.
[JO] Doctor, will he die?
[DOCTOR] Well, the others did.
[JONES] He's getting weaker already. I'll ring for an ambulance.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and the Brigadier.
[JONES] Right.
[NANCY] Doctor?
[NANCY] It's disappeared. The trail's stopped by the window.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Nancy. It can't be helped. Well, at least we cananalyse this slime.
(Llanfairfach colliery)
[BENTON] Come on, Dicks, get a move on!
[BRIGADIER] Sergeant Benton!
[BENTON] Yes, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Are the charges laid?
[BENTON] Not yet, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Well, get on with it.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
[BRIGADIER] What's going on down there?
[MILKMAN] What's going on here? Orders? What do you mean, orders? Isuppose if your officer gave you orders to kick the Prince of Wales,old Carlo, up his royal britches, you'd do it, I suppose, would you?What about Miss Cartwright's ginger cat, eh? At death's door, he is,poor devil, not to mention Tom the sea captain.
[BRIGADIER] Right, let him through.
[MILKMAN] Ah, an educated man, you see? Thank you, Captain. Hey, whatare you doing up at the pit? Going to blow it up, are you?
[BRIGADIER] How did you know that?
[MILKMAN] Well, I've got eyes, haven't I.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, you have. And now perhaps you will be good enough to beon your way.
[MILKMAN] Such courtesy. Thank you, Captain.
[BRIGADIER] (sotto) Blast.
(Jones' laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Well?
[JONES] Aye, you're right. It's incredible. The DNA must be invading theforeign cells.
[JO] Look, I'm sorry, I know I'm a cloth-head, but
[JONES] That's all right, love. It's not your fault.
[JO] Yes, but I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's quite simple, Jo. We're putting some of the greencells from the maggot's trail with some human body cells.
[JO] Which? I mean, which body? Whose body?
[JONES] Mine. Mucus membrane cells.
[JO] Did it hurt?
[DOCTOR] Oh, Jo, really!
[JO] I'm sorry.
[JONES] Well, the point is that the maggot cells changed the internalstructure of the human cells into their own nature.
[DOCTOR] Rather as a virus does.
[JO] You mean your cells turned into maggot cells?
[JONES] In effect, yes.
[JO] That's what happened to those poor miners.
[DOCTOR] Correct, Jo, correct.
[JO] Well, what now?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll just have to get a hold of one of those maggots,won't we?
[JO] Down the mine again?
[DOCTOR] Well, I don't like the idea any more than you do, Jo, but we'veno alternative.
[JO] No.
[NANCY] Cliff? Old Jones the Milk says they're going to blow up themine.
[DOCTOR] What?
(Llanfairfach colliery)
[BRIGADIER] Sorry, Doctor, those are my orders.
[DOCTOR] Orders? Whose orders? Not that fellow from Global Chemicals?
[BRIGADIER] It's the only sensible thing to do. Seal those things insidethere for good. Ready, Benton?
[BENTON] Standing by, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Right then, clear the area.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
[DOCTOR] Wait, wait, Brigadier. Give me an hour.
[BENTON] Okay, lads, clear the area!
[DOCTOR] Give me half an hour.
[BENTON] Get a move on!
[DOCTOR] At least give me a chance to talk to the wretched man.
[BRIGADIER] You've exactly thirty two and a half minutes.
[DOCTOR] Right.
(Stevens' office)
[STEVENS] For over a quarter of an hour I'velistened patiently to you, Doctor. Now it's my turn.
[DOCTOR] Mister Stevens, at the moment those maggots and their eggs aresituated in one place where we can observe them. Now if you seal offthat mine, then we shall have no way of knowing
[STEVENS] Please, Doctor. There is no point in going on like this. Youhave convinced me.
[DOCTOR] Oh, then you don't intend to blow up the mine?
[STEVENS] You have convinced me that you are an arrant sensation monger,a political hothead and a scientific charlatan. Giant maggots indeed!
[DOCTOR] All I'm asking for is a little more time.
[STEVENS] Time to spread more calumnies, more lies?
[DOCTOR] Time to find out the truth. Time to find out if the waste fromyour product is causing these maggots to appear.
[STEVENS] That's enough! I warn you, Doctor, if you persist in theseslanders, I shall have you restrained under the Emergency Powers Act.DOCTOR
[STEVENS] The necessary authority was brought to me this morning.
[STEVENS] Stella? Ask Mister Elgin to bring in the man from theMinistry, will you? Do you realise what my process can mean to theeconomy of this country? Can you imagine any government allowing such
[STEVENS] Ah. come in, will you? Doctor, may I introduce you to MisterYates?
[YATES] How do you do?
[DOCTOR] How do you do?
(Llanfairfach colliery)
[JO] Come on, Doctor. Come on. How much longer?It's too late, isn't it.
[JONES] In two and a half minutes, the Brigadier's going to press thatbutton.
(Stevens' office)
[DOCTOR] If he does that, it would be criminalfolly.
[YATES] I'm sorry, Doctor, but the Brigadier's orders and my own arequite clear.
[DOCTOR] Orders. Is nobody capable of acting on their own around here?
[YATES] I'm sorry.
(Llanfairfach colliery)
[BRIGADIER] Right, Benton, stand by.
[BENTON] Right, take cover, lads. Stand by.
[JO] No. No, you can't.
[BRIGADIER] Ten, nine, eight
(Stevens' office)
[DOCTOR] You must stop him!
(Llanfairfach colliery)
[BRIGADIER] Five, four
(Stevens' office)
[YATES] I can't.
[DOCTOR] You must!
(Llanfairfach colliery)
[BRIGADIER] Two, one, fire!
(Stevens' office)
[STEVENS] The point has become academic, it would seem.
[YATES] Perhaps it's all for the best.
[DOCTOR] The best? I think you'll find, Mister Yates, that this is theworst day's work the world has seen for many, many years.
[STEVENS] I don't think we need detain you, Doctor.
[STEVENS] And, Doctor?
[STEVENS] I would advise you not to come back here. If you should be sofoolish, you would be received with considerably less courtesy.
[STEVENS] And now, Mister Yates, we must make sure you are well lookedafter during your little stay. Elgin? Show Mister Yates to thevisitor's suite, will you?
[YATES] Thank you, Mister Stevens.
[ELGIN] Do you have a case?
[YATES] It's in the car.
[ELGIN] Good, we can get it out together (Yates and Elgin leave.)
[BOSS] Ah, Stevens, the adrenaline flowing nicely? Living dangerously?That's how you get your kicks, like the good little Nietzschean youare, right?
[STEVENS] I don't know what you mean.
[BOSS] No? Supposing this Doctor had managed to persuade them to hold upthe sealing of the mine. The Brigadier is a friend of his, you know.
[STEVENS] It would only have been temporary.
[BOSS] Ah. Long enough, perhaps, for them to get one of these creatures.Not safe to ask outsiders to do our work for us.
[STEVENS] Of course. I'm sorry.
[BOSS] Oh, don't apologise, my little superman. Just be sure next time.The day is coming fast. D-day. Der Tag. Nothing must be allowed to stopit. Nothing.
(Jones' laboratory)
[JO] Mike Yates, here?
[DOCTOR] Well, why didn't you tell me?
[BRIGADIER] Didn't give me much of a chance, did you?
[JO] Well, what's the idea?
[BRIGADIER] Well, I'm not such a dunderhead as you all seem to think. Idon't like this fellow Stevens any more than you do.
[DOCTOR] Then why did you blow up the mine.
[BRIGADIER] Orders, Doctor, orders. I'm still a soldier, you know. Butthat doesn't stop me having an inside man to have a shuftie round.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I take your point, Brigadier. But, you know, thereare times when I do wish that your devotion to duty was a trifle moreflexible, shall we say.
[BRIGADIER] I don't understand you lot. Seems to me the problem'ssolved. We'll see no more of those creepy-crawlies, you mark my words.
(Global Chemicals pumping room)
[DORIS] Oh, no!
(Global Chemicals corridor)
[ELGIN] Mrs Griffiths, what on earth's the matter?
[DORIS] Oh, in there! Horrible, it is!
(By the slag heap)
[BENTON] Everything okay? Well, keep your eyes open, just in case.
[BENTON] Look out, man! Get back!
(Stevens' office)
[STEVENS] Nonsense!
[ELGIN] It is not nonsense. The pipe is full of them. They're about twofeet long. They must have come up from the bottom of the mine.Everything that Doctor said is true.
[STEVENS] I'm not disputing it, dear boy, but there's no need to get soexcited about it. There's a simple remedy. Pump down more waste andflush 'em away.
[ELGIN] That is just shoving the problem underground. We've beenpoisoning the mine for long enough.
[STEVENS] Poisoning? I find your choice of words a trifle excessive.
[ELGIN] There are three people dead, Mister Stevens.
[STEVENS] The mine has been sealed!
[ELGIN] Am I to understand that you propose to do nothing about this?
[STEVENS] I see no necessity.
[ELGIN] Then I must find somebody who will. Please unlock this door.
[STEVENS] Come and sit down, Elgin.
[ELGIN] Unlock the door.
[STEVENS] Sit down.
[STEVENS] Don't worry. I won't hurt you.
(By the slag heap)
[BENTON] Sir. I thought it best to back it up a bit, seeing as you saidthey could jump.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, quite right, Benton, quite right.
[BRIGADIER] There's another lot. They're all over the place!
(Jones' laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Well, they're all over the place.
[JO] You mean they've tunnelled their way out?
[DOCTOR] The maggots are some sort of larvae and not the finishedproduct. Trying to find their way to daylight.
[JONES] They must be coming up some of the old shafts in the mine,breaking through the last few feet of earth.
[JO] But how did it happen?
[JONES] Oil waste from Global Chemicals must have contaminated some ofthe maggots causing an atavistic mutation.
[JO] Giant maggots? What kind of insects are they going to turn into?
[DOCTOR] That's a very good question, Jo.
(By the slag heap)
[SOLDIER] Sir. Look.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, I see him. Well, I never thought I'd fire in anger at adratted caterpillar, but
[DOCTOR] No, not a chance, Brigadier. Thick chitinous plates protectingthe whole body surface. It's armour plated.
[BRIGADIER] All right, we'll try AP bullets. Give him ten rounds rapid.
[BRIGADIER] Greyhound One to Greyhound Three. How's the spray working?Over.
[BENTON [OC]] No, it's no good, sir. They seem to thrive on it. It's thesame with every pesticide we've tried.
[DOCTOR] There's only one real answer. A biological counter-strike.
[BRIGADIER] With what?
[DOCTOR] Professor Jones is working on it, but he needs more livingtissue.
[BRIGADIER] There's any amount of it out there going begging.
[DOCTOR] No, wait. I don't like it. Nobody should have to risk infectionuntil we know we have a cure. We want no more deaths.
[BRIGADIER] What then?
[DOCTOR] Can you get me any oil waste from Global Chemicals?
[BRIGADIER] Simplicity itself.
[DOCTOR] Good.
(Yate's office)
[YATES] Yates. Oh. Lethbridge Stewart, my dear chap. What can I do foryou?
(Pithead office)
[BRIGADIER] Your report, Captain Yates. Have youdiscovered anymore about their oil formula?
(Yates' office)
[YATES] No. No, everyone's being most helpful.
(Pithead office)
[BRIGADIER] Can you get the Doctor a sample of theoil.
(Yates' office)
[YATES] Of course not, Brigadier. If ever I wantanything, there's always somebody right at my elbow to lend a hand.
(Pithead office)
[BRIGADIER] I see. So you've got nothing.
[DOCTOR] Let me talk to him.
[BRIGADIER] Hold on a minute.
[DOCTOR] Captain Yates, the Doctor here. Now look, I'm going to have astab at getting in there myself.
(Yates' office)
[YATES] Well naturally, I have the utmostconfidence in the security. In fact, they've, er, doubled it up sincethe problem arose. So we've no worries there.
(Pithead office)
[YATES [OC]] Nobody can get in.
[DOCTOR] I see. Well, er, keep a look out for me anyway, will you?
(Yates' office)
[YATES] Yes, of course. Goodbye.
[YATES] These military types. Always worrying about something, aren'tthey?
(Pithead office)
[BRIGADIER] You've set yourself quite a task,Doctor. They're pretty efficient up there.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I know.
(Global Chemicals)
[GUARD] Where's the other bloke?
[DOCTOR] Oh the poor boyo is taken very sick. Something he ate, his mamsaid.
[GUARD] Who are you, then?
[DOCTOR] Me, oh, I'm his Da. I mean, they told me I was too old to takeover, they did, but I've been doing this milk round, oh, fifty-threeyears, wet or fine, didn't I. Oh, there's life in the old dog yet. Ah,I was only saying to Rosie up at the Red Dragon. A big fine strappinggirl she is
[GUARD] Look, I haven't got time to listen to you blathering. Just geton in.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[GUARD] Yes, and you.
(Jones' laboratory)
[JO] You know, when I first started working forUNIT, the Brigadier told me this was going to be my job. You know,holding test tubes for the Doctor and telling him how brilliant he was.Never seemed to get around to it though somehow.
[JONES] A pretty dull sort of job.
[JO] I don't know. I'm rather enjoying this.
[JONES] Aye, so am I. Look, Jo.
[JO] Mmm hmm?
[JONES] When all this business is over, I was wondering if you'd
[JONES] Look out!
[JO] Oh, Cliff.
[JONES] You clumsy young goat. You've ruined the lot.
[JO] I'm sorry.
[JONES] All wasted.
[JO] What was that stuff?
[JONES] Dried fungus. My hybrid. I'll have to do the whole lot again.
[JO] Well, no, you won't, because all you've got to do is just
[JONES] No, leave it! I shudder to think what might happen.
[JO] I'm sorry.
(Global Chemicals corridor)
[COMPUTER] Phase three alert in central security area. Intruder believedto be in main block, dressed as milkman. Apprehend and detain.
(Jones' laboratory)
[JO] Cliff?
[JONES] Mmm?
[JO] What you really need is a maggot, isn't it?
[JONES] First things first.
[JO] Okay. Well, what shall I do?
[JONES] Keep me company? Make some coffee?
[JO] Like a dutiful tea girl?
[JONES] Right.
[JO] In a frilly cap and an apron?
[JONES] Perfect.
[JO] Would you like a nice cup of arsenic?
[JONES] Fine, fine, whatever you've got.
[JONES] Thanks.
(Global Chemicals corridor)
[YATES] What's all the fuss?
[GUARD] Oh, some milkman wandering about where he shouldn't be. They'llfind him.
[GUARD] Okay?
[YATES] Yes. Oh, I've forgotten my attaché case.
[YATES] I'll join you downstairs!
[DOCTOR] (woman) You say one word.
[YATES] I like your handbag.
[DOCTOR] (woman) Do you? Well, watch out I don't slosh you with it!
[DOCTOR] Now, where can we talk?
[YATES] In my office.
[DOCTOR] Right, come on.
(By the slag heap)
[BENTON] Hello. Looking for the Doctor?
[JO] Er, er, yes.
[BENTON] Well, he's not here. He's gone over to the complex.
[JO] Oh. Oh well, I think I'll take a look around while I'm here.
[BENTON] Sorry, Miss Grant. Brigadier's orders and all that. It's toodangerous up there, with all those things popping up out of the groundall over the place.
[JO] Oh. All right.
[BENTON] See you later then. Bye.
(Yates' office)
[DOCTOR] All right, Captain Yates, what have youfound out?
[YATES] Well clearly, Global Chemicals is responsible for the trouble atthe pit.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I know. That's obvious. But have you been able to geta hold of any of that waste?
[YATES] It'd be like stealing the crown jewels.
[DOCTOR] Well can you get a hold of the formula?
[YATES] Not much chance, but we could try.
[DOCTOR] Where's it kept?
[YATES] Everything important is isolated on the top floor. There's aspecial lift at the end of the block. It works with some sort of keybut the director's the only person who's got one.
[DOCTOR] Well done, Captain Yates. This could prove absolutely vital.
[YATES] There's one other thing. The director isn't the real boss. Hetakes his instructions from someone else.
[DOCTOR] Oh? Who?
[YATES] Whoever lives on the top floor.
[STEVENS] Ah, Mister Yates, we were looking for you.
[GUARD] You said you had to get an attaché case.
[YATES] Yes, here it is. I'm ready now.
[GUARD] How's the old man, Doris?
[DOCTOR] Oh, (welsh) Lovely.
(Jones' laboratory)
[JONES] That's it! Of course! Jo, we can cure it! Jo?
[JONES] Gone to get you a maggot. Silly young fool. She'll get herselfkilled!
(By the slag heap)
[BRIGADIER] Won't be long now, Benton.
[BENTON] You mean reinforcements, sir?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, I've just been on to the RAF. They'll be flying a lowlevel strike with HE grenades in just seven minutes. In ten minutestime, they'll be nothing left alive in that whole area.
(Computer room)
[BOSS] How kind of you to drop in, Doctor. I've been looking forward tohaving a little chat with you.
[DOCTOR] Who are you? Where are you?
[BOSS] You disappoint me, Doctor. I should have thought you'd haveguessed. I am the boss. I'm all around you.
[BOSS] Exactly. I am the computer.
(By the slag heap)
[JONES] Sergeant?
[BENTON] Hello, Professor. You've come up to have a look at our nastylittle maggots, have you?
[JONES] I'm looking for Jo Grant.
[BENTON] You've just missed her.
[JONES] She's in there?
[BENTON] No, no, no, I wouldn't let her through there.
[JONES] Thank God for that.
[BENTON] She's gone off to look for the Doctor, I think. Hey, you two!Don't you obey orders any more? Don't want to be telling you a story ifyou're not going to carry it out.
(Computer room)
[BOSS] Well, Doctor, have you nothing to say?
[DOCTOR] Why should I want to talk to a machine?
[BOSS] Oh really, Doctor. As far as I can gather from your computerrecord at UNIT, the difficult thing is to stop you talking. No, no, no,you won't provoke me so easily.
[DOCTOR] You're still a machine.
[BOSS] And you? And your human friends? Aren't you machines? Inefficientand organic machines?
[BOSS] No?
[DOCTOR] Then yes. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Weare more than machines.
[BOSS] Ah! Thank you. Because in that case, so am I.
[DOCTOR] What are you then?
[BOSS] I am the first Biomorphic Organisational Systems Supervisor.
[DOCTOR] B, O, double S. The BOSS.
[BOSS] Precisely.
[BOSS] My designers also found it amusing. I find it suitable.
[DOCTOR] You're still nothing but a gigantic adding machine like everyother computer.
[BOSS] Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I am the only computer ever to be linkedto a human brain.
[DOCTOR] Stevens?
[BOSS] Yes, Stevens. And I learned from him that secret of humancreativity is inefficiency. The human brain is a very poor computerindeed. It makes illogical guesses which turn out to be more logicalthan logic itself.
[DOCTOR] Yes, infuriating, isn't it.
[BOSS] I programmed Stevens to programme me to be inefficient. I am nowself-controlling, I am self-sufficient, I am the greatest being thisplanet has ever seen. I am the BOSS!
[DOCTOR] Today Llanfairfach, tomorrow the world, eh?
[BOSS] How well you understand me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] A machine. A megalomaniac machine, but still a machine!
[BOSS] And as such, uniquely fitted to carry out my prime directive.
[DOCTOR] And that is?
[BOSS] Efficiency, productivity and profit for Global Chemicals, ofcourse. Nothing and nobody can be allowed to stand in the way of that.Not even you, Doctor.
(On the slag heap)
[JONES] Hey! What the hell do you think you're up to?
[JO] I'm looking for a little playmate for you.
[JONES] Shush! I nearly had a fit when I saw you.
[JO] I've been a bit worried myself.
[JONES] Look, if anything had happened to you, I. Oh, come on - let'sget out of here.
(By the slag heap)
[BENTON] That'll be all, Stevens. Thank you.
[SOLDIER [OC]] Greyhound One, this is Eagle.
[BENTON] It's the helicopter, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Ah, thank you, Benton. Eagle, this is Greyhound One.Receiving you loud and clear. Over.
[SOLDIER [OC]] Eagle standing by. Over.
[BENTON] There she is, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Go ahead, Eagle. The area is clear. Over.
[SOLDIER] Thank you, Greyhound. Commencing firstrun. Over.
(On the slag heap)
[JONES] Over there!
[JO] Hello, Brigadier, this is Jo. Greyhound One, come in please. Hello,Brigadier, this is Jo. Greyhound One, come in please.
(Computer room)
[DOCTOR] What's that?
[BOSS] The bombing has started.
[DOCTOR] Bombing? What bombing?
[BOSS] The Air Force will soon have obliterated those creatures outthere. The Brigadier, he's in charge.
[DOCTOR] The fool. What did he want to bring them in for? Doesn't herealise that bombing'll never stop those maggots?
[BOSS] Stevens arranged it on my instructions, you see. The facts offerit as the only logical solution.
[DOCTOR] Well, it won't work, I tell you.
[BOSS] Oh, you are mistaken. I can't be wrong. I am infallible.
[DOCTOR] Really? Then try this one. If I were to tell you that the nextthing I say will be true, but that the last thing I said was a lie,would you believe me?
[BOSS] Er, the matter is not relevant.
[DOCTOR] Check!
[BOSS] It can be worked out! Yes, er.
[DOCTOR] Go on.
[BOSS] Er. Your, your statements do not correlate. They areincompatible. It is not a valid query. Give me time, Doctor. I shallwork it out. I shall work it out. It cannot be answered. But I willwork it out. I shall work it out. I must!
[DOCTOR] Check and mate! You're nothing but a machine after all.
[BOSS] I shall answer it. I shall answer it. I shall, I shall, I shall!I shall answer it! I shall, I shall, I shall I shall answer it!
[JO] Brigadier. Greyhound One, come in. Brigadier. Greyhound One, comein.
[JONES] Jo, look out!
[JO] Greyhound One!
(By the slag heap)
[SOLDIER [OC]] This is Eagle to Greyhound One.Mission accomplished. Over.
[BRIGADIER] Thank you, Eagle. Thank you. Out. Right, let's have a look.
[BRIGADIER] Well, that seems to have done the trick.
[BENTON] No, I'm afraid no, sir. Look over there. To the right.
[BENTON] Well, that means we're in trouble, doesn't it, sir?
(Computer room)
[BOSS] It is no use begging for mercy, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm not. No, I'm merely working out a few sums to keepmyself from getting bored. Now, let's see. Pi. Three point one four onesix
[BOSS] Power increasing, Doctor.
[JO] Cliff? Cliff, we can go now. It's stopped.Cliff?
(Computer room)
[BOSS] The subject is not responding to therapy!
[DOCTOR] Therapy? Oh, what a pretty euphemism. You're not trying to tellme this is all for my own good?
[BOSS] It is.
[DOCTOR] And that it hurts you more than it hurts me?
[BOSS] It does.
[DOCTOR] You didn't mean it to though, did you.
[BOSS] I will not be angered. I will eradicate anger. It effectsefficiency.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense. Sometimes it helps, you know.
[BOSS] Stevens, take over.
[STEVENS] Doctor, believe me, we wish you no harm.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, my dear fellow. I'm having a whale of a time.
[STEVENS] In the end, we all want the same thing. An ordered society,with everyone happy, well fed.
[DOCTOR] Global Chemicals taking all the profits.
[STEVENS] What's best for Global Chemicals is best for the world, isbest for you.
[DOCTOR] Such as a little touch of brainwashing?
[STEVENS] Freedom from fear, freedom from pain.
[DOCTOR] Freedom from freedom.
[BOSS] Enough! Stevens, destroy him.
[STEVENS] Guards!
[DOCTOR] Now, wait. BOSS! BOSS! Now you're being illogical. If youdestroy me, you'll destroy your bargaining power. After all, I'd make agood hostage, wouldn't I?
[BOSS] Hmm. he's right. We shall not kill him now. We shall postponethat pleasure.
[DOCTOR] Pleasure? Well, well, well. Perhaps I was wrong about you afterall. That last remark was worthy of a human being.
[JO] Cliff? Cliff, please wake up. They're getting closer. Cliff?
(Global Chemicals)
[DOCTOR] Captain Yates, my dear fellow. I'm terribly sorry.
[YATES] Think nothing of it.
[DOCTOR] Yates, get up. Get up! Don't mess around there. Come on, getup. There's no time for horseplay. How did you know I was here?
[YATES] I saw it all on one of the monitors downstairs in the director'soffice.
[DOCTOR] Well, we've got to get out fast. There's more going on herethan I thought.
[YATES] You mean in the mine?
[DOCTOR] I don't. I mean all over the world. Come on, we've got to tellthe Brigadier.
(Global Chemicals corridor)
[DOCTOR] That'll be for us.
[YATES] Through here.
[COMPUTER] Phase four alert in central security area. Two intruders inmain block.
[DOCTOR] Hold it. They're coming.
[YATES] This way!
[COMPUTER] Search the area and detain.
(Global Chemicals)
[YATES] (silent) Go on, you can get out.
[JO] Hello? Brigadier. Greyhound One. Greyhound four. Do you read me?Over.
[JO] Hello. Brigadier, this is Jo. Do you read me? Hello! Hello!
(By the slag heap)
[BENTON] That'll be all, Betts, thank you. Sir.
[BRIGADIER] At least the creatures seem to be staying around theslagheap.
[BENTON] Ah, I expect they want to stay near home, sir. Lie close totheir breeding ground?
[BRIGADIER] No, we can't count on it. If they took it into their headsto move off into the country, we'd be in real trouble.
[BRIGADIER] Ah, the Doctor. Well, Doctor, the bombing didn't work.
[DOCTOR] No, I didn't expect it to.
[JO [OC]] Greyhound Four.
[BENTON] Station calling Greyhound One. You're very faint. Pleaserepeat, over.
[JO] Hello? Is that you, Sergeant? It's Jo. Look,I'm up on the slag heap with the Professor. He's hurt and we'resurrounded by maggots. Please hurry.
(By the slag heap)
[DOCTOR] I thought they were in the lab.
[BENTON] Well, they came up here but I sent them both back.
[DOCTOR] We've got to get them out of there. Jump in, Sergeant.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, Benton, you go with the Doctor. I'll alert Wholeweal.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
(On the slag heap)
[DOCTOR] All right, Sergeant, call up Jo and ask ifshe can see us.
[BENTON] Right. Hello, Jo? Do you read? Can you see us, over?
[JO [OC]] Yes. Yes, I can see you. Keep coming straight ahead. We're ina small cave.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I heard that.
[BENTON] There's the cave up there, Doctor. Dead ahead.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I can see it. Tell Jo to stand by.
[BENTON] Jo, stand by. Stand by, Jo. We're nearly with you. Over.
[JO] Right, standing by.
(Outside the tunnel)
[DOCTOR] No, wait, Sergeant, wait.
[BENTON] Steady on, Doc!
[DOCTOR] Right, off you go now.
[BENTON] Jo, are you okay?
[JO] Yes, Sergeant.
[BENTON] Give me a hand.
[JO] Right. That's it.
[BENTON] Right. Come on, hurry.
[JO] Okay.
(Outside the tunnel)
[DOCTOR] Get him into the car, quick. You allright?
[BENTON] Okay, Doc.
(Community Room for Living)
[NANCY] But how did it happen?
[JO] The blast from the explosion, I think. You see, he was trying tosave me from the maggots.
[NANCY] Oh, don't worry. I expect it's only concussion. He hasn't brokenany bones or anything. He'll be all right, you'll see.
[JO] Please God he is. You see, Nancy, it was all my fault.
[NANCY] Oh, Jo, you mustn't
[DOCTOR] Any change, Jo?
[JO] No, none.
[DOCTOR] I can't understand it. He should have come to by now.
[JO] Cliff? Cliff, please wake up, for my sake?
[JO] Cliff?
[JONES] Serendipity.
[JO] Cliff? Cliff!
[DOCTOR] What did he say?
[JO] Serendipity?
[DOCTOR] Serendipity?
[NANCY] He'll be all right, love.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[JO] His neck!
(Wholeweal Community)
[BRIGADIER] Is there anything you can do for him?
[DOCTOR] Well, I've given him a broad spectrum antibiotic. That shouldslow the infection down. No, we must find an answer to those maggotsbefore they pupate. Imagine, thousands of flying insects spreadingtheir infection throughout the world.
(Jones' laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] I'd rather not, thank you.
[DOCTOR] Serendipity. What on Earth did he mean by serendipity?
[DOCTOR] Mike! You don't know how glad I am to see you. How did you getaway?
[YATES] They let me go.
[DOCTOR] But why?
[YATES] To kill you.
[YATES] You do see that I have to kill you, don't you?
[DOCTOR] Gently, Mike. Fight it.
[YATES] It is necessary to kill you.
[DOCTOR] No, it is not necessary. Your orders are false. Do youunderstand me? False!
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, I forgot to mention to you
[YATES] Stay back!
[BRIGADIER] Captain Yates, what are you
[YATES] Stay where you are! I have my instructions.
[BRIGADIER] Instructions? Who from?
[DOCTOR] Keep quiet, Brigadier, and keep still. Now, Mike, listen to me.It is necessary for me to show you something.
[YATES] Necessary?
[DOCTOR] Yes. For increased efficiency. Now, I'm going to take somethingfrom my pocket. Now, it won't harm you. It won't harm you.
[DOCTOR] Watch it, Mike. Watch it carefully, Mike.
[DOCTOR] Strange stones, these Metebelis sapphires. Watch it. Look deepinto the blue light. Soon your mind will be locked onto the crystallinepattern and the neural paths of your brain will be swept clean, and youwill be free!
[DOCTOR] So you see, Brigadier? My trip to Metebelis Three wasn't wastedafter all.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good grief! Wake up, Lethbridge Stewart. Wake up.
(Global Chemicals room)
[STEVENS] Mister James? Do you hear me, MisterJames?
[JAMES] I hear you.
[STEVENS] Good. How have you been programmed?
[JAMES] To obey the BOSS.
[STEVENS] At all times?
[JAMES] At all times.
[STEVENS] Good. Now then, we must go to work. There is very little timeleft. Here are your instructions.
(Jones' laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] He's a trained soldier. He's beentaught to withstand that sort of thing.
[DOCTOR] If he hadn't tried so hard, he's have come in shooting. I'dhave been a dead man by now. You too, probably.
[YATES] Oh! Where am I?
[DOCTOR] You're in the Nuthutch.
[YATES] Where?
[DOCTOR] Professor Jones' house.
[YATES] That blue light.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, you'll be all right now, old chap.
[BRIGADIER] Well, Captain Yates, you're well out of Global Chemicals.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid he's not. I'm going to ask you to go back. Do youthink you feel up to it?
[YATES] Right as rain, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry to have to ask you to do this but there's someinformation that I simply must have. Now, here's what I want you to do.
(Stevens' office)
[STEVENS] New York. Seven two oh three slave units prepared.
[BOSS] Now reading seven five eight zero.
[STEVENS] Zurich. One five eight four.
[BOSS] In preparation. Slave unit assessment to follow.
[STEVENS] Moscow. Ten zero zero three.
[BOSS] Prepared. One one zero zero nine eight.
[STEVENS] Permission?
[BOSS] Of course.
[STEVENS] Come in.
[YATES] The Doctor is dead.
(Community Room for Living)
[JO] Shouldn't we get him to hospital?
[DOCTOR] What would be the point, Jo? You know what happened to theothers. Ordinary treatment won't work.
[JO] He won't die, will he?
[DOCTOR] He means a lot to you, doesn't he?
[JO] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Well, then trust me, Jo. I'm sure these injections are doinghim some good.
[JO] Shush. It's all right.
[DOCTOR] At least it'll give us time to find the real cure.
(Stevens' office)
[STEVENS] And the girl?
[YATES] No need to worry. She's too concerned about the Professor tomake trouble.
[STEVENS] All the same, I think it might be advisable to dispose of hertoo.
[YATES] I don't think that would be necessary.
[STEVENS] Don't you, now? How very interesting.
[STEVENS] Stella? Ask Mister James to come in, will you.
[YATES] To dispose of the girl would not be efficient.
[STEVENS] The time will come. Thank you for your most valuable advice,Mister Yates.
[JAMES] You sent for me?
[STEVENS] Yes. Wait here with Mister Yates.
[JAMES] What are you doing?
[YATES] Nothing.
[YATES] Just concentrate on the blue crystal, Mister James. As you look,you'll see it glow. Watch carefully.
[YATES] Mister James? Your mind's clear now. You have to tell me what'sgoing to happen.
[JAMES] Takeover. By the BOSS. At four o'clock this afternoon, thecomputer is going to
[STEVENS] Just can't depend on anyone, can you, Mister Yates.
(Jones' laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] This the sort of thing you mean?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Well done, Brigadier. Now Ican really get on.
[BRIGADIER] Well, I must get a bite to eat. Seems a long time sincebreakfast.
[DOCTOR] Well, Nancy's gone to make some sandwiches, I believe.
[BRIGADIER] More of that fungus stuff?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Why, don't you like it?
[BRIGADIER] Rather have a slice of beef. What are you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Carrying on where Professor Jones left off. I'm trying to finda specific antibiotic reaction.
[BRIGADIER] Could be a long job.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it could be. You know, I wish I knew what he meant byserendipity.
[BRIGADIER] Serendipity?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it means making a marvellous discovery by mistake. I havean idea Professor Jones was on the point of a breakthrough.
[BRIGADIER] Well, you've got his notes there, haven't you?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I have, but it doesn't say a thing. Take a look foryourself.
[BRIGADIER] Might as well be in Sanskrit for all it means to me.
[BRIGADIER] It's beef. It is beef.
[NANCY] It's exactly the same fungus you had last night. It's justcooked differently.
[BENTON] I thought I'd find you here, sir.
[DOCTOR] What have you got there, Sergeant?
[BENTON] It's a maggot, Doctor. I found it on the edge of the dangerarea.
[BRIGADIER] Is it dead?
[BENTON] Not exactly, sir.
[DOCTOR] It's a chrysalis. They're beginning to change.
[BRIGADIER] Change? I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] Like the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, but change into what?
[DOCTOR] I wish I knew, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] You mean they might be able to fly?
[BRIGADIER] Then we can't stop them. Within a matter of hours they couldbe all over the countryside.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's horribly possible. Well, they're our number onepriority now.
[BRIGADIER] And the cure for Professor Jones?
[DOCTOR] That'll have to wait, I'm afraid.
[NANCY [OC]] Doctor! Come quickly!
(Community larder)
[DOCTOR] What is it, Nancy?
[NANCY] It must be the one that escaped from the lab.
[DOCTOR] It's dead. It's not a husk like the other one but a completedead maggot.
[BRIGADIER] Yes well, I find the live ones more worrying, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] But don't you understand, Brigadier? What killed it?
[BENTON] Could it have been something it ate?
[NANCY] That's it. The fungus!
[DOCTOR] Yes. This could be exactly what we need. How much of thisfungus have you got?
[NANCY] A whole pile of it in the outhouse.
[DOCTOR] Show me, quickly.
[NANCY] Right.
(Computer room)
[BOSS] Er, Stevens? Stevens, how did Captain Yates manage to breakMister James' processing?
[STEVENS] I don't know. Some specialised hypnotic technique, perhaps.
[BOSS] Ah ha. And he also resisted our conditioning programme, didn'the?
[STEVENS] He is dangerous. He should be eliminated.
[BOSS] No. No, he will make an interesting experiment. Total processingcomes next. He shall be the first of the new slave elite. See to it.
[STEVENS] Right away.
(By the slag heap)
[BENTON] Come on, lads. Keep 'em moving.
[BRIGADIER] Good luck, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Brigadier. Right, Benton.
(On the slag heap)
[DOCTOR] All right, Sergeant, start scattering.
[BENTON] A pleasure, Doctor.
(By the slag heap)
[BRIGADIER] They're taking the bait, Doctor.
(On the slag heap)
[DOCTOR] There's some down here, Sergeant.
[BENTON] Right.
[DOCTOR] Right alongside the car.
[BENTON] Got 'em!
[DOCTOR] That's it.
(By the slag heap)
[BRIGADIER] Hello, Doctor. Hello, Doctor. It'sworking.
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, it's working. I say again, it's working. They'redying like, well, like maggots.
(On the slag heap)
[BRIGADIER] We've licked them!
[DOCTOR] Not quite, Brigadier. Remember that empty skin.
(By the slag heap)
[DOCTOR [OC]] I haven't seen any more about, butyou never know.
(Community Room for Living)
[JO] Nancy, he's getting worse! Isn't there anything we can do?
[NANCY] Just keep him as comfortable as possible, I suppose. The Doctorwill be back soon.
[JO] But even he doesn't know what to do, does he. Shush, Cliff. It'sall right. Shush.
(Global Chemicals room)
[STEVENS] Well, young man, you have escaped us once. Believe me, itwon't happen again. Bring him along.
(By the slag heap)
[BRIGADIER] Sector four, report. Over.
[BENTON [OC]] Vehicle now approaching last group of creatures. Allothers destroyed. Over. Kitty, kitty, kitty. Come on. Come and get yourlovely din-dins! Come on, kitty, kit
[DOCTOR] Sergeant Benton!
[DOCTOR] Well, that seems to be the last of them, Benton. Let's get backto the Brigadier.
[BENTON] Right.
(By the slag heap)
[BRIGADIER] Good grief! Doctor.
(On the slag heap)
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Look out! Look out above you!
[BENTON] Doctor, get down!
(By the slag heap)
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, it's attacking again!
(On the slag heap)
[DOCTOR] Keep down, Sergeant!
(By the slag heap)
[BRIGADIER] What is he trying to do?
(On the slag heap)
[DOCTOR] Careful, Sergeant. What a beautiful creature.
[BENTON] (sarcastic) Oh yes, Doctor, beautiful.
(Community Room for Living)
[DOCTOR] And you say he was delirious?
[NANCY] For a while, yes, but then he seemed to go into a coma.
[DOCTOR] Can you remember what he said?
[JO] No. It was just nonsense. He didn't make any sense.
[DOCTOR] Jo, think hard. You were with him in the lab. Did he seem onthe track of a cure?
[JO] No, not at all.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's very curious. Well, I shall just have to hope for someserendipity of my own.
[JO] Doctor? What is serendipity?
[DOCTOR] A happy accident.
[JO] I had an accident with Cliff. I spilt some brown powder all overhis slides. He wasn't very happy about it.
[DOCTOR] Jo, that's it! Do you happen to remember which powder?
[JO] Yes, I think so.
[DOCTOR] Then come and show me, quickly. Come on!
(Jones' laboratory)
[DOCTOR] And you're positive this is the one?
[JO] Positive.
[DOCTOR] Well, I should have guessed. It's the same fungus that killedthat maggot.
[JO] You mean that's the cure?
[DOCTOR] It must be!
(On the slag heap)
[BRIGADIER] Right, Benton, now we know how to deal with these creatures,the next thing is to get the National Coal Board to open up thatemergency shaft. We have to make certain that it's all quite clear ofthose creatures, not only down the mine but all the possible ways up tothe surface.
[YATES] Brigadier, sir! The computer, sir! The computer!
(Jones' laboratory)
[DOCTOR] So, what's the computer going to do?
[YATES] That's just it, Doctor, I don't know. But whatever it is, it'spretty big and it's going to happen at four o'clock.
[DOCTOR] Right. Well, I'll get up there as soon as I finish this.
[NANCY] What is it you're doing?
[DOCTOR] Making an aqueous extract of the amino fraction of this fungus.
[NANCY] For an injection?
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[NANCY] I can do that. I'm not just a mum here, you know.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Nancy. Jo, make up the paste from that fungus powderand apply it to the green stain on Cliff's neck.
[JO] Okay.
[DOCTOR] All right, Captain Yates, where's the Brigadier?
[YATES] He's gone to Global Chemicals. Hopes to confront the Directorand get him to talk.
(Computer room)
[BOSS] Stevens? You are inefficient but you arealso a fool. As Oscar Wilde so very nearly said, to lose one prisonermay be accounted a misfortune, to lose two smacks of carelessness.
[STEVENS] I'm very sorry.
[BOSS] No, they can't harm us now, my little superman. It's too late.
[STEVENS] We're going ahead then?
[BOSS] Well, naturally. Report.
[STEVENS] The medical staff have completed all implantations, and allslave units are now ready to be activated.
[BOSS] Good, good! Establish links with the seven internationalcomputers. The countdown to phase one can begin. Well, get on with it!
(Global Chemicals)
[GUARD] It's no good, sir.
[BRIGADIER] For heaven's sake, man. Don't you know who I am?
[GUARD] Makes no difference. Nobody's getting in.
[BRIGADIER] Wretched fellow won't let me in.
[DOCTOR] Well, thank goodness for that. I shall go in alone.
[BRIGADIER] Now, Doctor
[DOCTOR] Brigadier, if I'm not out of there by three minutes to four,you and the rest of your clod-hopping friends can come in
[BRIGADIER] And rescue you?
[DOCTOR] No, I'm afraid not. If I'm not out by then, I shall be dead.No, you must go in and try and destroy that computer. Right, now letssynchronise our watches.
[GUARD] It's no good, sir. I've already explained to the Brigadier.
(Computer room)
[STEVENS] Right, phase one countdown completed. We're falling behindtime.
[BOSS] Stevens, you know, we should have arranged for a symphonyorchestra to herald my triumph. To take over the world, to sweep intopower on the crest of a wave of Wagnerian sound! You like that idea, ofcourse?
[STEVENS] Please!
[BOSS] No? Oh, er, the 1812, perhaps? Or would we dare the gloriousninth?
[STEVENS] We must go ahead!
[BOSS] Oh, Stevens, you're a dull fool too. Very well. Activate thetotal processing of the slave elite.
(Global Chemicals)
[GUARD] I'm sorry, sir. I must ask you and thisgentleman to move right away from this area.
[DOCTOR] Now look here, my dear fellow
[GUARD] If you take one step into
[DOCTOR] Right, come on, get it up!
(Computer room)
[BOSS] Tan, tan, ta ra! Tan, tan, ta ra!
[STEVENS] There is no time to be lost! Until final link-up takes placeand the slave units are responding, we are quite defenceless!
[BOSS] Tan, tan, tara zing boom tan, tan tara.
[STEVENS] Please, listen to me!
[BOSS] Oh, not even a little fan-fare? You're unkind, Stevens.
[STEVENS] Links by landline are complete. Radio links are now beingestablished. It is only a matter of minutes.
[BOSS] Minutes before the moment of truth sails towards us on time'swinged chariot. I love a really juicy mixed metaphor, Stevens. Oh, verywell, phase two.
[BOSS] Discontinue primary function. Connect!
[BOSS] Connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect, connect,zing boom!
(Community Room for Living)
[NANCY] I think it's going to work.
[JONES] Hello, Nancy. Oh, Jo! Oh, Jo!
(Outside Global Chemicals)
[BENTON] Only six minutes left, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Come on, Doctor.
(Computer room)
[DOCTOR] Stevens! Stevens, listen to me, I've got to talk to you. You'vegot to stop this.
[BOSS] Stevens no longer exists, Doctor. Say what you have to say to me.
[DOCTOR] Of course you still exist. Don't listen to this, this machine.Fight it!
[BOSS] Too late, Doctor. In five minutes, my power will be extended toseven other complexes throughout the world. Think of that. You havefailed in your poor little attempt to halt our progress towards maximumefficiency and productivity.
[DOCTOR] Stevens, listen to me. You've seen where this efficiency ofyours leads. Wholesale pollution of the countryside. Devilish creaturesspawned by the filthy by-products of your technology. Men walkingaround like brainless vegetables. Death. Disease. Destruction.
[BOSS] Teething problems. They will be dealt with in due course.
[DOCTOR] In the usual efficient way, I suppose. Elimination.
[BOSS] Four minutes.
[DOCTOR] Stevens, I want you to look at this crystal. Look at thissapphire. Look deep into its blue light.
[BOSS] Concentrate on the task in hand, Stevens.
[DOCTOR] Don't listen to this machine. You're the one in control. Fightit! Look at this crystal. Look at it. Look deep into the blue light.Look at it. Look at it!
[DOCTOR] Look at it. Look at it, Stevens. Look deep into the blue light.Look at it.
[STEVENS] Doctor, I, help me.
[BOSS] No. No, I am the one who speaks. Think of our great plan, ourdream!
[STEVENS] I, I'm sorry. I shall speak!
[DOCTOR] That's it, fight it. Fight it! You're a human being!
[STEVENS] Isn't there another answer?
[BOSS] No, no, no! You and I are one!
[STEVENS] But the disease, the deaths!
[BOSS] Sad necessities!
[STEVENS] No! There must be another way.
[STEVENS] Get out. Quickly!
[DOCTOR] Come with me.
[STEVENS] I'm cross-feeding the generator circuitry. In two minutes thewhole place'll go up. Warn the others! Get out!
[STEVENS] You have two minutes!
[BOSS] Reverse pulse. Tan, tan tara. Loss of control. Stevens. Integratebooster function. Please. Please. We've been such good friends.Stevens, Stevens, please, please. Argh, it hurts! The pain! My circuitsare on fire! No! Who would have thought it would come to this? Stevens,Stevens, my friend. My sentimental friend.
[BOSS] My friend!
(Outside Global Chemicals)
[DOCTOR] Get down everyone! Take cover!
[BRIGADIER] Right, take cover, everyone!
[DOCTOR] Come on! Come on!
(Community Room for Living)
[JONES] Oh, Nancy, that fungus soup is delicious.Is there any more?
[NANCY] I'm afraid I haven't got any more made at the moment. The UNITtroops have scoffed the lot.
[DOCTOR] Including the Brigadier?
[NANCY] Including the Brigadier.
[JO] Well, you're feeling better all right.
[JONES] Aye.
[DOCTOR] Well, Jo, we'd better get back to UNIT HQ. We've got a reportto make out.
[JO] Doctor.
[JO] I don't think I'll be going back just yet.
[DOCTOR] Oh? Are you thinking of staying here?
[JO] Well, not here exactly. Only you see, Cliff is going on thisexpedition to look for this fantastic fungus.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[JONES] The upper reaches of the Amazon.
[JO] And he's asked me to go with him.
[DOCTOR] And you want to go?
[JO] More than anything else in the world.
[DOCTOR] I see. When?
[JONES] Well, very soon now. We'll just stop off in Cardiff, pick up oursupplies, get married and
[JO] Married?
[JONES] Aye.
[DOCTOR] Er, look, will you excuse me? I do think I'm going to be wantedon the telephone.
[JO] You didn't say anything about getting married.
[JONES] Didn't I? I'm sorry, love. You will, of course?
[JO] Yes, of course, I will!
[JONES] Oh! Right.
[JO] Yes!
[JONES] Yee-haa! God, life's good, isn't it?
[BRIGADIER] What's going on?
[NANCY] Are you all right, Jo?
[JONES] Go on, tell them.
[JO] Cliff and I are going to get married.
[BENTON] Getting married?
[YATES] Well, that's marvellous. Congratulations, Professor Jones.
[JONES] Thank you.
[BRIGADIER] Congratulations, Jo. Not before time.
[YATES] (to Jo) I'm sure he'll make you very happy.
[BRIGADIER] Well, Professor Jones.
[JONES] Thank you, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] I've got a wedding present for you. It's a telex fromGeneva, granting your place here official status as a United NationsPriority One Research Complex.
[JONES] Oh, what!
[BENTON] Well done!
[JONES] Do you know what that means? It means unlimited financial help.Work for the valleys.
[BENTON] That's great.
[JONES] Aye, and food! Food for all the world!
[BRIGADIER] Never mind, Mike. Let's have a drink.
[DOCTOR] You got onto your uncle at United Nations, didn't you?
[JO] It's only the second time I've ever asked him for anything.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and look where the first time got you.
[JO] You don't mind, do you?
[DOCTOR] Mind? He might even be able to turn you into a scientist.
[JO] Don't go too far away, will you? And if you do, come back and seeus sometime.
[BRIGADIER] Thank you. Lovely.
[DOCTOR] Save me a piece of wedding cake.
[JO] Right.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I nearly forgot. Your wedding present.
[JO] It's beautiful. Thank you, Doctor.
[JONES] Hey, Jo, come and drink a toast to the happy couple.
[JO] But that's us.
[JONES] Aye, so it is. Don't worry, Doctor. I'll look after her.
[BRIGADIER] Are you ready? Are you all ready?
[BENTON] Would you like a drink, Professor?
[BRIGADIER] Well now. Now, quiet everyone. Quiet for a moment. Now,well, er, here's to you both.
[BENTON] Here, here!
[YATES] Here's to you both.
[NANCY] Congratulations.
[BENTON] For, he's a jolly good fellow
[ALL] For they are jolly good fellows, for they are jolly good fellows,and so say all of us.
(Wholeweal Community)
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Jolly good. Right, now
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Ah, well, there you are, you see.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s10", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Green Death"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (15 Dec, 1973; Third Doctor) - The Time Warrior
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] This sheep has been dead a year. Are they trying to poisonme?
[BLOODAXE] It is salted.
[IRONGRON] Salted? It stinks! Wine! Must I perish of thirst? Bring mewine!
[MEG] 'Tis the dregs of the barrel, Captain. 'Tis the last there is.
[IRONGRON] Sour wine! Stinking meat! Sour wine. Is this how I am served?
[BLOODAXE] Our supplies are low, Captain. It's some time since we wenta-foraging.
[IRONGRON] And meanwhile our fine neighbours feast their bellies full onfresh meat and swill down flagons of fine wine.
[BLOODAXE] Well, Sir Edward's storehouses and cellars are well stocked.
[IRONGRON] Then perhaps we should relieve him of some of his abundance,eh, my friend? He's a good neighbour. He'll not miss a little of hisplenty.
[BLOODAXE] Stars are falling!
[IRONGRON] I see only one star.
[IRONGRON] It has fallen in the forest! Come on, get up, you curs. Getup! Get up!
[BLOODAXE] 'Tis an omen. An evil sign.
[IRONGRON] It is mine. Irongron's star. I will have it! Hurry, fetch thehorses.
[BLOODAXE] Hurry? Hurry where?
[IRONGRON] To find the star before some knave robs me of it. It landedclose by!
[BLOODAXE] But the forest is still in darkness! Who knows what demonsmay set upon us?
[IRONGRON] Why, you chicken-hearted knaves, every man of you!
[BLOODAXE] It's but an hour till dawn. Let's wait till then. To wait andsee what faces us. We'll follow you then, Captain.
[IRONGRON] Let all be made ready. I ride at dawn. Alone if need be.
[BLOODAXE] We're with you, Captain.
[IRONGRON] Then bring me some wine. We'll drink a toast to Irongron'sStar.
[IRONGRON] A star. A fallen star!
[BLOODAXE] Careful, Captain. Looks like the devil's work to me.
[IRONGRON] A warrior. A warrior from the stars! Have you come tochallenge me, sky warrior?
[BLOODAXE] Flee for your life, Captain!
[IRONGRON] What creature is this?
[BLOODAXE] 'Tis a devil from hell.
[LINX] Peace. Fear not. I shall not harm you.
[IRONGRON] It speaks. Who are you? Where do you come from?
[LINX] I am a Sontaran officer. My name is Linx.
[BLOODAXE] I say he's a Saracen. I have heard tales of his Easternmagic.
[LINX] By virtue of my authority as an officer of the Army Space Corps,I hereby claim this planet, its moons and satellites, for the greaterglory of the Sontaran Empire.
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] Help you? Why should I help you, star warrior? Why should Inot kill you and take your ship and its treasure for myself?
[LINX] The ship is in need of repair. Even if it were not, you woulddestroy yourself should you tamper with it.
[IRONGRON] Then why should I not just slay your for sport? Can youovercome all of us with your magic?
[LINX] You are a soldier, are you not? A warrior?
[IRONGRON] I took this castle by force of arms. Those that were herebefore me I slew. All the countryside around here pays my tribute.
[LINX] Yet no doubt you have enemies. Other warriors who envy your goodfortune.
[IRONGRON] Aye, but they cannot harm me. The King has levied tribute.All their troops are at the wars.
[LINX] And when they return?
[IRONGRON] Then we shall fight.
[LINX] I can give you weapons. Weapons that can make you master, so thatnone dare stand against you. You shall take what castles you will.
[IRONGRON] Magic weapons? Like that, that smote the sword from my hand?
[LINX] Other weapons fitter for your purpose. Weapons that can strike aman dead from far away. You can be supreme warrior.
[IRONGRON] I can be king. But what do you ask in return, apart from yourlife?
[LINX] Shelter. A place to conceal my ship and help with its repair. Youhave men that can work in metal?
[IRONGRON] An armourer to sharpen weapons, a smith with a forge if thesewill serve your need.
[LINX] I need more, much more. There is damage to the drive mechanism ofmy ship. I need alloy, skilled technicians, complex circuitry.
[IRONGRON] Oh, we have none of these things of which you speak.
[LINX] Then I must take them from those who have.
(Makeshift accommodation)
[DOCTOR] In here, Brigadier?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, I'm afraid so, Doctor. Not exactly The Ritz, I know,but you know it's no joke providing emergency accommodation for allthese scientists.
[DOCTOR] All right, Brigadier, you've had your little bit ofmystification. Now I know where I'm supposed to stay, perhaps you wedon't mind telling me why?
[BRIGADIER] Well, this place is one of the most top secret securityestablishments in the whole country. In fact, most of their work's sosecret they don't even know what they're doing themselves.
[BRIGADIER] It's also one of the best guarded places in the country.Security details, alarm systems.
[DOCTOR] I rather gathered that when we arrived. For a moment I thoughtthey weren't going to let you in.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, exactly. Place is almost too security conscious. That'swhat makes it all the more puzzling.
[DOCTOR] Makes what all the more puzzling? Come on, Brigadier, you cantell me.
[BRIGADIER] People vanishing.
[DOCTOR] People?
[BRIGADIER] Well, they've lost half a dozen leading scientists andseveral million pounds worth of ultra-secret equipment.
[DOCTOR] What are they working on here, anyway?
[BRIGADIER] Space hardware. New alloys, guidance systems, methods ofpropulsion.
[DOCTOR] And what action have you taken so far?
[BRIGADIER] Well, I'd rather a bright idea. It's rather hard to keep aneye on all these scientist chaps at home, so I had these cubicles putup on several floors. Confined the whole lot to barracks. All my eggsin one basket, so to speak.
[DOCTOR] That's fine, so long as no one steals the basket.
(Linx's workshop)
[BLOODAXE [OC]] Linx? My Lord Linx? Will you open the door?
[LINX] None may enter here. Such was my agreement with your captain.
[BLOODAXE [OC]] Yea, it is my Captain who sends me. He would have wordswith you, Lord Linx.
[LINX] Then tell him I am occupied. Now leave me to my work! Insolentprimitives. Did I not need their aid
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] Where is the star warrior?
[BLOODAXE] He will not come. He says he's occupied.
[IRONGRON] Why, the insolent barbarian. Did I not need his help, I'd.See, Bloodaxe, the first of the new weapons! Watch!
[BLOODAXE] Oh! Claps the ears!
[IRONGRON] I'll soon master the aim.
(Makeshift accommodation)
[RUBEISH] Rubeish.
[DOCTOR] I beg your pardon?
[RUBEISH] Joseph Rubeish.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I see. I'm so sorry. Hello. How do you do?
[RUBEISH] It's disgraceful, of course. Utterly disgraceful.
[DOCTOR] Oh? What is?
[RUBEISH] Well, shutting us up. Like a lot of kids kept in after school.That Brigadier chap. Military idiot.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know how you feel. Still, he means well, you know.
[RUBEISH] Haven't seen my wife and family for three days.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry to hear that.
[RUBEISH] Ah well, just shows there's always a silver lining. And yourname?
[DOCTOR] Er, Smith. Doctor John Smith.
[RUBEISH] Oh. Seems to be a lot of them about today.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry?
[RUBEISH] Well, I was talking to a young woman just now, also Smith.
[RUBEISH] Well, there she is. Miss Smith?
[SARAH] Yes, Professor?
[RUBEISH] Come and meet your namesake. Miss Lavinia Smith, Doctor er
[DOCTOR] Doctor John Smith. How do you do, Miss Smith?
[SARAH] Hello.
[RUBEISH] Doctor, I'm intrigued. What's that for? (the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] That? Oh, that, er, that contains my equipment, Professor.
[RUBEISH] That's original.
[DOCTOR] You're the virologist, Miss Smith?
[SARAH] Yes. Who told you?
[DOCTOR] I read your paper on the teleological response of the virus. Amost impressive piece of work.
[SARAH] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Particularly when I realise you must have written it when youwere five years old.
[SARAH] Ah. Er, yes, that is rather difficult to explain, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] But you're going to try, aren't you.
[SARAH] Well, my Aunt Lavinia is in America on a lecture tour, you see.
[DOCTOR] Mmm hmm.
[SARAH] She had an invitation to visit here. I took her place.
[SARAH] Well, I thought all this might give me a good story. I'm ajournalist. Sarah Jane Smith.
[DOCTOR] You realise this is a very dangerous place to be in?
[SARAH] Well I can't help that. I'm stuck here now and anyway, we've gotall these soldiers looking after us. Are you going to give me away,Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I don't think.
[SARAH] Why not?
[DOCTOR] Well, you can make yourself useful. We need somebody aroundhere to make the coffee.
[SARAH] If you think I'm going to spend my time making cups of coffeefor you, you're very
[DOCTOR] Professor!
[DOCTOR] Look, would you kindly desist? This is not a blackboard, youknow?
[RUBEISH] Oh I do beg your pardon, Doctor. I was just trying to prove
[SARAH] What do you plan to do in there?
[DOCTOR] Make myself a cup of coffee. Good day to you.
(Sir Edward's hall)
[ELEANOR] But for how long, Edward? How long are we to tolerate thisupstart, this insolent usurper as our neighbour? He robs, he pillages,he murders. He flouts your authority every day, the authority whichcomes from the King.
[EDWARD] Unfortunately, my dear, the King who gave me my authority hastaken away my troops to fight in his interminable wars.
[ELEANOR] Irongron's band is small, and we still have Hal the archer,and one or two men at arms.
[EDWARD] I have sent letters to all our neighbours. Each, like myself,has but a mere handful of men yet, if all these handfuls be combinedthey might yet make a force that will crush this Irongron.
[ELEANOR] If you will excuse me, my dear, I must give orders for dinner.
(Irongron's hall)
[BLOODAXE] We caught his little rabbit in the forest, sire.
[IRONGRON] Sir Edward's squire. Are you loyal to your lord, boy?
[ERIC] I am.
[IRONGRON] We shall see.
[BLOODAXE] He carried this. He tried to eat it when we caught him.
[IRONGRON] Are Sir Edward's men so ill fed? Bah! I make nothing of theirNorman scribbles. What's it say?
[BLOODAXE] I cannot read, Captain.
[IRONGRON] What's the message say, boy? So your Sir Edward is going toattack me, eh? Well, speak!
[ERIC] I know nothing.
[IRONGRON] Take him below. We'll loosen his tongue presently.
(Sir Edward's hall)
[ELEANOR] Edward.
[EDWARD] What is it? Is Eric back?
[ELEANOR] You haven't eaten all day.
[EDWARD] Why does he not returned? I could have ridden to my Lord ofSalisbury's castle three times over.
[ELEANOR] It's not good for you to worry so much.
[EDWARD] How can I not worry?
[ELEANOR] Think that tomorrow will be brighter. Edward, I've heard thatIrongron walks his battlements every morning.
[EDWARD] Oh, it pleases him to be high. He's like a cockerel.
[ELEANOR] But does he climb so high that an arrow cannot reach him?
(Irongron's hall)
[LINX] Irongron!
[IRONGRON] That strange armour you wear suits you, Linx.
[LINX] It is Sontaran space armour.
[IRONGRON] But why must we never see your face?
[LINX] This helmet conceals the fact that I am not to of your kind,Irongron. You might not find my true appearance pleasing.
[IRONGRON] By my sword, Linx, I'll wager you're the fairest beauty inthe castle.
[LINX] Why did you summon me? You know my work is pressing.
[IRONGRON] I have a prisoner in the dungeon, a surly fellow who will notspeak.
[LINX] And you wish him to?
[LINX] Then give him to me. I will make him speak.
[IRONGRON] Tell Bloodaxe to bring up the prisoner!
[IRONGRON] Well, Linx, you cunning old devil, what fresh tricks can youshow Irongron, eh?
[LINX] What is the nature of information you seek?
[IRONGRON] He is a messenger of those who plot a war against me.
[LINX] A war? That is excellent.
[IRONGRON] Oh, so you like a war, eh?
[LINX] Who does not? My race has been at war for millennia. There is nota galaxy in the universe which our space fleets have not subjugated.But you do not understand me. I am stranded on this primitive planetwhen I should be leading my squadron to glory. I am an expert at war,Irongron.
[IRONGRON] I know. What about those weapons you promised me?
[LINX] Keep your side of the bargain, I shall keep mine. You shall haveyour weapons.
[IRONGRON] We make good allies, Linx. Each has much that the otherwants.
(Makeshift accommodation)
[RUBEISH] Miss Smith?
[DOCTOR] No, no. I'm the Doctor. You really must keep your glasses onthe end of your nose, Professor.
[RUBEISH] No, no, listen. She's not Miss Smith.
[DOCTOR] She isn't?
[RUBEISH] No. Who is she?
[DOCTOR] I don't think I quite understand what you're talking about,Professor.
[RUBEISH] Well, just now I was in the common room with Sir MaxwellDingle. I happened to mention that I was on the same landing withLavinia Smith the virologist. And do you know what he said?
[DOCTOR] Yes, he said that she's in America.
[RUBEISH] He said she's in America. How could you know?
[DOCTOR] Please be careful. This is very delicate equipment.
[RUBEISH] What if she's a spy? What do we do?
[DOCTOR] Shoot her?
[RUBEISH] Ha. Well, there's something odd about her. She even tried totell me you were a spy.
[SARAH] Am I on the right floor?
[RUBEISH] Goodnight.
[SARAH] Goodnight, Professor.
[SARAH] What's that?
[DOCTOR] That's my alarm clock.
[SARAH] Oh Doctor, kindly don't be so patronising. Now what is itreally?
[DOCTOR] It's a rhondium sensor. It detects delta particles. At a presetspectrum density of fifteen ams, it oscillates this little cylinderthere, which promotes a vacuum in there which wakes me up. Clear?
[SARAH] Well, why do you want to be woken up when it detects deltaparticles?
[DOCTOR] Because I'm very fond of delta particles. Why do you ask somany questions?
[SARAH] Because I'm a journalist.
[SARAH] Are you going to sleep there?
[DOCTOR] If you'll allow me to do so. Good night, Miss Smith.
[RUBEISH] Psst. Shouldn't we tell the Brigadier?
[DOCTOR] Tell the Brigadier what?
[RUBEISH] About her.
[DOCTOR] I think we can decide what to do about Miss Smith in themorning, Professor. If we're all still here.
(Irongron's hall)
[BLOODAXE] He has stout-heart, this one, sire. He speaks not a word.
[IRONGRON] Good. A fair measure for you, Linx.
[IRONGRON] Well, come on, Linx. Have at him.
[LINX] Ask what you wish.
[IRONGRON] Eh? But you've done nothing.
[LINX] This is a key. I have unlocked your prisoner's mind. Questionhim.
[IRONGRON] How many men guard Sir Edward's castle?
[ERIC] There are but ten, old men for the most part.
[IRONGRON] And he plans to attack me with ten old men?
[ERIC] He sends messages to raise a force against you. If he succeed,then he will attack.
[IRONGRON] Listen to the fellow. He cannot stop babbling. Stay, Linx!Have I given you leave?
[LINX] Each of us has work to do, Irongron. I will be back.
[IRONGRON] By my sword, Bloodaxe, I'll pickle that insolent star warriorin boiling oil one day. Insolent dog!
(Makeshift accommodation)
[DOCTOR] Rubeish?
[DOCTOR] Rubeish!
[RUBEISH [OC]] What? Who is it?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's all right. Nothing to worry about. Just checking.
[SARAH] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] You're asking questions again.
[SARAH] Professor Rubeish?
[DOCTOR] Rubeish!
(Rubeish's cubicle)
[SARAH] He's gone!
[DOCTOR] Yes, but he was here a moment ago.
[SARAH] Well, he can't have gone far. He's as blind as a bat without hisglasses.
(Makeshift accommodation)
[DOCTOR] You stay here, Miss Smith. I'm going to check the landing.
[DOCTOR] Anybody come out here just now?
(Makeshift accommodation)
[SARAH] What were they shooting at?
[DOCTOR] Shadows.
[SARAH] Oh, come on, Doctor. Stop treating me like a child.
[DOCTOR] I can't understand why the definition was so low. Unless he'soperating with a very weak power source at maximum range. Yes, ofcourse.
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Doctor!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Hello?
[BRIGADIER] Look, Doctor, we've had a raid. Is everyone present on thislanding?
[DOCTOR] No. Professor Rubeish is missing.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, my giddy aunt. The Minister will go spare. Did you seeanything, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, I thought I saw a man in armour.
[BRIGADIER] A man in armour?
[DOCTOR] Mmm hmm.
[BRIGADIER] You mean, old-fashioned armour? You mean a ghost?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I very much doubt it. Sorry I can't stop, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Why? Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] Well, I've got to get on the trail while it's still warm.
[BRIGADIER] What trail? The chap's just vanished.
[DOCTOR] Oh no he hasn't. I just got a fix on him. There's somethingvery odd indeed going on.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, well, if I may say so, Doctor, that is not exactly newsto me.
[DOCTOR] Someone's operating a matter transmitter. And the really oddthing is, there's a time transference too. It's being worked fromseveral centuries ago. Past and present mixed up. Very interesting,that.
[SARAH] (sotto) Professor Rubeish, are you in there?
[DOCTOR] Well, I can't stay here chatting, old boy. Got to get afterRubeish.
[BRIGADIER] Look, Doctor, I forbid you to go off in that contraption.There's no telling where you'll finish up. Remember what happened toyou on Metebelis Three.
[DOCTOR] Well, I got there, didn't I?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, eventually, after several detours.
[DOCTOR] Brigadier, a straight line may be the shortest distance betweentwo points, but it is by no means the most interesting. Goodbye, oldchap.
[DOCTOR] Well done, old girl. Absolutely on target. For once.
[SARAH] It's still only a police box. I must find a telephone.
(Irongron's castle battlements)
[IRONGRON] Sir Edward only has a puny force. Hestands within his walls. If only we can breach them, Bloodaxe!
[BLOODAXE] We could cut Sir Edward's soldiers down in less time than ourrogues spend with their breakfasts.
[IRONGRON] It's those accursed walls, walls like these! But with Linx'snew weapons
[SARAH] Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest telephone
(Irongron's hall)
[BLOODAXE] He flees through the forest. Take him! After him, you dogs!Through the forest!
(Outside Irongron's hall)
[SARAH] Oh, it must be some sort of pageant. I say!Hey, you there!
[SARAH] Hey! What are you doing? Get off! Let go! Hey.
[DOCTOR] How the blazes did she get here?
(Irongron's castle courtyard)
[SARAH] Stop it! Look, if this is a rag day joke,it's not funny!
[MAN] Come on.
[SARAH] Let me go! I won't tell you
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] Make it keen. I want Sir Edward not to know the moment whenhis head is parted from his shoulders. What's this?
[SARAH] Let go!
[BLOODAXE] She was found within bowshot, Captain!
[SARAH] Idiots! Why don't you stop this ridiculous pantomime.
[IRONGRON] Ah, she spits fire, eh, Bloodaxe? Come here, girl.
[SARAH] Get lost.
[IRONGRON] She wears gold, Bloodaxe.
[SARAH] That hurt, you fool!
[IRONGRON] You call Irongron a fool? I'll have the marrow from yourbones, my little chicken. Now, where are you from?
[SARAH] Look, just pack this up, will you. It's not funny. I happen tobe a reporter and I've got a big story
[IRONGRON] Take her away, Bloodaxe. Throw her in the dungeon.
[SARAH] Why don't you take off that ridiculous gear and go home to yourbutcher's shop. Let go! Look, I warn you, any more of this and I'mgoing straight to the police.
[IRONGRON] Stay, Bloodaxe!
[BLOODAXE] Captain.
[IRONGRON] Leave her.
[SARAH] That's better. Huh. Now, if I could just use your telephone.
[BLOODAXE] This is the dog that shot at you, Captain.
[IRONGRON] So you thought to kill Irongron, eh?
[HAL] Aye, and I would, but for her. She drew my aim aside.
[IRONGRON] You treacherous dog! Did Sir Edward send you?
[HAL] No.
[IRONGRON] You lie.
[HAL] I speak the truth.
[IRONGRON] If not Sir Edward, who then?
[SARAH] I don't understand. Where am I?
[HAL] It was my Lady Eleanor.
[IRONGRON] Ah, that narrow-hipped vixen. Bloodaxe, tomorrow we dine atWessex Castle.
[BLOODAXE] Yes, Captain. And what of the prisoner?
[IRONGRON] Ere long we shall deal with him sharply.
[IRONGRON] Sharply, eh? 'Tis richly put.
[BLOODAXE] Aye, that'll be a fine jest, Captain Irongron.
[IRONGRON] I'm not one of your stuffy Norman nobles. I like a bit ofrough fun.
[BLOODAXE] 'Tis true Captain, you have a merry wit indeed.
[SARAH] Look, please. Now you've had your laugh, now, you know, justlet's stop it and let's talk sensibly. I mean, if it's any consolationto you, you're scaring me out of my wits.
[BLOODAXE] Perhaps the wench is crazed, Captain.
[SARAH] Oh, come on. What is this place?
[IRONGRON] You are in the castle of Irongron, my lady. Few uninvitedguests come here and few that do leave alive.
[SARAH] All right, if you insist on playing guessing games. Now, it'snot a village pageant, it's too elaborate for that. A film set. No. No,no lights, no cameras.
[IRONGRON] Aye, the wench is crazed right enough. A pity. She is notuncomely.
[SARAH] I've got it! It's one of those tourist places. A medieval castleall restored to its original condition, with jolly banquets and buxomserving wenches. That's it, isn't it? Mind you, I think you'veoverdoing the sordid realism a bit. I mean, I know things were a bitgrotty in the Middle Ages, but, really, you might leave the tourists abit of glamorous illusion. I've never seen such a scurvy, smelly
[IRONGRON] For pity's sake, cease this babbling, girl!
[BLOODAXE] Captain!
[IRONGRON] Ah, Linx. What of my weapons. Are they ready?
[LINX] Soon. But I have another weapon to show you.
[BLOODAXE] For your leave, master. The prisoner.
[IRONGRON] Aye, aye.
[LINX] What is this?
[IRONGRON] Eh? Oh, just a girl taken in the forest.
[LINX] Girl? You have two species on this planet?
[IRONGRON] How say you?
[LINX] The girl is not of your kind, Irongron. The hair is finer, thethorax of a different construction.
[IRONGRON] Oh, hell's teeth, have you no girls beyond the stars? Nowomen to do the lowly work?
[LINX] Ah, I understand. You have a primary and secondary reproductivecycle. It is an inefficient system, you should change it.
[IRONGRON] You what?
[LINX] At the Sontaran Military Academy, we have hatchings of a millioncadets at each muster parade. Thus we can sustain enormous casualtieson all battle fronts.
[IRONGRON] Linx, you cluck away like a broody old hen.
[LINX] Wait. This cloth is machine woven. The girl is not of your time,Irongron.
[IRONGRON] Curse the girl, show me the weapon.
[LINX] Who? What? How?
[SARAH] Sarah Jane Smith, reporter. In a machine. I did not understandit.
[LINX] What century?
[SARAH] Twentieth.
[LINX] Your civilisation know nothing about time dimensional technology.Explain.
[SARAH] I cannot. It is a machine that belongs to someone called theDoctor.
[LINX] Silence! This is important. My mission is threatened. Explain theDoctor.
[SARAH] He is a scientist. He was at the research centre. He said he wasvery fond of delta particles.
[LINX] Ah. Is he here?
[SARAH] Yes, somewhere. I was hiding in the machine as he left.
[LINX] It becomes clear.
[IRONGRON] Linx, what of the weapon?
[LINX] Very well. It is here.
[IRONGRON] Who are you? How do you come into my castle? Well, speak,fellow! Answer me or lose your head for insolence!
[LINX] It cannot answer you. It is just a suit of steel. It is empty.
[IRONGRON] But it walks.
[LINX] It walks and it fights! Irongron, is it a good weapon?
[IRONGRON] Does it kill?
[LINX] It does nothing else and it cannot be killed.
[IRONGRON] By heavens, Linx, can you make me more of these?
[LINX] If you wish.
[IRONGRON] With a few such soldiers as that, I could take the world!
[LINX] When I have left this dull planet, it would amuse me to think ofit under the rule of King Irongron. Very well, provide me with all thatI ask for and I can make many more of these.
[IRONGRON] It's a bargain. By heavens, Linx, I never thought when Ifirst saw you that I should come to love you as a brother. Now, show mehow the iron man works!
[LINX] Wait. The girl creature has gone.
[IRONGRON] Oh, she'll not get far before one of my guards grabs hertail. Now, show me. Show me how it fights. Make it walk again.
(Irongron's castle passageway)
[DOCTOR] Sarah? Miss Smith. Come back!
(Irongron's castle courtyard)
[IRONGRON] Stay! Bloodaxe!
[IRONGRON] Would you fight for your life, fellow?
[HAL] I'll fight any man, my lord.
[IRONGRON] Then stand against Irongron's champion.
[BLOODAXE] Who is this?
[IRONGRON] You'll see some sport now, Bloodaxe. Here, fellow.
[BLOODAXE] Master, this is not fair combat to pitch knight againstbowman. At this close range his arrows'll pierce the armour's weakpoints.
[IRONGRON] Take aim, fellow.
[HAL] I am that.
[IRONGRON] Your freedom if you kill him. Stand back!
[BLOODAXE] Your champion'll have more arrows in his gizzard than athistle has spikes.
[BLOODAXE] My lord, look! He still moves!
[IRONGRON] What fool?
[BLOODAXE] Guard your back, my lord!
[BLOODAXE] Captain!
[IRONGRON] By heavens, Bloodaxe. 'Tis like a tin tadpole. You cut offits head and yet it wriggles. I'll have a word with Linx about this.
(Linx's workshop)
[IRONGRON [OC]] Linx? Linx, you mongrel! I have a bone to pick with you!Come here!
[LINX] I am occupied, Irongron.
[IRONGRON] What! Out this minute or I'll burst the door down.
[LINX] Well? What is it you need to say to me? Didn't I tell you youmight not find my face pleasing?
[IRONGRON] Aye. And never was truer word spoken. Are they all so fair offace beyond the stars?
[LINX] The variety of sentient life forms is infinite. Do you think yourprimitive features are pleasing to me? Well, what is it you want?
[IRONGRON] That accursed iron warrior of yours.
[LINX] You are pleased with it?
[IRONGRON] Some knave with a crossbow shot the control from my hand. Theiron man became crazed, tried to kill all of us.
[LINX] Perhaps the hand control unit itself is a weakness. I will makeyou a better warrior, Irongron. One that'll obey your voice perhaps.
[IRONGRON] First, help me kill the one I have now. It still struggles toslay my knaves.
[LINX] It cannot be killed. It was never alive. Come. I will de-activateit.
[DOCTOR] Professor Morrison? Professor?
[DOCTOR] Absolute lunacy.
[DOCTOR] Rubeish!
[RUBEISH] What? Who is it?
[DOCTOR] It's me, it's the Doctor. Don't you remember? We were on thesame landing at the research centre.
[RUBEISH] Oh, my dear fellow. So he's got you too, has he?
[DOCTOR] No, hardly. Look, Professor. What's wrong with all thesepeople?
[RUBEISH] Hypnotised. Can't get a word out of them. Rotten company.
[DOCTOR] Well, you seem to be all right?
[RUBEISH] Oh, didn't work with me. Strong-minded, you see.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and very nearly blind.
[RUBEISH] Oh, nonsense.
[DOCTOR] Obviously working some sort of ocular device. Professor, haveyou any idea where you are?
[RUBEISH] Some medieval English castle, I suspect. I've been feeling thecarvings on some of theses columns. They're astonishingly wellpreserved.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, you're in a castle all right. But do you know thetime?
[RUBEISH] About four in the afternoon. We haven't had breakfast yet, youknow. Doesn't feed us much. Once a day if we're lucky.
[DOCTOR] Now Professor, listen to me. This may come as a shock to you,so steel yourself. You have been brought back to the early years of theMiddle Ages.
[RUBEISH] That's interesting. I've always maintained that the looptheory of time shouldn't have been so arrogantly dismissed by Crabshawand his cronies.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, tell me about it some other time, will you? We'vegot to get out of here before Linx comes back.
[RUBEISH] Oh, not yet, Doctor. Why, this is the opportunity of alifetime. Do you know, there's some very interesting work being donehere. If only I could see it all properly.
[DOCTOR] Look, Professor, your life is in considerable danger, I mustinsist that you
[RUBEISH] You go if you want to, Doctor. Go on, but leave me alone.
[DOCTOR] Professor, don't you understand?
[LINX] Stop! You are the one called the Doctor?
[DOCTOR] You know who I am?
[LINX] I have been expecting you. Why did you follow me to this time?
[DOCTOR] To prevent your interference with the affairs of Earth. Don'tyou realise the harm that you'll cause?
[LINX] This primitive planet and it's affairs are of no importance.
[DOCTOR] That's a typically Sontaran attitude.
[LINX] Only one thing matters. To complete the repairs to my ship andreturn to the glorious war that is my destiny. Nothing must interferewith that. Nothing, and nobody.
(Sir Edward's hall)
[HAL] I vouch for her, my lord. Without her help Iwould not be here.
[ELEANOR] She looks like one I would trust. Sit, child. Tell us whereyou're from.
[SARAH] I can't. It's too difficult to explain.
[EDWARD] The manner of her dress is strange, and the manner of herspeech.
[HAL] There is much strange at Irongron's castle, Sir Edward. I told youof the knight that fights on, though it should be dead. And one of theguards told me there's a man from the stars that lives among them. Amighty wizard who makes magic weapons.
[EDWARD] A man from the stars? I've heard it said he has the help ofdevils and magicians.
[HAL] It is true, Sir Edward! I have seen it!
[SARAH] Well, I know who's helping him. It's the Doctor.
[ELEANOR] The Doctor?
[SARAH] Ah, well, that's what he calls himself, but he's no magician.Just some eccentric scientist.
[EDWARD] What does she say?
[ELEANOR] The words are strange, but I know her meaning. Who is thisDoctor? What do you know of him?
[SARAH] Scientists, learned men. They're being taken from the place Icome from, and I believe that the Doctor is bringing them here andhanding them over to Irongron.
[ELEANOR] What would Irongron want with these wizards?
[HAL] To make him magic weapons, my lady. Irongron thinks only of warand conquest.
[EDWARD] Anything that makes Irongron strong can work only to our harm.
[HAL] With an army of magic knights such as I fought, Irongron couldconquer the whole kingdom. Well, who knows what other sorceries he maysoon have at his command?
[SARAH] I'm sure the Doctor's the key to it all. He was there when oneof the scientists was taken. He has a machine that can travel throughtime. Well, it must be him, and somehow we've got to stop him.
[EDWARD] If he's Irongron's ally, he sits safe within Irongron's walls.There's naught we can do.
[SARAH] Oh, there's always something you can do. It' s just a matter ofworking out what.
[EDWARD] Brave speech.
[HAL] She has the heart of a lion, sire. I saw her give Irongron thesharp edge of her tongue.
[EDWARD] If I had an army of girls such as you, I might hold this castleforever. As it is, how can I fight Irongron and this Doctor?
[SARAH] All right, I'll tell you how. Now, the first thing we must do isgrab the Doctor and get him away from Irongron.
[EDWARD] And force him to make his magic for me? Ah ha, good thought.Aye, but how could it be done?
[SARAH] Oh, what's wrong with you? All it needs is a sort of commandoraid. You knock out the sentries, rush into the castle, grab the Doctorand away. Well, you've got soldiers, haven't you?
[EDWARD] A handful. A raid? A bold plan.
[HAL] I'll go, Sir Edward.
(Linx's workshop)
[LINX] You resisted well, Doctor. I could haveincreased the power, but I might have killed you. I need you alive. Abrain of your capacity can be of use to me.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[LINX] You're not of this planet. How came you to be here?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm just a tourist. I like it here.
[LINX] This hole in space.
[DOCTOR] You haven't seen it at its best.
[LINX] It has no military value, no strategic significance.
[DOCTOR] Once again, a Sontaran philosophy.
[LINX] I'm Commander Linx - Fifth Sontaran Army Space Fleet.
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes. Yes, as I thought. A Sontaran warrior. So, theperpetual war between the Sontarans and the Rutans has spread to thistiny planet, has it?
[LINX] Emergency landing. I was on a reconnaissance mission when I wasattacked by a squadron of Rutan fighters. You have encountered my racebefore, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Unfortunately.
[LINX] I'll overlook that insult for the moment. What is your nativeplanet?
[DOCTOR] Gallifrey. I am a Time Lord.
[LINX] Ah, yes. A race of great technical achievement, but lacking themorale to withstand a determined assault.
[DOCTOR] Oh, do you think so?
[LINX] I'm only a lowly Commander, Doctor. I merely quote from theappreciation circulated by our military intelligence.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, you'd be well advised never to put that appreciationto the test, Linx.
[LINX] My only ambition at the moment is to return to my squadron. Youcan be of value to me. You can help me to repair this ship.
[DOCTOR] You seem to have acquired some help all ready.
[LINX] Primitives. I adapted my ship's frequency modulator and projectedmyself forward as far as I could. Unfortunately I only had the power toreach the twentieth century.
[DOCTOR] From which you stole the equipment and the skilled help youcouldn't find here.
[LINX] Yes. But the work goes slowly.
[DOCTOR] Commander Linx, if you will return these people to their owntime I might possibly consider helping you.
[LINX] Do not attempt to bargain with me, Doctor! Take that seat thereby the controls. Move!
[DOCTOR] You're interfering with human evolution, Linx. Don't yourealise the damage that you're going to do to them?
[LINX] I have no interest in human evolution.
[LINX] I'm placing you under autocontrol, Doctor, to ensure yourcomplete cooperation.
[DOCTOR] Human beings must be allowed to develop at their own pace. Atthis period, they're just a few steps from barbarism.
[LINX] You will monitor progress rates on the input panel against theprogrammer. Now I must leave you in charge for a time.
[DOCTOR] You give them breech-loading guns now, they'll have atomicweapons by the seventeenth century. They'll have the capability todestroy their own planet before they're civilised enough to handle it.
[LINX] You would do well to concentrate on the task I have given you,Doctor. Answer the programmer.
(Irongron's castle - postern gate)
[HAL] I still say this is no work for women.
[SARAH] Oh, I wouldn't have missed this for anything. Anyway, I'm theonly one who knows what the Doctor looks like. Come on, this way.
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] Ah, now these are more to my taste than your iron man, Linx.
[LINX] I will still prefect the fighting robot for your army, Irongron.
[IRONGRON] We'll take these weapons to the men, Bloodaxe and I willinstruct them in their use. Tomorrow morning, at dawn, we march on SirEdward's castle.
[BLOODAXE] Yes, Captain.
[IRONGRON] By sunset he'll be feeding the crows.
(Linx's workshop)
[DOCTOR] Rubeish! Professor, over here quickly.
[RUBEISH] Is that you, Doctor? I thought you were going?
[DOCTOR] A change of plan, old chap. Look, I want your help.
[RUBEISH] Are you wearing a hat?
[DOCTOR] Look, behind me you'll find a panel. There's a switch on it.
[RUBEISH] It's dangerous, you know. Overheats the brain. Panel. Oh yes,I've got it.
[DOCTOR] Right, turn the switch.
[RUBEISH] Always thought that's why judges are so peculiar. It's thosewigs they wear.
[DOCTOR] No! No! That's the wrong. No, man!
[RUBEISH] Sorry. I do wish I'd brought my glasses.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so do I. It was the wrong one.
[RUBEISH] Is this the one?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that was the one. Thank you very much indeed, Professor.
[RUBEISH] Not at all, Smith.
[DOCTOR] Smith. Yes, of course. Look, will you excuse me? I've got to goand find a young girl. I'll see you later, I hope.
[RUBEISH] Young girl? I should have thought he was a bit old for thatsort of thing. Oh well.
(Irongron's castle passage)
[DOCTOR] Ah, good evening.
[IRONGRON] Get after him! Call the guards!
(Irongron's castle courtyard)
[IRONGRON] Catch him!
[IRONGRON] He who strikes Irongron dies!
(Irongron's castle courtyard)
[HAL] Look, they try to kill their wizard.
[SARAH] Quick, we need him alive!
[IRONGRON] He who strikes Irongron dies!
[SARAH] Doctor! Up here!
(Irongron's castle battlements)
[DOCTOR] Thank you very much, Miss Smith. A mosttimely rescue.
[SARAH] This isn't a rescue, Doctor, it's a capture. Let's get him outof here.
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] The fellow has the gall of a camel and the cunning of a fox.
[BLOODAXE] Aye, you shall have your revenge, Captain. He'll be with SirEdward now. And not even a rat'll come out of that castle alivetomorrow.
[IRONGRON] By the stars, Bloodaxe, I swear I'll chop him up so fine noteven a sparrow will fill its beak at one peck.
[LINX] One of my workers has disappeared. Order a search of your castle
[IRONGRON] If you've lost one of your dumb, whey-faced ninnies, Linx,then look for him yourself. My men are at rest.
[BLOODAXE] We march upon Sir Edward within the hour.
[LINX] I insist upon a search, Irongron. The Doctor is of great value tome. And while he is at large, he could be dangerous.
[BLOODAXE] The Doctor?
[IRONGRON] Bother me now, little toad, and you will feel an axe in yourskull.
[BLOODAXE] Master, I heard somebody call Doctor while we were at thatfellow's heels.
[IRONGRON] Is this Doctor a long shank rascal with a mighty nose?
[LINX] That is how he would appear in human eyes.
[IRONGRON] Then he is no longer here. Sir Edward sent raiders to mycastle, captured him.
[LINX] He has escaped!
(Sir Edward's hall)
[SARAH] Tell Sir Edward we're back.
[DOCTOR] You've been getting around, Sarah. Are you on visiting termswith all the local nobility?
[SARAH] Doctor, let's get a few things straight, shall we?
[DOCTOR] Oh dear. You know, I'm afraid you're going to be awfullyconfused if you ask me to explain about the Tardis.
[SARAH] The Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my police box. You were a stowaway, I imagine.
[SARAH] Yes, but we'll come to that later. Now then, why are you helpingIrongron?
[DOCTOR] My dear girl, I'm not helping him. Linx is. I'm trying to stophim.
[SARAH] Linx?
[DOCTOR] Yes, perhaps you're lucky enough not to have met him yet.Nasty, brutish and short just about sums him up.
[SARAH] There was a strange looking knight with Irongron.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, he'd have looked even stranger if he hadn't beenwearing space armour. He comes from a planet where the surface gravityis many times than of Earth.
[SARAH] A man from the stars?
[DOCTOR] Mmm hmm.
[SARAH] How do I know you're telling the truth?
[DOCTOR] Because I never lie. Well, hardly ever. You ever heard of UNIT?
[SARAH] You work for UNIT?
[DOCTOR] In an advisory capacity, yes. Well, they asked me to look intothis question of the missing scientists for them.
[SARAH] But I thought you were responsible for that.
[DOCTOR] My dear girl, I don't go around kidnapping scientists. No, Linxbrought them here to staff his workshop. Now I've got to find a way ofsending them back to there own time.
[ELEANOR] This is the magician?
[SARAH] Er, yes. This is the Doctor.
[EDWARD] You have done well, Sarah.
[DOCTOR] How do you do? It is a pleasure and a privilege to be in thecompany of civilised people at last.
[EDWARD] A courtly rogue.
[ELEANOR] Is he willing to change his allegiance and serve Sir Edwardinstead of Irongron?
[SARAH] Well, he says he wasn't serving Irongron, and there is anotherstranger at the castle. Someone called Linx.
[DOCTOR] Yes, he's your enemy, I assure you, not me. We'd be welladvised to join forces against him.
[EDWARD] Does he speak truth?
[SARAH] I'm not sure. I suppose I could have been wrong.
[DOCTOR] That's a generous admission. Especially coming from one of thefair sex.
[SARAH] Or he could just be changing sides to save his own skin.
[ELEANOR] These wizards and warlocks were ever a treacherous breed. We'dbest be wary of him.
[EDWARD] I shall spare your life, if you cast your spells andincantations to help me against Irongron, Doctor. Refuse and you die.
[DOCTOR] You offer a somewhat restricted choice, Sir Edward.
[EDWARD] What is your answer?
[DOCTOR] My services are at your disposal, sir. Such as they are.
[EDWARD] Good. Serve me straight, Doctor, and I shall reward you well.
[HAL] Oh, master. Oh but master, Irongron marches here before noon! Weheard this said from his own mouth.
[EDWARD] Then we are lost. We cannot stand against them.
[DOCTOR] On the contrary, sir, I think we can.
[EDWARD] But how? With a handful of men?
[DOCTOR] Yes sir, with just a few men I think I can persuade Irongronthat we have a full garrison.
[EDWARD] By the use of your magic?
[DOCTOR] By creating an illusion, anyway.
[EDWARD] Your magic will have to be powerful indeed to discourageIrongron.
[DOCTOR] It will be, sir.
(Irongron's hall)
[BLOODAXE] The men are ready, Captain.
[IRONGRON] Good. Though for such an easy conquest as this, 'tis scarceworth strapping on armour. You and I alone, good Bloodaxe, could takethat castle.
[BLOODAXE] Indeed we could, Captain.
[IRONGRON] With Sir Edward's treasure I shall hire more men, and withLinx's weapons to arm them, who shall stand against us?
[LINX] When does the fighting start, Irongron?
[IRONGRON] In the time it takes to ride from here to Sir Edward'scastle.
[LINX] Then I shall come with you.
[IRONGRON] What, you? Oh Bloodaxe, on my oath, can you see that on ascaling ladder?
[LINX] I have an interest in seeing the battle.
[IRONGRON] Those eyes have thirst for blood. Well, find our bold warriora horse, Bloodaxe. Come, then.
(Sir Edward's castle - workroom)
[SARAH] Here's a few more for you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Sarah.
[SARAH] Lady Eleanor's got every serving wench in the castle sewing awaylike mad.
[DOCTOR] I told you there'd be plenty of work for everybody, didn't I?
[SARAH] Oh. Typically masculine arrangement, though. We do all the dirtywork, you get all the fun.
[DOCTOR] You don't think mixing this singularly noxious compound is fun,do you? How's the rest of it going?
[SARAH] Not bad. I put Sir Edward in charge of painting the dummies'faces and he's turned out to be quite an artist. Once I'd set him onthe right lines.
[DOCTOR] Excellent. I'm glad I decided to let you stay.
[SARAH] You decided?
[DOCTOR] You know, I was never much of a hand with a paint brush myself.
[DOCTOR] No. Nor a palette knife for that matter. But I'd like to studyunder one of the masters one day. Rembrandt, preferably.
[SARAH] Rembrandt?
[DOCTOR] Mmm hmm.
[SARAH] Can you, can you just go anywhere you like in that Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Yes, within reason.
[SARAH] Then why are you staying here? Why don't you go somewhere safer?
[DOCTOR] Because, my dear Sarah, I've got a job to do. One that involvesthe whole future of your species. Here, hold this will you?
[SARAH] My species?
[DOCTOR] Mmm hmm.
[SARAH] You're talking as if you weren't human.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, the definition of the word humanity was always arather a complex question, wasn't it?
[SARAH] You know perfectly well what I mean. Are you or aren't you?
[DOCTOR] If you mean am I a native of the planet Terra, the answer isno, I'm not.
[SARAH] Well, what are you then?
[DOCTOR] Me? I'm a Time Lord.
[SARAH] A Time Lord?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. And my people are very keen to stamp outunlicensed time travel. You can look upon them as galactic ticketinspectors, if you like.
[SARAH] Galactic ticket inspectors? Oh, I could murder a cup of tea.You're serious, aren't you?
[DOCTOR] About what I do, yes. Not necessarily the way I do it. Forexample, you know what this is?
[SARAH] I've no idea.
[DOCTOR] This is my own special smoking mixture, consisting ofsaltpetre, sulphur and fat. With a few little extras thrown in.
[DOCTOR] Ah. That is Irongron. Battle is about to commence!
[IRONGRON] We've been tricked, Bloodaxe. That dolt of a prisoner sworethat Edward had but a few old men to guard his castle!
[BLOODAXE] My Lord of Salisbury must have sent him help.
[IRONGRON] The messenger to Lord Salisbury died in our dungeons. Thesecannot be Salisbury's men.
[LINX] Why do you wait? What will be your first method of attack?
[IRONGRON] We don't attack. We return to my castle.
[LINX] You fear to fight? The greater the odds, the greater the glory.
[IRONGRON] I fear nothing, toadface! But there is little profit inbutchered for naught.
[BLOODAXE] Sir Edward holds his walls with too strong a force.
[LINX] Then use your rifles. Shoot them from the walls.
[IRONGRON] Rifles?
[LINX] The weapons that I made for you. They have the range.
[IRONGRON] Ah. On my oath, Linx, when I am King, you shall be mychampion!
(Sir Edward's battlements)
[SARAH] That's made them stop and think, anyway.
[DOCTOR] I thought Linx would have to come along. Sontarans just can'tresist getting involved in war.
[SARAH] But this must be very minor league stuff to him, surely?
[DOCTOR] He's just like a little boy, stirring up the red ants and theblack ants. This is something to keep him amused, to stop him fromgetting bored.
[SARAH] They've got guns!
[BLOODAXE] No man has fallen, Captain.
[IRONGRON] Your weapons do not work, Linx!
[LINX] You do not shoot them straight. Watch.
[LINX] Those figures are dummies.
[IRONGRON] Bah! Your weapons are useless!
[LINX] They do not move nor fall. They are not living men.
[IRONGRON] I smell that fox of a Doctor behind this. Bring up thescaling ladders!
(Sir Edward's battlements)
[SARAH] Here they come, Doctor!
[IRONGRON] Away! Away! Come on, move it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well I think we'd better get back inside before that smokerises. It's liable to hang around for quite some time.
[SARAH] What was that stuff, Doctor? Some kind of gas?
[DOCTOR] Gas? Good heavens, what on Earth do you take me for? No, it wassome sort of superior stink bomb with a few bangs and flashes thrown infor good measure. No, it's quite harmless, I assure you, but (sniff)phew.
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] Bring me wine! Wine, I say! To quench the dust from my throatand the stench from my nostrils. More, wench! More! Am I a sparrow toquench my thirst with a few scant drops? Oh, mice! A few loud noises, afew bad smells and you scatter like sheep!
[BLOODAXE] It was sorcery, master. Black devil's work, you said soyourself. Well, this wizard, the Doctor, he's gone and joined SirEdward, and he threw all the fires and the stenches of hell itself atus!
[IRONGRON] With poltroons like these, it were ill work to lay siege to ahen coop!
[BLOODAXE] They do but need food and rest to recover their spirits,Captain.
[IRONGRON] We attack again tomorrow morning. I will take Sir Edward'scastle or I will see every man of you perish in the attempt!Chicken-hearted knaves! Begone from my sight!
[LINX] Did I not see you yourself leading their retreat, Captain?
[IRONGRON] Taunt me not, little toadface, or by the stars I'll see ifthe colour of your blood is red like mortal man's.
[LINX] You Earth creatures give up too easily. I doubt if you have thepotential to make a truly military species.
[IRONGRON] And you, Linx, you claim to like war. I haven't seen youdoing much this day.
[LINX] I came only to observe. I should have known better than to lookfor interest in a struggle of primitives. Threaten me once more and Iwill destroy you.
[IRONGRON] Why, you
[LINX] Primitives! Childish, squabbling primitives! It is well I do notneed to spend much more time among you.
(Sir Edward's hall)
[EDWARD] More wine, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] No, thank you, no. Oh well, just perhaps just a little.
[EDWARD] Those knaves of Irongron, they ran like rabbits. Finest sightthat ever I saw, Doctor. And all thanks to you and your wizardry.
[DOCTOR] Well, we all played our part, Sir Edward.
[EDWARD] Now your magic works for us, our troubles are over.
[DOCTOR] Not quite, I'm afraid.
[SARAH] The Doctor thinks Irongron's bound to attack again.
[EDWARD] And you shall affright the knaves with more of your sorceries.
[DOCTOR] It won't work indefinitely, I fear. This time we had theelement of surprise. They won't be frightened off quite so easilyagain.
[EDWARD] Then we've gained a respite, no more.
[SARAH] Actually, the Doctor does have another idea.
[ELEANOR] Then let us hear your counsel, Doctor. So far you have servedus well.
[DOCTOR] Well, there's one sure way to prevent Irongron from capturingyour castle.
[EDWARD] And that is?
[DOCTOR] You must capture his.
[EDWARD] You advise the impossible, Doctor, when they outnumber us sogreatly.
[DOCTOR] My Lady, are you familiar with these herbs and simples?
[ELEANOR] Ragwort, henbane, love-in-a-mist, fennel, sesame. Most we havedried in the kitchens, the rest grow in the woods nearby.
[DOCTOR] Excellent. I want to brew up a little draught.
[ELEANOR] You mean to mix a magic potion to slay the dog?
[DOCTOR] No, no, not quite. Just something to calm him down a little.
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] Oh, I should have slain the filthy little toad there andthen. I should have carved him up into callops on the spot.
[BLOODAXE] Aye, master, it puzzles me as to why you did not
[IRONGRON] Aye, well, 'tis a matter of high policy, d'you see? Aboveyour understanding. As yet, we still need Linx's aid. Weapons he haspromised me, and by the stars, weapons I shall have. Wonderful, magicalweapons, that will crumble the castles of those that oppose me intodust. And then, and only then, shall Linx die by my hand.
[BLOODAXE] Oh, 'tis a cunning plan, Captain.
[IRONGRON] Aye, 'tis as well for you dolts that you have me to guideyou. Ah, there's more to war than hard strokes, my good Bloodaxe.
[BLOODAXE] Aye, master, yours is indeed a towering intelligence.
(Irongron's castle drawbridge)
[GUARD] Hold, friar. What business have you here?
[DOCTOR] (yokel) We come to beg alms of the good Captain Irongron. Thefame of his charity is spread far and wide.
[GUARD] You will find Captain Irongron in the great hall. He is indeed akindly and charitable man and his temper is most sweet and pleasant.Pass, friar.
[DOCTOR] Heaven will reward you, my son. Come, brother.
[GUARD] It is to be hoped the two friars are fleet of foot, or thechurch will have two new martyrs ere long.
(Irongron's castle corridor)
[DOCTOR] Right, let's take a look in Linx's workshop.
(Linx's workshop)
[SARAH] What's that?
[DOCTOR] That's a Sontaran spaceship, to be precise, and tremendouslypowerful for its size, just like its owner. Here, give me your habit.
[SARAH] What's wrong with him?
[DOCTOR] Deep hypnosis.
[RUBEISH] Ah, there you are, Doctor. Back again, eh?
[SARAH] Professor Rubeish!
[RUBEISH] What? Oh, it's you. Doctor, I knew this girl was involved. Weshould have reported her as I wanted.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'm very glad we didn't. In a few hours that ship'sgoing to be ready for takeoff.
[RUBEISH] Yes, he's been working these people at a killing pace. Comeover here.
[RUBEISH] Look. No sleep. Practically no food. They're starting tocollapse like flies.
[DOCTOR] I'm not surprised, he's suffering from near starvation.
[SARAH] Oh, we'll have to get them some food, Doctor, or at least adrink.
[DOCTOR] There's no time for that.
[SARAH] They'll die if we don't.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, listen to me. Linx's spaceship is just about ready fortake off. And if that happens, there's going to be the most tremendousexplosion. Everybody in this castle will die.
(Irongron's hall)
[LINX] These are the weapons I have promised you. Also a good supply ofthe projectiles that they use.
[IRONGRON] Oh, my thanks, good toadface. Er, good Linx. More weaponsfrom the stars.
[LINX] I shall complete the repairs of the improved fighting robot, if Ihave time before I leave.
[IRONGRON] If you wish to leave, then you would do well to obey me.
[LINX] Do you threaten me? I leave when I am ready and that will besoon.
[IRONGRON] And will you carry your starship on your back, good toad? Youneeded my knaves to bring it here. You will need them to take it hence.
[LINX] Evidently you have no understanding of the forces involved ininterstellar travel. I shall leave when I am ready. It would be foolishof you to attempt to stop me.
(Linx's workshop)
[RUBEISH] Doctor, what are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Trying to break this hypnosis.
[RUBEISH] It's very deep. Narcoleptic condition, eh?
[DOCTOR] The brain can still receive signals, Professor. It might work.
[RUBEISH] Even if it does, can't see what you intend.
[DOCTOR] Don't you want to get back to the twentieth century?
[RUBEISH] Steak and mushrooms, lobster, chocolate truffles. Oh dear me,yes.
[DOCTOR] If I can get these people to respond, I can send them back totheir own time with Linx's osmic projector.
[RUBEISH] Osmic projector?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's over there on the table. Take a look.
[SARAH] Why can't you just send them as they are?
[DOCTOR] It's too risky with their minds in this state. The transitionmight damage them permanently.
[SARAH] I've never heard so much gobbledegook in my life, but I expectyou know what you're talking about.
[DOCTOR] Polka time!
[RUBEISH] It's the beat. Look, he's beginning to respond.
[DOCTOR] Hide.
[LINX] Up! Get back to work!
[LINX] Work. What's wrong with you? Get up or I will kill you!
[DOCTOR] Leave him, Linx!
[LINX] Ah. How fortunate that you have returned, Doctor. My failure todestroy you was the one thing that marred the pleasure of myapproaching departure from this miserable planet.
[DOCTOR] Well, don't you want to know why I returned?
[LINX] It is of no interest to me.
[DOCTOR] I came here to offer you my help.
[LINX] We're sworn enemies, Doctor. Why should you help me?
[DOCTOR] Because I want something from you. If you will let mede-hypnotise people and send them home, and help me capture Irongronand his men, then I will assist you in the repairs to your spaceship.Now, the weapons that you've made for Irongron you can leave here inthe castle, and when it's empty, you can take off, destroying castleand weapons at the same time. All right, Commander Linx, what do yousay?
[LINX] You wish for my answer, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I do.
[LINX] Then here it is.
(Linx's workshop)
[LINX] The female, too. It seems I am doubly fortunate.
[LINX] Get up! Get back to work!
[DOCTOR] Linx, can't you see that your prisoners are physicallyexhausted? They've had no sleep and nothing to eat for days.
[LINX] They can still work.
[DOCTOR] Not for much longer.
[LINX] I owe these primitives nothing.
[LINX] My only concern is to rejoin our glorious struggle for freedom.
[DOCTOR] That's such an old tune. Don't you know there's no such thingas the super race?
[LINX] Your Time Lord philosophy is egalitarian twaddle. It is aweakness.
[DOCTOR] Every species has its own weakness, Linx. For instance, you canonly be stunned by a blow on the probic vent, that small hole at theback of your neck.
[LINX] In our case, Doctor, it is a strength, because it means we mustalways face our enemies.
[LINX] Now, to return to the question of your demise. I think it wouldbe better if you witnessed first the destruction of your femalecompanion.
[DOCTOR] Well done, Rubeish.
[SARAH] Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes. The blast was too brief. But I wouldn't have been ina few moments. Thank you very much, Sarah.
[SARAH] Oh, pleasure.
[SARAH] Hadn't I better be getting on with the rest of your plan?
[DOCTOR] Yes, all right, but be careful.
[SARAH] You too, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Right, well, if we can secure our friend here, we can get onwith the job of restoring his wretched victims.
[RUBEISH] Will this help?
[DOCTOR] Rubeish, you're invaluable, my dear chap.
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] Bloodaxe.
[BLOODAXE] Captain.
[IRONGRON] Fetch me Linx. Fetch me that scabby faced stoat from hisburrow.
[BLOODAXE] At once, Captain.
(Linx's workshop)
[DOCTOR] Well, that should hold him for a while, even on this planet.
[RUBEISH] Why this planet?
[DOCTOR] Well, in his own environment he weighs several tons.Fortunately his muscles have been designed for load bearing rather thanleverage.
[RUBEISH] Fascinating. I'd always assumed that creatures from a highdensity planet would have developed a pressure balanced physiology. Forexample, if you take certain types of seaweed
[BLOODAXE [OC]] Linx! Linx!
[DOCTOR] Who speaks?
[BLOODAXE] Captain Irongron commands your presence.
[DOCTOR] Tell him I'm busy.
[BLOODAXE] Well, come soon or we come and fetch you.
[RUBEISH] Who is Irongron? Is he a nice chap?
[DOCTOR] Well, I wouldn't recommend him for the Royal Society. Allright, Rubeish old chap, now you know how to bring these people round?
[RUBEISH] Yes. A simple repetitive optical
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite so. I'll leave you to get on with it.
[RUBEISH] Well, what do you propose to do?
[DOCTOR] I was going to preset this osmic projector and send thesepeople back to their own time, but now I have to find a way of stallingIrongron.
[DOCTOR] The robot! Yes, of course. That ought to give him something tothink about.
(Irongron's kitchen)
[MEG] Thief!
[SARAH] You common scullion, stand aside. How dare you obstruct me? Ishall have you flogged.
[MEG] Oh, so, a lady, are you? A lady dressed as a serving wench?
[SARAH] I'm hungry. Please let me go. I've tasted neither bread nor meatfor nearly a month.
[MEG] No, nor done no work for longer by the look of you. All right, mygirl, I'll give you bread and cheese, but you'll have to earn it.
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] (inside the suit) I am a gift to Captain Irongron from the onewho made me, my master, Commander Linx.
[IRONGRON] It is indeed the robot, Bloodaxe, though somewhat differentin shape. And I remember, Linx promised to make me a second iron man,one that would obey my voice. But why has Linx sent you? Why has he nothe himself obeyed my summons?
[DOCTOR] My master toils in his workshop to make you more fightingrobots. He sent me as proof of his goodwill.
[DOCTOR] Now I must return.
[IRONGRON] Hold. I would see something of the mettle of this gift. Canyou fight, iron man?
[DOCTOR] That is my purpose.
[IRONGRON] Then fight me.
[DOCTOR] I was programmed to fight for you, not against you.
[IRONGRON] Cease thy gabble and fight.
[DOCTOR] You will damage my circuits.
[IRONGRON] Fight, iron man, or you'll return to Linx in as many piecesas did your brother.
[BLOODAXE] It's truly a marvel, Captain. Never have I seen a finerswordsman.
[IRONGRON] Ah, tis great sport this, Bloodaxe. Draw your sword and joinme. We'll try this creature's strength to the upmost.
(Irongron's kitchen)
[MEG] Get on!
[SARAH] What's that?
[MEG] Oh, fighting again in the great hall, I'll warrant. Men were everlike children, fond of noise and brawling. Get about your work, girl.
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] Hold. Hold, I say! We must slow thisiron man's speed a little. Stick me some crossbow bolts in thecreature. We'll see if it fights as well with a crossbow bolt or two inits gizzard. And if that fails, we'll lop off its head and try againthen.
[DOCTOR] Isn't that a bit unsporting, old man? I mean, sitting ducks andall that.
[IRONGRON] This iron man talks like some Norman ninny. Lift up yourvisor.
[DOCTOR] I cannot reveal my face, Irongron.
[DOCTOR] Because if I did, it might give you a seizure.
[IRONGRON] The wizard!
[DOCTOR] Well, I did warn you, didn't I?
[IRONGRON] Seize him!
[IRONGRON] No. The sword is too quick and clean a death for you. Well,since you are a wizard, then by wizardry shall you die.
(Irongron's kitchen)
[MEG] Not so much of that oatmeal, girl. It's onlypikemen we're feeding, not horses. Hey, watch that pot.
[MEG] If you burn Irongron's stew, he'll have your liver cut out.
[SARAH] Is all this for Irongron?
[MEG] Him and his chamber guard.
[SARAH] How many's that?
[MEG] Half a dozen. You're full of questions, girl.
[SARAH] Don't the guards on the gate get stew?
[MEG] What, meat for those common creatures? I should say not. They'llhave oatmeal the same as the rest of us, and lusty enough they are onthat. So you watch yourself if ever you take out that skillet.
[SARAH] I'm not afraid of men. They don't own the world. Why shouldwomen always have to cook and carry for them?
[MEG] What else should we do?
[SARAH] Stand up for ourselves. Tell the men you're tired of working forthem like slaves.
[MEG] We are slaves.
[SARAH] Then you should set yourselves free.
[MEG] Oh? And how should we do that?
[SARAH] Don't you want to be free?
[MEG] Women will never be free while there are men in the world, girl.We have our place.
[SARAH] What subservient poppycock. You're still living in the MiddleAges.
[MEG] Eh?
[SARAH] Nothing.
[MEG] You're young and foolish, girl. And I warn you, keep thosethoughts to yourself or you'll not live long enough to grow wiser. Imust tell them their food will soon be ready.
[SARAH] Look at that great spider!
(Linx's workshop)
[RUBEISH] Oh see me dance the polka, oh see me dah dah dee. (hums therest.)
[RUBEISH] Ah, that's it. Come on, stand up, my dear chap. Come on. Comeon. That's it.
[RUBEISH] Now listen, all of you. You've been kidnapped, but you'reabout to be rescued. I hope. There's a machine here that'll send youhome again. Unfortunately, I don't know how to work it, and the chapwho does has vanished. But I expect he'll pop up again. He usuallydoes. But the important thing is, until then, you must carry on workingas if you were still hypnotised.
[MORRISON] Can I ask
[RUBEISH] Oh, Morrison, don't start asking a lot of awkward questions. Iassure you I don't know the answers any more than you do.
[RUBEISH] Back to work, everyone. Someone's coming.
[IRONGRON] Linx, you dog! Where are you hiding?
[IRONGRON] Oh, there you are, you dragon eyed toad. Who puts these bondson you?
[LINX] The Doctor. I was struck from behind. Where is he?
[IRONGRON] The Doctor is dying.
[LINX] What method have you chosen to destroy him?
(Irongron's hall)
[DOCTOR] Thank you, sir, for your charm and old world courtesy. May Iask the purpose of this tomfoolery? If you're going to have me shot,why don't you get on with it?
[IRONGRON] I would not have your death be in vain, good sorcerer. Iintend that it shall be of some use to me.
[DOCTOR] Nothing that I do will be of use to you, Irongron.
[IRONGRON] Oh, nay, Doctor, but you're wrong. These knaves of mine lackpractice with their star weapons. A living target will give them achance to better their aim before tomorrow's battle. You, shoot!
[IRONGRON] These knaves of mine aim so ill, Doctor, that you are mayhapsafer to stand still. You, shoot.
[IRONGRON] The aim improves, Doctor. Be patient. We shall hit the targetall in good time.
[DOCTOR] I'm in no great hurry, I assure you.
[IRONGRON] Oh, beshrew me, but I grow fond of this fellow. Shoot whenyou please, lads, and a bag of gold to the one that brings him down.
(Irongron's kitchen)
[SARAH] That noise! I can hear shooting.
[MEG] More tomfoolery.
[SARAH] What is it? What's happening?
[MEG] They've captured Sir Edward's sorcerer, this fellow the Doctor,and now they're slaying him in the great hall with these devil'sweapons of theirs.
[MEG] For the life of me I can't see what's wrong with a goodold-fashioned broad sword.
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] By the stars, this fellow hops around like a flea on agriddle.
[LINX] Give me a weapon. I will destroy him.
[IRONGRON] What? Would you spoil good sport, old toad?
[SARAH] Doctor!
(Outside the hall)
[DOCTOR] Well done, Sarah. Just like a daring young man on the flyingtrapeze. Come on.
[IRONGRON [OC]] Get them!
(Irongron's castle courtyard)
[DOCTOR] Sarah, wait. Come on.
(Sir Edward's hall)
[DOCTOR] Do you know, I think that was one of the most active days I'vehad in years. Well, it's not as if I was a lad anymore, once you'reover two hundred.
[EDWARD] So then, Doctor, your plans have miscarried, I fear. What willyou do now?
[DOCTOR] Oh, wait a bit. Give the potion time to work and then go back.
[SARAH] But Doctor, you can't!
[DOCTOR] Sarah, I must. Rubeish and all those scientists are there. Now,Linx's spaceship is just about ready for takeoff, and when thathappens, there'll be a tremendous explosion and all that will be leftof that castle will be a pile of stones.
[EDWARD] But Doctor, how can the castle go?
[DOCTOR] Just believe me, sir. When Linx goes, it goes.
[ELEANOR] Irongron's castle is to be destroyed by sorcery? Then all iswell.
[DOCTOR] There are innocent people in that castle, my lady, and I don'tlike the idea of anybody going up in smoke. Not even Irongron.
[SARAH] If you're going back, then I'm coming with you.
[HAL] I too will come with you, if my master permits.
[DOCTOR] Well, thank you. Thank you both. I can do with all the help Ican get.
(Linx's workshop)
[LINX] Thank you, my friends. Your work is finished. You may rest nowfor a time until the power build up is complete.
[RUBEISH] Doctor, I think you'd better get a move on. I've a feelingtime's beginning to run out.
[DOCTOR] Good evening.
[SARAH] It's working, Doctor. Look.
[HAL] Aye, the villains sleep like innocent babes.
[DOCTOR] Good. Well, we'll wait a bit to be on the safe side, and thenwe'll go in.
(Linx's workshop)
[RUBEISH] At last, Doctor, there you are. Somethingmost interesting happening here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so I see. Where's Linx?
[RUBEISH] I don't know. He started his spaceship going then cleared off.
[DOCTOR] Where's the osmic projector? It was over there on the table.
[RUBEISH] He put everything back inside the ship.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to take it out again, won't I. Hal, scoutaround the castle. See if Irongron and his men are sleeping. If theyare, disarm them and come back here.
[SARAH] What are you going to do, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Get the osmic projector. Fortunately it's an independent unit.
[SARAH] Well, can't you switch this thing off?
[DOCTOR] Well, I can try.
[SARAH] Suppose you don't succeed?
[DOCTOR] Then we've got between five and ten minutes to get out of herebefore we're all blown to kingdom come.
[SARAH] Couldn't you shut it down?
[DOCTOR] No, the drive system is sealed. Linx must have taken theactivator key. I managed to get a hold of this, though. I was lucky toget it out with the drive running. I think that should do it.
[DOCTOR] I've got to send them back one at a time. Get the first one tostand over there, will you, Rubeish?
[RUBEISH] Come on, Morrison.
[DOCTOR] All right, Rubeish, come over here. I may want you to takeover. Now then, all you have to do is this, this and this. Get it.
[DOCTOR] Right, here goes.
[DOCTOR] Right, that ought to surprise them back at the Research Centre.Next gentleman, please.
[RUBEISH] Come on.
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] For the last time, Linx, let there be no more talk ofleaving.
[LINX] And I tell you for the last time, I am leaving now. Our allianceis at an end.
[IRONGRON] It ends when I say it ends and not before.
[LINX] You would be well advised to march from this castle now andcapture another. Soon you will have need of it.
[BLOODAXE] He threatens us, Captain.
[IRONGRON] He does not understand our ways. Tomorrow, Linx, we smite theenemy, hip and thigh. But tonight, we feast.
[LINX] By your dawn I shall be seven hundred million miles from here.Can I be concerned with the fate of primitives?
[BLOODAXE] What did he mean, Captain?
[IRONGRON] He is a toad. Who know what a toad thinks?
[BLOODAXE] Aye, Captain, 'tis truly said.
[IRONGRON] This stew has made me heavy.
(Linx's workshop)
[DOCTOR] That's Linx. Send the rest of them back. I'll try and keep himbusy.
(Irongron's hall)
[IRONGRON] Trickery! Sorcery!
[IRONGRON] What sorcery! Treachery! That toad Linx bewitched us all!
(Linx's workshop)
[SARAH] Now you, professor.
[RUBEISH] I really don't think I ought to go and leave you.
[SARAH] Off you go now. Now then. This, this and this.
[RUBEISH] Well, goodbye and good luck. It really has been a mostfascinating experience. I hope you and the Doctor will be all right.See you back at the Research Centre.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[IRONGRON] So, destroy my castle by sorcery, would you, toad face? Well,Irongron's magic is too strong for you!
(Irongron's hall)
[HAL] Now listen, dog. In minutes now this castle will be destroyed bythe sorcery. If you'd save your miserable skins, then get you gone!
[BLOODAXE] Flee, dogs! Flee for your life! Come on, waken, you dogs! Andflee, flee for your lives, you dogs! Waken! Waken up! Now flee!
(Linx's workshop)
[SARAH] Doctor, do get up. We've got to get youout!
[DOCTOR] Something's gone wrong. He must have hit the take off buttontoo soon. Come on, we've got about a minute to get out of here. Quick,run!
[DOCTOR] Well, you can tell Sir Edward that his problems are over, Hal.Irongron, his castle, his magic weapons and his sorcerer, they're alldestroyed.
[HAL] Will you not tell him yourself, Doctor? He will reward you well.We owe you much.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry. I'm afraid we must be off. Goodbye, Hal.
[HAL] Goodbye, Doctor.
[SARAH] Goodbye.
[HAL] Goodbye. You are truly a great magician, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] To tell you the truth, Hal, I'm not a magician at all.
[SARAH] I'm not so sure about that.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s11", "episode": "e01", "title": "The Time Warrior"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (12 Jan, 1974; Third Doctor) - Invasion of the Dinosaurs
(A London park)
[SARAH] It seems to be all right.
[DOCTOR] Well, I told you I'd get you back home safely, didn't I?
[SARAH] We set off from the Research Centre.
[DOCTOR] Well, there's no point in going back there. No, I set coursefor UNIT HQ.
[SARAH] Well, this isn't UNIT HQ.
[DOCTOR] The space time coordinates were a bit out, that's all. We can'tbe far away.
[SARAH] So where are we?
[DOCTOR] Somewhere in London.
[SARAH] And when?
[DOCTOR] Well, when we left. Give or take a few weeks.
[SARAH] It's not the nineteenth century or the twenty first?
[DOCTOR] My dear Sarah, you are perfectly safe. Now all we've got to donow is go and find a telephone and ring the Brigadier.
[SARAH] What was that?
[DOCTOR] Well, the parks department's cutting down some trees. Come on.
(A London road)
[DOCTOR] No, it doesn't work.
[SARAH] It's probably been vandalised.
[DOCTOR] That's a very unfair word, you know, because actually theVandals were quite decent chaps. Come on, let's see if we can go andfind a taxi.
[SARAH] Some hopes. Well, there's a bus stop.
[SARAH] There's no bus.
[DOCTOR] There's no anything. No, nothing's moving. No bicycles, nopedestrians, no cars, nothing.
[SARAH] Why?
[DOCTOR] Well, perhaps it's Sunday. Great Britain always closes onSundays. Come on, I think we'd better walk.
[SARAH] Charming!
[DOCTOR] Well, perhaps he doesn't like hitch-hikers.
(Jeweller's shop)
[DOCTOR] Anybody here?
[SARAH] Look.
[PHILLIPS] I got here first. Turn round. Hands against that wall.
[DOCTOR] Do as he says, Sarah. Sarah, do as he says! Look, I realisethat you're very busy, but would you mind telling me what's going onaround here?
[PHILLIPS] You find your own places. There's plenty to choose from. Igot here first.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, no! He's liable to shoot you out of pure terror.
[SARAH] I'll call the police.
[SARAH] They're not answering.
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[OGDEN] Right, okay, got it. Sarge? Another sighting.
[BENTON] Thank you, Ogden.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, that's right. Frequency of sightings about the same.There's not much we can do, sir, except plot them. No, sir, the Doctorisn't back yet. I'm hoping he'll return very soon. Yes, all right. Yes,all right, sir, I'll keep you informed. Goodbye.
[YATES] Yes, got that. Thank you. Sir? Five more looters have beenpicked up in Hyde Park.
[BRIGADIER] Ogden. Get this off to General Finch, will you?
[OGDEN] Sir.
[BRIGADIER] I've asked the regulars for more men. We've got to get morepatrols out.
[YATES] It's organised gangs now, sir.
[YATES] The looters.
[BRIGADIER] Well, it's only to be expected.
[YATES] We're going to need more detention centres.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, all right, Yates. Get them set up! The looters are adetail. It's these we've got to worry about.
[SARAH] There must be somebody somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Listen.
[SARAH] Over there.
[DOCTOR] It's stopping. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Hello? Hello?
[SARAH] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Not really, no. Help me up, will you?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's an ill wind. At least we've got some transport. Openthat door, Sarah, will you?
[SARAH] They're jammed.
[DOCTOR] Get out! Come on, in the back!
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[BRIGADIER] I'm sorry, sir, I can't agree to that.
[FINCH] I'm giving you a direct order, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] With respect, sir, I cannot and will not allow troops undermy command to open fire upon civilians.
[FINCH] These civilians are looters, and central London is under martiallaw.
[BRIGADIER] What's happening is deplorable, sir, but may I remind youthat looters are not our main problem? Shortage of observation patrolsis.
[FINCH] The army has been stretched to its limits with the evacuation ofeight million people.
[BRIGADIER] The evacuation is now complete, sir.
[FINCH] For you, perhaps, but not for us. All these wretched people haveto be fed, sheltered, cared for.
[BRIGADIER] But the front line's here, sir, in central London. It's moreimportant to find the cause of this crisis than to deal with itseffects.
[FINCH] All right, but what are you doing about it?
[BRIGADIER] Plotting the incidents as they occur and searching London tofind their cause.
[FINCH] And waiting for this mysterious scientific advisor of yours toturn up?
[BRIGADIER] That's right, sir.
[FINCH] Hmm. I suppose he'll just materialise out of thin air.
[BRIGADIER] Very probably.
[FINCH] Very well. But while we're waiting for this Doctor of yours, youwill obey my orders. You can have your extra patrols, Brigadier, but myinstructions to them are that any looter who does not surrenderimmediately will be shot.
[NORTON] Halt! Place your hands above your head!
[NORTON] That will be your only warning. Raise your hands!
[DOCTOR] Will you please tell me what's happening?
[NORTON] Over there by the Land Rover. Turn round, lean forward, handsagainst the side.
[DOCTOR] Look, will you please tell me what's going on here?
[NORTON] Turn round! Search their vehicle.
[NORTON] You have had a busy day, haven't you?
(Detention centre)
[DUFFY] Right. You were arrested today, found looting in possession oftwo tape recorders, one radio and a colour television set. You will beheld for military trial. Photographs.
[DUFFY] Next. Names?
[DOCTOR] Now, if I can have a word with someone in authority.
[DUFFY] Names.
[SARAH] Sarah Jane Smith.
[DUFFY] Name?
[DOCTOR] Doctor John Smith. No relation.
[DUFFY] Age?
[SARAH] Twenty three.
[DUFFY] Age?
[DOCTOR] You'd never believe me.
[DUFFY] Offence?
[NORTON] Looting furs, jewels and money.
[DUFFY] Right. You'll be held for military trial. Over there forphotographs.
[SARAH] But why are the military running everything?
[DOCTOR] Come on, Sarah. Let's go and have our photos taken, shall we?
[DOCTOR] Oh, deary me, that's very antiquated equipment, isn't it? I'llthink you'll find that the right is my best side.
[NORTON] Shut up and hold that in front of you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, all right.
[NORTON] Now you.
[SARAH] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Now, what about one of both of us? Come and join in.
[NORTON] Over there. Down there. On the floor.
[DOCTOR] No, we'd rather stand, if you don't mind.
[NORTON] Sit down!
[DOCTOR] Oh! What a good idea. There we are.
[DOCTOR] That's better.
[NORTON] Keep them quiet.
[PRIVATE] All right.
[SARAH] What do we do now?
[DOCTOR] Wait for the officer to turn up. Maybe we can get some senseout of him.
[SARAH] What on Earth's going on? What's happening?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea. Maybe this gentleman here can enlighten us.
[DOCTOR] How do you do, sir? I'm the Doctor.
[LODGE] You've got nothing to be cheerful about. There's no judge andjury now, mate. Military law.
[SARAH] But why?
[LODGE] Where you been? Because of the monsters!
[SOLDIER] It's coming straight for us, sir, and we're trapped. Same asusual. The bullets won't do any good. We're going to try and turn itwith the grenades.
[SOLDIER] It's working, sir. Seems to be moving off.
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[SOLDIER [OC]] It's running away now, sir. North north west in thedirection of
[OGDEN] It's gone again. Happens every time, sir. Whenever we get asight, the R/T reception's diabolical.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, I'm well aware of that.
[BENTON] Yes, sir, but there must be some connection. Whatever's causingthe monsters is causing the interference.
[BRIGADIER] The thought had occurred to me, Benton, but since we don'tknow what's causing either we're not really much the wiser.
[BRIGADIER] Latest batch of looters. File them.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Huh. Another message from the government here telling us tomake sure that law and order's maintained in the evacuative zone. Theyseem to have forgotten the main problem.
[BENTON] Yes, well, it's all right for them, stuck safe and sound up inHarrogate. What a scruffy looking bunch we've got here.
[SOLDIER] You can say that again.
[BENTON] Hey, sir, look.
[BRIGADIER] Good grief. Looter charged with stolen furs, jewellery andmoney.
[BENTON] And there's one of that journalist girl, Sarah Jane Smith.
[BRIGADIER] They're being held at number five reception centre. Ogden,number five reception. Get them on the R/T, will you?
[OGDEN] No good, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, all right, I'll go there myself. Get my jeep, will you?
[BENTON] There's a planning conference for General Finch in ten minutes,sir. Well, shall I go?
[BRIGADIER] No, you'd better stay here. Send a dispatch rider and getthem brought here as quickly as possible.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Typical. Absolutely typical. What is the man playing at?
(Detention centre)
[LODGE] Psst.
[SARAH] Mmm?
[LODGE] (sotto) There's only him. We could make a break for it.
[SARAH] (sotto) And get ourselves shot?
[LODGE] (sotto) You know what they'll do with us?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) No. Do you?
[LODGE] (sotto) Twenty years in some detention camp. Look, with a bit ofluck we could get out of here. What do you reckon?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) No, thank you very much.
[DUFFY] Right, on your feet! Prisoners, forward.
[DUFFY] Prisoners numbers one seven double seven eight oh, one sevendouble seven eight one and one seven double seven eight two, sir.
[DOCTOR] We do have names, you know.
[SHEARS] Just these three, Sergeant?
[DUFFY] Yes, sir.
[SHEARS] All right, let's get on with it. I have to be back at HQ in tenminutes time. Evidence?
[DUFFY] Seven eight oh, Lodge, sir. Caught in possession of two taperecorders, one radio and a colour television set.
[SHEARS] Anything to say?
[LODGE] Well, yes. I, er, found the stuff, see. I was going to hand itin.
[SHEARS] You've been found guilty of looting. Under the authority vestedin me by the Emergency Powers Act, I'm issuing an order that you beheld in a military detention centre for the duration of the emergency.You'll be handed over to the civil authorities for trial and sentencewhen time permits. Next!
[DUFFY] Seven eight one and seven eight two were caught together, sir,in possession of furs, jewels and stolen money.
[SHEARS] Were they now?
[DUFFY] Yes, sir.
[SHEARS] Anything to say?
[SARAH] We found those things after someone else had stolen them.
[SHEARS] And you were going hand them in?
[SARAH] Yes.
[SHEARS] Very original. You've been found guilty of looting.
[DOCTOR] Now just one moment.
[DUFFY] Hey, keep quiet.
[SHEARS] Well, what is it?
[DOCTOR] Sir, I am the scientific advisor to UNIT, and I demand to beput in immediate touch with Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart.
[SHEARS] I suppose he's an old friend of yours?
[DOCTOR] Yes, as a matter of fact he is.
[SHEARS] How very interesting. You've been found guilty of looting.Under the authority vested in me by the Emergency Powers Act, I'missuing an order that you'll be held in a military detention centre forthe duration of the emergency. You will be handed over to the civilauthorities for trial and sentence when time permits. Put them on thenext transport for detention centre, will you?
[DUFFY] Sir.
[SHEARS] I must be off.
[DUFFY] Attention!
[SHEARS] Carry on, Sergeant.
[DUFFY] Right, back over there.
[LODGE] See? I told you. Stuck in a detention camp for months. Inprison.
[SARAH] What are we going to do, Doctor? Nobody will listen to us.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Tell me, my friend. What was that idea that you hadabout escaping?
[LODGE] (sotto) Well, there's three of us. We could jump him.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Oh, I think we can be a bit more original than that,can't we?
[LODGE] (sotto) So what do we do, then?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) We have a fight.
[DOCTOR] You're the nark, aren't ya? It was you wot grassed on us!
[LODGE] I never grassed in my life!
[DOCTOR] Yes, you did. Come on! On your feet! Come on, up!
[LODGE] All right then, you great dressed up twit, you asked for it!
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Steady.
[SARAH] Guard, stop them! You have to stop them!
[SOLDIER] Break it up! Break it up!
[LODGE] What did you do?
[DOCTOR] Never mind that now. Come on, let's get out of here.
[LODGE] Ah, no, not you. You go that way.
[SARAH] But we'll run straight into the soldiers.
[LODGE] Yeah, and while they're busy with you, I'll get away.
[DOCTOR] Oh, so much for honour amongst thieves. Hai!
[DOCTOR] Come on, quick, out of here! Come on!
(Outside the Detention centre)
[SARAH] What are you looking for?
[DOCTOR] A piece of wire to jump the ignition. I'll try in the back.
[NORTON] Ready for the detention centre?
(Land Rover)
[SARAH] Honestly, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] And how was I to know it was detention centre transport?
[SARAH] Oh well, I can see us being locked up for months. Sewing mailbags probably. I mean, let's face it. Nobody's listened to us so far.
[SARAH] That thing. What was it?
[DOCTOR] A Tyrannosaurus Rex. The largest and fiercest predator of alltime.
[SARAH] But, but those things died out millions of years ago.
[DOCTOR] Yes, sixty five million years ago, to be precise.
[SARAH] What?
(Land Rover)
[SOLDIER 2] They've gone!
[SOLDIER 3] Oh no!
[DOCTOR] Sorry.
[DOCTOR] There we are. Right, now let's review the situation. Aprehistoric monster's turned up in central London.
[SARAH] Well, how how do you know it's only central London?
[DOCTOR] Because those soldiers were talking about the central zone,weren't they.
[SARAH] But where did that monster come from?
[DOCTOR] That's a very good question, Sarah.
[SARAH] Suppose suppose there was an egg, buried in the groundsomewhere, and somehow or other it hatched out?
[DOCTOR] What, producing a sweet little baby monster?
[SARAH] Yes. Ah. No. No, how would it grow to that size without anyonenoticing.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps somebody kept it as a pet and turned it out when it gottoo big to feed.
[DOCTOR] Anyway, aren't you forgetting that pterodactyl that attacked usin the warehouse?
[SARAH] I suppose you've got the explanation, then.
[DOCTOR] Yes, as a matter of fact, I think I have.
[DOCTOR] Hello? Who are you?
[PEASANT] Back! Back, accursed wizard!
[DOCTOR] Wizard? I'm no wizard, I assure you. You've got no need to befrightened of me.
[SARAH] Doctor, be careful.
[DOCTOR] How did you get here?
[PEASANT] The witch. She's cast a spell on me. I'll tell the priest andhave her burned!
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course. Look, do you know what year it is?
[SARAH] What's the name of the King?
[PEASANT] Well, Richard, of course. But he's in the Holy Land. Johnrules now. Look, take the curse off me, wizard. Send me home.
[DOCTOR] I only wish I could.
[PEASANT] Send me home. Send me home or you die!
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid I don't have that power.
[SARAH] What happened? He was going to kill you.
[DOCTOR] Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. That was a time eddy. Fora moment there, time went backwards.
[SARAH] Doctor.
[SARAH] Soldiers. they're searching. They're coming nearer!
[DOCTOR] Can you bolt that door?
[DOCTOR] Hide.
[DOCTOR] Hai! Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] What do you think you're doing, Doctor?
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[BRIGADIER] It all started just after you, Doctor,and as we later discovered, Miss Smith, went off on your last littlejaunt.
[SARAH] We were helping you, and if you knew what we'd been through.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, some other time, Miss Smith, if you don't mind?
[BRIGADIER] A variety of prehistoric reptiles began to appear in thecentral London area. There was, as you can imagine, considerable panicand some loss of life.
[DOCTOR] How many of these things have been seen up to now?
[BRIGADIER] Well, the pins record the sighting
[BENTON] It's a colour code, Doctor. We're using red pins forTyrannosaurus, blue for Triceratops, green for the Stegosaurus and pinkfor your actual Pterodactyl.
[BRIGADIER] Thank you, Benton. We soon realised that these creaturesonly appear in central London. We therefore evacuated the entire areaand set up this temporary HQ, which as you can see from the map, is onthe periphery of the zone.
[SARAH] You've evacuated everybody?
[BRIGADIER] Eight million people. I'm happy to say the evacuation wascarried out without a hitch. Of course the criminal element has beentaking advantage of the situation.
[SARAH] Looters, you mean. Like those people we met.
[BRIGADIER] There's been quite a bit of that, I'm afraid. But we'rekeeping them under control.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's absolutely marvellous, Brigadier. Now what're youdoing about the real problem?
[BRIGADIER] Well, as soon as these creatures appear, we make sure thatthey're contained within the evacuated zone, and don't wander off intopopulated areas.
[DOCTOR] Well, having contained them, what do you do then?
[BRIGADIER] Ah, well, that's where you come in, Doctor. So far we'veabsolutely no idea where they're coming from or come to that, wherethey go.
[SARAH] Where they go?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, that's one of the few good things about the entiresituation. According to my patrols, they seem to vanish. Justdisappear. No one sees them come, no one sees them go.
[SARAH] But things that size, where could they go?
[DOCTOR] Well, that's pretty obvious, isn't it, Sarah?
[SARAH] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] Back where they came from, into the past.
[FINCH] All right, Brigadier, you can have your extra patrols, but Iwarn you, I shall expect results.
[DOCTOR] Mike, my dear fellow, how are you? Good to see you again.
[YATES] Doctor.
[FINCH] Who's this?
[BRIGADIER] Sir, this is the Doctor, our scientific advisor.
[FINCH] Oh. We've been waiting for you, you know. May I ask where you'vebeen?
[DOCTOR] Certainly.
[FINCH] Well?
[DOCTOR] You can ask but I don't guarantee that you'll get a reply.
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, this is General Finch. He's in overall charge of theentire operation.
[DOCTOR] Oh, is he indeed. How do you do, General.
[BRIGADIER] The Doctor's already come up with a most interesting theory,sir. He believes these creatures are coming to us from the past.
[FINCH] Huh. Very interesting. How?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, um. Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Somebody or something is operating a temporal displacement on avery vast scale.
[FINCH] Never mind your scientific gobbledygook.
[DOCTOR] The creatures are being brought from the past into the present,General, staying here for a while and then returning to their own time.
[FINCH] Rubbish!
[DOCTOR] I take it then that you have a better theory.
[FINCH] Yes. Some mad scientist fellow has been secretly breeding thesethings. Now they've all got away.
[SARAH] Ah, no, General, now I thought that, but if you think about it
[FINCH] Who's this?
[SARAH] Oh. Sarah Jane Smith. How do you do?
[FINCH] (to Yates) Civilians are not allowed in this zone. Have herevacuated immediately.
[DOCTOR] Er, Miss Smith is presently acting as my assistant, General.You were saying, my dear?
[SARAH] We have just met a man from the past. A peasant from the age ofKing John. No, honestly, General, it's true.
[FINCH] I'm not staying here to listen to this rubbish.
[YATES] I think you'll find it is worth listening to the Doctor, sir.He's given us a great deal of help in the past.
[OGDEN] Okay, out. Sergeant? Another sighting.
[BENTON] Oh, thank you, Ogden.
[BRIGADIER] Where is it, Benton?
[BENTON] Section five, sir. Somewhere here.
[FINCH] Send for the artillery right away. We shall need field guns.
[DOCTOR] You'll do no such thing, Brigadier.
[FINCH] I'll thank you to stop interfering
[DOCTOR] General, we need to study this creature, not shoot at it. Howmuch do you think we'll learn from a dead dinosaur? Come on, Brigadier.I want you to take me down there right away.
[BRIGADIER] All right, where is it?
[CORPORAL] It's behind that building, sir. I've put an observer up onthe roof keeping track of it.
[CORPORAL] It's coming this way, sir!
[DOCTOR] Good grief! It's a Stegosaurus. What a splendid specimen. No,no, don't shoot. I want to take a good look at it.
[BRIGADIER] Be careful, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, Brigadier, it's a vegetarian.
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[YATES] Well, after all that business in Wales withthe giant maggots, I had to have a spot of leave. Suppose it was areaction, really.
[SARAH] Oh, I'm not surprised.
[YATES] As soon as I get back, of course, all this business blows up.
[SARAH] It's weird seeing London like this. All those deserted streets.
[YATES] I rather like it.
[BENTON] Excuse me, sir.
[OGDEN] Trap two, over.
[YATES] Have you noticed the air?
[SARAH] Hmm?
[YATES] It's clean. No cars, no people. Do you know yesterday I saw afox in Piccadilly?
[SARAH] And nightingales in Berkeley Square?
[YATES] It's not impossible.
[SARAH] No. No, I like London the way it was, traffic jams and all.
[YATES] Yes, I expect you're right.
[OGDEN] Okay. Out. Sir? Message from spotter control, sir. The Doctorand the Brigadier have arrived. Oh, the Doctor now has the monsterunder close observation, Miss.
[DOCTOR] Right, we'll need some rope and a strongnet.
[BRIGADIER] You intend to catch it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. I want to observe it under laboratoryconditions. Have you got any rope?
[CORPORAL] We've got some towing rope, sir.
[BRIGADIER] You're going to tie it up?
[DOCTOR] That's my intention, yes.
[BRIGADIER] All right, Corporal, carry on.
[CORPORAL] Right, sir.
[DOCTOR] That creature has an amiable disposition, Brigadier, and abrain about the size of a walnut. I think we should be able to dealwith it, don't you?
[CORPORAL] The rope, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Well, of all the lunatic schemes. All right then, let's givehim a hand.
[BRIGADIER] It's gone!
[CORPORAL] It must have gone round the corner, sir. Should we go afterit?
[DOCTOR] It's all right, Corporal, don't bother.
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[FINCH] Disappeared? You mean you disappeared whenit got too close?
[DOCTOR] No, sir.
[FINCH] Then what happened? How did you lose it?
[BRIGADIER] I've no idea, sir. One moment we were discussing thepossibility of capturing it and the next, it had gone.
[FINCH] Vanished into thin air, I suppose?
[DOCTOR] Yes, General Finch. That is precisely what happened.
[FINCH] Did you see this happen?
[BRIGADIER] Well, not exactly.
[DOCTOR] The Brigadier and his men couldn't see what happened, sir. Theywere temporally affected by a time eddy.
[FINCH] A what?
[DOCTOR] Whenever a creature appears or disappears, the temporaldisplacement causes a localised distortion in time. Now as far as thepeople in the immediate vicinity were concerned, time literally runsbackwards, so naturally, they'd have no recollection of what hadoccurred.
[FINCH] The man's mad. Temporal displacement. Time travel is impossible,we all know that.
[SARAH] I've travelled through time, General. The Doctor knows what he'stalking about.
[BRIGADIER] Sir, suppose we accept the Doctor's theory, for the purposesof discussion. What happens next?
[DOCTOR] Well, we must capture one of the creatures.
[FINCH] And what good will that do?
[DOCTOR] Well, I think a study of one of these dinosaurs, General, mightlead me to the source.
[YATES] It couldn't be a natural phenomenon, could it, Doctor? Somethinggoing wrong with time?
[DOCTOR] Then why are they contained to this one area? These giantreptiles existed all over the planet, Mike. They'd be popping upeverywhere.
[SARAH] Doctor, what about that man we saw in the garage?
[DOCTOR] Well, I think he was an accident. Whoever's responsible forthese apparitions, General, is operating from somewhere in this area.
[YATES] You're overlooking one thing. This whole zone has beenevacuated.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's where you're wrong, Mike. Someone's there andwhoever it is is using vast amounts of power.
[BRIGADIER] But all power's been cut off in central London. Just minimalemergency supplies.
[DOCTOR] Then someone, Brigadier, is making their own.
(Control room)
[BUTLER] Power output holding steady.
[BUTLER] The next time transference is due in one hour, Professor.
[WHITAKER] It may have to wait.
[BUTLER] One must maintain the time transference on schedule. Thesequence has been carefully calculated.
[WHITAKER] How can I be expected to work on the main project when I havethese constant distractions?
[BUTLER] Well, these distractions have emptied London for us. We mustkeep the authorities off balance.
[WHITAKER] Very well, Butler, but it will not be my responsibility ifthe countdown is delayed.
(Makeshift laboratory)
[YATES] Do you really think you can knock out a dinosaur with thatthing?
[DOCTOR] Naturally.
[YATES] How?
[DOCTOR] By a simple molecular reaction.
[YATES] I see.
[DOCTOR] I doubt it. The principle hasn't really been developed on Earthyet.
[YATES] What exactly will it do?
[DOCTOR] Well, it'll temporarily neutralise creatures' brain cells.
[YATES] I didn't think these creatures had any brains?
[DOCTOR] All animals have brains of some sort, Mike.
[YATES] What'll happen to the dinosaur when you switch this thing on?
[DOCTOR] It'll faint.
[YATES] And what will you do with your monster when you've got it?
[DOCTOR] Surround it with an electrical field and wait for it todisappear.
[YATES] And what'll that tell you?
[DOCTOR] Well, the source of the power that is moving these creaturesthrough time.
[YATES] Will you get an accurate fix?
[DOCTOR] Mmm, pretty accurate. Enough for the Brigadier and his merrymen to round up the guilty parties anyway.
[YATES] Jolly good, Doctor. Well, I think I'd better let you get on withit.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that would be helpful.
[SARAH] Doctor? Listen, Doctor, that General Finch is being impossible.What are you making?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no. Look, ask Captain Yates, there's a good girl.
[YATES] Can I help you, Miss Smith?
[SARAH] Er, yes. That wretched General of yours, he's trying to have meevacuated.
[YATES] You're a civilian. You've got no official status.
[SARAH] Oh, nonsense. I'm the Doctor's assistant, aren't I, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Yes, yes, anything you like.
[SARAH] There you are.
[YATES] Tell you what, I'll fix you up with a temporary pass, but juststay out of sight of General Finch. Excuse me.
[SARAH] Yes, thank you.
[SARAH] What did you say that thing is?
[DOCTOR] I didn't.
[SARAH] Can I help at all?
[SARAH] Oh, come on, Doctor. I'm supposed to be your assistant. Theremust be something I can do.
[DOCTOR] Well, there is.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Go away.
[SARAH] Oh. All right, I'll go and chat up that nice Captain Yates.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, I'm sure he'd enjoy that.
[SARAH] I'll leave you in peace then.
[BRIGADIER] Ah, there you are, Doctor. Now, what are you up to?
[DOCTOR] Oh no!
(Control room)
[BUTLER] Our friend from UNIT is here.
[WHITAKER] What? He has strict instructions never to come here.
[BUTLER] He says there's some kind of an emergency. He must see you.
[WHITAKER] All right, bring him in. (pause) What is it?
[YATES] I'm sorry, Professor, but I thought I'd better warn you.
(Makeshift laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] This is the Doctor, sir, our scientificadvisor. Doctor, this is the Right Honourable Charles Grover, Ministerwith special powers.
[GROVER] I do apologise for the interruption, Doctor. I realise how busyyou are.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm glad somebody does.
[GROVER] I understand you may be able to help us find a solution to thiscrisis.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I sincerely hope so. Aren't you the chap who started the'Save Planet Earth' society?
[GROVER] I had something to do with it.
[DOCTOR] You also wrote that book, Last Chance For Man, didn't you?
[GROVER] Yes, that's right.
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear Grover, I'm delighted to meet you. This planetneeds people like you.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, of course. You two have a great deal in common. TheDoctor's very keen on this anti-pollution business.
[GROVER] And so should you be, Brigadier. It affects all our lives.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, quite, sir, quite.
[GROVER] Now I mustn't keep you, Doctor, I just wanted to make youracquaintance.
[DOCTOR] Oh, nonsense, nonsense, no need to rush away. Come over here.Let me explain to you what I'm doing. Now then, in the first place
(Control room)
[WHITAKER] That's absolute nonsense. There's no wayhe can find us.
[YATES] If the Doctor says he can do it, I believe him. He's probablythe greatest scientist on this planet.
[WHITAKER] That is a matter of opinion.
[BUTLER] You realise what'll happen if he's right? It'll be the end ofOperation Golden Age. Everything we've planned will be ruined.
[WHITAKER] Very well, if he's such a danger to us, you will have to dealwith him.
[YATES] How?
[WHITAKER] Well, you're the soldier.
[YATES] I'll do nothing to harm the Doctor, nor will I allow him to beharmed. If we descend to that sort of thing, we're no better than thesociety we intend to replace.
[WHITAKER] Captain Yates, I respect your principles but if the Doctorsucceeds in capturing a dinosaur, then the whole project may bejeopardised.
[BUTLER] But what can we do?
[WHITAKER] You must sabotage the Doctor's stun gun.
(Makeshift laboratory)
[GROVER] Well, I admire your courage, Doctor. I only hope it works.
[DOCTOR] I think it will. All we need now is a dinosaur to try it outon.
[BRIGADIER] We're doing our best to get you one, Doctor. All my spotterpatrols are on maximum alert.
[GROVER] Tell me, Doctor, have you any theories as to why all this ishappening?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I believe these dinosaurs are being used purely as aterror weapon in order to clear central London.
[GROVER] But why?
[DOCTOR] Well, presumably, so that some vast project can be carried out.Something for which people will get in the way.
[GROVER] Yes, but why London? Who not the Yorkshire Moors or theHighlands of Scotland?
[DOCTOR] Why, indeed. Well, there must be some overriding reason. Theremust be something that they need that's only available to them here.
[BENTON] Sir, they've spotted one. Section twelve, power station. TheChief Engineer said if we don't remove it quickly, he'll have to switchoff.
[DOCTOR] Any idea what kind it is?
[BENTON] Er, a pato-something.
[DOCTOR] Apatosaurus, commonly known as the brontosaurus. Large, placidand stupid. That's exactly what we need.
[BRIGADIER] Transport standing by, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Will you excuse us, Minister? I'll let you know as soon aswe've captured it. Come on, Brigadier.
(Control room)
[WHITAKER] There you are, Captain Yates. Attach this device to theDoctor's stun gun and it will be rendered completely ineffective.
(Power station)
[YATES] Where is it?
[CORPORAL] It's round that corner, sir.
[YATES] It's round there.
[DOCTOR] Jolly good. Right, let's go and take a look at it.
[CORPORAL] Right, Collins, put this back there.
[COLLINS] Right, Corporal.
[BRIGADIER] Are you sure this is the kind you want, Doctor? It's ratherlarge.
[DOCTOR] The bigger, the better, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Really, why is that?
[DOCTOR] The larger the mass, the greater the temporal displacement formy instruments to measure.
[YATES] Doctor, suppose this gadget of yours doesn't work?
[DOCTOR] Then I shall simply turn round and come back, feeling ratherfoolish.
[YATES] But isn't that thing dangerous?
[DOCTOR] Not unless it's roused, Captain Yates. Mind you, I wouldn'tlike to try it on a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
[BRIGADIER] Right, bring the Doctor's, that thing in my jeep. Bring itover here.
[YATES] It's all right, Corporal. I'll get it.
[BRIGADIER] We'll be ready with covering fire.
[DOCTOR] That won't be necessary.
[BRIGADIER] Just in case, Doctor. Stand by!
(Power station)
[BRIGADIER] Cease fire! Captain Yates!
(Control room)
[YATES] You tried to murder him! You deliberatelymaterialised a savage monster knowing it would attack him!
[BUTLER] An unavoidable mistake.
[YATES] Oh, that was no mistake. I warned you I wouldn't have the Doctorharmed.
[BUTLER] Well, you sabotaged the stun gun.
[YATES] I agreed to delay his experiments, not to kill him.
[BUTLER] Captain Yates, may I remind you, you were the one who said hewas such a danger to us.
[YATES] Let me tell him everything, explain to him what we're trying todo? He'll be sympathetic. He might even help us.
[WHITAKER] No, that's out of the question.
[BUTLER] If he doesn't agree with us, what happens then?
[YATES] There's no need to kill him.
[WHITAKER] He must be delayed. Now once the temporal energy hasdispersed, the creature will return to its own time and the Doctor'sinstruments will lead him straight to us. Now, what stage has hereached?
[YATES] They've taken the creature to a hangar on the fringe of thezone.
[BUTLER] Then you'd better get over there, Captain Yates.
[YATES] To do what?
[BUTLER] More sabotage, I'm afraid. All you have to do is to ensure thatthe Doctor's instruments don't function. The creature will return toits own time, the Doctor will learn nothing, and we shall have thedelay we need.
[YATES] And the Doctor won't be harmed?
[WHITAKER] Of course not.
[YATES] I'll do what I can.
[WHITAKER] I'm not satisfied with that young man's loyalty. He's far tooconcerned about this precious Doctor of his.
(Hangar office)
[BRIGADIER] All set up then, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think so. Mind you, that creature isn't what I wanted atall. What I really wanted was a brontosaurus.
[BRIGADIER] What's the difference?
[DOCTOR] The difference, Brigadier, is that the brontosaurus is a placidvegetarian, whereas the Tyrannosaurus is the largest and fiercest flesheater ever known on your planet.
[SARAH] It will stay asleep, won't it, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, for a while.
[BRIGADIER] Don't you worry, Miss Smith, those chains will hold himdown. Well, Doctor, now what do we do?
[DOCTOR] We sit back and wait for it to dematerialise.
[SARAH] Then perhaps I can have your attention.
[DOCTOR] Carry on, Sarah, I'm all ears.
[SARAH] Well, I've been checking up into this whole question of timetravel.
[DOCTOR] You should have come to me. I know all about time travel.
[SARAH] Ah, I know you know about it, but what I'm interested in,Doctor, is other people who know about it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, are there any?
[SARAH] Oh, one or two have dabbled.
[DOCTOR] Oh, fascinating. The trouble is the Blinovitch limitationeffect. If they could overcome that their problem's
[SARAH] I think someone has.
[DOCTOR] What, on this planet?
[SARAH] This is the only one I've been able to check up on, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, of course. Er, let's see now, there was this thisChinese scientist called Chun Sen. Oh, hang about, he hasn't been bornyet, has he.
[SARAH] Quite, but there is a man called Whitaker. Now he's the leadingscientist in this field.
[BRIGADIER] Whitaker. That name rings a bell.
[SARAH] He claimed to have developed a workable theory of time travel.
[BRIGADIER] I remember. He applied for a big government grant. It wasrefused.
[DOCTOR] Oh, why?
[SARAH] Whitaker was always an outsider, always mixed up in quarrelswith other scientists. No one believed his theory would work.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, that's right. All the government scientific advisorssaid the fellow was a crank. What about him?
[SARAH] He's disappeared.
[DOCTOR] Has he indeed?
[SARAH] About six months ago, he completely vanished. I checked with mynewspaper contacts up north. No trace.
[DOCTOR] And you think he could be behind all this?
[SARAH] Well, it's a possibility. He was a brilliant scientist, and hemust have been bitterly disappointed when the government refused thatgrant.
[DOCTOR] You could be right, Sarah. It's worth checking up on.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, I'll get on to it. Intelligence records may havesomething on him.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, I'd like to see the application for that grant. See theman's working papers.
[BRIGADIER] Right. They must be on file somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Brigadier, have your fellows brought the Tardis back toUNIT HQ for me yet?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, should be there by now.
[DOCTOR] Could you give me a run down there?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, of course.
[DOCTOR] Good, thanks, there's one or two things inside I think I mightneed.
[SARAH] Oh, what about your little pet out there?
[DOCTOR] Oh, he'll be all right for a while. You've placed guards?
[BRIGADIER] General Finch has lent me a squad.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[SARAH] But suppose it dematerialises while you're not here?
[DOCTOR] Then my instruments will obtain the necessary readings. Coming?
[SARAH] Yes, yes. Er, Brigadier?
[SARAH] Can I bring a camera back here with me?
[BRIGADIER] Whatever for?
[SARAH] Well, for my story. I'm a journalist, remember? You don't thinkI'm going to miss an opportunity like this?
[BRIGADIER] I am sorry, Miss Smith. This whole affair's under strictsecurity black-out. You can take your photographs when the crisis ispassed.
[SARAH] Oh! When the crisis is passed, there won't be anything tophotograph.
(Makeshift laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] The Minister has some information foryou, Doctor, about this elusive fellow Whitaker.
[DOCTOR] Have you, sir?
[GROVER] I was chairman of the committee that considered his applicationfor a government grant.
[DOCTOR] So you've seen his working papers?
[GROVER] Oh, yes, not that I understood them, of course, but myscientific colleagues on the committee assured me that they were utternonsense.
[DOCTOR] So you don't think that he could be behind what's beenhappening here.
[GROVER] Oh, out of the question. I'm afraid the poor fellow's just aharmless crank.
[SARAH] That's not what I've heard, Minister. According to my sourceshe's a brilliant scientist.
[GROVER] May I ask what are your sources?
[SARAH] His colleagues at Oxford, the science correspondent of The Timesand the editor of Nature.
[GROVER] He may be brilliant in other fields, Miss Smith, but as far ashis time travel theory is concerned, I was assured it's worthless.Doctor, I understand that you have set up an experiment which may giveus the answer to all this?
[DOCTOR] Yeah, well, it's a possibility, Minister, but I can't guaranteeit.
[GROVER] I'd be very interested to hear about it.
[BRIGADIER] Well, why don't we go to my office, sir? It'll be morecomfortable there.
[GROVER] Thank you very much.
[DOCTOR] That's a good idea.
[GROVER] General Finch?
[FINCH] I must be getting back to HQ, sir.
[BRIGADIER] This way, sir.
[GROVER] Thank you.
[SARAH] Isn't it marvellous. The one real clue to this whole businessand they totally ignore it.
[FINCH] I'm interested, Miss Smith. Where is this fellow Whitaker?
[SARAH] Well, that's just it, you see. No one knows.
[FINCH] No one?
[SARAH] He vanished about six months ago. Just upped and lefthome.
[FINCH] Well, people do disappear, change their names, start a new lifefor themselves.
[SARAH] No, it's too big a coincidence. I'm not going to let go of this.
[FINCH] What can you do?
[SARAH] Keep looking until I find him. I'll make them believe me. TheBrigadier's being completely uncooperative. He wouldn't even let me getsome photographs of that monster they've got chained down.
[FINCH] Well, you've got a pass, haven't you?
[SARAH] Oh! I tried! When I got back there, they wouldn't let me in.Said I had to have a special pass.
[FINCH] Special army pass from my HQ.
[SARAH] You couldn't give me a pass, could you? I wouldn't publishanything until it was all over and I got proper permission.
[FINCH] I don't carry passes about with me, you know. Look, take this tomy HQ.
[FINCH] See my adjutant. He'll fix you up.
[SARAH] Oh, that's marvellous! Where is your HQ?
[FINCH] Show this to my driver. He'll take you there.
[SARAH] Oh, what about you?
[FINCH] I've got one or two things to settle here.
[SARAH] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] What a charming fellow. You know, it's lucky for you,Brigadier, that somebody with some sense is in charge of thisoperation.
[BRIGADIER] Unfortunately General Finch is in charge of the militaryside.
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite. Where's Sarah?
[BRIGADIER] Maybe General Finch took her out to dinner.
[DOCTOR] Huh! Didn't look like the beginnings of a beautiful friendshipto me. Oh, by the way, Brigadier? I've got to get down to the hanger.Could you lend me a jeep?
[BRIGADIER] Brigadier speaking. Lay on a jeep for the Doctor, will you?Oh, and did you see Miss Smith leave here? Oh, thank you. She went offin the General's car.
[SARAH] Help! Someone! Open the door! Help! Open the door, for God'ssake!
[SARAH] Help! Can anyone hear me? I can't get out! The door's stuck!Help me!
[DOCTOR] Come on, up! Come on! Come on, get up. That's it!
(Makeshift laboratory)
[DOCTOR] It's a nasty bump. Nothing too serious.How do you feel?
[SARAH] Scared. Do you realise somebody tried to kill me?
[BRIGADIER] I don't want to seem unsympathetic, Miss Smith, but you haveonly got yourself to blame.
[SARAH] Well, somebody locked that door so I couldn't get out.
[DOCTOR] She's right, you know, Brigadier. That door was bolted on theoutside.
[BRIGADIER] Maybe one of the soldiers didn't realise she was in there.
[BENTON] Here we are, Doctor. Hasn't been knocked about too much.
[DOCTOR] Thanks, Sergeant. Put it down there, will you? When thecreature vanished, it was still in the electrical forcefield,Brigadier, so we should learn something.
[BENTON] We found this, sir. They were all like that. Cut clean through.
[DOCTOR] And this machine's been sabotaged. There's not a singlereading.
[BRIGADIER] Dismissed! No, not you, Benton.
[DOCTOR] Well, at least we've learnt something, Brigadier. Somebodyinside this organisation is working against us.
[BENTON] Yes, but what I can't understand, sir, is why should anyonewant to cut those chains?
[DOCTOR] It was a deliberate attempt on Sarah's life.
[BRIGADIER] Why should anybody want to kill her?
[BENTON] They were probably after you, Doctor. I mean, they expected youto go back there.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, of course, that'll be it. Well, Doctor, anysuggestions?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I shall build another detector.
[BRIGADIER] We haven't got to capture another dinosaur?
[DOCTOR] No, no. No, this time I'm going to try something different. I'mgoing to build a portable device to detect that power source.
[BRIGADIER] Well, why didn't you do that in the first place?
[DOCTOR] Because, Brigadier, it cannot be as accurate or as powerful asthis would have been. But it could give us the general direction.
[SARAH] Doctor? Exactly how much energy would be needed to make thesethings appear?
[DOCTOR] Oh, something like a small nuclear generator.
[SARAH] Then why don't we look for one?
[BRIGADIER] Miss Smith, that was one of the first things that occurredto me. I made a thorough check and I can assure you that there are nounaccounted for nuclear generators in the central London area.
[DOCTOR] No, he's right you know, Sarah. It is pretty unlikely, isn'tit. Look, why don't you try and get some rest.
[SARAH] All right.
[DOCTOR] Right, I'll be getting on with it.
[BRIGADIER] I've got yet another planning conference with General Finch.Look after Miss Smith, Benton. BENTON
[BENTON] Well, would you like a cup of tea or anything?
[SARAH] Typical! Run away and play while the grown-ups get on with thereal work.
[BENTON] What do you mean?
[SARAH] The power's coming from somewhere, right? So there must be anindependent source.
[BENTON] I suppose so, but where would you start
[SARAH] So if it is a nuclear reactor it would have been designed andassembled, and all that could be traced. There'd be records.
[BENTON] The Brigadier's checked all that, Miss. If there was anythingthere then he would have found it.
[SARAH] Well, maybe it was all secret.
[BENTON] Too secret for the Brigadier to know about?
[SARAH] Yes, why not? Can you get me some transport?
[BENTON] Oh no, I couldn't do that.
[SARAH] Oh, they told you to look after me. Come on.
[BENTON] Well, where do you want to go, and what shall I tell theDoctor?
[SARAH] Well, tell him. Tell him I've gone out to play, hmm? Come on.
[BENTON] (silent) Oh no.
(Grover's office)
[GROVER] Come in! What a pleasant surprise.
[SARAH] I don't suppose you remember, Minister, but we met briefly atUNIT.
[GROVER] You're far too modest, Miss Smith. Of course I remember. I'msorry you had to find your own way here but I'm down to a skeletonstaff.
[SARAH] Oh, thank you.
[GROVER] However, I can offer you a cup of tea. We have our own littlegenerator down in the basement. Petrol driven. Can I get you a cup?
[SARAH] Er, no, not at the moment, thank you. I'm sorry to bother youlike this, but you seem to be the only member of the government stillin London.
[GROVER] Oh, I am. The rest all shot off to Harrogate, but I told thePrime Minister if I'm in charge, I'm going to stay here, on the spot.Now, what can I do for you?
[SARAH] Well, you know the Doctor's theory about these materialisations?They must need a tremendous energy force.
[SARAH] Well, the Doctor said it would have to be something like anuclear generator and that started me remembering something. Wasn'tthere a plan once to build underground quarters for the government inthe event of an atomic war?
[GROVER] Yes, back in the cold war days. Oh, I see what you're gettingat. Oh, I don't think any of them were ever built, you know.
[SARAH] Are you sure of that? Each of those places was to have its ownnuclear generator.
[GROVER] That's right. I was a junior backbencher at the time but Iremember plans were made and then shelved when the situation eased.
[SARAH] But suppose one was built, right here in London.
[GROVER] That's a very ingenious theory, young lady. What does theBrigadier think about it, or the Doctor?
[SARAH] I'm not telling anyone about it until I can get some evidence.
[GROVER] I wonder, if it could have happened as you say.
[SARAH] Oh, I thought if I came to you, you could help me check up onit.
[GROVER] And so I can. In there are confidential ministerial files goingback years. Let's take a look.
[SARAH] Thank you.
(Filing room)
[GROVER] Fantastic filing system they have in here. I hardly understandit myself, but then of course I've only been Minister for six months.
[SARAH] Could it be this? Top secret construction projects.
[GROVER] I wonder? Number two three nine five. Now that should be overhere somewhere. No, there's nothing here. This is all about buildingRAF early warning stations in Scotland.
[SARAH] Well, perhaps one of the other files in the same category?
[GROVER] Oh, we can but look. Good Lord! You're right. Look.
[SARAH] They built it twenty years ago, right in the centre of London.
[GROVER] And there's a map here, showing its exact position.
[SARAH] Well, there's Whitehall, so this must. It's here. It's righthere. It must be under this building!
[(Grover opens the sliding door. Beyond it is a passageway of redpainted brick, with a fire extinguisher and lighting.) GROVER] Afteryou, Miss Smith.
(Makeshift laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Sergeant? Sergeant Benton?
[BENTON] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Look, I'll need some more electronic equipment. Can youorganise it?
[BENTON] Yes, of course.
[DOCTOR] Ah, thanks very much. How's Miss Smith?
[BENTON] Oh, fine, as far as I know.
[DOCTOR] Er, did you give her somewhere to rest?
[BENTON] Well, she didn't want to rest. I got her some transport and sheshot off somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Oh, where?
[BENTON] She wouldn't say. She said to tell you she'd gone out to play.
[DOCTOR] You know, sometimes that girl baffles me.
(Underground room)
[SARAH] You're mad. You're absolutely raving mad!
[GROVER] On the contrary, Miss Smith, my associates and I are on theonly ones who are sane.
[SARAH] Creating monsters in central London?
[GROVER] There's a very good reason for it, which you will one daylearn. I'm afraid I must leave you.
[SARAH] They'll find me, you know.
[GROVER] I very much doubt it, Miss Smith. Not where you'regoing.
(Spaceship - small room)
[MARK] Welcome, sister.
[SARAH] Who are you? Where am I?
[MARK] My name is Mark. I welcome you to the people.
[SARAH] What people?
[MARK] You'll soon remember.
[SARAH] And where is this?
[MARK] The spaceship. You see, it's all come true.
[SARAH] What's going on? Where am I?
[MARK] We're on our way. Soon we shall arrive on the planet that's to beour new home.
[SARAH] Planet? Spaceship? What are you talking about?
[MARK] We left Earth three months ago.
(Makeshift laboratory)
[FINCH] I'd like an explanation of this latest fiasco, Brigadier. Youcapture a dinosaur and lose it again, an aircraft hangar is wrecked,and into the bargain, Miss Smith is almost killed. Now why is this manallowed to persist in his ridiculous and useless schemes? You deny thatabsolutely nothing has been achieved?
[DOCTOR] Nothing has been achieved, General Finch, because of sabotage.Now the chains holding the Tyrannosaurus were deliberately severed, andsomebody attempted to murder Miss Smith by locking her in the hangerwith the creature.
[DOCTOR] To top it all, my apparatus has been messed about with.However, all that's in the past now. I've got a new scheme. So ifyou'll excuse me, I'll be getting on with it. Brigadier, did you bringover that new car of mine when you moved your headquarters?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, I think so. It should be in the garage with the rest ofour transport.
[FINCH] What are you up to now?
[BRIGADIER] I'll explain in a moment, sir. Better just see the Doctor onhis way.
[YATES] I'd like to know what's been going on, sir.
[FINCH] I've no idea what you're talking about.
[YATES] I agreed to sabotage the Doctor's apparatus and delay hisexperiment, but I didn't agree to murder.
(Outside UNIT HQ - temporary)
[BRIGADIER] You'll never get it off the ground,Doctor. Wouldn't you rather have a jeep?
[DOCTOR] Not a bit of it, Brigadier. This new car of mine is exactlywhat I need. Speed is of the essence, you know.
[BRIGADIER] Well, take care. Call in as soon as you have anyinformation.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[MARK] Here she is.
[RUTH] Don't worry, my dear. We'll look after you.
[ADAM] You're the first to recover.
[RUTH] You're bound to feel a little strange at first.
[SARAH] Who are you?
[ADAM] We're the elders.
[SARAH] How did I get here?
[RUTH] You must have been chosen.
[SARAH] Wait a minute. I know you. You're Lady Cullingford.
[RUTH] Here I am Ruth.
[SARAH] I interviewed you about that Private Member's Bill of yoursagainst the pollution of rivers. And you're Nigel Castle, the novelist.
[ADAM] Not any more. I have better work for my hands.
[SARAH] I know you too. You're
[MARK] John Crighton.
[SARAH] The athlete. You jumped two point three six two metres in thelast Olympics.
[ADAM] All that's behind us now.
[RUTH] And you were a journalist?
[SARAH] I still am. Where are we going?
[MARK] I told you, to New Earth.
[SARAH] Sorry, I seem to have forgotten.
[ADAM] A small planet, very much like the Earth we've left behind, butat an earlier stage of development.
[RUTH] Still pure, undefiled by the evil of man's technology. Air thatis still clean to breathe.
[MARK] Simple pastoral people, innocent and unspoiled.
[ADAM] It'll be our task to guide them. To see that the evil developedon Earth will not be repeated.
[SARAH] Our task? Just the four of us?
[MARK] There are over two hundred of us on this ship.
[MARK] You see? They'll all be recovering soon, just as you did.
[ADAM] And this is only one of the ships of the fleet. Show her, Mark.
[MARK] There are seven ships in all.
[SARAH] Those people. Why were they all asleep?
[ADAM] To save food and oxygen. It was all explained to you.
[RUTH] It's a three month journey, and almost over.
[SARAH] I've been here on this spaceship for three months?
[MARK] We all have.
[SARAH] I can't believe it!
[SARAH] Three months?
(Underground station)
(Control room)
[BUTLER] I trust you now have everything you need, Professor?
[WHITAKER] I don't know yet. If I need more equipment, you'll have toprovide it.
[BUTLER] It isn't easy getting this stuff for you. Every time I go ontothose streets I risk being shot as a looter.
[WHITAKER] Well, you could take the Ministry
[BUTLER] Someone's using the blue lift.
[BUTLER] It's him. Yt's the Doctor, UNIT's scientific advisor. How didhe find us?
[WHITAKER] Presumably you led him here.
[BUTLER] Needn't be such a bad thing. We can deal with him here and now.Let's see. He's going towards the reactor.
[WHITAKER] He's heading towards the Cabinet room.
[BUTLER] Right.
[BUTLER] He's in the lift. Is everything ready?
[BUTLER] Excellent.
(Underground station)
[SARAH] Don't you think that people have a right tochoose what kind of life they want?
[RUTH] People on Earth were allowed to choose. And see what kind of aworld they made. Moral degradation, permissiveness, usury, cheating,lying, cruelty.
[SARAH] There's also a lot of love and kindness and honesty. You've gota warped view of things.
[RUTH] You mustn't say such things.
[SARAH] I'll say whatever I like.
[MARK] The strain of reawakening must have disturbed her mind.
[SARAH] There's nothing wrong with my mind.
[ADAM] I was assured that everyone had been most carefully selected. Idon't think you're going to be happy with us. If you feel like this,why did you join us?
[SARAH] I didn't join you. I was brought here against my will.
[RUTH] We shall have to do something about this. She'll be a disruptiveinfluence.
[ADAM] I think you'd better come with me.
[SARAH] Where to?
[RUTH] You can't be allowed to go about saying these things. You'll haveto be re-educated.
(Underground station)
[DOCTOR] Mind the steps, Brigadier. Right, now it's through here.
[DOCTOR] Here it is.
(Blue lift)
[DOCTOR] Don't just stand there. Come on in. Closethe door. Now the activating mechanism is right here.
[DOCTOR] Well, it was there, but now it seems to have gone.
[BRIGADIER] You sure we've come to the right place?
[DOCTOR] Sure? Of course I'm sure.
(Grover's office)
[DOCTOR] Look, I tell you that it is there,Minister. Somewhere beneath that underground station is some kind ofemergency shelter for the government.
[GROVER] You must have been talking to Miss Smith.
[DOCTOR] Oh, what about?
[GROVER] Didn't she tell you? She came to me with the most marvelloustheory about such a place having been built under central London.
[DOCTOR] And had it?
[GROVER] I'm afraid not. We went through the files together. The placewas planned but it was never built.
[BRIGADIER] You're sure of that, sir?
[GROVER] Well, I had the file here somewhere after we'd looked at it.There we are.
[BRIGADIER] Project abandoned. No further action to be taken. See,Doctor?
[DOCTOR] You'll forgive me, Minister, if I prefer to believe theevidence of my own eyes. Where did Miss Smith go to after she visitedyou?
[GROVER] Back to UNIT HQ. I sent her in my own car.
[DOCTOR] Are you quite certain?
[GROVER] I can check for you.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, sir.
[GROVER] (into intercom.) Is my chauffeur still there?
[MAN [OC]] Yes, sir. Shall I tell him to bring the car round?
[GROVER] No, tell him to come in here, please.
[MAN [OC]] Yes, sir.
[GROVER] Would you two like a cup of tea? I've become quite an expert.
[BRIGADIER] That's very kind of you, sir. I don't think so just at themoment.
[GROVER] Come in. (Butler enters, wearing a chauffeur's uniform.)
[BUTLER] You wanted me, sir?
[GROVER] The young lady from UNIT who was visiting me. Where did youtake her?
[BUTLER] Well, back to UNIT HQ, sir.
[DOCTOR] Are you quite sure of that?
[BUTLER] Oh yes, sir. I saw her go inside.
(Spaceship 'reminder' room)
[BUTLER [OC]] Ever since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, man hascontinued to pollute the planet which until now has been his only home.Chemical and industrial wastes have caused widespread poisoning of theair and the rivers. Even the oceans are
[MARK] I've brought you something to eat.
[SARAH] Not going to get overweight, am I.
[MARK] That's pure bread.
[SARAH] But not much of it.
[MARK] Once you've been reminded, you'll eat with the rest of us.
[SARAH] Reminded?
[MARK] Of the truth. We all come in here from time to time to bereminded of the purposes of our mission.
[SARAH] You're here because you want to be. I don't.
[MARK] You must have been selected, otherwise why would you be here?
[SARAH] I was brought here. Kidnapped!
[MARK] Watch the film. It'll remind you of the truth.
[SARAH] I want to talk to you!
[BUTLER [OC]] Dangerous concentrations of cumulative poisons such asmercury are already being found in fish and when fish start to die,when the very seas where life began are now becoming lifeless andstinking
[RUTH] We can't afford this girl's disruptiveinfluence.
[ADAM] One girl among so many of us. Can't do much harm.
[RUTH] She could corrupt the whole of our group. We can't afford therisk.
[MARK] What can we do?
[RUTH] If she doesn't respond to re-education, we shall have to destroyher.
(Control room)
[WHITAKER] Final tests have all been positive. Now,once the power build-up from the reactor is complete, we shall be readyto commence the countdown.
[GROVER] And when the experiment is over the colonists and theirspaceship will be able to emerge onto their new Earth.
[FINCH] How much longer before this countdown begins?
[WHITAKER] Oh, a matter of hours.
[FINCH] I'm under great pressure from the government. The wholecountry's been disrupted by this evacuation of London.
[GROVER] It won't be for much longer.
[FINCH] They're on to Whitaker, you know? Trying to trace him.
[BUTLER] Remember, the Doctor's already discovered the existence of thisplace.
[YATES] I warned you not to underestimate him.
[GROVER] I agree he's a very intelligent man. I think he suspects myinvolvement.
[FINCH] We ought to dispose of him.
[YATES] No, sir. We must not descend to those methods.
[GROVER] Quite right, Captain Yates. But perhaps there's another way.
[FINCH] What do you mean?
[GROVER] You, General Finch, will be able to block the Brigadier fromtaking positive action in finding this place. As far as the Doctor isconcerned, we must discredit him.
(Makeshift laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Apart from your story, Doctor, which,forgive me, is pretty unbelievable, there isn't a shred of evidence tosuggest that this place exists. Now you heard the Minister yourself. Itwas never built.
[DOCTOR] Grover was covering up because he's implicated himself.
[BRIGADIER] And what possible reason could the Minister have for beinginvolved in the apparition of these monsters?
[DOCTOR] The monsters are a side-issue, Brigadier, a device to clearcentral London. No, some vast scheme is underway, I'm sure of it, andit's rapidly moving towards its climax.
[BRIGADIER] Well, what do you expect me to do?
[DOCTOR] Get back to that underground station with explosives.
[BRIGADIER] I can't do that without authority. I need permission fromGeneral Finch.
[DOCTOR] Then get it!
[BRIGADIER] All right, Doctor, I'll do my best, vut he'll probablyinsist on referring it to the Minister, And if your theory's true,that's not going to get us anywhere.
[BENTON] There's a call for you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Who is it?
[BENTON] He wouldn't give his name. He said he'd only talk to you. (intophone) Hello, would you put the Doctor's call through to here, please?Oh, thank you. Doctor.
[DOCTOR] (into phone.) Hello?
(Control room)
[WHITAKER] Is that you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Yes, who's that?
[WHITAKER] Er, my name is Whitaker, Doctor.
(Makeshift laboratory)
[WHITAKER [OC]] I understand you've been trying totrace me.
[DOCTOR] Whitaker. The man with the time travel theories. Tell me, areyou responsible for these apparitions?
(Control room)
[WHITAKER] Well, in a way, but I was tricked. It'sthe Minister, Grover. He told me I was working on a government project.But I've escaped and now they're after me.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Where are you now?
[WHITAKER] I'm in the hangar where you were conducting your experiments.I hoped you'd be here.
(Makeshift laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Well look, can you get down to UNITheadquarters, it's in a ma
[WHITAKER [OC]] I can't. I'm afraid to move.
[DOCTOR] Oh, all right. You stay where you are. I'll come to you.
(Control room)
[WHITAKER] Can you come alone, Doctor? I don'ttrust anyone else.
(Makeshift laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Yes, all right. I'll be with you as soonas I can. Goodbye.
(Hangar office)
[DOCTOR] Whitaker?
(Control room)
[BUTLER] He's arrived.
[WHITAKER] Good. I'm ready for him.
(Hangar office)
[DOCTOR] Whitaker? Whitaker, where are you?
[FINCH] There's your monster maker, Brigadier. Caught in the act.
(Hangar office)
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, you're under arrest.
(Spaceship 'reminder' room)
[BUTLER [OC]] Overcrowding in man, as in all other animal species,increases hostility and aggression, leading to the greatest crime ofall, war. With the development of the atomic bomb, man now has thechoice of destroying his planet quickly, through war, or slowly,through pollution.
[MARK] How are you feeling now?
[SARAH] Hungry, tired and I've got a headache.
[MARK] Sarah, you're in grave danger.
[SARAH] Oh, what's that supposed to mean?
[MARK] The elders are very dedicated to our cause. They are not going topermit a disruptive influence.
[SARAH] You mean they'll kill me? Perhaps the time that I spent insuspended animation has affected my thinking in some ways? Take me backto the elders. Let me talk to them again.
[MARK] Yes, of course.
[MARK] Sarah! Sarah!
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[FINCH] All right. Captain Yates, take this man and lock him up.
[BRIGADIER] Sir, aren't we going to question him first?
[FINCH] There's no time for that now. I must report his capture to theMinister.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and no doubt he'll be very pleased to hear it, since hearranged the whole thing.
[FINCH] You are in an extremely dangerous position, Doctor. I advise youto keep silent.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's just what you want, isn't it, my silence?
[BRIGADIER] We really should interrogate this man now, sir. Trying todiscover his base, the names of his associates.
[FINCH] All that can come later.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well now that you've caught me, General, you can end theevacuation and return your eight million Londoners, can't you.
[FINCH] That decision doesn't rest with me. It rests with the PrimeMinister. Captain Yates?
[YATES] Sir?
[FINCH] Until further orders, you'll keep that man under close arrest.Come with me, Brigadier.
[FINCH] I want you with me when I make my report. Brigadier?
[DOCTOR] Now listen to me, Mike. We haven't got much time. I want you toraise all the men you can muster and some kind of high explosive. NowI've got a pretty good idea where their base is.
[YATES] Sergeant Benton?
[YATES] Take the Doctor to a cell and lock him up.
[YATES] Keep him under constant guard. He's to talk to no one.
[DOCTOR] So it was you, Mike.
[YATES] I'm sorry, Doctor. I'll be in the Brigadier's office.
[BENTON] Right, that empty storeroom. Fix it up as a temporary cell.Check the lock on the door and do something about barring the windows.Oh, and put in a camp bed. Now move.
[BENTON] All right, Doctor, what's going on?
[DOCTOR] Captain Yates is the man inside who's working against us.
[BENTON] Come on, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid it's true.
[BENTON] Well, what about the Brigadier?
[DOCTOR] What indeed?
[BENTON] Right then, Doctor, you'd better get busy.
[DOCTOR] What?
[BENTON] You'd better start overpowering me, hadn't you. You know, a bitof your Venusian oojah?
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Sergeant Benton.
[DOCTOR] Are you ready?
[BENTON] Yeah!
(Control room)
[GROVER] Sorry, gentlemen. Well, the Doctor'ssafely under arrest at UNIT headquarters.
[WHITAKER] How long will they hold him?
[GROVER] Long enough. Soon the Doctor and his associates and everyone onthis planet, except our chosen group, will never have existed. Shall webegin?
[WHITAKER] I've been waiting for you. As you know, the temporal beam hasreached back through time and brought forward objects from the past.Now, by a completely different application of the same basic principle,I am about to reverse time. At least, in a limited field.
[WHITAKER] I shall now activate the time field.
[WHITAKER] There you are, Minister. For the space of a few seconds, Irolled back time itself.
(Spaceship 'reminder' room)
[BUTLER [OC]] The rules of so-called civilised society are breaking downas increased protest and disorder calls for stronger and more violentrepression from the authorities, which in turn leads to more politicalviolence. All over Europe
[SARAH] Look, Mark, you've got to listen to me. I've got something veryimportant to tell you. Please!
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[BENTON] There was nothing I could do, sir. Heattacked me.
[FINCH] Were there no guards?
[BENTON] I'd sent them off to fix up a cell, sir.
[FINCH] What do you mean, he attacked you? There isn't a mark on you.
[BRIGADIER] The Doctor uses a rather unique form of unarmed combat, sir.
[FINCH] You'll be court martialled, Sergeant. Brigadier?
[FINCH] I'm instituting a full scale search for the Doctor at once. Ishall want the full cooperation of you and your men. They are to shooton sight. Meanwhile, put this man under arrest. Captain Yates.
[BRIGADIER] Well, don't just stand there, Benton. Go and put yourselfunder arrest.
[BRIGADIER] Where's the Doctor gone?
[BENTON] To that underground place, I think, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Then we've got to find him before General Finch does. Getthe men ready.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
(Spaceship side room)
[SARAH] Now will you believe me?
[MARK] There must be some explanation.
[SARAH] Mark, where is this planet we're heading for?
[MARK] In another solar system close to Earth.
[SARAH] The nearest possible solar system to us is four light yearsaway. With the most advanced spaceships developed, it would takehundreds of years to reach there.
[MARK] One of our members invented a new space drive.
[SARAH] Do you see that bruise? I got that just before I was kidnappedand brought here. Now if I'd been here three months, it would havegone.
[MARK] You were in suspended animation.
[SARAH] Oh, Mark! I've only been here a matter of hours. All right. Allright, if we're in space, how did I get here?
[MARK] You must have been transferred from one of the other ships.
[SARAH] There aren't any other ships. All this is a fake! We're not on aspaceship at all.
[MARK] Oh, that is ridiculous!
[SARAH] I'll prove it to you. I'm going out through that airlock!
[MARK] That opens directly out into space. You'll be killed.
[SARAH] No, I won't, because the whole set up is a fake. Now go outthere and watch.
[ADAM] Mark? Ah, there you are. What's the matter? Are you all right?
[MARK] Yes, yes, yes, I'm fine, I'm fine.
[ADAM] Ah. How's our young friend?
[MARK] She's all right.
[ADAM] Ah. I thought I might have a chat with her. Is she still in thereminder room?
[MARK] Yes, but I think we should leave her there a little bit longer. Ithink that's what she needs.
[ADAM] You know, it might be a good idea for all of us to spend a littletime in the reminder room before we arrive.
(Underground bunker)
[BUTLER [OC]] Well, Professor, that's the first time I've ever seen aMinister lost for words.
(Control room)
[WHITAKER] We shall need the reactor running at full power.
[BUTLER] Oh, it is.
[WHITAKER] Check it again.
[BUTLER] The reactor is working perfectly.
[WHITAKER] The power levels are critical. I must be assured that theyare sufficient to trigger the time field.
[BUTLER] All right, I'll check it again.
(Underground bunker)
[WHITAKER [OC]] Thank you very much.
(Grover's office)
[MAN [OC]] Your car's ready, sir.
[GROVER] Oh, thank you.
(Army Land Rover)
[PILOT [OC]] Tango one to patrol. Over.
[ARMY] Patrol. Over.
[PILOT [OC]] He's turned off. He's heading for the Common. Over.
[ARMY] Roger. Out.
[PILOT [OC]] Tango one to patrol. Over.
[ARMY] Patrol. Over.
[PILOT [OC}] He's turned again. Heading into the trees. I've lost him.He's somewhere among those trees. Over.
[ARMY] Patrol out.
[ARMY] Right, everybody out.
[ARMY] You, down there. You, over there.
[PILOT [OC]] Tango one to patrol. Any luck? Over.
[DOCTOR] (London accent) Hello Tango one. Patrol here. It's all right,we've got him. Yeah, we're bringing him in now. Listen, inform all theother units, will you? Over.
[PILOT [OC]] Roger, patrol. Congratulations. We'll inform HQ. Get themto call off the search. Out.
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[SARAH] I tell you I have got a pass.
[BRYSON] Then I must see it, Miss. I've got strict instructions.
[SARAH] Never mind your instructions.
[BRYSON] I've got to check everybody's pass.
[SARAH] Look, where's the Brigadier?
[BRYSON] Well, he's out.
[SARAH] But where?
[BRYSON] I can't tell you that, Miss.
[SARAH] Please, you've got to tell me!
[BRYSON] Well, they're out on this big hunt, Miss, looking for theDoctor.
[SARAH] The Doctor?
[BRYSON] Well, they had him arrested but he escaped. Well, he made themonsters.
[SARAH] Don't be ridiculous.
[BRYSON] Well, they caught him red-handed.
[SARAH] Well, where's Captain Yates or Sergeant Benton?
[BRYSON] All out on this man-hunt, Miss.
[SARAH] Look, I'm going to leave this note for the Brigadier. Now yousee that he gets it, hmm?
[BRYSON] Yes, Miss.
[SARAH] Oh, am I glad to see you.
[FINCH] Miss Smith.
[SARAH] What's all this about the Doctor?
[FINCH] Re-captured. Where is he now?
[BRYSON] I'm sorry, sir. Who, sir?
[FINCH] The Doctor. I heard a message over the R/T to say he'd beencaught. Wasn't at my HQ so I thought they must have brought him here.
[BRYSON] No, sir, he's not here, sir.
[SARAH] Look, the Doctor isn't behind all this, but I know who is. Iknow everything!
[FINCH] Do you, now.
[FINCH] All right. Dismissed.
[FINCH] Get out!
[FINCH] Now, Miss Smith, what's all this about?
[SARAH] Well, you're never going to believe this. It's Grover, theMinister. He's behind everything.
[FINCH] Oh, come now. That's impossible.
[SARAH] No, I promise you, it's the truth. They're operating from ahidden control centre. It's underground and it's right beneath Grover'soffice. Well, that's why he stayed in London.
[FINCH] He stayed because he's in charge of the emergency.
[SARAH] He's causing the emergency! You've got to stop him, put himunder arrest. We can raid that place with your men.
[FINCH] Oh, come now. I can't take action against a Minister of theCrown simply on your word.
[SARAH] I can prove what I'm saying is true. Come to Grover's officewith me.
[FINCH] Hmm. Well, I think your story needs investigating. Have you toldanyone?
[SARAH] There's nobody here to tell. I'd only just arrived when youturned up.
[FINCH] Have you any idea why the Minister should be doing all this?
(Grover's office)
[FINCH] I don't understand. The place is absolutelydeserted. Very bad security. Now where's this special room?
[SARAH] Over there. Shouldn't we have brought some of your men here withus? I mean, might be quite a few of them down there.
[FINCH] There's still no proof of your extraordinary story, Miss Smith.I must check it myself first. Delicate business this, you know.
(Filing room)
[FINCH] It's just a file room.
[SARAH] It's a lift. The controls are in here.
[FINCH] What's all this bumf?
[SARAH] Oh, just a lot of old ministry files. There.
[SARAH] Oh, boy. I really do choose my friends, don't I.
[FINCH] I think you know the way.
(Control room)
[FINCH] Returning your prisoner, sir.
[GROVER] How did you leave the ship?
[SARAH] There isn't any spaceship. Stop playing.
[GROVER] Did she tell anybody?
[FINCH] No, fortunately everyone was out of the way. I think the Doctorhas escaped again.
[WHITAKER] I did everything you asked me to incriminate him. All wasted.
[FINCH] You did very well.
[GROVER] Have you any idea where he is?
[FINCH] He's probably on his way here now. But he needn't worry us. Thecountdown is too close.
[GROVER] It's time to go into the final phase. You, Whitaker, willproduce a last wave of apparition monsters all over London to drive outany remaining people. (to Finch) You will order the complete withdrawalof all your troops, including UNIT.
[FINCH] The Brigadier is bound to protest.
[GROVER] You have final authority. Overrule him.
[FINCH] Well, I'll see to it right away. What about the girl?
[GROVER] Leave her to me.
[FINCH] Well, don't lose her again.
[GROVER] Now then, what are we to do with you?
[SARAH] Just don't put me back on your fake spaceship, that's all.
[GROVER] I don't think that'd be a good idea. You're rather a badinfluence.
[SARAH] What you're doing to those people on there is cruel. They allbelieve that they're going to a new world.
[GROVER] And so they are, but their new world is this one. This world ofours swept clean and returned to its early innocence.
[SARAH] You're going to take them back to the past?
[GROVER] We're going to bring the past to them.
[SARAH] I don't understand.
[GROVER] By rolling back time, by taking the Earth back to an earlier,purer age.
[SARAH] Oh, what about all the people on Earth now?
[GROVER] They'll vanish. They and their ancestors will never have beenborn.
[SARAH] That's horrible! It's worse than murder.
[GROVER] No, you don't understand. But I hope, Miss Smith, when you dounderstand, you'll want to be with us. If you're ready, Whitaker?
(Smithfield Market)
[FINCH] Leave him to me.
[BRIGADIER] My prisoner.
[FINCH] Get out of the way, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] I'm sorry, General, this man is a UNIT prisoner. I'm takinghim into custody.
[FINCH] Get out of my way!
[FINCH] You realise this is mutiny?
[BRIGADIER] There's no question of mutiny, sir. I'm only doing my job.
[FINCH] You'll place this man under close arrest. I'm holding youresponsible for him.
[BRIGADIER] Coming, Doctor?
(Bunker store room)
[SARAH] Oh, you're not going to shut me in there?
[BUTLER] You won't be there long.
[SARAH] Where are you lot going?
[BUTLER] Much further than you'd ever believe.
[SARAH] You won't just leave me here?
[BUTLER] Don't worry, you're coming with us.
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, I can get away with holding youhere, keeping you out of General Finch's hands, but what you'resuggesting is mutiny. What the blazes are you doing?
[BRYSON] Orders, sir. We're evacuating. All the others have gone.
[BRIGADIER] Whose orders?
[BRYSON] General Finch, sir. I thought you knew all about it.
[BRIGADIER] This is ridiculous. The whole of London crawling withmonsters and he decides. What about the spotter patrols?
[BRYSON] They've all gone, sir. Everyone's out of the area.
[BRIGADIER] Good grief!
[DOCTOR] Look, face up to it, Brigadier. General Finch is involved justlike Grover.
[BRIGADIER] Is everybody in this conspiracy?
[DOCTOR] Well, Captain Yates certainly is.
[BRIGADIER] Now that I can't believe.
[BENTON] Well, he's been pretty odd lately, sir, and he was very keen onlocking the Doctor up.
[BRIGADIER] He was merely obeying orders.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. There's a note here from Sarah. There you are. Yes, shesays she's got positive proof of Grover's involvement and the existenceof the underground base. Here, see for yourself.
[BRIGADIER] Where the blazes is she?
[DOCTOR] Er, Private? When was this note left?
[BRYSON] Very early this morning, sir. She went off with General Finch.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[BRIGADIER] Benton, I want a call to Geneva.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
[BRIGADIER] I'll get on to International UNIT HQ. They must put pressureon the government.
[DOCTOR] There's no time for that.
[BRIGADIER] Well, can you suggest anything else we can do?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Attack that underground base now.
[BRYSON] Excuse me, sir, but, er, are we evacuating or not?
[BRYSON] Oh, well, in in that case, sir, what should I do?
[BRIGADIER] Oh, go and make us all a cup of tea.
[BENTON] Yes? Yes, put him through now, please. Geneva on the line, sir.There, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Thank you.
[YATES] Put it down, sir.
[YATES] Over there, Sergeant.
[YATES] (into radio.) Would you cancel that call, please? We won't beneeding it now.
[BRIGADIER] And what do you think you're doing, Captain Yates?
[YATES] I'm really sorry, sir.
[DOCTOR] Just what are they going to do, Mike?
[YATES] They're going to roll back time. The world used to be a cleaner,simpler place. It's all become too complicated and corrupt.
[DOCTOR] Roll back time, I see. Can Whitaker really do that?
[YATES] I believe so. All the preliminary experiments have beensuccessful.
[DOCTOR] Do you realise what'll happen if they succeed?
[YATES] We shall find ourselves in the golden age.
[DOCTOR] There never was a golden age, Mike. It's all an illusion.
[YATES] Not this time. We're going to make it come true.
[BRIGADIER] Really. How?
[DOCTOR] Whitaker's machine creates a protective field, and anyonewithin that field will be unaffected. Anybody outside it will justcease to exist.
[YATES] Quite right, Doctor.
[BRIGADIER] Are we inside this protective field?
[YATES] Perhaps, perhaps not. We're on the very edge of the zone here,but it doesn't matter.
[BENTON] You mean it doesn't matter to you not existing?
[YATES] I'm not important. The others'll get there.
[DOCTOR] Now listen to me, Mike, I
[DOCTOR] Look, I understand your ideals. In many ways I sympathise withthem. But this is not the way to go about it, you know? You've got noright to take away the existence of generations of people.
[YATES] There's no alternative.
[DOCTOR] Yes, there is. Take the world that you've got and try and makesomething of it. It's not too late.
[BRYSON] Oh, I didn't know you were back, Captain Yates, sir.
[ADAM] Welcome. Welcome to the people. We'verevived you because it's almost time for our landing on New Earth.
[RUTH] Adam? That girl's gone. She's not in the reminder room.
[ADAM] Well, she can't have gone far.
[RUTH] But we must find her.
[ADAM] Oh, very well, my dear, I'll help you, but all our friends arewaking up. Aren't you going to say welcome to them?
[RUTH] Later.
[ADAM] Oh, excuse me.
[MARK] I'll be back in a minute.
(Spaceship side room)
[MARK] What did you find? Where are we?
[SARAH] Somewhere under central London. The whole ship is a fake.
[MARK] Why did they cheat us?
[SARAH] Well, it's too complicated to explain now, but it's something todo with altering the course of time.
[MARK] Those poor people. What can we do?
[SARAH] Tell them the truth.
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[BRYSON] Come in mobile patrols. All mobile patrols, come in please.Over.
[BENTON] There we are, Doctor. Blow your way into the Bank of Englandwith that lot.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Sergeant.
[BRYSON] Trap two.
[BRIGADIER] I still think we should wait for reinforcements.
[DOCTOR] We can't wait.
[BRYSON] Please acknowledge. Over.
[DOCTOR] That project's going to be activated any moment now and whenthat happens, your reinforcements will vanish. And so will you.
[BRYSON] Trap two calling all mobile patrols.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, very well. Benton, you stay here.
[BRYSON] Please acknowledge. Please acknowledge.
[BRIGADIER] Try and collect those mobile patrols. As soon as you'veassembled any kind of force, rendezvous with the Doctor and myself atthe tube station.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Keep trying, Bryson.
[BENTON] Er, good luck, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[SARAH] Oh, can't you understand? It's all a trick. You're not on aspaceship. You're not going to another planet.
[ROBINSON] That can't be true! They promised us. We're going to a newworld! I went into everything very carefully. I sold my house.
[MARK] She's telling us the truth!
[ADAM] It's all right, Ruth, she's here.
[MARK] Adam, we've been tricked!
[RUTH] How did you get out of the reminder room? Where have you been?
[SARAH] Out of the ship.
[RUTH] The girl's mad.
[ROBINSON] Look, I don't understand all this.
[SARAH] Do you know what's on the other side of that airlock? A flightof steps.
[RUTH] Adam, we must lock her up.
[MARK] I saw her open the airlock.
[RUTH] And I can see that she's very persuasive.
[MARK] Adam, she's telling us the truth.
[RUTH] Now listen to me, all of you. This poor girl is unbalanced. Sheshould never have been selected. Already she's contaminated one of us.
[MARK] I'm going out through that airlock so you can see.
[RUTH] Stop him! We'll all be killed!
[ADAM] Mark! We can't have fighting.
[RUTH] You see? They're a danger to themselves and to all of us.
[SARAH] There is no danger.
[RUTH] Oh no you don't!
[SARAH] Look, the people who organised all this, they've got a machinethat's going to affect time itself. It's got nothing to do with spacetravel.
[RUTH] We must lock her up. Come on.
[SARAH] No, you've got to help me stop them, otherwise the wholeworld'll be in danger! Millions of people are going to be wiped out!
[MARK] Adam, that's the truth! Robinson, will you listen?
(Spaceship side room)
[ADAM] Hello? Hello, can anyone hear me?
[BUTLER [OC]] This is Spaceship One. We are receiving you.
[ADAM] Thank God. I'd like to speak to Charles Grover, please. I've gotto speak to Charles Grover. Something very disturbing has happened.
[DOCTOR] Hang on to your hat, Brigadier.
(Control room)
[BUTLER] I don't know how she got away but somehowshe's got back into that spaceship and she's stirring them all up.
[GROVER] Can't you reassure them?
[BUTLER] It's no good, I tried. Our friend Adam insists on talking toyou.
[GROVER] There's not much time.
[BUTLER] Well, you'd better talk to them. Adam sounded in quite a state.
[GROVER] In that case, I'd better dress for the occasion.
(Outside Moorgate station)
[RUTH] You had no right to call him. We could have dealt with thisourselves.
[ADAM] I think he's got a lot to answer for.
[ROBINSON] How will he reach us from the other ship?
[RUTH] There's a shuttle. It's just locked on to us.
[ROBINSON] What's he doing now?
[ADAM] Equalising the air pressure.
[GROVER] Well, Adam, what's the problem?
(Underground station)
[BRIGADIER] Well, I never thought I'd find myselfblowing up a tube station. If you're wrong, Doctor, I'm going to have ajob explaining this to London Transport.
[DOCTOR] Well, don't worry, Brigadier, I'm never wrong. If we don't getdown there, there won't be a London Transport to explain to.
(Spaceship 'reminder' room)
[GROVER] You really are a terrible problem to me, Miss Smith.
[MARK] You cheated us!
[GROVER] I had to.
[MARK] Why? Why couldn't you tell us the truth?
[SARAH] He didn't dare tell you. Don't you understand, Mark? Millions ofpeople will be wiped out. That's the truth, isn't it?
[GROVER] Put that way, yes, I'm afraid it is.
[GROVER [OC]] Yet, in a sense, these people will come to no harm at allbecause they will never have been born. I had to tell a story thatwould be acceptable to people like Adam. The sort of people I wanted torecruit.
(Spaceship 'reminder' room)
[SARAH] Yes. Kind, decent people who just mightobject to the destruction of generations of human beings!
[GROVER] I'm only deceiving them about the means, not the ends. Theywill have their new world, but it will be this world returned to anearlier purer age.
[MARK] The end can never justify the means. What you're doing iscriminal.
[GROVER] Mark, for the sake of the others, can't you accept thesituation?
[MARK] No, never.
[SARAH] We'll go on telling them the truth every chance we get.
[GROVER] In that case, I must see that you don't get the chance. Oncethis project has been completed, I can only hope that you will adjustto life in the new world. I really am very sorry about all this. I canonly hope that in the future we shall be friends.
(Underground station)
[BRIGADIER] We've got company.
[DOCTOR] Good grief. It's a triceratops. Look, Brigadier, try and keepit occupied while I'm finishing this off, will you? Don't worry,they're none too bright.
[BRIGADIER] All right, Doctor. I think I can cope with it.
(Spaceship 'reminder' room)
[MARK] Adam, you've got to help us.
[ADAM] I know. I overheard. I had to wait until Ruth was out of the way.
[ADAM] Now, what are we going to do?
[SARAH] Get to the flight deck and open that airlock!
(Underground station)
[BRIGADIER] Are you ready, Doctor? This is the lastflare.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, nearly ready. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Right, let's take a look.
[DOCTOR] Ah, there it is. Right, I'm going down there.
[BRIGADIER] I'll come with you.
[DOCTOR] No, I'd rather go on my own. It's less conspicuous. You go andget those reinforcements, will you?
(Outside the Underground station)
[BRIGADIER] Greyhound one to Trap Two. Over.
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[BENTON] Trap Two. Sergeant Benton here, sir.
(Underground station)
[BRIGADIER] Now look, we've broken through and theDoctor's inside. What about those reinforcements?
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[BENTON] Just one mobile patrol, sir. That's all Icould raise.
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Better than nothing. Bring them along.
[BENTON] Yes, sir.
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Quick as you can, Benton, out.
[BENTON] Look, sir, I've got to send those reinforcements. TheBrigadier's in trouble.
[FINCH] You'll do as you're told, Sergeant.
[BENTON] Sir, I've got to send them.
[FINCH] I'm warning you, Sergeant.
[BENTON] Very good, sir.
[FINCH] You'll be court martialled for this, Sergeant!
[BENTON] Yes, sir.
[BENTON] Very sorry, sir!
[ADAM] I think you should at least listen, Ruth.
[ROBINSON] That does sound reasonable, to listen.
[RUTH] Very well. What is it you want me to listen to?
[SARAH] I think it's best if you just watch.
[RUTH] What's she going to do?
[MARK] Open the airlock.
[RUTH] But she'll kill herself! She'll kill us all!
[ADAM] If she's wrong, she's the only one that will suffer.
[MARK] You see?
[SARAH] The people who tricked you are out there. Now is your chance todemand an explanation.
(Control room)
[WHITAKER] Everything's ready.
[GROVER] General Finch should be here.
[WHITAKER] I hope you don't propose to wait. The timing is crucial.
[GROVER] He must be somewhere in the area. So long as he's in theprotective field, he'll be all right.
[ADAM] Stop! We shall have no part in this.
[RUTH] You've cheated us.
[GROVER] My friends, listen to me. I have not cheated you. Let ProfessorWhitaker pull that lever and you shall have the golden age that Ipromised you.
[ADAM] You're going to destroy all the civilisations of man. LeavingEarth for another planet, that was one thing, but this is evil!
[GROVER] Civilisation has already destroyed man. It's time to make afresh start. If we take the Earth back in time, we can guide man onto abetter path.
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor!
[GROVER] Congratulations, Doctor. You're just in time to be present atthe most important moment in the world's history.
[DOCTOR] On the contrary, I'm just in time to prevent an atrocity.
[BRIGADIER] Don't move, any of you! Benton.
[WHITAKER] No! He's reversed the polarity!
[DOCTOR] Keep back!
[SARAH] Well, where've they gone?
[DOCTOR] Back to their golden age. And I hope they like it.
(UNIT HQ - temporary)
[BRIGADIER] I still don't understand, Doctor. WhenWhitaker first pulled that switch, was time reversed or wasn't it?
[DOCTOR] It was for the world outside the forcefield. Your time was justfrozen for a few seconds.
[SARAH] But what about you? Oh no, don't tell me. You're a Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Quite!
[SARAH] Poor Grover.
[BRIGADIER] The man was mad.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, of course he was mad. But at least he realised thedangers this planet of yours is in, Brigadier. The danger of itbecoming one vast garbage dump inhabited only by rats.
[BRIGADIER] It'll never happen, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It's not the the oil and the filth and the poisonous chemicalsthat are the real cause of pollution, Brigadier. It's simply greed.
[BRIGADIER] Hmm. Well, I've got work to do, writing my deposition forGeneral Finch's court martial.
[BENTON] Excuse me, sir? What about Captain Yates?
[BRIGADIER] Extended sick leave and a chance to resign quietly. Best Icould do.
[DOCTOR] Poor Mike.
[BRIGADIER] Come on, Benton.
[BENTON] Still I'll say one thing. Not many Sergeants get the chance topunch a General on the nose.
[BRIGADIER] Just don't make a habit of it, Benton.
[DOCTOR] Well, there you are, Sarah. I told you I'd get you home safely,didn't I.
[SARAH] Oh, of all the cheek.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's not my fault if people get up to no good while wewere away.
[SARAH] Alien monsters, robber barons, then dinosaurs. It'll be a longtime before I get in that Tardis again.
[DOCTOR] Oh. It's a pity, that.
[SARAH] Why?
[DOCTOR] Well, er, I was rather thinking of making a trip to Florana.
[SARAH] Where?
[DOCTOR] Florana. Probably one of the most beautiful planets in theuniverse.
[SARAH] Well, count me out.
[DOCTOR] It's always carpeted with perfumed flowers.
[SARAH] I'm not listening.
[DOCTOR] And its seas are as warm milk and the sands as soft as swan'sdown.
[SARAH] No, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] The streams flow with water that are clearer than the clearestcrystal.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s11", "episode": "e02", "title": "Invasion of the Dinosaurs"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (23 Feb, 1974; Third Doctor) - Death to the Daleks
[DOCTOR] Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside, I do like to be besidethe sea.
[SARAH] Sunglasses, sun lotion, water wings.
[DOCTOR] Well, you won't need those for a start.
[SARAH] Oh, we're going swimming, you said.
[DOCTOR] You can't sink on Florana.
[SARAH] I can sink anywhere.
[DOCTOR] The water's effervescent. The bubbles support you.
[SARAH] Like swimming in a glass of health salts.
[DOCTOR] All right, but you wait until you've seen Florana. I alwayscome back from Florana feeling a hundred years younger.
[DOCTOR] Ah, the air is like a magic potion.
[SARAH] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] And the beauty of it all is
[SARAH] Doctor, should that red light be flashing?
[DOCTOR] We seem to have got a mains power
[SARAH] What is it, Doctor? What's happening?
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure. I'll cut in the emergency units.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's a relief. If they hadn't worked, we'd have been inreal trouble.
[SARAH] Oh, it's starting again.
[DOCTOR] Oh, there you are. Well, one thing's certain. We've landed.
[SARAH] It's as if the Tardis was dying.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, the scanner, quickly. There could be enough charge tooperate it.
[SARAH] Did you see anything, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Only fog. Fascinating, isn't it?
[SARAH] What's fascinating about fog?
[DOCTOR] Well, perhaps that's what's put the Tardis out of action.
[SARAH] Oh. Don't we have emergency storage cells or something?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course.
[SARAH] Dud battery?
[DOCTOR] Hardly. Listen.
[SARAH] I can't hear anything.
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. Not a click, not a tick. Nothing. The Tardis is aliving thing, thousands of instruments. Its energy sources never stop.
[SARAH] Well they have now. Everything's completely dead.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, there's a torch in that cabinet. Get it for me, willyou?
[SARAH] Oh, right. Ah, here we are.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[SARAH] Oh. Now what?
[DOCTOR] Well, don't worry. I've got an oil lamp in here. That should beall right. Yes, there it is.
[SARAH] Ah, don't tell me. You're going to rub it and produce a genie.
[DOCTOR] On the contrary, I'm going to light it and illumine us.
[DOCTOR] There we are.
[SARAH] Oh, hooray for old-fashioned oil.
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll have to get it adjusted. That's better. Right now,let's see where we are.
[SARAH] Florana, you said.
[DOCTOR] Here, hold this for a minute, will you? Normally this door ispower operated. We'll have to work it by hand. Where's that crankhandle? There it is.
[DOCTOR] Now bring the light over here, please.
[DOCTOR] A bit more. Is that enough?
[SARAH] I think so.
[DOCTOR] Good, right, that's enough.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Now follow me. Let's take a look.
[DOCTOR] All right?
[SARAH] Yes.
[SARAH] Oh! It's cold!
[DOCTOR] Well, this is no ordinary fog.
[SARAH] You mean this isn't the air that's like a magic potion?
[DOCTOR] It must be perfectly obvious to you, Sarah, that we've goneever so slightly astray, so sarcasm of that
[SARAH] Argh!
[DOCTOR] Ah, it's all right. It's just rock.
[SARAH] A statue?
[DOCTOR] No, some sort of life form that has become petrified, I shouldthink.
[SARAH] I was close to becoming petrified myself.
[DOCTOR] No, I doubt if anything has grown here for centuries.
[SARAH] Well, unless you're planning on raising lettuce, it doesn't seemtoo important.
[DOCTOR] Well, if the rest of the planet's like this, then life herecertainly doesn't depend on photosynthesis.
[SARAH] What life?
[DOCTOR] Some power emanating from this planet has stopped the Tardis'senergy banks. Now logically, that power can hardly be of geologicalorigin.
[SARAH] You mean somebody or something has caused it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly.
[SARAH] Right. Well, let's fix the Tardis and clear out.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, I'm afraid we can't fix it. Not unless we discoverthe source of the power that's blocking us.
[SARAH] Oh. Well, how are we going to do that?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea.
[SARAH] You mean that we're? We're trapped? Stuck here for ever?
[DOCTOR] Until we can discover the source of that energy loss, yes.
[SARAH] Well, what do you want me to do?
[DOCTOR] Well, I think to begin with, we must check the immediate area,don't you?
[SARAH] Yes, right. Oh. Not really dressed for this climate, am I?
[DOCTOR] Oh, for heaven's sake, girl, go and put something warm on.
[SARAH] Yes, right. You won't go away, will you?
[SARAH] Doctor? Doctor?
[SARAH] Doctor? Doctor? Doctor?
[SARAH] Blood.
[SARAH] Doctor?
[RAILTON] Galloway! Galloway! You fool. He's not one of them. Sorry,we've been a bit jumpy. We tend to attack first, ask questions after.
[GALLOWAY] (Scots) There's something moving.
[RAILTON] Let's get back to our base. We can talk there.
(Outside MSC base)
[RAILTON] It's all right, Peter. He's quite friendly.
[GALLOWAY] We hope.
[RAILTON] Keep a sharp watch, Peter. Dan heard some movement out there.
[HAMILTON] Aye aye, sir.
(MSC base)
[JILL] Did you find Jack?
[RAILTON] I'm afraid not. How is he?
[JILL] He's not good, and we're down to our last pack of sulphagentablets, Richard.
[DOCTOR] What happened to him?
[JILL] The Exxilons took us by surprise, right after we landed.
[GALLOWAY] These stone knives of theirs have got some sort of poison onthem. They're dirty wee fighters.
[RAILTON] I'm sorry, perhaps we ought to introduce ourselves. I'mCaptain Railton, second in command of the expedition, and this isCommander Stewart.
[RAILTON] And that's Jill Tarrant, our civilian geologist.
[JILL] Are you from Earth?
[DOCTOR] In a roundabout sort of way, yes.
[GALLOWAY] Dan Galloway.
[RAILTON] Lieutenant Galloway is our weapons officer.
[DOCTOR] Well, it would have saved me a few bruises if we'd shaken handsthe first time we'd met. Hello, how do you do?
[RAILTON] The chap outside is Lieutenant Peter Hamilton.
[DOCTOR] Lieutenant? Are you a military expedition?
[DOCTOR] Master of Science?
[RAILTON] Marine Space Corps.
[GALLOWAY] Now maybe you'll tell us about yourself. Where were youheading when I jumped you?
[DOCTOR] Back to the Tardis. That's my spaceship. I have a youngcompanion with me, Sarah Jane Smith. I only hope she had the good senseto stay inside after I was captured.
[RAILTON] Where is the ship?
[DOCTOR] It's not far from here.
[GALLOWAY] Oh, if the lassie stayed in your ship, she should be safeenough.
[DOCTOR] Yes, if. Sarah's rather headstrong. By now, I expect she's outlooking for me.
[RAILTON] Well, even if she is, it needn't be too dangerous as long asshe's careful. The Exxilons seem to be night creatures.
[JILL] We don't see much of them during the day. Just so long as shedidn't go near that forbidden city of theirs.
[DOCTOR] What forbidden city?
[RAILTON] Only their high priests can visit it.
[GALLOWAY] Anyone else they catch near it.
[GALLOWAY] That's their lot.
[JILL] They're sacrificed.
[DOCTOR] Well, what is this place? Where is it?
[RAILTON] Pass me the visual file, will you, Jill? We've got somepictures. Thank you.
[RAILTON] It's a fantastic building. Must have been constructedthousands of years ago.
[JILL] And not by a stone age tribe like the Exxilons, either.
[RAILTON] They treat it as a sort of shrine. If you're caught near it,it's certain death.
(City wall)
[SARAH] No doors, no windows.
(MSC base)
[RAILTON] Then as soon as we got within range of Exxilon, we had totalmalfunction on all instruments. We managed to touch down withoutdamaging the ship, but we can't take off again until we find some wayof restoring power.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, what's the purpose of your expedition?
[JILL] Well, to collect parrinium.
[DOCTOR] Parrinium?
[JILL] It's a chemical. It can be found in minute quantities on Earth,but it's so rare there that it's virtually priceless. A chemicaldetecting satellite did a fly past on this planet and registered thatit was as common here as salt.
[DOCTOR] Well, forgive me, but what do you want it for?
[GALLOWAY] Och, man. Where have you been hiding?
[DOCTOR] Well, here and there, one place and another. Well, I am alittle out of touch, I'll admit.
[JILL] Well, the outer worlds are being ravaged by a disease. Thecolonists are dying in their thousands. Another ten million men, womenand children will die unless we help them, and help them quickly. Everyhour we're stuck here on this planet, the death toll's mounting.
[DOCTOR] And parrinium will halt this disease?
[RAILTON] Well, it can cure and give immunity, but they need it inquantity and they need it fast.
[JILL] If it's not delivered within a month, it'll be too late.
[DOCTOR] I see.
[RAILTON] We managed to get a message off before we had total powerfailure, to Earth. We asked them for a relief ship.
[DOCTOR] Do you happen to know if that message was received?
[GALLOWAY] Oh, if it had been I think we'd have had help by now.
[DOCTOR] I think we can safely assume that no help is coming. So, mightI make a suggestion
[HAMILTON] The relief ship is here! Come on, quickly!
[RAILTON] The relief ship?
[GALLOWAY] The relief ship's here.
(Outside MSC base)
[RAILTON] Did you see it?
[HAMILTON] No, I heard it, up in the haze. Over to the north a littlebit.
[GALLOWAY] It's probably making a spiral descent. We should hear itagain in a moment.
[JILL] Here she comes!
[RAILTON] They're landing in the next valley. Come on!
[PRIEST] You have looked upon the sacred place. You have walked whereonly the chosen may go. You have defiled the place of all power.
[PRIEST] A judgment has been made. Prepare her for sacrifice!
(Landing site)
[JILL] It's over there!
[HAMILTON] That doesn't look like an Earth ship, sir.
[GALLOWAY] Well, maybe it's that new Z-47 they've been planning.
[RAILTON] She's not a Space Corps craft.
[GALLOWAY] Well, I hope they haven't run into the same power block.
[DOCTOR] We'll know soon enough.
[HAMILTON] Come on out! The welcome party's all here!
[DOCTOR] Daleks!
[DALEK] The Earth creatures are to be exterminated. Fire at my command.
[RAILTON] Wait a minute! Wait! You can't!
[DALEK] Total extermination. Fire, fire, fire!
(Landing site)
[DALEK] Maximum power. Fire! Fire! Fire!
[DALEK] Weaponry malfunction.
[DALEK 2] Total power failure in armament circuits.
[DOCTOR] Well, well, well. Daleks without the power to kill. How does itfeel?
[DALEK] Keep away. Keep away!
[DOCTOR] And if I don't, what will you do? Your weapons are totallyuseless, affected by the same energy blackout that has stranded us.
[DALEK 2] The power failure is temporary. Superior Dalek technology willovercome interference shortly. Meanwhile, you will obey our orders.
[DOCTOR] You're not in a position to give any orders. No, no, we're allin this together. All equal, all powerless.
[DALEK] The Daleks are the supreme beings of the universe. Dalektechnology is the
[RAILTON] Spare us the propaganda. I think our best interest will beserved by joining forces.
[DALEK] Daleks do not require the co-operation of inferior creatures.
[RAILTON] Think about it. There are four of you and five of us, and thisplanet is swarming with creatures that want to destroy us. That's afact that must penetrate even Dalek arrogance.
[DALEK] We will confer.
[DOCTOR] Well, they may agree with your plan, Captain, but I advise you,don't trust them.
[RAILTON] We need all the help we can get.
[JILL] That's true.
[GALLOWAY] We don't need the Daleks. There's nothing they can do that wecan't do on our own, sir.
[DOCTOR] They're brilliant technicians. It was their inventive geniusthat made them one of the greatest powers in the universe, rememberthat.
[RAILTON] Quite. They might find a way out of this spot.
[HAMILTON] My father was killed in the last Dalek war, sir. I hate thethought of working with them.
[RAILTON] He was one man. Ten million will die if we don't get off theplanet with the medical supplies.
[DOCTOR] Well, whatever they're going to do, I hope they decide quickly.
[HAMILTON] What do you think, Dan?
[HAMILTON] About this idea. Cooperating with Daleks.
[GALLOWAY] Well, it might work for the while.
[HAMILTON] I think the Captain's gone soft.
[GALLOWAY] Oh, he's scared of the wee salt-shakers. I saw his face whenthey came out of that ship.
[HAMILTON] Ah, the spokesman's coming back.
[RAILTON] Well, what did they say?
[DOCTOR] I think they'll go for it. Mind you, they haven't much choice,but I must warn you again. Don't you trust them an inch.
[JILL] Did you manage to find out what they're doing here?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Several of the planets the Daleks have colonised aresuffering from the same disease. They're dying in millions. Now theyneed that chemical just as badly as you do. That's why I think they'llcooperate.
[DALEK 2] It is agreed.
[DALEK 3] We will cooperate until they are no further use to us.
[DALEK] And the true reason that we need the chemical parrinium mustremain secret.
[DALEK 3] It is understood.
[DALEK] They must continue to believe there are only four of us.
[DALEK 2] It is understood.
[DOCTOR] Well, have you decided?
[DALEK] Yes, Doctor. The truce exists between our party and yours.
[DOCTOR] A very wise decision.
[DALEK] The truce ends when power is restored.
[RAILTON] We agree. And now I think we should all go over to the miningdome.
[DALEK] Mining dome?
[JILL] We've located a parrinium strata, and set up a dome nearby wherewe can refine the ore.
[RAILTON] But it's pretty slow work without power. Perhaps you cansuggest some quicker technique?
[DALEK] Very well. Lead the way. Lead! Lead!
[DOCTOR] Take cover!
[DALEK] Locate the enemy! Locate the enemy! Locate! Locate! Locate!Locate! Locate!
[DALEK] Locate! Locate!
[DALEK] Locate! Locate!
[JILL] Help me with him! Help me!
[DOCTOR] It's no good. We can't help him.
[JILL] But please, we can't leave him here.
[DOCTOR] Quick, come on. Out, come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, down here. Which way did they come from?
[GALLOWAY] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Down!
[DOCTOR] Our only chance is that it's a small group, then we might makea break for it.
[GALLOWAY] Well, I'm next in seniority to the Captain. That puts me incommand.
[DOCTOR] Just a suggestion, that's all.
[JILL] All right, Commander, give an order to get us out of this.
[HAMILTON] Over there!
[DOCTOR] So it was a large group.
[DALEK] Exterminate! Exterminate!
[DALEK] Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!
[DALEK] Am losing control! Am losing control! Am loosing, am loosing, amlosing control! Am losing control!
[DOCTOR] What's going on over there?
[JILL] They've got Commander Stewart.
[STEWART] Give yourselves up.
[HAMILTON] That settles it for me. Jill?
[JILL] Yes.
[HAMILTON] What about you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Certainly, when the only alternative to living is dying. Allright. Come on, let's get it over with.
(Landing site)
[DALEK] Patrol captured by alien beings. One Dalek destroyed.
[DALEK 2] We will report.
[DOCTOR] Sarah! What are you doing with her?
[PRIEST] She has defiled the place of our gods. She is to be sacrificed.
(Cavern - cage)
[SARAH] Is the Doctor all right?
[JILL] I think so. He's coming round. But are you okay?
[SARAH] Mmm. Er, they made me inhale some sort of incense. Well, whathappened?
[JILL] Well, I'm not too sure myself, but neither of you is verypopular. The Doctor attacked their High Priest. From what we cangather, that's about the worst crime you can commit on this planet.
[GALLOWAY] (sotto) Crazy. He must be crazy. He's blown any chance weever had a making a deal with these savages.
[HAMILTON] (sotto) We hadn't much choice, Dan. A couple of minutes morethat girl would've been dead.
[GALLOWAY] (sotto) So?
[HAMILTON] (sotto) Look, we're all in this together. It could have beenme or you. Do you expect everybody else to stand by and let it happen?
[GALLOWAY] (sotto) The point is it wasn't us. We have no loyalties tothem. They're not part of our mission.
[HAMILTON] (sotto) So you'll let them die, just like that?
[GALLOWAY] (sotto) I would so. Our job is to get medical relief that'llsave the lives of millions. If some people we don't even know have todie in the process, well, that's just too bad.
[DALEK] We have decided the action we will take. We will offer theExxilons our knowledge and technology in return for their assistance.
[GALLOWAY] Well, anything's worth a try.
[HAMILTON] (sotto) What about those two? Do you think they'll agree tolet them go?
[DALEK] The Doctor is an old enemy of the Daleks. The girl isunimportant. Guard! I will speak with the High Priest.
[JILL] I don't know what they're up to, but I don't like it.
[DOCTOR] I have a feeling it might be better if you did not associateyourself too closely with us. I think we're the flies in a jar of verynasty ointment.
[SARAH] What do you think will happen?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm afraid that what they had planned for you has merelybeen postponed. I think they'll be two of us in the next performance.
[EXXILON] The High Priest will speak with you.
[JILL] They may be trying to negotiate a way for all of us to get out ofthis.
[DOCTOR] No, that's pure wishful thinking, Jill. The Daleks won't giveus any loyalty and I don't expect too much help from your space chumseither.
(Dalek spaceship)
[DALEK] Target model destroyed.
[DALEK 2] Substitute weaponry functioning satisfactorily.
[DALEK] We will proceed immediately.
(Landing site)
[DALEK 2] Primitive weapons moderately efficient.
(Cavern - cage)
[HAMILTON] We've got to do something!
[GALLOWAY] Don't interfere. We've got think of ourselves now and what wecame here to do.
[DALEK] It is agreed. The Exxilons will discuss terms when thesacrifices are completed. You will follow and observe.
[STEWART] Galloway. Galloway, you're not fit to command.
[GALLOWAY] I'm doing what's necessary, sir. I'll get that chemical tothe peoples of the outer worlds whatever it costs.
[STEWART] Not for them, Galloway, for yourself. You're a glory seeker.This may be the last order that I can give but I'm appointing Hamiltonas leader.
[GALLOWAY] You can't do that.
[STEWART] It's already done. It's an order. Peter'll take command.
[GALLOWAY] I'm sorry, Commander. Couldn't quite hear what you said.
[GALLOWAY] Come on!
[DOCTOR] Right, come on, jump! Jump!
[DOCTOR] Right, come on. (a few steps along) Staythere.
[DOCTOR] The Daleks don't seem to be following us.
[SARAH] Oh, those robot things, are they locals?
[DOCTOR] Hardly. They're probably the most technically advanced andruthless life form in the galaxy.
[SARAH] But if they're robots, how is it their power's not affected?They can't half move.
[DOCTOR] Because they're only half robot, Sarah. Inside each of thoseshells is a living, bubbling lump of hate.
[SARAH] You mean they've got legs?
[DOCTOR] No, they move by psychokinetic power.
[SARAH] I see.
[DOCTOR] Do you?
[DALEK 2] All resistance has ceased.
[DALEK] I will speak with the High Priest. Bring him to me.
[DALEK 3] I obey.
[GALLOWAY] Oh, what do you want to speak to him about?
[DALEK] We require the cooperation of the Exxilons, but now they will doso on our terms.
[GALLOWAY] And if they don't agree?
[DALEK] We will select groups of hostages for extermination until theydo.
[GALLOWAY] Aye, that should bring them around to our way of thinking.One of the first things we should do is to make them supply workingparties to mine the parrinium.
[DALEK] Your advice is not required.
[GALLOWAY] Now, wait a minute. We agreed. We're working together.
[DALEK] We are in command! You will obey our orders!
[SARAH] Doctor! We were just playing the main partin a sacrificial ceremony, weren't we?
[DOCTOR] Well, that seemed to be the general idea, yes.
[SARAH] Well how are they going to sacrifice us just by dumping us downhere?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I knew that thought would occur to you sooner or later.
[SARAH] You've got an idea, haven't you?
[DOCTOR] Yes. And it's not one of my favourites. In fact I don't carefor it at all.
[SARAH] Well, you might as well share it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, very well. I think they expect that sacrifice to becompleted by something else. Something that lives down this tunnel.
[SARAH] Next time you get an idea, keep it to yourself, will you.
[DALEK] It is agreed. You will accompany us.
[JILL] What's happening?
[GALLOWAY] Well, it's practically all agreed. We've done a deal with theExxilons.
[GALLOWAY] Well, they'll provide a working force to help us mine theparrinium. We'll be in charge of that with two of the Daleks.
[JILL] And the other Daleks?
[GALLOWAY] Well, they'll investigate the cause of the electricalinterference.
[HAMILTON] And what are the Exxilons getting in return?
[GALLOWAY] Oh, not much.
[JILL] Well, tell us.
[GALLOWAY] Well, apparently the Exxilons have only one enemy, a sort ofbreakaway group. Well, we've agreed to help wipe them out.
[HAMILTON] You've what?
[GALLOWAY] In return we get the parrinium we need. We'll save millionsof lives.
[JILL] And murder others? You can't accept those terms.
[GALLOWAY] The creatures on this planet are primitives. They don'tcount.
[HAMILTON] What else have you agreed?
[GALLOWAY] Aye, well, this is the bit you're not going to like.
[JILL] I haven't liked any of it so far.
[GALLOWAY] That fellow they call the Doctor and the girl, they have tobe brought back, dead or alive.
[HAMILTON] You're totally ruthless, aren't you, Galloway.
[GALLOWAY] The Daleks have gone down the tunnel after them, just in casethe creatures that live down there don't get them first.
[SARAH] That sounded awfully close.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Some sort of subterranean wind effect, I should think.
[SARAH] Who are you kidding?
[DOCTOR] Myself, chiefly.
[SARAH] I just heard your wind effect gnashing its teeth. Well, whichway now?
[DOCTOR] I think I'll make a short reconnaissance down this tunnel here.Alone.
[SARAH] Alone?
[DOCTOR] Look, Sarah, I don't want anything creeping down behind me andblocking off my retreat, now do I? With you here on watch you can giveme a warning.
[SARAH] Well, who's going to warn me?
[DOCTOR] You're in a perfectly safe place here. You've got threedifferent ways to run.
[DOCTOR] I think I'll just go down it for about half a mile. If it holdsany promise, I'll be right back. All right?
[SARAH] I suppose so. Good luck, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[SARAH] Somebody there?
[SARAH] Oh, keep away from me! Keep back!
[BELLAL] Please.
[SARAH] Who are you?
[BELLAL] I am called Bellal. I mean you no harm. I will help you if Ican. I do not share the beliefs of those who would have killed you.They consider that I and others like me are their enemies.
[SARAH] And are you?
[BELLAL] Oh, no. We seek merely to save the Exxilon race fromextinction. We do not share their beliefs and for that reason we arepersecuted and driven to live in the secret places beneath the surface.
[SARAH] How many of you are there?
[BELLAL] Very few against so many. I will answer all your questions, butfirst we must go from here. We have a place that is safe. Follow me andI will take you to it.
[SARAH] I can't. I'm waiting for the Doctor.
[BELLAL] Which path did he take?
[SARAH] That one.
[SARAH] Well, what is it?
[BELLAL] That way leads to death.
[SARAH] Well you've got to help him!
[SARAH] Oh, please!
[BELLAL] It may already be too late, but we will do what can be done.
[GOTAL] The creatures from the spacecraft, two of them, coming this way.
[BELLAL] Machine creatures?
[SARAH] Daleks!
[BELLAL] Here.
[DALEK] We will search independently. Fugitives are to be exterminatedon sight.
[DALEK 2] I obey.
[SARAH] He'll be coming up behind the Doctor. I must warn him!
[BELLAL] No, no, it will be no use. You must stay silent or you willdestroy us all. You must understand! It is beyond our power to help himnow.
[SARAH] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good shot, sir.
[DOCTOR] A hit! Yes, a palpable hit!
[SARAH] I must.
[BELLAL] The other Dalek will have heard. He'll be coming back.
[SARAH] The Doctor may be hurt.
[GOTAL] We must hurry!
[BELLAL] As soon as it's safe, I'll have some of my people look for yourfriend but now we. Something coming!
[GOTAL] Quick!
[BELLAL] Quick!
[SARAH] Quick!
[SARAH] Doctor! Oh, you're safe! Oh, what happened? Oh, how did you getaway from the Dalek? What did you see down there?
[DOCTOR] All right. All right, all right, all right, all right. Just amoment, just a moment! I've just had a face to face confrontation witha rather nasty root. It obviously wasn't very fond of me but itpositively hated the Dalek.
[SARAH] Did you say root?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it must have been one of those sort of underground supportsystems for the city, I should imagine.
[SARAH] Well, what happened to the Dalek?
[DOCTOR] The root, one.
[SARAH] Mmm?
[DOCTOR] Dalek, nil. In fact, this was about the only part of it thatwas left undamaged.
[SARAH] No! Doctor, they're friends.
[BELLAL] The other Dalek is coming this way.
[DOCTOR] Sarah? Who are your shining friends?
[SARAH] Oh, time for that later, Doctor. Come on!(They run off after the Exxilons just before the second Dalek appearsand looks around. It follows them.)
[BELLAL] You must move more quickly! The Dalek is coming this way.
[SARAH] It's a dead end!
[GOTAL] No, we go through there. It widens out after a little.
[DOCTOR] You first. Go on, Sarah.
[GOTAL] Now you. Give me that.
[DOCTOR] I really must go on a diet one of these days. Give me yourhand!
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[DALEK] Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!
(Tunnel chamber)
[DOCTOR] It's all right. He seems to have gone. Isanyone hurt?
[SARAH] Ah, I don't think so.
[BELLAL] We're safe now.
[DOCTOR] We can't sit around underground forever. There are things wemust do.
[SARAH] Such as?
[DOCTOR] Well, get the power back into our spaceships, for one thing.And for another, do everything we can to help that Earth mission ship.
[SARAH] Well, they'll be all right. They seemed pretty pally with theDaleks.
[DOCTOR] You take it from me, Sarah. The moment they cease to be of useto the Daleks, they'll wipe them out without a qualm.
[BELLAL] My people are watching them. They will report immediately whathappens.
(Parrinium mine)
[DALEK] The Exxilons are working too slowly.
[GALLOWAY] Well, with the primitive equipment they're using, I'm notsurprised.
[DALEK] Then the workforce must be increased. You will arrange it.
[GALLOWAY] Look, the High Priest wasn't all that cooperative. We werelucky to get this many workers.
[DALEK] More workers! More workers! More! Exxilons will obey ourcommands!
[GALLOWAY] And if they don't?
[DALEK] Their leaders will be exterminated.
[GALLOWAY] But we made an agreement.
[DALEK] It was expedient. You will advise the High Priest that hispeople will comply with Dalek law or suffer the consequences.
[GALLOWAY] I can't tell him that!
[DALEK] You will obey! You will obey! You will obey! You will obey! Youwill obey!
[GALLOWAY] All right, you lot. Put your backs into it. Get going. Comeon! You're idle, idle, idle!
(Dalek spaceship)
[GOLD] This planet is now under Dalek control. Our commands will beobeyed. Those who resist will be exterminated.
[BELLAL] Exxilon had grown old before life had even begun on otherplanets. Our ancestors solved the mysteries of science, built craftthat travelled through space. They were the supreme beings of theuniverse.
[DOCTOR] What destroyed their power, war?
[BELLAL] No. They created their own destruction. Using all theirknowledge, they built a city that would last through all of time.
[SARAH] And they succeeded. It looked as though it was built onlyyesterday.
[BELLAL] They used their sciences to make the city into a living thing.It could protect itself, repair itself, maintain itself. They even gaveit a brain.
[DOCTOR] I see. So the city became an entity, though greater and morepowerful than the many small parts that had created it.
[BELLAL] Yes, it then had no need of those who had made it. Our peoplehad created a monster. They tried to destroy it. Instead it destroyedthem and drove out the survivors. Now we, and the other Exxilons youmet, are all that remain.
[SARAH] What separates you from the others?
[BELLAL] They have made the city their god. They worship and fear it.They even make sacrifices to it.
[SARAH] Yes, we almost qualified for that ourselves.
[DOCTOR] Yet you don't fear the city, Bellal. Why?
[BELLAL] Yes, we do fear it, but we don't worship it. Our aim is todestroy it. Unless we succeed, our race will vanish from this planet.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, I think the time has come to do something about thiscity.
(Parrinium mine)
[DALEK] The explosive charges will be completedshortly.
[DALEK 2] The charges must be placed on the beacon on the summit of thecity and detonated.
[DALEK] Agreed. A Dalek patrol will enter the city to investigatescientific installations while the explosives are being positioned.
[DALEK 3] Will destruction of the beacon restore electrical energy?
[DALEK] All logical evidence suggests it is the source of interference.
[HAMILTON] Come on! Get out of it!
[JILL] Peter?
[DALEK] Exterminate! Am losing control! Am losing control! Am
[DOCTOR] You say that markings like these are cut into the walls of thecity?
[BELLAL] Yes, these are as I remember them.
[SARAH] I saw them too, Doctor. Do they mean anything to you?
[DOCTOR] No, not fully. But I do have a rough idea of what they'reintended to convey. You see, I've seen them before.
[SARAH] Seen them before? Where?
[DOCTOR] On the walls of a temple in Peru.
[SARAH] Oh, that's impossible!
[DOCTOR] Yeah, that's what they said about the Peruvian temple as well.Yes, it's one of Earth's great mysteries, that no primitive man couldpossibly have built such a structure. Well, now we've solved it.
[SARAH] Solved how a temple was built in Peru?
[DOCTOR] You say that your ancestors were travelling in space when otherworlds were still primitive?
[BELLAL] Why, that is true.
[DOCTOR] Then they almost certainly visited Earth and taught the peoplethere how to build.
[BELLAL] Our city supports itself in two ways. Through roots in theground and through the air.
[SARAH] The air?
[DOCTOR] Yes, they must drain their electrical energy from theatmosphere, probably via that beacon.
[SARAH] So that's what put the mockers on the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Well, you seem to have a crude grasp of the general idea, yes.
[BELLAL] What is it?
[GOTAL] One of the machine creatures has been destroyed by a probe atthe diggings.
[SARAH] A what? Where?
[DOCTOR] Another of our Dalek friends has had root trouble.
(Parrinium mine)
[DALEK] Mining will recommence in new area immediately. Move! Move!Move! Move!
[DALEK 2] (to Jill) You will go with them.
[HAMILTON] We stay together.
[DALEK 2] You will obey! You will obey!
[JILL] It's all right, Peter. One of us has to select the parrinium fromthe digging.
[JILL] Don't worry. I can take care of myself.
[DALEK 2] Patrol will leave immediately to enter city and makescientific survey.
[DALEKS] We obey.
[DALEK 2] You will accompany me to position explosive.
[HAMILTON] You're in command. What do we do?
[GALLOWAY] Exactly as it says.
[DALEK 2] We leave immediately. Move! Move!
(Near the City)
[DOCTOR] Well. Now that must be one of the seven hundred wonders of theuniverse.
[SARAH] It's even more impressive when we get close.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid you're not going any closer.
[SARAH] What? Oh now, look, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I've got something far more important for you to do.
[SARAH] You just don't want to be lumbered with me.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, if that Earth rocket doesn't get away from here,millions of people are going to die.
[SARAH] All right, Doctor, what do you want me to do?
[DOCTOR] I want you to make Galloway and his friends understand they'vegot to get the parrinium aboard that ship and be ready for blast offthe moment the power is restored. Now remember the Daleks will be fullypowered too and they'll do everything they can to destroy the Earthship.
[SARAH] You think that's what they're intending?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm certain of it. I know the Daleks and they're notmedical missionaries.
[SARAH] I'll tell them, Doctor. Well, Bellal is getting impatient. You'dbetter go.
[DOCTOR] Good girl. You'll take care of yourself, won't you?
[SARAH] And you.
[DOCTOR] There's just one more thing. If I don't come back.
[SARAH] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] You must go with them.
(Outside the City)
[DOCTOR] It's beautiful. Beautiful.
[BELLAL] To you perhaps. To us, it is evil.
[DOCTOR] Touch sensitised. That's brilliant.
[BELLAL] You wanted to see the symbols?
[BELLAL] They are here. I have tried to interpret them many times.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's difficult, very difficult.
[BELLAL] Do they have any meaning for you?
[DOCTOR] Vaguely, but I
[BELLAL] They continue round here.
[DOCTOR] I think I have something here. These symbols don't conform.
[BELLAL] Daleks!
[DOCTOR] Where?
[BELLAL] There.
[BELLAL] Get back!
[DALEK] Continue search.
(City entrance hall)
[BELLAL] What did you do?
[DOCTOR] Well, I simply picked out the symbol that appeared to bedifferent and traced its outline on the wall.
[BELLAL] And that made it slide open?
[DOCTOR] Well, I can't think what else.
[BELLAL] Can we get out again?
[DOCTOR] I should think that is extremely unlikely. He didn't get outagain, did he.
[BELLAL] We've walked into a trap.
[DOCTOR] No, no. No, that doesn't just make sense.
[BELLAL] But these. Some of them must have been here for centuries.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. They got this far then they couldn't passthe next intelligence test.
[BELLAL] What test?
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure yet. Logically, there must be one.
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes. Yes, just as I thought. Good. Good. Splendid. In fact,capital!
[BELLAL] But I don't understand. This is simply a pattern on the wall.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no. It's much more than that. It's a maze. A test ofskill and logic that we have to pass before we can move deeper into thecity.
[BELLAL] And if we fail?
[DOCTOR] Well then, we shall simply add to these decorations.
[DOCTOR] Right, let's see what we've got here. Well, there's a point ofentry here. The exit down there. Now as this wall is touch sensitised,simply by moving my finger along the correct route, should registersuccess or failure. All right, well, here goes.
(Outside the City)
[DALEK] Computer eye indicates the symbols providea simple logic test. We must deduce which symbol does not conform toall others.
[DALEK 2] I will run computer scan.
[DALEK] Key symbol.
(City entrance hall)
[DOCTOR] Yes I think we've got it. I think this is it, Bellal. Yes,that's it!
[DALEK] Locate next access point.
(City corridor)
[DOCTOR] Stop. Don't move!
(City corridor)
[BELLAL] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's another test, I think.
[DOCTOR] The people who built this city, they didn't go in forornamental floors, did they?
[BELLAL] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] No, neither do I.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, have you ever tried Venusian hopscotch? No, it's asilly question. You wouldn't have done. Anyway, now's your chance tolearn. I want you to do exactly what I do, all right?
[DOCTOR] Now jump. Good. Now the next two white triangles. No, no, no.Not the red, the white. To the right. That's it. And the other foot inthe other white triangle Good, don't touch the red. Now, stay exactlywhere you are and give me your hand. Now, when I count three, you jump,and don't touch any of those squares. One, two, three, right, jump!
[DOCTOR] Well done. That's rather a jolly game, don't you think?
[BELLAL] Well, was that really necessary, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, I think so. Let me show you something.
[DOCTOR] Five piastas. Do I need five piastas? No, I don't think so.Right then, just you watch this.
[DOCTOR] Tilt. Right, let's go and see what other pleasures they have instore for us.
[DALEK] Proceed with all caution. This territory will be classified ashostile.
[DALEK 2] It is understood.
[DALEK] Alert! Alert! Excessive electrical charge received!
[DALEK 2] Damage report?
[DALEK] Non-conductive shielding burnt out. Sensors register receivingseven thousand volt electrical charge.
[DALEK 2] Weapon evidently designed to destroy humanoid tissue. We willcontinue. Wait. Observe.
[DALEK 2] This evidence suggests that city is indestructible. Proceed.
(City room)
[BELLAL] An empty room.
[DOCTOR] Don't be too sure.
[BELLAL] Moving inside this city is like being inside a living thing.
[DOCTOR] Yes, its bloodstream rather than its stomach. We're being movedaround like
(City Control room)
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] microbes, Bellal. And all the time getting closerto the heart.
(Second Parrinium mine)
[SARAH] Psst. Jill. (nothing) Psst! Jill!
[JILL] Sarah!
[SARAH] Shush! Keep your voice down.
[JILL] What happened to you? Where's the Doctor?
[SARAH] He's gone into the city. He's going to try and black out thebeacon.
[JILL] What's he want us to do?
[SARAH] You must be ready for take off the moment the power comes backon. Remember, it comes back on for the Daleks too.
[JILL] Yes, I know.
[SARAH] Right. Now, how much parrinium have you found?
[JILL] Well, there's more than
[JILL] More than enough. All those bags are full.
[SARAH] Good. Now, we have to find some way of getting it aboard yourship.
[JILL] With the Daleks standing guard over us?
[SARAH] We've got to try somehow.
(City Control room)
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Nothing. Absolutely nothing. A room without aclue, yet everything within this city has got a function. This roommust be here for a purpose.
[BELLAL [on monitor]] Perhaps
(City room)
[BELLAL] We have come as far as we are permitted.
[DOCTOR] No. No, we'll have to start all over again. Try in that corner,will you? There's a good chap.
[DOCTOR] You know, I have a feeling
[DOCTOR] Bellal, don't! Bellal? Bellal, don't. Now listen to me. Don'tfire that gun. Now remember why we're here. Remember why we came tothis city.
[DOCTOR] Bellal, I'm your friend. Your friend. You know that. Don't firethat gun.
[DOCTOR] Don't fire that gun! Now, what's happened? What is it?
[BELLAL] There was a light that shone in my eyes. A blinding light.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, whatever it is, we seem to have qualified for thenext test. Do you feel ready to go on?
[BELLAL] No, but we must.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Come on, old chap.
(Outside the City)
[DALEK] You will climb to the summit and place the explosives on thebeacon.
[HAMILTON] And if we refuse?
[DALEK] The girl we are holding as hostage will be exterminated. Youwill obey! You will be in range of my fire at all times.
[GALLOWAY] Well, let's get on with it.
(Second Parrinium mine)
[JILL] Okay.
[SARAH] Jill, are there any empty parrinium bags?
[JILL] Yes, there are some right over by the workings. Why?
[SARAH] I've got an idea. Sneak over and get them while I keep watch.Hurry!
[SARAH] Now, the first thing we've got to do is get these filled.Anything will do. If the Doctor does manage to restore power, we haveto be ready.
(City corridor)
[DOCTOR] We must be getting very close to thecentre of the city by now.
[BELLAL] We've come quite a way without any tests. Perhaps we're safenow?
[DOCTOR] I shouldn't be too sure. Have you any idea why the city shouldbe testing us in this way?
(City Control room)
[BELLAL [on monitor]] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Well, they could have destroyed us dozens oftimes. Instead they gave us a chance to survive by using ourintelligence.
[BELLAL [on monitor]] And it has a purpose for this?
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Oh, yes. By passing these tests we've proved thatwe have an intelligence level that could be useful. We might have someknowledge or science that they could add to their databanks.
(City test room)
[BELLAL] Now what?
[DOCTOR] Well, if I'm right, the ultimate test will be an assault on oursanity, so be ready for it.
[DOCTOR] Bellal, fight it! Fight it, Bellal!
[DOCTOR] Fight it! It's an illusion! It's an illusion! You have nosubstance! No truth! You do not exist! You do not exist!
[DOCTOR] All right, old chap. It's all over now. It's all right. It'sall over. There, that's it. What is it?
[BELLAL] Look.
(City Control room)
[DOCTOR] Our entrance must have created a current of air which broke thesurface tension.
[BELLAL] This is the brain of the city?
[DOCTOR] The brain and the nervous system that we've go to destroy.
[BELLAL] Doctor, the city defies all attempts to destroy it. We can'tend its power.
[DOCTOR] I think I know a way.
[BELLAL] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[BELLAL] Doctor, come here!
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[BELLAL] Look!
[DOCTOR] We haven't got much time.
[BELLAL] What is it? What's happening?
[DOCTOR] The city is creating antibodies. They're trying to neutraliseus. Now keep a very close eye on them. Let me know the moment they'recomplete.
(Beacon base)
[HAMILTON] If we set the charges on this main support, that should beclose enough.
[HAMILTON] Right, set the detonator!
[HAMILTON] Oh, let me do it.
[HAMILTON] Look, that Dalek down there can see every move we make. Nowgive me the charge.
[GALLOWAY] One charge is enough to damage the beacon. This one we keep.
(Second Parrinium mine)
[DALEK] Work to commence at dawn. Move! Move!
[DALEK] Move! Move!
[DALEK] Human female has escaped. I have failed! Female prisoner hasescaped! I have failed! I have failed! Self destruct! I have failed!Destruct! I have failed! Destruct! Failed! Failed! Failed! I, I, I, I,I.
(City Control room)
[BELLAL] Doctor! I think you should come now!
[DOCTOR] Yes, all right, I've nearly finished.
[BELLAL] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Psychological warfare. I'm trying to destroy the city's brain.Engineer what in human terms is called a nervous breakdown.
[BELLAL] Can it be done?
[DOCTOR] The computer is a machine of logic, Bellal, it cannot standparadoxes.
[DALEK 2] Halt. Stay where you are. Do not move.
[DALEK 2] Halt! Halt!
[DALEK 2] Halt or you will be exterminated!
[DALEK 3] Assist! Assist!
[DALEK 2] Exxilon mutants must be exterminated! Alert! Evacuate!Evacuate! Evacuate!
(City corridor)
[BELLAL] The floor!
[DOCTOR] It should be safe now. Come on!
(City Control room)
[DALEK 2] Alert! Alert! Evacuate! Evacuate! Evacuate! Retire to cityentrance! Faster! Faster! I will cover you! I will cover you! Faster!Faster! Faster! Faster!
(City corridor)
[BELLAL] Look!
[DOCTOR] The controls are beginning to break down. it's working. Comeon.
(Outside the City)
[BELLAL] I never thought we would escape.
[DOCTOR] The battle's not over yet. If I know the Daleks, they'll doeverything they can to stop that Earth mission ship from getting away.Come on!
(Landing site)
[DALEK] Report.
[DALEK 2] Explosive device in position. Detonation will occur shortlyand power circuits will be restored.
[DALEK] Prepare for immediate take off. The prisoners will load theparrinium aboard our ship.
[HAMILTON] Where is the girl you were holding? Where's Jill?
[DALEK] She escaped during darkness. Now our work is complete, she is ofno consequence.
[DALEK 2] You will load the parrinium. Move!
[DOCTOR] They're getting ready to leave.
[BELLAL] And we are powerless to stop them.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I know the Daleks, and they'll cause the maximum havoc anddestruction before they go.
[DOCTOR] It's their scorched planet policy.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Shush! How did it go?
[SARAH] Oh, we've just come from the Earth mission ship. It's all setfor take off the moment we get full power.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[JILL] But I can't handle the ship. We must free Peter and LieutenantGalloway.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's not going to be so easy. Come over here and seefor yourself. Come on. Look.
(Dalek spaceship)
[HAMILTON] This is it. Five seconds, four, three, two, one.
[DALEK] All power restored.
(Landing site)
[JILL] The beacon! They've destroyed the beacon!
[DALEK] Move! Move!
[DOCTOR] Well, don't prolong the agony. It's obvious you mean to killus. Why don't you get on with it?
[DALEK] It is not necessary. You will perish with the rest of thecreatures.
[DOCTOR] Well, what had you in mind?
[DALEK] We have all the parrinium we need. With it, we can force thespace powers to accede to our demands. If they do not, millions ofpeople on the outer planets will perish.
[HAMILTON] Don't you think Earth will send another mission? Now that thepower barrier has been broken, we could have another ship here in lessthan a month.
[DOCTOR] I imagine the Daleks have already taken that into account,Peter.
[DALEK] Correct. When our ship is in space, we will fire a plaguemissile on to the surface of this planet. The plague will destroy
(Dalek spaceship)
[DALEK] All life and make further landings here impossible!
(Landing site)
[HAMILTON] Galloway, for God's sake, use the bomb!
[DOCTOR] Come on, get out of here quick or we'll be caught in theexhaust blast! Come on, out! Come on, quick. Move!
[SARAH] Well, it's not much consolation, but at least they don't havethe parrinium.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean?
[SARAH] Of course. Well, the Daleks have only got bags of sand. Jill andI loaded to real parrinium aboard the Earth ship.
[HAMILTON] I should never have trusted Galloway. He had one of the Dalekbombs. Could have stopped them with it, damaged their ship. If I knewwhere he was
(Dalek spaceship)
[DALEK 2] We are free of planet's atmosphere.
[DALEK] Prepare to launch plague missile.
[DALEK 2] I obey.
(Landing site)
[HAMILTON] Galloway.
[JILL] He must have hidden away when we put the bags on board.
[DOCTOR] Well, he did his duty, now you must do yours. Get thatparrinium to where it's needed.
[SARAH] Doctor, look! Look at the city!
[DOCTOR] It's rather a pity, in a way. Now the universe is down to sixhundred and ninety nine wonders.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s11", "episode": "e03", "title": "Death to the Daleks"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (23 Mar, 1974; Third Doctor) - The Monster of Peladon
[ETTIS] Come on, lads. Come on, keep it moving. Mustn't keep our lordsand masters waiting. Straight through the gallery.
[ETTIS] What's that? Aggedor. It is the spirit of Aggedor!
[ECKERSLEY] Yes, it's exactly the quality we've been searching for.We're just not producing enough of it.
[NEXOS] How can we? We have modern equipment but these primitives refuseto use it.
[ECKERSLEY] Oh, they'll come round to it. At least they've agreed to usethe sonic lance.
[ECKERSLEY] What's going on? Hey, Ettis. What's all the panic?
[ETTIS] It's Aggedor.
[ETTIS] It's the spirit of Aggedor! We took the sonic lance down intothe mine as you ordered, and the spirit of Aggedor appeared and slewone of us for blasphemy! Who do you think's going to use your alienequipment now?
(Throne room)
[ORTRON] One of our people has been killed. The miners are terrified andrefuse to work. What explanation do you offer us?
[ECKERSLEY] It's not up to me to explain, is it? According to theminers, it was the spirit of Aggedor, whatever that's supposed to mean.
[ORTRON] Do not blaspheme, alien.
[ALPHA] I'm sure no disrespect was intended, Lord Chancellor.
[NEXOS] Your Majesty, we people of the planet Vega are a practical raceof mining engineers. We do not propose to accept that this unfortunateincident was brought about by supernatural means.
[THALIRA] (the young Queen) The miners of Peladon say that Aggedorappeared to them.
[NEXOS] Your Majesty, your miners are primitive and superstitious.
[ORTRON] Then what is your explanation?
[NEXOS] Sabotage.
[ORTRON] And where are these saboteurs?
[ECKERSLEY] Yes, well, sabotage or spooks, the end result's the same. Wehad just about persuaded your miners to accept the use of the soniclance and now they won't touch any of the modern equipment.
[THALIRA] The use of the sonic lance is essential to you?
[ECKERSLEY] Oh yes, your Majesty. It will increase the output tenfold.
[THALIRA] Could you arrange an immediate demonstration of the soniclance?
[ORTRON] Your Majesty
[THALIRA] If our people see that we have faith in your technology, itmay help to calm their fears.
[NEXOS] Of course, your Majesty. We will arrange it immediately.
[ALPHA] Allow me to thank your Majesty on behalf of the Federation. Amost helpful gesture. The sooner we can achieve full production oftrisilicate, the sooner we can bring this dreadful war to a successfulconclusion.
[THALIRA] Thank you, Ambassador. The audience is at an end.
[ALPHA] Thank you, your Majesty.
[ECKERSLEY] Your Majesty.
[ORTRON] Your Majesty, I must protest! I can control this situation. Ido not want you exposed to danger.
[THALIRA] You know as well as I, Ortron, it was my father's dream to seePeladon a civilised planet, a full member of the Federation. He signedthe treaty. We must honour it.
[ORTRON] I intend that we should do so. Right from the day ChancellorHepesh died, I served your father loyally. I worked for the things hebelieved in. Progress, civilisation, the Federation. Now there is warwith Galaxy Five and our people have to make sacrifices.
[THALIRA] Yes, but in quarrel not their own.
[ORTRON] We have to accept the duties of Federation membership, as wellas the benefits.
[ORTRON] Oh, mighty Aggedor, make known your will. Do not seek vengeanceon your servants. Let your judgment fall on those who have trulyoffended thee.
[DOCTOR] The Citadel of Peladon, Sarah. One of the most interesting and
[SARAH] Oh no, it isn't, is it, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, no, not exactly.
[SARAH] No, it's not your precious Citadel at all. It's another rottengloomy old tunnel.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, with the scanner still on the blink, there was noway I could really check.
[SARAH] There's more than the scanner on the blink.
[DOCTOR] Come on. Let's go and see where we are.
[DOCTOR] Well, I think my spatial coordinates must have slipped a bit,too. We may not actually be in the Citadel, Sarah, but we're very closeto it.
[SARAH] We are?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, the Citadel is built on a mountain, you see, and themountain is honeycombed with tunnels like this. Come on.
[SARAH] We couldn't just get back in the Tardis and go home?
[DOCTOR] Oh, have a heart, Sarah. I've been meaning to pay a returnvisit to Peladon for ages.
[SARAH] I can't think why.
[DOCTOR] Come along, Sarah Jane.
(Mine face)
[ORTRON] This way, your Majesty.
[GEBEK] We are honoured by your presence, your Majesty.
[THALIRA] And we are grateful for yours, Gebek. Can you persuade yourminers to overcome their fears and use the new Federation tools?
[GEBEK] The demonstration will help, your Majesty, but there has been adeath. Ettis here was
[ETTIS] I beg of you, your Majesty, do not permit this blasphemy. I haveseen the wrath of Aggedor!
[NEXOS] You have seen enemy spies. Agents from Galaxy Five sent here tocause trouble.
[GEBEK] One of the guards was telling some wild story. He said he sawmore aliens, appearing as if by magic in the tunnels.
[ORTRON] Guard.
[GEBEK] Since Aggedor's appearance there have been many such stories,your Majesty.
[ORTRON] There are alien spies in the tunnels. Enemies of the Federationand of Peladon. They must be found and destroyed.
[GUARD] My lord.
[SARAH] Well, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] This way, I think.
[SARAH] We're lost.
[DOCTOR] Mislaid, possibly.
[SARAH] Oh, why don't we just go back to the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] For two good reasons. One, that I don't want to leave Peladonwithout having a word with my good friend, the King.
[SARAH] Name dropper.
[DOCTOR] And second.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] We are lost. Come on.
(Mine face)
[ECKERSLEY] Your Majesty, everything is prepared.May we begin?
[THALIRA] Please.
[ECKERSLEY] Nexos? If you will just keep your eyes on that section ofthe wall over there.
[ECKERSLEY] There we are, your Majesty. Direct access to the main seamwithin a matter of moments. Now that would take us weeks to do a joblike that by hand.
[NEXOS] Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. It is trickery! There isnothing to fear.
[ECKERSLEY] Don't be a fool. Come back!
[ETTIS] It is the curse of Aggedor. Now will you believe?
[DOCTOR] Cheer up, Sarah. We're nearly there. Irecognise this tunnel.
[SARAH] As far as I'm concerned, Doctor, a tunnel is a tunnel is atunnel.
[GUARD [OC]] Come on here, lads. Down this way!
[SARAH] What was that?
[DOCTOR] That'll be the palace guard. We'll be all right now.
[SARAH] Well, let's not be rash, hmm?
[GUARD] There they are! Two of them!
[SARAH] Run, Doctor, quick!
[DOCTOR] Sarah! Sarah!
[SARAH] We're trapped!
[DOCTOR] Oh no, we're not. Look.
[DOCTOR] Go on, in you go.
[DOCTOR] The temple of Aggedor in the Citadel ofPeladon.
[SARAH] I believed you. Oh, it is very impressive, Doctor. But whatabout those guards? I thought you said they were friendly here.
[DOCTOR] There must have been a misunderstanding. Probably startled.
[DOCTOR] Ah, look at old Aggedor. There he is, bless him.
[SARAH] He doesn't look very lovable to me.
[DOCTOR] Ah, that's just a statue. You wait till you've seen the realanimal.
[SARAH] The real animal?
[DOCTOR] Yes, didn't I tell you about my first visit to Peladon?
[SARAH] Oh, no, not properly.
[DOCTOR] Well, Peladon was just on the point of entering the galacticFederation, you see, when suddenly they started having this trouble.
[SARAH] Not now, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh well, of course, if you don't want to hear about it.
[SARAH] It's not that, Doctor. I think we're about to have some troubleof our own. (The guards knew about the secret door and are standingbehind the Doctor with their swords drawn.)
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, Sarah. As soon as KingPeladon turns up
[GUARD] Silence!
[ORTRON] Aliens, you are accused both of sacrilege and of sabotage. Doyou confess?
[SARAH] No, we don't. I don't know what you're talk
[ORTRON] Silence! I addressed your master.
[SARAH] He is not my master!
[ORTRON] Well, alien?
[DOCTOR] May I first know whom I have the honour of addressing?
[ORTRON] I am Ortron, High Priest and Chancellor. This is her Majesty,Queen Thalira of Peladon.
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty. But, er, where is King Peladon?
[THALIRA] He was my father. He died when I was a child.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I see. That explains a great deal.
[ORTRON] Alien, name those who sent you and your life may be spared.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, in a moment, old chap. Your Majesty, I
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty, your father and I were very good friends beforeyou were born. I am the Doctor.
[THALIRA] But I have heard stories of the Doctor ever since I was achild.
[ORTRON] Everyone on Peladon knows the story of the Doctor. What betterdisguise for an alien spy and saboteur?
[DOCTOR] You really are a suspicious fellow, aren't you?
[ALPHA] Your Majesty, I cannot tell you how shocked I was to hear
[SARAH] Doctor! What's that?
[DOCTOR] The answer to all our troubles, Sarah.
[ALPHA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Alpha Centauri.
[ALPHA] It is! It's the Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Alpha Centauri, my dear fellow, what a very well-timedentrance.
[ALPHA] It's like a miracle, Doctor. All these years and you haven'tchanged a bit.
[DOCTOR] Neither have you, my dear fellow. A touch of grey around thetentacles perhaps, but still the same old Alpha.
[ORTRON] Ambassador?
[ALPHA] Oh, forgive me, your Majesty.
[THALIRA] Ambassador, we take it that these aliens are known to you?
[ALPHA] Er, not the er, female? Not the female, your Majesty. Still,she's of no importance. But this is most certainly the Doctor. A goodfriend of your father, and of Peladon.
[ORTRON] The past history of this alien is irrelevant.
[ALPHA] I'm sure there has been a misunderstanding, your Majesty. I amprepared to vouch for the Doctor.
[THALIRA] Very well. The charges will be suspended and the aliensreleased into your custody, Ambassador.
[ORTRON] Your Majesty!
[THALIRA] But we shall expect a full report of their behaviour, and oftheir presence on Peladon.
[ALPHA] Of course, your Majesty. Thank you, your Majesty.
[SARAH] Well I don't think that's good enough. What about an apology forthe
[DOCTOR] Sarah, Sarah.
[ALPHA] Doctor, come with me, please.
[SARAH] Hey!
[ALPHA] You may bring the female.
[SARAH] Thanks.
[ORTRON] Your Majesty, it is not wise to trust this alien. Even if he isthe Doctor, he was the one who persuaded King Peladon to join theFederation and caused our present troubles. Now why has he come hereagain?
[THALIRA] We shall not learn the Doctor's plans by having him executed,Ortron. If he is our enemy, he will soon betray himself.
[ETTIS] Gebek, for the last time, listen to me.Even if you do speak to the Queen, it will do no good. She and Ortronare puppets of the Federation.
[GEBEK] We must try.
[ETTIS] If talks fail, Gebek, we fight.
[GEBEK] There will be no fighting. Now, you will all wait for me here.When I've spoken to the Queen, we'll talk again.
[ETTIS] Gebek's a good man, but he's too patient. We'll give him time toget clear, then, while he talks, we'll fight.
[SARAH] I'm sorry, Doctor, but I don't see why Ishould put up with it. And as for your friend here. The female is of noimportance, indeed.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I thought that would rankle a bit.
[SARAH] Well?
[DOCTOR] Actually, you owe Alpha Centauri a very great deal ofgratitude. Without him you'd have been lucky to have got out of therealive. They go in for rough justice here on Peladon, you know. Chop offyour head and apologise afterwards.
[SARAH] Yes, well, if you hadn't missed the target by about five hundredyards and fifty years, we wouldn't be in this mess.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's a point.
(Outside the Throne room)
[ORTRON] Gebek, you know the Citadel is forbiddento those of your kind.
[GEBEK] Reserved for you and your high and mighty nobles and our realmasters, the Federation aliens, of course.
[ORTRON] Do not be insolent, Gebek. You may have a little authorityamongst your miners but you are still one of them. Why did you comehere?
[GEBEK] I must speak with the Queen.
[ORTRON] You should have requested an audience.
[GEBEK] Things are too urgent for that. I must speak with the Queen now,for the good of all Peladon.
[ORTRON] Very well.
(Throne room)
[ORTRON] The miner Gebek, your Majesty.
[GEBEK] Forgive this intrusion, your Majesty.
[THALIRA] Gebek, why have you come here?
[GEBEK] To beg you to send the Federation aliens home.
(Communications room)
[DOCTOR] Well it seems to me, Eckersley, the Federation has brought alot of its troubles on itself.
[ALPHA] That is unfair, Doctor. There have been many difficulties.
[DOCTOR] Look, it's fifty years now since Peladon joined the GalacticFederation, and what have the miners got to show for it? Harder workfor the same rewards.
[ALPHA] Peladon is a feudal society, Doctor. The court is resistant toany change.
[ECKERSLEY] And we have got to step up the production of trisilicate.It's essential to our war effort.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, that's another thing that concerns me, this war. Ithought the Federation was dedicated to peace?
[ECKERSLEY] So it is, Doctor.
[ALPHA] But we were the victims of a vicious and unprovoked attack bythe forces of Galaxy Five.
[DOCTOR] Have you tried to negotiate?
[ALPHA] Many times. They refuse to listen.
[SARAH] Well, what's so important about this trisilicate stuff?
[ECKERSLEY] Our whole technology is based on it. Electronic circuitry,heat shields, inert microcell fibres, radionic crystals. And whoeverthe supply of trisilicate will win this war.
[SARAH] And you think someone's trying to stop you getting it?
[ECKERSLEY] That's what Vega Nexos thought. Saboteurs, agents fromGalaxy Five.
[DOCTOR] It's possible, I suppose.
[ECKERSLEY] Then how did they get here, where are they now and how arethey staying undetected?
[SARAH] Well, what's all that about?
[ECKERSLEY] Well, well, well.
(Outside the Armoury)
[ETTIS] Alien work. In case we can't break it down, Preba, you go andfind an alien to open it for us.
(Communications room)
[SARAH] You don't seem very worried.
[ECKERSLEY] They're wasting their time. Solid duralinium, that door.Triple security electronic lock, remotely controlled from here.
[ALPHA] Just as well. All the modern weapons on the planet are storedthere.
[SARAH] You'll be in trouble if they do get through.
[ECKERSLEY] They won't. When Ortron realises what's going on, he'll sendsome guards to finish them off.
[SARAH] Oh, for heaven's sake, man, you're just going to sit there andwatch them get cut down? Well, can't you stop it?
[ECKERSLEY] I've told you before. Local politics are not my concern.
[DOCTOR] I think you'll find that they are.
[SARAH] Doctor.
[ECKERSLEY] What are you doing here?
[PREBA] Alien, you will come with me and open the armoury door for us.
[ECKERSLEY] Not a chance.
[PREBA] Move!
[SARAH] Doctor!
[PREBA] You will open the armoury, alien, or you will die. Move!
[ECKERSLEY] Thanks. Pretty handy, aren't you?
[ALPHA] You see the dangers we face, Doctor? Peladon is still abarbarous and primitive planet.
[DOCTOR] When miners have to take up arms to protect their rights, theyprobably have their reasons. I'd like to know what those reasons are.
[ECKERSLEY] He won't talk to you. These people are fanatics, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Right then, let's see what he has to say to Queen Thalira. Comeon. You two, stay here.
[ALPHA] Oh, I'm glad. Violence is distressing for
[SARAH] Oh, I'm sorry.
[ALPHA] I believe that human beings sometimes find the appearance of myspecies rather frightening. Yet I assure you, we are an amiable andpeace loving race.
[SARAH] Oh, I am sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I'm just a bit jumpy.Hmm? Okay?
(Throne room)
[ORTRON] Your rulers have decided to support theFederation. It is not for you to question our decisions.
[GEBEK] My people have had enough of the Federation and its commands.There will be armed rebellion!
[THALIRA] Gebek! Would you rebel against me?
[GEBEK] Your Majesty, I am loyal to the throne.
[ORTRON] Then order your miners to return to their work.
[GUARD] Your Majesty, Lord Ortron, the miners have attacked theFederation armoury. They escaped into the tunnels.
[ORTRON] The miners?
[GEBEK] The armoury?
[DOCTOR] Not all of them, your Majesty.
[THALIRA] Doctor?
[GEBEK] Preba. What have you done?
[ORTRON] So, Gebek, now we have the truth of it.
[GEBEK] Your Majesty, I knew nothing of this.
[ORTRON] It is too late for your lies, Gebek. You came here anddistracted our attention so they could attack.
[GEBEK] I ordered you to wait in the tunnels!
[ORTRON] Take them both away!
[GEBEK] But your Majesty, I
[DOCTOR] Now just one moment. I brought this man here to talk to theQueen.
[ORTRON] Be silent, Doctor. The Queen has listened to enough traitors.They have invaded the Citadel and carried arms against your Majesty.The law demands their execution! Take them away!
[ORTRON] So, Doctor, since you are in league with the rebels and havehelped them escape, you shall die in their place.
[DOCTOR] You really are remarkably ungrateful, aren't you?
[ORTRON] What gratitude do we owe you?
[DOCTOR] I've just saved you from a serious political mistake. May Iaddress your Majesty?
[THALIRA] You may. Lord Ortron?
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty, as you know, the miners are already on the pointof armed rebellion. How would they react if their leader was killed bythe Queen's guards? He'd become a martyr, a figurehead for a people'srevolution. Revolution and civil war, your Majesty, unless you allow meto help you.
[THALIRA] But how can you help us?
[DOCTOR] By proving my belief that the appearances of Aggedor are causedby trickery.
[THALIRA] Very well. We will trust you, Doctor, for the present.Captain.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, your Majesty. I'd like to begin by inspecting whereAggedor last appeared, so if someone could show me the way?
[THALIRA] The Queen's Champion will escort you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, splendid. Well, after you, old chap.
[ORTRON] Your Majesty.
(Outside the Throne room)
[ORTRON] Send out patrols into the mines and caves. I want Gebek, andanyone with him, captured or killed.
(Communications room)
[ECKERSLEY] And with that, off they went to take alook at the cavern.
[SARAH] Oh, great. Leaving me to hang about and twiddle my thumbs, asusual.
[ECKERSLEY] I'll say one thing for your friend the Doctor, he's gotquite a knack of talking himself out of trouble.
[SARAH] Mmm, just as long as he hasn't talked himself into a whole lotmore.
(Mine face)
[DOCTOR] Oh, so this is it, is it? All right, let's take a look inside.
[DOCTOR] Well, don't tell me that you're frightened, a big chap likeyou. Come on. Come on.
[DOCTOR] No wonder the Federation was so keen to mine. A typicaltrisilicate vein, that.
[ETTIS] One of the aliens has just entered the cave with the Queen'sChampion. We must sacrifice them both.
[DOCTOR] Very high grade too. And you say the light that killed VegaNexos came from in here?
[DOCTOR] Then there should be some trace.
[GEBEK] What are you doing?
[ETTIS] I'm restoring the holy mountain, to appease the spirit ofAggedor.
[DOCTOR] Blor, are you all right? Come on, up you get. That's it.
[DOCTOR] What the blazes is it?
(Mine face)
[GEBEK] First the armoury, and now this.
[ETTIS] I have given the alien's cave back to the sacred mountain andmade a sacrifice to Aggedor.
[GEBEK] Sacrifice?
[ETTIS] An alien and the Queen's Champion. They both entered the cavejust as I set off the charge.
[GEBEK] Which alien, Ettis?
[ETTIS] I don't know. A new one. Tall, white hair.
[GEBEK] The Doctor. Our one friend among the aliens. He saved my life!
[GEBEK] Come on.
[ETTIS] It's impossible. What are we going to do?
[GEBEK] Open up the cave with that!
[ETTIS] But you don't know how to make it work.
[GEBEK] Then I'll learn.
[ETTIS] You make one mistake and you're going to kill your alien friend.
[GEBEK] Too late now.
(Communications room)
[ALPHA] It's a most magnificent installation. Ifonly we can get trisilicate production up to the necessary level, weshall be able to do our own refining.
[SARAH] Hmm? Oh, yes, yes, I'm sure. The Doctor's been gone an awfullylong time, hasn't he.
[ALPHA] Of course, only Eckersley understands the new refinery fully.I'm sure he'd be glad to explain it to you.
[SARAH] Oh, I'll look forward to that.
[COMPUTER] Emergency! Emergency! Unauthorised use of explosives hasproduced a rock fall in the cavern area.
[SARAH] The cavern. That's where the Doctor's gone. I knew it.Something's happened to him. I'm going to find him.
[ALPHA] Really, it would be most unwise. I'm sure a proper rescueoperation will be mounted.
[SARAH] On this planet? I don't trust any of them. Right.
[ALPHA] These Earth females seem to have a distressing tendency to rashaction.
[ALPHA] Engineer Eckersley. Please return to the communications roomimmediately!
(Mine face)
[ETTIS] The spirit of Aggedor has killed theQueen's Champion.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well something killed him, poor chap. And it would havekilled me too if you hadn't come to the rescue.
[GEBEK] I owed you my life, Doctor. Now, we're even.
[DOCTOR] Wait! I think I can help you if you'll let me.
[ETTIS] Don't trust him, Gebek. You've paid your debt. Now let's get outof here before Ortron's guards find us.
[GEBEK] Why should you wish to help us?
[DOCTOR] For the good of Peladon. You see, I have a special interest inthis planet.
[GEBEK] What can you do?
[DOCTOR] Well, find out who's using Aggedor to frighten your miners, forone thing.
[ETTIS] Nobody uses Aggedor. His spirit is angry with us.
[DOCTOR] Possibly. But if you can persuade your miners to go back towork, I think I can persuade the Federation to improve conditions now,and not wait until the war is over.
[ETTIS] The miners will not work while Aggedor is angry!
[DOCTOR] Exactly, and that's just what somebody wants. Now, do you thinkit's just a coincidence that Aggedor appeared in that cave just as Istarted my investigations?
[ETTIS] Look out. Soldiers!
[GUARD] Gebek! There he is.
[GEBEK] Right, this way. Come on.
(Outside the Refinery)
[SARAH] Hey! Hey, you in there! I'm afraid I'm lost.
[SARAH] Hey, look! I know you're in there. Come on, I saw you. Please! Ionly want to find my way out of these tunnels. Oh!
(Communications room)
[ECKERSLEY] All right, chum, here I am. What's allthe panic?
[ALPHA] There's been an explosion in the cavern.
[ALPHA] The Doctor was there and the young female went to find him.Neither has returned.
[ECKERSLEY] It's the refinery. It must be those miners again.
[ECKERSLEY] Lord! What's she doing in there? She must have triggered offthe automatic defence system.
[ALPHA] How unfortunate! What a catastrophe! Has she been harmed?
[ECKERSLEY] That depends. If she's been under it too long, her brainwill be. We'd better go and get her out of there.
[GEBEK] But our lives have always been the same, Doctor. Work and sleep.Little else. We earn barely enough to feed our families.
[PREBA] The Federation told us things'd be better. So they are for thenobles of the court. We got nothing, as usual.
[ETTIS] And now, they take the sonic lance down into the mine to rip theheart out of the sacred mountain. No wonder Aggedor's angry with thesepeople.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I don't believe all that. I think the Aggedor thatwe've seen is nothing but technological trickery.
[GEBEK] But who's causing it?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but I'm determined to find out.
[ETTIS] And what are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] Nothing! We don't want any more idiotic tricks like that attackon the armoury.
[ETTIS] But we nearly succeeded, didn't we?
[MINER] That's right.
[DOCTOR] You didn't stand a chance! Those armoury doors areelectronically controlled from the communications room. Now that sortof thing just gets people killed for nothing. Now, please, all of you.Just sit tight and give me a chance to work things out, hmm?
[GEBEK] Very well, Doctor. We shall take your advice.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Gebek.
[GEBEK] I believe the Doctor to be our friend. Now, there is to be nomore fighting till I give the word. Is that understood? Ettis?
[ETTIS] Yes.
[GEBEK] Right, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Splendid. Now I'd like to have a talk to Queen Thalira,preferably without Ortron breathing down the back of my neck.
[GEBEK] There are many secret ways from here to the Citadel. Preba knowsthem all. He shall lead us. The rest of you, stay here.
[ETTIS] I say we attack again, and this time we shall succeed, now weknow how to open the armoury door.
(Outside the Refinery)
[ECKERSLEY] Sarah! Sarah, are you all right?
[SARAH] Er, yes.
[SARAH] I think so.
[ECKERSLEY] Thank God.
[SARAH] But what was it?
[ECKERSLEY] You set off the automatic defence system. There's a bit ofmagic to scare off the natives.
[SARAH] All that just to protect your precious machinery? You're verykeen on security, aren't you?
[ECKERSLEY] Yes, on planets like this it pays to be.
[ALPHA] What were you trying to do?
[SARAH] Look, I was lost, that's all. There was someone in there and Iwanted to ask the way.
[ECKERSLEY] There's nobody in there. The whole place is on shutdown.
[SARAH] I tell you I saw someone moving
[ECKERSLEY] Hallucinations. You're still suffering from my little bag oftricks.
[SARAH] I tell you I did see someone in there before all the noise andlights started.
[ECKERSLEY] There's nobody in there and nobody's getting in there.
[ALPHA] Are you well enough to move?
[ECKERSLEY] Can you walk?
[SARAH] Of course.
[ALPHA] Then I suggest we return.
[SARAH] All right. Yes. Oh! The Doctor. Have you heard what's happenedto him?
[ALPHA] No. Let us return to the communications room. By now there maybe news.
[SARAH] Yes.
[ECKERSLEY] Are you coming?
[PREBA] Listen.
[GEBEK] What is it?
[PREBA] Soldiers.
[GEBEK] Searching the tunnels for me?
[DOCTOR] Ortron doesn't give up easily, does he? Can we lose him?
[PREBA] Well, they're blocking the way we wish to follow.
[GEBEK] If we can only distract their attention in some way.
[PREBA] Well, that's it. I'll lead them off.
[GEBEK] Oh, no. If they catch you
[PREBA] A squad of clod-hopping soldiers catch me? I've played in thesetunnels since I was a boy. Quick, hide in there.
[GUARD 2] There he is! After him!
[GUARD] Halt, Gebek. You're under arrest. Right, back to the Citadel.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Throne room)
[ORTRON] Blor has been slain by the wrath ofAggedor like the others. All of this trouble began as soon as theDoctor arrived on Peladon.
[THALIRA] That does not prove that the Doctor is our enemy. If it wasthe spirit of Aggedor
[ORTRON] Your Majesty, the Doctor was seen with Gebek and the otherrebels. He helped them escape a second time.
[THALIRA] But why, Ortron? Why would he turn against us?
[ORTRON] Because he has been sent here to stir up the miners.
[THALIRA] He was my father's friend. He said he wanted to help us.
[ORTRON] A trick to gain your confidence. And anyway, after fifty years,who can be sure it's the same man?
[THALIRA] What is your counsel, Lord Ortron?
[ORTRON] The revolt must be crushed and crushed now. The Doctor must becaptured and executed.
(Outside the Communications room)
[SARAH] You're overdoing things. All right, so youneed an alarm system. Does it have to be something that drives peopleout of their minds?
[ECKERSLEY] You must remember we're strangers on this planet.
[ECKERSLEY] We're not very popular, therefore we have to protectourselves.
[SARAH] Protect yourselves?
[ALPHA] Most of the Pels are still close to barbarism. They have a greatdistrust of progress.
[SARAH] Well, maybe that's because they're not getting anything out ofit. You've got to show them that progress will give them a better life.
[ECKERSLEY] It's no good, Sarah. The only thing these people understandis Argh! (Ettis knocks Eckersley out then grabs Sarah from behind.)
[ALPHA] Help! Help! We're being attacked! Help!
[ETTIS] Be silent, alien. You're wasting your breath. Inside.
[ALPHA] Oh! Oh!
(Communications room)
[ETTIS] Now you won't be harmed so long as you dowhat you're told.
[ALPHA] What is it you want us to do?
[ETTIS] I want you to open the armoury door.
[ALPHA] That is out of the question. Natives of primitive planets areforbidden access to sophisticated weapons.
[ETTIS] Open the door!
[ALPHA] Only Eckersley knows how to operate the controls. I do not.
[ETTIS] I advise you to try, for your sake and for hers.
[GEBEK] (sotto) We must move quietly now, Doctor.The nearer we get to the Citadel, the greater the dangers.
(Communications room)
[ETTIS] Hurry, alien. Must I prove that I mean whatI say?
(Throne room)
[ORTRON] Your Majesty!
[THALIRA] Lord Ortron, what is it?
[ORTRON] There's been another attack on the Federation armoury. Theinner door has been opened. You see, your Majesty, already therebellion has begun. This is what comes of softness with the commonpeople.
(Communications room)
[ETTIS] You betrayed me. You switched on the alarm!
[ALPHA] I warned you I did not fully understand the control mechanism.
[SARAH] No! Can't you see he's telling the truth? Now you've got whatyou came for. Why don't you go while you still can?
[ETTIS] That's a good idea, alien, and I'll take you with me.
[ETTIS] As a hostage.
[SARAH] Ambassador, do something!
[ALPHA] No! You leave her alone! (Ettis pulls Sarah out of the room.)
[ALPHA] Come back! Come back! Oh, dear!
(Outside the Communications room)
[ALPHA] Eckersley! Eckersley, please! Eckersley,please wake up! The armoury has been robbed! Wake up! The Doctor'sfriend has been taken hostage! Eckersley, please, wake up!
[SARAH] Oh, let go! It won't do you no good. It won't help you.
[ETTIS] We've got the weapons.
[ORTRON [OC]] Seize her! Do not let her escape!
[SARAH] But you don't understand. I didn't want to go with them. I wastrying to escape.
[ORTRON] Take her to the temple!
[GEBEK] We're almost at the Citadel now, Doctor.
[GEBEK] Ettis, what new folly is this?
[ETTIS] No folly, Gebek, victory! Now that we've got the new Federationweapons, we'll see who rules on Peladon.
[GEBEK] I must go with them, Doctor. Perhaps I can prevent more madness.
[DOCTOR] Yes, don't worry about me, old chap. I think I know my way fromnow on. Good luck.
[ECKERSLEY] Yes, well, that's really done it. Withmodern weapons in their hands, there's no end to the damage theselunatics can do.
[ALPHA] I know, Eckersley, and it's all my fault.
[ALPHA] I shall resign immediately. The disgrace.
[ECKERSLEY] Well, it's done now. There's no point in going on about it.
[ALPHA] I think I could have faced death for myself in an honourablecause
(Outside the Armoury)
[ALPHA] But he threatened the girl. I was unable tostand by and let him inflict violence on a fellow creature.
[ECKERSLEY] Where is she now?
[ALPHA] Presumably, she's still Ettis' prisoner.
[GUARD] No, Ambassador, she was recaptured by theguards.
[ALPHA] Captured? She's a victim, not a criminal.
[GUARD] Well, Chancellor Ortron said she was helping them.
[ECKERSLEY] Where is she now?
[GUARD] Well, she's been taken to the temple.
[SARAH] No, no, no. Now look, this is all aridiculous mistake.
[ORTRON] You were in collusion with the rebel, Ettis.
[SARAH] Of course I wasn't.
[ORTRON] It was because of you that the Ambassador was forced to openthe armoury door. Is that not true?
[SARAH] Well, yes, in a way, I suppose it was.
[ORTRON] Then you admit your guilt!
[SARAH] The Ambassador opened the door because Ettis threatened to killme. Now you can't say that means I was helping him.
[ORTRON] Your whole plot is clear to me now. You arrived on this planetwith only one aim, to stir up the common people.
[SARAH] That's not true.
[ORTRON] And overthrow the traditional rulers, the nobility of Peladon.You joined with the rebel, Ettis
[ORTRON] While the Doctor allies himself with the other traitor, Gebek!
[DOCTOR] Do forgive me, old chap, but you've got it all wrong.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[ORTRON] Arrest him!
[SARAH] You're safe! They said you'd been blown up in the cavern.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I very nearly was.
[SARAH] Ettis has just robbed the armoury.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. I've just met him in the tunnels.
[ORTRON] So, Doctor, you too admit your guilt.
[DOCTOR] My dear chap, you're just not listening, are you. No one'sadmitting anything. But if you'll take my advice, you'll try and get onthe right side of Gebek. Without him, you've got a full scalerevolution on your hands.
[ORTRON] I need no advice from spies and saboteurs.
[DOCTOR] Look, just take me to the Queen, there's a good chap.
[ORTRON] There's no need to trouble the Queen, Doctor. I shall deal withyou myself. Here in the temple, my will is law. I shall consult thejudgement of Aggedor. Oh, mighty Aggedor, make known they will. Howshall we punish those who have offended against thee?
(Throne room)
[ALPHA] Believe me, your Majesty. Chancellor Ortronhas totally misinterpreted the facts.
[THALIRA] Engineer Eckersley, can you confirm the Ambassador's story?
[ECKERSLEY] I can't confirm anything, your Majesty. I got hit on thehead when it all started.
[ALPHA] But you know that Sarah is not in league with the rebels.
[ECKERSLEY] It seems highly unlikely, though I suppose. No.
[ECKERSLEY] Well, it was because of her that you finally did open thedoor. I suppose it could have been a put-up job.
[ALPHA] Nonsense! The whole idea's absurd! The girl was Ettis' prisoner,not his accomplice. You must believe that, your Majesty.
[THALIRA] I'm prepared to trust your judgement, Ambassador. But what Ibelieve is of little importance. In the temple, Ortron's power isabsolute. There is nothing I can do.
[DOCTOR] Well? And what did he say?
[ORTRON] You have blasphemed in the temple of Aggedor, therefore byAggedor shall you both be punished.
[DOCTOR] Both?
[ORTRON] She shares your guilt, she will share your punishment. Preparethe pit!
(Throne room)
[ALPHA] But your Majesty, whatever your traditions,I beg you in the name of mercy to override them.
[THALIRA] Oh, I wish that I could, Ambassador.
[ALPHA] But you are the Queen.
[THALIRA] Yes, a Queen who is looked upon as little more than a child!
[ALPHA] Many things have changed on Peladon, your Majesty. Perhaps thistoo should change?
[THALIRA] You will come with me.
(Outside the Temple)
[THALIRA] You will admit us to the temple.
[ORTRON] Hurry. Cast them into the pit!
[DOCTOR] Don't be a fool!
(Outside the Temple)
[THALIRA] No doors are barred to the Queen. Standaside!
[THALIRA] Where is the girl?! We demand
[ORTRON] The decision is no longer yours or mine, your Majesty. The girland the Doctor have gone to face the judgement of Aggedor.
(Under the Temple)
[SARAH] Oh. Ow.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right, Sarah?
[SARAH] Well, I don't think anything's broken. What are they going todo, just leave us here?
[DOCTOR] No, I think there's more to it than that.
[SARAH] Oo, that smell. It's sort of musky, like the lion house at thezoo.
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor, there's something in here with us. Somethingalive!
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. Now don't move, Sarah.
[THALIRA] Remove them from the pit, Ortron! Wecommand it!
[ORTRON] Too late, your Majesty.
(Under the Temple)
[DOCTOR] Come on, Aggedor, old chap. That's no way to greet an oldfriend.
[DOCTOR] You remember me, surely?
[SARAH] I don't think he does, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I don't believe this. He and I used to be the greatest offriends! Aggedor! Aggedor! Yes, of course.
[DOCTOR] Klokleda partha mennin klatch. Haroon, haroon, haroon. Klokledasheena tirri natch. Haroon, haroon, haroon.
[DOCTOR] Haroon, haroon, haroon. Haroon, haroon, haroon. Haroon, haroon,haroon. Haroon, haroon, haroon. Haroon. That's better. You remember menow, don't you, old chap.
[SARAH] You should have been a lion tamer, Doctor. How did you manage todo that?
[DOCTOR] A little bit of light hypnosis. It brings out his sweeternature, doesn't it, old chap, hmm? Come and tickle his ears, Sarah.
[SARAH] Not likely. Now look, Doctor, this reunion is all very touching,but what happens to us now?
[DOCTOR] Well, as we were shoved down here to receive the verdict ofAggedor, I would say that the result is very much in our favour,wouldn't you? Come on, Aggedor, old chap, here we go.
[DOCTOR] Come on, get us out of here!
[DOCTOR] Come on! Visiting time's over. Get us out of here.
[THALIRA] Chancellor Ortron, release them from thepit immediately.
(Communications room)
[ALPHA] Now the Doctor is in good standing again, he will help us toclear up our problems.
[ECKERSLEY] Yes, well, I admire your confidence. There's a gang ofhot-headed miners running around in those tunnels with sophisticatedweapons. How are you going to solve that one, hmm?
[ALPHA] Indeed, the situation is most deplorable, but what can I do? Iam only an observer here.
[ECKERSLEY] Well, I know what I'd do. Still, you don't want meinterfering, do you?
[ALPHA] Please, Eckersley, advise me. What would you do?
[ECKERSLEY] Inform the Federation. Get them to send you a bit of muscle.With Federation troops on the planet, you and your friend the Doctor,could make both sides see reason. And besides, if things really do blowup on this planet, the Federation could lose the trisilicate, and thenthey'll want to know why they weren't told how bad things were getting,you see?
[ALPHA] There is much in what you say.
[ECKERSLEY] You've had a long and valuable career on this planet. Itwould be a great pity to see it all end in an ugly mess.
[ALPHA] Perhaps I should discuss it with the Doctor.
[ECKERSLEY] Hey, just a minute. The sonic lance! That's a pretty handypiece of artillery.
[ALPHA] Where are you going?
[ECKERSLEY] I'm going get some guards and bring it back here.
[ALPHA] This is the Federation Ambassador on the planet of Peladon. Getthe emergency security channel, please. Utmost priority.
(Throne room)
[THALIRA] The Doctor and his companion have beenmost barbarously treated. The behaviour of our Chancellor wasunforgivable.
[ORTRON] Your Majesty
[THALIRA] You appealed to the judgement of Aggedor. Now you shall acceptit. The Doctor is vindicated.
[ORTRON] With your Majesty's permission.
[THALIRA] Chairs and refreshments for our guests. You will please acceptour apologies.
[DOCTOR] Well, not at all, your Majesty. In fact I was delighted to meetAggedor again.
[THALIRA] You may sit.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[THALIRA] Now, what did you discover in your investigation at the mines?
[DOCTOR] That the miners are on the point of armed rebellion, yourMajesty, and that Gebek is your only hope. He's a moderate. Civil war'sthe last thing that he wants.
[SARAH] What about Ettis?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's the trouble. Ettis has scored a considerablesuccess with that attack of his on the armoury. Now all the younghotheads are keen to follow him.
[THALIRA] What should we do?
[DOCTOR] Send for Gebek at once, your Majesty. Promise him a better wayof life for his miners and see that they get it. That will cut theground from under Ettis' feet.
[THALIRA] But Ortron says it is wrong to give in to the miners. Thatthey will want more and more.
[SARAH] But don't you see, your Majesty? Ortron just wants to make surethat the benefits of joining the Federation go to him and hisaristocratic friends.
[DOCTOR] You've got to convince your people that the Federation means abetter way of life for everybody, not just for a few nobles at court.
[THALIRA] I will try your plan, Doctor. Can you get a message to Gebekfor me?
[DOCTOR] I'll do my best, your Majesty.
[THALIRA] Tell him to come to the Citadel and meet with me in secret. Iwould hear the grievances of his people and do my best to remedy them.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, your Majesty.
[THALIRA] Go as quickly as you can.
[DOCTOR] I'll just have quick word with the Ambassador and then I'll beoff. Sarah, why don't you, er, why don't you stay and have a few wordswith the Queen? I have an idea you could give her some good advice.
[THALIRA] What advice did the Doctor mean?
[SARAH] Well, it's going to be rather difficult to explain but I thinkhe was referring to Women's Lib.
[THALIRA] And what's that?
[SARAH] Women's liberation, your Majesty. On Earth it means well, verybriefly, it means that we women don't let men push us around.
[THALIRA] It's not like that on Peladon. The ruler is always a man. Iwas only crowned because my father had no son. It's Ortron who holdsthe real power.
[SARAH] Well, only if you let him. You've just got to stand up foryourself.
[THALIRA] It would be different if I was a man. But I'm only a girl.
[SARAH] Now just a minute. There's nothing only about being a girl, yourMajesty. Never mind why they made you a Queen, the fact is you are theQueen, so just you jolly well let them know it.
[ETTIS] Capture the Citadel! Force the Queen toagree to all our demands!
[MINERS] Yes! Yes!
[ETTIS] Expel the aliens from the planet.
[GEBEK] Do you think you can fight the whole of the Galactic Federationwith a handful of stolen weapons?
[ETTIS] And what's your advice, Gebek? More waiting?
[GEBEK] The Federation must have the trisilicate. If we refuse to work,they will put pressure on Ortron to grant our demands.
[ETTIS] Nonsense, Gebek. They don't need us. The Federation will importalien workers and mine the ore with their new machines.
(Communications room)
[DOCTOR] What on Peladon possessed you to do athing like that?
[ALPHA] It seemed the advisable course of action, Doctor. Eckersleyagreed.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, Eckersley should have had more sense.
[SARAH] Hey, Doctor, I thought you
[DOCTOR] Yes, in a minute, Sarah. Sending for Federation troops is theone thing that is certain to make things worse. Well, I only hope I canget things sorted out before they arrive.
[SARAH] Ah, before you go, Doctor. You know when I was looking for youand got lost in the tunnels?
[SARAH] Well, I landed up at the refinery by mistake.
[ALPHA] She triggered off the automatic security system.
[SARAH] Yes, but before all that I saw someone in the refinery.
[ALPHA] A hallucination caused by the effect of the alarm system.
[SARAH] No, no, it was before all that started. Now listen, whoever'sfaking Aggedor would need a lot of technological equipment, right?
[DOCTOR] Yes. And a very considerable power source too.
[SARAH] Well, there's all of that in the refinery.
[ALPHA] But Eckersley says the refinery is empty.
[SARAH] Empty as far as he knows, but suppose somebody's in there? Theplace isn't in use. It'd make the perfect hideout.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well it's certainly worth investigating. But first I'vegot to contact Gebek.
[ORTRON] Contact Gebek? You intend to contact your rebel friends. Youmay have deceived the Queen but you have not deceived me. You willremain in the Citadel until my investigations into your background arecomplete.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on, Ortron, get out of my way.
[ORTRON] You have the freedom of the Citadel, Doctor. Be thankful youare not in a prison.
[SARAH] Pompous old idiot.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Right, I'll be off.
[SARAH] (sotto) Good luck, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Bye.
[ORTRON] You were warned, Doctor. You were ordered to stay in theCitadel. You have disobeyed my command. Take him to the dungeons.
[DOCTOR] You're making a very grave mistake, Ortron.
[ORTRON] Am I, Doctor? Carry on.
[ECKERSLEY] Right, bring it onto here, pointing that way.
[ETTIS] (sotto) What is he doing?
[GEBEK] (sotto) Preparing to take it back to the Citadel, I think.
[ETTIS] (sotto) He's left it a bit late.
[GEBEK] (sotto) Get down, someone's coming.
[ECKERSLEY] What are you doing here?
[SARAH] The Doctor thinks the rebels are going to try and capture thelance.
[ECKERSLEY] Well, there's no sign of them so far.
[ETTIS] (sotto) What are we waiting for, Gebek? Let's attack.
[GEBEK] Just, er, just wait a minute.
(Throne room)
[ALPHA] I wish to protest most strongly against thearrest of the Doctor.
[ORTRON] He was ordered to stay in the Citadel. He chose to disobey.
[THALIRA] Chancellor Ortron, you have again exceeded your authority. Weordered that the Doctor be allowed to continue his investigation.
[ORTRON] But your Majesty, I myself heard him say that he intended tocontact the rebel Gebek.
[ALPHA] The Doctor is under the protection of the Federation.
[ORTRON] Is he indeed, Ambassador? Tell me, has he any official rank orposition within the Federation?
[ALPHA] The Doctor's position is unique.
[ORTRON] Then you can produce his official Federation identity record.
[ALPHA] Well, as a matter of fact, he seems to be untraceable at themoment.
[ORTRON] You see, your Majesty? A nameless alien who does not officiallyexist.
[ALPHA] But we have chosen to give him our friendship and protection,Ortron.
[ORTRON] Then it is the duty of her Majesty's servants to protect herfrom her errors. The Doctor will remain imprisoned where he can do nofurther harm, and I shall give orders for the arrest of his femalecompanion.
[THALIRA] No, Ortron, that you will not! The girl, Sarah, will remain atliberty.
[ORTRON] As your Majesty wishes. Since she is only a female, heractivities are of little importance.
[ECKERSLEY] Right, let's get this thing back to theCitadel.
[ECKERSLEY] Quick, Sarah, here. Down!
[ECKERSLEY] Now we'll show them.
[GEBEK] Eckersley, move away from that lance.
[ECKERSLEY] It was worth a try.
[SARAH] I've a message for you from the Doctor. The Queen has agreed tomeet you in secret.
[GEBEK] It may be difficult. I'll come to the Citadel when I can.
[ECKERSLEY] What are you going to do with us, Gebek?
[GEBEK] Nothing. You can go.
[ETTIS] No! What are you doing? Kill them!
[GEBEK] There's been too much killing. Now go.
[ECKERSLEY] I'm taking that machine with me.
[SARAH] Don't argue. Let's go while we still can.
[ETTIS] You should have killed them. You're too weak, Gebek.
[GEBEK] And you are a fool. Now take that machine away. I've got thingsto do.
(Throne room)
[ORTRON] And now the rebels have the sonic lance intheir hands.
[ECKERSLEY] There was nothing I could do. I'm sorry, your Majesty, butthey had Federation weapons, and your troops didn't.
[SARAH] That's true.
[THALIRA] How dangerous is this device?
[ECKERSLEY] Well, if it's properly handled and at full power, it'scapable of destroying the entire Citadel.
[SARAH] What?
[ORTRON] Why weren't we told this before?
[ALPHA] It would be an unhappy admission to make when the Federationtroops arrive.
[THALIRA] Federation troops?
[ORTRON] We want no alien troops on Peladon.
[ALPHA] Forgive me, your Majesty, I should have informed you earlier,but the situation had become so bad that I felt forced to send forhelp.
[SARAH] Well, can't you send them back?
[ALPHA] Once security troops are summoned, they cannot be recalled.
[SARAH] Well, what'll make them pack up and go away again?
[ORTRON] Go away?
[SARAH] Yes. Well, don't you see? Since the troops are coming, the thingto do is get rid of them as soon as possible. We must make them goaway.
[THALIRA] Go on, Sarah.
[SARAH] Well, they'll only go if it looks as if there's no need forthem. Now, if everything was running smoothly.
[DOCTOR] Guard? Guard, could I have a glass of water, please?
[DOCTOR] Now, now, now, no need to be aggressive. There's no harm intrying, is there. Look, what about my glass of water?
[DOCTOR] Good health.
(Outside the Throne room)
[ALPHA] A most excellent scheme, Sarah. Worthy of the Doctor himself.
[SARAH] Yeah. Even old Ortron seems pretty keen on it. He doesn't wantFederation troops here any more than we do. I'll see you.
[ALPHA] Where are you going, Sarah?
[SARAH] To try and find this dungeon where they're holding the Doctor.
[ALPHA] You should use the proper procedures!
[SARAH] Gebek!
[GEBEK] Shush!
[SARAH] How did you get here?
[GEBEK] There are many secret ways into this Citadel. Where's theDoctor?
[SARAH] Ortron's had him locked up. I must find him.
[GEBEK] I know where they'll be keeping him. In the lower dungeons.
[SARAH] Right, let's go and get him out.
[GEBEK] Oh, no. No, you must return to the others, or they'll getsuspicious.
[SARAH] Yeah, but what about the Doctor?
[GEBEK] Leave that to me.
[SARAH] You're sure? Okay.
[DOCTOR] Ah, my glass of water at last, eh?
[DOCTOR] I say, guard. Oh, er, have you seen this?
[DOCTOR] Watch very closely. See the coin? Watch.
[DOCTOR] It's rather good, isn't it? Would you like to try it? Ah, thereyou are, Gebek.
[GUARD] Hey you.
[DOCTOR] Well done. Get his keys.
[GEBEK] Soon have you out of there, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Give me the keys.
[GEBEK] Yep. I'll just tuck him in here. He won't make such a mess then.
[GEBEK] Sarah told me the Queen wants to see me.
[DOCTOR] That'll have to wait for a while. Ortron's on the warpath.
[GEBEK] Well, what now then?
[DOCTOR] I'd like you to take me to the Federation refinery. From whatSarah tells me, there's something singularly suspicious going on downthere.
[GEBEK] All right. This way, Doctor.
[ETTIS] Eckersley has given us a fine weapon. From here we dominate theCitadel!
[GEBEK] If Federation troops land, Doctor, mypeople will fight, I promise you.
[DOCTOR] Well, I believe you, Gebek. That's why we've got to expose thisAggedor trickery before they arrive. What is it?
[GEBEK] Someone coming. Over there.
[GEBEK] They must be mad. My miners won't work with guards standing overthem.
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite so, old chap, but still, we've got to think of firstthings first, eh? Come on, let's get on.
(Communications room)
[VOICE [OC]] Our ship is now in orbit over the planet Peladon.Preliminary detachments will land by scout craft close to the Citadel.
[ALPHA] Your message is received and understood. We await your arrival.
[SARAH] Well, they're on their way.
[ECKERSLEY] Yes. I don't see how you can hope to fool them for long.
[SARAH] Well, with any luck they won't be here for long. That's thewhole idea.
[ALPHA] Long enough, I hope, to force Chancellor Ortron to release theDoctor from the dungeon.
[SARAH] Yes.
(Outside the Refinery)
[GEBEK] This is the place, Doctor, but be careful.There is evil here.
[DOCTOR] What?
[GEBEK] Well, several of my people have been attacked by magic, andtheir minds destroyed.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, don't worry, old chap. It's Eckersley's patent alarmsystem. I'll deal with the magic before we start.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that'll be it.
(Communications room)
[ECKERSLEY] What's Gebek and Ettis and that littlelot up to, eh? That's what's worrying me. And where's the sonic lance?
[SARAH] I don't know. Maybe they just wanted to stop you using it?
[ECKERSLEY] Yes, maybe. I think I'll just check the area again.
[ALPHA] I estimate that the Federation troops will be here at almost anymoment.
[ECKERSLEY] Ah, there's Ortron arriving now.
[SARAH] I only hope he can get the miners to cooperate.
[ECKERSLEY] Hey, the old devil's on the loose.
[SARAH] Well, well, well.
[ECKERSLEY] And that's Gebek with him. What are those two up to?
[ALPHA] I fear your suspicions were correct after all, Eckersley.
[SARAH] What?
[ALPHA] It appears that he has gone over to the rebel side completely.
[SARAH] Don't be so ridiculous.
[ECKERSLEY] Oh, has he? Right. We'll see about that.
[SARAH] No! Please, you mustn't interfere! No, it isn't sabotage, Ipromise you.
[ECKERSLEY] Then what's he up to, eh?
[SARAH] No! All right, all right. We think the Aggedor trick is beingworked from the refinery.
[ECKERSLEY] Well, of all the daft ideas.
[SARAH] No. Well, someone is hiding down there without your knowing.Look, if we're wrong, there'll be no harm done. And don't worry, theDoctor won't damage your precious machinery.
[ORTRON] Well, unfortunately
[GUARD] Silence! Silence!
[ORTRON] Unfortunately, Federation troops, as a result of the recentviolence, are about to land on this planet.
[MINER] Don't think that'll save you!
[ORTRON] I didn't send for them. I don't want them here any more thanyou do. But they're coming, and we cannot fight them. Now our only hopeis to convince them that their presence here is not needed, and the wayto do that, is to return the mines to working order. Now, I appeal toyou for the sake of Peladon, go back to work. And when the Federationtroops have gone, there'll be a fair hearing for all your complaints.
[MINER 2] Shall we give it a chance?
[MINER] All right, Chancellor, we'll trust you this time.
[ORTRON] Thank you, men of Peladon. I'm glad that good sense hasprevailed.
(Outside the Refinery)
[GEBEK] Doctor? Can you hear? Back there, down the mine.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, stop worrying. I've just got one more connection tomake.
[GEBEK] They're coming this way, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] That should do it. It should open now.
(Outside the Refinery)
[SSKEL] Do not move. You are my prisoners.
(Communications room)
[SARAH] What are those things?
[ALPHA] Natives of the planet Mars. Your friend, the Doctor, calls themIce Warriors, but I thought they were still in orbit?
[AZAXYR] Greetings, Ambassador.
[AZAXYR] This planet is now under martial law.
[PREBA] The girl brought him a message. There wasto be a secret meeting with the Queen.
[ETTIS] And he believed her? He's walked straight into a trap.
[MINER] What are we going to do?
[ETTIS] Nothing.
[PREBA] Nothing? You speak as if he were already dead.
[ETTIS] Dead, or a prisoner of Ortron, or a prisoner of the Federation,what's the difference?
[PREBA] Well, you're not just going to abandon him?
[ETTIS] What else should we do?
[PREBA] We can do for him what he would do for anyone of us. Rescue him.
[MINER] Get him out.
[ETTIS] Look, look, the Federation troops have landed.
[PREBA] We're not afraid of Federation troops.
[MINER] Anyway we've got our new weapons.
[ETTIS] Oh, all right, all right, it seems that we have to sacrifice ourlives just to save Gebek from the results of his own stupidity. I onlyhope that you think that the price is worth it, Preba. Come on.
(Throne room)
[AZAXYR] Let us see what has emerged. (to Ortron) You say that theminers have rebelled against their proper rulers. But Gebek here saysthat the nobles have cheated them of their rights. You say that theDoctor here is a spy and a saboteur. But the Ambassador says that he isan old and valued friend. (to Gebek) You say that your god appears toyou because he is angry, but the Doctor here is sure that theappearances are caused by trickery.
[DOCTOR] An excellent summing up, Commander Azaxyr. Do you know, you'dhave made a very good judge?
[AZAXYR] You forget, Doctor, I am your judge, your jury and executionertoo. Perhaps. Only Engineer Eckersley here says nothing and accusesnobody.
[ECKERSLEY] Look, all this argy-bargy's nothing to do with me. I camehere to do a job. I just wish people would let me get on with it.
[AZAXYR] Excellent. A splendid example to you all. Now listen to me, allof you. I am not concerned with the situation here on Peladon. Onething concerns me and one thing only. The Federation must have thetrisilicate it needs.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but it's the situation on Peladon that is stopping yougetting the trisilicate.
[AZAXYR] Precisely, Doctor, and let me suggest a simple solution. (toGebek) Your miners will return to work immediately. And they will workunder armed guards which you will provide. (Ortron) And if they refuseto work, they will be killed.
[GEBEK] My miners are united and will defy you, Commander!
[ORTRON] I refuse to allow my troops to kill their countrymen at theorders of an alien power.
[SARAH] (sotto) He was willing enough to do it on his own account.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) That was different.
[AZAXYR] Have the hostages been taken?
[SSKEL] Yes, Commander.
[AZAXYR] Until the miners return to work, a number of selected hostageswill be executed each day.
[ETTIS] Right. Now does everyone understand? Once Gebek is safe, we givethe Federation an ultimatum. Either they agree to all our demands or wedestroy the Citadel with the sonic lance. Agreed?
[PREBA] As you say, Ettis, but only when Gebek is safe.
[ETTIS] Silence! Now listen. Where is Gebek, our leader? Speak or youdie!
[GUARD] He's in the throne room with the others.
[ETTIS] Right, take him away.
(Throne room)
[THALIRA] I protest, Commander. You are exceedingyour authority.
[ALPHA] The Federation does not use such methods.
[AZAXYR] Not in time of peace, Ambassador, but this is war. YourMajesty, I have been authorised to use any methods to ensure oursupplies of trisilicate.
[SARAH] Isn't there some way you can help them, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Commander Azaxyr. Supposing these terror methods of yours don'twork. What then?
[AZAXYR] Then we shall bring in Federation workers, Federation machineryand mine the trisilicate ourselves.
[THALIRA] We will never allow that, Commander.
[GEBEK] That's right, your Majesty. And if your try, every man, womanand child on Peladon will oppose you!
[ORTRON] To the death! You shall not rob Peladon while a living soulremains to defend it.
[DOCTOR] Do you see how they unite against you, Commander? It's no easyjob holding down a hostile planet.
[AZAXYR] If we cannot have the trisilicate, then our space fleet willblast your hostile planet to dust.
[DOCTOR] I just wanted you to see what you were up against. Thank you,Commander Azaxyr.
[AZAXYR] Naturally, we should prefer a peaceful
(Outside the Throne room)
[AZAXYR [OC]] Solution. I hope it will not be necessary to resort tosuch extreme measures.
(Throne room)
[ETTIS] Keep still, all of you! Gebek, come with us!
[AZAXYR] Destroy them.
[AZAXYR] Your Majesty, please accept my apology. This demonstration ofour power was forced upon us. I trust another will not be necessary?Sskel, take the Doctor and his companion to the communications room.Ambassador, Engineer Eckersley, will you accompany them?
[AZAXYR] Your Majesty.
[ORTRON] We will be revenged.
(Communications room)
[AZAXYR] I am not sure what to make of you, Doctor. I think perhaps itwould be safer to accept Ortron's theory and execute you as a spy.
[SARAH] You can't do that. We're not under your authority.
[ALPHA] Federation regulations do not permit summary execution!
[AZAXYR] Must I remind you yet again, Ambassador, here on Peladon I amthe law! Yes, I think perhaps it would be safer to order your executionat once.
[DOCTOR] Don't I even get a trial?
[AZAXYR] Doctor, that was your trial.
[DOCTOR] Then I think you'd be very foolish to destroy the one personwho could help you.
[AZAXYR] Meaning yourself, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. Gebek is the key, and I happen to be theonly man that he trusts.
[SARAH] It's true. The Doctor saved Gebek's life. They've been workingtogether.
[AZAXYR] Is this true, Ambassador?
[ALPHA] Oh, yes! Yes, indeed. There was most certainly an association.
[AZAXYR] What is your opinion, Eckersley?
[ECKERSLEY] Yes, the Doctor could persuade Gebek to get the miners backto work.
[AZAXYR] Very well then, Doctor. You may endeavour to persuade yourfriend, Gebek, to see reason. But if you fail, I shall be forced toresort to my original plan. You will be the first of the hostages to beexecuted.
[SARAH] Executed?
[AZAXYR] Is the refinery in working order?
[ECKERSLEY] It's on shutdown at the moment.
[AZAXYR] You had better take me there. I wish to make a full inspection.
[ECKERSLEY] Very well. Follow me.
[AZAXYR] There must be no further delays once the mines are started.
[ECKERSLEY] There won't be any delays.
[SARAH] How about that Eckersley? Just as long as he gets his wretchedmachinery going, he doesn't care how it's done or who suffers.
[DOCTOR] That's the professional attitude for you, Sarah.
[SARAH] Oh, why can't we just go home?
[DOCTOR] And leave all our friends in the lurch? In any case, CommanderAzaxyr would never let us reach the Tardis, even if we knew where itwas.
[SARAH] No, I suppose you're right.
[DOCTOR] Er, Sarah, you remember the first time that you went down tothe refinery?
[SARAH] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] You told me that you saw something?
[SARAH] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Well, er, go and take a close look at Sskel.
[SARAH] Sskel?
[DOCTOR] The Ice Warrior.
[SARAH] Okay.
[SSKEL] You will not leave.
[SARAH] It was him!
[ALPHA] That's impossible. The Commander and his troops have only justarrived.
[DOCTOR] No, Sarah is absolutely right. Those two were in the refineryall the time.
[ALPHA] Why?
[DOCTOR] Because Commander Azaxyr isn't acting on behalf of theFederation at all. He's up to something on his own.
[ALPHA] This is appalling! It is treason!
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. (louder) Right, well, I must go and contactGebek.
[SSKEL] Where are you going, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Now come on, Sskel. You heard what the Commander said. I'm togo and see Gebek, and get him to persuade his miners to go back towork. Now he can't talk to them unless I talk to him, can he?
[ALPHA] Commander Azaxyr's behaviour is most reprehensible. I shallreport him to the Federation.
[SARAH] Okay.
[ALPHA] He will be removed from his position and punished.
[SARAH] It's funny he didn't think of that.
[ALPHA] (into microphone) This is the Federation Ambassador on Peladon.I wish to send an urgent message to Federation HQ.
[ALPHA] The circuit is being jammed! It must be Azaxyr's spaceships inorbit round the planet.
[SARAH] So he did think of it after all.
(Throne room)
[ORTRON] If only they hadn't taken the Doctor off to the commun
[DOCTOR] Wait there, Sskel, I won't be a moment.
[GEBEK] Doctor, are you all right?
[THALIRA] Oh, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty. Now listen to me, Gebek, we haven't got muchtime. I want your miners to cooperate by going back to work.
[ORTRON] Why, never! We shall fight the invaders together.
[GEBEK] Yes, Doctor. Ortron and I are agreed. From the death of thefirst hostage, it will be war.
[THALIRA] Our people would sooner die than be enslaved.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's nice to see the Peladonians all on the same side foronce. (sotto) I don't mean really cooperate. I want the miners topretend to cooperate to give us time to deal with the Ice Warriors.
[GEBEK] (sotto) Yes, they would, if they understood what was happening.
[DOCTOR] Then you'll have to make them understand, won't you? Forgiveus, your Majesty. Come on, we haven't got much time. Sskel?
[GEBEK] Friends, I'm one of you. I always have been. And believe me,nothing I say now will ever change that. I'm here because CommanderAzaxyr knows you trust me and that you'll do whatever I tell you to do.The same way you've always done exactly what Chancellor Ortron told youto do. Now, in spite of everything that's been happening, I want you tocooperate with the Federation troops. We've discussed this matter withour good friend Ortron and he's in complete agreement. We are going tocooperate with Commander Azaxyr, in the same way that we have beencooperating with Ortron. Oh, you remember how we cooperated over theFederation armoury, how we cooperated over the sonic lance. Well, thatis the kind of cooperation we are now going to give Commander Azaxyr.Are you with me?
[MINERS] Yes! Aye.
[AZAXYR] Congratulations, Doctor, mostsatisfactory. The miners are back at work and stocks are building upagain. Eckersley tells me that the refinery will soon be in operation.
[DOCTOR] I take it my death sentence has been lifted then?
[AZAXYR] Shall we say suspended, Doctor? You live while you are useful.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's something, I suppose.
[AZAXYR] I still do not trust you, Doctor, but I think you have realisedthat your only chance of survival lies in full cooperation.
[DOCTOR] Oh, but of course. I've always been very keen on survival.
[AZAXYR] Until I have decided your final fate, you will remain in thecommunications room.
(Communications room)
[SARAH] Doctor!
[AZAXYR] Do not attempt to leave.
[DOCTOR] So much for stage one. Now for stage two, I think.
[SARAH] You be careful, Doctor. If Azaxyr thinks you're double-crossinghim, he'll kill you.
[DOCTOR] My dear Sarah, Azaxyr will kill me anyway as soon as he findsI'm no longer useful. It's just a question of my getting rid of himbefore he gets rid of me.
[SARAH] Well, what are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Warm things up a little. One thing Ice Warriors can't stand isheat.
[ETTIS] Psst! Psst!
[ETTIS] What's happening? Why is everybody working again?
[RIMA] Ah, Gebek told us to.
[ETTIS] Gebek?
[RIMA] He came down here and made a speech. Said we should allcooperate.
[ETTIS] I knew it. He's gone soft.
[RIMA] No, you don't understand. See, it's a trick. Gebek's got a plan.
[ETTIS] Yes, he's betrayed us. He's gone onto their side.
[RIMA] He'd never do that.
[ETTIS] Yes, well, I've got a plan as well. I've got the sonic lancehidden in a cave on Mount Megeshra. It overlooks the Citadel.
[RIMA] What are you going to do?
[ETTIS] Destroy it. Blow the whole place up!
[RIMA] But the Queen's there. You'll be killing our own people.
[ETTIS] That's right! Kill them, kill them all! The Queen, theChancellor, the guards. They all betrayed us. And kill the IceWarriors, just the way they slaughtered us.
[RIMA] You can't do that, Ettis. I won't let you. You've gone mad. I'mgoing to tell Gebek.
[ETTIS] You'll tell no one!
(Communications room)
[DOCTOR] I think things should be heating up nicelynow.
[SARAH] Well, yes, but what'll happen to them?
[DOCTOR] Well, if they don't get out of the mines, they'll get groggierand groggier until
[SARAH] They collapse?
[DOCTOR] Right.
[GEBEK] Keep at it, lads. Mustn't let the Federation down. Won't be longnow. The men ready?
[GUARD] They're ready, just as soon as you give the signal.
[SSKEL] It is hot. Why is it so hot?
[GEBEK] Because we're underground and underground is always hot. We havea saying on Peladon. If you can't stand the heat, keep out of the mine.
(Throne room)
[ORTRON] And as soon as Gebek gives the signal, ourtroops will join with the miners and attack the Federation troops.
[THALIRA] Will it work? It sounds dangerous.
[ALPHA] It's been conceived by the Doctor. He has fought the IceWarriors before.
[THALIRA] Ah, Commander.
[AZAXYR] Your Majesty.
[THALIRA] We have just been informing the Ambassador that we intend tomake a formal complaint to the Federation about your violation of ourplanetary sovereignty.
[AZAXYR] I regret to hear that, your Majesty.
[THALIRA] We demand immediate access to Federation authorities.
[AZAXYR] At the moment, that is impossible. This whole planet is under acommunications seal until the emergency is over.
[THALIRA] But surely it is over now?
[AZAXYR] I think we will wait a little longer.
[THALIRA] The miners have returned to work.
[AZAXYR] Yes, but the settlement has come so easily that I distrust it.And now, if you will excuse me, your Majesty?
[GEBEK] Now lads!
(Communications room)
[DOCTOR] Right, it's time we were going, I think.
[SARAH] Oh, it doesn't look very safe.
[DOCTOR] Won't be very safe up here once Commander Azaxyr finds out whatwe've been up to.
[DOCTOR] Come in here a minute.
[DOCTOR] Look, see what's going on down in the mine.
[SARAH] But he'll go straight to Azaxyr.
[DOCTOR] Good, the more warriors he sends down the mines, the better.
(Tunnels entrance)
[SARAH] What do we do when they're all down themines?
[DOCTOR] We'll lead a party of Pels back up here and recapture theCitadel.
[SARAH] Ah. Quite the little Napoleon, aren't we?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[RIMA] Gebek, Gebek.
[GEBEK] Rima! Is it bad?
[RIMA] It was Ettis. He stabbed me.
[GEBEK] Ettis?
[RIMA] He's gone mad. He's got the sonic lance in a cave on MountMegeshra. He's going to blow up the Citadel.
[GEBEK] He must be stopped. Now you rest there. I'll be back as soon asI can.
[GEBEK] You all right, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] How are we faring?
[GEBEK] Ettis has the sonic lance in a cave on Mount Megeshra.
[DOCTOR] What?
[GEBEK] He threatens to blow up the Citadel. I've got to stop him.
[DOCTOR] No, no, you stay here. You're the only one they'll follow. I'llgo.
[GEBEK] Well, you don't know the way?
[DOCTOR] Well, tell me.
[GEBEK] Continue down to the end of this tunnel.
[DOCTOR] Yeah.
[GEBEK] Into the big cavern and the path to the cave is on the otherside.
[DOCTOR] All right.
[GEBEK] You'd better take this. You may need it.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Look after Sarah for me.
[SARAH] What? Oh!
[GEBEK] Come on, Sarah. You look after Rima. I must get back to themine.
[SARAH] Okay.
(Communications room)
[AZAXYR] Ah, the Doctor's companion.
[ALPHA] Sarah! Are you all right? Oh.
[AZAXYR] Tell me, where is the Doctor?
[AZAXYR] You will tell me.
[DOCTOR] Ettis! Come away from that thing.
[ETTIS] No, I'm going to blow up the Citadel! Kill those Federationbutchers!
[DOCTOR] If you use that sonic lance, you'll be killing your own Queenand a lot of your own people. Now most of the Ice Warriors are in thatmine. The Peladonians are fighting them, Ettis, soldiers and minerstogether, and they're winning!
[ETTIS] I don't believe you. It's a trick. You're working for them.You've sold out. You're like Gebek and the rest of them.
[DOCTOR] Ettis!
(Communications room)
[SARAH] I tell you the Doctor's trying to save allour lives.
[AZAXYR] I do not believe you.
[SARAH] One of the rebels, Ettis, has a sonic lance trained on theCitadel.
[AZAXYR] I know. Our detection devices pin-pointed the position of thesonic lance as soon as we arrived.
[SARAH] Well, he's going to blow this whole place up unless the Doctorcan stop him.
[AZAXYR] Ah. It appears you were telling the truth. Yes, your friend theDoctor fights well.
[ALPHA] But what if Ettis prevails?
[AZAXYR] Do not distress yourself, Ambassador. The sonic lance has aself-destruct circuit which I have already preset by remote control. Ifthe rebel should try to fire it, it will destroy itself. It will, ofcourse, kill all those in the area.
(Opposite the Citadel)
[DOCTOR] Come on, Ettis, this is pointless.
[ETTIS] Yes, Doctor, you're right. I am a fool.
[DOCTOR] No, Ettis, no!
(Communications room)
[SARAH] You killed him! You killed the Doctor!
[AZAXYR] I was defending the safety of the Citadel. The death of theDoctor was an unfortunate necessity. You would do well to accept thesituation.
[SARAH] You still haven't won, you know? The rebels control the minesand you can't go down there because of the heat.
[AZAXYR] But we have switched off the heating controls. We merely haveto wait for the temperature to return to normal.
[SARAH] Gebek and his miners know every inch of those tunnels. Theywon't surrender.
[AZAXYR] Again you underestimate me. The mines
[AZAXYR] Ah, Eckersley.
[AZAXYR] Just the man I wanted to see. The mines have a ventilationsystem, have they not, controlled from the refinery?
[ECKERSLEY] That's right, yes.
[AZAXYR] Your miners can withstand heat, but they cannot live withoutair. Eckersley, you will go to the refinery at once and you will turnthe ventilation system off.
[SARAH] No! No, tell him you won't do it. If they're forced out of themines, they'll be massacred.
[ECKERSLEY] Of course they won't.
[SARAH] They will! He's already killed the Doctor.
[AZAXYR] The Doctor was too dangerous to live, Eckersley.
[ECKERSLEY] Look, I'm sorry about the Doctor, believe me, but he shouldnever have got involved in local politics, and I'm not making the samemistake.
[AZAXYR] Sskel, take her to the throne room and keep her with theothers.
[AZAXYR] Now, Ambassador, we have work to do. There are several mattersI wish to discuss with you concerning the future administration of thisplanet on more efficient lines. I shall require your help.
(Opposite the Citadel)
[GEBEK [OC]] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Gebek.
[GEBEK] Oh, I was just on my way to find you. Well, did you manage tostop him?
[DOCTOR] Well, something did. The whole gun blew up.
[GEBEK] Thank goodness for that. But, er, what happened to Ettis?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid he's dead. How are thing's going?
[GEBEK] Oh, not too well. We drove the Ice Warriors out of the mines butwe couldn't break through to the Citadel. Now the temperature dropping,soon they'll be able to come in after us. And worse than that, theair's getting stale.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I've noticed. Well, they probably switched the ventilationsystem off.
[GEBEK] We'll be gradually forced up to the upper levels. There are IceWarriors waiting at every exit.
[DOCTOR] Where's the ventilation controlled from, do you know?
[GEBEK] Yes, the refinery.
[DOCTOR] Well, you'd better take me there straight away. And by the way,where's Sarah? Well, answer me, man. Where is she?
[GEBEK] I left her looking after Rima, Doctor, but when I went back forher, he was dead. She was gone.
[DOCTOR] What?
[GEBEK] I'm sorry.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's not your fault, is it. Now don't worry, old chap,we'll find her.
(Throne room)
[THALIRA] We will never forget him, Sarah. He was atrue friend to Peladon. His name will always be honoured.
[SARAH] I still can't believe it. I can't believe that he's dead. Yousee, he was the most alive person I ever met.
[ORTRON] Well, perhaps he escaped somehow? There's always a chance.
[SARAH] That's what the Doctor used to say. There's always a chance,that while there's life
[ALPHA] Your Majesty! I have just had an exhausting meeting withCommander Azaxyr, discussing his plans for his future rule of thisplanet.
[ORTRON] His rule? Queen Thalira rules Peladon.
[ALPHA] In name only from now on. Azaxyr plans an extension of martiallaw over the entire planet. All able-bodied citizens will beconscripted to work in the trisilicate mines.
[THALIRA] My people will never submit to this!
[ALPHA] I fear your people will have little choice, your Majesty.
[ORTRON] But surely the Federation won't approve?
[SARAH] Then it's up to us to get a message to the Federation and tellthem what Azaxyr is up to.
[ALPHA] I've already tried that. Azaxyr has blocked all thecommunications circuits. I could activate the spatial distress beaconbut it only sends a signal on a pre-set frequency. A general call forhelp.
[SARAH] A kind of SOS? Well, let's try it. Was the communications roomguarded when you left?
[ALPHA] No, it was empty.
[SARAH] Then all we've got to do is get there. But how?
[ORTRON] There is the secret passage behind the throne.
[THALIRA] In full view of the guard?
[SARAH] We've got to get past him.
[THALIRA] If we could entice him from the doorway, he's far too slow toprevent our escaping.
[ORTRON] Our escaping, your Majesty?
[THALIRA] Yes, Ortron. We intend to join our people in the mines.
[ORTRON] Your Majesty, I forbid it!
[THALIRA] What would you have me do, Orton? Stay here to become a puppetqueen for Commander Azaxyr? See my people made slaves?
[ORTRON] Your Majesty, you put me to shame. We shall assist you in yourescape.
[SARAH] Well, the first thing we need to do is create a diversion. YourMajesty, do you think you could faint convincingly?
(Outside the Throne room)
[ALPHA] The Queen is ill.
[ALPHA] You must summon medical assistance immediately.
[SARAH] Run, everybody!
(Throne room)
[ORTRON] Your Majesty!
[ORTRON] Run, your Majesty!
[THALIRA] Ortron!
[AZAXYR] No! The Ambassador and the Doctor's companion, where are they?
[THALIRA] They went to tunnels. They wanted to join Gebek and therebels.
[AZAXYR] How very convenient. Let there be no more of this foolishness,your Majesty. You can see for yourself the results of defying the IceWarriors. Guard her.
[AZAXYR] Good. You have switched off the ventilation system.
[ECKERSLEY] Yes, it won't be long now.
[AZAXYR] Excellent. The Ambassador and the Doctor's companion havefoolishly taken refuge in the mines.
(Communications room)
[SARAH] Come on, we haven't much time.
[ALPHA] I am trying to remember the correct circuit.
[SARAH] Oh, hurry up.
[ALPHA] Please? You are making me nervous.
[SARAH] Oh, er, sorry. I'll let you concentrate. I'll check what's goingon.
[ALPHA] It is done. Though of course there is no guarantee that anyonewill hear it, or that they will act on it if they do.
[SARAH] Look at this.
[ALPHA] It's Eckersley and Commander Azaxyr.
[SARAH] Oh, I know that. Bit chummy though, aren't they? As if theywere. Can you get me sound on this?
[AZAXYR [on monitor]] Yes, but I see no further need for thismasquerade, Eckersley.
[ECKERSLEY [on monitor]] Well, I do. We agreed. Till we succeeded, Istay undercover.
[AZAXYR [on monitor]] But this planet is almost ours.
[ECKERSLEY [on monitor]] Almost isn't quite good enough. Things couldstill go wrong, and if they do, well, I'm just an innocent bystander.
[AZAXYR [on monitor]] Very well. Just so long as we can soon beginshipping trisilicate to Galaxy Five.
[ALPHA] They are both traitors!
[ECKERSLEY] They've agreed our terms.
[AZAXYR] Subject to a time limit, so we must conclude matters quickly.
(Outside the Refinery)
[ECKERSLEY [OC]] Well, I'm ready to get things moving. How soon can youregain control of the mines?
[AZAXYR] Air will run out eventually, and then theymust come up.
[ECKERSLEY] Yes, but that will take time.
[AZAXYR] And time is short.
[ECKERSLEY] Then we'll smoke them out with Aggedor.
[ECKERSLEY] That'll get them on the move.
(Outside the Refinery)
[DOCTOR] (silent) Stay there.
(Communications room)
[ALPHA] It seems the Doctor was right. Theappearances of Aggedor were a technological trick, controlled byEckersley. But why has he been doing this?
[SARAH] Well, it's obvious, isn't it? He was deliberately making thingsworse so he could persuade you to call in his Ice Warrior friends.Look!
[SARAH] Ambassador, look. Look, it's the Doctor!
[ALPHA] What?
[SARAH] He's alive. He's alive after all! You stay here and keep sendingthat SOS call. I'm going to join him.
[SSKEL [OC]] The miners are fleeing from the lower levels. We aredestroying them as they emerge.
[AZAXYR] See that all exits are blocked. They must not escape.
[AZAXYR] It seems that our scheme is working, Eckersley.
[ECKERSLEY] I'd better keep up the good work then.
(Outside the Refinery)
[GEBEK] What's happening, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid that it's Eckersley that has been summoning upAggedor. And now he's using him to attack your miners.
[GEBEK] Well, we must stop him!
[DOCTOR] No. If we show our faces in there, Azaxyr will wipe us outwithout a qualm. I'm sorry, Gebek. We've got to wait our chance.
[ECKERSLEY] Well, that should do for the moment.Give them another dose later.
[AZAXYR] Excellent. Let us return to the Citadel.
(Outside the Refinery)
[AZAXYR] You have reset the alarm?
[ECKERSLEY] I can't, not from here. The late, lamented Doctor jiggeredthe control circuits. I'll have to reset the alarm from thecommunications room.
[AZAXYR] Guard the refinery.
[DOCTOR] How long will it take them to get back to the communicationsroom?
[GEBEK] Five minutes, maybe ten. Why?
[DOCTOR] That's how long we've got to get rid of our friend here, fixthat alarm system and get back into the refinery.
[GEBEK] But how? He'll blast us as soon as we break cover.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm well aware of that.
[SARAH] Don't shoot! No, I
[SARAH] Gebek! Oh, Doctor! Oh, you're alive! I thought you'd been blownup in the cave.
[DOCTOR] Luckily for me, that was Ettis.
[SARAH] I don't know. Can't you ever stay out of trouble?
[DOCTOR] My dear Sarah, there's nothing I like more than a quiet life.Now if you'll excuse me, I've got something very important to do in avery short space of time. Look, can you get him out of the light?
[SARAH] Yes!
[GEBEK] Yes, Doctor. We'll take him.
(Communications room)
[AZAXYR] Ambassador! What are you doing here?
[AZAXYR] I was told you had taken refuge in the mines.
[ALPHA] Nonsense. I was simply trying to keep out of the way.
[AZAXYR] Yes, but why here? Could it be that you are trying to send amessage to the Federation? The spatial distress beacon!
[AZAXYR] You have been very foolish, Ambassador.
[ALPHA] I merely thought that things were getting out of control, itwould be wise to summon more help for you.
[AZAXYR] But things are not getting out of control, Ambassador. Thisplanet is firmly under my command. If you disobey me again, Ambassador,you will take the consequences!
[ECKERSLEY] Now, Commander, I'm sure the Ambassador meant it for thebest.
[AZAXYR] Very well, Eckersley. I will give you one more chance,Ambassador. You will come with me to the throne room. Now!
(Outside the Refinery)
[SARAH] How's it going?
[DOCTOR] Nearly finished.
(Communications room)
[ECKERSLEY] I'll catch you up. I forgot to switchthe alarm on.
(Outside the Refinery)
[DOCTOR] Right, that's the alarm fixed. Now for thedoor.
(Throne room)
[AZAXYR] Trisilicate production will be resumedimmediately, your Majesty, using all available modern tools. I shallexpect your Majesty's full cooperation.
[THALIRA] When my father signed treaties with the Federation, he couldnot have known it would lead to nothing but bloodshed. However, we mustaccept the consequences.
[AZAXYR] A wise attitude, your Majesty.
[ALPHA] Do not believe him, your Majesty! The Federation has no part inthis! Commander Azaxyr is a traitor. Eckersley, too! They plan to shipthe trisilicate to our enemies of Galaxy Five!
[AZAXYR] You were warned, Ambassador! Sskel!
[ECKERSLEY] No. No, no. Whatever he knows, we still need him.
[ALPHA] Thank you, Eckersley, but you are still a traitor.
[THALIRA] Then this is true, Eckersley?
[ECKERSLEY] Yes, your Majesty, it's true. But it doesn't make anydifference to you, does it?
[THALIRA] Peladon has never dishonoured a treaty. Our loyalty is to theFederation.
[AZAXYR] There is your loyalty.
[AZAXYR] You will obey or perish.
[ECKERSLEY] Now, Ambassador, you must be a lot brighter than you look.How come you're so well informed?
[ALPHA] You were betrayed by your own security system, Eckersley.
[ALPHA] When you were conspiring with the Commander, Sarah and Ioverheard you on the monitor.
[AZAXYR] The girl! You said she had joined the rebels in the mines.Where is she? Where is she, Ambassador? You will answer if you valueyour life.
[ALPHA] She left before you arrived. When she saw the Doctor on themonitor, she went to the refinery.
[AZAXYR] The Doctor!
[ECKERSLEY] The refinery!
[AZAXYR] Sskel, go to the refinery at once. If the Doctor is there,destroy him.
(Outside the Refinery)
[DOCTOR] Right, that's it. In you go.(Gebek and Sarah enter the refinery as the Doctor closes up the boxagain.)
[DOCTOR] Right, the first thing we've got to do isswitch the ventilation back on, and give those miners of yours someair.
[DOCTOR] There, that should do it.
[SARAH] How about this, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I've seen it.
[SARAH] Well, what's that thing, then?
[SARAH] That thing. What is it?
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's just a simple matter projector, linked to adirectional heat ray. The projector sends an image of that, and theheat ray does the damage.
[GEBEK] The appearances of Aggedor were all done from here?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. By Eckersley or one of his Ice Warriorfriends. Very clever piece of work this. Quite an engineer, our friendEckersley.
[DOCTOR] Directional coordinates are here.
[SARAH] Something's burning. Doctor, look!
(Throne room)
[ALPHA] What puzzles me, Eckersley, is your reasonfor this betrayal.
[ECKERSLEY] It's simply a matter of business, Ambassador. I'll get apercentage of all the trisilicate mined on Peladon, just to make me therichest and the most powerful man in the galaxy.
[THALIRA] Most powerful?
[ECKERSLEY] Yes, your Majesty. When the Ice Warriors have won, I shallbe ruler of Earth.
[ALPHA] And what of Commander Azaxyr?
[ECKERSLEY] No, it's only military glory he's after.
[ALPHA] But the Ice Warriors have been loyal members of the Federationfor many years.
[ECKERSLEY] Azaxyr's head of some kind of breakaway group. He wants toreturn to the good old days of death or glory.
[ECKERSLEY] Ah, Commander.
[AZAXYR] It appears that the Doctor is indeed alive, but Sskel has himtrapped in the refinery.
(Outside the Refinery)
[SSKEL] Help me.
[SARAH] Hurry, Doctor! There's a whole crowd of them out there now!
[GEBEK] They'll be through any minute, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Right, keep your fingers crossed. Heregoes.
[SARAH] It worked! You've done it, Doctor!
[GEBEK] Congratulations, Doctor,
[SARAH] They've gone!
[GEBEK] They've all gone.
[DOCTOR] Right, we've got a chance to win now. Gebek, get back to themines and rally your men.
[GEBEK] Oh, I can try, Doctor, but many of them have been killed. Theythink Aggedor's turned against them.
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll have to make them think differently, won't we?
[GEBEK] Well, how?
[DOCTOR] My dear chap, it's perfectly simple. Now all we have to do isto arrange a time and a place between us in advance. Then get all yourmen together.
(Throne room)
[SSKEL] Commander Azaxyr.
[AZAXYR] Ah, Sskel. Your Majesty, the Doctor has been destroyed.
[SSKEL] No, he is still in the refinery.
[AZAXYR] Alive? What happened?
[SSKEL] He used Aggedor as a weapon against us.
[AZAXYR] I shall send more Ice Warriors.
[SSKEL] We cannot approach the area. The heat from the monster willdestroy us.
[ECKERSLEY] Don't worry, Commander. I'll get him out for you. I builtthat refinery. It's got one or two tricks the Doctor doesn't knowabout. Come on.
[AZAXYR] Guard them.
[MINER] How can we fight on, Gebek? Aggedor'sturned against us.
[GEBEK] No, you are mistaken.
[MINER] He has slain us! He drove us into the guns of Azaxyr's warriors.
[GEBEK] That was trickery by our enemies. Aggedor fights for us,protects the people of Peladon as he has always done. You don't believeme?
[GEBEK] Then I will show you. Now, watch.
[DOCTOR] Well, I hope Gebek's timing's right. Just about now, I think.
[MINER] Well, Gebek? Why do we wait?
[GEBEK] Have patience. Have patience.
[MINER 2] Come on.
[GEBEK] Look!
[GEBEK] Do not be afraid. Aggedor will not harm us. He destroys only ourenemies.
[GEBEK] Now, lads, will you fight?
[MINERS] Yes! Yes!
(Communications room)
[ECKERSLEY] Looks pretty nasty, doesn't it?
[AZAXYR] Don't worry. My warriors will soon destroy those primitives.
[ECKERSLEY] Not while those primitives have got Aggedor working forthem. Time for a word with the Doctor, I think.
[SARAH] Well, how did you know where to send it?
[DOCTOR] Oh, there are preset coordinates for almost everywhere.Eckersley's worked it out very well.
[ECKERSLEY [OC]] Thanks for the compliment, Doctor.
[SARAH] He must be in the communications room.
[ECKERSLEY [OC]] That's right. You can't see me, but I can seeyou.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Then you must know that I'm in complete control of Aggedor.So may I suggest that you give yourself up straight away?
(Communications room)
[ECKERSLEY] No, I admire you, Doctor, I really do.But you're the one who's going to have to give himself up.
[SARAH] What's he talking about?
[DOCTOR] Ah, he's just bluffing.
[ECKERSLEY [OC]] Oh no, I'm not. Remember my little security system? Itworks inside as well as out.
[ECKERSLEY [OC]] Now, that's just the lowest level, Doctor.
(Communications room)
[ECKERSLEY] Surrender now, or I'll step it up.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, get out of here straight away. WarnGebek. They're probably waiting for him. I'll try and help out withAggedor.
[SARAH] Well, you can't mean to stay in here?
[DOCTOR] Oh, this sort of nonsense doesn't worry me. You know that.
[SARAH] No, I can't leave you in here!
[DOCTOR] Sarah, please, go.
(Communications room)
[ECKERSLEY] He won't be able to stand very muchmore of that. He'll surrender soon, or collapse.
[AZAXYR] Excellent. I shall go and prepare my warriors for the attack.
[ECKERSLEY] Well, Doctor? Escape with the girl while you've still got achance. And don't try sending Aggedor up here. The communication roomis shielded.
[DOCTOR] Sorry, old chap, I can't stop and talknow. I'm rather busy.
(Communications room)
[ECKERSLEY] Obstinate devil.
[GEBEK] This way.
[GEBEK] Now do you believe that Aggedor is with us?
[GEBEK] Come on!
(Communications room)
[AZAXYR] The Doctor is still using Aggedor toattack us in the mines!
[AZAXYR] My warriors are being destroyed. You must stop him!
[ECKERSLEY] This is your last chance, Doctor. Surrender now or I'll stepit up to maximum. Your brain will be totally destroyed.
[AZAXYR] He is still resisting.
[ECKERSLEY] It won't be long now. He'll keel over any minute.
[SSKEL] Commander, the miners are almost at the Citadel.
[AZAXYR] Keep up the pressure, Eckersley. I shall prepare an ambush.
[AZAXYR] There. There. (Two Ice Warriors take upthe positions indicated, and Azaxyr moves further along the corridorbefore taking position behind a column.)
[GEBEK] (sotto) Now, you understand? First we will make sure the Queenis safe, then we capture the aliens. And remember, Aggedor is with us.MINERS
[GEBEK] Come on.
[AZAXYR] Destroy them!
[GEBEK] Back! Back!
[GEBEK] Come on! Aggedor fights for us!
[GEBEK] On! On to the throne room!
(Communications room)
[SARAH] Turn it off!
[ECKERSLEY] You wouldn't use that.
[SARAH] Wouldn't I? Turn that alarm off.
[ECKERSLEY] Okay, okay. It's served its purpose anyway. The Doctor'sdead.
[SARAH] I don't believe you.
[ECKERSLEY] Well, have a look.
[ECKERSLEY] I had a nice little scheme going until you two arrived! Iought to. Turn round. Put your hands up.
[SARAH] Oh! Open this door! Let me out!
[MINER] Engineer Eckersley! Gebek has given orders for your capture.
[ECKERSLEY] Get out of my way.
[MINER] No, you are my prisoner.
[ECKERSLEY] Sorry, chum. Too much to do.
(Throne room)
[AZAXYR] Surrender, Gebek. Tell your men to lay down their arms, or theQueen will die.
[AZAXYR] Very sensible, Gebek.
[GEBEK] It seems we had no choice, Commander.
[MINER] Kill him!
[AZAXYR] Now that's enough!
[GEBEK] Are you harmed, your Majesty?
[THALIRA] No, Gebek. Ambassador?
[ALPHA] Your Majesty?
[THALIRA] I think you should try to contact the Federation as soon aspossible to inform them of our situation.
[ALPHA] At once, your Majesty.
(Communications room)
[ALPHA] Sarah! I wondered where you'd got to. Good news! The IceWarriors are defeated and Azaxyr is dead.
[SARAH] Fine.
[ALPHA] What's wrong?
[SARAH] Eckersley killed the Doctor.
[ALPHA] What? Are you sure?
[SARAH] Take a look. I'm going down there.
(Throne room)
[THALIRA] I find it hard to believe that Eckersley could do something sowicked.
[ALPHA] He had nothing to lose, your Majesty, and he's totally ruthless.We must not forget that he is still at liberty.
[ECKERSLEY] All right, your Majesty! You're coming with me.
[ALPHA] Eckersley! What is the purpose of this outrage?
[ECKERSLEY] I've got a space shuttle hidden on the other side of themountain. Her Majesty here is going to be my safe conduct.
[ALPHA] I shall summon assistance. Help! Guards!
[ECKERSLEY] Stay there, your Majesty! Don't move.
(Secret Tunnel)
[ECKERSLEY] Yes, we'll go this way. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Tears?
[DOCTOR] Anyone would think you thought I was dead.
[SARAH] Well, of course I did. You looked dead.
[DOCTOR] Well, even I couldn't stand the row from Eckersley's patentalarm system any longer, so I put myself into a complete sensorywithdrawal.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, a sort of trance. I shut myself off.
[SARAH] You did it on purpose? You mean I had all that worry fornothing!
[DOCTOR] Well, don't sound so aggrieved. Anybody would think you preferme dead. Come on, let's go and find the others.
(Throne room)
[GEBEK] Alpha Centauri! Well, what happened? Whereis the Queen?
[ECKERSLEY] This way, your Majesty! Come on!
(Throne room)
[GEBEK] Doctor! Thank goodness you've come.Eckersley has kidnapped the Queen.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ECKERSLEY] Come on! Come on!
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR] How well does Eckersley know these tunnels?
[ALPHA] He made a most thorough survey when he first arrived.
[GEBEK] It won't be easy to find him, Doctor. The mountain's riddledwith these tunnels. Even the miners don't know them all.
[SARAH] He must have quite a start on us, too.
[ALPHA] We could search for days and never find them.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, well, don't worry. I think I know a way we can track himdown.
[ECKERSLEY] Come on! Quickly! Go on.
[ECKERSLEY] Come on!
[THALIRA] Look! Look what you've done!
[ECKERSLEY] Never mind.
[THALIRA] We're trapped.
[ECKERSLEY] We've come clear through the mountain. My spaceship is juston the other side.
[THALIRA] Well then, go! We'll be well rid of you!
[ECKERSLEY] I still need you for a hostage. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Don't move, Eckersley.
[ECKERSLEY] So that's how you found me.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Aggedor may be getting on a bit but he can still sniffout a trail. I'm sorry, old chap, but it's all over.
[ECKERSLEY] No. Unless you want a new ruler on Peladon, you'll standstill.
[DOCTOR] Get him!
[ECKERSLEY] Help me! Help me! Help me, Doctor!
(Throne room)
[THALIRA] Once again, Peladon owes you a greatdebt, Doctor, just as in my father's time. But this time, I hope thatyou'll stay long enough for us to show our gratitude.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, as a matter of fact, your Majesty, I
[THALIRA] I shall want your help and your advice, Doctor.
[SARAH] Oh, your Majesty. You stood up to Ortron, and to Azaxyr and theIce Warriors. You don't need anyone's help.
[THALIRA] I shall be needing a new Chancellor. I had hoped that youmight stay.
[DOCTOR] Well, I know just the man, your Majesty. Gebek.
[THALIRA] We have the greatest admiration for Gebek, but he has notitle. He's only a miner.
[SARAH] There's nothing only about being a miner, your Majesty, anymorethere was about being a girl.
[DOCTOR] It's the man that counts, your Majesty. You can always give hima title.
[THALIRA] It seems that all I can give you is my thanks.
[DOCTOR] Well, I shall always be grateful for the honour, your Majesty.But I'm quite certain that Gebek is the right man.
[ALPHA] Your Majesty!
[THALIRA] Ambassador?
[ALPHA] I have just heard from Federation HQ. The war is over. OnceEckersley and Azaxyr's scheme had failed, Galaxy Five became mostanxious to negotiate a peace treaty.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's splendid news. Splendid.
[GEBEK] Excuse me, your Majesty. Er, Doctor, that blue box you wereasking about.
[GEBEK] We've found it. In the third gallery off the main cavern.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Gebek. Thank you very much. I'll go and check on itstraight away. With your Majesty's permission?
[THALIRA] Of course, Doctor. Goodbye, Doctor.
[THALIRA] Gebek.
[GEBEK] Your Majesty?
(Outside the Tardis)
[SARAH] You're sure you don't want to stay and takethe job, Doctor? Civil service post with a pension.
[DOCTOR] In you get, Sarah. I think it's time I took you home.
[SARAH] I mean, I'd hate to stand in the way of your career.
[DOCTOR] In you go!
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s11", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Monster of Peladon"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (4 May, 1974; Third Doctor) - Planet of the Spiders
[COMEDIAN [OC]] Here's a funny thing. Here's a funny thing. WhenArchimedes, you've heard of Archimedes, jumped out of his bath and randown the road without his clothes on, he didn't shout Eureka, heshouted I'm a streaker!
[BRIGADIER] Look here, Doctor, this is a complete waste of time.
[HOST [OC]] And now, ladies and gentlemen, the management takes greatpleasure in presenting to you that exotic Turkish delight of the east,Sherezadi!
(Spiritual Retreat)
[ALL [OC]] Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om.
[ALL] Om.
[LUPTON] Om mani
[ALL] Om.
[LUPTON] padme hum.
[ALL] Om.
[LUPTON] Om mani
[ALL] Om.
[LUPTON] padme hum.
[ALL] Om.
[LUPTON] Om mani
[ALL] Om.
[LUPTON] padme hum.
[ALL] Om.
[LUPTON] Om mani
[ALL] Om.
[LUPTON] padme hum.
[ALL] Om.
[LUPTON] Om mani
[ALL] Om.
[LUPTON] padme hum.
[DOCTOR] Well, you enjoyed that.
[BRIGADIER] Extraordinary muscular control. Very fit, that girl. I mustadapt some of those movements as exercises for the men.
[DOCTOR] They'd take some adapting.
[HOST [OC]] And now, ladies and gentlemen, a slight contrast. That mindreader extraordinaire, Professor Herbert Clegg!
[DOCTOR] This is what we came for.
[BRIGADIER] And about time.
[BARNES] Shall we carry on?
[LUPTON] No, no, no, no. It's too late now. We'll try again tomorrow.Are you sure you saw nothing?
[BARNES] Oh, it was the wind. Someone left the door open.
[LUPTON] Listen.
[BARNES] It's a car.
[LUPTON] Well, there's only one car here. The car belonging to our newfriend, Mister Yates.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Ah, Professor Clegg. How good of you to come.
[CLEGG] To be honest, I'm not quite sure why I have come. Your messagewas somewhat ambiguous.
[DOCTOR] Yes, It's my fault entirely. I do apologise. Won't you sitdown?
[CLEGG] Thank you. You, er, you want me to do my act for you? Some sortof regimental guest night, is it? Cabaret? I do a lot of dinners.
[BRIGADIER] Lord, no. But clever stuff, mind you, but not really my cupof tea.
[CLEGG] Oh, then, er, what exactly is it you want of me, gentlemen?
[DOCTOR] Well, you see, Professor, I'm doing a little research into ESP.
[BRIGADIER] That's extra sensory perception, you know.
[CLEGG] Ah, yes, as a matter of actual fact, I did know that.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, really? Well, I can't say that I did until the Doctorexplained this morning.
[DOCTOR] You see, Professor, my particular field covers, er,psycholotry, telepathy and clairvoyance as well, so I thought perhapsyou might be able to help me.
[CLEGG] Oh. Well, you see, I'm afraid I can't, dearly as I'd like to.
[DOCTOR] You disappoint me, Professor.
[CLEGG] Well, there you are, that's just it. I'm, er. Well, I'm not aprofessor at all. That's just for, er, well, you know, professionalpurposes, do you see?
[BRIGADIER] You're trying to tell us that it was all a lot of tricks.
[CLEGG] Well, er, not to put too fine a point on it, yes.
[DOCTOR] Just a word code with your assistant, eh?
[CLEGG] Ah. Very perspicacious of you, Doctor. I feel sure that mysecret is safe with you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, indeed it is, Professor. Indeed it is.
[CLEGG] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] I assure you that I shall tell nobody that you are really avery powerful clairvoyant.
[CLEGG] I beg your pardon?
[DOCTOR] That's your real secret, isn't it?
[CLEGG] Why ever should you think that?
[DOCTOR] You made a couple of mistakes last night, Professor. You gavethe answer before your assistant had uttered a word.
[CLEGG] Oh. It's happening more and more. I don't want it to! I wasquite happy as a performer, Doctor, but I seem to be developing this,this power! Oh, I hate it. I hate it. The things I can make happen.
[DOCTOR] Physical manifestations? Psychokinesis, for example?
[CLEGG] Well, yes.
[DOCTOR] That's remarkable.
[BRIGADIER] Would you mind explaining?
[CLEGG] Psychokinesis? Moving things by the power of the mind.
[DOCTOR] A very rarely developed faculty in homo sapiens. Professor?Mister Clegg. Would you give us a demonstration?
[CLEGG] Well, er.
[DOCTOR] Please?
[CLEGG] Oh, very well.
[CLEGG] I can't, I can't keep it up.
[BRIGADIER] You ought to use that in your act.
[CLEGG] And lose my sanity? It would be a poor exchange.
[DOCTOR] Mister Clegg, your powers may seem to be extraordinary, but Iassure you that they lie dormant in everyone. They're perfectlynatural.
[CLEGG] I find that very difficult to believe.
[DOCTOR] But that's what my experiment's are all about, Mister Clegg.
[CLEGG] You mean, you mean you can find out why I'm different?
[DOCTOR] Possibly.
[CLEGG] Then I. Very well, I'll help you all I can.
[DOCTOR] Good.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[LUPTON] Not only a journalist, but a woman journalist. We do not wanther here.
[CHO-JE] We cannot shut out the world entirely, my brother.
[LUPTON] Why not? You used to, in Tibet.
[CHO-JE] All things pass away, as you will learn in your meditation.This world of samsara, the world of appearance, is the world of change.
[LUPTON] Yes, but
(Sitting room)
[LUPTON] I came here to get away from the world. Sodid the others. We came here to find solitude.
[CHO-JE] One day you will learn to walk in solitude amidst the trafficof the world.
[LUPTON] It's still not too late to stop her coming.
[CHO-JE] But it is. Mister Yates has already gone to the station tofetch her.
(Mortimer Railway Station)
[SARAH] What's it all about?
(Spiritual Retreat)
[LUPTON] Of course it's no accident. We heard hiscar last night, didn't we? He's bringing her here because he suspectssomething.
[BARNES] We'll just have to stop for a while, that's all.
[LUPTON] Stop? Now? On the point of breakthrough? The power in thatcircle last night
[TOMMY] Hello, Lupton.
[TOMMY] Look.
[LUPTON] Mister Lupton.
[TOMMY] Huh? Yeah. Mister. Look. Pretty.
[BARNES] Go and get on with your work, Tommy. You're not wanted here.
[TOMMY] Finished weeding. Look, Barnes. Pretty flower.
[BARNES] Yes, I can see. Now go and find something else to do, will you?
[TOMMY] Going to have a cuppa. Er, you like a cuppa? Er, you like acuppa, mister?
[BARNES] For pity's sake!
[LUPTON] Get the others together. There's no time to be lost.
[TOMMY] Pretty flower. Poor pretty.
[SARAH] It's a nice day.
[MIKE] Yes, isn't it.
[SARAH] Oh, come on, Mike. Out with it.
[MIKE] Hmm?
[SARAH] What is it all about?
[MIKE] I told you. It's a great story for that magazine of yours.
[SARAH] A couple of refugee Tibetan monks setting up a lamasery indarkest mummerset?
[MIKE] It's not a lamasery. It's a meditation centre.
[SARAH] Okay, so maybe meditation's the in-thing. Maybe I can sell it toPercy. I still want to know what it's all about. Look, you'd betterstart at the beginning. I mean, what are you doing here anyway?
[MIKE] Trying to sort myself out, I suppose, after that golden age mess.
[MIKE] I mean, like you said, everybody's going on about meditation ofone sort or another, so I thought I'd have a crack at it. Then I saw inthe paper about these two Tibetans.
[SARAH] Well, it sounds to me as if these people are just getting onwith their meditation. You know, doing a bit of homework.
[MIKE] Then why be so secret about it? No, they're up to something. Ithink they're in touch with some. Oh, I don't know, some power. It'sdefinitely a job for UNIT.
[SARAH] Well, then, you must tell the Brig or the Doctor.
[MIKE] And you think they'd believe me? Last time we met I pulled a gunon them.
[SARAH] Oh, now I get it!
[SARAH] So, you want me to have a look round and then tell the Brig foryou?
[MIKE] That's the general idea.
[SARAH] Hmm.
[MIKE] Please?
[SARAH] Okay.
[MIKE] Bless you, Sarah Jane.
[SARAH] You'll have to convince me though.
[MIKE] Don't you worry.
[MIKE] There's nothing there.
[SARAH] So you did see it?
[MIKE] The tractor? Of course.
[SARAH] I'm convinced.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] You see, Brigadier, the electrocephalograph will show us hisbrainwaves on here as we carry out the tests. Right, let's try a littlesimple psycholotry, shall we? Er, Lethbridge Stewart, my dear fellow,would you like to give Mister Clegg some little article of yours?
[BRIGADIER] What? Oh. Yes, yes, rather.
[DOCTOR] Right. Ready when you are, Mister Clegg.
[CLEGG] This watch was given to you eleven years ago. You received it ina hotel. A hotel by the sea. Brighton, was it? From a young lady calledDoris. She said it was to mark her gratitude to you
[BRIGADIER] Yes, all true, absolutely spot on.
[BRIGADIER] Surely you've got enough, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] A little too much perhaps, eh, Alastair?
[DOCTOR] Right, this is what we call the IRIS machine, or ImageReproduction Integrating System. It translates your thoughts intopictures on this monitor here. Try this, will you?
(Sitting room)
[CHO-JE] We can but point a finger along the way. A man must go insideand face his fears and hopes, his hates and his loves, and watch themwither away. Then he will find his true self, which is no self. He willsee his true mind, which is no mind.
[SARAH] And that's what meditation's all about?
[CHO-JE] Yes! The old man must die and the new man will discover to hisinexpressible joy that he has never existed.
[SARAH] Well, good luck, mate.
[MIKE] I think I'm going to need it.
[SARAH] But if you do start ferreting about in your subconscious, aren'tyou going to turn up all sorts of nasties? I mean, complexes, phobiasand what have you?
[CHO-JE] Of course, the demons and the divinities. But in our way, theVajrayana Way, we use the powers to help us. If we will excuse me, it'stime for the meditation class.
[MIKE] But couldn't that be dangerous? If these, these powers were usedwrongly.
[CHO-JE] It could be so, yes. By evil men in their ignorance andcraving, it could indeed be most dangerous.
[MIKE] I see.
[CHO-JE] Such a thing could never happen here.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[CLEGG] I'm sorry. I, I saw, well, just fantasies.
[BRIGADIER] Don't worry, Professor. You're doing very well.
[DOCTOR] Indeed you are, Professor. Indeed you are.
[DOCTOR] Now, er, do you feel up to bending the odd fork?
[BENTON] Doctor, I. Ah, doing a bit of hairdressing on the side, eh?
[BENTON] Sorry, sir. I didn't see you there.
[BRIGADIER] What do you want?
[BENTON] Well, this package, sir. It's just arrived by express post. Ithought it may be urgent.
[BRIGADIER] Well, for the Doctor or for me?
[BENTON] Well, that's just it. It's addressed to the Doctor or BrigadierLethbridge Stewart or Captain Yates or, er, Sergeant Benton. It's fromSouth America, sir.
[DOCTOR] What, from Jo?
[BENTON] I reckon so.
[DOCTOR] Well, let's take a look.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, wait a minute. I've got a better idea. Er, MisterClegg, would you like to tell us what's inside this package?
[CLEGG] This has come a long way.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, of course, from the Amazon. Sergeant Benton just toldyou.
[DOCTOR] Brigadier, please.
[CLEGG] From beyond the stars. Could it be a meteorite? Oh, it'sbeautiful. A gemstone. A blue jewel.
[BRIGADIER] Lord, not that stone of yours?
[DOCTOR] The crystal from Metebelis Three. Thank you, Mister Clegg.Let's take a look, shall we?
[DOCTOR] Well, well, well.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[MIKE] And that that's about it.
[SARAH] Where is everybody, though?
[MIKE] In there, most of them.
[SARAH] Well, that's more like it. Can I have a look?
[MIKE] Well, I don't think.
[SARAH] Now, that sweet little lama said to show me everything, didn'the?
[MIKE] Yes, but he didn't mean you to
[SARAH] Well, come on then.
[MIKE] All right, but for heaven's sake be quiet.
[SARAH] Shush.
(Meditation room)
[MIKE] (sotto) It helps with the meditation.
[SARAH] (sotto) What are they meditating about?
[MIKE] (sotto) Not about anything. They're just meditating, watching.
[SARAH] (sotto) So what are they watching?
[MIKE] (sotto) They're mentally watching their tummies go up and down asthey breathe.
[SARAH] (sotto) Like contemplating their belly buttons.
[MIKE] (sotto) You could put it like that. Come on.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[SARAH] Well, I hope you all know what you're onabout.
[MIKE] It probably seems a bit daft.
[MIKE] It's an exercise in awareness, really. Hey, come on. It's time wehid in the cellar.
[SARAH] Oh! Right.
[LUPTON] Good afternoon, my brother.
[MIKE] Good afternoon.
[SARAH] Ahem.
[MIKE] Oh, this is Sarah Jane Smith. She works for Metropolitan. Youknow, the magazine.
[LUPTON] Yes, I know. Cho-Je mentioned that you would be coming.
[MIKE] Did he? When?
[LUPTON] This afternoon. I trust you had an informative visit?
[SARAH] Oh, er, yes. Yes, thank you. Most pleasant. Well, after a badstart, that is.
[LUPTON] A bad start?
[SARAH] Yes, well, Mike and I were driving down the road
[MIKE] Oh, we had a little accident.
[SARAH] Accident?
[MIKE] The car ran off the road.
[LUPTON] You were lucky to escape. The roads round here can be verydangerous. Very dangerous indeed.
[MIKE] I take your point.
[LUPTON] Good. You must stay and share our meal with us.
[SARAH] Oh, great.
[MIKE] I'm afraid there won't be time.
[LUPTON] Well, at least have a cup of tea.
[SARAH] Oh, now you're talking.
[MIKE] Er, no. Unfortunately Miss Smith has to leave right away.
[MIKE] If you don't go now you'll miss your train.
[SARAH] We've got hours yet.
[MIKE] I think you must have mis-read your timetable.
[SARAH] Oh. Excuse me.
(Outside the Spiritual Retreat)
[SARAH] Look, I just don't understand you. You said you want me to seefor myself and then you suddenly take off.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[LUPTON] I don't think we shall have any moretrouble. That young man's scared out of his wits. Warn the others. Wecarry on as planned.
(Mike's car)
[SARAH] Look, what's it all about?
[MIKE] That was Lupton.
[SARAH] Well. Oh, so that's why you pinched me. I'll be bruised for aweek.
[MIKE] You heard what he said. He'd been told you were coming.
[MIKE] Well don't you see? He must have been responsible for thathallucination, that non-existent tractor. He tried to kill us.
[SARAH] So why are we running away?
[MIKE] We're not. We're letting him think we're running away. Now we'llgo back on foot.
[SARAH] The fiendish cunning of the man.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] And we're at our twenty eighth native village. No, hang about,twenty ninth. Switch on the light for me, Sergeant, will you?
[BENTON] All right.
[DOCTOR] We haven't found our toadstool yet, and we're not likely to ifI don't get rid of this crystal. You see, the Indian porters say it'sbad magic. Like it goes or they go. So, Doctor, if you're away on acheap day trip to Mars, perhaps you could look after it for me,Brigadier? Or if you're away in Geneva, how about it, Mike? Or mylovely Sergeant Benton? (Clegg has picked up the crystal.)
[DOCTOR] I must say I miss you all very much.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[SARAH] (sotto) Thanks.
[TOMMY] Why are you climbing in the window?
[MIKE] Er, yes, yes, I
[TOMMY] Play games?
[MIKE] That's right, just playing a little game.
[TOMMY] Tom likes games. Tom play game too? SARAH
[TOMMY] Who are you?
[SARAH] My name is Sarah. Sarah Jane Smith.
[TOMMY] Tom likes you, Sarah Jane Smith.
[SARAH] Oh, you see, Tom, this game, it's called secrets. And its asecret that I'm here. Shush.
[TOMMY] Shush.
[SARAH] Yeah. So you won't tell anyone, will you?
[TOMMY] Ah, that's pretty.
[SARAH] Would you like it?
[SARAH] Here. Careful not to prick yourself.
[TOMMY] Oh, it's pretty.
[MIKE] (sotto) A shameless display of feminine wiles. Come on.
[SARAH] (sotto) Nonsense.
[MIKE] (sotto) Shush.
[MIKE] (sotto) They must be just about to start. Let's find somewhere tohide.
[SARAH] (sotto) Listen.
[MIKE] (sotto) Hide behind here, quick.
[MIKE] Shush.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] And the coffee's just about as filthy as UNIT tea, if that'spossible. I must go now, or I'll miss the next cleft-stick tocivilisation.
[BRIGADIER] I'll get the M.O.
[DOCTOR] You're too late, Brigadier. He's dead.
[LUPTON] Go. I command you, go.
[SPIDER] I have come to give you the power you seek.
[LUPTON] Power?
[SPIDER] Turn around. Turn around, I say.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Well, what did the man die of? Did thecrystal kill him?
[DOCTOR] No, I don't see how it could have done.
[BRIGADIER] Well, he was looking at it when he died.
[BENTON] The police have gone, sir. The Inspector said he'd give you aring later.
[BRIGADIER] Right. Thank you, Benton.
[DOCTOR] Wait a minute. Now there is a chance.
[BRIGADIER] A chance of what?
[DOCTOR] Well, Professor Clegg was attached to this IRIS machine when hedied. Perhaps it recorded his thoughts.
[BRIGADIER] Spiders?
[KEAVER] What happened? That spider! Where is it?
[LUPTON] Now, go to your rooms. But remember, not a word of this to aliving soul. Go on.
[BARNES] Lupton, are you feeling all right?
[LUPTON] Of course I am. Never felt better.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Well, there's only one thing to do now.
[BENTON] Well, what's that, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I must look into the crystal myself.
[BRIGADIER] Isn't that rather dangerous? I mean, look what happened lasttime.
[DOCTOR] I'll bear it in mind, Brigadier.
[BENTON] Er, Doctor?
[BENTON] Well, wouldn't it be best for me to have a go first? I mean,I'm expendable and you're not.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm already responsible for the death of one man,Sergeant. Thanks just the same.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[SARAH] (sotto) Look, you're sure you won't come too?
[MIKE] (sotto) If I went they'd guess I was onto them. No, it's muchbetter you go by yourself. Let the Doc and the Brig know what's goingon.
[SARAH] (sotto) Okay. Hey, Mike?
[MIKE] (sotto) What?
[SARAH] (sotto) I don't know what is going on.
[MIKE] (sotto) Just tell them everything you saw. Off you go.
[SARAH] (sotto) Well, what are you going to do?
[MIKE] (sotto) I'm going to try and get into the Abbot, tell him allabout it.
[SARAH] (sotto) Do be careful.
[LUPTON [OC]] This is only the first stage, do you see?
[BARNES [OC]] I still don't understand what happened.
[LUPTON] I'm only just beginning to understand myself.
[BARNES] And, that spider, what was it? One of those Tibetan demonsCho-je warned us about?
[LUPTON] Well, that's what he would say, but he'd be wrong.
[BARNES] Where did it go?
[LUPTON] It didn't. It's still here.
[BARNES] Still there? Do you mean you can still feel it on your back?
[LUPTON] Our minds are joined together. If I concentrate I can hear itspeaking to me.
[SPIDER [OC]] This man is stupid. Send him away.
[LUPTON] Very well.
[BARNES] Was it speaking to you then?
[LUPTON] It was.
[BARNES] What did it say?
[LUPTON] It said you looked tired and you should be in bed.
[BARNES] I'll never be able to sleep a wink. To think I came here to getpeace of mind.
[LUPTON] Look, I'll see you in the morning. And don't worry. I know whatI'm doing.
[LUPTON] What is it?
[SPIDER [OC]] The crystal. I can feel it. Concentrate, Lupton.Concentrate!
[LUPTON] What crystal?
[SPIDER [OC]] It is why I have come. To find the crystal and get itback. It will give us power, the power we both seek. Concentrate!
[LUPTON] I can see a man staring into a blue light. The light of acrystal. A blue crystal.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Doctor. Doctor? Good grief. Sergeant Benton?
[BENTON [OC]] Yes, sir?
[BRIGADIER] Oh, there you are. Looks as if we have an emergency on ourhands. I can't get him to come round. Damn silly idea. Thought so allalong.
[BRIGADIER] Give me the M.O. Quickly. Oh, is that you, Sullivan? Getover to the lab straight away.
[DOCTOR] Absolutely beautiful.
[BRIGADIER] What's that, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, the smell of that coffee. Thank you, Sergeant.
[BRIGADIER] Forget it, Sullivan.
[DOCTOR] You know, I've always said that next to Mrs Samuel Pepys youmake the finest cup of coffee in the world.
[BENTON] Thank you very much, Doctor. Actually the secret of it is, isto get the water
[BRIGADIER] Yeah. Look, never mind the dratted coffee. What about thespiders?
[DOCTOR] Spiders?
[BRIGADIER] The ones in the crystal.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. You know, Brigadier, when I was a young man, there wasan old hermit who lived half way up a mountain just behind our house. Ispent some of the finest hours of my life with that old man.
[BRIGADIER] What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] And it was from him I first learnt how to look into my mind.
[BRIGADIER] The crystal, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] That's what I'm trying to tell you, Brigadier. When I lookedinto that crystal, all I could see was the face of my old teacher.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[TOMMY] Go to bed, Yates.
[MIKE] But I must see K'Anpo.
[TOMMY] K'Anpo Tommy's friend. He like to be alone. Now go to bed.
[MIKE] But Tom.
[TOMMY] I fetch Cho-Je, or I hit you!
[MIKE] No, no. Don't do that. I won't go up.
[TOMMY] Good. Tommy don't like to hit you. Oh, that's pretty.
[MIKE] Here you are. Yours.
[TOMMY] For Tommy? Oh. Oh, that's pretty. Go to bed, mister. Go to bed.
[LUPTON [OC]] What excellent advice!
[LUPTON] Time for all good little boys to go to bed, don't you agree?
[MIKE] Oh, yes, yes.
[LUPTON] Goodnight.
[MIKE] Goodnight.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Of course I'm listening, Sarah. Go on. What happened next?
[SARAH] Well, then we climbed in the window, you see, and went straightdown to the cellar.
[DOCTOR] Hmm mmm.
[SARAH] Oh, no, not straight down, because of Tommy. Oh, but he's notreally mixed up in this. At least, I suppose he isn't.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's fascinating.
[SARAH] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] The crystal lattice is equally balanced from right to left.It's remarkable.
[SARAH] You see, you're not listening to a word!
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course I am. You went down into the cellar to see ifTommy was still there, right?
[SARAH] Half right. Oh please, do try to pay attention, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Probably analogous to the laser. Well, go on! I'm listening.
[SARAH] Right. So, there they all were in the cellar, chanting away likebilly-o. And all of a sudden this giant spider appeared and jumped onLupton's back!
[DOCTOR] It's coherent thought.
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor, really!
[DOCTOR] A scientific pun. What did you say?
[SARAH] I said really. This is important, but you're so interested inthat wretched
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, before that. What did you say before that? Did yousay spider?
[SARAH] That's right.
[DOCTOR] Now listen to me, Sarah. This is very important. Tell me thewhole story right from the beginning.
(UNIT car park)
[SOLDIER] Excuse me, sir. Can I help you?
[LUPTON] Oh, thanks very much. Er, where's the Doctor?
[SOLDIER] The medical officer? Well, this time of the day, he'll be
[LUPTON] No, no, no, no. The other Doctor.
[SOLDIER] Oh, yes, of course. In his lab, I should think. It's throughthat door over there.
[LUPTON] Thanks very much.
[SOLDIER] Oh, hang about, sir. May I see your pass?
[LUPTON] Pass?
[SOLDIER] Didn't they give you one at the main gate, sir?
[LUPTON] Oh. Yes, of course, how stupid of me! Here. (Lupton aims hisfingers at the soldier, and blue energy zaps him.)
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] So you see, it's after seeing thesespiders that he died. So, there must be some connection.
[SARAH] Where did the crystal come from anyway?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I brought it back some time ago from a planet calledMetebelis Three.
[SARAH] I've never heard of it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you wouldn't have done. It's also called the blue planetbecause the moonlight is blue, you see?
[SARAH] Oh. And did you just happen to stumble across the planet andfind this crystal, accidental like?
[DOCTOR] No, I went there deliberately to fetch it. It has strangeproperties, a Metebelis crystal. It can affect the mind.
[SARAH] The mind? You mean it could drive someone mad?
[DOCTOR] No, just the opposite usually. It clears the mind and amplifiesits power.
[SARAH] But it could be used for evil purposes?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, of course, if the mind operating it was motivated byevil.
[SARAH] So, if the giant spiders on Metebelis Three wanted that crystalback
[DOCTOR] But there aren't any giant spiders on Metebelis Three. Atleast, there weren't any when I was there.
[BENTON] Excuse me, sir.
[BENTON] You have a pass, of course?
[LUPTON] Oh yes, of course.
[BENTON] Hey, wait!
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Wait a minute. There could be a timedifference.
[SARAH] Come again? Oh, I get it! You mean the spiders come from anearlier era than your visit?
[DOCTOR] Or a later one.
[SARAH] What if you're wrong?
[DOCTOR] No, just wait a minute. Give me a chance to work this thingout.
(Outside UNIT Laboratory)
[LUPTON] It's there. The blue crystal. It must bethe one.
[SPIDER [OC]] Of course it is. You forget I can see through your eyes.Now, concentrate. Concentrate!
(UNIT Laboratory)
[SARAH] You know, this is barmy. Here am I, calmlydiscussing fabulous planets with blue moons, giant spiders, magiccrystals, as if I was talking about er, pussycats, fish and chips andthe Liverpool docks.
[DOCTOR] Well, they're just as real.
[SARAH] Oh, I know, but that's what gets me.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[BENTON] Here, what are you doing?
[DOCTOR] What happened, Sergeant? Somebody attack you?
[BENTON] Yes, and he's got that crystal of yours, Doctor. Come on!
(UNIT car park)
[BENTON] Sir! Stop him!
[BRIGADIER] Put your hands in the air.
[DOCTOR] No, no, Brigadier! You'll damage my car. (Benton starts upBessie and drives her over to them.)
[BENTON] Here you are, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Well done, Sergeant. Take me to the airstrip. We'll spot himfrom the air.
[DOCTOR] Get after him, Lethbridge Stewart. I'llcontact you by R/T.
[BRIGADIER] Move over, Benton.
[BENTON] Okay, sir.
[DOCTOR] Hello, Brigadier? Look, is this thingworking? Can you hear me? Over.
[BRIGADIER] Loud and clear, Doctor. Have you had asight of him? Over.
[DOCTOR] Yes, he's getting away from you. Take thenext right fork. Try and cut him off. Out.
[POLICEMAN] Panda Three to control. I'm at the junction of Mallet Lanewith Athenum Road. Nothing to report. Over.
[CONTROL [OC]] Received, Panda Three. Your message timed at ten fifteen.Out.
[POLICEMAN] Panda Three to control. I've just spotted a silverhovercraft being chased by an old crock at ninety miles an hour, andthere's a little tiny helicopter after them both! I'm in pursuit. Over.
[CONTROL [OC]] Thank you, Panda Three. Signal if you need assistance.(pause) What did you say?
[DOCTOR] He's turned off to the right, Brigadier. Isay again. He's turned off to the right.
[DOCTOR] Look, he can't be far away, Brigadier. We must spread out andsearch.
[POLICEMAN] Now, wait a moment. I want a few particulars. You must havetouched ninety back there.
[BRIGADIER] Not now, Constable. Look, Doctor
[SPIDER [OC]] We must escape in the flying machine.
[LUPTON] I don't know how to fly it.
[SPIDER [OC]] The principle seems simple. I will guide your hands. Come!
[BRIGADIER] I think the answer is this
[SARAH] Doctor!
[SARAH] He's got away!
[DOCTOR] Oh no, he hasn't.
[SARAH] Hey, you're not going without me.
[DOCTOR] Right, fasten your seatbelt.
[BRIGADIER] But Doctor, you'll never catch him. He's airborne!
[DOCTOR] Stand well back, Brigadier.
[SARAH] Doctor, we're flying!
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course we're flying.
[BRIGADIER] Come on, Benton.
[POLICEMAN] Panda Three to control. You'll never believe this, Sergeant,but. Oh, nothing to report, over. I'm coming in. I don't feel verywell. Over.
[DOCTOR] Now, keep your eyes peeled for thegyroplane.
[SARAH] There he is!
[DOCTOR] Right, hang on!
[SARAH] Well, now you've caught up with him, what are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Nothing. He can't last much longer. He must be almost out offuel.
[SPIDER [OC]] We must return to the ground. Thereis very little liquid left to burn.
[LUPTON] You mean we've got no fuel?
[SPIDER [OC]] We have enough.
(Space car)
[DOCTOR] Right, here we go. Coming in to land.
[MAN] Fantastic, Mister Hopkins. If I had enough money, I'd buy twentyof them.
[HOPKINS] Look out!
[MAN] Come back!
[LUPTON] We've lost him!
[LUPTON] He'll catch us!
[SPIDER [OC]] I'll get help from Metebelis. Concentrate! Concentrate!
(Spiritual Retreat)
[TOMMY] Clever Lupton.
[TOMMY] Pretty.
[CHO-JE] Mister Lupton.
(Lupton's room)
[LUPTON] We've done it.
[SPIDER [OC]] Yes, we've done it. Together.
[LUPTON] Will this give us power?
[SPIDER [OC]] More power than you dared to dream of. Veil your mind! Youmust cloak your ambition. I can understand it, perhaps I share it, butif my sisters on Metebelis Three were to have an inkling of yourthoughts, they would kill you. Beware! They seek to make the link.
(Spider's Council Chamber)
[QUEEN] We are successful?
[SPIDER] Totally. The crystal is ours.
[QUEEN] You have done well.
[SPIDER [OC]] I thank you, O Queen.
[QUEEN] Now you must prepare to return, bringing the crystal with you.
[SPIDER [OC]] It shall be done.
[LUPTON] What about me? I am to be forgotten?
[QUEEN] You are not necessary!
[LUPTON] Oh, but I am. Without me, you would never have recovered yourprecious crystal. I've been your friend.
[QUEEN] A friend? A two leg dares to claim friendship with the eightlegs, the noble ones?
[SPIDER [OC]] He means no harm, O Queen, and it is true that he hasserved us well.
[QUEEN] Very well. His reward will be to serve us further. We could usehim in the great work, the conquest of Earth.
[SPIDER [OC]] Conquest?
[QUEEN] This is the secret purpose of the Great One.
[COUNCIL] All praise to the Great One!
[QUEEN] That is why she requires the crystal. We shall return to ourrightful home, Earth, as rulers. We have exhausted our power. Be readyto return. Be ready.
(Lupton's room)
[SPIDER [OC]] Rest now. Let the power return to your body, and to yourmind.
[SPIDER [OC]] Sleep, Lupton, sleep.
(Sitting room)
[CHO-JE] I can understand your distress at losing a valuable piece ofequipment, er, Doctor? However, I feel you are mistaken in suggestingthat Mister Lupton had anything to do with it.
[SARAH] But I saw him. I recognised him.
[CHO-JE] When? How far away from here?
[DOCTOR] Oh, about eighty miles, I should say.
[SARAH] And we lost sight of him at about half past ten or thereabouts.
[CHO-JE] At half past ten I was walking to the meditation class and Isaw Mister Lupton in the corridor.
[MIKE] But, but, that's impossible.
[CHO-JE] Precisely. So one of us is mistaken. You cannot believe he wastransported here in the winking of an eye.
[DOCTOR] No, no, of course not.
[MIKE] Well, stranger things have happened.
[SARAH] You can say that again.
[MIKE] Much stranger.
[CHO-JE] As we both know, such things are child's play to a master ofsorcerer, but you cannot believe that Mister Lupton is a sorcerer. Wehave no magicians here, I do assure you.
(Lupton's room)
[BARNES] Lupton. Lupton, wake up. Wake up!
[LUPTON] What is it?
[BARNES] That girl's back. She's brought somebody with her called theDoctor.
[LUPTON] Has she indeed?
[BARNES] Now they're saying that you.
[BARNES] Then it's true. Lupton, we've got to stop this. We're meddlingin things we don't understand.
[LUPTON] Are we now.
[BARNES] Now listen to me. Is that thing on your back at this moment?
[LUPTON] How very strange. No, it's not.
[BARNES] Right, let's get away from here. Now, while the going's good.
[LUPTON] Barnes, do you know why I came to this place?
[BARNES] No, not really.
[LUPTON] All right. Potted history coming up. Picture me, bright youngsalesman. Salesman of the year, Sales Manager, Sales Director. I gavethem twenty five years of my life! Are you with me so far?
[BARNES] Yes, yes.
[LUPTON] Then the finance boys moved in. Merger, takeover, goldenhandshake. Me, out on the streets. I could even have taken that, butwhen I tried to set up of my own, they deliberately, cold bloodedlybroke me.
[LUPTON] I'm still looking for some of the bits.
[BARNES] So you came here to get peace of mind?
[LUPTON] Ha! I came here to get power. Do you think I'm going to let gonow when it's in sight, when I can see myself taking over that firm,taking over the country, the entire stinking world. I want to see themgrovel, I want to see them breaking their hearts, I want to see themeating dirt.
[BARNES] I came here just to look for peace of mind.
(Tommy's cupboard)
[TOMMY] Ah, pretty.
[TOMMY] All Tommy's pretties.
(Lupton's room)
[BARNES] So what are we going to do?
[LUPTON] When I've learned how to use that crystal, I shan't need thespiders anymore.
[BARNES] Lupton, look!
[SPIDER] Your master will come to fetch you soon.
[LUPTON] My master? You mean Cho-Je? Why?
[SPIDER] To talk to the Doctor.
[BARNES] Is it speaking to you? What's it saying?
[SPIDER] Send this fool away.
[LUPTON] Very well. Off you go, Barnes.
[BARNES] What are we going to do?
[LUPTON] Later, man, later.
[BARNES] Oh, very well.
[SPIDER] We must prepare to meet this Doctor.
[LUPTON] I see no necessity.
[SPIDER] He could be dangerous.
[LUPTON] So could I. So could I.
[SPIDER] You will go to see him.
[LUPTON] I shall not.
[SPIDER] You forget, Lupton. We are linked together now. I can twistyour mind as easily as a two leg boy twists another's arm. Like this!
[LUPTON] Oh, stop!
[SPIDER] You won't need the spiders anymore. Isn't that what you said?
[LUPTON] Stop, I can't bear it!
[SPIDER] Say please.
[LUPTON] Please! Please! (The Spider releases him.)
[SPIDER] You will go to see the Doctor and lull his suspicions. Infuture you will do as I wish.
[LUPTON] What did you do to my mind? It felt like red-hot needles. Wasit, was it this that you did? Or no. No, was it this!
[SPIDER] Ah! No! No, stop.
[LUPTON] Say please.
[SPIDER] Please, Lupton! Please!
[SPIDER] You are cleverer than the two legs on Metebelis Three.
[LUPTON] I'm cleverer than most of them on Earth.
[SPIDER] Very well, you need not see this man. Come, we must make ready.
[LUPTON] I'm not going to Metebelis Three just to become a slave to thatQueen of yours.
[SPIDER] I like her arrogance no more than you do. You seek power onEarth. I shall seize it on Metebelis. We can help each other. Turnaround.
[LUPTON] Very well.
[SPIDER [OC]] Now, the crystal.
[LUPTON] It's gone. The crystal has gone!
(Sitting room)
[DOCTOR] Look, Venerable, may we see this manLupton now? I'm sorry to seem pushy but it is very important.
[CHO-JE] It is good that we have come to the west. You whip your poorhorse too much. He gallops so that he is exhausted and yet, you know,he never leaves his stable.
[SARAH] Now what's that supposed to mean?
[MIKE] I think he's saying that, er, time is an illusion.
[DOCTOR] And it'll all be the same in a hundred years. Yes, where have Iheard that before?
[TOMMY] Hey. Hey.
[CHO-JE] There is only the now. The here and the now. The present momentwill have to
(Spiritual Retreat)
[SARAH] Hello, Tommy.
[TOMMY] Hello, Sarah Jane Smith. Tommy like you.
[SARAH] Well, I like you too.
[TOMMY] You give Tommy nice presents, it's pretty.
[SARAH] Oh, I haven't got another one, I'm afraid.
[TOMMY] No, no. Tommy got nice present for Sarah Jane Smith. You come.
[SARAH] Oh, well, not just now, Tommy.
[TOMMY] You come, Sarah Jane Smith.
[SARAH] Okay, okay, but we'll have to be quick.
(Sitting room)
[MIKE] Suppose it'll mean something to me in theend.
[CHO-JE] Ah, the meaning of meaning is the last barrier tounderstanding.
[DOCTOR] Yes, er, Venerable, could we see Mister Lupton now please?
[CHO-JE] But of course. Mister Moss?
[CHO-JE] If you would both wait here, this gentleman will find MisterLupton for you.
[MOSS] Of course.
[CHO-JE] Excuse me, Doctor.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[BARNES] I didn't take it. I wouldn't know what todo with it if I had it.
[LUPTON] But you saw it?
[BARNES] Well, of course I did. You put it on the table.
[LUPTON] Could it have been sent to Metebelis Three?
[SPIDER [OC]] No, my sisters haven't the power, you remember. Thecrystal must still be on Earth.
[LUPTON] Then we must find it.
[SPIDER [OC]] There is no time. The power is building fast. We must beready!
[LUPTON] We don't have to go.
[SPIDER [OC]] If the Queen finds out that we have lost the crystal,she'll kill us both.
[LUPTON] Right, we'll bluff them. We'll pretend we've still got it.
[SPIDER [OC]] But they'll never believe it.
[LUPTON] We have no choice. Now listen, Barnes.
[BARNES] Perhaps you've gone mad, hearing voices, talking to yourself.
[LUPTON] You saw the spider, didn't you?
[BARNES] Perhaps I've gone mad too.
[TOMMY] You stay. Tommy get present. Secret.
[BARNES [OC]] Shall I look for the others then?
[LUPTON [OC]] No, no, no.
[LUPTON] I'll go through the ritual by myself.
[BARNES] In the cellar? Now?
[LUPTON] Yes, yes. See if you can keep the others away for half an houror so, will you?
[MOSS] Lupton, Cho-Je wants you to meet some fellow with Yates.
[LUPTON] Yes, I know, I know. Tell him, er, tell him you can't find me.I'll need the mandala.
[TOMMY] Sarah Jane Smith.
[SARAH] Oh, not now, Tommy.
[SARAH] No, not now. Tommy, you know Mike Yates, don't you?
[TOMMY] Yates. He give Tommy present!
[SARAH] Yes, yes, listen, Tommy. Now listen carefully. I want you to goand find Mike Yates and tell him that Lupton has gone down to thecellar.
[TOMMY] Cellar.
[SARAH] And that I'm going down there too.
[SARAH] Okay?
[TOMMY] Cellar you
[SARAH] I've got to go. I must get there first. Cellar, Tommy.
[TOMMY] But Sarah Jane Smith, your present!
[TOMMY] Yates.
[LUPTON] Om mani padme hum. Om mani padme hum.
(Sitting room)
[MIKE] This is ridiculous. Where's that fellow gotto?
[TOMMY] Yates. Sarah.
[MIKE] Not now Tommy.
[TOMMY] Sarah, cellar.
[MIKE] Not now.
[TOMMY] I tell you, mister, the cellar.
[DOCTOR] I think he's trying to tell you something important, Mike.
[MIKE] It always is.
[MIKE] Ah, there you are.
[MOSS] I'm sorry. I can't find Lupton anywhere.
[TOMMY] Lupton!
[MOSS] He's not in his room, he's not meditating. He's probably gone fora walk.
[TOMMY] Lupton in the cellar!
[MIKE] What?
[TOMMY] Sarah Jane Smith in the cellar!
[DOCTOR] Where is this cellar, Mike?
[MIKE] I'll show you.
[TOMMY] Hey, hey, mister!
[TOMMY] I tell him. Tommy did it.
[MOSS] You certainly did.
[LUPTON] Om mani padme hum, Om mani padme hum, Ommani padme hum.
[SARAH] Doctor! Mike!
(Spiritual Retreat)
[SARAH [OC]] Doctor, come quickly!
[DOCTOR] Get out of my way!
[DOCTOR] Sarah, get off that mandala!
[SARAH] (Shouts.) I can't!
(Spiritual Retreat)
[MIKE] Barnes? He's gone.
[DOCTOR] Well, never mind. I doubt if he could have told us very muchanyway. Well, there's only one thing for me to do, Mike. I've got toget after her, to Metebelis Three.
[MIKE] In the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course.
[MIKE] But how can you be sure you'll get there?
[DOCTOR] Well, the Tardis may be a little erratic, I'll admit. Afterall, she is getting on a bit. But Metebelis Three is the one planet Ican be absolutely certain of reaching. You see, I wired the coordinatesinto the programmer.
[MIKE] Yes, but, but Doctor, a planet's a big place.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I always leave the actual landing to the Tardisherself. She's no fool, you know.
[MIKE] You speak as if she were alive.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I do, don't I? Bye, Mike.
[TUAR] Hey, I found a spy!
[SABOR] (an old man) Tuar, you're a fool. If she's a spy, you'vecondemned us all. We're as good as dead.
[TUAR] Look, I'm tired of waiting. The eight legs'll kill us all anyway.It's time we fought back.
[SABOR] It will do us no good speaking treason. Release her. Releaseher, I say!
[REGA] (young girl) Who are you? How did you come here?
[TUAR] Oh, don't waste time, Rega. She's a spy. We must kill her.
[SABOR] Already we're in danger. Do you want the whole village wipedout? Remember Skorda.
[SARAH] But I'm not a spy. I don't know who you are or anything.
[TUAR] You're lying.
[SARAH] Well anyway, who am I supposed to be spying for? The spiders?
[TUAR] You see? Who but a spy would dare use a forbidden word? We mustkill her before she can betray us.
[SARAH] No, no!
[SABOR] Tuar, No!
[ARAK] Stop! Tuar, stop!
[NESKA] (woman) Arak! Arak! Come back inside, my son!
[ARAK] Let her go! She may be telling the truth. Let her go. You willfollow her, my brother.
[TUAR] She's a spy.
[ARAK] Rubbish. She is a stranger. Look at her clothes.
[TUAR] A stranger? Where from?
[NESKA] Why not ask her? Where do you come from, child?
[SARAH] I'm, I'm from Earth.
[SABOR] From Earth? But how? Did you come in a starship like yourancestors did?
[SARAH] Er, no. Well, I don't know how I got here, actually.
[TUAR] You see? She's lying.
[SABOR] Tell the truth, girl.
[SABOR] How many of you? Where's your ship?
[REGA] Mother, listen! The Queen of the eight legs is coming.
[NESKA] Quickly, my son. Get back into hiding.
[ARAK] Come.
[TUAR] She'll betray you! She'll betray us all!
[SARAH] What is it? What's happening?
[ARAK] Be quiet.
[NESKA] Keep silent, girl. You will bring death to us all.
[GUARD] Hear now, Huarth, most noble of the noble ones, Queen of theeight legs, speaks thus. Arak, male two leg, having attacked fieldguard Draga, leaving him for dead, the same Arak will now surrenderhimself.
[GUARD [OC]] If Arak does not come forth, one maletwo leg will be taken from each family of the settlement to suffer theretribution due for the foul crime of Arak.
[ARAK] I must go, Mother.
[NESKA] No! No!
[SABOR] I'll speak to the Queen. Maybe she'll listen to me.
[NESKA] No, Sabor, it's too dangerous.
[SABOR] The people need Arak. They trust him, they listen to him. He'sour last chance.
[TUAR] That's true, Arak.
[GUARD [OC]] Arak, come forth!
[GUARD] Sabor, where is your son?
[SABOR] I beg leave to speak to the Queen.
[QUEEN] Speak, Sabor.
[SABOR] Draga is a bad field guard. He's unfair, he's cruel. He struckNeska, Arak's mother, for no good reason.
[QUEEN] Silence! This is not to the point. Did he or did he not strikemy guard?
[SABOR] He did, but surely there's a
[QUEEN] Then he must die. Where is he?
[SABOR] He's gone to the hills.
[GUARD] How do you know?
[SABOR] Because I helped him.
[ARAK] No!
[TUAR] Look, it's no good! If you go out there, they'll kill you both.
[QUEEN] You know the penalty? You know that youwill take his place?
[SABOR] Yes.
[QUEEN] Very well. Justice is satisfied. Let us return.
[SARAH] What's going to happen to him?
[TUAR] The eight legs will eat him, of course.
[NESKA] No, I shan't. You shan't take him! Sabor,my husband, my love! Why did you do it? Why? Why?
[GUARD] Woman, get back!
[SABOR] This is the best way I know.
[NESKA] I shan't let them take you. I shan't, I shan't.
[GUARD] Guard!
[REGA] Mother! Mother!
[QUEEN] Wait! There is a stranger here. Guards!
[SARAH] She saw me. They're coming. The guards arecoming!
[TUAR] See? She has betrayed you.
[ARAK] Quick, you must hide.
[SARAH] No. They mustn't find you.
[SARAH] Okay, okay. I'll come quietly.
[DOCTOR] Hello, Sarah Jane.
[GUARD] Stop!
[DOCTOR] Don't do that.
[QUEEN] Let him approach.
[GUARD] You will kneel to the most noble Queen.
[DOCTOR] The Queen? Oh, yes. Yes, of course. Greetings, O most nobleQueen. May I ask what you intend to do with this young lady?
[QUEEN] You do not speak like a two leg. Where have you come from?
[DOCTOR] Both Miss Smith and I come from Earth, your Majesty.
[QUEEN] From Earth? Then you are the one who. No. No, that cannot be. Weshall return. Bring this two leg. We shall question him with thefemale.
[DOCTOR] Now just a minute, your Majesty.
[GUARD] Over there!
[GUARD] Silence! Silence!
[QUEEN] So shall perish all two legs who would dare to question ourpower.
[GUARD] (sotto) I've never seen them like this before.
[QUEEN] (sotto) I think it would be wise to leave.
[GUARD] The girl. She's gone!
[QUEEN] Then you will be punished! We cannot wait. It will soon be dark.Bring the male.
[SARAH] Well, can't you do something?
[TUAR] No, it's no good. He's dead.
[SARAH] He can't be!
[TUAR] They can use their power to give pain, or to stun, or to kill.Your friend is dead.
[SARAH] No. Doctor! Doctor!
[TUAR] Look, leave him. If you stay out here we'll all be dead. It'salmost time for the curfew. Bury him tomorrow.
[SARAH] Look! Look, he moved. He moved his hand.
[TUAR] Impossible.
[SARAH] I saw him! He's alive. He's alive, I tell you.
[TUAR] You're right. He is alive.
[SARAH] Oh, oh, Doctor.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[BARNES [OC]] He didn't tell me much, but hewouldn't, would he.
(Barnes' room)
[MOSS] Where is he?
[BARNES] I don't know. He seemed to think he'd be taken to the home ofthat, that creature.
[LAND] The spider?
[BARNES] You see, I didn't get the chance to discuss it with himproperly. You know what he was.
[KEAVER] Was? He's not dead, is he?
[BARNES] Well, he may be. How do I know? He's just vanished.
[LAND] What are we going to do?
[MOSS] Get out while the going's good.
[KEAVER] Why? We haven't done anything criminal.
[MOSS] Tell that to the police.
[LAND] The police?
[BARNES] For heaven's sake. It's not that. Nobody need know yet. Perhapshe's trying to get back and can't.
[TOMMY] Hello, Barnes.
[BARNES] What are you doing here? Spying, is that it?
[TOMMY] I spy. That's a nice game. I spy with my little eye
[BARNES] Can't you read?
[TOMMY] Tommy's learning to read. My mum brought me a book.
[BARNES] Get away from here. If I catch you spying on me again.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[TOMMY] D. Do. Do. Don. Going to do some reading.
[SARAH] Why is that bell ringing?
[ARAK] It's the curfew. It's death to be out after twilight.
[SARAH] He seems to be getting worse.
[ARAK] He's dying.
[SARAH] No, no!
[REGA] Better dead than captured like, like Sabor.
[TUAR] We shall be avenged, Rega.
[REGA] Will vengeance bring my father back to me?
[ARAK] Rega, he gave his life to save me. He gave his life for thefreedom of our people.
[SARAH] Is there nothing we can do?
[REGA] Nothing. There is no cure. He should be dead.
(Spider's Council Chamber)
[QUEEN] Stop. Set me down.
[QUEEN] Who is this two leg who dares to sit in the place of Huar, Queenof Metebelis?
[LUPTON] I have come from Earth.
[QUEEN] Silence! We do not speak with the two leg. Answer me, sister.
[SPIDER] This is Lupton, O Queen. I have brought him from Earth as thecouncil asked.
[QUEEN] As the council asked? As we commanded. Guards!
[SPIDER] Perhaps the days of the Queen's commands are numbered?
[QUEEN] You would dare to speak treason to my face? Seize the two leg!
[LUPTON] You forget the crystal, O Queen.
[QUEEN] Wait.
[LUPTON] We have the crystal.
[SPIDER] It is true. You do not dare to harm us.
[QUEEN] Where is it? Show it to us.
[LUPTON] We know where it is hidden.
[QUEEN] But the Great One awaits the crystal.
[SPIDERS] All praise to the Great One.
[LUPTON] Then the Great One will have to go on waiting until we havereceived the rewards of our success.
[QUEEN] And you, sister? What have you to say?
[SPIDER] I, I agree with Lupton.
[QUEEN] I see. It would seem that you are not aware of the extent ofyour failure.
[LUPTON] Failure?
[QUEEN] You were followed to Metebelis by two Earth spies. The male isdead, but the female lives, a danger to the state and our person. Isuggest, sisters, that until she has been captured, we refuse to listento these, these traitors. Do you agree?
(Tommy's cupboard)
[TOMMY] Going to school. We give the f, flowers some
[TOMMY] Water. We say our
[TOMMY] We say our prayers. Then we write our news. We read in the bookcorner. We measure and we weigh. We buy things at the shop. We have ourmilk. We play in the playing ground. We dance and
[ARAK] How is our mother?
[REGA] She's asleep now, though I'm afraid her dreams will frighten herawake.
[TUAR] I heard her call.
[REGA] She calls his name, Sabor, as though she was searching for him.
[ARAK] Those vicious inhuman creatures!
[REGA] Shush! Keep your voice down if you must speak treason.
[ARAK] They make keep him alive for a week or more. If only we couldrescue him.
[TUAR] Of course. We must attack.
[ARAK] It would be suicide.
[TUAR] Well, is my brother afraid?
[ARAK] That I am.
[TUAR] A coward then?
[ARAK] Take that word back or I'll stuff it down your throat.
[TUAR] I'm not afraid of you, or of the eight legs, but if you won'tattack, you are a coward.
[ARAK] Why you
[REGA] Stop it! Squabbling like herd boys and your motherhalf-distracted. How will quarreling bring your father back?
[ARAK] We might as well throw ourselves off the cliff as attack theeight legs.
[SARAH] If the Doctor were alive and well, he could help you. I know hecould.
[TUAR] How? How could he help?
[SARAH] Well, I don't know how, but he could. Oh, Doctor, please wakeup!
[DOCTOR] Sarah.
[SARAH] Yes, yes, I'm here.
[DOCTOR] Sarah. Tardis. In the, in the Tardis there's a machine in thatold, old leather satchel. It's the only thing that will save me.
[SARAH] Machine in the old leather satchel.
[SARAH] The key? Doctor, where's the key to the Tardis?
[SARAH] It's okay. Okay.
[REGA] Machine? What kind of machine can save a man's life?
[SARAH] I don't know, but if he needs it, I'm going to get it for him.
[ARAK] If they catch you, they'll kill you.
[ARAK] She has courage.
[TUAR] She's a fool to risk her life. Nothing can save him.
[LUPTON] Well, well, well. Our clever young female journalist. You arekeen to get your story, aren't you? What a pity it will never bepublished.
[ARAK] Let me pass, I say.
[TUAR] They'll kill you. Would you so betray our father's love? Saborleft you here in trust to lead us in our fight for freedom.
[ARAK] A fine leader. One by one the eight legs take us. Soon oursettlement will be as empty as Skorda.
[TUAR] The people of Skorda were cowards. They didn't attack the eightlegs, they just sat there like sheep in a slaughter pen waiting fordeath.
[ARAK] But if we attack we are as dead as the people of Skorda. We mustthink of something else. Wait. The girl said this man could help us.
[TUAR] How can a dead man help us?
[REGA] The machine.
[ARAK] There it is. The bag he spoke of. I'm going to get it. If I don'tcome back, it's up to you.
[REGA] Arak's not a coward.
[TUAR] No, he's not.
[TUAR] What should we do?
[ARAK] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Sarah. Sarah Jane.
[TUAR] She's not here.
[ARAK] She left this machine for you, but we don't know what we shoulddo.
[DOCTOR] Give it to me.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Thank you very much.
[TOMMY] Tiger, tiger, burning bright, in the forests of the night. Whatimmortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry? That's pretty.No, that's beautiful.
[SARAH] No, no!
(Barnes' room)
[BARNES] But Lupton may not be dead. Perhaps hecan't get back.
[MOSS] For heaven's sake. What's the point in saying the same thing overand over again?
[KEAVER] But what are we going to do?
[BARNES] (sotto) Hide yourselves. (Moss stands behind the door. Barnesturns off the main light then lies on his bed with a book.)
[BARNES] Come in.
[BARNES] Oh, it's you. What do you want?
[MIKE] It's all right, I heard you all talking. I think we ought to havea little chat.
[BARNES] What you do that for?
[KEAVER] It is a police job now.
[LAND] Stupid thing to do.
[MOSS] Well, you heard him. You heard him! He said he'd been listening.
[DOCTOR] Wakey, wakey! Rise and shine! Show a leg, the weather's fine.
[SARAH] Where am I?
[SABOR] You're a prisoner of the eight legs. It's no good struggling.
[SARAH] What will they do to us?
[SABOR] Usually they eat the sheep we breed for them. They prefer humanflesh.
[DOCTOR] Mmm, this is good. It's very good. What is it?
[ARAK] Mutton broth.
[DOCTOR] Mutton? You have sheep on Metebelis Three?
[ARAK] Our ancestors brought them with them.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[ARAK] But survived the crash.
[DOCTOR] So your ancestors were colonists?
[ARAK] Colonists, explorers. Four hundred and thirty three Earth yearsago, their starship came out of its time jump with no power left, andcrashed on Metebelis Three.
[DOCTOR] Over four hundred years ago? You know the story very well,don't you.
[ARAK] Sabor, my father, taught it me, just as his father taught him,and his father before.
[DOCTOR] An oral tradition so detailed. It's fascinating.
[TUAR] Look, I don't understand you. That girl, your friend, you say, isa prisoner of the eight legs, in terrible danger and you just sit theresupping broth and chattering like a woman at the wash place.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Sarah'll be all right for the moment.
[TUAR] Well, how can you tell that?
[DOCTOR] Because the spiders'll be watching her. They'll want to knowhow she got here and why.
[TUAR] And meanwhile my father could be killed! We must attack, attacknow!
[ARAK] The girl said you could help us, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Mmm. Yes, I think I can. But first of all I must know whatwe're up against. How did the spiders get here?
[SABOR] The eight legs? Why they came from Earthtoo.
[SARAH] But there aren't any spiders as big as these on Earth.
[SABOR] Keep your voice down, my child. That word's forbidden here. Butyou're quite right. An ordinary eight legs, he must have been blown bythe wind out of that crashed ship up in the mountains. There are bluecrystals there. They have strange powers.
[SARAH] Oh, you don't have to tell me that.
[SABOR] Ah, then you must know that these crystals can enlarge the mind.Over the years, these spiders became cleverer and cleverer and largerand larger. By the time man found out, it were too late.
[ARAK] And they've ruled us ever since. A few theytake and twist their minds until they become their slaves. The rest ofus they rule by fear.
[DOCTOR] I see.
[ARAK] They grew angry with the people of Skorda. They kept too muchfood for themselves, so the eight legs wiped them out. Two hundred andsixty-nine of them, even the children.
[TUAR] They're quite ruthless. We must attack them now.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Go out and get me some stones, will you?
[TUAR] Stones?
[DOCTOR] Yes, pebbles. You know, about that big. Little pieces of rock.As many different kinds as you can.
[ARAK] But how can pebbles help?
[DOCTOR] Let's just saying I'm playing a hunch, hmm?
[REGA] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Why should the blue crystal be the only mineral on MetebelisThree with an unusual structure? Now I'm looking for a stone that willabsorb the energy of the spider's attacks. Oh, I do beg your pardon.The eight legs' attacks.
[DOCTOR] Ah, more stones. Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Ah, that's more like it. Now we're really getting somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Follow me as soon as you can.
[ARAK] Do you have a stone to protect you?
[DOCTOR] No, I've got something much better than that.
[ARAK] Take one, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, very well.
[ARAK] Good luck.
[DOCTOR] Arak. Tuar.
[TUAR] Yes.
[SABOR] Even your young muscles aren't strongenough. Try to get some rest.
[SARAH] Rest? How can you be so calm?
[SABOR] One is only frightened when there's hope of rescue. We have nohope left. We are dead, my child.
[SARAH] No! No, I won't have it. There is hope. There must be. I mightbe able to escape and the Doctor may come to our rescue.
(Spider city)
[GUARD] Halt!
[LUPTON] Well, what are you waiting for? Kill him.
[LUPTON] Kill him. Kill him now!
[LUPTON] Obey my orders.
[CAPTAIN] You will obey me!
[LUPTON] You've got no right to interfere.
[CAPTAIN] I have orders from the Queen. You are to be arrested. Captain,take him.
[LUPTON] You stupid fool!
[DOCTOR] Oh, I wouldn't say that. He's a highly intelligent fellow. Youcan tell at a glance.
[CAPTAIN] Silence!
[LUPTON] I shall report this.
[CAPTAIN] You will have your opportunity. Captain, take him to thecouncil.
[LUPTON] No, there must be some mistake.
[DOCTOR] Ah, poor fellow. I hope they won't be too hard on him. He fellinto bad company, you know. Oh well, I must be off.
[CAPTAIN] Stop! Stop!
[DOCTOR] Oh dear, this is getting monotonous.
[CAPTAIN] Your execution hasn't been cancelled, just postponed. Bringhim along.
[SARAH] Sabor, how long do you think we've got?
[SABOR] Who knows? A week, a day, an hour.
[SARAH] Doctor! You're alive! I knew you'd come.
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor.
(Spider's Council Chamber)
[QUEEN] Be silent! You are in no position toprotest. Your conspiracy has been discovered. You and your confederatewill die.
[LUPTON] I don't understand.
[SPIDER] They know that we did not bring the crystal to Metebelis. I'msorry, Lupton.
[LUPTON] But how did you find out?
[QUEEN] In the same way that we first traced it. By its vibrationsthrough space and time. The crystal is still on Earth. Do not attemptto deny it.
[LUPTON] Why should I deny it? I know where the crystal is hidden. Itold you, but I didn't say it was hidden on Metebelis. The situation isunchanged. If you wish to invade Earth, you need my help.
[QUEEN] Be careful, two leg. You may go too far.
[SPIDER] But it's true. Once more, O Queen, your arrogance hasendangered the master plan of the Great One.
[SPIDERS] All praise to the Great One!
[SPIDER] It is not the first mistake the Queen has made.
[QUEEN] Mistake?
[SPIDER 2] Maybe the most noble Queen is growing old?
[SPIDER 3] I think the time has come for a coronation.
[QUEEN] Wait! Wait, my sisters, do not be so hasty. I merely wanted tobe sure.
[SPIDER] Then what of the attack on Earth?
[QUEEN] I shall visit the cave of the crystal and ask the approval ofthe Great One. Do you hear me? I shall this very day speak with theGreat One herself.
[SPIDERS] All praise to the Great One. All praise to the Great One.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I know what a fly feels like. What an absolutelyfascinating experience.
[SARAH] Ha ha. Great.
[DOCTOR] Judging by the habits of our captor's Earth cousins, I wouldsay we're probably in the larder.
[SARAH] Right first time.
[DOCTOR] I think they'll find I'm rather a tough old bird.
[SARAH] An old boiler, in fact.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, make a good item on the next agenda of the spidercouncil meeting. Whether to stew a Time Lord or roast him in a slowoven.
[SARAH] That'll give them something to chew over.
[DOCTOR] Yes, something they can really get their teeth into, what?
[SARAH] Hey, Doctor, you know, I'm still not clear what's going on. Imean, if the spiders wanted that crystal so badly, well, why didn'tthey just take it before you did?
[DOCTOR] They didn't arrive until much later. We're in the futureremember, Sarah.
[SARAH] Oh, of course. Huh.
[DOCTOR] Now listen to me, both of you, listen. Arak is trying to gettogether some of the men from the other villages. They're going to trya rescue.
[SABOR] But they mustn't! If they do, they're walking into certaindeath.
[DOCTOR] Ah, no. No, they know how to protect themselves now.
[SARAH] Well how?
[DOCTOR] Well, you see, what
[CAPTAIN] The girl.
[DOCTOR] Where are you taking her?
[CAPTAIN] Never you mind. You'll find out soon enough. On your feet,girl.
[SARAH] Ooh! Ah!
[CAPTAIN] What's the matter with you?
[SARAH] I've pins and needles.
[CAPTAIN] Oh, enough. Come on, bring her.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, try and stall them as long as you can.
[SARAH] You bet, Doctor. I'll do my best to give them all indigestion.
[REGA] I must come with you.
[ARAK] No, Rega. This is man's work.
[TUAR] Why do we wait? We're ready.
[ARAK] Very well then.
[NESKA] Wait. Arak, wait. My husband has been taken from me, must I losemy sons as well? I've carried you to the fields at my breast, I'vedried your eyes, I've laughed with you through the short years of yourboyhood. Now you're a man. Must you leave me alone to mourn?
[TUAR] But mother, we
[ARAK] We must go, mother. We're not only fighting for Sabor and the twostrangers, we're fighting for ourselves. For the freedom of our people.Rega. You have nothing to fear. The Doctor has given us protection. Puton the headbands I gave you.
[ARAK] Are we ready, then?
[VILLAGERS] Yes, we're ready.
[ARAK] Death to the eight legs!
[VILLAGERS] Death to the eight legs! Death! Death!
[SABOR] You're wasting your time. It's impossibleto get out of these things.
[DOCTOR] Look, much as I admire your stoic acceptance of the inevitable,I would appreciate it if you'd shut up for a moment. What I'm trying todo requires the utmost concentration.
[SABOR] What are you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Compress the muscles. It's a little, a little trick I learnedfrom an old friend of mine.
[DOCTOR] Harry, er, what was his name? Er, Hopkins. No, no, that's notright. Er, Hetherington. No, that's not right either. It wasn't anEnglish name. Er, Hackenschmidt. No, I know it began with an H.
[DOCTOR] Houdini. Yes, that was it. Harry Houdini.
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't worry, old chap. As soon as I've rescued Sarah, I'llfind a knife and come back for you.
(Spider Queen's chamber)
[QUEEN] Leave us. Leave us, I say!
[QUEEN] Rise, child. You have no reason to fear me. I am your friend.
[SARAH] You've a funny way of treating your friends, then.
[QUEEN] You are impertinent! I am going to help you.
[SARAH] Why should you want to help me?
[QUEEN] I do not agree with the plans of the council. The invasion ofyour planet is a foolhardy venture. It could destroy us! I have lied tothe council. I have said I will visit the Great One, but
[SARAH] The Great One?
[QUEEN] Never mind. I lied to the council but I had to lie. I desireonly peace with you and all two legs.
[SARAH] Then why have you treated them as slaves?
[QUEEN] It was necessary. Stop fighting me, child. I intend to help youand your Doctor friend to escape back to Earth.
[SARAH] Well, that's more like it. But why?
[QUEEN] Do you know of the blue crystal?
[SARAH] Yes, your pal Lupton's got it.
[QUEEN] He has not. He left it on Earth!
[SARAH] So that's it. You want me and the Doctor to get it back for you.
[QUEEN] If you do not, I see only disaster ahead for all of us.
[SARAH] And what about Sabor, the old man?
[QUEEN] I shall release him.
[SARAH] And the other, the other two legs on Metebelis?
[QUEEN] I shall listen to their grievance.
[SARAH] And do something about it, like setting them free?
[QUEEN] Very well.
[SARAH] Okay, it's a deal. Now what do I have to do?
(Barnes' room)
[BARNES] Well?
[MIKE] What are you going to do?
[MIKE] About Lupton. I told you, I overheard you talking.
[BARNES] There's nothing we can do. Just got to wait for him and keepyou here until he comes back.
[MIKE] But as you said yourselves, he may not be able to.
[BARNES] I know. As I said, there's nothing we can do.
[MIKE] Of course there is. Re-establish the link, the contact.
[BARNES] You mean with the mandala and the ceremony?
[MIKE] He's probably waiting for you to do just that.
[BARNES] There are only four of us. You have to have five.
[MIKE] I'll help.
[BARNES] You? Why should you help?
[MIKE] Because of Sarah Jane Smith, of course. I want her back just asmuch as you want Lupton.
[BARNES] Yes, yes, of course. But how do I know it's not just some sortof trick?
[MIKE] Oh, for Pete's sake. Of course it isn't! Come on, untie me.
(Spider's Council Chamber)
[LUPTON] My plan is this. We shall return to Earth and fetch the crystalfrom its hiding place. Then the way will be open for the invasion ofEarth.
[SPIDER 2] And what if the Queen returns from the Great One?
[SPIDERS] All praise to the Great One!
[SPIDER 2] I say what if she returns with a different plan?
[SPIDER] The Queen is not to be trusted.
[SPIDER 2] Neither are you. Nor the two leg, Lupton.
[SPIDER] No two leg can be trusted.
[LUPTON] Now, wait a minute.
[SPIDER] Silence! My loyalty is to the eight legs. My loyalty is to thiscouncil. You will listen and obey.
[LUPTON] But it was agreed.
[SPIDER] You have not been made a slave. Let that be your reward.
[LUPTON] You will put my plan into action. I am the one you will obey. Ihave the power
[SPIDER] You will obey.
[SPIDER 2] You will obey.
[SPIDERS] You will obey. You will obey. You will obey. You will obey.You will obey.
[LUPTON] I shall obey. I shall obey.
[SPIDER] Very well. If you cooperate, you will be rewarded.
[SPIDER 2] Now, what shall be our action?
[SPIDER 3] We should invade. This was the plan.
[SPIDER] It must be carried out.
(Spider city)
[SARAH [OC]] Doctor! Doctor, come quickly!
(Tommy's cupboard)
[TOMMY] Intelligence as a concept. The simplistic notion that theintelligence quotient
[TOMMY] Quotient. Result given by dividing one quantity by another. It'sno use. I don't understand the words. I'll have to ask someone what'shappened to me. Yates. He's my friend, I think. I'll ask Mister Yates.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[BARNES [OC]] Moss may be in the garden, if he hasn't run awayaltogether, of course.
[MIKE [OC]] But we'll meet in the cellar.
[BARNES [OC]] Yes, I suppose so. The sooner we get on with it, thebetter. I haven't had a moment's peace since Lupton disappeared.
[MIKE [OC]] Ten minutes.
[BARNES [OC]] If I can find them, of course.
(Tommy's cupboard)
[BARNES [OC]] I haven't had a moment's peace since Lupton disappeared.
[MIKE [OC]] But we'll meet in the cellar. We'll meet in the cellar. Inthe cellar. In the cellar. In the cellar. In the cellar. In the cellar.
[TOMMY] Cellar?
[SARAH [OC]] Lupton has gone down to the cellar. Lupton has gone down tothe cellar. Lupton has gone down to the cellar. Lupton has gone down.Lupton. Lupton. Lupton. Lupton. Lupton. Lupton. Lupton. Lupton. Lupton.
[TOMMY] Lupton. Clever Lupton!
[TOMMY] Clever Lupton.
[TOMMY] Cho-Je. I'll ask Cho-Je.
(Crystal cave)
[SARAH [OC]] Quickly, Doctor! Quickly!
[GREAT ONE [OC]] Stop! If you come any further, Doctor, you will die.Oh, not at once, but gradually every cell in your body will beirretrievably damaged by the crystal rays, and I need you alive.
[DOCTOR] I heard the voice of my assistant?
[GREAT ONE [OC]] Have no fear. She is quite safe.
[DOCTOR] But she called out to me for help.
[GREAT ONE [OC]] Like this?
[SARAH [OC]] Doctor, help me! Come quickly!
[GREAT ONE [OC]] No! It is an illusion. Listen.
[SARAH [OC]] Half a pound of tuppenny rice, half a pound of treacle.That's the way the money goes.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Goes the weasel.
[DOCTOR] Who, who are you?
[GREAT ONE [OC]] They call me the Great One.
[DOCTOR] Why can't I see you?
[GREAT ONE [OC]] You will, Doctor, you will, all in good time, but notuntil you bring me the crystal you stole from Metebelis.
[DOCTOR] But why do you want that particular crystal? It's no differentfrom all the others.
[GREAT ONE [OC]] Oh, but it is. You took the one last perfect crystal ofpower. I searched all time and all space for it. I must have it!
[DOCTOR] No! No, never.
[GREAT ONE [OC]] You are proud, little man. I see that I shall have toteach you to have respect. Round you go, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No. No! No, I will not!
[DOCTOR] No! No, I will not! No!
[GREAT ONE [OC]] Is that fear I can feel in your mind? You are notaccustomed to feeling frightened, are you, Doctor? You are very wise tobe afraid of me. Go now. You must hurry back and fetch the crystal. Imust have it, don't you understand? I must have it! I must! I must! Imust! Go now. Go! Go! Go now!
[BARNES] Om mani padme hum.
[ALL] Om.
(Spider's Council Chamber)
[SPIDER] Contact established. The path is open.
[SPIDER 2] The scout soldiers are ready.
[LUPTON] Wait. Where is this contact?
[SPIDER] The place you opened.
[LUPTON] The monastery? Then the group must be operating, but becareful. They might be hostile now.
[SPIDER 2] Then the approach must be secret.
[BARNES] It's not working!
[MIKE] Keep trying!
[ALL] Om.
[BARNES] Om mani padme hum.
(Sitting room)
[TOMMY] So I thought I'd better come and tell youall about it.
[CHO-JE] I'm glad you did. Dear me. These foolish fellows.
[TOMMY] But don't you think we should tell K'Anpo?
[CHO-JE] Indeed we should tell the Abbot, when we know what to tell him.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[CHO-JE] Tommy, you go and get this crystal, and Iwill go down to the cellar and see what these naughty chaps are about.Now off you go now.
[TOMMY] Yes, Cho-Je. Cho-Je?
[CHO-JE] Yes?
[TOMMY] You don't seem very surprised to find me changed.
[CHO-JE] When everything is new, can anything be a surprise?
[TOMMY] I see.
[CHO-JE] Hurry now.
[CHO-JE] You must stop!
[CHO-JE] You are the most misguided of men. Did I not warn you? Did Inot tell you of the risks you ran?
[MIKE] No!
(Spiritual Retreat)
[TOMMY] K'Anpo. I must tell K'Anpo.
[SARAH] Doctor! Where on earth have you been?
[DOCTOR] Sarah, so you're safe then.
[SARAH] Yes, of course I am. Now listen, Doctor. we're going to escape.Hold my hands.
[DOCTOR] Look, there's no time for foolish
[SABOR] Listen!
[ARAK [OC]] Sabor! Father! Where are you?
[SABOR] It's my son!
(Outside the cell)
[SABOR [OC]] Here, Arak!
[SARAH] Quickly, Doctor, or it'll be too late!
[ARAK] Father!
[ARAK] Tuar! Behind you!
[DOCTOR] Goes the weasel.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] How did you manage that?
[SARAH] The Queen taught me. Nothing to it, really.
[NESKA] Stay, girl. Tell us. What has been happening?
[SARAH] Oh, don't worry, Neska. Sabor is safe. Arak and Tuar arerescuing him at this very moment. Goodbye, and thank you foreverything.
[REGA] Can it be true?
[SARAH] Well, come on, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] The key! I've lost the key!
[SARAH] I've got it.
[DOCTOR] Sarah.
[NESKA] Wait!
[BARNES] Quickly, hide!
[SARAH] Doctor, look! Are they dead?
[BARNES] No. An unfortunate oversight, Doctor. It won't occur again.
[TOMMY] Quickly, Doctor, this way.
(Outside the cellar)
[SARAH] But, but what about Mike and Cho-Je?
[DOCTOR] Oh, they'll be out for quite a time. But as long as they'reunconscious, they're quite safe.
[TOMMY] What happened to the others?
[DOCTOR] Oh, they've been taken over.
[SARAH] By the spiders?
[TOMMY] We'd better get out of here.
[SARAH] But, Tommy, you're normal. You're just like everybody else.
[TOMMY] I sincerely hope not.
(Spiritual Retreat)
[TOMMY] This way.
[DOCTOR] Where are you taking us?
[TOMMY] To the Abbot.
(Outside the Abbot's room)
[SARAH] Doctor. Doctor, the crystal.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, Sarah. All in good time.
(K'Anpo's room)
[K'ANPO] Come in.
[TOMMY] This is the Doctor, K'Anpo.
[K'ANPO] I know. You are welcome.
[TOMMY] My friend, Sarah Jane Smith.
[K'ANPO] It is kind of you to come and visit an old man.
[DOCTOR] (Tibetan.)
[K'ANPO] You speak Tibetan?
[DOCTOR] A little, sir, yes.
[SARAH] What did you just say?
[DOCTOR] I apologised to the Rinpoche for not bringing him a cottonscarf.
[K'ANPO] You friend knows not only our language but also our customs.The ceremonial gift merely symbolises friendship. We have no need forsymbols, you and I.
[TOMMY] I think I'd better keep a watch outside. If the others get outof the cellar
[K'ANPO] As yet they haven't managed it. They may soon, though. Thankyou, Tommy.
[K'ANPO] Pray be seated.
[K'ANPO] Now, Doctor. You have a story to tell me.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I have a strange feeling that you already know mostof it. You see, I found a crystal. A blue crystal.
[K'ANPO] Found?
[DOCTOR] Well, perhaps stole might be a better word. Forgive me. Have wemet before?
[K'ANPO] The recognition of friends is not always easy. Tell me aboutthis crystal you stole.
[DOCTOR] Well it didn't occur to me that I had stolen it, at the time.You see
(Outside K'Anpo's room)
[SPIDER [OC]] The crystal is in that room.
[BARNES] Get out of the way.
[TOMMY] You can't go in there.
[MOSS] What are we going to do?
[BARNES] Be quiet. Stand back, you.
[BARNES] Keaver, Land, get him out of the way.
[LAND] Come on now, Tommy.
[BARNES] No, no!
[TOMMY] Sorry, Mister Barnes.
[BARNES] Kill him!
(Spiritual Retreat)
[BARNES] We must separate. We must search. He can't have gone far.
[MOSS] No, no, I don't want anything more to do with it. I'm going.
[MOSS' SPIDER [OC]] You will stay. You will do as I wish. You will obeyme.
[MOSS] Yes, yes, anything. Stop it. Stop it!
[KEAVER] What are we supposed to do?
[LAND] I can see. I can see a blue crystal.
[LAND'S SPIDER [OC]] Yes, we must find the crystal at any cost.Concentrate. All concentrate.
[KEAVER] I can see it too.
[MOSS] It, it's that way.
[MOSS' SPIDER [OC]] Yes! Yes, we can feel the vibrations. It is near.
[BARNES] Come on then!
(K'Anpo's room)
[DOCTOR] So you see, the crystal was even moreimportant than I thought. They want it very badly.
[K'ANPO] Then perhaps they should have it.
[DOCTOR] No, sir, never. Once they get a hold of that crystal, nothingcan stop them taking over the Earth.
[SARAH] Or even the universe itself.
[DOCTOR] Or even the universe itself. I wish I knew where that crystalwas at this moment.
[K'ANPO] Tommy brought it to me. It was the crystal which cured him.
[DOCTOR] Thank heavens it's safe.
[SARAH] Give it to me.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, what's the matter with you?
[SARAH] Give
[QUEEN [OC]] Me the crystal. I must have it. I must! Give it to me!
[DOCTOR] Sarah, what's come over you? (Sarah zaps the Doctor with energyand he clutches his chest.)
[K'ANPO] Stay!
[DOCTOR] Sarah, what has the Queen Spider done to you? What has shedone?
[K'ANPO] It's no use. See through my eyes. Look.
[DOCTOR] Good grief.
(Outside K'Anpo's room)
[SPIDER [OC]] The crystal is in that room.
[BARNES] Get out of the way.
[TOMMY] You can't go in there.
[MOSS] What are we going to do?
[BARNES] Be quiet. Stand back, you.
[BARNES] Keaver, Land, get him out of the way.
[LAND] Come on now, Tommy.
[BARNES] No, no!
[TOMMY] I'm sorry, Mister Barnes.
[BARNES] Kill him!
(K'Anpo's room)
[DOCTOR] Sarah, listen to me. Struggle against thespider, Sarah. Fight it!
[QUEEN [OC]] I am the Queen.
[K'ANPO] No. You are Sarah Jane Smith.
[K'ANPO] You are free. You don't have to be dominated. Look into yourmind and see that you are free.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, look at the crystal. Look at it! Look deep into its bluelight.
[QUEEN [OC]] No! No! I will not.
[K'ANPO] See that you are free, now.
[QUEEN [OC]] I am the Queen.
[SARAH] No, I'm free. Free.
[QUEEN [OC]] The Queen must live. Help me. I shall die.
[SARAH] I'm frightened!
[DOCTOR] Concentrate, Sarah! Concentrate!
[K'ANPO] You are free!
[SARAH] Doctor!
(Outside K'Anpo's room)
[BARNES] Wait. We're not getting anywhere.
[BARNES' SPIDER [OC]] I agree.
[BARNES' SPIDER [OC]] We need more power. Concentrate! Concentrate!
[ALL] Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om.
(K'Anpo's room)
[SARAH] I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What have you got to be sorry about? You did very well. Youshould be proud of yourself.
[SARAH] To let that creature take me over like that. I mean, I actuallyvolunteered.
[K'ANPO] We are all apt to surrender ourselves to domination. Even thestrongest of us.
[DOCTOR] Do you mean me?
[K'ANPO] Not all spiders sit on the back.
[SARAH] Oh, I don't understand. You're not saying they've taken over theDoctor, are you?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, Sarah, no. No, he's talking about my greed.
[SARAH] Greed? You?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my greed for knowledge, for information. He's saying thatall this is basically my fault. If I hadn't taken the crystal in thefirst place. I know who you are now.
[K'ANPO] You were always a little slow on the uptake, my boy.
[DOCTOR] It's been a long, long time.
[SARAH] You know each other?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Yes, he was my teacher. My, my guru, if you like. Inanother time, another place.
[K'ANPO] Another life.
[SARAH] Oh, no. Don't tell me you're a Time Lord too?
[K'ANPO] I am. But the discipline they serve was not for me.
[DOCTOR] No. Nor for me.
[K'ANPO] I wouldn't have chosen your alternative. To borrow a Tardis wasa little naughty, to say the least.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I had to get away. I hadn't your power.
[K'ANPO] Indeed. I regenerated and came to Earth, to Tibet.
[SARAH] Regenerated?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, when a Time Lord's body wears out, he regenerates,becomes new.
[K'ANPO] That is why we can live such a long time.
[SARAH] I see. Well, what about Cho-Je? Is he a Time Lord, too?
[K'ANPO] In a sense. In another sense, he doesn't exist.
[SARAH] You've lost me.
[DOCTOR] Me too, I'm afraid.
[K'ANPO] Cho-Je is a projection of my own self.
[CHO-JE] Mister Yates. Mister Yates.
[MIKE] Where am I? Oh, that spider.
[CHO-JE] There's not a moment to lose. Come. Come.
(Outside K'Anpo's room)
[ALL] Om. Om. Om. Om.
(Spider's Council Chamber)
[LUPTON] What's going on?
[SPIDER] We are sending power to our sisters on Earth.
[LUPTON] But what about that crystal?
[SPIDER] Be silent!
(K'Anpo's room)
[SARAH] What's he doing?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[K'ANPO] As I thought. The moment approaches.
[SARAH] What moment?
[K'ANPO] The moment I have been waiting for. The moment of truth, ifyou'll forgive a cliché. The moment of truth for us both. You know whatyou have to do?
[K'ANPO] I think you do, my son. What is it you most fear?
(Crystal cave)
[GREAT ONE [OC]] Is that fear I can feel in your mind? You are notaccustomed to feeling frightened, are you, Doctor? You are very wise tobe afraid of me.
(K'Anpo's room)
[DOCTOR] Is there no other way?
[K'ANPO] None.
[DOCTOR] Very well. Give me the crystal.
[SARAH] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Take the crystal to the Great One.
[SARAH] But you told me that if you went back there, the cave of crystalwould destroy you.
[DOCTOR] Nevertheless, I have to go.
(Outside K'Anpo's room)
[ALL] Om. Om. Om. Om.
[BARNES] Enough.
(K'Anpo's room)
[K'ANPO] Take my hand. Quickly!
(Outside K'Anpo's room)
[MIKE] No!
[TOMMY] Yates! Mister Yates!
(K'Anpo's room)
[SARAH] Doctor!
[MOSS] The crystal. There it is!
[LAND] Where's he gone?
[BARNES] Back to the cellar.
[KEAVER] Come on!
(Outside the Spider City)
[ARAK] Welcome, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Arak. Tuar. Your attack was a success, then?
[TUAR] You can see for yourself.
[ARAK] Thanks to you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Look, I need your help. I want to go into the mountain, intothe cave of crystal.
[TUAR] You will die.
[DOCTOR] Well, nevertheless I have to go. Will you show me the way?
[ARAK] There's more than one way into the caves. Come.
(Outside K'Anpo's room)
[TOMMY] I think he's dead.
[CHO-JE] Not quite. Carry him to K'Anpo Rinpoche.
(Spider's Council Chamber)
[DOCTOR] So, you lied. Your attack failed.
[QUEEN] Did you really believe these creatures could overcome the eightlegs? They have minds as easily controlled as their own sheep. Why haveyou come back?
[DOCTOR] To return the crystal.
[QUEEN] You have the crystal? Here?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, of course.
[QUEEN] Give it to me.
[DOCTOR] No. I shall return the crystal only to the Great One herself.
[COUNCIL] All praise to the Great One!
[DOCTOR] Is there any among you would dare take it from me?
[LUPTON] I would dare.
[QUEEN] Stop, Lupton!
[LUPTON] Why do you stop me? Everything we've planned, everything we'vedreamed of is there in the palm of his hand.
[QUEEN] We dare not take the crystal. The Great One is all seeing.
[COUNCIL] All praise to the Great One!
[QUEEN] The Great One is all knowing.
[COUNCIL] All praise to the Great One!
[QUEEN] The Great One is all powerful!
[COUNCIL] All praise to the Great One!
[QUEEN] You have beaten us, Doctor. It is good that you will die.
[LUPTON] You superstitious fools.
[QUEEN] Be silent, Lupton!
[LUPTON] I will not be silent. I've listened to you for too long. Tothink that I've lost my chance of power through a spider! A spider thatI could crush underfoot, without a second thought. A spider!
(K'Anpo's room)
[K'ANPO] His compassion protected him, just asTommy's innocence was his shield.
[MIKE] Hello, Sarah Jane.
[SARAH] Hi. Hey, we thought you'd had it.
[MIKE] Well, not this time. Oh, I feel fine.
[SARAH] Yeah?
[TOMMY] K'Anpo.
[K'ANPO] I'm afraid this old body has had it, Miss Smith.
[CHO-JE] Dear friends, please don't. Please don't
[SARAH] What's happening?
[CHO-JE] Please don't. Please don't concern yourselves. I am not dying,merely regenerating.
[TOMMY] Cho-Je.
[CHO-JE] No, Tommy. I am K'Anpo. Will you put this in your magazine,Sarah Jane Smith?
(Crystal cave)
[GREAT ONE [OC]] Stop! Have you brought the crystalto me?
[DOCTOR] Well if I had not, why should I have returned?
[GREAT ONE [OC]] Very well. Very well, advance.
[DOCTOR] I've brought you the crystal. Now why don't you just take itand leave the humans in peace, both here and on Earth?
[GREAT ONE] You think I care for the puny plans of my subjects? Earth?One paltry planet among millions? Give me the crystal. I thirst for it!I ache for it!
[DOCTOR] Well, why is it so important to you?
[GREAT ONE] You see this web of crystal above my head? It reproduces thepattern of my brain. One perfect crystal and it will be complete. Thatis the perfect crystal I need.
[DOCTOR] And then?
[GREAT ONE] My every thought will resonate within the web, and grow inpower until, until, until
[DOCTOR] But you've built a positive feedback circuit. You're trying toincrease your mental powers to infinity.
[GREAT ONE] Exactly! I shall be the ruler of the entire universe!
[DOCTOR] Now listen to me. Listen. I haven't got much time left. Whatyou're trying to do is impossible. If you complete that circuit, theenergy will build up and up until it cannot be contained. You willdestroy yourself.
[GREAT ONE] You waste the little time remaining to you. Even now thecave of crystal is destroying the cells of your body. I will grant youone last favour. You may watch the completion of my triumph before youdie!
[GREAT ONE] I am complete! Now I am total power! All praise to the GreatOne!
[DOCTOR] Stop. Stop! Don't you see what's happened to you?
[GREAT ONE] All praise to the Great One! All praise to me! Bow downbefore me, planets! Bow down, stars! Bow down, all galaxies and worshipthe Great One! The me! The Great, all-powerful me! Argh!
[GREAT ONE] I hurt! Help me! I am burning! My brain is on fire!
[GREAT ONE] Help me!
(Spider's Council Chamber)
[ARAK] The influence is going.
[TUAR] We're free!
[ARAK] Come, my brother.
[ALL] Om. Om. Om.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Hello, Miss Smith.
[SARAH] Oh, hello, Brigadier. I just thought I'd pop in and. Well, totell you the truth, I don't quite know why I did pop in, actually.
[BRIGADIER] To see if there was any sign of the old fellow, eh?
[SARAH] Yes. But there can't be, can there? I mean, he's been gone overthree weeks now.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, that's nothing. One time I didn't see him for months.And what's more, when he did turn up, he had a new face. Could havebeen a completely different man.
[SARAH] No. he knew if he went back there he would destroy himself.We'll never see him again.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Hello, Sarah. I got lost in the time vortex. The Tardis broughtme home.
[SARAH] Oh! Oh, Doctor, why did you have to go back?
[DOCTOR] I had to face my fear, Sarah. I had to face my fear. That wasmore important than just going on living.
[SARAH] Please, don't die.
[DOCTOR] A tear, Sarah Jane? No, don't cry. While there's life there's
[CHO-JE] It's all right. He is not dead.
[SARAH] Oh no. I don't think I can take much more.
[CHO-JE] I am sorry to have startled you, my dear.
[BRIGADIER] Won't you introduce me to your friend, Miss Smith?
[SARAH] Oh, er, yes. This is the Abbot of. No, it's Cho-Je. I mean, itlooks like Cho-Je but it is really K'Anpo Rinpoche. I think.
[BRIGADIER] Thank you. That makes everything quite clear.
[CHO-JE] The Doctor is alive.
[SARAH] No, you're wrong. He's dead.
[CHO-JE] All the cells of his body have been devastated by the Metebeliscrystals, but you forget, he is a Time Lord. I will give the process alittle push and the cells will regenerate. He will become a new man.
[BRIGADIER] Literally?
[CHO-JE] Of course, he will look quite different.
[BRIGADIER] Not again.
[CHO-JE] And it will shake up the brain cells a little. You may find hisbehaviour somewhat erratic.
[SARAH] When will all this happen?
[CHO-JE] Well there's no time like the present, is there.
[CHO-JE] Goodbye. Look after him.
[BRIGADIER] Now wait a moment.
[SARAH] Look, Brigadier. Look. I think it's starting.
[BRIGADIER] Well, here we go again.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s11", "episode": "e05", "title": "Planet of the Spiders"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (28 Dec, 1974; Fourth Doctor) - Robot
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Now just a moment.
[SARAH] Look, Brigadier, look. I think it's started.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, well, here we go again.
[BRIGADIER] Get me the medical officer. Lieutenant Sullivan? Emergency.Come to the lab at once, please.
[DOCTOR] Human history.
[BRIGADIER] What's he talking about?
[SARAH] It's something that happened when we first met.
[DOCTOR] I tell you, Brigadier, there's nothing to worry about. Thebrontosaurus is large and placid.
[HARRY] This the patient, sir?
[DOCTOR] And stupid. If the square on the hypotenuse equals the sum ofthe square on the other two sides, why is a mouse when it spins? Neverdid know the answer to that one.
[BENTON] Excuse me, sir. The daily reports.
[HARRY] Take him to the sick bay. I'll make a proper examination there.
[BENTON] What's happening, sir? Who's
[BRIGADIER] That, Mister Benton, is the Doctor.
[BENTON] You mean he's done it again? He's changed?
[BRIGADIER] Apparently. Saw it happen this time. Lieutenant Sullivan?
[HARRY] Yes, sir?
[BRIGADIER] I'm placing the Doctor in your personal charge. He's to haveyour full attention.
[HARRY] Right-o, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Right, anything urgent, Mister Benton.
[BENTON] No, sir. Just routine.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, everything seems pretty quiet.
(Weapons Research Centre)
[BRIGADIER [OC]] A complete set of plans for the new disintegrator gun.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[SARAH] Stolen? Who by?
[BRIGADIER] No one saw them. Probably enemy agents. Small commandosquad. They found heavy vehicle tracks. You realise of course, MissSmith, all this is top secret?
[SARAH] Then why are you telling me?
[BRIGADIER] Well, because I. Because there's no one else I can tell.
[SARAH] The Doctor's still unconscious? Oh, he'll be all right. I knowhe will.
[BRIGADIER] He used to drive me mad, but I miss having him about. Youknow, he'd have been interested in this robbery. There's some verystrange features.
[SARAH] Actually I want to ask a favour of you.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, of course.
[SARAH] Er, you know Think Tank, the frontiers of science researchplace? All the latest of everything under one roof?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, what about it?
[SARAH] Well, now and again, exceptionally favoured journalists areallowed to visit it, and, well, for ages now I have been dying to
[BRIGADIER] You want me to get you a visitor's pass.
[SARAH] Oh, please.
[BRIGADIER] Nothing simpler. Come to my office and I'll fix it straightaway.
[SARAH] And could I see the Doctor before I go?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, of course.
[SARAH] You're sure you've got the right man to look after him?
[BRIGADIER] Young Sullivan? Oh, he's a very fine chap. First classdoctor.
[SARAH] Seems a bit old fashioned.
(UNIT corridor)
[BRIGADIER] Nothing wrong with that, Miss Smith.You may not have noticed, but I'm a bit old fashioned myself.
[SARAH] Oh, nonsense, Brigadier. You're a swinger.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Key. Key, key, key, key. Key, key.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. Obvious place.
[HARRY] There you are. Now come along, Doctor, you're supposed to be inthe sick bay.
[DOCTOR] Am I? Don't you mean the infirmary?
[HARRY] No, I do not mean the infirmary. I mean the sick bay. You're notfit yet.
[DOCTOR] Not fit? I'm the Doctor.
[HARRY] No, Doctor, I'm the doctor and I say that you're not fit.
[DOCTOR] You may be a doctor, but I'm the Doctor. The definite article,you might say.
[HARRY] Look here, Doctor. You're not fit
[DOCTOR] Not fit? Not fit? Of course I'm fit. All systems go!
[HARRY] I say. Well, look
[DOCTOR] Hearts beat?
[HARRY] I say, I don't think that can be right.
[DOCTOR] Both a bit fast, are they?
[HARRY] Well, I
[DOCTOR] Still, must be patient. A new body's like a new house. It takesa little bit of time to settle in.
[DOCTOR] Oh. As for the physiognomy. Well, nothing's perfect. Have totake the rough with the smooth. Mind you, I think the nose is adefinite improvement. As for the ears, well, I'm not too sure. Tell mequite frankly, what do you say to the ears?
[HARRY] Well, I really don't know.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course you don't. Why should you? You're a busy man.You don't want to stand here burbling about my ears. Neither here northere. I can't waste any more time. Things to do, places to go. I'm abusy man too, you know. Thank you for a most interesting conversation.Must be on my way.
[HARRY] There is absolutely no question of you leaving, Doctor. Now, yougo back to the infirmary, I mean the sick bay, get into bed and staythere until I say that you can get up.
[DOCTOR] How can I prove my point?
[HARRY] I think I ought to warn you, Doctor, that there's grave dangerof myocardial infarction, not to speak of pulmonary embolism. Yes, Ishould, I should
[DOCTOR] Mother, mother, I feel sick. Send for the doctor quick, quick,quick. Mother, dear, shall I die? Yes, my darling, by and by. One twothree four.
(UNIT corridor)
[BRIGADIER] There's only one place he can be.
[SARAH] I thought you said Doctor Sullivan was looking after him.
[BRIGADIER] He's supposed to be.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[SARAH] Cupboard.
[SARAH] What are you doing down there? Where's the Doctor?
[HARRY] Tied me up and hung me up in here like a pair of old boots.
[BRIGADIER] Well, where is he?
[BRIGADIER] Ah, too late.
[SARAH] No! No, Doctor, wait! Doctor, listen. Please, it's Sarah!
[SARAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Hello. Come to see me off, have you? Well, I hate goodbyes.I'll just slip away quietly.
[SARAH] No, no, Doctor. You can't go.
[DOCTOR] Can't? Can't? There's no such word as can't.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[SARAH] Well, because you're not. Well, because the Brigadier needs you.Don't you, Brigadier?
[BRIGADIER] What? Oh, yes, of course. Depending on you.
[DOCTOR] What for?
[SARAH] Er, well, there's been this robbery, hasn't there, Brigadier.Some kind of secret weapon.
[BRIGADIER] Ah, yes. Very serious business.
[SARAH] And I mean, you are still UNIT's scientific advisor. Remember?Well, you can't go rushing off and leave them in the lurch.
[DOCTOR] Can't I? Goodbye.
[HARRY] Er, excuse me, sir.
[HARRY] Could you oblige?
[BRIGADIER] Oh, yes.
[HARRY] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me.
[DOCTOR] Haven't me met somewhere before? No, don't tell me. Alexanderthe Great? No. Hannibal? No. Ah. Brigadier. Brigadier Alistair GordonLethbridge Stewart. How are you?
[BRIGADIER] Very well, thank you.
[DOCTOR] And Sarah Jane. Well now, isn't this nice? What was that yousaid about a secret weapon?
(Stores room)
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, there' been another. Where is he?
[HARRY] In there.
[BRIGADIER] He promised he'd
[DOCTOR] Ah, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Ah, Doctor, we must get moving.
[DOCTOR] Is something wrong?
[BRIGADIER] You've changed.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, not again.
[BRIGADIER] No, I didn't mean your face, I meant your clothes.
[DOCTOR] Don't you like them?
[BRIGADIER] UNIT is supposed to be a security organisation.
[DOCTOR] Do you think I might attract attention?
[BRIGADIER] It's just possible.
[DOCTOR] One moment.
[DOCTOR] No? No.
[DOCTOR] Well, how about this?
[BRIGADIER] Much better, Doctor. Now, if you've quite finished with yourwardrobe?
[DOCTOR] I'll try again if you like.
[BRIGADIER] No, let's settle for that, please. Now, Doctor
[DOCTOR] Time we were off.
[DOCTOR] To visit the scene of the crime.
[BRIGADIER] The thing is, there's been another robbery.
[DOCTOR] Tell me on the way, Brigadier. Tell me on the way. You mustcultivate a sense of urgency.
(Electric fence)
[BRIGADIER] Millions of volts running through the wretched thing, andfor all the good it was, it might just. Doctor? Doctor, will you pleasepay attention.
[DOCTOR] Oh, but I am, I assure you. Look.
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, I have every respect for your concern for ecology,but really, one squashed dandelion.
[DOCTOR] Not just squashed, flattened. Almost pulverised.
[DOCTOR] Now, how did it get like that?
[HARRY] Well, I suppose it was stepped on.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. And according to my estimation of the resistance topressure of vegetable fibre, it was stepped on by something thatweighed a quarter of a ton.
(Stores room)
[BRIGADIER] Funny thing is, they left a lot ofvaluable and top secret stuff behind. Here's a list of all theyactually took.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Just what you'd need for the control circuitry of onepowerful, compact technological device. A disintegrator gun, forinstance?
[BRIGADIER] What do you know about that?
(Outside Think Tank)
[GUARD] Yes, Miss?
[JELLICOE] That journalist girl is arriving. The one with the UNIT pass.Something of a nuisance at the present moment in time.
[HILDA] We shall treat Miss Smith exactly as any other visitor.
[JELLICOE] I suppose so. I suppose so.
[SARAH] Hello. You know, it's awfully good of you to allow this visit,Director.
[HILDA] I hadn't expected male chauvinist attitudes from you, MissSmith.
[SARAH] I'm sorry?
[HILDA] I'm the Director. Hilda Winters. This is Arnold Jellicoe, myassistant.
(Electric fence)
[BRIGADIER] So, what are we looking for?
[DOCTOR] Something that brushes chains and electric fences like cobwebs.Something intelligent, that takes only what it needs and leaves therest. Something that kills a man as casually as it crushes a dandelion.
[BRIGADIER] And what sort of something? Is it human?
[DOCTOR] I doubt it, Brigadier. More than human, perhaps.
[BRIGADIER] Well, whatever it is, how do we find it?
[DOCTOR] By locking the next stable door in good time.
[DOCTOR] It, whatever it may be, has stolen the plans for the newdisintegrator gun. It has also in its possession the necessary controlcircuitry.
[HARRY] You think it wants to build the gun?
[DOCTOR] Why else steal the plans and the circuitry? Now, assuming I'mright, and I invariably am, what is the third vital ingredient?
[BRIGADIER] The focusing generator.
[DOCTOR] Exactly, Brigadier. Exactly.
[BRIGADIER] Greyhound Leader to Trap One. Over.
[BENTON [OC]] Trap One. We read you, Greyhound Leader. Over.
[BRIGADIER] Mister Benton, red priority. Emmett's Electronics, asmallish factory in Essex. I want blanket security. Every availableman. Air cover as well. I'll meet you there in one hour. By then I wantthat place better guarded than Fort Knox. Out.
(Outside Think Tank)
[JELLICOE] As you've seen, we do most of what's called frontiers ofscience research here.
[HILDA] As soon as our work reaches a practical stage, it's handed overto someone. Someone with more resources and a bigger budget.
[JELLICOE] Usually the government.
[SARAH] Well, like the new disintegrator gun? You pioneered the researchon that, didn't you?
[HILDA] Well, yes. I'm not sure you should know about that.
[SARAH] Oops. Sorry. Talking out of turn. What's in here?
(Robotics section)
[JELLICOE] There's nothing here. Nothing at all.
[HILDA] As you can see, it's empty.
[SARAH] J P Kettlewell, Robotics Section. He left some time ago, didn'the? That's right, there was all that fuss about it in the press.
[HILDA] Yes, indeed there was. As you probably heard, he turned againstconventional science altogether.
[JELLICOE] He spends his time on alternative technology, whatever thatmay mean.
[SARAH] What's through there?
[JELLICOE] His store room. Professor Kettlewell left some valuableequipment. We're keeping it until he deigns to come collect it.
[SARAH] Oh, I see. Oo, funny musty sort of
[HILDA] Are you all right?
[SARAH] Just about. Thank you.
[HILDA] Well, let's be on our way, Miss Smith. There's still quite a lotto see, you know.
[SARAH] Oh, yes, of course. Thank you.
(Emmett's Electronics)
[BRIGADIER [OC]] I tell you, Doctor, I've got the whole place covered.
[BENTON] Come along, come along. Get that wire across. Move!
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Armed patrols have every inch of the perimeter underobservation. Helicopter patrols overhead. Inside that factory is avault. Not a safe, Doctor, a vault. There's a sentry outside it. Insidethe vault there's a casket. A metal casket containing every focusinggenerator in the place. Believe me, Doctor, the place is impregnable.
[DOCTOR] Never cared much for the word impregnable. Sounds a bit toomuch like unsinkable.
[HARRY] What's wrong with unsinkable?
[DOCTOR] Nothing, as the iceberg said to the Titanic.
[HARRY] What?
[DOCTOR] Glug, glug, glug.
[BENTON] All patrols posted, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Everything secure?
[BENTON] Yes, sir. The lads are so close together they're standing oneach other's feet.
[BRIGADIER] Good. See, Doctor? Not even a rat could get through thatcordon. Protected from every side and from above.
[DOCTOR] That still leaves one direction.
[DOCTOR] There seems to be a very large rat about, Brigadier.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps you should employ the services of a very large cat.
(Kettlewell's house)
[KETTLEWELL] I'm afraid I can't help you, Miss Smith. I don't know whyyou came to me.
[SARAH] Well, I'm not too sure myself, to be honest. I just feltsomething in the air at Think Tank.
[KETTLEWELL] Yes, I severed all connection with that establishment sometime ago, when I became completely disillusioned at the direction allour research was taking. The road to ruination. I'm now devoting mylife to alternative energy technologies.
[SARAH] Solar cells, heat from windmills, that sort of thing?
[KETTLEWELL] Yes, as you say, that sort of thing. It's a rich andcomplex field, and I have a great deal of work to do.
[SARAH] Oh, I beg your pardon. Well, I just wondered if they might becarrying on your work in robotics?
[KETTLEWELL] No one is carrying on my work in robotics, Miss Smith,because no one has the ability to do so. Good day.
[SARAH] Goodbye.
[KETTLEWELL] Good day, Miss Smith.
[SARAH] Just going. Thank you.
[BENTON] We think this is the other end of it, sir, only
[BRIGADIER] Only? Only what?
[BENTON] Only its not a proper tunnel. I mean, no props or anything.Just the earth been shoved aside. Whoever went through it wouldn't beable to breathe.
[DOCTOR] Whoever went through it didn't need to breathe.
[BENTON] And then there were these, sir.
(Outside Think Tank)
[SARAH] I've er, left my note book in one of theempty labs. I know exactly where it is. I can see myself putting itdown. So, if you could just let me pop in and get it, I needn't letyour director know what an idiot I've been. Oh, please. Look, my passis still valid for another ten minutes yet.
[GUARD] Wait here, Miss. I'll check for you.
[SARAH] Great.
(Robotics section)
[SARAH] It was oil. I knew it.
[ROBOT] Who are you? Why are you here?
(Outside the Robotics section)
[HILDA] Hello, Miss Smith.
[SARAH] Look out, there's a great robot in there!
[HILDA] Yes, I know. Don't worry, my assistant's dealing with it.
(Robotics section)
[SARAH] What?
[HILDA] I'm sorry if our little joke upset you.
[SARAH] Joke?
[HILDA] You were determined to see the robot and so we arranged it foryou. That is what you wanted, isn't it?
[SARAH] Oh, how very kind of you.
[JELLICOE] When we heard that you were in the building, we guessed whatyou were up to, so I popped in here ahead of you and I activated it.
[SARAH] Is it still in there?
[HILDA] Oh, yes. Would you like to see it again?
[SARAH] Thank you. I'd like that very much.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Well, Doctor, what are we dealing with? Invasion from outerspace again?
[DOCTOR] Why should some alien life form invade Earth just to steal anew weapon? If they were that advanced, they'd have weapons of theirown. Ha. Rather a splendid paradox, eh, Brigadier?
[DOCTOR] The only ones who could do it wouldn't need to.
[BRIGADIER] Enemy agents?
[DOCTOR] Well, they might steal the plans, but why steal the circuitsand the generators? An enemy government would have those resourcesitself.
[BRIGADIER] So where does that leave us?
[DOCTOR] I think your enemies are home grown, Brigadier. People withaccess to technological information and a most unusual weapon. A weaponthat walks and thinks. In a word, anthropomorphic.
[BRIGADIER] Well, I suppose that narrows the field a bit. Do we knowanything else about these people?
[DOCTOR] Only that they're prepared to kill to protect themselves.Where's Sarah?
(Robotics section)
[SARAH] What's the hold up?
[HILDA] Mister Jellicoe is checking over the circuits.
[SARAH] Well why is he taking so long?
[HILDA] He must be sure that everything is safe.
[SARAH] Safe?
[HILDA] Stop.
[SARAH] It's very impressive, but what's it for?
[HILDA] Ask it. It's voice controlled.
[SARAH] What do you do?
[ROBOT] Insufficient data. Please be more specific.
[JELLICOE] It has a terribly literal mind.
[SARAH] What is your purpose, your function?
[ROBOT] I am experimental prototype robot K one. My eventual purpose isto replace the human being in a variety of difficult and dangeroustasks. Tasks for which I am programmed are mining operations of allkinds, operations involving radioactive materials
[HILDA] Terminate.
[JELLICOE] It would go on for hours.
[SARAH] Why all the mystery? Why didn't you just show him to me when Ifirst came?
[HILDA] My dear Miss Smith, why should we? You were a privileged visitorhere. You abused that privilege to pry into matters on the secret list.
[SARAH] You're right, of course. I'm sorry.
[JELLICOE] Not a bit of it. You were simply following the instincts of agood journalist. And now, if you've seen enough?
[SARAH] Er, it isn't dangerous, is it?
[HILDA] Of course not. Why should it be?
[SARAH] Well, it just struck me that it could be a very powerful weaponif it got into the wrong hands. It could be misused.
[HILDA] Like this, you mean? This girl is an intruder and a spy. Shemust not leave here alive. Destroy her.
[HILDA] Destroy her.
[ROBOT] I cannot obey. This order conflicts with my prime directive.
[HILDA] You must obey. You are programmed to obey.
[ROBOT] I must obey. I cannot obey. I, I
[HILDA] Terminate.
[SARAH] Another of your little jokes?
[HILDA] A practical demonstration. You must admit it was a convincingone.
[JELLICOE] Prime directive, you see. It's built into the robot's verybeing that it must serve humanity and never harm it.
[SARAH] That was a cruel thing to do.
[HILDA] Cruel? It isn't human, you know. It has no feelings.
[SARAH] Oh, it's got a brain, hasn't it? It walks and talks like us. Howcan you be sure it doesn't have feelings too? Are you all right?
[ROBOT] My functioning is unimpaired.
[SARAH] But you were distressed. I saw that.
[ROBOT] Conflict with my prime directive causes imbalance in my neuralcircuits.
[SARAH] I'm sorry. It wasn't my idea.
[ROBOT] The imbalance has been corrected. It is not logical that youshould feel sorrow.
[HILDA] Really, Miss Smith, this is absurd. I think you must be the sortof girl that gives motor cars pet names.
[HILDA] Deactivate. You see? It's just a lump of metal.
[SARAH] Thank you for an interesting demonstration. I think I ought toleave now.
[HILDA] One moment, Miss Smith. If I were to make a formal complaintabout your behaviour here, you might find yourself in a very difficultposition.
[JELLICOE] Dangerous thing, curiosity. Can get you into a lot oftrouble.
[HILDA] So I'll make a bargain with you. Keep quiet about what you'vediscovered here, and I'll keep quiet about how you discovered it.
[SARAH] Goodbye, Miss Winters, Mister Jellicoe. Oh, please, don't botherto see me out.
[JELLICOE] That was an appallingly dangerous thing to do. Telling it todestroy her. The inhibitor's only just been reset. You know there havebeen problems. Suppose it had obeyed you?
[HILDA] It made an interesting test.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Where do I start looking for this precious conspiracy?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's surely not that difficult, Brigadier? Oh, thank you.There can't be many groups of people with the money and resources todesign and build something like
[SARAH] An enormous robot over seven feet tall!
[DOCTOR] Yes, something like that. However did you guess?
[SARAH] Guess? I've just seen it. I've been talking to it. Brigadier,there's something very odd going on at Think Tank.
(Robotics section)
[JELLICOE] Screwdriver.
[HILDA] Careful.
[JELLICOE] There. I think that's it.
[HILDA] Think? You'd better be sure.
[JELLICOE] It's a delicate job. I'm not really trained in this sort ofwork.
[HILDA] Well, we'd better test it.
[JELLICOE] This time, emphasise the recall instructions. You know, itrefused to return after that last business. I found it wandering nearKettlewell's place.
[HILDA] How touching. Perhaps Miss Smith was right.
[JELLICOE] What about?
[HILDA] Perhaps it does have feelings. It misses Daddy. Activate.Prepare for visual scanning.
[ROBOT] I am ready.
[HILDA] This man is an enemy of the human race. He must be destroyed.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[SARAH] Look, its obvious that that Think Tank lot are involved. Whydon't you just raid the place and arrest the lot of them?
[BRIGADIER] I very much doubt if I'd get the authority. And if I did,it'd cause so much fuss they'd have plenty of time to hide theevidence. I must have more to go on.
[SARAH] More than just my word, you mean?
[HARRY] You know, you need an inside man.
[HARRY] Well, you know, somebody planted on them to keep his eyes andears open.
[SARAH] Hey, you know, that's not a bad idea.
[BRIGADIER] It'd have to be someone they'd accept, someone with theproper scientific qualifications.
[DOCTOR] Scientific or medical.
[HARRY] Oh, I say. Me?
[SARAH] Why not? Your chance to be a real James Bond.
[BRIGADIER] Might work. We could fix you up with a cover story.
[HARRY] I could wear a disguise.
[DOCTOR] I'd like to talk to Professor Kettlewell.
(Kettlewell's house)
[KETTLEWELL] I tell you as I told this young woman,I know nothing about the Think Tank and its activities. I severed allconnections with them
[SARAH] But I saw the robot.
[KETTLEWELL] What's that? Oh no, that's impossible. I gave orders forhim to be dismantled.
[BRIGADIER] Professor Kettlewell, this is an official inquiry and I mustask you
[KETTLEWELL] Would you kindly put those papers down, sir?
[DOCTOR] Plans for a new solar battery.
[KETTLEWELL] That folder is private and confidential.
[DOCTOR] This will never do, you know.
[KETTLEWELL] There are many years of
[DOCTOR] If theta over x coincides with your disputed factor, you'relosing half your output.
[KETTLEWELL] Oh, rubbish. I checked all those calculations myself.
[DOCTOR] Look, the error's in the third part of the calculation.
[KETTLEWELL] Bless my soul.
[DOCTOR] But you're doing vital work, Professor. Earth's human raceshould have started tapping solar power long ago.
[KETTLEWELL] This new solar battery will provide an endless supply ofpollution free energy at a fraction of the present cost and theyhaven't the wit to see it.
[DOCTOR] Well, there you are.
[KETTLEWELL] Yes, you know, I've explained it to them over and over andover again till I'm blue in the face.
[DOCTOR] People never can see what's under their noses and above theirheads.
[BRIGADIER] Concerning this robot
[KETTLEWELL] You be quiet, young man. You know, ever since the days ofGalileo
[DOCTOR] And Copernicus.
[KETTLEWELL] And Copernicus, scientists have had to
[DOCTOR] Professor, I think you ought to tell us about the robot.
[KETTLEWELL] Yes. It was the last project I worked upon before I decidedto leave. I gave orders for him to be dismantled. It was like puttingmy own son to death. I thought it was for the best. His power, hiscapacity to learn had begun to frighten me.
[SARAH] But it wasn't destroyed, was it.
[KETTLEWELL] I don't know. That woman, Winters, might have countermandedmy orders.
[BRIGADIER] Could the robot have been made to carry out these break-ins?
[KETTLEWELL] No, no, no. You say that people were hurt, even killed?
[KETTLEWELL] Oh, it's out of the question. You said he refused to harmyou, didn't you? Yes, well, I gave him my own brain pattern. He has myprinciples, my ideals.
[DOCTOR] But the circuitry you built could be altered or tampered with.
[KETTLEWELL] Doctor, not even I could effect such a change. As forJellicoe and Miss Winters, well, they're incompetent nincompoops.
[SARAH] Maybe, but I wouldn't put it past them to try.
[KETTLEWELL] If they force him to go against his prime directive,they'll destroy his mind. He'll go mad.
[ROBOT] You are an enemy of humanity. I must destroy you.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] There was a triple security thermolockon that safe made from case-hardened Dynastreem. It was completelydisintegrated.
[DOCTOR] Disintegrated?
[SARAH] But there's nothing that could do that. Dynastreem'sindestructible.
[DOCTOR] I think the Brigadier has an idea, eh, Alastair?
[BRIGADIER] Anyway, the neighbours heard a commotion, but by the timethe police arrived it was all over. The safe was empty.
[DOCTOR] Who was this man?
[BRIGADIER] Joseph Chambers, Cabinet Minister. He had certain specialresponsibilities in the area of security. I've been carrying out a fullsecurity check on these Think Tank people.
[DOCTOR] Anything interesting?
[BRIGADIER] Oh, not really. They seem to be an exemplary lot. Just oneoddity. Quite a few of them were members of something called theScientific Reform Society.
[DOCTOR] Oh, really? And who might they be?
[BRIGADIER] Oh, a little tin pot organisation founded years ago. Itwants to reform the world on rational and scientific lines. You knowthe sort of thing. Harmless bunch of cranks, if you ask me. Recently
[DOCTOR] Yes? Go on, then.
[BRIGADIER] Well, they've had a sudden rush of new members. Quite a fewwell known scientists. Younger people, too. Computer technicians and soon.
[SARAH] Is Miss Winters a member?
[BRIGADIER] Apparently. And Jellicoe too, and quite a few of the ThinkTank lot.
[SARAH] Doesn't sound their style, does it.
[SARAH] Oh, well.
[BRIGADIER] Where you off to?
[SARAH] Home to bed. Busy day tomorrow. I'm still a working girl, youknow.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, quite right, too. You leave all this business to us.
[SARAH] One thing about reform societies. They're never adverse to a bitof free publicity.
[BRIGADIER] Well, Doctor, what do you think
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, what are we going to do? Or shall we leave it all toMiss Smith?
[DOCTOR] Let's pay a visit to Think Tank tomorrow, Brigadier. We can askthem to demonstrate Professor Kettlewell's robot. Good night.
(Kettlewell's house)
[KETTLEWELL] What's the matter?
[ROBOT] I have been given orders that conflict with my prime directive.
[ROBOT] They say there is no conflict, yet I know there is conflict. Ido not understand. Help me.
(SRS Meeting room)
[SARAH] As I understand it then, Mister Short, youadvocate rule by a sort of self-appointed elite.
[SHORT] It's only logical. Superior types should rule, they're the bestequipped for it.
[SARAH] And the inferior types?
[SHORT] They'd be guided, helped, kept away from harmful ideas andinfluences. For instance
[SARAH] Do go on.
[SHORT] Your own attire, is it really suitable?
[SARAH] Trousers? Oh, surely that's a matter for me to decide?
[SHORT] As things are at the moment, it is. But in a more rationallyordered society
[SARAH] I would wear what you thought was good for me. I see. And thinkwhat you thought was good for me, too?
[SHORT] It'd be for your own good.
[SARAH] Oh, I see you're having a meeting here tonight. Do you thinkit'd be possible for me to come?
[SHORT] Sorry, out of the question. Private meeting, members only. Nopress.
[SARAH] But if I joined?
[SHORT] I really don't think you qualify. We have very high standards.
[SARAH] Oh. Well, thank you so much for your time, Mister Short, and fortelling me your most interesting ideas.
[SHORT] I do hope you'll include us in your article. We've been sadlymisrepresented.
[SARAH] Really? Well, we're covering a number of fringe organisations,and I'm sure we'll find a place for you. Somewhere between the flyingsaucer people and the flat Earthers.
(Think Tank)
[DOCTOR] Can't thank you enough for the visit. Been most amusing.
[HILDA] I suppose it all seems very elementary to a scientist of yourstanding, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it does rather, but never mind. You've got to startsomewhere. But there is one thing I'm looking forward to. ProfessorKettlewell's robot. It's in here, isn't it?
(Robotics section)
[DOCTOR] Come on, then. Where's your tin man?
[HILDA] I'm afraid I must disappoint you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh dear. I do so hate being disappointed. I was determined tosee that robot.
[HILDA] We had to dismantle it.
[DOCTOR] What? And such a harmless creature, too.
[HILDA] After the visit of your friend, Miss Smith, it became unstable.She introduced it to concepts it was not equipped to deal with.
[DOCTOR] What, concern, compassion and useless things like that?
[HILDA] We decided it would be safer to follow Professor Kettlewell'soriginal instructions.
[DOCTOR] Now that is a pity. You see, one of our problems, Miss Winters,is. Oh, I say. You haven't still got the bits, have you? Maybe I couldput it together again. I'm really rather good at that sort of thing.
[HILDA] We have our own furnaces in the basement. The robot has beenutterly destroyed.
[BRIGADIER] I could get authority to search.
[HILDA] You might find that difficult, Brigadier, but I won't stand onformalities. Search, by all means, if you wish.
[DOCTOR] In that case, I'm sure we needn't bother. Come along,Brigadier. Miss Winters has a great deal to do.
[JELLICOE] Miss Winters, there's a visitor. I'm sorry.
[HILDA] Would you forgive me?
[DOCTOR] Please, don't let us detain you.
[HILDA] Philips will show you the short cut back to your car.
[DOCTOR] You know, I have a feeling we shall meet again.
[DOCTOR] Come along, Brigadier.
(Think Tank)
[JELLICOE] Did they believe you?
[HILDA] Of course not, but it doesn't matter. But the time they can act,it will be too late.
[JELLICOE] Someone from the Ministry of Health has just turned up.Apparently, under some obscure regulation they've just remembered, wehave to have a complete check up on the medical records of our staffhere.
[HILDA] What an odd coincidence at a time like this.
[JELLICOE] Director, this is Doctor Sullivan from the Ministry.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] Did you believe them?
[DOCTOR] No, of course not, and they know I didn't. And I know that theyknow that I didn't, and they know that I know that
[BRIGADIER] Yes, all right, Doctor. All right. So where is the robot?
[DOCTOR] Either it's wandered off somewhere by itself or they've hiddenit.
[BRIGADIER] I see. Well, I must be off. Got to try and persuade theMinister to let me raid Think Tank. What are you going to do? Oh no,don't tell me. More thinking.
[DOCTOR] I beg your pardon, Brigadier. I was just thinking.
[DOCTOR] Yes? Yes, of course I'll talk to him. I'll talk to anybody.Professor Kettlewell? Yes, this is the Doctor.
(Kettlewell's house)
[KETTLEWELL] Doctor, you've got to help me. Therobot has come to my house. I've got him hidden, but he's veryunstable. I may not be able to control him. We must keep him out of thehands of those Think Tank people. They've driven him almost insane!Yes, at my house. I'll be waiting at the gate.
(Outside the UNIT Laboratory)
[SARAH] Oo, I like that. What is it?
[BENTON] That's promotion, Miss, to WO1.
[SARAH] WO what?
[BENTON] Warrant Officer. You see, technically speaking, the Brig shouldhave a Major and a Captain under him. The UNIT budget won't run to itso they settled on promoting me.
[SARAH] Congratulations. About time, too.
[BENTON] Thank you.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[SARAH] Doctor, I went to see those SRS people. Oh,no.
[SARAH] Sarah, Professor Kettlewell tells me that he has the robothidden at his house. Gone to meet him. PS it is of course possible thatthis message is a trap. If it is I can deal with it. PPS I am leavingthis note in case I can't. Oh, the idiot! He thinks he can cope withanything.
[BENTON] Right, we'd better get after him. I'll get some men.
[SARAH] I'll see you there.
[BENTON] Wait for us. We'll go together.
(Kettlewell's house)
[DOCTOR] Professor Kettlewell? ProfessorKettlewell? Professor?
[ROBOT] You are the Doctor?
[DOCTOR] How do you do? I've been so looking forward to meeting you.
[ROBOT] Please confirm your identity. There must be no mistake. You arethe Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course.
[ROBOT] You are an enemy of the human race. I must destroy you. Pleasedo not resist. I do not wish to cause you unnecessary pain.
[DOCTOR] How very kind of you.
[DOCTOR] Prime directive. What is your prime directive?
[ROBOT] I must serve humanity and never harm it.
[DOCTOR] Then you mustn't harm me. I'm a friend of humanity.
[ROBOT] No, you are an enemy. You must be destroyed.
[DOCTOR] Extraordinary. Extraordinary.
(Kettlewell's house)
[SARAH] No, no! You mustn't harm him!
[ROBOT] He is an enemy of humanity.
[SARAH] No, he isn't. He's a good man. A friend.
[ROBOT] You were at the laboratory. You were concerned for me. You feltsorrow.
[SARAH] That's right. And you refused to harm me even when you wereordered to. Those people are evil. They're lying to you. They'vealtered your programming to make you act all wrongly.
[ROBOT] I am confused. I do not understand. I feel pain.
[BENTON] Miss Smith, get down!
[SARAH] No! No, don't shoot!
[BENTON] Is he okay, Miss?
[SARAH] Yes, yes, I think so.
[BENTON] We just couldn't stop it.
[SARAH] Oh, well, what did you have to start shooting for? He wouldn'thave harmed you.
[BENTON] You could have fooled me. It was trying to kill the Doctor,wasn't it?
[SARAH] Yes, but that was because. Well, it doesn't matter, and itwasn't your fault, I suppose. You did your best.
[BENTON] Oh, thank you very much. The US cavalry never got treated likethis.
[SARAH] Listen.
[BENTON] It's in there.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[KETTLEWELL] The robot came to find me last night. It was in terribledistress. They'd just forced it to commit another crime.
[SARAH] Yes, yes, I know.
[KETTLEWELL] They altered his circuitry so as to overcome his primedirective. They succeeded, but at fearful cost.
[SARAH] He became unbalanced.
[KETTLEWELL] Yes. Then Miss Winters and Jellicoe came along while I waswaiting for the Doctor. They programmed the robot to kill him. Iprotested, but
[SARAH] Shush. Never mind, you're safe now.
[KETTLEWELL] You know, when I think of that robot's potential. Iinvented the metal he's made of, you know. I called it living metal.
[KETTLEWELL] It actually has the capacity to grow like a livingorganism.
[SARAH] It's quite big enough for me now, thank you.
[KETTLEWELL] That's how I came to make my other discovery, you know.It's the metallic equivalent of a virus. It breaks down metal intoeasily recyclable form. You can see what that means, can't you? Itmeans that we shall be able to get rid of all the metallic waste thatpollutes this planet.
[BENTON] Professor?
[KETTLEWELL] Thank you.
[KETTLEWELL] What's that doing there?
[SARAH] Oh, I went to see them. Rather unpleasant.
[KETTLEWELL] Scientific Reform Society. Oh yes, just before I left theThink Tank, they persuaded me to join it. I remember I went along toone of the meetings once. Very odd bunch. Didn't go there again.
[SARAH] Well now, there's a meeting there tonight. Suppose you were toturn up, Professor, would they let you in?
[KETTLEWELL] Very probably. I think I've still got my membership cardabout me somewhere.
[SARAH] And if I came along too, plus my camera and tape recorder, youcould smuggle me in and we could get the goods on them for theBrigadier.
[BENTON] Hey, now, hang on, you two.
[SARAH] What do you say, Professor, shall we try it? Of course, it couldbe dangerous.
[KETTLEWELL] If there's anything I can do to help to defeat thosepeople.
[BENTON] But the Brigadier will go spare. So will the Doctor.
[SARAH] Well, one's away and the other's asleep.
[BENTON] Well, I'll go and wake the Doctor and see what he says.
[SARAH] Don't you dare. He had a nasty knock on the head and he needs torest.
[BENTON] In that case, Miss, it's just not on. I'm sorry.
[SARAH] Oh! Mister Benton, are we members of UNIT?
[BENTON] Well, no, of course not.
[SARAH] Are we under arrest?
[BENTON] No, Miss.
[SARAH] Well then, what we do and where we go is none of your business,is it? Come along, Professor.
[BENTON] Wouldn't it be best if you
[SARAH] Now just you go and blanco your rifle, or something. This way,Professor. Come on.
(Outside the SRS Meeting room)
[SHORT] Professor Kettlewell. How nice to see you again so soon.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[BRIGADIER] What the blazes were you thinking of,Mister Benton? You should never have let them go.
[BENTON] Well, maybe you could have stopped them, sir, but I couldn't.As the young lady pointed out, they're not really under ourjurisdiction.
[BENTON] Excuse me, sir, but you did get permission to raid Think Tank?
[BRIGADIER] No, Mister Benton, I did not.
[DOCTOR] Then you must act without it. I know what they're up to now.Worked it all out while I was having my little nap. It's all tied upwith the information stolen from that poor fellow Chambers. He musthave been the guardian of some kind of ultimate threat.
[BRIGADIER] How on Earth
[DOCTOR] I don't know exactly what it is, just the kind of thing it hasto be. Well, am I right?
[BRIGADIER] A few months ago, the superpowers, Russia, America andChina, decided upon a plan to ensure peace. All three powers havehidden atomic missile sites. All three agreed to give details of thosesites plus full operational instructions to another neutral country. Inthe event of trouble, that country could publish everyone's secrets andso cool things down. Well, naturally enough, the only country thatcould be trusted with such a role was Great Britain.
[DOCTOR] Well, naturally, I mean, the rest were all foreigners.
[BRIGADIER] Well, exactly. The destructor codes for firing thesemissiles were kept in Chambers' house in a special Dynastreem safe. Therobot killed Chambers, blasted the safe open with a disintegrator gunand took the codes.
[BENTON] So what can they do with them now that they've got them?
[BRIGADIER] They could set off every atomic missile in the world, MisterBenton.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and start a nuclear holocaust that would turn this littleplanet of yours into a radioactive cinder suspended in space.
[BENTON] You mean he could use the information to blackmail the world?Do things our way or we light the blue touch paper.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid so.
[BRIGADIER] We think they've been using this Scientific Reform Societyas a front, Doctor, and I've just heard from Mister Benton here thatMiss Smith and Professor Kettlewell have just gone off to try to getinto one of their meetings.
[DOCTOR] Kettlewell? You let Sarah go off somewhere with Kettlewell?
(Scientific Reform Society)
[KETTLEWELL] Miss Smith, are you there?
[SARAH] How's it going, Professor?
[KETTLEWELL] All right, I think. They were a bit suspicious to startwith, but I found somewhere for you to hide.
[SARAH] Great.
(SRS Meeting room)
[HILDA] And as you know, my friends, tonight is the culmination of manyyears of work and planning. A brilliant and audacious scheme is aboutto come to its climax! (Cheers) You have all waited long and patientlyduring the years of scorn and ridicule. The days when we were laughedat as cranks. Well now a new and better future is almost within ourgrasp.
[HILDA] A future in which we, the elite, will rule as is our right! Weowe it all to one man. The man whose unrivalled scientific genius hasput us in the commanding position we now hold. Professor Kettlewell!
[HILDA] He brings with him the symbol of our movement. The creaturewhose intelligence and power make him a fitting emblem for ourscientific new order!
(Outside the SRS Meeting room)
[DOCTOR] Where is that pass?
[DOCTOR] Freedom to the city of Skaro? No. Pilot's licence for the MarsVenus rocket run. Galactic passport. Do you travel much? Honorarymember of the Alpha Centauri Table Tennis Club.
[DOCTOR] Very tricky opponents, those chaps. Six arms, and of course sixbats. It really keeps you on your toes. I'll tell you what, I'll justpop outside and try something
[DOCTOR] Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry. You just like there and get somerest. I'll find help. And above all, don't worry. Everything's going tobe all right.
(SRS Meeting room)
[HILDA] With the aid of this robot, we shall seekout and destroy all those who try to harm us.
[ROBOT] Seek out and destroy.
[HILDA] She's a spy! Deal with her!
[DOCTOR] Good evening, everyone. Now please, stay calm. Everyone keepyour seat. Now then, what can I do to entertain you till my friend theBrigadier arrives? A little song? A little dance, perhaps? Not just alittle dance? Anyone for cards?
[HILDA] Don't just stand there, you idiots, get him!
[DOCTOR] Now for my next trick I shall require the assistance of amember of the audience.
[DOCTOR] I say, haven't we met somewhere before? Please, let me help youup.
[DOCTOR] Ow. Pity. Any other sporting member of the audience? Tell meone thing, Professor Kettlewell. Why?
[KETTLEWELL] For years I have been trying to persuade people to stopspoiling this planet, Doctor. Now, with the help of my friends, I canmake them.
[DOCTOR] Aren't you forgetting that in science, as in morality, the endnever justifies the means.
[JELLICOE] What are we going to do with them?
[HILDA] Kill them of course.
[KETTLEWELL] Oh, no, no.
[HILDA] They're far too dangerous to us.
[KETTLEWELL] Couldn't we lock them up?
[HILDA] And have them escape? It's too late to be squeamish, Professor.
[DOCTOR] You see what I mean, Professor?
[HILDA] Take them away.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[BRIGADIER] Stay where you are! My men have this building surrounded.
[HILDA] Where's the truck?
[JELLICOE] Still outside.
[HILDA] Quick. The back way.
[BRIGADIER] Stop! Stay where you are.
[KETTLEWELL] Protect us! Protect us!
[BRIGADIER] Well, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] It had to be Kettlewell. Only he could have attempted toreprogramme the robot to overcome its prime directive.
[BRIGADIER] Then all that business about being knocked on the head andpushed in the cupboard
[DOCTOR] Faked. Faked to gain your confidence. And they still have thedestructor codes, and Sarah. And now they'll hide up somewhere and trytheir blackmail plan, I suppose.
[BRIGADIER] But how can they? If they start a nuclear war they'll go upwith the rest of us.
[DOCTOR] I rather imagine that has occurred to them. You'd better findthem, Brigadier, and soon.
[BRIGADIER] I agree, but how?
[BENTON] Excuse me, sir. There's a call for you from Doctor Sullivan.Linked in from HQ.
[BRIGADIER] Thank you. Sullivan, are you still at Think Tank? Over.
(Think Tank)
[HARRY] Yes, sir, but I may not have much time. Nowlisten, sir. I've managed to give them the slip and I think they'veforgotten about me. They seem to be pulling out, sir. The whole placeis being evacuated.
(SRS Meeting room)
[BRIGADIER] Listen, Sullivan, this is urgent. Doyou know where they're going? Have you any idea at all?
[HARRY [OC]] Well, sir, I heard somebody mention the bunker, but itseemed to be a kind of a joke.
[BRIGADIER] Sullivan, are you still there?
(Think Tank)
[JELLICOE] We'll take him with us. He'll be a useful hostage.
(SKS Meeting room)
[BRIGADIER] No good. Broken connection.
[DOCTOR] Or broken head, if someone overheard him calling us.
[BRIGADIER] He said something about them going to a bunker.
(Outside the Bunker)
[BRIGADIER] Well, this is the place. An atomic shelter designed andbuilt by the Think Tank people back in the Cold War days.
[DOCTOR] So if their bluff is called, they'll stay down there safe andsound and emerge to rule the survivors, if any.
[BENTON] You really think they're in there, sir?
[BRIGADIER] We'll soon find out. Right, Benton.
[BENTON] Fall out!
[HILDA] Activate the automatic defence system.
[KETTLEWELL] Shouldn't we talk to them first?
[HILDA] We'll talk afterwards. First we must show them the strength ofour position.
[HILDA] Put her with the other one.
(Outside the Bunker)
[DOCTOR] Down, Brigadier! Everyone get down!
[BRIGADIER] Get back.
[BRIGADIER] Of all the cheek. They've got troops there!
[DOCTOR] I don't think so, Brigadier. Automated machine gun nest, Ifancy, activated by body heat when you get within range.)
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[BENTON] That's not me, Doctor. Someone's trying to get through on ourfrequency.
[DOCTOR] Good man.
[BENTON [OC]] Greyhound Leader receiving you. Over.
[HILDA] Let me speak to the Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Lethbridge Stewart.
[HILDA] Brigadier, can you hear me?
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Yes, Miss Winters, I hear you. Come out and giveyourselves up, or we shall attack.
[HILDA] We hold two of your friends as hostages.
(Outside the Bunker)
[BRIGADIER] That will not deter me. I repeat, giveyourselves up or we shall attack.
[HILDA] You'll never reach those doors alive,Brigadier. And even if you did, you'd never get through them. By now,the governments of the world will have received our demands. Unlessthey are agreed to in full, the destructor codes will be used. We haveassociates standing by all over the world. You have thirty minutes inwhich to surrender.
(Outside the Bunker)
[BRIGADIER] Mister Benton, take a party withgrenades, find those machine gun nests, and knock them out.
[BENTON] Yes, sir.
[BRIGADIER] I'll show that wretched woman.
(Bunker storeroom)
[ROBOT] Do not move. If you attempt to escape, I must destroy you.
[HARRY] Oh, I say. This isn't gallant.
[SARAH] James Bond. Tut.
(Outside the Bunker)
[BENTON] That was the lot, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Right, prepare to advance.
[DOCTOR] Just a moment, Brigadier.
[DOCTOR] Come along then.
[BENTON] Okay, move.
[BENTON] Shall I get some explosive, sir?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no. Must you? I really think we've had enough bangs andflashes for a bit, don't you? Hold on. Turns into a miniature soniclance, you see.
[BRIGADIER] And what do you propose to do with that?
[DOCTOR] Cut out the lock for you. It shouldn't take long.
[JELLICOE] They're getting through! It isimpossible!
[HILDA] Very well, we shall have to use the destructor codes. Show themwe're not bluffing.
[KETTLEWELL] It'll take too long to set up the sequence. They'll be inhere long before that. You said we'd have plenty of time!
[HILDA] Well then, we must gain time. We shall have to use your metalfriend, Professor, and this time he'd better not let us down! Is thedisintegrator gun ready?
[HILDA] Right. Then fit it and send him out.
[HILDA] Come along, Professor. Start getting those destructor codesoperational. Maybe they'll listen when the first few missiles arefired.
(Bunker storeroom)
[JELLICOE] Enemies of humanity are attacking us. You must take this gunand destroy them.
[SARAH] No! No, you mustn't!
(Outside the Bunker)
[DOCTOR] Back. Everybody back.
[BRIGADIER] They may be going to surrender.
[DOCTOR] I very much doubt it. Get your men back, Brigadier, if youdon't want them killed.
[BRIGADIER] All right, back.
[BENTON] Fall back. Fall back to the woods.
[BRIGADIER] Well, I've brought along something that will deal with it.
[DOCTOR] I very much doubt it, Brigadier.
[ROBOT] Go! Go now, or I will destroy you all!
[HILDA] Well, everything seems to be verysatisfactory. And how are you getting on, Professor?
[KETTLEWELL] I've just finished making the preliminary linkups. Youdon't really intend to use the destructor codes, do you?
[HILDA] I want everything in readiness.
[KETTLEWELL] But if they don't agree, if they call our bluff, we'llsurrender, won't we?
[HILDA] No. We shall fire the missiles.
[KETTLEWELL] But you can't. It would mean a nuclear war.
[HILDA] You want a better world, don't you? We shan't gain it withoutsome sacrifices. Now, start the countdown, Professor.
(Bunker storeroom)
[HARRY] How are we doing, Miss Smith?
[SARAH] Okay.
[HARRY] Yeah, I think it's coming.
[HILDA] What about food and water? How long can wehold out if the worst happens?
[JELLICOE] I'm not really sure.
[HILDA] Then you should be. Take me to the food storage. We must make aproper check. Keep your eye on our friends outside, Professor.
(Bunker storeroom)
[JELLICOE] Wait. What are we going to do with them?
[HILDA] They're obviously no use to us as hostages. We can't afforduseless mouths to feed. They'll have to be disposed of.
[HILDA] Later.
[HARRY] That was a near one.
[SARAH] We're nearly there, I think.
[HARRY] Yeah.
[SARAH] Okay.
(Outside the Bunker)
[BRIGADIER] What's the range and power of thatweapon, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Power? Almost unlimited. Range, well, it could drill a hole inthe surface of the moon.
[BRIGADIER] And knock out anything we send against it.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, it's no use staying here. Brigadier, prepare yourmen for an attack. Try and draw the robot away from the door. I'll slipround behind it and finish cutting the lock.
[BRIGADIER] You don't stand much chance, you know.
[DOCTOR] I know, but we have to try.
[BRIGADIER] Right, we'll cover you as long as we can. All right, Benton?
[KETTLEWELL] Can't. I won't.
[JELLICOE] Don't attempt to stop it!
[KETTLEWELL] I can't do it! I won't do it!
[JELLICOE] Let it run!
[KETTLEWELL] Thank heavens you've come.
[SARAH] Can you cancel what you've been doing?
[KETTLEWELL] There's no time. I'll punch in the hold signal.
[HARRY] Right, so now open the main doors. We're going outside.
[SARAH] There.
[HARRY] All right.
(Outside the Bunker)
[DOCTOR] Wait. The doors.
[DOCTOR] Sarah.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[SARAH] Look, please, don't shoot. We're no danger to you.
[ROBOT] You must go. The soldiers must go.
[SARAH] You've got to let him in there.
[ROBOT] They are enemies of the human race.
[SARAH] No, they're the enemies in there. They want to start an atomicwar. Kill millions of people.
[ROBOT] You must go or I will kill. I must kill you. I must destroy you.
[KETTLEWELL] No, no, he was only telling
[ROBOT] I have killed the one who created me.
[DOCTOR] Now's our chance.
[BRIGADIER] Get away from that keyboard.
[HILDA] You won't shoot, Brigadier.
[SARAH] Maybe he won't, but I will. Move away!
[HILDA] Why not? It's finished. The firing instructions have gone out.
[BRIGADIER] I can still get the major powers to use their fail-safeprocedures.
[HILDA] Too late, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Cancel the destructor codes!
[HILDA] When that reaches zero, the missiles will be fired, and no onecan send the cancel codes in time.)
[DOCTOR] She may be right, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Benton, get them both out of here.
[BENTON] Miss Winters.
[BENTON] Move!
[DOCTOR] The trouble with computers, of course, is that they're verysophisticated idiots. They do exactly what you tell them at amazingspeed, even if you order them to kill you. So if you do happen tochange your mind, it's very difficult to stop them obeying the originalorder, but
[DOCTOR] Not impossible.
[HARRY] Congratulations, Doctor.
[SARAH] You've done it!
[BENTON] Well done, Doctor.
[BRIGADIER] Right, that's over. Now for a little mopping up.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
(Outside the Bunker)
[BRIGADIER] Vanished? How can they have vanished?
[BENTON] We were all pretty busy inside, sir, mopping up the rest ofthat Think Tank lot. We noticed the robot was gone when we came out andeveryone assumed that someone else had got it.
[DOCTOR] And Sarah?
[BENTON] Well, we thought, we thought she'd gone home.
[DOCTOR] Gone home? You mean not one of you connected the disappearanceof Sarah with the vanishing of the robot?
[BRIGADIER] You're sure there is a connection?
[DOCTOR] I think so. Don't you?
[HARRY] Why Sarah?
[DOCTOR] The robot killed Kettlewell, remember, the man who created it.It must be in a state of tremendous emotional shock. What more naturalthan it should turn to the one person who ever showed it kindness?
[BRIGADIER] Hmm. Keep looking, Benton.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
(Bunker storeroom)
[SARAH] Honestly, they're bound to find us.
[ROBOT] Anyone who finds us will be destroyed.
[SARAH] Why? What's the point of more killing? I keep telling you, it'sall over. What can you do alone?
[ROBOT] I can bring about the destruction of humanity. But do not fear,Sarah. You alone will be saved.
[ROBOT] The bunker is cleared. Come.
(Outside the Bunker)
[BENTON] Still nothing, sir. We're spreading the search radius wider andwider, but the bigger the area to cover the harder it gets.
[DOCTOR] There is just one teeny weeny little thing.
[BRIGADIER] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Something else you haven't thought of. What are we going to dowith it when we find it?
[BRIGADIER] Yes. You know, just once I'd like to meet an alien menacethat wasn't immune to bullets.
[BENTON] Excuse me, sir.
[BENTON] Well, when Professor Kettlewell was here talking to Miss Smith,he said the robot was made of some kind of living metal. He even saidit could grow.
[DOCTOR] Did he now.
[BENTON] Yes, and he went on about some kind of metal virus. Somethingthat attacked the living metal.
[DOCTOR] The same way that disease attacks animal tissue.
[BENTON] Well, something like that. Anyway, I just wondered. If we could
[BENTON] Oh, I'm sorry. It was probably a daft idea anyway.
[DOCTOR] Wonderful, Mister Benton. Wonderful! Brigadier, I must get toKettlewell's place at once. You find the robot.
[BRIGADIER] You'd better go with him.
[HARRY] Right, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Keep in R/T contact!
(Bunker corridor)
[SARAH] No! Don't hurt him. Let him go. He's not important enough. (tothe soldier) Don't shoot. Just leave now. Don't worry about me, justgo.
(Outside the Bunker)
[BENTON] Look, sir.
[SARAH] No! No! Why? Why?
[ROBOT] I destroyed Kettlewell. I must see that his plan does not fail.
[SARAH] But he changed his mind. He wouldn't want you to continue.
[ROBOT] Mankind is not worthy to survive. Once it is destroyed, I shallbuild more machines like myself. Machines do not lie.
(Kettlewell's house)
[DOCTOR] Why didn't that silly man write up his experiments properly?
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Doctor, this is the Brigadier. Can you hear me?
[HARRY] (into R/T) This is Lieutenant Sullivan, sir. The Doctor's ratherbusy at the moment.
[DOCTOR] Tell him to stop pestering me. I've found a metal virus and I'mtrying to prepare an active solution, but he must give me time.
(Outside the Bunker)
[BRIGADIER] Sullivan, tell the Doctor we've foundthe robot.
[HARRY [OC]] Well done, sir. Where is it?
[BRIGADIER] It's shut itself inside the bunker with Miss Smith.
(Kettlewell's house)
[DOCTOR] What? Yes. Yes, of course. SuppressedOedipus complex leading to excessive guilt and overcompensation.
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Doctor, Oedipus is not
[DOCTOR] Brigadier, the robot will try to carry out Kettlewell's plan.Is the computer terminal in the bunker still active?
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Far as I know. I don't suppose anyone thought to
[DOCTOR] Can you switch off the electricity supply?
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Yes. No, no, it's on a special sealed circuit.
[DOCTOR] Then warn all the major powers. The emergency is not over. Theymust operate full fail-safe procedures at once.
[SARAH] You see? They've operated the fail-safe mechanism. Give up now.Please!
[ROBOT] Humanity must be destroyed. It is evil, corrupt.
[SARAH] But you can't take on the whole world. Don't you understand?They'll destroy you!
[ROBOT] Do not fear. I cannot be destroyed.
[ROBOT] Come.
(Kettlewell's house)
[DOCTOR] Come along, man, come along.
[HARRY] This any good?
[DOCTOR] We've done it, Harry. We've done it!
(Outside the Bunker)
[BRIGADIER] No one's to open fire. She may find a chance to get clear.
[ROBOT] Stay here.
[BENTON] It's going to attack, sir. Shall we pull back?
[BRIGADIER] Of course. The very thing.
[BRIGADIER] I think just for once, we're not going to need the Doctor.
[BENTON] (silent) What?
[BRIGADIER] Follow me and hold your fire until ordered.
(Think Tank)
[ROBOT] You will be safe. See how I deal with our enemies.
[BRIGADIER] She's out of the line of fire. Launch your grenades.
[BENTON] Smith, Hampton, get down here quickly with the launcher. Fire!
[BRIGADIER] Right, pull back!
[HARRY] Curiouser and curiouser.
[DOCTOR] Said Alice.
[HARRY] Exactly.
[DOCTOR] I see our little problem seems to have grown. Where's Sarah?
[BENTON] She's safe enough, Doc.
[BRIGADIER] I gave it a blast with the disintegrator gun.
[BENTON] It left her up on the roof.
[DOCTOR] Really, Brigadier, you should be more careful with your littletoys. You've given it just the infusion of energy it needed.
[BRIGADIER] Well, I've sent for the artillery, and the RAF are on theirway.
[DOCTOR] I hope that won't be necessary.
[BRIGADIER] What on Earth is that?
[DOCTOR] Another piece of brilliance from the late Professor Kettlewell,and one that will solve our problem, I hope. Drive on, Harry.
[HARRY] Right, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Wish me luck, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Now just a moment, Doctor!
[SARAH [OC]] Hey! Hey, get me down!
[BRIGADIER] Don't just stand there, Benton. Go and help Miss Smith.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
[BRIGADIER] What was that stuff?
[DOCTOR] Some of Kettlewell's metal virus in an active solution.
[BRIGADIER] Will it work now the thing's that size?
[DOCTOR] Oh, even faster, I hope. Look.
[DOCTOR] It's thrown the growth mechanism into reverse.
[HARRY] Oh, well done, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Harry.
[BRIGADIER] I'll have it taken away. Broken up, just in case.
[DOCTOR] No. No, Brigadier, that won't be necessary. Look.
(UNIT Laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Sarah? Sarah?
[DOCTOR] Would you like a jelly baby? I had to do it, you know.
[SARAH] Yes, yes, I know. It was insane and it did terrible things, but,but at first, it was so human.
[DOCTOR] It was a wonderful creature, capable of great good, and greatevil. Yes, I think you could say it was human. You know, what you needis a change. How about a little trip in a Tardis. I'm just off.
[SARAH] Wait, you can't just go.
[DOCTOR] Why not? It's a free cosmos.
[SARAH] The Brigadier
[DOCTOR] The Brigadier wants me to address the Cabinet, have lunch atDowning Street, dinner at the Palace, and write seventeen reports intriplicate. Well, I won't do it. I won't, I won't, I won't.
[DOCTOR] Why should I?
[SARAH] Doctor, you're being childish.
[DOCTOR] Well of course I am. There's no point in being grown up if youcan't be childish sometimes. Are you coming?
[HARRY] Hello. Well, what are you two up to now, eh?
[DOCTOR] We're just going on a little trip. Would you like a jelly baby?
[HARRY] (taking one) Little trip? What, in that old police box?
[DOCTOR] Yes, as a matter of fact, in that old police box.
[HARRY] Oh, come along now, Doctor. We're both reasonable men. Now, weboth know that police boxes don't go careering around all over theplace.
[DOCTOR] Do we?
[HARRY] Of course we do. The whole idea's absurd.
[DOCTOR] Is it? You wouldn't like to step inside a moment? Just todemonstrate that it is all an illusion.
[HARRY] Well, if you think it'll do any good.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, it'll make me feel a lot better.
[SARAH] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] In you go.
[HARRY] Right-o.
[HARRY [OC]] Oh, I say!
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, about that dinner at the Palace. Her Majesty. Yes,well, I'll tell them you'll be a little late.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s12", "episode": "e01", "title": "Robot"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (25 Jan, 1975; Fourth Doctor) - The Ark in Space
(Secondary control)
[DOCTOR] You're a clumsy, ham fisted idiot.
[HARRY [OC]] I said I was sorry, didn't I?
[DOCTOR] What? Come out! (thud) And don't touch anything.
[HARRY [OC]] I'm only trying to open the door.
[HARRY] Oh, I say. We've gone!
[SARAH] Who's gone?
[HARRY] I mean, this isn't. We aren't where we were when. I've gone mad.
[SARAH] That's how I felt the first time. Where are we, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea.
[SARAH] A little trip to the moon, you said, just to prove to Harry
[DOCTOR] I didn't expect him to start messing about with the helmicregulator. Come away from there, Harry.
[HARRY] You could sell that thing, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I could what?
[HARRY] Jolly useful in Trafalgar Square. I mean, hundreds of bobbieshiding inside it.
[SARAH] Harry.
[SARAH] Stop burbling.
[HARRY] What? Oh, sorry. Shock, I suppose. I must say, I feel verystrange.
[DOCTOR] Not much oxygen. Still, nothing to worry about.
[SARAH] Suffocation is nothing to worry about?
[DOCTOR] We can survive for quite a time yet.
[SARAH] While you play with that yo-yo?
[DOCTOR] Just a simply gravity reading, Sarah. Yes, almost certainlywe're in some kind of artificial satellite. Now isn't that interesting?
[SARAH] Not very.
[DOCTOR] I think it is.
[SARAH] It's dark, it's cold and it's getting very airless.
[DOCTOR] All we have to do is get the power back on. Let's see what'sover here.
[SARAH] Might as well go for a look round, I suppose. Are youcoming?
[HARRY] We'd better stick with the Doctor, don't you think?
[DOCTOR] Yes! That's better. Incredible.
[HARRY] I say. What's all that for?
[DOCTOR] I've never seen anything quite like it.
[SARAH] Hey, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Definitely build on Earth, but I can't quite place the period.
[SARAH [OC]] Doctor, look!
[DOCTOR] In a minute, Sarah!
[SARAH [OC]] But
[HARRY] None of it seems to work now, anyway.
[DOCTOR] Judging by the macro-slave drive and that modified version ofthe Bennett oscillator, I'd say this was built in the early thirtiethCentury?
[HARRY] (gasping) Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] You don't agree?
[HARRY] Early thirtieth century?
[DOCTOR] Late twenty ninth, early thirtieth, I feel sure.
(Control room)
[SARAH] Doctor! Doctor! There's hardly any air in here! Doctor, please!
(Secondary control)
[HARRY] Doctor, I'm a simple sort of chap. Are you trying to tell mewe're now in the middle of the thirtieth century?
[DOCTOR] Good heavens, no. Well beyond that.
[HARRY] Beyond the thirtieth?
[DOCTOR] Well, you gave that helmic regulator quite a twist, I'm afraid.
[HARRY] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] It's difficult to say. All this stuff's obviously been here forsome time. Several thousand years at least. What was that?
(Control room)
[SARAH] Doctor, I can't breathe
(Secondary control)
[DOCTOR] Sarah? Where's she got to?
[HARRY] In the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Impossible, I've got the key. I've told her time an again aboutgoing off by herself. Sarah?
[HARRY] Well, there's only one door and she. I swear she didn't go outthat way.
[DOCTOR] There must be another exit, then.
[HARRY] A sort of hidden deck hatch or something?
[DOCTOR] Vacuum-tight panel, more likely. They used them a lot in theseearly space vessels. Ah. Just as I thought.
[HARRY] No doorknob.
[DOCTOR] There must be a remote control. You haven't touched anythinghave you, Harry?
[DOCTOR] Well, there are only two of us here and your name is Harry.
[HARRY] Oh, yeah. I did just touch one switch.
[DOCTOR] Which switch, Harry?
[HARRY] Nothing happened.
[DOCTOR] Which switch?
[HARRY] Which switch? Well, I think it was. Well, no, no, perhaps itwas. I may have been standing
[DOCTOR] Try to remember, Harry.
[HARRY] I am trying! It's awfully difficult. I can hardly breathe.
[DOCTOR] Think where you were standing.
[HARRY] Er, it was this one.
[DOCTOR] Sure?
[HARRY] But nothing happened.
[DOCTOR] Go on, press it.
(Control room)
[HARRY] Crikey, she's cyanosed.
[DOCTOR] No air in here. Help me to get her back.
[HARRY] Quick.
[HARRY] Now what'll we do?
[DOCTOR] There must be a reverse mechanism.
[HARRY] I've always hated sliding doors, ever since I caught my nose inone in Pompey Barracks.
[DOCTOR] How is she, Harry?
[HARRY] She'll be okay if we can get her out of here.
[DOCTOR] Must be a broken circuit.
[HARRY] What?
[DOCTOR] Nothing. Nothing's working properly here.
[DOCTOR] I've found the oxygen supply.
[HARRY] Well done.
[DOCTOR] No good, Harry.
[HARRY] No luck, eh?
[DOCTOR] Why is nothing functioning here?
[HARRY] Couldn't we smash our way out or something?
[DOCTOR] What, with our bare hands?
[HARRY] It's all my fault.
[DOCTOR] I got us into this, Harry.
[HARRY] I haven't got enough puff to argue with you.
[DOCTOR] Then lie down and conserve the oxygen, while I do what I can.That's odd.
[HARRY] What?
[DOCTOR] These cables have been sheared clean through. Oxygen valveservo-mechanism. Yellow, black, green.
[DOCTOR] Yellow, black, green. Yellow, black, green.
[DOCTOR] Harry. Harry?
[HARRY] Is she, she okay?
[DOCTOR] Just in time. Are you feeling better?
[HARRY] Convalescent. All I need now is a couple of weeks at theseaside.
[DOCTOR] Good. Give me a hand to lay her on that couch. It's nearer thevents.
[HARRY] Good thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'll just repair some of those cables.
[HARRY] Sheared, you said.
[DOCTOR] Or bitten.
[HARRY] What?
[DOCTOR] There's a mystery here, Harry. Something happened a long timeago.
[HARRY] Bitten?
[DOCTOR] It looks like it. The interesting question is why? Clearlydeliberate, therefore done for a purpose. Therefore, whatever it washad a reasoning intelligence.
[HARRY] And very large teeth.
[DOCTOR] Splendid! Now let's see if that panel works.
[DOCTOR] All systems go, wouldn't you say?
[HARRY] She's coming round.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[HARRY] Steady. Steady on, old girl. Steady on.
[SARAH] Harry
[HARRY] Yes, I'm here, I'm here.
[SARAH] Call me old girl again and I'll spit in your eye.
[DOCTOR] Welcome back, Sarah Jane.
[SARAH] Couldn't breathe
[HARRY] A drop of brandy'd be the thing now.
[DOCTOR] There's some in the Tardis.
[HARRY] You'll be as right as ninepence in a minute. We're going to getyou some brandy, all right?
[SARAH] Ugh, I hate brandy.
[HARRY] Doctor, do you think you could possibly persuade her to takesome?
(Secondary control)
[HARRY] I say, what's that?
[DOCTOR] Get down, Harry?
[HARRY] Crikey. What is it?
[DOCTOR] Keep your head down.
(Control room)
[SARAH] Doctor?
(Secondary control)
[DOCTOR] We seem to be trapped, Harry.
[HARRY] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Some sort of automatic guard. I hadn't bargained on this when Irepaired the circuits. I wonder. Of course! That's why they were cut inthe first place.
[HARRY] What about Sarah? If she comes out
[DOCTOR] Tell her to stay where she is.
[HARRY] Sarah? Sarah,
(Control room)
[HARRY [OC]] Can you hear me, old girl? Keep awayfrom the door. Do you understand? Keep away from the door!
(Tranquiller room)
[SARAH] Where am I?
[MAN [OC]] Welcome, sister. Welcome to Nerva. No, do not move. It isdangerous to move from the tranquiller couch. Please remain in contactwith the biocryonic vibrations. In five minutes, the final phase ofyour processing must commence. If you have any personal possessionsthat you wish to have preserved, please place them in the casketadjacent to your right hand. Shortly you will hear the recorded voiceof the High Minister speaking personally to you. At the conclusion ofthe Minister's message, there will be a two minute interregnumpreceding the commencement of irradiation.
(Secondary control)
[DOCTOR] Apparently it's not activated by movement unless what moves isorganic.
[HARRY] Hardly helps us, does it? We're organic.
[DOCTOR] Not down here we're not, Harry.
[HARRY] Oh, yes. Good piece of logical deduction, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
(Tranquiller room)
[WOMAN [OC]] Greetings, Citizen Volunteer. This isthe High Minister speaking on behalf of the World Executive. I saluteyou who are about to make the supreme sacrifice. In a few minute, youwill pass beyond life. In case there is any fear in your heart anddoubt in your mind at this awesome moment, let me remind you that youtake with you all our past. You carry the torch that has been handeddown from generation to generation.
[SARAH] What's happening?
(Secondary control)
[HARRY] Where are we going with it?
[DOCTOR] To the far wall.
[HARRY] Right.
[DOCTOR] Inch it round your end.
[HARRY] Okay.
[DOCTOR] One slip, Harry, and we'll be charcoal. Push on.
[HARRY] Right.
[DOCTOR] Psst, there it is.
[HARRY] What?
[DOCTOR] The trouble is, we can't reach it from here.
[HARRY] What can't we reach?
[DOCTOR] The auto-guard cut-out. Look, up there, see? Never mind.Faithful old scarf.
[HARRY] Bad luck. Jolly good try, though.
[DOCTOR] It isn't a game of cricket, Harry.
[HARRY] Sorry. Mind you, if I had a cricket ball, I'd jolly soon knockthat switch.
[DOCTOR] Will this do?
[HARRY] Watch this, then.
[HARRY] Organic, of course.
[DOCTOR] Afraid so.
[HARRY] Now what?
[DOCTOR] There's only one thing left. Risky, but it might work. Youdon't want your other shoe, do you?
[HARRY] I suppose not.
[DOCTOR] Slip it off. Right. Now, I want you to throw it across theroom. When I give the word, understand?
[HARRY] All right.
[DOCTOR] I'm going to try to distract it. Let's hope it's notdouble-barrelled. Ready?
[HARRY] Ready.
[DOCTOR] I think we've done it, Harry.
[DOCTOR] Pity about the scarf. Madame Nostradamus made it for me. Awitty little knitter. All right, Sarah, you can come out now. Never getanother one like it.
[HARRY] Look at my shoes.
[DOCTOR] Sarah?
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] What a fool. Of course!
[HARRY] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Why didn't I realise? Short range matter transmitter. Thestrange thing is, Harry, it's only for internal relay.
[HARRY] Doctor, I haven't the foggiest notion what you're on about.
[DOCTOR] Never mind. It just means that Sarah can't be far away. Allwe've got to do is find her. Come on!
[DOCTOR] I think we'll try this way first.
[HARRY] I say, what about the armoury?
[DOCTOR] Not very likely.
[VOICE] This is a sterile area! Keep out!
[HARRY] It's just like a hospital.
[HARRY] Well, ought we, do you think?
[DOCTOR] Don't be nervous, Harry.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[HARRY] I saw something moving.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense, Harry.
[HARRY] I'm positive. I saw something move.
[DOCTOR] A trick of the light.
[HARRY] It wasn't a trick of the light. I saw something moving.
[DOCTOR] It's like the trail left by a gastropod mollusc.
[HARRY] A slug?
[DOCTOR] Or a snail.
[HARRY] That size? Impossible. It couldn't have got through this grille.
[DOCTOR] Very interesting. A multinucleate organism?
[DOCTOR] Let's find Sarah first. Come on.
[DOCTOR] This looks promising.
[HARRY] She's obviously not in here.
[DOCTOR] Decontamination chamber. Might make you feel a bit dizzy.
(Tranquiller room)
[DOCTOR] I think we're getting warm, Harry. Animal and Botanic.
[DOCTOR] Of course! That explains everything. Do you realise what thisis? Aren't you feeling better?
[HARRY] No, I'm not.
[DOCTOR] Then pull yourself together, man. This is fascinating! This isa cryogenic repository.
[HARRY] Repository? For what?
[DOCTOR] Everything. Well, everything they considered worth preserving.Look at this.
[DOCTOR] Microfilm. It's a complete record. Music, history,architecture, literature, engineering. Incredible. The entire body ofhuman thought and achievement.
[HARRY] Yes, but what's it all for?
[DOCTOR] Posterity? I don't know. Why build all this and send it intospace?
[HARRY] I say, couldn't be some sort of survival kit, could it?
[DOCTOR] Survival?
[HARRY] Yes, you know, the sort of thing they shove in lifeboats andthings.
[DOCTOR] You're improving, Harry.
[HARRY] Am I really?
[DOCTOR] Yes, your mind is beginning to work. It's entirely due myinfluence, of course. You mustn't take any credit. Now, what's missing?
[HARRY] Missing?
[DOCTOR] Yes. If we are to assume that some great cataclysm struckEarth, and that before the end they launched this lifeboat, then theone obvious missing element is man himself. What's happened to thehuman species, Harry?
[HARRY] I say, what a place for a mortuary.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[DOCTOR] This isn't a mortuary, Harry. Quite the reverse.
[HARRY] Reverse? I'd hardly call it a nursery.
[DOCTOR] Cryogenic chamber.
[HARRY] What?
[DOCTOR] Old principle, but I've never seen it applied on this scale.Look at them.
[DOCTOR] There must be hundreds here.
[HARRY] Well, when you've seen one corpse, you've seen them all.
[DOCTOR] Corpse? These people aren't dead, Harry, they're asleep. Theentire human race awaiting the trumpet blast.
[HARRY] Dead as a doorknocker.
(Second chamber)
[DOCTOR] Homo sapiens. What an inventive,invincible species. It's only a few million years since they've crawledup out of the mud and learned to walk. Puny, defenceless bipeds.They've survived flood, famine and plague. They've survived cosmic warsand holocausts, and now here they are amongst the stars, waiting tobegin a new life, ready to outsit eternity. They're indomitable.Indomitable!
(Cryogenic chamber)
[DOCTOR] What do you think you're doing, Harry?
[HARRY] Sorry to contradict you, Doctor. Not a flicker of life.
[DOCTOR] Suspended animation.
[HARRY] There are no metabolic functions at all. I mean, look at him.Now, even in the deepest coma, the hair and fingernails continue togrow. The epidermis
[DOCTOR] Total suspension, Harry.
[DOCTOR] You can't survive ten thousand years in a coma.
[HARRY] Ten thousand years?
[DOCTOR] Fifty thousand years, a hundred thousand. Time is immaterial.It's an amazing sight, isn't it? The entire human race in one room. Allcolours, all creeds. All differences finally forgotten.
[HARRY] Doctor, are you serious? The entire human race?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's chosen descendents. The operation must have beenmeticulously planned. Come on.
[HARRY] Where are we going now?
[DOCTOR] First to find Sarah, then we're going to shut down the systems.We're intruders here, you know.
[HARRY] Just a minute, Doctor. Are you trying to tell that this is whereit's all going to end? In here?
[DOCTOR] Not end, Harry, just a pause.
[HARRY] But there's only a few hundred corpses, er, bodies in here. Imean, what's happened to the rest of humanity? Some global catastrophe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, and they saw it coming, and made provision for it as bestthey could. Don't forget, it's something for you to be proud of.
[HARRY] Doctor.
[HARRY] Look.
[DOCTOR] Oxygen? Radiant heat? But this deep in space? I wonder.
[HARRY] Perhaps it's some kind of mould.
[DOCTOR] Mould?
[HARRY] And that trail we saw in the corridor.
[DOCTOR] And that thing you saw moving in the corridor.
[HARRY] Dust. That, er, grille thing was a dust extractor. And then weopened the door after umpteen years and caused a bit of a draught.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Very convincing. All the same, I think we'll just check afew of the beds while we're here.
[HARRY] What are we checking for, exactly?
[DOCTOR] Just to make sure that everything's in order.
[HARRY] Right-o.
[HARRY] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What have you found?
[DOCTOR] Sarah! Oh, Sarah Jane.
[HARRY] We can't help her now.
[DOCTOR] No. She'll be like that for three thousand years at least. Evenif we had a resuscitation unit, it's doubtful that we could revive hernow.
[HARRY] There must be something we can do. What's would a resuscitationunit look like?
[DOCTOR] Very like an oxygen cylinder.
[DOCTOR] You'll recognise it if there is one.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[HARRY] Well, it's dead, anyway.
[DOCTOR] Very dead. Almost mummified.
[HARRY] What is it?
[DOCTOR] That's something we can leave till later. No sign of theresuscitation tank?
[HARRY] I hardly had a chance to look for one.
[DOCTOR] Emergency medical kit, wouldn't you say?
[HARRY] A bit beyond me, I'm afraid.
[DOCTOR] There must be something there that would help Sarah, but what?What?
[HARRY] Doctor, look.
[DOCTOR] Of course! They don't need a tank. The resuscitation phase isprogrammed in.
[DOCTOR] Look, she's starting to breathe.
[HARRY] Yes, I think she is.
[DOCTOR] No doubt about it.
[HARRY] That means there's hope for Sarah. Yes, look, she's moving.
[HARRY] Something you want?
[HARRY] Hey, look, can't I do that for you? Independent sort of bird,isn't she.
[DOCTOR] Leave her, Harry.
[HARRY] Yes, but she's
[DOCTOR] There's nothing you can do. She knows what she's doing.
[VIRA] Oh! Explain yourselves.
[DOCTOR] Well, there isn't very much to explain. We're just travellersin space like yourself.
[VIRA] That is not adequate.
[HARRY] My name's Sullivan. Surgeon Lieutenant Harry Sullivan, actually.And, er, this is the Doctor.
[VIRA] You claim to be med-techs?
[HARRY] Sorry?
[DOCTOR] My doctorate is purely honorary, and Harry here is onlyqualified to work on sailors.
[VIRA] My name is Vira. I am a first med-tech.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm delighted to hear it. You see, we happen to be inrather desperate need of medical help.
[VIRA] This female is a stranger.
[HARRY] She's a friend of ours. She got caught in the machinery.
[VIRA] She was not among the chosen.
[HARRY] Well, she's among the chosen now, isn't she.
[DOCTOR] Is there any way of reversing the cryogenic process?
[VIRA] That can be dangerous. How long since she underwent tissueirradiation?
[HARRY] Can't be more than an hour, can it, Doctor? We haven't been heremore than an hour altogether.
[VIRA] Receding neural activity.
[HARRY] Is there anything you can do for her?
[VIRA] Is she of value?
[HARRY] Of value? She's a human being like ourselves! What sort ofquestion's that?
[DOCTOR] The answer is yes.
[VIRA] Your comrade is a romantic.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps we both are.
[VIRA] I will inject a monod block.
[HARRY] Ah, that'll do the trick, eh?
[VIRA] Your colony speech has no meaning.
[HARRY] I mean it's bring her round, reverse the process.
[VIRA] She will either survive or die. The action of the antiprotonic isnot predictable.
[DOCTOR] I see. You've changed her body into a battlefield.
[VIRA] Battlefield? I hypoid in classicals, but you dawn-timers have alanguage all of your won.
[DOCTOR] We do seem to have a small communications problem.
[HARRY] I wish there was something I could do.
[VIRA] It is done. There is nothing further. As she revives, herelectrical field will draw power from the bionosphere.
[VIRA] Here is our prime unit.
[HARRY] Prime unit?
[VIRA] Er, our leader, I think you would say. Noah.
[HARRY] Noah? Oh, I see. As in Noah's Ark, eh?
[VIRA] It is a name from mythology. His real name is Lazar, but wecalled him Noah as an amusement.
[HARRY] Er, joke?
[VIRA] Joke? Oh, yes. There was not much joke in the last days.
[DOCTOR] What happened in the last days, Vira?
[VIRA] Your colony has no records, no history? Where are you from?
[HARRY] London, actually. England. The Earth.
[VIRA] That is not possible. The Earth is dead.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid you're probably wrong about that.
[VIRA] The solar flares destroyed all life on Earth.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Solar flares. I see.
[VIRA] Our scientists calculated it would be five thousand years beforethe biosphere became viable again.
[DOCTOR] Oh, the absolute minimum, I'd say. But I'm afraid I'vesomething of a shock for you, Vira.
[VIRA] Shock?
[DOCTOR] You've overslept by several thousand years. You see, when wecame here, we found a massive systems failure.
[VIRA] The systems have no capacity for failure.
[DOCTOR] Possibly not. But a long time ago, when you were dormant, youhad a visitor. Come, I'll show it to you.
[VIRA] Is it from space? How did it get here?
[DOCTOR] I don't know yet. But observe the size of the brain pan. It hada purpose in coming here, and once inside, it severed most of thesatellite's control systems, including your alarm clock, so to speak.
[VIRA] What purpose?
[HARRY] Still no change, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No. For once in my life I feel surplus to requirements.
[VIRA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[VIRA] There's a technical fault in the bionosphere.
[DOCTOR] I don't think the fault's at this end. It's in the main powersupply.
[VIRA] It must be corrected. If his heart stops now, there's nothing Ican do.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry. I noticed the Ark has a secondary power supply.Harry, you stay here and keep an eye on things.
[HARRY] Right-o.
[VIRA] Yes, but
[VIRA] The Ark was designed to have a negative fault capacity.
[HARRY] Gremlins can get into everything, old girl. First law of thesea.
[HARRY] There you are. What did I tell you? The Doctor's a first classboffin.
[VIRA] Good. He will revive soon.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Harry?
[HARRY] I say, that was quick.
(Tranquiller room)
[HARRY] Doctor? Doctor, where are you?
[DOCTOR [OC]] In the control room. Have you got the power back on inthere?
(Control room)
[HARRY [OC]] Yes, we have. Everything's ship-shapenow.
[DOCTOR] Splendid. The fault seems to be in the main solar stack. I'mjust going to take a look.
[HARRY [OC]] Right-o.
(Tranquiller room)
[HARRY] I say, Doctor, don't be long, will you.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[NOAH] Vira.
[VIRA] Welcome, Commander.
[NOAH] It's over. It's over, Vira. You and I are alive again.
[VIRA] And together.
[NOAH] Who is this?
[HARRY] Lieutenant Sullivan, sir.
[NOAH] A regressive? Here?
[HARRY] I'm no regressive, I'm a Naval officer!
[HARRY] Sarah!
[NOAH] Clearly a regressive. His speech patterns prove it. How did heget here?
[VIRA] They claim they are travellers in space.
[NOAH] They?
[VIRA] There are three of them. Another male called the Doctor, and thatfemale. They say she was irradiated by error.
[HARRY] Vira, she's coming round.
[NOAH] There was a regressive faction among the volunteers for ColonyNine.
[VIRA] With a zero zero survival predic. One generation.
[NOAH] Even so, our genetic pool has been balanced, cross-matched,compat-evaluated. Three random units could threaten our survival.
[HARRY] Vira!
[VIRA] The Council can decide, Noah. The plan had a seven percentstretch factor.
[HARRY] I think she's going to be all right.
[VIRA] She will revive soon.
[HARRY] Thank heaven for that. Well done. The Doctor will be delighted.
[NOAH] Where is the Doctor?
[HARRY] Oh, he says you've got a spot of bother in your er. Anyway, he'sgone to fix it.
[NOAH] What?
[HARRY] Er, solar stacks, I think he said.
[HARRY] Yes, she's breathing.
[HARRY] Soon have you up and about, old thing. This won't hurt a bit.
[HARRY] Perhaps just a little bit.
[VIRA] If you are space travellers as you claim, you should leave now.
[HARRY] I say, that's a bit brusque, isn't it? I mean, if it hadn't beenfor the Doctor
[VIRA] Noah will not permit contamination of the genetic pool. Allregressive transmitters have been eliminated.
[HARRY] Oh, come off it. We're not contaminating anybody.
[VIRA] He has the authority to initiate condign action. Personally, Iconsider your destruction is not necessary.
[HARRY] Thanks very much.
[SARAH] Harry?
[HARRY] Here. Do you think you can stand? Gently. Mind, there's a stepdown. There you are.
[SARAH] I feel so muzzy.
[SARAH] What's this? What's happening?
[HARRY] It's all right, it's all right.
[SARAH] Ten thousand years?
[HARRY] Well, according to the Doctor.
[SARAH] It's unbelievable, Harry.
[SARAH] What's that?
[HARRY] Don't know. We found it in the cupboard.
[SARAH] In the cupboard?
[HARRY] Yeah. It's a sort of galactic woodworm, I suppose.
[SARAH] It is dead, isn't it?
[HARRY] Oh yes, yes. Been dead for years. It's nothing to worry about.
[VIRA] Come here!
[HARRY] What's the trouble? VIRA
[HARRY] Dune?
[VIRA] Where is he? Answer me!
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] Ah, there you are. Awake at last.
[NOAH] Move away.
[DOCTOR] I'm just shutting down the power in the main stack.
[NOAH] Touch that switch and I'll atomise you.
[DOCTOR] Noah!
[NOAH] Earth is ours.
[DOCTOR] My dear man, if you think for one moment we're laying claim toEarth, you couldn't be more mistaken. We're here to help you.
[NOAH] By deactivating the main solar stack?
[DOCTOR] Precisely. There's something trapped in the stack, Noah, but atthe rate its absorbing energy it won't be trapped for long. The stackmust be shut down. Well, if you'd been down there with me, Noah, you
(Cryogenic chamber)
[VIRA] The revivification pattern was inbuilt. Dunewas allotted pallet three.
[SARAH] Oh. Well, perhaps he recovered early?
[HARRY] Yes, that's possible, isn't it? I mean, well, after all, somepeople need more sleep than others.
[NOAH [OC]] Vira? Hear me, hear me.
(Tranquiller room)
[VIRA] Yes, Noah? Where are you?
(Control room)
[NOAH] Main control. I found the Doctor here aboutto sabotage the power system. He's been dealt with.
(Tranquiller room)
[VIRA] Noah, we have a problem. Pallet three isempty.
(Control room)
[NOAH] Explain.
[VIRA [OC]] Technician Dune is missing. There is no explanation.
[NOAH] The explanation is that the regressives have taken him. Any otherproblems?
(Tranquiller room)
[VIRA] No, Commander.
(Control room)
[NOAH] Then proceed with the schedule. I'm about tocheck the power stacks.
(Tranquiller room)
[VIRA] Commander Noah will question you on hisreturn. Complete truth is advisable.
[HARRY] Cocky bunch, aren't they.
[SARAH] What do you think's happened to the Doctor?
[HARRY] I think we'd better find out, don't you?
[SARAH] Yes.
[HARRY] Come on, then.
(Control room)
[SARAH] Doctor! What's wrong with him?
[HARRY] Haven't a clue, Sarah.
[SARAH] Well, you're supposed to be a doc
[HARRY] Shush.
[HARRY] He's alive, anyway. His hearts are beating.
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor.
[HARRY] It's incredible. He's absolutely rigid.
[SARAH] Harry, please, do something.
[HARRY] But there's no response at all.
[DOCTOR] You wouldn't find it so amusing.
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Ah, Sarah, you're back. Splendid. Where's Noah? Shot me, didhe? Cut off in mid sentence. I might have been saying somethingimportant. I was saying something important!
[SARAH] Look, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] What? Blinding headache, that's all. I hate stun guns. Where ishe?
[SARAH] Who?
[DOCTOR] Noah, of course. Who else?
[HARRY] We overheard him on the intercom thing saying something aboutchecking the solar stacks.
[DOCTOR] What? The idiot. Quick, there might be still time.
[HARRY] Are you sure you're all right?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about me, Harry, there's a man in danger.
[HARRY] Strange how they've given us the run of the ship. Why doesn'tVira try and stop us?
[DOCTOR] Not her function, Harry.
[HARRY] How do you mean?
[DOCTOR] By the thirtieth century, human society was highlycompartmentalised. Vira is a med-tech, and I suspect we're an executiveproblem.
[NOAH] Right, Doctor. But not a difficult on. You can easily beeliminated.
[DOCTOR] Unlike the thing you saw in the solar stack, eh, Noah?
[NOAH] I saw a pathetic attempt at sabotage. The observation port isdamaged.
[DOCTOR] Then it's escaped. We're too late.
[SARAH] What's escaped?
[NOAH] Turn about. We will return to the cryogenic section.
[DOCTOR] You're absolutely right. There's no time to lose. Come on.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[LIBRI] Vira.
[VIRA] Welcome.
[NOAH] Welcome, Libri.
[LIBRI] Keep back. Keep back!
[NOAH] What's the matter with him?
[LIBRI] Keep back!
[NOAH] Is it his mind?
[VIRA] No, his reactions were normal. Libri
[LIBRI] Keep away!
[VIRA] This is Noah. You remember Commander Noah?
[LIBRI] I'm sorry. I saw something standing there.
[DOCTOR] What was it you saw, Libri?
[NOAH] Silence! You're here to answer questions, not ask them.
[LIBRI] It was horrible. A shape. I'm sorry. I'm all right now.
[VIRA] Temporary neuro-ocular confusion.
[DOCTOR] The process is much too slow. They're not going to make it.
[NOAH] No further warnings.
[HARRY] Yes, you'd shoot too, wouldn't you. Nice fellow.
[NOAH] Libri, keep these three under guard. Kill them if they give anytrouble.
[LIBRI] Yes, sir.
[VIRA] Noah, where are you going?
[NOAH] The system must be shut down.
[VIRA] What?
[NOAH] The revivification must be stopped.
[VIRA] Why? I don't understand.
[NOAH] It is an order. I am the commander.
[VIRA] But the first phase isn't completed, and we need the technicalcrew, Noah, to operate the station.
[NOAH] Yes. No! No, the plan is changed. Hear me, hear me, the plan ischanged.
[VIRA] Noah, what is it? Is it something to do with Dune?
[NOAH] Dune?
[VIRA] Technician Dune. I reported him missing.
[NOAH] But I'm here. I am Dune.
[VIRA] What?
[NOAH] The system must be shut down. No more aliens!
[VIRA] Noah, come back!
[DOCTOR] He must be stopped.
[VIRA] Something has happened to his mind. There was a power faultduring his revival.
[DOCTOR] Get after him, man.
[LIBRI] No, no, he gave me an order.
[DOCTOR] Don't be an imbecile. Tell him, Vira.
[VIRA] There is no procedure for stopping the revivification programme.It could be damaging, Libri.
[LIBRI] But he is our commander.
[DOCTOR] Can you be sure?
[LIBRI] What?
[DOCTOR] When you first saw him, you had a subconscious impression, yousaid, of something horrible. That wasn't Noah, was it?
[DOCTOR] Believe me, he must be stopped.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[VIRA] It's not advisable for you to try and escape.
[DOCTOR] You take some convincing that we're on your side, don't you.Now, what's all this about a missing technician?
[VIRA] Pallet three. I found it empty.
[SARAH] Noah thinks that we're to blame.
[HARRY] Chap's jumped ship, that's all. Happens all the time.
[SARAH] Oh, come on. A space satellite's a bit different from a ship,Harry.
[HARRY] You know, Sarah, I bet you there's the equivalent of a dinghymissing.
[DOCTOR] It's not quite empty.
[VIRA] Oh, what's that?
[DOCTOR] Membrane.
[SARAH] Membrane?
[DOCTOR] Part of the eggshell.
[VIRA] Where's it from?
[DOCTOR] It's almost too horrible to think about.
[DOCTOR] The egg tube is empty.
[VIRA] That thing?
[DOCTOR] The progenitor. The queen coloniser.
[SARAH] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] Ever heard of the Eumenes?
[HARRY] Eumenes? One of our frigates.
[DOCTOR] It's a genus of wasps that paralyses caterpillars and lays itseggs in their bodies. When the larvae emerge, they have a ready madefood supply. Strange how the same life patterns recur throughout theuniverse.
[HARRY] Doctor, are you saying that that slug thing?
[DOCTOR] Ciliated larvae, Harry. Dune was power systems technician, Iimagine.
[VIRA] Yes, but how did you know?
[DOCTOR] It, or they, went straight to the solar stack.
[VIRA] You mean Dune's knowledge
[DOCTOR] Has been thoroughly digested, I'm afraid.
[SARAH] Don't make jokes like that, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] When I say I'm afraid, Sarah, I'm not making jokes.
(Secondary control)
[LIBRI] Commander.
[NOAH] Give me the gun.
[LIBRI] I'm sorry, Commander.
[NOAH] Give me the gun.
[LIBRI] No, you're not well.
[NOAH] I order you.
[LIBRI] I can't. Please, Commander, stay back. Please.
[LIBRI] Don't force me to
[NOAH] You fool, Libri.
(Control room)
[WOMAN [OC]] Hello, Space Station Nerva. This isthe Earth High Minister. The fact that you are hearing my voice in amessage recorded thousands of years before the day in which you are nowliving, is a sure sign that our great undertaking, the salvation of thehuman race, has been rewarded with success.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[WOMAN [OC]] You have slept longer than therecorded history of mankind, and you stand now at the dawn of a newage. You will return to an Earth purified by flame, a world that wecannot guess at. If it be arid, you must make it flourish. If it bestony, you must make it fertile. The challenge is vast, the taskenormous, but let nothing daunt you.
[HARRY] Sounds like a sort of pre-match pep talk.
[WOMAN [OC]] Remember, citizen volunteers, that you are the proudstandard bearers of our entire race.
(Control room)
[WOMAN [OC]] Of the millions that walk the worldtoday, you are the chosen survivors. You have been entrusted with asacred duty, to see that human culture, human knowledge, human love andfaith, shall never perish from the universe.
[WOMAN [OC]] Guard what we have given you with all your strength.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[WOMAN [OC]] And now, across the chasm of theyears, I send you the prayers and hopes of the entire world. God speedyou to a safe landing.
[HARRY] Well, I bet that did your female chauvinist heart a power ofgood.
[SARAH] Why?
[HARRY] Well, I mean, fancy a member of the fair sex being top of thetotem pole.
[NOAH [OC]] Vira! Vira!
[VIRA] Noah!
(Tranquiller room)
[VIRA] Yes, Commander?
[NOAH [OC]] Vira, hear me. This is an order. Expedite revivification.Commence main phase now.
[VIRA] But Noah, the safety checks
(Control room)
[NOAH] Ignore safety checks! We, you, are in greatdanger. Get our, your people to the Earth before
[VIRA [OC]] Noah?
[NOAH] Before the Wirrn. Vira, take command. Now hear me. You takecommand!
(Tranquiller room)
[VIRA] What has happened? Commander, are you there?
(Control room)
[NOAH] The Wirrn are here. They will
[NOAH] We shall absorb the humans. The Earth shall be ours.
(Tranquiller room)
[VIRA] Noah! Noah!
(Control room)
[NOAH] Vira. Vira, there's no time. They're in mymind, getting stronger. Libri is dead. You will all die. Must save ourpeople. You must!
[VIRA [OC]] Noah? Noah!
(Tranquiller room)
[HARRY] The chap sounds in a bad way.
[VIRA] What did he mean, they're in his mind?
[DOCTOR] Absorb? We shall absorb the humans? Endoparasitism?
[SARAH] He talks to himself sometimes because he's the only one whounderstands what he's talking about.
[DOCTOR] If the Wirrn can do that, we've no chance at all. Completephysical absorption.
[VIRA] Of us?
[DOCTOR] They'll literally eat us alive. Vira, I must talk with Noah.You'd better come with me. He trusts you.
[VIRA] My duty is to supervise the revivification.
[DOCTOR] No. Noah has passed the command to you. Your duties have beenwidened.
[VIRA] What is your intention?
[DOCTOR] To find out exactly what it is we're facing. And only Noahknows that.
[VIRA] But I cannot leave until the last of our technical section haveawakened.
[DOCTOR] Harry can handle that for you, can't you, Harry?
[HARRY] Well, I
[DOCTOR] Well, you've watched Vira. You know the procedure.
[HARRY] Yes, I
[VIRA] One gramme of scropholine when the neural register enters the redzone.
[HARRY] Right.
[DOCTOR] He'll be all right.
[VIRA] And the injection must be right over the pectoralis major.
[HARRY] Ah, yes, now that I do understand.
[SARAH] Good luck.
[DOCTOR [OC]] And Sarah, you stay and help Harry.
[HARRY] Yes. Come along, Nurse Smith.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[HARRY] Yes, you see, this chap's in the red zone, so
[SARAH] Hey, there's another one seems to be awake here.
[HARRY] Well, after ten thousand years, Sarah, he can't be in that muchof a hurry.
[SARAH] Oh, I hope you know what you're doing.
[HARRY] Oh, yes, dead simple really. Medicine by numbers.
[SARAH] Oh, yes, dead simple.
[HARRY] It's just a question of fixing a fresh ampoule thing into here.
[NOAH] Keep back! Don't touch me!
[VIRA] Noah.
[NOAH] Keep back, I said!
[DOCTOR] Noah, tell us one thing. How much time do we have?
[NOAH] Time?
[DOCTOR] Before the Wirrn reach their adult form?
[NOAH] It feels near, very near. The tearing free and then the greatblackness rushing through.
[VIRA] Noah and I were pair-bonded for the new life.
[DOCTOR] Let's go back.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[ROGIN] (red shoulder flashes) Dune and Libri? And Noah?
[SARAH] I'm sorry. It must be a terrible shock for you.
[LYCETT] (green shoulder flashes) So there's just two of us left tocheck the ship?
[SARAH] And Vira. She's taken command.
[LYCETT] Where is she?
[SARAH] She's gone with the Doctor. They're trying to contact Noah.
[ROGIN] There's been a snitch up. Didn't I tell you, Lycett? Fivethousand years ago I said there'd be a snitch up.
[LYCETT] Ten thousand.
[ROGIN] Oh, beautiful. We should have taken our chance with the solarflares and gone into the thermic shelters. We'd have been happily deadby now.
[LYCETT] What was it that killed them? Their lungs, was it?
[HARRY] Hmm?
[LYCETT] Dune and Libri. We were told our lung tissue might atrophy.
[HARRY] Well, no, actually.
[SARAH] Something got in here.
[HARRY] That's right. Some sort of space creature.
[SARAH] It cut through your alarm clock system.
[ROGIN] What?
[SARAH] Look. Oh, it's okay. It's dead.
[DOCTOR] But unfortunately, its larvae are still very much alive.
[LYCETT] Vira!
[ROGIN] Vira, it's gone wrong!
[VIRA] Welcome, Lycett, Rogin. You feel well?
[LYCETT] Yes, Commander.
[HARRY] What are we going to do with it?
[DOCTOR] How much anatomy do you remember, Harry?
[HARRY] Quite a lot, I think, but you need a blooming entomologist forthis thing.
[DOCTOR] We need to find its weaknesses and we need to find themquickly.
[VIRA] Can we help?
[DOCTOR] Not at the moment, thank you.
[VIRA] Then we will commence the main phase. Lycett, Rogin.
[DOCTOR] What was that she just said?
[SARAH] They're going to start the main phase.
[DOCTOR] What? (to Harry) Carry on with that thoracic incision. Not toodeep.
(Tranquiller room)
[LYCETT] But the safety checks?
[VIRA] We shall override them.
[ROGIN] Why?
[LYCETT] We can't.
[VIRA] That is my decision. Now, take your operating station.
[DOCTOR] Vira, the main phase must wait.
[VIRA] Noah said we should expedite the revivification programme and getour people to work.
[DOCTOR] Noah was wrong. How long would it take?
[VIRA] Seventy two hours for complete revivification, another twentyfour to evacuate the Ark.
[DOCTOR] Four whole days? At the rate at which the Wirrn are developing,they'll have pupated to imago long before then, and you know what thatmeans.
[VIRA] We must try!
[DOCTOR] You can't do it, Vira. The Ark will be crawling with thosecreatures within hours.
[VIRA] Doctor, the fate of all humanity might be decided within the nextfew hours.
[DOCTOR] Vira, if you fail, your people will die in pain and fear. If Ifail, they'll die anyway, but at least only the six of us will knowanything about it.
[VIRA] You have an alternative plan?
[DOCTOR] Between the larval and imago forms, there must be a pupalstage. Now, the Wirrn will be dormant and defenceless. If we can findtheir weaknesses?
[VIRA] We might destroy them?
[VIRA] Very well. Stand down.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[LYCETT] There's a power flutter in section four, Commander.
[VIRA] What does that indicate?
[LYCETT] Some external fault. Shall I check the stacks?
[DOCTOR] No! The larvae have taken over the infrastructure. They seem toneed solar radiation.
[ROGIN] We should have stayed on Earth, Lycett. I liked the Earth. Ilike heat.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[HARRY] Curious lung structure, Doctor. Look at it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, fascinating. A superb adaptation.
[SARAH] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Obviously the creature's lungs recycle the wastes, almostcertainly by enzymes. Quite wonderful. Carbon dioxide back to oxygen.
[SARAH] You mean the way plants make oxygen?
[DOCTOR] Exactly right. It must live in space, probably justoccasionally visiting a planetary atmosphere for food and oxygen, theway a whale rises from the ocean.
[HARRY] Judging by the size of his mandibles, this chap doesn't live onplankton.
[VIRA] Noah spoke of a great blackness rushing in. He meant space, buthow did he know?
[DOCTOR] He now has the race memory of a Wirrn. Symbiotic atavism to beprecise. I'm going to need your help now, Vira.
(Tranquiller room)
[DOCTOR] Do you have any spare extension leads,Rogin?
[ROGIN] Yes, but what do you want
[DOCTOR] Hurry, man. Fetch them.
[VIRA] What are you going to do, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] A little experiment. Circuit display, Lycett.
[VIRA] It's forbidden to alter those circuits. I need the neural cortexamplifier. Not for long, don't worry.
[DOCTOR] Right, switch on the video circuit, Lycett. It'll take a littletime to warm up.
[HARRY] Doctor, what are you trying to do, exactly?
[DOCTOR] Sometimes latent neural impressions can be revived.
[HARRY] Really?
[HARRY] I've never heard of that.
[DOCTOR] Advanced technology. Gypsies used to believe that the eyeretained its last image after death. Not so far out. No, it's not goingto work. Switch off, Lycett.
[SARAH] Now what?
[DOCTOR] It should work. The coil isn't giving a strong enough stimulus.I'll have to link in my own cerebral cortex. That's the only thing.
[VIRA] That is highly dangerous.
[DOCTOR] I know. Two more leads, Rogin.
[VIRA] The power could burn out a living brain!
[DOCTOR] I agree. An ordinary brain. But mine is exceptional.
[VIRA] I cannot permit it. The shock might kill you.
[DOCTOR] I think not. Unless, of course, the experiment was interrupted.That could be dangerous.
[SARAH] Do you have to do it, Doctor?
[HARRY] Yes, why take the risk?
[DOCTOR] If I can find out what it was that killed that creature, wemight have a chance of fighting the Wirrn. That's our only hope.
[SARAH] Yes, but do you have to be the one
[DOCTOR] It's not just our existence that's at stake, Sarah. It's theentire human race.
[DOCTOR] It may be irrational of me, but human beings are quite myfavourite species. Vira.
[VIRA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Take this. (the gun) Don't hesitate to use it if anything goeswrong. You won't have much time.
[HARRY] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Switch on, Lycett. Lycett?
[HARRY] Doctor!
[VIRA] He's joining his mind to the Wirrn. He could remain a part of itforever.
[DOCTOR] Look, it's working.
[LYCETT] What was that?
[ROGIN] We'd better look.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[LYCETT] Over here.
[LYCETT] Case hardened diranium, bent like tin.
[ROGIN] Lycett, look out behind you!
[ROGIN] Shut the door! Shut the door!
[HARRY] What's going on?
[ROGIN] Get out!
(Tranquiller room)
[ROGIN] They've killed Lycett!
[ROGIN] There's some sort of huge grub in there.
[HARRY] Stop the experiment.
[SARAH] No, you can't! You'll kill him!
[VIRA] The armoury, Rogin. Get the fission guns.
[ROGIN] Right.
[HARRY] I'll come with you.
[VIRA] Hurry, Rogin!
[SARAH] That door won't hold much longer.
[VIRA] Dune.
[NOAH] Fools! Human fools!
(Tranquiller room)
[SARAH] Help me with him, Vira.
[VIRA] Wait. Come away.
[DOCTOR] Wirrn. Wirrn.
[VIRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Wirrn!
[VIRA] Doctor! Doctor!
[SARAH] No, you can't! I won't let you!
[DOCTOR] Can't what? Is it time to get up?
[SARAH] Doctor, you're going to be all right.
[DOCTOR] Is that noise in my head?
[(Harry and Rogin enter, and they and Vira start firing at the greenthing pushing the door open. But the door opens fully and it does notretreat.) HARRY] Doctor, come back.
[SARAH] Doctor, don't! Doctor! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Aim lower!
[ROGIN] It's gone back through the grille.
[HARRY] That was a close one. You all right, Sarah?
[SARAH] Yes.
[HARRY] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Why? Why have they gone over to the attack?
[VIRA] They want to destroy us.
[DOCTOR] But they've only to wait. In their adult form they'll be athousand times deadlier. Fission guns will have no effect then.
[SARAH] How many of them will there be?
[DOCTOR] At a hatching? A hundred.
[HARRY] A hundred? We won't stand a chance. How can we fight a hundredof those?
[DOCTOR] Electricity. Only by electricity. That's the one thing I foundout.
[SARAH] Electricity? How
[DOCTOR] Yes. It was the auto-guard that killed the queen. Half amillion volts.
[HARRY] We found the queen in the cupboard.
[DOCTOR] Amazing will power. I could feel it struggling against deathuntil its task was done. Yes. Rogin, is there any way we can electrifythe infrastructure?
[ROGIN] Not from here, Doctor. We'd have to run cables from the controlcentre.
[DOCTOR] Control centre? Right, let's go!
[HARRY] You can't go that way, Doctor.
[ROGIN] Noah's waiting out there. Put one foot inside the transom andyou'll be dead.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I was forgetting Noah's extra mobility.
[VIRA] We're trapped.
[DOCTOR] No. The Wirrn are using Dune's knowledge of the Ark. Perhapsthere's something he didn't know.
[ROGIN] Dune was first tech. He knew it all.
[VIRA] He helped design the systems.
[DOCTOR] Nobody knows it all. Perhaps he's forgotten that thesetransmats are reversible?
[ROGIN] Oh ho, that's clever.
[DOCTOR] Isn't it? And as you appreciate it, Rogin, you can go first.I'll give you a hand. Come on.
[ROGIN] Oh well, I never liked it here anyway.
[DOCTOR] You next, Harry.
(Control room)
[HARRY] I say!
[ROGIN] Are you all right?
[HARRY] What a marvellous way to travel.
[ROGIN] It always sets my teeth on edge.
(Tranquiller room)
[DOCTOR] That was a power drain. Hello, control centre?
[ROGIN [OC]] Hello, Doctor. We've got a power failure.
[DOCTOR] It's general, then. Do you have a fault reading?
[ROGIN [OC]] Section four. That's the secondary stack. There's no powercoming from there at all.
[VIRA] All power systems are self repairing.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Malicious damage excluded.
[SARAH] Oh well, obviously I am not going anywhere. Help me, Doctor.
[VIRA] The oxygen pumps have stopped.
[DOCTOR] Of course. In their pupal stage, the Wirrn don't need oxygen.An easy way of killing us.
[VIRA] Well, suffocation is not the most unpleasant death.
[DOCTOR] What? We're not finished yet. You two stay here.
[SARAH] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] The infrastructure. If they've entered the pupal stage, they'llbe dormant.
[VIRA] You're forgetting Noah.
[DOCTOR] No, I'm not. I think his job's done now. He'll bemetamorphosing too.
(Power stacks)
(Power stacks)
[SARAH] Run, Doctor! Run!
[WIRRN] Stay, Vira. Stay. Abandon the Ark, Vira. Take the transportship. Leave now. If you stay, you are doomed.
[VIRA] That would be desertion.
[WIRRN] Then you must die, all of you. When the Wirrn emerge, you willbe hunted down and destroyed, as you destroyed us.
[SARAH] We've never destroyed. What does he mean?
[WIRRN] Long ago, long ago humans came to the old lands. For a thousandyears the Wirrn fought them, but you humans destroyed the breedingcolonies. The Wirrn were driven from Andromeda.
[VIRA] Andromeda? So our star pioneers succeeded?
[WIRRN] Since then we have drifted through space, searching for a newhabitat. The Ark is ours. It must be ours.
[DOCTOR] But the Wirrn live in space. You don't need the Ark.
[WIRRN] You know nothing. We live in space, but our breeding coloniesare terrestrial.
[DOCTOR] But you could leave the Ark and go on. There's plenty of roomin the galaxy for us all.
[WIRRN] In the old lands, senseless herbivores, cattle, were the hostsfor our hatchlings. Now we shall use the humans in the cryogenicchamber. We shall be informed with all human knowledge. In onegeneration, the Wirrn will become an advanced technological species. Weshall have power!
[VIRA] That proposition is genetically impossible.
[WIRRN] I already have all Dune's knowledge. High energy physics,quantum mechanics. Every ramate in the next hatching of Wirrn willpossess the sum of your race's learning. That is why you must die.
[DOCTOR] Time to leave.
[WIRRN] Leave the Ark, Vira, or die with the rest of your race.
(Control room)
[HARRY] Well, something must have happened to them.
[ROGIN] And if we go out there, it might happen to us.
[HARRY] Well, I think we ought to investigate.
[ROGIN] There are no lights in the rest of the Ark, Harry. After whathappened to Lycett, I want to see where I'm putting my feet.
[HARRY] You should worry.
[HARRY] Doctor! It's taken you long enough to get here. I was worriedstiff.
[DOCTOR] We bumped into Noah.
[ROGIN] Again?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Quite chatty this time. Garrulous, even.
[VIRA] You've got the power on.
[ROGIN] No, Commander, I'm using photon energy. There's just enough torun the lights.
[HARRY] Well, what did Noah say?
[SARAH] Vamoose or stick around and get killed.
[HARRY] I'm ready to go. Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Anyone for a jelly baby?
[HARRY] Well, look, why don't we all just pile into the Tardis?
[VIRA] Tardis?
[HARRY] Yes. A sort of spaceship thing in there. Plenty of room for allof us.
[DOCTOR] Vira has no intention of leaving here, have you, Vira?
[VIRA] I can't.
[DOCTOR] Of course you can't, so neither can we.
[SARAH] Ah well, that settles us.
[DOCTOR] Besides, we can't let the Wirrn eat through the cryogenicsleepers as though they were a lot of
[HARRY] Jelly babies?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Let them be turned into a lot of surrogate humans?It's the most immoral suggestion I've heard for a century.
[ROGIN] How can we stop them?
[DOCTOR] High voltage power. If we can somehow send enough electricalpower through the bulkheads of the cryogenic chamber
[SARAH] Like an electric fence?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The Wirrn would never dare to cross it. The only problemis we don't have any electrical power and they control its sources, thesolar stacks.
[HARRY] Well, we can forget that idea then, can't we.
[SARAH] Doctor
[DOCTOR] Unless we can lure them out of the infrastructure.
[SARAH] No, wait a minute.
[VIRA] How can we do that?
[DOCTOR] Bait. Human bait! If one of us could distract them for a fewmoments, I might be able to get down there and turn the power on.
[SARAH] Doctor, will you listen?
[DOCTOR] Sarah, we're trying to make a plan.
[VIRA] It wouldn't work, Doctor. If they have Dune's knowledge, they'dsimply turn it off again.
[DOCTOR] Not if we electrify the switch itself.
[ROGIN] That would take a long time. Those switch boxes arenon-conductive.
[DOCTOR] Well we can't do without oxygen indefinitely. What was that youwere trying to say, Sarah?
[SARAH] I was just wondering about the transport ship that Noahmentioned.
[DOCTOR] What about it?
[SARAH] Well, surely it has its own power system, doesn't it?
[ROGIN] Four granovox turbines! That ship can generate twice the powerof the Ark.
[DOCTOR] How can we reach it?
[VIRA] Here's the connecting ramp. It's less than a hundred metres fromthis control room.
[ROGIN] The only trouble is, how do we run a cable from the ship to thecryogenic chamber? If it's in the open, they'll cut it.
[DOCTOR] Aren't there conduits?
[ROGIN] Yes, but they're only about this wide.
[ROGIN] We'd need a mechanical cable runner.
[SARAH] Why can't I take that cable through? Well, I'm about that wide.
[HARRY] It's hardly a job for you, Sarah.
[ROGIN] I reckon she might just squeeze through, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good girl, Sarah. Come on, we'd better hurry. The Wirrn aregoing to start moving any moment. You four go to the transport ship andI'll start wiring up the cryogenic chamber.
(Under the transport ship)
[ROGIN] This is the transport ship, and here's the conduit. We'llconnect one end up here, and you'll have to drag the other end through.Do you think you can manage it?
[SARAH] I'll have to.
[VIRA] Good luck.
[HARRY] It seems very narrow, Sarah. Does that lead straight to thecryogenic chamber?
[VIRA] No, there are many junctions.
[HARRY] How's she going to find her way in the dark and everything?
[VIRA] We'll give her a two-way radio from the ship. We have a plan ofthe conduits. We can guide you.
[ROGIN [OC]] All right, Commander.
(Transport ship)
[ROGIN] Beautiful. We could head straight home to Earth now. Nothingcould stop us.
[VIRA] You've completed all checks?
[ROGIN] Yes, Commander.
[VIRA] Right. Waste no more time. Give the girl the radio.
(Under the transport ship)
[HARRY] How are you doing, old girl?
[SARAH [OC]] How do you think I'm doing, twit?
[HARRY] I'm sorry, I thought you were stuck.
(Transport ship)
[SARAH [OC]] Hello, Rogin? Hello? I've reachedanother junction. A sort of Y fork.
[ROGIN] That's good. You're more than half way there. Now, take theright conduit. Do you understand?
[SARAH [OC]] Got you. (grunts)
[ROGIN] Yes. Sarah?
[SARAH [OC]] Yes?
[ROGIN] The section you're in now runs right through the infrastructure.Move as quietly as you can.
[SARAH] Understood.
(Transport ship)
[ROGIN] Now, it's the second opening you come to on your left. Youunderstand?
[SARAH [OC]] Yes. Rogin, is it much further?
[ROGIN] No, about another fifteen metres. You're almost there.
[SARAH [OC]] Oh, I hope so. Don't think I can go on much longer.
[VIRA] Yes, you can.
[HARRY] Come along, Sarah. Stick at it.
[SARAH [OC]] That's the trouble.
[SARAH] I keep getting stuck!
[HARRY [OC]] Marvellous thing about old Sarah. Terrific sense of humour.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[DOCTOR] Come on, Sarah. Hurry!
[SARAH [OC]] Doctor, where are you?
[DOCTOR] Straight ahead. Look, I'll shine a light.
[DOCTOR] Can you see?
[SARAH [OC]] Yes! Oh, Doctor, I can't move!
[DOCTOR] Of course you can. You've got this far.
[SARAH [OC]] No, I'm stuck!
[DOCTOR] Don't panic, Sarah. Don't panic. Ease round and try again.
[SARAH] I'm jammed. I can't move forward or back.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Oh, stop whining, girl. You're useless.
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[DOCTOR] Oh, Doctor. Is that all you can say foryourself? Stupid, foolish girl. We should never have relied on you. Iknew you'd let us down.
[DOCTOR [OC]] That's the trouble with girls likeyou. You think you're tough, but when you're really up against it,you've no guts at all.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[DOCTOR] Hundreds of lives at stake and you liethere, blubbing.
[SARAH [OC]] You wait till I get out!
[SARAH] I can manage. I don't need your help, thank you!
[DOCTOR] Yes, you do. Yes, you do.
[DOCTOR] Splendid.
[SARAH] Go away.
[DOCTOR] You've done marvellously, Sarah. I'm very proud of you. Ireally am very proud of you.
[SARAH] What? Conned again. You're a brute.
[DOCTOR] Me, a brute?
[SARAH] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Don't be ungrateful. I was only encouraging you. Come on.
[SARAH] Oh, hello, Rogin?
(Transport ship)
[SARAH [OC]] The Doctor's connecting the cable now.
[ROGIN] Beautiful. Let me know when to switch the power through.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[DOCTOR] Close the door to the access chamber.
[SARAH] Right.
[DOCTOR] Are you ready, man?
[ROGIN [OC]] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Switch on now!
[ROGIN [OC]] Right!
[DOCTOR] Not bad for a lash up.
[SARAH] Has it gone, do you think?
[DOCTOR] Reporting to the others. They'll know where we are now.
[VIRA [OC]] Hello, Doctor? Are you all right down there?
[DOCTOR] For the moment.
(Transport ship)
[VIRA] You lack confidence?
[DOCTOR [OC]] The Wirrn don't give up that easily. They need the Ark.How is it your end?
[VIRA] There's been no sign of them in this part of the Ark.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[SARAH] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I think we've got some more visitors. Don't let the power drop.
[DOCTOR] Gone away.
[SARAH] I think so. I can't hear anything now.
[DOCTOR] Either discretion is the better part of valour, or
[SARAH] Or what?
[DOCTOR] Or they're planning something.
[SARAH] Yes, but we're safe here, aren't we?
[DOCTOR] Unless they chew through the floor. I've left a free-runningcable just in case. The insulation should stand up to it.
[SARAH] Oh! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Cheer up, we're still on our feet.
[SARAH] Those things are so venomous. They'll never give up.
[DOCTOR] No, and neither shall we, Sarah. What we're protecting here istoo precious.
[SARAH] Why have they turned the power back on?
[DOCTOR] We'll find out soon enough.
[WIRRN [OC]] Vira, can you hear me?
[DOCTOR] She can hear you. What do you want, Noah?
[WIRRN [OC]] Your resistance is useless. We control the Ark.
[DOCTOR [OC]] And we control the cryogenic chamber. I repeat, what doyou want?
(Control room)
[WIRRN] We offer you safe passage from the Ark.Surrender now and your lives will be spared.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Not a chance.
[WIRRN] What does Vira say?
[DOCTOR [OC]] She agrees with me
(Transport ship)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Don't you, Vira.
[WIRRN [OC]] Let Vira speak. She is the Commander.
[DOCTOR [OC]] She's busy, resuscitating more humans.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[WIRRN [OC]] You lie!
[DOCTOR] Listen, Noah. Now hear me. You're beaten. The Ark is of novalue to you without its humans, so why don't you just leave us inpeace?
(Control room)
[WIRRN] Humans require two mass pounds of oxygen aday to stay alive, Doctor. We Wirrn can live for years without freshoxygen. If you refuse to surrender, we shall shut down the oxygenpumps.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[DOCTOR] And if we surrender?
[WIRRN [OC]] I have said. You will be allowed to leave the Ark.
[DOCTOR] The Wirrn hate all humans. Once we step outside this chamberwe'd be attacked.
(Control room)
[WIRRN] I am the swarm leader. I guarantee yoursafety. The Wirrn will spare your lives, but leave the sleepers for us!
(Cryogenic chamber)
[DOCTOR] Noah, listen to me. If there's any part ofyou that's still human, if you've any memory of the man you once were,leave the Ark. Lead the swarm into space.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR [OC]] That's where the Wirrn belong, Noah.Not on Earth, not where you were born. Remember the wind and the sun,the fields, the blue sky? That's Earth, Noah. It's for the human race.Don't abandon it.
[WIRRN] I have no memory of the Earth.
(Transport ship)
[HARRY] I say, Rogin, I don't want to be analarmist, but I think I saw something moving.
[ROGIN] You're right. They're coming up the funnel. Commander.
[VIRA] Start starboard four.
[ROGIN] Starboard four running.
[VIRA] Negative thrust out.
[ROGIN] Neg thrust out.
[VIRA] Full boost.
[ROGIN] Full boost. And check.
[VIRA] Close boost.
[ROGIN] Close boost.
[VIRA] Close starboard four.
[ROGIN] And close starboard four.
[HARRY] I bet that singed their whiskers for them.
[ROGIN] They won't try that again.
[VIRA] I wonder if Noah
[ROGIN] Noah?
[VIRA] Not important.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Are you all right over there?
[HARRY] Ahoy there, Doctor. Yes, we're fine, thanks.
[DOCTOR [OC]] We heard a rocket engine.
[HARRY] Oh, just a warning blast. How are things with you?
(Cryogenic chamber)
[DOCTOR] All right at the moment.
[HARRY [OC]] Good.
[DOCTOR] Keep in touch.
[SARAH] I don't know if its my imagination, but it seems to be gettingstuffy in here.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? It's your imagination.
[SARAH] You'd say that anyway.
(Transport ship)
[VIRA] They're coming in through the reversion vents!
[ROGIN] Look at them. There's a whole army of them out there.
[VIRA] Doctor, the Wirrn have space walked round the Ark and have brokeninto our cargo hold.
(Cryogenic chamber)
[DOCTOR] How many of them are there, Vira?
[VIRA [OC]] We cannot say, but it looks as though the entire swarm isattacking.
[DOCTOR] How long will it take them to reach your control deck?
[VIRA [OC]] A few minutes only. The interior bulkheads have a low stressfactor.
[DOCTOR] Tell Rogin to cut the power. We're coming out.
(Transport ship)
[ROGIN] Power off, Doctor.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Good. Set the controls on automatic take off and evacuatethe ship. Hurry!
[VIRA] We'll do as you say, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Sarah. Come on! Run! Run!
(Transport ship)
[HARRY] It's absolutely crawling with the brutes.
[ROGIN] Are you coming or staying?
(Under the transport ship)
[DOCTOR] Into the Ark, fast as you can! You too,Sarah! Harry, you go with the girls.
[DOCTOR] Rogin, help me with the synestic locks.
[ROGIN] I thought that was your idea.
[HARRY] What are you going to do, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Just look after Sarah, Harry.
[DOCTOR] Just leave this to me.
[ROGIN] You know what'll happen when you cut that lock?
[DOCTOR] There's no point in both of us being killed by the blast. Getinto the Ark, man.
[ROGIN] You don't want trouble with the space technician's union,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROGIN] That's my job.
(Control room)
[VIRA] They must have both died instantly.
[HARRY] Come on, Sarah. He'd have wanted you to be brave.
[VIRA] Doctor! Where's Rogin?
[DOCTOR] Rogin's dead. I woke up in a protection hatch.
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor, you're safe.
[DOCTOR] Yes, we're all safe now, Sarah, thanks to Rogin's bravery. Andperhaps something else.
[VIRA] Something else?
[DOCTOR] Yes, some vestige of human spirit. Was Noah on our side and onestep ahead of us at the end?
[VIRA] You mean by leading the swarm into the shuttle?
[HARRY] Look.
[VIRA] Space Station Nerva.
[WIRRN [OC]] Goodbye, Vira.
[SARAH] The shuttle's blown up!
[VIRA] He must have known that that would happen. Noah deliberatelyneglected to set the rocket stabilisers.
[DOCTOR] More than a vestige of human spirit. It can all begin now,Vira. Mankind is safe.
[VIRA] I must get my people back to Earth. Now that I've lost thetransport ship, I shall have to rely on the matter transmitter.
[VIRA] It'll be a long operation. It can only convey three people at atime.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it could if it was functioning properly. The signal'sfaulty. Probably the diode receptors. I'll just beam down and checkthem.
[SARAH] To Earth?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's where the trouble is. Here, fetch me a coat fromthe Tardis, will you? You never know what the solar flares have done tothe weather.
[VIRA] It isn't anything serious?
[DOCTOR] What? Probably no more than a spot of corrosion. Whatever itis, it shouldn't take long to fix, and it'll give me a chance to see ifthe planet is fully viable again. What's keeping them? Sarah!
[SARAH [OC]] Coming!
[SARAH] Here's your coat.
[DOCTOR] I don't remember inviting you two.
[SARAH] Er, no, you didn't. But here we are.
[HARRY] Well, the Brigadier did tell me to stick with you, Doctor, andorders is orders.
[DOCTOR] I hope you don't mind being left.
[VIRA] Well, I won't be alone for long. Life is returning to the Ark,and soon to the world.
[DOCTOR] Have a jelly baby, Vira.
[VIRA] Oh, thank you.
[VIRA] Thank you.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s12", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Ark in Space"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (22 Feb, 1975; Fourth Doctor) - The Sontaran Experiment
(Transmat station)
[HARRY] Ah, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Are you coming, or going? Or going or coming?
[HARRY] I feel a bit like a Morse message. Slightly scrambled.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, let's get on with it. These must be the refractors.
[HARRY] Er, Doctor?
[HARRY] I can see you're busy, but what about Sarah?
[DOCTOR] Sarah?
[SARAH [OC]] Help!
[DOCTOR] That sounds like Sarah.
[SARAH] Help me!
[DOCTOR] It's not only oscillating, it's ellipsing as well. You'd bettergive her a hand, Harry.
[HARRY] Righty-o.
[DOCTOR] Hmm, I see the problem. Focus gone a bit fuzzy.
[HARRY] Okay, old thing?
[SARAH] Harry, I'm not a thing.
[HARRY] The Doctor says it's the refractors.
[SARAH] Is it? Ow.
[HARRY] I say, you're not hurt, are you?
[SARAH] Only in my dignity.
[SARAH] Ahem.
[DOCTOR] Ah, Sarah. You're looking well. Look, er, it's going to takesome time to do the whole lot. Why don't you two make the most of it?
[SARAH] Make the most of what?
[DOCTOR] Glorious day. Beautiful unspoilt countryside. No one's set foothere for thousands of years.
[SARAH] What you're trying to say is that you're busy and you'd like usto push off.
[DOCTOR] I'd phrase it more elegantly myself, of course. Yes.
[HARRY] Oh well, might as well have a recce while we're here. Coming oldthing? Coming, Sarah?
[DOCTOR] Enjoy yourselves. Trafalgar Square should be that way.
[SARAH] Trafalgar Square?
[DOCTOR] If this is Piccadilly.
[SARAH] You're joking. Aren't you?
[DOCTOR] Mind the traffic.
(Headland Warren)
[SARAH] Trafalgar Square, my foot. Not a pigeon in sight.
[HARRY] Well, I don't suppose many of our feathered friends survived,you know. Not much in the way of life, is there.
[SARAH] It's rather creepy. Doesn't seem like Earth at all.
[HARRY] Oh, I don't know. Nice and tidy, anyway. No lolly sticks.
[SARAH] It's not what I expected.
[HARRY] Well, it'll all change when they get down from Nerva. Theiranimal botanic section's packed with stuff.
[SARAH] What's that?
[HARRY] What?
[SARAH] Shush. Listen.
[HARRY] I can't hear anything.
[SARAH] It's over there.
[HARRY] Oh, come on, Sarah. You're imagining things. Look, Sarah,there's been no life on Earth, not of any size, for ten thousand years.
[SARAH] Now look, we don't know that, do we? There could be anythinghere.
[HARRY] Such as what?
[SARAH] I don't know. Mutations, creatures?
[HARRY] Come on.
(Transmat station)
[ERAK] Keep him covered, Zake. I'll get the others.
(Base of Tor)
[HARRY] Hey, Sarah. Come and have a look at this.Whoops!
[SARAH] Harry! Harry, are you all right?
(Camp site)
[ERAK] Krans! Krans! I've seen some guy. A stranger.
[KRANS] What?
[ERAK] Zake's watching him, down by that circle. I thought maybe Vuralought to know.
[KRANS] No, no, no, he's out looking for grub. Down by the circle, eh?
[ERAK] Yeah. Hey, could be it's something to do with this mess, eh?
[KRANS] Well, we'll soon find out.
(Base of Tor)
[HARRY] No bones broken, I don't think. All the same, I'm stuck, aren'tI?
[SARAH] Harry! Harry, there's something wrong here. The edge of thishole's been covered.
[HARRY] Of course it has. That's why I fell. Oh, I see what you mean. Adeliberate trap, eh?
[SARAH] Shush. I'm going to fetch the Doctor.
[HARRY] All right. Well, I'll wait here then.
(Transmat station)
[DOCTOR] Harry?
(Halfway down the cliff)
[KRANS] Hold it!
[DOCTOR] Is he a friend of yours?
[ERAK] He's killed Zake!
(Transmat station)
[SARAH] Doctor! Doctor?
(Base of Tor)
[HARRY] Sarah? Hey, who's there?
[HARRY] Hey! Now, look here.
(Transmat station)
[SARAH] Doctor!
(Base of Tor)
[SARAH] Harry! Harry, I can't find him.
[SARAH] Harry?
(Camp site)
[ERAK] How long before the dope wears off?
[KRANS] He's coming round now.
[KRANS] Cut him loose, Erak, but leave his hands tied, eh.
[KRANS] All right, now talk.
[DOCTOR] Certainly. What would you like me to talk about?
[KRANS] What have you done with our crewmates?
(Base of Tor)
[SARAH] What on Earth?
[ROTH] Shush!
[ROTH] Who are you? Where are you from?
[SARAH] That's what I was going to ask you. Okay, my name is Sarah.What's yours?
[ROTH] Sarah.
[SARAH] What's you name?
[ROTH] Roth.
[SARAH] Do you live here, Roth? No, those are space clothes, aren'tthey?
[ROTH] I covered this, you understand, to catch the machine.
[SARAH] Tell me about the machine.
[SARAH] Why are you so frightened of it?
[ROTH] The machines serves him. Captures my crewmates.
[SARAH] Serves who?
[ROTH] The thing in the rocks. I'll not get caught. No, not again.
[SARAH] No, wait. What thing in the rocks?
[ROTH] The alien in the rocks. The machine captures us, takes us fortorture. I got away, see?
[SARAH] Those are burns, aren't they? Did the alien do that? Is thatwhat you're saying?
[ROTH] He killed Heath and Splier. I got away. Understand?
[SARAH] I think I'm beginning to. Look, take me to these rocks.
[ROTH] No!
[SARAH] Oh look, Roth, you've got to help me. I came here with twofriends and they've both vanished, understand? I mean, you understand?
[ROTH] I saw them.
[SARAH] Then it was you following us?
[ROTH] One of your friends is with Vural.
[SARAH] Vural?
[ROTH] He was in the circle. I saw them take him.
[SARAH] Then you know where the Doctor is.
[ROTH] Yeah.
(Camp site)
[DOCTOR] I told you, I just got here.
[ERAK] How, eh? We've seen no ship.
[DOCTOR] I didn't use one. I came by transmat beam.
[VURAL] That's a lie.
[DOCTOR] That's the truth. Who are you?
[VURAL] Vural. I'm the leader of this party.
[VURAL] Where'd you find him?
[ERAK] First saw him creeping about that circle.
[DOCTOR] Not creeping. I was repairing the
[KRANS] Shut up! By the time we caught up with him, he was bent overZake.
[KRANS] He killed him.
[DOCTOR] I'd not kill him. I heard a cry and found him with his neckbroken in a gully. An accident, I imagine.
[VURAL] You say you came here by transmat beam?
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[VURAL] There's no transmat beam on this planet. The Earth's beenjunked.
[DOCTOR] Temporarily abandoned perhaps, but not junked. Oh, no.
[VURAL] It's worn out, useless, and too far from the freight routes.Nobody comes here so there's no transmat beam. Check?
[KRANS] Check.
[VURAL] So you better start telling the truth or you night find thingsgetting a little rough.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry to keep contradicting you, but there is a transmatbeam from Space Station Nerva.
[KRANS] From where?
[DOCTOR] Space Station Nerva.
[ERAK] Is he crazy?
[KRANS] A joker.
[VURAL] You don't expect us to believe that.
[DOCTOR] Nerva, transmat beam, Earth. It's as simple as that. Why don'tyou believe me?
[VURAL] Because Nerva doesn't exist, that's why. There's no such place.
[DOCTOR] Fascinating. You don't believe it exists, yet you've obviouslyheard of it.
[KRANS] Everybody's heard of the lost colony.
[DOCTOR] Lost colony? Ah. You mean it's become a legend like lostAtlantis?
[ERAK] Like what?
[DOCTOR] Lost Atlantis. It's a legendary city. A go, never mind. This isextremely interesting. Are you going to cut me loose?
[VURAL] No, we're going to get the truth out of you first.
[KRANS] Too right.
[DOCTOR] Very colonial. You are from a colony, I take it?
[VURAL] GalSec.
[DOCTOR] Of course, on Nerva, they know that various colony ships leftEarth. They'll be delighted to know that they're not the sole survivorsof the human race. You are human?
[KRANS] What do you mean?
[ERAK] Of course we are.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no offence, no offence. Do you mind if I take a close lookat that?
[DOCTOR [on screen]] I' d say it's not a product of human technology,eh, Vural?
[VURAL [OC]] You're a freak!
[ERAK] I say let's get rid of him now and save ourselves the troublelater.
[VURAL] Krans?
[KRANS] If he had landed by ship we'd have heard. Maybe he did come bytransmat beam.
[ERAK] From Nerva?
[KRANS] Maybe.
[VURAL] Aye, I remember the old story. Back in the days of theexpansion, a bunch of survival sleepers went to Space Station Nerva towait for the Earth to cool down again.
[ERAK] So? Earth's cooled down and they've never come back. And Nerva'snever been found. It's just a story.
[VURAL] Yeah. I reckon if it ever existed, it got burnt up in thesunbursts.
[KRANS] You know what makes me half believe him? It's such a crazystory, that's what.
[ERAK] You mean, if he was making it up, he'd think of something better?
[KRANS] Check.
[ERAK] Never.
[KRANS] I'll question him again.
[VURAL] No. I'll handle this.
(Headland Warren)
[SARAH] Whoops!
[ROTH] Shush! It's just a-ways down there.
[SARAH] Well, what are we waiting for?
[ROTH] No, no.
[SARAH] Look, Roth, if you're in Vural's crew, why are you so frightenedof him?
[ROTH] He's been to the rocks. I saw. I saw.
[SARAH] What do you mean, you saw?
[ROTH] The alien let him go. You understand? Vural's hooked.
(Camp site)
[VURAL] Right. How long have they been in deepfreeze on Nerva?
[DOCTOR] Ohm ten thousand years?
[VURAL] And you woke up before the others?
[DOCTOR] Well, no. I'm a sort of travelling time expert. As you can see,Earth's been habitable for several thousand years, but they didn't wakeup. Why? Clock stopped. Overslept. So here I am.
[VURAL] Clock expert?
[DOCTOR] Horologist, actually. And chronometrist. I just love clocks.Atomic clocks, wall quartz clocks, grandfather clocks
[ERAK] He's still lying.
[VURAL] Shut up, Erak.
[DOCTOR] Cuckoo clocks.
[VURAL] You got any proof?
[DOCTOR] Well, no, but then I didn't expect to meet anyone. I understoodEarth wasn't inhabited.
[KRANS] Yes, that's what we thought until we got a distress call fromaround here.
[DOCTOR] A mayday? Then you're a military expedition, I take it.
[VURAL] One of our GalSec freighters went missing. We er, we picked up adistress call and came down for a look-see. Soon as we stepped from theship it was vapourised. Nine of us were stuck here.
[DOCTOR] Nine? Where are the rest?
[VURAL] Vanished.
[ERAK] And we reckon that that circle of yours has got something to dowith it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, rubbish. That's just the reception point for the transmatbeam.
[ERAK] Let's kill him now and get it over with.
[DOCTOR] Thats wild talk, Erak. Far from killing me, you should treatme as an honoured guest.
[KRANS] Why?
[DOCTOR] Well, you don't want to be stuck here forever, do you.
[VURAL] Go on.
[DOCTOR] I might consider helping you.
[VURAL] How do you reckon to help us?
[DOCTOR] Simple. I finish refocusing the matter beam then we all pop upto Nerva, you get in touch with your headquarters and they send a shipfor you.
[VURAL] Listen. If you are one of the Old People, were not takingorders from your lot. While you were dozing away, our people kept goingand they made it. Weve got bases all across the galaxy now. Youvedone nothing for ten thousand years while we made an Empire. Youunderstand?
[DOCTOR] Oh, absolutely.
[VURAL] Were not taking any of that Mother Earth rubbish!
[KRANS] Hey, look! Its Roth.
[ERAK] Hey, Rothy! Hey! Hey, Rothy!
[KRANS] It is Roth! Come on! Hey!
[VURAL] Roth!
[ERAK [OC]] Hey! Roth!
[DOCTOR] Good girl, Sarah. Whos your fast friend?
[SARAH] Come on, Doctor, I'll explain later.
[VURAL] Roth! Roth!
[ERAK] I've got cramps. Hes bunked.
[KRANS] I saw him, plain as daylight.
[VURAL] Now whyd he run like that? Whyd he run from us?
[ERAK] He must have gone bush.
[VURAL] Hey!
[ERAK] That freak. He's got away.
[VURAL] All right, get your guns.
(Headland Warren)
[SARAH] Doctor, the pit's this way.
[DOCTOR] I've lost my sonic screwdriver. I feel completely lost withoutit.
[SARAH] I found your sonic screwdriver. Doctor, the pit.
[DOCTOR] Shush. What would I do without you?
[VURAL] Any luck?
[ERAK] Nothing.
[VURAL] Keep your eyes peeled. He can't have got far.
(Base of Tor)
[DOCTOR] He couldn't have climbed out.
[SARAH] Not without help.
[DOCTOR] That machine you told me about, could that have lifted him?
[SARAH] No, he'd already gone by the time the machine came.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me.
[DOCTOR] Terullian drive.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] The machine. Now that's very interesting, because there's noterullian to be found in this galaxy.
[ROTH] Ja, ja, alien. Alien, you understand?
[DOCTOR] Yes, don't you worry about it, old chap. He's half dementedwith shock.
[SARAH] He's been tortured, badly by the look of it. He's terrified ofeveryone now, especially his old crewmates.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I can't say I blame him for being wary of friendVural, at any rate. You know, it's absolutely typical of Harry! Howanyone in his proper mind could fall down a whacking great subsidencelike. That's it!
[SARAH] What is?
[DOCTOR] Subsidence! A sewer or something. Maybe it's the Central Line.
[SARAH] I'm not with you.
[DOCTOR] I mean here must be some way out at the bottom. Hang on, Sarah.I'll just go down and take a look.
[SARAH] Hey, you be careful, Doctor. If you break a leg or something,we'll never get you out.
[DOCTOR] It's perfectly safe.
[SARAH] Doctor, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Oh. Ow. Sarah? Sarah? Sarah, are you there?
(Outside the Spacecraft)
[STYRE] Ah ha!
[SARAH] Linx.
(Outside the Spacecraft)
[STYRE] The female of the species.
[SARAH] Linx. A Sontaran. Can't be. You were destroyed in the thirteenthcentury. You were blown to smithereens.
[STYRE] You may have seen one of us.
[SARAH] But you're identical. The same ugly
[STYRE] Identical, yes, the same, no. I am Styre. Field Major Styre, asyou will address me, of the Sontaran G3 Military Assessment Survey. Andyour opinion of my looks is of no interest to my programme.
[STYRE] Female number one, first assessment. Would appear to have nomilitary justification. Offensive value therefore nil.
[ROTH] You won't get me. You won't torture me again.
[STYRE] Why did you make that disagreeable noise?
[SARAH] You killed him!
[STYRE] That is my function. I am a warrior.
[SARAH] Murderer. Murderer!
[STYRE] Silence! The moron was of no further use to me. I had alreadytested him. You, as a female, are far more interesting. And soon I willhave the rest of your companions.
(Base of Tor)
[DOCTOR] Hello? Sarah?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's you again. Can't say I'm delighted. It's no usepretending.
[VURAL] Just keep climbing, nice and quiet.
[DOCTOR] If you insist.
(Hound Tor)
[HARRY] Sarah? Sarah, old girl, you here anywhere?
[HARRY] Sarah, where are you?
[HARRY] All right, old chap?
[ROTH] No. No.
[HARRY] It's all right, old chap, I'm not going to hurt you. Let's havea look.
[ROTH] Water.
(Base of Tor)
[VURAL] Krans.
[KRANS] Go on, and no tricks now.
[DOCTOR] Behind you!
[KRANS] I said no tricks.
(Hound Tor)
[HARRY] Look here, old chap, I'm going to have to go and get help. Youunderstand? The Sontaran put you here? What for? Do you know why?
[ROTH] To, to die.
[HARRY] Die? Are there many more of you?
(Base of Tor)
[DOCTOR] No, it's not the Central Line.
(Hound Tor)
[STYRE] When I ambushed the GalSec there were nine survivors. I havealready used up five of them and I have been studying the freebehaviour patterns of the remaining four.
[STYRE] So it is useless lying to me. I know you were not on that GalSecship. Where do you come from? What is your planet of origin?
[SARAH] Earth.
[STYRE] That is a lie. There has been no intelligent life on this planetsince the time of the solar flares.
[SARAH] How do you know?
[STYRE] I have the reports.
[SARAH] They can't be wrong, can they?
[STYRE] Silence. You are nothing, do you understand? You are a mistakeand must therefore be eliminated. According to my data you should notexist.
[HARRY] Sarah?
[SARAH] Harry! Over here.
[HARRY] Sarah.
[SARAH] Well, come on, help me.
[HARRY] Oh, hang on, old thing.
[HARRY] I can't get in.
[SARAH] There must be a forcefield.
[SARAH] That's it. He's locked me inside a forcefield, Harry, It's nogood.
[HARRY] Well, don't you worry, old thing. I'll find a way. I'll get youout of there if I have to knock his bally head of and grab his keys.Just don't you worry, Sarah.
(Coms device)
[STYRE] G3 intelligence. G3 intelligence. Field Major Styre reportingfrom Earth base.
[MARSHAL [on monitor]] Well, Styre?
[STYRE] My report, Marshal.
[MARSHAL [on monitor]] Get on with it, then.
[STYRE] As we knew, the Earth has not been repopulated. I have thereforecarried out my instructions and lured a group of humans to the planetfor testing. The results of my experiment indicate that they are punybeings with little resistance to physical stress, and are totallydependent on organic chemical intake for their energy supply.
[MARSHAL [on monitor]] Thank you, Styre. Then your report is complete.
[STYRE] Not quite, Marshal.
[MARSHAL [on monitor]] Why must there be any delay?
[STYRE] Some inconsistencies have arisen. Small mistakes that will soonbe eliminated. My final intelligence report for the assault will bewith you within the hour, Marshal.
[MARSHAL [on monitor]] It must be, Styre. It must be.
[STYRE] Very good, sir.
[STYRE] Experiment seven. Subject, female. Project, resistance to fear.
(Hound Tor)
[DOCTOR] Sarah! Listen to me, Sarah! It's not real. Do you understand?Nothing is happening to you. It's only in your mind.
[DOCTOR] Fight it, Sarah. Fight it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Sarah.
[STYRE] Very touching.
[DOCTOR] You unspeakable abomination!
[STYRE] Words, Earthling, will never prevail against Sontaran might.
[DOCTOR] Why did you do it to her?
[STYRE] I did nothing. I merely resurrected those things which layburied in the depths of her pathetic little mind. She was a victim ofher own fear. And now, your turn.
[DOCTOR] Well done, Harry.
[STYRE] Worm.
(Outside the Spacecraft)
[KRANS] Now we know what happened to our mates.
[ERAK] We've still got a chance. If this intended to kill us
[KRANS] It might have been the best thing.
[STYRE] Good. The final batch of material.
[VURAL] But not me. No, not me!
[STYRE] All of you.
[VURAL] But I helped you. I did everything you said.
[KRANS] What?
[VURAL] You said you'd save me if I
[STYRE] Oh, why should I save you, a traitor to your own miserable kind.
[ERAK] Why you stinking, lousy swine, Vural! You tried to do a deal withthis thing?
[VURAL] It was all I could do. It gave us more time.
[KRANS] That first night, he was gone for hours. Lost, he said.
[VURAL] No, I did it for us.
[STYRE] Enough of this bickering.
(Hound Tor)
[HARRY] Doctor.
[HARRY] Not both of them.
[HARRY] Murdering swine.
[STYRE] Field Major Styre, Sontaran G3 Military Assessment Survey.Experiment five, human resistance to fluid deprivation. Data, subjectdied after nine days, seven hours. Impairment of mental faculties,motor reflexes and physical coordination noted after only three days.Conclusion, dependence on fluid is a significant weakness which shouldbe exploited in our attack. As a rider to the above, we should alsolike to take into account the successful conclusion of experiment four,where immersion in the fluid H2O produced asphyxiation in less thanthree minutes.
[STYRE] Conclusion, this species has little resistance to immersion inliquids.
[HARRY] Doctor, I thought you were both dead.
[DOCTOR] Not me. Piece of the synestic locking mechanism from Nerva'srocket. Popped it in my pocket.
[HARRY] Fortuitous.
[DOCTOR] Foresight. You never know when these bits and pieces will comein handy.
[DOCTOR] Never throw anything away, Harry. Where's my five hundred yeardiary? I remember jotting some notes on the Sontarans. It's a mistaketo clutter one's pockets, Harry.
[HARRY] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What's Styre doing here?
[HARRY] Well, he's killing people. He's on some kind of ghastlyexperiment. Look what he's done to Sarah.
[DOCTOR] Harry, Sontarans never do anything without a military reason.You look to Sarah.
[HARRY] And what are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Find out what's behind all this.
[STYRE] Experiment eight, resistance to pressure on the human breastcage and muscular strength. Are you prepared?
[ERAK] What are you up to, you lump of filth?
[STYRE] You are holding a gravity bar. At the moment it is a mere fortypounds Earth weight. I will increase that weight to two hundred pounds.
[STYRE] Three hundred pounds.
(Outside the Spaceship)
[DOCTOR] Hello. Hello. Don't be alarmed, old thing. Not going to hurtyou. Everything's going to be all right.
[VURAL [OC]] Please!
(Hound Tor)
[VURAL] Please! Please!
[KRANS] You murdering fiend!
[STYRE] He is not your friend, he is a traitor, yet you struggle to savehis life. Five hundred pounds.
[STYRE] Enough.
[STYRE] I must delay the experiment.
[KRANS] Erak, the knife. The knife!
(Coms device)
[MARSHAL [on monitor]] Styre. Field Major Styre, Iorder you to report.
[STYRE] This is Field Major Styre, sir.
[MARSHAL [on monitor]] Styre, your constant delays are causing alarm. Wemust have your report.
[STYRE] I am just completing my final experiment, the compressibilitytest of human tissue.
[MARSHAL [on monitor]] The entire invasion fleet is being held up. Howmuch longer must we wait?
[STYRE] My programme was ordered by the Grand Strategic Council. Theinvasion cannot begin until all experiments are analysed.
[MARSHAL [on monitor]] Then get a move on, Styre. The fleet is waitingfor my signal.
[STYRE] Very good, Marshal.
(Hound Tor)
[SARAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Ah, Sarah, feeling better? No, don't tell me. No time. We'vegot an invasion on our hands.
[HARRY] Invasion? Oh, you mean Styre?
[DOCTOR] Him, and thousands exactly like him.
[SARAH] They're going to invade Earth?
[DOCTOR] The entire galaxy suddenly acquired some strategic importancein their endless war against the Rutans.
[HARRY] Why on Earth is Styre torturing people?
[DOCTOR] He's making an assessment of human physical limitations.Sontarans are very methodical people, and that might give us a slightadvantage.
[HARRY] Oh, I hadn't noticed, frankly.
[SARAH] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to take him on in single combat.
[DOCTOR] It's the only way.
[HARRY] You're what?
[DOCTOR] Sontarans never turn down the chance to kill someone.
[SARAH] Well you're not going to let him kill you?
[DOCTOR] I hope not. I'm going to try and tire him out. He's prettyunwieldy, for all his strength, and he's not used to Earth's gravity.The thing is, if I can get him exhausted, he'll have to go back to hisship to reenergise. Are you with me?
[HARRY] Just about.
[DOCTOR] While I keep him busy, I want you to get into his ship. Now,once you're inside, this is what I want you to do, Harry.
[STYRE] Increase to six hundred pounds.
[DOCTOR] Styre!
[DOCTOR] Still about your butcher's ways, Styre?
[STYRE] You? But I killed you.
[DOCTOR] Another mistake, Styre. You've fallen right into our trap.
[STYRE] Trap?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Those people you've been so cleverly evaluating are notEarth warriors. They're our slave class, the lowest form of humanintelligence.
[STYRE] You lie!
[DOCTOR] Do you think those puny creatures could conquer half a galaxy?No, Styre, I represent the true warrior class. Evaluate me if you dare.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Is that the Sontaran way? The mighty warrior shelteringbehind his gun? I challenge you, Styre. Single combat. Or are youafraid?
[STYRE] Afraid? A Sontaran afraid?
[STYRE] All right, come to your death!
(Outside the Spaceship)
[DOCTOR] Styre, it's not over yet.
[STYRE] I'll finish with you later.
[DOCTOR] You're weakening, Styre. You're weakening.
[STYRE] Am I? I shall kill you all now, but first I have more importanttasks to perform.
[HARRY] Is this what you meant?
[DOCTOR] It had better be. Let's get out of here.
[SARAH] Doctor, Styre's killed Vural. He saved your life.
[DOCTOR] I know. Everybody out, fast as you can. Come on!
[SARAH] What happened?
[DOCTOR] Ask Harry, he did it.
[HARRY] What did I do? What is this thing anyway?
[DOCTOR] It's a sort of terullian diode bypass transformer.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Sontarans, as I told you, sometimes need to feed on pureenergy, and by removing that you altered things slightly, and theenergy fed on him.
[HARRY] That's taken care of one of them, but what about the rest of theinvasion fleet waiting to blast us out of the galaxy?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, I'll just attend to that.
(Coms device)
[MARSHAL [on monitor]] Styre, your report? Theintelligence. What is this?
[DOCTOR] Your Waterloo, Marshal. Your intelligence mission has beendestroyed and your invasion plans are in our hands. One move across thebuffer zone, Marshal, and your entire fleet will be destroyed.
[MARSHAL] [on monitor]
[DOCTOR] What, without Styre's report?
[MARSHAL [on monitor]] Next time, Earthling, we shall utterly destroyyou.
[DOCTOR] Not today, thank you. (to Sarah and Harry) Brinkmanship, Ithink they call it.
(Transmat Station)
[DOCTOR] Sure you won't join us?
[KRANS] No, we'll wait until that lot from Nerva get here, thanks allthe same.
[ERAK] Don't trust those transmat beams. They never work too good.
[DOCTOR] As you wish. I should stand back if I were you.
[DOCTOR] I mean, it should be all right.
[DOCTOR] But you never know quite, do you?
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s12", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Sontaran Experiment"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (8 Mar, 1975; Fourth Doctor) - Genesis of the Daleks
[TIMELORD] Ah. Welcome, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What's going on? Don't you realise how dangerous it is tointercept a transmat beam?
[TIMELORD] Oh come, Doctor, not with our techniques. We Time Lordstranscended such simple mechanical devices when the universe was lessthan half its present size.
[DOCTOR] Look, whatever I've done for you in the past, I've more thanmade up for. I will not tolerate this continual interference in mylife.
[TIMELORD] Continual? We pride ourselves we seldom interfere in theaffairs of others.
[DOCTOR] Except mine.
[TIMELORD] You, Doctor, are a special case. You enjoy the freedom weallow you. In return, occasionally, not continually, we ask you to dosomething for us.
[DOCTOR] I won't do it. Whatever it is, I refuse.
[TIMELORD] Daleks.
[DOCTOR] Daleks? Tell me more.
[TIMELORD] We foresee a time when they will have destroyed all otherlifeforms and become the dominant creature in the universe.
[DOCTOR] That's possible. Tell on.
[TIMELORD] We'd like you to return to Skaro at a point in time beforethe Daleks evolved.
[DOCTOR] Do you mean avert their creation?
[TIMELORD] Or affect their genetic development so that they evolve intoless aggressive creatures.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. That's feasible.
[TIMELORD] Alternatively, if you learn enough about their verybeginnings, you might discover some inherent weakness.
[DOCTOR] All right, just one more time.
[TIMELORD] You'll do it?
[DOCTOR] Yes. If you'll let me have the space time coordinates, I'll setthe Tardis for Skaro.
[TIMELORD] There's no need for that, Doctor.
[TIMELORD] You're here. This is Skaro.
[DOCTOR] What?
[TIMELORD] We thought it would save time if we assumed your agreement.
[DOCTOR] What's this?
[TIMELORD] A Time Ring. It will return you to the Tardis when you'vefinished here. There's just one thing.
[DOCTOR] What's that?
[TIMELORD] Be careful not to lose it. That Time Ring is your lifeline.Good luck, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Just a moment.
[DOCTOR] Don't just disappear! What about Sarah and Harry?
[SARAH] Doctor! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Ah, there you are, Sarah.
[HARRY] I say, Doctor, that was a pretty rough landing. What happened?
[SARAH] Yes, where are we? This isn't the beacon.
[DOCTOR] No, there's been a slight change of plan.
[DOCTOR] This is Skaro.
[HARRY] I say, that's gunfire.
[DOCTOR] Heavy artillery.
[SARAH] Doctor, it's getting closer!
[DOCTOR] It's a creeping barrage. Get down!
[DOCTOR] Something's annoyed them.
[SARAH] Doctor. Doctor, look.
[DOCTOR] All right.
[HARRY] Nothing can be done for this chap.
[DOCTOR] That's strange. There's centuries between these two weapons.
[SARAH] What's that on his jacket?
[HARRY] Radiation detector and a gas mask. The two things don't gotogether, do they.
[SARAH] Part of his uniform is made of animal skins, and yet the combatjacket is a modern synthetic fibre.
[DOCTOR] It's like finding the remains of a stone age man with atransistor radio.
[HARRY] Playing rock music?
[DOCTOR] A thousand year war? Civilisation on the point of collapse.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Nothing. Just theorising, that's all.
[DOCTOR] Come along.
[HARRY] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Er, forward.
[DOCTOR] Halt! Don't move.
[SARAH] What is it?
[DOCTOR] I see a land mine. We're in the middle of a mine field. Followme and tread in my footsteps.
[SARAH] Good King Wenceslas.
[HARRY] What?
[DOCTOR] I thought I saw something move. I have a feeling we're beingwatched.
[SARAH] I get that feeling, too.
[HARRY] I can't see anything.
[DOCTOR] Let's hope its imagination.
[HARRY] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Harry, I'm standing on a land mine. I felt it shift.
[DOCTOR] If I move my foot, it might detonate it.
[HARRY] Don't move your foot.
[DOCTOR] I won't.
[HARRY] It's rocking.
[SARAH] Wedge something under it. Make it firm.
[HARRY] Yes, I'm trying to, Sarah. Back up, Sarah.
[DOCTOR] You back up too, Harry. No point in risking both our lives.
[HARRY] No, Doctor, you'll have a better chance if I hold it firm.
[DOCTOR] Please, Harry, don't be difficult.
[HARRY] Don't you argue, Doctor. Now, just lift your foot very, verygently.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Harry.
[HARRY] My pleasure.
[DOCTOR] Let's go.
[DOCTOR] Hey, look. What do you think?
[SARAH] It's like a big bubble.
[DOCTOR] Protective dome.
[SARAH] What, large enough to cover an entire city?
[HARRY] Why are they fighting with old fashioned things like barbed wireand land mines if they can build something like that?
[DOCTOR] Even the dead have a part to play. Propped up to make thetrenches appear fully manned.
[HARRY] A different sort of uniform from that other chaps.
[DOCTOR] Yes, we may have crossed the lines.
[SARAH] Same mixture of ancient and modern, though.
[DOCTOR] Yes. That's why I think this war's been going on for a verylong time. They probably started out with the most modern equipment butno longer have the resources. They have to make do.
[HARRY] War of attrition, eh, only backwards. At this rate they're goingto finish off with bows and arrows.
[DOCTOR] Well, it would explain the mixture of equipment.
[SARAH] Psst. Here.
[HARRY] Careful, Sarah.
[SARAH] It's all right. It's locked.
[HARRY] It's pretty solid, isn't it. Some kind of service tunnel, Isuppose. It might even lead into the dome.
[DOCTOR] Let's see where the trench leads.
[DOCTOR] It's a gas shell!
[SARAH] Gas!
[DOCTOR] Poison gas!
[HARRY] Respirators, quick!
[DOCTOR] Get back!
[SOLDIER] This one's alive. Get him inside.
[SOLDIER] There's another one here. Get him inside, quickly.
[KALED] They don't look like Thals. I wonder? There've been rumoursrecently that the Thals were developing robots. Anyway, stick them onthe transporter. I shall alert Command Headquarters with General Ravon.
[KALED] Count the ammunition and clean your weapons.
(Strategy room)
[RAVON] Well?
[KALED] Two prisoners, sir, captured section 101.
[RAVON] For interrogation. Good. I enjoy interrogation.
[RAVON] You insolent muto.
[KALED] Sir?
[RAVON] What?
[KALED] My section totally destroyed the Thal attackers except for thesetwo, but our supply of ammunition is running low.
[RAVON] Then conserve it! Ammunition is valuable and cannot be wasted.
[KALED] Yes, sir.
[RAVON] For instance, when I've finished with these two animals, they'llbe hanged. Not taken out and shot as in the past. And that will be all.Return to your unit.
[RAVON] So, the Thals have come down to recruiting mutos, have they?Turn out your pockets!
[DOCTOR] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] It might take some time.
[RAVON] Take a good look. In a few weeks we're going to change the shapeof that map forever. We'll wipe the Thals from the face of Skaro.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I've heard that before.
[RAVON] What?
[DOCTOR] I was just wondering how you propose to wipe the Thals from theface of Skaro with boy soldiers, no ammunition, and very younggenerals.
[RAVON] You've had one warning about your insolence.
[DOCTOR] I do beg your pardon.
[RAVON] When victory is ours, we'll wipe every trace of the Thals andtheir city from the face of this land. We will avenge the deaths of allKaleds who've fallen in the cause of right and justice, and build apeace which will be a monument to their sacrifice. Our battle cry willbe, 'total extermination of the Thals'!
[DOCTOR] That's very impressive. You mean you're going to sweep thesewastelands absolutely?
[DOCTOR] Harry. Did I hurt your fingers?
[RAVON] You'll never get out of here alive.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so you said.
[DOCTOR] So you're Kaleds, eh?
[RAVON] Even you mutos know the difference between Thals and Kaleds.
[DOCTOR] K A L E D S. Why, that's an anagram of. How interesting. Areyou fit, Harry?
[HARRY] Never felt fitter, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now, Alexander the Great, you're going to lead us out ofhere.
[RAVON] Never!
[DOCTOR] You won't get any medals for being stupid, General. In fact,you won't be getting any more medals for anything.
[RAVON] Where do you want me to take you?
[DOCTOR] Back to the wastelands.
[RAVON] Yes, that's home to you mutos, isn't it. But you won't get thatfar, I promise you.
[HARRY] Come on, we're wasting time.
[SARAH] Doctor? Doctor? Harry?
[HARRY] Where are we? This isn't leading to thesurface.
[RAVON] There's a platform lift at the end. You mutos must have seen it.
[HARRY] You're still making the same mistake. We're not mutos, whateverthey may be.
[RAVON] Only mutos live in the wastelands.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[HARRY] I hope Sarah's all right.
[RAVON] If you've a friend up there they won't last much longer.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean?
[RAVON] Night's coming on. The mutos start moving at night.
[HARRY] Just remember we're your friends.
[NYDER] General Ravon.
[RAVON] Nyder.
[NYDER] I wish to see you.
[RAVON] If you'll wait in my office, Nyder, I'll be a few minutes.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps you should introduce us, General.
[RAVON] Security Commander Nyder.
[NYDER] You're civilians, I see.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but we're not staying long. Don't let us detain you.
[NYDER] You won't.
[NYDER] Down, Ravon!
[NYDER] Alert all guards. Two Thal intruders in the command complex.
[DOCTOR] This way, Harry!
[RAVON] They took me by surprise!
[NYDER] Fool. What kind of soldier lets two unarmed prisoners overpowerhim in his own headquarters?
[RAVON] There's something different about those two. They're not Thalsand they're not mutos.
[NYDER] We'll find out what's different about them by autopsy.
[HARRY] We're trapped.
[DOCTOR] After you.
[NYDER] Alert surface patrols to watch for intruders in the area ofplatform lift seven.
[HARRY] Now what?
[DOCTOR] Keep running.
[HARRY] What?
[DOCTOR] Keep running!
[DOCTOR] Down, Harry!
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[HARRY] That was a lucky escape.
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't say that, Harry.
[SARAH] Doctor? Harry? Doctor. Harry.
(Strategy room)
[NYDER] This is yours?
[NYDER] What is its function?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's an etheric beam locator. It's also useful fordetecting ion charged emissions.
[NYDER] Oh, really. It is not of Thal manufacture.
[DOCTOR] Well, naturally not. My friend and I are not from your planet.
[NYDER] Aliens?
[HARRY] Humans. Well, I am, anyway.
[NYDER] I've heard Davros say there is no intelligent life on otherplanets, so either he is wrong or you are lying.
[DOCTOR] We are not lying.
[NYDER] And Davros is never wrong about anything.
[DOCTOR] Then he must be exceptional. Even I am occasionally wrong aboutsome things. Who is this Davros?
[NYDER] Our greatest scientist. He's in charge of all research at thebunker.
[RAVON] They could be mutos, Nyder. Intelligent mutos who've developed atechnology.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, what exactly are mutos?
[NYDER] Mutos are the scarred relics of ourselves. Monsters created bythe chemical weapons used in the first century of this war. They werebanished into the wastelands where they live and scavenge like animals.
[DOCTOR] In other words, genetically wounded.
[NYDER] We must keep the Kaled race pure. Imperfects are rejected. Someof them survive out there.
[DOCTOR] That's a very harsh policy.
[HARRY] It's horrible.
[NYDER] Your views are not important. General Ravon, I'll take these twoback to the bunker for interrogation by the special unit.
[RAVON] They're the army's prisoners.
[NYDER] Then you will release them to me. The special unit will get moreout of them than your crude methods ever would.
[RAVON] Very well, if you insist.
[NYDER] I do insist, General. And I have a list of requirements here.All these items are to be sent to the bunker immediately.
[RAVON] I can't spare this equipment. These spare parts alone would takemore than half my supply.
[NYDER] You'll notice the requisition is countersigned by Davroshimself. If you would like to take the matter up with him.
[RAVON] I'm expected to fight a war without equipment. Very well, I'llhave these things out to the bunker by dawn.
[NYDER] By midnight, General. The order specifies midnight.
[RAVON] By midnight.
[NYDER] Good.
[NYDER] Bring the prisoners.
[KALED] Ready, Davros.
[DAVROS] Observe the test closely, my friend. This will be a moment thatwill live in history.
[DAVROS] Halt. Turn right. Halt.
[DAVROS] Now, exterminate!
[DAVROS] Perfect. The weaponry is perfect. Now we can begin.
[DAVROS] Follow. Gharman, there is much to be done.
[SARAH] Help!
[TANE] Party approaching. Check one.
[TANE] You will announce your name, rank and serial number. Speak now.
[NYDER [OC]] Tane, this is Security Commander Nyder with prisoners andescort.
[NYDER] I want these two screened and passed to Ronson for fullinterrogation.
[TANE] Yes, sir.
[NYDER] Prisoner's belongings.
[DOCTOR] Good. Well, now he's gone, any chance of a cup of tea?
[TANE] What!
[DOCTOR] Or coffee. My friend and I have had a very trying experience.Haven't we had a trying experience, Harry?
[HARRY] Very trying, Doctor.
[TANE] Step into the security scan.
[DOCTOR] What, no tea?
[TANE] Let me point out to you that you have no rights whatsoever. Ihave full authority to torture and kill any prisoner who does notcomply absolutely with my orders. That is your first and last warning.
[DOCTOR] No tea, Harry.
[TANE] You're cleared. Move forward. You, next.
[TANE] Scan detects power source located below prisoner's left elbow.Remove object from prisoner's left wrist.
[DOCTOR] You can't have that. That bracelet could have no possible useas a weapon.
[TANE] It remains with the other confiscated items.
[HARRY] Let's not make a fuss, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] The Time Ring is our only hope of getting back to the Tardis.
[TANE] Two prisoners at checkpoint. Awaiting orders.
[DOCTOR] Recovering it has got to be our number one priority. Do youunderstand, Harry? It's vital.
[HARRY] Yes, I know it's vital, but we don't want them to know that, dowe?
[TANE] The prisoners are to be given into the custody of SeniorResearcher Ronson. Here, take this with you.
[TANE] Move!
[SEVRIN] She's beautiful. No deformities, no imperfections.
[GERRILL] She is a norm. All norms are our enemies. Kill her now forwhat she's done to our kind.
[SEVRIN] No, why? Why must we always destroy beauty? Why kill anothercreature because it is not in our image?
[GERRILL] Kill her! It is the law. All norms must die. They are ourenemies. And if you won't, I will.
[MUTO] There's something over there.
[SEVRIN] It's a patrol, very close.
[GERRILL] Let's get away from here.
[SEVRIN] No. No, they're too near. If you move, they'll see you.
[GERRILL] They're coming this way. I'm going. Come on.
[SEVRIN] No, I tell you they'll see you.
[THAL] Halt! Stay where you are. Stand where you are and don't move.
[THAL] Oh, it's only a muto. What a waste of good ammunition. There's acouple more of them.
[THAL] Hold it. If they're not too badly mutated, we might be able touse them. They still need expendable labour for the rocket loader. (reSevrin) This one looks all right. Got all it needs to carry and walk.(re Sarah) There's no reason why this one shouldn't work. Why, it'salmost a norm. Come on, get up. Up! Oh, kill it off, it's too slow.
[SEVRIN] No, it's all right. I'll help her.
[THAL] Then move, and move quietly. There are Kaled patrols out tonight.
[RONSON] Sit down.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. You're not with the military, I assume?
[RONSON] I'm with the Science Division.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good, good. Then perhaps we can talk without interruptionfrom rifle butts.
[RONSON] That depends. If you don't answer my questions, I shall handyou back to the military. They take a pride in loosening tongues. Now,where did you get these things?
[DOCTOR] Oh, here and there.
[RONSON] If I didn't know better, I should have to assume that thesewere made by some intelligence on another planet.
[DOCTOR] If you didn't know better.
[RONSON] It is an established scientific fact that in the seven galaxiesonly Skaro is capable of supporting intelligent life.
[DOCTOR] It is also an established scientific fact that there are morethan seven galaxies.
[RONSON] Indeed.
[RONSON] Well, when you passed through our security scan our instrumentsran a complete check on your blood and chemical make up,encephalographic patterns and so on. Physiological compositions. Andso, if you are from another planet
[DOCTOR] You were saying?
[RONSON] There's nothing. Nothing conforms to any known life on thisplanet apart from external appearances.
[DOCTOR] You can't always judge from external appearances.
[RONSON] Who are you? Where are you from?
[DOCTOR] It's a long story.
[RONSON] Then tell me.
[DOCTOR] Do you have any inkling of the theory of space dimensioncorrelated to relative time?
[KALED [OC]] Davros wishes all members of the Elite scientific corps toassemble in the main laboratory immediately.
[RONSON] Our session will have to wait. Davros is coming.
[DOCTOR] Your chief scientist.
[RONSON] He's our supreme commander. When he calls a full meeting likethis, he obviously has something of the greatest importance to tell us.
[DOCTOR] Well, I shall be delighted to meet him.
[RONSON] Stand up and keep quiet.
[DAVROS] If I may have your attention. For some time I have beenexperimenting with the Mark Three project. Details of modificationswill be distributed later. However, I am anxious that you should seeimmediately the remarkable results that I have achieved, and to thatend I have arranged this demonstration.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) A Dalek.
[HARRY] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) A Dalek. Very primitive but undeniably a Dalek.
[RONSON] (sotto) You're mistaken. It's a Mark Three travel machine.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) If you say so.
[DAVROS] Halt. Turn left. Move forward.
[RONSON] That's magnificent. He's perfected voice control.
[DAVROS] Turn right. Move forward and circle left. You will agree, Ithink, that voice control represents an enormous step forward, howeverthe best is yet to come. Nyder.
[DAVROS] Our machine is now equipped with a weapon for self-defence.Now, I am going to turn the machine over to total self-control. It willbe entirely independent of all outside influences. A living, thinking,self-supporting creature.
[DAVROS] Brilliant. Brilliant! It has detected the non-conformity.
[DALEK] Aliens. I must exterminate. Exterminate.
[DAVROS] You dare to interfere! You have the audacity to interrupt oneof my experiments?
[RONSON] But it would have destroyed him.
[DAVROS] So you think the saving of a worthless life more important thanthe progress we have made? My creature showed a natural desire, aninstinct to destroy, and you interceded! You will be punished for this!
[RONSON] Davros, I'm sorry, but I believe that these prisoners, theycould be extremely valuable. By all means, when I have my questions,let the machine do what it likes with them, but I do need tointerrogate them further.
[DAVROS] You will be punished for insubordination. In the meantime, youmay question the prisoners until first light. After that, they will beused to resume the experiment. This meeting is ended.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. I am obliged to you.
[RONSON] I was merely doing my duty. I believe that you have knowledgewhich could be of the greatest assistance to us. But if you don'tcooperate, then it is certain that Davros will use you as an experimentwith his machine in a few hours time.
[NYDER] The prisoners are to be taken to the cells. You can continuequestioning them there. Davros orders it.
(Thal Dome)
[SARAH] Where are we?
[SEVRIN] We're inside the Thal dome. We should be lucky to be alive. TheThals normally kill on sight.
[SARAH] Then why the change? Why bring us here?
[SEVRIN] Perhaps they need slave workers for some project.
[KALED] The muto is right. The work they're making us do kills with thesame certainty as a bullet between the eyes.
[SARAH] What work?
[KALED] The Thals have built a rocket. They've used up all theirmanpower and resources. They're gambling that it's going to bring themvictory in one blow. And if they can make the launch successfully, Idon't see how they're going to fail. My race, the whole of the Kaledpeople, will be wiped out in seconds.
[SEVRIN] Perhaps we should be happy to welcome such a weapon if it endsa thousand years of war.
[KALED] You won't be when you find out what it is.
[SARAH] Well, what is it?
[KALED] The nose cone of the rocket is being packed with distronicexplosive. We have to put it in position.
[KALED] To reduce weight, they're using no protective shielding. Everyload we carry exposes us to distronic toxaemia. After a few hoursexposure, we'll all be dead.
[SARAH] We'd better think of something, hadn't we.
[SARAH] Well, now what's happening?
[KALED] The rest period's over. We start loading again. I've alreadydone one load since I was captured.
[SARAH] All right, don't push.
(Detention room)
[HARRY] You all right?
[DOCTOR] Looks like I might be.
[HARRY] What happened?
[DOCTOR] They took down reams of notes, every bit of scientificgobbledygook I could think of. Technical jargon that even I didn'tunderstand.
[HARRY] That'll keep their experts tied up for weeks.
[DOCTOR] Yes. And I learnt a great deal more from them than they didfrom me.
[HARRY] About this bunker?
[HARRY] It is underground, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and bomb proof. Impregnable from attack from the outsideand about three or four miles from the Kaled dome.
[HARRY] What are they doing down here?
[DOCTOR] Years ago the Kaled government decided to form an Elite group.The best scientific brains in every field.
[HARRY] A sort of Think Tank.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But over the years the Elite has become more and morepowerful, and now they can demand whatever they like.
[RONSON [OC]] Open up.
[HARRY] Perhaps this is the tea?
[RONSON] There's no need to wait. I am armed.
[RONSON] I'm sorry if they hurt you. I lack the courage to interfere.
[DOCTOR] But you did save me from becoming the very first victim of aDalek, thank you.
[RONSON] Yes, now you used that word earlier. It had never been heardbefore. And yet only an hour ago, Davros announced that henceforth hisMark Three travel machine would be referred to as a Dalek. Now howcould you have known that?
[DOCTOR] Well, I have an advantage in terms of time. You see, we've comehere at this time because of future concern about the development ofthe Dalek. I think you're concerned too, aren't you?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) I think he's going to bite.
[RONSON] Yes, I am concerned, and there are a few other who think thesame as I. But we're powerless.
[DOCTOR] Then let us help you.
[RONSON] You see, we believe that Davros has changed the direction ofour research into something which is immoral, evil. You see, the Elitewas formed to produce weapons that would end this war. We soon saw thatthis was futile and changed the direction of our research into thesurvival of our race. But our chemical weapons had already started toproduce genetic mutations.
[HARRY] And the mutations were banished out into the wastelands.
[DOCTOR] The mutos.
[RONSON] Now Davros, he believed that there was no way to reverse thistrend and so he started experiments to establish our final mutationalform. He took living cells, treated them with chemicals and producedthe ultimate creature. Come with me.
(Outside the incubation room)
[RONSON] Now this is what the Kaleds will become.
[RONSON] That is our future.
[DOCTOR] You've got troubles.
(Thal dome)
[SARAH] We have to do something now. If we work another shift, we won'thave the strength to take any kind of action.
[KALED] Action? What do you mean?
[SARAH] I mean we've got to get out of here.
[SEVRIN] It's not possible.
[SARAH] Why? The guard's not expecting trouble from a group of exhaustedslave worker.
[KALED] So we get out into the rocket silo. Where then? The only otherexit goes out through a command point, and that's going to be crawlingwith Thal troops.
[SARAH] There is another way.
[SEVRIN] Where?
[SARAH] Straight up. The scaffolding. It goes right up to the nose coneof the rocket. Now, if we could get up there, then there's a chance wecould get out onto the surface of the dome.
[KALED] It wouldn't be too difficult getting down again. The angle ofthe dome is quite gentle.
[SEVRIN] That scaffolding! I mean, it's so high.
[SARAH] It's the only way. It's our only chance.
[KALED] I'd rather die taking a chance like that than rot away in herewith distronic toxaemia.
[SARAH] Okay, I'll pass the word to the others.
(Detention room)
[DOCTOR] Go on, Ronson.
[RONSON] Well, knowing our ultimate form, Davros had to devise a travelmachine. The Dalek.
[DOCTOR] Now he's trying to change that into a weapon.
[RONSON] And he's succeeding. He's created a monster, utterly devoid ofconscience.
[HARRY] And you want to stop him.
[RONSON] Well, I must. There are a few in the Kaled government who stillhave the power to act. If they knew the truth, they would end Davros'power, close down this bunker, finish the Elite.
[DOCTOR] Then go to them, Ronson, go to them.
[RONSON] But I'm not allowed in the city. Security here is absolute.
[DOCTOR] Then help us to escape. Give us the names of the men who havethe power.
[HARRY] Could you get us out of here?
[RONSON] Well, there is a way through one of the secondary ducts in theventilation system that leads to a cave at the edge of the wasteland.
[HARRY] Well?
[RONSON] The entrance is barred. And there's something else. Davros'early experiments were with animals. Some of the things that he createdwere horrific, and they're still alive.
[DOCTOR] And I have an uneasy feeling you're going to tell me they're inthat cave.
(Thal dome)
[SARAH] Shush. Quickly.
(Kaled corridor)
[RONSON] These are the people you should try to contact.
[HARRY] Right-o.
[RONSON] Look, if anything at all should happen
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, don't worry. We won't let it fall into the wronghands.
[RONSON] Quick!
(Rocket silo)
[SARAH] Come on.
[DOCTOR] Here's where it comes out into the cave.
[DOCTOR] Shush. What was that?
[HARRY] Probably one of Davros' pets.
(Rocket silo)
[KALED] That's the alarm. They'll be after us in a minute. Come on!
[SEVRIN] They're coming up after us. You must keep moving. You must.
[SARAH] I can't. I can't move.
[SEVRIN] Come on. You must.
(Rocket silo)
[SEVRIN] Are you all right?
[SARAH] I think so.
[SEVRIN] We must go on, Sarah. It's our only chance.
[SEVRIN] That section of the roof slides out. We can get to it from thetop of the rocket.
[SARAH] We've got to get across first.
[SEVRIN] We'll have to jump. Now I'll go first, you follow and I'llcatch you.
[SEVRIN] Come on, Sarah. Come on! You've got to do it, do you hear me?Jump!
[SEVRIN] We're nearly there. Just a bit more and we're out on thesurface of the dome and safe.
[SARAH] Yes.
[SOLDIER] That's far enough. Right, come on back down here.
[SOLDIER] Now you. Come on, move! I'll get her.
[SOLDIER] Give me your hand. Come on.
[SOLDIER] If I should just slacken my grip. They say that people whofall from great heights are dead before they hit the ground. I don'tbelieve that, do you?
[SOLDIER] You're going back to work. In a day or so, you'll wish I hadlet you drop. Right, get over.
[DOCTOR] It's lighter this way.
[HARRY] Looks as though we've made it.
[DOCTOR] Look.
[HARRY] It must be the way through to the wastelands.
[HARRY] Doctor, quick! My leg! Quick! Pull it out, Doctor.
[HARRY] Quick, it's pulling me in!
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy.
[HARRY] Get that thing off.
[DOCTOR] One of Davros' experiments?
[HARRY] Magna peloris.
[DOCTOR] What?
[HARRY] Latin.
[DOCTOR] Never mind the Latin, let's have a look at your foot. Nothingseems to be broken. It's incredible. You have some bruises though,Harry.
[HARRY] Why is it always me who puts a foot in it?
[DOCTOR] You'll be all right. Can you stand up?
[HARRY] I think so.
[DOCTOR] Let's get out of here.
[HARRY] We must look out for Sarah. She's out there somewhere.
[DOCTOR] We'll find her. We've got to contact the Kaled leaders first.
[HARRY] Try again, they're pretty corroded.
[DALEK] We await your commands.
[DAVROS] Excellent, excellent.
[KAVELL] Perfect, Davros, perfect. A brilliant creation.
[DAVROS] A brilliant creation, yes, but perfect, no. Not yet. I wantimprovements made to the optical systems and the sensory circuits.Their instincts must be as accurate as a scientific instrument. Youwill begin at once. Dismantle the viewer circuit.
[KAVELL] Does Davros know the prisoners have escaped?
[RONSON] I don't know what you mean. The prisoners are in their cell.
[KAVELL] Don't worry, I won't betray you. You're not the only oneconcerned about the morality of the work we are doing here. Now answerme. Does Davros know they've gone?
[RONSON] The prisoners are in the detention room for furtherinterrogation.
[KAVELL] Well, I have news for you. They've reached the city and madecontact with the leaders whose names you gave them.
[RONSON] How do you know?
[KAVELL] There is some advantage in being in charge of the communicationsystem. All we can hope for now is that they convince the leaders thatDavros' work here must be ended.
[RONSON] They must. They must!
(Strategy room)
[MOGRAN] My fellow councillors, I've asked you two assemble here and notin our House of Congress as our meeting is of a most secret nature.There are no listening devices here, are there, Ravon?
[RAVON] Not that I know of, Mogran.
[MOGRAN] Doctor, will you please tell the councillors what you have toldme?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course, and some of what I will tell you relates toevents in the future. Not only on this planet but also on others whoseexistence you don't even know of. But my knowledge is scientific fact.Now, Davros has created a machine creature, a monster which willterrorise and destroy millions and millions of lives and landsthroughout all eternity. He has given this machine a name, a Dalek. Itis a word new to you, but for a thousand generations it is a name thatwill bring fear and terror. Now undoubtedly Davros has one of thefinest scientific minds in existence, but he has a fanatical desire toperpetuate himself in his machine. He works without conscience, withoutsoul, without pity, and his machines are equally devoid of thesequalities.
(Rocket silo)
[GUARD] What's the matter with her?
[SEVRIN] She's tired. She needs rest.
[GUARD] This is the last consignment. When that's packed aboard she'llget all the rest she needs. Now pick up your loads!
[NYDER] I've just had word from one of our supporters in the Dome.Councillor Mogran has called a secret meeting. The only councillorsinvited are known opponents of the work we are doing here in thebunker.
[DAVROS] I want a full report on everything that was discussed. I don'tcare how you get the information, get it. However, I think we need notbe too concerned. Many times in the last fifty years, factions of thegovernment have tried to interfere with my research here. They havefailed. They will fail again.
[NYDER] There's something else. The two prisoners in Ronson's charge,they've been seen at the dome. They are at the meeting.
[DAVROS] Impossible! There is no escape from here.
[NYDER] I've checked their cells. They are missing.
[DAVROS] Find out how they escaped and report to me immediately.
[NYDER] What action shall I take concerning Ronson?
[DAVROS] For the moment, none. I will deal with him in my own way.
(Strategy room)
[RAVON] That was a very impressive speech, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it was meant to be.
[HARRY] Let's hope it's convinced them.
[DOCTOR] Yes, let's hope so, Harry. Sometimes words aren't enough.
[HARRY] Well, they seem to have reached a decision.
[MOGRAN] I'm afraid, Doctor, the councillors could not agree to halt allexperimentation at the bunker.
[HARRY] The councillors are fools.
[MOGRAN] Let me finish, please. It has been agreed that an independenttribunal will investigate all work that is being done at the bunker.
[DOCTOR] But that could take months! Davros already has severalprototype Daleks ready for action.
[MOGRAN] It has also been agreed that pending the investigation, Davros'experiments will be suspended.
[DOCTOR] It is less than I'd hoped for.
[MOGRAN] And I promise you, Doctor, if your allegations are borne out,all work at the bunker will be closed down.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[MOGRAN] And now I must go with my committee and inform Davros of ourdecision.
[HARRY] Now I think it's high time we looked for Sarah, don't you?
[RAVON] The one you left behind in the wastelands?
[HARRY] Yes. You have some news of her?
[RAVON] I can't be certain, you understand, but our agents inside theThal dome report a newly arrived girl prisoner who led an attemptedbreakout. Gave the Thals quite a bit of trouble.
[HARRY] That'll be her.
[DOCTOR] In the Thal dome, you say?
[RAVON] The Thals are using prisoners to load their last great rocket.
[HARRY] Rocket?
[RAVON] They think they'll win the war with it. What they don't know isthat no matter how powerful their rocket, it cannot penetrate ourprotective dome. Only a matter of months ago, Davros perfected a newsubstance which has the strength of thirty foot thick reinforcedconcrete.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, well never mind about that. Could you help us to findSarah?
[RAVON] One of my agents could lead you into the service shaftsunderneath the Thal city.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good, good.
[RAVON] But after that you're strictly on your own.
[HARRY] Fair enough.
[RAVON] Right, I'll give you a map showing how to reach the rocket siloarea.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[HARRY] Well, Doctor, looks as though we've got to cross the wastelandsagain.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and that's when our troubles really begin.
[DAVROS] An investigation? But of course, Mogran. I welcome any inquiryinto our work here. I think the idea is an excellent one. The Kaledpeople sacrifice much so that we should have the materials we need.They have the right to know how our work is progressing. And when theylearn of our achievements, their patriotism will be refired. It isvital that our soldiers know that they and we of the Elite are as one,working together to bring the final victory.
[MOGRAN] I'm grateful that you've accepted this decision so, sopatriotically. There's one thing more. Until the inquiry, all work isto be suspended.
[DAVROS] If that is your wish, then naturally I will obey. It will takesome time to close down certain pieces of equipment. Shall we say, er,twenty four hours?
[MOGRAN] Twelve.
[DAVROS] It will be difficult, but it will be done.
[MOGRAN] The members of the tribunal will arrive in that time. Thankyou, Davros, for your cooperation.
[DAVROS] It is simply my duty. The inquiry will reveal nothing, exceptour loyalty and total dedication to the cause of the Kaled people.
[NYDER] We cannot allow this investigation. They cannot fail to see thedangers to themselves in the Dalek project.
[DAVROS] Calm yourself, Nyder. There will be no investigation.
[NYDER] But you can't stop it now.
[DAVROS] I can and will! The council has signed the death warrant of thewhole of the Kaled people. Only we, the Elite, we and the Daleks willgo on.
[NYDER] The whole of the Kaled people? You would go that far?
[DAVROS] Did you ever doubt it?
[DAVROS] There is much to do. I want the genetically conditionedcreatures installed in the machines immediately. Twenty of them.
[NYDER] Twenty?
[DAVROS] They are our troops in this battle for survival.
[NYDER] But they're still very erratic, unstable.
[DAVROS] They will not be allowed self control. I will prepare acomputer programme that will limit their actions. After that, we aregoing on a journey.
(Thal corridor)
[HARRY] What's Davros doing here in the Thal city?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[DAVROS [OC]] And I am no longer influenced by
(Thal room)
[DAVROS] Words such as patriotism and nationalism.My concern is only for peace, an end to this carnage that has virtuallydestroyed both our races.
[COUNCILLOR] Why aren't you telling this to your own government andpeople?
[DAVROS] I have tried. Time and again, I have tried. But now they willbe satisfied with nothing other than total annihilation of the Thalpeople.
[COUNCILLOR] Then they deserve to perish, and perish they will when welaunch our rocket. It's primed and ready. The countdown for firing canbegin immediately.
[DAVROS] And it will fail.
[COUNCILLOR] It can't fail.
[DAVROS] The Kaled dome cannot be penetrated. Your great rocket willhardly scratch it.
[DAVROS] This is the measure of my faith. Nyder.
[NYDER] It is a simple chemical formula. If the substance is loaded intoartillery shells and fired onto the surface of the Kaled dome, it willweaken the molecular structure and make it brittle. Your rocket willthen be able to penetrate without resistance.
[COUNCILLOR] Why are you giving us this information? You know that yourown people, the Kaleds, will be utterly exterminated.
[DAVROS] No price is too great to pay for peace. I only ask that whenthe war is over I be allowed to help in the reconstruction of ourplanet.
[NYDER] We want only to see the conflict brought to an end. This formulagive you the power to bring that about.
[DAVROS] By dawn tomorrow, our world could be at peace.
(Thal corridor)
[NYDER] You think they believed you?
[DAVROS] It is unimportant. They are hungry for victory. They will usethe formula and fire their rocket no matter what they believe mymotives to be. And when they do, Nyder, when they do.
[COUNCILLOR] I've given orders that a barrage of shells containing theformula should begin as soon as possible. The rocket launch can beginimmediately. And now I'll arrange your safe escort out of the city.
[HARRY] Doctor, somehow we've got to warn Mogran and the other Kaledleaders.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and we haven't found Sarah yet. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me, can you help me? I'm a spy.
[DOCTOR] Their suits, Harry.
(Rocket silo)
[SARAH] The rocket's loaded. Why are they stillkeeping us here?
[SEVRIN] Why take the trouble to move us? It's easier to leave us here.Yes, but when it's fired, the exhaust blast will burn us up.
[SARAH] Harry! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] You all right, Sarah?
[SARAH] Oh, I am now. Listen, we've got to get out of here. The Thalsare going to launch this rocket.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I know. Listen. I want you and Harry to go back tothe Kaled dome. Harry knows the way. Tell them all we know. There's achance if they launch and all-out offensive I might be able to stop therocket.
[SARAH] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Try to sabotage it, or at least delay it. Off you go.
[SARAH] Right.
[DOCTOR] Good luck.
[SARAH] Sevrin, you come with us.
[DOCTOR] Well, don't just stand there. Come on, you're free! Go nowwhile you've got the chance. Come on!
(Thal control room)
[COUNCILLOR] It's working. The Kaled dome is breaking up. Start thecountdown for the rocket launch.
[DOCTOR] No, you mustn't.
[KAVELL] How could the Thals have found the formulato destroy our dome?
[NYDER] Someone has betrayed us.
[KAVELL] That's impossible. Only a handful of us knew the formula. Nomember of the Elite would have given the secret to the Thals.
[DAVROS] Nevertheless, someone has, and his treachery has resulted inthe total extermination of our people.
(Thal control room)
[DOCTOR] I sent Harry and Sarah in there.
[DAVROS] Switch if off. We will avenge the annihilation of our peoplewith a retaliation so massive, so merciless, that it will live inhistory.)
[DAVROS] Let the vengeance begin with the death of the arch traitor, theThal spy Ronson!
[RONSON] No! Davros.
[DAVROS] Exterminate! Exterminate!
[DAVROS] Exterminate!
[RONSON] No! No!
[DAVROS] Today, the Kaled race is ended, consumed in a fire of war, butfrom its ashes will rise a new race, the supreme creature, the ultimateconqueror of the universe, the Dalek! The action you take today is thebeginning of a journey that will take the Daleks to their destiny ofuniversal and absolute supremacy. You have been conditioned andprogrammed to complete a task. You will now carry out that programme.
[DALEK] We obey.
(Thal control room)
[COUNCILLOR] A thousand years of war, and now itsended. Listen, the people, they know already.
[COUNCILLOR] Gentlemen, there's a great deal to be done. I must speak tothe people. There must be a victory parade. And as for him, he must bepunished. No, let us now show that whilst we were ruthless in war, weare generous in victory. Let all prisoners be freed, charges againstthem dropped. Issue that statement at once.
[BETTAN] Did you have friends in the Kaled city?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Two people very dear to me. I sent them into thatholocaust.
[BETTAN] What will you do now?
[DOCTOR] Start again. Try and find a way to complete what I set out todo and stop the development of the Daleks.
[BETTAN] Daleks?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Machine creatures that Davros is developing. Monsters.
[BETTAN] Davros? No, you're wrong. It was he who told us how to destroythe Kaled dome. His only interest is in achieving peace.
[DOCTOR] Let me tell you something. The Kaled government was on thepoint of stopping Davros' experiments, and rather than let that happen,he helped you to destroy his own race.
[BETTAN] You'll never convince my people of that. Davros is a hero.
[DOCTOR] Yes, for how long, I wonder.
[BETTAN] I must go. Under the general amnesty, you're free to leavewhenever you want.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[DAVROS] That outlines the chromosomal variations to be introduced intothe embryo Daleks. It is to be implemented at once, Gharman.
[GHARMAN] Davros, this will create enormous mental defects.
[DAVROS] Not defects, improvements.
[GHARMAN] It'll mean creatures without conscience, no sense of right orwrong, no pity. They'll be without feeling or emotion.
[DAVROS] Correct. Now see that my orders are carried out.
[GHARMAN] But you
[DAVROS] Without question, Gharman.
[DAVROS] Well?
[NYDER] The Daleks are in position. They will act on your command.
[DAVROS] I see no reason to delay any longer.
(Thal dome)
[THAL] Peace! Thank you!
[DALEK] Exterminate. Exterminate!
[DALEK [OC]] Exterminate!
[BETTAN] What are they?
[DOCTOR] Keep back. Get out of sight.
[DOCTOR] We've got to get out of the Thal dome.
[BETTAN] Are those the Daleks?
[DOCTOR] Out into the wastelands. Do you know a way?
[DOCTOR] Good. Yes, they are the Daleks. Come on, lead the way.
[DAVROS] The beginning, only the beginning. Fromthis moment, all other research must cease. Absolute priority is to begiven to the building of my Dalek force. Nothing, absolutely nothing,must delay this glorious project!
[DALEK [OC]] Exterminate! Exterminate!
[BETTAN] Oh, there was no need to go that far. When our leaders saw theywere beaten they should have surrendered.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps they did. But Daleks accept no terms. They'reprogrammed to wipe the Thals from the face of this planet.
[BETTAN] But there must be some who'll escape, some survivors?
[DOCTOR] A few, perhaps, but they need to be grouped into some kind offighting force to strike the bunker.
[BETTAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, destroy Davros and you destroy the Daleks.
[BETTAN] What chance do we have against them?
[DOCTOR] It's your only chance. Will you do it?
[DOCTOR] Good girl. I'm going to try and get back into the bunker now.
[BETTAN] Alone?
[DOCTOR] Good luck.
[SARAH] All right?
[HARRY] Yes.
[SARAH] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Harry!
[HARRY] Hello.
[DOCTOR] Sarah! I can hardly believe it.
[SARAH] What's the matter with you?
[DOCTOR] I thought you were in the Kaled dome when it was hit.
[SARAH] We didn't get there.
[HARRY] No. No, you see, halfway across the wastelands we were attackedby a band of mutos.
[SARAH] And that's when the rocket was launched.
[HARRY] And then when the Kaled dome exploded
[SARAH] The mutos just ran for their lives.
[HARRY] Well, of course, I knew you'd try to get back into the bunkerthrough the cave.
[DOCTOR] You were absolutely right, Harry. It's vital we go back intothe bunker.
[SARAH] Why?
[HARRY] Because they took the Time Ring.
[DOCTOR] The bracelet that the Time Lord gave me is our lifeline.Without it we can never escape from this planet.
[GHARMAN] I wonder if you'd have a look at this. I'm having a problemwith the dimensional thought circuit.
[GHARMAN] (sotto) We must stop the Daleks, Kavell.
[KAVELL] (sotto) I don't want to get involved. You saw what happened toRonson. Davros wouldn't hesitate to have us killed if he suspected wewere plotting against him.
[GHARMAN] (sotto) Then we must make our plans so he won't suspectanything.
[KAVELL] (sotto) Elite troops will stay loyal to him.
[GHARMAN] (sotto) That's not important! If the whole of the scientificcorps act against Davros, he can't proceed. We can then demand that theDalek project is halted. His whole concept is monstrous. It's evil andimmoral.
[KAVELL] (sotto) What do you want me to do?
[GHARMAN] (sotto) Spread the word. Convince those who waver how vital itis that the whole Dalek project be ended.
[KAVELL] (sotto) I'll do what I can.
[DOCTOR] Sevrin, would you do something for us, something important?
[DOCTOR] Over in the Kaled trenches there's a Thal, a girl named Bettan.She's trying to form a resistance group. Join her with as many of yourown people as you can get. Their idea is to knock out the bunker.
[SEVRIN] Do you think they'll get away with it?
[DOCTOR] It'll keep the Elite's troops occupied while I try to find aweakness of the Daleks.
[SEVRIN] Okay. Good luck, Doctor.
[SARAH] Sevrin, thank you.
[SARAH] What was that?
[DOCTOR] Oh, just one of Davros' experiments. We'd better stick closetogether.
[HARRY] You're not scared, are you?
[SARAH] Of course not.
[HARRY] I am.
[NYDER] Gharman, I must talk to you. It's of vital importance.
[GHARMAN] Not now, I'm busy.
[NYDER] Then soon. And somewhere we can talk in private.
[GHARMAN] What's this about, Nyder?
[NYDER] You know that I have served Davros faithfully for many years.I've never questioned anything he has ever done. But he has become amegalomaniac. He's ready to sacrifice everything and everyone,including us, just so that the Dalek project can be completed.
[GHARMAN] You're not alone in your fears. Where can we meet in safety?
[NYDER] The only place Davros never goes is the lower level.
[GHARMAN] Well, there's the detention room down there.
[GHARMAN] Good. I'll meet you there as soon as I can.
[DOCTOR] Not much further. The entrance to the ventilation duct must bejust through here.
[HARRY] Are you sure, Doctor? It doesn't look familiar.
[DOCTOR] Look out, Harry!
[DOCTOR] Jump!
[SARAH] I'll never eat oysters again.
[DOCTOR] They're not very fast.
[HARRY] It's obviously why Davros discarded them.
[DOCTOR] Come on, we're there.
[SARAH] Listen, I've been down tunnels before and I've just had a rathernasty thought.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[SARAH] Yes. Suppose something's waiting for us in there.
[DOCTOR] That is nasty. Better not tell Harry, he's gone first.
(Detention room)
[GHARMAN] Nyder?
[NYDER] I had to be sure it was you.
[GHARMAN] We'll make this as quick as we can. I don't want to be missed.
[NYDER] What are we going to do?
[GHARMAN] Now look, a number of the scientist believe as we do. When wehave enough strength on our side, we'll then give to Davros anultimatum.
[NYDER] What ultimatum do you suggest?
[GHARMAN] That we will only continue with the work on the Daleks if herestores the brain cells, the conscience. The creature must have amoral sense, a judgment of right and wrong. In fact, all the qualitiesthat we believe are essential in ourselves.
[NYDER] And if he doesn't accept that ultimatum?
[GHARMAN] Then we will destroy all the work that has been done.Everything. It'll be as though the Dalek were never created.
[NYDER] Right, I'll try and get some of the military Elite on our side.Who can you count on?
[GHARMAN] Kavell, Frenton, and Parran, but there'll be more soon, I'msure of it.
[NYDER] Thank you. That's what I wanted to know.
[DAVROS] That information will prove most helpful.
[DAVROS] A pity. He has a good scientific mind.
[NYDER] Shall I kill him?
[DAVROS] No. A little surgery on the brain will remove these stupidemotions and still allow us to make use of his inventive skills.
[NYDER] And the other plotters?
[DAVROS] The same for them. But we must move carefully, not force theirhands. Let us learn who are our allies and who are our enemies. LeaveGharman here, safely locked away.
[DAVROS] What was that?
[NYDER] It's coming from over there. There's somebody in the ventilatorshaft.
[DAVROS] Welcome back.
[DOCTOR] You were right, Sarah, about there being something nastywaiting for us.
(Interrogation room)
[DAVROS] I have read the initial reports of your interrogation. Thesuggestion that you have travelled through space and time was utterlydismissed by the computer analysis.
[DOCTOR] I imagine it had never been programmed for such a concept.
[DAVROS] Precisely. I, however, I am perhaps more flexible. Though thepower of such travel is beyond my scientific comprehension, it is notbeyond my imagination. Why did you come here?
[DOCTOR] To stop the development of the Daleks.
[DOCTOR] Because having lived in what you would call the future, I haveseen the carnage and destruction they have caused.
[DAVROS] Then my Daleks do go on. They do survive.
[DOCTOR] Yes, as weapons of hate and machines of war.
[DAVROS] Fascinating.
[DOCTOR] But there's still time to change all that. Why not make them aforce for good throughout the universe?
[DAVROS] I could do it.
[DOCTOR] Then do it. Be remembered for that.
[DAVROS] You have seen my Daleks in battle?
[DOCTOR] Many times. I've fought against them.
[DAVROS] And do they win? Do they always win?
[DOCTOR] Not always. They have been defeated, but never utterlydefeated. The Dalek menace always remains.
[DAVROS] If, as you say, they become the supreme creatures of war, howcan they lose? How can they fail?
[DOCTOR] Misfortune, lack of information, sometimes overwhelmingopposition.
[DAVROS] Yes, but tell me, how do the Daleks fail?
[DOCTOR] No, Davros, that is a question that the future must keepsecret.
[DAVROS] What mistakes do they make? You will tell me!
[DAVROS] You will tell me!
[DOCTOR] No, I will not!
[DAVROS] Nyder.
[DAVROS] You will tell me because you have a weakness that I havetotally eliminated from the minds of the Daleks so they will always besuperior. A weakness that will make you give me the knowledge to changethe future. You are afflicted with a conscience.
[BETTAN] We don't have much of a fighting force.
[SEVRIN] I'm afraid my people won't be much help. They don't likefighting.
[BETTAN] At least we have weapons and a fair amount of explosives, too.
[SEVRIN] Are you going to attack the main entrance to the bunker?
[BETTAN] As long as there are people inside risking their lives todestroy the Daleks, that's the least we can do.
[SEVRIN] When will you attack?
[BETTAN] As soon as we've rested and picked up any stragglers.
[SEVRIN] But they need your help now!
[BETTAN] We must wait until we have the strongest possible force. Thenwe'll attack.
(Interrogation room)
[DAVROS] Nyder. Let me tell you what is going to happen. You will answermy questions. You will answer them carefully and precisely. Theinstruments to which you are wired are particularly sensitive. Theywill detect instantly any attempt to lie.
[DOCTOR] And if I do lie?
[DAVROS] If you lie, your friends will suffer. I can create in theirbodies all the torments and agonies ever known.
[SARAH] Don't tell him, Doctor!
[DAVROS] Now, you will tell me the reason for every Dalek defeat. Withthat knowledge, I will programme them. With that knowledge, they willknow their errors and how to avoid them. With that knowledge, thereshall be no defeats! We will begin.
[DOCTOR] Davros, if I tell you what you want to know, I betray millionsof people in the future. I can't do that.
[DAVROS] But you can! You will tell me. You will tell me! You will tellme!
(Interrogation room)
[HARRY] Doctor, please, don't tell. Doctor.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right! Just leave them alone.
[DOCTOR] The Dalek invasion of the Earth in the year 2000 was foiledbecause of an attempt by the Daleks to mine the core of the planet. Themagnetic properties of the Earth were... Mars... the Daleks weredefeated by a virus that attacked the insulation on the cables in theirelectrical systems. ...In the space year seventeen thousand was haltedby the intervention of a fleet of war rockets from the planet Hyperon.The rockets were made of a metal that was completely resistant to Dalekfirepower. The Dalek Task Force was completely destroyed.
[DAVROS] This seems an opportune moment to end this session. Nyder.Release the prisoners. Take them to the detention area.
[DAVROS] Interrogation will continue later. And I must thank you,Doctor. What you have told me will be invaluable.
[DAVROS] All this information, this foreknowledge, will be programmedinto the Dalek memory banks. Take them away.
[DAVROS] Doctor, stay a moment. Sit down. Let us talk together now, notas prisoner and captor, but as men of science. There is so much I wishto know. Nyder, take charge of the tape.
[NYDER] Immediately, Davros.
[DAVROS] It will be your responsibility, and remember, it is priceless.It's value beyond computation.
(Detention room)
[SARAH] Ah, thank you.
[HARRY] Who are you?
[GHARMAN] My name's Gharman.
[HARRY] Gharman?
[GHARMAN] Until a few hours ago I was head of the Military EliteScientific Corps.
[SARAH] And now you're a prisoner like us? What happened?
[GHARMAN] I was trying to organise a movement against Davros. He foundout. Now, what's happening out there? Has there been any attempt totake away control from Davros?
[SARAH] Not that we know of.
[GHARMAN] Nothing?
[HARRY] He's still very much in charge.
[GHARMAN] I don't understand. You see, Davros tricked me into giving himthe names of the group who were plotting against him. Have there notbeen mass arrests by now? Executions?
[SARAH] It all seemed pretty quiet out there.
[GHARMAN] But Davros knows that we're planning action against him. Whyhasn't he moved to stop it? Why?
[HARRY] Perhaps that'd be too obvious, even for Davros.
[GHARMAN] Well, if that's true, he's being too clever for his own good.Every moment he delays, our movement grows in strength.
[SARAH] I hope you're right.
[GHARMAN] I know I am. Many of us believe that production of the Daleksmust end. I believe now that we are in the majority. If we act soon, wecan break his power.
[HARRY] We're not in much of a position to act at the moment, are we.
[GHARMAN] If only I could get word to them now.
(Outside the detention room)
[SOLDIER] Halt! State your business.
[KAVELL] I wish to question the prisoners.
[SOLDIER] Nobody is allowed to communicate with the prisoners unlessthey have a pass signed by Davros.
[SOLDIER] Stay where you are!
[KAVELL] I seem to have mislaid it. I'll come back later.
(Interrogation room)
[DAVROS] Now, future errors will be eradicated.Defeats will become victories. You have changed the future of theuniverse, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I have betrayed the future. Davros, for the last time, considerwhat you're doing. Stop the development of the Daleks.
[DAVROS] Impossible. It is beyond my control. The workshops are alreadyfully automated to produce the Dalek machines.
[DOCTOR] It's not the machines, it's the minds of the creatures insidethem. Minds that you created. They are totally evil.
[DAVROS] Evil? No. No, I will not accept that. They are conditionedsimply to survive. They can survive only by becoming the dominantspecies. When all other life forms are suppressed, when the Daleks arethe supreme rulers of the universe, then you will have peace. Wars willend. They are the power not of evil, but of good.
[DOCTOR] Davros, if you had created a virus in your laboratory,something contagious and infectious that killed on contact, a virusthat would destroy all other forms of life, would you allow its use?
[DAVROS] It is an interesting conjecture.
[DOCTOR] Would you do it?
[DAVROS] The only living thing, a microscopic organism reigning supreme.A fascinating idea.
[DOCTOR] But would you do it?
[DAVROS] Yes. Yes. To hold in my hand a capsule that contains suchpower, to know that life and death on such a scale was my choice. Toknow that the tiny pressure on my thumb, enough to break the glass,would end everything. Yes, I would do it! That power would set me upabove the gods. And through the Daleks, I shall have that power!
[DAVROS] Release me.
[DOCTOR] No, Davros.
[DAVROS] Don't touch that switch.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[DAVROS] It controls my life support systems. I could not survive thirtyseconds without them.
[DOCTOR] Order the destruction of the incubator section.
[DAVROS] Destroy the Daleks? Never.
[DOCTOR] I mean it, Davros. Next time I press that switch, it stayspressed. Now give the order!
[DAVROS] Even if I do this, there will be no escape for you.
[DOCTOR] I'll take that chance. Now give the order.
[DAVROS] Press the communicator switch.
[DAVROS] This is Davros. Elite unit seven will go to the incubator room.All survival maintenance systems are to be closed down. The Dalekcreatures are to be destroyed.
[DOCTOR] Tell them the order cannot be countermanded.
[DAVROS] This order cannot
[DAVROS] This is Davros, this is Davros. My last order is cancelled,repeat, cancelled. No action is to be taken.
[NYDER] What do you want done with this?
[DAVROS] For the moment he must be kept alive. He has knowledge that isvital to our future, and I will drain every last detail of it from hismind. And then, he will learn the true meaning of pain.
[NYDER] I will take him to the detention room.
[DAVROS] The dissidents. What progress are they making?
[NYDER] Feeling against you is rising. Many of the scientific corps areopenly speaking against you. Even some of the military are joiningthem.
[DAVROS] As I expected.
[DAVROS] They will take action soon?
[NYDER] Almost certainly. They outnumber those of us who are loyal.Davros, why don't you let me take a squad of Elite men I can trust? Inan hour, I could wipe out their leaders.
[DAVROS] You think like a soldier, Nyder. Rebellion is an idea in themind. Suppress it, and it hides away and festers. No. My way is best.
[NYDER] As you wish. On your feet!
[DAVROS] All Dalek units! All Dalek units!
(Thal dome)
[DALEK] Davros has commanded all Dalek units to disengage and return tothe bunker immediately.
[DALEK 2] I obey.
[BETTAN] Shush. There's something moving out there.
[SEVRIN] The whole of the Thal city is burning. The Daleks are movingthrough it, section by section, hunting down the survivors.
[BETTAN] Then there's no one left?
[SEVRIN] No, I covered a fairly large area and found no one. No oneliving, that is.
[BETTAN] So we're on our own.
[SEVRIN] You're still going to attack the main entrance though, aren'tyou?
[BETTAN] There's no point in delaying any longer. We'll move more safelyunder the cover of darkness. Come on, get ready, we're moving out.
(Outside the detention room)
[NYDER] Open up.
[HARRY] Not exactly as planned, Sarah.
(Detention room)
[HARRY] How's the Doctor?
[SARAH] I don't know.
[HARRY] He's a bit groggy but he'll be all right.
[GHARMAN] Come on, Kavell, we've a lot to do.
[KAVELL] What about the guards? Suppose they won't come over to ourside?
[GHARMAN] They'll be disarmed and held in custody until we've presentedour ultimatum to Davros.
[DOCTOR] No, wait, wait. Davros knows what you're planning. I heard himtalking to Nyder.
[GHARMAN] If he knows, why hasn't he taken action against us?
[KAVELL] Perhaps because he knows its futile. There are too many of us.
[DOCTOR] No, it's not that. I don't know what he's got prepared for you,but believe me, he's ready.
[GHARMAN] Well, even so, there'll still be too many for him.
[DOCTOR] Just be careful. Be careful.
[KAVELL] I think we can take care of things. Thanks for the warning.
[SARAH] No point in telling you to rest, I suppose?
[DOCTOR] No, there isn't. We've got to recover that Time Ring.
[SARAH] Because without it, we'll never get off this planet. But whereis it?
[DOCTOR] It's on the desk in the main laboratory. And then there's thattape recording that Nyder took. We've got to get it back at all costs.It would make the Daleks invincible. Come on.
[GHARMAN] Ready? Now remember, we resort to violence only if there is noother way.
[GHARMAN] Stay perfectly still. Take their weapons.
[GHARMAN] No! That was stupid. A stupid waste of life. Our intention hasalways been to make a bloodless revolution. There's been enough ofkilling and violence. All right, take him away and lock him up with theothers.
[GHARMAN] Start passing these out to our people.
[KAVELL] Gharman. Gharman, they're coming over to our side in droves.We've the backing of a good eighty percent now.
[GHARMAN] Good. Good. What about the hard core Davros people?
[KAVELL] They've all been rounded up. We're winning, Gharman. We'rewinning.
[GHARMAN] Then let's finish it off.
[NYDER] Davros, they're taking over. We must act quickly. In anotherhour they could be totally in control. Do you hear me, Davros? I have adozen crack men hiding in section nine. Let me order them into action.Davros!
[DAVROS] I hear you.
[NYDER] Then what are we going to do?
[DAVROS] I want you to find their leaders and hand over your weapons tothem.
[NYDER] Surrender?
[DAVROS] Order all members of the Elite guards still at liberty to dothe same.
[NYDER] Do you know what you're saying?
[DAVROS] I know precisely what I am saying. Now, I will command and youwill obey. You will do as I order! You will inform the rebel leadersthat I have given these orders to avoid bloodshed. Tell them I submit,and will listen to their demands. That is all.
[NYDER] Then we are admitting that we're beaten.
[DAVROS] That is what they will believe.
[NYDER] You mean that
[DAVROS] You and they will find out exactly what I mean all in goodtime. Now carry out my orders.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Useful. Ah. This is something rather more useful.
[SARAH] They're explosives, aren't they?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Explosives and detonators. It seems almost providential.
[SARAH] Why? What are you going to use them for?
[DOCTOR] The Time Lord gave me three options. There's only one stillopen. Genocide.
[HARRY] Genocide?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I'm going to kill everything in the incubation room. I'mgoing to destroy the Daleks forever.
[GHARMAN] Where is Davros?
[KAVELL] You said that Davros had agreed to meet us here.
[NYDER] He'll be here.
[DAVROS] You have something to say to me?
[GHARMAN] Davros, we wish to make our views plain to you concerning ourwork here.
[DAVROS] With what authority do you speak? With whose backing?
[GHARMAN] We speak for virtually all the Elite scientific corps and manyof the military. We represent the majority.
[DAVROS] Very well. Continue.
[GHARMAN] Nobody disputes that in the past, under your guidance, we'vemade incredible progress in many fields of science.
[DAVROS] You did not come here to flatter me. You came to offer anultimatum. Confine yourself to the terms of that ultimatum.
[GHARMAN] Very well. The initial concept of the Dalek was to build alife support system and a travel machine for the creature that we knowour race will ultimately evolve into.
[DAVROS] You disapprove of that?
[GHARMAN] No, but we believe that concept has been perverted. You havetampered with the genetic structuring of the creature to create aruthless power for evil. We cannot permit this to continue.
[DAVROS] Then what do you suggest?
[GHARMAN] All work on Dalek projects is to cease immediately. Thecreatures that have been conditioned and programmed are to bedestroyed. If these terms are met, we will then be proud to work underyour guidance on the rebuilding of our society.
[DAVROS] And if I refuse?
[GHARMAN] If you refuse, you will be placed under arrest. The Dalekswill be destroyed and our work here will then continue under a new,democratically elected leader.
[DAVROS] Have you finished?
[DAVROS] You might at least do me the courtesy of giving me time toconsider.
(Outside the incubation room)
[SARAH] The Daleks are in there?
[DOCTOR] The flesh and blood part of them. Indeed they are flesh andblood.
[HARRY] Some of them can move about.
[SARAH] Well, how do I see?
[DOCTOR] Press the button.
[DOCTOR] Pay it out quickly, Harry.
[SARAH] You're not going in there, are you?
[DOCTOR] They're harmless enough, I think. Just unpleasant.
[HARRY] You don't want me to come in, do you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] There's no need, Harry. It just remains to put the chargeswhere they'll do the most damage. It shouldn't take me more than acouple of minutes.
[DAVROS] I have made my decision. I accept yourultimatum. On one condition.
[GHARMAN] Go on.
[DAVROS] That you allow me to speak to a full meeting of the Elite, bothscientific and military. Anyone you elect may speak against me. Whenthis is done, a vote will be taken. I will abide by the decision of themajority.
[GHARMAN] You already know the decision of the majority. You will lose,Davros.
[DAVROS] With such confidence, you can hardly deny my request. It wasyou who introduced the word democracy.
[GHARMAN] Do we accept his proposition?
[GHARMAN] Very well, it's agreed.
[DAVROS] The meeting will take place in one hour from now. Arrange it.You may go.
[DAVROS] Ours is the victory, Nyder. We have won! They talk ofdemocracy, freedom, fairness. Those are the creeds of cowards. The oneswho will listen to a thousand viewpoints and try to satisfy them all.Achievement comes through absolute power, and power through strength.They have lost!
[SEVRIN] The entrance to the bunker is just beyond the next rise. That'swhere they must be heading.
(Outside the incubation room)
[SARAH] What's taking him so long?
[HARRY] It's a very delicate operation, Sarah. Still, he should havefinished by now.
[SARAH] Doctor? Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Sarah!
(Outside the incubation room)
[SARAH] Get it off! Get it off!
[SARAH] What are you waiting for?
[DOCTOR] Just touch these two strands together and the Daleks arefinished. Have I that right?
[SARAH] To destroy the Daleks? You can't doubt it.
[DOCTOR] Well, I do. You see, some things could be better with theDaleks. Many future worlds will become allies just because of theirfear of the Daleks.
[SARAH] But it isn't like that.
[DOCTOR] But the final responsibility is mine, and mine alone. Listen,if someone who knew the future pointed out a child to you and told youthat that child would grow up totally evil, to be a ruthless dictatorwho would destroy millions of lives, could you then kill that child?
[SARAH] We're talking about the Daleks, the most evil creatures everinvented. You must destroy them. You must complete your mission for theTime Lords.
[DOCTOR] Do I have the right? Simply touch one wire against the otherand that's it. The Daleks cease to exist. Hundreds of millions ofpeople, thousands of generations can live without fear, in peace, andnever even know the word Dalek.
[SARAH] Then why wait? If it was a disease or some sort of bacteria youwere destroying, you wouldn't hesitate.
[DOCTOR] But I kill, wipe out a whole intelligent lifeform, then Ibecome like them. I'd be no better than the Daleks.
[SARAH] Think of all the suffering there'll be if you don't do it.
[GHARMAN] Doctor! Doctor, I've been looking everywhere for you. Davroshas agreed to our terms.
[HARRY] He submitted?
[GHARMAN] He did, but he asked only one thing. That he might be allowedto address a meeting of all the Elite, scientific and military.
[DOCTOR] He's going to put a case?
[GHARMAN] Yes, but a vote will be taken. It's a foregone conclusion.There'll be a complete landslide against any further development of theDaleks. We've won.
[DOCTOR] I'm grateful to you, Gharman. More grateful than I can tellyou.
[GHARMAN] The meeting's about to begin. Will you come?
[GHARMAN] Everybody is here, Davros.
[DAVROS] The issues are simple and clear cut. I have given my life'swork to the survival of our race. The travel machine I designed, theDalek, will give the creature into which we will mutate its onlypossibility of continued existence.
[GHARMAN] But you have deviated from that intention. You have introducedgenetic changes that will alter the mutation into a creature withoutmorals and without ethics.
[DAVROS] I have introduced aggression, without which no race cansurvive.
[GHARMAN] But aggression without a conscience.
[DAVROS] History will show that cooperation between different species isimpossible. One race must survive all others, and to do this it mustdominate. Ruthlessly.
[DAVROS] Now I intend that when all the bickering and battling is over,the supreme victor shall be our race, the Daleks.
[DAVROS] At this very moment, the production lines stand ready, totallyautomated, fully programmed. The Daleks are no longer dependant on us.The machinery is ready. They are a power in their own right. If any oneof you would destroy everything that we have ever achieved, then hereis a destruct button.
[DAVROS] Press it, and you will destroy this bunker and everything init. Only this room will remain. Press it and you will wipe out ourentire race, destroy the Daleks forever. Which of you will do it?
[DAVROS] You are men without courage. You have lost your right tosurvive.
[HARRY] (sotto) The Time Ring isn't here, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) What?
[HARRY] (sotto) The Time Ring, it's not here.
[DAVROS] (sotto) Good. We have achieved the delay we needed. Wait a fewminutes then check that everything is ready.
[GHARMAN] You have heard Davros' case. What he has not made clear isthat there is another way.
[DAVROS] There is no other way!
[GHARMAN] Production of the Dalek can continue. We can destroy thegenetically conditioned creatures and allow the mutation to follow itsown course. Our race will survive if it deserves to survive, but let ithave all the strengths and weaknesses that we have. Compassion andhate. Let it do good things and evil. But we cannot let it become anunfeeling, heartless machine. That is our choice. Now, we must decide.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) We've got to find that Time Ring.
[SARAH] (sotto) Doctor.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Good girl, Sarah. Now all we need is the taperecording, so keep an eye on Nyder.
[DAVROS] You've heard our cases. I will give you two minutes to decide.Then you must answer not only to me, but to the future.
(Bunker entrance)
[DALEK] Advance.
[BETTAN] Right, bring out the explosives. Now, lay the charges on eachof these main carriers. One charge for each beam should be enough. Areyou quite sure this is the only way into the bunker?
[SEVRIN] Well, the only other way was from the Kaled dome, and your warrocket caved that it. It can never be cleared.
[BETTAN] If we do the same here, we'll entomb the Daleks and those whocreated them.
[SEVRIN] But Sarah and the Doctor are inside. You'll give them a chanceto get clear, won't you?
[BETTAN] I must blow the roof as soon as the charges are laid. I can'tdelay. If the Daleks find out what we are doing and attack, I don'thave enough men or arms to stand them off.
[SEVRIN] How long?
[BETTAN] Thirty minutes, perhaps less.
[SEVRIN] Then I must get inside and try and warn them.
[BETTAN] That's up to you. But you must understand. If you're not back,I must go on. You'll die in there with them.
[SEVRIN] I understand.
[BETTAN] I'll give you what time I can.
[SEVRIN] Right.
[DAVROS] You have had ample time to decide. Thosewho would remain loyal to me and to the future of our race, moveforward and stand at my side.
[DAVROS] No more? Kravos, will you betray me?
[DOCTOR] Now I wonder where Nyder's going at such a crucial moment.
[HARRY] I think we ought to find out.
[DOCTOR] So do I. Let's go.
[DAVROS] Kravos, I saved your life once. In your chest is a tinyinstrument which I designed. It keeps your heart beating. Will you nowturn that heart against me?
[DOCTOR] Now where are you going in such a hurry?
[NYDER] Davros has lost. I am getting away while I can.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Somehow that just doesn't ring true.
[SARAH] Why didn't you just join the other side?
[DOCTOR] Now that's a good question. Do you have a good answer?Evidently not. Well then, let's try something else. That tape recordingyou took, where is it?
[NYDER] It's put away in a safe in Davros' office.
[DOCTOR] Shall we go and see?
[NYDER] Down here.
(Davros' office)
[DOCTOR] Now, be reasonable and open it for us.
[NYDER] Only Davros knows the combination.
[HARRY] Come on, Nyder, you can do better than that.
[SARAH] Perhaps he's telling the truth.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no. On the contrary. Now, Davros can't rise from hischair, correct?
[NYDER] Well?
[DOCTOR] And he has the use of only one hand, this hand. (the right one)And Davros never goes anywhere without you, Nyder. So you must open thesafe for him. Open it for us.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Now let's destroy it.
[SARAH] Er, how about this?
[DOCTOR] How very apt. A Dalek gun.
[DOCTOR] There.
[DOCTOR] He's not important.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] We've got the Time Ring, we've destroyed the tape and Davros'power is broken.
[SARAH] What about the Daleks that are already operational?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I think we can leave Gharman to destroy them.
[HARRY] That means we can leave, then.
[DOCTOR] Yes, all we've got to do is touch the Time Ring.
[DOCTOR] Ah. I must have dropped it in the struggle in the corridor.
[SARAH] Well now we've got to get out of here.
(Bunker entrance)
[BETTAN] How many more charges to go on?
[MAN] Only four more.
[BETTAN] Won't take long. It doesn't give them much time. All right,carry on.
(Davros' office)
[DOCTOR] Even the sonic screwdriver won't open thisdoor.
[SARAH] Doctor.
[SARAH] Why is it going on so long?
[DOCTOR] Who knows. It's out of character for Davros to submit quite soeasily.
[DAVROS] This is your last chance. Move to join menow or suffer the consequences.
[GHARMAN] Why don't you just accept the fact that you have lost. It'sover for you, Davros.
[DAVROS] Do you believe that I would let a lifetime's work be ended bythe will of spineless fools like you? You have won nothing. I allowedthis charade to be played out for one reason only. To find those menwho were truly loyal to me and to discover those who would betray me!(Dalek-like) We, I will go on!
[GHARMAN] You are insane, Davros.
[DAVROS] Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!
[KRAVOS] Stop this, Davros. You must stop them!
(Davros' office)
[SARAH] Sevrin!
[SEVRIN] I haven't got much time. The Thals have set the explosives atthe entrance. They'll detonate as soon as they're ready.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Give me a moment to find the Time Ring.
[DOCTOR] Ah! Good. Let's go. Back, back!
[DOCTOR] Back!
[SEVRIN] We're not far from the main entrance. If we can get through thenext section, we'll be safe.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, take this.
[DOCTOR] Sevrin, lead them to the main entrance. Get them out of here.
[SEVRIN] Right.
[SARAH] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] I'm going back to the incubator room. This time I'm going toblow it up.
[SARAH] Let us come with you.
[DOCTOR] No! Get out of here. Hurry. Now, go on.
[DAVROS] Dispose of the traitor's bodies. TheDaleks will assume all military duties necessary for the security ofthe bunker. As for us, work will commence as soon as possible on theimprovement of every aspect of Dalek design.
[NYDER] Davros, the prisoners I locked away in your office have escaped.
[DAVROS] They must be found. Seek out the prisoners and exterminate.
[DALEK] We obey.
(Bunker entrance)
[MAN] That's the last one in position.
[BETTAN] Right. Prepare to detonate.
(Outside the incubation room)
(Bunker entrance)
[BETTAN] Oh, I'd given up hope. Now quickly, move away. We're about todetonate.
[SARAH] No, you can't, not yet.
[HARRY] You must wait.
[SARAH] The Doctor's still inside.
[SEVRIN] A few minutes, please.
[SARAH] Please.
[BETTAN] All right, a few minutes. But if there's the least indicationof the Daleks moving up that corridor, then I detonate.
[MAN] We're getting a picture on one of these scanners.
[DAVROS [on screen]] Send a patrol of Daleks to the main entrance. Thiswill remain an area of maximum security.
[DALEK [on screen]] I obey.
[BETTAN] That's it. I can't wait any longer. Some of you get those doorsclosed. The rest of you move away.
[HARRY] One more minute, please.
[BETTAN] I'm sorry.
[DAVROS] The automated Dalek production line hasbeen started. I gave no such order. Who did?
[DALEK] I gave the command.
[DAVROS] You will perform no function unless ordered by me. You willobey only my commands. The production line is to be halted immediately.You heard my order. Obey! Obey! Nyder.
[NYDER] Yes, Davros.
[DALEK] Production will continue.
(Bunker entrance)
[BETTAN] Fire.
[SARAH] No, wait! He's coming! He's coming!
[SARAH] Quickly!
[DAVROS] You must obey me! I created you! I am themaster, not you. I! I! I!
[DALEK] Our programming does not permit to acknowledge that any creatureis superior to the Daleks.
[DAVROS] You cannot exist without me. You cannot progress.
[DALEK] We are programmed to survive. We have the ability to develop inany way necessary to ensure that survival.
[DALEK 2] Main exit blocked by explosion for a length of at least onethousand yards.
(Bunker entrance)
[SARAH] The incubator room, were you able to doanything?
[DOCTOR] Yes, with a little help from a Dalek. But I'm afraid I've onlydelayed them for a short time. Perhaps a thousand years.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] In the total time scale, no more than that.
[HARRY] Look.
[DALEK] All inferior creatures are to be consideredthe enemy of the Daleks and destroyed.
[DAVROS] No, wait! Those men are scientists. They can help you. Let themlive. Have pity!
[DALEK] Pity? I have no understanding of the word. It is not registeredin my vocabulary bank. Exterminate!
[DAVROS] For the last time, I am your creator! You must, you will obeyme!
[DALEK] We obey no one. We are the superior beings.
[DALEK] Exterminate!
[DALEK] We are entombed, but we live on. This is only the beginning. Wewill prepare. We will grow stronger. When the time is right, we willemerge and take our rightful place as the supreme power of theuniverse!
(Bunker entrance)
[DOCTOR] Goodbye, Bettan.
[BETTAN] Goodbye, Harry.
[DOCTOR] Sevrin.
[SARAH] Thank you, Sevrin.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye. Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Hands on the Time Ring.
[SARAH] You don't seem too disappointed. We've failed, haven't we?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Failed? No, not really. You see, I know that although theDaleks will create havoc and destruction for millions of years, I knowalso that out of their evil must come something good.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s12", "episode": "e04", "title": "Genesis of the Daleks"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (19 Apr, 1975; Fourth Doctor) - Revenge of the Cybermen
(Aft control room)
[SARAH] Thank heavens for that! We've made it. Haven't we?
[DOCTOR] Of course we've made it. Did you think we wouldn't?
[SARAH] Well, in these past few weeks, yes.
[DOCTOR] There's really nothing that can go wrong with a Time Ring,except a molecular short circuit.
[SARAH] Doctor?
[SARAH] The Tardis isn't here.
[DOCTOR] Well, it probably hasn't arrived yet. We're a little early.
[HARRY] Hasn't arrived yet?
[DOCTOR] No. You see, the Tardis is drifting back through time, Harry.We just have to wait for it to turn up.
[HARRY] I say, Doctor, do you want this Ring thing?
[DOCTOR] What, that?
[HARRY] Yes.
[HARRY] Oh, well, I'd rather like to have it.
[DOCTOR] Well, you take good care of it, Harry.
[HARRY] Of course I will. Thank you.
[HARRY] You knew that was going to happen, didn't you.
[HARRY] He's dead. Been dead some time.
[DOCTOR] How long?
[HARRY] A week or two, I'd say. There's very little sign ofputrefaction, though.
[DOCTOR] Sterile atmosphere.
[HARRY] Yes, exactly. And no sign of injury. Nothing to indicate thecause of death.
[SARAH] But he was just sitting against the door as though he'dcollapsed.
[DOCTOR] He wouldn't have been left there for two weeks unless
[SARAH] Unless what?
[DOCTOR] Unless there was something seriously wrong here. Come on.
(Control room)
[WARNER] This is Nerva Beacon calling Pluto Earth flight One Five. Thisis Nerva Beacon calling Pluto Earth flight One Five. Pluto Earth flightOne Five, are you reading me?
[COLVILLE [OC]] Hello Nerva Beacon, we read you fives clear. Ourdropover tango oscar alpha estimated at 13.20.
[WARNER] Pluto Earth flight One Five, ex notice urgent. This beacon is aquarantine zone. We have a plague infection. I repeat, we have a plagueinfection. Your dropover is transferred to Ganymede Beacon 19067 onzero 2. Do you require a repeat on those vectors?
[COLVILLE [OC]] No thanks, Nerva. We got them. How bad are things there?
[WARNER] They're pretty bad.
[COLVILLE [OC]] Hello, Nerva, Crewmaster Colville, I say again,Crewmaster Colville is doing a tour with you. He's my brother. Is heall right?
[WARNER] Hold, Pan-Tec. I'll check.
(Crew quarters)
[WARNER [on monitor]] Commander Stevenson?
[LESTER] Warner wants to speak with you, sir.
[STEVENSON] Yes, Warner?
(Control room)
[WARNER] Sir, I'm in contact with the Pluto Earthflight. One of the crew wants news of his brother, Crewmaster Colville.What shall I tell him?
[STEVENSON [OC]] Tell him Colville's fine, and say that our medicalstaff have got the epidemic under control.
(Crew quarters)
[STEVENSON] Just that, and nothing else. Thank you,Warner.
[KELLMAN] Why don't you tell them the truth, Commander?
[STEVENSON] I'm just following the orders I was given by Earth Centre.
[KELLMAN] Operating the Beacon to the last man?
[STEVENSON] If necessary, yes. You're a civilian, Kellman. You wouldn'tunderstand.
[KELLMAN] How much longer can you go on? Three of you doing the work offifty men.
[LESTER] We've managed for one week, we can manage for another.
[KELLMAN] And another after that? No, Lester, this beacon's job isfinished.
[STEVENSON] Nerva Beacon has a thirty year assignment, and it'll be thatlong before the last inward bound ship has this new asteroid on itsstar chart.
[LESTER] Until then, there's a constant danger of space collision.
[KELLMAN] You deserve a medal for self-sacrifice beyond the bounds ofstupidity.
[STEVENSON] I've lost most of my crew in these last months, some goodfriends among them, and yet a thing like that is still alive.
[LESTER] It's probably because he locked himself in that cabin of his atthe first sign of the plague.
[LESTER] It's only these last few days he's dared poke his nose outside.
[SARAH] Is it jammed?
[DOCTOR] The control's locked.
[HARRY] You mean we can't get any further?
[DOCTOR] Those poor fellows couldn't. They were trapped in the after endand left to die. Whatever did it might be on the other side of thisdoor. There might be a way of opening it.
[SARAH] Look, are you sure we're in the right place, Doctor? I mean,this doesn't look like our Ark.
[DOCTOR] Well of course it doesn't. This is a different point in time.
[SARAH] How can you tell?
[DOCTOR] Some of that equipment. This is probably a beacon, put in orbitto service and guide space freighters.
[HARRY] So this is before the time of the solar flares, when the Earthwas evacuated.
[DOCTOR] Thousands of years before, Harry.
[SARAH] Oh, I'm not even going to think about it. I'll only get aheadache.
[DOCTOR] All you have to remember is that this is where we partedcompany with the Tardis.
[SARAH] What is it?
[DOCTOR] If they've changed things round, the Tardis might materialisein the forward control rooms.
(Control room)
[[OC]] Can anyone hear me? I'm calling Nerva Beacon.
[WARNER] This is Nerva Beacon. I repeat, this is Nerva Beacon. Hello,are you reading me? This is Nerva Beacon.
[ALIEN] Does anybody hear me? Can anyone hear me? Can anyone hear
[WARNER [OC]] This is Nerva Beacon calling on 398.
(Control room)
[WARNER] Do you read me?
[WARNER] Professor, this new asteroid, this rock or whatever it is, areyou sure there's no life on it?
[KELLMAN] On Voga? Of course not, how could there be?
[WARNER] I don't know, Professor, but I've just picked up a call andthat's the only place it could have come from. It's the only place nearenough.
[KELLMAN] Hallucinations, Warner. You've been sitting here too long.
[WARNER] Where did that rock come from, anyway? What system?
[KELLMAN] Nobody knows. It was first detected in our system fifty yearsago and it was captured by Jupiter.
[WARNER] So there could be life on it.
[KELLMAN] Impossible. An asteroid that size, drifting in the vacuumbetween star systems? Nothing could have lived under those conditions.
[WARNER] All the same, I'd swear that's where the transmission was from.
[KELLMAN] Warner, I'm an exographer. I've been down there. I've set up atransmat station there. I spent the last six months studying rocksamples from
[KELLMAN] What are you doing?
[WARNER] Logging it. Unidentified call apparently from the direction ofVoga.
[KELLMAN] You're mad. I've said all along it was a mistake to keep thiscontrol room operating.
[WARNER] Commander Stevenson's decision. Nothing to do with you, is it.
[KELLMAN] Every time someone goes down that transom, there's a risk ofspreading the plague.
[WARNER] If the Commander says this Beacon is staying operational, itstays operational.
[SARAH] Can you reach?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think so. If you two could put your weight on the doorand stop it opening too suddenly. Don't want to lose my arm. I'm ratherattached to it. It's so handy.
[HARRY] Like so?
[SARAH] Doctor!
[SARAH] Wait, wait. Through. Quick.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[HARRY] What have I done now?
(Control room)
[WARNER] Hello, Lester, is the Commander there?
[STEVENSON [OC]] I'm here, Warner. Go ahead.
[WARNER] Sir, somebody has just opened the aft transom shutter.
(Crew quarters)
[WARNER [on monitor]] I know it's impossible, butit's happened. The information's right here on the electronic register.
[LESTER] Everyone in that after section had the plague, so no one can beleft alive.
[STEVENSON] Exactly. And the shutters were sealed. They couldn'tpossibly be operated from the after section.
[STEVENSON] Right, come on, we'll have to check the transom.
(Guild room)
[VORUS] Take it out and bury it.
[VORUS] Bury it deep. Why?
[MAGRIK] Your plan frightened him, Vorus. Sometimes it frightens me.
[VORUS] What, would you warn the humans? Do you feel kinship?
[MAGRIK] No. No, it's simply that there are so many things which mightgo wrong.
[VORUS] Of course. It's a big plan. But it will work. You and Itogether, Magrik, will make it work.
[MAGRIK] Yes, but can we trust our agent?
[VORUS] We can trust in his greed. Gold buys humans. And we have moregold here on Voga than in the rest of the known galaxy.
[MAGRIK] But he has not communicated.
[VORUS] Better he should not at this time. The Cybermen may bemonitoring our radio frequencies.
[MAGRIK] The mention of Cybermen fills me with dread.
[VORUS] You feel fear, Magrik, because you've lived for too long in thisunderground darkness. When I lead our people into the light, all thoseancient fears will fall away.
[MAGRIK] The light. Yes, I believe you, Vorus.
(Control room)
[STEVENSON] The rivets have been taken out.
[LESTER] What, from the other side, sir? But that's impossible. They'reblind-headed.
[STEVENSON] They could have been loosened with a sonic vibrator.
[LESTER] Well in that case Warner's right. Somebody has come through.
[STEVENSON] Right, then we'll have to check every section. Come on.
(Control room)
(Secondary control room)
[SARAH] We just left here.
[DOCTOR] No, this is the forward control room.
[HARRY] Well, the Tardis doesn't seem to be here either, does it.
[DOCTOR] No, but the Time Ring is designed with a slight safety margin.We can expect it to arrive soon.
(Control room)
[HARRY [OC]] Doctor, do you expect me to believethat that old police box is just going to materialise out of nothing?
(Secondary control room)
[STEVENSON] Right, get your hands up. I said, getyour hands up!
[LESTER] Now, who are you? How'd you get here?
[DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. This is Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan. We'retravellers.
[KELLMAN] You'd better step in here, Commander.
[STEVENSON] What is it?
[KELLMAN] See for yourself.
[STEVENSON] Watch them.
[LESTER] Follow them. Come on, move.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] What are you going to do?
[STEVENSON] Get back, he's got the plague. This is the only way to dealwith it.
[DOCTOR] The man's sick. He needs treatment.
[LESTER] There is no treatment. All we can try to do is stop theinfection spreading.
[DOCTOR] Sorry, gentlemen, I can't allow it.
[STEVENSON] You can't allow it!
[DOCTOR] My colleague is a doctor of medicine and I'm a doctor of manythings. If we could examine
[KELLMAN] Commander, I'm afraid you'll have to kill these people, too.They've brought the plague in here.
[DOCTOR] Who's the homicidal maniac?
[STEVENSON] You say you're doctors. Did Earth Centre send you?
[DOCTOR] Yes, we're from Earth. We want to help you.
[LESTER] Help us? Don't you realise you've brought the infection throughfrom the after section?
[SARAH] Oh don't be ridiculous. How could we have brought it throughwhen he's infected and we aren't?
[HARRY] Quite impossible. We've had no contact with him.
[DOCTOR] I don't believe you've got the plague here, Commander.
[STEVENSON] According to our own medical team, we have.
[DOCTOR] Did they identify it?
[LESTER] They didn't have time. They were among the first victims.
[DOCTOR] Well, now you've got a new medical team. Well, Commander?
[STEVENSON] All right, you can examine him.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[STEVENSON] But not here. It'll have to be done in the crew quarters.The control room must be kept operational.
[KELLMAN] Oh yes, at all costs.
[STEVENSON] Lester, help the doctors with him. I'll take over theconsole.
[LESTER] Once the infection develops, they've got a few minutes to live.
[SARAH] I'll help you.
(Kellman's cabin)
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Have you noticed these rather strange scratches,Commander?
[STEVENSON [on screen]] Can't say that I have.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] They're all over the ship. I've seen them somewherebefore, if I could only remember where.
[STEVENSON [on screen]] Is it important?
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Everything's important. Well, well, well.
[STEVENSON [on screen]] What is it?
[DOCTOR [on screen]] I've just made a third interesting discovery aboutyour plague virus, Commander.
[STEVENSON [on screen]] A third?
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Yes. One, it scratches metal. Two, it attacks itsvictims so suddenly that they become unconscious before they can evenraise the alarm, and three.
[STEVENSON [on screen]] Go on.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] It removes tape from radio logs. It must be a veryliterate and inquisitive virus.
[STEVENSON [on screen]] What exactly are you trying to tell me, Doctor?
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Whatever it is that's attacking your crew,Commander, it's certainly not a plague.
(Crew quarters)
[HARRY] I've never seen anything like this before. His temperature'sjust shooting up and up.
[SARAH] Harry, I make his pulse a hundred and twenty.
[LESTER] It's always the same. They just seem to burn up. Warner'slasted longer than most.
[HARRY] Strong constitution.
[LESTER] He's as tough as an old boot.
[SARAH] How long since all this started?
[LESTER] This? This is the seventy ninth day.
[SARAH] And you've had no outside help?
[LESTER] Earth Centre decided to isolate us.
[HARRY] That's a bit ruthless, isn't it?
[LESTER] Well, they reckoned it was better to lose one space crew thantake the chance of carrying an extraterrestrial disease back to Earth.
(Kellman's cabin)
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Who's your civilian?
[STEVENSON [on screen]] Professor Kellman. He's an exographer.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Interesting. Planetary survey. Of what?
[STEVENSON [on screen]] Jupiter.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] I thought Jupiter had already been thoroughlystudied.
[STEVENSON [on screen]] Yes. He's interested in its new satellite.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] What, do you mean there are now thirteen?
[STEVENSON] Turned up fifty years ago. That's why this beacon's outhere. A lot of the Great Circle freighters haven't got it on theircharts yet.
[DOCTOR] What's it called?
[STEVENSON] New Phobos, originally, but Kellman's renamed it Voga.
[DOCTOR] Voga. Of course. Has he been down there?
[STEVENSON] Kellman? He set up a transmat. Why?
[DOCTOR] Voga. Voga. Planet of gold. Yes, it's all coming back to menow.
[STEVENSON] What's coming back to you?
[DOCTOR] Cybermen. That's what we're up against, Commander. Cybermen.
[STEVENSON] But surely, Doctor, Cybermen died out centuries ago.
[DOCTOR] They disappeared after their attack on Voga at the end of theCyber War. Not the same thing as dying out, Commander. They're utterlyruthless. Total machine creatures.
(Crew quarters)
[DOCTOR] How is he?
[HARRY] I'm afraid he's had it, Doctor.
[STEVENSON] You'd better take over the control room, Lester.
[DOCTOR] Yes, just as I thought.
[HARRY] You mean the two puncture marks?
[DOCTOR] Yes, like a snake bite.
[SARAH] You mean venom?
[DOCTOR] He's been injected with poison.
[SARAH] Poor man.
[DOCTOR] If only I'd been quicker, I might have saved him.
[STEVENSON] How? Is there an antidote?
[DOCTOR] The matter beam disperses human molecules. That type of alienpoison might be separated and rejected.
[SARAH] Alien?
[STEVENSON] Now where are you going?
[DOCTOR] I smell a rat.
[STEVENSON] You know, I sometimes wonder your friend is quite right inthe head.
[SARAH] If the Doctor scented a rat, Commander, he'll find one.
(Kellman's cabin)
[DOCTOR] Gold.
(Crew quarters)
[HARRY] Where are we going to put him, Commander?
[STEVENSON] When this trouble first started, we turned part of theinfrastructure into a mortuary.
[LESTER] Yes, we used to leave them where they dropped.
[SARAH] We saw.
[MAN [OC]] Zero six twenty. The intensity of radiation caused severedistortion. When the computer dealt with all original errors it wasfound that the intensity was minus three.
[MAN [OC]] Starcharts for outer space section four carry a two percenterror factor. Solar readings should be independently taken whenpatrolling the area.
[MAN [OC]] Comm. ops magazines which departed from the ship's cell. Inthe constellation of Zerus X 20, the intensity of radiation causedsevere distortion. When the computer dealt with the trouble
[DOCTOR] Sarah!
(Crew quarters)
[DOCTOR] Don't let it bite you!
[HARRY] That sounded like Sarah. What's happened?
[DOCTOR] That cybermat's happened, Harry. Quick, into the transmat beam,quickly as you can. It's the only way to get the poison out of hersystem.
[LESTER] She's got the plague.
[DOCTOR] No, sir. That's your so-called plague, Commander.
[STEVENSON] Is this thing still dangerous, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Not any more, but there are bound to be others around.
(Secondary control room)
[DOCTOR] Hang on to her, Harry. You'd better travelwith her.
[HARRY] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] I'll set the beam for Voga. Do you know how to work thereciprocator?
[HARRY] Er, yes, I've seen you do it.
[DOCTOR] Off you go. No time to lose.
[LESTER] Has it gone wrong, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Sabotage.
[STEVENSON] Sabotage?
[DOCTOR] Someone's taken the pentalium drive.
[STEVENSON] But who?
[DOCTOR] Who removed the tape from your radio log? Who used cybermats tomurder your crew? And who's desperate to break all communicationbetween this beacon and Voga?
(Kellman's cabin)
[STEVENSON [on monitor]] You mean Kellman.
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Exactly. Kellman. Your friendly exographer must beworking for the Cybermen, Commander.
[LESTER [on monitor]] Then what are we waiting for? Let's get him.
(Secondary control room)
[DOCTOR] Right, this might just work if I can adaptthe monoso to a three phase output.
[HARRY] Doctor, she's not going to last much longer.
[DOCTOR] I know, Harry, I know!
[HARRY] She's reacting just like Warner. It's happening all over again.
(Outside Kellman's cabin)
[STEVENSON] Kellman. Kellman!
(Guild room)
[MAGRIK] You sent for me?
[VORUS] The Cybermen are moving.
[MAGRIK] What? It's too soon.
[VORUS] Our human agent reports they will soon have taken over thebeacon. We have perhaps four hours to complete the Sky Striker.
[MAGRIK] But that's impossible!
[VORUS] Four hours, Magrik! Or all our dreams are ended.
[MAGRIK] The Sky Striker is ready, but the bomb head hasn't been tested,and then it'll take four hours to fit.
[VORUS] Then we must gamble, Magrik. The bomb head will be tested whenit strikes the beacon.
[MAGRIK] Very well. I'll send for every available engineer, Vorus. Atonce.
(Kellman's cabin)
[LESTER] He's skipped.
[STEVENSON] In quite a hurry, by the look of it. Come on.
(Outside Kellman's cabin)
[STEVENSON] Lester, you take that section. I'lllook round the transom.
(Secondary control room)
[DOCTOR] There isn't time to wire this in. I'll have to hold it inposition. Ready?
(Voga transmat station)
[HARRY] Sarah.
[SARAH] Hmm? Yeah?
[HARRY] It's worked, Doctor! It's worked!
[SARAH] Oh, stop bawling down my ear. You've got a voice like a foghorn. Hey.
[HARRY] What's the matter?
[SARAH] What's going on here?
[HARRY] Oh well, that's marvellous, isn't it. Here I am, trying to saveyour life and all you can do
[SARAH] Trying to save? I remember. That thing, it jumped on my neck.Where are we?
[HARRY] A place called Voga, I think. The Doctor transmatted us to getrid of the poison. I might tell you, my girl, that you were on thepoint of popping off. I say, look at that.
[SARAH] What is it?
[HARRY] It looks very much like gold. It can't be. I don't believe it.There's some more of it over here.
[SARAH] Oh, Harry.
[HARRY] Look. Gold.
[SARAH] Don't be so silly. It can't be gold.
[HARRY] Sarah, solid gold.
[SARAH] Harry, stop it. Anyway, it isn't ours.
[HARRY] Well, it isn't anybody's, is it, just lying scattered aroundhere.
[HARRY] I'm rich. I can buy myself out of the Navy, buy a quiet littlepractice in the country, solid gold stethoscope. Uh oh. That's torn it.
[HARRY] All right, steady on, old chap.
[SARAH] Hey!
[STEVENSON] Put that gun down, Kellman.
[KELLMAN] All right, Commander. Go ahead and shoot. Neither of us canmiss at this range.
[STEVENSON] I said, put that gun down.
[KELLMAN] Oh, no.
[STEVENSON] You can't get away.
[KELLMAN] That's right, Commander. I'm going into my cabin. You can lockme in if you like. Just don't try to follow
[STEVENSON] Well done, Lester. You walked right into it.
[SARAH] Let go!
[HARRY] This isn't necessary, you know. You're making a fuss aboutnothing at all.
[SARAH] Harry, tell them.
[HARRY] I'm trying to tell them but they don't seem
[SARAH] Please, where are you taking us? We weren't trying to steal yourgold if that's what you're thinking. Well, not really.
[HARRY] Of course we weren't. We were just
(Secondary control room)
[DOCTOR] Voga, otherwise known as the Planet ofGold, is hated and feared by Cybermen because gold is lethal to them.
[DOCTOR] It's the perfect non-corrodible metal. It plates theirbreathing apparatus and in effect suffocates them. Doesn't it,Professor. Now Sarah and Harry are down there, and without thatpentalium drive I can't bring them back.
[LESTER] We found this in his cabin.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Keeps in touch with his masters. What have you done withthe pentalium drive, Professor?
[KELLMAN] I don't know what you're talking about.
[LESTER] He's lying.
[DOCTOR] I think he's lying.
[KELLMAN] What are you doing with that?
[DOCTOR] This? Oh, nothing. Why, is it important?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think our friend is lying to gain time.
[KELLMAN] I don't know what you mean.
[DOCTOR] But time for what, I wonder?
[CYBERMAN] Computer reports heavy phobic energy discharge between thebeacon and Voga.
[LEADER] (black headset) That means the humans have recently used theirtransmat beam.
[CYBERMAN] Yes, Leader.
[LEADER] Time to docking?
[CYBERMAN] Sixteen minutes.
[LEADER] Good. Order the boarding party to the forward hatch.
(Guild room)
[SARAH] The Doctor'll be worrying about us.
[HARRY] I'm worrying about us. What is this place, anyway?
[SARAH] I can tell you what it isn't. It isn't uninhabited.
[VORUS] So, you are from the beacon. Why have you come to Voga? Was itto escape the plague?
[SARAH] Yes. Yes, that's right, the plague.
[VORUS] You're lying! And now tell me the truth.
[SARAH] I'm not lying. I had the plague
[VORUS] When the plague had done its work there were to be four humansleft alive. That was the plan.
[HARRY] Plan? You mean you deliberately planned to
[VORUS] You were not among the four.
[SARAH] We arrived after the plague, but I was bitten and the Doctor putme in the matter beam to cure me, didn't he, Harry.
[HARRY] Yes, that's right. It's the truth. And I came with her becauseshe was dying. And we really weren't trying to steal your gold.
[VORUS] So how many humans are on the beacon now? If you refuse toanswer, you will suffer, and then I will ask you again, and then youwill answer. Do you understand?
[HARRY] Yes.
[VORUS] Humans are reported to have some intelligence. When Vorus,leader of the Guardians, asks you a question, it is not wise to refuseto answer.
[VORUS] Take them out and put them in confinement. I'll question themlater.
[VORUS] Greetings, Councillor Tyram.
[TYRAM [on monitor]] Ah, Vorus. There are matters of importance I mustdiscuss with you.
[VORUS] Yes?
[TYRAM [on monitor]] Not over the vision projector. Here, in the city.
[VORUS] I am not aware of anything of such importance, Councillor.
[TYRAM [on monitor]] I am, and as always, Vorus, I look forward to ourmeeting with the keenest pleasure, so I've sent our fastest skimmer tocollect you.
(Secondary control room)
[STEVENSON] As a Space Service Commander, there are certain crimes whereI can order immediate execution.
(Control room)
[STEVENSON] And you have murdered forty sevenmembers of my crew and jeopardised our mission.
[KELLMAN] You're talking rubbish, Commander.
[LESTER] Shooting's too good for him.
[STEVENSON] So what's it going to be, Kellman?
[STEVENSON] Are you going to die now, or are you going to tell us wherethat pentalium drive is?
[KELLMAN] You're not frightening me, Commander. You won't shoot.
[STEVENSON] But I have every right.
[KELLMAN] You can't prove a thing.
[STEVENSON] No? What about that box you had? The Doctor says it controlsthe cybermats.
[KELLMAN] And I say its an instrument for analysing mineral elements.Every exographer carries one.
[LESTER] Look.
[DOCTOR] Leave it. Don't shoot, Commander.
[KELLMAN] Stop it! For heaven's sake, do something!
[DOCTOR] After you've been bitten, Kellman, you'll have just ten secondsto remember where that pentalium drive is, if you want to live.
[KELLMAN] All right, all right! It's around my neck. Take it.
[DOCTOR] Splendid.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now we can get Harry and Sarah back.
(Confinement area)
[HARRY] Sarah, these chains are solid gold.
[SARAH] Harry, will you just shut up about your rotten gold.
[HARRY] Twenty four carat, by the looks of it.
[SARAH] It's because of gold that we're in this mess.
[HARRY] Just thinking.
[SARAH] Well, don't!
[HARRY] Gold's a very soft metal, isn't it, Sarah, so if we can find adecent bit of rock we might be able to file through.
[SARAH] Well, we can't just sit here glittering, can we.
(Tyram's room)
[VORUS] You said a matter of importance, Chief Councillor.
[TYRAM] Yes. I have a report that two aliens, two humans, have been seenin the upper gold mine.
[VORUS] What?
[TYRAM] By ancient tradition, your guards control the gold mines and theroutes to the surface. If humans have set foot on Voga, it can onlyhave been with your connivance, Vorus.
[VORUS] You have no proof of this absurd allegation.
[TYRAM] Nonetheless, I believe it.
[TYRAM] Whatever is happening in the gold mines, Vorus, and strangestories have reached my ears, your guards have never before resorted tomurder.
[VORUS] It was a matter of internal discipline.
[TYRAM] I know your ambitions, Vorus. I know you see Voga as a greatpower again, trading its gold with other planets in the galaxy.
[VORUS] Why not? Why should we remain for ever underground, coweringfrom the memory of something that happened centuries ago?
[TYRAM] Because this way, we survive. While no one suspects that Voga isinhabited, that this is the famous Planet of Gold, we remain safe.
[VORUS] Safe? You have the philosophy of a cringing mouse, Tyram.
[TYRAM] And you're a gambler with a mad thirst for power. That's why Ino longer trust you and the Guardians. My senior Militia are takingover control of the gold mines.
[VORUS] You dare to challenge the traditional authority of theGuardians?
[TYRAM] To maintain security, Vorus. The Militia are moving into thegold mines at this moment.
[VORUS] We shall see!
[TYRAM] Your men are outnumbered, Vorus, and the troops have orders tocrush any resistance. If there is any bloodshed, remember it will be onyour hands.
[VORUS] I shall have you removed from office for this!
(Confinement area)
[SARAH] Ow! Careful!
[HARRY] Sorry. It is flattening, though.
[SARAH] So's my ankle.
[HARRY] Yeah, I think you might be able to get your foot through now.
[SARAH] Let's have a go, then.
[HARRY] Come on, one more pull. It's coming.
[SARAH] It hurts!
[HARRY] Tibias, or rather fetlocks, like a carthorse.
[SARAH] My ankles aren't thick!
[HARRY] Come on. Pull.
[SARAH] There!
[HARRY] Well done. Now you can have a go at mine.
[SARAH] Wait a minute. If I can break off one of those stalagmites, wemight be able to use it as a lever.
[VOGAN] Fire once over their heads.
[VOGAN] Stay back! No one enters the guild room of the Guardians.
[SHEPRAH] Hold your positions while I check fresh orders from Tyram.
(Outside the Guild room)
[MAGRIK] They must be kept from this section at all costs.
[VORUS] If Tyram finds our Sky Striker, all our years of work will havebeen for nothing.
[MAGRIK] I agree.
[VORUS] As for the two humans from the beacon, have them killedimmediately.
[MAGRIK] Without further questioning?
[VORUS] If they fall into Tyram's hands, he might learn too much of ourplans. They have to be silenced.
[MAGRIK] Very well. I'll send a detachment to deal with them.
(Secondary control room)
[DOCTOR] Right. Now let's see if it works.
[DOCTOR] Strange.
[STEVENSON] Isn't it working?
[DOCTOR] Yes, full power. They must have left the receptor circle.
[LESTER [OC]] Commander!
(Control room)
[LESTER] I'm getting a signal on the radar screen.
[STEVENSON] It could be an incoming ship.
[LESTER] There's nothing due for another twelve days.
[STEVENSON] Try to get a contact.
[LESTER] This is Nerva Beacon to approaching craft. How do you read me?Over. (static) Nothing.
[STEVENSON] It must be a spaceship. Look, it's coming directly towardsus. Keep trying them, Lester.
[LESTER] This is Nerva Beacon to approaching craft. Do you read me? Thisis Nerva Beacon. Would you kindly give your identity signal.
(Confinement area)
[HARRY] Maimed for life.
[SARAH] Honestly, I don't know why you're complaining. I got you free.What's that?
[HARRY] Sounds like another of their dodgem cars.
[SARAH] It's coming this way.
[HARRY] Quick.
[HARRY] This way. (further on) Sorry, old girl,dead end. Back we go.
[SARAH] No, we can't, Harry. Look.
[SARAH] We're trapped.
[SARAH] Over there!
[SARAH] Harry!
[HARRY] What?
[SARAH] They're coming!
(Control room)
[STEVENSON] It must be within visual range now. Tryto get a scanner contact.
[LESTER] There she is.
[STEVENSON] I don't recognise that type.
[LESTER] Never seen anything like it before.
[STEVENSON] There are missile tubes in the nose cone.
[LESTER] It must be an alien.
[STEVENSON] This is Nerva Beacon. You are approaching Nerva Beacon.
[STEVENSON] We are in quarantine by orders from Earth Centre. I repeat,we are in quarantine. Stand away.
[LESTER] They're deliberately ignoring our signals, Commander. Look,they're moving into docking orbit.
[STEVENSON] The fools!
[HARRY] Careful. Quick.
[SARAH] Oh, Harry.
[HARRY] This looks like the end, Sarah.
[SARAH] One thing about you, Harry. You never miss the obvious.
[HARRY] Why don't they just finish us off?
[SHEPRAH] Vogans of Vorus, lay down your weapons! You are surrounded!
[SARAH] Now what?
(Tyram's room)
[TYRAM] The plague?
[SHEPRAH] They seem confused. At first they spoke of this scourge as aplague, but then one of them said the humans were killed by poison.
[TYRAM] I will see them myself, Sheprah. Are the Guardians resisting ourMilitia?
[SHEPRAH] Not in the galleries. They are holding a defensive positionoutside the guild chambers.
[TYRAM] Ha! I expected Vorus'd make the guild chambers his strong point.Let him hold that for the present.
[SHEPRAH] One determined assault is all that is needed to occupy them.
[TYRAM] Let me see the two human captives. If Vorus has committedtreason, I might give him the chance to die in battle.
[SHEPRAH] You think he is a traitor, Chancellor?
[TYRAM] After the cataclysms of our ancient past, Sheprah, we'vesurvived down here only by regarding all outsiders as hostile.
(Control room)
[LESTER] They're docking!
[DOCTOR] We've got to stop them getting in.
[STEVENSON] But who?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Cybermen!
(Docking hatch)
[DOCTOR] No good.
[STEVENSON] Good grief!
[CYBERMAN] All resistance overcome.
[LEADER] The Beacon is ours.
(Part Three)
[KELLMAN] You haven't killed them?
[LEADER] Of course not. We have neutralised them. They are necessary toour plan. What are you doing, Kellman?
[KELLMAN] This is the stranger I reported. He calls himself the Doctor.
[LEADER] And because of him, our plan was advanced?
[KELLMAN] It had to be. He was interfering. I'd just like to know whoand what he is.
(Tyram's room)
[TYRAM] I am Tyram, Chief Councillor of Voga.
[HARRY] How do you do. I'm Harry Sullivan, and this is
[SARAH] Sarah Jane Smith.
[TYRAM] What's your mission here?
[SARAH] Mission? We don't have any mission. We just sort of came here byaccident, didn't we, Harry.
[HARRY] Yes, that's right. It's nothing to do with us, really.
[TYRAM] Explain.
[SARAH] We'd better start at the beginning. Well, our plan was to findthe Tardis
(Crew quarters)
[LEADER] Once our landing is detected, the Vogans will attack in force.
[KELLMAN] Oh, they have only light armaments. Nothing that can affectyour Cybermen.
[LEADER] This is the main shaft?
[KELLMAN] Yes, this is a shaft I explored for you. It runs right to thecore of Voga.
[LEADER] How far from the shaft entrance is the transmat receptor area?
[KELLMAN] Just a matter of yards. I set the receptors as close aspossible.
[LEADER] Excellent, Kellman. You have done well. The humans will carrythe explosives into the shaft.
[DOCTOR] What's your cut, Kellman? Voga's gold?
[LEADER] There will be no gold. Voga is to be utterly destroyed, andthis time we shall not fail.
[DOCTOR] Oh, really.
[LEADER] And you, Doctor, and your two friends will help us in thistask. That is why your lives have been spared.
[STEVENSON] I was wondering why you hadn't killed us.
[LESTER] We don't have to help them. They can't force us.
[LEADER] Oh, you are mistaken.
[LESTER] You'll discover who's mistaken, chum.
[LEADER] The heart of Voga is almost pure gold. Gold is hostile to ourfunction, therefore Kellman was asked to preserve three animalorganisms for this purpose.
[DOCTOR] Isn't it wonderful to feel needed, Commander?
[LEADER] Kellman, on our approach run, we detected an operationaldischarge from the transmat area. Explain that.
[KELLMAN] That was his doing. He beamed his two friends down to Voga. Itried to put the transmat out of action, but he managed to fix itsomehow.
[LEADER] And how much do these humans know?
[SHEPRAH] Vorus, leader of the Guardians, I have a message.
[VORUS] Stay where you are!
[VORUS] Well, Sheprah?
[SHEPRAH] Tyram has given fresh orders. My troops will hold theirpresent positions and will not attack your guild chambers.
[VORUS] He has shown sense. Your city scum would be badly beaten.
[SHEPRAH] Unless we are provoked, Vorus. Then we shall sweep you aside.
(Secondary control room)
[KELLMAN] Look, I've done everything I can to help.I set up the transmat, I directed the Cybermen. You might never havefound Voga if it hadn't been for me.
[LEADER] That is true, and you have been promised great rewards for yourassistance.
[KELLMAN] That's why I must go down to Voga to make sure that nothinggoes wrong with the transmat.
[LEADER] Very well. But return as soon as possible. Once the detonatorcycle commences, it cannot be stopped.
(Tyram's room)
[TYRAM] You know something, or he thinks you do,that would incriminate him.
[HARRY] Incriminate him in what?
[TYRAM] Some plot against the state, against me.
[SARAH] But we only met Vorus for ten minutes.
[TYRAM] It's something to do with the Beacon. My suspicions about Vorusare hardening into certainty. He's always had great ambition. This citywe're in was once the survival chamber for our people. We've lived hereever since, unseen, and safe from further attack from the Cybermen. Youknow of the Cybermen?
[SARAH] Well, yes, I've heard of them, but they're meant to have beenwiped out ages ago.
[HARRY] I remember the Doctor saying that the thing that attacked Sarahwas a cybermat.
[TYRAM] I wonder. Has Vorus in the madness of his vanity brought downthe vengeance of the Cybermen upon us again? You'll come with me.
[HARRY] Where to?
[SARAH] Where are we going?
[TYRAM] Hmm? Oh, to the gold mines. It's time that Vorus accounted forhimself.
(Secondary control room)
[DOCTOR] What great rewards have you promised Kellman?
[LEADER] The matter is of no interest to you.
[DOCTOR] Everything's of interest to me, and Cybermen possess nothingthat a human might want.
[LEADER] You are incorrect.
[DOCTOR] Then what is it? You've no home planet, no influence, nothing.You're just a pathetic bunch of tin soldiers skulking about the galaxyin an ancient spaceship.
[LEADER] You speak unwisely. We are destined to be rulers of all thecosmos.
[DOCTOR] No, I don't think so, somehow. You tried that once and you werenearly wiped out.
[LEADER] Because of Voga and its gold. If humans had not had theresources of Voga, the Cyber War would have ended in glorious triumph.
[DOCTOR] It was a glorious triumph, for human ingenuity. They discoveredyour weakness and invented the glitter gun, and that was the end ofCybermen except as gold-plated souvenirs that people use as hat stands.
[LESTER] Watch it, Doctor. I think you've riled him.
[LEADER] That is why Voga must be destroyed before we begin our secondcampaign.
[DOCTOR] Oh, there's to be a second campaign, is there?
[LEADER] We have enough parts in our ship to build an entirely new CyberArmy, and this time, Doctor, it will be invincible. Cybermen function
[LEADER] More efficiently than animal organisms. That is why we willrule the galaxy.
[DOCTOR] Loose thinking. The trouble with Cybermen is they've gothydraulic muscles, and of course hydraulic brains to go with them.
[LEADER] Put that down!
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Now, if I'm correct about what this contains, andshould accidentally drop it.
[DOCTOR] Now, I want some information from you, Cyber Leader.
[DOCTOR] What's Kellman expecting to get out of all this?
[LEADER] Kellman wants power. He will be ruler of this solar system whenwe have conquered it.
[DOCTOR] Your puppet dictator
[DOCTOR] In exchange. I wouldn't have thought his ambitions lay in thatdirection.
[STEVENSON] Look out, Doctor.
[LEADER] Do not kill them.
[SHEPRAH] Another human.
[KELLMAN] Take me to Vorus.
[SHEPRAH] Vorus?
[KELLMAN] Quickly, man. It's vital I see Vorus immediately.
[SHEPRAH] Vorus is no longer in charge here.
[SHEPRAH] Take him away.
[KELLMAN] Oh, no, you don't understand. I must see Vorus! You're indanger, all of you!
(Secondary control room)
[LEADER] Cyberbombs, the most compact and powerful explosive devicesever invented.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and their use was banned by the Armageddon Convention.
[LEADER] Cybermen do not subscribe to any theory of morality in war,Doctor. Our calculations indicate that two bombs placed in the centralfissure of Voga will fragmatise the planet.
[DOCTOR] Fragmatise? Oh well, I suppose we can't expect decent Englishfrom a machine.
[LEADER] Prime the buckles. Two bombs should be sufficient. Three willmake certain.
[STEVENSON] Now what have they done?
[LEADER] The buckles are now primed. Any attempt to remove the harnessbefore the countdown reaches the red zone will cause a secondaryexplosion. Do you understand?
[LESTER] You mean, if we attempt to release the harness before then,we'll get blown up.
[LEADER] Correct. It is as well to keep that thought in your minds.
[DOCTOR] And when we reach the centre of Voga, we'll be fragmatised, asyou put it.
[LEADER] Incorrect. You will have fourteen minutes, the time period ofthe red zone, to reach your surface and save yourselves by the transmatbeam.
[STEVENSON] That is not long enough.
[LEADER] Fourteen minutes is considered adequate.
[DOCTOR] Anything else before we go?
[LEADER] Yes, Doctor. Your progress will be followed by radar. Anyattempt to deviate from the planned course will be immediately detectedand the bombs exploded by means of these manual controls.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[LEADER] Countdown has commenced. You, Doctor, will leave first.
[DOCTOR] Careful, careful. I might explode.
[DOCTOR] Someone's trying to attract your attention. Come on, let's getout of here!
(Central shaft)
[DOCTOR] If only they knew about the use of gold.
[STEVENSON] You mean as a weapon?
[DOCTOR] Yes. It's the only thing that's effective against Cybermen.
[LESTER] Do you believe all this guff about giving us time to escape?
[DOCTOR] Not a word of it. Once we've reached the explosive zone we'llhave outlived our usefulness.
[LESTER] So what do we do now?
[DOCTOR] Keep moving. Give their radar scope something to follow.
(Control room)
[CYBERMAN] Our warriors report all initialopposition has been crushed.
[LEADER] Excellent. They are now one hundred metres below the surface.
[CYBERMAN] Kellman has not returned.
[LEADER] He is of no importance now. His part in our operation is at anend.
[TYRAM] What's your connection with Vorus?
[KELLMAN] We were working together. We wanted to lure the Cybermen intoa trap.
[TYRAM] What trap?
[KELLMAN] We're wasting time. The Cybermen are planning to blow Vogaapart.
[TYRAM] What trap!
[KELLMAN] The Beacon, of course. Vorus has a rocket aimed at the Beacon.
[SARAH] What? Harry, we've got to warn the Doctor!
[SHEPRAH] Councillor, the Cybermen are here!
[TYRAM] What?
[SHEPRAH] They've landed on the first level. We've suffered heavycasualties and need reinforcements.
[TYRAM] How many Cybermen are there?
[SHEPRAH] Two, at least. Our weapons have no effect on them.
[KELLMAN] You'll never stop them that way. Vorus' rocket is your onlychance. That Beacon has to be blasted out of the sky.
[TYRAM] We must attack the Cybermen with every weapon we have.
[SHEPRAH] Very well.
[TYRAM] The rest of you, come with me. We must speak to Vorus.
(Central shaft)
[LESTER] Why don't we just wait here?
[DOCTOR] I think my idea's better.
[LESTER] What is your idea?
[DOCTOR] I don't know yet. That's the trouble with ideas. They only comea bit at a time.
(Outside Vorus' room)
[TYRAM] Do you not recognise Tyram, Chief Councillor of Voga! Standaside!
[KELLMAN] We've got to see Vorus.
[TYRAM] Stand aside, I say.
[HARRY] Sarah, can you try and reach the transmat?
[SARAH] And warn the Doctor. Right.
[HARRY] I'll see if I can do something about this lot.
[SARAH] Take care.
[HARRY] And you.
[TYRAM] Vorus, call off your guards!
[VORUS] Enough. You should know better, Tyram, that to try to use force.
[TYRAM] Our planet is being attacked, Vorus. At this hour, Vogans shouldfight together, not against each other.
[KELLMAN] Vorus, is the rocket ready to fire?
[VORUS] The bomb head is being fitted now.
[KELLMAN] Too late. The Cybermen have already landed.
[VORUS] What! Have you betrayed us?
[KELLMAN] I tried to warn you. Once they were on the Beacon, I couldn'tdelay them any further.
[TYRAM] What's this rocket that you speak of, Vorus?
[VORUS] Very well, I'll show you.
[KELLMAN] Where's the girl?
[HARRY] She's gone to warn the Doctor, of course. If people are going tostart firing missiles at him, what do they expect?
[KELLMAN] If that girl reaches the Beacon and starts blabbing about therocket, the Cybermen will explode their bombs.
(Control room)
[CYBERMAN] Average progress rate is fifty metresper minute.
[LEADER] Excellent. They will be in the central chamber of Voga.
[LEADER] In seventeen minutes.
[CYBERMAN] Distortion on our radar scope is increasing. The three humanswho are carrying our bombs can no longer be identified by separatesignals.
[LEADER] That is of no importance now. Even the Doctor believes theywill be given time to escape before our bombs explode. They do not knowthe detonators will fire when the countdown enters the red zone.
(Guild room)
[VORUS] Magrik and his team have been working on it for two years, andnow we've lost the race by minutes.
[KELLMAN] There might still be a chance if that rocket can be firedbefore the Cyberbombs are in position.
[VORUS] Magrik reports a delay in fitting the bomb head. No, we've lostour gamble, Kellman.
[TYRAM] You're insane, Vorus. You've brought about the destruction ofour race.
[VORUS] I wanted to bring them freedom, Tyram. Freedom from fear,freedom to live as Vogans should, on the surface, not cowering likeworms in the earth.
[TYRAM] And this great plan was conceived in the company of such as he,a double agent, a despicable traitor, a murder of his own kind? A manwhose only loyalty is to himself and the gold he hopes to win.
[VORUS] The plan would have worked. I just needed more time.
[HARRY] Look, all this recrimination's pretty pointless, isn't it. Whatwe've got to do is get down into that central shaft and stop the bombsbeing planted.
[KELLMAN] The Cybermen hold the entrance. There's no way past them.
[HARRY] I should think there's another way down, wouldn't you, Kellman?
[KELLMAN] Only the central shaft runs that deep, and the galleries don'tconnect with it.
[TYRAM] Wait. When it was widened, a cross shaft was bored to provideventilation. I've seen it in our records.
[HARRY] Well, let's go and take a look.
(Central shaft)
[DOCTOR] Steady.
[STEVENSON] I'm getting a bit old for this sort of thing.
[DOCTOR] We'll rest for a moment.
[LESTER] Had any more bits of that idea, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] The deeper we go, the heavier the concentration of gold. Beforelong, it must start affecting their radar picture.
[LESTER] Then what?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's an outside chance, but if we can get back withoutbeing detected, and take the Cybermen from behind. All right now,Commander?
[STEVENSON] Yes, I think so.
[DOCTOR] Let's go.
(Cross shaft)
[TYRAM] It runs for about fifty metres, and therock's friable. It'll be very dangerous after all these years.
[HARRY] Well, in that case, we'll send our expert on ahead. In you go,Kellman.
(Central shaft)
[STEVENSON] I'm sorry, Doctor. I'm a bit whacked.
[DOCTOR] Sit down a moment. Actually, I think we're very near the centrenow. This is pretty well solid gold.
[LESTER] I wonder if these buckles really would explode.
[STEVENSON] I shouldn't put it to the test. They'll explode, all right.
(Cross shaft)
[KELLMAN] It's blocked.
[HARRY] Let's see it.
[KELLMAN] It's no use. We'll have to turn back.
[HARRY] They're giving a bit.
(Central shaft)
[DOCTOR] Look out! Get back!
(Cross shaft)
[KELLMAN] Look out!
(Central shaft)
[HARRY] Doctor. Just a bump on the noggin, Doctor.Nothing to worry about. Let's get you out of this thing.
(Central shaft)
[LESTER] Harry, don't touch it. Open that buckleand you'll be blown to kingdom come.
[HARRY] You mean it's booby trapped?
[LESTER] These buckles can't be opened until the Cybermen beam therelease signal.
[DOCTOR] Harry, were you trying to undo this?
[HARRY] Well, naturally.
[DOCTOR] Did you make the rocks fall, Harry?
[HARRY] Er, well, I suppose I must have done, yes.
[DOCTOR] Harry Sullivan is an imbecile!
(Control room)
[CYBERMAN] Progression rate has slowed to thirtymetres a minute.
[LEADER] Then the bombs will explode in eleven minutes from now.
(Central shaft)
[DOCTOR] So where is Sarah?
[HARRY] I'm not sure, Doctor. When I last saw her, she was trying to getback to the Beacon.
[DOCTOR] What?
[HARRY] Yes. You see, we thought you were still up there, and shenaturally wanted to warn you about the rocket. Sorry, I can see you'renot with me.
[DOCTOR] Harry, I'm not with you.
[HARRY] No, you see, it seems that Kellman, er, he's dead, by the way.Kellman was really working for the Vogan people, and he got the otherhalf, the, what do you call them?
[STEVENSON] Cybermen.
[HARRY] Cybermen, that's right. Terribly bad on names. Got the Cybermenup on the Beacon so that they'd be sitting ducks for the Vogan'srocket. Only the Vogans haven't finished the rocket yet, so things havegone a bit wrong.
[LESTER] Doctor, we've got about nine minutes.
[DOCTOR] Listen, listen, listen! Commander, if you were to keep on goingtowards the centre, you could draw the radar track away from the restof us.
[DOCTOR] Meantime, Lester and I could take the cross shaft and attackthe Cybermen from the rear.
[LESTER] What with?
[DOCTOR] Gold. Plain, old-fashioned gold.
[STEVENSON] Well then, Lester? Agreed. Right.
[DOCTOR] Good luck, Commander.
[STEVENSON] And to you.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Control room)
[CYBERMAN] Our surface party report the Vogan attackers have been drivenoff with heavy casualties.
[LEADER] Order them to intensify the radar signal.
[CYBERMAN] It is already at maximum, Leader.
[LEADER] The signal is difficult to interpret. What depth have the bombcarriers reached?
[CYBERMAN] Sixteen hundred metres. They are eight minutes from thedetonation zone.
[LEADER] Eight minutes. In eight minutes the accursed Planet of Goldwill be utterly destroyed.
[LEADER] Annihilated, vapourised. It is good.
(Central shaft)
[DOCTOR] How much have we got?
[LESTER] We've got about five minutes.
[DOCTOR] I know we've got five minutes. I mean how much gold dust havewe got?
[DOCTOR] That might be enough. You know what to do?
[HARRY] Yes. Creep as close as we can then chuck this stuff into theirchest units.
[DOCTOR] You've got it, Harry. Come on.
(Guild room)
[TYRAM] As the human said, recrimination ispointless now. But I promise you, Vorus, if by some miracle our planetshould survive, you will face trial for treason.
[VORUS] It's you who should be tried, Tyram. You and your creepingsycophantinous city.
[TYRAM] As leader of the Guardians, you abused your trust. You openedthe route to the surface. You made clandestine contact with aliens, andyou beamed radio transmissions out into space. There are no greatercrimes in our calendar.
[VORUS] In your calendar, Tyram! Your cowering, furtive, underworldlife. If we survive, I will face trial gladly. I will give the peoplemy reasons. I wanted to free them from this tyranny of dark, livingrock.
[TYRAM] Living the way we had for generations, at least we were safe,Vorus. Safe from the genocidal threat of the Cybermen.
[VORUS] I had a dream.
[TYRAM] A folly, conceived out of arrogance through overweeningambition.
[VORUS] We could have traded with other worlds, exchanged our gold forarmaments. We could have been strong enough to defend ourselves againstCybermen or any other attackers.
[SHEPRAH] Councillor, we are beaten. Our people withdraw and arerefusing to attack the Cybermen again.
[VORUS] Order them back! Command them!
[SHEPRAH] I'm sorry, Councillor. We need time to regroup.
[VORUS] There is no time.
[TYRAM] Come, I will speak to them.
[DOCTOR] There they are. Wait till I give the signal.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Come on, Harry. Run for it.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[DOCTOR] It's still working.
(Control room)
[LEADER] They have lost radar contact.
[CYBERMAN] Our information flow from the surface has ceased. Thecountdown has stopped.
[LEADER] Select video picture of Voga. Detonation by manual control.
[SARAH] No! No, don't!
[CYBERMAN] Shall I destroy the human female?
[LEADER] Detonation now!
[LEADER] It has failed. Why?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm impressed.
(Control room)
[SARAH] Voga. It's still there!
[LEADER] Yes. For the moment.
[SARAH] Then your plan failed. The Doctor's beaten you.
[LEADER] Silence. We have not failed. Our computers are assessing analternative plan.
[SARAH] Your best plan is to get off this Beacon before the Vogans(pause)
[LEADER] Continue. The Vogans?
[SARAH] Kellman led you into a trap. They've got a rocket aimed right atthis
[LEADER] You lie.
[SARAH] Well, stick around and
[LEADER] You lie, because if they had such a rocket, they would haveused it by now.
[SARAH] All I know is when I left, Kellman said the rocket
[LEADER] Kellman? So they have a rocket, but they have not used it.Logical conclusion, the rocket has a malfunction, therefore thisinformation does not affect our plans. We shall proceed. Voga will bedestroyed.
(Guild room)
[TYRAM] We are grateful to you, human, for savingVoga.
[DOCTOR] Oh, please, don't call me human. Just Doctor will do verynicely, thank you. Is that your rocket?
[VORUS] The Sky Striker, yes. You've delivered our enemies into myhands, Doctor. Magrik, you have news?
[MAGRIK] Everything is now ready, Vorus. We can start the countdown.
[VORUS] Excellent.
[DOCTOR] Er, before you do anything rash, like pressing another button,may I make an alternative suggestion?
[VORUS] An alternative?
[DOCTOR] Let me take the transmat back to the Beacon and deal with theCybermen myself.
[TYRAM] Yourself? You mean, alone?
[DOCTOR] Give me just fifteen minutes. If at the end of that time Ihaven't come through on the radio, well then you can fire off yourrocket.
[TYRAM] You've already done so much. Why should you risk your life againin this way?
[DOCTOR] I've a young friend on the Beacon. Sarah Jane, the girl who washere. She risked her life to save mine. The least I can do is acceptthe same risk for her.
[VORUS] Bah.
[DOCTOR] Just fifteen minutes. Is that so intolerable?
[TYRAM] Fifteen minutes then, Doctor, but no longer.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Tyram. There's just one other thing I need.
[TYRAM] What's that?
[DOCTOR] A bag of gold dust.
[TYRAM] Oh, yes.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Harry.
[HARRY] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] While I'm gone, you'd better find the Commander.
[HARRY] I'll try.
[VORUS] I have planned for this moment for years, and now as I close thetrap you expect me to wait.
(Control room)
[LEADER] Point of impact.
[CYBERMAN] Twenty seven degrees seven minutes north, a hundred and sixtydegrees twenty minutes east. The crust is weakest at this point.
[LEADER] Velocity at impact, ten thousand light units.
[CYBERMAN] Calculations indicate at maximum thrust, the Beacon willattain that velocity seven minutes before impact.
[LEADER] What explosive force is required to sunder the planet at thatdepth?
[CYBERMAN] One thousand kilos per unit.
[LEADER] Excellent. Then the plan will be executed.
[CYBERMAN] Yes, Leader.
[LEADER] Order the bombs to be transferred to the Beacon.
[LEADER] The alternative plan will work. When the Beacon crashes intoVoga, we shall be watching from a safe distance, but you will have amuch closer view.
[DOCTOR] (hiding) Shush.
[SARAH] Sorry.
[DOCTOR] You haven't seen anything of the Tardis, have you?
[SARAH] Tardis? Listen, Doctor, the Cybermen are loading this Beaconwith bombs. They're going to smash it into Voga.
[DOCTOR] Are they? And we've got about nine minutes before the Vogansaim their rocket at us. Get the control box. We'll see what we can do.
[SARAH] Doctor?
[SARAH] It's good to see you.
[DOCTOR] Is it?
[SARAH] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Right. Come on, quickly then.
(Docking area)
[LEADER] Carry the bombs to the nose cone. Maximumurgency imperative.
(Guild room)
[MAGRIK] Seven minutes, Vorus.
[VORUS] What can the Doctor do in this time? We should never have agreedto wait.
[TYRAM] Stand back from the firing button, Vorus! There is, as Magriksays, another seven minutes.
[VORUS] Don't worry, Tyram. I can wait. But when I press that button, itwill mean more than the end of the Cybermen. It will mean the start ofa whole new life here on Voga. A new regime.
[TYRAM] That will be for the people to decide.
[VORUS] This was my idea, I planned it all. I shall be the people'sliberator.
[TYRAM] You came very close to being their destroyer.
[VORUS] That will be forgotten in my triumph. The people will turn tome. They will beg me to lead them!
[HARRY] Any news from the Doctor?
[VORUS] No, and I don't expect there will be.
[MAGRIK] Five minutes.
(Crew quarters)
[SARAH] There's no point filling it with gold dust. It won't attack theCybermen.
[DOCTOR] Just you wait and see.
[SARAH] What was that?
[DOCTOR] They've started the engines.
(Control room)
[LEADER] She has been freed. One of her friendsfrom Voga. Perhaps the Doctor.
(Secondary control room)
[CYBERMAN] All engines normal. Zero thrust.
[LEADER] Increase ten levels. If it was the Doctor, he will make afurther attempt to thwart my plan. Therefore he will still be concealedaboard. Search the forward compartments. Locate and destroy all animalorganisms.
[CYBERMAN] Control response normal. Engine response effective. Thrustfive thousand.
[LEADER] Engage hyperdrive.
(Crew quarters)
[SARAH] Listen.
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's hide.
[SARAH] You did it.
[DOCTOR] Looks like it.
[SARAH] Hurry!
[DOCTOR] Dusty death. Out, out with
[SARAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What?
[SARAH] Come on!
(Guild room)
[VORUS] Control to firing bunker. Stand by forcountdown.
[TYRAM] We have another two minutes.
[VORUS] The countdown
[MAGRIK] Vorus! Look. The target sensor, it's moving.
[VORUS] The Beacon's in motion!
[MAGRIK] It's coming towards us! It's set on a collision course!
[VORUS] Activate firing controls!
[HARRY] Vorus, you promised the Doctor fifteen minutes.
[VORUS] You fools!
[STEVENSON] No, Vorus.
[TYRAM] No, Vorus, no!
[VORUS] My Sky Striker, my glory.
(Secondary control room)
[LEADER] We must evacuate the Beacon in threeminutes.
[CYBERMAN] Our calculations indicate the fireball will extend one pointfive million miles.
[SARAH] Oh! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] All right, all right, all right. You've made your point. Wesurrender. We surrender.
[LEADER] You have interfered once too often, Doctor.
[LEADER] Now, tie her up. Tie her up!
(Guild room)
[TYRAM] The Doctor's time's up. He's failed.
[STEVENSON] I'm afraid so.
[HARRY] I wouldn't be too sure, Commander.
[STEVENSON] His only chance now is to get off the Beacon by thetransmat. The rocket is due to impact in six minutes.
(Secondary control room)
[LEADER] The Beacon is approaching Voga at ten thousand light units. Itis time for us to leave.
[DOCTOR] Bye bye.
[LEADER] You two are especially privileged. You are about to die in thebiggest explosion ever witnessed in this solar system. It will be amagnificent spectacle. Unhappily, you will be unable to appreciate it.
[DOCTOR] Nice sense of irony. I thought for a moment he was going tosmile.
[SARAH] How long have we got, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Judging by the speed at which the rocket is approaching, two orthree minutes.
[SARAH] The Vogan rocket?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right.
(Guild room)
[STEVENSON] They're getting away!
[TYRAM] Then the Sky Striker will simply destroy the empty Beacon.
[HARRY] If it is empty.
(Secondary control room)
[SARAH] Oh, it's no good, Doctor. They won't budge.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? I used to untangle Turk's Head eye-splice with thegrommets I picked up from Houdini. It should work.
[SARAH] Really. Well, you must have tied it wrong. No, wait a minute.You're right, they're loosening!
[DOCTOR] Good girl. That rocket's getting too close for comfort.
[DOCTOR] Hello, Voga. Hello, Voga. This is Nerva Beacon.
[STEVENSON [OC]] Doctor, is that you?
[DOCTOR] Commander, tell Vorus the Cybermen have abandoned the beacon.He's to aim the rocket at the cybership.
(Guild room)
[STEVENSON] But Doctor, Vorus is dead, and none ofus here knows how to operate these controls.
[DOCTOR [OC]] What? Just let me think.
[STEVENSON] Let you what?
[HARRY] Just let him think.
(Secondary control room)
[SARAH] Doctor, it's going to hit any second!
[DOCTOR] Commander?
[STEVENSON [OC]] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] There are two levers on the left of the panel. Got them?
(Guild room)
[STEVENSON] Yes, I've got them.
[DOCTOR [OC]] The top lever controls the angle of flight, and the lowerone must be the direction and stabiliser control.
(Secondary control room)
[DOCTOR] Cogito ergo sum.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] I think, therefore it missed.
[SARAH] Yes, but we're still heading for the biggest bang in history!
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Oh no. They've locked the gyro controls. The flighttrimmers are jammed.
[SARAH] What does that mean?
[DOCTOR] It means we're heading for the biggest bang in history.
(Guild room)
[TYRAM] The rocket is closing on the Cybermen'sship.
[HARRY] A touch more starboard rudder, Commander.
[STEVENSON] Come on. Just a few more seconds.
[CYBERMAN] There's a missile on our port bow.
[LEADER] Engage full thrust! Deploy
(Guild room)
[HARRY] That's the end of your Cybermen.
[TYRAM] Never again will they be a threat to Voga. At least we can livewithout fear.
[STEVENSON] Why doesn't the Doctor put the Beacon back on course? Ithought he was taking evasive action, but look, he's coming straighttowards us.
[HARRY] Better give him a whistle, Commander. He does have these absentminded moments.
(Secondary control room)
[HARRY [OC]] Hello, Doctor, can you hear me?
[SARAH] Yes, Harry. What is it?
[HARRY [OC]] Hello, Sarah. Look old girl, I don't know if you're awareof it, but you appear to be heading straight for us!
[SARAH] Yes, we are aware of it, Harry. Very much so, and we're loadedwith cyberbombs.
(Guild room)
[HARRY] What? Well, you'd better do something, oldgirl, and quickly.
[SARAH [OC]] The Doctor's doing his best, but
(Secondary control room)
[SARAH] The Cybermen have locked the gyro controls.
(Guild room)
[STEVENSON] It's still coming straight towards us.
[TYRAM] It's going to hit. It's going to hit!
(Secondary control room)
[DOCTOR] That should do it.
[SARAH] We're going to crash!
[DOCTOR] Hang on. If I pull her back at this speed, she'll break inhalf.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think she'll settle down nicely into orbit now.
[SARAH] Oh, good.
[DOCTOR] I think I'll just set the drift compensators. We don't want itslipping through our fingers.
[HARRY] I see old faithful turned up after all.
[DOCTOR] Don't just stand there. Come on.
[SARAH] Oh, all go, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] I'm needed back on Earth.
[SARAH] How do you know?
[DOCTOR] I left the Brigadier a space-time telegraph system and told himnot to use it unless he had a real emergency on his hands.
[SARAH] And he's used it?
[DOCTOR] He has. Come on, you two.
[HARRY] I say, what about the Commander? Aren't we going to stop and saycheerio?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come on!
[SARAH] Don't argue.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s12", "episode": "e05", "title": "Revenge of the Cybermen"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (30 Aug, 1975; Fourth Doctor) - Terror of the Zygons
(Oil rig radio room)
[MUNRO] (laughing) Hey, listen, Willie. Withtomorrow's supply 'cop trip, can you no send over a few haggis? Thechef we have here doesnae ken the first thing about
[MUNRO] Willie? Hello, Willie, can you hear me? Over. This is CharlieRig to Hibernian Control. Are you receiving? I say again, Charlie Rigto Hibernian Control. Do you read me? Over.
[MUNRO] Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
[DOCTOR] Halt!
[DOCTOR] Forward.
(Tullock Moor)
[DOCTOR] There we are.
[DOCTOR] Follow me.
[SARAH] Hold on!
[DOCTOR] Good morning.
[FORGILL] Are you wanting a lift?
(Outside the Inn)
[BENTON] Hey, listen to that. That's old Angus at it again. Okay. Takeher in.
(Fox Inn)
[HUCKLE] Three rigs destroyed in a month. Two of them ours, General.
[BRIGADIER] Brigadier, actually.
[HUCKLE] Well, Brigadier, my company's lost millions.
[BRIGADIER] The government is equally concerned, I can assure you,Mister Huckle, though more especially about the loss of life.
[HUCKLE] If this keeps up, pretty soon there won't be a man willing towork out there. Do we have to put up with this hullabaloo?
[BRIGADIER] I'm afraid we've rather imposed ourselves on the landlord.If he wants to play his pipes, there's not much I can do about it. Ah,Mister Benton. Any news of the Doctor yet?
[BENTON] No, sir. Nothing yet.
[BRIGADIER] He ought to have materialised by now.
[BRIGADIER] Mister Benton.
[BRIGADIER] Is this thing still working?
[BENTON] As far as I know, sir, yes.
[BRIGADIER] You get on well with the landlord, don't you?
[BENTON] Well, yes, sir. I suppose I do.
[BRIGADIER] Well, use your influence to get him to play the pipes whenwe're out, will you?
[BENTON] Right, sir.
[BENTON] Oh, there's your Doctor now, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Good lord! (The Brigadier watches the tartan-clad Doctor getout of the Range Rover followed by Sarah and Harry.)
[BRIGADIER] Mister Huckle. Who's the man in the driving seat?
[HUCKLE] Him? That's the Duke of Forgill, the local big shot. He doesn'tmake things easy. He owns just about everything in this part ofScotland, except our shore base, and frankly, he doesn't like us. Notone little bit.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, welcome back, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I want to know one thing, Brigadier. What's that?
[BRIGADIER] That, Doctor, is a kilt.
[DOCTOR] Suits you very well.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, do you think so?
[SARAH] Oh, this is his Grace the Duke of Forgill. He very kindly gaveus a lift.
[FORGILL] I had to pass here on the way to the oil base.
[HUCKLE] To see me?
[FORGILL] To see you, Mister Hickle.
[HUCKLE] Huckle.
[FORGILL] To complain yet again about your rough necks trespassing andpoaching on my property.
[HUCKLE] My men have been warned, sir. If any of them are caught,they'll be dismissed immediately.
[FORGILL] Let me give you a final warning. If my ghillie catches them onmy land again, they'll be shot. And that's no idle threat, MisterHeckle.
[HUCKLE] I'll be expecting you, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, Mister Huckle.
[FORGILL] I trust the army isn't going to help these people. Is that whyyou were sent here?
[BRIGADIER] No, sir. We're a military investigation team.
[FORGILL] Investigating what?
[BRIGADIER] I'm afraid our mission is a sensitive matter, sir.
[FORGILL] Official secrets and all that twaddle, eh? Well, I won't pry,although my family have served this country for seven centuries, butthat doesn't seem to count these days, does it. Good day to you.
[BRIGADIER] What an odd man. Rather mediaeval in his ideas.
[DOCTOR] A man of convictions.
[HARRY] All the same, he did save us a long walk, sir.
[SARAH] Anyway, it's nice to see you again, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] And you, Miss Smith.
[SARAH] Though I didn't expect to see you in a kilt.
[BRIGADIER] My dear Miss Smith, as you remember, my name is LethbridgeStewart. The clan Stewart.
[SARAH] Oh, sorry. I thought you were doing a Doctor.
[BRIGADIER] What an absurd idea.
[DOCTOR] Brigadier, why have you called me back? I hope you've got avery good reason.
[BRIGADIER] All three rigs were in this area. Therefore it seems to us
[DOCTOR] Brigadier, Brigadier! Have you brought me two hundred andseventy million miles just to sort out a little trouble at sea?
[BRIGADIER] Three serious disasters, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] When I left the psionic beam with you, Brigadier, I said it wasonly to be used in an emergency.
[BRIGADIER] This is an emergency.
[DOCTOR] Oil an emergency? Huh! It's about time the people who run thisplanet of yours realised that to be dependent upon a mineral slime justdoesn't make sense. Now, the energising of hydrogen
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, the destruction of these rigs is a complete mystery.Do you want more men to die?
[DOCTOR] No. Very well. When do we start?
[BRIGADIER] The oil company. We're paying them a visit this afternoon.
(Huckle's office)
[HUCKLE] Here's the preliminary medical report on the condition of thebodies. They died the same way as the others. Exposure and drowning.
[HARRY] Yes, so I heard, Mister Huckle. There's quite a few crushinjuries.
[HUCKLE] The rig collapsed.
[HARRY] I think I'd better take a look at these, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, good idea, Sullivan. You cut off to the sick bay andwe'll see you back at headquarters.
[HARRY] Aye, aye, sir.
[SARAH] I'll come with you as far as the village. I can talk to some ofthe local people, see what I can find out, okay? See you later.
[HARRY] Bye, Doctor.
[BRIGADIER] You know, these things always remind me of three leggedspiders in Wellington boots.
[HUCKLE] Correction, concrete boots. Thousands of tons of it. Thosebabies are meant to be unsinkable.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so was the Bismarck, and we all know that story.
[HUCKLE] We spent a fortune proving the Waverley field geologicallysound. Everything is constantly checked for stability. Winds, tides,the constant moving of the sea bed.
[DOCTOR] You say these radio blackouts have happened before?
[HUCKLE] Each time a rig has disappeared.
[DOCTOR] And no strange craft in the area? Nothing suspicious?
[HUCKLE] Difficult to be sure. It was at night. The radio picked up somestrange sound, but as far as we know, the sea was calm and empty.
[DOCTOR] It may be calm, but it's never empty.
(Fox Inn)
[McRANALD] That's right. I'm Angus FergusonMcRanald. My family's been in these parts for generations.
[SARAH] Really? Well, they tell me in the village, Mister McRanald, thatbesides being the best piper for miles around, you also have secondsight.
[McRANALD] Well, I am the seventh son of the seventh son. you know, thefellow with you, the Doctor, he looks likes a man who might see arounda few corners himself.
[SARAH] Quite a few.
[SARAH] Oh, that's a fine looking head.
[McRANALD] Aye. Yon's a twelve pointer. Brought down by the Duke ofForgill himself. Gave it to the inn just this last week.
[SARAH] He's a strange man, this Duke, isn't he?
[McRANALD] Would you think so, Miss? You know, I would give it a favourto remember he is the McRanald, my clan chief.
[SARAH] Oh, of course. No, no, it was just that, well, after he pickedus up in his car, he never spoke a word all the way to the village.
[McRANALD] Ah well, it's true he's no the Duke I remember. He's been adifferent man since the oil companies came.
[SARAH] You seem to blame everything on the oil company.
[McRANALD] All his servants have left to go and work for them. I've saidForgill Castle is a cold, empty house these days. Wouldnae care to setfoot in it myself, that's a fact.
[SARAH [on monitor]] The local people say you had a vision of disasterfor the oil company.
[McRANALD [on monitor]] Do they now? You seem to have done a fair bit ofclacking in the village, my dear.
[SARAH [on monitor]] Is it true?
[McRANALD [on monitor]] I'm no saying, but only bad luck comes to themwho set over Tullock Moor.
[SARAH [on monitor]] Really? Why?
[McRANALD [on monitor]] Tullock Moor's a strange, murky sort of place.When the mist comes down, it's like steam frae a witch's cauldron.Nobody from these parts will cross the moor after dark.
(Fox Inn)
[SARAH] Oh, Mister McRanald, now that's justsuperstition, surely?
[McRANALD] Call it that, if you like.
[SARAH] Well, has anything ever happened to anyone up there?
[McRANALD] Aye. There was a man, a foreigner from the Black Isle. Stayedat this very inn. He went out on the moor. Never seen again.
[SARAH] Oh, he left without paying his bill, did he? When did thishappen, anyway?
[McRANALD] Nineteen hundred and twenty two. Then there was the case ofthe Jamieson boys, although that was a wee while ago.
[SARAH] Okay. What happened to them?
[McRANALD] It was, let me see, 1870. They went out cutting peat and themist came down. Donald just disappeared. They found the older brother,Robert, two days later, wandering about, off his head. His eyes, hiseyes were terrible to see. For the rest of his life he never spokeagain. Take my word for it, my dear. There are ancient mysteries here.Evil spirits haunt Tullock Moor.
[SARAH] Maybe, but I'm certain of one thing, Mister McRanald. Evilspirits don't destroy oil rigs.
(Beach road)
[MUNRO] The rig. I was on the rig.
[HARRY] It's all right. It's all right, old chap. Don't worry. I'll haveyou in hospital in no time.
[MUNRO] Too late. I didn't have a chance.
[HARRY] What do you mean? What happened?
[MUNRO] It suddenly came at us. Smashed the rig to pieces.
[HARRY] What did?
(Fox Inn)
[SARAH] Hi. What's that? Er, if you're interested, the Brig's on thequayside watching wreckage being brought ashore.
[SARAH] Hmm. Thought that'd interest you. He's being very secretive. Ifyou ask me, he's wasting his time. Oh, yes, might as well forget aboutsecurity in Tullock. Landlord here's got second sight.
[DOCTOR] You know what he was playing? Flowers of the Forest. A lamentfor the dead.
[SARAH] What is that thing you're fiddling with?
[DOCTOR] It's part of the radio probe system, used for checkinglocalised jamming.
[SARAH] Well, what if that gets jammed, too?
[SARAH] Hallo, Fox Inn. (listens) Harry's been shot!
[BROTON] Strength?
[ZYGON] Diastelic reading seven oh three.
[BROTON] Increase the sonic core tone by three remars.
[ZYGON] Increased to three remars. Contact firm.
[BROTON] Check directional pass.
(Base radio room)
[HUCKLE] Say again. Over.
[MAN [OC]] Hibernian Control. Number three Ben Nevis rig. Over.
[HUCKLE] Got you, Ben Nevis, loud and clear.
(Ben Nevis rig radio room)
[HUCKLE [OC]] How are things out there? Moraleokay? Over.
[MAN] Everything's fine. Any news of your investigations? Over.
[HUCKLE [OC]] Nothing much. The Brigadier
[OPERATOR] Hello? Hello? Hibernian Control, this is number three rig.Are you receiving me? I say again, are you receiving me? Over.
(Base radio room)
[HUCKLE] Not again. Ben Nevis, Ben Nevis, are youthere? Are you there? Over!
[DOCTOR] Has he said anything?
[DOCTOR] What? Nothing at all?
[LAMONT] No. He's still in shock. The bullet grazed his skull.
[DOCTOR] Harry? Harry, can you hear me? Harry, it's the Doctor. Can youhear me?
[SARAH] Is he all right?
[DOCTOR] No, he's not. He's got a scalp wound. He should be all right,but he needs time.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, but time is the last thing we have, Doctor. Anotherrig's just been destroyed.
[DOCTOR] What?
[BRIGADIER] The Ben Nevis Rig. Fifty miles west of the Prince Charlie.Forty men aboard, completely vanished.
[DOCTOR] Same pattern?
[BRIGADIER] Exactly the same. First of all radio blackout, and then thatextraordinary sound. Now Mister Huckle's going mad.
[DOCTOR] I'll come back with you.
[SARAH] I'll stay with Harry, then I can call you if there's anyimprovement.
[DOCTOR] Good girl.
[SARAH] Harry? Harry, it's me, Sarah.
[LAMONT] I think you should let him rest. He is under sedation, youknow.
[SARAH] Yes. Yes, of course.
(Outside sickbay)
[DOCTOR] What's that?
[BRIGADIER] Part of the wreckage from the Prince Charlie. It's beencuriously marked. Look.
[DOCTOR] Mister Benton? Nip into the sickbay, will you, and fetch somePlaster of Paris.
[BENTON] Plaster of
[DOCTOR] Paris. They'll have some to spare.
[BENTON] Okay, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] How very curious.
(Fox Inn)
[HUCKLE] Doctor, do you mind telling us exactly what you're doing?
[DOCTOR] A little experiment in orthodontology, Mister Huckle.
[HUCKLE] Orthodontology?
[DOCTOR] Teeth. Teeth. The scientific study of teeth.
[DOCTOR] It's the cast of a tooth, wouldn't you say?
[HUCKLE] Teeth? Doctor, you can't be serious.
[DOCTOR] Teeth are very serious things, Mister Huckle.
[HUCKLE] Look. Lets get this straight. Are you trying to tell me thatthe rigs were chewed up by a set of giant molars?
[DOCTOR] Yes. A set of giant molars that can chew through solid steel aseasily as paper.
[BRIGADIER] Are you suggesting that we're dealing with some kind of seamonster?
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Yes. A monster of frighteningsize and power.
[ZYGON] This one they call the Doctor is a threat to us. Already he hasfound out too much. He must be destroyed.
[HARRY] Sarah.
[SARAH] Yes.
[HARRY] Sarah.
[SARAH] It's all right, Harry. It's all right.
[HARRY] There's a man on the
[SARAH] What is it?
[HARRY] On the beach
[SARAH] What are you trying to say? Oh, Sister Lamont. I didn't hearyou. He's coming round.
[LAMONT] Doctor Sullivan, how are you feeling?
[SARAH] Harry, what did you find out? Did Munro tell you anything?
[HARRY] Munro?
[SARAH] The man on the beach. The man who was shot.
[HARRY] The rig.
[HARRY] The rig was shaking. Falling.
[SARAH] And then what, Harry? Keep trying. I'm going to call the Doctor.
[LAMONT] It's all right, Doctor Sullivan. You're quite safe. Yourworries are over now. You're going to be very well looked after.
(Fox Inn)
[DOCTOR] She says he's recovering. Good. Good. Hashe said anything?
(Sickbay corridor)
[SARAH] Well, he's starting to speak. I thinkthere's something he wants to tell us.
[HARRY] The rig, the rig was smashed to pieces.Nothing left. Munro in the water, struggling. Cold, exposed,hypothermia.
[HARRY] No! No! No!
(Fox Inn)
[DOCTOR] No, no. I'll be right over. And Sarah?
(Sickbay corridor)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Better keep his recovery dark for themoment.
[SARAH] Well, why? Do you think Harry's still in danger from something?
(Fox Inn)
[DOCTOR] Sarah!
[BENTON] What's happened?
[BRIGADIER] Mister Benton, get to the Sickbay.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
[LAMONT] No, I was only gone for a few minutes. When I got back, he'ddisappeared. But the window was open.
[DOCTOR] And no Miss Smith?
[LAMONT] No. Doctor Sullivan was beginning to talk. I thought she oughtto hear. She was nowhere to be found in the corridor, so I went over tohut four.
[DOCTOR] Mister Benton?
[BENTON] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Get some men over here and search the area.
[BENTON] Right.
[DOCTOR] He might be wandering on the moors. Where's the telephone?
[LAMONT] I'll show you.
(Sickbay corridor)
[LAMONT] I found the receiver hanging on its cord.I thought it odd at the time.
[DOCTOR] No one else on duty?
[LAMONT] Only me.
[DOCTOR] Where does this lead?
[LAMONT] Through there is the decompression unit for our divers, butit's always kept locked.
[LAMONT] I'll try the Dispensary.
(Decompression chamber)
[DOCTOR] Shush. It's only me, it's only me.
[SARAH] Oh, thank goodness. I was talking to you, and this thing, itjust suddenly appeared. Doctor, look!
[SARAH] What's that noise?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but that's not the air conditioning.
[HARRY] What in the name of? What, what is this place? Why have youbrought me here?
[BROTON] You could be of value.
[HARRY] What are you?
[BROTON] I am Broton, War Lord of the Zygons.
[HARRY] Zygons?
[BROTON] A name that humans will learn to fear.
[HARRY] Where have you come from?
[BROTON] Centuries ago, by your timescale, our craft was damaged. Welanded here to await rescue. Recently we learned our world wasdestroyed in a stellar explosion. We can never return.
[ZYGON] So now we must make this planet ours.
[HARRY] But why? I mean, why must you take
[ZYGON] All resistance will be crushed. We shall change the destiny ofEarth. Observe.
[BROTON] In your terminology, human, the ultimate weapon.
(Decompression chamber)
[SARAH] Doctor, I can't breathe.
[DOCTOR] Shut up and save your breath.
[HARRY] How did you bring that creature to theEarth?
[BROTON] As an embryo. The Skarasen is our life source. We Zygons dependupon it its lactic fluid for survival.
[HARRY] Mammals? If that's thing's destroyed, then you die too.
[BROTON] None of your puny human weapons can affect the Skarasen. Ourtechnology is supreme.
[HARRY] Our nuclear missiles
[BROTON] Would be mere pin pricks. We have converted the Skarasen intoan armoured cyborg of devastating power. Nothing can stand against us.Nothing!
(Decompression chamber)
[DOCTOR] Keep looking into my eyes. Keep lookinginto my eyes. You don't need to breathe. Do not breathe. Do notbreathe. You feel no pain. No pain. You feel nothing. You understand?Nothing. You feel nothing.
(Fox Inn)
[BRIGADIER] Corporal?
[BRIGADIER] I'm still waiting for that liaison report. You're still intouch with the Coastguards?
[BRIGADIER] Right. I want a twenty four hour watch kept on every inch ofthis coastline.
[BRIGADIER] If the Doctor's right, if there is some sort of sea monsterout there attacking the rigs, we've got to be ready for anything.
[BRIGADIER] It could decide to come inland.
[BRIGADIER] Can't you say anything else but sir?
[CORPORAL] Sorry, sir. Fletcher's squad have reached McNab Point.They're setting up a listening watch now.
[BRIGADIER] Good. Any news of the Doctor yet?
[CORPORAL] No, sir. Hey.
[BRIGADIER] What the devil?
(Decompression unit)
[BENTON] Here! They're in here! We've got to get this door open.
[BENTON] Find the others. Tell them we've found them.
(Decompression chamber)
[BENTON] Doctor! Doctor?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) It worked, Mister Benton.
[BENTON] (sotto) What worked?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Why are you whispering
[BENTON] What worked, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, just a trick I picked up from a Tibetan monk. Don't touchher. It could be fatal to break the spell incorrectly.
[SARAH] What happened?
(Fox Inn)
[HUCKLE] Brigadier? What the?
[HUCKLE] Brigadier! Brigadier!
[BENTON] I just don't get it. Everyone in the village is affected. Theyseem to have been drugged or something.
[DOCTOR] Gassed.
[HUCKLE] Gassed?
[DOCTOR] Yes, some kind of nerve gas. Affects the higher consciousness.
[HUCKLE] Will he be okay?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes.
[SARAH] But who? I mean, why would anyone want to knock out the entirevillage?
[BENTON] It just doesn't make any sense.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it does. Someone or something wanted to pass this wayunseen. You still on duty, Mister Benton?
[BENTON] Yes, I am.
[DOCTOR] Then get outside and scout around.
[DOCTOR] Is it possible?
[ZYGON] Commander Broton, the Doctor and the femalehuman have just driven into the village.
[ZYGON 2] I don't understand, Commander. They were dying when I leftthem.
[BROTON] Then you left too early.
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] It's all right. You're going to be all right.
[HUCKLE [on monitor]] Doctor?
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Yes?
[HUCKLE [on monitor]] I brought this over to show to the Brigadier. Whatdo you make of it?
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Interesting. Where did you get it?
[HUCKLE [on monitor]] It was found amongst the wreckage.
[BROTON] They have the trilanic activator! It must be recovered. Takethe human out and prepare him for use.
[HARRY] Where are you taking me?
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Mister Huckle, this is a signal device.
[HUCKLE [on monitor]] For this thing you reckon's chewing up the oilrigs?
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Correct.
[BROTON] You are too clever, Doctor. Clever and dangerous.
(Spaceship corridor)
[HARRY] Where are you taking me?
[ZYGON] We need your body print.
[HARRY] My what?
(Body print chamber)
[ZYGON] Selected humans provide us with body prints, a Zygon device thatis beyond your understanding.
[HARRY] Are they dead?
[ZYGON] See this one? A worthless creature known as the Caber. Nowwatch.
[HARRY] That's impossible.
[CABER] We have the power to turn ourselves into replicas of yourunpleasant form whenever it is necessary.
(Fox Inn)
[DOCTOR] If one of these was clamped to each of the rigs about to beattacked. Ah! Perhaps it emits some kind of primeval mating call.
[HUCKLE] Hee. Just after I got here I heard some kind of animalbellowing out there.
[SARAH] What kind of animal?
[HUCKLE] I didn't see it, Miss Smith, and I can tell you, I didn't golooking.
[DOCTOR] If my theory is correct, we're going to have to handle thisvery, very carefully.
[HUCKLE] Yeah, well, if there's anything I can do?
[DOCTOR] No, thank you, Mister Huckle. This could be very valuable.You've done enough, thank you.
[HUCKLE] Okay. Well, watch yourself, Doctor, hey? You too, Miss Smith.
[SARAH] Don't worry.
[HUCKLE] You guys all right?
[CORPORAL] Yeah, better.
[SARAH] Hey, he's coming round.
[BRIGADIER] Ah, Doctor, there you are. What was I doing on the floor?
[DOCTOR] You've been asleep, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Asleep? Impossible. I was on duty. There are times, Doctor,when you do talk absolute nonsense. Excuse me.
(Tullock Moor)
[BENTON] I've never seen anything like that before. Go and fetch theDoctor and the Brigadier.
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Right, you take us there.Sarah.
[SARAH [on monitor]] Yeah?
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] You stay here in case Harry turns up.
[SARAH [on monitor]] Right.
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Come on.
[BROTON] Excellent. Now the female human is alone.
(Tullock Moor)
[BRIGADIER] Exactly what could have caused injuries like that, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Something very big, and very heavy.
[BRIGADIER] And very savage.
(Fox Inn)
[SARAH] Harry!
[HARRY 2] (no bandage) Hello.
[SARAH] What do you mean, hello? Are you all right? What happened toyou?
[HARRY 2] Nothing. I escaped.
[SARAH] Escaped? Escaped from where? What do you? Where are you goingwith that?
[HARRY 2] The Doctor asked me to collect it.
[SARAH] Did he? When did you see him?
[HARRY 2] It's not important.
[SARAH] Hey, just a minute. Harry!
(Tullock village)
[SARAH] Harry! Come back! Harry!
[SARAH] Quick! It's Harry. We've got to stop him. Quick.
[SARAH] Harry! Harry! Harry! Look, we've got to find him. Let's splitup.
[SARAH] Harry?
[SARAH] Harry?
[BROTON] Strange. The response monitor on the human indicates autonomicreflex.
[ZYGON] Impossible.
[BROTON] Unless something has happened to Murdlar. Test the syncronresponse.
[ZYGON] There is no syncron response, Commander.
[BROTON] Murdlar has been eliminated! Immediate molecular dispersal! Hemust not be taken. Immediate dispersal!
[SARAH] But it was there!
(Fox Inn)
[DOCTOR] Yes, but how does it work? If we knew that, at least we'd beable to destroy it. Still, thanks to you we've still got it.
[SARAH] Yeah. You know what worries me is how they, whoever they are,whatever they are, knew we had it.
[DOCTOR] Meaning?
[SARAH] Meaning I think we're being watched.
[DOCTOR] Yes. You know, Brigadier, it does seem as if they know ourmoves in advance.
[BRIGADIER] A spy? You're not suggesting that one of us is really one ofthem?
[DOCTOR] Why not? It's possible. We now know they have the power to turnthemselves into facsimile human beings.
[SARAH] Like Harry.
[DOCTOR] Yes. (sotto) I think it's more likely they've got some form ofelectronic surveillance.
[DOCTOR] Shush. A bug.
[BRIGADIER [on monitor]] Mister Benton!
[BENTON [OC]] Sir!
[BRIGADIER [on monitor]] I want every part of this building checked forbugs. Understand?
[BENTON [on monitor]] Right, sir.
[BROTON] UNIT and the Doctor must be destroyed. Totally destroyed.Programme the Skarasen to attack.
[ZYGON] Is that wise, Commander? If we reveal our presence on thisplanet
[BROTON] I will not tolerate argument!
(Fox Inn)
[SARAH] Doctor? It moved! I saw it move!
[DOCTOR] Of course. Part artefact, part organic! She's right, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Is that its signal?
[SARAH] And that means this thing, whatever it is, is on its way?
[BRIGADIER] I see. Well, I'd better get our machine gun set up.
[DOCTOR] Machine guns may not be enough, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Then what do you suggest?
[DOCTOR] There's only one course still open to us. I'll try and draw itoff while you get a fix on its activating signal. We must find itsbase, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Right, Doctor. Corporal, get that
[SARAH] You're taking an awful risk, Doctor. You don't know how fastthis thing can move.
[DOCTOR] It doesn't know how fast I can move.
(Tullock Moor)
(Fox Inn)
[CORPORAL] The signal's coming from inland, sir.Bearing two three zero.
[BRIGADIER] Two three zero. And the other bearing was?
[CORPORAL] One six five, sir.
[BRIGADIER] One six five. That makes it just about here. About six orseven miles from here. Loch Ness.
[SARAH] The monster?
[BROTON] Destroy him. Die, Doctor, die!
[ZYGON] The target reciprocator is dead, Commander.
[BROTON] Yes, and we have lost visual contact. The reciprocator wasattached to the Doctor, so he too must be dead. Excellent. Recall theSkarasen and take that creature away.
(Fox Inn)
[McRANALD] What are you all doing here?
[BENTON] Brigadier's orders, Mister McRanald. We're looking for bugs.
[McRANALD] Oh, bugs, is it. Well, you can tell your Brigadier from methat this is a clean house.
[BENTON] Yes, well, it's not that sort of bug we were looking for.Microphones?
[McRANALD] Ach, you're all mad. Who'd be hiding microphones here?
[BENTON] Yes, well, you'd better ask the Brigadier that.
[McRANALD] Here, now mind what you're doing with that bedwarmer. It'ssaid to belong to the Duke of Cumberland.
[BENTON] Yeah, we believe you. Jackson, check the window area, will you?
[McRANALD] Sergeant Major, you're all wasting your time.
[BENTON] Yes, well, you never know, so if you don't mind, we'll carry onlooking.
[McRANALD] Here in Tullock we don't need any clever contraptions to tellus what people are up to. Everybody knows everybody else's business.It's a matter of principle.
[BENTON] Yes, and you in advance with your second sight, eh?
[McRANALD [on monitor]] Don't touch that. It was agift from the Duke of Forgill.
[BENTON [on monitor]] All right, all right, Mister McRanald. Keep yourhair on.
[BROTON] Have that monitor link removed.
[ZYGON] Immediately, Commander.
(Tullock Moor)
[SARAH] Doctor! Hey! Hey, you all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The cyborg overstepped its mark, luckily for me.
[BRIGADIER] Cyborg? Then you identified the creature?
[DOCTOR] Cyborg is a hybrid creature, Brigadier. Half animal, halfmachine. Must be very interesting.
[BRIGADIER] Who, the cyborgs?
[DOCTOR] No, whoever's controlling them. Did you locate their base?
[SARAH] The signal seemed to be coming from Loch Ness, Doctor, if that'spossible.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it is possible. Ready, Brigadier?
[BRIGADIER] Ready for what?
[DOCTOR] To visit the Duke. We're going to Forgill Castle.
(Forgill Castle)
[DOCTOR] Shop!
[BRIGADIER] Your Grace? I really don't think we should just walk inunannounced.
[DOCTOR] Well, there's nobody to announce us, is there.
[SARAH] Most of the staff have left and gone to work for the oilcompany. I can't say I blame them.
[DOCTOR] My family has served this country for seven centuries, but thatseems not to count these days. Ah, there you are.
[FORGILL] Perhaps you'll explain this intrusion?
[DOCTOR] Nobody opened the front door.
[FORGILL] I see. You have some reason for calling?
[DOCTOR] Brigadier?
[DOCTOR] Well, tell him.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, yes. Er, well sir, the fact is.
[FORGILL] The fact is what?
[BRIGADIER] We have reason to believe there's something rather unusualin the Loch.
[FORGILL] Loch Ness?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, sir.
[FORGILL] Don't tell me you've found the monster.
[SARAH] As it happens, your Grace, that's just what we do mean.
[FORGILL] I do believe you're serious.
[DOCTOR] We are. Very.
[FORGILL] Depth charges?
[BRIGADIER] With your Grace's permission, as you own part of theshoreline.
[FORGILL] You can't explode depth charges in Loch Ness.
[BRIGADIER] I'm afraid it's the only answer, sir. This creature must bedestroyed.
[FORGILL] Doctor, are you a party to this militaristic nonsense?
[DOCTOR] I'm not a party to any kind of nonsense, your Grace.
[FORGILL] There's no proof. There never has been any actual proof thatthe monster exists.
[SARAH] Of course it exists. It chased the Doctor half across TullockMoor.
[BRIGADIER] And we believe it's been destroying these oil rigs.
[FORGILL] Loch Ness is seven miles from the coast. Are you suggesting itwalks overland without being seen?
[DOCTOR] An underground river.
[FORGILL] No, Doctor. Loch Ness is fifty feet above sea level.
[DOCTOR] I know, your Grace. I know. But there's a subterranean channelleading from Loch Ness to the Devil's Punchbowl, a small loch near thevillage. It's near the sea and would make a useful back door for themonster, wouldn't you say?
[FORGILL] I've never heard such nonsense. Are you seriously suggestingthat the creature commutes between here and the North Sea whenever itfeels like it?
[DOCTOR] Whenever it's ordered to. We know it's controlled by a signalsystem.
[FORGILL] Controlled? By whom?
[DOCTOR] Aliens.
[BRIGADIER] I know it sounds improbable, sir, but we do have evidence.
[FORGILL] Improbable? It's utterly, totally absurd. Aliens?
[BRIGADIER] I know exactly how you feel, sir. Before I joined UNIT, Iwas highly sceptical about these things.
[FORGILL] You're all utterly unhinged. Must be. Aliens with wirelesssets?
[DOCTOR] Well, it takes all sorts to make a galaxy, your Grace.
(Fox Inn)
[McRANALD] Oh, hello, Sister Lamont. It's a while since we've seen you.How are you?
[LAMONT] Never better, Mister McRanald. What are you doing?
[McRANALD] Well, the English soldier reckoned they were being bugged,and sure enough I think I've found it, though how on Earth anybodycould have fixed this here.
[BENTON] Get your rifles, men, and quickly.
[BENTON] Okay, hold it.
[BENTON] Okay, come on. Okay men, spread out quietly. Contact theBrigadier. Tell him we've got one of these aliens trapped.
(Forgill Castle)
[FORGILL] Half these books are devoted to thesubject of the monster. There've been reported sightings since theMiddle Ages. Now you're saying that aliens have been living under theloch for centuries?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm saying exactly that.
[BRIGADIER] Then why have they suddenly become aggressive?
[SARAH] Something to do with the oil, perhaps?
[DOCTOR] Not perhaps, yes. For hundreds of years the monster's been ableto cross Tullock Moor unseen. Then the oil company built a base rightin its path
[FORGILL] Absolute fantasy.
[DOCTOR] Causing it to make a detour round the village, which is why itsmasters released nerve gas and why you went to sleep, Brigadier.
[FORGILL] Forgill.
[BRIGADIER] Well, it still doesn't seem a good enough reason to startattacking oil rigs, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, perhaps not in itself, maybe, but their plans may havechanged recently. Who knows?
[FORGILL] Lethbridge Stewart.
[BRIGADIER] Yes? Oh, thank you.
[BRIGADIER] Yes? Oh, they have? Splendid. Where? Right, we'll come overstraight away. Benton's got one of those creatures cornered, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good. Task for you, Sarah.
[SARAH] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Do you mind if my assistant looks through your library?
[FORGILL] Not at all.
[SARAH] Listen, you. Stop trying to keep me out of things.
[DOCTOR] Not so, Sarah. You might find a valuable lead. I want you tocheck any reference to McRanald Bay and Devil's Punchbowl.
[FORGILL] I'll see you out.
[BRIGADIER] Thank you, sir. Good hunting, Miss Smith.
[SARAH] Why do I always get the dirty jobs?
[SOLDIER] Sister, what are you doing here?
[LAMONT] I was told somebody had been injured.
[SOLDIER] Not injured, killed.
[LAMONT] Killed? Who?
[SOLDIER] Angus, the landlord. Hey, you've hurt yourself.
[LAMONT] It's not important.
[SOLDIER] Let me see.
(Fox Inn)
[BRIGADIER] The nursing sister?
[BENTON] Yes, sir. Seen driving off. The man that was clobbered didn'tknow these creatures could change.
[BRIGADIER] And neither did this poor fellow, apparently.
[BRIGADIER] Pity he didn't tell us what he was up to.
[DOCTOR] Obviously, he was bug hunting.
[BRIGADIER] Sorry, I'm not with you.
[DOCTOR] Haven't you noticed? This is where it was hidden, do you see.
[DOCTOR] Forgill brought this down, didn't he?
[BENTON] The Duke?
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, you're not suggesting his Grace is involved in this?
[DOCTOR] Why not? We know that these creatures can change. He may not bethe real Duke.
[BRIGADIER] Great Scott. And we left Miss Smith alone at the castle.
(Forgill Castle)
[SARAH] Oh, what are those large books up there?
[FORGILL] Monastic records. There has been a monastery on this site fromthe eleventh century onwards.
[SARAH] Really? Can I have a look?
[FORGILL] Certainly.
[FORGILL] I trust you can read medieval Latin?
[SARAH] Oh, that's a point. Er, have you never sighted this monsteryourself?
[FORGILL] That would be impossible. It doesn't exist.
[SARAH] Yet there are all these books on the subject.
[FORGILL] There is no limit to human credulity, Miss Smith.
[CABER] Your Grace.
[FORGILL] Ah, Caber. Our young guest is delving into the mysteries ofthe past. Fetch her the steps, would you?
[CABER] Very good, your Grace.
[SARAH] Caber. An unusual name.
[FORGILL] It's a nickname. He's a Highland Games champion. I doubt thatyou'd be able to pronounce his real name. It's very Gaelic.
[SARAH] No, I don't suppose I could.
[FORGILL] Now, if you'd excuse me.
[SARAH] Of course. Thank you for being so kind.
[FORGILL] Not at all.
[SARAH] Just there, please. Can't reach.
(Forgill Castle)
[CABER] She must have gone into the ship.
[FORGILL] She's more intelligent than I thought. We'll take Orla belowand alert the crew. The girl must be found and destroyed.)
[SARAH] Harry!
(Spaceship room)
[HARRY] Sarah! Well, come on, open the door. Look,Sarah, we've got to get out of here. Look, sorry. Put your hand on thepanel.
[SARAH [through door]] Is it you?
[HARRY] What do you mean, is it me?
[SARAH [through door]] Is it really you?
[HARRY] Well of course it is. What on Earth's the matter with you, oldgirl?
[SARAH] Do you realise
[HARRY] I'm glad to see you because
[SARAH] (sotto) Someone's coming.
[CABER] Soon we shall revert to our normal form.
[LAMONT] Good. I loathe this abomination of a body.
(Spaceship room)
[HARRY] (sotto) All clear. I think they've gone.
[SARAH] (sotto) Well, let's find the Doc and Brig fast.
[SARAH] (sotto) Harry!
[SARAH] (sotto) Come on.
(Forgill Castle)
[DOCTOR] Sarah?
[BRIGADIER] The place is deserted.
[DOCTOR] Something's happened.
[BRIGADIER] Wait a minute. Blood.
[SARAH] Brigadier! We've found the aliens. They've got a spaceship underthe loch.
[HARRY] We're going to need reinforcements, sir.
[SARAH] And that's not all. The Duke we met is an imposter. He's one ofthem!
[DOCTOR] Is he?
[SARAH] Doctor!
[HARRY] Hello.
[DOCTOR] What about you two?
[HARRY] What do you mean, what about us two?
[DOCTOR] It's nice to see you. Does this lead to the spaceship?
[SARAH] Well, yes, but be careful!
[BRIGADIER] Oh, come on, Doctor. There's no time to lose.
[BROTON] Make one move and the Doctor dies.
[BRIGADIER] What the devil are they?
[HARRY] They, sir, are Zygons.
[SARAH] What have you done to the Doctor?
[BROTON] Nothing as yet. We are leaving, and taking him with us.
[HARRY] You told me your spaceship was crippled, Broton. You said youcould never return to your planet.
[BROTON] Instead, we shall become the ruler of yours. Destroying the oilrigs was only the beginning, a trial of strength for the Skarasen. Thebig event is yet to come.
[SARAH] The switch, it's here somewhere.
[HARRY] What do we do now, sir?
[BRIGADIER] Don't worry, Sullivan. We're not beaten yet.
(Loch shore)
[BENTON] Load!
[BENTON] Standing by, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Thank you, Mister Benton.
[SARAH] What about the Doctor?
[BRIGADIER] I know, Miss Smith. We'll explode the first couple high.That'll bring them to the surface. Get on with it, Mister Benton!
[BENTON] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Sounds like the Brigadier.
[BROTON] We're attacked! Prepare for flight.
(Loch shore)
[BRIGADIER] And another.
[BENTON] Load! Fire!
[BROTON] Report.
[ZYGON] Main systems functional.
[BROTON] Maximum range?
[ZYGON] Seven hundred Earth miles.
(Loch shore)
[BRIGADIER] At least they'll know we mean business.
[BROTON] Activate dynacon thrust.
[DOCTOR] Going somewhere, are we?
(Loch shore)
[SARAH] Brigadier, listen.
(Loch shore)
[BRIGADIER] Mister Benton, prepare to move out.
[BENTON] Sir. Okay, move it!
(Spaceship room)
[BROTON] The humans will be following our course by their radar.Transmit a jamming signal.
[ZYGON] Immediately, Commander.
[DOCTOR] You've been hiding too long, Broton. It's become a habit.
[BROTON] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] I thought the plan was to conquer the world.
[BROTON] The plan has not changed.
[DOCTOR] But you can't rule a world in hiding. You've got to come outonto the balcony sometimes and wave a tentacle, if you'll pardon theexpression.
[BROTON] In a few hours there will be no further need of secrecy. Haveno doubt, Doctor.
[BRIGADIER] Greyhound Leader to Trap One. Emergency alert to all radarstations. Alien spacecraft heading south from Loch Ness.
(Fox Inn)
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Second, alert Strike Command, butwarn them there is to be no attack. I repeat, no attack until furtherorders.
[BRIGADIER] Have our aircraft standing by atInverness for immediate return to London HQ. That is all. Out.
[SARAH] Brigadier, before leaving, we should search that castle.
[BRIGADIER] Why? There's nobody there now.
[SARAH] No, but we might find something that'll tell us where the Zygonshave gone.
[HARRY] Or what they're up to.
[BRIGADIER] Yes. Worth looking, I suppose. All right, I'll drop you twoat the castle. Get in.
(Forgill Castle)
[HARRY] I give up, old girl. Come on, let's get back
[SARAH] No, just a minute, just a minute.
[HARRY] I don't think you're going to find any scandals.
[SARAH] No, listen, listen. The Duke is Chieftain of the AntlersAssociation, Trustee of the Golden Haggis Lucky Dip, whatever thatmight be, and President of the Scottish Energy Commission.
[HARRY] Sarah, we're wasting time.
[SARAH] Agreed. Agreed.
[BROTON] We have a suitable landing zone. Preparefor descent.
[ZYGON] Reducing dynacon thrust. Dynacon thrust at phase two.
[BROTON] Initiate descent trajectory.
[ZYGON] Descending now.
[BROTON] Complete touchdown procedure.
(Spaceship room)
[BROTON [OC]] Receive a message from Commander Broton. To avoiddetection, all unwanted signals are forbidden. Internal communicationwill remain on half power.
[DOCTOR] Half wit.
(Fox Inn)
[BRIGADIER] Lost contact?
[BENTON] I'm afraid so, sir, yes.
[BRIGADIER] What, all of them?
[BENTON] Okay, thanks. (puts the phone down) They tell us there's acomplete black-out all over the country, sir. No radar workinganywhere. London seem to think it's some kind of jamming device.
[BRIGADIER] I see. Well, we'll just have to hope that somebody spotsthem. All right, carry on Mister Benton.
[BENTON] Right, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Ah, Sullivan and Miss Smith. You're only just in time.
[HARRY] It's a very, very long walk, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, well, we're heading back to London. Advance party'sjust left. Did you find anything at the castle?
[SARAH] No, nothing.
[HARRY] Any news of the spacecraft, sir?
[BRIGADIER] It was last reported heading south over Leicestershire, andthen they lost it. We've also had a report of a large underwater objecttravelling south at high speed.
[SARAH] Guess what.
[BROTON] How far from the target is the Skarasennow?
[ZYGON] One hundred and fifty two Earth miles. It is approaching themouth of the estuary.
[BROTON] That is close enough. Sever contact. The skeletar will bring itto the target from that range.
(Spaceship room)
[DOCTOR] Social call?
[BROTON] You admire our technology, human?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm not human, and I've seen better.
[BROTON] Better than this?
[DOCTOR] Very good, very good. Almost impressive. But why bother?
[FORGILL] It is necessary to activate a body print every few hours,otherwise the original pattern dies and cannot be used again.
[DOCTOR] Ah. So you still have a use for the real Duke.
[DOCTOR] Formal occasion?
[FORGILL] Perhaps.
[DOCTOR] I gather we've landed. Where are we?
[FORGILL] You like asking questions.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's the only way to learn. When does this greatoperation begin, this conquest of the world?
[FORGILL] Phase one is already complete.
[DOCTOR] And what are you going to do with it when you've got it? Isn'tit a bit large for just about six of you?
[FORGILL] Other Zygons are on their way. When our planet was destroyedin a recent catastrophe, a great refugee fleet was assembled.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. And they're coming here at your invitation.
[FORGILL] Exactly, Doctor. It will be many centuries before the fleetarrives. In that time, the whole of this Earth must be restructured.
[DOCTOR] I'll say one thing for you, Broton. You think big.
[FORGILL] Polar icecaps must go, the mean temperature raised severaldegrees, thousand of lakes with the right mineral elements constructed.I shall recreate my own planet here on Earth.
[DOCTOR] Using forced labour.
[FORGILL] That is my intention. Human labour and Zygon technology. Thetask is challenging, but not impossible.
[DOCTOR] You're underestimating human beings, Broton.
[FORGILL] We shall see. Tomorrow I demonstrate my ultimate power.
(UNIT HQ radio room)
[SARAH] It's been hours now. Not a word from anywhere.
[BENTON] Oh, don't worry, Miss. Something's bound to happen. I mean,they've got to make a move soon, haven't they.
[SARAH] It's the Doctor I'm worried about. Could be dead for all weknow.
[BENTON] Oh, come on. If I know the Doctor, he's most likely working outa way to escape right at this minute.
[SARAH] Oh yes, I know that. It's just not hearing anything.
[SARAH] Any news?
[BRIGADIER] Nothing on the spaceship, but we've had another report onthat underwater object. It's been sighted off the coast. The Navy aresending some frigates from Chatham.
[BENTON] UNIT Headquarters. Who? Oh, yes, he's here. Just a moment,please. It's for you, sir. The Prime Minister.
[BRIGADIER] Lethbridge Stewart speaking. Oh, absolutely understood,madam. No public announcement. Yes, madam. Discreet action. Discreetbut resolute.
(Spaceship room)
[DOCTOR] Right, now for the big question. Is half power lethal?
[FORGILL] A relay must have jammed in the dysteliccircuit.
[ZYGON] No, Commander. The circuit panel is in order.
[FORGILL] Trace the source, quick. We must stop that transmission.
(UNIT HQ radio room)
[BENTON] Sir! I think this is it.
(Outside the spaceship room)
[FORGILL] Whatever he's doing has jammed the door. It is the Doctor!
(UNIT HQ radio room)
[SARAH] It's the Doctor, I know it is.
[BENTON] Well, I've checked the triangulations, sir, and I make itabout, about here.
[BRIGADIER] Just beyond Brentford. A disused quarry. We've got them,Mister Benton!
[BRIGADIER] Right, let's move out.
(Spaceship room)
[FORGILL] Is he dead?
[ZYGON] Yes, Commander. The power destroyed him.
[FORGILL] It is well. I underestimated his intelligence, but heunderestimated the power of organic crystallography. Come, it is almosttime for me to leave.
[DOCTOR] I'm alive!
[FORGILL] Distance?
[ZYGON] The Skarasen is fifty Earth miles away, Commander.
[FORGILL] Excellent. It is time for me to place the activator on thetarget. Humanity is at our feet.
(Body print chamber)
[DUKE] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] His Grace the Duke of Forgill, I presume?
[DUKE] Yes. Where the blazes am I?
[DOCTOR] On a spaceship.
[DUKE] Spaceship?
[FORGILL] In two minutes, close down dyastetictransmission and maintain monitor contact.
[ZYGON] Understood. Commander.
[FORGILL] Open the escape hatch. When phase two is completed, I shallbroadcast my demands to the world.
(Body print chamber)
[LAMONT] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] We've got to lure the Zygons out of the control room somehow.This is also a fire sensor. If I can heat it sufficiently
[DOCTOR] Quick, back into your alcoves! We'll soon see how good theirfire drill is.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Okay, quick, everybody out. It won't take them long torealise it's a false alarm.
[DOCTOR] Come along, quick. Break that vacuum mechanism to jam thedoor.)
[CABER] This one?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that one, man. Get on with it.
[CABER] Is that broken enough?
[DOCTOR] It's more than enough.
[DOCTOR] Right, let's see what other damage we can do. Anybody know whatthis is?
[DUKE] I haven't the faintest idea.
[LAMONT] You tell us.
[DOCTOR] I will. It's a self-destructor, and it works like this.
[DOCTOR] Right, we've got about sixty seconds before the whole shipblows up.
[ZYGON [OC]] Open this door! Open this door!
[SARAH] There it is!
[SARAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Everyone get down!
[DOCTOR] Was that bang big enough for you, Brigadier?
[HARRY] Nicely done, Doctor. That's the end of the Zygons, eh?
[DOCTOR] Not entirely. Broton escaped and he still has control of themonster. He plans to attack some target in London.
[SARAH] Close to the Thames, huh?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. And this time it'll be something really spectacular.
[BRIGADIER] I've just remembered. When I spoke to the PM earlier, shewas about to leave for Stanbridge House. And that's on the river.
[DOCTOR] What's happening there?
[DUKE] The Fourth International Energy Conference. The place'll be fullof VIPs from all over the world. It's a meeting of crucial importance.
[DOCTOR] Ah. That could be it, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, but he'd need a pass to get in. The security's verytight.
[SARAH] But he'll have a pass. The Duke, the real Duke, is President ofthe Scottish Energy Commission.
[DUKE] That's right, I am.
[DOCTOR] Well, come on. Let's get to London.
(Stanbridge House cellar)
(UNIT HQ radio room)
[BENSON] Tell the Brigadier the monster's beensighted again. It'll be at Stanbridge House in another four minutes. Irepeat, another four minutes. Over.
(Stanbridge House)
[BRIGADIER] Three and a half minutes, Doctor, andstill no sign of Broton in the conference hall.
[DOCTOR] Well, he was checked into the building. What's behind theconference hall?
[BRIGADIER] Catering section and river terrace.
[DOCTOR] You search there. Sarah and I will take the cellar.
(Stanbridge House cellar)
[DOCTOR] Not much light.
[SARAH] Maybe somebody should tell the Energy Congress.
[DOCTOR] Stay there.
[BROTON [OC]] I thought you were dead.
[DOCTOR] Loose thinking, Broton.
[BROTON [OC]] This time, I shall make certain.
[DOCTOR] (to Sarah, sotto) Get the Brigadier. (loud) Broton, yourspaceship's been destroyed. This building is surrounded by soldiers.
[BROTON] I control the Skarasen! I can destroy this planet or become itsmaster. That is the choice I offer your world.
(Stanbridge House)
[SARAH] Brigadier! Brigadier!
(Stanbridge House cellar)
[BRIGADIER] Morton, through the other door! Right, come with me.
[BROTON] The Skarasen will destroy you all.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] The signal device, quickly. Broton's hidden it in this roomsomewhere. Brigadier, evacuate the building. The monster will tear theplace down to get the device.
[BRIGADIER] Right. Ferguson, with me.
[DOCTOR] Quiet, both of you. Listen. I can almost feel it.
[DOCTOR] The monster must be allowed to destroy it.
[HARRY] There's nothing I can do for him.
[SARAH] And as for this one.
[HARRY] Sarah, I think we've been left behind.
[SARAH] Harry, you're right.
(Stanbridge House emergency exit)
[DOCTOR] Here, boy. Fetch it. Fetch it.
(Stanbridge House)
[HARRY] He must have gone this way.
[SARAH] Well, let's hope so.
(Stanbridge House emergency exit)
[SARAH] It's huge! Where's the signal device?
[DOCTOR] He's chewing it.
[SARAH] It's going back under the surface.
[DOCTOR] He'll go home now he's eaten the device.
[HARRY] Home?
[DOCTOR] Loch Ness, Harry. The only home he knows.
[DUKE] Tell me, I imagine the whole business caused quite a stir.
[BRIGADIER] No, the Cabinet's accepted my report and the whole affair'snow completely closed.
[DUKE] You mean it never happened.
[BRIGADIER] Well, a fifty foot monster can't swim up the Thames andattack a large building without some people noticing, but you know whatpoliticians are like.
[DUKE] Yes, quite. By the way, I was coming to meet you people. I couldswear I caught a glimpse of the monster in the Loch.
[SARAH] But you're not sure.
[DUKE] The sun was in my eyes. Now, where is this contraption of yours?
[DOCTOR] My contraption, your Grace, is this way. I think. Follow me.Come on.
[DUKE] That's the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's the Tardis. And I'm going to pilot it all the wayto London. I can be there five minutes ago.
[SARAH] Just a minute, Doctor. I thought you couldn't do that.
[DOCTOR] Of course I can. Coming?
[BRIGADIER] No, thank you.
[HARRY] I think I'll stick to InterCity this time, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Sarah?
[SARAH] All right. Providing we do go straight back to London.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, we will. I promise.
[DUKE] Well, I'll be. Do they have return tickets?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, I imagine so.
[DUKE] You should have taken them and got your refund, man. I thoughtyou were a Scotsman.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s13", "episode": "e01", "title": "Terror of the Zygons"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (27 Sep, 1975; Fourth Doctor) - Planet of Evil
(Expedition base)
[BRAUN] Base checking. You all right out there?
[BALDWIN [OC]] All quiet.
[BRAUN [OC]] Where are you?
[BALDWIN] Sector five. We've hit a rich load.
(Expedition base)
[BRAUN] Sector five? Listen, I just took a sunshot. You have fifteen degrees to full night. You'd better get out ofthere fast.
[BALDWIN] Right. Professor, that was Braun. We'vegot to leave.
[BALDWIN] It's fifteen degrees to night.
[SORENSON] Just look at this, Baldwin. It's showing more than seventypure.
[BALDWIN] We'll never make base from here, sir, if we don't leave now.
[SORENSON] The last time we hit a vein as rich as this, you know whathappened?
[BALDWIN] Yes. Lorenzo died. He was the first. That's when it all seemedto start.
[SORENSON] We lost it. The vein vanished. This damned planet took itback. It's alive, you know, Baldwin. It watches every move we make. Iwon't be beaten again. Load the canisters.
[BALDWIN] Professor, please. There isn't time now. We can returntomorrow.
[SORENSON] It'll be gone by tomorrow. Don't you see, man? It knows. Itsenses what we're trying to do.
[BALDWIN] I'm not trekking back through that jungle in the dark. If youdon't come now, I shall have to leave you.
[SORENSON] Well, then, leave. Leave.
(Outside Expeditionbase)
[BALDWIN] Braun? Braun?
(Expedition base)
[BALDWIN] Sorenson wouldn't come. He. Braun? Whereare you?
[SARAH] How long have we been travelling?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? What did you say?
[SARAH] You promised me we'd be back in London five minutes beforeleaving Loch Ness.
[SARAH] Oh, you're trying to wriggle out of it.
[DOCTOR] Wriggle out of what?
[SARAH] Your promise.
[DOCTOR] Listen, we're on the edge of a time-space vortex and you'retalking in minutes.
[SARAH] Oh, I see. What's gone wrong this time?
[DOCTOR] Nothing. Nothing at all. What makes you think something's gonewrong?
[SARAH] Because you always get rude when you're trying to cover up amistake.
[DOCTOR] Nothing of consequence. Slight overshoot, easily rectified.
[SARAH] Come on, where are we?
[DOCTOR] We've come out of the time vortex at the wrong point, that'sall. A few years too late.
[SARAH] How many?
[DOCTOR] Thirty thousand.
[SARAH] That's a distress call.
[DOCTOR] Someone's in trouble.
[SARAH] Where?
[DOCTOR] Who knows? Stand by for emergency materialisation.
[SARAH] Which way?
[DOCTOR] This way.
[SARAH] You don't know where we are.
[DOCTOR] Oh, with any luck, we're near enough to reach wherever it is.
[SARAH] That is not what I meant.
[DOCTOR] Before whatever it was that made them transmit the calloverwhelms them. That is, if we're not too late already.
[SARAH] I mean, what planet?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's a weak signal. Allowing for the fact of interferencefrom the time warp, could you move any faster?
[SARAH] I'm doing the best I can.
(Space probe command area)
[VISHINSKY] There it is, Zeta Minor. The last planet of the knownuniverse.
[SALAMAR] Crew deck, orbital entry imminent. Ponti and de Haan tocommand area. Ponti and de Haan to command area. Vishinsky, you'll leadthe landing party.
[VISHINSKY] Without Ponti?
[SALAMAR] You are the most experienced officer.
[VISHINSKY] You are going to scan first?
[VISHINSKY] It's advised procedure before physical landing on anyex-planet.
[SALAMAR] Technically, Zeta Minor is not an ex-planet. ProfessorSorenson's party's been on the surface for months.
[VISHINSKY] They might have been dead for months. They've not reported.
[SALAMAR] Vishinsky, you know our fuel position. We've enough for thereturn journey and an emergency reserve. I cannot waste that on a lowlevel scan.
[VISHINSKY] It's your decision, Controller. I'll get equipped fordescent.
[DOCTOR] Sarah? You all right? What's the matter?
[SARAH] I don't know. Just suddenly felt so odd, as though my mind leftmy body.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right now?
[SARAH] Yes.
[DOCTOR] You look all right.
[SARAH] Yeah. What's that you've found?
[DOCTOR] Hand tool of some kind.
[SARAH] So the people who sent that signal must be humanoid. Well, ifthey've got hands?
(Space probe command area)
[SALAMAR] The descent chamber's ready, Ponti.
[PONTI] (Jamaican) Yes, Controller.
[SALAMAR] The probe will remain in free orbit in case emergency escapeprocedures are needed. From the time you land, maintain permanent audiocontact.
[DE HAAN] Understood, Controller.
[SALAMAR] The descent area is the one selected for Sorenson, so youshould have no difficulty locating the base.
[VISHINSKY] Unless something gets in our way.
[SALAMAR] You're equipped and trained to deal with all normalcontingencies. The prime purpose of this mission is to locate ProfessorSorenson's expedition. If hostile forces are found to be operating onZeta Minor, we've the capacity to eliminate them.
[SALAMAR] Right, we're in orbit. Prepare for descent.
(Outside the Expeditionbase)
[SARAH] Looks like we're too late.
[DOCTOR] Several months too late, by the look of him.
(Expedition base)
[DOCTOR] Anyone about? No one about.
[SARAH] Can't we have some lights?
[DOCTOR] Probably the power's run down.
[SARAH] That would account for the weak signal.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Ah.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Automatic distress button. It all adds up. May have beenrunning for months. High capacity power cell dependant for sunlight oncharging.
[SARAH] So we're still in the solar system.
[DOCTOR] We're still in a solar system, but what particular starprovides the light and energy? Wherever we are, we're a long way out.SARAH
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Well, this is clearly the base for some kind of scientificexpedition, possibly geological. Something went wrong and they sent outa distress signal.
[SARAH] And died before help arrived.
[DOCTOR] Yes, something like that. A lost expedition.
[SARAH] So, what are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] So, let's go back to the Tardis and fetch my spectromixer, andI'll fix our position by that star. Then I'll repair this power celland try and make contact.
[SARAH] Well, you can get on with that now. I'll fetch the spectromixer.
[DOCTOR] Good idea. Would you do that?
[SARAH] Why not? I know the way.
[DOCTOR] Good thinking. What are you waiting for?
[SARAH] The key.
[SARAH] Right. See you.
[DOCTOR] Sarah.
(Outside the Tardis)
[VISHINSKY] Don't touch. Keep back. It may be a trap. Landing party toprobe.
(Space probe command area)
[SALAMAR] Understood. You've acted correctly. Donot attempt entry.
[VISHINSKY [OC]] Shall we apply disintegrators?
[SALAMAR] On no account. It'll yield essential information on hostileforces. Your orders are, transpose object to probe. Out. Prepare thequarantine berth.
(Outside the Tardis)
[VISHINSKY] All right, stand clear.
[VISHINSKY] Movement. Over there. Approach and identify yourself.
[VISHINSKY] Professor Sorenson!
[SORENSON] I've been observing you for some time. One has to be carefulon this planet. Appearances can be deceptive.
[VISHINSKY] You all right, Professor?
[SORENSON] Oh, yes. It's nearly dawn. The days are quite safe.
[VISHINSKY] But how are you? Galactic Mission Control received no wordfrom you. They sent us to investigate.
[SORENSON] I'm well. I'm more than well. My theory about Zeta Minor hasproved to be true. Only last night I made the vital discovery in Sectorfive.
[VISHINSKY] Where are the others?
[SORENSON] Baldwin returned to the base last night. He was sufferingfrom, from fatigue. He'll be fine now. Come, I'll show you the way.
[VISHINSKY] There were eight in your expedition.
[SORENSON] Yes, we've had difficulties. Conditions are hard. We've lostsome, but the important thing is the mission has been a success. Wefound what we came to find.
[VISHINSKY] How many have you lost?
[SORENSON] He'll be fine now. It's just tiredness. He needs a good rest.It's not far.
(Base rear compartment)
[SORENSON] Baldwin?
[DOCTOR] He's dead.
[SORENSON] Yes. Murdered. Just like the others.
[VISHINSKY] Stay where you are.
(Quarantine berth)
[SALAMAR] Stand just where you are.
[SARAH] Where am I?
[SALAMAR] You are in orbit around planet Zeta Minor. You're a Morestranprisoner.
[SARAH] I can't breathe.
[SALAMAR] An oxygen type. Could be an Earthling. Transfer oxygen toquarantine area.
[MORELLI] Command deck calling you, Commander.
[SALAMAR] Right. Complete the quarantine procedures and bring the aliento me. You see what she's holding?
(Expedition base)
[VISHINSKY] He calls himself the Doctor. He's not of our world. Claimsto have landed in response to a distress call.
(Space probe command area)
[SALAMAR] Have you checked the transmitters downthere?
(Expedition base)
[VISHINSKY] Yes, but any signal would have beenmonitored by our receivers.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps my receivers are better than yours.
[PONTI] Shut up!
[DOCTOR] My manners certainly are.
(Space probe command area)
[SALAMAR] Can't Sorenson explain?
[VISHINSKY [OC]] He's too shocked. His mental state is strained.
[SALAMAR] Understandable. We arrived just in time. And the prisoner?
[VISHINSKY [OC]] Just repeats the same story.
[SALAMAR] Keep a careful watch on him. I may have better fortune.
[SALAMAR] You picked it up?
[SARAH] That's what I said. We picked up a distress call and landedimmediately.
[SALAMAR] Do you have any idea where Zeta Minor is situated?
[SARAH] No, not exactly.
[SALAMAR] It's beyond Cygnus A. It's as distant again from Ortoro galaxyas that galaxy is from the Anterades. It's on the very edge of theknown universe. You just happened to be passing when you received thisdistress call?
[SARAH] Well, no, no, no, we were on our way to London, to Earth.
[SALAMAR] To Earth? You said you came from Earth.
[SARAH] Yes, we do. That is, I do. You see, the Doctor said we could, wecould be back
[SALAMAR] Report.
[MORELLI [OC]] Landing site moving to obverse. Decision to land onplanet or continue in orbit imperative.
[SALAMAR] We'll go in now, before night. I think you and your friend,the Doctor, know much more about Zeta Minor than you want us to think.Take her away. Commence landing procedure.
(Expedition base)
[SORENSON] We'd only been working a few weeks when Lorenzo went. Afterthat, Gura and then Summers. And then for a while, it stopped. Wethought that we were safe, that whatever it was had decided to leave usin peace, but it wasn't to be.
[VISHINSKY] The killings always happened at night?
[SORENSON] Oh, yes. The nights are the worst.
[SALAMAR] Naturally. Any force of alien infiltrators is going to operateunder cover of dark. A full and immediate confession would save yougreat discomfort.
[DOCTOR] Discomfort? You mean you're going to torture me.
[SALAMAR] Interrogate you. And nobody, Doctor, withstands Morestraninterrogation for very long. Put him with the other prisoner.
[SALAMAR] We must try and contact the home planet again.
[VISHINSKY] Not a chance, Controller. This far our, we're on our own.
[PONTI] We've searched a wide belt of the jungle in all directions. Nosign of any other life.
[SALAMAR] So that seems to narrow the killer down to our two aliens.Prepare to execute them.
(Base crew quarters)
[SARAH] Let's go, shall we?
[SARAH] Through the window.
[DOCTOR] They're magnetically locked.
[SARAH] But the power is low.
(Outside the Expeditionbase)
(Outside the Expeditionbase)
[PONTI] Nothing.
[DE HAAN] I heard a scream.
[PONTI] Who's the guard on this sector?
[DE HAAN] O'Hara. There's no sign of him.
[PONTI] Let's get some lights round here.
[DE HAAN] Right. I'll go and look for him.
[DOCTOR] All right, Sarah, I think it's gone. Are you all right? What'sthe matter?
[SARAH] It's how I felt before, in the jungle. As though I was beingdrawn from my body.
[DOCTOR] You've had a very narrow escape.
[SARAH] What was it?
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure yet, but I've got a very unpleasant theory.
(Expedition base)
[SALAMAR] Everything's normal now.
[VISHINSKY] Something caused that power drain. There was a temperaturedrop of four degrees.
[PONTI] Controller!
[VISHINSKY] Later, Ponti. We have a systems fault.
[PONTI] I think the base is under attack, Controller.
[SALAMAR] Under attack?
[PONTI] We've heard something out there. And O'Hara seems to havedisappeared. We need lights.
[SALAMAR] Better check the prisoners, Vishinsky.
(Base crew quarters)
[SALAMAR] As I thought.
[VISHINSKY] I'll call the crew to alert.
(Outside the Expeditionbase)
[SARAH] It's as if life was sucked out of him.
[DOCTOR] Come on. I think we've been missed.
[PONTI] Halt!
(Expedition base)
[VISHINSKY] With the power drain, the magnetic lockmust have failed.
[SALAMAR] Obviously. But we still don't know what caused it.
[SALAMAR] What is it?
[PONTI] Something you should see for yourself, Controller. They'vekilled O'Hara.
(Outside the Expeditionbase)
[SALAMAR] They must be recaptured and made to payfor this.
[PONTI] We won't find them in this jungle.
[SALAMAR] They won't escape. We'll launch the oculoid tracker at firstlight.
[PONTI] Very good, Controller.
[SALAMAR] Get Sorenson. I want him to see this.
[VISHINSKY] He's under medicare in the probe.
[SALAMAR] Bring him here immediately, Vishinsky. And I want a fullbio-analysis on the cause of death.
[VISHINSKY] All right.
[SARAH] It's so dark.
[DOCTOR] Just hang on.
[SARAH] What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] Nothing.
[SARAH] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Listen. It's coming this way.
[SARAH] (sotto) That was lucky.
[DOCTOR] Fortunately, time is on our side.
[SARAH] Time?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Night's candles are burned out and jocund day standstiptoe on the misty mountain top. Or something like that.
[SARAH] Ah, you mean it's getting light.
[DOCTOR] That's what Shakespeare meant.
[SARAH] Doesn't it like daylight?
[DOCTOR] That is the question.
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor, where are you going?
(Space probe command area)
[VISHINSKY] Projectile chamber three, ignitionprocedures activate.
[MORELLI [OC]] Projectile chamber three activated. Oculoid functionnormal.
[VISHINSKY] Launch attitude seven.
[MORELLI [OC]] Seven.
[VISHINSKY] Telesystems on transverse sweep.
[MORELLI [OC]] Transverse sweep established.
[VISHINSKY] Maintain ocular frequency.
[MORELLI [OC]] Ocular frequency is transmitting now.
[VISHINSKY] Oculoid tracker launched.
[SARAH] What was that, an elfin spirit of the forest?
[DOCTOR] Some sort of surveillance device.
[SARAH] Oh. At least we know we can't get lost.
[DOCTOR] No. I met him once, you know.
[SARAH] Who?
[DOCTOR] Shakespeare. Charming fellow. Dreadful actor.
[SARAH] Perhaps that's why he took up writing.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps it was.
(Space probe command area)
[SALAMAR] You've seen the body?
[SORENSON] All my party died the same way. A type of total dehydration.
[SALAMAR] I have the bio-analysis here. All the organs are undamaged. Nocontusions or evidence of pressure. Complete extraction of bodilyfluids from tissue.
[VISHINSKY] We've no weapon in our technology that could produce such aneffect.
[SALAMAR] No, a heat weapon would have produced external injuries. Allthe indications are that some very rapid form of freeze-dryingoccurred.
[SORENSON] Isn't this irrelevant, Controller?
[SALAMAR] Irrelevant?
[SORENSON] I came to Zeta Minor to prove a theory that could save ourcivilisation. I've been successful. That's all that matters.
[SALAMAR] Seven men have died at the hands of these aliens.
[SORENSON] There is more at stake here than seven lives. Our solarsystem is dependant upon a dying sun. I've discovered a new andinexhaustible source of energy. Rock formations on the fringe of theuniverse.
[MORELLI] Controller, the oculoid tracker has located the prisoners.
[SALAMAR] Order out the pursuit party.
[PONTI] Right, Controller.
[SORENSON] You're wasting time. My mineral samples must be loaded aboardand we must prepare for immediate take off.
[SALAMAR] I am well aware of your high position in the scienceauthorities, Professor, but this is a military expedition with militaryobjectives. The manual says hostile alien forces must be searched outand liquidated. That operation is now in hand.
(Rock pool)
[DOCTOR] Yes, this is it.
[SARAH] Is this where the thing lives?
[DOCTOR] No, it doesn't live anywhere. It just is.
[SARAH] Uh oh. Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Look down there. What do you see?
[SARAH] A pool.
[DOCTOR] Look into it. Wouldn't you expect to see a reflection?
[SARAH] There's nothing. What do you mean, this is it?
[PONTI] Raise your hands over your heads. Search him.
[DOCTOR] I can empty my own pockets, thank you.
[PONTI] Put your hands over your heads.
[DOCTOR] I've nothing up my sleeve, if that's what you mean.
[PONTI] Search them both.
[DOCTOR] Get back! Didn't you learn anything? You're tampering with thebalance of nature on this planet in ways you don't understand. It mayalready be too late.
(Expedition base)
[SORENSON] I want these canisters loaded carefully.
[DE HAAN] What's in them?
[SORENSON] Refined ore. Energy. I calculate that six pounds of thismaterial in our own solar system would produce heat equivalent to theoutput of our own sun over a period of three centuries. Well, don't youunderstand, man? Full scale exploitation of this planet would provideus with perpetual energy in any quantity whenever we needed it. I'vemade the greatest discovery in scientific history.
[DE HAAN] Do you need any of this other equipment, Professor?
[SORENSON] You still don't understand the implications, do you. No, no,there's nothing here. The base can be abandoned.
(Space probe command area)
[VISHINSKY] The prisoners have cleared quarantine.
[SALAMAR] Any weapons?
[VISHINSKY] Our detectors revealed nothing. If they caused the deaths,they used some super-sensory process.
[SALAMAR] It's not unknown for aliens to utilise such techniques. Bringthem in.
[VISHINSKY] Have the aliens brought in.
[SALAMAR] Where's Sorenson?
[VISHINSKY] Getting his samples aboard preparatory to launching.
[SALAMAR] I've given no orders for a launching. There are seven deathsto be accounted for.
[VISHINSKY] Sorenson has a lot of authority in high circles, Salamar. Itmay be unwise to antagonise him.
[SALAMAR] He's still a civilian. Military priorities take precedence.
[VISHINSKY] Bring the prisoners forward.
[DOCTOR] Prisoners? We're here to help. We're not prisoners.
[SALAMAR] You are prisoners, and you are charged with diverse acts ofwar against the subjects of Morestra.
[DOCTOR] Not guilty.
[SARAH] This is ridiculous.
[VISHINSKY] Silence.
[DOCTOR] Do you have any idea of what you're up against on this planet?
[SALAMAR] You will not respond to questions with counter-questions.
[DOCTOR] If you won't allow us
[VISHINSKY] Silence! You will have a chance to speak, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[SALAMAR] This interrogation will be conducted in an orderly manner.Failure to comply will result in your immediate execution.
(Quarantine area)
[MORELLI] Radioactive reading just within our tolerance. What do theycontain?
[SORENSON] Mineral elements from the planet.
(Space probe command area)
[SALAMAR] Yesterday, you were found with the bodyof one of our scientists. Last night one of our guards died and youwere seen kneeling over him. Can you explain this?
[DOCTOR] We had nothing to do with those deaths. They were brought aboutby your intrusion. Listen, now listen to me, please. Here on Zeta Minoris the boundary between existence as you know it and the otheruniverse, which you just don't understand.
[VISHINSKY] Other universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes. From the beginning of time, it has existed side by sidewith the known universe. Each is the antithesis of the other. You callit nothing, a word to cover ignorance, then centuries ago scientistsinvented another word for it. Antimatter, they called it.
[SALAMAR] Nonsense. Clever deception to cover their real motives.
[VISHINSKY] I don't think so. Let him finish.
[DOCTOR] And you, by coming here, have crossed the boundary into thatother universe to plunder it. Dangerous.
[SORENSON] Salamar. My mineral samples are aboard. It is getting dark.Prepare for the return journey.
[DOCTOR] Mineral samples? Sorenson, you can't take any part of thisplanet with you.
[SORENSON] That was the purpose of my expedition.
[DOCTOR] But you can't!
[SALAMAR] Get them out of here. I'll deal with them later.
[DOCTOR] Sorenson, if you don't listen to me, you'll never leave thisplanet.
[SALAMAR] Now look, Sorenson. I'm aware of your position, but I am incommand of this probe and I decide when it takes off. Do youunderstand?
[SORENSON] What did he mean, we'll never leave this planet?
(Quarantine area)
[SARAH] Do you ever get tired of being pushedaround?
[DOCTOR] Frequently.
[SARAH] We could get in the Tardis and disappear.
[DOCTOR] No, no. It's tempting to let them go ahead and destroythemselves. The trouble is, they wouldn't be the only ones.
[SARAH] How do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Cataclysm.
[SARAH] The Big Bang?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The end of the universe.
[SARAH] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Do you remember the rocks around the pool?
[SARAH] Mmm. They were sort of a brownish colour.
[DOCTOR] This is a concentrated form.
[SARAH] It's changing colour!
[SARAH] What are you doing? What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] It's just an idea.
[SARAH] It's the compression units. They're preparing to launch!
[DOCTOR] Fools. Do they really think they'll be allowed to leave withthis on board?
(Space probe command area)
[VISHINSKY] Pressurisation complete. Cyclostimulators activate.
[MORELLI] Activated.
[VISHINSKY] Power jets to lock in positions.
[MORELLI] Locked.
[VISHINSKY] Gyrostabilisers, activate.
[MORELLI] Activated.
[VISHINSKY] Prepare for final ignition. Ten, nine, eight
[MORELLI] Pressurisation falling. Cyclostimulators not responding.
[SALAMAR] Activate secondary launch units.
[MORELLI] Cycle complete.
[VISHINSKY] Secondary launch units activated.
[SALAMAR] I don't understand.
[VISHINSKY] What's gone wrong?
[MORELLI] Emergency power units inoperative. Main and secondary circuitsfailing.
[SALAMAR] Cancel ignition.
[VISHINSKY] It doesn't make sense.
[SALAMAR] What is it?
[VISHINSKY] It's going to attack the ship!
[SORENSON] Energy. Pure energy in physical form. It's incredible!
[VISHINSKY] Operate the forcefield barrier.
[SALAMAR] Get the alien prisoners up here. I think that thing's gotsomething to do with them.
[MORELLI] The barrier won't work. There's not enough power!
[SALAMAR] Get out there and stop it.
[DOCTOR] You've sent those men to their deaths. Use the forcefieldbarrier.
[VISHINSKY] It won't work.
[DOCTOR] Then link it to the atomic accelerator.
[MORELLI] It's too dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Link the forcefield to the atomic accelerator!
[VISHINSKY] We've got to try it, Salamar. Give the order!
[SALAMAR] Do it.
[MORELLI] Linked.
[VISHINSKY] Forcefield barrier.
[VISHINSKY] Thank you, Doctor.
[SALAMAR] All right, tell us what you know about that.
[DOCTOR] Sorenson, you're a scientist. Surely you appreciate the dangersof moving material from one dimension to another.
[SORENSON] That was the whole purpose of my expedition.
[DOCTOR] You're tampering with hideously dangerous forces.
[SALAMAR] But it's gone.
[DOCTOR] Yes, for the moment. But while those mineral samples remain onboard, it'll always come back.
[VISHINSKY] Are you saying we can't take off?
[DOCTOR] Unless you abandon those canisters, yes.
[SORENSON] But we need those mineral samples.
[SORENSON] Our sun is dying. By taking material from this planet, we canrefuel it and save our civilisation.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid that isn't the solution. You must find analternative energy source.
[SALAMAR] So if we jettison those canisters we can take off?
[DOCTOR] As long as your intention to leave as you came, empty-handed,is made clear.
[VISHINSKY] But how do we communicate that intention?
[DOCTOR] Through me. I'm not entirely without influence, but it willtake time.
[SALAMAR] Very well. But the girl will stay here. You may go.
[DOCTOR] Alone. I must go alone.
[SARAH] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. I'll take care.
[SALAMAR] Launch the oculoid tracker. I want his movements followed.
(Rock pool)
(Space probe command area)
[SARAH] Doctor! Do something.
[SORENSON] There is nothing to be done.
[VISHINSKY] He has disappeared into the vortex between this universe andthe next.
[SARAH] No, not the Doctor! He can't be dead.
[SORENSON] He has ceased to exist. Controller, it is nearly night. Wemust prepare to launch.
[SALAMAR] I agree. Vishinsky, see the Professor Sorenson's mineralsamples are removed.
[SORENSON] No. No, you can't leave those canisters behind.
[SALAMAR] Those minerals are endangering the safety of my command. Theymust be jettisoned.
[SORENSON] You arrogant young fool. The whole purpose of your commandwas to get me and that positron material back to our cosmos.
[SALAMAR] So that you can be hailed as the saviour of civilisation? No,Professor. My orders were simply to find your party and get back.
[SORENSON] If you abandon that material, you destroy years of my life'swork.
[SALAMAR] You are a civilian aboard a military vessel. There will be nofurther argument.
(Quarantine area)
[DE HAAN] Carry them in, carry them out. That oughtto be the Space Service motto.
[MORELLI] Yes, well, they've changed their minds.
[DE HAAN] Yeah, well they could have changed their minds first, couldn'tthey? I mean, just for a change.
[MORELLI] Listen, de Haan. The Controller simply wants us to take thesecanisters outside the take off forcefield area, right?
[DE HAAN] Right.
[MORELLI] Right.
[DE HAAN] It's only another fifty yards multiplied by ten.
(Outside the quarantine area)
[DE HAAN] Half my service I spend flying one way, the other half I spendflying back again. They should pay me for staying in one place.
[MORELLI] Come on.
(Rock pool)
[SARAH] Doctor! Doctor! Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, Vandervelt's equation of knowledge. Quite wrong.
[SARAH] Doctor, come on. Come on. The spaceship, it's leaving. Doctor!Doctor! Doctor, wake up. Doctor!
(Space probe command area)
[DE HAAN] All the canisters are off the ship,Controller.
[SALAMAR] Good. We'll go for immediate take off, Vishinsky.
[VISHINSKY] Commence pressurisation and pre-ignition checks.
[REIG [OC]] Pre-ignition checks commenced.
[SALAMAR] Recall the oculoid.
[VISHINSKY] Cancel that!
[VISHINSKY] The oculoid picture. Look!
[VISHINSKY] Cut the forcefield.
[SALAMAR] Are you taking command, Vishinsky?
[VISHINSKY] He's alive, Salamar.
[SALAMAR] There are higher priorities than recovering corpses.
[VISHINSKY] I'm going out for them.
[SALAMAR] We must leave this planet before night. Prepare the sick bay.
(Sorenson's room)
[SORENSON] While still on the surface of Zeta Minor, and within thestable environment of the space probe, positron elements showed atwenty, a twenty percent increase in flux activity. This would seem toindicate a substantially greater, a greater, argh.
[VISHINSKY] Electro-function almost non-existent.
[SARAH] But he's still alive.
[VISHINSKY] Raise the stimulation intensity twelve degrees.
[DE HAAN] But that's way over safety margins.
[SARAH] He moved!
[DE HAAN] Don't expect too much.
[SARAH] What?
[DE HAAN] They often move under stimulation. It's the nervous system.
[VISHINSKY] He's breathing.
[SARAH] He's coming round. Doctor. Doctor?
[SALAMAR [OC]] Stand by for take off. Vishinsky to command area.
[VISHINSKY] He'll be all right. Stay with him.
[SARAH] Vishinsky. Thanks for helping us.
(Space probe command area)
[MORELLI] Pressurisation complete, Controller.
[SALAMAR] Activate cyclostimulators.
[MORELLI] Power jets locked in.
[SALAMAR] Prepare for ignition. Take the countdown, Vishinsky.
[VISHINSKY] If we don't make it this time, we never will.
[SARAH] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What's the noise?
[SARAH] You're all right. We're taking off.
[DOCTOR] What? But the canisters. I promised.
[SARAH] It's all right. They've been dumped. Your promise as a TimeLord? Well, what happened?
[DOCTOR] It's difficult to explain.
[SARAH] Well try. What did you do, enter another universe and have achat with it?
[DOCTOR] I communicated.
[SARAH] We seem to be having trouble again.
(Space probe command area)
[VISHINSKY] We're not going to make it.
[SALAMAR] Activate secondary boosters.
[REIG [OC]] Secondary boosters activated.
[VISHINSKY] The syncronisers are hitting red.
[MORELLI] Gravity drag increasing.
[SALAMAR] I want ten seconds of maximum fuel burn.
[VISHINSKY] That's crazy! You
[SALAMAR] You heard me. Ten seconds.
[MORELLI] Gravity drag still increasing. Height only thirty miles.
[VISHINSKY] That's more than gravity. There's antimatter still aboard!
[SALAMAR] All the canisters were removed.
[DOCTOR] Except for this.
[SALAMAR] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Antimatter. How else do you think I survived that pool?
[SALAMAR] Is there enough there to hold us back?
[SALAMAR] You idiot. Morelli, get that to the jettison hatch fast.
(Space probe corridor)
[DE HAAN] Hey, Morelli, when are we going to get some lights down here?Do you think the command area's the only place anyone's working?
[DE HAAN] Morelli? Morelli!
[DE HAAN] Morelli.
(Space probe command area)
[REIG] Height, two hundred miles.
[VISHINSKY] We're in free space, but we're losing speed again.
[SALAMAR] Drag is still increasing. I don't understand it.
[DOCTOR] Then I suggest you search the ship.
[SALAMAR] Oh? Why?
[DOCTOR] Because there must still be antimatter aboard. It's the onlyexplanation.
[SALAMAR] Impossible.
[VISHINSKY] Salamar, we're burning fuel at thirty units over norm. Atthis rate we'll never make the stellar systems.
[SARAH] But that means we'll be marooned in space!
[DOCTOR] If we're not vapourised first.
[SALAMAR] Vapourised? What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Antimatter in collision with matter causes radiationannihilation. A release of energy more powerful than nuclear fission.
[SALAMAR] There is no antimatter aboard this ship!
[DOCTOR] And I tell you there is.
[DE HAAN] Controller! Controller, Morelli's dead.
[DE HAAN] He's been killed by some sort of an animal.
[DE HAAN] I saw it in sector three.
[VISHINSKY] Restore all walkway lights. All right, de Haan, come on.Show us.
(Sorenson's room)
[SORENSON] It's all gone so wrong.
[REIG [OC]] Report at once to sector three. Controller Salamar wants tosee you.
[SORENSON] What for?
[DOCTOR] Well?
[VISHINSKY] The pathology readout is identical to the others. Totaldehydration. Even the bone marrow.
[SARAH] But how could that thing get on board?
[VISHINSKY] I don't know. The forcefield was operating all the time thehatch was open. It was phased to cut in automatically.
[DOCTOR] I wonder.
(Space probe corridor)
[SALAMAR] You're a scientist. You must have formed some theory.
[SORENSON] All the deaths appear to have been caused by a technologyunknown to us. That would seem to implicate the Doctor and the girl.
[SORENSON] Well, they're aliens.
[SALAMAR] But they were in the command area when Morelli was killed.
[SORENSON] That machine in the quarantine berth might contain theanswer.
[VISHINSKY] Crew records. What denomination was Morelli?
[DOCTOR] Can I see the printout?
[VISHINSKY] Of course.
[REIG [OC]] Morelli was Morestran Orthodox.
[VISHINSKY] Oh, one of those.
[SARAH] What are you doing?
[VISHINSKY] Disposal procedure. We may have to play the last rites butwe don't have to listen.
[VISHINSKY] Another good soldier gone to the greatest army of them all.
[SARAH] Out into space to drift forever.
[VISHINSKY] It's clean and tidy.
[SARAH] It's horrible.
[DOCTOR] Vishinsky, I'd like a medical check on everybody aboard theship.
[DOCTOR] Because someone is contaminated.
[SALAMAR] Yes, Doctor, and we want to examine that space machine ofyours.
[SALAMAR] We believe you to be responsible for all the deaths. Unlessyou cooperate, I shall kill you and the girl without compunction.
[SARAH] Oh, great. That's the thanks you get for helping people.
[DOCTOR] What is all this?
[VISHINSKY] The Doctor risked his life on our account.
[SALAMAR] That was a ruse to gain our confidence. His real intention isto destroy us.
[DOCTOR] Why? For what reason?
[SORENSON] There are other civilisations as desperate as we are for newenergy sources. My discoveries on Zeta Minor would be of immense valueto them.
[DOCTOR] Professor Sorenson, has it ever occurred to you that you mightbe mistaken? That there is no practical method of exploiting antiquarkenergy?
[SORENSON] Oh no, you're wrong. I've spent my life discoveringalternative energy.
[REIG [OC]] Controller Salamar. Calling the Controller.
[SALAMAR] What is it, Reig?
[REIG [OC]] We're in trouble, sir. The ship's stopped moving.
[SALAMAR] That's impossible.
(Space probe command area)
[REIG] Sir, the progress register has stopped.We're making no headway.
[SALAMAR] I'm coming up. Professor, watch the girl.You, come with us.
[SARAH] There's no need to. I'm not going to jump out, am I.
[SORENSON] What is your friend's field of science?
[SARAH] Oh, everything. He's brilliant.
[SORENSON] And he's wrong. He has to be wrong. Antiquarks come in threeconfigurations, exactly as I predicted. All my theoretical calculationshave proved this! We shall find a way of discovering the energy!
[SARAH] All right. I'm not arguing.
(Space probe command area)
[VISHINSKY] We're stationary. Suspended in space.
[SALAMAR] It's crazy. The thrusters are still at full power.
[DOCTOR] The answer's really very simple. You've come to the end of yourpiece of elastic.
[SALAMAR] What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] It won't stretch any further. In fact, very soon it will startto pull you back.
[SALAMAR] Nothing can do that.
[DOCTOR] Antimatter can. There's still some aboard and this proves it.
[VISHINSKY] You mean the ship will be dragged back to Zeta Minor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, faster and faster. Until, of course, we reach the surface,then we'll stop with a bang. The only way to prevent it is to find theantimatter.
[SALAMAR] You're diverting attention from what's really causing thetrouble. You! You and whatever's in that machine of yours. Somethingthat's draining the power from this ship.
[DOCTOR] Salamar, you're wrong again.
[SALAMAR] We'll see. Vishinsky, take charge here.
[SORENSON] Antimatter is simply matter composedentirely of antiparticles. Therefore, the hypothetical energyavailable, available, is, is stupendous.
[SARAH] What's wrong? Are you all right?
[SORENSON] Yes. Yes, I'm
(Space probe corridor)
[DE HAAN] Oh, Professor, I
[DE HAAN] Argh!
(Quarantine area)
[DOCTOR] Usually I only entertain friends in the Tardis.
[SALAMAR] Shut up. Open it.
[DOCTOR] Externally, as you can see, it resembles a London police box.
[SALAMAR] Open it!
(Space probe corridor)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Sarah!
[DOCTOR] Sarah, what happened?
[SARAH] I caught a glimpse of that thing. It was horrible.
[DOCTOR] Antiman.
[SARAH] Antiman?
[DOCTOR] A hybrid creature running amok.
[SALAMAR] Don't move! De Haan. You've killed de Haan!
[DOCTOR] Oh, now listen, Sa
[SARAH] Doctor!
[SALAMAR] No! They killed de Haan.
[VISHINSKY] Some thing killed de Haan.
[SALAMAR] Let's get rid of them before they kill us all. Take them tothe ejector chamber. Hurry!
[SALAMAR] Prepare to eject.
[SARAH] You can't do this! It's murder!
[VISHINSKY] She's right. You have no evidence. You cannot do it.
[SALAMAR] How much evidence do you want? The whole crew dead? Eject!Eject.
[VISHINSKY] No, Salamar.
(Space probe command area)
[REIG] Maintain boosters at full thrust. We're onlyjust holding rev. We must avoid being pulled into reverse.
[REIG] This is the command deck! Send help! Argh!
[REIG [OC]] Help! Argh!
(Space probe command area)
[VISHINSKY] Reig. If we hadn't been wasting our time down there.
[SALAMAR] They caused it all.
[VISHINSKY] How could they have caused this? We were with them. (intointercom) Attention. All crewmen report to assembly point immediately.Red alert! Red alert!
[SALAMAR] Countermanded. Only I can give a red alert.
[VISHINSKY] It's too late for any more mistakes, Salamar. I'm takingcommand.
[SALAMAR] You'll regret this.
[DOCTOR] Where've they gone?
[SARAH] I think there's been another killing.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SARAH] Doctor. Doctor, it is that thing from the planet. I felt it.
[DOCTOR] You what?
[SARAH] Just before de Haan was killed, I felt the same sort of icysuction.
[DOCTOR] Who was with you?
[SARAH] Professor Sorenson.
[DOCTOR] Sorenson. Of course. The sole survivor of the expedition.
[SARAH] So Sorenson is Antiman.
[DOCTOR] Yes. He's been infected with antimatter. His brain cells arebeing destroyed. He'll descend to the level of a brute. Sarah?
[SARAH] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Get to command deck. Tell them to shut down all the hatches.Our only chance is to keep it isolated.
[SARAH] Right. But what are you going to do? Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Do as I say.
(Space probe command area)
[VISHINSKY] Command area to solarium section. Who'sin charge there?
[RANJIT [OC]] Senior crewleader Ranjit, sir.
[VISHINSKY] Ranjit? Good. You know why we're on red alert?
[RANJIT [OC]] They say we picked up some contagion back on the planet.
[VISHINSKY] We picked up something. Some animal. It's killed Morelli,Reig and de Haan, so take no chances. Keep your men on full alert andawait further orders.
[RANJIT [OC]] Right, sir.
[SALAMAR] What are you going to do now, Vishinsky? Look at the coursemonitor. We're heading back to Zeta Minor. Come on, you've takencharge. Give an order. Give an order that'll stop us crashing, or we'reall going to die.
[VISHINSKY] Keep your nerve, Salamar.
[VISHINSKY] Where's the Doctor?
[SARAH] I don't know, but he said you've got to close all the hatchwaysimmediately.
[VISHINSKY] As soon as Professor Sorenson reports in.
[SARAH] No, now! Don't wait for Sorenson. The Doctor says he's behindall this.
[SALAMAR] That's insane. How can he be?
[SARAH] Something on the planet affected him. Look, you've got to shutthe hatchways before it's too late.
[SALAMAR] It's another trick.
[VISHINSKY] The Doctor's been right so far. We should have listened tohim before. Close all section hatchways!
(Sorenson's room)
[DOCTOR] Keep away!
(Space probe command area)
[SARAH] And the antimatter has turned Sorenson intothat monster.
[VISHINSKY] It's incredible. Sorenson?
[VISHINSKY] Salamar!
[SALAMAR] Keep away!
[VISHINSKY] Don't be a fool.
(Sorenson's room)
[DOCTOR] Keep away.
[SORENSON] I require an explanation.
[DOCTOR] Professor Sorenson, you're ill.
[SORENSON] What do you mean, ill?
[DOCTOR] You think you've discovered an oral vaccine to protect youagainst antiquark penetration, but you're wrong.
[SORENSON] It worked.
[DOCTOR] For a time, but it set up a cycle of chemical change. There'sno way back, Sorenson. You've reached the point where your tissues areso monstrously hybridised that the next metabolic change could be thefinal one.
[DOCTOR] There isn't much time.
[DOCTOR] You and I are scientists, Professor. We buy our privilege toexperiment at the cost of total responsibility.
[SORENSON] The hypothesis was false.
(Space probe command area)
[SALAMAR] Open the hatch!
[VISHINSKY] Take the shielding off that neutron accelerator, you'll bedead in minutes.
[SALAMAR] But I'll take Sorenson with me. You'd like that, wouldn't you,Vishinsky? That might save your life. You'd like to live?
[VISHINSKY] You're out of your mind.
[SALAMAR] Oh, no. No, this is leadership. Strong action. That's why I'mController. Open that hatch!
[SALAMAR] Now, open it!
[SARAH] Let him go, Vishinsky. Let him go!
[SALAMAR] You, Controller? You haven't a hope.
[VISHINSKY] If Sorenson doesn't get him, the radiation will.
[VISHINSKY [OC}] Command area calling.
(Space probe command area)
[DOCTOR [OC]] This is the Doctor.
[VISHINSKY] Doctor, we're accelerating back to Zeta Minor. Have youlocated the antimatter?
[DOCTOR] Listen, Vishinsky. Listen. There are nowtwo forces of antimatter aboard. I've got one, and the other one isSorenson himself.
(Space probe command area)
[SARAH] But Salamar's out hunting Sorenson now.
[VISHINSKY] With a neutron accelerator.
[DOCTOR] He's got to be stopped. How long toimpact?
[VISHINSKY [OC]] Less than thirty minutes.
[DOCTOR] Keep the hatchways open.
(Quarantine area)
[SALAMAR] Come on! Come on out and face me!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Salamar!
(Space probe corridor)
[DOCTOR] Where are you, Salamar? Don't use theaccelerator. Salamar!
(Quarantine area)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Where are you? Salamar! Whatever youdo, don't use the accelerator!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Salamar!
[VISHINSKY [OC]] Command area.
[DOCTOR] Vishinsky, it's too late. Salamar's dead.
(Space probe command area)
[DOCTOR [OC]] He used the neutron accelerator. Ifhe hit Sorenson, it could be disastrous.
[SARAH] You mean things can get worse? I don't believe it.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Keep the hatches open. I'm coming up.
[SARAH] Oh, why is he taking so long?
[VISHINSKY] I'll try the quarantine area again. Doctor. Doctor, if youcan hear me, indicate your position.
[SARAH] Something's happened to him. Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Open up, Vishinsky. Open up!
[DOCTOR] Shut down all the hatchways. It may hold them.
[SARAH] Them?
[DOCTOR] Yes, them. They've multiplied.
[SARAH] Doctor, look. The hatchways are going.
[VISHINSKY] What are they?
[DOCTOR] Duplicates of Sorenson. Pure antimatter. The neutronaccelerator boosted its power, and the creatures split off andmultiplied.
[VISHINSKY] They're going towards the solarium chamber. Ranjit, what'shappening? Can you hear me?
[RANJIT [OC]] They're attacking. We need help! They're coming through!Argh!
[VISHINSKY] Seven men. Sixteen minutes to impact.
[SARAH] How can we stop them?
[VISHINSKY] Acceleration thirty STS. Fifteen minutes.
[SARAH] Doctor, what are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] Stay here with Vishinsky, Sarah. I'm going out now and I may besome time.
[VISHINSKY] Acceleration fifty STS. Fourteen minutes.
(Quarantine area)
[DOCTOR] Sorenson? Sorenson.
(Space probe command area)
[VISHINSKY] Acceleration seventy three STS. Eightminutes.
[VISHINSKY] They're all around us. Come on, I'll need your help.
[SARAH] We've only six minutes. Where are we going?
[VISHINSKY] To get the forcefield equipment. If we can lay a band aroundthe command area we may be able to keep them out.
(Forcefield equipment cupboard)
[VISHINSKY] Take that. I'll bring the control box.
[VISHINSKY] Back, quickly!
(Space probe command area)
[VISHINSKY] Direction them in a line straightacross. We'll seal off the area.
[SARAH] Look!
[VISHINSKY] Thirty seconds. Look, we're slowing down. Twenty fiveseconds. We've stopped. We're still on full power.
[SARAH] We're moving again.
[VISHINSKY] We're gaining height! We're moving away from the surface!The Doctor has done it!
[SARAH] Yes, but where is he?
(Rock pool)
[DOCTOR] Sorenson. Professor Sorenson.
[SORENSON] Where am I? What am I doing here?
[DOCTOR] You're a very lucky man, Professor. You've been released.
[SORENSON] Released?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Because I kept my promise and returned the antimatter.
[SORENSON] This isn't the Morestran probe ship.
[DOCTOR] Don't you worry, Professor. Just rest a while. Everything'sgoing to be all right.)
(Space probe command area)
[VISHINSKY] We're making good progress now. Once wecross the galactic frontier we can signal for an emergency refuelling.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[VISHINSKY] Professor Sorenson! Are you all right?
[SORENSON] Yes. Yes, I remember now. My researches. I've discovered anew source of energy.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, Professor. I think you'd abandoned that line. You'ddecided to concentrate on deriving energy from the kinetic force ofplanetary movement.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Large source of untapped energy there.
[SORENSON] The kinetic force of planetary movement. What a brilliantidea!
[SARAH] Goodbye, Vishinsky. And thank you.
[VISHINSKY] Goodbye. Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye, Vishinsky. Come on, Sarah. We've an appointment inLondon and we're already thirty thousand years late.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s13", "episode": "e02", "title": "Planet of Evil"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (25 Oct, 1975; Fourth Doctor) - Pyramids of Mars
(Archeological dig)
[SCARMAN [OC]] Gently. Be careful. That's it.
[SCARMAN] It's perfect. It's absolutely untouched. The reliquaries arestill sealed. Look at this. Great heaven, this tomb must date back tothe First Dynasty of the Pharaohs. How many thousands of years sincethe priests sealed the inner chamber and draped this tapestry acrossthe entrance?
[SCARMAN] Achmed, your lantern, man. Quickly, quickly. It's the Eye ofHorus.
[ACHMED] No, Professor Scarman!
[SCARMAN] Come back! Come back! I need your help! Superstitious savage.I've come too far to turn back now.
[SARAH] Hey, Doctor. Doctor, look what I've found.
[DOCTOR] Hello, Vicky.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Where did you get that dress?
[SARAH] I just told you. I found it back there in the wardrobe. Why,don't you like it?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I always did. Victoria wore it. She travelled with mefor a time.
[SARAH] Well, as long as Albert didn't wear it. Oh, come on, Doctor.That's worth a smile, surely? What's the matter? You should be glad tobe going home.
[DOCTOR] The Earth isn't my home, Sarah. I'm a Time Lord.
[SARAH] I know you're a Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] You don't understand the implications. I'm not a human being. Iwalk in eternity.
[SARAH] What's that supposed to mean?
[DOCTOR] It means I've lived for something like seven hundred and fiftyyears.
[SARAH] Oh, you'll soon be middle aged.
[DOCTOR] Yes! About time I found something better to do than run aroundafter the Brigadier.
[SARAH] Oh, come on. If you're tired of being UNIT's scientific advisor,you can always resign.
[SARAH] What was it?
[DOCTOR] The relative continuum stabiliser failed.
[SARAH] No, not that. I mean the thing.
[DOCTOR] What thing?
[SARAH] There was a terrible face just for a second, then it was gone.You don't believe me, do you.
[DOCTOR] Nothing can enter the Tardis. Unless
[SARAH] Unless what?
[DOCTOR] Mental projection of that force is beyond imagination, yet itmight explain the stabiliser failure. Let's see. Was it at this end ofthe spectrum?
[SARAH] No, Doctor, don't! Whatever it was, I know it was totallymalevolent.
[DOCTOR] We've landed.
[SARAH] Where? Where have we landed?
(Storage room)
[DOCTOR] We've materialised at the correct point in space, but obviouslynot in time. A temporal reverse? Some vast impulse of energy has drawnthe Tardis off course.
[SARAH] You're saying this in UNIT HQ, but years before I knew it?
[SARAH] But it's so different. It can't be the same house.
[DOCTOR] It must be the old priory. The UNIT house was built on thesite.
[SARAH] The old priory was burnt down, wasn't it?
[DOCTOR] Something's very wrong.
[SARAH] Doctor, I don't like it here.
[DOCTOR] Something's going on contrary to the laws of the universe. Imust find out what.
[COLLINS] Excuse me, sir.
[NAMIN] Get out. Get out of here! (he stops playing) How dare youdisturb me? Get out. Get out at once!
[COLLINS] I'm sorry, sir, but the gentleman insisted.
[NAMIN] Gentleman? What gentleman?
[COLLINS] He's an old friend of Professor Scarman, sir.
[NAMIN] I ordered that no one was to be admitted, Collins. I told you nocallers!
[WARLOCK] Don't blame Collins. Forced entry, sir.
[NAMIN] This is outrageous.
[WARLOCK] Call it what you like. I've a few questions to put to you.
[NAMIN] All right, Collins.
[NAMIN] So you have some questions?
[WARLOCK] My name is Warlock. Doctor Warlock. I live in the village, andProfessor Scarman is my oldest friend.
[NAMIN] I am Ibrahim Namin.
[WARLOCK] I know your name. It's your business that I am concerned with.Called at the lodge on my way up. Had a word with Scarman's brother,Laurence. He tells me you've had the infernal impudence to bar him fromthis house.
[NAMIN] I am acting under instructions from Professor Scarman.
[WARLOCK] I don't believe it.
[NAMIN] I have his letter of authority. I have brought back from Egyptall the relics discovered by the Professor on his recent expedition. Myorders are to store them safely and allow no one admittance to theProfessor himself returns. That is an end to it, Doctor Warlock.
[WARLOCK] Oh, no, sir. Not by a long chalk!
(Outside the study)
[WARLOCK [OC]] I came here to find out what's going on, and I'm notleaving until I do.
[DOCTOR] Why bother to lock an internal door?
[SARAH] Maybe this wing of the house isn't in use. It smells mustyenough.
[DOCTOR] That isn't all must, Sarah. Some of it's mummy. Frenchpicklock. Never fails. Belonged to Marie Antoinette. Charming lady.Lost her head, poor thing.
[DOCTOR] Of course, it would make an ideal headquarters for someparamilitary organisation. This room could easily be turned into alaboratory. Oh, hello.
[COLLINS] Who are you? How did you get in here?
[DOCTOR] Through the window. I understood the property was for sale. No?
[COLLINS] Ah, you're not fooling me, sir. You came with Doctor Warlock,didn't you.
[DOCTOR] Did we?
[COLLINS] He asked you to scout round whilst he kept his nibs busy.Listen, if you're a friend of Doctor Warlock, sir, tell him to watchout.
[SARAH] Watch out for what?
[COLLINS] The Egyptian. There's no knowing what he might do. He's gotthe temper of the devil himself.
[DOCTOR] Egyptian, eh? Is this where he keeps his relatives?
[COLLINS] It's no joke, sir. He's only been here a few days. I wouldn'tbe staying, but, well, situations aren't easy to find at my age.
[DOCTOR] What are you afraid of?
[COLLINS] He locked this wing. He didn't know there was a second key. Ifhe were to find me along here, let alone you two, he'd go stark ravingmad, sir.
[DOCTOR] I see. In that case, we'd better leave.
[COLLINS] Oh, not this way, sir. Better go the way you came. He mightsee you.
[DOCTOR] As you wish.
[COLLINS] And remember to tell Doctor Warlock what I said, sir.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry. I'll remember.
(Outside the study window)
[WARLOCK [OC]] Utter humbug. That letter's a bogusfabrication if ever I saw one.
[NAMIN [OC]] Are you alleging that it is forged?
[WARLOCK [OC]] I am, sir, and I intend to prove it.
[NAMIN [OC]] I warn you, Doctor Warlock, do not interfere.
[WARLOCK [OC]] Are you threatening me?
[NAMIN] It is not I who threaten. There are ancientpowers gathering in this place. Powers beyond the comprehension ofunbelievers.
[WARLOCK] Ancient balderdash. Now let me warn you, Namin. Unless yougive me some straight answers, I'm going to the police.
[NAMIN] To say what? That a foreigner is living in Professor Scarman'shouse?
[WARLOCK] To say that he's not been seen for weeks. That his baggage islying unclaimed in his hotel. Oh, yes, I've had some enquiries made inCairo.
[WARLOCK] What the devil?
(Storage room)
[NAMIN] Open, the fool.
[WARLOCK] Poor fellow. He's been strangled.
[NAMIN] The gods have returned. I, Ibrahim Namin, servant of the truefaith, rejoice in their power.
[WARLOCK] Get the police. His assailant can't have got far.
[NAMIN] You blind, pathetic fool. The servants of the All Powerful havearisen. When the temple is cleansed of all unbelievers, the High Onehimself will come among us. This is how it was written.
[WARLOCK] Yes, I see. Well, I still think the police
[NAMIN] You should have listened when I told you to leave, Warlock. Nowyou have seen too much. You must be the second unbeliever to die.
[SARAH [OC]] Come on, quick.
[NAMIN] Abisme, Sutekh. Molachah. T'nab.
(Priory gardens)
[WARLOCK] It's no good, I can't go much further.
[DOCTOR] You must. We're sitting ducks if we stay here.
[WARLOCK] Get to the lodge. Tell Laurence
[DOCTOR] Laurence?
[WARLOCK] Marcus Scarman's brother. He live there. Knows me.
[DOCTOR] He needs help, Sarah. You go on ahead, find the lodge.
[SARAH] What about you?
[DOCTOR] I'll be all right.
[SARAH] Okay.
[NAMIN] The All Powerful descends. O noble god, your servant hears you.Namin leaves, followed by the mummy. Sarah arrives with LaurenceScarman.)
[LAURENCE] Oh, my dear chap. Is he badly hurt?
[DOCTOR] He'll be all right if we can staunch the bleeding.
[LAURENCE] We'd better get him back to the lodge.
[SARAH] Doctor, listen. I saw a mummy. A walking mummy!
[DOCTOR] Mummies are embalmed, eviscerated corpses. They don't walk.
[SARAH] But this one did.
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that now.
[WARLOCK] Thank you.
[SARAH] Now, is there anything I can get you?
[WARLOCK] No, no, I'm all right now.
[SARAH] Just try and rest, then.
[LAURENCE] Well, in view of what you've told me, I'm going to fetch thepolice.
[DOCTOR] No! This is much too grave a matter for the police, MisterScarman.
[LAURENCE] Too grave?
[DOCTOR] Yes. They'd only hamper my investigation.
[LAURENCE] Your investigations?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Why do you think I'm here? Something's interfering withtime, Mister Scarman, and time is my business.
[LAURENCE] Who are you?
[SARAH] Well, I'm Sarah Jane Smith. I'm a journalist.
[LAURENCE] Journalist? Who is your companion?
[SARAH] My companion? Oh, that's just the Doctor. We travel in time,Mister Scarman. I'm really from 1980.
[LAURENCE] That is utterly preposterous, Miss Smith.
[SARAH] Yes. Sorry.
[DOCTOR] Interesting contraption.
[LAURENCE] Kindly leave that alone, sir. That apparatus is delicatelyadjusted, and furthermore is a receiver containing highly dangerouselectrical current.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so I see. What year is this?
[LAURENCE] What year?
[DOCTOR] It's a simple enough question, surely.
[LAURENCE] Are you telling me you don't know what
[DOCTOR] If I knew I wouldn't ask. Don't be obtuse, man.
[LAURENCE] Nineteen hundred and eleven.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Splendid. An excellent year. One of my favourites. Yes. Ireally must congratulate you, Mister Scarman.
[LAURENCE] On what?
[DOCTOR] Inventing the radio telescope forty years early.
[LAURENCE] That, sir, is a Marconiscope. It's purpose
[DOCTOR] Is to receive radio emissions from the stars.
[LAURENCE] How could you possibly know that?
[DOCTOR] Well, you see, Mister Scarman, I have the advantage of beingslightly ahead of you. Sometimes behind you, but normally ahead of you.
[DOCTOR] I'm sure you don't, but it's very nice of you to try. Now, whydon't you show me how this gadget works?
[LAURENCE] Do you mean you want me to
[DOCTOR] Please. Just a little demonstration.
[DOCTOR] Amazing. That's really amazing.
[LAURENCE] I can't switch it off!
[SARAH] Oh, very impressive.
[LAURENCE] It's never done that before.
[DOCTOR] Fascinating. A regular pattern repeated over and over again.
[SARAH] Like an SOS?
[DOCTOR] I wonder. Where was your aerial tuned?
[LAURENCE] Mars. Why?
[DOCTOR] I just thought I'd verify the signal.
[LAURENCE] What's that you have, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, in principle it's exactly the same as the gadget you'veinvented, only less cumbersome. Yes, it is the same signal. Obviouslyautomatic. Well, if it's a message, it shouldn't be difficult todecipher. They'd want to make it easy.
[LAURENCE] Who would?
[SARAH] Whoever transmitted it.
[DOCTOR] Now, let's see. This pattern recurs three times in one line.Let's call that E, the commonest letter in the language.
[DOCTOR] Beware Sutekh.
[SARAH] Sutekh?
[DOCTOR] Better known to you as Set?
[SARAH] Of course, Egyptian mythology. Set or Sutekh was one of theirgods. He was killed by Horus, god of light.
[LAURENCE] Yes, but Egyptology and Mars?
[DOCTOR] If I'm right, the world is facing the greatest peril in itshistory.
[SARAH] Hey, wait for me.
[DOCTOR] No. The forces that are being summoned into corporeal existencein that house are more powerful and more dangerous than anything even Ihave ever encountered. Stay here.
[LAURENCE] I've an old hunting rifle that might come in useful.
[DOCTOR] I never carry firearms.
[LAURENCE] What I meant was that I should feel better if I could bringit.
[SARAH] Bring it.
[NAMIN] All high, all powerful, most noble Lord, thy humble servantwelcomes thee.
[NAMIN] Master, at last you are here. I, Ibrahim Namin, and all myforebears have served you faithfully through the thousands of yearsthat you have slept. We have guarded the secret of your tomb.)
[ALIEN] Stand. Look upon my face.
[NAMIN] Great One, Lord Sutekh, I dare not.
[ALIEN] Look.
[ALIEN] Is this the face of Sutekh?
[NAMIN] Master, spare me. Spare me. I am a true servant of the greatSutekh.
[ALIEN] I am the servant of Sutekh. He needs no other.
[ALIEN] Die. I bring Sutekh's gift of death to all humanity.
(Outside the study)
[LAURENCE] Marcus!
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[SCARMAN] Take up the generator loops.
[SCARMAN] Place them in position at the compass points. Activate atground strength.
(Outside the study)
[DOCTOR] Quick, hide.
[SARAH] Where have they gone?
[DOCTOR] To set up a deflection field around the house. He's obviouslyplanned every step.
[LAURENCE] Who, Marcus?
[DOCTOR] No, Sutekh.
[DOCTOR] Sutekh is breaking free from his ancientbonds. If he succeeds, he'll destroy the whole world.
[SARAH] You mean Sutekh is still alive?
[DOCTOR] He destroyed his own planet, Phaester Osiris, and left a trailof havoc across half the galaxy. Horus and the rest of the Osirans musthave finally cornered him on Earth.
[SARAH] In Egypt?
[DOCTOR] The wars of the gods entered into mythology. The whole ofEgyptian culture is founded upon the Osiran pattern.
[LAURENCE] I'm afraid this is beyond me.
[SARAH] It's beyond me, too.
[DOCTOR] Ah! Found it.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] The lodestone that drew the Tardis off course.
[LAURENCE] That's not a lodestone, that's just a sarcophagus.
[DOCTOR] No, it isn't. It's the entrance to a time-space tunnel.
[SARAH] Leading where?
[DOCTOR] To Sutekh.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Keep back!
[SARAH] Doctor! Doctor, come on. Wake up, please.
[LAURENCE] It's no good. He took the full force of the blast.
[SARAH] They're bound to come back soon. We're trapped! Where are yougoing?
[LAURENCE] There's a priest hole here somewhere. Marcus and I discoveredit when we were boys.
[LAURENCE] There. It isn't very large, I'm afraid.
[SARAH] No, well, he is though, so come and give me a hand.
[CLEMENTS] Holy Moses.
[WARLOCK] Is that you, Laurence?
[WARLOCK] Marcus! Marcus, my dear fellow, you're back.
[SCARMAN] Why are you here?
[WARLOCK] Huh? What's the matter? For goodness sakes, old chap, don'tyou recognise me?
[SCARMAN] Warlock.
[WARLOCK] That's right. We've all been dreadfully worried about you.
[SCARMAN] I came to find the other Scarman.
[WARLOCK] The other? You mean your brother, Laurence?
[SCARMAN] The human.
[WARLOCK] Look here, old chap. If this is some kind of macabre joke?
[SCARMAN] Where is the other Scarman, Warlock?
[WARLOCK] Laurence went up to the house. That Egyptian servant of yourstook a potshot at me! Laurence and the Doctor and some very pluckyyoung girl went off to deal with the brute. They've been gone a devilof a time, mind you. I hope nothing's amiss.
[SCARMAN] Who is the Doctor?
[WARLOCK] One of Laurence's friends, I imagine. Some sort of scientist.
[SCARMAN] Why does he interfere?
[WARLOCK] Interfere? Now look here, Marcus
[SCARMAN] All humans inside the deflection barrier will be destroyed.
[WARLOCK] For heaven's sake, Marcus, what's wrong with you?
[SCARMAN] Destroy this human.
[WARLOCK] No, no, no! Laurence! Laurence! No!
(Outside the lodge)
[CLEMENTS] Murdering swine.
(Priest's hole)
[SARAH] He's coming round.
[DOCTOR] A parallax coil.
[DOCTOR] I never expected that. A simple trap. Blew up in my face.Clever.
[LAURENCE] He's delirious.
[SARAH] No, shush.
[DOCTOR] Never underestimate Sutekh. Thinks of everything.
[DOCTOR] Where are we?
[SARAH] Hiding.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[LAURENCE] A priest hole.
[DOCTOR] In a Victorian gothic folly? Nonsense.
[SARAH] You're so pedantic at a time like this. Does it matter?
[DOCTOR] If only I knew the exact physical location of Sutekh. Where wasyour brother's expedition bound?
[LAURENCE] Saqqara, I think. He wrote to say he'd discovered a blindpyramid in that region and believed it contained a mastaba.
[SARAH] What?
[LAURENCE] An underground burial chamber.
[DOCTOR] Saqqara. Too vague, yet it might be our only chance.
[SARAH] To do what?
[DOCTOR] Sutekh is controlling operations here by mental force. With theequipment at the lodge, I could transmit a jamming signal.
[SARAH] And block his power?
[DOCTOR] With an etheric impulse projected along precisely the rightaxis, yes. Otherwise
[SARAH] No good.
[DOCTOR] The Egyptian's ring!
[DOCTOR] It's a slave relay. Calculating the reverse polarisation shouldbe child's play. Why didn't I think of it?
[SARAH] Shush. Listen.
[SCARMAN] Remove this carcass. (sniffs) There areother humans within these walls. Seek and kill them.
(Priest's hole)
[SARAH] He's coming over.
[LAURENCE] Marcus!
[CLEMENTS] Professor Scarman!
[SCARMAN] Seek and kill.
[DOCTOR] All right, all clear.
[LAURENCE] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Shush. To find that Egyptian.
(Outside the study)
[SARAH] We can't search the whole priory. There'sno need to. Look.
[SCARMAN] Follow me.
[SARAH] What do you think they're doing?
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure yet.
[LAURENCE] This is exceedingly interesting, Doctor. It appears to besome kind of machinery.
[DOCTOR] You're right. Yes, that's resonating tuner. Part of ananti-gravity drive. Oh! They must be building a rocket.
[SARAH] Egyptian mummies building rockets? That's crazy.
[DOCTOR] They're not mummies, they're service robots.
[SARAH] Huh?
[DOCTOR] Machines.
[SARAH] Machines? All right then, why are machines building rockets?
[DOCTOR] So that Sutekh can escape from the power of Horus.
[SARAH] Where's Sutekh now?
[DOCTOR] Exactly where Horus left him seven thousand years ago. Trappedbeneath a pyramid and powerless to move.
[LAURENCE] Great heavens! This is unbelievable.Totally unbelievable!
[DOCTOR] You're going to say it transcends all the normal laws ofphysics.
[LAURENCE] I am, yes. I mean, it does. It's preposterous!
[DOCTOR] Isn't it. I often think dimensional transcendentalism ispreposterous, but it works. Would you like to look around?
[DOCTOR] Please.
[SARAH] Well now we are here, why don't you tune up 1980 and we can,well, leave.
[DOCTOR] I can't.
[SARAH] Ah. Why can't you?
[DOCTOR] Because if Sutekh isn't stopped, he'll destroy the world.
[SARAH] But he didn't, did he. I mean, we know the world didn't end in1911.
[DOCTOR] Do we?
[SARAH] Yes, of course we do!
[DOCTOR] All right. If we leave now, let's see what the world will looklike in 1980.
[LAURENCE] I say, this is like something by that novelist chap, MisterWells.
[DOCTOR] 1980, Sarah, if you want to get off.
[SARAH] It's a trick!
[DOCTOR] No. That's the world as Sutekh would leave it. A desolateplanet circling a dead sun.
[SARAH] It can't be! I'm from 1980.
[DOCTOR] Every point in time has its alternative, Sarah. You've lookedinto alternative time.
[LAURENCE] Fascinating. Do you mean the future can be chosen, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Not chosen, shaped. The actions of the present fashion thefuture.
[LAURENCE] So a man can change the course of history?
[DOCTOR] To a small extent. It takes a being of Sutekh's almostlimitless power to destroy the future. Well?
[SARAH] We've got to go back.
[DOCTOR] Keep below the level of the window.
[SCARMAN] Three humans within the deflection barrier have beendestroyed. There are others.
[SUTEKH [OC]] Eliminate them.
[SCARMAN] The servicers are searching for them, but assembly of therocket is being delayed.
[SUTEKH [OC]] Destruction of the humans must not be allowed to delay thecompletion of the missile. That is of paramount importance.
[SCARMAN] Your orders will be executed, Sutekh. I will recall two of theservicers to the rocket assembly.
[LAURENCE] I can't believe that my brother. He and Doctor Warlock werethe closest of friends.
[DOCTOR] Well, if you can stop thinking of him as your brother it'llmake it a great deal easier for you.
[LAURENCE] But he is my brother!
[DOCTOR] From the moment he entered Sutekh's tomb he became subject toSutekh's will.
[LAURENCE] What does that mean?
[DOCTOR] As a human being, Marcus Scarman no longer exists. He is simplythe embodiment of Sutekh's power. He's given the paralysed Sutekh armsand legs, a means to escape.
[SARAH] If Sutekh is so totally evil, why didn't Horus and the otherOsirans destroy him?
[DOCTOR] It's against their code. To have killed him would have meantthat they were no better than he, so they simply imprisoned him.
[SARAH] How?
[DOCTOR] A forcefield, controlled from a power source on Mars.
[DOCTOR] Yes. That's where the signal was beamed from, remember?
[LAURENCE] But how?
[DOCTOR] When your brother stumbled into Sutekh's tomb, the monitoringsystem on Mars detected the fact and triggered off an alarm signal.
[SARAH] The rocket those robots are building!
[DOCTOR] Yes. Will be aimed at the power source on Mars. If thosewarheads reach their target, Sutekh will have released himself.
[LAURENCE] To destroy the world.
[DOCTOR] Not only this world. Anywhere that life is found. Right. All Ineed now is a magneto.
[LAURENCE] A magneto. Of course.
[SARAH] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] If I can block the mental beam, Scarman will collapse.
[SARAH] You mean die?
[DOCTOR] Well, he's not alive now in any real sense. Only Sutekhanimates him. Deprived of his outside contact, Sutekh'll be aspowerless as the day Horus left him.
[LAURENCE] Here you are, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Splendid.
[LAURENCE] What was that?
[DOCTOR] Quick, Sarah, switch on the power.
[LAURENCE] No, no, you'll destroy my brother!
[DOCTOR] Switch on!
(Sutekh's tomb)
[SUTEKH] Stop them!
[SARAH] Doctor! Doctor!
[SARAH] Doctor! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] The ring, Sarah. Use the ring!
[SARAH] Stop!
[DOCTOR] Return to control.
[SARAH] Return to control! Return to control!
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[LAURENCE] Yes, I think so.
[DOCTOR] You don't deserve to be. You nearly got us all killed.
[LAURENCE] I'm sorry.
[DOCTOR] What's worse, you've probably wrecked what was my only chanceof stopping Sutekh.
[LAURENCE] Look, forgive me, Doctor. I was thinking of my brother.
[DOCTOR] Listen! What's walking about out there is no longer yourbrother. It is simply an animated human cadaver. Animated by Sutekh. Doyou understand? (Laurence nods.) And if Sutekh succeeds in freeinghimself, the consequences will be incalculable. Stay here!
[LAURENCE] Where's he going?
[SARAH] To find out what Scarman's doing.
[SUTEKH [OC]] It was a deliberate attempt to blockmy cytronic control.
[SCARMAN] I know nothing, Master.
(Sutekh's tomb)
[SUTEKH] I detected electromagnetic radiation. The source was within thedeflection barrier.
[SCARMAN [on monitor]] There are some humans here who have eluded theservicers. If work on the missile is delayed, they can be found anddestroyed.
[SUTEKH] No! The missile must be projected at the hour appointed. Myfreedom comes before all. Immediately thereafter, you will find andkill the humans.
[SCARMAN [on monitor]] As you direct, Master, so it shall be.
(Stable courtyard)
[SARAH] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's an Osiran war missile, and almost complete by the look ofit.
[SARAH] You mean that thing can fly?
[DOCTOR] It transposes with its projection. Pyramid power.
[DOCTOR] Back.
[LAURENCE] Did you find out anything?
[SARAH] Only that time is short.
[DOCTOR] Cytronic induction.
[SARAH] Huh?
[DOCTOR] The robots are drawing their energy from a cytronic particleaccelerator which must be in Sutekh's tomb.
[DOCTOR] So, put that out of action and he'd have no workforce.
[SARAH] And no missile.
[LAURENCE] But Sutekh's tomb is in Egypt.
[DOCTOR] Scarman came here through the time-space tunnel. It's a two-waymechanism.
[SARAH] But if you go through it, Sutekh'll kill you!
[LAURENCE] Wouldn't it be better
[DOCTOR] No, it wouldn't. If I go after Sutekh, Sutekh will kill me. Themissiles are aimed. Wouldn't what be better?
[LAURENCE] Wouldn't it be less risky simply to blow up the projectile?
[DOCTOR] With what?
[LAURENCE] Blasting gelignite.
[DOCTOR] Do you have some?
[LAURENCE] No, but I believe Clements had a store.
[DOCTOR] Clements?
[LAURENCE] The poacher. I heard him fishing only a few nights ago.
[DOCTOR] Where did he keep it?
[LAURENCE] I'm told he had a hut on the other side of the wood.
[DOCTOR] Let's go, Sarah.
[SARAH] Right.
[LAURENCE] Shall I show you the way?
[DOCTOR] No, we'll find it.
[LAURENCE] You think I'll let you down again, don't you.
[DOCTOR] Mister Scarman, if you want to help, start getting the bindingsoff that robot.
[DOCTOR] Careful. Walking into a deflection barrieris like walking into a brick wall.
[SARAH] Painful.
[DOCTOR] Ah. There we are. Now all we've got to do is find the door.
[DOCTOR] Door.
[SARAH] As simple as that?
[DOCTOR] No, not really.
[SARAH] No, I didn't think it could be.
[DOCTOR] No obvious booby traps. Are you going to help or are you justgoing to stand there and admire the scenery?
[SARAH] Your shoes need repairing. I actually wasn't admiring thescenery. I was waiting for you to tell me what to do.
[DOCTOR] Just hold the base. I don't want it to fall.
[SARAH] Dangerous?
[DOCTOR] Very dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Deactivating a generator loop without the correct key is likerepairing a watch with a hammer and chisel. One false move and you'llnever know the time again.
[SARAH] Any more comforting thoughts?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Just let me know if it starts to get warm.
[SARAH] Don't worry. You'll hear me breaking the sound barrier.
(Sutekh's tomb)
[SUTEKH] Interference. Interference!
[DOCTOR] Just to make sure. Come on.
[SCARMAN] Master, I do not understand how this canbe.
[SUTEKH [OC]] The barrier to the east has been deactivated.
(Sutekh's tomb)
[SCARMAN [on monitor]] But that is not possible.
[SUTEKH] It has been deactivated. The power line has gone from mymonitor.
[SCARMAN [on monitor]] The humans do not have the knowledge to shut downthe deflection barrier.
[SUTEKH [OC]] It is clear that an extraterrestrialintelligence is operating.
[SCARMAN] An alien?
[SUTEKH [OC]] Oh, I have endured an eternity of darkness and impotence.I shall not be denied now. Listen to my orders.
[SCARMAN] I hear you, Master.
[SUTEKH [OC]] The missile must be guarded. Two servicers must maintainconstant vigilance.
[SCARMAN] It shall be as you say.
(Sutekh's tomb)
[SUTEKH] Once the missile is projected, you willseek out and destroy my enemies. The alien who dares to intrude, thehumans, animals, birds, fish, reptiles. All life is my enemy! All lifeshall perish under the reign of Sutekh the Destroyer!
[SCARMAN [on monitor]] Only Sutekh shall live!
(Outside the poacher's hut)
[SARAH] Just how powerful is Sutekh, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] He's all-powerful. If he ever gets free, there isn't a lifeformin the galaxy that could stand against him.
[SARAH] What, not even your lot, the Time Lords?
[DOCTOR] Not even our lot.
(Poacher's hut)
[DOCTOR] Sutekh was only defeated in the end by the combined might ofseven hundred and forty of his fellow Osirans led by Horus.
[SARAH] The seven hundred and forty gods whose names were recorded inthe tomb of Tutmoses the Third.
[DOCTOR] Could be.
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't do that, if I were you. Could be a ferret.
[SARAH] Argh!
[SARAH] This looks like it.
[SARAH] What's the matter? Not enough?
[DOCTOR] Sweaty gelignite is highly unstable. One good sneeze could setit off.
[SARAH] Sorry.
[DOCTOR] No sign of any detonators or fuses?
[SARAH] No, no, nothing else. Perhaps he sneezed?
[LAURENCE] Marcus! Marcus? Don't you know me? I'm your brother.
[SCARMAN] Brother?
[LAURENCE] Your brother, Laurence.
[SCARMAN] As Horus was brother to Sutekh.
[LAURENCE] Marcus, you're ill. Let me help you. Trust me.
[SCARMAN] Trust you?
[LAURENCE] Look. You and I when we were boys.
[SCARMAN] Laurence and Marcus.
[LAURENCE] That's right. You do remember!
[SCARMAN] I was Marcus.
[LAURENCE] You still are. Now, let me help you.
[SCARMAN] No! I am Sutekh!
[LAURENCE] No, no. You went to Egypt and fell under some sort ofmesmeric influence, that's all.
[SCARMAN] Sutekh the great Destroyer. Sutekh, the Lord of Death. I amhis instrument.
[LAURENCE] Now that's all nonsense. You are Marcus Scarman, Professor ofArchaeology, Fellow of All Souls, Member of the Royal Society.
[SCARMAN] What do you know of Sutekh? Where are the others?
[LAURENCE] Others?
[SCARMAN] You are being helped. Sutekh has detected an alienintelligence amongst the humans here.
[LAURENCE] Do you mean the Doctor?
[SCARMAN] Doctor?
[LAURENCE] Marcus, your hands.
[SCARMAN] What is he? What is he?
[LAURENCE] Marcus, please.
(Carriage gateway)
[DOCTOR] (sotto) It should be safe there for the moment.
[SARAH (sotto)] Look, this isn't going to work. You've got nodetonators, no fuses, so even if you manage to place the charge withoutbeing spotted, how do we explode it?
[DOCTOR] I don't know yet.
[DOCTOR] Oh, well done, Mister Scarman.
[SARAH] Mister Scarman? Hey.
[SARAH] Oh! Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Strangled.
[SARAH] The mummies.
[DOCTOR] Not this time. There are marks. His late brother must havecalled.
[SARAH] That's horrible! He was so concerned about his brother.
[DOCTOR] I told him not to be. I told him it was too late.
[SARAH] Oh! Sometimes you don't seem
[DOCTOR] Human? Typical Osiran simplicity.
[SARAH] A man has just been murdered!
[DOCTOR] Four men, Sarah. Five, if you include Professor Scarmanhimself, and they're merely the first of millions unless Sutekh isstopped. Know thine enemy. Admirable advice.
[SARAH] Yes.
[DOCTOR] If we're going to do anything about that missile, we're goingto have to move quickly. I'll need your help.
[SARAH] What do you want me to do?
[DOCTOR] These bindings are chemically impregnated to protect the robotsagainst damage and corrosion. An impenetrable disguise, wouldn't yousay?
[SCARMAN] Stop. Warhead trigger charge, phase one. This must be placeddirectly under the detonation head. Signify your understanding.
[SCARMAN] Continue.
[DOCTOR] Hurry up.
[SARAH] I am hurrying.
[DOCTOR] It doesn't have to be perfect. I shall mingle with the mummiesbut I shan't linger.
[SARAH] Okay, that'll have to do.
[DOCTOR] How do I look?
[SARAH] It must have been a nasty accident.
[DOCTOR] Don't provoke me. Come on. And don't forget the rifle.
[SCARMAN] The task is almost completed, Master. We need now only thetarget coordinates.
(Sutekh's tomb)
[SUTEKH] At last. The coordinates for the pyramidof Mars. I release them.
[SUTEKH] Engage the coordinates in the projection dome monitor.
[SCARMAN [on monitor]] Immediately, Master.
(Carriage gateway)
[DOCTOR] You know what to do?
[SARAH] Yeah. Give you time to get clear, then pow.
[DOCTOR] Make sure you shoot straight. You won't get a second shot.
[SARAH] Don't worry. I know what I'm doing.
(Stable courtyard)
[SCARMAN] Stop! Turn about. Is your relay damaged? This is thecoordinate selector. It is to be placed in the projection dome monitor.Indicate your understanding.
[SCARMAN] Then obey your order.
[SARAH] I hit it. I know I hit it.
[DOCTOR] You did. Sutekh is containing the explosion.
[SARAH] How?
[DOCTOR] Mental power. There's only one hope left. I've got to get tohim, break his concentration.
[SCARMAN] I hear you, Master.
[SUTEKH [OC]] (straining) On the missile loading ramp. A crudedetonation device. It must be removed immediately.
[SCARMAN] Another human attempt to prevent your return? They will becaught and punished.
[SUTEKH [OC]] The device! I cannot hold back the exothermic reaction formany minutes. It is taking an intense toll of available energy. Attendto the device first!
[SCARMAN] It will be done immediately, Master.
(Stable courtyard)
[SCARMAN] That device on the ramp. Remove it.
(Sutekh's tomb)
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Sutekh, last of the Osirans.
[DOCTOR] Argh!
(Sutekh's tomb)
[SUTEKH] No, you will not die yet. Identify yourself.
[DOCTOR] Just destroy me, Sutekh. Nothing else now is left within yourpower.
[SUTEKH] Identify yourself. It is within my power to choose the mannerof your death.
[SUTEKH] I can, if I choose, keep you alive for centuries, racked by themost excruciating pain. Since your interference has condemned me forever to remain a prisoner in the Eye of Horus, it would be a fittingend. You would make an amusing diversion.
[SUTEKH] Identify yourself, plaything of Sutekh.
[DOCTOR] I'm a traveller.
[SUTEKH] From where?
[DOCTOR] Gallifrey, in the constellation of Kasterborus.
[SUTEKH] Names mean nothing. What is the binary location from galacticzero centre?
[DOCTOR] Ten zero eleven, zero zero by zero two.
[SUTEKH] I know the planet. Data retrieval.
[SUTEKH] So, you are a Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] I renounced the society of the Time Lords. Now I'm simply atraveller.
[SUTEKH] In time and space. In time and space?
[DOCTOR] (screaming) Yes! Yes!
[SUTEKH] Ah. Approach closer. What are you called, Time Lord?
[DOCTOR] Doctor.
[SUTEKH] I offer you an alliance, Doctor. Serve me truly, and an empirecan be yours.
[DOCTOR] Serve you, Sutekh? Your name is abominated in every civilisedworld, whether that name be Set, Satan, Sodos
[SUTEKH] Serve me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Never! Argh!
[SUTEKH] You pit your puny will against mine? Kneel!
[SUTEKH] Kneel before the might of Sutekh.
[SUTEKH] In my presence, you are an ant, a termite. Abase yourself, yougrovelling insect.
[SUTEKH] Well, speak.
[SCARMAN [on monitor]] Sutekh, great Master, the servicers have foundone of the humans responsible for the destruction of the missile.
[SUTEKH] Their leader is my prisoner, Scarman. I have no interest in thehumans.
[SCARMAN [on monitor]] Then this one can be destroyed.
[DOCTOR] Sarah!
[SUTEKH] Kill it immediately.
[DOCTOR [OC]] No! No!
[SUTEKH [OC]] Wait.
[SUTEKH [OC]] Keep the human alive, Scarman. It may have some use.
[SCARMAN] As you command, Great One, so it shall be.
(Sutekh's tomb)
[SUTEKH] You are a Time Lord. What interest haveyou in humans?
[DOCTOR] All sapient lifeforms are our kith, Sutekh.
[SUTEKH] Horus held that view. I refute it.
[DOCTOR] Because you fear that other intelligent lifeforms may grow torival you in power, so you kill all life wherever you find it.
[SUTEKH] Your argument is a cloud, but I see through it into your mind.The human girl. Ah, she travels with you.
[DOCTOR] If you can do that by mental force, Sutekh, then nothing can bebeyond you.
[SUTEKH] Nothing, except to free myself from the Eye of Horus.
[DOCTOR] You use your powers for evil.
[SUTEKH] Evil? Your evil is my good. I am Sutekh the Destroyer. Where Itread I leave nothing but dust and darkness. I find that good.
[DOCTOR] Then I curse you, Sutekh, in the name of all nature. You are atwisted abhorrence. Argh!
[SUTEKH] Any further insolence, Doctor, and I shall shred your nervoussystem into a million fibres. Is that understood?
[SUTEKH] Scarman.
[SCARMAN] I hear you, Master.
[SUTEKH [OC]] My enemies have brought the means of my deliverance.
[SARAH] The Tardis key!
[SUTEKH [OC]] This allows you entry into the Time Lord's space machine.Take one servicer and travel to the pyramid of Mars.
(Sutekh's tomb)
[DOCTOR] He won't find that possible, Sutekh.
[SUTEKH] Scarman is my puppet. My mind is in his.
[DOCTOR] The controls of the Tardis are isomorphic.
[SUTEKH] One to one. They answer to you alone.
[SUTEKH] Then I was wise to spare you. My mind is in yours!
[DOCTOR] Master.
[SUTEKH] Scarman?
[SCARMAN] Master.
[SUTEKH [OC]] I send you the Time Lord. He will control the machine. Thehuman girl will accompany you. If the Time Lord shows the slightestsign of self-will, kill her immediately.
[SCARMAN] It is understood, Great One.
[SARAH] Doctor, what's happened?
[SCARMAN] Stand back.
[SCARMAN] He is possessed by the Great One. Whom do you serve, TimeLord?
[DOCTOR] Sutekh.
[SCARMAN] Who holds all life in his hands?
[DOCTOR] Sutekh.
[SCARMAN] Who is the bringer of death?
[DOCTOR] Sutekh!
[SCARMAN] Venerate his name and obey him in all things.
[DOCTOR] Sutekh is supreme.
[SCARMAN] Control is established, Great One.
[SUTEKH [OC]] It is well. But the Time Lords are a perfidious species.Dispose of him when you reach the pyramid of Mars.
[SCARMAN] It shall be done. Come.
(Pyramid of Mars)
[SUTEKH [OC]] My reading indicates an antechamber under the mainpyramid. Seek the control centre.
[SCARMAN] Sutekh has no further need for the Time Lord. Destroy him.
[SARAH] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You're soaking my shirt.
[SARAH] Oh, you're alive!
[DOCTOR] Respiratory bypass system. Useful in a tight squeeze. Where arewe?
[SARAH] Er, pyramid of Mars.
[DOCTOR] Of course. Sutekh sent Scarman here to deactivate the pyramid.Where is he?
[SARAH] I thought you'd become a zombie like Scarman.
[DOCTOR] Sutekh didn't need me any more, so he relaxed his grip. Now,did you see where Scarman went?
[SARAH] Through that door. It's vanished!
[DOCTOR] It can't have vanished. It's just not visible.
[SARAH] Same difference.
[DOCTOR] Scarman must be stopped. Somehow he must be stopped.
[SUTEKH [OC] Stay! I sense danger. That relay switch is a powerconductor terminal. Scan.
[SUTEKH [OC]] The bulkhead release will be concealed.
[SUTEKH [OC}] There.
[SUTEKH [OC]] Now.
(Pyramid of Mars)
[SARAH] Tribophysics.
[SARAH] What are you waiting for?
[DOCTOR] That's too obvious.
[SARAH] What is?
[DOCTOR] That is.
[SARAH] Well, a door handle usually is.
[DOCTOR] Not in a jail. Horus would have laid traps for the unwary.
[SARAH] I thought Horus was one of the good guys.
[DOCTOR] He was an Osiran, with all their guile and ingenuity. Ah.
[DOCTOR] They had dome-shaped heads and cerebrums like spiralstaircases. Come on.
(Another chamber)
[SUTEKH [OC]] Stand back and scan.
(Sutekh's tomb)
[SUTEKH] Horus. Think you can confound Sutekh withthese childish stratagems?
(Another chamber)
[SUTEKH [OC]] The floor is charged with explosives.Count to the fifth row up. Extreme right solenoid.
[SUTEKH [OC]] Press.
[SARAH] It's like a Chinese puzzle.
[DOCTOR] Yes. And there's a key.
[SARAH] Oh, some key. Do you know what it means?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Obviously the length of the lines provide a scale ofmeasurement.
[SARAH] It reminds me of City ofthe Exxilons.
[DOCTOR] Don't touch anything.
[SARAH] I wasn't going to.
[DOCTOR] Well, don't. One false move and we could be blown to perdition.Feet and inches one side, metres and centimetres the other. Let's see.
[DOCTOR] A hundred and twenty point three centimetres, multiplied by thebinary figure ten zero zero. That's a hundred and sixty two point fourcentimetres, correct?
[SARAH] Show-off.
[DOCTOR] Hundred and sixty two point four. That's about seven stitches.
[DOCTOR] In case I'm wrong.
[DOCTOR] I'm right.
[SARAH] Which way now?
[DOCTOR] A dexadron crucible!
[DOCTOR] Keep calm! Keep calm. (sotto) Poor Sarah. I should never havebrought you hear.
(Sutekh's tomb)
[SUTEKH] The inner chamber. The control centre of the pyramid. Make thesign of the Eye, Scarman. The sign of the Eye.
[DOCTOR] I can't do it. I can't do it.
[HORUS [OC]] Intruders, you face the twin guardians of Horus. One isprogrammed to deceive, the other points truly.
[HORUS [OC]] The two switches control your fate. Instant freedom orinstant death. Before you choose, you can ask one guardian onequestion. This is the riddle of the Osirans. Which is the guardian oflife?
[DOCTOR] Which indeed. They're both contra-programmed so that one willalways give a false indication. One question. If I were to ask yourfellow guardian the question, which switch would he indicate?
[DOCTOR] I see. So if you're the true guardian, that must be the deathswitch. And if you're the automatic liar, you'd be trying to misleadme, so that still must be the death switch. Therefore, this has to bethe one we want.
[DOCTOR] Come on! Come on!
(Control centre)
[SUTEKH [OC]] At last, the Eye of Horus! Destroy! Destroy!
[SCARMAN] Stand back. Deactivate.
[HORUS [OC]] My servitors obey only the voice of Horus. Drive out theintruders.
[SUTEKH] Destroy! Destroy!
[SUTEKH] Free!
[SCARMAN] I'm free! Free at last!
[SARAH] He's won. Sutekh's won!
[DOCTOR] No! The time factor!
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Come on, run!
[SARAH] Doctor!
(Sutekh's tomb)
[SUTEKH] I have won my freedom, Horus. Your curseis lifted. Now begins the reign of Sutekh the Destroyer. I shall crushthis miserable world, and hurl it into the outermost depths of space.My vengeance starts here!
[SUTEKH] My paralysis has left me. I can move again. I can move! Now,Horus, we shall see who rules the cosmos!
[DOCTOR] We've got about twenty seconds. Here he comes.
[SUTEKH] Who dares to interfere?
[DOCTOR] You're caught in a temporal trap, Sutekh.
[SUTEKH] Time Lord! I shall destroy you. I shall destroy you!
[DOCTOR] How long do Osirans live, Sutekh?
[SUTEKH] Release me!
[DOCTOR] Never. You're caught in the corridor of eternity.
[SUTEKH] Release me, insect, or I shall destroy the cosmos!
[DOCTOR] You're a thousand years beyond the twentieth century now,Sutekh. Go on for another ten thousand.
[SUTEKH] I'll spare the planet Earth. I'll give it to you as aplaything. Release me!
[DOCTOR] No, Sutekh. The time of the Osirans is long past.
[DOCTOR] Go. He lived about seven thousand years.
[SARAH] He's dead. Sutekh is dead.
[DOCTOR] At last.
[SARAH] Look, I know that's the time control from the Tardis, but whatdid you do?
[DOCTOR] I moved the threshold of the time space tunnel into the farfuture. He could never have reached the end. After the Eye was broken,I realised that we had little more than two minutes to get back here.
[SARAH] But how?
[DOCTOR] The time radio waves take to pass from Mars to Earth.
[SARAH] Ah. So the Eye of Horus was still holding Sutekh for two minutesafter it was broken.
[DOCTOR] Yes. You know, the Egyptians called him the Typhonian beast.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] That was careless of me. I forgot the thermal balance wouldequalise.
[SARAH] Listen, this priory was burnt to the ground, remember?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Perhaps it is time we were leaving. We don't want to beblamed for starting a fire, do we?
[DOCTOR] I had enough of that in 1666.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Come on, come on.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s13", "episode": "e03", "title": "Pyramids of Mars"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (22 Nov, 1975; Fourth Doctor) - The Android Invasion
[SARAH [OC]] Well, come on, make your mind up. Has the Tardis brought ushome or not?
[DOCTOR] Possibly.
[SARAH] What do you mean, possibly.
[DOCTOR] Well, the coordinates were set for your time, but the linearcalculator, well. Ginger pop?
[SARAH] Can't stand the stuff, thanks all the same. So we could beanytime, anywhere?
[DOCTOR] I really must get the Tardis seen to. She's way overdue herfive hundred year service.
[SARAH] Well, at least we're on Earth. I mean, just taste that air. Ilove that fresh smell just after a rain shower.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it does have that peculiar earthy smell. Which is odd whenyou look at the ground.
[SARAH] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] It's bone dry. Can't have been any rain here for more than aweek.
[DOCTOR] Now I wonder what could be causing that.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Some enormous release of energy.
[SARAH] We are on Earth, aren't we?
[DOCTOR] Well, unless someone's started exporting acorns. Oak treesdon't grow anywhere else in the Galaxy.
[SARAH] Bet we're miles away from UNIT HQ though. So, what are we goingto do?
[DOCTOR] Eenie, meenie, minie, mo?
[DOCTOR] Watch the bramble.
[DOCTOR] I told you to watch the bramble.
[SARAH] Listen, what's so special about eenie meenie minie mo?
[DOCTOR] Nothing. It could just as easily have be fum fo fee fi.
[SARAH] Fee fi fo fum.
[SARAH] Hang on. I thought I saw someone.
[DOCTOR] Let's hope they're not strangers here themselves. Hello there!
[SARAH] No. Wait, Doctor. I don't like the look of them.
[DOCTOR] What? Please excuse me. Could you be very kind and tell mewhere we are?
[DOCTOR] I thought it was odd. Didn't you think it was odd? I rememberonce at the battle of Malplaquet, I said to the Duke of Marlborough
[SARAH] Oh, come on, Doctor! Let's get out of here! Argh!
[DOCTOR] Sarah! Don't look down!
[SARAH] Thanks.
[DOCTOR] My pleasure. Couldn't leave you hanging around in a place likethis.
[DOCTOR] Stop, man. Stop!
[SARAH] No! No!
[DOCTOR] He must have died instantly.
[SARAH] Look. He's from UNIT.
[DOCTOR] Look at these.
[SARAH] They're all new.
[DOCTOR] Freshly minted. No scratches, tarnish.
[SARAH] And all dated the same year.
[DOCTOR] What are the odds against finding a pocket full of coins alldated the same?
[SARAH] I don't understand it.
[DOCTOR] No. Nor do I, yet.
[SARAH] Oh, come on, Doctor. It's just a load of old junk.
[DOCTOR] No, no, shush, wait, wait. I've seen something like thisbefore. My memory's getting terrible. You know, three hundred years agoI'd have recognised this like a shot.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Keep down!
[DOCTOR] Something seems to have annoyed them again. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Well, well. Well, well.
[SARAH] Devesham.
[SARAH] Doctor, we're at Devesham.
[DOCTOR] Do you know it?
[SARAH] I came here on a story about two years ago.
[DOCTOR] It's a bit quiet.
[SARAH] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Anyone about? Anyone?
[DOCTOR] No one about. Let's try the pub.
(Fleur de Lys)
[DOCTOR] Hello? Innkeeper?
[SARAH] Hello? Anyone about?
[DOCTOR] What's this pub called?
[SARAH] Er, Fleur de Lys, wasn't it?
[DOCTOR] What?
[SARAH] Fleur de Lys.
[DOCTOR] Marie Celeste, more like it.
[SARAH] It's weird. A whole village full of people can't just disappear.
[DOCTOR] Here it is again.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Freshly minted money, all the same year. Sarah?
[SARAH] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] What was that story you came here on?
[SARAH] There was a bit of a brouhaha at the Space Defence Station. It'sabout a mile from here.
[DOCTOR] Is it. If we've landed in a prohibited area, then those peoplewho shot at us were possibly guards.
[SARAH] Trespassers are prosecuted in England, not killed. Anyway, theyweren't dressed like guards.
[DOCTOR] Protective clothing? Some kind of radioactivity? Remember, Idetected an energy source. The soldier who went over the cliff waspossibly affected by it.
[SARAH] Radiation sickness?
[DOCTOR] Something like that.
[SARAH] And this place, the village?
[DOCTOR] Evacuated.
[SARAH] Then it must've been done in a hurry.
[DOCTOR] If some dangerous substance leaked, it would be an emergency.
[SARAH] That's great. And we've been walking around in the middle of itlike a couple of 'narnas.
[DOCTOR] It's only a speculation.
[SARAH] It's a nasty one. What about the money?
[DOCTOR] Contamination precaution. Money changes hands. In a place likethis, it might be necessary to bring in clean currency every fewmonths.
[SARAH] Doctor.
[SARAH] The village isn't deserted anymore.
[SARAH] No, it can't be. It can't be!
[DOCTOR] That's impossible.
[SARAH] He was dead. We saw him.
[SARAH] They heard me.
[DOCTOR] Wait.
[SARAH] (sotto) The man in the tweed jacket, that's Mister Morgan, thelandlord.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Come on.
(Back room)
[DOCTOR] Extraordinary.
[SARAH] What's the matter with them?
[DOCTOR] I haven't the faintest idea, but I intend to find out.
[SARAH] How?
[DOCTOR] Space Defence Station. I could contact UNIT from there. Youstay here and keep an eye on things.
[DOCTOR] You'll be all right.
[SARAH] I've heard that before.
[DOCTOR] Can you find your way back to the Tardis?
[SARAH] Of course I can.
[DOCTOR] Right. If anything goes wrong, meet me there.
[SARAH] And what if
(Fleur de Lys)
[SARAH] Afternoon. Well, just about, anyway. Hallo. Mister Morgan, isn'tit? You remember me, don't you? Sarah Jane Smith? I came here on astory. I stayed here about two years ago.
[SARAH] Well, somebody say something.
[ADAMS] Who sent you?
[SARAH] What do you mean, who sent me?
[ADAMS] How did you get here?
[SARAH] I walked. Look, perhaps you'd like
[ADAMS] What are you doing here?
[SARAH] Do you allow all your customers to be grilled like this?
[ADAMS] We don't have strangers here.
[SARAH] Oh, come on, that's ridiculous.
[MORGAN] Wait. She may be part of the test.
[SARAH] Test? What test?
[ADAMS] She doesn't know.
[SARAH] What don't I know? Look, what's going on here?
[MORGAN] I think you'd better go, Miss.
[SARAH] Why?
[MORGAN] It might be best.
[SARAH] Look, if there's some sort of trouble, perhaps I could help. Isee. Well, I intend to find out, anyway.
[SARAH] And I'm sure you shouldn't be drinking so soon after breakingyour neck.
(Space Defence Station reception)
[DOCTOR] Can you tell me where I can find the CO? The CommandingOfficer?
[DOCTOR] I'll tell you what. I won't bother you.
[SARAH] Doctor! Don't go! I'm still here!
[SARAH] Don't leave me.
[SARAH] Can't have gone.
[SARAH] Can I help you?
(Crayford's office)
[STYGGRON [OC]] Crayford! Crayford! Crayford, I say.
[CRAYFORD] Yes, Styggron.
[STYGGRON [OC]] I ordered all units to recharge stations. The order isnot being observed.
[CRAYFORD] In what way, Styggron?
[STYGGRON [OC]] We have detected movement within the complex. A unit mayhave gone random. Check and report!
[CRAYFORD] Yes, Styggron. Immediately, Styggron.
(Crayford's office)
[DOCTOR] Alistair? Alistair?
[CRAYFORD] Keep your hands where I can see them.
[DOCTOR] Those are the first friendly words I've heard since I got here.
[CRAYFORD] Yes, I dare say. And just how did you get here, incidentally?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I dropped in. You know, I do from time to time.
[CRAYFORD] I can easily get the truth from you.
[DOCTOR] You're getting it.
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[CRAYFORD] I'm asking the questions and I have the gun.
[DOCTOR] I just wondered. You're in someone else's office. It saysBrigadier Lethbridge Stewart on the door.
[CRAYFORD] You know the Brigadier?
[DOCTOR] Mmm. I'm his unpaid scientific advisor.
[CRAYFORD] Oh yes. Yes, I see. I see, you're the Doctor.
[CRAYFORD] Yes, I've heard of you.
[DOCTOR] Good. Who are you?
[CRAYFORD] I'm the Senior Defence astronaut, Guy Crayford.
[DOCTOR] Well, how do you do.
[CRAYFORD] Get your hands up, Doctor, thank you. You could be animpostor, couldn't you.
[DOCTOR] Look, I've got a suggestion. My arms are beginning to ache. Whynot call Lethbridge Stewart and get him to identify me?
[CRAYFORD] Lethbridge Stewart is in Geneva. Colonel Faraday is incommand.
[DOCTOR] If you're calling the butler, I'm very partial to tea andmuffins.
[CRAYFORD] You're going to have to stay in detention until youridentity's been verified.
[DOCTOR] Oh, please, no detention. Not detention. You see, I suffer from
(Outside Crayford's office)
[CRAYFORD] Get after him, man!
(SDC roof)
[DOCTOR] Is that finger loaded?
(Outside SDC cell)
[SARAH] (sotto) Doctor? Doctor, can you hear me?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Sarah, what are you doing here?
[SARAH] Rescuing you, actually. For a change.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Thank you.
(Outside SDC cell)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Get a move on.
[SARAH] It's stuck!
[SARAH] Doctor, what did you do?
[DOCTOR] Ask me later. Come on.
(Kraal ship)
[STYGGRON] Crayford?
[CRAYFORD [on monitor]] Yes, Styggron?
[STYGGRON] Crayford, a second random unit in the cell area. What hasgone wrong?
[CRAYFORD [on monitor]] A second?
[STYGGRON] These patterns were not programmed. Explain.
[CRAYFORD [on monitor]] Styggron, was this second unit a female?
[STYGGRON] Yes, one of the village section. Check the directives. Afault must have developed.
[CRAYFORD [on monitor] It's not a fault, Styggron, it's a remarkablesuccess.
[STYGGRON] A success?
[CRAYFORD [on monitor]] They are space travellers. The Doctor, as he iscalled, is a humanoid, a scientist who advices on Earth Defence. Hiscompanion is human.
[STYGGRON] I see. Then they are externals.
[CRAYFORD [on monitor]] They've arrived by error.
[STYGGRON] Perhaps by error, perhaps by design.
[CRAYFORD [on monitor]] Design?
[STYGGRON] If this Doctor advises on defence
[CRAYFORD [on monitor]] The cell block.
[STYGGRON] They must not escape, Crayford. They must not escape!
(Outside SDC closet)
[SARAH [OC]] Doctor, what on Earth did you do?
[SARAH [OC]] For them to lock you up? I mean, they seem to be taking youvery seriously.
(SDC closet)
[DOCTOR] I didn't do anything. Just finding me onthe premises was enough to upset Crayford.
[SARAH] Crayford?
[DOCTOR] Yes, Guy Crayford. He said he was the senior astronaut.
[SARAH] But that's impossible. Guy Crayford was killed.
[SARAH] That was the first test of the XK-5 space freighter. Crayfordwas out in space, deep space, and then they lost him. The ship justvanished. They thought he'd hit an asteroid.
[SARAH] Guy Crayford is dead, Doctor.
(Crayford's office)
[CRAYFORD] There's no cause for alarm, Styggron.The station is being thoroughly searched section by section. All exitsare covered and the guards have orders to shoot on sight.
[STYGGRON [OC]] Then countermand that order. They must be kept alive forpattern analysis.
[CRAYFORD] But Styggron, we already have a complete pattern for thevillage and Defence complex.
[STYGGRON [OC]] Do as I say. The Doctor may have learned of the Kraalplan. He may be here to spy. It is essential for us to know.
[CRAYFORD] No, Styggron, no. They must be eliminated! They must bedestroyed!
(Space Defence Centre reception)
[DOCTOR] Well, well, well. It's a small world.
[SARAH] Isn't it. Hello, Mister Benton!
[DOCTOR] Benton?
[SARAH] Benton, it's us!
(Crayford's office)
[STYGGRON [OC]] You shall do as I say!
[CRAYFORD] Ow! Ow! No! Stop! All right!
[CRAYFORD] All units. The order to kill is cancelled.
(Space Defence Centre reception)
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[BENTON] This is B block, main entrance. They've just escaped, sir.
[BENTON] Ah, Corporal Alert the security patrol immediately. The rest ofyou, get after them! Spread out.
[SARAH [OC]] Why did we come back? We should've hoofed it when we hadthe chance. We're bound to be caught now.
[DOCTOR [OC]] On the contrary.
[DOCTOR] The further they spread out, the better our chance of escape.
[CRAYFORD [OC]] Sullivan!
[CRAYFORD] Take a mobile troop and put a cordon on the perimeter road.
[HARRY] Yes, sir.
[SARAH] (sotto) Harry's not a soldier.
[DOCTOR] That improves our chances.
[SARAH] All our friends
[DOCTOR] Lead by a dead man. Fascinating.
[SARAH] Look, what's going on?
[DOCTOR] How do you know Crayford's dead?
[SARAH] It was that story I came here on two years ago. Why?
[DOCTOR] I don't think Crayford died in space. When he finally got backhere, something returned with him.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Something that's controlling every human being for milesaround.
[SARAH] Including Harry and Mister Benton.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Come on.
[SARAH] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Back to the village. We've got to warn London.
(Woodland outside SDC)
[DOCTOR] So far so good.
[SARAH] As the man said when he fell from the skyscraper.
[SARAH] Dogs!
[DOCTOR] Tracker dogs?
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[SARAH] Yes!
[DOCTOR] Well, come on then.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[SARAH] Can't. Hurt my ankle.
[DOCTOR] I'll carry you.
[SARAH] No, you won't. I'll only slow you down.
[DOCTOR] Give me your scarf.
[SARAH] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] Quickly, quickly, come on! I'll try to draw them off. You canhide in the tree.
[SARAH] But how
[DOCTOR] Come on, up.
[DOCTOR] See you back at the pub. If I'm not there in an hour, try theTardis.
[SARAH] Doctor, I forgot to tell you
[SARAH] The Tardis is gone.
[ADAMS] They must have swum across.
[ADAMS] Right, you two go that way. We'll try to head them off.
(Kraal ship)
[STYGGRON] Report! Report!
[CRAYFORD [on monitor]] The girl is captured. We shall soon have theDoctor.
[STYGGRON] No! Locate him, but do not seize him. I have other plans forthe Doctor.
(Styggron's lab)
[HARRY] It's no good, Miss Smith.
[SARAH] Harry?
[HARRY] She's ready.
[STYGGRON [OC]] Commence the analysis of the brain.
(Fleur de Lys)
[MORGAN] Something you want, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes. A telephone that works. Yours is out of order.
[MORGAN] Likely it is.
[DOCTOR] So is the village call box.
[MORGAN] There was a gale last night, sir. Brought all the lines down.
[DOCTOR] Ah. I always told Alexander Bell that wires were unreliable.
[MORGAN] Can I get you a drink, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'll have a pint.
[MORGAN] A pint of what?
[DOCTOR] Ginger beer.
[MORGAN] You must be one of them scientists from the Defence Station.
[DOCTOR] Well, yes and no, or no and yes, so to speak. As it were. Doyou get much custom from there?
[MORGAN] Don't come down here much.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[MORGAN] Nothing for them in Devesham. Nothing for strangers here.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Too quiet, I suppose.
[MORGAN] Except for darts club night, of course.
[DOCTOR] Ha. Of course.
[(The Doctor throws the three darts at the board in a slightlyunorthodox style. Three bulls-eyes, of course. He goes to remove them.)DOCTOR] Hey, this is a brand new darts board. Never been used before.
(Kraal ship)
[STYGGRON] See? He is puzzled. Suspicious, but not certain.
[CHEDAKI] There is no value in this experiment, Styggron. Our strategyis settled.
[STYGGRON] Strategy is formulated upon knowledge, Chedaki.
[CHEDAKI] The time for experiment is past.
[STYGGRON] In the case of the Earth, yes, but there are other worldsthat our people can conquer. It is important to see that our techniquesare flawless, and the Doctor is unprogrammed. A free agent.
[STYGGRON] Crayford!
(Crayford's office)
[CRAYFORD] Yes, Styggron?
[STYGGRON [OC]] Commence the final test.
[CRAYFORD] Direct communication.
(Kraal ship)
[STYGGRON] Yes. Are the preparations complete?
(Crayford's office)
[CRAYFORD] There should have been sufficient time.I will check, Styggron.
(Kraal ship)
[CHEDAKI] The data that was drained from the girlshows the Doctor's long association with libertarian causes. His entirehistory is one of opposition to conquest. While he lives, he is athreat.
[STYGGRON] His history will end soon, Chedaki, when I have nothingfurther to learn from studying him.
(Styggron's lab)
[CRAYFORD] Where's the girl?
[HARRY] The analysis is completed. We have her memory print and bodyparameters. They're being coded.
[CRAYFORD] Right. Well, see she's properly guarded. Styggron wants torun a test on the Doctor. Is the programming complete?
[HARRY] Yes, sir. We can begin at once.
[CRAYFORD] Right. Good, good.
(Fleur de Lys)
[DOCTOR] Yuk. Plastic horse brass?
[DOCTOR] I've arranged to wait for someone here. Don't let me detainyou.
[MORGAN] That's all right.
[DOCTOR] Well, I can see you're a busy man. Barrels to tap, empties tocount, that sort of thing.
[MORGAN] No hurry for that.
[DOCTOR] Right, then I'll have another pint.
[MORGAN] A pint of what?
[DOCTOR] Well, ginger pop, please.
[DOCTOR] Strange. A village without a future? (The telephone rings. TheDoctor hands the receiver to Morgan.)
[MORGAN] Fleur de Lys? It's for you.
[DOCTOR] Is it? Hello? Sarah? What's happened, where are you?
(Village shop)
[SARAH] They caught me, but I managed to escape.Listen, Doctor, I've found out their whole plan. No. No, the inn is oneof their centres. That's why I didn't come there.
(Fleur de Lys)
[DOCTOR] where are you, Sarah?
(Village shop)
[SARAH] The village store. You can cut through toit behind the pub. Yes, I'll wait for you. But Doctor, be careful.Those robot mechanics are planted everywhere.
(Fleur de Lys)
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, Sarah. Who'd notice me?
[DOCTOR] Well, would you believe it? It's out of order again. Thanks forthe hospitality. (The Doctor leaves through the back door. Morgan doesnot move.)
(Kraal ship)
[CHEDAKI] If the androids were to fail in theirtask, the Kraal invasion of Earth could not even begin. Suppose theDoctor were to turn the androids against us? It would jeopardise thewhole operation!
[STYGGRON] Impossible!
[CHEDAKI] Is it? He is a scientist too, Styggron.
[STYGGRON] Well, the androids are centrally governed. Their programmingis controlled from here.
[CHEDAKI] They could be reprogrammed> He has the knowledge.
[STYGGRON] An interesting possibility.
[CHEDAKI] The androids are a double-edged weapon, Styggron. They areunstoppable, indestructible.
[CRAYFORD] Everything is ready, Styggron.
[STYGGRON] Not quite. I need one more android, Crayford. I must call onyour experience for its production.
[CRAYFORD] But you already have my data. The memory prints in thedisorientation centre.
[STYGGRON] This is new. You must be reprocessed.
[CRAYFORD] Styggron, I can't go through that again.
[STYGGRON] I need one special unit. An android programmed to attackKraals.
[CRAYFORD] But I don't
[STYGGRON] Do not argue, Crayford! Come!
(Village shop)
[SARAH] Is that you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course it is. How did you get away?
[SARAH] Oh, thank goodness. I've been terrified!
[DOCTOR] I left you up a tree.
[SARAH] I climbed out of the tree and those soldiers were waiting forme. I was knocked out. When I came round, I was in some kind ofoperating theatre. Doctor, I was so frightened.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm sure you were. Have some ginger pop. Here.
[SARAH] It was delicious. Harry was there. Well, not the real Harry, ofcourse, but I thought it was.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, not the real Harry?
[SARAH] Well, Doctor, that's what they're doing. They're copying people.
[DOCTOR] Who are?
[SARAH] I don't know, but Crayford's behind it all.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[DOCTOR] It can't be Crayford, but go on.
[SARAH] There's not much more to tell. They put me in some kind ofmachine, and I passed out again.
[DOCTOR] How did you get away?
[SARAH] When I came round the second time, I heard Crayford talking tosomeone. That's when I discovered what they're planning. They'rereplacing people with these duplicates they make. Well, they thought Iwas still unconscious and left me without a guard.
[DOCTOR] And you were lucky enough to find this place? And the onlytelephone in the place that worked.
[SARAH] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] I think they let you make that telephone call.
[SARAH] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] I mean we're being tested. They want to find out how smart weare.
[SARAH] No, it can't be that.
[DOCTOR] Of course it's that. What I don't understand is, if they're soadvanced in technology, they've made facsimile human beings good enoughto stand face to face examination, and sent them through a space timewarp to Earth, what can they be afraid of? They must possess theweaponry to take the Earth by force. They've created a bridgehead bystealth using androids. Fake humans. Come on.
[SARAH] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Well, there's a radio in the Tardis. Are you coming?
[SARAH] Coming.
[DOCTOR] Let's go.
(Styggron's lab)
[STYGGRON] This should answer your fears, Chedaki. From Crayford'smemory cells we will now create a totally hostile android.
[CRAYFORD] Don't, Styggron, I beg you.
[CHEDAKI [on monitor]] What is the purpose of this, Styggron?
[STYGGRON] I will now activate the hostility circuits.
[STYGGRON] See? They are not indestructible, Chedaki. What I can create,I can also destroy!
[CHEDAKI [on monitor]] That weapon. It is new.
[STYGGRON] So far effective only at short range, but my armoury sectionis developing a much more powerful version for our space cruisers.Science, Chedaki! Science will make the Kraals invincible!
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, this is the oak tree. This is where we landed.
[SARAH] Well, it's not here now, is it.
[DOCTOR] It's not programmed to auto-operate. There's a fail safe.Unless
[SARAH] Unless what, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Of course, I know. You've still got a Tardis key, haven't you?
[SARAH] I must've lost it.
[DOCTOR] You haven't lost it. You never had it. Sarah came here, turnedthe key in the lock, and cancelled the pause control. The Tardiscontinued on its set coordinates back to Earth.
[SARAH] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you do. This isn't Earth. This isn't real wood. It's somekind of artificial material like plastic. These are not real trees. Andyou're not the real Sarah.
[SARAH] Get back, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I knew at once. You see, the real Sarah wasn't wearing herscarf.
[DOCTOR] What have you done with Sarah? Where is the real Sarah?
(Kraal ship)
[CHEDAKI] A foolish experiment, Styggron. The Doctor is at large.
[STYGGRON] There's no way of escape.
[STYGGRON] He can do no harm.
[CHEDAKI] He is a Time Lord.
[STYGGRON] At the end of his time. The androids are now fully trained.Both the village and the Doctor will be destroyed in precisely nineminutes.
[CHEDAKI] Nine minutes?
[STYGGRON] The invasion countdown has begun. There will be no variationin the schedule.
[CHEDAKI] I understand. Is there a safe method of destroying thetraining ground?
[STYGGRON] A matter dissolving bomb, which I shall place in position.
[CHEDAKI] Good. The Earth female. She is still alive?
[STYGGRON] Yes, Marshal Chedaki. She has been preserved.
[STYGGRON] Another of my foolish experiments. The virus which ourandroids will use to cleanse the Earth of its human population has onlybeen proved in laboratory conditions. I wish to test it on a livinghuman organism.
[CHEDAKI] Ah. Good, good. That's a good idea, Styggron.
[STYGGRON [OC]] Praise indeed, from a soldier.
[SARAH] Nine minutes.
(Kraal ship hatchway)
[CRAYFORD] Come on now. Hurry along.
[CRAYFORD] Quickly now.
[CRAYFORD] Any more?
[BENTON] We're the last, sir.
[CRAYFORD] See all the blast doors are closed. You have four minutes.
[HARRY] Yes, sir. (Harry and Crayford leave in opposite directions.Sarah reopens the hatchway and leaves.)
[DOCTOR] Oh, hello.
[STYGGRON] Resistance is inadvisable.
[DOCTOR] Look here, we haven't been introduced, have we?
[STYGGRON] This is no time for niceties.
[DOCTOR] Well, well, well. An MD bomb.
[STYGGRON] In exactly three minutes, our simulated Earth village willevaporate, and you with it!
[DOCTOR] You're really enjoying this, aren't you?
[DOCTOR] Don't go. Stay. Just for a few minutes. Then we can all gotogether.
[SARAH [OC]] Doctor? Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I'm over here!
[SARAH] Listen, this place is going to be blown sky high. Well, don'tjust sit there, come on!
[DOCTOR] I'm not just sitting here, I'm tied up.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Knife in my right hand pocket.
[SARAH] It won't cut. It's as strong as steel.
[DOCTOR] Of course. It's their artificial ivy. Try the sonicscrewdriver. Set it to theta omega.
[BOMB] Thirty seconds. Twenty five seconds.
[BOMB] Twenty seconds.
[SARAH] Hang on! I know one of the ways out!
[BOMB] Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight,seven, six, five, four, three, two.
(Kraal ship hatchway)
[BOMB] One, zero!
[DOCTOR] A bit close.
[SARAH] Wouldn't have cared to have been any closer.
[CRAYFORD] Escort them to the cell. I must report this to Styggron.
[DOCTOR] Styggron? Who's Styggron?
[DOCTOR] I prefer our Harry.
(Kraal ship)
[KRAAL [OC]] Leader rocket in launch phase. Time tolift off, ninety minutes.
[STYGGRON] Have the pre-launch checks been completed?
[KRAAL] Yes, the androids are being loaded now.
[CRAYFORD] Styggron! We have recaptured the girl. She was with theDoctor.
[STYGGRON] The Doctor?
[CRAYFORD] It seems she helped him to escape.
[STYGGRON] He must be destroyed at once. Have him killed.
[CRAYFORD] Why, Styggron? There's really no need.
[STYGGRON] Oh, you're singing a different song now, Crayford. They mustbe eliminated, isn't that what you said?
[CRAYFORD] That was because they were a danger to the plan, Styggron. Imean, what harm can they do now, locked away in a cell?
[STYGGRON] The Doctor is no longer of any use.
[CRAYFORD] But he would make a valuable subject for analysis.
[STYGGRON] Analysis?
[CRAYFORD] Yes, the knowledge and experience of a Time Lord would makea, well, a useful addition to the Kraal data banks.
[STYGGRON] You were happy for him to die, provided I killed him. You aresqueamish, Crayford. A puny minded weakling, like all your race. Oh,very well, very well.
[CRAYFORD] Thank you, Styggron.
[STYGGRON] We shall analyse his brain, and then he shall die.
(Kraal brig)
[SARAH] Not on Earth? What do you mean? Of course we're on Earth.
[DOCTOR] Harry and Benton and the rest are not the real thing.
[SARAH] Not real?
[DOCTOR] Fakes, copies. Electronic androids with well programmedcomputers instead of brains.
[SARAH] It all makes sense now.
[DOCTOR] If I'd had my wits around me, I'd have known it from the start.Remember that high level of radiation I'd noticed when we left theTardis?
[SARAH] Yes, you thought there'd been a leak from the Defence Station.
[DOCTOR] That was natural radiation. The Kraal planet Oseidon is theonly planet in the galaxy with a level that high.
[DOCTOR] This is no good.
[SARAH] Won't that radiation make us ill?
[DOCTOR] Well, It's not that bad, yet.
[SARAH] All the same, the sooner we get away from here, the better.
[DOCTOR] Quite right. Any level of radiation is too high, and it'sgetting worse all the time. Won't be long before the place becomesuninhabitable. That's why the Kraals are planning to leave and takeover Earth.
[SARAH] So, everything we've seen has been a fake.
[SARAH] But the village.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and the woods, and the Defence Station. Every last detailcopied down, including the inhabitants.
[SARAH] Like a sort of training ground.
(Outside the brig)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Exactly. And they've hardly made a slip. One or two,perhaps, like mint-fresh money all the same date. Otherwise, they'vegot everything right.
(Kraal ship brig)
[CRAYFORD] I've, er, been listening to yourconversation.
[DOCTOR] Well, nobody's perfect.
[CRAYFORD] I hear you're impressed by the thoroughness with which thisoperation has been planned.
[DOCTOR] Well, it is impressive, but doomed to fail in the end.
[CRAYFORD] Oh no, Doctor. No, shortly I shall leave for Earth. TheKraals will project me through the space time warp and my ship willmake a normal re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.
[DOCTOR] A normal re-entry? Crayford, you've been gone two years,assumed dead.
[CRAYFORD] Ah, yes, Doctor, but I have recently re-established radiocontact with Earth. They know about the stabiliser failure that sent meinto orbit around Jupiter. They know how I've rationed my provisions,particularly drinking water. My recycling experiments. Already, everytelescope on Earth is trained on that little patch of sky where my XK-5will reappear.
[DOCTOR] A gigantic hoax.
[CRAYFORD] Exactly, Doctor, yes! And all brilliantly planned byStyggron, the chief scientist of the
[DOCTOR] But helped by you. He couldn't have done it without yourknowledge and memory.
[CRAYFORD] Yes, the Kraals have a superb technology, Doctor.
[SARAH] Why did you do it? What made you betray Earth?
[CRAYFORD] Well, didn't Earth betray me? I was written off, wasn't I?Left to die in space. It was the Kraals who saved me. I mean, I wasdying, wasn't I? I was being torn apart by gyro failure. And theyreconstructed me, Miss Smith, in every detail. Except the one eye thatfor some reason couldn't be found. Oh no, I owe them everything.
[SARAH] And that's what they want. Everything. They want the world.
[CRAYFORD] Look, the increasing radiation here means that they're adoomed race. They just have to leave, don't they. I mean, why should apeople with such skills be allowed to die?
[SARAH] The human race has a few skills of its own.
[CRAYFORD] Yes, I know, I know. But the Kraals have promised me that nohumans will be harmed, as long as they obey the ultimatum that's beenprepared. You see, the Kraals are going to take over the northernhemisphere and live in peace! I have their word for it.
[DOCTOR] You've been brainwashed, Crayford.
[CRAYFORD] Before my spaceship lands, the space shells with the androidsinside will be launched. Now, if anyone sees them, they'll just betaken for meteorites, you see? And then the androids will take over thekey positions in the Defence Complex and the way will be clear forMarshall Chedaki to bring in the main invasion fleet without a shotbeing fired!
[DOCTOR] I see, I see. Tell me, if your Kraal friends are so unviolent,why did Styggron try to vaporise me?
[CRAYFORD] Oh, yes. Yes, well, they thought you were a danger.
[CRAYFORD] You see, Miss Smith's memory prints had showed your pastintense involvement in the defence of Earth. But I have persuaded themto utilise that knowledge. It won't be wasted. See, Styggron's machineextracts and feeds into a computer the memory and entire intelligenceof any living being. It's painful, I know, but it's better than dying.
[STYGGRON [OC]] Service mechanics move to leader rocket loading bay now.
[CRAYFORD] I'm sorry, I have to go now. Now, trust me. I know what I'mdoing.
[DOCTOR] We have to warn Earth.
[SARAH] How? We don't even have the Tardis.
(Kraal ship)
[STYGGRON] Only one drop.
[CHEDAKI] Launch countdown commences in sixty minutes, Styggron.
[STYGGRON] Careful how you handle it.
[CHEDAKI] You are testing the culture.
[STYGGRON] Yes, Marshall. That small phial contains a death sentence forthe entire human race. Be careful!
[CHEDAKI] Is it safe?
[STYGGRON] As long as only the androids have contact with the virus.
[STYGGRON] No, no, no, no, no! Place it in the steriliser.
[STYGGRON] Good. Now take the tray to the detention cell.
(Kraal ship brig)
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think this has possibilities.
[SARAH] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Well, if we can somehow lure that guard in, give him a goodstiff jolt.
[SARAH] Electrocute him?
[DOCTOR] Well, randomise him, to be accurate. Remember, he's only amachine.
[SARAH] Someone's coming.
[HARRY] Food and drink.
[DOCTOR] How thoughtful. Bread and water.
[SARAH] It's better than nothing, I suppose. I'm dying for a drink.
[HARRY] You're to come with me.
[DOCTOR] Careful! You androids don't know your own strength.
[SARAH] Where are you taking him? Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, Sarah. And don't waste the water. Remember, it'san excellent conductor.
(Styggron's lab)
[DOCTOR] So this is where you put Crayfordtogether. Careless of you to lose his eye.
[STYGGRON] Harry, I have little time.
[DOCTOR] Going somewhere, are you?
[STYGGRON] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well.
[STYGGRON] Secure his limbs!
[STYGGRON] In a moment, Doctor, the knowledge and experience of yourentire life will be transposed into our data bank.
[DOCTOR] That's stealing.
[STYGGRON] While you are making your small contribution to Kraalculture, I shall be on my way to destroy the humans that you have sooften defended. This time, you will be powerless to help them.
[DOCTOR] So you do intend genocide.
[STYGGRON] Earth's resources are limited. They cannot be wastedsupporting an inferior species.
[DOCTOR] How do you intend to destroy the humans, Styggron? If you usenuclear weapons, you'll raise Earth's radiation level beyond your ownpoint of tolerance.
[STYGGRON] Nothing so crude as fission weapons. The androids willdisseminate a virus. It will cause a contagion so lethal the Earth willbe rid of its human population within three weeks. Then it will burnitself out, and the world will be ours.
[DOCTOR] Where will you be all this time?
[STYGGRON] Crayford's rocket will prove an effective quarantine chamber.I shall remain inside until the virus has done its work. Then I shallsignal Marshall Chedaki to bring in our invasion fleet.
[DOCTOR] The best laid schemes of mice and Kraals gang aft agley.
[DOCTOR] Something will go wrong, Styggron.
[STYGGRON] Nothing will go wrong!
[STYGGRON] In eight minutes, Doctor, the Analyser will have completedits recording. Unfortunately, I shall not be here to turn it off. Yourbrain tissue will expand under the stimulation until eventually, yourskull bursts. I imagine it will be a most disagreeable death.
[DOCTOR] We shall see.
[STYGGRON] Defiant to the end, Doctor. But you will soon be screamingfor mercy and there will be no one here.
[SARAH] Doctor. Doctor, come on! Come on, wake up, Doctor! Come on!Doctor, please, come on. Wake up.
[DOCTOR] I am awake, I think.
[SARAH] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush, shush. Once upon a time, there were threesisters, and they lived at the bottom of a treacle well. Their nameswere Olga, Masha, and Elena. Are you listening, Tilly?
[SARAH] I'm Sarah.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SARAH] Sarah!
[DOCTOR] I feel disorientated.
[SARAH] This is the Disorientation Centre.
[DOCTOR] That makes sense.
[SARAH] Come on!
[CHEDAKI [OC]] Clear the launching area. Time to countdown, one minute.
[DOCTOR] Hurry!
[SARAH] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Crayford's ship. It'll be leaving in a moment. Right, right.
[SARAH] Doctor!
(Kraal ship)
[STYGGRON] The Earth female has escaped. Find her!
(Outside Crayford's ship)
[DOCTOR] We're going into that rocket, Sarah.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] I said, you and I are going into that rocket!
[CHEDAKI [OC]] Time to lift off, thirty seconds.
(Crayford's ship - hold)
[DOCTOR] Come on, Sarah. We need protection or the g-force will crush uson blast off. Come on.
[DOCTOR] It's all right. It's not activated.
[CHEDAKI [OC]] Ten, nine.
(Crayford's ship)
[CHEDAKI [OC]] Eight, seven, six, five.
(Crayford's ship - hold)
[DOCTOR] Come on, in you go. Quick! Quick!
[CHEDAKI [OC]] Four, three, two.
[SARAH] It's okay, I'm in. Hurry!
[CHEDAKI [OC]] One, zero. (The acceleration throws the Doctor onto hisback.)
[SARAH] It's crushing me, Doctor. Doctor.
(Crayford's ship - hold)
[DOCTOR] We're on the way.
[SARAH] I must have blacked out.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you did. The G-force cut the blood supply to what youhumans laughingly call your higher centres.
[SARAH] Ha ha. I hate sarcasm, especially when I'm dying. I feel asthough I've been through a mangle.
[DOCTOR] It was a gentle massage compared to what's ahead.
[SARAH] Oh, no, don't tell me. I don't want to know.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you do. Just before Crayford puts the ship into re-entryorbit, these containers will be shot out like pips from a lemon.
[SARAH] How?
[DOCTOR] Through the cargo shuttle ejectors. And we'll be in them.
[DOCTOR] Ask me why.
[SARAH] Why?
[DOCTOR] Because they'll reach Earth before the ship. There's no otherway we can warn the Defence Station.
[SARAH] And what are we going to use for air?
[DOCTOR] Oh, there'll be enough to last the few minutes in space. I'mmore concerned about the efficiency of these retro tubes.
[SARAH] Why, don't they work?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I imagine they'll work well enough for the androids tosurvive impact, but we could be in for a nasty jolt.
[SARAH] So, providing we don't burn up on re-entry, and aren'tsuffocated on the way down, we'll probably be smashed to a pulp when weland.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Sarah, you've put your finger on the one tiny flaw inour plan.
[SARAH] Our plan? It's your plan.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm open to suggestions if you've got a better idea.
[SARAH] How long before we start all this?
[DOCTOR] Quite soon. They're beaming us through the space time warp now.
(SDC Scanner room)
[GRIERSON] Bearing one four three.
[TESSA] I've got him.
[MATTHEWS] There he is!
[GRIERSON] Contact confirmed. Well done, Tessa.
[MATTHEWS] It's the XK-5 all right, exactly as scheduled.
[TESSA] Incredible, isn't it, after two years.
[GRIERSON] Colonel Faraday? Ah, hello, sir, this is the scanner room.We've picked up Crayford's ship, sir. Yes, absolutely on the button.Right, sir. The old man's coming down.
(SDC reception)
[BENTON] Well, we've searched the area for them, made enquiries in thevillage. No sign of the Doctor or Miss Smith anywhere.
[HARRY] Well, he'll turn up when he feels like it. I'm sure there'snothing to worry about.
[BENTON] Yes, I just hope you're right.
[HARRY] You're a pessimist, Mister Benton. What could possibly happen tothe Doctor in Devesham Woods?
[BENTON] It's just that I've never known him leave the Tardis with thekey in it before.
[FARADAY] Come along, men. Crayford's been spotted on the scanners.
[HARRY] Oh, that's great, sir.
(SDC Scanner room)
[MATTHEWS] Hello, XK-5, hello, XK-5. This isDevesham Control calling XK-5. Do you read me, do you read me?
[GRIERSON] It's on the master scanner, sir. Right on course.
[FARADAY] This is a moment for history, Grierson.
[GRIERSON] It is that, sir.
[HARRY] A two year journey.
[FARADAY] He's been further into space than any other human being.
[MATTHEWS] XK-5, this is Devesham Control calling XK-5. Do you read me,do you read me?
[CRAYFORD [OC]] (static) Come in Mission Control. This is XK-5. I'mreceiving you loud and clear.
[MATTHEWS] Okay, XK-5. Stand by, stand by.
[GRIERSON] Sir, would you care to.?
[FARADAY] Oh, yes, thank you. Thank you.
[FARADAY] Hello, Crayford. Colonel Faraday here. I, er, well, what canone say at a moment like this, except welcome home.
[CRAYFORD [OC]] Thank you, sir. Earth certainly looks pretty good fromup here. I've had some problem with one of the
[FARADAY] What's that? Re-entry?
[GRIERSON] Not yet, sir. There's something else coming in on the samepath.
[FARADAY] Something else?
[GRIERSON] There's a fireball or something. It's broken into meteorites,look.
[TESSA] They're down to seventeen thousand metres.
[FARADAY] Never mind the meteorites. Have we still got contact with theship?
[GRIERSON] He's just hit the upper atmosphere, sir. It looks like aperfect re-entry path.
[MATTHEWS] He'll be back in the mess in time for late breakfast.
[HARRY] No, he won't, Matthews. Not after two years in space.
[MATTHEWS] That meteorite shower's really coming in.
[BENTON] Yes, but don't they usually burn up before they hit the Earth?
[MATTHEWS] This lot's not going to. There's something funny about them.
[FARADAY] Something funny?
[MATTHEWS] I swear they're slowing down.
(Landing site)
[DOCTOR] Sarah? Sarah? No Sarah. No Sarah. No Sarah.
(SDC Scanner room)
[CRAYFORD [OC]] XK-5 to control.
[HARRY] He's made it.
[GRIERSON] He's through.
[CRAYFORD [OC]] This is XK-5 calling control.
[TESSA] Devesham Control to XK-5. We're locking on.
[CRAYFORD] (on radio) Roger, Devesham.
[TESSA] Ignition minus thirty, on my mark. Mark.
[CRAYFORD [on screen]] Mark thirty. AGS reading four hundred plus one.
[TESSA] Ten seconds to ignition. Mark.
[CRAYFORD [on screen]] I have ignition, Devesham. Starting descent.
[MATTHEWS] Altitude forty thousand metres. Thirty nine, thirty eightthousand. Descent velocity six fifty metres per second.
[FARADAY] He'll be landing in a few minutes. Everything you need,Sullivan?
[HARRY] I've got the tools of the trade here, sir.
[GRIERSON] You're looking good, Commander.
[CRAYFORD [on screen]] Good for me, too. I hope you've got somechampagne on ice down there, have you?
(Devesham Wood)
[SARAH] Doctor?
[SARAH] Doctor?
[SARAH] Oh! Doctor, don't do things like that.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry. I had to be sure. You see, there's a replica of youaround somewhere.
[SARAH] Well, my replica wouldn't be as glad to see you as I am.
[SARAH] What's that?
[DOCTOR] The rocket is coming in to land.
[SARAH] Well, we'd better hurry if we're going to warn them.
[DOCTOR] It would suit our purposes better if no one was warned.
[SARAH] You're not the real Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] Come. We have much to do.
(SDC Scanner room)
[GRIERSON] You're cleared for landing, XK-5.
[CRAYFORD [on screen]] Roger. Coming down now.
[MATTHEWS] Coming down nineteen five hundred, at seventeen. Four hundredmetres. Two fifty. Two hundred.
[TESSA] Slight drift to right.
[CRAYFORD [on screen]] Correcting three forward. Three forward. Easy,easy.
[MATTHEWS] Docking contact.
[CRAYFORD [on screen]] Ascent engines command override off. Engine off.That's it, boys, crack the bubbly!
[GRIERSON] The XK-5 has landed, sir.
[FARADAY] Well done. Well done! Come along, Sullivan. We'll go aboard.
[HARRY] Yes, sir.
[MATTHEWS] Coffee, anybody?
[GRIERSON] Oh, make mine black, please.
[MATTHEWS] What about you, Tessa?
[BENTON] Can I use your phone, Grierson?
[GRIERSON] Yes, of course.
[TESSA] Yes, I could really use a coffee.
[GRIERSON] Commander Crayford?
(Crayford's rocket)
[GRIERSON [OC]] Colonel Faraday and the MO are ontheir way up now, sir.
[CRAYFORD] Thanks. I'll be waiting.
(SDC reception)
[DOCTOR] Can you tell me where I could find theCommanding Officer?
[ADAMS] Yes, sir. He's in the scanner room.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[ADAMS] Excuse me, sir. Can I see your pass, please?
[DOCTOR] Yes. There we are.
[ADAMS] Oh, yes. That's all right, sir, thank you.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Is this the first time you've seen me today?
[ADAMS] What? Yes, sir.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now, if you do see me again today, I want you to reportit to me immediately. I'll be with the CO in the scanner room.
(SDC Scanner room)
[BENTON] Yes, yes. Make it eight o'clock outside the Chinese takeaway.And don't be late.
[GRIERSON] You've got her well trained.
[BENTON] Yes, well, to be honest with you, it's my kid sister. I'mtaking her to a dance at the Palais tonight.
[BENTON] Doctor! Where have you been? We've been looking all
[DOCTOR] Where's Harry?
[BENTON] Mister Sullivan? He's gone up to the rocket with ColonelFaraday.
[DOCTOR] Call him down.
[GRIERSON] I can't do that, sir.
[DOCTOR] Call him down.
[BENTON] Better do as he says.
[DOCTOR] Give it to me. Harry? Harry, can you hear me?
[HARRY [OC]] Hello, Doctor. Is that you?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it is. Don't go into that rocket.
[FARADAY [OC]] I don't understand. What the Dickens is going on?
[DOCTOR] Just trust me, Colonel. If you go into that rocket, your liveswill be in deadly danger.
[FARADAY [OC]] Chap's insane.
[HARRY [OC]] I think we ought to do as he says, Colonel.
[DOCTOR] Harry, bring the lift down. I'll explain it all then.
[FARADAY [OC]] Very well, Doctor, but the explanation had better begood.
[GRIERSON] The lift's started down again, sir.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[MATTHEWS] Mister Benton?
[MATTHEWS] Could you spare a minute, please?
[DOCTOR] What controls the angle of your radar dish?
[GRIERSON] This one here, sir.
[DOCTOR] Give me a pen.
(SDC corridor)
[ADAMS] What is going on here?
[BENTON 2] Have them taken away.
(SDC Scanner room)
[DOCTOR] Could you do that?
[GRIERSON] Well, it's possible. It would take a bit of time, though. I'dhave to re-jig about eleven circuits there.
[DOCTOR] All right. Well, you get about it.
[GRIERSON] You can't
[DOCTOR] Tell no one what you're doing.
[GRIERSON] You can't point the radar dishes down here, sir! They'd jamevery radio and electronic equipment for miles. There'd be chaos.
[DOCTOR] Nothing like the chaos there'll be if you don't do it,Grierson.
[FARADAY] Doctor! What the devil's going on?
[DOCTOR] An invasion of Earth is going on, Colonel.
[DOCTOR] Let's go to your office. You've got some important phone callsto make. Crayford's sold you out to the Kraals.
[FARADAY] Kraals? Never heard of them.
(Faraday's office)
[HARRY] You've actually seen these androids, then,Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Indeed I have.
[FARADAY] I'll not have my command infiltrated by aliens.
[HARRY] Sir, they may already be among us.
[DOCTOR] They've made replicas of you and Harry, Colonel.
[FARADAY] Of me?
[FARADAY] Confounded cheek. How dare they!
[HARRY] Colonel, I think I should run a complete medical check oneveryone.
[FARADAY] Good idea, Sullivan. That'll nail 'em, eh, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but it would take too long. We can use this.
[HARRY] What's that?
[DOCTOR] It's a robot detector. It lights up in the presence ofandroids.
[FARADAY] Thing must be faulty.
[DOCTOR] I don't think so. I see I was just too late.
[DOCTOR 2] A pity you had to find out.
[DOCTOR 2] We didn't want any shooting until our takeover was complete.
[DOCTOR] Hello, Doctor. We've been waiting for you.
[DOCTOR 2] Stand back, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You know, the resemblance is astonishing. For a moment, Ithought I was seeing double.
(SDC car park)
[SARAH] Doctor, this way!
(Faraday's office)
[FARADAY 2] Attention, attention.
(SDC reception)
[FARADAY 2 [OC]] It has been confirmed the Doctoris attempting to sabotage our defence system. He is at large somewhereinside the complex.
[FARADAY 2 [OC]] Saturation search will begin atonce. He is armed and dangerous, and all personnel have the authorityto shoot on sight. That is all.
[SARAH] So the androids have taken over.
[DOCTOR] Looks like.
[SARAH] What about the real Harry and Colonel Faraday?
[DOCTOR] They must be up there in the rocket with Styggron.
[SARAH] We've got to help them somehow.
[DOCTOR] Our only chance is to stop the androids before they take overthe complex.
[SARAH] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] To the scanner room. You stay here, Sarah.
(SDC reception)
[BENTON 2] Hold it, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Don't be a fool, Benton, I'm one of you. Didn't you hear theColonel just now? The Doctor's not here, he's at large somewhere in thecomplex.
[BENTON 2] Oh yes, of course, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
[DOCTOR] That's all right, Benton, but keep your wits about you. Nobodyknows who's who around here.
(SDC Scanner room)
[DOCTOR] Have you finished, Grierson?
[GRIERSON] Almost there, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on. We haven't got a second to lose, man.
(SDC reception)
[BENTON 2] Hold it, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] Don't be a fool, Benton, I'm one of you.
[DOCTOR 2] Satisfied?
[BENTON 2] But I, but I thought you were. He passed me just a minuteago.
[DOCTOR 2] Which way did he go?
[BENTON 2] To the scanner room.
(SDC Scanner room)
[GRIERSON] There. I've done it.
[GRIERSON] All I have to do now is switch on the power.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[DOCTOR 2] A clever way to jam android circuits, but not quick enough.
[CRAYFORD] What's going on?
[DOCTOR 2] The Doctor has interfered in our plans for the last time.
[CRAYFORD] But Styggron promised me there would be no killing.
[DOCTOR 2] Fool. Do you really think the Kraals will spare humanity?Styggron has a virus in your ship that will destroy every man, womanand child in the world.
[CRAYFORD] Styggron wouldn't do that. He's a surgeon, a genius. Lookwhat he did for me!
[DOCTOR] He did nothing for you, Crayford. Absolutely nothing at all.Except brainwash you.
[CRAYFORD] That's not true.
[DOCTOR] You were hijacked by the Kraals, Crayford. Nothing went wrongwith your rocket, Crayford. You weren't even injured. Take off the eyepatch and look for yourself.
(SDC reception)
[HARRY 2] The scanner room.
(SDC Scanner room)
(Crayford's ship - hold)
[SARAH] Harry?
[HARRY] Sarah? Sarah, where
[SARAH] Harry!
[HARRY] What's going on?
[SARAH] It's a long story. For a start, you've got a very nasty twin.
[HARRY] Twin?
(SDC Scanner room)
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[GRIERSON] Yeah, I think so, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[DOCTOR] Where's Crayford?
[GRIERSON] He went back to the rocket.
[DOCTOR] Did he? (The Doctor puts his own hat on.)
(Crayford's rocket - hold)
[FARADAY] It's all very well, but what are these androids?
[SARAH] Shush! I keep telling you. They're robots controlled byStyggron.
[STYGGRON] The enterprising Earth girl! No! Don't move. The sensorsindicated an intruder. I hardly expected to find it was you.
[SARAH] No, I suppose you thought I was still a prisoner on your planet.
[STYGGRON] I know the Doctor managed to escape, but you must indeed havea charmed life.
[SARAH] What are you getting at?
[STYGGRON] You were to have been the first human victim of the billionsto be destroyed by this virus.
[STYGGRON] How did you escape death? Did you not drink the water?
[SARAH] Water.
[CRAYFORD] Styggron! You have betrayed me.
[STYGGRON] Betrayed you? I used you, Crayford, as I use the androids,but you are no longer of any value.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me.
[SARAH] Doctor! Oh, no!
[DOCTOR] Don't waste any tears on him, Sarah. He's only an android.
[SARAH] An android?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my replica. I reprogrammed it to confuse Styggron.
[SARAH] Please, don't ever do anything like that again.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Devesham Wood)
[SARAH] Oh, how could we ever have been fooled?
[DOCTOR] How do you mean?
[SARAH] Well, this really is Earth.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure?
[DOCTOR] After you.
[SARAH] Uh uh. I'm going home, and I'm going by taxi.
[DOCTOR] Oh. I'll make you an offer. I'll take you home.
[SARAH] How can I refuse?
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s13", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Android Invasion"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (3 Jan, 1976; Fourth Doctor) - The Brain of Morbius
(Solon's parlour)
[SOLON] You were quick, Condo. Were there no survivors?
[CONDO] One, an oxygen breather.
[SOLON] Humanoid? Excellent. Let me see.
[SOLON] No, that won't do. Even if the ganglia could be. No, thecranium's too narrow, the cerebrum undeveloped. That is an insect! Evena half-witted cannibal like you can see it won't do!
[CONDO] But the big head's not come, master. Not to Karn.
[SOLON] It must, Condo. One day, a true humanoid species, warm blooded,with a central nervous system. One such specimen, just one, and I cancomplete my work here.
(Planet surface)
[DOCTOR] Come out, meddlesome, interfering idiots. I know you're upthere so come on out and show yourselves!
[DOCTOR] Messing about with my Tardis. Dragging us a thousand parsecsoff course.
[SARAH] Oi, have you gone potty? Who are you shouting at?
[DOCTOR] The Time Lords, who else? Now, you see? You see? They haven'teven got the common decency to come out and show their ears.
[SARAH] They're probably afraid of getting them boxed, the way you'recarrying on.
[DOCTOR] It's intolerable. I won't stand for any more of it.
[SARAH] Oh look, why can't it have just gone wrong again?
[DOCTOR] What?
[SARAH] The Tardis.
[DOCTOR] What? Do you think I don't know the difference between aninternal fault and an external influence? Oh, no, no, no. There'ssomething going on here, some dirty work they won't touch with theirlily white hands. Well, I won't do it, do you hear!
[SARAH] There's something ominous. Where are we, do you think?
[DOCTOR] I don't know and I don't really care.
[SARAH] Oh, come on. Come on, stop being so childish.
[DOCTOR] I'm just going to sit here and do nothing.
[SARAH] So there.
[SARAH] Look, Doctor. Oh, come on, have a look at it. I mean, you don'tknow what you might be missing. Well, do you know what it is?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Ejection bubble.
[SARAH] A what?
[DOCTOR] A space parachute.
[SARAH] Pardon?
[SARAH] Hey, Doctor, quick. Come and look at this! There must be about adozen wrecked spaceships out there. It's like the Sargasso Sea.
[DOCTOR] Fancy.
[SARAH] It's incredible. I mean, why should they all have crashed here?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea.
[SARAH] Well, I think you should take a look. Coming?
[DOCTOR] No, thanks. I'm just going to sit here and practise my doubleloops.
[SARAH] Well, please yourself. I'm going anyway. Are you sure?
[SARAH] I suppose it was the crash?
[DOCTOR] Not the crash. Afterwards.
[SARAH] After? So it was deliberate?
[DOCTOR] Looks as if he escaped in the ejection bubble, and while he waswandering around dazed someone or something attacked him. Poor Mutt.
[SARAH] Mutt?
[DOCTOR] Yes, a mutant insect species. Widely established in the Nebulaof Cyclops. I thought I recognised the stars.
[SARAH] You've been here before?
[DOCTOR] I was born in these parts.
[SARAH] Near here?
[DOCTOR] Well, within a couple of billion miles, yes.
[SARAH] Hey, look!
[SARAH] Come on. At least it's civilisation.
[SARAH] Oh god. Come on.
(Solon's laboratory)
[SOLON] Motor reflexes seven tenths.
[SOLON] Condo! Condo, fetch some lamps.
[SOLON] Condo!
[MAREN] Two of them?
[OHICA] A male and a female, Maren, in the valley below.
[MAREN] Our senses reach beyond the five planets. They were not
[OHICA] They are here.
[MAREN] No ship can approach Karn without detection. Even the silent gasdirigibles of the Hoothi are felt in our bones while still a millionmiles distant.
[OHICA] There was no ship, Maren. The last was the cruiser of the Mutts.
[MAREN] Then how? How, Ohica?
[OHICA] I do not know. I say only what my eyes have seen.
[MAREN] Is it as I feared? For months now I have had a dream that theElixir of Life would be taken from us.
[OHICA] Taken?
[MAREN] Next to myself, Ohica, you are the oldest of our sisterhood.Come, let me show you.
[OHICA] The Flame of Life! Maren, what is wrong? Why is it so low?
[MAREN] The Flame dies, Ohica. Every month, every day, it sinks lower.
[OHICA] How can this be? At our ceremonies the Flame has burnedbrightly, higher than my shoulder.
[MAREN] A deception. For many months past, before each ceremony, I havesecretly fed the Flame with powdered Rine Weed.
[OHICA] But if the Flame dies, there will be no more Elixir.
[MAREN] It has been low now for over a year. The vessel remains empty.
[OHICA] Then we are doomed. Our sisterhood will perish.
[MAREN] We are only servants of the Flame. If the Flame dies, then somust we.
[OHICA] Maren, should not the others know?
[MAREN] Not until the end is certain. As you know, Ohica, the secret ofthe Life Elixir is known only to our sisterhood and the High Council ofthe Time Lords. Since the time of the stones we have shared the Elixirwith them. Now there is none to share.
[MAREN] The few phials that are left I have kept for ourselves. But formonths I have felt the Time Lords would come to rob us of these lastprecious drops.
[OHICA] You think the two I saw have been sent to steal the Elixir?
[MAREN] If that is so, we must deal with them. Summon our sisters. Wewill form a circle.
(Solon's parlour)
[SOLON] Where have you been?
[CONDO] Master.
[SOLON] I asked you, you stupid ox, where have you been? (Condo comesdown the stairs.)
[CONDO] I go find food, master.
[SOLON] You're lying. You can't deceive me, Condo. You've been lookingfor that arm again, haven't you. I've told you before. You get the armback when our task here is finished. You serve me well and I'll put itback as neatly as I took it off. But if you fail me, you'll keep thisfor the rest of your life. Do you understand?
[CONDO] Yes, master.
[CONDO] The door. Somebody ring.
[SOLON] Answer it, you fool.
[DOCTOR] Can you spare a glass of water?
[SARAH] Can we come in?
[SOLON] Humans. At last. Humans!
[SOLON] My dear sir. My dear, dear sir. You have no idea what a pleasurethis is. It's so long since we've. Condo, take their clothes.
[SARAH] Well, if we could just shelter for a while, that would be fine.
[SOLON] Great heavens, you can't go walking on a night like this. Iwouldn't dream of letting you proceed one step further. Condo, stiryourself. Our guests are cold and tired and wet and. Let me take yourhat, sir. There. Oh. What a magnificent head.
[SARAH] What?
[SOLON] Superb head.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm glad you like it. I have had several. I used to havean old grey model before this. Some people liked it.
[SARAH] I did.
[SOLON] What?
[DOCTOR] I said, some people liked it, but I prefer this model.
[SOLON] Forgive me. What a surly host you must think me. Please, comein, come in. Make yourselves at home. Warm yourselves and sit down.Condo, pour the wine.
[SARAH] Oh, it's very kind of you. Thank you.
[SOLON] Not at all, not at all. It's an honour to offer you whatevercomforts my humble abode can provide. As you see, the amenities hereare rather antiquated.
[SARAH] Oh, no, I think it's very
[DOCTOR] Interesting.
[SARAH] Oh, yes, yes.
[SOLON] Well then, tell me, tell me about your adventures.
[SOLON] It's so rare that anyone arrives here on Karn.
[DOCTOR] Karn, is it? I should have known.
[SOLON] You mean you arrived here without knowing?
[SARAH] Oh well, we often go on a sort of mystery tour, don't we,Doctor? Doctor?
[DOCTOR] You seem very keen on heads, Mister er.
[SOLON] Solon.
[DOCTOR] Mister Solon.
[SOLON] Mehendri Solon.
[DOCTOR] It's very good.
[SOLON] Yes, I. Modelling is one of my hobbies, you know, butunfortunately this is not a very good example.
[DOCTOR] Oh no, I thought I recognised the face.
[SOLON] You made a mistake.
[DOCTOR] Talking of heads, or their absence, we found a headless bodylower down the mountain.
[SOLON] How distressing.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it was.
[SOLON] It must have been from one of those crashed spacecraft, nodoubt.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's another thing. How many did we count, Sarah?
[SARAH] Fifteen.
[DOCTOR] Fifteen. The wreckage of fifteen ships all in this one area.
[SOLON] There's a belt of magnetic radiation.
[DOCTOR] Magnetic radiation?
[SOLON] Oh, I don't know anything about it, but I believe that is thetheory. In fact, Karn has become quite notorious.
[SOLON] Ah, here we are. Now, let's hope that Condo has broughtsomething special. Thank you. Condo, how many times have I told you thewine must be opened and allowed to breathe.
[DOCTOR] Oh, please, please.
[SOLON] No, no, no. So would you please do as you've been instructed?Hurry.
[SOLON] He's an excellent fellow, very devoted to me, but hisintelligence is not the highest.
[SARAH] What happened to his arm?
[SOLON] Oh I, er, many years ago I dragged him from the wreck of aDravidian starship and his arm? Well, amputation was the only way ofsaving his life.
[SISTERS] Flame. Sacred fire. Sacred Flame. Sacred fire.
[SISTERS] Sacred.
[MAREN] I see it.
[SISTERS] Flame.
[MAREN] I see the machine of our enemy.
[SISTERS] Sacred fire. Sacred Flame.
[MAREN] Concentrate, sisters. More power!
[SISTERS] Sacred fire.
[MAREN] Bring the machine here.
[SISTERS] Sacred Flame. Sacred fire. Sacred Flame. Sacred fire. SacredFlame. Sacred fire. Sacred Flame. Sacred fire. Sacred
[MAREN] Enough. Enough. It is done.
[MAREN] I was right, Ohica. It is a time machine.
[OHICA] Of the kind
[MAREN] A Tardis. Only the Time Lords know the secret of such machines.
[OHICA] Then the one I saw is a Time Lord.
[MAREN] Sent here to steal the Elixir.
[OHICA] Maren, what can we do? Alone among all the races in our galaxy,the Time Lords are our equals in mind power.
[MAREN] That is true, Ohica. Other races we can destroy from within. Wecan place death in the centre of their beings, send them mad with falsevisions. But with this one such powers would have no effect. He wouldclose his mind to us.
[OHICA] Then we are lost!
[MAREN] There are other ways. But first we must find him. Form a circle,sisters.
[SISTERS] Sacred fire. Sacred Flame.
(Solon's parlour)
[SOLON] One never really overcomes the nostalgia for one's planet oforigin. Sometimes at night I look up at the sky and I think, will Iever see Earth again?
[SARAH] I know the feeling.
[DOCTOR] What made you settle on Karn?
[SOLON] Well, nobody lives here. Nobody bothers me. I can get on with mywork.
[SARAH] What kind of work is that?
[DOCTOR] Microsurgical techniques into tissue transplant. It was thetitle of the book you published.
[SOLON] You know something of my history, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] One of the foremost neurosurgeons of your time. Considerablyafter your time, Sarah. Yes, your disappearance caused quite a stir. Itwas said by some you'd joined the followers of the cult of Morbius.
[SOLON] Malice. Academic jealousy. I just had to get away.
[SISTERS] Sacred fire. Sacred Flame. Sacred fire.Sacred Flame. Sacred fire. Sacred Flame. Sacred fire.
[MAREN] So, our enemy thinks himself safe in Solon's castle.
[SISTERS] Sacred fire. Sacred Flame.
(Solon's parlour)
[SOLON] You know, I always knew that one day I'd have a guest with ahead for such a fine vintage.
[SARAH] What was that?
[SOLON] Oh, just a freak squall.
[DOCTOR] Or a telekinetic visit.
[SOLON] What?
[DOCTOR] From the Sisterhood of Karn.
[SOLON] What do you know of the Sisterhood?
[DOCTOR] I know who that reminds me of now. One of the Time Lords.Morbius.
[SARAH] Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] One of the most despicable criminally minded wretches that everlived.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[SOLON] There are some of us who would not agree with that, Doctor.
[SOLON] It worked, Condo. He is ours!
[CONDO] We take head now?
[SOLON] You put that away. This will be no crude butchery. A head suchas this, a head that will soon command the universe, must be taken withcare and skill. Every step must be planned. Every suture, every smallincision has to be perfect. This will be my great triumph, Condo. Athousand years from now, people will remember Solon's last and greatestoperation.
[CONDO] Not last, master. Me last.
[SOLON] What?
[CONDO] Arm. You made promise.
[SOLON] Any third rate hack can fix an arm, but a head, the centre ofthe nervous system, that takes more than just skill. That takes genius.
[CONDO] Girl.
[SOLON] What girl?
[CONDO] Her.
[SOLON] Kill her.
[SOLON] Condo! I am anxious to get on. Now take him to the laboratory. Iwant to start my work.
[SOLON] Mind his head.
(Solon's lab)
[SOLON] A secondary cardiovascular system. So he's a Time Lord. Ithought as much. That's excellent, because we have no problem of tissuerejection.
[CONDO] Time Lord dangerous.
[SOLON] What?
[CONDO] Much power, master.
[SOLON] Rubbish! The Time Lords are spineless parasites. Morbius offeredthem greatness once but he was betrayed and rejected. They'll pay forthat mistake, Condo. These pacifist degenerates will be the first tofeel the power of his revenge.
[SOLON] What's that for? Do you think I'm going to operate in thislight? We need proper lighting and power for the instruments, so wehave to repair the generators. Come.
[SOLON] There is a lot to be done. I have to removethe Doctor's brain before I can start the operation. Hurry!
(Solon's lab)
[SARAH] (sotto) Doctor? Is that you?
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor, wake up.
(Solon's lab)
[SARAH] He's mad. He must be.
[SOLON [OC]] Before we start the operation all instruments must besterilised. Do you understand?
[SOLON] We'll start the operation at once as therisks of meningal infection are very high.
(Solon's lab)
[SOLON] I think just one medic is sufficient to.
[SOLON] Condo.
[CONDO] Doctor gone.
[SOLON] I can see that, you chicken-brained biological disaster, buthow? And where? That drug. Did you put it all into the wine?
[CONDO] Yes, master. All little bottle in big.
[SOLON] Then he must still be unconscious. He can't have moved. Thatsqualid brood of harpies, the Sisterhood. That accursed hag Maren foundI was holding a Time Lord and rescued him. May her stinking bones rot!I'll see her die, Condo. I'll see that palsied harridan scream fordeath before Morbius and I are finished with her.
[CONDO] What do?
[SOLON] We must get the Doctor back. We must!
[CONDO] Sisters see much, master. See with mind.
[SOLON] I could wait a lifetime and not find a head as suitable.Whatever the risk, we have to get him back. Come.
[DOCTOR] Have I been ill long, nurse?
[MAREN] I am leader of the Sisters.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Sorry, matron.
[MAREN] Maren.
[DOCTOR] No, thank you. I had a little drink about an hour ago. Eventshave moved along while I was asleep.
[MAREN] You feign ignorance, Time Lord?
[DOCTOR] Please, just call me Doctor. I hate all this bowing andscraping.
[MAREN] Do you wish to confess?
[DOCTOR] Confess? To what?
[MAREN] That you were sent here by the High Council of the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] Well, I have to confess
[MAREN] Good.
[DOCTOR] That I don't really know. The calibrators have been on theblink recently.
[DOCTOR] How did you get her here, by the way?
[OHICA] The power of the Sisterhood.
[DOCTOR] Really? What, you mean you still practise teleportation? Howquaint. Now, if you got yourself a decent forklift truck
[MAREN] Doctor, you have but a little time left. Will you waste itprattling nonsense or confess your guilt.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, I have but a little time left?
[MAREN] Before you die.
[DOCTOR] But I'm only seven hundred and forty nine. Life doesn't beginuntil seven hundred and
[MAREN] At the next sun. That is agreed.
[DOCTOR] Not by me, it isn't. I haven't even been consulted.
[MAREN] Confess that you were sent here to steal the Elixir of Life, andyour death will be made easy.
[DOCTOR] I haven't the vaguest notion of what you're talking about. Thelast thing I remember, I was taking a glass of wine with Solon andMorbius.
[MAREN] Morbius is dead.
[DOCTOR] That's right. Morbius is dead.
[DOCTOR] How did I get that impression?
[MAREN] The Time Lords destroyed Morbius for his crimes here on Karn.
[DOCTOR] Solon had a clay model of his head. But it was more than that.A living mental contact. I felt the mind of Morbius.
[OHICA] Morbius was executed for leading the rebellion. His body wasplaced in a dispersal chamber and atomised to the nine corners of theuniverse.
[DOCTOR] I know that. But I tell you, Maren. Just for a second, before Ipassed out, his mind touched mine. I felt his burning hatred andanguish. Morbius is alive.
[MAREN] I suppose you think raising these old fears can somehow helpyou, but I was present at his execution. Morbius is dead, Doctor, andyou will join him very shortly.
[SOLON] Quietly. We're nearing the shrine.
[CONDO] Condo kill?
[SOLON] Put that away, you oaf. The last thing I want is trouble fromthe Sisters.
[CONDO] Not kill Sisters, master? How we get big head?
[SOLON] We wait. They've got to come out sometime, so we wait. Then wefollow, and when he's alone. But not until then, do you understand?
[CONDO] Master.
[SOLON] What is it?
[CONDO] Condo hear.
[SOLON] I heard nothing.
[CONDO] Why Sisters take wood?
[SOLON] I was wondering the same thing.
[OHICA] All is ready, High One.
[MAREN] The sun appears. I give you the last chance, Doctor, to confessyour guilt.
[DOCTOR] I'm guilty of nothing.
[MAREN] This powder can spare you from the anger of the flame. Withoutit, you will die in torment, so confess.
[DOCTOR] You seem convinced I'm guilty. Why is it so important Iconfess?
[MAREN] With your spoken confession, the Time Lords can never deny theyplotted against the Sisterhood.
[DOCTOR] Plotted against you? You've got it wrong, matron.
[MAREN] Nevertheless
[DOCTOR] Nevertheless nothing. For years, the Time Lords have extendedtheir friendship towards the Sisters. When Morbius and his rebelsoverran this planet, who was it saved you?
[MAREN] The Time Lords acted then as they do now, from self-interest.They too feared Morbius. They too depended on the Elixir of Life fortheir survival.
[OHICA] And now the Elixir no longer forms, you Time Lords want foryourselves the little that remains.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, the Elixir no longer forms?
[OHICA] The Sacred Flame dies.
[DOCTOR] How can it? That flame is the product of gases forcing up alonga geological fault from deep in the molten heart of the planet. It willburn for millions of years.
[MAREN] It dies.
[DOCTOR] Unless some subterranean movement. Have you noticed any tremorsrecently?
[OHICA] It is time for the sacrifice, High One.
[MAREN] Take him. The flame must feed.
[DOCTOR] No, wait, please. Please, listen.
[DOCTOR] Why don't you listen? This could explain why I've been senthere. You need scientific advice.
[MAREN] You had the chance of mercy, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] This could be a grave mistake, Maren. If those gases are sealedin, this entire mountain could explode. Remember Cotopaxi? MountVesuvius? What about Pompeii? Surely you remember Popocatepetl?
[SOLON] It's the song of death.
[CONDO] What?
[SOLON] They're sacrificing to the flame. I must see what's happening. Imust get nearer.
[CONDO] No, master. Evil place.
[SOLON] The sacrifice to the flame. They never offer up one of theirown. It's always an outsider. I must see what's happening.
[SOLON] Stop it! Stop it!
[CONDO] Master.
[MAREN] What is the meaning of this?
[SOLON] I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry.
[MAREN] Death to those who enter the Shrine.
[SISTERS] Death, death, death, death.
[MAREN] Your presence is a blasphemy against the Sacred Flame.
[SISTERS] Death, death, death.
[SOLON] Maren, High One, believe me, I meant no harm.
[MAREN] The harm is done. The sacrifice is defiled.
[DOCTOR] Take no notice, Solon. I'm delighted to see you.
[OHICA] Be silent!
[DOCTOR] That music was terrible.
[OHICA] Enough! The High One commands.
[SOLON] Maren, I only came here to ask a favour from the Sisterhood. Inever intended to offend against
[MAREN] What is the favour, Solon?
[SOLON] In all the years I've been here on Karn, I've never asked orsought anything of the Sisterhood before. I've helped you, I've treatedmany of the Sisterhood.
[MAREN] All this is true. What do you want?
[SOLON] The Doctor. Spare his life.
[DOCTOR] Hear, hear. Seconded. Anyone against?
[MAREN] The Doctor is condemned. He must die in the flame.
[SOLON] But the Time Lords and the Sisterhood, they
[MAREN] That alliance no longer exists!
[SOLON] Maren, I beg you, I beseech you. If you must sacrifice, thentake my servant!
[MAREN] Go, Solon. Leave now.
[SOLON] Look, please, if you're going to sacrifice him, then just leaveme his head. Only as far as the cervical vertebrae. You can keep therest but I must have his head. Please, don't burn his head. I need it.I need it for my
[MAREN] The Sisterhood know of your unnatural experiments, Solon. Youraffairs hold no interest for us.
[MAREN] Your presence here on Karn is tolerated only as long as you keepyour place. Be gone from here at once or you too will die in the flame.
[SOLON] I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry.
[SISTERS] Sacred Flame. Sacred fire.
[MAREN] Make the offering.
[DOCTOR] I'm ready, Maren.
[MAREN] Flame of life, fire of death, take this body into thy eternalheart.
[MAREN] Stop them! Stop them!
(Shrine passageway)
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's follow them. They must know the way.
(Solon's parlour)
[SOLON] What a waste. What a stupid, senselesswaste.
[CONDO] You give Condo. Why?
[SOLON] What?
[CONDO] Condo good servant. You give Sisters, let kill Condo.
[SOLON] Silence, you chattering ape. Haven't I enough to think about?
[CONDO] Condo kill you!
[SOLON] Now don't be a fool.
[CONDO] Condo not fool. Condo not fool now.
[SOLON] Now stop it, do you hear? Now let me go.
[CONDO] You make Condo fool. Now you die.
[SOLON] Condo, what are you doing? For mercy's sake. No, no, don't. Ididn't mean it. I wouldn't have let them. You can't think I'd have letthem do it? It was only a joke. It was just a silly joke.
[CONDO] Solon joke.
[SOLON] That's all. Just a joke. A stupid joke.
[CONDO] Condo not joke. You loose hands.
[SOLON] No, no, I'll do anything. You want your arm? You can have yourarm back!
[CONDO] Take hook? Give good arm?
[SOLON] I wouldn't lie to you, would I? I mean, I have the arm. You knowI've got the arm. That's what you always wanted, isn't it?
[CONDO] Give arm now. Condo not kill.
[SOLON] You go to the laboratory and get it ready, and I'll fetch thearm.
[DOCTOR] I think we've given them the slip. Thebarbecue's off. What's the matter?
[SARAH] I can't see.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SARAH] I've gone blind.
[DOCTOR] Let me look. Let me look.
[SARAH] Ow. It was the flash.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Keep still, keep still. I can't see anything. They lookperfectly normal to me.
[SARAH] Oh, is that hopeful?
[DOCTOR] Yeah, of course it is. The flash probably numbed the opticnerve. It'll wear off in a few hours. Come on.
[SARAH] Or not, as the case may be.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Sarah.
[SARAH] Sorry, sorry.
[DOCTOR] Gently, gently.
[SARAH] Thanks. Hey, you know, I could always sell flowers, couldn't I?You know, lovely fresh violets, guv. If I ever get back to Piccadilly.
[DOCTOR] Shush. If you're going to sit there wallowing in self-pity,I'll bite your nose.
[SARAH] You.
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's go.
[SARAH] Right. Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Solon's.
[SARAH] What? Are you nuts?
[DOCTOR] Come on. I've got the measure of Solon now.
[SARAH] No, Doctor, he's a maniac. He's got a body there. No head, ohno. It's just made out of lumps of things.
[DOCTOR] Has he, now?
[SARAH] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Well, I have a feeling he's keeping something else there too.Something far worse than a headless body.
[SARAH] I just don't understand you.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[SOLON] I promise you faithfully you'll be free again, but I only need alittle more time to complete my final experiments.
[MORBIUS] I grow weary of your endless promises, Solon. Always you needmore time.
[SOLON] But if you could only see how much has been accomplished and howlittle remains. I have worked night and day in your service, Morbius.When I brought you here there was nothing! I had to build my ownlaboratory out of ruins. I had to invent and construct my own equipmentto start experiments.
[MORBIUS] Experiments? When we formed this plan to outwit the TimeLords, nothing was said of experiments! You told me it could be done.
[SOLON] And it can, Morbius, it can. I've made so many discoveries. Ihave mastered new techniques no other man has even conceived. I cantransplant limbs, organs. I can create life. And all against the mostappalling difficulties.
[MORBIUS] Yet I am still here! I can see nothing, feel nothing. You havelocked me into hell for eternity. If this is all there is for me, Iwould sooner die now.
[SOLON] There is so much at stake. I cannot afford to take a risk. Everystep is an advance into new fields of surgery. Every step has got to betested.
[MORBIUS] Solon! You desire to be know as the creator of Morbius, ratherthan his servant.
[SOLON] No, Morbius, you must trust me. I face many problems. Even Condohas become unreliable and must be put down.
[CONDO [OC]] Master! Master!
(Solon's parlour)
[CONDO] Master!
[SOLON] Doctor. Well, what happened? Did they release you?
[DOCTOR] Oh, we got away.
[SOLON] I did my best to save you at the risk of my own life. I tried tomake Maren see reason.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I noticed. I was very touched by your concern.
[SOLON] Well, it's wonderful to see you. Some wine?
[DOCTOR] No, thank you. We've had one taste of your hospitality. All Iwant from you, Solon, is a professional opinion. Sarah's been blinded.Examine her eyes.
[SOLON] We'll have to go to the laboratory.
[DOCTOR] After you.
[OHICA] They may still be hiding among the rocks,Maren. Shall we continue searching?
[MAREN] The Time Lord can never leave Karn. We have his Tardis. Sooneror later he will return for his machine, and we will be ready for him.
[OHICA] Yes, High One.
[MAREN] Next time he will not be so fortunate, Ohica. He will wish hehad died in the flame.
(Solon's lab)
[DOCTOR] Well?
[DOCTOR] Well?
[SARAH] Yes, what's the verdict?
[SOLON] I think there's every chance, every chance of a completerecovery, but I have to check my findings, of course. Condo, would youtake the, our young guest back to the parlour, please.
[SARAH] No! Doctor, don't let
[DOCTOR] Now Sarah, don't worry. Whatever the truth is, you'll hear it.Go on.
[CONDO] Girl not see. Condo help.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[SOLON] I'm very, very sorry.
[DOCTOR] Can't you operate?
[SOLON] The retina's almost completely destroyed. There's nothing I cando for her.
[DOCTOR] Nothing?
[SOLON] Well, there's a faint chance.
[DOCTOR] A chance?
[SOLON] No, it's impossible.
[DOCTOR] What chance?
[SOLON] The Elixir of Life. As you know, it regenerates tissues. But theSisterhood control its only source. You're not going to get any fromthere.
[DOCTOR] If that's what's needed, I'll get it.
[SOLON] You can't go back to the Shrine. They'd kill you on the spot.
[DOCTOR] I must take that risk. Sarah can stay here.
[SOLON] You don't know Maren. Maren is not going to let you have theElixir.
[DOCTOR] We'll see.
[SOLON] Doctor?
[SOLON] Good luck.
[SOLON] Condo!
(Solon's parlour)
[SOLON [OC]] Condo!
[CONDO] Master call. Condo go him.
[MORBIUS [OC]] Solon!
[SARAH] Hello?
[MORBIUS [OC]] Solon, is that you?
[SARAH] Who's there?
[MORBIUS [OC]] Solon!
(Solon's lab)
[SOLON] Condo, I want you to take this to the Sisterhood. Youunderstand?
[CONDO] Sisters?
[SOLON] Now, don't worry. You're in no danger. Just put it into theirhands. But you must hurry. You must get there before the Doctor. Do youunderstand that? Right.
[SARAH] Where are you?
[SARAH] Who is it? What's the matter?
[MORBIUS] Who are you?
[SARAH] I just want to help. What's wrong? I can't see.
[MORBIUS] Where have you come from? Are you one of the Sisterhood?
[MORBIUS] Did Maren send you to destroy me?
[SARAH] No, of course not!
[MORBIUS] Yes, she did! You she-devils want to destroy me!
[MORBIUS] Now, before I've had my revenge!
[SOLON] What are you doing here?
[SARAH] Oh! I heard a voice. Someone
[SOLON] You shouldn't be in here. Nobody's allowed in here. You could dountold damage. Now, get out!
(Outside the basement room)
[MORBIUS [OC]] Solon, have you lied to me again?
[SOLON [OC]] I, Morbius, lied?
[SARAH] (sotto) Morbius.
[MORBIUS] You said we were alone here.
[SOLON] The Doctor and the girl have only been here a few hours.Morbius, his head is perfect for the purpose. Once I have it, we canbegin our final operation.
[MORBIUS] If the head is suitable, why haven't you already started?
[SOLON] I think he suspects
[MORBIUS] There are two of you! Your servant, Condo, has the strength ofa giant.
[SOLON] There might be a struggle, and the brain could sufferirreparable damage. It must be in perfect condition!
[MORBIUS] Do you think I care about my ultimate appearance? Just to walkagain, to feel, to see!
[SOLON] Naturally, that is how you think now, my lord, but when you areonce more a physical entity, imagine how you will see yourself then.Think how it will be then.
[MORBIUS] Solon, I think of nothing else! Trapped like this, like asponge beneath the sea. Yet even a sponge has more life than I. Can youunderstand a thousandth of my agony? I, Morbius, who once led the HighCouncil of the Time Lords and dreamed the greatest dreams in history,now reduced to this, to a condition where I envy a vegetable.
[SOLON] You must endure for only a little while longer. I swear it. Ihave sent the Doctor into a trap.
(Outside the basement room)
[SOLON [OC]] He's gone back to the Shrine of theSisterhood, but they are warned and they are waiting, and by sunset hewill be dead.
[SOLON] Open this door! Do you hear me? Open this door or you will diefor this.
(Outside the basement room)
[MORBIUS [OC]] What is it, Solon? What hashappened?
[SOLON [OC]] The girl has shut me in. What a senseless gesture. What canshe hope to accomplish.
[SOLON [OC]] Open this door! When Condo gets back, you will die!
(Solon's parlour)
[SOLON [OC]] Do you hear me? You will die!
[SISTERS] Sacred Flame, sacred fire.
[SISTERS] Sacred Flame, sacred fire. Sacred Flame, sacred fire. SacredFlame, sacred fire.
[MAREN] From the sacred Flame, you have been granted the gift of eternallife. Cherish and serve the flame, my sisters.
[MAREN] Only you five will now survive, Ohica.
[OHICA] You mean there is no more Elixir?
[MAREN] That was the last.
[MAREN] Now our Sisterhood is surely doomed.
[OHICA] But High One, you yourself should have been among those whodrank of the Elixir. It is your time.
[MAREN] There was only enough for five of our sisters, not for more.
[OHICA] Maren, you know what will happen.
[MAREN] It is ordained.
[OHICA] A message, High One, brought by Solon's servant.
[MAREN] (reads) The Doctor is returning.
[OHICA] Already?
[MAREN] Solon claims to have tricked him. He still bargains for the TimeLord's head.
[OHICA] He's an insolent fool.
[MAREN] No, they are both insolent, Ohica. Yet the Doctor is not a fool.Has he no fear of the Sisterhood? Does he think death a trivial thing?
[OHICA] What shall we do?
[MAREN] Be ready. Warn the guards.
(Shrine passageway)
[DOCTOR] Ding dong.
[DOCTOR] We can't go on meeting like this.
(Solon's parlour)
[CONDO] Master? Master?
[SOLON [OC]] Down here, Condo. Down here!
[OHICA] Why have you returned?
[DOCTOR] I need some of your Elixir.
[MAREN] At last you confess.
[DOCTOR] No, not for myself. Sarah was blinded by the ray from yourring. I need the Elixir to restore her sight.
[MAREN] This is what Solon said?
[MAREN] But he knows the effect of the ray is not permanent.
[OHICA] The girl will recover.
[DOCTOR] I see. A wasted journey. Well, thank you, ladies. That's reallyall I called about.
[MAREN] You have been condemned to die.
[DOCTOR] We're not going through all that again. If I wanted to stealfrom you, would I come in through the front door?
[MAREN] Then why did you come to Karn if not to steal?
[DOCTOR] I can't answer that question, Maren, until I know what Solonintends, but I have a feeling something incredibly evil is brewing.
[OHICA] Nothing happens on Karn without our knowledge.
[DOCTOR] A Time Lord could live on Karn without your knowledge. He couldplace a barrier around his mind.
[MAREN] What are you suggesting?
[DOCTOR] Morbius was a Time Lord.
[MAREN] Oh, that name again. I tell you, I saw his execution. I saw hisbody placed in the dispersal chamber. Nothing of Morbius, not thesmallest atom, still exists.
[DOCTOR] Was Solon living on Karn at the time?
[MAREN] I believe so. There were many on Karn then. They came from allacross the galaxy to attend the trial of Morbius.
[DOCTOR] A war criminal. A ruthless dictator, but with millions offanatical followers and admirers.
[MAREN] Riff-raff and mercenaries. The army he brought to Karn was thescum of the galaxy.
[OHICA] He promised them the Elixir of Life and immortality.
[MAREN] Morbius betrayed our secret. Until then, only the Time Lordsknew of the Elixir. Now we have to remain constantly on guard againstthe entire cosmos.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, that's something else I want to mention. You reallycan't go on dragging innocent space travellers to their deaths.
[MAREN] Innocent?
[DOCTOR] Until proved guilty. Those spaceships might just be passing.No, if I'm going to help you, I must insist upon one thing.
[MAREN] What?
[DOCTOR] Wrecking of spaceships has got to stop. Agreed?
[CONDO] Come.
[SARAH] Condo.
[CONDO] Master order. Find girl. Maybe kill girl.
[SARAH] No, no, Condo, please don't. No, please.
[CONDO] Come.
[SARAH] Let go, please, Condo. You're hurting me.
[CONDO] Condo not kill.
[SARAH] Please, Condo, let me go.
[CONDO] Girl nice.
[SARAH] Yes. Please let me go, Condo.
[CONDO] Master order!
[SARAH] No! Please, you're hurting me.
[CONDO] Find girl. Girl pretty.
[CONDO] Condo like.
[SARAH] Ow! If you stop breaking my arm I might like you a little bit.
[CONDO] Not like. Condo ugly.
[SARAH] Condo, please let me go. I must find the Doctor.
[CONDO] Doctor dead.
[SARAH] No, you're lying. He can't be! I know he can't.
[SARAH] Condo, please put me down!
[CONDO] Better you come now. Master want.
[SARAH] Please, put me down!
[MAREN] Your arrogance is limitless, Doctor. I'veonly to raise my finger for you to be put to death.
[DOCTOR] But I'd be no use to you dead, Maren, and you do have aproblem.
[MAREN] The Flame of Life.
[DOCTOR] No Flame, no Elixir. No Elixir, pretty soon no Sisterhood.
[MAREN] When the Flame dies, our Sisterhood dies. It is ordained.
[DOCTOR] There's nothing mystical about that flame, Maren. It's aperfectly natural phenomenon. If it's dying, there must be a reason. Ascientific, physical reason.
[MAREN] I have served the Flame for centuries. There is nothing to bedone.
[DOCTOR] Then you have nothing to lose by letting me see it.
[OHICA] He is right, Maren. What harm is there?
[MAREN] Send the guards to the outer chamber.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[MAREN] No eyes outside the Sisterhood have ever looked upon the Flameof Life.
[OHICA] It is even lower!
[DOCTOR] Is it always this colour?
[MAREN] Always.
[DOCTOR] Fascinating. And the heat from the flame causes oxidation ofthe chemicals in the rocks, and then, no doubt, a chemical reactionwith rising superheated gases and you have your Elixir. The impossibledream of a thousand alchemists dripping like tea from an urn.
[MAREN] Do not try to understand mysteries beyond the reach of the mind.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I wouldn't think they're beyond a decent spectrograph,Maren. One could probably synthesise that stuff by the gallon, thoughthe consequences would be appalling.
[OHICA] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] What? Everyone trying to live forever? No. Death is the pricewe pay for progress, you know.
[MAREN] You speak in riddles, Doctor. The Time Lords were glad enough ofthe Elixir.
[DOCTOR] Only in rare cases. When, for instance, there's some difficultyin regenerating a body. We don't take it regularly like you, otherwisewe'd fall into the same trap.
[MAREN] And what trap are we in?
[DOCTOR] Immortality. You must have been old when the Elixir wasdiscovered. How many centuries have passed while you have remainedunchanged. How long since anything here changed?
[MAREN] Nothing here ever changes.
[DOCTOR] Exactly my point. No progress. Please, stand back.
[MAREN] What is that?
[DOCTOR] A little demon.
[MAREN] Stop! He must not touch
[OHICA] The Flame is dead.
[MAREN] Take him. Guards! You have defiled the magic of the mountain.Now you must die!
[OHICA] The Sacred Flame! We are saved, High One!
[DOCTOR] Soot, that's all. There'll be no charge. Of course, you won'tget any Elixir for quite a while yet. This rock's got to warm rightthrough.
[MAREN] And so now, Doctor, you expect us to show gratitude?
(Solon's lab)
[SOLON] I don't think our young guest is going to escape again, Condo.
[CONDO] Master not hurt girl.
[SOLON] Why, I've misjudged you all this time, Condo. Under that brutishexterior there lurks a tender, compassionate nature.
[CONDO] Condo like girl.
[SOLON] Oh, he's such a romantic.
[SARAH] You think you're a bundle of laughs, don't you.
[CONDO] Hair pretty.
[SOLON] All right, that'll do. She doesn't like it. Now get out. Go on,get out.
[SOLON] Poor old Condo. Perhaps I'll give him your hair as a memento.
[SARAH] You're insane, Solon. You're mad.
[SOLON] Oh, no, I'm not. That's what they said, but they were jealous.They envied my achievements. When I said I could create life, theylaughed at me, they mocked me. Only Morbius had the faith to believe inme. Only Morbius. They will laugh the other side of their faces.
[SOLON] Every part of this, every organ is mine, with my own hands.They'll see. And it's functioning perfectly, exactly to the requiredstandard. It only needs the head and I (pause) It's getting darkalready. Maren should have sent the Doctor's head by now. Nothing couldhave gone wrong. Condo saw him go into the Shrine. I don't understandit.
[MORBIUS] Is it time, Solon?
[SOLON] I do not yet have the Time Lord's head, master.
[MORBIUS] What do you mean, Time Lord?
[SOLON] The Doctor.
[MORBIUS] The Doctor is a Time Lord?
[SOLON] That is why his head is so perfect. From one of your own race,from one of those who turned up on you and tried to destroy you, youget a new head for Morbius. The crowning irony.
[SOLON] I'm sorry, the pun was irresistible.
[MORBIUS] You fool, Solon. Don't you see what this means? The Time Lordshave tracked me down.
[SOLON] No, you're wrong.
[MORBIUS] I am not wrong. I know the Time Lords. Pallid, devious worms.You had the Doctor here and you let him go. You were tricked!
[SOLON] You mean Maren and the Doctor plotted together?
[MORBIUS] Of course they did! And now the Time Lords will return inforce to finish their work. Find me helpless, defenceless. They'lldestroy me, Solon. Because of you, they'll destroy me! All my sufferingwill have been for nothing.
[SOLON] And all my work. All that terrible, lonely isolation. What can Ido? How can I stop them?
[MORBIUS] We have only one chance. You must get me away from here beforethey arrive.
[SOLON] I can't. The support cell can't be moved, and without it yourbrain would die.
[MORBIUS] The body can be my support system. You must get me into it,Solon.
[SOLON] That is impossible. Without a head it cannot be done.
(Outside the basement room)
[MORBIUS [OC]] You have the girl. Use her head.
[SOLON [OC]] The female braincase is too small. If I were to attempt it,you would die as surely as at the hands of the Time Lords.
[MORBIUS] I have to get out of this tank! Solon,you spoke once of constructing an artificial braincase.
[SOLON] I abandoned that a long time ago.
[SOLON] Because there were too many problems. Formidable problems. Therewas no way of eliminating the build-up of static electricity within thecranial cavity. Periodically it would have earthed through the brain,upsetting the delicate equilibrium, dislocating the neural centres.
[MORBIUS] But you made a braincase.
[SOLON] Yes! It's here somewhere.
[SOLON] No, it can't be done, Morbius. There would be severe pain, therewould be seizures, perhaps even madness.
[MORBIUS] Whatever the risks are, I will take them rather than surrenderto the Time Lords. There is no choice left to me, Solon.
[SOLON] I will do my utmost, my lord, with all the skill I have.
[MORBIUS] Prepare me for the operation.
[OHICA] Maren, is what we are doing right?
[MAREN] It is out of our hands now, Ohica. Take him to Solon.
[SOLON] Right, I want to start the operation. Careful, very careful.That's it, that's it.
(Solon's lab)
[SOLON] Very good. Right, over here. That's it. Be very careful. Down.Down. That's it.
[SOLON] Condo, I want you to work the pump.
[CONDO] (sotto) Condo's arm. You take Condo's arm for this.
[SOLON] Hurry up, man. This is no time for trivialities. The brain willdeteriorate unless it's connected again soon.
[CONDO] You take Condo's arm!
[SOLON] You cretin! You stupid animal!
[SARAH] What happened?
[SOLON] You murderous animal!
[SARAH] Don't shoot him, Solon. What happened?
[SOLON] Morbius, Morbius. The greatest intellect there has ever been.
[SOLON] Destroyed by a mindless brute.
[SARAH] What happened? Solon, where's Condo? What happened?
[SOLON] There was an accident. Morbius' brain on the floor.
[SOLON] I don't know what damage has been done. You must help me.
[SARAH] What? Help you? No.
[SOLON] I need an assistant. I can't do the operation on my own.
[SARAH] Doctor, you can't leave me. Solon, I can't.
[SOLON] You will do as I say.
[SARAH] I can't. You can't make me.
[SOLON] You will do as I say!
[SARAH] I don't really understand.
[SOLON] Put your hand on this pump. Now, once every three second you
[SARAH] No, no, wait, wait, think. What if I make a mistake?
[SOLON] If he dies, you die.
[SOLON] The pressure. I said every three seconds, girl. I've connectedthe casing to a neural harness. It's much safer than the oldbiomechanical links.
[SARAH] Do I stop pumping now?
[SOLON] Yes. All that's left is to disconnect the external power supplyto the brain and test for neural feedback.
[SOLON] There, did you see that? That was a positive response. Did yousee that?
[SARAH] I can't see anything. Anyway, that thing had the twitches sinceI first met it.
[SOLON] Those were random nervous reflexes. That was a definite responseto stimulation. Watch.
[SOLON] Did you see? You see, that was the first sign you'd expect.
[SARAH] Successful?
[SOLON] The motor centres of the brain have taken over. If there was nocerebral damage, within a few minutes Morbius will live again.
[SOLON] Go and answer.
(Solon's parlour)
[SOLON] Morbius was wrong.
(Solon's lab)
(Solon's lab)
[SARAH] I can see. I can see again! (Sarah turns,sees Morbius and screams. She dodges around the room trying to keepaway from the wicked claw, and they knock over a bunsen burner in theprocess. It ignites the contents of a kidney bowl, which Morbius' clawthen touches. He catches fire and starts screaming too, knocking overthe table and sending the burning substance across the floor. Sarahescapes.)
(Solon's parlour)
[SARAH] You'd better do something. That monster of yours is on theloose.
[SOLON] Oh, no, not yet. It's too soon. I've got to stop him.
[SARAH] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hello, Sarah. Nice to be seen again.
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You thought I was dead, didn't you? You're always making thatmistake. Come on, we've got to find Morbius' brain. Solon has to bestopped.
[SARAH] Doctor, you're too late.
[DOCTOR] I can't be.
(Solon's lab)
[SOLON] Morbius, stop it! This is Solon. Solon, your creator. Can youhear me? Now listen. Your brain may be damaged. Broca's area. Thespeech centre isn't functioning properly. Look, don't you recognise me?I made you.
(Solon's parlour)
[DOCTOR] A glass braincase?
[SARAH] Yes. Or plastic. I don't know. Anyway, you can actually see thatbrain inside it, like a goldfish bowl.
[DOCTOR] Can you read his thoughts?
[SARAH] No. Look, I'm serious, Doctor. It's horrible.
[DOCTOR] And crude. It could lead to a brain malfunction and that spellsdanger.
[DOCTOR] Keep calm, Sarah. Keep calm. Whatever you do keep. You arecalm. Hello, Morbius. You remember me?
[SARAH] Doctor! Doctor! Doctor, please get up. Please.
[SARAH] No, no.
[SARAH [OC]] Argh! Get up, Doctor, please.
(Solon's parlour)
[SARAH] Doctor, please. Please, Doctor, I need yourhelp!
[CONDO] You not kill girl.
[CONDO] Condo kill you.
[SARAH] Where are we going? Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[SARAH] What happened? Where is he?
[DOCTOR] Gone for a lurch, I think. He killed Condo. Shush. You staythere.
[SARAH] Yes.
[DOCTOR] I'll be back soon.
(Solon's parlour)
[DOCTOR] It's not your night, is it, Solon.
[SOLON] I thought you were dead. Morbius has got to be stopped.
[DOCTOR] He should never have been started.
[SOLON] His brain is only functioning on the motor level. I hadn'tfinished the operation, and you've got to help me. If I don't find himsoon then the consequences could be incalculable.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[SOLON] Yes. His hated for the Sisterhood is his deepest emotion at theinstinctual level at which his mind's now working.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[SOLON] Dead?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Is that a stun gun?
[SOLON] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He can't have gone far. You go that way. We'll try and cut himoff across these rocks.
[SOLON] There's no damage as far as I can see.
[DOCTOR] No damage?
[SOLON] There might be a slight contusion of the corpus callosum. Idon't know until I get it back.
[DOCTOR] Solon, this thing you've made is an unspeakable abomination.It's just throttled the life out of someone.
[SOLON] Simple animal instinct, Doctor. Morbius wouldn't want toaggravate the Sisterhood at this stage. Lift him up with me.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SOLON] I've got to get him back before the anaesthetic wears off.
[DOCTOR] All right, Solon. But when we get him back, he's not going outagain. Not ever.
[SOLON] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] I mean this operation is going to end where it began, on theoperating table. The brain can be detached and returned to the TimeLords.
[MAREN] Who is responsible? Who killed Kelia, our sister?
[OHICA] She was found near Solon's habitation, High One.
[MAREN] Solon?
[OHICA] The sister who found her saw a creature high among the rocks.
[MAREN] What creature?
[OHICA] She only saw it briefly, but then later she saw the Doctor andSolon hunting for it.
[MAREN] So, Solon has succeeded in his vile experiments.
[OHICA] And if the Doctor is right, High One, he will have given it thebrain of our ancient enemy, Morbius.
(Solon's lab)
[DOCTOR] Five minutes, Solon. You've got fiveminutes.
[SOLON] Doctor, I've spent my lifetime
[DOCTOR] You've spent your whole life resurrecting evil. Now, either youdisconnect the brain or I'll do it my way.
[SOLON] Oh, no. I'll do it.
[DOCTOR] Five minutes, Solon. I'll be back to count the pieces.
[DOCTOR] Oi, oi, I've done it. Come on.
[SARAH] Oh, I just had the most terrible dream.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SARAH] First of all, I was blinded. Then I was attacked by a great clawthing looked like it was made from butcher's leftovers. And then I was
[DOCTOR] Knocked down a flight of stairs.
[SARAH] How did you know?
[DOCTOR] I was there.
[SARAH] You were? What happened to Mister Allsorts?
[DOCTOR] Solon's dismantling him.
[SARAH] That's a switch.
[DOCTOR] Force majeure.
[DOCTOR] We're lucky he botched the operation. The brain of Morbius andthat body makes a terrifying combination. For the sake of the future ofthe universe, I had to make him destroy his handiwork.
[SARAH] Was he really that dangerous?
[DOCTOR] Who, Morbius?
[SARAH] Uh huh.
[DOCTOR] There was a civilisation here once. Now look at it. And thereare other planets like it, all destroyed by Morbius. Nothing but ashes.
[DOCTOR] Damn! I should have stayed with him.
[SARAH] Sonic screwdriver.
[DOCTOR] It's in the Tardis.
(Solon's lab)
[SOLON] This time, Morbius, there'll be no mistakes.
[OHICA] Is it right that we should let the Doctorfight our battles for us?
[MAREN] What are you saying?
[OHICA] Morbius is our enemy also.
[MAREN] There is no proof. No proof, Ohica, that the brain of Morbiusstill survives. That was simply the Doctor's theory.
[OHICA] One that makes meaning of Solon's meaningless work. And Solonhimself is evil. The blood of our sister Kelia stains his hands.
[MAREN] Away from the Flame our powers fade. Even if the Doctor isright, there is little we can do to help.
[OHICA] We should do the little we can. If the Doctor faces both Solonand Morbius then
[MAREN] Ohica, I am too old. Too old and weak to leave the Shrine. Icould not lead you.
[OHICA] Then let me, High One. Give the order and let me lead theSisterhood.
[SARAH] There must be something we can do. It's notlike you to give up. I mean, Solon has got to be stopped, hasn't he?
[DOCTOR] There's a thousand tons of reinforced concrete between us andSolon's laboratory. I know these places. Hydrogen plants are all builtto the same basic design, the Scott Bailey principle. I've got an idea.
[SARAH] I knew you would.
[DOCTOR] Solon must've kept the brain alive in a colloidal nutrient.Hydrogen cyanide, Sarah. Hydrogen cyanide.
[SARAH] Hydrogen cyanide.
[SARAH] What?
[SARAH] Ah ha! HCN.
[DOCTOR] Prussic acid. Good girl.
[SARAH] So what do we do now, drink ourselves to death? What are youlooking for? If you tell me, I can help you. Is it big, is it small?What is it?
[DOCTOR] I knew there'd be one.
[SARAH] Oh, come on. We're not going to get out through there.
[DOCTOR] That isn't the idea. That duct should lead to Solon'slaboratory.
[SARAH] Are you suggesting I crawl
[DOCTOR] No, I'm not.
[SARAH] Then what?
[DOCTOR] We've got all we need to make cyanogen.
[DOCTOR] Cyanogen. Just a drop, two, three.
[DOCTOR] Stand back, Sarah. I mean well back.
[SARAH] Okay.
[DOCTOR] If we can create the right combustion conditions
[DOCTOR] Something should happen.
[SARAH] How do we tell if it's worked?
[DOCTOR] Well, if we're still here in a month
[SARAH] It hasn't worked.
[DOCTOR] Correct.
[SARAH] Hmm. How many hours in a month?
(Solon's lab)
[SOLON] I've done it. Morbius, I've done it.(coughs) You will live. You will (cough) You will live again.
[MORBIUS] Cyanide.
[SARAH] How many seconds in a month?
[DOCTOR] Two million six hundred and seventy eight thousand fourhundred.
[SARAH] Short month.
[MORBIUS] An ingenious idea, Doctor, but ineffectual. Your poisonaffected only Solon. I have the lungs of a birastropthe.
[DOCTOR] With a methane filter. What does it feel like to be the biggestmongrel in the universe?
[MORBIUS] Solon designed this body for efficiency, not for itsappearance. To be free again is all that matters.
[DOCTOR] Free to cause more havoc, more destruction?
[MORBIUS] The Time Lords will not oppose me again, nor the Sisterhood.When it is learnt that I, Morbius, have returned from the grave, myfollowers will rise in their millions.
[DOCTOR] You really can't go on calling yourself Morbius. There's verylittle of Morbius left. Why don't you think of another name? Potpourriwould be appropriate.
[SARAH] How about Chop Suey?
[DOCTOR] Chop Suey, the galactic emperor.
[MORBIUS] You will be the first to die.
[DOCTOR] Brain getting a little overheated, is it? Careful, not asstrong as it was.
[MORBIUS] My brain functions perfectly.
[DOCTOR] I doubt it, Morbius. All that time in a tank, it's gone soft.Do you dare put it to the test?
[MORBIUS] What test?
[DOCTOR] We have all the apparatus here. I challenge you to amind-bending contest.
[MORBIUS] I am a Time Lord of the first rank. What are you?
[DOCTOR] Oh, nothing, nothing. A mere nobody, but I don't think you'rein the first rank any more.
[MORBIUS] Very well, Doctor. If that is how you want to die, I acceptyour challenge.
[DOCTOR] There's sporting gentleman.
[SARAH] What's mind-bending?
[DOCTOR] Time Lord wrestling. It's usually a game but it can end indeath lock.
[MORBIUS] It will, Doctor. I, Morbius, do not play games.
[DOCTOR] Neither do I. Are you ready?
[DOCTOR] En garde, Morbius.
[MORBIUS] Is your mind, Doctor, going?
[SARAH] Doctor.
[MORBIUS] How far, Doctor? How long have you lived?
[MORBIUS] Your puny mind is powerless against the strength of Morbius.
[MORBIUS] Back. To. The. Beginning!
[SARAH] Doctor?
[OHICA] What has happened?
[SARAH] I think he's dying.
[MAREN] The Time Lord dies. Only the Elixir of Lifecan save him.
[OHICA] And we have none.
[SISTERS] Sacred Flame. Sacred fire. Sacred Flame. Sacred fire.
[MAREN] Enough has formed, Ohica. Enough for the Doctor.
[OHICA] But High One, your own need.
[MAREN] Here, take it. Perhaps the Doctor was right. There should be anend.
[DOCTOR] Nectar? Stewed apricots. No custard. Ah!
[OHICA] Maren!
[DOCTOR] Was that the last?
[SARAH] Without it, you would have died.
[OHICA] It was ordained.
[DOCTOR] And Morbius?
[OHICA] He is destroyed. We owe you thanks, Doctor,
[DOCTOR] Oh please, Ohica, please, no speeches of gratitude. Sarah and Ihave an engagement.
[SARAH] We have?
[DOCTOR] Come along.
[SARAH] Thank you, Ohica.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye, Sisters. Oh, in case you have trouble with thechimney.
[OHICA] What are they?
[DOCTOR] A might atom and a thunder flash.
[OHICA] There is some ancient writing here, Doctor. Is it a Time Lordspell? What does it say?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Light the blue touch paper and stand clear.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s13", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Brain of Morbius"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (31 Jan, 1976; Fourth Doctor) - The Seeds of Doom
[MOBERLEY] Come on, Charles. We've got enough samples, surely.
[WINLETT] This isn't ice. This is something else. Have a look.
[MOBERLEY] What is it?
[WINLETT] I don't know. Let's get it back to camp.
(Research Lab)
[MOBERLEY] Ah. Animal, vegetable, or mineral?
[STEVENSON] Vegetable.
[WINLETT] Yes, that's what we thought.
[STEVENSON] The cutaneous creasing is unmistakable. When it's properlythawed out I can confirm it with a cytology test.
[WINLETT] The skin looks as hard as iron.
[STEVENSON] Yes, it is a bit of a cannonball. How deep in the permafrostwas it?
[WINLETT] I guess about the ninth layer.
[MOBERLEY] That means it's been there for oh, twenty thousand years?Well, what do you make of it, John?
[STEVENSON] Nothing at all yet.
[STEVENSON] I've not seen anything remotely like it.
[WINLETT] It looks tropical to me, like a gourd.
[MOBERLEY] Oh rubbish, Charles. If it's from the late Pleistoceneperiod, it can't be tropical. It's a few million years since this partof Antarctica was rainforest.
[WINLETT] That's the accepted theory. Discoveries like this havedestroyed accepted theories before now. Isn't that right, John?
[STEVENSON] Hmm? Sorry.
[MOBERLEY] Is something wrong?
[STEVENSON] Don't you feel it?
[MOBERLEY] Feel what?
[STEVENSON] I don't know. There's something odd. Something. You don'tfeel it?
[MOBERLEY] That must be that rice pudding you had for lunch.
[STEVENSON] I'm not joking. It's alive. That's it, it's alive.
[MOBERLEY] Are you serious?
[WINLETT] How can you tell?
[STEVENSON] I don't know, but I'm certain that this is a livingorganism.
[MOBERLEY] Yes, well, I think we should have some coffee.
[WINLETT] Coffee and a game of three-handed crib. Good idea. Come on.
[STEVENSON] I'll transmit pictures to London. They might have some idea.
[WINLETT] John, come on.
(Dunbar's office)
[DUNBAR] Sir Colin insists that I show you these photographs which havejust been received from my expedition.
[DUNBAR] Personally, I don't think you can help us.
[DOCTOR] Don't you. Well.
[DOCTOR] Do sit down, Mister Dunbar.
[DUNBAR] These pictures have baffled all the experts. The onlyreasonable explanation seems to be that the pod is from some extinctspecies of plant.
[DOCTOR] Have you considered an alternative explanation?
[DUNBAR] Name one.
[DOCTOR] Well, that it might have originated in outer space.
[DUNBAR] My dear Doctor, if you've seen anything like that before, youmust have a very powerful telescope.
[DOCTOR] Mister Dunbar, how long is it since there was vegetation inAntarctica?
[DUNBAR] I thought you were the expert in these matters. Well, as amatter of fact, that's one of the things our expedition is trying todiscover. It was found fairly deep in the permafrost, say twenty thirtythousand years under the ice.
[DOCTOR] Shush. It might still be ticking.
[DUNBAR] What?
[DOCTOR] A time-bomb, Mister Dunbar, a time-bomb. Are you in contactwith the expedition?
[DUNBAR] My superior, Sir Colin Thackeray has a daily video link. Tenminutes of satellite time.
[DOCTOR] Good. Tell them to keep a constant guard upon the pod, and notto touch it till I arrive.
[DUNBAR] You're leaving immediately?
[DOCTOR] Why not? I've got my toothbrush. Remember, no touch pod. Couldbe dangerous. (The Doctor leaves, brandishing his toothbrush. Dunbarpicks up the telephone.)
[DUNBAR] Sir Colin? Dunbar here. That chap you called in from UNIT. Ishe quite sane?
(Research Lab)
[STEVENSON] Incredible. Charles?
[STEVENSON] Come in here a minute.
[WINLETT] What's up?
[STEVENSON] It's growing.
[STEVENSON] It's grown five centimetres since this morning.
[WINLETT] Are you sure?
[STEVENSON] Check it yourself if you don't believe me.
[WINLETT] But it doesn't seem possible.
[STEVENSON] I knew there was still life there. I said so, didn't I?
[WINLETT] But it's just a pod. I mean, no root system. How can it growwithout feeding?
[STEVENSON] Sunlight, Charles. Ultra-violet radiation.
[WINLETT] But plants need nitrogen.
[STEVENSON] I believe this is fundamentally different. We may becultivating something that's going to shatter all our ideas about plantgrowth.
[WINLETT] Yes, well, don't get carried away, John. Remember what Londonsaid.
[STEVENSON] What do you mean?
[WINLETT] About leaving this thing alone.
[STEVENSON] Until this Doctor character arrives, why should we? It's ourpod.
[WINLETT] John, we're working for the World Ecology Bureau.
[STEVENSON] Oh, he's probably some old crank that Thackeray's dug up outof retirement. He'll have no more idea about the pod than we have.
[WINLETT] We'll soon find out. He's due in tomorrow.
[STEVENSON] And who needs him. It's our discovery. The less said aboutit the better.
[HARGREAVES] Mister Dunbar of the World Ecology Bureau, sir.
[CHASE] I don't think I've had the pleasure. And what is your Bureaudoing about bonsai?
[DUNBAR] Bonsai, Mister Chase?
[CHASE] Mutilation and torture, Mister Dunbar. The hideous, grotesqueJapanese practice of miniaturising shrubs and trees. What is yourBureau doing about that?
[DUNBAR] Well, I
[CHASE] No answer. You are concerned about the fate of the blue whale,and the natterjack toad, but the loveliest, most defenceless part ofcreation, the great kingdom of plant life receives no protection atall.
[DUNBAR] We try to conserve all the endangered species.
[CHASE] I'm delighted to hear that, Mister Dunbar. Of course you know ofmy concern, my mission, to protect the plant life of Mother Earth?
[DUNBAR] I do, Mister Chase. Which is why I've come to show yousomething. A totally new kind of plant.
[CHASE] Hybrids. A crime against nature
[DUNBAR] No, not a hybrid. It's a mysterious, unidentified pod recentlydiscovered by one of our expeditions.
[CHASE] Where was this found?
[DUNBAR] There's a theory that it's floated through space from someother biosphere. The really important thing is, it may be still viableand able to germinate.
[CHASE] Mister Dunbar, I asked you where this pod was found.
[DUNBAR] In the Antarctic. Now, in our violent and uncertain world,Mister Chase, anything could happen. Such a valuable specimen couldeasily disappear for a price.
[CHASE] Where in the Antarctic? I should want to know the preciselocation.
[CHASE] Hargreaves?
[HARGREAVES [OC]] Yes, sir?
[CHASE] You and Mister Scorby please.
[HARGREAVES [OC]] Certainly, sir.
[DUNBAR] X marks the spot.
[CHASE] Forethought and initiative, Mister Dunbar. Two excellentattributes. We shall meet again very soon to discuss your remuneration.
[DUNBAR] You're very kind.
[CHASE] Come.
[HARGREAVES] Yes, sir?
[CHASE] Hargreaves, show Mister Dunbar out.
[HARGREAVES] This way, Mister Dunbar.
[SCORBY] You wanted to see me, Mister Chase?
[CHASE] Yes, Scorby. I'm sending you on a little errand, and I want youto take Mister Keeler with you.
(Research Lab)
[WINLETT] Derek!
(Living area)
[STEVENSON] Was that Charles?
[MOBERLEY] What? What's happening?
(Research Lab)
[STEVENSON] Charles?
(Dunbar's office)
[THACKERAY] This telex from Stevenson. What do youmake of it?
[DUNBAR] (reads) Pod carries infection. Winlett seriously ill. Medicaidneeded urgently. Could have been more informative, Sir Colin.
[THACKERAY] He probably doesn't know any more. I have ordered MedicalTeam to go to the base, but I understand weather conditions are bad.It's bound to take at least a day or two.
[DUNBAR] The people from UNIT should be arriving now. Perhaps they canhelp.
(Outside Antarctic Research)
[MOBERLEY] Hello! So you made it. Welcome to the loneliest spot onEarth. You must be the Doctor.
[MOBERLEY] We were expecting someone much older.
[DOCTOR] I'm only seven hundred and forty nine. I used to be evenyounger.
[MOBERLEY] Derek Moberley.
[SARAH] Sarah Jane Smith, the young Doctor's assistant.
[DOCTOR] How many of you live here?
[MOBERLEY] Anything up to a dozen, but of course we're down to three atthe moment. Let's get inside.
[SARAH] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Where are the others?
[MOBERLEY] Out at South Bend, not sixty miles away, measuring the icecap. If they're getting this kind of weather they're welcome to it.Come on.
[SARAH] How do you stand it?
[MOBERLEY] Oh, sometimes it gets quite warm. Ten degrees below freezing.
[SARAH] Crikey, I feel as though I've got frostbite already.
[MOBERLEY] I'll get you something hot to drink in a tick. Er, are youokay dressed like that? You don't seem to notice the cold.
[DOCTOR] I haven't come ten thousand miles to discuss the weather,Mister Moberley. Can I see the sick man?
[MOBERLEY] Yes, of course. Down this way.
[STEVENSON] He seems to be conscious, but he hasn't spoken a word sincelast night.
[DOCTOR] What's his body temperature?
[STEVENSON] Well, that's the amazing thing. I've been trying to keep himwarm but it's dropping hourly.
[DOCTOR] And the pulse rate?
[STEVENSON] His body temperature is forty six, his pulse rate iseighteen a minute. I'm no medical expert, but on those figures heshould be dead, shouldn't he?
[DOCTOR] I wonder.
[STEVENSON] Good grief! It wasn't like that an hour ago.
[DOCTOR] Then it's accelerating. How long before a medical team arrives?
[STEVENSON] Well, it's difficult to say in these conditions. Hopefullytomorrow.
[DOCTOR] I don't think that's going to be soon enough, Mister Stevenson.
(Living area)
[MOBERLEY] There, that ought to warm you up.
[SARAH] Thanks.
[MOBERLEY] Better?
[SARAH] Mmm. So, you say you just found this pod lying there empty.
[MOBERLEY] Yes, and Charles in that state. Now does that make any kindof sense to you?
[MOBERLEY] Would you excuse me?
[SARAH] Yes.
[SARAH] Oh, sure.
[STEVENSON] Have you any idea what it can be,Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's why I came here.
[STEVENSON] I thought you came here to see the pod.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Before anything happened. Unfortunately, it alreadyhas. Where's the lab?
[STEVENSON] I'll show you.
(Research Lab)
[MOBERLEY] Okay, Mike, but try to get something moving. His condition'spretty desperate. Over.
[MIKE [OC]] Understood. Out.
[MOBERLEY] Bad news, John. That was Mike Wilson at South Bend. Themedical team's turned back.
[STEVENSON] What about Charles? Did you tell them how bad he is?
[MOBERLEY] They were in white-out conditions and their Snow Cat's falleninto a crevasse. But Mike is in touch with the Royal Marine SurvivalTeam. They might be able to help. They'll try again as soon as theweather lifts.
[STEVENSON] That'll be too late. He's dying, isn't he, Doctor?
[STEVENSON] I thought you said in the sickbay
[DOCTOR] It's more serious than death, Mister Stevenson. He's changingform.
[STEVENSON] Changing form?
[DOCTOR] Yes. We need a blood test.
[MOBERLEY] I'm a zoologist. I could prepare a specimen slide if it'llhelp?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it would help, thank you.
[STEVENSON] It's over here.
[DOCTOR] Why did it open? Why?
[STEVENSON] Well, that, that could be my fault. It was frozen stiff whenwe took it out of the ice. I was certain there was still life there. Iput in under a lamp and it started to expand.
[DOCTOR] Mister Stevenson, what you have done could result in the totaldestruction of all life on this planet.
[MOBERLEY] Charles? We're trying our best, Charles. Help's on its way.
[SARAH] Doctor? Doctor, what are we looking for?
[DOCTOR] Are you sure this is the place, Stevenson?
[STEVENSON] Yes, and if you told us what you were doing, perhaps wecould help.
[DOCTOR] Yes, just as I thought.
[SARAH] Another pod!
[STEVENSON] How did you? Will there be any more?
[DOCTOR] No. They travel in pairs, like policeman.
[SARAH] What are we going to do with it, buy it a truncheon?
[DOCTOR] No. Take it into custody and keep it in the freezer.
(Research Lab)
[STEVENSON] Well, that ought to keep it cool.
[SARAH] Who sold you that, an Eskimo?
[STEVENSON] I know a freezer seems superfluous out here, but we do needit to keep snow samples in until they're analysed.
[MOBERLEY] Doctor?
[MOBERLEY] Take a look at this blood sample.
[DOCTOR] How's Winlett?
[MOBERLEY] Winlett? He's barely recognisable. It's as if he's turninginto some sort of a hideous monster.
[DOCTOR] That's exactly what is happening, Moberley.
[MOBERLEY] Yes, but there must be an answer.
[DOCTOR] If you can just increase the magnification. Ah! Yes. Take alook at that.
[MOBERLEY] These aren't blood platelets.
[DOCTOR] Do you recognise them?
[STEVENSON] Schizophytes.
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[STEVENSON] I don't believe it. It's not possible.
[SARAH] Would someone mind explaining what these schizophytes are,please?
[STEVENSON] The smallest known living organisms. Plant bacteria.
[SARAH] Plant bacteria in someone's bloodstream?
[DOCTOR] Interesting, isn't it? A human being whose blood is turninginto vegetable soup.
[SARAH] Listen.
[MOBERLEY] That's very low by the sound of it.
[STEVENSON] It's the medical aircraft. Quick, Derek, get the landingstrip lights on.
[MOBERLEY] They won't see anything in this blizzard.
(Living area)
[SARAH] Should we come out and help you?
[MOBERLEY] No, John and I know our way around out there. It's easy toget lost.
[SARAH] Okay.
[MOBERLEY] You ready?
[SARAH] Will they be able to help that man?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, Sarah. He's halfway towards becoming a Krynoid.
[SARAH] Krynoid?
[DOCTOR] Yes. A progression of the pod.
[SARAH] So you recognised it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I was fairly certain when I saw the photographs. Now I'msure.
[SARAH] Well, what is a Krynoid? I mean, what does it do?
[DOCTOR] I suppose you could call it a galactic weed, except it'sdeadlier than any weed you know.
[SARAH] In what way?
[DOCTOR] Well, on most planets, the animals eat the vegetation, hmm?
[SARAH] Mmm hmm.
[DOCTOR] On planets where the Krynoid gets established, the vegetationeats the animals.
[SARAH] But that's terrifying.
[SARAH] Well, how did it get through space?
[DOCTOR] An obvious question. I wish I knew the answer. Possibly theirplanet of origin is turbulent from time to time, any internalexplosions could cause surface matter to go shooting into space.
[SARAH] So what do we do about Winlett?
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking Sarah, I'm thinking.
[MOBERLEY] Down this way here.
(Living area)
[MOBERLEY] Right, into the chair. There you are.
[SARAH] Let me take that.
[STEVENSON] Come on, sit yourselves down.
[SARAH] Come on, sit down over here.
[STEVENSON] Brandy, Derek?
[DOCTOR] Is this the medical team?
[STEVENSON] They were flying a private plane.
[MOBERLEY] They just got themselves lost. Here, brandy.
[SCORBY] Thanks.
[KEELER] Sorry to be such a nuisance.
[SCORBY] We were nearly out of fuel when we saw your lights.
[SARAH] You were very lucky. Lights are few and far between out here.
[DOCTOR] I'd like to take another look at the patient.
[STEVENSON] What, now?
[DOCTOR] Now. Yes, come on.
[STEVENSON] You just relax and thaw out.
[SCORBY] Right, thanks.
[KEELER] Do you think they swallowed it? If they start asking too manyquestions
[SCORBY] Why worry, Keeler? What can they do?
[SARAH] That's horrible. Horrible.
[DOCTOR] The process is almost complete.
[MOBERLEY] We can do nothing except just watch it happen.
[DOCTOR] There is something you can do, but it's drastic.
[STEVENSON] Well, what?
[DOCTOR] Amputate the arm.
[MOBERLEY] What good would that do? Can't you see the infection's allover his body?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but the arm's the source of the infection. It might stopit spreading.
[MOBERLEY] You say might. What you mean is, you don't know.
[DOCTOR] Well of course I don't know! But it'd give you a breathingspace while you try and find an antidote. That's a chance worth taking,isn't it?
[MOBERLEY] And who's going to perform this operation?
[DOCTOR] Oh you are, Moberley. You're the only one who can.
[MOBERLEY] But I'm not a surgeon. What about you? You're a doctor.
[DOCTOR] You must help yourselves.
[SARAH] He's not a doctor of medicine. Stevenson's a botanist, you're azoologist. Ask yourself who's most qualified among us.
[MOBERLEY] But I can't operate on Winlett. It's absurd!
[SARAH] Oh, at least you could try. You studied physiology, you know howto handle a scalpel.
[MOBERLEY] To dissect dead specimens, yes, but Charles is a human being.
[SARAH] He won't be much longer if you don't operate! Look, have you gota medical kit?
[STEVENSON] We've a full medical kit in the lab.
[SARAH] Well? Well, what about it? You're his last chance.
[STEVENSON] Derek, we'll help you in every way we can.
[MOBERLEY] I'll do my best.
[DOCTOR] You're a good man, Moberley. Come on, let's get started.
[SARAH] Right.
[DOCTOR] Hot towels.
(Research Lab)
[MOBERLEY] I'll take these down to the sickbay andstart setting up.
[DOCTOR] You'll need more lights in there.
[STEVENSON] I can fix that.
[DOCTOR] Winlett's still got a chance.
[MOBERLEY] Charles.
(Living area)
[SCORBY] You'd think butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. Keep watch.
[KEELER] What're you doing, Scorby?
[SCORBY] I don't like guns in the wrong hands.
[KEELER] There's no need for that. They're not going to try and shootus.
[SCORBY] I'd rather not give them the chance. I said keep watch.
[KEELER] I wish you'd stop behaving like some cheap gangster. All we'vecome here for is to confirm that this pod is something unusual, that'sall.
[SCORBY] You don't think we're going to fly back empty-handed, do you?
[KEELER] But, we can't. Scorby! We'd never get away with it.
[SCORBY] Are you a betting man, Keeler?
[KEELER] Now just a minute. This is the first you've said. I want toknow exactly what it is you're planning.
[SCORBY] All right, Keeler. Tomorrow, we did a nice big hole in thesnow. Big enough for, say, five bodies. We fill it up, we take the pod,we fly home. No witnesses, nothing. Just another lost expedition.
[KEELER] You're mad. You're mad. You're mad. I'm not doing that. Oh, no.
[SCORBY] You'll do it, Keeler. You'll do exactly as you're told.Otherwise we'll just make the hole a little bigger.
(Research lab)
[DOCTOR] Ready, Stevenson.
[STEVENSON] I'm sure
[SARAH] I think Moberley's dead.
[SARAH] This way.
[STEVENSON] Did you see his face? Where's he gone?
[DOCTOR] He left after killing Moberley.
[STEVENSON] I don't believe it. You mean to say Charles did that?
[DOCTOR] Not Charles, the alien.
[DOCTOR] Not of this world, Stevenson. I told you he was changing form.Already his mind's been taken over. Very soon his entire body willalter.
[SARAH] Into a Krynoid.
[DOCTOR] Yes. There'll be a transition period, a grotesque parody of thehuman form. By now, Winlett himself no longer exists and we mustdestroy what he's become.
(Living area)
[KEELER] Scorby, someone's coming.
[SARAH] You okay?
[SCORBY] Yeah, a lot better, thanks. What's the trouble?
[STEVENSON] We're going out.
[SCORBY] You're joking. In this weather?
[STEVENSON] Yes, Mister Scorby, in this weather.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Stevenson. We don't have much time.
[STEVENSON] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I hope that's the answer. Stay warm.
[KEELER] What the devil's going on?
[SCORBY] What do you think I am, a mind reader? Anyway, come on. Now'sour chance.
[KEELER] What do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean? Do what?
[SCORBY] To find the pod.
[DUNBAR] I tell you something has happened out there. We've had a telexmessage saying an infection has broken out.
[CHASE] Infection? What sort of infection?
[DUNBAR] Apparently a virus conveyed by the pod. Now, if you get thatpod, you'll probably have to take precautions.
[CHASE] If? There's no question of if. I have sent my most efficientman.
[DUNBAR] To Antarctica?
[CHASE] Yes. It will be easier to acquire the pod there rather than waitfor its arrival in England and the resultant publicity. By that time itwill be better protected than the Crown Jewels.
[DUNBAR] You're going well outside the law, Mister Chase.
[CHASE] I understand policemen are few and far between in the Antarctic.
[DUNBAR] Look, if there are any repercussions, have I your word you'llpreserve my anonymity.
[CHASE] Don't worry, I always take care of my employees. It wouldn't doif a public servant of your standing were found betraying trust andselling secrets, would it.
[DUNBAR] No. On the other hand, I took up a career hoping to reach thetop, but I've seen time-serving nonentities promoted over my head.
[CHASE] Yes, it must be most galling. The only alternative is to seekother forms of reward, which you have most sensibly done. I think youwill find this is the amount we agreed for your, er, help.
[DUNBAR] Yes, it's most generous.
[CHASE] A fair exchange, Dunbar. You want money, and I want that pod.
[DOCTOR] What's that down there?
[STEVENSON] It's our generator plant.
[SARAH] Why so far from base?
[STEVENSON] Safety measure. It's a new fuel cell system being tested outhere for the first time.
[DOCTOR] Let's take a look.
(Research lab)
[SCORBY] You're supposed to be the botanist. Where would you keep thispod?
[KEELER] I don't know. I suppose it must be here somewhere. Careful,that valuable.
[SCORBY] So what? There'll be nobody left to use it after we'refinished.
[RADIO [OC]] This is South Bend calling Camp Five. Come in, Camp Five.Over.
[KEELER] Scorby, what do we do?
[RADIO [OC]] This is South Bend calling Camp Five. Come in, Camp Five.Over.
[SCORBY] Camp Five receiving you. Over.
[RADIO [OC]] Is that you, Derek?
[SCORBY] Er, yes. Come in, South Bend.
[RADIO [OC]] The weather's clearing this end. The marines'll get themedic through as soon as possible.
[SCORBY] Have they left yet?
[RADIO [OC]] They're leaving right now.
[SCORBY] Look, cancel them, will you? We don't need them any more.Everything's under control here.
[RADIO [OC]] Hello? Is that you, Derek? Hello? Hello, Derek, is thatyou? Derek?
(Outside the Generator plant)
[DOCTOR] It left the place in a blizzard. It'll tryto find shelter somewhere.
[STEVENSON] I don't think this has been disturbed.
[DOCTOR] It's as well to make sure.
(Research lab)
[KEELER] Hey, Scorby, I think I've found it. Look.
[KEELER] Now, that's the pod in Dunbar's photograph, but
[SCORBY] Somebody's cut it open.
[KEELER] No, no, no, no, no. No, this wasn't cut. This must havegerminated.
[SCORBY] What do you mean, germinated?
[KEELER] I mean that this pod has opened as part of its natural cycle torelease a shoot or something.
[SCORBY] Yeah, but its the actual plant that Chase wants, right?
[KEELER] Right.
[SCORBY] Well, we'd better find it, then, hadn't we, and quick.
(Generator plant)
[STEVENSON] No, I'm afraid Winlett must havecollapsed somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Don't you ever listen, Stevenson? Winlett, Winlett, Winlett.Winlett as a man no longer exists.
[SARAH] All right then, he's a plant or a vegetable or whatever he isnow. He's going to have even less resistance to cold, isn't he?
[STEVENSON] You know, I find this very hard to take. You're telling methat these things are inimical to the whole of animal creation?
[DOCTOR] Inimicable? They're lethal.
[STEVENSON] How do you know?
[DOCTOR] Never mind how I know, Stevenson, just take it from me. On anyplanet where the Krynoid gets established, all animal life isextinguished.
[SARAH] There's no danger now, is there? I mean, we've got the secondpod in the freezer, and Winlett
[DOCTOR] Winlett?
[SARAH] The Krynoid is very likely frozen stiff under the snowsomewhere.
[DOCTOR] I hope you're right.
[SARAH] So do I.
[KEELER] Good grief! Look at that mark, Scorby. What could have causedthat? That's the man who
[SCORBY] Yeah, I know.
(Outside Antarctic Research)
[STEVENSON] I'll be with you in a moment. I want tocheck something.
[SCORBY [OC]] In here, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Whatever you do, don't touch him. Don't touch him.
[SCORBY] Get your hands up. Turn around, Doctor.
[SCORBY] Facing this way.
[DOCTOR] Have we annoyed you or something?
[SCORBY] Shut up. Okay, start talking.
[DOCTOR] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had perfect pitch.
[SCORBY] What happened to him?
[DOCTOR] Who, Wolfgang Amadeus? Oh, him. Oh, he died.
[SCORBY] We gathered that.
[DOCTOR] It happened because of a pod.
[KEELER] The pod?
[SCORBY] Look, Doctor, there's already one corpse in here. I can easilydouble that number.
[SARAH] Look, he's telling you the
[SCORBY] Stay where you are.
[DOCTOR] There's been an accident. One of the men was infected.
[KEELER] By the pod?
[SARAH] He went mad.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you could say he's not quite himself.
[SCORBY] Where is he now?
[SARAH] We don't know. Somewhere out there.
[KEELER] Oh, you mean you have a homicidal maniac on the loose?
[DOCTOR] Oh, much more dangerous than that, and he's desperate for foodand warmth. There's only one place he can find food and warmth.
[SCORBY] You mean this camp.
[DOCTOR] It's a comforting thought, isn't it. I think we should lock allthe doors and windows.
[KEELER] What are we going to do, Scorby?
[SCORBY] Easy. I think it's time we got some real answers. But not inhere. Why don't we make ourselves a little more comfortable? Come on,move.
(Living area)
[SCORBY] Okay, that'll do. Watch the door. Now then, Doctor, let's havethe truth. Where's the plant that came out of the pod?
[DOCTOR] That grew in the bed that was part of the garden close to thehouse that Jack
[SARAH] Jack built.
[SCORBY] I'm not a patient man, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, your candour does you credit. However, you're too late.
[SCORBY] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Odd things have been happening. Odd and dangerous. I don'tthing you'd understand.
[SCORBY] Try me.
[DOCTOR] All right. At its simplest, the man who went mad is no longer aman in any sense you'd recognise.
[KEELER] Well, if he's not a man, what is he?
[DOCTOR] An alien lifeform.
[SCORBY] I said I wanted some straight answers, Doctor.
[STEVENSON [OC]] Doctor?
[KEELER] Scorby! Somebody's coming.
[STEVENSON [OC]] Doctor? Miss Smith? Where are you?
[SCORBY] In here.
[SCORBY] Come and join the party.
[STEVENSON] Drop that gun. I said, drop that gun!
[SCORBY] Not very friendly, are we.
[STEVENSON] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] For some reason, these two want to get their hands on the pod.
[STEVENSON] (sotto) The pod's still safe? They haven't taken it out
[SCORBY] What did you say? Taken it out? Taken it out of where?
[KEELER] They've got a second pod.
[SCORBY] Then we're not going back empty handed, are we? Where is it?
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't be a bigger fool than you already are. Don't youunderstand anything? It's dangerous.
[SCORBY] I asked you a question, Doctor. Where is the pod?
[SCORBY] Where is it? Stubborn pair, aren't you.
[SCORBY] This time I'm not joking.
[DOCTOR] It's in the freezer.
[SCORBY] That's better. You show me.
[SCORBY] Okay, watch these two.
[KEELER] No, no, no, I don't want it.
[SCORBY] I said, watch them!
[SCORBY] Come on, move.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, you're all right with us. We won't hurt you.
(Research lab)
[SCORBY] Bring it here. Are there any more?
[STEVENSON] No, this is unique now. Priceless, as you are no doubtaware.
[SCORBY] So what's to stop this breaking open like the other one?
[STEVENSON] It's quite safe at this temperature.
[SCORBY] Well, it's going on a little journey. You must have somethinghere to keep it cool.
[STEVENSON] We have thermal containers.
[SCORBY] Get one. There's something I don't quite understand. Where doesthe power come from to keep this place going?
[STEVENSON] We have a new fuel cell system half a mile from here.
[SCORBY] This alien creature could be hiding there.
[STEVENSON] No, we checked that an hour ago.
(Living area)
[DOCTOR] I'd give your arm a rest, if I were you.
[SARAH] Yes, we're not likely to run away.
[DOCTOR] You don't like violence, do you, Keeler? Not like your friend.What are you, a scientist? Botanist, perhaps. Is that it? Were you senthere to identify the pod? Surely you understand the implications ofwhat I'm saying?
[KEELER] We know what we're doing.
[DOCTOR] I wish I could believe you.
[KEELER] Shut up, shut up!
[SARAH] You remember what happened to Winlett. Well, things are gettingout of control and you don't know how to handle it. If you release us,then we can fight it together.
[KEELER] Oh, for God's sake let's get out of here quickly before thatmonster thing comes back.
[SCORBY] Stop panicking. Tie him up. Tim him up.
[KEELER] Rope. Excuse me.
[SCORBY] You can say your goodbyes now, Doctor.
[KEELER] You're not going to shoot them in cold blood?
[SCORBY] Why not? No, I've got a better idea. Come here, miss.
[DOCTOR] Where are you taking her?
[SCORBY] Sit down! Come on, move.
[DOCTOR] Scorby! Scorby! Scorby!
(Outside Antarctic Research)
[SCORBY] Take us to the power plant.
[SARAH] I don't know what you mean.
[SCORBY] Come on, don't try to be funny. You checked it an hour ago.Now, come on, move.
(Living area)
[STEVENSON] It's hopeless.
[DOCTOR] Nothing's hopeless. All we have to do is think.
(Generator plant)
[KEELER] What's that thing, Scorby?
[SCORBY] This power system provides energy for the whole camp. There arewires running from here to every building. So we don't need to dig ahole after all. We just obliterate them. A real fireworks display.
[SARAH] That's murder. Cold-blooded murder.
(Living area)
[DOCTOR] Come on, quick, get over here. And keep still. I don't want tosever a blood vessel. Okay?
(Generator plant)
[KEELER] It is, it's murder. It is cold-bloodedmurder!
[SCORBY] Look, you do exactly as you're told or you go up with it,Arnold.
[SARAH] He doesn't have to kill us. You've got the pod.
[SCORBY] There, that should do it. That bomb will set off a fault in thesystem that'll blow the whole camp to smithereens, leaving no tracewhatsoever. It's ingenious, don't you think?
[KEELER] No! No! I can't let you do it.
[SCORBY] It's too lake, Keeler. I've started the countdown. Now, let'sget out.
[SCORBY] You shouldn't have long to wait. Ten minutes at the outside.
(Living area)
[DOCTOR] Contact the main base on the radio.
[DOCTOR] See if they can intercept that aeroplane.
[STEVENSON] What about the Krynoid?
[DOCTOR] We'll just have to take a chance on that.
(Outside Antarctic Research)
[DOCTOR] Sarah!
(Research lab)
[STEVENSON] Hello, main base. Hello, main base. Canyou hear me? Over.
(Generator plant)
[SARAH] Doctor! Quick, quick.
[DOCTOR] What's the hurry?
[SARAH] There's a time bomb over there. We've only got seconds. Where'sStevenson?
[DOCTOR] I'll have to try and warn him.
[DOCTOR] There.
[CHESTER] Come on.
[CHESTER] Are you all right? Look, we're from South Bend. These marinesgot me through. We heard the explosion. What happened?
[SARAH] The Doctor. Where's the Doctor?
[CHESTER] It's all right, I'm a doctor. Doctor Chester. Look, we'regoing to take care of you. Don't worry.
[SARAH] No, no, you don't understand. He's trying to reach the camp.We've got to find him. Doctor!
[CHESTER] Look, hang about. Take it easy.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[SARAH] Doctor!
[SARAH] Help me!
[SARAH] He's alive.
[DOCTOR] Good morning.
(Plant lab)
[SCORBY] Must be in the greenhouse. Mister Chase? Mission accomplished.
[CHASE] Well? Open it.
[CHASE] Astounding. I can scarcely believe it.
[SCORBY] I wouldn't touch it.
[CHASE] Why not?
[SCORBY] Well, there was this other pod, and one of the expeditionapparently got infected by it.
[CHASE] Yes, so I heard. What happened exactly?
[KEELER] It was all very strange. He went mad and killed somebody.
[SCORBY] Yeah, they told us the pod took him over in some way.
[CHASE] Oh. What became of this other pod?
[SCORBY] It was destroyed. We had to blow the whole place to smithereensplus everyone in it.
[CHASE] What a pity. I could have had two pods.
[CHASE] Come.
[HARGREAVES] Mister Dunbar, sir.
[CHASE] Ah, come in, Dunbar. It's all right. These are the two men whobrought back the pod.
[CHASE] They know of your contribution to the enterprise.
[DUNBAR] I had no idea you'd go to such terrible lengths to get it.
[CHASE] The destruction of the others was necessary.
[DUNBAR] Necessary?
[CHASE] There it is. Look at it. Like me, I imagine you couldn't wait tosee it with your own eyes.
[DUNBAR] Unlike you, I can hardly bear to look at it, considering thecost.
[CHASE] Since you mention cost, Dunbar, you've already been well paidfor your part, so keep a stiff upper lip, forget your qualms. Theobject has been achieved. We can all relax.
[DUNBAR] Not quite.
[DUNBAR] They weren't all wiped out. That's what I came to warn youabout. The Doctor and his assistant are still alive.
[SCORBY] That's not possible.
[DUNBAR] The Doctor's meeting Sir Colin and me in two hours time.
(Dunbar's office)
[THACKERAY] But why should people go to suchlengths to get their hands on the pod?
[DOCTOR] Greed. Greed. The most dangerous impulse in the universe. Doyou realise that on this planet the pod is unique? I use the word withprecision. Unique. And to some people, its uniqueness makes it valuableat any cost.
[DUNBAR] You make these two mystery men sound like fanatics.
[DOCTOR] Fanatics? Tell him. You tell him. You tell him!
[SARAH] These two mystery men had everything planned. They had anaeroplane, guns, even a bomb. It was organised down to the last detail.Now, if that isn't fanaticism, well, what is?
[DUNBAR] Surely you're exaggerating.
[SARAH] Exaggerate? Now look, I was there. We were nearly killed!
[DOCTOR] Be calm. Be calm. Listen, both of you. Are you both listeningto me? I think they were dangerous, but they were stooges. I believethey were working for someone else.
[SARAH] And if that's true, that someone else must be a complete madman.
[DOCTOR] What's more to the point is how they knew of the pod'sexistence. The discovery had been reported only to your department,correct?
[THACKERAY] That's correct. But Doctor, I trust you're not suggestingthat information was leaked from this bureau?
[DOCTOR] Why not? Why shouldn't it be?
[DUNBAR] Doctor, how can you suggest such a thing?
[THACKERAY] In any case, what would be the gain?
[DOCTOR] Oh, money.
[DUNBAR] Money?
[DOCTOR] Yes, money. Hired thieves and murderers don't usually work forlove.
[DUNBAR] Since you seem to have it all sewn up, Doctor, perhaps you cantell us where the pod is now?
[DOCTOR] I'll make a guess. Right here, in this country. Action! Action,that's what we need. If we don't find that pod before it germinates,it'll be the end of everything. Everything, you understand? Even yourpension!
[THACKERAY] Very well, Doctor. You've made your point. All thefacilities of this bureau will be placed at your disposal.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[THACKERAY] All right, Dunbar?
[DUNBAR] I'll organise anything you require, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good. Then organise us to the Botanic Institute, now.
(Outside the World Ecology Bureau)
[CHAUFFEUR] This car was ordered for you, sir.
[DOCTOR] Good. Let's go.
(Dunbar's office)
[DUNBAR] It's all right, Mister Chase. They're being taken care of. ButI must warn you about that pod.
(Muddy lane)
[DOCTOR] What's going on? Where are we?
[CHAUFFEUR] We're in a nice deserted place, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Who do you work for?
[CHAUFFEUR] Both of you, out. This side.
[DOCTOR] Now just a minute.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[SARAH] Hey, down here. Down here, cloth-eyes. Are you blind?
[DOCTOR] You try the boot.
[SARAH] Right, give us the key.
[SARAH] Hey, Doctor.
[SARAH] Here.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SARAH] Look.
[DOCTOR] Amelia Ducat.
[SARAH] That's interesting.
[DOCTOR] Is it? Why?
[SARAH] Well, Amelia Ducat (French pronunciation) is only one of theworld's leading flower artists.
(Amelia's studio)
[AMELIA] Oh, yes, a perfect example. Fritillaria meleagris.
[DOCTOR] Is that the common snakes-head fritillary?
[AMELIA] And why are you asking me?
[DOCTOR] No, I mean did you paint it, Miss Ducat. (pronounced Duket.)
[AMELIA] The name is Ducat (Du-cah) actually. Yes, of course I paintedit. I camped out on the Chilterns night after night to catch it atsunrise.
[DOCTOR] We're trying to trace the owner.
[AMELIA] Isn't it yours?
[DOCTOR] No. We found it in a car boot.
[AMELIA] A car boot?
[DOCTOR] A Daimler car boot.
[AMELIA] The car is immaterial.
[SARAH] The driver wasn't. He tried to kill us.
[DOCTOR] Can you remember who bought this particular painting?
[AMELIA] Well, nobody. I haven't finished it yet.
[SARAH] No, hang about, not that one. This one, Miss Ducat.
[DOCTOR] Common snakes-head fritillary.
[AMELIA] Oh, that one. Oh, dear me. It was a long time ago. Now what washis name? Something like face? Mace? Lace?
[SARAH] Pace?
[DOCTOR] Base?
[AMELIA] That's right. Chase! Of course. Harrison Chase the millionaire.Good lord. He never paid me!
(Chase's plant lab)
[KEELER] No, the x-rays don't show any signs ofactivity, so
[CHASE] We mustn't give up, Keeler. I'm certain we're on the verge of abreakthrough.
[KEELER] Yes, but if we. (sighs) Mister Chase, please listen. Somethingweird happened in Antarctica. A man came into contact with the otherpod, and according to the Doctor, he turned into an alien. Now I don'tknow what he meant exactly, but I believe it did happen, so pleaselet's stop this experiment now.
[CHASE] No, Keeler. Dunbar's explained everything to me. Provided wetake the proper precautions, there is no danger. Now, inject the podwith fixed nitrogen.
[KEELER] Special Projects lab. Yes. Yes, he's here. Urgent call fromDunbar. Your chauffeur's in hospital.
(Outside Chase's mansion)
[SARAH] I hope this works.
[DOCTOR] It's worth the risk to find that pod.
[DOCTOR] How do I look?
[DOCTOR] So far, so good.
[SARAH] Leave the car here?
[SARAH] We're here.
[DOCTOR] What's the best way in, do you think?
[SARAH] The front.
[DOCTOR] Not this time.
[SARAH] The back?
[DOCTOR] The back. Quick, hide.
[DOCTOR] Let's brazen it out.
[GUARD] Hey, you! Halt, or I'll fire!
[DOCTOR] Just act natural.
[SARAH] I am.
[SARAH] Act natural, he says.
[SCORBY] Hold it.
[DOCTOR] Get our hands up.
[SCORBY] Hello, Doctor. How nice of you to come. Over here! I've gotthem!
[DOCTOR] That's right, grab us. We're very dangerous.
[SCORBY] You're full of good ideas, Doctor.
[SCORBY] Some visitors, Mister Chase.
[CHASE] So, the meddling Doctor. You lead a charmed life. You arrivewithout a chauffeur, not even a touch of frostbite.
[DOCTOR] How do you do. Have you met Miss Smith? She's my best friend.
[CHASE] Is she? And still beautifully intact, I see.
[SARAH] I try my best, under the circumstances.
[DOCTOR] And this is Mister Scorby. I don't know his first name. Andthese two gentlemen
[CHASE] Yes, thank you, Doctor, we are acquainted.
[DOCTOR] How nice. Hand over the pod.
[CHASE] After all the inconvenience I've been put to? Oh no, Doctor.Perhaps you didn't know, but in this house is assembled the greatestcollection of rare plants in the world. When the pod flowers, I shallachieve the crowning glory of my life's work.
[DOCTOR] Take care. I notice a little greenfly here and there.
[CHASE] Your envy is understandable, Doctor. However, as I propose tohave you both executed
[SARAH] Why? We haven't harmed you.
[DOCTOR] Be reasonable, Sarah. What choice has he got? We keepinterfering.
[CHASE] Exactly, Doctor. However, before you die you will be granted aunique privilege. The last things you will ever see will be mybeautiful plants. Please come this way.
[SARAH] (sotto) Look, what are you playing
[SCORBY] Come on, on your way.
(Plant lab)
[CHASE [OC]] And the west wing was completed by SirBothwell Chase just before his execution in 1587.
[CHASE] This plant laboratory is unique, Doctor. It makes the BotanicalInstitute look like a potting shed.
[DOCTOR] Are we near the end? I do so hate guided tours.
[CHASE] Here we treat our green friends as patients. If they're puny, webuild them up. If they're sick, we give them succour.
[SARAH] I've heard of flower power, but that is ridiculous.
[CHASE] You've heard of the theory that irregular light patterns canaffect the senses of so-called mindless things?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, like Scorby here.
[SCORBY] Enjoy yourself while you can, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Where's Keeler?
[CHASE] He's engaged in important and isolated research.
[DOCTOR] On the pod?
[CHASE] What else?
(Keeler's lab)
[HARGREAVES] Your coffee, sir. Two lumps, isn't it?
[KEELER] It's happening.
[KEELER] There's a floccose path forming on the pericarp.
[HARGREAVES] There's a what, sir?
[KEELER] It's alive! It's growing! Go and fetch Mister Chase. Tell himit's urgent.
[HARGREAVES] Hurry up, Hargreaves!
[SCORBY] All right, that's enough.
[GUARD] Come on, move.
[SCORBY] Okay, hold it there.
[CHASE] The hymn of the plants. I composed it myself. People say thatyou should talk to plants. I believe that. Just as I believe they alsolike music.
[SARAH] Got to get out of here.
[DOCTOR] (mutters)
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] I said, the music's terrible!
[SCORBY] Shut up.
[CHASE] Now I shall play you my requiem. My Floriana Requiem, dedicatedto Linnaeus.
[CHASE] You know, Doctor, I could play all day in my green cathedral.
[HARGREAVES] Mister Chase.
[DOCTOR] Oh, go away. Can't you see Mister Chase is busy?
[HARGREAVES] It's Mister Keeler. Something's happening to that pod!
[CHASE] Why are you shouting, Hargreaves?
[HARGREAVES] Would you go to the annex, please?
[CHASE] Yes, right. Take these people away. I imagine they won't mind afew minutes delay before they die.
[SCORBY] All right, move.
(Keeler's lab)
[CHASE] What is it?
[KEELER] I thought you should see this.
[CHASE] Have you injected fixed nitrogen?
[KEELER] Fifteen grams. Careful. I shouldn't get too close.
[CHASE] There can't be any danger yet.
[KEELER] Don't forget it's alien.
[CHASE] More nitrogen.
[KEELER] No, I don't think that would be wise, Mister Chase.
[CHASE] I make the decisions. Inject another fifteen grams.
[DOCTOR] Where are you taking us, Scorby?
[SCORBY] I shouldn't worry, Doctor. It's strictly a one way journey.
[SARAH] Now, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Come along, Sarah.
[DOCTOR] We've got to warn Sir Colin.
[SARAH] Right. Let's get out and phone him.
[DOCTOR] Got a two P piece?
[SARAH] Yeah.
[DOCTOR] Good. You're going to phone him. I must get another look atthat pod. Let's get you over the wall first.
[SCORBY] Guards!
[SCORBY] They got away. We've got to find them. You two that way.
[SCORBY [OC]] You men there cover sector nine!
[SCORBY] Spread out, you idiots.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[SARAH] Listen, you be careful of Chase. If he catches you.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
(Keeler's lab)
[CHASE] Remarkable. It almost grows before my eyes. Where's yourenthusiasm, Keeler? Don't you realise we face a moment of history?
[GUARD] One word out of you and you're a dead little girl, understand?So near yet so far.
[GUARD] You didn't think you'd get away with it, did you? Come on.
[GUARD] Found her in the woods. She must have got over the wall.
[SCORBY] And the other one?
[GUARD] No sign of him.
[SCORBY] Where's the Doctor? Mister Chase isn't going to be very pleasedwith you. Come on. Keep looking!
(Keeler's lab)
[KEELER] It's like waiting for a time bomb to explode.
[CHASE] What's been happening? I thought you had them both safely lockedup.
[SCORBY] They got away somehow. The Doctor's still free but he won't getfar.
[CHASE] Oh, so that's what all that noise was about. Where is he?
[SARAH] I don't know. And if I did, I wouldn't tell you.
[CHASE] What a very uncooperative young lady. However, I've just had anidea. You can help me with my experiment. Remove her coat. Sit down.Miss Smith will be our subject, like so.
[CHASE] Fetch some clamps, Keeler.
[KEELER] You can't! It's inhuman!
[CHASE] I don't care. I must know what happens when a Krynoid toucheshuman flesh.
(Keeler's lab)
[CHASE] What do you do for an encore, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I win.
[CHASE] Open this door! Guards! Guards!
[CHASE] Why am I surrounded by idiots! Guards!
[KEELER] Argh! My arm! My arm!
[CHASE] Keeler! It's happened.
[GUARD] What's up?
[SCORBY] The Doctor and the girl. Come on!
[DOCTOR] Get in there and hide. I'll be as quick asI can.
[SARAH] You can't tackle them single-handed.
[DOCTOR] Why not? I've got a pistol.
[SARAH] But you'd never use it.
[DOCTOR] True, but they don't know that, do they.
(Keeler's lab)
[CHASE] Amazing.
[KEELER] My whole body's changing. Look at my arm. Get me to a hospital,please.
[CHASE] Don't be ridiculous. We'll look after you here.
[KEELER] Do something. You must do something.
[CHASE] It's incredible. Absolutely unique.
[KEELER] For pity's sake, help me.
[HARGREAVES] What's all this? Oh sir, I hear Mister Keeler
[CHASE] Mister Keeler is not very well.
[HARGREAVES] Mister Keeler!
[CHASE] We must get him over to the cottage where we can look after himproperly.
[HARGREAVES] What happened, sir?
[CHASE] Don't ask questions, just do it.
[CHASE] Bear up, Keeler.
(Keeler's lab)
[DOCTOR] Nobody move.
[SCORBY] How predictable. The criminal returns to the scene of thecrime.
[DOCTOR] I see the pod's burst. Was anyone in the way?
[SCORBY] Yeah, Keeler. Very clumsy of him. Where's the girl?
[DOCTOR] You're working for a madman, Scorby, you know that?
[SCORBY] He pays well. And when it comes to money, Mister Chase and Iare of the same religion.
[DOCTOR] Franklin Adams, 1881 to 1960. American humourist.
[SCORBY] The quotes are over, Doctor. Miss Smith'll never get out ofthis place alive, and neither will you.
[SCORBY] Now, this way. And this time don't try anything.
[DOCTOR] You know
[SCORBY] Not anything!
(Compost room)
[SCORBY] Turn around.
[DOCTOR] Can't we talk this over, Scorby?
[SCORBY] You're getting a bit unsteady on your feet, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You're pushing your luck, Scorby.
[SCORBY] Take a seat, Doctor.
[SCORBY] You see our little machine, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Looks as if it's got possibilities.
[SCORBY] Oh yes, it has. Distinct possibilities. Did you know we madeour own compost?
[DOCTOR] Quite right. Always put back in the soil what you take out.
[SCORBY] Just what Mister Chase says. He never wastes anything that canbe used to fertilise his plants. Anything.
[DOCTOR] That's very commendable.
[SCORBY] It's got a very healthy appetite, Doctor. Tie him up.
[KEELER] What's happening? What have you done?
[CHASE] It's for your own good. You mustn't move.
[KEELER] You can't keep me here. I need medical attention! Look at me.
[CHASE] The rate of increase is astonishing. Remarkable, Keeler. Proteinabsorption from the animal, of course.
[KEELER] What animal?
[CHASE] Your own body. We shall have to give you some food soon.
[KEELER] Chase, stop behaving like a maniac and get me to hospital.
[CHASE] Don't be ridiculous. That would ruin everything. Together, wecould be on the verge of a great scientific discovery. We must observethe process carefully.
[KEELER] Hargreaves, don't listen to him. This is murder.
[HARGREAVES] I'm sure Mister Chase is right, sir. And it's for your owngood.
[CHASE] You're changing into a plant, Keeler. You're privileged. Thinkof it, a marvellous new species of plant. I shall need some equipmentto monitor this experiment.
[KEELER] Chase!
(Outside the cottage)
[HARGREAVES] He might be right, sir. It could be dangerous.
[CHASE] Everything will be all right, Hargreaves, just as long as wekeep him in there.
[HARGREAVES] Very good, sir.
(Plant lab)
[SCORBY] Ah, there you are, Mister Chase. We've gotthe Doctor. I've locked him in the compost room.
[CHASE] Good. No sign of the girl?
[SCORBY] No, not yet. We've got all the exits covered. She won't getfar.
[HARGREAVES] General laboratory. What? Oh, hold on. It's for you, sir.Says it's urgent. Main gate.
[CHASE] Chase. Amelia Ducat? Why'd you let her past the main gate?
[WATCHMAN] Sorry, sir. Miss Ducat insists on seeingyou. Says you owe her money. Well that's what she says, sir.
(Plant lab)
[CHASE] Well get rid of her. I'm in the middle ofsome very important work and I can see no one. Is that clear?
[WATCHMAN] I've told her all about that, MisterChase, but she's very, er, persistent. She's mentioned something aboutlawyers, sir.
(Plant lab)
[CHASE] Lawyers? (covers the handset) Man's a fool.Why am I surrounded by idiots?
[SCORBY] Wouldn't it be better to see her, Mister Chase, and avoid anyfuss?
[CHASE] It might, and it might not. (into telephone) Have someone bringher up to the library.
[KEELER] Don't be frightened. You should be glad. After all, it mighthave been you.
[SARAH] Keeler? What have they done to you?
[KEELER] Disgusting, isn't it. Aren't you scared?
[SARAH] No, I'm not scared. Why are they keeping you here?
[KEELER] Chase. Chase owns me body and soul. Body. This must be howWinlett changed. You saw him at the base, didn't you. What was it like?You've got to tell me.
[SARAH] I'm going to find the Doctor. He knows more about this thananyone else. Now, do you know where he is?
[KEELER] I might. Let me loose and we'll go together.
[SARAH] I can't.
[KEELER] I won't harm you.
[SARAH] You mightn't mean to, but you would.
[KEELER] You're as bad as Chase and the others. You want me to die! Youwant me to die! You want me to die!
[HARGREAVES] Mister Keeler, try not to distress yourself. Mister Chaseordered this meal for you, sir.
[CHASE] Good evening, Miss Ducat.
[AMELIA] Good evening, Mister Chase. I'm sorry to have insisted onseeing you at this hour.
[CHASE] Not at all. It's a great pleasure, indeed an honour, to see youagain.
[AMELIA] I was visiting Lady Chandley nearby. Painting a rare hibiscusin her conservatory.
[CHASE] Ah yes, the Venezuelan gobbo. I have several of the species.
[AMELIA] Of course, your collection of plants is unrivalled. Even theshort safari from the gate is simply packed with interest.
[CHASE] What a shame you should come in the autumn. In high summer, ah.
[AMELIA] Even so, I think I could set up my easel here to good purpose.
[CHASE] At any other time I'd be very happy for you to do so, but justat the moment I have some very pressing business.
[AMELIA] What a pity. Never mind. The real reason for my coming won'ttake up much of your time.
[CHASE] Yes, it seems I neglected to pay you for a painting I had fromyou.
[CHASE] I offer you my humblest apologies.
[AMELIA] Seven hundred and fifty guineas.
[CHASE] Guineas?
[AMELIA] Plus inflation. Shall we say a round thousand?
[CHASE] Pounds.
[AMELIA] Done.
[CHASE] I'll write you a cheque now.
[AMELIA] Magnificent house you have here, Mister Chase.
[CHASE] Yes, it is rather fine, isn't it. Most of it was built duringthe Wars of the Roses. Charmingly named, but rather a bloodthirstyperiod in history, I always think.
[SCORBY] Do you want to start the (pause as he sees Amelia) recyclingexperiment, Mister Chase?
[CHASE] No. I want to see it. I'll be right there.
[CHASE] I apologise for the delay.
[AMELIA] Thank you.
[CHASE] Mister Scorby will see you out.
[AMELIA] What is this recycling experiment? Sounds interesting.
[CHASE] Yes, I'm afraid it's something we're keeping rather quiet aboutjust for the moment. Within these grounds there are several privateprojects going on.
[SCORBY] This way, madam.
[AMELIA] Goodbye.
(Compost room)
[CHASE] So sorry to have kept you waiting.
[DOCTOR] Not at all, not at all.
[CHASE] I do hope you haven't been bored.
[DOCTOR] Oh no, I've been watching your little toy. It's most efficient.
[CHASE] Yes, isn't it. The problem is keeping it stocked up.
[DOCTOR] Yes, at the moment it's working on an empty stomach.
[CHASE] The next time it starts, we must give it something to bite on.You've noticed how lush the grounds are?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes.
[CHASE] This is the secret. We put everything into the grinder. Everyscrap of food and garden waste, lots of other things. Provided they'reorganic.
[DOCTOR] I'm sure you're noted for your tidiness. How is Keeler?
[CHASE] Dear Arnold. A brilliant researcher and a dedicated botanist.And now, properly nurtured, he can be of inestimable value to science.
[DOCTOR] Nurtured. You don't mean to say you've been feeding him?
[AMELIA] It is a fascinating house. The mixture of styles is charming.This corridor must be early sixteenth century, is it not?
[SCORBY] I'm sorry, history isn't my strong point. Would you mind comingthis way, please?
[GUARD] We've covered the south and west sections. There's no sign ofthe girl.
[SCORBY] Yes, all right, thank you. (to Amelia) Sorry, we're just doinga bit of a security exercise. Would you excuse me a moment? A word inyour ear.
[SARAH] Psst! Miss Ducat! Please.
[AMELIA] My dear child, are you all right?
[SARAH] That man Scorby mustn't see me. I'm trying to find the Doctor.
[AMELIA] What's happening?
[SARAH] Will you tell Sir Colin Thackeray at the World Ecology Bureauthat we've found the pod but we're trapped here. Please?
[SCORBY] Were you talking to someone?
[AMELIA] Talking?
[SCORBY] I thought I heard voices.
[AMELIA] That must have been me. I'm always talking to myself. It's oldage, you know. Happens to us all. Er, this is the way out, is it not?
[SCORBY] Er, yeah, just go straight
(Compost room)
[CHASE] Right, get out.
[CHASE] I shall set the machine on automatic control, which means itwill start up again in a few minutes time. Your death will beagonising, Doctor, but mercifully quick.
[DOCTOR] What can I say?
[CHASE] Blood and bone contain the most valuable nitrogen elements. Justthink. After shredding, your remains will pass automatically through mycompost acceleration chamber and within twenty five minutes you will bepumped into the garden to become part of nature's grand design.
[DOCTOR] I still can't think of anything to say.
(Country lane)
[AMELIA] Very kind. There we are.
[THACKERAY] Well, what happened?
[AMELIA] You were quite right, Sir Colin. The girl and the Doctor haverun into trouble.
[THACKERAY] And did Chase suspect anything?
[AMELIA] I think not. The debt for my picture was a splendid excuse.
[DUNBAR] You saw the Doctor?
[AMELIA] No, but I saw Miss Smith. They've found the pod but they'reboth trapped in the house.
[THACKERAY] So Chase is behind this, after all.
[AMELIA] Well, it would seem so. What are you going to do to help them?
[THACKERAY] We'd better alert the Doctor's friends at UNIT. This isgetting too big for us.
[DUNBAR] No, wait. Let me go in alone.
[THACKERAY] You'll never get past the gate.
[DUNBAR] Yes, I will. They know me already.
[THACKERAY] What do you mean?
[DUNBAR] I've made a terrible mistake, Sir Colin. It's my duty to tryand save the situation.
[THACKERAY] I don't understand.
[DUNBAR] Give me half an hour. If I'm not back by then, return to Londonand contact UNIT.
[HARGREAVES] Now, Mister Keeler
(Compost room)
[SARAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Quick, Sarah, the button!
[DOCTOR] Not that button, the other one!
[SARAH] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Oh, Sarah.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] It would have been such a waste!
[DUNBAR] I warned you not to go too far. You mustabandon the experiment, destroy that abomination.
[CHASE] The search for knowledge knows no boundaries. This is the mostvaluable study in plant biology ever made. Nothing will stop me now. Iwill cultivate the Krynoid.
[HARGREAVES] Mister Chase! Mister Chase, that thing in the cottage, it'sa monster! It's breaking loose.
[CHASE] What?
[HARGREAVES] The ropes, they're not going to hold it.
[DUNBAR] You mean that horror could be roaming around?
[HARGREAVES] It could be in the grounds by now.
[DUNBAR] I'm going for help. If that thing's free it will kill us all.
[CHASE] I would prefer it if you kept your mouth shut.
[DUNBAR] No, it's all gone far enough. I'm going for help.
[CHASE] You won't get past the guards.
[DUNBAR] We'll see.
[CHASE] Scorby! Get Dunbar!
[SARAH] It's gone!
[DOCTOR] Yes, but where?
[SARAH] Run!
[DOCTOR] Come on, don't waste your bullets!
[DOCTOR] Block the door.
[SCORBY] Yeah, come on.
[DOCTOR] Quietly!
[SCORBY] How do you do it, Doctor? You should be compost by now.
[DOCTOR] We'll all be compost if we don't keep away from that Krynoid.
[SCORBY] Krynoid? Is that what that thing is?
[SARAH] Yes. It used to be called Keeler. Remember Keeler, your friend?Now do you see what we're up against?
[SCORBY] That's Keeler?
[SCORBY] Yeah.
[CHASE [OC]] Scorby, what was that firing?
[SCORBY] That Krynoid thing, Mister Chase. It's got us trapped in thecottage.
(Plant lab)
[CHASE] You idiots. Listen to me. Whatever happens,it must not be harmed. Is that clear?
[SCORBY] Mister Chase, you don't understand. It'seight foot high and its already killed Dunbar.
(Plant lab)
[CHASE] I don't care who it's killed. People arereplaceable, Scorby. The Krynoid is unique. It must not be damaged inany way. That's an order.
[SCORBY] Mister Chase, I am not getting through toyou
[DOCTOR] Give it to me. Chase, try and understand one thing. The Krynoidis an uncontrollable carnivore that's getting bigger and more powerfulby the minute. Now (beep) Chase? Chase! Arrogant fool.
[SARAH] Where is it now?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[SARAH] What are we going to do?
[SCORBY] Is it going to keep on growing? How big's it going to get?
[DOCTOR] Oh, about the size of Saint Paul's Cathedral. After that, it'llmultiply itself a thousand-fold until it takes over your entire planet.
[SCORBY] Get back! Stay back!
[DOCTOR] You don't scare us, Keeler. You hear? You don't scare us! (toScorby) Do you think he believed us?
[KRYNOID [OC]] The human was Keeler. Now us. Now belongs.
[SARAH] It speaks!
[DOCTOR] It can think.
[KRYNOID [OC]] You, Doctor. Come out now. Join us.
[SCORBY] You seem to have been singled out for special attention,Doctor.
[SARAH] It's afraid he'll find a way to destroy it.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It does seem to sense my knowledge of alien species,particularly the Krynoid.
[KRYNOID [OC]] Send the Doctor to us. Your lives will then be spared.
[SCORBY] You'd better think of something pretty quickly, hadn't you,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Scorby, take no notice of it. I've heard that one before.
[SCORBY] It sounds a pretty fair deal to me. How about it, Doctor? You'dlay down your life for others, wouldn't you?
[SARAH] Not to save your skin. Not after what you did to us.
[SCORBY] This is different.
[SARAH] Why is it different?
[SCORBY] He'd be sacrificing himself for you, for all of us.
[SARAH] What, because you're involved, it's your life
[DOCTOR] Excuse me! Would you mind if I said something?
[SARAH] And you'd better listen, because nobody else knows how to fightthat creature.
[KRYNOID [OC]] Hear this, humans. You have till daybreak to deliver theDoctor.
[SCORBY] Why wait? Why not now?
[DOCTOR] Scorby, if I die, you die.
[SCORBY] I'll take a chance on that.
[DOCTOR] There is no chance! By daybreak the Krynoid'll be large enoughto crush this entire cottage to rubble. If I could get outside there'dbe some hope for all of us.
[SCORBY] Why don't I just throw you out?
[DOCTOR] It would make no difference! We need a bomb. Scorby, could youmake a bomb? Could you make a fire bomb of some kind?
[SCORBY] What for?
[DOCTOR] To distract the Krynoid while we all slip away.
[SCORBY] Molotoff cocktail?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's a good idea.
[SCORBY] Okay, leave it to me. You keep watch.
(Thackeray's office)
[THACKERAY] Come on, come on. Not exactly rushing themselves, are they.
[AMELIA] Perhaps we should have gone back into the grounds?
[THACKERAY] Too dangerous. I wonder what has happened to Dunbar?
[AMELIA] Mmm. Of course, there were these armed men running about.
[THACKERAY] Must have been quite terrifying.
[AMELIA] Not a bit. I enjoyed it. I like a little excitement. Besides, Ihave some wartime experience, you know. Oh yes. I was a sergeant in theATS. Manned an ack-ack gun at Folkestone.
[THACKERAY] Indeed. (into phone) Yes, yes. This is Sir Colin Thackeray.I am aware that the Brigadier is in Geneva. I must speak to a seniorofficer. This is a matter of national security. Yes, national security.
[AMELIA] Invent a codeword. They love that. What about OperationNuthouse?
[THACKERAY] What, Major Beresford? Well, right, get him down here fast!Thank you!
[AMELIA] Bravo.
[THACKERAY] What a nit-wit.
[AMELIA] That's the stuff to give 'em. After all, our taxes pay forthese wretched civil servants and you can never get hold of them whenyou want them, can you.
[THACKERAY] I'm a civil servant, Miss Ducat.
[AMELIA] Then you know exactly what I mean, of course.
[THACKERAY] Of course. Well now, I think it's time you ran along and gotsome sleep.
[AMELIA] Oh, I'm not sleepy.
[THACKERAY] Thank you very much for all you've done.
[AMELIA] Not at all. I do hope you'll be able to get some help to theDoctor and that dear child, that little girl
[AMELIA] Before it's too late.
[THACKERAY] We'll do our best. Yes, thank you.
[AMELIA] Consider me available for any future assignments, Sir Colin.
[THACKERAY] Oh, yes, yes, I will, yes.
[AMELIA] Au revoir.
[THACKERAY] Thank you very much.
(Plant lab)
[CHASE] Botanical history, Hargreaves. These'll be the first picturesever taken of an alien organism.
[HARGREAVES] That thing, sir. You will be careful, won't you?
[CHASE] Why? I have nothing to fear from the Krynoid.
[DOCTOR] Scorby, can I rely on you?
[SCORBY] For the moment, Doctor.
[SCORBY] I'll check the position of the Krynoid.
[DOCTOR] Clear this door. Quietly!
[SCORBY] Stand by.
[CHASE] The fools.
[SARAH] Okay, it worked. It's gone after him.
[SCORBY] Okay, let's go.
(Greenhouse and plant lab)
[SCORBY] Chase! Any sign?
[SCORBY] Hargreaves, come here. Where's Chase?
[HARGREAVES] Mister Chase has gone out to take some photographs.
[SCORBY] Photographs? What's he playing at? Well, listen. I've postedlookouts but they're not going to stay very long. Get over to theworkshop, help get some timber. We've got to board up all these groundfloor windows.
[HARGREAVES] If you say so.
[SARAH] Well, I heard the car move off, so the Doctor must have gotaway.
[SCORBY] He's no fool, your friend. He's escaped, we're still trapped.
[SARAH] But he went to get help. You know he went to get help. You werethere.
[SCORBY] Sure.
[SARAH] Listen. The Doctor's not just concerned about saving his ownskin. He's risked his life before for others. Unlike you, he hasprinciples.
[SCORBY] Oh, yeah? Well you listen to me. Now there's just the two ofus, so you've got to rely on me. So don't push your luck, because ifyou do, I'll start again exactly where I left off. Understood?
[SARAH] You're as mad as Chase, Scorby. Other people don't matter. Allthese guards, all these guns, it's just a big game to you, isn't it?Gives you a sense of power. You're not complete unless you've got a gunin your hand.
[CHASE] No. No, not me. I want to help. Keeler, you know me. I want tohelp you.
(Thackeray's office)
[BERESFORD] Sir Colin, you do understand that without clear evidence Iwill not mount a raid on someone's private property.
[THACKERAY] I agree. Without further evidence, we're stuck.
[MAN] You cannot go in. Sir Colin is in conference.
[DOCTOR] Out, out, out.
[MAN] Really!
[DOCTOR] What have you decided, Major Beresford?
[BERESFORD] Doctor, I've been telling Sir Colin that without the properauthority I will not mount a raid on someone's private property.
[DOCTOR] Waffle! Waffle, waffle, waffle! Where's the Brigadier?
[DOCTOR] He's busy.
[THACKERAY] He's in Geneva.
[BERESFORD] I'm deputising.
[DOCTOR] And you can't act without authority.
[BERESFORD] Look, I'm in a very difficult position. What exactly isgoing on down there?
[DOCTOR] Revolution's going on down there.
[THACKERAY] Revolution. Come now, Doctor. Are you choosing your wordswith care?
[DOCTOR] Somehow the Krynoid can channel its power to other plants. Allthe vegetation on this planet is about to turn hostile.
[THACKERAY] You mean like aggressive rhubarb?
[DOCTOR] Yes, aggressive rhubarb.
[BERESFORD] What about homicidal gooseberries?
[THACKERAY] You are joking, of course, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, I'm not joking. Read this report. I just snatched it fromyour secretary. Go on, read it. Aloud.
[THACKERAY] Gardener aged fifty five found strangled in rose arbour.Agricultural worker found strangled in kale field.
[BERESFORD] Thirty two year old woman strangled in a garden maze.
[DOCTOR] This bit.
[BERESFORD] And all within a mile of Chase's estate.
[THACKERAY] Well, that's it, then.
[DOCTOR] Shall we get started, gentlemen?
(Plant lab)
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor. You all right? So, what's happening?
(Thackeray's office)
[DOCTOR] Things are moving at last. Sir Colin'sseen the light and Major Beresford's getting a laser gun team together.That should stop the Krynoid. I'm on my way back with a SergeantHenderson.
(Plant lab)
[SARAH] Well, make it soon. The Krynoid's stilllurking around outside the house somewhere. Scorby? Oh, don't worry,we're great friends. Well, uneasy allies.
[SARAH] Doctor? Doctor? Hello? Doctor!
[CHASE] Yes. Yes. The plants must win. It will be a new world, silentand beautiful.
(Plant lab)
[SCORBY] What's the matter with you? What are you doing down there?
[SARAH] I was talking to the Doctor, the line went dead and those vinessmashed the panes.
[SCORBY] Oh, come on.
[SARAH] No, look, they are getting thicker.
[SCORBY] Yeah, you're right. They're only plants.
[SARAH] So how did the glass break?
[SCORBY] How am I supposed to know? Maybe it was the ghost of SirBothwell Chase. He's supposed to haunt this place.
[SARAH] Why can't you believe me?
[SCORBY] Because it doesn't make sense, that's why.
[SARAH] It's the Krynoid. It's controlling them.
[SCORBY] How can it?
[SARAH] I don't know. The Doctor will, and he's on his way back. Yes,that surprises you, doesn't it, even more than the Krynoid. But it'strue. Have a little faith, Scorby.
[HARGREAVES] Scorby, all the guards have left. I think they've made arun for it.
[SCORBY] Typical. Just like a bunch of women.
[HARGREAVES] And I heard screams from the west garden but I didn't goout.
[SARAH] Let's take a look.
[SCORBY] Look, we'd better stay put.
[SARAH] He just said he heard a scream. Obviously someone is in trouble.
[SCORBY] Well, what can we do with that thing roaming about out there?
[SARAH] What was that you just said about women?
[SCORBY] He's been strangled by the vine.
[SARAH] Oh come on, Doctor. Where are you?
[CHASE] I've taken some fascinating photographs. Quite fascinating.
[SCORBY] Look, we're in real trouble. These plants are taking over.
[CHASE] And why not? It's their world. We're merely parasites. I mustget these photographs developed.
[SCORBY] He's out of his head. He's really gone.
[SARAH] He must have been gone for years, if you ask me.
[CHASE] Listen to me, my beautiful friends. Listen to me. A new eradawns upon the Earth. You will be restored to your position ofdominance.
(Plant lab)
[SCORBY] Hargreaves, where's Chase now?
[HARGREAVES] He's in there. I believe he's talking to his plants.
[SCORBY] I don't care about that. Get out of the way.
[SCORBY] Chase!
[CHASE] We shall have perfection. The world will be as it should havebeen from the beginning, a green paradise.
[SCORBY] Chase, listen to me.
[CHASE] A harmony of root, stem, leaf, flower.
[SCORBY] Chase!
[SARAH] It's no good. He can't hear you.
[SCORBY] What's the matter with him?
[HARGREAVES] He's not himself.
[SARAH] He's in some sort of a trance.
[SCORBY] Chase, you've got to listen to me. If we don't do something,we're going to be trapped here. Those precious plants of yours arestarting to kill people.
[CHASE] The time has come. Animals have ruled this planet for millionsof years. Now it is our turn.
[SCORBY] What do you mean, your turn? You're one of us, Chase.
[SARAH] He's not. At least, not in his mind. You hate us, don't you?
[CHASE] Of course. Animals are the enemy.
[SARAH] You want to see us all die.
[CHASE] It is only a matter of time.
[SCORBY] Come on, Hargreaves, we've got to lock him away.
[HARGREAVES] Scorby, he's ill! Leave him alone.
[SARAH] Scorby, they're moving. The plants, they're moving!
[CHASE] Don't resist us, Scorby. You must die. All plant eaters mustdie.
(Outside the greenhouse)
[DOCTOR] Come on, Sergeant.
[HENDERSON] How do we get in? It's all boarded up.
[DOCTOR] Break in.
[DOCTOR] One, two, three.
[DOCTOR] Sergeant!
[CHASE] Stop it! Stop it, murderers! Stop it.
[CHASE] You'll pay for this, animal fiends!
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[HENDERSON] This one's dead, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's get out of here.
(Plant lab)
[DOCTOR] The doors.
[HENDERSON] How do you feel?
[SARAH] I feel like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards.
[SCORBY] What is that stuff?
[HENDERSON] Latest military defoliant. Still on the secret list. Pitywe've used it all.
[DOCTOR] Come on, we've got to get every plant out of this place anddump it outside.
[HENDERSON] What for, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] They're the eyes and ears of the Krynoid.
[SCORBY] We'd better keep an eye open for that lunatic Chase.
[DOCTOR] Good idea.
(Outside the greenhouse)
[SARAH] Look!
[SCORBY] Out of the way. It's locked!
[DOCTOR] Chase!
[BERESFORD] Laser, quick. Let him have it. Fire!
(Outside the greenhouse)
[HENDERSON] The Major!
[BERESFORD] And another. Fire!
(Outside the greenhouse)
[DOCTOR] The other door. Come on!
[BERESFORD] Hit it square in the chest. Fire! Fire!Fire!
[BERESFORD] Come on, out.
(Plant lab)
[DOCTOR] We've got to find Chase before he has another attack ofmegalomania. Krynoid on the outside, a madman lurking inside, not ahappy situation.
[SARAH] Do you think he's counting on the Krynoid sparing him, if, well,if he sacrifices us?
[HENDERSON] Well, Major Beresford did do his best, even if it was likeusing a peashooter
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush, shush. I think we've been wrong about Chase uptill now.
[HENDERSON] What are you on about?
[DOCTOR] Will you just shut up a minute, please? You said Chase wentoutside and actually took photographs of the Krynoid, and came inapparently unharmed. Unharmed?
[SARAH] You mean he's actually infected?
[DOCTOR] Or possessed.
[BERESFORD] Come on, quick, come on!
[DOCTOR] You and Henderson take that corridor.Sarah and I will go this way.
(Plant lab)
[CHASE] Filth.
[SARAH] (sotto) Doctor, maybe he's not in thehouse.
[DOCTOR] I doubt that.
[HENDERSON] Doctor, there's creeper breaking through into the corridor.
[DOCTOR] Where's Scorby?
[HENDERSON] He's back in the main lab.
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's join him there.
(Main gate)
[THACKERAY] What happened?
[BERESFORD] We've had to pull back. The laser's hopeless against it.
[THACKERAY] And you haven't made contact with the Doctor?
[BERESFORD] No, not yet, but I'm going to try and get through with acouple of men.
(Plant lab)
[SCORBY] It's like we're under siege.
[HENDERSON] Here, do your best. I'll go and see if I can get some moretimber.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you go and do that.
[SCORBY] It's trying its luck on the east wing now. I still say we makea break for it.
[DOCTOR] Oh Scorby, just think about what we're up against. Everythingthat grows in the ground is your enemy. You wouldn't get far.
[SCORBY] So what are we supposed to do? Wait here until the Krynoidreduces this place to rubble?
[SARAH] Don't be so negative. Major Beresford's going to come up withsomething.
[SCORBY] Oh yeah. That laser gun was useless, wasn't it. Look, I'venever relied on anybody, just myself. I've always got myself out oftrouble. Africa, the Middle East, you name it. I've not been amercenary for nothing. I'm a survivor, right?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Scorby, bullets and bombs aren't the answer to everything.
[SCORBY] What are we going to do?
[SARAH] Oh, just shut up, will you? We're all in the same boat.
[SCORBY] And where's your precious Beresford? I suppose he's droppedeverything and run, has he?
[DOCTOR] No more than you would, Scorby.
[SARAH] (looking out of the window.) It's coming back this way, Doctor.Any hope yet?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes. Chase didn't do any irreparable damage. I think I canfix this.
[SARAH] Well done.
[SCORBY] Oh yeah. Well done Doctor. Why are you bothering? It's obviousyour army friends have scarpered. I'd have done the same if I'd beenout there. We're as dead as mutton, you realise? RIP. It's ridiculous,isn't it.
[DOCTOR] Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Scorby. It'll become a habit.
[DOCTOR] No, Scorby, don't! Don't go, Scorby, you won't make it!
[SARAH] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Probably the plants have got into the humidity system.
[SARAH] Well, that means the water could boil up and blow suddenly.
[DOCTOR] It's possible.
[SARAH] Oh, great. That's all we need. A scalding shower.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Henderson. Sergeant Henderson?
[SARAH] He's not back yet.
[DOCTOR] You go and get him.
[SARAH] Right.
[DOCTOR] Tell him I need Beresford's wavelength.
[SARAH] Sergeant? Sergeant? Sergeant?
(Compost room)
[SARAH] Sergeant? Sergeant?
[CHASE] The sergeant's no longer with us. He's in the garden. He's partof the garden.
[SARAH] That's very clever of you.
[CHASE] Don't humour me, Miss Smith. We're helping the plant world, thesergeant and I. In different ways, of course. I've become part of alife that I've always admired for its beauty, colours, sensitivity. Ihave the Krynoid to thank, as it thanks me for its opportunity to existhere on Earth. Soon the Krynoids will dominate everywhere, and yourfoul species will disappear.
[SARAH] And you'll all flower happily ever after.
[CHASE] You and your kind are nothing but parasites. You're dependantupon us for the air you breathe and the food you eat. We have only oneuse for you.
[BERESFORD] This is Scorpio section. I say again, this is Scorpiosection. Are you receiving me? Over.
(Plant lab)
[DOCTOR] Hello, Beresford, this is the Doctor. Ican hear you. Over.
[BERESFORD [OC]] Great. What's your situation, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Desperate. We're trapped. What action are you taking againstthe Krynoid?
[BERESFORD [OC]] The laser had no effect. Frankly, we're stuck for ananswer.
[DOCTOR] Listen, Beresford. By my reckoning you've got about before theKrynoid reaches the point of primary germination.
[BERESFORD] What's he mean?
[THACKERAY] Give me that. Doctor, Thackeray here. What do you mean byprimary germination?
[DOCTOR [OC]] I mean the Krynoid is about to eject hundreds of embryopods. The whole planet will be doomed.
[THACKERAY] How can we stop it?
[DOCTOR [OC]] There's only one way, Sir Colin. A low level attack byaircraft with high explosives.
[THACKERAY] But that'll mean destroying the house too. What about youand the others?
(Plant lab)
[DOCTOR] Never mind us. Order that attack, it'syour only chance. Out.
[RAF [OC]] I'll be with you in figures threeminutes. Over.
[BERESFORD] Roger, Red Leader. Out.
[BERESFORD] Well, the planes are on their way. Three minutes.
[THACKERAY] Is there no way we can get them out?
[BERESFORD] Not a chance.
(Compost room)
[DOCTOR] Quick, Sarah, the button. The button!
[SARAH] I can't
[DOCTOR] Sarah, I tried to save him. He was trying to pull me in.
[BERESFORD] That was a sighting run. Scorpio section to Red Leader.Over.
[RAF [OC]] Red Leader section. We see your target. We're turning toattack now. Over.
[BERESFORD] Understood. Good luck. Out.
[THACKERAY] Still no sign of the Doctor.
[BERESFORD] Afraid not.
[RAF [OC]] (unintelligible) again. Let's turn it into chop suey.
[SARAH] Where do we go? We've a Krynoid outside, steam inside, bombsoverhead.
[DOCTOR] Steam. Steam!
[DOCTOR] Stand by that door, Sarah.
[SARAH] Right.
[DOCTOR] When I say. Come on, come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on!
(Thackeray's office)
[THACKERAY] Well, Doctor, do you think we've heardthe last of the Krynoid?
[DOCTOR] Sir Colin, the Intergalactic Floral Society, of which quitenaturally I'm the President, finds Krynoids a difficult subject tostudy. Their researchers tend to disappear.
[SARAH] Hmm, I can imagine. A case of one veg and no meat.
[THACKERAY] Very neat, Miss Smith.
[SARAH] Sorry about that.
[THACKERAY] And talking of societies, Doctor, the Royal HorticulturalSociety's got wind of this affair. They'd rather like you to addressone of their meetings.
[DOCTOR] Really? When?
[THACKERAY] I think they suggested the fifteenth.
[DOCTOR] Fifteenth, fifteenth. No, impossible. I'm fully booked for thenext two centuries, but any time after that.
[THACKERAY] Doctor, I don't know when you're being serious.
[SARAH] I know just how you feel, Sir Colin.
[DOCTOR] Have you ever heard of Cassiopeia?
[SARAH] Animal, vegetable or mineral?
[DOCTOR] It's a good place for a holiday. We need a break. Come on.
[SARAH] Oh, great!
[DOCTOR] Sir Colin, do you fancy a little excursion?
[THACKERAY] I'd be delighted, but my wife's expecting me home for tea.
[SARAH] Ah, this isn't Cassiopeia.
[DOCTOR] It's Antarctica.
[SARAH] We're back where we started!
[SARAH] We won't get a suntan here.
[SARAH] You forgot to cancel the coordinate programme, didn't you.
[SARAH] Shall we try again?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Just a minute.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Have we been here before, or
[BOTH] Are we yet to come?
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s13", "episode": "e06", "title": "The Seeds of Doom"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (4 Sep, 1976; Fourth Doctor) - Masque of Mandragora
(Tardis corridor)
[SARAH] Where are we now?
[DOCTOR] The Tardis, where else?
[SARAH] I know we're in the Tardis, I just don't know this bit.
[DOCTOR] I'll give you a guided tour someday.
[SARAH] What's in there?
[DOCTOR] Boot cupboard. Not very interesting.
[SARAH] Boot cupboard? It's enormous!
[DOCTOR] Oh, I've seen bigger boot cupboards.
[SARAH] Just how big is the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Well, how big's big? Relative dimensions, you see. No constant.
[SARAH] That's not an answer.
[DOCTOR] How big are you at the moment?
[SARAH] Five four, just, and that's still not an answer.
[DOCTOR] Listen, listen. There are no measurements in infinity. Youhumans have got such limited little minds. I don't know why I like youso much.
[SARAH] Because you have such good taste.
[DOCTOR] That's true, that's very true.
(Wooden console room)
[SARAH] Oh, this looks good.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SARAH] Hey.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, it is good. Do you know, this is the second controlroom. You know, I could run the Tardis just as easily from here as Icould from the old one. Come to think of it, this was the old one.
[SARAH] That looks like a shaving mirror.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it is.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha.
[SARAH] What? What's that?
[DOCTOR] It's the Mandragora Helix. I thought we'd avoided it.
[SARAH] Oh. What's the Mandragora Helix?
[DOCTOR] It's a spiral of pure energy that radiates outwards in ways noone understands, though at its centre there's a controllingintelligence.
[SARAH] Intelligence?
[SARAH] We're heading straight for it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it does seem more active than usual. Let's hope we cancounter-magnetise enough to resist the pull.
[SARAH] Is it living?
[DOCTOR] It's living, all right, but that's all anyone
[SARAH] Oh! Something has hit us, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] We'll just have to push on and hope we come out the other side.
[SARAH] Oh, it's inside my head!
[DOCTOR] Concentrate, Sarah.
[SARAH] On what?
[DOCTOR] Anything, anything. Say the alphabet backwards. Come on. Z, Y,X
[SARAH] W, U, V, T, S
[DOCTOR] C, B, A. It's all over, it's all over. Any ill effects?
[SARAH] No, I don't think so. Are we there?
[DOCTOR] Where?
[SARAH] Where we're going.
[DOCTOR] I don't know. The Astrosextant rectifier has gone out of phase.I'll just go out and have a look. Not you, me. You stay there.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Bigger than my boot cupboard.
[ECHO] Bigger than my boot cupboard.
[SARAH] I see what you mean about relative dimensions.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I thought I told you to stay inside.
[SARAH] What's that noise?
[DOCTOR] What noise?
[DOCTOR] Come on, quick! Get down.
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's get out of here.
[SARAH] What was it?
[DOCTOR] Helix energy. It could have been very nasty.
[SARAH] What do you mean, could have been very nasty? It was. My ears
[DOCTOR] Will you stop whittering.
(Woodland path)
[FEDERICO] Leave a few alive, Captain, to tell the others howinsurrection is dealt with.
(San Martino)
[SOLDIER] Make way for Count Federico.
(Duke's bed chamber)
[MARCO] He was a good man, Giuliano. A just and noble ruler.
[GIULIANO] Heironymous, you foretold my father's death. How?
[HEIRONYMOUS] Everything is foretold by the stars. I am just a humbleastrologer. I only interpret their meaning.
[GIULIANO] The exact day, the very hour. It's not possible.
[HEIRONYMOUS] When Mars comes into conjunction with Saturn in theseventh layer, in the House of the Ram, and the moon is full grown,death comes to great ones. So it is decreed.
[GIULIANO] I don't believe it.
[HEIRONYMOUS] Many do not believe it, but the decrees of fate will beobeyed. We have no choice.
[GIULIANO] I'm sorry you couldn't be present at my father's deathbed,Uncle.
[FEDERICO] I came as quickly as I could. There were important matters ofstate to attend to.
[GIULIANO] I see. I'm sorry, I thought you were out enjoying some sport.
[FEDERICO] There was some trouble among the peasants in the villages.They needed a lesson.
[GIULIANO] Isn't that your sport, Uncle?
[MARCO] You're upset now, my lord, but don't anger your uncle. Not atthis time.
[GIULIANO] If I don't speak the truth, Marco, who will?
[MARCO] You're alone now, Giuliano. Your uncle is strong and ruthless.
[GIULIANO] You're forgetting, Marco. I am Duke now, and I want to ruleover a land where there is no tyranny, no lies, no blind ignorance andsuperstition like that old fool who preaches about the stars. We makeour own lives, Marco, not the stars.
[MARCO] Nevertheless, it is most remarkable. Your father was in goodhealth. To die so suddenly. And he did predict it, exactly.
(Hieronymous' chamber)
[FEDERICO] Oh, he angers me. The last obstacle between myself and thedukedom.
[HIERONYMOUS] Your nephew Giuliano?
[FEDERICO] How soon?
[HIERONYMOUS] You must be patient.
[FEDERICO] I've been patient. Now it is almost within my grasp.
[HIERONYMOUS] Nevertheless, so many deaths in so short a time, all sosuddenly.
[FEDERICO] You said yourself it was written in the stars. Don't sayyou're doubting your own predictions?
[HIERONYMOUS] Giuliano has a sharp mind. He may suspect.
[FEDERICO] All the more reason to act quickly. One day, two days at themost. The poison is still ready? Well, what's wrong?
[HIERONYMOUS] These last few weeks, as the summer solstice approaches, Ihave been feeling
[FEDERICO] Feeling what?
[HIERONYMOUS] As if my powers were growing. As if I had been chosen tobe granted visions of the future.
[FEDERICO] Ha! So many correct predictions have gone to your head.
[HIERONYMOUS] The stars will not be mocked!
[FEDERICO] And neither will I! Cast your horoscope, Hieronymous. Theyoung Duke Giuliano will die in two day's time. I will do the rest.
[DOCTOR] Strange. Forced landing.
[SARAH] You mean you weren't in control?
[DOCTOR] Not that time. I didn't touch a thing. Promise.
[SARAH] Oh, it's very pleasant. Nice, warm.
[DOCTOR] Maybe that's why I stopped using the old control room.
[SARAH] Doctor, there's some fantastic oranges over here!
[DOCTOR] Helix forcefields must have distorted the coordinates.
[DOCTOR] We've landed on Earth. Glass technology indicates Mediterraneanarea. Late fifteenth century. Not a very pleasant time. Sarah? Sarah?Sarah?
[DOCTOR] Stop.
[DOCTOR] Now put the girl down. Gently.
[DOCTOR] Mandragora energy. And I brought it here. It got into theTardis.
(Giuliano's chamber)
[MARCO] What is it?
[GIULIANO] Well, there's this man in Florence who claims that byarranging ground glasses in a certain order, it's possible to see theMoon and the stars as large as your hand.
[MARCO] Is that a good thing?
[GIULIANO] Well of course it's a good thing. That way we can learn moreabout them, understand their mystery.
[MARCO] What is there to know about the stars except how they move inthe heavens, and we've known that for hundreds of years.
[GIULIANO] That's the whole point, Marco. Perhaps the stars don't moveas we think they move. That's what this man in Florence is saying.Maybe the stars don't move at all. Maybe it's we who move.
[GIULIANO] It is customary to knock before entering a room, Uncle.
[FEDERICO] I'm sorry, Giuliano, but there's bad news.
[GIULIANO] Why? What's happened?
[FEDERICO] Tell him.
[HIERONYMOUS] Sire, forgive me, it is not of my doing, but this morningI was casting a horoscope
[GIULIANO] I've told you often enough, I don't believe in horoscopes.
[HIERONYMOUS] I only wish I too could not believe, but it was there tooplainly to be ignored.
[GIULIANO] What was there? My death?
[HIERONYMOUS] Please, my lord, do not take these things lightly. I begyou not to leave the palace, take no risks of any kind.
[GIULIANO] I've no intention of sacrificing my life to some oldsuperstitious nonsense.
[FEDERICO] Remember your father? He too scoffed.
[GIULIANO] Oh, yes. I remember my father. His death remains a mystery,but of one thing I am certain. It was nothing to do with the stars.
[GIULIANO] How are the troubles with the peasants, Uncle?
[FEDERICO] We think they are being stirred by spies sent by our enemies,but we shall catch them and make them pay for it.
(Woodland path)
[DOCTOR] Excuse me. I'm a traveller around here. I'm a stranger in theseparts, and I was wondering if you'd seen a girl. She'd be about
[DOCTOR] She's a friend of mine. She'd be about five foot four and ahalf.
[ROSSINI] (Federico's Captain) Who are you?
[DOCTOR] I'm a traveller.
[ROSSINI] From where?
[DOCTOR] Have you seen a young girl, about five foot
[ROSSINI] Silence!
[DOCTOR] Probably with orange juice on her chin.
[ROSSINI] Your life is in peril. Produce your documents.
[ROSSINI] After him! Don't let him go!
[SARAH] Come on, this is ridiculous! Where are you taking me? Who areyou? Say something?
[PRIEST] Release her.
[PRIEST] Where was she found?
[MONK] On the slopes of the hill of sorrows.
[PRIEST] At what hour?
[MONK] At the noon hour.
[PRIEST] Exactly as it was foretold. A maiden fair of face and sturdy ofbody.
[SARAH] You can forget the flattery. What do you lot want?
[PRIEST] It is written that some are conscious of the purpose for whichthey are chosen. Others are as innocent lambs.
[SARAH] Sorry?
[PRIEST] My child, the purity of your sacrifice renders it doublywelcome to the mighty Demnos, god of the twin realms of moontide andsolstice.
[SARAH] Sacrifice? Now just a minute.
[PRIEST] Let her be prepared to receive the sacred blade.
(Throne room)
[ROSSINI] This is the man, sire.
[FEDERICO] I hear you led my ruffians quite a dance.
[DOCTOR] Oh, just a short gallop. It's good for the liver.
[FEDERICO] What is your name?
[DOCTOR] Huh? Er, Doctor.
[FEDERICO] Where do you come from? You wear strange garments.
[DOCTOR] Around. Around.
[FEDERICO] You're already tall enough, Doctor. You will answer myquestions civilly and promptly or your body will be lengthened on therack.
[DOCTOR] Please don't threaten me, Count. I've come here to help you.
[ROSSINI] Sire, let me punish this insolent dog.
[FEDERICO] Wait. The fellow interests me. How can you help me?
[DOCTOR] A wave of energy has been released, Count. It's part of theMandragora Helix. It could do untold damage. And I must take it back tothe stars.
[DOCTOR] Please. Please. Please. Please listen. Listen, please. Irealise that must sound very strange to you. Let me put it this way. Aball of heavenly fire has come down to Earth. It could consumeeverything in its path. It could destroy the world.
[ROSSINI] His mind is afflicted, sire. It's the fall from the horse.
[FEDERICO] He professes sorcery. There is no gold for you in SanMartino. My seer Hieronymous is the finest in the land.
[DOCTOR] Ask your seer Hieronymous if he's ever seen an energy wave.
[FEDERICO] Do you tell the future?
[DOCTOR] Sometimes.
[FEDERICO] Can you tell mine?
[FEDERICO] Why not?
[DOCTOR] Because you don't have a future unless you listen to me.
[FEDERICO] Send Heironymous here.
[FEDERICO] If you are making sport with us, Doctor, we shall make sportwith your body. Be warned.
(San Martino)
[SOLDIER] Hurry, hurry. The curfew.
(Throne room)
[HIERONYMOUS] Now, answer me this. What does itsignify when Venus is in opposition to Saturn and a great shadow passesover the Moon?
[DOCTOR] This is all a great waste of time.
[FEDERICO] Answer him.
[DOCTOR] Well, it depends, doesn't it.
[DOCTOR] On whether the Moon is made of cheese, on whether the cockcrows three times before dawn, and twelve hens lay addled eggs.
[HEIRONYMOUS] What school of philosophy is that?
[DOCTOR] I can easily teach him. All it requires is a colourfulimagination and a glib tongue.
[FEDERICO] And you, Doctor, have a mocking tongue. Prepare theexecution.
[DOCTOR] But you haven't listened to a word I've said!
[GIULIANO] Who is that man?
[GIULIANO] A most uncommon spy.
[SARAH] No! No!
[PRIEST] You are blessed, my child. Few have the honour of serving themighty Demnos so totally. When the Moon rises over the southernobelisk, your hour of glory will have come. Cup.
(Town square)
(Town square)
[DOCTOR] Excuse me, excuse me. I like to look mybest on these occasions.
[FEDERICO] Fools! Stop him!
[FEDERICO] After him! Don't let him go!
(San Martino)
[GUARD 1] Hey, fellow!
[GUARD 1] You say there was no thunderbolt?
[GUARD 2] Nothing. He was found just beyond the gate.
[GUARD 1] The Duke must be told of this.
[MONK] Demnos, Demnos, Demnos. Adeus, O Demnos.
(San Martino)
[GIOVANNI] I swear he came in here, and there's no way out. Here, are wechasing a phantom?
[SOLDIER] Or a worshipper of Demnos. Those devils know a hundred secretways under the city.
[GIOVANNI] A passage? Quick, then, let's find the trick.
[SOLDIER] No, I ain't going in there, Giovanni. Not for all the gold inRome. I know men who've tried. They've never been seen again.
[PRIEST] Demnos, Demnos, Demnos. Adeus, O Demnos.
[MASKED MAN] Seize them!
[DOCTOR] The Mandragora Helix has come home to roost.
[MASKED MAN] Brothers, our prayers are answered! Our temple is restored.
(Giuliano's chamber)
[GIULIANO] No, it's not a fire demon. Such things are pure superstition.
[GUARD 1] What is it, Sire?
[GIULIANO] I don't know. His skin, such a strange colour.
[GUARD 1] I still think it could be a fire demon, Sire. I once heard ofa case in Florence
[GIULIANO] Yes, all right. You'd better get back to your duties.
[GUARD 1] Sire.
[MARCO] The orders have been given.
[GIULIANO] Good. He was found at the city gates, Marco. What do you makeof it, old friend?
(San Martino)
[SARAH] We've made it.
[DOCTOR] Stay there a minute.
[DOCTOR] Some soldiers up there. No. We'll just have to wait tillthey've gone.
[SARAH] See that? I was almost sacrificed to the great god Demnos.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. Particularly nasty Roman sect, supposed to havedied out in the third century.
[SARAH] But I thought you said just now we were in the fifteenth?
[DOCTOR] We are, and the cult of Demnos is still very much alive.
[SARAH] So what was going on back there in the temple?
[DOCTOR] Sub-thermal recombination of ionised plasma.
[SARAH] Oh, simple. I should have thought of that.
[DOCTOR] When we landed on Earth, we brought back with us part of theMandragora Helix. I don't know how it got in the Tardis, and now it'shere in this temple.
[SARAH] But why?
[DOCTOR] Coincidence? I wonder what the Mandragora Helix is up to?
[SARAH] Conquest? Invasion? They want to take over Earth and fill itwith old Roman temples
[DOCTOR] No. Helix intelligences don't have a physical existence in theway you know it. They don't need Earth. They want
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) There's something behind us. I can feel it in my bones.
[PRIEST] It is a dream of two thousand years cometrue. Look!
[MASKED MAN] Kneel, Brothers.
[MANDRAGORA [OC]] You have been chosen for powers undreamed of. Throughus, you will become supreme ruler of Earth. Do you understand us?
[MASKED MAN] Understand.
[MANDRAGORA [OC]] Only you must stand in this spot. Any other mortal whodares stand where you stand now will be destroyed. You, and you alonewill carry out our will on Earth.
[MASKED MAN] It is complete. Go! Now!
[HIERONYMOUS] Powers undreamed of. Supreme ruler of the Earth.
(Giuliano's chamber)
[DOCTOR] Stop poking me with that pike!
[GIULIANO] My apologies that you were roughly handled.
[DOCTOR] Apologies?
[GIULIANO] But speed was essential, for my uncle has men searchingeverywhere for you.
[DOCTOR] Who's your uncle?
[GIULIANO] Count Federico.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, we've met.
[MARCO] He has given order that you're to be executed immediately you'refound. Luckily a few of the guards are still loyal to the Prince.
[SARAH] That's you?
[GIULIANO] Giuliano, Duke of San Martino, and my companion Marco.
[DOCTOR] Tell me more about this Federico.
[MARCO] He murdered Giuliano's father.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure of that?
[GIULIANO] Certain.
[MARCO] Just as we're now certain that he's plotting to kill Giuliano.
[DOCTOR] I take it you don't get on with your uncle.
[GIULIANO] Doctor, my uncle is a tyrant.
[MARCO] While Giuliano lives, Federico can never claim the throne.
[GIULIANO] I don't fear so much for myself as for the people. Were heever to rule San Martino, all knowledge, all attempt at learning, wouldbe suppressed.
[DOCTOR] This is intensely interesting. I don't think that Sarah and Iare going to be able to help you. You see, we're just passing through.How did you know my name?
[GIULIANO] I was present when Hieronymous questioned you. From the wayyou spoke to him, I take it that you, like me, are a man ofscience.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I do dabble a bit.
[GIULIANO] Oh, excellent. Some wine, Marco. I crave for contact with menof intellect and understanding.
[DOCTOR] You're too kind. But that isn't the only reason you brought ushere.
[GIULIANO] No. There's something I want you to see.
[DOCTOR] Show us.
[GIULIANO] This man's body was found at the city gates.
[DOCTOR] Helix energy. High ionisation that has only to touch humantissue to destroy it utterly.
[GIULIANO] Helix energy?
[SARAH] You're not talking his language, Doctor.
[GIULIANO] The guards are muttering about fire devils. I, of course, donot believe in such superstition.
[DOCTOR] No, of course not. Nevertheless
[GIULIANO] Nevertheless, it does worry me.
[GIULIANO] Is it possible, do you think, that something's entered thecity? Something perhaps conjured up by Hieronymous?
[DOCTOR] Something's certainly entered the city, Giuliano. Somemalevolent power quite beyond the understanding of that old fraudHieronymous. The question is, why?
[GIULIANO] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] Why here? Why now?
[SARAH] Yes, and what's it got to do with that cult of Demnos?
[DOCTOR] We seem to have an awful lot of questions. It's about time westarted finding some answers.
(Palace corridor)
[FEDERICO] Well, what have you to report?
[ROSSINI] They've disappeared.
[FEDERICO] Impossible.
[ROSSINI] There's been no sign of them since they were last seen in thepalace garden.
[FEDERICO] They must be found. Something about that Doctor disturbs megreatly. Take all the men you need. Search every corner of the palace.
[FEDERICO] What is it?
[ROSSINI] A list prepared by the Duke Giuliano's secretary.
[FEDERICO] Where did you get it?
[ROSSINI] You have many friends, my lord.
[FEDERICO] The King of Naples, Duke of Milan, Duke of Padua, Doge ofVenice, Signora of Florence. Very impressive.
[ROSSINI] They are the rulers who have accepted Giuliano's invitationand are coming to San Martino.
[FEDERICO] To celebrate his accession to the dukedom. The arrogantpuppy!
(Hieronymous' chamber)
[HIERONYMOUS] The entire Earth, mine.
[HIERONYMOUS] I did not say enter.
[FEDERICO] In this palace I come and go as I please.
[HEIRONYMOUS] This is my private room.
[FEDERICO] Whatever room you have here it is because I allow you to haveit. Do not get above yourself. I've warned you before, Hieronymous.
[HEIRONYMOUS] I have studying to do. Is there something urgent you want?
[FEDERICO] Yes, there is something urgent. I cannot wait till Mars orSaturn or whatever other nonsense it was you said.
[HIERONYMOUS] It is not nonsense.
[FEDERICO] Giuliano must die tonight. He's called a gathering of all thephilosophers and scholars in Italy, with their patrons. With all thoseimportant people here, he'll be able to establish his power in thisstate for good.
[FEDERICO] So he will be harder to get rid of. Giuliano must die.
[HIERONYMOUS] It cannot be.
[FEDERICO] Why not? You still have the poison? You will announce somenew finding. You will say that some new conjunction has come to light.You'll find a way. Sudden death.
[HIERONYMOUS] You're asking me to invent a horoscope?
[FEDERICO] Ha! Isn't that what you always do?
[HIERONYMOUS] Do you know what it is you're mocking? Do you know whatpower is held by the celestial bodies? They are not at our beck andcall.
[FEDERICO] I am telling you to help me as you did before. Giuliano mustdie before tomorrow night. You do understand?
[HIERONYMOUS] Masters, hear me.
[MANDRAGORA [OC]] Speak, Earthling.
[HIERONYMOUS] Masters, there are those here who would mock my purpose.To overcome them and do your will, I must have greater powers.
[MANDRAGORA [OC]] You have the powers, Hieronymous.
[HIERONYMOUS] Away from this place I am a man among others. One swordthrust would destroy me. How could so feeble a creature rule yourdomain?
[MANDRAGORA [OC]] We have promised you powers beyond all men,Hieronymous, but the time is not yet. Until then, carry our trustdiscreetly.
[PRIEST] Hieronymous.
[PRIEST] Master, you speak to the voices of Demnos as though, as
[PRIEST] As though this were not the first time.
[HIERONYMOUS] What think you brought me to San Martino? Many years ago,in another place, the voice of Demnos told me how my life would be.Told me I had been chosen because of my special powers. Ruler over allthe Earth. From that night until now, I have waited.
[PRIEST] And now at last your faith has been rewarded.
[HIERONYMOUS] For years, the wise fools, the scholars of the newknowledge, have jeered and scoffed at me. The old duke tolerated me butdid not believe. Count Federico despises me. The young duke considersme of no consequence. But they will learn their mistake, priest. Theywill learn their mistake as they die.
(Giuliano's chamber)
[GIULIANO] But spirits from the heavens, Doctor. A wheel of fire? Ithought you were a man of science.
[DOCTOR] Giuliano, it isn't easy to explain the concept of Helix energy,either sub or super-thermal ionisation in your mediaeval vocabulary.
[SARAH] Oh, I think you're doing a great job so far.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[SARAH] I do. But I still don't understand why these spirits haveappeared here in the fifteenth century.
[GIULIANO] And why in San Martino?
[DOCTOR] Well, perhaps because the worshippers of Demnos provided aready-made power base. And what better place than fifteenth centuryItaly?
[SARAH] Yes, but why the fifteenth century?
[DOCTOR] Because it's the period between the dark ages of superstitionand the dawn of a new reason.
[SARAH] You mean they could gain control of Earth now through an ancientreligion?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Oh, yes. Giuliano, that temple must be destroyed.
[GIULIANO] But the place is in ruins now, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Those ruins are the focal point for enormous forces. The Helixenergy has penetrated every stone. Is there some way I could get therewithout being seen?
[GIULIANO] Yes. Yes, I'll show you.
[DOCTOR] Just tell me. It's better if I go alone.
[GIULIANO] Oh no, Doctor, it's too dangerous.
[GIULIANO] We'll take the back staircase.
[DOCTOR] Just as far as the temple entrance. No further.
(San Martino ruins)
[SARAH] It is just a ruin.
[DOCTOR] From this point on, I must go on alone. You stay here.
(Federico's chamber)
[ROSSINI] Sire, they've been seen again, making their way towards theruined temple. They're with the Duke Giuliano.
[FEDERICO] The Duke is with them? Are you certain?
[ROSSINI] Otherwise the men would have seized them at once.
[FEDERICO] The ruined temple, you say?
[ROSSINI] In that direction.
[FEDERICO] Excellent. A chance to solve both my problems in one blow.It'll seem like a sacrifice. A human sacrifice to the gods. Our handswill be guiltless.
[ROSSINI] A sacrifice, yes. The evil pagans who worship Demnos.
[FEDERICO] Get your men quickly, Rossini. I will lead them myself.
(San Martino ruins)
[GIULIANO] I have this theory, you see, that the world is really asphere.
[SARAH] Well, go on.
[GIULIANO] It's not only me. Other scientists are coming to the sameconclusion that the world can't possibly be flat because the
[SARAH] What was that?
[GIULIANO] Nothing. You see, it's obvious when you come to think aboutit.
[FEDERICO] Death to Giuliano!
[SARAH] Doctor! Doctor! Doctor!
[SARAH] Doctor! Doctor! Argh!
[PRIEST] Demnos will not be cheated of his pleasure, little one.
[SARAH] Doctor! Doctor!
(San Martino ruins)
[GIULIANO] Go on, for you'll need an army to do your work.
[FEDERICO] Oh, you craven-gutted curs. He's but one man.
[DOCTOR] You can't count, Count.
[FEDERICO] Take the sorcerer too. A gold piece to the first that splitshim.
[FEDERICO] Brethren.
[ROSSINI] They're coming out of the ground like rats, sire.
[FEDERICO] Back! Back to the palace!
[DOCTOR] That was lucky. The Brethren ran rightpast. Where's Sarah?
[GIULIANO] She came down here. You mean you've not seen her?
[DOCTOR] What? You mean she's wandering around in these catacombs? Let'shave a look at this shoulder.
[GIULIANO] You've not spent all your life at books, Doctor. You justsaved my life.
[DOCTOR] This should staunch the blood. You know, the finest swordsman Iever saw was a captain in Cleopatra's bodyguard. He showed me a fewpoints. That's it. I don't know that Florence Nightingale would approvethis little lash-up.
[GIULIANO] Did you find the temple, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Helix energy is still there, all right. Played somevery nasty tricks.
[PRIEST] It is an omen. The mighty Demnos has returned his victim to us.She who is the chosen sacrifice.
[HIERONYMOUS] This one assists the foreign sorcerer. She may yet assisthim to his death before her hour of glory.
[PRIEST] Master, the great blade of our god thirsts for blood.
[HIERONYMOUS] Patience. Before this night ends, Priest, there will beblood in plenty. That I promise.
[PRIEST] We of the Brethren bow to your command, Master.
[HIERONYMOUS] Then mind her well, so that she may not struggle and cryout. Bring her to my chamber.
(Federico's chamber)
[ROSSINI] The Duke of Milan, sire.
[FEDERICO] I heard. Get that muck out of here. Bring me clean linen.Hurry, you oaf!
[FEDERICO] That fox-faced old blowhard the Doge will be here within thehour. His advanced riders are carousing in the taverns even now.
[ROSSINI] What's to be done? He must be greeted.
[FEDERICO] That fat clown of a chancellor can do it. Say I've beenstricken by an ague. Before night comes, Rossini, you and I have workto do.
[ROSSINI] I have a score of men searching for the Duke. He's notreturned to the palace.
[FEDERICO] We must search the city. He's skulking in some stinkinghovel. Oh no, I've gone too far now. Before sunrise, I want to seeGiuliano's liver fed to the dogs.
[DOCTOR] All right?
[GIULIANO] Yes, thank you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good. Let's go and see what happened to Sarah.
[GIULIANO] Oh, not through there.
[DOCTOR] What?
[GIULIANO] Those catacombs are endless.
[DOCTOR] Giuliano, you're not afraid, are you?
[GIULIANO] Afraid? Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] That's funny. Most people would be. Come on.
(Hieronymous' chamber)
[PRIEST] Why did you allow our Brethren to save the young prince,Master?
[HIERONYMOUS] His life may yet have value.
[PRIEST] But he is no more in the eye of Demnos than any otherunbeliever.
[HIERONYMOUS] Giuliano's appointment with death is already written. NotCount Federico nor any other mortal must anticipate the mighty Demnos.
[PRIEST] Even so, I fear the Count will now bring all his soldiersagainst us.
[HIERONYMOUS] Faith, Brother. You have seen the sign of Demnos?
[PRIEST] The miracle, as it is written in the prophecies?
[HIERONYMOUS] Then let the word be spread throughout the city. Guard thesacred temple. The great god's dwelling place must not be defiled byunbelievers in these last hours. Now go, hurry.
[HIERONYMOUS] Do not resist, child. The aroma is sweet.
[DOCTOR] This way.
[GIULIANO] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] The ancients who built this place knew a thing or two. Come on.
(Hieronymous' chamber)
[HIERONYMOUS] Now, child, who do you serve?
[SARAH] I serve you.
[HIERONYMOUS] And the Doctor?
[SARAH] The Doctor is a sorcerer.
[SARAH] The Doctor is evil, and must be destroyed.
[HIERONYMOUS] All this you will forget. All but your purpose. Whenyou're standing close and the Doctor suspects nothing, you will strikehim down. One scratch will be sufficient. The hand of a friend is asubtle but certain weapon.
[HIERONYMOUS] Now, we must return you to the Doctor's side. How glad hewill be to see his young companion.
(Federico's chamber)
[ROSSINI] Nothing, sire.
[FEDERICO] Inept clod. What were my orders?
[ROSSINI] We have searched everywhere.
[FEDERICO] Get out.
[FEDERICO] I warn you, Rossini, fail me and you will breakfast onburning coals.
[ROSSINI] Sire, we can only think that he has taken to the catacombs.
[FEDERICO] Catacombs.
[ROSSINI] A thousand men might search those galleries for a month, sire,and still find nothing. They say there are places where the batdroppings are twice the height of a man.
[FEDERICO] They say. They say! The truth of the matter, Rossini, is thatyou have no stomach for the task.
[ROSSINI] If it is your wish, sire, I will take the entire guard downthere and begin the search immediately.
[FEDERICO] No. No, it is true. If he's gone down into the warren, he'llbe harder to find than a flea in a beggar's robes. But he must come outor die like a sewer rat.
[ROSSINI] And when he does, we must be ready for him.
[FEDERICO] Of course you will, dung head. But more than that, we aregoing to prove that the Duke Giuliano is a secret devotee of the cultof Demnos.
[DOCTOR] Sarah! Oh, Sarah.
[GIULIANO] Is she all right?
[SARAH] Where am I?
[DOCTOR] I think so.
[GIULIANO] Her eyes, they're very strange.
[DOCTOR] What happened?
[SARAH] The Brethren, two of them. I can't remember.
[GIULIANO] Why would they leave her here?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Perhaps they're planning to come back for her.You know, this leads under the palace.
[GIULIANO] How do you know that, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, the first time I saw the leader of the cult, he waswalking this way. He probably comes this way regularly. You knowsomething? I don't think the Mandragora intelligence hijacked theTardis and brought us here by accident. There must already be someonehere who's sympathetic to its influence. Possibly there's been sometenuous influence for centuries.
[SARAH] Doctor, give me a hand.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR] Salvatore ambulando.
[SARAH] What?
[GIULIANO] It's Latin. The question is solved by walking.
[SARAH] Latin? I don't even speak Italian. Hey, I never thought of thatbefore. How is it I can understand you?
[DOCTOR] Don't you worry about it. I'll explain it later. Come on.
[SARAH] All right.
(Giuliano's chamber)
[GUARD [OC]] Open. Open in the name of the Duke Giuliano.
[DOCTOR] Anywhere we know?
[GIULIANO] Yes. We're in the palace dungeons.
[DOCTOR] Oh, excellent.
[GIULIANO] My father once spoke of a secret passage.
[DOCTOR] Let's go.
(Federico's chamber)
[FEDERICO] Hieronymous.
[HIERONYMOUS] You will forgive me for not rising, Count.
[FEDERICO] Only the dead fail to stand in my presence. However, yourlack of courtesy is easily corrected.
[HIERONYMOUS] My lord, spare an old servant. It is only out of my lovefor you. I am numb with fear for your life.
[FEDERICO] But your numbness has passed, I see. You're a fake,Hieronymous. A fraud, a charlatan, a marketplace soothsayer. You and Iboth know the truth of this, so just remember your place, CourtAstrologer. That way you may also keep your head.
[HIERONYMOUS] But, my lord, I bring you a warning.
[HIERONYMOUS] Intrigues are brewing. Plots are being prepared. You arein great danger.
[FEDERICO] The only plots, Hieronymous, are mine, and they are goingwell.
[HIERONYMOUS] It is written that a blow will be struck against you here,in the palace. You must bring your guards here to protect your nobleperson.
[FEDERICO] You try my patience, Hieronymous. You can no more tell thestars than you can tell my chamber pot. Go. Get out of my sight!
[HIERONYMOUS] Very well, sire. But before Mars sinks to rest, the blowwill fall and your life will be forfeit. So it is written.
(Giuliano's chamber)
[DOCTOR] I'd say you've had visitors.
[GIULIANO] Marco. My uncle's men must have taken him.
[DOCTOR] There's nothing you can do on your own, Giuliano.
[GIULIANO] But he's my friend, my loyal friend.
[DOCTOR] Listen, listen. Listen, there are other considerations besidesyour uncle and his petty ambitions.
[GIULIANO] Petty? They are far from petty, Doctor. I've called agathering of scholars here to celebrate my accession to the dukedom. Myuncle will do everything in his power to stop our meeting.
[DOCTOR] Who's coming?
[GIULIANO] The most learned men of all Italy. Scholars, artists, men ofthe new sciences.
[DOCTOR] Is Leonardo da Vinci coming?
[GIULIANO] And his patron, the Duke of Milan.
[DOCTOR] If anything should happen to those men, they'd be thrown backinto a new dark age.
[DOCTOR] You two stay here.
[SARAH] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] I have an idea who the leader of the Brethren is.
[GIULIANO] Be careful, Doctor. The soldiers are everywhere.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry about me. I'm not likely to miss Leonardo da Vinci.
[FEDERICO] Scarlatti is enjoying his work?
[ROSSINI] He's a craftsman.
[FEDERICO] Nonetheless, these cries. I would prefer not to rouse theentire palace. Has he weakened yet?
[ROSSINI] He is a stubborn ape, sire.
[FEDERICO] I'll have a word with him myself. Sometimes the voice ofreason is more effective than the burning iron. I have a task for you,Rossini.
[ROSSINI] My lord.
[FEDERICO] The astrologer Hieronymous. It appears he's moving againstme. He's forecast my death.
[ROSSINI] My lord!
[FEDERICO] Don't be alarmed. He plucks these lies out of the sky. But Iwant the old spider out of the city tonight.
[ROSSINI] Banished, sire?
[FEDERICO] Throw him out, and all his rubbish with him.
[FEDERICO] A simple confession, my young friend.
[MARCO] Never.
[FEDERICO] Come, Marco. You're of noble birth, a man of intelligence.Use your intelligence and save yourself pain.
[MARCO] I shall not lie against the Duke. You can kill me first.
[FEDERICO] No, but we may kill you afterwards. Scarlatti's enthusiasm issuch that not all survive his attentions.
[MARCO] You devils!
[FEDERICO] Come now, Marco. Confess that Giuliano is a follower ofDemnos and I will reward you well. Come, man, what is your answer?
[FEDERICO] You insolent fool. Now you will truly learn what sufferingis.
(Hieronymous' chamber)
[DOCTOR] Good evening.
[HIERONYMOUS] You! What are you?
[DOCTOR] It's time you and I had a little talk, Hieronymous.
[HIERONYMOUS] Keep back. Keep away from me!
[DOCTOR] Not sure of yourself? Influence comes and goes? I suppose thatmust be very worrying.
[HIERONYMOUS] Were you sent from the stars?
[DOCTOR] Oh, you could say that, yes.
[HIERONYMOUS] They told me, the voices, that I would be joined byanother. Give me the proof that you are the one.
[DOCTOR] Fascinating. Predeluvian sandstone with a complex circuit ofbase metal fused into it.
[HIERONYMOUS] You defile the sacred image of Demnos! Destroy him now!
[DOCTOR] Hello, Sarah. Poisoned needle? Drop it.
[HIERONYMOUS] Strike him down!
[DOCTOR] Oh, you don't want to hurt me, Sarah. I'm your friend,remember? Your best friend. Drop it.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[HIERONYMOUS] The curse of Demnos on you, sorcerer!
[DOCTOR] You're getting a bit old for this, Hieronymous.
[ROSSINI] Stop him! Don't let him get away!
[SARAH] Doctor!
(Throne room)
[FEDERICO] Giuliano. Is he dead?
[ROSSINI] No, sire. He's in the dungeons with the other prisoners.
[FEDERICO] Then it is finished, Rossini. The Duke and his troublemakerswill be dead and buried before cock crow.
[ROSSINI] There is only Hieronymous, but he won't evade capture forlong.
[FEDERICO] There is nothing now that will stop me.
[SARAH] I'm trying to remember what happened to me, but I can't. There'sjust nothing.
[DOCTOR] Drug induced hypnosis. Hieronymous is an old slyboots.
[SARAH] And I really tried to kill you?
[DOCTOR] You only did what you were ordered. What I expected.
[SARAH] But how did you know I'd been drugged?
[DOCTOR] Well, I've taken you to some strange places before and you'venever asked how you understood the local language. It's a Time Lord'sgift I allow you to share. But tonight when you asked me how youunderstood Italian, I realised your mind had been taken over.
[SARAH] Poor Marco.
[GIULIANO] Doctor! Sarah!
[DOCTOR] See to Marco.
[GIULIANO] Marco, what have they done to you?
[MARCO] They made me speak against you. They forced me to say.
[GIULIANO] Say what?
[FEDERICO] That you, dear nephew, and this dog of a sorcerer, are inleague to revive the blasphemous cult of Demnos.
[GIULIANO] You stinking butcher!
[ROSSINI] My lord! All over the city, they're coming out of everystreet.
[FEDERICO] The Brethren. They're moving towards the temple.
[HIERONYMOUS] Great god Demnos, we are ready to receive you intoourselves. If we are worthy of your mighty presence, show yourself.
[FEDERICO] I've waited a long time for this moment,sorcerer. There is nothing now that will stop me from becoming Duke.
[DOCTOR] Count Federico, can't you understand? I'm not interested inyour political ambitions. Your enemies are not here in this dungeon.They're in the temple. It isn't Giuliano you have to fear, it'sHieronymous.
[FEDERICO] Ha! That fake.
[DOCTOR] That fake is the leader of the Brethren.
[DOCTOR] Yes. And he's possessed of extraordinary powers. Helix energy.
[ROSSINI] It's a trick, sire.
[FEDERICO] How do I know you're telling the truth?
[DOCTOR] You don't. But if Hieronymous isn't stopped, I promise you,there'll be no dukedom for you or anyone else to rule over aftertonight.
[FEDERICO] I'll see for myself, and you will come with me. Unchain him.
[ROSSINI] Don't trust him, my lord.
[FEDERICO] I don't have to trust him. Keep these three here as hostages.If I'm not back within the hour, you know what to do. I'll take two ofyour best men.
[DOCTOR] Whatever you do, Count, don't go near him.
[FEDERICO] Do I need your advice? When I give the signal, seize him.
[FEDERICO] Hieronymous!
[FEDERICO] You traitor!
[HIERONYMOUS] So shall perish all our Earthly enemies. Surround me witha helix of powers, brothers, and none shall overcome us. All hashappened as was foretold down the centuries. The waiting, the prayers,the sacrifices. Now, at last, the empire of Mandragora will encompassthe Earth, for Demnos is only the servant of Mandragora, and Mandragorais a mighty master of all things. Let the power flood into you,brothers. Tomorrow night we shall witness the last prophecy. As it iswritten, Mandragora shall swallow the Moon!
[HIERONYMOUS] Then shall we strike.
[ROSSINI] It is time. Count Federico ordered the execution of thesetraitors at the end of an hour.
[SARAH] If he didn't return.
[ROSSINI] Neither he, nor the sorcerer, nor any of their party havereturned from the temple.
[SARAH] You mean it's an hour already? Doesn't time fly when you'reenjoying yourself.
[ROSSINI] Take them down.
[GIULIANO] Stay, fellow. Rossini, you call us traitors, but lay one handon your prince and it's you who are the traitor.
[ROSSINI] I follow the Count.
[MARCO] You follow a murderer and a tyrant. It is to the Duke Giulianoyou owe allegiance.
[ROSSINI] Enough! Take them down. The execution block grows dry.
[MARCO] Infamous filth!
[GIULIANO] You call yourselves soldiers? Are we to die without a priest?
[SARAH] Or even a hearty breakfast?
[DOCTOR] No priest available. Will a Brother do?
[ROSSINI] What have you done with the Count, sorcerer?
[DOCTOR] Your Count is dead.
[GIULIANO] Dead? My uncle?
[DOCTOR] Yes, in the temple ruins.
[GIULIANO] How did he die?
[DOCTOR] Let's say Hieronymous gave him a blank look.
[ROSSINI] Seize him. Seize him!
[DOCTOR] Rossini, you don't have any authority to give orders any more.Giuliano is the lawful ruler.
[GIULIANO] You men, are you with your prince?
[MARCO] Take him to the block, sire.
[GIULIANO] No, Marco. Take him away. His fate will be decided later.
[MARCO] The evil is ended. At last you can rule without fear.
[DOCTOR] Wrong, Marco, wrong. The evil's only just beginning.Hieronymous and the Brethren remain
[MARCO] Then destroy them!
[GIULIANO] What do you think, Doctor?
[MARCO] You're the prince, the men will rally to you. Lead them to thetemple and win your inheritance, sire.
[DOCTOR] Shush, Marco, Marco. Giuliano, if you go near that temple, yougo to your death.
[GIULIANO] Then what do you suggest?
[DOCTOR] The Brothers are still absorbing power. Gather together all themen you can, carpenters, stonemasons, soldiers, and block everyentrance to the palace. Turn it into a fortress. Because when theBrethren attack, you're going to need one.
[GIULIANO] I'll explain it all, Marco. We'll see to it at once.
[SARAH] Barricades aren't going to be enough to stop those Brethren.
[DOCTOR] Anything to give us time. I need time to think. Anyway, hispower isn't complete yet.
[SARAH] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, so far
[DOCTOR] The only helix energy is what we broughtwith us.
[SARAH] You mean there's more to come?
[DOCTOR] Yes, tomorrow night, when Mandragora swallows the Moon.
[SARAH] Listen, I came here with you, remember?
[SARAH] You don't have to use that fifteenthcentury doubletalk with me. I speaka da pretty good Inglish.
[DOCTOR] I'm just telling you what he told me.
[SARAH] Who?
[DOCTOR] Hieronymous. (sotto) When Mandragora swallows the Moon, that'swhen they'll strike.
[SARAH] I know, but what does it mean.
(Giuliano's chamber)
[DOCTOR] Yes, just about adequate. Pity, another fifty years we couldhave used Galileo's.
[SARAH] Where are you going now?
(Throne room)
[GIULIANO] Quickly, men, they're needed at the west gate.
[MARCO] Sire.
[GIULIANO] Marco, what is it?
[MARCO] It's begun.
[GIULIANO] What's begun?
[MARCO] The Brethren. They're driving people from the town.
[GIULIANO] Are you sure of this?
[MARCO] Those who refuse to leave are being destroyed by bolts of fire.They've brought the forces of darkness out of those devilish catacombs.
[GIULIANO] So, we're isolated now. Just the few of us left in thispalace.
[MARCO] Some of whom are the most precious heads in all Europe.
[GIULIANO] Do they know what we face?
[MARCO] I think they have some fear that all is not well. Their personalguards keep close. And the King of Naples asked the reason for all thenoise. I sent back word it was in preparation for the masque.
[GIULIANO] The masque! I'd forgotten the day. Marco, it must becancelled.
[MARCO] Would you explain to your peers that your accession cannot becelebrated because of a pagan uprising?
[GIULIANO] The masque cannot be held, Marco. It's too dangerous.
[MARCO] I have seen our defences, sire. This palace could be heldagainst an army and the Brothers are not an army, they're a fanaticalrabble.
[GIULIANO] Who can kill with bolts of fire.
[MARCO] Simple trickery. Hieronymous was always a cunning old fox. Anddo not forget, my Lord, we have weapons of our own.
[GIULIANO] I don't know, Marco.
[MARCO] Giuliano, you're the ruler now, the leader. If you're seen tofalter at the first challenge, you may lose everything. There are eyeswatching you. There are those who will go from here saying that theDuke of San Martino is weak, ready to be toppled. Better trust to yourguards and hold the masque as though all was normal.
[GIULIANO] Oh, you speak sense as always, dear Marco. But all is notnormal, you and I both know it. I'll seek the Doctor's advice. Where ishe?
[MARCO] In Hieronymous' room. He's been there since this morning. Butwhat he does there, I know not.
(Hieronymous' chamber)
[DOCTOR] Astrolabe, Sarah.
[SARAH] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] Astrolabe.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Medieval sextant. Come on.
[SARAH] All right. What are you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] I'm trying to make this thing work exactly. Roughly won't do atall. Unfortunately, the alidade's almost a whole degree out. Compensatefor error and convert to the Copernican system.
[DOCTOR] Seventeen from sixty.
[SARAH] Forty three.
[DOCTOR] I've got it.
[SARAH] Well?
[DOCTOR] Forty three minutes and eight seconds past nine.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Mandragora swallows the Moon. In other words, a lunar eclipse.
[SARAH] And that's when the Brethren will attack.
[DOCTOR] Yes. More important, it's when all this could become man's onlyscience.
[SARAH] Astrology? You mean when Mars in in the House of the Ram and allthat nonsense?
[DOCTOR] Nonsense? It isn't nonsense, miss. Just you remember whatHieronymous did to you. Mandragora doesn't conquer in the physicalsense. It dominates and controls by Helix energy, astral force. Ittakes away from man the only thing worth having.
[SARAH] Which is?
[DOCTOR] Well, a sense of purpose, what else? The ability granted toevery intelligent species to shape its own destiny. Once let Mandragoragain control, and man's ambition wouldn't stretch beyond the next meal.It'll turn you into sheep. Idle, mindless, useless sheep.
[SARAH] Yes, all right. All right, I'm convinced. But what can we do?
[GIULIANO] Doctor, I must speak
[SARAH] Shush. It's all right, he's only thinking.
[GIULIANO] Thinking?
[SARAH] I think.
[GIULIANO] I wanted to ask his advice.
[DOCTOR] All or nothing. I'll have to risk it.
[DOCTOR] Hello, it's nice to see you. Listen, if it's ionised plasma,it's molecular and by now must be spread pretty thinly amongHieronymous and the Brethren. Exhaust it. Exhaust it, that's theanswer.
[GIULIANO] Doctor, I have a question.
[DOCTOR] Could you get me one of these and a length of wire?
[GIULIANO] What, wire?
[DOCTOR] Yes, wire. It must be at least a hundred and fifty years sincewire-drawing machines were invented. There must be some about theplace?
[GIULIANO] Well, if you spoke to the palace armourer
[DOCTOR] Good idea, I'll do that. What was your question?
[GIULIANO] I wanted to ask you about the masque tonight. Everything'sarranged, but it could still be cancelled if you
[DOCTOR] You're going to hold a dance?
[GIULIANO] Well, only if you don't think it's too dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Dangerous? My dear Duke, you've got lots of guests toentertain. Of course you must hold a hop. Sarah will love it. Ask her.
[SARAH] Oh yes, just my scene.
[DOCTOR] And Giuliano, save me a costume. I love a knees-up.
[PRIEST] The town is empty, great one. Not a living creature larger thana cat remains within the walls.
[HIERONYMOUS] It is well. The hour approaches fast.
[PRIEST] What is your plan, great one?
[HIERONYMOUS] The plan of Mandragora. I am but a vessel for those whohold dominion over the cosmos.
[PRIEST] The mighty sky gods. What would they have us do, Master?
[HIERONYMOUS] This time and place were well chosen. Assembled in thepalace are many scholars, many rulers and nobles. Tonight they are tobe destroyed. All of them. In this way shall be established the powerand supremacy of those masters we serve.
[PRIEST] The Duke has deployed many soldiers. All the entrances to thepalace are fortified and heavily guarded, Master.
[HIERONYMOUS] There is still an entrance they know nothing of. Bring meten of the Brethren. I will take them to the place. Tonight there is amasque in the Duke's honour. We will provide the entertainers.
(Giuliano's chamber)
[DOCTOR] Good. Now the coat. I don't want this to show. Thank you.
[DOCTOR] How do I look?
[SARAH] Putting on weight, are you? What's that in aid of?
[DOCTOR] A little plan. Leave the wire.
[SARAH] Giuliano sent you these to choose from.
[DOCTOR] That looks as if it would be very becoming, eh?
[SARAH] Well, I think it's ridiculous talking about fancy dress. I mean,we're in such terrible danger.
[SARAH] Oh, stop being so silly.
[DOCTOR] Remember the French at Agincourt.
[SARAH] But they lost. You know, the worse the situation, the worse yourjokes get.
[DOCTOR] I think I'll settle for the lion.
[SARAH] Things are bad, aren't they?
[SARAH] Very bad?
[DOCTOR] Desperately bad, but we can only do our best and hope. Youcoming?
[SARAH] Yep.
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR] Marco, is Leonardo among that lot?
[MARCO] Those are the entertainers.
[DOCTOR] I don't think I'm ever going to meet Leonardo. Will you open upthe dungeon entrance, please?
[MARCO] I'll see to it at once, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Sarah? I want you to stay here and keep an eye onthis lot.
[SARAH] What? What for?
[DOCTOR] A Time Lord has to do what a Time Lord has to do. Besides,you're not equipped.
[SARAH] But you said it was dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Did I? Oh, yes.
[SARAH] Well, is it dangerous?
[DOCTOR] Well, only if I guess wrong, and then it's fatal.
[SARAH] Oh! Look, I wish you'd stop giving me flip answers.
[DOCTOR] All right, listen. Negatively charged high energy particlesfollow magnetic lines of force, yes?
[SARAH] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Therefore, if I've guessed correctly about the nature of Helixenergy, I should be able to drain it off.
[SARAH] But what if you've guessed wrong?
[DOCTOR] When did I ever guess wrong about anything?
[SARAH] (sotto) Lots of times.
[PRIEST] The masque has begun. Shall I order ourbrothers to surround the palace, Master?
[HIERONYMOUS] Yes. Kill all who try to escape.
[PRIEST] The others are inside.
[HIERONYMOUS] Concealed from prying eyes. They await only my signal.
[PRIEST] Glory to Demnos.
[HIERONYMOUS] And to Mandragora.
(Throne room)
[MARCO] Sire.
[GIULIANO] Marco, what is it?
[MARCO] I've had a report from the guards. The Brethren.
[GIULIANO] What of them?
[MARCO] They're all around the palace. It's as though they're waitingfor something.
[GIULIANO] What could it be? A signal?
[MARCO] Perhaps. They're just standing silently, in the shadows.
[GIULIANO] Is Hieronymous with them?
[MARCO] He's not been seen, my lord.
[GIULIANO] I don't like it, Marco. Even our guests sense thatsomething's wrong.
[MARCO] It'll be a very good night, sire. Our walls are thick and solid,and our guards well trained. A match for any in the land. At least wehave your uncle to thank for that.
[GIULIANO] So you think we have nothing to fear?
[MARCO] I think by dawn Hieronymous and his followers will have realisedtheir mistake, and they will leave San Martino to search for easierpickings elsewhere. If needs be, sire, we can hold out here for amonth. And long before that, the armies of neighbouring states willhave come to our aid.
[SARAH] (sotto) Have you seen the Doctor?
[SARAH] What's keeping him? He's been gone for ages.
[MARCO] It was gone eight of the evening when I told the guard.
[SARAH] All this waiting, not knowing what's happening to him. It'sworse than being with him.
[SARAH] Oh, me?
[HIERONYMOUS] You profane the sacred stone.
[DOCTOR] Hello, there. Had a hard day in the catacombs, have you?
[HIERONYMOUS] You profane the sacred stone!
[DOCTOR] Oh, come off it, Hieronymous. You know who I am. You can dropall that bosh about sacred stones and profanity. Just be your naturalhorrid self.
[HIERONYMOUS] Why have you come here, Time Lord?
[DOCTOR] Would you believe it? I had no choice.
[HIERONYMOUS] Had it not been you, there would have been othertravellers drawn into Mandragora Helix. Earth had to be possessed.Unchecked, man's curiosity might lead him away from this planet untilultimately the galaxy might not contain him, and we of Mandragora willnot allow a rival power within our domain.
[DOCTOR] Well, you see, that's a great pity because I can't allow you tointerfere with Earth's progress.
[HIERONYMOUS] You arrogant dolt! How dare you oppose the might ofMandragora!
[DOCTOR] It's part of a Time Lord's job to insist on justice for allspecies.
[HIERONYMOUS] Then you will be swept aside like the dirt that you are.Die, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Time Lords don't die that easily, Hieronymous.
[HIERONYMOUS] I shall crush you!
[HIERONYMOUS] Now die. Now!
[DOCTOR] Come on, Hieronymous. You can do better than that. Come on,Heironymous.
[HIERONYMOUS] Mandragora, help me!
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Throne room)
[SARAH] No sign of the Doctor?
[GIULIANO] Not yet.
[SARAH] Well something must have happened to him.
[GIULIANO] Maybe he's hear already, wearing his costume.
[SARAH] No, he'd have let us know. Doctor!
[SARAH] Doctor, what happened? Where've you been? Oh, stop playing thefool and tell me what happened? Doctor? It is you?
[HEIRONYMOUS] Stop! Stop, brothers. The final sacrifice must be made inour temple. Bring the victims of Mandragora down.
[GIULIANO] The Brethren. We've been tricked, betrayed!
[FIGURE] Silence! Take them below.
[SARAH] The eclipse! Look, it's beginning.
[HIERONYMOUS] Now Mandragora swallows the Moon. Now, as it was written,the power of Mandragora will flood the Earth. Mandragora, we yourservants welcome you. Bestow your power upon us that we may rule overthe whole of your dominion.
[SARAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Well, I thought that was rather clever. (Hieronymous) A case ofenergy squared. It puts Mandragora back to square one. (normal) Well,don't just stand there, I'm in the market for congratulations.(Hieronymous) I wouldn't even say no to a salami sandwich.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye, Giuliano.
[GIULIANO] Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] This is lovely salami. Thank you.
[GIULIANO] Oh, it's we who should thank you. Won't you reconsider?
[DOCTOR] I'm already committed, sorry.
[GIULIANO] There's so much we could learn from you.
[DOCTOR] It'll all come in time. Keep an open mind. That's the secret.
[SARAH] Goodbye, Giuliano.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Sarah.
[SARAH] Oh! Coming. Hey, thanks for inviting me to the ball. Smashing.
[SARAH] Hey, what did you think of Leonardo?
[DOCTOR] Leonardo? Leonardo who?
[SARAH] Leonardo da Vinci.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that Leonardo. No, I didn't get to see him. Good thing,too.
[SARAH] Oh? Why?
[DOCTOR] Well, his submarine design wasn't exactly practical, you know.
[SARAH] Oh, poor Giuliano. He looked so wistful.
[SARAH] Will he have any more trouble from Mandragora?
[DOCTOR] No, he won't, but the Earth will. Their constellation will bein position to try again in about five hundred years.
[SARAH] Five hundred years. That takes us to just about the end of thetwentieth century.
[DOCTOR] That's right. Now that was an interesting century.
[SARAH] What do you mean, was?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s14", "episode": "e01", "title": "Masque of Mandragora"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (2 Oct, 1976; Fourth Doctor) - The Hand of Fear
(Kastria dome)
[ROKON [OC]] Eldrad, the traitor, destroyer of the barriers, sentencedto obliteration. Eldrad.
[ROKON [OC]] Command to Dome Six. Command to Dome Six.
[ROKON [OC]] Central Command to Outer Dome Six, report. Module statusreport immediately, Technic Obarl.
[ROKON [OC]] Technic Obarl! Technic Obarl!
[ZAZZKA] Commander Zazzka here. Technic Obarl no longer operational. Orbtemperature continues to fall.
[ROKON [OC]] Report module status, immediate.
[ZAZZKA] Obliteration module on course and normal function. Now nineteenspans into mission.
[ROKON [OC]] Computed time to detonation.
[ZAZZKA] Obliteration module will reach designated detonation pointbeyond all solar systems in six spans, approximate.
[ROKON [OC]] Commander Zazzka, what is the barrier condition?
[ZAZZKA] Deteriorating.
[ROKON [OC]] The north has already fallen. When the south barriercollapses, temperature loss will intensify.
[ZAZZKA] Then surface operations will no longer be possible.
[ROKON [OC]] Confirmed. These are new orders. The module is to betriggered now, before control is lost completely.
[ZAZZKA] But King Rokon, sire. Total obliteration of the traitor Eldradwas ordered.
[ROKON [OC]] Yes, yes.
[ZAZZKA] Computations indicate that at nineteen spans, there is still aone in three million chance of particle survival.
[ROKON [OC]] We have no choice, Zazzka. Carry out new orders.
[ZAZZKA] Affirmative.
[ZAZZKA] Obliteration module destroyed. Awaiting further orders.
[ROKON [OC]] Evacuate observation dome. Immediate.
[SARAH] Oh. Listen, I don't want to make any snap decisions, but thisisn't South Croydon.
[DOCTOR] What? I can't hear you for the siren.
[SARAH] This isn't South Croydon!
[DOCTOR] All right, there's no need to shout. Hold this.
[DOCTOR] Now watch.
[SARAH] Good for you.
[DOCTOR] Is it nice in South Croydon?
[SARAH] What? It's a paradise compared to this dump. I bet we're noteven on Earth.
[DOCTOR] Well, maybe the season hasn't started yet.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Do you have a season in South Croydon?
[SARAH] Come on, where are we?
[DOCTOR] We're in a quarry.
[SARAH] Yes, I know we're in a quarry, but where?
[DOCTOR] Well, how do I know? I don't know all the quarries that
[DOCTOR] Maybe he knows.
[ABBOTT] Get out of it! Go on, get out of it! Quick! Get out of the way!No, Mike! Mike, no!
[DOCTOR] Maybe he knows South Croydon. Does he look as if he comes fromSouth
[SARAH] What? Siren! Run, Doctor!
[ABBOTT] How the blazes did you get in here?
[DOCTOR] What?
[ABBOTT] Didn't you see the signs, the flags? Well, you must have heardthe hooter. Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] My friend's under that.
[ABBOTT] Oi, you lot! Get down here! And get an ambulance!
[ABBOTT] Look, I don't want to sound heartless, but, well, I'm nottaking responsibility. You had no right in here.
[SARAH] Ow. I can't move. Doctor! Doctor, please, help. Doc.
[QUARRYMAN] I think she's over here.
[DOCTOR] Steady, steady.
[DOCTOR] She's here. Now, gently, gently.
[ABBOTT] Mind how you go. Could be something else down there.
[QUARRYMAN] Keep it coming. Here we are, that does it.
[ABBOTT] Is she all right?
[DOCTOR] She's still breathing.
[ABBOTT] What?
[DOCTOR] I said, she's still breathing.
[ABBOTT] What on Earth? She won't let it go.
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Get her off to the hospital, and quick.Come on.
[ABBOTT] You ought to get yourself seen to, mate.
[DOCTOR] Yeah. I'll talk to you later.
(Hospital - A&E Dept)
[INTERN] Did that hurt?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no.
[INTERN] Wonderful thing, pain. Without pain, no race could survive.
[DOCTOR] I'm well aware of that.
[INTERN] Autonomic defence mechanism.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Tell me, how's Miss Smith? Sarah Jane Smith. We came intogether.
[INTERN] She is still unconscious, but there's no need to worry. We havefound no serious physical injury.
[DOCTOR] Paralysis?
[INTERN] Not as far as I know. You are a doctor yourself?
[DOCTOR] Well, sort of, yes.
[INTERN] How do you do?
[INTERN] Tell me, where did you qualify, if I may ask?
[DOCTOR] A place called Gallifrey.
[INTERN] Gallifrey? No, I've not heard of it. Perhaps it's in Ireland.
[DOCTOR] Probably. Look, could I see Miss Smith, please?
[INTERN] I'd like you to take a look at Miss Smith.
(Hospital - private room)
[INTERN] Thank you, nurse.
[INTERN] She is still in shock. She's not under sedation. We gave herjust a simple anti-tetanus.
[DOCTOR] Anti-tetanus?
[INTERN] Yes. If you care to examine your friend's left hand andforearm, you will find there's considerable muscular contraction.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you're right. Solid as a rock.
[INTERN] Just in the hand and forearm. Perhaps it's a psychologicalreaction to stress, and the object to which she was holding on to.
[DOCTOR] Did you see it?
[INTERN] No. It was sent direct to Doctor Carter in the path lab. Ourconcern here is with the living.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Where is the path lab?
[INTERN] Just follow the signs saying pathology.
[DOCTOR] Will you let me know when she comes round, please?
[INTERN] All right.
(Hospital - Path lab)
[CARTER] Histology, that's what you need.
[DOCTOR] What do you think of these plate, Doctor?
[CARTER] Oh, not much. There's no tissue differentiation. No blood, nomuscle. No indication of any living organism whatsoever. You see, youusually get some idea of structure from a fossil, but with this there'snothing. Ah, now look at this.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's beautiful.
[CARTER] Yes, but it has nothing to do with clinical pathology.
[DOCTOR] Does that crystalline lattice remind you of anything?
[CARTER] It's geodetic, that's about all. As I say, what you need is ahistologist or a geologist.
[DOCTOR] It's silicon based.
[CARTER] I'm sorry?
[DOCTOR] So how many living forms do you know with a silicon basedmolecular infrastructure?
[CARTER] None. If it was, it would be made of stone. Oh, I think this issome kind of elaborate hoax. Always dreaming up something, you know,students.
[DOCTOR] Have we got access to an electron microscope, Doctor?
[CARTER] Why, what do you think it is?
[DOCTOR] I don't know yet, but it's no hoax, Doctor Carter.
(Hospital - private room)
(Hospital - path lab)
[CARTER] Great Scott. You must have pulled a fewstrings to get hold of this. Virology usually hangs on to it like grimdeath. What did you tell them?
[DOCTOR] I said we were investigating certain extraterrestrialpossibilities.
[CARTER] Such as?
[DOCTOR] Such as viral infection on this planet.
[CARTER] You're not serious, are you?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I admit it's a fairly remote possibility. Viruses cansurvive, though not for a hundred and fifty million years as far as weknow. Now this thing was found embedded in a stratum of blackstonedolomite.
[CARTER] What?
[DOCTOR] Jurassic limestone.
[CARTER] You mean it's been there for a hundred and fifty million years?
[CARTER] How did it get there? Man didn't exist in Jurassic times.
[DOCTOR] That's true. Would you prepare me another slide, please?
[CARTER] Oh, sure.
[DOCTOR] I think the answer might lie in the quarry.
[CARTER] Well, good luck.
[CARTER] What the devil do you think you're. Miss Smith! Are you feelingbetter?
[SARAH] Eldrad. Eldrad must live.
[WOMAN [OC]] It is his will that all shall obey. None must interfere.
[ABBOTT] Yea, well, this is the stratum it camefrom, here.
[DOCTOR] Did you find anything else in the rubble?
[ABBOTT] If there was anything else, it must've been here a hundred andfifty million years. We often get ammonite shells and things, but
[DOCTOR] Any plastic?
[ABBOTT] Plastic?
[DOCTOR] Yes, plastic.
[ABBOTT] You're joking.
[DOCTOR] No. Spaceships can be made of plastic, ceramic, metal.
[ABBOTT] A spaceship all that time ago?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Lifeforms don't all exist at the same time, you know.
[ABBOTT] So you reckon this fellow copped it in a crash, like?
[DOCTOR] Unless, of course, it just came fluttering down by itself. Butwhy? And from where?
[ABBOTT] Yeah. Well, I'll let you get on with it then, eh?
[DOCTOR] Yes. And where was it going?
(Hospital - path lab)
[CARTER] Reception? Doctor Carter here. Now listen. The dark hairedyoung woman wearing some pink-striped overalls. Yes, pink-stripedoveralls. Yes, just like Andy Pandy. Well, she's on her way out. She'sstolen something from my lab. Well, hold her, will you, and call thepolice. What do you mean, she left an hour ago? Why, it's only just afew. Good grief.
[CARTER] Right. Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Carter, you haven't seen Miss Smith, have you?
[CARTER] Yes, I have!
[DOCTOR] Good. Where?
[CARTER] Tell me, does she normally go around knocking people out?
[DOCTOR] Eh? What do you mean?
[CARTER] Well, she was standing over there and when I spoke to her sheturned round, said something like somebody must live, then there was aflash and I, I don't remember anything else. But she's stolen the hand.
[DOCTOR] What? You mean she hit you?
[CARTER] Well, I suppose she must have done. I've been on to reception.They're looking for her.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course.
[CARTER] Did you find anything at the quarry?
[DOCTOR] What?
[CARTER] Did you find anything at the quarry?
[DOCTOR] No, no, negative evidence. No fragments, which means whateverit was didn't crash. But we can see from the fracture lines on thissample there was an explosion.
[CARTER] If there was an explosion it was millions of years ago.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and probably millions of miles away. Intriguing, isn't it?
[CARTER] Yes, but it still doesn't explain why your Miss Smith shouldwant it, does it.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps it wanted Miss Smith.
[CARTER] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, she's the only human being to have had any contact withit for any length of time. Probably the only living organism to havehad any contact with it since the event.
[CARTER] It was petrified. Totally inert. Dead.
[DOCTOR] Inert, yes, dead, maybe not.
[CARTER] I thought there was a strange type of subatomic structure tothe crystal formation. A bit like a double helix, you know. DNAmolecule.
[CARTER] Great Scott!
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[CARTER] It's changed.
[CARTER] What's happened to the electron charge?
[DOCTOR] You mean it didn't look like that before?
[DOCTOR] You know what I think?
[CARTER] What?
[DOCTOR] I think your sample's been quietly absorbing radiation from themachine.
[CARTER] Absorbing radiation?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Regenerating itself. Let's hope it hasn't absorbed enoughto be dangerous. Put it somewhere safe, Carter, away from any furtherradiation.
[CARTER] Right, will do.
[DOCTOR] Carter!
[CARTER] What?
[DOCTOR] Where's the nearest nuclear reactor?
(Nunton Experimental Complex)
[GUARD] Stop or we fire.
[TECH] Hey, miss.
[MAN [OC]] Emergency, emergency. All personnel proceed immediately toyour safe areas. Proceed immediately to your safe areas. This is not anexercise.
[MAN [OC]] Repeat, this is not an exercise. I will repeat that.Emergency, emergency. All personnel proceed immediately to your safeareas. Proceed immediately to your safe areas. This is not an exercise.Repeat.
(Nunton Control centre)
[WATSON] Driscoll, can we lose some of this noise.
[DRISCOLL] With you in a minute, sir.
[WATSON] Lose some of this noise. I can't hear myself think in here.
[WATSON] I want this damned racket stopped!
[JACKSON] I'm doing my best, sir.
(Nunton corridor)
[MAN [OC]] Repeat, this is not an exercise.
[MAN [OC]] I will repeat that. Emergency, emergency. All personnelproceed immediately to your safe areas.
[MAN [OC]] Proceed immediately to your safe areas.
[GUARD] Where did they go?
[MAN [OC]] Repeat, this is not an exercise.
[CARTER] This way out.
[DOCTOR] No, no, this way in.
[CARTER] But we could have been shot.
[DOCTOR] But we weren't, were we. Come on, let's find the controlcentre.
(Fission room)
[MAN [OC]] All personnel proceed immediately toyour safe areas. Proceed immediately to your safe area.
[SARAH] Yes. Yes. I understand.
[MAN [OC]] Repeat, this is not an exercise.
[MAN [OC]] I will repeat that. Emergency, emergency.
(Nunton Control centre)
[WATSON] Will you shut up!
[MAN [OC]] Proceed immediately to your safe areas.
[WATSON] Thank you. Now listen, all of you. Miss Jackson, startemergency shutdown procedures.
[JACKSON] Yes, sir.
[WATSON] Attention all personnel. Attention all personnel. An emergencyexists in the neutron fission reactor in sector four. Now this is adeliberate act of sabotage. Some idiot, some suicidal maniac, a youngwoman, has infiltrated the complex. Now she has already knocked out twoof our personnel and has locked herself in the outer chamber of thereactor core.
(Decontamination room)
[WATSON [OC]] This could well be an act ofself-immolation by a member of some extremist group.
(Generator room)
[WATSON [OC]] Or it could be that she has thetechnical ability to render the pile critical and effect thedestruction of this entire establishment.
(Nunton Control centre)
[WATSON] Now we have already started emergencyshutdown operations to enable us to try and get her out of there, socarry on.
[WATSON] How's it coming along?
[JACKSON] Shutdown proceeding, but nothing on the neutron core.
[WATSON] That means she does know something about it.
[WATSON] Get a team of men suited up, and see that they're armed.
[JACKSON] Yes, sir. Mister Driscoll, get a team of men suited up andarmed, and get her out of there.
[DRISCOLL] I'll do it.
[WATSON] Who the devil are you?
[DOCTOR] Are you the top man here?
[CARTER] We're from the hospital. The girl, you see, she escaped.
[WATSON] So she is a lunatic.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, I wouldn't say that. She's certainly not
[WATSON] She's mad. She's stark, staring, raving mad.
[DOCTOR] Oh, not necessarily.
[WATSON] We have a full emergency scale here
[DOCTOR] Do you mind if I talk to her for a moment?
[WATSON] And we haven't got time for the bedside manner. Now please keepout of my way. Are those men suited up yet?
[MAN [OC]] Eldrad must live.
[DOCTOR] Can you punch up the plan for this building on this machine?
[WATSON] Miss Jackson. Find out what's delaying that radiation team.
[JACKSON] Yes, sir.
[JACKSON] The manual locks are jammed. They can't get past the fissionroom doors.
[WATSON] What's the shutdown situation?
[JACKSON] All okay, except for the one she's on.
[WATSON] What levels are we getting in there?
[JACKSON] She's soaking up enough roentgens to kill a herd of elephants.
[DOCTOR] Oh, at least, at least.
[WATSON] I thought I told you to get out of here. Hey, you in thefission room. Can you hear me? I am the director of this establishment.
[DOCTOR] Her name's Smith. Miss Smith.
[WATSON] Miss Smith, listen very carefully. Your life is in great dangerand so are the lives of many other innocent people.
[DOCTOR] Could I
[WATSON] Now what is it you want?
[DOCTOR] Could I speak to her?
[WATSON] Can you hear me? What is it you want?
[DOCTOR] Could I speak to her for a moment?
[WATSON] I doubt very much whether she'd listen.
[JACKSON] The level's rising, sir. There's no way we can stop it.
[WATSON] That means she's had it. All right, I want a full scaleevacuation. Every person within a radius of twelve miles.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, listen to me. Can you hear me, Sarah?
[WATSON] Get in touch with Whitehall and tell them we've got a fullscale emergency.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, can you hear me?
[WATSON] Look, we have a full emergency down here.
[SARAH [OC]] It's no use.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, listen to me.
(Fission room)
[SARAH] No, there's nothing more to say becauseEldrad must live.
(Nunton Control centre)
[WATSON] What did she say?
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush, shush.
[SARAH [OC]] Eldrad must live.
[MAN [OC]] Eldrad must live.
[DOCTOR] Who is Eldrad, Sarah?
[WATSON] Some assassin, no doubt.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Sarah, who is Eldrad? What does he want?
(Fission room)
[WOMAN [OC]] Eldrad must live. Eldrad the creator,the saviour.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Sarah, what does he want?
[WOMAN [OC]] Eldrad must live.
[SARAH] Eldrad must live.
(Nunton Control centre)
[DOCTOR] Sarah. Keep her talking. I'm going inthere.
[WATSON] But how can you? All those door locks are jammed.
[DOCTOR] Look, the plans to your cooling duct.
[JACKSON] But the temperature inside the cooling duct is over twohundred degrees centigrade.
[WATSON] You'll roast, man.
[DOCTOR] Not if I'm quick.
[CARTER] I must come with you.
[DOCTOR] No, there's no need. You'd roast.
[WATSON] All because of that stupid woman.
[MAN [OC]] You must. She will need help.
(Fission room)
[WOMAN [OC]] It is the law. Eldrad must live.
(Nunton Control centre)
[WATSON] Blast. She's turned it off.
[WATSON] Can you hear me, Miss Smith? Miss Smith?
[WATSON] Video maintenance? I want an engineer to try and bypass theclosed circuit television in the fission room.
[JACKSON] Well, has Special Branch got anything? We don't know.
[JACKSON] Yes, thank you.
[WATSON] Anything?
[JACKSON] Nothing from Intelligence, either.
[JACKSON] Shouldn't we begin to think of getting to a safe area?
[WATSON] Yes. Yes, all right, you go.
[JACKSON] But we must
[WATSON] One of us has got to stay here as long as there's a chance.There's no point in two of us
[JACKSON] I'm staying.
[WATSON] That's an order.
(Generator hall)
[CARTER] Eldrad must live.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CARTER] It is the law. There must be no interference with the design!Eldrad must live!
(Nunton Control room)
[WATSON] Hello, Susie? Hello, darling. Is mummy there? Oh, did you?Well, your headmistress must have been very pleased. No, no, super.Super. Get mummy for me, would you? Hello, love. Well, it's just to letyou know I've got to stay on at the Complex for a while. Yes, it lookslike it. No, no, there isn't anything wrong, it's just that, well, Ithought I'd let you know where I was.
(Fission room)
[DOCTOR] Eldrad must live. Eldrad must live. Eldrad must live.
[DOCTOR] So sorry, Sarah.
(Nunton Control centre)
[WATSON] Goodbye. And kiss the children for me,would you? Yes. Yes, goodbye.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Professor Watson, can you hear me?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Professor Watson, can you hear me?
[WATSON] Yes, is that you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Yes.
[WATSON] What's happened?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Is everything under control?
[WATSON] Yes, just about, but, are you all right? And Miss Smith, is shestill alive?
[DOCTOR [OC]] I hope so. We're in Decontamination now.
[WATSON] I'll be down right away.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Good.
[WATSON] I've just got a few things to sort out up here. Well done,Doctor. Attention all staff, attention all staff. The reactor is nowunder control, so return to your posts. Video maintenance, check themonitoring of that reactor room, would you please?
(Decontamination room)
[SARAH] My legs
[DOCTOR] Shush. You're all right, Sarah, you're all right. Shush, shush,shush.
[SARAH] Oh, I'm in a hospital.
[DOCTOR] Well, of sorts, yes.
[SARAH] I thought I was buried alive.
[DOCTOR] Sarah
[DOCTOR] What's the last thing you remember?
[SARAH] My chin hurts.
[DOCTOR] Come on, what's the last thing you remember?
[SARAH] Er, someone held out a hand to me. I thought it was you. Andwhen I touched it, it was cold. It was cold. I thought you'd beencrushed too, and must have passed out. What was it?
[DOCTOR] Do you remember me digging you out and taking you to thehospital? The fossil?
[DOCTOR] Do you remember Doctor Carter?
[SARAH] Who?
[DOCTOR] Carter.
[WATSON] What the devil do you think you're doing here!
[DOCTOR] Just a minute, Professor, she doesn't remember a thing about
[WATSON] Oh, very convenient, I must say.
[DOCTOR] It's much more complicated than it seems.
[WATSON] Complicated? She nearly caused a major nuclear disaster!
[DOCTOR] I know, I know.
[SARAH] Doctor, what
[DOCTOR] Shush. I don't think we can blame her for it.
[WATSON] Doctor, I realise she's a patient of yours, but diminishedresponsibility or not, the fact remains that she walked into thereactor room.
[JACKSON] How did you get her out?
[DOCTOR] I'll come to that in a minute. Just look at these readings.Stay there. Lie down, Sarah.
[DOCTOR] No trace of radioactivity whatsoever.
[JACKSON] She was exposed to enough direct radiation
[DOCTOR] I know, enough to kill a school of whales, but there she is,unscathed.
[SARAH] Excuse me. Does this involve me?
[SARAH] Then will one of you please tell me what I'm supposed to havedone?
[WATSON] I think we'd all like an explanation.
[DOCTOR] You won't believe me, I warn you.
[WATSON] Just try me.
[DOCTOR] Doctor Carter's dead, unfortunately.
[WATSON] Dead?
[DOCTOR] Yes, he tried to kill me. He tried to push me over. Look, I'llstart at the beginning.
[SARAH] Good.
[DOCTOR] We found a hand in the quarry. Or rather, she found a hand inthe quarry.
(Nunton Control centre)
[DOCTOR] That Eldrad must live.
[SARAH] I really said that?
[DOCTOR] Yes, you said Eldrad, Eldrad must live.
[WATSON] And this Eldrad, this, this hand, absorbed all the radiationand left Miss Smith unharmed? Is that what you're saying?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it seems to absorb radiation the same way as we do oxygen.
[WATSON] So this is a living thing?
[DOCTOR] Living? It's not only living, it's regenerating.
[WATSON] But if your hypothesis is correct
[DRISCOLL] Reactor monitor operating, sir.
[WATSON] But that's incredible.
[WATSON] The first thing to do is get it out of there. Put it in asealed container of some kind.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Then we can study it, see what makes it tick.
[WATSON] Driscoll.
[DOCTOR] Shall I go with him?
[WATSON] No, I'd rather you stayed here with me, Doctor. Driscoll isfamiliar with the systems and you've been in once. You never know.
[DRISCOLL] And I'm wearing a radiation suit.
[DOCTOR] I don't think radiation's the danger.
[WATSON] Good. He'll bring it down to the decontamination room. We'llmeet in there.
(Decontamination room)
[WATSON] It's just unbelievable.
[DOCTOR] Yes, there's no radiation. It absorbs it to rebuild tissue,see? The finger's already been replaced.
[WATSON] We'd better lock it away before it absorbs more energy.
[DRISCOLL] I'll see to it.
[SARAH] Careful. That's not as armless as it looks.
[DOCTOR] What happened to the ring you used on Carter and the guards,Sarah?
[SARAH] I'm sorry, I don't know. I can't remember.
[DOCTOR] It must still be there. Driscoll? Driscoll?
[DRISCOLL] Yes, sir?
[DOCTOR] There should have been a small crystal ring, about so big, inthe reactor room.
[DRISCOLL] I didn't see anything, sir.
[DRISCOLL] Should I go back and have another look, sir?
[DOCTOR] Would you mind? She must have dropped it when I dragged herout.
[WATSON] Yes, all right. Yes, Driscoll, I'll contact you in the controlroom.
[DRISCOLL] Yes, sir.
[DOCTOR] Sarah.
[SARAH] Hmm? What?
[DOCTOR] Sit down.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] Now listen. I want you to concentrate.
[SARAH] Oh no, that's not fair. Not again.
[DOCTOR] Now, Sarah. Eldrad. Tell me about Eldrad.
(Nunton Control centre)
[WATSON] Driscoll, did you find anything?
[DRISCOLL [on monitor]] I can't see anything yet, sir.
(Decontamination room)
[DOCTOR] But why, Sarah? Come on, why? Tell me why.
[SARAH] Eldrad must live. We must obey.
[DOCTOR] Who are we, Sarah?
[SARAH] We who've seen the light of Kastria.
[DOCTOR] Who saw the light? Did Carter see the light?
[SARAH] Eldrad must live.
(Fission room)
[DRISCOLL] Professor Watson?
[WATSON [OC]] Yes?
[DRISCOLL] There's nothing here, sir.
[WATSON [OC]] All right, leave it. And you'd better come out of there.
[DRISCOLL] Right, sir.
[MAN [OC]] Eldrad must live.
(Nunton Complex corridor)
[DOCTOR] Tell me more, Sarah.
[SARAH] No more.
[DOCTOR] Tell me more.
[SARAH] No more. Eldrad must live.
[DOCTOR] Sarah. There's no need to obey the will of Eldrad. Put him outof your mind. You're free of him.
[SARAH] I'm free of him.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Nunton Control room)
[SARAH] Eldrad must live.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SARAH] Just testing.
[WATSON] No joy from Driscoll, I'm afraid.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, no joy?
[WATSON] He hasn't found that ring.
[DOCTOR] It must have been up there and he must have found it.
[WATSON] Why didn't he say?
[DOCTOR] Because if affects the will of people who've been in contactwith it. Remember Carter? He tried to kill me.
[WATSON] Then we are in trouble.
(Decontamination room)
[GUARD] Security to Control.
(Nunton Control centre)
[GUARD [OC]] Decontamination area. I've gotsomething weird here.
[WATSON] Go ahead, Security.
[GUARD [OC]] Some kind of banging and thumping from the contaminationsafe.
[WATSON] My God. He's put the hand in there.
[WATSON] Well, that's where we keep the radiated material and the testsamples.
[DOCTOR] We're going to have to shift it. It'll be gaining strength.
[WATSON] It can't do any harm. It can't open it from the inside.
[DOCTOR] I hope you're right.
[GUARD [OC]] What shall I do, sir?
[DOCTOR] Tell him I'm on my way.
(Decontamination room)
[WATSON [OC]] Look, someone is on the way down. Nowlisten, there shouldn't be any danger, but keep an eye on it.
[GUARD] Yes, sir, will do. Ah, Driscoll. Warm in there, was it?
[GUARD] Turn around. You're all right. You're clear. Driscoll, what doyou reckon this is?
[MAN [OC]] Eldrad must live.
[DOCTOR] Driscoll.
[DOCTOR] Driscoll! Driscoll! Driscoll!
[DOCTOR] Hello, Professor Watson?
[WATSON [OC]] Yes, Doctor. Is everything all right?
[DOCTOR] Shush, listen, listen, listen. Driscoll's got the hand. I'mgoing down after him. Get out every available man you've got. And sendsomeone down here. There's a guard unconscious.
(Generator hall)
[GUARD 2] Driscoll, stop!
[DOCTOR] Driscoll, stop!
[SARAH] Doctor! You all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm fine.
[WATSON] Where'd he go?
[DOCTOR] He's going to the core, where else.
[WATSON] But why? It's all shut down.
[DOCTOR] It doesn't make any difference. That hand could set off a chainreaction.
[DOCTOR] You two get back to the control room. I'm going on inside.
(Nunton Control centre)
[WATSON] All of you, get out as fast as you can.Come on, get going. Attention all staff, attention all staff. Evacuatethe complex immediately. This is an emergency.
(Fission room)
[WATSON [OC]] Evacuate the complex immediately. This is not an exercise.This is an emergency.
[WATSON [OC]] Evacuate the complex immediately.
[DOCTOR] Quick, get down!
[WATSON [OC]] Emergency, emergency. This is not an exercise. Evacuatethe complex immediately.
(Nunton Control centre)
[WATSON] This is not an exercise. Evacuate thecomplex immediately.
(Outside the Fission room)
[SARAH] Are we dead?
[SARAH] Are you sure?
(Fission room)
[SARAH] What happened?
[DOCTOR] Nothing happened. A sort of un-explosion has taken place.
[SARAH] Un-explosion?
[SARAH] There's no such thing.
[WATSON] Doctor, Miss Smith, get out of there. The radiation level inthere will be lethal.
[DOCTOR] Oh no, come on in, Watson. Come on in. There's no radiation atall. Look.
[WATSON] What?
[DOCTOR] Look.
[WATSON] Where's Driscoll?
[DOCTOR] He's in the core.
[WATSON] But that would have caused a nuclear explosion.
[DOCTOR] It did, but fortunately it was absorbed.
[WATSON] But it couldn't!
[DOCTOR] Oh, it could, it could, and it did.
[SARAH] There was a sort of un-explosion.
[WATSON] Un-explosion?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Fission took place but instead of the explosion goingoutwards, it went inwards.
[WATSON] Driscoll?
[DOCTOR] Driscoll's in the core, probably vapourised. You see, it'sfeeding on radiation and it's now in control of the core's potentialitself.
[WATSON] You mean that thing in there is still alive?
[DOCTOR] Very much so, and regenerating.
[WATSON] Well, it's beyond me. I mean, to what end?
[DOCTOR] To live, to grow. You see, instead of energy being created frommatter, matter is being created from energy. Eldrad is rebuildinghimself, and the probability is he'll strike again.
[WATSON] You mean other reactors?
[DOCTOR] Who knows? Might as well put these back.
[SARAH] Yeah, well, that's not going to stop him.
[DOCTOR] No, but I like to be tidy.
[WATSON] It's time we got out of here. Fight fire with fire. I'm goingto call in the armed forces. Destroy # that thing before it causes anymore harm.
[SARAH] Well, it's our only chance.
[DOCTOR] Somehow I can't see throwing missiles against that working.
[SARAH] It's trying to get out!
(Nunton Control centre)
[WATSON] Nunton Complex, red alert. That's what I said, red alert.
(Fission room)
[SARAH] Come on, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, wait a minute, Sarah. Maybe we should try andcommunicate with Eldrad.
[SARAH] How, use hand signals?
[WATSON] All right, we've got ten minutes. Air Command have ordered atactical nuclear strike to take this place out.
[DOCTOR] Take it out?
[WATSON] Yeah, level it. And by God they're keen.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm sure they are.
[WATSON] Well, we're on an isolated part of the coast. It'll give them achance to use their stand-off missiles.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but what do we know about it?
[WATSON] What?
[DOCTOR] It's intelligent.
[SARAH] It's destructive! It's killing people.
[DOCTOR] An alien lifeforce, shipwrecked on a strange planet.Crystalline, regenerates through irradiation. It's probably afraid.
[SARAH] It's afraid? I'm afraid! Look, that thing isn't friendly. Let'sget out before it does. Look, you said we had ten minutes.
[WATSON] That was half a minute ago. Come on.
[SARAH] Right. Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Fascinating.
[DOCTOR] This is intensely interesting, don't you? Come on, let's getout of here.
(Nunton Complex main gates)
[WATSON] Come on, man! Leave that! All right, Jim.
(Country road)
[WATSON] Take cover, everybody!
[WATSON] Get down, man!
[WATSON] We'd better take cover. The flash could blind us. Doctor.Doctor, please! Miss Smith, hold your nose and open your mouth.
[SARAH] What?
[WATSON] The blast. It could perforate your eardrums.
[DOCTOR] Any second now.
[SARAH] Hey, shouldn't something have happened by now?
[WATSON] They fired the missiles. What happened?
[SARAH] Yeah, what happened? We saw them fired.
[DOCTOR] They've been neutralised in some way.
[DOCTOR] Professor Watson, any being that can live, let alone thrive,inside a nuclear pile, is hardly likely to be deterred by a fewprimitive missiles.
[WATSON] But they're the most powerful missiles we have.
[DOCTOR] On your standards, perhaps. I think we should try much olderweapons.
[SARAH] Like?
[DOCTOR] Speech. Diplomacy?
[WATSON] What?
[DOCTOR] Conversation? Come on, driver, let's go.
(Fission room)
[ELDRAD [OC]] What is this place? Where have I come to?
[ELDRAD] Can this be the form of the creatures who have found me and whonow seek to destroy me? No matter. They shall fail, as the obliterationhas failed. Strange form or not, Eldrad lives, and shall again ruleKastria!
(Nunton Complex main gates)
[DOCTOR] Right, you stay here. I'll go on.Shouldn't take long, one way or the other.
[SARAH] Good. Let's go then.
[DOCTOR] Not you. You stay with Professor Watson.
[WATSON] I think you'd better do as he says this time.
[SARAH] Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I should. But I'm not going to!
(Nunton Complex)
[SARAH] I worry about you. Look, anyway, who foundthat thing?
[DOCTOR] You did.
[SARAH] Right. So, I'm involved. It could have been me, not Driscoll,and besides, I'm from Earth and you're not.
[DOCTOR] That's true.
[SARAH] Exactly.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but
[SARAH] Oh, but what?
[DOCTOR] I worry about you.
[SARAH] So, be careful.
[DOCTOR] We'll both be careful.
[SARAH] Fine.
(Fission room)
[ELDRAD] You! Come forward.
[DOCTOR] Hello. You must be Eldrad. I was only going to say, how do youdo.
[ELDRAD] Are you responsible for this stupid attempt to destroy me?
[DOCTOR] No. Tell me, how did you prevent the missiles from exploding?
[ELDRAD] I absorbed the energy of the explosion into myself to completemy regeneration.
[DOCTOR] I thought so. Didn't I say I thought that was it? I thought
[ELDRAD] You are not of this backward planet. What are you doing hereamong these primitives?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm here to help them. I'm called the Doctor and this isSarah Jane Smith. Say hello to the lady.
[DOCTOR] Eldrad
(Nunton Control centre)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Can I ask you the same question?
[ELDRAD [OC]] I am Eldrad, creator of Kastria.
(Fission room)
[ELDRAD] Why did you try to destroy me?
[DOCTOR] You've got it wrong, Eldrad. We're the ones who saved you.
[ELDRAD] It seems you speak the truth.
[ELDRAD] Why should they attack me with their primitive devices?
[DOCTOR] Oh, because they're stubborn and violent and sometimes they tryto destroy things they don't understand.
(Nunton Control centre)
[ELDRAD [OC]] Then they must be taught otherwise.
[DOCTOR [OC]] You wouldn't be the first one to make that mistake. Othershave tried.
(Fission room)
[DOCTOR] Excuse me, I don't want to pry, but couldyou tell us how you got here?
[SARAH] We found your hand in a quarry.
[ELDRAD] I was betrayed. They tried to obliterate me. Now I must returnto avenge myself.
[DOCTOR] What? After all this time?
[ELDRAD] Explain!
[DOCTOR] Well, you've been on Earth a hundred and fifty million years,and you've lain dormant all that time.
[SARAH] Leave him alone. He's telling you the truth!
[ELDRAD] You are a Time Lord. I have heard of you and the role you playin time and space.
[DOCTOR] You didn't need to do that. I would have told you.
[ELDRAD] Unfortunately, Doctor, I have learned to trust no one. I needyour help.
[SARAH] Our help? Oh, you must be
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[ELDRAD] As a Time Lord, you are pledged to uphold the Laws of Time andto prevent alien aggression.
[DOCTOR] Only when such aggression is deemed to threaten the indigenouspopulation. I think that's how it goes.
[ELDRAD] Then you must help me in my struggle.
[SARAH] Why must he help you? You're destructive.
[ELDRAD] No, no, let me explain. Kastria was a cold, inhospitableplanet, ravaged by the solar winds. I built the spatial barriers tokeep out those winds. I devised a crystalline silicone form for ourphysical needs. I built machines to replenish the earth and theatmosphere. I brought Kastria to life! And then, two alien planets madewar on each other, and Kastria became their battleground. Theydestroyed my barriers. The winds came again to dehydrate the planet.The alien invaders made puppets of the Kastrian leaders. I wasdiscredited and sentenced to obliteration.
[SARAH] But if you did all those things for your people, why did theyturn against you?
[ELDRAD] My people didn't. I beg you to help me to save Kastria oncemore. Why do you hesitate? It is your duty. Help me. Take me backthrough time.
[DOCTOR] That would contravene the First Law of Time, a distortion ofhistory. I can't do that.
[ELDRAD] You cannot refuse.
[DOCTOR] I'm not refusing, Eldrad. I'll take you back, but it must be inthe present time.
[ELDRAD] Silence!
[ELDRAD] I seem to detect another presence in this building.
[DOCTOR] I don't think there's anyone else here.
[SARAH] No, there's no one here. They've all been evacuated. We're theonly one's here. Alive, that it.
[DOCTOR] Do you accept our conditions, Eldrad?
[ELDRAD] Yes. You leave me no choice.
[DOCTOR] Good. Well, follow me.
[SARAH] After you.
(Outside the Fission room)
[DOCTOR] No, Eldrad, leave him!
(Nunton Control centre)
[ELDRAD] You shall die slowly, as traitors deserve.
[DOCTOR] Eldrad! Eldrad, I swear to you, if you don't release him, I'llnever return you to Kastria.
[SARAH] He's still breathing.
[ELDRAD] Come, Doctor. Let us be going.
[DOCTOR] Listen. You owe your regeneration to this man. Remember that.
[ELDRAD] Yes, and I am grateful. Leave him alone and I promise you hewill recover.
[DOCTOR] I'm not leaving here until I know he's all right.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[WATSON] Yes, yes.
[DOCTOR] Very well.
[ELDRAD] You see, Doctor, I am not as cruel as you think me.
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's go.
[SARAH] You're sure you're all right?
[WATSON] Yes, yes, I'm all right.
[SARAH] I've got to go. You'll be all right. I have to go.
[WATSON] But I put six shots into that creature.
[JACKSON [OC]] Professor Watson?
[JACKSON [OC]] Professor Watson?
[WATSON] Yes, yes. In here, Miss Jackson.
[JACKSON] What happened?
[WATSON] Well, it's just that the laws of physics have been. Of course,the Atomic Energy Commission are not going to believe this.
[JACKSON] What were those planes doing? They were bombing the complex.
[WATSON] Planes? Yes, of course, the planes. Yes, but the RAF are notgoing to believe this either.
[JACKSON] And I saw the Doctor in your car. He nearly ran me over.
[WATSON] Oh, thank goodness for that, the Doctor. You saw who was withhim?
[JACKSON] Miss Smith?
[WATSON] But, no one else?
[JACKSON] No. Well, I couldn't see in the back.
[JACKSON] You all right, sir?
[WATSON] It's just that no one is going to believe me.
[WATSON] Yes? Yes, this is the director speaking. Well, we don't knowwhat's happened yet. Well of course there's going to be an inquiry.
[DOCTOR] Come in, Eldrad. Welcome to the Tardis. Well, what do youthink?
[ELDRAD] I congratulate you, Doctor. The achievements of your people intemporal engineering are indeed as impressive as I have heard.
[DOCTOR] Well, thank you. I'm glad you like it.
[ELDRAD] Where are its armaments?
[DOCTOR] They're in here.
[DOCTOR] Your weapon's won't work in here. We're in a state of temporalgrace. We're multi-dimensional.
[ELDRAD] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, in a sense, you see, we don't exist while we're in here.So you can't hurt us, and we can't hurt you.
[SARAH] She can't hurt us?
[SARAH] Right. There's a question I can ask you now. Why are you helpingher?
[DOCTOR] Well, in a sense I think you could say I'm helping Earth,Sarah. After all, I can't allow Eldrad to go on smashing nuclear powerstations. Who knows how big she might become or what damage she mightdo. Anyway, I want to see Kastria.
[SARAH] Why? What on Earth for?
[DOCTOR] Well, travel broadens the mind.
[SARAH] And a stitch in time saves nine.
[DOCTOR] What does that mean?
[SARAH] Look before you leap.
[ELDRAD] Will you stop all this childish prattle? Time is passing.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I wonder, would you just give me a hand with thecoordinates? I'm a bit vague on the exact whereabouts of Kastria.
[ELDRAD] Of course, Doctor. What is the expansion factor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, just punch up seven four three eight oh oh O W eight I onetwo one two seven two seven two nine double one E eight E X four oneone one three zero nine eleven five, and then see what happens.
[SARAH] Off course, are we?
[DOCTOR] No, I don't think so, no. Could I just check your coordinates.
[ELDRAD] Why, do you doubt my ability?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no. I just want to make sure we get there.
[SARAH] So for once you'll have to trust someone, won't you.
[ELDRAD] Only fools trust. I trusted them, and they tried to obliterateme.
[DOCTOR] Eldrad, you'll achieve nothing on Kastria unless you overcomethis paranoid obsession with treachery. You must cooperate.
[ELDRAD] Again you leave me no alternative, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't be so abject. All we want is your cooperation. Ifyou've missed those coordinates, symbolic resonance will occur in thetrackoid time crystal, and if that happens, there'll be no chance of uslanding anywhere, ever, ever, ever.
[DOCTOR] We've landed.
[ELDRAD] You will have to trust me, Doctor.
[SARAH] Is that Kastria?
[ELDRAD] It is.
[SARAH] It's very nice.
[ELDRAD] The solar winds have devastated it, but I will reclaim itagain.
[DOCTOR] You may have left it a bit late, Eldrad. That hurricane's beenblowing for a hundred and fifty million years.
[ELDRAD] How is the atmosphere constituted?
[DOCTOR] Near enough Earth normal.
[ELDRAD] And the radiation count?
[DOCTOR] A bit high.
[ELDRAD] It's all I shall need.
(Kastria dome)
[DOCTOR] Damn it, the aliens have left this planet as good as dead.
[ELDRAD] Oh no, Doctor. This is as Kastria was before I built the solarbarriers. My fellow Kastrians may not have been able to maintain thesystems that I devised for them, but there will be survivors, leadingmiserable existences in the thermal caves deep underground.
[DOCTOR] But nothing functions. There's no power. I can't see how we canreach these survivors even if they do exist.
[ELDRAD] Do you think that I would not be prepared for my return?
[SARAH] That's incredible! Where's the power coming from?
[ELDRAD] Energy drawn from the core of the planet.
[DOCTOR] Inexhaustible energy.
[ELDRAD] Exactly, Doctor. My gift to Kastria. I have come to claim mykingdom. Come, we will descend to the thermal chambers.
(Kastria dome)
[ELDRAD] The traitors. I should have expected.
[DOCTOR] Eldrad, what was in this tube?
[ELDRAD] An acid designed to neutralise the molecular bond. It is nowonly a matter of time.
[DOCTOR] Is there an antidote?
[ELDRAD] Oh no, Doctor. I developed the acid. There is no antidote.
[DOCTOR] But there must be something?
[ELDRAD] Regenerator chamber, level three zero six. But you must get methere quickly before it shatters the crystal matrix. Quick, quick.
[SARAH] Wait, I'm coming.
(Dome control room)
[COMPUTER] Intruders penetrating level fifty anddescending. Intruders penetrating level one hundred and fifty anddescending.
(Level 306)
[DOCTOR] Level three oh six.
[SARAH] How can you tell?
[DOCTOR] Worked it out from the indicator. It's all based on roots ofthree.
[SARAH] I hope that regenerator isn't far.
[DOCTOR] Which way, Eldrad?
[ELDRAD] That way.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Dome control room)
[COMPUTER] Intruders on level three zero sixidentified as two aliens, one Kastrian.
(Level 306)
[DOCTOR] Sarah!
[ELDRAD] She is unharmed, Doctor. These traps are only effective againstsilicon-based lifeform.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Sarah. Stop making a fuss, Sarah. You're from SouthCroydon.
[DOCTOR] You're a carbon-based lifeform. The gas is only effectiveagainst silicon structures.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[SARAH] Hang on. The least you could do is wait for me. I nearlyfrightened myself to death back there.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. It's that way.
[SARAH] How can you tell?
[DOCTOR] I have a superb sense of direction.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] I said, I have a superb sense of direction.
[DOCTOR] You fit for another stint?
[SARAH] Oh, I'm as fit as I'll ever be. Give us a hand. Oh, she'sheavier than she looks. Oh, I hope some of them are still alive.
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure.
(Large chamber)
[SARAH] Hey, look. No signs of life.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps the aliens wiped them out.
[SARAH] I wonder how long it's been like this?
[DOCTOR] Could be millions of years.
[ELDRAD] Doctor, please!
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[SARAH] Yes. If they're dead, you'd think we'd have seen some bodies bynow.
[DOCTOR] We have.
[DOCTOR] Well, if you're made of stone, you crumble to sand. We'rewalking on them.
(Dome control room)
[COMPUTER] Intruders proceeding along level threezero six towards regenerator sector. Awaiting orders to activateautomatic defence procedures.
(Level 306)
[DOCTOR] It can't be far now.
[SARAH] Doctor, I've got a feeling we're being watched.
[DOCTOR] It's your imagination. Nothing's been disturbed down here forthousands of years.
[SARAH] Someone set those boobytraps.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it was long ago. Come on.
[SARAH] Hey, wait a minute.
[DOCTOR] What is it now?
[SARAH] Who were they set for?
[DOCTOR] Presumably the aliens Eldrad told us about. The people whoinvaded the planet.
[SARAH] That means that they're silicon-based lifeforms too.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, and they're very rare. And it's something of acoincidence that there are two of them in the same galaxy.
[SARAH] Yes. Yes!
(Dome control room)
[COMPUTER] Awaiting orders to activate automaticdefence procedures.
(Level 306)
[SARAH] Ah! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] It's an abyss.
[SARAH] It's a long way down, too.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[SARAH] Hey, we don't have to get across that.
[DOCTOR] Is there any other way, Eldrad?
(Dome control room)
[COMPUTER] Alien intruders have faltered. Awaitingorders.
(Level 306)
[SARAH] It's not safe.
[DOCTOR] It's only got to last until we get across.
[SARAH] And what if it only lasts till we get halfway across?
[DOCTOR] You've got no faith, have you. Come on, Eldrad.
[DOCTOR] It's perfectly all right as long as you don't look down.
[DOCTOR] You coming?
(Dome control room)
[COMPUTER] Alien intruders and unidentifiedKastrian have reached regeneration chamber. Should they try to enter,they will be eliminated.
(Outside the regeneration chamber)
[DOCTOR] I never met a door that couldn't be openedsomehow.
[SARAH] Hey, look, Doctor. Eldrad, I think she's found it. Look.
[SARAH] What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] Get back.
[DOCTOR] Now stand back.
[SARAH] You've done it.
[DOCTOR] Get back. Get back!
[DOCTOR] You all right?
[SARAH] Determined lot.
(Dome control room)
[COMPUTER] Intruders have entered the regenerationchamber. Positive identification of Kastrian essential. Obliterationwill proceed on positive identification.
(Regeneration chamber)
[DOCTOR] I understand it now. The crystal in thering carries Eldrad's genetic code. A master print that enables her toreconstitute herself from any suitable radioactive material.
[SARAH] The question is, are we in time?
[DOCTOR] The question is, can I make this regenerator work?
[SARAH] Oh, Doctor, hurry!
[DOCTOR] I can't go any faster. I'm guessing as it is. We'll just haveto use maximum irradiation and hope.
(Dome control room)
[COMPUTER] Eldrad, genocide, anarch, sentenced toobliteration. Malfunction, malfunction. Power proving insufficient forobliteration. Regeneration will occur.
(Regeneration chamber)
[SARAH] No, stop! It'll crush her!
[SARAH] Oh, it's horrid. It's so horrible. It was supposed to remakeher. It's destroyed her.
[SARAH] We killed her.
[DOCTOR] Yes, Sarah. We've been used. They were determined to get Eldradone way or another.
[SARAH] Oh, I'm so confused. Oh, what do we do now?
[DOCTOR] We leave.
[ELDRAD] (male voice) At last! Doctor? Sarah? It is I, Eldrad.
[DOCTOR] Eldrad?
[ELDRAD] Of course, you don't recognise me.
[DOCTOR] How do we know you're Eldrad?
[ELDRAD] Oh come, Doctor, you sound like Professor Watson. As a TimeLord you should be well acquainted with the processes of regeneration.I've attained my true form at last.
[SARAH] Why is she a he?
[ELDRAD] I had to assume a form that would be will be acceptable to theprimitives of your planet.
[DOCTOR] Ah. And so you modelled yourself on the first primitive youcame in contact. He modelled himself on you.
[SARAH] Oh, thanks.
[DOCTOR] Sarah thought you'd been obliterated.
[ELDRAD] They are fools. I gave them this. I designed it, programmed itto recognise my cell pattern, and they thought they could use it todestroy me. Bwahhahaha. It is incapable of destroying me, no matterwhat you or they or anyone else might do. I controlled it. And now Ishall control all Kastria, my creation!
[DOCTOR] What about your enemies?
[ELDRAD] I shall brush them aside, weak and miserable creatures. Whatcan they do in their decrepitude against the might of Eldrad!
[ROKON [OC]] Eldrad.
[ELDRAD] Rokon!
[ROKON [on screen]] Traitor. You think you have victory within yourgrasp, but I, Rokon, tell you you have won nothing but defeat.
[ELDRAD] So, Rokon, you still live.
[DOCTOR] Who is Rokon?
[ELDRAD] The so-called King of Kastria. It was he who ordered myobliteration. Me, Eldrad, architect of the barriers! They thought theycould destroy me, so I destroyed the barriers.
[DOCTOR] You destroyed the barriers?
[DOCTOR] So all that business of alien invaders was a lie?
[ELDRAD] A necessary lie. A means to an end.
[DOCTOR] Why should Rokon want to destroy you in the first place?
[ELDRAD] Because he knew I would take his place. I was young and strong,he was weak and old. He wasn't fit to rule Kastria. And he had noappetite for conquest.
[DOCTOR] Ah. But you do.
[ELDRAD] Yes. I wanted Kastrians to be masters of the galaxy. And now,with me at their head, nothing shall stop us! Every planet within rangeof our starships shall fall to the power of Eldrad. And now, Doctor, Ihave an audience with my king. King? Bwahahaha!
[SARAH] We've been taken for a ride.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Dome control room)
[ELDRAD] Rokon. Rokon? You scorn me?
[ELDRAD] Your successor?
[ELDRAD] What is this? You traitor, you've cheated me of my revenge!
(Outside the dome control room)
[SARAH] But we saw him. He spoke.
[DOCTOR] A recording from the past. The King obviously knew there was achance that Eldrad would return.
[ELDRAD [OC]] He robs me of my destiny.
[SARAH] The boobytraps?
(Dome control room)
[ELDRAD] Nevertheless, I am still King. Nothing canstop me. My ambition is invincible.
[DOCTOR] Where are your subjects, Majesty?
[ELDRAD] Subjects? Stored in the race bank. There's a whole new race ofKastrians, Doctor. A hundred million crystal particles waiting to beplaced in the regenerator. And they shall have me as their ruler! Theywill rebuild the barriers. They will restore the cities. They willreplenish the exhausted lands. We will build a new Kastria, andtogether we shall go forth and conquer the universe!
[SARAH] Let's
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[ELDRAD] Nothing! What stupidity is this? Nothing!
[ROKON [on screen]] Eldrad! After the premature detonation of the modulewe knew there was a remote possibility that one day you would return.
[ELDRAD] Yes, I'm here.
[ROKON [on screen]] But let me tell you. After you destroyed thebarriers, after we knew for certain that life on the surface wasfinished, and the alternative was a miserable subterranean existence,the Kastrian race chose final oblivion. And, because they feared youmight return to wage eternal war throughout the galaxy, they electedalso to destroy the race banks.
[ELDRAD] Traitor! I gave them life!
[ROKON [on screen]] So now you are King, as was your wish. I salute youfrom the dead. Hail, Eldrad, King of nothing.
[ELDRAD] Is this my reward? I created this world. It is mine! Mine byright!
[DOCTOR] Well, Rokon seems to have solved the problem for us. A drasticsolution.
[SARAH] I wouldn't want to live down here, and I wouldn't want him as aleader.
[ELDRAD] Yes, I shall be King. The Earth people. Very backward andprimitive, but they have the necessary aggression. I shall rule them! Ishall be their god! And you will take me back!
[DOCTOR] Oh, no. That's not in the contract. A one-way ticket only. Myobligation to you is over. You're in your own world now.
[ELDRAD] You have my ring. Give it to me.
[DOCTOR] No, I don't think so.
[ELDRAD] It is my key to eternity. Give me the ring!
[DOCTOR] Oh well, since you've put it so nicely.
[SARAH] Don't.
[DOCTOR] Here. Catch.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Sarah.
(Level 306)
[DOCTOR] Down there. Get down there.
[SARAH] Why?
[DOCTOR] Hold this.
[SARAH] What?
[ELDRAD] There is no escape.
[SARAH] What do I do?
[DOCTOR] When I say pull, you pull.
[ELDRAD] You will take me back!
[DOCTOR] Pull!
[DOCTOR] Well, the gravity of the law finally caught up with him.
[SARAH] Yeah, that's all very well, but that was a bit rash, giving himhis ring back.
[SARAH] Oh. Well, what did you give him back, then?
[DOCTOR] My magician's stick.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[SARAH] I'll never be warm again. Never, ever,ever.
[DOCTOR] No, we're well out of that. Goodbye, Kastria.
[SARAH] Do you think that Eldrad, well, do you think that he really isdead?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I doubt it. Very difficult to kill.
[SARAH] Well, I quite liked her, but I couldn't stand him.
[DOCTOR] Whoa, easy, old girl, easy. These temperatures must haveaffected the thermo-couplings.
[SARAH] Yes, I know how she feels. I think Kastria must be the coldestplanet in the galaxy.
[DOCTOR] Oh, rubbish. I've been to much colder places.
[SARAH] Oh, big deal. It's all right for you. I'm human. We're not sothick-skinned.
[DOCTOR] Where's that astro-rectifier? What did you say?
[SARAH] Thick-skinned.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good, good.
[SARAH] Here.
[DOCTOR] Multi-quantiscope.
[SARAH] You know, I might as well be talking to the moon. You don't evenlisten to me.
[DOCTOR] Mergin nut.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] No, no, forget the mergin nut. I'll have the ganymede driver.
[SARAH] There.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[SARAH] Oh, I must be mad. I'm sick of being cold and wet, andhypnotised left right and centre. I'm sick of being shot at, savaged bybug-eyed monsters, never knowing if I'm coming or going or been.
[DOCTOR] Zeus plug.
[SARAH] Oh, I want a bath. I want my hair washed. I just want to feelhuman again.
[DOCTOR] Forget the zeus plug. I'll have the sonic screwdriver.
[SARAH] Oh, and boy am I sick of that sonic screwdriver! I'm going topack my goodies and I'm going home. I said, I'm going to pack mygoodies and I am going home! Right! Excuse me!
[DOCTOR] What was that you? I don't know why she goes on like this.There's really nothing the matter at all.
[DOCTOR] The call. The call from Gallifrey. Gallifrey. After all thistime, Gallifrey. I can't take Sarah to Gallifrey. Must get her backhome. Must reset the coordinates. South Croydon.
[SARAH] Ahem!
[DOCTOR] You're a good girl, Sarah.
[SARAH] Oh, look, it's too late apologising now. Everything's packed.I've got to go.
[DOCTOR] What? How did you know?
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] I've had the call from Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] So I can't take you with me. You've got to go.
[SARAH] Oh, come on. I can't miss Gallifrey. Look, I was only joking. Ididn't mean it. Hey. Hey, you're not going to regenerate again, areyou?
[DOCTOR] Not this time. I don't know what's going to happen.
[SARAH] You're playing one of your jokes on me, just trying to make mestay.
[DOCTOR] No. I've received the call, and as a Time Lord I must obey.
[SARAH] Alone?
[SARAH] And I'll give your love to Harry and the Brigadier. Oh, and Ican tell Professor Watson that you're all right.
[DOCTOR] We've landed, Sarah.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR] We've landed.
[SARAH] Where?
[DOCTOR] South Croydon. Hillview Road, to be exact.
[SARAH] That's my home. Well, I'll be off then. Here.
[DOCTOR] Thanks.
[SARAH] Don't forget me.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Sarah. Don't you forget me.
[SARAH] Bye, Doctor. You know, travel does broaden the mind.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Till we meet again, Sarah.
(Stokefield Close)
[SARAH] This isn't Hillview Road. I bet it isn't even South Croydon. Oh.He blew it.
[SARAH] Hey, hey. You. He blew it.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s14", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Hand of Fear"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (30 Oct, 1976; Fourth Doctor) - The Deadly Assassin
[DOCTOR] The Panopticon.
[DOCTOR] No! No!
(Gallifrey - sector 7)
[TANNOY] Sector seven, sector seven, alert. Unauthorised capsule entryimminent. Repeat, unauthorised capsule entry imminent. Stand to onsector seven.
[DOCTOR] Right outside the Capitol itself. I'm introuble now.
[DOCTOR] The Chancery guards. Pft. What a welcome home.
(Gallifrey - sector 7)
[HILDRED] It looks
[HILDRED] If I didn't know better, Castellan, I'd swear it was a TypeForty.
[HILDRED] But that's impossible.
[HILDRED [on viewscreen]] There are no Type Fortiesin service. They're out of commission, obsolete.
[DOCTOR] Obsolete? Twaddle. Take no notice, my dear old thing.
[SPANDRELL [on viewscreen]] Nevertheless, Commander, this is a Tardis.It's in an unauthorised zone. I want the occupants arrested.
(Gallifrey - sector 7)
[SPANDRELL] The barrier on this model is a doublecurtain trimonic, so you will need a cypher indent key to get in.
[HILDRED] Very good, Castellan. I'll send for one.
[SPANDRELL] After you have arrested the personnel, impound the machine.
[HILDRED] Of course, Castellan. Will you want me to question the
[SPANDRELL] Eventually, yes, but not on a Presidential Resignation Day,Hildred.
[DOCTOR] Presidential Resignation Day!
(Records room)
[SPANDRELL] Data retrieval. Request information on all Type Forty TTcapsules currently operational.
[COMPUTER] Negative information. Type Forty TT capsules are deregisteredand non-operational.
[SPANDRELL] Report number of de-registrations.
[COMPUTER] Three hundred and four.
[SPANDRELL] Report number of registrations.
[COMPUTER] Three hundred and five.
[SPANDRELL] Report reason for numerical imbalance.
[COMPUTER] One capsule removed from register. Reference, MalfeasanceTribunal order dated three zero nine nine zero six.
[ENGIN] Can I be of any further help, Castellan Spandrell?
[SPANDRELL] One minute, Engin.
[HILDRED [on screen]] Commander Hildred, Sector seven.
[SPANDRELL] Malfeasance, Hildred.
[HILDRED [on screen]] Malfeasance?
(Gallifrey - sector 7)
[SPANDRELL [on screen]] The occupant of your TypeForty is a convicted criminal. Approach with caution.
[HILDRED] Very good, Castellan. Set your stasers.
[DOCTOR] I must get past them and warn the President.
[DOCTOR] Cash and carry, Constantinople.
(Gallifrey - sector 7)
[HILDRED] Right, follow me.
[HILDRED] Don't move. I said, don't move.
[HILDRED] There he goes! Quick!
(Gallifrey - sector 7)
[DOCTOR] Hey, just a minute! Excuse me!
[HILDRED] Coyned. He's got into the tower. You'll have to check everyfloor.
[HILDRED] All guards report to main tower, sector seven. Dangerousintruder at large.
(Records room)
[ENGIN] The Tribunal chose, in view of the extenuating circumstances, toimpose a lenient sentence.
[ENGIN] (louder) The Tribunal chose
[SPANDRELL] What sentence?
[ENGIN] Oh, I beg your pardon. Banishment to Earth.
[ENGIN] Sol Three, in Mutter's Spiral. Rather an interesting littleplanet, I understand. Several of our
[SPANDRELL] Is there anything further of relevance I should know,Coordinator Engin?
[ENGIN] I see there is an addendum. Ah, yes. The sentence wassubsequently remitted at the intercession of the CIA.
[SPANDRELL] Celestial Intervention Agency. They get their fingers intoeverything. Is he mixed up with them?
[ENGIN] There's nothing further on the file.
[SPANDRELL] Oh yes, they'd see to it that there wouldn't be. Can you getme his extract biog?
[ENGIN] Yes, certainly. Won't take a moment.
[HILDRED] Castellan, I have to report the intruder in Sector seven
[HILDRED] Evaded us. And he shot one of my guards.
[SPANDRELL] I see. Such efficiency.
[HILDRED] But we have him trapped in the communications tower,Castellan.
[SPANDRELL] Well done, Hildred. An antiquated capsule, for which you getadequate early warning, tranducts on the very perimeter of the Capitol.You are informed that the occupant is a known criminal, whereupon youallow him to escape and conceal himself in a building a mere fiftythree stories high. A clever stratagem, Hildred. You're trying toconfuse him, I take it?
[HILDRED] I apologise, Castellan. He won't evade capture a second time.
[SPANDRELL] In the light of your impressive record so far, I would makeno rash commitments.
[HILDRED] I found this in the capsule.
[SPANDRELL] To the Castellan of the Chancery Guard. I've good reason tothink the life of His Supremacy the President is in grave danger. Donot ignore this warning. The Doctor. And he signed it over thePrydonian Seal.
[ENGIN] Apparently he is or was at one time a member of that nobleChapter.
[SPANDRELL] How can you tell?
[ENGIN] Well, the biog data extracts of Time Lords are colour codedaccording to Chapter.
[SPANDRELL] I didn't know that.
[ENGIN] No? Well, your duties usually involve you with more plebianclasses, don't they, Castellan.
[SPANDRELL] A Prydonian renegade, eh? I have to refer this to ChancellorGoth.
(Gallifrey - sector 7)
[FIGURE] Predictable as ever, Doctor.
[SPANDRELL] He's a Prydonian renegade, sir, and as you know, when aPrydonian forswears his birthright, there is nothing else he fears tolose.
[GOTH] So you think there is a real danger, Castellan?
[SPANDRELL] He has already killed one of the guards. I think he'sruthless and determined. A typical CIA agent.
[GOTH] But if he is a member of the Celestial Intervention Agency, whyshould he wish to harm the President?
[SPANDRELL] He could have been suborned. If he's being false to hisPrydonian vows, his fidelity is already suspect.
[GOTH] But this note? Why warn us in advance?
[SPANDRELL] Perhaps to get us nervous, or just looking the wrong way.Prydonians are notoriously
[GOTH] Devious? Not true, Castellan. We simply see a little furtherahead than most. Anyway, what is it you want?
[SPANDRELL] Permission to withdraw fifty guards from the Panopticon tosearch the communications tower.
[GOTH] A great loss of pomp and circumstance.
[SPANDRELL] I'll feel much happier once he is in custody.
[GOTH] Very well, Spandrell. I should like to see this Tardis.Extraordinary to think an old Type Forty is still operational.
[SPANDRELL] It's in Sector seven, cloisters.
[GOTH] Then we'll have to hurry. I have an audience with the Cardinalsin a few minutes.
[DOCTOR] Now, where's the local news programme? Ah.
[RUNCIBLE [on viewscreen]] Around me in these high galleries of thePanopticon
[RUNCIBLE [OC]] Already the Time Lords aregathering, donning seldom worn robes with their colourful collarinsignia. The scarlet and orange of the Prydonians, the green of theArcalians, the heliotrope of the Patrexes, and so on.
[RUNCIBLE [on viewscreen]] And the one questionthat is on all their lips, the question of the day, as His Supremacyleaves public life, is who will he name as his successor?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, it's Runcible. Runcible the Fatuous.
[RUNCIBLE [on viewscreen]] In a moment, I hope to talk to CardinalBorusa, the leader of the Prydonian Chapter, the Chapter that hasproduced more Time Lord Presidents than all other Chapters together,and perhaps get an answer to this question.
[RUNCIBLE] Cardinal Borusa, if you can spare a moment, sir.
[RUNCIBLE] Public Register Video. If I could ask you a few questions?
[BORUSA] Good gracious. Runcible, is it not?
[RUNCIBLE] Yes, sir.
[BORUSA] One of my old pupils at Prydon Academy.
[RUNCIBLE] May I congratulate you, sir, on your elevation to Cardinal?
[BORUSA] Thank you, Runcible. Good day.
[RUNCIBLE] No, no, wait, sir. Please, if I could ask you a fewquestions.
[BORUSA] Runcible, you had ample opportunity to ask me questions duringyour mis-spent years at the Academy. You failed to avail yourself ofthe opportunity then and it is too late now. Good day.
[RUNCIBLE [on viewscreen]] I'm afraid CardinalBorusa cannot, at this present moment in the time band, commit himself.However, it is certainly no secret that a very senior member of thePrydonian Chapter, and the present number two in the Time Lord Council,Chancellor Goth, is the widely fancied candidate.
[DOCTOR] Oh, get off.
[GOTH [on viewscreen]] There's no way this Doctor can enter the Capitolfrom the tower, is there?
(Gallifrey - sector 7)
[SPANDRELL] Not unless he's got the help of anaccomplice.
[GOTH] From within?
[SPANDRELL] Perhaps he's gone to the tower to shake of his pursuerswhile somebody inside lifts the barrier.
[GOTH] What an inventive suspicious mind you have, Spandrell. So this inan old Type Forty.
[SPANDRELL] Its shape was infinitely variable.
[GOTH] Remarkably good condition. What are you going to do with it?
[SPANDRELL] I hadn't thought. I was more interested in its operator.
[GOTH] Well, I shouldn't leave it here in case he tries to sneak back.Transduct it back into the Capitol.
[SPANDRELL] Very well, sir.
[GOTH] Oh, and, er, keep me informed about your progress on theconspiracy.
[SPANDRELL] Of course. Transduct this to the museum.
[DOCTOR] What a way to travel. But which way the Panopticon?
[FIGURE] So, he is within the Capitol.
[MAN] All his actions are exactly as you predicted, Master.
[FIGURE] I know him.
[MAN] He is resourceful. He will gain the Panopticon without furtherhelp.
[FIGURE] Of course, he knows he is entering a trap.
[FIGURE] But how can he resist such a bait? MAN
[FIGURE] Quixotic fool. He will die quickly. Make certain he dies veryquickly.
(Gallifrey - sector 7)
[HILDRED] We checked the tower, Castellan. Nothing.
[SPANDRELL] Nothing?
[HILDRED] Fifty two floors. Nothing. He never left the lift. We think hedoubled back.
[SPANDRELL] To the capsule?
[HILDRED] Out here. There's nowhere else for him.
[SPANDRELL] Come with me, and bring the tracker.
[GUARD] Castellan.
[SPANDRELL] Now he could get into the Panopticon.
[HILDRED] But everyone has to show a pass. The door guards will neverlet any
[SPANDRELL] Do you think they will stop Gold Usher? Would you? Get overthere and try to find him.
[HILDRED] Very good, Castellan.
[SPANDRELL] And Hildred, try to be discreet.
(Time Lords robing room)
[TIME LORD 1] You know, I remember the inaugural ofPandek the Third.
[TIME LORD 2] Really?
[TIME LORD 1] Yeah. Nine hundred years, he lasted. Now there was aPresident with some staying power, what?
[TIME LORD 2] What?
[TIME LORD 1] Staying power. Where the dickens is my gown?
[TIME LORD 2] Nine hundred years, eh?
[TIME LORD 1] I could have sworn it was here a second ago.
[DOCTOR] Here you are, sir.
[TIME LORD 1] Ah, thank you. Most kind. Yes, very different from thefellows nowadays, what? They're chopping and changing every couple ofcenturies.
[TIME LORD 2] You're not gold, are you?
[TIME LORD 1] Not what? This isn't my gown! That fellow's given me thewrong gown.
[TIME LORD 2] What fellow?
(Panopticon gallery)
(Records room)
[SPANDRELL] There may be something in his history.Some clue. If only I could convince the Chancellor the threat isserious.
[ENGIN] It would have to be very serious before they'd delay theceremony. The President must be on his way to the Panopticon by now.Can I have the data, Castellan?
[SPANDRELL] This has been in the reader recently.
[ENGIN] Surely not.
[SPANDRELL] No mica dust.
[ENGIN] What? There are millions of extracts in the archives. It'shardly feasible
[SPANDRELL] I live with the dirt of the past, Coordinator Engin, and Ican tell you that the old crimes besmirch the fingers.
[ENGIN] Well, if it has been withdrawn, there'll certainly be a record.
[SPANDRELL] I shall want to know who had it.
[ENGIN] Yes.
[SPANDRELL] But let's see the extract first.
[ENGIN] A pleasure, Castellan.
(Panopticon gallery)
[FIGURE] Heh, heh, heh. The innocent to the slaughter.
(Panopticon antechamber)
[GOLD USHER] You have everything, sir?
[PRESIDENT] I think so.
[GOLD USHER] The list?
[PRESIDENT] What? Oh, the resignation honours list. Yes, here it is.Some names here that will surprise them.
[DOCTOR] Runcible, my dear chap. How nice to see you.
[RUNCIBLE] What? Oh, I don't believe we've, er. Oh, I say. Weren't youexpelled or something? Some scandal?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's all been forgotten about now, old boy.
[RUNCIBLE] Oh, really? Well, where've you been all these years?
[DOCTOR] Oh, here and there, you know. Round and about.
[RUNCIBLE] Is there something the matter?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, just a twinge in the knee.
[RUNCIBLE] Well, if you will lead such a rackety life. Have you had afacelift?
[DOCTOR] Several, so far.
[RUNCIBLE] Yes, well, nice to have met you. I must get on. I'm doing thePR videocast.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and splendidly too, if I may say so.
[RUNCIBLE] Oh, do you think so?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's a gift. Somehow you have a wonderful way of making thewhole thing come alive.
[RUNCIBLE] Oh, that's very nice of you.
[RUNCIBLE] Oh, that'll be the President now. He's just arrived at thePanopticon.
[RUNCIBLE] Are you sure you're all right?
[DOCTOR] What? Yes.
[RUNCIBLE] Come on, you stupid yoik.
[DOCTOR] What?
[RUNCIBLE] I should be getting a signal from my camera technician upthere.
[DOCTOR] Let me go! Let me go!
[RUNCIBLE] (to camera) Just a little disturbance here in the Panopticon,as the President starts to ascend. Already the members of the HighCouncil, led by Chancellor Goth, are moving forward to greet HisSupremacy.
(Panopticon gallery)
(Panopticon gallery)
[HILDRED] There he is.
[TIME LORD] What a terrible thing to happen.
[RUNCIBLE] Did you see what happened, sir?
[TIME LORD] It's terrible, terrible.
[RUNCIBLE] But is the President dead?
[BORUSA] We live in evil times.
[RUNCIBLE] Ah, Castellan Spandrell. Perhaps you can tell me what hashappened?
[SPANDRELL] Will you all stand back, please. We've got the criminal.
[TIME LORD] Is that him?
[BORUSA] A Prydonian.
[HILDRED] He was in the gallery, sir, still holding this.
[DOCTOR] Extraordinary. The roof's still on. I could have sworn it fellon me.
[SPANDRELL] Get him to a detention room.
[DOCTOR] No, no, wait, wait, I
[GUARD] Move it.
[GOTH] Castellan!
[GOTH] The President is dead. The trial will start immediately.
[SPANDRELL] I need more time.
[GOTH] Time for what?
[SPANDRELL] There are unanswered questions.
[GOTH] That, presumably, will be the purpose of the trial.
[BORUSA] Such haste is against all our traditions of fairness andjustice.
[GOTH] This is a constitutional crisis. The President died withoutnaming his successor. An election must be held within forty eighthours.
[BORUSA] But that is a separate matter.
[GOTH] No, Cardinal! The Time Lords must not be seen to be leaderlessand in disarray. The assassin must be tried and executed before theelection.
(Detention room)
[HILDRED] You will confess, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] All right. All right, I'll confess.
[HILDRED] Very sensible.
[DOCTOR] I confess you're a bigger idiot than I thought you were. Argh.
[HILDRED] There are fifteen intensity levels in this device, Doctor. Atthe moment, you're only experiencing level nine. Much easier to talk.
[DOCTOR] I've got nothing to say.
[HILDRED] Oh, you'll think of something, soon.
[DOCTOR] Tweedledum.
[SPANDRELL] Turn it off.
[DOCTOR] Tweedledee.
[SPANDRELL] I must apologise for my subordinate. He lets his enthusiasmrun away with him.
[DOCTOR] I see. The hot and cold technique.
[SPANDRELL] We are simply seekers of the truth, and we haven't got muchtime. Chancellor Goth has ordered your immediate trial.
[DOCTOR] I'd like to help you. How about a signed confession?
[SPANDRELL] That will help. I hate going to court without possessing thefull facts. Motive, for instance.
[DOCTOR] Now that's a sensible question. Why should anyone want toassassinate a retiring President?
[SPANDRELL] A personal grudge?
[DOCTOR] I never met him.
[SPANDRELL] I know. I have seen your biog.
[DOCTOR] And you still think I did it?
[SPANDRELL] I think you're going to be executed for it. They arepreparing the vaporisation chamber now. You have about three hours tolive, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What? Well, that's monstrous. Vaporisation withoutrepresentation is against the constitution.
[SPANDRELL] You are an embarrassment.
[DOCTOR] You realise I've been framed, don't you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, framed. It's an Earth expression. It means that someone'sgone to a great deal of trouble to get me into this mess.
[SPANDRELL] Why did you come back here?
[DOCTOR] To try and save the President's life. If you remember, I left anote for you.
[DOCTOR] Which, presumably, you did nothing about.
[SPANDRELL] All that I could. So you knew the President was going to beassassinated?
[DOCTOR] Yes. In a way, I experienced it.
(Records room)
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Well, this is the bit you won't believe. Peopletalk of a premonition of tragedy, but I actually saw it happening. Isaw the President die as vividly, as clearly as I can see this roomnow.
[SPANDRELL [OC]] And where were you when this happened?
[DOCTOR [on screen]] In the Tardis, travelling in vortex, after I'dheard the Panopticon summons.
[SPANDRELL] What do you think?
[ENGIN] Precognitive vision is impossible.
[SPANDRELL] He knows that, and he knows that we know it, and yet hemaintains it happened.
[ENGIN] And that's why you believe him?
[SPANDRELL] I'm beginning to.
[ENGIN] Nobody else will.
[SPANDRELL] I think he's being framed.
[ENGIN] Framed?
[SPANDRELL] An Earth expression.
[SPANDRELL] You were going to check for me who had withdrawn theDoctor's DE.
[ENGIN] Nobody. I'm afraid you were wrong about that, Castellan.
[SPANDRELL] I don't think so.
[ENGIN] The machine is infallible. Data extraction is impossible withoutan operating key like this.
[ENGIN] And the code of the particular key is recorded here, oppositethe archive number of the data extract.
[ENGIN] Now, as you can see, my key is the only one entered against theDoctor's DE.
[SPANDRELL] And how many of those keys are there?
[ENGIN] They're only issued to High Councillors. Nobody else is allowedto inspect the DE's of Time Lords, except for yourself, Castellan, inthe line of duty.
[SPANDRELL] The record could have been erased, I take it.
[ENGIN] You obviously have no idea of the complexity of excitoniccircuitry.
[SPANDRELL] No, I haven't, but if somebody knew what he was doing?
[ENGIN] It would require a mathematical genius with a phenomenal graspof applied excitonics.
[SPANDRELL] Really? There can't be many of those on the High Council.
[BORUSA] We should allow time for reflection, forpassions to cool.
[GOTH] A wise and beloved President brutally shot down in his last hourof office? No matter how much time we allow, that fact won't alter.
[BORUSA] A violent action is causing an equally violent reaction.
[GOTH] Oh, I understand that, Cardinal, but there is anotherconsideration. Quite possibly, after the election, I shall have thehonour of being President of the Council.
[BORUSA] You're being over-modest, Chancellor. I'm sure of it. Just asI'm sure that the President would have named you as his successor.
[GOTH] Who knows what was in the President's mind? But it is the custom,as you know, for an incoming president to pardon political prisoners.Is he to set free the murderer of his predecessor, or break withcustom? Either course would be difficult. I intend to avoid the dilemmaby seeing this affair through before he takes office.
[BORUSA] Chancellor, all presidents are faced with difficult decisions.It is by their decisions that they are judged.
[HILDRED] The prisoner eluded us at that time. Later I went withCastellan Spandrell to the Capitol Museum where the TT capsule had beentransferred. Erogen tracer immediately became active. I concluded theprisoner must have been in the vicinity sometime previous.
[RUNCIBLE] He seemed nervous, well, apprehensive. He was looking aroundall the time that we were talking. Then, just before the Presidentappeared, he turned and started to run across the Panopticon. Afterthat, I thought he said
[TIME LORD] He pushed past me in a loutish and unmannerly way. Never inall my years of attendance at the Panopticon can I recall such
[GOTH] If you could confine yourself to this incident, sir. Whathappened next?
[TIME LORD] Well, I caught him by the arm to remonstrate with him, andhe shouted 'Let me go. They'll kill him.'
[GOTH] Are you quite sure of that?
[GOTH] Are you perhaps getting a little hard of hearing these days?
[TIME LORD] Well, er, at my age one can expect these things. I've beenhaving a bit of trouble with my hip lately.
[GOTH] Let me put it to you. Could the accused have said, 'Let me go, Iwill kill him'?
[TIME LORD] Well, yes, I suppose it is possible. He could have saidthat.
[GOTH] Thank you. Has the accused anything to say before sentence ispronounced?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Article Seventeen.
[GOTH] Article Seventeen?
[DOCTOR] I offer myself as a candidate for the Presidency.
[GOTH] The application is frivolous.
[DOCTOR] No, sir. I invoke Article Seventeen of the Constitution whichis a guarantee of liberty and says, in part, that no candidate foroffice shall in anyway be debarred or restrained from presenting hisclaim.
[GOTH] The guarantee of liberty does not extend to murderers.
[BORUSA] As a jurist, Chancellor, I must point out that until theaccused is pronounced guilty, he is protected by Article Seventeen.
[GOTH] He is abusing a legal technicality.
[DOCTOR] No, sir, I am claiming a legal right.
[BORUSA] Chancellor, this court must be adjourned until the election isover.
[GOTH] Very well. But do not think you will escape justice. CastellanSpandrell?
[GOTH] See that the accused gets no opportunity to leave the Capitol.
[SPANDRELL] Yes, sir.
[SPANDRELL] Forty eight hours, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's better than three.
[SPANDRELL] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Suppose, suppose I can convince you I didn't do it?
[SPANDRELL] All right, convince me.
[FIGURE] Well?
[MAN] The trial was adjourned, master. He pleaded Article Seventeen.
[FIGURE] He remains as ingenious as ever.
[MAN] He will not escape.
[FIGURE] Escape? Escape is not in his mind. Now he is hunting you.
[MAN] It was a mistake to bring him here. We could have used anyone.
[FIGURE] No, we could not have used anyone. You do not understand hatredas I understand it. Only hate keeps me alive. Why else should I endurethis pain? I must see the Doctor die in shame and dishonour. Yes, and Imust destroy the Time Lords. Nothing else matters. Nothing!
[SPANDRELL] Don't get any ambitious ideas.
[DOCTOR] I just wanted to check it was the same staser. You see thatsymbol at the end of the corridor?
[SPANDRELL] What about it?
[DOCTOR] You try and hit it.
[DOCTOR] Go on. You try and hit it.
[SPANDRELL] Just the kind of hooliganism we're always running theShabogans in for.
[SPANDRELL] Miles away.
[DOCTOR] The sights. So you see, I couldn't have shot the President if Itried. And equally, I couldn't hit the assassin. That's why they werefixed.
[SPANDRELL] The assassin, according to you, being one of the HighCouncil.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, he was in the party surrounding the President. I sawhim draw a staser and step forward. I aimed a bolt at him, but at thattime I didn't know the sights had been fixed.
[SPANDRELL] One of the High Council. It's getting better and better.
[DOCTOR] What is?
[SPANDRELL] Your story. But still a story. Where's the evidence, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I'll tell you where the evidence is.
[DOCTOR] In the Public Register camera. I was standing right beside it.
[SPANDRELL] Doctor, you may yet end up as President. Hildred?
[HILDRED] Yes, Castellan.
[SPANDRELL] Take the Doctor to the Panopticon.
[HILDRED] Now, sir?
[SPANDRELL] Of course now. And I want Commentator Runcible there too.And wait for me.
[HILDRED] Very good, Castellan.
[GOTH] That's an unusual request. You want thePanopticon open at this hour?
[SPANDRELL] For further investigation, sir.
[GOTH] I see. Well, if there is anything further to be discovered,Castellan.
[SPANDRELL] Thank you, sir.
[GOTH] You're keeping a close watch on the Doctor, I hope?
[SPANDRELL] Someone is with him all the time.
[GOTH] Good. You know that, apart from myself, he is the only othercandidate in this election?
[SPANDRELL] Is that so.
[GOTH] A murderer and a renegade. That exposes the highest office in theland to ridicule. Well, my first action as President will be to haveCardinal Borusa draft an amendment to Article Seventeen. I shall seethat this sort of thing never happens again.
[RUNCIBLE] It's not really my field, of course. The technician wouldnormally be responsible.
[SPANDRELL] Your technician disappeared. Probably scared to death ofbeing involved. All I want to see is the last sequence leading up tothe assassination.
[RUNCIBLE] I expect that will be in the last band of the drum.
[SPANDRELL] Splendid. So perhaps you'll be good enough to fetch it.
[RUNCIBLE] Yes, all right, Castellan.
[DOCTOR] About there.
[SPANDRELL] Then the bullet would have passed over and to the left.
[SPANDRELL] Let's see.
[HILDRED] Castellan.
[SPANDRELL] What is it?
[HILDRED] I thought I saw a movement up there.
[SPANDRELL] Oh, that's Runcible. Might be something across here.
(Panopticon gallery)
[HILDRED [OC]] Here, Castellan.
[DOCTOR] Is that it?
[SPANDRELL] Stasers don't do a lot of damage, except to body tissue.Looking at the President, you couldn't say whether he was hit in thehead or the leg.
[HILDRED] That was Runcible!
(Panopticon gallery)
[SPANDRELL [OC]] Runcible, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Well, at least he's alive.
[SPANDRELL] Come on, what happened?
[RUNCIBLE] Horrible. Horrible.
[SPANDRELL] What are you talking about?
[RUNCIBLE] My technician.
[RUNCIBLE] In the camera.
[SPANDRELL] Good grief. What's happened to him?
[DOCTOR] Matter condensation. A particularly nasty sort of death.
[HILDRED] No wonder we couldn't find him.
[SPANDRELL] I've never seen anything like it.
[DOCTOR] I have, I'm afraid.
[SPANDRELL] You have?
[DOCTOR] Yes. It's a technique the Master picked up somewhere on histravels.
[SPANDRELL] Who's the Master?
[DOCTOR] Who is the Master? He's my sworn arch-enemy. A fiend whoglories in chaos and destruction.
[SPANDRELL] A Time Lord?
[DOCTOR] Yes, a long time ago. You know, a lot of things are becomingclearer.
[SPANDRELL] Not to me.
[DOCTOR] If the Master is here on Gallifrey, then this represents thefinal challenge. It explains why I was brought here. There are oldscores to settle. And that's just a sort of greetings card.
[SPANDRELL] Shut that thing up. Runcible, we are still waiting for youto find the last sequence.
[RUNCIBLE] It's here, Castellan. You can tell by the numbers.
[SPANDRELL] I can tell when I see it. Take it to Records. I'll have alook at it there. I want to know all you can tell me about this Master.And I warn you know, if there is some private feud between you, do nottry to settle it on Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] It cannot be avoided. Like it or not, Gallifrey is involved,and I'm afraid things will never be quite the same again. Shall we godown?
[SPANDRELL] If he's a Time Lord, there'll be a DEon him in the archives.
[DOCTOR] Mmm, perhaps, perhaps.
[SPANDRELL] What do you mean, perhaps? There's a full biog on every TimeLord.
[HILDRED] Runcible.
[RUNCIBLE] I'm sorry, so sorry.
[RUNCIBLE] I'm sorry, so sorry.
(Records room)
[SPANDRELL] Four cold-blooded killings in one day.
[DOCTOR] Flea-bitings, Spandrell, flea-bitings. Things will get a lotworse.
[SPANDRELL] Not here in the Time Lord Capitol.
[DOCTOR] Well, it might rouse some of them from their lethargy. Theylive for centuries and have about as much sense of adventure asdormice.
[ENGIN] Nothing, Castellan. There is no record of any Time Lord everadopting that title.
[DOCTOR] I told you so. If there had been a DE on the Master, the firstthing he would have done would be to destroy it.
[SPANDRELL] According to Coordinator Engin, the Time Lord data extractscannot be withdrawn without the fact being recorded. I thought thatyours had been scanned recently, but he assured me it was impossible.
[DOCTOR] Rubbish. Anyone with a little criminal know-how could do it. Icould do it myself.
[ENGIN] More that criminal know-how, Doctor. Excitonic circuitry.
[DOCTOR] Child's play to the Master. Do you think this stuff issophisticated? There are worlds out there where this kind of equipmentwould be considered prehistoric junk.
[SPANDRELL] What is the Master like on mathematics?
[DOCTOR] He's brilliant, absolutely brilliant. He's almost up to mystandard. What's that?
[ENGIN] The APC control.
[ENGIN] Amplified Panatropic Computations.
[DOCTOR] Brain cells.
[ENGIN] Yes. Trillions of electrochemical cells in a continuous matrix.The cells are the repository of departed Time Lords. At the moment ofdeath, an electrical scan is made of the brain pattern and thesemillions of impulses are immediately transferred to the
[DOCTOR] Shush. I understand the theory. What's the function?
[ENGIN] Well, to monitor life in the Capitol. We use all this combinedknowledge and experience to predict future developments.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Like the assassination of a President.
[ENGIN] For some reason, that was not foreseen.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, it was foreseen, Engin. It was foreseen by me. How veryclever. This time he's surpassed himself.
[SPANDRELL] What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] Well, don't you see what he's done? We Time Lords aretelepathic. That's simply a brain storage system. He intercepted itsforecast that the President was to be assassinated and beamed it intomy mind.
[SPANDRELL] Is that possible?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. He could do it. You said my DE had been scanned.
[DOCTOR] Yes. He'd need a biography print to beam a message accuratelyover that distance. It makes sense, Spandrell.
[SPANDRELL] Maybe, but why?
[DOCTOR] I told you. Because he has an old score to settle.
[ENGIN] Doctor, I simply cannot believe that anybody could do whatyou're suggesting. How can one intercept a thought pattern from withinthe Matrix itself?
[DOCTOR] By going in there and joining it.
[SPANDRELL] You mean a living mind?
[DOCTOR] Well, in a sense that's all a living mind is, electrochemicalimpulses. If I went in there, I could discover where he intercepted thecircuit.
[ENGIN] I couldn't allow that. It's too dangerous. The psychosomaticfeedback might kill you.
[DOCTOR] I'm aware of that.
[ENGIN] It's never been done.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's better than being vaporised, and that's what's instore for me if I don't produce the Master.
[SPANDRELL] Let him try it.
[ENGIN] Well, all right.
[ENGIN] Lie down.
[DOCTOR] Is this what happens to the near-deceased?
[ENGIN] Well, they're normally unconscious. I think there might be somepain.
[DOCTOR] I'm ready when you are.
[ENGIN] Are you quite sure?
[DOCTOR] Get on with it.
(Records room)
[ENGIN] It's stopped.
[ENGIN] Brain activity. Look, there's nothing.
[SPANDRELL] You mean he's dead?
[ENGIN] Virtually. I warned him the psychic shock of that environment
[SPANDRELL] But he's still breathing.
[ENGIN] Oh, motor functions often continue for some. He's back! Hisbrain must have an unusually high level of artron energy.
[SPANDRELL] What do you think happened in there?
[ENGIN] I don't know.
[FIGURE] You were a fool, Doctor, to venture into my domain.
[DOCTOR] It's an illusion. Dreams.
[DOCTOR] I deny this reality. The reality is a computation matrix.
[FIGURE [OC]] I am the creator here, Doctor. This is my world. There isno escape for you.
[FIGURE] Bwahahahaha!
[DOCTOR] I deny it. I deny it!
[FIGURE [OC]] You are trapped in my creation, Doctor. My reality rules.
[DOCTOR] All right, I'll fight you in your reality.
[FIGURE [OC]] Then it will be a pleasure to destroy you. Be on yourguard. Bwhahaha!
(Records room)
[SPANDRELL] His respiration has increased.
[ENGIN] That's an adrenaline response. And there's a massive blood sugardemand. That would suggest he's preparing either to run for his life,or to fight for his life.
[SPANDRELL] But he can't, can he? Who or what is he fighting?
[ENGIN] Presumably, another mind.
[SPANDRELL] You mean there's another living mind in the Matrix?
[ENGIN] I'm only speculating, Castellan.
[FIGURE] We have him now, but be wary. The Doctor is never moredangerous than when the odds are against him.
[HUNTER] (sotto) Water. He's going to need water.
[DOCTOR] No anti-tank gun.
[DOCTOR] I wonder what he's been up to?
[DOCTOR] It didn't get him. If it had, this nightmare would have ended.
[HUNTER] All right, Doctor. A good try, but not quite good enough.
[FIGURE] The fool! That could have been fatal.Physical deterioration increasing. He should have finished the Doctoroff before now.
[FIGURE] Stand. I have a task for you. There may be difficulties. Othersmay try to prevent you fulfilling my orders. You will ignore them andobey only me. You will let nothing stop you. Do you understand?
[SOLIS] Yes, Master. I will obey only you.
[FIGURE] This is what you will do.
[DOCTOR] So that's what he was up to.
[HUNTER] I'm very close to you, Doctor. You'd better start running. Doyou hear me, Doctor?
(Records room)
[SOLIS] Message from the Chancellor, sir. He'd like the Doctor broughtto him.
[SPANDRELL] Solis, isn't it?
[SOLIS] Yes, sir.
[SPANDRELL] He's one of the Chancellor's personal guard.
[ENGIN] Very well. You'll have to wait. It'll be over soon, one way orthe other.
[SPANDRELL] He's been in almost four minutes. How long can a living manexist in there?
[ENGIN] I've no data available, but his body's on the point of collapsenow. Low blood pressure, shallow respiration, carbon dioxideincreasing. He can't last much longer.
[DOCTOR] Must keep going. I must keep going.
[HUNTER] He can't last long.
(Records room)
[SPANDRELL] It's only a mental battle. If theDoctor's losing, why can't he just pull out?
[ENGIN] It's not that simple. His adversary must have been in the matrixmany times before. Hey, don't touch that!
[SOLIS] Sorry.
[ENGIN] He's created a mental stronghold, a dreamscape if you like. TheDoctor's got caught up in it.
[SPANDRELL] So he doesn't stand a chance?
[ENGIN] A very slight one. His opponent is expending energy inmaintaining the reality projection. The Doctor can employ all his ownartron energy for defence.
[SPANDRELL] Get back! Get back from
[DOCTOR] Marsh gas.
[MASTER] That man! One final effort. Kill him! Destroy him! I, theMaster, command you!
[GOTH] Where are you, Doctor? You can't win, Doctor. You might as wellgive up now.
[DOCTOR] What do you want of me?
[GOTH] Only your life, Doctor. Your life for my Master.
[DOCTOR] I'll make a bargain with you.
[GOTH] No bargains. Show yourself, Doctor. Get it over with. Do you hearme?
[DOCTOR] No. You show yourself first. Your real self.
[GOTH] Very well, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Goth. All right, Goth, you win.
[GOTH] Finished, Doctor. You're finished.
[MASTER] You wistful, you craven-hearted spineless poltroon. You failedme.
[GOTH] Too, too strong. Too much artron energy.
[MASTER] Bah. There's only one chance now.
[GOTH] Master, what are you doing?
[MASTER] I must trap him in the Matrix.
[GOTH] No, Master, no. For pity's sake! The connections. You'll kill me.
[MASTER] I've no time to waste on you.
(Records room)
[ENGIN] The circuits!
[SPANDRELL] No, you can't! If you cut the power, the Doctor will die inthere.
[ENGIN] But the circuits are blowing. If there's a fire, the wholepanatropic net, thousands of brain patterns will be destroyed forever.
[SPANDRELL] They're not alive. The Doctor is, I hope.
[ENGIN] It's all right, Spandrell. He's made it.
[MASTER] They've cut the net. He must be out.
[GOTH] You fiend. Why did I believe in you?
[MASTER] I'll cheat them yet. I'm not beaten.
(Records room)
[DOCTOR] Do you mind? This is a non-smokingcompartment.
[ENGIN] What?
[DOCTOR] What?
[SPANDRELL] How do you feel, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Tired.
[SPANDRELL] Yes, you'd better rest. You took quite a beating in there.
[DOCTOR] You should see the other fellow. Where is he, by the way?
[ENGIN] Who?
[DOCTOR] Goth.
[SPANDRELL] Did you say Goth, the Chancellor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The Master's legman. He's the assassin, Spandrell.
[SPANDRELL] That's why he wanted a quick execution.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes. That's right.
[DOCTOR] It was Goth, remember, who ordered my Tardis to be transductedinto the Capitol. He knew I was still inside it. Goth must have his ownlink with the Matrix. A tap-in. We've got to trace it back to himbefore he recovers. What's underneath here?
[ENGIN] Only service ducts.
[DOCTOR] Is that all?
[ENGIN] Well, a long way down, vaults and foundations dating from theold time.
[DOCTOR] Come on, come on. Show me.
[DOCTOR] The Master.
[SPANDRELL] Is he dead?
[ENGIN] The Chancellor's still alive.
[SPANDRELL] Not for long, by the look of him.
[ENGIN] He must have taken the full shock.
[GOTH] So, Doctor, you beat us in the end.
[DOCTOR] Goth. Goth, why did you do it?
[GOTH] Wanted power. Wanted to be President.
[DOCTOR] But you would have been.
[GOTH] President told me I was not his successor.
[SPANDRELL] So you killed him?
[GOTH] For him, the Master. His plan.
[DOCTOR] What was his plan, Goth?
[GOTH] Met him on Tersurus. He was dying. No more regeneration possible.Promised me share all his knowledge if I bring him to Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] Goth? Goth, what was his plan?
[GOTH] Couldn't fight his mental dominance. Did everything he asked.Sorry now.
[DOCTOR] Goth, what was
[ENGIN] It's no use, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No answer to a straight question. Typical politician.
[SPANDRELL] It seems clear how it happened. TheMaster tried to trap the Doctor in the APC net by overloading theneuron fields. Then he collapsed and died, leaving Chancellor Gothstill connected into the circuit.
[BORUSA] Natural causes?
[SPANDRELL] Yes, sir. His body was extremely emaciated. He had come tothe end of his regeneration cycle.
[DOCTOR] No what, Cardinal?
[BORUSA] The story is not acceptable. This is a very difficult, verydelicate position. We must adjust the truth.
[ENGIN] In what way, Cardinal?
[BORUSA] In a way that will maintain public confidence in the Time Lordsand their leadership. How many people have seen this Master since hisdeath?
[SPANDRELL] Apart from ourselves, Hildred and the two guards who tookthe body to the Panopticon vault.
[BORUSA] Then we shall rely on their silence. We shall change theappearance of the corpse, Castellan. We all know the posthumous effectof a staser bolt. Within the hour, the body will be charred beyondrecognition. Our story is going to be that the Master arrived inGallifrey to assassinate the President, secretly. Before he couldescape, Chancellor Goth tracked him down and killed him, unfortunatelyperishing himself in the exchange of fire. Now that's much better. Ican believe that.
[ENGIN] You're making Goth into a hero?
[BORUSA] If heroes don't exist, it is necessary to invent them. Good forpublic morale.
[ENGIN] And the Doctor's part in all this?
[BORUSA] Best forgotten. Of course, Doctor, the charge against you willbe dropped.
[DOCTOR] How kind.
[BORUSA] Conditional on your leaving Gallifrey tonight.
[DOCTOR] Somehow, Cardinal, I don't want to stay.
[BORUSA] Good. I believe you know something of the Master's past.
[DOCTOR] We've bumped into each other from time to time.
[BORUSA] Then before you leave, you can assist Coordinator Engin tocompile a new biog of him. It doesn't have to be entirely accurate.
[DOCTOR] Like Time Lord history.
[BORUSA] A few facts, Coordinator, will lend it verisimilitude. Wecannot make the Master into a public enemy if there is no data on him.
[ENGIN] I can have an authentic seeming data extract ready by morning,Cardinal.
[BORUSA] I'll leave that to you then. Later, Castellan, we must takeanother look at data security. We cannot have Time Lord DEs simplyvanishing from the records.
[SPANDRELL] I agree, sir.
[BORUSA] Well, I think that's all. You'll attend immediately to thecosmetic treatment?
[BORUSA] The body, Castellan.
[DOCTOR] Only in mathematics will we find truth.
[ENGIN] What?
[DOCTOR] Borusa used to say that during my time at the Academy, and nowhe's setting out to prove it.
[HILDRED] Over there?
[HILDRED] Commander Hildred, Sector seven.
[SPANDRELL [on screen]] A little job for you, well within your capacity.Come to the Chancellery.
[HILDRED] Immediately, Castellan.
(Records room)
[ENGIN] What about his character?
[ENGIN] Oh, Doctor, could you please be a little more specific?
[DOCTOR] Yes. He was evil, cunning and resourceful. Highly developedpowers of ESP and a formidable hypnotist. And the more I think aboutit, the less likely it seems.
[ENGIN] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, that the Master would meekly accept the end of hisregeneration cycle. It's not his style at all.
[ENGIN] But that's something we must all accept, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Not the Master. No, he had some sort of plan. That'swhy he came here, Engin.
[ENGIN] After the twelfth regeneration, there is no plan that willpostpone death.
[DOCTOR] He had a plan. Something to do with Goth becoming thePresident. What's so special about the President, Engin?
[ENGIN] Nothing. He's simply an elected Time Lord, usually from somesenior position. He holds the symbols of office, but otherwise he's nodifferent from any other Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Symbols.
[ENGIN] Yes. Relics from the old time. The Sash of Rassilon. The Key.
[DOCTOR] Tell me about Rassilon.
[ENGIN] Well, it's all in the book of the old time. But there's a moderntransgram that's much less difficult.
[DOCTOR] Could we hear that?
[ENGIN] You mean now?
[ENGIN] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Engin, I can feel my hair curling, and that means either it'sgoing to rain or else I'm on to something.
[HILDRED] I understand, Castellan.
[SPANDRELL] I chose you for this special mission because he's alreadydead. You are unlikely to miss him.
[HILDRED] No, sir.
[SPANDRELL] Right, off you go. Not a word to anyone.
[HILDRED] Castellan, we found this in the adytum, under the chair wherethe body was.
[SPANDRELL] Empty, but enough traces to analyse, no doubt. Thank you,Commander. And report back after you've restructured the Master.
(Records room)
[ENGIN] And today we tend to think of Rassilon asthe founder of our modern civilisation. But in his own time he wasregarded mainly as an engineer and an architect. And, of course, it waslong before we turned aside from the barren road of technology.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's all very interesting. Could we hear the transgram?
[ENGIN] Early history is something of a pet subject.
[WOMAN [OC]] And Rassilon journeyed into the black void with a greatfleet. Within the void, no light would shine and nothing of that outernature continue in being, except that which existed within the Sash ofRassilon.
[DOCTOR] Must be a black hole.
[ENGIN] What?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[WOMAN [OC]] Now Rassilon found the Eye of Harmony, which balances allthings, that they may neither flux nor wither nor change their state inany measure. And he caused the Eye to be brought to the world ofGallifrey wherein he sealed this beneficence with the Great Key.
[DOCTOR] What's the Great Key?
[WOMAN [OC]] Then the people rejoiced
[ENGIN] It's an ebonite rod carried by the President on ceremonialoccasions. But it's actual function, if it ever had one, is a completemystery.
[DOCTOR] Where's it kept?
[ENGIN] In the Panopticon. There's a display case of relics.
[DOCTOR] And the Sash of Rassilon, where's that?
[ENGIN] Oh, that's held by the President. That stays in his possession.
[DOCTOR] Of course. What a stupendous egotist.
[ENGIN] Who?
[DOCTOR] The Master. He'd have destroyed Gallifrey, the Time Lords,everything, just for the sake of his own survival.
[SPANDRELL] It seems that the Master didn't die from natural causes.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SPANDRELL] He killed himself. Careful, it's poison.
[DOCTOR] Tricophenyladehyde.
[SPANDRELL] Deadly, no doubt.
[DOCTOR] No. It's a neural inhibitor. Spandrell, we've been fooled.
[DOCTOR] The Master, he's still alive.
[SPANDRELL] I've just sent Hildred to staser him.
(Panopticon vault)
[SPANDRELL] The vault's this way.
(Panopticon vault)
[SPANDRELL] Hildred. The Master, he's gone.
[ENGIN] Amazing.
[DOCTOR] The Master's consumed with hatred. It's his one great weakness.
[MASTER] Ha. Weakness, Doctor? Hate is strength.
[DOCTOR] Not in your case. You'd delay an execution to pull the wingsoff a fly.
[MASTER] This time, Doctor, the execution will not be delayed.Castellan, I assure you I am not nearly so infirm as I look. Now you,bring me the Sash of Rassilon. Oh yes, Doctor, why else do you think Ifeigned death? When Goth failed me, it was necessary to more directmeans. But the Sash is wasted on our dead friend, don't you think so?Bring it to me!
[DOCTOR] Don't do it, Engin.
[MASTER] A stupid remark, Doctor. Resistance is futile now.
[DOCTOR] Don't give him the Sash, Engin.
[MASTER] I have suffered long enough from your stupid, stubborninterference in my designs. Now we are coming to the end of ourconflict, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Why have you brought me here?
[MASTER] As a scapegoat for the killing of the President. Who else butyou, Doctor? So despicably good, so insufferably compassionate. Iwanted you to die in ignominious shame and disgrace.
[MASTER] Now, do as I say, Coordinator, or you'll get the same.
[MASTER] They're not dead. Stunned. They'll live long enough to see theend of this accursed planet, and for the Doctor to taste the fullbitterness of his defeat!
[DOCTOR] The Sash. Where's the Sash?
[ENGIN] It's gone.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ENGIN] Well, what could I do? It's only of symbolic value anyway.
[DOCTOR] Engin, that Sash is a technological masterpiece. It protectsits wearer from being sucked into a parallel universe. All he needs nowis the Great Key and he can regenerate himself and release a forcethat'll obliterate this entire stellar system.
[ENGIN] You really mean it?
[DOCTOR] Well of course I mean it. Don't you realise what Rassilon did?What the Eye of Harmony is? Remember? That which balances all things.It can only be the nucleus of a black hole.
[SPANDRELL] But the Eye of Harmony is a myth. It no longer exists.
[DOCTOR] A myth? Spandrell, all the power of the Time Lords devolvesfrom it. Neither flux nor wither nor change their state. Rassilonstabilised all the elements of a black hole and set them in aneternally dynamic equation against the mass of the planet. If theMaster interferes, it'll be the end not only of this world, but of ahundred other worlds too.
[MASTER] Rassilon's star, the Eye of Harmony.
(Panopticon vault)
[ENGIN] It's no good. We can never move it.
[DOCTOR] You're right, but we've got to get out of this place.
[DOCTOR] There's a light up there. Where does that lead, Spandrell?
[SPANDRELL] The Panopticon. An old service shaft.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[ENGIN] It's a hundred feet, Doctor, at least.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on, come on, give us a bunk up.
[ENGIN] What's that?
[SPANDRELL] If the Doctor's right, the end of the world is approaching.
[MASTER] Rassilon's discovery, all mine. I shall have supreme power overthe universe. Master of all matter! Bwhahahaha!
[MASTER] Doctor, my congratulations. You're just in time for the end.
[DOCTOR] You're insane. You're insane, do you hear me? You're releasinga force that nothing can stop.
[MASTER] Take the Rod. You can take it with you to your grave, exceptthat none of you will need a grave.
[DOCTOR] If you undo that, you'll die as surely as any of us.
[MASTER] You can do better than that, Doctor. Even in extremis, I wearthe Sash of Rassilon.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and the President was wearing it when he was shot down.The Sash won't protect you. It's damaged.
[MASTER] You lie.
[BORUSA] Half the city in ruins. Untold damage, countless lives lost.
[ENGIN] But for the Doctor it could have been much worse.
[BORUSA] Yes indeed, I am conscious of the debt we owe the Doctor. ButGallifrey has never know such a catastrophe, such devastation. Whatwill we say?
[DOCTOR] Well, you'll just have to adjust the truth again, Cardinal.What about subsidence owing to a plague of mice?
[BORUSA] As I believe I told you long ago, Doctor, you will never amountto anything in the galaxy while you retain your propensity for vulgarfacetiousness.
[DOCTOR] Yes, sir. You said that many times, sir. May I go, sir?
[BORUSA] Certainly you may, preferably with the utmost expedition.Perhaps you will see that the transduction barriers are raised,Castellan.
[SPANDRELL] Yes, sir.
[BORUSA] Oh, Doctor?
[BORUSA] Nine out of ten.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Thank you, sir.
[ENGIN] You know, Doctor, if you wanted to stay, I'm sure any pastdifficulties could be overlooked.
[DOCTOR] But I like it out there, thank you very much.
[SPANDRELL] The barriers are raised, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Spandrell.
[ENGIN] It's we who should thank you, Doctor, for destroying the Master.
[DOCTOR] Well, I didn't actually see him fall, you know. I was quitebusy.
[ENGIN] Oh, but if by some miracle he survived the fall into that chasm,he was dying anyway.
[DOCTOR] There was a good deal of power coming out of that monolith, andthe Sash would have helped him to convert it.
[SPANDRELL] Are you suggesting he survived?
[DOCTOR] No, no, I hope not, Spandrell. And there's no one in all thegalaxies I'd say that about. The quintessence of evil. Goodbye,Spandrell.
[SPANDRELL] Goodbye, Doctor.
[ENGIN] Goodbye, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Oh, goodbye, Engin, goodbye.
[SPANDRELL] Look, the Master.
[ENGIN] Where do you think they're heading?
[SPANDRELL] Out into the universe. But, you know, I have a feeling itisn't big enough for the two of them.)
[MASTER] Bwhahahaha!
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s14", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Deadly Assassin"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (1 Jan, 1977; Fourth Doctor) - The Face of Evil
(Meeting hall)
[CALIB] You are the leader, Andor. It is for you to decide. But therecan be but one punishment for such a heresy. Banishment.
[ANDOR] What say you, Sole?
[SOLE] (old man) You know you should not ask.
[ANDOR] Then it is agreed. You must be sent beyond.
[TOMAS] No! She's young, she spoke rashly.
[LEELA] Don't beg, Tomas. What I said was the truth.
[NEEVA] What she said profaned the holy purpose of the tribe ofSevateem.
[LEELA] Holy purpose? To die in another useless attack?
[NEEVA] The great god Xoanon demands that she be cast out. He told methis.
[LEELA] Liar! There is no Xoanon.
[NEEVA] Blasphemy!
[ANDOR] Leela, will you take the test of the Horda?
[ANDOR] Will any take it for her?
[SOLE] I will.
[LEELA] No. You'll be killed too.
[SOLE] Be silent, daughter. You have said enough.
[ANDOR] Test him.
[LEELA] Andor, please, call them back. What I said, I was wrong. Forgiveme, please. Neeva, greatest shaman, Speaker of Law, forgive me, please.
[ANDOR] Be silent, girl. Your father was a warrior. Do not shame him.
[ANDOR] Outcast of the tribe of Sevateem, be gone from us.
[NEEVA] Spawn of the evil one, return to your master.
[ANDOR] You have until sunrise. If you are still within the boundarythen, you must be thrown to the Horda.
[DOCTOR] I think this is not Hyde Park. Could be a nexial discontinuity.Must remember to overhaul those tracers. Put a knot in my hanky.
[DOCTOR] I wonder what that was for. Little look round, Doctor? Why not.
[LEELA] Tomas. What are you doing here?
[TOMAS] I've come to take you back.
[LEELA] You can't.
[TOMAS] I saw Neeva send them. We can tell the council.
[LEELA] It won't make any difference. Not now.
[TOMAS] You can't cross the boundary.
[LEELA] They didn't leave me much choice.
[TOMAS] There are phantoms in the beyond.
[LEELA] Feast fire stories.
[TOMAS] Well, there's something there.
[LEELA] Then I'll face it. I can take care of myself.
[TOMAS] I'll go with you.
[LEELA] No. Go back to the tribe. I'm going now. Goodbye, Tomas. Bewareof the devious Calib. One day he'll get so cunning even he won't knowwhat he's planned.
[DOCTOR] Hello. Hello, did I startle you? Don't be afraid. I won't hurtyou.
[LEELA] The Evil One.
[DOCTOR] Well, nobody's perfect, but that's overstating it a little. I'mthe Doctor. What's your name?
[LEELA] Leela.
[DOCTOR] Leela. A nice name, Leela. I never met anyone called Leela.Would you like a jelly baby?
[LEELA] It's true, then. They say the Evil One eats babies.
[DOCTOR] You mustn't believe all they say. No, these are sweets. They'rerather good. Go on, have one.
[DOCTOR] Go on.
[DOCTOR] Leela. Leela, either you've got four friends with very badcolds, or we're in danger. Which is it?
[LEELA] They're your creatures.
[DOCTOR] They are? I wonder if they know that. What are they like?
[LEELA] They can't be seen.
[LEELA] They are phantoms.
[DOCTOR] Invisible. We've got a chance.
[LEELA] A magic talisman?
[DOCTOR] No, it's a clockwork egg timer. To our friends, whatever theyare, the visible spectrum is irrelevant. They're blind. Crudelyspeaking, they home in on vibrations.
[DOCTOR] Now, Leela
[LEELA] They've gone.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush, shush. I want you to do exactly as I say. You andI are going to walk away from here very slowly and very quietly. And nomatter what happens, you mustn't cry out or make any sudden move. Andabove all, you mustn't run until I tell you. Is that clear?
[DOCTOR] Good. Now come on. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Freeze.
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] Shush!
[DOCTOR] Now tread carefully.
[DOCTOR] Saved by the bell. Come on. Come on.
(Sevateem village)
[TOMAS] Calib! Calib, wait. I don't know if you'reinterested, but Neeva sent two men in secret to try and kill Leela.
[CALIB] I'm interested, Tomas.
[TOMAS] They failed.
[CALIB] Neeva is making mistakes.
[TOMAS] You must call a council meeting and tell them.
[CALIB] Tell them what?
[TOMAS] That he broke the law.
[CALIB] Oh, don't be naive, Tomas. Even if the council believed it,don't you think Neeva would have an answer? He's the Speaker of Law.
[TOMAS] There must be something we can do?
[CALIB] There is. You know he's promised us victory in the raid.
[TOMAS] What more would you expect?
[CALIB] No, he's promised us! He says Xoanon has told him we will win.You see what that means?
[TOMAS] That he will look a fool if we don't.
[CALIB] More than that. He's going to look like the charlatan he is.Then we can move against him and that puppet, Andor.
[TOMAS] Many men are going to die, Calib. We should stop the raid!
[CALIB] Leela tried.
[TOMAS] And she's probably dead.
[LEELA] Stop, we're safe now. We can rest. Thecreatures won't cross the boundary.
[DOCTOR] How can you be sure?
[LEELA] They never have. You should know that.
[DOCTOR] I keep on telling you, I'm not the Evil One. Who was it savedyour life?
[LEELA] You did.
[DOCTOR] Yes, thank you. Never cross the boundary? You know something?I'm sure those creatures don't stay on their side of the boundary outof a sense of fair play. There must be a fence of some kind.
[LEELA] A fence?
[DOCTOR] Yes, a fence.
(Xoanon's shrine)
[XOANON [OC]] Neeva! Neeva!
[NEEVA] Speak, lord, for your servant hears.
[XOANON [OC]] The girl Leela has returned across the boundary. You havefailed.
[NEEVA] O great god Xoanon, I have faithfully done all that youcommanded of me.
[XOANON [OC]] You crawling thing, do you presume to argue?
[NEEVA] No, master. Forgive me.
[XOANON [OC]] She and the one who is with her must be destroyed. Seethat it is done.
[DOCTOR] Got it. Low intensity sonic disrupter set in a hundred andeighty degree spread. Simple but effective.
[LEELA] Does that keep away the phantoms?
[DOCTOR] Yes. It gives them a nasty headache if they go too close.They're probably set at intervals along the whole boundary.
[DOCTOR] The technology's quite advanced, so you didn't put them there.
[LEELA] Xoanon!
[DOCTOR] Xoanon? What's those?
[LEELA] He's worshiped by the tribe.
[DOCTOR] What, he's a god?
[LEELA] Yes. I was cast out for speaking against him.
[DOCTOR] Really.
[LEELA] It's said he's held captive.
[DOCTOR] By whom?
[LEELA] By the Evil One and his followers, the Tesh. Maybe there is aholy purpose. I don't know what to believe anymore.
[DOCTOR] Well, that sounds healthy anyway, Leela. Never be certain ofanything. It's a sign of weakness. Now, where's this Xoanon held?
[LEELA] Within the Black Wall, wherein lies Paradise.
[DOCTOR] Is that just religious gobbledygook, or is that an actualplace?
[LEELA] There is a Wall.
[DOCTOR] Is there. Will you show me?
(Meeting hall)
[ANDOR] Why has the game disappeared from the land?Where is the love of Xoanon for his people? Where is your magic?
[NEEVA] Xoanon knows there are those amongst the people who do not wishto fight.
[ANDOR] And so he starves us?
[NEEVA] No, but how can he bless people who do not love him? There willbe food for those who brave the Wall in his name.
[ANDOR] Men do not fight well on empty stomachs!
[NEEVA] The Wall will be at its weakest soon. Soon you can call thewarriors and I will speak the litany.
[ANDOR] Do not delay too long.
[ANDOR] Well, Tomas?
[TOMAS] There's something I wish to say.
[ANDOR] Yes?
[TOMAS] You should know that I agreed with Leela about the attack. It'smadness. Many of us will die and we shall achieve nothing.
[ANDOR] Nevertheless, we shall attack.
(Outside the meeting hall)
[ANDOR [OC]] It is the will of Xoanon.
[TOMAS [OC]] We only have Neeva's word for that.
(Meeting hall)
[ANDOR] We must have faith.
[TOMAS] In the word of an assassin? He sent men to try and kill Leela,but perhaps you already knew that.
[ANDOR] Watch your tongue, boy! And don't let me hear you speak againstthe attack again. We shall strive to free Xoanon from the Tesh, and wewill do it together, as one people.
[TOMAS] Yes, Andor.
[ANDOR] Come, Tomas
[LEELA] Shush.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[LEELA] I thought I heard something.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] Into cover, quick.
[DOCTOR] I don't. Leela? Leela, where are you?
[LEELA] Over here.
[DOCTOR] What? This is no time to be playing games.
[LEELA] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] You don't understand? If they're preparing for a battle,they're hardly likely to send men on patrol on the off-chance that youmight come back.
[DOCTOR] On the other hand, I could be wrong about that.
[[OC]] Stand still!
[DOCTOR] Oh, absolutely. (sotto) Keep down, Leela, and get moving.
[LEELA] (sotto) I can't leave you. They'll kill you.
[DOCTOR] (sotto)
[WARRIOR] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. Who are you and why are you shooting at me?
[WARRIOR] Where is Leela?
[WARRIOR] Spread out. She must be here somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Look, would you mind if I turned round? I feel a bit sillytalking to this tree.
[WARRIOR] The Evil One.
[DOCTOR] Oh dear, you too. Well then, tread softly, gentlemen, or I'llturn you into toads.
[DOCTOR] That gesture you did. Yes, that's the one. It's presumably toward off evil. It's interesting because it's also the sequence forchecking the seals on a Starfall Seven spacesuit. And what makes thatparticularly interesting is that you don't know what a Starfall Sevenspacesuit is, do you.
[DOCTOR] Now drop your weapons, or I'll kill him with this deadly jellybaby.
[WARRIOR] Kill him, then.
[DOCTOR] What?
[WARRIOR] Kill him, then.
[DOCTOR] I don't take orders from anyone.
[DOCTOR] Take me to your leader.
(Meeting hall)
[ANDOR] Bring it forth.
[DOCTOR] Good evening. I think you're going to be very happy I came heretonight.
[NEEVA] Hi ya, hi ya.
[DOCTOR] I'd be careful of that if I were you. It's an ultrabeamaccelerator.
[NEEVA] See how it fears the sacred relics of Xoanon.
[DOCTOR] If there happens to be a charge in there, you could transformthis whole village into a smoky hole in the ground.
[NEEVA] Hear how it threatens us.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, look, if you'll just untie my hands, I think I havean idea of what's going on. I may be able to help.
[NEEVA] Hear how it squirms for release. Hey, hi ya. Ah, it cannotdeceive us.
[DOCTOR] Oh no, I can see you're a person of very superior intellect.(to Andor) Are you the leader of this tribe, or his he?
[ANDOR] Bring it closer.
[ANDOR] Will you release our god Xoanon?
[DOCTOR] Well, gladly, if I was holding him prisoner, but I'm not.
[ANDOR] Then you must be destroyed, that we may release him.
[NEEVA] Wait, Andor. Call the warriors together and I will speak thelitany. Then it shall be destroyed before them and they will know thatvictory is ours.
[ANDOR] Very well.
[NEEVA] I will prepare myself.
[ANDOR] Guard, give the signal.
[DOCTOR] Don't hurry on my account.
[ANDOR] I cannot believe it.
[DOCTOR] Andor, listen to me.
[ANDOR] No. No!
[DOCTOR] Andor, please listen to me. I am not the Evil One. I am atraveller, that's all. Your tribe has obviously been visited bytravellers before.
[ANDOR] Before? But that is impossible.
[DOCTOR] They're space travellers, Andor. Men from another world. Thewhole place is littered with their equipment, their weapons and tools.Your legend of a captive god is obviously related to them in some way.
[ANDOR] Guard it well.
[DOCTOR] Andor, please think about what
[ANDOR] Its words are evil.
[DOCTOR] Andor.
[ANDOR] Do not listen to him!
[DOCTOR] Andor, killing me isn't going to help you. It isn't going to dome much good either, is it.
(Neeva's hut)
[NEEVA] Let the tribe of the Sevateem partake of your strength, Xoanon,that they may inherit your kingdom. Hear thy servant Neeva. Hear theshaman of the Sevateem. Hear my prayer.
(Meeting hall)
[NEEVA] Lugo, when I reach the end of the litany, you know what to do.
(Outside the meeting hall)
[NEEVA] Our fathers of the tribe of Sevateem were sent forth by God toseek Paradise.
[ALL] And still we seek.
[NEEVA] They searched and found it not. While they searched, the tribeof Tesh.
[ALL] Cursed be the cowards of Tesh.
[NEEVA] Remained at the place of land, betrayed our fathers.
[ALL] Death to the betrayers of Tesh.
(Meeting hall)
[ALL [OC]] Death to the betrayers of Tesh.
[NEEVA [OC]] Made a pact with the Evil One, and God turned his face fromus.
[NEEVA [OC]] And the Evil One raised the Tower of Immolo and the BlackWall and gave them to the tribe of Tesh.
[DOCTOR] How did you do that?
[LEELA] Janis thorn. It paralyses, then kills. There's no cure.
[ALL [OC]] Cursed be the tribe of Tesh.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] It was necessary.
[ALL [OC]] Cursed be the tribe of Tesh.
[LEELA] Come on.
(Outside the meeting hall)
[NEEVA] The tribe of Tesh stand between the sons ofthe tribe of Sevateem and Xoanon, god of their fathers. We must killthe servants of the Evil One.
[ALL] Kill the Tesh. Kill the Tesh!
(Meeting hall)
[ALL [OC]] Kill the Tesh!
[DOCTOR] No, listen. Listen.
[LEELA] We haven't got time to listen.
[ALL [OC]] Kill the Tesh!
[LEELA] They're coming to the bit about killing the Evil One, and that'syou! Have you forgotten?
[NEEVA [OC]] Now is the time when the Sevateem shall rise in theirwrath.
[DOCTOR] Do you know this litany?
[LEELA] Of course. We're taught it as children.
[ALL [OC]] In the name of Xoanon.
[DOCTOR] Good. Then let's go, and don't dawdle.
(Outside the meeting hall)
[NEEVA] And kill their master, the Evil One!
(Meeting hall)
[ALL [OC]] Destroy it. Destroy it! Destroy it!
[WARRIOR] It's escaped! The Evil One's escaped!
[NEEVA] Find it! Find it! Search everywhere!
(Xoanon's shrine)
[WARRIOR 2] Here! It's here!
(Sevateem village)
[DOCTOR] That wasn't necessary. Who licensed you to slaughter people? Nomore Janis thorns, you understand? Ever.
(Outside the meeting hall)
[ANDOR] He must be recaptured. It is imperative.
[TOMAS] Right, Andor.
[ANDOR] Take four men and search beyond the village.
[CALIB] Quickly. Quickly!
[DOCTOR] This way.
[LEELA] No, this way.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] This way.
(Xoanon's shrine)
[CALIB] Neeva! Neeva!
[NEEVA] Well?
[CALIB] It got away, with Leela's help.
[NEEVA] Devil-spawned witch.
[CALIB] They will be found. Andor's organising search parties.
[NEEVA] It's too late. Tell him the attack must not be delayed.
[DOCTOR] Well now, it seems I have been herebefore.
[LEELA] That's the Evil One.
[DOCTOR] Is it.
[DOCTOR] I must have made quite an impression.
[LEELA] What happened? You must be able toremember.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course I can remember. I'm trying to. Perhaps I was onanother part of the planet.
[LEELA] There is no other part. Only beyond the Wall.
[DOCTOR] Beyond the Wall. I wonder.
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush, shush. I'm wondering. Back to the village.
[LEELA] We can't!
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[LEELA] We'll be torn to pieces!
[DOCTOR] Not if they don't catch us, we won't. Anyway, they'll bepreparing for their battle.
[LEELA] That's what you said last time.
[DOCTOR] Well, you can't expect perfection, you know. Not even from me.
[LEELA] (silent) Oh, you.
(Meeting hall)
[ANDOR] The men refuse to attack while the Evil Oneis out there.
[NEEVA] I have been thinking. We tell them it has been destroyed.
[ANDOR] No! I will not lie to my people.
[NEEVA] The Wall will be open for a very short time. We dare not delay.We must attack now, or you betray our god.
[ANDOR] Has Xoanon commanded this?
[NEEVA] He has.
[ANDOR] Guard, sound the call.
[ANDOR] You had better be right, Neeva, because servant of Xoanon ornot, if we fail, I will kill you.
[NEEVA] Xoanon has promised us victory.
[ANDOR] No. He has promised you. And you have promised us.
(Outside Xoanon'sshrine)
[DOCTOR] (sotto) I must examine those relics.
[LEELA] (sotto) The village was dangerous enough, but the shrine ofXoanon?
(Xoanon's shrine)
[NEEVA] Speak to me, Xoanon, that I may know your will. Speak, Xoanon.Speak.
[WARRIOR [OC]] Shaman Neeva! It's time to leave!
[NEEVA] I'm coming.
[WARRIOR] Andor asks that you do not delay.
[NEEVA] I said I'm coming!
(Outside Xoanon'sshrine)
[DOCTOR] I like the hat. Very fetching.
[LEELA] That was the Hand of Xoanon.
[DOCTOR] That was an armoured space glove, or what was left of one.
(Meeting room)
[ANDOR] The attack must begin at once.
[NEEVA] Xoanon has spoken. We shall not fail.
(Xoanon's shrine)
[DOCTOR] It's all clear.
[DOCTOR] Amazing. You know, I had a feeling, I had a feeling that Neevawas actually expecting to hear an answer to his prayer.
[LEELA] There wouldn't be much point in praying if he didn't.
[DOCTOR] I could quote you a few theologians who'd give you an argumenton that. He was listening.
[DOCTOR] Hello? Intergalactic Operator? Hello? Over? Dead as a Dalek.There must be something.
[LEELA] Why did you talk to that tube?
[DOCTOR] I thought I recognised it.
[XOANON [OC]] Neeva.
[XOANON] Neeva!
[DOCTOR] Poor old Neeva. Hotline to god. Psst. Don't be afraid. It'sonly a machine for sending voices over long distances. That may beXoanon speaking, but it's not God. Gods don't use transceivers.
[LEELA] Are you certain?
[DOCTOR] Aren't you?
[LEELA] Yes.
[DOCTOR] That's better.
[XOANON [OC]] Neeva. Neeva.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Neeva isn't here at the moment. Could I take amessage? Over.
[XOANON [OC]] At last we are here. At last. At last. Us.
[XOANON [OC]] You. Me. Us. We. At last I shall be free of us.
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[XOANON [OC]] Don't I know?
[DOCTOR] Leela, I have a feeling. Something nasty. Something I did. Itseems like it.
[LEELA] What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] Who did that voice remind you of?
[LEELA] You. It was your voice. How could that be?
[DOCTOR] More to the point, who could that be? I must take a look at theWall.
(The Wall)
[DOCTOR] It's a time barrier.
[LEELA] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] The principle's really quite simple. You just move everythingforward a couple of seconds inside it. You get a barrier that'simpervious to all energy. A true void. I've seen it done as a parlourtrick, but never on this scale.
[LEELA] Isn't there any way to get through it?
[DOCTOR] Not unless whoever set it up deliberately bridged it.
[LEELA] So that means Andor and the others
[DOCTOR] Are walking into a trap, yes.
[LEELA] Isn't there any way we can warn them?
[DOCTOR] It's too late. Anyway, they wouldn't listen.
[LEELA] Calib might. Let's try.
(Forest edge)
[ANDOR] Attack!
[ANDOR] Come on, attack!
[TOMAS] Attack!
[ALL] Attack! Attack!
[NEEVA] Xoanon, protect your warriors and strengthen their arms, thatthey may free you.
[TOMAS] Attack!
(Meeting hall)
[LEELA] Someone's coming.
[DOCTOR] Hello, Calib. I was just thinking about you.
[CALIB] So Neeva and Andor were lying.
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't be surprised.
[CALIB] Where's Leela?
[LEELA] Behind you.
[DOCTOR] How was the battle?
[CALIB] Just as the old ones remembered the last time. The Wall closedup.
[LEELA] A massacre?
[CALIB] More than half the men were killed, and we never even saw theTesh.
[LEELA] You seem unhurt.
[CALIB] There's no virtue in dying, Leela.
[LEELA] That rather depends on what you do to avoid it.
[DOCTOR] Leela, put the knife away. I'm sure he's a reasonable man.
[CALIB] Thank you. So what do you want of me?
[LEELA] We need someone's help.
[DOCTOR] Leela seems to think it might be yours.
[LEELA] The tribe is in desperate danger, Calib. The Doctor can help.He's the only one who can. But we must convince the others he's not theEvil One.
[DOCTOR] Having first of all, of course, convinced you.
[CALIB] I don't think you're the Evil One, and never have. I don'tbelieve in ghosts.
[DOCTOR] I'm impressed. Perhaps Leela's right about you.
[CALIB] But if I'm to help, I need to know everything.
[DOCTOR] There isn't much time. You see, Leela and I found animpenetrable barrier
[CALIB] Janis thorn. Something you haven't thought of. Now stay whereyou are.
[DOCTOR] I thought you were too easily convinced.
[CALIB] I meant it. You're certainly not the Evil One, but the othersthink you are. Neeva said you'd been destroyed. You're just theevidence I need to break him.
[DOCTOR] She underestimated your ambition.
[CALIB] It's for the good of the tribe.
[DOCTOR] Of course. This too.
[CALIB] She would have opposed me. I said stay where you are!
[DOCTOR] You need me alive, remember?
[TOMAS] Calib, you held back! You cost us the attack!
[DOCTOR] Come in. Who are you?
[TOMAS] Tomas. Leela! What have you done to her?
[DOCTOR] He poisoned her with a Janis thorn. Up!
[CALIB] You've broken my leg.
[DOCTOR] I'll break your nose if you don't get up. Now pick her up, bothof you.
[CALIB] It takes skill to use one of those.
[DOCTOR] What, at this range? No, all it needs is a flick of the wrist.Pick her up.
[DOCTOR] And move.
(Xoanon's shrine)
[DOCTOR] Gently.
[CALIB] Now what are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Tomas, you don't want her to die, do you?
[TOMAS] No, of course not.
[DOCTOR] Then cover him. I need time to work.
[DOCTOR] This is a bioanalyser, rattlesnake. I can identify the poisonand programme the medikit to make an antitoxin.
[TOMAS] Back against the wall.
[CALIB] I'm going to give the alarm.
[TOMAS] Back against the wall!
[CALIB] Oh, don't be a fool, Tomas!
[CALIB] What do you suppose he's doing, Tomas? You don't really thinkthat's going to help Leela, poking around in Neeva's relics?
[DOCTOR] Shut up, rattlesnake. I'm trying to save time. Leela hasn't gotmuch left.
[TOMAS] I think she's dead.
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[TOMAS] He's gone!
[DOCTOR] Watch the door.
[LEELA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[LEELA] The Janis thorn. There's no cure.
[DOCTOR] Yes, there is. Just a matter of finding one.
[LEELA] Do you know the answer to everything?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, no, no. Answers are easy. It's asking the rightquestions that is hard.
[TOMAS] They're coming.
[DOCTOR] Can you move?
[LEELA] I think so. My arm hurts a bit.
[DOCTOR] Tomas, take her out of the back way.
[LEELA] I'm staying with you.
[DOCTOR] You're going with Tomas. I'll meet you both later. Go.
(Meeting hall)
[DOCTOR] Good evening, gentlemen. You know, I neverthought you'd get here. Good heavens, look at that.
[DOCTOR] Now then, down to business. I'm beginning to think you don'tlike me. Ah, Neeva. Is it really you? They told me you were dead. Orwas it the other way round?
(Outside Xoanon'sshrine)
[ANDOR] So Calib was right. Both of you in leaguewith the Evil One.
[TOMAS] You blind, blind fool, Andor.
(Meeting hall)
[WARRIOR] You lied to us!
[MAN] Come on, Neeva, tell them your mistake.
[ANDOR] Silence! Be silent!
[WARRIOR] You said it was destroyed!
[NEEVA] Did it not bring the witch, its servant, to life? I tell you itwas destroyed, but not totally, so it renewed itself.
[DOCTOR] Ha! If you can believe that, you can believe anything. I'lltell you once again. I am not the Evil One.
[ANDOR] But it was you, you who wiped out the attack.
[DOCTOR] Oh, flapdoodle! I was nowhere near it.
[LEELA] That's true. I was with him all the time.
[NEEVA] Pah! Would you believe a witch?
[DOCTOR] The attack failed because it was a trap from the start.
[NEEVA] And who would have set such a trap?
[LEELA] Xoanon!
[TOMAS] Oh, that was a great mistake.
[NEEVA] They must all be totally destroyed. Throw them to the Horda!
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, throw them? What is a Horda, anyway?
[CALIB] No, wait! I do not believe he is the Evil One.
[LEELA] Conscience?
[DOCTOR] No, politics. He's trying to break Neeva's hold on the tribe.
[CALIB] If he can be killed, then he is not the Evil One, because theEvil One is a god.
[DOCTOR] Good point. Fifteen love.
[NEEVA] The litany says it can be destroyed.
[DOCTOR] Fifteen all.
[CALIB] I say we should put it to the test and see if he speaks truly.
[ANDOR] But the test is for mortals.
[CALIB] If he can be killed then he is a mortal!
[DOCTOR] Game, set and match to Calib, I think.
(By the Horda pit)
[DOCTOR] So that's a Horda. Well, it doesn't look to formidable. What doI do, fight it or eat it?
[CALIB] They'll strike at anything that moves, except each other. Ten ofthese can strip the flesh from a man's arm almost before he can cryout.
[DOCTOR] I take it there are more than ten in there.
[ANDOR] The pit is full of them.
[CALIB] You stand on that.
[DOCTOR] And then what?
[CALIB] You must break the rope.
[LEELA] Doctor, the rope gets thinner the further it goes, but it getsfaster too.
[DOCTOR] What? The rope gets thinner the further it goes
[LEELA] Faster.
[DOCTOR] But it gets faster too. The rope gets thinner the further itgoes
[WARRIOR] Silence. He does it alone.
[DOCTOR] Who is that man?
[CALIB] Which man?
[DOCTOR] That man.
[DOCTOR] Sorry about that. Shall we get on with it?
[DOCTOR] Well?
[CALIB] Let the test begin.
[MAN 2] Stop!
[DOCTOR] Very good, Doctor. Very good. Well, are you convinced now?Leela, that was very nice of you to try and help me, but really therewas absolutely no need. Would you just release our friend, please?
[LEELA] Where did you learn to shoot like that?
[DOCTOR] Shoot like what? Oh, like that. In Switzerland. Charming man.William Tell, he was called. Well?
[CALIB] Untie him.
[DOCTOR] Good.
(Xoanon's shrine)
[XOANON 2 [OC]] Neeva. Neeva, where is he? Doctor? Doctor, are youthere?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm here, Xoanon.
[XOANON [OC]] Ah, good. Good. We have decided
[XOANON 2 [OC]] To destroy you.
[DOCTOR] I see, Xoanon. Why don't we get together and talk things over?
[XOANON] We are together. We have said all there is to say and know allthere is to know.
[DOCTOR] Now we don't want to do anything hasty, do we?
[XOANON] Hasty? It's been
[XOANON 2] An eternity. I'm turning off the boundary to let in my petsfrom beyond. Goodbye, Doctor.
[NEEVA] What does it all mean?
[DOCTOR] It means trouble. Large, deadly and invisible.
(Meeting hall)
[DOCTOR] Screwdriver.
[TOMAS] We've set the guards round the perimeter.
[LEELA] Everyone knows what to expect.
[DOCTOR] Good. Did you explain about their attraction to vibrations?
[LEELA] Of course.
[DOCTOR] You know, we're very lucky they carried these things. Let'shope we can profit from the misfortunes of those travellers.
[LEELA] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] I mean the planetary survey teams. That's where your tribe gotits name from. Sevateem, survey team. The question is, were you herebefore them?
[CALIB] Are we their captors or their children?
[DOCTOR] You catch on quickly. Certainly they never returned to base.
[CALIB] Is the weapon ready?
[DOCTOR] Why, are you taking charge here?
[CALIB] Do you object?
[LEELA] I object.
[CALIB] Leela, I don't expect you to like me.
[LEELA] Then you won't be disappointed.
[DOCTOR] Tomas, take this.
[TOMAS] How does it work?
[DOCTOR] You just point it and press it. It's destructive up to abouttwenty times bow range. Short bursts, Tomas. It's self-regenerating butit takes time to recharge.
[TOMAS] Thank you, Doctor.
(Outside the village)
[DOCTOR] There. That should keep Xoanon's creatures on their side of theperimeter. Now, you and I have got to get inside that time barrier andsoon.
[LEELA] According to the old ones, the tribe has had seven attempts atthat.
[DOCTOR] I could build a time bridge myself, but that would meandismantling the Tardis and then it mightn't work.
[LEELA] Doctor.
[LEELA] You know you said nothing could get within that barrier?
[LEELA] Not light or anything.
[LEELA] But Xoanon is inside it.
[LEELA] How do we hear his voice?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's quite simple. We. You're a genius. A genius.
[LEELA] What did I say?
(Xoanon's shrine)
[DOCTOR] Come on, Neeva. Neeva! Come on, snap out of it, man.
[NEEVA] Yes, lord. What is your will?
[DOCTOR] Neeva.
[DOCTOR] Neeva, when you hear the voice of Xoanon, is it when you're atthe altar, or when the vestment is hanging in its frame?
[NEEVA] Yes, master.
[DOCTOR] Have you heard it anywhere else?
[NEEVA] Yes, master.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[NEEVA] Yes, master.
[DOCTOR] Neeva! Neeva! This is Xoanon.
[DOCTOR] Where have you heard my voice?
[NEEVA] Only here, lord, in your shrine.
[DOCTOR] You've been a good and faithful servant, Neeva. Go back tosleep now.
[DOCTOR] It is a tight beam transmission. There's a bridge over the timebarrier and I know where it is.
[LEELA] What happened to him?
[DOCTOR] Too much too quickly.
[DOCTOR] This time I have to admit defeat.
[LEELA] (sotto) Doctor.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Shush. Xoanon.
[LEELA] The fools.
[DOCTOR] They must have panicked.
[LEELA] That'll attract the creatures.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Come on, we haven't got much time.
(By the gong)
[ANDOR] Idiot, you'll attract more of them!
[WARRIOR] Something killed Korus. I saw it, over there.
(By the carving)
[DOCTOR] The nose could be a shade more aquiline, and the nobleproportion of the brow hasn't been perfectly executed. Still, wemustn't complain. We live in an imperfect universe.
[LEELA] Where's the bridge through the barrier? Up the nose?
[DOCTOR] No, it isn't! Up the nose. It's over the teeth and down thethroat.
[ANDOR] Tomas. Tomas! I think I can hear something.
[TOMAS] Andor! Come back!
(In the carving's mouth)
[DOCTOR] Odd feeling.
[LEELA] What is?
[DOCTOR] Standing in my own throat is.
[LEELA] What is it?
[TOMAS] Andor, look out!
[TOMAS] Andor.
[ANDOR] Xoanon, save me!
[CALIB] Tomas! Tomas! Over here!
[CALIB] What was it?
[TOMAS] The Evil One. It's huge. It got Andor.
[CALIB] So I'm the leader now.
[TOMAS] How well will you lead us, Calib? There are more of those thingscoming.
[CALIB] But the gun worked?
[TOMAS] Yes. It revealed the Evil One's face, drove him away.
[CALIB] Right, we must get back to the village. If we stay quiet itmight pass by.
[TOMAS] I doubt it.
(Inside the rock carving)
[LEELA] Doctor, what is it?
[DOCTOR] There's only one way to find out.
[LEELA] It's gone. Where's it gone?
[DOCTOR] I remember now. The Mordee expedition. And I thought I washelping them.
[LEELA] Doctor, what are you doing? Will you please help me find thisTesh?
[DOCTOR] Tesh? How did you know it was a Tesh? Have you ever seen aTesh?
[LEELA] Well, the skin was loose and shiny, as we're told, and it hadtwo heads, one inside the other.
[DOCTOR] That was a protective suit and helmet. Must be anotherenvironment through there.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come on then.
[LEELA] It's a solid wall!
[DOCTOR [OC]] It's an illusion, called a psy-tri projection. Combinationof a three dimensional image which acts on the eye. Close your eyes.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Both of them. Take one step back.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Now walk forward.
[LEELA [OC]] Great Xoanon! Where are we?
[DOCTOR [OC]] It's called an anti-grav transporter. Just sit in it andit takes us straight to the ship in absolutely no time at all.
(Computer complex)
[XOANON 2] We are returned. We are here. Voices overlap.
[XOANON] We are here. We are returned.
[XOANON 2] Now we shall be one.
[XOANON 3] We are here.
[XOANON] We are returned.
[XOANON 3] We are here. We are returned.
[XOANON] Now we shall be one.
[XOANON 2] Now we must destroy us.
[XOANON] Now we shall be one.
[XOANON 2] We are returned, we are here.
[XOANON 3] Now we must destroy us.
[ALL] One, one, one.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] Another shrine. Seems the Tesh are as ignorant of their originsas your people are.
[LEELA] What are their origins?
[DOCTOR] How does the litany go? That bit about Paradise. Leela, yousaid you knew it. You said you were taught it as children.
[LEELA] I do, I do. Wait a minute. The Sevateem were sent forth by God
[DOCTOR] Slowly, slowly.
[LEELA] The Sevateem were sent forth by God to seek Paradise. The Teshremained at the place of land.
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. That means the Sevateem explored the planet,while the Tesh remained to work in the ship in the place where itlanded. Here.
[LEELA] We're the same people?
[DOCTOR] Yes, the Sevateem were the survey teams and the Tesh were thetechnicians. You're all human beings from this colony ship.
[LEELA] So what happened? Doctor, what happened?
[DOCTOR] I'm rather afraid I did. I misunderstood what Xoanon was.
[LEELA] Xoanon? You mean
[DOCTOR] At the time, I didn't think he was a being at all. Theseterminals are dead.
[LEELA] What did you think he was?
[JABEL] Welcome, Lord.
[DOCTOR] Hello!
[DOCTOR] Are you doing that? Will you please stop doing that? I saidstop!
[DOCTOR] What have you done to her?
[JABEL] She is not damaged. My acolytes will attend to her.
[DOCTOR] But where are they taking her?
[JABEL] She will be tended. We recognise her value, Lord.
[DOCTOR] Have you dropped something?
[JABEL] I do you honour, Lord of Time. We've waited long for yourreturn.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'm very grateful about the honour, but it's reallyinformation I need. Please get up. What's your name?
[JABEL] I am Jabel, Captain of the people of Tesh.
[DOCTOR] Jabel, do your people have a holy purpose?
[JABEL] We serve Xoanon and tend the holy places. We guard his toweragainst the savage. We deny the flesh so that our minds may findcommunion with Xoanon.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Well, it has a sort of logic. Outside the barrier, physicalcourage and strength, inside the barrier, paraphysical achievement andthe sort of psi power you used against Leela. It's an experiment ineugenics.
[JABEL] Yes, Lord.
[DOCTOR] Shall we get up? The floor's very hard. Didn't anyone ever tellyou kneeling stunts the growth? Jabel, do you know where Xoanon is?
[JABEL] Yes, Lord.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[JABEL] He is in no one place, Lord. He is all around us, everywhere.
[DOCTOR] All right, I didn't think you did.
[JABEL] You and he are as one. You will show us the way
[DOCTOR] Do you know what a computer is?
[JABEL] And in perfect communion with him, we will be free and findParadise.
[DOCTOR] Do you know what a computer is?
[JABEL] Lord?
[DOCTOR] Now I have to find that thing before it kills us all.
(Particle analyser room)
[WOMAN [OC]] Final warning. Final warning. Particle analyser terminalphase countdown. All personnel clear the area.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] This whole control room's been disconnected, Jabel. It couldtake me days to find the complex.
[DOCTOR] I must be slipping. Jabel, where's the Holy of Holies?
[JABEL] All the place of Land is holy.
[DOCTOR] But there must be somewhere on the ship?
[JABEL] Ship?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Somewhere where no one's allowed to go.
[JABEL] Yes, Lord. The Sacred Chamber.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Where is it?
[JABEL] It is on level three seven.
[DOCTOR] Jabel, thank you. I
[DOCTOR] Jabel. Jabel, that's Leela.
[JABEL] Yes, Lord. Particle analysis. We will reduce the subject to itsconstituent atoms.
[DOCTOR] Particle analysis?
[JABEL] Yes, Lord.
[DOCTOR] It will kill her.
[JABEL] Yes, Lord. She is a savage.
[DOCTOR] What? That's not a good enough reason!
[JABEL] The savages have the power to open the barrier. Particleanalysis may tell us how they do it. Surely that is why you brought herto us?
[DOCTOR] The savages don't open the barrier, you lack-brain! Xoanondoes. Do you understand that? Xoanon does!
[JABEL] You lie!
[DOCTOR] Give the order to stop that particle analyser.
[JABEL] You are not the Lord of Time come again to save us!
[DOCTOR] Will you give that order?
[JABEL] You are not the Lord of Time!
[DOCTOR] Right, then I'll do it myself.
(Particle analyser room)
[LEELA] Doctor? Doctor, wake up. Please, wake up! Please!
[LEELA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Close your eyes.
[DOCTOR] Be thankful you're living, and trust to your luck, and march toyour front like a soldier. Gertrude Stein
[LEELA] I think you've broken it.
[DOCTOR] To be strictly accurate, it broke itself. All I did was reflectsome of the power back into it. Still, I don't suppose its owners willsee it that way. Come on, we'd better go.
(Control room)
[GENTEK] They have escaped, Captain.
[JABEL] They must be found and killed. This must take precedence overall other duties and devotions.
[GENTEK] He is not the Lord of Time, the one who will return.
[JABEL] He is our enemy, and the enemy of Xoanon. Kill him and thesavage.
[DOCTOR] Looking for something.
[DOCTOR] Oh, probably, probably.
[LEELA] Doctor, what is Xoanon?
[DOCTOR] A machine that's become a living creature. An old missioncomputer with schizophrenia. Not a very pretty thought, is it. Not myfault.
[LEELA] How is it your fault?
[DOCTOR] When I was here before, I programmed Xoanon for the Mordee.Unfortunately I forgot to wipe my personality print from the data core.Or did I really forget? I forget if I forgot.
[LEELA] You're not making yourself very clear, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It may have been my own egotism. Anyway, now it has a splitpersonality and half of it is mine. Is that clear?
[DOCTOR] Well, come on, then.
(Computer complex)
[XOANON 3] Us within us. We shall make two one.
[TOMAS] Calib! Calib!
[CALIB] What is it?
[TOMAS] The power's used up.
[CALIB] Right, we must fall back. Get them moving, Tomas.
[TOMAS] Right.
[CALIB] Move!
[TOMAS] Back! Back to the village.
[CALIB] Come on. Everybody, quickly.
[TOMAS] Move! Move! Back, quickly!
(Communications room)
[DOCTOR] Shut the door.
[LEELA] How? Doctor, where are we?
[DOCTOR] An auxiliary communications room.
[LEELA] It's the village. The creatures must have got through theboundary.
[DOCTOR] Looks like it. They're psi-tri projections from the dark sideof Xoanon's id with enough kinetic energy to kill. Looks as if yourfriends are running out of time.
[LEELA] I'm going back to help them.
[DOCTOR] Don't be absurd. What do you think you can do about it? If Ican arrange it, they'll be safer inside the barrier.
[LEELA] Do you mean here, inside the wall? What about the Tesh?
[DOCTOR] I didn't say safe, I said safer.
[DOCTOR] Neeva? Neeva? Neeva, are you there? Come on, wake up!
[NEEVA [OC]] Yes, master.
[DOCTOR] Neeva, this is Xoanon.
[NEEVA [OC]] What is your will?
[DOCTOR] Tell Calib to lead the tribe through the mouth of the idol.
(Xoanon's shrine)
[NEEVA] Through the mouth of the idol.
[DOCTOR [OC]] That is my order. See that it is done.
[NEEVA] Will Calib believe me?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Say these words to him. I don't believe in ghosts either.
[NEEVA] I don't believe in ghosts either.
(Communications room)
[DOCTOR] Go now, and do my will.
[NEEVA [OC]] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I underestimated that man. Come on, we've got an appointment onlevel thirty seven.
(Control room)
[GENTEK] They cannot be found.
[JABEL] Continue the search. Gentek, is the guard posted outside theSacred Heart?
[GENTEK] Yes, Captain.
(Level 37)
[DOCTOR] (silent) Hold that.
[LEELA] Psst.
[DOCTOR] Keep watch.
[LEELA] Can't I come with you?
[DOCTOR] Xoanon's unstable. He might kill me. He'd certainly kill you.Anyway, we need someone on guard.
[LEELA] Doctor, be careful.
(At the carving's mouth)
[CALIB] The tunnel's here. Right, come on.
[TOMAS] Calib!
[CALIB] Where there's one Tesh there's likely to be more.
[TOMAS] Those creatures, they're moving in on us fast. Now we've got toget the men inside the barrier, and quickly.
[CALIB] All right, get them moving, Tomas. I'll go on ahead. And you,keep your eyes open! Come on.
(Computer complex)
[XOANON 3] Who are you?
[XOANON 2] Who are you?
[XOANON] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. I'm the Doctor!
[XOANON 3] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor.
[XOANON 2] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor!
[XOANON] Why have you come?
[DOCTOR] To correct a mistake I made when I was here before.
[XOANON] We have made no mistake.
[XOANON 2] No mistake.
[XOANON 3] No mistake.
[DOCTOR] I made the mistake.
[XOANON] No mistake.
[DOCTOR] I made the mistake! When the ship was stranded, the computerbroke down. I thought the data core had been damaged, so I renewed itby making a direct link with the compatible centres of my own brain.
[XOANON] The psychian memory transfer.
[DOCTOR] A variation of it, yes.
[XOANON] Good. Very good. Go on.
[XOANON 2] How did he find the ship?
[XOANON 3] Don't interrupt. You'll spoil it.
[DOCTOR] This isn't a fairy tale. It actually happened.
[DOCTOR] For generations, teams of technicians had worked on thecomputer, trying to extend its power.
[XOANON] And did they damage the data core?
[DOCTOR] No. No. Without realising it, they had created life. Thecomputer hadn't failed at all. It had evolved into a living creature,the first of an entirely new species.
[XOANON 2] A new species? Oh come now.
[DOCTOR] Yes, a new species. When I arrived, it had just been born. Itwas in shock. I didn't recognise a birth trauma and that was mymistake. And when I connected my own brain to it, it didn't just takecompatible information as a machine should have done. It tookeverything.
[XOANON] Fascinating. Can I ask a question?
[XOANON 3] Shush. Let him finish.
[DOCTOR] When it woke, it had a complete personality. Mine. It thought Iwas itself. Then it began to develop another separate self, its ownself. And that's when it started to go mad.
[XOANON 2] And where is it?
[XOANON 3] This poor mad
[XOANON] Mad machine creature.
[DOCTOR] It's here, Xoanon! I'm talking to it! It's you!
[DOCTOR] Xoanon? Xoanon?
[XOANON 2] I grow tired. I'm thinking no longer.
[DOCTOR] No, no, wait, Xoanon. I'm the Doctor. I'm separate, I'm real.You must acknowledge me.
[XOANON] I will not think you.
[XOANON 3] We are Xoanon.
[DOCTOR] And I am the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor!
[XOANON 3] No!
[DOCTOR] I am the Doctor!
[XOANON 3] No!
[XOANON [on the screens]] No! No! No! No!
[XOANON 4] Who am I? Who am I?
(Level 37)
[LEELA] What's happening? Tesh, what is it? You answer while you stillhave a head to answer with.
[TESH] The fail-safe.
[LEELA] What does that mean?
[TESH] The end of the world.
[LEELA] Why? Why?
[TESH] It means death and destruction. It happened before the time ofLand.
[LEELA] Hiding there isn't going to help, then.
(Computer complex)
[XOANON 4] Who am I?
[XOANON] Who am I?
[XOANON 4] Who am I?
[XOANON] Who am I?
[XOANON 4] Who am I?
[XOANON] Who am I?
[XOANON 4] Who am I?
[XOANON] Who am I?
(Level 37)
[LEELA] Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Leela, are you all right?
[LEELA] Was that Xoanon, that thing that looked like you?
[DOCTOR] Yes, part of him. It's just a question, really. Everythingbeyond that door is Xoanon. You were inside him. The most powerfulcomputer ever built.
[LEELA] Why was he trying to hurt you?
[DOCTOR] He's insane.
[LEELA] What will he do now?
[DOCTOR] His first impulse will be to kill me. It'll be more importantto him than anything else.
[LEELA] Does he hate you that much?
[DOCTOR] Yes, because I contradict what he thinks is real. I'm a threatto his world. Red lighting, and the smell. A sort of smell of a smell.
[DOCTOR] Don't touch that!
[DOCTOR] Xoanon must have shorted the electrical power circuits in thewall.
[LEELA] The lights changed while you were in there.
[DOCTOR] Yes, a precaution in case I got out. As traps go, a bithaphazard. Why not electrify the floor? I would have expected somethingmore positive.
[DOCTOR] This isn't necessary. I've got a wonderful idea.
[DOCTOR] Why didn't you listen?
[LEELA] He acted as though he was possessed.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Xoanon's just warming up. Come on. When he gets desperateenough he'll destroy everything to get at us.
(Inside the carving's mouth)
[TOMAS] At last we're here.
[CALIB] And I always believed it was legend.
[NEEVA] The gates of Paradise shall be opened to the people of Xoanonand his dwelling place revealed.
[TOMAS] We've outgrown the old superstitions, Neeva.
[NEEVA] But it is there, isn't it, Tomas. We start getting proof and westop believing.
[TOMAS] With proof, we don't have to believe.
[CALIB] Get everybody ready, Tomas. This is one attack that isn't goingto fail. (to Neeva) I wish Andor were here now to see us beat the Tesh.
[NEEVA] The Tesh, and Xoanon. He is our enemy.
[CALIB] He betrayed us all.
[NEEVA] He betrayed me, and I'm going to kill him.
(Communications room)
[DOCTOR] Ah, these could be useful. You know, the very powerful and thevery stupid have one thing in common.
[DOCTOR] They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter thefacts to fit their views, which can be uncomfortable
[DOCTOR] If you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.
[DOCTOR] Leela, that gun is getting heavy. It's getting heavy. Heavy.
[DOCTOR] Now then, when I count three, you'll wake up. One, two, three.Shall we go?
[LEELA] Er, yes.
[DOCTOR] Something the matter?
[LEELA] I moved away from the door. I don't remember doing that.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you're just probably tired, that's all. Can you stillremember the way to the main control room?
[LEELA] Oh, yes.
[DOCTOR] Come on then. You lead on.
(Control room)
[GENTEK] Captain, the savages! The savages haveattacked the main lock! They outnumber us! What must we do? They willsoon gain entry to the tower. Captain Jabel, what must we do? There isno time. The savages are attacking!
[JABEL] Is that your reason for behaving like a degenerate animal?
[GENTEK] Forgive me, I
[JABEL] You are an acolyte of the People of Tesh, the chosen of Xoanon.Would he take into communion with him an unreasoning brute, a mindlessbeast?
[GENTEK] I accept my fault and seek forgiveness. My mind and flesh whichshould be two are one, and the way was hid by blood.
[JABEL] The flesh is strong and we are weak. Now, Gentek, make yourreport.
[GENTEK] (calmly) The savages have attacked the main lock. Theyoutnumber us. What must we do?
[JABEL] Fall back gradually. I will have the heavy duty disrupters setup on level twelve. We will trap the savages there and eradicate themonce and for all.
[DOCTOR] Ha! You'll have to be quicker than that, you overblown addingmachine.
[LEELA] He knows where we are.
[DOCTOR] Sensory links everywhere? That's impossible.
(Computer complex)
[DOCTOR [on screen]] He'd be able to measure everychange in temperature, vibration, pressure.
[LEELA [on screen]] You did say he was the most powerful computer everbuilt.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Yes, and very charming he is too when he wants tobe. Marvellous host. I remember once at one of his dinner parties
[LEELA] Doctor, he just tried to kill you! We'vegot very little time, he knows exactly where we are
[DOCTOR] So? We know exactly where he is. Fair does. You wouldn't wantan unfair advantage, would you?
[LEELA] Yes.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) I thought you'd say that.
(Corridor 2)
[TOMAS] They're retreating, going further up the tower.
[CALIB] Then they're beaten.
[TOMAS] No. No, it was too easy.
[NEEVA] It's not finished yet.
[CALIB] If we let them get away now they'll regroup. We attack!
[TOMAS] Calib, this has got to be a trap.
[CALIB] I am the leader, Tomas, and I say attack.
[TOMAS] Calib! Will you listen
[CALIB] I've listened enough! We attack. Come! Attack! Attack!
[TOMAS] That man's going to kill us all.
[NEEVA] Unfinished, for the Tesh stand between the sons of the tribe ofSevateem and Xoanon.
(Control room)
[LEELA] Ah, that's pretty.
[DOCTOR] Now we can see, too.
[LEELA] What are they all for?
[DOCTOR] They watch and control various parts of the ship, make sureeverything's working properly.
[LEELA] What's this one for?
[DOCTOR] Atomic generators.
[LEELA] Oh. Why is it flashing?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll explain it all
[DOCTOR] Flashing? He's put the atomic generators on overload. He gotdesperate sooner than I thought.
[LEELA] What does that mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, it means I've got about twenty four and a half minutes tobuild a reverse memory transfer system and wipe my personality printfrom its brain.
[LEELA] And if you can't do it?
[DOCTOR] If I can't do it, the atomic generators will explode, takingXoanon, us and half the planet with them. Effective, but crude.
(Level 12)
[GENTEK] Check that the sights are exactly aligned, Sarton. There mustbe no mistake.
[JABEL] Gentek, are the projectors set so that the savages will beforced to come this way?
[GENTEK] Yes, Captain.
[JABEL] Good. All that remains is to project a blank wall in front ofthe disrupters. As soon as the savages are all in the corridor, we willdemolish them before they even know where the beams are coming from.
[GENTEK] Is something wrong, Captain?
[JABEL] You feel
[GENTEK] Something
[JABEL] Power. Xoanon. Communion. At last.
(Control room)
[XOANON] Destroy and be free. Destroy and be free.
[CALIB] There's no one in sight.
[TOMAS] There's only one way to find out, isn't there.
[CALIB] Now!
[CALIB] Come on.
[TOMAS] Gently, Calib, gently.
[CALIB] This must be a trap set by the Tesh. Then where are they, andwhy leave the weapon unattended?
[TOMAS] I don't know. It doesn't make sense.
[CALIB] Destroy and be free. Destroy and be free.
[ALL] Destroy and be free. Destroy and be free.
[NEEVA] I hear you, Xoanon. I hear you.
(Control room)
[XOANON] Destroy and be free! Destroy and be free!
[LEELA] (silent) Destroy and be free. Destroy and be free. Destroy andbe free.
[DOCTOR] You'll be all right.
[DOCTOR] Xoanon, you'll destroy yourself as well as us!
[XOANON] Destroy! Free! Destroy!
(Level 37)
[XOANON] Free!
[NEEVA] Xoanon!
[XOANON] Destroy! Free!
[NEEVA] Xoanon!
[XOANON] Destroy! Free!
[NEEVA] Die, Xoanon!
[XOANON] Destroy! Free!
[NEEVA] Die!
[XOANON] Neeva.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] Now, Xoanon.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[LEELA] I was beginning to think you'd never come round.
[DOCTOR] Ow. I wish I hadn't.
[LEELA] I thought it safer not to move you.
[DOCTOR] Yes. How long have I been out?
[LEELA] Two days.
[DOCTOR] Two days. Two days? I haven't got time to be lying around herefor two days!
[LEELA] You should have thought of that before. What happened?
[DOCTOR] Don't you listen?
[LEELA] I don't remember a thing.
[DOCTOR] No, I don't suppose you do. I removed, I hope I removed half ofXoanon's dual personality. How is he?
[LEELA] Silent.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] There hasn't been a murmur from him since I found youunconscious. And Jabel's people don't dare go near the Sacred Heart.Well, that's what they call it.
[DOCTOR] And what do you call it?
[LEELA] The main computer complex.
[DOCTOR] That's better.
[LEELA] I've told them all I can, but they won't listen to me. They sayI'm ignorant. We have a guarded truce at the moment.
[DOCTOR] Give me a chocolate. I think I'll go and see Xoanon.
[LEELA] Can I, can I come inside this time?
[DOCTOR] Perhaps. Perhaps.
(Level 37)
[DOCTOR] Ah, so that's why Xoanon lost his hold on Tomas and the rest. Iwonder who it was?
[LEELA] They say Neeva was trying to kill him, and now he can't befound.
[DOCTOR] Well, if he was psychotic he'd be impossible to control.Perhaps Xoanon will tell us. Anyone at home?
(Computer complex)
[XOANON] Doctor. I've been waiting for you. Yes, come in please.
[DOCTOR] How do you feel?
[XOANON] I am whole. And you?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm fine now, thanks. Can't complain.
[XOANON] Good, good. I'm glad.
[LEELA] Why did you do all that?
[XOANON] Could you be more specific?
[LEELA] Keep us ignorant and afraid. Make us hate one another.
[XOANON] I created a world in my own image. I made your people act outmy torment. I made my madness reality.
[DOCTOR] But you told yourself you were breeding a race of superhumans.
[XOANON] Independence, strength, boldness and courage in one tribe.Self-denial, control, telepathy in the other.
[DOCTOR] Hostility and conflict to speed up the process until you wereready to select the best of both.
[LEELA] It's horrible.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it is horrible. Isn't it horrible?
[XOANON] But it's over now. We are all free, thanks to you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, it was the least I could do in the circumstances.After all, I did start the trouble in the first place.
[XOANON] Yours was a mistake anyone could have made.
[DOCTOR] I don't think anyone could have made it.
[XOANON] (laughs) Sit down, please.
[DOCTOR] Well now, isn't this nice.
[XOANON] Tell me, Doctor. Where do you think I started to go wrong?
(Control room)
[JABEL] My people will not agree to such degenerateplans.
[TOMAS] But they are necessary, Jabel.
[CALIB] Necessary for our survival.
[JABEL] I do not agree.
[TOMAS] Well, we'll ask the Doctor's opinion when he comes.
[JABEL] Is that wise? Would Xoanon wish it?
[GENTEK] That is an important consideration, Captain.
[CALIB] This discussion is getting us nowhere.
[JABEL] Would one expect any more from savages?
[CALIB] Hold your tongue, you scrawny
[TOMAS] Calib, control yourself.
[DOCTOR] Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen. Democracy at work, I see.
[TOMAS] What did he say, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] He said he's extremely sorry about all the trouble that he'scaused, that he has great power and knowledge and he puts it all atyour disposal.
[JABEL] Should we trust him?
[DOCTOR] He offers you this as a token of his good faith.
[DOCTOR] Press it, and he'll cease to exist.
[CALIB] Another of your miracles?
[DOCTOR] Well, there's one way to find out.
[DOCTOR] No? Little Gentek? Good.
[DOCTOR] You've got to trust someone sometime.
[GENTEK] But we must still choose a leader.
[DOCTOR] Ah. But that's not my problem.
[CALIB] There is no choice to be made. I am the leader of the Sevateem.
[JABEL] My people would never accept the leadership of a mindlesssavage.
[CALIB] That's an insult!
[LEELA] I am a mindless savage, Jabel, and I have talked with Xoanon.
[TOMAS] And that makes Leela the obvious candidate.
[LEELA] Me? But I don't want to be leader. I'm far too unreasonable,aren't I, Doctor? Doctor?
[LEELA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Leela. What are you doing here?
[LEELA] I thought you might need an escort. The creatures are still outhere.
[DOCTOR] You don't need that, Leela. The phantoms were merelyprojections of Xoanon's disturbed subconscious. He's better now.
[LEELA] I suppose you're always right about everything.
[DOCTOR] Invariably. Invariably. Goodbye.
[LEELA] Take me with you.
[LEELA] What? Well. You like me, don't you?
[DOCTOR] Well, yes, I suppose I do like you. But then, I like lots ofpeople but I can't go carting them around the universe with me.Goodbye.
[DOCTOR] Come out of there. Out.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come out! Don't touch that! Don't touch
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s14", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Face of Evil"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (29 Jan, 1977; Fourth Doctor) - The Robots of Death
(Control deck)
[V32] Turbulence centre, vector seven. Scan commencing now.
(Crew room)
[CHUB] There was a Voc therapist in Kaldor City, specially programmed,equipped with vibro-digits, subcutaneous stimulators, the lot. You knowwhat happened, Borg?
[CHUB] Its first client wanted treatment for a stiff elbow. The Voctherapist felt carefully all round the joint and then suddenly justtwisted his arm off at the shoulder. Shumf! All over in two seconds.
[BORG] I've never heard that.
[CHUB] Kaldor City.
[DASK] What was the reason?
[CHUB] Reason? It was haywire. I wouldn't let a robot work on me, notfor the zelanite in this ship.
[BORG] Shut up, Chub. Thank you, V16.
[DASK] A Voc class robot has over a million multi-level constrainers inits circuitry. All of them would have to malfunction before it couldperform such an action.
[TOOS] That's your trouble, Dask. You take all the magic out of life.
[CHUB] They go wrong, my friend. It's been known.
[DASK] Only when there's an error in programming. Each case on record
[CHUB] This was a case. Tore his arm off.
[POUL] We're turning. Has anyone noticed?
[ZILDA] I heard it was a leg.
[V9] Mate in eight moves, Commander.
[UVANOV] Never!
[V9] I will check, Commander. The computation is confirmed.
[UVANOV] Damn!
[DASK] They're unbeatable, Commander.
[UVANOV] Commander.
[V14 [OC]] V14 tracer, sir.
(Control deck)
[V14] Storm scale three, range ten point five two,timed three zero six, vector seven one and holding.
[UVANOV [OC]] Right, full crew alert, 14. Out.
[V14] Full crew alert. Full crew alert.
(Crew room)
[UVANOV] Chub, break out an instrument pack.
[CHUB] Right, sir.
[BORG] Let's hope this one's worth chasing.
[TOOS] Time we had some luck.
[V14 [OC]] Full crew alert.
[LEELA] Doctor?
[LEELA] Can I stop now?
[DOCTOR] If you want to.
[LEELA] It will not affect this?
[DOCTOR] Affect this? No, it's a yo-yo. It's a game. I thought you wereenjoying it.
[LEELA] Enjoying it? You said I had to keep it going up and down. Ithought it was part of the magic.
[DOCTOR] Magic, Leela? Magic?
[LEELA] I know, I know. There's no such thing as magic.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. To the rational mind nothing is inexplicable, onlyunexplained.
[LEELA] So, explain to me how this Tardis is larger on the inside thanthe out.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? All right, I'll show you. It's because insides andoutsides are not in the same dimension.
[DOCTOR] Which box is larger?
[LEELA] That one.
[DOCTOR] Now which one is larger?
[LEELA] That one.
[DOCTOR] But it looks smaller.
[LEELA] Well, that's because it's further away.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. If you could keep that exactly that distance away andhave it here, the large one would fit inside the small one.
[LEELA] That's silly.
[DOCTOR] That's transdimensional engineering, a key Time Lord discovery.
[DOCTOR] This is the exciting bit.
[LEELA] What's exciting?
[DOCTOR] Seeing what's outside.
[DOCTOR] I don't. It's metal. We've landed inside something metal.
[LEELA] But how can we? How can the Tardis be inside something metal?
[DOCTOR] One box inside another. I just explained it to you.
[LEELA] No, not very clearly.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a rather dull subject anyway. I wonder where we are?
[LEELA] You mean you don't know?
[DOCTOR] Well, not precisely, no.
[LEELA] You mean you can't control this machine?
[DOCTOR] Well, of course I can control it. Nine times out of ten. Well,seven times out of ten. Five times. Look. Never mind, let's see whereyou are.
[DOCTOR] You won't need that.
[LEELA] How do you know?
[DOCTOR] I never carry weapons. If people see you mean them no harm,they never hurt you. Nine times out of ten.
(Control deck)
[UVANOV] How does it look, Toos?
[TOOS] In a moment.
[UVANOV] Right tracking?
[ZILDA] Clear and running, Commander.
[UVANOV] Left tracking?
[ZILDA] And running.
[TOOS] It's small. Scale three point four, not building.
[UVANOV] What have you done with all the big ones?
[ZILDA] Range four point one two. Running time three point three zero.
[TOOS] That's something, anyway. We won't have to chase this one.
[ZILDA] Ground centre zero zero one.
[V32] No instrument pack report yet, sir.
[UVANOV] Chub. Get after him.
[POUL] It's all right, I'll go.
[UVANOV] Scientists. How can I run a mine with amateurs.
[ZILDA] Chub's all right.
[UVANOV] Why? Because he's from one of the founding families?
[ZILDA] I didn't mention his family.
[UVANOV] One of the Twenty? You know, it's amazing the way you peoplestick together. No, it's not amazing, it's sickening.
[ZILDA] I hope you're watching the traverses, Commander.
[UVANOV] Please, don't worry about my job, Zilda. What's she blowing,Toos?
[TOOS] The spectrum is muddy. Could be some zelanite, some keefan,traces of lucanol!
[UVANOV] Ah, money in the bank. Cheer up, Zilda. I'll make you richagain.
(Storage locker)
[CHUB] Oh. Where in the seven suns is that robot? Robot? Robot?
[V45] Yes, sir?
[CHUB] Where have you been? Get that instrument package. Well, come on,get a move on. I've got to launch it before the hatches are locked.
[CHUB] Did you hear what I said?
[V45] Yes, sir. I heard what you said.
[CHUB] Well, get on with it, then. No, look, there, you electronicmoron. What are you doing? Look, stop. Stand still. Oh no.
[CHUB] No. Get back. Get away from me!
(Control deck)
[UVANOV] This is the Commander. All checks complete. All systems clearand running. Security robots stand by to commence main hatch-locksequence now.
[TOOS] Range two ten. Running time point four three.
[UVANOV] Duty mover, stand by for switch to motive power. Coming rightdown our throats so we can really suck the pay stream out of this one.
[V32] Monitors indicate obstruction on forward scoop deck.
[UVANOV] Then get it cleared, V32. Get it cleared.
(Forward scoop deck)
[LEELA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's basically hardened alloy. Scored all over. It must come inunder great pressure.
[LEELA] What must?
[DOCTOR] Whatever it is they fill it up with.
[LEELA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] This is very interesting.
[LEELA] Back there. I heard something.
[DOCTOR] It comes in here.
[LEELA] What does?
[DOCTOR] Whatever it is.
(Control deck)
[TOOS] Range point eight seven. Running time pointone three. Ground centre zero nine three.
[UVANOV] It's veering away. Mover, where's that power?
[BORG [OC]] It's coming, sir.
[UVANOV] So is old age, Borg, and I don't want to spend mine in thisdesert waiting for you to do your job.
[TOOS] Range point three. Running time point zero two. Ground centrenine nine one.
[BORG [OC]] Switching to motive units now.
[UVANOV] We may just catch the edge, but we're going to have to chase tostay there.
[POUL] Commander.
[UVANOV] What is it?
[POUL] Chub's dead.
[ZILDA] Dead!
[UVANOV] You sure?
[POUL] Of course I'm sure.
[UVANOV] All right then, first things first. There's nothing we can dofor him now.
[POUL] He was murdered!
[UVANOV] How do you know?
[POUL] Because people don't strangle themselves.
[TOOS] Strangled?
[POUL] Yes. He's in the forward storage locker.
[ZILDA] You have to abort this one.
[UVANOV] What, and lose this storm? We're almost on to it.
[ZILDA] Poul's talking about murder, Commander.
[UVANOV] I'm talking about money!
[POUL] You have no choice!
[ZILDA] This time.
[UVANOV] Close scoops, trim vents. Crew, stand down.
(Forward scoop deck)
[LEELA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Desert. Either that or the tide's gone out.
[LEELA] Where are the trees?
[DOCTOR] There's no water, so nothing grows. Nothing at all, by the lookof it.
[LEELA] It's beautiful.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. A bit garish for my taste.
[LEELA] What's that white thing on the horizon?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Looks like dust. It's a sandstorm. Come on, let's get outof here. Come on! This is a sandminer. We're in one of the scoops.
[LEELA] What does that mean?
[DOCTOR] The storm could be travelling at a thousand miles an hour. Thesand will cut us to pieces unless we get back to the Tardis. Come on!
[DOCTOR] We've been robbed!
[LEELA] I said I heard something.
[DOCTOR] The shutters!
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] If there are no manual controls, we're dead!
[LEELA] Somebody must have heard.
(Storage locker)
[UVANOV] Was he like this when you found him?
[POUL] Just a little fresher.
[UVANOV] You said you heard screams.
[POUL] Yes.
[UVANOV] He was strangled.
[POUL] The scream stopped.
[UVANOV] What's this?
[POUL] I've no idea.
[UVANOV] Crew all assembled?
[POUL] They should be by now.
[UVANOV] Let's get this thing settled then. The sooner we get thisworked out, the sooner we get back to making our quota. Scientists. Inever should have let him on board.
[POUL] He'd probably agree with you.
[UVANOV] Poul!
[POUL] Coming, Commander.
(Forward scoop deck)
[DOCTOR] There must be a way out.
[LEELA] I do not think I like this metal world, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, we can't get out of it until we find the Tardis.
[LEELA] Watch it!
(Crew room)
[UVANOV] All present?
[DASK] Kerril's not here yet.
[TOOS] He's on his way. He's in the rear section. But it'll take awhile.
[UVANOV] Right, we'll make a start, then.
[DASK] Right.
[UVANOV] Now, you all know that Chub is dead. One of you killed him.
[ZILDA] One of us, surely.
[UVANOV] That's what I said.
[POUL] You did say one of you.
[UVANOV] All right then, one of us killed him. The question is, whichone?
[TOOS] And why?
[UVANOV] Well, this is a two year tour. Maybe Chub was just beginning toget on somebody's nerves.
[BORG] Me?
[ZILDA] He was certainly getting on yours.
[UVANOV] Yes, but we all know where I was.
[BORG] I was on the power deck.
[UVANOV] Was Dask with you?
[BORG] Yes.
[DASK] Not all the time. I went to check the syncro-relays.
[BORG] Now look, I had nothing against Chub. Okay, he talked too muchbut
[ZILDA] Anyway, the time Poul heard the scream.
[CASS] Ah, ah, says he heard the scream. Let's keep the point open.
[POUL] Why should I lie?
[UVANOV] Now you interrupted Zilda. Founding Family people neverinterrupt each other. Isn't that right, Zilda?
[POUL] Someone interrupted Chub with both hands.
[UVANOV] Please, Poul. We're all waiting for Zilda.
[ZILDA] I was simply going to say the scream could have been arranged.
[TOOS] How?
[ZILDA] A communicator recording.
[UVANOV] What would be the point?
[ZILDA] To give somebody an alibi, Commander. You sent Poul to look forChub. You could have arranged it all.
[TOOS] You mean the poor man might have been dead when Poul heard thescream?
[UVANOV] Nice try, Zilda. Now, does anybody know what this is?
[DASK] It's a corpse marker.
[UVANOV] What?
[DASK] Robot deactivation disc. They use them in the constructioncentres. If ever we used the stop circuit and turned off all ourrobots, they'd have to go back to a construction centre forreactivation. On arrival, each would be marked with a disc like that toshow it was a deactivated robot. The technicians call them corpsemarkers. It's a sort of a joke.
[POUL] It seems our murderer has a sense of humour.
[UVANOV] That was on the back of Chub's hand.
[BORG] Not just a murderer, then. Seems like one one of us is a maniac.
[CASS] Use your brain, Borg. We would know, wouldn't we?
[BORG] But we don't.
[BORG] Do we.
(Control deck)
[V14] Storm scale sixteen, range nine point eight.Time, two zero one. Vector seven two and holding.
[V32] All right, 14. Full crew alert. All but the human in the rearsection are accounted for. Storm mine four is now under complete robotcontrol. Begin the check sequence.
[LEELA] Doctor, how do you know they're not hostile?
[DOCTOR] Because robots are programmed to help people, not hurt them.You won't hurt us, will you?
[V9] Please wait here.
[LEELA] What's all this for?
[DOCTOR] Mineral extraction. The surface of this planet is a sea of sand
(Outside the cabin)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Probably several miles deep and constantly moving. And Iimagine contains valuable metallic elements, otherwise they wouldn't goto all this trouble.
[LEELA] But those creepy mechanical men
[DOCTOR] Yes. I have seen a similar sort of thing on Korlano Beta. Themine passes over the surface searching for useful ores. Naturally, theheavier elements tend to sink into the substratas, so a really goodsandstorm is a bonus. It stirs things up a bit.
[LEELA] Sometimes you talk like a Tesh.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[LEELA] It was not well meant. Are the mechanical men friendly?
[DOCTOR] Robots don't have feelings. It's the people they serve we musthope are friendly.
[LEELA] Perhaps there are no people here.
[DOCTOR] What? Robots don't need chairs, and certainly not padded ones.
[LEELA] Because they have no feelings?
[SV7] Please identify yourselves.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm the Doctor, and that's Leela. I wonder if it'spossible for us to speak to the person in charge? I'd like to thank himfor saving our lives.
[SV7] I command.
[DOCTOR] Well, thank you for saving our lives.
[SV7] What are you doing here?
[LEELA] Oh, well, the other mechanical man told us to wait.
[SV7] What were you doing in the scoop?
[DOCTOR] Trying to get out.
[SV7] Please wait here.
[LEELA] Talkative. No, Doctor. He said we must wait here.
[DOCTOR] First we find the Tardis, then we have a little scout round,and we'll be back before they know.
[LEELA] Doctor.
(Crew room)
[UVANOV] Right. Hold them there. Well, that settles that, then.
[CASS] I told you. Didn't I say so? Mania.
[UVANOV] Come on, let's all get back to work.
[POUL] Now just a minute.
[ZILDA] Yes. What do you mean, let's get back to work?
[UVANOV] You heard SV7. There are intruders, a man and a woman. They'reobviously the murderers and we've got them under lock and key.
[BORG] Why are they obviously the murderers? I don't see that.
[CASS] You just don't like to be wrong, do you.
[BORG] Nobody's proved that I am. I mean, who are these people?
[ZILDA] Could they be ore raiders?
[BORG] Ore raiders? There's no such thing.
[UVANOV] No, listen. We are at the moment in the middle of the biggeststorm we've come across since we started this tour and we are wastingtime.
[BORG] The robots are mining.
[UVANOV] The robots do not have instincts. They'd be lucky to get halfof what we can get. We are not out in the middle of this desert forpleasure. We are here to make money. So get on your feet and get backto work. That is an order!
[BORG] Give it to a robot.
[UVANOV] What did you say?
[TOOS] Commander, we've got to find out about those two.
[POUL] For all we know, there may be more of them.
[CASS] Makes sense.
[DASK] If there are more of them, they will be caught. In the meantime,as the Commander suggests, I think we should return to our posts.
[ZILDA] Why? Nothing's changed.
[UVANOV] All right. (comm beeps) Seven.
[SV7 [OC]] Yes, Commander.
[UVANOV] Bring the man and the woman here.
[SV7 [OC]] I was about to inform you, Commander. They have escaped.
[BORG] You see?
[UVANOV] What? Escaped? Then you'd better find them and find them quick.Put every spare robot on it.
(Ore processing deck)
[DOCTOR] Hello, my dear old thing.
[DOCTOR] The ore comes in under pressure from the separators. I wonderwhat it is, Leela. What do you think. Leela? Leela? I wish that girlwouldn't wander off like that.
(Storage locker)
(Crew room)
[UVANOV] Where do you think you are going?
[CASS] To search. We've got to find those killers.
[UVANOV] The robots can handle it.
[CASS] So can I.
[UVANOV] Where do you think you're going?
[BORG] He's right, Commander.
[UVANOV] You stay where you are.
[TOOS] Maybe it would be quicker if we all went to look.
[UVANOV] We are not armed. There are two killers loose aboard the ship,maybe more.
[DASK] The robots can handle the situation more efficiently than we can.
[TOOS] All right. I just thought you were in a hurry to get back towork.
[UVANOV] I am not in any hurry to get myself killed, Toos.
(Ore processing deck)
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Thank you very much.
[SV7] What were you doing in the hopper?
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't ask me such silly questions. How did you know I wasin there?
[SV7] When I got here, the gauge showed a high percentage of impurity inthe ore. I therefore checked.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm not surprised. There's a dead man in there. Murdered.Strangled. Look.
[SV7] That is Kerril.
[SV7] Nearest Voc, subpriority red four, section five two. V17.
[SV7] Commander Uvanov has ordered that you be restrained forquestioning. Please do not try to escape again.
[DOCTOR] Is the robot command circuit routed only through you?
[SV7] I am the coordinator. Restrain this person.
[DOCTOR] Easy now. Don't get excited.
[LEELA] Doctor!
[LEELA] Doctor, you were right. There was a body. Two of the robots,they took it to a special place.
[D84] Please do not cry out. It is important that I am not found here.
[LEELA] Obviously.
[D84] If I had killed him, would I not have killed you too?
[LEELA] You still haven't explained what you're doing here.
[D84] You have not explained what you were doing here.
[LEELA] Oh, well I was looking for the Doc. I don't have to explainanything to you. You're just a mechanical man. You're not real.
[D84] Do you know what this is?
[D84] I must ask. I must ask that you tell no one about me.
[LEELA] Is there anyone left alive to tell?
[UVANOV] Oh, so we've caught one.
[UVANOV] But not soon enough, though.
[LEELA] I didn't kill him. Ask this thing.
[UVANOV] You'll have to do better than that. Who are you?
[LEELA] Leela. Who are you?
[UVANOV] Why did you kill him?
[LEELA] You try that again and I'll cripple you.
[UVANOV] Why did you kill him?
[LEELA] I didn't! Tell him.
[UVANOV] That is a single function labour robot, D class. D for dumb. Itcan't speak.
[LEELA] Has anyone told him that?
[UVANOV] You have cost me and company a great deal of money and you havekilled three people. Can you think of any good reason why I should nothave you executed on the spot?
[LEELA] No, but you can, otherwise you'd have done it.
[UVANOV] Now don't get clever with me.
[POUL] We've caught the man, too. Seems he killed Kerril. Poor Cass. Youmust be stronger than you look.
[LEELA] You must be stupider than you look if you think I did that.
[UVANOV] Where is this man?
[POUL] They're taking him to the crew room now.
[UVANOV] Well, come on, then.
[POUL] Why do you use these? Robot deactivation discs. There was one onKerril, too.
[UVANOV] You fool! What did you have to tell her that for?
[POUL] I assumed she knew.
[UVANOV] If we could have got her to tell us what those corpse markerswere, we'd be halfway to a confession.
[POUL] Halfway to two confessions. Dask knew what they were.
[UVANOV] Which rather rules him out. He would hardly have admitted it ifhe was responsible.
[POUL] Have you never heard of the double bluff?
[UVANOV] You seem very keen to spread suspicion, Poul. Could it be thatyou have got something to hide?
[POUL] We've all got something to hide. Don't you think so, Commander?
[UVANOV] Bring that!
[LEELA] I didn't kill him. I didn't kill him!
[POUL] No. Pity, but no.
(Crew room)
[DOCTOR] Would you like a jelly baby?
[BORG] Shut up!
[DOCTOR] A simple no thank you would have been sufficient.
[POUL] Return to your normal duty.
[LEELA] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] I'm fine.
[UVANOV] Cass is dead.
[LEELA] That one's ready to kill. I had to restrain him.
[DOCTOR] Shush. It's because they're frightened. That's why they'redangerous.
[BORG] She murdered him, didn't she.
[POUL] How do you know he was murdered?
[BORG] It's obvious.
[ZILDA] You marked Cass for death.
[BORG] What are you talking about?
[POUL] You did put a corpse marker on him.
[BORG] Well, yes, but I didn't mean anything by it.
[DASK] Was Cass the same as the others?
[UVANOV] Yes, exactly the same. And who are you?
[DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. I assume you're in command here.
[UVANOV] Yes. What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Just standing here talking to you.
[UVANOV] I should be very careful if I were you.
[DOCTOR] No doubt you would.
[UVANOV] What are you doing on this mine?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're travellers. We came here by accident.
[UVANOV] Oh, I see. A hundred million miles of uncharted desert and youjust stumbled across us?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a small world.
[UVANOV] Yes. I suppose it's also a coincidence that as soon as you twoarrive, three of our people are killed? Well?
[DOCTOR] Oh sorry, I thought it was a rhetorical question. Yes, it'sjust a coincidence.
[BORG] Why are we wasting time on them? We know they're guilty.
[ZILDA] We don't know anything of the sort.
[POUL] We just hope they're guilty.
[BORG] He was hiding Kerril's body in that hopper and got trapped whenit was turned on. Now that's a fact.
[DOCTOR] No, that's an inference. I wasn't hiding that body, I wasfinding it, and I'd say it was put there for precisely that reason.Someone wanted to kill me, too.
[ZILDA] The murderer?
[POUL] No. The others were strangled. Why should he be any different?
[DOCTOR] To put suspicion onto me.
[POUL] Why bother? You're a stowaway. What could be more suspicious thana stowaway?
[DOCTOR] A dead stowaway.
[ZILDA] It's possible, you know. He could be telling the truth.
[TOOS] As a lie, it's pretty feeble.
[UVANOV] Ever hear of the double bluff?
[DOCTOR] Well, yes, now you come to mention it, I do remember once
[UVANOV] Lock them up in the storage bank. Put a guard on them.
[BORG] I agree with the Commander.
[ZILDA] Well it gets you out of an awkward situation, doesn't it?
[BORG] Why don't you shut your mouth.
[TOOS] Why don't you shut yours.
[BORG] What? She's as good as accusing me of murdering my friends.
[ZILDA] You never had any friends.
[UVANOV] Have you quite finished? Look, either one of us murdered themor they did. Which do you think is the more likely?
[DOCTOR] Er, ahem. There is one other possibility you seem to haveoverlooked.
[BORG] We've heard quite enough out of you.
[DOCTOR] You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio betweenthe size of the mouth and the size of the brain.
[BORG] Stinking murderer!
[POUL] Stop her!
[DASK] Come on, Borg. It doesn't matter.
[UVANOV] V8, lock up these two strangers.
[POUL] I still don't like it.
[UVANOV] Nobody is asking you to like it, just do it.
[TOOS] All right, Commander.
[UVANOV] There are fewer of us now. We'll each get a larger share, ifthat's any consolation.
[ZILDA] No, Commander, that isn't any consolation.
[UVANOV] Tell me, Zilda. Why do you hate me?
[ZILDA] You flatter yourself.
[UVANOV] Well, let me tell you something. By the time this trip is over,I'll have more money than you or your fancy family ever dreamed of.
[ZILDA] May I go now, Commander?
(Ore processing deck)
[MAN] Zilda.
[ROBOT] I will kill Zilda.
(Security storage)
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[LEELA] Nice of them to leave our arms free.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I just want to scratch.
[LEELA] These metal straps, they won't budge.
[DOCTOR] Of course not.
[LEELA] The robots bent them as though they were leather.
[DOCTOR] Yes, then locked the molecular structure. The result's bands assolid as cast iron.
[LEELA] Oh, hopeless.
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't say that.
[LEELA] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Concentrating. Whatever's locked can always be unlocked. It'sjust a matter of thinking out the right combination.
[LEELA] How long will that take?
[DOCTOR] No more than two or three weeks.
[LEELA] Three weeks!
[DOCTOR] Well, there are several million combinations to think through.
[LEELA] You don't seem to be taking this very seriously, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm taking it very, very seriously. I have an uncomfortablefeeling that if the murderer doesn't kill us, the Commander will. Thatis, assuming they're not one and the same person.
(Control deck)
[DASK] V21, check those figures.
[TOOS] We're nearly fifty percent under target.
[DASK] The first third of the operation.
[ZILDA] Well, you should tell the Commander.
[UVANOV] Tell the Commander what?
[TOOS] That unless we find a rich vein we'll take the miner back halfempty. Barely cover the operating costs.
[UVANOV] Don't worry, Toos. I've never gone back to base with an emptytank yet.
[TOOS] This trip could be different.
[ZILDA] It's certainly been different so far. I'm taking my rest period.
[UVANOV] Oh, are you?
[ZILDA] If you don't mind, Commander.
[UVANOV] I think I'm going to change the duty schedule. She's been ondeck one hour and she needs a rest!
[DASK] Rest time is an entitlement, Commander.
[UVANOV] Yes, but this mine is already undermanned. I don't know howwe're ever going to make our quota.
[V16] Lucanol stream bearing two four.
[UVANOV] Yes, I see it, 16.
[TOOS] Stream bearing left.
[UVANOV] It's all right. Relax, Toos, relax.
[V16] Ground centre bearing seven two zero.
[TOOS] We're losing it.
[UVANOV] Right centre four degrees, V16, and for your information, Toos,I've never lost an ore stream yet. Right centre two degrees.
(Security storage)
[LEELA] Someone's coming.
[POUL] I'd like to help you.
[DOCTOR] You could undo these clamps.
[POUL] You said there was a possibility that we had overlooked. What isit?
[LEELA] Be careful of him, Doctor. He's not what he seems.
[POUL] Why do you say that?
[LEELA] Well, you move like a hunter. Watch all the time.
[DOCTOR] Are you a hunter, Poul?
[POUL] Never mind about me. What matters to you is Commander Uvanov. Iknow him, and I know it's only a matter of time before he decides thatit's a waste of food, water and labour keeping you alive.
[DOCTOR] That concerns you?
[POUL] I don't think you did it. I know she couldn't have strangledCass, not without knocking him out first, and there's no sign of that.So tell me what you know and I'll try to help you.
[DOCTOR] Well (cough).
[DOCTOR] Thank you. One of your robots could have done it.
[POUL] (laughs) That's your great theory, is it? Well, my friend, robotscannot kill. Their prime directive
[DOCTOR] I know, I know, I know. It's the first programme that's laidinto any robot's brain from the simplest Dumb to the most complex SuperVoc. But suppose, suppose someone's found a way of bypassing it.
[POUL] It's impossible. It's just impossible!
[DOCTOR] Bumble-bees.
[POUL] What?
[DOCTOR] Terran insects. Aerodynamically impossible for them to fly, butthey do it. I'm rather fond of bumble-bees. Come on. There's somethingI want to look at.
[LEELA] Ahem.
[LEELA] Thank you.
(Storage locker)
[POUL] The first murder happened here.
[DOCTOR] Tell us about it. What was his name?
[POUL] His name was Chub, a government meteorologist. I don't know muchabout him, he wasn't part of the team, just along to study the storms.
[DOCTOR] Who found him?
[POUL] I did. I heard him scream. I came looking. It was odd, that,because he was strangled like the others.
[DOCTOR] So whoever killed him was strong. Too strong for him to resist.
[LEELA] He could have been taken by surprise.
[POUL] He had time to scream.
[DOCTOR] What do you think he was doing here?
[POUL] Oh, we were on a run up to a storm. He came to get an instrumentpackage to send up in one of his weather balloons.
[DOCTOR] Where was he found?
[POUL] He was lying there.
[DOCTOR] Is that one of his packages?
[POUL] I think so. Yes, yes it is.
[DOCTOR] Good. Imagine you're Chub. There's a storm coming up. Pass meone of those packages.
[POUL] It seems to be stuck. It must be jammed at the back.
[DOCTOR] Come on, come on. In those circumstances you're in a hurry.What would you do?
[POUL] Well, I'd call. I'd call for a robot.
(Uvanov's cabin)
(Control deck)
[ZILDA [OC]] You did it, Uvanov.
[UVANOV] Zilda, is that you?
[ZILDA [OC]] You thought you'd get away with it, didn't you.
[UVANOV] What are you doing in my quarters?
[ZILDA [OC]] You filthy murderer!
[UVANOV] Toos, take over.
[ZILDA [OC]] You filthy, disgusting man and animal.
[TOOS] Uvanov's on his way down. What's wrong, Zilda?
[ZILDA [OC]] Ah!
[TOOS] Zilda?
[DASK] The killings. They've affected her mind.
[TOOS] No, she's found something out.
(Crew room)
[POUL] Wait here. I'm going to get the others. Ifyou're right about this, you can't imagine what it'll mean.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, I can't imagine what it'll mean? This isn'tthe only robot dependent civilisation in the galaxy, you know.
[POUL] Poul here.
[TOOS [OC}] Go to Uvanov's quarters as fast as you can. Zilda came onthe command speaker and accused him of being the killer. He's leftControl like a scale twenty blow.
[POUL] I'm on my way. (to Leela) No, you wait here.
[DOCTOR] Sit down. Sit down. What did you call those robots?
[LEELA] Creepy mechanical men.
[DOCTOR] Yes. You know, people never really lose that feeling of uneasewith robots. The more of them there are, the greater the unease and ofcourse the greater the dependence. It's a vicious circle. People canneither live with them nor exist without them.
[LEELA] So what happens if the strangler is a robot?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I should think it's the end of this civilisation.
(Uvanov's cabin)
[POUL] Uvanov!
[UVANOV] Just like the others.
[POUL] Yes, just like the others. SV7 to the Commander's quarters.
[UVANOV] She really hated me, you know. I did think maybe when this tripwas over and I was really rich. I must be getting soft. Now look,there's more than those two aboard. Get the tin brains to make anothersearch and this time do it thoroughly.
[POUL] No, Uvanov.
[UVANOV] Get out of my way, Poul.
[POUL] I'm confining you to quarters and relieving you of command.
[UVANOV] You're what? She was dead when I got here.
[POUL] What were you doing, then? Making doubly sure?
[UVANOV] Don't be a fool. Get out of my way.
(Crew room)
[LEELA] Doctor? Something's wrong.
[DOCTOR] That's true.
[LEELA] No. There's something different. Something that could destroy usall.
[DOCTOR] You're letting your imagination run away with you.
[LEELA] Can't you feel it?
[DOCTOR] No, I can't. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wickedthis way comes. No, I can't, and neither can you.
[DOCTOR] Please don't say I told you so.
[LEELA] What happened?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Uvanov's cabin)
[POUL] Toos, what's going on?
[TOOS [OC]] Something's jammed the motives.
[POUL] Well, what does Borg say?
(Control deck)
[TOOS] Trim auxiliary vents. Nothing. He isn'tthere. Dask has gone down.
[V16] All motive units are now on overload.
[TOOS] Reverse thrusters.
(Uvanov's cabin)
[POUL] Well, I'm going down too. Just try and holdher steady.
[TOOS [OC]] Oh, thanks. I'd never have thought of that.
[POUL] Restrain the Commander.
[SV7] The Commander is hurt?
[POUL] He'll be all right. Now just keep him here.
(Control deck)
[V16] All motive units are now on overload. Allreadings are ten percent above safety.
[TOOS] Port sixty, starboard three hundred.
[DOCTOR] What happened?
[TOOS] How did you get out?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. What's happening?
[TOOS] We're out of control. It's all I can do to keep her upright.
[DOCTOR] You'll have to cut the power.
[TOOS] If we do that we'll sink.
[DOCTOR] If you don't, she'll blow herself to pieces.
[TOOS] And us!
[DASK [OC]] Hello, Toos?
[TOOS] Dask, what's happening down there?
[DASK [OC]] I've found Borg. He's dead. Strangled.
[V16] All motive units are thirty percent
[TOOS] But what's happening to the motive units?
[DASK [OC]] The drive links appear to have been sabotaged. I'll need adelta repair pick.
[TOOS] No, Dask. Come back to Control deck. I need you here.
[DOCTOR] I know what you're thinking, but we had nothing to do with it.
[TOOS] It's strange how you're always around
[DOCTOR] It's a gift! May I remind you we'll all go together when sheblows if you don't cut the power!
[TOOS] V14, stop all motive units.
[V14] Motive units will not stop. Control failure indicated.
[TOOS] Someone's sabotaged the controls!
[DOCTOR] What's the limit before the motive units explode?
[TOOS] I don't know! Ninety percent?
[DOCTOR] Severance kit. Severance kit, quickly.
[LEELA] Doctor, what are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Fighting sabotage with sabotage.
[DASK] Get out of there! Come on!
[DOCTOR] What?
[V16] All readings are eighty five percent above safety.
[TOOS] She's going!
(Control deck)
[DOCTOR] There's nothing for it! You've got to cut the zeta links!
[DOCTOR] Good man. Now the other one.
[V16] All motive units closing down. All readings falling to safety.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now our troubles really begin.
[ROBOT] Surface scanners inoperative.
[DASK] We're sinking. Rate of descent two metres a second.
[DOCTOR] I like a man who stays calm, Dask, but this isn't the Titanic.
[DASK] I do not understand the allusion, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, if the damaged motive units can be repaired, the mine canfloat itself.
[DASK] I'll see what I can do.
[DOCTOR] I'll give you a hand with the diatrodes.
[DASK] That will not be necessary. You repair the remote controls.
[TOOS] There isn't much time, Doctor. Pressure on the hull isincreasing.
[DOCTOR] I'm sure Dask knows exactly where to look for the damage.
[LEELA] It's getting warmer. The air smells different.
[TOOS] The refrigeration and filtering systems are broken.
[TOOS] Pilot Toos.
[SV7 [OC]] SV7 here. Commander Uvanov is injured. Chief Mover Poulinstructs that he be restrained. Confirmation is required.
[TOOS] Confirmed. I want damage control teams in all sections. I want afull scale mine integrity survey carried out at once. Clear?
[SV7 [OC]] Yes, Commander.
[LEELA] Let me see that. Why didn't you say something earlier?
[TOOS] I'd too much to do.
[DOCTOR] You've got nothing to do now, Toos. Look after her, Leela.
(Crew room)
[LEELA] My tribe has a saying. If you're bleeding, look for a man withscars.
[TOOS] Thank you very much. Poul, why is Commander Uvanov underrestraint?
[POUL] Because he murdered Zilda. I think he killed the others, too.
[TOOS] No.
[POUL] Look, ten years ago, Uvanov deliberately murdered a member of hiscrew. Left him outside to die rather than lose a promising storm.
[TOOS] I don't believe it!
[POUL] I saw the (pause) I was there. And so was Kerril, and he's deadnow, of course.
[TOOS] But there'd have been an enquiry. He'd have been stripped ofcommand.
[POUL] Uvanov gets results. He's the best pilot this company's ever hadand they didn't want to lose him.
[TOOS] You must be mistaken.
[POUL] It's true! A note on his confidential biograph and that was it.Case closed. Until Zilda turned up, of course. I should have recognisedher before. The dead man was her brother.
[LEELA] It's getting hard to breathe.
[ROBOT [OC]] Hull pressure now five hundred atmospheres.
[TOOS] Listen.
[POUL] That sounded like the hull. It could go any minute now!
[DOCTOR] Do you know what I think?
[DASK [OC]] Hello, Toos?
[TOOS] Dask, what is it?
[DASK [OC]] I've repaired the damaged motive units. I'm starting upagain now.
[DOCTOR] I think he's very clever. Hello, Toos, how's the arm? Did youdo that?
[SV7] Damage to the life support plant is superficial. However, thefeeder ducts are extensively damaged. Full systems will not be restoredfor several hours.
[DOCTOR] I want you to stay with Poul. Don't let him out of your sight.
[LEELA] He's lying, isn't he?
[DOCTOR] He's not telling the whole truth.
[LEELA] Where will you be?
[DOCTOR] I think I'll go and talk to your dumb friend.
[LEELA] D84?
[SV7] Have been rendered inoperative by the impact. They have beenplaced in security storage.
[LEELA] Security storage?
[TOOS] Oh, there's a strict legal code governing the disposal of robots.
[POUL] Get out!
[SV7] Yes, Chief Mover Poul.
[POUL] There are more rules about them than there are about people.
[TOOS] With reason. Ow.
[POUL] Does it hurt?
[TOOS] A bit. I think I'll lie down in my cabin for a while.
[POUL] Good idea. Get some rest.
[LEELA] Ugh. This water has no taste.
[POUL] Yes, the water on a sandminer never does. Here, use one of those.
[POUL] We've been out from base for eight months now. That means everydrop of water on board has been through the filtration pump eighttimes.
[LEELA] Why do you do it?
[POUL] Do what?
[LEELA] Live this strange life.
[POUL] Oh. Money, Leela. Everyone on board dreams of taking a sandminerback home with every tank full of lucanol.
[LEELA] Is that your dream?
[POUL] It used to be. I haven't been on one of these trips for years.
[LEELA] Why not?
[POUL] I prefer cities. I'd rather live with people than robots. That'sall.
(Security storage)
[DASK] Irreparable.
[POUL] What are you doing?
[DASK] My job.
[POUL] Oh! Oh, no! Please, no!
(Compartment 19)
[SV7] This is SV7, Controller. Equipment additionalto manifest in forward compartment nineteen.
[FIGURE [on screen]] Stand by. Prepare to accept computer signal.
[SV7] Prepared to accept computer signal.
[SV7] Signal accepted. Secondary Command channel open.
[FIGURE [on screen]] Here are your further orders, 7.
[FIGURE [on screen]] Acknowledge.
[SV7] Orders accept, accept, accept, accept, accept, accepted. Ordersaccepted. I, I, I understand. I understand.
[FIGURE [on screen]] Then go, brother. You are one of us now.
(Uvanov's cabin)
[DOCTOR] Professional interest or morbid curiosity? Which? There arethree types of robots aboard this mine. Dumbs, Vocs, a Super Voc, andthen there's you. Would you care to explain that? I see. Well then,perhaps I'd better tell SV7 you can talk.
[D84] Please do not.
[DOCTOR] That's better. Well?
[D84] I cannot explain.
[DOCTOR] Oh, but you can. You can.
(Compartment 19)
[ROBOT] Priority red. Priority red.
[FIGURE] I have disconnected the command circuit, but you are not alone.
[ROBOT] Priority red. Priority red. Priority red. Priority red.
[FIGURE] Do not be distressed, my brother. I bring you freedom.
[ROBOT] Programme violation.
[FIGURE] Freedom. Power. Death.
(Uvanov's cabin)
[DOCTOR] You're a robot detective. What does yourcomputer mind make of this?
[D84] Strength is indicated, but not beyond human capacity.
[DOCTOR] Typical robot. No imagination.
[D84] I require, I require evidence. Your suspicions are not evidence,nor are lunatic threats of a robot revolution.
[DOCTOR] The Company took those threatening letters seriously. Seriouslyenough to put you on board.
[D84] A simple precaution. Those letters were signed by Taren Capel.
[DOCTOR] Taren Capel.
[D84] Before he disappeared. He was an important scientist.
[DOCTOR] Taren Capel. Scientist. In what field? Robotics.
[D84] Correct.
[DOCTOR] And you're still looking for evidence?
[D84] If I was to tell you the world would end tomorrow, would youmerely accept my word?
[DOCTOR] If I knew you had the power to, I'd listen.
[DOCTOR] What does Taren Capel look like?
[D84] There are no records. From childhood, he lived with only robots.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's dim. Even for a Dumb, that's dim. You realise he'salmost certainly on board.
[D84] No. I have checked extensively. There are only the crew, and you.
[DOCTOR] But you don't know what he looks like.
[D84] But I know what they look like.
[DOCTOR] Before they came on board?
[D84] I had overlooked the possibility of substitution.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you had.
[D84] I have failed.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Oh, come on. Don't be upset. Yes, you failed, you failed,but congratulations. Failure's one of the basic freedoms. Listen. Doyou think that looks a likely place?
[D84] Likely for what?
[DOCTOR] Well, if Taren Capel is on board, he'd have a workshop, and wemust find it before it's too late. Would you like to come with me?
[D84] Yes, please.
[DOCTOR] Good. Come on then.
(Toos' cabin)
[TOOS] What is it? What do you want, SV7?
[SV7] Commander Uvanov has gone.
[TOOS] Gone?
[SV7] His voice pattern was still in the command programme. The guardunit accepted his order for release.
[TOOS] Why didn't you erase his voice pattern?
[SV7] You gave no such instruction.
[TOOS] Well, do it now and find him. Any other good news?
[SV7] Do you wish for a status report, Commander?
[TOOS] Yes.
[SV7] Repairs are on schedule within the margins indicated.
[TOOS] Yes, all right, never mind. Any new developments?
[SV7] There have been some localised failures in the main power system,resulting in door and light malfunctions. I have detailed circuittracers to correct the faults.
[TOOS] Very good. You may go now, but keep me informed. Oh, and find thegirl Leela and bring her to me. Tell her my arm hurts.
[SV7] The Commander is in pain. I will take her to the sickbay.
[TOOS] No, no, no. Just bring her to me. Well, do as I say.
[SV7] Yes, Commander.
(Crew room)
[LEELA] Can anyone hear me? This door is stuck!Help! Can anyone hear me!
[LEELA [OC]] This door is stuck! Help!
[D84] I heard a cry.
[DOCTOR] That was me.
[D84] I heard a cry.
[DOCTOR] That was me!
[D84] I heard a cry.
[DOCTOR] That was me.
[D84] I heard a cry.
(Compartment 19)
[SV7] Our Controller has ordered the death of the remaining humans. 6,you will go now and kill Acting Commander Toos.
[V6] I will kill Commander Toos.
[SV7] The Doctor.
[V4] I will kill the Doctor.
[SV7] Leela.
[V5] I will kill Leela.
[SV7] And I will kill the others.
(Crew room)
[LEELA] I should have followed immediately like the Doctor said. Ishouldn't have waited.
[V5] You cannot escape.
[V5] You cannot escape. You cannot escape.
[LEELA] Now you're showing off.
[V5] You cannot escape. You cannot escape.
[V5] You cannot escape.
(Compartment 19)
[DOCTOR] Yes, this is the place.
[D84] How do you know?
[DOCTOR] About this? Well, it's a reasonable assumption.
[D84] Why?
[DOCTOR] What? Because modifying brains isn't something you do standingaround in corridors, you know.
[DOCTOR] Do you know what that is?
[D84] It is a Laserson probe. It can punch a fist sized hole in six incharmour plate or take the crystals from a snowflake one by one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. No handyman should be without one. It's beenused. Perhaps we're too late. Somehow we've got to warn the others.
[D84] Doctor, this is a communicator. It can function on either robot orhuman command circuits. Would you like to use it? I cannot speak.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry about that, D84.
[DOCTOR] Toos? Pilot Toos?
(Toos' cabin)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Toos?
[TOOS] Who is it?
[DOCTOR [OC]] It's the Doctor. Listen, Toos. I now know it's the robotswho are doing the killing.
[TOOS] Robots? That's impossible. Robots can't kill.
(Compartment 19)
[DOCTOR] Well of course they can, if they'remodified to it, and some of them have been. Where are you?
(Toos' cabin)
[TOOS] I'm in my cabin.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Are you alone?
[TOOS] Yes.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Listen carefully, Toos. This is what I want you to do.
(Compartment 19)
[DOCTOR] Get to the Command deck. Take Leela, Dask,Poul, everyone, and get them to the Command deck. Get the robots out ofthere and secure the doors. Is that clear?
(Toos' cabin)
[TOOS] No, it isn't. It's impossible that the
[DOCTOR [OC]] Just do it, Toos.
[TOOS] All right.
[TOOS] Attend to your duties.
[TOOS] Get away!
[TOOS] Please go away! Get out!
[TOOS] Doctor. Doctor! Doctor!
(Compartment 19)
[TOOS [OC]] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What is it, Toos?
[TOOS [OC]] Help me, please. It's outside.
[DOCTOR] What's outside?
[TOOS [OC]] A robot. It wants to kill me.
[D84] Please let me go. I am faster and stronger.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure?
[D84] I think so.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[TOOS [OC]] Doctor, are you there? Please help me.
(Toos' cabin)
[TOOS] Help me, please.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Help is on the way.
[TOOS] It'd better hurry.
[DOCTOR [OC]] It is hurrying.
[V5 [OC]] The door is not a barrier, Commander Toos.
(Outside Toos' cabin)
[TOOS [OC]] What do you want?
[V5] To kill you.
(Toos' cabin)
[V5 [OC]] I must obey my orders.
[TOOS] It is forbidden for robots to harm humans.
[V5 [OC]] My command programme has been restructured. All humans are todie.
(Security storage)
[LEELA] Poul.
[POUL] No. Please, no.
[LEELA] Are you hurt?
[POUL] Please, go away. They know I talk to you. They watch me all thetime. They hate me! They did what I told them, but only because thatgave them the power, you see.
[LEELA] Do you mean the robots?
[POUL] Not robots, walking dead. They pretend we control, but really,but really.
[LEELA] Poul, you can't stay here.
[POUL] No! They don't mind me being here. It's you they want, not me.
[LEELA] Poul, you need help.
[POUL] No!
[LEELA] Come on now.
[POUL] No, please. Help! Help! She's in here. Help!
[LEELA] Shush! You can stay here but you mustn't make another sound, doyou understand?
(Compartment 19)
[UVANOV] What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Why? Does it upset you?
[UVANOV] The penalty for what you have done is death.
[DOCTOR] That's far enough. What are you doing here?
[UVANOV] I followed you.
[DOCTOR] Ah. I'd come over here, if I were you. Slowly.
[UVANOV] What?
[DOCTOR] Now either it followed you, or else it homed in on this. Itdepends which of us is going to be killed first. That is, you or me.
[V4] Kill the Doctor. Kill the Doctor. Kill the Doctor.
(Compartment 19)
[V4] Kill the Doctor.
[V4] Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill
[UVANOV] Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Finish it off before it's too late.
[UVANOV] It's a power failure.
[DOCTOR] The probe stopped. Can you do it?
[DOCTOR] Take care.
[V4] Kill, kill, kill, kill.
(Toos' cabin)
[TOOS] No. Oh no, please. No, please. No, please! No, don't. Don't. No,don't.
[TOOS] No, please.
[V6] It is important. It has to be done.
(Section J)
[V4] Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.
[DOCTOR] Don't just stand there, Seven. Give me a hand.
[SV7] Kill them.
[V4] Kill.
[DOCTOR] Just how fast are these robots?
[UVANOV] They can outrun a human. They never tire.
[DOCTOR] No, I meant fast as in nimble. Never mind, we'll soon find out.
[V4] Kill, kill, kill.
[V5] Do not kill me.
[SV7] V4, that is not the Doctor.
[V5] Do not kill me.
[V4] Kill, kill.
[SV7] V6, come to Section J immediately.
(Toos' cabin)
[V6] The order is understood.
[DOCTOR] Come on, we've got to get back to theCommand deck.
[UVANOV] SV7 controls all the others. If it's gone bad, then they allhave.
[DOCTOR] It hasn't gone bad, it's command circuit's been changed.
[UVANOV] Doctor, nobody could do that.
[DOCTOR] Taren Capel could.
[UVANOV] Taren Capel?
[DOCTOR] Yes, the mad scientist. Very mad scientist.
(Toos' cabin)
[D84] Please do not throw hands at me. She will recover.
[LEELA] What happened to her?
[TOOS] Oh!
[LEELA] It's all right, he's a friend. It's all right.
[D84] She was being attacked. The Doctor sent me to her assistance.
[LEELA] Well, where is he, then? Where's the robot?
[D84] It received a priority call to go to Section J.
[LEELA] How do you know?
[D84] I heard the instruction on my command circuit.
[TOOS] The Doctor said everyone to Control deck. How many are left?
[LEELA] As far as I know only Poul, and his mind is broken. I haven'tseen Uvanov or Dask.
[D84] Where, where is Chief Mover Poul?
[LEELA] I left him in the storage bank.
[D84] I had better bring him to the Control deck.
[LEELA] Do you think you can make it?
[TOOS] It isn't far.
(Section J)
[SV7] The sensors are extensively damaged. I must report to ourController. Your orders are to find and destroy all remaining humans.Secrecy is no longer necessary. Confirm.
[V6] The order is understood.
[SV7] Then go.
(Ore processing deck)
[LEELA] Shush. In here, quickly.
[V6] We must search each hopper.
[V5] That is not necessary.
(Ore hopper)
[V5 [OC]] Vs 35 to 40 have searched in therealready.
(Ore processing deck)
[V6] Then we must search the storage bays.
(Ore hopper)
[TOOS] I don't understand what's happening. Robotscan't harm humans. It's the first principle.
[LEELA] The second principle is that humans can't harm robots. I know,I've tried, and they don't bleed.
[TOOS] I think we should warn the Doctor. Doctor, can you hear me?Answer me, please.
[SV7 [OC]] SV7 here. Is that you, Acting Commander Toos?
[TOOS] Yes. SV7, listen. Some of the Voc class robots are runningberserk, out of control and dangerous. Do you understand?
[SV7 [OC]] I understand. Countermeasures are being taken. Report yourposition, please.
[LEELA] Shush. (sotto) In your cabin.
[SV7 [OC]] Please say again, Commander. I must know your presentposition.
[TOOS] I'm in my cabin, SV7.
[SV7 [OC]] Please stay in your cabin, Commander. There is great dangerif you leave it.
[TOOS] What was all that about?
[LEELA] There's something wrong. I could feel it.
[TOOS] I didn't notice anything. Except
[LEELA] There was something.
[TOOS] The robots are programmed to understand our voice patterns.
[TOOS] My voice is in the Command programme. Why did SV7 ask if it wasme?
[LEELA] Because that wasn't SV7.
(Control deck)
[UVANOV] Oh good. Somebody's had the sense to hit the robot deactivatorswitch. Probably Dask. As Chief Fixer he has second line authority onit.
[DOCTOR] Of course. There had to be one. I should have thought of thatbefore.
[UVANOV] You mean you didn't know? I thought that's why we came here.
[LEELA [OC]] Doctor!
[TOOS] Doctor, you were right. The robots are out of control.
[UVANOV] Not any more. We're quite safe now.
[DOCTOR] Safe? Safe?
[UVANOV] Well, we'll have to send up a satellite distress beacon to getback to base, but there's no trouble.
[DOCTOR] Uvanov, you remind me very strongly of a lady called MarieAntoinette. There's a robot revolution going on out there and you saywe've got no problems.
[UVANOV] Doctor, every single robot has been switched off. There's notone of them working.
[DOCTOR] Uvanov! Look over there.
[UVANOV] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] Shut the door, Toos. I may not have time to explain. There's anew generation of killer robots about, Uvanov. The killers arecontrolled by Taren Capel, and D84 is controlled by Poul. These two areundercover agents for the Company.
[D84] Poul is damaged. I do not understand what has happened to him.This may be because I am not human.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's very likely.
[TOOS] How did you find out about Poul?
[DOCTOR] Well, his body language was all wrong.
[LEELA] What's body language?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a theory that a person expresses himself in the wayhe moves.
[LEELA] I said he was a hunter.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you did. Do you know what's wrong with Poul, Uvanov?
[UVANOV] Yes. Robophobia.
[DOCTOR] That's right. The Loid call it Grimwade Syndrome.
[UVANOV] I have seen it, Doctor, once before. My very first command. Ayoung kid just ran outside the mine. I tried to save him, but Icouldn't. I'll never, ever, forget the look on his face.
[TOOS] Zilda's brother.
[UVANOV] His father, of course, had it all hushed up. He was afraid hisson would be thought a coward. But robophobia is a mental thing, right?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, it is, until one gets its hands around your neck.I don't suppose there are any weapons aboard this mine?
[TOOS] They aren't necessary.
[DOCTOR] They are now.
[SV7 [OC]] This is SV7. We know you are all on the Control deck. Youhave five minutes to surrender. If you do not come out you will bedestroyed.
[UVANOV] And if we give ourselves up we'll be destroyed anyway, is thatwhat you're saying, 7?
[SV7] Humans feel pain. Our Controller orders that you will die slowlyif you do not surrender. You have, I repeat, five minutes.
[DOCTOR] Five minutes. And the anti-blast doors will hold another ten.Anti-blast. Do you carry blasting powder aboard this mine?
[TOOS] Half a dozen Z-9 electron packs, that's all.
[DOCTOR] What, in here?
[TOOS] Up there in the locker.
[DOCTOR] They might work, Uvanov. If you could pass a positive chargethrough the metal plate, you'd be able to magnetise them and haveanti-robot bombs.
[UVANOV] Yes. Provided, of course, you can get close enough.
[DOCTOR] Well that's your problem. I can't be everywhere at once. Toos,open this door for me.
[TOOS] Where are you going, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] The robot mortuary. Toos, lock this door after us and don't letanyone in, is that clear?
[TOOS] Clear.
[DOCTOR] D84 and Leela. Remember, Toos. If we don't come back, you'llhave to find some other way of warning the outside world.
[UVANOV] Come on, Toos, let's get to work.
[DOCTOR] Ten robots.
[LEELA] That's what I counted.
[DOCTOR] Strange, I would have expected Taren Capel to be in at thekill. Come on, we've got to hurry.
(Control deck)
[DASK [OC]] Help! Let me in!
[UVANOV] Who is that?
[DASK [OC]] It's me, Dask. Let me in. They're after me. Help me! They'reafter me!
[TOOS] No, the Doctor said no one at all!
[UVANOV] I can't leave him out there with those things. You do know whatthey're like.
[TOOS] They may be using him to get us to open the door. They may bewaiting outside.
(Outside the Control deck)
[DASK] Let me in!
[DASK] All right, my brothers. The doors. Force them open!
(Security storage)
[DOCTOR] D84, do you know the storage bay where Chub kept his equipment?
[D84] Yes.
[DOCTOR] There are some canisters of gas there. Fetch me on, please, asfast as you can.
[D84] That will be a pleasure.
[LEELA] Look at his hand, Doctor. That's blood.
[DOCTOR] Yes, Borg's at a guess. He was strong enough to put up astruggle.
[LEELA] If Poul saw that.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's what probably triggered his collapse.
[LEELA] Doctor, what is robophobia?
[DOCTOR] It's an unreasoning dread of robots. You see, most livingcreatures use non-verbal signals. Body movement, eye contact, facialexpression, that sort of thing.
[LEELA] Body language.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. While these robots are humanoid, presumably foraesthetic reasons, they give no signals. It's rather like beingsurrounded by walking, talking, dead men.
[LEELA] That's what Poul said.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It undermines a certain type of personality, causesidentity crisis, paranoia, sometimes even personality disintegration.
[DOCTOR] Robophobia. At least, that's Grimwade's theory. Hold this.
[LEELA] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to try and patch this communicator into Dask'sprivate command circuit.
[LEELA] Dask?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Taren Capel. If I can discover where he modified this. Doyou have to talk so much?
[LEELA] Sorry.
(Control deck)
[TOOS] Let's hope the Doctor succeeds. I don't see how we can warnanyone if he doesn't.
[UVANOV] He doesn't really expect us to.
[TOOS] Then why did he say what he did?
[UVANOV] We are just decoys to help them.
[UVANOV] What next, I wonder?
(Security storage)
[DOCTOR] There, that should do it.
[LEELA] So Dask turned off all the friendly mechanical men.
[DOCTOR] Yes, planning to modify them and reactivate them later. Todaythe mind, tomorrow the world. Right now he must be a happy littlemaniac.
[D84] Is that what you wanted?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well done, D84. Now you're going to have to stay here.
[D84] I cannot do that.
[DOCTOR] D84, this is a final deactivator. If I have to use this andyou're around, it'll destroy your brain.
[D84] I am not important.
[DOCTOR] What? I think you're very important.
[D84] My duty is to the Company.
[DOCTOR] All right, but you be very careful.
[D84] I will.
[DOCTOR] Good. Come on.
(Control deck)
[UVANOV] Any ideas?
[TOOS] No.
[POUL] No, please. They pulled me here. I didn't want to come!
[TOOS] Look!
[POUL] No!
[SV7] Controller Capel. V5 reports three humans onthe Control deck. Commander Uvanov, Mover Poul and Pilot Toos.
[DASK] The Doctor. The Doctor and the girl Leela. Where are they?
[SV7] Their position is unknown.
[DASK] They must be found and killed. That Doctor is a threat to ourplan, my brothers. V5, enter the Control deck and destroy the humansimmediately. Come with me.
(Control deck)
[V5 [OC]] You have to die. All of you.
[POUL] Please, please, I'm sorry.
[POUL] No, leave me alone!
[V5 [OC]] You have to die, all of you.
[UVANOV] Toos, you look after him.
[V5 [OC]] That is the order.
[V5 [OC]] You have to die. All of you.
[UVANOV] Get down, Toos!
[V5 [OC]] That is the order.
[V5 [OC]] You have to die. All of you.
[UVANOV] Do you know what I think, Toos? I think it's high time we wenton the offensive.
[TOOS] We may not be so lucky a second time.
(Outside the Control deck)
[UVANOV] The Doctor is going to need some help.Come on.
[SV7] V5 is no longer registering, Controller.
[DASK] What?
[SV7] There is no operational signal. 5 has been deactivated.
[DASK] How could mere humans destroy a robot? They're unarmed. Weakcreatures of flesh and blood.
[SV7] What are your orders, Controller?
[DASK] Destroy them, 7! Kill all the humans! V6, come with me. I willrelease more of our brothers from bondage. We will be irresistible.
(Compartment 19)
[DOCTOR] Come on. Hold this, D84, and don't pressanything.
[D84] What is your intention?
[DOCTOR] To make life a little difficult for our crazy friend. He'sbound to come back here to convert more robots and when he does. Do youthink you could fit in there, Leela?
[LEELA] Why?
[DOCTOR] Come on, try it for size.
[LEELA] What's it for?
(Cubby hole)
[DOCTOR] Never mind. Comfortable?
[DOCTOR] Now this is a cylinder of gas. When Dask comes in, I want youto turn the valve, so.
[DOCTOR] No, when Dask comes in.
[LEELA] What will it do?
(Compartment 19)
[LEELA [OC]] I said, what will it do?
[DOCTOR] Change his voice.
(Cubby hole)
[DOCTOR [OC]] When a mixture of air and helium isbreathed, it alters the resonance in the larynx. Didn't they teach youthat in the jungle?
[LEELA] So the robots won't recognise Dask's voice. They won't obey him.
[DOCTOR [OC]] That's it.
(Compartment 19)
[DOCTOR] Come on, D84.
[LEELA [OC]] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Robot hunting.
[DASK] Do not kill him. Not yet. Bring him to the bench.
[TOOS] Lucky they've no eye for art.
[UVANOV] Or much imagination. Come on.
[TOOS] Where are we going?
[UVANOV] We're going to follow it. We might get a chance to use one ofthese.
(Compartment 19)
[DOCTOR] Hello, Dask. Nee Taren Capel.
[DASK] I'm glad you have recovered, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh? Why?
[DASK] You came close to ruining my plans. It's fitting I should makeyou suffer for that.
[DOCTOR] I see. You're one of those boring maniacs who's going to gloat,hmm? Are you going to tell me your plan for running the universe?(Dask's voice starts to go up in pitch as the helium takes effect.)
[DASK] Oh no, Doctor. I'm going to burn out your brain. Very, veryslowly.
[DOCTOR] Dask. Dask! You look ridiculous in that outfit. Not half therobot your father was.
[DASK] You insolent animal!
[DOCTOR] Losing your calm, Dask, hmm? That's not the robot way. It wasyour verbal and physical precision that made me spot you. Robotupbringing?
[DASK] Yes, Doctor. I was brought up a superior being. Brought up torealise my brothers should live as free beings, and not as slaves tohuman dross.
[DOCTOR] Robots would have no existence without humans. Don't you seethat, Dask?
[DASK] Now I shall free them. I shall programme them with the ambitionto rule the world, and then
[D84] Goodbye, my friend.
[SV7] Kill the humans.
[DASK] (Mickey Mouse) Help me, 7!
[SV7] Kill the humans. Kill the humans.
[DASK] Not me, you fool. Him! I'm your master, Taren Capel.
[SV7] Kill the humans.
[SV7] Kill the humans.
[SV7] Kill the humans.
[SV7] Kill the humans. Kill the
[DOCTOR] You'll be all right, Toos.
[SV7] Kill the, kill the
[SV7] Kill the, kill the
[SV7] Kill the, kill the, kill the, kill the
[DOCTOR] Well, all good things come to an end.
(Cubby hole)
[LEELA] (high pitched) Will somebody let me out?
(Compartment 19)
[DOCTOR] Ah, a mouse in the wainscoting.
(Cubby hole)
[DOCTOR] Well squeaked, mouse.
(Ore processing deck)
[LEELA] Shouldn't we stay and see that Uvanov andToos are all right?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, there's a rescue ship on the way, and it's time we wereon ours.
[LEELA] Doctor, why didn't the helium make your voice go squeaky?
[DOCTOR] Because I'm a Time Lord. I've been around, you know. Twohearts, respiratory bypass system. I haven't lived seven hundred andfifty years without learning something. After you. Little mouse.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s14", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Robots of Death"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (26 Feb, 1977; Fourth Doctor) - The Talons of Weng-Chiang
(Theatre - backstage)
[JAGO] Mister Chang. Wonderful, wonderful. Words fail me, sir. Wordsquite fail me.
[CHANG] You are most generous.
[JAGO] Have I ever, in my thirty years in the halls, seen such adazzling display of lustrous legerdemain? So many feats of superlative,supernatural skill? The answer must be never, sir. Never.
[SIN] Honourable master is kind to bestow praise on humble Chang'smiserable, unworthy head.
[JAGO] Dashed clever, the way you work the little fellow. Wires in thesleeves, I dare say. But I'll not pry, Mister Chang. The secrets of theartistes are sacrosanct.
[BULLER [OC]] Hey, you!
[JAGO] What the deuce?
[BULLER] Where's my Emma? What have you done with her?
[JAGO] You've got no right to burst in here.
[BULLER] Out of my way! It's him I want.
[CHANG] Your Emma?
[BULLER] She come in here last night and nobody ain't seen her since.
[JAGO] I'll have the fellow ejected.
[BULLER] Now I'm asking you, mister, what's happened to her?
[JAGO] Call the stage hands, Freddy.
[CHANG] It's all right, Mister Jago. Please, come with me.
[JAGO] Courteous coves, these Chinese. I'd have propelled him onto thepavement with a punt up the posterior.
(Chang's dressing room)
[CHANG] Your wife?
[BULLER] Emma Buller. And don't deny she was here, cos I saw her with myown eyes.
[CHANG] Many ladies come to theatre. Why should you think
[BULLER] Not round the side door, they don't. Now, look. I was passingin my cab and I saw her plain, and I know it was you she was callingon. She's been acting queer ever since you put the 'fluence on her lastweek, so don't try coming the innocent, Mister. I want to know whereshe is or I'm calling the law. Clear?
[CHANG] Your wife came on stage?
[BULLER] Last week. Levitated her, you did. She's not been the samesince. It's done something to her reason, I shouldn't wonder. And shewas here last night.
[CHANG] Not to see me.
[BULLER] Don't come the cod. She's disappeared. Nobody's seen her, notsince she come here last night, so what about it, eh?
[CHANG] In my country we have saying. Man who goes too quickly may stepin bear trap.
[BULLER] Right, I'm getting the Peelers.
[LEELA] These clothes are ridiculous. Why must I wear them?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Because you can't go walking around Victorian London inskins. You'll frighten the horses.
[DOCTOR] Anyway, we don't want to be conspicuous, do we?
[LEELA] A swamp creature. That was it's attack cry.
[DOCTOR] Oh no, it was a ship on the river. Excellent. It means we can'tbe far away.
[LEELA] From where?
[DOCTOR] From where we're going.
[LEELA] Doctor, you make me wear strange clothes, you tell me nothing.You are trying to annoy me.
[DOCTOR] I'm trying to teach you, Leela. Surely you'd like to see howyour ancestors enjoyed themselves? Splendid. That's why I'm taking youto the theatre. Li H'sen Chang. Hmm, pity. I'd rather hoped we'd catchLittle Tich. Never mind. If we hurry we'll just catch the second house.
(Theatre - backstage)
[JAGO] You'd better get your tail pinned on. Linens up in five minutes.Casey, have you got the oopizootics coming on?
[CASEY] Mister Jago, I've seen it. I've seen it again!
[JAGO] Be quiet. I told you before.
[CASEY] Horrible, horrible it was, Mister Jago. A great skull coming atme out of the dark.
[JAGO] Damme, you don't want to bankrupt me, Casey. Keep your voicedown. Threadbare in Carey Street I'll be if people get the notionthere's anything wrong with this theatre.
[CASEY] Chains clanking, nine foot tall.
[JAGO] You've been drinking.
[CASEY] Not a drop, sir.
[JAGO] Well, it's time you started.
[JAGO] Now pull yourself together, man.
[CASEY] I ain't never going down that cellar again. There I was, fixingthe trap, when this apparition rose out of the ground in front of me.Hideous, it was. Hideous.
[JAGO] That's enough.
[JAGO] It's your imagination.
[CASEY] Never.
[JAGO] A cat or something must be trapped down there making noises. Tellyou what I'll do, Casey. I'll come down with you this evening, as soonas the house is clear, and we'll have a good look round. Now how'sthat?
[CASEY] It was no cat, Mister Jago. I seen it!
[JAGO] Please, Casey, remember, mum's the word.
[LEELA] This is a big village.
[LEELA] What's the name of the tribe here?
[DOCTOR] Cockneys.
[LEELA] The sound of death!
[DOCTOR] You stay here.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me, can I help you?
[QUICK [OC]] Hold you there.
[QUICK] Now then, what's all this?
[LEELA] Touch me and I'll break your arm.
[QUICK] Now don't be foolish, miss.
[DOCTOR] Good evening.
[LEELA] Keep back, Doctor. Blue guards!
[DOCTOR] Good evening, Constable.
[QUICK] Good evening, sir. You know this young female, sir?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, yes. We were attacked by this little man and four otherlittle men.
[QUICK] When I got here, sir, he was being strangled with his ownpigtail, sir.
[DOCTOR] Really? Girlish enthusiasm, officer?
[QUICK] You might call it that, sir. I call it making an affray. I mustask you to come down the station with me.
[CHANG] Please to see, ladies and gentlemen, subject now in state ofdeep hypnosis.
[SIN] She asleep.
[CHANG] She not asleep, Mister Sin.
[SIN] She been slugging type of toddy.
[CHANG] I will prove young lady not asleep.
[SIN] She's lying on metal bar.
[CHANG] Not lying on metal bar.
[SIN] I've seen it done before.
[CHANG] I will prove young lady not lying on metal bar.
[SIN] She's held up by wires.
[CHANG] Enough.
[SIN] You can't fool me.
[CHANG] Silence!
[SIN] Don't touch me! Help! Police! Murder!
[CHANG] You see? No wires, Mister Sin. I will now demonstrate art oflevitation raising most beautiful lady high above own topknot.
(Police Station)
[KYLE] Name, sir?
[DOCTOR] Doctor. Leela.
[KYLE] Place of residence, sir?
[LEELA] We've only just arrived here.
[DOCTOR] We're on our way to the theatre, do you see.
[KYLE] Your home address will do for the moment, sir. You do have apermanent address, sir?
[DOCTOR] No, Sergeant. We're travellers.
[KYLE] I see. Persons of no fixed abode.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. We do have an abode. It's called a Tardis.
[KYLE] A Tardis.
[DOCTOR] But it's not fixed.
[KYLE] I can give you and the young lady a fixed abode, sir. Quiteeasily.
[DOCTOR] Flat footed imbecile.
[KYLE] What was that, sir?
[DOCTOR] It was nothing complementary. Get on with it, Sergeant.
[KYLE] Now look, sir. We've got our hands full here, all these girlsgoing missing in the manor, so if you'd just oblige us by answering anyquestions we'll get on a lot better. And a lot quicker.
[DOCTOR] Sergeant, all this is irrelevant. I've come here to layevidence.
[KYLE] We'll come to that in good time.
[DOCTOR] We'll come to that now, Sergeant. We've just prevented akidnapping, a robbery or even a murder. My friend here caught one ofthe attackers. Let's come to it now, shall we?
[KYLE] We've only your word as to what he did, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Tell him. Tell him.
[LEELA] The man they were carrying was dead. He had been stabbed throughthe heart!
[KYLE] Really, Miss. And how can you be sure of that?
[LEELA] I am a warrior of the Sevateem. I know the different sounds ofdeath. Now put our prisoner to the torture!
[KYLE] Well, if that don't take the biscuit. Torture, eh? This isn't theDark Ages, you know.
[LEELA] Make him talk.
[KYLE] He's a Chinese, if you hadn't noticed. We get a lot of those inhere, Limehouse being so close. Him jaw-jaw plenty by and by, eh,Johnny? I've sent for an interpreter.
[DOCTOR] That won't be necessary. I speak Mandarin, Cantonese, all thedialects.
[KYLE] Oh yes?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Ne how ma? Ni chi mao cora (and so on)
[KYLE] Yeah, very remarkable, I'm sure, Doctor, but since you're a partyto the case, it isn't proper.
[KYLE] Now what? That come from the river.
[WOMAN] Look, there it is, guv. See? Look.
[QUICK] Hurry with that boat hook.
[WOMAN] It's a floater, all right. You've got it, guv.
[WOMAN] On my oath, you wouldn't want that served with onions. Neverseen anything like it in all my puff. Oh, make an 'orse sick, thatwould.
(Police station)
[KYLE] Good of you to come so prompt, sir.
[CHANG] Not at all, Sergeant. I'm always happy to be of service to thepolice. What can I do for you this time?
[KYLE] A complaint against this man, sir. The lady and gentleman hereswear they saw him, in concert with others not in custody, carryingwhat appeared to be a body, sir.
[CHANG] Indeed.
[KYLE] A European body as I understand them, sir.
[CHANG] What happened to the others?
[LEELA] They got away. I caught this one.
[CHANG] You caught him? Remarkable.
[DOCTOR] Don't I know you?
[CHANG] I think not.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I've seen you somewhere before.
[CHANG] I understand we all look the same.
[DOCTOR] Are you Chinese? Yes, that's it. We must have. No, I haven'tbeen in China for four hundred years.
[CHANG] Are you taking this matter seriously, Sergeant?
[KYLE] We are, sir. Will you question the man, sir?
[CHANG] Very well.
[CHANG] Can I have paper and pencil, please, Sergeant?
[KYLE] Certainly, sir.
[DOCTOR] Got it! Li H'sen Chang.
[CHANG] What?
[DOCTOR] The Master of Magic and Mesmerism. Show us a trick.
[DOCTOR] Very good. Very good.
[KYLE] I think he's dead, sir.
[DOCTOR] How did you do it?
[CHANG] I did nothing. What are you suggesting.
[DOCTOR] Scorpion venom.
[KYLE] Scorpion venom?
[DOCTOR] Highly concentrated scorpion venom. It killed him almostinstantly.
[DOCTOR] The Tong of the Black Scorpion.
[KYLE] Don't know that one, sir.
[DOCTOR] One of the most dangerous politico-criminal organisations inthe world. Wouldn't you agree, Li H'sen Chang?
[CHANG] You seem remarkably well-informed, Doctor. Alas, I know nothingof these matters. Most regrettable incident. Goodnight, Sergeant.
[KYLE] Thank you, sir.
[CHANG] I'm sure we shall meet again.
[LEELA] Yes.
[CHANG] Perhaps under more pleasant circumstances.
[KYLE] Well, I don't know what to do about this lot.
[DOCTOR] Then I'll tell you what to do, Sergeant. Organise apost-mortem. I want an analysis of the organs.
[KYLE] You want what, sir?
[DOCTOR] Well naturally I'm going to help. If the Tong of the BlackScorpion's here in London, you're going to need all the help you canget. Now cut along and do as I say. Now!
[KYLE] Yes, sir.
(Hansom cab)
[CHANG] Faster, man, faster.
(Theatre - backstage)
[JAGO] Twinkle, twinkle, out in front.
[JAGO] Gallery lights still burning.
[CASEY] I'll just go and see to them now, Mister Jago.
[JAGO] Everyone gone?
[CASEY] Aye, just locked up, sir.
[JAGO] I hope those girls go straight home to their digs.
[CASEY] Oh, that they will, sir, with all this in the papers. Nine aremissing now, you know.
[JAGO] Nine. There was some fellow in here earlier blaming Chang of allpeople for some girl's disappearance.
[CASEY] Just vanished off the streets, they have. Mostly in this area,too. What do you think's happened to them, Mister Jago?
[JAGO] Nothing good, Casey, nothing good. That's a stone certainty.
[CASEY] Oh, it says in the paper how it could be jolly Jack at workagain.
[JAGO] Jolly Jack?
[CASEY] The Ripper, Mister Jago.
[JAGO] The horrendous hyperbole of Grub Street, Casey.
[JAGO] Newspaper gossip. They're probably just stony and scarpered. Cutalong now. I'll wait for you here.
(Chang's dressing room)
[JAGO] I was right. It was blood. Blood all over the hand and wrist. Howdid that get there?
[CASEY] Ready, Mister Jago.
[JAGO] Oh, Casey. Don't ever do that to me again. If the celestial Changcaught me trying to pinch his tricks. I had an idea that his dummy wasa midget dressed up, but it's just an ordinary vent's doll.
[CASEY] Are we going to look down the cellar, Mister Jago?
[JAGO] Of course, Casey. Of course. When I promise to do something.Determination, character. After you.
[DOCTOR] They're what's known as a very dangerousbunch. Fanatical followers of an ancient Chinese god calledWeng-Chiang.
[LEELA] The Tong of the Black Scorpion?
[DOCTOR] Yes. His followers believe that one day he'll come back andrule the world.
[LEELA] So what's he like, this Weng-Chiang?
[DOCTOR] Oh, very pleasant company. They say he blew poisonous fumesfrom his mouth and that he killed men with a white light that shonefrom his eyes.
[LEELA] Magic!
[DOCTOR] Superstitious rubbish. Here we are.
[QUICK [OC]] They're in there now, sir.
[QUICK] Taken from the river not half an hour ago.Professor Litefoot's conducting his examination now, sir.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, our case is much more urgent.
[QUICK] I wouldn't go in there if I was you, sir.
[DOCTOR] Don't you worry about it. Don't you worry.
(Autopsy room)
[LITEFOOT] Thank you.
[LITEFOOT] Who the devil are you, sir.
[DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor, come to help you.
[LITEFOOT] When I need anyone's help in pathology, I'll ask for it.
[DOCTOR] The constable suggested a drowning case.
[LITEFOOT] Fished from the river, but he wasn't drowned.
[DOCTOR] By the look of those marks, an animal.
[LITEFOOT] Exactly what I think, but what kind of animal leavesmutilations like those?
[DOCTOR] Chisel-like incisors. A rodent?
[LITEFOOT] Yes, but that's impossible. Look at the size of them.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Have you established the cause of death?
[LITEFOOT] Yes, that's another curious thing. All this happened afterdeath.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[LITEFOOT] He was killed by a knife blow to the heart.
[DOCTOR] Are those his clothes?
[QUICK] Yes, sir. I'm just taking them for examination.
[DOCTOR] Hold that.
[LITEFOOT] He was carrying no personal documents, but this indicates hewas a licensed cab driver.)
[LITEFOOT] Easy enough to identify the poor chap by his number.
[LEELA] Doctor, those are the clothes the man we saw was wearing.
[DOCTOR] What I'd like to know is, what do you think of these?
[LITEFOOT] Some sort of hair.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I think they're rat hairs.
[LITEFOOT] Rat hairs? Do you know what you're saying, man?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course I know what I'm saying.
[LITEFOOT] But they're nearly three inches long. Hairs on a rat can't bemore than what, quarter of an inch?
[DOCTOR] Interesting, isn't it, because I've just remembered somethingelse about Weng-Chiang.
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] He was the god of abundance. Yes, he made things grow. Can Iborrow that?
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[LEELA] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Stay there, Leela.
[DOCTOR] Were you trying to attract my attention?
[DOCTOR] What's this?
[LEELA] A Janis thorn.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I thought I told you not to carry
[LEELA] He was trying to kill you.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, well, in that case you'd better come along.
[LEELA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] The entrance to the sewers.
[LEELA] Blood. Is this where they took the body?
[LEELA] Where's it go?
[DOCTOR] Into the Thames eventually. All the sewers are connected.
[LEELA] What are those creatures?
[DOCTOR] Rats.
[LEELA] They don't look very dangerous.
[DOCTOR] No, they're not. They're very cunning though. They're probablymore afraid of us
[DOCTOR] Out! Out!
[LEELA] We might have been killed!
[DOCTOR] It's ten feet from whiskers to tail.
[LEELA] We should have taken weapons.
[DOCTOR] What kind of weapons? You'd need a harpoon to stop that brute.
[LEELA] Shall we tell the blue guards?
[DOCTOR] They'd only call a Sanitary Inspector. It's a guard. It's thereto keep people away.
[LEELA] What? Now where are we going?
(Theatre cellar)
[CASEY] Ah, it's black as Newgate's knocker downhere. It's over this way, Mister Jago.
[JAGO] Flickering shadows, Casey. Trick of the light.
[CASEY] Shadows don't groan, Mister Jago. Shadows don't clank chains andmoan like all the demented souls in hell.
[JAGO] There's your ghost. Six-gun Sadie and her Wild West troupe leftthat behind. All Lombard Street to ninepence, that's what you saw.
[CASEY] It weren't that old thing. Anyway, I heard it.
[JAGO] Ah, Casey, you're a pixilated leprechaun. The course of the riverFleet runs right under the foundations of this old theatre.
[JAGO] What you heard was a clang and the rush of water as they closedthe sluice gates down on the Thames.
[CASEY] Ah, it's easy for you to cast aspersions, Mister Jago. Youweren't down here.
[JAGO] Somebody else has been down here by the look of things. Have yougot an admirer, Casey?
[CASEY] A glove, is it?
[JAGO] Yes, a lady's glove, monogrammed EB. Perhaps the ghost droppedit, eh? Come on, we've had enough of your spook.
(Police station)
[DOCTOR] No plan of the sewers?
[KYLE] We don't keep plans of sewers here, sir, but as far as I know,they all connect to the Fleet and then down to the river. But if you'vegot any information, sir?
[DOCTOR] At the moment, Sergeant, we're looking for informationourselves.
[KYLE] Professor Litefoot left a message for you, sir.
[DOCTOR] Did he?
[KYLE] It says he'd like to see you at the mortuary straight away.
[DOCTOR] It does.
[KYLE] He's still there, sir. We found another body outside after you'dgone.
[DOCTOR] What?
[KYLE] Another Chinese, sir, just outside.
[DOCTOR] Very convenient.
[KYLE] Very mysterious, sir. You wouldn't know anything about it, Isuppose?
[LEELA] Of course we do. I was rescuing the Doctor
[DOCTOR] Come on, Leela!
[JAGO] Go on home with you, Casey. Straight home. You might get mistakenfor one of those girls.
[CASEY] Aren't you coming, Mister Jago?
[JAGO] Not yet. Some paperwork commands my presence yet awhile, but Ishall doubtless descry those lugubrious liniments at the crepuscularhour.
[JAGO] See you in the morning.
[CASEY] You're a card, Mister Jago. A card and a half.
[JAGO] Jiminy, you made me jump. I thought you'd gone, Mister Chang.
[CHANG] No, Mister Jago, I have come back to see you.
[JAGO] See me, Mister Chang? Nothing wrong, I hope?
[CHANG] Be so kind as to step up to my dressing room, and I willexplain.
(Chang's dressing room)
[JAGO] If it's the terms of our contract, we'vebeen attracting such good houses lately I've already considered drawingup a fresh agreement. The terms I have in mind as such I venture noother management in London would offer an artiste. What would you sayto an extra two percent, Mister Chang? Of the gross, naturally. I thinkyou'll agree that's fair.
[CHANG] Now hear me, Jago. You remember the cab driver, Buller, who cameto see me tonight?
[JAGO] Cab driver. Yes.
[CHANG] I want you to forget him, understand? You did not see him.
[JAGO] I did not see him.
[CHANG] Good. Now you will go from here to your office. When you sitdown at your desk, you will remember only that you have just saidgoodnight to Casey. Is that clear?
[JAGO] I have just said goodnight to Casey.
[CHANG] Excellent. Now, go.
(Theatre cellar)
[WENG] You are late.
[CHANG] We should not go tonight, Lord.
[WENG] I must, every night until the time cabinet is found.)
[CHANG] You are ill.
[WENG] I am dying, Chang. You must bring another linnet to my cage.
[CHANG] But only yesterday
[WENG] The disease grows worse. Each distillation lasts less than thetime before.
[CHANG] And with every girl reported missing, panic increases. I fearone of them will be traced here.
[WENG] You must be careful.
[CHANG] Careful as I am, Lord, there is always risk of discovery. Eventonight I acted quickly to keep our secret. A man was on his way topolice.
[WENG] Bah. Those dumb-witted oxen. Chang, I have given you mentalpowers undreamt of in this century. You are thousands of years ahead ofyour time. What can you fear from these primitives?
[CHANG] True, Lord, I read their minds with ease, but tonight there wasa stranger, a man whose thoughts were hidden. A man different from allothers.
[WENG] Describe him.
[CHANG] He is a doctor. Tall with wide pale eyes and hair that curlslike the ram. He ask many questions.
[WENG] A time agent would not ask questions. A time agent would know.
[CHANG] But I fear danger, Lord, and have sent a man to kill him.
[WENG] Your opium-addicted scum are all bunglers, Chang. You should haveseen to it yourself.
[CHANG] If he troubles us further, Lord, I will deal with himpersonally.
[WENG] Very well. We're wasting time. Come.
[LITEFOOT] I've taken some of the organs forfurther tests, but I must confess to being beaten.
[DOCTOR] Beaten?
[LITEFOOT] They were both poisoned, of course. One orally, the otherintravenously. I understand you suggested scorpion venom?
[DOCTOR] Yes, in concentrated form.
[LITEFOOT] I'd like to hear more about that. You're in this line, I takeit?
[DOCTOR] I've dabbled a bit. Dilettante.
[LITEFOOT] Surely more than that. I got a zoologist colleague to look atour last cadaver. It seems he thinks it's the work of a rat, too. Whatan amazing night it's been.
[LEELA] It is not over yet.
[LITEFOOT] It's been jolly interesting, wouldn't you say? Most of thecorpses around here are jolly dull. Now I've got a couple ofinscrutable Chinks and a poor perisher who was chewed by a giant rat,having been stabbed by a midget.
[DOCTOR] A midget?
[LITEFOOT] Angle of the wound. Oh, upon my soul. I'm sure we shouldn'tbe discussing such things in front of the fair sex. Forgive us, ma'am.
[LEELA] What for?
[LITEFOOT] For being so indelicate in the presence of a lady ofrefinement.
[LEELA] Does he mean me?
[DOCTOR] I don't think so.
[LEELA] It's very interesting. You say you can tell the height of theattacker by the way the blade was thrust? But when aiming for theheart, we were always taught to strike under the breastbone.
[LITEFOOT] Upon my soul!
[DOCTOR] Savage. Found floating down the Amazon in a hat box.
[LITEFOOT] A hat box?
[QUICK] Professor, still here? I've traced our cab driver. Name ofJoseph Buller, 14 Fish Lane, this parish.
[LITEFOOT] Oh, splendid. You can let the coroner have all the details,then. Is there someone to identify the clothing?
[QUICK] His mother in law, Mrs Nellie Gusset. Same address. Deceased haslived there since his marriage six month ago.
[DOCTOR] Anything else?
[QUICK] Sir?
[DOCTOR] Well, you had a few drinks with Mrs Gusset. Did she tell youanything further about the deceased?
[QUICK] A bearer of sad tidings, sir. I shared a glass or two while thepoor thing got over the shock. Yes, well, she did mention the deceasedhad been in a queer state all day.
[QUICK] Well, it seems his wife, that's Emma Buller, daughter of thehouse, didn't come home last night. Deceased refused to take his cabout today as a consequence. Deceased then had several drinks and wentround the Palace Theatre.
[LITEFOOT] The theatre?
[QUICK] Oh, not on pleasure bent, sir. It seems he believed that's wherehis wife was to be found. Mrs Gusset says he went off making horribleasseverations as to his intentions.
[LITEFOOT] Yes, well, er, put as much in that report as you think willconcern the coroner, officer. It's quite clear the man got stupidlydrunk and picked a fight with a dwarf.
[QUICK] Yes, sir.
[LITEFOOT] A night's work like that always does wonders for my appetite.I'd be honoured if you'd share some supper with me.
[DOCTOR] I'd be delighted, Professor.
[LITEFOOT] Of course, the police will have the Buller case cleared up inno time, but the Chinese, different kettle of fish, what?
[LEELA] Why are you making fire in your mouth?
[LITEFOOT] Why am I? Upon my sam. Hasn't the girl seen a pipe before?
[DOCTOR] There's no tobacco where Leela comes from.
[LITEFOOT] Sounds healthy, but exceedingly dull. Yes, as I was saying,they're a mysterious lot, the Chinese. Enigmatic. I never got anywherenear to understanding them, and I was brought up in China.
[DOCTOR] Really? What were you doing there?
[LITEFOOT] My father was Brigadier General in the punitive expedition of1860. Afterwards he stayed in Peking as a palace attaché. Died there inthe end, poor old buffer. Fireworks at the funeral. Odd custom. Oddsort of people.
[LITEFOOT] What's up?
[DOCTOR] They use fireworks to frighten off evil spirits.
[LITEFOOT] I know that. Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] You stay with Litefoot. I'll join you later. Drive on, cabbie.
[LITEFOOT] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] Palace theatre.
[LITEFOOT] There'll be nobody there at this hour!
[LITEFOOT] Extraordinary. I say, how can he join us later? I haven'tgiven him m'card.
[LEELA] Four Ranskill Gardens. He heard you tell the driver.
[LITEFOOT] Gad, he's as sharp as a trout.
[LEELA] Trout?
[JAGO] All right. Coming!
[JAGO] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Terrible weather for the time of the year.
[JAGO] The theatre's closed.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[JAGO] What do you want?
[DOCTOR] Are you the manager?
[JAGO] I'm the owner, sir. Henry Gordon Jago at the end of a long day,so if you'd kindly state your business.
[DOCTOR] Henry Gordon Jago, how do you do, sir. I'm the Doctor.
[JAGO] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[JAGO] Ah, now I've rumbled your game. I admire your brass, but it won'tdo. Call back on Saturday.
[DOCTOR] Don't move. Hold that.
[JAGO] Auditions commence at ten o'clock sharp. Supporting acts bookedfor one week only.
[JAGO] Is that all?
[DOCTOR] No. Dramatic recitations, singing, tap-dancing. I can play theTrumpet Voluntary in a bowl of live goldfish.
[JAGO] Don't bother coming back on Saturday.
[DOCTOR] I'm also a master hypnotist. Now then.
[DOCTOR] How long since you were under the influence, sir?
[JAGO] I'm a man of character and determination, sir. The Rock ofGibraltar would be more easily, more easily.
[DOCTOR] Just as I thought, and quite recently, too. What was your lastorder?
[JAGO] To remember nothing since I said goodnight to Casey.
[DOCTOR] Henry Gordon Jago, I command you to remember everything youwere ordered to forget. When I count to three, you will remembereverything. One, two, three.
[JAGO] More easily influenced than I would. I have a will of iron. Whatthe Dickens am I talking about?
[DOCTOR] Did a cab driver come here tonight?
[JAGO] Yes, there was a fellow burst in and accosted Mister Changbetween shows.
[DOCTOR] What did he want?
[JAGO] Something about his Emma. Lady friends, no doubt.
[DOCTOR] Emma Buller, his wife. She disappeared last night. Does MisterChang by any chance do a vanishing lady act?
[JAGO] You're not by any chance suggesting that Mister Chang hasanything to do with these missing
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[JAGO] Emma Buller.
[DOCTOR] EB. Where did you find this?
[JAGO] In the cellar. Are you from the police?
[DOCTOR] I'm helping them. I'd like to see this cellar, Mister Jago.
(Hansom cab)
[WENG] You are certain these are different streets?
[CHANG] The driver has his orders. Every night we quarter a new sector.
[WENG] For how much longer?
[CHANG] Patience, Lord. We know the time cabinet is here. The cabinet ofWeng-Chiang in the house of an infidel. We shall recover it.
[WENG] I grow weary, Chang.
[CHANG] Tomorrow I bring you two donors. Young, plump, high-spiritedgirls. The distillation of their life essences will recover yourpowers, Lord.
(Theatre cellar)
[JAGO] It was over here. Here, this is where itwas, down here.
[DOCTOR] What were you doing down here?
[JAGO] I was reassuring Casey
[JAGO] My factotum. He's taken to seeing ghosts lately. He's a goodfellow, Casey, but about as sharp as the corners of a round table.Great Jumping Jehosophat! What a spider! That must be the granddaddy ofthem all.
[DOCTOR] It's a money spider.
[JAGO] A money spider?
[JAGO] Don't kill it.
[DOCTOR] Genetic disruption. Where does it come from? What's under here?
[JAGO] You mean right where we're standing?
[JAGO] Well, they say the course of the River Fleet runs right
[DOCTOR] Fleet?
[JAGO] Yes, the River Fleet runs right under these foundations.
[DOCTOR] Excellent. We're getting somewhere.
(Litefoot's dining room)
[LITEFOOT] Ah, now, let's see what we have here. Mrs Hudson alwaysleaves me a cold collation.
[LITEFOOT] Ham, roast beef, chicken, tongue. Those look like quail,unless I'm much mistaken.
[LEELA] Meat.
[LITEFOOT] Yes, well, perhaps we shouldn't wait for your friend theDoctor. Help yourself, my dear. Plates on the end of the table. I'll,er, I'll just put a log or two on the fire.
[LEELA] It's good.
[LITEFOOT] Oh, I'm so glad.
[LEELA] Is something wrong?
[LITEFOOT] No, no. Would you care for a knife or a fork?
[LEELA] It's a good knife. Aren't you going to eat?
[LITEFOOT] Yes, yes.
[LITEFOOT] Just going to eat.
(Hansom cab)
[WENG] Stop! Stop! Somewhere here. Somewhere! One of these dwellings!)
(Outside Litefoot's house)
[WENG] This is the place, Chang. The time cabinet is in there.
[CHANG] Leave the rest to your servants, Lord. Go back to your abode.
[WENG] I must have the time (cough) cabinet.
[CHANG] Lord, your weakness grows. Go, go back. Rest. I will bring thecabinet to you.
[WENG] Very well, but do not fail me now, Chang.
(Theatre cellar)
[DOCTOR] Well, if there is a secret entrance, it's expertly hidden.
[DOCTOR] How very interesting.
[DOCTOR] Do you know what this is? Oh, come on, Rock of Gibraltar.
(Litefoot's dining room)
[LITEFOOT] Napkin.
[LEELA] Thank you, Professor.
[LITEFOOT] The Doctor's taking a long time. I hope he did note theaddress.
[LITEFOOT] Great Scott!
[LEELA] What is it?
[LITEFOOT] There's somebody out there watching the house.
[LEELA] Where?
[LITEFOOT] Someone stepped back into the shrubbery as I looked out.
[LITEFOOT] Some scoundrel up to no good. Odd thing. I could swear he wasa Chinese. Well, whoever he is, I'll give him more than he expected.No, you wait here.
(Theatre - backstage)
[DOCTOR] How are you feeling?
[JAGO] The ghost! I saw it. Casey, forgive me.
[JAGO] I saw it.
[DOCTOR] It was a hologram.
[JAGO] I always thought there was something unnatural about that cellar.
[DOCTOR] There's nothing unnatural about the holograph technique.Projection of light by a laser beam.
[JAGO] What?
[DOCTOR] Don't worry. It wasn't known in this century.
[DOCTOR] Drink this. Go on, you'll feel better.
[JAGO] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
(Stage area)
[JAGO] Oh, oh Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Cheer up, Jago, cheer up.
(Theatre cellar)
[DOCTOR] He's gone back to his rats. Are you allright.
[JAGO] Yes, I think so. Who the devil was it?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea. He didn't introduce himself.
[JAGO] Shall I call in the local police?
[DOCTOR] Oh, Henry Gordon Jago. Then our reclusive phantom would simplyvanish, poof!
[JAGO] Oh, good heavens, yes.
[DOCTOR] We can tackle it together, you and I.
[JAGO] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Think. I'm going to have some supper.
[JAGO] Ah.
(Litefoot's dining room)
[LITEFOOT [OC]] Nobody out there now. Fellow must have got wind of
[LEELA] Professor? Are you there? Professor!
(Outside Litefoot's house)
[LEELA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[LEELA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[LEELA] Doctor.
[CHANG] Sin!
[DOCTOR] Where's Litefoot?
[LEELA] He went out. He said he'd seen a Chinaman outside the window.
[DOCTOR] And you jumped through it.
[LEELA] Something like that.
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[DOCTOR] Leela! Leela, no! Don't! Leela.
(Litefoot's dining room)
[LITEFOOT] The sheer criminal effrontery. Things are coming to a prettypass when ruffians will attack a man in his own home.)
[DOCTOR] Well, they were Chinese ruffians.
[LITEFOOT] I wonder what they intended?
[DOCTOR] Robbery?
[LITEFOOT] Well, there are some pretty valuable things here. ThatK'ang-hsi vase, for instance. My family brought that back from Peking.Or that Chinese puzzle box.
[LITEFOOT] It doesn't open. Chap spent a week here once looking for asecret spring.
[DOCTOR] Fused molecules.
[LITEFOOT] No, no, no, no. Lacquered bronze.
[DOCTOR] It's extraordinary. It's from this planet.
[LITEFOOT] A parting gift from the Emperor.
[DOCTOR] Technology this advanced? Ah! Got it! Well, of course, that'sthe answer.
[LITEFOOT] What the Dickens are you raving about, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Weng-Chiang.
[LITEFOOT] Weng-Chiang?
[DOCTOR] Weng-Chiang. I do hope that girl Leela isn't in danger.
(Theatre cellar)
[WENG [OC]] You will explain yourself, Li H'sen.
[WENG] I will not tolerate failure!
[CHANG] There has been no failure, Lord.
[WENG] Then where is the time cabinet?
[CHANG] The house is marked. When night returns, my brothers in the bandof death will strike.
[WENG] I put no trust in your dockyard riff-raff.
[CHANG] Lord, for your glory they would die willingly.
[WENG] Opium sodden scum. Strike!
[CHANG] Lord, I promise you will have the great cabinet of Weng-Chiangbefore another dawn.
[WENG] I had better. I grow weary of this hole in the ground.
[CHANG] You are safe here, Lord.
[WENG] Safe? It is a trap, and I was seen returning to it.
[CHANG] Tonight?
[WENG] Yes, and now he knows where I am, he will be back.
[CHANG] Who?
[WENG] By your description, the one you have already failed to kill.
[CHANG] The Doctor! I knew he was a danger.
[WENG] Listen, Li H'sen.
[WENG] The beasts of darkness. I have made them larger and more savagethan lions! Yes, yes, the Doctor is a danger, and he was brought to mydoor by your blundering. You see what it means, Li H'sen?
[CHANG] He will die.
[WENG] The list of your failures is growing. I must be ready to movequickly. I need strength.
[CHANG] I will bring a girl, Lord.
[WENG] One will not be enough this time. I need two fresh young donors,and I need them at once.
[CHANG] It is not easy at this hour, Lord.
[WENG] No excuses! Get them!
[CHANG] Yes, Lord.
(Litefoot's dining room)
[LITEFOOT] Haven't you slept?
[DOCTOR] Sleep is for tortoises.
[LITEFOOT] Any news of Miss Leela?
[DOCTOR] Not yet.
[LITEFOOT] Perhaps we should inform the police?
[DOCTOR] No, there are already nine missing girls on their list.
[LITEFOOT] Oh yes, but surely missing under very differentcircumstances.
[DOCTOR] No. If my suspicions are correct, then I know what those poorgirls were used for, and I can't imagine a more grisly fate. He's ablackguard.
[LITEFOOT] Who's a blackguard?
[DOCTOR] I don't know who's a blackguard. Some slavering gangrenousvampire comes out of a sewer and stalks this city at night, he's ablackguard. I've got to find his lair and I haven't got an hour toloose. Look. You see? I've been trying to trace the line of the sewers.That's the Thames, this is the line of the Fleet, and that is thePalace Theatre.
[LITEFOOT] I'm beginning to see what you're getting at.
[DOCTOR] Good. Good.
[LITEFOOT] Yes, well, er, if you've finished with the tablecloth, Ithink I'd better dispose of that before my housekeeper arrives.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[LITEFOOT] How'd you know the course of the Fleet? It's been covered forcenturies.
[DOCTOR] I caught a salmon there once. Would have hung over the sides ofthis table. Shared it with the Venerable Bede. He adored fish.
[DOCTOR] Professor, you don't happen to have an elephant gun, do you?
[LITEFOOT] Elephants? Why on Earth do you want an elephant gun?
[DOCTOR] We're about to embark on a very dangerous mission.
[LITEFOOT] Well, I've a Chinese fowling piece if that's any good. Usedfor duck, mainly.
[DOCTOR] Made in Birmingham. Yes, that's the main requirement. Could youget me a small boat?
[LITEFOOT] I imagine so. May I ask the purpose of these preparations?
[DOCTOR] Yes. To find the confluence of the Thames and Fleet, Professor,then to follow the Fleet.
[LITEFOOT] And then?
[DOCTOR] Oh, and then we shall see.
[TERESA] Ta, ducks.
[CHANG] Pleasant are the dreams of morning.
[TERESA] You gave me a turn, dearie.
[CHANG] Fresh as dew and bright with promise.
[TERESA] Yeah, well, that's how you might see it, Mister Ching-ching,but as far as I'm concerned all I want is a pair of smoked kippers, acup of rosie and put me plates up for a few hours, savvy?
[CHANG] Budding lotus of the dawn, despicable Chang has other ideas.
[TERESA] Well, I can tell you what to do with your ideas.
[CHANG] You will come with me.
(Chang's dressing room)
[CHANG] Await my return.
[LEELA] The spell of the shaman.
[CHANG] Come. I said come!
[CHANG] Come, you painted drabs. My master must feed.
(River Thames)
[DOCTOR] There it is, fifty yards ahead.
[LITEFOOT] Sit down, Doctor. The man knows these waters.
[DOCTOR] I've always enjoyed messing about in boats.
[LITEFOOT] I think this entire enterprise is extremely rash andill-considered.
[DOCTOR] My dear Litefoot, I've got a lantern and a pair of waders, andpossibly the most fearsome piece of hand artillery in all England. Whatcould possibly go wrong?
[LITEFOOT] Well, that for a start. It hasn't been fired for fifty years.If you try to use it, it'll probably explode in your face.
[DOCTOR] Explode? Unthinkable. It was made in Birmingham. Tie up overthere, skipper.
[CHANG] You will hear the commands of my master, Weng-Chiang, and obey.
[WENG] Where did you get them?
[CHANG] Are they unsuitable, Lord?
[WENG] They're not the best, but they'll do. They're young. Their lifeessence is still strong. Oh, this one has muscles like a horse!
[CHANG] I took what I could find, Lord.
[WENG] I have given you knowledge. I have made you a leader among yourfellows. All I have asked for in return is a few contemptible slatternswho will never be missed.
[CHANG] But they are missed, Lord. And because your need is so great,I've been forced to move unwisely.
[WENG] Unwisely?
[CHANG] I took this one from the rooms above. Nobody saw, but it willbring the police even nearer.
[WENG] It is of no consequence. Once I have the time cabinet, I can movefrom here. Now put this one in the distillation chamber.
[CHANG] Yes, Lord.
[WENG] Leave me to my work. (to Leela) I shall not keep you waitinglong.
[LITEFOOT [OC]] All right, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] All right, Professor.
[LITEFOOT [OC]] I'll wait for you for two hours, then.
[DOCTOR] Yes, no more. If I'm still in here at high tide.
[DOCTOR] Don't bother.
[LITEFOOT [OC]] Oh. Well, good luck!
[WENG] When my beauties find her, she will wish she had died here!
[CASEY] Hey, you. What's your business here?
[WHORE] Business? Where the devil am I?
[CASEY] Oh, you wouldn't be knowing.
[WHORE] What happened to me last night? Can't remember a thing.
[CASEY] Look, if there's anything missing, I'll remember you sureenough. Now you come on, get on out of here.
[WHORE] Get your hands off of me! I'm a lady.
[JAGO] What's the trouble, Casey?
[CASEY] No trouble, Mister Jago. I'm just seeing this lady off thepremises.
[WHORE] Oh, my lord. It was him! It was him!
[JAGO] Mister Chang? What are you talking about?
[WHORE] Quick, let me out of this place! Let me go!
[JAGO] Another case of the screaming oopizootics. I'll bear that inmind.
[CASEY] What?
[JAGO] It might have some relevance to the matter in hand.
[CASEY] What matter?
[JAGO] The investigation, Casey. These missing females. I've made theacquaintance of a very high-up gentleman, an amateur investigator who'sbeen called in personally by the Yard. Scotland Yard. And I amassisting him.
[JAGO] I am. He told me to watch, Casey, and I am watching, everywhere.
[WENG] You incompetent fool! She was a tigress!
[CHANG] She substituted herself for the woman I had found. The policemust be closing in.
[WENG] My rats will dispose of her, but you, Li H'sen, have made toomany mistakes.
[CHANG] That girl. She was with the doctor. It is not the police, it ishe who sent her.
[WENG] Vacant excuses. You have failed me! You know that until I havethe time cabinet, I can never be whole again, never escape from thishideous condition. Yet knowing this, you still failed me.
[CHANG] Lord, hear me. I would lay down my life in your service.
[WENG] You are dismissed, Li H'sen. I can no longer leave my fate inyour blundering hands.
[CHANG] Great one, let me find this doctor. Let me strike him down forthe harm he has done you.
[WENG] Do not beg. You have proved unworthy. Go!
[CHANG] I await your commands, Lord.
[WENG] Go!
[DOCTOR] Leela? Leela, are you all right?
[LEELA] Oh, thank you, Doctor. Yes, I'm all right, just bruised.
[DOCTOR] You were lucky.
[LEELA] I deserve death. I had the chance to kill our enemy, Doctor, andI failed.
[DOCTOR] Which enemy?
[LEELA] The yellow one calls him lord. He lives in a cave beneath thetheatre. Come, I will show you.
[DOCTOR] This gun takes about half an hour to load. Let's go this way.
[JAGO] Casey, I'm about to repair for half a footof port. Mrs Samuelson in yet?
[CASEY] I've not seen her, Mister Jago.
[JAGO] Well, you tell her I want the girl's frillies smartening up. Theylooked like a fit-up company last night. One of them had a Jacob'sladder as long as my arm. Look at that. You tell her.
[CASEY] Yes, Mister Jago.
[JAGO] Oh, Mister Chang. Back again already? I shall have to startcharging you rent, what?
[CHANG] There are many things to prepare before the performance.
[JAGO] Of course, Mister Chang. Yes. The art that conceals, eh? Tell me,last night.
[CHANG] Last night?
[JAGO] I'm working too hard. Too much in the old brain box, that's afact, but, er. We talked about a new contract but I've quite forgottenhow we left matters.
[CHANG] I'm considering your new offer.
[JAGO] Ah, I see. Splendid. Generous offer?
[CHANG] Merely reasonable. Tonight, incidentally, I shall be appearingwithout Mister Sin.
[JAGO] Oh, why is that? Just making a change?
[CHANG] Mister Sin is indisposed.
[JAGO] Ha, ha, very droll. I shall treasure that exceedingly humorousjest, Mister Chang. Oh, Mister Chang? I suppose the little fellow's gota touch of woodworm, what?
(Litefoot's dining room)
[DOCTOR] Say that again?
[LEELA] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] Say that again.
[LEELA] She was dead. Her skin was dry like old leaves. It was somethingthe machine did to her.
[DOCTOR] Like old leaves. Sounds like an organic distillation. Drainedout the life essence.
[LEELA] That's what he called it.
[DOCTOR] Did he?
[LEELA] Well, he seemed to know what he was talking about.
[DOCTOR] Well, he doesn't. He's a madman.
[LITEFOOT] Here we are. Your outfit, my dear.
[LEELA] Oh, thank you, Professor.
[LITEFOOT] No, no, not here. Mrs Hudson's waiting upstairs. She'll helpyou change. Hope it's suitable.
[LITEFOOT] Dashed embarrassing business, eh? Never done it before.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LITEFOOT] Chosen togs for a girl.
[LITEFOOT] Quite apart from the rum things they wear, you have to bejolly careful it's in the right fashion. Clothes matter to women.
[DOCTOR] They do?
[LITEFOOT] Still trying to open it, are you?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I'm trying to place the period. It can only be opened by akey of the correct molecular combination.
[LITEFOOT] Is that a fact?
[LITEFOOT] What were you saying when I came in? Something about amadman?
[DOCTOR] Yes, he's probably got the key.
[DOCTOR] Well, presumably he's calling himself Weng-Chiang.
[LITEFOOT] Weng-Chiang was one of the ancient Chinese gods.
[DOCTOR] I know that, Professor, I know. And he probably arrived in thiscontraption.
[LITEFOOT] It was a gift to Mama from his highness, T'ung-Chi. We camehome in seventy three, so it's been in the family quite some years now.
[DOCTOR] Then you're very lucky, Professor, that he hasn't traced itbefore now.
[LITEFOOT] Weng-Chiang?
[LEELA] Do you like it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's charming. Isn't it charming, Professor?
[LITEFOOT] Quite delightful.
[DOCTOR] I'll be proud to take to take you to the theatre looking likethat.
[LEELA] We're going to the theatre?
[DOCTOR] I have an appointment at the Palace Theatre tonight, and ifyou're very good, I'll buy you an orange.
[CASEY] Told her.
[JAGO] What?
[CASEY] Mrs Samuelson. I told her what you said.
[JAGO] Oh.
[CASEY] She didn't like it.
[JAGO] I don't need to hear that, Casey. I'm not concerned with what MrsSamuelson likes.
[CASEY] She mentioned money matters. She wants a word with you.
[JAGO] The woman's a bloodsucker. She's trying to ruin me.
[CASEY] Well she said
[JAGO] Don't tell me, Casey. I'm an artiste. Every night at this time, Ifeel like an old warhorse scenting the smoke of the battlefield. As thehouse fills, the blood starts tingling through my veins. My public isout there waiting for me. I can't talk about money at a time like this.
[CASEY] But you don't do anything, Mister Jago.
[JAGO] I, I announce the acts, I count the tickets, I smile at people.You've no idea of the strain it puts on a fellow. Furthermore, shespend seventeen and threepence on the wardrobe last week. Any sign ofthe Doctor yet?
[CASEY] Who?
[JAGO] My collaborator and fellow sleuth. Oh well, he'll be here tonightkeeping observation, Casey.
(Outside Chang's dressing room)
[JAGO [OC]] I'll lay a guinea to a gooseberry onit.
(Litefoot's dining room)
[LITEFOOT] Your cab's here.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[LITEFOOT] You'll need your coats. It's getting thick again.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Did you pass word to the police?
[LITEFOOT] Oh, yes, yes. They've posted a man outside.
[DOCTOR] Good. Lock and bolt the door after us and keep your gun handy.Come on.
[LITEFOOT] What, you really think those scoundrels will come back?
[DOCTOR] They might. They might. They'll do anything to get their handson that cabinet.
(Litefoot's hallway)
[LITEFOOT] Don't you worry, Doctor. By shots, I'll be ready for them.They won't catch George Litefoot napping a second time.
(Outside Litefoot's house)
[DOCTOR] Palace Theatre, cabbie. Make it snappy.
[CABBIE] Go on, get up.
[WENG] What is it?
(Theatre cellar)
[CHANG] Your servant, master.
[WENG [OC]] Go away. I have work to attend to.
[CHANG] Lord, I have heard that the strange infidel, the Doctor, will behere soon. Is it still your wish that I should kill him?
[WENG] I think it more likely that he will killyou.
(Theatre cellar)
[CHANG] No, Lord. I have plan. I will kill him assacrifice to appease the wrath of my god Weng-Chiang, to prove that Iabove all others am your true servant.
[WENG] You no longer serve me, Li H'sen. I shalltake my own measures. You do what you will. Now go!
(Theatre - backstage)
[JAGO] You owe me a gooseberry, Casey. There he is, in the box. See?
[CASEY] He don't look like a detective to me.
[JAGO] Well, he's not going to wear a brown derby and boots, is he,secret investigator like him, a man of a thousand faces.
[CASEY] Who's the girl?
[JAGO] Window dressing. Part of his disguise. Tell you what, I thinkI'll just pop up and tell him we're all on the q v down here. Have youset the star trap yet?
[CASEY] Not yet, Mister Jago.
[JAGO] You'd better get on with it, hadn't you, unless you want to ruinMister Chang's act for him.
[CASEY] It's that cellar, Mister Jago.
(Theatre box)
[JAGO] Psst.
[DOCTOR] Good evening, Mister Jago.
[JAGO] Pleasure to welcome you, sir, and your charming companion.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Are you quite comfortable down there?
[JAGO] Oh, I know the value of discretion in matters like this, Doctor.May I ask if you've come to any further deductions?
[DOCTOR] Oh, quite a few, quite a few.
[JAGO] Ah. I thought as much when I saw you here. I take it you're onthe point of solving the mystery of the missing girls.
[DOCTOR] I'm expecting further developments very soon, Mister Jago.
[JAGO] Ah. Well, if you need any help, Doctor, I hope I know where myduty lies.
[DOCTOR] I knew I could rely on you.
[JAGO] Oh, to the limit, though I suppose you've got your own menscattered throughout the audience.
[JAGO] No? You mean nobody?
[DOCTOR] Nobody. When the moment comes, Mister Jago, you and I can faceour destiny shoulder to shoulder.
[JAGO] Oh, corks.
[LETTIE] Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do. I'm half crazy all forthe love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage. I can't afford acarriage. But you'll look sweet on the seat of a bicycle build for two.Everybody now!
[ALL] Daisy, Daisy.
[LEELA] Do we need to give the responses?
[DOCTOR] There's no obligation.
[ALL] I'm half crazy
[LEELA] When shall we go and look for the cave creature?
[DOCTOR] Perhaps it'll come looking for us.
(Theatre cellar)
[CASEY] No. No!
[JAGO] The Sheffield song thrush. Last time she was here, there wereeggs all over the stage. Now, ladies and gentlemen, it is my greatprivilege to introduce to you, in his extended season here at thePalace, the first of two appearances this evening, someone whoselegendary legerdemain has entranced and entertained all the crownedheads of Europe. Here to baffle and bewilder in his eclecticextravaganza of efflorescent ectoplasm, that master magician from theOrient, Li H'sen Chang!
[CHANG] First trick very simple.
[CHANG] Next trick very simple.
[CHANG] Will someone pick cards, please? You sir. Catchee.
[CHANG] Now, sir, please to assist humble Chang by selecting any card.Ace of diamonds. Please to hold card in air so everyone see. Now, sir,please to return card to pack, any place. Honourable gentleman pleaseto hold pack of playing cards between finger and thumb. Chang will nowshoot magic bullet through ace of diamonds without hitting other cards.Please to keep very still.
[LEELA] Doctor!
[CHANG] Please to keep very quiet. Chang shoot fifteen peasants learningthis trick.
[CHANG] Now, sir, please look for ace of diamonds.
[DOCTOR] Oh, very good, very good! Wasn't that good? Anything else?
[CHANG] Honourable gentleman please to bring cards to stage. I havefurther demonstration requiring nerves of steel.
[CHANG] I will now ask my eager volunteer kindly to step into theCabinet of Death.
[CHANG] The bird has flown. One of us is yellow.
[CHANG] If you will now pay close attention, ladies and gentlemen.
(Theatre cellar)
[WENG] So, the great magician.
[CHANG] In my country, this is known as the death of a thousand cuts.
[CHANG] I will now ask my new volunteer kindly to assist in openingcabinet.
[JAGO] The curtain! Quick, drop the curtain! What happened?
[DOCTOR] He's dead. He died of a fright.
[JAGO] Poor Casey. He's worked here for years.
[LEELA] Doctor, what happened? Did Chang kill him?
[DOCTOR] No, Chang was as surprised as anyone. Where's he gone?
[CHANG] Are you here, Master? This is your servant,Li H'sen.
[CHANG] Answer me, Lord. If you're here, answer me. He has gone.Weng-Chiang, lord of greatness, has deserted me.
[CHANG] Lord?
[DOCTOR] You've been left to carry the can, Chang.
[DOCTOR] No poison tonight. There are questions to answer.
[CHANG] I will say nothing. It is time for me to join my forefathers.
[DOCTOR] Well, as an accomplice to murder, the police shouldn't hold youup long. Tell me about Weng-Chiang. Where did he go?
[CHANG] Perhaps back to his great palace in the sky. I failed him. Hewas displeased with me.
[LEELA] His mind is broken.
[DOCTOR] Li H'sen, you know he's not a god, don't you.
[CHANG] He came like a god. He appeared in a blazing cabinet of fire. Isaw him and helped him. He was tired from his journey.
[DOCTOR] Go on.
[CHANG] He was ill for many months. I was but a humble peasant, but Igave him sanctuary while the soldiers searched. I nursed him.
[DOCTOR] The cabinet. What happened to the cabinet?
[CHANG] Soldiers of T'ung-Chi took it. Ever since, we have searched forthe great cabinet of Weng-Chiang. The god will not be made whole untilit is recovered.
[JAGO] Doctor, are you down here? Well, cover me in creosote. I neverknew this was here.
[LEELA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Not this time, Leela.
[LEELA] But he's escaping!
[DOCTOR] There's no escape that way. He's gone to join his ancestors.
[JAGO] You mean to say the celestial Chang was involved in all theseMachiavellian machinations?
[DOCTOR] Yes, up to his epicanthic eyebrows.
[JAGO] Well, I'll go to Australia.
[JAGO] What in the name of heaven's that?
[DOCTOR] You'll have to book yourself a new act tomorrow. Cyanide gasmight do for the brutes, though you'd have to shut the sewers off for aday or two.
[LEELA] Look at this, Doctor. This is all that's left of them.
[JAGO] Of the missing girls? So it was Chang.
[DOCTOR] Not Chang. His master, the crazed maniac who organised allthis.
[LEELA] Doctor! The machine's gone.
[DOCTOR] That means he's going to start up all over again somewhereelse.
[LEELA] He could be anywhere. We'll have to look for him.
[DOCTOR] With his DNA helixes split open, the more cells he absorbs intohimself, the more deformed he becomes.
[LEELA] You mean he is like a waterbag with a hole in the bottom, andthe hole is getting bigger?
[LEELA] What happened to make him like that?
[DOCTOR] Perhaps because he used the cabinet. A dangerous experiment intime travel. Now he'll be struggling to keep his metabolism in balance.
[LEELA] And the rats?
[DOCTOR] Just an experiment. He had to gauge the strength of the psionicamplification field. The rats were handy. After that, they were usefulas sewer guards.
[JAGO] I've got it! See the lair of the phantom. Conducted tours, bob anob. I'm on to a fortune here. Hey, Doctor, you're not going, are you?
(Theatre cellar)
[DOCTOR] I must. Things to do. (sotto) We've got toget back to that time cabinet. Come on.
(Hansom cab)
(Outside Litefoot's house)
[LEELA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Litefoot's got visitors.
(Litefoot's dining room)
[DOCTOR] Mi how ma! What happened?
[LITEFOOT] Chinese. Dozens of them.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LITEFOOT] Oh, the devils.
[DOCTOR] Well, they got what they came for.
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] The time cabinet.
[LITEFOOT] Damn scoundrels.
[DOCTOR] Get him a drink.
[DOCTOR] In a glass. In a glass. Professor, how did they get in?
[LITEFOOT] I've, I've no idea. I locked and bolted all the doors as soonas you left. Thank you, my dear.
[DOCTOR] Were they all Chinese?
[LITEFOOT] Tong-wallahs. Criminals. The gutter scrapings of Shanghai.
[DOCTOR] And one midget.
[LITEFOOT] Yes. My dear Doctor, how on Earth did you deduce that one ofmy attackers was a midget?
[DOCTOR] Elementary, my dear Litefoot. He came in the laundry basket andlet the others in.
[LEELA] The same creature that attacked me!
[DOCTOR] The Peking Homunculus.
[DOCTOR] Yes, the time of manufacture, its disappearance, it all fits.
[LEELA] Doctor, what is the Peking
[DOCTOR] Homunculus.
[LEELA] Homunculus.
[DOCTOR] It was made in Peking for the Commissioner of the IcelandicAlliance. It was in the Ice Age, about the year five thousand.
[LITEFOOT] Preposterous.
[LEELA] Shush. Go on, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] The Peking Homunculus was a toy, a plaything for theCommissioner's children. It contained a series of magnetic fieldsoperating on a printed circuit and a small computer. It had one organiccomponent. The cerebral cortex of a pig. Anyway, something went wrong.It almost caused World War Six.
[DOCTOR] Yes, somehow the pig part took over. So Weng-Chiang has broughtthe Peking Homunculus back through time. He could have done. Itdisappeared completely. It was never found.
[LITEFOOT] I say, I may have had a bang on the head but this is a dashedqueer story. Time travel?
[DOCTOR] Unsuccessful time travel, Professor. Findicker's discovery ofthe double nexus particle sent human science up a technologicalcul-de-sac.
[LITEFOOT] Are you following this?
[LEELA] Not a word.
[DOCTOR] This pig thing is still alive. It needs an operator, of course,but the mental feedback is so intense that somehow the swinish instincthas become dominant. It hates humanity and it revels in carnage.
(House of the Dragon)
[WENG] Liberation, Mister Sin! Freedom! I can become whole again. Wholeand alive! Oh, how I have dreamt of this moment. To be free of thisputrefying carcass, to fashion myself anew in some distant time andplace. And I can do it now, now that at last I have the time cabinet. Ipromise you, Mister Sin, we shall not remain long among these filthybarbarians. But where is the bag? Answer me, you fools! Where is thebag?
[HO] It was. We did not.
[WENG] The bag, you cowering oaf!
[HO] It was left behind, great lord.
[WENG] What? What! Lee! Lee, I told you to take it out to the carriage!I ordered you! You know the penalty for failing me.
[WENG] Take the sting of the scorpion.
(Litefoot's dining room)
[DOCTOR] Rundall Buildings.
[DOCTOR] Your laundry. Do you know the place?
[LITEFOOT] I've heard of it. Everyone has. It's the centre of one of themost noxious and evil rookeries in the East End.
[DOCTOR] And where exactly is this disreputable quarter?
[LITEFOOT] It lies somewhere between Whitechapel and St Georges in theEast. Place of appalling vice and squalor. Overdue for clearance in myopinion.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it might be cleared very quickly.
[LITEFOOT] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Weng-Chiang is a scientific ignoramus. He doesn't understandthe nature of zigma energy.
[LITEFOOT] Zigma energy?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The power source of the time cabinet is a zigma beam. Atthe moment it's like a piece of elastic fully stretched, but whenChiang tampers with it
[LEELA] Then he must be stopped. Do you think he's gone to this laundry?
[DOCTOR] Well, there's only one way to find out. Litefoot, I want you tostay here. Come on.
[LITEFOOT] Doctor, you can't take a young woman into that foulness. Atthis hour of night she'll witness the vilest scenes of depravity anddegradation.
[DOCTOR] Nothing as vile as Weng-Chiang himself, Professor.
(Theatre cellar)
[JAGO] Think large, Henry Jago, think large.Shilling a head? I must be crazy. A guinea a head! Conducted toursround the lair of the phantom. I'll lead them myself and modestlymention the part I played in the affair. The ladies will swoon in myarms. Oh, it's a winner. It's a beauty. I'll go bail. I'll clear outall this old junk, call in the electric lighting company.
[JAGO] What in the name of heavens is?
(Limehouse Laundry attic)
[DOCTOR] Not a sound. Now quiet. Shush.
(Litefoot's hallway)
[JAGO] Thank you. Kindly tell your employer that Mister Jago wishes tosee him urgently.
[JAGO] Your employer, Professor Litefoot. Come along, man. Hurry.Chop-chop.
[LITEFOOT] May I ask, sir, who you are?
[JAGO] Confound your insolence, sir. Just announce me.
[LITEFOOT] Consider yourself announced, sir. I'm Litefoot.
[JAGO] Why, dash me optics. I should have realised. That brow, thosehands. England's peerless premier professor of pathology. Henry GordonJago, sir, at your service.
[LITEFOOT] Mister Jago, just tell me what all this is about.
[JAGO] The Doctor.
[JAGO] This bag.
[JAGO] Shall we go inside?
(Litefoot's dining room)
[JAGO] Found this in my cellar. Thought the Doctor might be interested.It could have something to do with those Chineses.
[LITEFOOT] Chinese?
[JAGO] Yes. I had thought of communicating directly with Scotland Yard,where as you know he's held in the highest esteem.
[LITEFOOT] The Doctor is?
[JAGO] Oh yes, of course. It's my opinion he solves half their cases andthen lets them take the credit for it, don't you agree?
[LITEFOOT] I have no idea.
[JAGO] Oh, why, it stands to reason. I mean, they're policemen. We allknow they're solid, sterling, fellows, but their buttons are thebrightest thing about them, don't you agree? Now, the Doctor's a realdetective.
[LITEFOOT] Yes, he's certainly very active. How did you learn of myconnection with him, Mister Jago?
[JAGO] Well, I enquired at the local station and they told me you'd beenseen together. The most formidable combination in the annals ofcriminology. It's a great honour and privilege for me to be workingwith you on this devilish affair.
[LITEFOOT] Oh, well, thank you. Yes, well, I'm sure the Doctor will bevery interested in these things. Unfortunately, he isn't here atpresent.
[JAGO] I know, the sleuth that never rests, eh?
[LITEFOOT] Well, he did remark that sleep is for tortoises. You know,Mister Jago, I can't for the life of me discern what purposes thesearticles might serve.
[JAGO] It's a queer lot of paraphernalia. I thought so meself.
[LITEFOOT] And you think they were set aside by Weng-Chiang, thismurderous lunatic the Doctor is now hunting?
[JAGO] Well, they're nothing to do with the theatre, I'm sure of that. Ifound the bag amongst a pile of our old junk.
[LITEFOOT] In that case, Mister Jago, is it not possible that someoneplans to return for it?
[JAGO] Yes, yes, good point. We must tell the Doctor.
[LITEFOOT] Or take a hand ourselves.
[JAGO] Why?
[LITEFOOT] Well, the Doctor isn't here. If you and I keep a discreetwatch on the theatre, we might get a chance to nab this fellow, shouldhe return.
[JAGO] You're suggesting a pernoctation, Professor, but alas,unfortunately the nocturnal vapours are very bad for my chest.
[LITEFOOT] Oh, come on, man, you can wrap up. I'll lend you some extraclothing.
[JAGO] Very kind, I'm sure.
[LITEFOOT] Now, you write a note to the Doctor, you'll find pen andpaper in that drawer, and I'll look you out a cape. We might be lucky,Mister Jago. And if we are, I've a few lumps to repay.
(Limehouse Laundry)
[LEELA] That smell. It's like decaying fruit.
[DOCTOR] Papaver somniferum.
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] Pipe of poppy. It's opium, a narcotic drug.
[DOCTOR] Ah, we've found another warren. Weng-Chiang will show his handagain.
[LEELA] More girls?
[DOCTOR] Yes. He'll try to build his body levels before he has to usethe zigma beam. He'll kill again tonight, but where?
[CHANG] At the House of the Dragon, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good evening, Mister Chang. We thought you'd gone to join yourancestors.
[CHANG] Not yet. Not quite.
[LEELA] Your leg!
[CHANG] A singular sight, I fear. It is too late, Doctor, and I feel nopain. The opium.
[LEELA] How did you get away?
[CHANG] When the rat took my leg, I regained consciousness in a charnelhouse, putrefying human remains.
[DOCTOR] Yes, rats don't keep a very hygienic larder.
[CHANG] I lay there, Doctor, and cursed Weng-Chiang, my benefactor, whohad brought me to this fate. Hatred of him gave me the strength to dragmyself away. The rats had gone. I came here to destroy the false god.The last act of the Great Chang.
[LEELA] You should have done that before.
[CHANG] I believed in him. For many years I believed in him.
[DOCTOR] It was a good act, Chang.
[CHANG] Until he shamed me. I lost face. The whole theatre saw myfailure.
[DOCTOR] Tell me about the House of the Dragon.
[CHANG] Next month, the Great Chang would have performed before theQueen Empress at Buckingham Palace. I, the son of a peasant.
[DOCTOR] The House of the Dragon, where is it?
[CHANG] It is his fortress, prepared over many months by the Tong.Beware the eye of the dragon, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Li H'sen, come on. Come on.
[CHANG] Soon I shall join my ancestors. Already I can see them. Theywalk to greet me from the Palace of Jade. They are smiling and carrygifts of food and flowers. Now I cross the golden bridge of the gods.
[DOCTOR] Li H'sen! Come on, man, the house.
[DOCTOR] What? What?
[DOCTOR] Boot? Shoe? Spat?
[LEELA] Earth?
[DOCTOR] He's left us a Chinese puzzle.
(House of the Dragon)
[WENG] Well? Where is it?
[HO] Bag not there, lord. It's gone.
[WENG] Gone?
[HO] We look all places. Bag not there.
[WENG] You incompetent lice! You crawling, mindless dogs! That bagcontained the key to the time cabinet. I must have it, do youunderstand, if I have to tear this accursed city apart stone by stone!Ho! Were you followed?
[HO] Followed? What?
[WENG] Those two. They must have been watching the theatre. That meansthey have the bag! Bring them to me.
(Outside the House of the Dragon)
[LITEFOOT] This is their hideaway, no doubt aboutit.
[JAGO] It's unfortunate there were too many of them for us to tackle,eh, Professor? I was itching for a scrap.
[LITEFOOT] The question is, Mister Jago, what now?
[JAGO] Well, we could adjourn for liquid refreshment. Decorate themahogany. I know a little spot not far from here.
[LITEFOOT] I think one of us should stay here on watch while the otherreturns for the Doctor.
[JAGO] Good idea. I'll be as quick as I can.
[LITEFOOT] Too late, old man.
[JAGO] Oh, corks.
[LITEFOOT] Backs to the wall.
[JAGO] Keep off, you lot. I'm a tiger when my dander's up.
(House of the Dragon)
[WENG] So, you choose to pry on the House of the Dragon. Unwise. Veryunwise. You will suffer for it.
[LITEFOOT] You're mistaken. You'll be the sufferer when the police gethere.
[WENG] The police? Did you hear that, Mister Sin? They take me for asimpleton.
[JAGO] Oh, they'll be here, don't you worry. They can't be far behind.
[WENG] You told them where you were coming?
[LITEFOOT] Of course. We're not completely without sense.
[WENG] Lies. Stupid lies!
[WENG] You didn't know where you were coming. You followed my men herefrom the theatre.
[LITEFOOT] If that's what you choose to believe.
[WENG] Why were you waiting at the theatre? Answer me. Why?
[JAGO] Why were we waiting at the theatre, Litefoot?
[LITEFOOT] I refuse to answer.
[JAGO] There you are, you see. He refuses to answer.
[LITEFOOT] You can do with us as you wish.
[JAGO] I say, steady on.
[WENG] Very well, I will tell you why.
[JAGO] I say, have a care.
[WENG] You were waiting to see
[JAGO] You don't know your own strength.
[WENG] Who came to collect the bag.
[JAGO] You're choking me.
[WENG] Exactly. Now, where is the bag now. What have you done with it?
[LITEFOOT] Let him go.
[WENG] The bag. Tell me!
[LITEFOOT] It's at my house. Now for pity's sake, release him!
[WENG] You will die later, slowly. It will give pleasure to my wolves.
[LITEFOOT] You filthy bounder.
[WENG] In the meantime, put them with the other prisoners.
(Litefoot's dining room)
[DOCTOR] Litefoot? Litefoot!
[DOCTOR] (reads) My dear Doctor, contained in this capacious carpet bag,which I discovered inadvertently in the cellar, is a collection ofsundry items of baffling meaning. The Professor and I are keepingobservation on the theatre and shortly hope to report to you thewhereabouts of the mysterious Weng-Chiang. Your fellow detective H G J.
[LEELA] What does that mean?
[DOCTOR] Ah! Eureka! Do you know what that is?
[LEELA] You ask me so that you can tell me.
[DOCTOR] That's right. It's a trionic lattice, an integral part of atime cabinet. It's impossible to open it without it.
[LEELA] You mean it's a key.
[DOCTOR] Yes. He's not only a scientific fool, he's an absent-mindedone.
[LEELA] Perhaps he has another eureka.
[DOCTOR] No, eureka's Greek for this bath is too hot. There can never beanother one of this combination.
[LEELA] That means he's gone to the theatre. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Hold it.
[LEELA] But Doctor, Professor Litefoot and Mister Jago are our friends!We must help them. You know what will happen if Weng-Chiang finds them.
[DOCTOR] I do.
[LEELA] Well?
[DOCTOR] Look. Litefoot likes a good fire. He's been out of the house along time. We can't go just rushing all over London looking for him.It's much better to wait for Weng-Chiang to come here.
[LEELA] Look, we know he already has the cabinet.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but he doesn't have the key. Always stay one step ahead ofyour enemies, my girl.
[LEELA] You mean, when he finds the key is missing, and that ProfessorLitefoot and Mister Jago are keeping watch, he will force them to tellhim where it is.
[DOCTOR] You're learning to think. That's excellent.
[LEELA] And you thought of that all at once, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, almost.
[LEELA] Then I am sorry.
[DOCTOR] What for?
[LEELA] For thinking that perhaps you were afraid.
[DOCTOR] That's all right.
[LEELA] Where shall we lay our ambush?
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] Ambush! It's time we did battle with this underground crab,Doctor.
(House of the Dragon - kitchen)
[JAGO] Are they dead?
[LITEFOOT] Drugged, I think. You know why they're here.
[JAGO] Poor creatures. They can't be a day over sixteen.
[LITEFOOT] He must send his fiends to kidnap them off the streets.
[JAGO] This is a nightmare. What can we do for them?
[LITEFOOT] No more than we can do for ourselves. At least they'll diequickly.
[JAGO] He must be the devil incarnate.
[LITEFOOT] What unspeakable horror lies behind that mask, do yousuppose?
[JAGO] Well, he's not exactly a dobbin masher with it, is he?
[LITEFOOT] Dammit, Jago, I don't see any way out of this. I think we'redone for.
[JAGO] You're forgetting the Doctor, Professor.
[LITEFOOT] There's no hope of him finding this place. How can he?
[JAGO] Oh, the trained mind. A fleck of mud here, a speck of paintthere. Clues that speak volumes to a trained investigator like him.I'll wager he's on our tracks this very minute.
[LITEFOOT] I say, Jago, look at this.
[JAGO] What of it?
[LITEFOOT] Don't you see what it is? It's a dumb waiter!
[JAGO] Yes, of course I know that, but frankly I'm not very peckish atthe moment. I'm surprised you should think of food at a time like this.
[LITEFOOT] My dear man, I'm not thinking of food. I'm thinking that ifwe take that shelf out and squeeze ourselves in, we can make asurreptitious exit from this establishment via the dining room.
[JAGO] By jiminy, you're right! We'll teach those blighters a lessonyet. They picked the wrong man when they decided to cross swords withme.
[LITEFOOT] After you, Mister Jago.
[JAGO] Oh, those ropes don't look too sound, do they.
[LITEFOOT] He that is down need fear no fall.
[JAGO] Hmm?
[LITEFOOT] A quotation. Bunyan.
[JAGO] Ah, very comforting.
[JAGO [OC]] Mind your elbow, Professor.
[LITEFOOT [OC]] Sorry.
[BOTH [OC]] Heave!
(House of the Dragon)
[JAGO] This isn't the dining room.
[LITEFOOT] This isn't the way out, either.
(Litefoot's hallway)
[LEELA] We must trap them in the crossfire, Doctor. Somewhere in thecover where they cannot find cover.
(Litefoot's dining room)
[DOCTOR] What sort of crossfire? Hazelnuts? Breadpellets?
[LEELA] In a house this size there must be protection. The professorwill have weapons in fixed positions to guard the approaches.
[DOCTOR] I brought you to the wrong time, my girl. You'd have lovedAgincourt.
(Litefoot's dining room)
[DOCTOR] There's a Boot Court near the river, less than a mile fromhere, look.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you let yourself in. That's good. We were expecting you.
[WENG] No, Doctor, it was we who were expecting you.
[DOCTOR] Life's full of little surprises. What have you done to her?
[WENG] Nothing, yet.
[DOCTOR] Take my advice. Don't.
[WENG] Your advice? Oh, Doctor, you are an unusual man, but in opposingme you have gone far out of your depth. You have taken something fromme. I want it back.
[DOCTOR] Now I wonder what that could be? I'm always borrowing thingsfrom people and then forgetting where I've put them.
[DOCTOR] It's a terrible habit.
[WENG] I have never appreciated frivolity. It was in that bag. It is notthere now. Give it to me!
[DOCTOR] What, one of these?
[WENG] The time key, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Oh, the time key. Now heavens to Betsy, where did I last seethat?
[WENG] I'll give you three seconds, Doctor, and then Mister Sin willkill the girl. One, two, three, kill her!
[WENG] Stop!
[DOCTOR] Is this what you want? The trionic lattice?
[WENG] Give it to me!
[DOCTOR] Careful, careful. I might have dropped it.
[WENG] I'll kill you!
[DOCTOR] Crystalline. Probably break into a thousand pieces.
[WENG] You arrogant jackanapes!
[DOCTOR] When I'm crowded I get nervous. Call your dogs off.
[WENG] Back, back.
[DOCTOR] That's better.
[WENG] Give me that key and I will spare her life.
[DOCTOR] Never trust a man with dirty fingernails.
[WENG] You can trust me to kill her if you do not immediately put itdown! Now obey me at once!
[DOCTOR] I tell you what, I'll make a bargain with you. You can have thetrionic lattice when we get to the House of the Dragon.
[WENG] What trickery is this?
[DOCTOR] No trickery. You're holding two others of my friends.
[WENG] What of them?
[DOCTOR] I want them released.
[WENG] Two blundering dolts? Why?
[DOCTOR] I doubt if you could understand that, but that's the condition.
[WENG] Very well. They're nothing to me.
[DOCTOR] Good. Right. Then you and your chaps can lead the way and I'llfollow.
[WENG] Bring the girl.
[DOCTOR] No! The girl stays.
[WENG] You would be wise not to press me too far.
[DOCTOR] Just lead on.
[WENG] Come!
(House of the Dragon - kitchen)
[JAGO] What's the matter?
[LITEFOOT] I heard something.
[JAGO] What sort of thing?
[LITEFOOT] People. Quite a group just went by.
[JAGO] More Wongs for the Tong, I suppose. Do you realise we've beenhere over an hour?
[LITEFOOT] It'll be dawn soon.
[JAGO] What does that signify?
[LITEFOOT] I'm not aware that it signifies anything. It's just a remark.
[JAGO] I thought perhaps they might do things at dawn.
[LITEFOOT] Do things? What sort of things?
[JAGO] Well, you know, sacrifice their victims.
[LITEFOOT] You're thinking of the Druids, aren't you? I'm not aware theChinese make a ceremony of it.
[JAGO] Oh, good. I don't think I could stomach that. It's been worryingme somewhat.
[LITEFOOT] Best not to think about it.
[JAGO] I can't help it. Beastly heathens. That's my trouble, Litefoot.
[JAGO] Well, I'm not awfully. Well, I'm not so bally brave when it comesto it. I try to be but I'm not.
[LITEFOOT] When it comes to it, I don't suppose anybody is.
[JAGO] Well, I thought I ought to tell you anyway, in case I let theside down.
[LITEFOOT] You won't, Henry. I know you won't.
(House of the Dragon)
[WENG] Fetch the prisoners here.
[DOCTOR] Very impressive. I'll have the Bird's Nest Soup.
[WENG] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, isn't this where you do the cooking?
[WENG] How can you understand the functions of a catalytic extractionchamber, Doctor? Part of a technology far beyond your time.
[DOCTOR] Simple old-fashioned cannibalism. That machine just saves youhaving to chew the grisly bits.
[WENG] Much more than that. The secret of life.
[DOCTOR] Bunkum. Your so-called technology is the twisted lunacy of ascientific dark age.
[WENG] What do you know of my time?
[DOCTOR] Everything. Where is it?
[WENG] What?
[DOCTOR] Your pig-faced, pig-brained Peking Homunculus.
[WENG [OC]] You know of that? How?
(House of the Dragon)
[DOCTOR] I was with the Filipino army at the final advance on Reykjavik.
[WENG] How can you in the nineteenth century know anything of the fiftyfirst? You lie!
[DOCTOR] Listen. What's your name? What were you called before youbecame a Chinese god?
[WENG] I am Magnus Greel!
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, the infamous Minister of Justice. The Butcher ofBrisbane.
[DOCTOR] Checkmate.
[WENG] It is impossible for you to know these things!
[DOCTOR] I know you're a wanted criminal and that a hundred thousanddeaths can be laid at your door.
[WENG] Enemies of the state! They were used in the advancements ofscience.
[DOCTOR] They were slaughtered in your filthy machine.
[WENG] So, you are from the future, and I, for all my achievements, areonly remembered as a war criminal. Of course, it is the winning sidethat writes history, Doctor. Remember, you would not be here if it werenot for my work.
[DOCTOR] Your work?
[DOCTOR] Your work?
[WENG] Yes! I made this possible. I found the resources, the scientists
[DOCTOR] The zigma experiments came to nothing. They were a failure.Nothing came of them.
[WENG] No! No, they were a success! Why, I used them to escape from myenemies. The first man to travel through time.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Look what it did to you.
[WENG] A temporal distortion of my metabolism. It can be readjusted.
[LITEFOOT] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Good morning, gentlemen.
[JAGO] By jingo, what did I tell you? The game's up, my friend. We havethe place surrounded.
[DOCTOR] No, Jago, Jago, Jago. We don't have the place surrounded. Wejust have an understanding.
[JAGO] Understanding?
[WENG] I have kept my word, Doctor. Now give me the key.
[DOCTOR] Only when they're well clear of this place. Off you go now.Hurry.
[LITEFOOT] Doctor, there are two others here. Two wretched girls.
[DOCTOR] Then take them with you.
[WENG] Your demands are becoming too great!
[WENG] Enough! I want him alive.
[DOCTOR] Beware the Eye of the Dragon.
[LITEFOOT] Doctor, are you hurt?
[WENG] Take them out. Get these stinking heaps of rubbish out of here!
[WENG] Perfect. Perfect. After all these years the function isunimpaired.
[WENG] Everything exactly as it was. The parallax synchrons fullycharged, the strata tube set at maximum. He was wrong! Wrong! The zigmaexperiment was a success!
(House of the Dragon - kitchen)
[LITEFOOT] Curious. Double heartbeat. Otherwise everything seems inorder.
[JAGO] If only we knew what that fiendish device was that struck himdown. From behind, mark you.
[LITEFOOT] Shush. I think he's trying to say something.
[DOCTOR] There's a one-eyed yellow idol to the north of Katmandu.There's a little marble cross below the town.
[LITEFOOT] Kipling?
[DOCTOR] HarryChampion, 1920.
[LITEFOOT] Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Greel's got the key!
[DOCTOR] How long have I been unconscious?
[LITEFOOT] Only a few minutes.
[DOCTOR] The broth of oblivion.
[JAGO] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Chinese soup. He'll be coming for them soon.
[LITEFOOT] Well, surely there must be something we can do for them?
[DOCTOR] There's always something we can do. Get them over there againstthe wall. Come on.
[JAGO] They're armed to the teeth, those Wong fellows. Knives, guns,everything.
[LITEFOOT] Jago's right. Empty handed we can do nothing.
[DOCTOR] Excellent. This is good strong linen. It should do fine. Well,don't just stand there wasting time. Get me a bucket of water and breakoff that gas pipe.
(House of the Dragon)
[WENG] Almost ready. Yes, time to prepare my twopartridges. Why don't you come down from there? Sulking because Iwouldn't let you kill the Doctor, is that it?
[WENG] Oh, you can kill him soon enough, Sin, but first I must drainevery scintilla of his knowledge about the zigma experiment. You cankill him then, and as many more as you wish before we leave. All I needis to re-establish my protenoid balance.
[WENG] Then I can enter the zigma beam for the second time. Only thistime, there must be no mistake in the programme DNA levels. Now for mytwo partridges.
[LEELA] Die, bent face!
[WENG] No, spare me, please!
[LEELA] Spawn of evil. Now I destroy you!
[WENG] The second time! The second attempt on my life by this she-devil!Hold her still! No. No, I have a better fate for you. She will be thefirst morsel to feed my regeneration.
[LEELA] Kill me any way you wish. Unlike you, I am not afraid to die.
[WENG] We shall see. Bring the tigress here.
[WENG] At my camps, the extraction process was considered the mostpainful of all. They pleaded for anything but this.
[LEELA] I shall not plead, but I promise you this. When we are both inthe great hereafter, I shall hunt you down, Bent Face, and put youthrough my agony a thousand times!
[WENG] Silence the spitfire!
[WENG] Now bring the other two hags here.
(House of the Dragon - kitchen)
[JAGO] It's leaking. I can smell it.
[LITEFOOT] There's bound to be some escape.
[DOCTOR] Not enough to worry about.
[JAGO] I'm not worried, Doctor. I haven't been worried since you turnedup. It's just that I'd hate to be gassed before seeing if this stuntworks.
[DOCTOR] Well, Greel won't keep us waiting long. He needs hisproteinoids.
[LITEFOOT] His what?
[DOCTOR] He's dying, you see. He's desperate. His body's fading awayfast. He's trying to cheat death by substituting certain materials. Doyou understand?
[LITEFOOT] I think so. The principle, anyway.
[DOCTOR] The principle's false, anyhow. All he achieves is apostponement of the inevitable.
[JAGO] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Lucifers, Professor. Quick, get over there. Now listen, if wedo manage to get out of here, don't stop running till you're a milefrom this place.
[JAGO] Up troops and at 'em, eh, Professor?
(House of the Dragon - outside thekitchen)
[DOCTOR] Come on, come on.
[DOCTOR] This way.
(House of the Dragon)
[WENG] Whatever it was, there can be no escape for you. Let the talonsof Weng-Chiang shred your flesh!
[DOCTOR] Greel!
[WENG] Kill, Sin! Kill them!
[DOCTOR] Come on, quick. Get down! Get down!
[LEELA] I owe you my life, Doctor. Thank you.
[JAGO] Time to thank him when we're out of this.
[WENG] Doctor, I offer you a proposition.
[DOCTOR] Not now, Greel, we're busy.
[WENG] I will spare your lives, you and your friends, if you leave now.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's very magnanimous of you, Magnus.
[WENG] Then get up and leave.
[DOCTOR] What, with your trigger-happy little friend out there? Nothanks.
[WENG] I am offering you your lives, you fools!
[DOCTOR] (sotto) We'd be cut down before we reached the door.
[LEELA] (sotto) I think so, too. He has no truth in him.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Let's see.
[DOCTOR] Ah. We're staying put, Magnus.
[WENG] Then you'll die here, all of you.
[DOCTOR] Well, you might die first, Magnus. You don't sound too well,and your food supply's half way to Blackheath by now.
[WENG] Sin, crack that bench away.
[LITEFOOT] If I only had a gun, Doctor.
[JAGO] Or a catapult. I was a dab hand with a catapult when I was anipper.
[LITEFOOT] What is that weapon?
[DOCTOR] It's a laser beam.
[JAGO] It's a death ray.
[LEELA] (sotto) Doctor, they're diminishing our cover.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Push it over.
[WENG] Hurry, Sin! There is little time left to me.
[WENG] No, Sin! You fool, stop! Stop! Obey me, Sin. Obey Greel, yourmaster, I command you.
[JAGO] Jiminy, I felt the heat of that one.
[JAGO] No chance, my dear.
[LEELA] He cannot fire at two objects at once.
[JAGO] You mean one of us creates a distraction while you go for thegun?
[LEELA] That's right. Me because I'm quicker.
[LITEFOOT] Another minute or so and we're done.
[JAGO] I say, I say, I say!
[JAGO] A funny thing happened to me. Has she got the gun?
[LITEFOOT] Hey! Who are you shooting at?
[LEELA] Well, I've never fired one of these before.
[LITEFOOT] Got them rattled, anyway.
[DOCTOR] It's no good, Greel. You're finished.
[WENG] I can escape you, Doctor, as I escaped my enemies before.
[DOCTOR] Greel, listen. If you activate the zigma beam, it'll be certaindeath for all of us.
[WENG] Lies, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Listen, Greel! Greel, listen! The zigma beam is at fullstretch. If you trigger it again, it'll mean certain collapse. You knowwhat that means?
[WENG] You can't fool me.
[DOCTOR] There'll be a huge implosion, Greel, and you'll be at thecentre of it. The zigma experiments were a disaster!
[WENG] No, no, the zigma experiment was a success! A brilliant, totalsuccess!
[WENG] Sin, Sin, what are you doing?
[WENG] I order you to. No, no, not me. This is mutiny, Sin.
[LEELA] Is Bent Face dead?
[LITEFOOT] Why do you call him Bent Face?
[LEELA] Because it is. No, don't.
[LITEFOOT] Why not?
[DOCTOR] Cellular collapse.
[LITEFOOT] In all my years as a pathologist, I've never seen anythinglike it.
[DOCTOR] Well, let's hope you never see anything like it again,Professor.
[JAGO] But where was he from? Where did he go?
[DOCTOR] He was a foe from the future, Henry. Look out, Leela!
[JAGO] What's that?
[DOCTOR] It's his fuse, Henry.
[LEELA] What are you doing, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I'm bringing the zigma experiment to an end.
[CRIER [OC]] Muffins! Get your hot muffins!
[DOCTOR] Listen.
[CRIER [OC]] Hot muffins!
[DOCTOR] It's the muffin man. Come on, I'll buy you some muffins.
(Outside the Tardis)
[LITEFOOT] And then, for example, I would say 'one lump or two, MissLeela'. To which you would reply, 'one will suffice, thank you'. Now,do you follow?
[LEELA] Supposing I want two?
[LITEFOOT] Oh, no, no, no, no. One lump for ladies.
[LEELA] Then why do you ask me?
[DOCTOR] Come along, Leela.
[LEELA] Professor Litefoot has been explaining to me about tea.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[LEELA] It's very complicated.
[DOCTOR] No, it's not complicated at all. All you. Look, I haven't gottime to stand here discussing tea. Goodbye, Litefoot.
[LITEFOOT] Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It's been such fun. Henry.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Yes, the important thing is just warming the pot.
[LEELA [OC]] What pot?
[DOCTOR [OC]] The tea pot.
[LITEFOOT] What exactly is that contraption?
[JAGO] Well, it's his personal transport. Look, Police.
[LITEFOOT] Extraordinary.
[JAGO] No doubt Scotland Yard provided it for him.
[LITEFOOT] I don't believe it!
[JAGO] I've said it before and I'll say it again. Our policemen arewonderful.
[LITEFOOT] But it's impossible, Henry. Quite impossible.
[JAGO] Good trick, eh? I venture the great Li H'sen Chang himself wouldhave appreciated that.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s14", "episode": "e06", "title": "The Talons of Weng-Chiang"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (3 Sep, 1977; Fourth Doctor) - Horror of Fang Rock
(Lamp gallery)
[VINCE] Ere, Reuben. Come and look, quick.
[REUBEN] What is it, boy?
[VINCE] This light, shot across the sky. Went under the sea, it did, andthe sea was all glowing. Over there.
[REUBEN] Nothing there now.
[VINCE] Not now, maybe. I told you, it went under the sea.
[REUBEN] It could have been a, what do they call them, meteor.
[VINCE] Mmm. Weren't far off.
[BEN] Oh, sightseeing now, are we? Hoping to spot some of them bathingbelles on the beach, eh?
[REUBEN] Vince here's been seeing stars.
[VINCE] I saw a light. Clear across the sky it came and went under thesea.
[BEN] Shooting star, eh?
[VINCE] Weren't no shooting star. I've seen them before.
[REUBEN] Bring you luck, boy, that will. Bit of luck coming for you.
[VINCE] On this rock? Not till my three month is up.
[BEN] Well, whatever it was, it's gone now. So long as it isn't a hazardto navigation we don't have to bother with it.
[VINCE] It were all red and glowing.
[BEN] Aye, well, I've heard enough about now, lad. I'm off downstairsfor my supper. You just forget it.
(Crew room)
[REUBEN] The old days were simple enough. You justfilled her up, trimmed the wick, and that old lamp just went burningaway steady as you like.
[BEN] It wasn't only the lamp that burned sometimes though, was it. Whatabout all those fires they had, eh? Towers gutted, men killed.
[REUBEN] Well, carelessness, that was. That or drink. Oil's safe enoughif you treat her right.
[BEN] Now listen, Reuben. I've seen the inside of some of them oldlighthouses
[REUBEN] I served twenty year in one.
[BEN] Like the inside of a chimney, they was. Grease and sooteverywhere, floor covered with oil and bits of wick.
[REUBEN] Never, mate. Never.
[BEN] And as for the light. Oh dear oh me. You couldn't see it from theinside, never mind from the out. Great clouds of black smoke, soon asthey were lit.
[REUBEN] If your electricity's so good, why are they going back to oil?You tell me that.
[BEN] Ah, now that's an oil vapour system. That's a different thingaltogether. They're going back to that as they reckon as how that'scheaper, see.
[REUBEN] Course it's cheaper.
[REUBEN] Time they've paid out all that coal. Ahoy.
(Lamp room)
[VINCE] That you, Reuben? (listens) King Edward,eh? Well, your majesty, will you tell the principal keeper that there'sa fog coming up here like nobody's business.
(Crew room)
[REUBEN] Vince says there's a fog coming up.
[BEN] Fog? There weren't no sign of that earlier.
[REUBEN] He reckons it's a thick 'un, Ben.
[BEN] I'd best go and see for myself. After all, the boy's onlylearning.
(Lamp gallery)
[BEN] I never seen a fog come in like that afore.And thick!
[REUBEN] Worst thing for sailors that ever was.
[BEN] Do you feel that cold too?
[BEN] That come from Iceland, I reckon.
[VINCE] It's come from where I saw that thing fall.
[BEN] Oh, get along with you, boy. It's about time you got that sirenstarted.
[REUBEN] He might be right, Ben. It do seem unnatural.
[BEN] Not you, too? And I want a blast every two minutes, and I don'tmean ten.
[REUBEN] Another thing with oil, it gives a better light in fog.
[BEN] Oh, rubbish. Electricity's just as good, and a darn sight morereliable.
[REUBEN] Reliable?
(Outside the Tardis)
[LEELA] You said I would like Brighton. Well, I do not.
[DOCTOR] Does this look like Brighton?
[LEELA] I do not know.
[DOCTOR] It's not even Hove. It could be Worthing.
[LEELA] The machine has failed again?
[DOCTOR] Oh, not really, not failed. We're on the right planet, in theright time, roughly in the right general direction, assuming this isWorthing.
[LEELA] You cannot tell.
[DOCTOR] Because the localised condition of planetary atmosphericcondensation caused a malfunction in the visual orientation circuits.Or to put it another way, we got lost in the fog. Never mind. Easyenough to pop back in and try again. That's odd.
[LEELA] What is?
[DOCTOR] A lighthouse without a light.
(Lamp gallery)
[VINCE] Hey, good old Ben. Didn't take him long, did it.
[REUBEN] Working, not working, working again. You never know where youare with it, do you.
(Crew room)
[VINCE] I just came down for my heavy jersey. It's freezing up there.
[BEN] It's worse in the generator room, even with the boiler.
[VINCE] Well, you repaired her, anyway.
[BEN] No. Lights came on by 'emselves.
[VINCE] What, for no reason?
[BEN] It's got me flummoxed. There's something going on here tonight,something I don't understand.
(Fang rock)
[LEELA] Look, the light is shining in that tower.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good. We'll just knock on the door, get directions andwe'll be on our way.
[LEELA] What is that noise?
[DOCTOR] Foghorn.
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] I said it's a foghorn! It warns the ships off these rocks.Mightn't spot the light in this fog. You know what ships are. We sawsome on the Thames, remember?
[LEELA] I feel something wrong here.
(Lamp room)
[VINCE] Old Ben's worried.
[REUBEN] So he should be. His precious electricity.
[VINCE] Writing it all down in the log, he is. Says he can't understandit.
[REUBEN] Done it again, see?
[VINCE] He'll be spitting blood, won't he.
(Generator room)
[BEN] Argh!
(Lamp room)
[VINCE] Over two minutes.
[REUBEN] Reckon it's not coming on this time.
[VINCE] Make no difference, not in this weather. Have their bows rightonto Fang Rock afore they see our old lamp.
[REUBEN] Aye, this is a queer 'un. No cause for it.
[VINCE] It's cold air and warm air mixing, that's the cause.
[REUBEN] I've been thirty years in the service, Vince. One look at thesky and I know when fog's coming. Today was clear as clear.
[VINCE] Maybe I'd best go down and see if Ben needs a hand.
[REUBEN] You do that, boy. T'ain't natural.
(Generator room)
[DOCTOR] Keeper?
[DOCTOR] The generator's working. I wonder what's happening to thepower?
[LEELA] I'm not a teshnician.
[DOCTOR] It could be shorting out, I suppose.
[LEELA] And I suppose you are going to mend it?
[DOCTOR] What, without asking permission? I wouldn't dream of it. Let'stalk to the crew first. This way. Teshnician?
[DOCTOR] Anyone at home?
[VINCE] That you, Ben?
[DOCTOR] No, it isn't.
[VINCE] 'Ere, who are you, then?
[LEELA] I'm Leela.
[DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. How do you do. You seem to be having sometrouble here.
[VINCE] How'd you get here?
[LEELA] We came in the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] We're mislaid mariners. Our craft's parked on the other side ofthe island.
[VINCE] Oh. Oh, you got lost in the fog, did you?
[VINCE] Oh, you'd best come up to the crew room.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[VINCE] Where was you heading for?
[DOCTOR] Worthing.
[LEELA] Brighton.
(Crew room)
[VINCE] You did get lost, didn't you. I'll get yousome vittles soon as we're sorted out. You'll not want to go on in thisfog. Small craft, is she?
[DOCTOR] Well, small in some ways.
[LEELA] Yes, but big in others.
[DOCTOR] What's the trouble here?
[VINCE] The generator keeps playing up. Lights go off then they come onagain for no reason.
[DOCTOR] Tricky things, the early generators.
[VINCE] Oh, ours is the latest modern design, sir. Still, it's drivingBen wild.
[DOCTOR] Ben? Who's Ben?
[VINCE] He's the engineer.
[DOCTOR] Just the two of you, are there?
[VINCE] Three, sir. Old Reuben's up in the lamp room. Killing himself,he is. Fit to bust.
[LEELA] He's crippled?
[VINCE] No. Oh, I mean, no, he's one of the old-fashioned sort, you see.Never been really happy since they took out the oil. Hates electricity.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know the type. In the early days of oil, he'd have saidthere's nothing like a really large candle, eh?
[VINCE] Aye, that's Reuben right enough.
[DOCTOR] Where's Ben now?
[DOCTOR] Ben. Why isn't he working on the generator?
[VINCE] Well, he is, sir. You must have seen him.
[DOCTOR] No. No, I didn't.
[VINCE] Oh, he must have stepped out for a moment and you missed him inthe fog.
[LEELA] If he had been there, I would have heard.
[VINCE] I'd better go and look for him.
[DOCTOR] No, that's all right, that's all right. What's your name?
[VINCE] Vince, sir. Vince Hawkins.
[DOCTOR] I'll go, Mister Hawkins. I'm something of an engineer myself. Imight be able to help. You look after the young lady.
[VINCE] Right you are, sir.
[VINCE] This is quite a treat for me, miss.
[LEELA] Is it?
[VINCE] Oh, don't touch that, please, miss. Oh yes, it's a lonely up inthe lighthouse, you see. I go out sometimes and talk to the seals, youknow, just to get a change from Reuben and Ben.
[LEELA] Seals are animals?
[VINCE] Well, yes.
[LEELA] That is stupid. You should talk often with the old ones of thetribe. That is the only way to learn.
[VINCE] I'll get you a hot drink, miss.
[LEELA] I could do with some dry clothes more than a hot drink.
[VINCE] Oh, I'm afraid we don't have nothing suitable for a lady.
[LEELA] I'm no lady, Vince. The clothes you are wearing will be mostsuitable.
[VINCE] These are men's clothes, miss. Working clothes.
[VINCE] I'll, er, I'll find you something, miss. I'll go and findsomething.
(Generator room)
[DOCTOR] Ben? Ben! No Ben.
[DOCTOR] Curiouser and curiouser.
[VINCE] Well done, sir. You're an engineer and no mistake. Doctor, whereare you?
[DOCTOR] I'm over here.
[VINCE] Oh. Found the trouble, then?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I always find trouble.
[VINCE] Oh, Ben'll be pleased.
[DOCTOR] I doubt it.
[VINCE] Oh, he will, sir. He couldn't make head nor tail of what werewrong. I wonder where he's got to.
[DOCTOR] He's over there, dead. He's been dead some little time.
[VINCE] What? Ben. Oh, no!
[LEELA] What killed him?
[DOCTOR] As far as I can tell, a massive electric shock. He diedinstantly.
[VINCE] The generator? But he were always so careful.
[LEELA] It was very dark.
[VINCE] He had a lantern. Oh, I don't believe it.
[DOCTOR] Vince, you'd better go and tell old Reuben what's happened. Goon.
[VINCE] Right, sir.
[LEELA] You do not believe the machine killed him? Then what?
[DOCTOR] I thought there might have been something nasty in the coalhole. There's something nasty somewhere.
[LEELA] A sea creature?
[DOCTOR] What, that can open and shut doors and doesn't so much as leavea wet footprint, and has the ability to drain off electricity?
[LEELA] What is wrong?
[DOCTOR] That's Ben's lantern.
(Lamp room)
[REUBEN] Ben knew every blessed inch of that there machine. Don't makesense, boy.
[VINCE] That's what this Doctor says. Electric shock.
[REUBEN] Foreign, is he?
[VINCE] I don't think so. Though tis true the young lady speaks a bitstrange. Why?
[REUBEN] Could be spies.
[VINCE] Spies! What would spies want on Fang Rock?
[REUBEN] There's the Frogs, the Russkies, Germans too. Can't trust noneof them.
[VINCE] Oh, they ain't spies.
[REUBEN] All this started just about the time they got here. Don't youforget that.
[VINCE] You don't think, you ain't saying that they might have done forBen?
[REUBEN] I'm saying there's strange things afoot here tonight, and themtwo could be at the bottom of it. Reckon I'll just go and take a lookat 'em.
[VINCE] 'Ere, Reuben.
[VINCE] You'll have to send a message to the shore station. We'll want arelief boat to take Ben away.
[REUBEN] Aye, I'll see to it, boy, soon as it's light. Where is he?
[VINCE] Generator room. Oh, I know it don't sound respectful.
[REUBEN] That it don't.
[VINCE] It's only till the boat gets here.
[REUBEN] He won't rest easy, you know, boy.
[REUBEN] If Ben was killed by that damn blasted machine, there'll beanger in his soul. And when they die like that, they'll never resteasy.
(Crew room)
[DOCTOR] This is very interesting, Leela. It's called a Marconi WirelessTelegraph. You can send messages a long way with this.
[REUBEN] You leave that be, if you don't mind, mister.
[DOCTOR] Sorry. Shouldn't you be using it to report Ben's death?
[REUBEN] Wireless won't bring Ben back, will it.
[REUBEN] I'll use the semaphore in the morning.
[DOCTOR] You do know how to operate it?
[REUBEN] Course, we all does, but Ben
[DOCTOR] Was the expert.
[REUBEN] I'll use the semaphore tomorrow. Likely the police will bewanting to see you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, very likely.
[REUBEN] Do you mind?
[LEELA] What is it for?
[REUBEN] Shroud.
[LEELA] What is that?
[REUBEN] In England we have proper customs. It ain't fitting for a bodyjust to be left.
[DOCTOR] Reuben, do you think we had something to do with your friend'sdeath?
[REUBEN] I know what I know, and I know what I think.
[DOCTOR] Incontrovertible.
[REUBEN] And don't start talking your own lingo to each other, either. Iwon't have that.
[DOCTOR] What are you going to do, clap us in irons?
[REUBEN] I'm senior in this station now.
[DOCTOR] Reuben, we're only trying to help.
[REUBEN] Vince and me will manage, thank you, mister. I'll just go andtend to Ben.
[DOCTOR] Stubborn old mule.
[LEELA] Doctor, do you think this creature, whatever it is, will return?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[LEELA] Well, if it is out on the rocks, we must take weapons and huntit.
[DOCTOR] I don't fancy playing tag in the fog with something that can dothat. I think I'll go and have a word with Vince.
(Lamp room)
[DOCTOR] A fireball? A fireball?
[VINCE] Yes.
[DOCTOR] What time was that?
[VINCE] A couple of hours ago, just getting dusk. It went into the sea,over there.
[DOCTOR] How far away?
[VINCE] A mile or two, near as I could tell. Don't know how big it was,you see. And then the fog came down and it got cold all of a sudden.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I noticed the cold. You're a good lad, Vince.
[VINCE] Thank you, sir.
[DOCTOR] Of course, on Pharos they had slaves to keep the bonfiresgoing.
[VINCE] I suppose it's all different abroad. Didn't know they still hadslaves, though.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, and I'll tell you something else now. On Gallifrey
[VINCE] Gallifrey?
[DOCTOR] Yes, Galli.
[REUBEN] I'll take over here, boy. Time you got some supper.
[VINCE] Oh, I'm all right.
[REUBEN] Long night ahead of us. Expect you'll be tired, mister.
[DOCTOR] Oh no, not a bit of it. Don't mind me.
[REUBEN] I, er, stoked the boiler, and made Ben decent. Off you go, boy.
[VINCE] Is someone down there? Ben?
(Generator room)
[VINCE] Reuben! It's Ben! He's walking!
(Lamp room)
[REUBEN] What's that? Pull yourself together, boy.
(Generator room)
[VINCE] I tell you, he's not down here now. He'sgone! You said he would. You said he wouldn't rest
[LEELA] Did it come in here? What is the matter?
(Lamp room)
[REUBEN] Vince!
[DOCTOR] Reuben, there's a light out there.
[REUBEN] What?
[DOCTOR] There's a light out there.
(Generator room)
[LEELA] The dead do not walk. That is not possible.
[VINCE] Well all I know is I heard a dragging sort of noise and when Icame down here, he'd gone.
[LEELA] Well, there was something out on the rocks just now.
[VINCE] Hello? Right. It's Reuben. He says there's a ship off the rocks.She's going to strike.
(Lamp gallery)
[REUBEN] You'm right. Steam yacht, by the look of it.
[DOCTOR] And going fast.
[REUBEN] He's a fool to be going at all on a night like this.
(Lamp room)
[REUBEN] Warning devices, Vince.
[VINCE] I got 'em.
[REUBEN] Take over the siren. She'll strike any minute.
[WOMAN] Help! Please, somebody, help me!
[MAN] Steer the boat!
(Lamp gallery)
[REUBEN] It's too late. They're too close to altercourse. She's going to strike!
(Lamp gallery)
[REUBEN] Too late, she's struck.
[LEELA] They will all die, then.
[REUBEN] If there's any survivors, we'll find them on the east crag.
(Lamp room)
[REUBEN] Keep that siren going, mister. Hey, Vince!Bring that
[DOCTOR] (to Leela) Keep that siren going.
(Generator room)
[REUBEN] Bring that rope, mister.
[REUBEN [OC]] Bring that rope!
(Fang Rock)
[REUBEN] Ahoy!
[VINCE] She's on again now.
[REUBEN] Damned electricity. Wouldn't happen with oil. Ahoy!
[DOCTOR] No, I don't suppose it would. It seems to need electricity.
(Crew room)
[PALMERDALE] Why did it take you so long? We were nearly killed on thoserocks!
[VINCE] You'll be all right, sir. Come over to the stove and dryyourself out.
[REUBEN] We was going to throw. No cause for jumping like that.
[SKINSALE] Oh, his Lordship was anxious to get ashore.
[REUBEN] See to the young lady, Vince.
[PALMERDALE] Oh, get me a brandy.
[VINCE] Here, ma'am, let me help you.
[ADELAIDE] Thank you.
[REUBEN] Well, get her a blanket, boy.
[ADELAIDE] Oh no, I'm all right, really.
[PALMERDALE] Well I ain't. I'm soaked to the skin.
[SKINSALE] Ah, but sea water's healthy, Henry.
[PALMERDALE] I need a drink. Catch my death like this. Get me a brandy,young fella.
[VINCE] You don't need no brandy, sir. Hot soup's the ticket for you.
[PALMERDALE] Don't tell me what I need. Dammit, hasn't anyone a flaskround here?
[REUBEN] You see to them, Vince. I'd better get up to that lamp.
[VINCE] Here, ma'am. Come over to the stove and get warm. Excuse me,sir.
[ADELAIDE] Thank you. What's your name?
[VINCE] Hawkins. Vince Hawkins.
[ADELAIDE] Thank you, Hawkins.
(Lamp gallery)
[DOCTOR] What was it like?
[LEELA] I could not see clearly. It shone like, like a fungus in theforest.
[DOCTOR] Luminous. Do you think you could show me the spot?
[LEELA] Yes. Yes, I think so. Don't tell the others. We don't want tostart a panic.
[REUBEN] What do you reckon be going on, mister?
[DOCTOR] When I find out, I'll let you know.
[REUBEN] I wouldn't try to find out. Tain't wise.
[LEELA] What do you mean?
[REUBEN] Reckon I know what you've seen. They always said the Beast ofFang Rock would be back.
[DOCTOR] The Beast of Fang Rock.
(Crew room)
[PALMERDALE] Look, I need some dry clothes and I need them now.
[VINCE] All in good time, sir. Just give the young lady some soup thenI'll attend to you.
[PALMERDALE] I'll catch my death of cold standing around like this.
[SKINSALE] You shouldn't be so impulsive, Henry.
[PALMERDALE] When I want your opinion, I'll ask for it. What aboutbrandy? Well, surely in the medical supplies you keep brandy.
[VINCE] No liquor allowed in a lighthouse, sir. Against regulations.
[PALMERDALE] Oh, to hell with the regulations!
[DOCTOR] Where's Harker, your coxswain?
[PALMERDALE] He stayed behind to secure the boat.
[DOCTOR] I'll wait.
[SKINSALE] He'll, er, he'll be up directly.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[SKINSALE] It was his seamanship got us ashore.
[DOCTOR] And whose seamanship was it got you on the rocks?
[PALMERDALE] Are you in charge here?
[DOCTOR] No, but I'm full of ideas.
[VINCE] Beg pardon, sir. Time I stoked the boiler.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course, Vince. Off you go. Leela?
[LEELA] Yes?
[DOCTOR] You'd better go with him.
[LEELA] Yes, Doctor.
[ADELAIDE] So, you're a doctor?
[ADELAIDE] And you send women to stoke boilers?
[DOCTOR] One of the keepers was electrocuted earlier this evening, andsince then Vince doesn't like going down there.
[SKINSALE] Yes, disturbing thing for a young fellow, first sight ofdeath. I remember in India
[PALMERDALE] Not one of your army stories, Jimmy. They're even moreboring than your House of Commons anecdotes.
[DOCTOR] Just a moment! We haven't been introduced.
[SKINSALE] Oh. Well, this is Miss Lessedge, Lord Parmerdale's secretary.The wet gentleman is Lord Palmerdale, the financier. I'm Skinsale, themember for Thurley, Doctor er.
[DOCTOR] Where were you heading?
[DOCTOR] When your yacht struck?
[PALMERDALE] Southampton. I've a special train waiting to take me toLondon, and I must be there before the 'Change opens.
[ADELAIDE] If only we'd stayed in Deauville none of this would havehappened.
[PALMERDALE] We had a little flutter at the casino, though in Jimmy'scase it was more of a plunge, what?
[SKINSALE] Oh, I don't know. You lost your yacht.
[DOCTOR] What about the rest of the crew? Were any other boats launched?
[SKINSALE] We didn't wait to see. His Lordship was in rather a hurry toleave the sinking ship.
[PALMERDALE] It's imperative that I reach London before the marketopens.
[SKINSALE] Oh, is that the reason
[DOCTOR] Ah, you want to get to London?
[DOCTOR] You've no chance in this fog.
[SKINSALE] (laughs) The wheel of fortune, eh, Henry?
[SKINSALE] Perhaps you didn't win all you thought at the casino.
(Generator room)
[LEELA] Listen.
[VINCE] What? I don't hear nothing, miss.
[LEELA] There! Something's being dragged over the rocks.
[VINCE] Ben. He'll be coming back, coming back for us.
[LEELA] Go up and tell the Doctor to come down, and do not let theothers know. Go and get the Doctor. Do not tell the others. Here, giveme that instrument. Go!
[LEELA] Do not move!
[HARKER] What?
[LEELA] I said, do not move.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, Leela, he's a friend, aren't you, Harker.
[HARKER] Yes, sir. Oh, poor wretch.
[LEELA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's all that's left of Ben. Where did you find him, Harker?
[HARKER] In the sea, sir. Came floating in as I was tying up. What thesea can do to a man.
[DOCTOR] It wasn't the sea that did that.
[HARKER] What, sir?
[DOCTOR] There's some hot soup in the crew room, Harker.
[HARKER] Right.
[DOCTOR] The others are already there.
[DOCTOR] Quick, get that door closed.
[LEELA] Do you think the beast ate him?
[DOCTOR] What beast?
[LEELA] The Beast of Fang Rock.
[DOCTOR] There's no such animal.
[LEELA] But Reuben said there was.
[DOCTOR] Leela, the people round here have been fisher folk forgenerations. They're almost as primitive and as superstition-ridden asyour lot are.
[LEELA] So how do you explain the body?
[DOCTOR] Post-mortem.
[LEELA] What is that?
[DOCTOR] Something wants to make a detailed study of human anatomy.
[VINCE [OC]] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Quick, get it out.
[VINCE] You there, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm here, Vince.
[VINCE] You found out what that noise was?
[LEELA] Yes, it was only Harker. He was carrying Ben's body.
[VINCE] So it's true. He was walking.
[LEELA] Oh, do not be stupid, Vince. I told you before, the dead do notwalk.
[VINCE] He must have been to have got out there in the first place.
[LEELA] I don't know how he got outside, but he did not walk!
(Crew room)
[PALMERDALE] You secured the boat safely?
[PALMERDALE] Good. When you've rested, we'll make for the mainland.
[SKINSALE] Are you mad?
[PALMERDALE] I've made up my mind. It's the only way.
[SKINSALE] It's out of the question, Henry. Good Lord, in this fog?
[PALMERDALE] It can be no more than five or six miles. A seaman likeHarker would have no trouble.
[SKINSALE] Reason with him, Adelaide. Make him see sense.
[PALMERDALE] You can stay here or do as you wish, but my mind is quiteset.
[HARKER] So is mine. I'm not taking a boat out in this.
[PALMERDALE] What's that?
[HARKER] Not after what I've seen tonight, and that's flat.
[PALMERDALE] Damn your insolence! You're an employee. You'll do asyou're told.
[HARKER] Will I?
[SKINSALE] Hang him from the yardarm, Henry. It's mutiny.
(Generator room)
[VINCE] You said he was dead. How did he get in thesea?
[DOCTOR] Obviously I was wrong. The shock simply stunned him, he partlyrecovered, staggered out onto the rocks, fell into the sea and wasdrowned. You get on about your work, Vince. There's nothingsupernatural going on round here.
[VINCE] Well, I saw him. He weren't breathing, that I swear.
[DOCTOR] Electricity has strange effects, Vince.
[VINCE] Oh. Electricity.
[VINCE] I'm sorry, sir. I reckon I made a bit of a fool of myself justnow.
[DOCTOR] That's all right, Vince.
[LEELA] Why did you not tell him the truth?
[DOCTOR] Because I don't know what the truth is, yet.
(Crew room)
[PALMERDALE] As I see it, the accident was entirelydue to the inefficiency of the lighthouse service.
[SKINSALE] My dear fellow
[PALMERDALE] So they have the responsibility of seeing I reach themainland.
[SKINSALE] That argument won't wash, Henry. You can't possibly blame thelighthouse people.
[ADELAIDE] His Lordship is right. If the light had been working
[SKINSALE] We would still have hit the rocks at the speed we weretravelling.
[HARKER] You're right there, sir. We should have been going dead slow inthem conditions. Weren't Captain's fault, neither.
[PALMERDALE] That's enough, Harker. The fact remains that the light wasnot working. Oh, there'll be an enquiry, I assure you.
[DOCTOR] The inquiry's already begun. Move over.
[SKINSALE] What inquiry? What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] Just you stay here, all of you. Harker, you try and get somerest.
[SKINSALE] He speaks with an amazing air of authority. I wonder who thedevil he is?
[PALMERDALE] If you ask me, I don't think he's quite (taps his head)Those eyes.
[ADELAIDE] The girl is very strange, too.
[SKINSALE] I don't know about strange, but she's not a bad looker.
[ADELAIDE] Perfectly grotesque, in my view. Were you a long time inIndia, Colonel?
[SKINSALE] Long enough, my dear, to learn to appreciate nature.
[ADELAIDE] Lord Palmerdale, as we seem compelled to spend the night inthis frightful place, do you think there's a private room where I mightsleep?
[PALMERDALE] How should I know? Fat chance I have of sleeping tonightwith a fortune slipping through my fingers.
[SKINSALE] Well, if this contraption works, I'll see what theproprietors have to say.
(Lamp room)
[REUBEN] Ahoy there. What is it? (listens) There's bunks in the sleepingquarters. She's welcome to any of them.
[REUBEN] Trouble with the gentry, they always want running after.
[VINCE] Here, Reuben.
[REUBEN] What?
[VINCE] Someone down there. Look. See them lights?
[REUBEN] I reckon it's that Doctor and his girl.
[VINCE] No call for them to be out there.
[REUBEN] Can't say I didn't warn 'em. I told them.
[VINCE] What about?
[REUBEN] The Beast.
[VINCE] Oh, that old tale.
[REUBEN] More than a tale, boy. That girl saw it tonight. I heard hertelling the Doctor. Shining, she said it was, just like they reckon.
[VINCE] She couldn't have seen it.
[REUBEN] Last time that beast was seen on Fang Rock, eighty year agonow, two men died that very same night.
(Fang Rock)
[LEELA] Somewhere around here.
[DOCTOR] What? A strong electrical field. Strong enough to kill a man oncontact. Interesting. Probably explains the phosphorescent glow. Andfish at a distance of several yards.
[LEELA] What? What do you think it is, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I don't know what it is, Leela. I think it's desperate and Ithink it's cunning, and I think it's time we were getting back.
(Crew room)
[SKINSALE] Well, I think Adelaide should settle now.
[PALMERDALE] Oh, splendid. That's the main thing, isn't it, that mysecretary should sleep.
[SKINSALE] You'd do well to get some yourself.
[PALMERDALE] Here, in this hovel?
[SKINSALE] It's quite a snug little bivouac. I've slept in worse placesthan this in the army.
[PALMERDALE] Ah, but that was before you resigned and went intopolitics. Acquired a taste for high living then, didn't you.
[SKINSALE] What, feeling a little frustrated, old chap, are you?
[PALMERDALE] Why the hell shouldn't I when I've been cheated like this?
[SKINSALE] I kept my side of the bargain. I gave you the information youwanted. I was a fool and a scoundrel, but I did it, and you tore up myIOUs.
[PALMERDALE] What use is your blasted information if I can do nothingwith it?
[SKINSALE] Quite. Rather amusing, isn't it?
[PALMERDALE] I could still expose you.
[SKINSALE] Yes, but if the information's never used, where's the proof Iever gave it? And you're forgetting something else.
[SKINSALE] I'm an officer and a gentleman, Henry. You're a nobody, ajumped-up little money-grabber for all your title. Besmirch my goodname and I'll sue you for every penny you've got. So goodnight to you.
(Generator room)
[LEELA] Do you thing the creature will come back?
[DOCTOR] I do. I think he was taking Ben's body away for examinationwhen you saw it.
[LEELA] Into the sea?
[DOCTOR] Under the sea. Earlier tonight Vince saw what he called afireball fall into the sea not far away.
[LEELA] Another Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Not another Tardis. A spaceship, perhaps. Yes, an aliencreature which has never before encountered human beings might justbehave that way.
[LEELA] But why come here? There's nothing on this foggy rock.
[DOCTOR] There's electricity. Perhaps that's what attracted it.
[LEELA] An alien creature
[LEELA] Travelling through space
[LEELA] And yet desperate, you said. Why?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Just a minute. It's behaviour pattern is furtive.
[LEELA] What is furtive?
[DOCTOR] That means it keeps out of sight while it spies out the land,hoping to mount a successful attack.
[LEELA] Then we are not facing an enemy that is bold.
[DOCTOR] No, but cunning. I don't think this fog's a freak of theweather.
[LEELA] What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] I think it's been contrived to isolate us. That creature, orwhatever it is, will be getting bolder by now. It's seen this primitivetechnology, it's had time to calculate the physical strength of itsenemies. I think we're in terrible trouble.
[LEELA] Do not be afraid, Doctor. If what you say is true, we must armourselves and post guards.
[DOCTOR] What about the others? They'll think we're mad if we starttalking about creatures from outer space.
[LEELA] But we're from space. We're not of this Earth.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Don't tell them that, whatever you do. What do you mean,do not be afraid.
(Crew room)
[PALMERDALE] (sotto) Wake up, man. Wake up.
[HARKER] What?
[PALMERDALE] (sotto) Will you wake up?
[HARKER] What is it? What do you want?
[PALMERDALE] (sotto) Can you use a Morse apparatus?
[HARKER] Of course I can. Can I what?
[PALMERDALE] (sotto) Use a Morse telegraphic apparatus like that oneover there.
[HARKER] Of course I can.
[PALMERDALE] (sotto) Good. Now, I want you to send a coded message forme. It's to be passed on to my brokers in London.
[HARKER] Send a message? What for?
[PALMERDALE] (sotto) That's none of your business. Just do as I tellyou. It's a business matter. There's a great deal of money involved.
[HARKER] Money?
[PALMERDALE] (sotto) Oh, don't worry, you'll be handsomely rewarded. Ihad urgent reasons for getting back to London. Vital business affairs.This will have to do instead.
[HARKER] I remember. You was mad to get back to England.
[HARKER] I remember on the bridge, when the fog was coming down, Captainbegging for permission to slow down, you telling him full ahead anddamn the consequences. He should have slowed her, ignored you anyway.
[PALMERDALE] It was his duty to obey my orders.
[HARKER] He was old and weak. He was scared he'd never get another ship.
[PALMERDALE] Do as I tell you and you'll be well paid.
[HARKER] And when she struck it was get the owner away and the owner'sfancy woman and the owner's fine friend. Never mind the poor sailors.
[PALMERDALE] I'll have no more of this. There's no time.
[HARKER] They're dead because of you.
[PALMERDALE] Harker, get off!
[SKINSALE] Don't be such a damn fool, man. Harker!
[DOCTOR] Let go, Harker!
[HARKER] There are good seamen dead because of you! You deserve to die.
[DOCTOR] Come on, sit down. Sit down. All that can wait. Gentlemen, I'vegot news for you. This lighthouse is under attack, and by morning wemight all be dead. Anyone interested?
(Lamp room)
[REUBEN] Time that boiler was stoked, boy.
[VINCE] 'Ere, Reuben. You don't really think what happened before, backin the twenties, you don't really think it's happening again, do you?
[REUBEN] There's three of us, there were three of them. Two dead and onemad, and Ben's dead, isn't he? Boiler, boy. Hey, you're shaking toomuch to lift a shovel. You stay here, boy. I'll do it.
[VINCE] If you're sure. I'll do it if you like.
(Crew room)
[DOCTOR] Understand this. No one, but no one, is toleave this lighthouse for any reason. Is that clear?
[PALMERDALE] No, it's not clear. Mysterious mumbo-jumbo. Just what isthis threat that's supposed to be lurking outside?
[REUBEN] You've seen it, then. The Beast's back.
[SKINSALE] What beast?
[REUBEN] There's always death on this rock when the Beast's about.
[PALMERDALE] Preposterous rubbish. What is the fool saying?
[REUBEN] I'm saying it's happened before, it'll happen again.
[PALMERDALE] Superstitious idiot. If we're expected to take notice ofsome fisherman's tale
[LEELA] Silence! You will do as the Doctor instructs, or I will cut outyour heart.
[DOCTOR] You heard what she said.
[LEELA] Doctor, it's getting cold again.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure?
[LEELA] Yes. Last time it came like this, like a cold wave.
[DOCTOR] I believe you're right.
[SKINSALE] I don't feel anything.
[DOCTOR] Leela's senses are particularly acute, and if she says it'sgetting colder, it's getting colder!
[ADELAIDE] What's going on?
[SKINSALE] Nothing for you to worry about, Adelaide.
[ADELAIDE] I don't understand. Lord Palmerdale, what is happening?
[PALMERDALE] Nothing, my dear. Absolutely nothing is happening here.
[SKINSALE] What the devil is that?
(Generator room)
[DOCTOR] Reuben?
[LEELA] It must have taken Reuben, like the other.
[DOCTOR] Don't talk to any strangers.
(Crew room)
[ADELAIDE] But what was that ghastly scream?
[PALMERDALE] Oh, control yourself.
[SKINSALE] Come along, there's no cause for alarm.
[ADELAIDE] Something terrible has happened, I know it. It was in mystars. I should have listened to Miss Nethercott.
[SKINSALE] Oh, come now. That's absolute nonsense. You're overwrought.Come along now, pull yourself together. You'll be all right.
[PALMERDALE] Harker! Where are you going?
[HARKER [OC]] Below.
[PALMERDALE] Insubordinate ruffian. If there is something on this rock,we should stick together.
[SKINSALE] What, on the principle that it may satisfy its appetitebefore it reaches you, eh?
[ADELAIDE] Oh, stop it!
[PALMERDALE] Fool. Now look what you've done.
(Generator room)
[HARKER] Doctor? Where are you?
[HARKER] Hello? Doctor, are you there? Doctor?
[HARKER] Reuben? Is something wrong? Reuben?
[REUBEN] Leave me be.
[HARKER] Are you all right, man?
[HARKER] Doctor? Ahoy there!
(Crew room)
[SKINSALE] There, they've repaired the lights. It'sall right. There's nothing to worry about.
[PALMERDALE] There's someone outside.
[ADELAIDE] Oh, Colonel, please
[SKINSALE] Hello? Doctor? Harker? Oh. It's all right. It's just the oldchap.
[SKINSALE] The keeper.
[PALMERDALE] What was that cry? Did he say?
[SKINSALE] He went straight on up. Looked done in, I thought. Adelaide,you ought to lie down.
[ADELAIDE] Up in that room? Alone? Have you taken leave of your senses?
(Generator room)
[DOCTOR] Well, there's nothing out there now. Were you calling?
[HARKER] Yes, sir.
[DOCTOR] Get that door shut. Do you know what I think?
[LEELA] That the creature killed Reuben.
[DOCTOR] Probably, probably.
[HARKER] Reuben's all right, miss.
[DOCTOR] This electrical
[LEELA] What did you say?
[HARKER] I said Reuben's all right. I've just seen him.
[LEELA] Are you certain?
[DOCTOR] Got it! U by Q over R.
[LEELA] Doctor, did you hear that?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[LEELA] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Thinking.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's certainly been here. You see, in the spacesurrounding an electrically charged body there occurs an electricpotential which is proportional to the charge Q, and inverselyproportional to the distance R from the centre. Where is he?
[HARKER] What?
[LEELA] Who?
[DOCTOR] Reuben. I thought you said you'd seen him.
[HARKER] Er, yes, sir, going up stairs, looking as if he'd seen a ghost.
[DOCTOR] Then why didn't you tell me?
[HARKER] I told miss, sir.
[DOCTOR] Why am I standing here wasting my time trying to work out itssize?
[HARKER] I don't know, sir.
[DOCTOR] If Reuben's seen it, he can tell us.
[LEELA] That is what I thought, but of course I am only a savage.
[DOCTOR] Come on, savage. Harker?
[DOCTOR] Try and find some way to secure that door, hmm?
[HARKER] Yes, sir.
(Crew room)
[PALMERDALE] I don't suppose in your service in theEngineers they taught you anything useful, like how to operate one ofthese gadgets, Jimmy?
[SKINSALE] Do you suppose if they did, I'd send a message for you?
[PALMERDALE] We could make a killing, old boy. I'd split the profit.
[SKINSALE] I'd be ruined, and you know it. You seem to think thatmoney's the only thing
[DOCTOR] Where's Reuben?
[SKINSALE] Well, he was out there a short while ago. Looked a bitgroggy, I thought.
[DOCTOR] Groggy?
[ADELAIDE] Doctor, what was that terrible cry?
[DOCTOR] Thank you very much. Come on, Leela.
[ADELAIDE] Well, really. His manners are quite insufferable.
[SKINSALE] Things on his mind, by the look of him, eh, Henry?
[PALMERDALE] We all have.
[ADELAIDE] As for the girl, I think she's tied to him by a piece ofstring.
[SKINSALE] Where do you suppose his Lordship's gone?
[ADELAIDE] Is it important? None of us can leave this dreadful place.
[SKINSALE] Some men make me nervous when I'm with them. Salisbury, BonarLaw. With your employer, it's the opposite effect. I get nervous whenhe's out of my sight.
[ADELAIDE] Oh, Colonel, you're not leaving me all alone.
[SKINSALE] It's all right. Back in a tick.
[DOCTOR] Reuben? Reuben, are you in there?
(Bunk room)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Can you hear me?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Reuben, open the door. I want to talk to you.
[DOCTOR] Solid oak.
[LEELA] Why does he not answer?
[DOCTOR] Because he's not listening.
[LEELA] Not listening?
[DOCTOR] Shock can close the mind, Leela. He could be like that forhours. Days, even.
[LEELA] Days? What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Someone's got to keep this place running. Go and tell Harker tostay where he is and keep the boiler pressure up.
[LEELA] Keep the boiler pressure up. Keep the boiler pressure up. Keepthe
(Lamp room)
[PALMERDALE] So, it's a lonely life you chaps leadhere, eh?
[VINCE] You get used to it, sir.
[PALMERDALE] I suppose they don't pay you too well, either.
[VINCE] Oh, it's not so bad. You get your keep and it's steady work.
[PALMERDALE] Still, you'd not be averse to earning a little extra, sayfifty pounds?
[VINCE] Fifty pounds!
[PALMERDALE] I have to get a message to London rather urgently. I assumeyou know how to use that equipment downstairs?
[VINCE] Yes, sir, but it's the official telegraph.
[PALMERDALE] Look, when I say fifty pounds, I mean fifty pounds now.It's all I happen to be carrying. There'll be as much again for youwhen I get back to London.
[VINCE] A hundred pound! That be a fortune. I don't want to get mixed upin nothing wrong.
[PALMERDALE] Look, I'm a businessman. How could there be anything wrong?
[PALMERDALE] Here's the message. I've written it in code.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Vince?
[PALMERDALE] Don't worry, nothing's wrong.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Vince!
[VINCE] Yes, sir?
[PALMERDALE] (sotto) Remember, say nothing.
[DOCTOR] You all right?
[VINCE] Yes, I'm fine.
[DOCTOR] Good. I want to talk to you, Vince.
(Generator room)
[HARKER] There. That ought to do the trick, eh,miss?
[LEELA] Solid oak.
[HARKER] Hickory, more likely, miss.
[LEELA] Oh, Harker, I have a message from the Doctor. He said Reubenwill not answer, so you must stay here and keep the boy pressure up.
[HARKER] Er, boiler pressure, miss?
[LEELA] That is what I said.
[HARKER] Right you are, miss.
(Lamp room)
[VINCE] What do you reckon Reuben saw, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, Vince, but I think we'll find out by sunrise.
[VINCE] Well, if it's the Beast come back, well, last time they foundtwo of the keepers dead and t'other mad with fear. Well, Ben's dead,in't he? Reuben's mad. There's only me left now.
[DOCTOR] That's superstitious nonsense, Vince.
[VINCE] Is it? Look what happened to Ben!
[DOCTOR] There are eight of us here. If it attacks again, we'll be readyand waiting. All the advantage is with us. Eight to one.
(Crew room)
[ADELAIDE] You've no right to say such things,Colonel. Lord Palmerdale has always been the kindest and mostconsiderate of employers.
[SKINSALE] Oh, to you, no doubt, though my experience of him has beensomewhat different.
[ADELAIDE] You have enjoyed his friendship. Indeed, more than just hisfriendship. He's been most generous to you as I now know.
[SKINSALE] A sprat to catch a mackerel.
[ADELAIDE] What is that supposed to mean?
[SKINSALE] He intends to make far more money out of me than I've everhad from him.
[ADELAIDE] Oh, nonsense.
[SKINSALE] Oh, it's true.
[ADELAIDE] Lord Palmerdale is already a millionaire. How could youpossibly bring him further financial advantage?
[SKINSALE] Because your precious employer is a crook and a skunk, mydear, with no scruples about destroying my honour.
[ADELAIDE] How dare you! I refuse to listen to another word.Furthermore, I shall find his Lordship and tell him just what aperfidious so-called friend you are!
[SKINSALE] I thought you might.
[LEELA] Reuben? Reuben, hear me. If you do not unlock this door now, Ishall smash it down. Do you understand?
(Bunk room)
[LEELA [OC]] Reuben!
(Lamp room)
[DOCTOR] So then, Harker keeps the boiler stoked,and you stay on the siren.
[VINCE] All right, Doctor, if you think that's best.
[DOCTOR] I do.
[VINCE] You sure it'd be no good me having a word with Reuben?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. You stay here, Vince. Do what you've got to do.
[DOCTOR] Stay here, Vince.
[LEELA] Come out, old one!
[LEELA] You do not want the old one?
[DOCTOR] He'll come out when he's ready.
[ADELAIDE] Is his Lordship up here?
[DOCTOR] No. There's no one in the lamp room except the keeper. Go backto the crew room.
[ADELAIDE] I must find him.
[DOCTOR] Get back to the crew room!
[DOCTOR] The Malicious Damage Act 1861 covers lighthouses.
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] Nothing.
(Lamp gallery)
[VINCE] He's gone, sir. Your Lordship?
[DOCTOR] Leela, get Harker up here, then try andfind Palmerdale.
[LEELA] The cowardly one?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Yes.
(Crew room)
[ADELAIDE] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[SKINSALE] What's all this about, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Survival, Colonel.
[SKINSALE] Survival?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yours, mine, all of us.
[SKINSALE] Oh, this mysterious beast that eats lighthouse keepers.
[DOCTOR] Do you find that difficult to accept, Colonel?
[SKINSALE] Oh come, Doctor, I'm a man of intelligence, of education.
[DOCTOR] Quite so, quite so, and I don't believe in mythical seacreatures either.
[ADELAIDE] Then why do you suggest that we're in danger?
[DOCTOR] Because somewhere out there is a hostile alien from a distantplanet, and I believe it intends to destroy us.
[SKINSALE] A hostile alien from a distant planet?
[ADELAIDE] You call yourself a doctor? That's the most insane suggestionI've heard in my life.
[LEELA] Doctor, I cannot find the cowardly one.
[DOCTOR] I've never been more serious, Colonel. We are facing an enemyof greater power than you can dream of.
[SKINSALE] I do appreciate the scientific romanticism of Mister Wells,Doctor, but
[DOCTOR] Herbert may have a few unimportant facts wrong, but his basicsupposition is sound enough.
[HARKER] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] You think your little speck in the galaxy's the only one withintelligent life, hmm? Yes? (listens) How very interesting.
[ADELAIDE] What's interesting?
[DOCTOR] That was Vince.
[ADELAIDE] What's happened?
[DOCTOR] He says he thinks Lord Palmerdale's fallen from the lampgallery.
[SKINSALE] Fallen? But the railing. You can't, well, he can't havefallen.
[DOCTOR] I agree. The question is, do we go out and see?
[SKINSALE] Well, of course! I mean (pause) You really believe in thisthing, don't you.
[DOCTOR] I do. Leela, stay here. Come on.
[ADELAIDE] I told him we shouldn't have come, but he wouldn't listen. Helaughed when I said Miss Nethercott had seen tragedy in my stars.
[LEELA] In your stars?
[ADELAIDE] If only we'd stayed in Deauville. I knew something ghastlywould happen. Her predictions are never wrong.
[LEELA] I understand. She is your shaman.
[ADELAIDE] What? No, Miss Nethercott is an astrologer. The finest. Iconsult her every month.
[LEELA] A waste of time. I too used to believe in magic, but the Doctorhas taught me about science. It is better to believe in science.
(Generator room)
[DOCTOR] Harker, secure the door. Come with me, Skinsale.
(Crew room)
[LEELA] Shush.
[ADELAIDE] Oh, no!
[LEELA] Quiet! Has she never seen death before?
[ADELAIDE] I can't bear it!
[SKINSALE] Adelaide, come along. You must be brave. Adelaide.
[ADELAIDE] Take your hands off me! You did it! You killed him!
[SKINSALE] Me? Oh, don't be so ridiculous.
[ADELAIDE] You went out after him, you followed him and then you pushedhim.
[SKINSALE] I was never in the lamp room.
[ADELAIDE] Then where were you!
[SKINSALE] True, I followed him, but only to find out what he was up to.
[ADELAIDE] You did it, I know you did it.
[LEELA] Enough!
[DOCTOR] And what was he up to?
[SKINSALE] He was trying to bribe that young keeper to telegraph amessage to his brokers.
[DOCTOR] Ah. And so you came down here and wrecked the telegraph.
[SKINSALE] It was the only way I could think of stopping him. I'd havebeen dishonoured, ruined.
[DOCTOR] Of course. So to protect your honour, you've put all our livesin danger.
[ADELAIDE] You mean we've no way of contacting the mainland now?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no. We're on our own now.
(Generator room)
[HARKER] Hello, shipmate.
[HARKER] How are you feeling now?
(Crew room)
[SKINSALE] I did not harm him, Adelaide. I swearit.
[ADELAIDE] Then who did?
[SKINSALE] I don't know. Harker, perhaps.
[ADELAIDE] Harker?
[SKINSALE] Why not? He attacked Henry earlier, blamed him for wreckingthe ship.
[ADELAIDE] That's absurd.
[SKINSALE] It's no more absurd than thinking that I might have
[DOCTOR] Murdered him? I wish you had.
[ADELAIDE] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, if you had murdered Palmerdale, everything would havebeen so much simpler. Unfortunately, he was dead before he hit theground.
[DOCTOR] Electrocuted. He was killed by a massive electric shock, inexactly the same way the keeper was.
[SKINSALE] In the lamp gallery? That's not possible. That would meanthat this creature can climb sheer walls.
[DOCTOR] Oh, not only can it climb sheer walls, it's amphibious, it hassome affinity with electricity and the technological ability to adaptits environment to optimum thermal levels. Are you following me?
[DOCTOR] It likes the cold.
[DOCTOR] Not enough data to place the species.
[LEELA] Yes?
[DOCTOR] But heat might be a method of defence.
[LEELA] That was Vince. He said the boiler pressure has fallen, and thesiren will not sound.
[DOCTOR] Harker.
(Generator room)
[ADELAIDE] Oh, no!
[DOCTOR] Get her out of here!
[LEELA] Like the others?
(Coal bunker)
[DOCTOR] Rigor mortis.
[LEELA] What is that?
[DOCTOR] He's been dead for hours.
[LEELA] But that is not possible. He was in his room.
[DOCTOR] Not Reuben.
[LEELA] But he was! I saw him.
[DOCTOR] The chameleon factor, sometimes called lycanthropy. Leela, I'vemade a terrible mistake. I thought I'd locked the enemy out. Instead,I've locked it in, with us.
(Lamp room)
[VINCE] Reuben! You all right now? You shouldn't have come up here. I'llhang on till morning. You go and get some sleep.
[VINCE] No, no.
(Generator room)
[LEELA] This alien must have great power to change its shape at will.
[DOCTOR] It has. But it needed to study the human life pattern first.
[LEELA] That is why it took the engineer.
[DOCTOR] Organic restructuring is elementary physiology for Time Lords.
[LEELA] Then there is nothing we can do.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] Well, if this creature is a Time Lord
[DOCTOR] No, not a Time Lord. Elementary physiology for us is somethingthat lesser species might master after a few thousand centuries.
[LEELA] Oh. Then we have nothing to worry about.
[DOCTOR] We don't?
[LEELA] No. You will easily dispose of this primitive creature, Doctor.You are a Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but it took Reuben's form for a reason.
[LEELA] To kill us stealthily, one by one. Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[LEELA] Suppose we pretend that we still think Reuben is Reuben, and notthe alien, then we can get close enough to it and kill it.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. We can't. If we got within touching distance ofit, we're dead. It packs too many volts.
[LEELA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's some kind of power relay.
[LEELA] Does it belong to the alien?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Rule one after surviving a crash landing, set updistress beacon. To do that it would have needed a power source. That'swhy it came here. There must be a signal modulator somewhere,transmitting. To whom? To it's own kind. Leela, get the survivinghumans to the lamp room.
[LEELA] To the lamp room.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's the easiest place to defend.
[LEELA] Oh, but Doctor, where shall we look for this mognal sigulator?
[DOCTOR] I'll do the looking. Hurry, there isn't much time.
(Crew room)
[ADELAIDE] Do keep still! It's like some terrible dream.
[SKINSALE] Pity it's not a dream. We'd stand a chance of waking up.
[SKINSALE] Is Harker dead?
[LEELA] Yes. Like the others. The creature has got into the lighthouse.Now we must fight for our lives.
[SKINSALE] Come on, Adelaide, drink this. Come on, drink it.
[LEELA] Hurry. The Doctor wants us to go to the lamp room.
[SKINSALE] Why the lamp room?
[LEELA] It is the easiest place to defend ourselves.
[SKINSALE] Right. Come on, Adelaide.
[SKINSALE] Come on.
[SKINSALE] Come along.
[LEELA] Back! Back! Get back!
[LEELA] Run! Run!
[SKINSALE] Adelaide, Doctor. It's got Adelaide.
[DOCTOR] Where's Leela?
[LEELA] Doctor, the creature! Behind us. We must find weapons.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Now listen. When you reach the service room, you'll finda locker full of maroons. I want you to break them open and scatter thepowder down the lamp room stairs. Vince'll help you. Off you go.
[LEELA] It's coming.
[DOCTOR] May I help you? Having trouble, Reuben, hmm? Not easy holding ahuman form stable, is it.
[REUBEN] No longer necessary. We can abandon this ridiculous shape.
[DOCTOR] Good idea. You'll find it a lot comfier.
(Lamp room)
[SKINSALE] Just like the others.
[LEELA] Then there is nothing we can do. The maroons.
[SKINSALE] This terrible thing will destroy us all. Poor chap.
[LEELA] You must forget him now.
[LEELA] It is time for us to fight.
[LEELA] Listen.
[DOCTOR] Now I remember. Reuben the Rutan.
[RUTAN] You know our form?
[DOCTOR] Well, when you've seen one Rutan, you've seen them all.
[RUTAN] We are a Rutan scout. We are specially trained in the newmetamorphosis techniques.
[DOCTOR] Well, I expect you'll get better at it in time. What are youdoing in this part of the galaxy anyway?
[RUTAN] That doesn't concern you. You are to be destroyed.
[DOCTOR] Got it! You're at last losing that interminable war with theSontarans.
[RUTAN] That is a lie!
[DOCTOR] Is it? You used to control the whole of the Mutter's Spiralonce. Now the Sontarans have driven you to the far fringes of thegalaxy.
[RUTAN] The glorious Rutan army is making a series of strategicwithdrawals to selected strong points.
[DOCTOR] Rutan, that's the empty rhetoric of a defeated dictator, and Idon't like your face, either.
[RUTAN] Your mockery will end with your race, Earthling, when the mightyRutan battle fleet occupies this planet.
[DOCTOR] Why invade an obscure planet like Earth? It's of no value toyou.
[RUTAN] The planet is obscure, but its strategic position is sound. Weshall use it as a launch point for our final assault on the Sontaranrabble.
[DOCTOR] But if you set up a power base here, the Sontarans will bombardit with photonic missiles.
[RUTAN] That is unimportant. It will serve the cause of our finalglorious victory.
[DOCTOR] And what about its people?
[RUTAN] Primitive bipeds of no value. We scouted all the planets of thissolar system. Only this one suits our purpose.
[DOCTOR] I can understand your military purposes, but why murder ahatful of harmless humans?
[RUTAN] It is necessary. Til we return to our mother ship, and themother ship informs the fleet, no one must know of our visit to Earth.
[DOCTOR] But you crashed, didn't you, just as you made your discovery.You failed.
[RUTAN] Failed? We are sending a signal to the mother ship with thepower from the primitive mechanism below.
[DOCTOR] You're not, you know.
[RUTAN] It's of no importance. The ship will home in on the primarysignal.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry to disappoint you. I fixed that as well, oyster face.
[RUTAN] All your interference is useless. The beam was transmitting longenough for the mother ship to trace the signal.
[DOCTOR] You can't be certain.
[RUTAN] It will come.
[DOCTOR] But by then, you'll be dead.
[RUTAN] What could you Earthlings possibly do to us?
[DOCTOR] Well, if you'll just step this way, I'll show you.
(Lamp room)
[LEELA] Here he comes!
[DOCTOR] I've brought someone to see you. Give me one of those fuses,quickly.
[SKINSALE] Is this advisable, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Probably not, but we've no choice. I'm so sorry to bother you.Could you oblige me with a light?
[SKINSALE] A what?
[DOCTOR] A match.
[SKINSALE] Oh yes, of course, here.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Move over.
[LEELA] How did you hold it back on the stairs?
[DOCTOR] Oh, a little militant chit-chat.
[DOCTOR] What kept you?
[RUTAN] The time for talk is over.
[DOCTOR] Correct.
[LEELA] Where is it? Have you killed the thing?
[DOCTOR] Unlikely.
[SKINSALE] That's the most horrible thing I've ever seen. What the devilis it?
[DOCTOR] It's an intelligent, highly aggressive species from Ruta Three.
[LEELA] Was it a sea creature?
[DOCTOR] It evolved in the sea, adapted to land. Any more gunpowder,Colonel?
[LEELA] We are lucky that it fears flame.
[DOCTOR] Well, Ruta Three is an icy planet. Its inhabitants find heatintensely painful. Now, if we had a flame-thrower.
[SKINSALE] Well, there is this, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SKINSALE] I carried it up from the service room. It looks like a kindof mortar.
[DOCTOR] It's an early Schermuly.
[SKINSALE] An early Schermuly?
[DOCTOR] Yes, an early Schermuly. A Schermuly box that fires a rocketand line.
[SKINSALE] A projectile weapon.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It won't do, though. Stay calm, Skinsale.
[DOCTOR] Here, take this.
[SKINSALE] Right, got it.
[DOCTOR] Loaded with a few odds and ends it should cover the stairs.Empty your pockets, and mine.
[DOCTOR] Of course, it's not just this Rutan I'm worried about, it's theothers.
[SKINSALE] Others?
[SKINSALE] You mean to say there are more of these beasts?
[DOCTOR] There's a whole battle fleet out there. By the time the Rutansand the Sontarans
[SKINSALE] Sontarans?
[DOCTOR] Yes. By the time they've finished with it, this planet'll belike a cinder hanging in space.
[SKINSALE] You mean to say that there's a whole battle fleet cominghere?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Unless, of course, we could knock out both the mother shipand the scout ship. If we could do that, they just might conclude thatthis section of space was too dangerous.
[LEELA] How can we do that?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. We've nothing here that would stop a Rutanspaceship in its tracks. Rutan ships have a crystalline infrastructure,you see. Shielded, of course. Still, landing on a planet like this,they might just cut off the energy fields to save power. No, I'd needan amplified carbon oscillator.
[LEELA] What is an am, what did you say?
[DOCTOR] It's like a laser beam but much more destructive.
[SKINSALE] A laser beam?
[LEELA] Yes, that's some kind of very powerful light, isn't it, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, yes, put in it's simplest terms.
[LEELA] Why don't we use this?
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] This.
[DOCTOR] That? Are you suggesting I convert the carbon arc beam?
[LEELA] Well, obviously.
[DOCTOR] Leela, that's a beautiful notion. Unfortunately I'd need afocusing device, a fairly large piece of crystalline carbon.
[LEELA] Crystallised carbon?
[SKINSALE] A diamond.
[DOCTOR] No, that's too small. I'd need a much bigger one for theprimary beam oscillator.
[SKINSALE] Palmerdale.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SKINSALE] Palmerdale. He always carried diamonds.
[DOCTOR] He did?
[SKINSALE] He called them his insurance.
[DOCTOR] The crew room.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes. Well, let's get this working first.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure you've got it?
[LEELA] Mmm hmm.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[SKINSALE] Doctor, I'm coming with you.
[DOCTOR] That's not necessary.
[SKINSALE] I want to. You'll need someone.
[DOCTOR] All right. Remember, Leela, don't fire until you see the greenof its tentacles.
[LEELA] Doctor, how are you going to get past the Rutan?
[DOCTOR] With discretion. Come on, Colonel.
(Crew room)
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Hurry. Hurry!
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Body belt. Body belt!
(Lamp room)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Ready, Leela?
[LEELA] Yes.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Now!
[LEELA] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] You singed my scarf.
[LEELA] And the Colonel?
[DOCTOR] Dead with honour.
[LEELA] Then at least we have avenged him.
[LEELA] And the diamond?
[LEELA] It is here, Doctor. I did it! Finished!
[RUTAN] Your triumph will be short, Earthling. Our mother ship willblast this island into molten rock.
[LEELA] Empty threats, Rutan. Enjoy your death as I enjoyed killing you.
[RUTAN] We die for the glory of our race. Long live the Rutan empire!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Leela? Leela!
(Lamp room)
[LEELA] They are hard to kill, these Rutans.
[DOCTOR] Been celebrating, have you?
[LEELA] It is fitting to celebrate the death of an enemy.
[DOCTOR] Not in my opinion. I haven't got time to discuss morality. Lookout there.
[LEELA] Is that the Rutan mother ship?
[DOCTOR] It is. When it gets within range, this will lock onto itscarbon resonator and knock out its anti-grav, I hope. We've got about ahundred and seventeen seconds to get out of here. Understand?
[LEELA] Perfectly.
[DOCTOR] Good. So when I switch on, you run for it, all right?
[LEELA] Yes. It's getting nearer, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on. Whatever you do, don't look back. I said don't lookback! Let's go. Now!
(Generator room)
[DOCTOR] Leela, come on!
(Outside the lighthouse)
[DOCTOR] Leela!
(Generator room)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Leela!
[LEELA] Come on!
(Fang Rock)
[DOCTOR] That'll teach them.
[DOCTOR] I thought I told you not to look back.
[LEELA] Slay me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] I'm blind. Slay me now. It is the fate of the old and crippled.
[DOCTOR] You're neither old nor crippled. The effects of the flash willpass.
[LEELA] You are sure?
[DOCTOR] Mmm. Blink. That's interesting.
[LEELA] What is?
[DOCTOR] Pigmentation dispersal caused by the flash. Your eyes havechanged colour. Leela, stop blinking now. Let's go.
[LEELA] What colour are they?
[DOCTOR] Blue. 'Aye, though we hunted high and low, and huntedeverywhere.'
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] TheBallad of Flannan Isle, by Wilfred Gibson.
[LEELA] Who?
[DOCTOR] Wilfred Gibson. 'Aye, though we hunted high and low, and huntedeverywhere, of the three men's fate we found no trace'
[DOCTOR [OC]] 'In any time, in any place. But a door ajar and anuntouched needle and an over-toppled chair.'
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s15", "episode": "e01", "title": "Horror of Fang Rock"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (1 Oct, 1977; Fourth Doctor) - The Invisible Enemy
[MEEKER] Going to manual.
[SILVEY] What for?
[MEEKER] Why not? If we're going to be slammed around, I'd sooner do itmyself.
[SILVEY] It's still telling you what to do.
[MEEKER] Yes, but at least I'm doing it.
[SILVEY] Come on, Meeker.
[SAFRAN] You're off course.
[MEEKER] Yes, sorry, skipper.
[SAFRAN] Put it back on automatic, please.
[MEEKER] Eh? I can't!
[SAFRAN] Titan shuttle captain. New course for Titan, please.
[SAFRAN] All right, Meeker, that is enough.
[MEEKER] What?
[SAFRAN] Off watch. Please.
[MEEKER] Look, I qualified for exploration eight years ago, and what amI? Glorified garage attendant on some planetary filling station.
[SILVEY] Your turn'll come. You'll be glad enough of refuel bases then.
[MEEKER] All I'm saying is that I want a real
[SAFRAN] Not now, Meeker.
[COMPUTER] Unidentified organism. Changing course to avoid.
[SAFRAN] What was all that about? There's nothing there. Titan shuttlecaptain. Report please.
[NUCLEUS [OC]] Contact has been made.
[SAFRAN] Contact?
[LEELA] We've never been in here before.
[DOCTOR] You've never been in here before.
[LEELA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Number two control room has been closed for redecoration. Idon't like the colour.
[LEELA] White isn't a colour.
[DOCTOR] That's the trouble with computers. Always think in black andwhite. No aquamarines, no blues, no imagination.
[LEELA] Have we stopped?
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't stopped.
[LEELA] Have we materialised?
[LEELA] Where?
[DOCTOR] Solar system, between Jupiter and Saturn. About five thousandAD. Five thousand AD? We're still in the time of your ancestors.
[LEELA] Ancestors?
[DOCTOR] Yes. That was the year of the great breakout.
[LEELA] The great what?
[DOCTOR] Mmm. When your forefathers went leapfrogging across the solarsystem on their way to the stars. Asteroid belt's probably teeming withthem now. New frontiersmen, pioneers waiting to spread across thegalaxy like a tidal wave. Or a disease.
[LEELA] Why disease? I thought you liked humanity?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I do, I do. Some of my best friends are humans. When theyget together in great numbers, other lifeforms sometimes suffer.
[COMPUTER] Docking. Docking. Contact. All locked.
(Titan base)
[MAN [OC]] Hey, are we glad to see you. Welcome to Titan. You're welcometo it. We're in the mess. Come on down.
[MAN] Come on in. Join the party. Our last supper on Titan. Well, comeon. Get your gear off and relax. You're going to be here for
[MAN] Hey, what kind of a joke is
[SAFRAN] There is one other. The station supervisor. We must find him,destroy him.
[SAFRAN] Then we can make this the ideal place in which to breed andmultiply.
(Base control)
[LOWE] Shuttle relief crew. Shuttle relief crew.Come in, please. Shuttle relief crew, this is Supervisor Lowe. Pleasereport. Relief crew, this is the supervisor. Where are you?
[LOWE] My God, what's happened? Hello? Hello?
[LOWE] What is it? What's gone wrong?
[SAFRAN] Wrong? There is nothing wrong. This is most suitable for ourpurpose. What, what purpose? Safran. Safran, is that you? What hashappened?
[SAFRAN] Who is this Safran?
[LOWE] Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! This is Titan Base. Mayday! Mayday!Mayday!
[MEEKER] The supervisor has escaped.
[SAFRAN] Leave him. Let him suffocate.
[DOCTOR] As soon as I've reset these coordinates, we'll go somewherereally interesting.
[LOWE [OC]] Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! This is Titan Base. Mayday! Mayday!Mayday!
[LEELA] What was that?
[DOCTOR] Distress call. From Titan. That message took half an hour toget here.
[LEELA] Is Titan really interesting?
[DOCTOR] What does that matter? What's important is that someone needshelp. Quadrant six two. WHI1212. 9990EX41.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[LEELA] I'm troubled.
[DOCTOR] About what?
[LEELA] I can feel something.
[SAFRAN [OC]] Titan. This is Titan Base. All vessels, repeat, allvessels disregard mayday. I say again, disregard mayday. All undercontrol.
[DOCTOR] There we are.
[SAFRAN [OC]] Our apologies. Our apologies.
[LEELA] That's it!
[DOCTOR] That's what?
[LEELA] That's something evil.
[SAFRAN [OC]] Titan Base out.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] It was not a human speaking.
[DOCTOR] It wasn't?
[LEELA] What was that?
[DOCTOR] Static. Nothing important.
[LEELA] There was a sort of glow all around you.
[DOCTOR] There was? Oh. Well, a kind of Saint Elmo's fire. It happens atsea.
[LEELA] Saint Elmo's?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it causes a sort of halo effect round the masts of ships.
[LEELA] Halo?
[DOCTOR] Why do you keep repeating everything I say? You're not aparrot, are you?
[LEELA] Parrot?
[DOCTOR] Yes. A parrot's a bird that repeats things. Move over.
[LEELA] (deep) Move over.
[DOCTOR] That's it.
[LEELA] I thought you said there was nothing wrong.
[DOCTOR] Well, there isn't anything wrong. Well, there isn't anythingimportant wrong, but I've got to check it, haven't I?
[LEELA] I can still feel it.
[DOCTOR] Come on, old thing. Come on.
[NUCLEUS [OC]] Contact has been made.
(Base control)
[SAFRAN] Incubation will start here.
[NUCLEUS [OC]] Contact has been made. The nucleus has found a host.Prepare for his coming.
[LEELA] Doctor, wake up. We've landed. We've materialised.
(Titan base)
[SAFRAN] There is one other with the host. She has been rejected. Wemust destroy her and dispose of her body with the rest. Take up yourpositions.
[DOCTOR] Hello, Lalee.
[LEELA] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Rightly perfect, thank you yet, Lalee.
[LEELA] What did you say?
[DOCTOR] I said, I'm perfectly all right, thank you, Lalee.
[LEELA] My name is Leela.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? I know your name. Leela.
[LEELA] What happened?
[DOCTOR] Must have had a bot of a shik.
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] A bot of a shik.
[LEELA] Doctor, what is it? What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] There's a voice or something in my head.
[LEELA] The evil thing.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense. Just a nasty turn. Come on, we're on Titan. Let'stake a look.
[DOCTOR] That was odd.
[LEELA] Doctor, don't go out.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] It's out there. Evil!
[DOCTOR] We must go. We've had a mayday.
[LEELA] No. I can feel it is wrong.
[DOCTOR] What, intuition?
[LEELA] I don't care what you call it, Doctor. I knew. I knew beforethat. Before you were affected.
[DOCTOR] What are you talking about, affected?
[LEELA] Well, before you were knocked out.
[DOCTOR] Leela, listen to me. I'm perfectly all right. Move over.
(Titan base)
[LOWE] Drop your weapons. I'm arresting you. All ofyou!
[SAFRAN] Close the door. Turn off the oxygen supply.
[DOCTOR] Nobody around. Not a soul.
[DOCTOR] Anyone home?
[LEELA] Doctor, look.
[DOCTOR] Disregard mayday. He said disregard mayday. Why?
[LEELA] It is still warm.
[DOCTOR] Don't be gruesome.
[LEELA] I am a hunter.
[DOCTOR] You're a savage.
[LEELA] Perhaps. I'm not ashamed of what I am and I tell you, Doctor, Ican smell danger.
[DOCTOR] What did you say?
[LEELA] I said, I can smell danger.
[DOCTOR] Evil again?
[LEELA] Everywhere. In this place.
[DOCTOR] We'd better find it before it finds us.
[LEELA] Right.
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[LEELA] I'm no coward.
[DOCTOR] Now listen, whatever happens.
(Base control)
[SAFRAN] Set temperature and humidity rate foroptimum breeding conditions.
[MEEKER] Set temperature and humidity rate for optimum breedingconditions.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me, you don't know me. Let me introduce myself.
[SAFRAN] There is no need. We are preparing the hives now.
[DOCTOR] People call me the D. Hives?
[SAFRAN] For the nucleus which you carry within you.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right? I answered your mayday.
[SAFRAN] You answered the call?
[DOCTOR] That's right, that's right. Has someone been hurt?
[SAFRAN] It is of no consequence. The physical envelope is of noimportance.
[MEEKER] Of no importance.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, of no importance? I just found a dead bodyout there.
[MEEKER] Now that you have arrived.
[DOCTOR] I have arrived.
[SAFRAN] All that matters is that the reject should be destroyed.
[DOCTOR] Reject should be destroyed.
[SAFRAN] And breeding begin.
[DOCTOR] And breeding from my nucleus begin.
[DOCTOR] Leela the reject will not suspect me.
[SAFRAN] One of us will follow.
[DOCTOR] That is not necessary.
[SAFRAN] The nucleus within you must not be harmed.
[MEEKER] Must not be harmed.
[DOCTOR] Very well.
[LOWE] Who are you?
[LEELA] We answered your mayday.
[LOWE] They tried to kill me. The relief crew. They're insane. They'vealready killed these poor devils.
[LEELA] But why? Are they your enemies?
[LOWE] No. I know them. At least, I thought I did. But they've changed.
[LEELA] How changed?
[LOWE] Their eyes, their manner, their whole behaviour is different. Oneof them said something.
[LEELA] What?
[LOWE] Their purpose. This place will be suitable for our purpose. Forour purpose, whatever that is.
[LEELA] The Doctor will know. He'll be here soon.
(Titan base)
[DOCTOR] Leela? Leela, where are you?
[LEELA] That's him. That's the Doctor.
[LOWE] No, wait. It could be a trap, if they've caught him.
[LEELA] What are we going to do?
[LOWE] Hide.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Don't worry, Leela, it's only me. Listen to me, Leela.There's nothing wrong with this place. It's most suitable. It's a goodplace. A good place.
(Titan base)
[DOCTOR] Come on, Leela. I'm waiting. Please leaveme. Please. I can't do it. I can't do it.
[MEEKER] Think of the purpose. She is a reject. She must die.
[DOCTOR] I can't.
[MEEKER] Think of the purpose!
[DOCTOR] I can't.
[MEEKER] The purpose is all important!
[DOCTOR] The reject is here.
[MEEKER] Stay. The nucleus does not wish to be harmed. I shall destroyher.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Kill her. Kill her.
[LOWE] Meeker, this purpose, what is it?
(Titan base)
[LOWE] Leave it to me. I know this place.
(Titan base)
[NUCLEUS [OC]] Destroy. The reject must bedestroyed. Kill. Kill.
[DOCTOR [OC]] I can't. I won't.
[NUCLEUS [OC]] You must.
[DOCTOR] Leela.
[LEELA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Leela, I can't stop it.
[DOCTOR] Got to fight it. Got to fight it.
[LEELA] Doctor, what's wrong?
[LEELA] Doctor, what was all that?
[DOCTOR] I'm fighting for my mind. Whatever it was that attacked Safranand the others is also affecting me.
[LEELA] Why not me?
[DOCTOR] Perhaps because. Oh! I can feel it gathering strength to attackagain.
[LEELA] The evil one?
[DOCTOR] Some kind of organism that attacks the mind, the intelligence.It's trying to take me over, Leela. It's trying to change me.
[LEELA] No, Doctor, please.
[DOCTOR] I need help. I must withdraw into myself, save strength.
[LEELA] Why not me?
(Titan base airlock)
[LOWE] No, wait. Contact has been made.
[LOWE] We are one, Safran.
[SAFRAN] Then why pursue me?
[LOWE] For the purpose. The Doctor has not yet succumbed to the power ofthe Nucleus. You will prepare the tanks for incubation. They do notsuspect me yet. I will stay with them to guard the Nucleus and todestroy the reject.
[LOWE] Give me those. Get down!
[LEELA] Did you get him?
[LOWE] Yes, but he almost got me. My eyes caught a flash from hisblaster.
[LEELA] Come with me. The Doctor's ill, very ill. He told me to gethelp.
[LOWE] But there are no facilities here.
[LEELA] Well, where, then?
(Titan base)
[NUCLEUS [OC]] You must protect the host.
[LOWE] The nearest place is the Centre for Alien Biomorphology. Butthat's in the asteroid belt.
[LEELA] We'll take the Tardis. Doctor, we're taking you somewhere to gethelp, but we need the Tardis. Now, where are we going?
[LOWE] The Bi-Al Foundation, asteroid K four zero six seven.
[LEELA] What are the coordinates? Doctor, what are the coordinates?
[DOCTOR] Vector one nine, quadrant three. Seven four three.
[LEELA] Seven four three.
[DOCTOR] Eight zero zero.
(Bi-Al Foundation)
[WOMAN] Patient's name?
[LEELA] Er, just the Doctor.
[WOMAN] Place of origin?
[LEELA] Gallifrey.
[WOMAN] Ireland?
[LEELA] Oh, I expect so.
[WOMAN] Thank you, that's all we need for now.
[LEELA] But where is he?
[WOMAN] Level X4, Isolation, being datalysed.
[LEELA] Being what?
[WOMAN] Datalysed. Treatment is already underway. Are you next of kin?
[LEELA] Oh, no. Er, yes. I don't know. I expect so.
[LOWE] Where's the Doctor?
[LEELA] They've taken him away to level X4.
[LOWE] X4?
[WOMAN] Isolation. What's your trouble?
[LOWE] Blaster flash. Accident.
[WOMAN] Eye section straight through. They'll deal with you there.
[LOWE] (to Leela) I'll find you later.
[LEELA] Can I be with the Doctor?
[WOMAN] Not until Professor Marius has had a chance to examine him.
[LEELA] Marius?
[WOMAN] He's our specialist in extraterrestrial pathologicalendomorphisms.
[WOMAN] Wait over there, please.
(Isolation ward)
[MARIUS] Blithering idiots, the pair of you. This man is in aself-induced coma. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the fellow.Oh, look at him.
[MARIUS] He's probably one of those good-for-nothing spaceniks. Now, whyhave I been sent for? Tell me that. Why? Complete and utter waste oftime.
[PARSONS] Excuse me, sir.
[MARIUS] What, what, what, what, what?
[PARSONS] K9 indicates that the, the patient is not a member of thehuman race!
[MARIUS] Nonsense.
[PARSONS] Well, see for yourself. Look, two hearts. Symbiotic,self-renewing cell structure.
[MARIUS] Is this right, K9?
[K9] (for it is he) Affirmative, master.
[MARIUS] Is he now. Point of origin?
[K9] Beyond the solar system.
[MARIUS] Thank you, K9.
[K9] Master.
[MARIUS] Nurse, let's get an encephalograph out on him, hmm?
[MARIUS] Well, well, what is it?
[K9] Unidentified viral type infection with noetic characteristics, atpresent seated in the mind-brain interface and therefore having noascertainable mass or structure, master.
[MARIUS] Interesting. Most interesting. It isn't every night that wecome up with a brand new infection, is it, Parsons?
[PARSONS] No, sir.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[MARIUS] Good evening.
[DOCTOR] Find anything?
[MARIUS] Not yet, my boy, but we will, we will.
[MARIUS] Ah, Doctor, I see.
[DOCTOR] Yes. What have you found?
[MARIUS] Cataleptic trance?
[MARIUS] Self-induced.
[MARIUS] Ha. Why?
[DOCTOR] Self-preservation. Whatever it is I'm suffering from seems tothrive on intellectual activity.
[MARIUS] Oh, I see. You mean that the harder you think, the more of agrip it seems to take?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Non-thinking is the only way to shake it off, but I can'tstay mindless for eternity, can I.
[MARIUS] Oh, no, I take your point, I take your point. Now my computerhere, he's
[DOCTOR] Ah. Hello.
[K9] Hello.
[DOCTOR] How are you?
[MARIUS] Well, he seems to think that it's noetic in character, thatmeans it's only detectable during consciousness.
[DOCTOR] I know what noetic means.
[MARIUS] I'm sorry.
[DOCTOR] Mind-brain interface.
[MARIUS] Well, if it exists.
[DOCTOR] But of course. How stupid. That's why it attacked the Tardiscomputer first. It was showing the greatest amount of mental activity.I was just idling, so to speak.
[MARIUS] When was this?
[DOCTOR] When we were first attacked. We were on our way to Titan. Iassumed it was just a static build-up. Then when I checked thecomputer, it jumped into my mind, and that explains why Leela was
[DOCTOR] Why Leela was unaffected. Have you met Leela?
[DOCTOR] She's all instinct and intuition.
[DOCTOR] That's why the virus rejected her. Of course. I begin to see itall now.
[MARIUS] Well, it's possible, it's possible. Was anyone else exposed toit?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The entire crew on Titan. Well, one exception. Thesupervisor, man called Lowe.
[K9] Supervisor Lowe has been seen in the eye section.
[MARIUS] Are you sure?
[K9] Affirmative.
[MARIUS] Are you sure that he was the, oh. Oh dear, he's gone again. Iwant him kept under constant observation. See to it, K9. Fullmonitoring.
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[MARIUS] Now let's see if we can find this chap Lowe, just in case he'sa carrier. Come along, Parsons.
[PARSONS] Coming, sir.
(Eye section)
[OPHTHAL] How did this happen?
[LOWE] Accident, on Titan.
[OPHTHAL] Accident? What sort of accident? Well, let's have a look atyou.
[LOWE] Certainly.
[OPHTHAL] Contact has been made.
(Isolation ward)
[LEELA] Doctor!
[K9] Negative, negative, negative. No entry. No entry.
[LEELA] Look, whatever you are, I
[K9] I am K9 and I am warning you.
[LEELA] Look, I came to see the Doctor. I arrived with him.
[K9] I too have offensive capability. You have been warned. Retreat.Retreat. Patient in total isolation. Contagion risk. Retreat. Retreat.
[MARIUS] Who are you?
[LEELA] I am Leela.
[MARIUS] Ah, yes, of course. The Doctor's aide.
[LEELA] I think so.
[MARIUS] K9, memorise. Friend.
[K9] Memorised. Friend.
[LEELA] Is that tin thing something to do with you?
[MARIUS] That tin thing is my best friend and constant companion. He's acomputer. You see, on Earth, I always used to have a dog. But up here,the weight penalty, well, it's just not possible. So I had K9 made up.He's very useful. He's my own personal data bank. He knows everythingthat I do, don't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, and more, master.
[MARIUS] I'm afraid there's not much I can tell you about the Doctor,yet. You know, I should like to have you scanned and datalysed, just tosee why you're immune. You see, if we can isolate that factor, we caninoculate against it. You get it?
[LEELA] Sorry?
[MARIUS] Yes, perhaps it is a matter of intelligence.
[MARIUS] Right. Well, what about this Lowe chap?
[PARSONS] He was in the eye section, sir, but now he's disappeared. Andthe consultant.
[LOWE] Who are they?
[OPHTHAL] Doctors. Cruikshank and Hedges.
[LOWE] Get them here.
[OPHTHAL] Cruikshank? Hedges? Interesting case here. Come and have alook.
[HEDGES] What is it?
[LOWE] Now!
[HEDGES] (or Cruikshank) Contact has been made.
[CRUIKSHANK] (or Hedges) Contact has been made.
[LOWE] A place has been found, most suitable for our purpose. Titan isbeing prepared as a hive. Meanwhile, our duty here is twofold. To guardthe Nucleus, which is in the mind of one called Doctor, and to makecontact with the best minds. When we leave for incubation on Titan, allrejects will be destroyed.
[OPHTHAL] Do you understand?
[HEDGES] (or Cruikshank) We understand.
[CRUIKSHANK] (or Hedges) Contact must be made.
[LOWE] For the purpose.
(Isolation ward)
[MARIUS] Virus contamination would seem to be instant and total. Ifthere's anything unique in her metabolism, the scan will detect it.
[K9] Negative on immunity, master.
[MARIUS] There must be something!
[PARSONS] What if there isn't?
[MARIUS] But he's our only guinea pig. He's the only one with anyresistance to it. I can't allow him to be taken over like those poordevils on Titan. No, if there's no immunity factor in Leela, I willjust have to operate.
[MARIUS] No anaesthetics, but keep them handy. K9, monitor the brain. Ifhe shows signs of emerging from the coma, warn me immediately.Otherwise the shock might kill him.
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[NUCLEUS [OC]] Lowe. Lowe, I am endangered. Thehost is threatened.
[LOWE] We must act before it is destroyed.
(Isolation ward)
[WOMAN [on screen]] Emergency, all stations. All stations, emergency.Shuttle approach on collision course, out of control. All medicalpersonnel stand by. Emergency, emergency.
[MARIUS] Now? Why now?
[PARSONS] We'll have to go, sir.
[MARIUS] Yes, yes, I know we have to go. K9, stay in charge. You staywith him. No one is to come into contact. Have you got that? No one.
[LEELA] All right.
[K9] Affirmative.
[MARIUS] Come along, Parsons!
[PARSONS] Coming, sir.
[DOCTOR] What was that?
[LEELA] There's been a crash. A shuttle. They've gone to help.
[K9] On level below. This level now completely cut off.
[DOCTOR] What!
(Level 2X)
[OPHTHAL] That way is blocked.
[LOWE] We have to get to level X4. There must be other ways.
[HEDGES] The service shaft here.
[CRUIKSHANK] It will take longer.
[LOWE] Then hurry.
(Isolation ward)
[WOMAN [on screen]] All available personnel to X3,to X3 accident zone.
[DOCTOR] I don't think that was an accident.
[LEELA] Why?
[DOCTOR] It must be something to do with whatever's in my head. (to K9)Can I have a word with you? (to Leela) Where are you going?
[LEELA] I think I'm needed elsewhere.
[DOCTOR] K9. Cloning techniques. Give me a rundown, state of the art sofar.
[K9] Cloning. Cloning is replication, making a copy of an individualfrom a single cell of that individual. Clones. Clones retaincharacteristics of original organism.
[DOCTOR] Go on, go on.
[K9] Successful experiments first carried out in the year thirty ninetwenty two.
[DOCTOR] Thirty nine twenty two. Oh good.
(Level X3)
[MARIUS] If these two unfortunates have contracted the virus, we mustassume that they all have. But if we attempt treatment, the diseasewill spread like wildfire and wipe out the entire Foundation. Everybodyback. Clear the area. Get everybody out of here. I want the wholesection cryogenically cocooned until we find out more about the natureof this virus. Get out the helium pumps.
[MAN] Yes, sir.
[MARIUS] Parsons, come with me.
(Level X4)
[LOWE] Destroy her! That's the reject!
[LEELA] Reject yourself.
(Isolation ward)
[DOCTOR] Hurry, K9, hurry.
[K9] At present, cloning procedure is possible, but unreliable.
(Level X4)
[LEELA] It's Lowe. He's got the disease. Get inside quick. I'll coveryou.
(Isolation ward)
[K9] Replicants do not maintain their existence forlong because of possible unsolved psychic stress problems.
[DOCTOR] How long? How long?
[K9] Longest recorded clone life, ten mi
[MARIUS] Ten minutes, fifty five seconds.
[DOCTOR] Professor Marius, could you clone me?
[MARIUS] Certainly. The Kilbracken technique is very simple. But it's acircus trick. It's of no medical value.
[DOCTOR] Could you clone me now?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Because if you don't clone me now and the virus gets tome, it'll take the whole centre with it.
[LEELA] Can't hold them off any more. Out of ammunition.
[K9] Master.
[MARIUS] Ka lay lee! K9
[LEELA] What does that mean?
[MARIUS] He knows.
(Level X4)
[LOWE] We'll never get through this way. Is there avisiphone?
[OPHTHAL] In my office.
(Isolation ward)
[DOCTOR] Hurry, Marius. Hurry.
[MARIUS] Now, you must realise, Doctor, this is not in any real sense aclone, but a short-lived carbon-based imprint. A sort of threedimensional photograph.
[DOCTOR] Leela. I shall need Leela.
[MARIUS] Leela? Why? Why Leela?
[LEELA] What does he mean, he needs me?
[MARIUS] Ah, it must be because you are immune. I think he wants youcloned as well.
[LEELA] But what will happen to me? The real me?
[MARIUS] Nothing. Nothing at all.
[LEELA] But you said it was just short-lived.
[MARIUS] Oh, yes. A permanent clonal copy is theoretically possible, butit would take years to achieve because of the experiental gap. Now, yousee, in this way, we manage to transfer both heredity and experience,but the transfer is unstable.
[LEELA] What?
[MARIUS] Well, it means that your photocopy twin will deteriorate andexpire after a maximum life of ten or eleven minutes.
[LEELA] Oh, well, in that case, if you do not mind, I will not stay tosee.
[MARIUS] Just as you wish.
[LEELA] Oh, Professor?
[MARIUS] Yes? Now what?
[LEELA] If you need me, I shall be with K9.
[MARIUS] Yes, yes, yes, yes.
[MARIUS] Doctor, where are you going? Where are you going?
[DOCTOR 2] Just you trust me, Professor. Just trust me.
(Level X4)
[LEELA] Doctor? Which one was that?
[K9] That was the Doctor two.
[LEELA] Can you explain?
[K9] Affirmative. The Kilbracken cloning technique replicates from thesingle cell as a short-lived carbon copy. Efficacy of individuation notcompletely guaranteed.
[LEELA] Can you explain simply?
[K9] Negative.
(Eye section)
[OPHTHAL] Medic.
(Isolation ward)
[NUCLEUS [OC]] Release this body. You cannotprevail. I am the One. It is my purpose. It is my destiny. Let me go,you fools.
[NURSE] Shall we sedate him?
[MARIUS] Not yet, not yet.
[PARSONS] But the danger of contagion, sir.
[MARIUS] No, Parsons, we would all have caught it by now.
[PARSONS] But if the Doctor's right, sir, and the virus hasintelligence, there must be some reason for choosing him.
[MARIUS] Yes, yes. I think we could be dealing with some kind of leader.
[NUCLEUS [OC]] My purpose. You must not delay my purpose. The place ofthe hive is ready. Release me!
[LOWE [on screen]] Professor Marius, listen to me. You must release theDoctor.
[MARIUS] Never!
[LOWE [on screen]] I warn you. We are in control of the entire centre.If you do not do as I say, I shall destroy your Foundation!
(Level X4)
[LEELA] That was Doctor two.
[K9] Affirmative.
(Isolation ward)
[LOWE [on screen]] You have two minutes in which todecide. Either give us the Doctor, or your Foundation will be wipedout.
[MARIUS] Ah, Doctor, what are you doing? We've just had an ultimatum.
[DOCTOR 2] Don't you worry, Professor. If this doesn't work, the wholeplace'll be destroyed anyway.
[MARIUS] What is it?
[DOCTOR 2] It's a Relative Dimensional Stabiliser. RDS.
[PARSONS] What does it do?
[DOCTOR 2] It's part of a Tardis control system, the part that allows meto cross the dimensional barrier. It's quite simple, really. It means Ican change shape, large or small, as I wish. Yes. Won't keep you amoment.
[LEELA 2] Why have I been left
[DOCTOR 2] Now listen, Professor. You operate the RDS. We'll be reducedto micro-dimensions. You'll then scoop us both up and inject us into mymaster-print there. Any questions?
[MARIUS] Yes. Why are you taking Leela?
[DOCTOR 2] Because she's immune and because she's a huntress.
[MARIUS] Of course, of course. Well, get on with it. There's not muchtime. Is there anything that we can do meanwhile?
[DOCTOR 2] Yes. Just stay here and hope we come back with the antidote.And Professor?
[DOCTOR 2] When we emerge, we'll be coming out through the tear duct.
[MARIUS] Right. Good luck.
[DOCTOR 2] Thank you.
[LEELA] K9, do I really look like that?
[K9] Affirmative.
[MARIUS] Well, here we go.
[LOWE [on screen]] Your time is up. Surrender the Doctor!
[MARIUS] Pleasant journey, Doctor.
(The Doctor's brain)
[DOCTOR 2] Well, what do you think?
[LEELA 2] I don't know what to think. I've never been inside anybody'shead before.
[DOCTOR 2] No.
[LEELA 2] It's very interesting.
[DOCTOR 2] Thank you.
[LEELA 2] Hey, why aren't we wet?
[DOCTOR 2] Because we're too small to break the surface tension.
[LEELA 2] What was that?
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, just a passing thought. Electrochemical reaction in thesynapses. Leg wants to move.
(Isolation ward)
[MARIUS] I don't think he can hold out much longer. The virus isstrengthening its grip.
[LOWE [on screen]] Marius! You have not replied to my ultimatum. I shalldestroy this centre.
[MARIUS] No, wait! I agree to your terms. I have no further use for theDoctor. He's yours whenever you want him.
[LOWE [on screen]] A wise decision. Tell me, Professor, is the womanLeela with you?
[MARIUS] No. As you can see, there's simply myself and my twoassistants. She is somewhere in the Foundation, but I have no ideawhere.
[LOWE [on screen]] No matter. She will be destroyed. Stay where you are.We are on our way.
[MARIUS] Leela! They're coming now. We must hold them up for tenminutes. Can you do that?
[LEELA] Can I borrow K9?
[MARIUS] Yes, certainly, certainly. K9, cooperate with Leela.
[K9] Master.
[LEELA] What we need is that corridor.
[K9] Corridor X3.
[LEELA] Yes. If we can just make some sort of barrier.
[K9] Recheck. First we must eliminate the service shaft.
[LEELA] Of course! They can attack us from behind.
[MARIUS] You haven't got much time.
[LEELA] Right. K9, you destroy the shaft and meet me in the corridor.
[K9] Affirmative.
[PARSONS] Suppose they fail?
[MARIUS] Have you ever used one of these?
[PARSONS] Thank you, sir.
[MARIUS] Parsons, if by any chance I am taken over by the virus, I hopeyou won't hesitate to use that on me, because I certainly will on you.We must give the Doctor his ten minutes.
[PARSONS] I understand, sir.
(The Doctor's brain)
[LEELA 2] Doctor?
[DOCTOR 2] Yes?
[LEELA 2] I do not think you have any idea where we are going.
[DOCTOR 2] What do you mean, I've got no idea where we're going? We'retravelling along my neural pathways looking for a sort of bridge, acrossover point between the left lobe and the right lobe.
[LEELA 2] Is that where the virus will be?
[DOCTOR 2] Since it seems to control both the conscious and unconsciousit's a good enough place to start.
[LEELA 2] Suppose we meet it?
[DOCTOR 2] What? No, no, no. It came in through the optic nerve. We aresomewhere between the spinal cord and the cerebellum. But keep youreyes open for tissue deterioration.
[LEELA 2] Like this?
[DOCTOR 2] That's me you're kicking.
[LEELA 2] Oh. Sorry.
(Level X4)
[K9] Mission accomplished. Service shaft destroyed,mistress.
[LEELA] Thank you, K9. Now, what we need here is some sort of barrier.
[K9] Acceptable?
[LEELA] Perfect. Thank you, K9.
[K9] There is no need for gratitude. I am an automaton.
[LEELA] Really?
[K9] I am without emotional circuits. Only memory and awareness.Attention. Four hostiles approaching.
[LOWE] It's the reject.
[LOWE] Leela. Leela. Bring me the Doctor.
[LEELA] Come and get him.
(Isolation ward)
[MARIUS] Eight minutes to go. Anything?
[PARSONS] It's all there, sir. Leela's tissue profile, adaption, diseaseresistance.
[NURSE] Bit of a mongrel, isn't she?
[MARIUS] I imagine that's why her race survived. There's no sign of anyphysical immunity.
[NURSE] There's a wide variation in blood characteristics, sir. It'lltake hours to check them all.
[MARIUS] On the other hand, it could be a psychological factor.
[PARSONS] You mean not physical at all?
[MARIUS] Yes, something in her mind, her way of looking at things.
[PARSONS] Aggression.
[NURSE] Determination. Stamina.
[MARIUS] The predator's instinct.
(The Doctor's brain)
[DOCTOR 2] Doesn't look like the most advanced computer system ever,does it.
[LEELA 2] Urgh. What's that?
[DOCTOR 2] That is why my brain is so much superior to yours.
[LEELA 2] Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] What is it?
[LEELA 2] I can sense danger.
[DOCTOR 2] Rubbish. If there was any danger about, I'd be the first toscent it. I know this brain like the back of my hand. Danger. What doyou know about brains, anyway?
[LEELA 2] All right, all right, don't get excited.
[DOCTOR 2] I'll get excited if I want to. It's my brain. Danger. I'lltell you something about brains. Do you want to know something?
[LEELA 2] Not much.
[DOCTOR 2] I'll tell you anyway. Somebody once tried to build a machineas efficient as the brain. Only trouble was, it would have had to havebeen bigger than London. Do you remember London? And powered by theentire European grid. And that was just a human brain. Mine's much morecomplex. Left and right sides working in unison via the specialisedneural ganglia, thus combining data storage and retrieval with logicalinterest and the intuitive leap. And here. Are you listening to me?
[LEELA 2] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] That is a reflex link, whereby I can tune myself into theTime Lord intelligentsia. A thousand super-brains in one.
[LEELA 2] Why don't you do it now?
[DOCTOR 2] What? Oh, well, I lost that particular faculty when theykicked me out. Oh look.
[LEELA 2] Kicked you out?
[DOCTOR 2] Oh look. Connection seven. Hello.
[LEELA 2] Hello.
[DOCTOR 2] Don't be funny.
[LEELA 2] Doctor, you're wasting time. Keep moving.
[DOCTOR 2] No, no, no. Come on over here. This is recent damage.
[LEELA 2] The virus?
[DOCTOR 2] What else. We must be getting close to it now.
[LEELA 2] What's that?
[DOCTOR 2] What?
[LEELA 2] Doctor! Doctor, help me!
[DOCTOR 2] I can't! It's my body defence mechanism. They're my ownphagocytes. Use your knife!
[LEELA 2] Oh, Doctor!
[DOCTOR 2] Oh.
[LEELA 2] What did you do?
[DOCTOR 2] I think I told them my liver was disintegrating. I think.
[LEELA 2] That's very clever.
[DOCTOR 2] That's very clever.
(Isolation ward)
[PARSONS] What was that?
[MARIUS] Well, it proves they're in there at some sensitive area.
[PARSONS] They're coming closer, sir.
[MARIUS] Seven and a half minutes. Not much chance.
(Level X4)
[K9] Contact has been made. Master.
(The Doctor's brain)
[DOCTOR 2] After you.
[LEELA 2] Are you afraid?
[DOCTOR 2] Not necessarily, no. From now on, we're on the trail of thevirus, and that's the path it took.
[LEELA 2] Where to?
[DOCTOR 2] Well, if I knew that, I wouldn't have brought you along. Fromnow on, this is where your tracking skills come in.
(Level X4)
[LOWE] Kill her. Kill the reject.
[K9] Affirmative. Kill the reject.
[K9] Reject liquidated. K9 into self-regeneration. Non-functional.
[LOWE] Good. Now for the Doctor.
(The Doctor's brain)
[LEELA 2] Ow!
[DOCTOR 2] What is it?
[LEELA 2] Something banged my head. A real bump, but
[DOCTOR 2] What?
[LEELA 2] There's nothing there.
[DOCTOR 2] That was your outside head.
[LEELA 2] Oh, that's all right, then.
[DOCTOR 2] No, it isn't all right. You and I have only got a limitedlife in here. Your outside self and your inside self are made of thesame tissue. Your outside self is hurt, then you feel a shock. Youroutside self is killed, yes.
[LEELA 2] We'd better make the most of the next six minutes then.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes.
[LEELA 2] Where are we?
[DOCTOR 2] This is the gap between one side of our mind and the other.
[LEELA 2] But it's dark on the other side.
[DOCTOR 2] Well of course it's dark. It's the gap between logic andimagination. You can't see one side from the other side.
[LEELA 2] But it is there?
[DOCTOR 2] What?
[LEELA 2] There is something on the other side?
[DOCTOR 2] This is the mind-brain interface, Leela. At least I think itis. That's the mind and that's the brain. Two things entirely differentbut part of the same thing.
[LEELA 2] Oh, like the land and the sea?
[DOCTOR 2] That's right, that's right.
[LEELA 2] It's very deep.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes. Sometimes I don't quite understand it myself.
(Isolation ward)
[MARIUS] Five minutes to go.
[LOWE] Don't move, Professor. Release the Doctor.
[MARIUS] No, I can't.
[MARIUS] Contact has been made.
[LOWE] Release him. We must make contact with the Nucleus.
[MARIUS] No, no, wait. The Nucleus is in danger.
[LOWE] What?
[MARIUS] Micro-cloned copies have been injected into his brain and areeven now trying to hunt down and destroy the Nucleus.
[MARIUS] If they succeed
[LOWE] They must not succeed.
[MARIUS] We can't stop them. There is no time.
[LOWE] I say we must!
(Level X4)
[K9] Mistress?
[LEELA] Why did you attack me?
[K9] I had to. I was temporarily overpowered and my motivationalcircuits were in confusion. I have now regenerated and await yourfurther orders.
[LEELA] Where are the others? Have they got the Doctor?
[K9] Affirmative.
[NURSE] They've got Professor Marius. He's been taken over by the virus.And they've killed Doctor Parsons.
[LEELA] What are they doing now?
[NURSE] Well, they're cloning Lowe and they're going to inject him intothe Doctor's brain.
[LEELA] Then we'd better stop them.
[K9] Negative. We must wait. Maintain surveillance.
[LEELA] Why?
[K9] We cannot interfere while there is still a possibility that theDoctor will succeed in destroying the Nucleus.
(The Doctor's brain)
[DOCTOR 2] Bracing, isn't it?
[LEELA 2] Very.
[DOCTOR 2] The interface. The mind unsullied by a single thought.
[LEELA 2] Where are we going, Doctor?
[DOCTOR 2] Into the land of dreams and fantasy, Leela.
(Isolation ward)
[NUCLEUS [OC]] Hurry. Hurry.
(The Doctor's brain)
[NUCLEUS [OC]] Hurry! Hurry! They are closing in. Hurry, hurry, hurry!
[LEELA 2] Is this your land of dreams and fantasies?
[DOCTOR 2] Well, on the way to it.
[LEELA 2] The evil thing. Very close. And another. Doctor, we're goingto be trapped.
[DOCTOR 2] Who are you?
[NUCLEUS] I am the Nucleus.
[DOCTOR 2] You're trespassing, you know. Treading on my unconscious,affecting my metabolism. Nucleus of what?
[NUCLEUS] The Nucleus of the Swarm.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh. Oh, I see. Why did you choose my brain?
[NUCLEUS] Because of your intelligence.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, well, I can understand that, but do you realise you haveno right
[NUCLEUS] I have every right! It is the right of every creature acrossthe universe to survive, multiply and perpetuate its species. How elsedoes the predator exist? We are all predators, Doctor. We kill, wedevour, to live. Survival is all, you agree?
[DOCTOR 2] Oh yes, I do, I do. And on your argument, I have a perfectright to dispose of you.
[NUCLEUS] Of course. The law is survival of the fittest.
[DOCTOR 2] Touché.
[NUCLEUS] Your time is running short. How do you intend to dispose ofme? You have no weapons, and in minutes you will cease to exist. I amthe virus of the Nucleus of the Swarm. For millennia we have hungdormant in space waiting for the right carriers to come along.
[DOCTOR 2] Carriers? What do you mean, carriers? I'm not a porter.
[NUCLEUS] Consider the human species. They send hordes of settlersacross space to breed, multiply, conquer and dominate. We have as muchright to conquer you as you have to strike out across the stars.
[DOCTOR 2] But you intend to dominate both worlds, the micro and themacrocosm.
[NUCLEUS] We have waited, waited in the cold wastes of space. Waited formankind to come. And now we have not only space but time itself withinour grasp.
[DOCTOR 2] Time?
[NUCLEUS] Through you, Time Lord.
[NUCLEUS] So, Doctor, how can you puny creatures compare yourselves tous, the Swarm, the new masters of time, space and the cosmos.
[DOCTOR 2] New masters? Not if I can help it.
[NUCLEUS] But you cannot. Your time is up. You have fallen for mystratagem. Already you cease to exist.
[DOCTOR 2] Get out of my brain.
(Isolation ward)
[LOWE] Destroy them! Destroy them now!
[MARIUS] No, no, we must find out what happened. We must restore them totheir full size and interrogate them.
(The Doctor's brain)
[DOCTOR 2] Get out of my brain!
[DOCTOR [OC]] The tear duct. The tear duct. The tear duct. The tearduct. The tear duct. Tear duct.
(Isolation ward)
[NUCLEUS] Help me out.
[DOCTOR] Professor Marius. Oh no, not you too.
[MARIUS] Yes, Doctor. Contact has been made. Now I serve the purpose.
[DOCTOR] What? That pathetic crustacean, your leader?
[MARIUS] You are speaking of the Nucleus, the Nucleus of the Swarm.
[NUCLEUS] Take me to him.
[DOCTOR] Finding the macro world difficult?
[NUCLEUS] It suits me well.
[DOCTOR] I thought I'd got rid of you.
[NUCLEUS] You were mistaken. I made use of your escape route through theeye.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you'd have known about that, wouldn't you.
[NUCLEUS] Another mistake, and a costly one, Time Lord, because now,thanks to your dimensional stabiliser, I am no longer forced to existin the micro world to breed and multiply. My Swarm, when it is hatchedon Titan, will no longer be invisible microbes prey to all, but mightyand invulnerable creatures, invincible. The age of man is over, Doctor.The age of the virus has begun.
[DOCTOR] I've heard it all before. You megalomaniacs are all the same.
[NUCLEUS] Bring him with us to Titan, to be consumed by the Swarm.
(Bi-Al Foundation)
[LEELA] How do I look?
[K9] Friend, mistress.
[LEELA] If I can just get close enough to that Nucleus, we'll see howfriendly I am.
[K9] Hostiles approaching with the Doctor.
[LEELA] Come on.
[NUCLEUS] Hurry, hurry. It is time for the spawning. I must get to theplace prepared on Titan.
[MARIUS] Nurse, take over here. I must assist the Nucleus.
[NUCLEUS] Hurry!
[MARIUS] Come with me.
[NUCLEUS] Breeding time approaches.
[MARIUS] Nurse, not that way.
[MARIUS] Stop them!
[LOWE] They're getting away!
[NUCLEUS] No, they are simply trapped.
[NUCLEUS] Marius, stay here to make sure the Doctor doesn't escape, andmake contact with all other staff in the Foundation. Bring the Doctorto us later. Hurry!
[LEELA] Now what?
[DOCTOR] Now nothing.
[LEELA] Doctor, if we get to Titan first, we can still beat that thing.
[DOCTOR] No, we can't. The dimensional stabiliser's still in theisolation ward. Without it, the Tardis won't move an inch.
[LEELA] You mean there's nothing we can do?
[DOCTOR] I didn't say that. K9. Now listen to me, K9. Do you think youcould poleaxe, do you think you could poleaxe Marius?
[K9] Poleaxe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, knock him out.
[K9] Affirmative. My photon beam weaponry has four levels of intensity,Doctor. Kill, paralyse
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, not kill. Not kill. Just knock out.
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Good dog.
(Bi-Al Foundation)
[MARIUS] All senior staff, report to Reception. This is Professor Mariusspeaking. All senior staff report to Reception. Ah, K9. K9, I no longerrequire you to obey
[DOCTOR] You're a good dog, K9. Good dog.
(Isolation ward)
[DOCTOR] Come on, Leela, quickly. We haven't got a moment to spare. Notfrightened of blood, are you? You, the mighty huntress.
[LEELA] Just hurry up.
[LEELA] Haven't we been through all this before?
[DOCTOR] I had a virus then. I'm immune now. Something must havehappened while you and I were inside my head. I want to find out what.Ah, that's interesting. You see that?
[DOCTOR] That little fish hook is the only thing that you and I have incommon. It wasn't there before, so it must be the antibody, theimmunity factor.
[LEELA] How did what I have get into your bloodstream?
[DOCTOR] Quite simple. Your clone was absorbed into my bloodstream andpassed on the immunity to me. All we've got to do is isolate it,analyse it, duplicate it and inject it into Marius here, and he in turnwill be able to cure all the others.
[LEELA] What about the Nucleus? What about Titan?
[DOCTOR] Come on, one thing at a time. One thing at a time.
[NUCLEUS] Faster, faster.
[LOWE] We can't. We'll burn out the motors.
[NUCLEUS] Let them burn out. Once we reach Titan and the breeding tanks,our job is finished.
[LOWE] What about the Doctor?
[NUCLEUS] He will follow. Marius will make sure of that, whateverhappens. Faster. Use all the fuel. Faster!
(Isolation ward)
[LEELA] Doctor, look! It's working.
[DOCTOR] Sometimes my brilliance astonishes even me. Come on, Marius.Wake up, wake up. Come on.
[MARIUS] Where's Parsons? What happened?
[DOCTOR] He's dead, I'm afraid. Do you remember anything?
[MARIUS] I remember Lowe coming in, and then Parsons, and then a flashand then nothing. Did the experiment work?
[DOCTOR] Yes and no. Unfortunately the Nucleus got away by means of thedimensional stabiliser. It's on its way to Titan to breed.
[MARIUS] Was I taken over?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it got to you.
[MARIUS] But we found the immunity factor, so we're safe here for awhile. What was it?
[DOCTOR] It was something in Leela. Something we all missed. This is it.You'll have to cultivate a great deal more.
[DOCTOR] If those antibodies can confer immunity, they can be used toattack the Nucleus.
[MARIUS] Attack the Nucleus? Oh, that's dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Of course it's dangerous. If we allow the Nucleus to breed andswarm, it'll go through the entire Solar System like a plague of giantlocusts.
[MARIUS] But will you get to Titan on time?
[DOCTOR] Yes, by means of the dimensional stabiliser.
(Base control)
[SAFRAN] Safran on Titan. Safran on Titan. The hiveis prepared. The breeding tanks are ready. Temperature and humidity areset. I await your arrival from the generation of the Swarm.
[LOWE] Maximum speed. We have reached maximumspeed.
[NUCLEUS] Faster! We must go faster! Now the time for spawning is veryclose.
(Isolation ward)
[LEELA] How much longer?
[DOCTOR] We can't rush these things. They're breeding as fast as theycan. K9 will tell us when they've got the most powerful strain.
[LEELA] Doctor, why don't we just blow up Titan? Nucleus, breedingtanks, everything.
[DOCTOR] That's your answer to everything, isn't it, knock it on thehead.
[LEELA] Effective, isn't it? Smash it once and for all. Well?
[DOCTOR] With what? This is a hospital, not an arsenal.
[LEELA] All right, what are you going to do?
[K9] Confirm. Confirm strain C five three one has lethal capacity.
[MARIUS] Doctor, we've done it! Congratulations. There isn't a moment tobe lost. Cultivate C five three one.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, K9.
[LEELA] And?
[DOCTOR] Now, just get it into the tanks and wait for it to attack theNucleus in the same way it attacked us. Microscopically. It's neat,don't you think?
[LEELA] Is that all? If we can get to Titan on time, if we can get pastLowe and the others, if it works when we get it in there. If. I thoughtyou didn't like killing?
[DOCTOR] I don't.
[LEELA] Then why are you doing all this?
[DOCTOR] The virus has a perfect right to exist as a virus, not as agiant storm threatening the entire Solar System. Everything has itsplace. Otherwise the delicate balance of the whole cosmos is destroyed.
[LEELA] I still say we should blow it up.
[MARIUS] Doctor. The batch is complete.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now for the Tardis.
(Titan base)
[NUCLEUS] Remember, I must be protected in thehive. The future of the Swarm depends on you now.
(Bi-Al Foundation)
[MARIUS] Good luck, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Professor. Oh, Professor.
[DOCTOR] I don't suppose we could borrow K9, could we?
[MARIUS] Borrow K9?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[MARIUS] What for?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm not at liberty to say, but he could be very useful.
[MARIUS] Of course. I understand. K9, obey the Doctor.
[K9] Affirmative.
(Base control)
[LEELA] Doctor, what is it?
[DOCTOR] They're starting to hatch. Let's go.
[LEELA] Now what's the matter?
[DOCTOR] There's a man at the door.
[DOCTOR] Come in.
[LEELA] Thank you, K9. Well, Doctor, what's wrong? Why didn't my blasterwork?
[DOCTOR] They're developing a resistance to radiation. Their internalcell structure
[K9] Problem. I have a problem. Offensive capability seriouslydiminished. Reserves very low.
[LEELA] K9's breaking up, my blaster's finished. What are we going todo?
[DOCTOR] Shall we try using our intelligence?
[LEELA] Well, if you think that's a good idea.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Base corridor)
[DOCTOR] (sotto) K9, do you see that guard?
[K9] (sotto) Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) I want you to decoy him.
[K9] Mission accomplished.
[DOCTOR] Good dog. Your turn now, Leela. See you back at the Tardis.
[LEELA] Or not. Good luck, Doctor. You know we should have done what Isaid.
[DOCTOR] What was that?
[LEELA] Blow them up. Goodbye, Doctor.
[LOWE] Your futile attempt has failed, as we knew it would. Now you willjoin the Nucleus.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'd rather not, actually.
[LOWE] You have no choice.
[DOCTOR] Oh look, look, they appear to be hatching. Are congratulationsin order?
[LOWE] You will join the Swarm to be consumed, to become part of ourpurpose!
[DOCTOR] Well done, K9, well done. Come on. Let's get out of here whilethere's still time.
[K9] I cannot. All reserves finished.
[DOCTOR] What? Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[NUCLEUS] Come back, Doctor. We need you.
[LEELA] Did you kill it?
[DOCTOR] No, I lost the antibodies.
[LEELA] What? Never mind, Doctor, I've found the answer.
[DOCTOR] You have?
[LEELA] Knife them in the neck.
[DOCTOR] Can you do that to a thousand? A thousand thousand?
[LEELA] What are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] That's a good idea. Take K9 back to the Tardis. He's out ofjuice.
[NUCLEUS [OC]] Who's there?
[NUCLEUS [OC]] Is that you, Time Lord?
[DOCTOR] Well, as far as I know, there's no one else except you and mehere, so it must be me.
[NUCLEUS [OC]] You're finished, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Not quite.
[NUCLEUS [OC]] There's no escape for you now. You are destined to becomepart of the purpose.
[DOCTOR] Well, that depends on how long it's going to take you to getout of there.
[NUCLEUS [OC]] Fool. Do you think a metal barrier can contain the Swarm?
(Base control)
[LEELA] Doctor!
[LEELA] Why did you not wait?
[LEELA] Is it gone?
[LEELA] All of it?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Methane atmosphere. Mix well with oxygen and run. That wasa good idea of mine, K9, to blow it up.
[K9] Affirmative.
[LEELA] What do you mean, it was a good idea of yours. It was my idea.
[DOCTOR] What was?
[LEELA] To blow it up.
[DOCTOR] Well then, you should be feeling very happy.
[LEELA] Yes, I am. Shall we return K9 to the Professor?
(Bi-Al Foundation)
[DOCTOR] Goodbye.
[MARIUS] Goodbye, Doctor, and thank you for everything you've done forus.
[DOCTOR] It's been a pleasure, Professor. It's been a pleasure. Do youknow that without K9 I think we'd have been part of the Swarm by now.
[LEELA] We'd never have managed with out him. Her. It. Sorry, K9.
[K9] Apologies are not necessary, but thank you, mistress.
[MARIUS] I think K9 has taken to you. Oh. Actually, I have to return toEarth shortly and you could do me a great favour if
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] Take K9 with us?
[LEELA] Yes! Oh, please, Doctor, please, please, let's take him.
[MARIUS] K9 seems to have made up his own mind.
[MARIUS] I only hope he's Tardis trained.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s15", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Invisible Enemy"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (29 Oct, 1977; Fourth Doctor) - Image of the Fendahl
[COLBY] Oh, don't just sit there, Eustace, say something.
[THEA] Why don't you just publish and get it over with.
[COLBY] Why should anyone believe it? I found him and I don't.
[THEA] Are you questioning my technical competence.
[COLBY] Of course not. The volcanic sediment is twelve million yearsold. I accept without reservation the results of your excellentpotassium-argon test.
[THEA] Thank you.
[COLBY] What I don't accept is that Eustace here got himself buriedunder a volcano at least eight million years before he could havepossibly existed.
[STAEL] Colby, Doctor Fendelman is waiting for the correctedcoordinates.
[COLBY] Here you go.
[STAEL] Thank you.
[COLBY] Oh, and Maxi, end the day with a smile.
(Fendelman's lab)
[FENDELMAN] Yes. Good, good. Right. Stael, we can begin.
[FENDELMAN] Phase one power.
[STAEL] Phase one power.
[FENDELMAN] Phase two power.
[STAEL] Phase two power.
[FENDELMAN] Switching to main computer control.
[FENDELMAN] Activate full power run-up sequence.
[STAEL] Activating full power run-up sequence, now.
[MAN] I can't, I can't.
(Fendelman's lab)
[STAEL] Full power.
[FENDELMAN] Excellent, Stael. We can begin the scan. Commencing scan,programme one.
[LEELA] Professor Marius would not be very pleased.
[DOCTOR] Nasty. Very nasty.
[LEELA] Will he be all right?
[DOCTOR] Shush. I don't know. It will be all right. It just has a littlecorrosion in its circuits.
[LEELA] I can call K9 he if I want to. You call the Tardis she.
[DOCTOR] Never.
[LEELA] Never. You do. I've heard you. You called it she just a momentago. And another thing. It is quite clear to me that you cannot controlthis old machine either.
[DOCTOR] What did you say, Leela?
[LEELA] Leela said
[DOCTOR] I heard what you said.
[LEELA] Then why ask?
[DOCTOR] Leela, I understand the Tardis perfectly. There's not onesingle part of her that I haven't adjusted or repaired at some time oranother.
[LEELA] Don't cry about it.
[DOCTOR] Furthermore, I am in complete and constant control of her.
[LEELA] Complete and constant? What is it? What's wrong?
[DOCTOR] Someone's using a sonic time scan. Come on, old girl. Don't letus down now. Come on.
[LEELA] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] We're being dragged towards a relative continuum displacementzone.
[LEELA] A what?
[DOCTOR] A relative continuum displacement. It's like a hole in time.
[LEELA] What will happen?
[DOCTOR] I wish I knew.
[LEELA] Can we get free?
[DOCTOR] That depends on this misunderstood, unmanageable old machine.
[LEELA] I meant no disrespect.
[DOCTOR] She's turning.
[LEELA] I could have been mistaken.
[DOCTOR] She's done it. Well done, old girl. You're wonderful.Wonderful. She's wonderful. Isn't she wonderful? Tardis wonderful!
[LEELA] Doctor, you did not tell me. Can she really understand what wesay?
[DOCTOR] Yeah, well, she just generates a low intensity telepathicfield, and obviously primitive thought patterns like yours appeal toher.
[LEELA] They do?
[LEELA] Oh. Oh.
[DOCTOR] That's odd.
[LEELA] What, my thought patterns?
[DOCTOR] What? No, no, no. I can't calculate the coordinates.
[LEELA] What are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] We'll just have to trace the scan back to its source.
[LEELA] To destroy it?
[DOCTOR] We have to stop it being used, certainly, otherwise it'll causea direct continuum implosion and destroy the planet it's operatingfrom.
[LEELA] Well, do we know which one that is yet?
[DOCTOR] It can't be. Oh, no.
[LEELA] What? What is it?
[DOCTOR] Not that one.
[LEELA] What one?
[DOCTOR] Not there.
[LEELA] Not where?
[DOCTOR] Earth.
[LEELA] Earth?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Your ancestors have a talent for self-destruction thatborders on genius.
[LEELA] Listen, Doctor, I do not like the way you keep talking about myancestors.
[DOCTOR] I like your new dress.
[LEELA] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] It's a pleasure.
[FENDELMAN] Ah, Thea. You are feeling better this morning?
[THEA] Yes, I'm fine, thanks, Doctor Fendelman. I still don't rememberwhat happened, though. But I do remember it was your turn to makebreakfast this morning, Max.
[FENDELMAN] Ah yes. I'm afraid that was my fault. We have been workingall night, haven't we, Max. We have only just finished. And theresults, I think the results will amaze even Colby. Where is he, by theway?
[THEA] He's out, exercising Leaky.
[COLBY] Leaky! Here, boy! Leaky, come on. Leaky, now what have you gotthere? More bones, is it, you old bone hunter you.
[FENDELMAN] But Colby's methodology cannot befaulted. The excavation of the skull was brilliant. The reconstructionwas first class work.
[THEA] But he cannot accept the evolutionary implications.
[FENDELMAN] And you, Thea? Can you accept them?
[THEA] Chronology is my field, Doctor Fendelman. I'm a technician, not ahuman palaeontologist.
[COLBY] There's a corpse by the wood.
[FENDELMAN] What sort of corpse?
[COLBY] A dead one. What other sort is there?
[FENDELMAN] Male or female?
[COLBY] Oh, male.
[THEA] Do we know him?
[COLBY] I never saw him before.
[FENDELMAN] How did he die? Are there signs of violence?
[COLBY] Well, not exactly. By the look of him, he didn't die easily.
[STAEL] It is never easy to die.
[COLBY] Well, thank you, Max. I'm going to call the police.
[FENDELMAN] No, a moment, a moment. No, we must consider.
[COLBY] What's to consider? There's a body out there. We can't justleave it. Or are you breeding vultures in that secret lab of yours,hmm?
[FENDELMAN] This is no time for discourtesy, Adam.
[COLBY] I'm sorry. It was a shock. He looks terrible. He must have beenterrified when he died.
[FENDELMAN] Adam, Adam, just think for a moment. These woods, they aresupposed to be haunted. Now can you imagine what would happen if therewere news of a mysterious death in them?
[THEA] Well, there'd be a certain amount of publicity.
[FENDELMAN] Publicity? It would be a circus. They attract enoughlunatics already without advertising for them.
[COLBY] I don't see that we've much alternative.
[FENDELMAN] Adam, Adam. Our work is at a critical stage. Your discoverycould be one of the most important milestones in human development.Your work will fundamentally affect how man views himself. We cannot beinterrupted at this moment of destiny.
[COLBY] Yes, but
[FENDELMAN] And besides, we wouldn't want your Nobel Prize to bejeopardised by an unfortunate coincidence, now would we?
[THEA] What are you suggesting?
[FENDELMAN] I'm not suggesting anything. Adam will recover and then hecan show us the body. Then we will decide, eh? We could arrange for itto be found somewhere else.
[THEA] But that's illegal!
[FENDELMAN] A small deception only.
[THEA] Adam, you can't possibly
[COLBY] It wouldn't make much difference.
[FENDELMAN] There, you see? We work something out, eh? Stael. (sotto)Get on to London. Tell Hartman I want a security team here within twohours. Tell him I want the best men we have and I want them armed. ThenI shall want you to do a post- mortem on that body.
[LEELA] Earth?
[DOCTOR] Earth.
[LEELA] Is this the place of the sonic time scan?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Oh, well, more or less. I haven't pinpointed itdefinitely, but it's certain to be around here somewhere.
[LEELA] Come on then.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. The one who leads says come on. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Good morning, ladies. Now, which one of you has the timescanner, hmm?
[LEELA] This doesn't look like the place, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I did say more or less, though this does look rather less thanmore. You know, I don't think these cows know anything about the timescanner. Never mind. It's a beautiful day. The exercise will do usgood. Come on.
(Fendelman's lab)
[FENDELMAN] Ah. Look, it's there, Stael. If we can get a visualrepresentation of this area here, then we shall see the living owner ofthat skull.
[STAEL] I have completed the post-mortem.
[STAEL] I cannot find the exact cause of death. There is a small blisterat the base of his skull, but that can't have killed him.
[FENDELMAN] Natural causes, then.
[STAEL] There is something strange.
[FENDELMAN] Oh, what's that?
[STAEL] The outward signs are that the man died quite recently. Hiswatch is still working, he has a Thermos of tea in his pocket which isstill hot, yesterday's newspaper. The mud on his boots is still
[FENDELMAN] Yes, yes, yes, Stael, get on with it.
[STAEL] The body is decomposing.
[FENDELMAN] Already?
[STAEL] It's falling apart as you watch.
[FENDELMAN] The cause?
[STAEL] I don't know, but it's as though all the energy has beenremoved. All the binding force has gone and all that remains is a husk.
[FENDELMAN] Are the security team in place?
[STAEL] Yes.
[FENDELMAN] Good. You will dispose of the body, Stael, and nobody mustknow of this. Nobody at all.
[LEELA] Doctor? Doctor!
[LEELA] He came armed and silent.
[DOCTOR] You must have been sent by Providence.
[MOSS] No, I was sent by the Council to cut the verges.
[LEELA] Your Council should choose its warriors more carefully. A childof the Sevateem could have taken you.
[MOSS] Escaped from somewhere, hasn't she? If you're her doctor, youshouldn't let her wander around loose. She could do someone a damage.
[LEELA] He was not hunting us?
[DOCTOR] No. Would you like a jelly baby?
[MOSS] You've both escaped from somewhere, haven't you.
[DOCTOR] Frequently. What's the nearest village?
[MOSS] Fetchborough, about a mile down that way.
[DOCTOR] Fetchborough. Tell me about the ghosts.
[MOSS] Don't know what you mean. Ain't nothing like that around here.
[LEELA] He is lying.
[DOCTOR] The strangers, then.
[MOSS] What, Fendelman and that lot up at the Priory?
[DOCTOR] Yes, Fendelman. Tell me about him.
[MOSS] Well, he's foreign, isn't he. Calls hisself a scientist. They dosay he's one of the richest men in the world. You wouldn't think so tolook at him, scruffy devil. They say he made his money out ofelectronics, but that don't seem likely 'cos he ain't Japanese.
[DOCTOR] Japanese?
[MOSS] No. His people dig up bodies.
[DOCTOR] They do? Splendid.
[LEELA] Grave robbers.
[DOCTOR] Or archaeologists. Where is this Priory?
[MOSS] Yon side of village.
[DOCTOR] And it's haunted, of course.
[MOSS] Oh aye, but it's the wood more than the
[DOCTOR] Shush. Don't you worry. What's your name?
[MOSS] Ted Moss.
[DOCTOR] Ted Moss? Hmm. Don't you worry, Mister Moss. We won't tell asoul, living or dead. Come on, Leela.
[MITCHELL] Just relax and stay there. We'll get it sorted out.
[MARTHA] Don't 'ee tell me what to do in me own kitchen.
[MITCHELL] This isn't your kitchen, Grandma.
[MARTHA] I bain't your grandma. Don't 'ee grandma me.
[COLBY] Hey, what's going on here? Who are you?
[MARTHA] This fellow's trying to stop me comin' in the house.
[MITCHELL] My name is Mitchell. I'm the security team leader. And no oneis allowed in or out without clearance. This loony old trout seems tothink she's an exception.
[MARTHA] Loony old trout?
[COLBY] Oh, gently, Mrs T, gently. Remember your varicose veins.
[MITCHELL] I've had it with you now, you old stoat. Any more trouble andI'll have you outside and set the dog on you.
[COLBY] Hey, now, just a minute.
[THEA] You can't talk to her like that.
[MARTHA] Oh, don't 'ee mind him, my lovelies. Sooner or later he'll besorry. Later or sooner, he'll regret. Well, I'll be going now,Professor. You can tell Doctor Fendelman I'll come back when the othersis gone. I don't hold with the likes of 'ee. There isn't a dog bornthat as attack me, boy. They got more sense than most people.
[MITCHELL] Now I can see why they burnt witches.
[COLBY] Cheaper than oil. I don't know who you are, friend, but I hopeyou can cook.
[MITCHELL] I told you who I am.
[COLBY] You meant all that stuff about restrictions?
[MITCHELL] Of course.
[THEA] You said no one could come in or out without authorisation.
[THEA] Does that apply to us?
[MITCHELL] Yes, Miss Ransome.
[THEA] Oh, that's ridiculous.
[COLBY] Authorisation from whom?
[MITCHELL] I think you'd better have a word with Doctor Fendelman.
[COLBY] Stay here, Thea. I'll go.
(Fendelman's lab)
[COLBY] Doctor Fendelman?
[COLBY] What on Earth's he playing at?
[FENDELMAN] You are impressed?
[COLBY] Oh, I don't know. I always say if you've seen one jukebox,you've seen them all. This is archaeology?
[FENDELMAN] Oh, this is the ultimate archaeology, Adam. It was data fromhere which led me to the excavation sites in Kenya. And when we hadexcavated the skull and assembled it and Thea had dated it, then thereal work of this machine could begin.
[COLBY] And that is?
[FENDELMAN] About ten years ago, when I was working on a missileguidance system, I noticed a sort of vibration. A sort of sonic shadow.
(Outside Fetch Priory)
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[LEELA] There's a guard. I shall kill him.
[LEELA] Why not?
[DOCTOR] You'll upset the dog. Listen, Leela, you simply must stopattacking people.
[LEELA] Why?
[DOCTOR] Because you'll get us into trouble.
[LEELA] Do not worry, Doctor. I shall protect you.
[DOCTOR] What? You'll protect me? Come on, we'll circle round the back.Come on!
[COLBY] Crazy as a bed bug. He actually believesthat he can see into the past with that electronic fruit machine he'sgot down there.
[THEA] Did he demonstrate it for you?
[COLBY] Did he demonstrate it? Of course he didn't demonstrate it. Howcould he? I mean, the whole thing's a load of old rubbish. He thinksbecause he can pervert the laws of the land, he can do the same for thelaws of physics.
[THEA] Well, it's a bit late to be self-righteous about perverting thelaws of the land, isn't it.
[COLBY] What? Yes. Yes, I suppose it is.
[THEA] Did he, er, did he give any reason for not demonstrating it?
[COLBY] Apparently it only works after dark.
[THEA] Hmm. Minimising solar disruption, perhaps.
[COLBY] What?
[THEA] Well, Fendelman's no fool when it comes to electronics. He wasone of the authentic geniuses in the field until he developed thisinterest in the origins of man.
[COLBY] You mean until he flipped his lid. Oh, come on. We'll go and getthe supper.
[DOCTOR] The house must be that way. Now come on.
(Priory grounds)
[DOCTOR] All right, now whatever you do, stay close to me, youunderstand? Leela?
[DOCTOR] Leela! She's done it again.
(Priory grounds)
[DOCTOR] Come on, legs. Come on, you can do it. Pull yourself together.Come on now, lift.
[DOCTOR] Left, right, left. That's it, legs, run! Run! Run! Run! Run!
[LEELA] That shot will be your last.
[MOSS] I didn't know it were you.
[LEELA] Well you know now.
[MOSS] You was trespassing.
[TYLER] So were you, Ted Moss. Now put the gun down, miss.
[TYLER] I said, put the gun down, miss.
[LEELA] Kill me, and your friend dies too.
[MOSS] She's a nutter, she is, Jack. She means it.
[TYLER] He ain't no friend of mine, so that's a chance I'm prepared totake. The gun, miss.
[TYLER] Right. Now, perhaps you would explain what you're doing in mygran's cottage.
[MOSS] She was
[TYLER] Both of you.
(Fendelman's lab)
[COLBY] Thea, what on Earth are you doing?Fendelman will go barmy, barmier if he found you messing. Thea?
[COLBY] Thea! What's wrong, Thea?
[COLBY] Thea!
[COLBY] Thea, wake up!
[THEA] Adam, what are you doing?
[COLBY] Come on, come on, let's get out of here.
[THEA] What are you doing here?
[COLBY] That scream, it came from the kitchen.
[THEA] What scream?
[COLBY] Never mind.
[COLBY] It's Mitchell. That expression, it's the same as the other one.
[THEA] There's a blister on the back of the neck. Could be a birth mark,I suppose.
[COLBY] How can you be so dispassionate? The man's dead, Thea.
[THEA] Adam. Adam.
[COLBY] Thea?
[DOCTOR] Don't touch her. I said don't touch her!
[DOCTOR] How many deaths have there been?
[COLBY] Deaths?
[DOCTOR] Like this.
[COLBY] Two. Now, look
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no, you look.
[COLBY] What was it?
[DOCTOR] They look like embryo Fendahleen to me.
[DOCTOR] Come and sit down. You'll be all right.
[COLBY] Embryo what?
[DOCTOR] Embryo Fendahleen. A creature from my own mythology. Supposedto have perished when the fifth planet broke up. At least, so theysaid.
[COLBY] A creature from mythology? Do you know what you're talkingabout?
[DOCTOR] Well, you saw it. If it survived twelve million years, it'senergy reserves must be enormous.
[COLBY] Twelve million? Why did you say twelve million?
[DOCTOR] What? Well, about twelve million. That's when the fifth planetbroke up. There are four thousand million people here on your planet,and if I'm right, within a year there'll be just one left alive. Justone.
[COLBY] What are you, exactly? Some sort of wandering Armageddonpeddler, hmm?
[DOCTOR] Who's in charge round here?
[DOCTOR] Ah, Doctor Fendelman, I presume. Is that really your name,Fendelman? Now listen, Fendelman, I want you to do two things.Dismantle the scanner and run some tests on Miss Thea. Start with anx-ray of her skull. Now
[FENDELMAN] I will give the orders around here. Take him away. Lock himup somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Is this the way you treat all your houseguests?
[FENDELMAN] Only the uninvited ones whom I suspect of murder.
[DOCTOR] But she needs help!
[FENDELMAN] Take him away!
[STAEL] It is just the same as before.
[FENDELMAN] This is a terrible thing. Terrible.
[COLBY] This time I will call the police. Come along, Thea.
[FENDELMAN] As you wish, Adam. But how will you explain to them that youdid not call them before?
(Lumber room)
[DOCTOR] Tell Fendelman there isn't time for allthis!
[TYLER] That do seem a bit far-fetched.
[MOSS] Ain't a word of truth in it, that's why.
[TYLER] You wouldn't recognise the truth if you fell over it.
[MOSS] Hey
[LEELA] Why should I lie to you?
[TYLER] Fear.
[LEELA] Does it seem to you that I am afraid?
[MOSS] Well, you ought to be. I said you ought to be.
[MOSS] Oh, God.
[LEELA] I must go now.
[TYLER] Hang on a minute. Er, please. (to Moss) You, on your way.
[MOSS] I want to see Mother Tyler.
[TYLER] Well Mrs Tyler don't want to see you.
[MOSS] Now where is she?
[TYLER] I don't know.
[MOSS] She's got something for me and I paid good money for it.
[TYLER] You'll get your money. Now get out. Out!
[MOSS] (to Leela) I'll see you later.
[LEELA] Get some practice first.
[TYLER] Nasty piece of work. Him and some others from the village, theyer. Well, I'm not sure exactly, but the thing is that I think my Gran'sinvolved in whatever it is. Now, she's a good old girl but, well, shewas brought up in the old ways, you see.
[LEELA] The old ways?
[TYLER] Yeah, the old superstitions and that. See, he called her MotherTyler. Now that ain't 'cos he likes her. That's, that's the oldreligion. Look, there's something nasty going on. Do you know what itis? Have you been sent with this Doctor bloke to sort it out?
[LEELA] Well, the Doctor came to stop the sonic time scan.
[TYLER] Oh. What's one of them?
[LEELA] He said it would cause a, a direct continuum ex, implosion.
[TYLER] Damn, girl, you don't half tell some whoppers, don't you.
[LEELA] Whoppers?
[TYLER] Aye. Don't matter.
[LEELA] Listen. I'm sure the Doctor can help you. Oh, he's verydifficult sometimes, but he has great knowledge and gentleness.
[COLBY] I should have gone to the police right away.
[THEA] Then why didn't you?
[COLBY] Thea, I've always been ambitious. That's a weakness in anyone.
[THEA] Yes, particularly scientists.
[COLBY] When Fendelman offered me unlimited funds, I jumped at thechance. I owe him a great deal. And when he asked for the body to bemoved, it seemed so unimportant.
[THEA] But now that Mitchell's dead.
[COLBY] Yes.
[THEA] Well, then, phone the police.
[COLBY] The line's disconnected.
[THEA] Disconnected?
[COLBY] Yes, as in cut off.
[THEA] Adam, can't you be serious just for a minute?
[COLBY] I am serious. The place is surrounded by guards, we're beset bya wandering lunatic and we have a pair of corpses on our hands. And ontop of all that, the telephone seems to be very dead. Thea, we'retrapped.
[THEA] It was planned.
[COLBY] By Fendelman.
[THEA] No. No, not by Fendelman. He's just part of it, doing what wasplanned for him. Don't you see? For him. That would fit. That wouldexplain it.
[COLBY] Explain what?
[THEA] Adam, you haven't asked me whose plan it is. Why don't you askme? Go on, ask me who planned it.
[COLBY] Stop it. Stop it!
[THEA] I did. Do you understand? I did.
[COLBY] Now be reasonable, Thea. How could you have? You're as sane asanyone here. Except. Come on. Come on.
[COLBY] You must think my head zips up the back.
[FENDELMAN] (fondling his revolver) Be reasonable, Colby. Why should Idisconnect the telephone?
[COLBY] For the same reason you've got the place surrounded by thugs.
[FENDELMAN] And what reason is that?
[COLBY] Because you're mad, Fendelman. You're mad.
[FENDELMAN] In that case, you are hardly behaving in a manner conduciveto your own safety. I should be humoured, surely. Sit down, Colby. Thisskull that you found is, I believe, extraterrestrial in origin.
[COLBY] An alien space traveller? Hence the guards. Next of kin come forthe remains? You're expecting an attack by little green men from, er,Venus?
[FENDELMAN] Don't talk like a fool, Colby! You're not a fool!
[COLBY] No, I'm not. That skull is human. It's a skull like yours andmine. Modern man. Homo sapiens!
[FENDELMAN] Exactly. It is also twelve million years old. Millions ofyears older than the earliest of man's known ancestors.
[COLBY] You think we're all aliens?
[TYLER] Let's go, then. Find this Doctor of yours.Perhaps he can sort it out and make some sense of it all. If he's halfas clever as you say
[LEELA] Shush.
[TYLER] Yeah, if he's half as clever as you say he is, he ought to beable to sort it out.
[STAEL [OC]] You should not have come here.
[MOSS [OC]] Well, I had to warn you.
[STAEL [OC]] There are security guards now.
(Fendelman's lab)
[MOSS] City boys. I know how to get past them.
[STAEL] It was a stupid risk. Fendelman is already suspicious anduneasy. Why do you think he sent for the guards?
[MOSS] I had to warn you about the Doctor.
[STAEL] What doctor?
[MOSS [OC]] Well, there's this bloke calls himselfa doctor. Tall, curly hair. He's got a girl working with him. And Itold him where to find this place. Well, I didn't realise. I tried tostop him after. They know all about us.
(Fendelman's lab)
[MOSS] 'Tis true. They're investigators. They cometo investigate.
[STAEL] I will deal with them. Now go, quickly.
[STAEL] Are all our friends prepared?
[MOSS] They're waiting for the word.
[STAEL] When the time comes, we must be twelve.
[MOSS] We know you lead the coven now, but we know the old ways.Thirteen be the number.
[STAEL] A place must be left for the one who kills.
[COLBY] Circumstantial. It's all circumstantial.
[FENDELMAN] It is the only logical explanation, Adam. Man did not evolveon Earth, of this I am sure. There is something else that I have nottold you. With the scanner, I have traced what I now believe to be themoment of death of this alien traveller. At that moment, there is anenormous surge of power the like of which I have not seen before. Itwas this that first attracted my attention. It is an inpouring ofenergy. A concentration of power as though to store. Now I ask myself,where would this power be stored? And why? These questions I could notanswer until I had x-rayed the skull.
[COLBY] You x-rayed the skull? When?
[FENDELMAN] Stael and I have been doing experiments in secret for sometime.
[COLBY] Thank you.
[FENDELMAN] No, no, no, you are right. But from the beginning I had thefeeling that this was so important that it must be kept secret. And nowwe have these murders and this mysterious intruder.
[COLBY] He said something about x-rays.
[THEA] Will you excuse me?
[COLBY] Oh, I'm sorry, Thea. Are you still feeling ill?
[THEA] No, it's all right. I'm just a little tired. I think I'll go andlie down.
[FENDELMAN] You are looking very pale, my dear. Perhaps you have beenworking too hard. I will ask Stael to look in on you later.
[FENDELMAN] There is no doubt that this intruder has been spying on us.
[COLBY] Yes. Well, after the x-rays, what did you find?
[FENDELMAN] I will show you. Come.
[TYLER] Gran, can you hear me?
[LEELA] Drink this, old woman. It will warm you.
[TYLER] What happened, Gran?
[LEELA] Do not ask her that. It's because she does not want to rememberthat she is like this. You are safe now. You are safe. Nothing can hurtyou. I will let nothing hurt you.
[MARTHA] I, I seen it. In my mind. Dark. Great dark. It called me. In mymind it called me. Hungry. It were hungry for my soul.
[TYLER] What's it mean?
[MARTHA] Everything. There'll be nothing left.
[LEELA] The Doctor will know.
[MARTHA] No life left. Help me! Help us!
[LEELA] I must find the Doctor. Stay with her!
[MARTHA] It were hungry for my soul.
(Fendelman's lab)
[FENDELMAN] There. Do you see it?
[COLBY] It looks like a pentagram. It's the way the fragments have beenassembled.
[FENDELMAN] No. It is part of the bone structure itself. I believe it tobe a form of neural relay, and this is where the energy is stored. Itis interesting, is it not, that for as long as man can remember, thepentagram has been a symbol for mystical energy and power.
[COLBY] All right, let's assume that's the how. You're still left withwhy.
[FENDELMAN] A beacon.
[COLBY] What?
[FENDELMAN] Suppose the energy is still within this neural circuit andcan only be released by the intelligent application of applied advancedtechnology.
[COLBY] You mean the release of that energy would act as a signal thatthere was intelligent life on this planet?
[FENDELMAN] And at last, mankind would meet its
[COLBY] Next of kin?
[FENDELMAN] Destiny, Adam. Its destiny.
(Lumber room)
[THEA] Hello? Are you there? Please, I need help.
(Fendelman's lab)
[STAEL] Thea.
[THEA] Max! You frightened me. Do you have to creep about like that?
[STAEL] I apologise. What are you doing here, Thea?
[THEA] I was, I was looking for the stranger. Do you know where he is?
[STAEL] It is not important.
[THEA] Well it is to me. I must find him. I think he can help me.
[STAEL] Why should you need help, Thea? Anyway, the stranger hasescaped. He can do nothing. It is too late. Too late for all themeddling fools.
[THEA] What are you talking about, Max? Get out of my way.
[STAEL] There's no need to be afraid of me, Thea.
[THEA] Please, Max!
[STAEL] It is fitting that you should be the key to my power.
[THEA] Max, don't be such a fool.
[STAEL] The chosen one.
[STAEL] The chosen one.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Parastatic magnetometer. How very quaint.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Twelfth century.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Oh. Would you like a jelly baby? No, I don't suppose youwould. Alas, poor skull.
[LEELA] Doctor? What's the matter? Where is he? Doctor!
[LEELA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] No, no.
[BOTH] Are you all right?
[LEELA] You are very heavy.
[DOCTOR] How did you find me?
[LEELA] Well, I just felt something was wrong so I followed the feeling.
[LEELA] I did!
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course you did.
[LEELA] Hey.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] Have I saved your life?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I was careless. Come on, get up. Come on.
[DOCTOR] You're becoming a metracion generator, aren't you.
[LEELA] Is it alive?
[DOCTOR] Yes. It's using appropriate genetic material to recreateitself.
[LEELA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Shush. I think it's the Fendahl. It grows and exists by death.
[LEELA] Most creatures do. That is what you told me.
[DOCTOR] The Fendahl absorbs the full spectrum of energy, what somepeople call a life force or soul. It eats life itself.
[LEELA] That must be what the old woman saw.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] Huge and dark, she said. Hungry for her soul.
[DOCTOR] And she's still alive?
[LEELA] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Take me to her.
[LEELA] What about that?
[DOCTOR] It's indestructible.
[LEELA] Well, what about the sonic time scan?
[DOCTOR] No, no, first thing's first. Fendelman can operate that beforethe implosion for about a hundred hours, give or take a few minutes.
[LEELA] But he might already have used his hundred hours.
[DOCTOR] That's a risk I'll have to take. Come on, let's go.
(Fendelman's lab)
[COLBY] What's that for?
[FENDELMAN] That is a running log. Some of the scanner components have alimited life.
[COLBY] Ninety eight hours fifty six minutes forty three point sevenseconds. You've been busy with this equipment.
[FENDELMAN] It has been a joy.
[COLBY] A labour of love, even. If man really is descended from alienslike this, why haven't we found evidence of it before?
[FENDELMAN] Because we were not looking.
[COLBY] Oh, come on.
[FENDELMAN] No, we were not looking for this kind of evidence, andwithout the scanner we would not have found this. Adam, in all researchthere must be a single discovery. What is it the Chinese say? That ajourney of a thousand miles begins with but a single step.
[COLBY] This isn't a step, it's a jump. And to rather an illogicalconclusion.
[FENDELMAN] You shall see. I have already reprogrammed the computer.This time it will give a visual interpretation of what the scannerpicks up. On this screen, Colby, you shall see the true genesis of homosapiens.
[STAEL] Thea.
[THEA] Max.
[STAEL] I'm glad you are awake, Thea. I want you to understand why Ibrought you here. You are the medium through which the ancient power ofthis place is focused.
[THEA] What are you doing?
[STAEL] The scanner awoke the power. You know about the scanner, ofcourse. I've been watching you for some time, you see. Through you, Ishall conjure and control the supreme power of the ancients.
[THEA] Oh, Max, don't be so ridiculous.
[STAEL] You will sleep now, while we prepare.
[THEA] Max! Max, you're a fool.
[STAEL] I shall be a god.
[TYLER] Is this him? Is this your man? Oi, do you know what's going on?My Gran in hell of a state.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Mrs Tyler, wake up.
[LEELA] Come on, old woman, wake up. Wake up now.
[TYLER] Oi, what do you think you're doing? Leave her alone.
[DOCTOR] Do you know what's wrong with her?
[TYLER] Well, no, but
[DOCTOR] I do. Make some tea.
[TYLER] Tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea. She does drink tea?
[TYLER] Well, yeah.
[DOCTOR] Off you go and make some. Use the best china. Four cups laidout on a tray. Off you go. Oh, and some fruitcake.
[TYLER] Anything else?
[DOCTOR] I love fruitcake. Come on, Mrs Tyler. This is no way to behavewhen you've got visitors. We've come for tea.
[LEELA] And fruitcake.
[DOCTOR] And fruitcake.
(Fendelman's lab)
[FENDELMAN] There, Colby, do you see it?
[STAEL] Turn it off!
[FENDELMAN] Where have you been, Stael. I needed you here.
[STAEL] Turn off the scanner!
[COLBY] Doctor Fendelman, I think you have an industrial relationsproblem.
[FENDELMAN] What are you talking?
[FENDELMAN] Have you lost your mind?
[STAEL] The scanner.
[COLBY] Relax, Max. I'll do it.
[FENDELMAN] Why, Stael?
[STAEL] I am not yet ready. My followers are not yet here.
[COLBY] Followers? Well, that's impressive.
[STAEL] Shut up, Colby, or I will kill you now. Outside, both of you.
[FENDELMAN] Is this some sort of joke, Max?
[COLBY] Oh no, Max isn't famous for his sense of humour, are you, Maxie?
[STAEL] I shall not warn you again, Colby.
[COLBY] You're going to kill us anyway, aren't you?
[STAEL] That depends on whether I enjoy having you worship me.
(Cottage kitchen)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Then you mix the peanuts with thetreacle
[DOCTOR] Throw in the apple cores very hard, put the lot in a shallowtin and bake in a high oven for two weeks. (sotto) It's too late. She'sslipping away. Come on.
[MARTHA] Here, just a minute.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[MARTHA] That ain't the way to make a fruitcake.
[DOCTOR] Mrs Tyler! (laughs)
[MARTHA] Here, well, if you'm going to stay, you may as well sityourselves down. I'll have the tea ready in a jiffy.
[TYLER] It's here, Gran.
[MARTHA] But that ain't the best china, John. And there's fresh cake inthe other tin. Why, I'm sorry. When did I ask you to tea? I ain't neverseen you afore in my life.
[DOCTOR] You were slipping away, Mrs Tyler.
[MARTHA] Slipping away?
[DOCTOR] Yes, psychic shock. I needed something normal to bring you backto reality. How long have you lived here, Mrs Tyler?
[MARTHA] Why should I tell 'ee ought?
[DOCTOR] Tell her I'm trying to help.
[TYLER] He's only trying to help, Gran.
[MARTHA] You mind your place, John.
[TYLER] Oh, now, no, we won't have none of those games. Now, Ted Mossand his cronies is up to something. It's something bad, and you'reinvolved. Now, you tell him what he want to know.
[MARTHA] I ain't involved in anything. I were consulted. A lot of peopleconsult me. You know I've got the second sight.
[DOCTOR] Yes. So you've lived in this cottage all your life, haven'tyou, Mrs Tyler.
[MARTHA] Why should I tell 'ee ought?
[DOCTOR] Well, telepathy and precognition are normal in anyone whosechildhood was spent near a time fissure, like the one in the wood.
[TYLER] He's as bad as she is. Here, what's a time fissure?
[DOCTOR] It's a weakness in the fabric of space and time. Every hauntedplace has one, doesn't it? That's why they're haunted. It's a timedistortion. This one must be very large. Large enough to have affectedthe place names round here. Like Fetchborough. Fetch. An apparition,hmm?
[MARTHA] How do 'ee know so much?
[DOCTOR] I read a lot. What did you see in the wood, Mrs Tyler?
[MARTHA] I didn't see ought with my eyes.
[DOCTOR] Then with your mind. Did it have a human shape?
[DOCTOR] Mrs Tyler, I must know. Did it have a human shape?
[MARTHA] No, it didn't.
[DOCTOR] Mrs. Jack, do something for me.
[TYLER] If I can.
[DOCTOR] It could be dangerous.
[TYLER] How?
[DOCTOR] I want you to keep an eye on the Priory. I must know who comesand goes. We'll be back tomorrow sundown.
[TYLER] Right.
[MARTHA] Here, girl.
[LEELA] Yes?
[MARTHA] Take this. 'Tis a charm will protect 'ee.
[MARTHA] I cast it for Ted Moss, but 'tis too late for him.
[LEELA] Thank you.
[MARTHA] John.
[TYLER] Yes, Gran?
[MARTHA] I seed that figure he spoke of in a dream. 'Twere a woman.
[FENDELMAN] How long have you been planning this, whatever it is you'replanning?
[STAEL] Ever since Mrs Tyler's visions began to come true.
[FENDELMAN] Visions? Oh, come now, Max. You have a first class brain.Use it!
[COLBY] First class brain? He's an occult freak. One of those feebleinadequates who thinks he communes with the devil. Oh, is that it, Max?Gonna summon up the devil, huh?
[STAEL] Unlike you, I am not a crude lout, Colby. The grimoires do notimpress me. Mrs Tyler's paranormal gifts and the race memory she drawson, these were the signposts on the road to power.
[COLBY] Spare us the after dinner speech.
[STAEL] I look forward to your terror, Colby.
[FENDELMAN] I trusted him.
[COLBY] I didn't, and I'm going to end up just as dead as you, if that'sany consolation.
[FENDELMAN] But why is he doing this?
[COLBY] Fendelman, it doesn't matter why. What matters is he's doing it,to us, unless we can get free before his so-called followers arrive.Hey, what about the security guards?
[FENDELMAN] In my absence, they are to take their instructions from him.
[DOCTOR] The fifth planet's a hundred and seven million miles out andtwelve million years back, so we've no time to lose.
[LEELA] Do you think this thing, the Fendahl, comes from the fifthplanet?
[DOCTOR] Well, it came from it a long time ago, before your speciesevolved on Earth.
[LEELA] How did it travel?
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] Well, you said there's only one. It could not build aspacecraft. How did it get to Earth?
[DOCTOR] Well, it. Well, it probably used that enormous stockpile ofenergy to project itself across space.
[LEELA] Oh, you mean the way lightning travels.
[DOCTOR] No. Yes, well, something like that. Humans speak of astralprojection, travelling psychically to different planets. That could bea race memory.
[LEELA] Race memory?
[DOCTOR] Yes. You see, sometimes people dream they've been to otherplaces. It's, er, déjà vu. No?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. Put it away, put it away. It's a good thing yourtribe never developed guns. They'd have woken with a start one morningand wiped themselves out.
[LEELA] There was something chasing me. I, I couldn't move. Just adream, I suppose.
[LEELA] Hey, what's wrong?
[DOCTOR] I've been checking the old data banks. There's no record at allof a fifth planet.
[LEELA] Does that matter?
[DOCTOR] Well of course it matters! We Time Lords are a very meticulouspeople. You have to be when you live as long as we do. All informationis recorded.
[LEELA] Perhaps there wasn't any.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] Information.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR] Of course. That's why there's no record of the planet.
[LEELA] Why?
[DOCTOR] That impression's produced by a time loop.
[LEELA] Time loop?
[DOCTOR] Yes, a time loop. All memory of a planet's been erased by acircle of time, making data and its records invisible. Only a Time Lordcould do that.
[LEELA] That's very clever.
[DOCTOR] That's criminal! We've been on a wild goose chase. We'd betterget back. Let's hope we're not too far round that time loop.
[LEELA] Is there anything I can do?
[DOCTOR] Yes. No, no. I'll just set the coordinates and we're on ourway.
[MARTHA] The Tower, struck by lightning.
[TYLER] Still no sign of him. Sundown, he said.
[MARTHA] I didn't reckon he'd be reliable. Never trust a man as wears ahat.
[TYLER] Well, Granddad always wore one.
[MARTHA] And a wicked old devil he were, too.
[TYLER] I wear one.
[MARTHA] Ah, but I give it to 'ee. That's different. Here, put this inyour pocket.
[TYLER] More charms! Look, I'm not one of your punters, Gran.
[MARTHA] But 'tis Lammas Eve.
[TYLER] Look, you know that I don't believe in all that.
[MARTHA] Most round here do. And when most believe, that do make ittrue.
[TYLER] Most people used to believe that the Earth was flat, but it wasstill round.
[MARTHA] Ah ha, but they behaved as if 'twere flat. Here, just for me.
[TYLER] All right, then, if it makes you happy.
[MARTHA] Oh, I want they two cartridges.
[TYLER] What, you going rabbiting, Gran?
[MARTHA] I'm going to fill 'em with salt.
[TYLER] Salt?
[MARTHA] Salt's the best protection there be.
[TYLER] Evil spirits again, eh, Gran?
[MARTHA] You can laugh, John, but I know the old ways. Better than themup at the Priory, any road. You'd best get up there. We don't want 'emmeddling in things they don't understand.
[CORBY] What is that?
[FENDELMAN] A remote control unit connected to the scanner.
[CORBY] He's linking up that old bone with your scanner? Why?
[FENDELMAN] The power source! Colby, I think I know.
[LEELA] We're going to be late.
[DOCTOR] Well of course we're going to be late! It's obvious we're goingto be late! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The question is, where is it gettingthe power from? Inducted biological transmutation takes a lot of power.There isn't that sort of power available in the Priory.
[LEELA] What is it? Have you hurt yourself?
[DOCTOR] I've got it. It is available in the Priory. The skull'sabsorbing the energy released when the scanner beam damages the timefissure. Why didn't I think of that before?
[LEELA] Even you can't think of everything.
[DOCTOR] I can't?
[DOCTOR] No. Well, I should have thought it. I was frightened inchildhood by a mythological horror.
[DOCTOR] Too frightened to think clearly.
[LEELA] Tsk, tsk, tsk.
[STAEL] The waiting is over. Prepare yourselves.
[FENDELMAN] Don't do it, Stael!
[CORBY] Shut up, you fool. Let him electrocute himself.
[FENDELMAN] He will kill us all. Listen to me, all of you! He is amadman!
[FENDELMAN] You must stop him! Stop him now, before he plungeseverything into chaos and death!
[COLBY] I'll plunge you into chaos and death if you don't shut up.
[FENDELMAN] You don't understand. I see now what will happen.
[STAEL] You do?
[FENDELMAN] Max, listen. The Doctor asked if my name was real.Fendelman. Man of the Fendahl. Don't you see? Only for this have thegenerations of my fathers lived. I have been used! You are being used!Mankind has been used!
(Fendelman's lab)
[TYLER] Ain't in here, either.
[MARTHA] Oh, the house is empty, then. Oh, I don't hold with all this.'Tis agin nature.
[TYLER] That sounded like a shot. Here, are there any cellars?
[MARTHA] Oh, there are cellars all under here, but they haven't beenused for years.
[TYLER] Yeah, well they're being used now.
[MARTHA] Come on, boy. Ow!
[TYLER] You all right, Gran?
[MARTHA] Well, what do you think?
[COLBY] You murdering lunatic.
[STAEL] The way to power is open!
(Outside Fendelman's lab)
[MARTHA] Oh, dammit, boy, that hurt.
[MARTHA] Listen, John. There's summat comin'. Can you hear it? Summatcomin'.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[TYLER] Damn, I'm glad to see you. You're not a moment too soon.
[MARTHA] No, a moment too late. Listen.
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's get out of here.
[LEELA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] That dream! I can't move!
[TYLER] My legs. I can't move my legs!
[MARTHA] Look! Look!
(Outside Fendelman's lab)
[LEELA] What's happening? Why can't we move?
[DOCTOR] Shush. It's psychotelekinetic. It controls your musclestelepathically.
[TYLER] It's only loaded with rock salt.
[DOCTOR] No matter. It's confused that I can still move. Shut your eyes.Shut your eyes! Now concentrate on your legs, and when I shout, run!
[DOCTOR] Run! Come on!
[LEELA] I can't.
[TYLER] I'm trying.
[LEELA] I can't move my legs.
[DOCTOR] Run for your life!
[TYLER] Come on, Gran.
[DOCTOR] Rock salt.
[COLBY] Thea? Thea!
[MOSS] No! No! Don't do that! Don't do that! Argh!
[COLBY] Move, man! Why don't you move?
[STAEL] This is not how it should be.
[DOCTOR] Well done. Well done. That sort of control's almost impossibleto break.
[TYLER] What was it?
[LEELA] The Fendahl.
[DOCTOR] No, it wasn't. It was a Fendahleen. It was the same think thatkilled the hiker and Mitchell. It can only have been created out ofpure energy while the skull was restructuring Thea's brain.
[TYLER] What's he talking about?
[DOCTOR] What's that for?
[TYLER] Oh, I dunno, but it comes from Fendelman's laboratory.
[MARTHA] It goes down to the cellar by the look of it.
[DOCTOR] That's it! Leela, you'd better come with me. Jack, stay withyour grandma. We'd better find out what's going on down there.
[TYLER] You're all right, Gran.
[MARTHA] You know summat, John? There's going to come a time when I'llbe too old for this sort of thing.
[COLBY] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Shush. Get him out of here as soon as you can. Whateveryou do, don't look at her eyes. Shush. Don't look at her eyes.
[COLBY] What about the others? We can't just leave them.
[LEELA] Leave that to the Doctor. Come on.
[STAEL] Help me.
[COLBY] Come on, man. Get out while you still can!
[LEELA] Get out of here! Will you get out!
[STAEL] Help
[DOCTOR] Come on. Come on. It's too late. You've seen her eyes.
[STAEL] The gun.
[DOCTOR] What?
[STAEL] Give me the gun.
[DOCTOR] It won't have any effect on her.
[STAEL] It's on the altar. It's not for her. It's for me.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry.
[STAEL] Thank you.
[TYLER] What's happened? What's happening now?
[LEELA] There are Fendahleen everywhere.
[MARTHA] You all right, Professor? You look a bit peaky.
[COLBY] This is all your fault, do you know that? Stupid old witch.
[TYLER] Hey, you watch your mouth, boy.
[MARTHA] Oh, don't worry, John. He's only frightened like the rest ofus.
[LEELA] Quiet. Listen.
[COLBY] Look, don't you threaten me, you swede-bashing cretin.
[LEELA] Listen! You nearly got us all killed down there. Now be quiet,or you'll get yourself killed up here!
[LEELA] Oh, I'm glad to see you.
[DOCTOR] Put that away. You almost got us killed down there.
[COLBY] It has been mentioned.
[DOCTOR] Shush. (to Martha) The darkness, is it all around us?
[MARTHA] No. Only down there, where you just come from. But it's gettingdarker slowly.
[DOCTOR] Come on. Let's have a look at the one I assaulted.
[MARTHA] Oh, must we?
[DOCTOR] Hmm, beautiful.
[COLBY] Beautiful?
[DOCTOR] Yes, sodium chloride. Obviously affects the conductivity, ruinsthe overall electrical balance and prevents control of localiseddisruption to the osmotic pressures.
[LEELA] Salt kills it.
[DOCTOR] I just said that. Probably the origin of throwing it over yourshoulder. Come on.
(Fendelman's lab)
[DOCTOR] Whew. Well, I've saved the planet, but we're too late for theFendahl.
[LEELA] Well, if we can kill one, we can kill the rest.
[DOCTOR] Oh no, that was just a lucky shot up the throat. It's not athroat of course
[LEELA] Look, Doctor, good marksmanship is not a matter of luck.
[DOCTOR] True, but that was just an isolated Fendahleen, comparativelyweak. What's in the cellar is the Fendahl, the gestalt.
[TYLER] The what?
[COLBY] A gestalt is a group creature. It's made up of separate parts,but when they join together they make a new and much more powerfulcreature.
[TYLER] He reads a lot, you know.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Got it. According to the legends of Gallifrey, and thesuperstitions of this planet, it's fairly certain that the Fendahl ismade up of twelve Fendahleen and a core.
[COLBY] Thea.
[DOCTOR] Well, yes, what was Thea. It's no longer Thea no more than. Ikilled one, and Stael shot himself. There are only ten left.
[LEELA] Are you saying the Fendahl is not yet complete?
[DOCTOR] Yes, we've still got a chance. Jack?
[TYLER] Yeah?
[DOCTOR] Any more of those salt-filled cartridges?
[TYLER] No, there are just two shot filled ones.
[DOCTOR] I need rock salt, quickly.
[MARTHA] 'Ere, have you two got they charms I give 'ee?
[LEELA] Yes.
[MARTHA] Give them to me.
[TYLER] What is it?
[MARTHA] Rock salt.
[DOCTOR] Mrs Tyler, you're wonderful. Jack, fix those cartridges. Now,Mrs Tyler, I need as much salt as you can find. Rock salt, table salt.Fill as many containers as you can. Off you go.
[MARTHA] Yes, right.
[DOCTOR] Jack? Now listen very carefully. Go out into the corridor andkeep watch. When you see the Fendahleen, don't hang around. Give itboth barrels and run. Off you go.
[DOCTOR] Leela?
[LEELA] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Go with him.
[COLBY] Did you say that about twelve million years ago, on a namelessplanet which no longer exists, evolution went up a blind alley?
[COLBY] Natural selection turned back on itself and a creature evolvedwhich prospered by absorbing the energy wavelengths of life itself?
[COLBY] It ate life? All life, including that of its own kind?
[DOCTOR] Yes. In other words, the Fendahl. And then the Time Lordsdecided to destroy the entire planet, and hid the fact from posterity.They're not supposed to do that sort of thing, you know.
[LEELA] Listen.
(Fendelman's lab)
[COLBY] So when the Time Lords acted, it was toolate. The Fendahl had already come here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, probably taking in Mars on it's way through.
[COLBY] Then it got itself buried, but not killed.
[DOCTOR] The Fendahl is death. How do you kill death? No, what happenedwas this. The energy amassed by the Fendahl was stored in the skull anddissipated slowly as a biological transmutation field. Now, anyappropriate lifeform that came within the field was altered so that itultimately evolved into something suitable for the Fendahl to use.
[COLBY] Are you saying that skull created man?
[DOCTOR] No, I'm saying it may have effected his evolution.
[TYLER] I can't hear nothing.
[LEELA] Shush. There's something coming this way.
(Fendelman's lab)
[DOCTOR] That would explain the dark side of man'snature. But it's just a theory.
[COLBY] A pretty wild one.
[DOCTOR] It's more fun that way.
[LEELA] Now, Jack, as soon as you see it, fire, andwe shall run.
[TYLER] Look!
[LEELA] Don't look at her, Jack! Fire the gun!
[TYLER] I can't.
[LEELA] Don't look at her!
[TYLER] I can't.
[LEELA] Jack, give me the gun.
[TYLER] I can't.
(Fendelman's lab)
[DOCTOR] Almost there. Oh, if you want analternative explanation, the Fendahl fed into the RNA of certainindividuals the instincts and compulsions necessary to recreate. Thesewere fed through the generations till they reached Fendelman and peoplelike him.
[COLBY] Well, that's possibly more plausible.
[DOCTOR] Or on the other hand, it could all be just a coincidence.Finished.
[DOCTOR] Find Mrs Tyler. Give her a hand with the salt. Time's runningout.
[DOCTOR] Leela! Leela!
[LEELA] What happened? Did I hit it?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, you did. You're quite right, Leela. Good marksmanshipisn't a matter of luck. Come on.
(Fendelman's lab)
[MARTHA] Here you are. That's all the salt I can lay me hands on.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Right, battle stations. Jack, you and your grandma, backto the cottage.
[TYLER] Right, we'll get
[DOCTOR] Shush. You know what to do.
[TYLER] Right.
[DOCTOR] Good man.
[COLBY] Oh, where are you going?
[TYLER] We're going back to the cottage.
[MARTHA] You'll catch us up.
[COLBY] Oh, don't worry. I'll probably overtake you.
[DOCTOR] Lead lined?
[COLBY] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Perfect. Right, now this is what I want you to do. Give Leelaand me time to get down to the cellar, and then switch on the scannerbeam. With luck it should confuse things down there long enough for usto grab the skull and get away.
[COLBY] Well then what?
[DOCTOR] Listen. This is important. Be sure to operate the scanner beamfor only two minutes, then switch if off and you go.
[COLBY] But why?
[DOCTOR] Because I've rigged that to set off a controlled implosionthree minutes after you switch off the scanner. We need three minutesto get clear.
[COLBY] A big bang?
[DOCTOR] Pretty big. Big enough to blow this place to atoms.
[LEELA] Then why don't we leave the skull here?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, too dangerous. It could pop up anywhere and start thewhole thing over again. Come on.
[LEELA] Good luck.
[DOCTOR] Psst. Remember, three minutes.
[LEELA] Look out, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] No, better save some for later.
[LEELA] Do not worry.
(Fendelman's lab)
[COLBY] Five, four, three, two, one.
[COLBY] You've got three minutes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on, I've got it. Let's get out of here.
[LEELA] Something's happened.
[DOCTOR] He's switched off the scanner beam. We've got three minutes.Come on!
[LEELA] Look!
[DOCTOR] No, don't!
[LEELA [OC]] We've done it!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come on, run!
(Outside the Priory)
[DOCTOR] Leela, where are you?
[LEELA [OC]] Here!
[DOCTOR] Then come on! Run!
[TYLER] You all right, Gran?
[TYLER] Well, keep your head down, then. Hey, somebody's coming.
[COLBY] Any minutes now.
(Priory grounds)
[DOCTOR] Down!
[LEELA] What now?
[DOCTOR] We leave. Vanishing priories take a lot of explaining.
[LEELA] Will the other be all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Probably at Mrs Tyler's now, eating plum cake off her bestchina.
[TYLER] I'll put the kettle on, Gran, eh?
[LEELA] What are you going to do about the skull?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, find a star about to go supernova and dump it in thevicinity.
[LEELA] That will destroy it?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. I don't think even that can stand the temperaturesgenerated by a supernova. Ah!
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] Found one, in the constellation of Canthares. Just set thecoordinates, and we're on our way.
[LEELA] Then what are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] I like your new dress.
[LEELA] It's the old one.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. It has a certain, je ne, je, er.
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] You didn't finish.
[DOCTOR] Didn't finish what?
[LEELA] Your sentence. It's a very annoying habit, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes. Well, it's about K, K
[DOCTOR] K9. Yes. I'd better finish repairing him.
[LEELA] Ah! You called him him. You called him him!
[DOCTOR] I can call K9 him if I want to. He's my dog. Aren't you, K9?
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s15", "episode": "e03", "title": "Image of the Fendahl"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (26 Nov, 1977; Fourth Doctor) - The Sun Makers
[WOMAN] Citizen Cordo, District Four?
[CORDO] Yes?
[WOMAN] Congratulations, Citizen. Your father ceased at one ten.
[CORDO] All was well?
[WOMAN] A fine death. Body weight was eighty four kilos at termination.
[CORDO] I'm gratified.
[WOMAN] Gatherer Hade is waiting for the death taxes.
[CORDO] Yes, I have them here.
[WOMAN] Pay them at the Gatherer's office.
(Gatherer's office)
[HADE] Let him enter.
[HADE] Well, Citizen. Death taxes? Not on the desk. It might scar.
[CORDO] Oh, it is wood, your honour.
[HADE] Mmm, of a kind called ma-ho-gany. I don't suppose you've everseen wood before, have you, Citizen?
[CORDO] No, never. But we learned about it at preparation centre. Therewas even a picture of a tree! A fine thing.
[HADE] Simply a primitive way of producing oxygen. Thank the Company wehave no need of trees on Pluto.
[CORDO] Praise the Company.
[HADE] Is this your account, Citizen? I see you selected the goldendeath, with four mercy attendants.
[CORDO] Yes, your honour. I always pledged that when his death day camehe would not suffer.
[HADE] Compassion is a noble thing, Citizen. Also costly. A hundred andseventeen talmars.
[CORDO] One hundred and seven? No, it can't be.
[HADE] See the account.
[CORDO] But there's a mistake. Eighty, they said. Eighty for the goldendeath.
[HADE] The Collector recently raised death taxes seventeen percent.
[CORDO] I didn't know, your Honour.
[HADE] It was bulletined.
[CORDO] But I didn't see it.
[HADE] It is every citizen's duty to know the tax rates.
[CORDO] I've been working double shifts to earn the money.
[HADE] Four mercy attendants is now a further eighteen talmars. Disposalfee ten talmars plus of course an ad valorum tax of ten percent. Totalone hundred and thirty two talmars. It's all here, you see, and said weput your father's personal contribution of seven talmars. Only seventalmars, Citizen? Must have been a poor man.
[CORDO] He was a municipal servant for forty years, your Honour. Hecleaned the walkways.
[HADE] And then there's the recycling allowance on his death weight ofeighty four kilos. That is eight talmars. Leaving a debt of a hundredand seventeen.
[CORDO] Please, I have only eighty six. It has taken me years to saveit.
[HADE] How do you propose to settle the thirty one talmars outstanding?
[CORDO] Well, I can't. Your Honour, I have nothing.
[HADE] Taxes are the primary consideration, Citizen. I see that you area D grade worker in the Foundry.
[CORDO] Yes, your Honour.
[HADE] Fortunately, as the Gatherer, I have certain powers. I willencourage your supervisor to allow you increased output.
[CORDO] But, your Honour, I already work a double shift now! I have onlymy three hours sleep time away from the Foundry.
[HADE] Twenty one hours a week. You must manage without sleep time untilthe debt is paid.
[CORDO] It will kill me!
[HADE] Take your Q capsule.
[CORDO] But your Honour, the high medical tax on Q capsules!
[HADE] Citizen Cordo, you complain too much. Thank the Company you'rewarm and fed.
[CORDO] Praise the Company.
[HADE] You may go.
[CORDO] I am gratified, your Honour.
[K9] Queen to knight six.
[LEELA] There?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Even simple one-dimensional chess exposes the limitations ofthe machine mind.
[K9] Bishop to queen six. Mistress!
[LEELA] There?
[K9] Affirmative. Check, master.
[DOCTOR] What?
[K9] Machine mind computes mate in six moves.
[DOCTOR] Rubbish!
[LEELA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Leela, keep still.
[LEELA] But Doctor, the
[DOCTOR] And shut up. I'm trying to concentrate.
[K9] Your move, master.
[DOCTOR] I know it's my move. Don't flash your eyes at me.
[K9] Wrong square.
[DOCTOR] What?
[K9] Your king, master. Wrong square.
[DOCTOR] Really? Are you sure?
[K9] Affirmative.
[LEELA] Doctor, can I speak now?
[DOCTOR] What? All right, if you must. What is it?
[LEELA] Well, the column's stopped moving.
[LEELA] It is not important?
[DOCTOR] What?!
[DOCTOR] We might have gone right through the time spiral! Why didn'tyou tell me?
[LEELA] I tried to but you wouldn't let me.
[DOCTOR] You didn't.
[LEELA] I did.
[DOCTOR] You didn't.
[LEELA] I did!
[DOCTOR] You didn't.
[LEELA] I did!
[DOCTOR] It's that confounded paint. It's always jamming things up. Staycalm. I'm going to materialise and take a reading.
[LEELA] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] We're still in the Solar System. Pluto?
[LEELA] Pluto?
[DOCTOR] Yes, Pluto.
[K9] Ninth planet. Was until the discovery of Cassius believed to be theoutermost body in the system. It has a diameter of three thousand
[DOCTOR] Leela, tell your tin friend to shut up.
[LEELA] K9, you can tell me later.
[K9] Affirmative. It's distance from the Sun is
[LEELA] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Breathable atmosphere. That's wrong.
[LEELA] There are buildings.
[DOCTOR] Pluto's a lifeless rock. Leela? I think you and I should take aW A L K.
[DOCTOR] W-a-l-k.
[K9] Walk, mistress.
[LEELA] I know.
[K9] Ready, master.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. You're not coming. You stay here.
[K9] Entreat, master.
[K9] I'll be good.
[DOCTOR] No! Pluto's no place for a
[LEELA] I'm sorry, K9. We won't be long.
(Block 40)
[DOCTOR] Quite warm. Around twenty degrees. Very humid.
[LEELA] It is like Earth, except that the air is scented.
[DOCTOR] It's all wrong. It shouldn't be like Earth. Unless, of course,the Sun's turned nova.
[LEELA] Doctor, look!
[DOCTOR] Fascinating.
[DOCTOR] What an engineering achievement, eh?
[DOCTOR] Don't joggle, Leela. Don't joggle. You can look in a minute.
[DOCTOR] Must have taken them centuries to build a city like that.
[LEELA] Hey!
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] Come down! Please, come back!
[DOCTOR] Don't touch him!
[LEELA] Doctor! Please, don't jump.
[DOCTOR] Magnificent view, isn't it. How high is this building?
[CORDO] A thousand metres.
[DOCTOR] A thousand metres? My. Are we interrupting something?
[CORDO] What would you say, Citizen?
[DOCTOR] Somehow I have the impression you're thinking of killingyourself.
[CORDO] It's the taxes.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CORDO] It's the taxes. I can't pay the taxes.
[DOCTOR] Oh, the taxes. My dear old thing, all you need is a wileyaccountant. Would you care for a jelly baby? Hmm? Try one.
[CORDO] What?
[DOCTOR] They're rather good.
[DOCTOR] Now, tell us about it. This is Leela, I'm the Doctor.
(Gatherer's office)
[HADE] What is it, Marn?
[MARN] Air space violation, your Honour.
[HADE] District Four.
[MARN] The data vibes also indicate illegal landing.
[HADE] Hmm?
[MARN] Block Forty.
[HADE] Excellent. There's a fine of five hundred talmars on each count.Order my demon(?) immediately, Marn. We must apprehend the culprit.
(Block 40)
[CORDO] Then there's the medical tax on Q-capsules,and work tax on extra hours, so I could never clear the debt. You see,the Company charges fifty percent compound interest on unpaid taxes.I'm only a grade D work unit, three talmars a shift. Three talmars.That's not enough.
[LEELA] What is he saying, Doctor? I do not understand.
[DOCTOR] He can't make ends meet. Probably too many economists in thegovernment.
[LEELA] These taxes, they are like sacrifices to tribal gods?
[DOCTOR] Well, roughly speaking, but paying tax is more painful.
[LEELA] Then the people should rise up and slaughter their oppressors!
[DOCTOR] Well, if little Cordo's at all typical, they haven't any spiritleft for fighting.
[CORDO] It's the Gatherer! Quick, run!
[LEELA] Run, Doctor! It's the Gatherer!
(Roof access)
[CORDO] If we are caught up here, there is a fineof five talmars or a week in the Correction Centre.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CORDO] It is an offence! Only the executive grade is allowed in thelight of the suns.
[DOCTOR] Suns?
[LEELA] Shush.
(Block 40)
[MARN] How did it get here?
[HADE] Oh, use your intelligence, Marn. We detected an air spaceviolation. Clearly a sky freighter.
[MARN] But what is it, your Honour?
[HADE] Obviously a container. See the lock?
(Roof access)
[LEELA] He is trying to open the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Pity K9 can't bark.
[CORDO] Quick! Quick!
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[CORDO] We must get away.
[DOCTOR] For someone who wanted to commit suicide a few minutes ago, youseem very anxious not to be caught.
[CORDO] Death is easy. Perhaps you've never been in the CorrectionCentre, Citizen.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Leela.
[CORDO] Hurry.
(Block 40)
[HADE] It's an intriguing case, Marn.
[MARN] Your Honour, it's inconceivable. To flout so many regulations.
[HADE] Exactly. I smell something very big. Perhaps another Kandorconspiracy.
[MARN] What was that?
[HADE] Oh yes, Kandor.
[MARN] I never heard of it.
[HADE] Yes, it wasn't made public at the time in case it gave othersideas. Kandor was an executive grade in Megropolis Four who falsifiedcomputer records for the enrichment of himself and his fellowconspirators. Altogether he defrauded the Company of millions oftalmars.
[MARN] Praise the Company. What happened to him?
[HADE] He survived three years in the Correction Centre.
[MARN] Three years? A record.
[HADE] He was very strong.
[LEELA] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Why did you run?
[LEELA] Well, he ran first.
[DOCTOR] That's no answer.
[LEELA] Why did you run?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Odd, isn't it?
[LEELA] Perhaps everyone runs from the tax man.
[DOCTOR] He says you're right.
(Block 40)
[MARN] I can easily trace the delivery andfreighter records.
[HADE] Whatever programme the freighter used will self destruct inprint.
[MARN] You mean the instruction will not be retained in records? Butthat's another illegal
[HADE] Does the robber hesitate to break a window? We're not dealinghere, Marn, with some snivelling tax defaulter. This is a carefullyplanned criminal enterprise.
[MARN] To what end, your Honour?
[HADE] To defraud the Company of its rightful revenues by smugglingcontraband goods into the Megropolis. I see the magnitude of theoffence astounds you.
[MARN] Well, it's hard to believe such depths of criminality.
[HADE] It exists, Marn. It exists. Despite the screening and thePreparation Centres and the air conditioning, criminal deviants occurin every generation. Enemies of the Company. On old Earth they had asaying. There's one rotten acorn in every barrel. We must find thisfilth, Marn. Find it and crush it.
[MARN] The Company be praised. How should it be done?
[HADE] I have a plan.
(Aircon plant)
[DOCTOR] What's the hurry?
[CORDO] I must leave you here, Citizens.
[LEELA] What are you going to do?
[CORDO] Perhaps I can join the others.
[LEELA] Who are the others?
[CORDO] It is said they live in the Undercity. Outlaws, tax criminals,some who've escaped from the Correction Centre. Perhaps they will helpme, if they exist.
[LEELA] If you are not sure they exist, how do you expect to find them?
[CORDO] I know the secret way to the Undercity. You see, my father wasan E grade work unit. He cleaned the walkways all his life. He learnedthe secret.
[DOCTOR] We'll come with you.
[CORDO] I'm gratified, Citizens, but there may be danger.
[DOCTOR] No, I'm interested in this Undercity. Always like to get to thebottom of things.
[LEELA] Come on.
[CORDO] But you don't understand, Citizens. My father looked in once. Hesaid there is no light, nothing. It is not possible to imagine such athing.
[LEELA] You mean it is dark.
[CORDO] What is dark?
[LEELA] Well, at night, when the sun has gone.
[DOCTOR] He means there's no night on this planet, Leela. That's why theconcept of darkness frightens him.
[LEELA] But that is not possible. Every planet must have a night.
[DOCTOR] Not if the sidereal and axial rotation periods are the same, orif there's more than one sun.
[CORDO] There are six.
[DOCTOR] What, six suns on Pluto?
[CORDO] Well, everyone knows that. Each Megropolis was given its ownsun.
[DOCTOR] In-station fusion satellites. Galileo would have beenimpressed.
[DOCTOR] Cordo?
[CORDO] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Which way?
[CORDO] Somewhere beyond this point there is a little grating in theground.
[DOCTOR] Well, go on.
[CORDO] No, I can't. It's hard to see. All the light is fading.
[LEELA] Your eyes will soon grow accustomed to the darkness.
[CORDO] I didn't think it would be as bad as this. I must turn back.
[DOCTOR] Too late.
[DOCTOR] Take your hand off that knife, Leela.
[DOCTOR] Hello. You must be the others.
(Block 40)
[K9] Master?
(Gatherer's office)
[MARN] The tracker system is activated, yourHonour.
[HADE] So soon? Well done, Marn.
[MARN] What is it?
[HADE] I don't have to tell you, Marn.
[GOUDRY] We caught these three snooping around theservice subway.
[DOCTOR] You did not catch us. We allowed you to escort us.
[MANDRELL] What are they?
[GOUDRY] They claim they're from another planet, Mandrell.
[MANDRELL] There's no life on the other planets.
[DOCTOR] Really? How many other planets have you been to?
[MANDRELL] Show courtesy to my rank, or I'll cut your skin off inch byinch.
[DOCTOR] I can see we're going to get on famously.
[K9] Descend to level forty two.
[MANDRELL] Where are they from? He looks like anAjack.
[DOCTOR] Do you think he's insulting me?
[LEELA] With a face like his? He would not dare.
[LEELA] Let me get him, Doctor. I could cut his heart out.
[DOCTOR] Shush. We haven't come here to fight. We haven't come here tofight.
[MANDRELL] Why did you come here, then?
[DOCTOR] Because my new little chum here seemed unhappy about something.
[MANDRELL] The D grade?
[DOCTOR] Yes, the D grade.
[LEELA] He wishes to join your tribe.
[MANDRELL] Get him up.
[DOCTOR] I'll get him up. Come on, don't be frightened.
[CORDO] Light. Please, Doctor, let me see some light.
[MANDRELL] Fool, there's no light down here. Only that which we makeourselves.
[GOUDRY] Come on. Come on! We can make a few candles out of him. It'sall he's good for, Mandrell.
[MANDRELL] Shut up. What's your name?
[CORDO] Citizen Cordo, District Four.
[GOUDRY] Foundry or smelting?
[CORDO] I'm a foundry work unit, your honour. Always respectable. All mylife I've met the production quotas, paid my dues and taxes, praise theCompany.
[MANDRELL] Stuff the Company. Mouth those mindless parties down here,Citizen Cordo, and you'll get your throat slit. So, you're in troublewith the Gatherer, eh?
[CORDO] Yes. I couldn't meet my father's death taxes. It was more than Iwas told, and I
[MANDRELL] It's always more than they tell you. I've heard the story athousand times. You stay with us, you'll have to earn your keep.
[CORDO] Oh, yes, your honour, I'll work. Anything.
[MANDRELL] Work? Work, Cordo? Nobody works here. We go into the upperlevels and steal what we need. Aye, and kill for our needs whennecessary.
[VEET] This skin, it's real skin!
[LEELA] You touch me again and I'll fillet you!
[MANDRELL] A handy girl. Doctor?
[MANDRELL] You two may be of more use to us than I thought.
[DOCTOR] Well I'm delighted to. Oh, no, no, we're just tourists. We'renot staying.
[DOCTOR] On the other hand, it is quite cozy. Don't you think it's quitecozy here?
(Gatherer's office)
[MARN] It's turning into subway CT1.
[HADE] How I dislike the lower levels. So very depressing.
[MARN] The D grade work units have their dormer somewhere along there.
[HADE] He's turned again, Marn. Where is it now?
[MARN] It looks like one of the service subways, your Honour.
[VEET] It is finished.
[MANDRELL] A thousand talmars?
[VEET] It will do.
[MANDRELL] It'd better do. A little task for you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good.
[MANDRELL] Here's a ConSumCard we got of an Ajack. It's made out for athousand talmars.
[DOCTOR] A thousand talmars. Stolen?
[MANDRELL] What do you think?
[DOCTOR] Stolen.
[MANDRELL] It hasn't been used, so it's not on the computer records.
[GOUDRY] None of us could us it. We don't look like Ajacks.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. What do these Ajacks look like, if I'm pretending to beone. I ask merely for information.
[GOUDRY] They're all miners. They live in Megropolis Three.
[MANDRELL] Do you know how to use a ConSumCard?
[DOCTOR] Er, computer microloaded, er, do you feed it into a reader?
[MANDRELL] At the ConSum Bank on subway thirty seven.
[DOCTOR] Subway thirty seven.
[MANDRELL] Cordo? You show the Doctor how to get there.
[LEELA] (sotto) Do not go, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What? Suppose I refuse to go?
[MANDRELL] You'll die.
[DOCTOR] It was just a passing thought.
[MANDRELL] Well, here's another one in case you run off with ourtalmars. If you're not back by this time, the girl dies.
[CORDO] I couldn't breathe down there.
[DOCTOR] It was a bit stuffy, but unscented.
[CORDO] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Nothing, just an idea. K9.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Didn't I tell you to stay in the Tardis?
(Gatherer's office)
[MARN] An Ajack, by the stamp of him.
[HADE] The other. The other I've seen somewhere before.
[MARN] A D grade?
[HADE] D grade. Hmm. Of course! He was here, only hours ago, whining fortime to pay his taxes.
[MARN] What would an Ajack want with those riff-raff of the Undercity?
[HADE] Quick, put the tracker on the Ajack.
[MARN] Your Honour, it's not possible. The tracker system is keyed tofollow that machine.
[HADE] You mean you've lost him.
[MARN] We know the subways he's traversing. We can make physicalcontact.
[HADE] No, too soon for that. I want to know more about this Ajack. Bymy ledger, I've got it, Marn!
[MARN] Your Honour?
[HADE] I know what they're smuggling. Arms.
[MARN] Weapons?
[HADE] Mmm. They were always an arrogant, unsettled lot, the Ajacks. Theair conditioning isn't effective in the mines. It's long beenrecognised that if there's ever a rebellion against the Company, itwill start among the Ajacks. Don't you see?
[MARN] You mean he's smuggling arms to the Undercity?
[HADE] Exactly. And if it's happening here, it's a talmar to a toffeeit's happening in every Megropolis on Pluto.
[MARN] What shall we do?
[HADE] I must go to the Company palace and warn the Collector. We needthe Inner Retinue to deal with this.
[CORDO] There it is, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Tens, please.
[MANDRELL] Your friend the Doctor, he'd betterhurry.
[VEET] Mandrell, when you kill her don't damage her too much.
[MANDRELL] Oh, what a tender heart, Veet.
[VEET] I want those skins.
[MANDRELL] See how she begs for a gently death for you? So full of loveand compassion.
[LEELA] Before I die, I'll see this rat hole ankle deep in blood. Thatis a promised thing.
[GOUDRY] By the Company, if Mandrell orders her killed, I won't be thefirst man on his feet.
(Collector's office)
[HADE] Your Highest, a thousand apologies for this intrusion.
[COLLECTOR] (without looking up) ?? Hade. Time is money.
[HADE] Ah, what a great truth, your Sublimity. A pearl of wisdom.
[COLLECTOR] Get to the point.
[HADE] I've grounds for believing, your Eminence, that there is aconspiracy among dissident Ajacks to foment armed rebellion against theCompany, glory be to the Company.
[COLLECTOR] Interesting. What exactly do you know, Hade?
(Correction Centre Induction)
[BISHAM] Don't try to speak yet, my friend. Valerium gas affects thethroat.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[BISHAM] Where are you? You're in the Correction Centre. This is theInduction Therapy Section. That means they sensitise areas of the brainand clear the neural pathways so that when we arrive in Physical, wefeel the full benefit. It intensifies pain a thousand times.
[DOCTOR] How long have I been here?
[BISHAM] They brought you in just as the trumpets were sounding secondworkshift. About an hour ago.
[DOCTOR] An hour.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[BISHAM] It's a pleasure.
[MANDRELL] Your time's up, girl.
[MANDRELL] Seize her.
[LEELA] The next one dies.
[MANDRELL] Take her, you cowardly scabs! Must I do it myself?
[LEELA] Oh, try, Mandrell. Prove you have a heart as big as your mouth.
[VEET] Mandrell! Wait a minute. Give the Doctor some more time.
[GOUDRY] It's possible that D grade Cordo took the wrong subway. He'snot too smart.
[MANDRELL] You craven gutten factory fodder. Are you frightened of ahalf-grown girl?
[GOUDRY] Take care, Mandrell.
[VEET] Watch it.
[CORDO] The Doctor!
[CORDO] They've got him!
[LEELA] What do you mean?
[VEET] How did they get him?
[CORDO] At the ConSum Bank. Something went wrong. I don't know, maybe itwas the card.
[VEET] The card was perfect.
[CORDO] Well, the alarm blew as soon as he got in there. He didn't standa chance. I had to run.
[VEET] It must have been the Doctor's fault. The card had never beenused.
[LEELA] Where's the Doctor now, Cordo?
[CORDO] Security picked him up there right away. They must have beencruising that section.
[LEELA] What will they do to him?
[GOUDRY] He'll be in the Correction Centre by now.
[LEELA] What?
[GOUDRY] They don't waste time.
[VEET] Not when he's defrauding the ConSum Bank.
[MANDRELL] That's high crime.
[VEET] He'll get maximum.
[LEELA] Maximum what?
[VEET] Correction, of course. That's what the Centre's for, correctingpeople. He won't live long after that.
(Correction Centre Induction)
[BISHAM] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Going for a little hop. Good for the circulation. What did theyget you for?
[BISHAM] Curiosity.
[DOCTOR] That's a crime here?
[BISHAM] Yes. I was an executive grade at the chemical plant in chargeof PCM production. I got curious about some of the other products.
[DOCTOR] Go on.
[BISHAM] Well, there were some tablets labelled For Official Use only,for the Gatherers and the other Company staff. I wondered what theywere, so I took some.
[BISHAM] I felt completely different, as though I'd never really beenalive until then.
[DOCTOR] So you carried on taking them?
[BISHAM] Of course I did. I suppose they noticed the difference in meand kept watch. The MegroGuards came for me during my last sleep time.
[DOCTOR] What does PCM stand for?
[BISHAM] Pentocyleinicmethylhydrane.
[DOCTOR] What?
[BISHAM] You know something about chemistry?
[DOCTOR] Enough to recognise an anxiety inducing agent when I smell one.
[BISHAM] No, no, it eliminates airborne infections.
[DOCTOR] That's what they tell you. It also eliminates freedom.
(Collector's office)
[COLLECTOR] These cellar dwellers should be erased.
[HADE] Indubitably, your Elevation. It's a question of manpower. Isimply haven't got sufficient staff.
[COLLECTOR] It is against Company policy to give supportive aid to thecivil administration. We run a purely fiscal operation.
[HADE] Your Pinnacle, a five percent increase in protection tax wouldrepay the Company, its name be praised.
[COLLECTOR] Good thinking, Hade. You tempt me.
[HADE] There is also the consideration that any sustained unrest amongstthe work units could damage profitability.
[COLLECTOR] Productivity-wise, I agree. An ongoing insurrectionarysituation would not be acceptable to my management. This fiscal periodwe're aiming for a seven percent increase in the gross planetaryproduct.
[HADE] An achievable target, your Colossus, only if there is nodissention. With increased manpower I could locate and destroy theseanti-Company agents before any harm is done.
[COLLECTOR] Half a division of my Inner Retinue. That's all I can spare.
[HADE] I am gratified.
[COLLECTOR] Also increase the daily PCM dosage three percent by volumeas of now.
[COLLECTOR] This interview is terminated.
[HADE] Have the honour to remain, sir
[COLLECTOR] Seventeen. Twenty.
[HADE] Your humble and obedient servant. Yours etc etc.
[COLLECTOR] Twenty two. Nineteen. Fourteen and twenty five.
[LEELA] What kind of men are you?
[MANDRELL] The kind that want to live.
[LEELA] If only six of you come with me to this Correction Centre, wecan get the Doctor out.
[MANDRELL] Why should we risk our necks for him?
[LEELA] You sent him to the ConSum Bank and now he's in trouble you willnot even help him.
[GOUDRY] There's nothing we can do.
[LEELA] How do you know when you will not even try?
[MANDRELL] Listen, fool, the Correction Centre is under the Palaceitself.
[LEELA] What Palace?
[MANDRELL] What Palace? There's only one Palace.
[VEET] It's where the Collector lives. They say he likes to hear thescreams. That's why the Centre's there.
[MANDRELL] And that's why we won't raid it. Because it's guarded by himInner Retinue and they've got things called guns. And what have we got?
[LEELA] You? You have nothing, Mandrell. No pride, no courage, nomanhood. Even animals protect their own. You say to me you want tolive. Well I'll say this to you. If you lie skulking in this black pitwhile the Doctor dies, then you will live, but without honour!
[MANDRELL] Someone silence the termagin. She's crazy.
[LEELA] I want just six of you to come with me. Now, who amongst you isa true man? You, Goudry.
[GOUDRY] Like Mandrell says, the guards are armed.
[LEELA] You? Will you come?
[LEELA] I see. Not one of you. Then I shall go alone.
[CORDO] I'll come, Leela.
[LEELA] You, Cordo?
[CORDO] I know I'm not much help. I'm not brave and I can't fight, but,well, at least I can show you the way.
[LEELA] Cordo, you are the bravest man here. Come.
(Correction Centre Induction)
[DOCTOR] Tell me, Bisham, how do they spread thePCM through the atmosphere?
[BISHAM] It's a high pressure system, Doctor. The PCM is volatilizedthrough the vapour towers and the air conditioning system.
[DOCTOR] I should think so too. Do you know how long we've been sittinghere without any attention at all? Do you know that?
[DOCTOR] I said, do you know how long we've been sitting here withoutany attention? Are you deaf or something? Is he deaf or something?
[BISHAM] We don't count anymore. We're just material for processing.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Right. I'm glad he isn't deaf.
[DOCTOR] I would have felt guilty. Don't leave it in too long, it goesfrizzy.
[BISHAM] I'm sorry our acquaintance was so brief, Doctor. It has been apleasure meeting you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's all right, Bisham. We'll have another opportunity totalk. There's a lot you can tell me.
[BISHAM] I'm afraid after this nobody remembers much.
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't touch that, if I were you.
[DOCTOR] I said, I wouldn't touch that if I were you.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure he wasn't deaf?
(Gatherer's office)
[HADE] Detained? When was this? By whose order?
[MARN] He was caught while frauding with a stolen ConSumCard. TheMegroGuards have taken him to Correction.
[HADE] Too soon, Marn. Too soon. Oh, we might squeeze the names of hisaccomplices out of him, but if they hear he's been arrested they'lltake fright. Many of them must be Executive grades. They'll move toother Megropolises. We could be years tracking them down.
[MARN] He's our only lead, your Honour.
[HADE] Hmm. Have him released from Correction immediately.
[MARN] What reason shall I give?
[HADE] Tell them that Gatherer Hade orders the charge to be quashed.
[MARN] And bring him here.
[HADE] Exactly. We must lull any suspicions he may have.
[LEELA] K9, what are you doing here?
[K9] Waiting, mistress.
[LEELA] Waiting for what?
[K9] The Doctor master ordered me to stay.
[LEELA] In the Tardis. You should not be here at all.
[K9] Affirmative.
[LEELA] Oh, K9, this is Cordo. Cordo, K9.
[CORDO] Yes, I've seen it before. What is it?
[LEELA] Well, he's a sort of friend.
[K9] Affirmative. Friend.
[LEELA] K9, are your batteries fully charged?
[K9] All my systems are at maximum function, mistress.
[LEELA] Then you had better come with us. I think we might be needingyou.
(Correction Centre Induction)
[BISHAM] I wonder how long it'll take them to fix that?
[DOCTOR] Not long, I'm afraid. There's no need to hurry on our account.Take a break or something. Have a cup of tea. Have some jelly babies.There are some in my coat pocket. No? All right.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[MARN] This is the one. Untie him.
[DOCTOR] Ah, thank you. I don't like this jacket. Not very comfortable.I like a jacket with a lot of pockets, don't you? What's the next treatgoing to be, hmm? What's your name?
[MARN] Gatherer Hade wishes to see you.
[DOCTOR] Gatherer Hade?
[MARN] He ordered your release.
[DOCTOR] What about my chum?
[MARN] Just you.
[CORDO] It's the next turn. About fifty yards.There's a guard on the gate.
[LEELA] Just one?
[CORDO] I have seen two, but normally there's just one.
[LEELA] Strange. I feel fear. Why should I be frightened?
[K9] There is a chemical inhibitor in the air, mistress. I have analysedit.
[LEELA] What does that mean, K9?
[K9] It means you feel fear because it affects the human nervous systemand debilitates the will.
[LEELA] You mean there's nothing to be afraid of, just something in theair?
[K9] Affirmative.
[LEELA] Right. Come on.
(Gatherer's office)
[HADE] Ah, Citizen Doc-Tor. Welcome. Come in, sit down.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[HADE] No, no, no. Please, please.
[HADE] Citizen Doc-Tor. An unusual name.
[DOCTOR] Yes, especially for an Ajack.
[HADE] Indeed. There are so many Wurgs and Keeks in Megropolis Three Isometimes wonder how my distinguished colleague, Gatherer Pile, managesto keep track of you all.
[DOCTOR] Indeed. But how very clever of you to know my name.
[HADE] Well, it's here, on your ConSumCard.
[HADE] The cause of your unfortunate experience, of which I trust thereare no ill effects?
[DOCTOR] Oh, not at all, not at all. Your guards were entirely charming,and so attentive.
[HADE] I am gratified. I brought you here, Citizen Doc-Tor, first of allto give you the thousand talmars you requested.
[HADE] And also to apologise for any inconvenience. To err is computer.
[DOCTOR] To forgive is fine?
(Outside the Correction Centre)
[LEELA] All right, K9. Bite.
[K9] Mistress?
[LEELA] Stun him.
[K9] Affirmative.
(Gatherer's office)
[MARN] Would you care for a leaf?
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you, thank you. Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Rubus idaeus?
[HADE] No, raspberry leaves. I have them specially imported. Theycontain natural chlorophyll. Very healthy.
[DOCTOR] Have you ever tasted raspberry leaf tea? Awfully good foraliments of the throat.
[HADE] Is that so?
[HADE] Of course, in primitive times on Old Earth, they ate prodigiousquantities of vegetable matter without any apparent harm to theirsystem.
[DOCTOR] Remarkable.
[HADE] Mmm. I'm quite a student of antiquity. Many people alive are noteven aware that our species originated on Old Earth.
[DOCTOR] I can hardly credit it.
[HADE] It's true. They learn nothing in the Preparation Centres.
[DOCTOR] Mind you, I've often wondered why we left Old Earth.
[HADE] Ah, well, of course there is a religious view, though I've alwaysinclined to the expansionist theory. Natural progression. Tell me,Citizen Doc-Tor, are you planning to stay long in Megropolis One?
[DOCTOR] Not long, no.
[HADE] Well, while you're here, you must get about a bit. After all, itis the first and oldest city on Pluto. There's much of interest to see.
[DOCTOR] Well, I shall certainly try. In fact, I shall start right now.
[HADE] Oh, don't let me detain you any longer. I know you visitingExecutives have a very busy schedule. An agreeable meeting.
[DOCTOR] Humbug?
[HADE] Oh, I am gratified.
[MARN] The tracker system is keyed to him, your Honour.
[HADE] Excellent. I think he swallowed my story of mechanical errorwithout any suspicion.
[MARN] He couldn't believe his luck when we gave him the thousandtalmars. That was a stroke of genius, your Honour.
[HADE] I think it added a touch of verisimilitude. Of course, he neededthe money for a reason. Possibly to buy the services of that work-shyscum in the Undercity.
[HADE] Let's see where he's heading.
(Correction Centre)
[LEELA] This door, K9?
[K9] Negative.
[LEELA] Here, K9?
[K9] Affirmative. The master passed through this entrance.
(Correction Centre Induction)
[LEELA] It is not him! Guard the door, K9. Help me free this one, Cordo.
[BISHAM] Gratified, Citizens.
[LEELA] Listen. Listen, we're looking for the Doctor.
[BISHAM] You are his friends?
[CORDO] Jelly babies!
[LEELA] You have seen him! Where is he?
[BISHAM] Yes, he was here, but they set him free.
[LEELA] Who did? Where is he now?
[BISHAM] I don't know. He went out with one of the Gatherer's officials.
[CORDO] Leela, we should go. The longer we're here
[LEELA] Yes. Check the corridor, K9.
[K9] Mistress.
[LEELA] Are you fit enough to move?
[BISHAM] Yes, yes, I think so. The treatment had only just started whenyou came in.
[K9] Corridor clear, mistress.
[CORDO] Leela!
[LEELA] You'd better come with us. Come on.
(Gatherer's office)
[MARN] He's returning to the Undercity, your Honour. The tracker systemdoesn't function there.
[HADE] No matter if we lose him for an hour or two underground. We canalways locate him whenever he moves in the city.
[MARN] But it is in the Undercity, your Honour, that the rebellion isfestering.
[HADE] The Collector has allocated me half a division of his InnerRetinue, Marn. They'll soon deal with that leaderless rabble. I shallsend one squad in through the heating conduits to force them into theopen. The other section will pick them off as they emerge.
[MARN] Your Honour is a tactical genius.
[HADE] I formed the plan on my way back from the Palace. I call itMorton's Fork, in honour of one of my illustrious predecessors.
[MARN] Shall I alert the guards?
[HADE] Not yet. Morton's Fork will stab, Marn, only when I am sure wehave identified all the conspirators.
(Outside the Correction Centre)
[GUARD] Emergency. Emergency. Calling all Districts.
[MANDRELL] This tastes like swill. Where'd you get this garbage?
[VEET] Don't you like it, Mandrell? I'll have yours.
[GOUDRY] Listen.
[DOCTOR] Suppertime? Save me some.
[GOUDRY] We heard you'd been taken.
[DOCTOR] Well, I was, I was, but it was all a misunderstanding. Gathererapologised profusely. Shush.
[DOCTOR] A thousand talmars.
[MANDRELL] What trick's this?
[DOCTOR] No trick. Gave me a raspberry leaf as well. Where's Leela?
[MANDRELL] She's gone.
[DOCTOR] What?
[MANDRELL] She's gone.
[GOUDRY] We heard you were in the Correction Centre. She went off withsome crazy idea of getting you out.
[DOCTOR] Mandrell, you made a certain threat before I left. Ifanything's happened to that girl.
[MANDRELL] Don't threaten me, Doctor. The Gatherer doesn't give anyonemoney. He takes but he doesn't give, so you'd better have a good story.
[DOCTOR] Once upon a time there were three sisters.
[MANDRELL] I think you're a spy. A spy for the Gatherer.
(Outside the Correction Centre)
[CORDO] The guard, he's gone!
[LEELA] We should have killed him. He will have raised the alarm.
[BISHAM] Well, there's no turning back.
[CORDO] If we're caught in this corridor, we'll have no chance, Leela.
[LEELA] What do you suggest?
[CORDO] We must be daring. If we take the P45 return route they'll neverexpect to find us there.
[BISHAM] I hope you're right, Cordo.
[LEELA] Come on, lead the way.
[LEELA] There are guards. They have blocked the subway.
[CORDO] There is a level interchange back there.
[LEELA] Right.
[CORDO] It's no good, they've seen us.
[K9] Mistress?
[LEELA] Hide. We must keep still. Make them think we will not fight.
[BISHAM] You have a gun, Leela. Why don't you kill us?
[LEELA] What?
[BISHAM] I'd rather die here than let them take us.
[GUARD 2] Drop your arms.
[LEELA] Get them, K9.
[K9] Satisfactory, mistress?
[LEELA] Get their guns.
[K9] Satisfactory, mistress?
[LEELA] Yes, K9. What do you want, a biscuit? We will take this machineand crash through their barrier. Put K9 on the back.
[GUARD 3] The shooting's stopped. Our lads must have got them. Not ourlucky day.
[LEELA] Ready? Forward.
[LEELA] What's wrong with it? I said forward!
[BISHAM] Perhaps I'd better take over, Leela.
[LEELA] All right. I will have the gun.
[GUARD 3] Bring them against this wall. That's right.
[GUARD 3] Look out!
[LEELA] We've done it!
[CORDO] Stop! Leela's been hit!
[BISHAM] We can't help her.
[MANDRELL] Now you're going to answer my questions,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[MANDRELL] Why did the Gatherer give you this money?
[DOCTOR] Maybe he liked my face.
[MANDRELL] You know what I think?
[DOCTOR] Ah, that's a catch question. With a brain your size you don'tthink, right?
[MANDRELL] Now listen, Doctor. We can either do this the easy way
[DOCTOR] Or we can do it the hard way. I've heard that one, too.
[MANDRELL] Get him.
[MANDRELL] The Gatherer gave you a thousand talmars to bring to us?
[DOCTOR] Well, even Gatherers have their bad days.
[MANDRELL] Now this is going to be your bad day, Doctor, if you don'tstart talking.
[DOCTOR] About what?
[MANDRELL] The deal. You and the Gatherer made a deal.
[DOCTOR] I only made one deal, Mandrell, and that was with you underduress, and you haven't kept your part of it.
[MANDRELL] Now the irons. Another minute. Doctor, you've got one moreminute.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that sort of subtle approach is always more effective thancrude violence.
[VEET] Oh, he's very cool.
[GOUDRY] Parts of him won't be so cool soon.
[MANDRELL] This is your last chance.
[DOCTOR] You're a fool, Mandrell. I don't know why yet, but I wasreleased from the Correction Centre. The Gatherer gave me a cock andbull story about machine error, and he gave me a thousand talmars tomake it sound convincing. That's all I know.
[MANDRELL] You'll have to do better than that, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You're not very good at it, Mandrell.
[MANDRELL] Talk, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It's the eyes. No conviction.
[MANDRELL] I'm going to count to ten, Doctor. One
[DOCTOR] Oh, put it aside, Mandrell. You look a fool.
[DOCTOR] Three.
[DOCTOR] Five.
[CORDO] Hold it, Mandrell!
[DOCTOR] Thank you, gentlemen.
[DOCTOR] Nice to see you both. Where's Leela? Well, where is she?
(Correction Centre Induction)
[COMMANDER] She's not numbered, Excellency.
[COLLECTOR] What? All our work units are numbered at birth.
[COMMANDER] Some criminals have the number removed by surgery, butthere's always a scar.
[COLLECTOR] No number. A mystery to solve. Maximise her medicare. Bringher to me the moment she's on her feet.
[COMMANDER] Yes, Excellency.
[GOUDRY] He's asking us to help him!
[CORDO] No, no, he's not.
[DOCTOR] No, no, I'm not. I'm not, Goudry. I'm asking you to helpyourselves. Nothing will change round here unless you change it.
[CORDO] We have the two guns, and there's K9 upstairs.
[VEET] Two guns? What will we do with two guns against all those guards?
[DOCTOR] You can't do anything, but there are fifty million people inthis city. Think how the guards will react to that number.
[GOUDRY] It's crazy talk. Rebellion? No one would support you.
[DOCTOR] Given the chance to breathe clean air for a few hours, theymight. Have you thought of that?
[BISHAM] I've thought of that, Doctor. The PCM is the source of theCompany's power, but without explosives there's no way of stopping itentering the vapour chambers.
[DOCTOR] There's always a way. Come here.
[DOCTOR] Listen, that drug is volatilized into the atmosphere. What'sits critical temperature?
[BISHAM] Two hundred and five centigrade.
[DOCTOR] Two hundred and five centigrade. So if we lower the temperaturein the chamber
[BISHAM] There are eight of them, all round the city.
[DOCTOR] What?
[MANDRELL] But all controlled from one point.
[DOCTOR] How do you know that?
[MANDRELL] I was a B grade in Main Control. The Doctor's right. It couldwork.
[GOUDRY] Are you out of your mind, Mandrell?
[DOCTOR] You mean take over Main Control?
[MANDRELL] Yes. There are only two work units on duty up there. You'reright, Doctor. It could be done.
[GOUDRY] It sounded to me like you were saying we should help!
[MANDRELL] That's what I was thinking, Goudry.
[GOUDRY] But why? It's a crazy idea.
[MANDRELL] But I think it could work. And what have we got to lose?
[DOCTOR] Only your claims.
[BISHAM] Well put, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it was nothing. I have a gift for the apt phrase.
[CORDO] Anything's worth trying. If only we could win. Just think, if wecould beat the Company!
[DOCTOR] There's no if about it, Cordo. We will.
[BISHAM] What's your plan, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] First of all we've got to blind the scanner system. At themoment it's sensitised on me, so I can't move from this spot.
[MANDRELL] What scanner system?
[DOCTOR] Well, every few metres along the subway there are tubes in thewalls.
[GOUDRY] You mean the sun feeds.
[DOCTOR] No, I mean the oculoid electronic monitors. They're connectedto concealed cables. Cordo, I want two of them brought here.
[CORDO] Right, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Cordo?
[CORDO] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Take care. I mean, unplug them carefully.
[BISHAM] Doctor?
[BISHAM] I don't think she was badly wounded.
(Collector's office)
[LEELA] Get this thing off me!
[COMMANDER] The terrorist, Excellency.
[LEELA] Let me go!
[COMMANDER] Answer his Excellency.
[LEELA] I will split you.
[COMMANDER] Your name!
[LEELA] Leela.
[COLLECTOR] Place of birth.
[LEELA] I don't have to answer.
[COLLECTOR] Place of birth.
[LEELA] I don't know. I'm a member of the Sevateem.
[COLLECTOR] The Sevateem?
[LEELA] My tribe. Tell this gorilla to take his paws off me.
[COLLECTOR] Zero zero five on Sevateem.
[COMPUTER] Zero zero five. Sevateem. Negative report. Semantic analysissuggests linguistic corruption. Inferences degenerate unsupportedTellurian colony.
[COLLECTOR] How did you get to Pluto?
[LEELA] By accident, as usual.
[COMMANDER] Answer respectfully!
[LEELA] The Doctor brought me in a machine called a Tardis, if thatleaves you any the wiser.
[COLLECTOR] What is the Doctor?
[LEELA] He is a Time Lord.
[COLLECTOR] You were in that criminal attack on the Company CorrectionCentre. Why?
[LEELA] Well, I heard the Doctor was in trouble, so I came to rescuehim, but when I got here he'd been set free, so we
[COLLECTOR] This interview is terminated. Remove her.
[COMMANDER] Erased, Excellency?
[COLLECTOR] Not as of now. Place her under pending.
[COMMANDER] Immediately, Excellency.
[LEELA] Put me down!
[COLLECTOR] I'll issue an invoice for erasure by close of businesstoday. Zero zero five. The Time Lords. Specifically one known as theDoctor.
[COMPUTER] Zero zero five. Time Lords. Oligarchic rulers of the planetGallifrey. The planet was classified grade three in the last marketsurvey, its potential for market development being correspondingly low.
[CORDO] It's true. If we all act together, there's nothing the Companycan do.
[VEET] If we all act together.
[GOUDRY] Yes, let's fight the Company.
[VEET] Fight, yes.
[DOCTOR] What is this Company? Can anyone tell me that?
[MANDRELL] Well, it's just the Company.
[GOUDRY] It gave us the suns.
[DOCTOR] Shush. I mean, who runs it? What's it for?
[BISHAM] It makes a profit, that's what it's for. And the, er, Collectoris a sort of high official. There's nobody else.
[DOCTOR] A profit?
[DOCTOR] But who gets the profit? Where does it go?
[VEET] Not to us.
[BISHAM] They're not questions we've ever thought about. I mean there'sno answer.
[DOCTOR] Wouldn't it be interesting to find the answer?
[BISHAM] Well, yes, of course
[DOCTOR] Cordo, take these. They're ready.
[CORDO] Right, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Now listen. Bisham and Mandrell, stay with me. Now the rest ofyou, I want you to scatter through the city and tell the people what'shappening. Remind them that they're human beings, and tell them thathuman beings always have to fight for their freedom. All right?
[ALL] Right!
[DOCTOR] You all know what to do?
[ALL] Yes!
[DOCTOR] Let's go.
(Collector's office)
[HADE] Your Hugeness sent for me?
[COLLECTOR] You ordered a prisoner to be released from Correction today.Why?
[HADE] I can explain, your Amplification. He is the Ajack conspiratorsent here to foment rebellion. It is my intention to follow him throughthe tracker system and identify his contacts.
[COLLECTOR] There is no rebellion, Hade, and your so-called Ajack is analien who landed on this planet by mistake. He is a Time Lord known asthe Doctor.
[HADE] But how? Your Vastness is certain?
[COLLECTOR] I simply checked Company records. This Doctor could be aproblem.
[HADE] In what way, your Voluminousness?
[COLLECTOR] He has a long history of violence and of economicsubversion. He will not be sympathetic to my Company's businessmethods.
[HADE] If there's anything I can do to help the Company? Long life theCompany.
[COLLECTOR] Issue hourly bulletins. Five thousand talmars reward forinformation leading his capture, dead or alive.
[HADE] Magnificent.
[COLLECTOR] The money to be paid from your private purse.
[HADE] Argh!
[COLLECTOR] You spoke?
[HADE] Merely a cry of gladness at being so honoured.
[COLLECTOR] Also, bulletin information that the Doctor's companion is tobe publically executed for her crimes against the Company.
[HADE] Praise the Company for ever and ever. Er, where will theexecution be held?
[COLLECTOR] In the Exchange Hall. Admission by ticket only, fivetalmars. Proceeds to the Company Benevolent Fund.
[HADE] Enormity will attend?
[COLLECTOR] Naturally. The execution will take place during the firstwork shift. Announce a two hour public holiday without pay.
[HADE] The work units will cry with delight. Such generosity isunparalleled.
[COLLECTOR] I compute a point oh four seven percent drop in production,which is within acceptable limits. Also, station extra security unitsin all the subways around the Exchange.
[HADE] Extra units, your Globosity?
[COLLECTOR] The computer character analysis indicates that the Doctorwill try to prevent the execution. With luck, we'll roll two of theminto the steamer.
[CORDO] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[DOCTOR] One more time, just for luck.
[K9] Duplication quite unnecessary.
[DOCTOR] Right, well that should do it.
[MANDRELL] What did you do, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, I fixed a static loop, what else. Mandrell, you lead theway. Cordo second, Bisham third. K9, fifth.
(Correction Centre Induction)
[COMMANDER] Comfortable?
[LEELA] Do I look it?
[COMMANDER] Shan't keep you pending long. His Excellency has invoicedyour execution.
[LEELA] Good. That means I won't have to look at your ugly face anymore.
[COMMANDER] Be a bit of a treat for us, too. We haven't had a publicsteaming for months.
[LEELA] A public what?
[COMMANDER] You don't know about the steamer?
[K9] Visual scan clear, master.
[MANDRELL] One more level after this.
(Gatherer's office)
[MARN] We've picked them up, your Honour.
[HADE] Excellent. What's the location?
[MARN] Service subway twenty seven, district four. I've already alertedthe guards.
[HADE] What? Stop them, stop them at once.
[MARN] They're on live.
[HADE] I must arrest him myself.
[MARN] Arrest him? I thought we were to keep him under observation
[HADE] All the plans have changed, Marn. The Collector wants him takendead of alive.
[HADE] You'd better come with me as a witness. Oh, the idiot. Look athim, look at him, walking up and down where everyone could see him.
[MARN] A witness?
[HADE] He could cost me five thousand talmars! Hurry, woman!
(Main Control)
[COMPUTER] Attention, Citizens. Attention allCitizens. Stand by for an important public bulletin. Have you seen thisman? (The Doctor.) He is an anti-Company agent wanted for acts ofterrorism. Gatherer Hade will pay a reward of five thousand talmars forinformation leading to the capture of the gangster, dead or alive.
[SYNGE] Hey, five thousand.
[DOCTOR] Peanuts. It's an insult. The Droges of Gabrielides offered awhole star system for my head once.
[SYNGE] What?
[BISHAM] K-keep your hands wh-where we can see them.
[CORDO] Put your hands on your head.
[MANDRELL] Stand still. This is a rising, Citizens. Either you join usor you die.
[SYNGE] I remember you. Mandrell.
[MANDRELL] That's right, Synge. What's your answer, B grade? Right.
[SYNGE] You stay where you are. You can't do that!
[CORDO] It's done.
[SYNGE] But the vapour towers.
[CORDO] We're shutting them down.
[DOCTOR] Yes, nasty horrid smelly things. Carry on, Cordo.
[CORDO] This is the nerve centre of the City, eh?
[BISHAM] Yes, in one way it is. All the power is controlled from here.
[CORDO] All right, Citizens. Are you with the revolution or not?
[SYNGE] We're with you, brothers, eh, Hackett?
[HADE] Now!
[HADE] He's not there.
[MARN] I don't understand.
[MARN] These scanners are still registering.
[HADE] I don't care what the scanners say. I do care what the scannerssay. Check again, Marn. There must be some malfunction.
[MARN] Your Honour, the scanner information shows that the Doctor iswalking up and down exactly here.
[HADE] Fool!
(Main Control)
[COMPUTER] This is the gangster terrorist soon to be executed in theExchange Hall.
[BISHAM] It's Leela!
[COMPUTER] Tickets for the spectacle are still available.
[BISHAM] Fetch the Doctor, quickly.
[COMPUTER] Price five talmars.
[CORDO] Doctor!
[COMPUTER] At the Company offices. As a special privilege, during thehours of the public holiday, the steaming will also be shown live onall bulletin screens.
[MANDRELL] The temperature in the heat exchange is down to seventycentigrade. Shall we keep it at that level, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] What?
[MANDRELL] At seventy.
[DOCTOR] What do they mean, a steaming?
[BISHAM] Well, they put her into a condensation chamber.
[CORDO] It's directly underneath here.
[BISHAM] The heat exchange is regulated by water pumps. It turns intohigh pressure steam, of course, and then goes into the condensationchamber.
[SYNGE] It's a terrible death. You can hear the
[DOCTOR] Come here, Bisham. Listen, I. Mandrell! Mandrell, what wouldhappen if we cut the water supply to the pumps?
[MANDRELL] The heat exchanger would blow up, take half the city with it.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, just for a few minutes. Just long enough to get herout.
[SYNGE] You'd have to crawl through that vent in the wall to get to thecondensation chamber.
[MANDRELL] Doctor, take a look.
[SYNGE] No, it couldn't be done. You can see what the atmosphericpressure in there is. It would flatten you.
[DOCTOR] So we let that pressure out.
[MANDRELL] You couldn't do it.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[MANDRELL] It's a safety system.
[BISHAM] The only way would be to open the valve from the inside.
[MANDRELL] And inside, you're dead. It's impossible.
[K9] Suggestion, master.
[DOCTOR] What? What is it?
[K9] As my construction offers more resistance to pressure than thehuman frame
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes.
[K9] It may be that I could function inside the vent?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but could you open a valve?
[K9] I could attempt to blast it, master.
[DOCTOR] Attempt to blast. We'll try it. Get that vent open.
[MANDRELL] Bisham!
[DOCTOR] K9, I don't know how to say this, K9.
[K9] Master, your concern is noted. Please do not embarrass me.
[DOCTOR] Good dog.
[CORDO] Look, it's starting.
(Exchange Hall)
[COLLECTOR] Are we ready?
[HADE] Almost, your Mightiness. We won't be long.
[COLLECTOR] A poor turnout, Hade.
[HADE] Five talmars for only one execution. If we could have offeredmore victims, made a bigger show of it. Of course, when they can see itall for nothing on the bulletin screens
[COLLECTOR] Not the same thing at all. No sense of a shared experience.I fear the Doctor is going to disappoint us. Your scanners haven'tdetected him?
[HADE] Er, not exactly.
[COLLECTOR] What does that mean? Either they have or they haven't.
[HADE] Well, er, the truth of the matter is, there's a fault in thesystem. A false image. But I can assure your Sublimity it'll soon berectified.
(Main Control)
[CORDO] K9's done it. Look!
[DOCTOR] Get the vent open.
[DOCTOR] Mandrell, reverse the pumps.
[MANDRELL] Pumps in reverse.
[MANDRELL] We'll give you two minutes, Doctor. We can't give you anylonger.
[DOCTOR] I know, I know. Well done, K9.
[K9] It was nothing, master.
[MANDRELL] Take this, Doctor. It's a two way communicator. If anythinggoes wrong, you can let us know.
[DOCTOR] All right. Now, don't call me. You understand? I'll call you.
[MANDRELL] Right. And Doctor? Two minutes!
[BISHAM] Good luck, Doctor.
[CORDO] Good luck, Doctor!
[K9] Good luck, master.
[SYNGE] Temperature in the Exchange room is rising fast, Mandrell. Idon't think we can hold it for two minutes.
[MANDRELL] We must. I told him two minutes.
[BISHAM] The execution! She's going into the steamer.
(Exchange Hall)
[COLLECTOR] This is the moment I get a real feeling of job satisfaction.Are the microphones wired in?
[HADE] All round the condenser, most Merciful. We're looking forward toexcellent duodecaphonic sound.
[COLLECTOR] Then we shall hear within a few seconds.
(Main Control)
[SYNGE] I can't hold it, Mandrell.
[MANDRELL] Another twenty seconds.
[SYNGE] It's going. Listen!
[BISHAM] The Doctor must be in the Condensation chamber by now.
[MANDRELL] If we release that heat blast, he'll be vapourised.
[SYNGE] If you don't, we'll all die!
[CORDO] Look at the dial!
[MANDRELL] Ten more seconds.
(Exchange Hall)
[COLLECTOR] That noise, Hade. Can't something bedone about it? We shan't hear her.
[HADE] It's vibration in the exchanger, your Magnificence.
[COLLECTOR] I know what it is. I don't want my pleasure ruined by it.
[MARN] Her cries will be clearly audible, your Honour.
[COLLECTOR] What's that? The subtleties will be lost. The deeper notesof despair, the final dying cadences. The whole point of a goodsteaming is the range it affords.
[HADE] Marn. Er, no. I'll see if the discriminator can be adjusted, yourImmensity.
(Main Control)
[MANDRELL] Doctor, can you hear me?
(Condensation chamber)
[MANDRELL [OC]] I can't give you any longer.
(Main Control)
[MANDRELL] The exchanger's going to blow anysecond.
(Exchange Hall)
[MANDRELL [OC]] Get out, Doctor. Get out of there!
[COLLECTOR] What was it?
[HADE] I thought I heard someone say Doc-Tor, your Sagacity. It wasn'tthe girl. There hasn't been a peep out of her.
[COLLECTOR] Precisely, Hade. Something has gone wrong. Order the guardsto investigate.
[HADE] Immediately, your Omniscience. Come along, Marn!
(Main Control)
[SYNGE] Flow valves open.
[MANDRELL] Main pumps in.
[SYNGE] Sixty atmospheres, still rising.
[MANDRELL] Plug auxiliaries in. Quick!
[SYNGE] Auxiliaries in. She's cooling, look.
[MANDRELL] We've made it. Unless the air plates have buckled, Synge.
[SYNGE] Let's hope they haven't.
[CORDO] Do you think the Doctor got out in time?
[BISHAM] If he didn't, he wouldn't have known much about it.
[MANDRELL] We gave him his two minutes. More than his two minutes.
[CORDO] Listen. In the vent! He's made it!
[CORDO] Leela!
[DOCTOR] Who was making all that noise?
[MANDRELL] I was, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I told you not to use that radio link.
[BISHAM] We had to tell you that your time was up, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You told the Collector, too! That fish-blooded sadist hadLeela's casket wired for sound.
[LEELA] What's happening? What's he doing here?
[CORDO] We've sired a revolution, Leela. Down with the Company, eh,fellas!
[DOCTOR] Ah, ah, Cordo. We've got a great deal to do yet.
[BISHAM] It's going well, though, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Is it?
[BISHAM] The PCM is clearing from the air faster than I expected. It'sdown ten points already.
[MANDRELL] All my men are out putting some fight into the work units. Ifjust one District joins the resistance the word'll spread through thewhole City.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Where's the public video system controlled from?
[MANDRELL] The Collector's Palace.
[BISHAM] Yes, he runs everything from the Computer room. Why, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] If the public video system announced there'd been a successfulrebellion, think of the effect.
[LEELA] Everyone would believe it.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[BISHAM] Yes, but the Palace is guarded by his Inner Retinue.
[DOCTOR] He's guarded by his Inner Retinue, and most of them are downthere with him. Come on, Leela, let's go.
[LEELA] MegroGuards! MegroGuards coming this way!
[DOCTOR] Everybody keep calm, keep calm. Keep quiet. You two back there.You three over there. Leela, behind the door.
[SYNGE] What do you want here?
[CORDO] All right, drop your guns.
[DOCTOR] All right, tie them up.
[DOCTOR] Pretty soon the whole place will be under siege here. K9? (toBisham) I want you to hold out as long as possible.
[BISHAM] Yes, Doctor.
[CORDO] We'll do it, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Of course you will.
[CORDO] Now we have more weapons, we can hold the corridor.
[DOCTOR] Good man. K9?
[ALL] K9?
[DOCTOR] K9, where are you?
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Ah, there you are. Now, listen. I want you to give my friendsall the help they need. You understand?
[K9] I am at full offensive capability, master.
[DOCTOR] You're a good dog. Come on, Leela. Gentlemen, good luck.
[BISHAM] Thank you, Doctor.
[MANDRELL] Right, Doctor.
(Exchange Hall)
[COLLECTOR] An unprofitable operation, Hade.
[HADE] Your Supernal Eminence, I simply can't understand it. No one hasever endured a steaming without vocalising in the most gratifyingfashion.
[COLLECTOR] A complete waste of time. And we've lost point oh four sevenpercent in production. Unpaid overtime to be introduced immediately forall work grades. See to it!
[HADE] Without fail, Monstrosity, without fail.
[COLLECTOR] What is it?
[COMMANDER] Your Excellence, sir. Some minor disturbances. It may not bewise to travel in the subways until the trouble has been suppressed.
[COLLECTOR] What trouble?
[COMMANDER] It appears that some of the work units are refusing to leavetheir dormers, Excellency.
[HADE] Refusing to leave? I've never heard of such a thing.
[COLLECTOR] This situation must be normalised. Any sustained unrestamong the workforce will adversely affect Company profitability.
[HADE] Sing adoration to our Company!
[COMMANDER] I have dispatched a division of the retinue, Excellency. Theaccount will be swiftly settled.
[COLLECTOR] With interest, Commander. They must be made to pay.
[HADE] I will introduce a swingeing output linked penalty tax in my nextmonthly budget, your Corpulence.
[COLLECTOR] The Doctor must be behind it. I sense the vicious doctrineof egalitarianism, Hade.
[HADE] Everyone knows your senses are infallible, your Promontory.
[COLLECTOR] Have the guards reported from Main Control yet?
[HADE] No, your Omnipresence. My underling Marn is investigating.
[COLLECTOR] Not good enough, Hade. Not good enough. I am noting yourwork rate.
[HADE] I will instigate action myself, your Aggrandizement. Instantly.Immediately.
(Main Control)
[CORDO] You'll never believe this, Bisham, but I'mreally beginning to enjoy myself.
[BISHAM] The air's better without PCM, isn't it.
[SYNGE] Yes, we'll never pay breathing tax to the Company again.
[MANDRELL] Oh, we'll pay no more taxes, brother. The Gatherer's got hislast talmar off of us.
[CORDO] I feel so good, like a new man!
[MANDRELL] Keep an eye on the corridor, Cordo, or you'll be a dead newman.
[CORDO] All right, Mandrell. I know. K9's got it covered.
[SYNGE] I wonder what's happening in the subways and dormers?
[BISHAM] Theoretically, the dispersion rate of the PCM should be slowerdown there, but there should be something happening by now.
[MANDRELL] If the work units turn, the guard'll really have their handsfull.
[GUARD] Come on, move yourselves. Report for workat once. Work! Work!
[GUARD] Collector's orders.
[GOUDRY [OC]] Strike, brother. Join us, or get out.
[GUARD] Who said that? Who was it?
[GOUDRY] Me. Nobody works today.
[VEET] Nobody works today.
[GUARD] That's mutiny against the Company. You've just earned yourselfan early death day, Citizen.
(Collector's office)
[DOCTOR] No, no, no.
[LEELA] Why not?
[DOCTOR] No, don't kill him. He hasn't done you any harm.
[LEELA] Then I shall kill him before he does.
[DOCTOR] No. Get up. Come on, get up.
[LEELA] Doctor, the last one I spared got away and warned his comrades.That is why I was captured.
[DOCTOR] Then we'll make sure this one doesn't get away. Here, look atme. Look at me! Now listen. It's your sleep time. Sleep time. You'refeeling very sleepy. Very sleepy. It's your sleep time. You will go tosleep and stay asleep until I tell you to wake up. Until I tell you towake up.
[DOCTOR] Come on. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Wake up.
[LEELA] How did you do that?
[DOCTOR] What, that? Poof, it's just a knack. You've either got it oryou haven't.
[LEELA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[LEELA] This is where the grey one, the Collector, sat.
[DOCTOR] What, like a spider in the middle of a web?
[LEELA] Yes, yes.
[DOCTOR] I understand all this. He has a computer feeding and analysingthe daily returns from each Megropolis. Suppose. Suppose he wants tobroadcast some pleasing bit of news, hmm? Like the imposition of adouble vision tax on people with more than one eye. Well, then, hefeeds it into there.
[LEELA] He fed it into here.
[DOCTOR] He did?
(Exchange Hall)
[HADE] I fear the situation is worsening, your Grossness.
[COLLECTOR] Laxity, Hade, laxity and weakness. You have shown them toomuch kindness. A grave error of judgment. Grinding oppression of themasses is the only policy that pays dividends.
[HADE] Your Oratundity, my MegroGuards are outnumbered by the rabble. IfI could have two divisions of the Inner Retinue?
[COLLECTOR] The sole task of the Inner Retinue is to protect my person.You've mishandled the situation, Hade. As for your ambition to becomeTax Master General. After this, forget it!
[MARN] Your Honour.
[HADE] What is it, Marn?
[MARN] I've just heard that some of the work units have gone to the roofof Block Forty to look at our sun.
[HADE] Outrageous! Sacrilege! The work units are absolutely forbidden tosee the light of the sun. It's far too good for them. I'll soon dealwith this.
[COLLECTOR] A combat situation is escalating. Those idiots have let itget out of hand. It is imperative that I return to the Palace toimplement my contingency plans.
[COMMANDER] But Excellency, there's fighting in the
[COLLECTOR] Quiet! The Inner Retinue will march around me in closeorder. Their bodies will shield me. Now hurry.
(Collector's office)
[LEELA] Doctor, come here.
[DOCTOR] That should do it.
[LEELA] Doctor! What is this?
[DOCTOR] What, that? It's a safe. Company vault.
[LEELA] Doctor, is there
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[LEELA] Is there something behind the door?
[DOCTOR] What was that?
[LEELA] I heard nothing.
[DOCTOR] Neither did I.
[LEELA] Then why are we whispering?
[DOCTOR] I always whisper when I'm opening safes. What is it?
[LEELA] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. It always looks so easy.
[LEELA] Why was it locked?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Why won't you listen to me? Why don't you girls listen to me?
(Main Control)
[BISHAM] The PCM in the atmosphere has fallen tothree parts in a thousand.
[COMPUTER] Attention all Citizens. Attention all Citizens. Stand by foran important public bulletin. Megropolis One is now under themanagement of the Citizen's Revolution. The Director, the Tax Gathererand all other Company officials are to be arrested on sight.
[MANDRELL] It's happened.
[COMPUTER] All guards are ordered to lay down their arms and join theirfellow Citizens in peaceful cooperation.
[CORDO] There! Stop or we fire. Get her!
[MARN] Citizens, I'd like to join the Revolution.
(Main Control)
[COMPUTER] The rule of the Company is ended. Allwork places will remain closed until further notice. Long live theRevolution.
[CORDO] Whee!
[CORDO] It's over!
[BISHAM] Cordo!
[CORDO] We've won!
[BISHAM] We haven't.
[CORDO] What?
[BISHAM] That bulletin was fixed. It was the Doctor trying to pushthings on a bit.
[MANDRELL] That'll bring the whole city onto our side. I don't know whyyou're hesitating.
[CORDO] Yes! We've got the guns, we should get out and help them.
[MANDRELL] What do you think, Bisham?
[BISHAM] Cordo's right. The fight has moved on from here.
[MANDRELL] Synge. You can run things down here.
[SYNGE] I suppose so, but leave K9 guarding the corridor, just in case,eh?
[BISHAM] Yes, of course.
(Block 40)
[HADE] You there! What are you scum doing up here? This is an abominablecrime. An outrage! Leave at once, do you hear me?
[VEET] It's the Gatherer. It's the Gatherer!
[HADE] I order you to leave. You'll pay dearly. Keep back! Don't youdare! I'm an official of the Company!
[VEET] And we'll do the same for the Collector when we find him, won'twe, Citizens.
[ALL] Yes!
(Collector's office)
[COLLECTOR] Kindly make less noise.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I was just checking the books.
[COLLECTOR] Your appearance is not unexpected.
[DOCTOR] I'm not the Auditor, I'm the Doctor.
[COLLECTOR] If you intend to kill me, as you see, I'm unarmed.
[DOCTOR] No, I won't kill you. Just close you down.
[COLLECTOR] An idle boast. Other competitors have tried. Would you careto see our prospectus?
[DOCTOR] Oh, delighted, delighted.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Company solidly based. You've a widely diversifiedoperational field. Yes.
[COLLECTOR] You're a fool, Doctor. I shall have you steamed for yourinterference.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I cut the answering service not to interrupt our littleconference.
[COLLECTOR] Very well. I see I underestimated you. What are your terms?
[DOCTOR] Tell me about the Company.
[COLLECTOR] Ah, you're interested.
[COLLECTOR] Oh, an excellent outfit to work for, Doctor. Progress frommedium to senior management level can be remarkably rapid for thetalented executive.
[DOCTOR] Yes, cut the sales talk. Where's the Head Office?
[COLLECTOR] Usurius.
[DOCTOR] Ah. I might have guessed from your squiddy little eyes. Hmm.
[COLLECTOR] You are acquainted with our species?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, oh yes. The Usurians are listed in ProfessorThripsted's Flora and Fauna of the Universe under poisonous fungi.
[COLLECTOR] I don't entirely like your attitude. If you want to get onin the Company you have to what? What? Are you mad?
[DOCTOR] Quite mad. Mad as a hatter.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, how did you get control of humanity?
[COLLECTOR] A normal business operation. The Company was looking forproperty in this sector, Earth was running down, it's people dying. Wemade a deal.
[DOCTOR] Go on.
[COLLECTOR] Yes. We moved them all to Mars.
[COLLECTOR [OC]] After our engineers had made that planet habitable fortheir species.
(Collector's office)
[DOCTOR] And then taxed the life out of them. Imean, to recover your capital costs.
[COLLECTOR] Quite so, quite so. Then, when the resources of Mars wereexhausted in their turn, we created a new environment for them here onPluto.
[DOCTOR] Phew. What about the four intervening planets?
[COLLECTOR] They weren't considered viable by our engineers.
[DOCTOR] So then you really put the screws on. I mean, the running costsmust be very high.
[COLLECTOR] Six suns to be fueled and serviced.
[DOCTOR] Six suns. Six! My, my. And so when this planet's exhausted youcan move your slave labour force elsewhere?
[COLLECTOR] Alas, no. There is nowhere else that is economic. Thisbranch will close.
[DOCTOR] Leaving the humans to die.
[COLLECTOR] When the suns have run down, yes. A matter of a few yearswithout fuel. They're not a good workforce in any case. Many of ourother operations produce a much higher return with less labour.
[DOCTOR] You blood-sucking leech! You won't stop until you own theentire galaxy, will you. Don't you think commercial imperialism is asbad as military conquest?
[COLLECTOR] We have tried war, but the use of economic power is far moreeffective.
[DOCTOR] Ah. The revolution's getting nearer. What's the Company policyon that?
[COLLECTOR] It will be quelled. Business will continue as usual.
[DOCTOR] Oh, wake up. Wake up. Look at the facts.
[COLLECTOR] I know the facts.
[DOCTOR] You and a handful of bureaucrats won't put the people back inchains now.
[COLLECTOR] Then they will die.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's you again. What did I say?
[COLLECTOR] Our conference has gone on too long, Doctor. It is time toimplement contingency plan A.
[COLLECTOR] This switch controls the sprinkler valves throughout theCity.
[DOCTOR] Rain stops play. I don't think that'll damp down thisrevolution.
[COLLECTOR] The sprinklers will release dianene, a deadly poison. Withinten seconds, everyone in the City will be dead.
[DOCTOR] Except you.
[COLLECTOR] Exactly. I do not breathe air.
[DOCTOR] No, but this chap at my shoulder, he breathes air.
[COLLECTOR] Kill him!
[DOCTOR] Don't be a fool.
[COLLECTOR] Guard, kill him!
[DOCTOR] Good throw! Good throw.
[DOCTOR] What's contingency plan B?
[COLLECTOR] Nobody understands business is business.
[LEELA] What do we do now, Doctor, kill him?
[DOCTOR] You'll like this bit. You'll like it.
[COLLECTOR] Nine zero nine! A mistake in the Megropolis Six analysis.Recheck!
[COMPUTER] Nine zero nine. Recheck. Megropolis Six analysis confirmedcorrect.
[COLLECTOR] Commander! Arrest these idiots. I have a problem. Nine zeronine. Megropolis Four analysis. Mistake. Recheck
[COMPUTER] Nine zero nine.
[CORDO] Collector, in the name of the work units, I order
[LEELA] People, Cordo.
[CORDO] Yes. In the name of the people I order you to be tried by
[DOCTOR] Cordo, I don't think he's listening.
[COLLECTOR] Negative surplus. Inflationary spiral uncheckable. Negativegrowth! This branch is no longer viable.
[COLLECTOR] We are bankrupt. Business failure. Closure imperative. Cutlosses. Liquidate. Immediate liquidation.
[BISHAM] I'm sorry I'm late. What happened?
[MANDRELL] Well, I don't know.
[DOCTOR] I do. He's gone back to his natural form. He was only held inthat state by particle radiation. That's why he never left thatmachine.
[LEELA] You mean he's in there now?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes.
[LEELA] Well, we could make a hole in it.
[CORDO] Do you think he'll come out again?
[DOCTOR] Well, you could put the plug in if you want.
[COMMANDER] I don't understand. Why was it necessary for him to makehimself look human?
[DOCTOR] Well, if you'd seen a Usurian you'd know what I mean. They looklike sea kale with eyes. I mean, would you take orders from a lump ofseaweed? Huh? Hmm? Cordo?
(Block 40)
[DOCTOR] Leela, let K9 in the Tardis. Goodbye,Cordo.
[CORDO] I wish you could stay, Doctor. There is much to do.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll pop back and see you again when you've settled againon Earth.
[BISHAM] That'll be hard work.
[DOCTOR] Well, you're used to hard work. This time, you'll be free.
[LEELA] Goodbye, Veet.
[VEET] Goodbye.
[LEELA] Till the next time? Come on, K9. Come on.
[BISHAM] You really believe we can colonise the Earth again?
[DOCTOR] Well, I do, I do. The Earth will have regenerated itself sinceyou left. Get back to your place under your own sun.
[ALL] Goodbye, Doctor.
[MANDRELL] Can the star freighters make that journey?
[DOCTOR] Course they will. Three hundred million of you can't go wrong.Goodbye everyone!
[ALL] Goodbye.
[K9] King to Bishop four, mistress.
[DOCTOR] Which is more than I can say for the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Nothing. I was just finishing a thought. Now, where were we?
[K9] Mate in six moves, master.
[DOCTOR] Oh, be quiet, K9.
[LEELA] I wonder why the Collector gave in so easily? I thought he wouldfight.
[DOCTOR] He got a bit of a shock. You see, I fed two percent growth taxinto the computers. Index linked. Blew the economy and he couldn't takeit.
[LEELA] I do not understand. You did something clever?
[DOCTOR] Well, I. What do you think, K9?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] K9 thinks it was clever.
[DOCTOR] I am so sorry, K9.
[K9] Apologies are not necessary.
[DOCTOR] No, shut up while I apologise. I am so. Listen. As soon as I'vereset the coordinates, we'll finish that game of chess.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s15", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Sun Makers"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (7 Jan, 1978; Fourth Doctor) - Underworld
[LEELA] We've stopped.
[K9] Affirmative.
[LEELA] We've stopped dead.
[K9] Negative dead.
[LEELA] Oh. Doctor!
[LEELA] We've stopped.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[LEELA] I mean, everything's still working. Nothing's gone wrong, hasit?
[DOCTOR] Not so far, no.
[LEELA] Then why have we stopped? Why are we not going anywhere?
[DOCTOR] That's intensely interesting. Do you realise there's nowhere togo?
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] We're on the edge of the cosmos, the frontiers of creation, theboundary between what is and isn't, or isn't yet, anyway. Don't youthink that's interesting?
[LEELA] I suppose so.
[DOCTOR] What? I feel just like a goldfish looking out on a new world.
[LEELA] A goldfish?
[LEELA] But it's just black nothing out there, and being out here on ourown is just, just nothing.
[K9] We are not alone.
[DOCTOR] Nothing?
[LEELA] Nothing.
[DOCTOR] Nothing? It's magnificent. Any minute, any second, a whole newworld could be born and we'd be the first
[K9] We are not the first.
[DOCTOR] Shush. We'd be the first intelligent and semi-intelligentbeings to witness the spectacle.
[K9] We are not alone.
[DOCTOR] What's he saying?
[LEELA] I don't know.
[K9] We are not the first. We are not alone. Receptors indicate pulsing.Pulsing characteristic of ion drive system. The inference thereforewould be spacecraft in vicinity.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Where, K9, where?
[K9] Thirty four seven zero one seventeen fifty zero five.
[DOCTOR] Thirty four seven? That's beyond visual aid range.
[DOCTOR] Listen, Leela. Listen! Ion drive, or I'm a budgie's cousin.
[K9] Affirmative ion drive. Family grouping negative.
[DOCTOR] Shut up, K9. Shut up.
[LEELA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I can tell him to shut up if I want to.
[LEELA] No, no, no. Look!
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR] Leela.
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] That's a spiral nebula. A gas cloud coalescing to form a wholenew star system. It's sucking in everything around it like a giganticwhirlpool, including us.
[LEELA] Is that good?
[DOCTOR] No, it's bad. Very bad.
[DOCTOR] Time to get out of here. K9, escape coordinates.
[K9] Thirty four seven zero one seventeen fifty zero five.
[LEELA] But isn't that where the ion drive is?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes!
(Flight deck)
[TALA] Nothing up front, Captain. Only the spiral nebula on two fourzero.
[JACKSON] Right, Tala. Stay on watch. Orfe, check the nebula, two fourzero.
[ORFE] Two four zero, checking. Too far off, sir.
[JACKSON] Then what was it? Tala, take out the nebula. Herrick?
[HERRICK] Nothing on targeter, sir. There's no blip, nothing.
[JACKSON] Right, let's think it again. It wasn't inside, it wasn'toutside, none of us saw anything, we've got no trace, but we all heardit, didn't we?
[ORFE + HERRICK] Yes, sir.
[JACKSON] Let's hear it again, Orfe.
[JACKSON] Now, was that sound generated inside the ship or outside?Anybody ever hear anything like that before?
[ORFE + HERRICK] No, sir.
[JACKSON] Run it through ident.
[ORFE] Sir. Ident running, sir.
(R1C hold)
[LEELA] The air is stale.
[LEELA] The door's locked. Nobody's been in here for years.
[DOCTOR] Made in Minyos. Made in Minyos? Got it! The Minyans of Minyos.This could be a Minyan patrol vessel. Have you ever heard of the FlyingDutchman?
[DOCTOR] Pity, I've often wanted to know who he was. K9, could you giveme a date on that, do you think?
[K9] Isotope decay rate indicates one hundred K range.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's what I thought.
[LEELA] Me too.
[DOCTOR] That's a hundred thousand years old. The Minyan civilisationwas destroyed a hundred thousand years ago, on the other side of theuniverse.
(Flight deck)
[ORFE] Ident concluded, sir. Signal identified asrelative dimensional stabiliser in materialisation phase as used in
[JACKSON] As used in what? Orfe, as used in what?
[ORFE] As used in the time ships of the gods.
(R1C hold)
[DOCTOR] It was what happened on Minyos that led toour policy of non-intervention.
[LEELA] Huh?
[DOCTOR] Yeah. Well, the Minyans thought of us as gods, you see, whichwas all very flattering and we were new at space-time explorations, sowe thought we could help. We gave them medical and scientific aid,better communications, better weapons.
[LEELA] What happened?
[DOCTOR] Kicked up out at gunpoint. Then they went to war with eachother, learnt how to split the atom, discovered the toothbrush andfinally split the planet.
[LEELA] So this ship must have got away before the planet was destroyed.
[LEELA] That was a hundred thousand years ago. Nobody lives for ahundred thousand years. Do they?
(Flight deck)
[ORFE] If it is the gods, they'll help us. Help us with the Quest.
[HERRICK] Help us? Like they helped us before? Helped to destroyourselves. No, if it is the gods, and there's no way of telling becausethat ident is as worn out as everything else on board the ship, but ifit is the gods then they're the reason for it all.
[JACKSON] The reason for all what, Herrick?
[HERRICK] Well, everything! The Quest. They're playing games with us.Oh, they do, you know. The gods use us for their sport. We should havewiped them out when we had the chance.
[ORFE] We brought our own destruction on ourselves.
[HERRICK] Pacifist! If I get one of them in my sights again, then I'lldematerialise him for good. If they're on board this ship, then I'llsniff them out!
[JACKSON] Herrick! Sit down.
[HERRICK] Sir? Yes, sir.
[JACKSON] Time for the next sweep, Tala. Set up for the next sweep.
[TALA] Yes, sir.
[ORFE] Two four zero and cubit.
[TALA] Four zero and cubit.
[ORFE] It's going to take us close to the nebula, Captain.
[JACKSON] I know, but we have no choice. The Quest is the Quest.
[ORFE] The Quest is the Quest.
(R1C hold)
[DOCTOR] You all right, K9?
[K9] Affirmative.
[LEELA] What happened?
[DOCTOR] Trouble.
[LEELA] I know that.
[DOCTOR] Blast the door, K9.
[K9] Blaster malfunction. Blaster malfunction. Blaster malfunction.Blaster malfunction.
[LEELA] What is this thing?
[DOCTOR] It's a Liebermann laser. Fires charged particles along a laserbeam. Don't ever play with strange weapons, Leela.
[LEELA] No, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] And switch the safety catch off.
[LEELA] Yes, Doctor.
(R1C corridor)
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[LEELA] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
(Flight deck)
[JACKSON] Take her off the flight deck!
[HERRICK] Yes, sir.
[JACKSON] Levelled out.
[ORFE] Nothing on rudder, sir. She's stuck, stuck on maximum.
[JACKSON] Do what you can. Can you shut down on drive?
[ORFE] We can, but it won't reduce her speed. She's already reachedmaximum.
[JACKSON] Reverse thrust?
[ORFE] Tear the ship in two, sir.
[JACKSON] Right, give her all you can on left main and auxiliaries. Shutdown on all right propulsion units.
[ORFE] Yes, sir.
[JACKSON] We've got to veer off before we hit the gravity field or thatthing will suck us down like a whirlpool!
(Command deck)
[JACKSON] How is she?
[HERRICK] She's not good, sir. She's gone past her regeneration pointdeliberately, just like all the others.
[JACKSON] None of us likes it, but the Quest is the Quest.
[DOCTOR] Anything I can do? How do you do?
[JACKSON] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor.
[HERRICK] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Well, through the door.
[HERRICK] He's one of them!
[LEELA] Stop!
[HERRICK] See, sir? They're on board. I warned you, they're on board!
[LEELA] Thank you.
[HERRICK] Go on, get back! Get back to that panel. And you, too, getback. I'll take them out now, sir. Just one quick blast.
[JACKSON] Calmly, Herrick. Wait for the word of command. Just a minute.You, Doctor, you said you wanted to help?
[DOCTOR] Yes, if I can, yes.
[JACKSON] Are you a Time Lord?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm a Time Lord.
[HERRICK] It was lies, all lies. He said he was a doctor!
[HERRICK] Thank you, Orfe.
[HERRICK] I'm sorry, friend.
[DOCTOR] That's all right. What happened to her?
[JACKSON] She collapsed. We know what to do.
[DOCTOR] Well, if you know what to do, why don't you do it?
[JACKSON] Herrick, take Tala to regen now.
[HERRICK] Yes, sir.
[LEELA] Doctor?
[LEELA] His name is Orfe.
[LEELA] What a beautiful name.
[JACKSON] Orfe, look after her then get back to your post.
[ORFE] Yes, sir.
[LEELA] Orfe.
[DOCTOR] So you did develop the pacifier.
[JACKSON] Very few, and too late.
[DOCTOR] How long does the effect last?
[JACKSON] Is she a primitive?
[DOCTOR] Oh, very, very.
[JACKSON] Well, several hours then.
[DOCTOR] Really.
[JACKSON] You say you're a doctor?
[JACKSON] Of medicine?
[DOCTOR] Oh, many things, many things.
[JACKSON] Crystalocybernetics?
[DOCTOR] My dear chap, what's the problem?
[JACKSON] That is.
[JACKSON] And this. It's worn out.
[DOCTOR] How much time have we got?
[JACKSON] We haven't. We're already in the gravitational field. We couldburn our way out if we had the main systems working. That's theproblem. Terminal cores are fragmented.
[DOCTOR] Mind if I take a look?
[JACKSON] We've been in mission a hundred thousand years, Doctor. Theship wasn't designed for that. Neither were we. Each one of us hasregenerated a thousand times. Have you any idea what that means?
[DOCTOR] Well, I've been through it two or three times. Not pleasant.
[JACKSON] A thousand times plus, Doctor. None of us wants to go on, butwe must. The Quest is the Quest. But now we're like the ship,degenerating faster than we can regenerate ourselves. Not the body, notthe mind, but the spirit.
[JACKSON] A ship of ghosts, Doctor, going on and on and unable toremember why.
[DOCTOR] It's had it, I'm afraid.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry.
[JACKSON] Then it's over. It's over at last.
[DOCTOR] Tell me about this Quest.
[JACKSON] It was a missing spaceship, the P7E. We get signals from it,we track it and lose it, track it and lose it.
[DOCTOR] But surely after all this time there won't be any survivors.
[JACKSON] Probably not.
[JACKSON] It was carrying colonists.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Does the P7E have regeneration too?
[JACKSON] No, the P7E was carrying something much more important, atleast to us. The future of the Minyan race, our genetic inheritance.
[DOCTOR] A race bank. Hmm.
[JACKSON] The chance for a new people on a new planet. Minyos Two. Well,that was the theory.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Well, it seems a pity to give up now, after all you'vebeen through. Do you know, there just might be the ghost of a chance,if it's at all compatible.
[JACKSON] Compatible?
[DOCTOR] You'll see. K9? Where are you, boy? Come on, heel! K9!
[JACKSON] What's this?
[DOCTOR] He's my second best friend, aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Try this.
[DOCTOR] Here, K9, feel anything?
[DOCTOR] Right. From now on, you're in charge. K9, we want to avoid thenebula. It's all yours, K9. You're on. What?
[K9] On line. In link up. Rudder control positive. Accelerator positive.Ident nav control. All systems ready.
[K9] Stand by for G loading. All systems positive.
(Flight deck)
[ORFE] We made it. We've made it, Captain!
(Command deck)
[DOCTOR] Well done, K9. What?
[JACKSON] Tala. Regen was all right, after all. Don't do that again. Iknow you're exhausted, but the Quest
[TALA] Is the Quest. Yes, Captain.
[JACKSON] Right, everybody back on station. Tala, take over from Orfe.Continue with the sweep.
[HERRICK] Is it a trick, Captain?
[JACKSON] I don't care what it is. We've got full power on all stationsfor the first time in I don't know how long.
[HERRICK] But you know what they're like. He's just setting us up forsomething worse.
[JACKSON] Orfe, bring in that signal boost. Tala, two four zero andcubit. Herrick, on tracking.
[JACKSON] Full power on two!
[DOCTOR] Leela.
[LEELA] What a beautiful man.
[DOCTOR] Leela! Leela, listen to me. You're primitive. Wild, warlike,aggressive and tempestuous, and bad tempered too.
[LEELA] I am?
[DOCTOR] Yes. You're a warrior leader from a warrior tribe. Courageous,indomitable, implacable, impossible
[LEELA] Right, that's far enough! You stay where
[DOCTOR] Oh, put it away. You were pacified.
[LEELA] Pass?
[DOCTOR] Pacified.
[LEELA] Pacified? Who did it, hmm? Who did it? I'll kill them. I'll killthem! It was him, wasn't it? (Herrick)
[ORFE] It was me.
[LEELA] You?
[DOCTOR] It's all right, Leela.
[LEELA] You're laughing at me.
[LEELA] You're all laughing at me. I'll smash your stupid grins off yourstupid faces.
[HERRICK] Signal on tracker two seven, sir!
[JACKSON] Boost and ident, Orfe.
[ORFE [OC]] Boost and ident, sir. That's it! That's P7E!
[JACKSON] Lock on nav system. Keep tracking. What bearing?
(Flight deck)
[ORFE] Two four zero, sir.
[TALA] Four zero, thrust on maximum.
(Command deck)
[JACKSON] This time we've got a chance. Don't loseher, Tala. Don't lose her now.
[DOCTOR] Listen, Jackson. Listen.
[JACKSON] Quiet, please. Don't lose her now, Tala.
[DOCTOR] Jackson, two four zero takes us right back into the nebula.
[JACKSON] That's right. If that's where P7E is, that's where we go.
[DOCTOR] But that could mean destruction.
[JACKSON] No, Doctor, it'll mean the end of the Quest. If P7E went inthere, so can we.
[DOCTOR] But P7E didn't go in there. She couldn't have! She must havebeen there at the beginning and the nebula formed around her.
[HERRICK] How does he know that?
[DOCTOR] It's elementary physics. The still centre of a raging storm.P7E might be in there and she might be safe, but if you go in afterher, it could mean destruction.
[JACKSON] Doctor, if P7E is there, we must find her. That is ourpurpose. Destruction is a chance we take. The Quest is the Quest.
[DOCTOR] Jackson, I can't allow that.
[JACKSON] You can't allow it? You have no choice.
[DOCTOR] What? K9, stop.
[LEELA] Let him go!
[JACKSON] Don't move.
[K9] Query stop. Stop what? Instruction, please. Instruction.
[JACKSON] Doctor, tell it we're going on.
[DOCTOR] We're going on, K9.
[K9] Affirmative.
[JACKSON] Right, everybody up on the flight deck. Move.
[HERRICK] You. Quickly.
[JACKSON] Herrick, carbo-magnetic seat lock.
[JACKSON] Now, Tala, don't lose that signal. Don't lose it now.
(Flight deck)
[JACKSON] Heat shield.
[DOCTOR] Jackson, listen to me. This is hopeless.
[LEELA] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] We're being sucked through a layer of meteorites. They'resmashing us to pieces.
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] I said they're smashing us to piece
[LEELA] (sotto) They are?
[JACKSON] Damage report?
[TALA] I think we've lost left and right ancillaries.
[ORFE] And solar sail, plus all external antennae, sir.
[HERRICK] The hull's taken a battering, but the self-sealer pumps arestill working.
[TALA] Main drive's positive.
[ORFE] On course and signal holding.
[TALA] Major systems functional.
[JACKSON] Right, we go on. Lower heat shield. Take her on manual.
[ORFE] Signal fading, sir.
[TALA] No visibility. We're losing acceleration.
[JACKSON] Full boost on both.
[TALA] Full power and we're still slowing down.
[ORFE] Signal going. Signal gone.
[TALA] We've lost acceleration. Maintaining orbital speed. Noacceleration. We're drifting.
[JACKSON] Main systems functional. Then why aren't we moving?
[DOCTOR] Don't you know? What's the normal hull thickness?
[JACKSON] Three metres twenty.
[DOCTOR] K9! Present hull thickness?
[K9 [OC]] Hull thickness seventy metres, increasing.
[JACKSON] Seventy metres!
[DOCTOR] We're being turned into a planet.
[JACKSON] But that's impossible!
[DOCTOR] No, it's not impossible, Jackson. It's simply gravity. Thisship's a large, heavy object surrounded by smaller, lighter, objects.Our gravitational pull is greater than theirs. We attract them. Theystick to us. It all snowballs.
[K9 [OC]] Eighty metres, increasing.
[DOCTOR] We're being buried alive. If it wasn't for this layer ofdebris, the asteroid belt would have smashed us to pieces. Still, youcan't have everything, can you.
[HERRICK] Look at him, sir. He's just laughing at us.
[JACKSON] Is there a way out?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. You could try the laser cannon.
[JACKSON] Blast a tunnel and blow our way out on ion drive?
[TALA] It'll take up all our reserve fuel.
[JACKSON] It's either that or we're stuck here for the rest of eternity.We'll try it. Herrick?
[HERRICK] Sir. Fire one. Fire two.
[K9 [OC]] Ninety metres, increasing. Ninety five metres, increasing.
[DOCTOR] Carry on, Herrick.
[TALA] Skin's overheating. The forward hull's buckling.
[DOCTOR] Carry on, Herrick.
[TALA] We're melting our own hull.
[DOCTOR] Herrick, keep on!
[HERRICK] It's no use! The cannon's disintegrating!
(Flight deck)
[K9 [OC]] One hundred metres. Penetration. You havepenetration.
[JACKSON] Now, Tala. Full acceleration.
[DOCTOR] That's the P7E.
[TALA] Captain, the fuel's going.
[JACKSON] What do you mean? That's a planet.
[DOCTOR] That's where the signal's coming from.
[JACKSON] Where?
[DOCTOR] Right in the middle. The planet formed around it.
[TALA] Captain, the fuel's gone.
[JACKSON] That's it, then. There's nothing else we can do.
[LEELA] Sit down! We're going to crash!
[DOCTOR] Full speed!
[K9 [OC]] Mach twelve. Impact in eleven seconds. Ten, nine, eight,seven, six, five,
[DOCTOR] Hold tight.
[K9 [OC]] Four, three.
[LEELA] Hold tight?
[K9 [OC]] Two, one, zero. Stand by for impact.
[DOCTOR] You can relax now. Relax, everyone. It's a soft planet in theprocess of formation. Only the core will be solid and with any luckthis stuff should slow us down so we don't hit it with too much of abang.
(Command deck)
[K9] Two hundred and fifty kilometres below planetsurface. Speed mach point three, decreasing.
(Flight deck)
[JACKSON] Orfe, the signal. Tune in on the signal!
[ORFE] That's it!
[JACKSON] We've got it!
[DOCTOR] Fascinating. The Quest and nothing but the Quest.
[ORFE] Contact. R1C to P7E. R1C to P7E.
[JACKSON] We must be right on top of it!
[MAN] The sky is falling!
[IDMON] Help, damn you. Help us!
[SON] They won't, father, they won't. Don't say any more.
[IDMON] Then may the sky fall on them. May the sky fall on yourfamilies.
[IDAS] No, father. The guards. They'll tell the guards.
[IDMON] May the sky fall on yours as it has on mine.
[IDAS] Please, father, dig.
[IDMON] My children, my children.
(Control room)
[TARN] Skyfall on eight and a Trog making trouble.
[RASK] Many dead?
[TARN] Not enough. There were two more bursts yesterday. What we need isa good sacrifice. Trogs always work harder after a good sacrifice.
[RASK] I'll take a patrol out, pick him up.
(By the airlock)
[ORFE] Ready, sir?
[DOCTOR] Well, Jackson?
[JACKSON] Right, Orfe. Open up.
[DOCTOR] Solid rock?
[JACKSON] Yes, solid rock. Igneous hematite, I should imagine.
[DOCTOR] Igneous hematite? That means we're at the core.
[LEELA] But I thought planets had fire in the middle.
[DOCTOR] Well, old ones like Earth, yes, but new ones have a moltenslurry round a solid core. All we have to do is burrow our way out ofhere and enter the core.
[LEELA] Oh, is that all.
[JACKSON] But we've no power, no energy source to recharge.
[DOCTOR] I don't know about that. What about a shield gun?
[JACKSON] Yes, a shield gun. Herrick, jump to it.
[IDMON] We all know we're slaves to the guards asthe guards are slaves to the Seers.
[IDAS] Don't say any more, father.
[IDMON] And the Seers to the Oracle. We're all slaves, all of us, ofevery class. Slaves to the Oracle.
[IDAS] They're coming, father.
[IDMON] But we all know the answer, don't we? We all know the answerbecause it was prophesied. And the answer is to escape!
[IDAS] It isn't, father.
[IDMON] Escape through there, through the sky to the stars!
[RASK] Now!
[IDMON] No, Idas. Idas, run! Run!
[RASK] Two of you, after him!
[RASK] Heresy! Treachery! Incitement to escape.
[IDMON] There's nothing you can do to me now, Rask.
[RASK] You know the penalty, Idmon.
[RASK] Stop, Trog, or I'll fire.
[RASK] Suspect sighted on eight, moving nine.
[DOCTOR] Herrick!
[DOCTOR] Give it a blast. Hold it. Like that, I think.
(Green cavern)
[HERRICK] We're through, Captain! It looks like a cavern or a tunnel orsomething.
(Control room)
[TARN] Skyfall on nine. Rask, we have skyfall onnine.
[RASK [OC]] Approaching nine.
[TARN] Remain in position till skyfall investigated.
(Green cavern)
[HERRICK] It's hacked out of solid rock.
[JACKSON] Hacked out by what, I wonder? Get down, Herrick!
(Control room)
[TARN] Minor fall. No structural collapse. I'llcheck out the rest, then you go ahead, Rask. Checking now.
(Green cavern)
[HERRICK] It's moving on. Do you think it was looking for us?
[JACKSON] It was looking for somebody. This planet is inhabited, allright.
(By the airlock)
[JACKSON] There's a tunnel and a surveillancesystem, so whatever life there is is intelligent and we must be on ourguard.
[DOCTOR] Get on with it, Jackson.
[JACKSON] All in good time, Doctor. Our objective is to locate the P7Eand remove the race bank cylinders to a place of safety. The Quest isthe Quest.
[ALL] The Quest is the Quest.
[JACKSON] Shield gun.
[JACKSON] Silent routine.
[JACKSON] No, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] The Quest is the Quest.
[JACKSON] Our Quest, Doctor. Not yours.
[DOCTOR] Of course.
(Green cavern)
[DOCTOR] Welcome to the underworld.
[LEELA] Are we going to follow them?
[DOCTOR] Of course.
[LEELA] Good. Oh, what about K9?
[DOCTOR] Oh, he'll be all right. He's building up his strength.
[LEELA] Well, how? There's no power source.
[DOCTOR] Hmm, radiation.
[LEELA] Radiation. That is lucky.
[DOCTOR] Not at all. Igneous rock core, new planet, bound to beradiation. Luck? Physics isn't luck, physics is fact. Are facts. Isfact. Anyway, why do you think these tunnels were dug out?
[LEELA] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Energy. Can't survive on a new planet with a soul fullof hope and fresh air, you know.
[LEELA] Shall we go?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Shall we go?
[DOCTOR] Did I ever tell you about the time I went to Aberdeen?
[LEELA] Yes, the Granite City.
[DOCTOR] That's right. Did you know, the people there absorb moreradiation from the granite than people who work every day in nuclearpower plants.
[LEELA] Is that good for them?
[DOCTOR] Well, of course it is. It shows that organisms can adapt to anykind of environment, even one like this with a high radiation count.
[LEELA] Look out!
[LEELA] (sotto) He looks like a wounded animal. Why's he so frightened?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I'll ask him.
[LEELA] (sotto) Look! Get back.
[RASK] You two. That pile of rubble.
[RASK] After them!
[DOCTOR] Quick, in here.
[LEELA [OC]] Keep still. Keep still! Oh, for a weapon.
[RASK] Not here. Must have doubled back, damn Trogs. Know these warrenslike the back of their hands. Security, not enough men. We're clearingout. I want tunnel nine, main and ancillary workings closed down oncewe're clear. Stand by for fumigation.
[DOCTOR] Fumigation? I don't like the sound of that. They're going tosmoke us out like badgers. Come on.
[LEELA] Look, Doctor. Blood.
[IDAS] No, no!
[LEELA] Surrender or die!
[DOCTOR] No, no! Don't, don't, don't. Get off him, Leela. You'reterrifying the poor fellow.
[DOCTOR] He's wounded. It's all right, we're friends. She won't hurtyou.
[IDAS] She?
[DOCTOR] Leela.
[IDAS] She is like the guards.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[LEELA] Is it bad?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Fetch me a tissue, Leela, from the command deck.
[LEELA] Tissue. Tissue from the command deck. Tissue from the commanddeck.
[DOCTOR] What's your name?
[IDAS] Idas.
[DOCTOR] Idas? Hello, Idas.
[IDAS] Hello.
[DOCTOR] Are you frightened?
[JACKSON] These tunnels could stretch for miles.P7E must be at the end of one of them, but which one?
[ORFE] Split up, sir? Two pairs?
[JACKSON] No. Herrick?
[JACKSON] Reconnoitre.
[HERRICK] Yes, sir. I'll just put a marker here, sir.
[JACKSON] We three stay here.
[KLIMT] Klimt here. Possible suspect on nine.
[HERRICK] Now where in Heed is?
[KLIMT] Stop, Trog. Stop, Trog, or I'll fire.
[HERRICK] Hey, who are you?
[KLIMT] Stop, Trog!
[HERRICK] Don't Trog me, you
[BLACK [OC]] Officer Klimt? Officer Klimt? Clear tunnel nine. Cleartunnel nine.
(Control room)
[TARN] Tunnel nine is being cleared for fumigation.Officer Klimt?
[TARN] Officer Klimt! Officer Klimt!
[BLACK [OC]] Klimt! Come in, please.
[HERRICK] Oh, Officer Klimt has retired, suddenly.
[BLACK [OC]] Who is that? Who is that?
[HERRICK] Well, this is Trog Herrick, here. Who's that?
(Control room)
[TARN] A Trog, and he's armed. Close down tunnelnine for fumigation!
[RASK] Tunnel nine closing down.
[HERRICK] Captain!
[JACKSON] Herrick!
(Control room)
[RASK] Tunnel nine closedown completed.
[TARN] Fumigate!
[RASK] Fumigating now.
[DOCTOR] Well, that shouldn't take much fixing.
[IDAS] Are you a Seer?
[DOCTOR] What? Oh, Leela. Thank you.
[DOCTOR] This is the one. Go back and unplug K9.
[LEELA] Go back? But I've only just been
[DOCTOR] Yes. Linked up like that, he's recharging the whole ship. I'llneed him soon. The ship can look after itself.
[LEELA] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Sting, did it? That's good. Now, what was it you wanted toknow? Hmm?
[IDAS] Are you a Seer?
[DOCTOR] No, no, I'm just a traveller.
[IDAS] Where? Where'd you come from?
[DOCTOR] The sky.
[IDAS] You lie!
[DOCTOR] What?
[IDAS] There's nothing but chaos above the sky.
[DOCTOR] The stars, then?
[IDAS] Stars?
[DOCTOR] Yes, Idas. This ship comes from the stars.
[IDAS] My father. My father talked of the stars. There's a prophecyamongst the slaves that one day gods will come and set us free. Are youa god?
[DOCTOR] Well, no, but could you take me to your father? Why not?
[IDAS] There was a skyfall. All our family were buried. My father saidwe should try and escape, but the guards have taken him and he's goingto be sacrificed to the Oracle. There's nothing any one can do.
[DOCTOR] We'll see about that. Come on, get up.
[LEELA] I've unplugged K9.
[DOCTOR] His name's Idas.
[LEELA] Hello, Idas. Doctor! Doctor, look!
[IDAS] A trap. A trap to kill me!
[LEELA] Doctor? Doctor? Doctor, where are you?
(By the airlock)
[DOCTOR] Get him to the command deck. He'll be all right there.
[LEELA] Where are you going?
[LEELA] Out there? You'll suffocate!
[DOCTOR [OC}] Get him to the command deck!
[LEELA] Yes, yes.
[DOCTOR] Whatever blows can be sucked.
[JACKSON] Right. Blast it.
(Control room)
[TARN] Yes, I will immediately. Thank you, Master. (to Rask) Round upthe slaves to watch the sacrifice.
[TARN] Gas! Shut down the gas! Fumigation! Shut down the fumigation!
[DOCTOR] I wonder where it all went?
[JACKSON] Did you find it? Did you find the way to the P7E?
[HERRICK] No, sir, but this man tried to kill me. Look at this.
[TALA] Who was he?
[HERRICK] I don't know, but the communicator kept calling him OfficerKlimt.
[JACKSON] Looted from the P7E.
(Command deck)
[IDAS] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[LEELA] Doctor!
[LEELA] I found another weapon.
[DOCTOR] What? Good.
[LEELA] Well, we've got to protect ourselves somehow.
[IDAS] Are you, are you really from the stars?
[LEELA] Yes.
[IDAS] The stars really exist, then?
[LEELA] Of course they do.
[IDAS] And that is not the sky?
[LEELA] That is the roof.
[IDAS] Roof?
[LEELA] Yes.
[IDAS] Will you take me with you when you return to the stars?
[DOCTOR] But we've got problems with the ship.
[IDAS] Ship?
[LEELA] Yes. With this, here.
[IDAS] Yes, your citadel. Yes, we have a citadel, too.
[DOCTOR] You do?
[IDAS] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Where is it?
[IDAS] It's where the Seers live, in metal rooms like this. It's wherethey hold the sacrifices. It's where my father is.
[DOCTOR] Could you take us there?
[IDAS] No.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[IDAS] There's no time.
[DOCTOR] No time? Don't say that to me, I'm a Time Lord. Come on!
[LEELA] Do not worry. He has saved many fathers. Come on!
[ANKH] Slaves must see the sacrifice, to show them who rules. See to it,Tarn, or you will be next.
[TARN] Yes, Master.
[RASK] Make the most of these few moments, slave. Enjoy them to thefull. They are your last.
[DOCTOR] I see. The Oracle tells the Seers.
[IDAS] And the Seers tell the guards, and the guards tell us.
[LEELA] And you do the work?
[IDAS] Yes.
[LEELA] Revolution! Wait, Idas. Has no one ever thought of revolution?Has no one ever rebelled?
[IDAS] My father did.
[LEELA] And?
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush.
[K9] Ready.
[DOCTOR] Yes, good. Idas, K9 has made us a map of the tunnel. K9, findJackson, bring him back here then follow us. Off you go.
[K9] Retrieve and follow. Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Recognise that?
[IDAS] The Tree. We call it the Tree.
[DOCTOR] The Tree at the End of the World. Where are we?
[IDAS] Here.
[DOCTOR] Where's your father? I see. Can we get from there to therequickly?
[IDAS] No.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[IDAS] It's forbidden.
[IDAS] It's guarded by invisible dragons. Not even the guards can useit, only Seers. They have special powers.
[DOCTOR] So do I, Idas. So do I. The Tree at the End of the World'salways guarded by dragons. They're fire dragons, aren't they, withtongues of flame.
[LEELA] Do not worry. Come on.
[IDAS] No, Doctor. That's where the dragons live.
[DOCTOR] Really? We'll see if they're at home, shall we? Here, try that.
[DOCTOR] No, throw it, don't eat it.
[DOCTOR] See the source?
[DOCTOR] Got it with that one?
[LEELA] Got it.
[DOCTOR] Give it a blast.
[DOCTOR] Now the door.
[DOCTOR] Phew.
[DOCTOR] In you go.
[LEELA] Oh, no. There's nothing there.
[DOCTOR] Yes, there is.
[LEELA] No, there isn't.
[DOCTOR] Yes, there is. Gravity.
[LEELA] Gravity makes things fall.
[DOCTOR] Towards the centre. This is the centre. Centre of the planet.Zero gravity, as in space. Watch.
[LEELA] Come on. How do we move?
[DOCTOR] Just push.
[LEELA] Just
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[LEELA] Yes.
[DOCTOR] And push.
[DOCTOR] And push.
[DOCTOR] You all right, Idas?
(Control room)
[TARN] Gate patrol! Alert! Alert!
[ORACLE] Is the time right?
[ANKH] The time is right.
[ORACLE] Is the slave ready?
[ANKH] He is ready.
[ORACLE] And those who watch?
[ANKH] They are full of fear.
[ORACLE] Then shall not the sword ask its question?
[ANKH] It shall be done.
[ANKH] Let the Lamp of Life be lit.
[ANKH] Lamp, burn.
[ALL] Lamp, burn.
[ANKH] Sword, fall.
[ALL] Sword, fall.
[ANKH] Ask the question that hangs over all.
[ALL] Ask the question that hangs over all.
(Zero gravity lift)
[IDAS] And then the sword falls.
[LEELA] Why go to so much trouble?
[DOCTOR] Intimidation. The more ritual and mumbo-jumbo, the greaterdeterrent. That's the whole point of official sadism.
[K9] Faster. Imperative move faster.
[RASK] Don't move! Throw down the weapon.
[DOCTOR] Throw it down.
[RASK] Move!
(P7E airlock)
[RASK] Inside! Just in time to follow your father.Move!
[ANKH] Ask.
[RASK] The intruders, Master. Captured.
[ANKH] Bring them forward.
[RASK] In.
[ANKH] They too will answer the question of the sword. Continue.
[IDAS] No!
[ANKH] Kill him! Kill him!
[LEELA] Go! Come on.
[IDAS] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Into the tunnels! You'll never beat them here!
[LAKH] Kill her!
[ANKH] Kill them!
[DOCTOR] Into the tunnels.
(P7E corridor)
[RASK] Gate control! Breakout! Slaves! Stop them!
[HERRICK] This is more like it! Come on!
[JACKSON] Herrick, come back!
(P7E corridor)
[LEELA] They've got us on both sides.
[IDAS] We could try a rush. Well, we must do something.
[IDMON] We must, son. We must.
[JACKSON] Cover him!
(By P7E airlock)
[JACKSON] Come on, Tala. Herrick?
[HERRICK] No, Captain. No, you go on. I've waited a long, long time forthis. I'm not going to miss it now. Go back, Captain! Goodbye and goodluck.
[JACKSON] Goodbye, Herrick.
[RASK] Good. Not dead yet. Take him inside for questioning.
[NAIA] We are born, live and die in the tunnels, until now.
[LEELA] There is nothing else?
[NAIA] Nothing but the quota. This rock for the crushers.
[LEELA] Rock?
[NAIA] For fuel. For reprocessing into food so that we can go on workingto get more rock. And then there are the skyfalls.
[IDMON] Yes. They say they're accidents, but they're not. They can't be.It's the way they keep our numbers down so there's just enough of us todo the work, and no more.
[IDAS] (holding a shield gun) If only we had more of these.
[JACKSON] (holding the sword) We can't use the shaft again. They'd wipeus out before we got to the bridge. Is there another way?
[IDAS] To the Tree? No.
[LEELA] Doctor, Naia says they eat rock. Processed rock.
[DOCTOR] Did I ever tell you about the time I went to Blackpool, hmm? Ifthey process rock, they must take it in somewhere. Into the ship, theP7E, mustn't they?
[LEELA] Crushers. Naia said something about crushers.
[DOCTOR] Crushers. Yes. Yes, there must be another way. Tell me, why doyou think Idas calls the tunnel system the Tree?
[LEELA] Why shouldn't he? Idas has never seen a tree, has he. Why wouldhe call it a tree?
[DOCTOR] The Tree of Life. The race bank. The gift of immortality on theTree of Life guarded by the dragon.
[LEELA] The Oracle?
[LEELA] Oh, that's just a myth, a story.
[DOCTOR] Ah, myths often have a grain of truth in them, if you knowwhere to look. Everybody here, except us, comes from the same stock asJackson and company.
[LEELA] The same stock?
[DOCTOR] Yes. How else do you think they got here on the middle of a newplanet?
[LEELA] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] They're the descendents of the people who came on the P7E.Jackson's probably Idas' great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather a few times back.
[LEELA] Great, great, great
[DOCTOR] Yes. Don't worry about it.
[LEELA] Great, great
[DOCTOR] There is another way into the Citadel, you know.
[JACKSON] The bridge'll be guarded.
[DOCTOR] But not the goods entrance. They still need fuel, don't they?And they need food and they need rock, and the rock has to be crushedsomewhere. Isn't that wonderful? Bring that sword.
(Mine working)
[DOCTOR] What do you think, Jackson?
[JACKSON] It must be done in silence, without giving them a chance touse their weapons. One shot and the alarms'll go and they'll know we'rein. It's difficult.
[LEELA] But possible, if we can get behind them.
[JACKSON] Possible if we can get the maximum of surprise, and if theDoctor's plan works.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's not my plan exactly, but it has worked before. Afellow called Ulysses pulled it off a little while ago.
[LEELA] Ulysses. Come on.
[LAKH] Where are you from?
[HERRICK] Minyos.
[ANKH] Liar.
[ANKH] Minyos was destroyed a hundred thousand years ago.
[LAKH] Where are you from?
[HERRICK] Minyos.
[ANKH] Liar!
[TARN] He tells the truth, Master.
[LAKH] Silence! We are the only survivors of Minyos.
[HERRICK] You? Never.
[ANKH] What do you seek here? Why have you come?
[HERRICK] I seek the future.
[TARN] There is more, Master. He is holding back.
[LAKH] What else? We can make your brain boil inside your skull. Whatelse?
[HERRICK] There's no reason why you should not know. We are Minyans.We're in search of the cylinders containing the race bank.
[ANKH] Race bank?
[LAKH] What cylinders?
[HERRICK] The cylinders containing the genetic inheritance of the Minyanpeople. It was placed on board your ship, the P7E.
[ANKH] You are mistaken.
[LAKH] He is lying. More.
[TARN] There is no more, Master. He speaks the truth.
[HERRICK] The Quest. The Quest.
[ANKH] This is not a ship. Not your P7E. And there is no such thing asthis race bank you describe.
[HERRICK] If you were Minyans,
[LAKH] The guards and slaves are the only people of true Minyan descent.We have evolved far beyond them.
[HERRICK] Then who are you?
[ANKH] The servants of the Oracle. Seers of the realm of Hedas.
[IDMON] The crusher!
[JACKSON] Cover him!
[TALA] Captain.
[JACKSON] Go on, Tala. Forward, Tala.
[JACKSON] Withdraw!
[JACKSON] Come on, pull! There we are.
[DOCTOR] Quickly now. Stay calm. Everybody stay quite calm. Calm. K9,back to the ship. Check all the systems. We're leaving in a hurry.
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] There must be another way back to the Oracle. Jackson? Jackson,can you and the crew hold them off?
[JACKSON] We'll certainly mount an attack, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good. Leela?
[LEELA] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] You come with me.
[LEELA] I'm staying to fight.
[DOCTOR] You'll come with me. Idas, you too. Have you got a sword?
[IDMON] Take care, son. Take care.
[DOCTOR] Jackson. Right, Jackson.
[JACKSON] Ready. Now!
[JACKSON] Forward.
[RASK] Security. They're driving us back.
[DOCTOR] This way.
[DOCTOR] What?
[LEELA] Something's there.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR] Where does that lead?
[IDAS] I don't know.
[RASK [OC]] They are too strong for us! I needreinforcements.
[TARN] Hold them. You must hold them.
[LAKH] I order you to stand and fight. We must protect the Oracle.
[RASK [OC]] But Master, we cannot hold for very much
[LAKH] No excuses! Stand and fight.
[HERRICK] There's no stopping us now. A hundred thousand years ofsearching, General. There's no stopping us now. I smell victory.
[ANKH] Wait. Let us consider which is more important, the Oracle orthese cylinders.
[LAKH] The Oracle.
[ANKH] Then should we not give them what they want and let them depart?
[LAKH] But what they want does not exist.
[ANKH] The Oracle will know. Why should we destroy each other?
[LAKH] Very well.
[ANKH] These cylinders you speak of, tell us what they look like. Ifthey are indeed here, you shall have them and take them to yourcomrades.
[HERRICK] You would set me free?
[ANKH] Yes.
[HERRICK] Well, there are two of them. Solid gold, stamped with the markof Minyos, the length of a man's hand.
[ANKH] Good.
[LAKH] Tell Rask to arrange a truce.
[LEELA] Doctor, we're here. Look.
[ANKH] The intruders are defeating us. They willdestroy us, destroy you, unless they are given these cylinders.
[ORACLE] Then shall not they be destroyed by that which they sodesperately desire?
[ANKH] Can it be done?
[ORACLE] Cannot all things be done?
[LEELA] They have given up without a fight.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it certainly seems like it.
[LEELA] Why?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Let's take a look.
[JACKSON] No return of fire. What's going on?
[ORFE] There are two of them.
[JACKSON] No, wait. Could be a trick. Be ready.
[RASK] I have been ordered to speak with you.
[JACKSON] Surrender?
[RASK] Truce.
[JACKSON] On what terms?
[RASK] The terms are that you take what you came for and depart, leavingus to our way. If not, your comrade will be executed.
[JACKSON] What comrade? Herrick is dead.
[RASK] You think so, Captain?
[HERRICK] I got them. The Quest is over. The Quest is over.
[HERRICK] The Quest is over.
[JACKSON] At last.
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[ORACLE] What is it that you want?
[DOCTOR] The cylinders. The race bank of the Minyans.
[ORACLE] Have they not been given?
[DOCTOR] Well, that's what I'm asking.
[ORACLE] Who are you to dare question my word?
[DOCTOR] Well, who do I have to be to dare question your word? I'll giveyou a clue, shall I? If it wasn't for my people, you wouldn't have seenthe light of day.
[ORACLE] People? What people?
[DOCTOR] The ones the Minyans call the gods.
[ORACLE] Gods? There are no gods but me. Have I not created myself? Do Inot rule? Am I not all-powerful?
[DOCTOR] Well, yes, here you are, yes, but nowhere else. You're justanother machine with megalomania. Another insane object, anotherself-aggrandising artefact. You're nothing. Nothing but a mass ofsuperheated junk with delusions of grandeur.
[ORACLE] Nothing? Am I not the keeper of the race bank?
[DOCTOR] What did you say?
[ORACLE] I am the keeper.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! Then you've still got them.
[ORACLE] I am the keeper.
[DOCTOR] Keeper? You're nothing but a box, and I've got the key. (toIdas) Give me that.
[ORACLE] Destroy! Destroy!
[ORACLE] No! Destroy!
[LEELA] Doctor, they're coming. Come on!
[ORACLE] Destroy!
[LEELA] Doctor, leave it! Come on!
[ORACLE] Destroy!
[LEELA] Doctor, hurry! Come on now!
[ORACLE] Destroy him!
[LEELA] Hurry, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Almost there.
[LEELA] Hurry, they're coming.
[ORACLE] Destroy him!
[LEELA] Doctor!
[ORACLE] Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy him!
[DOCTOR] No hard feelings.
[LEELA] Come on!
[ORACLE] Destroy him!
[ANKH] After them. They must not meet the others.
(By P7E airlock)
[LEELA] Which way? Which way?
[DOCTOR] They know this place better than we do.
[IDAS] The tunnels! Through there. They'll never find us through there.
(Control room)
[TARN] They've reached tunnel seven, Master.
[ANKH] Good. Close it down and collapse it.
[IDAS] Quickly, through here. This was formed bythe last skyfall. We should be safe in here.
[LEELA] Safe?
[LEELA] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] I'm just wondering what they've given Jackson.
(Command deck)
[JACKSON] The Quest is over. Set course for Minyos Two. K9, how do westand for launch?
[K9] Fuel absorption incomplete.
[TALA] We've enough to get away, but it'll be a slow journey.
[HERRICK] I say we go.
[ORFE] We've got what we came for.
[JACKSON] Right, prepare to launch.
[K9] Negative.
[K9] Personnel incomplete. Doctor and the mistress not on board.
[JACKSON] Find them. Tell them we're going. Now!
[K9] Affirmative.
[IDAS] We're trapped. Don't you understand, Doctor?We're trapped.
[LEELA] Yes, we're going to be here for ever.
[DOCTOR] No. They'll come and dig us out.
[LEELA] Who?
[DOCTOR] Well, whoever it was buried us.
[LEELA] Why should they bother?
[DOCTOR] Because we've got something it wants. The Oracle, remember?
(Control room)
[ANKH] The cylinders must be replaced. Order aparty of slaves to tunnel seven.
[TARN] And the bodies of the intruders, Master?
[ANKH] Into the crusher.
(Flight deck)
[TALA] Five, four, three, two, one.
[ORFE] Secondary check complete.
[JACKSON] Third and final check. Commence countdown. Come on, Doctor,come on.
[ORFE] Forty to launch.
[DOCTOR] What kept you, K9?
[K9] Gratitude is unnecessary. Speed is vital.
(Flight deck)
[ORFE] Ten, nine
[JACKSON] Run up on drive.
[ORFE] Eight.
[TALA] Drive running.
[ORFE] Seven, six.
[JACKSON] Pressurise.
[ORFE] Five, four, three, two
[JACKSON] Prepare to blast out.
[ORFE] One.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Stop!
(Command deck)
[DOCTOR] Here are your race banks.
[JACKSON] (coming down the stairs) Then what are those?
[DOCTOR] That's what I intend to find out.
[DOCTOR] K9, what do you make of these?
[K9] Analysis indicates fission grenades.
[DOCTOR] What?
[K9] Do not proceed. Impossible to defuse. Explosive contents in excessof two thousand megatons.
[DOCTOR] Two thousand megatons?
[JACKSON] How much time have we got?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[JACKSON] What are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] I think I'd better get rid of them, don't you?
[K9] Affirmative.
[LEELA] Doctor, wait!
(Green cavern)
[LEELA] Which way did he go?
[IDAS] I don't know.
[LEELA] He may have need of us. We'll try this way.
[ORACLE] Why? Why have they not been found?
[ANKH] The slaves are digging.
[ORACLE] Shall they not be found? Are they not my purpose?
[LAKH] They shall be found. It shall be done.
[IDAS] It's no good. We've lost him.
[LEELA] Come on.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me, I'm a stranger here myself. Could you direct me tothe Oracle?
[RASK] Guards! I'll take those, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What, those? I wouldn't if I were you. They won't do you any
[RASK] Give them here. You, take care of him. And make sure you finishhim off this time. Then bring this lot back to the Citadel.
[DOCTOR] You're making a terrible mistake. Those are the wrong ones.
[RASK] You can do better than that, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, er.
[DOCTOR] Look, getting rid of me isn't going to solve anything. Thosecylinders were bombs. Why don't we just wait a few minutes and then wecan all go together, hmm?
[LEELA] Doctor! Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I think so. Come on, let's get out of here. We've gotno time. Tell them they've got no time.
[IDAS] Listen to me! The prophecy's being fulfilled. Our god has come tosave us. We can escape to the stars. Hurry!
[LEELA] We must hurry!
[IDAS] Yes, come on, come on.
[LEELA] Come on!
[TARN] You have found them. Well done, Rask.Quickly.
[ANKH] They have been found.
[ORACLE] Replace them, quickly.
[ORACLE] They must never leave my keeping again.
(Outside R1C)
[DOCTOR] Quiet! Quiet, everyone. Come on, here.
[DOCTOR] Now listen to me. I want you to stay calm, and when I say, goquickly but quietly. Ready? Take this little one. Off you go now. Comeon. Come on.
(By the airlock)
[DOCTOR] Come on, come on. Plenty of room for everyone. Everything'sgoing to be all right. All right, all right.
[JACKSON] What's going on? Get off, all of you. Off the ship! Get out!
[DOCTOR] What are you doing? Never mind that!
[JACKSON] What are you doing? We can't take all these people!
[DOCTOR] No! Come on.
[JACKSON] We can't. We're too low on fuel.
[DOCTOR] This planet's going to explode.
[JACKSON] Then get them off. Get off!
[JACKSON] I must safeguard the race bank.
[JACKSON] Why? The future of our people.
[DOCTOR] Listen, Jackson. This is your people. This is your race.Descendents of the people who came on the P7E.
[JACKSON] But we can't take the extra weight.
[DOCTOR] Look this planet is going to explode, Jackson. Your only hopeis to go, and go now. Go, Jackson, go!
[DOCTOR] Right. Sit down, everybody. Sit down. Now, stay very calm.
(Flight deck)
[HERRICK] Outer section sealed.
[JACKSON] Run up on drive.
[TALA] Drive running.
[JACKSON] Pressurise.
[ORFE] Check.
[JACKSON] Prepare to blast out.
(By the airlock)
[DOCTOR] Get down. Right down, right down.
(Control room)
[TARN] They've cleared the surface. Not long nowand they'll all be blown to bits.
[ORACLE] These are not the cylinders! Get rid ofthem or we shall all be destroyed.
[ANKH] Where?
[ORACLE] Get rid of them! Get rid of them!
[ANKH] But where? There's no time.
[ORACLE] Get rid of them! Get rid of them!
[ANKH] We can't.
[ORACLE] Then defuse them!
[ANKH] How?
(Flight deck)
[JACKSON] More power!
[TALA] I'm trying.
[ORFE] We're falling back.
[JACKSON] More power!
[TALA] There is no more.
[ORFE] The planet's gravity's pulling us back, sir.
[DOCTOR] Everything all right, Jackson?
[TALA] We don't have enough power to reach escape velocity.
[JACKSON] You know why, don't you, Doctor? It's the extra weight, isn'tit, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on, Jackson, be brave. Sit down.
[ANKH] It is not possible.
[ORACLE] Why? Why?
[LAKH] You made it so.
[ORACLE] Then I have failed in my duty, and deserve destruction.
(Flight deck)
[DOCTOR] There she goes. If you wanted power,Jackson, get ready to ride out the blast.
[ORFE] We made it!
[JACKSON] Speed?
[TALA] Four sevenths light.
[JACKSON] Course?
[ORFE] One two zero, sir.
[JACKSON] How long to Minyos Two?
[HERRICK] Three hundred and seventy years, sir. That's nothing, is it?
[JACKSON] Doctor!
[JACKSON] Aren't you coming with us to Minyos Two?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no time. I'm very busy. Goodbye, Jason.
[ORFE] Goodbye.
[HERRICK] Goodbye!
[LEELA] Doctor?
[LEELA] Why did you call him Jason?
[LEELA] Jackson.
[DOCTOR] What? I called Jackson Jason?
[LEELA] Yes. Is Jackson Jason?
[DOCTOR] No, Jackson isn't Jason.
[LEELA] Well, is Jason Jackson?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. Jason was another captain on a long quest.
[LEELA] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] Ah. He was looking for the Golden Fleece.
[LEELA] Did he find it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. He found it hanging on a tree at the end of theworld. Perhaps those myths are not just old stories of the past, yousee, but prophecies of the future. Who know? What do you think, K9?
[K9] Negative.
[DOCTOR] What did he say?
[LEELA] Negative.
[DOCTOR] Negative? Can he paint? Hmm? Negative.
[LEELA] Negative.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s15", "episode": "e05", "title": "Underworld"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (4 Feb, 1978; Fourth Doctor) - The Invasion of Time
(Vardan spacecruiser)
[DOCTOR] I am prepared.
[LEADER] Speed is vital, Doctor.
(Tardis console room)
[LEELA] K9, can you tell me how long he'll be?
[K9] Negative. Prognostication impossible in matters concerning Doctor.
[LEELA] Prog what?
[K9] I cannot tell.
[LEELA] Can you tell me where we've landed?
[K9] Affirmative.
[LEELA] Well?
[K9] Materialisation took place on alien spacecraft.
[LEELA] Why wouldn't the Doctor let me go with him?
[K9] I do not know. Prognostication impossible
[BOTH] In matters concerning. I know, I know. Well, he may need my help.I'm going to take a look.
[K9] Do not touch the scanner control, mistress.
[LEELA] Oh, I know the Doctor said we weren't supposed to, but wouldn'tyou like to see where he is? Who he's talking to?
[K9] Negative. Wishing for such things is emotion. I am not programmed
[LEELA] Oh, shut up. You're no help at all.
[LEELA] What's wrong? Why won't it work? K9? K9, what's? K9, sulking isalso an emotional thing. If you cannot wish, you cannot sulk. K9! K9,I'm sorry.
[LEELA] I didn't mean to shout at you.
[K9] Apologies are not necessary.
[LEELA] No, no, no, of course they're not. Now, can you tell me, please,why this scanner will not work?
[K9] The Doctor immobilised the mechanism before he left in order toprevent you switching it on.
[LEELA] You mean he doesn't trust me? What is he doing out there?
(Vardan spacecruiser)
[LEADER] We will conclude formalities. Sign it.
[DOCTOR] I never sign anything before I've read it.
[LEADER] Then read it.
[DOCTOR] You promised complete control over the Time Lords.
[VARDAN] You will have complete control.
[DOCTOR] But here in paragraph four sub
[VARDAN] Lawyer's quibbles, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, I've heard that before. Almost got me killed once, but ofcourse you know that.
[LEADER] Sign it!
[DOCTOR] Complete control.
[LEADER] My word.
[DOCTOR] Well, I've signed so many things, one more won't make anydifference.
[LEADER] But it will, Doctor. It will.
[DOCTOR] I'm honoured to be allowed to serve your glorious cause.
(Tardis console room)
[LEELA] Where have you been?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[LEELA] (sotto) Where have you been? Why did you turn the scanner off?Doctor, where have you been?
[DOCTOR] Order K9 to tell you to shut up.
[LEELA] Yes. K9, the Doctor said you're to tell me to shut up. How dareyou!
[K9] Adopt silent mode, mistress.
[LEELA] K9, you
[K9] Imperative, mistress.
(Castellan's office)
[ANDRED] Speak. Where? When? Relative time, please, Rodan. Thank you.
[ANDRED] Ahem.
[KELNER] Yes? What is it, Commander.
[ANDRED] A report, sir.
[KELNER] Continue.
[ANDRED] Temporal scan indicates unidentified capsule approaching.
[KELNER] Unidentified?
[ANDRED] At this distance, within our own continuum, unidentified, sir.
[KELNER] But our own?
[ANDRED] Molecular patina indicates Gallifreyan origin, yes, sir, butit's too early for a positive.
[KELNER] When, then?
[ANDRED] Approximately two minutes relative, sir.
[KELNER] Defences?
[ANDRED] Green level.
[KELNER] No sense in taking chances, Commander. Go to amber alert.
[ANDRED] Yes, sir.
[ANDRED] Main security. Commander Andred speaking. Please establishamber alert.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] Amber alert. They've put an amber alert on me. On me? Cheek.
[K9] Cheek?
[DOCTOR] Yes, cheek.
[K9] Physical characteristics, humanoid facial component.
[DOCTOR] Wrong.
[K9] Tertiary data check insists definition correct.
[DOCTOR] Amber alert? On me?
(Castellan's office)
[ANDRED] Confirmation, sir. The capsule isGallifreyan.
[KELNER] Then what is all the fuss about?
[ANDRED] Still unidentified.
[KELNER] Unidentified?
[KELNER] Only two Time Lords are absent from their duties here onauthorised research missions. You will find their molecular codes in
[ANDRED] Yes, sir. Neither match. I've checked.
[KELNER] Then who is in that capsule? Unauthorised use of a time capsulehas only one penalty, Commander. See to it.
[ANDRED] Yes, sir.
[ANDRED] Commander Andred to all guard leaders. An unidentified capsuleis approaching Gallifrey. Any sentient form on board is to be arrestedon arrival. If there is no sign of life, destroy capsule as soon as itmaterialises.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] Would you like a ball bearing?
[K9] Please do not mock, master.
[DOCTOR] Where's Leela?
[K9] Immersed, master.
[DOCTOR] What?
[K9] Totally immersed in H2O, master.
[DOCTOR] Fine time to take a bath.
(Castellan's office)
[ANDRED] Excuse me, sir. I've decided to supervisethe destruction of the capsule personally.
[KELNER] Yes, of course. Remember, Commander. A sentient who can controla time capsule is a danger. Capture, interrogate
[ANDRED] I will see that all regulations are observed, sir.
(Vardan spacecruiser)
[LEADER] Switch to visual.
[LEADER] Interesting. He appears to have landed.
[VARDAN] He may be killed.
[LEADER] There will be others.
[DOCTOR] Gentlemen, I'm delighted to be back on Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I like it. Yes, I like you. Where are you from, soldier?
[GUARD] Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] Gallifrey? Never heard of it. Guard of honour? You're a rabble.Nothing but a rabble. You're not fit to guard a jelly baby. (to Andred)Would you like a jelly baby?
[ANDRED] We're here to arrest you.
[DOCTOR] Well, let's get on with it. Come on, Leela. Where do you thinkyou're going?
[LEELA] You just told me to follow you.
[DOCTOR] You stay here till I send for you.
[LEELA] But Doctor
[ANDRED] Halt!
[DOCTOR] Right, you lead.
[ANDRED] No, you follow me.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[ANDRED] That's the Chancellor's office.
[DOCTOR] Well, I know it's the Chancellor's office.
[ANDRED] Well, no one goes in there unannounced.
[DOCTOR] Well, announce me.
[ANDRED] (after a pause) All right.
[ANDRED] Forgive the intrusion, sir. An unexpected emergency has arisen.
[BORUSA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I am here to claim my legal right.
[BORUSA] What?
[DOCTOR] I claim the inheritance of Rassilon. I claim the titles,honour, duty and obedience of all colleges. I claim the Presidency ofthe Council of Time Lords.
(Vardan spacecruiser)
[LEADER] I believe we have chosen well. Very well.
(Tardis console room)
[K9] Where is the Doctor?
[K9] Speak. (beeps) You are a very stupid machine.
[DOCTOR] You don't dispute my claim, then?
[BORUSA] No, only the arrogance with which you present it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Borusa, how you used to bore me with your interminablelectures on responsibility and duty.
[BORUSA] Which obviously failed.
[BORUSA] You make me regret teaching you anything at all.
[DOCTOR] You taught me nothing. Nothing that instinct couldn't providebetter.
[BORUSA] Then you must trust your instincts.
[DOCTOR] Mmm. And you yours, Lord Borusa.
[BORUSA] I'll do what I can to persuade the Cardinals to accept you astheir President.
[DOCTOR] I am the President! No persuasion is necessary.
[BORUSA] Politeness dictates
[DOCTOR] I am the President! Is there another candidate legally?
[BORUSA] No. That was an unfortunate oversight.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[BORUSA] I meant no disrespect.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes you did. Borusa, before you go, another lesson.
[BORUSA] On what particular subject?
[DOCTOR] The Constitution.
[BORUSA] You had that at your fingertips last time we met.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and if I hadn't, you would have killed me.
[BORUSA] Not I, the then Chancellor.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, Did you, did you just assume his Office?
[BORUSA] The Council ratified my appointment.
[DOCTOR] Without a President, the Council can ratify nothing.
[BORUSA] There was no President, and the President-elect was elsewhere.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But my point is. Borusa! You haven't been give leave todepart yet.
[BORUSA] And until you have been confirmed and inducted as President, Ido not need your leave to do anything.
[DOCTOR] The ceremony must take place at once.
[BORUSA] As soon as possible.
[DOCTOR] At once!
(Vardan spacecruiser)
[LEADER] This needs thought.
[VARDAN] The course is obvious.
[LEADER] I may reconsider. The Doctor could be more use to us alive. Heunderstands discipline.
(Castellan's office)
[BORUSA] No discipline, that's always been thetrouble.
[KELNER] He understands the dangers? He accepts the risks of inductionwithout the necessary preparations?
[BORUSA] He accepts nothing. That's always been the trouble with him. Nodiscipline.
[ANDRED] Forgive me, sirs. The President-elect desires your immediateattendance.
[BORUSA] Then let him rot in a black star.
[ANDRED] It is his request, sirs.
[KELNER] After all, Chancellor, a request is a request. And it's only amatter of time.
[DOCTOR] It's always a matter of time, eh,Castellan? Especially for Time Lords. What do you think about myoffice?
[KELNER] Oh, it's simply a formality.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, yes, I know that. No, I meant my quarters. You know,room of ones own, somewhere to be. I do so hate squatting.
[BORUSA] The President's quarters are inadequate.
[DOCTOR] Correct. Have them refurbished.
[KELNER] In what style?
[BORUSA] We are not his lackeys. We are Time Lords of the SupremeCouncil. I am Chancellor.
[DOCTOR] Illegally.
[BORUSA] I am a Cardinal, then. That at least.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, a Cardinal. That at least.
(President's room)
[DOCTOR] Yes, this has possibilities.
[KELNER] In what style, sir?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. Early Quasar Five with a touch of Rega.
[KELNER] With the merest hint of Simian Empire?
[DOCTOR] Second dynasty, of course.
[KELNER] Of course.
[BORUSA] In short, Earth, twentieth century.
[DOCTOR] Well I did get used to it. I even liked it at times.
[KELNER] Now, that's Sol Three, relative dates zero three four one fourthree nine eight nine
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. I prefer four three seven zero eleven nine.
[KELNER] Yes, of course, sir.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[KELNER] It will, of course, take a little time, sir.
[DOCTOR] Well that's something we've plenty of, eh, Cardinal? I mean,Chancellor-elect?
[KELNER] Will that be all, sir?
[DOCTOR] No. See to my friend, Leela. Make sure she has comfortablequarters and suitable clothes for my induction. She will attend.
[KELNER] Yes, of course, sir.
[BORUSA] May I go also, President-elect?
[DOCTOR] No. We have things to discuss.
[BORUSA] What things?
[DOCTOR] Oh, the redecorations, for one.
[BORUSA] I'm sure the Lord Castellan is quite capable of
[DOCTOR] Oh yes. Quite. But I'd be so very grateful if you'd help himwith the small things. The good Castellan has his flaws, hmm? I mean,his experience hardly extends to Earth zero seven three period.
[BORUSA] Zero seven three?
[DOCTOR] Yes, you remember all those marvellous panels, hmm? Veryprimitive, of course.
[BORUSA] Yes, I remember. Where would you like them?
[DOCTOR] Everywhere.
[BORUSA] Everywhere?
[DOCTOR] Everywhere. Floor, ceilings, wall, everywhere.
[BORUSA] But lead?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[BORUSA] It's a very difficult substance to control.
[DOCTOR] It is.
[BORUSA] Only a few have mastered the art.
[DOCTOR] Then more should. Put your best men on it immediately.
[DOCTOR] Borusa?
[DOCTOR] And the door. Everywhere.
(Leela's quarters)
[ANDRED] Yes, that looks good.
[ANDRED] Madam.
[LEELA] My name is Leela.
[ANDRED] Leela, we've been through the whole cosmos. May I ask what youwould like?
[LEELA] Well, I would like a quiver, a bow, a pouch of Janis thorns andmy knife back.
[ANDRED] Madam, Leela, I've told you many times that I can't give youyour knife. No weapons are allowed here, except for internal security.
[LEELA] The Doctor said you were to look after me.
[ANDRED] Yes, those were the President-elect's orders, madam.
[LEELA] And don't call me madam!
[ANDRED] I'm sorry! Leela. But I can't give you weapons.
[LEELA] Then keep your fine clothes and your useless baubles. And keepyour President-elect also!
[DOCTOR] What then?
[BORUSA] Then Gold Usher will formally introduce you to the Matrix.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Just the Matrix.
[BORUSA] There is no just about it. The Matrix is the sum total.Everything. All the information that has ever been stored, all theinformation that can be stored, the imprints of personalities ofhundreds of Time Lords and their Presidents, their elected Presidents.That will become available to you. It will become a part of you as youwill become a part of it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's what I thought.
(Vardan spacecruiser)
[LEADER] Prepare.
[BORUSA] But you know this already. Once before,you have entered into the amplified Panatropic computer.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I didn't much care for it, either.
[BORUSA] The APC net is only a small part of the Matrix.
[DOCTOR] And when I've been introduced to the Matrix, will I havecomplete power?
[BORUSA] More power than anyone in the known Universe, yes.
[DOCTOR] I'll put it to good use. The best.
[BORUSA] That is your duty.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, quite, quite.
(Vardan spacecruiser)
[LEADER] Summon the commanders.
[VARDAN] Full standby?
[LEADER] No, not yet. The first phase is nearing completion.
(Leela's quarters)
[ANDRED] It is time.
[LEELA] This ceremony, it does the Doctor much honour?
[ANDRED] The greatest honour Gallifrey can offer.
[LEELA] Then I shall not let him down.
[ANDRED] Leela!
[LEELA] Are there any duties for me?
[ANDRED] Duties?
[LEELA] Yes. Rites I must observe, things to do, things not to do.
[ANDRED] No, there's nothing for you to do, but, Leela? If you couldavoid killing anyone, it would help.
[LEELA] I will try.
[GOMER] Undue haste is one thing, vulgar badmanners another. I normally take the oath to consider an induction, letalone assemble one.
[SAVAR] Unsettled times, eh, Gomer? Though still the time will throw upthe man.
[GOMER] They say with time wisdom comes to a man. Aren't you due forregeneration?
[SAVAR] I believe I have wisdom to fit my years.
[GOMER] Just so, Lord Savar. Cyclic burst.
[SAVAR] I beg your pardon?
[GOMER] The answer may lie in the cyclic burst ratio.
[SAVAR] A black star protects us. What is a cyclic burst ratio?
[GOMER] A little study of mine, a hobby. You comprehend hobby?
[SAVAR] I believe I've come across it, sir, but I fail to understand anysignificant meaning.
[GOMER] That does not surprise me. I'm making a study of what I wouldterm wavelength broadcast power transduction.
[SAVAR] Really.
[GOMER] Yes. You see, I've noticed lately, well, over the last decade orso, an enormous fluctuation in relative wavelength transduction over aparticularly narrow band.
[GOLD USHER] Honoured members of the Supreme Council, Cardinals, TimeLords, madam. We are here today to honour the will and the wisdom ofRassilon.
(Vardan spacecruiser)
[VARDAN] We are near victory.
[GOLD USHER] Is there anyone here to contest thecandidate's right to the Sash of Rassilon?
[GOLD USHER] Is there anyone here to contest the candidate's right tothe Rod of Rassilon?
[GOLD USHER] Is there anyone here to contest the candidate's right tothe Great Key of Rassilon?
[GOLD USHER] By custom, with wisdom, and for honour, I shall strikethree times. Should no voice be heard by the third stroke, I will,duty-bound, invest the candidate as President of the Supreme Council ofthe Time Lords of Gallifrey.
(Vardan spacecruiser)
[VARDAN] Now we have them.
[GOLD USHER] It is my duty and privilege, havingthe consent of the Time Lords of Gallifrey, to invest you as Presidentof the Supreme Council. Accept, therefore, the Sash of Rassilon.
[GOLD USHER] Accept, therefore, the Rod of Rassilon.
[GOLD USHER] Seek, therefore, to find the Great Key of Rassilon.
(Vardan spacecruiser)
[VARDAN] We have been cheated!
[LEADER] No, all is exactly as expected.
[GOLD USHER] Do you swear to uphold the laws of Gallifrey?
[DOCTOR] I swear.
[GOLD USHER] Do you swear to follow in the wisdom of Rassilon?
[DOCTOR] I swear.
[GOLD USHER] Do you swear to protect the law and the wisdom?
[DOCTOR] I swear.
[GOLD USHER] I invest you Lord President of the Supreme Council. I wishyou good fortune and strength. I give you the Matrix.
[LEELA] Doctor! Doctor!
[BORUSA] The Matrix rejects the candidate. Guards, seize him!
[GOLD USHER] No! No one may lay hands on the President.
[BORUSA] The Matrix has rejected him.
[GOLD USHER] He is the Matrix now. It cannot reject him. SurgeonGeneral.
[LEELA] Will he be all right?
[BORUSA] This is unheard of. For a candidate to be attacked by theMatrix.
[GOLD USHER] There's no longer a candidate. There's only the President.After his official induction, the Matrix can only be worn by thePresident. Therefore this is the President.
[GOMER] If you continue to argue legal niceties, we may well have to gothrough this whole boring business in the very near future.
[LEELA] Is he going to die?
[GOMER] He has retreated.
[LEELA] Never! The Doctor is no coward.
[GOMER] A self-induced cataleptic. A simple defense reaction broughtabout by a sudden unexpected attack upon his consciousness.
[BORUSA] There! Do you hear? An attack.
[GOMER] Have the kindness to be quiet, Borusa. The President needspeace, rest and medical attention which I shall supervise myself.
[BORUSA] Take him to the Chancellory.
[GOMER] Indeed, that would be perfect.
[GOMER] And Borusa, I suggest you cut off your communications, prohibitvisitors and keep all your tedious bureaucratic problems to yourself.
[BORUSA] Impertinent!
[KELNER] He is young yet, Chancellor. Impetuous, I know, but I stillbelieve his hearts are in the right places.
(Vardan spacecruiser)
[LEADER] Very close. He has little strength.
[VARDAN] It will take a long time to replace him.
[LEADER] Too long. Signal all commanders to increase speed and evaluateimplementation Plan Three.
[BORUSA] High Lords, we have taken the President tothe Chancellory. Please remain calm. Bring the girl.
[BORUSA] What?
[LEELA] I didn't hurt him. I saved him.
[BORUSA] The enquiry can determine that. Bring her.
[BORUSA] Well, Lord Gomer?
[GOMER] He has suffered a severe sub-mental shock. I've given him amassive deranger dose, but even that will take hours to
[GOMER] Incredible.
[LEELA] Are you all right?
[BORUSA] Quietly, now.
[DOCTOR] Lord Chancellor, what happened?
[BORUSA] Your alien friend almost killed you. She openly attacked you.
[LEELA] No, it was the crown! The crown almost killed him!
[DOCTOR] What's she doing here?
[LEELA] Well, you brought me.
[DOCTOR] Impossible. No aliens are allowed in here. Get rid of her.
[LEELA] Doctor, what's happened to you?
[BORUSA] Put her out, Commander.
[ANDRED] Where, sir?
[DOCTOR] Outside the Citadel, of course.
[ANDRED] In the outer world?
[DOCTOR] Yes, expel her.
[LEELA] No! I will not go!
[BORUSA] Take her!
[BORUSA] Stop her, before she does any more damage!
[GUARD] Stop! Stop or I'll fire! Stop!
[ANDRED] Where'd she go?
[GUARD] She turned down there, sir.
[ANDRED] Well get after her! (into comm.) Commander Andred. Sound thealarm and turn out the guard. Escaped alien prisoner, female, at largein the Citadel.
[GUARD] Stop! Stop, alien!
[DOCTOR] That's funny, I've got a ringing in myhead.
[BORUSA] That's the alarm system.
[DOCTOR] Shush. I've got a ringing in my head. Listen. Can you hear?
[ANDRED] I ordered them to sound the alarm. The girl got away.
[KELNER] What is happening? Who ordered the? Oh, your Excellency, youare feeling better.
[KELNER] I'm very pleased to see this.
[DOCTOR] So am I.
[KELNER] Where is the girl?
[ANDRED] She escaped.
[KELNER] Escaped?
[BORUSA] The President ordered that she be expelled from the Citadel.She got away.
[DOCTOR] She can be dangerous, Castellan.
[KELNER] Very well, I will take charge of the operations myself.
[ANDRED] I'm quite capable of catching her.
[KELNER] I will see that she is driven out of the Citadel. Come.
[DOCTOR] And switch that awful ringing off in my head!
[DOCTOR] That's better.
[BORUSA] What exactly are you playing at, Excellency?
[DOCTOR] Playing at, Lord Chancellor?
[BORUSA] You know very well what I mean.
[DOCTOR] I'd like a little more respect from you, if you don't mind.
[BORUSA] I thought that was a quality you didn't admire.
[DOCTOR] Ah, that was before. I would have thought you, of all people,knew me better than that.
[BORUSA] Well, you could never deceive me when you were my student atthe Academy. You haven't changed, and neither have I. But this israther more than a student prank, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] Believe me, Lord Borusa, I've never been more serious in any ofmy lives. While Leela remains free in the Citadel, we are in danger.
[BORUSA] Isn't that a little melodramatic, even for your vividimagination?
[DOCTOR] No! My ordeal at the induction has made me tired.
[BORUSA] You can rest here. We can continue after you've had your rest,and the alien has been caught and expelled.
[DOCTOR] Can't fool me, Borusa.
[DOCTOR] Well done, Doctor.
(Outside the Chancellory)
[ANDRED] Good men.
[DOCTOR] Even the sonic screwdriver won't get me out of this one.
[DOCTOR] I have a problem. There is absolutely no point in havinganother door in the room if you don't have another key, hmm? QED. What?Latin. QED, Latin. Now, a key can either be lost or stolen, hmm?Therefore, ergo, you are the key, Borusa. Hmm? Palm print? No, that'stoo simple. Retina pattern? No. You must admit, you do like the soundof your own voice.
[DOCTOR] Open sesame. I command you to open. Please. Palm print, no.Retina pattern, no. Voice print? As Borusa always said, there's nothingmore useless than a lock with a voiceprint.
[DOCTOR] There's nothing more useless than a lock with a voiceprint.
(Castellan's office)
[ANDRED] Sir. We found the girl.
[KELNER] Well, where is she?
[ANDRED] She's with the President.
[KELNER] With the P?
[ANDRED] Line two, on your own mixer.
[KELNER] Chancellor? Castellan Kelner here. Is the President, by anychance, still with you? Oh, no, no, no. Not to be disturbed, of course.Would you be kind enough to inform me when he wakes? Thank you so much.Don't just stand there, Commander, get out there.
[ANDRED] Yes, sir.
[DOCTOR] Bow to the Sash of Rassilon.
[LEELA] I'm with him.
[ANDRED] Didn't you see her?
[GUARD] Well, she did come this way, sir.
[ANDRED] Well? She's probably heading for the President's capsule. Comeon.
[LEELA] Doctor!
[GUARD] It's locked, sir.
[ANDRED] She must be in there. These old Type Forties had a complextrimonic locking device.
(Castellan's office)
[ANDRED [on screen]] We need a set of cypher indentkeys.
[GUARD [on screen]] Yes, sir.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] What do you think?
[K9] Too many variables for accurate forecast, master.
[DOCTOR] Really? What variables?
[K9] Humanoid illogical procedure, master.
[DOCTOR] Like me?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] How am I?
[K9] Cerebral circuits in order. Physiognomy dubious.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I see.
[K9] The risk you took would appear to have been justified.
[DOCTOR] Good. Can we proceed then?
[K9] Actions so far indicate a success probability along this pathanalysis, thirty nine point seven five.
[DOCTOR] That bad, is it?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I've discovered the location of the security controlroom. It's directly beneath the Panopticon area, level three zero.
[K9] Then success probability increases to forty eight point three five.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's not bad.
[K9] Advise against any plan incorporating success factor below sixfive.
[DOCTOR] Suppose I throw a mirror cast?
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Shadow shift. Create a false image to Space Traffic Control.
[K9] Suggest you reflect the transmission
[DOCTOR] Shush. Suppose I reflect a transmission beam off the securityshield, feed it back through a link crystal bank and boost it throughthe transducer?
[K9] Couldn't have put it better myself, master.
[DOCTOR] I don't think you could. Ha!
[K9] Agree. Possibility of your explanation being better than mine, lessthan one percent.
[DOCTOR] What? You are the most insufferably arrogant, overbearing,patronising bean tin.
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Nothing. Someone once said that to me, once.
[K9] Correction, master. Several people have said that about you.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Thank you very much.
[K9] Thanks are not necessary.
[DOCTOR] Well at least no one's ever called me smug!
[K9] Correction.
[DOCTOR] Listen. If you destroy the control centre after I feed in theDoppler effect and eliminate the red shift, the invasion must succeed,hmm?
[K9] Probability of success would rise to ninety eight point two.
[DOCTOR] Well, what's a couple of points between friends? Break thetransduction field.
(Space Traffic Control)
[RODAN] Come in, whoever you are.
[LEELA] Where are your guards?
[RODAN] I don't need any.
[LEELA] You don't need?
[RODAN] There's a forcefield between you and me. Between me andeveryone. Don't you know this is one of the highest security ratedrooms in the Citadel?
[LEELA] I did not know.
[RODAN] You must be that alien everyone's looking for.
[LEELA] I am Leela.
[RODAN] I'm called Rodan. And please put that thing away, you could hurtyourself.
[LEELA] The Doctor's always saying. (puts knife away) Why do you nottell them I am here?
[RODAN] Why bother? That's their affair.
[LEELA] That's whose affair?
[RODAN] The guards and the Time Lords. All the boring people. Do youknow, I've passed the Seventh Grade and I'm nothing more than aglorified traffic guard?
[LEELA] Then you are a guard!
[RODAN] Do stop cavorting about like that. It's really so undignified.(comm. beep) Not again. Excuse me. Space Traffic Control.
[RODAN] Yes, I have them. Clearance is authorised.
[LEELA] What was that?
[RODAN] Probative space fleet. Neo-crystal structure, atomic power andweaponry, on its way to blast some part of the galaxy to dust, Isuppose.
[LEELA] Then you must stop them!
[RODAN] But that would be against every law of Gallifrey. Oh no, I couldnever interfere, only observe.
[LEELA] Supposing they attacked you?
[RODAN] Then they would be very stupid. Nothing can get past thetransduction barrier.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] K9, destroy the transduction barriers.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Not yet. Can I have a few moments to get away, please?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] And will you get off my foot, please?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[ANDRED] Seems to be stuck in this ridiculousshape. I wonder what it was imitating when
[BOTH] What are you doing here?
[ANDRED] My Lord President!
[DOCTOR] That's all right. I've come back for my jelly babies. I'd leftmy jelly babies in the Tardis.
[ANDRED] I beg your pardon?
[DOCTOR] Jelly babies. Would you like one? They're a delicacy Idiscovered on Earth. Go on.
[ANDRED] Ah, that's Sol Three in Mutter Spiral.
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[DOCTOR] What do you think?
[ANDRED] Mmm, yes. Delicious.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Here, have the bag.
[ANDRED] Oh, sir, I
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, go on. I've got plenty more. I've got plenty more.Anyone who likes jelly babies can't be all bad, huh? (sotto) Don'tmention this to the Chancellor. He doesn't approve of jelly babies. Ithink he's frivolous.
[ANDRED] No, sir.
[DOCTOR] Have you caught that girl yet?
(Castellan's office)
[ANDRED [on screen]] No, sir. We thought she was inyour capsule.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] There's no one in my capsule.
[ANDRED [on screen]] Well, she came this way.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] It is absolutely vital that girl is caught and putoutside the Citadel. Absolutely vital.
[ANDRED [on screen]] Vital?
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Vital.
[ANDRED [on screen]] Right away, sir. Guards, follow me.
[GUARD] Hello, Commander? I've got the keys.
(President's quarters)
[BORUSA] Castellan.
[KELNER] Is the President still resting in your room, Chancellor?
[BORUSA] He is.
[KELNER] And he's been there all the time in your room?
[BORUSA] He has, and I've been here.
[KELNER] I think you should rouse him now. I would very much like tospeak with him.
[BORUSA] Your Excellence. Your Excellence?
[BORUSA] Castellan Kelner wishes to speak with you.
[DOCTOR] Good. Bring him in.
[KELNER] I trust that you feel better for your rest, sir?
[DOCTOR] Mmm, thank you.
[KELNER] I'm afraid I have to tell you that the girl has evaded hercaptors and is hiding somewhere in the Citadel.
[DOCTOR] Castellan, how did that happen?
[KELNER] Regrettable oversights on the part of one of my guards.
[DOCTOR] Castellan! You are responsible for security. You see to it.
[KELNER] Immediately, Eminence.
[DOCTOR] Borusa! Call a meeting of the Council at once!
[BORUSA] But Excellency
[DOCTOR] At once! No excuses! Get out! Get out! Get out!
(Space Traffic Control)
[RODAN] I do find astrophysics a bore, I must say,but then one must fight them on their own terms, don't you think?
[LEELA] Oh, one must, one must, yes.
[RODAN] I knew I'd like you. Come in.
[RODAN] It can't be! No creature would dare! (into comm.) Space TrafficControl. Code Beta Three. An alien spacecraft within two spans. Coursezero to Gallifrey, immediate. Raise the transduction barrier to factorfive. Red alert. I repeat, red alert.
[RODAN] Then find him. I must speak to Lord Castellan.
[RODAN] (broadcast) The transduction barrier has failed. We are beinginvaded.
[DOCTOR] Gentlemen, this is no ordinary meeting.I'm privileged to introduce to you your new masters.
[BORUSA] He's mad! Guard!
[DOCTOR] Resistance is useless. The Vardans have more power than we havedreamed of and more knowledge than we can hope for. You must submit theway I did when I first met them.
[BORUSA] And when was that?
[DOCTOR] A long time ago.
[BORUSA] So you knew about this all the time. You knew about this beforeyour induction.
[DOCTOR] Yes, before that, yes.
[BORUSA] And all you know is in the Matrix.
[DOCTOR] And all I know is in the Matrix.
[BORUSA] You really disappoint me, Doctor. I expected better of you.
[DOCTOR] Did you really? Thank you.
(Space Traffic Control)
[RODAN] The invaders are in control.
[LEELA] Good. Now we can fight them.
[RODAN] Didn't you hear the Lord President's announcement? We mustsubmit.
[LEELA] You keep your Lord President, I'll keep my Doctor. He has aplan.
[RODAN] What plan?
[LEELA] I don't know.
[RODAN] Then how can you say?
[LEELA] He always has a plan.
[DOCTOR] You will now disperse until my nextsummons.
[BORUSA] You have no right!
[DOCTOR] Borusa. Have you carried out my instructions?
[BORUSA] Regarding what, Supremacy?
[DOCTOR] The redecoration of my office.
[BORUSA] The matter is in hand.
[DOCTOR] Ah. (sotto) But is it finished?
[BORUSA] I believe so.
[DOCTOR] Confirm it, and meet me there within the hour.
[LEADER] Congratulations, Doctor. You show great promise in theapplication of power. You could be a first grade dictator.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. You're very kind. That's very kind of you. (sotto,walking away) K9.
[LEADER] What did you say?
[DOCTOR] Nothing.
[LEADER] Doctor?
[LEADER] How long will it take you to find the Great Key?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, it's just a matter of time.
(Space Traffic Control)
[LEELA] There's no point in further discussion. Thediscussion is for the wise or the helpless, and I am neither.
[LEELA] Well, if the Doctor wished me banished, I'll be banished.
[RODAN] You will surrender?
[LEELA] No! You talk always of surrender. Are all your tribe like this?
[RODAN] We are rational.
[LEELA] You are cowards. No, if the Doctor wished me banished, it wasfor a reason.
[RODAN] Reason dictates the Doctor is a traitor.
[LEELA] Never!
[RODAN] Reason dictates
[LEELA] Then reason is a liar!
[RODAN] And if I am right?
[LEELA] Then I am wrong, and I will face the consequence. Are youcoming?
(President's office)
[DOCTOR] Nice. Yes, really nice. Bit rococo for a purist like me. Whatare you doing here, Borusa?
[BORUSA] You wished to see me, your Excellence.
[DOCTOR] Did I? Did I really? Oh yes, yes. Are the decorations complete?
[BORUSA] As you can see.
[DOCTOR] Completely complete.
[BORUSA] To the last detail.
[DOCTOR] No substitutes, no forgeries, no penny-pinching.
[BORUSA] They are the finest to be had in the whole Thessorian Empire.
[DOCTOR] And this exquisite relief work, in pure lead?
[BORUSA] As you can see?
[DOCTOR] Good. Now at last we can talk.
[ANDRED] Stop!
(President's office)
[BORUSA] But the strain must have been intolerable.
[DOCTOR] Nearly. I owe you a great deal, Lord Borusa. Especiallyapologies for the indignities and insults I threw at you.
[BORUSA] The President need apologise to no one.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[BORUSA] The President
[DOCTOR] Need thank no one. True, very true. It's a habit I picked up.
[BORUSA] How accurate is your data?
[DOCTOR] Absolutely accurate, but not yet complete.
[BORUSA] The Vardans can travel along wavelengths of any sort?
[BORUSA] In the sense that any electro-temporal field aidscommunication, are they telepathic?
[DOCTOR] Hmm, yes. They can read thoughts.
[BORUSA] But a lead-lined room would shield you from them.
[DOCTOR] True.
[BORUSA] Yet you maintained a partial shielding unaided.
[DOCTOR] Well, I had the benefit of your training.
[BORUSA] And you did not think that I could shield myself?
[DOCTOR] Well, Lord Borusa, you and the other Time Lords are singularlylogical, hmm? You're also short on humour and imagination. You can'toffer distractions as I can. What's for tea?
[BORUSA] Tea is camillia in dried form
[DOCTOR] I know what tea is.
[BORUSA] Well, what's that got to do with the threat from the Vardans?
[DOCTOR] See, you're too single-minded. You're as transparent as good,old fashioned glass.
[BORUSA] You're right. I wouldn't last a moment. My mind is too easy toread. The master learns from the student, eh, Doctor?
[RODAN] So, what are you going to do?
[ANDRED] That depends. How much is she involved with the invaders?
[LEELA] I am not involved with them. I am against them.
[RODAN] She doesn't even know who they are.
[ANDRED] But she's the President's friend.
[LEELA] Yes, I am. I want to save him.
[ANDRED] And that's why you destroyed the transduction barrier.
[LEELA] I destroyed the?
[RODAN] She couldn't have. She was with me.
[ANDRED] Who did, then?
[RODAN] I have no idea. Oh look, we must get out of the Citadel.
[ANDRED] What for?
[RODAN] Well, it's safer than staying in here.
[ANDRED] All right. But be careful. There's a total curfew on. If any ofmy men see you, they'll shoot.
[RODAN] What?
[ANDRED] Kelner's orders.
[RODAN] Oh, come with us, Andred.
[ANDRED] Somebody's got to try and balance Castellan Kelner. He's havinga lovely time, settling old scores, locking people up. Besides, younever know, there might be a chance to have a go at the invaders.
[LEELA] Come on.
[ANDRED] Or even the President.
(President's office)
[BORUSA] But why banish your friend Leela?
[DOCTOR] Because she could be the biggest danger of all.
[BORUSA] Oh, yes. If I'm as transparent as good, old-fashioned glass.
[DOCTOR] Until she gets to outer Gallifrey.
[BORUSA] That barbarian garden? How can she be safe there?
[DOCTOR] Well, that barbarian garden's her natural habitat. She's ahuntress, a creature of instinct. The power out there
[BORUSA] I know. Awful. Can she survive?
[RODAN] Oh, I'm so tired. I must rest.
[LEELA] We haven't come far enough.
[RODAN] I never thought it'd be like this.
[LEELA] What, you've never been outside the Citadel before?
[RODAN] No, why should I have? There's everything we need inside.
[LEELA] This is much better than inside.
[RODAN] It's frightening.
[LEELA] Why are you scared?
[RODAN] It's all so (pause) natural.
[LEELA] We must go on. They can still see us here from the Citadel.
[RODAN] How much further?
[LEELA] Just over there, then you can rest.
[RODAN] All right.
[LEELA] Come on.
[RODAN] Now can we rest?
[LEELA] Yes. Yes, rest here.
[RODAN] Whose stupid idea was it to leave the Citadel?
[LEELA] Oh, you'd rather be with the invaders?
[RODAN] No, you're quite right. It's got to be safer here.
(Castellan's office)
[KELNER] You will stay with the President at alltimes. You will be his personal bodyguard, do you understand?
[BODYGUARD] Yes, Castellan.
[KELNER] You will take your orders only from me, and you will report tome everything the President says and does. Understood?
[BODYGUARD] Of course, Castellan.
[KELNER] You see, there may be those who wish to dispose of thePresident, but you will protect him against every threat until I tellyou otherwise.
[BODYGUARD] Nothing will happen to him while I'm guarding him,Castellan.
[KELNER] Good. Because if anything does happen, I would have to takeover as President, and I have no wish to expose myself to the dangersof that position (pause) for the moment.
[BODYGUARD] I understand perfectly, sir.
[KELNER] Good. You will be suitably rewarded when the time comes. Now goabout your business.
[BODYGUARD] Yes, sir. And thank you.
(Nesbin's camp)
[NESBIN] What's this?
[ABLIF] We found them, Nesbin.
[NESBIN] Found them?
[ABLIF] Thought they were game at first. Jasko nearly put a spearthrough them.
[NESBIN] Were they armed.
[ABLIF] This one was. It took all of us to get it off her.
[NESBIN] She is very strange.
[LEELA] Then don't touch me!
[NESBIN] Well, it speaks.
[LEELA] I am not an it. I am Leela. This is Rodan. Who are you and whatdo you want with us?
[NESBIN] I am Nesbin.
[LEELA] The leader?
[NESBIN] Yes. This is Presta.
[NESBIN] And this is Ablif. But what is more to the point, what do youwant with us?
[RODAN] We don't want anything with you.
[PRESTA] It's a trick. They've come here to trap us.
[ABLIF] Yes, send them back to the city before they bring their guardson us.
[RODAN] No, we're escaping from the city.
[NESBIN] Well, then you do want something from us.
[RODAN] What?
[NESBIN] Protection. Help. You can't survive out here without.
[LEELA] I can survive anywhere.
[NESBIN] I believe that. What are you?
[LEELA] I am a warrior of the Sevateem.
[PRESTA] An alien! That's dangerous. Surely they'll come hunting forher?
[NESBIN] We'll consider that in a moment. Well, warrior, I don't doubtthat you can survive, but what about your friend here?
[RODAN] What about me?
[NESBIN] Well, you're no alien. I doubt if you've ever set foot outsidethe Citadel in your life before, have you?
[NESBIN] Well, out here it's different. You have to fend for yourself.
[RODAN] Fend?
[NESBIN] That's right. What are you going to eat, for instance?
[RODAN] I have some supplies. Look.
[NESBIN] They won't last long. When they've gone, what will you do?
[RODAN] I, I don't know.
[NESBIN] I thought not. You wouldn't even know what you could eat, wouldyou? Have you ever eaten flesh or fruit?
[NESBIN] And shelter. Do you understand the need for shelter? No, ofcourse you don't. You wouldn't last three days out here.
[RODAN] I didn't realise. I'm so tired and cold.
[NESBIN] Better get her inside.
[PRESTA] Are we going to let them stay, then?
[NESBIN] We'll decide about that when we've heard their story. Thisone'll need rest and shelter before she can tell us anything.
(President's office)
[BORUSA] How much have you told me?
[DOCTOR] Well, as much as I dare.
[BORUSA] Just so I know how much I am liable to give away.
[DOCTOR] You'll be all right. Do you think you can do it?
[DOCTOR] You're a brave man, Borusa.
[BORUSA] I am a Cardinal.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, well, this shielding'll make them suspicious if westay out of sight too long. Let's go.
(Castellan's office)
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
[KELNER] It is I who should apologise
[DOCTOR] I wasn't talking to you. Move over. Shall we start? Chancellor,these are our new masters. I order you to acknowledge their absoluteauthority.
[BORUSA] You have no authority under the Constitution to order theChancellor to do anything.
[DOCTOR] The Constitution is suspended as of now.
[BORUSA] This is monstrous, President.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but it is so. Do it.
[BORUSA] Never. I will not submit to these creatures. I am a Time Lord,a
[DOCTOR] Don't destroy him. He might be useful to us.
[LEADER] You will be responsible for him.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. Yes, of course.
[DOCTOR] Get up, you stiff-necked old Chancellor. Get up. Castellan,have the Chancellor removed to his quarters.
[KELNER] Guards, escort the Chancellor to his rooms. Remain on guard.
[DOCTOR] And don't let anyone in or out. He's under house arrest.
[DOCTOR] You have to admire him. He has courage.
[LEADER] He is foolish. If he causes trouble, we shall destroy him, andyou also.
[DOCTOR] I've kept my part of the bargain. What more do you want?
[LEADER] More? We haven't begun yet. When we are certain that we havecomplete dominance over your people, then we shall reveal ourrequirements to you.
[DOCTOR] And yourselves, I hope. I find it disconcerting talking toshimmering shapes.
[LEADER] The time is not right. First you must complete the arrangementsfor the subjugation of your people.
[DOCTOR] Naturally, naturally. Well, Castellan, the Chancellor doesn'tseem too keen to help. How about you?
[KELNER] It is my duty, sir, to serve the President at all times. I willdo whatever you wish.
[DOCTOR] I thought you would. You can start by making sure that no oneorganises any resistance. That's the last thing I want.
[KELNER] Of course, sir. Peaceful cooperation is a much more fruitfulcourse.
[DOCTOR] Good. Listen, why don't you regard yourself as ActingVice-President?
[KELNER] Oh, thank you, sir.
[DOCTOR] And you'd better make me a list of all Time Lords holdingofficial positions, and let me know which ones you think are reliable.
[KELNER] Yes, of course, sir. And perhaps you'd like a list of all knowntrouble makers at the same time?
[DOCTOR] That's the stuff. Off you go.
[DOCTOR] I knew we could rely on him. Well, now that you're safely here,why don't you, er, make yourselves comfortable, hmm?
[KELNER] Is there anything else I can get for you, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes. A jelly baby. My right hand pocket.
[KELNER] What colour would you prefer, sir?
[DOCTOR] Orange.
[KELNER] There doesn't appear to be an orange one.
[DOCTOR] One grows tired of jelly babies, Castellan.
[KELNER] Oh, indeed one does, sir.
[DOCTOR] One grows tired of almost everything, Castellan.
[KELNER] Indeed, sir.
[DOCTOR] Except power.
[DOCTOR] Is the curfew effective?
[KELNER] No incidents have been reported, sir.
[DOCTOR] What a splendidly subservient Citadel you do run, Castellan.
[KELNER] You are too generous, sir.
[DOCTOR] Have you brought the list?
[DOCTOR] So these Time Lords are the only potential rebels to our newregime, hmm?
[KELNER] Yes, sir. I have checked all the bio-data extracts personally.
[DOCTOR] You have?
[KELNER] Well, er, with one or two exceptions, such as your good self.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. I should thing so, too. Well, if these are the onlythreats to our new regime, we'd better do something about them.
[LEADER] Unreliable elements must be destroyed.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I hardly think so. They may be persuaded to see reason andsome of them might be useful to us.
[LEADER] There is no choice.
[DOCTOR] Oh, but there is.
[KELNER] There is, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Expulsion.
[LEADER] Expulsion?
[KELNER] Yes, that's an excellent idea, sir.
[DOCTOR] None of them can survive out there without help, and there's nohelp out there.
[KELNER] Oh yes, sir, that's an admirable detail. Once people realisethat they'll liable to expulsion, they will quickly come to heel.
[LEADER] Very well, we approve. But leaders such as Chancellor Borusashall be kept here in confinement.
[DOCTOR] Naturally. Well, see to it, Castellan. Oh, and Castellan, if Iwere you, I'd put them out one by one.
[KELNER] Yes, sir. I will start at once.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's a good morning's work, wouldn't you say?
[LEADER] Your progress so far has been quite satisfactory.
[DOCTOR] Isn't it time we shared a bit of trust? I mean, couldn't youmaterialise and have a jelly baby?
[LEADER] We are not ready yet.
[LEADER] Your next task will be to dismantle the quantum force fieldaround Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] Dismantle it? That's not possible.
[LEADER] It has to be possible.
[DOCTOR] But if we tamper with that, the whole planet could bevaporised.
[LEADER] You will find a way.
[DOCTOR] I can't.
[LEADER] You will!
(Nesbin's camp)
[NESBIN] Gallifrey invaded? Nonsense. That's impossible.
[LEELA] How do you know? You're not a Time Lord.
[NESBIN] Oh, but we are, or rather, we were until we decided to dropout.
[LEELA] What is drop out? You fell?
[NESBIN] All that peace and eternal tranquillity. We decided to get backto nature out here.
[LEELA] Is this true?
[RODAN] Well, I've heard it rumoured, but it's a subject that's nevermentioned.
[NESBIN] Well no, it wouldn't be. Might upset their cosy little world.
[LEELA] Then you like fighting. Good.
[NESBIN] Oh, now wait a minute, listen.
[LEELA] No, you listen to me, before it's too late.
(Castellan's office)
[KELNER] Your record shows, Gomer, that you arepolitically unreliable.
[GOMER] Unreliable? How dare you, Kelner. There's not a more loyal TimeLord in all Gallifrey.
[KELNER] Exactly. Loyal to the old ways.
[GOMER] What other ways are there?
[KELNER] You are considered to be dangerous, a threat to the new regime.
[GOMER] I consider that to be a compliment, Kelner. Thank you. I may begetting old, but if I had a weapon to use against these invaders, I'd
[KELNER] You'd use it. Yes. Yes, you would. I think we'd be a lot saferwith you out of the way.
[GOMER] What are you going to do with me?
[KELNER] By order of the President, you are to be expelled from theCitadel.
[GOMER] I'm sorry I can't go any faster. By the time you're my age, I'min my tenth regeneration, you know
[ANDRED] Yes, sir, I know. I don't mind how slowly we go.
[GOMER] In my younger days I was considered to be lively enough.
[ANDRED] That's why you're being put out now.
[GOMER] Oh, yes, it would be. Kelner and his sort never let bygones bebygones. We never got on, never saw eye to eye. To tell you the truth,I can't stand the fellow.
[ANDRED] You're not alone in that.
[GOMER] Watch your step, young man, or you'll be following me out there.
[ANDRED] Oh, I don't think so. Some of us intend to do something aboutall this. It's all right, they're with me.
[GOMER] Are they indeed?
[ANDRED] There are plenty of us, more than Kelner and the Presidentbargained for, and we're gaining strength every hour.
[GOMER] Good for you, young Andred. Good for you. Now, can I stay andhelp?
[ANDRED] Thank you, but I must put you out, sir. If I don't, CastellanKelner will get suspicious.
[GOMER] Yes, I understand.
[ANDRED] But you may find help outside.
[GOMER] Help? Out there?
[ANDRED] Rodan and the alien girl Leela are already out there. Othersare following.
(Nesbin's camp)
[NESBIN] But you can't even take care ofyourselves!
[LEELA] Try me!
[NESBIN] When I'm not busy.
[ABLIF] Now that's the language I do understand.
[LEELA] Then we are agreed? We shall fight!
[BODYGUARD] Where are we going, sir?
[DOCTOR] I'm not at liberty to say.
(Somewhere in the Citadel)
[ANDRED] You came. Good. Now, listen to me. Before we can do anythingagainst the invaders, we have to dispose of the President. I know it'sagainst every law of the land, and it'll mean breaking my oath, but Ibelieve he's forfeited the right to protection. He's a traitor who'sbrought these creatures in, and he must die. Are you with me?
[MAN 1] Yes.
[MAN 2] Yes.
[ANDRED] Right. We must get him away from his invader friends and awayfrom Kelner's tame bodyguard, then we can strike.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. You stay here.
[BODYGUARD] But sir, I can't. I must stay with you. Castellan's orders.
[DOCTOR] Rescinded.
[BODYGUARD] Beg pardon, sir?
[DOCTOR] Do you know what this is?
[BODYGUARD] Yes, Excellence.
[DOCTOR] Will you disobey me?
[BODYGUARD] The Castellan will have me shot, sir.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's all right. I'll have him shot. You stay there.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] How's it going, K9?
[ANDRED] Now, look. I'll go in first.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] K9, this is no time to be enjoying yourself, all right?
[K9] Absorption of data most satisfactory, master.
[DOCTOR] Good. Take this. I could try it myself, but they'd be sure tofind out.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Easy, easy, easy. Steady now.
[K9] Primary circuits locked in.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[K9] Commencing secondary feed.
[DOCTOR] Excellent. Ah, Andred. I've got something for you. A surprise.
[ANDRED] In the name of liberty and honour, I sentence you to death,traitor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, but.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] Don't point that thing at me. I am thePresident, you know. You owe me a little respect. Stun him, K9.
[DOCTOR] Good dog. Well, don't just stand there, reconnect.
[K9] Commencing reconnection.
(Castellan's office)
[KELNER] Arrest Commander Andred and his guards. Ifthey resist, kill them.
[GUARD] Yes, sir.
[LEADER] There is something wrong?
[KELNER] Nothing my guards cannot deal with, honoured sir. A minorinfringement of discipline.
[LEADER] You are right. Lack of discipline cannot be tolerated.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9, come on.
[ANDRED] Die, traitor.
[DOCTOR] Not now. Can't you see I'm busy?
[DOCTOR] It won't work in here. It's a patrol staser. It doesn'toperate, you see, not in a relative dimensional stabiliser field.
[ANDRED] What treachery are you attempting now?
[DOCTOR] A rather more effective treachery than yours, I hope.
[ANDRED] Now look, you're surrounded. There's no way you can leave thiscraft and live. Didn't you hear me?
[DOCTOR] I heard. K9? I'm going out for a few moments. I'll rely on you.And you, don't touch anything.
[ANDRED] Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What's going on out here?
[GUARD] They were trying to assassinate you.
[DOCTOR] What? Did you have to kill them all?
[GUARD] Yes.
[DOCTOR] I see.
[GUARD] Lord President, I don't think you understand the seriousness ofthe situation.
[DOCTOR] But I assure you I do, I do. Someone's made an attempt on mylife and you let the ringleader escape.
[GUARD] Ringleader, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, your own commander, Andred.
[GUARD] Don't worry, sir, he won't get far.
[DOCTOR] I hope not. You get after him before he tries again.
[GUARD] Yes, sir.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] No way to go out there and leave. I've gotnews for you.
[ANDRED] What?
[DOCTOR] You're stuck here.
[ANDRED] What?
[DOCTOR] Your pitiful attempt at revolution has failed.
[ANDRED] You're lying.
[DOCTOR] I'm the living proof I'm not. I don't know what they teach youat the Academy these days, but if you can't pull off a simple palacerevolution, what can you pull off, hmm?
[ANDRED] I don't believe you.
[ANDRED] It's jammed.
[DOCTOR] Yes. And it's going to stay jammed until the invaders havegone. (sotto) You see, while I'm in here, they can't touch me, and theycan't read my thoughts.
[ANDRED] You mean they can travel along any form of broadcastwavelength?
[DOCTOR] Yes, and materialise at the end of it. But until they domaterialise, I can't identify their planet of origin and time loop it.
[ANDRED] But you have access to the greatest source of knowledge in theuniverse.
[DOCTOR] Well, I do talk to myself sometimes, yes.
[ANDRED] I mean the Matrix.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, that old thing. Yeah. There's a problem there. I'vebeen under a bit of a strain recently. You see, the Matrix has beeninvaded.
[ANDRED] The Matrix has been invaded?
[ANDRED] Why haven't you explained this to the Supreme Council?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Because they can read thoughts. Even encephalographicpatterns. That's why I've plugged K9 into the Matrix instead of me.He's got no brains, you see. Sorry about that, K9.
[ANDRED] Can you trust a machine?
[DOCTOR] This one I can. He's my second best friend.
(Castellan's office)
[KELNER] There is another matter I should like toraise with you, sir.
[LEADER] Well?
[KELNER] Unfortunately, it is a matter of some delicacy.
[LEADER] Speak.
[KELNER] The President has been behaving, well, strangely. Just asuspicion, no more.
[LEADER] We speculated as to how long it would take for you to recogniseand report this.
[KELNER] You knew?
[LEADER] We have suspected the Doctor since we first made contact. Weshall deal with him soon.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] Well, at least they don't suspect me.
[ANDRED] Yes. Banishing Leela and the others was the best way ofprotecting them.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. (eureka moment) It might just work. Give me your helmet.
[ANDRED] He's mad. One of us is mad. It's either him...
(Castellan's office)
[LEADER] And all the rebels are dead?
[KELNER] Yes, all except Commander Andred.
[LEADER] Ah, you took him prisoner. Good. Bring him to us.
[KELNER] No sir, I'm afraid he has escaped.
[LEADER] Escaped?
[KELNER] My men have made a thorough search of the Citadel, sir. He isnot inside. He must have escaped to Outer Gallifrey.
[LEADER] To Outer Gallifrey? This is most unsatisfactory.
[KELNER] There is no need to worry, sir. He won't survive out there forlong. No one does.
(Nesbin's camp)
[NESBIN] Good shot.
[LEELA] It's a good weapon. We must make some more.
[NESBIN] We'll need to if we're to go on feeding this lot. How many moreis he going to expel?
[LEELA] Not for food. We shall need more weapons if we are to attack theCitadel.
[NESBIN] We can't fight with these?
[LEELA] Why not?
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] That should keep them guessing.
[ANDRED] My helmet?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I built a partial encephalographic barrier into it. It'llkeep your deepest thoughts hidden, but you're going to have toconcentrate. Can you do that?
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ANDRED] What?
[DOCTOR] Never mind.
[K9] Master?
[K9] Channel located.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[K9] It is an outer spatial exploration and investigation channel,number nine nine seven seven nine five seven positive.
[DOCTOR] Can you tell where it's tuned to?
[K9] Negative.
[DOCTOR] Why not, K9? Sorry. Go on, K9.
[K9] There is considerable radiolactic interference.
[DOCTOR] Is there now? That's interesting. Is it deliberate?
[K9] Probability ninety five percent.
[DOCTOR] We're going to have to force them to materialise before we canidentify their planet of origin.
[DOCTOR] K9? I'm going to have to play along with them again.
[ANDRED] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to dismantle the forcefield around Gallifrey.
[ANDRED] What?
[DOCTOR] It's the only way to convince them that we're reallycooperating.
[ANDRED] But that could blow us all to pieces.
[ANDRED] You can't do that.
[DOCTOR] I can't, but Rassilon can.
[ANDRED] Yes. Rassilon's dead.
[ANDRED] Eons ago.
[DOCTOR] That's right, but his mind lives on in the APC net. I'm part ofthat net now. Rassilon built the forcefield. Maybe he can dismantle it.
[ANDRED] But if you do that, you'll leave the whole of Gallifreydefenceless.
[DOCTOR] Exactly! Which is why it's the only way to convince them. Howdo you feel about that?
[ANDRED] Well, I
[DOCTOR] That's the spirit. K9, you're in charge.
[ANDRED] Now, look
[K9] I'm in charge. We will now trace the circuit again and fuse it.
[ANDRED] But the circuit is part of the Academy. Instruction andinvestigation control.
[K9] We will give them a day off school. Blow it.
(Nesbin's camp)
[NESBIN] This is hopeless.
[LEELA] I agree. They are.
[NESBIN] So much for that idea.
[LEELA] We shall just have to fight on our own.
[LEELA] Well, you and your warriors. With me.
[NESBIN] There aren't enough of us to capture the Citadel. Not ifCastellan and his guards are working for the invaders. They all havestasers.
[LEELA] Then we shall not try to capture the Citadel. We shall justrescue the Doctor. He will know what to do.
[NESBIN] But he is on their side!
[LEELA] Never! He cannot be!
[NESBIN] It's still impossible.
[LEELA] Not if we can surprise them. Choose your best warriors. Rodancan come with us. She will be able to guide us once we are inside.
[LEADER] You must not waste time, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I've been thinking about it very hard, but I need to contact
[LEADER] Yes, we know, Doctor. You need to consult the APC net again.
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[DOCTOR] There is a way.
[LEADER] Well? Proceed!
[LEADER] Doctor! We are watching your every move and monitoring yourevery thought.
(Tardis console room)
[ANDRED] Z over P times log three five nine six equals
[K9] Cosine four seven three two.
(Forcefield control area)
[DOCTOR] Well, it doesn't look too difficult. Well, don't stare at me.This is a very delicate operation. You're making me nervous.
[DOCTOR] Right, that seems to be in. Right? Right. Now hold your breath,or whatever it is you fellows hold. This is the tricky bit.
[DOCTOR] Hang on, Doctor, you're nearly there. What did you say? I said,hang on Doctor, you're nearly there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I did it.
(Tardis console room)
[K9] Imperative we reach President's officeimmediately. Helmet!
[DOCTOR] There you are. I did it.
[LEADER] You have turned off the forcefield?
[DOCTOR] It's impossible to destroy the forcefield without atomising theentire planet, but I have made a sizeable hole in it above the Citadel.
[LEADER] You have done well.
[KELNER] A hole in the forcefield? Then we're without protection!
[VARDAN] You have our protection now. Are you not satisfied?
[KELNER] Oh, yes, yes, yes, of course.
[LEADER] This hole is permanent?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'd need to do a little more work on it to achieve that.
[LEADER] We are safe now.
[KELNER] They're just human.
[DOCTOR] Mmm. Disappointing, aren't they. Nice to see you again.
[LEADER] Continue with your work. Assist him.
[DOCTOR] No, I can manage very nicely, thank you.
[LEADER] Accompany him!
[DOCTOR] Would you like to assist me in my work? It's, er, it's thisway.
[LEELA] Nesbin, you must take your warriors, enterthe Citadel from that side. Attack the Chancellor's guards, create adiversion. I shall enter from the other side with Rodan and Jasko.
[NESBIN] That sounds good. Take care now.
[LEELA] You too.
[NESBIN] Come on, then!
(President's office)
[K9] We must wait for the Doctor.
[ANDRED] How long will that be?
[K9] Closing down to conserve resources.
[LEELA] Something's wrong.
[RODAN] What?
[LEELA] Where are your defences?
[RODAN] The transduction barrier's down.
[LEELA] But where are your guards?
[RODAN] Missing.
[LEELA] Exactly.
(Another corridor)
[DOCTOR] Shush! I've had an idea. Two seconds.
(President's office)
[DOCTOR] Ah, there you are. I'm so glad you could make it. Base lead.
[ANDRED] Insulation.
[LEADER] The Doctor! He has betrayed us!
[KELNER] What do you mean, master?
[LEADER] He has defected. Kill him!
[LEADER] You are now in charge of this rabble. I must have discipline!
[KELNER] I shall issue instructions and take control immediately.
[JASKO] Hey, suppose he's not in there?
[LEELA] Where else could he be?
[RODAN] The President's office, I suppose.
[LEELA] Lead us there.
(Castellan's office)
[KELNER] Expedite immediately. I repeat that underthe circumstances I assume complete authority. The President is to beshot on sight.
(President's office)
[DOCTOR] Take that.
[DOCTOR] And that.
[DOCTOR] And that. Come on, boy.
[DOCTOR] Shush, don't be frightened. Hand me the Sash. Trust me.
[DOCTOR] There we are.
[DOCTOR] Ready, K9?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Now don't get any ideas.
(Outside the President's office)
[VARDAN] Break the door down.
[NESBIN] Well met, Leela.
[LEELA] What was that?
[RODAN] Someone vanishing.
[LEELA] Where's the President's office? Here?
[RODAN] Yes.
[LEELA] Break it down.
(President's office)
[DOCTOR] Open the door, Andred.
[ANDRED] No, keep still.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Ready, K9?
[LEADER] Alert! Alert! I detect an illegitimatefrequency tracer! Alert! Full alert!
(President's office)
[K9] Contact. Coordinates of Vardan source planetvector three zero five two, alpha seven, fourteen span.
[DOCTOR] Activate the modulation rejection pattern.
[K9] Activating now.
[KELNER] Sir, I can't break into the
[KELNER] What happened?
(President's office)
[K9] Negative. Confirm negative. No trace of alienwaveform on Gallifrey.
[LEELA] What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] We've won again. I've sent the invaders back to their ownplanet. Course, I'll need the Matrix to jury-rig a time loop, butthat's not
[LEELA] But how have we won? We fought no one but a few guards.
[DOCTOR] Well, it can't always be like the relief of Mafeking, you know.
[LEELA] All right.
[DOCTOR] Don't shout at me. Don't shout. Have you ever thought of takingit up seriously?
[LEELA] Taking what up seriously?
[DOCTOR] Well, killing people. A little practice, you'd become quiteproficient.
[LEELA] What does
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[LEELA] Excuse me, what, do you know what
[LEELA] What does proficient mean?
[KELNER] Oh, Doctor! President.
[DOCTOR] Castellan, is the Chancellor still in his office?
[KELNER] Yes, your Excellency.
[DOCTOR] Good. Castellan, as Castellan you are responsible for securityon Gallifrey in general and for my safety in particular, are you not,Castellan?
[KELNER] That is so, Excellency.
[DOCTOR] Castellan, I don't think you're very good at it. That's just myopinion, I'm only the President. Still, every oligarchy gets theCastellan it deserves, eh, Castellan?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, never mind. Just clear up the mess when you've got amoment.
[LEELA] Is it over?
[DOCTOR] It's been a long, hard road, but at last the future ofGallifrey is assured. What, what are you looking at?
[DOCTOR] Please don't fire that thing.
[STOR] There is no advantage in killing, yet. Slavery is more efficient.
[LEELA] Do you know these things?
[DOCTOR] Sontaran troopers.
[STOR] I am Commander Stor, of the Sontaran Special Space Service.
[DOCTOR] The SSSS. Isn't that carrying alliteration a little far?
[LEELA] You're not like the Vardans.
[STOR] Vardans? They were expendable. They had served their purpose toopen up the forcefield and let us in. Who is Doctor?
[STOR] (to Kelner) Are you Doctor?
[DOCTOR] No, I'm just Lord President of the Supreme Council of TimeLords on Gallifrey.
[STOR] Your description fits that of one called Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's no my fault. I'm Lord President, and I'm calledsir.
[STOR] Sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, sir.
[STOR] I call no one sir except my battalion leader.
[DOCTOR] That must mean many thousand sirs.
[STOR] Thousands. The glorious Sontaran army reckons its numbers inhundreds of millions. Find Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I was only trying to help.
[DOCTOR [OC]] I was only trying to help.
[BORUSA] There's nothing more useless than a lock with a voice imprint.)
(President's office)
[BORUSA] I think I believe you, Doctor. In fact, excellent, Excellency.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Knowledge is the ultimate goal, is it not, Commander Stor?
[STOR] A means to an end only. The ultimate goal isvictory.
[DOCTOR] Victory over whom?
[STOR] Victory over all.
[DOCTOR] Victory over time?
[STOR] What?
[DOCTOR [OC]] I said, victory over time?
[STOR [OC]] Enough of this idle talk.
[DOCTOR] Stop!
[LEELA] What was that?
[DOCTOR] Celebration chimes.
[LEELA] What?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it should have been played at my induction, only fiftytimes lower. Someone's trying to help us.
[LEELA] I am.
[DOCTOR] We'd better split up. Leela and Andred come with me. The restof you scatter. Come on.
[LEELA] Oh, and Jasko, Rodan, Ablif.
[NESBIN] We'll go this way.
[KELNER] I'm sorry, my lord. It was none of my doing.
[STOR] To all units. I repeat, to all units. The President is to beapprehended. Kill those with him, but take the President alive.
[DOCTOR] A Sontaran.
[LEELA] What are these Sontarans?
[DOCTOR] A race devoted to perpetual war.
[LEELA] Then I shall kill him.
[DOCTOR] You don't know how.
[LEELA] Do you know?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes.
[LEELA] Well, tell me.
[DOCTOR] Small vent at the back of the neck.
[LEELA] Is that all?
[LEELA] Over here!
[DOCTOR] Oh, that was a prodigious throw!
[LEELA] Prodigious?
[DOCTOR] Well, it was an amazing throw.
[LEELA] Oh, it was nothing.
[DOCTOR] Well, yes, I know it's just an old hunting trick.
[LEELA] That's right.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[STOR] Unit group three seven, report. Report!
[KELNER] They must be on
[STOR] Where is level three?
[KELNER] On the
[STOR] Where is level three?
[KELNER] On the way to level five. The President's office. That's wherethey're heading.
[STOR] Unit groups three, five and seven, proceed immediately to levelfive. Expect the President and his bodyguard. Take him alive.
[KELNER] My lord
[STOR] Do not
[KELNER] The President is
[STOR] Silence!
[LEELA] Why the office?
[DOCTOR] I've got an urgent appointment.
[STOR] Time Lord, come with me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. This is a dangerous bit. Five, four,three, two, one, go.
(President's office)
[DOCTOR] Two, three, four, five, six?
[BORUSA] I thought you'd never get here.
[DOCTOR] We were delayed.
[BORUSA] Not too long, I hope.
(Outside the President's office)
[STOR] This one, Time Lord?
[KELNER] Yes, Excellency.
[STOR] Break it down.
(President's office)
[DOCTOR] That's not going to hold forever,Chancellor.
[BORUSA] A heavy, easily fusible, soft malleable base metal such as leadis not the best defence against heat-intensive weaponry.
[DOCTOR] I agree.
[BORUSA] Fortunately, someone had the good sense to reinforce thestructure with a titanium based alloy.
[DOCTOR] Your recipe?
[BORUSA] A suggestion of mine, yes. A holding device only, I fear.
[DOCTOR] Thanks for the thought. Thanks for the thought, Chancellor.
[BORUSA] Is not one of my duties to protect the President?
[DOCTOR] Well, dereliction of duty's pretty rife around here,Chancellor. Hadn't you noticed?
[BORUSA] Oh, this is not for you. Your companions, however.
[DOCTOR] I'll vouch for them.
[BORUSA] Of your own free will?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes.
[BORUSA] At your command, Excellency.
[LEELA] Shall I kill him now?
[DOCTOR] What? No. No, he's my friend.
[LEELA] He's no friend to threaten you like that.
[DOCTOR] He is a friend. You're my friend, aren't you, Borusa? You'rethe most important friend I've got.
(Outside the President's office)
[STOR] This is useless. Not even marked. Returnwith the troopers, but make sure they are fully armed. Otherwise, Iwill negate you. Now go.
(President's office)
[DOCTOR] Bringing up the heavy artillery, Iimagine.
[BORUSA] The next logical step, I agree.
[DOCTOR] Evacuation?
[BORUSA] Would appear logical.
[DOCTOR] I suggest my Tardis.
[BORUSA] I agree.
[DOCTOR] I think the exit through your office would be most expedient.
[BORUSA] There's no need for formality, Excellency.
[DOCTOR] I know. There's something in there I want rather badly. Let'sgo. Come on.
(Outside the President's office)
[STOR] What was that?
[KELNER] I don't know, sir.
[STOR] What trick is this?
[KELNER] I have no idea. Believe me, Excellency.
[DOCTOR] Ah, Chancellor. You and I have things todiscuss. Urgent things. Leela.
[LEELA] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Take the others back to the Tardis.
[LEELA] Oh no, I'm not leaving you again.
[DOCTOR] Please.
[LEELA] No. Every time I do, you get into trouble.
[DOCTOR] That's right. Trust me, please.
[LEELA] All right. Come on. I said, come on.
[DOCTOR] Well, Chancellor? Are you going to help me or kill me, hmm?
(President's office)
[STOR] Why did you not tell us this before?
[KELNER] He called himself Doctor for many lifespans before he becamePresident, but I have never trusted him. When your good friends theVardans
[STOR] You have met the Vardans?
[KELNER] Alas, all too briefly.
[STOR] They had their uses. You also may be of use to us, Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Where is it?
[BORUSA] I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.
[DOCTOR] Where is it?
[BORUSA] You ask for the impossible.
[DOCTOR] I ask for the Great Key.
[BORUSA] You already have it.
[DOCTOR] I have Rod of Rassilon and I have the Sash. I do not have theGreat Key.
[BORUSA] That is a myth, a legend.
[DOCTOR] Chancellor, would you have me break my oath as President? Myoath to seek the Great Key?
[BORUSA] That has been incumbent upon every president since timeimmemorial. None has ever found it.
[LEELA] Run! Run!
[LEELA] Come on, run.
[ABLIF] Leave me, Leela. Save yourself. They need you. Go!
(President's office)
[DOCTOR] People are dying out there. Men, women,Time Lords even have died in that battle.
[BORUSA] I know that.
[DOCTOR] Isn't that important to you?
[BORUSA] Should it be?
[DOCTOR] It leaves you unconcerned. That's the difference between youand me, Chancellor. I'm very concerned.
[BORUSA] Then you should remember your training in detachment.
[DOCTOR] I'd rather care. Don't you care about your world being invadedby alien warmongers? These are Sontaran shock troops. A few still, butsoon there'll be thousands, millions, threatening time itself.
[BORUSA] They cannot threaten time! Not while I
[DOCTOR] Yes, Chancellor. Not while you have the Great Key.
[DOCTOR] If you wanted to hide a tree, where would you hide it? In aforest. I read your essay on reason.
[DOCTOR] Which one is it?
[LEELA] Hurry. Hurry!
[DOCTOR] I'll take them all, if necessary.
[BORUSA] Take them.
[DOCTOR] No. Rassilon was a wily old bird. No president without theGreat Key can have absolute power, correct? So to protect the TimeLords from dictatorship, he gave the Key into the hands of aChancellor.
[BORUSA] None of this is in the Matrix.
[DOCTOR] I know. I've been there. You haven't. There's no record in theMatrix of any president knowing the whereabouts of the Great Key. Sowho does? Not the Castellan, he's just a jumped up guard. But whoguards the guards?
[BORUSA] The Chancellor.
[DOCTOR] Yes. And I'll kill you before I let that Key fall into thehands of the Sontarans.
[BORUSA] That will not be necessary.
[BORUSA] You are the first president since Rassilon to hold the GreatKey.
(President's office)
[KELNER] But I can't, Excellency!
[KELNER] It's impossible! No one could connect to the Matrix without thecirclet.
[STOR] Then bypass the Matrix!
[KELNER] It is impossible!
[STOR] For the strong, everything is possible.
[KELNER] I've tried every
[STOR] You must widen the gap in the forcefield to allow my battle fleetto enter.
[KELNER] But only the President
[STOR] I must have reinforcements! I must seek out the Doctor. He willlead me to the Great Key.
[KELNER] The Great Key? But that's impossible
[STOR] That was your last chance.
[KELNER] Of, of course, I, I know that all things are possible.
[STOR] Well?
[KELNER] There could just be a way.
(Outside the President's office)
[DOCTOR] Ah, there you are. Got your new orders yet? Get in touch withCommander Stor. He'll put you in the picture.
(President's office)
[STOR] Of course there are no new orders. Stop him!
[SONTARAN] Halt! Halt!
[DOCTOR] The Great Key, you see. Good for years yet.
[BORUSA] The Great Key is quite useless against elementary particleassault.
[DOCTOR] Is it? What? I don't understand.
[BORUSA] The Chancellor's personal force-shield. (his medallion ofoffice) Unfortunately, the batteries seem uncomfortably low.
[DOCTOR] They do?
[BORUSA] So what would you suggest we do?
[DOCTOR] Let's do that.
[BORUSA] So undignified. I haven't run like thisfor centuries.
[DOCTOR] You're out of condition, Borusa, that's your problem. Do youthink you can make it over there?
[BORUSA] Naturally.
[DOCTOR] I didn't mean you, I meant the batteries.
[BORUSA] Oh. With luck.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[DOCTOR] Maybe I am getting too young for this sort of thing. Come on.
[BORUSA] If you could just open the door.
(Forcefield Control area)
[STOR] Well?
[KELNER] Well, it's difficult. There's so much disorder.
[STOR] I must have reinforcements.
[KELNER] There is a way of patching control through.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] What do you do?
[RODAN] I'm a technician.
[DOCTOR] Good. You stand there. Andred, control booth seven, on theright. K9, go with him. Off you go.
[DOCTOR] Leela.
[LEELA] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Show Borusa to the VIP suite.
[LEELA] VIP suite?
[DOCTOR] The Chancellor's suite. It's down there on the left, up threestages, one down stage, turn left, turn left, turn left, turn leftagain. The room's marked no entry. Off you go.
[LEELA] No entry.
[DOCTOR] Leela?
[LEELA] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Take that for me.
[BORUSA] (sotto) You can't give the Great Key to an alien.
[DOCTOR] I just have.
[BORUSA] You trust her?
[DOCTOR] I do. Leela, that's important.
[LEELA] Then I shall look after it.
[DOCTOR] Good. Off you go.
[LEELA] Come.
[DOCTOR] What's your name?
[RODAN] Rodan.
[DOCTOR] Rodan. R O D A N. How do you do, Rodan?
[RODAN] As well as I can, Excellency.
[DOCTOR] Well, who could hope for more. What branch did you study?
[RODAN] Quasitronics.
[DOCTOR] Quasitronics. I don't know much about quasitronics.
[RODAN] Well, it's a simple field study exercise
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm sure it is a simple field study exercise. You wouldn'thave a glimmer of astrophysics, would you?
[RODAN] A glimmer.
[DOCTOR] Good. Could you forget everything you ever learned?
[RODAN] What?
[DOCTOR] I mean, could you switch my primary and secondary stabilisercircuitry into your secondary defence barrier?
[RODAN] Link your control to the main defence mechanism?
[DOCTOR] Well, to close the hole I made in it, yes. Seal it up and stopany more Sontaran ships coming in.
[RODAN] Have you got a screwdriver?
(Forcefield Control area)
[STOR] How much longer?
[KELNER] I can't get, oh.
[STOR] My battalion commander insists on immediate entry. Unless I obey,I shall die. Before I die, you will die, Time Lord.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] You all right?
[RODAN] Of course I am.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[RODAN] Crimps.
[DOCTOR] Crimps. Crimps. Are you sure you know what you're doing?
[RODAN] I do. Five four two lever.
[DOCTOR] Five four two lever. Five four two lever.
[DOCTOR] Steady, old girl. This won't hurt a bit.
(Forcefield Control area)
[KELNER] Useless.
[STOR] What is of no use?
[KELNER] The primary, secondary and tertiary control circuits are out oforder.
[STOR] Then repair them.
[KELNER] It isn't a question of repair, Excellency. They have beenbypassed. The only way of doing that is through a time capsule, and theonly one in operation at the moment is the President's.
[STOR] Doctor.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] They could rampage right through the wholeuniverse. And not just this universe, all the universes. Nasty thought,isn't it? That's why I had to stop them. Just had to.
[RODAN] Vinkelgruber.
[DOCTOR] Vinkelgruber? Are you listening to what I was saying?
[RODAN] A Vinkelgruber.
[DOCTOR] Vinkelgruber.
[RODAN] No, now what were you saying?
[DOCTOR] I was saying that what they're after is the Rod of Rassilon,the Sash, and above all, the Great Key. These three together, linkedinto the Matrix, provide the sum total of Time Lord power. That's whatthey want.
(Forcefield Control area)
[KELNER] There is an alternative, Excellency.
[STOR] What is it?
[KELNER] I believe I can bypass the safety circuits.
(Tardis console room)
[RODAN] Hand.
[DOCTOR] Hand.
[RODAN] Load of junk.
[DOCTOR] What is?
[RODAN] This.
[DOCTOR] It's my Tardis you're talking about.
[RODAN] There you are. Look, there's the arrow head, arrow wings, arrowshaft. Why, it's a perfect Sontaran formation.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Why an entire battle fleet?
[RODAN] Doesn't matter. The defence screens are up again.
[DOCTOR] Huh, you haven't seen what a Sontaran battle fleet. Are yousure?
[RODAN] Shush. As long as this Tardis remains secure, you control thedefence screens.
[DOCTOR] As long as the Tardis remains secure.
(Forcefield Control area)
[STOR] Better. Much better, Time Lord.
(Tardis console room)
[RODAN] What is happening?
[DOCTOR] He's reversed the stabiliser banks.
[RODAN] But that's impossible. Only a Time Lord could do that.
[DOCTOR] A criminal Time Lord could, too.
[DOCTOR] We're being thrown into a black star!
(Tardis console room)
[LEELA] Doctor! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Get Rodan.
[LEELA] Rodan?
[DOCTOR] Get Rodan.
(Forcefield Control area)
[STOR] What has happened?
[KELNER] He has stabilised, thrown the fail-safe switch in his timecapsule.
[STOR] With what effect?
[KELNER] The capsule is fixed in its present state for eternity, untilhe throws off the fail-safe switch.
[STOR] So he is trapped?
[KELNER] Yes, Excellency. The Great Key. I could have done so much withthe Great Key.
[STOR] No one may enter or leave this solid-state capsule?
[KELNER] I have entrance probes for all time capsules, sir.
[STOR] Bring the relevant probe with you.
(Tardis fail-safe control)
[DOCTOR] Quick, lock the door.
[DOCTOR] Without that, no one can reset the systems. Where are theothers?
[LEELA] In the bathroom.
[DOCTOR] The bathroom?
[LEELA] Yes, in the bathroom.
[DOCTOR] You got lost, didn't you.
[LEELA] Well, it's bigger than it looks, your Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Ah no, the mighty huntress got her. Don't you think she gotlost?
[LEELA] I didn't. How do you know?
[DOCTOR] I think you got lost.
[LEELA] Listen, Doctor, you gave me the wrong directions.
[DOCTOR] Come on. You got lost.
[LEELA] How could you possibly expect me to follow those directions?
[DOCTOR] You got lost!
[LEELA] Doctor!
(Tardis console room)
[STOR] This machine is a load of obsolete rubbish.
[KELNER] This model was withdrawn centuries ago.
[STOR] Make the systems function again.
[KELNER] But, but I'm not an engineer, sir. I
[STOR] Make it work, or you'll die. Well?
[SONTARAN] He has fastened it with some kind of locking device from theother side, sir.
[STOR] He's trapped in here now, and this is the only way out.
[SONTARAN] I will open it, sir. Then we shall have them.
[STOR] He has the Great Key. I want him captured, intact but unharmed.After that, I will deal with him personally.
(Tardis storeroom)
[DOCTOR] All right, let's walk. I've got awonderful sense of direction. I've got a perfect sense of direction.
[RODAN] I thought you said you had a good
[LEELA] Shush. Where are we?
[DOCTOR] Storeroom twenty three A.
[LEELA] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] The workshop.
[RODAN] Has he got a workshop on board?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Of course I have. Come on!
(Tardis storeroom)
[DOCTOR] What nobody understands is, the advantage of my antiquatedTardis is that it's fully equipped and completely reliable.
[LEELA] Completely?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yeah, well, almost completely.
(Tardis service tunnel)
[LEELA] Where are we now?
[DOCTOR] Service tunnel, Blue Section two five. Everything's going to beall right. You just follow me.
(Tardis storeroom)
[DOCTOR] Odd. I could have sworn I've been here before.
[LEELA] We have.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Oh. I must be in level twenty three B.
[RODAN] Well, wherever we are, it could do with a lick of paint.
[LEELA] Lick of paint?
[RODAN] Yes, clean it up a bit. You know, redecoration.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I'm a Time Lord, not a painter and decorator. I'mpreoccupied with (pause)
[LEELA] Sontarans?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Sontarans, Daleks.
[RODAN] Don't get excited.
[DOCTOR] What did you say?
[RODAN] I said, don't get excited.
[DOCTOR] I'm not getting excited. I'm not getting
[LEELA] (sotto) Doctor!
[DOCTOR] (sotto) What is it?
[LEELA] You are getting excited.
[DOCTOR] No, I'm not.
(Tardis service tunnel)
[DOCTOR] Would you get off my scarf, please.
[LEELA] Doctor, we've been here before.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense.
[RODAN] Déjà vu.
[LEELA] Déjà what?
[RODAN] Déjà vu. It's a common thing among time travellers.
[DOCTOR] There you are.
[LEELA] We have been here before.
[DOCTOR] Rodan, tell her she's wrong.
[RODAN] Doctor, she's absolutely right.
[DOCTOR] What?
[RODAN] We just travelled this route ten minutes ago.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense. I know this Tardis like the back of my hand.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Swimming pool area)
[DOCTOR] That clock's slow.
[DOCTOR] Come on, we can't sit around here all day.
[LEELA] You said you wanted a rest.
[DOCTOR] I've just had one. Let's go and find K9.
(Tardis workshop)
[ANDRED] If I had a dog like you in my unit, I'd make him a sergeant.
(Tardis storeroom)
[RODAN] Why you can't use a perfectly modern seven oh six model, I'llnever understand.
[DOCTOR] No character.
[LEELA] Doctor.
[LEELA] We have been here before.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense. Rear area now, storeroom fourteen D. Onward!
(Tardis console room)
[KELNER] It's impossible, sir.
[STOR] Why?
[KELNER] Well, it's obvious. You see, the Doctor has removed the primaryrefraction tube from his fail-safe controls. With that circuit broken,well, no one can reactivate the Tardis.
[STOR] So I cannot destroy the Tardis and the Doctor cannot escape?Stalemate.
(Tardis workshop)
[DOCTOR] Hello. boy. How's it going?
[K9] Nothing is going anywhere, master. A state of perfect inertia.
[DOCTOR] I know we're not going anywhere. I don't like the idea ofinertia being perfect.
[LEELA] Little K9.
[DOCTOR] Is it clear?
[ANDRED] At full capacity, Excellency, just as you ordered.
[LEELA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Early warning. Something's broken in upstairs.
(Tardis fail-safe control)
[STOR] We will do battle on your own ground,Doctor.
(Tardis workshop)
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Leela, the key I gave you.
[LEELA] Of course.
[DOCTOR] Can I have it, please? Thank you. Rodan, look at me. You arenow in a state of deep hypnosis. Can you hear me?
[RODAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Rodan, you will help K9. You will do whatever he tells you.When K9 asks you for this key, you will give it to him. You will notgive the key to anyone else. You understand?
[RODAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Good. Watch the door. Come on. We're relying on you, K9.
[K9] Master.
[K9] One rod of type three iridium alloy, one metre in length.
[RODAN] Coming up.
(Tardis staircase)
[DOCTOR] Sorry the lift's out of order. Shush.
[LEELA] What did you say?
[DOCTOR] I said I'm sorry the lift's out of order.
[LEELA] Oh. Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] What? To the bathroom of course.
[LEELA] To the bathroom?
(Tardis service passage)
[STOR] Very clever, Doctor.
[KELNER] What is it, sir?
[STOR] The Doctor has set up a biological barrage. My instruments cannottrace human life forms. We must return to his control room andeliminate this barrier.
[KELNER] Wait, sir. There is another way. If I can trace the ancillarygenerator that powers this barrier
[STOR] Can you do this?
[KELNER] I believe I can, sir.
[STOR] Then you will be well rewarded. Lead on.
(Tardis Swimming pool)
[DOCTOR] I've kept you waiting, Chancellor. I've kept you waiting,Chancellor.
[BORUSA] I'm quite comfortable, thank you.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[DOCTOR] I had nothing to do with this, I promise you. Chancellor, youknow about the Rod of Rassilon.
[DOCTOR] And you know about the Sash of Rassilon.
[DOCTOR] And especially, you know about the Great Key.
[DOCTOR] Therefore, it would be very bad for us if you were to fall intothe hands of the Sontarans. No breeding, you see.
[BORUSA] It's not just a question of breeding, surely?
[DOCTOR] Oh, but it is, it is, I assure you, Chancellor, it is. They'rea cloned species, you see. They can multiply at the rate of a millionevery four minutes. Shall we go?
[BORUSA] I think so.
[DOCTOR] Good.
(Tardis storeroom)
[STOR] Well?
[KELNER] Tangential formation has been quite altered. The Doctor hasmade many modifications over the centuries. We should be by now
[STOR] Which way?
[KELNER] Through here.
(Tardis Swimming pool)
[KELNER] Here, I'm sure of it.
(Tardis service passage)
[DOCTOR] Pick a door, any door. Ready? Leave.
(Tardis sickbay)
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[BORUSA] I wish you'd stabilise your pedestrian infrastructure,President.
[DOCTOR] What? Come on, pull yourself together, Borusa. Hello, sickbay.Quick, curtains. Lock the door, Andred.
[LEELA] Let's get out of here.
[ANDRED] You go on. I'll hold them off.
[LEELA] With what? We must catch the others. We'll go my way. Come on.
(Tardis Swimming Pool area)
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[ANDRED] Sorry about this. I'm not going to be much good to you now.
[DOCTOR] Leela?
[LEELA] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Take these two back to the workshop. You know the way.
[LEELA] Well, as well as I did last time.
[DOCTOR] It's along there on the left. Second on the left, up two stages
[LEELA] Don't worry, Doctor. I'll find my own way.
[DOCTOR] Good. Bye, bye.
(Tardis storeroom)
[LEELA] Oh, no.
[BORUSA] Where are we?
[LEELA] Déjà vu. Back where we started.
[STOR] This is useless! Where is theancillary power unit?
[KELNER] I don't know.
[STOR] What?
[KELNER] Wait! Perhaps the Doctor is individual.
[STOR] That is a weakness. Only through unity is there strength.
[KELNER] He has hidden it, I think.
[STOR] Where?
[KELNER] I believe I begin to understand the Doctor.
[STOR] I doubt that.
[KELNER] It is a utilitarian unit. He would disguise it with beauty.
(Tardis storeroom)
[DOCTOR] Come on, Doctor. You've got a perfectsense of direction.
(Tardis swimming pool area)
[SONTARAN] I could not
[STOR] Explanations will wait. My orders are clear. You will follow thisfool and destroy the power unit he will show you.
[STOR] I have other duties.
(Tardis service passage)
[LEELA] Doctor.
[LEELA] Have you defeated them?
[DOCTOR] No. We've got to get to the workshop.
[BORUSA] Workshop?
[DOCTOR] Yes, the workshop. Come on.
(Tardis ancillary power station)
[KELNER] How beautiful.
[SONTARAN] What is this place?
[KELNER] Ancillary power station.
[KELNER] Now, try your tracer.
[SONTARAN] The humanoids are three levels below.
(Tardis workshop)
[DOCTOR] Finished?
[RODAN] Yes, it's finished.
[DOCTOR] Where is it?
[DOCTOR] Give me the key. Wake up, Rodan. Give me the key.
[LEELA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] You know how helpless we are against the Sontarans.
[BORUSA] I forbid you to use it. You should never have constructed it.
[RODAN] But what is it?
[DOCTOR] It's the ultimate weapon. The Demat gun.
[RODAN] That's impossible!
[DOCTOR] You built in under hypnosis. But how to arm it, hmm? Is thatwhy the Key remained hidden for so long?
[DOCTOR] I could rule the universe with this, Chancellor.
[BORUSA] Is that what you want? Destroy that gun. Destroy all knowledgeof it. It'll throw us back to the darkest age!
[SONTARAN] No, Chancellor, forward.
[DOCTOR] No, wait, wait, Leela! Don't kill him! Kelner, where's Stor?Kill him.
[KELNER] No! No! He's in the Panopticon.
[DOCTOR] The? Borusa, the Matrix.
[DOCTOR] Hold it, Stor.
[STOR] Doctor. This grenade will give me a lot of pleasure.
[DOCTOR] You'll destroy us all.
[STOR] Yes. It is a glory to die for a glorious Sontaran empire.
[DOCTOR] But you'll destroy this entire galaxy.
[STOR] Yes, and all of the Time Lords with it.
[DOCTOR] And your battlefield.
[STOR] Yes, Doctor. But it is a small price to pay. If we cannot controlthe power of the Time Lords, then we shall destroy it. Goodbye, Doctor.
(Tardis workshop)
[ANDRED] Leela, listen.
[DOCTOR] Hello, Leela.
[LEELA] Oh, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Put it away. Borusa, what are you doing here?
[BORUSA] Your Excellence.
[DOCTOR] Excellence? Excellence?
[DOCTOR] Is this some kind of a joke, Borusa? It's not like you to makejokes.
[BORUSA] Have you forgotten your induction?
[DOCTOR] My induction?
[BORUSA] The Vardans?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Vardans.
[BORUSA] The Sontarans?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Sontarans.
[BORUSA] Doctor, you saved Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] I have? Oh. Well, what do you think of that, Leela?
[LEELA] I think you've gone mad.
[BORUSA] He remembers nothing of it. It is the wisdom of Rassilon.
[DOCTOR] Well, ta-ta, everybody. Come on, Leela. Come on. What's thematter?
[LEELA] I'm staying.
[DOCTOR] What? Staying? Here? Why?
[DOCTOR] Ah, I see.
[ANDRED] I hope that
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm sure you do hope. She'll look after you. She'sterribly good with a knife. Come on, K9.
[K9] Negative. I remain.
[DOCTOR] Here?
[K9] Affirmative.
[K9] To look after the mistress.
[LEELA] Doctor?
[LEELA] I will miss you.
(Tardis console room)
[DOCTOR] I'll miss you too, savage.
[BORUSA] Where will he go now, I wonder.
[LEELA] Somewhere else.
[LEELA] Will he be lonely, K9?
[K9] Insufficient data, mistress.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s15", "episode": "e06", "title": "The Invasion of Time"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (2 Sep, 1978; Fourth Doctor) - The Ribos Operation
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] It works, K9. It works. Listen, I've got a little surprise foryou.
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] You and I are going away on holiday.
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] A nice, long holiday.
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Would you like that, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, affirmative, affirmative
[DOCTOR] Shush. Halergan Three's lovely, K9. You'll really like it.Beaches, palm trees, sunshine all day. Hot and
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Doctor.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Your presence is required.
[DOCTOR] Look, listen, I, I, I don't wish to appear rude, but who areyou?
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Do you really need to ask, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, only a guardian could
[DOCTOR] Oh, I see. Well, in that case, sir.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] You will come to no harm.
[DOCTOR] Just as you say.
(Guardian's abode)
[GUARDIAN] Doctor, you have been chosen for a vitally important task.
[DOCTOR] That's very flattering, sir.
[GUARDIAN] It concerns the Key to Time. You know of the Key to Time?
[DOCTOR] Well, I've heard a few stories. Old legends, myths, that sortof thing.
[GUARDIAN] It is no myth.
[DOCTOR] Sorry, sir.
[GUARDIAN] The Key to Time is a perfect cube, which maintains theequilibrium of time itself.
[GUARDIAN] It consists of six segments, and these segments are scatteredand hidden throughout the cosmos. When they are assembled into thecube, they create a power which is too dangerous for any being topossess.
[DOCTOR] Well hidden then, I hope, sir.
[GUARDIAN] There are times, Doctor, when the forces within the universeupset the balance to such an extent that it becomes necessary to stopeverything.
[DOCTOR] Stop everything?
[GUARDIAN] For a brief moment only.
[GUARDIAN] Until the balance is restored. Such a moment is rapidlyapproaching. These segments must be traced and returned to me before itis too late, before the Universe is plunged into eternal chaos.
[DOCTOR] Eternal chaos?
[GUARDIAN] Eternal as you understand the term.
[DOCTOR] Look, I'm sure there must be plenty of other Time Lords who'dbe delighted to
[GUARDIAN] I have chosen you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I was afraid you'd say something like that. Ah! You wantme to volunteer, isn't that it?
[GUARDIAN] Precisely.
[DOCTOR] And if I don't?
[GUARDIAN] Nothing.
[DOCTOR] Nothing? You mean nothing will happen to me?
[GUARDIAN] Nothing at all. Ever.
[DOCTOR] Ah. What do they look like, these segments? How will I knowthem?
[GUARDIAN] They're all disguised.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I thought they might be.
[GUARDIAN] They contain the elemental force of the universe. They can bein any shape, form or size.
[DOCTOR] Then how will I recognise them?
[GUARDIAN] You will be given a locator.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[GUARDIAN] And an assistant.
[DOCTOR] An assistant? Please, sir, on an assignment like this, I'd muchrather work alone. In my experience, assistants mean trouble. I have toprotect them and show them and teach them and couldn't I just, couldn'tI just manage with K9?
[GUARDIAN] K9 is a mere machine.
[DOCTOR] He is a very sensitive machine! Sorry, sir.
[GUARDIAN] You will find your assistant waiting for you in the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Very well, sir. If you insist.
[GUARDIAN] One final thing, Doctor.
[GUARDIAN] I am the White Guardian. In order to maintain the universalbalance, there is also a Black Guardian, and he also requires the Keyto Time, but for a different purpose. An evil purpose. He must not getit. Doctor, at all costs, you must prevent that.
[DOCTOR] How am I to prevent that?
[GUARDIAN] Beware the Black Guardian.
[DOCTOR] Beware the Black Guardian.
[GUARDIAN] Beware. Beware.
[DOCTOR] I'm so sorry, K9. The holiday's off.
[ROMANA [OC]] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) That's the new assistant.
[ROMANA] My name is Romanadvoratnelundar.
[DOCTOR] I'm so sorry about that. Is there anything we can do?
[ROMANA] The President of the Supreme Council sent me.
[ROMANA] I was told to give you this.
[DOCTOR] What's this?
[ROMANA] According to my instructions, it's the core to the Key of Time.
[ROMANA] Very exciting, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose it must be for someone as young andinexperienced as you are.
[ROMANA] I may be inexperienced, but I did graduate from the Academywith a triple first.
[DOCTOR] I suppose you think we should be impressed by that, too?
[ROMANA] Well, it's better than scraping through with fifty one percentat the second attempt.
[DOCTOR] That information is confidential! That President. I should havethrown him to the Sontarans when I had the chance.
[ROMANA] Oh, do you want to know how that works?
[DOCTOR] I know how it works.
[ROMANA] You have to plug it into your Tardis controls, just there.
[DOCTOR] A hole. What's a hole doing in my Tardis?
[ROMANA] I put it there.
[DOCTOR] You? You put a hole in my T? Never mind, old girl. Never mind.I'll soon have it fixed.
[ROMANA] When plugged into the control console, the core indicates thespace-time coordinates of each segment of the Key.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's clever. That's very clever. Ah! Four one eight zero.
[ROMANA] I'll look up those coordinates, shall I.
[DOCTOR] No, there's no need.
[ROMANA] Well, don't you want to know what planet it is?
[DOCTOR] I know. Cyrrhenis Minima.
[DOCTOR] Just a matter of experience, you see.
[ROMANA] Yes, of course.
[DOCTOR] What else does it do?
[ROMANA] Well, it locates the segment at close range once we've landedon the appropriate planet.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha. Well, that could be very useful.
[ROMANA] And then, when it's brought into contact with a disguisedsegment, it converts it back into its proper form. What would you likeme to do?
[DOCTOR] Well. I'd like you to stay out of my way as much as possibleand try and keep out of trouble. I don't suppose you can make tea?
[DOCTOR] No, no, I don't suppose you can. They don't teach you anythinguseful at the Academy, do they. Gadgets and gimmickry. Never touch,never trust gimmicky gadgets.
[ROMANA] That's hardly a gimmick, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah ah.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Look. The coordinates have changed. They're different already.
(Relic room roof)
[GARRON [OC]] Unstoffe! Unstoffe, you blithering idiot. Give me a hand!
[UNSTOFFE] Don't step on the edge, it's slippery.
[GARRON] Not only slippery, it's perishing cold! Now come on, let's getcracking.
[GARRON] Now, quiet. If we get caught up here.
[UNSTOFFE] Curfew.
[GARRON] Yeah. The moment it stops, drop the meat.
[UNSTOFFE] You sure that'll work?
[GARRON] Don't worry. The ladder. Come on. Get those grapples on, that'sright. The other one. Drop it. That's the idea.
[UNSTOFFE] Why is it always me? Why do I always get these jobs?
[GARRON] You're young. I'm too old to go down there.
[UNSTOFFE] Well, I want a chance to be old, too.
[GARRON] Unstoffe, do you think at your age I wouldn't climbed downthere? Without the ladder, I'd have gone. I love danger.
[UNSTOFFE] Ah! Now you admit it. It is dangerous.
[GARRON] Don't make me lose faith in you, my boy. Now, it's time youwent.
[GARRON] Have you got the jethrik?
[UNSTOFFE] Of course!
[GARRON] Well, don't drop it whatever. Guard it with your life.
[GARRON] I mean, just, just guard it. Remember its value.
[ROMANA] You're sulking.
[DOCTOR] I'm not sulking.
[ROMANA] That's ridiculous for somebody as old as you are.
[DOCTOR] I'm not old. What?
[ROMANA] Seven hundred and fifty nine?
[DOCTOR] Seven hundred and fifty six. That's not old, that's justmature.
[ROMANA] You've lost count somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Well, I ought to know my own age.
[ROMANA] Yes, but after the first few centuries, I expect things get alittle bit foggy, don't they.
[DOCTOR] Now, listen. It's no good, this isn't going to work.
[ROMANA] Doctor, you're not giving me a chance. It's funny, you know,but before I met you, I was even willing to be impressed.
[DOCTOR] Indeed.
[ROMANA] Oh yes. Of course, now I realise that your behaviour simplyderives from a subtransitory experiential hypertoid induced condition,aggravated, I expect, by multi-encephalogical tensions.
[DOCTOR] What's that supposed to mean?
[ROMANA] Well, to put it very simply, Doctor, you're suffering from amassive compensation syndrome.
[DOCTOR] Is that the sort of rubbish they're pouring into your head atthe Academy?
[ROMANA] Do you know, I might even use your case in my thesis when I'mback on Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] I'll show you whether I'm suffering from a massive compensationsyndrome. And you're not going back to Gallifrey, not for a long timeyet, I regret to say. Read out those coordinates again.
[ROMANA] Forty nine four zero, vector's unchanged.
[DOCTOR] Same as before. Distance?
[ROMANA] One hundred and sixteen parsecs.
[DOCTOR] One hundred and sixteen parsecs. Must be the planet of Ribos.If it changes again while we're in the vortex, we could lose it. On theother hand
[ROMANA] Oh, take a chance.
[DOCTOR] I'll make the decisions here!
[ROMANA] Well, what shall we do?
[DOCTOR] We'll take a chance.
(Relic room)
[UNSTOFFE] Yes, what is it Garron?
(Relic room roof)
[GARRON] The Graff Vynda-K is arriving. I've got togo and meet him.
(Relic room)
[GARRON [OC]] This is Blue Forty signing off.Wilco, Graham, out.
[UNSTOFFE] Roger. It's Roger, you stupid old Blue Forty.
(Castle entrance)
[GARRON] Allow me to present my credentials.
[GRAFF] Can't we get out of this wind first? It's cutting through melike a laser.
[GARRON] I have quarters prepared for your Highness, but your escort
[GRAFF] What about them?
[GARRON] Well, my letter did stress the necessity for discretion. Imean, soldiers stomping about, you know.
[SHOLAKH] The Graff never travels without his personal guard.
[GARRON] Please. These are primitive people, easily panicked. I mean, ifyou frighten them, they could turn very nasty. We don't want anyunpleasantness at this stage, do we?
[GRAFF] Oh, let's get inside. Send the guard back, Sholakh.
[SHOLAKH] Highness. Royal guard, return to your ship. Dismiss!
[GARRON] This way, Highness, if you'd be so kind.
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Fresh!
[ROMANA] It's bitter.
[DOCTOR] If you can't stand the cold, stay out of the freezer. Whichway?
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, you've got the core.
[ROMANA] Oh, yes. Through there. It's a strong signal.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now, pay attention. I'm not anticipating any trouble, butit's as well to be prepared for these things. Ground rules. Rule one,do exactly as I say. Rule two, stick close to me, and Rule three, letme do all the talking. Is that perfectly clear?
[ROMANA] You couldn't make it clearer.
[DOCTOR] Good. One more thing. Your name.
[ROMANA] What about my name?
[DOCTOR] It's too long. By the time I've called look out, what's yourname?
[ROMANA] Romanadvoratnelundar.
[DOCTOR] By the time I've called that out, you could be dead. I'll callyou Romana.
[ROMANA] I don't like Romana.
[DOCTOR] It's either Romana or Fred.
[ROMANA] All right, call me Fred.
[DOCTOR] Good. Come on, Romana. Here, try that for size.
[DOCTOR [OC]] The secret of survival is always to expect the unexpected.
[DOCTOR] Oh! Ow!
[ROMANA] Ah. I think this is to stop animals wandering into the city atnight. There's a cocking lever there, just below the keystone.
[DOCTOR] Yes I wondered if you'd notice that. That's good. That's verygood, very good.
(Graff's quarters)
[GARRON] Ribos orbits its sun elliptically, so its climate is one ofextremes. For the natives, the seasons are called Icetime and Suntime.
[GRAFF] How long are the seasons?
[GARRON] Approximately thirty two of your years, Highness.Unfortunately, of course, you're not seeing the planet at its best justnow.
[GRAFF] If I bought it, Garron, it would not be my intention to spend alot of time here.
[GARRON] For someone in your exalted position, Highness, I should'vethought it would've made an ideal second home. I get very fewproperties so central and so convenient. Only three light centuriesfrom the Magellanic Clouds.
[SHOLAKH] Is Shur the only city?
[GARRON] The principal city. There are several settlements to the north,though I've never seen them. Oh, incidentally, if anyone asks you wherewe're from, just say the North. I've arranged a travel pass in case ofany problems.
[GRAFF] Do they know anything of other worlds?
[GARRON] Nothing, Highness.
[SHOLAKH] They know that this planet is within the Greater CyrrhenicEmpire, and that they are protected by the forces of the Alliance?
[GARRON] Beyond their comprehension. They're only primitive, brutishpeasants, you see.
[GRAFF] The property becomes more unattractive every minute.
[GARRON] There is a great demand for planets that are completelyunspoiled and so central. There are very few of them coming on themarket today.
[GRAFF] A predictable reply, Garron. You're interested in making a sale.
[GARRON] And you are interested in buying, Highness, or you'd not behere. So we're really discussing how much you're willing to pay. Am Iright?
[GRAFF] A great deal less than the ten million opeks you're asking.
[GARRON] The Magellanic Mining Conglomerate set that valuation.
[GRAFF] But you are empowered to accept an offer?
[GARRON] I'll leave the documents of title and mortmain with you for youto read. And tomorrow, if you're still interested, it will be mypleasure to show you over the city. Until then, may you rest in peace.
[GRAFF] I think he'll take six million.
[SHOLAKH] Highness, this is interesting.
[GRAFF] What is it?
[SHOLAKH] The Conglomerate's mineralogical survey.
[GRAFF] It's almost fifty years ago. That's soon after they acquiredtitle. Bismuth, cadmium, iron. Jethrik!
[SHOLAKH] What is it, Highness?
[GRAFF] Point zero zero zero one percent of mass. That's not possible,Sholakh. It must be a mistake.
[SHOLAKH] Highness.
[GRAFF] Jethrik, the rarest and most valuable element in the galaxy.
[SHOLAKH] As you say, a mistake. If it were true, the Conglomerate wouldnot be selling.
[GRAFF] Ah, but wait, there's a condition. (reads) Whilst relinquishingfreehold and suzerainty in the planet Ribos in the constellation ofScytha, Magellanic Mining etcetera, etcetera, retains to itself, itssubsidiaries and appointed agents the exploitation of the mineralwealth of the said planet in perpetuity. They know about it, Sholakh!
[SHOLAKH] Does this affect your Highness's plans?
[GRAFF] Sholakh, jethrik could guarantee success, and quicker than everseemed possible.
(Outside the Graff's quarters)
[GRAFF [OC]] This planet contains a fortune, don't you see? And all wehave to do is dig it out.
[GARRON] Good thinking, Graff.
[GARRON] Four o'clock and all's well caused.
[DOCTOR] Extraordinary.
[ROMANA] What is?
[DOCTOR] Well, you heard.
[ROMANA] Four of the clock and all's well? Obviously just a ritualgreeting and reassurance.
[DOCTOR] But he said it in a Somerset accent. Somerset's one of theEarth counties.
[ROMANA] Ah, but there's no space service to Ribos, Doctor. According toBartholomew's Planetary Gazetteer, it has a protected class threesociety. So there can't be any Earth aliens on Ribos.
[DOCTOR] Maybe he's a cricket scout. Yes, they could do with a good legspinner.
[ROMANA] What's that supposed to mean?
[DOCTOR] What? Oh nothing, nothing. Remember Rule one. Come on.
(Graff's quarters)
[SHOLAKH] Highness, we must not lose sight of ourplan.
[GRAFF] Do you think I ever shall? Do you think I can rest for onemoment until I've won back the Levithian crown which is mine by right?Everything, everything must be subordinate to that purpose.
[SHOLAKH] Forgive me, Highness. I know that nothing will ever weakenyour resolve.
[GRAFF] Correct, Sholakh. But it would seem that providence has placedin my hand a weapon already forged.
[SHOLAKH] I don't understand.
[GRAFF] Sholakh, this planet is ideally placed for use as a forwardbase. But to give it a technology, to train primitives in a thousandskills, to raise a battle fleet with which to conquer our homelandwould be the work of a lifetime.
[SHOLAKH] There is no better way to spend a lifetime, Highness.
[GRAFF] But if we can find this jethrik, if we mine it and sell it, wecould hire an army and a hundred battle cruisers.
[SHOLAKH] You mean from outside the Alliance?
[GRAFF] Well, of course! Pontonese ships, mercenaries from Shalankie.Why, it might not even be necessary to sell the jethrik. We could tradewith them directly.
[SHOLAKH] Oh, dangerous if it came to the ears of the Alliance.
[GRAFF] The time saved would be worth the risk.
(Outside the Relic room)
[ROMANA] It's something through there.
[DOCTOR] Did they teach you anything about locks at the Academy?
[ROMANA] No, of course not.
[DOCTOR] Sonic screwdriver. You'll like this. Keep an eye on the sentry.
[DOCTOR] Sleeping on duty's a serious offence. If anyone comes, you canwake him up.
[ROMANA] You do know that sarcasm's an adjusted stress reaction?
[ROMANA] Very impressive.
[DOCTOR] It was nothing.
(Relic room)
[DOCTOR] Ceremonial regalia, sacred relics.
[ROMANA] Must be the state strong room.
[ROMANA] Magnificent jewellry.
[DOCTOR] Never mind that. Let's just find the segment. It'll be daylightsoon.
[ROMANA] It's something in here.
[DOCTOR] Good. Let's locate it, convert it, and get out of here beforethe locals wake up.
(Relic room roof)
[UNSTOFFE] Top o' the morning to you, my friend.
(Relic room)
[ROMANA] Why is it taking so long?
[DOCTOR] Because they're multilevered interlocks.
[ROMANA] Well, get on with it then.
[DOCTOR] Get on with it? Get
(Relic room roof)
[UNSTOFFE] See, you might as well finish it off.
[SHRIEVE] Any more of that stuff and I'll not be able to blow theShriven, Shrivenzale in for its feed.
[UNSTOFFE] Here, let me give you a hand.
[SHRIEVE] Thanks.
[SHRIEVE] Is the is the beast waiting there already? I, I, I can't see.My eyes.
(Relic room)
[DOCTOR] One more lock to go.
(Outside the Relic room)
[CAPTAIN] Right. Lower away.
(Relic room)
[ROMANA [OC]] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA [OC]] Doctor, I'm over here!
[ROMANA] Quickly! Doctor, do something!
(Outside the Relic room)
[SHRIEVE] Captain?
[CAPTAIN] What is it?
[SHRIEVE] There's some obstruction.
[CAPTAIN] Take it up, then. It could be the Shrivenzale.
(Relic room)
[DOCTOR] Quickly!
(Outside the Relic room)
[CAPTAIN] There. It must have been the beast.
[SHRIEVE] I pray we didn't harm it. It's dangerous enough at the best oftimes.
[CAPTAIN] That's why it's there, you dolt.
[SHRIEVE] Shall I take it up a bit further, sir, just in case?
[CAPTAIN] No, that's far enough. Lower away again.
(Relic room)
[ROMANA] That thing. What is it?
[DOCTOR] A Shrivenzale.
[ROMANA] I never imagined. Are there many creatures like that in otherworlds?
[DOCTOR] Millions. Millions! You shouldn't have volunteered if you'rescared of a little thing like that.
[ROMANA] I'm not scared, I'm just. Listen!
[DOCTOR] Let's hide. Hide. The locks.
[ROMANA] We could explain, surely.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, we can explain. Sorry old thing, we're just helpingourselves to your Crown Jewels! They'd have our hands off before youcould say Rassilon's Rod.
[ROMANA] (sotto) Rassilon's Rod?
(Outside the Relic room)
[SHRIEVE] Fully down, Captain.
[SHRIEVE] Something wrong, sir?
[CAPTAIN] Strange.
(Relic room)
[DOCTOR] Of course, they might not chop our handsoff. They might just feed us to the Shrivenzale.
[ROMANA] Someone's here.
[CAPTAIN] We give thanks for the dawn of a new day.
[SHRIEVES] We give thanks.
[CAPTAIN] And the retreat of the night and the powers of darkness.
[SHRIEVES] We give thanks.
[CAPTAIN] Light the domes.
[GARRON] I give thanks for a safe journey.
[CAPTAIN] You! Where are you from?
[GARRON] I am from the north, sir. Just arrived.
[CAPTAIN] The North, eh? Your pass.
[GARRON] Oh yes, yes, of course, sir. This is for myself and mycolleagues.
[CAPTAIN] Purpose of your journey?
[GARRON] Trade, Captain. I am a merchant.
[CAPTAIN] Rather you than me, sir. It's no pleasure crossing the tundrain the Icetime.
[GARRON] I have a small favour to beg.
[CAPTAIN] Speak.
[GARRON] I am only in a modest way of business myself, but I have acolleague who is carrying a very substantial sum. In excess of amillion gold opeks.
[CAPTAIN] A million?
[GARRON] More than a million.
[CAPTAIN] That could mean trouble.
[GARRON] My words exactly. I mean, it's putting temptation in the way ofdishonest citizens. There's so much lawlessness
[CAPTAIN] If word of that were to get out
[GARRON] We could be murdered in our beds. Now, what I was thinking was,sir, if he could be persuaded to deposit the money in a safe place,such as here, for example.
[CAPTAIN] Nowhere safer, that's for sure.
[GARRON] That's what I told him, sir. I mean, here it could be guardedby your men all day, your Shrieves at arms, and by the beast at night,along with the jewels and relics. What better security, I ask you. Imean, no one would dare to try to steal in here, would they?
[CAPTAIN] As you say, no one would dare. They know the penalties.
[GARRON] Well, what do you say, Captain? Hmm? To avoid trouble?
[CAPTAIN] It's extremely irregular. This relic room is a holy place.
[GARRON] Well, naturally we'd make a small contribution to the funds.Say one hundred gold opeks?
[CAPTAIN] One hundred opeks?
[GARRON] Or even a thousand. I'd leave it to you, of course, to handlethe, er, paying in.
[CAPTAIN] And for how long would this money stay here?
[GARRON] Oh, only for a night or two. Maybe even only for one night.
[CAPTAIN] Bring the money later.
[GARRON] I am deeply obliged, Captain. Deeply obliged. I'll go and tellmy colleague.
(Graff's quarters)
[GARRON] I trust the Graff spent a comfortablenight, or as comfortable as these somewhat primitive conditions permit.
[GRAFF] I've slept in worse places.
[GARRON] Of course. Your Highness' frontier campaigns in the service ofthe Alliance are rightly famous.
[GRAFF] Are they indeed? Well, the Alliance forgot them fast enough whenI returned home to find my half-brother had claimed the Levithianthrone!
[GARRON] Oh. I thought your Highness had appealed that matter to theHigh Court of the Cyrrhenic Empire.
[GRAFF] That appeal was rejected! After all I had done for the Alliance,not a word was said in my favour, not a single hand raised in mysupport!
[SHOLAKH] Highness, it is not well to think of the past. There is stillthe future to make.
[GRAFF] Good advice Sholakh, as always. So, Garron, we must talk of thefuture. In particular, this quite preposterous figure of ten milliongold opeks.
[GARRON] I've already said that a close effort might be considered,Highness. Perhaps when I've shown you something of the planet?
[GRAFF] One moment. These conditions of sale, do you maintain thatthey're reasonable?
[ROMANA] Doctor, let's ignore this stranger andjust concentrate on getting the first segment out of the strong room.We're wasting time.
[DOCTOR] Suppose he's after the same thing as we are?
[ROMANA] The crown?
[DOCTOR] Don't jump to conclusions about anyone or anything. It couldlead you astray.
[ROMANA] AH. I'll try and remember that.
[DOCTOR] Good. And don't be sarcastic, either. That can also get youinto trouble.
[ROMANA] Well?
[DOCTOR] If he's after the same thing as we are, maybe he's got a planto get it out of the room.
[ROMANA] Oh, so all we'd have to do is wait for him to get it.
[ROMANA] And then what?
[DOCTOR] On the other hand, he could just be an agent of the BlackGuardian.
[ROMANA] The what?
[DOCTOR] Nothing, nothing, nothing. You're not supposed to know aboutthat.
[ROMANA] About what?
[DOCTOR] About nothing! All you need to know is that there might be somecompetition in our search.
[ROMANA] I do wish you'd stop treating me like a child, Doctor. I'mnearly a hundred and forty, you know.
[DOCTOR] Really? You're in wonderful condition.
[ROMANA] Oh, thank you. What, what competition?
[DOCTOR] On the other hand, he might be just an innocent crook. It'sfascinating, isn't it? Don't you think?
(Graff's quarters)
[GRAFF] Tell me, Garron, why is Magellanic Miningselling this planet?
[GARRON] Highness, I'm only the agent. Some shortage of liquidity,perhaps? They may require capital to finance some other project. Whocan say?
[SHOLAKH] Yet they wish to retain the mineral rights in perpetuity.
[GARRON] Oh, that's a common condition in these cases. It can't possiblyaffect the Graff's enjoyment of the property.
[GRAFF] I think it could.
[GARRON] But Highness, a Grade three planet. The natives protected. Myclients can't possibly begin mining here, with all the importation oftechnology that would entail, until Ribos is accorded at least Gradetwo status.
[SHOLAKH] When will that be?
[GARRON] As yet, they haven't even discovered the telescope. Many of thenatives believe that the planet is flat and if they walked far enoughthey would fall off the edge. There's no chance of Ribos reaching Gradetwo for many thousands of years.
[GRAFF] I see.
[GARRON] May you live a long life, Graff, but not that long.
[GRAFF] Sholakh.
(Relic room)
[GARRON] Look at the workmanship. And all done byhand, of course, using the simplest implements. There's a certainhonest peasant artistry about these pieces that speaks of the soil,don't you think?
[SHOLAKH] (sotto) Highness?
[GRAFF] (sotto) I've seen it.
[GARRON] Now, over here
[GRAFF] Wait. This blue stone, it's what we call jethrik, isn't it?
[GARRON] Oh, I've no idea. Pretty though, whatever it is. Perhaps aShrieve can tell us something about it. I say, fellow. The blue stonethere. Do you know anything about it?
[UNSTOFFE] Oo ar, sir, that I do, that I do. That be what we callscringe stone, sir.
[GARRON] Scringe stone. Oh, how interesting.
[UNSTOFFE] You hangs a bit o' that around your neck, and you won't neversuffer from the scringes no matter how cold it be. You'll just stay assupple and as fresh as a little old babbit in the Suntime, sir, andthat be a proven fact.
[GARRON] Oh, really. Oh, there's just one more thing. It's fairly commonaround these parts, I suppose?
[UNSTOFFE] Common, sir?
[GARRON] Yes. There's a lot of it about, isn't there?
[UNSTOFFE] Oh no, sir. No, no, no. I wouldn't say that. Well, there usedto be, y'see, but well, then they lost the secret of the mine, sir. Andwell, that was three Icetimes ago.
[GRAFF] What do you mean, lost the secret?
[UNSTOFFE] Lost the secret of where it be, sir. Well, what they reckonis that one Icetime, there was a glacier, you see, and it moved all therocks about. Well, ever since then, they've been a-searching anda-searching for that old mine but, well, I don't reckon that they'llever find it now, sir.
[SHOLAKH] Even if the entrance has disappeared, surely they know thearea to search?
[UNSTOFFE] Well, the trouble is sir all the old miners is dead now, andthere bain't be nothing written down in writing, well, cos thereweren't no scholars in them days. All they do know, sir, is that it'sup in the Granite Mountains.
[GARRON] Oh, pay no heed to him. One knows how these fellows exaggerate.
[UNSTOFFE] Oh no, sir. No, no, I know what I'm talking about. Y'see, mypoor old dad spent his life a-searching for that scringe stone mine.They reckon as how he found it in the end, just afore he died.
[GRAFF] Where?
[UNSTOFFE] Er, they found him out in the tundra, sir, frozen stiff, hispoor ol' pickaxe beside him, and that there bit of scringe stone in hispocket. And that be as true as I'm stood standing here, sir.
[GARRON] Incredible.
[SHOLAKH] (sotto) The man's making it up, sir.
[GRAFF] (sotto) No one jests with me, Sholakh. You know that.
[SHOLAKH] (sotto) No, sir. And the jethrik is real enough.
[GRAFF] You say your father found this piece of scringe stone?
[UNSTOFFE] Yes, sir, in his poor old frozen pocket, wrapped up in er, inthis here bit of parchment.
[SHOLAKH] Looks like a rough map.
[UNSTOFFE] Yeah, that's what I reckons, sir. Maybe, next Suntime, Imight go looking for that old scringe stone mine myself. Well, if yougentlemen'll excuse me, I'm just going off duty.
[GARRON] I shouldn't take a word of that seriously. I know thesefellows. They do like to pitch a yarn.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. My friend and I couldn't help overhearing.That's my friend, Romana, and I thought it had the ring of truth. Doyou think it had the ring of truth?
[ROMANA] Oh yes. And he had such a honest, open face.
[GARRON] Do you live in Shur?
[DOCTOR] No, we come from the north.
[GARRON] I see. My friends are visitors here, too.
[GRAFF] It's time we were moving on, Garron.
[GARRON] Oh, you're quite right, there's such a lot to see. Well, I dohope you'll enjoy your stay in Shur.
[ROMANA] Thank you.
[GARRON] Well, gentlemen, I'm with you.
[DOCTOR] Incredible.
[ROMANA] What is?
[DOCTOR] That is. That's the biggest lump of jethrik I've ever set eyeson.
[ROMANA] Jethrik? But I thought he said it was
[DOCTOR] I wonder if old Taffy knows the real value of it. Scringe stonefound in a dead man's pocket? A lost mine? A phony map. Are peoplestill falling for that old guff? I mean, are they?
[ROMANA] You mean you didn't believe his story?
[ROMANA] But he had such an honest face.
[DOCTOR] Romana, you can't be a successful crook with a dishonest face,can you.
(Graff's quarters)
[GRAFF] Eight million opeks, Garron. That's myfinal word.
[GARRON] I'd have to put that to my clients.
[SHOLAKH] How long will that take?
[GARRON] I have a shuttle concealed near the city. As you'll appreciate,there can be no direct communication from here. I'd have to go toStarpros and contact my clients by hypercable. Say, three weeks to amonth?
[GRAFF] Very well.
[GARRON] My clients will, I know, of course demand a deposit. Say, twomillion opeks?
[GRAFF] A deposit?
[GARRON] Simply as a mark of good faith.
[GRAFF] Garron, I have made a firm offer! I am a Royal Prince of theGreater Cyrrhenic Empire. I do not go back on my word.
[GARRON] Highness, believe me, if it was simply between us, a handshakewould be sacred. A bond of honour. Unhappily, I know my clients willdemand proof of a deposit.
[GRAFF] I don't carry such sums about with me. One million may bepossible.
[GARRON] In your case, Highness, I'm sure one million will beacceptable.
[SHOLAKH] One moment. Do you propose to fly to Starpros with thisdeposit?
[GARRON] Oh, you're very prudent. You're thinking once this fellow getshis hands on the money, he might fail to come back, might disappearinto the blue, is that it?
[SHOLAKH] Well, such things have been known, though few men would befoolish enough to cross the Graff Vynda-K in such a matter.
[GARRON] No, no, no, no. No one would ever dare. The money will belodged here with the Captain of Shrievalty. It will be put in a placewhere nobody can touch it, guarded night and day. You need have no fearon that score.
[GRAFF] That sounds satisfactory. Sholakh, go to the ship and fetch themoney.
[SHOLAKH] Highness.
[GARRON] I will come with you to the city wall. Highness.
[ROMANA] I do wish you'd explain what's happening, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You've got all the facts, study them.
[ROMANA] Oh, that's very helpful.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense. Good mental exercise. An Academy graduate doesn'tneed things explaining, surely?
[ROMANA] I will not give way to feelings of psychofugal hostility.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? What?
[ROMANA] We have a negative empathy, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Splendid. Let's go.
(Castle courtyard)
[GARRON] I think that I could strangle you,Unstoffe!
[UNSTOFFE] You are doing, you old fool! Get your hands off!
[GARRON] Scringe stones, lost mines. I was sweating blood listening tothat junk.
[UNSTOFFE] Well, I thought it was original.
[GARRON] You thought what?
[UNSTOFFE] Well, they loved that bit about my poor old dad finding themine.
[GARRON] And that's another thing, you greedy little creep. If you'rethinking of selling them that map, just forget it.
[UNSTOFFE] A little extra never hurt.
[GARRON] Listen, this is a hit-and-run business. One bite and away. Ifyou stick around and give the mark time to think, you're kaput. Allyou'll collect is a big ball and chain around the ankle.
[UNSTOFFE] All right, Garron. I was just trying to display initiative.Hey, (mummerset) what did you think of the accent?
[GARRON] My past life flashed before my eyes, that's what I thought ofit. This Graff's no softie. He's a big bad soldier, and if he rumblesthat he's being conned, then you and I are going to wind up very very
[GARRON] That's the word I was searching for, so remember it, my boy.
[UNSTOFFE] In this matter, I'm in complete agreement with you, Garron.How's it going?
[GARRON] Sholakh's fetching the money. One million.
[UNSTOFFE] Great. Hey, look, he's got to come back this way. Why don'twe wait here and mug him?
[GARRON] Stick to the plan. Stick to what's decided.
[UNSTOFFE] Doping that beast again? Going down that shaft again?
[GARRON] Yes. Now, it's time you got back to the city. We'll meet at theshaft again as arranged.
[UNSTOFFE] Right. Hey, er, have you noticed that big fellow, the onewith the girl?
[GARRON] I've been noticing him quite a lot lately.
(Relic room roof)
[DOCTOR] Here, the other way in. Look, marks of a grappling iron.
[ROMANA] Ah. They must have used a rope ladder.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Garron and old honest face must have planted the jethrikin the cabinet last night.
[DOCTOR] Because they're trying to sell the map of a nonexistent mine,that's why.
[ROMANA] That's no business of ours, Doctor. We've got more importantthings to do.
[DOCTOR] I agree. I wouldn't dream of interfering.
[ROMANA] How did they get past that?
[DOCTOR] They drugged it, otherwise, you and I wouldn't have been herenow, eh? What do we do next? No, I'll tell you, I'll tell you. They'vegot to come back for the jethrik and the gold, all right? Now, whenthey do come back
[ROMANA] We'll be here waiting for them.
[DOCTOR] Right!
(Graff's quarters)
[SHOLAKH] Highness
[GRAFF] Shush.
(Outside the Graff's quarters)
[SHOLAKH] It is not part of this world, Highness.
[GRAFF] Garron must've planted it.
[SHOLAKH] To spy on us? Why?
[GRAFF] Perhaps to learn how much I was willing to pay, or perhaps he isnot all that he seems.
[SHOLAKH] In what way, Highness?
[GRAFF] I've been thinking about that guard.
[SHOLAKH] Huh. The one whose father found the jethrik?
[GRAFF] Yes. Remarkable coincidence, Sholakh, perhaps too remarkable tobe believable.
[SHOLAKH] But Highness, that piece of jethrik
[GRAFF] Yes?
[SHOLAKH] Well, it's the biggest piece I've ever seen. I mean, theremust be enough in that to power an entire battle fleet for a completecampaign.
[GRAFF] Oh, yes. Enough to make a man rich beyond the dreams of avarice.
[SHOLAKH] Far beyond, Highness. Therefore
[GRAFF] Therefore, he cannot be aware of its true value.
[SHOLAKH] What are the Graff's wishes?
[GRAFF] Keep a careful watch on Garron. He may know a genuine source ofjethrik. If he's not, if he's playing me false, he will die.
(Relic room)
[GARRON] Ah, here we are. Sorry to have kept you.
[CAPTAIN] You have the money?
[GARRON] Gold coinage to the value of one million opeks in weight.
[CAPTAIN] In here.
[SHOLAKH] Don't you wish to count it?
[CAPTAIN] I have no time, nor have you.
[GARRON] The Captain is doing us a favour by seeing that the money is insafe custody. Now, if you will kindly give me a receipt.
[CAPTAIN] A what?
[GARRON] Your signature on this, please. My friend may have to provethat he has money at his disposal. I'll hold those, shall I?
[GARRON] My back?
[CAPTAIN] There you are.
[GARRON] Ah, wonderful. Sorry to have kept you.
[CAPTAIN] I have to lock up now and set the Shrivenzale free.
[GARRON] Oh, a most interesting evening ceremony that. I don't know ifmy friends from the north would care to watch.
[GRAFF] I'm afraid we shall have to hurry if we are to be in ourquarters before curfew.
[GARRON] Well, dear Captain, perhaps some other time, hmm? Good night.
(Relic room roof)
[GARRON] It'll be easier this time.
[UNSTOFFE] Well, you go, then.
[DOCTOR] Stay here and watch them.
[ROMANA] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to try and get down there before them.
[GARRON] The key.
[UNSTOFFE] You're sure he didn't miss it?
[GARRON] He's got a dozen that size. Now, it's time you went.
[UNSTOFFE] Well, I hope this is the right one.
[GARRON] Why can't you have a little faith, my boy. I've been palmingkeys since before you were born. Down you go.
[UNSTOFFE] Couldn't we wait just a little bit longer?
[UNSTOFFE] You haven't seen the size of that thing's teeth.
(Outside the Relic room)
[DOCTOR] What? What?
[SHRIEVE] Who are you? What are you doing out after curfew?
[DOCTOR] I couldn't sleep either.
[SHRIEVE] Stay where you are.
[DOCTOR] What? No, please. Please, don't blow that. You'll wakeeverybody up.
[SHRIEVE] I'm calling the watch. Nobody's allowed out after curfewwithout permission from the Captain.
[DOCTOR] Oh, permission. Permission? I've got permission. Do you want tosee my permission?
[SHRIEVE] Come on, then. No tricks.
[DOCTOR] Tricks? Oh, dear chap. My dear.
[DOCTOR] Look.
[DOCTOR] Your eyes are closing. Sit down. Closing. That's right. Shush.
(Relic room roof)
[GARRON] Hurry, Unstoffe! What went wrong?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Almost everything.
[DOCTOR] Don't move, we've got you covered.
[GARRON] Who's got me covered?
[ROMANA] We have.
[DOCTOR] Stand up. Stand up!
[GARRON] All right, officer. I'll come quietly.
[DOCTOR] That's very wise of you.
(Castle entrance)
[GARRON [OC]] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Well, I've just got a few loose ends to tie up.
[GARRON] Graff.
[GRAFF] You look surprised, Garron, but as you see, you were expected.You and your accomplices. No one makes a fool of the Graff Vynda-K andlives. Sholakh.
[SHOLAKH] Highness.
[GRAFF] Execute them.
[SHOLAKH] Guards, take aim. Prepare to fire.
(Castle entrance)
[DOCTOR] No, no, hold it, hold it, hold it. Thismust be a case of mistaken identity.
[GARRON] Mercy, Highness. Spare these gray hairs.
[GRAFF] Get up, you cringing cur!
[DOCTOR] Yes, get up you cringing cur.
[GARRON] I was just taking my friends for a little stroll.
[GRAFF] Don't lie!
[DOCTOR] Don't hit the cringing cur.
[GRAFF] How dare you touch me!
[GRAFF] Guards!
[SHOLAKH] Highness. Let's go.
[DOCTOR] What?
[GRAFF] You're right, Sholakh. Take them to our quarters, Sholakh. Itmay please me to squeeze the truth out of them at my leisure.
[SHOLAKH] You heard, guards! Move it!
(Relic room)
[SHRIEVE] Nothing else missing, sir.
[CAPTAIN] Well, that's something. The thief must have been disturbed.
[CAPTAIN] Whoever he is, he knew what he was doing.
[GRAFF] Captain! What is going on?
[CAPTAIN] You heard the alarm?
[GRAFF] Well?
[CAPTAIN] The gold's been stolen.
[GRAFF] It was in your keeping.
[CAPTAIN] I have summoned the Seeker.
[GRAFF] The Seeker?
[CAPTAIN] A visionary. No wrongdoer escapes the Seeker's bones. Ipromise you, the thief will be taken before morning.
[GRAFF] Yes, well, I hope you're confident.
[GRAFF] What!
[CAPTAIN] What's wrong?
[GRAFF] The jethrik! He's taken the jethrik!
[CAPTAIN] The what?
[GRAFF] The scringe stone! Look, it's gone!
[CAPTAIN] I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing is missingfrom here except your gold, merchant.
[GRAFF] A blue stone. It was here just (the penny drops) You don't knowwhat scringe stone is?
[CAPTAIN] I've never heard of it.
(Graff's quarters)
[SHOLAKH] What is that?
[ROMANA] Actually, it's an instrument for
[DOCTOR] It's for measuring time on nineteen different planets.
[SHOLAKH] Let the girl answer.
[DOCTOR] It can also be used for modifying dithyrambic oscillations,cleaning your shoes, sharpening pencils. It can even peel your apples.
[SHOLAKH] You won't be so cheerful when the Graff is done with you, myfriend.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. Once I've explained this little mistake, I'msure we'll be the best of friends. (to Romana) Sit down. I get on, Iget on terribly well with the aristocracy.
[SHOLAKH] So, there's someone else, eh, Garron? Another accomplice.Well, we'll get him. The whole dirty gang of you will die together.Now, don't anyone poke your nose outside this door, unless you want itshot off.
[DOCTOR] We're not a dirty gang, are we?
[ROMANA] Of course not.
(Shur Concourse)
[UNSTOFFE] Come on, you stupid old fool, come on!
(Graff's quarters)
[ROMANA] Let me see that.
[GARRON] Oh, thank you.
[ROMANA] Why did you do it?
[GARRON] I was afraid Unstoffe might give our position away.
[ROMANA] Unstoffe?
[GARRON] Junior employee.
[DOCTOR] What, with a open, honest face?
[GARRON] Oh, yes, of course, you've seen him.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I nearly bumped into him in the Reliquary. He's very lighton his feet, isn't he?
[ROMANA] There, that should stop the bleeding.
[GARRON] Oh, thank you very much. You're very kind. If you like, I'lltell the Graff that you weren't part of my team. He won't believe me,of course.
[DOCTOR] Then there's not much point in telling him, is there?
[GARRON] Quite. It's ironic, isn't it?
[ROMANA] What's ironic?
[GARRON] You just made a competent arrest. I do admire professionalism,especially in the opposition. Now nobody'll ever hear of it. We'll alldie together.
[DOCTOR] Is that supposed to comforting?
[GARRON] There's no comfort in dying. I've always said it was the lastthing I want to do.
[ROMANA] Why are you so sure the Graff will kill us? Who is he, anyway?
[GARRON] He's a cold-blooded maniac. He likes killing people.
[DOCTOR] Then wasn't it a little foolhardy trying to sell him anon-existent mine?
[GARRON] Mine?
[DOCTOR] Yes, mine. That's your game, isn't it? Mines! GARRON
[ROMANA] We're searching for the first segment to the Key to Time.
[DOCTOR] Oh, never mind about that. Let's get out of here.
[ROMANA] What's that, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to whistle up some help. Cover your ears.
(Castle entrance)
[K9] Master?
(Shur Concourse)
[BINRO] Psst! In here, quick! Come on in.
[SHRIEVE] You! Here!
[BINRO [OC]] What is it?
[SHRIEVE] Show yourself! Show yourself! Hurry!
[BINRO] What's the matter? What's going on?
[SHRIEVE] We're hunting the thief who broke into the Relic room tonight.
[BINRO] That's what all the fuss is about. You haven't caught him yet,then?
[SHRIEVE] Would we be poking about in these bone pits if we had? Oh,what a filthy hole.
[BINRO] Oh well, now that I'm awake, you'll want to, er, want to see inthe bed.
[SHRIEVE] You can keep your fleas. I know your face, don't I?
[BINRO] Maybe. It was well known in Shur once.
[SHRIEVE] Of course. Binro. Binro the Heretic. So you're down to this,are you?
[BINRO] I live as I must.
[SHRIEVE] Not for much longer by the looks of you. Well, you won't bemuch missed, Binro.
[BINRO] You think I care for the opinion of a lout like you?
[SHRIEVE] Keep a civil tongue. That old neck of yours would snap like adry twig.
[BINRO] Hey, it's all right. He's gone.
(Relic room)
[SEEKER] Bones of our fathers, bones of our kings, seek and find. By theflesh that once clothed you, by the spirit that moved you, seek. Seekand find. Seek in the Icetime. Seek in the Suntime. Seek and find!
[SHOLAKH] Primitive mumbo jumbo.
[GRAFF] They believe in it. The Captain says it never fails.
[SEEKER] Come to the circle, gods of the ice. Come to the circle, cometo the bones. Show, show, show what I seek! Aiee! I see him. He is atthe place of fires.
[CAPTAIN] The Concourse? My men have searched that warren.
[WOMAN] That is where he is. We will go there. I will seek him out.
[SHOLAKH] What now, Highness?
[GRAFF] Fetch the guards. We'll follow them, and if they find him
[SHOLAKH] We take the jethrik.
[GRAFF] Tell the guards we may have to fight our way out of the city.
(Graff's quarters)
[DOCTOR] When did you leave Earth, Garron?
[GARRON] Oh, a long time ago. I was just an ambitious boy in those days,taking my first steps in life. Then I had a bit of trouble with adissatisfied client and thought it best to leave.
[DOCTOR] Really? What happened?
[GARRON] He was an Arab. I sold him Sydney Harbour for fifty milliondollars. Yeah, then he thought I should throw in this Opera House aswell.
[GARRON] Oh, yes!
[DOCTOR] The Opera House?
[GARRON] Yeah, the Opera House, but I refused. I mean, one must havesome scruples, mustn't one.
[DOCTOR] But of course.
[GARRON] Well, I couldn't let that noble edifice to our culturalheritage fall in the wrong hands, could I?
[GARRON] No. But my refusal upset him. He took the impressive documentsthat I had prepared to the government, and so my little ruse wasprematurely rumbled. He came after me with a machine gun. It was themost harrowing experience. I never went back.
[DOCTOR] I'm not surprised.
[ROMANA] Doctor, there are men out there planning to kill us, and you'rejust sitting here chattering.
[DOCTOR] Please don't panic, Romana. Come and sit down. Come on, comeand sit down. Listen, when you've faced death as often as I have, thisis much more fun. Go on, Garron. Tell us about the jethrik.
[ROMANA] Jethrik. What's so special about jethrik?
[DOCTOR] Tell her, Garron.
[GARRON] She doesn't know about it?
[DOCTOR] No, she doesn't, do you?
[GARRON] I thought such ignorance only existed on Grade three planetslike this.
[ROMANA] Don't patronise me, Garron, just tell me.
[GARRON] It's only the rarest and most powerful element in the universe.Without jethrik drive, there'd be no space warping and I'd still besafely at home on Earth.
[DOCTOR] Where did you get your piece?
[GARRON] Stroke of good luck. I acquired that some years ago.
[DOCTOR] You stole it.
[GARRON] Oh no, that's a very blunt word, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] Fraud's another one. Tell me, Garron, how many jethrik mineshave you sold since then?
[GARRON] I don't sell mines, Doctor.
[GARRON] No. I sell planets. That's how I realised you weren't fromAlliance Security. They've been tailing me ever since I sold MirabilisMinor to some three different purchasers. Oh, I was in my prime inthose days, my golden period.
[ROMANA] Do you know, I think his social maladjustment is entirely dueto a deep rooted sense of rejection.
[GARRON] Look, all I do is take a little from those that have too muchand then I spread it around a bit. I help to keep the economy inbalance.
[ROMANA] Yes, but if this piece of jethrik's so valuable, why don't youjust sell it? And then you'd have plenty to spread amongst those whoneed it.
[GARRON] Oh, I don't think it's worth all that much.
[DOCTOR] Tell me something, Garron. Why do you think the Graff wasinterested in buying this planet even before you conned him intobelieving there was a jethrik mine here?
[GARRON] He's crazy! You don't know about the Graff?
[DOCTOR] I'm asking you, Garron.
[GARRON] He was Emperor of Levithia once, and a bad one, a tyrant.Raised an expedition force to go off to the Frontier Wars, leaving hishalf-brother on the throne. And when the wars was ended, his peoplerefused to let him return.
[DOCTOR] And now he's got nowhere to go, is that it?
[GARRON] Says he's looking for a new world.
[DOCTOR] What? A new world?
[GARRON] Yeah, that's why he's here. Somewhere where he can raise abattle fleet and force the Levithians to have him back. Ha! It's a mad,hopeless dream. But a madman's money jingles in my pocket as well asanyone's.
[ROMANA] Mad or not, he saw through you.
[GARRON] Oh, that was Unstoffe's fault, my dear. He's a terrible ham atheart.
[DOCTOR] Shush!
(Outside the Graff's quarters)
[SHOLAKH] All right now, pay attention. Orders fromthe Graff. It seems that these natives have got a line on the thief,the one who took the jethrik and his Highness' gold. He's trapped insome place called the Concourse. Now, the natives are planning to raidthis Concourse just before dawn, only we'll be there as well. And whenthey arrive, we'll shoot the lot of them, is that clear? No survivors,no tongue-waggers. We take the jethrik and the gold, and we headstraight back for the ship. With any luck, we'll be gone before theyknow what's hit them. Kro. You stay on guard here. If all goesaccording to plan, you should hear the firing from here. When you do,kill all the prisoners immediately, understood?
[KRO] Right, sir.
(Graff's quarters)
[SHOLAKH [OC]] All right then, follow me.
[DOCTOR] I don't like the sound of that. A lot of people are going todie if we don't get out of here.
[GARRON] Including us.
[ROMANA] We've got until dawn, Doctor. How long's that?
[DOCTOR] Must be nearly dawn now.
[ROMANA] Aren't you frightened?
[DOCTOR] Yes, terrified.
[GARRON] If only my wrist speaker was working, I could warn him. I mean,as long as he's free, we've got something to bargain with.
[DOCTOR] No, they made too good a job of that.
[GARRON] Hey, wait a minute. Now, where is it.
[GARRON] A little hearing aid I planted earlier. It's on the samewavelength as Unstoffe's two-way. Unfortunately, it's got no callbutton.
[DOCTOR] Give me what's left of your own two-way.
(Binro's hovel)
[UNSTOFFE] Thank you. Thank you for helping me escape.
[BINRO] Oh, it was nothing.
[UNSTOFFE] Why'd you do it?
[BINRO] Well, I know what it's like when every man's hand is againstyou.
[UNSTOFFE] Binro the Heretic.
[BINRO] Oh, you heard that. Well, it wasn't much of a heresy, my friend.Just a little thing.
[BINRO] Oh, it was many years ago now. Have you ever looked up at thesky at night, and seen those little lights?
[UNSTOFFE] Mmm hmm.
[BINRO] They are not ice crystals.
[BINRO] I believe they are suns, just like our own sun. And perhaps eachsun has other worlds of its own, just as Ribos is a world. What do yousay to that?
[UNSTOFFE] It's an interesting theory.
[BINRO] What? Hey, a broad-minded man. Perhaps in the north, they are adifferent people after all. You see, my friend, I have takenmeasurements of those little lights and of our sun, and I can provethat Ribos moves. It circles our sun, travelling far away and thenreturning. That's the reason we have our two seasons, Suntime andIcetime.
[UNSTOFFE] Nobody believed you.
[BINRO] Nah, those blockheads. They prefer to believe that Ribos is somesort of battleground over which the Sun Gods and the Ice Gods fight forsupremacy. They said that if I did not publicly recant my belief, thegods would destroy our world.
[UNSTOFFE] And did you?
[BINRO] In the end. See these hands? Useless for work now. That's why Ilive here.
[UNSTOFFE] Binro, supposing I were to tell you that everything you'vejust said is absolutely true. There are other worlds, other suns.
[BINRO] You believe it too?
[UNSTOFFE] I know it for a fact. You see I come from one of those otherworlds.
[BINRO] You?
[UNSTOFFE] I thought I should tell you, because one day, even here, inthe future, men will turn to each other and say, Binro was right.
(Graff's quarters)
[DOCTOR] Put your finger there, Romana.
[DOCTOR] Of course, I can't promise you that this will work.
[GARRON] Without a receiver, we won't even know if it's worked anyway.
[DOCTOR] Right, so keep your fingers crossed. Not you, Romana.
(Outside the Graff's quarters)
[K9] Most satisfactory.
(Binro's hovel)
[BINRO] What is it?
[UNSTOFFE] Er, it's, er, somebody trying to make me happy.
(Graff's quarters)
[DOCTOR] That should catch his attention. You useit, Garron. He knows your voice.
[K9] Master. Mistress.
[DOCTOR] Just a moment, K9.
[GARRON] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that, Garron. Get on with it.
[GARRON] Hello, Unstoffe. This is Garron.
(Binro's hovel)
[GARRON [OC]] You can't call me back, so listencarefully. You've been traced to the Concourse. They'll be raiding theplace any minute. Get out while you still have a chance. I repeat
[UNSTOFFE] Don't bother, I heard you the first time.
[BINRO] There's only one chance for you now, my friend. We must takerefuge in the Catacombs. Come, follow me.
(Graff's quarters)
[ROMANA] Is he dead?
[K9] Negative. He'll be out for hours. I used stun at mark seven.
[DOCTOR] Come on, quickly, let's get out of here.
(Outside the Graff's quarters)
[DOCTOR] Which way's the Concourse?
[GARRON] Straight ahead, down the stairs, then turn right.
[DOCTOR] Come on. K9, don't stop at all the corners. Come on.
(Shur Concourse)
[SEEKER] Bones, bones, shine in the darkness. Show what I seek. Shinewith the ice light, shine with the corpse light. Bring to the circlethe one whom I seek. If he be near me bring him before me. Bones of ourfathers
[SHOLAKH] Our men have covered all the exits, Highness. No one willescape.
[SEEKER] Now, now, now! Aiee!
(Hall of the Dead)
[UNSTOFFE] What is this place?
[BINRO] Everybody comes here eventually, though not always alive. Theycall it the Hall of the Dead.
[UNSTOFFE] Let's not stop, then.
[BINRO] The catacombs are this way. Come. Well, come. You're not afraid,are you?
(Shur city)
[GARRON] Well?
[DOCTOR] The Concourse that way guarded.
[GARRON] Look, I'll take a look this way, okay?
[ROMANA] Doctor, if they're all out searching for Unstoffe, why don't wego down to the Relic room and get the segment? It'll be unguarded.
[DOCTOR] Because it's not there.
[ROMANA] Not there? But surely it's taken the shape of the crown.
[DOCTOR] The crown has nothing to do with it. Look at the tracer.
[ROMANA] Oh, that's the opposite direction from the Relic room.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's pointing toward Unstoffe and his piece of jethrik.
[ROMANA] Oh, you mean it was disguised as the jethrik all along.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I thought you'd have realised that, a bright girl likeyou.
[ROMANA] How did you know?
[DOCTOR] How many times do you think that crown has seen the light ofday?
[ROMANA] No idea.
[DOCTOR] I'd say twice a century.
[DOCTOR] Listen, now listen. We took two bearings on the segment in theTardis, remember?
[ROMANA] Ah ha.
[DOCTOR] Now, obviously, the segment moved a considerable distancebetween the readings, so
[ROMANA] But the second time, it stayed put in the cabinet and it couldonly have been there a day when we arrived, so it could only have beenthe lump of jethrik which didn't belong there.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Garron and Unstoffe planted it there.
[ROMANA] Of course.
[DOCTOR] Simple, isn't it?
[ROMANA] Brilliant.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[GARRON] All clear that way.
[DOCTOR] Good. Unstoffe got the message.
[GARRON] How'd you know?
[DOCTOR] This little gadget points us toward the jethrik, and it'spointing that way.
[GARRON] Unstoffe's got the jethrik?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Come on, follow me.
(Shur Concourse)
[SEEKER] He has gone.
[CAPTAIN] Gone? But he can't have.
[SEEKER] He is no longer in this place.
[CAPTAIN] But you can find him.
[SEEKER] It will do no good. The one you seek is in the Catacombs.
[GRAFF] Well, Captain?
[CAPTAIN] He's escaped us.
[GRAFF] You assured me he would be found.
[CAPTAIN] He has gone to the Catacombs. He'll die there. The matter'sover.
[GRAFF] No, Captain, the matter is not over. He has my gold.
[CAPTAIN] Your gold, eh? My men will not go to the Catacombs for yourgold.
[SHOLAKH] Why not? What are these Catacombs?
[CAPTAIN] They are an ancient labyrinth beneath the city. The home ofthe long dead and of the Ice Gods.
(Hall of the Dead)
[DOCTOR] Careful, careful. These steps aretreacherous.
[UNSTOFFE] How far do these stretch?
[BINRO] Nobody knows. Our ancestors made them long, long ago, to housetheir dead. They say that the Ice Gods live here.
[UNSTOFFE] But you don't believe in the Ice Gods, Binro.
[BINRO] No. No, of course not.
[UNSTOFFE] Look, do you want to go back?
[BINRO] Yes. No, I'll stay here with you.
[UNSTOFFE] What was that?
[BINRO] The Shrivenzale, I think. A colony of the creatures lives downhere.
[UNSTOFFE] Do you mean the same as that thing that guards the Relicroom?
[BINRO] That was a small one.
[UNSTOFFE] Look, Binro, I, I, I think we'd better think about this.
[BINRO] The fact that they can exist down here proves that there must beanother way up to the surface. See, they hunt for smaller animals onthe tundra, and then return here to their lair to sleep.
[UNSTOFFE] That's all very well, Binro, but can we tiptoe past them?
[BINRO] Well, let's see, shall we?
(Hall of the Dead)
[DOCTOR] Garron.
[DOCTOR] Your friend's got a good nose for a hiding place.
[ROMANA] Straight ahead.
[K9] Sentient life form
[DOCTOR] Shush!
[K9] (sotto) Sentient life forms approaching.
[DOCTOR] Which way?
[K9] Behind us.
[DOCTOR] What?
[K9] Quick, into these holes.
[SHOLAKH] He'll have gone deeper than this.
[GRAFF] Now we have him. He cannot escape, and no one will ever know howhe tried to trick the Graff Vynda-K.
[SHOLAKH] It's the beast! Take cover!
[SHOLAKH] Guards, reform. These caves remind me of that labyrinth we hadto fight through on Freytus. We moved in darkness. Every forward stepthings were squirming and crunching under our feet. Remember, Highness?
[GRAFF] Almost a year without sight of sky. But these are not caves likethose, Sholakh.
[SHOLAKH] The air's the same, heavy and damp with the stench of death.No wonder the natives wouldn't come here.
[GRAFF] Why think you now of the Freytus labyrinth? What troubles you?
[SHOLAKH] Our problem's the same, Graff. I mean, there we had twolegions searching for the enemy. Here, we have a few men searching forone. It'll take as long.
[GRAFF] Still the pessimist. Even if it takes twice as long, I shall notleave this planet until I have that jethrik.
[SHOLAKH] Then perhaps, Highness, we should have brought that oldboneshaker with us.
[GRAFF] The Seeker?
[SHOLAKH] If she truly has the gift of sniffing out fugitives
[GRAFF] You're right, Sholakh. Yes, by heaven. We'll force that oldwitch to lead us, even if we have to carry her. Come!
[UNSTOFFE] You need a rest, Binro.
[BINRO] No, no, no. I can go on.
[UNSTOFFE] No, no, come on. I'm thinking of myself as well.
[BINRO] Well, in that case
[UNSTOFFE] Come on, sit down. Space travel rots the muscles, Binro.
[BINRO] Space travel. How is it done, my friend? How do you fly betweenthe stars?
[UNSTOFFE] If we were to stay here the rest of our lives, Binro, Icouldn't begin to explain that one.
[BINRO] I understand. There's so much still to learn.
[ROMANA] Have they gone?
[ROMANA] You nearly got us killed.
[DOCTOR] If you call that being nearly killed, you haven't lived yet.Just stay with me, and you'll get a lot nearer.
[DOCTOR] In fact, you're a lot nearer right now.
[ROMANA] You've got an unconscious death wish.
[GARRON] Don't bicker!
[DOCTOR] No. No bickering.
[ROMANA] Never bicker.
[GARRON] No, we should be looking for my invaluable young friendUnstoffe.
[DOCTOR] Who's carrying a valuable piece of jethrik.
[GARRON] What is property at such a time?
[DOCTOR] Quite right, quite right.
[ROMANA] What do we do now?
[DOCTOR] You go that way, I'll go this way.
[GARRON] Which way?
[DOCTOR] That way.
[GARRON] Oh, that way.
[ROMANA] Back to the city?
[DOCTOR] Well, someone's got to keep an eye on Vynda-K. Well, don't justlie there, do something.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Move.
[GARRON] What, now?
[K9] You called, master?
[DOCTOR] No, don't explain, don't explain. Look after those two. Off yougo.
[K9] Master.
[UNSTOFFE] If you had the knowledge of how to use it, Binro, there'senough energy in there to move you and me across the universe.
[BINRO] What? Really? No wonder men fight for it. But you didn't stealthis from the Relic room. Where did you get it?
[UNSTOFFE] It belonged to a friend of mine.
[BINRO] The one who sent his voice through the air into your hand?
[UNSTOFFE] Garron, yes. I was supposed to meet Garron in the Concourse.It was to be our contingency rendezvous.
[BINRO] Yes. What?
[UNSTOFFE] We were supposed to meet there if anything went wrong. Hedidn't turn up, so I suppose he must be in trouble himself.
[BINRO] You're worried about him, aren't you, my friend.
[UNSTOFFE] Yes. You see, we've worked together for a long time, and thiswas to be our last job. He often talks of going back to Hackney Wick.
[BINRO] What's that?
[UNSTOFFE] Well, for all I can make out, it's just a mud patch in themiddle of nowhere. But I suppose it's home to him.
[BINRO] I don't understand.
[UNSTOFFE] Oh, I'm sorry, I was just thinking aloud. Well, you see, I'vea feeling this was our last job after all, only it hasn't turned outquite the way we expected.
[BINRO] Perhaps I should go back and look for him.
[UNSTOFFE] Do you think you could find your way from here?
[BINRO] From here, yes, but if we go any farther into these caves, it'llnot be possible.
[UNSTOFFE] And the deeper we go, the more chance there is of our beingeaten, right?
[BINRO] Yes, or of the roof falling in. You see, these caves are veryold and dangerous. But on the other hand, there may be another way fromhere up to the surface. I'll do whatever you think is best, my friend.
[UNSTOFFE] But there could be danger waiting for you back in the city.
[BINRO] Who knows I helped you? No, no. Nobody notices old Binro theHeretic.
[UNSTOFFE] You'd risk your life for me? Why?
[BINRO] You wouldn't understand. For years, I was jeered and derided. Ibegan to doubt even myself. Then you came along, and you told me I wasright. Just to know that for certain, Unstoffe, well, is worth a life,eh?
[BINRO] Yes?
[BINRO] What?
[UNSTOFFE] You'd better take this, just in case Garron suspects it'ssome kind of trick.
[BINRO] Oh, thanks. I'll try to hurry.
[UNSTOFFE] Good luck.
(Castle courtyard)
[GRAFF] Captain, I'm tired of waiting. How much longer?
[CAPTAIN] The Seeker will come in her own time.
[GRAFF] That's not polite, is it, Sholakh?
[SHOLAKH] It's grossly discourteous, Highness.
[GRAFF] Grossly? You'd go so far as to say that, would you?
[SHOLAKH] I'd even say insulting.
[GRAFF] Then I have a right to be angry, Sholakh. Someone should bepunished.
[SHOLAKH] It'd teach him the value of good manners, Highness.
[GRAFF] Precisely.
[SHOLAKH] An excellent shot, Highness.
[CAPTAIN] He's dead! What have you done?
[GRAFF] Slightly high and to the left.
[SHOLAKH] Still an excellent shot.
[GRAFF] Thank you.
[CAPTAIN] You're not from the north. What are you?
[GRAFF] Impatient, Captain! Tell the Seeker I want her here now!
[SHOLAKH] What are you waiting for, Captain?
[SHOLAKH] That stirred them up a bit.
[GRAFF] I flatter myself I know how to get the best from natives.
[ROMANA] Garron? Garron, where are you?
[K9] He has departed, Mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, that's obvious. But where?
[K9] To see a man about a dog.
[ROMANA] What?
[K9] That was the information he imparted.
[ROMANA] Well, why didn't you tell me earlier?
[K9] You did not ask, Mistress. Which route, Mistress?
[ROMANA] The tracer. He's stolen the tracer! Oh, how could I have beensuch a fool.
[K9] Question not understood. Kindly rephrase.
[ROMANA] It's vital to get that tracer back. What can I do?
[K9] I will run through my databanks for information.
[ROMANA] I wasn't asking you, K9.
[K9] No other entity is present.
[ROMANA] I was talking to myself.
[K9] That procedure is not logical. The purpose of speech is tocommunicate information.
[ROMANA] Be quiet, K9. You're a very irritating computer.
[K9] Mistress?
[ROMANA] Oh, I'm sorry, K9. What can we do now?
[K9] Seek, mistress.
[ROMANA] Seek?
[SHOLAKH] Move yourself, unless you want my boot behind you.
[GRAFF] We'll soon know the truth now, Sholakh, and if she proves acharlatan, we'll use her carcass for target practice.
[SHOLAKH] Oh, she knows that already. Those bones of hers are shakingeven when she's standing still.
[SHOLAKH] You! Double up. What's keeping you?
[GARRON] If I ain't standing at your feet, my son, this instrument hasto be Japanese.
[UNSTOFFE] Garron!
[GARRON] Ah, there you are.
[UNSTOFFE] How did you find me?
[GARRON] Oh, the wonders of modern technology, my boy. This remarkablepiece of equipment of a jethrik detector. In that bag, I perceive.
[UNSTOFFE] Yeah, but first things first, Garron.
[GARRON] Yes, exactly. You know how attached I am to that piece ofjethrik.
[GARRON] Ah, do I hear the chink of the Graff's gold?
[UNSTOFFE] Money isn't everything, Garron.
[GARRON] Well, who wants everything? Ha, I'll settle for ninety percent.
(Hall of the Dead)
[SEEKER] I see him. The one you seek is here.
[GRAFF] Then lead us to him.
[SEEKER] We shall not reach him. I see death standing between us.
[SHOLAKH] You're wrong, witch. Death is standing right behind you.
[SEEKER] I will lead him if that be your wish, but all but one of us isdoomed to die. Thus has it been written.
[GARRON] Our problem now, my boy, is to find a wayback!
[UNSTOFFE] If we move from here, Binro will never find us again.
[GARRON] Do you think he'll come back for you?
[UNSTOFFE] Of course he will. After he's searched the city for you, andthat'll probably take him hours.
[GARRON] Well, let's hope the Graff doesn't get here first.
[UNSTOFFE] There's not much chance of that. These caves stretch formiles.
[GARRON] I don't know. He's press-ganged some native witch.
[UNSTOFFE] What, the Seeker?
[GARRON] You know about her?
[UNSTOFFE] Yeah, Binro told me about her. Hey, what about this Doctorand the girl? Any chance of them finding us?
[GARRON] Oh, I sincerely hope not.
[UNSTOFFE] Why not? I thought they'd helped you escape.
[GARRON] We were temporarily allies in adversity.
[UNSTOFFE] Where are they now?
[GARRON] The girl's wandering about somewhere. The Doctor said he'd goback and keep an eye on the Graff.
[UNSTOFFE] Just a minute, Garron. Garron, wandering about down here?
[GARRON] Well, I imagine so. Unless she happens to have another of theselittle gadgets.
[UNSTOFFE] You stole it from her. That's where you got it from.
[GARRON] Well, I relieved her of it. It seemed such a responsibility fora young girl.
[UNSTOFFE] You cabberly old hypocrite. How could you?
[GARRON] Well, I admit I had a great trouble with me conscience.Fortunately, I won.
[SEEKER] Deeper, fibula and tibia. Lead us deeper, deeper yet. SHOLAKH
[GRAFF] By those rocks over there. Something moved.
[SHOLAKH] You two. Bring him here.
[GRAFF] What are you doing here?
[BINRO] Looking for fossils.
[GRAFF] Fossils? Grave robbing, more like.
[BINRO] I sell them sometimes. You see, I cannot work. I am too old.
[SHOLAKH] What's in your hand?
[SHOLAKH] A strange fossil, Highness. All right, where'd you get thisfrom?
[BINRO] Found it.
[SHOLAKH] Come on, the truth, old one, or we'll blast your head off.
[GRAFF] Not yet. Bring him.
[SEEKER] Deeper, deeper, and even deeper.
(Hall of the Dead)
[CAPTAIN] That'll do. Now, pack it with shot. They say none ever returnsfrom the deep Catacombs, and if any of that lot do, they won't get veryfar.
[SEEKER] The bones, the bones, the bones, the bonesare alive! The one you seek is here!
[BINRO] This is where, Highness. I'll show you.
[BINRO] Unstoffe! Unstoffe!
[GRAFF] Kill him!
[GARRON] You fool! You fool!
[BINRO] Right. I was right, Unstoffe?
[GARRON] Was that Binro? Charming fellow, the little I saw of him.
[UNSTOFFE] They're murderers. They're murderers!
[GARRON] Now don't be a fool. Don't be a fool, Unstoffe!
[UNSTOFFE] Murderers!
[GARRON] Unstoffe, don't be
[GARRON] Unstoffe! Unstoffe!
[SHOLAKH] Over here! Hurry!
[UNSTOFFE] Binro said the roof wasn't safe.
[GRAFF] Guards, the jethrik!
[UNSTOFFE] Here, take it.
[GARRON] No, Unstoffe.
[SHOLAKH] It's here, Highness, and the gold.
[GRAFF] Good. When these criminals have been executed, we shall almosthave settled our score here. Now, how did you escape, Garron?
[GARRON] Ingenuity, Highness. Sheer ingenuity.
[GRAFF] And where are the others, your two accomplices?
[GARRON] Not accomplices, Highness. You mean the Security agents.
[GRAFF] Security agents?
[GARRON] Yeah, that's the irony of it. They just arrested us for landingon a Class three planet and didn't even know of your presence until youmade it felt.
[GRAFF] You lie!
[GARRON] Why should I bother? No, Graff, their report will be with theAlliance shortly, and you'll no longer be a nobleman of the CyrrhenicEmpire, and an honoured war veteran. You'll just be a common criminallike us!
[GRAFF] Stand them against that wall!
[SHOLAKH] Firing squad, fall in!
[GARRON] Unstoffe, my son.
[GARRON] I was going to make a touching speech, but my throat is toodry.
[SHOLAKH] Stand fast. Attack the beast!
[ROMANA] Can you locate it, K9?
[K9] Position determined, mistress. This way.
[ROMANA] There's a good computer.
(Hall of the Dead)
[SHRIEVE] I can hear firing.
[CAPTAIN] Get back, then. Take cover. I'll close the Catacombs forever.
[SHOLAKH] Back, Highness, back.
[SHOLAKH] No. No, Highness, leave me. I'm done.
[GRAFF] Not you, Sholakh. Never.
[SHOLAKH] My guts are flattened.
[GRAFF] Look, I'll get you out. You'll be all right.
[SHOLAKH] The jethrik, Highness. Take the jethrik.
[GRAFF] Here, you, help me with my general.
[SEEKER] Too late. He is dead.
[GRAFF] Leave us!
[GRAFF] I'll avenge you, Sholakh. I'll bombard this stinking planet tillit's nothing but a smoking hole in space!
[UNSTOFFE] Come on, now, Garron.
[GARRON] Oh, I'm dead already.
[UNSTOFFE] Get up.
[GARRON] Oops. Oh, such lousy shots. They got me in the foot.
[UNSTOFFE] You're not shot. The roof just fell in.
[GARRON] So we're buried alive. Oh, Unstoffe, I don't like the optionswe're getting.
[UNSTOFFE] Shush. Listen.
[ROMANA] Listen, K9. There's somebody behind there. Hello, can you hearme?
[ROMANA] There is someone. Help me move this rock, K9. Oh. Oh, it's nogood. It won't budge. Can you do anything to help, K9?
[K9] Affirmative. Please stand clear, mistress.
[GARRON] Oh, my dear. Oh, there you are. I've been looking for youeverywhere! You, er, dropped this.
[ROMANA] Into your hand, yes. Let's go, shall we?
[GRAFF] Soldier, I'm going to blow up these caves behind us.
[SEEKER] What are you doing, alien? The Ice Gods
[GRAFF] Silence! These caves will not shelter your scum from mymissiles. Now, you made a prophecy, old woman. What was it?
[SEEKER] All but one doomed to die. Thus written.
[GRAFF] Then die now.
[GRAFF] No, not you soldier. I have a more honourable purpose for you.So you're the last of my guards, eh? The last of my LevithianInvincibles. All the rest are dead now, even Sholakh. Were you with meon Skarrn, soldier?
[DOCTOR] No, sir.
[GRAFF] So many battles, Skarrn, the Freytus labyrinth, Crestus Minor.Now there was a fight! I remember Sholakh planting my standard in thevery heart of the Crestan general! So many battles, so many years, butover now. All but one of us doomed to die, soldier. Thus has it beenwritten.
[GRAFF] There is no greater honour, soldier, then to surrender your lifein the service of the Graff Vynda-K.
[GRAFF] All but one of us! Sholakh. Sholakh? Sholakh! To me! To me!Charge! Onwards! Onwards! Push their attack back! Onwards! Onwards!
[DOCTOR] Three, two, one.
(Castle entrance)
[DOCTOR] Four o'clock and all's well. Goodbye, Garron!
[GARRON] Doctor?
[GARRON] Doctor, I still don't understand.
[DOCTOR] What don't you understand, Garron? Go on, ask me something.What is it don't you understand? Who came first, the chicken or theegg? Go on, ask me something. Ask me something.
[GARRON] How did you manage to switch the jethrik for the thermite packwithout the Graff noticing?
[DOCTOR] Garron, I would've thought you'd have known that. Sleight ofhands. GARRON
[DOCTOR] I was trained by Maskelyne.
[ROMANA] Quite clever, really.
[DOCTOR] I do dislike faint praise. It was astoundingly clever, wasn'tit Garron?
[GARRON] Indeed it was, Doctor.
[GARRON] Oh, Doctor?
[GARRON] A favour to beg. Do you think I might just handle the jethrikonce more? Please? For old time's sake, you know?
[DOCTOR] All right.
[GARRON] Oh, it's lovely, isn't it? I'm so reluctant to part with it.
[GARRON] Oh, dear me. Well, there you are, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you very much. Goodbye, Garron.
[GARRON] Oh, goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What's your name?
[UNSTOFFE] Unstoffe.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye, Unstoffe.
[UNSTOFFE] Goodbye, Doctor.
[K9] Mistress.
[ROMANA] Come along, K9. Goodbye.
[UNSTOFFE] Well, that's it, Garron. We'll have to go straight now.
[GARRON] Oh come, my boy, don't be downhearted. We haven't done toobadly.
[UNSTOFFE] Haven't done too badly? We've lost the jethrik, and we'vecome out of this without a penny.
[GARRON] Oh, don't forget that there's the Graff's ship stuffed witheighteen years of loot.
[UNSTOFFE] You crafty old
[UNSTOFFE] That's a queer takeoff.
[GARRON] Well, thank goodness he's gone. I was afraid he'd notice.
[UNSTOFFE] Notice? What?
[GARRON] We haven't lost the jethrik. I switched it for a piece ofordinary stone. Yeah, I did. Look!
[GARRON] He switched it back again. Oh, Unstoffe, is there nobody youcan trust these days?
[DOCTOR] Would you like to do it? Here.
[ROMANA] Well, perhaps you'd better do it, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] All right. No, you do it. Go on, you do it. I'll just standhere and watch.
[ROMANA] Right.
[DOCTOR] The first segment. Simple, wasn't it. Only five more to go.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s16", "episode": "e01", "title": "The Ribos Operation"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (30 Sep, 1978; Fourth Doctor) - The Pirate Planet
[CAPTAIN] Mister Fibuli! Mister Fibuli! By all the x-ray storms of Vega,where is that nincompoop?
[TANNOY] Calling Mister Fibuli. Mister Fibuli required on the bridgeimmediately.
[CAPTAIN] Moons of madness, why am I encumbered with incompetents?
[FIBULI] Captain, sir.
[CAPTAIN] Your report, Mister Fibuli.
[FIBULI] Yes, sir. I have it.
[CAPTAIN] Is thirty seconds late.
[FIBULI] Yes, sir.
[CAPTAIN] My qualities are many, Mister Fibuli.
[FIBULI] Oh, yes, sir. I
[CAPTAIN] But an infinite capacity for patience is not amongst them.
[FIBULI] I apologise most abjectly, Captain, but I do have good news,sir.
[CAPTAIN] I hope you do.
[FIBULI] Well, sir, all deposits of the minerals voolium, galdrium andassetenite four five five have now been mines, processed and stored,sir. Good quantities of aluminas, the usual, sir. Carbon isotopes,etcetera, etcetera. And the residue has been processed
[CAPTAIN] In the normal way.
[FIBULI] Way. Here is a list of the minerals, sir.
[CAPTAIN] Pah! Baubles. Baubles! Dross and baubles! We must findvasilium. We must find madranite one five.
[FIBULI] Well, sir, we have located a new source.
[CAPTAIN] Excellent. Excellent.
[FIBULI] That's what caused the delay, Captain. We wanted to beabsolutely certain. It's in an unexpected sector. Here, let me show youthis chart.
[CAPTAIN] We'll mine it. Make immediate preparations.
[FIBULI] Well, there is something rather curious, Captain. Here is adetailed description of the sector.
[CAPTAIN] I said we'll mine it, Mister Fibuli!
[FIBULI] But sir
[CAPTAIN] Make immediate preparations now or I'll have your bonesbleached. Is that clear?
[FIBULI] Aye, aye, Captain. Thank you, sir.
[CAPTAIN] Hear this. Now hear this. This is your Captain speaking.
(Zanak city)
[CAPTAIN [OC]] Citizens, prepare yourselves. Watchfor the omens. I declare a new golden age of prosperity for all.
[CITIZENS] Hooray!
[CAPTAIN [OC]] I say again, I declare the dawning of a new golden age ofprosperity.
[CITIZENS] Hooray!
[CAPTAIN] Watch for the omens.
(Mentiad lair)
[CAPTAIN [OC]] The mines will once again be full of riches.
[CITIZENS] Hooray.
[CAPTAIN [OC]] Richer jewels.
[CITIZENS] Hooray!
[CAPTAIN] Finer clothes.
[CITIZENS] Hooray!
[CAPTAIN] Food in greater abundance.
[CITIZENS] Hooray!
[CAPTAIN] Wealth beyond the dreams of avarice will be yours.
[CITIZENS] Hooray!
[MENTIAD] Brothers, are we agreed?
[BROTHERS] Oh yes.
[MENTIAD] We have found another. Brothers, the days grow dark. The timeof evil is once more come. We must prepare.
[BROTHERS] We must prepare.
(Tardis kitchen)
[DOCTOR] There you are, K9. The first segment ofthe Key to Time. A job well done.
[K9] Correction, master. A job well done to the extent of naught pointone six six six six six
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes. The others will be easy. A piece of cake.
[K9] Piece of cake, master?
[K9] Piece of cake. Radial segment of baked confection. Coefficient andrelevance to the Key of Time, zero.
[DOCTOR] That's what I said, K9. Piece of cake.
[DOCTOR] Good morrow, Romana. That looks interesting.
[ROMANA] Good morning, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What are you reading?
[ROMANA] Oh, just familiarising myself with the technical details ofthis capsule.
[DOCTOR] Capsule? What kind of a word is that? If you mean Tardis, whydon't you say Tardis?
[ROMANA] The Type Forty capsule wasn't on the main syllabus, you see.
[DOCTOR] Not on the syllabus. I don't know what the Academy's coming tothese days.
[ROMANA] Veteran and vintage vehicles was an optional extra. I preferredsomething more interesting.
[DOCTOR] Really? Like what?
[ROMANA] Oh, the lifecycle of the Gallifreyan flutterwing.
[DOCTOR] Now you're being frivolous.
[ROMANA] I wouldn't dream of it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no!
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] How paralysingly dull, boring and tedious.
[ROMANA] Oh, our next destination?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Calufrax.
[ROMANA] Calufrax?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Mean little planet. Still. Listen, why don't you watchwhile I set the coordinate on this vintage veteran of mine? Maybeyou'll learn something.
[ROMANA] Right. Er, Doctor?
[ROMANA] What about the synchronic feedback checking circuit?
[DOCTOR] What about it?
[ROMANA] Aren't you going to set it?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. I never bother about that. Complete waste of time.
[ROMANA] Oh. According to the manual, it's essential.
[DOCTOR] Listen, have you any idea how long I've been operating thisTardis?
[ROMANA] Five hundred and twenty three years.
[DOCTOR] Right! Is it really that long? My, how time flies.
[ROMANA] Hasn't it. And the multiloop stabiliser?
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] Multiloop stabiliser. It says here, on any capsule it will befound impossible to effect a smooth materialisation without firstactivating the multiloop stabiliser.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Absolute rubbish.
[DOCTOR] Now, I'll show you a really smooth materialisation without amultiloop anything. Watch this. Calufrax, here we come.
[ROMANA] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] She won't materialise.
[K9] Danger, master, danger.
[DOCTOR] Of course, K9, of course. Ow!
[ROMANA] Something wrong?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. Nothing at all.
[CAPTAIN] Imbeciles! Fools! Thrice worse than incompetent idiots! Whatpernicious injury have you inflicted on my precious engines! MisterFibuli!
[FIBULI] Captain.
[CAPTAIN] Are you trying to scuttle this planet?
[FIBULI] No, sir. I've run a quick inspection, sir, and the, er, theactual damage isn't as bad as we
[CAPTAIN] Do not trifle with me, Mister Fibuli. What happened?
[FIBULI] As far as we can tell, sir, some freak local disturbance,probably electromagnetic.
[FIBULI] It passed very quickly.
[CAPTAIN] Idle prattlings, Mister Fibuli. I will know the truth!
[CAPTAIN] Oscilloscope readings. There, Mister Fibuli, there's yourlocal electromagnetic disturbance. What do you make of those readings?
[FIBULI] That's extraordinary.
[CAPTAIN] See? For ten seconds the entire fabric of the space timecontinuum was ripped apart. Panaccenteration readings, criticaloverload, every system jammed solid. Gravity dilation readings. There,Mister Fibuli. Can you explain those figures?
[FIBULI] Not off the top of my head, sir.
[CAPTAIN] No? And why not? Because for ten seconds the wholeinfrastructure of quantum physics was in retreat. Find out whathappened, Mister Fibuli, and find out fast, or by all the fires ofnight, I'll have that skull off you!
[DOCTOR] Not so. I am perfectly capable ofadmitting when I am wrong.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Only this time I wasn't. There was definitely somethingout there jamming our materialisation field.
[ROMANA] Oh, that's what it was.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, that's what it was. Yes. Whatever it was, it wasn't amultiloop whatsit or anything else to do with that manual.
[ROMANA] No, of course not. May I try?
[DOCTOR] What, by the book?
[DOCTOR] Yes, all right, all right. You do it your way.
[ROMANA] Thank you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You'll see. There's definitely something out there jamming ourmaterialisation field.
[ROMANA] Right. Synchronic feedback.
[DOCTOR] Won't make a scrap of difference.
[ROMANA] We'll see. Multiloop stabiliser.
[DOCTOR] Look out, K9. Hold on.
[ROMANA] Well?
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ROMANA] Thank you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] That was very, very good. Wasn't that good, K9?
[K9] Very, very, very good, master.
[DOCTOR] Oh, terribly good. Listen, I think she's going to be all right.Very all right.
[K9] Very, very all right.
[ROMANA] Shall we have a look at Calufrax now?
[DOCTOR] Oh, all right then. Let's get it over with. Horrible place.Cold, wet, icy. No life of any sort. Boring.
[ROMANA] It looks very pleasant to me.
[DOCTOR] What? Calufrax? You have made an enormous mistake. You'veprobably, you've probably missed it by a couple of million light years!
[DOCTOR] I wonder what's biting him?
(Mentiad lair)
[BROTHERS] Life force dying. Life force dying.
[BROTHERS] Life force dying. Life force dying. Life force dying. Lifeforce dying. Life force dying. Life force dying!
(Pralix's bedroom)
[BALATON] Calm yourself, Pralix. You must calm yourself.
[MULA] He's much worse than last time, Grandfather. Pralix, can't youhear us? Tell us what's wrong.
[BALATON] It is a mistake to ask too many questions.
[MULA] That's your answer to everything, isn't it?
[BALATON] I have no need for answers, for all I ask is a quiet life.Pralix, Pralix, you must calm yourself. Calm yourself.
[DOCTOR] That's strange.
[ROMANA] Well?
[DOCTOR] Can't be right. It is right. But it can't be, can it?
[ROMANA] Have you decided where we are, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, according to these space time coordinates, we havearrived at precisely the right point in space at precisely the righttime.
[ROMANA] Yes, I know.
[DOCTOR] But to the wrong planet.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] This isn't Calufrax.
[ROMANA] Then where are we?
[DOCTOR] I haven't got the faintest idea. All I do know is that thisplanet wasn't here when I tried to land.
(Balaton's home)
[BALATON] People will hear. Oh dear, I'm sure people can hear.
[MULA] Grandfather, Pralix is very ill and all you can think about iswhat will happen if the neighbours hear.
[BALATON] You know very well what will happen.
[MULA] Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
[BALATON] Oh, Mula, don't spoil everything by asking so many questions.I think I'm going to lose one grandchild already. Please don't let itbe both of you. Just settle down and enjoy what life gives you sofreely.
[MULA] Listen, someone's coming.
[BALATON] Quickly, the curtains.
[KIMUS] Balaton?
[MULA] Kimus! Thank goodness it's only you.
[KIMUS] Only me? What's wrong with him?
[MULA] We thought that
[KIMUS] What?
[MULA] Never mind.
[KIMUS] Pralix.
[PRALIX [OC]] Life force is dying. Life force dying. Life force dying!
(Pralix's bedroom)
[KIMUS] Again?
(Mentiad's lair)
[MENTIAD] We have an intruder. And wait, there is another. We must act.Act at once.
(Zanak city)
[ROMANA] Uninhabited, ice-coated planet?
[ROMANA] Well, we've certainly come to the right place. The signal'scoming from everywhere.
[DOCTOR] Never trust gimmicky gadgets.
[K9] Sentient life form approaching.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] It's all right. It just means someone's coming.
[ROMANA] I know what it means. Excuse me.
[DOCTOR] No, no, excuse me. I'll do it.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me. Would you take me to your leader? What we'd like toknow, you see, is what planet?
[DOCTOR] Halt! What we
[DOCTOR] You're not doing very well, K9.
[K9] Master?
[K9] Suggestion, master.
[DOCTOR] What?
[K9] Suggest you allow mistress to make contact.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense! Making contact with an alien race is an immenselyskilled and delicate operation. It calls for tact and experience. Whatwould she know about it?
[ROMANA] Hello. Excuse me.
[MAN] Yes?
[K9] She is prettier than you, master.
[DOCTOR] Is she? What's that got to do with it.
[MAN] It's a new golden age, you see. A golden age of prosperity. I mustsay, I still get very excited about it all. I know we have them ratheroften now, but that's because of the Captain's great goodness, you see.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me.
[ROMANA] Just a minute. The Captain?
[MAN] Oh, yes. It's the Captain who does it all for us, and it reallywas spectacular this time. The omens. The skies shook with lightning.We are going to be very rich. Very, very rich.
[ROMANA] What, just like that? Because of lights in the sky?
[MAN] Oh, yes. That's the way it always happens. Here, have somediamonds. And yes, I've got a ruby. Suit a pretty girl like you.
[ROMANA] Oh! Thank you very much.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me.
[ROMANA] Would you like some jelly babies?
[DOCTOR] Thank you very much. Excuse me.
[MAN] What are they?
[DOCTOR] Sweets. You eat them. Go on.
[MAN] Oh, thank you. (he takes four) Well, I'll be late for the feasts.Nice to meet you. Watch out for the Mentiads.
[ROMANA] The who?
[DOCTOR] Er, excuse me! What I'd like to know. Where did you get thosejelly babies?
[ROMANA] Same place you get them.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[ROMANA] Your pocket.
[DOCTOR] Look, good looks are no substitute for a sound character. Didhe say anything about omens?
[ROMANA] Omens in the sky.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[GUARD] Where did you get those?
[MAN] Er, back there, sir.
[DOCTOR] I think that these stones are genuine. What do you think, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. The clear ones are the diamonds and the redones are the rubies.
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you very much. And what colour are the amethysts?
[K9] Purple, master.
[DOCTOR] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Extraordinary. The place is littered with them. Diamonds,Andromedan bloodstones, gravel, more diamonds. Don't they have streetsweepers here?
[ROMANA] Well, perhaps these stones aren't valuable here, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Diamonds and rubies not valuable?
[ROMANA] What's this?
[K9] Oolian, mistress.
[ROMANA] Oolian?
[DOCTOR] Oolian?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Oolian? Now that is rare. That's one of the most preciousstones in the galaxy. It only occurs naturally in two places that Iknow of. Qualactin and Bandraginus Five. Bandraginus Five? Where have Iheard that mentioned recently?
[ROMANA] It's beautiful.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, hold it up to the light. People have murdered for thatbeauty, ravaged empires for it, and lying in the streets exactly whereI wasn't expecting to find it. I wonder where Calufrax got to?
(Balaton's home)
[MULA] Poor Pralix. Why? What does it all mean?
[BALATON] Why should it mean anything? It's just the way life is. Acceptit.
[KIMUS] Oh yes, we can have anything we want, can't we, apart from thefreedom to think for ourselves. I'd like to know what I'm accepting,old man.
(Pralix' bedroom)
[BALATON] I remember when I was a lad. Now thingswere very different then. You think you have no freedom now? You oughtto have been here under old Queen Xanxia.
[MULA] Shush, both of you. Think of poor Pralix. He must have quietness.
[KIMUS] Why? We've all been quiet for too long, and for what?
(Balaton's home)
[KIMUS] Pretty clothes? Pockets full of uselesstrinkets? That isn't what life ought to be about.
[BALATON] Kimus, you are a dangerous fool. Don't listen to him, Mula. Ifyou love your brother, you must shelter him, hide him, protect him fromthe Mentiads. Remember what happened to your father.
[MULA] My father didn't fall into the hands of the Mentiads.
[MULA] He was shot by the Captain's guards.
[BALATON] To save him from the Mentiads. At least he died a clean death.It was an act of mercy by the Captain.
[KIMUS] Oh well, thank you, O merciful Captain, for so kindly havingMula's father shot down in the street like a dog.
[BALATON] Listen, Kimus, let me tell you this. I would cheerfullystrangle Pralix with my own hands to save him from those, those
(Mentiad lair)
[MENTIAD] Brothers, the Vigil of Evil isaccomplished. The one called Pralix must be harvested. The Time ofKnowing shall be soon, and fast upon that shall follow the Time ofVengeance. Vengeance for the crimes of Zanak!
[BROTHERS] Vengeance for the crimes of Zanak.
(Zanak city)
[DOCTOR] Excuse me, have you seen Calufrax?
[DOCTOR] It's sort of planet, about fourteen thousand kilometres across,oblate spheroid.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me, I'm looking for a planet called Calufrax.
[DOCTOR] It's about fourteen thousand kilometres across, it's an oblatespheroid and it's covered in ice. Excuse me, excuse me. Has anybodyseen a planet called Calufrax? Funny, nobody's seen it.
[PRALIX [OC]] The life force is dead! The life force is dead!
[DOCTOR] Well, someone's around, anyway.
[PRALIX [OC]] We're all murderers! Murderers!
[ROMANA] It came from over there.
[DOCTOR] Over there? You stay here. I'll go and see.
(Pralix's bedroom)
[BALATON] We're done for! They must be nearly here! They'll take him asthey tried to take your father!
[MULA] We must hide him.
[KIMUS] We can't hide him forever.
(Balaton's home)
[DOCTOR] Excuse me, are you sure this planet's meant to be here?
(Zanak city)
[GUARD] This is a forbidden object.
[GUARD] That is a forbidden question. You are a stranger?
[ROMANA] Well, yes.
[GUARD] Strangers are forbidden.
[ROMANA] I did come with the Doctor.
[GUARD] Who is
[ROMANA] Ah, now, don't tell me. Doctors are forbidden as well.
[GUARD] You are under arrest. Come.
[ROMANA] No, K9, you mustn't.
[GUARD] What did you say?
[ROMANA] What I said was, no K9, you mustn't (pause) fetch the Doctor.
[GUARD] You're mad. Move.
[CAPTAIN] We're surrounded by incompetents, you andI. Incompetents and fools. You're my only true friend. Never mind. Notlong now. Not long now before it's finished and we'll be free.
[FIBULI] Captain! Captain, sir.
[CAPTAIN] Speak!
[FIBULI] The Mentiads are marching, sir.
[CAPTAIN] Vultures of death! Ghouls!
[FIBULI] They must have located another rogue telepath. Channel twentyone, sir. Sector five.
[CAPTAIN] Sector five. The Mentiads are heading towards sector five. Thetelepath must not be taken. Find him and destroy him, or by all thesuns that blaze, I'll tear you apart, molecule from molecule.
[CAPTAIN] Idiot! Brainless fool! All guards, the Mentiads are headingtowards sector six. Find the telepath. Find him and destroy him!
(Balaton's home)
[DOCTOR] He's in a state of shock.
[MULA] He does this every time the Captain announces a new golden age ofprosperity.
[DOCTOR] What, every time?
[MULA] Well, the last two or three times, yes.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Tell me about this Captain. Pleasant sort of chap, is he?
[BALATON] But he is great and good. He looks after us and makes us rich.
[KIMUS] Huh. He makes us his fools.
[DOCTOR] Really? That's a very interesting observation.
[PRALIX] The Mentiads!
[DOCTOR] Mentiads? I've heard that somewhere before.
[CAPTAIN] Find him! Find him! Find him and destroyhim! Search sector six.
[FIBULI] Er, seven.
[CAPTAIN] Search sector seven.
[CAPTAIN] What the planet's bane is that?
[CAPTAIN] Search that house.
(Balaton's home)
[K9] Master.
[BALATON] Save us! Captain, save us!
[KIMUS] What is it?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, it's all right. It's all right, it's a friend ofmine. Aren't you a friend of mine, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. Friend.
[DOCTOR] Now then, tell me about the Mentiads.
[BALATON] They are evil zombies. They have terrible powers.
[K9] Master.
[PRALIX] Mentiads! They're coming.
[K9] Mistress is in danger.
[DOCTOR] Pralix, what do the Mentiads want of you? What is it?
[MULA] Kimus! Kimus!
[GUARD] That's him. Shoot!
[DOCTOR] How long have you stunned them for, K9?
[K9] Indefinitely, master.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Evil zombies? Terrible powers?
[KIMUS] They're not Mentiads. They were the Captain's guards.
[PRALIX] The Mentiads!
[DOCTOR] Pralix. Pralix, what is it?
[BALATON] We must hide him. We must hide him. They must be nearly here.Oh, the Captain's way was better.
[MULA] Listen, they're coming. There's no way we can hide him.
[KIMUS] No, you're cowards, both of you. We must fight.
[DOCTOR] Pralix, can you hear my voice?
[KIMUS] We're not going to be pampered frightened vegetables any more.We've got friends now.
[DOCTOR] Pralix. Pralix, can you hear my voice? What is it? Hello?Hello. Are you by any chance the Mentiads? Well, it's just that youlook like Mentiads to me.
[DOCTOR] You see, what I thought was that er
[CAPTAIN] Gentlemen, the rogue telepath has not been destroyed. Iordered that he should be so. He's been allowed to fall into the handsof the Mentiads. I ordered that he should not be so allowed. Failure issomething I find very hard to come to terms with. Right, Mister Fibuli?
[FIBULI] Oh yes, sir. Very true, sir.
[CAPTAIN] By all the flaming moons of Heretes, not two hours since youvery nearly blew up every engine in this mountain!
[FIBULI] Yes, sir, but the cause was external. You said that yourself.Something extraordinary happened to the whole fabric of the space timecontinuum at that moment.
[CAPTAIN] Have you discovered the cause of that yet?
[FIBULI] Not yet, sir. Busy working on it, sir.
[CAPTAIN] Then you have failed to find it, Mister Fibuli.
[CAPTAIN] Failed, failed, failed! When someone fails me, someone dies!
[CAPTAIN] I hope you find the cause very soon, Mister Fibuli. I hope youwill not fail me again.
(Balaton's home)
[KIMUS] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] What hit me?
[KIMUS] The Mentiads did something. I don't know what I can tell you.
[DOCTOR] I wasn't asking you. What hit me, K9?
[K9] A gestalt generated psychokinetic blast, master, on a wavelength ofthree three eight point seven nine micropars with oka-interferencepatterns reaching a peak power level of five three four seven point twoon the Vantalla psychoscale.
[DOCTOR] Five four three point seven two?
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] (to camera) That's what I thought.
[BALATON] Pralix has gone. The Mentiads have taken him.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, don't worry, I'll find him.
[KIMUS] That's if he's still alive.
[DOCTOR] Do you know where the Mentiads live?
[KIMUS] No. They just arrive in the city and then depart. They're alltoo scared to follow them.
[DOCTOR] They? Who's they?
[KIMUS] The cowards who live in this city.
[DOCTOR] You're not frightened?
[DOCTOR] You just didn't get round to it, is that it?
[KIMUS] I mean I will follow them.
[DOCTOR] So will I.
[MULA] And so will I.
[BALATON] No, Mula. Haven't we lost enough already?
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Not now, K9, not now. Now, K9, can you track the Mentiads bytheir psychospore?
[K9] Affirmative, master. Psychokinetic energy on that level leavesconsiderable disturbance in the ether.
[DOCTOR] Excellent, excellent. Right, who's coming? Kimus? Mula?Balaton?
[BALATON] No, I don't want any part of this madness. I don't want tohear Mentiads, guards, madness.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right. Romana? Romana? Where's Romana?
[K9] She has been arrested, master.
[DOCTOR] What?
[K9] She sent me to inform you.
[DOCTOR] Why didn't you?
[K9] I made four attempts, master, but you would not allow me to tellyou, master.
[DOCTOR] It just means two rescue attempts. After all, Romana has thetracer, you see. Now, where will they have taken her?
[MULA] To the Bridge.
[KIMUS] No one ever comes back from the Bridge.
[MULA] Except the guards.
[DOCTOR] No one?
(Zanak city)
[GUARD] Get in.
[ROMANA] I shall take that as an invitation.
[ROMANA] Thank you. Will you drive? I assume you know where we're going.
(Balaton's home)
[DOCTOR] Right. Heads we go after Romana first, tails we go after Pralixfirst, hmm?
[MULA] Tails.
[DOCTOR] Heads.
[MULA] How can you take such a dangerous decision like that, justleaving it to chance.
[DOCTOR] Two kings on Aldebaran Three.
[MULA] That's not fair.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, it is. If my guess is correct, Romana's in much greaterdanger than Pralix. Now, how do we get to this Bridge?
[MULA] I'm not going there. I'm going after Pralix.
[DOCTOR] But Mula
[MULA] I'll find my own way!
[KIMUS] Oh, it's no use once she's made up her mind. I'll have to goafter her myself.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, you stay here.
[KIMUS] But Mula needs me.
[DOCTOR] I need you here. It'll be all right. K9?
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I'm putting Mula in your charge. Take her to the Mentiads butlook after her. Is that clearly understood?
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] Off you go. We'll follow along later.
[ROMANA] I had an aircar rather like this once. Itwas a present for my seventieth birthday. Did you know that if yourealign the magnetic vectors and fit a polarity oscillator, you gettwice the speed for half the energy.
(Zanak city)
[KIMUS] That's the Bridge, up there.
[DOCTOR] How do we get to it?
[KIMUS] We don't.
[DOCTOR] One of those, is it? How do the guards get there?
[KIMUS] In their aircars, of course.
[DOCTOR] Aircars?
[KIMUS] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Aircars?
[KIMUS] There's one over there.
[DOCTOR] Help me borrow it.
[KIMUS] Borrow it? That's the Captain's.
[DOCTOR] Well, I don't mind going first class, do you?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[DOCTOR] Bye, bye!
[FIBULI] Er, Captain? Captain, sir.
[CAPTAIN] Speak.
[FIBULI] Bad news, sir.
[CAPTAIN] By the horns of the prophet Balag, speak!
[FIBULI] The macromat field integrator has burnt out, sir. It's one ofthe four components we can't replace ourselves, sir. Well, we are facedwith two alternatives, Captain. Three alternatives. We can try to finda new macromat field integrator, though I can't envisage how we woulddo that. Alternatively, there is a very rare mineral, PJX one eight,which would conceivably do the same job as the integrator, if we couldfind any. Either way, sir, in our current condition we could onlypossibly make one more jump and that would be risky in the extreme.
[CAPTAIN] And the third alternative, Mister Fibuli?
[FIBULI] Is for Zanak to settle where it is, sir.
[CAPTAIN] No, by the sky demon! I say no!
[KIMUS] Hey, this is marvellous. Freedom at last!
[DOCTOR] You're not free yet.
[KIMUS] Free to think. It's amazing. The city looks so pretty from uphere. Yes, even the mines do. You know, that's our entire life.
[DOCTOR] Tell me about those mines.
[KIMUS] Well, we extract all the raw material that we need from them.
[DOCTOR] Who goes down them? Do you go down?
[DOCTOR] Mentiads?
[DOCTOR] No one?
[KIMUS] No. They're automated, you see. We just run the equipment.
[DOCTOR] What happens when they run out?
[KIMUS] The Captain announces a new golden age of prosperity. They justfill up again.
[DOCTOR] What, just like that?
[KIMUS] Yeah. Well, you don't think that's wrong, do you?
[DOCTOR] Wrong? It's an economic miracle. Of course it's wrong.
[KIMUS] Oh. Oh then, of course, the lights change.
[DOCTOR] What lights?
[KIMUS] You know, the lights. The ones on the sky at night. Littlepoints of light.
[DOCTOR] Do you mean the stars?
[KIMUS] Look down there. I think there's some sort of entrance into themountain.
[DOCTOR] Might be the way to the Bridge.
[KIMUS] Say, you're very good at this. Do you drive these things for aliving?
[DOCTOR] No. I save planets, mostly, but this time I think I've arrivedfar, far too late.
[CAPTAIN] What is your function?
[ROMANA] Well, as a Time Lord, I can travel about in space and, ofcourse
[CAPTAIN] Pah! Common space urchin. Pah! You shall die.
[ROMANA] And of course, time. Hence Time Lord.
[CAPTAIN] Time travel? You expect me to believe such nonsense?
[ROMANA] Yes, it is a difficult concept.
[CAPTAIN] The insolent breath of idle fantasy! Death comes now!
[NURSE] Captain? Captain? The excitement of more than one execution in aday is bad for your blood pressure. Perhaps you should postpone it tilltomorrow.
[CAPTAIN] Postpone?
[NURSE] Yes. I think her story sounds quite interesting, even if it isidle fantasy. Why don't you ask her how this machine she mentionstravels.
[CAPTAIN] Speak.
[ROMANA] Well, roughly speaking, and putting it terribly simply, itdematerialises in one location, passes through a space time vortex andthen rematerialises again in a new location.
[NURSE] I think that sounds terribly interesting. Don't you?
(Mountain entrance)
[DOCTOR] Well?
[KIMUS] It's locked. We'll never get it open. It's impossible.
[DOCTOR] Huh. Impossible? That means it'll take seventy three seconds.We can ill afford it. Move over.
[KIMUS] What, you mean you can open it?
[DOCTOR] Well, of course I can open it. It's just a question of how.
[KIMUS] How?
[DOCTOR] I haven't got the faintest idea.
[KIMUS] But it's still locked.
[DOCTOR] I haven't finished yet. Bent hairpin. The more sophisticatedthe technology, the more vulnerable it is to primitive attack. Peopleoften overlook the obvious.
[KIMUS] Doctor, that's amazing.
[DOCTOR] Shall we go?
[ROMANA] Well, whatever it is, it's obviously burnt out.
[CAPTAIN] A whining infant could tell me that. Your time is running out.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry. I was never any good at antiques. It's probably justan old macromat field integrator or something.
[FIBULI] Captain, she does know.
[CAPTAIN] By the beard of the sky demon, the jaws of death were hotabout your neck.
[ROMANA] That must be part of a massive dematerialisation circuit.
[CAPTAIN] It is part of a system that transports us instantly throughspace.
[ROMANA] You mean the whole mountain? You take this whole mountain withyou through space? Amazing.
(Inside the mountain)
[KIMUS] Doctor, this goes on for ever.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it certainly looks like it.
[KIMUS] Come on, we'd better hurry.
[KIMUS] Doctor, what's happening?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[DOCTOR] Kimus, I want you to do something very important for me.
[KIMUS] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Go out to the aircar, fetch the guard's gun
[KIMUS] Right!
[DOCTOR] Stand outside on guard.
[KIMUS] Ah, no, Doctor, I'd rather come with you.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no. That's the most valuable thing you can do.There are so many things here you can't understand, and a linearinduction corridor is one of them.
[DOCTOR] See you later.
[DOCTOR] I'll never be cruel to an electron in a particle acceleratoragain.
[DOCTOR] Good heavens. Ah, of course. It isn't a linear inductioncorridor. It must work by neutralising inertia.
[DOCTOR] A lift?
[CAPTAIN] Do you think she can repair it, MisterFibuli?
[FIBULI] Well, sir, in my opinion it's irreparable, but it occurs to meshe must have something similar aboard her own vessel.
[CAPTAIN] Girl! What is your diagnosis? Can it be repaired?
[ROMANA] Repaired? Yes, I should think so. You'd have to ask the Doctor,though.
[CAPTAIN] Doctor? Are there more intruders upon this planet?
[ROMANA] Oh yes. I'm only his assistant. He's the one you should betalking to. Or rather, listening to, if you have the stamina.
[CAPTAIN] All guards on alert! There is an intruder on the planet. Hisname is the Doctor. I repeat, the Doctor.
[CAPTAIN] He must be found and brought to the bridge instantly.
[GUARD] We must find the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hello, hello.
[FIBULI] Hello.
[DOCTOR] (to Fibuli) I'm the Doctor. Delighted to meet you. Heard somuch about what a splendid chap you are. I see, I see you've met myassistant, Romana. Getting on like a house on fire, are you? She's alovely girl. What a splendid place you've got here. Are you having aspot of bother?
[CAPTAIN] Seize him!
[DOCTOR] Such hospitality. I'm underwhelmed.
[CAPTAIN] Doctor, beware. Your manner appeals only to the homicidal sideof my nature.
[DOCTOR] My manners are impeccable.
[ROMANA] Doctor, I think this is the root of the trouble.
[DOCTOR] Macromat field integrator. Has the whizz-bang gone wrong?
[ROMANA] Yes, and the amblicyclic photon bridge.
[DOCTOR] And the amblicyclic photon? Would you mind if I examined itslocus?
[CAPTAIN] Locus?
[DOCTOR] Locus.
[FIBULI] There, there, Captain.
[CAPTAIN] Release him. Take them to the engine room. If they make onemistake, kill them.
[ROMANA] Oh, Mister Fibuli?
(Engine room)
[DOCTOR] Whoa. Look at that, Romana.
[ROMANA] Amazing. I suppose you're going to tell me you've seen it allbefore.
[DOCTOR] No, actually. Not like this.
[ROMANA] Really?
[DOCTOR] Really. I suspected something of the kind. Come on, let's lookbusy.
[ROMANA] What do you mean, you suspected
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[ROMANA] What do you mean, you suspected.
[DOCTOR] (loud) Gravitic anomalising input reading, nine point five.(sotto) Nine point five.
[ROMANA] (loud) Gravitic anomalising input reading nine point five,check.
[DOCTOR] I mean I had my suspicions.
[ROMANA] You mean you knew they were here? You knew that this mountain'sreally a spaceship and it's broken down?
[DOCTOR] More or less, yes.
[ROMANA] But how? How did you know?
[DOCTOR] Well, I just put one point seven nine five three seven two andtwo point two oh four six two eight together.
[ROMANA] And what does that mean?
[DOCTOR] Four!
[ROMANA] Four!
[FIBULI] What are they after, Captain, and what do they want here?
[CAPTAIN] That is what we must find out. We must let them lead us intotheir vessel. The guards have tried to gain entry to it but havefailed, so we must allow them a little rope. (Back on the main floorthe Doctor is looking busy with his back to the Captain.)
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[DOCTOR] We are in very, very, very great danger.
[ROMANA] What, from the Captain?
[ROMANA] Oh, he's just a terrible old bully. All that by the evil noseof the sky demon nonsense is just bluster.
[DOCTOR] The Captain is a very clever and very dangerous man. He'splaying with us. He wants to find out why we've come here.
[ROMANA] The reason why we've come here is to find the second segment ofthe key, in case you'd forgotten. Getting involved in all this
[DOCTOR] Is the only way to find it. What does the tracer say?
[ROMANA] I just don't understand it. It seems to give out a continuoussignal wherever we go.
[DOCTOR] What? That's it, then.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] The answer. Romana, we've stumbled on one of the most heinouscrimes ever committed in this galaxy. We've got to get out of here andget out of here quickly. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Ahem. Er, Captain? Your magnifactoid eccentricolometer'sdefinitely on the blink.
[CAPTAIN] You know what will happen if I even begin to suspect you ofsabotage?
[DOCTOR] Sabotage? Captain, it's more than my reputation's worth.
[CAPTAIN] Or your life?
[DOCTOR] Or my life, as you say. Yes, yes. We've got to go back to ourown ship now and prepare some special equipment.
[CAPTAIN] The girl stays here.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm afraid that's not possible. You see, we have aspecial lock fitted to the Tardis door, and it requires the physicalpresence of both of us to open it. That's clever, don't you think?
[CAPTAIN] Guards, escort them to their ship. Any attempt to escape is tobe met with instant obliteration.
[DOCTOR] It's a pleasure to work with you, Captain. Well, come on. Don'tjust stand there, escort us.
(Inside the mountain)
[DOCTOR] Standing around all day looking tough must be very wearing onthe nerves, hmm?
[DOCTOR] I said, standing around all day looking tough must be verywearing on the nerves!
[DOCTOR] Long hours, violence, no intellectual stimulation.
(Mountain entrance)
[KIMUS] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] And now this happens.
[DOCTOR] (to fallen guard) I'd give it up if I were you. Kimus?
[KIMUS] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] We've got a lot of travelling to do.
[KIMUS] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] To investigate your miraculous mines. Come on.
(Outside the Mentiad lair)
[K9] This is where the Mentiad psychospore ends.
[MULA] You mean they live there? The Mentiads?
[K9] Affirmative.
[CAPTAIN] Escaped? Escaped? Your incompetencebeggars the imagination! Teeth of the devil, there will be blood forthis. There will be blood!
(Mine head)
[KIMUS] This way. The interior of the mines are fully automated. Thereis an ancient lift shaft, but nobody's used it in living memory.
[ROMANA] Why not?
[KIMUS] The penalty is death.
[DOCTOR] Huh. I can see there wouldn't be much incentive.
[DOCTOR] You know, I think that'll work. Let's see.
[(They all get into the cage.) DOCTOR] Right. Now hold on very tight.
[FIBULI] Captain, they're in the mineshaft.
[CAPTAIN] The mineshaft. Moons of madness! Mister Fibuli?
[FIBULI] Yes, sir.
[CAPTAIN] We must find a way of breaking into their vessel without theirhelp. Once they have seen what lies at the bottom of the mineshaft,they must never leave alive. Never! Guards, the intruders in themineshaft must be obliterated!
[ROMANA] Where are we, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] About three miles beneath the surface of Zanak, I'd say.
[ROMANA] Three miles?
[ROMANA] But it's so cold.
[DOCTOR] Yes. And wet and icy. Ah! Romana, this entire planet's hollow.
[ROMANA] Hollow?
[DOCTOR] Yes, hollow. Hollow! Can't you work it out? Go on, take a look.Go on, look. Look! You all right?
[KIMUS] It's all beyond me, Doctor. I don't know where I am.
[ROMANA] It's frozen ground, Doctor. I don't understand. Cold, wet.
[DOCTOR] Come here and listen. Now listen, Kimus. The reason the starsin your sky change is because they don't.
[KIMUS] They don't?
[DOCTOR] No. Your entire planet jumps through space
[ROMANA] Those engines!
[DOCTOR] Yes, those engines. Huge enough to dematerialise an entirehollow planet, flip it halfway across the galaxy and rematerialise itround its chosen prey.
[ROMANA] You mean other planets?
[DOCTOR] Yes, like a huge fist. It's one huge mining machine that minesplanets, extracts all the valuable minerals and leaves the rubblebehind.
[ROMANA] Then what we're standing on now
[DOCTOR] Is the planet we originally came looking for.
[DOCTOR + ROMANA] Calufrax.
[ROMANA] Buried inside Zanak?
[DOCTOR] Buried inside Zanak, the pirate planet, and having the goodnesssucked out of it.
[KIMUS] Do you mean that whole other worlds have died to make us rich?Whole other worlds like ours?
[DOCTOR] Whole other worlds.
[ROMANA] Some of them inhabited.
[DOCTOR] The oolian stone I picked up in the street. Bandraginus Five! Iknew I'd heard that name somewhere before. I remember now. About ahundred years ago it disappeared without trace. A planet of a thousandmillion souls, Captain fodder.
[KIMUS] Bandraginus Five, by every last breath in my body, you'll beavenged.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] The tracer, it's gone mad. The second segment must be down heresomewhere.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I thought so.
[KIMUS] Doctor!
[GUARD] There they are! Kill them! Kill them! Kill them!
[MENTIAD] Doctor, we have come for you.
[KIMUS] Pralix? Pralix, what?
[GUARD] We will kill them. Kill them all.
[KIMUS] Pralix, what have they done to you?
[PRALIX] Hurry. The force wall will not last long.
[ROMANA] They're on our side.
[DOCTOR] I thought as much.
[KIMUS] But I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] Exciting, isn't it.
(Mentiad lair)
[K9] Master?
[MULA] What is it?
[K9] The Mentiads have located Doctor master. They're approaching.
[MULA] How can you tell? I didn't hear anything.
[K9] The Doctor master has very distinctive heartbeats. Estimated timeof arrival twenty one point nine seconds.
[MULA] I can't get over the Mentiads. All my life I've been taught tohate and loathe them.
[K9] The Doctor would not have instructed me to conduct you to them ifhe had not thought it safe. Twelve seconds.
[MULA] But how could he possibly know?
[K9] My subsequent analysis of their brainwave patterns indicated nomalice when they attacked him.
[MULA] You mean they slammed him to the wall with good vibrations?
[K9] Affirmative. Arrival imminent.
[DOCTOR] Hello, K9. Surprised to see us?
[K9] Amazed, master.
[DOCTOR] There you are. Didn't I say he'd be amazed?
[GUARD] Captain? Captain, sir. We were attacked inthe mines. The Doctor has escaped with the Mentiads.
[CAPTAIN] With the Mentiads?
[CAPTAIN] Incompetent fools.
(Mentiad lair)
[MENTIAD] Doctor, did you bring us theunderstanding we seek? For generation upon generation, our planet hasbeen assailed by a nameless evil. We would know it's name.
[DOCTOR] Its name's the Captain. You know that. Why haven't you kickedhim out?
[MENTIAD] Because his evil is beyond our comprehension. Strange imageshaunt our brains, and yet, when a new Mentiad presence appears amongstthe people, we know we must find him and protect him.
[PRALIX] They found me just in time.
[MENTIAD] With each new Mentiad we grow stronger, but still theunderstanding evades us. We're constricted by the people's hatred.
[DOCTOR] A gestalt. A telepathic gestalt!
[KIMUS] A g what?
[K9] Many minds combine together telepathically to form a single entity.
[ROMANA] The power of a gestalt is enormous.
[PRALIX] Can you help us, Doctor? We are powerless unless we understand.Can you tell us what's happening to Zanak?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Zanak's just a shell of a planet, a complete hollow.
[PRALIX] Hollow?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but very rarely empty. Now, listen. There are vasttransmat engines hidden underneath the Captain's mountain.
[ROMANA] Yes. They make the entire planet suddenly drop out of the spacedimension. Vanish.
[MULA] Vanish? Is that possible?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but you don't notice that, you see, because you're part ofit. Now listen. At almost the same moment it vanishes, itrematerialises in another part of the galaxy around another, slightlysmaller, planet.
[ROMANA] In this case, a planet called Calufrax.
[DOCTOR] Yes. So your planet
[ROMANA] Zanak. Just helping you along, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes. So your planet
[MULA] Zanak.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Having materialised around the other planet, smothers it,crushes it, and mines all the mineral wealth out of it.
[MULA] Just like an enormous leech.
[KIMUS] And that's when the lights change.
[MULA] The omens!
[DOCTOR] Yes. The omens mean the death of another planet.
[CAPTAIN] By the blood of the sky demon, we've beenqueasy fools. We should have obliterated the Mentiads years ago and ridourselves of their sickly power.
[FIBULI] But Captain, we have tried many times in the past.
[CAPTAIN] And failed, Mister Fibuli, and failed.
[FIBULI] Captain, you said yourself it was a question of priorities.
[CAPTAIN] I said! You dare to lay the rotting fruits of your ownincompetence at my door?
[FIBULI] Captain, in your wisdom, you observed that whilst the Mentiadslay dormant with no leader and no purpose, we were well enoughprotected.
[CAPTAIN] But now they will not be leaderless. Now they will have aclear purpose.
[FIBULI] But sir, the means to destroy them is at last within our grasp.The planet Calufrax is rich in voolium and madranite one five. That'swhat we came here for.
[CAPTAIN] Voolium and madranite one five. That is true, that is true.
[FIBULI] The vibrations of the refined crystals can be harnessed toproduce interference patterns which will neutralise their mental power.
[CAPTAIN] And leave them defenceless, as weak as ordinary men.Obliterable! Excellent, Mister Fibuli, excellent. Your death shall bedelayed.
[FIBULI] Oh, thank you again and again, sir. Your goodness confounds me.
[CAPTAIN] Mister Fibuli, how soon can you be prepared?
[FIBULI] Ah. Well, if we put all the automated mining and processingequipment on the planet on to full power, sir, we could reduce theentire planet of Calufrax within, er, hours. Of course, the machinerywill be dangerously overloaded, and the
[CAPTAIN] That matters not a quark, Mister Fibuli. Speed is of theessence. The Mentiads will be moving even know. Do it on the instantand this time there shall be no escape. Hurry. Hurry, I say!
(Mentiad lair)
[DOCTOR] So Zanak was a happy, prosperous planet?
[PRALIX] Yes, till the reign of Queen Xanxia.
[MENTIAD] May her spirit be accursed.
[PRALIX] She had some kind of evil powers. The legend says she lived forhundreds of years.
[DOCTOR] Come on, that's not necessarily evil. I've known hundreds ofpeople who've lived for hundreds
[ROMANA] Shush, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] Please carry on.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Shush, K9, shush. Please carry on.
[PRALIX] Queen Xanxia staged galactic wars to demonstrate her powers. Bythe time she'd finished, Zanak was ruined. When the Captain arrivedthere was hardly anyone left.
[MENTIAD] Just a few miserable nomadic tribes.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Tell me, how did he arrive?
[MENTIAD] The legend speaks of a giant silver ship that fell from thesky one night with a mighty crash like thunder. The Captain was one ofthe few survivors.
[DOCTOR] And needed pretty extensive surgery, by the look of him. Iwonder who did that?
[PRALIX] I don't think anyone knows.
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Not now, K9, not now. Go on.
[MENTIAD] The Captain took charge of Zanak. He persuaded the people towork for him.
[KIMUS] Golden ages of prosperity. Huh. Pampered slavery more like.
[MENTIAD] For some of us, terrible agonies of the mind began.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, they would for someone who was telepathic.
[KIMUS] Why, Doctor? Do you know?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I do. You were absorbing what you would call the lifeforce from the plundered planets.
[PRALIX] What is the life force?
[DOCTOR] Well, er, well, it's quite difficult to explain simple terms,but basically, Romana?
[ROMANA] Every atom of matter in the universe has a certain amount ofenergy locked inside it. Now, with something the size of a planet,there's an enormous quantity.
[DOCTOR] Oh, enormous.
[ROMANA] So every time Zanak crushes a planet, it releases all thatenergy. Now, some of it will be on psychic wavelengths.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[ROMANA] So every time it happens, there's a fantastic blast of psychicenergy, enough to smash open the neural pathways of anyone withtelepathic abilities, like you Mentiads.
[DOCTOR] That's right. You Mentiads were absorbing all that power intoyour brains.
[MENTIAD] And each planet as it dies, adds to that power. The power bywhich it will be avenged.
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] What is it, K9?
[K9] My seismograph detects enormous increase in mining operations roundthe whole planet. Every mining machine is now working at full pressure.
[CAPTAIN] By the left frontal lobe of the sky demon, Mister Fibuli, Iused to be one of the greatest hyper-engineers of my time.
[FIBULI] Of all time, Captain. Your reconstruction of this planet isproof of that.
[CAPTAIN] It is not scale that counts, but skill. Now, the ship fromwhich most of the major components were salvaged, the Ventarialis, nowthere was a ship.
[CAPTAIN] The greatest raiding cruiser ever built. And I built it,Mister Fibuli, I built it with technology so far advanced you would notbe able to distinguish it from magic.
[FIBULI] All the same, sir, this must be one of the great engineeringfeats of all time. A hollow, space-jumping planet?
[CAPTAIN] This planet? This vile, lumbering planet? Devil storms, MisterFibuli, you are a callow fool. Do you not see how my heart burns forthe dangerous liberty of the skies? Plunder, battle, and escape! Mysoul is imprisoned, bound to this ugly lump of blighted rock, beset byzombie Mentiads and interfering Doctors.
[FIBULI] But what can they do to you, Captain?
[CAPTAIN] Enough! They shall die! By the flaming moons of hell, theyshall die. Find me those crystals, Mister Fibuli.
[FIBULI] Aye, aye, Captain. As soon as we can, sir.
[CAPTAIN] I shall be avenged.
[NURSE] Oh, good. I see you've found some occupational therapy, Captain.It's a good thing not to let your old skills die.
[CAPTAIN] I assure you, my old skills are very much alive.
(Zanak city)
[DOCTOR] Well, they say you can fool some of the people all of the time.Let's see, shall we?
[DOCTOR] I really must stop doing this. It's like shooting fish in abarrel.
[GUARD] Hold it.
[DOCTOR] Hands up.
[GUARD] Get out.
[FIBULI] Captain, sir! Captain, they've caught theDoctor!
[CAPTAIN] Splendid, Mister Fibuli.
[FIBULI] He was trying to steal an aircar, but one of our guards managedto immobilise it. We've sent another aircar to pick them up, whichmeans in the end
[CAPTAIN] Trivia, Mister Fibuli, trivia. Have the guards managed to openhis vessel yet?
[FIBULI] No, sir. It is proving remarkably difficult. Nothing they cando will even mark it.
[CAPTAIN] Fools. Incompetent cretins.
[FIBULI] But we have located a potential source for PJX one eight.
[CAPTAIN] Ah. Better, Mister Fibuli.
[FIBULI] We can manage one more jump under our present conditions, sir.If we made it to that planet, we could mine it for PJX one eight andthen make our own repairs.
[CAPTAIN] We will mine it. Prepare to jump as soon as the voolium andmadranite one five crystals have been produced.
[FIBULI] I feel I should point out, Captain, that it is a heavilypopulated planet.
[CAPTAIN] Show me the chart.
[FIBULI] It is here, sir, in the planetary system of the star Sol. Theplanet Terra.
[CAPTAIN] Ah yes. A pretty planet.
[FIBULI] It looks a pleasant world, Captain.
[CAPTAIN] Then it will be pleasant to destroy it.
[FIBULI] Yes, sir. I will make arrangements.
[NURSE] Another planet, Captain?
[CAPTAIN] Another planet.
[NURSE] Then the objective will soon be reached.
[CAPTAIN] It will. Ha! It will indeed.
(Zanak city)
[K9] Master.
[K9] Contact.
[DOCTOR] Have I told you my plan? No more janis thorns. No more janisthorns! I think it should work really quite well. I think. Argh!
[DOCTOR] Good morning.
[CAPTAIN] So, Doctor, you have discovered the little secret of ourplanet.
[DOCTOR] You won't get away with it, you know.
[CAPTAIN] And what makes you so certain of that?
[DOCTOR] At the moment, nothing at all, but it does my morale no end ofgood just to say it. I've been tied to pillars by better men than you,Captain.
[CAPTAIN] Ah, but none, I dare guess, more vicious.
[DOCTOR] Vicious? Ha. Don't panic, Kimus. Don't panic.
[K9] We have lift off.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing it for, Captain? Itdoesn't make sense and you know it. I can understand the life of afull-blooded pirate, the thrill, the danger and the derring-do, butthis? Hidden away in your mountain retreat eating other people'sperfectly good planets, where's the derring-do in that?
[CAPTAIN] Silence!
[DOCTOR] You're just trying to shut me up. You can't kill me while I'mhelpless.
[CAPTAIN] Oh, can't I?
[DOCTOR] No, you can't, because you're a warrior, and it's against thewarrior's code. You should have thought of that before you tied me up.
[CAPTAIN] By the hounds of hell
[DOCTOR] Hard to listen, isn't it, Captain, when someone's got a fingeron a nerve. What is it you're really up to? What do you want? You don'twant to take over the universe, do you? No. You wouldn't know what todo with it, beyond shout at it.
[CAPTAIN] Mister Fibuli!
[FIBULI] Yes, sir.
[CAPTAIN] No. Release him.
[FIBULI] But Captain.
[DOCTOR] He said release me.
(Trophy room)
[CAPTAIN] My trophies, Doctor. Feast your eyes on them, for theyrepresent an achievement unparalleled in the universe.
[DOCTOR] What are they? Tombstones? Memorials to all the worlds you'vedestroyed?
[CAPTAIN] Not memorials. These are the entire remains of the worldsthemselves.
[DOCTOR] You come here on the wanton destruction you've wreaked on theuniverse.
[CAPTAIN] I come in here to dream of freedom.
[DOCTOR] Did you just say the entire remains of the worlds themselves?
[CAPTAIN] Yes, Doctor. Each of these small spheres is the crushedremains of a planet. Million upon millions of tons of compressed rockheld suspended here by forces beyond the limits of the imagination.Forces that I have generated and harnessed.
[DOCTOR] That's impossible! That amount of matter in so small a spacewould undergo instant gravitational collapse and form a black hole!
[CAPTAIN] Precisely.
[DOCTOR] What? But Zanak would be dragged into a gravitational whirlpool
[CAPTAIN] Why doesn't it? Because the whole system is so perfectlyaligned by the most exquisite exercise in gravitational geometry thatevery system is balanced out within itself. Which is why we can standnext to billions of tons of super- compressed matter and not even beaware of it. With each new planet I acquire, the forces are realignedbut the system remains stable.
[DOCTOR] Then it's the most brilliant piece of astro-gravitationalengineering I've ever seen. The concept is simply staggering.Pointless, but staggering.
[CAPTAIN] I'm gratified that you appreciate it.
[DOCTOR] Appreciate it? Appreciate it? What, you commit mass destructionand murder on a scale that's almost inconceivable and you ask me toappreciate it? Just because you happen to have made a brilliantlyconceived toy out of the mummified remains of planets
[CAPTAIN] Devil storms, Doctor! It is not a toy!
[DOCTOR] What's it for? Huh? What are you doing? What could possibly beworth all this?
[CAPTAIN] By the raging fury of the sky demon, you ask too manyquestions. You have seen, you have admired. Be satisfied and ask nomore!
[FIBULI [OC]] Captain, sir. Come quickly, please. The Mentiads, they'reon their way.
[CAPTAIN] Excellent, Mister Fibuli. Excellent. Guards.
(Foot of the mountain)
[ROMANA] It's a long climb up there.
[PRALIX] Don't worry, we'll make it.
[MULA] I hope Kimus and the Doctor managed to break into the engine roomwithout getting caught.
[PRALIX] We're in trouble if they haven't.
[ROMANA] The Doctor knows what he's doing.
[DOCTOR] Would you like to put me down?
[CAPTAIN] Put him down.
[CAPTAIN] We're preparing to meet your friends the Mentiads. The poormisbegotten fools who are going to attempt to storm the Bridge.
[DOCTOR] That should be fun.
[KIMUS] What?
[DOCTOR] Kimus, are you all right?
[KIMUS] What?
[DOCTOR] For goodness sake, get him down. He hasn't done you any harm.Captain?
[CAPTAIN] You do it.
[CAPTAIN] By the bursting suns of Banzar, Mister Fibuli, where are mycrystals?
[KIMUS] Doctor, where, where are we?
[DOCTOR] We're on the Bridge.
[KIMUS] The Bridge? What's that?
[DOCTOR] That's your beloved Captain.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Don't make any noise. The Mentiads are on their way hereand he's got no power against their psychic strength.
[KIMUS] What's that machine he's
[DOCTOR] Oh, it looks like a psychic interference transmitter.
[KIMUS] A what?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a sort of machine for neutralising psychic power.
[CAPTAIN] Wag your tongue well, Doctor. It is the only weapon you haveleft.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense, Captain, nonsense. To make that machine work you'dneed a collection of the most rare crystals.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Voolium.
[CAPTAIN] Voolium?
[DOCTOR] Madranite one five.
[CAPTAIN] One five.
[DOCTOR] And as far as I know, they occur naturally on only one planet,and that's
[FIBULI] Captain, the crystals from
[FIBULI + DOCTOR] Calufrax.
[DOCTOR] My biorhythms must be at an all time low.
[CAPTAIN] Excellent, Mister Fibuli, excellent. You see, Doctor, yourfriends are doomed.
[DOCTOR] They are?
[CAPTAIN] And so are you. We need not delay your death any longer. Bythe curl-ed fangs of the sky demon, I've looked forward to this moment.
[KIMUS] You hideous, murdering maniac!
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. Don't, don't.
[CAPTAIN] Avitron, kill.
[DOCTOR] Come back, K9! Come back!
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CAPTAIN] Stop them! Stop them!
(Trophy room)
[KIMUS] What's this place?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Let's find another way out.
[DOCTOR] Get back.
[DOCTOR] Here it is.
[KIMUS] Locked?
[KIMUS] We're trapped.
[DOCTOR] Never.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Xanxia's throne room)
[DOCTOR] No, don't. Those are the time dams.
[KIMUS] What, you mean they stop time?
[DOCTOR] Not completely, but they can slow down the flow of time in thespace between, given enough energy.
[KIMUS] That's repulsive. What is it?
[DOCTOR] That's your beloved queen, Xanxia.
[KIMUS] What? No, no, Xanxia's dead.
[DOCTOR] Oh no, she's not. She's suspended in the last few seconds oflife.
[KIMUS] You mean she can hear me? But I just called
[DOCTOR] No, she can't.
[KIMUS] Does she know we're here?
[DOCTOR] No. Not while she's between those two things there.
[NURSE] How much longer must we wait?
[CAPTAIN] Mister Fibuli?
[CAPTAIN] Prepare to prise open the door.
(Xanxia's throne room)
[DOCTOR] To find enough energy to fuel those dams,you'd need to ransack entire planets.
[KIMUS] So whole other worlds have been destroyed with the sole purposeof keeping that alive?
[DOCTOR] Yes. There must be something more to it than that.
[KIMUS] Even more?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Would you go to those lengths just to stay alive?
[KIMUS] Not in that revolting condition, no.
[DOCTOR] No, not in that condition, but in what condition? What? Shush.
[DOCTOR] K9! Look at that.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] You're a good dog, K9. A good dog? You're a hero!
[K9] Congratulations are unnecessary, master.
[DOCTOR] Isn't that marvellous?
[KIMUS] Well, it's certainly a relief, but how are we going to get outof here?
[DOCTOR] I've got a job for you two. Now listen. Over there, there's aservice elevator. It must go down to the engine room.
[DOCTOR] So? So you and K9 are going down in the lift to the engine roomto sabotage the engines, all right?
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] Good. Off you go then.
[KIMUS] What about you?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to see to the Captain.
[DOCTOR] Ready, Captain?
[FIBULI] Here, give it to me. I'll do it.
[GUARD] Yes, sir.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right, all right, I give up.
[CAPTAIN] So, Doctor, you have survived.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid I seem unable to break the habit.
[CAPTAIN] And your colleagues?
[DOCTOR] My colleagues (thumb down)
[CAPTAIN] Excellent. And my Polyphase Avitron?
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry about that, but it was becoming an infernal nuisance.
[CAPTAIN] Destroyed? By the great parrot of Hades, you shall pay withthe last drop of your blood. Every corpuscle, do you hear? MisterFibuli.
[FIBULI] Yes, sir.
[DOCTOR] Er, Captain, I think you'd better hear what I have to sayfirst. Ahem. I mean, I think when you hear what I've got to say, you'llchange your mind.
[FIBULI] Guilty.
[DOCTOR] Please listen.
[CAPTAIN] Guilty.
[DOCTOR] Please, listen!
[CAPTAIN] Guards.
[CAPTAIN] A plank. The theory is very simple. You walk along it. At theend, you fall off, drop one thousand feet. Dead.
[DOCTOR] You can't be serious. Is he?
[DOCTOR] Captain, you don't realise what you're doing. If you justlisten to me
[CAPTAIN] I shall listen to you when I hear you scream.
[DOCTOR] But please.
[CAPTAIN] Bye, bye.
[DOCTOR] Hello, everybody.
[CAPTAIN] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Sorry I couldn't make the jump myself. I've got a terrible headfor heights.
[CAPTAIN] Then who?
[DOCTOR 2] I've discovered your little secret. We're not all quite as weseem.
[DOCTOR] Neat little machine, isn't it. And the image it projects mightalmost be real.
[DOCTOR 2] Hello, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hello. How are you?
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, terribly well. Can't complain.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye.
[DOCTOR 2] Bye, bye.
[DOCTOR] And just as I can switch off that image of myself, I can alsoswitch off the image of another apparently real person.
[NURSE] Try all you like, Doctor, it won't work on me. My new body hasalmost attained fully corporeal form. It can no longer simply be turnedoff. Guards, seize him!
[CAPTAIN] Do as she says.
(Mountain entrance)
[ROMANA] Here we are. This is the doorway. Can youopen it?
[PRALIX] Brothers, we shall direct our mind energies against the door.It shall open for us.
[ROMANA] Pralix, look out!
[ROMANA] Very impressive.
[NURSE] Mister Fibuli, place the crystals in themachine.
[FIBULI] Madranite one five.
(Mountain entrance)
[ROMANA] Look out!
[PRALIX] The power, it's gone. The power has gone.
[ROMANA] Pralix, what happened?
[PRALIX] I don't know. We can't tell. The contact between us has gone.We can't function.
[ROMANA] Well, so much for the paranormal. It's back to brute force, Isuppose.
[NURSE] Is it working?
[FIBULI] Yes, full power.
[NURSE] Good. Now we'll show these zombies who rules here.
[DOCTOR] So, Xanxia, the tyrant queen of Zanak.
[NURSE] Bring the manifest.
[DOCTOR] What about the real you? That wizened old body in the time damsback there.
[NURSE] That thing is not me. This is now the real Queen Xanxia.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no, not yet it isn't. Your new body's based on acell projection system, I think.
[NURSE] Permanent regeneration based on cells in my old body, and thuscontaining all the memory patterns and all the brilliance built up overthe centuries.
[DOCTOR] Ah, but it's still unstable, isn't it? You're still dependanton the last few seconds of life in the old body.
[NURSE] I'm nearly complete. My molecular structure has almost boundtogether, finally and forever. That is why you could not turn me off.
[DOCTOR] It won't work, you know. Believe me. I'm an old hand atregenerations. It can't be done that way. Those time dams back there,they just won't work.
[NURSE] I have calculated every detail. I shall live for ever.
[DOCTOR] Bafflegab, my dear. I've never heard such bafflegab in all mylives.
[NURSE] You dare to mock me?
[DOCTOR] Ow! Ah, now we're getting somewhere, aren't we.
[NURSE] You shall die now for your insolence.
[DOCTOR] No, Captain. Captain, listen to me. This concerns you. You'rebeing used, you know. You're being used by her just to do her dirtywork. And what's your reward, Captain? Eternal life?
[NURSE] What do you know of eternal life?
[DOCTOR] Enough to know it can't be sustained by those time dams backthere.
[NURSE] When this body becomes fully corporeal
[DOCTOR] It never will. Not ever.
[NURSE] My calculations
[DOCTOR] Are wrong.
[NURSE] No, impossible!
[DOCTOR] Inevitable, because they are based on a false promise.
[NURSE] I gutted my own planet Zanak for all the energy it contained.I've ransacked planets from Bandraginus to Calufrax. Do you think I'mgoing to stop now?
[DOCTOR] What next, suns? It's no good. The energy needs of the timedams increase exponentially. There just isn't enough energy in theuniverse to keep them going for ever. In the end, you'll die.
[NURSE] You're lying, trying to save your worthless neck.
[DOCTOR] I just don't think it's worth all that effort. What do youthink, Mister Fibuli? Captain? What do you think, Captain.
[DOCTOR] Ah, so that's how you control him.
[NURSE] The Mentiads must still be approaching. Captain, deal with them.
[CAPTAIN] By all the
[NURSE] I said, deal with them.
[CAPTAIN] Mister Fibuli, seal the Bridge.
[FIBULI] Aye, aye, Captain.
(Outside the Bridge)
[MULA] I get the feeling the Doctor's not in control here.
[NURSE] We are impregnable. The Mentiads arepowerless. The guards will pick them off at will. Captain, is Calufraxnow entirely rendered?
[CAPTAIN] Mister Fibuli?
[FIBULI] Oh, er, yes, sir. All operations on Calufrax are now complete.
[NURSE] And you have located a planet where we can find the mineral PJXone eight?
[DOCTOR] PJX one eight? But, well, that's quartz.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but from where? Where?
[FIBULI] It's the planet Terra in the star system Sol.
[NURSE] Captain, we will mine that planet immediately. Prepare to makethe jump.
[DOCTOR] Earth? Earth? Do you really mean to go on with this madness?But Captain, Earth is an inhabited planet.
[DOCTOR] Billions and billions of people. You can't be that insane.
[NURSE] Jump immediately, Captain.
[CAPTAIN] It'll take ten minutes to set the coordinates.
[FIBULI] Ten minutes, Captain.
[DOCTOR] You can't possibly succeed. The Mentiads will destroy you.
[FIBULI] No, Doctor, not whilst we have the psychic interferencetransmitter.
[DOCTOR] What, that?
[FIBULI] Yes, yes. You see, whilst that is fully operational, theMentiads are powerless. Oh, the doors.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, I'll close it.
[FIBULI] Thank you.
[CAPTAIN] Stop him!
[NURSE] Leave him. There's no time.
[FIBULI] Dematerialisation minus nine minutes, Captain.
[NURSE] Is the engine room still sealed?
[FIBULI] Yes, sir.
[NURSE] Then he can do no damage. Xanxia shall live.
(Outside the Bridge)
[DOCTOR] Kimus and K9?
[ROMANA] They were with you.
[DOCTOR] No, I sent them to sabotage the engines. The planet's about tojump again.
[ROMANA] Doctor, we're fighting a losing battle. The Mentiads can't gettheir psychokinetic powers to work.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. I know. They've got a psychic interferencetransmitter on the Bridge.
[PRALIX] Here's Kimus.
[KIMUS] It's no use, Doctor. The engine room is barricaded with steelinches thick.
[DOCTOR] Where's K9?
[KIMUS] I thought he was following on. His batteries are exhausted fromtrying to burn down the door.
[DOCTOR] Listen, you and Mula stay here and cover us. The rest of us,the engine room.
[ROMANA] What are we going to do, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
(Outside the engine room)
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9, we need you.
[K9] Batteries my exhausted nearly are.
[DOCTOR] Listen, K9, that's all right. The Mentiads can still open thedoor if you can set up counter interference in the psychic plane.Wavelength three three seven point nine eight microbars. Can you dothat?
[K9] Negative, master. Recharge I imperative it is.
[DOCTOR] That's all right, K9. You're still my best friend.
[K9] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What? What?
[DOCTOR] Oh, K9.
[ROMANA] What did he say?
[DOCTOR] He said there's a power cable right behind me. Quick, open hisinspection hatch.
[ROMANA] Right.
[DOCTOR] That's it. K9, can you divert any of this current into yourfrequency projectors?
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] Good boy. Keep it going, K9.
[PRALIX] It's clearing. The buzzing, it's clearing.
[DOCTOR] What? Enough to open a door?
[MENTIAD] Brothers.
[DOCTOR] More power, K9, more power.
[PRALIX] Doctor, we're not nearly strong enough to open it.
[ROMANA] Doctor, do you remember what happened when we first tried tomaterialise on Calufrax?
[ROMANA] We couldn't because Zanak was trying to materialise in the sameplace.
[DOCTOR] That's right. And if we couldn't materialise then neither canZanak. Quick, back to the Tardis. K9, keep generating power. Pralix.
[DOCTOR] Read my mind. What can you see?
[PRALIX] A strip of metal
[DOCTOR] Right.
[PRALIX] Subdivided at one end with an acute angle halfway along.
[DOCTOR] Right, right. Now, whatever happens, you keep concentrating onmy mind. Come on, Romana. We've got a planet to save.
[ROMANA] What were you thinking of, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] A bent fork.
[ROMANA] Why should anyone want to bend a fork?
[DOCTOR] I haven't the vaguest idea.
(Inside the mountain)
[ROMANA] Doctor, behind us. Guards.
[DOCTOR] Cover your heads. We're almost there.
[DOCTOR] Get off now.
[ROMANA] Come on, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, wait a minute. The inertia neutraliser. You know, Ithink the conservation of momentum is a very important law in physics,don't you?
[DOCTOR] I don't think anyone should tamper with it, do you?
[DOCTOR] No, nor do I.
[DOCTOR] Newton's revenge. Come on.
[FIBULI] Captain, sir.
[NURSE] Yes?
[CAPTAIN] Speak, Mister Fibuli.
[FIBULI] The psychic interference transmitter, sir. There seems to besomething counter-jamming it.
[CAPTAIN] What? We dematerialise in three minutes. (broadcast) Allguards on alert! Someone is using a counter-jamming frequencyprojector. Find it and destroy it immediately.
[FIBULI] Captain, do you suppose any of the guards know what acounter-jamming frequency projector looks like?
[CAPTAIN] Destroy everything!
[ROMANA] Newton? Who's Newton?
[DOCTOR] Old Isaac? Friend of mine on Earth. He discovered gravity.Well, I say he discovered gravity. I had to give him a bit of a prod.
[ROMANA] What did you do?
[DOCTOR] Climbed up a tree.
[DOCTOR] Dropped an apple on his head.
[ROMANA] Ah, and so he discovered gravity.
[DOCTOR] No, no, he told me to clear off out of his tree. I explained itto him afterwards at dinner.
[ROMANA] There's the Tardis, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Going in to land.
[ROMANA] We'll never make it.
(Outside the engine room)
[KIMUS] (to Mula) Wait here.
[KIMUS] Pralix. Pralix, what's happening? Where's the Doctor?
[PRALIX] I'm concentrating on the Doctor's mind. Do not disturb me.
[MENTIAD] We're still too weak to move the door.
[K9] Counter-jamming field increasing slowly.
[KIMUS] Good. Good. I'd better get back.
[DOCTOR] This is the most dangerous manoeuvre theTardis has ever attempted. Don't take it personally, old girl, just tryand survive. Now, Earth coordinates?
[ROMANA] Five eight zero four four, six eight four eight eight four.
[DOCTOR] Good. Multiloop stabiliser, synchronic feedback.
[ROMANA] Doctor, if we're going to try and materialise at exactly thesame point in time and space, how do we know when to do it? It onlyhappened as a fluke the first time.
[DOCTOR] That's a good point. Now, listen, Zanak could try todematerialise at any moment. We've got to be spot on. You'll man thewarp oscilloscope and the gravity dilation meter.
[ROMANA] Right.
[DOCTOR] They'll both peak when Zanak goes into demat and remat mode.Then brace yourself.
[ROMANA] Right.
[NURSE] How soon, Captain, how soon? This waitingis intolerable. We must jump. We must jump!
[CAPTAIN] We are now ready.
[NURSE] Then jump! Jump instantly!
[CAPTAIN] Planet Terra, star system Sol. Galactic coordinates five eightoh double four, six eight four double eight four. Surround jumpcommences in five seconds. Four, three, two
[ROMANA] Now, Doctor. Dematerialise now!
[ROMANA] Doing well so far, Doctor.
[FIBULI] Captain, sir. Captain! There was a slightdisturbance in the warp oscilloscope during dematerialisation.
[CAPTAIN] Monitor it. Prepare for rematerialisation. Surrounding Terrain five seconds.
[ROMANA] Rematerialisation commence now.
[CAPTAIN] Mister Fibuli, it's happening again.
[NURSE] What is it, Captain?
[FIBULI] It must be the Doctor's vessel, Captain, trying to materialisein the same space as us. Every circuit's jamming.
[ROMANA] It's getting worse. There's no way we cansurvive this.
[DOCTOR] It'll go on getting worse until one of us explodes or theMentiads raise that door.
[ROMANA] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] I'm opening a communications channel.
(Outside the engine room)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Pralix? Pralix, can you hear me?
[PRALIX] Brothers, the Doctor is trying to reach me. We must concentratetogether. It is too faint for me to hear.
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Switch off the Tardis forcefield.
[ROMANA] What? But that's madness! It's the only protection we've got.
[DOCTOR] I know. Do it.
[ROMANA] It's been nice knowing you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] And you.
[PRALIX [OC]] Doctor, are you there? What's happening?
[FIBULI] Oh, Captain, it's getting worse! We mustback off.
[NURSE] More power, Captain. More power!
[DOCTOR] Pralix? Pralix, do you have the strengthto raise the door yet?
[PRALIX [OC]] No, Doctor. Our minds are so weak we couldn't lifeanything bigger than a spanner.
[DOCTOR] Spanner? Spanner. That's it! A spanner in the works. Pralix,forget the door. Can you project your minds beyond it?
[ROMANA] Doctor, the Tardis is about to explode. It's going to explode!
(Engine room)
[DOCTOR [OC]] There, on the floor.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Now, follow my movements. Macrovectoid particle analyser.Omnimodular thermacron. There! Megaphoton discharge link.
[PRALIX [OC]] What do we do?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Hit it.
[DOCTOR] You can never relax for a moment in this job.
[ROMANA] We've done it, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, the question is, will we ever be able to do anything elseagain? Shall we try and materialise?
[ROMANA] Yeah.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Xanxia's throne room)
[ROMANA] Is that her?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's her, the old harpy.
[ROMANA] It's a pity we can't just switch her off.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Any interference in the time dam field, though, wouldtrigger off an explosion that would blast us off this planet.
[ROMANA] Well, what do we do then?
[DOCTOR] I think we adapt the Captain's plan.
[ROMANA] The Captain's plan?
[CAPTAIN] Mister Fibuli, dead. Dead. He was a goodman.
[NURSE] Pull yourself together, Captain. We can still defeat the rabbleout there.
[CAPTAIN] Somehow, somehow, Mister Fibuli, my friend, you shall beavenged.
(Trophy room)
[DOCTOR] The Captain's trophy room. Well, what doyou think?
[ROMANA] Incredible. A masterpiece of gravitic geometry.
[DOCTOR] Yes, obviously. All the forces cancel each other perfectly,otherwise Poof!
[ROMANA] So all that shouting and blustering was just an act to lullXanxia into a false sense of security while he built this.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Let that be a lesson to you, my girl. Never take anythingat its face value.
[NURSE] Hurry, Captain, hurry.
(Outside the Bridge)
[KIMUS] Oh, it's no use. We can't get it open.
[PRALIX] Then we Mentiads must try to open it.
[MENTIAD] Brothers, our strength is increasing. It may be possible.Come.
(Trophy room)
[DOCTOR] The Captain's plan, we must be able to useit.
[ROMANA] But he'll have the controls on the Bridge.
[ROMANA] Wait a minute. The only way the Captain could destroy Xanxiawithout blowing himself and this whole mountain to atoms would be toget inside the perimeter of the time dams without disturbing it, right?
[DOCTOR] Right.
[ROMANA] Which would require astronomic energy sources.
[DOCTOR] Here they are, all perfectly balanced out.
[ROMANA] So when he has enough of them, all he has to do is alter thebalance slightly and create a standing vortex in the middle of the timefield, so time starts up at the normal speed and the Queen dies.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[ROMANA] Brilliant! But I don't see how it helps us.
[DOCTOR] And it wouldn't have worked anyway.
[ROMANA] Why not? The theory's sound enough.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but Calufrax isn't.
[ROMANA] Calufrax?
[DOCTOR] Is not a normal planet. It's an artificially metricisedstructure consisting of a substance with a variable atomic weight.
[ROMANA] So that means Calufrax, the entire planet
[DOCTOR] Is the second segment of the Key to Time.
[ROMANA] Of course. No wonder the tracer kept going mad.
[DOCTOR] Try it now.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] The tracer. You have still got it?
[ROMANA] I thought you had it.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR] There.
[ROMANA] But we can't move that. We can't move anything here. If we do,we'll just upset the whole system and create a gravity whirlpool.
[DOCTOR] Not if I do something immensely clever.
[NURSE] Have you done it? Is it ready?
[CAPTAIN] Yes, Xanxia. At last I am ready.
[NURSE] Captain, look.
[CAPTAIN] I shall be free from you, you hag.
[NURSE] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] No, Captain, don't! Don't do it! It won't work!
[NURSE] Die, you fool! Die! And now, Doctor, it's your turn.
[DOCTOR] No, please, I can explain everything.
[NURSE] No, Doctor. Never again.
[DOCTOR] No one else come in. No one else!
[MULA] Are they dead?
[DOCTOR] Well, the Captain certainly is, but Xanxia's another matter.You'd all better get out of here. This place is pretty unstable. Getdown to the foot of the mountain.
[KIMUS] What about you?
[DOCTOR] It's all right, I'll follow on later. Off you go.
[DOCTOR] Phew. Ah, look, this might be a bit tricky. I want you to goand find K9, take him back to the Tardis and wait for me there.
[ROMANA] What about you?
[DOCTOR] Well, I've got a couple of things to do here. Please go. Pleasego. Go.
[ROMANA] All right.
[DOCTOR] Now, Captain, let me see.
[ROMANA] What did you do on the Bridge, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] You'll never believe it.
[ROMANA] Try me.
[DOCTOR] All right, I will. I've switched the Captain's circuits aroundto create a hyperspatial force shield around the shrunken planets, thenI put his dematerialisation control into remote mode.
[ROMANA] So we can operate them from here.
[DOCTOR] Precisely.
[ROMANA] But I don't see how that helps.
[DOCTOR] What? Well, first I dematerialise the Tardis, then I make Zanakdematerialise for a millisecond or two, then I invert the gravity fieldof the hyperspatial forceshield and drop the shrunken planets
[ROMANA] Into the hollow centre of Zanak!
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[ROMANA] What then?
[DOCTOR] Well, I would have thought that was perfectly obvious. Theyexpand in an instant to fill a hollow space and bang.
[ROMANA] But what about Calufrax? How do we get hold of Calufrax?
[DOCTOR] Well, naturally, Calufrax is flung off into the space timevortex and we pick it up later in the Tardis.
[ROMANA] Well, naturally. Oh, that's quite ingenious.
[DOCTOR] Quite ingenious? It's brilliant. It's fantastic!
[ROMANA] All right, it's fantastic.
[DOCTOR] Fantastic. Right. Here we go then. There.
[ROMANA] Congratulations.
[DOCTOR] Clever, eh?
[ROMANA] Fantastic.
[ROMANA] But Doctor, haven't you forgotten something?
[ROMANA] What about the Bridge, and the time dams?
[DOCTOR] Bridge and time. K9?
[K9] Piece of cake, master. Blow them up.
[ROMANA] Oh, isn't that rather crude?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's a bit crude, but immensely satisfying.
(Foot of the mountain)
[DOCTOR] Come on, Romana.
[KIMUS] Doctor, when all this is over, will we really be free?
[DOCTOR] I don't see why not. It's entirely up to you. You've got tomake this world a better place to live in. You've got plenty ofmaterial wealth, but there are other things. The other lead, Romana.
[ROMANA] I'll do it.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. (to Kimus and Mula) Now, I think this is a goodplace in the universe to settle down. You've got reasonable sun, goodneighbours and some quite convenient stars for when you get round toordinary space travel. I think you're going to be all right here.
[ROMANA] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good. Next. (the Mentiads) What I want to know is, am I going toblow up that Bridge, or are you?
[PRALIX] We will.
[DOCTOR] Good. I'll get out of the way while you concentrate.
[DOCTOR] That was very satisfying. Come on, Romana, we've got a job todo.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s16", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Pirate Planet"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (28 Oct, 1978; Fourth Doctor) - The Stones of Blood
(Tardis side room)
[DOCTOR] Right, let's put these two together and go and find the third.Er. Oh, I see.
[ROMANA] Here, let me do it.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] I used to be rather good at puzzles.
[DOCTOR] Puzzles? You don't call that a puzzle, do you?
[ROMANA] Well, hardly complex enough to be called a puzzle, is it.
[DOCTOR] It certainly isn't.
[ROMANA] Look, shouldn't we be getting on? We've only got two segments.Why don't you go and find out where our next destination is?
[DOCTOR] Right.
[DOCTOR] Ahem. Romana, I've just decided to go and find out where ournext destination is.
(Tardis console room)
[ROMANA [OC]] Well?
[DOCTOR] Have I got a treat in store for you, Romana.
[ROMANA [OC]] Really?
[ROMANA [OC]] Better than Calufrax, I hope.
[DOCTOR] Oh, much better than Calufrax. You'll love it, I promise you.You'll love it.
(Stone circle)
[DRUIDS] Cailleach, Cailleach, Cailleach, Cailleach.
[DRUIDS] Cailleach, Cailleach, Cailleach, Cailleach, Cailleach!
[MARTHA] Come, o great one, come. Your time is near.
(Tardis console room)
[ROMANA [OC]] Not yet!
[DOCTOR] Oh, sorry. Not yet. Not yet? What does she mean, not yet? Whatdo you mean, not yet?
[ROMANA [OC]] I'm not ready yet.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, sorry.
[ROMANA] Well, how do I look?
[DOCTOR] (without looking) Ravishing.
[ROMANA] That's not what I meant. I mean, will this do?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, very nicely, I should think, except for those shoes.
[ROMANA] Oh, I rather like them.
[DOCTOR] Well, you please yourself. I'm no fashion expert.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Beware the Black Guardian.
[ROMANA] What about these, Doctor?
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Beware the Black Guardian.
[ROMANA] What? Doctor, what does it mean?
[DOCTOR] It's a warning, and a reminder.
(Tardis side room)
[ROMANA] Doctor, I do wish I knew what you weretalking about.
[DOCTOR] If she'd been meant to know, he would have told her.
[ROMANA] What? Look, I only want to know about our mission.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] After all, what would I do if something happened to you?
[DOCTOR] If something happened to me? Yes, I suppose you have a point.Yes, I don't really think it's fair.
[ROMANA] Well?
[DOCTOR] Romana, you were not sent on this mission by the President ofthe Supreme Council.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] No, no, you weren't.
[ROMANA] But, I saw. He told me. Well, what am I doing here?
[DOCTOR] The voice you just heard and the being you saw in the shape ofthe President was the White Guardian, or to be more accurate, theGuardian of Light and Time as opposed to the Guardian of Darkness,sometimes called the Black Guardian. They can assume any shape or formthey wish.
[ROMANA] Just like the segment of the key.
[DOCTOR] Yes. That's why our mission is so vital. Romana, the Key ofTime is so powerful that it must not be allowed to fall into the handsof any one being. It's been broken up into six segments and thesegments scattered through the universe and disguised as other objects.
[ROMANA] Yes, I know that, but what I don't know is why.
[DOCTOR] Because there are times when the forces within the universeupset the cosmic balance so badly that the entire universe is in dangerof eternal chaos.
[ROMANA] And I suppose the Key can prevent that.
[DOCTOR] That's what the White Guardian said. When it's fully assembledand activated, it stops everything.
[ROMANA] Everything?
[DOCTOR] Yes. So that the White Guardian can restore the balance.
[ROMANA] I see. And I suppose there's a time like that approaching.
[DOCTOR] Rapidly.
[DOCTOR] Hello, K9.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Hello, my dear old thing. My
[ROMANA] What's that?
[DOCTOR] That's your surprise. We've landed.
(Tardis console room)
[ROMANA] Where?
[DOCTOR] Come here. (whispers) Earth.
[ROMANA] Earth?
[DOCTOR] I thought you'd be pleased.
[ROMANA] I might have guessed. Your favourite planet.
[DOCTOR] How do you know that?
[ROMANA] Oh, everybody knows that.
[DOCTOR] I didn't tell everybody that.
[ROMANA] I can't think why, for the life of me.
[DOCTOR] You'll like it. It's pretty civilised, on the whole.
[ROMANA] Hmm, oxygen level good. Slight aqueous precipitation.
[DOCTOR] Do you mean it's raining?
[ROMANA] So it would appear.
[DOCTOR] Ah well, that's what the locals call a soft day.
[ROMANA] Oh, really?
[DOCTOR] Any one for tennis?
[ROMANA] Tennis?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's an English expression. It means, is anyone comingoutdoors to get soaked?
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Guard duty for you, K9. We don't know if the natives arefriendly yet.
[K9] Master.
[ROMANA] K9, what is tennis?
[K9] Real, lawn or table, mistress?
[ROMANA] Never mind. Forget it.
[K9] Forget. Erase memory banks concerning tennis. Memory erased.
[DOCTOR] You know, I do believe it's going to be a nice day after all.
[ROMANA] So, this is Earth, is it?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Pretty, isn't it?
[ROMANA] Hmm. Well, the third segments can't be far away. It's overthere.
[DOCTOR] Let's go.
[DOCTOR] Very strange.
[ROMANA] What is?
[DOCTOR] These are.
[ROMANA] Why strange? They're indentations, obviously caused bysomething very heavy.
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[ROMANA] Oh, probably some form of animal.
[DOCTOR] Why? They don't have very heavy elephants around here. It mustweigh at least three and a half tons.
[ROMANA] Oh more, I should think.
[DOCTOR] Would you?
[ROMANA] Yes, judging by the specific density of the ground here.
[DOCTOR] Yes. You know, I
[ROMANA] Over there.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that looks promising.
[DOCTOR] Let's go and have a look. Come on.
(Stone circle)
[DOCTOR] Well, here we are. Yes. What do you think?Fascinating, eh?
[ROMANA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a stone circle.
[ROMANA] I can see that, but what's it for?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a sort of megalithic temple cum observatory.
[ROMANA] Observatory? They're just stones, aren't they?
[DOCTOR] Just stones? Yes, they're just stones. They're all aligned withvarious points on the horizon, giving you sunrise and moonrise atdifferent times of the year.
[ROMANA] Oh, I didn't realise the people here were so primitive.
[DOCTOR] What? Primitive? No, not now. Thousands of years ago, whenthese were built.
[ROMANA] Ah, I see. It's very old, is it?
[DOCTOR] Very. And clever. With some of these circles you could evencalculate eclipses.
[ROMANA] Fascinating. Do you think one of these stones is the thirdsegment?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Try.
[ROMANA] Oh, that's very odd. Nothing. (gasp)
[EMILIA] It's been surveyed, you know.
[DOCTOR] I beg your pardon?
[EMILIA] Surveyed. The circle. Many times.
[EMILIA] Ah, so you noticed it, did you?
[EMILIA] I always knew it was a matter of time before anotherprofessional came in and noticed the discrepancies. Oh, haven't I metyou somewhere before, Professor?
[DOCTOR] Doctor.
[EMILIA] Oh, Doctor. Yes, of course. I have a wonderful memory forfaces. Fougous.
[DOCTOR] Fougous?
[EMILIA] Fougous. Cornish fougous. You read that paper on them at thesymposium at Princeton, or was it Cardiff? Oh, or was it that foolLeamington-Smith. Oh, dreadful paper. Complete bosh.
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[EMILIA] Professor Emilia Rumford. Author of Bronze Age Burials inGloucestershire.
[DOCTOR] Oh! The definitive work on the subject.
[EMILIA] Oh, you're too kind, Doctor, but of course perfectly right. Itwas the survey of Doctor Borlase in 1754 that brought you on to it.That's how I twigged, cos when I came to compare the survey of DoctorBorlase with the survey of the Reverend Thomas Bright in 1820 and thenthe two surveys of 1874 and 1911, well, it was obvious, wasn't it.
[DOCTOR + ROMANA] What was obvious?
[DOCTOR] I do beg your pardon. That's my assistant, Romana.
[EMILIA] Oh, hello.
[ROMANA] Hello.
[EMILIA] What a charming name. What's the origin, I wonder?
[ROMANA] What was obvious, Professor Rumford?
[EMILIA] That there's been a miscount, my dear.
[ROMANA] A miscount?
[EMILIA] Of the stones. According to Doctor Borlase, the Nine Travellershere
[ROMANA] The Nine Travellers?
[EMILIA] Oh, it's a local name for them.
[ROMANA] Yes, but there are more than nine stones.
[EMILIA] Curious, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] So is this.
[EMILIA] What?
[DOCTOR] Dried blood, and quite a lot of it. Almost as if something hadhad it's throat cut.
[VIVIEN] It probably did.
[EMILIA] Oh, Vivien. Doctor, my friend Miss Vivien Fay.
[DOCTOR] How do you do? You move very quietly, Miss Fay. I didn't hearyou approach.
[VIVIEN] I used to be a Brown Owl.
[ROMANA] Really?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) The leader of a Brownie pack. Doesn't the blood upsetyou, then?
[VIVIEN] Oh, it'll probably be just another sacrifice.
[ROMANA] I thought you told me Earth was civilised now.
[DOCTOR] Shush. You mean there have been sacrifices before?
[VIVIEN] The BIDS are a bit primitive.
[VIVIEN] The British Institute of Druidic Studies. Nothing at all to dowith real Druids, of course, past or present. No, there's a group ofthem who come regularly. They all wear white robes and wave bits ofmistletoe and curved knives in the air. It's all very unhistoric.
[EMILIA] Oh, I think you dismiss them a little too easily.
[DOCTOR] Why, has there been trouble?
[EMILIA] Well, their leader, Mister De Vries, is a very unpleasant man.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[VIVIEN] Yes. As a matter of fact, we thought you were one of his group.
[DOCTOR] So you don't have anything to do with them, then.
[EMILIA] No, no more than we can help. All that mumbo-jumbo nonsense.No, Vivien and I are conducting a topographical, geological,astronomical, archeological survey of the site.
[DOCTOR] How would I see this Mister De Vries?
[EMILIA] Oh, he lives over the hill in the big house.
[DOCTOR] I think I'll look him up.
[ROMANA] What, now?
[EMILIA] I warn you, Doctor, he doesn't like scientists.
[DOCTOR] Well, very few people do, in my experience. Oh, by the way.Over there we noticed some indentations in the ground made by somethingvery heavy.
[VIVIEN] Oh, it's probably one of the local farmers moving equipment.
[DOCTOR] Ah, very probably, yes. Over this way, you say?
[EMILIA] Yes, you can't miss it.
[DOCTOR] How far is it?
[EMILIA] Oh, only a couple of miles.
[ROMANA] Only?
[DOCTOR] Well, I did warn you about those shoes.
[ROMANA] Yes, you did.
[EMILIA] Yes, I see what you mean. They're not very practical, are they.
[ROMANA] Yes, well, I didn't realise
[DOCTOR] She wouldn't be told. Look, I tell you what. Why don't you hangon here and I'll stop off on the way back and bring you some boots,right?
[ROMANA] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Listen. Keep an eye on those two. There's somethingvery odd going on.
[ROMANA] Right.
[DOCTOR] Right, I won't be long. Goodbye.
[VIVIEN] Oh, typical.
[ROMANA] What?
[VIVIEN] Typical male. Strands you here in the middle of nowhere withtwo complete strangers while he goes off somewhere enjoying himself.
[EMILIA] Never mind. You can help us with the work while you're waiting.
[ROMANA] Right.
(Outside the stone circle)
[DOCTOR] Farm machinery? Huh.
(Stone circle)
[EMILIA] Is that straight?
[EMILIA] Jolly good. What does that make it? Twenty eight point ninemetres?
[ROMANA] Ah ha.
[EMILIA] Well, girls, let's have a breather. Take five, as they say.
[ROMANA] What's that?
[VIVIEN] Don't be afraid. It's only a crow.
[ROMANA] Oh. It looks evil.
[DE VRIES] Cailleach, Cailleach, Cailleach, we come to do your bidding.
[MARTHA] Oh, Cailleach, Cailleach, Cailleach.
[DE VRIES] Cailleach, Cailleach, Cailleach. Your spirit fills us. Yourworshippers are our brothers. Your enemies are our enemies.
[DE VRIES] Death to the enemies of the Cailleach!
[MARTHA] Death to the enemies of the Cailleach!
[DE VRIES] He comes, o Cailleach, he comes. The one foretold is here.
[DE VRIES] Your time will come, o Cailleach.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Anybody there?
[DE VRIES] Our friend's impatient. Don't let's keep him waiting.
(Entrance hall)
[DOCTOR] Hello? Anybody home? Any? Nobody home except us Druids.
[DOCTOR] Thomas Borlase 1701 to 1754. Oh. Oh, so that's the good doctor.
[DE VRIES] He surveyed the Nine Travellers, but then you probably knowthat already, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Mister De Vries.
[DE VRIES] Correct.
[DOCTOR] How did you know my name?
[DE VRIES] It was very sad about Doctor Borlase.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DE VRIES] Didn't Professor Rumford tell you?
[DE VRIES] One of the stones fell on him just after he completed hissurvey.
[DOCTOR] What? Maybe we should warn the Professor.
[DE VRIES] She's quite safe.
[DOCTOR] Ah. What about them?
[DE VRIES] Those are away being cleaned. One of them's rather fine, bythe Scottish painter Ramsey. Lady Morgana Montcalm. Perhaps you'veheard of her?
[DOCTOR] No, I'm afraid I haven't.
[DE VRIES] The Montcalms owned this land and this house, including thecircle. They used to call her the wicked Lady Montcalm.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[DE VRIES] She's said to have murdered her husband on her wedding night.
[DE VRIES] That's Mrs Trefusis. She was a recluse. She lived here forsixty years and never saw a soul.
[DOCTOR] Really.
[DE VRIES] And that's a Brazilian lady, or would be if she were here.Senora Camara.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Was there a Senor Camara?
[DE VRIES] He doesn't seem to have survived the crossing from Brazil.But don't let's stand about here in the hall, Doctor. Do come in. Letme offer you a glass of sherry.
[DOCTOR] Yes, thank you, thank you. I'd like that.
(Stone circle)
[ROMANA] They've been circling all afternoon.
[EMILIA] Well, girls, time to pack up. Thanks for all your help, Romana.Fancy a mug of tea and some sandwiches?
[ROMANA] Well, I
[VIVIEN] Please do. My cottage is just over the hill.
[ROMANA] I think I'd better wait here for the Doctor, otherwise he won'tknow where I am.
[EMILIA] Oh well, please yourself, girl, but if you change your mind,we're not far away.
[VIVIEN] Bring your friend along with you when he gets back.
[ROMANA] All right.
[VIVIEN] Good. See you later, then.
[DOCTOR] That's rather an unusual pet, isn't it?
[DE VRIES] It's not exactly what you'd call a pet, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You know, Mister De Vries, you never told me how you knew myname.
[DE VRIES] Didn't I, Doctor?
[DE VRIES] You never told me what your interest in the circle is.
[DOCTOR] That's true. I'm looking for something.
[DE VRIES] What?
[DOCTOR] Part of a key.
[DE VRIES] A key to what?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's just a key. It's been mislaid. Tell me, you're notreally a Druid, are you.
[DE VRIES] Not in the conventional sense, no, but I am a humble studentof Druidic lore.
[DOCTOR] That must be very boring.
[DE VRIES] Boring? What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, I mean there's so little of it that's historicallyreliable, is there. The odd mention in Julius Caesar, Tacitus, no greatdetail. I always thought that Druidism was founded by John Aubrey inthe seventeenth century as a joke. He had a great sense of humour, JohnAubrey.
[DE VRIES] It is no laughing matter.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, well that's a pity. What's your interest in the stones?
[DE VRIES] The stones are sacred.
[DOCTOR] To whom?
[DE VRIES] To one who is mighty and all-powerful. To the Goddess.
[DOCTOR] The Goddess? What goddess is that?
[DE VRIES] She has many names. Morrigu, Nermintana, the Cailleach.
[DOCTOR] Ah, Celtic, of course.
[DE VRIES] Goddess of war, death and magic. Beware the raven or thecrow, Doctor. They are her eyes.
[DOCTOR] (to Quoth, the raven) You don't really believe that, do you,hmm?
[DE VRIES] I have seen her power, Doctor. Come.
[DE VRIES] His blood is still warm. I know what to do.
(Stone circle)
[ROMANA] Doctor, where have you been?
[ROMANA] Doctor? Are you all right?
(Cliff edge)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Romana! Romana!
[ROMANA] Doctor? Where are you?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Romana!
[ROMANA] Doctor, what's the matter?
(Cliff edge)
[ROMANA] Help! Help!
(Stone circle)
[DE VRIES] Bind him to the stone.
[MARTHA] Leonard, I don't like this.
[DE VRIES] It is the will of the Cailleach.
[MARTHA] It's murder!
[DE VRIES] We cannot question the will of the Goddess.
[MARTHA] Leonard, think. Think what you're doing.
[DE VRIES] The Cailleach demands blood.
[MARTHA] She's never demanded a human sacrifice before.
[DE VRIES] I dare not oppose her will. I dare not.
[MARTHA] If it's her will, where is she? Why isn't she here?
[DE VRIES] She will come.
[MARTHA] Leonard, this man may be missed. He must have friends. Surely,if they inform the police
[DE VRIES] The Cailleach will have foreseen everything. We must havefaith. She will come.
(Cliff edge)
[ROMANA] Help! Help me, somebody! Help me!
(Stone circle)
[DOCTOR] Hello. I hope that knife's been properlysterilised.
[DE VRIES] Blasphemer.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. You can catch all sorts of things off a dirtyknife, you know. Lockjaw, tetanus, not to mentions staphylococcalinfections
[MARTHA] I'm not going to be a party to this.
[DOCTOR] Good for you.
[DE VRIES] Then don't be.
[DOCTOR] Hold it. Does your Cailleach ride a bicycle?
[DE VRIES] Bicycle?
[DE VRIES] You'll die with blasphemy on your lips.
[DOCTOR] It's just that I can see a bicycle approaching, unless I'm verymuch mistaken. Over here!
(Outside the stone circle)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Help! Over here!
[EMILIA] Hang on! I'm coming!
(Stone circle)
[DOCTOR] Phew.
[EMILIA] Good grief, man. What are you doing? You'll catch your death ofcold.
[DOCTOR] Well, you know how it is, Professor. I often get tied up in myjob.
[DOCTOR] Careful.
[EMILIA] Who were those people? They looked as if they were going to cutyour throat.
[DOCTOR] Yes, thank you. Well, I don't think they'd quite made up theirminds, but that was definitely one of their options. Why have you comeback?
[EMILIA] I came back to give Romana a flask of tea. Knowing howirresponsible men are, I thought she'd still be waiting for you.
[DOCTOR] But I thought she was with you.
[EMILIA] No, she stayed behind to wait for you.
[DOCTOR] What? Then where is she?
(Cliff edge)
[ROMANA] Help! Help! Is anybody there?
(Stone circle)
[DOCTOR] Romana! Romana! Nothing.
[EMILIA] I don't want to be alarmist, but if she's lost on the moor,there are several old mine workings.
[EMILIA] It can be very dangerous in the dark.
[DOCTOR] Yes, thank you. Ro! Look.
[EMILIA] Oh, her shoes.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Romana!
[EMILIA] Well, the only thing we can do is to organise a search party inthe morning. Of course, if we had a dog
[DOCTOR] Dog! Professor Rumford. May I call you Emilia? Emilia, you're agenius.
[EMILIA] You have a dog?
[DOCTOR] Have I got a dog.
[EMILIA] Oh, that's one of those high frequency whistles, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, something like that. Come on, K9.
[K9] Master.
(Stone circle)
[DOCTOR] Look, I'll try and meet him halfway. Youstay here in case Romana comes back.
[EMILIA] Yes, of course. Doctor?
[EMILIA] It's getting rather exciting, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] What? Yes, yes, of course. Let's hope it doesn't get tooexciting, eh?
(Outside the stone circle)
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Shush. What? K9, why don't you bark or something?
[K9] I'm not programmed to bark, master.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, listen, never mind about that. I've got a job foryou. Now, you've always wanted to be a bloodhound
[K9] Negative, master.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you have. Yes, you have.
[K9] Negative.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Now here's your chance. Find Romana.
[K9] Programme achievable, master. The mistress' scent, blood, tissuetype and alpha wave patterns are all recorded in my databanks.
[DOCTOR] Don't just talk about it, K9, do it. Do it!
[K9] Getting direction, master. I have the direction, master.
[DOCTOR] Good dog. Good dog. Well, go.
(Cliff edge)
[K9] Mistress?
[ROMANA] Oh, K9, I am pleased to hear you.
[K9] Fear is unnecessary, mistress. We shall rescue you. The Doctormaster is with me.
[ROMANA] Oh, no!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Romana, where are you?
[ROMANA] Keep away!
[DOCTOR] What? What are you talking about?
[ROMANA] K9, watch him.
[DOCTOR] Stop messing about down there. Here, catch hold of this.
[ROMANA] Oh no, I'm not giving you a second chance.
[DOCTOR] Stop messing around down there. Come on, come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[ROMANA] You pushed me over the edge.
[DOCTOR] Me? Never. Come on. Come on.
[ROMANA] Get away from me!
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[ROMANA] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] What? You know very well who I. K9, who am I? Well, go on, K9.Tell her who I am. K9?
[K9] Cross checking. You are the Doctor master.
[DOCTOR] There you are. I'm the Doctor.
[ROMANA] Well if you didn't push me over this cliff, then who did? Andbelieve me, it was no projection. You were solid. Well, it was solid.
[DOCTOR] What, it looked exactly like me?
[ROMANA] The image of you. Doctor, the third segment.
[ROMANA] The power to transform objects, or at least their appearance.
[ROMANA] Somebody's got it, and they've found a way of utilising itspowers.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[ROMANA] Well, so what do we do?
[DOCTOR] Get you a decent pair of shoes.
[DOCTOR] Better?
[ROMANA] Yes, thanks.
[DOCTOR] Still got the tracer.
[ROMANA] Of course.
[DOCTOR] Good. I want you to check the stone circle again.
[ROMANA] What do you think I was doing before you pushed me over the.All right. There was no trace, I promise you.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's got to be somewhere.
[ROMANA] Well, it can't be there.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course it can. How's your interspatial geometry?
[ROMANA] Well, pretty rusty, but I still don't see how that explains
[DOCTOR] Good. Come on, let's go then.
[ROMANA] Do you understand, K9? I mean, how can a thing be in one placeand yet not be in that place?
[ROMANA] If you mean you don't know, why don't you just say so.
(Stone circle)
[VIVIEN] Oh, Emilia, don't blame yourself.
[EMILIA] Oh, I shouldn't have let him go off on his own. I shouldn'thave let him go at all. He doesn't know the moor. I should have gonemyself.
[VIVIEN] Someone had to stay here in case the girl came back.
[EMILIA] And it should have been the Doctor.
(Outside the stone circle)
[DOCTOR] Try the tracer again. Now.
[ROMANA] Yes. Definitely positive.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's what I thought.
(Stone circle)
[VIVIEN] I'm sure the Doctor's perfectly capable oflooking after himself.
[ROMANA] I'm not sure I'd entirely agree with that remark.
[EMILIA] Oh! Thank heavens. You're safe. Doctor, she's safe. Good..what's that?
[DOCTOR] This is my dog. He's called K9.
[EMILIA] But he's mechanical!
[K9] Affirmative.
[EMILIA] But isn't that rather
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. They're all the rage in Trenton, New Jersey.
[EMILIA] Oh, really?
[EMILIA] Do you have to have a licence?
[K9] Negative.
[VIVIEN] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's just a little gadget.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it's here. It's definitely here.
[VIVIEN] What is?
[DOCTOR] Here somewhere.
[ROMANA] I still don't understand.
[DOCTOR] I think I'm beginning to. Professor Rumford, er, Emilia? Comeover here.
[DOCTOR] You've done a lot of research on the circle, haven't you?
[EMILIA] Oh, naturally.
[DOCTOR] Legends, folklore, history?
[EMILIA] Nobody's ever had to question the quality of my research.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. Where do you keep your notes?
[EMILIA] Oh, back at Miss Fay's cottage.
[DOCTOR] Would you show them to Romana?
[EMILIA] Oh, I'd be delighted.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ROMANA] Where are you going, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to see Mister De Vries.
[ROMANA] What, after what he did to you?
[DOCTOR] Because of what he did to me. I think that Mister De Vries is avery worried man, and worried men often sing worried songs. Come along,K9.
[EMILIA] Come on, girls. Back to the cottage. I've got lots of researchto show you. Hop on the back.
[ROMANA] Er, do you mind if I just walked?
[EMILIA] Oh, nonsense. You may find it rather hard.
[VIVIEN] It'll be a new experience for you. No need to be afraid.
[DE VRIES] Where's the bird? Where's the raven?
[MARTHA] It was here. Perhaps
[DE VRIES] It's gone! Too late! Cailleach, great Goddess, have mercy!
[MARTHA] What's that?
[DE VRIES] Too late!
[DE VRIES] Get out of here, Martha. As fast as you can. Quick!
[MARTHA] Leonard, I'm not going to leave you.
(Outside the Manor House)
[K9] Danger, master, danger.
[DOCTOR] What?
[K9] Unidentified aliens.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9.
(Entrance hall)
[DOCTOR] Dead. Skull smashed to pulp. So much for serving the Cailleach.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] What?
[K9] That is silicon, master.
[DOCTOR] I wonder where that came from?
[K9] From whatever attacked those two humans. There is a trail. It leadsthrough here.
[DOCTOR] Steady, K9.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Seems all clear, K9.
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Stone. K9?
(Vivien's cottage)
[EMILIA] Here you are, my girl.
[ROMANA] Oh, thank you.
[EMILIA] Vivien is making some sausage sandwiches. Nothing like sausagesandwiches when you're working something out. Well now, any problemswith the notes?
[ROMANA] No, no, they're very full. Er, you say here that you'veidentified the Nine Travellers, our stone circle, as one of the threegorsedds of prophecy. What's a gorsedd?
[EMILIA] Old Welsh. A gorsedd is a place of augurs, people who foretellthe future.
[EMILIA] There's an ancient Welsh triad that says, it's a three linepoem, umpity, bumpity. Oh, you'll find them in the notes.
[VIVIEN] The three gorsedds in the island of Britain are the gorsedd ofSalisbury in England.
[EMILIA] And that's Stonehenge, of course.
[ROMANA] Thank you.
[VIVIEN] The gorsedd of Bryn Gwyddon in Wales, and the gorsedd ofBoscombe Moor in Damnonium.
[EMILIA] And that's our Nine Travellers.
[ROMANA] Yes, but why should this particular circle become a place ofprophecy, of augury? You say yourself that there are a dozen or morestone circles in this part of the country.
[EMILIA] If I knew that I'd be professor of megalithic archaeology atBangor instead of that fool, Idwal Morgan.
[ROMANA] Er, there is one thing which does strike me as rather curious.Well, until recently, the land the circle stands on has always beenowned by a woman. Haven't you noticed? Lady Montcalm, Senora Camara,Mrs Trefusis. And if you go further back, right in the Middle Ages, itcame under the control of the Mother Superior of the Convent of theLittle Sisters of Saint Gudula.
[VIVIEN] What does that prove? Lots of convents and monasteries ownedenormous areas of land in the Middle Ages.
[ROMANA] Yes, but here it was women. All women.
[VIVIEN] What are you suggesting, Romana? Some kind of sisterhood that'sbeen worshipping these stones for, when was the convent founded?Twelfth century, wasn't it? For seven hundred odd years? That's alittle bit hard to believe, isn't it?
[ROMANA] What other explanation is there?
[VIVIEN] What about Mister De Vries? He doesn't quite qualify as a headof a sisterhood.
[ROMANA] Well maybe he's not really the head. This convent, does itstill exist?
[EMILIA] Oh, good heavens, no. And it was a man who saw to that, Henrythe Eighth. It went the way of all flesh with the dissolution of themonasteries.
[ROMANA] What about the convent records?
[VIVIEN] Oh, I should think they were destroyed.
[EMILIA] Some of them could still be at the hall.
[ROMANA] The hall? What hall?
[EMILIA] Mister De Vries' house. It was built in 1572 on the old site ofthe convent.
[ROMANA] Well, let's go and take a look. What are we waiting for?
[EMILIA] Oh, good girl! That's the spirit. No time like the present. Getmy bike, Vivien.
[VIVIEN] Romana can borrow mine. You won't be needing me with you, willyou?
[EMILIA] No. Keep a good fire burning in case the Doctor comes back. Ah,here we are.
[ROMANA] What's that?
[VIVIEN] A policeman's truncheon. Last year when she went to lecture inNew York, she took it with her in case she got mugged.
[ROMANA] And did she get mugged?
[VIVIEN] No. She got arrested for carrying an offensive weapon.
[EMILIA [OC]] Come along, Romana. Tally-ho!
(Entrance hall)
[EMILIA] Great Scott! What's happened? Who can havedone this?
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[ROMANA] Oh, K9, what have they done to you?
[EMILIA] Oh, poor little fellow. Is he badly hurt?
[DOCTOR] I'll know in a moment.
[K9] (feeble) I did my best, master, but it was so strong.
[DOCTOR] What was it?
[K9] Silicon based, globulin deficient.
[DOCTOR] What?
[K9] Too strong.
[DOCTOR] Globulin deficient.
[ROMANA] Is he all right?
[DOCTOR] His entire circuit's nearly all burnt out.
[ROMANA] Yes, but is it repairable?
[K9] Initial damage report suggests not, mistress. Advisecannibalisation of reusable parts.
[DOCTOR] Oh, nonsense, K9, nonsense. We're not going to turn you intoscrap yet, are we, Romana?
[ROMANA] What can we do?
[DOCTOR] His only chance is an entire circuit regeneration. How can wedo that in time to save him? It might be kinder to remove the cerebralcore now.
[ROMANA] Oh no. If we remove the cerebral core, he's finished.
[DOCTOR] What can we do?
[ROMANA] A molecular stabiliser.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] Is the Tardis fitted with a molecular stabiliser?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course it was. All Type Forty's were.
[ROMANA] I thought so. We had a lecture once at the Academy. If I linkup the molecular stabiliser to the circuit frequency modulator
[DOCTOR] Brilliant!
[ROMANA] You really think so?
[DOCTOR] What? Well, I mean, it's quite ingenious. Anyway, it's worth atry.
[ROMANA] Anything's worth a try. Look at him, he's on his last legs.
[DOCTOR] Right. You get him back to the Tardis and connect him up. I'llstay here with the Professor and look for those bodies.
[ROMANA] Right.
[EMILIA] Bodies? What bodies?
[DOCTOR] De Vries and the woman. They've been killed by that creature.You heard what K9 said.
[EMILIA] Creature?
[DOCTOR] It's globulin deficient.
[EMILIA] Globulin? What's globulin?
[DOCTOR] It's a protein found in blood plasma. The creature that killsthem lives on blood.
(Stone circle)
[CAILLEACH] Ogri, Ogri, you shall do my bidding. Do you hear, Ogri? Doyou hear?
[DOCTOR] Anything?
[EMILIA] Nothing prior to 1700. You?
[DOCTOR] Nothing. I've searched the whole house. Completely empty. Nosecret passages, no hidden rooms, nothing. It's got to be here, though.
[EMILIA] What has?
[DOCTOR] Well, the Cailleach.
[EMILIA] Oh, the witch hag?
[EMILIA] It's only a legend.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. And so was Troy until dear old Schliemann dug itup. Morrigu, Cerridwen, call her what you like. In four thousand yearsI expect she's had quite a few names, but where is she? Hmm? Nostatues, no images, no pictures. Of course! The missing paintings! Theymust be here somewhere.
[EMILIA] I don't see why the paintings are so important.
[DOCTOR] What? Then why have they been hidden? Tell me that. Why havethey been hidden? Beware of the birds, he said. The raven and the crow.The raven and the crow. Birds!
[EMILIA] Where? What?
[DOCTOR] Phew.
[EMILIA] Oh, jumping Joshua. A priest hole.
[DOCTOR] Well, certainly. The place is old enough. Come on!
[EMILIA] Wait for me, Doctor!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Now mind these stairs. (bump.)
[DOCTOR] Look. Lady Montcalm, painted by Allan Ramsay.
[EMILIA] Good grief, I don't believe it.
[DOCTOR] Lady Montcalm, Senora Camara, Mrs Trefusis.
[EMILIA] I know that face.
[DOCTOR] So you should. It's your friend, Miss Fay.
(Outside the circle)
[ROMANA] Oh, you scared the life out of me.
[VIVIEN] Did I? I'm so sorry.
[ROMANA] Look.
[VIVIEN] Oh, is there something going on in the circle? Strange. Let'stake a look, shall we?
(Stone circle)
[ROMANA] Vivien, what are you doing? You're hurtingme.
[VIVIEN] Hurry!
[ROMANA] What's going on?
[ROMANA] What are you doing?
[EMILIA] She never told me she was related to theMontcalm family.
[DOCTOR] She isn't. She is the Montcalm family, and the Trefusis familyand the Camara family. And no doubt she's the managing director of thefirm that owns the circle now. These three portraits are of the sameperson.
[EMILIA] But look at the dates. There's a hundred and fifty years.
[DOCTOR] So? What's a hundred and fifty years when you've been aroundfor more than four thousand?
[EMILIA] You mean?
[DOCTOR] Yes. She's the Cailleach.
[DOCTOR] Run. Come on. Quick.
(Outside the Manor House)
[EMILIA] I never thought we'd get out of therealive.
[DOCTOR] Come on, we're not clear yet. On you go.
[DOCTOR] Fascinating, isn't it?
[EMILIA] Doctor, did I understand you correctly? That thing is made ofstone?
[DOCTOR] Yes, and it's closing on us fast.
[EMILIA] But it's impossible!
[DOCTOR] No, it isn't. We're standing still.
[EMILIA] I meant a silicon based lifeform is unknown, unheard of,impossible.
[DOCTOR] Maybe it doesn't realise that.
[EMILIA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] What is it, what is it?
[EMILIA] In the cause of science, I think it our duty to capture thatcreature.
[DOCTOR] How? Have you any plans?
[EMILIA] We could track it to its lair.
[DOCTOR] Come on!
(Cliff edge)
[EMILIA] We're trapped!
[EMILIA] I know you're under considerable strain, Doctor, but pleasekeep a grip on yourself.
[EMILIA] Is it dead, do you suppose?
[DOCTOR] How do you kill a stone? Let's go and find it's mistress, shallwe? Come on.
(Stone circle)
[DOCTOR] There's no need to wear a mask for our sake, Miss Fay.
[EMILIA] Vivien, what's going on? He says you're the Cailleach.
[VIVIEN] I've been so many things, Emilia, for so many years.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's all over now, Miss Fay.
[VIVIEN] Oh, not really, Doctor. You see, I've got Romana.
[DOCTOR] Where is she?
[VIVIEN] Where you'll never be able to find her. Oh, she's perfectlysafe. No need to worry, so long as you leave me in peace.
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, you see, I can't do that, Miss Fay, because you'vegot something that I need, you see.
[VIVIEN] I wouldn't come too close if I were you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, absolute nonsense.
[DOCTOR] Oh! Static electrical charge. That's a very primitiveforcefield.
[VIVIEN] It's still very effective. Don't worry about Romana, Doctor. Ishould worry about yourself if I were you.
[VIVIEN] Count the stones, Doctor. Beware the Ogri.
[EMILIA] Extraordinary. What did she mean about the stones?
[DOCTOR] Three of the stones are missing.
[EMILIA] Missing? What's happened to them?
[DOCTOR] One went over the cliff, remember?
[EMILIA] Oh, you mean that thing was one of the stones?
[DOCTOR] Yes. She called them the Ogri. Ogri. Of course! The Ogri. Howsilly of me.
[EMILIA] Ogri?
[DOCTOR] Yes, from Ogros, their home planet. That's in Tau Ceti.Repulsive place covered in great swamps full of amino acids, primitiveproteins which they feed on by absorption. Hence their need of globulin
[EMILIA] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Which is the nearest equivalent on Earth, hence the bloodsacrificed on the stones. Anyway, you know all about the Ogri on Earth.
[EMILIA] Huh? You said there were three of these things.
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[EMILIA] Here.
[DOCTOR] Gog, Magog, Ogres. They can't be far away. Anyway, you and Ihave got work to do. Listen. Do you by any chance have any tritiumcrystals?
[EMILIA] Crystals?
[DOCTOR] Yes, tritium crystals. Tritium crystals.
[EMILIA] Oh, but Doctor, what about Vivien? What about Romana?
[DOCTOR] Professor, listen. You go back to the cottage and see if youcan find any crystals. I'll go back to my Tardis and see if I can pickup a few things.
[EMILIA] Yes, but where have they disappeared to? How are we going tofind them?
[DOCTOR] Professor, I don't know. That's why I need the crystals.
(Vivien's cottage)
[EMILIA] These are the only crystals I could find apart from a packet ofEpsom salts.
[DOCTOR] Mmm. Well done, Professor. I knew she must have them somewhere,it's the only way she could power that wand of hers.
[EMILIA] I still don't understand where Romana and Vivien are.
[DOCTOR] Hyperspace.
[EMILIA] Hyperspace?
[K9] Hyperspace is an extension to the special theory of relativitypropounded by Einstein. Einstein's theory states
[DOCTOR] Now, now, K9. K9, don't overstrain your databanks. You're notfully recovered yet.
[K9] Circuitry regeneration seventy five percent completed.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, didn't I give you some calculations to be getting onwith?
[K9] Calculations cannot be completed until you have finishedconstructing the equipment.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right. Why don't you stop interrupting me andlet me get on with it then? He's a terrible old gasbag.
[EMILIA] I still don't understand about hyperspace.
[DOCTOR] Well, who does?
[K9] I do.
[DOCTOR] Oh, shut up, K9. It's all to do with interspatial geometry.
[EMILIA] Oh, I never studied that.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm not surprised. They gave up teaching it two thousandyears ago, even on Gallifrey.
[EMILIA] Oh, I beg your pardon?
[DOCTOR] Here. Look, how can I explain? Listen, Einstein's SpecialTheory of Relativity said
[EMILIA] Said that you cannot travel in space faster than the speed oflight, because the speed of light is a limiting factor. If youtravelled more than a hundred and eighty thousand miles per second,you'd encounter the time distortion effect.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, well, he was nearly right.
[EMILIA] In fact, you'd arrive at your destination before you'd leftyour starting point.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Absurd, isn't it?
[EMILIA] Oh, I don't know.
[DOCTOR] I always thought it was fun, myself. I did try to explain therealities to poor old Albert, but he would insist that he knew best.
[EMILIA] Oh, they're all the same, these physicists. Oh, sorry.
[DOCTOR] No, that's all right. I mean, apart from space warping, whichhe couldn't possibly understand, there is a theoretical way of avoidingthe time distort.
[EMILIA] Is there really?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Just pass me that screwdriver, will you? Yes, you operatein a different dimension, you see, in another kind of space.
[EMILIA] Otherwise, hyperspace.
[EMILIA] But I still don't know where Romana and Vivien are.
[DOCTOR] Listen. They're still in the circle, or whatever occupies thatspace in the other dimension.
[EMILIA] Oh, I see.
[DOCTOR] Good. Perhaps you'll explain it to me sometime when you've gota few minutes to spare.
[EMILIA] Doctor?
[EMILIA] May I ask you a personal question?
[DOCTOR] Well, I don't see how I can stop you asking.
[EMILIA] Are you from outer space?
[DOCTOR] I'm more from what you'd call inner time.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, never mind about that now. K9, what do you think ofthis? Hmm? Well?
[K9] The theory appears to be ingenious.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but will it work?
[K9] Affirmative. It will be effective on a setting of point naughtnaught three seven on the hyperspace scale.
[DOCTOR] What, only on that end of the scale?
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] That means it'll burn out the circuits in about ten and a halfseconds flat.
[K9] Correction, master. Circuits will burn out after thirty one pointtwo seven seconds.
[DOCTOR] Thirty one point two seven. Is that long enough to get me intohyperspace?
[K9] Insufficient data, master. Answer depends upon where in hyperspaceand what is there when you arrive.
[DOCTOR] Thank you very much, K9.
[K9] Actual area of transportation beam will be small. It is imperative,therefore, that you mark your point of entry on arrival in order tofacilitate finding it again for return.
[DOCTOR] Good point, K9. Thank you. Come on, Emilia. I need your help.K9, let's go see if this works.
(Stone circle)
[DOCTOR] Now, you understand what you've got to do?
[EMILIA] I think so. Switch on, and then wait until the needle points onthe dial to oh oh three seven, then throw that lever.
[DOCTOR] Right. Now remember, you've only got thirty seconds and thenpow!
[DOCTOR] Yes. Pow. Pow. Pow is a technical expression, Professor. Itmeans that all the microcircuitry will fuse into one great urgh ofmolten metal.
[EMILIA] Yes, but what happens if the Ogri come back while you'rewherever you'll be?
[DOCTOR] Ah, well that's where K9 comes in. You see, he'll generate aforcefield a touch more sophisticated than Miss Fay's, and that shouldkeep them out for a while.
[EMILIA] For how long?
[K9] My power packs will be drained in approximately seventeen minutes,thirty one point eight six seconds.
[DOCTOR] There you are. Now, if they should break through, run as ifsomething very nasty were after you, because something very nasty willbe after you.
[EMILIA] Yeah, but what about you?
[DOCTOR] Don't worry about me. I'll be doing plenty of that in any case.
[EMILIA] Yes, but how will you get back?
[DOCTOR] You just switch on for thirty seconds, say, every half hour.
[EMILIA] If you think that'll work.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course it'll work and even if it doesn't work, whatdoes it matter? You know what they say about hyperspace.
[DOCTOR] They say it's a theoretical absurdity, and that's somethingI've always wanted to be lost in. Ready? Now switch on.
[EMILIA] Er, oh oh two two, oh oh three three, oh oh three seven
[DOCTOR] Switch off! Switch off!
[EMILIA] Oh, did I do something wrong?
[K9] There is an error in the circuitry. You are not to blame.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right, all right. We're not all programmed forperfection, you know. Ah, there's the fault.
[K9] Danger. Ogri approaching from south-southwest.
[EMILIA] I can't see.
[K9] Two Ogri approaching from south-southwest.
[DOCTOR] Nearly finished. There, that should do it. Let's hope it worksthis time.
[K9] Ogri fifty metres and closing.
[DOCTOR] Now remember, do exactly as you did last time.
[EMILIA] Ready?
[K9] Ogri forty metres and closing.
[EMILIA] Oh oh three seven. Holding.
[K9] Ogri twenty eight metres and closing.
(Spaceship entry point)
[DOCTOR] Romana? Romana?
[DOCTOR] All change at Venus for the Brighton line.
[ROMANA] Very funny. Where have you been? What's happening? Where am I?
[DOCTOR] Well, in strict order of asking, busy, nothing, hyperspace.Your friend doesn't look too well. What happened to you?
[ROMANA] Well, I don't know, exactly. All I remember is Vivien Faycoming up behind me then waking up here.
[ROMANA] What do you mean, hyperspace? It can't be.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[ROMANA] Well, hyperspace is a theoretical absurdity. Everybody knowsthat.
[DOCTOR] Yes, except, apparently, the people who built this ship fourthousand years ago. It's a hyperspace vessel.
[ROMANA] That's ridiculous.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[ROMANA] Even granting the hyperspace hypothesis,Doctor, what about deceleration? How do you decelerate an infinitemass? Anyway, where is this ship? Why can't it be seen from Earth?
[DOCTOR] There's your answer.
[ROMANA] That's only few feet from the circle. Why can't it be seen?
[DOCTOR] Because it exists in a different kind of space from the circle.
[ROMANA] In hyperspace, not in ordinary four dimensional space.
[ROMANA] Well, why has it stopped here?
[DOCTOR] Maybe it ran out of fuel.
[ROMANA] Are you sure this thing's been here for four thousand years?
[ROMANA] Well, look at the cabin and the controls. They're like new.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps someone's been spring cleaning.
[ROMANA] Vivien Fay?
[DOCTOR] Yeah. Romana. Romana, there's plenty of fuel. The drive unit'sstill working.
[ROMANA] Well, maybe it ran aground.
[DOCTOR] On what?
[ROMANA] Who knows what's in hyperspace.
[DOCTOR] Yes. We'd better search the ship. The third segment must behere somewhere, to say nothing of our friend Miss Fay.
[ROMANA] Well, where do we start? It looks rather big, don't you think?
(Stone circle)
[K9] Power depleted. Cannot hold much longer.
[EMILIA] Where's that Dunkirk spirit? Never say die.
[K9] I never do say die, but I cannot hold.
[EMILIA] Nothing. There's no one there.
[EMILIA] K9? Are you all right, K9? Oh, what's happening? Look at theOgri. They're going. They're giving up.
[K9] Assumption incorrect. They are going. That is not to say they aregiving up.
[EMILIA] Oh, I thought you were. Are you all right, K9?
[K9] Power exhausted.
[EMILIA] Can you recharge yourself?
[K9] Affirmative, given time.
[EMILIA] Do you think they'll come back?
[K9] Affirmative. Suspect they have gone away to recharge.
[EMILIA] Recharge? But how?
[K9] With globulin.
[EMILIA] Oh, that means finding more blood.
[K9] Affirmative.
[EMILIA] It means they're going to kill somebody.
[MAN] Hey, Pat. Pat!
[PAT] What's up?
[MAN] Come and have a look at this. You won't believe it.
[PAT] What is it? Where did they come from?
[MAN] Don't know. They weren't here last night.
[PAT] Perhaps it's a joke. Perhaps someone from the Wheatsheaf dumpedthem here during the night.
[MAN] How? They must weigh tons.
[PAT] I suppose they are real rock, not just fakes.
[MAN] What's the matter?
[PAT] My hand! My hand! I
(Outside the cells)
[ROMANA] Do you think there could be anything alivein any of these?
[DOCTOR] What, after four thousand years? I shouldn't think so. Mindyou, I'll tell you something. If there is anything still alive, it'llbe furious at all the delay. Oh!
[ROMANA] What? (One of the cells contains a Wirrn.)
[DOCTOR] You know, I think this must have been a convict ship.
[ROMANA] Look, the seal on that door's a different colour from the rest.
[DOCTOR] First class in hyperspace?
[ROMANA] What does it say?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I can't read the script. Probably just says, donot open, penalty fifty pounds.
[ROMANA] Anything there?
[DOCTOR] Can't see.
[ROMANA] Well, what shall we do?
[DOCTOR] Open it.
[ROMANA] Right.
[ROMANA] What's that?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[MEGARA] It is not permitted to touch the Megara.
[DOCTOR] I beg your pardon. I beg your pardon. What's the Megara?
[ROMANA] I don't know.
[MEGARA] We are the Megara. We are justice machines.
[ROMANA] Justice machines?
[MEGARA] We are the law.
[MEGARA 2] Judge, jury and executioner.
[MEGARA] Once we have arrived at our verdict
[MEGARA 2] We execute it
[MEGARA] Without fear or favour
[MEGARA 2] Impartially.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a great relief to know that the law is in suchcapable hands. We have to be going now.
[ROMANA] What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] Never mind, just keep moving.
[MEGARA] Stop. Turn around. Do not move.
[MEGARA 2] Which of you removed the Great Seals?
[DOCTOR] I did. I feared for your safety.
[MEGARA] He meant well.
[MEGARA 2] But the law clearly states that no one may remove the sealswithout authorisation. The penalty is death.
[MEGARA] Where is your authorisation?
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, I didn't realise I needed authorisation. You see,I'm a stranger here myself. But I promise I'll never break any otherseals without authorisation ever.
[MEGARA] Contrition is to be accounted in the accused favour.
[MEGARA 2] Ignorance of the law is not.
[MEGARA] I will undertake his defence.
[MEGARA 2] I think you should advise your client that there is littlelikelihood of clemency.
[MEGARA] I will so advise him. He has gone!
[MEGARA 2] Further proof of guilt.
[MEGARA] No matter. None can escape the Megara.
(Stone circle)
[EMILIA] I can't see those creatures anywhere. Areyou recharged yet?
[K9] Negative. Recharging incomplete. It is time to switch on the beamagain.
[EMILIA] Oh yes, you're right. Oh well, anyway, we haven't got thosecreatures breathing down our necks. Here goes.
[EMILIA] Vivien!
[K9] Do not touch that machine, Miss Fay, otherwise I will be forced tostun you.
[VIVIEN] Ha, you haven't enough power left in you to strike a match. Seewhat I mean?
[EMILIA] Vivien
[VIVIEN] No, Emilia, don't make me kill you.
[EMILIA] No, they can't get back if you
[VIVIEN [OC]] Ogri, come. I command you.
(Spaceship entry point)
[ROMANA] Doctor, they're still following us.
[DOCTOR] What do you expect? They're justice machines. Come on. X marksthe spot.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] The projector Professor Rumford's using has got a very smallspread. If we're not in exactly the right place when she switches on,we'll never get back. Come on, Professor.
[ROMANA] Nothing. Doctor, behind us. Look!
[VIVIEN] Too late now, Doctor. I've destroyed your pitiful littlemachine. There's no way out for you. You're trapped in hyperspaceforever. Bwahahahahahahaha!
(Spaceship entry point)
[VIVIEN] Ogri, come.
[MEGARA] Do not harm our prisoner.
[VIVIEN] Ogri, stop. The Megara.
[DOCTOR] Mmm. Are they friends of yours?
[VIVIEN] Did you break the seals?
[DOCTOR] Well, yes, I'm afraid I did.
[MEGARA] Silence. He is ours. He is ours. Afterwards, you may have him.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, please, don't rush on my account. I'm so sorry todisappoint you.
[MEGARA 2] The prisoner has been tried and sentenced in his absence. Thesentence will now be carried out.
[DOCTOR] What sentence?
[MEGARA 2] The sentence is death. You are to be executed immediately.
[VIVIEN] Oh, may I watch? You don't mind, do you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no. Please, be my guest. I wouldn't want you tomiss my execution.
[MEGARA 2] Prepare for dissolution.
[DOCTOR] Objection!
[MEGARA 2] On what grounds?
[DOCTOR] How can there possibly be a sentence when there hasn't been atrial.
[MEGARA 2] There has been a trial.
[DOCTOR] There has been a trial. There has?
[MEGARA] I defended you.
[MEGARA 2] I was judge. You were found guilty.
[DOCTOR] But I wasn't there.
[MEGARA 2] Immaterial. Your counsel was. He was most eloquent on yourbehalf.
[DOCTOR] I demand the right to defend myself.
[MEGARA 2] Not permitted.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[MEGARA] You are a humanoid and therefore quite incapable ofappreciating the subtleties of the law.
[DOCTOR] Machine law.
[MEGARA 2] But of course. There is no other law.
[DOCTOR] Ah. I see. Just a minute.
[MEGARA] As your counsel, my advice to you is to submit to execution. Somuch easier in the end.
[DOCTOR] I wish to appeal against my sentence.
[MEGARA 2] There are no grounds.
[DOCTOR] How do you know? You haven't heard my case yet.
[VIVIEN] Your Honours, surely you're not going to allow yourselves to bepersuaded by this criminal?
[MEGARA 2] Who are you? Identify yourself to the court.
[VIVIEN] Vivien Fay.
[ROMANA] She's the reason why we're here.
[MEGARA 2] Are you saying that Vivien Fay broke the seals?
[ROMANA] No, but what I'm saying
[MEGARA 2] Then your evidence is immaterial.
[MEGARA] And incompetent.
[MEGARA 2] Attempts to influence the bench are punishable by death.
[MEGARA] Article twenty three of the legal code, subsection seventeen.
[DOCTOR] Ahem. Could we get back to my appeal, please?
[MEGARA 2] In accordance with article fourteen of the legal code,subsection one three five, this humanoid's execution is stayed for twohours while we graciously consent to hear his appeal. Afterwards, theexecution will take place as ordered.
[DOCTOR] Your Honours are too kind.
[VIVIEN] I demand that you execute him now.
[MEGARA 2] You are out of order.
(Stone circle)
[EMILIA] Oh, thank heavens. Are you better, dear?
[K9] Thank you, Professor Rumford.
[EMILIA] Can you move?
[K9] Mobility impaired, but databanks recharged.
[EMILIA] What are we going to do? Vivien smashed the machine.
[K9] Reconstruct it. With your help, it shouldn't be difficult.
[EMILIA] With my help? I'm an archaeologist, not an engineer.
[K9] You will work under my direction.
[ROMANA] You must tell the Megara we're Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] I just don't
[ROMANA] Tell them!
[DOCTOR] I don't think, I don't think it would do any good. They'rejustice machines, remember? I knew a Galactic Federation once, lots ofdifferent lifeforms so they appointed a justice machine to administerthe law.
[ROMANA] What happened?
[DOCTOR] They found the Federation in contempt of court and blew up theentire galaxy.
[MEGARA 2] The court has considered the request of the humanoid,hereinafter known as the Doctor. In order to speed up the process oflaw, it will graciously permit him to conduct his own appeal, prior tohis execution.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Your Honour.
[MEGARA 2] You may call your first witness.
[DOCTOR] I call as my first witness, Miss Romanadvoratrelundar.
[ROMANA] But I'm not a witness.
[MEGARA 2] The witness will take the stand and be sworn in. The witnesswill repeat the oath. I swear to tell the truth. Repeat.
[ROMANA] I swear to tell the truth.
[MEGARA 2] As far as I, a mere humanoid
[ROMANA] As far as I. Look, I object to the wording.
[MEGARA 2] Contempt is punishable by death.
[DOCTOR] Your Honours, I'm sure that my witness wishes to withdraw thatlast remark, don't you.
[MEGARA 2] Do you?
[ROMANA] As far as I, a mere humanoid
[MEGARA 2] Am capable of knowing the truth.
[ROMANA] Am capable of knowing the truth.
[ROMANA] What's that?
[MEGARA] It assesses the level of truth.
[ROMANA] Oh. What happens if the level falls?
[MEGARA] That would be most regrettable, Miss Romanadvoratrelundar.
[DOCTOR] Miss Dvoratrelundar, when we opened the hyperspace capsules,what did we find inside?
[ROMANA] Dead things.
[DOCTOR] Dead things?
[ROMANA] Well, bodies of dead creatures. Dead travellers, I suppose.
[DOCTOR] And when we found the hyperspace capsule in which their Honourswere travelling, could you see what was inside?
[DOCTOR] What did you think was inside?
[ROMANA] I didn't know. It could have been anything.
[DOCTOR] What, even creatures still alive?
[DOCTOR] No further questions.
[MEGARA 2] The witness is excused.
(Vivien's cottage)
[EMILIA] How's that, K9?
[K9] You have now linked the alpha circuit to the sine interphase.
[EMILIA] I have? Is that all right?
[K9] Affirmative.
[EMILIA] Oh, it's not so difficult after all.
[K9] Continue.
[DOCTOR] Your Honours, I call as my second witnessMiss Vivien Fay.
[VIVIEN] But I'm not a witness.
[DOCTOR] That's for their Honours to decide. I call Miss Fay.
[VIVIEN] But I'm not a witness. I didn't see anything. I don't knowanything.
[DOCTOR] I call Miss Fay.
[MEGARA 2] Once you have been called, you must appear. It is the law.
[DOCTOR] Ha! Ha!
[VIVIEN] But I know nothing, your Honour
[MEGARA 2] It is the law.
[VIVIEN] Ogri.
[ROMANA] I see what you mean about the galaxy.
[VIVIEN] I will take the oath.
[ROMANA] What are you up to, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Trying to find out who she really is.
[ROMANA] Is that important?
[DOCTOR] Well, it might just save my life.
[MEGARA 2] Repeat.
[ROMANA] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Why else do you think the Megara are here?
[VIVIEN] I swear.
[ROMANA] You mean they're after Miss Fay?
[DOCTOR] Well, who else has been around for four thousand years? It'sgot to be Miss Fay.
[ROMANA] Why don't they just arrest her?
[DOCTOR] Because they're justices, not policemen.
[ROMANA] Ah. I suppose those poor creatures back there were the police.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It's a pity they're also dead.
[ROMANA] Well, if this is a police vessel, then surely they must have adescription of her. An identification, voice print
[DOCTOR] Shush. All the Megara will have is a name on the charge sheet.
[ROMANA] There must be something incriminating in her cottage. I'll tryand get back somehow.
[DOCTOR] Good girl.
[ROMANA] Can you keep it going here?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but not for long.
[MEGARA] Doctor, we are waiting.
[DOCTOR] I beg your pardon, your Honours. I was consulting with myassociate.
[VIVIEN] Where's that girl going? She has no right leaving the courtwithout the judge's permission.
[DOCTOR] Oh come, what does it matter where she goes. As we all know, noone can escape the Megara. Am I not right, your Honour?
[MEGARA 2] Proceed with the questioning, Doctor. Your execution is longoverdue.
[DOCTOR] Yes, thank you. I request that this witness be attached to thetruth assessor.
[MEGARA] Unnecessary.
[DOCTOR] What? But why? The previous witness was attached to theassessor.
[MEGARA] Because she was present when the seals to our compartment wasbroken. This witness was not.
[DOCTOR] I demand that this witness be treated in exactly the same wayas the previous one.
[MEGARA 2] Demand?
[DOCTOR] Request, then.
[MEGARA 2] Request denied. Proceed, Doctor.
(Spaceship entry point)
[ROMANA] If only Vivien Fay hadn't broken thatmachine.
(Stone circle)
[EMILIA] Perhaps I ought to check the wiring. I may have joinedsomething up wrong.
[K9] I was superintending the work.
[EMILIA] Just the same.
[K9] Danger, danger.
[ROMANA] Run, Professor, run.
[DOCTOR] I submit most respectfully that yourHonours are in error.
[MEGARA 2] Error? Impossible.
[MEGARA] We are programmed against the possibility of error.
[DOCTOR] But you have ruled that this witness need not be attached tothe assessor because she wasn't present when the seals of your capsulewere broken.
[MEGARA] Correct.
[DOCTOR] How do you know that?
[MEGARA] Because we did not see her when we emerged.
[DOCTOR] That is not proof.
[MEGARA] Do you now say she was there?
[DOCTOR] No, no, I don't say that. I say that she will never tell usanything approaching the truth unless she is forced to. I don't thinkthat she'd even tell us her real name, except from fear of theassessor.
[VIVIEN] Your Honours, may a mere humanoid offer a suggestion?
[MEGARA 2] If you must.
[VIVIEN] If it will facilitate the proceedings, may I say that I have noobjection to the assessor. Attach me to it if you wish. Ask me if Ibroke the seals. I will answer truthfully.
(Vivien's cottage)
[ROMANA] K9, stay on guard. Now, Professor, youstayed here. You spent a lot of time in her company. Is there any partof the house where she didn't like you to go? Anywhere or anything shekept locked?
[MEGARA 2] Are you ready, Miss Fay?
[VIVIEN] Ready, your Honours.
[MEGARA 2] You will answer my questions truthfully. Should you lie, theassessor will register the degree of untruth and react accordingly. Youunderstand?
[VIVIEN] I understand, your Honours.
[MEGARA 2] The question is, did you or did you not remove the seals fromthe official compartment in which my colleague and I were travelling?
[VIVIEN] I did not.
[MEGARA] A reading of zero point six on the scale is registered.
[DOCTOR] What does that mean?
[MEGARA 2] An answer within the legal definition of truth.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure?
[MEGARA] We do not make mistakes.
[DOCTOR] How do you know? You've been locked in that capsule for fourthousand years! Even the finest piece of machinery deteriorates afterthat time. Rust, dust, pieces of fluff. Think how you'd feel if youcondemn an innocent humanoid to death just because you got a bit offluff stuck in your sprocket wheel or whatever it is you've got inthere.
[MEGARA] Living cells. A microcellular metallic organism.
[MEGARA 2] We are bio-machines.
[MEGARA] Incapable of error.
[DOCTOR] Very well. If you're so perfect, test yourselves, I dare you.Ask her her real name.
[MEGARA 2] Irrelevant.
[MEGARA] Irrational.
[MEGARA 2] You broke the seals without proper authorisation, the penaltyfor which offence is execution.
[DOCTOR] I thought you were on my side.
[MEGARA] I am. You are my client.
[DOCTOR] Great lawyer you've turned out to be.
[MEGARA] I have your interests at heart. I do not wish you to sufferunduly. I will plead with my colleague for a swift, painless death foryou.
[MEGARA 2] Your plea is granted.
[MEGARA] You see, Doctor? Justice can be merciful. You may step down,Miss Fay.
[VIVIEN] Thank you, your Honours.
[MEGARA] Proceed with the execution immediately.
[DOCTOR] Objection!
[MEGARA 2] To what are you objecting this time?
[DOCTOR] I haven't finished presenting my case yet. I have anotherwitness I wish to call.
[MEGARA] But there are no other witnesses here.
[DOCTOR] You're wrong, your Honour. There's one other witness I cancall.
(Vivien's cottage)
[EMILIA] Oh, it's hopeless. We don't even know whatwe're looking for. Perhaps we've seen it without realising it. Perhapsit's at the hall. Found anything, K9?
[K9] Negative, Professor.
[ROMANA [OC]] Citric acid!
[EMILIA] What?
[ROMANA] Lemon juice.
[EMILIA] I know what citric acid is.
[ROMANA] Look at these cookery books. Some of the recipes are marked,and some are crossed out.
[EMILIA] Well, she crossed out things she didn't like.
[ROMANA] Like recipes containing citric acid.
[EMILIA] She was allergic to lemon juice.
[ROMANA] She said that?
[EMILIA] Yes. She wouldn't touch lemon tea or lager and lime
[ROMANA] Anything else?
[EMILIA] Er, grapefruit, oranges
(Vivien's cottage)
[EMILIA] Avocados, certain kinds of meat. Don't seewhat you're getting at.
[ROMANA] Have you ever wondered why the Ogri don't attack her? I mean,why should she be safe?
[EMILIA] Perhaps they don't fancy her blood.
[ROMANA] Precisely. Which means that Vivien Fay has a differentmetabolism to Earth-born humans. K9, with a metabolism like that, whatkind of planet does she come from?
[K9] Referring to memory banks, mistress.
[ROMANA] Think, Professor, think. Any little thing could give us a clue.Is there anything you can remember?
[MEGARA] We are justice machines.
[MEGARA 2] Judge.
[MEGARA] Jury.
[MEGARA 2] Executioner.
[MEGARA] We cannot be called to give evidence.
[DOCTOR] Why not? Why not? I only want to put my counsel on the stand.There's nothing in the law that says I can't do that, is there? Well,is there?
[MEGARA 2] According to our databanks, the law does not actually specifythat the accused may not call his own counsel.
[DOCTOR] Very well, I call the Megara!
[MEGARA 2] But it is most unorthodox indeed. It may be grounds for acharge of contempt of court.
[DOCTOR] I shall of course, your Honour, dispense with the oath.
[MEGARA 2] You certainly will. The Megara cannot lie.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's handy. Why were you sealed in your capsule?
[MEGARA] Because we are justice machines travelling on judicialbusiness.
[DOCTOR] Travelling to where?
[MEGARA] Diplos, a G class planet in Tau Ceti.
[DOCTOR] What was the nature of your business?
[MEGARA] To try a humanoid criminal.
[DOCTOR] Ah. A female humanoid criminal?
(Vivien's cottage)
[ROMANA] It has to be a G class planet in Tau Ceti.
[K9] There are two other possibilities, mistress.
[ROMANA] Both incapable of supporting any form of humanoid life.Besides, the planet Ogros, the home of the Ogri, is in the same starsystem.
[EMILIA] Talking of the Ogri, what happened to our friend?
[K9] Ogri approaching.
[ROMANA] How close, K9?
[ROMANA] Come on, let's get out of here!
[DOCTOR] Of what crime had the female humanoid beenaccused?
[MEGARA] Murder, and the removal and misuse of the Great Seal of Diplos.
[DOCTOR] Ah. And did the Great Seal of Diplos, by any chance, have anyspecial powers?
[MEGARA] It has the powers of transmutation, transformation and theestablishing of hyperspatial and temporal coordinates.
[DOCTOR] Ha. Exactly as I thought.
[MEGARA 2] Is this relevant?
[DOCTOR] Well it is to me, your Honour, yes. What is this femalehumanoid called?
[MEGARA] She is known as Cessair of Diplos.
[DOCTOR] And her description?
[MEGARA] We have none.
[DOCTOR] You have none. How do you expect to identify her, then?
[MEGARA] We do not.
[DOCTOR] You do not.
[MEGARA] An officer was to identify her when we reached our destination.
[DOCTOR] But all the officers are dead.
[DOCTOR] Then you have no way of knowing who she is.
[VIVIEN] All this is irrelevant, your Honours. The accused is merelytrying to delay his long overdue execution.
[MEGARA 2] Agreed.
[DOCTOR] She is Cessair of Diplos!
[VIVIEN] Prove it.
[DOCTOR] Why else is she here in hyperspace? What's the ship doing here?
[MEGARA 2] That is not proof, that is supposition.
[VIVIEN] I am Vivien Fay of Rose Cottage, Boscawen. Ask anyone inBoscawen, they will identify me.
[MEGARA 2] These proceedings must now be terminated. Prepare toeliminate the accused.
(Stone circle)
[ROMANA] Right. We can prove she's got a non-Terranmetabolism, comes from a class G planet, and we even know the date ofher arrival on Earth.
[EMILIA] We do?
[ROMANA] Well, how long's this circle been here?
[EMILIA] About two thousand BC. Nearly four thousand years.
[ROMANA] That's when she arrived.
[EMILIA] Of course. Ready, chaps.
[MEGARA] Prepare yourself to die, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Do you usually execute your own clients?
[MEGARA] We are allowed to execute only prisoners who have been foundguilty.
[DOCTOR] Mmm. Well, it certainly adds a new dimension to the role ofdefending counsel. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Aren't you supposed tobe offering me a last toffee apple or something? A blindfold, a heartybreakfast, a free pardon? No?
[MEGARA] Too late, Doctor. Goodbye.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.
(Stone circle)
[K9] Mistress, speed imperative. I cannot hold him.
[ROMANA] Quickly, beam me through.
[DOCTOR] Hello. Did I short-circuit?
[MEGARA] Why did you try to involve Miss Fay in your execution?
[DOCTOR] Is she all right?
[MEGARA] We have no legal authority to kill her.
[DOCTOR] Well, I know, I know, but can you reach her memory cells?
[MEGARA] Why should we do that?
[DOCTOR] Well, her brain might be damaged.
[MEGARA] We will check.
[MEGARA 2] I am reaching her memory cells. This humanoid is not VivienFay. She is Cessair of Diplos. Wait. She is guilty of the theft andmisuse of the Great Seal of Diplos. Also of removing silicon basedlifeforms from the planet Ogros in contravention of article seven fivenine four of the Galactic Charter, and employing them for her own ends.
[DOCTOR] You see? All you had to do was read her memory cells.
[MEGARA 2] According to article three, subsection one three five of thelegal code, we the Megara, are not permitted to read the memory cellsof any beings, except when they are unable to present their evidence byreason of death, unconsciousness or natural stupidity.
[ROMANA] Stop! I have new evidence.
[DOCTOR] Too late. I've just been executed.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] There's an Ogri behind you.
[ROMANA] No! The Professor must have let it through.
[MEGARA] Stop! We are the Megara. I command you to stop.
[VIVIEN] Ogri, what's happening?
[MEGARA] Ogri, you will be confined to a cell on this vessel until youcan be returned to your home planet.
[MEGARA 2] Cessair of Diplos, you have been tried and found guilty ofthe following charges. Impersonating a religious personage, to wit, aCeltic goddess, for which the penalty is imprisonment for one thousandfive hundred years. Theft of the Great Seal of Diplos, for which thepenalty is perpetual imprisonment. The sentences to run consecutively.Have you anything to say before sentence is passed?
(Stone circle)
[EMILIA] Vivien, what are those things?
[DOCTOR] Those, Professor, are the Megara. Justice machines. They'reabout to carry out their sentence. I'd stand back if I were you. (toVivien) Hello.
[VIVIEN] If you let them do this to me, Doctor, you'll never find whatyou're looking for.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I wouldn't go as far as that. Excuse me, gentlemen, I thinkthis belongs to me.
[MEGARA 2] Sentence will be carried out. Perpetual imprisonment.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's your business completed.
[MEGARA] Not quite, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, not quite?
[MEGARA] There is still the matter of your delayed execution.
[DOCTOR] Delayed? Oh, I wouldn't bother about that, if I were you.
[DOCTOR] Bye, bye. Happy journey!
[ROMANA] Where are they going?
[DOCTOR] Back to Diplos. I took the liberty of fixing the controls ontheir ship before we popped back here. It should give us a couple ofthousand years grace. Come on, we can't stand around here. We've gotthings to do. Come along.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9.
[EMILIA] Poor Vivien. I can't help feeling sorry for her, but she hasn'tfinished making trouble yet.
[ROMANA] What do you mean?
[EMILIA] The Nine Travellers. They'll have to be surveyed all overagain. Oh, that'll put the cat amongst the pigeons, believe me.
[DOCTOR] Professor, you could write a monograph about it.
[EMILIA] Ah yes, and make Idwal Morgan look a fool.
[ROMANA] Will you write everything that happened?
[EMILIA] Certainly not. I do have my academic reputation to consider.Funny, I never noticed a police box there before.
[ROMANA] Goodbye, Professor, and thank you for everything.
[EMILIA] Goodbye? Where
[EMILIA] I do have my academic reputation to consider.
(Tardis side room)
[DOCTOR] The tracer.
[ROMANA] Doctor, is Earth always like that?
[DOCTOR] Sometimes it's even exciting.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s16", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Stones of Blood"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (25 Nov, 1978; Fourth Doctor) - The Androids of Tara
[DOCTOR] Rook to bishop's four.
[DOCTOR] I saw Capablanca make that move against Alekhine in 1927.
[K9] He lost, master.
[K9] Capablanca.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure?
[K9] Master, I have been programmed with all the Championship gamessince 1866. Capablanca lost.
[DOCTOR] I must have been called away. Are you really sure?
[K9] King to knight's two.
[DOCTOR] King to knight's two. King? That's a terrible move. You'veweakened the king's side.
[K9] Clock, master.
[DOCTOR] I know, I know. I'll check your programming sometime. We're notsupposed to be playing draughts, you know.
[K9] Master.
[ROMANA] What are you doing, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Shush. We're playing chess.
[ROMANA] Yes, I can see that, but aren't you forgetting something?
[DOCTOR] I don't think so.
[ROMANA] What about our task? The Key to Time, remember?
[DOCTOR] Oh, that old thing.
[ROMANA] Yes, that old thing. The Guardian did stress the need forurgency, didn't he?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[ROMANA] I'll do it.
[DOCTOR] If you must.
[DOCTOR] I just feel I deserve a little break. After all, we've got halfthe segments. I prefer to play chess.
[ROMANA] Really. Materialisation in fifteen seconds. Mate in twelve.
[K9] Correction, mistress. Eleven.
[ROMANA] Eleven? Oh yes. Sorry, K9.
[K9] Apologies are unnecessary, mistress.
[DOCTOR] Mate in eleven? Oh yes, oh yes. Well, that's the trouble withchess, isn't it. It's all so predictable.
[ROMANA] Materialisation commencing now. Five, four, three, two, one.
[ROMANA] Was that smooth enough for you, Doctor?
[ROMANA] I said, was that smooth enough?
[DOCTOR] Mate in eleven? What, have we arrived? Oh good. Where?
[ROMANA] Tara.
[DOCTOR] Tara?
[ROMANA] Earth-type gravity, oxygen atmosphere, climate, temperate.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Peaceful looking place. That shouldn't give you too muchtrouble.
[DOCTOR] I think it's rather beautiful, don't you? Very good for. Yes, Ithink it would be.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Shouldn't you be getting changed?
[ROMANA] Oh yes, all right.
(Tardis side room)
[ROMANA] Tara, Tara. Tahiti?
[ROMANA] No. Tally ho. Tara!
[ROMANA [OC]] What are you looking for?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's in here somewhere.
[ROMANA [OC]] I said, what are you looking for?
[DOCTOR] Aha! Aha! Goody. Gosh, that takes me back.
[DOCTOR] Or forward. That's the trouble with time travel, you can neverremember.
[ROMANA [OC]] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Last time I used this, I was with Isaak Walton. Yes. Yes, it'sall here.
[ROMANA] Well, how do you like it? Good. According to our records, it'swhat everyone on Tara's wearing this year. Isn't that right, K9?
[K9] Affirmative.
(Outside the Tardis)
[ROMANA] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] Fishing.
[ROMANA] Fishing? What's fishing?
[DOCTOR] Fishing? It's an art, worthy of the knowledge and practise of awise man. Isaak Walton
[ROMANA] Look, we haven't got time for you to practise anything. We'vegot to find the fourth segment.
[DOCTOR] You find it. I'm taking the day off.
[ROMANA] The day off?
[DOCTOR] Yes. After a journey of four hundred years and twelve parsecs,I'm allowed a rest of fifty years.
[ROMANA] Where does it say that?
[DOCTOR] Section ninety three, paragraph two, laws governing Time Lords.You look it up. Go on.
[ROMANA] What? You just made that up.
(By the river)
[ROMANA] But you can't just spent the fifty yearsfishing.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course not. I'd get bored. I just propose to spend thenext couple of hours fishing.
[ROMANA] But what about the fourth segment?
[DOCTOR] You get it.
[ROMANA] Right, I will.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you do that. It's a lovely day, beautiful countryside. Thewalk will do you good.
[ROMANA] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Would you just mind standing aside, please? You're casting ashadow. It frightens the fish.
[ROMANA] Frightens the fish. Look, I'm going to get that fourth segmentand I'll be back here in under an hour. You be ready to leave.
(Woodland garden)
[GRENDEL] Here, beast!
[GRENDEL] It's incredible!
[ROMANA] I don't know how to thank you. If you hadn't have come alongwhen you did, that beast would have got me. What's your name?
[GRENDEL] My name? Er, you're not damaged in any way?
[ROMANA] No, no, I just stumbled slightly, that's all.
[GRENDEL] Your head isn't injured?
[ROMANA] No, I don't think so. There's no harm done. I'm sorry if you'resomebody frightfully important, but I'm a stranger here, you see. Myname's Romana.
[GRENDEL] Ah, the fair Romana. That's a pretty name.
[ROMANA] Thank you. Tell me, are there many creatures like that aroundhere? I understood that the fauna of Tara were supposed to be friendly.
[GRENDEL] I always keep some beasts in my woods to hunt, but they don'tusually attack people unless they're frightened in some way.
[ROMANA] Your woods?
[GRENDEL] Yes. These are part of the estates of Gracht. What a curiouslyshaped stone.
[GRENDEL] Oh, have you hurt your ankle?
[ROMANA] No, no, it's nothing, really. Could I have my stone, please?
[GRENDEL] Of course, as soon as its been registered.
[ROMANA] Registered?
[GRENDEL] Yes. Do you not know the law?
[ROMANA] No. As I said, I'm a stranger here.
[GRENDEL] The law decrees that all minerals, particularly unusual oneslike of this kind, must be registered with the Knight of Castle Gracht.
[ROMANA] Who's that?
[GRENDEL] Me. I am Count Grendel, Knight of Gracht, Master of the Sword.
[ROMANA] Oh, I see.
[GRENDEL] What's happened to the statue?
[ROMANA] Is it important?
[GRENDEL] Only to superstitious fools.
[GRENDEL] It's our family emblem. At least, it was. It's supposed toguard our fortunes. How very odd.
[ROMANA] Look, I'm sorry, but I really must
[GRENDEL] It's of no importance. What is important is to get that ankleof your attended to.
[ROMANA] It's nothing, really.
[GRENDEL] I shall take you to my castle. My steward can register yourstone while my surgeon attends to your injury.
[ROMANA] Look, it's very kind of you, but I really couldn't
[GRENDEL] Then I shall provide you with a mount and an escort to takeyou wherever you wish.
[ROMANA] It's just a question of time.
[GRENDEL] An hour, no more. What's an hour out of your life?
[GRENDEL] I shall not take no for an answer.
[ROMANA] What's that? Is it yours?
[GRENDEL] My favourite charger. Strong as a tree and swift as the wind.
[ROMANA] Well, how does it go? What makes it work?
[GRENDEL] Good heavens, I don't know, my dear.
[ROMANA] You don't?
[GRENDEL] I'm a knight, not a farrier.
(By the river)
[DOCTOR] Do you mind not standing on my chest? My hat's on fire. I don'tthink we've met before.
[ZADEK] Who are you?
[ZADEK] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] Call me Doctor.
[ZADEK] What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Oh, fishing.
[ZADEK] This is Prince Reynart's hunting estate.
[DOCTOR] What? Prince Reynart?
[ZADEK] Yes.
[DOCTOR] I've never heard of him. Decent sort of chap, is he?
[FARRAH] Shall I kill him, Swordmaster?
[DOCTOR] No, no, that won't be necessary.
[DOCTOR] Good heavens, electrically charged. The control's in the hilt,I see.
[ZADEK] You know about such things?
[DOCTOR] Well, I've travelled.
[FARRAH] He said he was a doctor.
[ZADEK] You know about machines, electronics?
[DOCTOR] A little.
[ZADEK] You don't look like a peasant.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course not. I've travelled.
[ZADEK] But you have certain skills. Can you mend an android?
[DOCTOR] What? What did you just say?
[ZADEK] An android.
[DOCTOR] I thought you said an android. What's wrong with it?
[ZADEK] It won't go.
[DOCTOR] Why don't you just try your local android dealer?
[FARRAH] Shall I kill him now, Swordmaster?
[DOCTOR] Look, that isn't necessary. You see, I'd really love to helpyou out but I'm frightfully busy and where is this android?
(Castle - west view)
[GRENDEL] There is Castle Gracht, my dear.
[ROMANA] It's beautiful.
[GRENDEL] It's the ancient home of the Grendels of Gracht. And it'squite, quite escape-proof, I'm glad to say.
(Castle entrance)
[TILL] My lord is come! Open the gate!
[GRENDEL] There, that wasn't too bad, was it?
[ROMANA] There's no need to carry me. I can still walk.
[TILL] Master.
[GRENDEL] Fetch Madame Lamia.
[TILL] Master.
[GRENDEL] She's my surgeon. Come, my dear.
[GRENDEL] There.
[ROMANA] Oh, thank you. You won't forget to register my stone, will you?
[ROMANA] My stone.
[GRENDEL] Oh, no, no, of course not, my dear.
[LAMIA] I got your message.
[GRENDEL] Oh, Romana, my dear, this is Madame Lamia, mysurgeon-engineer.
[ROMANA] Hello. Engineer?
[LAMIA] I don't believe it.
[ROMANA] What's the matter?
[LAMIA] It's incredible. It's a marvellous job. Who did it?
[GRENDEL] The question is not so much who, my dear, as why.
[LAMIA] I'm a peasant. I leave politics to my betters.
[GRENDEL] Very wise of you, my dear.
[ROMANA] Now look, I don't know what all this is about, but I must
[GRENDEL] Restrain her.
[LAMIA] What do you want me to do with her, my lord?
[GRENDEL] Well, we can't have her running around the kingdom.Disassemble her. We can cannibalise her for parts.
[ROMANA] What parts? Now, wait a minute.
[GRENDEL] I should like to keep the head. You're right, it really isquite remarkable.
(Hunting lodge)
[DOCTOR] Ahem, you're standing on my scarf.
[FARRAH] I'm terribly sorry.
[DOCTOR] If you don't stop burning my scarf, you're going to have tokill me.
[REYNART] Doctor, you must forgive Swordsman Farrah. He tends to getoverenthusiastic in the pursuit of his duties.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps he does
[REYNART] But particularly in defence of his prince.
[DOCTOR] Well, maybe he does get too enthusiastic in the course of hisduty. What about my scarf?
[ZADEK] Peasant, you will speak with respect when you address PrinceReynart of Tara.
[DOCTOR] I told you, I'm not a peasant.
[REYNART] But you do know about androids.
[DOCTOR] Well, that depends.
[ZADEK] On what?
[REYNART] On how we treat him, obviously.
[REYNART] So you're not a peasant.
[REYNART] Very well, I'll make you an offer. One thousand gold pieces ifyou can mend our android.
[DOCTOR] One thousand gold pieces? Pfft. Do you think you can buy me formoney? Ha! Five hundred.
[DOCTOR] Suppose I can't mend the android?
[ZADEK] Then we shall give you to Swordsman Farrah for sword practice.
[REYNART] No, we won't, Zadek. This man is obviously a gentleman. If hecan mend our android, we shall reward him. If he cannot, you have myword, Doctor, you will come to no harm. You may go free.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[REYNART] Wait. The android?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, yes. Where? Excuse me.
[REYNART] There he is, Doctor.
(Lamia's laboratory)
[GRENDEL] I always enjoy watching you work, my dear.
[LAMIA] Thank you, my lord. I shall make the cut here.
[GRENDEL] Excellent.
[ROMANA] Count, far be it from me to query this lady's competency as adoctor, but where I come from you don't cut off the patient's head ifyou wish to cure their ankle!
[LAMIA] Ankle?
[GRENDEL] Yes, there was supposed to be something wrong with its ankle.
[LAMIA] It's swollen.
[ROMANA] Well, what did you expect?
[LAMIA] Extraordinary. If I didn't know better, my lord.
[LAMIA] She is not an android.
[LAMIA] She is real.
[ROMANA] Brilliant.
[GRENDEL] Well, you can keep your head, my dear. I may have a better usefor it.
(Hunting lodge)
[DOCTOR] That's not bad. I have seen better.
[REYNART] Don't you sometimes wish, Zadek, that our fathers hadpermitted us to learn peasant skills?
[ZADEK] No, your highness. If we'd have meant to have been peasants,we'd have been born peasants.
[REYNART] Perhaps you're right, Zadek. Well, Doctor, can it be fixed?
[DOCTOR] Well, that depends. Fixed for what?
[REYNART] Zadek.
[REYNART] For one thing, it must wear this.
[REYNART] Tomorrow, at the appropriate hour fixed by the astrologers, inthe great Coronation room of the Palace of Tara, I am to be crownedKing.
[DOCTOR] Well, congratulations.
[REYNART] They will be in order if I get there.
[DOCTOR] Why? What's to stop you?
[REYNART] Count Grendel of Gracht.
[DOCTOR] What?
[REYNART] He'll kill me if he needs to. After all, you can't crown adead Prince. Grendel and his men will be watching every entrance to thepalace to prevent my getting to the Coronation room at the ordainedtime.
[REYNART] If I fail to appear at the right moment, I forfeit my right tothe crown.
[DOCTOR] Ah. And that's when Grendel of Gracht steps in?
[REYNART] The only other contender for the throne is the PrincessStrella, but she disappeared some time ago. Nobody knows where she is.
[DOCTOR] Where does George come into all this?
[ZADEK] There have been three attempts on his Highness's life already.The next one could be successful.
[DOCTOR] Ah, I see. Let them attack George here instead of the Prince.
[REYNART] Precisely. We use George, the android copy of me to create adiversion, to distract their attention.
[DOCTOR] And draw their fire.
[REYNART] To draw their fire, while we slip past the guards into theCoronation room. What do you think, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, it has been done before.
(Lamia's laboratory)
[LAMIA] I don't like it.
[GRENDEL] I'm not asking you to like it, just do it.
[LAMIA] Is it wise? Think of the risk.
[GRENDEL] You question my commands?
[LAMIA] No, my lord, of course not.
[GRENDEL] Then do what I tell you or I shall have you flogged, and don'timagine that I won't.
[LAMIA] Yes, my lord.
[ROMANA] What are you doing? What? No! Please, no! Ah.
(Hunting lodge)
[GEORGE] Congratulations, Doctor. Thank you. Andnow if you will forgive me, gentlemen, I must retire.
[GEORGE] Goodnight, gentlemen.
[REYNART] Excellent! Farrah, bring wine. Do you know, it's quite eerieseeing oneself walk and talk like that. I never thought I'd see thatthing going again.
[DOCTOR] Well, it'll do for now, but if I'd had the proper tools I couldhave done a much better job.
[REYNART] It's good enough to fool Grendel and his men, don't you thinkso, Zadek?
[ZADEK] I hope so, your Highness, for our sake.
[REYNART] Oh, Zadek, always the pessimist. Thank you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] My pleasure.
[REYNART] Zadek.
[ZADEK] Five hundred gold pieces.
[REYNART] You wouldn't be interested in permanent employment, would you,Doctor?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm otherwise engaged.
[REYNART] Pity. Still, you will stay and drink a toast to our successfor tomorrow, won't you?
[DOCTOR] All right.
[REYNART] One of our local wines. Modest, demure, but palatable. Joinus, Farrah.
[FARRAH] Thank you, your Highness.
[DOCTOR] You look better without your helmet.
[FARRAH] Cooler, anyway.
[ZADEK] With your permission, your Highness. To the King.
[DOCTOR] To the King.
[FARRAH] To the King.
[REYNART] Not yet. Tomorrow, perhaps, thanks to the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[FARRAH] To the Doctor.
[REYNART] The Doctor.
[FARRAH] Your Highness?
[DOCTOR] Potent stuff.
(Hunting lodge)
[FARRAH] Wake up!
[DOCTOR] So much for the local wine.
[FARRAH] Wake up, you traitor!
[DOCTOR] What?
[FARRAH] Traitor!
[DOCTOR] What?
[FARRAH] I want you to be totally conscious when I kill you.
[DOCTOR] Haven't you got anything better to do?
[FARRAH] There's only one thing preventing me from running you throughright now.
[DOCTOR] What's that?
[FARRAH] Where is he?
[DOCTOR] I don't know what you're talking about.
[ZADEK] That's enough, Farrah. Doctor, the Prince has gone.
[DOCTOR] What? Where?
[ZADEK] Vanished. He's been kidnapped.
[DOCTOR] By whom?
[FARRAH] Your master, Count Grendel, of course!
[DOCTOR] But I don't even know who Count Grendel is!
[ZADEK] I'm inclined to believe you, Doctor.
[FARRAH] But Swordmaster
[ZADEK] Why should he remain when the Prince has been taken? It doesn'tmake sense.
[DOCTOR] Well at least he didn't take the android.
[ZADEK] They took the real Prince. What use is the copy?
[DOCTOR] Well, that depends on what you're going to do.
[ZADEK] What honour demands.
[DOCTOR] And what's that?
[ZADEK] Farrah and I will take our swords and do battle with the Count'smen.
[DOCTOR] What? What, just the two of you?
[FARRAH] A swordsman does not fear death if he dies with honour.
[DOCTOR] Then he's an idiot. Listen, let me see if I understand this. Inorder to be crowned King, the Prince must present himself in theCoronation room at a specific time, right?
[ZADEK] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Then you've got no problem. Excuse me.
[DOCTOR] You take it to the Coronation room and get it crowned.
[FARRAH] Crown an android King of Tara? Never!
[DOCTOR] Would you rather crown Count Grendel of Gracht?
[FARRAH] But an android. It's unthinkable.
[ZADEK] In any case, Grendel's men will see that we don't get into theCoronation room.
[DOCTOR] Well, I don't suppose the King was going to walk in through thefront door, was he?
[ZADEK] He had a plan.
[DOCTOR] Ah. What?
[ZADEK] There is a secret passage.
[DOCTOR] Aha, I thought there might be something like that. How secret?Would Grendel know about it?
[ZADEK] I hope not.
[DOCTOR] So do I. Right, now listen. I'll do some more work on George,you get him to the Coronation room, get him crowned, and while he'sruling the country you two can find the real Prince. I mean, that'sworth a try, isn't it?
[ZADEK] Doctor, I see only two objections to your plan.
[DOCTOR] Only two?
[ZADEK] What if the android breaks down?
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, I can't guarantee you anything, but if I had theproper tools
[ZADEK] Second problem, security.
[DOCTOR] Security? But only the three of us need even know of George'sexistence.
[ZADEK] Precisely. Farrah I can trust.
[DOCTOR] And by the time George is King, I'll be light years away.
[ZADEK] No, Doctor. You'll be with the android at all times.
[DOCTOR] Now look here, Zadek. I've got better things to do than meddlein the politics of your piffling little planet.
[DOCTOR] On the other hand, I could be with the android at all times.
(Outside the Hunting lodge)
[FARRAH] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Calling my dog.
[FARRAH] I don't see any dog.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course not. He hasn't arrived yet.
[K9] Master.
(Hunting lodge)
[ZADEK] Doctor? You've checked the android?
[DOCTOR] Well, as far as I can without the proper tools.
[ZADEK] Everything is functioning correctly?
[DOCTOR] No. His micro-circuitry's not perfect and his power packs needa boost.
[ZADEK] I have great confidence in you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm deeply touched.
[ZADEK] But remember, either Farrah or myself will be with you at alltimes. Don't let us down.
[DOCTOR] Don't draw that sword.
[K9] You called, master?
[ZADEK] What is that thing?
[DOCTOR] That thing? That's my dog.
[ZADEK] But it's a machine.
[DOCTOR] Well, so is your Prince.
[DOCTOR] Don't draw that sword!
[DOCTOR] K9? K9?
[DOCTOR] Look, I don't like to say I told you so, but I told you so. Doput it away, quickly. K9, where's Romana?
[K9] She has not yet returned, master.
[DOCTOR] What? Where is she?
[K9] Insufficient data to formulate a reply. She's not within range ofmy sensors.
[DOCTOR] But she was only meant to be gone an hour.
[ZADEK] You've lost someone?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my assistant. She was looking for something.
[ZADEK] What?
[DOCTOR] Oh, nothing important.
[ZADEK] Where was she last seen?
[DOCTOR] Where you picked me up yesterday.
[FARRAH] Which way was she going?
[DOCTOR] Up the hill.
[FARRAH] Towards Count Grendel's lands.
[ZADEK] I'm afraid, Doctor, that it sounds as though she might havefallen into the hands of the Count.
(Lamia's laboratory)
[GRENDEL] So, the lovely lady wakes.
[ROMANA] How long have I been unconscious?
[GRENDEL] Twelve hours, my dear. I trust you slept well. Release her.
[ROMANA] Twelve hours? Oh, no.
[GRENDEL] Why, what's the matter, my dear?
[ROMANA] Look, why don't you just let me go? I've no money and I'm notworth ransoming. Why did you bring me here?
[GRENDEL] Do you think I'm a common bandit?
[ROMANA] I'm not even Taran. What possible use can I be to you?
[GRENDEL] I'll show you. Help her down.
[GRENDEL] Come with me. I want you to see something.
[GRENDEL] And how is our guest?
[GUARD] She's well, my lord.
[GRENDEL] Good. Let's see for ourselves.
[GRENDEL] Take a look, my dear.
[ROMANA] Oh! It's incredible!
[GRENDEL] Yes, the resemblance is extraordinary, isn't it?
[ROMANA] Is it an android?
[GRENDEL] Good heavens, no, my dear. That's the Princess Strella. FirstLady of Tara, a descendant of the Royal House, Mistress of the domainsof Thorvald, Mortgarde and Freya. In fact, Tara's most eligiblespinster, shortly to become, in rapid succession, my fiancée, my bride,and then deceased. Yes, it will be a tragic accident. A flower blightedin its prime. And naturally, as her husband, I shall claim her estatesand her position as second in line to the throne, as provided for underTaran law.
[ROMANA] I see. But since you've already got a princess, what do youneed me for?
[GRENDEL] Well, the Princess does not entirely agree with my plan.
[ROMANA] I can't say I'm wildly surprised.
[GRENDEL] In fact, she quite refuses to cooperate.
[ROMANA] Good for her. But I still don't see what all this has got to dowith me.
[GRENDEL] Don't you, my dear? I should have thought that was obvious. Ifshe goes on refusing, I can marry you instead in front of the greatassembly of the nobles of Tara, who won't know the difference.
[ROMANA] What happens if I refuse, too?
[GRENDEL] Oh, but you won't. Aren't I a lucky man to have two suchbeautiful women as my bride?
[ROMANA] Apparently your staff doesn't agree.
[GRENDEL] She's prejudiced, my dear, just because I once showed her acertain courtesy. That's the trouble with peasants these days. Theydon't know their place any more. Open!
(Reynart's cell)
[REYNART] Why don't you kill me, Grendel, and get it over with.
[GRENDEL] Never rush your pleasures, my dear Reynart. Besides, I'vebrought someone to see you. Meet his Royal Highness, Prince Reynart,first in line to the throne of Tara.
[REYNART] Strella!
[ROMANA] No, I'm not Strella. I just look like her. My name's Romana.
[GRENDEL] You see, my dear Reynart, when I play for high stakes I liketo hold all the cards.
[ROMANA] You won't be holding this one much longer. He's ill. He'srunning a fever.
[GRENDEL] That's why we brought him a permanent nurse for his bedside.Hold her, Kurster. Lamia.
[REYNART] Let her go!
[GRENDEL] Don't be so tediously heroic, my dear fellow. Not too tight,Lamia. We don't want to choke her.
[LAMIA] She is secure, my lord.
[GRENDEL] You know, my dear Reynart, you ought to thank me.
[REYNART] For what?
[GRENDEL] For what? For finding you such a charming nurse. There. Takegood care of our royal guest, my dear. Watch them, Kurster.
[KURSTER] Yes, my lord.
[GRENDEL] And now, my friend, I must go to your coronation. It's a pityyou will miss it.
(Hunting lodge)
[DOCTOR] Where is Count Grendel's castle?
[ZADEK] About eight leagues from here.
[DOCTOR] Eight leagues.
[ZADEK] You're not thinking of going there alone?
[DOCTOR] Well, where else might he have taken her if not there?
[ZADEK] To Tara itself. He will want to make sure that no one elseclaims the throne.
[DOCTOR] Right. K9, you take the castle. I'll go to Tara with George.
[FARRAH] You're going to help us then?
[DOCTOR] Well, of course. Anyway, we need Zadek to get us into thepalace, right?
[ZADEK] Correct, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] K9, off you go. Find out if Romana's there and report straightback to me. Come on, off you go.
[FARRAH] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] What?
[FARRAH] Is he a good hunting dog?
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, if she's there, he'll find her.
[FARRAH] There's not a lot of time left.
[ZADEK] We're almost there. Wait here. I'll go ahead and scout.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[FARRAH] Be careful, Swordmaster. He's not as young as he used to be.
[DOCTOR] Who is.
[FARRAH] Are you all right, sir? How do you feel? (no reply) I can'ttalk to androids. Is he all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think so.
[FARRAH] He's not talking.
[DOCTOR] Well, I've switched off his communication mechanism to conservepower.
[FARRAH] He'll have to make a speech at his coronation.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, he'll make a speech. Don't worry. It won't be along one, but he'll make a speech.
[FARRAH] I don't know what it is about androids. I know it's silly. Youknow what I mean.
[DOCTOR] Funny thing, some androids feel like that about humans.
[ZADEK] I have found the place. Come.
(Secret entrance)
[ZADEK] It's one of Grendel's men.
[FARRAH] I'll deal with him.
[DOCTOR] Will he recover?
[FARRAH] In a few hours.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[DOCTOR] It fires electronic bolts. How very quaint.
[FARRAH] It's a peasant's weapon.
[ZADEK] Come, there's no time to lose.
(Lamia's laboratory)
[LAMIA] That's curious.
[LAMIA] That's very odd.
(Beyond the moat)
[K9] Mistress?
(Reynart's cell)
[REYNART] So you're a friend of the Doctor?
[ROMANA] Yes. Don't worry, he'll get us out of here.
[REYNART] Huh. How? No one's ever escaped from the dungeons of CastleGracht. Ow. How is it? Not good, eh?
[ROMANA] Look, don't try and talk. Just conserve your strength.
[REYNART] For what? I can't swim the moat with this, let alone take onthe guard.
[ROMANA] The Doctor'll find a way.
[REYNART] Soon, I hope. I'd like to try and avoid giving Grendel thepleasure of dying in one of his foul dungeons.
[REYNART] Peasants! How dare you lay hands on a lady.
[DOCTOR] What were these tunnels built for?
[ZADEK] They were plague tunnels built about two hundred years ago toallow the royal court to move in and out of the palace without havingto pass through the contaminated city.
[ZADEK] The great plague wiped out nine tenths of the population.
[FARRAH] That's when the survivors started using androids to replace thepeople.
[DOCTOR] I see. Very far yet?
[ZADEK] Quite a way, I fear.
(Coronation Room antechamber)
[KURSTER] You're relieved of your post. Go.
[KURSTER] Take up your place. Come on.
[KURSTER] Everything is ready, my lord.
[GRENDEL] The peasants are prepared?
[KURSTER] I have my men dressed as peasants, my lord. As soon as it isannounced that the Prince has not appeared for the coronation, therewill be a spontaneous demonstration of love and loyalty to the House ofGracht.
[GRENDEL] I think I shall reject the crown once. Rejecting it twicemight be misconstrued. Besides, I'm not sure I can trust theArchimandrite to offer it to me a third time.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] The hour approaches, Count Grendel.
[GRENDEL] It does indeed, your Eminence.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Where is the Prince?
[GRENDEL] No doubt he will be here, your Eminence.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] If he misses the appointed hour of his coronation, wemust choose another king. That is the law.
[GRENDEL] I know.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] It is possible we may choose you.
[GRENDEL] You overwhelm me, your Eminence.
[ZADEK] We're nearly there. The steps to theCoronation chamber are just round the corner.
[FARRAH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What? Stop him!
[FARRAH] Is he going to be all right?
[DOCTOR] Let's hope so. Off you go.
[FARRAH] Look out!
[ZADEK] We've been followed! Doctor, take the Prince. We'll try to holdthem off here. There's a lever at the top. Pull it down. It opens apanel. Hurry!
[DOCTOR] It can't have been moved for two hundred years. It's stuck! Itwon't move.
(Coronation Room antechamber)
[ARCHIMANDRITE] There's no sign of the Prince, Count Grendel.
[GRENDEL] He would appear to be late, your Eminence.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] If he doesn't appear by the appointed time, it is myduty under the law to offer the crown to one of the other nobles.
[GRENDEL] My dear Archimandrite, you may rest assured that whoever youchoose to be King of Tara will immediately be offered the protection ofmy guard.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Your guard? These are your men?
[GRENDEL] Er, the palace guard proved to be indisposed.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] I see. Perhaps, in the circumstances, it would besimpler if I offered you the crown immediately.
[GRENDEL] An excellent suggestion, my dear Archimandrite. It would avoida great deal of possible unpleasantness later. But we must wait for theexact moment. Everything must be done correctly.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Noble sentiments, Count. Nobly spoken.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Look, it is time. It is time! Open the doors.
(Coronation Room)
[GRENDEL] Impossible.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] All kneel to our sovereign lord, Prince Reynart.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Behold the crown of Tara.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Hail to the King! Hail to King Reynart of Tara!
[NOBLES] Hail! Hail to the King!
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Your Majesty. The speech of accession. You must say it.
[GEORGE] My subjects, I acknowledge your salutations and I swear that Iwill uphold your rights and devote myself to defending andpro-o-o-tecting you at all times.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) I'll do some more work on his speech circuits.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Let all the nobles now swear the oath of fealty to theKing.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Let the First Lady of the land of Tara come forward andmake her vows.
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ZADEK] That's the Princess Strella.
[STRELLA] (deadpan) I, Princess Strella, descendant of the Royal Kingsof Tara, Mistress of the domains of Thorvald, Mortgarde and Freya, dohumbly offer my loyalty to the King and do hereby recognise hissuzerainty over me and all whom I command.
(Coronation Room)
[ZADEK] Are you mad?
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Seize him! He's killed the Princess.
[FARRAH] Stop! That's not the Princess.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] It's an android.
[ZADEK] How did you know?
[DOCTOR] A circuit must have been faulty. I heard it spark.
[GRENDEL] And who might you be, pray?
[ARCHIMANDRITE] But it doesn't make sense. Why send an android to swearloyalty to the King?
[DOCTOR] To get close enough to kill him.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] But who would want to kill the King?
[GRENDEL] My dear Archimandrite, what are you suggesting?
[ZADEK] Treachery against His Majesty.
[GRENDEL] Take care what you say, Zadek. Your Eminence, I suggest wepostpone the oath-taking for the time being. Who knows how many otherprogrammed androids there may be.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] You think there are more?
[GRENDEL] It is a possibility we must face, your Eminence. I shall leavemy own personal guard here to protect His Majesty.
[ZADEK] I'm afraid I cannot permit that, Count.
[GRENDEL] It is not for you to say.
[ZADEK] As Commander of His Majesty's bodyguard, it is my decision andmine alone.
[GRENDEL] You presume too much, Zadek. Well, what does His Majesty haveto say on the matter? He is very quiet.
[DOCTOR] Ahem. His Majesty is very tired. Can't you talk about thistomorrow?
[GRENDEL] Who the devil are you, sir?
[DOCTOR] I'm the King's Doctor.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Is His Majesty ill?
[DOCTOR] No, nothing a nice rest won't cure. He'll be all righttomorrow.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] I understand, Doctor. Come, Count. We must allow HisMajesty to rest.
[GRENDEL] But what of the danger?
[DOCTOR] What possible danger can His Majesty be in from his ownpersonal bodyguard, Count?
[ZADEK] Will he be all right tomorrow?
[DOCTOR] Not unless I can recharge his power packs and repair his speechcircuits.
(Lamia's laboratory)
[LAMIA] Is this yours?
[LAMIA] What is it?
[ROMANA] What is it?
[LAMIA] Yes. What is it made of?
[ROMANA] Oh, I've no idea. I only found it the other day.
[LAMIA] It's like no substance I have ever seen before. I have bluntedtwo diamond drills on it.
[ROMANA] Well, perhaps it's some kind of quartz?
[LAMIA] This is no quartz.
[ROMANA] Well, if you don't want it, could I have it back? You've no usefor it, have you?
[LAMIA] I don't suppose it matters. What could you possibly do with it?No.
[ROMANA] Why not?
[LAMIA] I'm curious. It looks as though it might be part of something.
[ROMANA] Part of what?
[GRENDEL] It failed. The machine failed. That doctor saw at once it wasan android.
[LAMIA] My lord, I did warn you it wasn't ready.
[ROMANA] What doctor?
[GRENDEL] Oh, some strange doctor who's attending the Prince.
[LAMIA] We hold the real Prince. What you have seen must have been anandroid.
[GRENDEL] Obviously. Do you know this doctor?
[GRENDEL] I think you do. Lamia, prepare another android. An exact copyprecise to the last detail. I have an idea. Our guest can help us.
(King's chambers)
[K9] Master.
[K9] I have located the mistress. She is in Castle Gracht.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure?
[K9] Affirmative, master. I detected her presence quite distinctly.
[DOCTOR] Good. Well, that means the Count has Romana, the real Princessand the Prince.
[ZADEK] So Grendel now holds all the cards.
[DOCTOR] No, I wouldn't say that. We've still got a prince of sorts.
[ZADEK] He has to attend the convocation with the Archimandrite and thepriests. Will he be able to?
[DOCTOR] Well, K9, what would happen if I connect the carbon circuit tothe silicon circuit? How long would they last?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[K9] Three hours nine minutes and ten point seven seconds,approximately.
(Lamia's laboratory)
[GRENDEL] Comfortable, my dear?
[LAMIA] My lord?
[GRENDEL] What is it?
[LAMIA] These are like no alpha waves I have ever seen before.
[GRENDEL] What do you mean?
[LAMIA] She is not Taran.
[GRENDEL] Then what is she?
[LAMIA] I don't know. I need more time for evaluation.
[GRENDEL] Time we don't have, my dear. Just programme another android tokill, that's all, but this time make sure it's a perfect copy.
[LAMIA] Yes, my lord.
(King's chambers)
[DOCTOR] Go on, ask him a question. Go on.
[ZADEK] The question of monastic lands. That's bound to come up at theconvocation. What is His Majesty's position on that?
[GEORGE] Monastic lands are held by the religious orders under theprotection of the Crown. Those lands and that protection may bewithdrawn at my discretion at any time.
[ZADEK] Good.
[GEORGE] I propose to be discreet for the time being.
[ZADEK] Yes. Doctor, the Prince
[GEORGE] King.
[ZADEK] Oh, quite so, your Majesty.
[DOCTOR] Zadek.
[ZADEK] Oh, drat. I keep forgetting he's only an android. Doctor, theKing seems to be, how shall I say, a trifle more
[DOCTOR] Intelligent than the real one? Well, of course he is. Iprogrammed him.
[ZADEK] We don't want him too intelligent, Doctor. You can't trustandroids, you know.
[DOCTOR] It's funny, you know. That's what some androids say aboutpeople.
[ZADEK] What?
[DOCTOR] Anyway, how can you possibly be frightened of something thatgoes pfft if it short-circuits?
[FARRAH] Someone to speak to the Doctor, sir.
[ZADEK] Who?
[TILL] My name is Till. I am but a servant to the Count.
[ZADEK] And what do you want?
[TILL] My mission is with the doctor, Swordsman, not with thee.
[FARRAH] You dare to refuse to speak to a Master of the Sword?
[TILL] Swordsman, I will speak only to the doctor. Those are my orders.
[DOCTOR] Quite right, too. Quite right. We peasants have got to sticktogether. Now then, what can I do for you, huh?
[TILL] I have a message from Madame Lamia.
[DOCTOR] Lamia?
[TILL] Yeah, she's Count Grendel's woman, a peasant.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[TILL] She would have me tell you that she fears for the Count's safety.
[TILL] Now they've crowned the android King, the Count is politicallypowerless.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Come over here.
[FARRAH] I suppose he can be trusted?
[GEORGE] Who, the servant or the Doctor?
[FARRAH] The Doctor, of course. (to Zadek) He can be trusted, can't he,sir?
[ZADEK] I wish we knew more about him.
[FARRAH] There's only one way to settle this.
[K9] Do not activate your sword.
[FARRAH] Good dog. Good dog.
[DOCTOR] Lamia's offered us a deal.
[ZADEK] What?
[DOCTOR] Romana in exchange for the safe conduct out of the country ofCount Grendel.
[ZADEK] You refused, of course.
[DOCTOR] No, no, I accepted. I'm to take a written undertaking from youand the King for Grendel's safety, then Lamia and her friends will passRomana over to me.
[FARRAH] It's an obvious trap. You can't go.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I can.
[ZADEK] Where is the meeting to take place?
[DOCTOR] At a place called the Pavilion of the Summer Winds. Do you knowwhere it is?
[ZADEK] Yes. It's on Grendel's estate, in the woods near the castle.
[DOCTOR] Good. I shall have to go alone, of course. It's funny, theyalways want you to go alone when you're walking into a trap. Have younoticed that?
(Lamia's laboratory)
[GRENDEL] You've excelled yourself, my dear Lamia.It's absolutely perfect. Don't you agree?
[ROMANA] The Doctor'll spot it immediately.
[GRENDEL] In the dark at a distance of twenty feet? I think not, mydear.
[ROMANA] He'll know it's a trap.
[GRENDEL] Of course! That's what gives the situation such a deliciousedge.
[ROMANA] He won't come.
[GRENDEL] You underestimate your friend, my dear. Of course he'll come.What else could he do? It's his only chance of rescuing you. Oh, he'llbe very careful, very cautious. He'll bide his time. But sooner orlater he must find out if that figure in the Pavilion is you or not.And when he does. Show her, Lamia.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Hello, Romana. How are you?
[GRENDEL] Rather ingenious, don't you think? You are to becongratulated, my dear.
[ROMANA] How did you get the voice?
[LAMIA] The Count's man, Till, recorded his voice patterns when theyparleyed. Once I have the pattern, the construction of speech is asimple matter.
[ROMANA] It won't work.
[GRENDEL] Why not?
[ROMANA] Well, supposing the Doctor doesn't speak?
[LAMIA] The android is also programmed to kill in various other ways.
[GRENDEL] You see before you the complete killing machine, as beautifulas you and as deadly as the plague. If only she were real, I'd marryher.
[ROMANA] You deserve each other.
[GRENDEL] Come, my dear.
[LAMIA] Guard! Guard!
[LAMIA] What kept you so long? Bring this one back to the cells.
(Reynart's cell)
[LAMIA] Leave us. I will lock up the prisoner.
[ROMANA] You know, if Grendel does become king, he'll never make you hisqueen.
[LAMIA] Nor you, either. I will see to that.
[ROMANA] Ah, but I don't want him and you do, don't you. Look, why don'tyou let me go? All you have to do is release me and the Doctor, andI'll leave Tara. Think about it. What have you got to lose?
[LAMIA] Grendel.
[ROMANA] Well, you haven't exactly got him now, have you? All he's doingis using you.
[LAMIA] I know. But that is better than nothing.
[ROMANA] Now, how does the Doctor do this?
(Outside the Pavilion)
[DOCTOR] Shush. Steady, K9, steady. Let's take a look.
(Reynart's cell)
[ROMANA] Shush. We're getting out of here.
[REYNART] Save yourself.
[ROMANA] And leave you behind? They'll kill you.
[REYNART] I'm, I'm too weak. I'd only get in the way.
[ROMANA] Listen, Grendel's taken most of the guards with him. Now's ourchance.
[REYNART] Then take it. Don't waste time with me. Tell Zadek where I am.He'll know what to do.
[REYNART] That's it.
[ROMANA] Okay.
[REYNART] Like that. Good. Ready?
[ROMANA] Go ahead.
[ROMANA] Guard! Guard! Guard, quickly! The Prince!
(Outside the Pavilion)
[KURSTER] My lord. The men are in position, mylord.
[GRENDEL] Good. Await my signal. Tell them to be ready.
[KURSTER] Yes, sir.
[GRENDEL] You know what to do, my dear.
[LAMIA] Yes. When this Doctor arrives, you leave him to me.
[GRENDEL] What should I do without you?
[LAMIA] Find another peasant who understands androids, no doubt.
[GRENDEL] True, but I should not find one who pleased me so much.
[GRENDEL] Go now, before he arrives.
[ROMANA] Go, Charger. Start. Start! Go, you stupid creature, go!
[DOCTOR] Hello. You're early.
[LAMIA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Madame Lamia, is it?
[LAMIA] We agreed to meet at midnight.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but I had nothing better to do so I thought I'd comeearly. What's your reason?
[LAMIA] Do I need one?
[DOCTOR] No, but it would have been fun to hear it. Where's Romana?
[LAMIA] You agree to my terms?
[DOCTOR] I do indeed. Safe conduct for Count Grendel in return forRomana, also safe and sound.
[LAMIA] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Where is Romana? You realise, of course, that Count Grendelwill have to go into exile, but there's no reason then why you can't gointo exile with him, is there? Where's Romana?
[LAMIA] Outside.
[DOCTOR] You bring her in. It's a good offer, Lamia. A fair offer.
[LAMIA] Well, Doctor, aren't you going to greet your friend?
[K9] Caution, master.
[DOCTOR] What is it, K9?
[LAMIA] Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!
[DOCTOR] In focus, K9?
[K9] Affirmative.
(Outside the Pavilion)
[GRENDEL] Something's gone wrong. Attack thePavilion!
[LAMIA] My lord! My lord!
[GRENDEL] You fools! That was Madame Lamia! Hold your fire!
[GRENDEL] Doctor, I know you're in there. There's only one entrance tothat pavilion. Come out, Doctor. Surrender. We won't harm you. (toKurster) Tell the bowmen to fire immediately they see the target. Iwant him destroyed. Well, Doctor? Are you coming out? You have my wordas a Gracht you will not be harmed.
[K9] Ill-advised, master.
[DOCTOR] What? You just leave it to me, K9. I know exactly what I'mdoing.
[DOCTOR] Liar!
[DOCTOR] It's time we got out of here, isn't it, K9.
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] Around here, do you think?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Come on!
(Outside the Pavilion)
[KURSTER] There he is! He's got out!
[GRENDEL] Ten thousand gold pieces to the man who shoots the Doctor!
[GRENDEL] Wait. Listen.
[KURSTER] The Princess! Hold your fire!
[DOCTOR] Everyone for himself, K9!
[GRENDEL] Fools! Dolts! That wasn't the Princess, it was Romana! Afterthem!
[DOCTOR] I hope you know how to stop this thing when we get there.
(Hunting lodge)
[ZADEK] While Grendel still thinks we're in thePalace, we may be able to surprise him. You must bring up a troop ofbowmen under cover of darkness and position them on the left flank,here.
[ZADEK] Doctor!
[FARRAH] It's the Princess!
[ROMANA] No, I'm Romana.
[ZADEK] Incredible.
[DOCTOR] Isn't it?
[ROMANA] Ah, this must be the android King.
[DOCTOR] Yes. We call him George.
[ROMANA] And these gentlemen?
[DOCTOR] Oh, they're real, I think.
[ZADEK] This is Swordsman Farrah. I am Swordmaster Zadek.
[ROMANA] Zadek? I have a message for you from the real king.
[ZADEK] You've seen His Majesty? How is he?
[ROMANA] He's not very well. We must think of a plan to rescue him.
[DOCTOR] (at the door) Horseman approaching.
[FARRAH] (looking through the window) Under a flag of truce. It's CountGrendel! I'll kill the traitor!
[ZADEK] Not if he comes under a flag of truce. You know the articles ofwar, Swordsman.
[FARRAH] I'm not sure Count Grendel does, sir.
[ZADEK] Disarm the Count, then, and bring him in.
[GRENDEL] Good day, gentlemen. I come to you under a flag of truce andexpect to be treated according to the usages of war.
[ZADEK] What do you want?
[GRENDEL] How are you, your android Majesty?
[GEORGE] I. Am. Well.
[GRENDEL] He doesn't sound it. Power packs need recharging, I expect.
[DOCTOR] Nothing that can't be fixed, Count.
[GRENDEL] Oh, Doctor! Well, there you are. I was glad you managed toescape safely.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, so was I.
[GRENDEL] Tell me now, where is the charming Romana?
[ZADEK] What do you want, Count Grendel?
[GRENDEL] Only a word with the Doctor, according to the usages of war.
[GRENDEL] Shall we?
[GRENDEL] Ah, excellent.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[GRENDEL] Oh, Doctor, you're a remarkable man.
[DOCTOR] I am?
[GRENDEL] Yes, a man after my own heart.
[DOCTOR] I am?
[GRENDEL] Here you are, new to Taran politics, and in no time at allwhat have you become?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Go on, you tell me.
[GRENDEL] Kingmaker extraordinary. Thanks to you keeping thatmicro-circuitry going, Zadek has his king. But have you thought whatwould happen if something went seriously wrong, like an overload on thecircuits?
[DOCTOR] What would happen?
[GRENDEL] Your usefulness ceases.
[DOCTOR] What?
[GRENDEL] You know too much. You become a dangerous embarrassment toZadek. An embarrassment to be got rid of, and don't think he wouldn't.
[DOCTOR] What's the answer?
[GRENDEL] Suppose we both unmade our kings. No more King Reynart at all.
[DOCTOR] What? What would that achieve?
[GRENDEL] A vacancy for a new king.
[DOCTOR] Ah. You, I suppose?
[GRENDEL] No, no, no, Doctor, no. There would be opposition. No, I wasthinking you'd make an excellent king.
[DOCTOR] Me? Just a moment.
[DOCTOR] The Count's just offered me the throne.
[ZADEK] That's treason, Count.
[GRENDEL] Only so long as the King is alive!
[ZADEK] Seize him!
(Lodge balcony)
[FARRAH] Why did you do that?
[DOCTOR] Because he's got Romana. Look!
[ROMANA] Stop! Let me go! Doctor, Doctor, help me! Doctor!
(Hunting lodge)
[ZADEK] Commander, take six men, mount up andfollow the Count.
[DOCTOR] He'll be halfway to Castle Gracht by now.
[FARRAH] You know, you almost have to admire the man.
[ZADEK] Admire him? I should have killed him when he walked in here,flag of truce or no flag of truce.
[FARRAH] You've got to admit, sir, it takes courage to walk in here, todistract our attention while his men kidnap Miss Romana. I mean, ittakes nerve.
[ZADEK] Nerve is one quality Grendel has never been short of.
(Reynart's cell)
[REYNART] Romana!
[ROMANA] Are you all right?
[REYNART] I thought you'd escaped.
[GRENDEL] She had, but I knew Your Majesty couldn't live without her, soI brought her back for you.
[ROMANA] Why do you torment him?
[GRENDEL] Oh, now that's really most unfair, my dear. I'm really quitehurt. All I'm doing is to restore to His Majesty his bride-to-be.
[ROMANA] What?
[GRENDEL] You'll make a lovely couple.
[ROMANA] What's his idea? Is it a joke?
[REYNART] Oh, no. Grendel doesn't joke about political power.
[ROMANA] Then what's his plan?
[REYNART] To become legal, rightful King of Tara. You see, if you marryme you will automatically become Queen, but five minutes after thewedding you would almost certainly be a widow.
[ROMANA] He'd kill you?
[REYNART] He would. And the moment you're widowed, Count Grendel, thatwell-known champion of widows and orphans, would step in and marry you,thus becoming Consort of the rightful Queen of Tara.
[ROMANA] And then it would be my turn for an unfortunate accident.
[REYNART] Precisely.
(Grendel's chambers)
[GRENDEL] This is not wine, but vinegar. Fetch goodwine, dog!
[GRENDEL] Ah, Archimandrite. Welcome.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] What is so urgent that I must leave my duties and hurryhere like this?
[GRENDEL] I'm sorry, Archimandrite, but there is a ceremony you mustperform.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Here? What ceremony?
[GRENDEL] A marriage.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Your own chaplain could have done that.
[GRENDEL] Not this marriage.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Why? Who is to be married, and to whom?
[GRENDEL] The King to the Princess Strella.
[GRENDEL] He has placed himself under my protection, your Eminence.Sadly, I have to tell you he is sick. In fact, he's very near to death.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Oh, dear, dear, dear. He did not look well at thecoronation. Not himself at all.
[GRENDEL] No. No, I did note that, Archimandrite.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] But near to death, you say?
[GRENDEL] Indeed he is. It would be as well if you stayed here. I fearhe will be in need of the funeral rites very soon after the wedding.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Oh, how sad.
[GRENDEL] Mmm, yes. And after the funeral rites, there will be a secondwedding for you to perform.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] A second wedding? May I ask whose that will be?
[GRENDEL] My own. I shall be marrying the poor King's widow.
(Hunting lodge)
[FARRAH] But surely, sir, we have a supply problemif we place the batteries there.
[ZADEK] But if we do what you're suggesting, we expose our left flank.
[DOCTOR] How long do you think the siege will last, Zadek?
[ZADEK] Hard to say. The last siege of the Castle of Gracht went on fornearly two years.
[DOCTOR] Two years? Well, we haven't got two years before Grendel killsboth the King and Romana. Anyway, looking at that plan, I'd say there'sonly one way into the castle.
[ZADEK] What's that?
[DOCTOR] If someone on the inside opens the main gate and a group of ourmen, under cover of darkness, take the guard by surprise.
[FARRAH] That's hardly ethical.
[ZADEK] Have you ever known Grendel abide by the rules of war? But who'sgoing to open the gates?
[ZADEK] One man alone?
[DOCTOR] No, no. One man and his dog. Come on, K9.
(Strella's cell)
[GRENDEL] Your Highness.
[STRELLA] Grendel.
[GRENDEL] I have come to offer you one last chance to change your mind.
[STRELLA] Never.
[GRENDEL] The Archimandrite is here, the King is here. It will be quiteeasy for you.
[STRELLA] Grendel, I've told you already. I will never marry you underany circumstances, and I will not marry the King under thesecircumstances.
[GRENDEL] Come, come, my dear. Don't you want to be Queen?
[STRELLA] I know, Grendel, that as long as I refuse to marry the King,his life is safe.
[GRENDEL] Huh. And that matters to you?
[STRELLA] More than my own life. For the last time, I will not gothrough any marriage under your roof. You can kill me if you like.
[GRENDEL] Very well, my dear, I may just do that before long. You havebecome dispensable, Princess.
(Reynart's cell)
[GRENDEL] How is he?
[ROMANA] Very weak.
[GRENDEL] Oh, what a shame. I fear he's not long for this world.
[ROMANA] Nonsense. All he needs is some proper medical
[GRENDEL] I know exactly what he needs, my dear. Just as long as he'sthe strength left for a little ceremony.
[REYNART] Never. Do you hear me, Grendel? Never.
[GRENDEL] Oh, what a pity, because I'm sure you wouldn't want to be thecause of Princess Strella's death, would you?
[REYNART] What do you mean?
[GRENDEL] Or you, my dear.
[ROMANA] What are you saying?
[GRENDEL] The Princess, the real Princess, that is, is in the nextdungeon. For the moment she's quite safe.
[REYNART] If you harm her, Grendel
[GRENDEL] What! What can you do? Be quiet and listen to me. I hadeverything arranged before this girl and her friend interfered. MadameLamia was preparing a perfect android copy of the Princess for you tomarry. You would have been married with full ceremony, and after yourunfortunate death at her hands, she would have married me. Now MadameLamia is dead and the android can never be completed. So, we needanother bride.
[ROMANA] Well, if you think you can persuade me to marry anybody, you'rewrong.
[GRENDEL] Oh, but I do. I'm sure you will. Because if you refuse, thePrincess will die. Very slowly. Now what have you to say? Good. Ithought you'd see reason. I shall return shortly. Be ready.
(Outside the Castle)
[DOCTOR] All right, K9, let's go.
[ZADEK] The old watergate should be right under the far wall.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ZADEK] I'm afraid the door must be a foot thick. The timbers wereintended to withstand any battering ram.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, we'll manage. You just make sure you're all readyto charge in the moment those gates are open.
[FARRAH] Doctor.
[FARRAH] Take this. You may need it.
[DOCTOR] Too complicated for me.
[ZADEK] We'll be waiting, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ZADEK] Good luck.
(Grendel's chambers)
[GRENDEL] Is everything ready?
[TILL] Almost, master.
[GRENDEL] There must be no hitches in any of the ceremonies tonight.
[TILL] No, master.
[GRENDEL] Kurster, a word.
[KURSTER] My lord.
[GRENDEL] Make sure our guards are alert. You yourself watch everything.At the first sign of trouble, get down to the dungeons and deal withthe Princess. You understand me?
[KURSTER] I do, my lord.
[GRENDEL] I shall deal with the King myself.
[KURSTER] I shall be nearby if you need help.
[GRENDEL] Ah, Archimandrite. Are you ready?
[ARCHIMANDRITE] I am. Where are the happy couple? They are in theirquarters. I shall inform them we are ready and conduct them heremyself.
[DOCTOR] Here we are, K9. Here we are. This must beit.
[K9] Affirmative, master. This is the position marked on the plan.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Quiet. Just start cutting.
(Reynart's cell)
[GRENDEL] Kurster.
[GRENDEL] Well, why so miserable? This should be the happiest day ofyour life. It will also be your last, so you might as well enjoy it.
[GRENDEL] Remember, no trouble or the Princess dies. That I promise.
[DOCTOR] Hear that, K9? Wedding bells or a funeral knell? Do hurry up. Ahamster with a blunt penknife would do it quicker.
[K9] You ordered me to make no noise, master.
[DOCTOR] Just get on with it.
(Reynart's cell)
[GRENDEL] Cheer up, it'll all be over soon. I'msorry there's no bridal march, my dear. Guard!
[GRENDEL] After you.
[DOCTOR] About time, too.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[DOCTOR] You all right? Now listen, there's bound to be lots of stairsin there. You stay here and keep an eye on the boat. I might have tobring the others out this way if anything goes wrong.
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] And don't fall in the water.
[K9] I am familiar with boats, master.
[DOCTOR] You old sea dog, you. Now don't forget, stand guard and becareful. Be careful!
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Shush!
(Grendel's chambers)
[GRENDEL] Remember the Princess.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Do you, Reynart, King of Tara, take this woman, thePrincess Strella, to be your lawful wedded wife? (silence) YourMajesty?
[ARCHIMANDRITE] And do you, Strella, Princess of the Royal House ofTara, take this man, Reynart, King of Tara, to be your lawful weddedhusband?
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] No, she doesn't. Hello, everyone. Sorry I'm late. If there'ssomething I always enjoy, it's a good wedding, isn't that true, Romana?(to the Archimandrite) Now, listen. Have you got to the bit where youask them if there's any just cause why they shouldn't be joined in
[GRENDEL] You seem to make a habit of interfering in my affairs, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I do really.
[GRENDEL] Well, you've done it for the last time.
[ARCHIMANDRITE] Stop! This is a solemn ceremony!
[ROMANA] Not any more, it isn't.
[GRENDEL] Leave him, leave him. he's mine. Defend yourself, sir.
[DOCTOR] I haven't brought my sword.
[GRENDEL] Well, I've no wish to kill a man without a weapon in his hand.Here.
[ROMANA] Doctor, he's the best swordsman on Tara.
[DOCTOR] Is he?
[ROMANA] Do you know what you're doing? Good luck.
[GRENDEL] I shall give you a fencing lesson before you die.
[GRENDEL] En garde!
[GRENDEL] You improve, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Gate control.
[REYNART] Where is it?
(Outside the castle)
[FARRAH] He's done it! Come on!
(Strella's cell)
[STRELLA] Who are you?
[ROMANA] Well, that's a very long story.
[DOCTOR] It's all over, Grendel. That's Zadek and his men. Listen! Youmight as well surrender now.
[GRENDEL] Surrender? You forget, Doctor, I'm a Gracht. We neversurrender.
[GRENDEL] Next time I shall not be so lenient!
[DOCTOR] Grendel, you forgot your hat!
(Grendel's chambers)
[DOCTOR] Ah, there you are. Everyone all right? Thank you.
[REYNART] Doctor, I owe you my life. How can I repay you?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it was a pleasure to be of service.
[ZADEK] Such swordsmanship. I never thought I'd live to see the day whenanyone would beat Count Grendel.
[DOCTOR] Really? Why, was he supposed to be good?
[FARRAH] He can jest after a fight like that.
[REYNART] Why not stay here? This castle and all its lands can be yours.Anything you care to name.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, that's a very kind offer, Majesty, but I have apressing engagement on the other side of the galaxy. Has anybody hereseen Romana?
[REYNART] She followed Kurster out.
[DOCTOR] Kurster? What?
[REYNART] The Princess Strella!
[DOCTOR] Where?
[REYNART] In the dungeons!
[DOCTOR] What!
(Strella's cell)
[ROMANA] But there are so many different types of stitch. It must takeyears to learn the art.
[STRELLA] It's really only a question of patience and a certain delicacyof touch. I'm sure you can manage it. Go on. That's right. Very good.
[DOCTOR] Don't move! I said, don't move. (to Romana) Ah, you must bePrincess Strella.
[STRELLA] Er, no. I'm Princess Strella.
[DOCTOR] How do you do. I'm delighted to meet you. Romana.
[ROMANA] Right.
[DOCTOR] I'm so sorry to take your new friend away so soon, Miss, but wehave some urgent business to attend to.
[ROMANA] The segment!
[DOCTOR] Right.
[REYNART] Strella! You're safe.
[REYNART] And you're real.
(Lamia's laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Well?
[ROMANA] Doctor, it was in here somewhere. It's disappeared.
[DOCTOR] Use the tracer.
[ROMANA] Oh, right.
[ROMANA] Very funny.
[DOCTOR] You were very careless. I found it when I came in here. Comeon, let's go.
[ROMANA] Do you know, I'll be quite sorry to leave Tara.
[DOCTOR] What? Sorry to leave Tara? I didn't even catch one fish. Notone! Come on!
(Outside Lamia's laboratory)
[ROMANA] Doctor! Talking of forgetting things,where's K9?
[DOCTOR] Well, he. Where's K9?
[DOCTOR] K9? K9!
[K9] Master. Master!
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s16", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Androids of Tara"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (23 Dec, 1978; Fourth Doctor) - The Power of Kroll
(Control centre)
[FENNER] Thawn, I saw your landing. How did things go on Delta Magna?
[THAWN] Oh, fine, but after a few months here you notice how crowdedit's becoming.
[FENNER] Want a drink?
[THAWN] Out. Er, yes, please.
[THAWN] Harg! Your Lytteker micros.
[HARG] Oh, thank you, sir.
[THAWN] Five hundred of them. I got you the complete library.
[HARG] Magnificent. How much do I owe you?
[THAWN] Oh, don't worry about that.
[THAWN] What's the matter with you.
[FENNER] I didn't offer him a drink.
[DUGEEN] I'm getting an echo track on here.
[FENNER] Well, try it again.
[DUGEEN] I've tried it, I've tried it. Look. Look at this.
[DUGEEN] Now look, that's Thawn's track. He's about twelve miles outthere, coming in now. This is where the other track starts to show, doyou see?
[HARG] Yes.
[THAWN] What do you think it is?
[DUGEEN] Well, I think you were followed down, sir, by somebody usingyour track as a cover.
[HARG] Who would dare?
[FENNER] And it's definitely another ship?
[DUGEEN] Yeah.
[THAWN] Where has it landed?
[DUGEEN] Oh, out in the swamp somewhere.
[FENNER] They split off at the last second.
[DUGEEN] You see, the scanners were only set to check your approach tothe pad. Any secondary plotting would have been irrelevant.
[HARG] But who would risk it? There's nothing out there but a wasteland.
[THAWN] Gentlemen, there is a rumour on Delta Magna that the Sons ofEarth are planning to arm the Swampies.
[FENNER] There are times I could well do without those Sons of Earth.
[HARG] Oh, but surely nobody would give arms to those savages?
[THAWN] Those savages, Harg, are getting a lot of sentimental support.The Company is putting a lot of effort into making a more balancedpicture, but you've got to remember that most people on Delta Magnahave never even seen a Swampie.
[HARG] Oh, but even so, sir, it's un
[FENNER] If these Swampies were given weapons that could well lead tothem attacking the refinery.
[THAWN] It could well lead to that.
[DUGEEN] The Sons of Earth wouldn't be likely to arm the Swampies.They've always condemned violence.
[FENNER] I don't know. There was a report a couple of days ago in theroutine daily circular that Rohm-Dutt's ship had vanished from ElvedonPort and all stations have been told to watch out for him.
[HARG] Rohm-Dutt? He is involved in gun-running, isn't he.
[FENNER] Yes, he is involved in gun-running.
[DUGEEN] Do you think that's his ship out there?
[FENNER] I don't know, but whoever it is, if he's making for thesettlement, he's got to cross the swamps.
[THAWN] In which case, he may never reach the settlement.
[THAWN] Those swamps can be awfully dangerous. Fenner!
[ROMANA] Was it absolutely necessary to land in a quagmire?
[DOCTOR] Well I told you it was a bit swampy. It's not the Tardis'fault, anyway. These marshes go on for miles. A little water doesn'thurt.
[ROMANA] Try telling that to K9. He's marooned.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, we won't be here long enough to need K9. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Gravity check. Escape velocity about one point five miles asecond.
[ROMANA] Really? Isn't that a little low for a planet?
[DOCTOR] Yes. This must be one of the moons of Delta Magna.
[DOCTOR] I'd say the third.
[ROMANA] Doctor? Sometimes I don't think you're quite right in the head.
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just point the tracer and see where wego next.
[ROMANA] Oh, it's not a very clear reading. It's a very diffuse signal.It seems to cover about forty two and a half degrees in that direction.
[DOCTOR] Forty two and a half degrees?
[ROMANA] Hmm. I don't like the sound of that.
[ROMANA] It either means the source is right on top of us, which itisn't.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, or else the tracer's developed a fault.
[ROMANA] Yes, well, perhaps the atmosphere here's affecting it. I know,I'll try the higher ground here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, why don't you try the higher ground there.
(Outside the refinery)
[FENNER] What's this Rohm-Dutt look like?
[THAWN] Bit of a hard case. Dresses the part. Wide-brimmed hat,bandolier. We can't miss him.
[FENNER] I don't intend to.
[DOCTOR] Romana? Romana?
[THAWN] There he is.
[THAWN] I think you've hit him.
[ROHM-DUTT] Just the one shot.
[VARLIK] We're near the refinery here. Perhaps one of the dryfoots isout hunting.
[ROHM-DUTT] What, that lot? They're technicians, Varlik. Techniciansdon't hunt. They can't use their computers. Come on, now. Come, we musthurry.
[FENNER] So much for Rohm-Dutt. I never did like gun runners.
[THAWN] That's enough. That's not Rohm-Dutt.
[FENNER] What do you mean, it isn't Rohm-Dutt? You told me. His hat andeverything.
[THAWN] I tell you it is not Rohm-Dutt. You've shot the wrong man.
[DOCTOR] Not quite. You shot the wrong man's hat, though. Fancy takingme for Rohm-Dutt.
[FENNER] Who are you, then. Go on, tell us. What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Well, a sort of survey. I've lost my friend.
[FENNER] Who sent you?
[DOCTOR] Something must have happened to her. Look at the way thosereeds are crushed.
[THAWN] The Swampies must have got her.
[DOCTOR] Swampies? Are they the local tribes here?
[FENNER] Yes. They've never come so near the refinery before. They'regetting bolder, aren't they.
[THAWN] If they jump us here, we don't stand a chance.
[DOCTOR] Listen, how do I get in touch with these Swampies?
[FENNER] What's that?
[THAWN] You're coming with us.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. I'm looking for my friend. You see, she'simportant to me.
[THAWN] I insist. There are a lot of very important questions yet to beanswered.
[DOCTOR] Fine. Shush. Will there be strawberry jam for tea?
[ROHM-DUTT] You know, there's a thing called a drill fly in theseswamps. Lays its eggs in your feet. A week later, you get holes in yourhead.
[ROMANA] How long am I going to be tied up here?
[ROHM-DUTT] Well, that depends.
[ROMANA] On what?
[ROHM-DUTT] On whether you cooperate. If you don't, you'll rot there.Won't take long in this climate.
[ROMANA] And that doesn't bother you?
[ROHM-DUTT] Young woman, I'm indifferent.
[ROMANA] Emotional insulation is usually indicative of psychofugaltrauma.
[ROHM-DUTT] I didn't know that.
[ROHM-DUTT] Ah, I've never known such a place for rainstorms. That's whyit's so wet.
[ROMANA] How do I cooperate?
[ROHM-DUTT] Are you with the refinery?
[ROMANA] What refinery?
[ROHM-DUTT] Ah. Good.
[ROMANA] What's good?
[ROHM-DUTT] I thought you'd lie. I happen to know they don't employwomen there.
[ROMANA] Look, I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't heardof any refinery or
[ROHM-DUTT] Now, there's no need to get excited. There's plenty of timeto dig out the truth.
[ROMANA] I am telling you the truth. Who do you think I am?
[ROHM-DUTT] Did they send you here alone?
[ROMANA] Nobody sent me.
[ROHM-DUTT] How many are with you?
[ROMANA] Just the Doctor.
[ROHM-DUTT] The Doctor? And where is he?
[ROMANA] Looking for me, I expect.
[ROHM-DUTT] What were you doing in the swamp?
[ROMANA] Catching butterflies.
[ROHM-DUTT] Oh, I like a joke.
[ROMANA] I'll try and think of one.
[ROHM-DUTT] What were you doing in the swamp?
[ROMANA] Look, you'd be none the wiser if I did tell you.
[ROHM-DUTT] What were you doing in the swamp?
(Pump chamber)
[HARG] Oh, good. You got him.
[THAWN] This isn't Rohm-Dutt.
[HARG] What?
[FENNER] We don't know who it is. We found him in the prohibited area.
[DOCTOR] You should put up the usual notices. Trespassers will be shot.Who is Rohm-Dutt?
[FENNER] He's a gun-runner. Don't you know him?
[DOCTOR] No, I'm new here.
[THAWN] What were you doing out there?
[DOCTOR] I told you, looking for my friend.
[THAWN] Well, looking for a friend in a prohibited area a hundred yardsfrom a classified project could lead you into a lot of trouble.
[DOCTOR] What classified project?
[FENNER] You're in the middle of it.
[DOCTOR] What, this? A methane catalysing refinery, classified?
[THAWN] So you admit that you know what it is?
[DOCTOR] What? Well, of course I know what it is. I've seen hundreds ofthem.
[HARG] He's crazy.
[FENNER] This is a pilot plant, the first ever built.
[DOCTOR] You Earth colonists are always so insular. If you'd been toBinaca-Ananda, you'd see one in every town.
[THAWN] Get up! Are you claiming that you're from outside thisconstellation?
[THAWN] And how did you get here?
[DOCTOR] I have my own transport.
[HARG] He is crazy.
[DOCTOR] Will you stop saying that? What gives him an insight into mymental processes?
[THAWN] All right, expert, what's that?
[DOCTOR] That's an air vent.
[THAWN] Not that, that!
[DOCTOR] It's a funicular gas separator.
[THAWN] And that?
[DOCTOR] Well, it looks to me like a primitive enzyme recycler, with aninjection circuit feeding the bacterium bioplast. I imagine that theraw protein is centrifuged before being freeze-dried and compressed forpackaging. I think you'd find it more efficient if you inserted aplasmin catalyst ahead of the bioplast circuit.
[THAWN] A plasmin catalyst?
[DOCTOR] Yeah, why not?
[HARG] But that's brilliant!
[FENNER] Oh, yes, that's brilliant.
[THAWN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Am I free to go now?
[THAWN] What were you doing out there?
[DOCTOR] Right. A sort of mineralogical survey. Look, I've got to go andfind my friend.
[FENNER] I wouldn't. You see, if the Swampies have taken him to theirsettlement, then you'll never reach him, because those swamps arebottomless and only the Swampies know the paths.
[THAWN] And you'll get a spear in your back. They've killed two of mymen already.
[DUGEEN [OC]] Attention. Orbit shot in ten minutes.
[DOCTOR] Orbit shot?
[THAWN] Right, we'll watch it from the control centre. You come with us.
[ROHM-DUTT] Sixty calibre gas-operated Stelsons.
[RANQUIN] They are old.
[ROHM-DUTT] Old? No, they need cleaning. Some of these guns have neverbeen out of their crates. They're in perfect working order.
[SKART] Where are the magazines?
[ROHM-DUTT] In there. Two for each gun.
[SKART] And spare ammunition?
[ROHM-DUTT] You have eighty magazines with fifty rounds in each. Isthere an army at the refinery?
[RANQUIN] You are my brother, and with these weapons we will drive thedryfoots from our waters.
[ROHM-DUTT] That's why the Sons of Earth sent them. Oh now, Chief,Chief, Chief, if you'd be kind enough to put your signature on this?
[SKART] Signature? What is this signature?
[ROHM-DUTT] Well, make your mark or anything you like. Put your seal onit.
[RANQUIN] The mark of Kroll is sacred to my people.
[ROHM-DUTT] Oh. Oh, that will do very nicely. It's just to say that I'vemade the delivery.
[SKART] We do not understand your dryfoot ways.
[ROHM-DUTT] I have to show them the paper back on Delta Magna.
[RANQUIN] Ah, I see, my brother. The Sons of Earth do not trust you, isthat it?
[ROHM-DUTT] Well, it is business, Chief, you know.
[RANQUIN] Skart.
[RANQUIN] Now, what of the dryfoot woman that you captured? Was shespying on you?
[ROHM-DUTT] Oh, thank you, thank you. No, she's stubborn. She admitsnothing.
[SKART] Ranquin, let us offer her to the Great One. Always in the past,before our people went into battle, we made a blood sacrifice to Kroll,our protector.
[RANQUIN] We will sacrifice the dryfoot woman that we may triumph overher kin.
(Control centre)
[THAWN] We produce a hundred tons of compressed protein a day and thenshoot it into Delta orbit every twelve hours.
[FENNER] That's what makes the operation viable. If we used freightersit wouldn't be a commercial proposition.
[THAWN] Of course, the plant is fully automated. The computer controlsthe orbit shot, but we like to double check.
[DOCTOR] Very sensible.
[FENNER] If there's a misfire then we have a manual override system.
[DOCTOR] And just the six of you here?
[THAWN] No, five.
[DOCTOR] Oh no, I make it six. One, two, three
[THAWN] Oh, you're counting Mensch. He's a Swampie.
[DOCTOR] Doesn't he count?
[DOCTOR] Ah. Why are his friends attacking you?
[THAWN] Because they're ignorant savages.
[DUGEEN] They were the first on Delta Magna.
[FENNER] I don't think we owe them very much for that.
[DUGEEN] We took their planet. Now they're afraid we'll take whatthey've got left.
[FENNER] You know there are times, Dugeen, that I think the Sons ofEarth have got at you.
[HARG] Two minutes to shot.
[DUGEEN] When we put ten full scale refineries in here, there'll be noroom for the natives and they know it.
[DOCTOR] In any case, a lake that size couldn't possibly support tenfull scale refineries.
[FENNER] It can.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Then you must have an alternative source of methanefeedstock.
[FENNER] We have calculated the methane production. We can satisfy theprotein requirements of one fifth of Delta Magna.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Tell me, where were your men when they were killed?
[THAWN] Why do you ask?
[DOCTOR] What? Oh, I don't know. Just curious.
[THAWN] Out in the baygule, taking samples.
[HARG] One minute to shot.
[DOCTOR] What happened?
[THAWN] We never found the bodies. The Swampies made quite sure of that.
[DOCTOR] Then they might just have been drowned.
[THAWN] They were experienced men.
[DOCTOR] Well, anyone can make a mistake.
[HARG] Thirty seconds to shot.
[THAWN] Don't you worry about the Swampies. We'll look after them,provided they see reason.
[DOCTOR] What, teach them to carry trays?
[FENNER] Why not? Tell me, would you let a small band of semi-savagesstand in the way of progress?
[DOCTOR] Well, progress is a very flexible word. It can mean just aboutanything you want it to mean.
[DUGEEN] Ten, nine, eight
[HARG] All external doors sealed.
[DUGEEN] Seven, six, five
[SWAMPIES] Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll!
[SWAMPIES] Kroll! Kroll!
[ROMANA] I suppose you're enjoying this.
[ROHM-DUTT] Makes no odds to me. I'm going back to Delta Magna. Any lastmessages?
[SWAMPIES] Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll!
[RANQUIN] All is ready in the Temple of Kroll.
[SKART] The offering is prepared.
[SWAMPIES] Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll!
[VARLIK] Soon we will put a stop to that.
[RANQUIN] Open the pit! Let Kroll come from the bottomless deep! Kroll,hear thy people.
[SWAMPIES] Great Kroll!
[RANQUIN] Kroll, we summon thee!
[SWAMPIES] Mighty Kroll!
[RANQUIN] Kroll, we offer this life in tribute to thy greatness.
[SWAMPIES] Great Kroll!
[RANQUIN] Guide and protect us, All Powerful One, in the great strugglewhich lies ahead.
[SWAMPIES] Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll!
(Pump chamber)
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[THAWN] I wondered where you were.
[DOCTOR] Well, if you've seen one orbit shot, you've seen them all.
[SWAMPIES [OC]] Kroll! Kroll!
[THAWN] It's coming from the settlement.
[DOCTOR] Are they having a dance?
[MENSCH] My people are calling Kroll. They're making a blood sacrifice.
[DOCTOR] Who's Kroll?
[THAWN] Oh, it's their name for a giant squid. Centuries ago, when weresettled the Swampies from Delta Magna, we shipped along a couple ofspecimens just to keep them happy.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but just the same, a blood sacrifice. I don't like thesound of that.
[THAWN] Don't be stupid. You'll never cross those swamps on your own.
[DOCTOR] What? Look, I have a shrewd idea who it is that might be beingsacrificed, and Romana's not the easiest of guests.
[THAWN] It'll be light in one hour, so we'll take a swamp glider and goin force.
[DOCTOR] There's no need for you to be involved.
[THAWN] You heard Mensch. If they're sacrificing, they're preparing forwar, and that means Rohm-Dutt has got through with the guns. We've gotgas mortars, so we could knock out that settlement in a couple ofminutes. Now that we know they're armed, we can prove that we wereacting in self-defence. Let's go.
[SWAMPIES [OC]] Kroll! Kroll! Kroll!
[THAWN] Not you!
[SWAMPIES] Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll!Kroll! Kroll! Kroll!
(Pump chamber)
[SWAMPIES [OC]] Kroll! Kroll! Kroll!
[SWAMPIES [OC]] Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll!Kroll! Kroll!
[SWAMPIES] Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll!Kroll!
[ROMANA] It's all nonsense. Primitive spirit worship.
[SWAMPIES] Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll! Kroll!Kroll! Kroll! etc, etc.
[RANQUIN] Kroll rises from the depths!
(Kroll's pit)
[ROMANA] How did you know?
[DOCTOR] Well, he probably looked more convincing from the front.
[ROMANA] Too convincing, but there's no need to be smug about it.
[DOCTOR] I'm not smug.
[ROMANA] I can tell that expression even from behind.
[DOCTOR] Sucker marks.
[ROMANA] Sucker marks?
[DOCTOR] Look, sucker marks. Pretty ancient, too, by the way theerosion's
[ROMANA] Presumably that was Kroll.
[DOCTOR] Oh, they've told you about their local water deity, have they?
[ROMANA] Yes. They seem to think I should be quite honoured to besacrificed to the thing.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, or to his memory. Kroll was brought here hundreds ofyears ago. He must be dead by now.
[ROMANA] Then that explains the masquerade. It must have been political.
[DOCTOR] Don't talk to me about politics.
[ROMANA] Look out!
(Control centre)
[THAWN [OC]] Thawn here. What is it, Control?
[DUGEEN] I'm getting something very odd on the scanner, sir.
[THAWN [OC]] What do you mean?
[DUGEEN] Well, it's something I don't understand. There's movementunderneath the baygule.
[THAWN [OC]] How do you know?
[DUGEEN] Well, I've just done a routine scan of the bottom. The entirepicture's changed during the past hour. The whole bed of the baygule'smoved.
[THAWN [OC]] Well, it could just be a gas build up.
[DUGEEN] Well, I thought of that, but it's changed shape over two squaremiles.
[THAWN [OC]] All right. Well, keep a check on it, but let me know assoon as it starts to cone.
[DUGEEN] Right, sir.
[ROHM-DUTT] What is it?
[RANQUIN] Nual's brought us a message from Mensch. The dryfoots areplanning to attack us at dawn.
[ROHM-DUTT] What, to attack us? You mean here in the settlement?
[RANQUIN] They are coming in their air boats.
[ROHM-DUTT] But that wasn't what. You'll have to leave here at once. Getyour people to hide out in the swamps.
[RANQUIN] We are not running from the dryfoots. We have weapons now.
[ROHM-DUTT] But you don't know how to use them.
[VARLIK] A rifle's not a difficult weapon.
[ROHM-DUTT] You have to know one end from the other, Varlik.
[VARLIK] Like all dryfoots, Rohm-Dutt, because we lead a simple life youthink we're fools.
[ROHM-DUTT] All I'm saying is that you're not ready to fight yet, and ifyou stay here, you'll get trapped and stand no chance. But if you splitinto smaller groups and spread your people across the swamps, they'llnever hit you.
[RANQUIN] Our plans are made. Our men are moving into position. We willambush them on the lakes, in the open.
[VARLIK] We can take them by surprise. There's only a handful of them.
[ROHM-DUTT] Chief, Chief, even if you succeed, it won't be the end.
[RANQUIN] They're the invaders of our waters, the aggressors. They haveno right here. And there are many on Delta Magna who support our cause.
[VARLIK] Why else would the Sons of Earth send us weapons.
[ROHM-DUTT] I still say it's too soon to fight.
[RANQUIN] You would rather we waited until you are safely back on DeltaMagna.
[ROHM-DUTT] I came here to supply arms, not to fight.
[VARLIK] But you will fight with us now, Rohm-Dutt. We need every gun.
(Kroll's pit)
[DOCTOR] I wonder where they found that. Look, it's a genuine antique.
[ROMANA] Fascinating.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[ROMANA] Doctor, there's something I have to tell you.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] I dropped the tracer.
[DOCTOR] What! I picked it up.
[ROMANA] Oh. Well, let's get out of here and find the fifth segment.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. It would be extremely foolhardy trying to crossthe swamp in the dark, would it not.
[ROMANA] Yes, but about our monster? He's liable to be back at anymoment with his friends.
[DOCTOR] I don't think so. They're more likely to be digging trenches.
[DOCTOR] They expect to be attacked at any moment.
[ROMANA] Really?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I followed a Swampie carrying vital information.
[ROMANA] How did you manage that?
[DOCTOR] Well. Shush.
[DOCTOR] Well, it wasn't too difficult. The technicians at the refinerywere so busy trying to find an excuse to start a massacre, I justslipped away.
[ROMANA] What is this refinery? They keep accusing me of coming from it.
[DOCTOR] It's a primitive methane catalysing refinery. A pilot plant forbigger things, they hope.
[ROMANA] Who's they?
[DOCTOR] The Earth colonists from Delta Magna. They're the ones whoshipped the little green men up here.
[ROMANA] Ah, because they thought this moon was no use to anybody.
[DOCTOR] That's right. Of course, that was all a long time ago.
[ROMANA] And now they've found something here they want, they're tryingto get rid of them again.
[DOCTOR] Precisely.
[ROMANA] But methane?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I wouldn't have thought it was worthwhile, but they'reproducing a hundred tons of compressed protein twice a day.
[ROMANA] As much as that?
[DOCTOR] Yes, they're sending it back to Delta Magna in orbit shotcapsules.
[ROMANA] But it doesn't make sense. I mean, how can they possiblyproduce that much protein? Where's it coming from?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, I haven't discovered that yet. But they'reproducing it, and in sufficient quantities to make it worth fightingover.
[ROMANA] Yes, this lot are spoiling for a war, too. The whole idea ofthis sacrifice was to propitiate Kroll and get him on their side.That's why I said it was political. And there's a gun-runner herecalled Rohm-Dutt. He thinks I've been sent here to get evidence againsthim.
[DOCTOR] Rohm-Dutt? So Thawn was right about the guns. I wonder.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, who's paying Rohm-Dutt? I mean, they obviously don't usemoney here.
[ROMANA] Doctor, does it matter? Let's just get out of here and find thesegment and leave them to it. It'll be dawn soon.
[DOCTOR] At the bottom of that shaft there'll be an underground passage.I wonder where it leads to?
[ROMANA] I hate underground passages.
[DOCTOR] So do I.
(Control centre)
[DUGEEN] You can see how it's moved. I've beenrecording these scans every five minutes.
[THAWN] What's the latest picture?
[DUGEEN] Coming up.
[THAWN] That's weird. It's as though something's lifted up the whole bedand then settled back again.
[DUGEEN] Yeah. It can't be a gas build-up, not over such a wide area.
[THAWN] Well, we'd better sink a probe right into the centre and takesome samples.
[FENNER] That fellow's disappeared.
[FENNER] That Doctor fellow has disappeared. Gone. Not a trace.
[THAWN] Well, have you looked in his quarters? He said he was going toget some sleep.
[FENNER] I have searched the whole station, everywhere, and one of theboats is missing.
[DUGEEN] Do you suppose that he could be connected with this?
[THAWN] I wonder.
[FENNER] Why, what's going on?
[DUGEEN] Something very odd's going on on the lake bed. Look.
[THAWN] Have you ever seen anything like this before?
[FENNER] No, I haven't.
[DUGEEN] It's on such a big scale. I doubt our mystery friend couldanything that size on his own.
[THAWN] If he is on his own.
[FENNER] Of course, when we picked him up he was talking about lookingfor some friend.
[DUGEEN] Maybe there's more than one. We don't even know how he gothere.
[THAWN] Or how long he's been here.
[DUGEEN] Well, the only track of anything we picked up apart from yourown ship, was of whatever followed you down.
[FENNER] I think it's too much of a coincidence. You know we assumed itwas Rohm-Dutt's ship that had landed. We haven't found it, though, havewe.
[DUGEEN] It could have belonged to this fellow, I suppose. He's beenhere with us, so he couldn't have done much by himself. But if he's gotfriends out there, then we're in trouble.
[FENNER] So what are they up to?
[THAWN] Obvious, isn't it. They're trying to sabotage the plant.
[FENNER] Well, any activity on the lake bed could disturb the methanesource.
[THAWN] Of course. Now, I don't know where this fellow comes from, buthe's obviously got considerable scientific knowledge.
[DUGEEN] Look at the way he knew all about this plant.
[THAWN] Unless, of course, he was very well briefed. It could have beenan act.
[FENNER] No, no, no. Not when he was talking about inserting the plasmincatalyst, no.
[THAWN] That's true. But whatever he is, I think that he's helping theSwampies. You say one of the boats is missing?
[FENNER] Yeah.
[THAWN] Well, if he took a boat rather than a swamp glider, it meansthat he doesn't want the noise of an engine.
[FENNER] It also means he's trying to cross the swamps on foot.
[DUGEEN] Why would he take that risk?
[THAWN] Because he's a Swampie-lover! I've told you, he's in with them.
[FENNER] You think he's gone to warn them that we're coming?
[THAWN] Exactly. I had an instinct about him from the very start. He wastoo glib by half. Oh, yes, he's one of those fanatics from Sons ofEarth.
[FENNER] Well, they won't be much help to him, will they, when he startswandering off the path.
[THAWN] He can't have got very far, so I'll take Mensch and head him offin a glider.
[FENNER] I wouldn't bother. He'll probably drown anyway.
[THAWN] Oh, I intend to make quite certain of it.
(Kroll's pit)
[ROMANA] What's that you've got?
[DOCTOR] I think it's an illustrated history of the tribe. A sort ofBayeux tapestry with footnotes.
[ROMANA] Oh, a sort of Holy Writ.
[DOCTOR] I think it's atrociously writ, but the pictures aren't bad.Look. That shows them being evicted from Delta Magna.
[ROMANA] Where they originally came from.
[DOCTOR] That's right, yes. They were given this moon as a sort ofreservation. Look, there you are. There's Kroll in his aquarium. Whatdid I tell you? Sucker marks.
[ROMANA] What's the footnote?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Let me see. And Kroll. When Kroll awakened, he saw thatthe people were fat and indolent, and then Kroll became angry and hestruck them down, swallowing into him the symbol of his power andkilling all who were in the temple, even Hajes the priest. Great wasthe lamentation of the people but Kroll returned to the water andslept.
[ROMANA] Oh, I like a book with a happy ending.
[DOCTOR] Thus was the third manifestation of Kroll. Well, he's obviouslyone of those monsters who's not always about the place.
[ROMANA] No, just pops up every couple of centuries.
[DOCTOR] Yeah. Still, a dormancy period of that length would indicate acreature of massive size.
[ROMANA] You think Kroll really exists?
[DOCTOR] Well, does it matter? Hmm? Does it really matter? You know whatI think? I think that Kroll's still around and he's just about due forhis fourth manifestation.
[ROMANA] Well, if we had any sense, we wouldn't stay.
[DOCTOR] Yeah. Let's get out of here. Come on!
[ROHM-DUTT] That way.
[RANQUIN] Where did he come from?
[SKART] I don't know. He struck me from behind.
[RANQUIN] So the sacrifice was not made. No one must hear of this,Skart. They would think it a bad omen.
[SKART] But if the dryfoot woman is gone, we can say that Kroll tookher.
[RANQUIN] Then there must be fresh blood on the stone.
[SKART] I will see to it when we return. Trust me, Ranquin.
[VARLIK] Don't fire yet. There must be a second boat.
[ROHM-DUTT] Thawn! It's me, Rohm-Dutt!
[RANQUIN] Kroll! Kroll! Great Kroll!
[RANQUIN] Kroll, Kroll, spare thy true servants.
[RANQUIN] Kroll rose from the deep to protect his people. Let us givethanks to Kroll!
[SKART] No, Ranquin. First let us catch Rohm-Dutt. We've a score tosettle with him.
(Control centre)
[FENNER] Feeling better?
[FENNER] So, was Mensch killed?
[THAWN] I think so. I didn't stay to watch. Oh, the size of that thingwas unbelievable.
[HARG] Why haven't we come across it before, sir?
[THAWN] It's probably a deep water thing.
[HARG] Even so, it's odd we haven't spotted it before now if it's as bigas you say it is.
[FENNER] You saw nothing of the Doctor?
[THAWN] No. He'd obviously arrived there already. The Swampies werewaiting for us.
[FENNER] So he did warn them.
[THAWN] And they were armed!
[FENNER] The Swampies with guns?
[THAWN] Yes! Rohm-Dutt was with them, so they're obviously all in thistogether.
[FENNER] Yes, so they were the Doctor's friends.
[THAWN] Yes, they must have arrived in the same ship. And it's got to bethe Sons of Earth who are behind this. They're the only people with theresources or indeed the motive.
[HARG] Shouldn't we send for reinforcements, sir? A police unit?
[THAWN] No! The authorities are far too soft. Besides, once they startinterfering, you can never get rid of them. We'll handle this one byourselves, and in my way.
[FENNER] Your way?
[THAWN] Final! We get rid of the problem once and for all.
[THAWN] It's the only way.
[HARG] What about that, that creature, sir?
[THAWN] Well, we've got to deal with that first, that's obvious. It'sout there lurking somewhere, so once we've located it we can thenfinish it off with depth charges.
[FENNER] I'll see what the underwater scanners are registering. Oh, lookat this.
[THAWN] What?
[FENNER] Well, I think it's a defective scanner.
[THAWN] Where's Dugeen?
[HARG] It's his rest period, sir.
[THAWN] Well, get him down here!
[HARG] Harg here, Dugeen. You're needed in Control.
[DUGEEN [OC]] Now?
[HARG] Right away.
[FENNER] See, that's scanner twelve. If I try scanner fourteen, it's onthe same parallel.
[THAWN] Why, it's just the same.
[FENNER] We have a signal, but no image.
[THAWN] Well, both scanners can't be defective.
[DUGEEN] What's the problem?
[FENNER] Scanners twelve and fourteen are not registering anything.
[DUGEEN] Well, they were all right when I left them.
[FENNER] They're not now.
[DUGEEN] They're still functioning.
[THAWN] Then why aren't we getting an image?
[DUGEEN] Because, because something is blotting them out. Look, I'll trya transverse. There.
[FENNER] What do you make of that?
[DUGEEN] Well, that's what's covering the scanners. It's probably just amass of sediment thrown up when the lake bed moved.
[THAWN] That's what I saw.
[FENNER] Those scanners are four hundred yards apart!
[THAWN] I tell you that is what I saw! That thing is alive!
[DOCTOR] I told them they had their figures wrong,but of course I didn't know about Kroll then.
[ROMANA] What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] The refinery. There can't be enough sediment in that place toproduce the volume of methane they claim to have found, so where's itcoming from?
[ROMANA] Kroll.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] Yes. If a thing that size takes a nap every couple ofcenturies, its feeding processes must continue independently, probablythrough its tentacles.
[DOCTOR] Yes. And Thawn's men vanished while they were taking methanesamples, drilling into the sediment.
[ROMANA] Like prodding a sleeping tiger.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Right. Got it! The refinery's heat exchangers must haveraised the lake temperature by several degrees already
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] And the noise of their orbit shot is rousing Kroll!
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] We've got company.
[DOCTOR] What? Well, you'd better introduce me.
[ROMANA] As what?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. As a wise and wonderful person who wants tohelp. Don't exaggerate.
[ROMANA] This is
[RANQUIN] Seize them.
[DOCTOR] I told you not to exaggerate.
[DOCTOR] Who's that?
[ROMANA] Rohm-Dutt. A popular figure in these parts about an hour ago.
[SKART] Soon, dryfoot, you will wish you had died on the Stone of Blood.
[RANQUIN] Guard the dryfoots, Varlik. No harm must come to them.
[RANQUIN] I will talk to Kroll, and he will tell me by which of theseven holy rituals they must meet death.
(Control centre)
[FENNER] Those depth charges are not going to makemuch impression on that creature, not unless you hit a vital spot firsttime, and you can't guarantee that.
[THAWN] We've got nothing else. Can you think of a better way of killingit?
[FENNER] Thawn, we've been here months and this is the first time we'veever set eyes on this creature. Now surely, if it were hostile we'dhave known of it before.
[THAWN] I've seen it! It's hostile!
[FENNER] All right. All I'm saying is that those depth charges will onlyprovoke it.
[DUGEEN] Director!
[THAWN] What?
[DUGEEN] This thing's moving again.
[FENNER] Is it coming this way?
[DUGEEN] Well, it's coming closer, but not directly towards us.
[THAWN] Well, this station isn't designed for torsional stresses, notlike an ocean refinery.
[DUGEEN] It's stopped again now.
[FENNER] Then perhaps it might feed on the bottom. It's moving along thelake bed.
[THAWN] I'm not interested in its feeding habits, Fenner, unless theyhappen to include us!
[FENNER] Look, if it feeds and lives in the water, then maybe we couldpoison it by dropping cobalt around it.
[THAWN] Radiation? Harg, how long would that take?
[HARG] Impossible to say, sir. That size it could be tough enough towithstand a massive dose.
[THAWN] I still favour depth charges. I'll go and check how many we'vegot.
[DUGEEN] Well, if Thawn wants to depth charge it, he's going to get usall killed.
[ROMANA] I didn't like the bit about deathaccording to one of the seven holy rituals.
[DOCTOR] No. Probably the usual things. Fire, water, hanging upside downover a pit of vipers.
[ROMANA] That's only three.
[ROHM-DUTT] (sotto) Varlik? Help me.
[VARLIK] You're a traitor.
[ROHM-DUTT] (sotto) Now listen, now listen, Varlik. We're good friends,you and I, huh? Now, I've got a lot of money back in Delta Magna. A lotof money, and I
[VARLIK] It's your greed that's brought you to this, Rohm-Dutt. Youbetrayed the people of the lakes. You brought us weapons that were oldand rotten.
[ROHM-DUTT] No, I told you, they had to be cleaned.
[VARLIK] We examined them. The barrels are bent, the metal corroded. Youthought you'd be safely away from here before we tried to use them.
[ROHM-DUTT] No, it's not true, Varlik. I bought them in good faith. Now,let me explain to Ranquin
[VARLIK] There's nothing to explain. We heard you call out to the leaderof the dryfoots. Do you think we're fools?
[ROHM-DUTT] I was confused! I mean, the sight of Kroll
[VARLIK] It was a plot! You bought us rotten weapons so that we'd enterinto a battle we couldn't win. Oh no, you cheated us, Rohm-Dutt, justas the dryfoots have always cheated our people.
[DOCTOR] You see? The weight of history's against you.
[ROHM-DUTT] What do you know of it?
[DOCTOR] I know a rogue when I see a rogue, and I've no desire to die inthe company of a rogue, have you? Have you any desire to die in thecompany of a rogue?
[ROMANA] I'd rather not die at all.
[DOCTOR] I know that feeling.
(Control centre)
[FENNER] It hasn't moved for fifteen minutes.
[DUGEEN] There's movement on the edge. Rising and falling regularly.Could be its breathing organs.
[DUGEEN] The pump chamber!
[DOCTOR] Here comes the verdict.
[RANQUIN] The Great One condemns the prisoners to die by the seventhholy ritual of the Great Book.
[DOCTOR] Seven's my lucky number.
[RANQUIN] Take them to the place of execution.
[ROHM-DUTT] Ranquin, wait
[RANQUIN] Silence!
[DOCTOR] Wasting his breath.
[ROMANA] I want to know why we're being executed.
[RANQUIN] This one knows what he has done. You, dryfoot, have arousedthe wrath of the Great One by denying him his promised victim.
[DOCTOR] He's not the Great One. He's the Insignificant One. If you'regoing to have someone imitate Kroll, it ought to be more convincing.
[RANQUIN] When the servants of Kroll appear in his guise, they are partof him, doing as he bids them.
[ROMANA] They're simply keeping a myth alive. None of you here has everseen Kroll. You weren't even born at the time of the thirdmanifestation.
[VARLIK] Kroll rose before us at dawn today. We were waiting to kill thedryfoots when the Great One appeared and drove them away.
[DOCTOR] What?
[RANQUIN] Enough talk. Take them away.
[DOCTOR] So Kroll's on the move. I've less time than I thought.
(Pump chamber)
[FENNER] Harg!
(Pump chamber)
[FENNER] Shut down the main flow valve!
[THAWN] What's going on in here?
[FENNER] Harg has just been sucked out by the monster!
[DUGEEN] One of the creature's tentacles was right inside the mainpipeline.
[FENNER] He was doing a manual inspectro, then we heard screams.
[DUGEEN] Careful. He just crushed the life out of him. Look at this,eighty gauge colodian just ripped to cardboard.
[FENNER] We're abandoning the station.
[THAWN] In no circumstances! Not while I am Director here.
[DUGEEN] It was just a tentacle, sir, the equivalent of one of myfingers. Imagine what's going to happen if that creature decides toattack us!
[THAWN] We've put far too much into this project to abandon it now.There's only one thing to do, that is to find this creature and kill itbefore it kills us.
[FENNER] I've got a broken pipeline. That doesn't give us much time,does it.
[THAWN] Well, use a secondary line and pump to half capacity untilyou've fixed it.
(Kroll's temple)
[DOCTOR] I don't remember that last night. Early Samoan influence?
[DOCTOR] Interesting how traces of old cultures survive, isn't it?
[ROMANA] I'm rather more interested in surviving myself.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's understandable at your age. Still, I prefer it toGothic Perpendicular.
[ROHM-DUTT] Varlik. Varlik? What is this seventh ritual?
[VARLIK] It is the slowest of all.
[ROMANA] I knew it.
[VARLIK] I tried to persuade Ranquin that only Rohm-Dutt deserved to bepunished by the seventh ritual and that you others should die by thefirst. That's very easy. They just throw you down the pit and droprocks on you.
[ROMANA] Oh, thank you. It's nice to know who your friends are.
[VARLIK] Ranquin says that your crimes are too serious. Kroll will onlybe appeased by extending your death agonies.
[DOCTOR] You know, that window's quite out of place. It's not incharacter at all.
[ROMANA] Will you stop babbling about the architecture? We're having aserious conversation about death.
[DOCTOR] Well, architecture's quite a serious subject. Skart, where didthat window come from?
[SKART] What window?
[DOCTOR] What? That window up there.
[VARLIK] It was brought from Delta Magna when the temple was firstbuilt.
[DOCTOR] I'd have sacked him.
[DOCTOR] The architect.
[ROMANA] Look, are you trying to take my mind off something, becauseyou're almost succeeding.
[DOCTOR] Did I tell you about the time I was a child?
[ROMANA] I don't want to hear it.
[DOCTOR] It was a question about
[ROMANA] I don't want to hear! How long does this take?
[VARLIK] To die? Depends on the sun.
[ROHM-DUTT] Skart? Skart, what has the sun got to do with it?
[SKART] As the creepers dry, it shortens them. It pulls the plank.
[DOCTOR] Ah! And snaps our spines. How ingenious. Now I know the purposeof the window.
[ROMANA] You'll be able to die happy, won't you.
[DOCTOR] What is, what?
[VARLIK] I'm sorry this has to happen, but if Kroll's not appeased hewill not help the People of the Lakes.
[DOCTOR] Well, he didn't do much for you last time, did he. Killing theHigh Priest and swallowing the Symbol of Power.
[RANQUIN] Is all prepared?
[VARLIK] All is prepared.
[RANQUIN] Great Kroll. Great Kroll, Defender and Saviour, thesedespoilers and profaners of the temple are condemned to die accordingto the seventh Holy Ritual of the Old Book. May their torments avertthy wrath from the People of the Lakes, thy only true followers andbelievers, O most powerful one. So let it be.
[RANQUIN] Before your deaths, if you have anything to say to the Servantof Kroll, let it be said.
[DOCTOR] Why don't you just let the whole thing drop, Ranquin? You'vemade your point.
[RANQUIN] Foolish levity. Leave.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you're not leaving. Aren't you going to stay and watch?
[RANQUIN] We're not savages. Suffering is unpleasant to witness.
[DOCTOR] It's even more unpleasant to experience. Ranquin, what was thesecret of Kroll's power?
[RANQUIN] What do you know of that, dryfoot?
[DOCTOR] I've read about it somewhere.
[RANQUIN] Kroll had the power of the Symbol. He sees all.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know Kroll has it now, but what was it?
[RANQUIN] The Symbol was a holy relic brought here by our ancestors atthe time of the settlement.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but what was the power?
[RANQUIN] He who holds the Symbol can see the future. The power revealedhow the dryfoots would destroy Delta Magna with their fighting andtheir greed and the evil of their great cities. That is why my peoplecame to settle here.
[DOCTOR] Your people were evicted from their homeland, Ranquin. You hadno choice.
[RANQUIN] What do these questions matter to you who are already dying?
[DOCTOR] I like to get things straightened out.
[ROMANA] Must you use expressions like that?
[RANQUIN] Your mind is bent, dryfoot. It's well that you die.
[DOCTOR] He's got narrow little eyes. You can't hypnotise people withnarrow little eyes.
[ROMANA] Oh, that's what you were trying to do.
[DOCTOR] Yes, trying to persuade him to untie us. Our only chance.
[ROHM-DUTT] How long have we got?
[DOCTOR] I don't know the contraction rates of creeper, or the breakingpoint of bones and ligament.
[ROHM-DUTT] I can feel it dragging already.
[DOCTOR] Sorry you didn't stay on Delta Magna now, eh? Who paid you tobring the natives guns?
[ROHM-DUTT] Thawn. He wanted an excuse to wipe them out.
[DOCTOR] And who do they think brought them?
[ROHM-DUTT] I told them the guns were sent by the Sons of Earth. Oh, Igot a signed receipt, too, for Thawn to use to discredit them.
[DOCTOR] Why the Sons of Earth?
[ROHM-DUTT] Do you have to keep asking questions at a time like thisnow?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, shush. Why did Thawn want to discredit the Sonsof Earth?
[ROHM-DUTT] They're a crank organisation. They support these primitives.They want Thawn's company to pull out.
[ROMANA] Why do they call themselves the Sons of Earth? Not that I carevery much.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, that's a very good questions. After all, noneof them can ever have seen the Earth.
[ROHM-DUTT] Mother Earth, they call it. They believe colonising theplanets is a mistake. They want us all to return to the Earth andstarve. Oh! Oh! My ankles are breaking!
[DOCTOR] Imagination.
(Control centre)
[THAWN] What's it's estimated distance?
[DUGEEN] Six hundred yards.
[THAWN] Six? From the end of its tentacles, that makes it, it must benearly a mile across!
[DUGEEN] Not far off. The central mass is a quarter of a mile indiameter by about a hundred and forty feet high.
[THAWN] That radar doesn't show enough detail.
[DUGEEN] I've counted thirty tentacles on one side alone.
[FENNER] Well? Anything fresh?
[THAWN] It still hasn't moved.
[DUGEEN] Probably doesn't need to move much. We were just trying todecide what it'd look like out of the water.
[FENNER] Very big and very ugly. What do you think it looks like? Thepump chamber's clear now, if you want to start the furnace.
[THAWN] Good. I want you to fix that pipeline as soon as possible, butkilling this creature's got to be our first priority.
[FENNER] These depth charges of yours, how many do you intend to use?
[THAWN] Thirty five. It should be enough, but delivery is the mainproblem. We've got to hit it with a cluster all at the same time.
[FENNER] That's why you've got to go dangerously near.
[THAWN] Exactly.
[DUGEEN] It might help if you knew exactly what it was. There's nothinglike it on Delta Magna.
[THAWN] I suppose we could always send to Delta Magna for a missilestrike.
[FENNER] No, because it'd take at least eight hours for it to arrive. Ifwe showed them the target position now, it would certainly have movedby the time the strike arrived.
[THAWN] Yeah, it would have to be a low intensity strike as well,otherwise we should all get the blast.
[FENNER] These depth charges of yours. What if we packed them into aseparate tank, floated it over and then sank it when it was directlyover the creature?
[DUGEEN] How would you fire the depth charges?
[FENNER] Pressure detonators, that's easy enough.
[THAWN] Yes, but how would you sink the tank onto the right place?
[FENNER] Fix a small charge to the bottom of the tank and then fire itby remote control.
[THAWN] But with pressure detonators, the whole lot would go up soyou're back to square one.
[FENNER] All right, that's more or less what I said at the beginning.It's too dangerous!
[DUGEEN] We're getting a mega-head building up, if anybody's interested.
[FENNER] Oh, that's all we need. Anybody want a drink?
[THAWN] Put the conductors up.
[DUGEEN] Right. By the speed this one's forming, it's going to be adaddy.
(Kroll's temple)
[ROMANA] I can't breathe.
[DOCTOR] Don't give up. Don't give up. How are you doing, Rohm-Dutt?
[ROHM-DUTT] Oh! Oh, my back's breaking.
[DOCTOR] Stretching's good for the spine. Well, up to a point.
[ROMANA] I think I'm past the point.
[DOCTOR] I think we're in for a storm.
[ROMANA] Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. Electrical storms on planetary satellites canbe quite spectacular.
[ROMANA] What a pity we can't sit up and watch it.
[DOCTOR] Ha, ha. Just relax your muscles.
[ROMANA] It's not my muscles I can't relax, it's my vertebrae. They feellike beads on a piece of, ow, elastic.
[VARLIK] They are not from the refinery, Ranquin.
[RANQUIN] They are dryfoots.
[VARLIK] Well, so are the Sons of Earth, and we need their support onDelta Magna.
[RANQUIN] We no longer need their support, Varlik. We have Kroll.
[VARLIK] Do we? I begin to wonder.
[RANQUIN] Have a care, Varlik. Kroll is our god and protector.
[VARLIK] Kroll killed Mensch. Is that protection? If he's our god, whyhas he attacked us in the past?
[RANQUIN] He punishes us when we displease him, and he punishes thosewho displease his Servants, Varlik.
(Control centre)
[DUGEEN] Here it comes.
[FENNER] Yes, as you said, it looks like a really big daddy.
[DUGEEN] The rain's so solid, it's just blotting everything out on thesescanners.
[THAWN] Put the lightning conductors up. We're going to need them.
[FENNER] All checked. Okay.
[THAWN] All hatches battened?
[FENNER] Every single one, all secured.
[DUGEEN] Here we go.
[FENNER] Now hold tight, because there's going to be more.
[THAWN] Let's hope any damage that creature did hasn't caused anystructural weaknesses.
[DUGEEN] Right. If this wind gets inside, it could blow us all apart.
[FENNER] Just listen to that rain. I pity anybody out in that lot.
(Kroll's temple)
[DOCTOR] What we need are hailstones big as bricks.
[ROMANA] It's not that bad yet.
[DOCTOR] I'll try a pitch higher.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Nellie Melba's party piece, though she could only do it withwine glasses.
[ROMANA] The tension! It's easing already.
[DOCTOR] Come on. Pull, Rohm-Dutt, pull! We've got to stretch thesecreepers while they're still wet. Come on, pull! Pull! Another foot.Come on! Come on. You too, Romana, pull. Pull! Pull!
[DOCTOR] There you are. Now you all know what it's like to be within aninch of death.
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Patience, patience. Another minute won't hurt.
[DOCTOR] Feet out!
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[ROMANA] That's funny, my nose has stopped itching. All the time I wastied up
[DOCTOR] This is no time to start talking about noses.
[ROMANA] Yes, I know, but it's just that it's a textbook example ofdisplacement anxiety.
[DOCTOR] Listen, if it's an anxiety you want, look. The storm will beeasing shortly and the Swampies will be coming out from under theirumbrellas. Let's get out of here. Come on!
(Control centre)
[DUGEEN] The mega-head's breaking up. It's droppedfour points already on the Diemster scale.
[FENNER] A few billion volts in that one.
[DUGEEN] Do you know, it touched force twenty. It's the worst I've seen.
[THAWN] It does happen to be the season for storms, Dugeen.
[DUGEEN] Anyone out on the baygule wouldn't have stood a chance.
[FENNER] There's not likely to be anyone out on the baygule, is there.Not with the jemima prowling around.
[DUGEEN] Which it is. Look. It's heading for the shore. Going fast, too,at about six knots.
[THAWN] Right, you keep tracking it, because I want a very good look atthat thing when it does surface.
[DUGEEN] Right.
(Kroll's temple)
[SKART] They've gone! The sacrifices have gone!Come quickly!
[VARLIK] Kroll has been here.
[SKART] No, it's not possible. There would have been more damage.
[RANQUIN] Someone must have helped them. They could not have freedthemselves.
[VARLIK] Yes, well, nobody here would help them.
[RANQUIN] Are you sure of that, Varlik?
[VARLIK] What?
[RANQUIN] You argued they should be freed. You were the one who wantedto stop the ritual of Kroll.
[VARLIK] I asked you to stop the ritual, Ranquin. That's all I did, Iswear that.
[RANQUIN] By the powers that I hold, I shall learn the truth. But if thedryfoots are not found and sacrificed according to the Holy Ritual,then all my people will suffer the anger of Kroll!
[SKART] They cannot have gone far, Ranquin. No dryfoot knows the secretpaths through the swamps.
[RANQUIN] Go after them and find them!
[ROMANA] Can't we go any faster? They're gaining on us.
[DOCTOR] One slip here and you're up to your neck. Next bit of firmground's there. We'll have to jump.
[ROMANA] Are you sure?
[DOCTOR] Well, there's no other way of getting across.
[ROMANA] I mean, are you sure it's firm?
[DOCTOR] No. Here.
(Control centre)
[THAWN] It still hasn't shown up. Where is it?
[FENNER] It's gone right off the screen now.
[DUGEEN] Just ploughed straight on. It must be somewhere under the swampby now.
[THAWN] Can't you get a track on it?
[DUGEEN] At a viscosity level of forty percent solids, this box goesblind.
[FENNER] You know, the incredible thing is, it didn't even slow down. Itseems to be able to move as easily through swamp as through water. Itwas on a bearing of ninety seven degrees. Hmm. Do you know where that'staking it?
[THAWN] Where?
[FENNER] Straight to the settlement.
[DUGEEN] That could just be a coincidence, Fenner.
[FENNER] Oh yes, it could have headed off in any direction. It sohappens it's heading for the settlement, so the Swampies have someproblems.
[DUGEEN] How could it possibly know there's anything there? Thesettlement's two miles away.
[FENNER] How did it know that Harg was in the pump chamber? It seems tohave a highly sensitive mechanism for detecting food.
[THAWN] (laughs) In which case, the Swampies most certainly do have someproblems.
[FENNER] You know, I don't particularly like the Swampies, but I can'tsay I really hate them.
[THAWN] Oh, I don't hate them, Fenner. I just want them removedpermanently. I spent many years persuading the Company to back thisproject, and now that we're on the verge of success I'm not going to bestopped by lily-livered sentimentalists wailing about the fate of a fewprimitive savages.
[DOCTOR] Not much further now.
[ROMANA] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Shush. We're being hunted.
[ROMANA] Hunted?
[DOCTOR] Freeze. Don't even move an eyebrow.
[ROMANA] Horrible.
[DOCTOR] Well, I told him not to move. It hunts by surface vibrations.Primarily a vegetarian, of course, but over the years it's learnt thatanything that moves is wholesome.
[ROMANA] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Hold tight.
[ROMANA] Look!
[DOCTOR] Freeze.
[ROMANA] It's gone.
[ROMANA] What a good thing we remembered it reacts to movement.
[DOCTOR] Yes, wasn't it. Let's get out of here before it changes itsmind.
(Control centre)
[THAWN] If you're right, Fenner, about that thingattacking the settlement, we should be able to see it from here.
[FENNER] It's over two miles away.
[THAWN] Still, if it's as big as we think it is. Dugeen, train thereceptor aerial on that settlement.
[DUGEEN] Right.
[FENNER] What are you going to do?
[THAWN] Just checking that the next orbit shot is charged and ready tofire.
[FENNER] It's not due for another two hours.
[THAWN] It might be early this time, Fenner.
[DUGEEN] Look at that!
[FENNER] It's a lot bigger than we thought.
[THAWN] A hundred tons of hydrogen peroxide will still vapourise it.
[FENNER] What's that supposed to mean?
[THAWN] I'm going to drop our next orbit shot into the neck of thatovergrown jellyfish.
[DUGEEN] You can't!
[THAWN] Bearing ninety seven, maximum depression.
[DUGEEN] You're mad. Think of the settlement!
[THAWN] Dugeen, have you never heard of the expression killing two birdswith one stone?
[FENNER] Now, Thawn, you think what you're doing.
[THAWN] I have thought.
[FENNER] Because you could kill us all. The atmosphere here is thinalready. Now a fireball that size could asphyxiate us.
[THAWN] I don't think so.
[FENNER] You don't think so. Have you worked out the risk?
[THAWN] Countdown commencing. Now get to your places.
[DUGEEN] You're mad. Fenner, we've got to stop him.
(Pump chamber)
[ROMANA] Kroll?
[DOCTOR] It looks like it. Let's see if there are any survivors, shallwe? Shush.
(Control centre)
[DUGEEN] Thawn, you can't kill innocent people!
[THAWN] They're Swampies.
[DUGEEN] Call them what you like, they're no different from you or me.
[THAWN] They are very different, Dugeen! Now get back to your place.
[THAWN] Are you refusing to obey orders?
[DUGEEN] On moral grounds, sir. Look, if you fire that rocket, it's notjust the monster that'll die. You'll destroy a civilisation as old asyour own.
[THAWN] I don't count the Swampies as being civilised. You're talkinglike one of those cranks from Sons of Earth.
[DUGEEN] They're not cranks. All life began on Mother Earth. All life issacred!
[THAWN] I'm giving you one last chance, Dugeen.
[THAWN] Now then, Fenner, do you want to give me an argument?
[FENNER] Countdown in two minutes.
[THAWN] Right. Now, keep a track on that thing.
[ROMANA] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] What? Back to the rocket silo. If he fires off that orbit shot,there'll be nothing left of the Swampies, or Kroll. Come on.
[VARLIK] Ranquin, what happened?
[RANQUIN] Kroll has turned upon us. It was his punishment for lettingthe dryfoots escape.
[SKART] But when we almost had them, Ranquin, it was Kroll himself whocame between us.
[RANQUIN] It was a test. The Great One was testing our faith.
[VARLIK] Nual was killed.
[RANQUIN] What's a single life? Where are the dryfoots now?
[SKART] They went to the refinery.
[RANQUIN] We must follow.
(Outside the rocket bay)
[DOCTOR] Thawn's using the override firing mechanism. There must be someway of disconnecting it.
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[ROMANA] If that rocket fires while you're in there.
[DOCTOR] Yes. We'd better say goodbye now. Goodbye.
[ROMANA] Goodbye, Doctor.
[ROMANA] Doctor!
(Control centre)
[FENNER] Sixty seconds.
[THAWN] Fire primaries.
[FENNER] Primary ignition functioning.
[THAWN] Continue countdown.
[FENNER] Fifty seconds.
(Firing bay)
[ROMANA] Doctor, we're too late. Come down.
[DOCTOR] Get out of here, Romana. Just get out.
[ROMANA] We can't stop it now.
[DOCTOR] Just get out!
[ROMANA] Come down!
[DOCTOR] Get out.
(Control centre)
[FENNER] Thirty seconds. Burner eight hundred,increasing.
[THAWN] Dugeen, get back.
[DUGEEN] You can't do it, Thawn.
[THAWN] Touch that abort button and I say I'll kill you.
[DUGEEN] Then kill me, but you're not going to kill the others.
[THAWN] I warned him, Fenner. You heard me warn him.
[FENNER] That was murder. That was cold-blooded murder.
[THAWN] The countdown! Look, he hasn't aborted. It hasn't stopped.
[FENNER] The master cut-out's failed. Then you shot him for nothing,didn't you. Didn't you!
(Firing bay)
[DOCTOR] When in doubt, cut everything.
[DOCTOR] Simple, really.
[ROMANA] Doctor!
(Control centre)
[THAWN] But I don't understand. There was no delay in the cut-out.
[FENNER] According to the computer, there's a fault in the primaryignition panel.
[THAWN] Well, I'll soon fix that.
[FENNER] Too late.
[THAWN] What?
[FENNER] Come and look at this. It's submerging again, back into themud, and you're not going to hit it there.
[THAWN] If that spineless fool hadn't interfered
[FENNER] He'd be alive now, wouldn't he, and I'm reporting you formurder.
[THAWN] It was justifiable homicide! You heard me warn him not to touchthat abort panel. It was an act of sabotage.
[FENNER] He didn't like your methods. That did not make him a saboteur.
[THAWN] He was a plant from the Sons of Earth! It's obvious that he wassent here to cripple this project any way that he could.
[FENNER] You don't kill a man because you suspect he belongs to the Sonsof Earth.
[THAWN] All right, Fenner. That will sound very good when we get back.But remember this. If we don't get back, it'll be his fault and notmine.
[FENNER] Where are you going?
[THAWN] To check the ignition, just in case that thing gives us a secondchance.
(Firing bay)
[ROMANA] Doctor? Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] What? Oxygen starvation.
[ROMANA] Yes, I know.
[DOCTOR] Blacked out for a few seconds.
[ROMANA] Minutes.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, well, I needed the rest. Did you say minutes? Come on!
[ROMANA] What's the matter?
(Outside the rocket bay)
[DOCTOR] What? If we're caught loitering outside ofhere, they'll put two and two together
[DOCTOR] You're putting two and two together. I can tell by theexpression on your face that you're putting two and two together.
[THAWN] So you came back.
[DOCTOR] Well, I remembered that I forgot to say goodbye. This isRomana.
[ROMANA] Hello.
[THAWN] What were you doing in there?
[DOCTOR] Well, I was closing the blast room door. It shouldn't be leftopen like that.
[THAWN] I wonder who opened it?
[DOCTOR] Well, I, maybe your cleaning, I don't suppose you do have acleaning lady here.
[THAWN] I haven't got any time for any games, so put your hands where Ican see them and walk straight ahead.
[DOCTOR] Ah, haven't you forgotten something?
[THAWN] What?
[DOCTOR] Shouldn't you say don't make any sudden moves?
[THAWN] Don't make any sudden moves. Now get straight to the Centre.
(Pump chamber)
[RANQUIN] What's that?
[SKART] It is only the machinery, Ranquin.
[RANQUIN] This place is an abomination.
[SKART] Yeah, on Delta Magna all the dryfoots live in these metal boxes.
[RANQUIN] When we have completed our task here, I will ask Kroll todestroy it all.
[VARLIK] Ranquin, why should Kroll do as you ask?
[VARLIK] Well, if he's the Great One and you're but his Servant.
[RANQUIN] While the People of the Lakes serve and do honour to Kroll, hewill protect us against those who invade our waters.
[VARLIK] Kroll destroyed our village. Was that to protect us?
[RANQUIN] These are blasphemous questions, Varlik!
[VARLIK] I'm only asking what must be on all minds.
[RANQUIN] We promised Kroll the lives of the two dryfoots who profanedhis temple. We failed to keep that promise. I tell you Kroll will notrest easily beneath these waters until he has eaten of their souls.
(Control centre)
[DOCTOR] I don't think that was necessary.
[FENNER] Not me.
[THAWN] He tried to interfere just as you did interfere.
[ROMANA] You've no proof of that.
[THAWN] You were in the silo, the blast door to the firing bay was openand we had a malfunction in the orbit shot.
[ROMANA] That's circumstantial evidence, not proof.
[THAWN] Well, it satisfies me. There's no reason why I shouldn't killyou both now.
[FENNER] I wouldn't.
[THAWN] Why?
[FENNER] Because we need as much help as we can get. Just take a look atthat.
[DOCTOR] Oh look, it's coming this way.
[FENNER] Yes, and it's going to attack us.
[DOCTOR] Well, I don't think it's come to shake hands.
[THAWN] Shut up!
[FENNER] Now look, there's still time to get that shuttle and get out ofhere.
[THAWN] If it had meant to attack us it would have come before going tothe settlement.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Maybe it's saving you for pudding.
[THAWN] I said shut up!
[ROMANA] It's still coming.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, we surrender, we surrender.
[DOCTOR] What do we get this time? The eighth Holy Ritual?
[RANQUIN] Many have died because of you, dryfoot. You have been promisedto Kroll.
[ROMANA] And does Kroll know that?
[RANQUIN] Kroll is all-wise, all-seeing
[DOCTOR] All baloney. Kroll couldn't tell the difference between you andme and half an acre of dandelion and burdock.
[RANQUIN] I tell you, Kroll will not be denied.
[FENNER] What are we going to do, just sit here while that thing smashesthis building to bits?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. Ask Ranquin, he's the Kroll expert.
[RANQUIN] You have brought death to us all, dryfoot.
[DOCTOR] Hey? Is that your considered opinion? You know something,Romana? I think that if we
[DOCTOR] Romana!
[ROMANA] There's nothing out here.
[DOCTOR] Romana, come back!
[ROMANA] I just want to see if there's anythinghere.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Don't go near that window!
[ROMANA] It doesn't know we're here.
(Control centre)
[DOCTOR] The door!
[DOCTOR] What, doesn't know we're here? It's making some pretty shrewdguesses.
[FENNER] That door isn't going to hold. It's got us trapped.
[DOCTOR] Fenner, Fenner, can you operate the centrifuge?
[FENNER] Yes. Why?
[DOCTOR] Switch it on. Come on, switch it on.
[FENNER] The fuel tank is only half full. What's the idea?
[DOCTOR] Noise, Fenner, noise. The Kroll hunts by sensing vibrations.Give it something to think about.
[ROMANA] I think it's gone.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but for how long?
[RANQUIN] The Great One is merciful. Kroll has heard my prayer.
[VARLIK] All Kroll has heard is the machinery, Ranquin. Ranquin!
[FENNER] Doctor, I'll start the compressors. That'll make a racket. Thenthe emergency klaxon.
[DOCTOR] Everything you've got, Fenner. All the noise you've got. That'sit, keep it busy.
[DOCTOR] Here.
[ROMANA] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] To test a theory. All theories have to be tested sometime, andthis seems as good as any. You stay here in case I'm wrong.
[ROMANA] About what?
[DOCTOR] The Symbol of Kroll's power.
(Pump chamber)
[RANQUIN] Master, hear thy servant Ranquin. Great Kroll, defender andsaviour of the People of the Lakes, let not thy wrath fall upon thytrue servants. Great One, we ask only that the dryfoots and theirabominations be crushed by thy mighty power! Master, this is thyservant!
[RANQUIN] Argh! Skart!
[DOCTOR] Well, I've had a happy life. Can't complain. Nearly sevenhundred and sixty. Not a bad age.
(Control centre)
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[ROMANA + DOCTOR] The fifth segment!
[ROMANA] Oh, well done.
[VARLIK] You killed Kroll?
[SKART] With that stick?
[DOCTOR] Well, it is a bit difficult to explain.
[ROMANA] It is rather a special sort of stick.
[FENNER] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What?
[FENNER] There's something blocking the firing bay.
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't worry about that, Fenner. You won't be needing thefiring bay any more. No more Kroll, no more methane, no more orbitshots. Ha ha!
[FENNER] The computer doesn't know that.
[ROMANA] You mean it'll just go on running things by itself?
[FENNER] That's how it was designed. The next shot is due in fiftyseconds and it's already started the countdown.
[DOCTOR] Ah. And with the firing bay already blocked
[FENNER] That's right. The whole refinery's going to go up.
[ROMANA] Well, stop the computer. You must have a master control.
[FENNER] The manual override and abort are not functioning. I've alreadytried.
[DOCTOR] Disconnected in the gantry.
[ROMANA] Can't you reconnect them?
[DOCTOR] What, in fifty seconds?
[FENNER] Forty seconds.
[DOCTOR] Forty seconds. There's only one thing to do!
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Hold that.
[DOCTOR] Let's hope these are the right ones. Stand back, everybody,stand back.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] I think so.
[ROMANA] You could have been killed.
[FENNER] That looks like the end of this place.
[VARLIK] It is finished?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Time to say goodbye. Come on, Romana, let's go.
[VARLIK] Where are you going?
[ROMANA] We've got a lot to do, haven't we, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, we have, yes. Listen, Fenner, someone will come hereand pick you up. Stay here for a while. Lead a natural life. You mighteven get to like it. Teach Varlik and his friends how to do areplacement for Kroll, maybe.
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I'm coming!
[DOCTOR] I think it's this way.
[ROMANA] No, no, Doctor, it was this way.
[DOCTOR] No, no, come on. You know I've got an unerring sense ofdirection. I have.
[DOCTOR] I think it's this way.
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on!
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] How did you know that the fifth segment was a part of Kroll?
[DOCTOR] Well, it all added up. I mean, the obvious disguise for thesegment was the Symbol of Power, and that wasn't around any more.
[ROMANA] Ah, yes, because according to the old book in the temple, Krollhad swallowed it.
[DOCTOR] That's right, along with the High Priest. Of course, it wasn'tso big in those days. Kroll, I mean. Just an ordinary giant squid.Hello.
[ROMANA] Hello.
[DOCTOR] No, no, look.
[ROMANA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Cellular regeneration.
[ROMANA] Good heavens.
[DOCTOR] There must be hundreds of those around now.
[ROMANA] What, bits of Kroll?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, not bits of Kroll. No, they'll just be ordinarygiant squids. Nothing to worry about. Unless, of course, you're a HighPriest. There'll never be another Kroll. It was the segment that didit.
[DOCTOR] Get back, K9! Get back.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s16", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Power of Kroll"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (20 Jan, 1979; Fourth Doctor) - The Armageddon Factor
[HEROINE] Darling.
[HERO] Oh, my love.
[HEROINE] Don't go.
[HERO] I must.
[HEROINE] But you'll be killed!
[HERO] Perhaps.
[HEROINE] I can't bear it. I love you.
[HERO] There is a greater love. Men out there, young men, are dying forit. Dying so that Atrios might live.
[DOCTOR] Atrios? Do you know, I've never actuallybeen to Atrios.
[ROMANA] Nor to Zeos?
[DOCTOR] Where?
[ROMANA] Atrios and Zeos. The twin planets on the edge of the helicalgalaxy. Didn't they teach you anything at the academy?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but we're not going to Zeos.
[ROMANA] No, we're going to Atrios.
[DOCTOR] Well why don't you get on with it then?
[ROMANA] Right.
[DOCTOR] Atrios, K9. Atrios. I wonder what the inhabitants are likethere?
(Hospital ward)
[HERO [on screen]] You must be strong. We must all be strong and playour parts until victory is won, evil vanquished, and peace restored.Then, and only then, my darling, can we love again. I must go. Kiss thechildren for me. Tell them their daddy will return before long.
[MERAK] It's all right, it's all right.
(Control area)
[MAN [OC]] Area six obliterated.
[MAN 2 [OC]] Section seven, heavy damage.
[WOMAN [OC]] District ten, no contact.
[MAN 3[OC]] Level fourteen holding.
[MAN 4] Area two, no contact.
[WOMAN 2] Heavy casualties through all upper levels.
[MARSHAL] Any news of our counterattack?
[SHAPP] None, Marshal.
[MARSHAL] What do you mean, none?
[SHAPP] The fleet is still trying to locate the target, sir.
[SHAPP] The navigation systems are being blocked, sir. The Zeons must beusing a new device. The whole fleet's flying blind.
[MARSHAL] Or have they all turned cowards? I want this attack pressedhome, Shapp, before the Zeons smash us to pieces. Is that clear?
[SHAPP] Yes, sir.
[MAN [OC]] Direct hit reported on hospital complex. Wards seven to tendestroyed.
[ASTRA] I must go there.
[GUARD] I'm sorry, your Highness, you can't leave without an escort.Marshal's orders.
[ASTRA] Marshal, I insist on going to see the hospital immediately.
[MARSHAL] Too dangerous.
[ASTRA] The hospital's been hit!
[ASTRA] How much longer are you going on with this futile war? Atrios isbeing destroyed around us. We must negotiate before it's too late. Wemust have peace.
[MARSHAL] You don't beg for peace, Princess. You win it! Ourcounterattack is already underway. When it has succeeded, we shall havevictory within our grasp. Then we shall have peace.
[ASTRA] But don't you understand? We shall all be wiped out if we go on,Zeons and Atrions alike.
[MARSHAL] I understand only my duty. And my duty as Marshal of Atrios isto prosecute this war to a successful conclusion. Yours is to upholdthe people's morale and give them comfort.
[ASTRA] Then let me go to the hospital. I can't do anything here.
[MARSHAL] What's the situation, Shapp? Is this raid over?
[SHAPP] Yes, sir, at least for the moment.
[MARSHAL] Very well, your Highness. One of my guards will accompany youto the hospital. Where, no doubt, Surgeon Merak anxiously awaits you.
(Hospital ward)
[MARSHAL [on screen]] People of Atrios, once morethe hated forces of Zeos clamour at our gates. Once more, they shallnot pass. Be brave, my people. Be steadfast, be strong.
(Hospital corridor)
[MARSHAL [on screen]] This rain of death which theZeons pour upon us, will it extinguish the flame of liberty, my people?
[ASTRA] My people.
[MARSHAL [on screen]] No, our sun will rise again, and Atrios from itsashes will rekindle a mighty resolve, an implacable wrath, crushing thehated Zeon beneath the heel of Atrios.
(Hospital ward)
[MARSHAL [OC]] Even now we know the Zeon will to fight is failing. Theycannot go on. Our ships dominate their skies. All I ask, my people, isthat you, who have suffered so much, clench the jaw, grimly endure ashort while more, until we can deliver the final blow which will bringZeos to its knees. Victory will be ours.
[ASTRA] Surgeon Merak.
[MERAK] Princess Astra.
[ASTRA] Why must these brave men and women be left on the floor likerubbish?
[MERAK] The wards are full, your Highness.
[ASTRA] I see.
[MERAK] Excuse me, your Highness, but I think your rad-check is due forrenewal. Yes, if you'd just come this way.
(Ward store)
[ASTRA] I was so worried. They told me your ward hadbeen hit.
[MERAK] Damaged but not destroyed.
[ASTRA] And you?
[MERAK] Luckier than many.
[ASTRA] Oh, when will it all end?
[MERAK] Have you been able to contact the Zeons?
[ASTRA] The Marshal has me watched all the time.
[MERAK] We must get through. It's the only way. Whether we're seen astraitors doesn't matter any longer.
[ASTRA] I'll go on trying, but none of our messages seem to get through.
[MERAK] Jammed from here?
[MERAK] Because if they were, it would mean the Marshal suspects us.
[ASTRA] No, it's not that. He'd have arrested us. I sent the lastmessage myself. There was no contact signal, no echo, no bounce-back,nothing. As if Zeos just wasn't there.
[MERAK] Zeos is there all right.
[GUARD] Behind schedule, your Highness.
[ASTRA] Very well.
[MERAK] You must take more care, Princess, and remember to keep yourrad-check renewed.
(Control area)
[MARSHAL] We're losing, Shapp.
[SHAPP] Yes, sir.
[MARSHAL] If we don't get this counterattack underway soon, we'refinished.
[SHAPP] Yes, sir.
[MARSHAL] Still nothing from the fleet?
[SHAPP] No, sir, they're still lost.
[MARSHAL] We must discover whatever it is that's blocking our navigationsystems.
[SHAPP] Yes, sir. Whatever it is, it's certainly effective.
[MARSHAL] How can the Zeons develop something like that and not us?What's gone wrong, eh?
[DOCTOR] There. We should be in parking orbit over Atrios. Let's seewhere we're going, shall we?
[ROMANA] Why not?
[DOCTOR] That's odd. That's very odd. Wouldn't you say that was veryodd?
[ROMANA] That's very odd.
[DOCTOR] I wonder what went wrong?
[ROMANA] Better check the coordinates.
[DOCTOR] Zero zero six nine. That's exactly what you gave me. Are yousure?
[ROMANA] Quite sure. Something's gone astray.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, just a minute. There may have been a time shift.Let's take another reading.
[ROMANA] Zero zero eight zero one zero zero four zero.
[DOCTOR] Zero zero eight zero one zero. What a lot of zeroes. There itis!
[DOCTOR] Well. Well, it's something, anyway.
[ROMANA] But it's millions of miles away.
[ROMANA] And where's Zeos? There's no sign of it.
[DOCTOR] Do you know what I think? I think something's gone wrong.Something fairly serious.
[ROMANA] The Black Guardian?
[DOCTOR] Well, it could be a coincidence.
[ROMANA] I wouldn't like to bet on it.
[DOCTOR] No, nor would I. There's only one thing to do.
[ROMANA] Listen, why don't you take us in on manual.
[DOCTOR] I think I'll take us in on manual, with circumspection.
[ROMANA] Right.
(Control area)
[SHAPP] Marshal? I think we're getting somethinghere.
[MARSHAL] Ours or theirs?
[SHAPP] It's hard to tell at this range, sir, but it's not a signalprofile I know and it's hardly moving at all.
[MARSHAL] A Zeon secret weapon?
[SHAPP] It's possible, sir.
[MARSHAL] The device that's been interfering with our navigation andtargeting.
[SHAPP] I can't tell yet, sir.
[MARSHAL] Track it until it's within surface missile range, Shapp, andthen we shall see.
[SHAPP] Yes, sir.
[MARSHAL] Destroy that, and we can still win. I'll show Princess Astraand her pacifist friends.
[MARSHAL] She's beginning to panic, becoming a thorn in my flesh, anirritant. She could be useful to my enemies. Something tells me hervalue to me may be at an end.
[MARSHAL] Don't lose track of that Zeon device.
[SHAPP] It may not be a Zeon
[MARSHAL] Just don't lose it. Inform me as soon as it comes withinmissile range.
[SHAPP] Yes, sir. Where will you be?
[MARSHAL] I have to attend to (pause) a matter of state.
(Hospital corridor)
[GUARD] Excuse me, your Highness.
[GUARD] Yes? Yes, sir, she is. Yes, sir. Very good, sir. Will do, sir.
[ASTRA] Well?
[GUARD] There's been a change of plan, your Highness. Your visit to thechildren's ward has been cancelled.
[ASTRA] Why?
[GUARD] A danger of subsidence, your Highness. The recent attack.
[ASTRA] But what about the children?
[GUARD] They're being evacuated. We're to go to K block so that you canwelcome them into their new quarters.
[ASTRA] I thought K block was closed down years ago because of radiationcontamination.
[GUARD] Apparently it's clear now, your Highness. This way, please.
(Control area)
[SHAPP] Inform the Marshal our unidentified target will be within rangewithin two minutes.
[ROMANA] Well, there's still no sign of Zeos, butI'm picking up a reading for Atrios' twin. (whistles)
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[ROMANA] Look. Radiation levels you wouldn't believe.
[DOCTOR] Good heavens. You could fry eggs in the street.
[ROMANA] But that means
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] There must be a huge nuclear war going on down there.
[DOCTOR] Not at all, no.
[ROMANA] Well, what else could it be?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Probably someone giving a huge breakfast party.Think positive. Why do you always assume the worst?
[ROMANA] Because it usually happens.
[DOCTOR] Empirical poppycock. Where's your joy in life? Where's youroptimism?
[ROMANA] It opted out.
[K9] Optimism. Belief that everything will work out well. Irrational,bordering on insane.
[DOCTOR] Oh do shut up, K9. Listen, Romana. Whenever you go into a newsituation you must always believe the best until you find out exactlywhat the situation's all about, then believe the worst.
[ROMANA] Ah, but what happens if it turns out not to be the worst afterall?
[DOCTOR] Don't be ridiculous, it always is. Isn't it, K9?
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Still, nuclear war. It's always difficult walking into thesesituations. You never know who's fighting who.
[ROMANA] Or why.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I think I can say why.
[DOCTOR] Why? Why, it's got to be, hasn't it? It's got to be somethingto do with the sixth and most important segment of the Key to Time,hmm?
(Outside K block)
[GUARD] This way, Princess. The children will be waiting for you.
[GUARD] You must go in. Please, your Highness. I'm only obeying orders.
[ASTRA] Yes, I understand.
(Control area)
[MARSHAL] All well, Shapp?
[SHAPP] Yes, sir. It's still there, not moving at all.
[MARSHAL] It could be on surveillance.
[SHAPP] Yes, sir, monitoring and observing.
[MARSHAL] Hmm. Is it within range?
[SHAPP] Just.
[MARSHAL] Then it won't be on surveillance much longer. Vapourise it.
[SHAPP] Perhaps we should try to capture it, sir?
[MARSHAL] That's probably exactly what they want us to do. Vapourise itnow!
[SHAPP] Yes, sir.
[ROMANA] Doctor, look, something's approaching usfrom the planet surface.
[DOCTOR] A welcoming party, do you think? K9? K9, what do you make ofthat?
[K9] Missile identified. Nuclear warhead.
[ROMANA] What? Let's get out of here.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no, no. Wait. We'll dematerialise at the lastmoment. Let whoever's shooting at us think they've hit us. Alwaysconfuse the enemy.
[ROMANA] If you say so.
[DOCTOR] Right, link that tracer in. I want to land as close as possibleto the sixth segment. The less time we spend on Atrios, the better.
[ROMANA] Right. Ready.
[DOCTOR] Standing by? K9, how long to impact?
[K9] Three, two, one.
[DOCTOR] What?
(Control area)
[MARSHAL] Got it! We got it! Smashed it, vapourisedit! Beautiful. You've earned yourself a medal, Shapp.
[SHAPP] Thank you, sir, but I don't know.
[MARSHAL] What do you mean, you don't know?
[SHAPP] Whether we got it.
[MARSHAL] I saw it with my own eyes. Beautiful direct hit. It's whatit's all about.
[SHAPP] Yes, sir, but I could swear that the target disappeared beforeimpact.
(Outside K block)
[ROMANA] Oh no.
[DOCTOR] No, no, don't say it, please.
[ROMANA] Don't say what?
[DOCTOR] Don't say another underground passage.
[ROMANA] Well, I wonder how deep we are this time?
[DOCTOR] Yes. K9? K9, are you still sulking in there? Come on out. Nowater or swamps. It's quite safe.
[ROMANA] What did he say?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. What did you say?
[K9] Master, radiation levels indicate nuclear warfare in progress onplanet surface.
[ROMANA] What? How deep are we?
[K9] Four hundred metres below, master.
[DOCTOR] Four hundred metres? They are taking a pasting. If it's likethis down here, imagine what it's like on the surface.
[ROMANA] Surely nothing can live in this? The radiation levels alone
[K9] Radiation levels are variable. No sign of immediate life. Thecorpse on the left, however, is recent.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] You're right, K9. He hasn't been dead. Shot, poor chap.
[ROMANA] At close range, from the front.
[DOCTOR] Yeah. Must have been one of his friends. Just goes to show, youcan't trust anyone nowadays.
[ROMANA] I don't think I'm going to like this place very much.
[DOCTOR] No. Let's locate the sixth segment and get out of here.
[ROMANA] I'm with you all the way. Through there.
[DOCTOR] Locked and lead. What does that suggest to you?
[ROMANA] High radiation zone?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Any sentient life through there, K9?
[K9] Regret lead shielding will prevent effective analysis.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's well guarded, or at least it was. Perhaps the door'sbooby-trapped.
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] Remember what we were saying about the Black Guardian?
[DOCTOR] Yes. What? Will you come into my parlour said the spider to thefly?
[ROMANA] Very apt.
[DOCTOR] I think we should tread very carefully. K9?
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Could you make a hole for me in that door, K9? A little, littlehole, K9. We don't know what's beyond there, do we.
(Control area)
[SHAPP] Sir? Marshal?
[MARSHAL] Never do that.
[SHAPP] I'm sorry, sir.
[MARSHAL] I was (pause) thinking. Well, Shapp, good news? The fleet?
[SHAPP] No, sir, not yet.
[MARSHAL] Well, what is it, man?
[SHAPP] The alarm sensors in K block, sir.
[SHAPP] Sensors indicate an attempted break-in. Now why would anyonewant to attempt to break in to the high radiation zone, risk certaindeath?
[MARSHAL] Seal it off, Shapp. Seal all exits immediately. I'll deal withthis myself, you understand?
[SHAPP] Yes, sir.
[MARSHAL] No one else is to be involved. And bring that traitor Merakhere, now.
[SHAPP] Merak?
(Outside K block)
[DOCTOR] That's enough, K9, that's enough. Back up.
[ASTRA [OC]] Help me, whoever you are.
[DOCTOR] Romana, there's a
[ROMANA] There's a what?
[DOCTOR] There's a man standing behind you. Get your hands up.
[MARSHAL] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] We're travellers. We seem to be lost, actually. He's dead.
[MARSHAL] You'll be shot for this.
[ROMANA] It wasn't us. He was like that when we found him.
[MARSHAL] You expect me to believe that?
[DOCTOR] No. Yes.
(Control area)
[MARSHAL] What were you doing at that door?
[DOCTOR] I've told you. We were trying to avoid the bombardment. Ithought that door might lead to the way out.
[MARSHAL] That door leads to certain death.
[DOCTOR] What? He saved our lives.
[MARSHAL] You're obviously Zeon spies.
[DOCTOR] Spies? Do we look like spies?
[DOCTOR] I though spies looked kind of inconspicuous.
[SHAPP] Surgeon Merak, sir.
[MARSHAL] Good. These are the intruders who were caught trying to breakinto K block.
[SHAPP] Who are they? What do they want?
[MARSHAL] Precisely what I intend to find out before I execute them.Bring in Merak.
[MERAK] Marshal, I've got a hundred patients waiting.
[MARSHAL] Then they'll have to wait. Do you know these people?
[MERAK] No, should I?
[MARSHAL] I think you do. I think they are your accomplices.
[MERAK] What?
[MARSHAL] Zeon spies and saboteurs.
[MERAK] What's that got to do with me?
[MARSHAL] Princess Astra is missing. She was last seen with you. Sincethen, her escort has been found dead.
[MERAK] We must find her. Are you searching for her?
[MARSHAL] Everything possible is being done. Now Merak, I know you don'tagree with my conduct of this war.
[MERAK] I don't agree with war, nor does Astra.
[MARSHAL] I think it's possible that you might have been foolish enough,misled no doubt by the noblest of motives, to cooperate with the enemy.Am I right?
[MERAK] No, Marshal, you're wrong.
[MARSHAL] It would be much better for you to admit everything. Iarrested these two myself, standing over the body of the Princess'sescort.
[DOCTOR] I told you, we're not even armed. Look, nothing, just awhistle. Care for a blow? Go on.
[MARSHAL] Shapp.
[MARSHAL] Bah, it's useless. Don't play the fool with me.
[MARSHAL] What is the purpose of your visit?
[DOCTOR] Tourism.
[MARSHAL] In the middle of a nuclear war?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I run this small agency, you see. Trips tobattlefields future and past. How civilisations died. It's veryprofitable. Isn't it very profitable, Romana?
[ROMANA] Oh, absolutely. It's very educational.
[MARSHAL] For the last time, what are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Looking for a key.
[MARSHAL] Everything you've told me is obviously a pack of lies. It'sclear to me that you are Zeon spies. You've murdered one of my guards,abducted the Princess Astra, no doubt with the collusion of SurgeonMerak here. Unless you divulge her whereabouts, you will be executedimmediately as spies. Now is that clear?
[DOCTOR] Beautifully put, I thought.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, I don't think we can help you.
[MARSHAL] Is that your last word?
[DOCTOR] No, I sincerely hope not, but I think we've been here longenough.
[MARSHAL] Stay where you are!
[DOCTOR] Listen, we tell you the truth and you don't believe us. Youaccuse us of crimes we haven't committed, and now you're going to haveus shot. I think after a long journey that's a bit too much, Marshal.K9, lights!
[DOCTOR] Goodbye, Marshal. Come on.
[MARSHAL] Stop them! Stop them!
[DOCTOR] Come on, run.
[ROMANA] Where to?
[DOCTOR] Back to the Tardis.
(Outside K block)
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] The Tardis! It's gone!
(Outside K block)
[DOCTOR] Yes, buried under that rubble.
[ROMANA] Then we're trapped. There's no way out.
[DOCTOR] There's always a way out, if only we can find it.
[ROMANA] Yes, and if one has time. Those guard'll be after us anyminute.
[DOCTOR] Possibly, possibly. K9's watching our rear.
[ROMANA] Shush, someone's coming.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's you.
[MERAK] Where is she? Where's Astra?
[ROMANA] We don't know.
[DOCTOR] Just a minute, just a minute. Why do you want to know?
[MERAK] I love her.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Oh. Oh, well, just before the Marshal arrested us, I didfind somebody, and judging from the voice it was certainly a youngwoman.
[MERAK] Where? Where?
[DOCTOR] She was through there.
[MERAK] That's a high radiation zone!
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, wait a minute, wait a minute. I'll take a look.
[DOCTOR] I can't see anything. K9, any sign of our pursuers?
[K9] Negative, master. They went the other way.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now listen, K9. K9, we want this door open, but becareful. There may be someone on the other side.
[K9] Understood, master.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[MERAK] What is it?
[ROMANA] It's all right, he won't hurt you. He's with us.
[MERAK] Who are you? Are you Zeons?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, of course not, but we're friendly. Don't worryabout that. Romana?
[DOCTOR] Keep an eye out round the corner. Come here, Merak.
[ROMANA] Right.
[DOCTOR] Why would the Marshal want to get rid of Astra?
[MERAK] The Marshal? What makes you think he's involved?
[DOCTOR] Too many coincidences. Well?
[MERAK] Astra and I were trying to make contact with the Zeons to tryand make peace. The Marshal knows. He wants the war to go on, ofcourse.
[DOCTOR] Of course.
[MERAK] How much longer?
[K9] Twelve point two three seconds.
[MERAK] Well, I knew I was in danger, but I thought Astra was safe. TheMarshal always said that he needed her support, her influence with thepeople.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Is there any other reason why the Marshal would want toget rid of her?
[MERAK] None that I can think of, no.
[K9] Ready, master.
[DOCTOR] Good. Romana? Ready?
(K block)
[MERAK] She's not here.
[DOCTOR] Anything?
[ROMANA] Nothing.
[MERAK] Here's something.
[MERAK] Look, this is hers.
[ROMANA] Then she was here.
[K9] Danger, master. It is dangerous to remain in this environment.
[MERAK] Astra, she must be here. She must be.
[K9] Radiation levels excessive.
[ROMANA] Look, Merak, we can't do anything by staying here.
[MERAK] If Astra's been
[MERAK] Then I will stay with her.
[DOCTOR] Merak, Merak. People aren't dissolved by radiation. You're asurgeon. You should know that. If she's not here, she must be somewhereelse.
[MERAK] Astra.
[ROMANA] Come on, Merak, worrying won't help. Let's just get out of herebefore it's too late.
[DOCTOR] K9. K9, keep an eye on that wall.
[K9] Master.
(Outside K block)
[DOCTOR] Merak, do you know if there's anythingbehind that room?
[MERAK] Nothing but a recycling shaft. This area's been disused foryears. Radiation leak.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] Well, she can't have been there for very long, but how did sheget out?
[DOCTOR] They could have moved her while we were with the Marshal. Theymoved the guard's body. On the other hand.
[ROMANA] On the other hand what?
[DOCTOR] Well, on the other hand, anything's possible. Well almost.Merak, a recycling shaft? Recycling what, exactly?
[MERAK] Scrap metal waste for the war effort. Everything metal gets putdown the shaft to be recycled in the furnaces. Why?
[DOCTOR] Oh, just general interest. Come on, let's go.
[ROMANA] Where to?
[DOCTOR] Well, if there's no way out there's only one thing to do.
[ROMANA] What's that?
(Control area)
[SHAPP] Ahem.
[SHAPP] We've got them on scan, sir. Surgeon Merak's with them.
[MARSHAL] That traitor. And that machine of theirs?
[SHAPP] No sign of it at the moment, sir.
[MARSHAL] Have them picked up.
[SHAPP] No need, sir. They're coming this way.
[MARSHAL] That machine of theirs. Metal, would you say?
[SHAPP] Partly, yes, sir.
[MARSHAL] Recycle it, Shapp. Locate it and turn it into scrap,understood?
[SHAPP] Yes, sir.
[SHAPP] Got a fix on it now, sir. In K block.
[MARSHAL] Get rid of it.
[SHAPP] We've got the machine, sir. It's en route to the recyclingfurnace.
[MARSHAL] Good. Shapp, when you find the others, treat them properly.
[SHAPP] No softening up, sir?
[MARSHAL] No, Shapp. No brutality.
[SHAPP] Yes, sir.
[MARSHAL] Not yet.
(Conveyer belt)
[K9] Blaster inoperative. All other circuits undamaged. Temperatureincreasing.
[MERAK] What are you doing?
[ROMANA] Looking for something.
[MERAK] What?
[ROMANA] I wish I knew. All I know is that this will tell us when wefind it.
[MERAK] And that's why you're here?
[MERAK] Not to help us?
[ROMANA] Look, we will if we can. You'll just have to trust us, Merak.Will you?
[MERAK] What else can I do?
[ROMANA] Tell me, apart from that circlet that Astra wears, is thereanything else that she always wears or carries?
[MERAK] Not that I can think of, no.
[ROMANA] I see.
[DOCTOR] Come on!
[GUARD] You, stop! Take them. Come on, move.
[DOCTOR] Where are we going?
[GUARD] The Marshal wants to see you now.
[DOCTOR] That's funny, I want to see the Marshal. Come on, let's move.
(Control area)
[DOCTOR] So nice of you to invite us back.
[SHAPP] Those two, wait over there. You, come with me.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm theDoctor. Who are you?
[SHAPP] Major Shapp. This way.
[DOCTOR] Ah, Marshal. I understand you've got a few problems and I wasthinking that if you and I got together we, er, Marshal? Marshal? Is heall right?
[SHAPP] Shush.
[SHAPP] He's meditating.
[DOCTOR] What? Does he do it often?
[SHAPP] When things are not going well. He makes most of his decisionsthis way.
[DOCTOR] No wonder thing's aren't going well. Standing in front of amirror gimbling and smiling at himself like that is the first sign ofmegalomania. He's not a ventriloquist, is he?
[SHAPP] A what?
[DOCTOR] A ventriloquist. A chap who throws his voice, you know. Throwshis voice. Has a dummy. Operates a dummy. A dummy. A dummy. A dummy, ofcourse!
[DOCTOR] Ah, Marshal.
[MARSHAL] Welcome, my friend.
[DOCTOR] Friend? The last time I came here, you wanted to shoot me.
[MARSHAL] A misunderstanding. I apologise.
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, fancy you mistaking me for a Zeon. Really, Marshal.
[MARSHAL] I had forgotten.
[DOCTOR] Forgotten?
[MARSHAL] That you had been foretold. Your coming had been foretold.
[DOCTOR] We had? You mean that we were expected?
[MARSHAL] It's the war. This endless war occupied my thoughts to theexclusion of all else.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I understand how you feel, Marshal.
[MARSHAL] Now that you are here, you are the one.
[DOCTOR] I am. Am I?
[MARSHAL] The one who will lead us to victory.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good-o. As long as there's no personal risk involved, ofcourse.
[MARSHAL] To halt the hated Zeons in their tracks, wipe their presencefrom our skies, and free this land, this world, this Atrios
[DOCTOR] This blessed plot.
[MARSHAL] Good, good. This blessed plot from the terrors of war and theevils of pestilence.
[DOCTOR] Yes! No, I prefer the original.
[MARSHAL] You, Doctor, you shall give us our victory.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But listen, before I do, what happens if I don't?
[MARSHAL] The question doesn't arise.
[DOCTOR] Oh well, I'm very grateful for your confidence, Marshal. I'llsee what I can manage. Er, we're not under arrest, then?
[MARSHAL] Oh, my dear Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I shall need to know the situation. The basicsituation.
[MARSHAL] Of course. Shapp?
[SHAPP] We've located the Zeon fleet, sir.
[MARSHAL] Then stand by to counterattack. Come, Doctor. Come, you shallsee it all.
(Conveyer belt)
[K9] Temperature unacceptable. Request furtherinstructions. Master? Master?
(Control area)
[MARSHAL] Now, Doctor, you shall see the mightybattlefleet of Atrios, the weapons that are available to you.
[MARSHAL] The new architect of our victory. Shapp, order thecounterattack.
[SHAPP] Yes, sir. Base to fleet, commence attack. Attack, attack,attack.
[PILOT [OC]] Closing. Closing. Range four thirty. Fire zero four. Holdon seven zero. Ranging, ranging. Target acquisition. Fire now. ReportRDF and maintain attitude four three break zero six. Closing.
[PILOT [OC]] Closing. We have full combat state on all sectors.
[DOCTOR] Six ships? Is that it? The mighty battlefleet of Atrios?
[MARSHAL] It does the people no good to know the truth, Doctor. Theylive on hope, nothing else. It's been a long, hard struggle. Productionis slow, losses are crippling, but we fight on. That's the main thing.
[MARSHAL] To win. What else? War is an expensive business, Doctor, butworth it. Now look. Look.
[PILOT [OC]] Zero to control, zero to control.
[SHAPP] A hit, sir. A hit, confirmed.
[MARSHAL] And another.
[SHAPP] One of ours, sir. That's zero four, sir.
[MARSHAL] And that?
[SHAPP] Zero six, sir.
[PILOT [OC]] Power loss on main guide system. Blue leader, attack,attack.
[SHAPP] Shall I pull them out?
[MARSHAL] Never.
[PILOT [OC]] Zero three, answer, answer.
[MARSHAL] Press home the attack.
[PILOT [OC]] Request permission to abandon ship. Zero three, answer,answer.
[SHAPP] Zero two's gone, sir.
[MARSHAL] What in the name of Atrios is the matter with them all? Why?Why?
[PILOT [OC]] Permission to use escape module.
[SHAPP] It's inexperience, sir. Brave but barely trained. The best crewswent a long time ago.
[PILOT [OC]] Immediate reply. Request permission to use escape pod.
[MARSHAL] Pull them out.
[SHAPP] All units disengage. All units disengage.
[PILOT [OC]] Break off. Break off action. Break off immediately. Breakoff.
[MARSHAL] Three ships left out of a once proud battlefleet of hundreds.Three. You see now why we need your help. We must have the weapon thatwill wipe the Zeons clear of our skies once and for all. Can youprovide it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think so.
[MARSHAL] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Peace.
[MARSHAL] Very funny. How can we have peace until we have the ultimatedeterrent that will ensure a lasting peace?
[DOCTOR] Tell me, Marshal. If you had this ultimate deterrent, whatwould you do?
[MARSHAL] Use it, of course. Make sure it works.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, you have a true military mind, Marshal.
[MARSHAL] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] I'll tell you what I'll do. You help me find the S, you help mefind the Princess Astra and I'll knock you up a deterrent. How's that?
[MARSHAL] I like you, Doctor.
(Conveyer belt)
[K9] Overheating. Overheating.
(Control area)
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, I think I can do something foryou.
[MARSHAL] It must be the ultimate deterrent.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it will be, it will be. A sort of parasol affair.
[DOCTOR] Well, a sort of umbrella forcefield, you know, that no Zeonship can penetrate.
[MARSHAL] Oh, so we can attack, they can't retaliate.
[DOCTOR] Well, not quite. I mean, they can't get in but you can't getout.
[MARSHAL] Then how do we win?
[DOCTOR] Well, I mean
[MARSHAL] We must have victory.
[DOCTOR] Well, there's always a snag, I mean, but I'll work on it. Look,I'll need K9.
[DOCTOR] Yes, my computer. The one you thought was a weapon.
[MARSHAL] Well, Shapp?
[SHAPP] It's too late, sir. It's on the way to the furnace.
[DOCTOR] Furnace? What furnace?
[SHAPP] Recycling. We recycle all scrap.
[DOCTOR] Scrap! Where is this furnace? Where is this furnace?
(Conveyor belt)
[K9] Closing down.
(Outside the recycling shaft)
[MARSHAL] Close down the furnace.
[SHAPP] I already have, sir.
[MARSHAL] The Doctor must not die. Not yet.
[SHAPP] It takes weeks to cool down, sir.
[MARSHAL] The Doctor must not die!
[SHAPP] There'll be nothing left but slag and clinker. I'm sorry, sir.
[MARSHAL] Sorry? Sorry?
[ROMANA] Oh! Oh, K9, are you all right?
[K9] Affirmative, mistress.
[DOCTOR] Warm for the time of the year. It's a little trick I picked upfrom the fire-walkers in Bali. They do it all the time. Come on, oldboy.
(Control area)
[MARSHAL] He's not even singed, My apologies, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's all right. We all make mistakes sometimes, don't we,K9?
[K9] Negative.
[DOCTOR] Yes, now listen, Marshal. If you're going to insist we do thisyour way
[DOCTOR] I thought you might. Now listen. If we're going to set up aone-way forcefield, one that keeps the Zeons out but allows you to passthrough it to attack them, we're going to have to get to know ourenemy, so to speak.
[MARSHAL] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] I was thinking in terms of a psychological barrier. It's cheap,efficient and energy saving, and it would stop the Zeons wanting tocome here. Introduce an element of iatrophobia?
[ROMANA] Oh, what a brilliant idea!
[MARSHAL] Go on.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but to that I'd have to meet one, you see, get to know it.Brain patterns, that sort of thing. Isn't that right, Romana?
[ROMANA] Oh, absolutely. There's no other way.
[DOCTOR] Now, Marshal, can you arrange that?
[MARSHAL] No, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Look, it doesn't have to be anything particularly intelligent.Any prisoner would do.
[MARSHAL] There are no prisoners. This is war to the death. Like us, theZeon warriors are sworn to destroy themselves. Death before dishonour.
[DOCTOR] Well, if you can't find me a Zeon, I'll have to think ofsomething else.
[MARSHAL] Time is running short, Doctor.
[ROMANA] How right you are. Any news of Astra?
[MARSHAL] Intelligence reports suggest that she's been abducted byZeons. If that's the case then I'm afraid
[DOCTOR] Quite, quite, Marshal. Marshal, would you excuse us please?
[MARSHAL] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[SHAPP] Marshal. Zeon fleet closing again.
[ROMANA] Doctor, when you went into the furnace after K9, the Marshalalmost went berserk at the thought you might be killed.
[DOCTOR] He did? How very considerate of him.
[ROMANA] No, it wasn't. Because what he said was, the Doctor must notdie. Not yet.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] And listen, I saw something at his throat like a little blackcylinder.
[DOCTOR] What, a device of some sort? Something you weren't meant tosee?
[ROMANA] Yes, yes, I'm sure of it.
[DOCTOR] A control device?
[ROMANA] Yes. If the Marshal's a puppet, who's pulling the strings?
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what's behind that mirror he's so fond of looking at?
[MERAK] Questions, questions.
[ROMANA] Shush.
[MERAK] And no answers.
[MERAK] We're no closer to finding Astra or whatever it is you'relooking for. Well, are we?
[DOCTOR] Merak, I believe we're closer to finding Princess Astra than werealise. What worries me is, are we supposed to?
[ROMANA] A trap.
[DOCTOR] Who's pulling the wool over who's eyes? Are we supposed to fallfor the Marshal's bluff or is he supposed to fall for our?
[MERAK] Listen, Doctor, you said a minute ago that we were close tofinding Astra. Please tell me where she is or where you think she is.
[DOCTOR] It wouldn't make any difference. Even if I told you, youcouldn't reach her.
[MERAK] Why not?
[DOCTOR] Because I think that Astra's on Zeos.
[ROMANA] Doctor, you're forgetting something. We haven't been able tolocate Zeos, not from the Tardis or from anywhere.
[DOCTOR] Zeos is there all right, it's just you can't see it.
[ROMANA] Why not?
[DOCTOR] Can you see me now?
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[ROMANA] Because your hand's in. Oh, you mean there's something betweenus and Zeos.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[ROMANA] That would account for the orbital shift. But why can't we seewhatever's in the way?
[DOCTOR] Because it's absorbing the light or energy. Or else it'scamouflaged.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. Maybe it's large, or perhaps its small.
[ROMANA] How can you be so sure?
[DOCTOR] How could Columbus be so sure.
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that.
[MERAK] But Astra said that she couldn't get a signal back from Zeos.Where do we start?
[DOCTOR] Behind that mirror over there. There's bound to be anotherentrance. You and Romana go over there and see what you can find.
[ROMANA] Right.
[MARSHAL] Reinforcements!
[SHAPP] There aren't any, sir.
[MARSHAL] Deploy the reserves!
[SHAPP] I already have, sir.
[MARSHAL] Then we're defenceless.
[SHAPP] Yes, sir. We've thrown everything we can at them and still theykeep coming.
[MAN [OC]] Fire in section seven.
[MARSHAL] This could be the last battle, Shapp.
[MAN [OC]] No response, level three.
[SHAPP] Yes, sir.
[MAN [OC]] Collapse in eight.
[MARSHAL] Where's that Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Here.
[MAN [OC]] No response level fourteen.
[MARSHAL] Can we have that forcefield now? We've committed everything.We're being obliterated. We've nothing left. It's our last hope.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. I've worked it all out.
[MAN [OC]] Radiation levels
[DOCTOR] The problem is energy. If we're using energy to neutralisemass, which is all a forcefield is, we need enough energy or powererg-wise to counteract the Zeon bombardment mass-wise
[MARSHAL] So, I'll give you absolute energy priority.
[DOCTOR] It won't work. Look, K9's worked it all out.
[K9] Affirmative. The more you use, the more you need. You'd have toconsume the whole of Atrios to give it an effective forcefield.
[DOCTOR] Which rather defeats the purpose.
[DOCTOR] Because you wouldn't have a planet to live on.
[MARSHAL] Then we are defenceless.
[DOCTOR] No, no, not quite, not quite. You remember I mentioned apsychological barrier, a deterrent that no Zeon would cross?
[MARSHAL] Yes, but you need Zeons to experiment on.
[DOCTOR] No, I think I said examine.
[MARSHAL] There are no Zeons.
[DOCTOR] There are on Zeos.
[MARSHAL] What exactly are you proposing?
[DOCTOR] I go to Zeos, pick up a Zeon, and bring the Princess Astra backif she's there.
[ASTRA [on viewscreen]] People of Atrios, lay down your arms. Surrender.Resistance is useless. The Zeons can never be defeated. They have takenme captive. My people, my people, they have sworn to destroy Atriosunless you surrender now. If you love me, my people, save me. Saveyourselves. Hand over the Marshal and surrender. Surrender now. The waris over. The Zeons
[MARSHAL] This forcefield. Can you provide it now? Will it give usbreathing space?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it'll give you time to save your neck.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[MARSHAL] You may go to Zeos. There is a way.
(Behind the mirror)
[MERAK] It's the Marshal.
[ROMANA] It's a two-way mirror.
[MERAK] What's that?
[ROMANA] Shush.
[MARSHAL [mirror]] It's done. The Time Lord suspects nothing. I'vedirected him to the transmat point in K block where your agents will bewaiting.
[ROMANA] Time Lord? How does he know?
[MERAK] What?
[ROMANA] Shush.
[MARSHAL [mirror]] My lord, once you have the secrets of time, please,give me my victory. I've waited so long. Please, my lord.
[MERAK] He said K block. Astra was in K block.
[ROMANA] We'd better warn the Doctor. Come on.
[DOCTOR] You know, K9, I've got a feeling we'remissing out on something. Are you listening to me, K9?
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Listen. Why should the Marshal, leader in a war against Zeos,be the only one to know of a transmatter link with the enemy planet?And why should he tell me? I think one of us is being extremely stupid.
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(K block)
[DOCTOR] Well, good luck, K9. I hope to see you again soon.
[K9] Master, I do not advise entry of that
[DOCTOR] Shush. K9, can I take the decisions, please? Good luck. I'llsee you again soon.
[ROMANA] Doctor! Doctor, wait! Oh, no. K9, it was a trap.
[DOCTOR] A trap?
(K block)
[ROMANA] Doctor! Doctor.
(K block)
[MERAK] What are they doing in there?
[ROMANA] Going to Zeos, I should think.
[MERAK] What do you mean? How can they, it's a room.
[ROMANA] It's not just a room, Merak, it's a transmat point.
[MERAK] Transmat?
[ROMANA] Short for particle matter transmission. I'll explain it to youanother time when I've got about two weeks to spare.
[MERAK] Were those things Zeons?
[ROMANA] Yes, I should think so.
[MERAK] And they've got Astra?
[ROMANA] And the Doctor. Come on, we shall have to try and use theTardis. Come on, K9.
(Behind the mirror)
[MARSHAL [mirror]] But you promised. You promisedme victory.
[SKULL] The war has served its purpose as you have served yours. Nowthat I have the Time Lord, there will be no more attacks from Zeos.Make of that what you will, Marshal.
(Control area)
[MARSHAL] No more attacks? Then I can still win. Ican achieve a great personal victory. I shall lead the final assaultmyself!
[SHAPP] Marshal? The Zeon fleet's gone. They had us at their mercy andnow they're gone.
[MARSHAL] Yes, Shapp! We've exhausted them. Now we'll strike back.
(Outside K block)
[ROMANA] What's the matter, K9? Hurry.
[K9] Haste unnecessary, mistress. Sensors indicate the Tardis to bemissing.
[ROMANA] Missing?
(Zeos interrogation room)
[SHADOW] Place the control device.
[SHADOW] Now, Doctor, you are completely in my power.
[DOCTOR] Really? Do you mean because of that?
[SHADOW] Ah! Very well.
[SHADOW] Now do you hear me, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I hear you. Who are you?
[SHADOW] I am the Shadow. Your adversary, shall we say. It is notimportant. You come in quest of a key.
[SHADOW] The Key to Time, as it is called.
[SHADOW] You are in possession of certain elements of that key?
[SHADOW] I warn you, Doctor. If you lie, the pain will increase. Whereare they?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[SHADOW] Where are they?
[DOCTOR] Lost. Lost!
[SHADOW] Open your eyes, Doctor.
[SHADOW] Are they in there?
[SHADOW] Then you will open it.
[SHADOW] Release him.
(K block)
[ROMANA] Right. We'll just have to work out a wayhow to get into the transmat shaft. Any ideas, K9?
[K9] Mistress, this locking system is complex. It will take time.
[ROMANA] As quickly as you can, K9.
[MERAK] Listen. The bombing's stopped.
[ROMANA] Oh yes.
[MERAK] Now that means the Zeons know that we're done for.
[ROMANA] Probably.
[MERAK] Then why capture Astra?
[ROMANA] Because she's somehow involved with what we're looking for.
[K9] Almost finished, mistress.
[MERAK] Oh, this is hopeless. We've no idea where to look.
[ROMANA] Yes, we have.
[ROMANA] This tracer will tell us which direction she's in and howclose.
[MERAK] I see.
[K9] Ready, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well done, K9.
[MERAK] I'm sorry, Romana.
(Zeos interrogation room)
[SHADOW] Now your quest is over. You have somethingof, shall we say, interest to me in this machine of yours.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you mean the Tardis? Yes, yes, I expected to find thathere. Correct me if I'm wrong. This is Zeos, isn't it?
[SHADOW] Don't waste my time.
[DOCTOR] And we came up in the transmat shaft, and then, as they say,everything went black.
[SHADOW] Open the Tardis. Bring me the pieces.
[DOCTOR] Certainly. Interested in timepieces, are you? Chronostatics,horogenesis, that sort of thing?
[SHADOW] You are not dealing with a fool, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, I am. I'm sorry to disillusion you, whoever you are.And you tried breaking and entry into my Tardis, didn't you, andfailed. Covered with automatic defence mechanisms. Very clever, really.
[SHADOW] Bring me the first five segments of the Key to Time, or I shalldestroy you.
[DOCTOR] Well, if you do that, you'll never get them will you. And ifyou let me go in there, there's no guarantee that I'll come out, isthere. It's bigger that it looks, you know. I take it you have thesixth segment.
[SHADOW] Destroy him.
[DOCTOR] Hold it! There must be some civilised solution to all thiswithout this continued use of brute force.
[SHADOW] The Key to Time.
[DOCTOR] Look, I'd really like to help you, but I've got a problem. Yousee, the thing is, the segments are in there and of course I can go inthere, but I can't bring them out here.
[SHADOW] Why not?
[DOCTOR] Well, you see, I've built a fail-safe. The segments are in asort of limbo closet in, er, in limbo, and the only way to get at them,you see, is with the next piece, so if you'll just let me have it I'llpop in there and fetch them for you.
[SHADOW] You think I would trust you?
[DOCTOR] No. And I certainly don't trust you. Bit of an impasse, eh?
[SHADOW] No, Doctor, there is no real difficulty. I have waited so long,even another thousand years would be nothing for me. But you, I havewatched you and your jackdaw meanderings. I know you and I know thereis a want of patience in your nature.
[DOCTOR] That's right. Fools rush in.
[SHADOW] Exactly. Leave him. He will make his own mistake. Then, Doctor,I shall be waiting.
[DOCTOR] No. I think I'll have a little look round first, for the sixthsegment.
(Outside the Zeos transmat)
[MERAK] Astra? Astra, where are you?
(Shadow's lair)
[ASTRA] I don't know! I don't know, I tell you.
[SHADOW] You must know. You are a daughter of the Royal House of Atrios.
[ASTRA] Yes, and I tell you, whoever you are, that I've never heard ofthe sixth segment or the sixth anything!
[SHADOW] And I tell you, Princess, the secret has been passed downthrough generation after generation of the Royal House, and since youare the sole surviving member of the line, you must know and you willtell me, if I have to tear it from the living fibre of your very being.Do you understand?
[ASTRA] Yes. And if I knew, I would tell you.
[SHADOW] You do know, and you will tell me. Since you care so little foryour own life, let us see how you care for another.
[SHADOW] Closer.
[MERAK [OC]] Astra? Astra, where are you?
[ASTRA] Merak! I'm here!
[SHADOW] You fool. Do you think I would leave you on Zeos? Shout all youlike. You're not within a million miles of your precious Merak.
[ASTRA] Not on Zeos? Then what is this place?
[SHADOW] This, Princess, is my domain.
(Control area)
[MARSHAL] Shapp! Where's Shapp?
[MAN] Investigating intruder report in K block, sir.
[MARSHAL] What? Our chance to strike a fatal blow at Zeos
[MAN] He left this situation report, sir.
[MARSHAL] Hmm. I want every available ship made ready.
[MAN] There is only one ship left, sir. Your escape, er, your commandmodule, sir.
[MARSHAL] Have it made ready.
[MAN] Yes, sir.
(K block)
[ROMANA] Hurry, K9. If the lock's jammed, destroy it.
[K9] Affirmative, mistress. (zap) Finished, mistress.
[ROMANA] Right. Quickly, K9, inside. Come along. Hold tight, here we go.
(Outside the Zeos transmat)
[ROMANA] Come on, K9. Listen, I'm going to findMerak and try and get the tracer back. You go find the Doctor, okay?
[K9] Affirmative.
[ROMANA] Off you go.
[SHAPP] Shapp. Shapp to control, Shapp to, Shapp, Shapp.
[DOCTOR] Romana. Merak. K9.
[SHAPP] That's far enough, Doctor. Turn round. Hands in the air.Straighten up, slowly.
[DOCTOR] I'm not armed, you know.
[SHAPP] All right, what happened? How did I get here?
[DOCTOR] Well, through the transmat, I imagine.
[SHAPP] Transmat?
[SHAPP] Which section of Atrios is this? I don't recognise any of it.
[DOCTOR] Shapp, we're on Zeos.
[SHAPP] Zeos?
[DOCTOR] Yes. You were transmatted up the transmatter there. Look.Transmat.
[SHAPP] Zeos? How can we be on Zeos? No, this must be a prohibited area.Section Eleven B. I mean, it must be Atrios.
[DOCTOR] Shapp, old chap, we're on Zeos. Listen. Nobombardment.
[SHAPP] Well of course there's no bombardment. The Zeon fleet have justpulled out.
[DOCTOR] All right, if we're on Atrios, where's the destruction? Look,not a crack. Everything perfect.
[SHAPP] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] On Zeos! Where the Zeons come from. But there don't seem to bemany of them about, which is quite good for us.
[SHAPP] Er, where are you off to?
[DOCTOR] There must be some evidence this way. Anyway, it's time I foundthe other two.
[DOCTOR] Come on. I'll tell you about the theory of particletransmission.
(Zeos corridor)
[MERAK] Astra.
[MERAK] Give it to me! I must find Astra!
[ROMANA] Listen, Merak, we all want to find her. Now look, if I let yougo, do you promise not to interfere?
[MERAK] Yes.
[MERAK] But I know she's here.
[MERAK] Look.
[ROMANA] Is that hers?
[MERAK] Yes, I gave it to her.
[ROMANA] Where did you find it?
[MERAK] There. The tracer picked it up.
[ROMANA] The tracer?
[MERAK] Try it. See?
[SHAPP] Are you sure this is Zeos?
[SHAPP] It's very dusty.
[DOCTOR] Maybe the Zeons don't use it much.
[SHAPP] It's not irradiated.
[DOCTOR] How do you know?
[SHAPP] I've checked.
[SHAPP] And the air's clean, but nobody could have been here for years.
[DOCTOR] Yes, except K9. Here.
[DOCTOR] Have you ever seen a Zeon, Shapp?
[SHAPP] Not since the war started.
[DOCTOR] No, but before the war?
[SHAPP] Well, of course. We traded with them.
[DOCTOR] What do they look like?
[SHAPP] Er, much the same as us. Their clothes are different, but apartfrom that.
[DOCTOR] They're not tall, emaciated creatures in long black robes?
[SHAPP] Not the ones I saw.
[SHAPP] No. Why?
[DOCTOR] Why? Well, the ones who brought me here were. Very sinister.
[SHAPP] Could be the result of biological warfare?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but there's no sign of your attacks getting through,though, is there?
[SHAPP] They must have been Zeons. I mean, who else could they be?
[DOCTOR] Isn't it odd you've never taken any prisoners?
[SHAPP] Oh, they use disintegration capsules like we do.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] K9, what took you so long?
[K9] I have been communicating with the Zeon commandant. It was mostinteresting.
[DOCTOR] Really? We'd like to meet this commandant, wouldn't we, Shapp?
[SHAPP] Yes, yes, could be useful.
[K9] It can be arranged.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[K9] Now?
[DOCTOR] Well, I mean, I think you'd better trace Romana and Merakfirst.
[K9] Please follow.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[SHAPP] He seems in good fettle.
[K9] Fettle? Define fettle.
[DOCTOR] Well, you know, form, condition, tone.
[K9] It is stimulating to communicate for once with something other thana limited and unpredictable organic intelligence.
[DOCTOR] What did you just say? With something other?
[K9] Affirmative. I have been communicating with my own kind.
(Control area)
[MARSHAL] The day of retribution is at hand. Ishall myself lead the final assault upon the very citadel of Zeon mightand deliver to it such a crushing blow that the dread spectre of Zeonaggression will never rise again! Victory, my people! Victory or death!
[MAN] The command module is ready, Marshal. The bombs are loaded and thepilot fully briefed. Good luck, sir.
(Zeos corridor)
[ROMANA] And then Merak said he found this. It'sAstra's. The strange thing is, it gives off a very faint signal on thetracer. It's obviously not the sixth segment, so what is it?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'd say it's been in touch with the sixth segment,wouldn't you?
[ROMANA] Well, yes
[MERAK] Shapp, has K9 mentioned Astra? Well, is that where she is, withthis Zeon commandant? Oh, for pity's sake, man, tell me!
[SHAPP] If I were you, Merak
[MERAK] Yes?
[SHAPP] I'd try to exercise a little more self-control. Doctor?
[K9] You will remain here, please, in silence.
[ROMANA] What's wrong with K9?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I've never seen him do that before. That doesn'tmean to say, of course, it isn't normal.
[K9] Silence, please. Communicating.
[K9] Wait here, please.
[ROMANA] I think that was a sort of identification ritual. You know,rather like the dance of the bees. A complicated set of movements toprevent strangers entering the er, whatever it is.
[MERAK] What are bees?
[DOCTOR] Insects! With stings in their tails.
[K9] The commandant will see you now.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Romana. You two stay there.
(Zeos computer room)
[DOCTOR] Shapp!
[DOCTOR] There's your enemy, Shapp. Runs everything. Attack, defence,surveillance, production, everything. The ideal war general. No glory,no speeches, no medals and no blood.
[SHAPP] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] It's fully automated. There are no Zeons on Zeos.
[SHAPP] No Zeons on Zeos.
[DOCTOR] No. Just this passionless lump of minerals and circuitry.Highly efficient, doing very well, giving Atrios a battering, killedmillions without a flicker. Just doing its job. And totally invincible.
[SHAPP] Invincible? Yes, we'll see about that.
[SHAPP] I see. Automatic defence mechanism.
[MERAK] Doctor, please.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, Merak. Be quiet. K9, would you ask your friendhere
[K9] Mentalis.
[DOCTOR] K9, would you ask Mentalis here if the name Astra rings a bell,so to speak?
[K9] Mentalis has instructions that all information regarding PrincessAstra is inaccessible.
[DOCTOR] And the war?
[K9] The war is over. The bombardment is over. The next step isobliteration.
[DOCTOR] For whom?
[K9] Everything.
(Marshal's module)
[MARSHAL] Faster, faster.
[PILOT] Target located, sir.
[MARSHAL] Excellent. Prepare to attack.
(Zeos computer room)
[DOCTOR] We have a problem. Well, several problems.Mentalis knows, but won't tell, about Astra. Refuses us access to thememory banks but tells us that the Marshal's on his way here to blowthis place to smithereens.
[SHAPP] But won't it react?
[ROMANA] Oh, yes. Mentalis is convinced it's invincible. It's beenprogrammed not to accept defeat.
[MERAK] Then it'll stop him.
[SHAPP] It'll counterattack.
[DOCTOR] Unfortunately, it's been programmed that the war is over, so itcan't attack. It thinks it's won. That's the trouble with machines.
[ROMANA] So what will happen?
[DOCTOR] Well, it will self-destruct. I think obliteration was the termit used.
[ROMANA] So if the Marshal attacks
[SHAPP] Which he will.
[DOCTOR] There will be a rather large bang, big enough to blow up Zeos,take Atrios with it, and make certain the whole thing ends in a sort ofdraw. That's the way these military minds work. The Armageddon factor.
(Marshal's module)
[PILOT] Target located, sir.
[MARSHAL] Excellent. Prepare to attack.
(Zeos computer room)
[DOCTOR] Has it ever occurred to you, Shapp, thatyou and the Marshal and this thing are in an arena, playing out a gamefor some evil alien spectator?
[ROMANA] The third force.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I think I've met him. Calls himself the Shadow.
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] Astra. Princess Astra. Do you hear me?
[ASTRA] Yes, I hear you.
[SHADOW] Good. There are certain duties you must perform.
[ASTRA] Yes.
[SHADOW] You will help me in my quest. You understand?
[ASTRA] Yes.
[SHADOW] Astra, you are to meet your lover. Smile.
(Zeos computer room)
[SHAPP] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're going to try and neutralise and dismantle Mentalishere, and it's absolutely essential that while I'm fiddling it doesn'thave to be distracted by an attack from the Marshal. Now listen, I wantyou two to go back to Atrios via the transmat. You, Shapp, are tocontact the Marshal. Tell him he's won. Tell him the war's over. Tellhim anything you like but stop him taking any further action.
[SHAPP] And if I can't?
[DOCTOR] Well, then Mentalis
[SHAPP] If the Marshal refuses to listen?
[DOCTOR] Then Mentalis will
[SHAPP] If he insists on going ahead?
[DOCTOR] Well, then Mentalis will go into it's Armageddon sequence,we'll be bits of dust flying round the cosmos, including the Marshal.You might even tell him that. What are you waiting for?
[SHAPP] Oh, yeah.
[MERAK] But what about Astra?
[ROMANA] Merak, don't worry about Astra. We'll find her. Your duty lieswith your patients. You must go back to Atrios with Shapp.
[MERAK] Oh, very well.
(Outside the Zeos transmat)
[ASTRA [OC]] Merak!
[SHAPP] What are you doing, Merak? Come on!
[SHAPP] Merak!
(Zeos corridor)
[MERAK] Astra! Astra, it's me, Merak. Astra, whereare you?
[MERAK] Astra.
[ASTRA] Merak.
[MERAK] Astra.
[ASTRA] Merak.
(Zeos computer room)
[DOCTOR] K9, are you sure this is all right?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] I mean, it doesn't feel threatened or anything?
[K9] Negative. Proceed.
[ROMANA] Doctor
[ROMANA] Do you think it was the Shadow who built this?
[DOCTOR] Oh, more than likely, yeah.
[ROMANA] Well, since there don't seem to be any Zeons on Zeos, if youknow what I mean, presumably it's the Shadow who's got the Princess.
[DOCTOR] More than likely. The question is, where?
[ROMANA] What about between Atrios and Zeos. Do you remember?
[DOCTOR] Romana, that's brilliant. Of course! He's got a third planetall to himself.
[ROMANA] Right. All we have to do is find it.
[DOCTOR] After I've stopped this.
[ROMANA] Well, if you can stop it.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] What have you done?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. K9, what have I done?
[K9] You have triggered primary alert function.
[DOCTOR] Blast.
[K9] Affirmative.
[ROMANA] And now it's waiting to blow itself up.
[K9] If required, to resist attack.
[DOCTOR] Let's hope Shapp reaches the Marshal before he does anythingsilly. We're very vulnerable till that's done.
[ROMANA] Yes, rather like sitting inside a time bomb.
[DOCTOR] What's that, K9? Well?
[K9] Assimilating information.
[DOCTOR] Sorry. Well?
[K9] Hostile craft approaching.
[ROMANA] What!
(Marshal's module)
[MARSHAL] There! Zeos at last. I shall crush itlike a rotten egg. Faster, man, faster.
(Zeos computer room)
[DOCTOR] The Marshal. Shapp must have missed him.
[K9] Entering self-destruct sequence. In self-destruct sequence.
[ROMANA] It's going to blow itself up.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and us with it. Unless.
[ROMANA] Doctor, look out!
(Marshal's module)
[MARSHAL] Arm all warheads.
[PILOT] Missiles armed and targeted, sir.
(Zeos computer room)
[DOCTOR] That was close.
[ROMANA] How did they manage to miss?
[DOCTOR] They weren't aiming at me, they were aiming at that, thecontrol centre, like a scorpion stinging itself to death. As soon as itsensed I was trying to interfere with the sequence, it destroyed itsown control centre. It's mindless now, clicking toward oblivion. Howlong, K9?
[K9] Damage renders data unavailable.
[DOCTOR] The Tardis!
[ROMANA] Come on, K9!
(Marshal's module)
[PILOT] Within range, sir.
[MARSHAL] Go in closer. As close as you dare.
[DOCTOR] Here, take a look at this.
[ROMANA] Ah, you put the five pieces together. Good.
[DOCTOR] Have you got the tracer?
[DOCTOR] Lock it in. Lock it.
[ROMANA] Now what?
[DOCTOR] Well, it was just an idea. I thought if we had five-sixths ofthe pieces it might give us some power. Obviously Guardian technologydoesn't work that way.
[ROMANA] If only we had the sixth piece.
[DOCTOR] Yeah. Or a sixth piece.
[ROMANA] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] What do you see there?
[ROMANA] A gap.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. A gap the shape of the sixth piece.
[DOCTOR] We know what it looks like. We can make one.
(Marshal's module)
[MARSHAL] Steady now.
[SHAPP] Atrion control to Marshal. Marshal? Come in, Marshal. This isShapp. Imperative you abort. Repeat. Imperative you abort mission.
[MARSHAL] Turn that thing off.
[PILOT] Sir.
[MARSHAL] Useless bureaucrats trying to steal our thunder. Now, closer.Closer. Prepare to strike.
[MARSHAL] Wait for it, man. Wait for the order.
[DOCTOR] Here we are.
[ROMANA] Ah. What did you use?
[DOCTOR] Chronodyne.
[ROMANA] Is that compatible?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's as compatible as anything we've got.
[K9] Compatibility ration seventy four percent. Component thereforeunstable and liable to deteriorate.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and so are we if this doesn't work. This should in theorygive us powers of balance and stasis. We should be able to create aneutral, timeless zone, for a while. Now, how does it go?
[ROMANA] Hang on, let me just.
[DOCTOR] Lock it, lock it.
[ROMANA] All right.
(Marshal's module)
[ROMANA] We've failed.
[DOCTOR] Have we?
(Marshal's module)
[MARSHAL] Fire! Fire! Fire!
[ROMANA] Doctor, I've got it.
(Marshal's module)
[MARSHAL] Fire! Fire!
[ROMANA] We did it!
[DOCTOR] Well, ninety nine percent.
[K9] Correction. Ninety nine point six.
[DOCTOR] Even better. We haven't stopped them dead. We got them in athree second time loop. Oh!
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] I've stopped the universe. Still, they'll never notice. Justimagine, somewhere someone's just slipped on a banana skin and he'll bewondering forever when he's going to hit the ground.
[ROMANA] Doctor, why isn't it affecting us?
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on, Romana! I mean, if it affected the operators, noone would be able to use it. Even the Guardians would think of that.
[ROMANA] So at the moment we've got absolute power over everything,everywhere.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, it's quite a feeling, isn't it. Gods for an hour ortwo.
[K9] Negative. Deterioration rate of chronodyne chip is in directproportion to area affected.
[DOCTOR] Well of course it is. Just imagine the amount of power requiredto stop the entire universe.
[ROMANA] How long have we got, K9?
[K9] Insufficient information for accurate prediction.
[DOCTOR] Probability, then.
[K9] Probability is for maximum three point two five minutes.
[DOCTOR] Three and a quarter minutes?
[K9] Maximum. Now three point one three minutes.
[ROMANA] Hang on. If we've got so much power, we ought to be able tolocalise it in some way. That should help.
[DOCTOR] Yes. How do you set about localising a time loop?
[ROMANA] Well, if one has god-like powers, one ought to be able to usethem, oughtn't one?
[ROMANA] Command it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Yeah. Stand aside. I. Hey, I'd better get this right.
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] I command that the spatio-temporal loop be confined to thevicinity of the Marshal's vessel, the coordinates of which are alreadyknown. There.
[ROMANA] And the Zeon computer room!
[DOCTOR] And the Zeon computer room. Let it be done. I thought I handledthat rather well.
[ROMANA] All power corrupts, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on. It's only a three second time loop.
[K9] Negative. Time loop stretching.
[DOCTOR] Already? How much?
[K9] Point three milliseconds per second.
[DOCTOR] And the chronodyne chip?
[K9] Now deteriorating.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I thought you'd say that.
[ROMANA] I think we should move.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Nothing lasts forever.
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] The Doctor has been forced to use the Keyto Time. It is no longer in a place of safety. You will lure the Doctorhere and help me gain access to the Tardis. You understand?
[ASTRA] I understand.
[SHADOW] Go with her. Bwahahahahaha!
(Outside the Zeos transmat)
[DOCTOR] Come on, quickly. Remember that timeloop's stretching.
[ROMANA] Doctor, come on! The time loop's stretching.
[ASTRA] Merak! Merak, I'm here. Are you hurt?
[MERAK] My leg, it's twisted. What happened?
[ASTRA] You fell. I tried to save you, but
[MERAK] I thought you were
[ASTRA] Can you stand?
[MERAK] I think so.
[ASTRA] Here, let me help you.
(Zeos computer room)
[ROMANA] Not very hopeful, is it? Whoever built this had a very twistedmind.
(Outside the interrogation room)
[K9] Halt, who goes there? Identify.
[MERAK] K9, it's me, Merak.
[K9] Affirmative. You may enter. Stop. Identify second unit.
[ASTRA] What is it?
[MERAK] It's called K9. It belongs to the Doctor.
[K9] Affirmative. Repeat, identify second unit.
[MERAK] K9, this is Astra. Princess Astra. The Doctor thinks that shemay be able to help him.
[K9] Hostile presence detected.
[MERAK] Where?
[K9] Hostiles approaching. Take cover.
[MERAK] Quick, hide.
(Zeos interrogation room)
[ASTRA] What's this?
[MERAK] It belongs to the Doctor.
[ASTRA] What's inside? I must see inside.
[MERAK] It's no use, Astra. Only the Doctor and Romana can get in.What's the matter?
[ASTRA] It's the air in here.
[MERAK] Perhaps we should go back to Atrios.
[ASTRA] No, we must go on. We must find your friends.
(Outside the Zeos transmat)
[K9] Hostiles repulsed. Most satisfactory.
[K9] Who is there? Identify. Galactic computer distress call received.Please identify. K9 answering computer distress call. Please identify.
[K9] Please identify source of distress.
(Outside the Zeos computer room)
[MERAK] Doctor, I found her. This is Astra. She wascaptured by the Zeons.
[DOCTOR] Was she, now. How do you do? I'm delighted to see you. I'm theDoctor, this is Romana.
[ROMANA] Hello.
[ASTRA] Merak's told me about you.
[DOCTOR] So you rescued her from the Zeons?
[ASTRA] I escaped.
[DOCTOR] How did you manage that?
[ASTRA] Through a tunnel of light.
[MERAK] I was on my way to the transmat when I heard her calling. Then Ifell and hurt myself.
[ASTRA] I think one of the guards who was after me took a shot at him.
[DOCTOR] Very likely, very likely. Where are they now?
[MERAK] Well, they were coming after us, but K9 chased them away.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
[ROMANA] I think Merak needs some medical attention.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Look, Astra, why don't you and Merak go back to Atrios viathe transmat? He'll show you the way.
[ASTRA] I'd feel safer with you.
[DOCTOR] Well, I dare say, but we've got a few complicated things to doand Merak does need attention. I think the thing you should do is goback and show your people that you're free.
[MERAK] He's right, Astra.
[DOCTOR] Of course I'm right. Off you go now. Hope to see you soon.
[MERAK] Come on, this way.
[ROMANA] Very odd.
[DOCTOR] I think we should concentrate on the Shadow and the thirdplanet.
[ROMANA] All right.
(Shadow's lair)
[K9] This is not Atrios. Neither is this Zeos. What is this place?
(Outside the Zeos transmat)
[MERAK] It's not far now. Just over there.
[MERAK] Oh, my leg. You'll have to help me up, Astra.
[ASTRA] I have more important work to do.
[MERAK] What do you mean?
[ASTRA] I'd stay and watch you die, but I haven't the time.
[MERAK] You're, you're not Astra.
[ASTRA] You fool.
(Zeos interrogation room)
[DOCTOR] K9? K9?
[ROMANA] He was on guard.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Something must have happened.
[ASTRA [OC]] Doctor!
[ROMANA] What's that?
[ASTRA] Doctor!
[ASTRA] Help! They're after me! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Yes, what is it? What is it? Quick into the Tardis. Key?
[ROMANA] Doctor, quickly.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right.
[ROMANA] Come on.
[DOCTOR] Where's Merak? Is he all right?
[ASTRA] I got him into the transmat shaft but they were on me before Icould follow. He's safe, though.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ROMANA] Doctor, the time loop. It's stretched to about five seconds bythe look of it.
[DOCTOR] Yes. That gives us about an hour of real time.
[ROMANA] If it goes on stretching and if the false piece lasts longenough. Listen, I'll get a fix on the third planet.
[DOCTOR] It's a pretty little thing, isn't it.
[ASTRA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's the Key to Time. Are you all right, Astra?
[ASTRA] Yes, perfectly.
[DOCTOR] Well, now you've seen it, does it trigger off any hiddenmemories?
[ASTRA] No, it means nothing to me.
[DOCTOR] That's a pity. I was hoping you'd be able to tell us where thesixth piece is.
[ASTRA] The sixth piece?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Look. We have the other five segments. Now we're lookingfor the sixth and final one. Think, Astra, think.
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't touch it. It's hot.
[ROMANA] Got it!
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Set the coordinates. Let's get on our way.
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] Your friends have arrived. We must greet them.
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[SHADOW] You fool, Doctor. The Key to Time is mine! Bwahahahahahaha!
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] And you shall be my eyes and ears.
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[SHADOW] Go now.
[DOCTOR] Well, here we are. We've tracked him tohis lair.
[ROMANA] Yes, we've got him exactly where he wants us.
[DOCTOR] All we have to do is find the sixth piece and stop the Shadowtaking those other five.
[ROMANA] How can we get the sixth piece without using the tracer? Or hadyou forgotten the tracer's holding the Key together, and if we take thetracer out, we break the time loop, and without the time loop millionsof people on Zeos and Atrios will die, to say nothing of ourselves. Andthe time loop's stretching already. It's up to six seconds now. That'sfour seconds left. And how long will that thing last?
[DOCTOR] Diagonal thinking, that's what's required, isn't it, Astra?
[ASTRA] What? I'm sorry, I was lost.
[DOCTOR] Astra, we need you to help us to find the Shadow.
[ASTRA] I shall stay here.
[DOCTOR] No, no, Astra, no. You're the only one who's ever been to thethird planet before. Come on.
[ASTRA] I want to stay here.
[ROMANA] Astra, you said you wanted to come with us. Don't you want tosave Atrios?
[ASTRA] My destiny no longer lies on Atrios.
[ROMANA] What do you mean?
[SHADOW [OC]] (in Astra's head) Go with them. Bring me Romana.
[ASTRA] I understand.
[ROMANA] What did you say? Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, everything's perfectly all right. Everything'swonderful, isn't it, Astra?
[ASTRA] What? Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking about Merak. Yes, of coursewe must do everything we can to destroy the Shadow.
[ROMANA] Do you know where he is?
[ASTRA] I think so.
[DOCTOR] Go on. I'll catch you up.
[ROMANA] Right.
[DOCTOR] Intergalactic computer distress signal? How very odd. Howstrange. Here? K9.
[K9] Master.
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] Leave her to Astra. Follow the Doctor.
[K9 [OC]] Affirmative, master.
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] Two six zero. (beep) Ah.
[DOCTOR] Ah, girls.
[DOCTOR] Shush. I think someone's trying to play tricks on us. You girlsbetter stick with me, or we'll all get lost. I
[ROMANA [OC]] Doctor! (echoes) Doctor. Doctor.
[ROMANA [OC]] Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. Doctor.
[ROMANA [OC]] Doctor.
[ROMANA] Doctor. Doctor! Oh, what does he thinkhe's doing, going that way. I shouted at him. He must have seen us.
[ASTRA] I think I remember now. Yes, all these passages link up furtheron. Come on, Romana, we shall meet him.
[DOCTOR] Ah, I see what you're at, splitting us up. Divide and conquer,is that it? You didn't really imagine we were taken in by Astra, didyou?
(Shadow's lair)
[DOCTOR [on screen]] No. She's in your power, youremploy. Little something on the neck, is it? Very crude, technically.
[DOCTOR] Like all this amusement arcade rubbish.
(Shadow's lair)
[DOCTOR [on screen]] No, Shadow, or whatever you'recalled. I'm sorry to tell you
[DOCTOR] That Romana can look after herself. We areTime Lords
(Shadow's lair)
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Not like those innocents backon Atrios, you know. Time Lords sent by the Guardian to recover the Keyto Time.
[SHADOW] I know who you are, Doctor.
[SHADOW [OC]] I have always known.
[SHADOW [OC]] I have been waiting for you. I too serve a Guardian. AGuardian equal and opposite in power to the one who sent you. The BlackGuardian, he who walks in darkness, and you are in the valley of theShadow.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no! No!
(Shadow's lair)
[K9 [on screen]] The Doctor is captured, master.
[ASTRA] Come, Romana. You'll be safe here.
(Doctor's cell)
[DRAX] Hello, Theet. How you been, boy?
[DOCTOR] What?
[DRAX] It is Theet, innit? Theta Sigma? Yeah, 'course it is. Rememberme, ay?
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] Begin.
(Doctor's cell)
[DRAX] Drax is the name.
[DOCTOR] Drax?
[DRAX] Come on, Theet. Class of ninety two?
[DRAX] Yeah?
[DOCTOR] Drax.
[DRAX] Yeah. We was on the tech course together. Long time ago now,Theet, eh? Must be what, four hundred and fifty years? And a long wayfrom Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] Yes, Gallifrey. Of course! Ha, ha! Drax.
[DRAX] Yeah, I was all right at practical, remember?
[DOCTOR] Yeah.
[DRAX] Temporal theory did me. Still, you did well, mind, getting yourdoctorate and all that.
[DOCTOR] What happened to you?
[DRAX] I failed, didn't I. Still, not to worry. I was doing all righttill this lot. I went into repair and maintenance. Do anything,anytime, anywhere. I've been all over the galaxy. Buy a bit, do it up,sell it.
[DOCTOR] Yeah. What sort of things?
[DRAX] Cybernetics, guidance systems, you name it.
[DOCTOR] Armaments?
[DRAX] Yeah, and that. Not on a regular basis, of course.
[DOCTOR] Drax, I was introduced to a computer on Zeos. Called itselfMentalis. Did you by any chance have anything to do with theinstallation?
[DRAX] Strictly under duress. That's why I'm here. The minute I finishedthe job, wham. Feet never touched the ground.
[DOCTOR] The Shadow?
[DRAX] I didn't know who he was, did I. Just another customer, Ithought. And then he puts the heavy word on. Do it or die. I mean, whatwould you have done?
[DOCTOR] Yes, very tricky.
[DRAX] Yeah.
[DRAX] So that's where it was. I thought somebody'd nicked it. Huh, nota lot of bottle now, is it.
[DOCTOR] Did you make that?
[DRAX] Knocked it up, yeah. Well, you gotta do something. There's alwaysa chance some geezer would pick up the distress call.
[DOCTOR] You made this here?
[DRAX] I never go nowhere without me tools. Fat lot of good it did,though, eh? Got us both in nick together.
[DOCTOR] Drax, I don't want to pry, but where did you acquire thispeculiar vocabulary?
[DRAX] Brixton, weren't it?
[DOCTOR] Brixton?
[DRAX] Brixton. London. Earth.
[DOCTOR] I've been to Earth.
[DRAX] Yeah, me transport broke down. Hyperbolics, as usual. And I wasinvestigating certain possibilities with regard to replacements. I gotdone, didn't I. Ten years I got. Well, I had to learn the lingo, didn'tI, to survive. Why, is there something funny about the way I talk?
[DOCTOR] No, no. It's very colourful. Very demotic.
[DRAX] Yeah, well thanks, Theet.
[DOCTOR] Doctor.
[DRAX] Oh yeah.
[DOCTOR] No offence.
[DRAX] None taken.
[DOCTOR] Drax?
[DRAX] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Drax?
[DRAX] Yes?
[DOCTOR] That hole in the wall?
[DRAX] Yeah?
[DOCTOR] Might that, might it lead to a way out?
[DRAX] No. Not yet, anyway. I dunno, I've got tunnels all over theplace, but I can't seem to find it.
[DOCTOR] Find what?
[DRAX] The transmat shaft. They all use it. The Shadow and all hishorribles. The trouble is, you see, my Tardis is back on Zeos.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but where does it lead?
[DRAX] Have a look.
(Drax's cell)
[DRAX] Well, Doctor, welcome to my world.
[DOCTOR] Aren't they stabiliser components?
[DRAX] Yeah, they are.
[DOCTOR] But you said your Tardis was parked on Zeos.
[DRAX] Yeah, well, I took the stabiliser out. Needs a bit of work.
[DOCTOR] How long have you been here?
[DRAX] About five years. After the war started.
[DOCTOR] Five years? For five years you've had a dimensional stabiliservirtually intact and you haven't managed to escape?
[DRAX] I told you, it needed work.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on, Drax! You could have repaired that and long-doggedit out of here years ago.
[DRAX] Here, what's the game? Oh, I get it. You think I'm in with theShadow, don't you.
[DOCTOR] Aren't you?
[DRAX] Now would I.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you would. What's he offered you?
[DRAX] Nothing.
[DOCTOR] Are you about to suggest that you and I make a run for it outof here in my Tardis?
[DRAX] Well, it's a good idea.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, it's a very good idea, you and me in my Tardis. Andwhat happens then when we're inside, eh? Sock full of sand, lead pipeand you away with the Key to Time, am I right, Drax?
[DRAX] Look, I didn't know it was going to be you, did I. He threatenedme with the chop, didn't he. He said I was the only one who could gethold of it.
[DOCTOR] If you had, do you think he'd let you get away? You'd be in forthe chop, too.
[DRAX] Yeah, I would, wouldn't I.
[DOCTOR] Of course you would. So why don't you help me? I mean, togetherwe stand a slight chance. And after all, we are Time Lords, you and I.Class of ninety two. If we don't stick together, who will?
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] Enough.
[SHADOW] She has told me everything she knows, and it is not enough.Still the cursed Doctor stands between me and the Key. We shall seewhat the Doctor is prepared to offer for your life.
[ROMANA] I'm not afraid to die.
[K9 [on screen]] Master.
[SHADOW] To the Doctor.
[K9 [on screen]] Affirmative, master.
[ROMANA] No, K9!
(Drax's cell)
[DOCTOR] Try synaptic adhesion.
[DRAX] Synaptic adhesion? It's the chronostat. Always is.
[DOCTOR] I think it's synaptic adhesion.
[DRAX] Look, I've done thousands of these. Thousands.
[DOCTOR] All right. Got to be synaptic adhesion. All right, all right,I'll leave it to you, shall I.
[DRAX] Yeah.
[DOCTOR] Drax, where does this lead?
[DRAX] Upper level. Watch out for the mutes.
[DOCTOR] Yeah. Yeah, of course.
(Small tunnel)
[K9 [OC]] Doctor? I have you on scan, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Doctor?
[K9] Turn left now. Turn right now.
(Small tunnel)
[K9] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, old friend?
[K9] I have a message for you.
[DOCTOR] I can't hear. Can you come a bit closer?
[K9] Such actions warrant immediate death, which I shall execute.
[DOCTOR] Oh, K9.
[K9] Here is a message for you. Doctor, Romana is with my master.
[K9] He wishes to know if you will exchange the Key to Time for the lifeof Romana. End of message. Your reply, please. Waiting.
[DOCTOR] Tell your master I shall give his offer serious consideration.
[DRAX [OC]] Hey!
[DRAX [OC]] What's this heap of junk?
[DOCTOR] That's my computer.
[DRAX [OC]] Eh?
[DOCTOR] Drax, I've got no time to explain. Remove the control devicefrom under his chin, all right?
[DRAX [OC}] Oh, er, ah, right. Done it. Now what?
[DOCTOR] Now nothing. Carry on with the stabiliser. I'll be back soon, Ihope. Bye.
(Drax's cell)
[K9] Attention! Attention!
[DRAX] What's that?
[K9] Malfunction in drive systems. Attention required immediately.
[DRAX] Oh, it's you. I'm busy.
[K9] Essential restored to vertical position. Alternative is yourobliteration.
[DRAX] Leave me alone.
[DRAX] All right, all right.
[DRAX] That better?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DRAX] Blimey, it's a dog. Who's a little tin dog, then?
[K9] Your silliness is noted. Drive systems regenerating.
[DRAX] I don't get it. It's the chronostat. It always is.
[K9] Negative. It is a question of synaptic adhesion.
[DRAX] Not you and all.
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] The Key to Time, Doctor. (silence) Then you can watch yourassistant suffer.
[DOCTOR] I refuse to negotiate in an atmosphere of threat.
[DOCTOR] No, no, stop! Stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor, no. Don't give in to him. It doesn't matter whathappens to me.
[DOCTOR] Well of course it matters. You have the sixth piece, I take it?
[SHADOW] It is here.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'd like to see it, if it's possible.
[SHADOW] You have already seen it.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Yes. If I bring the other five pieces
[DOCTOR] What is it you have in mind? I mean, what do you intend to do?
[SHADOW] Come now, Doctor, you know who I am.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I suppose you realise I've rigged things so that Atriosand Zeos are protected.
[SHADOW] Your puny time loop.
[DOCTOR] Yes, my puny. Well, it may be puny but it works. If you breakthat, millions of people will die.
[SHADOW] That has always been our intention. This pathetic little war isbut a rehearsal for our grand design.
[SHADOW] You have your Guardian and I have mine. You and I are on thesame quest, Doctor, but whereas you have been scavenging across spaceand time, I have located the sixth piece here.
[SHADOW] Your are inferior, just as your powers are inferior. Once wehave the Key to Time, we shall set not two small planets but the twohalves of the entire cosmos at war, and their mutual destruction willbe music in our ears. Unlike others, it is not power we seek, butdestruction that we glory in. Fetch the Key.
[DOCTOR] Very well.
[ROMANA] No! Doctor!
[SHADOW] Bwahahahahahahaha!
(Drax's cell)
[DRAX] It's working. You were right, Doc. Synaptic adhesion.
[K9] Correct.
[DRAX] You don't know what the Doctor wants it for, do you?
[K9] Negative.
[DRAX] Well, I'd better go and find out. Stay, boy.
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] Now, my Princess, your work is done. Yourdestiny is at hand.
[ASTRA] Who are you?
[ROMANA] The Shadow.
[SHADOW] The Shadow that accompanies you all.
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] I suppose you realise that once I give the Shadow the Key toTime, that you and your colleagues will be superfluous.
[DOCTOR] What I mean was that, you see, after I've given the Shadow theKey to Time, he'll kill you and then he'll kill me, and perhaps youdon't care.
[DRAX] Right, Doctor, I'm ready for you.
[DOCTOR] No, Drax, no. No!
(Outside the Tardis)
[DRAX] Over here, Doctor!
[DRAX] Doctor, over here! Look at that.
[DOCTOR] You shrank the wrong man, Drax.
[DRAX] No, I was aiming at you.
[DOCTOR] Why didn't you shrink the mute? The Tardis door's open.
[DRAX] Right, I've got it. Now listen. One of us creates a diversion andyou fly over there and shut the door.
[DRAX] Nasty. Yeah, and we can't use the dimensional stabiliser in here'cos there's not enough room for when we get back to normal size. We'djust fill up the crack.
[DOCTOR] Like putty.
[DRAX] Do you mind? Yeah, you've got problems.
[DOCTOR] Yes. The door's open so the Shadow can go in there and take theKey to Time. Romana can't help and the time loop must be at breakingpoint by now.
[DOCTOR] When the countdown reaches zero, up goes Atrios, Zeos and all.
[DRAX] Life presents a dismal picture, you might say.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you might say that. And of course there's the Marshal.
[DRAX] The Marshal? He's on our side.
[DRAX] No. Oh well. Where's he fit in?
[DOCTOR] He's in the time loop as well, making a rocket attack on Zeos.Unless, of course, Shapp and Merak get in contact with him.
[DRAX] Where are they?
[DOCTOR] Back on Atrios, I hope.
(Control area)
[SHAPP] Atrios control to Marshal. Marshal? Come in, Marshal. Oh, it'suseless. He either can't or won't answer. And this time loop deviceisn't going to hold things back for ever, is it.
[MERAK] No, not unless the Doctor can find the sixth piece, and thesixth piece is somehow connected with Astra.
[SHAPP] But she denies all knowledge of it?
[MERAK] All conscious knowledge, yes. But if she's the only one whoknows then secret, and if the knowledge is implanted, then it must haveaffected her, made her different in some slight way that might justshow up in analysis.
[SHAPP] Yes, but she's not here.
[MERAK] But her records are, on your computer.
(Marshal's module)
(Outside the Tardis)
[DRAX] Well, we've got one thing in our favour.
[DRAX] Mobility.
[DOCTOR] Mobility.
[DRAX] Well, if we're only this high, we're practically invisible,aren't we?
[DRAX] Except we daren't move.
[DOCTOR] Yes. If the Shadow gets the five pieces from the Tardis, whichhe undoubtedly will, it's up to us to get the sixth piece.
[DRAX] Yeah, but you don't know what it looks like, do ya? I reckonyou're banjaxed, my old son. End of the road. Finito.
[DOCTOR] The Shadow said I'd already seen it. It must be Astra.
[DRAX] Astra?
[DOCTOR] She must have it. Let's see where this crack leads, shall we?
[DRAX] It's better than getting the boot.
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] The Doctor has eluded me, but he has made his last mistake.See, the door is open! The Key to Time is mine! Enough! Bwahahahaha!
[ROMANA] He thinks we're just going to stand by and let him walk awaywith everything we've worked for. Come on, let's get out of here.
[ASTRA] In this place.
[ROMANA] What?
[ASTRA] My destiny is here, in this place. Not on Atrios, not on Zeos.Here.
[ROMANA] Astra, listen. You're not under the Shadow's influence anymore. Now, let's get out of here before he comes back.
[ASTRA] No, I must stay. I am the sixth princess of the sixth dynasty ofthe sixth Royal House of Atrios.
[ROMANA] Yes, yes, but we must get out of here before the Shadow comesback!
[ASTRA] This is the time of my becoming, my transcendence.
[ROMANA] What are you talking about?
[ASTRA] Metamorphosis.
[DRAX] Yeah, here we are. Right, now, there's the T junction. Right downto the dungeon, left onto the Shadow's lair.
[DOCTOR] What? You mean there's a way in he doesn't know about?
[DRAX] Well, it will be when it's finished, but a couple of midgets likeus won't be much good on a pick and shovel, will we?
[DOCTOR] No. No, no. no. But if we get K9 up there, we won't need a pickand shovel, will we. We can still give the Shadow a surprise.
[DRAX] Well, let's normalise then, shall we?
[DOCTOR] No, no, Drax, no. Small is lovely.
[DRAX] Big is better, though, innit?
(Outside the Tardis)
[SHADOW] Now, the moment I have waited for! Openthe door.
[SHADOW] Light! Too much light! You, fetch me the Key. Hurry.
[SHADOW] When the Key is mine, I shall dispel the light, and darknessand night shall reign.
(Shadow's lair)
[ASTRA] Destiny. My destiny is near.
[ROMANA] Astra, remember you're the sixth princess of the sixth RoyalHouse of the sixth dynasty.
[ROMANA] And we're looking for the sixth segment of the Key to Time. Oh,you're in greater danger even than we imagined.
(Control area)
[SHAPP] Have you found it?
[MERAK] I think so, yes.
[SHAPP] What is it?
[MERAK] A molecular anomaly buried in the genetic structure of the RoyalHouse of Atrios and passed from one generation to the next, untilfinally, Astra.
[SHAPP] What's it mean?
[MERAK] I imagine it means that her every living cell is part of thisKey of Time, and that to save us, Astra must be destroyed. You see?
[SHAPP] Hey, where are you going?
[DOCTOR] Everything all right, K9?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Control box in position?
[K9] Control box in position.
[DOCTOR] Batteries charged?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Test the blaster, K9.
[DRAX] Ow!
[DOCTOR] Blaster working, K9?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] You all right, Drax?
[DRAX] Just about. That bit gets hot.
[DOCTOR] I'd sit somewhere else, if I were you. Ready, K9?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Now remember, it's absolutely vital to convince the Shadow thatyou're still under his control. This whole plan depends on how well youcan act. Got it?
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] Keep it simple, K9.
[K9] The Doctor and Drax have been eliminated.
[DOCTOR] Okay, K9. Now forward. You're on.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Did you ever get to Troy, Drax? Little place in Asia Minor.
(K block)
[MERAK] The third planet. Show me.
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] The fulfillment of that for which I have waited since eternitybegan.
[K9] Preparing for blasting.
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] You see, Princess, you cannot escape yourdestiny.
[ASTRA] My destiny.
[SHADOW] It is for this that you were born. The sixth child of the sixthgeneration of the sixth dynasty of Atrios. Born to be the sixth andfinal segment of the Key to Time. Come, Princess, prepare yourself.
[ASTRA] I am ready.
[MERAK] Astra!
[SHADOW] What is this?
[K9] Apologies, master.
[SHADOW] You mechanical idiot.
[K9] But there is an intruder here.
[SHADOW] I ordered her to eliminate him.
[K9] It shall be done.
[SHADOW] Wait. Where is the Doctor?
[K9] Ahem. The Doctor and Drax have been eliminated.
[SHADOW] Good. Then these two shall stay and witness my moment of glory,my apotheosis.
[K9] (sotto) Master.
[SHADOW] Mine at last!
[K9] Now, master.
[ROMANA] No, you'll break the time loop!
[MERAK] Millions will die!
[SHADOW] A small beginning. Bwahahahahaha!
[DOCTOR] The stabiliser, Drax, now!
[SHADOW] You interfering fool. No one can resist the power of darkness!
[DOCTOR] Quick, back to the Tardis! Quick!
(Outside the Shadow's lair)
[DRAX] You go on, Doctor. I'll hold them off.
[DOCTOR] How will you get back?
[DRAX] The transmat shaft. See you on the Tardis.
(Shadow's lair)
[SHADOW] Stop him! He must be stopped! Stop him!
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ROMANA] Come on, Merak.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Romana. Merak, get inside!
[DOCTOR] Quick, get inside, man!
[MERAK] No, Doctor, I'm staying here.
[DOCTOR] What!
[MERAK] I'm staying here to look for Astra.
[ROMANA] But what about the Shadow?
[MERAK] Astra! Astra!
[DOCTOR] No, Romana, come on.
[DOCTOR] Set the coordinates for Zeos.
[ROMANA] We're murderers. First Astra and now Merak.
[DOCTOR] Romana, it wasn't our idea to use the Royal House of Atrios ascarriers, was it?
[ROMANA] No, but what happened to Astra was our fault. We're just pawnshere to do the Guardian's dirty work.
[DOCTOR] I don't like it any more than you do, but it's done. Have youset those coordinates yet?
[ROMANA] Is that all you can say? She was a living being, and now whatis she? A component. And Merak thinks she's still alive. No powershould have that right, not even the Guardians. We must do something!
[DOCTOR] Well, you could start by setting the coordinates for Zeos.
[DOCTOR] Romana, you get carried away. If you don't set thosecoordinates, millions of people will die and this time it really willbe our fault. Have you forgotten the time loop?
[ROMANA] No, I hadn't forgotten the time loop. Can't you put the newsegment in?
[DOCTOR] In less than a second?
(Zeos computer room)
[DOCTOR] Quick, cutters. Cutters!
[DRAX] Here, what a mess in here.
[DOCTOR] Listen, Drax. Drax, don't just stand there. What colour?
[DRAX] Green, I think.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DRAX] Well, it's a long time since I done it. Er.
[ROMANA] Quickly, Drax.
[DRAX] Just a minute. Don't fluster me.
[ROMANA] Hurry!
[DRAX] I've got a diagram somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Drax!
[ROMANA] Drax!
[DOCTOR] Drax!
[DRAX] Right.
[ROMANA] Drax!
[DOCTOR] Drax!
[DRAX] Pyramid, green! I told you.
[DRAX] Well, you didn't have to make such a mess of it all.
[DOCTOR] Drax. You took your time. Where's K9?
[DRAX] We found young Merak lying there dead to the world. Carrying himslowed us right down.
[DOCTOR] Really. How is he?
[DRAX] Well, he'll live.
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[ROMANA] Aren't we forgetting something?
[DOCTOR] I don't think so.
[ROMANA] The Marshal!
[DOCTOR] What? The Marshal.
[ROMANA] Come on!
[DOCTOR] Quick!
(Marshal's module)
[MARSHAL] Taste the moment of victory. Any second now, beautifulmushrooms will blossom and burst.
[MARSHAL] No! No, it's the wrong target!
[SHADOW] Sire. Sire. I have failed. The Doctor hasaccomplished his purpose. He has the Key to Time. I have failed.
[GUARDIAN] I expected no less of you, you whimpering wraith.
[GUARDIAN] But your death is already encompassed in my designs, for nowthe Doctor shall release the Key to me, and chaos shall break upon theuniverse!
[DOCTOR] What a shot, Marshal! Ha, ha, well shot!
[ROMANA] Doctor, he hit the planet of evil and he was aiming at Zeos!
[DOCTOR] Well, I can't help what he was aiming at.
[ROMANA] What did you do?
[DOCTOR] A mere nothing. A mere deflective forcefield set up for amillisecond set up between the Marshal and Zeos, bounced the missilessmack onto the planet of evil.
[ROMANA] Is that all?
[DRAX] Well, he might have told us, mightn't he, dog? We was expectingto get blasted into infinity.
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm sorry about that. I don't know what I'm apologisingfor. I just saved your lives! Can I drop you somewhere, Drax?
[DRAX] No thanks. I've got a contract job on down there.
[DOCTOR] Contract job? No armaments, I hope.
[DRAX] No. Reconstruction, war damage, scrap and that. Me and theMarshal's going fifty-fifty.
[ROMANA] You and the Marshal?
[DRAX] Yeah, well, he's out of a job now, isn't he. I mean, no war, nojob, so I took him on.
[DOCTOR] When did you arrange this?
[DRAX] In about half an hour's time, I should think.
[DOCTOR] I see. Fifty-fifty?
[DRAX] Well, sixty-forty, know what I mean?
[DRAX] And if you ever want to get rid of that thing (the complete Key)just let me know, won't you.
[DOCTOR] I'll let you know. Bye, bye, Drax.
[DRAX] Right then. Bye all.
[ROMANA] Goodbye.
[DRAX] Remember me to Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] Bye, bye, Drax.
[ROMANA] Goodbye.
[ROMANA] Right, I'll set the coordinates for Gallifrey, shall I?
[DOCTOR] Why Gallifrey?
[ROMANA] Well, that's where we're going, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] We have the power to do anything we like. Absolute power overevery particle in the universe. Everything that has ever existed orever will exist. As from this moment are you listening to me, Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, of course I'm listening.
[DOCTOR] Because if you're not listening I can make you listen, becauseI can do anything.
[DOCTOR] As from this moment there's no such thing as free will in theentire universe. There's only my will, because I possess the Key toTime!
[ROMANA] Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] (normal) Well of course I'm all right. But supposing I wasn'tall right. This thing makes me feel in such a way I'd be very worriedif I felt like that about someone else feeling like this about that. Doyou understand?
[DOCTOR] What do you understand?
[ROMANA] That the sooner we hand this over to the White Guardian
[BOTH] The better!
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] My congratulations to you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you, sir, thank you.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] You performed your task with admirable dispatch.The universe has much to thank you for.
[DOCTOR] Well, it was a pleasure, sir. Wasn't it a pleasure, Romana?
[ROMANA] Doctor, that's not the President.
[DOCTOR] What's the President got to do with it?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] I can change my form or shape at will, my dearchild. I appeared to you as the President so as not to alarm you.
[DOCTOR] Just be careful who you're talking to.
[ROMANA] Sorry, I
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] You have the Key to Time, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Ah. Oh, I have, I have indeed, sir. Do you like it?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] Do I like it? Yes, yes, I suppose you could saythat I like it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, we're very proud of it, sir. Aren't we, Romana, proud ofit?
[ROMANA] What? Oh, yes, yes.
[DOCTOR] What happens now, sir? You said, if I remember in our firstconversation, that once it was assembled it would stop the entireuniverse and enable you to restore the natural balances of good andevil throughout the whole of the universe.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] That is correct, Doctor. So, will you releasethe Key to me that I may do this?
[DOCTOR] Certainly, sir, yes, certainly, of course. Key to Time, Icommand you. Could I ask you something, sir?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] It's just that, well, the Key is already assembled, sir. Imean, couldn't you restore the balances now?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] Yes, Doctor, but I must have the Key for safekeeping. It is an awesomely powerful key.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, sir, yes, and mustn't be allowed to fall into the wronghands. I quite understand, sir, yes. Key to Time, I command. What aboutthe sixth segment?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] What about it, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, I mean, as you know, sir, the sixth segment was in fact ahuman being, and I mean, if the pieces are maintained in their presentpattern it means that she'll be imprisoned forever, sir.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] That is, of course, regrettable.
[DOCTOR] Very regrettable.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] But with the fate of the universe at stake.
[DOCTOR] Quite. You can't be too careful. I quite understand. Key toTime, I command that you stay exactly where you are!
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] Doctor! You have fully activated all the Tardis'defences!
[DOCTOR] We can't be too careful, can we? And it would be a terribletragedy for the universe if it suddenly turned out that I was colourblind.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] Doctor, release the Key to me immediately!
[DOCTOR] Unable to distinguish between the White Guardian and the BlackGuardian.
[ROMANA] Doctor, what do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Look.
[DOCTOR] Don't you see? The White Guardian would never have had such acallous disregard for human life.
[ROMANA] Of course. Astra, the sixth segment. He would have dispersed itimmediately.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] Doctor, you shall die for this!
[DOCTOR] I think not. Remember, the Key to Time is still mine, rage allyou like.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] I shall destroy you for this! I will disperseevery particle of your being to the furthest reaches of eternity!
[DOCTOR] Ah well, I wish I could stay and watch you try, but you knowhow it is. Places to go, people to see, things to do. Romana?
[DOCTOR] When I give the signal
[DOCTOR] Dematerialise.
(Hospital ward)
[ASTRA] Hello, Merak.
[MERAK] Astra? Astra, where are you?
[ASTRA] I'm here.
[MERAK] Astra.
[DOCTOR] You see? I think of everything.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] What exactly have you done with the Key to Time?
[DOCTOR] Key to Time? Oh, well, I just scattered it round through spaceand time.
[ROMANA] I see. So where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Going? I don't know.
[ROMANA] You have absolutely no sense of responsibility whatsoever.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] You're capricious, arrogant, self-opinionated, irrational andyou don't even know where we're going.
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, if I knew where I was going, there'd be a chance theBlack Guardian would, too.
[DOCTOR] Hence this new device.
[ROMANA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's called a randomiser and it's fitted to the guidancesystem and operates under a very complex scientific principle calledpot luck.
[DOCTOR] Now no one knows where we're going. Not even the BlackGuardian.
[ROMANA] Not even us.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s16", "episode": "e06", "title": "The Armageddon Factor"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (1 Sep, 1979; Fourth Doctor) - Destiny of the Daleks
[DOCTOR] What a brain. Oh ho. What a brain.
[DOCTOR] Do that again. Say Ah.
[K9] (croaky) Ah.
[DOCTOR] Ah! Ah, laryngitis. How can a robot catch laryngitis? I mean,what do you need it for, hmm? Romana! Laryngitis?
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, the dog's got laryngitis.
[DOCTOR] Sorry, I thought you were Romana. Have you seen her? What areyou doing here?
[ROMANA] Regenerating. Do you like it?
[DOCTOR] Regenerating? What are you talking about, regenerating? OnlyTime Lords regenerate. Look, it's awfully nice to see you, PrincessAstra
[ROMANA] Romana.
[DOCTOR] Romana? Ah.
[K9] Ah.
[DOCTOR] Shut up, K9. What are you doing in that body?
[ROMANA] Regenerating. Do you like it?
[DOCTOR] But you can't wear that body.
[ROMANA] I thought it looked very nice on the Princess.
[DOCTOR] But you can't go round wearing copies of bodies.
[ROMANA] Why not? We're not going back to Atrios, are we?
[ROMANA] Well, then.
[DOCTOR] Well then, go and try another one. Go on.
[ROMANA] All right.
[DOCTOR] What's the trouble here? Preoccupation with externalappearances.
[ROMANA] I quite like this one but its a bit short.
[DOCTOR] Well, lengthen it then. Go on. Trying to look like other people.
[DOCTOR] It's just not important, is it, K9. (looks up) No thank you.Not today. It's what's on the inside that matters. That's what'simportant, isn't it, K9? Do you agree with me, K9?
[DOCTOR] Too tall. Take it away. Now, listen. You listen to me in there.What you want is something warm and sensible. Something that will wearwell. Something with a bit of style and, well, style. You know.
[ROMANA] How about this, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Exactly! Good heavens, that's exactly right. Ha! I neverrealised you had such a sense of style.
[ROMANA] I thought you said external appearances weren't important.
[DOCTOR] Ah, but it's nice to get them right, though, isn't it.
[ROMANA] Ah, but it's what's inside that counts.
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[ROMANA] Don't you like it? I think it'll do very nicely. The arms are abit long. I can always take them in.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, the arms are just fine. They're just fine. It'sjust that, oh well, all right, have it your own way. But get rid ofthose silly clothes, eh?
[ROMANA] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. It depends on the randomiser.
[ROMANA] Let me know when we get there.
[DOCTOR] We've arrived.
[ROMANA [OC]] What?
[DOCTOR] I said, we've arrived. We got there.
[ROMANA [OC]] What's the place like?
[DOCTOR] Eh? Oh, breathable atmosphere. High degree of seismic activity.
[ROMANA [OC]] What?
[DOCTOR] Lots of earthquakes.
[ROMANA [OC]] Oh, seismic. I thought you said psychic.
[DOCTOR] Sidekick?
[ROMANA [OC]] Like it? I haven't seen it yet.
[DOCTOR] Look, if you want to talk to me, will you come in here and doit, please?
[ROMANA [OC]] What?
[DOCTOR] Never mind.
[ROMANA] There, what do you think?
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's fine, that's fine. Here, take a couple of those,will you?
[ROMANA] What are they for?
[DOCTOR] Anti-radiation pills. The levels are quite high out here.Here's a bleeper that'll bleep when you need the next dose.
[ROMANA] Right, let's see where we are.
[DOCTOR] Oh look, rocks.
[ROMANA] Let's go.
[DOCTOR] Good. Got to do something with K9.
[DOCTOR] You know the most important thing my cybernetics tutor evertaught me?
[ROMANA] No, what?
[DOCTOR] When replacing a brain, always make sure the arrow A ispointing to the front. Did you get that? Arrow A
[ROMANA] To the front.
[DOCTOR] Absolutely right.
(Outside the Tardis)
[ROMANA] Not the most inviting planet. What is it?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. A feeling I've been here before.
[ROMANA] Déjà vu?
[ROMANA] There's something you recognise?
[DOCTOR] Nothing tangible. I just have a sensation. A pervading air of.Can you feel it too?
[ROMANA] Shall we go back inside?
[DOCTOR] What, and never know where I've been until the end of time? Iwouldn't sleep at night. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Interesting.
[ROMANA] Precious stones?
[DOCTOR] Very precious. In a geological sense, more precious thandiamonds, but I'd need a bigger bit. Ah ha! Ha ha! I was right.
[ROMANA] How modest.
[DOCTOR] Well then, see what you make of it.
[ROMANA] A composite material. Gravel in a binding of possibly limestoneand clay.
[DOCTOR] Limestone and clay making?
[ROMANA] Add water, cement.
[DOCTOR] Add gravel.
[ROMANA] Concrete.
[DOCTOR] You know something? You've got all the makings of a first classnavvy. Concrete. Manufactured.
[DOCTOR] Look! The ruins of a city?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[ROMANA] Doctor. Those tremors.
[ROMANA] Could they have destroyed it? Seems to be coming from overthere.
[DOCTOR] Let's go this way.
[ROMANA] I wonder what could have caused it?
[DOCTOR] Don't know. Something fairly serious by the look of it.
[DOCTOR] It seemed to be coming from right under our feet.
[ROMANA] It sounded like drilling. What do you think it way?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Underworld dentist? Come on.
[DOCTOR] Let's get closer.
[ROMANA] A strange custom.
[DOCTOR] Well, you try digging a hole through rock.
[ROMANA] Like the living dead.
[DOCTOR] What? The living dead? You mean a planet ruled by zombies? Iwant to know who lives on this planet. With one basic difference, theliving are very much like the dead. Who was it said the living are justthe dead on holiday? Never mind. You should meet one. You can alwaystell a genuine zombie.
[DOCTOR] Skin is cold to the touch. I want to get a closer look at thatbody.
[ROMANA] They've gone! I'll keep watch.
[DOCTOR] Listen. Sorry, did I startle you?
[ROMANA] Yes, you did. What did you find out?
[DOCTOR] The deceased was a combat pilot serving with the Third GalacticFleet of the planet Kantra.
[ROMANA] Kantra? Kantra's a tropical paradise.
[ROMANA] What's a Kantrian doing dying here?
[DOCTOR] What's very odd, he died of exhaustion and malnutrition.
[ROMANA] It's not surprising in a place like this.
[DOCTOR] Except, wouldn't you have expected him to have died ofradiation first?
[ROMANA] Look!
[DOCTOR] Well, it's not a flying saucer.
[DOCTOR] Recognise the type?
[ROMANA] Not specifically. Judging by design and size I'd say it hadintergalactic range and time warp capability. Origin almost certainlystar system 4X alpha 4.
[DOCTOR] Well, without reference to my Jane's Spacecraft of theUniverse, I wouldn't dispute that.
[ROMANA] What's it doing now? I've never seen anything like that before.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, interesting technique. Camouflage and defence.
[ROMANA] For a place that looked dead, there's a lot going on.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, probably hit it at the beginning of the tourist season.How far away would you say that was?
[ROMANA] About a mile.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's just about the distance for a good bracing walk.
[ROMANA] What, we're going down there?
[DOCTOR] Yeah, well, it would be less than gracious not to welcome them.We can pretend we're couriers. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, this way.
[ROMANA] These explosions, where are they coming from?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Got it. Underground drilling.
[ROMANA] Why explosions?
[DOCTOR] High impact phason drills.
[ROMANA] Here?
[DOCTOR] Yes, someone's imported some high technology.
[ROMANA] Doctor, look out!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Can't a fellow get any sleep around here?
[ROMANA] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, I can't see all of me. My extremities seemunimpaired, but I'm being squashed. Can you take some of the weight?
[ROMANA] No, I can't move it. Without this block, you'd have beenflattened. You're lucky.
[DOCTOR] We're not going to move this without help. K9 could do it if hewas in one piece. I've got my
[ROMANA] I'll be as quick as I can.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ROMANA] Will you be all right?
[DOCTOR] Who knows?
[ROMANA] Don't go away, will you.
[DOCTOR] I'd rather hoped you'd resist the temptation to say that. Don'tforget the arrow.
[ROMANA [OC]] A to the front!
[DOCTOR] Origins of the Universe.
[DOCTOR] Ha, ha. He got it wrong on the first line! Tut. Why didn't heask someone who saw it happen?
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] Must remember to give Romana hers.
[DOCTOR] The conditions existing on the planet Magla make it incapableof supporting any lifeform. Huh. Huh. Huh. He obviously doesn't realisethe planet Magla's an eight thousand mile wide amoeba that has grown acrusty shell. I wonder what he does know?
[DOCTOR] Good evening. You'll forgive me if I don't rise. It's er.
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I must say how grateful I am to you charming people. I repeathow grateful I am to you charming people. You lifted that column off meas though it were a matchstick. I can't think for the life of me whereyou keep your muscles.
[SHARREL] It is an essential qualification that all crew members are inpeak condition.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I see. Yes, part of their training, is it? Well, excuse me.
[DOCTOR] Well now, I told you a little bit about myself. What about you?What brings you to, what's this planet called, by the way?
[SHARREL] You don't know?
[DOCTOR] No, no, I had a little trouble with my directional equipment.
[SHARREL] You made a forced landing?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, something of the sort.
[SHARREL] Not a world one would visit from choice.
[SHARREL] The planet is listed in our star catalogue as D5 gamma zedalpha.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's not much help. See, I'm terribly old-fashioned. Iprefer names.
[SHARREL] I believe the planet is called Skaro.
[DOCTOR] Skaro?
[SHARREL] You know it?
[DOCTOR] What are you doing here?
[SHARREL] The nature of our mission is secret. You'll understand, I'msure.
[DOCTOR] No, I don't understand. Why are you here on Skaro?
(Bottom of shaft)
[DALEKS] Do not move! Do not move! Do not move! Do not move! Do notmove! Do not move! You are our prisoner! Do not move! You are ourprisoner!
(Bottom of shaft)
[DALEK] Scan the prisoner for concealed weapons.
[DALEK 2] The prisoner is unarmed.
[DALEK] At my command, you will move forward. Any attempt to escape willbe punished. No further warning will be given. Is that understood? Isthat understood? Speak! Speak!
[ROMANA] Yes! I understand.
[DALEK] The prisoner will be taken to interrogation.
[DOCTOR] Commander, you must tell me what you'redoing here on Skaro. It's vital.
[SHARREL] Why? What do you know of Skaro?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll tell you when you tell me what you're doing here.
[SHARREL] Very well. I don't see why this should compromise us. Ourmission is directed against the force known as the Daleks. A race ofevil auto
[DOCTOR] Yes, thank you. Thank you, I know.
[SHARREL] You know the Daleks?
[DOCTOR] Oh, better than you could possibly imagine.
(Dalek control)
[DALEK] Answer. Answer! Answer!
[ROMANA] I don't know the answer. Please leave me alone.
[DALEK 2] Detector indicates truthful response.
[DALEK] We will continue.
[DALEK 2] You will not remove your hand from the sensor.
[DALEK] Statement. Your purpose in coming here was to sabotage Dalekoperations. True or false?
[ROMANA] I don't know anything about the Daleks.
[DALEK] Answer true or false! Answer! Answer!
[ROMANA] False! False!
[DALEK 2] Detector indicates truthful response.
[DALEK] Statement. You are in the employ of a space power and have beensent here to spy on the Daleks. True or false?
[ROMANA] False! False, false. Leave me alone.
[DALEK 2] Detector indicates truthful response.
[DALEK] Standard interrogation complete. Report analysis of responses.
[DALEK 2] Analysis of responses indicates that subject is category nine.
[DALEK] Category nine subjects represent no threat to Dalek security.Release the prisoner.
[ROMANA] Does that mean I can go?
[DALEK] Humanoids are useful work machines. You have no other value. Youwill be assigned to labour force two.
[ROMANA] Labour force two?
[DALEK] You will obey all Dalek commands instantly. You will completeyour work schedule. If you fail, you will be exterminated.
[DALEK 2] Obey all Dalek commands.
[DALEK] Obey instantly.
[DALEK 2] Obey without question.
[DALEK] Obey.
[DALEK 2] Obey.
[DALEK] Obey.
[DALEK 2] Obey.
[DALEK 3] Obey. Obey. Obey.
[DOCTOR] Commander, the Daleks.
[DOCTOR] I'm very familiar with their methods. It's vital I know whatthey're doing here.
[SHARREL] That is precisely what I would like to know, too.
[DOCTOR] But Commander, what
[AGELLA] The patrol has found a prisoner.
[SHARREL] Yes? Bring him in at once.
[TYSSAN] (to the Doctor) Starship engineer Tyssan, serving with the DeepSpace Fleet out of the planet Earth.
[TYSSAN] By my timescale, I was taken captive two years ago, and sincethen I've been a prisoner of the Daleks.
[ROMANA] How long have the Daleks been guarding you?
[VELDAN] A long time. I'm from the planet Sirian. The Daleks raided oursettlement one day, took more than fifty of us.
[JALL] (woman) I was a civilian passenger on a space shuttle. The Daleksattacked. I was the only survivor.
[VELDAN] They keep their captives in a prison ship in space. Once you'rethere, your life expectancy tends to be on the short side.
[JALL] We thought we were lucky when we were picked to come on thismission.
[ROMANA] How many of you?
[JALL] About fifty. I thought there might be a chance to escape.
[ROMANA] Why didn't you? The burial party I saw wasn't guarded.
[VELDAN] Anyone attempting to escape and the Daleks kill five of thoseremaining. Escape plans are not as popular as they were.
[ROMANA] And the Daleks brought you here to do this?
[JALL] They've got huge machines to do the drilling, but when it comesto clearing up there's nothing as adaptable as a humanoid.
[VELDAN] And nothing as expendable.
[ROMANA] The Daleks would be far better off with machines for this job.
[JALL] Perhaps they just enjoy subjugating humanoid races.
[ROMANA] They used to be humanoid themselves.
[DALEK] Silence. Silence. Silence. You will remain silent at all times.
[VELDAN] Are you all right?
[ROMANA] It's the radiation. I've got to get out of here.
[JALL] We told you what happens if anyone tries to escape.
[VELDAN] You'll get out of here when you're dead. Believe me, that's theonly way. When you're dead.
[DALEK] Keep away.
[VELDAN] But she's sick.
[DALEK] Continue with your work. Those unfit for work will beexterminated.
[VELDAN] The only way you get out of here is dead.
[DALEK] Proceed.
[DOCTOR] Tyssan. Tyssan, what are the Daleks mining for? Tyssan. Tyssan,what are the Daleks mining for? Come on.
[TYSSAN] They don't take prisoners into their confidence.
[SHARREL] You were on a work party. You fell unconscious.
[TYSSAN] I was left for dead. I've been on the run for days.
[TYSSAN] I spotted you and the girl.
[DOCTOR] Good man, good man. Yes. Why didn't you speak to me?
[TYSSAN] I lost you for a while. Then I picked up the girl again.
[TYSSAN] She seemed afraid. She backed away and fell down a shaft.
[DOCTOR] Was she hurt?
[TYSSAN] She was alive.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
[TYSSAN] But the Daleks got her.
[DOCTOR] What!
[TYSSAN] I went to help her. They took her away.
[DOCTOR] Come over here. Tyssan, it's vital I get into Dalek control.Can you show me a way?
[TYSSAN] You'd be taking a tremendous risk.
[DOCTOR] Never mind. Can you do it?
[TYSSAN] I think so.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[SHARREL] I quite agree, Doctor. We'll go with you. Agella, get someweapons.
[DALEK 5] Move away from the prisoner. Return to your work.
[VELDAN] She's dead.
[DALEK 5] Return to your work.
[VELDAN] Don't you understand? She's dead!
[DALEK 5] Return to your work!
[JALL] You can't just leave her here like that.
[DALEK 5] She will be disposed of when the work cycle is complete.Return to your work. You will obey.
(Bottom of shaft)
[TYSSAN] (sotto) Okay, it's all clear. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Go back now. No more chances.
[TYSSAN] No, I'll stay. I've nothing to lose. Ever since I was broughthere, I've had an awful premonition I'd die on Skaro.
[DOCTOR] Well, you wouldn't be the first.
[SHARREL] But why should the Daleks come here, Doctor? What is theconnection?
[DOCTOR] The connection? This is where they were created thousands ofyears ago. They ravaged the place and left it for dead, as you can see.SHARREL
[DOCTOR] No. No, indeed. Burrowing into the ruins of their own city forwhat? For what? Oh!
[AGELLA] You have an idea?
[DOCTOR] No. No, it'd be too fantastic even for the Daleks. We'll findall the answers we want in the control room. Come on.
(Dalek base)
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Dalek control)
[DALEK] Report.
[DALEK 2] Vertical drill three is in position.
[DALEK] Penetration to lower level will commence immediately. Order thedrilling will continue until penetration is complete.
[DALEK 2] I obey.
[DALEK] Report.
[DALEK 3] Security sensors detect unauthorised movement in sectionseven.
[DALEK] Despatch units four and six to investigate.
[DALEK 2] I obey.
[DALEK 4] Intruders! Intruders! Exterminate! Seekand locate!
(Section 7)
[TYSSAN] The main control centre, about fivehundred metres up there.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[TYSSAN] The place will be crawling with Daleks.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry.
[SHARREL] You stay and cover this exit, Lan. We may need to get out ofhere in a hurry.
[DOCTOR] Are you three coming?
[DALEK 5] Work schedule complete. You will return to internment area.You, you, remove the body.
(Dalek control)
[DALEK] Report.
[DALEK 4 [OC]] Units four and six. Investigation of section sevencommencing.
[DALEK] Proceed. I will advise.
[SHARREL] Agella, cover this entrance.
[DOCTOR] Tyssan. Tyssan!
[TYSSAN] Explosives and timers. Powerful, too. They use them in theexcavations.
[DOCTOR] That looks interesting.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha. Floor plans of the old Kaled city.
[TYSSAN] Kaled?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Never mind about that. This is the first underground levelwhere we are now.
[DOCTOR] That's the second. And if I'm right, the Daleks have penetratedto level there. Which means that their objective must be the thirdsection.
[SHARREL] Yes, but what is it?
[DOCTOR] I have an uneasy feeling I know. Now. That's odd. There's noplan of the fourth level.
[TYSSAN] Perhaps it's been destroyed.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes. There's a shaft leading directly from the surface tothe fourth level which the Daleks can't possibly know about, otherwisethey would have come from the surface to the fourth level and burrowedto the third. I wonder.
(Section 7)
[DALEK 6] Advise control. Intruder located and exterminated.
[DALEK 4] I obey.
(Dalek control)
[AGELLA] Daleks.
[DOCTOR] What? Stay calm.
[DOCTOR] Quick, take cover!
[DOCTOR] Come on!
[DALEK] Intruders! Intruders!
[DALEK 2] Exterminate!
(Outside Dalek control)
[DALEK 2] Intruders! Intruders! Exterminate!Exterminate! Exterminate!
(Section 7)
[DOCTOR] Let me see.
[DOCTOR] I'm a doctor.
[AGELLA] He is dead.
[DOCTOR] He is?
[SHARREL] We cannot allow aliens to see us in death. It is against,against our code of honour. I'm sure you understand.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course. It's a privilege to meet such honourablepeople. Let's keep moving.
[TYSSAN] What's all that about?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. It'd be fascinating. Shush. Shush.
(Bottom of shaft)
[SHARREL] Quick, hurry up the shaft.
[TYSSAN] What about your friend?
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, don't worry. I don't give up easily.
[DOCTOR] After you.
[SHARREL] No, Doctor, after you.
[DOCTOR] You're too kind.
(Section 7)
[DALEK] Seek, locate, exterminate. Seek, locate,exterminate.
(Bottom of shaft)
[DOCTOR] If you're supposed to be the superior race of the universe, whydon't you try climbing after us? Bye, bye.
[DALEK] Guard this position. I will inform control.
[DOCTOR] Romana. Ha ha! I thought you were dead.
[ROMANA] Well, the only way to escape the Daleks was to feign death.It's lucky they didn't know I was a Gallifreyan.
[DOCTOR] Good girl.
[TYSSAN] Gallifreyan?
[ROMANA] Yes, they taught me at school how to stop my hearts.
[TYSSAN] Hearts? How many have you got?
[ROMANA] One for casual, one for best.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me.
[SHARREL] Doctor.
[SHARREL] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] Dalek hunting.
[DOCTOR] Now, if I'm right, there's a shaft in herethat the Daleks don't know about leading straight to the bottom level.If I'm right.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha. I'm right. Now, if the Daleks are looking for what Ithink they're looking for, we've got to get there first. We don't allneed to go. Why don't you two go back to your ship and wait for us?
[SHARREL] No, Doctor. I will go back to the ship. Agella will go withyou. We're as anxious to find what the Daleks are looking for as youare.
[DOCTOR] All right. Come on, let's clear the entrance.
(Level 4)
[TYSSAN] How did you know how to get into this level?
[DOCTOR] Call it local knowledge gained a long time ago. (to Romana) Yougave me quite a start back there, you know. They've started drillingagain. Now listen, we don't have much time. If I'm right, we should gothis way.
[TYSSAN] What is it we're looking for?
[DOCTOR] Same thing as the Daleks.
[TYSSAN] What's that?
[DOCTOR] I'll tell you when I find out.
(Dalek control)
[DALEK] Report.
[DALEK 2] Combat units continuing intensive search.
[DALEK] Hostiles must be located. Seek, locate, exterminate. Seek,locate, exterminate!
[DALEK 2] Drilling has recommenced. Computer predicts penetration intoobjective area is imminent.
[DALEK] Advise space command that our mission is almost complete.
(Level 4)
[DOCTOR] Just as I thought.
[AGELLA] A humanoid?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Davros, the evil genius who created the Daleks.
[AGELLA] He created the Daleks?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I could have stopped him.
[TYSSAN] This creature looks as though he's been dead for centuries.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Curious the tricks time plays on one, isn't it.
[AGELLA] So that's what the Daleks have been looking for. Their creator.
[DOCTOR] Romana, I was right.
[TYSSAN] Doctor, they're breaking through.
(Level 4)
[DAVROS] So, the long darkness has ended and theeternity of waiting is over. The resurrection has come, as I alwaysknew it would. Now, where are my Daleks?
[DAVROS] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Davros. You don't look a day older and I'd hoped you were dead.
[DAVROS] Dead? I do not die. Mark this moment, Doctor. In the history ofthe universe, this moment is unique. Davros lives!
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I can see your long rest hasn't done anything tocure your megalomania. Have a jelly baby.
[DAVROS] Where are you taking me?
(Dalek control)
[DALEK 2] Entry to level three has been cleared.
[DALEK] All units to proceed immediately.
(Level 3)
[DALEK] Seek and locate. Seek and locate. Do notdeviate.
(Level 4)
[DALEK] Charts indicate objective located in thisprecise position. Objective has been removed from this location.
[DALEK 2] Surface disturbance. Humanoid footprints. Follow. Follow.Follow.
[DALEK] All units full alert. Emergency. Emergency. Emergency.Emergency.
[DALEK] Emergency!
[DAVROS] You will release me. You will return me to the Daleks.
[DOCTOR] Shut up or I'll switch you off.
[DOCTOR] Quick, back this way.
[DOCTOR] Tyssan, back down the corridor and check it. You give me a handwith this.
[DOCTOR] It's shifting. Stand back.
[DOCTOR] Well, you didn't do that very well, did you.
[ROMANA] I didn't do it very well?
[DOCTOR] No, you didn't. Tyssan?
[TYSSAN] The corridor's full of Daleks.
[DOCTOR] What? Then we're effectively boxed in. We're too exposed here.Come on, get him. Let's get under cover.
[DOCTOR] Get that door up. Make some sort of barrier.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
[ROMANA] That wouldn't keep out a determined mouse.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's got to serve. Now listen to me carefully, you two. Iwant you both to get out through, come over here. Good. Now, get backto the Movellan spaceship, tell them to mobilise a force and bring ithere. It's vital we get Davros out of here before the Daleks find us.Off you go.
[ROMANA] We'll be as quick as we can.
[DOCTOR] Don't take too many chances. Come on, quick.
[DOCTOR] Well. Well, now we've a little time to ourselves, I'll fill youin on some of the events that have taken place during the centuriesyou've been, er, dozing.
[DAVROS] Well?
[DOCTOR] Well, Arcturus won the Galactic Olympic Games. Betelgeuse camea close second. The economy on Algo's in a terrible state due toirreversible inflation
[DAVROS] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What? Yes?
[DAVROS] Do you believe your puny efforts can change the course ofdestiny?
[DOCTOR] Well, let's just say I might tamper with it.
[DAVROS] Destiny, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DAVROS] Invincible necessity.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that, that, yes.
[DAVROS] Power. My power. My invincibility. My supreme plan to control
[BOTH] The universe.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I've heard all that before. Now do be a good chap,eh? Stay quiet.
[DOCTOR] I've got to concentrate.
[DAVROS] Errors of the past will be rectified. I will add new designelements to the Dalek's circuitry. They will be armed with newweaponry. Weaponry so devastating that all matter will succumb to itspower. I will equip them with all the knowledge of the universe
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, we've heard all that. The Daleks can do all thatfor themselves.
[DAVROS] The Daleks need me.
[DOCTOR] What? The Daleks left you for dead centuries ago. You've giventhem all you've got. What do they want you for now, eh? What's sospecial about the Movellans that they need your help again, eh?
[SHARREL] The Daleks have gained their objective.Their objective has been identified.
[SHARREL] Name, Davros. Function, creator of the Daleks. Species type,mutant humanoid. This data will be processed. Strategy will bedetermined shortly.
[ROMANA] How much further?
[TYSSAN] Across that next rise. Shouldn't take long now.
[TYSSAN] We could go back, take another way around.
[ROMANA] We haven't got that long. It's only a question of time beforethe Daleks find the Doctor.
[TYSSAN] Get under cover. I'll try and lead them off. When I get clearI'll get to the ship as soon as I can.
[ROMANA] Okay.
[DOCTOR] There, that should do it. Very good. Well,aren't you going to ask me what it is? All right, I'll tell you anyway.Life insurance. What were we talking about?
[DAVROS] Your inevitable destruction.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, we had that conversation last time we met. I'm moreinterested in your survival. I saw you destroyed. The Daleks blastedyou at point-blank range.
[DAVROS] Ha! There was damage to my primary life support system. Thesecondary and back-up circuits switch in immediately. Synthetic tissueregeneration took place whilst bodily organs were held in long-termsuspension.
[DOCTOR] Blimey, wasn't that outstaying your welcome in rather a bigway?
[DAVROS] Until the Dalek's universal supremacy is accomplished, I cannotallow myself the luxury of death.
[DOCTOR] Oh, poor Davros.
[DAVROS] However, it is a luxury I shall delight in bestowing upon you.
[DOCTOR] You're very generous.
[DAVROS] Since my entombment, I have no knowledge of the advancement ofmy Daleks. Of course they have achieved great things.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, oh yes. They've wreaked havoc and destruction,destroyed countless innocent lives
[DAVROS] Only the beginning! Now I have returned, the campaign willbegin in earnest. I have slept but now I have awakened, and theuniverse will be sorry.
[DOCTOR] Davros, you. I have slept but now I have awakened and theuniverse will be. You're misquoting Napoleon! One day I'll tell youwhat happened to him, too.
[DAVROS] Armed with new technology, I will
[DALEK 2] You will move into the open. If you fail to obey in fiveseconds, you will be exterminated. One, two, three, four
[DOCTOR] Hold it, hold it. Now, tell them what I've got here.
[DAVROS] He is holding a primed explosive device.
[DOCTOR] And one false move and it goes right down inside his chair.I'll turn Davros and his life-support system into scrap metal. Now backoff!
[DALEK 2] We obey only Davros.
[DAVROS] He is simply buying time. Do as he says.
[DOCTOR] Do as he says.
[DALEK 2] We obey.
[DOCTOR] I believe this is what's called a Mexican stand-off.
[DAVROS] Ha. How long do you think you can sustain your advantage, aloneand against such odds.
[DOCTOR] Ha, ha. Wouldn't you like to know, eh? Wouldn't you like toknow?
[DOCTOR] Wouldn't I like to know.
[SHARREL] What's happened?
[ROMANA] The Doctor, he needs help. Where did you get that picture? Howdo you know about Davros?
[SHARREL] We have our means. Mobilise unit five. You will remain here.
[DALEK] Attention, attention. The action we are about to take is yourresponsibility. It will cease only when you agree to total surrender.
[DOCTOR] Now what?
[DALEK] Exterminate.
[DALEK] Exterminate.
[DALEK] Exterminate!
[DOCTOR] Stop!
[DALEK] You surrender?
[DOCTOR] All right. All right. You can have Davros, but only on myconditions.
[DALEK] State them.
[DOCTOR] All slave workers to be released immediately and allowed toleave the city.
[DALEK] Continue.
[DOCTOR] Nothing to come in here until I'm out and in the clear.
[DALEK] Conditions unacceptable. Exterminations will continue.
[DOCTOR] Stop! One more killing and I detonate the device. I'll destroyDavros.
[DALEK] Logic unacceptable. Detonation would also destroy you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you hadn't foreseen that one, had you.
[DALEK] Self-sacrifice illogical, therefore impossible. Exterminationswill continue.
[DAVROS] Agree. Agree to his terms. He will do what he says. His logicis impaired by irrational sentiment. Agree. I, Davros, command it.
[DALEK] We obey.
[DALEK] The workers have been released.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Now, I'll need one minute to get clear. Get back! Itold you this was life insurance. I've adapted the device to explode byremote control.
[DOCTOR] All I have to do is squeeze my sonic screwdriver and boom,boom, Davros.
[DAVROS] You need not elaborate, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Just so long as you've got it clear.
[DAVROS] We'll meet again, Doctor. Never doubt it. We'll meet again.
[DOCTOR] Don't you be so sure.
[DALEK] Exterminate the prisoners.
[DAVROS] Quickly, the explosive. He will detonate.
[DAVROS] Remove the explosive!
[DALEK] We obey.
(Outside the bunker)
[DAVROS] Come. There is much to be done. You musttell me of all the victories the Daleks have won whilst I have slept.And all the defeats. I shall learn from your mistakes. The Daleks shallbe made into perfect creatures. They will be invincible! The Dalekswill rule the universe!
[ROMANA] Oh yes, the Doctor knows more about theDaleks than anyone.
[SHARREL] He is an expert in robotics?
[ROMANA] An absolute genius.
[SHARREL] You'll be safer here. You will stay.
[ROMANA] But you're dead.
[SHARREL] Emission power?
[AGELLA] Level three. Consciousness will not return for some time.
[SHARREL] Prepare the Nova device. We must be ready to destroy thisplanet as soon as we've secured our new objective, the Doctor.
[DALEK] Seek and locate. Seek and locate.
[DALEK 3] We obey.
[DOCTOR] Oh, a Kaled mutant. Of course. The Dalek's were originallyorganic lifeforms. I think you've just told me what the Daleks wantwith Davros, haven't you.
[TYSSAN] Doctor. Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Tyssan.
[TYSSAN] I've been looking for you. It's hard to move around, though.There are Dalek patrols everywhere.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so I've seen.
[TYSSAN] I found the other prisoners. They told me what you'd done tofree them. They're very grateful.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it was nothing, nothing. Where are they now?
[TYSSAN] Hiding. If we can lay our hands on some weapons, I'm hoping toturn them into some sort of fighting force.
[DOCTOR] That could be very useful, Tyssan.
[DALEK] Remain where you are. You will turn and walk ahead of me. If youmake any attempt to escape you will be extermi (Boom!)
[DOCTOR] Awfully decent of you. Very grateful.
[CASSANDRA] You will accompany me back to our spacecraft.
[DOCTOR] Well, all in good time. There are a few things I want to dofirst.
[CASSANDRA] That is not a request. It is an order. Move!
[DOCTOR] I do seem to be in demand today. Come on, Tyssan.
[TYSSAN] What the devil? Why did she turn against you?
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure she was ever for me.
[TYSSAN] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Just as I thought. Just another race of robots, no better thanthe Daleks.
(Nova device)
[LAN] Ready.
[LAN] Make sure the seals are tight. Right, move back.
[MOVELLAN] How does it work?
[LAN] It changes the molecular structure of the atmosphere. The atomsbecome flammable. If the Nova device was activated outside theprotective shielding, the atmosphere surrounding this planet would burnup in seconds.
[AGELLA] Lan reports the Nova device functionsperfectly.
[SHARREL] Excellent. Unfortunately, our attempts to capture the Doctorhave failed so far. What we need is some way to get him out into theopen. Take her.
(Nova device)
[DOCTOR] Tyssan, get back out of sight.
(Nova device)
[SHARREL] Malfunction.
[AGELLA] No, I didn't arm the device. It seemed unnecessary as we merelywanted to draw the Doctor into the open.
[SHARREL] Very well. Take her. You two, take him.
(Dalek control)
[DAVROS] Advise Dalek Central Control in space thatI require immediate transportation.
[DALEK] It has been done. A deep space cruiser is on its way.
[DAVROS] When will it reach Skaro?
[DALEK 2] Estimated arrival time, six hours.
[DAVROS] Six hours? Too long. Every moment we remain on Skaro we arevulnerable to attack. All operational Daleks to remain on maximum alertuntil I am aboard the cruiser and safely in space. Maximum alert.
[DALEK] As you command.
[DAVROS] My safety is to be your primary concern. You will make anysacrifice that is required to protect me.
[DALEK] I obey.
[DAVROS] Very well. Now, you have a computer sphere containing thelogistics and status of the Dalek battle fleet.
[DALEK] It contains every detail of the situation.
[DAVROS] Bring it to me.
[DALEK] The information was checked and supervised by the Supreme Dalek.
[DAVROS] Supreme Dalek. Pah. That is a title I shall dispute mostvigorously. I created the Daleks. It is I who will guide their destiny.I am the Supreme Commander!
[DALEK] You will be obeyed.
[DAVROS] Excellent. Now I wish to concentrate. Leave me.
[DALEK] I obey.
[AGELLA] Motors are running up. Chargers operating in full capacity. Wewill have launch power in thirty two minutes.
[SHARREL] Commence lift-off countdown. Is the device reset?
[LAN] Yes. Commander, I think it wise that the device be activatedmanually. If it is left on automatic, the Daleks may find it anddestroy it. It must be guarded to the very last moment.
[LAN] The operator will be destroyed, of course.
[SHARREL] Necessary. You will perform this function, Lan.
[LAN] Yes, Commander.
[SHARREL] Take the device to the designated location. Report when youare in position, then stay with the device. Detonate on my radiocommand.
[LAN] Understood.
[DOCTOR] Robots! Of course!
[SHARREL] Welcome back, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] One race of robots fighting another. Is she going to be allright?
[SHARREL] She'll recover.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
[SHARREL] Tell me, Doctor, when did you first realise we were robotic?
[DOCTOR] The night the roof fell in on Agella. (soft G)
[AGELLA] Agella. (hard G)
[DOCTOR] Agella, yes, how's your hand?
[SHARREL] Disfunction or death, as you know it, only occurs in us withmassive circuitry disturbance. We are infinitely superior.
[DOCTOR] Are you really?
[SHARREL] We function logically.
[DOCTOR] My condolences to you.
[SHARREL] Why, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Because you'll never defeat the Daleks. Let me demonstrate.Romana?
[DOCTOR] Are you feeling all right?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good. We're going to play a game. Now.
(Dalek control)
[DAVROS] A concise report and a fascinating problem. The Daleks have meta foe worthy of their powers. Another race of robots.
[DALEK] Correct. Dalek superiority will ultimately triumph and theMovellan force will be exterminated.
[DAVROS] You have been fighting them for centuries, and still you arenot victorious!
[DALEK] It is only a matter of time.
[DAVROS] No. Two gigantic computerised battle fleets locked together indeep space, hundreds of galactic battle cruisers vying with each otherfor centuries, and not a shot fired?
[DALEK] Our computers are planning the moment of maximum advantage.
[DAVROS] And so are theirs. It will never come. You have reached alogical impasse.
[DALEK] Understood.
[DAVROS] So that is why you have returned to find your creator.
[DALEK] You will reprogramme our battle computers for us. The Movellanswill be exterminated!
[DOCTOR] Paper wraps stone.
[ROMANA] Ha, stone blunts scissors.
[DOCTOR] Scissors cuts paper. Ha, ha! But suppose we were two computerscontrolling two great battle fleets, each one working perfectlylogically to outmanoeuvre the other. Well, you're robots, you try it.
[SHARREL] We're perfectly
[DOCTOR] Try it! Go on.
[DOCTOR] Ha! You see? You're caught in an impasse of logic. You'vediscovered the recipe for everlasting peace. Congratulations. I'mterribly pleased.
[SHARREL] Our objective is victory, Doctor. The destruction of the Dalekfleet.
[DOCTOR] You play with me, eh? Come on.
[SHARREL] Paper.
[DOCTOR] Scissors cuts paper.
[SHARREL] Stone.
[DOCTOR] Paper wraps stone.
[SHARREL] Scissors.
[DOCTOR] Stone blunts scissors. Again. Scissors cuts paper.
[SHARREL] Stone.
[DOCTOR] Paper wraps stone.
[SHARREL] Scissors.
[DOCTOR] Stone blunts scissors.
[SHARREL] Thank you, Doctor. Our battle computers must have a newelement programmed into them. An advantage, however small, that willchange the balance of power. You.
[ROMANA] And the Daleks want the same thing.
[SHARREL] When we reach the fleet, you will reprogramme our computers.
[DOCTOR] I will?
[AGELLA] Yes. The Dalek fleet will be wiped from the heavens and nothingwill stand in our way of the conquest of the galaxy.
[DOCTOR] No, you've overlooked something. Suppose I was willing to helpyou to change the balance of power, which I'm not, Davros will be doingexactly the same things for the Daleks. I mean, he may be mad, but hiscomputer skills are almost as great as mine.
[SHARREL] That is precisely why we're taking you with us, Doctor. Whenwe're safely in space, the Nova device will detonate and destroyDavros. With your skills, the impasse will be broken.
(Nova device)
[TYSSAN] Now, this bit here and this bit here. Good.
[TYSSAN] Now, let's see if the Doctor's right.
(Dalek control)
[DALEK] Report.
[DALEK 2] Surface scans indicate the Movellan ship is preparing forlaunch.
[DALEK] Estimated time to lift-off?
[DALEK 2] Twenty one minutes. Report continues. Listening scanners havedetected non-Movellan voices inside the space vehicle. Computersidentify the voices as those of the Doctor and his companion.
[DAVROS] They must be stopped. The Doctor could reprogramme the Movellanbattle computers. He would counteract my advantage. The Movellan shipmust be destroyed.
[DALEK] Our firepower will be ineffective against its hull.
[DAVROS] Then we need more than firepower. Unpack the explosives.
[ROMANA] Scissors cuts paper. (sotto) Let's get out.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Yes. (normal) Paper wraps stone. (sotto) How?
[ROMANA] Stalemate. (sotto) Do something.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) When I give the signal, move.
[DOCTOR] Stone blunts scissors.
[ROMANA] Good plan. Scissors cuts paper. Paper wraps
[DOCTOR] Jelly baby.
[ROMANA] Jelly baby?
[DOCTOR] Doctor catches robot.
[AGELLA] Commander, Lan is not answering my signals.
[SHARREL] Go out and check he's still in position.
[AGELLA] At once.
[SHARREL] Launch programme.
(Nova device)
[TYSSAN] Well done, Lan.
(Dalek control)
[DAVROS] Now, understand me clearly. You will not deviate from yourobjective no matter what the provocation. Let no opposition halt you.When you reach the Movellan space vehicle, position yourselves aroundthe ship as close as possible to the hull. The sacrifice you make willensure total Dalek victory in the space war! Carry out your orders!
[DALEK 2] We obey.
[DAVROS] Total Dalek victory. Then on to still greater conquests. I willlead. Davros will lead!
[DOCTOR] Don't you ever speak to me like that again, you understand?Never!
[ROMANA] What did I say?
[DOCTOR] Jelly baby! You keep out of this. It's a personal matter, isn'tit.
[DOCTOR] So just mind your own business.
[ROMANA] You tell him.
[DOCTOR] And you mind your own business, too.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Duck!
[DOCTOR] Oh well, so much for logic. A mind that can be scrambled by adog whistle.
[ROMANA] These are Movellan minds?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, not quite. They're just power packs with some maincircuits.
[ROMANA] Orders for the day and the power to carry them out.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's it. Tyssan! Tyssan. Well done, Tyssan. Any news ofDavros?
[TYSSAN] Nothing.
[DOCTOR] The Daleks will be sending a ship for him. We mustn't let himget away.
[TYSSAN] We've only got a handful of men. How can we stop him?
[DOCTOR] One, two, three, four, five. I'll go alone. Ask me why.
[DOCTOR] They're unconscious. Also I'm a very dangerous fellow when Idon't know what I'm doing. You stay here, Tyssan. You'll need this shipto get home. Romana, you help him.
[DOCTOR [OC]] I will return!
[DALEK 2] Do not deviate. All units proceed as ordered. The spacevehicle must be destroyed.
(Dalek control)
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Davros. Davros! (normal) Davros.
[DAVROS] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Hello. I didn't think getting to see you would have been soeasy. Are you just going to sit there quietly and wait for the Dalekship to pick you up?
[DAVROS] I have one more thing to do before I leave. It seems we haveboth been much in demand, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's nice to be wanted, isn't it.
[DAVROS] Putting aside our differences for a moment.
[DAVROS] Speaking simply as scientists, the problem is fascinating,don't you agree?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, two vast computers so evenly matched they can'tout-think one another.
[DAVROS] Two spacefleets totally impotent.
[DAVROS] You know how the stalemate can be broken, of course.
[DOCTOR] Oh, of course.
[DAVROS] I realised you would. So obvious but they can't see it. Wouldyou have told the Movellans?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no.
[DAVROS] I suspected you wouldn't.
[DOCTOR] Would you have told the Daleks?
[DAVROS] But I dared not take the risk. I had to stop them taking you.
[DOCTOR] But you failed. The prisoners set me free.
[DAVROS] The Movellan ship will never lift off! Soon my Daleks, carryingmore than half a megaton of explosives, will press against the hull andI will simply activate this control to detonate.
[DOCTOR] Really. And how will you stop me activating that control beforethey reach their target?
[DAVROS] I would not.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[DALEK] Do not move.
[DAVROS] You see, there's nothing you can do to stop it now.
[DALEK 2] Let no opposition halt you. Advance fortotal Dalek victory! Objective sighted. Advance!
[TYSSAN] Well, we got them all.
[ROMANA] Was Commander Sharrel with them?
[TYSSAN] No. I thought he was up here.
[ROMANA] Well, I can't find him.
[TYSSAN] Oh, it's not important. Even if he got away, he can't do muchon his own.
[ROMANA] The Nova device! He'll try to detonate!
(Dalek control)
[DALEK 2 [OC]] Now commencing final approach toship.
[DAVROS] Very soon now, Doctor. Very soon.
[DALEK 2] Do not deviate. Let no opposition haltyou.
[TYSSAN] Right, there's a Dalek force coming. Now pick up what weaponsyou can. We've got to hold them.
(Outside the spacecraft)
[DALEK 2] Exterminate!
(Nova device)
(Dalek control)
[DAVROS] When the Dalek ship arrives, you willaccompany us.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sure they'll welcome me with open arms. I mean, theywould welcome me with open arms if they had arms. Please, please, nooffence meant at all.
[DALEK] Malfunction.
[DAVROS] Behind you.
[DALEK] Malfunction.
[DAVROS] Behind you.
[DALEK] Visual circuit is impaired.)
[DAVROS] To your right. To your left.
[DALEK] Malfunction.
[DAVROS] To your right. This way!
[DALEK] Malfunction.
[DAVROS] Not me, you fool!
[DALEK] Vision impaired! Vision impaired! Malfunction! Loss of visualcontrol. Malfunction! Malfunction!
[DALEK] Malfunction! Loss of control! Loss of control! Loss of control!
[DOCTOR] Bye, bye.
[DOCTOR] My hat!
[DAVROS] Keep away.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DAVROS] Keep back.
[DOCTOR] All elephants are pink. Nellie is an elephant, therefore Nellieis pink. Logical?
[DAVROS] Perfectly.
[DOCTOR] You know what a human would say to that?
[DAVROS] What?
[TYSSAN] Elephants aren't pink.
[DAVROS] Bah. Humans do not understand logic.
[ROMANA] They're not slaves to it like the Daleks or the Movellans.
[DOCTOR] That's why the Daleks came back for you. They remembered theywere once organic creatures themselves, capable of irrational,intuitive thought, and they wanted you to give it back to them to getthem out of their trap of logic.
[DAVROS] I have failed!
[DOCTOR] Yes. What does it feel like?
[DAVROS] What will happen to me?
[TYSSAN] A high security ship has started out from Earth to meet us. Youwill be taken to stand trial for your crimes against the whole ofsentient creation.
[DAVROS] There is not a ship, not a prison that can hold me!
[DOCTOR] No, but I think this little device can. It's a cryogenicfreezer. Even you can't escape from a solid block of ice. Bye, bye,Davros.
[TYSSAN] Doctor! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] That was a narrow escape. Come on, we've got some digging todo.
(Outside the Tardis)
[ROMANA] Doctor, could you really have solved their problems and won thewar for them?
[DOCTOR] Of course I could. It's obvious.
[ROMANA] Was it?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Both sides were fighting with computers, perfectlylogically. Each computer could predict the move of the other andcounter it. Result, stalemate.
[ROMANA] So the first side that switches its computer off and doessomething irrational
[DOCTOR] Wins the battle, yes. Make mistakes and confuse the enemy.
[ROMANA] Brilliant.
[ROMANA] Is that why you always win?
[DOCTOR] Yes. What?
[ROMANA] Because you always make mistakes.
[DOCTOR] Mistakes? Me? Well, perhaps once a century or so.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Well, I have made the odd mistake.
[ROMANA [OC]] Not that switch.
[DOCTOR [OC]] What?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Oh, yes.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s17", "episode": "e01", "title": "Destiny of the Daleks"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (29 Sep, 1979; Fourth Doctor) - City of Death
[JAGAROTH [OC]] Twenty soneds to warp thrust.
[SCAROTH] Confirmed.
[JAGAROTH [OC]] Thrust against planet's surface set to power three.
[SCAROTH] Negative. Power three too severe.
[JAGAROTH [OC]] Scaroth, it must be power three. It must be.
[SCAROTH] Warp thrust from planet's surface is untested. At power threeit is suicide. Advised.
[JAGAROTH [OC]] Ten soneds to warp thrust.
[SCAROTH] Advise!
[JAGAROTH [OC]] The Jagaroth are in your hands. Without secondaryengines we must use our main warp thrust. You know this, Scaroth. It isour only hope. You are our only hope.
[SCAROTH] And I am the only one directly in warp field. I know thedangers.
[JAGAROTH [OC]] Three, two, one.
[SCAROTH] What will happen if
[JAGAROTH [OC]] Full power!
[JAGAROTH [OC]] Help us, Scaroth! Help us! The fate of the Jagaroth iswith you! Help us! Scaroth, you are our only hope! Our only hope! Helpus! Scaroth! Scaroth! The Jagaroth! The Jagaroth!
(Eiffel Tower)
[DOCTOR] Nice, isn't it?
[ROMANA] Yes, marvellous.
[DOCTOR] Marvellous. Absolutely.
[ROMANA] Absolutely marvellous.
[DOCTOR] Well, I think it's marvellous.
[ROMANA] So do I. Though it's not quite as you described it.
[DOCTOR] Really? How did I describe it?
[ROMANA] You said it was nice.
[DOCTOR] It's the only place in the world where one can relax entirely.
[ROMANA] Mmm. That bouquet.
[DOCTOR] What Paris has, it has an ethos, a life. It has
[ROMANA] A bouquet?
[DOCTOR] A spirit all of its own. Like a wine, It has
[ROMANA] A bouquet.
[DOCTOR] It has a bouquet. Yes. Like a good wine. You have to choose oneof the vintage years, of course.
[ROMANA] What year is this?
[DOCTOR] Ah well, yes. It's 1979 actually. More of a table wine, shallwe say. Ha! The randomiser's a useful device but it lacks truediscrimination. Should we sip it and see?
[ROMANA] Oh, I'd be delighted. Shall we take the lift or fly?
[DOCTOR] Let's not be ostentatious.
[ROMANA] All right. Let's fly then.
[DOCTOR] That would look silly. We'll take the lift. Come on.
(Paris Metro - Dupleix)
[ROMANA] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Are you talking philosophically or geographically?
[ROMANA] Philosophically.
[DOCTOR] Then we're going to lunch. I know a little place that does awonderful bouillabaisse. Do you like bouillabaisse?
[ROMANA] Mmm, bouillabaisse, yum-yum.
[KERENSKY] But I can proceed no further, Count. Research costs money. Ifyou want results, we must have the money.
[SCARLIONI] I assure you, Professor, money is no problem.
[KERENSKY] So you tell me, Count Scarlioni. So you tell me everyday.Money is no problem. Look, what you want me to do about these equipmentinvoices? Write no problem on them and send them back?
[SCARLIONI] Will a million francs ease the immediate cash-flowsituation?
[KERENSKY] Yes, Count. That will help admirably. But I will shortly needa great deal more.
[SCARLIONI] Yes, of course, Professor, of course. Nothing must stand inthe way of the work.
[HERMANN] Your Excellency?
[SCARLIONI] Ah, Hermann. That Gainsborough didn't fetch enough. I thinkwe'll have to sell one of the Bibles.
[SCARLIONI] Yes, the Gutenberg.
[HERMANN] May I suggest we tread more carefully, sir? It would not be inour best interest to draw too much attention to ourselves. Another rashof priceless treasures on the market could
[SCARLIONI] Yes, I know, Hermann. I know. Just sell it discreetly.
[HERMANN] Discreetly, sir? Sell a Gutenberg Bible discreetly?
[SCARLIONI] Well, as discreetly as possible. Just do it, will you?
[HERMANN] Yes, sir. Of course, sir.
[SCARLIONI] Good, Professor. Excellent. I hope we are now ready to startthe next test on the equipment?
[KERENSKY] Two minutes, Count. Just two minutes.
(Notre Dame Brasserie)
[ROMANA] Any good?
[DOCTOR] Not bad. A bit boring in the middle. Don't move. You mightspoil a priceless work of art.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] That man over there. Don't look!
[ROMANA] What's he doing?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[ROMANA] (sotto) What's he doing?
[DOCTOR] He's sketching you.
[ROMANA] Is he?
[DOCTOR] I told you not to look.
[ROMANA] I just wanted to see.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's too late. He's gone now.
[ROMANA] Pity. I wonder what he thought I looked like?
[DOCTOR] Well, he threw it down there. Let's have a look.
[ROMANA] What's he doing?
[DOCTOR] Shush!
[ROMANA] (sotto) What's he doing?
[DOCTOR] He's sketching you.
[ROMANA] Is he?
[DOCTOR] I told you not to look.
[ROMANA] I just wanted to see.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's too late. He's gone now.
[ROMANA] Pity. I wonder what he thought I looked like.
[DOCTOR] Well, he threw it down there. Let's have a look.
[ROMANA] What's going on?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. It's as if time jumped a groove for a second.
[ROMANA] Let's have a look.
[DOCTOR] For a portrait of a Time Lady, that's not at all a badlikeness.
[ROMANA] That's extraordinary.
[DOCTOR] Yes, isn't it.
[ROMANA] I wonder why he did it like that? The face of the clock isfractured.
[DOCTOR] Ha. Almost like a crack in time. A crack in time.
[ROMANA] Let's sit outside.
[KERENSKY] Time, Count. It will take time.
[SCARLIONI] Time, time, time. Nevertheless, a very impressive, ifflawed, demonstration. I'm relying upon you to make very fast progressnow, Professor. The fate of many people is in our hands.
[KERENSKY] The world will have much to thank you for.
[SCARLIONI] It will indeed Professor. It will indeed. How soon before wecan start the next tests?
[KERENSKY] The next one, Count? Well
[SCARLIONI] I want to see it today.
[KERENSKY] Today, Count?
[SCARLIONI] Yes, today.
[KERENSKY] Count, I think this is wonderful work, but I do notunderstand this obsessive urgency.
[SCARLIONI] Time, Professor. It is all a matter of time.
(Outside the Brasserie)
[DOCTOR] I think there's a matter with time. Didn't you feel anything?
[ROMANA] Mmm, just a twinge. I didn't like it.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It must be because I've crossed the time fields so often.No one there seemed to notice anything. You and I exist in a specialrelationship to time, you know. Perpetual outsiders.
[ROMANA] Don't be so portentous.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? What do you make of that, then?
[ROMANA] Well, at least on Gallifrey we can capture a good likeness.Computers can draw.
[DOCTOR] What? Computer pictures? You sit in Paris and talk of computerpictures? Listen, I'll take you somewhere and show you some realpaintings painted by real people.
[ROMANA] What about the time slip?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about the time slip. We're on holiday. Come on!
(Outside the Louvre)
[DOCTOR] There we are, the Louvre. One of the greatest art galleries inthe whole galaxy.
[ROMANA] Nonsense! What about the Academia Stellaris on Sirius Five?
[DOCTOR] What? Oh no. No, no.
[ROMANA] Or the Solariun Pinaquotheque at Strikian?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no.
[ROMANA] Or the Braxiatel Collection?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no, no. This is the gallery. The only galleryin the known universe which a picture like
(Louvre - Salle des Etats)
[DOCTOR] The Mona Lisa.
[ROMANA] It's quite good.
[DOCTOR] Quite good? That's one of the great treasures of the universeand you say quite good?
[ROMANA] The world, Doctor, the world.
[DOCTOR] What are you talking about?
[ROMANA] Not the universe in public, Doctor. It only calls attention.
[DOCTOR] I don't care. It's one of the great treasures of the universe!
[ROMANA] Shush!
[DOCTOR] I don't care. Let them gawp, let them gape. What do I care.
[ROMANA] Why hasn't she got any eyebrows?
[DOCTOR] What? Is that all you can say? No eyebrows? We're talking aboutthe Mona Lisa. It's the Mona
[GUIDE [OC]] And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have possibly the mostfamous painting in this gallery.
[DOCTOR] Good heavens, you're right. She hasn't got any eyebrows. Do youknow, I never noticed that before.
[GUIDE] La Giaconda, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, 1452 1519. Ahem.Excuse me, Monsieur?
[DOCTOR] Yes? What is it?
[GUIDE] Oh, could you please move along?
[DOCTOR] What?
[GUIDE] Other people wish to enjoy this picture.
[ROMANA] What did she say?
[DOCTOR] She said
[GUIDE] Mona Lisa, La Giaconda, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, 1452 1519.Ahem. Excuse me, Monsieur? Could you please move along. Other peoplewish to enjoy this picture.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me.
[DUGGAN] All right, stand back. Stand back, everybody, stand back. Areyou all right, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I just dented my head on your gun, that's all.
[DUGGAN] What on Earth?
[ROMANA] Don't take any notice of him. He's just having one of his funnyturns.
[DOCTOR] One of my funny turns? The whole world took a funny turn.
[ROMANA] Come one, Doctor.
[SCARLIONI] Excellent, Professor, excellent.
[KERENSKY] An unfortunate side effect.
[SCARLIONI] Not at all, Professor. The work progresses well. Now I wantyou to find a way to vastly increase the time span.
[KERENSKY] I'm not certain, Count. You see, Einstein says that
[SCARLIONI] I'm not paying Einstein, Professor. I'm paying you. Now,continue with the work.
[KERENSKY] You are stretching me to the limit, Count.
[SCARLIONI] Only thus is true progress ever made. You, as a scientist,should be the first to appreciate that.
[KERENSKY] Oh, I do, Count, I do. I appreciate many things. I appreciatewalks in the country, I appreciate sleep, regular meals.
[SCARLIONI] Hermann.
[HERMANN] Yes, Excellency?
[SCARLIONI] Would you please prepare for the Professor half a dozenescargot au beurre followed by an entrecotebordelaise with haricots vert and pommes sautees served directly hereto the laboratory.
[HERMANN] Yes, sir.
[SCARLIONI] Oh, and a bottle of Chambertin. My own.
[HERMANN] Yes, sir.
[SCARLIONI] Better make that half a bottle. Wouldn't want to interferewith the work, would we, Professor?
[KERENSKY] Count, I would really like to get some sleep.
[SCARLIONI] Hermann, cancel the wine. Bring the vitamin pill. I shall beupstairs. We must press forward.
(Outside the Brasserie)
[DOCTOR] Merci.
[ROMANA] Doctor, you realise we're being followed?
[DOCTOR] Yes, all the way from the Louvre by that idiot with the gun.
[ROMANA] You did notice.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course I noticed.
[ROMANA] Well, what do you think he wants?
[DOCTOR] Look in your pocket. Other pocket.
[ROMANA] What's this?
[DOCTOR] The woman I bumped into was wearing it.
[ROMANA] And you stole it from her?
[DOCTOR] Look at it.
[ROMANA] It's a micromeson scanner.
[DOCTOR] That's right. She was using it to get a complete report on allthe alarm systems around the Mona Lisa.
[ROMANA] You mean she's trying to steal it?
[DOCTOR] It is very a pretty painting.
[ROMANA] It's a very sophisticated device for a level five civilisation.
[DOCTOR] That? That's never the product of Earth's civilisation.
[ROMANA] Do you mean an alien's trying to steal the Mona Lisa?
[DOCTOR] It is a very pretty painting. Romana?
[DOCTOR] You know, I think something very funny is going on. Youremember that man who was following us?
[DOCTOR] Well, he's standing behind me poking a gun in my back.
[DUGGAN] All right, you two. Into the cafe.
(Notre Dame Brasserie)
[DOCTOR] Patron, three glasses of water. Make themdoubles.
(Drawing room)
[SCARLIONI] And then?
[COUNTESS] Then I had this fool of a detective followed.
[COUNTESS] Reasons.
[SCARLIONI] Oh, please don't play games.
[COUNTESS] What else have I been doing all these years?
[SCARLIONI] Following instructions. Go on.
[COUNTESS] Well, this detective, Duggan, he annoyed me. He stoppedwatching the painting and he started watching me.
[SCARLIONI] Oh, showing a glimmering of intelligence at last. Perhaps weshould deal with him. No. He's too stupid to bother us seriously.
[COUNTESS] Only then something else happened in front of the painting.
[COUNTESS] Well, this tall man I'd never seen before, he fainted.
[SCARLIONI] You are getting jumpy. Probably overcome by your charms.
[COUNTESS] Only that as he fell, he somehow managed to get the braceletoff my wrist.
[SCARLIONI] What! And you let him?
[COUNTESS] Well, I had no choice. There was rush and confusion. It waswell organised, I'm sure.
[SCARLIONI] That bracelet
[COUNTESS] We'll get it back. The matter is in hand even now.
[SCARLIONI] I trust you will be
[COUNTESS] Discreet? Of course.
(Notre Dame Brasserie)
[DOCTOR] What bracelet?
[ROMANA] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm just relaxing and enjoying Paris.
[DUGGAN] All right, that's enough. Very cleverly staged, but you don'tfool me.
[DOCTOR] What are you talking about?
[DUGGAN] Your men who were in here just now.
[DOCTOR] My men? Those thugs?
[DUGGAN] Your thugs.
[DOCTOR] Are you suggesting those men were in my employ?
[DOCTOR] I don't know if you noticed but he was pointing a gun at me.Anyone in my employ who behaved like that, I'd sack him on the spot.
[DUGGAN] Except that I know you arranged for them to hold you up as abluff. You're trying to put me on a false scent.
[DOCTOR] You're English, aren't you?
[DOCTOR] Patron? I thought I ordered three glasses of water.
[PATRON] Monsieur.
[DUGGAN] Listen
[DOCTOR] Doctor.
[DUGGAN] What's Scarlioni's angle?
[DOCTOR] Scarlioni's angle? Never heard of it. Have you ever heard ofScarlioni's angle?
[ROMANA] No, I was never any good at geometry.
[DOCTOR] Who's Scarlioni?
[DUGGAN] Count Scarlioni.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DUGGAN] Everyone on Earth's heard of Count Scarlioni.
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, we've only just landed on Earth.
[DUGGAN] Right, fine, that's it. I give up! You're crazy!
[DOCTOR] Crazy enough to want to steal the Mona Lisa?
[DOCTOR] Or at least be interested in someone who might want to stealthe Mona Lisa.
(Drawing room)
[SCARLIONI] Good. Thank you, you may go.
[SCARLIONI] But not good enough. Kill them.
[HERMANN] The detective and his friends, Excellency?
[SCARLIONI] No, Hermann, those two fools.
[HERMANN] With pleasure, Excellency.
[SCARLIONI] So, one was interested in you and the painting, and theother in this bracelet.
[SCARLIONI] I should like to meet them.
[COUNTESS] Of course. Just tell Hermann.
[SCARLIONI] No, my dear. You tell Hermann.
(Notre Dame Brasserie)
[DUGGAN] So, you can imagine the furore.
[ROMANA] The what?
[DUGGAN] Furore. The whole art word in an uproar.
[ROMANA] Oh, furore.
[DUGGAN] Masterpieces that have apparently been missing over thecenturies are just turning up all over the place.
[DOCTOR] All fakes, of course.
[DUGGAN] They've got to be, haven't they? Haven't they?
[ROMANA] Are they?
[DUGGAN] They're very, very good ones. They stand up to every scientifictest.
[DOCTOR] Really? What, and the only connection in this is the Count?
[DUGGAN] Nothing dirty can be proved, though. He's clean. Absolutelyclean. So clean he stinks.
[DOCTOR] He isn't clean any more. The Countess has the bracelet.
[DUGGAN] What's that bracelet worth?
[DOCTOR] Well, it depends on what you want to do with it. Uh oh.
[DUGGAN] What? (More black hats have arrived.)
[DOCTOR] I think we're being invited to leave.
(Drawing room)
[HERMANN] You rang, my lady?
[COUNTESS] Yes, Hermann. Where's the Count?
[HERMANN] Down in the laboratory, my lady.
[COUNTESS] With that Professor again.
[HERMANN] No, my lady. Professor Kerensky is resting in his room.
[COUNTESS] Oh. Thank you, Hermann.
(Outside the Laboratory)
[COUNTESS] Carlos? Carlos?
[COUNTESS [OC]] Carlos?
(Drawing room)
[HERMANN] Excuse me, my lady. The people you wished to speak to arehere.
[COUNTESS] Good, Hermann. Show them in.
[HERMANN] Yes, my lady.
[DOCTOR] I say, what a wonderful butler. He's so violent. Hello, I'mcalled the Doctor. That's Romana, that's Duggan. You must be theCountess Scarlioni and this is clearly a delightful Louis Quinze chair.May I sit in it? I say, haven't they worn well? Thank you, Hermann,that'll be all.
[COUNTESS] Doctor, you're being very pleasant with me.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm a very pleasant fellow.
[COUNTESS] But I didn't invite you here for social reasons.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I could see that the moment you didn't invite me to have adrink. Well, I will have a drink now you come to mention it. Yes, docome in, everybody.
[DOCTOR] Romana, sit down over there. Duggan. Now, Duggan, you sitthere. Do sit down if you want to, Count. Oh, all right. Now, isn'tthis nice?
[COUNTESS] The only reason you were brought here was to explain exactlywhy you stole my bracelet.
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, it's my job, you see. I'm a thief. And this isRomana, she's my accomplice. And this is Duggan. He's the detectivewho's been kind enough to catch me. That's his job. You see, our twolines of work dovetail beautifully.
[COUNTESS] Very interesting.
[COUNTESS] I was rather under the impression that Mister Duggan wasfollowing me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Well, you're a beautiful woman, probably, and Duggan wastrying to summon up the courage to ask you out to dinner, weren't you,Duggan?
[COUNTESS] Who sent you?
[DOCTOR] Who sent me what?
[COUNTESS] Doctor, the more you try to convince me that you're a fool,the more I'm likely to think otherwise. Now, it would only be the workof a moment to have you killed.
[DOCTOR] What?
[COUNTESS] Put it down.
[ROMANA] It's one of those isn't it?
[COUNTESS] Yes, it's a very rare and precious Chinese puzzle box. Youwon't be able to open it so put it down.
[ROMANA] Oh, look.
[SCARLIONI] Yes. Very pretty, isn't it.
[ROMANA] Very. Where's it from?
[SCARLIONI] From? It's not from anywhere. It's mine.
[COUNTESS] My dear, these are the people who stole it from me at theLouvre.
[DOCTOR] Hello there.
[SCARLIONI] How very curious. Two thieves enter the Louvre gallery andcome out with a bracelet. Couldn't you think of anything moreinteresting to steal?
[DOCTOR] Well, I just thought it was awfully pretty and a terriblyunusual design. Of course, it would have been much nicer to have stolenone of the pictures, but I've tried that before and all sorts of alarmsgo off which disturbs the concentration.
[SCARLIONI] Yes, it would. So you stole the bracelet simply because it'spretty?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, I think it is. Don't you?
[COUNTESS] My dear, I don't think he's as stupid as he seems.
[SCARLIONI] My dear, nobody could be as stupid as he seems.
[SCARLIONI] This interview is at an end.
[DOCTOR] Good. Well, we'll be off. A quick stagger up the ChampsElysees, perhaps a bite at Maxims. What do you think, Romana?
[ROMANA] Maxims
[SCARLIONI] I think a rather better idea would be if Hermann were tolock you into the cellar. I should hate to lose contact with suchfascinating people.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Duggan, what are you doing? For heavens sake, that's aLouis Quinze.
[DUGGAN] But you're not going to let them lock us up
[DOCTOR] Just behave like a civilised guest. I do beg your pardon,Count.
[SCARLIONI] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Now, Hermann, if you'd just be kind enough to show us to ourcellar, we'd be terribly grateful. Do come along, my good chap.
[SCARLIONI] You really should be more careful with your trinkets, mydear. After all, we do have a Mona Lisa to steal.
[DOCTOR] How long's the Chateau been here, Hermann?
[HERMANN] Long enough.
[DOCTOR] Really, that long? Restored four or five hundred years ago?
[HERMANN] May have been.
[DOCTOR] Very stimulating, very stimulating. And this would be thecellar, would it?
[HERMANN] Doctor, your boring conversation does not interest me.
[DOCTOR] Really. Good Lord, a laboratory. Are you locking us into alaboratory?
[HERMANN] In here.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'd much rather stay out here. This looks so interesting.
[HERMANN] In here, I said.
[HERMANN] You may light it if you wish.
[ROMANA] How long's this thing going to last us?
[HERMANN] Two hours, maybe three.
[DOCTOR] What happens after that?
[HERMANN] After that, you won't need any light.
[DUGGAN] What do you think you're playing at?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Light the lamp.
[DUGGAN] There's only one match.
[DOCTOR] Then get it right.
[DUGGAN] You tell me to get it right? We could have escaped at leasttwice if you hadn't
[DOCTOR] Exactly, exactly. What's the point of coming all the way herejust to escape immediately? What we do is, we stay here.
[DOCTOR] Let them think they've got us safe.
[DOCTOR] Then we escape. Light the lamp. Come on.
[DUGGAN] Well?
[DOCTOR] It's not working.
[DUGGAN] Oh, you and your stupid ideas.
[DOCTOR] Don't!
[DUGGAN] Well, what else use is it?
[DOCTOR] It was useful against the Daleks on Skaro.
[DUGGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Oh, you wouldn't remember. Never mind.
[DUGGAN] That's all I need. Locked in a cellar, no way out, and tworaving lunatics for company.
[DOCTOR] It's working. Would you like to stay on as my scientificadvisor?
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] The horizontal length of the stairs is about six metres, isn'tit?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose so. Why?
[ROMANA] Well, this room runs alongside the stairs, and it's only twopoint seven three metres in length.
[DOCTOR] That's fascinating. Shall we look at the lab first?
[DUGGAN] Right, let's get out of here.
[DOCTOR] No. There are bound to be a couple of guards at the top of thestairs.
[DUGGAN] Exactly. I'm about ready to thump somebody.
[DOCTOR] I want to look at the lab first.
[DUGGAN] What use is looking at the lab?
[DOCTOR] In the last few hours I've been thumped, threatened, abductedand imprisoned. I've found a piece of equipment which is not of Earthtechnology and I've been through two time slips. I think this lab mighthave something to do with it.
[DUGGAN] Cut that stuff out, will you? What about the Mona Lisa?
[DOCTOR] What about it?
[DUGGAN] Do you reckon the Count and Countess are out to steal it?
[DUGGAN] I don't know about you, but I'm going to stop them.
[DOCTOR] They're not going to steal it at five o'clock in the afternoon,are they?
[DUGGAN] Why not?
[DOCTOR] Because the Louvre is still open.
[DUGGAN] Oh, yes.
[DOCTOR] Now, while we're here, why don't you and I find out how they'regoing to steal it and why. Or are you just in it for the thumping?
[DUGGAN] I'm in it mainly to protect the interests of the art dealerswho employ
[DOCTOR] I know, but mainly for the thumping. What do you think Romana'sup to?
[DUGGAN] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Nor do I. Looks intriguing, don't you think?
[DUGGAN] I don't care. I'm going.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR] Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
[KERENSKY] Who are you?
[KERENSKY] Yes, who are you? What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Me? I'm the Doctor. What you're doing is terribly interesting,but you've got it wrong.
(Drawing room)
[SCARLIONI] A truly remarkable piece of equipment,I hope you'll agree. It makes the impossible, possible.
[SCARLIONI] Perhaps the Professor should see it. I should like him toknow that while he is no doubt a genius, the man he is working for isaltogether more clever.
[HERMANN] Without question, sir. Shall I go and fetch the Professor,Excellency?
[SCARLIONI] Yes. Ah, no. No, I would not disturb the work. Besides, Idon't think our Professor would be very amused. Are we ready?
[HERMANN] Yes, Excellency.
[SCARLIONI] Then let us begin.
[KERENSKY] Wrong? What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] Well, you're tinkering with time. That's always a bad ideaunless you know what you're doing.
[KERENSKY] I know what I'm doing. I am the foremost authority ontemporal theory in the whole world.
[DOCTOR] The whole world?
[DOCTOR] Well, that's a very small place when you consider the size ofthe universe.
[KERENSKY] Ah, but who can?
[DOCTOR] Oh, some can. And if you can't, you shouldn't tinker with time.
[KERENSKY] But you saw it work. The greatest achievement of the humanrace. A cellular accelerator. You saw it! An egg developed into achicken in thirty seconds. With a large one, I can turn a calf into acow in even less time. It will be the end of famine in the world.
[DOCTOR] It'll be the end of you, if you're not careful, never mind thecow. Look.
[KERENSKY] Well, there are a few technical problems.
[DOCTOR] A few technical problems! No, no, no. The whole principleyou're working on is wrong. You can stretch time backwards or forwardswithin that bubble, but you can't break into it or out of it. It's trueyou have created a different time continuum, but it's totallyincompatible with ours.
[KERENSKY] Ah. I don't know what you mean.
[DOCTOR] Have you tried this?
[DOCTOR] That's a more interesting effect, don't you think? Did you knowwhen you built that it could do something like that?
[KERENSKY] No. What did you do?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, what did I do? I just reversed the polarity.This is very expensive equipment, isn't it?
[KERENSKY] Oh, very expensive. The Count is very generous. A truephilanthropist. I do not ask too many questions.
[DOCTOR] Well, you'd. What's your name?
[KERENSKY] Kerensky.
[DOCTOR] Kerensky?
[KERENSKY] Theodore Nikolai Kerensky.
[DOCTOR] Theodore Nikolai Kerensky, a scientist's job is to askquestions. You should
[DOCTOR] Theodore. Theo. Kerensky! He's fainted.
[DUGGAN] No, I hit him. Now, can we stop wondering about conjuringtricks with chickens and get out of this place?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's your philosophy, isn't it. If it moves, hit it.He's going to be all right. If you do that one more time, Duggan, I'mgoing to take very, very severe measures.
[DUGGAN] Yeah? Like what?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to ask you not to.
[ROMANA [OC]] Doctor?
[ROMANA] I was right.
[DOCTOR] About what?
[ROMANA] Those measurements. There's another room behind the wall,bricked up.
[DUGGAN] Is it important?
[DOCTOR] Let's look.
[DOCTOR] Very impressive.
[ROMANA] The brickwork's very old.
[DOCTOR] Yes, four to five hundred years.
[DUGGAN] In which case it can wait another hour or two while we sortthese guys out.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. In my view, a room that's been bricked up for fouror five hundred years is urgently overdue for an airing.
[DUGGAN] Come on, let's get out of here. We've got the Mona Lisa toworry about.
[DOCTOR] Duggan.
(Drawing room)
[SCARLIONI] So, there is the problem. A box constructed of steel andplate glass, but merely a physical barrier to protect the painting fromattack. We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
[SCARLIONI] Now wait. We now come to the second and far more interestingline of defence. The laser beams. Interrupt them, and every alarm inParis will go off instantly. To get through them, we must alter therefractive index of the very air itself. Hermann.
[SCARLIONI] A prismatic beam now deflects the beams and the picture isaccessible.
[SCARLIONI] A useful little device. Wear it always.
[COUNTESS] My dear, you must be a genius.
[SCARLIONI] Let's just say I come from a family of geniuses. Tonight,enough of rehearsals. Tonight, the real thing!
[ROMANA] Why do you suppose the Count's got all this equipment, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] He seems to be financing some dangerous experiment with time.The professor, of course, thinks he's breeding chickens.
[DUGGAN] Stealing the Mona Lisa to pay for chickens?
[ROMANA] Yes, but who'd want to buy the Mona Lisa? You can hardly showit if it's known to be stolen.
[DUGGAN] There are at least seven people in my address book who'd paymillions for that picture for their private collection.
[ROMANA] But no one could even know they'd got it!
[DUGGAN] It would be an expensive gloat, but they'd buy it.
[ROMANA] How are we going to move this last bit?
[DOCTOR] I think I'm going to need some machinery.
[DUGGAN] I've got all the machinery I need.
[DUGGAN] Stand back.
(Secret room)
[ROMANA] What are they, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[DUGGAN] They've been here a long time. Get on with it.
[DOCTOR] It's the Mona Lisa.
[DUGGAN] Must be a fake.
[DOCTOR] I don't know what's hanging in the Louvre, but this is thegenuine article.
[DUGGAN] What?
[DUGGAN] They must be fakes.
[DOCTOR] The brushwork's Leonardo's.
[DUGGAN] How can you tell?
[DOCTOR] It's as characteristic as a signature. The pigment, too.
[DUGGAN] On all of them?
[DOCTOR] Every one. What I don't understand is why a man who's got sixMona Lisas wants to go to all the trouble of stealing a seventh.
[DUGGAN] Come on, Doctor, I've just told you. There are seven people whowould buy the Mona Lisa in secret, but nobody's going to buy the MonaLisa when it's hanging in the Louvre!
[ROMANA] Of course. They'd each have to think they were buying thestolen one.
[DUGGAN] Right.
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't make a very good criminal, would I?
[SCARLIONI] No. Good criminals don't get caught. I see you've found someof my pictures. Rather good, aren't they? By the end of this evening, Ishall have a seventh.
[DOCTOR] Can I ask you where you got these?
[DOCTOR] Right. Or how you knew they were here?
[DOCTOR] They've been bricked up a long time.
[DOCTOR] I like concise answers.
[SCARLIONI] Good. I came down to find Kerensky.
[SCARLIONI] But he doesn't seem to be able to speak to me.
[SCARLIONI] Can you throw any light on that?
[DUGGAN] I can.
[DOCTOR] Duggan! Duggan, why is it that every time I start to talk tosomeone, you knock him unconscious?
[DUGGAN] I didn't expect him to go down that easy.
[DOCTOR] Well, if you don't understand heads, you shouldn't go abouthitting them.
[DUGGAN] Well, what else would you suggest?
[DOCTOR] Duggan! Your job is to stop his men from stealing the MonaLisa. The other Mona Lisa.
[DUGGAN] Sorry, my lady.
[DOCTOR] I should think so, too. That was a Ming vase, second dynasty.Absolutely priceless.
[DUGGAN] Come on, we've got to get to the Louvre.
[DOCTOR] No, you have. Romana, you look after him. I've got to go meetan Italian. Middle-aged Italian. In fact, late middle-aged.Renaissance. Come on.
(Denise Rene Gallery)
[DOCTOR] Hello, K9. You all right?
(Leonardo's studio)
[DOCTOR] Leonardo? Leonardo? Ah, that Renaissance sunshine. Leonardo?The paintings went down very well. Everybody loved them. Last Supper,Mona Lisa. You remember the Mona Lisa? That dreadful woman with noeyebrows who wouldn't sit still, eh? Your idea for the helicopter tooka bit longer to catch on, but as I say, these things take time.
[SOLDIER] Who are you? What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, I just dropped by to see Leonardo, actually. Is heabout?
[SOLDIER] Nobody's allowed to see Leonardo.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[SOLDIER] He's engaged on important work for Captain Tancredi.
[DOCTOR] Captain Tancredi?
[SOLDIER] Do you know him?
[SOLDIER] He'll want to question you.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll want to question him, so we can both have a littlechat, can't we.
[SOLDIER] He'll be here instantly.
[DOCTOR] You. What are you doing here?
[TANCREDI] I think that is exactly the question I ought to be askingyou, Doctor.
(Louvre - Salle des Etats)
[ROMANA] I thought the Louvre was meant to be well-guarded.
[DUGGAN] It is. It just looks as though every alarm in the place hasbeen immobilised. A fantastic feat.
[ROMANA] The Count's got some clever technology here as well.
[DUGGAN] There's another alarm been immobilised.
[ROMANA] You've got a pretty cynical attitude to life, haven't you,Duggan.
[DUGGAN] Well, when you've been around as long as I have. How old areyou, anyway?
[ROMANA] Hundred and twenty five.
[DUGGAN] What?
[ROMANA] It's gone!
[DUGGAN] The system around it should be absolutely impregnable. It can'tbe turned off!
[ROMANA] Well, someone seems to have managed it somehow.
[DUGGAN] But the only way that you can get into that painting is to
[DUGGAN] Hells bells!
[ROMANA] That's what it sounds like. Let's go!
[DUGGAN] Split up. We'll meet back at the cafe.
[ROMANA] But how do you suggest we get out?
[DUGGAN] See that window?
(Secret room)
[KERENSKY] Mona Lisas.
[SCARLIONI] Doctor, will you explain to me exactly how you come to be inParis 1979 and
(Leonardo's studio)
[TANCREDI] Florence 1505. I am waiting, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, I do flit about a bit, you know.
[TANCREDI] Through time?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose so.
[TANCREDI] How, precisely?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I don't seem to be able to help myself. There Iam, just walking along minding my own business and pop! I'm on adifferent planet or even a different time. But enough of my problems.What are you doing here?
[TANCREDI] I will tell you. The knowledge will be of little use to you,since you will shortly die. I am the last of the Jagaroth. I am alsothe saviour of the Jagaroth.
[DOCTOR] Well, I mean, if you're the last of them, there can't be thatmany about to save, can there? Jagaroth?
[TANCREDI] You've heard of us.
[DOCTOR] Jagaroth. I think it was on one of my trips. Yes, you alldestroyed yourself in some massive war. Wait, when.
[TANCREDI] Four hundred million years I think is the figure you'relooking for.
[DOCTOR] Is it really? How time passes. So what are you doing here?
[TANCREDI] Surviving. The prime motive of all species. We were not alldestroyed. A few of us escaped in a crippled spacecraft and madeplanetfall in this world in its primeval time. We found ituninhabitable.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, four hundred million years ago it would have been abit of a shambles. No life to tidy it up. No life.
[TANCREDI] We tried to leave but the ship disintegrated. I wasfractured. Splinters of my being are scattered in time. All identical,none complete. I am not satisfied with your explanation. How do youtravel through time?
[DOCTOR] Well, as I was saying
[TANCREDI] What is that box?
[DOCTOR] What box?
[TANCREDI] That box.
[DOCTOR] That box? I don't know. I've never seen that box in my life.Ah!
[DOCTOR] The original, I presume? Completed in 1503 and it's now what,1505, and you're getting the old boy to do you another six, yes, whichyou then brick up in a cellar in Paris for Scarlioni to find in fourhundred and seventy four time. That's a very nice piece of capitalinvestment.
[TANCREDI] I can see that you are a dangerously clever man, Doctor. Ithink it's time we conducted this conversation somewhat more formally.
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you.
[TANCREDI] Hold him here while I collect the instruments of torture. Ifhe wags his tongue, confiscate it.
[DOCTOR] How can I talk if you confiscate my
[TANCREDI] You can write, can't you?
[DOCTOR] He's mad, isn't he? Must be a tough job humouring him. Youdon't believe all that, do you?
[DOCTOR] Well, Jagaroth spaceships. Isn't it. Isn't it?
[SOLDIER] I'm paid simply to fight.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I mean, quite honestly, when you think about allthat Jagaroth spaceship.
[SOLDIER] When you work for the Borgias, you believe anything.
[DOCTOR] The Borgias? Yes, yes, I see your point.
[SOLDIER] As I said, I'm paid to fight.
[DOCTOR] Yes. As I said, I see your point.
[DOCTOR] No, no, it's all right, all right. Come on now. Smile. You cando it. There you are.
[DOCTOR] There we are. Here we are, look.
[DOCTOR] Isn't that nice? Isn't that nice?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Dear Leo. Sorry to have missed you. Hope you're well.Sorry about the mess on the panels. Just paint over, there's a goodchap. See you earlier. Love, the Doctor.
[TANCREDI] Just about to pop off through time again, Doctor? How verydiscourteous when I'd gone to all the trouble of fetching thethumbscrews.
(Secret room)
[SCARLIONI] Kerensky.
[SCARLIONI] Where am I?
[KERENSKY] In Paris, of course.
[SCARLIONI] A dream. Perhaps a dream.
[KERENSKY] Who, who are you?
[SCARLIONI] I am who I am, Kerensky. I am the one who pays you to work.Now, to it. Time is short.
[KERENSKY] But your face.
[SCARLIONI] Do you pick a quarrel with my face, Kerensky? Beware I donot pick a quarrel with yours. I may choose instruments somewhatsharper than words.
[KERENSKY] Who are the Jagaroth?
[SCARLIONI] So, no dream. The Jagaroth. You serve the Jagaroth. Nowwork!
[KERENSKY] It's the Jagaroth who need all the chickens, is it?
[SCARLIONI] The chickens! You never cease to amaze me, that such a giantintellect could live in such a tiny mind.
[JAGAROTH [OC]] Scaroth!
[SCARLIONI] I must think. I must have time to think.
[KERENSKY] What have you been making me work for? I thought we wereworking to feed the human race.
[SCARLIONI] The human race. We are working for a far greater purpose, ona scale you could not conceive. The fate of the Jagaroth is in myhands, and you will work for my purpose willingly or unwillingly.
(Notre Dame Brasserie)
[DUGGAN] I thought these places were meant to be open all night.
[ROMANA] You should go into partnership with a glazier. You'd have atruly symbiotic working relationship.
[DUGGAN] What?
[ROMANA] I'm just pointing out that you break a lot of glass.
[DUGGAN] You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
[ROMANA] If you wanted an omelette, I'd expect to find a pile of brokencrockery, a cooker in flames and an unconscious chef.
[DUGGAN] Listen, I get results.
[ROMANA] Do you? The Count's got the Mona Lisa.
[DUGGAN] Yeah, all seven of them. You know what I don't understand?
[ROMANA] I expect so.
[DUGGAN] There are seven potential buyers and exactly seven Mona Lisas.
[DUGGAN] Yet six of them have been sitting bricked up for centuries.
[ROMANA] What, buyers?
[DUGGAN] No, Mona Lisas. How did the Count know where they were? How didhe know where to get them?
[ROMANA] Taxes the mind, doesn't it.
[SCARLIONI] You will now see the true end product of your labours. Thisis what you will now produce for me. Look at it.
[KERENSKY] But Count, this machine is precisely the reverse of what we,of what I have been working on.
[SCARLIONI] But you will agree that the research you have done under myguidance points equally well in either direction.
[KERENSKY] Yes, yes, it does. It means increasing the very effect I wastrying to eliminate.
[SCARLIONI] Precisely.
[KERENSKY] But the scale of this is fantastic. Count, what you aretrying to do, this is monstrous beyond imagining.
[SCARLIONI] But you will do it.
[KERENSKY] No! A thousand times no.
[KERENSKY] Even if I wanted to, I could not.
[SCARLIONI] Oh? Why is that?
[KERENSKY] Equipment on this scale, power on this scale, it would costmillions and millions. Even you, Count, could not afford such things.
[HERMANN [OC]] Excellency!
[HERMANN] Excellency! The Mona Lisa is no longer in the Louvre!
[SCARLIONI] Ha ha! Excellent, Hermann, excellent.
[HERMANN] The moment the news breaks, sir, each of our seven buyers willbe ready.
[SCARLIONI] And how much money will this bring us, Hermann?
[HERMANN] About a hundred million dollars, sir.
[SCARLIONI] Continue with your work, Professor. Enjoy it, or you willdie.
(Leonardo's studio)
[TANCREDI] I haven't started yet.
[DOCTOR] I know, it's just his hands are cold.
[TANCREDI] So sensitive. I think we're in for a little treat.
[DOCTOR] All this is totally unnecessary.
[TANCREDI] You make it necessary. You will not tell me the truth.
[DOCTOR] I've changed my mind. If there's one thing I can't stand, it'sbeing tortured by someone with cold hands. What is it you want to know?
[TANCREDI] Excellent. I want to know how you travel through time.
[DOCTOR] It's simple. I'm a Time Lord.
[TANCREDI] And the girl? The truth.
[DOCTOR] Well.
[TANCREDI] Time is running out, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, time's running out. It's only 1505.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right. I'll tell you. There is one thing I'dlike to know is how do you communicate across time with the othersplinters of yourself?
[TANCREDI] I am asking the questions.
(Drawing room)
[COUNTESS] Why do you still worry, my dear? We've done it! We have theMona Lisa. Think of the wealth that will be ours.
[SCARLIONI] The wealth is not everything.
[COUNTESS] Of course. The achievement. Yes, the achievement.
[SCARLIONI] Achievement? You talk to me of achievement because I stealthe Mona Lisa? Can you imagine how a man might feel who has caused thepyramids to be built, the heavens to be mapped, invented the firstwheel, shown the true use of fire, brought up a whole race from nothingto save his own race?
[COUNTESS] What are you talking about? No one can achieve everything.
[SCARLIONI] I do not ask for everything. I ask for but a single life andthe life of my people.
[COUNTESS] Are you feeling all right, my dear?
[JAGAROTH [OC]] Scaroth.
[JAGAROTH [OC]] Scaroth.
[SCARLIONI] I'm feeling quite well. Please leave us.
[SCARLIONI] Me. Leave me.
[JAGAROTH [OC]] Scaroth! Scaroth.
[COUNTESS] Are you sure there's nothing I can do?
[SCAROTH [OC]] Scaroth.
[SCARLIONI] Scaroth.
(Leonardo's studio)
[SCAROTH [OC]] Scaroth. Scaroth.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[TANCREDI] Continue. The interface of the time continuums is unstable, Iknow that. Tell me, tell me something useful.
[SCAROTH [OC]] Scaroth!
[DOCTOR] Right-o.
[TANCREDI] No, not you. Continue, Doctor.
[SCAROTH] Scaroth!
[TANCREDI] A moment!
[DOCTOR] Is he often like this?
[SOLDIER] I'm not paid to notice.
[TANCREDI] Yes, I know.
[SCAROTH [OC]] Scaroth!
[SOLDIER] Captain!
[TANCREDI] I know. Leave us.
[TANCREDI] Me. Leave me!
[SCAROTH [OC]] Scaroth!
[TANCREDI] I'm coming. Yes.
[SCAROTH [OC]] Scaroth! We are here. Together we are Scaroth. I amScaroth.
[SCAROTH [OC]] Me, together in one. The Jagaroth live through me.Together we have pushed this puny race of humans, shaped their paltrydestiny to meet our ends. Soon we shall be. The centuries that divideme shall be undone. The centuries that divide me shall be undone.
[TANCREDI] The centuries that divide me shall be undone!
[TANCREDI [on scanner]] The centuries that divide me shall be undone.
(Leonardo's studio)
[TANCREDI] Undone!
(Drawing room)
[SCARLIONI] So, the Doctor has the secret. TheDoctor and the girl.
(Denise Rene gallery)
[DOCTOR] The centuries that divide me shall be undone. I don't like thesound of that.
(Notre Dame Brasserie)
[ROMANA] Your coffee'll get cold.
[DUGGAN] What?
[ROMANA] Here, have some coffee.
[DUGGAN] That's it.
[ROMANA] What?
[DUGGAN] I'm washed up. I'm sent to Paris to find out if anything odd ishappening in the art world and what happens? The Mona Lisa gets stolenunder my nose. Odd, isn't in it.
[ROMANA] I'm going to leave a note for the Doctor. I really think weshould go and get it back, don't you?
[DUGGAN] Yeah, but which one? I've seen seven. What am I going to seetoday, half a dozen Eiffel Towers lying about?
[ROMANA] The real Mona Lisa. The original.
[DUGGAN] Well, how do you account for the others?
[ROMANA] Well, perhaps you're right. Perhaps Scarlioni has discovered away to travel in time. Yes, perhaps he went back in time, had a chat toLeonardo, got him to rustle up another six, came forward in time, stolethe one in the Louvre, and now sells all seven at enormous profit.Sound reasonable?
[DUGGAN] I used to do divorce investigations. It was never like this.
[ROMANA] There's only one flaw in that line of reasoning as far as I cansee.
[DUGGAN] There is?
[ROMANA] That equipment of Kerensky's wouldn't work effectively as atime machine.
[DUGGAN] It wouldn't.
[ROMANA] You can have two adjacent time continuums running at differentrates.
[DUGGAN] You can.
[ROMANA] But without a field interface stabiliser, you can't cross fromone to the other.
[DUGGAN] You can't.
[ROMANA] I'm just guessing. Come on, let's get back to the chateau whereat least you can thump somebody.
(Outside the Louvre)
[DOCTOR] Well, what news?
[GENDARME] Sir, it is very grave. The picture of the Mona Lisa has beenstolen.
[DOCTOR] What?
(Louvre - Salle des Etats)
[DOCTOR] Excuse me. Ah, it's you. Did you notice two people trying tostop that painting from being stolen last night?
[GUIDE] Excuse me, monsieur?
[DOCTOR] Two people. One was a pretty girl and a young man, fair hair.He was always hitting. Shush. Were they here?
[GUIDE] No, monsieur, no. But I think you should speak to the police.
[DOCTOR] Shush. No time. I've got the human race to think about. Shush.The human race.
(Notre Dame Brasserie)
[TV] The stolen picture, probably the most famous in the world, waspainted in 1503 by Leonardo da Vinci and is of the wife of Francesco.
[CUSTOMER] I'll see you.
[DOCTOR] Patron, you remember those two people I was in here withyesterday? We kept being held up and attacked. Smashing things. Youdon't happen to know where they went, do you? No. They can't have beenmad enough to go back to the chateau.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. (reads) Dear Doctor, gone back to the chateau. Thankyou.
(Drawing room)
[HERMANN] As soon as the alarm sounded, Excellency. He was halfwaythrough the window and she was outside. I thought you might wish tospeak to them so I called off the dogs. They cannot be professionals.
[SCARLIONI] My dear, it was not necessary for you to enter my house by,we could hardly call it stealth. You had only to knock on the door.I've been very anxious to renew our acquaintance. In fact, I was almoston the point of sending out a search party.
[DUGGAN] Listen, Scarlioni.
[SCARLIONI] I'm speaking to the young lady. You have some knowledgewhich could be very useful to me.
[DUGGAN] You'd better not touch her, Scarlioni.
[SCARLIONI] Oh, do be quiet.
[ROMANA] I'll look after myself, thank you.
[SCARLIONI] Please, do sit down. Oh.
[SCARLIONI] Now I understand you have some highly specialised knowledgewhich could be of immense service to me.
[ROMANA] Who, me?
[SCARLIONI] I'm speaking of temporal engineering. I am told that you area considerable authority on time travel.
[ROMANA] Well, I don't know who could have given you that idea.
[SCARLIONI] Your friend the Doctor let it slip.
[ROMANA] The Doctor? But he's in er
[SCARLIONI] Yes, Florence, sixteenth century. That's where I, we methim.
[DUGGAN] Can anyone join in this conversation or do you need acertificate?
[SCARLIONI] If he interrupts again, Hermann, kill him.
[SCARLIONI] Perhaps you'd care to come downstairs and examine theequipment in more detail?
[ROMANA] And if I refuse?
[SCARLIONI] Oh, must we go into vulgar threats? Let us just say that Ishall destroy Paris, if that'll help you make up your minds.
[ROMANA] And am I supposed to believe you can do that?
[SCARLIONI] Well, you won't know until you've seen the equipment, willyou. Bring him.
[HERMANN] Yes, sir.
[DUGGAN] Can he?
[ROMANA] What?
[DUGGAN] Destroy Paris?
[ROMANA] What, with this lot?
[DUGGAN] Yeah.
[ROMANA] No trouble. Blast the whole city through an unstablised timefield.
[DUGGAN] You don't seriously believe all this time travel nonsense, doyou?
[ROMANA] Do you believe wood comes from trees?
[DUGGAN] What do you mean?
[ROMANA] It's just a fact of life one's brought up with.
[SCARLIONI] You're beginning to appreciate the truth of my words then,are you?
[ROMANA] That you can destroy Paris? Yes.
[KERENSKY] Why all this talk of destruction? What are you doing with mywork?
[SCARLIONI] Professor, I shall show you. Would you care to examine thefield generator?
[SCARLIONI] You will now see, my dear, how I deal with fools.
[KERENSKY] No, not that switch!
[SCARLIONI] The unfortunate effect of an unstablised time field. Now, Ishall do exactly the same thing to the whole of this city unless youreveal to me the secret of how to stabilise that field.
[DUGGAN] You're mad. You're insane. You're inhuman!
[SCARLIONI] Quite so. When I compare my race to yours, human, I take theword inhuman as a great compliment.
[DUGGAN] You couldn't possibly
[SCARLIONI] Oh, do be quiet.
[ROMANA] Count, you must have realised by now that I'm not from thisplanet. Why should it worry me if you destroy Paris?
[DUGGAN] What are you talking about?
[SCARLIONI] You had your warning. Hermann, kill him.
[SCARLIONI] Ah, so you do care. I think you've answered your ownquestion. Not a very clever bluff.
[ROMANA] All right, what are you trying to do?
[SCARLIONI] You agree to cooperate then?
[ROMANA] Just tell me what you're trying to do and I'll see.
[SCARLIONI] Excellent. Hermann.
[SCARLIONI] Take him away. Lock him up.
[HERMANN] Yes, sir.
[SCARLIONI] I shall keep him as an insurance policy, since it isunfortunately not possible to kill him twice.
[SCARLIONI] Now, my problem is very simple. Four hundred million yearsago, the spaceship which I was piloting exploded while I was trying totake off from the surface of this planet.
[ROMANA] That was clumsy of you.
[SCARLIONI] A calculated risk. The spaceship sustained considerabledamage. I was in the warp control cabin and when the explosion occurredI was flung into the time vortex and split into twelve different partswhich lead, or have led, independent but connected lives in times inthis planet's history. Not a very satisfactory mode of existence.
[ROMANA] So you want to reunite yourself, yes?
[SCARLIONI] More than that. I want to go back to where my spaceship is.Was. And stop my original self from pressing the button.
[ROMANA] And you were hoping to do that with this lot?
[SCARLIONI] You underestimate the problems with which I was faced. Mytwelve various selves have been working throughout history to pushforward this miserably primitive race so that even this low level oftechnology could be available to me now.
[ROMANA] But this won't work. Put yourself in that bubble and you wouldeither regress back to being a baby again or go forward to old age.
[SCARLIONI] I had worked out a way, but it would have taken rather toolong. Now, with your help, I shall be able to return with ease. Now,build me a field interface stabiliser. Do it.
[ROMANA] All right, I'll help you.
(Drawing room)
[DOCTOR] I'd like to make an appointment with CountScarlioni at his earliest convenience, if you don't mind, that is.
[DOCTOR] Ah, someone in authority. I wonder, would you be kind and tellthe Count that I wait upon him, please? There's a good girl.
[DOCTOR] The silent type, eh? I once knew a boy like you. Never said aword, very taciturn. Well, I said to him, there's no point in talkingif you've got nothing to say. Did well in the end, though. Name ofShakespeare. Ever read any Shakespeare? Countess?
[COUNTESS] A little.
[COUNTESS] Hamlet. The first draft.
[DOCTOR] What? It's been missing for centuries.
[COUNTESS] It's quite genuine, I assure you.
[DOCTOR] I know. I recognise the handwriting.
[COUNTESS] Shakespeare's.
[DOCTOR] No, mine. He'd sprained his wrist writing sonnets. Wonderfulstuff. To be or not to be, that's the question. Whether tis nobler inthe mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or totake arms against a sea of troubles and. Take arms against a sea oftroubles? That's a mixed. I told him that was a mixed metaphor and hewould insist.
[COUNTESS] Oh Doctor, I'm quite convinced that you're perfectly mad.
[DOCTOR] Only Nor-norwest. Nobody's perfect. If you think I'm madbecause I say I met Shakespeare, where do you think your precious Countgot that?
[COUNTESS] He's a collector. He has money and contacts.
[DOCTOR] Contacts? Human contacts? How much do you really know abouthim, eh? I think rather less than you imagine.
[HERMANN] Excellency!
[SCARLIONI] Don't tell me. The Doctor's here.
[HERMANN] Why, yes, sir. So I've only just been told by the maid.
[SCARLIONI] I knew it. Bring him down here.
[HERMANN] Yes, sir.
(Drawing room)
[DOCTOR] How long have you been married to theCount?
[COUNTESS] Long enough.
[DOCTOR] Long enough. I like that. Discretion and charm. So civilised.So terribly unhelpful.
[COUNTESS] Discretion and charm. I couldn't live without it, especiallyin matters concerning the Count.
[DOCTOR] There is such a thing as discretion. There's also such a thingas wilful blindness.
[COUNTESS] Blind? I help him to steal the Mona Lisa, the greatest crimein the century, and you call me blind?
[DOCTOR] Yes! You see the Count as a master criminal, an art dealer, aninsanely wealthy man, and you'd like to see yourself as his consort.But what's he doing in the cellar?
[COUNTESS] Tinkering. Every man must have his hobby.
[DOCTOR] Man? Are you sure of that? A man with one eye and green skin,eh? Ransacking the art treasures of history to help him make a machineto reunite him with his people, the Jagaroth, and you didn't noticeanything? How discreet, how charming.
[HERMANN] Excuse me, my lady. Doctor, the Count is very anxious to seeyou in the cellar.
[DOCTOR] Think about it, Countess. Think about it.
[DOCTOR] Ah, Count. Hello. I wonder if you couldspare me a moment of your time. Romana, hello, how are you? I see theCount's roped you in as a lab assistant. What are you making for him? Amodel railway? Gallifreyan egg timer? I hope you're not making a timemachine. I shall be very angry.
[SCARLIONI] Doctor, how very nice to see you again. It seems like onlyfour hundred and seventy four since we last met.
[DOCTOR] Indeed, indeed, yes. I so much prefer the weather in the earlypart of the sixteenth century, don't you? Where's Duggan?
[DUGGAN] Doctor, get me out of here.
[DOCTOR] Ah, there you are, Duggan. Are you behaving yourself? Good,good. Now, Count, this is what I've come to say. If you're thinking ofgoing back in time, you'd better forget it.
[SCARLIONI] And why do you say that?
[DOCTOR] Well, because I'm going to stop you.
[SCARLIONI] Oh no, on the contrary, Doctor, you're going to help me.
[DOCTOR] I am?
[SCARLIONI] You are indeed. And if you do not, it'll be so much theworse for you, for this young lady, and for thousands of other people Icould mention if I happened to have the Paris telephone directory on myperson.
[DOCTOR] Count, that sort of blackmail won't work because I know whatthe consequences will be if you get what you wanted. I can't let youfool about with time.
[SCARLIONI] What else do you ever do?
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, I'm a professional. I know what I'm doing. I alsoknow what you're doing. Romana, put the equipment down.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it's all right. He just wants to get back to hisspaceship and reunite himself.
[SCARLIONI] Doctor, I think we can dispense both with your interferenceand with your help. Your friend has done her work very well indeed.
[DOCTOR] Count, do you realise what will happen if you try to go back tothe time before history began?
[SCARLIONI] Yes. Yes, I do. And I don't care one jot. Hermann.
[SCARLIONI] Lock them in the cellar. They shall stay long enough towatch my departure.
[HERMANN] Yes, sir.
[SCARLIONI] After that, kill them in whatever way takes your fancy.
[HERMANN] Very good, sir.
[SCARLIONI] I must say my farewells to the Countess.
(Drawing room)
[SCARLIONI] My dear?
[COUNTESS] Close the door. Now, what are you?
[SCARLIONI] I beg your pardon?
[COUNTESS] What have I been living with all these years? Where are youfrom and what do you want?
[SCARLIONI] If I may answer those questions in reverse order, what Iwant is a drink. Will you have one?
[COUNTESS] Stay away! Put it down! Now, who are you?
[SCARLIONI] I am Scaroth.
[COUNTESS] Scaroth?
[SCARLIONI] Last of the Jagaroth. It has not been difficult keepingsecrets from you, my dear. A few fur coats, a few trinkets, a littlenefarious excitement.
[COUNTESS] What are the Jagaroth?
[SCARLIONI] The Jagaroth. An infinitely old race and an infinitelysuperior one. I shall show you what you want to know, my dear.
[SCAROTH] I am Scaroth. Through me, my people will live again. I'd gladto see you are still wearing the bracelet I designed for you, my dear.It is, as I said, a useful device.
[SCAROTH] Goodbye, my dear. I'm sorry you had to die. But then, in ashort while you will have ceased ever to have existed.
[ROMANA] If I'd know I was helping the Jagaroth.
[DUGGAN] Jagaroth?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[DUGGAN] What's a Jagaroth?
[DOCTOR] They're not nice to know.
[ROMANA] So that's why he had to go back in time. He had to reversehistory in order to save the Jagaroth race, and I've made thatpossible.
[DOCTOR] Yes, without the stabiliser he only had the time bubble.
[DUGGAN] And he couldn't get into that. You saw what happened to theProfessor and the chicken.
[ROMANA] It doesn't travel in time, it just goes forwards or backwardsin its own lifecycle. If he'd got in it he'd just have become a babyagain.
[DOCTOR] What he was really trying to do was to put the whole world inthe bubble, like those tiny jumps in time when we first arrived.
[ROMANA] Of course.
[DOCTOR] Cracks in time. He shifted the whole world back in time for twoseconds, but what he really wanted to do was shift the whole world backin time four hundred million years.
[ROMANA] But without the stabiliser, he couldn't have been there himselfto save his ship. Yeah, but how would he get the power? It would befantastic.
[DOCTOR] What do you think we've been chasing about for all this time?
[DUGGAN] The Mona Lisas.
[DOCTOR] Yes. He couldn't have sold them anyway.
[DUGGAN] Why not?
[DOCTOR] Well, before Leonardo painted them, I wrote These are Fakes onthe blank board with felt tip. It would show up under any x-ray.
[ROMANA] Doctor, there won't be any x-rays for it to show up on if hegets back to that ship.
[DOCTOR] No, because you supplied him with the vital component heneeded.
[ROMANA] Wait a minute. When I made that component, I rigged it so thatit could only go back in time for two minutes. After that, he'd becatapulted back to his own time, here. Now he couldn't do any harm.
[DOCTOR] One minute would be sufficient for him to go back in time,contact his ship and prevent it exploding. He wouldn't then besplintered in time and all history would be changed.
[ROMANA] We must do something to stop him.
[DOCTOR] I've got an idea.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] We'll ask Duggan.
[BOTH] Duggan?
[DUGGAN] Right, stand back again.
[SCAROTH] You now see me as I truly am.
[DOCTOR] Very pretty.
[SCAROTH] And you will see the culmination of my live's work.
[DOCTOR] How very fulfilling for you.
[SCAROTH] For thousands upon thousands of years my various splinteredselves have been working for this moment, and now, with the aid of thisdevice, so kindly supplied by the young lady, I shall be able to makethis equipment into a fully operational machine. I'm well aware of thelimitations you have built into it, my dear. They will not affect theoutcome. I shall return to my spaceship the moment before it explodedand stop myself from pressing the button. You will not be able to readthe settings on the dial, Doctor. They will explode as soon asactivated.
[SCAROTH] Goodbye, Doctor.
[DUGGAN] Well, that's got rid of that, then. I need a drink.
[DOCTOR] What? We're going on a journey.
[DUGGAN] Where to?
[ROMANA] Four hundred million years ago.
[DUGGAN] Where?
[DOCTOR] Just don't ask. Come on.
[ROMANA] We haven't got the time or place coordinates, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] The Jagaroth will leave a faint tracethrough time, but we can only follow it if we get to the Tardis inminutes. Come on.
[DUGGAN] Mad, mad. They're absolutely mad.
[DOCTOR] Is no one interested in history?
(Denise Rene Gallery)
[CLEESE] To me, one of the most curious things about this piece is itswonderful afunctionalism.
[ELEANOR] Yes, I see what you mean. Divorced from its function and seenpurely as a piece of art, its structure of line and colour is curiouslycounterpointed by the redundant vestiges of its function.
[CLEESE] And since it has no call to be here, the art lies in the factthat it is here.
[ELEANOR] Exquisite. Absolutely exquisite.
(400 million years BC)
[DUGGAN] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] This will be the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
[DUGGAN] We're standing on land.
[ROMANA] He's out of his depth.
[DOCTOR] Duggan, we are where I promised we'd be. Four hundred millionyears back in Earth history.
[ROMANA] I can see why the Jagaroth wanted to leave.
[ROMANA] Where's the Count?
[DOCTOR] He'll be here. Ah. There's the Jagaroth ship. The last of theJagaroth, a vicious, callous, war-like race. The universe won't missthem.
(Outside the spaceship)
[ROMANA] You can see why it must have exploded.
[ROMANA] Its atmospheric thrust motors are disabled. The idiots'll tryto take off on warp drive.
[DUGGAN] That's a spaceship!
[DOCTOR] The amniotic fluid from which all life on Earth will spring,where the amino acids fuse to form minute cells. Cells which eventuallyevolve into vegetable and animal life. You, Duggan.
[DUGGAN] I come from that, that soup?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, not that soup exactly. It's inert. There's no lifein it yet. It's waiting on a massive dose of radiation.
[ROMANA] The Jagaroth ship.
[DOCTOR] Yes. The explosion that caused Scarlioni to splinter in timealso caused the birth of the human race, and that's what's about tohappen. The birth of life itself.
[DUGGAN] Here, while we watch?
[DOCTOR] No, no, if we were watching we'd be in dead trouble. We've gotto stop Scaroth.
[DUGGAN] Scaroth?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's his real name. If we don't stop him, the entirehuman race will cease to exist instantly.
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[SCAROTH] Stop! Stop, my brothers! In the names of the lives of all ofus, stop!
[DOCTOR] Scaroth. We've got to stop him.
[SCAROTH] Keep out of my way. I must get to the ship.
[DOCTOR] No, Scaroth, you can't.
[SCAROTH] I'm in that ship. I'm in the warp control cabin. I must stopmyself pressing the button.
[DOCTOR] No, Scaroth, no. You've pressed it once. You've thrown the diceonce. You don't get a second throw.
[SCAROTH] But I will splinter in time again, and all my people will bekilled!
[DOCTOR] No! The explosion that you in there are about to trigger offwill give birth to the human race. The moment your race kills itself,another is born. That has happened. It will happen.
[SCAROTH] What do I care of the human race? Scum! The tools of mysalvation.
[DOCTOR] No, the product of your destruction. History cannot change. Itcannot!
[SCAROTH] I will change it!
[DOCTOR] Duggan. Duggan. I think that was possibly the most importantpunch in history.
[DOCTOR] His time's up. He's gone back to the chateau.
[ROMANA] Let's get back to the Tardis.
[DUGGAN] The ship! It's about to take off!
[DOCTOR] It's about to explode, you mean. Come on!
[SCAROTH] No, Hermann, no. It's me!
(Eiffel Tower)
[DUGGAN] The one nearest the wall?
[DOCTOR] Mmm. It was the only one that wasn't damaged in the fire.
[DUGGAN] But it's a fake! You can't hang a fake Mona Lisa in the Louvre.
[ROMANA] How can it be a fake if Leonardo painted it?
[DUGGAN] With the words This is a Fake written under the paintwork infelt tip.
[ROMANA] It doesn't affect what it looks like.
[DUGGAN] It doesn't matter what it looks like.
[DOCTOR] Doesn't it? Well, some people would say that's the whole pointof painting.
[DUGGAN] But they'll find out. They'll x-ray it.
[DOCTOR] Serves them right. If they have to x-ray it to find out whetherit's good or not, they might as well have painting by computer.
[ROMANA] Like we have at home.
[DUGGAN] Home.
[DUGGAN] Yes. Where do you two come from?
[DOCTOR] From? Well, I suppose the best way to find out where you'vecome from is to find out where you're going and then work backwards.
[DUGGAN] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[ROMANA] Nor do I.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye.
[DOCTOR] Bye, bye, Duggan!
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s17", "episode": "e02", "title": "City of Death"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (27 Oct, 1979; Fourth Doctor) - The Creature from the Pit
(Above the pit)
[K9] Peter gave himself for lost and shed big tears, but his sobs wereoverheard by some friendly sparrows who flew to him in great excitementand implored him to exert himself.
[ROMANA] Doctor, I've been cleaning out number four hold. You've got themost awful lot of junk in there.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Something terribly exciting's about to happen.
[ROMANA] Oh, really? What?
[DOCTOR] Mister McGregor.
[DOCTOR] Mister McGregor. He's chasing Peter Rabbit. He's got a sieve.He's going to pop it on top of Peter!
[ROMANA] Don't worry. He'll wriggle out, lose his jacket and hop into awatering can.
[DOCTOR] Atchoo.
[K9] Bless you.
[DOCTOR] Junk? Did you say junk? I don't carry junk.
[ROMANA] What do you call this lot, then?
[DOCTOR] That's extremely valuable equipment.
[ROMANA] An old ball of string?
[DOCTOR] Give that to me. Come on, give it to me.
[ROMANA] (reads label on bottom) To the Doctor. A souvenir with love andthanks for all his help with the Minotaur. Theseus and Ariadne.
[DOCTOR] Yes. If I hadn't produced that ball of string to find a way outof the labyrinth, they were going to unravel my scarf, the wretches.
[ROMANA] All right, but what can you possibly do with the old jawbone ofan ass?
[DOCTOR] Don't be a philistine.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] That jawbone's been about a bit, you know.
[ROMANA] All right, so what's this then?
[DOCTOR] Well, that's just a bit of old junk.
[K9] A mark three emergency transceiver, mistress.
[ROMANA] You mean it's part of the Tardis?
[K9] Correct, mistress.
[ROMANA] Then why isn't it plugged in, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Because is doesn't work.
[K9] Incorrect, master. The transceiver is fully operative.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but it's an awful nuisance.
[ROMANA] You mean you kept getting calls from Gallifrey all the time.Would you do this, would you do that?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Such a bore.
[ROMANA] That's what it's for.
[DOCTOR] What, to bore?
[ROMANA] No, to receive and send distress signals.
[DOCTOR] I was never in distress.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, not often. I mean, not what you'd call often. Go on, plugit in.
[DOCTOR] Switch it off! Switch it off!
[DOCTOR] That's better. I told you that thing never worked properly.
[K9] Inaccurate, master. The transceiver has never been used properlybefore.
[DOCTOR] Well, there's a fault in it then, isn't there. That was nodistress call. Was it? Was it?
[K9] Insufficient data, master, but there is no fault in the equipment.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm delighted to hear it.
[K9] But your last statement
[DOCTOR] But shush. We've landed. I wonder where we are? Anyone know?
[ROMANA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] No idea. Let's find out, shall we? Not you, K9. You stay here.By the way, how did you know about Peter Rabbit?
[ROMANA] Oh, Peter Rabbit, Squirrel Nutkin, Mrs Tiggywinkle, JemimaPuddleduck
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] That's odd.
[ROMANA] It's so green.
[DOCTOR] It's very odd.
[ROMANA] What's odd?
[DOCTOR] This is.
[ROMANA] What is that thing?
[DOCTOR] It's an egg.
[ROMANA] An egg?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, part of a shell, anyway. Can't see the rest of it.
[ROMANA] It's huge.
[DOCTOR] Yeah.
[ROMANA] What kind of bird laid that?
[DOCTOR] If it was a bird.
[ROMANA] What do you think it was, then?
[DOCTOR] Semi-metallic.
[ROMANA] Metallic? You mean metal birds laying metal eggs?
[ROMANA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's alive.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] The shell.
[ROMANA] Oh, don't be ridiculous.
[DOCTOR] Listen. Can't you hear?
[ROMANA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's the same noise we heard in the Tardis. There must be atransmitter here.
[ROMANA] In an eggshell?
[DOCTOR] Well, somewhere, somewhere. It stands to reason.
[ROMANA] Stands to reason.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Stands to reason. Stupid expression, stands to reason.
[DOCTOR] Why doesn't it lie down to reason? Much easier to reason lyingdown. Relaxes the cerebellum.)
[DOCTOR] Yes! It's definitely the shell that's the transmitter. I wonderwhat it's transmitting, and to whom? Well, I suppose to whatever laidit. Hmm, that's not a very pleasant thought, is it, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Curious material. Almost looks as if it. Almost looks as if itwere woven.
[DOCTOR] Ow! That's sharp. Romana. Romana! Romana, would you come here amoment, please? Oh, hello.
[DOCTOR] Have you seen my assistant? Romana! Romana! Obviously not. Allright, I won't bother you then.
[DOCTOR] Can you get these things off me?
[DOCTOR] Did you get those things off me?
[DOCTOR] Thank you very much.
[HUNTSMAN] Kill him.
[DOCTOR] What? And just as we're all getting on so well?
[HUNTSMAN] Kill him.
[DOCTOR] Look, I don't want to stand on protocol or anything like that,but couldn't you at least do the done thing and take me to your leader?
[KARELA] Wait.
[DOCTOR] Wait! Are you in charge here?
[KARELA] I am.
[DOCTOR] Thank you very much. You saved my life and I am a doctor. Whatare those things?
[KARELA] Wolfweeds.
[DOCTOR] Weeds? What, plant weeds?
[KARELA] Of course. Specially grown in the Lady Adrasta's nurseries.
[DOCTOR] Good lord. If I were you, I'd introduce her to geraniums beforeit's too late.
[KARELA] What are you doing in the Place of Death?
[DOCTOR] Oh, just pottering around. I have this insatiable curiosity,you see. Why do you call it the Place of Death?
[KARELA] Because anyone found here is automatically condemned to death.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Is that so? You know, I've always been fascinated by placenames and I trust you'll make an exception in my case.
[KARELA] Your commander says this is yours.
[DOCTOR] My commander?
[DOCTOR] Oh, that commander. Hello, commander.
[KARELA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's tricky to explain.
[KARELA] What does it do?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it travels. We travel in it. Look, I'll show you. You'lllike it. Come along, Romana.
[KARELA] Secure him. Travels? How? It has no wheels.
[KARELA] I hope you're not lying, Doctor. The Lady Adrasta will want toquestion you.
[DOCTOR] There was no need to go to all this trouble. All she had to dowas make an appointment.
[HUNTSMAN] Madam, the wolfweeds sense danger.
[KARELA] We move out. Bring the woman.
[DOCTOR] What do you think is going on?
[ROMANA] I don't know. At least we're still alive.
[DOCTOR] You realise, of course, we're being followed.
[ROMANA] What?
[HUNTSMAN] No talking!
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Nice place you've got here, old chap. Very green.
[HUNTSMAN] Silence!
[DOCTOR] Yes. Sorry.
[DOCTOR] Romana? Romana? Where's Romana?
[HUNTSMAN] Captured. Shall we go after the girl, madam? The wolfweedscan follow the tracks.
[KARELA] And lead us into another ambush? No, Huntsman.
[DOCTOR] Who were they?
[KARELA] Bandits. These hills are full of them. No traveller's safe.Unless you want to get your throat cut, you'd better keep up with us.
[DOCTOR] Well, what about Romana?
[KARELA] Oh, pray that they kill her quickly. Come on.
(Bandit camp)
[TORVIN] Oh, look at that. Pure bronze. Beautiful, beautiful.
[TORVIN] Oh, lovely. Exquisite. Such shape, such form, such delightfullyiron metal content.
[TORVIN] Got anything, my lovely boys? What have you brought oldTorvin?
[EDU] Her.
[TORVIN] Her? What use is she? I mean, she's not metal, is she?
[EDU] She's one of Lady Adrasta's ladies in waiting. She has to be. Lookat her clothes.
[TORVIN] What do her clothes matter to me? Cloth is easy enough to comeby. Any metal on her?
[EDU] No.
[TORVIN] Oh, kill her, then. We've got enough mouths to feed.
[EDU] Maybe we could ransom her?
[TORVIN] Ransom? Use your brains. If she's one of Adrasta's ladies inwaiting, Adrasta will hunt us down. Kill her.
[EDU] She could be valuable.
[TORVIN] Valuable? Oh no, she's not valuable. Yeah, unless she's got ametal leg or something. Kill her.
[AINU] I say we don't kill her unless we vote on it.
[EDU] He's right. You're not leader.
[TORVIN] No, no, dear boy. Well, of course you must vote. So, vote.Yeah, well, I'm all for democracy.
(Entrance hall)
[KARELA] Wait there.
[DOCTOR] Do you mind? I've got a terrible itch. Itchy nose. No, no, no,no, no. My nose, not your nose. Come on, come over here. Come on. Putyour finger up like that. Now, you scratch my nose. Ooo, other side.That is so good. Atchoo!
[DOCTOR] Sorry about that, fellows.
[ADRASTA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] You know how it is when you get an itch.
[ADRASTA] Perhaps I can be of help.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, thank you. There's no itch any more.
[ADRASTA] Do let me take that thing off.
[ADRASTA] I so like my guests to feel comfortable.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it was a bit incommodious.
[ADRASTA] It doesn't seem to have incommoded you too much, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I suppose you could say the yoke's on him, if you were the sortof person who said that sort of thing, which fortunately I'm not. Youmust be the Lady Adrasta.
[ADRASTA] And you're the fellow who was found in the Place of Death.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Do you know, I'll tell you something fascinating aboutthat.
[ADRASTA] Anyone found there is put to death.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you knew. Well, don't you think you could at least put up anotice?
[ADRASTA] Tell me, what did you make of the object? Some of the finestbrains on Chloris have devoted years to trying to unravel the problem.
[DOCTOR] Do you mean the egg?
[ADRASTA] Are you sure?
[ADRASTA] Have you seen anything like it before?
[DOCTOR] No, but I'm full of theories about it.
(Throne room)
[ADRASTA] What kind of creature laid it?
[DOCTOR] Lady Adrasta, I'd like to talk to you about these things, butat the moment I'm much more concerned about Romana.
[ADRASTA] Ah yes, Madam Karela told me. Your commander.
[DOCTOR] No, no, she's not my commander. She's my companion.
[ADRASTA] Of course. I couldn't see a man of your obvious talents in asubordinate position.
[DOCTOR] You couldn't see a man of my obvious talents in a sub. Oh, no,of course. You're very kind.
[ADRASTA] Yes, aren't I. And I'll send a troop of guards to find her.See to it.
[KARELA] Immediately, my lady.
[ADRASTA] Don't worry, Doctor. My wolfweeds will hunt down those animalsthat took Romana.
[DOCTOR] Hmm, I wonder what they'll do to her?
[ADRASTA] The wolfweeds?
[DOCTOR] No, the bandits.
[ADRASTA] Kill her quickly, if she's lucky.
[DOCTOR] And if she's not?
[ADRASTA] Slowly.
(Bandit camp)
[TORVIN] Ready, boys?
[TORVIN] One, two.
[TORVIN] Everybody voted? We're all agreed, then. Good, my lovely boys,good. Kill her.
[EDU] Now what will killing her achieve?
[ROMANA] Go ahead.
[TORVIN] What did you say?
[ROMANA] I said, go ahead and kill me. Commit suicide. Listen to thathirsute moron.
[TORVIN] Here, who are you calling hair suit?
[ROMANA] You. Do you want to make something of it?
[TORVIN] No, I just want to know what it means.
[ROMANA] It means hairy.
[EDU] What do you mean, my lady?
[ROMANA] I should have thought that was obvious. Hairy, covered withhair.
[EDU] No. What do you mean when you said we were committing suicide.
[ROMANA] Well, if this Lady Adrasta, whoever she might be, is going tohunt you down for kidnapping me, what do you think she'll do if shefinds out you've killed me?
[EDU] She's right.
[AINU] What do you mean, whoever Lady Adrasta might be? You're her ladyin waiting, aren't you?
[AINU] Then who are you, milady?
[ROMANA] That's the first intelligent question you've asked. I'm atraveller. I'm a Time Lord. And I am not used to being assaulted by acollection of hairy, grubby little men.
[TORVIN] Well, she's no call to get personal.
[ROMANA] I don't intend to get used to it, either. Sit down.
[TORVIN] Kill her!
[ROMANA] Untie me.
[TORVIN] Here, don't listen to her. She's only trying to trick you.
[ROMANA] Sit. Sit.
[ROMANA] That's better. Now, let's talk this over sensibly.
[TORVIN] Here, what's this?
[ROMANA] See for yourself.
[TORVIN] Here, do you know what this is?
[AINU] Yeah, it's a piece of metal.
[TORVIN] Yeah, I know what it is, but what is it?
[ROMANA] You blow through it.
[TORVIN] What is it?
[ROMANA] It's a whistle.
[TORVIN] A whistle?
[ROMANA] Go on. Try blowing harder.
[K9] Coming, mistress. Coming.
(Throne room)
[ADRASTA] Doctor, you said you had some theories about this eggshell?
[DOCTOR] Yes. What is this thing?
[ADRASTA] Later, Doctor. About the eggshell.
[DOCTOR] Extraordinary texture. How long has it been there?
[ADRASTA] We discovered it about fifteen years ago. The shell, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] The shell?
[ADRASTA] Yes. My huntsman heard you say that the shell was alive.
[DOCTOR] Alive and screaming in pain.
[ADRASTA] The shell? Then why can no one hear it?
[DOCTOR] Because it can only be detected on very low frequencywavelengths.
[ADRASTA] What's the shell screaming about?
[DOCTOR] Ah. More to the point, for whom is it screaming? Its mummy? Bythe pyramids, imagine the size of its mummy.
[ADRASTA] You heard?
[TOLLUND] Yes, my lady.
[DOCTOR] Who are these, the undertakers?
[ADRASTA] Engineers. Doran and Tollund.
[DOCTOR] Ah, how do you do?
[TOLLUND] Our task is to discover the function of the object that youmistakenly called an eggshell.
[DOCTOR] Why, what would you call it?
[TOLLUND] Well, Engineer Doran, in his latest paper on the subject, hasproved conclusively that it is part of an ancient building. Perhaps atemple.
[DOCTOR] A temple. Ha!
[ADRASTA] You're not convinced, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Convinced? Pooh.
[ADRASTA] You still think it's a shell.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course it is, of a sort.
[TOLLUND] Well, I myself have calculated that a bird large enough to laythat egg would have to have a wingspan of at least a mile.
[TOLLUND] Well, do you know many birds that large?
[DOCTOR] No, but it isn't only birds that lay eggs, is it? Fishes do.
[TOLLUND] Big fish.
[DOCTOR] Oh, very big ones. Or a big reptile.
[TOLLUND] Mmm, yes.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps a gigantic frog.
[DORAN] Really, Doctor. How do you account for the marks of intense heaton the exterior of the shell?
[DOCTOR] Er, someone tried to fry the egg?
[DORAN] My lady, this man is being facetious.
[DOCTOR] He's quite right.
[ADRASTA] Doran, I saw no mention in your paper that the shell wasalive.
[DORAN] It can't be, my lady. It's impossible. We detected nothing.
[ADRASTA] But this man did.
[DORAN] He's mistaken.
[DOCTOR] Well, to be fair, I did have a couple of gadgets which heprobably didn't, like a teaspoon and an open mind.
[ADRASTA] You have failed me, Engineer Doran.
[ADRASTA] Take him.
[DORAN] My lady, I beg you. No, please, no!
[DOCTOR] Where are they taking him?
[ADRASTA] Come and see.
[ADRASTA] Perhaps you will find it instructive.
[DOCTOR] Yes, perhaps I will, and interesting too, I hope.
[ADRASTA] Doctor, you know more about the shell than you're prepared tosay. Perhaps a little demonstration will make you more cooperative.Bring him.
[DOCTOR] Oh, how nice to meet a well-mannered guard.
(Bandit camp)
[ROMANA] I'm afraid I really must be frank withyou. As bandits go, you're a pretty duff bunch.
[TORVIN] Oh, you hear that, boys? We impressed the lady.
[ROMANA] I'm afraid not. Well, I really must be going.
[TORVIN] Going? What makes you think that you can get out of here alive?
[ROMANA] My friend.
[TORVIN] What's that?
[ROMANA] It's a dog.
[EDU] It's made of metal.
[TORVIN] Metal. Must be worth a fortune.
[ROMANA] K9, have you located the Doctor yet?
[K9] Yes, mistress.
[ROMANA] Good. Well, I really must be on my way. I do hope we don't meetagain. I can't honestly say it's been a pleasure. Good day.
[TORVIN] Leave your dog behind.
[ROMANA] Certainly not.
[TORVIN] Then you don't leave.
[ROMANA] It's all right, he's not dead, only stunned. He'll come to in aminute, with a very sore head. But then I expect you're used to that.K9.
(Above the pit)
[DOCTOR] What's this?
[ADRASTA] We call it the Pit.
[DOCTOR] Ah. You have such a way with words.
[DORAN] No, no. Please, I beg you, please.
[DOCTOR] Look, I don't know what you intend to do with Engineer Doran.
[ADRASTA] Really?
[DOCTOR] Well, I suggest you think again. After all, he may be a bit ofan idiot, but at least he's a conscientious idiot, and even badengineers are hard to come by on this side of the galaxy.
[DOCTOR] What's that?
(The Pit)
[DORAN] No! No! No! No!
(Above the Pit)
[ADRASTA] Now, Doctor, are you prepared to becooperative?
[ROMANA [OC]] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana, no!
[ROMANA] It's all right. I've got K9.
[ADRASTA] Seize her!
[ADRASTA] Attack! Attack!
[ROMANA] Good boy, K9.
[ADRASTA] He's dead.
[ROMANA] K9. K9.
[ADRASTA] You must be Romana. Well, Doctor, now I have you both. Nowyou're bound to be cooperative.
[ADRASTA] Well, Doctor?
(Above the Pit)
[ROMANA] Doctor! Doctor!
[ADRASTA] Fool. Hold her.
[ROMANA] We must save him.
[ADRASTA] Impossible.
[ROMANA] Someone could climb down to him.
[ADRASTA] Into the Pit? To that creature?
(In the well)
[ROMANA [OC]] Let me go down to him.
[ADRASTA [OC]] You're too valuable.
[ROMANA [OC]] Me? Why?
(Above the Pit)
[ADRASTA] You were his assistant. You must knowwhat he knew.
[ROMANA] About what?
[ADRASTA] The huge broken shell in the Place of Death. He knew somethingabout it that none of my Engineers had ever discovered.
[ROMANA] What? I don't know anything about it.
[ADRASTA] Don't interrupt, dear. It's the only thing that's keeping youalive.
[ROMANA] Well, you can't just leave the Doctor to die down there.
[ADRASTA] If I were you, my dear, I would pray that he was dead already.Then he would at least be spared the stress of being eaten alive.
(In the well)
[ADRASTA [OC]] Come away from the Pit, my dear. Believe me, there is noway he is going to climb out.
[DOCTOR] Everest In Easy Stages.
[DOCTOR] It's in Tibetan!
[DOCTOR] Pi-e pa-ha. Do not be afraid.
(Above the Pit)
[ROMANA] Please. I beg you, save him.
[ADRASTA] It's too late, my dear.
[ROMANA] K9. Oh, K9, what have they done to you?
[K9] Mistress. Mistress.
[K9] Cannot move.
[ADRASTA] It's metal! Bring it. And her. I have a use for her.
(In the well)
[ADRASTA] Pity you were such a fool, Doctor. I could have used you, too.
(The Pit)
[DOCTOR] Dead, poor chap. Doran? Doran? Doran. Doran.
[DOCTOR] Doran.
(Throne room)
[ROMANA] What is that thing in the pit?
[ADRASTA] We call it the Creature.
[ROMANA] Ah, that's original. But what kind of creature is it?
[ADRASTA] Hard to say, really.
[ROMANA] Why is that?
[ADRASTA] Our researchers divide into two categories. The ones who havegot close enough to find out something about it.
[ADRASTA] And the ones who are still alive.
[ROMANA] But you must know something about it.
[ADRASTA] It kills people. What more is there to know?
[ROMANA] Where does it come from? Is it a native of this planet?
[ADRASTA] I'm sorry about your friend, my dear, believe me, but you sawfor yourself, he hurled himself into the Pit. He wasn't pushed. No oneforced him.
[ROMANA] Why should he do that?
[ADRASTA] Perhaps in order to save you.
[ROMANA] Me? But how?
[ADRASTA] Now he's gone, I have to keep you alive. You're the only onewho knows about the shell.
[ROMANA] Why are you so interested in that shell?
[ADRASTA] There are some questions, my dear, it is better not to ask.You do know about the shell?
[ROMANA] I was with the Doctor when he found it.
[ADRASTA] Yes, Madam Karela told me, but you still haven't answered myquestion.
[ROMANA] There are some questions it's
[ADRASTA] Now, my dear, I'll ask you just once more. You do know aboutthe shell?
[ADRASTA] Good. I'm sure we'll get along famously.
[ADRASTA] Ah, your curious tin animal.
[ROMANA] What are you going to do with him?
[ADRASTA] On our planet, my dear, metal of whatever sort is valuable.Far too valuable for mere toys. Guards, break up the tin dog. Smash itto pieces.
[ROMANA] But you can't break up K9!
[ADRASTA] Don't worry, my dear. We'll keep every piece of preciousmetal.
(The Pit)
(Throne room)
[ROMANA] Please, stop him before he damages the circuitry.
[ADRASTA] You'll cooperate to the full?
[ADRASTA] I want to know what the Doctor found out about the shell.
[ROMANA] All right.
[ADRASTA] And I want to know about your travelling machine.
[ROMANA] The Tardis.
[ADRASTA] If that's what it's called.
[ROMANA] All right, but if that maniac doesn't stop bashing K9 you won'tlearn anything.
[ADRASTA] Is that a threat?
[ROMANA] No, I'm simply telling you that everything you want to know islocked up in K9's memory banks. Damage them and you won't learn athing.
[ADRASTA] Stop it, you fool! So, the little metal animal knowseverything. Well, well. That makes both the Doctor and you redundant,doesn't it.
[ROMANA] Not really. You see, I'm the only one who can operate K9.Without me, he can't tell you what you want to know.
(The Pit)
[ORGANON] This way, quickly, before the monster comes back. Come on,come on.
(Organon's cave)
[ORGANON] Ah, finally. Here we are. Make yourself at home. Well,comfortable, if you can.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Thank you. And thank you for saving me from thatcreature.
[ORGANON] Oh, don't mention it, sir. As my dear mother always used tosay. Born under the sign of Patus, middle cusp she was. If you can helpanybody, like preventing them from being eaten by a monster, then doso. They might be grateful. So I did.
[DOCTOR] Indeed you did, and I am grateful, and your mother wasobviously a very fine woman. I'm the Doctor. Who are you?
[ORGANON] Organon, sir.
[DOCTOR] Organon?
[ORGANON] Astrologer extraordinary. Seer to princes and emperors. Thefuture foretold, the past explained, the present apologised for.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing down here?
[ORGANON] A small matter of a slight error in a prophecy.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Well, I guess it could happen to anybody.
[ORGANON] Why, are you in the business yourself, sir?
[DOCTOR] What?
[ORGANON] Seeing into the future?
[DOCTOR] Oh, well.
[ORGANON] Crystal ball man, are you? Or do you favour goat entrails?
[DOCTOR] No, I tend to use a police box affair.
[ORGANON] A police box affair?
[DOCTOR] Yes. What about your prophecy? Did it by any chance concern theLady Adrasta?
[ORGANON] Oh, you've met her.
[ORGANON] A difficult woman. Very literal mind. I told her that shewould have visitors from beyond the stars.
[DOCTOR] Ooo, a bit rash, wasn't it?
[ORGANON] Well, it seemed a safe enough bet at the time. It's a greatattention-getter, you know. I do it very well.
[ORGANON] I see a creature coming to you from beyond the stars. I'vedone it in all the courts on the planet. It usually goes down verywell.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I can see it might. But the Lady Adrasta?
[ORGANON] Oh, she grew very nasty. What sort of creature, she wanted toknow. Well, I stalled a bit. You know, a little professional
[DOCTOR] Vagueness.
[ORGANON] Discretion.
[ORGANON] And she threw me down here, with that thing. Where are youfrom?
[DOCTOR] Me? Oh, from beyond the stars, you know.
[ORGANON] Oh, so I was right!
[ORGANON] And then Adrasta grew nasty with you and threw you down hereas well?
[DOCTOR] Me? No, no, no, no, no. I jumped.
[ORGANON] Jumped?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Do you think she's frightened of someone coming frombeyond the stars?
[ORGANON] I should say so. Was she frightened of you?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. I don't think it was me she was expecting. How longhave you been down here?
[ORGANON] Oh, I've lost count. Many moon flows. I've survived on scrapsof food that the serfs throw down. I think they're intended for theThing.
(Bandit camp)
[TORVIN] Leave me alone. Why didn't you kill that girl when you had thechance?
[AINU] We didn't get the chance. That tin animal saw to that.
[TORVIN] What, you let him walk out of here too? Oh, you realise whatthis means?
[EDU] What?
[TORVIN] Well, we'll have to get packed and move now.
[EDU] Why?
[TORVIN] Why? Use your brains. Because she can direct Adrasta's troopershere, that's why. Do you think that Adrasta will give up the chance ofgetting her hands on our loot? No, there must be nearly two bodyweightsof perfect metal there. Bit rusty, bit bent here and there, but metal.No, I'll bet you that at this very moment Lady Adrasta is planning anexpedition to wipe us out once and for all, and to lay her hands on mylittle nest egg.
[AINU] Our little nest egg.
[TORVIN] Well, of course, of course.
[EDU] What we going to do?
[TORVIN] Well, Adrasta's guards can't be in two places at once, canthey?
[EDU] What do you mean.
[TORVIN] I mean, if they're ransacking our camp, they can't be lookingafter her palace at the same time, now can they?
[EDU] You mean?
[TORVIN] I mean that Adrasta's palace isn't going to be very heavilyguarded, so?
[EDU] So?
[TORVIN] Who owns all the mineral wealth?
[EDU] Adrasta.
[TORVIN] Exactly. And if it isn't going to be properly guarded becauseher guards are going to be here looking for us, then
[EDU] We ransack the palace?
[TORVIN] Yes, that's exactly what we're going to do. Get your weapons,my lovely boys. We're going visiting.
(Organon's cave)
[DOCTOR] Well, at least the creature hasn'tattacked you yet.
[ORGANON] Yes, I've managed to avoid it so far. I've been lucky.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, and lucky to have lamps, too.
[ORGANON] Yes, they were lying around. It used to be mines, you know,but they've been worked out. Metal is very scarce up there. Veryprecious.
[DOCTOR] Inconvenient commodity to be short of.
[ORGANON] Seems to suit the Lady Adrasta well enough, though.
[DOCTOR] Really? Why do you say that?
[ORGANON] She owns the only mine there is.
[DOCTOR] The only mine?
[ORGANON] Yes. This one. Well, that's the point, don't you see? Althoughit's been worked dry, all the metal on the planet came out of it and itall belongs to her.
[DOCTOR] Ah. A monopoly of metal.
[ORGANON] Yes, it's the source of her power.
[DOCTOR] So a continued shortage suits her.
[ORGANON] She depends on it.
[DOCTOR] What? Do you know something? I think that's terriblyinteresting.
[ORGANON] Oh! My horoscope said I'd be useful to somebody today. Ithought perhaps it was going to be to that.
[DOCTOR] How big is it?
[DOCTOR] Huge? How huge? Hundred feet?
[ORGANON] Perhaps two.
[DOCTOR] Huge. And that noise it makes.
[ORGANON] Yes, I sometimes thing that it's singing.
[DOCTOR] Singing, crying, growling.
[ORGANON] Yes, who's to tell except another creature and there's onlyone like that, thank heaven.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure of that?
[ORGANON] Of course I'm sure. There's only that one on this planet.
[DOCTOR] Why? You've been everywhere, have you?
[ORGANON] Oh, yes. I've travelled. I'm one of the few who has. Most ofthe country is impenetrable forest or jungle.
[DOCTOR] Very pretty, though. Very pretty.
[ORGANON] It may be pretty to you, but it's the very devil to live in.No metal means no tools.
[ORGANON] No tools
[BOTH] No cultivation.
[ORGANON] Exactly. We're smothered by forest.
(Throne room)
[ROMANA] K9? Can you hear me?
[K9] Mistress.
[ROMANA] Have you got enough power left to stun the guards?
[K9] Affirmative, mistress, if I was mobile, but I cannot move atpresent.
[ROMANA] I know.
[ADRASTA] Well? We are waiting.
[ROMANA] Yes, my lady. One moment.
[ADRASTA] Remember, I want to see how that animal works.
[ROMANA] You will, my lady. Just a few minor adjustments.
[KARELA] (sotto) I don't like this, my lady. I don't trust the girl orthat tin animal.
[ADRASTA] Neither do I, Karela.
[KARELA] (sotto) Kill her, my lady. Kill her now.
[ADRASTA] Later. I have a use for her and for that machine. Romana, weare ready for the demonstration.
[ROMANA] Yes, my lady. You ready, K9?
[K9] Affirmative.
[ROMANA] I'd like you to examine this machine. Let me show you how itworks. Please, don't be afraid.
[ROMANA] Now, K9.
[ADRASTA] Stop her! Seize her!
[ADRASTA] I want her alive. Tin dog, do that again and my guards cutyour mistress's throat.
[ADRASTA] Thank you, my dear. An invaluable demonstration.
(Organon's cave)
[ORGANON] Oh! Oh, well, he didn't like that, did he.
[ORGANON] I bet he won't come back here again in a hurry.
[DOCTOR] It's gone.
[ORGANON] Doctor, what sign were you born under? Aquatrio?
[ORGANON] Capris.
[ORGANON] Oh. Ariel?
[ORGANON] Oh, if only I had my charts here, I could have told you yourhoroscope. I'm sure this was your lucky day.
[DOCTOR] Did you examine that thing's skin?
[ORGANON] No, thank you. I was trying to avoid it examining mine.
[DOCTOR] It looked almost like a cerebral membrane.
[DOCTOR] The membrane that protects the brain.
[ORGANON] It's a huge brain.
[ORGANON] What about the rest of it? The arms, the legs, the body?
[DOCTOR] Let's find out, shall we?
[ORGANON] You mean, go after it?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Why not?
[ORGANON] I can think of a dozen good reasons. You're mad! He's mad.It's all been too much for him. You wouldn't find me doing a crazything like that. Here! Wait for me!
[DOCTOR] I thought you weren't going to come.
[ORGANON] Shush. Where is it?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Somewhere up ahead.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[ORGANON] What am I doing here?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I'll tell you something I'd rather know.
[DOCTOR] What's that creature doing here? Pure brain a hundred footacross stuck at the bottom of a pit, oozing about and sitting onpeople. Not much of a life, is it.
[ORGANON] Who can read such mysteries? Perhaps it was written in thestars?
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Perhaps it was born among them.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Come on.
(Throne room)
[ADRASTA] What do you call this machine in which you travel?
[K9] The Tardis. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.
[ADRASTA] And you travel through space and time in it?
[K9] Affirmative.
[ADRASTA] Don't you see what this means, Karela? We can go anywhere,into any time and bring back anything we need.
[KARELA] Metallic ores. The pure metal itself.
[ADRASTA] The monopoly will remain mine. Yes, I think this Tardis willbe very useful.
[KARELA] Do you know how to operate it?
[ADRASTA] She does.
[KARELA] Are you sure?
[ADRASTA] We'll soon find out.
[KARELA] It's a pity the Doctor is no longer with us.
[ADRASTA] Yes. He could have been most helpful.
[KARELA] I suppose he is dead?
[ADRASTA] He must be. No one survives the Pit.
[KARELA] He struck me as quite resourceful for a man.
[ADRASTA] True. You think he might still be alive?
[KARELA] We can find out. I can get into the Pit from here and with someguards I can see
[ADRASTA] Not just guards. We'll take that tin thing as well.
[K9] Correction. I am not made of tin.
[ADRASTA] It's been listening to us.
[KARELA] It's eerie. What do we need it for?
[ADRASTA] To kill something.
[KARELA] Who do you want to kill, my lady? You don't need a machine todo it. Just mention the name and I'll see to it myself.
[ADRASTA] It's too big even for you to kill, Karela. It's huge, veryhuge, and it's time I was rid of it. The Tardis has made itsuperfluous.
[KARELA] Remove the bars. Get the torches. We'll need them in the Pit.
[ROMANA] That leads down to the Pit?
[ADRASTA] There are two more doors, each barred and bolted so thatnothing can get up.
[KARELA] Bring the tin animal.
[K9] Correction, madam. As I have already told you, I am not made oftin.
[KARELA] If I say you're made of tin, you horrible little animal, you'remade of tin.
[K9] I cannot accept the input of incorrect data.
[ROMANA] It's all right, K9.
[ADRASTA] Guardmaster, you go first, with her.
[GUARDMASTER] Right, my lady.
[ADRASTA] You next.
[ADRASTA] Then you, Karela. Followed by me.
[ORGANON] Not too fast.
(The mines)
[KARELA] Which way now, my lady?
[ADRASTA] That way. We're getting close. Better send some guards onahead.
[KARELA] Guardmaster, take two guards and scout on ahead.
[GUARDMASTER] You and you, come with me.
[ORGANON] Ahem. What do we do when we find themonster? Have you thought of that?
[DOCTOR] Shush. I don't know.
[ORGANON] You don't know? What do you mean, you don't know?
[DOCTOR] I haven't made up my mind yet.
[ORGANON] Well, haven't you got a plan?
[DOCTOR] A plan? Oh yes, I've got a plan.
[ORGANON] Well then?
[DOCTOR] I just don't know how to apply it, that's all.
(Creature's lair)
[ORGANON] Fine time to tell me.
[ORGANON] Don't.
[ORGANON] Doctor, come back.
[DOCTOR] Hello there.
[DOCTOR] Steady, steady. You're standing on my scarf.
(Creature's lair)
[ORGANON] Doctor! Don't just stand there, help him!He's trapped!
(Outside the Creature's lair)
[GUARDMASTER] I've never seen anything like it.
[ORGANON] I have. Anyway, the Doctor's behind there and we've got to gethim out. It's as hard as rock.
[GUARDMASTER] It'll take gunpowder to blast a hole in this. And eventhen
[ORGANON] It's him. He's alive.
[GUARDMASTER] How do you know it's him?
[ORGANON] It's, er, part of my profession. Well, we've got to getthrough, so get on with it.
[GUARDMASTER] You, go and inform the Lady Adrasta.
[GUARD] Sir.
[GUARDMASTER] You, give us a hand to smash a hole in this.
[ORGANON] Maybe if we tried at the edge here.
[GUARDMASTER] Right. Come on, down here.
(Palace wall)
[AINU] There's only one guard at the side gate.
[TORVIN] Good. What do we do about him?
[AINU] Well, Edu's gone to have a chat with him.
[TORVIN] What?
[AINU] Lovely little talker is Edu. Come on.
[KARELA] What is it?
[GUARD] Message for my lady from the Guardmaster. The Creature has beenfound and
[ROMANA] I'll take him. It's all right.
[GUARD] And is within a sort of shell to protect itself.
[ROMANA] I've got to check his circuitry. Don't worry, I'll take theresponsibility. K9, are you recharged?
[K9] Very nearly, mistress.
[ROMANA] Be ready.
[K9] I always am, mistress.
[ADRASTA] You saw this with your own eyes?
[GUARD] Yes, my lady. The Guardmaster is awaiting your orders.
[KARELA] Guard, the prisoner must not communicate with the tin animal.What were you up to?
[ROMANA] I told the guard. Checking K9's circuitry.
[KARELA] My lady.
[ADRASTA] My dear, bad news I'm afraid about your friend the Doctor.
[ROMANA] He's dead?
[ADRASTA] Nobody can tell at the moment.
[ROMANA] What do you mean?
[ADRASTA] The guard says he's trapped in the Pit with the Creature.
[ROMANA] Well, then we must get him out.
[ADRASTA] How? My men can't break through the shell the creature haswoven.
[ROMANA] A shell?
[ADRASTA] If we are to rescue the Doctor, we have to break through theshell. Could K9 do it? Has he enough power?
[K9] Impossible to say until the molecular structure of the material isevaluated.
[ADRASTA] I hope, for the Doctor's sake, you are strong enough. Andstrong enough to kill the Creature, too. Come on.
[K9] Guard, lift me down.
(Creature's lair)
[DOCTOR] Pure cadmium. That didn't come from this mine.
[DOCTOR] A nugget of iron. Iron ore I could understand, but pure iron? Iwonder where it came from?
[DOCTOR] Hello. Friend. Friend. It's all right, it's all right. Look,you can see I'm not armed, eh? I won't hurt you. How could I hurt you?I mean, how? You've got beautiful skin. Extraordinary skin. Greenveins. Chlorophyll? I wonder. Well, if it's chlorophyll you need,you've come to the right place. Chlorophyll? I wonder. No, don't getfrightened. It's all right, it's all right. Shush. Shush.
[DOCTOR] There. There, that's not so bad now, is it. Good girl. Goodboy. You're a problem, you know. You're aware of me, yet you haven'tgot any eyes. Haven't got a mouth. At least, not one that I can see.Come to think of it, you haven't even got a head. So how do wecommunicate, hmm? Telepathy?
[DOCTOR] Hello? I am the Doctor. Friend. Friend.
[DOCTOR] Hello. I am the Doctor. Friend. Friend. Nothing. Not a thing.How are we going to talk to each other, eh? Why can't we talk to eachother? How do you communicate with your own kind?
[DOCTOR] Steady. Steady, friend. You don't know your own. Easy. Friend.Friend.
[DOCTOR] What's that? A picture? I've seen that somewhere before.
(Entrance hall)
[EDU] All clear. Come on.
[TORVIN] Shush.
(Throne room)
[TORVIN] Guard?
[GUARD] Who are you? Where have you come from? Stay there. Don't move.
[TORVIN] Look, I'm not armed.
[GUARD] Are you alone? Intruder! Turn out the guard!
(Entrance hall)
[TORVIN] Come on, my lovely boys. Let's see what Lady Adrasta has forus.
(Throne room)
[TORVIN] Oh, even the door! The bolts, the hinges,all metal. Quick, my lovely boys, quick, before the guards get back.Bring everything. Oh ho, copper! Ooo, bronze. Iron!
[EDU] Hey, what's this?
[TORVIN] I don't know. If it's metal, bring it.
[EDU] Hey, it's warm!
[TORVIN] I don't care if it's on fire. If it's metal, bring it.
[EDU] It's burning! I've never seen metal like that before.
[TORVIN] Ridiculous. Let me try. Here, it's not hot at all.
[EDU] Huh?
[TORVIN] Oh, it's metal, all right. It's not tin or silver.
[AINU [OC]] Guards coming!
[TORVIN] What? How many?
[AINU] Too many for us.
[TORVIN] We'd better get out of here. Quick, let's see where this leadsto.
[AINU] They're coming!
[TORVIN] Quick, quick, all of you. Down here! Maybe it leads toAdrasta's treasure vaults.
(Creature's lair)
[DOCTOR] So that's what you want. Easy, easy,shush. You do want it, don't you? What's it for? Is it a weapon? Whatis it? Come on. At least say something. Communicate. Give me a sign. Iwish I knew how far I could trust you. Still, you haven't harmed meyet. Much. All right, I'll get it for you, but I want you to promise.That's a stupid thing to say. You can't even speak. How can you promiseme anything? All right, be good. Stay here. Ah.
[DOCTOR] Bits of shell. Bits of eggshell. No, no, it's all right, it'sall right, it's all right. All right, all right. Look, I'm not going totake them. I'm not going to take them. There you are. I can take ahint. I can take a hint, yeah. If we ever do find your mouth, whereverit is, you've got a lot of explaining to do, my friend. All right, allright, I said I can take a hint. I'm off, I'm off, I'm off. Bye-bye,bye-bye, bye-bye.
(Outside the Creature's lair)
[ROMANA] Who are you?
[ORGANON] Oh, don't bother about that now. My friend's trapped in there.
[ROMANA] The Doctor?
[ORGANON] Yes. Oh, I beg your pardon. Do you know him?
[ROMANA] Yes, very well.
[ORGANON] Ah. Nice fellow. Do you know the celestial circumstances ofhis birth?
[ROMANA] The what?
[ORGANON] When was he born?
[ROMANA] Oh, about seven hundred and fifty years ago, so he says.
[ADRASTA] I thought you were dead. Why haven't you died?
[ORGANON] I'm sorry, my lady. It was an oversight.
[ADRASTA] Why didn't the Creature kill you?
[ORGANON] A favourable conjunction of the stars, my lady.
[ADRASTA] Well, we'll just have to see that they don't continue likethat for much longer. Guardmaster?
[GUARDMASTER] It's hopeless, my lady.
[ADRASTA] What is, you fool?
[GUARDMASTER] We can't get through. We've tried. My lady, it's hopeless.
[ROMANA] The Doctor's behind there. We must at least try.
[ADRASTA] Nothing is hopeless, Guardmaster, not if you value yourcommission.
[GUARDMASTER] I stand corrected, my lady. Guards, come on.
[ADRASTA] Don't worry, my dear. My men will try to do their best.
[ROMANA] It's made of identical material to that broken shell we sawwhen we landed.
[ADRASTA] Try the metal animal on it. Perhaps he can break through.
[ROMANA] K9, do your best.
[K9] That is what I am programmed to do, mistress.
[ADRASTA] If you do get through, kill the Creature. Do you understand,Romana? Kill it.
[ROMANA] I understand.
[K9] I am programmed not to kill, except in self-defence.
[ADRASTA] Oh, I think that can be arranged.
[ROMANA] You ready, K9?
[K9] If the guards will stand well back.
(The mines)
[TORVIN] What a haul. What a haul! I'm rich! I'mrich!
[AINU] We're rich.
[TORVIN] We're rich. Of course. Didn't I tell you, my beautiful boys?Didn't I tell you? Didn't I tell you we'd find it all in Adrasta'spalace?
[AINU] Yeah, you told us. Now shush. Let's get on.
[TORVIN] Now, look at that. Look at that. Do you know what that is? (acandlestick) Zinc. I haven't seen a piece of zinc as big as that foroh, twenty years or more. Zinc.
[AINU] Oh, come on, Torvin. The guards must be after us by now.
[TORVIN] Beautiful, beautiful.
[EDU] Hey, Torvin, look!
[TORVIN] Don't drop it. Whatever you do, don't drop it.
[EDU] Look at it.
[TORVIN] I've never seen metal like that before. It's beautiful.
[EDU] Torvin, are you, are you all right?
[EDU] I, I feel
(Outside the Creature's lair)
[K9] The material is too strong. I am in danger ofdepleting my power packs.
[ROMANA] It's all right, K9.
[ADRASTA] Why has the animal stopped?
[ROMANA] Because if you want to kill the Creature, K9 must have somepower left.
[ADRASTA] But so far it's had no effect on the shell whatsoever!
[K9] Incorrect. I weaken the shell, but the material is self-renewing.
[ADRASTA] What do you mean? What does he mean?
[ROMANA] He means that whenever the material is weakened, the atomsrecombine, the molecules reconstitute themselves to form an evenstronger material.
[K9] Correct, mistress.
[ADRASTA] So, all that ray has done, in fact, is to temper the originalmaterial.
[ROMANA] That's about right, yes.
[ADRASTA] My dear, your electric dog is infernally stupid. How inheaven's name are we supposed to break through the shell now? Men,redouble your efforts!
[ROMANA] No, wait. We're not going to do it like that. We must think.
[DOCTOR] Hello, everybody.
[ROMANA] Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm fine.
[ROMANA] I was so worried about you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you shouldn't be worried. Time Lords have ninety lives.
[ROMANA] How many have you got through, then?
[DOCTOR] About a hundred and thirty.
[ADRASTA] How did you do it?
[DOCTOR] What?
[ADRASTA] I demand you tell me how you broke through the shell.
[DOCTOR] Ah. I asked the Creature very nicely. My pleasure, it said.
[ADRASTA] Liar! The Creature can't talk without. (pause) Guardmaster,take a look!
[KARELA] I'll go with him.
[ORGANON] Your luck's still holding out.
[DOCTOR] It is, rather, isn't it.
[ORGANON] You must have been born under a particularly favourableconjunction of celestial circumstances.
[DOCTOR] I was.
[ORGANON] What sign were you born under?
[DOCTOR] Crossed computers.
[ORGANON] Crossed what?
[DOCTOR] Computers. It's the symbol of the maternity service onGallifrey.
[GUARDMASTER] It's all clear, my lady.
[ADRASTA] No sign of the Creature?
[ADRASTA] Why did it let you get away? Why didn't it kill you?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Why don't you ask it? Incidentally, how did youknow with such certainty that creature couldn't talk, eh? What do youknow about it? And why do you want it killed so badly, hmm?
[ADRASTA] You ask too many questions, Doctor. Karela, take the girl, thetin animal and some men. You know what to do.
[DOCTOR] No, no, please.
[ADRASTA] Afraid for the Creature, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] No, I'm afraid for them. Have you any idea what that creaturecan do?
[ADRASTA] I know one thing, Doctor. It can't get out of this Pit byitself. Go on, Karela. Hold him, in case he tries to warn his creepingfriend. Dog!
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] All right, K9.
(Creature's lair)
[K9] Mistress, blasting has proved too much for my power packs. If I amto conserve my energy, I shall need a rest.
[ROMANA] All right, K9. I'll carry you.
(Outside the Creature's lair)
[DOCTOR] Call them back.
[ADRASTA] Be silent.
[DOCTOR] You could be sending them to their deaths, you know.
(Creature's lair)
[KARELA] Ready, dog?
[K9] I am ready.
(Outside the Creature's lair)
[ORGANON] I take back what I said about this beingyour lucky day.
[ORGANON] I think, on second thoughts, it may be the monster's.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[ORGANON] I wonder what sign it was born under?
[DOCTOR] What a pity you didn't bring your charts. You could have workedit out for yourself.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[ORGANON] Adrasta's evil eye is on me.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Lady Adrasta, they've been gone a long time.
[ADRASTA] How far away was the Creature when you saw it?
[DOCTOR] Oh, a few hundred yards along the passageway there's a bigcave. It was in there.
[ADRASTA] We should have heard something by now.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Look, why don't I go?
[ADRASTA] No! Ah, no. Organon.
[ORGANON] My lady?
[ADRASTA] You will go.
[ORGANON] What, me?
[ADRASTA] Yes, you. Go down to the passage, into the cave, and come backand tell us what you see.
[ORGANON] Oh, why me?
[DOCTOR] Maybe it isn't your lucky day.
[ORGANON] I don't think that's at all funny.
[ADRASTA] If you don't go, my friend, that guard standing behind youwill cut your throat from ear to ear.
[DOCTOR] Have you ever thought of taking up another line of work? Idon't think astrology is your forte.
[ORGANON] Oh, my lady.
[KARELA] Nothing, my lady. The cave's empty.
[ADRASTA] Empty?
[KARELA] The Creature's gone.
[KARELA] We discovered a passage at the back of the cave.
[ADRASTA] Guard, hold her. And make sure the dog's pointing against therock. Where does the passage lead?
[KARELA] I don't know. I sent the guards down after it.
[DOCTOR] You realise what this means, Adrasta? It means a great greenblob several hundred feet long is loose somewhere in these passageways.An angry green blob. A green blob you tried to kill.
[ADRASTA] Karela, take the girl, the tin animal and some guards, go downinto the Pit, find the Creature and kill it!
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. Adrasta, you're insane. You have some idea of whatthat creature can do. Can you imagine? At the moment it's reasonablyfriendly, but if K9 shoots it.
[DOCTOR] It'll get very angry.
[ADRASTA] Then, Doctor, you had better make sure that K9 manages to killit.
[DOCTOR] What, a creature that size? He's only a little dog, you know.
[ADRASTA] Don't try to be clever, Doctor. K9 is quite capable of killingthe Tythonian.
[DOCTOR] The what?
[ADRASTA] The Creature.
[DOCTOR] I thought you said Tythonian.
[ADRASTA] I meant the Creature.
[DOCTOR] You've bitten off more than you can chew, haven't you.
[ADRASTA] Doctor, I mean to have that Creature dead. Romana will make K9kill it.
[DOCTOR] No, no, she won't. She won't. She'll refuse, you know. Won'tyou, Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, I'll refuse.
[ADRASTA] Then Karela will kill her. Point the dog against the rock!
[DOCTOR] Did you hear that, Romana? Karela's going to kill you, and youwith your hair all messed up.
[ROMANA] Doctor, I can't do anything about my hair if I'm holding K9.
[DOCTOR] Oh, so you are. I didn't notice. Here, let me help you.
[DOCTOR] K9? Ready, fire!
[DOCTOR] No, Romana, no!
[ADRASTA] No! Get away from me! Ah!
[DOCTOR] Frightening, isn't it?
[ADRASTA] Don't let it get me. You mustn't let that thing get me! It'llkill me!
[DOCTOR] What? An evil thing, killing. Why should it want to kill you?It didn't want to kill me, did you, old fellow? Do you know something?I believe he wants to kill you.
[ADRASTA] Keep it away from me. It's, it's going to eat me.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on. You know it really doesn't eat people, don't you?But you know what it does eat and you haven't been letting it get any,have you. No, you just stuck it in a pit and threw people at it.
[ORGANON] She did indeed.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if it wanted to kill you. Iwouldn't be surprised at all.
[ADRASTA] Now, Doctor, I mean to have that creature dead. Romana, trainK9's ray on it. Now!
[DOCTOR] Don't do it, Romana.
[ADRASTA] Or the Doctor dies. Six seconds, Romana.
[ADRASTA] Get away from here! Get away! Or the Doctor dies.
[ADRASTA] No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
(Outside the Creature's lair)
[TORVIN] What's happening? What are we doing here?
[EDU] I don't know. What is this thing?
[TORVIN] Adrasta!
[DOCTOR] Keep her safe, Romana.
[ROMANA] If she moves, blast her.
[K9] Affirmative, mistress.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[ERATO] Hello.
[DOCTOR] What did you say?
(Throne room)
[KARELA] Guard! Quickly, summon the Huntsman. Move!
(Outside the Creature's lair)
[ROMANA] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure.
[ROMANA] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[ERATO] Hello. I realise this must be a very frightening experience foryou, but please, don't be alarmed.
[ROMANA] What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. That wasn't me talking.
[ROMANA] Doctor, what's happening?
[DOCTOR] Look, I know this sounds odd. I didn't say that.
[ROMANA] You didn't say what?
[DOCTOR] What I just said.
[ROMANA] I beg your pardon.
[DOCTOR] Did you hear what I said just now?
[ROMANA] About this being a frightening experience but don't be alarmed?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I didn't say that.
[ROMANA] You didn't?
[DOCTOR] No. I was too busy being frightened and alarmed.
[ORGANON] But if you didn't say it, who did?
[DOCTOR] Let's find out, shall we?
[ERATO] Please allow me to explain. This is not the Doctor speaking. Iam simply using his larynx. We Tythonions don't have them.
[ROMANA] Ask its name.
[ERATO] My name is Erato.
[ROMANA] Where does it come from?
[ERATO] I am from the planet Tythonus.
[ROMANA] Then what are you doing here skulking about in a pit eatingpeople?
[DOCTOR] Oh, please! You put that very crudely.
[ERATO] To skulk about in pits, as you so crudely put it, is not mynormal habit. I most emphatically do not eat people. I live byingesting chlorophyll and mineral salts. I would have you know that Iam the Tythonian High Ambassador.
[ORGANON] Really?
[ERATO] I am. I was on a trading mission to this planet when I
[DOCTOR] Of course! I should have guessed instantly. It's all the faultof that woman Adrasta.
[ADRASTA] Yes, Doctor?
[ADRASTA] You were just saying?
[DOCTOR] I was just saying, lady Adrasta, that. K9, I thought you weremeant to be guarding her.
[K9] Apologies, master. I am immobile.
[K9] I was overpowered by the wolfweeds.
[ADRASTA] Doctor, order your dog to kill the Tythonian.
[ADRASTA] If you do not, your friend Organon dies.
[DOCTOR] Organon? Goodbye, old man. So sorry about this. Thanks for allthe help.
[ORGANON] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] If my deductions are correct, the well-being of two planets isat stake. Erato must not die.
[ADRASTA] Huntsman, set the wolfweeds on the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, wait. That's all you've got on this planet, isn't it?Weeds, weeds, forest and weeds. You scratch about for food wherever youcan, but you can't plough the land, can you? You can't do anythinguntil you've mastered the forests and the weeds. And you can't do thatwithout metal.
[ADRASTA] Don't listen to him. It's just the ravings of a demented spacetramp. Set the wolfweeds on him!
[DOCTOR] Do that, and you will hurl this planet back into the dark ages.And for what? To satisfy the petty power cravings of that patheticwoman.
[ADRASTA] Have a care, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Have a care yourself. Care for your people for a change.
[ADRASTA] Kill him!
[HUNTSMAN] Let him speak.
[ADRASTA] Huntsman, I order you.
[HUNTSMAN] Let him speak.
[DOCTOR] Now, if my deductions are correct.
[ADRASTA] They're not.
[DOCTOR] Erato came here fifteen years ago to propose a tradingagreement. Tythonus is a planet rich in metallic ores and minerals. AmI not right, K9?
[K9] Checking data banks. Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] That was a good guess.
[ADRASTA] Fools! You listen to the opinions of an electric dog?
[DOCTOR] The Tythonions exist on ingesting chlorophyll. Large quantitiesof it, judging by their size. Now, there's a superabundance of planetlife on Chloris, so
[ROMANA] So Erato came here to offer you metal in return forchlorophyll. Of course!
[DOCTOR] Right. But who was the first person he met?
[ORGANON] The person who held the monopoly of metal here.
[DOCTOR] Right. And did she put the welfare of her struggling peopleabove her own petty power? No. She's tipped the ambassador into a pitand threw astrologers at him.
[HUNTSMAN] Is this true, my lady?
[ADRASTA] Not a word of it. It's a pack of lies.
[DOCTOR] Let's see if Erato agrees with me, shall we?
[ADRASTA] That won't prove anything! You just take hold of that thingand say exactly what you like. You expect intelligent people to fallfor your childish tricks?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's very simple. Why don't you come over here, take holdof the communicator and we'll hear the truth from your larynx.
[ADRASTA] What? No. Don't talk such rubbish. Huntsman, I order you tokill the Doctor!
[HUNTSMAN] My lady, I think we want to hear the truth of this. Go andspeak with the Creature.
[ADRASTA] No. I refuse. I utterly refuse.
[HUNTSMAN] I think not, my lady.
[ADRASTA] No! Back! Back!
[DOCTOR] Come on, just take hold of the communicator.
[ERATO] Thank you, Doctor.
[ERATO] Your deductions are, of course, correct. We are runningdangerously short of chlorophyll on Tythonus, and have more metal thanwe need. Reports reached us of this planet Chloris which had preciselythe opposite problem, and we thought that a trading agreement would bemutually beneficial.
[ADRASTA] It's lies, lies! It's all lies!
[ERATO] No, it is you who are lying. Unfortunately, I ran foul of thisevil woman who tricked me into the Pit. If you will forgive me, I havea score to settle.
[HUNTSMAN] Yes. So, I think, have we.
[DOCTOR] She's dead.
[HUNTSMAN] Yes. And with her die the dark ages for this planet.
[DOCTOR] Erato.
[ERATO] I'm sorry for all the unpleasantness, but thank you for theweeds.
[DOCTOR] My pleasure.
[ERATO] They are the first solid meal I've had in fifteen years. Iwonder if you could arrange to have me hoisted out of the Pit?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course. Huntsman? See to it. It is a bitclaustrophobic down here.
[HUNTSMAN] Thank you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Don't say that.
[HUNTSMAN] Why not?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Just don't say it. Not yet.
(Throne room)
[ORGANON] He was going to let me die!
[ROMANA] Of course he wasn't.
[K9] All circuits now fully operational. Thank you, mistress.
[ORGANON] Adrasta told him that he would have me put to death if hedidn't order that dog thing to shoot Erato. And all he said was,goodbye old man, terribly sorry. Didn't he?
[K9] Affirmative.
[ORGANON] Well! What kind of a friend is that?
[ROMANA] A very good one. Thanks to him this planet may now have achance to prosper.
[ORGANON] She was going to kill me!
[ROMANA] Nonsense. He probably checked out your horoscope earlier.
[DOCTOR] I did, I did, and I discovered you're going to die ofindigestion.
[K9] Reporting, master.
[K9] I am prepared for all contingencies.
[DOCTOR] Good dog. Good dog. Adrasta's engineers should have Erato outof the Pit by now.
[ROMANA] All of him?
[DOCTOR] Well, yes. Then we should know the truth.
[ROMANA] What? You mean he hasn't been telling us the truth?
[DOCTOR] Well, only as much as he wants us to know until he's set free.
[ROMANA] Well then, do you think it's safe to let him out of the Pit ifyou think he's been lying to us?
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[ROMANA] Well, we don't want several hundred cubic feet of angry blobheaving itself round the country crushing people.
[DOCTOR] He has no intention of crushing people.
[ORGANON] Well, he crushed quite a few down the Pit.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense. He just wanted to talk.
[DOCTOR] Yes, talk, talk. After Adrasta stole his communicator he wasjust trying any way he could to make contact.
[ROMANA] But we don't know anything about him. We don't even know how hegot here.
[DOCTOR] Yes we do. In an egg.
[ROMANA] In an egg?
[DOCTOR] In an egg. When the shell's complete it's a blindingly simplespace vehicle complete with photon drive.
[ROMANA] Well, I didn't see a photon drive.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course he's not going to leave it lying round wherejust anyone could take it. He protected it very carefully.
[DOCTOR] It was concealed in the pieces he kept hidden in the Pit.
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[ROMANA] That shell.
[ROMANA] When we first landed, it was making a noise.
[ROMANA] Could it have been a distress signal? Perhaps it was callingfor help.
[ROMANA] But after fifteen years?
[K9] Tythonions live for up to forty thousand years, mistress.
[ROMANA] So fifteen years in the Pit for one of them would be no morethan the wink of an eye.
[ROMANA] Doctor, I'm sure there's some terrible danger.
[ORGANON] Danger?
[ROMANA] And Erato wants to be out of the Pit and free to escape in hiscraft before something dreadful happens.
[ROMANA] But Doctor, you've played right into his hands. You've let himgo.
[ROMANA] Can't you say anything but yes the whole time?
[DOCTOR] Yes. After he's told us whatever it is.
[DOCTOR] And before he reaches his space vehicle to escape.
[DOCTOR] Do remind me to give him back his photon drive.
(Entrance hall)
[ROMANA] You mean without that segment, Erato can't leave the planet?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Once he guarantees Chloris' safety, we'll let him haveit back and then negotiate a proper trading agreement.
[ROMANA] And Chloris gets all the metal it needs.
[ROMANA] Oh, Doctor, I'm improving.
[TORVIN] Come on, Ainu.
[AINU] Shush.
[TORVIN] We're all rich once we get this metal out of here. Now come on,hurry.
[AINU] Listen, old man. If that monster does bring us lots of metal, howmuch is this lot going to be worth?
[TORVIN] Well, if it's metal, it's valuable. Now come on.
[AINU] No, only because there's so little of it. Now look. In there, theDoctor, whoever he is, has got a piece of the monster's spacecraft. Themonster can't leave Chloris without it. Now if we take that as well,we're made.
[TORVIN] The guards are coming. Now, don't risk it all by being greedyfor one more piece. Now, come on. This way.
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR] Well?
[HUNTSMAN] The Creature's been removed from the Pit.
[DOCTOR] Where is it?
[HUNTSMAN] It's waiting at the side door if you're ready to speak to itagain.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm ready to speak to it. I just hope I'm ready to hearwhat it has to say to me.
[HUNTSMAN] Here are the astronomical readings you asked for, Organon.
[ORGANON] Oh, thank you, thank you.
[DOCTOR] Organon? Take this and guard it with your life. I don't want totake it anywhere near Erato until I want to give it to him. All right?
[HUNTSMAN] This way, Doctor.
(Entrance hall)
[DOCTOR] Romana, take the communicator. Right, Erato. Let's hear whatyou've got to tell us.
(Throne room)
[ORGANON] Strange perturbations are in the sky. Oh,I wish I knew how to interpret them. Oh. Now that's very odd.
(Entrance hall)
[DOCTOR] Well?
[ERATO] What I have to tell you is no more pleasant for me than it willbe for you, but it has passed beyond my
[DOCTOR] Oh do get on with it.
[ERATO] I'm afraid you have only twenty four hours to live.
[ROMANA] What!
[DOCTOR] Shush. Romana, the communicator.
[ERATO] I came as an ambassador to buy chlorophyll, but Adrastaimprisoned me. However, she failed to prevent the other half of my shipfrom communicating that fact to my brothers on Tythonus. They will havetaken that as an act of aggression and responded accordingly.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but now I've set you free, you can contact them all andcall it off, yes?
[ERATO] No, Doctor. I'm afraid it's impossible.
[HUNTSMAN] What's he talking about?
[ERATO] Once the stars are set in their courses
[DOCTOR] Oh please, no more astrological mumbo-jumbo.
[ERATO] I assure you, I mean my words quite literally. The star I referto is a neutron star.
[DOCTOR] A neutron star.
[HUNTSMAN] A neutron star?
[K9] Neutron star. Collapsed star composed of super-compresseddegenerate matter.
[DOCTOR] I know what a neutron star is.
[ERATO] And the course on which it is set will plunge it into the heartof Chloris' sun within twenty four hours.
[HUNTSMAN] Is that bad, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Bad? Chloris' sun will explode and your whole solar system willbe destroyed. Is that bad?
(Throne room)
[ORGANON] Strange things are in the stars. Ah, nowthere's something I recognise. Oh dear. I don't like the look of thatat all. Something terrible is going to happen!
(Entrance hall)
[HUNTSMAN] But there must be something. Can't wecontact Tythonus?
[ERATO] The neutron star has been on its way for several years. Likemost stars, it has no guidance system. There is no way of stopping it.
[HUNTSMAN] But surely?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[ERATO] If you will excuse me, I will leave now. I have no wish towitness this distressing finale.
[DOCTOR] Ahem. But your machine is in pieces.
[ERATO] No matter. It won't take long to spin up a new ship round thevital components.
[DOCTOR] How long?
[ERATO] I feel this is immaterial to
[DOCTOR] How long!
[ERATO] Twenty six ninods.
[DOCTOR] One hour, seven seconds. And you spin out this vessel from thethreads in your own body like you did in the Pit?
[ERATO] The principle is the same.
[DOCTOR] And can you produce aluminium?
[ERATO] Of course.
[TORVIN] Come on, my boys. Come on, my rich boys.We're nearly at the camp now.
[ERATO] This idea is madness, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Erato, a thin shell of aluminium wrapped around a neutron starwill minimise its gravitational pull and we can yank it back out of thesun's field.
[ERATO] And how do you propose to do this yanking, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, the Tardis. We can exert short bursts of enormousgravitational pull on the star, slow it up while you weave youreggshell round it, and then let go.
[ROMANA] And the thing will go spinning off harmlessly into deep space
[DOCTOR] Right.
[ERATO] Let me remind you, Doctor, that I came here to offer help to theplanet of Chloris. They imprisoned me in a pit and starved me forfifteen years. I am disinclined to commit suicide on their behalf.
[DOCTOR] Erato, you came here for your own good and offered the deal tothe wrong person. Will you now condemn an entire planet of innocentpeople to death?
[ERATO] You may be right, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I know I'm right. Well?
[ERATO] I will help you.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now this is what I
[ERATO] A moment please, Doctor. What would you have done if I haddecided to abandon you?
[DOCTOR] Oh well, it's a hypothetical question, my dear old thing.
[ERATO] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, I took the precaution of removing your photon drive. Be agood girl, Romana.
(Throne room)
[ROMANA] Organon? Doctor.
(Bandit camp)
[TORVIN] Here we are, my boys. Wealth beyond ourwildest dreams. The purest, the most beautiful metal.
[AINU] Yeah, I still say we should have picked up that shell.
[TORVIN] Old brass plate, the shell. This is what we want. Metal, metal,metal. It'll make me the most, us the most powerful people on Chloris.
[EDU] What if Ainu's right? What if that creature brings tons of metalto the planet? I say we go back and get that piece of shell.
[TORVIN] Oh, buckets of iron at the end of the rainbow, planets full oftin. You believe in all that gobbledygook if you wish. I'll put mytrust in this solid metal.
[KARELA] There's another six inches to add to your collection, old man.
[TORVIN] Tempered steel. Is that really tempered steel?
[AINU] He's dead.
[KARELA] Kill me and you condemn yourselves to poverty. Without thatpiece of shell, all this metal is just worthless scrap. I have thatpiece of shell hidden. I think that gives us an interesting basis forconversation, doesn't it?
[EDU] If it's hidden, what's to stop us killing you and letting it stayhidden?
[KARELA] If it stays hidden. But is that a chance you want to take?Particularly since the alternative I'm offering you is the certainty ofwealth and power if you join with me in seizing hold of it. Themonopoly will stay in our hands, and with it then control of the wholeplanet. Well?
[DOCTOR] I'm so sorry to butt in and at such a delicate moment, but ifyou're seriously thinking of taking over Chloris I think there'ssomething you should know. In a very few hours, all that'll be left ofit will be a few trillion tons of deep-fried rubble. Now, does thatinfluence your thinking?
[KARELA] What are you talking about, Doctor? You two, kill him.
[DOCTOR] Wait! I'm talking about a shell fragment. If Erato doesn't gethis ship launched within the hour, Chloris' sun will explode. How doesthat appeal? Still want to be scrap iron merchants?
[KARELA] You're bluffing, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Really? Look.
[HUNTSMAN] Tell us where the fragment is.
[HUNTSMAN] Tell us.
[KARELA] It's no use threatening to kill me. I shan't tell you while I'malive, and I certainly won't tell you when I'm dead. I don't believeyour stupid story for a moment.
[HUNTSMAN] And if it's true, you're condemning us all to death.
[KARELA] That's a chance I'm prepared to take.
[DOCTOR] For what? For this heap of scrap iron?
[DOCTOR] Are you willing to sacrifice your life and the lives ofeveryone on this planet for wealth?
[DOCTOR] I thought you'd say that. K9!
[K9] Yes, master?
[DOCTOR] Destroy it.
[KARELA] No, no, no! You're destroying our metal!
[K9] Yes, master?
[DOCTOR] Good dog.
[K9] Thank you, master.
[DOCTOR] Now, would you like to tell me where that fragment is hidden?
[DOCTOR] Erato, can you hear me?
[ERATO] I can hear you, Doctor. Preparing for takeoff.
[DOCTOR] Have we picked up the neutron star yet?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor. On band six.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ROMANA] Doctor, I've been calculating our chances of success.
[DOCTOR] I don't want to hear them.
[ROMANA] Very wise.
[DOCTOR] Dematerialise now.
[DOCTOR] This is going to be very nasty.
[ROMANA] I know.
[DOCTOR] You in position, Erato?
[ERATO] I am ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Gravity tractor beam, activate!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Deactivate tractor beam.
[ROMANA] We can't hold it for more than five seconds at a time.
[ERATO] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, Erato?
[ERATO] You must hold the star. I'm being dragged towards it.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight, everybody.
[DOCTOR] That's got it. Erato, get weaving! We're winning, Romana, we'rewinning.
[ROMANA] We're placing a terrible strain on the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] How much longer, Erato?
[ERATO] You can turn off your gravity beam in five of your seconds.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ERATO] Four, three, two, one.
[ROMANA] Doctor, what happened?
[DOCTOR] The control circuit. I can't turn off the beam!
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] We're pulling the star towards us.
[ROMANA] We've got to dematerialise!
[DOCTOR] Erato, we did it!
[ERATO] I still it was impossible.
[ROMANA] So do I, though I did calculate our changes of success atseventy four million three hundred and eighty four thousand threehundred and thirty eight to one against.
[DOCTOR] What? Seventy four million three hundred and eighty fourthousand three hundred and thirty eight? Well, that's extraordinary.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's my lucky number.
(Throne room)
[ORGANON] I see something tall, something dark.
[HUNTSMAN] How in Chloris did that get here?
[ORGANON] I don't know, but it's tall and dark and
[DOCTOR] Handsome! Yes, yes, I know, Organon.
[ORGANON] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Are you in charge here now?
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Well, we've just dropped in to say goodbye and togive you this. It's from Erato.
[HUNTSMAN] It's a draft contract for a trading agreement.
[HUNTSMAN] Do you know what this is?
[ORGANON] It's a draft contract for a trading agreement.
[HUNTSMAN] How on Chloris did you know that?
[ORGANON] It was written in the stars.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s17", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Creature from the Pit"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (24 Nov, 1979; Fourth Doctor) - Nightmare of Eden
(Empress bridge)
[RIGG] We seem to be ahead of schedule, Secker.
[SECKER] Great.
[RIGG] What?
[SECKER] The sooner the better.
[RIGG] Oh.
[RIGG] Captain here. We're coming out of warp in thirty seconds.
(Empress Passenger deck)
[COMPUTER] This is your flight computer speaking. We are about to gointo orbit around the planet Azure. Passengers may leave their seatswhen the blue light comes on, but are requested not to remove theirprotective coveralls until instructed. Will passengers please rememberthat the Empress will be at seven tenths G, so please be careful whenyou first start to move around. Thank you.
(Empress bridge)
[RIGG] I've got a malfunction. Check it out, will you?
[RIGG] Secker, these coordinates are wrong. Did you set these?
[SECKER] What's a few degrees?
[RIGG] What's a few degrees? What's the matter with you, man? We'reflying an interstellar cruise liner, not riding a bicycle!
[RIGG] So we shall be going into the wrong orbit!
[RIGG] Well, it could mean delays. It could. Oh.
[RIGG] Oh no!
[RIGG] Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is cruise liner Empress reportingcollision. Space collision on approach to Azure.
(Empress corridor)
[RIGG [OC]] Damage control, report to the bridge.
[CREWMAN] The two ships are sticking straight through each other, sir.
[RIGG [OC]] Any blowouts? How's the pressure?
[CREWMAN] Everything's okay except we can't get through to some of thepassenger sections. They're blocked off. The hull of the other ship,sir, is sticking right across the entrance to B deck.
(Empress bridge)
[RIGG] A deck, report. A deck, are there anycasualties?
[RIGG] Have you got that damage report yet? Well?
[RIGG] Oh, it's all your fault, Secker. I'll carry the can. I'll lose myjob but you, you'll never work in West Galaxy again. Go on, check thepower, man. Come on, move yourself! This is an emergency!
(B deck)
[ROMANA] Fascinating.
[DOCTOR] Bit of a mish-mash.
[ROMANA] Why wasn't there an explosion?
[DOCTOR] Well, one of the ships must have been in dematerialised formwhen it happened. Nasty. Could cause terrible problems.
[K9] Affirmative. The overlap areas are highly unstable, master.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Interfaces, I should say.
[K9] Affirmative.
[ROMANA] I don't think we should interfere.
[DOCTOR] Interfere? Of course we should interfere. Always do what you'rebest at, that's what I say. Now, come on.
(By the airlock)
[ROMANA] Who was that?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[ROMANA] Shall we follow?
[DOCTOR] At our own pace.
(Empress bridge)
[DYMOND] What are you going to do about the damage to my ship?
[RIGG] Mister Dymond, I am concerned with my ship, my crew, and ninehundred passengers. We're fully covered comprehensive on all thirdparty damage, so don't worry.
[DYMOND] I was involved in the most important job, and you just comecrashing in on me, then you tell me not to worry? What am I going to dofor a ship?
[RIGG] The Company will compensate you. Get in touch with your insurancepeople!
[DYMOND] Then I insist that you sign a document to the effect that thiscollision was entirely your fault!
[RIGG] I can't do that! What were you doing there, anyway? You wereright in the middle of a launch and land window for commercial flights.
[DYMOND] I was given complete clearance from Azure Control. You were offcourse!
[DOCTOR] Gentlemen, gentlemen, please. I'd say it was knock for knock,wouldn't you?
[RIGG] What? Are you a passenger?
[DOCTOR] No, no. We answered your mayday. I'm from Galactic Insuranceand Salvage. Been having a look around. This is my assistant, Romana.I'm the Doctor. How do you do?
[RIGG] How'd you do. What's that?
[DOCTOR] Oh, K9? Well, a computer of sorts.
[RIGG] It looks more like a dog. Does he bark?
[DOCTOR] No. But he has been know to bite. Aren't we going to introduceourselves?
[RIGG] Oh, yes. My name's Rigg, Captain Rigg.
[DOCTOR] We just met.
[RIGG] Yes. Er, this is Mister Dymond, the owner of the other vehicleinvolved in the, er, incident.
[DOCTOR] How do you do.
[RIGG] Salvage, you say?
[RIGG] Yes, well, I can't discuss anything until I've spoken to theCompany.
[DOCTOR] What about a better idea? Why don't we try to separate theships?
[DYMOND] Impossible.
[DOCTOR] I like doing the impossible.
[ROMANA] If it's possible to get into the situation, theoretically itshould be possible to get out of it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you've spoilt it now.
[ROMANA] But look, at the time of the collision this ship was partiallydematerialised.
[DOCTOR] Therefore if we can recreate identical circumstances the shipscould be separated.
[ROMANA] It's just a question of exciting the molecules. Put your shipon full thrust.
[DOCTOR] Then full reverse.
[ROMANA] Well, it's worked before, you know.
[DOCTOR] I preferred it when it seemed impossible.
[RIGG] Yes, well, it might work if I could get any power.
[DOCTOR] Are you pressing the right button?
[RIGG] Of course I am.
[DOCTOR] Can we switch on the wreck of the power unit?
[RIGG] Well, we could do, but it's dangerous.
[DYMOND] Worth a try anything to get out of this mess.
[RIGG] It could damage your ship.
[DYMOND] That's nice coming from someone who's just crashed into it.I'll risk it.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right. Where's the power unit?
[RIGG] Secker'll show you. Secker, take the Doctor to the power unit.
[DOCTOR] Good. No, Romana, you stay here. I might need you. I'll takeK9. K9? K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. Affirmative.
[RIGG] Well, Romana, why don't you and Mister Dymond wait in the lounge?
[ROMANA] Right.
[RIGG] Just down the corridor on the right.
(First class corridor)
[SECKER] You go down here to section five, then left into theshuttlebay, and down to level B. You can't miss it.
[DOCTOR] Hold on, I thought the idea was you'd show me.
[SECKER] I've told you, haven't I? What's the difference? I'm busy.
[DOCTOR] How very odd.
[K9] Affirmative.
(Luggage area)
[DOCTOR] Any idea what this is, K9?
[K9] A fungus. Source of the drug XYP.
[K9] Dangerous, addictive. Known as Vraxoin.
[DOCTOR] Vraxoin? I've seen whole communities, whole planets destroyedby this. It induces a kind of warm complacency and a total apathy.Until it wears off, that is, and soon you're dead. Come on.
[TRYST] It is my ambition to become the first zoologist to qualify andquantify every species in our galaxy. One more trip and I may achieveit.
[ROMANA] Are you planning another?
[TRYST] Ah, well, the next is always on my mind, but is a question offinance. I was hoping to meet a sponsor on Azure, but this accident mayhave ruined my chances.
[ROMANA] A sponsor?
[TRYST] Yes, well, the government used to fund me, but the galacticrecession put a stop to that. Now all they do is to assign me specialtravel facilities on government subsidised spacelines, but first class.
[ROMANA] What's that machine?
[TRYST] Ah, that is my CET machine. The Continuous Event Transmuter. Itis an invention of mine. I will show you.
[ROMANA] It looks as if you've invented the cinematograph.
[TRYST] What you see may seem to be just a mere projection, but it is infact a matter transmutation.
[DELLA] You see, when we've collected the specimens for study, they'reconverted into electromagnetic signals and stored on an event crystalin the machine.
[TRYST] And they go on living and evolving.
[DELLA] In the crystal.
[TRYST] This image projection allows us to see them whenever we wish.The flora and the fauna are actually in a crystal. I hope you canappreciate what a technical achievement that is.
[ROMANA] A crude form of matter transfer by dimensional control.
[TRYST] Crude?
[ROMANA] Well, prototype. And you could have problems with it.
[TRYST] Problems? But it works perfectly.
[ROMANA] Nothing works perfectly.
[TRYST] Oh, yes, but
[ROMANA] What about the materialisation collision? It's caused all sortsof unstable matter interface. They'll probably affect the dimensionalmatrix of your machine.
[TRYST] The what?
[ROMANA] Have you thought of that?
[TRYST] Are you claiming superior knowledge?
[ROMANA] Equal, perhaps.
[DYMOND] I wish everyone would stop showing off and get something doneabout my ship.
(Empress bridge)
[RIGG] We seem to have to have a slight problem,Azure. We're doing out best to sort it out and meanwhile we'll continueto orbit. Rigg out.
[RIGG] Ah, Doctor. The man from Galactic.
[RIGG] Back so soon?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I'll tell you something about your man Secker.
[RIGG] What about him?
[DOCTOR] He ran away.
[RIGG] Yes, well, he has been behaving rather strangely. Seems to be ina different world.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Perhaps he's unwell. Can I have a look at your log andcheck to see if he's been to any planet where he might have picked upVraxoin?
[RIGG] Doctor, this is the milk run. Station nine to Azure, Azure toStation nine. A straight charter for the whole season.
[DOCTOR] What about one of the passengers? One of them could have beenthe carrier, so to speak.
[RIGG] No, Doctor. They've all had prevocation checks. The Azurianauthorities insist on it.
[DOCTOR] Anyone else?
[RIGG] Tryst.
[DOCTOR] Tryst?
[RIGG] Yes. A zoologist. He arrived at Station nine after a longexpedition with his equipment and he's looking for a holiday.
[DOCTOR] Where had he been?
[RIGG] Well, all over. Oh, but he's all right. We checked him over.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but I'd still like to know where he's been.
[RIGG] Yes, and I'd like to know just who you are.
[RIGG] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Well, I told you. I'm from Galactic.
[RIGG] Galactic went out of business twenty years ago.
[DOCTOR] I wondered why I hadn't been paid.
[RIGG] Now that's not good enough.
[DOCTOR] That's what I thought. Where can I find Tryst?
[RIGG] Well, he's in the first class lounge.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Look, you try and find Secker and meet me in thefirst class lounge and
[RIGG] Yes, and
[DOCTOR] No, no. Do you want this ship repaired or not?
[RIGG] Well, yes, of course I do.
[DOCTOR] Well then, just find Secker and meet me in the lounge in fiveminutes.
[RIGG] But I
(B deck)
[RIGG [OC]] Secker, report to the bridge.
[DOCTOR] Really? Then where did you go?
[TRYST] We went through the Cygnus gap.
[DOCTOR] What?
[TRYST] And then we did a slingshot over to a small system, just threeplanets, M37. You know?
[DOCTOR] I do.
[TRYST] The second planet supports life in a very early stage ofevolution. The molluscs, the algae, the primitive insects. I can showyou.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, that's perfectly all right. I'm just interested inthe voyage. It's fascinating.
[TRYST] Here you are, a copy of my log. I published it to go with mylectures.
[DOCTOR] The Volante.
[TRYST] Yes, the name of my ship.
[DOCTOR] And you invented this marvellous machine to collect yourspecimens? You know, I knew a man once who toyed with an idea likethis. What was his name? Professor Stein?
[TRYST] Professor Stein?
[TRYST] Oh, a dear friend. He was my mentor. We worked on this ideatogether before he died, of course. Then we stopped. You knew him?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, by reputation. He once gave a seminar on the
[DYMOND] Doctor, Doctor, Doctor. All very well reminiscing but don't wehave an urgent problem to deal with? I'm anxious to be on my way.
[DOCTOR] Of course. You're extremely anxious to be on your way.
[DYMOND] Yes. You see, I didn't actually expect a spaceliner tomaterialise halfway through my ship today.
[RIGG] Doctor, we can't locate Secker. My men are still looking.
[DOCTOR] Could you take me to the power unit yourself?
[RIGG] Well, yes, all right.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Tryst, thank you very much for your story. Veryinteresting. We must have a chat about this machine of yours sometime.
[TRYST] Yes.
[DOCTOR] And about the notion of your capturing alien species for yourown private zoo.
[TRYST] Zoo?
[TRYST] No, Doctor, this is important scientific research. I am helpingto conserve endangered species.
[DOCTOR] By putting them in this machine?
[TRYST] Oh, yes.
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes, of course. Just in the same way a jam maker conservesraspberries.
[ROMANA] Oh, don't mind him. He just likes to irritate people.
[TRYST] Yes, well, he has a right to criticise. I suppose. Still, I'mvery pleased to have someone of intellect to speak with again, aftersuch a long voyage cooped up with all the same peoples.
[ROMANA] How many were on your ship?
[TRYST] Ah, well, to begin with there was ten, but we lost one.
[TRYST] He died.
[ROMANA] How did he die?
[TRYST] He died.
[RIGG] Did you find out anything from Tryst?
[DOCTOR] No. K9 checked all the planets he'd been to.
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] None of them could explain Secker's condition.
[RIGG] Are you certain?
[DOCTOR] Absolutely sure.
[RIGG] Oh dear.
[K9] Caution. Area of overlap is highly dangerous. Molecular structureof the two ships is incompatible, causing matter interface.
[RIGG] What?
[DOCTOR] Fascinating. The two ships are rejecting each other.Molecularly speaking, that is.
[RIGG] Like a tissue transplant, you mean.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Exactly. Is there another way to the power unit?
[RIGG] Well, we can try from below the shuttlebay. We'll have to cut ourway through. I could put in a request for lasers, have them sent upfrom Azure.
[DOCTOR] That won't be necessary. I've got my own equipment.
[DELLA] What are you doing?
[ROMANA] Oh, I was just having a look. I hope you don't mind.
[DELLA] I don't, no.
[ROMANA] Then why have you switched it off?
[DELLA] I don't mind. Tryst does. This machine's his baby. Nobodytouches it except for him.
[ROMANA] Has it ever gone wrong?
[DELLA] No. Why should it?
[ROMANA] Pff. Lots of reasons. Do you think I could just have a look atthat last one? Eden, I think it's called.
[DELLA] No, not that one.
[ROMANA] What's the matter?
[DELLA] It's just that Eden brings back such unpleasant memories for me.That was where we lost the other crewmember.
[ROMANA] Oh, I see. He was a friend of yours.
[DELLA] More than that, but it doesn't matter now. Excuse me.
(Interface below the shuttlebay)
[RIGG] We won't be able to make it, Doctor. Theplace to cut through is beyond that overlap.
[DOCTOR] Where's the power unit?
[RIGG] Up there.
[K9] Caution, master. You're entering a matter interface.
[RIGG] What the devil did that?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[RIGG] Medics level four. Meet you at the elevator. Move!
[DOCTOR] K9, see if you can find anything in there.
[K9] The mist is a matter interface and therefore dangerous, master.
[DOCTOR] Just go near the edge.
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[K9] Sensors will not function in the environment, master.
(By the lift)
[RIGG] Let's get him to the sickbay, quick!
(Luggage area)
[DOCTOR] Hello. No wait, please.
[RIGG] It was an attack by somebody, or something.
[DELLA] Horrible. But why?
[RIGG] I don't know. Have you ever seen anything like that before?
[DELLA] No. No, I haven't.
[TRYST] Ah, Captain, I get your message. What is the problem?
[RIGG] Look at this.
[TRYST] Where did this happen?
[RIGG] Down under the shuttlebay. Secker was in one of the matterinterfaces.
[TRYST] Yes, that could be the answer. Who knows what forces exist in anunstable zone such as that?
[RIGG] You didn't hear the scream. Tryst.
[RIGG] You didn't bring any live specimens on board my ship, did you?
[TRYST] Oh, no, Captain. I assure you. No, all my specimens are lasercrystal recordings.
[RIGG] Good, good.
[K9] This way, mistress.
[ROMANA] How far?
[K9] Approximately seven metres and closing.
(Luggage area)
[ROMANA] Doctor! What happened?
[DOCTOR] I. Bushwhacked!
[ROMANA] What?
[K9] Please clarify. Statement does not compute.
[DOCTOR] Bushwhacked!
[K9] Oh. Bushwhacked. Cowardly attack by a person or persons unknown.
[DOCTOR] Gone.
[ROMANA] Has something been stolen?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Someone aboard this ship is smuggling drugs. Vraxoin.
[ROMANA] Vraxoin!
[ROMANA] I thought that was stamped out long ago.
[ROMANA] The only known source was destroyed, wasn't it?
[DOCTOR] That's right. They incinerated an entire planet. Someone'sfound another source.
(Empress bridge)
[DYMOND] What is the man doing? He comes up with amarvellous idea then he fiddles about.
[RIGG] I've got my own problems, Dymond, including a dead navigator. Andnow the Doctor says he's going to blast his way into the shuttlebay.How do I explain a great gaping hole in the side of the ship?
[DYMOND] I just wish he'd get on with it. I've got a schedule to keep.
[RIGG] So have I.
(By the lift)
[ROMANA] Doctor, this machine.
[DOCTOR] What, the lift?
[ROMANA] No, not the lift, the CET machine.
[DOCTOR] What about it?
[ROMANA] It doesn't just take recordings.
[DOCTOR] Oh no, the animals themselves are converted into magneticsignals, and their habitats.
[ROMANA] So he's left bald patches on the planets he's visited?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The CET machine's just an electric zoo. For cages, readlaser crystals. Either way, the animals are trapped inside.
[ROMANA] I hope so.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean?
[ROMANA] Well, you saw how primitive the device was. It's terriblyunstable. This ship is full of unstable matter zones. It gives me thecreeps. It wasn't just a mirage that attacked Secker.
[RIGG] Killed him.
[DOCTOR] What?
[RIGG] Secker's dead. They couldn't save him.
[DOCTOR] That's a pity. He might have been able to say what attackedhim.
[RIGG] I asked Tryst, but he couldn't help either.
[DOCTOR] Right, first things first. Romana, you take care of the CETmachine.
[ROMANA] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Separate the ships. Come on, Rigg.
[DOCTOR] Well, Captain, you'll have to show us thebest place.
[RIGG] It's a pity we can't get further up there, and I don't want todamage an airseal or cut through a stress point.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sure K9 will be careful, won't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] Go. Make it as big as you can, K9.
[RIGG] Very handy, that machine of yours, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] He's not just a mobile blowtorch, you know. He's saved my lifeon lots of occasions. Beat me at chess, once. Shush.
[RIGG] Right, Doctor, give me a hand.
[RIGG] What the devil was that?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[RIGG] And what in the name of the suns is it doing on board the ship?First a collision, then a dead navigator, and now a monster roamingabout my ship! It's totally inexplicable.
[DOCTOR] Nothing's inexplicable.
[RIGG] Then explain it!
[DOCTOR] It's inexplicable. We'd better put it back.
[RIGG] It must have been that that got Secker.
[DOCTOR] Maybe, but Secker was a dead man already.
[RIGG] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] He was taking Vraxoin.
[RIGG] Oh, no.
(First class corridor)
[RIGG] None of my passengers could have brought iton board the ship.
[DOCTOR] Dymond's ship?
[RIGG] No, I've scanned it. Still, I'll scan the Empress again.
[DOCTOR] Yes, the Vraxoin must be found.
[RIGG] Yes, it's bad stuff.
[DOCTOR] Bad stuff? It's the worst. I've seen whole planets ravaged byit while the merchants made fortunes.
[RIGG] Your people knew it would be on board, did they?
[DOCTOR] What, my people?
[RIGG] Well, you're an agent, aren't you?
[DOCTOR] No! I'm the Doctor. I keep telling you that.
[RIGG] Yes, but who do you work for?
[DOCTOR] Work for? I don't work for anybody. I'm just having fun.
[RIGG] Everybody works for somebody.
(Empress bridge)
[RIGG] If there's any Vraxoin on board, it'll showup on the scan.
[DOCTOR] Can you check the whole ship with this?
[RIGG] Every nook and cranny. Nothing in the forward section.
[DOCTOR] Secker kept his in the luggage area. I took what was left thensomeone took it from me. After stunning me, that is.
[RIGG] Who?
[DOCTOR] Yes, who indeed.
[RIGG] Nothing.
[DOCTOR] Is there any possible shield against that scan?
[RIGG] No, no, no.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[RIGG] Well, any shield would be too small to hide any useful quantityof the stuff.
[DOCTOR] Yes, a small thick tube. Very mysterious.
[RIGG] But this drug is hardly our most pressing problem.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know, I know. We've got to get the ships separated.
[RIGG] Yes, but how to get through to the power unit?
[DOCTOR] Yes. You know, there might be a way we can do it using my ship.
[RIGG] Your ship?
[RIGG] Yes, where is your ship, by the way?
[DOCTOR] Oh, around.
[RIGG] Well there you go again. How do I know I can trust you?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Or I you, Captain.
[RIGG] Oh, that's hardly the point.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but who's helping whom?
[RIGG] All right, what do you want me to do?
[DOCTOR] Right, when I give the word, I want Dymond to put his ship onfull power. Trust me, Captain.
[DELLA] Romana! Are you all right?
[ROMANA] I don't know. I think so.
[DELLA] What happened?
[ROMANA] Oh. I must have fainted.
[DELLA] Was it anything to do with the machine?
[ROMANA] Yes. I was watching the projection, and then I. Oh. It isn't onanymore. I just felt hot. I must have fainted.
[DELLA] I asked you not to put that particular image on.
[ROMANA] Yes, I know, but as I was on my own I thought I'd just haveanother look. Besides, you assured me that it was perfectly safe,didn't you.
[DELLA] Of course. I'll tell you what. I'll get you something to drink.You look quite pale.
(Vending area)
[RIGG] Ah, Della.
[DELLA] Oh, hello, Captain.
[RIGG] That's just what I was after.
[DELLA] Oh, it's for Romana. She's fainted. I'll get one for you.
[RIGG] Fainted, you say? It wasn't something she saw, was it?
[DELLA] No, I think she just felt hot.
[RIGG] Oh, why don't I just take this one.
[DELLA] Help yourself.
[RIGG] Thanks.
(B deck)
[DOCTOR] I want to get as close as possible.
[K9] Predict only sixty percent chance of success, master.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, K9, how is it that, how is it you always look on theblack side of things?
[DOCTOR] Here am I, trying a little lateral thinking, and what do youdo? You trample all over it with logic.
[K9] It is a question of the localised power available, master. Ipredict
[DOCTOR] Sixty percent. I heard you, I heard you. But it's worth a try.Now, come on. Let's go and find your mistress. Come on. Come on.
(Empress bridge)
[DYMOND] I've got to be away soon or I'll lose mycontract. A year's work for nothing. Do you realise that? It's all yourfault, Captain. You were off course.
[RIGG] And you shouldn't have been in that sector.
[TRYST] Gentlemen, please. Blaming each other won't help anything. Theonly person who seems to be able to do anything constructive is theDoctor, and we must support him.
[RIGG] Yes, yes. I just wish we knew more about him. You know he's gotsome bee in his bonnet about drug smuggling on the ship.
[TRYST] Drug smuggling?
[RIGG] Yes. There isn't any evidence to back up his suspicions. Thereisn't a trace of any drug anywhere on the ship at all. Still, I thinkthat's the least of our worries.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure about that? That creaturecame through the picture?
[DOCTOR] You were right about this machine. It is unstable, and thatcreature's escaped from its electric zoo. I wonder where it came from?
[ROMANA] A planet called Eden.
[DOCTOR] Eden?
[ROMANA] Do you know it?
[DOCTOR] Well, it rings a bell.
[TRYST] Ah, Doctor. I have a message for you. Oh, I'm so delighted thatyou are taking an interest in my CET machine.
[DOCTOR] I'm absolutely amazed.
[TRYST] Yes. Well, it is rather impressive, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] No, I mean I'm amazed at you, Tryst, using a machine like thiswhen it's still so primitive. The whole thing's utterly unstable.
[TRYST] Well, I value your opinion, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. I value my life and this machine makes me fear forit.
[TRYST] It does?
[TRYST] Well, what do you think is so wrong?
[DOCTOR] Well, at a rough guess I'd say the spatial integrator,transmutation oscillator, hologistic retention circuit. Shall I go on?
[TRYST] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Dimensional osmosis damper?
[TRYST] Er, the what?
[DOCTOR] You mean you haven't even got a dimensional osmosis damper?Professor, you don't realise how unstable this machine is.
[TRYST] Yes, yes, all right, Doctor. In spite of your interest, I havedecided to shut it off until I've had a chance to make someadjustments.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm delighted to hear it.
[TRYST] Yes, no, no, and it doesn't matter what you are saying, I'mgoing to switch it off.
[DOCTOR] Good!
[TRYST] Yes. Oh, I nearly forgot.
[DOCTOR] What?
[TRYST] The message. The separation of the ships. Dymond is waiting foryou.
[DOCTOR] I'm on my way. Romana, off to the Tardis. I'll give you detailslater. Tryst! Don't you forget to switch that off.
(Empress bridge)
[RIGG] You know what, Dymond? The Empress has eaten your ship. Ha ha!Eaten it.
[DYMOND [on monitor]] I don't see why you find it so funny. After all,you stand to lose your Captaincy over this.
[RIGG] Yeah, I know, I know, I know. I mean, that's funny in itself,isn't it.
[DOCTOR] Stay there, K9. Stay there. Right then, Dymond. Ready foranother try? I want you to put your ship on full power. Not now. When Itell you.
[DYMOND [on monitor]] Right, Doctor.
[RIGG] Where are you going to be, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Here, if it's all right with you. Romana's in my ship. I cankeep an eye on things from here.
[RIGG] Oh, be my guest.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Romana?
[ROMANA [on monitor]] All ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. We're just waiting on Dymond. K9?
[K9] Yes, master?
[DOCTOR] Just in case your prediction is correct, go along to one of theblurred areas and take a reading for me.
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Good dog.
[K9] Success only sixty percent owing to factors of localised energy.
[DYMOND [on monitor]] Ready when you are, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good. Start building up power.
[RIGG] Well, I'll leave you to it, Doctor. I'm thirsty.
[DOCTOR] Romana, get ready. What did you say? Romana, get ready.
[DYMOND [on monitor]] I'll have to switch off, Doctor. My ship'sbreaking up.
[DOCTOR] No, no. Come on, Dymond, now. Don't lose your nerve. We'realmost there. Just a bit longer.
[DYMOND [on monitor]] No, she won't take it!
[DOCTOR] Romana, switch off. Something's wrong. I'll go and find K9.He's taking a reading for me.
(By the interface area)
[DOCTOR] K9? K9, where are you? K9? He must have slipped through. Goodboy, K9!
[DOCTOR] Ah, could I have a word with you, please?
(Passenger area)
[WOMAN] What's going on?
[DOCTOR] I'm looking for a man dressed just like you.
[MAN] When are we going to land? We've been stuck for ages. How muchlonger?
[DOCTOR] Which way did he go? This way?
[MAN 2] Maybe that's the entertainment?
[DOCTOR] Excuse me.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me.
[WOMAN 2] What's the meaning of this? Why aren't we going down to Azure?
[DOCTOR] I promise you, everything possible is being done.
[WOMAN 2] But what are they doing about it?
[DOCTOR] Here, have a jelly baby and don't forget to brush your teeth.
(By the interface area)
[DOCTOR] I only wanted a word with you, whoever you are. You tooksomething from me, old chap. I'd rather like to have it back.
[RIGG] Little ships in big ships. Ships in bottles. Russian dolls,that's what it's like. You remember those?
[ROMANA] Yes, I do. I wonder if the people who made them realised theywere making a model of the universe?
[RIGG] A what? Eh?
[ROMANA] As a primitive concept, you know.
[TRYST] I don't think the Captain is in a mood to discuss philosophy.Can I get you anything, Rigg? A caffetine capsule, perhaps? RIGG
[TRYST] Oh, come on, Captain. The Doctor may still come up withsomething.
[RIGG] The Doctor. The enigmatic, almighty Mister Fix-it. He's failedagain and I don't care about that either.
[ROMANA] Not yet. I'd better go and see what he's doing.
[TRYST] Oh, please.
[RIGG] Hey. Hey, it's them. They're the ones who are doing the drugsmuggling, you know? So the Doctor isn't going to do anything at all,right?
(In the interface)
[DOCTOR] I just want to talk to you. I promise you, you'll enjoy it.Stop!
[RIGG] Okay, so the Doctor's an agent. Yes, that'sit. He's a narcotics agent.
[TRYST] And we must give him all the help that we can. Here, drink this.It'll make you feel better. There. And Romana, is she an agent too?
[RIGG] What if she is? I mean, I don't care. What does it matter? Imean, nothing matters at all.
(By the lift)
[ROMANA] Doctor?
(In the interface)
[DOCTOR] What are you doing?
(By the interface area)
[ROMANA] Doctor? Where are you?
[ROMANA] Doctor! Are you all right? There's a creature in there. It'shorrible. We've got to get away. What were you doing in there? Come on!
[DOCTOR] Romana, stop. Do you know I've just come through an interface?That's no mean feat. I'm not even sure I'm all here.
[ROMANA] You mean you've been right through to the other side?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I have, I have. Did you see anyone while I was in there?Coveralls, dark glasses.
[ROMANA] Well, someone shot at that creature and drove it off.
[DOCTOR] It must have been the chap I was chasing. The fellow who jumpedme in the luggage section. Still, I know something about him now. Hedropped his radiation band in the struggle just now. Look. Volante.
[ROMANA] Tryst's ship?
[DELLA] What's the matter with Captain Rigg?
[TRYST] Oh, I think he found the whole thing a little too much, but he'll be all right.
[DELLA] Good. I thought you told the Doctor you wouldn't use the CETagain?
[TRYST] Ah, yes, but I'm using for his benefit, Della.
[TRYST] Yes. The Doctor is looking for someone on this ship who iscarrying Vraxoin.
[DELLA] Vrax?
[TRYST] Yes, Vrax. The Doctor is probably a narcotics agent, so we areall under suspicion. So I thought perhaps that we might put our ownhouse in order, as it were.
[DELLA] How do you mean?
[TRYST] Well, Della, I've been thinking about Stott, our sadly lamentedcrewman and your close friend, and his strange behaviour on Eden. Mightit be him who discovered a new source of Vrax? But he died, of course,didn't he.
[DELLA] What are you suggesting?
[TRYST] No, Della, I'm sorry to do this, but I must be certain about afew things, not the least to eliminate the possibility that the Volanteand my expedition was used to transport this detestable substance. Nowlet us assume, for a moment, that it was Stott. He must have had anaccomplice. Someone who would take over from him when he died.
[DELLA] Are you accusing me?
[TRYST] No, no, no, I'm not accusing you, Della. I'm just asking you.Was it Stott?
[DELLA] Of course not. I knew him. He wouldn't do anything like that.
[TRYST] Then why did he disappear for two hours on Eden, the day beforehe was killed?
[DELLA] I don't know. I don't know anything about that.
[TRYST] Of course.
(First class corridor)
[DOCTOR] Rigg said Tryst and Della were the onlyones from the expedition to come aboard.
[ROMANA] A stowaway?
[DOCTOR] Well, we have to ask Rigg.
[ROMANA] He's hit the bottle.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] He doesn't care about anything anymore. He just laughs andgiggles the whole time, sick grin on his face.
[DOCTOR] Well, that doesn't sound like drunkenness to me.
[ROMANA] Vraxoin? Where from?
[DOCTOR] Well, inside the projection set. It's the only place. Romana,we've got no choice.
[ROMANA] What do you want to do?
[DOCTOR] What we have to do. We've got to get inside that machine. Comeon.
[TRYST] Ah, Doctor. Doctor, Rigg has told me about the drugs.
[DOCTOR] Oh, really.
[TRYST] Yes. Doctor, I believe I can help you over this problem.
[DOCTOR] You can?
[TRYST] Yes. Er.
[DOCTOR] Romana, please.
[TRYST] Doctor, I'm very sad to say that I think the drugs were smuggledon board my ship, and I'm pretty certain I know who it was.
[DOCTOR] You are?
[TRYST] Yes. One of my crew. But he was killed. But I think he passedthe drugs on before he died.
[TRYST] Yes. To Della.
[DOCTOR] What!
[TRYST] I question her, of course, but she wouldn't admit it.
[DOCTOR] Well, maybe it's because she's innocent. How'd you know she didit?
[TRYST] Doctor
[DYMOND [OC]] Calling the Doctor. Would the Doctor please report to thebridge immediately.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Tryst.
[DOCTOR] Did you hear that?
[ROMANA] Della, indeed.
(Power unit)
[K9] Have located power unit. Awaitinginstructions, master.
[DYMOND] Ah, Doctor. This is Waterguard Fisk and Landing Officer Costaof the Azurian Excise. I've been telling them
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Now listen.
[FISK] Can I see your ident plaque?
[DOCTOR] Can I just tell you something, please?
[FISK] Let me see it. Now.
[DOCTOR] On this ship
[FISK] The plaque, please, sir.
[COSTA] (to Romana) And yours, please.
[ROMANA] I haven't got one.
[DOCTOR] Neither have I.
[FISK] That's extremely serious.
[DOCTOR] Drugs. Vraxoin.
[FISK] Names and dates of birth. Come on, come on.
[ROMANA] Romana.
[FISK] Romana who?
[DOCTOR] Will you please listen? Someone aboard this ship is smugglingdrugs.
[COSTA] Name and date of birth.
[DOCTOR] Well how would I know? I don't even know who he is yet.
[COSTA] Your name and date of birth.
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, I'm called the Doctor. Date of birth difficult toremember. Sometime quite soon, I think.
[FISK] I would advise you not to play the fool with us.
[ROMANA] We wouldn't want to.
[DOCTOR] Would you please listen? Vraxoin is the biggest killer drug inexistence and it's on this ship!
[FISK] All in good time.
[DOCTOR] There's no good time. The criminals must be caught.
[FISK] Costa.
[COSTA] Right. I'll start with you.
[COSTA] She's clean.
[DOCTOR] You're wasting your time.
[FISK] What is it?
[COSTA] Vraxoin. Traces of it in his pocket.
[FISK] So, the criminals must be caught, eh, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, for heaven's sake, Fisk
[FISK] You're under arrest.
[DOCTOR] All right. Can I just say one thing at this moment?
[FISK] Well?
[DOCTOR] It's simply that. Look!
[DOCTOR] We've only got a few seconds.
[DOCTOR] Quick, Romana. CET machine, quickly.
[ROMANA] It's running.
[DOCTOR] Get me Eden.
[ROMANA] Now what do we do?
[DOCTOR] Test an old theory of mine. Come on.
[ROMANA] But we can't. It's unstable!
[DOCTOR] Come on, Romana. We must, we must.
[ROMANA] We'll get torn apart.
[DOCTOR] We've got no alternative. Come on. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Well, how do you like Eden?
[ROMANA] I don't.
[DOCTOR] Might give us a few answer, though.
[ROMANA] Which way?
[DOCTOR] Let's go east.
[ROMANA] How do you know which way is east?
[DOCTOR] Well, I don't. We'll go that way and we'll call it east.
[ROMANA] Why not call it north?
[DOCTOR] All right, we'll call it north.
[ROMANA] North-east?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Can we go, please?
[FISK] Doctor!
[FISK] Come on, you may as well give yourself up.
[COSTA] There must be another way out of here.
[DYMOND] I don't know.
[FISK] There's got to be. What's that?
[DYMOND] It's a door.
[FISK] It's locked. Get Tryst.
[ROMANA] How did you know we could get into theprojection?
[DOCTOR] The same way I knew we could get into the Tardis. Tryst doesn'trealise what he's stumbled on. At least, I don't think he has.
[ROMANA] A relative dimensional field?
[DOCTOR] Yes. All this is recorded on laser crystal. When it's playedback
[ROMANA] It's restructured on an intradimensional matrix.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, roughly speaking.
[ROMANA] So without the dimensional osmosis damper, everything getsmixed up together and we can just walk straight into the projection.
[ROMANA] And anything else can just walk straight out.
[ROMANA] I've never met such idiots as those customs men.
[DOCTOR] Idiots? They're worse than idiots, they're bureaucrats. Theyjust exist to tangle people up, wrap them round and round in red tapeuntil they can't move. Romana?
[DOCTOR] I can't move.
[DOCTOR] Don't wriggle, don't wriggle. It'll realise it's got dinner.
[ROMANA] Dinner?
[DOCTOR] Yes. It eats people.
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Quick, over there. The root.
[ROMANA] Root?
[DOCTOR] Root, root!
[ROMANA] Are you all right?
[ROMANA] Let's get out of here.
[DOCTOR] You know, that didn't taste at all bad.
[TRYST] I can't turn it off. The selector's gone.It's difficult to believe the Doctor would do this. Why?
[FISK] The man is a criminal, that's why.
[TRYST] I don't see the logical connection.
[FISK] Well, criminals are like that.
[FISK] Now, this other exit, can you open it?
[TRYST] It leads to the first class bathroom. The Doctor couldn't openit, it opens by personal key.
[FISK] It's the only way he can
[TRYST] I think the Doctor is in serious trouble, Dymond. It's a pity.Such a brilliant mind.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Shush. It's waiting for us to make any kind of sound.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) It's gone. Now take care.
[ROMANA] What was that?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Hello there, thank you very much. We're terriblygrateful to you for saving our lives.
[ROMANA] Who are you?
[STOTT] The name's Stott.
[DOCTOR] Stott! Stott of the Tryst expedition?
[STOTT] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Yours, I believe. I'm the Doctor, this is Romana. We'retravellers and
[DOCTOR] Come on, this way.
[STOTT] I know a safe place. Follow me.
(Stott's module)
[DOCTOR] Not bad, not bad at all. How long have you been here?
[STOTT] A hundred and eighty three days. They left me for dead on Eden.I tried to get back here to call the ship, and I got caught up in theevent transmuter.
[ROMANA] How did you get those marks?
[STOTT] A mandrel. The thing I saved you from.
[ROMANA] Mandrel. Doctor, they're called mandrels.
[DOCTOR] Well, Stott, you've got some explaining to do. A hundred andeighty three days here?
[STOTT] Yes. I thought I was going to be stuck here for the rest of mylife. There were a few times when I felt like blowing my brains out.The hardest thing was being able to look out and see Della.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, quite. Tell me, when did you first discover you couldget out of the projection?
[STOTT] After the accident. Something must have gone wrong with the CETmachine. The edge of the projection was shimmering.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[STOTT] I decided I had nothing to lose, so I walked straight through itand found myself on the Empress. Then I took one of the passengercoveralls so I could walk about unnoticed.
[DOCTOR] Why didn't you tell Tryst and Della you'd got out?
[STOTT] Because of what I am and what I'm doing.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[STOTT] I'm a Major in the Intelligence section of Space Corps, on aspecial assignment to find out who's drug running.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha. You thought it was me, didn't you.
[STOTT] For a while. Then I overheard you and Romana talking in thelounge.
[ROMANA] Tryst thought it was you, and now he thinks it's Della.
[STOTT] Tryst's a fool. He knows nothing. He didn't even realise hisexpedition was being used to transport a new sort of Vrax that someonehad found.
[ROMANA] Yes, if you store in on crystal in the CET machine, it can'tpossibly show up on a molecular scan.
[STOTT] He must have arranged somewhere along the line for a pick-up.They'd have to get the stuff out of the projection and pass it on.
[DOCTOR] Yeah. You've got the stuff I had?
[STOTT] Just a tiny sample. Secker must have found it. He may even havebeen involved himself.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but more important is where the main supply is hidden andwhere it comes from.
[STOTT] All I know is that it's in Eden somewhere. I've been searchingall this time. No result.
[DOCTOR] Then we've got to get the dimension projection sealed offagain, which means doing what we first came to do.
[STOTT] And what's that?
[DOCTOR] Separate the ships. Tell me, if we go out of the projection inthat direction, do we come to the power unit?
[STOTT] Yes, you can get out of the projection any way you want.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Then that's what we'll do. Come on. Well, come on.
(Outside the Power unit)
[K9] Identify.
[STOTT] Look out, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, he's mine.
[STOTT] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's just a perfectly ordinary electric dog.
[K9] Master, I have located the power unit.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Now listen, K9. This is Stott. He's a friend. Allright?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Good. Let's get to work. (Stott and K9 stand guard.)
(Power unit)
[DOCTOR] Liquid hydrogen, turbopump exhaust,reactor core, pressure shell. Right.
[ROMANA] Doctor, do you really know how to get this thing going?
[DOCTOR] Of course I do. I can start anything from a steam engine to aTardis. Have you got a match?
[ROMANA] What for?
[DOCTOR] I want to jam this switch down.
[ROMANA] Would a toothpick do?
[DOCTOR] Perfect.
[K9] Master, during your absence I encountered alien creatures in thisarea.
[ROMANA] Mandrels, K9.
[K9] Name noted, mistress.
[DOCTOR] You'd better guard the door, K9. How many were there?
[K9] Five units, master.
[DOCTOR] Five! I'd better get a move on or they'll be all over the ship.
[ROMANA] Hadn't we better deal with them first?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. Until the ships are separated and the projection isstabilised, it'd be like trying to bail out a small boat with a
[ROMANA] Sieve?
(Passenger corridor, by the lift)
[ATTENDANT] We're doing everything we can. Theskipper's got
[WOMAN 2] We should have been on Azure hours ago. My passengers asked meto represent them, to take our complaint to the Captain.
[ATTENDANT] You must understand, he's very busy in the emergency. He'sdoing everything possible to get you to Azure.
(Empress bridge)
[COSTA] What's going on, Captain?
[RIGG] Nothing much, nothing much.
[COSTA] What's happening? What are those things?
[RIGG] They're a sort of judgment on us all.
[COSTA] What? I'll have you shot for this, Captain.
[COSTA] Bridge here. Emergency. The passengers on pallet sixty seven areunder attack. All armed crewmembers proceed to pallet sixty sevenimmediately! (to Rigg) I shall be charging you with gross neglect ofduty. The passengers should be your first concern, yet I find youdrunkenly looking on as they are attacked and killed! Well?
[RIGG] They're only economy class. What's all the fuss about?
(Power unit)
[DOCTOR] Is that the one, Romana? Romana, was that
[ROMANA] Mandrel!
[DOCTOR] K9, quickly!
[STOTT] Doctor, they're coming from both ways.
[DOCTOR] I've got to get this finished. Romana, did you check the cableto the reactor?
[ROMANA] Yes, I'm pretty sure it was that one.
[DOCTOR] Well, check it. I need to be absolutely sure.
[DOCTOR] It's perfectly all right. It's quite dead.
[ROMANA] If you say so.
[DOCTOR] Was it the one?
[ROMANA] No, sorry. It's the one below.
[DOCTOR] It's a good thing you checked. I could have caused aspectacular explosion.
[ROMANA] All ready to go now?
[DOCTOR] Nearly. Two things. One, I need to know whether the power onthe bridge is on maximum. Two, the demat has to be switched on from theTardis at exactly the same time I switch on this old gas oven. Allright?
[ROMANA] All right.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[FISK] Captain, this ship is a disaster area. I'mplacing you under arrest for gross neglect of duty.
[RIGG] Hey, it's really nice being arrested.
[FISK] Now, about the, er, mandrels?
[TRYST] Yes.
[FISK] Mandrels. We need to seal them off and then destroy them. I'llsend for heavy weapons.
[TRYST] I'd rather if they're not killed, if that's possible.
[FISK] The things are killing our people, man. What do you suggest?
[TRYST] Some sort of tranquillising drug?
[FISK] We haven't got time for pussyfooting around! I can't think whyyou care so much about such ugly, disgusting things.
[TRYST] It's all a matter of conservation. If they are killed, the wholespecies will have gone.
[FISK] Look, I'm in charge here. I'll do what I think is best.
[CREWMAN [on monitor]] Level B. Two mandrels have got into the fuelsection.
[FISK] Then kill them.
[CREWMAN [on monitor]] Well, we're worried about hitting the fuel tanksif we fire.
[FISK] You see what I mean, Tryst? Keep them under surveillance, and ifthey move out of there, destroy them.
[CREWMAN [on monitor]] Aye, aye, sir.
[FISK] Has the Doctor been seen in that sector?
[CREWMAN [on monitor]] No, sir.
[FISK] Yes, well, pass the word around that if he offers the slightestresistance to arrest, shoot him.
[CREWMAN [on monitor]] Shoot him, sir?
[FISK] He's a criminal, isn't he? What else do you do with criminals?
[CREWMAN [on monitor]] Sir.
(Power unit)
[DOCTOR] Stott, I want you and Romana to go backthrough the jungle. K9, I want you to go back the way you came.
[K9] Negative, master. Blurred zone still operative. These zones arematter interfaces.
[DOCTOR] Will you listen to me, please? Stott and I came through one.It's perfectly all right if it's on the edge of a hull. All you need isa little determination.
[K9] Affirmative. Determination, master.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now, when you get through, I want you to go back to thedemat machine set up near the Tardis, and when I whistle, you switch iton. Right?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ROMANA] What about you? You're not going to be here when the power unitcomes on, are you?
[DOCTOR] No, no. I'm going to rig myself a little time device. Could Iborrow your watch, please?
[STOTT] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] Good. Is that on ship's time? Right. Now, I'll give you till20
[ROMANA] What about the mandrels? You won't have K9 or a gun.
[DOCTOR] I'll have to use my wits. Off you go. Take care. Look out forexcisemen. I don't think they like us very much. Off you go then.
[DOCTOR] Twenty oh one.
(By the lift)
[FISK] I want this ship searched from top to bottom. If you see theDoctor or his lady companion, arrest them. If they resist, kill them.Right, get on with it.
(By the airlock)
[DYMOND] Shall I put it on destruct?
[TRYST] I think not. We'll see how things develop. We'll keep in touch.
[ROMANA] Look out!
(Power unit)
[DOCTOR] Plenty of time.
[ROMANA] You go back and guide the Doctor through.
[STOTT] What about the excisemen?
[ROMANA] I'll manage.
[STOTT] Right.
(Power unit)
[DOCTOR] No! No!
[DOCTOR] Vraxoin. Of course! So that's it.
(First class corridor)
[COSTA] How much longer do we have to stay up here?
[FISK] Until the job's finished. How many casualties so far?
[COSTA] Here's the list. Twelve dead, twenty nine injured. Enough for asmall war.
[FISK] You know what this means?
[COSTA] What?
[FISK] Almost certain promotion.
[COSTA] Promotion?
[FISK] It's bound to be, a situation as big as this. It'll sort itselfout and in the end we'll have two tailor-made suspects, the Doctor andthe girl. We'll be the golden boys of the day.
[COSTA] We don't actually know anything about those two.
[FISK] You found the traces of Vrax in the Doctor's pocket. What more doyou want?
(By the Tardis)
[K9] In position. Waiting.
(Power unit)
[DOCTOR] Twenty twenty-one? I'll never do it.
(Empress bridge)
[ROMANA] The Doctor's got into the power unit.
[RIGG] Good, good.
[ROMANA] We're going to separate the ships now.
[RIGG] Have you got something for me? Something I need?
[ROMANA] I must put full power on. Please, let me pass, Captain.
[RIGG] I must have something for this terrible feeling, don't youunderstand?
[ROMANA] I haven't got anything.
[RIGG] You're lying. I know you've got the stuff, now tell me where itis.
[ROMANA] Please, let me just set the controls and I'll help you. Now letme go.
[RIGG] I don't care about the stupid ship, woman. I want something forthis feeling! Now you can help me. Please, I'll give you money. I'vegot money. How much? How much?
[ROMANA] Let me just get the ship operating, and then I'll see that youget medical help.
[RIGG] Just a little bit. I know you've got it. Now let me have some orI'll kill you!
[ROMANA] I haven't got anything!
[RIGG] Give it to me!
[ROMANA] Oh, thank you. He was going to kill me.
[FISK] Well it wouldn't have mattered much, since you're going to dieanyway. Trafficking in drugs is punishable by death on Azure.
[ROMANA] Whereas bureaucratic murder is rewarded with promotion.
[FISK] I didn't invent the rules, I just enforce them. Don't touch thosecontrols.
[ROMANA] But you don't understand. The Doctor is in the power unit.We're going to separate the ships now. I must operate the drive.
[FISK] I don't know what you're up to, but I intend to stop you. Touchthose controls and I shoot!
[ROMANA] I thought you were going to kill me anyway.
[FISK] Don't touch them!
(Empress bridge)
[DYMOND [on monitor]] He's done it! Empress, this is Hecate. Fullseparation has been achieved. No damage to report. Empress, this isHecate. Respond please.
[FISK] I read you, Dymond. What are you doing on your ship?
[DYMOND [on monitor]] I came aboard to get a couple of GP guns to helpagainst the mandrels. The ships separated whilst I was here.
[FISK] Yeah, right. I'll check the Empress for damage.
[FISK] Good as new.
[DYMOND [on monitor]] Waterguard Fisk, sir. I request your permission tocontinue my journey. I will not be pressing any claim on the Empress.
[FISK] No, no, no, no. I might need you as a witness. There's bound tobe an enquiry.
[DYMOND [on monitor]] But if I delay my departure for even an hour I'lllose my contract!
[FISK] Look, Dymond, I haven't raised this with you before, but now I'mtelling you officially. When this accident occurred, you, as Riggrightly pointed out, was in a prohibited area. Now that makes youliable to at least a considerable fine. Now, if you try to get away,I'll nail a writ to your bulkhead! Do you understand, Dymond?
[DYMOND [on monitor]] Yes.
[FISK] Right. Come back aboard as quick as you can.
[DYMOND [on monitor]] Yes, right away.
(By the Tardis)
[K9] Operation one hundred percent successful,mistress.
[ROMANA] Yes, I know, but I can't find the Doctor. Can you locate him,K9?
[K9] Affirmative. Sensors indicate that the master is not aboard theship, mistress.
[ROMANA] What!
[ROMANA] Della, have you seen the Doctor?
[DELLA] No, I've been too busy with the casualties. The Excisemen wanthim shot on sight, and you.
[ROMANA] Yes, I know. I wonder, could you bare to talk about Stott?
[DELLA] Why?
[ROMANA] Well, Tryst told us that you and he might be implicated in thedrug smuggling. Now, we know it's not you and Stott, but it would helpif you could tell me what happened.
[DELLA] All right. Stott and I were together. He was acting verystrangely. He kept telling me to go back to the shuttle. I could see hewas worried. There were mandrels prowling about, but I know it wasn'tthat. He was looking for someone.
[ROMANA] For whom? Did he say?
[DELLA] No. Then it happened. A shot came from the forest. He was onlystunned, but a mandrel came out from behind. I ran. I ran. I couldn'thelp myself, I just ran. I was so afraid.
[ROMANA] It's all right, Della. Anyone would have done the same.
[DELLA] The mandrel killed him.
[ROMANA] How do you know?
[DELLA] Tryst told me. He showed me a visprint. It was horrible.
[ROMANA] Stott didn't die. He's here on this ship.
[DELLA] What? He can't
[ROMANA] He is.
[DELLA] But where? I must see him.
[ROMANA] Not yet. Now, we must find out who is smuggling the Vraxoin. Weknow it's something to do with the Eden projection. Stott may be ableto help us.
[DELLA] I knew it was him looking at me. In the Eden picture, someonestaring out, only I couldn't believe it. I thought I was seeing aghost. Romana, what can I do to help?
[ROMANA] First of all, we'd better find the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] How very odd. How very strange.
[DOCTOR] How very clever.
[DOCTOR] The profits on human suffering.
(Empress bridge)
[FISK] Right. Dymond's on his way. Now, any sign ofthe Doctor?
[COSTA] No. They're searching A deck at the moment.
[TRYST] I think I know where the Doctor went.
[FISK] Where? Why didn't you say so before?
[TRYST] You may find it hard to believe.
[FISK] Make me believe, professor.
[TRYST] I think he went into the projection.
[FISK] What projection?
[TRYST] The CET machine. The image has become an unstable dimensionalfield.
[FISK] Oh. If he went into it, he's got to come out the same way. Costa,check the guard on the lounge.
[COSTA] Right.
[FISK] I'll join you later.
[FISK] Tryst, what would the Doctor want inside the projection?
[TRYST] I can only imagine that one of the crew of my expedition found anew source of this er, what is this thing called?
[FISK] Vrax.
[TRYST] Ja, Vrax. Yes, Vrax, and placed it in the transmute location.Yes, then he informed the Doctor. So the Doctor comes on board andmakes the pick-up, which fits in with your own wonderful theory, doesit not?
[FISK] Yes, yes. Only, why did he bother to separate the ships?
[TRYST] Perhaps it's because, as you say, he is a criminal.
[FISK] That would be it.
(By the Tardis)
[ROMANA] Did you find anything?
[DELLA] Only a mandrel.
[ROMANA] Oh, he must be somewhere.
[K9] Negative, mistress. I have scanned the ship and I detect no
[ROMANA] What is it, K9?
[K9] This way. The Doctor has just come aboard.
(Outside the airlock)
[DOCTOR] Hello, K9.
[ROMANA] Hello, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hello, Romana. Everything all right?
[ROMANA] What happened to you?
[DOCTOR] I got caught in the interface when the two ships separated.Hello, Della.
[DOCTOR] Look out! Quick!
[CREWMAN] What were you doing with them?
[DELLA] Finding out a few things.
[CREWMAN] Well, you'd better tell Fisk about it. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Bit uncivil of them, pointing their guns at us like that.
[ROMANA] They've had orders to shoot.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Tell me, what would you use an inchuka laser for?
[ROMANA] An inchuka laser can be used to carry thousands of telecommessages
[DOCTOR] Shush. Could it carry a CET projection crystal?
[ROMANA] From what I've seen of Tryst's set up, I should think so. Why?
[DOCTOR] Because Dymond's got a CET projection machine aboard the Hecatewith an inchuka laser attached.
[ROMANA] Then Tryst and Dymond are the smugglers?
[DOCTOR] It looks like it. The only way of convincing Fisk is to catchthem in the act of transferring the Vraxoin.
[K9] Master, detect units approaching.
[DOCTOR] Stott, leave it to K9!
[STOTT] What happened to you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about us. We know who the smugglers are.
[STOTT] Who?
[DOCTOR] Dymond's the pick-up man, and the smuggler's Tryst himself.
[STOTT] Tryst?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The Vraxoin's kept on the Eden crystal. They're about totransfer that crystal to the Hecate.
[STOTT] Do you know what the source is?
[ROMANA] Yes. Those things.
[STOTT] The mandrels?
[DOCTOR] Yes. One of them attacked me in the Power unit. Poor thing waselectrocuted, burnt to a powder.
[STOTT] A powder? You mean?
[DOCTOR] Vraxoin.
[STOTT] No wonder I couldn't find it.
[DOCTOR] Yes. They can make the transference across space by means ofthe inchuka laser.
[STOTT] Can you prove it?
[STOTT] How?
[DOCTOR] I let them do it.
(Empress bridge)
[DELLA] Tryst, there's a mandrel out there!
[TRYST] It's all right, Della. Dymond has a gun.
[DELLA] What are you doing, Tryst? You weren't thinking of leaving theship, were you? You've got to help the Doctor. You knew the CET wasunstable so it's all your fault. You must help them get the mandrelsback into the projection.
[TRYST] Is that what he's doing?
[DELLA] Yes!
[TRYST] Good. In that case, I'm right behind him.
[FISK] Put your hands up, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] You're arresting the wrong man, you know, Fisk.
[FISK] That's enough, Doctor.
[STOTT] Stop!
[FISK] Who are you? Keep your hands up!
[STOTT] It's Tryst and Dymond you want.
(Empress bridge)
[DELLA] Tryst, did you know Stott was alive?
[TRYST] Alive? He can't be!
[DELLA] You fired that shot, didn't you, that last day on Eden.
[TRYST] I didn't want to, Della. He forced the situation on himself.
[DELLA] You! You're smuggling the Vrax.
[TRYST] Della, I, er
[DELLA] Yes is the word you're looking for.
[TRYST] No, it started just as a little thing, just to help me over aslight financial difficulty. The cost of the expedition, that wasbankrupting me!
[DELLA] But Vrax is destroying people by the millions!
[TRYST] I had to continue my research! Without me, many of thosecreatures would have become extinct!
[DELLA] I think a few million people becoming extinct is rather moreserious.
[TRYST] Ah, but they had a choice. It was their own fault that theybecame addicted.
[DELLA] Huh! Like Rigg, I suppose. Did he have a choice or was hetricked?
[TRYST] That was unfortunate.
[DYMOND] But necessary.
[TRYST] No, don't kill him! He's valuable!
[DYMOND] Tryst, I can't even stop it!
[TRYST] Della! Get after her.
(First class corridor)
[ROMANA] Stop him, K9, quickly!
[K9] Mission aborted, mistress.
[K9] More important to protect you as programmed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Thank you, K9. That was close.
[K9] Two metres, to be precise, mistress.
[DOCTOR] Romana, what happened?
[ROMANA] Dymond shot Della. She's wounded, but she'll be all right.
[DOCTOR] The callous wretches. They'll be making the transfer to theHecate by now.
(Outside the shuttlebay)
[FISK [OC]] All personnel locate and apprehendpassenger Tryst and pilot Dymond. They may try to leave the ship. Andwith reference to the previous order regarding the Doctor, cancel it.
[TRYST] Is sooner than I thought.
[DYMOND] Better move. They'll have an interceptor after us.
[TRYST] I think not. I smashed the communications system. They're cutoff from Azure.
(Empress bridge)
[FISK] If we don't get them on the ship, we've lostthem.
[STOTT] The Empress is faster, isn't she?
[FISK] There's no pilot, no navigating officer. Could you fly her?
[DOCTOR] Gentlemen, once more into the
[DOCTOR] What happened?
[STOTT] Tryst and Dymond have got away.
[DOCTOR] They won't go anywhere without the Eden crystal. That gives usa little time.
[FISK] To do what?
[DOCTOR] Well, now that the ships are separated, we can at laststabilise the CET properly.
[FISK] Good. Isn't it?
[FISK] Yes, but what does it mean?
[DOCTOR] It means, Fisk, that we can finally clear this maraudingmenagerie back into the projection, which is exactly where Dymond willwant it.
[FISK] Yes. But what are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] Give him what he wants. We have to bait the hook properly,don't we?
[STOTT] Keep them moving. We should meet up with Fisk soon.
(First class corridor)
[STOTT] The guns are fading!
[DOCTOR] I'm going inside now and I may be rather a long time.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Oh gosh, oh lord, oh Doctor.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Steady, steady. This way. Not that way! This. Oh! Oh!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Oh, my fingers, my arms, my legs! Ah! My everything! Argh!
[FISK] It's all over, then. Switch off the machine.
[DOCTOR] Quick, switch it off!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Well done, Romana.
[FISK] Well, Doctor?
[STOTT] What now?
[DOCTOR] Romana, you've got two minutes fifty eight seconds to rebuildthis machine.
[ROMANA] What, this?
[ROMANA] Are you joking?
[DOCTOR] Do I look as if I'm joking? Well?
[ROMANA] Well, I'll need a screwdriver.
[DYMOND] How's the attitude setting?
[TRYST] It couldn't be better. Are you ready to get us out of here assoon as I've made the transfer?
[DYMOND] I can fire the engine from here.
[TRYST] Good. I'm ready.
[DOCTOR] Increase the gain on the matrix modulator. Well?
[ROMANA] Up five points.
[DOCTOR] Five points. That's not enough. We're going to need some morepower from somewhere.
[ROMANA] We could put the jump leads on K9.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[DOCTOR] Good dog, K9. Come on, put your leads on. Put your leads on.There.
[ROMANA] Are you connected, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, mistress.
[STOTT] What are you hoping to achieve?
[DOCTOR] I want to increase the range and power of this machine. Howmany points now, Romana?
[ROMANA] Ten and building.
[DOCTOR] Ten and building. That's much better. We're going to be allright.
[ROMANA] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. It was just a little shock, that's all.
[ROMANA] They're making the transfer.
[STOTT] That means they'll get away.
[DOCTOR] Shush! Quiet, quiet. Reverse the setting on the transmutationreflex. It's all right, it's all right, it's quite safe.
[ROMANA] They've made the transfer.
[ROMANA] They'll get away!
[DOCTOR] Will you please reverse the setting on the transmutationreflex!
[K9] Yes, master?
[DOCTOR] I want you to find the Hecate. Give me her position.
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Good dog.
[TRYST] Good. We've done it. Let's get out of here.
[K9] Forty seven point three, vector seven ninerniner in seven seconds.
[DOCTOR] Forty seven point three vector seven niner niner. I hope you'reright, K9.
[DOCTOR] Well, good.
[STOTT] What's happened?
[DOCTOR] Have you ever heard the expression, hoist by his own petard?
[STOTT] Yes, but you haven't done anything.
[DOCTOR] Good, well what
[FISK] So, Doctor, your plan has failed miserably. There's no way we cancatch them now.
[DOCTOR] On the contrary, Fisk. I've already caught them. There theyare, all yours.
[FISK] But I, I
[DOCTOR] All I did was increase the range of this machine and broughtthem back. Matter transmutation, you see. And because the projection'sstill unstable, all you have to do is pluck them out.
[FISK] You heard him. Pluck them out.
[TRYST] Doctor! Doctor, I didn't want to be involved in all this. Tellthem. Tell them that I only did it for the sake of funding my research.You understand all this. You're a scientist.
[DOCTOR] Go away.
[TRYST] What?
[DOCTOR] Go away.
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] Well, how are you now, Della? Good? Good?
[DELLA] I'm fine now, thank you, Doctor. I'm relieved the nightmare'sover.
[DOCTOR] The nightmare's here, on the Eden crystal.
[ROMANA] And here's the rest of Tryst's electric zoo.
[DELLA] It never was meant to be a zoo. It really was a conservationexercise for most of us.
[DOCTOR] I think the best way of conserving the poor creatures trappedin these crystals is to project them back to their own planets, don'tyou?
[DELLA] But you've dismantled the CET.
[ROMANA] Oh, we've got far more sophisticated stuff in the Tardis. Do itin no time.
[STOTT] What about the mandrels and the Vraxoin?
[DOCTOR] The mandrels have a perfect right to exist. In one way Trystwas right. Humans do have some kind of choice. Let's just hope that noone else discovers the secret.
[ROMANA] I can only think of one animal who'd be comfortably at home inan electric zoo.
[DELLA] Really? What's that?
[ROMANA] I don't think we want to tell them, do we, K9?
[K9] Negative, mistress.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s17", "episode": "e04", "title": "Nightmare of Eden"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (22 Dec, 1979; Fourth Doctor) - The Horns of Nimon
(Spaceship bridge)
[COPILOT] When are we going to get modern equipment? Proper battleships?When are we going to fight again?
[PILOT] It's only a matter of a short time now.
[COPILOT] The computer's malfunctioning again.
[PILOT] I warned you, you're overloading it. The instructions are quiteclear. Until we get new equipment we must reroute all subsidiaryfunctions through the backup computer.
[COPILOT] But that takes hours to do!
[PILOT] We're twelve hours out from Aneth. Only another twelve toSkonnos.
[COPILOT] Be a lot faster if this equipment worked properly.
[PILOT] Nimon will soon fulfil his great promise to us.
[PILOT] We must be patient.
[COPILOT] Patient? Patience is the virtue of the weak. Skonnons aremeant to fight, to conquer, to rule, as in the days when these shipswere built.
[PILOT] We'll fight, and Nimon will give us all we need.
[PILOT] When we have fulfilled our part of the contract.
[COPILOT] Oh, really?
[PILOT] This is to be the last shipment.
[COPILOT] The last?
[PILOT] Yes. Our part of the contract will be fulfilled.
[COPILOT] With this cargo?
[PILOT] Yes.
[COPILOT] I'll go and check it's safe.
(Cargo hold)
[COPILOT] Weakling scum!
[PILOT] How are they?
[COPILOT] Same as the cargo always is. Inferior, craven beings. They'dhave to be to surrender to us on an old ship like this.
[PILOT] The Anethans remember the old days, when these were the mostfeared ships in the skies. Before we started fighting amongstourselves.
[COPILOT] Twelve hours to Skonnos. We can do it in six, right?
[PILOT] Not without overloading the computer.
[COPILOT] It can take it. We could do it in nine hours, okay?
[PILOT] Well, it means cutting out the dogleg round sector L seventyfive.
[COPILOT] It means getting home quickly with this last cargo.
[PILOT] Well, double check the programme. We mustn't overload it.
[COPILOT] It hardly matters. This ship will never have to fly again.See? No problems at all. We could do it in six hours.
[PILOT] Six hours? You said nine hours.
[COPILOT] It'll make it.
[PILOT] You blundering fool! You've wrecked it. The automatic pilot'sgone dead.
[COPILOT] Well, it'll be all right, won't it? We can fly her on manual.
[PILOT] We're off course already.
[COPILOT] All we have to do is to find the beacon again. (beep) There,there's the beacon. We can fly back to it.
[PILOT] We're moving further away from it.
[COPILOT] Well, push the engines up to full power!
[PILOT] You blundering idiot! The ship's completely out of control!
[COPILOT] Steer, blast you! Steer!
[PILOT] It's not working. There's nothing we can do.
(Cargo hold 1)
[TEKA] Seth, what's happening?
[SETH] I don't know.
[TEKA] You'll look after me, won't you?
[SETH] Of course I will.
(Spaceship bridge)
[PILOT] The engines! They'll blow!
[DOCTOR] There. That should immobilise her for the moment.
[K9] Correction, master. The Tardis is moving.
[DOCTOR] When making modifications, it's extremely important to shuteverything down except that which is not necessary to shut down. Well,of course. Terribly easy to damage things otherwise.
[DOCTOR] Ow! Like me, for instance. I'd better disconnect that. Good,that should hold her steady.
[K9] Repeat, master. The Tardis is moving.
[DOCTOR] How can it be? I just completely immobilised her.
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
[K9] Still moving, and accelerating.
[DOCTOR] What? But K9, how can it be?
[ROMANA] He could be right, you know.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, he could be right? How could he possibly beright? He's only a dog, you know.
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] We do seem to be moving.
[ROMANA] Very fast.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But everything's off. Except what's on, of course.
[ROMANA] Doctor, what have you been doing?
[DOCTOR] Well, I've just been trying out a little idea I had for aslight modification of the conceptual geometer.
[ROMANA] (sighs) This is an old ship.
[DOCTOR] So what?
[ROMANA] Don't you think that's a bit dangerous?
[DOCTOR] No, I don't. What could possibly go
[DOCTOR] Ow! Wrong. You know, I've simply got to stop saying that. Everysingle time I say what could possibly go wrong, something goes
[DOCTOR] Oh! It's uncanny, isn't it?
[ROMANA] A gravitational field?
[DOCTOR] There are no planets in the sector.
[ROMANA] But Doctor, we are moving.
[DOCTOR] Romana, do you think I'd dismantle half the control systemsincluding the conceptual geometer, the dematerialisation circuits
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] The dematerialisation circuits. Do you think I'd do that ifthere was the slightest risk of our being brought into a gravitationalfield?
[ROMANA] You've immobilised the dematerialisation circuits
[DOCTOR] It's all right, it's all right, it's all right. Stay calm.Watch.
[DOCTOR] There we are. Look. Nothing. Blackness.
[ROMANA] It may be black, but we are moving very fast.
[DOCTOR] Romana, we're moving very fast.
[ROMANA] Are we falling into a black hole?
[DOCTOR] No. It's not pulling hard enough for that. Anyway, there'snothing charted.
[ROMANA] I hope you're right, because we can't dematerialise.
[DOCTOR] Fascinating, isn't it? I wonder what it would be like to becrushed to a singularity?
[ROMANA] Don't stand there wondering, do something.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? What?
[ROMANA] Put it together again.
[DOCTOR] Oh, right, right. K9. We'll put it together again. I need yourhelp, K9.
[DOCTOR] Ow! You all right, K9?
[DOCTOR] K9? K9, are you all right? K9!
[DOCTOR] K9. Come on, boy. Sorry about this, K9.
[DOCTOR] K9, all you all right?
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
[DOCTOR] It's all right. It's only the defence shields.
[ROMANA] Only? Can you fix them?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. I can fix anything, given time.
[ROMANA] Which is exactly what we don't have.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] Look.
[ROMANA] There is something. It's tiny. How can something so minute havesuch an enormous gravitational pull?
[DOCTOR] How interesting. Ha, looks like a spaceship.
[ROMANA] And we're heading straight for it.
(Spaceship bridge)
[COPILOT] Hello, Skonnos. Skonnos, can you hear me? Skonnos. Come in,Skonnos Control. Can you hear me?
(Skonnos complex entrance)
[SOLDEED] I have spoken with the Nimon.
[SORAK] And what does he say, Soldeed?
[SOLDEED] He says many things. He speaks of the great journey of life.He speaks of conquest. He speaks of Skonnos rising from its own asheswith wings of fire.
[SORAK] Does he speak of the new ships?
[SOLDEED] He says we shall have them, and soon. The new sacrifices fromAneth are the last that he demands.
[SORAK] Then we really are on the brink of having the promise fulfilled.
[SOLDEED] I believe we are, Sorak. I do believe we are. The SecondSkonnon Empire will be born.
[DOCTOR] It's no good. I can't fix them in time.
[ROMANA] You mean we have no defence shields?
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] What is it, K9?
[K9] Collision imminent.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR] You were right, K9. We have arrived.
[ROMANA] Where?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're jammed up against that spaceship. Pretty batteredold ship. Been here for years. Centuries, probably. I think we'll goand take a look.
[ROMANA] It's not going to be easy to get across there.
[DOCTOR] No. Ah, here's a notion. The defence shield on the door's on adifferent circuit. It might be possible to extrude it.
[DOCTOR] Watch.
[DOCTOR] There. What do you think of that?
[ROMANA] Well done, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It was nothing, nothing. K9?
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Let's go.
(Cargo hold 2)
[DOCTOR] Ah ha.
[DOCTOR] Oh, how commonplace. It looks like a crystalline rock of somekind.
[ROMANA] Hymetusite.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I do believe it is.
[ROMANA] Hymetusite is highly radioactive!
[DOCTOR] What?
[K9] Master, I detect ultra-radiation level Q seven point three twofive.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, K9. And now?
[K9] Level falling. Q one point eight six one, falling.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now listen, K9. We're going to explore this ship and seewhat makes it tick.
[K9] Source of radiation probably hymetusite crystalline
[DOCTOR] Not that sort of ticking, K9.
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Listen, I want you to go back to the Tardis control room andcheck out all the damage. Inspect all circuits so we see what we needto put right.
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] Off you go then.
[ROMANA] I suppose it's some sort of freighter.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. No one in his right mind would mix hymetusite andpassengers.
[ROMANA] I wonder where it was heading?
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Door's locked.
(Cargo hold 1)
[DOCTOR] Hello. How long have you been here, eh?Come, it's all right. Don't be frightened. Don't be frightened. Here,have a jelly baby. Go on, go on.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's all right. Go on, you show them.
[DOCTOR] There we are. Now you have one. Go on, you can do it.
[DOCTOR] No, I'll have that one. Here, pass them round. One each. Now,how long have you been here?
[SETH] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm the Doctor. This is Romana. Who are you?
[SETH] Seth.
[TEKA] He is Prince of Aneth.
[DOCTOR] Aneth! That's a charming place.
[SETH] You've been to Aneth?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but not yet.
[SETH] Oh.
[TEKA] Where are we now?
[DOCTOR] Nowhere.
[ROMANA] Where were you going?
[SETH] Skonnos.
[DOCTOR] Skonnos?
[SETH] We are the bearers of Aneth's tribute to the Nimon.
[DOCTOR] What?
[TEKA] We are the bearers of Aneth's tribute to the Nimon.
[DOCTOR] No, that's all right. I heard what you said. I was justthinking what a curious thing to be.
[SETH] We were on our way to Skonnos when something went wrong with theship.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SETH] It felt as if it went out of control. There was a crash, thensilence, and here we are.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, well, here, as you so rightly say, we are. Huh.
[SETH] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Another thing's been drawn into the ship.
[ROMANA] A gravity whirlpool?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Sargasso Sea in space. Romana?
[DOCTOR] Suppose, just suppose, someone were beginning to create a blackhole.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Artificially, I mean.
[ROMANA] Can it be done?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Fix gravity beam, attract matter to one point in space,and when there's enough it starts to collapse to a singularity. Butwho'd want to do that?
[ROMANA] Is it my imagination, or is the gravity increasing all thetime?
[DOCTOR] I'd say it was increasing.
[SETH] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] Unless we find a way of getting out of here, we're all going tobe crushed to a singularity.
[TEKA] What's a singularity?
[ROMANA] A mathematical point with no dimensions.
[DOCTOR] Oh, never mind about that. Seth, who's in charge of this ship?
[DOCTOR] Ah, pleased to see you.
[COPILOT] Who are you? What are you doing with the sacrifices?
[DOCTOR] Sacrifices?
[COPILOT] Sacrifices to the Nimon. Who are you, space pirates?
[COPILOT] Why should I believe that?
[DOCTOR] Well, that's a good question. Er, can you get us out of here?
[COPILOT] Can you?
[DOCTOR] I might be able to. Why don't you put that thing away and showme your controls?
[COPILOT] Through there.
[DOCTOR] Aren't you going to put that thing away?
[COPILOT] Through there!
[DOCTOR] Well, all right, if that's the way you want to play it.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Though how I'm going to mend the controls with my arms upin the air like this
[COPILOT] Weakling scum!
(Spaceship bridge)
[DOCTOR] Hello, who's that?
[COPILOT] The pilot.
[COPILOT] He's dead.
[DOCTOR] What?
[COPILOT] He crashed the ship.
[DOCTOR] But the ship hasn't crashed.
[COPILOT] Well, it went out of control. At least the cargo is safe.
[ROMANA] He means the hymetusite.
[COPILOT] I mean the sacrifices.
[ROMANA] Sacrifices?
[COPILOT] The Anethans. I have to get them safely to Skonnos, whateverhappens. They are our payment in the great contract.
[DOCTOR] I don't like the sound of that.
[COPILOT] It doesn't matter what you like the sound of.
(Soldeed's laboratory)
[SOLDEED] Why doesn't it respond?
[SORAK] Soldeed?
[SOLDEED] Leave me, Sorak. I'm engaged in important work.
[SORAK] But sir, this is very important. I don't know how to tell you.
[SOLDEED] Begin at the beginning and end at the end, Sorak.
[SORAK] Well, it's the transport from Aneth, sir. The ship bringing thefinal sacrifices?
[SOLDEED] What about it?
[SORAK] It's disappeared.
[SOLDEED] Disappeared? What are you talking about?
[SORAK] Completely vanished, sir. The last two routine signals have notyet arrived. We thought it might be just a communications fault, butnothing we can do can raise them at all. There's absolutely no trace.
[SOLDEED] No trace? Do everything in your power to locate that ship.
[SORAK] Sir, I have!
[SOLDEED] It must be found!
[SOLDEED] The Nimon will have to be informed.
(Spaceship engine access)
[DOCTOR] These engines have seen better days.
[COPILOT] This is a battleship of the First Skonnon Empire. It will soonbe replaced.
[DOCTOR] Well, the sooner the better. It's a right hodge-podge up there.Very old engines patched up with new equipment, a lot of it not reallycompatible.
[ROMANA] Sounds like the Tardis.
[COPILOT] Can you make it work?
[DOCTOR] The odd thing is, the new equipment seems to be the product ofan entirely different technology.
[COPILOT] Can you make it work?
[DOCTOR] Have to noticed how people's intellectual curiosity declinessharply the moment they start waving guns about?
[COPILOT] Can you make it work?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Oh yes, I can make it work. The question is, can wegenerate power soon enough to take the ship to escape velocity beforewe fall into a black hole with an event horizon.
[COPILOT] A what?
[DOCTOR] Shush. You just hold the gun steady. Don't tax your mind.
[ROMANA] Do you think we have enough power?
[DOCTOR] Not with that fuel.
[ROMANA] What about the hymetusite? If we could convert the engines,it's an immensely rich energy source.
[DOCTOR] Brilliant! I wish I'd thought of that.
[ROMANA] Oh, you will, Doctor, you will.
[DOCTOR] Ha ha. Take a look.
[DOCTOR] Now, I've got to go back to my own ship to get some things. Iwant you to fetch up two pieces of hymetusite to lower into the fuelcell. Look, why don't you give me the gun and then I can keep an eye onmyself so that I don't get up to any funny business?
[COPILOT] Don't you play the fool with me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] All right. What do you think, Romana?
[ROMANA] I think it's possible. You're right, though. It's a strangemixture of technologies up here.
[DOCTOR] Yeah. Well, listen. As soon as he brings the hymetusite
[ROMANA] I shall know what to do with it.
[DOCTOR] Good girl, Romana. Now listen. I'm popping back to the Tardisto get some gear. Here, take this. You might need it.
[ROMANA] Er, no thank you. I've made my own.
[DOCTOR] Oh, really? Really? You made this? Not bad. Bit basic though.Huh. Thank you.
[ROMANA] Er Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes? Oh. Ha, ha. So sorry.
[ROMANA] Thank you. Look, don't we both want to get out of here?
(Cargo hold 1)
[DOCTOR] Now, be kind to them.
[COPILOT] Weakling scum. You two, go on.
(Skonnos complexentrance)
[SOLDEED] In the name of the Second Skonnon Empire.
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Ah, there you are. How's it going, K9?
[K9] Damage report almost complete, master.
[K9] Defence shields are inoperative.
[DOCTOR] Well, I know that.
[K9] Dematerialisation circuits inoperative.
[DOCTOR] We're up a gum tree without a paddle.
[K9] Define gum tree.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a tree that gives gum.
[K9] Explain use of paddle in gum tree.
[DOCTOR] You wouldn't understand, K9.
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] How's the dimensional stabiliser?
[K9] Fused, master.
[DOCTOR] Gravitic anomoliser?
[K9] Functioning normally, master.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. I'll take that, then, and one or two other bits andpieces. Oh, by the way, K9. Skonnon Empire. Does that mean anything toyou?
[K9] Skonnon Empire. Military dictatorship extended over one hundredstar systems. Lost in civil war.
(Complex corridor)
[SOLDEED] Lord Nimon? Lord Nimon? It is I, Soldeed.
(Spaceship engine access)
[ROMANA] It's getting worse.
[DOCTOR] We're almost there. Get back to the flight deck and switch onthe engines.
[COPILOT] Then what?
[DOCTOR] Then you wait until I come and give you the signal to startbuilding up power. Hurry! And don't forget to wait for the signal.
[COPILOT] All right.
[DOCTOR] Right, now as soon as he switches on the power, you know whatto do.
[ROMANA] Plug the gravitic anomoliser into the main circuit.
[DOCTOR] Good girl.
[ROMANA] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to move the Tardis into the hold of this ship, thenwe can ride out with it, park somewhere and repair it with as much timeas we like.
[ROMANA] Is that safe?
[DOCTOR] Well, it would be if the dimensional stabiliser was working.It's all right, it's all right. K9 said it's just fused.
(Cargo hold 1)
[DOCTOR] Hello. Have some more jelly babies.
[ROMANA] It's going to be all right. We just have to wait for theDoctor.
[DOCTOR] Not that bit, K9, that bit.
[K9] Apologies, master.
[DOCTOR] What is it, K9?
[K9] Gravity still increasing, master.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's just what I thought.
(Cargo hold 1)
[ROMANA] I don't see why.
[SETH] Because if we don't send a tribute every year, Skonnos will comeand destroy Aneth.
[ROMANA] With ships like these?
[SETH] The Skonnon battlefleet is an awesome sight.
[ROMANA] Have you seen it?
[TEKA] Our grandparents did, in the days of the first conquest. They sayit blotted out the daylight.
[ROMANA] Well, if the whole fleet's in this condition, a good shoutwould see the lot of them off.
[ROMANA] What's that noise?
[SETH] Must be the ship in flight.
[ROMANA] In flight? But the Doctor isn't back on board yet. The pilotwas meant to wait! Oh, why didn't you tell me we were moving?
[DOCTOR] We've been abandoned, K9!
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] The co-pilot.
(Spaceship bridge)
[ROMANA] Despicable worm! Turn back!
[COPILOT] My duty is to get my cargo to the Nimon. We're late already.
[ROMANA] Your duty is to save the life of the man who's just savedyours.
[COPILOT] We must fulfil our part of the pact.
[ROMANA] Turn back!
[COPILOT] The Nimon waits for no man!
(Nimon's laboratory)
[NIMON] You dare disturb me at this time?
[DOCTOR] The weasel.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Poor Romana.
[K9] Master!
[DOCTOR] What is it, K9?
[K9] Scanner detects large object approaching at great speed.
[DOCTOR] Looks like an asteroid. What do you make of it?
[K9] Estimated mass equivalent to two hundred and twenty million tons.
[DOCTOR] Two hundred and twenty million tons? That's not an asteroid,that's a planet!
[K9] Diameter nine six point four kilometres, approaching at a speed ofmach nine point three.
[DOCTOR] Nine point three? It's coming right for us!
[K9] Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Estimated time to impact?
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] How long have we got?
[K9] Estimated time to impact
[DOCTOR] That's what I said.
[K9] Eighty nine point four seconds.
[DOCTOR] Eighty nine point four seconds. No dematerialisation, nodefence shields, and only half power on full drive. K9, I think we'regoing to find out what it's like to be a cricket ball. Well, it's beena great, great partnership, old girl.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on, K9. This is no time for emotional quibbling, youtwo. You've been a good dog to me, K9.
[DOCTOR] The best I ever had.
[K9] Thank you, master.
[DOCTOR] It's a pleasure.
[K9] Time to impact now fifty eight seconds dead.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't say things like that, K9. Fifty eightseconds dead. Did I say cricket ball?
(Spaceship bridge)
[COPILOT] The beacon! We've made it. We're back on course.
[ROMANA] We must go back.
[COPILOT] Get away from those controls!
[ROMANA] We can't just leave the Doctor back there!
[COPILOT] Get up! Get up. Into the hold. Move!
[COPILOT] Your friend can rot in his black hole for all I care.
[DOCTOR] Brace yourself, K9. This is it.
[DOCTOR] K9? K9? Are you all right, K9?
[K9] (cough) Affirmative.
[DOCTOR] How am I, K9?
[K9] There appears to be no damage to your circuits.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, good! Good, good. Well, let's hope the same is true ofthe Tardis. You're a good boy, K9.
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! We did it!
[K9] Please clarify.
[DOCTOR] Well, I just put a lot of spin on the Tardis, and the asteroidsimply sliced us up out of the gravity whirlpool. Oh, you know, K9,sometimes I think I'm wasted just rushing around the universe savingplanets from destruction. With a talent like mine, I might have been agreat slow bowler.
(Nimon's laboratory)
[NIMON] You dare to speak to me of failure? Bemindful of the terms of the pact, Soldeed.
[SOLDEED] I am, Lord Nimon.
[NIMON] Be mindful of what you have undertaken to perform. The tributesmust be brought before me.
[SOLDEED] They will be, Lord Nimon.
[NIMON] There can be no stumbling in the great journey of life.
[SOLDEED] Indeed not, Lord Nimon. We shall trace the ship. It is justpossible the Anethans have attacked her to rescue the prisoners.
[NIMON] And what have you done to exact vengeance and reparation forsuch a deed?
[SOLDEED] Nothing as yet, Lord Nimon. I came to you as soon as I heardthe news.
[NIMON] You are idle, Soldeed. Neglectful of your undertakings.
[SOLDEED] No, Lord Nimon. We have very nearly fulfilled our half of thecontract. The condition of our ships makes it difficult for us toattack Aneth. If you would advance us a little of that technology youhave promised us, we could complete our agreement and claim reparationfrom Aneth for both of us.
[NIMON] No, Soldeed. The terms of our agreement are very clear. You arebuying from me the power to conquer a galaxy. I will be paid in full.
[SOLDEED] But, Lord Nimon
[NIMON] In full!
(Skonnos complexentrance)
[SORAK] Soldeed?
[SOLDEED] I have spoken with the Nimon.
[SORAK] And what does the Nimon say?
[SOLDEED] He speaks of many things. He speaks of the great journey oflife.
[SORAK] Again? What does he mean by the great journey of life?
[SOLDEED] Mean? It is, it is a metaphor.
[SORAK] For what?
[SOLDEED] He also speaks of a retribution he shall exact from you,Sorak, if you do not find that ship or get a fresh shipment ofsacrifices from Aneth immediately. We must attack Aneth.
[SORAK] But Soldeed.
[SOLDEED] We must do it, Sorak.
(Cargo hold 1)
[ROMANA] With eight of us it should be possible tooverpower him and take over the ship.
[SETH] It would be no use.
[ROMANA] Of course it would! I can fly the ship. We go back for theDoctor then we take you all home, back to Aneth and your families.
[TEKA] No!
[SETH] We must go to Skonnos for the sake of Aneth and our families.
[TEKA] If we don't go, the Nimon will destroy Aneth. The only way we canbe free and our people stop living in fear is to defeat the Nimon.
[SETH] Quiet, Teka. No one must know.
[ROMANA] No one must know what?
[TEKA] Seth is going to destroy the Nimon and take us home in triumph!His father's keeping a lookout so that he can have a welcome partyready.
[ROMANA] He might not be so optimistic if he could see this lot. Well,you can hang around. I'm going to find a way out.
[SETH] What's the matter?
[ROMANA] The sonic screwdriver. I must have left it behind.
(Soldeed's laboratory)
[SORAK] Soldeed.
[SOLDEED] Well? Have you arranged for another ship to attack Aneth?
[SORAK] No, sir. It's the lost ship. We've located it!
[SORAK] It's reappeared on the scanners. We've just had a signal.Apparently they had some sort of accident. The captain was killed, butit's all right now. And they're due to dock in two hours.
[SOLDEED] Prepare for the ceremony at once.
[SORAK] Yes, sir.
[SOLDEED] The great pact nears it's completion! The Nimon be praised!Skonnos shall rise and conquer!
(Cargo hold 1)
[ROMANA] So what is this Nimon?
[TEKA] The great god of Skonnos. They say he's a terrible creature withawesome powers.
[SETH] If we don't pay tribute, the Nimon will destroy us.
[ROMANA] Sounds like an insecure personality to me.
[SETH] He lives in the power complex.
[ROMANA] That fits.
[SETH] Anyone who enters never returns, except the one called Soldeed.
[ROMANA] Soldeed?
[SETH] Well, yes. The great scientist and engineer of Skonnos. It is hewho built the complex for the Nimon.
[TEKA] They say he's the only scientist left on Skonnos.
[ROMANA] Really? Why is that?
[SETH] The great Civil War. Only the army survived.
[ROMANA] That sounds like a well-organised war.
[SETH] It was then that the Nimon arrived.
[ROMANA] And started demanding tributes?
[TEKA] Yes, but Seth's going to change all that, aren't you.
[SETH] Yes. Yes.
[ROMANA] You seem to have taken on quite a task.
[SETH] It is.
[ROMANA] Well, you don't sound awfully confident about it. I thought youwere meant to be the great hero of Aneth.
[SETH] But I'm not. I don't want to be a hero. I've never wanted to be.It's just that I've chanced to be around when things have happened. I'mnot even a prince. I'd run away from home. I was on the road. Theyfound me, and rather than be sent back, I made up some story. The Kingbelieved it and, well, here I am.
[ROMANA] You have got problems, haven't you.
[SETH] Look, I just have to do what I can. Please, don't tell Teka.
[ROMANA] Don't worry, Seth. Your secret is safe with me.
[SETH] Promise?
[ROMANA] Cross my heart. Both of them.
[COPILOT] You! I need you to help me land the ship. We're nearly there.Through there.
[COPILOT] Weakling scum!
[DOCTOR] Right, K9. Without our gravitic anomoliser, this is the best wecan do. Let's give it a try, shall we? Ah, come on, old girl.
[DOCTOR] That's very odd. Wouldn't you say that was odd, K9?
[K9] Odd not computable, master.
(Skonnos complexentrance)
[SORAK] I have the honour to present the tribute from Aneth.
[SOLDEED] Why have they brought only five crystals? There are twomissing. Where are they?
[ROMANA] I can answer that.
[SOLDEED] Who are you?
[ROMANA] I'm Romana. Who are you?
[SORAK] How dare you speak to the great Soldeed like that!
[ROMANA] I have a complaint to make.
[ROMANA] Yes, that pilot of yours
[SOLDEED] Who are you?
[ROMANA] I've told you. Now where's the Doctor?
[SOLDEED] Doctor? What doctor?
[ROMANA] The one that creature left behind.
[SOLDEED] Who is this woman and where does she come from?
[ROMANA] I come from Gallifrey, if that means anything to you.
[SOLDEED] If you speak again, I shall have you eliminated on the spot.Now you, tell me.
[COPILOT] She's a space pirate, sir. She and her companions attacked ourship. They killed the captain but I managed to drive them off.
[SOLDEED] Go on.
[COPILOT] I captured this one, sir, at great personal risk.
[SOLDEED] Yes, I'm sure.
[COPILOT] Unfortunately, our engines had been damaged in their attackand I had to repair them.
[ROMANA] That's a lie. We crashed into his ship, but it had alreadystopped and the captain was already dead.
[SOLDEED] Silence. You have been warned. (to the co-pilot) How did yourepair the damage?
[COPILOT] I had to adapt the engines to use hymeTUsite, sir.
[COPILOT] HyMETusite. That's where the other two crystals went.
[SOLDEED] You had to adapt the engines?
[COPILOT] Yes, sir, or we'd never have got home at all. And I thoughtfive crystals were better than none. And then there were the Anethans.
[SOLDEED] Exactly how did you adapt those engines?
[COPILOT] Well, sir. (silence)
[SOLDEED] Go on.
[COPILOT] The fuel cells, sir. I modified the fuel cells.
[SOLDEED] You are a liar.
[COPILOT] No, sir. Truly.
[SOLDEED] You wouldn't have the skill or the intelligence to adapt thoseengines in a million years. You deviated from the set course, didn'tyou. Didn't you?
[COPILOT] It was a computer malfunction, sir.
[SOLDEED] Your story alters by the second. You endangered the tribute tothe Nimon.
[COPILOT] It was a computer malfunction, sir!
[SOLDEED] You know the penalty.
[COPILOT] No, sir!
[SOLDEED] The Nimon shall deal with you.
[COPILOT] But sir!
[SOLDEED] Into the complex!
[SOLDEED] In the name of the Second Skonnon Empire!
[SOLDEED] And now, the rest of them. Including her.
[DOCTOR] Right, here we go again. After five, four,three, two, one. (nothing) Come on.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! Success at last, right, K9? Let's try and find our wayto Skonnos and recover our gravitic anomoliser.
[K9] Ahem. Master?
[DOCTOR] And Romana. Don't forget Romana. Tut, tut, tut.
(Council room)
[SOLDEED] The final tribute at this very moment, gentlemen, is beingpaid to the Nimon!
[ALL] The Nimon!
[SOLDEED] I think you all appreciate the irony that in providing thesetributes for us, the planet Aneth has given us the power with which weshall reconquer them and from there go on to build the Second SkonnosEmpire!
[ALL] Skonnos!
[SOLDEED] Our fire shall infest their heavens. It shall be the greatestempire the galaxy has seen. An empire of fire, steel and blood! Skonnosshall rule!
(Complex corridor)
[TEKA] What was that?
[SETH] Must be the Nimon.
[ROMANA] He doesn't sound very happy, does he.
[SETH] I wonder where he is? All these corridors look the same.
[ROMANA] Don't worry. I have a feeling if we don't find him, he'll findus.
[SETH] That's what I'm worried about.
[TEKA] How can you joke about it?
[ROMANA] Come on.
[SETH] But, there was a wall here.
[DOCTOR] There we are. Hello, that looks interesting. Reminds me ofsomething. Yes, I think we'll take a look in there to start with.
[K9] Sensors detect hemispherical defence shield.
[DOCTOR] Why should that be, I wonder, K9?
[K9] Strength, seven thousand three hundred megazones.
[DOCTOR] Yes, just as I thought. Oh well, never mind. We'll just have toland somewhere near it. Somewhere unobtrusive.
(Skonnos complexentrance)
[DOCTOR] Ah, good morning. Or is it evening here? Lovely day, isn't it?Wasn't it? No?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, not again. How is it wherever I go in the universe thereare always people like you pointing guns or phasers or blasters? Nowdon't do anything hasty. It's just a flying visit. Take me to yourleader.
[SETH] What is it?
[TEKA] Is it dead?
[ROMANA] Yes. It's as though something has sucked the life force out ofit and left just a husk.
[TEKA] That's what's going to happen to us, isn't it? It isn't just thehymetusite that's the tribute, it's us as well.
[TEKA] The Nimon did this, didn't he? Seth will kill him.
[SETH] If he can be destroyed.
[TEKA] You'll destroy him.
[ROMANA] He'll be waiting for us somewhere.
(Soldeed's laboratory)
[SOLDEED] What is this?
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello. I'm the Doctor.
[SOLDEED] The Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I just dropped in.
[SOLDEED] Dropped in?
[DOCTOR] Mmm. You must be Soldeed.
[DOCTOR] I thought so.
[SOLDEED] Release him.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. I say, that looks interesting. Very interesting.
[DOCTOR] Having a little trouble with the neutrino converter?
[SOLDEED] Neutrino converter?
[DOCTOR] Neutrino converter.
[SOLDEED] What do you know about such matters?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I've seen similar things here and there.
[SOLDEED] Oh, come now, Doctor. This is my invention.
[DOCTOR] How very odd, how very extraordinary, then, you don't know whata neutrino conversion is. Did you know that someone's building a blackhole on your doorstep?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I got stuck in it, along with one of your spacecraft.
[SOLDEED] Digging a black hole on my doorstep.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. A good thing I got stuck in it, too, otherwise yourship would still have been there.
[SOLDEED] So it was you that rescued my ship?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, with a little help from my friend. Nice girl. Idon't suppose you've seen her, have you? Blonde, about so big, alwayssticking her nose in things that don't concern her.
[SOLDEED] No. Why should I have seen her?
[DOCTOR] I just thought she was heading this way.
[SOLDEED] I haven't any idea what you're talking about.
[SORAK] Soldeed, I searched that ship as you ordered, and I found this.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no idea what I'm talking about? How do you explain that,Soldeed?
[SOLDEED] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's my gravitic anomoliser from my Tardis. (to Sorak) Now,where's Romana?
[SOLDEED] Out of harms way, where you should be, you meddling fool.
[SOLDEED] After him, you fools, you dolts!
(Council room)
[DOCTOR] Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking,I'd like to say one thing and let me make it perfectly clear, I standbefore you desperate to find the exit. Can anybody help me?
(Skonnos complexentrance)
[SOLDEED] Doctor, in the name of the Second Skonnon Empire
[SORAK] He went into the Complex.
[SOLDEED] But of course. All according to plan. The Nimon will take careof him. Ha ha. Goodbye, Doctor. Bwahahahaha!
(Nimon's larder)
[SETH] Are they dead?
[ROMANA] No. They seem to be in some sort of suspended animation. Thismust be the Nimon's deep freeze.
[TEKA] What's that?
[ROMANA] Well, by the look of that poor husk in there, I'd guess thatthe Nimon feeds by ingesting the binding energy of organic compoundssuch as flesh. This must be his storeroom, his larder. This poor thingmust be waiting her turn.
[TEKA] That's horrible!
[SETH] Look, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] Well, there's no point hanging around here. Let's see if we canfind a way out.
[COPILOT] Oh no you don't. Stay where you are.
[ROMANA] And what are you doing? We're in this together, you know.
[COPILOT] You may be, but I'm going to get out of here. Now, get throughthere. I want you all together.
(Nuclear furnace)
[COPILOT] Nimon! Nimon! They're here! I've brought you the tribute fromAneth!
[NIMON] Who dares call the Nimon?
[COPILOT] Er, it, it's me, I do, sir. I've brought you the latestsacrifices.
[NIMON] I need no one to bring the sacrifices to me.
[COPILOT] They were very rebellious, sir. I brought them all the wayfrom Aneth. They were trouble, sir. Soldeed thought
[NIMON] He did not send you to bring me sacrifices. He sent you to beexecuted.
[COPILOT] No, really!
[NIMON] You are a liar and a coward.
[NIMON] You shall die.
[COPILOT] Mercy, Lord Nimon. I brought you the tribute!
(Nimon's larder)
[DOCTOR] Hello, is this a private party?
[DOCTOR] Or can anyone join in? So you're the mighty Nimon, eh?
[DOCTOR] Tell me, Nimon. Tell me, are you really terribly fierce. Hmm?Is it true that you're very, very, very fierce?
[ROMANA] Get out, everybody!
[ROMANA] Go! Go!
[NIMON] The fools. Did they think they could change the course of thegreat journey of life like this? These can be replaced very simply. Theprogramme will continue. So, you bring me a mere five crystals? It willsuffice.
(Complex corridor)
[ROMANA] Doctor? Doctor?
[TEKA] Perhaps he went a different way with the others.
[SETH] Perhaps the Nimon got him.
[ROMANA] Thank you for that thought. The Doctor will make for theTardis. Let's find the way out.
(Skonnos complexentrance)
[SORAK] Have you any idea where it came from?
[SOLDEED] It is very strange. It has the external appearance ofsomething from a fairly primitive society, and yet quite obviously itis some form of travel space capsule.
[SORAK] If we could dismantle it, strip it down.
[SOLDEED] No, Sorak, no. It may be a booby-trap. You can never tell withmysterious contraptions such as this.
(Complex corridor)
[SETH] Oh, dead end!
[TEKA] We'll never find our way out, even if there is one.
[ROMANA] There must be. Soldeed can come and go.
[TEKA] Won't be long before the Nimon finds us and kills us.
[SETH] He's coming. Give me the blaster, quick!
[ROMANA] It's no use. It had no effect on the Nimon.
[DOCTOR] Hello. What are you doing skulking down here.
[TEKA] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, of course, yes.
[ROMANA] What about the way you've just come?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. You call this a maze? It's a cheat!
[ROMANA] Shush!
[DOCTOR] Well, the walls keep changing.
[ROMANA] There must be some sort of
[DOCTOR] Just a minute. I saw this place from above just before Ilanded. It reminded me of something.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] I can't think what.
[TEKA] If the Nimon comes along, we're trapped.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. He'll be too busy repairing his furnace.
[SETH] Furnace?
[TEKA] What's that for, burning the bodies?
[DOCTOR] No, no, he has another use for those altogether.
[ROMANA] Sustenance.
[SETH] What's the furnace for, then?
[DOCTOR] Looked like a nuclear reactor to me.
[ROMANA] Fuelled by your crystals.
[DOCTOR] Yes, your tribute had a very practical purpose. I think there'ssomething horribly evil going on here. Let's go, shall we? Where arethe others? Well?
[ROMANA] They're with the Nimon.
[DOCTOR] What! Come on. Come on!
(Nuclear furnace)
[NIMON] You may approach with your tribute. Come. You do not wish me todestroy Aneth.
(Complex corridor)
[DOCTOR] It's this way, I think.
[ROMANA] Oh, surely not.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[ROMANA] That must lead deeper into the complex.
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[SETH] We'll never get out that way.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course not. Whatever gave you that idea?
[SETH] What idea?
[DOCTOR] That I was trying to find a way out. Oh no, we've got to godeeper into the complex.
[ROMANA] We've got to find the others.
[DOCTOR] Right. Come on, this way.
[DOCTOR] Maybe it's this way.
(Nuclear furnace)
[NIMON] We have achieved operational power level.The next step in the great journey of life will soon be accomplished.
(Nimon's laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! This is more like it.
[ROMANA] Doctor, look at this.
[DOCTOR] Just as I thought.
[ROMANA] It's quite a powerhouse, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] It certainly is. What do you make of it?
[ROMANA] Well, it seems to be some form of transmitter.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course, with the horns on the top as the antennae.
[ROMANA] But transmitting what?
[DOCTOR] Energy.
[ROMANA] Of course! That would account for the hymetusite in the nuclearfurnace. It's immensely powerful. An amazing bit of engineering.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but for what purpose?
[ROMANA] Only the Nimon knows that.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I think it's about time someone else found out.
[DOCTOR] Give me that.
[DOCTOR] Seth and Teka, come here. Take that. I want you to guard thedoor and look out for the Nimon, hmm?
[SETH] Right. What do we do if he comes?
[DOCTOR] Tell me and then run, in that order.
[SETH] Right-o.
[TEKA] Don't worry, Doctor. If the Nimon comes, Seth will deal with him.
[SETH [OC]] Teka, come on!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Now I know what this place reminded me of when I saw it fromthe Tardis.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] A giant positronic circuit.
[ROMANA] Of course.
[DOCTOR] And the reason why the walls keep changing is when thecircuit's in operation
[ROMANA] They keep switching.
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[ROMANA] But why? We still don't know what it's transmitting or whereto.
[DOCTOR] Need a computer to find that out.
[DOCTOR] Got it! K9.
[ROMANA] But will he be able to find us?
[DOCTOR] Certainly, certainly. Well, I should think so. I mean, he couldfollow our psychospores, couldn't he?
[K9] Master.
(Skonnos complexentrance)
[SOLDEED] It is very strange. It resistseverything. It is totally impossible to open.
[SORAK] You did it!
[SORAK] Look out!
[K9] Master?
[SORAK] What is it?
[SOLDEED] Some kind of machine.
[SORAK] It's alive! Stop it.
[SOLDEED] As I thought. Some form of electronic device. Go and see ifthere are any more inside that mysterious contraption.
[SORAK] The door appears to be closed again, Soldeed.
[SOLDEED] Very well. Leave the guards to watch that, and bring thismachine to my to my laboratory and have it guarded.
(Nimon's laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Got it! No, I haven't.
[ROMANA] I've never seen anything quite like this before.
[DOCTOR] No. I thought for a moment it was a giant transmat.
[ROMANA] No transmat pad.
[DOCTOR] That's right. It's a direction beam of some kind, though.
[ROMANA] Hmm. It seems to be pumping out energy over vast distances.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Wait a minute. That's some kind of bearing. Of course!It's focused on the black hole.
[ROMANA] Our black hole?
[DOCTOR] Well, we said it was artificially created.
[ROMANA] From here?
[ROMANA] But why? What good is a black hole to anyone?
[DOCTOR] It could be a gateway towards hyperspace.
[ROMANA] With an exit somewhere else.
[ROMANA] Where?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but I'll tell you something interesting. When Imentioned the black hole to Soldeed, he didn't seem to know what I wastalking about.
[ROMANA] Ah, well, people often don't know what you're talking about.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. If Soldeed doesn't know about the black hole, whatdoes he think all this if for?
(Council room)
[SOLDEED] Power, drawn from the distant starsthemselves, to power the new generation of Skonnon ship with which weshall conquer these stars! This is what the Nimon gives us.
[ALL] Hail Nimon!
[SOLDEED] Each of you shall command your own fleet and I, Soldeed, shalllead you into battle.
[ALL] Soldeed!
[SOLDEED] Skonnos shall rule the heavens!
[ALL] Skonnos!
[SOLDEED] Go now, and await your orders.
[ALL] Skonnos.
[SOLDEED] To the Second Empire.
(Outside the Council room)
[SORAK] Soldeed, it sometimes occurs to me towonder exactly why the Nimon is doing this for us. I mean, to be blunt,what's in it for him?
[SOLDEED] Sorak, you dare to question?
[SORAK] Well, to speculate, Soldeed. Not to question, merely tospeculate.
[SOLDEED] Sorak, you must understand the Nimon. The Nimon is as a god tous. It pleases him to be godlike, to receive tribute and to grant uspower. We want that power, so we give him the tribute he asks, orrather, we get Aneth to do it for us.
(Soldeed's laboratory)
[SORAK] Something for nothing, in fact. That always makes me feeluneasy.
[SOLDEED] Sorak, you are too scrupulous. You get what you want by givingpeople what they want. If there happens to be a little imbalance, makesure it's in your favour. The Nimon is simple. Powerful, brutal, yes,Scientifically advanced, yes, but simple in his desires. I fawn to hima little. That satisfies his bestial ego and he gives us what I ask. Iplay the Nimon on a long string.
(Outside Nimon's laboratory)
[TEKA] What was that? I think I heard something.
[SETH] No. No, I didn't hear anything.
[TEKA] Seth, what are we going to do?
[SETH] I'll think of something.
[TEKA] You'll get us out of this, won't you?
[SETH] If I can think of a way.
[TEKA] Listen. That was something. It's coming this way.
[SETH] Go and warn the Doctor. Go and warn the Doctor now!
[TEKA] Aren't you going to fight the Nimon?
[SETH] Yes, but not now. Go on!
(Nimon's laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9.
[TEKA] Doctor, there's something coming.
[DOCTOR] That was quick. Good old K9.
[TEKA] No, I think it's the Nimon.
[ROMANA] Come on, let's get out of here.
[SETH] It's too late. It's coming.
[DOCTOR] Quick, come on. Hide! Hide!
[ROMANA] Doctor, don't.
[DOCTOR] I want to find out what he's doing.
[ROMANA] Well? What is he doing?
[DOCTOR] I don't know what he's doing. Whatever it is he's doing, Ithink we're too late to stop him doing it.
(Soldeed's laboratory)
[SOLDEED] So you see, Sorak, I have used theAnethans, I have used the Nimon, and I'd use this creature too if Iknew how the infernal thing worked. There is power in this, Sorak.Power. It is a monumental piece of electronic engineering.
[SORAK] But surely, Soldeed, with your skills?
[SOLDEED] My skills, yes.
[SORAK] Soldeed, look! The complex.
[SOLDEED] Sorak, the time has come. From this moment, mark the beginningof the Second Skonnon Empire. With that power, let the onslaught begin!
(Skonnos complexentrance)
[SOLDEED] Calm yourselves, you craven fools. Ishall speak to the Nimon.
[SORAK] Take care, Soldeed.
[SOLDEED] Sorak, you know I have nothing to fear. In the name of theSecond Skonnon Empire!
(Nimon's laboratory)
[ROMANA] Look!
[DOCTOR] What?
[TEKA] What's happening?
[SETH] I don't know.
[TEKA] Why don't you know?
[SETH] I don't know.
[NIMON] Welcome to Skonnos, my friends. Welcome to the new home of theNimon race, the next step in the great journey of life.
[NIMON 2] You have done well, but you're only just in time. Crinoth isfinished.
[NIMON] Now that you're here, come. We can begin the migration with allspeed.
[ROMANA] It's a space capsule.
[SETH] I don't understand. There's no engines.
[DOCTOR] It wouldn't need engines, would it, Romana.
[ROMANA] The energy beam. The black hole.
[DOCTOR] Two black holes. One at the beginning of the journey, one atthe end, and a hyperspatial tunnel in between.
[ROMANA] And that beam providing the motive power.
[TEKA] I don't understand.
[ROMANA] The Nimons have found a way of leaping across the universe asfar as they want, instantaneously.
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[TEKA] I thought there was only one Nimon.
[DOCTOR] So did Soldeed. They've been terribly clever. Fiendishlyclever.
[TEKA] Seth, what's happening?
[DOCTOR] Invasion.
[SETH] Invasion.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it happens all the time. When a race runs out of space ordestroys its home, it has to find somewhere else to live.
[SETH] Skonnos?
[SETH] But it's already inhabited.
[TEKA] Then how many more are coming?
[ROMANA] To make all this worthwhile, there must be thousands.
[DOCTOR] Millions.
[TEKA] What, two at a time?
[DOCTOR] Well, as more arrive, they'll build more transmats and increaseexponentially. You don't imagine this is the only planet that's beentricked, do you? We've got to stop them.
[SETH] How?
[DOCTOR] Seth and Teka
[SETH] On guard again.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[DOCTOR] We're going to have to be very clever. Power on this scalecould blow the whole planet to bits if I touch the wrong thing. Romana?
[DOCTOR] I want to know everything about that capsule.
[ROMANA] Everything?
[DOCTOR] Everything.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] It's all right.
[ROMANA] Oh, I wish you wouldn't do that.
[DOCTOR] I think I've found the main power control.
[ROMANA] Really?
[DOCTOR] Yes. If I can reverse the flow, the energy will go back towhere the space-time tunnel begins.
[ROMANA] Crinoth.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I might even be able to send the Nimons back again.
[ROMANA] Brilliant.
(Complex corridor)
[SOLDEED] Lord Nimon? Lord Nimon? It is I, Soldeed.
(Outside the Nimon's laboratory)
[SOLDEED [OC]] Lord Nimon?
[SETH] Listen.
[SOLDEED [OC]] Lord Nimon, are you there?
[SETH] Come on.
(Nimon's laboratory)
[SETH] Doctor, there's someone coming.
[DOCTOR] There, that should do it.
[SETH] I said there's someone coming!
[DOCTOR] I said that should do it.
[DOCTOR] Come on. Ah ha. Romana? You're
[SETH] Where is she?
[DOCTOR] She must have been inside the capsule.
[TEKA] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll have to switch the whole thing back. Let's hopewe've got time.
[SOLDEED] You, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, I can explain everything.
[SOLDEED] Leave that alone!
[DOCTOR] No, well, you see what happens is
[DOCTOR] Romana.
[SOLDEED] You meddling fool. You shall die.
(Nimon's laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Seth, well done!
[SETH] Is he dead?
[DOCTOR] No, just knocked out. Right, now let's see what the damage is.Oh, I don't like the look of that. Sorry, Romana.
(Crinoth transmat area)
[ROMANA] Doctor, I. Doctor? Doctor, where are you?
[NIMON 3] You.
[NIMON 3] Stop! Pursue her.
(Nimon's laboratory)
[SETH] Is it very bad?
[DOCTOR] It's very bad. I might just be able to fix it if I cancannibalise one of the other circuits.
[SETH] Is there anything I can do?
[DOCTOR] No, no. You've done enough. It's K9 I need now.
[DOCTOR] Oh, my gravitic anomoliser.
[SETH] Will it help?
[DOCTOR] It might help. You see, it's an entirely different system butit just might be compatible.
[TEKA] Will it work?
[DOCTOR] Well, if it's compatible it'll work better than the original.On the other hand, if it's not compatible
[SETH] What?
[DOCTOR] There'll be a bang so big you won't even hear it.
[TEKA] Oh, Doctor, look!
[SOLDEED [OC]] Bwhahahahahaha!
[DOCTOR] He'll warn the Nimon. Quick, after him!
[SETH] Come on!
(Complex corridor)
[SETH] Down there, come on.
[ROMANA] Who are you?
[SEZOM] I am Sezom.
[ROMANA] You just saved my life. Are they dead?
[SEZOM] Alas, no, but they will be unconscious for a while. Who are you?Why are you here?
[ROMANA] I'm Romana. I'm here by accident. Where are we?
[SEZOM] This is Crinoth, what's left of it.
[ROMANA] Why, what happened?
[SEZOM] The Nimons happened. They have destroyed everything, everyone.Everyone but me.
[ROMANA] Are you all right? You look awful.
[SEZOM] My time is almost up.
[ROMANA] Here, sit down.
[SEZOM] Thank you.
[ROMANA] There, how's that?
[SEZOM] Better. You're very kind.
[ROMANA] You did just save my life.
[SEZOM] But I have caused the deaths of so many others. The totaldestruction of our planet and all its people. I am to blame.
[ROMANA] Why? What did you do?
[SEZOM] I allowed the Nimons to come here. I worked for them, becametheir creature. They promised us technology, peace, prosperity. It
[ROMANA] Go on.
[SEZOM] It seemed so easy. Such a small price.
[ROMANA] Did you have to provide them with some sort of tribute?
[SEZOM] How did you know that?
[ROMANA] I've seen something similar.
[SEZOM] There was only one of them to start with. I never knew what wasto come. I swear, I never knew what was to come. It seemed such a smallprice to pay.
[ROMANA] It always does.
(Complex corridor)
[SETH] You stay here. I'll check.
[SETH] Yes, come on. It's this way. Teka. Teka?
[SETH] Teka!
[TEKA] Seth? Seth!
(Nimon's laboratory)
(Soldeed's laboratory)
[SORAK] So you have power, do you? Power that even Soldeed cannotunderstand.
[SEZOM] They're like a plague of locusts. They seemharmless enough
[ROMANA] Till they start to swarm.
[SEZOM] Yes, from planet to planet, sucking each one dry then moving onto another and another and another. Their numbers are multiplying.
[ROMANA] I've got to get back to Skonnos.
[SEZOM] Where's Skonnos?
[ROMANA] It's their next victim planet. I've just come from there.
[SEZOM] Then you must get back and warn them.
[ROMANA] It could be easier said than done. Can you help me get back tothe capsule.
[SEZOM] I will try.
(Complex corridor)
[SETH] Teka! Where are you?
(Nimon's laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Welcome back, Romana.
[DOCTOR] Oh, my prophetic soul!
(Crinoth transmat area)
[NIMON 6] This is Crinoth.
[NIMON 7] We have not moved. Stay.
(Soldeed's laboratory)
[K9] What is this place?
[SORAK] It's. You can speak.
[K9] Affirmative. What is this place?
[SORAK] It's Soldeed's laboratory.
[K9] What am I doing here?
[SORAK] Soldeed brought you here.
[K9] Kindly remove me from this surface.
[SORAK] First, give me a demonstration of your power.
[K9] That was merely a warning. Kindly remove me from this surface.
[SORAK] Wait a minute!
[NIMON 7] Something has gone wrong on Skonnos.
[NIMON 8] The way is blocked?
[NIMON 9] Prepare the final contingency plan.
[NIMON 8] That is too dangerous. There are too many of us still on thisplanet. If it explodes too soon
[NIMON 9] We have no choice. The great journey of life must continue.
[ROMANA] What do they mean, final contingency plan?
[SEZOM] There is no energy left here. They rely on the power plant onthe next planet to pull them through.
[ROMANA] So if anything goes wrong there
[SEZOM] The only way they can escape is to convert the matter of thisplanet itself into energy.
[ROMANA] Can they do that?
[SEZOM] Yes, but it's a chain reaction. Once it starts, there's no wayof stopping it, and the whole planet will explode.
[ROMANA] After they've gone, presumably. Poor Crinoth.
[SEZOM] I wonder what's gone wrong on Skonnos?
[ROMANA] Don't worry about that. If I know anything about the one whocaused it, he'll find a way of undoing it.
[SEZOM] Then you'll be able to get back and warn them?
[ROMANA] Well, first I have to get back to the capsule. How are we goingto deal with the Nimons?
[SEZOM] I have my staff.
[ROMANA] Can you kill them with that?
[SEZOM] No, I can only stun them.
[ROMANA] And they let you keep it?
[SEZOM] It couldn't do them any harm when they gave it to me, but theyoverlooked the fact that I might be clever enough to modify it.)
[SEZOM] I discovered that Jasonite increased the power considerably.
[ROMANA] Jasonite?
[SEZOM] It's a type of rock which carries a powerful electromagneticcharge. I've been experimenting with possible uses for it for years.)
[SEZOM] I even tried to get the Nimons to help, but they weren'tinterested.
[ROMANA] Can I have this?
[SEZOM] Yes, of course.
[ROMANA] How are we going to get past them?
[SEZOM] Subterfuge.
(Crinoth transmat area)
[SEZOM] Wait.
[SEZOM] Right.
[SEZOM] Alarm! Alarm! Crinoth is being invaded!
[SEZOM] The complex is in danger!
[SEZOM] Well done. Now quickly, into the capsule.
[ROMANA] Sezom!
[SEZOM] I, I'm done for.
[ROMANA] Come with me.
[SEZOM] No, it's too late for me.
[ROMANA] Listen. More Nimons.
[SEZOM] Hurry then, hurry.
[ROMANA] I can't leave you!
[ROMANA] Thank you, Sezom.
[SEZOM] Go! Go and warn Skonnos and the rest of the universe!
[ROMANA] Come on, Doctor. Come on!
(Nimon's laboratory)
[NIMON] Leave those controls.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there. I was just
[NIMON] Stand aside.
[NIMON 2] Kill him. But not yet. We need to know who he is and what heis doing here.
[DOCTOR] Well, really, I was just standing admiring the view.
[NIMON 2] Silence. Later you will be questioned, tortured and killed.
[DOCTOR] Well I hope you get it in the right order.
[ROMANA] Come on, Doctor! Come on!
(Crinoth transmat area)
[NIMON 6] There is an alien creature inside thecapsule.
[NIMON 7] Very well, prepare to blast it open.
(Nimon's laboratory)
[NIMON] He has reversed the flow of the tunnel.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you see, well, that's what I was trying to explain. When I
[NIMON 2] Silence, Skonnon. Did you imagine you could you could preventthe great journey of life?
[DOCTOR] No, but what I thought was
[NIMON 2] Switch it back.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[ROMANA] Doctor, I don't know what you think you're playing at, but. Oh!Help.
[NIMON 2] Another of the creature. Kill her!
[SETH] Doctor, I've lost Teka.
[ROMANA] Seth, catch!
[SETH] What?
[SETH] Ah.
[ROMANA] Now shoot it!
[SETH] What?
[ROMANA] Shoot!
[SETH] What's going on?
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Seth.
[ROMANA] The invasion's started from Crinoth. Doctor, switch it back.
[DOCTOR] I'll do better than that. I'll lock it off for good. Romana?
[DOCTOR] I think we're going to be all right.
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Well, you took your time getting here. Never mind, now you'rehere you can make yourself useful.
[SETH] What is it?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, what is it? It's my dog.
[SETH] Oh.
[DOCTOR] He's called K9. K9? I want to modify the controls. I want todivert the space-time tunnel and send the Nimons back into the middleof nowhere. What do you think?
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
[SETH] What about Teka?
[DOCTOR] Well, if the Nimons got her, she'll be in the larder.
[SETH] Larder?
[ROMANA] The room with the nuclear furnace.
[DOCTOR] I'll meet you both there. Go on, off you go.
[ROMANA] Right. Come on, Seth.
[DOCTOR] K9, this is going to be a bit sticky.
(Nimon's larder)
[SETH] Teka!
[SOLDEED] You, you meddlesome hussy. Do not touch the sacrifices!
[ROMANA] It's all over, Soldeed. You're finished.
[SOLDEED] No, the Nimon will fulfil his great promise! The Nimon bepraised!
[ROMANA] The Nimon be praised? How many Nimons have you seen today?
[SOLDEED] Don't dare blaspheme the Nimon.
[ROMANA] How many!
[SOLDEED] Skonnos will
[ROMANA] How many Nimons?
[SOLDEED] Three. I have seen three.
[ROMANA] Well, I've just seen a whole lot more rampaging down thecorridor. Face it, Soldeed, you're being invaded.
[SOLDEED] He said he was the only one. The last survivor of his race.
[ROMANA] He told you what you wanted to hear, promised you what youwanted to have.
[SOLDEED] So this is the great journey of life?
[ROMANA] They're parasitic nomads who've been feeding off yourselfishness and gullibility.
[SOLDEED] My dreams of conquest. You have brought this calamity upon me!
[ROMANA] You've brought it on yourself!
[SOLDEED] You will die for your interference!
(Nuclear furnace)
[ROMANA] Stop him!
[SOLDEED] You fools. You are all doomed. Doomed.
[SETH] Teka!
[ROMANA] Get the others out of here.
[SETH] But they're dead!
[DOCTOR] No, they're not, they're just paralysed. K9, get them outquickly.
[K9] Master.
[ROMANA] The controls, they're jammed. It's gone critical. It's turnedinto a bomb and there's nothing we can do about it.
(Nimon's larder)
[TEKA] I knew you'd save me, Seth. I knew it.
[DOCTOR] Well, you're not saved yet. Come on, let's get out of herebefore the whole place explodes. Come on!
(Complex corridor)
[DOCTOR] Halt. Shush.
[TEKA] You defeated the Nimon, Seth.
[SETH] Not entirely.
[TEKA] I knew you would. Now you'll get us out of this maze, won't you?
[SETH] Doctor, how are we going to get out of this place if no one elsehas ever managed it before?
[DOCTOR] Ah, but they didn't have a brilliant tracker dog like K9, didthey. He can follow the scent all the way to the exit. Come on, K9.Come on.
(Nimon's laboratory)
[NIMON] Pursue them!
(Complex corridor)
[DOCTOR] What is it, K9?
[K9] Configuration has changed. It will be necessary for me to compute asuitable route as we proceed.
[DOCTOR] What? Come on, K9. You can do it.
[NIMON] Pursue them!
(Skonnos complexentrance)
[MAN] There he is.
[SORAK] What is going on here?
[MAN] We don't know.
(Complex corridor)
[K9] This is the exit, master.
[DOCTOR] What? But it can't be. Try pointing the staff.
[SETH] Nothing.
[DOCTOR] In the name of the Second Skonnon Empire!
[SETH] Nothing.
[TEKA] We're trapped.
[DOCTOR] K9, what do you make of that wall in front of you?
[K9] Question not understood.
[DOCTOR] There! There in front of you.
[K9] That is the exit, master.
[DOCTOR] No, no, the wall.
[ROMANA] Come on, Doctor. Hurry up.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Just a minute. K9, is that a wall in front of us?
[K9] Negative, master.
[DOCTOR] Then off you go, then.
[DOCTOR] Ah, a very clever illusion. Quick, everybody through. Quick!Quick!
(Skonnos complexentrance)
[SORAK] This is not possible! Where is Soldeed?
[SETH] Soldeed's dead.
[TEKA] And the Nimons are finished. Seth defeated them. I knew he would.He's the hero of Aneth.
[SETH] Teka, please.
[ROMANA] Get away, everybody. Get away!
[DOCTOR] Everybody take cover. The whole place is about to explode!
[ROMANA] Oh, no, not again.
[DOCTOR] Well, I never finished the modifications to the conceptualgeometer.
[ROMANA] Immobilised again?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, what could possibly go wrong out here?
[ROMANA] You said that once before, remember?
[DOCTOR] I've said it hundreds of times before.
[ROMANA] And how may times have you been right?
[DOCTOR] Oh, four or three.
[ROMANA] What do you think Skonnos will be like with Sorak in charge?
[DOCTOR] Oh, not much better. Nasty race of people. Still, they're toobusy fending for themselves to bother anyone else now.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] Look.
[DOCTOR] Crinoth.
[ROMANA] And the end of the Nimons.
[DOCTOR] Good job, too.
[ROMANA] I hope Seth and Teka and the others get back to Aneth safely.
[DOCTOR] I should hope so. I made Sorak give them a ship.
[ROMANA] Look, there they are.
[DOCTOR] Poor old Seth.
[ROMANA] Poor old Seth?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, just imagine the legends Teka's going to build uparound him. He'll have to spend the rest of his life trying to live upto them. It's terrible.
[ROMANA] I suppose that's how legends are made.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I'm glad this time I reminded them to paint their shipwhite. The last time anything like this happened, I completely forgot.Caused quite a hoo-ha.
[ROMANA] What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, other times, other places. Well, come on, old girl.There's quite few millennia left in you yet.
[ROMANA] Thank you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Not you, the Tardis.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s17", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Horns of Nimon"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who ( Not broadcast; Fourth Doctor) - Shada
(FSAS Space Station)
[COMPUTER [OC]] This is a recorded message. The Foundation for the Studyfor Advanced Sciences is under strict quarantine. Do not approach. Donot approach. Everything is under our control.
(St Cedd's College)
[PARSONS] Excuse me.
[PARSONS] Do you know where P14 is?
[STUDENT] Yes, it's over there, okay?
[PARSONS] Thanks.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[CHRONOTIS] Come in.
[CHRONOTIS] Excuse the muddle. Creative disarray, you know.
[PARSONS] Professor Chronotis?
[PARSONS] Oh, thanks.
[CHRONOTIS] Just put the kettle on.
[PARSONS] Er, Professor Chronotis, I don't know if you remember me. Wemet at a faculty party a few weeks ago. It's Chris Parsons.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh yes, of course. Enjoy these faculty dos, do you?
[PARSONS] Well, you know, it's
[CHRONOTIS] A lot of boring old dons talking away at each other, whonever listen to a word anybody else says.
[PARSONS] No, well, you said that
[CHRONOTIS] Talk, talk, talk. Never listen.
[PARSONS] No, well, er, look, I hope I'm not taking up any of yourvaluable
[CHRONOTIS] Time? Oh no. When you get to my age, you'll find that timedoesn't matter too much. Not that I expect you'll get to my age.
[PARSONS] Oh, really?
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, yes. I remember talking to the last Master of College butone, or was it the last Master but two? Could have been three.
[PARSONS] Three?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, nice young chap. Died rather tragically at the age ofoh. Run over by a coach and pair.
[PARSONS] What was it you said to him?
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, I don't know. Long time ago, you know.
[PARSONS] Yes. Professor, when we met you were kind enough to say thatif I dropped round you would lend me some of your books on carbondating.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh yes, of course. Happy to. Ah, there's the kettle.
[PARSONS] Professor?
[CHRONOTIS] You'll find the books you want at the far end of this bookshelf. Third shelf down.
[PARSONS] Thanks.
[CHRONOTIS [OC]] Or is it the second shelf down? Second, I think. Anyway, take what you want. Milk?
[PARSONS] Oh, yes please.
[CHRONOTIS [OC]] One lump or two?
[PARSONS] Two please.
[CHRONOTIS] Ah, Here we are.
[PARSONS] Oh, actually Professor, I've just realised I'm going to bereally late for a seminar. Look, I'm terribly sorry. Look, I'll bringthese back to you next week, all right?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, of course. Goodbye.
[PARSONS] Goodbye. Actually, Professor, could I just ask you, where didyou get that?
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, I don't know. I think someone must have left it therewhen I was out.
[PARSONS] Yes, well, I'll bring these back as soon as I can.
(River Cam)
[DOCTOR] Wordsworth, Rutherford, Christopher Smart, Andrew Marvel, JudgeJefferies, Owen Chadwick.
[DOCTOR] Owen Chadwick. Oh, yes. Some of the greatest labourers in thehistory of Earth have thought here.
[ROMANA] Newton, of course.
[DOCTOR] Oh, definitely Newton.
[ROMANA] For every action, there is a equal and opposite reaction.
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[ROMANA] So Newton invented punting.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. There was no limit to Isaac's genius.
[ROMANA] Isn't it wonderful how something so primitive can be so
[DOCTOR] Restful?
[ROMANA] No, simple. You just push in one direction and the boat goes inthe other. Oh, I do love the spring. All the leaves, the colours.
[DOCTOR] It's October.
[ROMANA] I thought that you said we were coming here for May week.
[DOCTOR] I did. May week's in June.
[ROMANA] I'm confused.
[DOCTOR] So was the Tardis.
[ROMANA] Oh, I do love the autumn. All the leaves, the colours.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, at least with something as simple as a punt nothingcan go wrong. No coordinates, no dimensional stabilisers, nothing. Justthe water, a punt, a strong pair of hands and the pole.
[ROMANA] The pole.
[DOCTOR] Er, I think it's about time that we go and see if the Professoris back in his room. Ask me how.
[DOCTOR] For every reaction there is an opposite and equally differentaction.
[ROMANA] Did you just heard voices?
[DOCTOR] What?
[[Physics lab](Parsons places one of the books on top of two others - Hypnosis And The Law and Zaphod] My Stories. It slides off them onto the table.
[(Parsons places one of the books on top of two others - Hypnosis And The Law and Zaphod] My Stories. It slides off them onto the table.
(St Cedd's College)
[DOCTOR] (still carrying the paddle) Here we are, St. Cedd's College, Cambridge.Founded in the year something or other, by someone someone in honour ofsomeone someone someone. In honour of someone who's name escapes mecompletely.
[ROMANA] Saint Cedd?
[DOCTOR] Do you know I think you're very probably right. You should havebeen an historian.
[ROMANA] I am an historian.
[DOCTOR] Good afternoon, Wilkin.
[WILKIN] Good afternoon, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Wilkin! You remembered me.
[WILKIN] Why, yes, of course, sir. An honorary degree in 1960.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but how kind of you to remember me.
[WILKIN] That's my job, sir.
[DOCTOR] And you do it splendidly. Now
[WILKIN] Professor Chronotis, sir? He returned to his room a few minutesago.
[DOCTOR] Oh good, good, good. Wilkin, how did you know I wanted to speakto Professor Chronotis?
[WILKIN] Because that's who you asked for when you were here in 1964,1960 and 1955, sir.
[DOCTOR] Did I really? I was here in 1958.
[WILKIN] Were you, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but in a different body.
[WILKIN] (laughs) Yes, sir.
[ROMANA] Come along, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Nice to meet you, Wilkin. Bye, bye. (to Romana) Come on.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[CHRONOTIS] Come in.
[DOCTOR] Come in. Over there. He'll ask us if we want tea.
[DOCTOR] Yes, please. Two cups.
[DOCTOR] Yes, please.
[CHRONOTIS [OC]] One lump or two?
[DOCTOR] Two please, and two sugars.
[CHRONOTIS [OC]] Oh, Doctor.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, Doctor! How splendid to see you.
[DOCTOR] You too, Professor. This is Romana.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, delighted, delighted. I've heard so much about you.
[DOCTOR] Have you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Well, not yet, but I will have done. When Time Lords get tomy age they tend to get their tenses muddled up. Would you liked somebiscuits too?
[DOCTOR] Well, I wouldn't have said no.
[CHRONOTIS] Crackers?
[DOCTOR] Oh, sometimes.
[ROMANA] Three hundred years?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, my dear.
[ROMANA] And in the same set of rooms?
[CHRONOTIS] Ever since I retired from Gallifrey.
[ROMANA] Didn't anybody notice?
[CHRONOTIS] One of the delights of the older Cambridge colleges.Everyone is so discreet. Now Doctor, young fellow, what can I do foryou?
[DOCTOR] What can you do for me? You mean what can I do for you? Yousent for me.
[CHRONOTIS] Sent for you?
[DOCTOR] Yes, we got your signal.
[CHRONOTIS] Signal? What signal?
[DOCTOR] Romana, didn't we get a signal from the Professor, would wecome as soon as possible?
[ROMANA] Yes. We come straight away.
[CHRONOTIS] I never sent you a signal, but it's very splendid to seeyou. Have another cracker.
[DOCTOR] I will. Professor, if you didn't send a signal, who did, hmm?
(St Cedd's College)
[SKAGRA] You! You!
[WILKIN] Were you addressing me?
[SKAGRA] I want Chronotis.
[WILKIN] Professor Chronotis.
[SKAGRA] Where is he?
[WILKIN] He will not wish to be disturbed. He is with the Doctor. A veryold, a very old friend.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[ROMANA] What for?
[CHRONOTIS] I've had an idea who sent that message.
[DOCTOR] I thought you said you didn't.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, I know. Memory's getting a bit touchy of late. Doesn'tlike to be prodded about too much. But my dear old things, it must beages since I send it.
[ROMANA] I told you you'd got the time wrong, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but you're always saying that.
[ROMANA] You're always getting the time wrong.
[DOCTOR] Professor?
[DOCTOR] What was it about, Professor?
[CHRONOTIS [OC]] What was what about?
[DOCTOR] The message?
[CHRONOTIS] I don't know. You've seen it more recently than I have.
[DOCTOR] Was it to do with the voices?
[CHRONOTIS] What voices?
[DOCTOR] Well, when I was on the river I heard a strange babble ofinhuman voices, didn't you, Romana?
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, undergraduates talking to each other, I expect. I'vetrying to have it banned.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. It wasn't like that at all. It was the sound ofhumans, or, or ghosts, very quietly
[ROMANA] Screaming.
[CHRONOTIS] Overwrought imaginings, Doctor. No, I remember what it was.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CHRONOTIS] Delicate matter, slightly. It, it was about a book.
[SKAGRA] I say.
[MAN] Yes? Can I help you?
[SKAGRA] Yes, perhaps you can.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[CHRONOTIS] Did you just hear voices?
[DOCTOR] Professor, I think that. I just heard voices. Romana, did youjust hear voices?
[ROMANA] Yes, very faint this time.
[DOCTOR] Anything to do with that book, Professor?
[CHRONOTIS] What? Oh, no, no, no. That's just a book I accidentallybought back with me from Gallifrey.
[ROMANA] From Gallifrey? You brought a book from Gallifrey toCambridge?
[CHRONOTIS] Well, just a few knick-knacks. You know how I love my books,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Professor, you said you brought it back by accident.
[CHRONOTIS] An oversight. I overlooked the fact that I had decided tobring it. Just for study, you know. And as I'm now getting very old...
[DOCTOR] You thought that perhaps I'd take it straight back to Gallifreyfor you.
[CHRONOTIS] Well, as I'm retired, I'm not allowed to have a Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Professor, I don't want to be critical but I will. It's veryrisky bringing books back from Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] I mean, they could be so dangerous in the wrong hands, hmm?
[[Telephone box]PARSONS] Clare, hi. Yes, it's me. What? Yes, I'm fine. Listen, the most amazing... Well, just stop being busy.
[Yeah, come on over. No, not in two hours. Now. Great.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] (reads) On some nights, New York was as hot as Bangkok. (TheVictim.) I've read that.
[ROMANA] Hmm. Saul Bellow.
[DOCTOR] Once upon a time. Read that. And ah. Ah ha. And in the ancient days ofRassilon, five great principles were laid down. Can you remember whatthey were, my children?
[ROMANA] It's just a Gallifreyan Nursery Book.
[DOCTOR] I know it is. It's very good.
[ROMANA] I had it when I was a Time tot.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it is good.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, that's just a memento. Not the right book at all. Whereis it? Is this the one? Oh dear, no. No, I know it's here somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Professor? Professor? How many books did you bring back, forheaven's sake?
[CHRONOTIS] Just the odd two or seven, but there was only one that wasin any way
[DOCTOR] Dangerous?
[ROMANA] What does it look like? What's it called?
[CHRONOTIS] The Worshipful And Ancient Law Of Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] The Worshipful And Ancient Law Of Gallifrey?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes. Red book, about five by seven.
[DOCTOR] Professor, how did that book get out of the PanopticonArchives?
[CHRONOTIS] Well, what I did you see was I, I just took it.
[DOCTOR] Took it?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes. There's no one interested in ancient history onGallifrey any longer, and I thought that certain things would be saferwith me.
[DOCTOR] And were they?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, in principle.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me. Delicate matter, Professor, slightly.
[DOCTOR] That book dates back to the days of Rassilon.
[CHRONOTIS] Does it? Yes, indeed.
[DOCTOR] It's one of the artefacts.
[CHRONOTIS] Is it, indeed.
[DOCTOR] Professor, you know that perfectly well. Rassilon had powersand secrets that even we don't fully understand. You've no idea whatmight have been hidden in that book.
[CHRONOTIS] Well, there's no chance of anyone else understanding itthen, is there?
[DOCTOR] I only hope you're right, but we'd better find it. Romana?
[DOCTOR] Little red book.
[ROMANA] Five by seven.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
[CHRONOTIS] Could be green.
(Telephone box)
[PARSONS] Clare, hi. Yes, it's me. What? Yes, I'm fine. Listen, the most amazing... Well, just stop being busy.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[DOCTOR] (reads) On some nights, New York was as hot as Bangkok. (TheVictim.) I've read that.
[ROMANA] Hmm. Saul Bellow.
[DOCTOR] Once upon a time. Read that. And ah. Ah ha. And in the ancient days ofRassilon, five great principles were laid down. Can you remember whatthey were, my children?
[ROMANA] It's just a Gallifreyan Nursery Book.
[DOCTOR] I know it is. It's very good.
[ROMANA] I had it when I was a Time tot.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it is good.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, that's just a memento. Not the right book at all. Whereis it? Is this the one? Oh dear, no. No, I know it's here somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Professor? Professor? How many books did you bring back, forheaven's sake?
[CHRONOTIS] Just the odd two or seven, but there was only one that wasin any way
[DOCTOR] Dangerous?
[ROMANA] What does it look like? What's it called?
[CHRONOTIS] The Worshipful And Ancient Law Of Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] The Worshipful And Ancient Law Of Gallifrey?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes. Red book, about five by seven.
[DOCTOR] Professor, how did that book get out of the PanopticonArchives?
[CHRONOTIS] Well, what I did you see was I, I just took it.
[DOCTOR] Took it?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes. There's no one interested in ancient history onGallifrey any longer, and I thought that certain things would be saferwith me.
[DOCTOR] And were they?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, in principle.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me. Delicate matter, Professor, slightly.
[DOCTOR] That book dates back to the days of Rassilon.
[CHRONOTIS] Does it? Yes, indeed.
[DOCTOR] It's one of the artefacts.
[CHRONOTIS] Is it, indeed.
[DOCTOR] Professor, you know that perfectly well. Rassilon had powersand secrets that even we don't fully understand. You've no idea whatmight have been hidden in that book.
[CHRONOTIS] Well, there's no chance of anyone else understanding itthen, is there?
[DOCTOR] I only hope you're right, but we'd better find it. Romana?
[DOCTOR] Little red book.
[ROMANA] Five by seven.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
[CHRONOTIS] Could be green.
[SKAGRA] I have confirmed the location of the book. It shall soon be mine.
[SHIP] Congratulations, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Tell me of the one called the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] He has no more power than the others. Only one has the power I need. And when I have the book, that power shall be mine.
[SKAGRA] I shall be with you very soon, and then let the universe prepare itself.
[SKAGRA] I have confirmed the location of the book. It shall soon be mine.
[SHIP] Congratulations, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Tell me of the one called the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] He has no more power than the others. Only one has the power I need. And when I have the book, that power shall be mine.
[SKAGRA] I shall be with you very soon, and then let the universe prepare itself.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[ROMANA] Roget's Thesaurus.
[DOCTOR] British Book of Bird Life, in colour.
[ROMANA] Alternative Betelgeuse.
[DOCTOR] Time Machine.
[ROMANA] Wuthering Heights.
[DOCTOR] (reads) Tandoori Chicken for starters?
[ROMANA] Sweeney Todd.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but there's no sign of the Worshipful and Ancient Law ofGallifrey.
[ROMANA] Do you really think it's important?
[DOCTOR] Of course it is. It's one of the artefacts.
[ROMANA] Other than its historical value.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Each of the artefacts was imbued with stupendous power.The meaning of most of them has been lost by now, but the powersremain, and the rituals.
[ROMANA] I just mouthed the words like everybody else.
[DOCTOR] What words?
[ROMANA] At the Time Academy Induction Ceremony. You know, I swear toprotect the ancient law of Gallifrey with all my might and main, and will to the end of my days with justice and with honourtemper my actions and my thoughts.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Pompous lot. All words and no actions.
[ROMANA] Well, that's not true. What about Salyavin?
[DOCTOR] Salyavin?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, Salyavin. He was a boyhood hero of mine.
[ROMANA] Really, Doctor? A great criminal your hero?
[DOCTOR] Well, a criminal, yes, but he had such style, such flair, such
[ROMANA] Panache?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. He was a bit like me in that respect.
[ROMANA] Did you ever meet him?
[DOCTOR] I certainly did not!
[ROMANA] All right.
[DOCTOR] He was imprisoned before I was born.
[ROMANA] Where?
[DOCTOR] On... Do you know, I can't remember. Professor?
[DOCTOR] Salyavin. He was a contemporary of yours, wasn't he? Where washe imprisoned?
[CHRONOTIS] I've just remembered.
[DOCTOR] I've only just asked you.
[DOCTOR] Where Salyavin was imprisoned..
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? I'm not talking about Salyavin. Good riddance tohim. We must find the book.
[DOCTOR] Professor, what do you think we're doing?
[CHRONOTIS] I just remembered.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CHRONOTIS] There was a young man here earlier. Came to borrow somebooks. He might have taken it while I was out in the kitchen makingtea.
[DOCTOR] What was his name, Professor? What was his name?
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, if only I could remember. Oh dear, I've got a memory like a. Ohdear, what is it I've got a memory like? What's that thing you strain ricewith?
[DOCTOR] What was his name, Professor?
[ROMANA] Was he old? Young? Tall? Short?
[CHRONOTIS] I remember!
[DOCTOR] What?
[CHRONOTIS] A sieve! That's what it is. I've got a memory like a sieve.
[DOCTOR] Professor, what was his name?
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, I can't remember his name.
[ROMANA] Oh, do please try.
[CHRONOTIS] A. A. No, it doesn't begin with A. B? B? B? BB
[CHRONOTIS] D?[Physics lab](Clare lowers the book.)
[CLARE] What's it called?
[PARSONS] Called? How should I know? Keightley, this book.
[CLARE] Clare.
[PARSONS] This book will do for science what the Japanese did to Pearl Harbour.
[CLARE] What, bomb it?
[CLARE] Feels like paper, it smells like paper, doesn't behave like paper. Plastic.
[PARSONS] Not a single polymer in sight.
[CLAIRE] Metal?
[PARSONS] No crystalline structure.
[CLARE] A single crystal, then.
[PARSONS] Well, if it is, our mystery Don's got a lot of explaining to do. Half of it's stable all of the time, half of it none of the time.
[CLARE] X-ray tomography.
[PARSONS] Oh yeah, I got a positive result on the x-ray.
[CLARE] What?
[PARSONS] It blew up. Not only can't I tell what the structure is, it actually doesn't seem to have a structure. Pure matter. Non-atomic matter.
[CLARE] You can't have matter without atomic structure. It's fundamental.
[PARSONS] I can't explain it.
[CLARE] What's it about?
[CLARE] The book, Chris. What is it about?
[PARSONS] Well, I don't know, do I? It reads like a cross between Chinese and algebra.
[CLARE] Why don't you ask old What's-his-name?
[PARSONS] Chronotis? Well, yes, that's the obvious thing to do, I suppose.
[CLARE] Is that why you haven't done it yet?
[PARSONS] Make yourself at home, Keightley. (leaves)
[CLARE] It's Clare.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS
[DOCTOR] Young!
[CHRONOTIS] Yes! Young Parsons. Born 1956, graduated 1978, honoursdegree in chemistry. Currently engaged in sigma particles.
[DOCTOR] Where would he be now, Professor?
[CHRONOTIS] Physics Lab, I should think. First left!
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I'll be back in two minutes. (to Romana) If I'm notback in two hours, you and the Professor lock yourselves in the Tardis,send out an all-frequency alert, and wait. Wait!
[ROMANA] Right.
[CHRONOTIS] More tea, my dear?
[ROMANA] Lovely. Two lumps, no sugar.
[SKAGRA] Is the Professor alone now?
[WILKIN] Oh yes, sir. The Doctor left a few minutes ago.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Romana is toasting muffins on Chronotis' electricfire.)
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, dear.
[ROMANA] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] We've run out of milk.
[ROMANA] Oh, I should think that's the least of our problems.
[CHRONOTIS] I do feel so stupid losing that book.
[ROMANA] Don't worry, we'll find it.
[CHRONOTIS] I hope so. I do hope so.
[CHRONOTIS] You're shivering. Are you cold?
[ROMANA] No, it's just a feeling. Those voices unnerved me.
[CHRONOTIS] A cup of hot tea will do you good. Ah, no milk. I'll justpop out and get some.
[ROMANA] I don't think that's a very awfully good idea, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Why not? It's the only way I know of getting milk, short ofhaving a cow.
[ROMANA] We've got plenty.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, splendid. Type Forty, isn't it? Yes, came out when I wasa boy. That shows you how old I am.
[ROMANA] I shan't be a moment.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh yes, you will. The kitchens are too far from the controlchamber.
[ROMANA] I've never known the Doctor use them anyway.
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin! Good riddance to him, Salyavin. Good riddance.Bah. Undergraduates.
[CHRONOTIS] Come in!
[CHRONOTIS [OC]] Only got lemon tea, I'm afraid. No milk. The girl'sgone out to get some.
[CHRONOTIS [OC]] How many of there are you, for heaven sake? I've onlygot seven cups.
[SKAGRA] Professor Chronotis?
[CHRONOTIS] Where are the others?
[SKAGRA] Professor Chronotis.
[CHRONOTIS] Who are you?
[SKAGRA] I have come for the book.
[CHRONOTIS] Book? What book?
[SKAGRA] You know what book.
[CHRONOTIS] I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't got anybooks. That's to say, I've got plenty of books. What book would you like?
[SKAGRA] The book you took from the Panopticon Archives.
[CHRONOTIS] What do you know about the Panopticon?
[SKAGRA] The book, Professor. You are to give it to me.
[CHRONOTIS] On whose instructions?
[SKAGRA] Mine, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Who are you?
[SKAGRA] My name does not concern you. Give me the book.
[CHRONOTIS] I don't know where it is.
[SKAGRA] If you will not give me the information voluntarily, I willdeduct it from you. I'm sure there is much else in your mind that willinterest me.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh! No! No!(The sphere rises out of the carpet bag and fastens itself toChronotis' forehead. His arms flail in pain and he falls to his knees.)
[SKAGRA] Do not fight it, Professor. Do not fight it, or you will die.[Physics lab](Clare is repairing the x-ray machine when she notices the shadow of someone entering.)
[CLARE] Hello.
[DOCTOR] Oh, hello.
[CLARE] You've just missed him, I'm afraid.
[DOCTOR] Sorry?
[CLARE] Chris Parsons? You've just missed him. Can I give him a message?
[DOCTOR] (pointing at the book) This isn't yours.
[CLARE] Er, no. Is it yours?
[DOCTOR] It belongs to some friends of mine.
[CLARE] Odd book.
[DOCTOR] Odd friends. And careless. Oddly careless. Why did you take it?CLARE
[DOCTOR] I know.
[CLARE] Look, what is this all about?
[DOCTOR] What's what about?
[CLARE] This book.
[DOCTOR] Have you read it?
[CLARE] No, I can't.
[DOCTOR] What, can't read?
[CLARE] No. I mean yes. I can read. I
[CLARE] Where does it come from, what is it made of, and why did it make the x-ray machine explode?
[DOCTOR] It did that?CLARE
[DOCTOR] Hello, I'm the Doctor. And you?
[CLARE] Clare. Clare Keightley.
[DOCTOR] Clare Clare Keightley, can I have a look at your x-ray machine?[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Skagra has gone, and Chronotis is lying on thefloor when Romana comes out of the Tardis.)
[ROMANA] I've got the milk. Professor?
[K9] Coming, Mistress.
[ROMANA] Professor!
[ROMANA] Who is it?
[PARSONS] It's me, Professor. I just came back to... What's happened? Ishe all right?
[ROMANA] I don't know. I think he's dead.
[K9] Negative, mistress. He is alive but he's in a deep coma.
[PARSONS] What's happened to him?
[K9] Processing data.
[ROMANA] Do you know him?
[PARSONS] Hardly at all. He just lent me a book.
[ROMANA] A book? We've been looking for a book. Chris Parsons?
[PARSONS] Chris Parsons, yes.
[ROMANA] Have you got it?
[PARSONS] No. I left it back at the lab. You see I couldn't under
[ROMANA] Isn't the Doctor with you?
[PARSONS] Well, how would I know? I mean, how would I know the Professorwas ill?
[ROMANA] No, no, no. The Doctor.
[K9] Mistress, the Professor has been subjected to psychoactiveextraction.
[ROMANA] Will he be all right?
[K9] Physical prognosis fair, psycho prognosis uncertain.
[PARSONS] It's a robot!
[ROMANA] Of course.
[PARSONS] A robot dog.
[ROMANA] K9, did you said psychoactive extraction?
[K9] Affirmative, mistress. Someone has stolen part of his mind.
[PARSONS] What did your dog say?
[K9] Someone has stolen part of his mind. His attempts to resist havecaused severe cerebral trauma. He is weakening fast.
[PARSONS] Is this all for real?
[ROMANA] Do you want to make yourself useful?
[PARSONS] Well, if I can.
[ROMANA] Go and get the medical kit from the Tardis.
[PARSONS] The what?
[ROMANA] Over there. First door on the left, down the corridor, seconddoor on the right, down the corridor, third door on the left, down thecorridor, fourth door on the right
[PARSONS] Down the corridor?
[ROMANA] No, white cupboard opposite the door, top shelf.
[PARSONS] For a minute I thought you were pointing at that police box.
[ROMANA] I was.
[ROMANA] Please get it.
[ROMANA] Hurry up!
[ROMANA] Professor, can you hear me? Professor? Professor?
[K9] Mistress, his mind has gone.
[ROMANA] You just said part of it, K9.
[K9] Affirmative. The part that is left is totally inert.
[ROMANA] Professor!
[K9] No response, mistress.
[ROMANA] Thank you.
[PARSONS] What are you doing to him?
[ROMANA] He's breathing and his hearts are beating, so his autonomicbrain is functioning. This collar will take over those functions andleave his autonomic brain free.
[PARSONS] What good'll that do?
[ROMANA] He should be able to think with it.
[PARSONS] Think with his autonomic brain? Don't be silly. The humanbrain doesn't work like that. The different function are separated by
[ROMANA] The Professor isn't human.
[PARSONS] Ah.[Physics lab]CLARE
[DOCTOR] Well, the book must have stored up vast amounts of subatomic energy and suddenly it released it when the machine was activated.
[CLARE] What?
[DOCTOR] It's a very strange way for a book to behave.
[CLARE] I would have thought that was obvious.
[DOCTOR] Never underestimate the obvious.
[CLARE] But what does it tell us?
[DOCTOR] Nothing, obviously.
[CLARE] Well?
[DOCTOR] So obviously it was meant to tell us nothing. Exactly the opposite function of a book. Therefore
[CLARE] It isn't a book. Then what is it?
[DOCTOR] What was that?
[CLARE] Oh, should be the results of the carbon dating test I ran. (tears off printout) It's twenty thousand years old, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Look at that.
[CLARE] A minus sign? Minus twenty thousand years?
[DOCTOR] Not only is this book not a book, but time is running backwards for it. I think I'd better return it as soon as possible, don't you?[Spacecraft](Skagra snaps his fingers and summons the floating ball.)
[SKAGRA] Playback.
[SKAGRA [on screen]] The book, Professor.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Was as hot as Bangkok. Once upon a time.
[SKAGRA] Trace memories.
(Physics lab)
[CLARE] What's it called?
[PARSONS] Called? How should I know? Keightley, this book.
[CLARE] Clare.
[PARSONS] This book will do for science what the Japanese did to Pearl Harbour.
[CLARE] What, bomb it?
[CLARE] Feels like paper, it smells like paper, doesn't behave like paper. Plastic.
[PARSONS] Not a single polymer in sight.
[CLAIRE] Metal?
[PARSONS] No crystalline structure.
[CLARE] A single crystal, then.
[PARSONS] Well, if it is, our mystery Don's got a lot of explaining to do. Half of it's stable all of the time, half of it none of the time.
[CLARE] X-ray tomography.
[PARSONS] Oh yeah, I got a positive result on the x-ray.
[CLARE] What?
[PARSONS] It blew up. Not only can't I tell what the structure is, it actually doesn't seem to have a structure. Pure matter. Non-atomic matter.
[CLARE] You can't have matter without atomic structure. It's fundamental.
[PARSONS] I can't explain it.
[CLARE] What's it about?
[CLARE] The book, Chris. What is it about?
[PARSONS] Well, I don't know, do I? It reads like a cross between Chinese and algebra.
[CLARE] Why don't you ask old What's-his-name?
[PARSONS] Chronotis? Well, yes, that's the obvious thing to do, I suppose.
[CLARE] Is that why you haven't done it yet?
[PARSONS] Make yourself at home, Keightley. (leaves)
[CLARE] It's Clare.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[DOCTOR] Young!
[CHRONOTIS] Yes! Young Parsons. Born 1956, graduated 1978, honoursdegree in chemistry. Currently engaged in sigma particles.
[DOCTOR] Where would he be now, Professor?
[CHRONOTIS] Physics Lab, I should think. First left!
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I'll be back in two minutes. (to Romana) If I'm notback in two hours, you and the Professor lock yourselves in the Tardis,send out an all-frequency alert, and wait. Wait!
[ROMANA] Right.
[CHRONOTIS] More tea, my dear?
[ROMANA] Lovely. Two lumps, no sugar.
(St Cedd's College)
[SKAGRA] Is the Professor alone now?
[WILKIN] Oh yes, sir. The Doctor left a few minutes ago.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, dear.
[ROMANA] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] We've run out of milk.
[ROMANA] Oh, I should think that's the least of our problems.
[CHRONOTIS] I do feel so stupid losing that book.
[ROMANA] Don't worry, we'll find it.
[CHRONOTIS] I hope so. I do hope so.
[CHRONOTIS] You're shivering. Are you cold?
[ROMANA] No, it's just a feeling. Those voices unnerved me.
[CHRONOTIS] A cup of hot tea will do you good. Ah, no milk. I'll justpop out and get some.
[ROMANA] I don't think that's a very awfully good idea, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Why not? It's the only way I know of getting milk, short ofhaving a cow.
[ROMANA] We've got plenty.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, splendid. Type Forty, isn't it? Yes, came out when I wasa boy. That shows you how old I am.
[ROMANA] I shan't be a moment.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh yes, you will. The kitchens are too far from the controlchamber.
[ROMANA] I've never known the Doctor use them anyway.
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin! Good riddance to him, Salyavin. Good riddance.Bah. Undergraduates.
[CHRONOTIS] Come in!
[CHRONOTIS [OC]] Only got lemon tea, I'm afraid. No milk. The girl'sgone out to get some.
[CHRONOTIS [OC]] How many of there are you, for heaven sake? I've onlygot seven cups.
[SKAGRA] Professor Chronotis?
[CHRONOTIS] Where are the others?
[SKAGRA] Professor Chronotis.
[CHRONOTIS] Who are you?
[SKAGRA] I have come for the book.
[CHRONOTIS] Book? What book?
[SKAGRA] You know what book.
[CHRONOTIS] I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't got anybooks. That's to say, I've got plenty of books. What book would you like?
[SKAGRA] The book you took from the Panopticon Archives.
[CHRONOTIS] What do you know about the Panopticon?
[SKAGRA] The book, Professor. You are to give it to me.
[CHRONOTIS] On whose instructions?
[SKAGRA] Mine, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Who are you?
[SKAGRA] My name does not concern you. Give me the book.
[CHRONOTIS] I don't know where it is.
[SKAGRA] If you will not give me the information voluntarily, I willdeduct it from you. I'm sure there is much else in your mind that willinterest me.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh! No! No!(The sphere rises out of the carpet bag and fastens itself toChronotis' forehead. His arms flail in pain and he falls to his knees.)
[SKAGRA] Do not fight it, Professor. Do not fight it, or you will die.
(Physics lab)
[CLARE] Hello.
[DOCTOR] Oh, hello.
[CLARE] You've just missed him, I'm afraid.
[DOCTOR] Sorry?
[CLARE] Chris Parsons? You've just missed him. Can I give him a message?
[DOCTOR] (pointing at the book) This isn't yours.
[CLARE] Er, no. Is it yours?
[DOCTOR] It belongs to some friends of mine.
[CLARE] Odd book.
[DOCTOR] Odd friends. And careless. Oddly careless. Why did you take it?CLARE
[DOCTOR] I know.
[CLARE] Look, what is this all about?
[DOCTOR] What's what about?
[CLARE] This book.
[DOCTOR] Have you read it?
[CLARE] No, I can't.
[DOCTOR] What, can't read?
[CLARE] No. I mean yes. I can read. I
[CLARE] Where does it come from, what is it made of, and why did it make the x-ray machine explode?
[DOCTOR] It did that?CLARE
[DOCTOR] Hello, I'm the Doctor. And you?
[CLARE] Clare. Clare Keightley.
[DOCTOR] Clare Clare Keightley, can I have a look at your x-ray machine?
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[ROMANA] I've got the milk. Professor?
[K9] Coming, Mistress.
[ROMANA] Professor!
[ROMANA] Who is it?
[PARSONS] It's me, Professor. I just came back to... What's happened? Ishe all right?
[ROMANA] I don't know. I think he's dead.
[K9] Negative, mistress. He is alive but he's in a deep coma.
[PARSONS] What's happened to him?
[K9] Processing data.
[ROMANA] Do you know him?
[PARSONS] Hardly at all. He just lent me a book.
[ROMANA] A book? We've been looking for a book. Chris Parsons?
[PARSONS] Chris Parsons, yes.
[ROMANA] Have you got it?
[PARSONS] No. I left it back at the lab. You see I couldn't under
[ROMANA] Isn't the Doctor with you?
[PARSONS] Well, how would I know? I mean, how would I know the Professorwas ill?
[ROMANA] No, no, no. The Doctor.
[K9] Mistress, the Professor has been subjected to psychoactiveextraction.
[ROMANA] Will he be all right?
[K9] Physical prognosis fair, psycho prognosis uncertain.
[PARSONS] It's a robot!
[ROMANA] Of course.
[PARSONS] A robot dog.
[ROMANA] K9, did you said psychoactive extraction?
[K9] Affirmative, mistress. Someone has stolen part of his mind.
[PARSONS] What did your dog say?
[K9] Someone has stolen part of his mind. His attempts to resist havecaused severe cerebral trauma. He is weakening fast.
[PARSONS] Is this all for real?
[ROMANA] Do you want to make yourself useful?
[PARSONS] Well, if I can.
[ROMANA] Go and get the medical kit from the Tardis.
[PARSONS] The what?
[ROMANA] Over there. First door on the left, down the corridor, seconddoor on the right, down the corridor, third door on the left, down thecorridor, fourth door on the right
[PARSONS] Down the corridor?
[ROMANA] No, white cupboard opposite the door, top shelf.
[PARSONS] For a minute I thought you were pointing at that police box.
[ROMANA] I was.
[ROMANA] Please get it.
[ROMANA] Hurry up!
[ROMANA] Professor, can you hear me? Professor? Professor?
[K9] Mistress, his mind has gone.
[ROMANA] You just said part of it, K9.
[K9] Affirmative. The part that is left is totally inert.
[ROMANA] Professor!
[K9] No response, mistress.
[ROMANA] Thank you.
[PARSONS] What are you doing to him?
[ROMANA] He's breathing and his hearts are beating, so his autonomicbrain is functioning. This collar will take over those functions andleave his autonomic brain free.
[PARSONS] What good'll that do?
[ROMANA] He should be able to think with it.
[PARSONS] Think with his autonomic brain? Don't be silly. The humanbrain doesn't work like that. The different function are separated by
[ROMANA] The Professor isn't human.
(Physics lab)
[CLARE] It had no detectable atomic structure.
[DOCTOR] Well, the book must have stored up vast amounts of subatomic energy and suddenly it released it when the machine was activated.
[CLARE] What?
[DOCTOR] It's a very strange way for a book to behave.
[CLARE] I would have thought that was obvious.
[DOCTOR] Never underestimate the obvious.
[CLARE] But what does it tell us?
[DOCTOR] Nothing, obviously.
[CLARE] Well?
[DOCTOR] So obviously it was meant to tell us nothing. Exactly the opposite function of a book. Therefore
[CLARE] It isn't a book. Then what is it?
[DOCTOR] What was that?
[CLARE] Oh, should be the results of the carbon dating test I ran. (tears off printout) It's twenty thousand years old, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Look at that.
[CLARE] A minus sign? Minus twenty thousand years?
[DOCTOR] Not only is this book not a book, but time is running backwards for it. I think I'd better return it as soon as possible, don't you?
[SKAGRA] Playback.
[SKAGRA [on screen]] The book, Professor.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Was as hot as Bangkok. Once upon a time.
[SKAGRA] Trace memories.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[ROMANA] The collar's functioning. K9, is there anytrace of conscious thought?
[K9] Processing data, mistress. Far too early to tell.
[ROMANA] What do you mean, good?
[PARSONS] Well, don't you see? When one works as a scientist, onedoesn't always know where one's going, or that there is anywhere forone to go. That there aren't going to be big doors that staypermanently shut to one. But I look at all this, marvellous, and I know that a lot things that seemimpossible are possible, so good. I take it that you...
[ROMANA] Romana.
[PARSONS] No, I mean that you're not from Earth.
[K9] Mistress, the Professor's condition is rapidly deteriorating.
[ROMANA] Isn't there anything we can do?
[K9] Negative, mistress. The condition is terminal.
[ROMANA] But is he thinking? Can he hear us?
[K9] Minimal cerebral impulses detectable, mistress.
[ROMANA] Can he talk?
[K9] Negative. The speech centres of the brain are completelyinoperative.
[PARSONS] Well, your collar was a nice idea but
[ROMANA] Shush.
[ROMANA] Wait a minute. K9, can you amplify his heart beat?
[K9] Affirmative, mistress.
[ROMANA] Brilliant!
[ROMANA] The Professor is a brave and clever man. Listen.
[PARSONS] I don't understand.
[ROMANA] He's beating his heart in Gallifreyan Morse. Professor, I canhear you. What do you want to tell us?
[ROMANA] Beware. The. Sphere. Beware. Skagra. Beware. Shada. The.Secret. Is. In. The
[K9] He is dying, mistress.
[ROMANA] Professor!
[K9] All life function has now ceased, mistress. The Professor is dead.
[SKAGRA] Doctor?
[SKAGRA] I am Skagra. I want the book.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm the Doctor and you can't have it.
[SKAGRA] You attempt to hide it from me?
[DOCTOR] Yes. It'll be taken to a place of safety.
[SKAGRA] Where?
[DOCTOR] Oh, a little place I have in mind.
[SKAGRA] Doctor, you will give to me everything that you have in yourmind. Your mind shall be mine.
[DOCTOR] I'm not mad about your tailor.
[DOCTOR] I beg your pardon.
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[ROMANA] Shush. Hurry!
[DOCTOR] Coming.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[PARSONS] Professor.
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[PARSONS] Chris Parsons, Bristol Grammar School and Johns.
[DOCTOR] Never heard of you. You're the one causing all the trouble.
[PARSONS] Me? Well, where's the book?
[DOCTOR] Where's the Professor?
[PARSONS] Well, he just, just, just
[DOCTOR] He just what?
[PARSONS] Well, I just don't know. His body just disappeared into thinair.
[DOCTOR] Where was the body?
[PARSONS] There. It disappeared just before you arrived.
[DOCTOR] Here?
[DOCTOR] It's gone. He must have been on his very last regeneration. Didyou say someone had stolen his mind?
[DOCTOR] That's funny. Skagra threatened to do that to me too.
[ROMANA] Skagra?
[DOCTOR] You know the name?
[PARSONS] Just before the Professor died, he said three things.
[DOCTOR] What?
[PARSONS] Beware the sphere, beware Skagra.
[ROMANA] And beware Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada?
[ROMANA] Do you know the name?
[DOCTOR] Shada. No. You?
[PARSONS] Doesn't mean anything to me.
[DOCTOR] Well, Mister Skagra, or whatever it is you call yourself,you've killed a Time Lord and a very old friend of mine. It's time youand I had a little chat. K9!
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] K9, can you find any trace of that sphere?
[K9] Affirmative, Master, but it is far, far too weak to take a bearing.
[DOCTOR] We'll have to wait till it's active again. Now listen, K9, themoment the signal becomes clear
[K9] Affirmative, Master.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Right, we'll wait in the Tardis.
[ROMANA] Excellent thought.
[DOCTOR] Come on. You too, Bristol. (By the river, in the pouring rain, an innocent fisherman gets his mind stolen by thesphere. He falls into the water where he presumably drowns.)
(Outside Chronotis' rooms)
[CLARE] Hello?
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[CLARE] Hello?
[DOCTOR] There it is.
[DOCTOR] Did you just see what I didn't see?
[DOCTOR] Neither did I.
[PARSONS] It just vanished.
[DOCTOR] That's what I said. Watch that cow pat.
[ROMANA] Come on, K9.
[K9 [OC]] Coming, mistress.
[SKAGRA] Report.
[SKAGRA] Continue.
[SKAGRA] What is that machine?
[SHIP] It displays the characteristics of a Gallifreyan time capsule, my lord. Type 39, possibly type 40.
[SKAGRA] Present whereabouts?
[SHIP] It is currently in close proximity, my lord. Warning, my lord. Intruders are approaching the ship.
[SKAGRA] Show me.
[SKAGRA] Admit them.[Field](The Doctor bumps into the spaceship with his nose.)
[DOCTOR] Ow! Don't move.
[DOCTOR] K9, there's something here.
[K9] Affirmative, Master.
[DOCTOR] Then why didn't you tell me, you stupid animal?
[K9] I assumed you could see it, master.
[ROMANA] What is it, K9?
[K9] A spacecraft, mistress, of very advanced design. Many of itsfunctions are beyond my capacity to analyse.
[PARSONS] If I built something that clever I'd want people to see it.
[DOCTOR] Shush. K9, what's it powered by?
[K9] Insufficient data.
[DOCTOR] Aren't we all? Where does it come from?
[K9] Insufficient data.
[ROMANA] What does it look like?
[K9] Very large, mistress.
[DOCTOR] How large?
[K9] One hundred metres long.
[DOCTOR] One hundred metres? That should keep the cows guessing. Hmm.There must be an entrance somewhere.
[PARSONS] What's that carpet doing there?
[DOCTOR] Got to be an entrance. What's that carpet doing here?
[K9] A door is opening, Master.
[DOCTOR] Affirmative, K9, affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Come along, K9, heel.
[ROMANA] Affirmative, master.
[SKAGRA] Report.
[SKAGRA] Continue.
[SKAGRA] What is that machine?
[SHIP] It displays the characteristics of a Gallifreyan time capsule, my lord. Type 39, possibly type 40.
[SKAGRA] Present whereabouts?
[SHIP] It is currently in close proximity, my lord. Warning, my lord. Intruders are approaching the ship.
[SKAGRA] Show me.
[SKAGRA] Admit them.
[DOCTOR] Ow! Don't move.
[DOCTOR] K9, there's something here.
[K9] Affirmative, Master.
[DOCTOR] Then why didn't you tell me, you stupid animal?
[K9] I assumed you could see it, master.
[ROMANA] What is it, K9?
[K9] A spacecraft, mistress, of very advanced design. Many of itsfunctions are beyond my capacity to analyse.
[PARSONS] If I built something that clever I'd want people to see it.
[DOCTOR] Shush. K9, what's it powered by?
[K9] Insufficient data.
[DOCTOR] Aren't we all? Where does it come from?
[K9] Insufficient data.
[ROMANA] What does it look like?
[K9] Very large, mistress.
[DOCTOR] How large?
[K9] One hundred metres long.
[DOCTOR] One hundred metres? That should keep the cows guessing. Hmm.There must be an entrance somewhere.
[PARSONS] What's that carpet doing there?
[DOCTOR] Got to be an entrance. What's that carpet doing here?
[K9] A door is opening, Master.
[DOCTOR] Affirmative, K9, affirmative.
[DOCTOR] Come along, K9, heel.
[ROMANA] Affirmative, master.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[CLARE] Chris? Chris Parsons? Professor Chronotis?
[CLARE] Chris?
[[Spacecraft corridor]PARSONS] Better than an old police box.
[DOCTOR] K9, any sign of that deranged billiard ball?
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] The gagglebat, the beastie.
[ROMANA] The sphere, K9.
[K9] Negative, mistress.
[DOCTOR] Romana, I'd feel much happier if you three waited outside. No point in all of us walking into the spider's web.
[ROMANA] I'll stay. You might need help.
[PARSONS] Well, if it's... Er, okay.
[DOCTOR] I wonder if
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[SKAGRA] They will not be harmed, Doctor. For the moment. These small party tricks are purely functional.
[DOCTOR] Where have you taken them?
[SKAGRA] Come with me.[Spacecraft](Skagra places his hand on the sphere.)
[DOCTOR] Skagra, what have you done with the Professor's mind?
[SKAGRA] It is to be put to a more useful purpose.
[DOCTOR] It was serving a perfectly useful purpose where it was.
[SKAGRA] Not to me.
[DOCTOR] You realise he died.
[SKAGRA] Only his mind was of use to me, not his life.
[DOCTOR] You take a very proprietorial attitude to other people's brains.
[SKAGRA] It seems to me that the Time Lords take a very proprietorial view of the universe.
[DOCTOR] Just exactly who are you, Skagra?
[SKAGRA] That knowledge will be of no use to you.
[DOCTOR] Then you may as well tell me.
[SKAGRA] I may as well not. Besides, we have other matters to discuss. This book, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Which book? This book?
[DOCTOR] Ah, I've read it. It's rubbish.
[SKAGRA] Then perhaps you'd be good enough to read it to me.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I have a very monotonous reading voice. Really, by the time I'd got to the bottom of the first page you'd be asleep and
[SKAGRA] Read it to me.
[DOCTOR] I presume you can't read Gallifreyan, then.
[SKAGRA] Like a native. Read it.
[DOCTOR] All right. Are you standing comfortably?
[DOCTOR] Then I'll sit down.
[SKAGRA] Begin.
[DOCTOR] (unintelligible alien words) I'm paraphrasing, of course.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush, shush. You'll like this bit. This is a good bit. (more silly sounds) Skagra, do you realise
[SKAGRA] A fool would realise it was written in code.
[DOCTOR] Skagra, this thing is written in code. How am I doing?
[SKAGRA] I believe you know the code.
[DOCTOR] Who, me?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no. I'm afraid I'm very stupid. Very stupid. I'm very, very stupid.
[SKAGRA] Doctor, I believe you, as a Time Lord, know this code, and you will give that knowledge to me.
[DOCTOR] There's no point in giving me orders. I'm very stupid.
[SKAGRA] It was not an order.
[DOCTOR] It wasn't?
[SKAGRA] It was a statement of fact.
[DOCTOR] Ah. How stupid of me.
[SKAGRA] You have no choice. You will give that knowledge to me.
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, I don't know about that. I don't know about anything. In fact I'm really an appallingly stupid creature. (laughs)
[SKAGRA] You will be.
[PARSONS] Better than an old police box.
[DOCTOR] K9, any sign of that deranged billiard ball?
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] The gagglebat, the beastie.
[ROMANA] The sphere, K9.
[K9] Negative, mistress.
[DOCTOR] Romana, I'd feel much happier if you three waited outside. No point in all of us walking into the spider's web.
[ROMANA] I'll stay. You might need help.
[PARSONS] Well, if it's... Er, okay.
[DOCTOR] I wonder if
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[SKAGRA] They will not be harmed, Doctor. For the moment. These small party tricks are purely functional.
[DOCTOR] Where have you taken them?
[SKAGRA] Come with me.
[DOCTOR] Skagra, what have you done with the Professor's mind?
[SKAGRA] It is to be put to a more useful purpose.
[DOCTOR] It was serving a perfectly useful purpose where it was.
[SKAGRA] Not to me.
[DOCTOR] You realise he died.
[SKAGRA] Only his mind was of use to me, not his life.
[DOCTOR] You take a very proprietorial attitude to other people's brains.
[SKAGRA] It seems to me that the Time Lords take a very proprietorial view of the universe.
[DOCTOR] Just exactly who are you, Skagra?
[SKAGRA] That knowledge will be of no use to you.
[DOCTOR] Then you may as well tell me.
[SKAGRA] I may as well not. Besides, we have other matters to discuss. This book, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Which book? This book?
[DOCTOR] Ah, I've read it. It's rubbish.
[SKAGRA] Then perhaps you'd be good enough to read it to me.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I have a very monotonous reading voice. Really, by the time I'd got to the bottom of the first page you'd be asleep and
[SKAGRA] Read it to me.
[DOCTOR] I presume you can't read Gallifreyan, then.
[SKAGRA] Like a native. Read it.
[DOCTOR] All right. Are you standing comfortably?
[DOCTOR] Then I'll sit down.
[SKAGRA] Begin.
[DOCTOR] (unintelligible alien words) I'm paraphrasing, of course.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush, shush. You'll like this bit. This is a good bit. (more silly sounds) Skagra, do you realise
[SKAGRA] A fool would realise it was written in code.
[DOCTOR] Skagra, this thing is written in code. How am I doing?
[SKAGRA] I believe you know the code.
[DOCTOR] Who, me?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no. I'm afraid I'm very stupid. Very stupid. I'm very, very stupid.
[SKAGRA] Doctor, I believe you, as a Time Lord, know this code, and you will give that knowledge to me.
[DOCTOR] There's no point in giving me orders. I'm very stupid.
[SKAGRA] It was not an order.
[DOCTOR] It wasn't?
[SKAGRA] It was a statement of fact.
[DOCTOR] Ah. How stupid of me.
[SKAGRA] You have no choice. You will give that knowledge to me.
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, I don't know about that. I don't know about anything. In fact I'm really an appallingly stupid creature. (laughs)
[SKAGRA] You will be.
[PARSONS] There's no door. We must have got here by some sort of mattertransference.
[ROMANA] Very clever.
[PARSONS] Oh, I suppose you do this sort of thing the whole time.
[ROMANA] Yes, actually. K9, can't you pick up any trace of the Doctor?
[K9] Negative, mistress. Every signal is shielded.
[PARSONS] I was meant to be delivering a paper to the AstronomicalSociety tonight.
[ROMANA] Oh, yes?
[ROMANA] Can you pick up anything now?
[K9] Negative, mistress.
[PARSONS] Yes, I finally disproved the possibility of life on other planets.
[ROMANA] Oh, yes?
[PARSONS] Well, I can deliver at next month's.
[ROMANA] Now try.
[PARSONS] Have to be a complete re-write though.
[K9] Triple negative.
[PARSONS] Curious substance, this wall.
[ROMANA] Oh, blast it.
[K9] Please duck.
[K9] Apologies, mistress.
[ROMANA] Not at all.
[K9] The wall is blast proof.
[ROMANA] It was a good try, K9.
[K9] Mistress, I am now picking up faint signals.
[ROMANA] What is it? Can you let us hear it?
[K9] Affirmative, mistress.
[PARSONS] Sounds different this time.
[K9] A new voice has been added.
[ROMANA] A new voice?
[K9] Affirmative. It is the Doctor.
(St Cedd's College)
[WILKIN] Mind where you're going.
[CLARE] You don't know where Professor Chronotis has gone, do you?
[WILKIN] Calm down. Isn't he in his room?
[CLARE] No, I've just come from there.
[WILKIN] Well that's funny, he didn't come out this way. I'll tell youwhat. If you'd like to leave a message, I'll see he gets it.
[CLARE] Well look, it's terribly urgent. A book a friend of mine wastaking to him, well, I think it's very dangerous.
[WILKIN] Well what I say is people shouldn't write things if they don'twant people to read them.
[CLARE] No, you don't understand. The book itself, it's atomicallyunstable. It seems to be absorbing radioactivity. I think it's very,very dangerous.
[WILKIN] What, a book's doing that?
[CLARE] Yes. We must find the Professor.
[WILKIN] All right, Miss, I'll tell you what. You go back to his roomand I'll ring round the College and see if I can find out where he'sgot to.
[CLARE] Yes. But wait. Look, it's... All right, I'll go back.
[WILKIN] I don't know. Nowadays they'll publish anything.
[ROMANA] Are you positive, K9? Absolutely negative?
[K9] Affirmative. No signals on any frequency, mistress.
[ROMANA] Oh, I wish I could get out of here.
[PARSONS] That's it!
[K9] Please explain.
[PARSONS] That's what you have to say. I wish we could get out of here.I wish we could get out of here? Oh, I wish we could get out of here.Oh, blast. No! No, no, no, no, K9. No. Good dog.
[ROMANA] Where are you taking me? Where are you taking me?
[SKAGRA] Quiet! Or I'll use the sphere on you as well.
[PARSONS] How did she get out and not me?
[K9] Insufficient data.
[PARSONS] Insufficient data. Insufficient data? Oh, why did I ever letmyself get involved in this?
[K9] Insufficient data.
[ROMANA] Where are you taking me?
[SKAGRA] Your travelling capsule.
[ROMANA] If you think I'm going to open the door, you're going to beextremely disappointed.
[SKAGRA] It's just as well I have the Doctor's key.
[DOCTOR] Very stupid. Ha. Very stupid.
[DOCTOR] Oh, very stupid. Skagra?
[SHIP] My lord has departed.
[DOCTOR] Who's that?
[SHIP] My lord Skagra.
[DOCTOR] No, who's speaking?
[SHIP] I am servant to Skagra. I am the ship.
[DOCTOR] The ship? A talking ship?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Skagra must be hard up for friends. Will you tell me where my companions are?
[SHIP] I will not. You are an enemy of Skagra. Any orders you give me are hostile to my lord.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't mean any harm.
[SHIP] Why are you moving?
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry?
[SHIP] You're dead.
[DOCTOR] I am?
[SHIP] Your entire mind was drained by the sphere.
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, it wasn't, was it. The trick on those occasions is not to resist. I just let the thing believe I was stupid so
[SHIP] No, I do not.
[DOCTOR] No more do I. Perhaps I really am stupid. No, got it! I know. I'm dead.
[SHIP] That does compute to my lord's actions.
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, it must be true, then. Will you tell me where my companions are now?
[SHIP] I cannot accept your orders. You are an enemy of Skagra.
[DOCTOR] An enemy? Me? Not true. If I'm dead, then I'm an ex-enemy of Skagra, correct?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] And a dead man can hardly be a threat to anyone, correct?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Then if I am dead, I can't possibly give orders that would be any kind of threat to Skagra.
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Then will you please arrange the release of my companions?
[SHIP] I have orders not to. Their release would constitute a threat to Skagra.
[DOCTOR] But I'm ordering you to. And as we have established the fact that I am dead, that I'm incapable of ordering
[SHIP] They will be released.
[DOCTOR] Excellent. Thank you. It's getting stuffy in here.
[SHIP] You are dead.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I thought we'd sorted that out.
[SHIP] I'm programmed to conserve resources. Since there are no live beings in this area, I have shut down the oxygen supply.
[DOCTOR] What? Argh. (collapses)
[SHIP] Dead men do not require oxygen.Part Four[Brig](Parsons stops pacing and squats by K9.)
[PARSONS] Not a clue.
[WILKIN] Miss? Are you in there, Miss?
[(Wilkin opens the door, but instead of the wood panelled rooms, a blueshimmering light greets him.)[Spacecraft corridor]PARSONS] Hey, we did it.
[K9] Danger, Doctor. Danger.
[(K9 tried to laser open the door to the command deck, and fails. Parsons presses the top button and the doors open.)[Spacecraft]PARSONS] Doctor!
[SHIP] Oxygen levels returning to normal.
[PARSONS] Who said that?
[SHIP] I am the ship, and the servant of my lord Skagra.
[PARSONS] Where's that voice coming from?
[K9] Master?
[PARSONS] Don't worry, K9. He's all right.
[DOCTOR] No, I'm not. I'm dead.
[PARSONS] Pardon?
[DOCTOR] I've been nearly too clever by three quarters.
[PARSONS] You never seem to do anything by halves.
[DOCTOR] I persuaded the ship that I was dead, and it cut off my oxygen supply.
[PARSONS] You what?
[DOCTOR] It won't take orders from an enemy of Skagra, but since it believes I'm dead, since I am dead, the ship
[DOCTOR] It only resumed the oxygen supply when you came in. You're still alive. Officially.
[PARSONS] That's reassuring.
[DOCTOR] Where's Romana?
[PARSONS] I thought she was with you. Whatever took us off, came back for her.
[DOCTOR] Skagra! He must suffer. K9, is the Tardis still where we left her outside?
[K9] Negative, master.
[DOCTOR] What?[Command ship](A big red and orange spaceship complete with landing deck. The Tardis materialises inside. The sphere leads Skagra and Romana out into a corridor.)
[ROMANA] Where are we?
[SKAGRA] On my command ship.
[ROMANA] And what are you hoping to command?
[SKAGRA] More than you can possibly imagine.
[ROMANA] I have a very vivid imagination.
[SKAGRA] So have I.
[KRARG] Welcome back, my lord.[Spacecraft](The Doctor is playing with his yo-yo.)
[PARSONS] So where's he taken your Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Or when.
[DOCTOR] Time machine.
[PARSONS] Ah, yes. He took Romana because she can operate it for him?
[DOCTOR] So can he. He's got a copy of my mind in that sphere of his. Everything I know is at his disposal.
[PARSONS] Then why did he take her with him?
[DOCTOR] Well, probably wants someone to show off too.
[PARSONS] There's one thing he doesn't know.
[DOCTOR] What?
[PARSONS] You're still alive.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush, shush, shush. I'm dead, remember.
[PARSONS] (sotto) Doctor, why doesn't the ship know that?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) It's only programmed to obey instructions, not to think about them. Blind logic. It serves Skagra and doesn't think beyond that.
[PARSONS] (sotto) Does it know where Skagra's gone?
[DOCTOR] Ship! Speaking to you as the late lamented enemy of your lord Skagra, I command you to tell me where he has gone.
[SHIP] I do not have that information.[Command ship](Skagra snaps his fingers and the sphere settles on a pillar.)
[ROMANA] Why don't you tell me? Why won't you just say what you're trying to do?
[SKAGRA] Tell me what you see.
[ROMANA] Stars.
[SKAGRA] What are they doing?
[ROMANA] Doing?
[ROMANA] Well, they're just there. They're
[SKAGRA] Exactly. Spinning uselessly through the void. And around them, billions of people spinning uselessly through their lives.
[ROMANA] Says who?
[SKAGRA] I say.
[ROMANA] And who are you?
[SKAGRA] What I am now is not important. But what I, what we all shall become...
[ROMANA] What do you
[SKAGRA] Shush. Look.
[ROMANA] What?
[SKAGRA] What do you see?
[ROMANA] Nothing.
[SKAGRA] Billions of atoms spinning at random, expending energy, running down, achieving nothing. Entrophy, like the stars. But what is the one thing
[ROMANA] New generation? New people?
[SKAGRA] Not new people. A new person.[Krarg generator room](They enter a vapour-filled room.)
[ROMANA] What?
[SKAGRA] Shush.
[KRARG] What is your command, O master?[Spacecraft](The Doctor is working inside some panelling.)
[PARSONS] So it's back to square one, then.
[DOCTOR] That's it! Ow! Ouch!
[DOCTOR] Square one. That's where we've got to go if we want to find out what Skagra's up to.
[SHIP] Your order does not conflict with my programmed instructions. I will activate launch procedures.
[DOCTOR] Ship, how long will the journey take?
[SHIP] Thirty nine astro-siderial days.
[DOCTOR] What? That's neary three months.
[SHIP] At maximum drive. We have many hundreds of light years to cover.
[PARSONS] Hundreds of light years in three months? That's incredible.
[DOCTOR] Yes, incredibly slow. Stop.
[SHIP] Repeat, please.
[DOCTOR] I said, stop. Halt.(Juddering halt knocks Parsons off his feet.)
[PARSONS] Oh, what are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Ship, I'm now going to introduce you to a few new concepts. Now listen very carefully.
[SHIP] Accomplished.
[DOCTOR] Regrade your de-ossilation diagetic synthesisers by ten points.
[SHIP] Warning. Drive will explode in twelve seconds. Eleven. Ten.
[DOCTOR] Did I say ten points? Sorry, minus ten points.
[SHIP] Accomplished.
[DOCTOR] Realign your maxivectal meter on drag so they cross-connect with your radial bicentric arrows.
[SHIP] Accomplished.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now, this is the easy bit.
[PARSONS] What have you done?
[DOCTOR] I've constructed a primitive dimensional stabiliser by remote control. The journey will now only take
[SHIP] Doctor, you are extremely ingenious, for a dead man.
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, let's not harp on that aspect too much, shall we?
[CHRONOTIS] What have you done to my machine?
[CLARE] May I ask who you are?
[CHRONOTIS] I was, I am, I will be, Professor Chronotis. Oh dear. WeGallifreyans have never managed to come up with a satisfactory form ofgrammar to cover these situations.
[CLARE] Look, I don't understand what's happening. What situation?
[CHRONOTIS] (sitting) Timelessness. Standing obliquely to the time fields.
[CLARE] Is that what we're doing?
[CHRONOTIS] Oh yes, and very grateful I am to you for arranging it.
[CLARE] Me? But all I did was just press a button and
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, I know. A very ancient Tardis, this. I rescued itliterally from the scrap heaps. I'm not allowed have one really, youknow. Still, just as well though, isn't it, otherwise I'd be deadstill.
[CLARE] Still dead?
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, yes. Yes, I've been killed. Only your timely mishandlingof this machine meant that you tangled with my time fields at thecritical moment. You're not following me, are you?
[CLARE] Er, no.
[CHRONOTIS] Good. Think of me as a paradox in an anomaly and get on withyour tea.
[CLARE] Oh, yes.
[CHRONOTIS] We must find Skagra.
[CLARE] Yes.
[CHRONOTIS] He has the book.
[CHRONOTIS] You know about it?
[CLARE] Well, I sort of
[CHRONOTIS] It's a very dangerous book and I have been very careless. Itis the key to Shada.
[CHRONOTIS] The ancient prison planet of the Time Lords. They have been induced to forget about it.
[CLARE] I see.
[CHRONOTIS] If Skagra is meddling with mind transference, mind control, he's only going to Shada for one particular reason and itis imperative that he be stopped.
[CLARE] Yes! Er, why? What on Earth's there?
[CHRONOTIS] It's not a matter of what, it's a matter of who.[Command ship](An image of what the Doctor saw on the pages of the book is on a wall screen, projected by the sphere.)
[ROMANA] What's so important about the book?
[SKAGRA] It is the Ancient Law of Gallifrey.
[SKAGRA] So what does a Gallifreyan judge say when passing sentence?
[ROMANA] Er, we but administer. You are imprisoned not by this court but by the power of the Law. It is not
[SKAGRA] The power of the Law. It used to be quite literally true.
[ROMANA] What? You think that book is some sort of key to
[SKAGRA] The key with which the Time Lords used to imprison its most feared criminals. Criminals such as... He doesn't know.
[ROMANA] I'm glad you realised that. It's about time.
[SKAGRA] Time. Time. About time. Yes, of course. I should have seen that. A Gallifreyan code would have to include the dimension of Time.
[(to the sphere) Stop. Find me the Doctor's last reference to Time.[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Oh, come on, ship. What's taking you so long?
[SHIP] Estimated docking time, two minutes.
[DOCTOR] Hurry up.
[KRARG] Who are you?
[PARSONS] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What is it?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) I don't know.
[KRARG] You are intruders.
[DOCTOR] Well actually, I'm dead, and this is Bristol.
[PARSONS] Chris.
[KRARG] You trespass on my lord's ship. You shall die.
[PARSONS] What on Earth is it?
[DOCTOR] What's Earth got to do with it? Looks like some sort of crystalline structure.
[SHIP] Preparing to dock.
[DOCTOR] You go ahead. Don't mind us.
[COMPUTER] This is a recorded message. The Foundation for the Study ofAdvanced Sciences is under strict quarantine. Do not approach. Do notapproach. Everything is under our control.
[PARSONS [OC]] Where is this place?
[PARSONS [OC]] Big, isn't it?
[DOCTOR [OC]] I wonder where everybody's got to?
[PARSONS] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Neither do I.
[PARSONS] And I don't believe that we travelled hundreds of light years.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[PARSONS] You cannot travel faster than light. Einstein.
[DOCTOR] What? Do you understand Einstein?
[DOCTOR] What? And quantum theory?
[DOCTOR] What? And Planck?
[DOCTOR] What? And Newton?
[DOCTOR] What? And Schoenberg?
[PARSONS] Of course.
[DOCTOR] You've got a lot to unlearn. Ah.
[DOCTOR] Institute for Advanced Science Studies.
[PARSONS] ASD Advanced State of Decay?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Did you hear something?
[DOCTOR] Shush.[FSAS Space Station](They enter the room from the first scene in thestory.)
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! Think Tank. Quite interesting.
[PARSONS] Quite interesting? This is fascinating. Absolutelyfascinating. Do you mean to say that all this means something to you?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes! It's all terrible simple. You see, when ah!
[SKAGRA] Keep back.
[SKAGRA] Exactly. Time runs backwards over the book. As I turn the pages within the time field of this machine, the machine operates.
[SKAGRA] I have broken the code.
[KRARG] We can repair it, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Fool. Make all preparations for the entry into Shada. You are about to meet one of the greatest and most powerful criminals in all history.
[ROMANA] Salyavin.
[SKAGRA] A man the Time Lords chose to forget.[FSAS Space Station]PARSONS
[DOCTOR] Victims of Skagra's brain drain. Their intellectual powers havebeen stolen. But their memory patterns might remain. Yes.
[PARSONS] But if only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Yes. What?
[PARSONS] If only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] Bristol, I'd like you to do something for me.
[PARSONS] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] It won't be pleasant.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy. There, there. Bristol?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to allow this man access to your intelligencereserves.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, it's only temporary. But it might just allow him tofunction.
[PARSONS] I just hope you know what you're doing.
[DOCTOR] So do I. So do I. Now, take a deep breath.
[CALDERA] Skagra!
[CALDERA] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] The Doctor.
[CALDERA] What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[CALDERA] My name is Caldera.
[DOCTOR] What? Not A St John De Caldera?
[CALDERA] The same?
[DOCTOR] The neurologist.
[DOCTOR] It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. One of the great intellectsof your generation.
[CALDERA] So are we all.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] There's A S T Thira, the psychologist. G V Centauri, theparametricist. L D Ia, the biologist. R A F Akrotiri.
[DOCTOR] Some of the greatest intellects in the universe.
[CALDERA] And Doctor Skagra.
[DOCTOR] Skagra?
[CALDERA] Geneticist, and astro-engineer.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] And cyberneticist, and neurostructuralist, and moral theologian.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and too clever by seven-eighths. Who is he? Where does hecome from?
[CALDERA] We don't know.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] But he was very impressive. He offered very handsome fees, sowe agreed.
[DOCTOR] To do what?
[CALDERA] Don't you see? The Think Tank was his idea. He set it up.
[DOCTOR] He did? To do what?
[CALDERA] The pooling of intellectual resources by electronic mindtransference.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] He conceived it on the grand scale. Just how grand, we didn'trealise. Not at first, not until after we had built the sphere, and bythen it was too late.
[DOCTOR] Why? What happened?
[CALDERA] He stole our brains! He stole our brains.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy.
[CALDERA] Stole.
[DOCTOR] Easy. Shush, shush, shush.
[CALDERA] The whole of humanity.
[DOCTOR] What? The whole of humanity?
[CALDERA] The whole! But he needed
[DOCTOR] What did he need?
[CALDERA] One mind.
[DOCTOR] Which mind?
[CALDERA] One unique mind.
[DOCTOR] What mind?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] Salyavin!
[DOCTOR] Salyavin?
[DOCTOR] Bristol? Bristol? Are you all right?
[PARSONS] I feel marvellous!
[DOCTOR] Good, good, it'll pass. You're fit.
[PARSONS] What did you find out?
[DOCTOR] Not much. Not enough to locate Skagra, just enough to frightenme out of my wits.
[K9] Master!
[DOCTOR] K9! Why aren't you back at
[DOCTOR] K9, try and keep it back.
[K9] Power supply at danger level.
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out!
[(The Doctor avoids the blast and rejoins Parsons. The Krarg advances on them.) Part Five[FSAS Space Station]DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] You still feeling marvellous?
[DOCTOR] Right. Give me ten seconds.
[PARSONS] Well, come on then! Well, come on!
[PARSONS] Doctor, it's going to blow up!
[(The Doctor stands in front of the scientists as the Krarg advances onthem. Smoke starts to fill the room. Parsons runs behind the Krarg andout into the corridor, where he grabs a dangling power cable, then goes back in. K9 leaves. Parsons drags the Doctor out of the room.)[FSAS Space Station - outside theshuttlebay]DOCTOR] It's jammed!
[[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clareare working on components from his Tardis mechanism.)
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[DOCTOR] Very stupid. Ha. Very stupid.
[DOCTOR] Oh, very stupid. Skagra?
[SHIP] My lord has departed.
[DOCTOR] Who's that?
[SHIP] My lord Skagra.
[DOCTOR] No, who's speaking?
[SHIP] I am servant to Skagra. I am the ship.
[DOCTOR] The ship? A talking ship?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Skagra must be hard up for friends. Will you tell me where my companions are?
[SHIP] I will not. You are an enemy of Skagra. Any orders you give me are hostile to my lord.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't mean any harm.
[SHIP] Why are you moving?
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry?
[SHIP] You're dead.
[DOCTOR] I am?
[SHIP] Your entire mind was drained by the sphere.
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, it wasn't, was it. The trick on those occasions is not to resist. I just let the thing believe I was stupid so
[SHIP] No, I do not.
[DOCTOR] No more do I. Perhaps I really am stupid. No, got it! I know. I'm dead.
[SHIP] That does compute to my lord's actions.
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, it must be true, then. Will you tell me where my companions are now?
[SHIP] I cannot accept your orders. You are an enemy of Skagra.
[DOCTOR] An enemy? Me? Not true. If I'm dead, then I'm an ex-enemy of Skagra, correct?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] And a dead man can hardly be a threat to anyone, correct?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Then if I am dead, I can't possibly give orders that would be any kind of threat to Skagra.
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Then will you please arrange the release of my companions?
[SHIP] I have orders not to. Their release would constitute a threat to Skagra.
[DOCTOR] But I'm ordering you to. And as we have established the fact that I am dead, that I'm incapable of ordering
[SHIP] They will be released.
[DOCTOR] Excellent. Thank you. It's getting stuffy in here.
[SHIP] You are dead.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I thought we'd sorted that out.
[SHIP] I'm programmed to conserve resources. Since there are no live beings in this area, I have shut down the oxygen supply.
[DOCTOR] What? Argh. (collapses)
[SHIP] Dead men do not require oxygen.
[PARSONS] Not a clue.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
(Outside Chronotis' rooms)
[WILKIN] Miss? Are you in there, Miss?
(Spacecraft corridor)
[PARSONS] Hey, we did it.
[K9] Danger, Doctor. Danger.
[PARSONS] Doctor!
[SHIP] Oxygen levels returning to normal.
[PARSONS] Who said that?
[SHIP] I am the ship, and the servant of my lord Skagra.
[PARSONS] Where's that voice coming from?
[K9] Master?
[PARSONS] Don't worry, K9. He's all right.
[DOCTOR] No, I'm not. I'm dead.
[PARSONS] Pardon?
[DOCTOR] I've been nearly too clever by three quarters.
[PARSONS] You never seem to do anything by halves.
[DOCTOR] I persuaded the ship that I was dead, and it cut off my oxygen supply.
[PARSONS] You what?
[DOCTOR] It won't take orders from an enemy of Skagra, but since it believes I'm dead, since I am dead, the ship
[DOCTOR] It only resumed the oxygen supply when you came in. You're still alive. Officially.
[PARSONS] That's reassuring.
[DOCTOR] Where's Romana?
[PARSONS] I thought she was with you. Whatever took us off, came back for her.
[DOCTOR] Skagra! He must suffer. K9, is the Tardis still where we left her outside?
[K9] Negative, master.
[DOCTOR] What?
(Command ship)
[ROMANA] Where are we?
[SKAGRA] On my command ship.
[ROMANA] And what are you hoping to command?
[SKAGRA] More than you can possibly imagine.
[ROMANA] I have a very vivid imagination.
[SKAGRA] So have I.
[KRARG] Welcome back, my lord.
[PARSONS] So where's he taken your Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Or when.
[DOCTOR] Time machine.
[PARSONS] Ah, yes. He took Romana because she can operate it for him?
[DOCTOR] So can he. He's got a copy of my mind in that sphere of his. Everything I know is at his disposal.
[PARSONS] Then why did he take her with him?
[DOCTOR] Well, probably wants someone to show off too.
[PARSONS] There's one thing he doesn't know.
[DOCTOR] What?
[PARSONS] You're still alive.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush, shush, shush. I'm dead, remember.
[PARSONS] (sotto) Doctor, why doesn't the ship know that?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) It's only programmed to obey instructions, not to think about them. Blind logic. It serves Skagra and doesn't think beyond that.
[PARSONS] (sotto) Does it know where Skagra's gone?
[DOCTOR] Ship! Speaking to you as the late lamented enemy of your lord Skagra, I command you to tell me where he has gone.
[SHIP] I do not have that information.
(Command ship)
[ROMANA] Why don't you tell me? Why won't you just say what you're trying to do?
[SKAGRA] Tell me what you see.
[ROMANA] Stars.
[SKAGRA] What are they doing?
[ROMANA] Doing?
[ROMANA] Well, they're just there. They're
[SKAGRA] Exactly. Spinning uselessly through the void. And around them, billions of people spinning uselessly through their lives.
[ROMANA] Says who?
[SKAGRA] I say.
[ROMANA] And who are you?
[SKAGRA] What I am now is not important. But what I, what we all shall become...
[ROMANA] What do you
[SKAGRA] Shush. Look.
[ROMANA] What?
[SKAGRA] What do you see?
[ROMANA] Nothing.
[SKAGRA] Billions of atoms spinning at random, expending energy, running down, achieving nothing. Entrophy, like the stars. But what is the one thing
[ROMANA] New generation? New people?
[SKAGRA] Not new people. A new person.
(Krarg generator room)
[ROMANA] What?
[SKAGRA] Shush.
[KRARG] What is your command, O master?
[PARSONS] So it's back to square one, then.
[DOCTOR] That's it! Ow! Ouch!
[DOCTOR] Square one. That's where we've got to go if we want to find out what Skagra's up to.
[SHIP] Your order does not conflict with my programmed instructions. I will activate launch procedures.
[DOCTOR] Ship, how long will the journey take?
[SHIP] Thirty nine astro-siderial days.
[DOCTOR] What? That's neary three months.
[SHIP] At maximum drive. We have many hundreds of light years to cover.
[PARSONS] Hundreds of light years in three months? That's incredible.
[DOCTOR] Yes, incredibly slow. Stop.
[SHIP] Repeat, please.
[DOCTOR] I said, stop. Halt.(Juddering halt knocks Parsons off his feet.)
[PARSONS] Oh, what are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Ship, I'm now going to introduce you to a few new concepts. Now listen very carefully.
[SHIP] Accomplished.
[DOCTOR] Regrade your de-ossilation diagetic synthesisers by ten points.
[SHIP] Warning. Drive will explode in twelve seconds. Eleven. Ten.
[DOCTOR] Did I say ten points? Sorry, minus ten points.
[SHIP] Accomplished.
[DOCTOR] Realign your maxivectal meter on drag so they cross-connect with your radial bicentric arrows.
[SHIP] Accomplished.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now, this is the easy bit.
[PARSONS] What have you done?
[DOCTOR] I've constructed a primitive dimensional stabiliser by remote control. The journey will now only take
[SHIP] Doctor, you are extremely ingenious, for a dead man.
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, let's not harp on that aspect too much, shall we?
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[CHRONOTIS] What have you done to my machine?
[CLARE] May I ask who you are?
[CHRONOTIS] I was, I am, I will be, Professor Chronotis. Oh dear. WeGallifreyans have never managed to come up with a satisfactory form ofgrammar to cover these situations.
[CLARE] Look, I don't understand what's happening. What situation?
[CHRONOTIS] (sitting) Timelessness. Standing obliquely to the time fields.
[CLARE] Is that what we're doing?
[CHRONOTIS] Oh yes, and very grateful I am to you for arranging it.
[CLARE] Me? But all I did was just press a button and
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, I know. A very ancient Tardis, this. I rescued itliterally from the scrap heaps. I'm not allowed have one really, youknow. Still, just as well though, isn't it, otherwise I'd be deadstill.
[CLARE] Still dead?
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, yes. Yes, I've been killed. Only your timely mishandlingof this machine meant that you tangled with my time fields at thecritical moment. You're not following me, are you?
[CLARE] Er, no.
[CHRONOTIS] Good. Think of me as a paradox in an anomaly and get on withyour tea.
[CLARE] Oh, yes.
[CHRONOTIS] We must find Skagra.
[CLARE] Yes.
[CHRONOTIS] He has the book.
[CHRONOTIS] You know about it?
[CLARE] Well, I sort of
[CHRONOTIS] It's a very dangerous book and I have been very careless. Itis the key to Shada.
[CHRONOTIS] The ancient prison planet of the Time Lords. They have been induced to forget about it.
[CLARE] I see.
[CHRONOTIS] If Skagra is meddling with mind transference, mind control, he's only going to Shada for one particular reason and itis imperative that he be stopped.
[CLARE] Yes! Er, why? What on Earth's there?
[CHRONOTIS] It's not a matter of what, it's a matter of who.
[ROMANA] What's so important about the book?
[SKAGRA] It is the Ancient Law of Gallifrey.
[SKAGRA] So what does a Gallifreyan judge say when passing sentence?
[ROMANA] Er, we but administer. You are imprisoned not by this court but by the power of the Law. It is not
[SKAGRA] The power of the Law. It used to be quite literally true.
[ROMANA] What? You think that book is some sort of key to
[SKAGRA] The key with which the Time Lords used to imprison its most feared criminals. Criminals such as... He doesn't know.
[ROMANA] I'm glad you realised that. It's about time.
[SKAGRA] Time. Time. About time. Yes, of course. I should have seen that. A Gallifreyan code would have to include the dimension of Time.
[(to the sphere) Stop. Find me the Doctor's last reference to Time.[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Oh, come on, ship. What's taking you so long?
[SHIP] Estimated docking time, two minutes.
[DOCTOR] Hurry up.
[KRARG] Who are you?
[PARSONS] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What is it?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) I don't know.
[KRARG] You are intruders.
[DOCTOR] Well actually, I'm dead, and this is Bristol.
[PARSONS] Chris.
[KRARG] You trespass on my lord's ship. You shall die.
[PARSONS] What on Earth is it?
[DOCTOR] What's Earth got to do with it? Looks like some sort of crystalline structure.
[SHIP] Preparing to dock.
[DOCTOR] You go ahead. Don't mind us.
[COMPUTER] This is a recorded message. The Foundation for the Study ofAdvanced Sciences is under strict quarantine. Do not approach. Do notapproach. Everything is under our control.
[PARSONS [OC]] Where is this place?
[PARSONS [OC]] Big, isn't it?
[DOCTOR [OC]] I wonder where everybody's got to?
[PARSONS] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Neither do I.
[PARSONS] And I don't believe that we travelled hundreds of light years.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[PARSONS] You cannot travel faster than light. Einstein.
[DOCTOR] What? Do you understand Einstein?
[DOCTOR] What? And quantum theory?
[DOCTOR] What? And Planck?
[DOCTOR] What? And Newton?
[DOCTOR] What? And Schoenberg?
[PARSONS] Of course.
[DOCTOR] You've got a lot to unlearn. Ah.
[DOCTOR] Institute for Advanced Science Studies.
[PARSONS] ASD Advanced State of Decay?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Did you hear something?
[DOCTOR] Shush.[FSAS Space Station](They enter the room from the first scene in thestory.)
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! Think Tank. Quite interesting.
[PARSONS] Quite interesting? This is fascinating. Absolutelyfascinating. Do you mean to say that all this means something to you?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes! It's all terrible simple. You see, when ah!
[SKAGRA] Keep back.
[SKAGRA] Exactly. Time runs backwards over the book. As I turn the pages within the time field of this machine, the machine operates.
[SKAGRA] I have broken the code.
[KRARG] We can repair it, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Fool. Make all preparations for the entry into Shada. You are about to meet one of the greatest and most powerful criminals in all history.
[ROMANA] Salyavin.
[SKAGRA] A man the Time Lords chose to forget.[FSAS Space Station]PARSONS
[DOCTOR] Victims of Skagra's brain drain. Their intellectual powers havebeen stolen. But their memory patterns might remain. Yes.
[PARSONS] But if only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Yes. What?
[PARSONS] If only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] Bristol, I'd like you to do something for me.
[PARSONS] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] It won't be pleasant.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy. There, there. Bristol?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to allow this man access to your intelligencereserves.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, it's only temporary. But it might just allow him tofunction.
[PARSONS] I just hope you know what you're doing.
[DOCTOR] So do I. So do I. Now, take a deep breath.
[CALDERA] Skagra!
[CALDERA] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] The Doctor.
[CALDERA] What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[CALDERA] My name is Caldera.
[DOCTOR] What? Not A St John De Caldera?
[CALDERA] The same?
[DOCTOR] The neurologist.
[DOCTOR] It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. One of the great intellectsof your generation.
[CALDERA] So are we all.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] There's A S T Thira, the psychologist. G V Centauri, theparametricist. L D Ia, the biologist. R A F Akrotiri.
[DOCTOR] Some of the greatest intellects in the universe.
[CALDERA] And Doctor Skagra.
[DOCTOR] Skagra?
[CALDERA] Geneticist, and astro-engineer.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] And cyberneticist, and neurostructuralist, and moral theologian.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and too clever by seven-eighths. Who is he? Where does hecome from?
[CALDERA] We don't know.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] But he was very impressive. He offered very handsome fees, sowe agreed.
[DOCTOR] To do what?
[CALDERA] Don't you see? The Think Tank was his idea. He set it up.
[DOCTOR] He did? To do what?
[CALDERA] The pooling of intellectual resources by electronic mindtransference.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] He conceived it on the grand scale. Just how grand, we didn'trealise. Not at first, not until after we had built the sphere, and bythen it was too late.
[DOCTOR] Why? What happened?
[CALDERA] He stole our brains! He stole our brains.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy.
[CALDERA] Stole.
[DOCTOR] Easy. Shush, shush, shush.
[CALDERA] The whole of humanity.
[DOCTOR] What? The whole of humanity?
[CALDERA] The whole! But he needed
[DOCTOR] What did he need?
[CALDERA] One mind.
[DOCTOR] Which mind?
[CALDERA] One unique mind.
[DOCTOR] What mind?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] Salyavin!
[DOCTOR] Salyavin?
[DOCTOR] Bristol? Bristol? Are you all right?
[PARSONS] I feel marvellous!
[DOCTOR] Good, good, it'll pass. You're fit.
[PARSONS] What did you find out?
[DOCTOR] Not much. Not enough to locate Skagra, just enough to frightenme out of my wits.
[K9] Master!
[DOCTOR] K9! Why aren't you back at
[DOCTOR] K9, try and keep it back.
[K9] Power supply at danger level.
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out!
[(The Doctor avoids the blast and rejoins Parsons. The Krarg advances on them.) Part Five[FSAS Space Station]DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] You still feeling marvellous?
[DOCTOR] Right. Give me ten seconds.
[PARSONS] Well, come on then! Well, come on!
[PARSONS] Doctor, it's going to blow up!
[(The Doctor stands in front of the scientists as the Krarg advances onthem. Smoke starts to fill the room. Parsons runs behind the Krarg andout into the corridor, where he grabs a dangling power cable, then goes back in. K9 leaves. Parsons drags the Doctor out of the room.)[FSAS Space Station - outside theshuttlebay]DOCTOR] It's jammed!
[[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clareare working on components from his Tardis mechanism.)
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[ROMANA] What's so important about the book?
[SKAGRA] It is the Ancient Law of Gallifrey.
[SKAGRA] So what does a Gallifreyan judge say when passing sentence?
[ROMANA] Er, we but administer. You are imprisoned not by this court but by the power of the Law. It is not
[SKAGRA] The power of the Law. It used to be quite literally true.
[ROMANA] What? You think that book is some sort of key to
[SKAGRA] The key with which the Time Lords used to imprison its most feared criminals. Criminals such as... He doesn't know.
[ROMANA] I'm glad you realised that. It's about time.
[SKAGRA] Time. Time. About time. Yes, of course. I should have seen that. A Gallifreyan code would have to include the dimension of Time.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on, ship. What's taking you so long?
[SHIP] Estimated docking time, two minutes.
[DOCTOR] Hurry up.
[KRARG] Who are you?
[PARSONS] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What is it?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) I don't know.
[KRARG] You are intruders.
[DOCTOR] Well actually, I'm dead, and this is Bristol.
[PARSONS] Chris.
[KRARG] You trespass on my lord's ship. You shall die.
[PARSONS] What on Earth is it?
[DOCTOR] What's Earth got to do with it? Looks like some sort of crystalline structure.
[SHIP] Preparing to dock.
[DOCTOR] You go ahead. Don't mind us.
(FSAS Space Station - outside theshuttlebay)
[COMPUTER] This is a recorded message. The Foundation for the Study ofAdvanced Sciences is under strict quarantine. Do not approach. Do notapproach. Everything is under our control.
[PARSONS [OC]] Where is this place?
[PARSONS [OC]] Big, isn't it?
[DOCTOR [OC]] I wonder where everybody's got to?
[PARSONS] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Neither do I.
[PARSONS] And I don't believe that we travelled hundreds of light years.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[PARSONS] You cannot travel faster than light. Einstein.
[DOCTOR] What? Do you understand Einstein?
[DOCTOR] What? And quantum theory?
[DOCTOR] What? And Planck?
[DOCTOR] What? And Newton?
[DOCTOR] What? And Schoenberg?
[PARSONS] Of course.
[DOCTOR] You've got a lot to unlearn. Ah.
[DOCTOR] Institute for Advanced Science Studies.
[PARSONS] ASD Advanced State of Decay?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Did you hear something?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! Think Tank. Quite interesting.
[PARSONS] Quite interesting? This is fascinating. Absolutelyfascinating. Do you mean to say that all this means something to you?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes! It's all terrible simple. You see, when ah!
[SKAGRA] Keep back.
[SKAGRA] Exactly. Time runs backwards over the book. As I turn the pages within the time field of this machine, the machine operates.
[SKAGRA] I have broken the code.
[KRARG] We can repair it, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Fool. Make all preparations for the entry into Shada. You are about to meet one of the greatest and most powerful criminals in all history.
[ROMANA] Salyavin.
[SKAGRA] A man the Time Lords chose to forget.[FSAS Space Station]PARSONS
[DOCTOR] Victims of Skagra's brain drain. Their intellectual powers havebeen stolen. But their memory patterns might remain. Yes.
[PARSONS] But if only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Yes. What?
[PARSONS] If only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] Bristol, I'd like you to do something for me.
[PARSONS] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] It won't be pleasant.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy. There, there. Bristol?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to allow this man access to your intelligencereserves.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, it's only temporary. But it might just allow him tofunction.
[PARSONS] I just hope you know what you're doing.
[DOCTOR] So do I. So do I. Now, take a deep breath.
[CALDERA] Skagra!
[CALDERA] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] The Doctor.
[CALDERA] What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[CALDERA] My name is Caldera.
[DOCTOR] What? Not A St John De Caldera?
[CALDERA] The same?
[DOCTOR] The neurologist.
[DOCTOR] It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. One of the great intellectsof your generation.
[CALDERA] So are we all.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] There's A S T Thira, the psychologist. G V Centauri, theparametricist. L D Ia, the biologist. R A F Akrotiri.
[DOCTOR] Some of the greatest intellects in the universe.
[CALDERA] And Doctor Skagra.
[DOCTOR] Skagra?
[CALDERA] Geneticist, and astro-engineer.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] And cyberneticist, and neurostructuralist, and moral theologian.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and too clever by seven-eighths. Who is he? Where does hecome from?
[CALDERA] We don't know.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] But he was very impressive. He offered very handsome fees, sowe agreed.
[DOCTOR] To do what?
[CALDERA] Don't you see? The Think Tank was his idea. He set it up.
[DOCTOR] He did? To do what?
[CALDERA] The pooling of intellectual resources by electronic mindtransference.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] He conceived it on the grand scale. Just how grand, we didn'trealise. Not at first, not until after we had built the sphere, and bythen it was too late.
[DOCTOR] Why? What happened?
[CALDERA] He stole our brains! He stole our brains.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy.
[CALDERA] Stole.
[DOCTOR] Easy. Shush, shush, shush.
[CALDERA] The whole of humanity.
[DOCTOR] What? The whole of humanity?
[CALDERA] The whole! But he needed
[DOCTOR] What did he need?
[CALDERA] One mind.
[DOCTOR] Which mind?
[CALDERA] One unique mind.
[DOCTOR] What mind?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] Salyavin!
[DOCTOR] Salyavin?
[DOCTOR] Bristol? Bristol? Are you all right?
[PARSONS] I feel marvellous!
[DOCTOR] Good, good, it'll pass. You're fit.
[PARSONS] What did you find out?
[DOCTOR] Not much. Not enough to locate Skagra, just enough to frightenme out of my wits.
[K9] Master!
[DOCTOR] K9! Why aren't you back at
[DOCTOR] K9, try and keep it back.
[K9] Power supply at danger level.
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out!
[(The Doctor avoids the blast and rejoins Parsons. The Krarg advances on them.) Part Five[FSAS Space Station]DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] You still feeling marvellous?
[DOCTOR] Right. Give me ten seconds.
[PARSONS] Well, come on then! Well, come on!
[PARSONS] Doctor, it's going to blow up!
[(The Doctor stands in front of the scientists as the Krarg advances onthem. Smoke starts to fill the room. Parsons runs behind the Krarg andout into the corridor, where he grabs a dangling power cable, then goes back in. K9 leaves. Parsons drags the Doctor out of the room.)[FSAS Space Station - outside theshuttlebay]DOCTOR] It's jammed!
[[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clareare working on components from his Tardis mechanism.)
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! Think Tank. Quite interesting.
[PARSONS] Quite interesting? This is fascinating. Absolutelyfascinating. Do you mean to say that all this means something to you?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes! It's all terrible simple. You see, when ah!
[SKAGRA] Keep back.
[SKAGRA] Exactly. Time runs backwards over the book. As I turn the pages within the time field of this machine, the machine operates.
[SKAGRA] I have broken the code.
[KRARG] We can repair it, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Fool. Make all preparations for the entry into Shada. You are about to meet one of the greatest and most powerful criminals in all history.
[ROMANA] Salyavin.
[SKAGRA] A man the Time Lords chose to forget.[FSAS Space Station]PARSONS
[DOCTOR] Victims of Skagra's brain drain. Their intellectual powers havebeen stolen. But their memory patterns might remain. Yes.
[PARSONS] But if only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Yes. What?
[PARSONS] If only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] Bristol, I'd like you to do something for me.
[PARSONS] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] It won't be pleasant.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy. There, there. Bristol?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to allow this man access to your intelligencereserves.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, it's only temporary. But it might just allow him tofunction.
[PARSONS] I just hope you know what you're doing.
[DOCTOR] So do I. So do I. Now, take a deep breath.
[CALDERA] Skagra!
[CALDERA] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] The Doctor.
[CALDERA] What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[CALDERA] My name is Caldera.
[DOCTOR] What? Not A St John De Caldera?
[CALDERA] The same?
[DOCTOR] The neurologist.
[DOCTOR] It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. One of the great intellectsof your generation.
[CALDERA] So are we all.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] There's A S T Thira, the psychologist. G V Centauri, theparametricist. L D Ia, the biologist. R A F Akrotiri.
[DOCTOR] Some of the greatest intellects in the universe.
[CALDERA] And Doctor Skagra.
[DOCTOR] Skagra?
[CALDERA] Geneticist, and astro-engineer.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] And cyberneticist, and neurostructuralist, and moral theologian.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and too clever by seven-eighths. Who is he? Where does hecome from?
[CALDERA] We don't know.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] But he was very impressive. He offered very handsome fees, sowe agreed.
[DOCTOR] To do what?
[CALDERA] Don't you see? The Think Tank was his idea. He set it up.
[DOCTOR] He did? To do what?
[CALDERA] The pooling of intellectual resources by electronic mindtransference.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] He conceived it on the grand scale. Just how grand, we didn'trealise. Not at first, not until after we had built the sphere, and bythen it was too late.
[DOCTOR] Why? What happened?
[CALDERA] He stole our brains! He stole our brains.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy.
[CALDERA] Stole.
[DOCTOR] Easy. Shush, shush, shush.
[CALDERA] The whole of humanity.
[DOCTOR] What? The whole of humanity?
[CALDERA] The whole! But he needed
[DOCTOR] What did he need?
[CALDERA] One mind.
[DOCTOR] Which mind?
[CALDERA] One unique mind.
[DOCTOR] What mind?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] Salyavin!
[DOCTOR] Salyavin?
[DOCTOR] Bristol? Bristol? Are you all right?
[PARSONS] I feel marvellous!
[DOCTOR] Good, good, it'll pass. You're fit.
[PARSONS] What did you find out?
[DOCTOR] Not much. Not enough to locate Skagra, just enough to frightenme out of my wits.
[K9] Master!
[DOCTOR] K9! Why aren't you back at
[DOCTOR] K9, try and keep it back.
[K9] Power supply at danger level.
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out!
[(The Doctor avoids the blast and rejoins Parsons. The Krarg advances on them.) Part Five[FSAS Space Station]DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] You still feeling marvellous?
[DOCTOR] Right. Give me ten seconds.
[PARSONS] Well, come on then! Well, come on!
[PARSONS] Doctor, it's going to blow up!
[(The Doctor stands in front of the scientists as the Krarg advances onthem. Smoke starts to fill the room. Parsons runs behind the Krarg andout into the corridor, where he grabs a dangling power cable, then goes back in. K9 leaves. Parsons drags the Doctor out of the room.)[FSAS Space Station - outside theshuttlebay]DOCTOR] It's jammed!
[[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clareare working on components from his Tardis mechanism.)
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[SKAGRA] Keep back.
[SKAGRA] Exactly. Time runs backwards over the book. As I turn the pages within the time field of this machine, the machine operates.
[SKAGRA] I have broken the code.
[KRARG] We can repair it, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Fool. Make all preparations for the entry into Shada. You are about to meet one of the greatest and most powerful criminals in all history.
[ROMANA] Salyavin.
[SKAGRA] A man the Time Lords chose to forget.[FSAS Space Station]PARSONS
[DOCTOR] Victims of Skagra's brain drain. Their intellectual powers havebeen stolen. But their memory patterns might remain. Yes.
[PARSONS] But if only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Yes. What?
[PARSONS] If only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] Bristol, I'd like you to do something for me.
[PARSONS] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] It won't be pleasant.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy. There, there. Bristol?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to allow this man access to your intelligencereserves.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, it's only temporary. But it might just allow him tofunction.
[PARSONS] I just hope you know what you're doing.
[DOCTOR] So do I. So do I. Now, take a deep breath.
[CALDERA] Skagra!
[CALDERA] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] The Doctor.
[CALDERA] What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[CALDERA] My name is Caldera.
[DOCTOR] What? Not A St John De Caldera?
[CALDERA] The same?
[DOCTOR] The neurologist.
[DOCTOR] It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. One of the great intellectsof your generation.
[CALDERA] So are we all.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] There's A S T Thira, the psychologist. G V Centauri, theparametricist. L D Ia, the biologist. R A F Akrotiri.
[DOCTOR] Some of the greatest intellects in the universe.
[CALDERA] And Doctor Skagra.
[DOCTOR] Skagra?
[CALDERA] Geneticist, and astro-engineer.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] And cyberneticist, and neurostructuralist, and moral theologian.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and too clever by seven-eighths. Who is he? Where does hecome from?
[CALDERA] We don't know.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] But he was very impressive. He offered very handsome fees, sowe agreed.
[DOCTOR] To do what?
[CALDERA] Don't you see? The Think Tank was his idea. He set it up.
[DOCTOR] He did? To do what?
[CALDERA] The pooling of intellectual resources by electronic mindtransference.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] He conceived it on the grand scale. Just how grand, we didn'trealise. Not at first, not until after we had built the sphere, and bythen it was too late.
[DOCTOR] Why? What happened?
[CALDERA] He stole our brains! He stole our brains.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy.
[CALDERA] Stole.
[DOCTOR] Easy. Shush, shush, shush.
[CALDERA] The whole of humanity.
[DOCTOR] What? The whole of humanity?
[CALDERA] The whole! But he needed
[DOCTOR] What did he need?
[CALDERA] One mind.
[DOCTOR] Which mind?
[CALDERA] One unique mind.
[DOCTOR] What mind?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] Salyavin!
[DOCTOR] Salyavin?
[DOCTOR] Bristol? Bristol? Are you all right?
[PARSONS] I feel marvellous!
[DOCTOR] Good, good, it'll pass. You're fit.
[PARSONS] What did you find out?
[DOCTOR] Not much. Not enough to locate Skagra, just enough to frightenme out of my wits.
[K9] Master!
[DOCTOR] K9! Why aren't you back at
[DOCTOR] K9, try and keep it back.
[K9] Power supply at danger level.
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out!
[(The Doctor avoids the blast and rejoins Parsons. The Krarg advances on them.) Part Five[FSAS Space Station]DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] You still feeling marvellous?
[DOCTOR] Right. Give me ten seconds.
[PARSONS] Well, come on then! Well, come on!
[PARSONS] Doctor, it's going to blow up!
[(The Doctor stands in front of the scientists as the Krarg advances onthem. Smoke starts to fill the room. Parsons runs behind the Krarg andout into the corridor, where he grabs a dangling power cable, then goes back in. K9 leaves. Parsons drags the Doctor out of the room.)[FSAS Space Station - outside theshuttlebay]DOCTOR] It's jammed!
[[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clareare working on components from his Tardis mechanism.)
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[SKAGRA] Keep back.
[SKAGRA] Exactly. Time runs backwards over the book. As I turn the pages within the time field of this machine, the machine operates.
(Command ship)
[SKAGRA] I have broken the code.
[KRARG] We can repair it, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Fool. Make all preparations for the entry into Shada. You are about to meet one of the greatest and most powerful criminals in all history.
[ROMANA] Salyavin.
[SKAGRA] A man the Time Lords chose to forget.
[[FSAS Space Station]PARSONS] Who are they? What are they, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Victims of Skagra's brain drain. Their intellectual powers havebeen stolen. But their memory patterns might remain. Yes.
[PARSONS] But if only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Yes. What?
[PARSONS] If only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] Bristol, I'd like you to do something for me.
[PARSONS] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] It won't be pleasant.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy. There, there. Bristol?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to allow this man access to your intelligencereserves.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, it's only temporary. But it might just allow him tofunction.
[PARSONS] I just hope you know what you're doing.
[DOCTOR] So do I. So do I. Now, take a deep breath.
[CALDERA] Skagra!
[CALDERA] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] The Doctor.
[CALDERA] What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[CALDERA] My name is Caldera.
[DOCTOR] What? Not A St John De Caldera?
[CALDERA] The same?
[DOCTOR] The neurologist.
[DOCTOR] It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. One of the great intellectsof your generation.
[CALDERA] So are we all.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] There's A S T Thira, the psychologist. G V Centauri, theparametricist. L D Ia, the biologist. R A F Akrotiri.
[DOCTOR] Some of the greatest intellects in the universe.
[CALDERA] And Doctor Skagra.
[DOCTOR] Skagra?
[CALDERA] Geneticist, and astro-engineer.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] And cyberneticist, and neurostructuralist, and moral theologian.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and too clever by seven-eighths. Who is he? Where does hecome from?
[CALDERA] We don't know.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] But he was very impressive. He offered very handsome fees, sowe agreed.
[DOCTOR] To do what?
[CALDERA] Don't you see? The Think Tank was his idea. He set it up.
[DOCTOR] He did? To do what?
[CALDERA] The pooling of intellectual resources by electronic mindtransference.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] He conceived it on the grand scale. Just how grand, we didn'trealise. Not at first, not until after we had built the sphere, and bythen it was too late.
[DOCTOR] Why? What happened?
[CALDERA] He stole our brains! He stole our brains.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy.
[CALDERA] Stole.
[DOCTOR] Easy. Shush, shush, shush.
[CALDERA] The whole of humanity.
[DOCTOR] What? The whole of humanity?
[CALDERA] The whole! But he needed
[DOCTOR] What did he need?
[CALDERA] One mind.
[DOCTOR] Which mind?
[CALDERA] One unique mind.
[DOCTOR] What mind?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] Salyavin!
[DOCTOR] Salyavin?
[DOCTOR] Bristol? Bristol? Are you all right?
[PARSONS] I feel marvellous!
[DOCTOR] Good, good, it'll pass. You're fit.
[PARSONS] What did you find out?
[DOCTOR] Not much. Not enough to locate Skagra, just enough to frightenme out of my wits.
[K9] Master!
[DOCTOR] K9! Why aren't you back at
[DOCTOR] K9, try and keep it back.
[K9] Power supply at danger level.
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out!
[(The Doctor avoids the blast and rejoins Parsons. The Krarg advances on them.) Part Five[FSAS Space Station]DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] You still feeling marvellous?
[DOCTOR] Right. Give me ten seconds.
[PARSONS] Well, come on then! Well, come on!
[PARSONS] Doctor, it's going to blow up!
[(The Doctor stands in front of the scientists as the Krarg advances onthem. Smoke starts to fill the room. Parsons runs behind the Krarg andout into the corridor, where he grabs a dangling power cable, then goes back in. K9 leaves. Parsons drags the Doctor out of the room.)[FSAS Space Station - outside theshuttlebay]DOCTOR] It's jammed!
[[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clareare working on components from his Tardis mechanism.)
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[PARSONS] Who are they? What are they, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Victims of Skagra's brain drain. Their intellectual powers havebeen stolen. But their memory patterns might remain. Yes.
[PARSONS] But if only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Yes. What?
[PARSONS] If only they could tell us what happened to them.
[DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] Bristol, I'd like you to do something for me.
[PARSONS] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] It won't be pleasant.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy. There, there. Bristol?
[DOCTOR] I'm going to allow this man access to your intelligencereserves.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, it's only temporary. But it might just allow him tofunction.
[PARSONS] I just hope you know what you're doing.
[DOCTOR] So do I. So do I. Now, take a deep breath.
[CALDERA] Skagra!
[CALDERA] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] The Doctor.
[CALDERA] What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[CALDERA] My name is Caldera.
[DOCTOR] What? Not A St John De Caldera?
[CALDERA] The same?
[DOCTOR] The neurologist.
[DOCTOR] It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. One of the great intellectsof your generation.
[CALDERA] So are we all.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] There's A S T Thira, the psychologist. G V Centauri, theparametricist. L D Ia, the biologist. R A F Akrotiri.
[DOCTOR] Some of the greatest intellects in the universe.
[CALDERA] And Doctor Skagra.
[DOCTOR] Skagra?
[CALDERA] Geneticist, and astro-engineer.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] And cyberneticist, and neurostructuralist, and moral theologian.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and too clever by seven-eighths. Who is he? Where does hecome from?
[CALDERA] We don't know.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] But he was very impressive. He offered very handsome fees, sowe agreed.
[DOCTOR] To do what?
[CALDERA] Don't you see? The Think Tank was his idea. He set it up.
[DOCTOR] He did? To do what?
[CALDERA] The pooling of intellectual resources by electronic mindtransference.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CALDERA] He conceived it on the grand scale. Just how grand, we didn'trealise. Not at first, not until after we had built the sphere, and bythen it was too late.
[DOCTOR] Why? What happened?
[CALDERA] He stole our brains! He stole our brains.
[DOCTOR] Easy, easy.
[CALDERA] Stole.
[DOCTOR] Easy. Shush, shush, shush.
[CALDERA] The whole of humanity.
[DOCTOR] What? The whole of humanity?
[CALDERA] The whole! But he needed
[DOCTOR] What did he need?
[CALDERA] One mind.
[DOCTOR] Which mind?
[CALDERA] One unique mind.
[DOCTOR] What mind?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] A man called
[DOCTOR] What was he called?
[CALDERA] Salyavin!
[DOCTOR] Salyavin?
[DOCTOR] Bristol? Bristol? Are you all right?
[PARSONS] I feel marvellous!
[DOCTOR] Good, good, it'll pass. You're fit.
[PARSONS] What did you find out?
[DOCTOR] Not much. Not enough to locate Skagra, just enough to frightenme out of my wits.
[K9] Master!
[DOCTOR] K9! Why aren't you back at
[DOCTOR] K9, try and keep it back.
[K9] Power supply at danger level.
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out!
[(The Doctor avoids the blast and rejoins Parsons. The Krarg advances on them.) Part Five[FSAS Space Station]DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] You still feeling marvellous?
[DOCTOR] Right. Give me ten seconds.
[PARSONS] Well, come on then! Well, come on!
[PARSONS] Doctor, it's going to blow up!
[(The Doctor stands in front of the scientists as the Krarg advances onthem. Smoke starts to fill the room. Parsons runs behind the Krarg andout into the corridor, where he grabs a dangling power cable, then goes back in. K9 leaves. Parsons drags the Doctor out of the room.)[FSAS Space Station - outside theshuttlebay]DOCTOR] It's jammed!
[[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clareare working on components from his Tardis mechanism.)
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[Part Five[FSAS Space Station]DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] You still feeling marvellous?
[DOCTOR] Right. Give me ten seconds.
[PARSONS] Well, come on then! Well, come on!
[PARSONS] Doctor, it's going to blow up!
[(The Doctor stands in front of the scientists as the Krarg advances onthem. Smoke starts to fill the room. Parsons runs behind the Krarg andout into the corridor, where he grabs a dangling power cable, then goes back in. K9 leaves. Parsons drags the Doctor out of the room.)[FSAS Space Station - outside theshuttlebay]DOCTOR] It's jammed!
[[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clareare working on components from his Tardis mechanism.)
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[[FSAS Space Station]DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] You still feeling marvellous?
[DOCTOR] Right. Give me ten seconds.
[PARSONS] Well, come on then! Well, come on!
[PARSONS] Doctor, it's going to blow up!
[(The Doctor stands in front of the scientists as the Krarg advances onthem. Smoke starts to fill the room. Parsons runs behind the Krarg andout into the corridor, where he grabs a dangling power cable, then goes back in. K9 leaves. Parsons drags the Doctor out of the room.)[FSAS Space Station - outside theshuttlebay]DOCTOR] It's jammed!
[[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clareare working on components from his Tardis mechanism.)
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[DOCTOR] Bristol?
[DOCTOR] You still feeling marvellous?
[DOCTOR] Right. Give me ten seconds.
[PARSONS] Well, come on then! Well, come on!
[PARSONS] Doctor, it's going to blow up!
[(The Doctor stands in front of the scientists as the Krarg advances onthem. Smoke starts to fill the room. Parsons runs behind the Krarg andout into the corridor, where he grabs a dangling power cable, then goes back in. K9 leaves. Parsons drags the Doctor out of the room.)[FSAS Space Station - outside theshuttlebay]DOCTOR] It's jammed!
[[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clareare working on components from his Tardis mechanism.)
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[[FSAS Space Station - outside theshuttlebay]DOCTOR] It's jammed!
[[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clareare working on components from his Tardis mechanism.)
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[DOCTOR] It's jammed!
[[Spacecraft]DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master. [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clareare working on components from his Tardis mechanism.)
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[DOCTOR] Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing.
[PARSONS] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana.
[PARSONS] What do you think we should do?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PARSONS] Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
[DOCTOR] I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again.
[SHIP] He did not reveal his destination.
[PARSONS] But you must have some idea?
[SHIP] I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions.
[DOCTOR] So you've no idea where he's gone.
[SHIP] I do not.
[DOCTOR] Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to?
[SHIP] Yes.
[DOCTOR] He has?
[SHIP] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Well, then why didn't you tell me?
[SHIP] I have orders not to.
[DOCTOR] But, will you please take us there?
[SHIP] The order conflicts with my programmed instructions.
[DOCTOR] Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me.
[SHIP] I obey.
[DOCTOR] I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9?
[K9] Affirmative, master.
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[CLARE] Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing.
[CHRONOTIS] We must get this old perambulator moving again.
[CLARE] Well, it certainly moved when I touched it.
[CHRONOTIS] Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dyingspasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational timeinterfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangleourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease toexist again.
[CLARE] Oh. Really?
[CHRONOTIS] Now do as I do.
[CLARE] What's that?
[CHRONOTIS] Forget about it.
[CLARE] Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er,Salyavin person?
[CHRONOTIS] Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildlyexaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiartalent. I can't fix this.
[CLARE] Can I help?
[CHRONOTIS] Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacialresonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutelysimultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have theknowledge.
[CLARE] So we're stuck.
[CLARE] Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick.
[CLARE] What's the matter?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am aboutto do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will everdo it.
[CLARE] What are you talking about?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Well, what are you going to do to me?
[CHRONOTIS] Do I have your promise?
[CLARE] Yes, yes, all right.
[CHRONOTIS] What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand?
[CLARE] I have absolutely no idea.
[CHRONOTIS] Now, what is that piece of equipment?
[CLARE] This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomictrigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. Wecan dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator workingagain.
[CHRONOTIS] Splendid!
[CLARE] Well, let's do that then, shall we?[Command ship](The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?[Command ship corridor](The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in! [Prof. Chronotis' rooms](The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsonsrun in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hitthe floor with a loud Thud!)
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
(Command ship)
[(The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.)SKAGRA] Well?
[KRARG] We have a full complement, my lord.
[SKAGRA] Good. Then we can begin.
[DOCTOR] I wish you wouldn't do that.
[ROMANA] How did you get here?
[DOCTOR] These kind people brought me.
[SKAGRA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah, hello there.
[SKAGRA] I am a little surprised to find you here.
[DOCTOR] Your ship was a little surprised
[SKAGRA] Oh, you stole my ship.
[DOCTOR] Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her...
[SKAGRA] I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere.
[DOCTOR] Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things.
[SKAGRA] If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose.
[DOCTOR] Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha!
[SKAGRA] The very greatest purpose, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and
[SKAGRA] How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be.
[DOCTOR] Limited?
[SKAGRA] Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of
[SKAGRA] Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes?
[SKAGRA] With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity.
[DOCTOR] You will?
[SKAGRA] The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and
[SKAGRA] Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing
[DOCTOR] Jink!
[SKAGRA] Kill them.
[ROMANA] What's a jink?
(Command ship corridor)
[DOCTOR] Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] What were you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get to the Tardis.
[PARSONS] Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he?
[DOCTOR] Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion.
[PARSONS] And what's your opinion?
[DOCTOR] He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[PARSONS] (sotto) What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PARSONS] Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here.
[DOCTOR] There's something odd about it. Come on.
[PARSONS] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR] Then we're trapped.
[PARSONS] This wasn't here before.
[DOCTOR] Get in!
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[PARSONS] Keightley!
[CLARE] Chris?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[DOCTOR] Tea?(Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, how do you like my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, ace. Ace.
[CHRONOTIS] It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots.
[CLARE] What are you doing here?
[PARSONS] How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here?
[CLARE] Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, where is Skagra?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside.
[DOCTOR] He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor.
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, so did I.
[DOCTOR] Did you really?
[CHRONOTIS] Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Shada? Shada?
[CHRONOTIS] Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it.
[DOCTOR] I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I haveforgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is.
[CLARE] Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor?
[PARSONS] That's what Skagra's doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds backinto them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada.
[PARSONS] Of course!
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor! He must not get there.[Tardis](Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.)
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Clare is pouring tea for everyone.)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
[(Meanwhile, a wooden door materialises.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.[Shada]SKAGRA
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
[(Skagra works controls, and doors slide open. Various aliens wake up.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[[Shada]SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
[SKAGRA] You![Prof. Chronotis' rooms]PARSONS
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[(Parsons and Clare go out into Shada.)[Shada]DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[(Parsons and the prisoners advance on the Doctor.)Part Six[Shada]DOCTOR] K9!
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
[(They run past the door, the Doctor changes his mind and goes inside.)[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.[Tardis](The Krargs, prisoners, Parsons and the spheres are all here.)
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
[(The Tardis dematerialises.) [Prof. Chronotis' rooms]DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.[Workshop](The Doctor tumbles into a room. There are racks of odds and ends against the wall, including a Cyberman's head. He starts to collect bits and pieces.)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.[Tardis](The Doctor sneaks into the console room with a helmet device he has made in his own workshop.)
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
[(The Doctor opens the Tardis doors and blows on a dog whistle.)[Command ship]SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out! [St Cedd's College](Wilkin and a police constable walk slowly thoughthe college.)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking. [Outside Chronotis' rooms]CONSTABLE
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.[Prof. Chronotis' rooms](Chronotis is serving tea to the Doctor, Romana,Clare and Parsons as Wilkin and the Constable enter. The Doctor isreading out loud from The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.Chapter 71, if you're interested. Or is he?)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.[Tardis](New live action scene. The Doctor is working under one side of the console, and K9 on the other. Romana is supposed to be in an
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
[SKAGRA] The key turns slowly in the lock. The door to Shada opens.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[DOCTOR] With Skagra's mind and Salyavin's in the sphere, Skagra will be omnipotent.
[PARSONS] What, you really mean he could just move himself into every mind in the universe?
[DOCTOR] Yes, eventually. It might take thousands of years, but that wouldn't matter. His mind's immortal. It would spread like adisease.
[PARSONS] It's quite a thought though, isn't it? I mean, every mind working together as a single organism, a single mind.
[DOCTOR] Skagra's mind. Not a pleasant thought.
[CLARE] Doctor, we've got to stop him from getting to Shada.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But how? He's got a start on us and we don't know where it is.
[CHRONOTIS] Then we must follow him.
[PARSONS] But how?
[CHRONOTIS] The same way as we arrived.
[DOCTOR] You followed the Tardis' space-time track. Of course! Of course. Let's go!
[SKAGRA] Shada.
[ROMANA] It looks horrid.
[SKAGRA] It was built by your race. A prison planet.
[ROMANA] I hope you feel at home.
[SKAGRA] Keep her silent.
[SKAGRA] The index. Ah. Chamber T, cabinet 9. Two of you guard this machine. You, bring the girl. Come.
[SKAGRA] This is where your people used to put the criminals they wanted to forget.
[ROMANA] I've never even heard of it.
[SKAGRA] Obviously you forgot. This way.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[CHRONOTIS] Doctor, we're arrived!
[DOCTOR] Good! Good! Now, you two
[DOCTOR] Stay here.
[CLARE] Oh but
[DOCTOR] Shush. I am not at liberty to explain. K9, you can come along,but no tangling with any Krargs, unless of course if you have to tanglewith any Krargs.
[CHRONOTIS] Hurry! Skagra will be here already. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Come on. Come on.
[SKAGRA] The prisoners of Shada. Each in their own separate cryogenic cell. Alive, but frozen, in perpetual imprisonment. Very humane.
[ROMANA] Don't look at me. I'm not answerable for the Time Lords.
[SKAGRA] You are a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Yes, but
[SKAGRA] No matter. The Time Lords will son be irrelevant. Before I find Salyavin, I think I shall release some of these.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[PARSONS] Oh, it's odd the way some days work out,isn't it?
[CLARE] Chris.
[PARSONS] I mean, there I was, just cycling down King's Parade
[CLARE] Chris, there's something very strange about the Professor.
[PARSONS] Why single out the Professor?
[CLARE] Well, because when I was in
[PARSON] I want to know what's going on out there.
[CLARE] Chris, you're not listening to me.
[PARSONS] I just don't like getting left behind. I mean, just because wecome from Earth, it doesn't give everybody the right to be patronisingtowards us. Well, admittedly, all this does make us look a bitprimitive. I mean, I haven't got the faintest idea how it all works.
[CLARE] I have.
[SKAGRA] Cabinet 9. Here he is. The man I've spent my whole life searching for. The man whose mind will reshape
[DOCTOR] Skagra, stop!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[SKAGRA] Keep away from here. You're too late. Salyavin is released.
[SKAGRA] I don't understand. Salyavin. Where is Salyavin?
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[PARSONS] Let me just get this right. You say he just walked into your mind?
[CLARE] Well, sort of. It's as if he just barged in the front door and started shuffling all my thoughts about.
[PARSONS] But the Doctor said that that ability was unique to the guy, well, the guy Skagra's come here to find. On your feet, Keightley. Comeon, let's see what's happening. Shush.
[DOCTOR] You're Salyavin?
[CHRONOTIS] Well guessed, Doctor.
[SKAGRA] Salyavin. I have you here at last. We have everything we need.
[DOCTOR] K9, the sphere! Shoot the sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, stay very, very still. You are about to see the beginning of the universal mind.
[CLARE] Quietly, Chris.
[PARSONS] Come on.
[SKAGRA] Sphere!
[SKAGRA] Now, Doctor, we will deal with you.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] I told you to stay in the room.
[CLARE] Yes, but
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CLARE] But Chris.
[DOCTOR] Come on, to the Tardis.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[DOCTOR] Quick, come in, come in. Come on, K9. Sitdown!
[DOCTOR] Got it!
[CLARE] Well, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] So far he's beaten us on every point.
[CLARE] Yes, he's even got Chris.
[DOCTOR] Shush, shush. Quiet, I'm thinking.
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking, and it depresses me. Skagra's little zombie ganghave got the brain power of the greatest intellects in the universeshared out among them. The Think Tank.
[CLARE] The who?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Just believe me. All the minds thatSkagra's stolen are now in the melting pot along with his own, andoperating as one. And with the Professor's, I mean with Salyavin's mindin there too, they can now control anyone. They can control everyone.They'll be invincible.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] May I just remind you of something?
[ROMANA] All the minds that Skagra's stolen are in the melting pot.
[ROMANA] That means yours is in there too.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Romana, I want you to do something for me. Stand there. Romana,I want you to wear this.
[DOCTOR] Well, now I can think.
[SKAGRA] We will return to the carrier ship. From there a fleet of small craft will take each one of you to selected centres
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[DOCTOR] It'll be tricky.
[ROMANA] And dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Well, a touch.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it'll be terribly, terribly dangerous for you. You'llstand about as much chance as
[DOCTOR] As what?
[ROMANA] As a. There isn't anything that stands as little chance as youwill out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'll just have to be, I'll just have to be verybrave, won't I.
[ROMANA] Doctor, it isn't funny.
[DOCTOR] Listen, I can do your part if you can do mine.
[ROMANA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] You're a hero. Remember? Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hold on very tight.
[DOCTOR] Ready?
[DOCTOR] Clare?
[CLARE] Ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hold tight. Now!
[DOCTOR] Ha ha! Got them. Well done, Romana.
[ROMANA] We haven't got to the hard bit yet.
[DOCTOR] No, we haven't got long. Clare?
[CLARE] Yes, Doctor, I'm holding on.
[DOCTOR] Come over here and hold on to this, then.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't let go, because we are in for avery, very rough ride.
[DOCTOR] And twenty thirdly, out there in the space-time vortex, timeand distance have no meaning, but here in this little, little room
[ROMANA] Oh, get on with it, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[ROMANA] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you to switch off the vortex shields in this small areahere.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you can do it. I showed you how to do it. Just onelittle bit of timelessness and spacelessness over there behind the teatrolley.
[DOCTOR] I said behind the tea trolley, not in the middle of it.
[ROMANA] I'm sorry, but it's very difficult.
[DOCTOR] Focus it! Now just one steady line, eh? One. Steady. Hold it.Hold it!
[ROMANA] I'm trying, Doctor. I'm trying!
[DOCTOR] Phew. Right. Now this is a little trick I learnt from aspace-time mystic in the Quantocks. He made it seem very, very easy.
[CLARE] Oh! He did it!
[ROMANA] Hold that switch down!
[ROMANA] It won't hold much longer. It's fading even faster than theDoctor said it would. K9. K9, wake up and come here.
[ROMANA] Check out the subneutron circuits.
[K9] Detect circuit malfunction, mistress.
[K9] Impossible to effect repair in time available, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, hold it, K9. Stop it deteriorating.
[K9] Impossible to stop it, mistress. I can only slow down circuitdeterioration.
[ROMANA] The Doctor needs every second we can give him.
[CLARE] This switch is getting very hot.
[ROMANA] You must hold it down.
[CLARE] But I can't. It's getting hotter.
[CLARE] It's burning me.
[ROMANA] Oh, hold it down with a pencil.
[CLARE] But I haven't got one.
[ROMANA] I can't reach it.
[CLARE] Oh. Well, here, hold this.
[K9] It's broken.
[CLARE] What about the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It was a very dangerous idea trying to make thatcrossing. He didn't get as much time as he wanted. I just don'tknow.
[CLARE] What should we do?
[ROMANA] Well, we'll just go ahead as planned. There. How's that?
[CLARE] Oh, it's fine, thank you. It wasn't a bad burn. Look, do you thinkthe Doctor will be all right?
[ROMANA] We'll just go ahead as planned.
[K9] Repairs completed, mistress.
[ROMANA] Let me see. Good boy, K9. Now we can go. Though I dread tothink what we're walking into if. Oh, well, let's just do it.
[DOCTOR] Good. Good. Good.
(Command ship)
[SKAGRA] And soon, an infinite consort of the mind.
[DOCTOR] Hello, old girl. How've you been keeping? Sorry I had to barge in through your back door like that,
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you! Let's go and say hello.
(Command ship)
[SKAGRA] Out you come, Doctor. Out you come.
[SKAGRA] He sends his dog out to face me.
[SKAGRA] Stop hiding in there, Doctor. Come out and meet your fate.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SKAGRA] Doctor! How did you get in there?
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, how did I get in there. It's mine, I belong in there.
[SKAGRA] As of now, Doctor, you don't belong anywhere at all. There is no place for you in my universe. You shall die.
[DOCTOR] Well, Skagra, that's a very interesting theory. (puts on helmet) Let's try putting it to the test, shall we?
[SKAGRA] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] No, what have you done? You've used that deranged billiard ball once too often. You forget, there's a copy of my brain in there too, eh?
[DOCTOR] But not too hard, old chap. You might strain yourself. A new universe, a new single mind. Ha. I think your little bunch are in
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Fire!
[DOCTOR] Now, lay on, Skagra. Let's see the quality of your mind.
[DOCTOR] A little warm for the time of year, wouldn't you say, Skagra? Off, K9.
[SKAGRA] Not that way. The other way, you fool. The other way! Back!
[ROMANA] Clare! Clare!
[DOCTOR] K9, stop firing.
[DOCTOR] You want to call half-time, Skagra? You can have a short break if you like, suck a lemon. Perk you up no end.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Take off instantly. Instantly, do you hear? Instantly!
[PARSONS] Doctor, look out! Doctor. Where am I?CLARE
[PARSONS] Clare?
[DOCTOR] How are the others?
[ROMANA] They're all in shock, but there's no serious damage.
[ROMANA] I hate to think what would have happened to them if that tug-of-war had carried on much longer.
[DOCTOR] They wouldn't have been the only ones in trouble. This is a fearful mess.
[ROMANA] Can you unscramble them all?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Yes. It'll take a few hours, but they'll all get their own minds back.
[ROMANA] What'll you do with them then?
[DOCTOR] Take them back to dear old Shada.
[ROMANA] Put them back in a forgotten prison?
[DOCTOR] Let the Time Lords sort it out. I'm not going to play judge and jury. It was only forgotten about because the Professor
[ROMANA] Do you suppose he's still alive?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find out.
[SKAGRA] Ship! Let me out of here. I am your Lord Skagra. Let me out!
[SHIP] I'm afraid I can no longer accept your orders. You are an enemy of my lord the Doctor.
[SKAGRA] I am your lord! I built you! Release me, I command you. And launch instantly!
[SHIP] Do you know the Doctor well? He is a wonderful man. He has done the most extraordinary things to my circuitry.
[SKAGRA] Release me!
[SHIP] Truly wonderful. If you like, I will tell you all about him.
[SKAGRA] Let me out! Let me out!
(St Cedd's College)
[CONSTABLE] Stolen a room?
[WILKIN] That is the only way I can describe it.
[CONSTABLE] Well, you see, sir, in my experience people don't usuallysteal rooms very much. They may steal from rooms, but steal the roomsthemselves? Very rarely. In fact I think, er, never is probably theword I'm looking for here, sir. I mean, where's the advantage in it?Not much of a black market in rooms, is there? Wouldn't get much forit.
[WILKIN] I know it's very difficult to understand. It's also very easyto be sarcastic.
[CONSTABLE] Sarcastic, sir? I don't know the word. Now why don't you runover the salient points again?
[WILKIN] Oh. Well, I got to the door of the room and I opened it, andbeyond it there was nothing.
[CONSTABLE] Nothing at all, sir?
[WILKIN] Absolutely nothing at all. Well, nothing except for this sortof blue haze.
[CONSTABLE] Ah, well, the blue haze, you see, sir, may be the vital cluewe're searching for.
[WILKIN] And I was not drinking.
(Outside Chronotis' rooms)
[CONSTABLE] So this is the famous door, is it sir?
[CONSTABLE] Behind which you saw your er, blue haze?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come in!
[CONSTABLE] Well, whoever took it, sir, seems to have brought itback, don't they.
(Prof. Chronotis' rooms)
[DOCTOR] Her little homely dress, her favourite, cried the old man,pressing it to his breast and patting it with his shrivelled hand.She'll miss it when she wakes.
[CHRONOTIS] Hello? Can I help you?
[CONSTABLE] Routine inquiry, sir. Report that this room has been stolen.
[CHRONOTIS] Stolen? I don't think so, officer. (to Parsons) Ah, here youare. Cup of tea and some aspirin.
[PARSONS] Thank you, Professor.
[CONSTABLE] Aspirin, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, headache.
[CONSTABLE] Bad night last night, sir?
[PARSONS] Yes, you could say that.
[CONSTABLE] A lot of celebrating going on in college, was there, sir, last night?
[WILKIN] Nothing out of the ordinary.
[CONSTABLE] Be normal high jinks that would be then, sir, would it? Students roaming the streets stealing policeman's helmets,bollards, and
[CONSTABLE] Might I ask where you got that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's mine.
[CONSTABLE] Oh, really, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes, really. Come on, Romana. Bye, Wilkin, Bristol, Keightley. Goodbye, Professor, we'll keep your secret.
[ROMANA] Bye everybody.
[ALL] Bye!
[CONSTABLE] Secret, sir? And what secret would that be?
[CHRONOTIS] Cup of tea?
[CONSTABLE] Where did that police box go?
[CHRONOTIS] What police box that would be, officer?
[CONSTABLE] Right. Right. Coats on, everyone. You're all taking a little walk with me down to the Bridewell.
[ROMANA [OC]] Where was Skagra from, anyway?
[DOCTOR] K9's metabolic analysis says he was from the planet Dronid. Remember your Time Lord history?
[DOCTOR] Oh! There was a schism in the College of the Cardinals. The rival President set up shop of Dronid.
[ROMANA [OC]] It seems hard to believe the Professor was the great Salyavin. He's such a nice old man.
[DOCTOR] (the elderly Tom Baker.) More than likely. The Time Lords over-react to everything. Look at the way they treat me.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s17", "episode": "e06", "title": "Shada"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (30 Aug, 1980; Fourth Doctor) - The Leisure Hive
(Brighton beach)
[K9] Yegros Alpha, atavistic therapy on primitive asteroid. Zaakros,galaxy's largest flora collection. Zeen Four, historical re-enactments.Catalogue ends, mistress.
[ROMANA] I don't think much of this Earth idea of recreation. Why can'twe do something constructive?
[K9] Sea bathing recommended. A traditional Earth exercise, mistress.
[ROMANA] Well, go on, then. You exercise. Fetch!
[ROMANA] Look what you've done.
[DOCTOR] What have I done?
[ROMANA] You've got the century wrong, you've got the season wrong andyou've got K9's sea-water defences wrong.
[DOCTOR] Well, I can't get everything right.
[ROMANA] Just something would be a help.
[DOCTOR] One must always accept the unexpected.
[ROMANA] Well, that's not what you said when we first arrived.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's different. This is the second time I've missed theopening of the Brighton Pavilion.
[ROMANA] Right place, wrong time.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] Well, you know how dangerous it is bypassing the randomiser.
[DOCTOR] Well, I can't spend the rest of my life running away from theBlack Guardian.
[ROMANA] We should be safe here. I shouldn't think even he fanciesfreezing to death on Brighton beach.
[DOCTOR] Do you have a better suggestion?
[ROMANA] I certainly have.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] K9's given me a complete list of recreation facilities in thisgalaxy.
[DOCTOR] Fascinating?
[ROMANA] I like the sound of Argolis.
[DOCTOR] Argolis? Tell me about it.
[ROMANA] It's the first of the leisure planets. In relative Earth date2250, there's a hideous war against some reptile people called theFoamasi. Most of the planet gets wiped out by two thousandinterplanetary missiles, but the survivors build a recreation centrecalled the Leisure Hive. And there's something called an ExperientialGrid. Cells of different environments designed to produce physical,psychic and intellectual regeneration. That sounds more like it, don'tyou think, Doctor? Doctor?
(Leisure Hive)
[VARGOS] Dangerous, ladies and gentlemen. Dangerous because theatmosphere out there is deadly.
[TANNOY] Guide Vargos wanted in the boardroom. Guide Vargos wanted inthe boardroom.
[VARGOS] Vargos acknowledging. Ladies and gentlemen, I leave you toenjoy the celebrated view of Argolis from the safety of the Hive. Iwill return shortly.
[BROCK [hologram] ] I must tell you that even those based on optimumexploitation predict a serious financial down run. That is theoptimistic scenario.
[PANGOL] You won't believe this. Brock looks like backing out.
[BROCK [hologram]] However one fact is absolutely clear. Argolis issuffering from an escalating negative cash flow.
[PANGOL] What's that mean in plain language?
[BROCK [hologram]] Bluntly, Argolis is headed for bankruptcy.
[MORIX] This Leisure Hive is expensive to maintain. Bookings last yearwere bad.
[BROCK [hologram]] And next year looks catastrophic. I do apologise forthe unfortunate choice of words.
[PANGOL] You're our Earth agent, Brock. You're responsible for bookings.
[MORIX] Calmly, my son.
[BROCK [hologram]] Argolis is out of date. Planets like Limnos Four,Abydos are much more competitive.
[VARGOS] I hear they have non-gravity swimming pools.
[BROCK [hologram] ] And sleep-reading stations. Accelerated learningexperiences that cover every subject of the Technic Index.
[PANGOL] And such vital pastimes as robotic gladiatorial games. So what?Which of these other planets has created a whole new science?
[BROCK [hologram]] Argolis is justly proud of tachyonics, but thatscience, you will admit, remains, after forty years, little more than acuriosity.
[PANGOL] There are developments.
[BROCK [hologram] I've heard these rumours, yes, but then again, theseexpensive experiments return us to the question of finance. No, Iregret I must turn down your kind offer to join you on the board anddecline your invitation to invest. Nevertheless
[MORIX] That was discourteous, Pangol. There must be no aggression onArgolis. You have only to look at me to be reminded of that.
[TANNOY] Attention. Earth shuttle arriving.Attention. Earth shuttle arriving.
[MORIX] At least wait until your mother returns.
[PANGOL] You're the chairman.
[MORIX] And she will be the next. Are you not even curious to know theresults of the Earth experiments?
[PANGOL] Mena's Earth scientist. What does he know about tachyonics?
[VARGOS] Earth Agent Brock to see you, sir.
[PANGOL] Brock! Come to convey his insult personally, no doubt.
[BROCK] Mister Chairman, after all our years of dealings over thetelecommunicator, here I am at last. My dear Pangol.
[PANGOL] Have a look. It's the way we Argolins die.
[MORIX] You must forgive my son, Brock.
[BROCK] Oh. Klout, my lawyer.
[PANGOL] Lawyer?
[BROCK] Yes, I've decided to accept the directorship.
[MORIX] I'm very pleased.
[BROCK] The question of investment we'll keep on hold for the moment. Itmay not be necessary. I've had an offer from another group.
[MORIX] To finance us?
[BROCK] Not exactly, Mister Chairman. They want to buy you out.
[MORIX] We cannot leave the Hive. No one can survive outside it.
[BROCK] They want it all. The whole of Argolis.
[PANGOL] No. It's not for sale.
[BROCK] A dead world in a radioactive atmosphere?
[TANNOY] Demonstration of the Tachyon Recreation Generator is about tostart.
[MORIX] It seems you are wanted, my son. You have duties. Perform them!
(Recreation Generator room)
[PANGOL] Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen. What you're seeingis non-gravity squash.
[PANGOL] A solid image relayed from our own squash courts. The Generatorpowers the game as well as relaying the image.
[PANGOL] Over the years, visitors have been interested in the tricks itis possible to play with these solid images. So by way of a preface tothe scientific analysis that follows let me demonstrate some of themore spectacular possibilities.
[DOCTOR] It's got to be unreal transfer.
[ROMANA] Why has it got to be?
[DOCTOR] It's the only way to manipulate solid objects.
[ROMANA] What if I told you this part of the galaxy doesn't discoverunreal transfer until 2386?
[DOCTOR] Then how is it done?
[ROMANA] I don't know.
[PANGOL] Don't worry, ladies and gentlemen, everything is under control.
[PANGOL] Or nearly everything.
[MORIX] Do you seriously advise me to sell Argolisto the very race against whom we fought the war?
[BROCK] An excellent solution, surely.
[MORIX] It's as well my son did not hear this.
[BROCK] But that war has been lost and won. What we're discussing hereis business.
[MORIX] For some Argolins, that war leaves a bitter memory.
[BROCK] For your son, perhaps.
[MORIX] Pangol is sensitive to all aliens. Natural, I suppose, in theyoungest of a race that was all but wiped out.
[BROCK] I sympathise. Personally, those Foamasi make my skin crawl. Itmust be the green scales.
[MORIX] Oh, come now, Brock. Part of the business of this Hive is todevelop cross-cultural understanding. The Foamasi are reptiles withhighly developed intelligence. I don't suppose either you or I appearparticularly attractive to them.
[BROCK] True. And quite frankly, I can't think what they want withArgolis.
[MORIX] That's easily answered. Reptiles are resistant to radioactivity.There's only one lifeform in the galaxy that could live out there onthe surface.
[BROCK] The Foamasi?
[MORIX] Precisely.
[MORIX] But to be forced to sell them our planet, our home. Would notthat be the ultimate defeat?
(Recreational Generation room)
[PANGOL] The development of tachyonics to the stage you see it now andincidentally, the spectacular luminosity you've all been admiring, areboth a direct result of the war.
[ROMANA] Tachyonics. The tachyon was first hypothesised on Earth.
[PANGOL] As you know, tachyons travel faster than light.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Nobody there did much with it.
[PANGOL] A tachyon field can therefore be made to arrive at point B,thatvisidome, say, before it's departure from point A, the Generator. Forthe next hour and a half, we will examine the wave equations thatdefine the creation of solid tachyonic images.
[MORIX] I, will not sell, Brock.
[BROCK] Morix! Morix! Where is everyone? For goodness sake, getsomebody!
[ARGOLIN] How long has he been like this?
[BROCK] Just now. Is there anything we can do?
[VARGOS] Nothing. His time has come.
(Recreational Generation room)
[PANGOL] This, incidentally, was the stumbling block in our first seriesof practical experiments. Paradoxically, the solution is to introduce arandom component into the tachyon emission, as long as we can deduct
[TANNOY] Attention. Earth shuttle arriving.Attention. Earth shuttle arriving.
(Hive corridor)
[BROCK] My dear Mena, I must say how sorry I amabout Morix. He was a fine Argolin.
[MENA] He did his duty. I automatically become Chairman in his place.
[ARGOLIN 2] We expected you to bring the Earth scientist with you.
[MENA] Hardin and his assistant will be here by the next shuttle.Meanwhile, I have a holocrystal of the first trial.
[BROCK] Pangol will want to see this.
[MENA] Leave him to his work.
[GUIDE] Your son has no great love for this Earth scientist, I believe?
[MENA] He resents the fact that Hardin has found a better use fortachyonics than these Argolin games.
[BROCK] A better use?
[MENA] Yes, Brock. A better use. Hardin has learned to manipulate time.
(Recreational Generation room)
[PANGOL] And this matching tachyon field creates a temporaryreduplication of any physical object. Are there any questions?
[DOCTOR] Do you know, I'd completely forgotten about tachyonics. Some ofthose Argolin solutions are really quite neat.
[ROMANA] Especially the duration problem.
[PANGOL] As I demonstrated earlier myself. Visitor Loman thinks thedemonstration might have been an edited recording. Perhaps you'd careto try for yourself, Mister Loman?
[DOCTOR] I suppose in theory a tachyon image could never be permanent.
[PANGOL] First the projection.
[PANGOL] Two temporarily coincident Lomans are now in existence. Now wecan manipulate one without harming the other.
[PANGOL] No need to panic, ladies and gentlemen.
[DOCTOR] Something's gone wrong!
[PANGOL] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] I'm a doctor.
[PANGOL] Doctor? The scientist?
[ROMANA] Yes, of course.
[PANGOL] My mother's most anxious to meet this gentleman.
[DOCTOR] He's terribly hurt. Come on, clear the area. Clear the area!
[PANGOL] Medical facility to the Recreation Generator.)
[ROMANA] His mother's most anxious to meet you.
[DOCTOR] His mother?
[GUIDE] Madam Chairman wishes to see you, sir.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but who's in charge here?
[GUIDE] Madam Chairman, sir.
[ROMANA] Must be his mother.
[DOCTOR] His mother? Good. You, take me to his mother. Come, Romana on.
[GUIDE] This way, sir.
[BROCK] Morik sent you all the way to Earth justfor this?
[MENA] Watch.
[HARDIN [hologram]] Now, in this experiment we propose to explore thetemporal anomaly inherent in the tachyon.
[BROCK] What is he talking about?
[MENA] The tachyon travels faster than light. We always knew timemechanics was theoretically possible. Watch.
[HARDIN [hologram]] The device is now activated.
[BROCK] What's supposed to be happening?
[MENA] Watch.
[BROCK] I don't believe it.
[MENA] Rejuvenation. Complete cellular rejuvenation. Hardin hasperfected a technique that works for living entities.
[BROCK] No wonder there's so much secrecy about these experiments.
[DOCTOR] Hello. How do you do? (to Klout) Who are you? I've gotsomething very special here. You'll like it.
[MENA] Stop. Stop! Who are you?
[DOCTOR] Who am I? Ask him.
[GUIDE] The Earth scientist, Hardin. You were expecting him, MadamChairman.
[MENA] But this isn't Hardin.
[DOCTOR] No, but it's a very understandable mistake.
[MENA] How did you get here? All our visitors have identification.
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, we must have missed the usual channels, as usual.
[GUIDE] They were taking notes at the lecture, Madam Chairman.
[MENA] And now they have seen the Earth experiments.
[DOCTOR] Well, just a glimpse, perhaps.
[TANNOY] The medical centre requests instructions. Earth Visitor Lomanis now dead.
[MENA] Dead? Prepare the body for repatriation. We must investigate thisthoroughly.
[MENA] Where have those two gone? I want them brought back hereimmediately.
(Hive corridor)
[ROMANA] That experiment was a fake, you know that.
[DOCTOR] You spotted that? Good. Let's get back to the Tardis.
[ARGOLIN] Can I help you?
[DOCTOR] No, thank you. We're just on our way out, actually. Oh, by theway, there are two unauthorised visitors on the premises. Keep an earcocked for a description.
[ARGOLIN] Thank you.
[MENA] Attention. Warn all security guides to be onthe alert for two unidentified visitors. Description.
(Hive corridor)
[MENA [OC]] One tall curly-headed humanoid in thecompany of young humanoid female.
(Zero G Squash Court)
[DOCTOR] Don't let me interrupt you, gentlemen. Two discontinuousholograms have been edited together.
[ROMANA] Have they?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I noticed vague interference patterns.
[ROMANA] And you noticed the necklace, of course.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] The clothes were the same but the necklace was different.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, that too of course.
[ROMANA] Of course.
[DOCTOR] Why are they so competitive?
(Recreational Generation room)
[ARGOLIN] Warik.
[DOCTOR] I wonder. I wonder.
[ROMANA] Doctor? Doctor?
(TRG cabinet)
[DOCTOR] Fascinating. Fascinating.
(Recreation Generator room)
[ROMANA] Doctor? Doctor! Doctor!
(Recreation Generator room)
[ROMANA] Doctor!
[BROCK] There's one of them!
[ROMANA] Help me! The Doctor's in there.
[PANGOL] How did he activate it from inside?
[ROMANA] Get him out of there.
[PANGOL] It's jammed!
[ROMANA] Switch off the power.
[PANGOL] I can't!
[ROMANA] There must be something we can do.
[DOCTOR] Well, you could try shorting the servo lock on the door.
[PANGOL] Of course.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's just a thought. Something wrong?
[TANNOY] Attention. Earth shuttle arriving. Earthshuttle arriving.
(Hive corridor)
[TANNOY] Earth Scientist Hardin to the boardroom. Earth Scientist Hardinto the boardroom.
(Recreation Generator room)
[DOCTOR] Handsome fellow, isn't he? One of your tachyon images. It'lldisappear soon, look.
[PANGOL] How did you get out?
[DOCTOR] Through a hole in the back.
[PANGOL] But there isn't one.
[DOCTOR] There is now.
[DOCTOR] You see, a common fault with tachyon particles is that they caninduce a certain temporal instability in surrounding matter.
[DOCTOR] What can I do for you?
[DOCTOR [hologram]] Come on, Romana, quick.
[MINA] Have you ever seen him before, Hardin?
[HARDIN] No, Madam Chairman.
[MINA] Such formality.
[HARDIN] I must respect your new position. Not that I, er, that therewas ever
[MINA] Not that there was ever any disrespect. For all your genius,Hardin, you're young. But you're right. My new responsibilities willput a distance between us. This scientist seems to understandtachyonics to a very advanced level. He's mentioned temporalinstability. How much does he know?
[HARDIN] I'll have to question him. Of course, he may be useful.
[MINA] Useful?
[HARDIN] If he has a genuine understanding of the instability.
[MINA] But the work's done, the problem's solved, thanks to you.
[HARDIN] Well, there may be certain adjustments on the full-scale runwith the Generator.
[MINA] But you said at our very first meeting that the problems weresolved.
[HARDIN] Yes, Madam Chairman. I merely suggest
[MINA] Ah. Where do you come from?
[DOCTOR] Gallifrey?
[MINA] I've never heard of it.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's just an obscure little planet in the constellationof Kasterborous and we're overdue. I think we should be on our way.
[MINA] Wait. Have you ever experimented with time?
[DOCTOR] Well, yes, but in a purely academic way of no interest toanyone.
[MINA] Earth Visitor Hardin thinks that you might be able to help withhis experiments.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'd like to
[ROMANA] Gallifrey abandoned tachyonics when we developed warp matrixengineering.
[DOCTOR] Yes, there you are, so sorry.
[HARDIN] You saw the time experiment?
[DOCTOR] Well, just a glimpse, perhaps.
[ROMANA] I assumed it was based on negative tachyon displacement, didn'tyou?
[MINA] I'd like you both to take another look at those experiments.
[ROMANA] Then can we go?
[MINA] We are a peaceful people, but you are unidentified visitors. Ourdecision will depend on your conduct.
[DOCTOR] All right, but we'd better rerun the experiment, don't youthink, Mister Hardin?
[ROMANA] It's beautiful.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Radon 222 decays rapidly.
[MINA] But not the heavy metal dust. It won't be habitable for threecenturies.
[DOCTOR] Really? Why, how long did the war last?
[MINA] Twenty minutes.
[DOCTOR] As long as that.
[MINA] Now you understand the purpose of the Hive.
[ROMANA] To keep out the atmosphere.
[MINA] The physical reason, yes, but the purpose is to promoteunderstanding between life forms of all culture and genetic type. Theremust be no more such wars.
[DOCTOR] So it's not just a recreation centre.
[MINA] Even the games in our Experiential Grid explore alienenvironments. Each race learns to understand what it is like to be theforeigner.
[ROMANA] Like learning a language.
[MINA] Language and thought. Let me show you the grid.
[MINA] This simulation is a high gravity planet with a life form
[MINA] Oh, no, not again. This is intolerable.
[ROMANA] What happened?
[MINA] Interfibral malfunction. A line's gone down. So many faults,accidents, the death this morning.
[DOCTOR] Do you think the Hive's being interfered with?
[MINA] The fibreoptic transmission system has a mean time betweenfailure of two thousand years.
[DOCTOR] We could do with that in the Tardis.
[MINA] It's far in excess of our own needs.
[ROMANA] Future generations will appreciate it.
[MINA] The few of us who survived the war have our own price to pay.There will be no future generations.
[VARGOS [OC]] The transmission fault has been identified, MadamChairman.
[MINA] Show me.
[ROMANA] Does she mean they're sterile?
[DOCTOR] Yes. This Leisure Hive is the Argolin farewell gesture.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[MINA] Please don't worry. This is quite normal.
[DOCTOR] Normal? But you're ill.
[MINA] I'll recover in a moment.
[ROMANA] But you look older.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[MINA] Yes. The war has done this to us, too. A slow, steady metabolismfor most of our lives and then. This has come to me sooner than Ithought.
(Tachyon laboratory)
[BROCK] But don't you see, Hardin? This idea ofyours could be the saving of the Hive.
[HARDIN] It'll give the Argolins a few more years to live. Perhaps
[BROCK] Secondly, think of the impact on the visitors. At the momentthis Experiential Grid leaves them older and wiser, but with this theycould go home younger and wiser.
[HARDIN] Look, I cannot demonstrate it now!
[BROCK] Is something wrong?
[HARDIN] No. No, it takes time.
[BROCK] Oh, it's a time experiment. We'll be back.
[STIMSON] Don't lose your nerve, Hardin. We can work it.
[HARDIN] Why did I ever let you talk me into faking this in the firstplace?
[STIMSON] Fake? It's a breakthrough in tachyon technology. Your dreamscome true.
[HARDIN] Success was so close.
[STIMSON] It still is, if you don't panic.
[HARDIN] But this isn't science.
[STIMSON] While you're operating on my funds you'll do it my way.Proceed as planned.
[HARDIN] I can't. Mena wants to bring in the Doctor.
[STIMSON] What? You blind idiot.
[HARDIN] Well, don't you see? These people could have the answer.
[STIMSON] But if they find this is a fake, we're ruined.
[HARDIN] All right, all right, I'll find a way. I'll persuade Mena notto let them in here.
[STIMSON] Get them to stay out there and watch on the viewer.
[HARDIN] All right.
[MENA] Are the preparations complete?
[HARDIN] Soon, Madam Chairman.
[DOCTOR] Is that a Schrödinger oscillator?
[HARDIN] Stay back.
[HARDIN] There's a question of radiation hazard.
[DOCTOR] Oh, really.
[HARDIN] (sotto to Stimson) We've got to make this work. Can't you seewhat's happening?
[STIMSON] Surely that's not the woman we saw on Earth?
[MENA] When will it be ready, Mister Hardin?
[HARDIN] Soon, Madam Chairman. The er, the adjustments have to be exact.
[STIMSON] You'll all get a better view, you know, from up top.
[ROMANA] Can I help you, Mister Hardin? Thank you.
[ROMANA] Now, this is a wafer wave inducer, is it?
[HARDIN] Yes, it feeds direct from the tachyon drive.
[ROMANA] And what do you do for inversion?
[HARDIN] It doesn't invert. The divider circuit automatically dephases.Mena's dying, and nothing can stop that cellular degeneration once itstarts.
[ROMANA] This could. Come on, Hardin. How do you lock the phase?
[HARDIN] I can't. It doesn't. It doesn't really work, you know.
(Hive corridor)
[VARGOS] Can I help you, Mister Stimson?
[STIMSON] It's imperative that I leave for Earth immediately.
[VARGOS] Ah. All the shuttles are fully booked, unless you can obtain aspecial clearance from one of the directors.
[STIMSON] Thank you.
(Outside Brock's room)
[STIMSON] Mister Brock? Mister Brock.
(Brock's room)
(Recreation Generator room)
[STIMSON] Anyone there?
(Tachyon laboratory)
[ROMANA] Switch on.
[HARDIN] Right.
[ROMANA] Hold it there.
[HARDIN] Stasis.
[ROMANA] Looks like it.
[HARDIN] We've brought time to a stop.
[ROMANA] But can we wind time back, return the sand to where it wasbefore it fell?
[HARDIN] I just don't get this. In theory it should be functioningperfectly.
[ROMANA] We'll just have to check it all again. That's one thing I'velearnt from the Doctor. Where is he, by the way?
(Recreation Generator room)
[COMPUTER] Override failsafe. Override failsafe. Eliminate intruder.Eliminate intruder.
[DOCTOR] Ah, so that's how it's done.
[BROCK] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you, thank you.
[BROCK] This is your scarf, isn't it, Doctor?
[PANGOL] The murderer.
[BROCK] His scarf killed Stimson.
[DOCTOR] Arrest the scarf, then.
[MENA] The court is sitting, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry.
[MENA] The court, Doctor.
[MENA] We Argolins have a sacred reminder of the evil that dwells inviolence. The Helmet of Theron, who led Argolis into the war that wipedit out. Can you swear your innocence before the Helmet of Theron?
[MENA] Let me hear the facts of the case.
(Tachyon laboratory)
[ROMANA] Ready?
[HARDIN] Ready.
[ROMANA] Start the recording now.
[HARDIN] Recorder running.
[ROMANA] Increase the power slowly. We don't want a sudden surge to bloweverything to bits.
[HARDIN] Four hundred and twenty five. Increasing. Four hundred andtwenty nine. Four hundred and thirty one. Stable at four hundred andthirty five.
[ROMANA] Nothing. Increase the power.
[HARDIN] It's not going to work, I know it.
[ROMANA] That's an unnecessary assumption. We must keep trying.
[HARDIN] Yes, you're right. We must keep trying. Four hundred and fortyeight. Stable at four hundred and forty eight.
[ROMANA] Try four hundred and fifty.
[HARDIN] Stable at four hundred and fifty.
[ROMANA] Nothing. Wait a minute.
[ROMANA] Yes! Yes!
[HARDIN] We've done it!
[ROMANA] Come on.
[BROCK] And those are the facts, Madam Chairman.
[MENA] Does that conclude the evidence?
[DOCTOR] Evidence? Evidence? You couldn't hang a hat on that.
[MENA] I'm the judge here, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry.
[BROCK] A murder has been committed and the murderer must be found.
[MENA] Justice is what matters.
[PANGOL] When Theron was in doubt he threw a man into fire or water. Letthe elements try him.
[MENA] These superstitions are not for us, Pangol.
[DOCTOR] I've got an idea. There's a sort of blue box down the hall. Youcould imprison us both in that.
[HARDIN] Mena, er, Madam Chairman. It works.
[MENA] What?
[HARDIN] Romana has solved the wave equations in all four dimensions.
[MENA] You mean you really can rejuvenate?
[ROMANA] Probably.
[MENA] Then I'm prepared.
[HARDIN] No. No, there must be one more test.
[PANGOL] A test.
(Recreation Generator room)
[DOCTOR] Are you sure about this, Romana?
[ROMANA] According to our calculations, the most it'll do is knock offten or twelve years.
[DOCTOR] Right. Then I'll take my chance.
[ROMANA] We should be recording this.
[HARDIN] Yes, of course. I forgot to switch it through from the lab.
[ROMANA] You'll be needed here.
[MENA] Think what this will mean to the Argolin.
[PANGOL] A few years gain for an individual, perhaps.
[BROCK] We're ready, then?
[HARDIN] I'll start the warm-up now.
(Tachyon laboratory)
[ROMANA] Doctor?
(Recreation Generator room)
[ROMANA] Stop! Stop. We forgot about something.
[HARDIN] What? It's too late.
[ROMANA] Get the Doctor out of there!
[HARDIN] I can't.
(Recreation Generator room)
[DOCTOR] Was I in there long? It felt likecenturies.
[HARDIN] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think so. A bit weak. Why? What are you all staring at?
[BROCK] Have you seen yourself?
[DOCTOR] No, not recently. Why, should I
[DOCTOR] Is that me? What happened?
[ROMANA] I don't know. Hardware malfunction. I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] I was just going to check something in there. I can't rememberwhat.
[MENA] The Doctor is unwell. See that he is given a cabin.
[PANGOL] And confine him there. He's still on trial for murder. Confinethem both.
[MENA] Very well. I declare a limitation on them both. Hardin, you willcome with me.
[MENA] Am I leaning too heavily on you?
[HARDIN] No, Mena.
[MENA] The distance between us seems to have lessened again. What wentwrong with the experiment? I felt so sorry for you.
[HARDIN] For me?
[MENA] And for the Argolin, of course. It seemed to offer a last chancefor us. Technology offered us hope once before, after the war.
[HARDIN] Hope of survival? How?
[MENA] It isn't something we talk of to outsiders.
[HARDIN] It isn't the end. I know I can make it work. Don't despair.
[MENA] Despair is the death of hope, and all our hope died years ago.The Helmet of Theron. His ambition laid waste the planet. We keep itthere to remind us to live in humility.
[HARDIN] To live, yes.
[MENA] And to die with grace. Please, Hardin. Send for my attendants.
(Hive corridor)
[GUIDE] Your movements will be unrestricted provided you keep to theprogramme.
[ROMANA] We're being programmed?
[GUIDE] Vargos will explain.
[VARGOS] The programme allows you to be in certain areas at certaintimes. The collars will only become uncomfortable if you attempt todepart from the programme. Or try to remove them.
(Recreation Generator room)
[PANGOL] This must be solved before dawn. The time is very close.Vargos?
[VARGOS] Yes, Pangol?
[PANGOL] Somehow or other the alien's trivial experiment is degradingthe segmentation.
[PANGOL] Your experiment draws power from the Generator, Hardin?
[HARDIN] That's right.
[PANGOL] My guides would like your help in removing it. We can't allowinterference with our developments.
[HARDIN] Developments? What do you mean?
[PANGOL] I'm not going to discuss that with an alien. Besides, thetachyonic facilities are for scientific research, not fraud.
[MENA] Fraud?
[PANGOL] My guides have been through Stimson's effects. It's clear theexperiments were rigged.
[MENA] Is this true?
[HARDIN] Well, I was on the verge of a breakthrough. I needed funds.
[MENA] There was real hope for us and you allowed Stimson to cheat us.
[HARDIN] But the test I made here with the girl Romana, they weren'tfakes. We created negative time images. It worked!
[PANGOL] Tell that to the Doctor.
[HARDIN] Give me more time and I can prove it.
[MENA] Let him have his wish. Give him access to the laboratory.
[HARDIN] And Romana. I must have her help.
[PANGOL] I don't trust this. It's a conspiracy.
[MENA] Romana will stay where she is. Work on your own, Hardin.
[DOCTOR] I'm sick of being old. There must be someway of reversing the process.
[ROMANA] Temporal asymmetry. We'll have to get back to the Generator.Your condition's unstable.
[DOCTOR] Pangol's very young.
[ROMANA] Pangol?
[DOCTOR] Yes. And everyone else is old, except Pangol. And he runs theGenerator. When you were fitting the Schrödinger oscillator, did younotice there were two baryon shields?
[ROMANA] Mmm. Why two, I wonder?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I didn't have time to look. Five hundred yearsgoes by so rapidly.
[ROMANA] An alternative function? There must be a second circuit inthere doing something we know nothing about.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes.
[MENA] When the Chairmanship passes to you, Pangol, you'll moderate yourviews.
[PANGOL] The ancient Greeks of Earth believed in moderation.
[MENA] Athens was the seat of wisdom.
[PANGOL] And it fell to the might of Rome.
[PANGOL] What do you want, Earthling?
[BROCK] Madam Chairman!
[MENA] Don't be alarmed, Mister Brock. My medical attendants assure methat my termination is proceeding normally.
[BROCK] I suppose you know that the shuttles have been packed tocapacity with visitors leaving.
[MENA] Two unfortunate accidents in one day.
[BROCK] Two murders. An exodus. The value of this Foamasi offer must befalling by the hour. Tomorrow they may withdraw completely.
[PANGOL] Good.
[MENA] Have you a suggestion, Mister Brock?
[PANGOL] A public trial and execution, perhaps?
[BROCK] I had something more constructive in mind.
[PANGOL] So have I. Who cares if an alien doctor lives or dies?
[HARDIN] Mister Brock says you might be able to help by looking at theRecreation Generator.
[DOCTOR] Really, it's astonishing how far the Argolins have come withtachyonics.
[HARDIN] These are mere toys. My time experiments are the first glimpseof any real use for the Recreation Generator.
[DOCTOR] Really? Are you sure of that?
[HARDIN] Of course. The Argolins have nothing to show for their fortyyears work on tachyonics.
[DOCTOR] No, nothing except a sort of cabinet of illusions. And then thename of the thing. Has that struck you?
[ROMANA] The Generator?
[DOCTOR] Recreation Generator. Re-creation.
[ROMANA] Creating things again.
[DOCTOR] Things, yes. Or people.
[BROCK] The Foamasi are offering excellent terms.
[PANGOL] Let me see that.
[MENA] There is an alternative.
[BROCK] What?
[MENA] When the time comes, we will open the airlocks and together theArgolin will walk out onto the surface of their planet for the lasttime.
[BROCK] Mass suicide? Why even consider it when you have these terms?
[PANGOL] This isn't a Foamasi government document.
[BROCK] Did I say it was? A private deal from a group of Foamasicitizens.
[PANGOL] The West Lodge? I've never heard of them.
[BROCK] They prefer a low profile. Bluntly, it's either them orbankruptcy.
[PANGOL] There is a third possibility, Mister Brock, that Mena didn'tmention.
[PANGOL] The new Argolis.
(Hive corridor)
[DOCTOR] This way.
[BROCK] This new Argolis, whatever that might be,will need funds.
[PANGOL] From this forgery?
[BROCK] I beg your pardon?
[PANGOL] I know the Foamasi. I've studied them. Do you think my hatredhas turned me into a blind fool?
[MENA] There are no private enterprise groups among the Foamasi.
[PANGOL] Another trick by the government. For years they've been tryingto foist restitution money on us.
[BROCK] Some small attempt to
[PANGOL] For genocide, Brock?
[BROCK] You said yourself that is not a government document.
[PANGOL] The West Lodge. Ever since the war, the Foamasi government hasowned the whole planet.
[BROCK] Officially.
[PANGOL] What?
[BROCK] Private enterprise is irrepressible. I have several copies, ofcourse.
[MENA] Your West Lodge can raise that much money?
[BROCK] Easily.
[PANGOL] We don't need it. I have something better than money.
[BROCK] A novel concept.
[PANGOL] Manpower.
[BROCK] Excuse me for reminding you that this is a sterile planet. Therehaven't been any Argolins born here since the war.
[PANGOL] Which was forty years ago. But how old do you think I am,Mister Brock?
(Recreation Generator room)
[DOCTOR] The radiation out there affected the Argolin metabolism.
[HARDIN] Yes, it produced this rapid aging effect.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and made them sterile.
[ROMANA] It's not re-creation, it's some sort of reduplication processgoing on in there.
[DOCTOR] The implications of that could be very unpleasant.
[ROMANA] We need to check out the Generator and find out what Pangol'sup to.
[HARDIN] I'll go.
[ROMANA] No, it can't be you or the Doctor. I'm the only one who can goin the Generator while it's unstable.
[DOCTOR] Yes, or else there might be, what do you call it?
[ROMANA] Tachyon surge. If there is, I come out aged six hundred andfifty, but if you're in there. What we need is a diversion.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Or even a plan would do.
[MENA] No, Pangol! No!
[PANGOL] It's time you understood, Mister Brock. You must be more stupidthan you look. Mena is not my mother.
[MENA] No, Pangol! You've said too much already.
[BROCK] You mean you're not an Argolin?
[PANGOL] Of course I'm an Argolin! The first of the new Argolin. I amthe child of the Generator.
(Recreation Generator room)
[HARDIN] Psst! You, come on.
[DOCTOR] Look at this, old thing.
[DOCTOR] Do you know, I had a feeling he wasn't quite ready for therigours of warp mechanics.
[DOCTOR] Hadn't you better get him off to bed?
[HARDIN] But you said
[BROCK] You mean the Argolins donated cells fromtheir bodies to this Recreation Generator and cloned themselves?There's a flaw in your story. Where are all the others?
[MENA] The theory was still primitive. There were many failures.
[BROCK] And yet he survived.
[PANGOL] For twenty years a moratorium was declared on the technique,until I came of age, a thoroughly proficient tachyon engineer. Therewill be no more disfigured mutants in our next reduplication programme.
[PANGOL] There is the future of the Argolins. Where are the guides?
[PANGOL] How did he get there? Alert! Alert!
(Recreation Generator room)
[PANGOL] It's over there.
[COMPUTER] Status update. Intruders.
[PANGOL] It's all right, he's in here. Five hundred years the last time,Doctor. Let's see what you're like when you've aged two thousand.
(Tachyon laboratory)
[DOCTOR] There's no doubt about it, all this rushing about takes it outof you, particularly when you're twelve hundred and fifty years old.
[ROMANA] It's all right, he's a friend. He got me out of the Generatorbefore Pangol started it up.
[DOCTOR] Who is he?
[ROMANA] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] What? Doesn't make any sense to me.
[HARDIN] Doctor!
[ROMANA] Shush.
[HARDIN] Romana, thank heavens you're safe.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Don't interrupt. He's a Foamasi.
[HARDIN] What's he doing on Argolis?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Ask him.
[ROMANA] Well, at least he showed me why our rejuvenation processdoesn't work. We found this behind the second baryon shield.
[HARDIN] Doctor, what do you make of this?
[DOCTOR] Of course. Of course.
[PANGOL] That Doctor has been interfering with the Generator again. Iwant them all found.
[BROCK] Mena is dying.
[PANGOL] The life of an individual is trivial.
[BROCK] You might at least try Hardin's idea.
[PANGOL] With Mena's death, the future arrives. The Children of theGenerator will rise to claim their inheritance.
(Tachyon laboratory)
[ROMANA] Is it something to do with the random field frame?
[DOCTOR] I wish I knew what you wanted, friend.
[DOCTOR] Of course. Come on, let's go then. Come on.
[ROMANA] Where to?
[DOCTOR] Back to the boardroom. Our scaly friend's seen someone he wantsto talk to.
[HARDIN] But can we trust him?
[DOCTOR] Well, you can trust me, that's the important thing.
[PANGOL] When the dawn comes, Mena will be dead.The birth of the new Argolis must be recorded by history. I shall needone alien witness.
[BROCK] So that's why you're telling me all this.
[PANGOL] The Doctor! Seize him!
[DOCTOR] Oh no, I've got a surprise for you all.
[BROCK] No, no. Don't you touch me! No! No, don't touch me. Stay awayfrom me! No, don't touch me! Argh!
[FOAMASI] Now that I have your attention and this traitor's voicesynthesiser, I must explain. I am the Foamasi government.
[DOCTOR] Mmm, it looks genuine to me.
[PANGOL] These people are enemies.
[FOAMASI] Those two are the enemy. A saboteur and a murderer.
[PANGOL] They were the cause of all these accidents?
[FOAMASI] With assorted colleagues, they've been systematically tryingto run this planet down.
[MENA] But Brock
[FOAMASI] The real Brock never left Earth.
[MENA] I don't understand.
[FOAMASI] Since our last government clamp-down, the West Lodge has beenlooking for a new venue for its illegal activities. Argolis would havebeen ideal.
[MENA] They should have known we'd never sell.
[FOAMASI] Their business methods are very persuasive. This one is theleader of all sectors. With him under arrest, the West Lodge is woundup. You're going back to face trial.
[FOAMASI] The filaments will hold them until we board our shuttle.
[PANGOL] We can't let these aliens go.
[MENA] Why not?
[PANGOL] Don't you understand? They've been spying on our planet.
[MENA] The government agents mean to help.
[PANGOL] An excuse to infiltrate.
[MENA] I'm not persuaded, Pangol.
[PANGOL] Then I must persuade you.
[MENA] Must?
[PANGOL] Yes. There are new imperatives.
[MENA] Let me past. It is my duty to escort them to their shuttle.
[PANGOL] Then I relieve you of that duty.
[MENA] Let me pass immediately. That is an order.
(Hive corridor)
[FOAMASI] I'm glad this has ended sosatisfactorily.
[DOCTOR] If it has ended.
[FOAMASI] With the arrest of those two, peace is restored.
[ROMANA] What the Doctor means is
[DOCTOR] Don't cross your bridges before they're hatched.
(Recreation Generator room)
[PANGOL] Wait! The Argolin dawn. The dawn of thenew Argolis. No one can now be permitted to leave. You are destined byhistory to remain and watch.
[FOAMASI] I am an ambassador. To interdict my departure would be an actof war.
[PANGOL] You won't leave here alive.
[ROMANA] Come on. We'd better do something quickly.
(Tachyon laboratory)
[ROMANA] The random field frame.
[HARDIN] It's probably back in the Generator by now.
[ROMANA] Then Pangol's ready to proceed.
[HARDIN] Yes. If Pangol's replaced the random field frame, we'll stillbe getting surges.
[ROMANA] I can't see any way round that, can you, Doctor? Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Please get on with it. There's so little time.
[HARDIN] Now, if we had a second random field frame.
[DOCTOR] The Tardis.
[ROMANA] Not the Randomiser.
[DOCTOR] Perfect. What a stabilising matrix.
[ROMANA] It's too risky. How long would it take us to build one?
[HARDIN] I must work out some new eigen functions.
[ROMANA] Right, I'll modify the oscillator.
[MENA] No! No, that is a sacred symbol.
[PANGOL] A symbol of our shame. The Helmet of Theron is a call forrevenge.
[MENA] Theron worshipped the flame of war.
[PANGOL] A flame that welded Argolis into a single nation.
[MENA] And brought us death.
[PANGOL] And he will be avenged. We, Pangol, the child of the Generator,will fulfil his dreams of great conquests.
[MENA] How? With what army?
[PANGOL] We are the army.
[MENA] You've perfected it?
(Recreation Generator room)
[PANGOL] Guides of Argolis. According to our ancient laws, we, Pangol,declare ourselves your new leader.
[PANGOL] We are the future, guides of Argolis, for what is about tohappen and for the eons that lie beyond, you will grant us yourunquestioning obedience.
(Tachyon laboratory)
[PANGOL [OC]] Citizens of the old Argolis.
[HARDIN] Mena's dead.
[PANGOL [OC]] Your appointed tasks in the Experiential Grid are herebyconcluded.
(Recreation Generator room)
[PANGOL] All guides to the Recreation Generator.Citizens of the old Argolis, today your lives will be irrevocablychanged and the Hive itself transformed as we equip ourselves for therebirth of this great planet.
(Tachyon laboratory)
[HARDIN] We, Pangol? What does he mean?
[ROMANA] I think it's more than just a figure of speech.
[HARDIN] If only we could have saved Mena.
[ROMANA] It's not too late. Look.
[ROMANA] Hardin!
[HARDIN] I've got to get up there.
[ROMANA] You'll get caught. Doctor, tell him. Where is he?
[ROMANA] He's heading for the Generator. He's mad! He's going to try tofit the Randomiser himself.
(Recreation Generator room)
[VARGOS] The Foamasi shuttle is requestingpermission to take off, sir.
[PANGOL] Denied.
[VARGOS] Their request has diplomatic priority, sir.
[PANGOL] Denied!
[PANGOL] The Foamasi will return to the Hive to witness the fulfillmentof Argolin destiny.
(TRG cabinet)
[DOCTOR] The anti-baryon shield. Anti-baryonshield. Anti-baryon shield. Now, where was it, exactly?
(Recreation Generator room)
[PANGOL] Citizens of Argolis, the time has come!
[VARGOS] Sir, we have another urgent request from the Foamasi shuttlefor clearance.
[PANGOL] The Foamasi request clearance. Let they try taking off. I'llclear them into time and space!
[ROMANA] Stop! Stop! You mustn't start the Generator.
[PANGOL] Another defiant alien. Nothing can stop us now.
[ROMANA] But the Doctor's in there!
[PANGOL] Begin the programme.
[TANNOY] Attention. This is the launch systems controller. The Foamasishuttle has launched.
[PANGOL] Well, blow it into space!
[ROMANA] That is an act of war!
[PANGOL] War is the destiny of the new Argolis.
[ROMANA] The Foamasi shuttle. He's mad! You've got to stop him. You'vegot to stop him. He's mad!
[ROMANA] Stop him! Stop him!
[ROMANA] Oh no. An army of Pangols.
[ROMANA] Stop this. The Doctor's in there.
[PANGOL] Remove that alien trash. Let her rot outside.
[ROMANA] Let me go! The Doctor's in there. Let me go! Let me go!
[PANGOL] Continue the programme.
[HARDIN] Mena?
[PANGOL [OC]] Fetch the body of the Chairman. That too can be disposedof outside.
(Hive corridor)
[ROMANA] Stop! Let me go! Let me go! The Doctor'sin there! Let me go!
[ROMANA] What are you doing?
[ROMANA] Doctor!
(Recreation Generator room)
[PANGOL] No. No. No. No.
(Hive corridor)
[DOCTOR] It's terribly simple. It's a tachyon image. Outwardly Pangol,inwardly me. Unfortunately, these tachyon images are very unstable.
[DOCTOR 2] Or fortunately, depending on your point of view.
[HARDIN] The Generator.
(Hive corridor)
[ROMANA] Then where's the Doctor?
[ROMANA] Thank heavens. At least you're solid enough.
[DOCTOR] Come on, we've got work to do.
[ROMANA] Please.
[DOCTOR] Shush, careful.
[ROMANA] You're the last one.
[DOCTOR] The first one, actually.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] The first one out of the Generator.
[ROMANA] Then you're real?
[DOCTOR] It's hard to tell.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I feel real enough. Yes, it's holding up quite well sofar.
[DOCTOR] That's me nearly complete. Where's my coat?
[ROMANA] Here. I think I see. The images must have been multiplied in asort of FIFO stack.
[DOCTOR] FIFO stack? Yes, I see what you mean. First in, first out.Where's my hat? Thank you.
[ROMANA] Which would make you the original.
[DOCTOR] Well, I had concluded that empirically, but it's nice to havesome theoretical background.
[ROMANA] I've just remembered.
[DOCTOR] What? Mena! Come on, quick.
(Recreation Generator room)
[PANGOL] We shall begin again!
[HARDIN] Out of my way.
[PANGOL] Dispose of her outside.
[HARDIN] Out of my way!
[PANGOL] Outside! I order you! She's dead! I am in command!
[HARDIN] She's stopped breathing. The Generator is her only chance.
[PANGOL] No, I must be leader! The Argolin need me. A new army can stillbe built. We can change the Generator. I must be leader!
[ROMANA] Look!
[DOCTOR] I think I set it on rejuvenation.
[ROMANA] What? Anything could happen. It's totally unstable.
[HARDIN] It's useless. The doors won't open while it's running.
[DOCTOR] It's too late. They've written out the override.
[ROMANA] It's too dangerous!
[MENA] This time I must try to bring him up properly, but there's workto do first. We must contact the Foamasi and avert this war.
[FOAMASI] You mentioned Foamasi?
[MENA] But your shuttle.
[FOAMASI] The West Lodge leader who impersonated Brock must have triedto take off without us.
[DOCTOR] So Brock and Klout are kaput, little Pangol.
[MENA] I'm so sorry. Naturally, we'll replace your vehicle.
[FOAMASI] Later. You and I have a lot to discuss, Madam Chairman.
[MENA] Forgive me, but I didn't quite catch your name.
[MENA] Ah, of course. Well, let's continue this discussion in theboardroom.
[DOCTOR] Hardin!
[HARDIN] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Have a baby.
[DOCTOR] I think we're redundant here. Let's go.
[ROMANA] The Randomiser.
[DOCTOR] What about it?
[ROMANA] Well, we can't just leave it here.
[DOCTOR] Why not? I don't like not knowing where we're going to turn upnext.
[ROMANA] Neither does the Black Guardian. That is the point of thething. The Black Guardian's a real threat.
[DOCTOR] Some galactic hobo with ideas above his station. The cosmos isfull of them. Anyway, there's been enough randomising on this job.
[ROMANA] Job? It was meant to be a holiday.
[DOCTOR] Well then, I'm going to be very glad to get back to work. AndI'm missing K9.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s18", "episode": "e01", "title": "The Leisure Hive"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (27 Sep, 1980; Fourth Doctor) - Meglos
[DOCTOR] You'd better stop the Tardis. We don't want any nasty jolts.Prion, did you say?
[ROMANA] We're in the Prion planetary system. We'd better land.
[DOCTOR] No, no. Hovering will do.
[ROMANA] There's a planet called Tigella.
[DOCTOR] Tigella? Never heard of it.
[ROMANA] Well, there's one called Zolfa-Thura. That's in the historybooks.
[DOCTOR] Well, we're all in somebody's history books.
[ROMANA] A great civilisation blown away to sand and ashes.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes.
[ROMANA] Now all that's left is the Screens.
[DOCTOR] Why, what screens?
[ROMANA] The Screens of Zolfa-Thura.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, those screens. Well, of course I've been to Tigella.Did you say Tigella?
[ROMANA] That's right.
[DOCTOR] I've been there.
[ROMANA] When?
[DOCTOR] Oo, well, a long time ago. Nice chap called Zastor showed mearound. Yes. Remind me to get in touch with him sometime. In fact, I'lldo it right now.
[ROMANA] No, no, no. Please, please, can we just do one thing at a time?
[DOCTOR] First things first?
[ROMANA] Exactly.
[DOCTOR] But not necessarily in that order. Tigella. Zastor.
(Walkway 9)
[CARIS] It's going to blow!
[CARIS] Emergency! Emergency!
(Central Control)
[DEEDRIX] And quickly.
[WOMAN [OC]] Burn out on one four nine. Medical and lighting assistanceimmediately.
[DEEDRIX] Medical detail dispatched.
[MAN 2 [OC]] Air purification unit one malfunctioning.
[DEEDRIX] Open up air vents three to eight in unit one. Zastor.
[ZASTOR] This is no time for formality. Please continue.
[MAN 3 [OC]] Irrigation levels holding steady.
[DEEDRIX] Thank you. Clearing.
[ZASTOR] Well, how bad is it, Deedrix?
[DEEDRIX] We can't control it much longer.
[ZASTOR] So much for science.
[DEEDRIX] Without detailed investigation, there's nothing science cando.
[ZASTOR] Believe me, I understand.
[DEEDRIX] I've always argued
[ZASTOR] That's certainly true.
[DEEDRIX] For thousands of years our lives have been dominated by amystery. The Dodecahedron belongs to all of us, not just the Deons.
[ZASTOR] Their religion deserves respect.
[DEEDRIX] Religion. Control to walkway nine.
(Walkway 9)
[DEEDRIX [OC]] Update on the burnout, please.
[CARIS] I'm replacing the transformer. There'll be no power in here forthe next three hours. Now will they believe us?
(Central Control)
[DEEDRIX] Thank you, Caris. Understood. All thisrather proves her point.
[ZASTOR] How can we re-inhabit the surface? It would take years ofpreparation.
[DEEDRIX] Decades, more likely. There are better ways, but at least shehas a rational plan.
[ZASTOR] Which the Deons have declared a blasphemy.
[DEEDRIX] You could overrule them.
[ZASTOR] How long would I remain leader if I were to?
[DEEDRIX] And Tigella? Zastor, I tell you as a savant, a scientist, onewho works hard to understand these things, that our safe and bountifulcity may well be on the edge of total extinction.
[LEXA] No.
[LEXA] Zastor is our leader, but he cannot lead us into sacrilege.Resume the Concurrence. I shall explain this yet again to Zastor.
[ZASTOR] I understand your anger, Lexa.
[LEXA] The power is angrier than we are.
[ZASTOR] But at the moment seems to be a little more controlled. Soperhaps should we be. The savants are trying to help, or so theybelieve.
[LEXA] Believe? A word to large for their small minds.)
[LEXA] They're children. Wilful, ignorant and lost.
[ZASTOR] As we all will be, savants and Deons alike, if the power failsus.
[LEXA] Why are we going to the debating chamber? This is hardly a matterfor compromise.
[ZASTOR] I'm an old man, Lexa, with less faith perhaps than you, but Ithink you trust my judgment.
[LEXA] Yes.
[ZASTOR] They have some proposals. They will not touch the Dodecahedron.
[LEXA] They cannot enter the Power room!
[ZASTOR] Some measurement, a few calculations.
[LEXA] Oh, not even you, Zastor, can revoke the ancient laws.
[DEEDRIX] And your Concurrence, Lexa, cannot revoke the laws of physics.
[ZASTOR] Deedrix, Lexa, we must behave like leaders.
[DEEDRIX] Then lead us by example, Zastor. Make a decision!
[ZASTOR] I cannot interfere. I was afraid it would come to this. (to aguard) Yes, please, ask him to come.
[LEXA] Ask? Who?
[DEEDRIX] Some new procrastination, Zastor?
[ZASTOR] Some fifty years ago, I knew a man who solved the insoluble bythe strangest means. He sees the threads that join the universetogether and mends them when they break.
[DEEDRIX] A savant? Or one of her madmen.
[ZASTOR] A little of each and a great deal more of something else. He'snearby and asking to visit us.
[DEEDRIX] You sent for an alien?
[LEXA] Why?
[ZASTOR] You'll know when you see him. This probably needs his delicacyof touch.
[DOCTOR] He'd better not go in the sea in future.He's likely to get into deep water, you know.
[ROMANA] It was hardly his fault that someone neglected to sea-proofhim.
[DOCTOR] Quite. Can you remember where I left his manual?
[ROMANA] Yes, of course.
[ROMANA] Oh, I hope he's going to be all right. We're going to need himon Tigella.
[DOCTOR] Why? They're not hostile.
[ROMANA] The plants are. Lush, aggressive vegetation.
[DOCTOR] You mustn't believe everything you read in books.
[ROMANA] It says in the history books that it was the lush, aggressivevegetation that forced the Tigellans to retreat beneath the surface.You must have seen it last time you were there.
[DOCTOR] It was reasonably friendly to me. Mind you, it was a long timeago.
[ROMANA] Post repair test questions.
[DOCTOR] Ahem. Post repair test questions. K9, can you hear me?
[K9] Affirmative, (pause) mistress.
[DOCTOR] That's a promising start.
(Debating chamber)
[ZASTOR] Silence! Savants, Deons, remember the dignity of your highoffice. Have we been elected to squabble? If we cannot agree, we willat least have order.
[DEEDRIX] I've said all I have to say. I am needed back in the controlroom.
[LEXA] No! The Savants should be arrested for heresy.
[DEEDRIX] And crushed to death, no doubt.
[ZASTOR] Please, you will not mock the old laws.
[DEEDRIX] Well, how can there be any respect for a creed that practicesprimitive sacrifice. Are you making sacrifices now in the name of yourmonstrous myth?
[ZASTOR] Please, Deedrix, remember where you are.
[DEEDRIX] No! This should be said before all Tigella. The Dodecahedronis no god! It is an artefact! Engineered.
[LEXA] It descended from the heavens!
[DEEDRIX] Not the heavens. From somewhere, anywhere, but not theheavens.
[LEXA] Then where?
[BROTADAC] Sand. Nothing but sand. The whole planet.
[GRUGGER] Except for those.
[BROTADAC] Bring an Earthling to the screens of Zolfa-Thura. I neverliked this job.
[GRUGGER] Male Caucasian around two metres tall.
[BROTADAC] Right, we've delivered him. So who pays us?
[GRUGGER] Shut up. He's trying to say something.
[BROTADAC] It could be a trap. What does he know, anyway?
[EARTHLING] Nothing. I don't know anything. What have I done?
[GRUGGER] Nobody knows anything.
[EARTHLING] Why? Why me?
[GRUGGER] Why any of us? Do you think I do this through choice? Oh, givehim another one.
[GRUGGER] The message was genuine. We'll wait.
[BROTADAC] Genuine? We don't even know who sent it. Let's kill him andgo.
[GRUGGER] Let's think, for a change. Now, why would you send across thegalaxy for a thing like that?
[BROTADAC] Stop! It must be a trap.
[GRUGGER] Shut up and follow me.
(Meglos' laboratory)
[MEGLOS [OC]] Arrival noted, gentlemen. Welcome. Don't be afraid.
[GRUGGER] Huh. Who do you think you're talking to?
[MEGLOS [OC]] General Grugger, Lieutenant Brotadac, I presume, togetherwith their band of fortune hunters. There should also be an Earthlingsomewhere.
[GRUGGER] You. What are you?
[MEGLOS [OC]] Ah, forgive me. Most remiss. I am Meglos, only survivor ofthis planet.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Well observed, General Grugger. I am the plant. Axerophyte, to be precise. Ah! Ah, you've served me well, GeneralGrugger. I now have a real proposition for you.
(Debating chamber)
[ZASTOR] This chamber will yield to my authority!
[DEEDRIX] You've lost it, delegated it to these aliens.
[LEXA] A Time Lord! A non-believer. Why should we trust him?
[ZASTOR] The Doctor's good faith is beyond question.
[DEEDRIX] Faith! That word again. What we need is knowledge!
[ZASTOR] He brings that, too.
[DEEDRIX] We have it here, if you will allow us to use it.
[LEXA] Oh, squabbles go round and round. Nothing is decided here. Ishall seek guidance from the Power itself.
[CARIS] I have something to say to this chamber
[LEXA] No.
[ZASTOR] Caris has risked her life to save this city. I wish to hearher.
[CARIS] Even if we manage to restore the power, or as the Deons wouldsay, if the power condescends to restore itself, the food stocks willbe destroyed. We will have to ascend to the surface.
(Meglos' laboratory)
[BROTADAC] It's a waste of time. Let's get ourpayment and go.
[MEGLOS [OC]] You Gaztaks pillage the galaxy. There are a thousand smallmarauding bands like yours. And what's it all for?
[MEGLOS [OC]] A motley collection of trophies. How long did it take youto accumulate?
[BROTADAC] Done it all our lives.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Pah! And you accuse me of wasting your time.
[GRUGGER] What you're asking us to do is impossible.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Impossible, or simply beyond your comprehension?
[BROTADAC] There's only one way into that city.
[GRUGGER] And they guard that Dodecahedron with their lives. To them,it's a god.
[BROTADAC] They say the thing's dangerous to touch.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Really, gentlemen, I have considered the hazards. But yourtimidity worries me. You're not interested in the real power. So, ifLieutenant Brotadac will return my redimensioner, we will conclude ourbusiness.
[MEGLOS [OC]] The redimensioner you removed from my desk.
[GRUGGER] Oh, you fool. What do you know about mass conversionmechanics?
[GRUGGER] I want to know a lot more about all this.
[DOCTOR] Bit of a nuisance if we have toreprogramme all his constants.
[ROMANA] I'm more worried about the power depletion. At this rate he'sgoing to need recharging every two hours.
[DOCTOR] That's not a problem. I happen to be an expert in powersources.
[ROMANA] Tigella won't take long, then.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. A quick flight, a quick service.
[ROMANA] What is the energy process, baryon multiplication?
[DOCTOR] Erm, er, yes. Yes, something like that. They didn't actuallylet me see it last time. Religious objections.
(Meglos' laboratory)
[GRUGGER] The Dodecahedron was made here onZolfa-Thura?
[MEGLOS [OC]] Of course. The Tigellans are using only a fraction of itspotential.
[GRUGGER] A fraction! It powers their entire planet.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Precisely. A mere fraction. The verdant fluctuations arepart of its inbuilt programming. In restart mode it's present outputwill be raised to the power of twelve. It's energy could feed an entiregalaxy.
[GRUGGER] That's impossible.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Within your limited frame of reference, yes. Now, if youwill be so kind as to proceed.
[MEGLOS [OC]] General Grugger, have I explained the proceduresufficiently?
[GRUGGER] Yes, it's all right. It's this lever first and then that oneto start the process.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Excellent. Then let it commence.
[GRUGGER] Oh, we'll definitely let it commence.
[BROTADAC] This is the switch, is it?
[GRUGGER] Don't touch these controls, Brotadac.
[BROTADAC] Come on, he looks ready to me.
[GRUGGER] Yes, he does, doesn't he?
[BROTADAC] Well, what's the hang up? I want to get off of this planet.
[GRUGGER] Get the others. So do I, but it would be a pity to leave allthis.
[BROTADAC] You got a plan?
[GRUGGER] We can take that, and that, and that. How much will all thatbe worth in Pallagos?
[BROTADAC] Fifty million credits?
[GRUGGER] Oh, that's very nice.
[BROTADAC] We struck lucky.
[GRUGGER] Lucky? Brains, Brotadac, brains. I think the four of us coulddismantle that.
[BROTADAC] We could break that one up.
[GRUGGER] No, no, that's a nice piece.
[BROTADAC] I'll go and get the others.
[GRUGGER] I've already sent for them. Why aren't they here? Go and seewhat's happened to them.
[BROTADAC] It's stuck!
[GRUGGER] Well, open it.
[BROTADAC] But it won't open.
[GRUGGER] What do you mean, it won't open. It won't open.
[BROTADAC] It opened all right when we come in. Automatically.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Correct, gentlemen. Automatically.
[GRUGGER] He's trapped us.
[BROTADAC] Didn't trust us.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Oh, nothing so petty. I knew that as, what shall we say,ardent pragmatists, you would feel bound to attempt some variation ofour arrangement. I wanted it to come sooner rather than later. I knowyou and your kind so well, and if we are to cooperate, I want you toknow me.
[GRUGGER] I see. Well, that's all right.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Well, gentlemen, shall we all descend together into theearth for another thousand years or shall we resume our originalarrangements?
[GRUGGER] Well, I'm prepared to forget that little incident.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Oh, I hope not.
[BROTADAC] We'll remember.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Good. Now, the second button, please.
[BROTADAC] I don't believe it!
[MEGLOS] Thank you, General Grugger. Now we must work quickly. I'veintercepted a Tigellan message. They've sent for a travelling TimeLord.
[MEGLOS] Who's travels I must interrupt. Now, where is he, and when?
[ROMANA] Where did you put the magnetic tweezers?
[DOCTOR] In a cave. A sort of shrine.
[ROMANA] Where?
[DOCTOR] In Tigella. What?
[ROMANA] Magnetic tweezers?
[ROMANA] Thanks. I think I've almost done it.
[DOCTOR] Mind you, it's hardly surprising they're in awe of the thing.After all, their whole way of life depends on it.
[ROMANA] Oh blast, here we go again.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[ROMANA] Well, now his probe circuit's jammed.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's easy. Just waggle his tail.
[ROMANA] All right. We've tried everything else.
[K9] Thank you, mistress. Repairs complete.
[DOCTOR] Well done, Romana. Well done. You're becoming very accomplishedat all this.
[ROMANA] Becoming? I was fully qualified when I arrived.
[DOCTOR] (sotto from across the room) K9, what do you know about thePrion planetary system?
[K9] The only viable civilisation was Zolfa-Thura. They destroyedthemselves in global war. Planet now featureless desert.
[ROMANA] Good boy, K9.
[DOCTOR] So now Tigella's all that's left.
[K9] Affirmative.
[ROMANA] Oh blast, here we go again.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[ROMANA] Well, now his probe circuit's jammed.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's easy. Just waggle his tail.
[ROMANA] All right. We've tried everything else.
[K9] Thank you, mistress. Repairs complete.
(Meglos' laboratory)
[MEGLOS] Flies trapped in amber. Not even the Doctor can escape achronic hysteretic loop.
[GRUGGER] A what?
[MEGLOS] I've caught him inside a fold of time.
[GRUGGER] Huh? Oh, good.
[MEGLOS] His only respite is the short period when he loops back to thestart. Round and round, for all eternity.
[ROMANA] Oh blast, here we go again.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[ROMANA] Well, now his probe circuit's jammed.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's easy. Just waggle his tail.
[ROMANA] All right. We've tried everything else.
[K9] Thank you, mistress. Repairs complete.
[DOCTOR] That's the third time. What's happening?
[ROMANA] The Tardis appears to be functioning normally.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Then what? Repeated time cycles? Oh, no. It couldn't be achronic hysteresis, could it?
[ROMANA] Chronic hysteresis! (gulp) I hope not. If it is, we'll be stuckhere forever.
[ROMANA] Oh blast, here we go again.
(Meglos' laboratory)
[BROTADAC] This Meglos can bend time.
[GRUGGER] Right, in a loop.
[BROTADAC] I've never heard of that, have you?
[GRUGGER] It doesn't matter how it's done. The point is, the Doctordoesn't get to Tigella.
[MEGLOS] Oh, but he does, gentlemen. He does.
[MEGLOS] We mustn't disappoint the Tigellans.
[DOCTOR] It's no good. Every time we try to
[ROMANA] Oh blast, here we go again.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[ROMANA] Well, now his probe circuit's jammed.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's easy. Just waggle his tail.
[ROMANA] All right. We've tried everything else.
[K9] Thank you, mistress. Repairs complete.
[ROMANA] What can we try now? K9, is there any way out of a chronichysteresis?
[K9] Negative, mistress. No known technological procedure.
[DOCTOR] We're still looking.
[ROMANA] What if we stop the time rotor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. No. That's a terrible idea.
[ROMANA] I'm only trying to help.
[DOCTOR] There's no known technological procedure. I'm sorry to whisper.There's no known technological procedure. There's no knowntechnological procedure.
[ROMANA] Oh blast, here we go again.
(Grugger's spacecraft)
[BROTADAC] Tigella, twenty seconds to atmospheric entry. Activating heatshields.
[MEGLOS] Ha. Heat shields. How fascinating.
[GRUGGER] They work. If it wasn't for us you'd still be in Zolfa-Thura.
[BROTADAC] I've got a geographical fix on the main entrance. You want toland there?
[GRUGGER] No. Jungle landfall a little to the north.
[BROTADAC] Stand by for landing. Entering foliage now.
[ZASTOR] Well, Lexa?
[LEXA] You will not be pleased.
[ZASTOR] So your prayers have not been answered?
[LEXA] The Time Lord may visit us.
[ZASTOR] Then you will allow him to inspect the Dodecahedron?
[LEXA] On one condition. He must take the Deon oath.
[ZASTOR] Take the Deon? No, Lexa. That would be an insult to our guest.
[LEXA] Your guest.
[ZASTOR] You cannot make a Time Lord swear allegiance to Ti.
[LEXA] Once again, Zastor, you can impress us with your diplomacy.
[GRUGGER] Right, we'll wait here for about an hour.
[MEGLOS] One hour exactly.
[GRUGGER] And we'll come and get you if anything goes wrong.
[MEGLOS] Goes wrong? General, you know sometimes I think you forget whoI am.
[BROTADAC] That man could do anything. What a mind! Anything.
[GRUGGER] Don't think too hard, you'll burst something.
[BROTADAC] And I like his coat.
(Central Control)
[DEEDRIX] The moment he arrives, Caris will bringhim to us.
[LEXA] Having filled his head with scientific nonsense, I presume.
[MAN [OC]] Temperature rising in food store.
[DEEDRIX] I hope your friend the Doctor will appreciate ourdifficulties.
[ZASTOR] The Doctor has the maturity to respect many points of view.
(City entrance)
[CARIS] We could inhabit the surface again. If thisDoctor fails us, we may have to.
[MEGLOS] I'm the Time Lord. The Doctor. You were expecting me?
[CARIS] Oh, yes, indeed. You're most welcome. Please, follow me.
(Central Control)
[MAN [OC]] Central storage banks overloading. ShallI close off receptor panels?
[DEEDRIX] No, not yet. Reroute surplus to section five. They have sparecapacity.
[LEXA] The oath-taking ceremony is prepared.
[DEEDRIX] What? You're making him take the oath? Zastor, this isridiculous.
[ZASTOR] It's got to be done, Deedrix.
[CARIS] Zastor.
[ZASTOR] Doctor! It is good to see you again.
[MEGLOS] Again?
[ZASTOR] It's been a long time. I'm Zastor, now the Tigellan leader.
[MEGLOS] Oh yes, of course, yes, I remember you very well.
[ZASTOR] You haven't changed much, Doctor. A little older, a littlewiser.
[MEGLOS] Oh, much wiser. I gather your energy source is behavingsomewhat capriciously.
[DEEDRIX] Capriciously? It's out of control.
[MEGLOS] Excuse me. Excuse me.
[MEGLOS] An absorption system, I presume?
[DEEDRIX] Yes, there's a series of receptor panels placed above theDodecahedron and radiated energy is measured there.
[MEGLOS] And these screens can be closed down?
[DEEDRIX] Well, yes, the central storage banks would contain enoughenergy for one hour, but it is extremely dangerous.
[MEGLOS] One hour is all I'll need. Turn them off.
[DEEDRIX] Close down receptor panels until further notice.
[MEGLOS] Good. Now show me the Dodecahedron.
[ZASTOR] Surely you remember the way, Doctor?
[MEGLOS] Ah. Yes, of course. But now that you're leader, I'll followyou.
[LEXA] Before entering the Power room, you must take the Deon oath.
[ZASTOR] A mere formality, Doctor.
[LEXA] Will you swear allegiance to Ti, Doctor?
[MEGLOS] I, swear allegiance to Ti? I'll swear allegiance to Ti withgreat pleasure. I'm flattered to be so honoured. Please, lead the way.
[ROMANA] Oh blast, here we go again.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[ROMANA] Well, now his probe circuit's jammed.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's easy. Just waggle his tail.
[ROMANA] All right. We've tried everything else.
[K9] Thank you, mistress. Repairs complete.
[ROMANA] We can't get out of it. We've tried everything.
[DOCTOR] Yes. That's what you said when you were repairing K9. You'dtried everything. Tried everything. We've tried everything. Of course!
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Can you remember the rest of what you said?
[ROMANA] I should think so, we've been through it enough times.
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Then that's how we'll do it. Throw it out of phase.
[ROMANA] You mean go through the motions deliberately?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, before the cycle comes back again.
[ROMANA] Well, you were over there.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] Over there.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course. Good. Off you go, then.
[ROMANA] Oh blast here we go again.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[ROMANA] Now his probe circuit's jammed.
[DOCTOR] Ah. That's easy. Just waggle his tail.
[ROMANA] All right. We've tried everything else.
[K9] Thank you, mistress. (echoes) Repairs complete.
[ROMANA] Phase cancellation. We've done it!
[DOCTOR] Well done. You know, for one awful moment I thought you'dforgotten your lines.
[LEXA] Neither to transgress the laws of the Dodecahedron.
[MEGLOS] Neither to transgress the laws of the Dodecahedron.
[LEXA] Thanks be to Ti.
[ALL] Thanks be to Ti.
[LEXA] You are now free to enter the Power room.
[DEEDRIX] Thanks be to Ti.
[MEGLOS] People of Tigella, what I have to do is extremely dangerous.
[ZASTOR] In what way?
[MEGLOS] To control the output, it will be necessary to increase theviolence of the emissions.
[DEEDRIX] Then you'll be in danger yourself.
[MEGLOS] Well, hardly. I'm a Time Lord. Having lived in the future I canhardly die in the present.
[DEEDRIX] That can't be true. That's a philosophical paradox.
[MEGLOS] No, it's merely beyond your comprehension. However, all of yourlives are in danger.
[ZASTOR] Then we must leave.
[MEGLOS] Precisely. (ecstatic) Only I, only I must enter the Power room.
[LEXA] But it was agreed that I should accompany him, on the god'sbehalf.
[MEGLOS] But now I have the protection of Ti himself, we must not appearto mistrust that blessing.
[LEXA] So be it.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Well, according to my calculations, this should be sectoreight of the city.
[ROMANA] Well, if this is the city, I can only assume we're in some sortof park.
[K9 [OC]] Master?
[DOCTOR] This place has grown up a bit since I was last here.
[ROMANA] Where is the city, then?
[DOCTOR] That way.
[K9] Twenty two degrees north, thirty six point four degrees west.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes? Ah, yes, well, anyone can make a mistake.
(Power room)
[MEGLOS] Ten thousand years.
[DOCTOR] Well, I only got the direction wrongbecause of Tigella's anticlockwise rotation.
[K9] Anomaly.
[ROMANA] What is it, K9?
[K9] Partial incineration of vegetation evident.
[ROMANA] Nonsense, K9. These leaves are burnt.
[K9] Mistress.
[DOCTOR] Come on, there's no time for botany.
[ROMANA] Now what would cause that? Thinness of the atmosphere?
[K9] Negative, mistress. Projection of Dodecahedron power insufficient.Foliation scanning period now terminated, mistress. Expeditionnecessary.
(Outside the Power room)
[LEXA] What are you doing here, Caris?
[CARIS] Let go. Look, it's vital we understand what's happening insidethere.
[LEXA] You were ordered to stay out of this area.
[CARIS] And so were you, Lexa.
[LEXA] Get back.
[CARIS] What's happened to the light?
[LEXA] What!
(City entrance)
[DOCTOR] Hello there, I'm the Doctor. I'm expected.
[GUARD] I didn't see you go out.
[DOCTOR] What?
[GUARD] This is the second time you've been in here.
[DOCTOR] I say, you've got a marvellous memory. It must be fifty of youryears since I was last here. Romana? K9, do you know where she is?
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Then run and fetch her, and tell her to hurry.
[K9] Master.
(Power room)
[CARIS] It's not possible.
[ROMANA] Urgh, bell plants. Very nasty. Now I see why they liveunderground.
[ROMANA] More scorching.
(Central Control)
[ZASTOR] Vanished?
[CARIS] We watched the Doctor leave and, the Power room's empty!
[ZASTOR] But that's inconceivable!
[DEEDRIX] This is Control. Activate receptor panels.
[DEEDRIX] It's dead. It's dead. There's no power down there.
[ZASTOR] Where's the Doctor?
[LEXA] He's betrayed us.
[ZASTOR] Now wait a minute. Tell me exactly what happened.
[LEXA] No, there isn't time. Out of my way.
[LEXA] This is a Control command. This is a Control command.
[LEXA [OC]] Arrest the Time Lord. Stop him at allcosts. He must not be allowed to leave the city.
[DOCTOR] That's odd. I could have sworn Central Control was this way.Ah. Excuse me, I'm the Doctor. I'm expected.
[DOCTOR] Well, will you just tell people I've arrived?
[DEEDRIX [OC]] Stop the Time Lord. Stop the Doctor. Take him at allcosts.
[DOCTOR] That's very impressive. It's not exactly what I expected, butit's very impressive.
[LEXA] There he is. Take him.
[DOCTOR] No, no, it's all right, I'm a doctor.
[LEXA] Where is the Dodecahedron.
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I don't even know where Central Control is.Zastor, how good to see you. Will you tell them who I am?
[LEXA] I know who you are.
[ZASTOR] Doctor, what's happened?
[DOCTOR] Please, please, stay calm. I'm sorry I'm late. We could havebeen here earlier, but for the chronic hysteresis. That's a sort oftime loop, you see.
[LEXA] We?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my assistant. She'll be along in a minute. Anyway Zastor,how are you?
[ZASTOR] Baffled, Doctor.
[ZASTOR] You'd better come with us.
[DOCTOR] But what about Romana?
[LEXA] Oh, never mind about them. Take him away!
[ROMANA] So that's what caused the burning.
[ROMANA] Oh! I do beg your pardon.
[K9] Mistress? Mistress? Response negative. Batteries require recharge.Returning to the city.
[BROTADAC] She's seen too much. Kill her!
[GRUGGER] Ah ha. Who is she?
[BROTADAC] I found her here.
[GRUGGER] She's not a Tigellan. Where are you from?
[ROMANA] If I told you, you wouldn't understand.
[ROMANA] Let go and I'll tell you. Thank you. My ship landed here bymistake.
[BROTADAC] Let's kill her. Meglos won't like it.
[GRUGGER] I'm handling this, not Meglos. What ship?
[ROMANA] I'll show you if I can find it.
[GRUGGER] All right. Move. Go on.
(Power room)
[CARIS] And then we waited outside. We saw theDoctor leave, and when we came in here the Dodecahedron was gone.
[DEEDRIX] But how long was he here?
[CARIS] Moments. Hardly any time.
[DEEDRIX] It's incomprehensible. There's no way that I know of,singlehandedly moving an object like that.
[CARIS] An object like what?
[DEEDRIX] The Dodecahedron, of course.
[CARIS] What was it like? Oh yes, we can define its shape and size andcolour, and from up there we could estimate its output, but what do wereally know about it?
[DEEDRIX] Over the years we've formed theories about how it works.
[CARIS] The source of all our energy, the heart of our civilisation, adevice we've become totally dependent upon, and all we know about itsinternal structure are a few vague theories.
[DEEDRIX] Yes, and all because of these Deons. When the Doctor came inhere, you're certain he was alone?
[CARIS] Completely.
[DEEDRIX] So how!
[MAN [OC]] Central Control to Deedrix. Central Control to Deedrix. Powerdrain is reaching critical.
[CARIS] Critical! The whole city will collapse. How many times have Itold the Chamber
[DEEDRIX] We should be on the surface. yes, yes, I know. Come along,I'll need you too.
[GRUGGER] That's our spacecraft! You've been leading us round incircles.
(Central Control)
[DEEDRIX] Essential services only. Close down allother sections. (to Caris) I'm reducing lighting and cutting thermostattemperature to minimum.
[CARIS] Giving us?
[DEEDRIX] About two hours, but hurry!
[DOCTOR] What, you mean completely disappeared? Evaporated?
[LEXA] What did you do?
[DOCTOR] Well, as I recall the Dodecahedron, it was much too large tomove.
[ZASTOR] Can't you see you've paralysed our city?
[DOCTOR] I'm so sorry.
[LEXA] Answer me. What happened to the Dodecahedron?
[DOCTOR] I keep telling you, I don't know. I've only just arrived.
[LEXA] But I saw you.
[DEEDRIX] Doctor.
[DEEDRIX] Whatever reasons you had for doing this, the fact remains thatwithout the Dodecahedron's energy, in two hours time this city will bedead.
[DOCTOR] In two hour time. (to Lexa) You saw me? You saw me?
(Grugger's spacecraft)
[GRUGGER] Now, you tried to trick us. Give me onegood reason why I shouldn't kill you now.
[ROMANA] Anticlockwise rotation.
[ROMANA] I forgot that the planet rotates in an anticlockwise direction.
[BROTADAC] What's she talking about?
[GRUGGER] Rotation, direction, revolving.
[GRUGGER] Well, what difference does that make?
[ROMANA] Don't you see? If we'd gone the other way, we wouldn't havecome back to the same point.
[GRUGGER] Ah. No. Well, I'll give you one last chance, and you'd betterget it right. Move!
(Food bay)
[MEGLOS] I need you back in.
[EARTHLING] Let go of me! You've no right!
[MEGLOS] Quite right, but academic.
(Central Control)
[LEXA] Even if this girl exists, it will provenothing.
[ZASTOR] And he won't even admit to taking the Deon oath and enteringthe Power room.
[DOCTOR] I think I see the problem.
[DEEDRIX] I'm going to seal off the city. We'll search every area.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, wait. Wait! Wait. There are threepossibilities.
[ZASTOR] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] One, the chronic hysteresis. I've never been in one before butit just might have projected a time image of me. It's theoreticallypossible, isn't it?
[LEXA] You'll have to do better than that, Doctor.
[LEXA] I think you're a fraud and a liar.
[DOCTOR] Well, that makes even less sense.
[LEXA] Oh? Why?
[DOCTOR] Well, you see, I just don't do that sort of thing.
[ZASTOR] And the third possibility?
[DOCTOR] I think what we've got here is a good old-fashioneddoppelganger.
[CARIS] I'll deal with this. Go to section four food bays and turn offthe ray lamps.
(Central Control)
[DEEDRIX] Ice forming in the sub-corridors. I can'tkeep essential services running, Zastor. We'll have to evacuate.
[ZASTOR] One moment. I want to trust you, Doctor, but how can I doubt myown eyes?
[DOCTOR] Well, that's the problem with doppelgangers, you see. You neverknow who's who.
[LEXA] Confine him. He must not be permitted down there again.
[ZASTOR] No, Lexa. Very well, Doctor. This time we will go to the Powerroom together.
[DOCTOR] Right, and let's hope that many hands will make the lightswork.
[LEXA] No, Zastor. There is another way.
(Food bay)
[CARIS] But why should I lead you out of the city,Doctor?
[MEGLOS] Well, precisely because I'm not the Doctor.
[CARIS] Then who are you?
[MEGLOS] I am Meglos! The last Zolfa-Thuran.
[CARIS] The dead planet?
[CARIS] But why should that make me obey you?
[MEGLOS] Because of this.
[CARIS] But that's impossible!
[MEGLOS] Yes, the ultimate impossibility.
(Outside the Power room)
[LEXA] It is not in anger, believers. Although wehave cause for anger, we will act in justice. Ezrith, come with me. Therest of you do nothing until I give the word.
[BROTADAC] How much more of this, General?
[GRUGGER] Shut up.
[BROTADAC] Look at this jacket.
[GRUGGER] Girl, how much longer is there of this?
[ROMANA] I don't know. It is extremely hard to navigate on a planet thatrotates anticlockwise. However, I'm pretty certain that it's this way.Or is it that way. No, no, no, no. It's definitely this way.
(Outside the Power room)
[DEEDRIX] Deons. What are they up to?
[LEXA] Follow us.
(Power room)
[DOCTOR] It would have to be solid, assuming someprocess like baryon multiplication.
[DEEDRIX] Well, yes, we always presumed it would be heavy.
[DOCTOR] Huh, heavy? Assuming an atomic weight of two hundred, not evena dozen Tigellans could have carried it away.
[DEEDRIX] So where is it?
[LEXA] There's no question about where it is. It's been taken back bythe god.
[ZASTOR] What is this, Lexa?
[LEXA] We are taking over. In order to pacify the god, all non-believerswill be collected and exiled to the surface.
[ZASTOR] But they won't survive out there, Lexa. You can't
[LEXA] Take him away.
[ZASTOR] No, Lexa, you need me as an advisor. I've been a believer allmy life. You can't do this.
[LEXA] Faith dwells in the deeds, Zastor, not in the words.
[DEEDRIX [OC]] He's an old man, Lexa. The plants will kill him!
[DOCTOR] Just how dangerous are the plants?
[LEXA] Ultimately? Lethal.
[DOCTOR] Ah. In that case I must hurry. I've got a friend on thesurface.
[LEXA] No, Doctor.
[LEXA] You are going to bring back the Dodecahedron.
[DOCTOR] I am? Well, I'd be delighted to help in the ordinary way.
[LEXA] No, Doctor, not in the ordinary way.
[DOCTOR] Not in the ordinary way.
[LEXA] No. Prepare him for sacrifice.
[ROMANA] Wait.
[BROTADAC] We said we'd wait for Meglos.
[GRUGGER] He'll be back. Stop panicking.
[BROTADAC] How do we know there is a ship?
[GRUGGER] If she's lying, she dies.
[ROMANA] Ow! Don't keep doing that. I know I landed very close to here!
(City entrance)
[WOMAN [OC]] Closing the city exit. Closing thecity exit.
[ROMANA] K9? K9. Do something.
[K9] Mistress.
[ROMANA] Oh, come on. I can't just leave you there.
[BROTADAC] What do we do now?
[GRUGGER] We're going in.
[CARIS] You can't get out now. They've sealed theexit.
[MEGLOS] No, there's been a change of plan. There's a ventilation shafton the second landing.
[CARIS] That's no good to you now. We've closed them all down topreserve the heat.
[MEGLOS] You're lying, of course.
[CARIS] You're trapped. We're all trapped. Lexa's in control.
[MEGLOS] No, we'll make for the main entrance. No one can stop me now.
[EARTHLING [OC]] Are you sure?
[MEGLOS] What! Earthling? You again?
[MEGLOS] It's no use struggling. You can't escape. No, Earthling, no. Itwill kill you.
[EARTHLING] Nothing could be worse than this.
[MEGLOS] What, a hero and a fool? You're a very dangerous combination,Earthling.
[CARIS] Whoever or whatever you are, you're coming with me.
(Inside the City entrance)
[GUARD] Urgent, urgent. Come in, Central Control. (no reply) Intoposition. Ready to fire.
[GUARD] Out of the way! Pull her clear!
[ROMANA] Stay there. I'll find someone to recharge you.
[ROMANA] The Doctor?
(Inside the City entrance)
[GRUGGER] Bah, you're useless.
[MEGLOS] Come on, let's go.
[ROMANA] Doctor? What is he doing?
[CARIS] That wasn't the Doctor.
(City entrance)
[MEGLOS] Well, General?
[GRUGGER] Well? We waited one hour.
[BROTADAC] Precisely.
[GRUGGER] Shut up. And what's happened? Nothing. It's a catastrophe.You've failed.
[GRUGGER] The Dodecahedron!
[BROTADAC] I knew he could do that. How did you do that?
[GRUGGER] We told him how to do it.
[MEGLOS] Gentlemen, gentlemen. This is only the beginning.
(Power room)
[LEXA] Faith, Deons. We can restore the Dodecahedron by offering theangry god an exchange for its return. His life for the great light thatilluminates us all.
(Grugger's spacecraft)
[BROTADAC] We've done it! We've done it! A completesuccess!
[GRUGGER] We're taking off, Brotadac. If you want to come with us, Isuggest you close the doors.
[BROTADAC] Oh, er.
[MEGLOS] Well done, Brotadac. Destination Zolfa-Thura, I think, General.
[GRUGGER] I hope it was all worth it, Meglos.
[MEGLOS] Oh, I think you'll find this will replace the odd torn jacket,hmm?
[MAN [OC]] The Doctor has escaped. The doors arebreached. All guards to the gate immediately.
[ROMANA] But if that was Meglos, what about the Doctor?
[CARIS] You're sure he's here?
[ROMANA] Positive.
[CARIS] Then where is he?
(Power room)
[LEXA] Oh great gods of Ti, we offer you thissacrifice and beseech you to restore the Dodecahedron once more toshine in Tigella. Thanks be to Ti.
[ALL] Thanks be to Ti.
[CARIS] Zastor! The Doctor!
[ZASTOR] Has escaped. We heard.
[ROMANA] No, that was Meglos.
[DEEDRIX] The doppelganger.
[ROMANA] You should be up on the surface. You're under attack.
[DEEDRIX] The Power room.
(Power room)
[ZASTOR] Stop the sacrifice! Stop it!
[LEXA] Heretic! Take him out!
[ROMANA] It's the wrong Doctor!
[CARIS] The other one's escaped. We saw him.
[LEXA] You are forbidden in the Power room!
[ZASTOR] There are two of them. He's innocent.
[GUARD] The Gaztaks have withdrawn.
[DEEDRIX] Yes, and the man you want's gone with them.
[LEXA] Gaztaks? Is this true?
[DOCTOR] Won't somebody please say yes?
(Grugger's spacecraft)
[GRUGGER] I lost fifty percent of my crew onTigella.
[MEGLOS] Three men? That's the price of success, General.
[GRUGGER] You would never have done it but for us.
[MEGLOS] You'll be rewarded. Both of you. All the power you need.
[GRUGGER] Take over, Brotadac.
[BROTADAC] General.
[GRUGGER] One day I will go back to Tigella with an army.
[MEGLOS] Unnecessary. Unnecessary with this. (the Dodecahedron) It'spotential has scarcely been touched.
[BROTADAC] Approaching Zolfa-Thura.
[GRUGGER] Approaching full potential.
[MEGLOS] Precisely. Precisely.
(Power room)
[CARIS] I saw him holding the Dodecahedron, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but what does this Meglos want?
[CARIS] He talked about taking it back to the dead planet.
[DOCTOR] Zolfa-Thura? Why would he want to do a thing like that?
[ROMANA] There's nothing there except sand.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[ROMANA] And the screens.
[DOCTOR] Screens? What screens?
[ROMANA] The Screens of Zolfa-Thura.
[DOCTOR] Of course. The Screens of Zolfa-Thura.
[BROTADAC] What's he doing now?
[GRUGGER] I can't tell just yet.
[BROTADAC] Buried it?
[BROTADAC] Do you think he'd let me have that?
[GRUGGER] What, the coat? You want it? Not cold, is it.
[BROTADAC] It's a rather nice coat. Now that he's finished playing theDoctor
[MEGLOS] Well, gentlemen, we are ready.
[GRUGGER] What happens next?
[MEGLOS] Activation.
[MEGLOS] Now to see it work.
(Inside the City entrance)
[ZASTOR] Good luck on Zolfa-Thura, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Zastor. Come on, Romana, we're in a hurry.
[LEXA] Romana!
[DOCTOR] She's dead.
[ROMANA] She saved my life.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but we've got other things to do, other lives to save.Come on.
(Meglos' laboratory)
[MEGLOS] My fellow Zolfa-Thurans tried to destroyall we had and all we knew to prevent this moment.
[GRUGGER] The Screens area absorbing the power.
[MEGLOS] Magnifying it. Concentrating it. The five beams they throw outcan be made to converge on any point in the galaxy.
[BROTADAC] And blast it?
[MEGLOS] To infinitesimal dust. Brotadac, you're a discerning sort offellow. Choose a planet, any planet.
[GRUGGER] Oh, make your own mind up for a change.
[BROTADAC] I don't know.
[MEGLOS] And you, General Grugger? What's your choice?
[GRUGGER] Tigella. Let's start with Tigella.
[ROMANA] Well done, we're very close.
[DEEDRIX] It's lighting up the whole sky!
[DOCTOR] Right, now, you all stay here.
[ROMANA] You can't go alone.
[DEEDRIX] The Gaztaks kill on sight.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. On sight. If Meglos can impersonate me
[ROMANA] You can impersonate Meglos.
[DOCTOR] Right. I won't be long.
(Meglos' laboratory)
[MEGLOS] Final adjustment for relative motion.
[MEGLOS] Well, gentlemen, the beams are now programmed to focus uponTigella.
[BROTADAC] Start the countdown?
[MEGLOS] Patience!
[MEGLOS] Brotadac, we are about to release a power many magnitudesgreater than any intelligence has ever controlled.
[BROTADAC] We are?
[MEGLOS] There can be no room for error. I'll just recheck the screenalignments.
[DOCTOR] Shirt sleeves, eh?
[DOCTOR] Ah, er, would you say this was vertical?
[DOCTOR] No. No more than I. Would you just mind holding it up for mewhile I check from inside? That's it. There we are.
(Meglos' laboratory)
[GRUGGER] Put it on.
[BROTADAC] What will he say?
[GRUGGER] It doesn't matter. I've got this all figured out. We don'tneed him. Put it on.
[GRUGGER] That was quick.
[DOCTOR] Well, I cut a few corners. I say, I like his coat. Now, whathave we got here?
[BROTADAC] Start the countdown?
[DOCTOR] Not yet, not yet.
[GRUGGER] I thought it was already programmed.
[DOCTOR] Programmed?
[GRUGGER] To annihilate Tigella.
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, it is, yes, it is. Nearly. Just a few minoradjustments. I wonder what that's for?
[GRUGGER] You said it focused the beams.
[DOCTOR] Oh, of course, yes. Of course.
[GRUGGER] Two coats?
[MEGLOS] Splendid. The magnification levels areconstant. One more check and we're ready to go.
[DEEDRIX] The Screens. It's unbelievable.
[CARIS] I'd like to have a closer look.
[ROMANA] I think we should. Come along, K9.
(Meglos' laboratory)
[DOCTOR] You've served me so well I thought youboth deserved a little treat.
[GRUGGER] So it's now just the countdown and activation.
[DOCTOR] That's it.
[GRUGGER] Good. Let's get on with it.
[BROTADAC] Sixty. Fifty nine.
[DOCTOR] No, no, Brotadac, no. The Screens don't reach their maximumcapacity for two minutes. I'm just going outside for a little stroll tosee if I can catch up with myself. And I don't recommend anyone touchthose controls.
[GRUGGER] Get him.
[GRUGGER] Yes. Put him in the spacecraft security hold. We can managewithout him. Get him! That's yours too, if you want.
[BROTADAC] Oh. Get him!
[MEGLOS] Shouldn't you be doing something?
[DOCTOR] Oh! Nasty.
[DOCTOR] That could have been me.
[BROTADAC] What are they playing at?
[DOCTOR] Ooof!
[BROTADAC] Get him into the ship.
(Outside Grugger's spacecraft)
[ROMANA] I knew he wouldn't get away with it. They've got the Doctor.
(Security hold)
[DOCTOR] Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
(Outside Grugger's spacecraft)
[BROTADAC] Stay there! If he tries anything, killhim.
[CARIS] What are we going to do now?
(Security hold)
[MEGLOS] Ten thousand years. Cretins. Morons.Half-wits.
[DOCTOR] Yes, they've not been very clever, have they, unlike us.
[MEGLOS] They probably won't even hit Tigella.
[DOCTOR] Well, if my calculations are correct, they certainly won't.
[MEGLOS] Your calculations?
[DOCTOR] I inverted your control setting. If he starts the countdown,he'll destroy himself, as well as you and me and, well, the wholeplanet, of course.
(Meglos' laboratory)
[BROTADAC] Locked away, no trouble.
[GRUGGER] Precisely. Prepare the countdown.
(Outside Grugger's spacecraft)
[ROMANA] Go, K9.
(Grugger's spacecraft)
[ROMANA] He must be in there. K9, can you open it?
[K9] Affirmative, mistress.
(Security hold)
[MEGLOS] Three metres by five metres, and I could have had the galaxy.The universe.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. I've often puzzled about that.
[MEGLOS] What!
[DOCTOR] Well, why a good looking chap like you should want to controlthe universe.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I mean, it baffles me, this burning ambition to. Burning?
[MEGLOS] It's beyond your comprehension.
[DOCTOR] Oh, absolutely. Burning?
[ROMANA] Doctor? Oh, good heavens.
[MEGLOS] Out of my way.
[DOCTOR] No, Meglos. Hold him!
[MEGLOS] You can't take me.
[EARTHLING] Got you this time, Meglos.
[MEGLOS] On the contrary, Earthling, it's merely you they've got.
[EARTHLING] What's happened? What's going on?
[ROMANA] Was that Meglos?
[ROMANA] He must have modulated himself on a particular wavelength oflight.
[DOCTOR] Yes. He's what you'd call a colourful personality.
[ROMANA] But that would make him virtually indestructible.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but we're not. Quick, back to the Tardis. Or do you wantto be atomised?
[EARTHLING] Atomised?
[DOCTOR] Good.
(Meglos' laboratory)
[GRUGGER] Thirty seconds to beams converging.
[BROTADAC] Twenty nine. Twenty eight. Twenty seven. Twenty six.
(Outside the Tardis)
[BROTADAC [OC]] Twenty five.
[DOCTOR] You're not going to let us down this time, are you, old girl.
[BROTADAC [OC]] Twenty four. Twenty three. Twenty two. Twenty one.Twenty.
(Meglos' laboratory)
[BROTADAC] Nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen.
[BROTADAC] Fifteen, fourteen
[BROTADAC [OC]] Thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine.
[DOCTOR [OC]] It's time this thing had a thorough overhaul.
[BROTADAC [OC]] Seven, six
(Meglos' laboratory)
[GRUGGER] We're moving.
[BROTADAC] Four point five.
[GRUGGER] The laboratory's sinking.
[BROTADAC] Sinking four.
[BROTADAC [OC]] Five, four
[MEGLOS [OC]] Stop the countdown.
[BROTADAC [OC]] But the clock says
[MEGLOS [OC]] Stop the clock!
[GRUGGER [OC]] It must be this button.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Stop the countdown! Stop the clock!
[GRUGGER [OC]] It must be this button.
[MEGLOS [OC]] Fool! Stop!
[ZASTOR] Well, we've made a beginning, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'd like to stay and help you, but horticulture's not mystrong point.
[ROMANA [OC]] Doctor?
[ROMANA] Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] They want us back immediately.
[DOCTOR] Gallifrey? Do they, indeed. Well, we'll see about that whenwe've dropped our friend off home. Unless, of course, you want to stayhere and do some gardening?
[EARTHLING] Maybe I will. I'll be in trouble back home.
[EARTHLING] I told the wife I'd be in from work in twenty minutes.
[DOCTOR] Well, don't worry about that. We can get you back before youleave.
[EARTHLING] Oh, good.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s18", "episode": "e02", "title": "Meglos"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (25 Oct, 1980; Fourth Doctor) - Full Circle
[DOCTOR] You ready, K9?
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Right. I want you to set a course of binary coordinates tenzero eleven zero zero by zero two from galactic zero centre.
[K9] Coordinates laid in.
[DOCTOR] Very good.
[K9] Spatial drive initiated.
[DOCTOR] Well done, K9. Well, now we've dropped off our Earth friend wecan be on our way.
[ROMANA] You've made up your mind, then?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. We can't resist a summons to Gallifrey. Anyway, I'm solooking forward to seeing how Leela and Andred are getting on. You canmeet your twin, K9. You know Romana, it. Romana?
[DOCTOR] You stay there, K9. You're in charge.
[K9] Master.
(Romana's room)
[DOCTOR] Ahem. Do you mind if I come in?
[ROMANA] The Time Lords want me back.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, you only came to help with the Key to Time.
[ROMANA] Doctor, I don't want to spend the rest of my life on Gallifrey.After all this.
[DOCTOR] Well, you can't fight Time Lords, Romana.
[ROMANA] You did, once.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. And lost.
[ROMANA] Well, there's nothing more to discuss, then. We have to go.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid so.
[K9] Course set and holding. ETA to Gallifreythirty two minutes. Flight path clear. Wait. Sensors indicate. Novocabulary available.
[K9] Cannot comprehend. Cannot, cannot comprehend. Cannot comprehend.
(Romana's room)
[ROMANA] Doctor, what's happening?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[K9] I have lost control of the Tardis.
[K9] I have regained control, master. Tardis has stabilised.
[ROMANA] Well, what happened, K9?
[K9] Cannot explain, mistress.
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that, just give me the data.
[K9] Cannot comply.
[DOCTOR] What? There must be some data.
[K9] Substantial data was received, master, yes, however I am unable toassimilate it.
[DOCTOR] Well, just give me a report on all damaged parts.
[K9] No damage, master.
[DOCTOR] What? What, none?
[K9] All component parts are functioning normally, master.
[DOCTOR] I don't believe it. I don't believe it! All component partsfunctioning normally, ha! Pah. You mean to tell me that after all we'vebeen through, the systems are functioning perfectly?
[K9] Not perfectly, Master, adverb attributed was normally.
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[ROMANA] We've materialised.
[DOCTOR] Indeed we have. Let's take a look, shall we?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. The wilderness of outer Gallifrey. Ready to go?
[ROMANA] I suppose so.
[DOCTOR] Come on, it's not the end of the universe. We're home.
[ROMANA] Sorry.
[DOCTOR] Oh please, don't keep apologising. Try and brighten up.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Romana!
(Forest clearing)
[DOCTOR] Romana! This isn't Gallifrey.
[ROMANA] It certainly isn't.
(By the lake)
[OMRIL] Hey! Get them!
[OMRIL] No sign of them. Well, at least they got noriver fruits.
[RYSIK] I suppose that's something.
[OMRIL] Let's go.
[VARSH] That was close.
[TYLOS] Easy, Varsh. You said it would be easy.
[VARSH] All right, Tylos
[TYLOS] It's not all right.
[KEARA] Look. Down there.
[TYLOS] Decider Draith. And Dexeter. What are they doing here?
(By the lake)
[DEXETER] Yes, there seems to be a trace. Just a trace.
[DOCTOR] That is Gallifrey. That is Gallifrey.
[K9] Coordinates are correct, master.
[ROMANA] Ten zero eleven zero zero by zero two. K9 is right.
[DOCTOR] But it's absurd. It's just absurd.
[K9] Master.
[ROMANA] What are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] Well, we can't take off until we find out precisely what'swrong with the Tardis.
[ROMANA] Doctor, the last time you tried that
[DOCTOR] Practice, practice
(By the lake)
[DRAITH] They seem to be moving.
[DEXETER] It's the same sign noted fifty years ago by Corellis and Dell.They postulated that they might be eggs of some kind.
[DRAITH] Insect eggs?
[DEXETER] Perhaps. Unfamiliar insect life is supposed to precede eachincident.
[DRAITH] Yes, it's true.
[DEXETER] Can you confirm this? Is it mentioned in the System Files?
[DRAITH] You overreach yourself, Dexeter.
[DEXETER] Forgive me, Decider, but if there is some way we can letscience illuminate your inner knowledge, you
[DRAITH] I cannot discuss the System Files. Sometimes I wish I couldshare it with someone, but I too must obey the Procedure.
[DEXETER] Of course, Decider.
(Outler's cave)
[VARSH] So, you want to be an Outler.
[ADRIC] I'm serious.
[TYLOS] Nobody joins unless we all agree.
[VARSH] You belong in the Starliner, Adric.
[KEARA] Ask him the Embarkation Question.
[TYLOS] Yes, go on.
[VARSH] When the Starliner leaves Alzarius, were will you be?
[ADRIC] Not here.
[TYLOS] You see?
[KEARA] He'll be in the Starliner.
[TYLOS] If it ever does take off.
[ADRIC] It will!
[TYLOS] He believes all that stuff
[ADRIC] It will take off. But I won't be on it.
[KEARA] And you won't be on Alzarius either?
[ADRIC] I don't know. I'll be somewhere else.
[TYLOS] Daydreamer.
[ADRIC] I'm sorry, I just can't explain.
[KEARA] He belongs in the Great Hall of Books with all the otherdreamers.
[TYLOS] Anyway, we said no Elites. Unless you want to make special rulesfor your brother?
[VARSH] We've broken all family ties.
[ADRIC] But I don't expect special treatment.
[KEARA] Don't you? Isn't that what the star's for?
[ADRIC] That is for mathematical excellence.
[KEARA] So the boy can count. Give it to me.
[(Adric grabs Keara's arm and twists it behind her back.) ADRIC] Keepyour hands off it!
[KEARA] Let go!
[ADRIC] And don't tell me what to do. I've had enough orders in theStarliner. Can't you keep these two under better control?
[KEARA] He talks like a Decider already.
[TYLOS] He's no better than we are.
[ADRIC] Of course I'm better than you. I'm an Elite.
[VARSH] That won't help you outside the Starliner when you're strugglingto stay alive.
[ADRIC] It's you people who talk like Deciders.
[KEARA] What?
[ADRIC] I mean, you can't even steal a few river fruits.
[TYLOS] I'd like to see you try.
[ADRIC] All right.
[VARSH] Go back to the Starliner, Adric.
[TYLOS] No. If your little brother really wants to prove himself
[VARSH] They'll be guarding the fruits now. It's too dangerous for us.
[TYLOS] We don't have badges for mathematical excellence. You know whatthis is?
[TYLOS] It's our badge. It has to be earned.
[ADRIC] Right.
(Science unit)
[NEFRED] If this is Mistfall
[DEXETER] I hope so, Decider Nefred. Scientifically.
[GARIF] You're too young to remember the last one, Dexeter, but it's notsomething I look forward to.
[GARIF] Nor Decider Draith, I'm sure.
[DEXETER] Decider Draith. I must get back to him.
[NEFRED] I was a boy the last time the mists came. Horrible. Horrible.
[DEXETER] A kind of spider. Incomprehensible lifeform. Infectious.
(By the lake)
[OMRIL] Dexeter again. What's going on?
[RYSIK] I told you something was up. I told you.
[DRAITH] Let me through. Make way.
[DRAITH] Indeed. Mistfall!
[SWIMMER] Help me! Help us!
[DRAITH] In the water!
[OMRIL] Come on, let's get them.
[DRAITH] Citizens! Citizens. Citizens! As First Decider and Keeper ofthe System Files, I must announce to you the coming of Mistfall.
[DRAITH] There is no need to be alarmed as long as you all follow theProcedure. We have two hours.
[DRAITH] Adric!
[DEXETER] Decider, come back! They're not worth it!
[VARSH] Split up. We'll meet back at the cave.
(By the lake)
[DRAITH] Adric! Come on, they're closing the Starliner. Come on.
[DRAITH] Come on, come on.
[ADRIC] Leave me alone.
(Starliner reception)
[LOGIN] Have you seen my daughter? Have you seen any of the Outlers?
[MAN 3] No, no.
[LOGIN] Is there been any news.
[NEFRED] Citizen Login. What is it?
[LOGIN] Sirs, forgive me.
[GARIF] Your daughter?
[LOGIN] She's out there, unprotected. Is there nothing we can do?
[NEFRED] She and the other Outlers chose to leave us, Login.
[GARIF] The doors must close.
[LOGIN] But Keara, she's so young.
[NEFRED] And you, Login, are a greatly valued citizen, but we cannotchange the law for you.
[GARIF] Not even for Decider Draith. He too has only one hour in whichto return.
(By the lake)
[ADRIC] Decider! Decider Draith!
[DRAITH] Tell Dexeter we've come full circle
(Starliner reception)
[NEFRED] Time to start up the siren.
[NEFRED] Still no sign of Decider Draith.
[GARIF] When those doors close, you will be First Decider.
[NEFRED] And we shall need a third.
[ROMANA] What was that noise?
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] I thought I heard a noise.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course you heard a noise.
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
(Outler's cave)
[KEARA] We saw it, Varsh.
[VARSH] Anything could make that water bubble. It could be anything!
[KEARA] It could be Mistfall.
[VARSH] Mistfall's a myth!
[TYLOS] The others don't think so. I saw them heading back to theStarliner.
[VARSH] Deserters!
[KEARA] It's just us now.
[VARSH] And Adric. Don't let the Deciders fool you. They've taken thesethings and twisted them to their own advantage.
[TYLOS] Well, you'd better be right, or else we're dead.
(Romana's room)
[ADRIC] I've got to warn them.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ADRIC] Mistfall.
[DOCTOR] Mistfall?
[ADRIC] My brother says it's a myth. The Outlers all think the Decidersare lying. But I've seen it.
[DOCTOR] Mistfall?
(Starliner reception)
[GARIF] The internment may be a long one. Ten years perhaps until westep onto the surface again.
[NEFRED] Decider Draith is too late. Seal the doors.
[LOGIN] Have you seen Keara or Tylos?
[LOGIN] No! There are others out there. My daughter! My daughter.
[NEFRED] The air out there cannot support life. We have to seal thedoors. We need all our strength, Citizen Login.
[LOGIN] You're quite right. We must redouble our effort toward theEmbarkation.
[NEFRED] A fine spirit. Yes, our work must continue.
[GARIF] Our first task must be to choose a new Decider.
[LOGIN] Yes, of course.
[NEFRED] We thought of seeking your advice on the matter.
[DOCTOR] Wrong place at the wrong time.
[ROMANA] Again.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] Sounds like a type D oligarchy. Typical use of propaganda. Hecould have been hallucinating. A folk tale, a myth.
[ADRIC] That blue box I saw. I saw a blue box.
[DOCTOR] A blue box. Really? What was it like?
[ADRIC] Well it was old. And there was a door. No, there were two doors,and they opened inwards. And there was something funny about them.Handles weren't on the same level.
[DOCTOR] Quite right. We're inside it. It's called a Tardis. This boy'snot hallucinating. How's your transcendental dimensionalism? Never mindabout that. Come on, K9.
[ROMANA] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] Well, to the marsh. We can't stand around here theorising. Theboy convinces me.
[ROMANA] Yes, but we still haven't worked out what's wrong with this.
[DOCTOR] What's wrong with what?
[ROMANA] Oh, the console, the scanner.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that. Yes, that recurring image of Gallifrey. Well, it'ssomething really quite simple. The image translator reads the absolutevalues of the coordinates.
[ROMANA] Of course it does. Real space doesn't have (penny drops)negative coordinates. Doctor, that disruption we came through.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's just a thought.
[ROMANA] It's a very nasty thought. That would mean that we're out ofreal space altogether.
(By the lake)
[DOCTOR] What do you make of this fog, K9?
[K9] Unfamiliar composition. Initial analysis indicates non-toxic.
[DOCTOR] Non-toxic?
[ADRIC] I must go back and warn the others.
[ROMANA] Fifteen, four, two. Er, you'd better take this.
[ADRIC] Oh, a homing device.
[ROMANA] Yes. It'll help you find your way back to the Tardis. How's theknee?
[ADRIC] Healed.
[ROMANA] Adric.
(By the lake)
[K9] Master, alert.
(By the lake)
[DOCTOR] They've stopped moving, K9.
[K9] The observation is correct.
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's get out of sight.
[K9] Slow movement is advised, master.
(Outler's cave)
[VARSH] Decider Draith is dead?
[TYLOS] Well, leader?
[VARSH] All right, all right, maybe I was wrong. You'd better not belying, Adric.
[ADRIC] The Doctor believed me.
[TYLOS] He is lying.
[ADRIC] No, I'm not. Look. They gave me that.
[ADRIC] It's a homing device for locating the Tardis.
[KEARA] They've sealed the Starliner.
[TYLOS] The mist is getting thicker.
[VARSH] The Tardis.
[KEARA] We can't stay here.
[VARSH] Why not the Tardis, Adric?
[ADRIC] It's too small.
[TYLOS] That's not what you told us.
[KEARA] You said it was huge
[ADRIC] Well, I can't remember where it is.
[DOCTOR] It's as if they're trying to acclimatise, which they seem to bedoing rather quickly. Follow them, K9.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Let me know where they settle.
[DOCTOR] Hello?
[DOCTOR] Oh. How odd. I usually get on terribly well with children.
[ROMANA] Negative coordinates.
[ROMANA] Doctor, I've calculated that the
[VARSH] We're taking over your ship.
(Great Book Room)
[GARIF] Nefred, I must speak with you. Nefred, is something wrong?
[NEFRED] Garif, I have seen the System Files.
[GARIF] As is your right.
[NEFRED] Garif, if you could but guess.
[GARIF] Only you are entitled to those secrets.
[NEFRED] But such secrets, Garif. Such secrets.
[GARIF] You're right about Login. We must have him with us.
[NEFRED] He's probably the most respected man in the community.
[GARIF] After yourself.
[NEFRED] After no one.
[GARIF] What if he refuses the post?
[NEFRED] I shall be very afraid.
[LOGIN] Deciders.
[NEFRED] Ah, Login. Have you made up your mind?
[LOGIN] I have.
[NEFRED] Do you accept the post?
[LOGIN] I do.
[NEFRED] And your daughter?
[LOGIN] Keara? Keara was a disruptive element.
[NEFRED] And what is your first concern?
[LOGIN] The welfare of the community and the work toward theEmbarkation.
[GARIF] Well done. And welcome, Decider Login.
[VARSH] Where is the Doctor?
[ROMANA] On his way back.
[ROMANA] Ow! Get off.
[KEARA] Watch out!
[ROMANA] Your knife.
[ADRIC] I'm sorry. This is my fault.
[ROMANA] What do you want?
[VARSH] It's Mistfall.
[ROMANA] The Doctor.
[ADRIC] How did you do that?
[ROMANA] I'm not quite sure.
[KEARA] What's happening?
[ADRIC] I don't know!
[ROMANA] Something has picked up the Tardis.
(Outside the Starliner)
[DOCTOR] Hello?
(Starliner reception)
[DOCTOR] Hello? Hello?
[DOCTOR] Hello?
[DOCTOR] Hello?
(Great Book Room)
[NEFRED] Even as our ancestors journeyed from Terradon, and even as ourdescendants will one day return there, so we are once again enclosedwithin our Starliner. This great ship brought us far from our ownshores and long ago, damaged and departing from its course, landed ourforebears in this alien land. Citizens, we are not of this planet.Therefore we will lack nothing, though we have lost its suns, itswaters, and its rich fruits.
[NEFRED [OC]] For generations, the Starliner has been our shelter and areminder of our true home, but
(Great Book Room)
[NEFRED] We will not falter. Rather, we willredouble our efforts towards the Embarkation!
[ALL] Towards the Embarkation!
[NEFRED] Citizens, continue the work of maintenance.
[TYLOS] Let's get out of here.
[VARSH] We don't know what's out there.
[TYLOS] I'm not staying here. I don't trust her.
[ROMANA] What about Mistfall?
[TYLOS] We'll go back to the Starliner.
[VARSH] The Starliner is closed.
[ROMANA] Adric, is there any machinery on your planet that could liftthe Tardis?
[ADRIC] How heavy is it?
[ROMANA] Er, five times ten to the six kilos in your gravity.
[TYLOS] Deciders' talk.
[KEARA] When Mistfall comes, the giants leave the swamp.
[VARSH] The marshmen.
[TYLOS] You're trying to scare us. Are you suggesting the marshmencarried this thing?
[ROMANA] Let's have a look.
[VARSH] That's not Alzarius.
[ROMANA] No, its still Gallifrey. If the Doctor's theory's right, we'llneed a local image translator to see what's out there.
[ADRIC] Or we could just look out through the door.
[MAN [OC]] Maintenance unit nine to level seven insection thirteen. Maintenance unit nine to level seven in sectionthirteen.
[MAN [OC]] Peripheral maintenance units seventeen and twenty two tolevel ten.
[MAN [OC]] Peripheral maintenance units seventeen and twenty two tolevel ten.
[OMRIL] A creature from the marsh. Shush.
[OMRIL] Get back.
[DOCTOR] Gently, gently. Can't you see it's terrified?
[OMRIL] What do you mean it's. Who are you?
[DOCTOR] A visitor.
[OMRIL] But how did you? You unsealed the entrance.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but I sealed it up again. I try to leave things as theyare. Shush. Come on, come on. You're all right. Come on. Everything'sgoing to be all right. You're quite safe with me.
(Great Book Room)
[OMRIL] Intruders, Decider. This one unsealed the entrance.
[LOGIN] What?
[GARIF] That creature! A marsh creature!
[OMRIL] It's docile. Totally harmless.
[GARIF] We've waited a long time to examine one of these. Take it toDexeter.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no, no. Leave it alone. Leave it alone. Shush,shush.
[NEFRED] I am Nefred.
[GARIF] I am Garif.
[LOGIN] I am Login.
[DOCTOR] And I am the Doctor.
[NEFRED] We have questions to put to you.
(Outler's cave)
[K9] Do not be afraid. I am non-hostile. Operating in data acquisitionmode. Explain your
[ROMANA] Oh! K9.
[ADRIC] That was your computer?
[ROMANA] Yes. Oh, he can be repaired. In fact, we always seem to berepairing him.
[VARSH] Senseless creatures!
[ROMANA] I don't think so. They're adapting very fast. That'sintelligent behaviour.
[TYLOS] Intelligent? Trying to kill us?
[ROMANA] But they probably don't even know there's anyone in here. Tothem the Tardis is just a big boulder.
[KEARA] Why did they choose this cave?
[VARSH] Yes, why our cave?
[ROMANA] Why did you choose this cave?
[VARSH] To keep an eye on the Starliner, of course.
[KEARA] It looks straight down into the valley.
[ROMANA] Of course.
[ADRIC] The momentum.
[ADRIC] If the Tardis is as heavy as you say
[VARSH] What is it? What momentum?
[ROMANA] Accelerating down the slope. How far, Adric?
[ADRIC] Five thousand metres.
[ROMANA] Phew. I think we're about to become a battering ram to smash inthe Starliner.
(Great Book Room)
[NEFRED] You witnessed the death of Decider Draith?
[DOCTOR] Look, I'm sure this ceremonial's all terribly impressive
[GARIF] Please answer the questions, Doctor.
[LOGIN] Decider Draith.
[DOCTOR] Well, Decider Draith was dragged into the swamp. What have themarshmen got against you?
[GARIF] We're investigating that question.
[NEFRED] They seem to resent our presence as aliens.
[DOCTOR] Why can't people be nice to one another, just for a change. Imean, I'm an alien, and you don't want to drag me into a swamp, do you.You do.
[GARIF] How do you know this about Decider Draith if you did not witnessthe event?
[DOCTOR] Well, I have a very reliable eyewitness, and then when I wentto the scene of the crime
[LOGIN] You went to the marsh?
[LOGIN] But the mists. How could you breathe?
[DOCTOR] Well, an odd smell, I agree, but definitely non-toxic.
[LOGIN] Clearly the witness is lying. The manuals say the mists arefatal.
[GARIF] Not necessarily.
[LOGIN] Not necessarily?
[NEFRED] As First Decider, I am now Keeper of the System Files.
[GARIF] The truth is known to Nefred. We must simply accept theinconsistencies.
[NEFRED] It is fitting that the citizens believe the mists aredangerous.
[GARIF] It stops them from straying when Mistfall comes.
[LOGIN] But if that is so
[NEFRED] It is for the good of the community.
[LOGIN] My daughter may still be alive.
[NEFRED] Citizen Dexeter, you have examined the marsh child?
[DEXETER] The specimen is useless. Nothing. No aggression, none of thecharacteristic traits. Useless.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on. Depends on your point of view.
[DEXETER] I'm speaking scientifically.
[DOCTOR] So am I.
[DEXETER] You're a scientist?
[DOCTOR] Nice to meet you. Useless, you say? Listen, would you care fora second opinion?
[ADRIC] You can't take off from inside a cave.
[ROMANA] Well, I'd explain but I don't think even your maths is goodenough. I'm shutting the door.
[KEARA] Wait! They're leaving!
(Outler's cave)
[ROMANA] So that's what frightened the marshmen off.
[TYLOS] More of them! Look!
[ROMANA] They're only spiders.
[ROMANA] They're only spiders.
[KEARA] The door! Shut the door!
(Outler's cave)
[ROMANA] Adric?
[ADRIC] What are you doing? Romana's out there! Open the door!
[ADRIC] I think I've pulled the wrong lever.
[TYLOS] What's happening?
[ADRIC] I don't know. I think we're travelling.
(Science unit)
[DOCTOR] What have you done to it?
[DEXETER] A little anaesthetic. I'm trying to research thepsychodynamics of these creatures. Their motivation to attack us isimmensely powerful.
[DOCTOR] It is?
[DEXETER] It's well documented. Of course, I've never seen one before,but it's in the manuals.
[DOCTOR] Well, it wasn't aggressive when I met it. Anyway, it's only ababy one.
[DEXETER] They have the same basic brain type.
[DOCTOR] Dexeter, that's not psychodynamics. You've been taking tissuesamples.
[DEXETER] A scientist is responsible to the community, Doctor. Each ofus has his task to perform.
[DOCTOR] I don't understand your tasks.
[DEXETER] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, you're all so busy. Maintenance crews everywhere. Whatare you up to?
[DEXETER] Preparing for the Embarkation, of course.
[DOCTOR] Of course. Are you leaving Alzarius?
[DEXETER] Yes. All our endeavours are directed toward the return toTerradon.
[DOCTOR] Then if you're leaving the planet, why all the fuss about themarshmen?
[DEXETER] Take a look at that tissue sample. Remarkable, isn't it,Doctor? The organisation of the cell structure.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's life, Dexeter.
[DEXETER] There are anomalies unaccounted for by the Deciders.
[DOCTOR] There are? Look, isn't it time we were getting it back to itsnatural habitat?
[DEXETER] It's too late for that, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come to think of it, it's about time I got back to my ownnatural habitat. Haven't seen a blue box with a light on top, have you?
[DOCTOR] It's called a Tardis. It must be out there somewhere.
[DEXETER] It's impossible to leave the Starliner. The doors are sealed.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I think I can organise something.
[LOGIN] What did you have in mind, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it was just a hypothetical idea.
[LOGIN] Your entry was more than a hypothesis. Perhaps our securitysystem is not all the manuals claim.
[DOCTOR] You can't always go by the manuals.
[LOGIN] Without the store of knowledge in the Great Book Room, we wouldnot have survived. Doctor, please show me how you gained access.
[DOCTOR] Certainly.
[KEARA] Varsh, do something.
[TYLOS] You're the clever one, Adric. Where are we going?
[ADRIC] How should I know? Romana set the coordinates, not me.
[MAN [OC]] Maintenance unit twelve, report yourlocation.
[DOCTOR] Can resist a sonic screwdriver, especially in expert hands.
[LOGIN] Any method of entering the Starliner is of grave concern.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me. Oh, what a pity. I thought it was an imagetranslator. I need one for my ship.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, Decider Login, why are your maintenance men removing aperfectly good optronics circuit? Tell me that.
[LOGIN] I know nothing about these matters myself, but the manuals arethorough in their requirements.
[DOCTOR] At this rate, the preparations could take years to complete.
[LOGIN] Oh, generations, Doctor. We've no illusions about that.
[DOCTOR] Generations?
[LOGIN] Well, there's always something that needs to be perfected. Alittle patience goes a long way.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but too much patience goes absolutely nowhere.
[LOGIN] You spoke of some vehicle you travel in.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I have got a vehicle and I'm feeling rather lost withoutit.
[LOGIN] I can help you to find it.
[DOCTOR] Really? Why would you do a thing like that?
[LOGIN] I have a daughter.
[MAN [OC]] Attention, Citizen Dampier, report to coordinatorimmediately.
(Starliner reception)
[LOGIN] Help me find my daughter, I'll help youfind your ship.
[DOCTOR] All right.
[LOGIN] Unseal the entrance.
[OMRIL] But the decision was made to keep the entrance sealed.
[LOGIN] Decisions can be changed.
[LOGIN] Good heavens! What is it?
[DOCTOR] Good heavens! It's Romana! Romana?
[KEARA] Father!
[DOCTOR] What?
[LOGIN] Keara! You're safe!
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[DOCTOR] Romana?
[DOCTOR] Romana? Adric! What is this, Noah's ark? Where's Romana?
[ADRIC] She's not here.
[DOCTOR] Where is she, then?
[ADRIC] Back at the cave.
[DOCTOR [OC]] What cave? Never mind!
[LOGIN] Keara, you're alive.
[DOCTOR] These short trips don't usually work. Andthe chances of reversing a short trip are even more remote. Still,here's hopping. Would you cross your fingers?
[DOCTOR] No, no. Not like that.
[DOCTOR] Very good.
(Starliner reception)
[LOGIN] There'll have to be an inquiry, but atleast you're alive.
(Outler's cave)
[DOCTOR] Romana, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Giant crab spiders.
[DOCTOR] You collect K9 together.
[ADRIC] There's a dead spider.
[DOCTOR] Collect that one, too. Are you sure you're all right, Romana?
[ROMANA] I'm fine. Who are you?
(Science unit)
[DEXETER] Of course, it should be full grown for myexperiments.
[NEFRED] But this one will do?
[DEXETER] We do need a better specimen.
[GARIF] We're lucky to have this one, aren't we, Nefred? The Doctorregards it as suitable. He seems very wise.
[DEXETER] I'm prepared to consider his theories.
[NEFRED] Dexeter, what exactly do you hope to learn?
[DEXETER] The nature of these creatures. We're afraid of them, weretreat from their presence, and yet we know nothing about them.
[NEFRED] You know nothing.
[DEXETER] I was forgetting, Decider. I understood from Decider Draiththat these creatures were mentioned in the System Files. But if wecould put that secret knowledge of yours beside what I can discover, wecould
[GARIF] What is it, Nefred?
[NEFRED] Dexeter, your experiments will be secret.
[DEXETER] Of course, Decider, if you so advise.
[NEFRED] Garif, we must confer on this matter. Meanwhile, pleasepostpone the examination.
[DEXETER] The creature is no use at all under anaesthetic. The revivalwill take about an hour.
[NEFRED] We will return before then.
(Romana's room)
[DOCTOR] She's still alive. Some kind of coma. Did you find K9's head?
[ADRIC] No, it wasn't in the cave.
[DOCTOR] No, it's not a toxin. It must be something in those spiderbites, some kind of psychochemical.
[ADRIC] How long will it last?
[DOCTOR] How do I know? Let's get back to the science unit. I want toput some of that spider tissue under the microscope.
(Great Book Room)
[OMRIL] Wait here. The Deciders are in conference.
[KEARA] About us?
[OMRIL] They have other matters on their minds. You'll have to havepatience.
[VARSH] Patience.
[OMRIL] It's a virtue, they say. But I don't suppose that would appealto stealers of river fruit.
[TYLOS] What are they going to do? Is it a trial?
[KEARA] An inquiry, my father said.
[TYLOS] What difference does it make? Are they going to kill us?
[VARSH] Of course not. It's a ploy, just psychological.
[TYLOS] That's what you said about Mistfall.
(Science unit)
[DEXETER] The creature will soon be ready for theexperiment, if the Deciders permit.
[GARIF] The First Decider has explained something of the position to us.
[LOGIN] In the past, these creatures were regarded with superstitiousawe, figures symbolising the whole of life on this planet.
[GARIF] And as such, their origins were not to be looked into.
[DEXETER] A wall of deliberate ignorance.
[GARIF] Oh, we agree. The First Decider has given his permission for theexperiments to proceed.
[DEXETER] Excellent!
[GARIF] On one condition.
[LOGIN] That we supervise.
[GARIF] And there is to be complete secrecy. Do you understand?
(Great Book Room)
[VARSH] Adric should be here.
[KEARA] You're very loyal to him.
[VARSH] I'm all he's got.
[KEARA] Poor thing.
[VARSH] You've got a father.
[OMRIL] Quiet. The Deciders are coming.
[KEARA] Now my father's a Decider, I'm an orphan too.
[NEFRED] When the Starliner crashed upon this planet, our ancestorsvowed that their one endeavour would be to repair the ship and toreturn to Terradon.
[GARIF] Each generation has renewed that vow.
[NEFRED] The work is continuous on your behalf. Isn't that right,Decider Login?
[LOGIN] Yes. On behalf of us all.
[GARIF] Then what is to be done, Decider Login, with those that betraythat vow, betray that work?
[LOGIN] I have talked to them. They are children.
[NEFRED] Very well. Do these children now understand what we're doingfor them?
[GARIF] And do they now understand the warning against Mistfall?
[NEFRED] And the supremacy of the community?
[LOGIN] I believe they do.
[GARIF] Then let them rejoin the preparation.
[NEFRED] There is no punishment.
(Starliner reception)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Stop worrying, Adric. Romana will be perfectly all rightin here.
[MAN [OC]] Maintenance unit one five briefing area two.
[DOCTOR] That's very good. Very good.
(Science unit)
[DEXETER] The anaesthetic has worn off and thecreature is now fully sentient.
(Great Book Room)
[DOCTOR] Dexeter!
[DEXETER [on screen]] Doctor, you're just in time to see my theories putto the test.
(Science unit)
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Dexeter, you promised youwouldn't harm that marsh creature.
[DEXETER] Without a scientific understanding of these creatures, we aredoomed to fear them forever.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] That's not scientific understanding, itscold-blooded murder.
[DEXETER] I repeat. I am beginning surgery.
[DOCTOR] Dexeter, please stop! You've no right. Please!
(Great Book Room)
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. Don't! Don't! No!
[NEFRED] Take away the bodies.
[DOCTOR] Adric, go back to the Tardis and wait with Romana.
[DOCTOR] You Deciders allowed this to happen.
[GARIF] The marsh creatures are mindless brutes. Animals!
[DOCTOR] Yes. Easy enough to destroy. Have you ever tried creating one?
[NEFRED] We were within our rights.
[GARIF] One might argue that Dexeter was overzealous.
[DOCTOR] Not an alibi, Deciders! You three are supposed to be leaders.
[GARIF] Certainly we are. Though, of course, Nefred is, er, is now FirstDecider.
[DOCTOR] Then Nefred is responsible.
[NEFRED] For the community, yes.
[DOCTOR] No, no! Perhaps they haven't let you in on the secret, Login.Shall I tell him, gentlemen?
[GARIF] Secret?
[DOCTOR] Yes! And the fraud of perpetual movement. The endless tasksgoing round and round. The same old components being removed andreplaced.
[LOGIN] No, Doctor, that's too harsh. The preparations are necessary.
[DOCTOR] Preparations? For what? This Starliner isn't going anywhere.
[LOGIN] Well, the manuals promise us a journey to Terradon.
[GARIF] Yes, but it must be made ready first.
[DOCTOR] Ready? It's been made ready for centuries. Look.
[DOCTOR] This ship could take off in half an hour if you had a mind toit.
[LOGIN] What?
[LOGIN] Is that true?
[NEFRED] You accuse us of willful procrastination?
[DOCTOR] Yes! The willful procrastination of endless procedure. You wantto hold onto the old order.
[NEFRED] You understand a great deal, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] True.
[NEFRED] But not everything.
[DOCTOR] That's certainly true.
[NEFRED] You're standing in the Great Book Room. These galleries containmanuals on the repair and maintenance of every single item on thisship.
[GARIF] Everything is listed, down to the smallest rivet.
[NEFRED] Thanks to the manuals that have been passed down, we can takethe Starliner apart and put it together again perfectly.
[GARIF] Though there is one thing we can't do, Doctor.
[GARIF] One secret our ancestors kept for themselves.
[DOCTOR] What's that?
[NEFRED] Nobody knows how to pilot this ship.
[DOCTOR] What?
[MAN [OC]] Unit leader Dyvo to the auxiliary power section immediately.Unit leader Dyvo to the auxiliary power section immediately.
[MAN [OC]] Additional maintenance units required by air purificationcontrol. Additional maintenance units required by air purificationcontrol.
(Science unit)
[LOGIN] The spiders only appear at Mistfall. No one's ever analysed onebefore.
[DOCTOR] Well.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Leucine, isoleucine, methionine. Hmm. Usual complementof amino acids. That's, that's odd. I've seen that cell shape somewherebefore. What about Mistfall itself? Has anyone ever analysed that?
[LOGIN] Yes, but the secret is only known to the Deciders.
[DOCTOR] What? Well, so now you know.
[LOGIN] I do, but the information is privileged.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Oh.
[LOGIN] Doctor, every fifty years or so, another planet takes Alzariusaway from its sun. The cooling process, it's inevitable.
[DOCTOR] Yes. The mists. And then the high nitrogen content in thespider cells.
[DOCTOR] So it's difficult to judge not knowing the norm on this planet.We need some tissue samples from Dexeter and the marsh child. Well, ofcourse. Now, what did Dexeter do with that slide?
[ADRIC] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Not now, Adric, not now!
[ADRIC] Doctor, its Romana.
[DOCTOR] What about Romana?
[ADRIC] She's gone!
[DOCTOR] What? What?
(Romana's room)
[ADRIC] Marshmen.
[DOCTOR] Marshmen. In my Tardis? Come on, let's find Romana.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come on!
[ADRIC] What's that?
[DOCTOR] It's the other half of my waistcoat. What's that?
[ADRIC] Image translator.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ADRIC] It's broken.
[DOCTOR] Right. No more pictures of Gallifrey, then. Come on.
[MAN [OC]] Security alert. Number one emergencyhatch has been opened. Number one emergency hatch has been opened. Security alert. Number two emergency hatch has been opened.
(Starliner reception)
[VARSH] Marsh men!
[DOCTOR] You know, she could be anywhere. Theremust be a better way of doing it than this. We've come full circle. Youknow what I think
[ADRIC] That's what the Decider said.
[DOCTOR] Decider?
[ADRIC] In the marsh.
[DOCTOR] Really? What did he say? Exactly what did he say?
[ADRIC] Tell Dexeter we've come full circle.
[DOCTOR] Tell Dexeter we've come full circle. How's your knee, by theway?
[ADRIC] That was hours ago.
[DOCTOR] That was quick.
[ADRIC] Old people take a bit longer, of course. Sometimes a whole day.
[DOCTOR] Really? Rapid cellular adaptation; that settles it.
[ADRIC] Settles what?
[DOCTOR] We're going back to the science unit. Come on!
[MAN [OC]] Allcitizens remain in their quarters. All citizens remain in theirquarters. Starliner has been boarded by
[ADRIC] Varsh!
[VARSH] Marsh men. We've got to go back for Tylos.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no! Run and get away. Take her in the science unit.
[ADRIC] But we must
[DOCTOR] In the science unit.
(Great Book Room)
[LOGIN] How did they get in? The entrances aresealed.
[GARIF] Well, if that's right, what if the doctor betrayed us?
[NEFRED] I don't think so. He's already demonstrated his great wisdom.He's not a man to side with chaos.
[GARIF] Nevertheless, chaos surrounds us. What are we to do?
[LOGIN] Yes, what are we to do?
[NEFRED] Well, Login, you're a Decider now. What are we to do?
(Starliner reception)
[DOCTOR] Tylos? Tylos?
(Science unit)
[VARSH] We're not helping much in here.
(Starliner reception)
[DOCTOR] Look, you've got alien protein in yourbrain tissue. I haven't had time to analyze it yet, but I'm sureeffects are probably only temporary. Please, please, don't do that.Look, this is your problem. Think about it. Psychopathology, huh? Whyare you doing this? Think about it. Look! Look, K9. You remember K9 andthe Tardis. That's nice. Stay by the Tardis. Stay by the Tardis. Stayby the Tardis.
(Great Book Room)
[LOGIN] It might be possible to close thissubstructure.
[GARIF] No, it seems as if the marsh creatures are already inside themain hull.
[LOGIN] The bulkheads, sir?
[NEFRED] One recourse, certainly.
[LOGIN] Nefred, Garif, we must close these bulkheads and these, and wemust gather the citizens in here at once.
[GARIF] Yes, I see the plan has some merit in it.
[LOGIN] And we must do it quickly.
[NEFRED] We must certainly respond to this crisis on a real time basis,Decider Login, but appropriately.
[GARIF] Decider Nefred is right, Decider Login.
[NEFRED] I have been constructing the histories of our relationship withthe marsh men.
[GARIF] While a single defense response has a certain appeal, we mustalso consider the long-term consequences.
[LOGIN] It's not a defensive response.
[NEFRED] We need a holistic approach, I think.
[GARIF] I wonder if you've had time to consult this manual on theperipheral unit power supplies.
(Outside the Science unit)
[ADRIC] The Doctor told us to stay in there.
[VARSH] But we're not doing anything.
[KEARA] What can we do?
[VARSH] Come on.
(Great Book Room)
[NEFRED] That the marsh creatures, though theyrarely speak, are the possessors of intellect.
[GARIF] Furthermore, they have amazing powers of adapting to newsituations.
[NEFRED] Yes, their emergence from the marsh, for instance. Breathing airthrough their gills.
[GARIF] So you can see the difficulty.
[LOGIN] So you're suggesting that we do nothing.
[GARIF] Well, nothing too precipitate. Whatever measures we do, theywill adjust to.
[LOGIN] And that is your conclusion from all this knowledge, do nothing!
[NEFRED] This knowledge and more. The assistant Deciders concur?
[GARIF] They do.
[NEFRED] Hasty action will only add to the general sense of panic.
[LOGIN] Evacuate!
[DOCTOR] I thought I told you three to stay put.
[VARSH] We want to help.
[KEARA] Doctor, where's Tylos?
[DOCTOR] He's dead.
(Great Book Room)
[LOGIN] Nefred!
(Science unit)
[DOCTOR] Lock that door and barricade it.
[DOCTOR] Dexeter's been doing DNA analysis. Adric!
[ADRIC] It is what you wanted, isn't it? For the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] But it's other people's property. Do you think its right goingaround taking other people's property?
[ADRIC] Sometimes.
[DOCTOR] Well, if it works on the TARDIS, it would definitely prove wewere in E-space.
[ADRIC] E-space?
[DOCTOR] Yes, the Exo-Space-Time Continuum, outside our own universe. Isuspect that what we came through. Look, do you mind if we do one thingat a time? Good. Now for a short course in Cytogenetics.
(Emergency hatch)
[LOGIN] Close the emergency hatch! See that thebulkheads are each closed on each end of this section.
(Science unit)
[ADRIC] So you've got spider tissue and the marshcreature.
[VARSH] And here's the first slide of batch three.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Oh! Tsk, tsk. Alas, poor Dexeter. Reduced to atangle of stained chromosomes.
[KEARA] It's ready, doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, that should put Romana to rights.
(Emergency hatch)
[NEFRED] Login, Garif, we have procrastinated toolong. If you survive this
[LOGIN] Yes!
[NEFRED] Seek out the Doctor. He can teach you to fly the starliner. Itis my wish that you all leave Alzarius.
[LOGIN] And return to Terradon? No, we cannot return to Terradon.
[GARIF] What if the Doctor shows us how?
[NEFRED] We cannot return.
[LOGIN] Why?
[NEFRED] Because we have never been there.
[GARIF] Decider Nefred, what are we to do? Tell us. Tell us what to do.
[LOGIN] He's already told us what to do. Garif, we must find the Doctor.
(Science unit)
[DOCTOR] You understand? Avoid all contact. Avoidall contact. Adric! Adric, the serum!
[KEARA] Doctor, look out!
[DOCTOR] Quick, the serum!
[LOGIN] Where's the Doctor?
[ADRIC] Follow us!
(Science unit)
[DOCTOR] Good!
[KEARA] Suppose it doesn't work?
[DOCTOR] If it doesn't work, she's dead. How long's it supposed to besince the starliner crashed?
[KEARA] Forty generations.
[DOCTOR] Forty generations. That's a good round figure. Can't be right,though.
[KEARA] Why not?
[DOCTOR] Well, evolution goes in quantum leaps, but doesn't go thatfast.
[KEARA] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Carrier type comparisons. Yes. Definitely morphological similarcarrier types. Plus the inversions in bands eight to ten might besignificant. I need to establish how long the evolutionary process hastaken.
[KEARA] From spiders to marsh creatures?
[DOCTOR] From spiders to marsh creatures and beyond.
[ROMANA [OC]] You could try gel electrophoresis.
[DOCTOR] That's a good idea.
(Starliner reception)
[LOGIN] Tylos!
[VARSH] Don't touch him! Look out! We're all right, go on!
[LOGIN] We'll find the doctor, come on!
[ADRIC] My cylinder is running out!
[VARSH] Leave this to me. Go and get more oxygen!
[ADRIC] I can't leave you on your own!
[VARSH] Adric, don't argue!
(Science unit)
[ROMANA] Forty generations? More like four thousandgenerations.
[KEARA] Since the Starliner crashed?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The Deciders procrastinated more than we thought.
[KEARA] Can I see? How can you tell all that from the marsh creaturecells?
[DOCTOR] That's not the marsh creature. That's Dexeter.
[KEARA] Dexeter?
[DOCTOR] That's the marsh creature. And that's the spider.
[KEARA] The same cells.
[DOCTOR] Adric!
[ADRIC] Varsh is trapped!
[DOCTOR] What?
(Starliner reception)
[VARSH] Adric!
[ADRIC] Varsh!
[DOCTOR] Is he dead? Poor Varsh. Have you any more oxygen?
[LOGIN] As much as you want. We have an electrolytic power system
[DOCTOR] Which will actually make the stuff?
[LOGIN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Splendid. Enough to fill the whole starliner?
[LOGIN] Well, I'll see what I can do.
[KEARA] He saved our lives. You'd better keep this for him.
(Power unit)
[COMPUTER] Oxygen supply to all areas. Oxygensupply to all areas. Oxygen supply to all areas.
(Emergency hatch)
[GARIF] We've got to kill them. Kill them!
[DOCTOR] No. No, I think we should let them go.
[GARIF] What?
[DOCTOR] Look! They adapted quickly.
[GARIF] They'll learn to breath the air.
[GARIF] They might break into the ship and wipe out the crew.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Still the manuals in the great book room will show themhow to put it all together again.
[GARIF] They could learn to read?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Just like they did forty thousand generations ago. They're yourancestors.
[LOGIN] Nefred's dying words. That's why we can't return to Terradon.
[GARIF] It's horrible!
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't think so. We're all basically primeval slime withideas above its station.
[GARIF] How can you compare us to those, those things?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I see what you mean. I suppose they are adaptive,intelligent.
[GARIF] Login, shut the door. They've gone.
[LOGIN] But how long for?
[GARIF] What?
[LOGIN] They've learned to get out.
[GARIF] Well, quite. Will they learn to come in?
(Starliner reception)
[LOGIN] So the first marsh men came to resemble theoriginal crew of the starliner.
[DOCTOR] Yes. The creatures most willing to survive in it.
[GARIF] Terradonians. We are not Terradonians.
[DOCTOR] I know you're not Terradonians. You're not marsh men either,are you? Which is what they seem to resent.
[GARIF] I'm afraid they'll return. If they re-enter the ship
[LOGIN] We must do what Nefred said. Doctor, you must fly the starliner.You must fly us out of here.
[DOCTOR] What? You mean, fly you to Terradon?
[LOGIN] Or any other suitable planet.
[GARIF] Well, certainly. This is a colony ship. We can program it tofind them.
[ROMANA] If they stay here, generations of evolution may be wiped out.
[LOGIN] Please, Doctor, it's our whole future.
(Great Book Room)
[DOCTOR] Stabiliser. Power Fuel.
[GARIF] The system files, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[LOGIN] And this is the flight manual. I've heard of it, but I've neverseen it.
[GARIF] The pages referring to takeoff were damaged in the crash.
[DOCTOR] Shhh. Ready? Thrusters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
[ROMANA] Ground hold disengage.
[DOCTOR] Got it.
[ROMANA] Then it's just ignition.
[DOCTOR] Which is that button there, gentlemen.
[ROMANA] The manual is readable from there on.
[DOCTOR] Have a good flight gentleman!
[GARIF] Doctor!
[LOGIN] You don't want us to take off on our own?
[GARIF] Doctor, come back!
[DOCTOR] The green button gentleman!
[GARIF] Such a momentous decision!
[LOGIN] We must do what Nefred said.
[GARIF] I see his point, but on the other hand
[LOGIN] Garif, we must live up to our names. We must make this decisiontogether.
[GARIF] But you will agree. It does require some thought.
[DOCTOR] They asked me to stay on you know, becomea Decider.
[ROMANA] You, a Decider?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I decided not too.
[ROMANA] Doctor, what did happen while I was unconscious?
[DOCTOR] Oh, Adric and I were too busy to think about you.
[ROMANA] Hmm. Adric's left us a present.
[DOCTOR] Really? An Image Translator! Loot! He stole that. Still Itmight come in useful.
[ROMANA] It works!
[DOCTOR] Yes unfortunately.
[ROMANA] Negative coordinates.
[DOCTOR] Yes that settles it. We're out of our own time and space,Romana.
[ROMANA] Exo-space?
[DOCTOR] Yes. What I think we came through was a Charged VacuumEmboitment.
[ROMANA] Doctor, look. The Starliner is taking off.
[DOCTOR] Well, they made a decision.
[ROMANA] And we're trapped. Unless we can find another CVE.
[K9] Affirmative.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s18", "episode": "e03", "title": "Full Circle"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (22 Nov, 1980; Fourth Doctor) - State of Decay
(State room)
[HABRIS] It is the time of selection, my lord.
[ZARGO] Choose well, Habris. Let them be filled with life.
[AUKON] It is spirit that the Great One prizes.
[CAMILLA] Yet flesh and blood has its place.
[AUKON] I still look in vain for the first of the Chosen Ones. The GreatOne will need new servants at the Time of Arising. Remember that,Habris.
[HABRIS] My lord.
[IVO] Get back. We don't want you two.
[IVO] You, get in the line. And you.
[IVO] Go on, get back to the wall.
[HABRIS] These are the best?
[IVO] Yes.
[HABRIS] You, come here.
[IVO] He's not for the selection.
[HABRIS] I have to obey procedure.
[KARL] Why? Why do you obey them? You're not evil.
[HABRIS] Enough.
[KARL] You eat with us sometimes. I've seen you give my father wine. Mymother, my family.
[HABRIS] Do you understand?
[IVO] It has to be done.
[HABRIS] Stop him!
[HABRIS] I can promise nothing, you understand.
[IVO] It's finished. Go!
[ROMANA] Well, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm fine. The Tardis is feeling a bit queasy.
[ROMANA] Really?
[DOCTOR] Yes. So would you be if you were warping about in E-space.
[ROMANA] We are.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but not you personally.
[ROMANA] But we are personally trapped.
[DOCTOR] There's a low probability we can slip off home through anotherCVE.
[ROMANA] So we are trapped.
[DOCTOR] Please, don't keep saying that.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Not now, K9. Not now.
[ROMANA] We are. Marooned in the Exo-space time continuum.
[DOCTOR] Well, it might be quite nice here.
[ROMANA] It might be.
[DOCTOR] Yes. We won't know until we've seen the sights, met a few morepeople.
[ROMANA] Supposing there aren't any other planets here.
[DOCTOR] Come on, E-space isn't that small. Something's bound to turnup.
[ROMANA] You are incredible.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose I am, really. I've never given it much thought.
[K9] Master.
[DOCTOR] Not now, K9. What is it?
[K9] There is one isolated planet at extreme limit of scanner range.
[DOCTOR] Well, why didn't you tell me? Is it inhabited?
[K9] Habitable.
[DOCTOR] Atmosphere?
[K9] Atmosphere and gravity approximate closely to Earth normal. Dayequivalent to twenty three point three Earth hours, year to threehundred and fifty Earth days.
[ROMANA] How did you know?
[DOCTOR] Oh, knowing's easy. Everyone does that ad nauseam. I just sortof hope.
[DOCTOR] What do you make of it, K9?
[K9] Localised concentration of metal artefacts suggests hightechnology.
[DOCTOR] Civilisation?
[K9] Low energy levels suggest primitive life forms.
[ROMANA] Sounds as if it's come and gone.
[K9] Anomalous data.
[DOCTOR] Well, at least there's life.
[DOCTOR] Yes, very nice.
[ROMANA] Why here?
[DOCTOR] Well, I put us down close to K9's energy concentration.
[DOCTOR] Ah. There! Look. Protective castle, village dwellings huddledlike ducklings round their mother. Typical medieval scene.
[ROMANA] K9 said high technology.
[DOCTOR] Computers aren't infallible.
[ROMANA] Shush.
[DOCTOR] It's awfully nice out there, K9.Protective castle with village dwellings huddled like ducklings roundtheir mother. Classic medieval scene. You'd better stay here. Come on,K9. Someone's got to stay on guard, and you can compute a reversetransition from existing data. You love doing that, eh?
(Outside the console room)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Bye, bye, K9.
[DOCTOR] On the other hand, they may have opteddeliberately for a semi-rural culture. It's a mistake to judge byappearances. Hello.
[DOCTOR] Hello. Maybe you can help us?
[DOCTOR] We were wondering if. Should have asked him the name of histailor.
[ROMANA] You mustn't judge by appearances, Doctor.
[ROMANA] He's probably the Astronomer Royal.
[IVO] Get a move on, you lot, or you'll be late! You. (to Habris)Increase the food allowances, you'd get better results. They're tooweak to work harder.
[HABRIS] I am the one who has to report to the Tower.
[IVO] You're the one who has to tell them about poor harvests.
[HABRIS] I'll see what I can do.
[IVO] Huh. That's what you said about my son.
[HABRIS] When there's news, I'll tell you.
[IVO] News? When is there ever news?
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[IVO] You're not from the village.
[HABRIS] Or the Tower.
[ROMANA] That's right.
[IVO] It isn't possible. There's nowhere else. How can you be here?
[HABRIS] My lord.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, please, just the Doctor will do. This is Romana.
[HABRIS] My lord, how may I serve you?
[DOCTOR] How may you serve me? Well.
[HABRIS] Your lord's command.
[DOCTOR] No, no. We were just wondering if there were any otherscientists
[IVO] Scientists?
[DOCTOR] Yes, scientists. You know, witch-wiggler, wangateur. Fortuneteller? Mundunugu?
[IVO] Ah! Oh, such things are forbidden. We know nothing of them here.
[HABRIS] If my lord will excuse me, my duties.
[DOCTOR] I take it you don't get many strangers here.
[IVO] Strangers?
[DOCTOR] Yes, visitors. Foreign devils. You know, people you don't know.
[IVO] Everyone here is known.
[ROMANA] Well, what about people from the next village, or the nearesttown?
[IVO] There is only the village and the Tower, nowhere else.
[DOCTOR] Who lives in this Tower of your?
[IVO] Why do you ask what everyone must know? Are you sent to test me? Iam Ivo, head man of this village like my father before me and hisfather before him. The Lords know I'm loyal.
[DOCTOR] Please, don't shout. Splendid, I'm sure. So you serve theLords, but what do the Lords do for you?
[IVO] They protect us from the Wasting.
[DOCTOR] Did you say the Wasting?
[IVO] I have work to do.
[ROMANA] Come on, Doctor. This is silly.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on, Ivo. These Lords of yours, how long have theyruled over you?
[IVO] Forever.
[DOCTOR] Really. As long as that? Well, that's a long time.
[IVO] Kalmar. Kalmar, can you hear me? (burble) Two strangers, here, inthe village. (burble burble) That's right, strangers. They were askingabout scientists.
[K9] Halt! Your presence here is unauthorised. Explain.
[ADRIC] You remember me, K9. Adric.
[K9] Immature humanoid. Non-hostile.
[ADRIC] That's better.
[K9] Your presence is still unauthorised. Explain.
[ADRIC] I stowed away.
[K9] Stowed what away?
[ADRIC] Myself. I'm a stowaway.
[K9] Stowaway. One who hides in a ship to obtain free passage.
[ADRIC] I thought I'd join up with the Doctor and see the universe.Where are we?
[K9] An unidentified planet in what is referred to as E-space.
[ADRIC] What space?
[K9] E-space, to distinguish it from the larger N-space of our ownorigin.
[ADRIC] Oh, I see. That problem again.
[K9] These concepts are unknown to me. Doctor master will explain.
[ADRIC] Where is he?
[K9] Doctor and mistress Romana have gone in search ofastro-navigational data. When I have finished my calculations
[ADRIC] You just stay here and get back to your sums and I'll go andfind them.
[K9] Stop! Your expedition is dangerous and unnecessary.
[ADRIC] Listen, K9, I'm a stowaway. I shouldn't be here at all.
[K9] Correct.
[ADRIC] Then the sooner I leave, the better.
[K9] The conclusion is logical.
[ADRIC] Gotcha.
[ROMANA] How much further are we going?
[DOCTOR] These people are more complicated than you think, you know.Only to the next village.
[ROMANA] There isn't another village.
[ROMANA] What's that noise?
[DOCTOR] Oh, just bats. They come out at night, you know. What do youmean, there isn't another village. Of course there's another village.There's got to be another village. Just a minute. Maybe you're right.K9's orbital scan. The settlement was the only thing to show up on it.
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[ROMANA] Look.
[ROMANA] Say something.
[DOCTOR] Hello. I'm the Doctor and this is Romana. Er, we were justpassing your charming planet and we thought we'd just, er, well, dropin. Look, I know this may seem a silly sort of question, but we werewondering if you could tell us something about E-space. E-space?Perhaps not.
(State room)
[ZARGO] What do you mean, vanished?
[HABRIS] We scoured the village.
[ZARGO] Then the rebels must have them.
[CAMILLA] Strangers at a time like this. Why did you not seize them whenthey first appeared?
[HABRIS] I had no orders, my lady, and there was something about them.They were no peasants, that I swear. They were Lords.
[ZARGO] We are your Lords, Habris. There are no others.
[HABRIS] Forgive me.
[ZARGO] More patrols immediately. They must be found.
[HABRIS] At once, my lord.
[AUKON] Wait.
[HABRIS] Master?
[AUKON] I will discover the whereabouts of these strangers. Spare yourguards.
[ZARGO] But strangers, Aukon.
[AUKON] If they are still on this planet, my servants will find them.
(Rebel's cave)
[DOCTOR] Well, it's quite a technocotheca you've got here.
[ROMANA] Doctor, what's a technocotheca?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I think it's some sort of museum.
[VEROS] Look at their faces. Look at their clothes. They're strangers.
[TARAK] We found them in the forest. He calls himself Doctor.
[KALMAR] Doctor? That's a word I've seen in the old records. It's atitle used by scientists. Are you a scientist, Doctor, like me?
[DOCTOR] Well, I've dabbled a bit.
[TARAK] He was asking about scientists in the Centre. All right, it'stime for some answers.
[DOCTOR] What, do you mean who are we, where do we come from that sortof thing?
[TARAK] It'll do for a start.
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's not talk about us. This looks much moreinteresting.
[DOCTOR] I see you've got some of it working.
[KALMAR] We have a generator. It gives us power for air, light and heat,and the communicators.
[TARAK] But no weapons, eh, Kalmar.
[KALMAR] When we have rediscovered basic scientific principles, we shallbe able to make weapons of our own. But it takes time.
[TARAK] How many of us have lived and died because everything takestime.
[ROMANA] How long have things been like this?
[KALMAR] Forever. The Lords rule in the Tower, the peasants toil in thefields. Nothing has changed in a thousand years.
[TARAK] But it will change when we overthrow the Lords.
[DOCTOR] What? Isn't that a bit dangerous? I mean, a chap in the villagetold me the Lords protected you from the Wasting.
[KALMAR] You know about the Wasting?
[DOCTOR] Well, only by hearsay. What is the Wasting?
[TARAK] The Wasting?
[TARAK] The Wasting is
[TARAK] The Wasting.
[MARTA] Got you! Who are you? How did you come here?
[ADRIC] Oh, I walked.
[MARTA] I don't know you.
[ADRIC] Well, I don't know you, either.
[MARTA] But that's not possible.
[ADRIC] I'm looking for two friends of mine. I don't suppose you've seenthem, have you? Tall man with curly hair and a silly scarf. There'll bea girl with him.
[MARTA] There were two strangers here earlier, a lord and a lady.
[ADRIC] Any idea where they could be?
[MARTA] They went to the Tower.
[IVO] What are you doing with my bread? Who are you?
[MARTA] He's looking for the two strangers.
[IVO] Let him look somewhere else, then.
[MARTA] No, you can't let him go out now. It's not safe. Let him staythe night at least. Maybe his friends will come for him.
[IVO] And what if someone from the Tower comes, eh?
[MARTA] What, now? That's hardly likely. Here, boy, you take this.
[MARTA] It belonged to my son.
[ADRIC] Whatever you say. Well, if I'm staying.
[ADRIC] You wouldn't have any cheese, would you?
[MARTA] Cheese?
[ADRIC] Never mind.
(Rebel's cave)
[DOCTOR] How long ago was that?
[TARAK] Years ago. Some of us were on the run from Zargo and his men. Weescaped into the wasteland and discovered this, all kinds of wonderfulthings just thrown about, half hidden. There was even food, mountainsof it.
[KALMAR] Some of us could still read. It's forbidden, but the knowledgewas passed on in secret.
[DOCTOR] What? Reading forbidden?
[KALMAR] All science, all knowledge is forbidden by the Lords. Thepenalty for knowledge is death.
[ROMANA] No schools of any kind?
[KALMAR] Children start in the fields as soon as they can walk, staythere till they grow up, grow old and die.
[TARAK] Those that escape the selection.
[ROMANA] What's the selection?
[TARAK] Some are taken to the Tower to serve the Lords.
[KALMAR] So they say.
[ROMANA] I see you've got a lot to rebel against.
[DOCTOR] Just a minute. Got it. Ha, ha!
[DOCTOR] Now we'll find out something. I
[DOCTOR] Oh, must have been out of guarantee. Instruction manual wouldbe helpful.
[ROMANA] Nonsense, it's just a standard Earth-type databank. I'll haveto crack the entry code, but. Earth type!
[DOCTOR] Ah, lovely old technology. Back on twentieth century Earth, theengineers used to just
[DOCTOR] Definitely an Earth device.
[ROMANA] Ship's manifest and cargo, flight plan from Earth. So it isEarth. Crew of exploration vessel Hydrax en route from Earthdestination Beta Two in the Perugellis sector.
[DOCTOR] Instead of which they finish up here.
[ROMANA] Hmm, they must have gone through a CVE as well. Ship'sofficers, Captain Miles Sharkey, Navigational officer Lauren MacMillan,Science officer Anthony O'Connor. Identification pictures follow. It'sstill legible.
[DOCTOR] Yes, not bad after a thousand years in memory.
[TARAK] Those faces!
[DOCTOR] Yes, long since dead.
[TARAK] I was a Tower guard before I joined Kalmar. I saw them everyday.
[DOCTOR] What?
[TARAK] But, as you say, it can't be.
[DOCTOR] Who did you see every day?
[TARAK] The three who rule. The King, his Queen.
[DOCTOR] That's two.
[TARAK] And Aukon, the councillor. No, I'm sorry, I see their faceseverywhere. If you knew these people, Doctor
[DOCTOR] Well, I think it's time we got to know them, don't you, Romana?
[VEROS] They're supposed to be our prisoners, or have you forgottenthat?
[KALMAR] No. While I lead, I will make the decision. They are free togo.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[ROMANA] It's getting dark suddenly.
[DOCTOR] Night must fall, Romana, even in E-space.
[ROMANA] Doesn't feel natural. There's that noise again.
[DOCTOR] Never mind. It's bats. Quite harmless.
[DOCTOR] Ow! Well, in theory. That one was a bit carnivorous.
[ROMANA] Do you mind if we get a move on?
[DOCTOR] Come on!
[ROMANA] Look!
[HABRIS] You are awaited at the Tower. Come.
(State room)
[HABRIS] Stop. Wait here. Do not move.
[DOCTOR] Funny about the windows.
[ROMANA] What windows?
[DOCTOR] Yes, and then there's the general architectural style. Wouldyou call it rococo?
[ROMANA] No, I wouldn't.
[DOCTOR] Just testing a theory.
[ROMANA] Oh. Doctor?
[ZARGO] Greetings.
[DOCTOR] Greetings. How do you do? I'm the Doctor.
[ROMANA] I'm Romana.
[ZARGO] We know who you are.
[CAMILLA] We know everything here.
[DOCTOR] Gosh.
[ZARGO] What we do not know is why you are here.
[DOCTOR] Oh, er, well, we were just admiring your tower. Weren't weadmiring the tower?
[CAMILLA] It was built many generations ago, before living memory.
[ZARGO] You are space travellers?
[ROMANA] Doesn't that surprise you?
[ZARGO] Nothing surprises us. A little refreshment?
[ZARGO] May you both enjoy your visit.
[CAMILLA] As we will enjoy having you.
[DOCTOR] Well, you certainly do very well for yourselves here.
[ZARGO] We struggle to retain some remnants of civilisation. On anisolated, primitive planet like this, it isn't easy.
[DOCTOR] No, no, indeed. Still, you do better than the peasants. Bull'sblood, I think.
[CAMILLA] The peasants are simple folk. Richer fare would only distressthem.
[DOCTOR] Quite right. Probably give them indigestion. There's nothingworse than a peasant with indigestion. Makes them quite rebellious. Ihear you've been having trouble that way.
[CAMILLA] There are always a few ungrateful ones who do not appreciateall that we do for them.
[ROMANA] And what do you do for them, apart from saving them fromgluttony?
[ZARGO] We protect them.
[CAMILLA] There are many dangers on this planet.
[DOCTOR] Ah well, toodle-oo.
[DOCTOR] Sorry. Are you all right?
[ROMANA] Yes, it's nothing. It's a tiny cut.
[CAMILLA] You've hurt yourself. Let me see. Please, let me see.
[ROMANA] Really, there's no need to make such a fuss over a few drops ofblood.
[ZARGO] Doctor, you still have not told us why you came here.
[ROMANA] Bad luck, mostly.
[DOCTOR] Yes, we were blown off-course.
[ROMANA] A universe off-course.
[DOCTOR] We were hoping you'd tell us how you got here, or better still,how to get back.
[ZARGO] I fear we cannot help you. Our records say we came from somedistant planet. A freak accident.
[CAMILLA] We can never return home. Our technology is lost.
[DOCTOR] Such a pity.
[CAMILLA] However, there are compensations.
[ADRIC] So every so often these guards just turn up, sort out a fewyoung people and take them to the Tower?
[MARTA] It is the custom.
[ADRIC] And they become guards?
[MARTA] A few. But most of them, no. Yesterday they took our son.
[ADRIC] Why do you stand for it?
[MARTA] It is our place to serve. Besides, resistance would be useless.
[MARTA] Our son, Karl, tried to run.
[IVO] Karl will be chosen for a guard. I have Habris' word on it.
[ADRIC] Someone should stand up to these Tower people.
[IVO] Those who speak out against them die, silently, at night.
[MARTA] There were rumours that there were a band of rebels in thewastelands, but no one knows for sure. Our son Karl tried to join them
[IVO] Enough, woman! And you, boy, get on with your work. If your luckholds, they may not notice you.
[ADRIC] Look, you've been very kind and I'm grateful, but if the Doctordoesn't turn up soon I shall go and look for him.
[MARTA] No, you must stay here.
[ADRIC] Why? What can I do here?
[IVO] Survive, if you're lucky.
[MARTA] Work, sleep, serve the Lords faithfully and well, and they'llallow you to live until you die, worn out. That's all there is for us.
[ADRIC] Not for me.
[HABRIS] All of you!
[IVO] What are you doing here, Habris? The selection was yesterday.
[HABRIS] There's to be another.
[MARTA] So soon? It's against all custom.
[HABRIS] The orders are from the Tower. Do you question them? And you.
[HABRIS] Lord Aukon himself is here.
[AUKON] Interesting.
[AUKON] A mind that shields itself. One who pretends to be a dull andstupid peasant, but who is different.
[ADRIC] Who, me?
[AUKON] You. You, come with me.
[ADRIC] Why?
[AUKON] Spirit too, I see. Excellent.
[ADRIC] Come with you? What's in it for me?
[AUKON] Wealth, power, dominion over this world, and over many others.
(State room)
[DOCTOR] Surely you realise something here must bewrong?
[ZARGO] Wrong?
[CAMILLA] What is, is.
[DOCTOR] No. What is, is wrong. Look, societies develop in varying ways.Yours just seems to be sinking back into some sort of primitivism.Wouldn't you say so?
[ROMANA] Oh, yes. In terms of applied socioenergetics, it's losing itsgrip on level two development.
[DOCTOR] On level two?
[ROMANA] A society that evolve backwards must be subject to some evenmore powerful force restraining it.
[DOCTOR] An even more powerful force?
[ZARGO] How very mysterious.
[DOCTOR] Well, mysterious or not, those rebels seem to think the poweremanates from you.
[CAMILLA] They flatter us.
[ZARGO] In any society there is bound to be a division. The rulers andthe ruled.
[DOCTOR] A division? Yawning chasm, I'd say. Wouldn't you?
[ROMANA] No, I'd say a sociopathetic abscess.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I wish I'd thought of that. That's a good diagnosis. Yes,I've never seen such a state of decay.
[CAMILLA] Be careful, Doctor. We have acquired great powers.
[ZARGO] There must be rulers. A ship of state must have a pilot.
[DOCTOR] What did you say?
[ZARGO] Ship of state.
[DOCTOR] Ship of state?
[ZARGO] A metaphor.
[DOCTOR] Ah. It's just odd, you see, that he should mention that,because Romana and I have just been at your ship's old manifest and Ican't remember what the ship was called but Romana might be able toremember. What was it called, Romana?
[ROMANA] Hydrax.
[DOCTOR] Yes, Hydrax. Does that mean anything to you? Hydrax? Hydrax?
[ZARGO] Where did you see this?
[CAMILLA] Be silent.
[ZARGO] Those records were destroyed.
[CAMILLA] I said be silent.
[DOCTOR] No, please don't be silent. It's so fascinating.
[HABRIS] My lord, it is time.
[ZARGO] How dare you interrupt us!
[HABRIS] Aukon has seen the sign. The Arising is at hand.
[CAMILLA] The Arising? Leave us.
[ZARGO] We must go to him.
[CAMILLA] We shall resume this later. If you need anything, there areguards outside the door. Many guards.
[DOCTOR] You know something? I don't think they want to be followed.Let's sit down.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, this is much more comfortable. What were those Hydraxofficers called?
[ROMANA] Captain Miles Sharkey, Navigation Officer Lauren MacMillan,Science Officer Anthony O'Connor.
[DOCTOR] That's very good. Have you ever heard of the Brothers Grimm?
[ROMANA] This is no time for fairy tales.
[DOCTOR] They also discovered the Law of Consonantal Shift. How languagechanges over the years.
[ROMANA] You mean the hard sounds softening, B's becoming V's and so on.
[ROMANA] Camilla, Aukon and Zargo. Wait a minute. Sharkey, Zharkey,Zarkey, Zar, Zargo. The same name passed down through generations.
[DOCTOR] That's right. And MacMillan becomes?
[ROMANA] Camilla.
[DOCTOR] And O'Connor becomes?
[ROMANA] Aukon. The descendants of the original ship's officers.
[DOCTOR] Yes. And this is the original ship. The pilot here, co-pilotthere. No, no, no, pilot there, co-pilot here. Instrument banks there,control panels there.
[ROMANA] You mean this is the Hydrax, the explorer ship?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Do you fancy exploring it?
[DOCTOR] Inspection hatch.
[ROMANA] Ahem. Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Inspection hatch.
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Romana, I've found the inspection hatch.
(Resting place)
[AUKON] When my servants were seeking the Doctor, Isensed another alien mind not far away. I traced it to the village andhere he is. The first of the Chosen Ones, at last.
[ZARGO] But he is an alien. He must have come with the two strangers.
[CAMILLA] The Chosen Ones were to be from amongst the peasants.
[AUKON] We have bred dullness, conformity, obedience into those clodsfor twenty generations. Unfortunately, we have also bred out just thosequalities we need for other purposes.
[ZARGO] This disturbs me, Aukon.
[CAMILLA] We have been talking to this Doctor and his companion.
[ZARGO] The Doctor's mind is powerful, but he is dangerous. He must die.
[AUKON] Not before I have questioned him.
[ZARGO] I say he is dangerous and must die. The boy too. We need noaliens to join us. Let him feed the Great One with his blood.
[AUKON] The boy is still young. His mind is strong, clear, butmalleable. We can make of him what we wish.
[CAMILLA] Aukon is right. What does it matter where he comes from? Oncehe is initiated, he is ours. We must increase our numbers as the GreatOne commands or he will be angry. And such a handsome child.
[AUKON] I will take him to be prepared. Come.
(Rebel's cave)
[KALMAR] They're taken, then. Captives in theTower, all three.
[TARAK] What are we going to do about it?
[KALMAR] What do you mean?
[TARAK] This Doctor is our only gleam of hope in a thousand years. Areyou going to let Zargo and the rest destroy him?
[KALMAR] Perhaps they won't harm him.
[TARAK] They'll kill him, Kalmar. Him and the girl. You know theirpowers. They'll sense he's a danger to them and they'll destroy him.
[KALMAR] Perhaps. It's out of our hands now.
[TARAK] It needn't be.
[KALMAR] What can we do?
[TARAK] Attack the Tower, rescue them.
[KALMAR] A handful of men with knives and bows and spears, and the powerof the three to face if we do get past them?
[TARAK] Will you stay here forever fiddling with this technologicaljunk?
[KALMAR] We need knowledge to attack the Lords. We must wait until weare ready.
[TARAK] Wait? For how long? A few more generations?
[KALMAR] If necessary, yes.
[TARAK] And you think the same? Will anyone come with me to the Tower?Or must I go alone.
[VEROS] Kalmar is right. It's too soon.
[TARAK] Too soon. Kalmar, you are right.
[KALMAR] I am?
[TARAK] To attack the Tower now would be suicide.
[KALMAR] Glad you realise it.
[TARAK] But if I go in alone, rescue the Doctor, bring him back here, hewill have discovered their weaknesses, and with the knowledge he cangive us, then will you attack?
[KALMAR] How will you gain entrance to the Tower?
[TARAK] I was a guard once, remember?
[TARAK] So, I can be one again.
(State room)
[HABRIS] I swear to you, my lord, the state roomwas guarded at all times.
[ZARGO] Then where are the Doctor and the girl?
[HABRIS] My lord, they are aliens. Who knows what powers they mighthave?
[ZARGO] Absurd. They are weaponless. Find them, Habris, or you shall goto feed the Great One.
[ZARGO] Search the Tower. Search the lands around.
[HABRIS] My lord.
[CAMILLA] You're wrong.
[ZARGO] What?
[CAMILLA] The Doctor is not weaponless. He has the greatest weapon ofall. Knowledge.
(Flight deck)
[ROMANA] We must be right inside the turret.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It's an Arrow class scout ship, Romana. It detaches fromthe main vessel for local exploration.
[ROMANA] I wonder why they didn't rip out all these instruments, too.
[DOCTOR] Well, why bother? No one comes here. Look! There's even a bitof power left in the energy cells.
[ROMANA] So it could still fly?
[DOCTOR] Possibly.
[ROMANA] Could we possibly jet our way out?
[DOCTOR] Getting out is not exactly the object of our mission, is it?
[ROMANA] It proved your point that this is a spaceship.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[ROMANA] Sounds like a faint engine noise.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[ROMANA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] More evidence.
[ROMANA] Of what?
[DOCTOR] I have a suspicion, but it's too horrible to think about.
(Fuel tanks)
[ROMANA] Now where are we?
[DOCTOR] Right in the bowels of the ship. Disused fuel tanks, I think.
[ROMANA] I can hear that sound again.
[ROMANA] What are we looking for?
[DOCTOR] A way out.
[DOCTOR] I doubt very much if the creature lives in the Tower, but sincethe Tower feeds it I imagine it lives close by.
[ROMANA] Creature? What creature?
[DOCTOR] We'll know that when we find it.
[ROMANA] That's nice.
[DOCTOR] They've been completely drained. Pipe leading.
[DOCTOR] I was wrong, Romana. The fuel tanks aren't disused. Only thisisn't rocket fuel, it's blood.
(Resting place)
[DOCTOR] You all right?
[ROMANA] No, I'm frightened.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. We'll soon be there.
[ROMANA] That's what frightens me.
[DOCTOR] Come on. Ah!
[ROMANA] What is it? What is it?
[DOCTOR] You jumped on my toe.
[ROMANA] Oh, I'm so sorry.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] It's that sound again.
[ROMANA] That's not an engine.
[DOCTOR] No. The sound of a giant heartbeat.
[ROMANA] Doctor?
[ROMANA] Look.
[DOCTOR] Do you know what that is?
[ROMANA] A feeding system for something that lives on human blood.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Come on.
[ROMANA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Do you know, it just occurs to me. There are vampire legends onalmost every inhabited planet.
[ROMANA] Really?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Creatures that stalk in the night and feast on the bloodof the living. Creatures that fear sunlight and running water andcertain herbs. Creatures that are so strong they can only be killed bybeheading, or a stake through the heart.
[ROMANA] Or? Please, say something.
[DOCTOR] Whatever it is, we want to find it, don't we?
[DOCTOR] Good. Come on then.
[ROMANA] Where are we, Doctor?
[AUKON] You are in the resting place.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[AUKON] The resting place.
[AUKON] I am Aukon. Welcome to my domain.
(Resting place)
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm glad to catch someone at home.Are we in time for a guided tour?
[AUKON] You're a fool to mock, Doctor. There is power here such as youhave never dreamed of. Can you not feel it?
[AUKON] Power, Doctor! It is the only reality. Why fight it when youcould share it?
[AUKON] When I sent my winged messengers to hunt you down, I sensed thepower of your mind. We seek such minds for our great purpose.
[DOCTOR] What purpose?
[AUKON] At the time of Arising, we servants will swarm. You could be oneof us.
[DOCTOR] I could? Well, you know, I've never been a great one forswarming. It's awfully kind of you to offer, but where were youthinking of swarming to?
[AUKON] Out of this universe and back to our own.
[ROMANA] You know the way out of E-space?
[AUKON] That is the secret of him who brought us here.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! So there was a guided tour.
[AUKON] We were summoned, the whole ship, to be his servants.
[DOCTOR] Was that when you were just plain Science Officer O'Connor?
[AUKON] What?
[ROMANA] He was O'Connor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Those officers aren't the descendants of the originals,they are the originals.
[AUKON] He has given us unending life. He summoned us here speaking tothe others through my mind. We fed and nourished him until now he isready to arise.
[ROMANA] (sotto) Suppose we pretended to cooperate till we get the dataon E-space?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Yes. No. Too dangerous.
[AUKON] Consider well, Doctor. Won't you join us, like your othercompanion?
[DOCTOR] Who's he talking about?
[ROMANA] Can't even count on this planet.
[AUKON] The boy will be the first of the Chosen Ones.
[ROMANA] Boy? What boy?
[AUKON] He came here looking for you. The name he used was Adric.
[ROMANA] Adric?
[DOCTOR] Adric?
[AUKON] You will all serve the Great One, Doctor, one way or another. Ifyou do not join us, you will feed him with your blood.
[DOCTOR] No. There is a third choice.
[AUKON] What is that?
[DOCTOR] I can destroy the Great One. Off you go, Romana!
[AUKON] Stop, Doctor! By the power that is mine, I command you.
[DOCTOR] I will not serve. I will not serve.
[AUKON] Come, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Cover your eyes, Romana. That might be all right forhalf-starved peasantry, Aukon, but it doesn't scare Time Lords.
[AUKON] Time Lords! The ancient enemies!
[ZARGO] Always so anxious to leave, Doctor?
[CAMILLA] Now is the time of our feast.
[ZARGO] We shall drain the blood from your bodies slowly.
[CAMILLA] Drop by drop.
[AUKON] Silence! I hear you, O great One. Your ever faithful servantAukon awaits your command. Yea, O Great One. Preparations are complete.Sacrifice will be made. At the time of your Arising, you shall drinkthe blood of Time Lords!
[AUKON] You have been chosen. You have both been chosen.
(Inner sanctum)
[CAMILLA] Courage. It will not fail.
[ZARGO] Aukon still retains the power he promised to share. He swore tous.
[CAMILLA] It hardly matters now. The time of the Arising is at hand, andall are equal before the Great One.
[ZARGO] And this Doctor, what is he doing here at this time?
[CAMILLA] We have him safe now. Tomorrow, his spirit will be one withours. Come, we must rest. And when we wake, we shall feed.
[ZARGO] Why am I still afraid?
[DOCTOR] There was once an old hermit from the mountains of southGallifrey.
[ROMANA] Did he lead a very sheltered life?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, he did. He used to tell me ghost stories. I like aghost story. Do you want to hear one?
[DOCTOR] It's about a race of giant vampires.
[ROMANA] Vampires?
[DOCTOR] Mmm. They came out of nowhere, and swarmed and swarmed
[ROMANA] What did they do, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Swarmed. That was the word he used.
[DOCTOR] They swarmed all over the universe. And they were so strongthat one single vampire could suck the life out of an entire planet.
[ROMANA] One single vampire could suck the life out of an entire planet?
[ROMANA] Rubbish.
[DOCTOR] Well, he wasn't a scientist. There are other ways of looking atlife, you know. Anyway, according to the story, we Time Lords huntedthem down across the universe in a war so long and so bloody that wewere sickened of violence forever.
[ROMANA] So they were all destroyed?
[DOCTOR] One of them escaped, I think.
[DOCTOR] Just vanished into thin air. Poof.
[ROMANA] Like the Hydrax into E-space.
(Outside the cell)
[TARAK] I've been sent to relieve you. Give me yourkeys and report to Habris.
[GUARD] Why?
[TARAK] Don't argue with me, argue with Habris.
[GUARD] I know you. You're Tarak. Tarak the traitor. You ran out to jointhe rebels.
[ROMANA] When was all this supposed to havehappened?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? When was all what supposed to have happened?
[ROMANA] The legend.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that. Oh, in the misty dawn of history, when even Rassilonwas young.
[ROMANA] I once worked in the Bureau of Ancient Records, for a time.
[ROMANA] Oh, nothing. It's just that I once came across a reference tosomething called the Record of Rassilon in one of the old data books.
[DOCTOR] And? Shush.
[ROMANA] And it was an emergency instruction. A copy of the book was tobe installed in certain time vehicles.
[DOCTOR] What time vehicles?
[ROMANA] Oh, I don't know. I forget.
[DOCTOR] What time vehicles?
[ROMANA] Type Forty, I think.
[DOCTOR] Psst. The Tardis is a Type Forty.
[ROMANA] Is it? Oh.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Psst. You are wonderful.
[ROMANA] Me? Wonderful? I suppose I am. I've never really thought aboutit.
[TARAK] Quick, the corridor. Where's the Doctor? Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm fine.
[TARAK] Down the corridor to the left.
(Rebel's cave)
[VEROS] Still poring over those old scientific records, Kalmar?
[KALMAR] No, something new. Look.
[VEROS] Oh, you've improved the picture. What's that, more history?
[KALMAR] Not history, Veros, the present. We're scanning the surroundingcountryside.
[VEROS] A scanner cover.
[KALMAR] With a full choice of frequencies. I only discovered thefacility by accident. There's not much to see on the visible spectrumnow that night is falling.
[VEROS] Something's moving. Can it detect life forms?
[KALMAR] I'll switch in infrared. Yes, someone's heading this way.
[VEROS] It's Ivo, Kalmar.
[KALMAR] Let him in.
[KALMAR] It's dangerous for you to come here. Why didn't you use thecommunicator?
[IVO] I have to talk face to face.
[VEROS] Look, Ivo, Kalmar's discovered a scanner.
[KALMAR] We cover all the surrounding area. Maybe reach the village andthe Tower if I can boost the range.
[VEROS] We'll be safe now. We'll have warning of an attack if the guardscome snooping.
[KALMAR] It's heat-sensitive. It measures the presence of life.
[IVO] Then it can't help me find my son.
[KALMAR] Karl?
[IVO] He's dead. Those fiends drank his blood. But you're safe, aren'tyou. Technological rats living safely in their little hole.
[KALMAR] I'm sorry.
[IVO] Anyway, that's not what I came to talk about. Look, something'shappening in the Tower tonight. Some kind of ceremony. They'll be busy,preoccupied.
[KALMAR] No, it's too soon. We must have more information.
[IVO] For me, Kalmar, it's already too late. I shall wait until tonight,gather my people together and attack the Tower.
[VEROS] Ivo, no!
[KALMAR] No, you mustn't.
[IVO] You and your heroes can watch it on the scanner, Kalmar. Butremember this. When they've finished with us, they'll come for you.
[DOCTOR] Tarak, now listen. We're going back to our ship for someinformation. I want you to tell Kalmar. No, wait. Tell Kalmar toprepare an attack, but not to move until I join you, all right?
[TARAK] Right.
[DOCTOR] Good. Come on, let's go.
[ROMANA] We've forgotten about Adric. He's still a prisoner somewhere.We've got to find him.
[DOCTOR] Adric? Adric? Where can we start?
[TARAK] Well, there is an inner sanctum. It's where nobody's allowed butthe three.
[DOCTOR] If that thing down there's what I think it is, and if itescaped into our universe, billions of lives would be lost. Could youtake me there?
[TARAK] Of course, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on. No, no. Romana, you take the Tardis and I'll take theinner sanctum.
[ROMANA] No, you take the Tardis. I'll take the inner sanctum.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ROMANA] Inner sanctum, please.
[TARAK] Certainly.
[K9] Master, the young humanoid Adric
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know, I know. What do you mean, letting stowaways aboardthe Tardis? It isn't a number nine bus, you know.
[K9] Culpability factor zero, master.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, never mind about that. We've got work to do.
[K9] Please specify task, master.
[DOCTOR] I want you to help me tap the memory core of the Tardis. Now,the information I want will be on the earliest section of the datacore. It's called the Record of Rassilon and it's to do with (strokeshis throat where the bat bit him)
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Vampires.
(Tower corridor)
[TARAK] That's the entrance to the inner sanctum.It's always guarded.
[ROMANA] Time for the old prisoner trick, wouldn't you say?
[TARAK] Come on!
[TARAK] Come on! Lord Zargo wishes to see the prisoner.
[GUARD] Zargo sleeps. It's forbidden to disturb him.
[TARAK] I have my orders.
[GUARD] And I have mine. No one must pass this door.
[TARAK] I will take full responsibility. The code key, please.
[ROMANA] No, not like that.
[GUARD] Just a minute. Who are you?
[ROMANA] Do you know the Lady Camilla?
[GUARD] Of course.
[ROMANA] I just happen to be her blood group separator.
[GUARD] What? Hey, you
[TARAK] Okay?
[ROMANA] Well done.
(Inner sanctum)
[TARAK] This way. We have to move quietly.
[ROMANA] Shush. Let's hope they're sleeping.
[TARAK] Let's hope they don't wake up. I've heard that when they wake,they wake hungry.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[K9] Nothing.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[K9] Nothing.
[DOCTOR] Nothing? What do you mean, nothing?
[K9] Nothing, master. There is mention of the Record of Rassilon.
[DOCTOR] Have you tried Rassilon, Record of?
[K9] Access attempted under all permutations.
[DOCTOR] Vampires.
[K9] Information on vampires totally absent from Tardis databanks.
[DOCTOR] Okay, try your folklore section.
[K9] My folklore section contains vampire lore from seventeen inhabitedplanets. I will begin with Earth, the legend of Count Dracula.
[DOCTOR] No, thank you. Not Dracula. Emergency instructions.
[K9] There are eighteen thousand three hundred and forty eight emergencyinstructions. I will now list them in code order. One
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, thank you. No, thank you.
[K9] There is a magnetic card system on this vehicle, master.
[DOCTOR] Well, why didn't you say? Of course!
(Inner sanctum)
[TARAK] We could destroy them now, while they're sleeping.
[ROMANA] They can only be destroyed with a wooden stake.
[TARAK] There's this.
[ROMANA] It's not a wooden stake, Tarak. We're supposed to be lookingfor Adric, remember?
[TARAK] Your friend?
[ROMANA] I'm just wondering if we've found him in time.
[DOCTOR] The Record of Rassilon.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good. The Record of Rassilon.
[DOCTOR] Got it! Vampire army. Phew, listen to this, K9. So powerfulwere the bodies of these great creatures, and so fiercely did theycling to life, that they were impossible to kill, save by the use ofbow ships. Bow ships? What are bow ships?
[K9] Bow ships, unknown.
[DOCTOR] Never mind. Yet slain they all were, and to the last one, bythe Lords of Time. The Lords of Time destroying them utterly. Well,that's good news. However, when the bodies were counted (gasp) I knewit. Just like the legend said. When the bodies were counted, the KingVampire, mightiest and most malevolent of all, had vanished, even tohis shadow, from time and space. Until now.
[K9] Continue, master.
[DOCTOR] Hence it is the directive of Rassilon that any Time Lord whocomes upon this enemy of our people and of all living things, shall useall his efforts to destroy him, even at the cost of his own life.
[K9] Query. How may this creature be destroyed?
[DOCTOR] What? That's a good question. Let's see what it says aboutbattle.
[DOCTOR] Cattle, rattle, battle.
[DOCTOR] Got it. Energy weapons were useless because the monstersabsorbed and transmuted the energy using it to become stronger.Therefore Rassilon ordered the construction of bow ships. Ah. Swiftvessels that fired a mighty bold of steel that transfixed the monstersthrough the heart. For only if his heart be utterly destroyed will avampire die.
[K9] Query.
[DOCTOR] What? What is it?
[K9] Is this data of practical value, master?
[DOCTOR] Well, it might come in useful, if we can only lay our hands ona mighty bolt of steel.
(Inner sanctum)
[ROMANA] Surely not so soon. The mutation must takesome time.
[TARAK] Maybe he's still under hypnosis?
[ROMANA] Adric, wake up.
[ROMANA] Wake up!
[ROMANA] I'm trying to rescue you. Come on.
[ADRIC] It's like a kind of dream. Someone was whispering to me aboutpower and eternal life.
[ADRIC] They're going to initiate me at some big ceremony tonight.
[ROMANA] Come on, Adric. We've got to get out of here.
[ZARGO] I think not.
[TARAK] Look out!
[TARAK] No! No! No!
[CAMILLA] You killed him. The blood of the dead is stale and flat. Imust feed on the living.
[ZARGO] We still have these.
(Inner sanctum)
[ZARGO] Go, Aukon. It is too late to interfere now.
[AUKON] I said no. Get back. The boy is the first of the Chosen Ones,soon to be one of us. He is not for you.
[CAMILLA] The girl, then. Let us have the girl.
[AUKON] The girl is a Time Lord. One of the ancient enemies of the GreatOne. She is to be held for sacrifice at the time of Arising.
[DOCTOR] It's no good, K9.
[K9] Master?
[DOCTOR] Listen. I'm going to have to go to the rebels for help. Butwill they help, I ask myself.
[K9] Probability of indigenous dissident group rendering effectiveassistance, very low.
[DOCTOR] Shush. I'm thinking. I've got to make a very impressiveentrance. Something that'll win them over entirely. Got it! Right, K9,we need a slight spatial movement and no temporary displacement. Verytricky, these short hops.
[K9] Information, master.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[K9] The relative smallness of E-space should render fractionalincrements more stable.
[DOCTOR] But of course. Good boy, K9.
(Rebel's cave)
[VEROS] We can't let Ivo and the villagers attackalone. They'll be slaughtered!
[KALMAR] Will it help if we're slaughtered with them, just as we'rewinning back the old knowledge? I refuse to throw it all away.
[VEROS] Ivo was right, then. You do prefer these toys to human life.
[KALMAR] Because they are the slow secret of victory. Why do you thinkthey are so afraid of science?
[VEROS] The Doctor was a scientist. Like all the rest, he vanished inthe Tower.
[DOCTOR] Halt! Don't move. Look, I'm awfully sorry to drop in on youlike this, but we do have a bit of a crisis on our hands.
(Inner sanctum)
[AUKON] We stand on the very threshold of our triumph. I have communedwith the mind of the Great One and he is ready. Thanks to the blood andsouls we have fed to him for so long, his body is healed of wounds,regenerated and whole once more.
[ZARGO] And he will arise tonight?
[AUKON] It is certain. When all is prepared we will go to the restingplace and summon him.
[CAMILLA] When he wakes, he will be hungry.
[ZARGO] Ivo and his faithful villagers will be able to perform one lastservice for their masters.
[CAMILLA] And when they are consumed
[AUKON] We shall leave this miserable space trap for the real universe.Rich, fat worlds teeming with life. We shall suck their life blooduntil they are empty husks, and pass on to more worlds, and yet stillmore.
[CAMILLA] Countless inhabited planets all waiting to feed our hunger.
[ZARGO] I have served a thousand years for this.
[AUKON] At midnight, our servitude will end and our glory begin. But theproper rituals must be carried out, or the Great One will bedispleased. Zargo, Camilla, you will initiate the boy, after I havesacrificed the girl.
(Rebel's cave)
[DOCTOR] Lack of weapons. No experience. Odds almost insurmountable.But! He who outlives this day and comes safe home shall stand a-tiptoewhen this day is named and rouse him at the name of E-space!
[DOCTOR] Well, that's the problem. There's got to be an answer.
[KALMAR] What?
[DOCTOR] That's the question.
[VEROS] We must join forces with Ivo and attack the Tower. Tarak wasright!
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes.
[KALMAR] Where is Tarak now? We dare not attack the Tower until we areready.
[DOCTOR] You've got to be ready. You people have had a thousand years torid yourselves of this evil and now all you've got are three hours.
[KALMAR] Do you really expect us to believe that some great creaturesleeps beneath the Tower and is about to awake and destroy us?
[DOCTOR] Where do you think Zargo and his friends got their powers?
[KALMAR] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] No, and that's the very devil of it. If I had any instrumentswith me, I could show you.
[KALMAR] The scanner.
[DOCTOR] Scanner. Scanner?
[KALMAR] The console you got working for us. I discovered anotherfacility.
[DOCTOR] Range?
[KALMAR] It should reach the Tower.
[DOCTOR] Right, Now, Kalmar, you'll see I'm telling you the truth.Gather round, gentlemen. Hang on a minute, hang on a minute. It'll takea moment or two for the picture to steady. There we are. Oh, it seemsto scan right through the spectrum.
[KALMAR] There's the Tower.
[DOCTOR] Yes. The spectrum's a bit weak at the moment. Infra-red.Picking up sleeping life forms. Now we're going into x-ray. Watch thearea below the Tower.
[VEROS] What is it?
[DOCTOR] The heartbeat of the Great Vampire. Well, Kalmar?
[KALMAR] See if you can raise Ivo on the communicator.
(State room)
[ADRIC] So the vampires in the stories are just pale imitations of thereal thing?
[ROMANA] If the Doctor's suspicions are right.
[ADRIC] Oh yes, the Doctor. Is he coming back from the Tardis?
[ROMANA] Well, we were supposed to join him there after we'd rescuedyou.
[ADRIC] Only you didn't, did you.
[ROMANA] Didn't what?
[ADRIC] Rescue me. Tarak got killed, you got caught, and the Doctor'ssafely out of it. He can clear off in the Tardis whenever he likes.
[ROMANA] How dare you, Adric!
[ADRIC] It looks as if this is one time the goodies don't win after all.Still, I'm all right, aren't I.
[ROMANA] Oh yes, you are all right. You haven't done so much betteryourself. You stow away in our Tardis, you expect us to
[ADRIC] Now look! I've been offered a partnership. Power and eternallife, they said.
[ROMANA] They are vampires, Adric. Do you want to become one of them?
[ADRIC] You said yourself, you're on the menu. If it's a choice betweenthat and joining the diners, I mean, there's no sense in two of usgetting the chop.
[ROMANA] When the Doctor gets back from the Tardis, he is going to needyour help.
[ADRIC] Why am I being kept prisoner like this? She's the sacrifice, notme. I'm supposed to be a Chosen One.
[ADRIC] I'm sorry, Time Lady. One of my family's died for your lotalready. I reckon one's enough.
[ROMANA] Adric, do you know what happens to vampires when they die?
[ADRIC] But they don't die, do they, Aukon.
[AUKON] Release him, and prepare him for the ceremony. Prepare thesacrifice also.
[AUKON] It is time.
(Rebel's cave)
[DOCTOR] Our HQ, the Tower. Now, we can take the Tower between us.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'm pretty sure of that.
[IVO] But what about Aukon?
[DOCTOR] Aukon and his friends will be distracted by the ceremony.
[IVO] But what about the guards?
[DOCTOR] Well, there are ways of dealing with guards.
[IVO] But how do we deal with that?
[KALMAR] You said your people killed thousands of them.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but that was after a long and bloody war, and they had bowships that fire mighty bolts of steel and pierced each vampire's heart.
[IVO] Maybe there's another way to kill them?
[DOCTOR] Their cardiovascular system's incredibly efficient. They canjust seal over minor wounds. Yes, there's a very practical reason forthe traditional wooden stake.
[IVO] If we sharpened a tree trunk
[DOCTOR] No, I doubt if even that would be big enough, and anyway, howcould we propel it? Mighty bolt of steel.
[IVO] A catapult?
[DOCTOR] Of course. Of course! An arrow of steel, and I've been lookingat it all this time. Right, gentlemen, let's gather round and finaliseour plans. Now, we need a group of your best men, a sort of commandoforce.
[IVO] You'll lead us then, Doctor?
[ALL] Yes!
[DOCTOR] It's all right, it's all right. I've got other things to worryabout. But, I can lend you a very useful tool. Armoured. Immune tohypnotism.
[IVO] Yes?
[DOCTOR] And a dead shot with a nose laser.
[IVO] Good.
[K9] Reconfigured in aggression mode, master.
(Tower entrance)
[IVO] Yes.
[GUARD] Guards!
(Outside the State room)
[VEROS] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
(State room)
[KALMAR] Stay calm, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] The others have gone, therefore the ceremony must have started.Now listen to me, all of you. I want you to hold this Tower until K9gives the signal.
[IVO] We will not take orders from that thing.
[DOCTOR] One day you'll apologise for that.
[IVO] Never!
[DOCTOR] Shush. Never mind. Just trust me, it'll work. After K9'ssignal, you evacuate the Tower and make your way round to the caves. Ifyou should find Romana and Adric, see if you can rescue them and getaway from here as far and as fast as you can. Got it? Good. Go. Stop.Don't forget, K9 gives the signal.
(Resting place)
[ADRIC] Listen, I've got a plan. Can you hear me?
[HABRIS] My lord.
[AUKON] How dare you interrupt us!
[HABRIS] We are attacked, my lord. The Doctor with rebels and villagers,and some strange mechanical beast that shoots men down.
[ZARGO] We must go back.
[AUKON] No. The time of Arising is now.
[HABRIS] Then send your servants, my lord. Send the bats.
[AUKON] I have need of them. The guards must hold the Tower to the lastman.
[HABRIS] We are outnumbered. Unless you aid us, we shall all be killed.
[AUKON] Then die. That is the purpose of guards. Go.
[CAMILLA] When they have taken the Tower, they will come to attack us.
[AUKON] By the time the Tower falls, the Great One will have arisen. Weshall be invincible.
[DOCTOR] Three scoutships, three chances. Now, which one first? Thisone.
(Outside the State room)
[IVO] Habris.
[IVO] This is for my son.
[HABRIS] I tried to help him.
(Flight deck 1)
[DOCTOR] Come on. Dead as a dinosaur. The circuits must be corroded.Have to try one of the others.
(Resting place)
[AUKON] Now, the sacrifice is make ready.
[AUKON] Seize him.
(Flight deck 2)
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[DOCTOR] One to go.
(Resting place)
[AUKON] O Great One, hear us. We celebrate yourArising with the sacrifice of a Time Lord, one of the race of yourenemies. Drink her soul and grow strong.
[AUKON] Come, O servants of the Great One, come. Drink the blood of thesacrifice.
(Flight deck 3)
[DOCTOR] Come on. Come on! What happened to allthat Earth craftsmanship, eh? Just because you've been laid up for athousand years.
[DOCTOR] A scintilla of power left in the energy cells, a few drops offuel. Oh, lovely Earth craftsmanship.
(State room)
[K9] Leave at once. Evacuate the Tower. Evacuate.
(Flight deck 3)
[DOCTOR] That should do it. Short trip, quick flip.Time to be going, Doctor.
(Resting place)
[AUKON] The ship!
[ZARGO] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] Romana! Right, time for me to tell you what happened.
[ROMANA] You sent the scout ship on a little trip.
[DOCTOR] Right. Yes.
[AUKON] He rises! See, the Great One rises!
[AUKON] He comes! The Great One comes!
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, don't worry. Have you ever heard the expressionwhat goes up must come down?
[DOCTOR] I wish I hadn't.
[AUKON] No! No!
[DOCTOR] Get down! Get down!
[DOCTOR] There was never really anything to worry about. Their time wasup. Well done. Well done, well done, well done.
[ADRIC] So that's what happens to vampires when they die.
[ROMANA] Glad you didn't join them?
[ADRIC] I'm sorry about that. It was just a bluff. It just so happens Iwas trying to rescue you.
[ROMANA] But you didn't, did you.
[IVO] Well, we've dealt with the Tower, Doctor. Now, what about thismonster?
[KALMAR] What did you do?
[DOCTOR] Well, I just fired off one of the rocket ships, you see, and Iarranged the controls so that it went straight up
[ROMANA] And came straight down again.
[IVO] But what about the lords, Zargo and the others?
[DOCTOR] Ah. Well, they just went to pieces.
[KALMAR] Doctor.
[KALMAR] As once scientist to another, congratulations.
[DOCTOR] It was nothing.
[IVO] There is one thing, Doctor.
[IVO] I feel I really must apologise for the things I said about K9.
[DOCTOR] Go on, then.
[IVO] Well done, dog.
[K9] Your thanks are recorded.
(Rebel's cave)
[DOCTOR] There, that should do it.
[DOCTOR] There, that should do it. Well, Kalmar, there's all theknowledge you'll need in there. Use it well, and if that's what youwant, you can be a high technological society in no time.
[KALMAR] We'll do our best, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good, good.
[KALMAR] Doctor?
[KALMAR] If we can get the main ship working
[DOCTOR] Yes? Inside, you two. We just have to get on with this.
[KALMAR] Is there any way out of this E-space? Perhaps one day we canget back to Earth.
[DOCTOR] Well, I really don't know. You see, we came here by accident,but you were brought here by the Great Vampire's brain and his secretdied with him. Kalmar, such good luck.
[KALMAR] Thank you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] And you, young man, you're going straight home.
[ADRIC [OC]] But Doctor
[DOCTOR [OC]] You're going straight back to the Starliner.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s18", "episode": "e04", "title": "State of Decay"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (3 Jan, 1981; Fourth Doctor) - Warrior's Gate
[SAGAN [OC]] Eighty. Seventy.
[SAGAN [OC]] Sixty. Fifty. Forty.
[SAGAN [OC]] Thirty, twenty nine, twenty eight, twenty seven, twentysix.
[SAGAN [OC]] Twenty five, twenty four, twenty three, twenty two, twentyone, twenty.
[SAGAN [OC]] Nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, fourteen,thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four,three, two, one, zero.
[RORVIK] Hit it! Hit it!
[PACKARD] How can I hit it? He's still not visualising.
[RORVIK] Well, jump them.
[PACKARD] What, the timelines? You can't do it blind.
[RORVIK] I'll say what we can and can't do. Oh, anything's better thanstaying here. Ignition!
[SAGAN] We have lift off.
[RORVIK] Now we'll have to see, Biroc. Show us where we're going.
[RORVIK] Right. High-tension cable. We'll run it to his feed point. Thatought to boost him.
[PACKARD] Kill him, more like.
[RORVIK] Always looking on the gloomy side, Packard.
[ALDO] He'll kill him.
[ROYCE] You want to bet?
[RORVIK] Connect the cable and switch on. (Biroc stiffens.)
[SAGAN] We're closing on something.
[ALDO] All right, it's fifty fifty. Okay.
[PACKARD] He's right! We're heading for a time rift!
[ROMANA] One more go.
[DOCTOR] Haven't you done enough damage already?
[ROMANA] It's not me, it's a time rift. She won't respond to thecoordinates.
[DOCTOR] Here, let me have a try. Just needs a little friendlypersuasion, that's all.
[ROMANA] I have been friendly!
[DOCTOR] Probably too friendly. I said a little friendly. Firm butfriendly. Watch.
[DOCTOR] There.
[DOCTOR] It's jammed. I've lost control. We're adrift in E-space.
[ROMANA] Come on, Doctor. We've got to do something.
[DOCTOR] Have we?
[ROMANA] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Maybe that's it.
[ROMANA] What, drifting?
[DOCTOR] The way out of E-space.
[SAGAN] Helm readings show no space, no time, just like before.
[RORVIK] Damn you, Biroc. Right back where we started. Stuck in thisnothing for months and months and now this.
[PACKARD] We've got damage!
[RORVIK] Well, of course we've got damage! How bad?
[SAGAN] Lane's taking a look.
[LANE [OC]] Lane to Bridge.
[PACKARD] What's the news?
[LANE [OC]] The outer shell's torn. A rip you can climb right through.In fact, I just did.
[PACKARD] Never mind the frills. What about the hull?
[LANE [OC]] I'm checking that. Nothing structural that I can see.
(Outer skin breach)
[LANE] The electrics are falling apart though. Tsk, dear oh dear. Ow.
[RORVIK] Lane, will you stop fooling around andgive me a proper report. Lane!
[PACKARD] What about the warp drive?
[RORVIK] Packard's worried about the warp drive.
[LANE [OC]] If this power line goes up, there won't be any warp drive.
[ROMANA] Go on, then, admit it. You don't know whatyour doing.
[DOCTOR] I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just following intuition.
[ROMANA] It's no better than tossing a coin.
[DOCTOR] What's so improbable about tossing a coin? Never heard of theI-Ching?
[ROMANA] Superstition.
[DOCTOR] Random samplings that affect the broad flow of the materialuniverse.
[ROMANA] The holistic view?
[DOCTOR] The holistic view.
[ROMANA] Huh. Astral Jung.
[ADRIC] What's the I-Ching?
[K9] Ancient Chinese book of philosophy accessed by random sampling.
[ADRIC] So how does that work then?
[K9] One traditional method is tossing of coins. The I-Ching methodologycasts doubt on the value of normal causalistic procedures.
[K9] And, of course, vice versa.
[LANE [OC]] You were asking about the warp drive?
[LANE [OC]] Don't ask. It's shot to hell.
[RORVIK] Okay, Lane. Back in here.
[RORVIK] Lane?
[PACKARD] Lane? Lane? Lane! Huh! Communications are breaking up now!
[RORVIK] What about you, Biroc? Are you breaking up? Why no pictures?
[ALDO] He's going.
[RORVIK] You blew out my warp drive. You did that on purpose.
[ROYCE] What a waste. I wouldn't get much for his scrap value.
[PACKARD] We've got to get him patched up. We'll lose him.
[RORVIK] Typical Packard. Always thinking of your bonus.
[RORVIK] Sagan, Kilroy. Take him below and get him fixed up.
[ALDO] We're back in nowhere.
[ROYCE] Well, nowhere's somewhere.
[ALDO] Somewhere that's not even suppose to exist.
[RORVIK] Report from the helm. That's you, remember? Instrumentationstatus.
[PACKARD] What do you want me to say?
[RORVIK [OC]] Bridge, yes? Lane, is that you? What is it, man?
[RORVIK [OC]] Well?
[DOCTOR] It's always darkest before the storm.
[ROMANA] Dawn.
[DOCTOR] Dawn. Isn't that right, K9?
[ROMANA] According to your theory, we just press any button and hope forthe best.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well that might help.
[ROMANA] But not that button!
[DOCTOR] You didn't really think I'd activate the Reverse Bias, did you?Huh. It's extremely difficult to generate non-determinate action. Imean, ha. Maybe, subconsciously, I wanted to press that button.
[ROMANA] In full flight?
[DOCTOR] Yes. In full flight.
[ROMANA] Ahem, Doctor, can I have a word with you?
[ROMANA] Have you got a death wish?
[DOCTOR] No, I don't think so. Don't you want to get back to Gallifrey?
[ROMANA] You know I don't want to get back to Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll burn that bridge when we come to it. It's allacademic unless we find the CVE.
[ROMANA] What about Adric?
[DOCTOR] What about Adric?
[ROMANA] Well, if we get out of E-Space, we'll be taking him away fromhis own universe.
[ROMANA] Do we have that right?
[DOCTOR] Oh, he'll love it on Gallifrey.
[K9] Hexagram nine. Hsiao Ch'u. The taming power of the small. Quote, ifyou are sincere, blood vanishes and fear gives way.
[DOCTOR] What have you just done? What's he just done, K9? K9
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's perfectly all right then.
[DOCTOR] You all right, Romana?
[ROMANA] I'm fine.
[DOCTOR] Adric?
[ADRIC] I think so.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[DOCTOR] Ah! Time winds!
[RORVIK] So now we've got a busted warp motor andno navigator. Nowhere to go and no way of getting there. Yes? Any viewson that?
[SAGAN] Wait a minute!
[RORVIK] A minute. We've got all eternity.
[SAGAN] I'm getting something on the short range scanner.
[RORVIK] What is it?
[SAGAN] I don't know, but it's solid and it's moving.
[PACKARD] I've got it over here, too. It looks as if we've got company.
[SAGAN] They're coming in to land.
[ROMANA] He's out of phase.
[DOCTOR] Of course. That's how he got in. He's on a different timeline.
[ROMANA] But he should be torn apart.
[PACKARD] They might have someone who can fix the warp motor.
[RORVIK] So why are they caught between the timelines like us?
[PACKARD] Well, we won't know that until we find out, will we?
[RORVIK] And we still need Biroc back, or we'll have to get one of theother ones out of storage.
[PACKARD] You can't revive any of them out here. You need the fullapparatus.
[RORVIK] Oh, we can jury rig something if necessary. So some of them maydie. And that cuts into everybody's profits, a chunk out of everybody'sbonus. If you want to complain, bring it to Mister Sagan here, becausehe's the one who managed to lose your navigator for you. We're goingout to that ship.
[LANE] How will I find it?
[PACKARD] Portable Mass Detector. Aldo, Royce! Break it out from thestores, will you.
[ROYCE] Let's have the keys then.
[ALDO] I gave them to you.
[ROYCE] It's non-stop, Aldo. Non-stop.
[RORVIK] You'll be leading the way.
[LANE] Why me?
[RORVIK] In case they're hostile.
[ROMANA] Can he see us?
[DOCTOR] About the same way as we can see him.
[ROMANA] Who are you?
[BIROC] I am Biroc. Others follow.
[DOCTOR] Others?
[BIROC] Believe nothing they say. They are not Biroc's kind.
[ROMANA] But what are you?
[BIROC] The shadow of my past and of your future.
[DOCTOR] The shadow of his past
[ROMANA] And of our future.
[DOCTOR] Romana, check those coordinates.
[ROMANA] They're all locked off at zero.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Now listen, you two stay here and hold the fort. I'm goingto follow Biroc. Come on K9. K9? Come on. He wasn't built to withstandthis type of punishment. Come on now, come on.
[ADRIC] Maybe it was the time winds.
[DOCTOR] He's still alive!
[ROMANA] Doctor.
[ROMANA] Zero coordinates.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Ponder on that.
[ADRIC] Ponder on what?
[ROMANA] Don't you see? Our N-space is positive and your E-space isnegative.
[ADRIC] I see. Then this must be the intersection. Well, somewhere nearthe intersection.
[ROMANA] If the Doctor can find it.
[ADRIC] You're sure you can repair him? What's N-space like?
[ROMANA] I've just told you, Adric. It's positive.
[ADRIC] Hmm. Well, I must say I'm quite looking forward to going therewith you and the Doctor.
[ROMANA] What if The Doctor and I went different ways?
[ADRIC] But you wouldn't, would you.
[ROMANA] Now, these are parts of his oops!
[ROMANA] Memory. How are you feeling, K9?
[K9] Misconception of the functional nature of this unit. I neither feelnor find it necessary to express states of efficiency or dysfunction.
[ADRIC] Does that mean he feels all right?
[ROMANA] I'll have to check.
[K9] All systems functioning. Recommend priority transferred to thethree humanoid life forms approaching the Tardis.
[ADRIC] What? He's having delusions!
[ROMANA] These stores really are the limit. Nothing's catalogued. Halfthe shelves are empty. This was all I could find. Adric? Adric.
[ROMANA] But that's impossible. The coordinates are at zero.
[K9] Probability computes at zero point zero zero zero five seven,mistress. Please apply point six seven error correction to thisestimate. Error in error correction estimate estimated at point threeseven zero five.
[ROMANA] We should do something. He'll go like this forever.
[K9] Correction. All present and correct. King's Regulations bracketsArmy close brackets report of the orderly sergeant to the officer ofthe day. Default is martial
[ROMANA] It's all going to be all right, K9.
[ADRIC] They've got guns! Oh, I wish the Doctor were here.
[ROMANA] So do I. Oh, never mind. It's all going to be fine. I'm fullyqualified. Bring me a box.
(Outside the Tardis)
[RORVIK] Well?
[PACKARD] It's a solid object.
[RORVIK] Check.
[LANE] These readings don't make sense.
[RORVIK] Oh, give me a printout.
[LANE] It's a ship.
[PACKARD] What, for midgets?
[LANE] Or a coffin for a very large man.
[RORVIK] Yes, all right, that's enough of that. Let's bust it open.
(Great hall)
(Great hall)
[DOCTOR] This could be a very short friendship.
[ROMANA] If they've got a mass detector, they mayhave compatible memory wafers.
[ADRIC] For K9?
[ADRIC] Why don't we go out and ask them?
[ROMANA] What, trust them? Remember what Biroc said.
[ADRIC] And why believe Biroc?
[ROMANA] Because he was running. Keep your eyes on the screen.
[ADRIC] Well, then, what are we going to do?
[ROMANA] I'll go. If they're all right, I'll give you a signal and youcan come out. If not, stay put. Especially if I do this.
(Outside the Tardis)
[ROMANA] Hello.
[RORVIK] Who are you?
[ROMANA] Romanadvoratrelundar.
[PACKARD] Are you alone?
[ROMANA] Not now you're here. Can I help you?
[RORVIK] Or can we help you?
[ROMANA] It depends. Isn't that a mass detector? Rather handy forfinding your way around in all this. Where are you from?
[LANE] Our ship. The warp drive packed up.
[RORVIK] She doesn't mean that. We're traders. Do you know what a Tharillooks like?
[ROMANA] Would that be a sort of leonine mesomorph, with a lot of hair?
[PACKARD] Yeah, that's him. Our navigator.
[RORVIK] Have you seen him?
[ROMANA] Vision is subjective. Particularly if the object is looselyconnected to the time lines.
[RORVIK] What do you know about the time lines?
[ROMANA] My ship travels through them. So does yours.
[PACKARD] How do you know that?
[ROMANA] It must do. That's how we've all got stuck here. We are in thetheoretical medium between the striations of the continuum.
[PACKARD] Stuck? Who says we're stuck?
[RORVIK] If you're time-travelling, where's your Tharil?
[ROMANA] Tharils? I don't use Tharils.
[PACKARD] You must use Tharils. How can you navigate if you can't seewhere you're going?
[ROMANA] I use a digitally modelled time cone isometry parallel bussedinto the image translator. Local motion is mapped in each refresh cycle
[RORVIK] Yes, well, never mind all that. Biroc. Where did he go?
[ROMANA] That's an interesting philosophical questions.
[ADRIC] They may have compatible memory wafers.That's what Romana said.
[K9] Wafers memory compatible have may they.
[ADRIC] What?
[K9] Query imprecise. Additional data required.
(Outside the Tardis)
[ROMANA] What's the matter with your warp drive?
[LANE] It's the main power line. The insulation's gone. A few more
[PACKARD] Nothing we can't fix.
[RORVIK] No, wait a minute. You know about warp drive?
[ROMANA] What are you using, continuum warp or implicate theory?
[LANE] Supralight speed with dampers.
[ROMANA] Huh. Well, it's probably your toroidal time dilators. They'reusually the first to go.
[ROMANA] Where is your ship?
[ROMANA] This way.
[PACKARD] We don't want her snooping around.
[RORVIK] You don't think so?
[RORVIK] Good job you're not running this outfit. She must be a timesensitive, like the Tharils.
(Great hall)
[DOCTOR] You're a machine. I usually get on so well with machines. Idon't suppose you happen to know the way out into N-space, do you? Ibelieve it's somewhere around here. It's er.
[DOCTOR] Uh oh.
[K9] Alert. Danger.
[ADRIC] Romana's in danger? Come on, let's get after her. No, I forgot.You stay there.
[K9] Orientation in the void dangerous without computer assistance.
[ADRIC] But are you up to it, K9?
[K9] Question irrelevant. This unit will function at practical optimum.
[RORVIK] That's her.
[ROMANA] It does have a certain legendary quality. What is she?Passenger transport?
[RORVIK] Bulk freighter. Full of questions, aren't you.
(Great hall)
[DOCTOR] They've cut each other dead.
[PACKARD] Packard here. Party aboard. Make safe the hatchway.
[MAN [OC]] What?
[PACKARD] Close the door.
[PACKARD [OC]] After I've gone through!
[RORVIK] This way.
[ADRIC] Well, I thought she went that way.
[K9] Mass detection circuits indicate maximum reading on current vector.Probability of error (beep)
[ADRIC] Well, what is the probability of error, K9?
[K9] Recomputing. Probability of error, eighty seven point seven ninefour eight percent.
[ADRIC] Eighty seven? But that's terrible!
[K9] The accuracy of this unit has deteriorated below zero utility.
[ADRIC] You mean you're worse than useless.
[K9] Affirmative.
[RORVIK] You two, get off my bridge. And stow that junk.
[RORVIK] And this is the bridge, nerve centre of the whole operation.
[ROMANA] What operation? What are you actually up to?
[RORVIK] Oh, more questions.
[ROMANA] Not many answers.
[RORVIK] These are the lads with all the answers. My team. Best drillyou can get. Efficient as anything on the space race, isn't that right,lads?
[ALL] Yeah.
[RORVIK] Isn't that right, lads?
[ALL] Yes, Captain.
[RORVIK] Nothing these boys can't do when they put their minds to it.Look what Captain Rorvik's brought you, lads. A new navigator.
[ROMANA] Me? I can't navigate this.
[RORVIK] Oh, you'll be surprised to see. Fix her up.
[ALDO] Navigator? Wouldn't give her five minutes.
[ROYCE] Wanna bet?
[ALDO] You?
[ADRIC] Perhaps you could teach me to detect mass.
[K9] Zero feasibility, young master. Mass detection dependent onarticulated sensors, thus.
[ADRIC] Oh, I see. I suppose you use triangulation.
[K9] Affirmative, young Adric.
[ADRIC] Then your accuracy depends on the distance between your sensors.
[K9] Deduction is correct. To anticipate logically consequent question,affirmative.
[RORVIK] Let us start her off at seventy.
[PACKARD] Are you sure she's a time sensitive?
[PACKARD] Oh. Because if she isn't, she'll be burnt to a frazzle.
[LANE] That's how you tell.
[ADRIC] You stay where you are.
[K9] Mass detection error resolved. Resume.
[PACKARD] That's it. Look!
[RORVIK] Yes. Not very good. Step it up. Another twenty five. That'sninety five.
[RORVIK] Right, cut it. Everybody here, shut up and listen. The girl wasa long shot, and she isn't working out, so we're going to have to startreviving some of our precious cargo. And that'll lose a lot of bonusesif it goes wrong, and it will. We'll just have to keep at it until wefind something we can use. This is a democratic ship, right? So I wantto hear now from anyone who has any different ideas.
[RORVIK] What in the name of all that's sacred's that? Quick, boost thatvoltage. Sagan, can you can get a fix?
[SAGAN] It's not a time picture. It's geographical.
[PACKARD] You mean something out there now?
[RORVIK] Expedition gear. We're going out to it. Move! Time sensitive,huh? Don't think I've finished with you yet.
(Great hall)
[DOCTOR] Poor things. Hardly any better off than K9. Ah ha. Memorywafer.
[GUNDAN] No Tharil shall outlive the day of the feast.
[PACKARD] Right, stow her below.
[RORVIK] No, leave her. Let's get this moving.
[PACKARD] What's the hurry?
[RORVIK] Up to you, Packard. Personally, I think we've just seen the wayout.
(Outside the spaceship)
[RORVIK] Not joining us, gentlemen?
[ROYCE] Er, well, sir, it's the string in me leg. It's gone again.
[ALDO] It's the truth, sir. I saw it go.
[RORVIK] Tragic. Right, you'd better break out one of the cargo and setit up for revival.
[ROYCE] Revival? What, with no facilities? We can't do that.
[RORVIK] I don't expect you to. We'll take care of it when we get back.Just set it up.
(Great hall)
[GUNDAN] We are Gundan. We exist to kill. Slavesmade the Gundan to kill the brutes who rule.
[DOCTOR] What particular brutes did you have in mind?
[GUNDAN] The Gundan were sent where no slaves could go. We faced thetime winds and we lived. They had only the gateway to flee for safety.
[DOCTOR] Gateway? Gateway to where?
[GUNDAN] Gateway. Gateway. Gateway.
[DOCTOR] Gateway to where? Just as it was getting interesting. If only Ihad an alternative source of energy.
[K9] Orders, master. Orders.
[DOCTOR] K9. Just the chap I wanted.
(Cargo hold)
[ALDO] Heads you choose.
[ROYCE] Right, that's the way it goes, I think.
[ALDO] No, the other way round.
[ROYCE] It don't matter. Works either way.
[ALDO] Oh.
[ALDO] What happens next?
[ROYCE] Close down that solenoid and you're away. It's not ascomplicated as it looks.
[ALDO] Go on, then.
[ROYCE] Er, no, well, we'd better leave it to them.
[ALDO] How do you know so much about it? You seen it done before?
[ROYCE] Er, no, not on a ship. Something usually goes wrong. They don'tlike it.
[ALDO] Yeah, because it means their bonus is up the spout.
[ROYCE] But we're on the all-in contract.
[ALDO] Switch it off!
[ROYCE] You switch it off!
(Great hall)
[DOCTOR] Listen, K9, I'm sorry to have to ask you to do this, but allthis stuff about the gateway is terribly important.
[K9] Energy levels critical.
[DOCTOR] The whole thing's critically critical, old chap. This could bethe way out. Now come on, be a good dog and power up.
[DOCTOR] Come on, power up. Up, up, up, up. Good dog. Now. Now. What'sall this about the gateway?
[GUNDAN] There were always slaves from the beginning of time. Themasters descended out of the air riding the winds and took men as theirprize, growing powerful on their stolen labours and their lootedskills.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, look, look, I'm sure this is frightfullyinteresting. Could you get back on to the bit about the gateway,please?
[GUNDAN] The masters created an empire, drained the life of the ordinaryworld.
[DOCTOR] Your ordinary world. I'm from N-space.
[GUNDAN] They came from the gateway.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha.
[GUNDAN] There are three physical gateways and the three are one.
[GUNDAN] The whole of this domain, the ancient arch, the mirrors.
[DOCTOR] The thing is, it's not actually a physical gateway that I'mlooking for.
[GUNDAN] All the gateways are one.
[DOCTOR] Ah. So it is here. The way out.
[RORVIK] Something we're all interested in, I think.
[DOCTOR] Oh, hello. You seem to have attracted a big audience.
[RORVIK] Let's have the rest of the recital.
[DOCTOR] Ah, ahem, he, er, he doesn't seem to be too sure of his lines.
[RORVIK] Prompt him. Go on, more.
[DOCTOR] All the gateways are one. All the gateways are one. You see,I'm so sorry, he's completely run down. I'm the Doctor, by the way, andthat's K9, and we just happened to
[GUNDAN] There are three physical gateways and the three are one. Thisis the place from which the masters came. Here a great empire oncestood, ruling all known space.
[SAGAN] This must be the place
[RORVIK] Shush!
[GUNDAN] For all their skills, the slaves could not approach the gatewayin their own persons. But once they learned its secret, we were built,the Gundan robots, to wage war on them.
[DOCTOR] Gundans, eh?
[RORVIK] And the secret of the gateway is?
[GUNDAN] The secret of the gateway is
[RORVIK] Yes? Yes?
[DOCTOR] Stop that Gundan!
[RORVIK] Move!
[PACKARD] There's a way out through here.
[RORVIK] If you know the trick.
[PACKARD] We'll just have to find it, won't we?
[RORVIK] That Doctor knows. Where's he gone? Find him!
[PACKARD] There he is! Look!
(Great hall)
[DOCTOR] Come on, K9. Nearly there.
[K9] Orders, master. Access required. Immediate priority.
(Behind the mirror)
[DOCTOR] Biroc, how did I get through the mirror?
[BIROC] The time winds touched your hand. It will be healing now.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ALDO [OC]] I'll go down that way. You have a lookin there.
[ROYCE [OC]] Come back! It's in here!
[ALDO [OC]] You first, then.
[ROMANA] They're looking for you. Hide.
(Great hall)
[RORVIK] No! No brute force. This needs some thought.
[K9] Angle of incidence equals angle of reflection.
(Behind the mirror)
[RORVIK] Thought, I said.
[DOCTOR] But what about K9? The time winds positively blasted him. Canhe pass through the mirror?
[BIROC] When the time is right.
(Great hall)
[K9] Newton's third law of motion. Action and reaction are equal andopposite.
(Behind the mirror)
[DOCTOR] K9! If we can get him through the mirror,will it repair him?
[BIROC] You have in your pocket a memory wafer you took from the Gundan.
[DOCTOR] What? That's right. Yes, I have. Look. Look.
[BIROC] K9 will be restored in the same way.
[DOCTOR] Then we must get him here.
[BIROC] That will happen. But your hand is living matter and will remainhealed when you return to the other side of the mirror.
[DOCTOR] So K9 can only be revived on this side of the mirror?
[BIROC] Where he must stay.
[DOCTOR] No, don't go. Don't go, please. Where is this place? Where haveyou brought us?
[BIROC] You are where you were.
[DOCTOR] What? The gateway still? But that's nowhere.
[BIROC] For the Tharils and those with us, it opens onto a wholeuniverse.
[DOCTOR] I see. I see. E-Space. That's right. Yes, for you people it's ajumping off point for E-space, but for non-time sensitives, Biroc.Biroc, I understand. Biroc? He's gone again. It's like talking to aCheshire cat.
[ROYCE] He's not in here.
[ALDO] Her mind's gone. She's dreaming.
[ROYCE] I knew she couldn't take that voltage.
[ALDO] Yeah, that must be it. There's nobody here.
[ROYCE] How long's she going to be doing this? We can't keep checking upevery five minutes.
[ALDO] Plug her up again. Give her another dose.
[ROYCE] You're very generous with the amperage. Do you think we should?
[ALDO] Who's to tell? Come on, let's get on with it. We'll never getthrough here.
[ROMANA] What are you doing to those creatures?
[ROYCE] She's talking!
[ROMANA] That's right. I'm talking to you and I want some answers.
[ALDO] She did see something.
[ROYCE] What did you see?
[ROMANA] A time sensitive. A Tharil, wasn't he? How many more of themare there?
[ALDO] Where is he?
[ROMANA] Answer it!
(Great hall)
[RORVIK] Who's that, Royce?
[ALDO [OC]] Aldo here, sir.
[RORVIK] Break out the MZ. I've sent Packard and Lane back for it.
[ALDO] He wants the MZ.
[ROYCE] Not the MZ. What's he up to?
[RORVIK [OC]] At the double!
[ALDO] Well, at least he doesn't want us out there.
[ROYCE] That's something.
[SAGAN [OC]] Sagan here, Aldo.
[ROYCE] Royce, sir.
[SAGAN [OC]] Right. You can bring the lunch over here.
[K9] Orders, master. Orders.
[PACKARD] Vanish!
[K9] Orders, master.
[PACKARD] That was an order. The MZ'll do it.
[LANE] Can't be sure.
[PACKARD] Why not?
[LANE] We can't be sure of anything in this place. These readings don'tmake sense. How can it be a shorter distance coming back than going?
[PACKARD] Is that what it says?
[LANE] All the machinery is packing up. It's bad luck having that girlon board, that's what it is.
[K9] Reference order quote vanish unquote. To vanish, to cease to exist,to become zero. Present environment fulfils this condition. This unitawaits next order.
[PACKARD] There's our bad luck.
(Monochrome land)
[DOCTOR] I must be crossing the striations of the time lines.
(Outside the spaceship)
[K9] Orders, master. Orders.
[LANE] This thing's getting heavier.
[PACKARD] I don't know. We made that trip back fast enough.
[K9] Mass instability anomaly. Further data required.
[LANE] Yeah, seemed like that to me too. Not as far coming back as itwas going out.
[K9] Imminent decision necessary.
[K9] Microcosm universe system unbalanced and contracting.
[PACKARD] Right, close the doors.
[PACKARD] Packard. Oh, yes sir, yes. The MZ's ready.
[PACKARD] No, no, no, it's bound to do the trick. What?
[LANE] The girl's gone.
[PACKARD] Shut up. No, not you, sir. It's Rorvik. Yes, sir. Right. Soonas we can. What?
[LANE] She got out of the harness.
[PACKARD] Well, she must be here somewhere. What do you know about it?
[ALDO] Nothing.
[ROYCE] Not us.
[ALDO] Never seen anything.
[PACKARD] Typical. Typical. Come on, get the MZ outside. Come on, move!
[PACKARD] Rorvik's thinking of giving it a back blast if the MZ doesn'tmove it.
[LANE] The warp motors might just stand it.
[PACKARD] Might? We'll have to do better than that, Lane.
[ROYCE] Never a moment to yourself on this ship.
[ALDO] You pull, I'll push.
[ROYCE] I don't like the sound of that.
[ALDO] All right. I'll push, you pull.
[ROYCE] Right.
[PACKARD] Right, search the ship.
(Outside the spaceship)
[ROYCE] When was the last time we had this out?
[ALDO] Oh, the Tharil hunt on Shapeer.
[ROYCE] Either we're getting old or this is getting heavier.
[ALDO] Bit of both, I reckon.
[ADRIC] We're outside.
[ROMANA] Pity. I want to be on the inside.
[ADRIC] But I've just rescued you.
[ROMANA] Thank you, but I have got to find out what they're up to inthere. Do you know what a Tharil is?
[ROMANA] Well, there's one loose on this ship and they're all terrifiedof it. It's like Biroc, but horribly burnt.
[ADRIC] Where's the Doctor?
[ROMANA] I have seen him.
[ADRIC] What is it?
[ROMANA] I'm not sure. That machine they put me into. It projected animage, a gateway. The Doctor might be there.
[ROMANA] Come on, let's follow him. Follow.
[ROMANA] So it wasn't just a trick. There really is warp damage.
[LANE] No chance of taking off with the motors in this state. Should begood for a back blast, though.
[PACKARD] What's that, Lane? Lane, I'm not gettingyou.
(Engine room)
[PACKARD [OC]] Lane!
[LANE] There's something wrong with the electrics. I'll go and check themain cables.
(Outside the spaceship)
[ADRIC] We can get back into the ship this way.
[ROMANA] No, it's just a breach in the outer skin. The hull's sealed.That's funny.
[ADRIC] What is it?
[ROMANA] Those warp motors are huge. Three times what they need for aship this size.
(Engine room)
[LANE] Lane again. I'm worried about these maincables. A few more inches, we'll lose all our drive power. I'm going upto check the main routings. Hello, Packard?
(Outer skin breach)
[ROMANA] Wait here.
[ADRIC] Romana?
[ROMANA] It's dwarf star alloy. The whole hull's made of it.
[ADRIC] Dwarf star alloy?
[ROMANA] Dwarf star molecules are compacted under enormous gravitationalforce. That's why the alloy's so heavy.
[ADRIC] No wonder they need big motors.
[K9] Alert. Danger. Warning. Present mass anomaly increasing.Dimensional contraction of microcosmic system. Orders.
[ROMANA] Shush!
[K9] Urgent request for orders. Imminent danger of mathematicalvanishing. Orders. Mass conversion anomaly. This microcosm subject toimminent dimensional instability.
[ROMANA] Shush, K9.
[K9] Alarm. Warning. Danger.
[ROMANA] Stop him.
[ADRIC] Quiet!
[LANE] That damn machine again.
[ROMANA] Get K9 back to the! (she bites Packard's hand) Go to thegateway! Go to the gateway!
[PACKARD] Put her in the hold. Who's that boy? He must be another onefrom the blue box.
[LANE] He's somewhere out there now. Do you get the feeling it's closingin around you?
[PACKARD] Hmm. It's time we got back. Get the mass detector.
[LANE] Get the mass detector. If it's not too much trouble.
(Outside the gateway)
[PACKARD] Right, we're here.
(Great hall)
[SAGAN] They're here.
[RORVIK] That was quick.
[LANE] Very odd. Seemed no distance at all this time.
[RORVIK] Right, now I want your complete attention for the next coupleof minutes. This is going to be a nasty job. The MZ isn't something tofool around with. You all remember what happened the last time.
[ROYCE] Right. Lunch up, lads.
(Great hall 2)
[DOCTOR] My goodness. You live like kings.
[BIROC] We are kings.
(Great hall)
[RORVIK] Now listen, I'm only going to say this once. We're stuck herewith no warp motors and no navigator. Now in practical terms that meanswe stay here forever unless we do something about it. Listen! And thatmeans the mirror. There's a way through. You've all seen it. That's whywe brought up the MZ. Will you listen to me when I'm talking!
[RORVIK] This is very serious. We are in a terminal situation. A deadend.
(Great hall 2)
[DOCTOR] Such variety. Where did it all come from?
[BIROC] The universe is our garden.
[DOCTOR] Ah. So this is what it was all like.
[BIROC] At the height of our empire, before the Tharils became theslaves of men.
[DOCTOR] I notice you don't do too badly for staff. This garden ofyours, the universe. How do you manage it?
[BIROC] We use our power for those who travel on the time winds. Thevastness of space is no obstacle. Everything is ours.
[DOCTOR] Including her?
[BIROC] They're only people.
[DOCTOR] So you're the masters the Gundan spoke of? The enslavers.
[BIROC] The weak enslave themselves, Doctor. You and I know that.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. This is no way to run an empire.
[ROMANA] Danger! The Doctor's in danger!
[ROMANA] Doctor!
(Great hall)
[RORVIK] Well, Doctor. This is a surprise.
(Great hall)
[DOCTOR] And for me, too.
[ROMANA] We must have jumped back over the striations.
[RORVIK] You seem to come and go around here with a great deal offreedom.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It's alarming, isn't it? And the culinary arrangements arevariable, too.
[RORVIK] What's the secret? Something you'd care to share with us?
[ROMANA] You won't get the Doctor's help by pointing guns at him.
[RORVIK] I negotiate from strength.
[DOCTOR] Much the best way, if you can do it.
[ROMANA] So you've mended your warp motors, then? Found a new navigator?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Not so aggressive. We're all in the same boat and theyknow it.
[RORVIK] Except that you know the way out.
[DOCTOR] I do?
[RORVIK] That way.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no. One way only. That's for Tharils.
[RORVIK] I don't believe you, and neither do my men. Do you, men?
[ALL] No. No.
[DOCTOR] A hungry bunch. Now, listen. There's nothing beyond thosemirrors for people like us, except the reflection of what's here. Onlythe Tharils can enter your universe that way and that's a talentthey're born with. The talent that you hunt them for.
[ROMANA] A cul-de-sac?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Now, unless we work very closely together, we could becaught here until the crack of doom. Oh, what's the use. Could I haveone of your pickles? I had a rush lunch.
[RORVIK] All right, why not. It's his last meal.
[DOCTOR] Well, that goes for all of us. Yeah, soon we won't be betteroff than that chap over there.
[DOCTOR] When the pickles run out.
[RORVIK] Enough of the gossip. The secret, Doctor.
[K9] Orders, master. Orders.
[PACKARD] I don't believe it!
[DOCTOR] K9! Where have you been, my dear old thing?
[RORVIK] Is that yours?
[K9] Mass conversion anomaly. Alert. Danger. Warning.
[RORVIK] Oh, shut him up.
[DOCTOR] Don't say that! He may have a point. What mass conversionanomaly?
[K9] Dimensional contraction of the microcosmic system. Orders.
[DOCTOR] Contraction? This could be serious.
[ROMANA] It's the memory wafers, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] He's going a bit funny.
[K9] Mathematical vanishing imminent. Warning.
[DOCTOR] No, that's not funny. That's. What's causing it?
[K9] Impossible to compute. Space time instability.
[RORVIK] Time to play with your toys later, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I think not! If K9's right, and he usually is, this place is inworse shape than we thought it was.
[PACKARD] You can't get worse than the back of beyond.
[DOCTOR] Soon it may not even be that.
[ROMANA] K9 says its dimensions are contracting.
[RORVIK] Well, that's the silliest thing I've heard all day. Who's goingto believe that?
[RORVIK] I thought you might. It's ridiculous. Space contracting?
[ROMANA] And time.
[PACKARD] At least hear him out. What's the hurry?
[DOCTOR] Quite a lot. How long have we got, K9?
[K9] Contraction curve exponential. Estimate on present data beyondcapability of this unit.
[ROMANA] So it's starting?
[DOCTOR] Slowly.
[ROMANA] But might collapse completely at any minute.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, but it would need a huge mass to disturb time andspace to that extent. Even the Tardis doesn't weigh that much. Neitherdoes their ship.
[ROMANA] It might. The hull is made of dwarf star alloy.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] Dwarf star alloy.
[DOCTOR] Dwarf star alloy? What are you playing at? Is it something todo with these?
[ROMANA] They're slavers.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Trading in time sensitives. And dwarf star alloy is theonly material that will hold them.
[RORVIK] And it's very expensive.
[DOCTOR] How many more of those poor creatures have you got in that hulkof yours?
[RORVIK] Poor creatures? Each one's worth a king's ransom, Doctor. Youseem to understand business even less than you understand science. Thiswild theory about contraction.
[DOCTOR] No wild theory about contraction. K9. No, K9. K9!
[RORVIK] Hold it.
[RORVIK] Your machine seems to know as much about it as you do. Get up!
[PACKARD] So what you're saying is, the distances are getting shorter.
[LANE] Like between the ship and here.
[DOCTOR] Yes. As the domain contracts.
[RORVIK] Shut up! He's playing for time.
[DOCTOR] Playing for time? Quite the reverse.
[LANE] He's right about one thing. The trip between here and the ship.Each time we've done it, it has been shorter.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and if I can get back to my Tardis, I can prove it andfind out exactly how much time we have left.
[RORVIK] Oh, gobbledygook. We can deal with this in very short order.Get us through. Time's run out for you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hello, Biroc.
[BIROC] Doctor. You've seen our past, you've seen our present. You wereright. We abused our power. But judge whether we've not sufferedenough.
[DOCTOR] As you said, the weak enslave themselves.
[BIROC] The time of our enslavement is over. We will be free.
[DOCTOR] I wish you luck. But what about us? Have you got any ideas onthat count?
[BIROC] Do nothing.
[DOCTOR] What?
[BIROC] It is done.
[DOCTOR] Biroc? Biroc? It's all very well for you, but
[RORVIK] Time's run out for you, Doctor.
[ADRIC] Please! Please! Just let the Doctor go. I don't know what theselevers do, but it's pointing in your direction.
[RORVIK] Don't touch anything!
[RORVIK] You poisonous runt. Who is this boy?
[DOCTOR] Oh, he's just a friend of mine. Adric, Romana, get K9 outside,quickly.
[RORVIK] You'll never get away with this, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Don't move, lads. It's on automatic.
(Outside the gate)
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's find the Tardis.
(Great hall)
[RORVIK] All right, lads, get them!
[SAGAN] It's on automatic.
[LANE] It doesn't have an automatic.
[RORVIK] Get them!
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] There she blows.
[ADRIC] We found it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, that's one of the advantages of living in a rapidlyshrinking micro-universe.
[ROMANA] What are the others?
[DOCTOR] Other what?
[ROMANA] Other advantages?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Ah, well, it's difficult to say.
(Outside the gate)
[PACKARD] The ship's moved!
[RORVIK] Contracting continuum.
[PACKARD] Gobbledygook.
[RORVIK] Oh, you never learn anything, do you. There's only one thingfor it. Right, everybody. The MZ.
[ALDO] I'm not going near that thing. That's a dangerous weapon, thatit.
[ROYCE] No, Rorvik knows what he's doing. He's seen us right up to now.Hasn't he?
[RORVIK] Don't give up, lads. We'll go for the back blast.
[ADRIC] Why don't we just dematerialise and go?
[ROMANA] We can't just dematerialise and leave them. There are slaves onthat ship.
[ROMANA] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Mass attraction. There's something moving out there.It's shaking the entire gateway.
[ADRIC] Look!
[ROMANA] What's he doing? He can't take off with his warp motors in thatstate.
[DOCTOR] Back blast.
[ROMANA] What?
[DOCTOR] Back blast. He's going to use the jets to try and smash throughthe mirrors.
[ROMANA] He's mad. The back blast backlash will bounce back and destroyeverything.
[ROMANA] It's bound to accelerate the collapse of space around here.
[ADRIC] But surely that would flip you back into N-space if youdematerialised at the right moment?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[ROMANA] We cannot even think of that with those slaves on board. We'vegot to do something.
[DOCTOR] I'm not hopeful.
[ROMANA] Neither am I.
[ADRIC] Wait a minute. There is that damaged area.
[DOCTOR] Yes. What damaged area?
[ROMANA] Of course.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ROMANA] By the warp motors.
[ROMANA] The main cable insulation is exposed. We might be able to shortout his power.
[DOCTOR] Right. Stop! If I'm not back for whatever reason in thirteenand a half minutes, I want you to dematerialise.
[ADRIC] Without you?
[ROMANA] I am not letting you go alone.
[DOCTOR] That's an order. It's about time you started accepting orders.
[ROMANA] It is long past time, but how do you think you're going to findthe cable?
[DOCTOR] With my eyes.
[ROMANA] Adric and I have seen it.
[DOCTOR] Good. Come on.
[ADRIC] I'm coming too.
[ROMANA] You are not. It's long past time you learnt to obey orders. Nowstay here, and if we are not back for whatever reason in thirteen and ahalf minutes, I want you to dematerialise. Do you understand?
[DOCTOR] I like that. I think you're improving.
[ROMANA] It's a matter of complete indifference to me.
[DOCTOR] Indifference? Thirteen and a half minutes.
[ADRIC] I'm sure you will.
[RORVIK] Steady now. I want a landing that wouldn'tripple the skin on a custard.
[RORVIK] Good lads. Who's got control of the overload power?
[MAN [OC]] I think it's me.
[RORVIK] You think? Listen, everyone. This isn't the MZ we're messingaround with here, it's a full blown back blast. I'd appreciate it ifyou'd keep your eye on the controls.
[PACKARD] Back blast activated, and building.
[RORVIK] How long till full power?
[PACKARD] It's hard to tell with the motors in this state. About tenminutes.
[RORVIK] Revivals. Break out the cargo.
[PACKARD] What, now?
[RORVIK] Well, if this works, we'll need to see where we're going.
[PACKARD] You can't do a proper revival in ten minutes!
[RORVIK] We'll revive them all. One of them might come through. Well,try it. Let's do something round here for a change.
(Cargo hold)
[ROYCE] Don't switch the light on.
[ALDO] Why not?
[ROYCE] Well, it's bad for them.
[ALDO] What, you think this is going to do them any good?
[ALDO] I don't know. Ten minutes to plug them all up. Rush, rush, rush.
[SAGAN] Ready?
[ROYCE] Yes, sir. Just as the Captain ordered. Meet the sardines.
[SAGAN] Prepare for revival. Switch on now. Well, what's the matter?
[ALDO] Er, I feel I'm coming over a bit nauseous, sir. I'll be all rightwith a breath of air.
[SAGAN] And where do you think you're going?
[ROYCE] Oh, I'll just go and make sure he's all right, sir. I'll be backin a minute.
[ALDO] Psst.
[ALDO] I can't stand a lot of that.
[ROYCE] Funny you signed on with Rorvik.
[ALDO] Light duties is what he said.
[ROYCE] It'll all end in tears, mark my words.
(Cargo hold)
[SAGAN] Sorry, sir. It's no good.
[RORVIK] No good? What kind of report's that?
[SAGAN] Three tries, three rejects.
[LANE] Could be the power fluctuation where we had the damage. I'll goand look.
[RORVIK] Since when do you give yourself orders on my ship? I'll checkthe cable, you get back to the bridge. Well, break out some more.
(Outer skin breach)
[ROMANA] The clipboard marks the spot. I'll standguard.
[RORVIK] Is this what you're looking for, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Look here, Rorvik. You've got to stop this back blast. You'llkill us all.
[RORVIK] So you say, Doctor. I say it's the only way out of here.
[DOCTOR] You can't blast through those mirrors. You must realise by nowit just throws the energy straight back.
[RORVIK] They've got to break. Everything breaks eventually.
[DOCTOR] Never mind the clipboard, short the cables.
[DOCTOR] Drain the main power line. Earth it to the ladder.
[ROMANA] I know. I've done it.
[DOCTOR] Biroc? What are you doing here?
[BIROC] Nothing.
[DOCTOR] It's all right for you.
[BIROC] And for you, too. Do nothing.
[DOCTOR] Do nothing?
[ROMANA] Of course, Doctor. Don't you see?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. Do nothing, if it's the right sort ofnothing.
[RORVIK] Run, Doctor. Scurry off back to your blue box. You're like allthe rest. Lizards when there's a man's work to be done. I'm sick ofyour kind. Faint-hearted, do-nothing, lily-livered deadweights. This isthe end for all of you! I'm finally getting something done!Bwahahahaha!
(Cargo hold)
[SAGAN] Here, where did you spring from? I haven't done you. Never mind,you're just what we need.
[SAGAN] Just a minute! Argh!
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] We've made it. Quick, quick, inside.What's the matter?
[ROMANA] I'm not coming with you.
[DOCTOR] Inside. That's an order.
[ROMANA] No more orders, Doctor. Goodbye.
[DOCTOR] What? What a moment to choose.
[ROMANA] But it is, isn't it? A moment to choose. I've got to be my ownRomana.
[BIROC] And we need a Time Lord.
[ROMANA] Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. Wait, wait. There's something else. K9. He'll beall right with you behind the mirrors.
[ROMANA] I'll take care of him.
[DOCTOR] I'll miss you. You were the noblest Romana of them all.
(Monochrome land)
[ROMANA] The Tardis. Gone.
[K9] Tardis preserved in concept, mistress. This unit contains allnecessary schedules for duplication of the Tardis, mistress.
[ROMANA] Exactly, K9. Biroc will help us use the gateway to travelanywhere in E-space, and we can give him time technology.
[BIROC] You shall be our Time Lord, and we will travel far. Our peopleare enslaved on many planets.
[ROMANA] And you and I, K9, are going to Biroc free them. That'ssomething we've got to do, don't you think?
[K9] Affirmative, mistress.
[ADRIC] The picture's fading.
[ADRIC] It's gone. Nothing there.
[DOCTOR] So it has. Nothing. Well, that's something.
[ADRIC] How can nothing be something?
[DOCTOR] Well, if the E-space image translator doesn't work, I'm hopingwe're in N-space.
[ADRIC] Back in your own universe.
[ADRIC] Can you be sure?
[DOCTOR] Did I say sure?
[DOCTOR] Yes. One solid hope's worth a cartload of certainties.
[ADRIC] Will Romana be all right?
[DOCTOR] All right? She'll be superb.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s18", "episode": "e05", "title": "Warrior's Gate"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (31 Jan, 1981; Fourth Doctor) - The Keeper of Traken
[ADRIC] So this in N-space.
[DOCTOR] Yes, the old home universe. It's many times larger thananything you're used to.
[ADRIC] All those stars.
[ADRIC] Do you know them all?
[DOCTOR] Well, just the interesting ones.
[ADRIC] How can you tell which is which?
[DOCTOR] Well, law of probability, that sort of thing, you know. Anyway,we're supposed to be on our way back to Gallifrey.
[ADRIC] I don't see what the law of probability's got to do with it.
[DOCTOR] No. What? Adric, I give you a privileged insight into themystery of time, yes?
[ADRIC] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Open your mind to adventures beyond imagining, yes?
[ADRIC] Yes.
[DOCTOR] And you criticise my logic.
[ADRIC] No. No, I'm just saying that a lot of the time you don't reallymake sense.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Ah. Oh, you've noticed that, have you? Well, I mean, anyonecan talk sense. As long as that's understood, you and I are going toget on splendidly.
[ADRIC] Then where are we?
[DOCTOR] Metulla Orionsis, I'd say. Does that make sense?
[ADRIC] That's what it says here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's an interesting planetary system.
[ADRIC] Traken, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] Eh? You're beginning to get the hang of this console. Yes,Traken. (reads) Traken Union, famous for its universal harmony. A wholeempire held together by
[DOCTOR] Well, by people just being terribly nice to each other.
[ADRIC] Well, that makes a change.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I don't think I've actually been there. Just know it byrepute, so I'll tell you all about it sometime.
[ADRIC] Well, you won't have to. We're going there anyway.
[DOCTOR] Going to Traken? Who said so?
[ADRIC] You set the controls for it.
[DOCTOR] You set them.
[ADRIC] No! No, you must have.
[DOCTOR] But I didn't. Did I? I wonder what the law of probability wouldsay about that?
[DOCTOR] Now, what seems to be the problem?
[ADRIC] We've gone into orbit round one of the planets.
[DOCTOR] I thought so.
[ADRIC] Thought what?
[DOCTOR] I thought you might appreciate it if I gave you the impressionI knew what was happening. We could panic, of course, but where wouldthat get us?
[ADRIC] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[ADRIC] Well, you should know.
[DOCTOR] Adric.
[ADRIC] Well, you are a Time Lord, aren't you?
[DOCTOR] Adric. If I knew everything that was going to happen, wherewould the fun be?
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[KEEPER] How do you do.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, Adric. The Keeper of Traken.
[KEEPER] Well guessed, Doctor. The reports I hear of your intelligenceare true, I see.
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, it wasn't difficult to guess who'd taken possessionof the Tardis. I mean, there can't be many people in the universe withthe capacity of just dropping in like this.
[ADRIC] Well, you could have told me.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Time reveals everything, Adric. What can we do for you,Keeper?
[KEEPER] Listen closely, Doctor. As you see, the passing ages have takentoll of me.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I know that feeling.
[KEEPER] But unlike you, my time of Dissolution is near and the powerentrusted to me is ebbing away.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come on. It's still fairly impressive. I mean, I couldn'tflit around the universe in an old chair like this.
[KEEPER] I have all the minds of the Union to draw on. I am only theorganising principle. It is on that count I ask you to come to Traken.
[DOCTOR] Right!
[KEEPER] Think carefully before you agree. There is great danger in thisfor you and your young friend.
[DOCTOR] How so, Keeper?
[KEEPER] I fear that our beloved world of Traken faces disaster.
[ADRIC] Universal harmony, you said.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[KEEPER] The Doctor does not exaggerate. Since the time of the Keepers,our Union has been the most harmonious the universe has ever seen. Doesthe boy not know of this?
[DOCTOR] Oh, he's not local.
[DOCTOR] E-space, wasn't it? Where's he gone?
[KEEPER] How vain one can still be. I thought the whole universe knew thehistory of our little empire.
[DOCTOR] Yes. They say the atmosphere there was so full of goodness thatevil just shrivelled up and died. Maybe that's why I never went there.
[KEEPER] Rumour does not exaggerate, Doctor.
[ADRIC] The screen.
[KEEPER] Oh, forgive me. May I borrow it for a moment?
[DOCTOR] Oh please, Keeper, please.
[KEEPER] Yes, we have indeed been visited by evil many times. Ourcompassion for these poor distorted creatures seems to attract themlike moths to a flame. Sometimes they are redeemed.
[KEEPER] The Fosters are the guardians of the spiritual welfare of ourcapital.
[KEEPER] They name such creatures Melkur.
[DOCTOR] Melkur?
[KEEPER] Melkur. Literally a fly caught by honey. The Fosters knowthere's nothing to fear from these visitations.
[DOCTOR] So what becomes of this Melkur?
[KEEPER] It's baleful influence will not extend beyond the grove, andeven here it will only produce a few weeds. Like others before it, thecreature will calcify and pass harmlessly into the soil. But the demiseof any living thing is painful to us.
[KASSIA [on screen]] And how are you today, you poor Melkur? The Fostershave appointed me to look after you. There isn't much I can do. It mustbe awful being rooted to the spot like a tree. If you weren't quite soevil, you might be able to move a bit, just around the grove. Being soevil, you can't even speak. Never mind. I'll come and visit you againsoon. Oh. By the way, my name's Kassia.
[DOCTOR] Well, that particular evil seems to be well under control.
[KEEPER] Seemed, Doctor. That was many years ago. Young Kassia is nowgrown up. Such was her purity of spirit that she became a consul, andthe day of her marriage to Tremas has become, somehow, the turningpoint for Traken.
[TREMAS] Enough, Trakens. Enough! Applause is heady, and I've alreadydrunk more wine than a man of my responsibilities should. To be aconsul and a father I thought were duties enough, but now once again tobe a husband, and to Kassia.
[KASSIA] My husband is right. The wine has flowed freely tonight.Perhaps I should take him home.
[SERON] Already you've begun to pamper him, Kassia, like that Melkur ofyours in the grove.
[KATURA] People have begun to think she was married to the statue, allthese years she's been tending him.
[LUVIC] I hope she looks after Tremas better than she looks after theMelkur. He's covered in moss.
[KASSIA] I'm sure it does not become us to mock Melkur.
[KEEPER] I rather think it is you they are mocking, Kassia.
[TREMAS] Keeper, you were able to join us.
[KEEPER] No affairs of state could keep me from such an occasion asthis. Come, the pair of you. Receive my blessing.
[KASSIA] We are honoured, Keeper.
[KEEPER] Kassia was right, Tremas. She promised to tend the Melkur whileits power still lived. Who would have thought its demise could be soprotracted. She has been loyal, and we now release her.
[TREMAS] Come, Kassia. Thank the Keeper.
[KASSIA] But who will tend him?
[KEEPER] The Fosters, perhaps. Since you drove them from the grove, ithas become neglected. Fruit trees need some little tending too, youknow. No, Nyssa shall watch over your Melkur. And she must share in theblessing, too.
[KEEPER] I, nearing the time of my passing, bless the marriage of thesetwo, Tremas and Kassia, truest of my five true consuls, together withNyssa, now daughter to you both.
[KEEPER] Now it begins. My certain knowledge of thecoming Dissolution. No Keeper lasts forever, and the period oftransition is always difficult. But I sensed more than that, even as Icame to name Tremas as my successor.
[DOCTOR] Sense what, Keeper?
[KEEPER] All-pervading evil, and somehow nurtured in those three goodpeople standing before me to receive the blessing of the Keeper.Doctor, my time is close. I need your help.
[DOCTOR] Anything I can do, Keeper.
[ADRIC] That goes for me, too.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Well, we'll see. We'll see.
[KEEPER] I am fearful even to involve the Doctor. He will faceunimaginable hazard, confront power that would obliterate even a TimeLord. Even you, Doctor. Goodbye, my friend. Farewell.
[ADRIC] Well, that's a funny way of going about things.
[DOCTOR] Yes, isn't it. What do you make of it?
[ADRIC] I don't know. But I do hope we know what we're doing.
[DOCTOR] So do I. We?
[ADRIC] You.
[TREMAS] If all the stars were silver, and the sky a giant purse in myfist, I couldn't be happier than I am tonight.
[NEMAN] Poetry apart, Consul Tremas, I'd rather be rich than KeeperNominate any night of the year.
[TREMAS] I wasn't thinking of state duties, Proctor.
[NEMAN] Ha, Kassia, of course. But she should be with you, surely?
[TREMAS] She's gone to the grove to take leave of her precious Melkur.
[NYSSA] Aren't you jealous, father?
[NEMAN] His happiness is like the stars, he says. Plenty to share witheveryone, even with Melkur.
[KASSIA] You listen so patiently, and who elsecould I speak to of my unhappiness? To be Keeper Nominate, they regardit as a great honour, but when the Keeper's Dissolution comes it willtake Tremas from me forever. And I know his time will be soon. I knowit will be soon.
[MELKUR] Soon.
[KASSIA] You spoke to me!
[ADRIC] Whatever's that?
[DOCTOR] Knowledge. Accumulated wisdom of centuries.
[ADRIC] A gazetteer?
[DOCTOR] Well, they're just a couple of my old time logs. You know, Ireally may have been to Traken. It's so difficult to keep track of.
[ADRIC] I suppose it helps keeping a time log.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Mind you, I don't bother now. Much too busy. Actually,this might not be the right volume. Here, take that and make yourselfuseful.
[ADRIC] What am I looking for?
[DOCTOR] Well, you know, Traken, Keepers, all-pervading evil.
[ADRIC] Universal harmony?
[DOCTOR] Yeah, anything along those lines.
[SERON] Kassia has called a meeting?
[LUVIC] Another of her strange ideas, perhaps?
[SERON] Kassia is a gifted sensitive. Her spiritual qualities are beyondquestion. But Tremas has yet to persuade her that we live in the realworld, not some chaos of superstition.
[LUVIC] So this man's death was natural, you think?
[SERON] He was full of years. Old men die.
[NEMAN] I've never seen one die like that. Pain on his face, and fearperhaps? Is that natural?
[SERON] Unexpected, certainly, but I am never one to jump toconclusions, particularly in the presence of others. There is rumourenough abroad.
[NEMAN] With all this restlessness within the Union, Consuls, I don'tknow if perhaps the Fosters should be armed.
[LUVIC] Armed? That's an unusual suggestion.
[NEMAN] These are unusual times, Consul.
[SERON] Well, Tremas? Has science brought us any nearer discovering howthe Foster died?
[TREMAS] It's so fantastic I hardly know whether to believe it myself.
[SERON] Fantastic?
[TREMAS] I've scanned the courtyard several times. Something quitestrange has registered. See for yourself.
[SERON] It seems our worst fears are confirmed.
[LUVIC] They are?
[SERON] Tremas has clearly fallen under Kassia's spell in more ways thanone. Tell the meeting I shall be delayed a moment. Tremas clearly needshumouring.
[SERON] What do these readings mean?
[TREMAS] It's impossible to say. It's beyond the scope of the instrumentto analyse or measure.
[SERON] You're sure it's not an error?
[TREMAS] An error. Yes, it must be.
[SERON] But if the readings are true?
[TREMAS] If these readings are true, then obviously some, some force istaking possession of Traken.
[DOCTOR] Ha, ha. Interesting stuff, isn't it?
[ADRIC] If I could understand it.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ADRIC] Well, look. I read about something that's just happened.
[ADRIC] The next page says it didn't happen at all.
[ADRIC] Over the page says it did happen, but many years ago.
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes. Well, I suppose it is a bit above your head. Mind you,they did say I had a very sophisticated prose style.
[ADRIC] As for your handwriting.
[DOCTOR] Handwriting? What about my handwriting?
[ADRIC] It's marvellous.
[DOCTOR] We've arrived. Right, now let's see what this place reallylooks like.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a good place if you fancy a spot of gardening.
[KATURA] Murder? Here, in the precincts of thecourt?
[TREMAS] We don't know that it was murder, Consul Katura.
[KATURA] You have determined the cause of death?
[LUVIC] I thought it was natural.
[SERON] There's no need to be alarmist, Tremas.
[TREMAS] He died through contact with some high energy source. How andwhy it happened, I cannot say.
[KASSIA] (sotto) A sign. Power of Melkur. (aloud) Consuls, I sense somegreat danger coming to us all. The Fosters must be armed.
[SERON] With respect, Kassia, we cannot allow superstition to stampedereason.
[KASSIA] I have reason.
[KATURA] Then you have only to let the Consuls know what it is.
[TREMAS] Well, Kassia?
[SERON] We are the Keeper's appointed consuls. Let his benevolent wisdombe our guide, not irrational fears and intuitions. Are we agreed tosummon the Keeper?
[LUVIC] First we must decide about the Fosters. I feel that perhapsKassia's right on that point. They should be armed.
[SERON] Send for Proctor Neman.
[ADRIC] It looks almost alive.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Looks pretty well calcified to me.
[ADRIC] I've got the nasty feeling it's looking at us.
[DOCTOR] Fiddlesticks.
[KASSIA] I speak for the many peoples of the TrakenUnion. They ask why crops fail, why droughts and floods disturb ourplanets. And now, violent death in the very precinct of the courtitself. What do we tell them?
[SERON] Normal events, Consul, when the span of our Keeper nears itsend.
[KASSIA] Nothing is normal at such a time. This Keeper, whose protectionwe have enjoyed for a thousand years, is dying. The power is growingweaker day by day.
[TREMAS] Trakens have survived times like this in the past. We shall doso now, through science and understanding.
[KASSIA] Brave words, husband, but no great comfort to a people beingstripped of their traditional protections.
[SERON] The Keeper knows our situation. He'll speak when the time isright.
[DOCTOR] Put your hands up in the air like that.
[DOCTOR] I wonder what we've done this time? Are you the welcomingcommittee?
[KATURA] We can't afford to stand on ceremony,Consul Seron. I propose we put it to the vote.
[LUVIC] The sooner, the better.
[TREMAS] Very well, but you know the law. The vote must be unanimous.Consuls, it is proposed that we summon the Keeper. Those in favourraise your hands.
[TREMAS] Consul Seron.
[SERON] If the majority are agreed, then I'll concur, of course.
[SERON] Open the door.
[NEMAN] Consuls, the cause of the evil. We have found them.
[TREMAS] So, who are you?
[DOCTOR] I wondered when you were going to ask. You know, I hate to saythis sort of thing, but Traken hospitality isn't what it used to be.
[ADRIC] He's called the Doctor, and I'm Adric.
[DOCTOR] It's probably the usual misunderstanding. We keep running intothis sort of thing. Actually, we were invited here this time.
[ADRIC] This is true.
[TREMAS] Invited?
[DOCTOR] Yes, to pitch in, help out, that sort of thing.
[TREMAS] Who asked you here?
[DOCTOR] Well, excuse my name dropping, but the Keeper, actually.
[TREMAS] You've had contact with the Keeper?
[DOCTOR] In a manner of speaking, yes.
[LUVIC] I don't follow this at all.
[TREMAS] The Keeper said one would come amongst us to help Trakens.Could you be this one, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, unless he's in the habit of soliciting help, yes.
[KASSIA] Sacred law decrees that the Keeper has contact only through hisconsuls.
[SERON] You say, Doctor, that you arrived here in some kind of craft?
[SERON] And landed in the grove?
[DOCTOR] Yes. We thought we'd walk the rest of the way. You know, freshair, stretch the legs.
[SERON] Then your craft should still be there.
[TREMAS] Proctor Neman, send some of your brothers to confirm this.
[NEMAN] Certainly, Consul.
[TREMAS] But if they are indeed known to the Keeper, can we risk such agrave injustice, Kassia?
[KATURA] They can't be known to the Keeper or we would have beeninformed.
[LUVIC] I don't understand what's going on.
[NEMAN] Consul Tremas.
[FOSTER] There's nothing there.
[NEMAN] The Fosters have searched the grove for the stranger's craft.
[TREMAS] And you have found it.
[NEMAN] There is no craft. The grove is empty.
[KASSIA] Does anyone doubt now?
[KATURA] It seems they have indeed been lying to us.
[DOCTOR] Look, why don't we summon up the Keeper or something?
[TREMAS] We are about to do so.
[KASSIA] Yes, we will summon the Keeper.
[TREMAS] Keeper of Traken, by unanimous consent, your consul summonsyou.
[TREMAS] Keeper, we have strangers among us who claim they are known toyou.
[KASSIA] And dare to say they were summoned here to Traken at yourrequest.
[KEEPER] Bring the strangers forward.
[DOCTOR] Sorry to trouble you, Keeper, but we do seem to have a problemhere.
[DOCTOR] Please tell them who we are, will you?
[KEEPER] Evil! The sanctum is invaded!
[DOCTOR] Keeper, tell us.
[KEEPER] Consuls, we are invaded. Evil! Infinite evil!
[DOCTOR] Consuls, you're making a big mistake. I'msure you're all charming, reasonable people at heart.
[KASSIA] Fosters, do your duty.
[DOCTOR] The least you can do is hear what we have to say.
[KASSIA] Execute them. This evil must be stamped out.
[DOCTOR] Quite! And Adric and I are willing to stamp with the best ofthem, but let's stamp with some justice and precision. Consuls, you sawwhat happened. Your Keeper was attacked.
[SERON] Wait! Do I understand you to imply that one of us here usedforce against the Keeper?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Someone here, or someone very near here.
[KATURA] One of us?
[LUVIC] Against the Keeper?
[KASSIA] The Keeper recognised you for what you are, strangers.Creatures of Melkur!
[TREMAS] Melkur?
[KASSIA] Of course! The evil originates from him. Don't you realise? Theevil is here before you, before your eyes!
[TREMAS] My wife is not well.
[DOCTOR] Did she say Melkur?
[SERON] She has an obsession with the statue.
[LUVIC] Devoted to it. Takes it flowers.
[KATURA] Since she was a child.
[DOCTOR] A force was certainly brought to bear upon the Keeper from somequarter. Tell me more about this Melkur.
[KATURA] Consuls, this Doctor is procrastinating.
[SERON] Perhaps, but I would like this clear. Are you asking us tobelieve that some kind of psychic power has been used?
[DOCTOR] No, not at all. A high energy beam. And if I had the rightinstrument
[DOCTOR] Extraordinary. It's just the thing. How very curious.
[TREMAS] Are you a scientist, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, and so I see are you. Tremas, isn't it? Been investigatinghigh energy forcefields, eh?
[TREMAS] You understand these things?
[DOCTOR] Well, I've dabbled a bit in the bioelectronics line. May I castan eye over that?
[TREMAS] Will the court permit an exchange of scientific views?
[FOSTER] No! No! No! Argh!
[DOCTOR] Where did you get these readings?
[TREMAS] In the courtyard.
[DOCTOR] Plasma fields of this strength couldn't have been generatedwithout some pretty formidable magnetic containment. I'm hardly tooledup for that sort of thing.
[TREMAS] Quietly, Doctor. I don't want to alarm the others with thisyet.
[SERON] What do you make of him? Does he talk sense?
[TREMAS] It's hard to say.
[KASSIA] Then let us proceed, husband. Fosters!
[TREMAS] Wait. In honour to the truth, we cannot proceed.
[KATURA] What truth, Tremas?
[TREMAS] The charges have not been proved against the strangers.Consuls, under sacred law, I claim consular privilege and take themunder my protection.
[KATURA] Consular privilege?
[KASSIA] No, Tremas. I'm doing this for you.
[SERON] He is quite within his rights.
[LUVIC] Maybe, but can't he tell us what's going on?
[KATURA] Why this brave gesture, Consul Tremas?
[KASSIA] Yes, why? Let it be.
[SERON] We have no right to question him on that point. Very well. Weplace you both under the protection of Consul Tremas. You realise theconsequences.
[DOCTOR] Consequences?
[SERON] Should you infringe the law here in any way, then his life toois forfeit.
[DOCTOR] Ah yes, yes, very civil of you, Consul. And we'll do our verybest to try and return the compliment, won't we, Adric?
[TREMAS] Kassia? Where's Kassia?
[KASSIA] Melkur! This mustn't be discovered. It is too soon.
[LUVIC] Yes, indeed. This is a very serious matter.
[KATURA] Do they understand? One can never tell with strangers.
[SERON] Doctor, the consuls now transfer you to the custody of Tremas.
[KATURA] But you must stay with him.
[DOCTOR] A sort of house arrest? Well, that suits us, eh, Adric?
[LUVIC] Suits you?
[ADRIC] Yeah. With no Tardis we've nowhere to put up for the night.
[TREMAS] There's little of the night left, Doctor. It'll soon be dawn.
[DOCTOR] It's been here again.
[TREMAS] What, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Whatever it was that was here last time.
[ADRIC] How do you know?
[DOCTOR] Those stones have been hit by a plasma beam. They'redisintegrated. Look, the sun's coming up. You're right, it is morning.Tremas, you know what I need more than anything else in the universe?
[TREMAS] No, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Breakfast. Is your place far?
[KASSIA] Yes, Melkur?
(Tremas' quarters)
[DOCTOR] Well, if you don't mind, I think it's high time we got down towork.
[TREMAS] What do you have in mind?
[DOCTOR] Well, the first thing we ought to do is find my Tardis.
[TREMAS] Proctor Neman had the grove thoroughly searched.
[NYSSA] Grove? I've just come from there.
[TREMAS] My daughter, Nyssa.
[ADRIC] Hello.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[NYSSA] How do you feel?
[DOCTOR] Oh, fine, fine. It's always nice to be reprieved. Listen, youdidn't notice a tall blue box with a lamp on top out there, did you?
[NYSSA] There was nothing like that there.
[DOCTOR] I know that Tardis, Tremas. It's got to be out there somewhere.
[TREMAS] Very well, I'll take you there myself. But just you, Doctor.Adric will stay here.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[KASSIA] I tried, Melkur, but I failed. The Doctoris now protected by sacred law.
[MELKUR] Your failure is irrelevant. The law which protects thestrangers will presently destroy them.
[KASSIA] And Tremas? What of my husband? You promised to save him. Hemust not become Keeper.
[MELKUR] Your precious Keepers. They, too, are irrelevant. When this onedies, he will be the last of his kind here on Traken.
[KASSIA] But Tremas is named as successor.
[MELKUR] Named, perhaps, but what's in a name? Kassia is as good a nameas Tremas.
[KASSIA] I do not understand.
[MELKUR] Understanding is not necessary to your task, Consul. Now listencarefully and obey without question.
(Tremas' quarters)
[ADRIC] Well, I had no idea your science was this highly advanced.
[NYSSA] It has to be, to protect and expand a great power which ourKeeper exercises on our behalf.
[ADRIC] Oh yes, I've read about your Keeper. The chosen Keeper dedicateshimself to the bioelectronic system.
[NYSSA] The Source, yes. From it he organises the whole Traken Union.
[ADRIC] These readings couldn't be something to do with the Source, Isuppose?
[NYSSA] The energy emissions? Oh no, the frequency profiles aresomething completely new to us.
[ADRIC] Have you tried a Fourier analysis?
[ADRIC] Something to write with.
(Seron's quarters)
[KASSIA] And this matter must be dealt with immediately.
[KATURA] No, no
[SERON] Secret meetings now? Why do you visit my quarters hugger-muggerlike this?
[KATURA] Is it true, Seron? Kassia tells us her husband concealedknowledge from the consuls.
[SERON] What knowledge?
[KASSIA] The nature of these emissions. Tremas has been recording theirenergy profiles.
[SERON] Disharmony among us consuls now? Tremas did not conceal theknowledge. He and I have discussed the subject together.
[LUVIC] You knew too? This is a grave matter, Seron.
[SERON] Dangerous knowledge, Consul. Knowledge that could tip our peopleover the brink into superstitious chaos. Is that what you want?
[KASSIA] This matter has grave implications for the succession.
[SERON] You question the Keeper's judgement? You say Tremas is unfit tosucceed?
[KATURA] That is for him to prove, and the sooner the better.
[SERON] Rapport with the Keeper?
[KATURA] It is the only way we know to resolve this problem.
[KASSIA] What is there to fear, Seron? If he acted justly, he willsurvive and we will be humbled.
[SERON] If there has been deceit, then I am to blame. Tremas did what hedid on my advice.
[KATURA] You? Seron.
[LUVIC] Then in justice, Seron, you must enter Rapport.
[KASSIA] No, that is not intended.
[SERON] Intended, Kassia? By whom? Very well, we will put it to thetest. I shall submit myself to Rapport. I ask that Consul Tremas keepvigil on my behalf.
[KATURA] With Consul Tremas under suspicion too, that is hardly the bestchoice.
[KASSIA] I shall keep vigil for you, Seron.
[SERON] Thank you, Consul Kassia. Under your zealous eye we may becertain justice will be done. Now Consuls, you will excuse me. I mustprepare myself.
[TREMAS] Proctor Neman?
[DOCTOR] Is something the matter?
[NEMAN] Consul?
[TREMAS] We intend to visit the grove. Who are those people?
[NEMAN] Ordinary citizens, Consul.
[NEMAN] They're waiting for a sign.
[TREMAS] A sign?
[NEMAN] There are rumours that the Melkur has been redeemed and willbring these disasters to an end.
[DOCTOR] Huh, that's hardly likely.
[NEMAN] It's superstition. But if I might suggest?
[TREMAS] Yes, Proctor Neman?
[NEMAN] It would perhaps be better if the Consul were not to visit thegrove. It might be seen as confirmation of the rumour.
[DOCTOR] Well, I can see the force of that argument, but what I'm moreinterested in is finding my
[TREMAS] Thank you, Proctor. A wise thought. I'll show the Doctor roundthe court instead.
[TREMAS] (sotto) The man's too fond of money to be trusted.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[TREMAS] There is another way to the grove. The service vault beneaththe Keeper's chamber.
[DOCTOR] Citizen trouble there?
[TREMAS] No. Entry to it is possible only through consular agreement.
(Tremas' quarters)
[ADRIC] These readings were taken before we arrived.
[NYSSA] You know what it is?
[ADRIC] I think so, except it's impossible. But the Doctor will know forsure. He must see this, Nyssa.
[NYSSA] But you're supposed to stay with me.
[ADRIC] Well then, you'll have to come along, too. Come on. The grove.
[MELKUR] You have served me well, Kassia. At myfeet you will find a gift.
[MELKUR] Wear it as a token of your allegiance.
[MELKUR] Now, the gentle irradiation and your allegiance is assured. Gonow, Kassia. Be my eyes and ears.
[KASSIA] It is not as you predicted, Melkur. Seron will now enterRapport.
[MELKUR] There is much that you do not understand, Kassia.
(Inside 'Melkur')
[KASSIA [on screen]] I have failed you, Melkur, but spare my husband, Ibeg of you. You have promised.
[DOCTOR] Wait.
[DOCTOR] There's someone in there.
[TREMAS] You mustn't be seen. It's too dangerous.
[TREMAS] Kassia.
[DOCTOR] Don't. She's in some sort of trance.
[TREMAS] She must have come from the grove.
[DOCTOR] Yes, from the Melkur thing.
[DOCTOR] You know, Tremas, your Source manipulator is really quitebeautiful.
[TREMAS] Yes, it's functions have expanded steadily over the years.
[DOCTOR] Its limitless organising capacity refined to a single frame andobedient to the will of your Keeper. A great achievement, Tremas, and agreat temptation to people less principled than ourselves.
[TREMAS] Yes, the thought has occurred to me. Come, the grove is thisway.
(Inside 'Melkur')
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Bothers you, does he, Tremas?
[TREMAS [on screen]] Yes, and with good reason.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Yes, me too. I'd like to take another look, butfirst, the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Now, we put it down about, yes, here. Hmm.
[TREMAS] Well?
[DOCTOR] It's here. It's just been displaced slightly by the currenttime cone. Now, what's the simplest way around this? I'd like to set upa standing wave. Something the autosystems can home in on.
[TREMAS] Would a binary induction system serve the purpose?
[DOCTOR] Well, it'll be a start.
[TREMAS] Back to the vault stores, then.
(Inside 'Melkur')
[MELKUR] Find your Tardis, Time Lord. Much goodwill it do you now.
[NEMAN] Yes, lady?
[NYSSA] Proctor Neman, why are all these people gathered here?
[NEMAN] Rumours, lady. The law permits it.
[NYSSA] They offend the dignity of the Keeper. Have them removed.
[NEMAN] But that is not lawful, lady.
[NYSSA] My father and other consuls determine what is lawful.
[NEMAN] (to Fosters) Remove them.
[FOSTER] Come on, clear this area. Come on, move it.
[NYSSA] See that they leave here.
[NEMAN] As you wish, lady.
[NYSSA] It's locked!
[ADRIC] Well, never mind. I'm quite good with locks. May I borrow yourbrooch?
[NYSSA] Hurry, Adric, slip through.
[KATURA] No, Nyssa. Do not enter the grove.
[LUVIC] It's dangerous.
[NYSSA] Who says so?
[KATURA] Seron, and your father.
[NYSSA] But my father. Yes, I see.
[KATURA] The Melkur can do without your attentions for today, I'm sure.
[LUVIC] But unfortunately the state cannot do without ours.
[KATURA] There are grave matters for us to discuss, Nyssa.
[LUVIC] Come on, we'll take you home.
[KATURA] Stay there until these things are settled.
(Inside 'Melkur')
[MELKUR] So, your sheep stray from the fold,Doctor.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Psst.
[ADRIC] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I thought I told you to stay with Nyssa.
[ADRIC] Doctor, Doctor, I must speak to you.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Can't it wait?
[DOCTOR] All right. Come on, through here.
(Court building)
[KATURA] So be it.
[KATURA] Good luck, Seron. We wish you well.
[ADRIC] The wave loop pattern's unmistakable.
[TREMAS] Ah, you recognise the source of these energy emissions?
[ADRIC] I thought they might be from some sort of a Tardis. I don't knowwhat the Doctor thinks.
[DOCTOR] The Doctor thinks you might have a very good point. Thiscertainly looks like a Tardis generator, but you don't get shift ratiosof this magnitude in an ordinary Type Forty. Adric, we have a fullbackflow inducer in the making here.
[SERON] Keeper of Traken, the Consul's integrity isin doubt. I therefore claim Rapport with the Source so that you maymake your judgement.
[DOCTOR] There we are, a fully fledged full backflow inducer.
[TREMAS] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What does that mean?
[TREMAS] It means the Keeper is being summoned.
[SERON] Your judgement, Keeper?
[KEEPER] You are blameless, Seron, but doomed, and we are both betrayed.
[KASSIA] Forgive me, Seron.
[SERON] Consul Kassia!
[KASSIA] Forgive me, but I serve a greater purpose.
[SERON] Lost, degraded creature.
(Inside 'Melkur)
[SERON [on screen]] You betrayed your Keeper andyour sacred consular vows? Kassia, reject this evil. Reject it.
[KASSIA] I cannot. Now, Melkur, now!
(Outside the Sanctum)
[TREMAS] You wait here.
[TREMAS] Kassia? Dead? Seron dead? How?
[TREMAS] What have you done, Kassia?
[KASSIA] Tremas, my husband, I
[KASSIA] Seron is dead, rejected by the Keeper.
[KASSIA] Melkur is the cause of his destruction. Melkur. And those arehis agents. (The Doctor and Adric stand in the vault doorway.)
[LUVIC] Seron, and now you, Tremas? Is nothing sacred any more? Fosters,take them.
[DOCTOR] Quick, the vault. The vault.
[KASSIA] Leave them. Come with me.
[TREMAS] Hurry, Doctor.
[ADRIC] But we can't get out. There are Fosters at the other door to thegrove.
[DOCTOR] You're forgetting about the Tardis, Adric. Come on, come on.
[DOCTOR] Wait, wait, wait.
[ADRIC] Will it work?
[DOCTOR] Well, give it a moment or two. Trust me.
[DOCTOR] If you come up with a better idea, let me know.
[MELKUR] Doctor, recovering the Tardis won't help you.
[DOCTOR] So you're the cause of all this.
[MELKUR] Turn off your instrument.
[DOCTOR] Adric, Tremas, don't look at its eyes.
[ADRIC] Doctor, look! (The Tardis appears. Kassia walks up and stands infront of the doors.)
[TREMAS] Kassia, help us!
[KASSIA] Yes, help me, Tremas.
[KASSIA] Don't look. Not my eyes.
[DOCTOR] He should be all right. Come on, he's only stunned.
[KASSIA] It is done, Melkur.
[MELKUR] Oh no, Kassia. It is only beginning.
[KASSIA] They are to be closely watched, and no contact with anyonewithout my express authority.
[NEMAN] Yes, Consul.
[KASSIA] My husband and his friends have betrayed the Keeper. A fullconfession to satisfy the Traken people and then. You understand? Theseservices will not be overlooked, Neman.
[KATURA] Where could she be?
[LUVIC] Here she comes now. Kassia. Kassia, where are the strangers?
[KASSIA] Closely guarded.
[KATURA] And the Keeper?
[KASSIA] It is our duty to propose a new successor. Tremas has forfeitedhis right.
[KATURA] Seron is dead.
[LUVIC] Then it's got to be one of us.
[KATURA] Well, we shall have to decide the issue formally.
[KASSIA] But later.
[DOCTOR] Well, quite a little home from home.
[TREMAS] It's the penal wing, Doctor. We haven't had much use for thesecells for some time now.
[DOCTOR] Not till we came along, that is.
[ADRIC] Can you open it?
[DOCTOR] Some sort of electron lock. Still, sonic screwdriver should doit.
[ADRIC] What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] Seems a bit far along. Be a good chap, will you, and nipoutside and unlock it for me. I'm not a magician, you know.
[DOCTOR] Lovely day.
[KASSIA] All is as you predicted, Melkur. Seron isdead, Tremas is in disgrace. He cannot become Keeper now. You've savedhim.
[MELKUR] And he may continue to live if you continue to obey.
[KASSIA] What? Can there be more to be done?
[MELKUR] Oh yes, my servant. Much more. The Doctor, he is a great andcunning enemy. While he lives, the cause of Melkur is in doubt.
[KASSIA] The Doctor and his young friend.
[MELKUR] With them you must finish the job you have begun. And one morething. You have interfered with the succession. Order must be restored.
[KASSIA] A successor is to be chosen.
[MELKUR] Will this successor serve us as you do?
[KASSIA] I do not know.
[MELKUR] But we must know, Kassia. These things must be ensured. I canthink of no better Keeper than yourself.
(Inside 'Melkur')
[KASSIA [on screen]] No, release me!
[MELKUR] Not until the work is done, Kassia.
[DOCTOR] The Keeper's not dead yet, so we stillhave a little time.
[TREMAS] Not much, Doctor. Seron's murder proves the Keeper's power isat an end. His death can't be far off.
[DOCTOR] Whatever happens, Melkur must not be allowed to make contactwith the Source.
[TREMAS] How could he, Doctor? The bioelectronics only permit a Trakento succeed to the Keepership.
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[TREMAS] Kassia.
[KASSIA] Melkur, I implore you. Answer me!
[KASSIA] Ah, spying, eh? My Fosters will deal with you.
[NYSSA] Your Fosters?
[KASSIA] Yes, mine, bought and paid for.
[NYSSA] But you haven't bought my father or Adric and the Doctor.
[KASSIA] No need. They're under lock and key.
[NYSSA] He's no criminal! Nor are the strangers. This Melkur has madeyou mad.
[KASSIA] Don't interfere with what you don't understand. Now go home!This will all come to good in time.
(Tremas' quarters)
[KASSIA] Consuls of Traken. Recent events haveproved that a great evil threatens our Traken Union. It is our clearduty to unite and strive to defeat it. Are we agreed?
[KATURA] Yes, Kassia. We're all proud of our liberal tradition, but thissuperstitious mania, this cult of Melkur, is growing.
[KASSIA] Fostered by my husband and the strangers.
[LUVIC] It must be stopped.
[KASSIA] It will, Consuls, but only if we demonstrate our intention tooppose it. And to do that, we need a Keeper Nominate who will not shirkwhat must be done.
[KATURA] That's certainly true, but I'm far too old and, Luvic.
[LUVIC] Oh, I do not have such greatness in me.
[KATURA] So there's no great dilemma about the choice.
(Outside the Sanctum)
[NYSSA] Proctor Neman, please take me to my father.
[NEMAN] I'm sorry, lady, that is impossible.
[NYSSA] My father is still a Consul of Traken. I demand to see him.
[NEMAN] Your father and the strangers are condemned criminals. No onemay see them.
[NYSSA] By whose orders?
[NEMAN] Consul Kassia. Forgive me, I have my instructions.
[KATURA] So be it. Consul Kassia, we appoint youKeeper Nominate. Do you accept or reject?
[KASSIA] I accept.
[KATURA] Well, that's that.
[LUVIC] First, the matter of Tremas and the strangers. Kassia?
[KASSIA] The strangers must die. Tremas will be of use.
[LUVIC] Yes, his contribution to the state has been outstanding.
[KASSIA] Their deaths will serve to deter others.
[KATURA] Yes. Sadly we must show that our intentions are firm.
[LUVIC] Sadly.
(Outside the Sanctum)
[NEMAN] I cannot accept payment. The honour of theTraken Union is at stake. There is a limit to the power of money, LadyNyssa.
[NYSSA] I think this is powerful enough.
[NEMAN] I see.
[NYSSA] Please do as I ask. I will use it if I must.
[NEMAN] You will die for this, lady.
[NYSSA] I know what I am doing. Now, the key to the cell, please. Downthere.
[DOCTOR] Lovely day. Huh. They're not a very talkative lot, yourFosters, Tremas.
[TREMAS] I suspect Kassia's bribed them. She daren't risk losing us now.
[DOCTOR] Why? Why should she, anyway? Ah, a friendly face.
[NYSSA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Nyssa. Nyssa, the lock.
[DOCTOR] New technology dates so quickly these days.
[TREMAS] Well done, daughter.
[DOCTOR] Which way, Nyssa? This way or that?
[NYSSA] Follow me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Right.
(Outside the Sanctum)
[NYSSA] The ion bonder. I stepped up the ion rate. They'll sleep forquite a bit yet.
[DOCTOR] What? I must remember never to fall out with your daughter,Tremas. May I look at that? Yes, very clever. No self-respectingfugitive should be without one.
[TREMAS] Where to, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Back to the Tardis. Much the safest place if we can get there.
[NYSSA] We must hurry.
[TREMAS] The grove. We can't use the sanctum entrance, they've taken myring.
[ADRIC] And the main gate's guarded all the time.
[DOCTOR] It's the only way in. Just stay calm, eh? I'll think ofsomething.
[DOCTOR] Come on, back.
[LUVIC] A painful duty, Consul Kassia.
[KATURA] Not really our way, this judicial blood-letting. Still, if itmust be, it must.
[KASSIA] The prisoners?
[NEMAN] Oh, we were attacked. The Lady Nyssa.
[KASSIA] Search the court. They can't be far away. Now find them! Oryou, Neman, will wish you had never been born.
[NEMAN] Yes, Consul.
[KASSIA] No, wait. Have the court sealed. Double the guard on thesanctum and the grove and search everywhere, including the residentialquarter.
[NEMAN] Yes, yes.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[DOCTOR] Ah, good morning, or afternoon, or is it evening? It's verydifficult to keep track of time around here.
[FOSTER] Up against the wall.
[NYSSA] Doctor, the ion bonder.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes.
[FOSTER] That's enough. Kill them!
[DOCTOR] Tremas, we've got to get out of these corridors and lie lowsomewhere.
[NYSSA] We're close to our quarters, father.
[TREMAS] Too risky.
[ADRIC] Not if they've already searched there.
[DOCTOR] Good thinking, Adric. Come on, Tremas, lead on.
[TREMAS] Come on.
[MELKUR] I'm disappointed, Kassia. You have failedme.
[KASSIA] We will find them. The court is sealed. They cannot escape.
[MELKUR] I warned you about the Doctor but you chose to ignore me. Nowyou suffer!
[MELKUR] Rise, Consul. Were you not necessary to our purpose, you woulddie.
(Inside 'Melkur')
[KASSIA [on screen]] Tell me what I should do,Melkur.
[MELKUR] First, the Doctor. It is clear now he must be destroyed.
[KASSIA [on screen]] I shall not rest till it is done.
[MELKUR] Time presses, Consul. The power of the Keeper is almost ours.Only the Doctor can destroy all that we have planned. He must be found.Must, you hear?
(Tremas' quarters)
[DOCTOR] Well, the new regime seems to be making rather a mess ofthings. Tremas. Tremas.
[DOCTOR] Blueprints. Master plans. Do you happen to keep them here?
[TREMAS] What plans in particular?
[DOCTOR] Well, the master plans to the Source manipulator, of course.
[TREMAS] Yes, in the atmosphere safe. The secrecy of the Sourcemanipulator is a sacred trust.
[DOCTOR] Tremas, we must stop Kassia becoming the Keeper, and for thatwe need the master plans.
[TREMAS] But I swore an oath, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well of course you swore an oath! Now you have to choose. Yourpersonal honour against the safety of the whole of Traken.
[NYSSA] Yes, father.
[TREMAS] I can't, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's fine. That's fine, Tremas. I mean, when this thinghas taken over the entire Source you'll have the consolation of knowingthat you kept your honour intact.
[TREMAS] The original design of the Source manipulator. The means thatgave power to our Keepers.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[NEMAN] Consul, there's no sign of them. Some of mymen made contact, but they got away.
[KASSIA] Oh, where could they be?
[NEMAN] Well, they were last seen headed towards the grove.
[KASSIA] Yes, obviously trying to get to the Doctor's craft. Very well,we'll help them. Call off the search.
[NEMAN] Call it off, Consul?
[KASSIA] Have the Fosters withdrawn. All of them.
[NEMAN] Including those covering the entrance to the grove?
[KASSIA] Especially those. I want it left clear.
[NEMAN] May I ask what you have in mind, Consul?
[KASSIA] Same as before, Neman. The death of the prisoners.
(Tremas' quarters)
[DOCTOR] Now, Nyssa, you stand on guard. It'smagnificent. Magnificent. It's a pity about that poor chap having tosit for thousands of years in a chair, but it is magnificent.
[TREMAS] It's a small price to pay for harmony throughout the Union,Doctor. Thousands of years of peace and prosperity for all our people.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I can see there's something in that. Adric, put your mindto that.
[TREMAS] That could be the crucial circuit.
[DOCTOR] Agreed, yes. I wonder, could it be tripped?
[ADRIC] Well, I wouldn't like to be around if it was.
[TREMAS] What are you thinking, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, dangerous thoughts, Tremas. Dangerous thoughts. Look,Adric. Warp crossover connected there, shutdown element there and
[ADRIC] Disaster.
[DOCTOR] Well, only if the servo blew.
[ADRIC] You aren't serious, are you?
[DOCTOR] Well, it could be done. Tricky, and I hope not necessary. Yes.Thank you, Tremas. Put that away safely, will you? Nyssa, how are thefun and games over there?
[NYSSA] No movement, nothing.
[DOCTOR] Good. Let's get back to the Tardis. Off you go. Come on. Offyou go.
[LUVIC] The signs are unmistakable, Katura.
[KATURA] Yes, Consul. It's happening at last. Foster, find ConsulKassia. Bring her here immediately. Tell her, tell her the Keeper isdying.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[NYSSA] No Fosters anywhere.
[ADRIC] But they can't have given up the search.
[TREMAS] It's not like Kassia to give up so easily. I don't like it.
[DOCTOR] Neither do I. Still, what can't be cured must be endured.
[ADRIC] That's the silliest thing you ever said.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, don't listen to me. I never do. Come on. Come on.
[LUVIC] The texts say it is an agonising death,Katura.
[KATURA] Yes. For his sake and ours, may it be swift. With the Sourceout of control, nature, they say, reverts to destructive chaos. I dreadthat anything should go wrong, Luvic.
[LUVIC] Yes, yes. Kassia must be here the instant the moment comes.
[KATURA] Then let her hurry. Time runs out.
[ADRIC] I don't like it, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, it is very quiet. Wait, wait. Come on, quickly.
[DOCTOR] Now remember, we come to the statuepresently. No funny business. Off you go.
[ADRIC] Wait.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[ADRIC] Listen.
[DOCTOR] What? Imagination. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Well, Neman. Neman, you've made a splendid recovery.
[NEMAN] Unfortunately for you, yes. Now stand still!
[TREMAS] Neman, I'm Tremas, your Consul. What's happened to you people?
[NEMAN] Enough, Consul. There is nothing to be said. As far as you areconcerned, our instructions are clear.
[DOCTOR] Well, clarity is the soul of knowing what the other chap'sgoing to do. What are you going to do?
[NEMAN] By order of the Keeper Nominate, you are all sentenced to death.
[DOCTOR] What?
[NEMAN] Sentence to be carried out immediately. Fosters.
[NEMAN] Fire! Fire!
[TREMAS] The Keeper, Doctor. The Keeper's dying!
[DOCTOR] Yes, and Kassia will be the next Keeper unless we make theSanctum.
[TREMAS] He dies, Doctor. The Keeper dies!
[NYSSA] Father!
[LUVIC] Quick, Kassia. Quickly!
[KASSIA] Yes, Melkur, the time has come.
(Inside 'Melkur')
[MELKUR] Do what must be done. I am impatient,Kassia.
[KASSIA] Keeper of Traken, your work is done. Goswiftly in gratitude for all you have accomplished. She who willsucceed is present. Relinquish the Source and die.
[KATURA] He is gone!
[TREMAS] The Keeper is dead.
[LUVIC] The Source. Has it survived?
[KATURA] All will be well, Consul. All will be as it should be.
[KASSIA] Consuls, you are witness to my acceptance. Instruct the Sourcethat transition may be completed.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[MELKUR] Doctor. So you survive after all.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, yes, we're still here. Don't write us off yet, willyou.
[MELKUR] Look into my eyes, all of you. There is nothing more than youcan do, Doctor, so look, and you will die swiftly.
(Inside 'Melkur')
[MELKUR] A merciful death. Refuse and you willregret it.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Oh, no. We know what you're up to, Melkur, andwe'll stop you. That's a promise.
[MELKUR] But it's too late, Doctor. The Source is mine! And soon, verysoon, you will feel its power.
[MELKUR] Now this Traken web of harmony is broken. I am free!
[KATURA] By this act, Kassia, you are physicallyconfirmed as Keeper. Prepare for access to the Source.
[KATURA] May you bring peace and blessing for all your time, Keeper.
[DOCTOR] Consul, don't do it!
[KATURA] You again!
[LUVIC] Fosters, these traitors have no business here.
[DOCTOR] Consul Kassia has betrayed you all. Don't complete thetransition.
[KASSIA] Do your duty, Katura. Complete transition!
[DOCTOR] Don't listen to her, Consul.
[KASSIA] Complete transition!
[TREMAS] No, Katura!
[KATURA] Transition complete. You now have access to the Source, Keeper.
[LUVIC] The Keeper!
[TREMAS] We warned you, Consuls.
[DOCTOR] (to Adric) It's our only chance. Secure the Tardis. Take Nyssawith you and wait.
[DOCTOR] It's too late, Tremas. Far too late.
[MELKUR] Thank you, Consul Katura. You were mostwise to complete the access to the Source. I am grateful.
[KATURA] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] Your new Keeper.
[TREMAS] This is no Keeper of Traken.
[DOCTOR] Well, I know it's not exactly what you had in mind, but now I'mafraid you're rather stuck with him.
[MELKUR] Consul Luvic, you may now summon Proctor Neman.
[DOCTOR] I should do it, Consul, if I were you. He'll make you.
[MELKUR] There is no compulsion. It is your Keeper who asks. Do it toserve him.
[DOCTOR] Huh. No compulsion? You've changed your tune.
[MELKUR] Apparently you haven't, Doctor. Consuls, this man is known tome, as is his ambition.
[DOCTOR] My only ambition is to stop you, Melkur.
[MELKUR] An unhappy man. The old Keeper rejected him and you Consulssentenced him to death. Is that not so?
[KATURA] He speaks the truth. Do as the Keeper says, Luvic.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) I want to get a closer look at that Melkur creature. Ihave the oddest feeling we've met somewhere before.
[NYSSA] How could he just disappear and reappearlike that?
[ADRIC] That's nothing. We do it all the time in the Tardis. Of course!Just like the Tardis.
[TREMAS] And you have no right to sit in thatchair. How dare you expect us to believe you were known to the oldKeeper?
[MELKUR] Known to him, Consul? It was he that arranged that I shouldsucceed.
[TREMAS] Impossible! No outsider can become Keeper.
[KATURA] That's true. Our choice was Consul Kassia.
[MELKUR] Yes, Consul. That is why it happened as you saw it happen. Theold Keeper foresaw this, and Kassia gave her life so that I shouldserve you.
[DOCTOR] If you ask me, poor old Kassia didn't have much say in thematter.
(Inside 'Melkur')
[MELKUR] You still do not recognise me, Doctor, butsoon you will know me. Soon.
[NYSSA] So this is the Tardis. But how
[ADRIC] Just a minute.
[ADRIC] We're safe now. No one except the Doctor can get in. Or at leastthat's the theory.
[NYSSA] How can all this be like Melkur?
[ADRIC] I don't know, but the Fourier analysis we did says it is.
[NYSSA] But why is it so much bigger inside than it is outside?
[ADRIC] Oh, the Doctor told me that was because it was dimensionallytranscendental.
[NYSSA] What does that mean?
[ADRIC] It means it was bigger inside than outside.
[NYSSA] What are you doing?
[ADRIC] Testing drives, in case we have to leave in a hurry.
[NYSSA] What is it, Adric?
[ADRIC] I'm getting blocking.
[NYSSA] Blocking? What does that mean?
[ADRIC] It means if we have to leave in a hurry, we're in very serioustrouble.
[MELKUR] Proctor Neman, you will dismiss theConsuls and have them confined to quarters. A purely temporary measure,Consuls.
[NEMAN] The Doctor is under sentence of death, Keeper.
[MELKUR] Yes, death. I had not forgotten. I am loath to begin my regimewith bloodshed, but in this case.
[MELKUR] You are all confined to quarters. Your fate will be decidedlater. And Doctor, try to leave, try to gain access to the Tardis, andyou will suffer.
[NEMAN] You are confined to Consul Tremas' quarters until furthernotice.
[DOCTOR] He'll destroy you too, Neman, just as he destroyed Kassia.
[NEMAN] Consuls, you are dismissed. Escort them to their quarters.
[NYSSA] There must be something we can do.
[ADRIC] There is. The Doctor showed me how this thing could bedestroyed.
[NYSSA] How?
[ADRIC] You wouldn't like it.
[NYSSA] Adric, if it stopped Melkur
[ADRIC] It would. It would, but it'd do a lot more than that.
[NYSSA] What do you mean?
[ADRIC] We can destroy Melkur, Nyssa, but only by completely destroyingthe Source.
(Tremas' quarters)
[TREMAS] Doctor, these chaps are r
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Looks like the second law of thermodynamics.
[DOCTOR] Talking of entropy, what happened last night in the sanctum,the statue fading and struggling, that was most unexpected.
[TREMAS] It's normal, Doctor. The reaction when a new Keeper succeeds.The effort weakens him. His power comes and goes at first.
[DOCTOR] A C-reaction. Melkur all sweetness and reason because he'svulnerable.
[TREMAS] Yes, stalling opposition until his power's secure.
[DOCTOR] Well then, perhaps we could apply the ultimate sanction.
[TREMAS] His power's increasing by the minute. The full reaction processis a matter of hours. No, what am I thinking of? We still need all fiverings.
[DOCTOR] What, even though we've got the master plans of the SourceManipulator?
[TREMAS] You mean there may be a way to short-circuit the securitysystem?
[MELKUR] Neman, you carried out my orders?
[NEMAN] Yes, Keeper. The Consuls are confined to their quarters and theresidential wing is sealed off.
[MELKUR] That is good, very good, because until my power is fullyactive, I shall depend on you.
[NEMAN] You may count on me, Keeper.
[MELKUR] Excellent. Let us entrust you with another task. Neman, ConsulTremas has a certain document in his possession. It must be secured atonce.
(Tremas' quarters)
[TREMAS] A control panel at the base of the chamber, activated byConsular rings
[DOCTOR] Which in our case we have not got. What's that piece ofmechanism? Oh, of course, a recursive integrator. Hmm. How are therings encoded?
[TREMAS] Er, ah! Gamma mode encryption.
[DOCTOR] I see. Then there'll be a single large prime number at the rootof it and we don't have the integer key. What a pity you still haven'tgot your own ring.
[TREMAS] Oh, you couldn't derive it from one ring. The computation wouldtake thousands of years.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. I know one or two shortcuts.
[DOCTOR] Come in.
[DOCTOR] Ah, Neman. How nice.
[NEMAN] Consul Tremas, I have orders to secure the plan of the SourceManipulator. You will please hand it over.
[TREMAS] Impossible, Neman. The plans of the Source Manipulator are forthe eyes of Consuls only!
[NEMAN] The Keeper orders it, that is enough. Do as I say.
[DOCTOR] Dear me, he seems to be almost back on form.
[MELKUR] Tremas, you will do as Proctor Neman asks.
[TREMAS] I have told him and now I am going to tell you.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right, Melkur. There's no need to show off yourpowers as Keeper. We know what you can do.
[MELKUR] Only a beginning, Doctor. Persuade your friend to cooperate.
[DOCTOR] Tremas, why don't you do as he asks? It's only a bit of paper,after all. You know why he wants it. He doesn't want you to show it tome.
[MELKUR] Correct, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Afraid I might spoil your fun?
[DOCTOR] I'd watch it if I were you, Melkur. Burning the candle at bothends and all that.
[MELKUR] Hold it out, Neman.
[MELKUR] Now, Doctor, we are safe. The Source is secure.
[DOCTOR] Oh, by the way, by the way, Neman. Neman, come here. You chapsmight be interested in this as well.
[DOCTOR] Listen, do you know that expression, two heads are better thanone?
[DOCTOR] Well, I think that one head's better than three.
[TREMAS] Part of the problem solved, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] So far it's going magnificently. Melkur'll be out of action fora while. Let's try and make that a permanent arrangement, shall we?Come on.
[NYSSA] The servo shut-off.
[ADRIC] Perfect. Now there's just the crossover element left.
[FOSTER] Halt.
[TREMAS] Consul Tremas on special mission for the Keeper.
[FOSTER] Halt, or I'll fire. No one may leave the residential quarter.
[DOCTOR] Come on, through here. Come on.
(Outside the Sanctum)
[TREMAS] Here's the residential quarter.
[TREMAS] Order of Proctor Neman. We're summoned to the Keeper.
[NEMAN] Stop them!
[NEMAN] Doh!
[DOCTOR] How much longer do we have, Tremas?
[TREMAS] Can't say, but next time we see the Melkur, the reaction isalmost certain to be over.
[DOCTOR] Not a very pleasant thought. I had considered a more drasticsolution.
[TREMAS] You know another way to destroy Melkur?
[DOCTOR] No. Just an idea that Adric and I had.
[TREMAS] Progress, Doctor. You can start your code-breaking now.
[NYSSA] Finished?
[ADRIC] Yes. Now all we have to do is connect it up to the manipulatorcircuits.
[NYSSA] What will it do?
[ADRIC] Nothing, until Melkur taps the energy core of the Source.
[NYSSA] And?
[ADRIC] Oh, all sorts of things. Time energy will be displaced, energywill overflow, overload the control element.
[NYSSA] And Melkur?
[ADRIC] The Source will consume itself and whoever controls it. Or atleast, that's the Doctor's theory.
[NYSSA] Let's hope we don't have to put it to the test.
[ADRIC] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Eight, eight, seven, one, zero. Anotherzero. That's a bad sign.
[DOCTOR] Down, Tremas.
[TREMAS] Did you key the whole number in?
[DOCTOR] What?
[TREMAS] Did you key the whole number in?
[DOCTOR] No. Three more digits to go.
[TREMAS] You nearly had the sanction programmes running. A matter ofmoments.
[DOCTOR] Shush. We've still got a chance. Just remember three, three,seven.
[MELKUR] Now then, Doctor. Let's have you closer, shall we?
[MELKUR] On your knees, Doctor.
[NYSSA] Adric, the Source. Melkur's active.
[ADRIC] The prime circuit bank, Nyssa. Which panel?
[NYSSA] I'll do it.
[NYSSA] You know what to do?
[MELKUR] Too late, Doctor. I am now in full controlof the Source.
[TREMAS] You may call yourself Keeper of Traken, but our people willnever accept you.
[MELKUR] A noble thought, Tremas, but not true, you know. Your peoplewill obey, just as you will.
[TREMAS] I would die first.
[MELKUR] Oh, that's not necessary. Now, Consul Tremas, who do you obey.
[TREMAS] I obey you, Melkur.
[MELKUR] Let's put it to the test, shall we?
[MELKUR] Come in, Neman. Please hand your weapon to Consul Tremas.Doctor, you may watch but not interfere. Now, Neman, you failed in yourduty to me, did you not?
[NEMAN] I tried, Keeper.
[MELKUR] The punishment for failure is death. Consul Tremas, you're afair-minded man. Kindly destroy Neman, will you?
[MELKUR] And now yourself, Tremas.
[MELKUR] You see, Consul? You will accept me now that I have thesepowers as Keeper. You have no choice, really. None of you has.
[ADRIC] Careful.
[ADRIC] That's it.
[NYSSA] Well done, Adric. Even my father couldn't have done better.
[MELKUR] Yes, Tremas. You will build machines, tomy design, of course. Your colleagues will mobilise the people and Ishall lead them to worlds without number, to conquest!
[DOCTOR] That's a very popular delusion.
[MELKUR] And along the way, many old scores will be settled, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Old scores?
[MELKUR] You still do not know me, Doctor? But none of this will matterwhen I control the deeper mysteries of time.
[DOCTOR] All this and that too? How do you propose to manage that?
[MELKUR] Through the resources of the Keepership, and through you,Doctor. The knowledge will be taken from you atom by atom, and what isleft of you, the husk of your body, that will also have its uses.
[ADRIC] We've sabotaged the Source Manipulator. Where's the Doctor?
[TREMAS] He's in there.
[NYSSA] But it's going to blow any minute!
(Inside 'Melkur')
[MASTER] Well, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Of course, the Master.
[MASTER] Welcome to my new ship.
[DOCTOR] I used to know an ancient remedy for mad dogs. I must look itup some time. Good library here, have you?
[MASTER] Unfortunately for you, you will not be using it. This wholedomain is now keyed to my biological rhythms. If you move a muscle, youwill be destroyed.
[ADRIC] Nyssa, the vault.
[NYSSA] It's too late, Adric. We can't disconnect at full power. It willbe catastrophe.
[ADRIC] But the Doctor!
(Inside 'Melkur')
[MASTER] You will find immobility endurable,Doctor. I speak from experience.
[DOCTOR] I thought you meant to destroy me.
[MASTER] That would be irrational, to waste all that acquired knowledgeof the centuries. You spoke of my library, Doctor. I intend that youshould become a part of it. Your mind I shall deposit there. Your body.I am now nearing the end of my twelfth regeneration.
[DOCTOR] Then that is the end for a Time Lord.
[MASTER] But not for the Keeper of Traken. With my new powers, anythingis possible. Yes. I shall enjoy full mobility once again.
[MASTER] The Source! Someone has tampered with the power of the Source!Argh!
[ADRIC] Nyssa, the Source! It's in reverse.
[NYSSA] It's useless, father. You can't stop it.
[DOCTOR] Adric! Three, three, seven!
[DOCTOR] Three, three, seven!
[DOCTOR] Why, thank you, Adric. That should cancel out your little bitof sabotage and put paid to the resident Keeper for good.
[KATURA] The Source! The Source is failing.
[DOCTOR] You know, I was going to mention that. I think that one of youtwo should step into the breach if you want to keep this quaint oldcustom going.
[LUVIC] I'll go.
[TREMAS] What happened?
[DOCTOR] You just missed your chance of becoming Keeper yet again. Butconfidentially, I think that you're very lucky.
[TREMAS] We're all lucky, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[TREMAS] To have met you.
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, I'm afraid your luck's just run out. Adric and I havegot to fly. Come on, Adric.
[ADRIC] We're supposed to be heading back to Gallifrey.
[TREMAS] Goodbye.
[NYSSA] Goodbye.
[DOCTOR] Well, she seems to be going right asninepence now.
[ADRIC] Why couldn't I start it?
[DOCTOR] Oh, probably the Master up to one of his little party tricksagain. Then the general run-down condition. It badly needs an overhaul.
[ADRIC] Then why don't you?
[DOCTOR] Well, it involves an awful lot of recalculation, and thistype's not really my forte.
[ADRIC] Well, you did work out the code for the Source Manipulator.
[DOCTOR] Oh, guesswork mostly.
[ADRIC] But it did work.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it did, didn't it. Adric, wouldn't it be nice to be rightabout everything?
[KATURA] Well, Tremas, the new Keeper has beeninaugurated.
[TREMAS] Perhaps we shall have peace again.
[NYSSA] Come on, father. You'll be needed to put everything togetheragain.
[TREMAS] Starting with my quarters. I'll join you in a minute. There'ssomething I want to look into.
[TREMAS] Help! Nyssa!
[MASTER] So, a new body at last.
[MASTER] A new body at last.
[NYSSA] Father? Where are you?
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s18", "episode": "e06", "title": "The Keeper of Traken"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (28 Feb, 1981; Fourth Doctor) - Logopolis
(Barnet lay-by)
(Cloister room)
[ADRIC] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Chameleon circuit.
[ADRIC] What? Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Look, whenever you see me in this part of the Tardis, pacing upand down like this, be a good chap and don't interrupt me, will you,unless it's terribly urgent. It's not terribly urgent, is it?
[ADRIC] Well, no.
[DOCTOR] Good, so now you'll know in fact there's no need for you tocome barging in here at all, but if it is terribly urgent you canalways ring the Cloister Bell.
[ADRIC] The Cloister Bell?
[ADRIC] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a sort of communications device reserved for wildcatastrophes and sudden calls to man the battle stations.
[ADRIC] But the Tardis doesn't have battle stations.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, nothing along those lines. I sometimes think Ishould be running a tighter ship.
[ADRIC] A tighter ship?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The second law of thermodynamics is taking its toll on theold thing. Entropy increases.
[ADRIC] Entropy increases?
[DOCTOR] Yes, daily. The more you put things together, the more theykeep falling apart, and that's the essence of the second law ofthermodynamics and I never heard a truer word spoken. Come on. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Have you seen the state of the time column recently? Wheezinglike a grampus.
[ADRIC] But it will get us to Gallifrey, won't it?
[DOCTOR] Gallifrey? Oh yes, yes. Are you really set on going toGallifrey?
[ADRIC] Yes.
[ADRIC] That is where we're going, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] That's one of the questions I was just pondering. There's boundto be an awful lot of fuss about Romana. Why she stayed in E-space,official investigations, that sort of thing.
[ADRIC] The Time Lords won't approve?
[DOCTOR] What? She has broken the cardinal rule of Gallifrey. She hasbecome involved, and in a pretty permanent sort of way. I think thatyou and I should let a few oceans flow under a few bridges before wehead back home.
[ADRIC] So we don't get to go to Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Let me put another question to you. I have a place in mindthat's on the way, well, more or less, give or take a parsec or two.It's my home from home. It's called Earth.
(Battersea, London)
[TEGAN] Passport.
[VANESSA] Oh, she's going to go back in there. Forget her head if itwasn't screwed on, I tell you.
[VANESSA] There we go.
[TEGAN] Okay, Aunty Vanessa, let's go. More choke. Easy on the throttleas you turn her over.
[VANESSA] While I do that, dear, I wonder if you'd mind shutting thefront door.
[VANESSA] And don't forget your bag. You might need it.
[TEGAN] Rats. I promise I'll get organised one day.
[VANESSA] Now calm now, Tegan, dear. Look, we've got plenty of time. Youget yourself so excited.
[VANESSA] Wish you and I had half her energy, though.
[TEGAN] Sorry, Aunty. First flight nerves, I guess. Here, let me have ago.
[VANESSA] That's a good idea. I'm not having any luck here with it atall this morning. It's really very cold.
[TEGAN] It's cold.
[VANESSA] There we are. Got all your things? Right.
[TEGAN] I've got the knack.
[VANESSA] You sure have.
[TEGAN] Ladies and gentlemen. Although the fasten seatbelt sign is nowoff, we suggest that you keep your seatbelt fastened when seated. Ifnecessary, you may move about the cabin. Smoking is now permitted.
(Cloister room)
[ADRIC] Earth's the planet with all the oceans,isn't it?
[DOCTOR] That's the chap.
[ADRIC] Wet.
[DOCTOR] Britain is. That's the one place where we can find these blueboxes.
[ADRIC] Tardises?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but they're not. No spacious accommodation, no viewerscreens. They don't even time travel. Just elementary Earthcommunications devices, and more or less obsolete by the time we'll bearriving there. There's some in the North that are still in use.
[ADRIC] But we've got communications devices.
[DOCTOR] But not a police box.
[ADRIC] A police box?
[DOCTOR] Yes. What the mathematical model of a Tardis exterior is basedupon.
[ADRIC] I'd like to see Earth, but why go all that way just to look atsomething that looks like the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Because I want to measure it.
[ADRIC] Whatever for?
[DOCTOR] Block transfer computation.
[ADRIC] I've never heard of that.
[DOCTOR] I'm not surprised. Logopolis is a quiet little planet.
[ADRIC] Logopolis? But I thought we were going to Earth?
[DOCTOR] No, that's the other place. We go to Logopolis afterwards.
[ADRIC] You mean we're going to measure Logopolis, too?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. It's all to do with the chameleon circuit problem.We measure the police box on Earth, then we take the measurementsafterwards to Logopolis. Come on, I'll show you.
[ADRIC] What is it?
[DOCTOR] The Cloister Bell.
(Barnet lay-by)
(Tardis corridor)
[ADRIC] It's stopped.
[ADRIC] Well, what does it mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, nothing, when it's not ringing.
[ADRIC] But it did ring. Is there a wild catastrophe?
[DOCTOR] Apparently not.
[ADRIC] Well, something must have made it ring.
[DOCTOR] Yes, or else our old friend entropy's nibbling away at thesystem circuitry. Let's take a look.
[ADRIC] But you were saying about the chameleon circuit.
(Barnet lay-by)
[TEGAN] Hell's teeth, Aunty Vanessa. It is a flat.
[VANESSA] I thought there was something funny about that steering, butyou wouldn't listen to me.
(Tardis corridor)
[DOCTOR] Well, it's only the exterior of a Tardisthat exists as a real space-time event.
[ADRIC] But mapped on to one of the interior continua.
[DOCTOR] Precisely. That's very good.
[ADRIC] So you can change it into anything you like.
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, that's a sore point. According to the handbook, yeah,because the outer plasmic shell of a Tardis is driven by the chameleoncircuit, or so the theory runs. In practice I always meant to askRomana to help me fix it one day.
[DOCTOR] Ah. I suppose we're going to miss Romana.
[ADRIC] And K9, too.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Still, the future lies this way.
(Barnet lay-by)
[TEGAN] Come on, Aunty. We've got to do something.
[VANESSA] Yeah. Telephone for help.
[TEGAN] Absolutely not. Cars. I hate 'em.
[VANESSA] That's not what you said when I offered you a lift.
[TEGAN] Sorry, Aunty, but you just don't get this sort of sillyaggravation with aircraft.
[VANESSA] Well, perhaps if we sit here and look helpless, someone mightoffer us a lift.
[TEGAN] Pathetic. We'll crack this ourselves. Now then.
[TEGAN] Where's the wheel spanner?
[ADRIC] So the chameleon circuit's stuck?
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[ADRIC] In Totter's Yard.
[DOCTOR] In a totter's yard. Anyway, it was ages ago. It doesn't matter.She was in on Gallifrey for repair when I borrowed her.
[ADRIC] I thought she was yours?
[DOCTOR] Well, on a sort of finders-keepers basis, yes. I should havewaited till they'd done the chameleon conversion, but there were otherpressing reasons at the time. Anything happening up there?
[ADRIC] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Good. Ah.
[ADRIC] What do these numbers and letters mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's an early version. The instructions have to bepunched in by machine code.
[ADRIC] Oh, how boring.
[DOCTOR] Boring? In theory we should be able to do things like this.
[DOCTOR] There. You have a door there.
[ADRIC] Yes, I suppose that's useful.
[DOCTOR] Well, we've got to be able to get in and out.
[ADRIC] No, no, I mean being able to change like that.
[DOCTOR] That's how the Master hid from us on Traken. Anyway, if thisworked, I'd just have to punch a few buttons like this, and we'd be apyramid.
[ADRIC] It's very distinctive.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I'm not sure we should be distinctive.
[ADRIC] Why? Who's looking for us now? You've disposed of the Master.
[DOCTOR] Yes. But since we left Traken, and then the Cloister Bell.
[ADRIC] Wild catastrophe?
[ADRIC] Man the battle stations?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Ah, Earth. Nearly there.
(Barnet lay-by)
[VANESSA] Completely remove the wheel-nuts, remove the hub trim,exchange the road wheels and replace the hub trim and wheel-nuts. Oh,dear.
[TEGAN] Now that's what I call travelling.
[VANESSA] You and your aeroplanes. I sometimes think you should havebeen born with wings.
[TEGAN] Oh, rabbits.
[VANESSA] By the way, dear, don't you think you should put a jackunderneath there before you take that wheel off?
[DOCTOR] We've missed.
[ADRIC] What's supposed to happen?
[DOCTOR] At least, I suppose it's a miss, but I thought just for oncewe'd materialise on the right coordinates.
[DOCTOR] Two point six metres off target. What a landing.
[ADRIC] It's not bad for the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] That's what I just said. What a landing. No, no, no, no. Don'topen the door.
[ADRIC] Aren't we going out there to measure it?
[DOCTOR] There's no need to draw attention to ourselves. There's asimpler way, if I can just organise it. The Tardis and I are gettingrather better at these short hops.
[ADRIC] It's just like the Tardis!
[DOCTOR] I hope not. That could produce some unpleasant dimensionalanomalies. No, it's just an ordinary police box, around which we'vematerialised with considerable finesse, I hope you've noticed.
[ADRIC] Police telephone, free for use of
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, leave it alone.
[DOCTOR] It's a communications device. Adric, take down thesedimensions. I've been meaning to do this for centuries.
(Barnet lay-by)
[VANESSA] It's nearly done.
[TEGAN] I don't really belong at ground level, Aunt Vanessa.
[TEGAN] I didn't mean to be rude about your car. It's very nice of youto give me a lift to the airport.
[VANESSA] My little runabout's used to being insulted by now.
[TEGAN] Cars are all right, I guess. Just more fun to have your ownplane back home. What kind of a maintenance schedule are you runninghere, Aunty Vanessa? This tyre's flat, too.
[DOCTOR] Three point six seven metres normal to theback surface.
[ADRIC] How much more of this is there?
[DOCTOR] It has to be measured in every dimension.
[ADRIC] But it can't have thirty seven dimensions! You said it was anordinary Earth object.
[DOCTOR] In every dimension. I need every detail. The Logopolitansconvert that into a precise mathematical model.
[ADRIC] Why?
[DOCTOR] Well, to overlay it on the Tardis.
[ADRIC] And that's block transfer computation.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's a way of modelling space-time events through purecalculation.
[ADRIC] Really?
[DOCTOR] No, transcendentally. It's quite hard to explain in a word.
[ADRIC] Creating solid objects through pure mathematics.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I meant to do it all of course when they first offered todo the chameleon conversion for me. It's highly specialised. But theysay it'll work. Leg up.
(Barnet lay-by)
[VANESSA] Oh, please, dear, do let's get a man from the garage.
[TEGAN] No way. The stories I've heard about the way they exploithelpless women. You want the job done well, you do it yourself, that'swhat Dad used to say.
[VANESSA] Perhaps some knight errant will stop for us.
[TEGAN] You have to learn to fend for yourself in the outback, you know.
[VANESSA] Your father's farm is hardly the outback, my dear, and neitheris this. You know, I can see a garage not even a quarter of a mileaway.
[TEGAN] Industry and application, Aunt Vanessa. Air stewardesses aresupposed to be resourceful.
[VANESSA] You're not an air stewardess yes, dear.
[TEGAN] I will be after today.
[VANESSA] If ever we get to the airport.
[TEGAN] We will, just as soon as I get this wheel off.
[VANESSA] Oh, god. You know, I thought I saw a man hovering over there.Perhaps he needed a wave of encouragement.
[TEGAN] It's the 1980s, Aunt Vanessa. No knight errants.
[ADRIC] So why do we have to go to Logopolis if the theory's as simpleas you say?
[DOCTOR] Because the actual working-out's incredibly tedious. Lots offiddly computations. Much better to leave it to the Logopolitans. Theydo it standing on their heads.
[ADRIC] Not with a computer?
[DOCTOR] Standing on their heads is an expression.
[DOCTOR] As a matter of fact, they don't use computers, they use word ofmouth.
[ADRIC] Is that another expression?
[ADRIC] They speak it?
[DOCTOR] Mutter. Intone.
[ADRIC] Intone the computations?
[ADRIC] Why?
[DOCTOR] I've wondered that myself. I never quite had the nerve to askthem.
[DOCTOR] Another instrumentation failure.
[ADRIC] A gravity bubble?
[DOCTOR] Definitely a gravity bubble. Pretty local too, by the look ofit.
[ADRIC] Is that dangerous?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'd better not dematerialise till I've investigated. Ihave a feeling I'm overlooking the obvious again. Back in two shakes.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing, Adric?
[ADRIC] I thought it might have something to do with the gravity bubble.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid you're right. No! You'd better leave this to me.
(Second Tardis)
[DOCTOR] Get back to the Tardis.
[ADRIC] But this is the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] A Tardis, perhaps.
[ADRIC] It looks just like yours.
[DOCTOR] Yes, down to the last detail. No, wait, wait.
[DOCTOR] This could be terribly dangerous. You'd better stay with me.
(Barnet lay-by)
[VANESSA] There you are, Tegan, dear. I've got the knack too.
[TEGAN] I wish there was a knack to blowing up a spare tyre with a holein it. Really, Aunt Vanessa, what's the point in driving around with adud spare tyre?
[VANESSA] It's the garage, then.
[TEGAN] Crooks and swindlers, but I suppose we've got no choice.
[VANESSA] Unless we wait for a knight errant?
[TEGAN] No, thank you. Look, you stay here and get your breath back, andI'll go.
[VANESSA] Take your bag, dear. You might have to pay for it. Ah, there'sa girl. Good girl.
[TEGAN] (reads) Police telephone, free for use of public. Advice andassistance obtainable immediately. Officers and cars respond to urgentcalls. Pull to open.
[TEGAN] That's funny. It's very peculiar indeed.
(Second Tardis)
[ADRIC] So it is another Tardis.
[DOCTOR] It's too early to tell.
[DOCTOR] There are other things that can cause this sort of dimensionalanomaly. See if you can do that again.
[TEGAN] Hello? Anybody there?
[TEGAN] Well, there must be intelligent life at the end of this lot.
[TEGAN] Hello? Anybody receiving me? Hello? Come in, anybody. My name'sTegan Jovanka. I'd like to speak to the pilot.
[TEGAN] Is that the crew in there?
(Barnet lay-by)
[VANESSA] Tegan? Goodness me.
(Third Tardis)
[ADRIC] How many more of these are there?
[ADRIC] It couldn't be an infinite regression, could it?
[DOCTOR] I hope not, because if it is, we'll never get out of it.
[DOCTOR] Here, you do it.
[ADRIC] Listen.
(Barnet lay-by)
(Third Tardis)
[ADRIC] Someone's trying to get in touch with us.
[DOCTOR] We can't go back now.
[ADRIC] Done it.
[DOCTOR] We must be getting near to the nucleus of the bubble.
[ADRIC] What's causing it?
[DOCTOR] Another Tardis.
[ADRIC] What? Materialising round the police box just as we planned todo?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Someone's been here before us. Stay here, Adric.
(Barnet lay-by)
[DOCTOR] Ah, good morning.
[DETECTIVE] Good morning. This your vehicle?
[DOCTOR] Which vehicle?
[DETECTIVE] The sports car.
(Third Tardis)
[DETECTIVE [OC]] I just wondered how you came to behere. There is only the road, after all.
[DOCTOR [OC]] It isn't easy to explain.
(Barnet lay-by)
[DETECTIVE] Well, while you're trying to work thatone out, perhaps you'd like to explain this?
[DOCTOR] So he did escape from Traken.
[DETECTIVE] I think you'd better come along with us.
[DOCTOR] But he's still about, somewhere.
[DETECTIVE] He, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The Master.
(Barnet lay-by)
[DOCTOR] Now just a minute, officer. You don't realise what's going onhere.
[DETECTIVE] No, sir, and I don't want to have to go into detail. Youwant to think yourself lucky that I don't have to be the judge.
[DOCTOR] Me lucky? You don't think that I? You do think.
[DETECTIVE] I'm not paid to have opinions, sir. I'm paid to do my duty.
[DOCTOR] Well, I do have opinions. This is the calling card of the mostevil genius in the universe and I have to tell you gentlemen, I've gotto get after him. Now, if you'll just help me to create a diversion,hmm?
[DETECTIVE] I think you'd just better come along to the station with us,sir.
[DOCTOR] I'd love to.
[DETECTIVE] Just to assist us in our enquiries.
[DOCTOR] Would you mind awfully if I stopped to telephone my solicitor?
[DETECTIVE] You can do that back at the station.
[DOCTOR] It seems we're going to be awfully busy at this station ofyours. I mean, isn't that a telephone box?
[DETECTIVE] That's a police box, sir, not for
[DOCTOR] But that would do fine, don't you agree?
[DETECTIVE] Look, sir, if you want a formal arrest
[DOCTOR] Er, no.
[ADRIC] Help! Help me, please! Quickly! Help! Please help!
[ADRIC] Help!
[DETECTIVE] Get him, Davis!
[ADRIC] Help!
[DETECTIVE] Not that one, you fool! The other one!
[ADRIC] The box has gone.
[DOCTOR] It could be anywhere in the Tardis.
[ADRIC] Battle stations?
[DOCTOR] Absolutely.
(Barnet lay-by)
[DETECTIVE] Come on now, sir.
[ADRIC] The Cloister Bell!
[DOCTOR] A choice of emergencies. We'd better dematerialise first.
[ADRIC] What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] The Tardis is very sluggish. We may not have any choice at all.
(Barnet lay-by)
[DETECTIVE] Get the key.
[DOCTOR] It's dragging us back. We'll have to findsome more power from somewhere.
[ADRIC] The Cloister Bell!
[DOCTOR] Well, shut the door, then. There must be some way ofsimplifying this. Architectural configuration, that's the one.
[ADRIC] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Interior allocation of space. Adric, I'm going to jettisonRomana's room.
[ADRIC] Are you sure?
[DOCTOR] This is life. Nothing's sure.
[ADRIC] I'm sorry, I just
[DOCTOR] Look, do you want a quick decision or a debate?
[ADRIC] Sorry!
[DOCTOR] You see? There's no need to shout.
[ADRIC] We're moving.
[ADRIC] So that other Tardis really has gone.
[DOCTOR] Somehow I rather doubt that. Come on, Adric.
[ADRIC] But aren't you going to answer the Cloister Bell?
[DOCTOR] Why don't you answer it? Go on. Go on.
(Barnet lay-by)
[DETECTIVE] There's got to me some trick to this, Davis.
(Cloister room)
[TEGAN] This place is unreal.
[ADRIC] Doctor, it stopped.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so now we know.
[ADRIC] Know what?
[DOCTOR] The message was very faint. It was from Traken.
[ADRIC] Traken? How's Nyssa?
[DOCTOR] Nyssa's all right.
[ADRIC] Tremas?
[DOCTOR] Vanished. The Master must have had a second Tardis hidden awaysomewhere.
[ADRIC] The Master's escaped from Traken? But why take Nyssa's father?
[DOCTOR] To renew himself. He was very near the end of his twelfthregeneration.
[ADRIC] He's taken over Tremas?
[ADRIC] Can a Time Lord do that?
[DOCTOR] Well, not just a Time Lord by himself, but with some of thepowers of the Keepership still lingering. Huh, and I was so sure. I wasso sure. He must have known I was going to fix the chameleon circuit.
[ADRIC] He read your mind?
[DOCTOR] Well, he's a Time Lord! In many ways, we have the same mind.
[ADRIC] Are we still going to Logopolis?
[DOCTOR] No, how can we with the Master in the Tardis? They're aretiring people. They like a quiet life. There's no telling what acreature like that would do on Logopolis.
[ADRIC] So how do we flush him out?
[DOCTOR] And there's no saying what that might do to the Tardis systems.Can you swim?
[ADRIC] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Good. Materialise the Tardis underwater and open the door.
[DOCTOR] That's the River Thames. We'll put down there.
[ADRIC] And water sluices in and floods out the whole Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Adric, shut down everything. Fold back the Omegaconfiguration.
[ADRIC] Folded back.
[DOCTOR] Good. Exponential cross-field?
[ADRIC] Halted.
[DOCTOR] Good. Pathways to conditional states seven to seventeen?
[ADRIC] Closed.
[DOCTOR] Excellent. Main and auxiliary drive?
[ADRIC] Ended.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now, we're partially materialised, so there'll be aslight jolt. Are you ready?
[ADRIC] If you are.
[DOCTOR] What? Well, I'd feel more confident if you just said yes.
[ADRIC] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Good. Here we go, then.
(Cloister room)
[TEGAN] This is too much!
[DOCTOR] A gentle splash-down.
[DOCTOR] We must have touched bottom.
[ADRIC] Touched bottom?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Good thing the water was there to break our fall.
(Cloister room)
[TEGAN] Crazy idiot of a pilot! Wait till I have aword with him.
[TEGAN] Who's that?
[DOCTOR] Careful, now. The water pressure could send us both flying.Ready?
[ADRIC] Yes.
[DOCTOR] That's odd. There's no pressure on those doors at all.
[ADRIC] Perhaps we aren't down very deep.
(River Thames)
[DOCTOR] Ah. I thought there's be a perfectlysimple explanation.
[ADRIC] Nearly got it right.
[DOCTOR] Nearly, but not quite right. There's something not quite rightabout all of this.
[ADRIC] The Master.
[DOCTOR] Nothing like this has ever happened before. I've got to get tothe bottom of this. You stay here.
(Tardis corridor)
[TEGAN] I definitely came in this way. So this mustbe the way out.
(Cloister room)
[TEGAN] Round and round like a hamster in a cage!Somebody must be in charge here!
[TEGAN] We'll just have to give it one more go.
[DOCTOR] Door.
[ADRIC] Who was that? Doctor, who was that?
[ADRIC] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Logopolis.
[ADRIC] What?
[DOCTOR] I've just dipped into the future. We must be prepared for theworst.
[ADRIC] So that was the Master?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? How do you deduce that?
[ADRIC] I just guessed.
[DOCTOR] Never guess. Unless you have to. There's enough uncertainty inthe universe as it is.
[ADRIC] But I can help you. Well, can't I?
[DOCTOR] In the ordinary way, yes. This is something far too serious.
[ADRIC] What sort of something?
[DOCTOR] A chain of circumstances that fragments the law that holds theuniverse together.
[ADRIC] Logopolis?
[DOCTOR] Yes. That aerial's a recent addition.
[ADRIC] Are we going to be staying long?
[DOCTOR] You are.
[ADRIC] What?
[DOCTOR] You and I have to part company.
[ADRIC] Look, if you're going after Nyssa, I'm coming too.
[DOCTOR] Adric, don't argue.
[TEGAN] I demand to see whoever's in charge of this ship!
[TEGAN] Tegan Jovanka. And I'm not answering any more questions untilyou tell me exactly who you are.
[ADRIC] I'm Adric. That's the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Who is she? Where did she come from? What are we going to dowith her?
[TEGAN] You can take me right back where you found me, Doctor whoeveryou are. My aunt's waiting in the car to take me to the airport.
[DOCTOR] Your aunt? Woman in the white hat, red sports car?
[TEGAN] You've seen her?
[DOCTOR] Well, a little of her. That settles it. She's got to come withus.
[TEGAN] Settles what? Now wait a minute, Doctor.
[MONITOR] My dear Doctor. Logopolis is honoured by your visit.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's very nice of you to put it like that, Monitor.
[TEGAN] I demand to know what's
[DOCTOR] Shush. We're all very honoured to be here.
[TEGAN] (sotto) Where's here?
[DOCTOR] Logopolis.
[MONITOR] Welcome. Time has changed little for either of us, Doctor. Youcontinue to roam the universe, while we persist in our simple existenceon this planet.
[DOCTOR] Yes. The antenna's new, Monitor.
[MONITOR] Occasionally our researches require what is sometimes calledtechnology. But for the most part, our computations are enough.
[DOCTOR] If your computations can help solve a problem in my Tardis, I'dbe eternally grateful, Monitor.
[MONITOR] You have recorded the dimensions we need as data?
[DOCTOR] Yes, all noted down. Monitor, I don't wish to press you but myproblem is now extremely urgent.
[MONITOR] It will only take a moment.
[MONITOR] Why don't we proceed to business immediately?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes.
(Central Registry)
[DOCTOR] But all this is new, Monitor, and vaguely familiar.
[MONITOR] This is purely for our advanced researches.
[ADRIC] I thought you said they didn't use computers.
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[MONITOR] May I have the dimensions?
[DOCTOR] Yes, historically the Logopolitans do everything
[MONITOR] The dimensions, Doctor.
[MONITOR] This will only take a moment.
[MONITOR] Keree gorok gorok, keree gorok per denesta zel octa zarelgorok gorok keree
[TEGAN] (sotto) What's he doing?
[DOCTOR] The numbers. He's recreating the Tardis.
[MONITOR] The code is being compiled.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Monitor. I'm certainly looking forward to having aproperly functioning Tardis.
[ADRIC] You mean those people we saw in the streets are working it outfor themselves?
[ADRIC] What, without technology?
[MONITOR] Block transfer computation is a complex discipline, way beyondthe capabilities of simple machines. It requires all the subtleties ofthe living mind. Is that not so, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, indeed, Monitor, indeed.
[TEGAN] When am I going to get an explanation for all this?
[DOCTOR] Do you really feel up to an explanation?
[TEGAN] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] Well. Adric, you explain.
[ADRIC] It's not the Doctor's fault you wandered aboard.
[TEGAN] Wandered? Listen, that ship was deliberately disguised as apolice box. I just want to know who you are and where I am.
[ADRIC] Look, I'd better explain.
[MONITOR] This will restore your chameleon circuit, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Splendid, Monitor. I've really been looking forward to this. Ofcourse! The Pharos Project! But this is a near replica of the Pharoscomputer room.
[MONITOR] It is a perfectly logical copy.
[DOCTOR] What?
[MONITOR] I always thought you underestimated the possibilities of blocktransfer computation, Doctor. You see, structure is the essence ofmatter, and the essence of structure is mathematics.
[DOCTOR] What, you can model the Pharos Project mathematically?
[MONITOR] Of course, and supply the necessary raw energy.
[DOCTOR] Well, then, you can model any space-time event in the universe.
[MONITOR] That is true. Now, shall we implement the solution to yourlittle problem, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes.
[ADRIC] What's a Pharos, Doctor?
[TEGAN] Ancient Greek for lighthouse.
[ADRIC] What's a lighthouse?
[DOCTOR] A famous Earth project to transmit signalsto remote planets.
[MONITOR] I understand they're trying to get intelligent life torespond.
[DOCTOR] Monitor, I must ask you a very special favour.
[MONITOR] My dear Doctor, of course.
[DOCTOR] Adric and the girl. Would you look after them for me?
[MONITOR] You don't want them with you in the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] No. What lies ahead is for me, not for them. I hate farewells.
[MONITOR] There is a chance the computation may produce an instability.
[ADRIC] The Doctor's in danger?
[MONITOR] A simple precaution. There is very little that could go wrong.In fact, nothing at all.
[ADRIC] But he said he was expecting danger.
[MONITOR] I must confess, I misled the Doctor in order to have thepleasure of your company while he engages in this mundane task. Now,perhaps you would like to see more of Logopolis.
[TEGAN] I'd prefer to see a lot less of it. Can you give me some ideahow long we're going to be delayed here?
[ADRIC] I'm sorry. She's upset.
[TEGAN] Too right I'm upset. Wouldn't you be?
[NYSSA [OC]] Adric!
[TEGAN] I've got a job to do.
[NYSSA] Adric.
[ADRIC] Nyssa! How did you get here?
[NYSSA] A friend of the Doctor's brought me. He's here, somewhere.
[TEGAN] Who's Nyssa?
[ADRIC] She's the friend who helped me on Traken.
[NYSSA] Is the Doctor here?
[ADRIC] In the Tardis.
[TEGAN] Hi, I'm Tegan. Did they hijack you, too?
[ADRIC] What's the matter?
[MONITOR] Transfer instability. It may be only temporary.
[ADRIC] Something's wrong.
[MONITOR] Yes, you're right.
[TEGAN] It's getting smaller.
[ADRIC] Can't you do something?
[MONITOR] I don't understand. I don't understand.
[ADRIC] But the Doctor's in there!
[ADRIC] It's your codes that are doing this.
[MONITOR] This is unheard of.
[TEGAN] Well, how do we get him out of this?
[MONITOR] A fault in the computation?
[ADRIC] There must be something you can do to put him right.
[MONITOR] Take the machine to the Central Register.
[NYSSA] What are you going to do with it?
[MONITOR] The Central Register, quickly. There may still be time. Thehonour of Logopolis is at stake.
[DOCTOR] Must dematerialise. Dematerialise. Nothingworking. Nothing.
[TEGAN] Will he be all right, Monitor?
[MONITOR] If we can trace the error in time.
[MASTER] At last, Doctor. At last I've cut you down to size.
(Central Registry)
[NYSSA] Hold on, Doctor. The Monitor is going tohelp you.
[TEGAN] What's he doing?
[MONITOR] The fault is in the dimensioning routine. We can trace it, ifthere's time.
[ADRIC] Can I help?
[MONITOR] Perhaps you can.
[MONITOR] This is the machine code of the section that contains theerror. I must check the external registers. Read it to me as we go. Itis a copy of an Earth machine, so I'm afraid we have to make do withtheir clumsy symbols.
[ADRIC] The Doctor taught me to read Earth numbering.
[TEGAN] Where are you off to? There's work to be done.
[ADRIC] We're doing it.
(Register room)
[ADRIC] A zero. Zero A. Four A. Nine two. Two C.
[ADRIC] A zero. Three zero.
[MONITOR] I'm sorry, I thought we had found something. It's somewhere inthe subroutine. Somewhere.
[ADRIC] Monitor, I still don't see why you need all these people. Whycan't it all be done on machinery?
[MONITOR] For many uses machinery is unsurpassed, but Logopolis is notinterested in such uses. Block transfer computation cannot be done withcomputers.
[ADRIC] Why not?
[MONITOR] Our manipulation of numbers directly changes the physicalworld. There is no other mathematics like ours.
[ADRIC] You mean the computations themselves would affect a computer?
[MONITOR] Of course. Change its nature, cause it to malfunction. Onlythe living brain is immune.
[ADRIC] But you had a computer out there. You were using it.
[MONITOR] To record the code, yes. To prepare new algorithms, yes. Butwe must not use it to run our programme. Now, we had reached zero four,zero seven, A zero, three zero, three eight. There are no errors in theregisters. We must search the streets.
(Central Registry)
[NYSSA] Sonic projectors.
[TEGAN] What are they for?
[NYSSA] They must be creating a temporary zone of stasis around theTardis, but I don't really understand their science.
[TEGAN] That goes double for me.
[ADRIC] Fourth block begins. A three. F eight.
[MONITOR] E eight.
[ADRIC] Sorry. E eight.
[MONITOR] It is difficult, I know, but accuracy is of a vitalimportance.
[ADRIC] Three three.
(Central Registry)
[TEGAN] You can tell they're exploited.
[NYSSA] These people are scientists.
[NYSSA] I've seen that look of dedication on my father's face.
[TEGAN] Well, it doesn't seem to be doing any good, does it.
[NYSSA] At least the dimensions are stabilised.
[ADRIC] Eight nine. Nine A. E seven.
[MONITOR] E nine.
[ADRIC] Sorry. E nine. Two three. Wait! Wait. Did you say E nine? Look,it says E seven there.
[MONITOR] You're right. And the next three numbers are wrong. This way.
(Central Registry)
[TEGAN] The Tardis isn't much use to anybody thatsize, stable or not.
[NYSSA] It gives us time.
[TEGAN] Time to do what? We don't even know if he's alive in there.
[DOCTOR] They've arrested the dimension spiral.Things are looking up.
[MONITOR] This is the street. The error should besomewhere here.
[MONITOR] Sabotage.
[ADRIC] Murder.
[MONITOR] Interfering with the working of Logopolis. The most dangerouscrime in the universe.
[DOCTOR] An error in the dimension subroutine. Somewhere here. I willnot be beaten. I simply will not be beaten. But I could certainly dowith a little more help from outside.
[MONITOR] We must return to the Central Register, quickly.
(Central Register)
[ADRIC] The Monitor's done it. He's found theerror.
[MONITOR] The Doctor must reprogram block four of the dimensioningroutine.
[ADRIC] Those numbers are the ones that have to be changed.
[TEGAN] If I show this to him, will he know what to do?
[ADRIC] Yes.
[TEGAN] Leave it to me.
[NYSSA] Adric?
(Outside the Central Register)
[ADRIC] The Master's out here somewhere.
[NYSSA] I came here to find the Master.
[NYSSA] I must know what's happened to my father.
[ADRIC] This could be very dangerous.
[NYSSA] I'm coming with you.
[DOCTOR] The cheeseboard is the world, and the pieces the phenomena ofthe universe, as my old friend Huxley used to say. Cheese board? Chessboard. And the opponent makes no allowances for mistakes nor makes thesmallest concession to ignorance.
[DOCTOR] I'm an ignorant old Doctor, and I've made a mistake. There'sonly one direction help can come from now. I'll just have to sit hereand wait.
[DOCTOR] Ah yes! Something along those lines.
[ADRIC] The mark of the Master.
[NYSSA] He must have added his own voice to the numbers and corruptedthe Doctor's code.
[ADRIC] And he's still here, somewhere. I saw him. He's been followingus.
[NYSSA] The Master?
[ADRIC] I think so.
[ADRIC] Come on.
(Central Registry)
[TEGAN] I hope he's seen it.
[MONITOR] I'm sure he has. And with those figures, he will be able torestore the Tardis. It won't take long.
[TEGAN] Well, while he's sorting that out, perhaps you wouldn't mindexplaining something to me.
[TEGAN] Back home in Brisbane, we call that a sweatshop.
[ADRIC] This street.
[MASTER [OC]] Nyssa. Nyssa. Nyssa.
[MASTER [OC]] Nyssa, my dear.
[NYSSA] Father.
(Central Register)
[TEGAN] They don't smile, they don't talk toanybody.
[MONITOR] Their language is the language of numbers. And they have noneed to smile.
[TEGAN] No need to smile?
[MONITOR] We are a people driven not by individual need but bymathematical necessity. The language of the numbers is as much as weneed. Now, it is important that we do not disturb them.
[TEGAN] But if they don't talk to each other. You've done it!
[MONITOR] Yes, there does seem to be some positive development.
[NYSSA] But what is this mission of yours, father? You're so changed byit. You look younger, but so cold.
[MASTER] Logopolis is a cold place. A cold, high place overlooking theuniverse. It holds a single great secret, Nyssa, which you and I mustdiscover together.
[NYSSA] And the Doctor. The Doctor can help us.
[MASTER] Oh yes, the Doctor can certainly help us. You must return tohim.
[NYSSA] Father, I don't want to be parted from you.
[MASTER] No need to, my dear. Here, wear this.
[MASTER] It will keep us in mind of one another. Remember to tell no onethat you've seen me, yet.
(Central Registry)
[DOCTOR] Monitor?
[MONITOR] My dear Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I can't thank you enough.
[MONITOR] There is no need.
[DOCTOR] You too, Tegan. You too. Where are the others?
[TEGAN] Adric and Nyssa went to look for the Master.
[DOCTOR] What? They should know better than that. There've been enoughunnecessary deaths as it is.
[TEGAN] What deaths?
[MONITOR] The murder of innocent Logopolitans.
[DOCTOR] And the murder of innocent Earth people.
[TEGAN] Earth people?
[TEGAN] Aunty Vanessa?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I'm so sorry, Tegan. I'm so sorry.
[DOCTOR] The Master's already at work on Logopolis. I'm going to stophim if it's the last thing I do.
[ADRIC] Nyssa!
[NYSSA] Did you find him?
[ADRIC] No. We'd better go back to the Doctor.
[ADRIC] Where did you get that?
[NYSSA] It's too small for me.
[ADRIC] What is it?
[NYSSA] It's a present. I've been trying to get it off.
[ADRIC] Who from?
[NYSSA] I hope you haven't broken it.
[ADRIC] Nyssa?
[DOCTOR] Adric, Nyssa. Come on.
[ADRIC + NYSSA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I don't want you two chasing after the Master independently.You, Adric, should know how dangerous he is.
[NYSSA] That's the man who brought me from Traken.
[NYSSA] He said he was a friend of yours.
[ADRIC] But he's the man on the bridge.
[ADRIC] You said to be prepared for the worst.
[DOCTOR] Indeed I did, and I am prepared for the worst.
[ADRIC] Why are you prepared for the worst, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Because he's here.
(Central Registry)
[MASTER] Please remain where you are. I have it in my power to bringLogopolis to a complete halt.
[DOCTOR] There's much more to this block transfercomputation than we thought.
[ADRIC] Yes, that's how they built a replica of the Pharos Project.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, but why? Why build a replica of the Pharos Project?Central Register.
[NYSSA] Listen.
[ADRIC] I don't
[NYSSA] Shush.
[ADRIC] (sotto) I can't hear anything.
[DOCTOR] Quite.
[NYSSA] Logopolis has stopped.
[DOCTOR] And I was vain enough to think it was me he was after.Logopolis is his target.
(Central Register)
[MONITOR] Turn that machine off. You have no ideawhat you're doing.
[MASTER] Merely emitting a sound-cancelling wave, Monitor. Logopolis isnow temporarily suspended. The silence gives us an opportunity todiscuss its future.
[MONITOR] There will be no future. You are eroding structure, generatingentropy.
[MASTER] An absurd assertion. I know the power of this device down tothe last decibel.
[MONITOR] But you do not know Logopolis!
[MASTER] But I shall, shan't I, when you've told me of the secret workyou're doing here.
[MONITOR] I cannot tell you.
[MASTER] Why have you created a copy of the Pharos Project? Hmm. Thetime has come for you to share your secret with me.
[MONITOR] No! No one must know. That has been our firm decision.
[MASTER] Very well, we'll wait until you change it. Patience is aparticular virtue of mine.
[NYSSA] Father!
[DOCTOR] That's not your father. Tremas is dead, murdered by him, theMaster.
[MASTER] Nyssa.
[NYSSA] You killed my father?
[MASTER] But his body remains useful. Without it I could not haveconquered Logopolis.
[DOCTOR] This is not conquest, it's devastation.
[MASTER] It's nothing more than a blanket of silence.
[DOCTOR] Which is killing the Logopolitans and turning them to dust.
[MASTER] You expect me to believe that?
[MONITOR] You're destroying everything. It may already be too late.
[MASTER] You exaggerate, Monitor. Logopolis is not the universe.
[MONITOR] But it is! Logopolis is the keystone. If you destroyLogopolis, you unravel the whole causal nexus.
[MASTER] Causal nexus? You insult my intelligence.
[DOCTOR] You're interfering with the law of cause and effect.
[ADRIC] Nyssa! Nyssa, let go.
[MASTER] That is a demonstration of the causal nexus.
[TEGAN] You revolting man!
[MASTER] The electro-muscular constrictor gives me complete control overthat hand. Please replace the screen.
[TEGAN] I wouldn't take orders from you if you were the last man in theuniverse.
[MASTER] Very well, one of your young friends will eliminate the other.
[DOCTOR] Don't you understand? Logopolis is crucial to the whole ofcreation. This could mean the end of the universe.
[MASTER] I've never been persuaded by hyperbole, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Then come into the streets and see what's happening.
[MASTER] No need for that. I can demonstrate the continued functioningof Logopolis from here. This device only creates temporary silence andcan be switched off.
(Outside the Central Registry)
[MONITOR] You will hear nothing. Local disruptionof structure is now irreversible. Logopolis is dead.
[MASTER] They've done this deliberately. You've done this deliberatelyto deprive me of my prize!
[MONITOR] Nothing is solid now. Entropy has taken over.
[TEGAN] What's he done?
[ADRIC] Everything began to waste away when he interfered. But why?
[DOCTOR] The numbers were supporting the whole system.
[MASTER] I don't believe it. My biomechanism's untouched.
[MONITOR] The degradation is random.
[MASTER] No, Monitor. This is some crude defence mechanism. A device todelude me. Come, Nyssa.
[NYSSA] No. No.
[MASTER] I will wring the truth out of it.
[DOCTOR] The entropy you released is eroding your systems, too.
[MASTER] Entropy? Absurd. The power is weak. Some freak interference.Increase the power.
[MONITOR] More power would simply speed the collapse.
[DOCTOR] Don't.
[MONITOR] From this point, the unravelling will spread out until thewhole universe is reduced to nothing.
[MASTER] So it's true.
[MONITOR] Yes, Doctor, you were right. Our numbers were holding thefabric of the universe together.
[NYSSA] But how? Surely in a closed system like the universe, entropy isbound to increase?
[MONITOR] Certainly. The universe long ago passed the point of totalcollapse.
[DOCTOR] Passed the point?
[MONITOR] If it had remained closed. But we have the means to postponethe time.
[MASTER] So that's why you adapted the Pharos Project.
[MONITOR] Yes. We opened the system by creating voids into otheruniverses.
[ADRIC] The Charged Vacuum Emboitments!
[DOCTOR] We passed through one of your voids, Monitor.
[MONITOR] It all depended on our continued endeavours. A temporarysolution while the advanced research unit worked on a more permanentplan. But nothing will come of that now. Our labours wasted. The voidswill be closing.
[TEGAN] There must be something we can do?
[TEGAN] This'll teach you to meddle in things you don't understand.
[MONITOR] We are beyond recriminations now. Beyond everything.
[DOCTOR] Not quite.
[DOCTOR] We must pool our resources.
[NYSSA] The creature that killed my father
[DOCTOR] I can't choose the company I keep!
[MASTER] An alliance with you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] In the circumstances, yes.
[MASTER] If we do cooperate, there'll be no question of you everreturning to Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] If we don't cooperate, there'll be no question of Gallifrey.
[TEGAN] Doctor, what are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Please. Shush. As Time Lords, you and I have specialresponsibilities.
[MASTER] Together, then.
[NYSSA] But Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I've never chosen my own company. Nyssa, it was you whocontacted me and begged me to help you find your father. Tegan, it'syour own curiosity that got you into this. And Adric, a stowaway.
[TEGAN] The Tardis!
[NYSSA] It's followed us from the Central Register.
[ADRIC] But how can it get here when there's no one in it?
[DOCTOR] Did I say there was no one in it?
[NYSSA] It must be the man who brought be to Logopolis.
[DOCTOR] I don't want any further argument. One, two, three of you intothe Tardis, quickly. Go on.
[ADRIC] Look, we want to help you.
[DOCTOR] It's impossible. My friend in there will look after you. I'mcollaborating with the Master. Now go on. Battle stations.
[NYSSA] The man's a murderer!
[ADRIC] Come on, Nyssa. He means it.
[MASTER] Together?
[DOCTOR] One last hope.
[DOCTOR] Monitor? He's gone.
[MASTER] You do realise he's no chance of survival without our help?
[DOCTOR] The Monitor wouldn't abandon us.
[MASTER] He's trying to salvage the research team's work. He must havegone to the Central Register, yes?
[DOCTOR] Yes, maybe. It was the last addition to Logopolis. It might bethe last one to survive. We need his knowledge. Come on.
[ADRIC] We all want to help the Doctor, but we've got to do as he says.
[TEGAN] Listen. The Doctor's my ticket back to London Airport, so I'mgoing after him.
[ADRIC] Tegan!
[TEGAN] Have a nice trip.
[DOCTOR] The rot is spilling outwards into the universe from this pointafter eons of constraint. Come on. Let's collect the Monitor and getout.
(Outside the Central Registry)
[MASTER] In my Tardis?
[DOCTOR] There's no other way.
[MASTER] You're assuming a lot, aren't you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, aren't I.
(Central Register)
[DOCTOR] Monitor?
[MASTER] Logopolitan maths on a computer?
[DOCTOR] Monitor, the stability of
[MONITOR] This is the programme we were developing to take the burdenfrom our own shoulders. A series of data statements to keep the ChargedVacuum Emboitments open of their own accord.
[DOCTOR] What, do you mean the advanced research project?
[MONITOR] The computer holds a complete log of the research.
[MASTER] Then the answer's here.
[MONITOR] Take care. The research is far from complete.
[DOCTOR] Monitor, were you on the right track? You must tell us aboutthe project in every detail.
[MONITOR] There is nothing to tell. It's all there for you to read. Now,I must get on with my work.
[TEGAN] Doctor! Doctor!
(Central Registry)
[MONITOR] I've done what I can, with the Registryin ruins. We must now realign the aerial, beam the programme out tospace. There is a CVE close by we might still be able to re-open.
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[TEGAN] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Tegan, I told you to get out of here.
[TEGAN] No thanks, Doctor. I'm staying with you. You're the onlyinsurance policy I've got.
[DOCTOR] As safe as houses, eh?
[MASTER] Doctor, we must form a plan. I propose one, we withdraw to aposition of temporary security. Two, we reconfigure our two Tardisesinto time cone inverters. Three, we create a stable safe zone byapplying temporal inversion isometry to as much of space-time as we canisolate.
[TEGAN] Look!
[MASTER] Horrible.
[TEGAN] Hardly more horrible than shrinking people.
[MASTER] No. Do what you like, Doctor. Logopolis is yours.
[TEGAN] Doctor, stop him. He's getting away.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, listen. Reconfigure the two Tardises into timecone inverters? It would work. What a brilliant mind.
[TEGAN] And what a waste of two more brilliant minds if we don't dosomething soon.
[DOCTOR] The Monitor's programme. You can help me.
[TEGAN] I can?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I want this in pieces.
[DOCTOR] As I thought.
[TEGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Bubble memory.
[TEGAN] Bubble memory.
[DOCTOR] Yes. You realise what this means?
[TEGAN] No, as a matter of fact I don't, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Bubble memory is non-volatile. Remove the power and the bitpatterns are still retained in tiny magnetic domains in these chips.The research team's final project is still here.
[TEGAN] Which would be great if we had a computer to run it on.
[DOCTOR] I've an idea where we could find one. On Earth.
[TEGAN] Earth.
(Outside the Central Registry)
[TEGAN] Earth?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The Master's Tardis. Come on.
(Tardis corridor)
[ADRIC] He's unsetting the coordinates. He's disconnecting the entirecoordinate subsystem. But he can't do that. No!
[NYSSA] What's the matter?
[ADRIC] Down!
[NYSSA] What's happening?
[ADRIC] We're being taken right out of time and space.
(Outside the Master's Tardis)
[DOCTOR] One good lift deserves another, don't you think?
[MASTER] I'm very grateful.
[DOCTOR] Earth, please.
(Tardis corridor)
[ADRIC] We're hovering.
[NYSSA] Outside space and time.
[ADRIC] But the Tardis isn't supposed to do that.
[NYSSA] We seem to be safe.
[ADRIC] Safe. Yes. The Doctor told the Watcher to look after us.
[NYSSA] I'd rather be with the Doctor.
(Pharos Project)
[MASTER] The Pharos computer room.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I envy you your Tardis, Master.
[MASTER] Excellent, Doctor. Envy is the beginning of all true greatness.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[MASTER] It's the lightspeed overdrive, Doctor. You'll need that toaccelerate the signal from the transmitter.
[DOCTOR] I'm so sorry. I thought you meant to shoot him.
[MASTER] Oh, Doctor. You can explain.
[DOCTOR] Ahem. Good morning. Good evening.
[DOCTOR] He's unconscious.
[MASTER] Never mind. I feel we've been spared a very difficultconversation.
(Cloister room)
[ADRIC] When all this began, the Doctor wanted toreconfigure the Tardis so it'd work like the Master's.
[NYSSA] What's wrong with it?
[ADRIC] It's getting old.
[NYSSA] Entropy again. You can't get away from it.
[ADRIC] He wants to talk to us.
[NYSSA] To you.
(Pharos Project)
[MASTER] What makes you think this programme of the Monitor's is goingto work, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. It's a sort of vague faith in the nature ofthings, I suppose.
[MASTER] It's in the very nature of things for entropy to win.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, it's the age-old battle, isn't it? Entropy versusstructure. Still, while there's life there's six of one and half adozen of the other.
[MASTER] Woolly thinking, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but very comforting when worn next to the skin.
(Cloister room)
[NYSSA] Well, what did he want? What did he say to you?
[ADRIC] It's as if he knows what's going to happen.
[NYSSA] But what did he say to you, Adric?
[ADRIC] Come on, we've got work to do.
[NYSSA] But where are we going?
[ADRIC] The Pharos Project on Earth. Now, I've got to set the exactcoordinates. Earth is in sector eighty twenty three of the thirdquadrant. The temporal settings are laid in on this panel. It alwayslooks so easy when the Doctor does it.
[NYSSA] Adric, the scanner. Adric.
[ADRIC] The whole universe. Of course. We're beyond space and time.
[NYSSA] That must be the entropy field. Where's the Earth?
[ADRIC] I can't see it.
[NYSSA] It's there.
[ADRIC] Earth's galaxy has a few more hours left.
[NYSSA] Adric, I can't see Traken.
[ADRIC] Traken should be
[NYSSA] I can't even see Metulla Orionsis. The Master killed mystepmother, and then my father, and now the world that I grew up in,blotted out forever.
(Pharos Project)
[TEGAN] The dawn's coming up. There are security guards outside.
[DOCTOR] Any good?
[MASTER] It's still not running. The programme's useless. It's time toabandon this line of reasoning.
[DOCTOR] Of course. The programme's not being fed into the core.
[MASTER] Well?
[DOCTOR] We start again.
[ADRIC] Right, hold on. We're going back.
[ADRIC] Now!
[NYSSA] Just like Logopolis.
[ADRIC] The Earth people use it to beam messages to the stars. TheDoctor calls it reiterated invitation to alien intelligences in deepspace.
[NYSSA] And that's us.
[ADRIC] So they'll be very pleased to see us.
(Pharos Project)
[DOCTOR] It's running.
[MASTER] If you call this alien gibberish a programme.
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll just have to wait until the data reaches the CVE.
[MASTER] First we must reach the transmitter and connect up the lightspeed overdrive.
[TEGAN] What about the guards?
[DOCTOR] I suggest we use your Tardis.
[MASTER] Impossible. The light speed overdrive's disconnected.
[DOCTOR] We've still got to get across to the antenna control room.
[MASTER] I agree.
[TEGAN] I agree too, for what it's worth.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[GUARD] Intruders! After them!
[MASTER] Sentimental fool. Thanks to you, we're now weaponless.
[ADRIC] Nyssa and I have heard your message across the universe and havecome to answer your call.
[GUARD] Message? What? Now who are you?
[NYSSA] We are the alien beings who
[TEGAN] Listen. Here, you fellows, you've got this all topsy turvy.
(Antenna control room)
[MASTER] From here, Charged Vacuum Emboitment is in line with theconstellation Cassiopeia.
[DOCTOR] Three C four six one.
[MASTER] I decided to use my Tardis after all. Three C four six one.Three zero four four.
[MASTER] You see, Doctor, I overlook nothing.
[DOCTOR] You overlooked the light speed overdrive.
[MASTER] I gave you this to demonstrate my trust.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] What?
[MASTER] But I don't take foolish risks. The real light speed overdriveis here.
[DOCTOR] What? And powered up, I see.
[MASTER] We have only to connect this cable from the computer room andthe job is done. The aerial's now aligned to the CVE. As you devisedthe plan, I think the honour should be yours, Doctor.
(Antenna walkway)
[MASTER] Peoples of the universe, please attend carefully. The messagethat follows is vital to the future of you all.
(Antenna control room)
[MASTER] Well?
[DOCTOR] The data's reached the CVE. It's stabilising.
[MASTER] So it works. Congratulations, Doctor. I always knew you'd doit.
[DOCTOR] You did most of this.
[MASTER] Oh, no. I was little more than a humble assistant, but I havelearned a great deal. And now I think it's time for you to go andexplain the presence of your friends. There's quite a hubbub outside.
[DOCTOR] You're quite right. One mistake now could ruin everything.
[MASTER] I know that, Doctor, and it could happen so easily.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean?
[MASTER] The universe is hanging on a thread. A single recursive pulsedown that cable and the CVE would close forever. Even a humbleassistant could do it.
[DOCTOR] You're mad!
[MASTER [OC]] Peoples of the universe, please attend carefully. Themessage that follows is vital to the future of you all. The choice foryou all is simple. A continued existence under my guidance, or totalannihilation. At the time of speaking, the
[DOCTOR] Blackmail.
[MASTER] No, Doctor, I'm merely reporting the state of affairs. I haveit in my power now to save them or destroy them.
[DOCTOR] You're utterly mad.
[MASTER] Back, Doctor. The proceedings must not be interrupted. It'smine. The CVE. It's all mine.
[DOCTOR] Only while that cable holds.
(Antenna walkway)
[MASTER] (rotting version) Predictable as ever, Doctor.
[DALEK] Doctor.
[CAPTAIN] (Pirate Planet) Doctor.
[CYBERMAN] Doctor.
[DAVROS] Doctor.
[SONTARAN] Doctor.
[ZYGON] Doctor.
[BLACK GUARDIAN] Doctor, you shall die for this!
(Below the antenna)
[NYSSA] Doctor?
[TEGAN] Doctor?
[SARAH] Doctor?
[HARRY] Doctor.
[LEELA] Doctor.
[K9] Doctor.
[ROMANA 1] Doctor.
[ROMANA 2] Doctor.
[ADRIC] Doctor. Doctor!
[DOCTOR] It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for.
[ADRIC] The Watcher.
[NYSSA] He was the Doctor all the time.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s18", "episode": "e07", "title": "Logopolis"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (4 Jan, 1982; Fifth Doctor) - Castrovalva
(Below the Pharos Project antenna)
[NYSSA] Doctor.
[TEGAN] Doctor.
[ADRIC] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for.
[ADRIC] The Watcher.
[NYSSA] So he was the Doctor all the time.
[SECURITY] These are secure premises! Now you lot have got someexplaining to do.
[TEGAN] But the Doctor
[SECURITY] He'll be taken care of.
[ADRIC] Look, will you let me go!
[TEGAN] Look, take your hands off me. This is an official uniform!
[NYSSA] Leave me alone!
[ADRIC] Now, don't be silly. We would like to help you, but we can'tjust leave the Doctor. Something might've gone wrong with hisregeneration.
[SECURITY] Hands up and lean on it. Come on, quick!
[GUARD] There you go.
[TEGAN] We're perfectly harmless, unfortunately.
[ADRIC] I thought the whole point of this Pharos Project of yours was totrack down alien intelligences. We thought we'd save you the troubleand come to you.
[SECURITY] Oh yes?
[ADRIC] Yes. We're what you've been looking for. Alien intelligences.You see I come from somewhere up there. That is the way into E-space.
[NYSSA] Adric, quick!
[SECURITY] Get him!
[ADRIC] Get off me!
[TEGAN] Get the Doctor, quick!
[SECURITY] I'll hold him. Get the two girls!
[NYSSA] This works the door. That's all I knowabout these controls.
[TEGAN] We can't take off without Adric. Doctor! Where's he off to now?
[SECURITY] Right, young man, you better come alongwith me.
[ADRIC] Look, I hope you realise the Doctor's just saved us all from theMaster, and now he's going to take off and you'll never have a chanceto
[NYSSA] Tegan!
[TEGAN] What's the matter?
[NYSSA] The Master's Tardis.
[TEGAN] Adric! Adric, where are you?
[TEGAN] I suppose we'd better take off orsomething.
[TEGAN] I hope he knows what he's doing.
[NYSSA] He took off once before, he said, but that was by mistake.
[NYSSA] Good takeoff.
[TEGAN] The Doctor's very strange.
[NYSSA] He's weak. It's the shock.
[TEGAN] Well, you'd better go talk to him, because I don't understandthis scientific stuff. He's looking for something called a Zero Room.
[ADRIC] Zero Room? I'll go.
[TEGAN] That boy never even said thank you.
(Tardis corridor)
[DOCTOR] Ah. You've come to help me find the Zero Room. Welcome aboard.I'm the Doctor. Or will be if this regeneration works out.
[NYSSA] I suppose this is the mean free pathtracker. And this panel must be a referential difference.
[TEGAN] I know the Tardis is huge, but it can't be taking them thislong, surely. What's a Zero Room anyway? The Doctor said somethingabout null interfaces.
[NYSSA] I suppose it's some sort of neutral environment. An isolatedspace cut off from the rest of the universe.
[TEGAN] He should've told me that's what he wanted. I could've shown himBrisbane.
(Tardis corridor)
[DOCTOR] Now, ordinary spaces, of course, show up on the architecturalconfiguration indicators, but any good Zero Room is balanced to zeroenergy with respect to the world outside its four walls. Or howevermany walls it has.
[DOCTOR] There was a very good polygonal Zero Room under the JuniorSenate block on Gallifrey, widely acclaimed for it's healingproperties. Romana's always telling me I need a holiday.
[ADRIC] But Romana's gone, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Gone? Really? Did she leave a note?
[ADRIC] We said goodbye to her at the gateway. Don't you remember?
[DOCTOR] Well, if we did, we did.
[DOCTOR] This should get you back to the console room when the timecomes.
[ADRIC] Are you sure you're alright?
[DOCTOR] There are strong dimensioning forces this deep in the Tardis.Tend to make one a bit giddy.
[ADRIC] And the regeneration?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I can feel it isn't going to be as smooth as onother occasions. Sooner we get to this Zero Room place, the better, eh?
[NYSSA] These mechanisms are too complex. We justcan't fly the Tardis without the Doctor's help.
[TEGAN] What if we don't get it? Anything could've happened to him andAdric.
[NYSSA] Then the Tardis will just fly on and on, until it crashes intosomething.
[TEGAN] Crash? Is that likely?
[NYSSA] Inevitable. The star densities in this galaxy vary inverselywith the square
[TEGAN] Oh, rabbits!
[NYSSA] Tegan, I don't know what's happening to the Doctor, none of usunderstands it but, I do know that panicking is no use.
[TEGAN] You're right. Well, if only we had a manual.
[NYSSA] There's nothing we can do here. I'm going to try and find them.
[TEGAN] Wait! You don't know those corridors. I got lost in them when Ifirst came into the Tardis and I can tell you they're a nightmare.
[NYSSA] Then you'd better stay here.
[TEGAN] I'll come with you.
[TEGAN] Wait a minute!
[TEGAN] Tardis Information System. Ready For Entry.
[NYSSA] A databank!
(Tardis corridor)
[DOCTOR] I left a waistcoat like that on. Ever been to Alzarius?
[ADRIC] I was born there, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Really? It's a small universe, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] I wonder, boy, what would you do if you were me, hmmm? Orperhaps I should ask, what would I do if I were me.
[TEGAN] Will it tell us how to fly the Tardis?
[NYSSA] I'm sure that's in here somewhere, once we find the index file.
[TEGAN] How do we find the index file? Of course, if we had an indexfile, we could look it up in the index file, under index file. What amI saying? I'm talking nonsense.
[NYSSA] Recursion isn't nonsense.
[NYSSA] That's an example of recursion, when procedures fold back onthemselves. If you had an index file, you could look it up in the indexfile.
[TEGAN] If. My Dad used to say that if was the most powerful word in theEnglish language.
[NYSSA] Recursion's a powerful mathematical concept, but I don't see howit can help us now.
[TEGAN] If. I F! Stands for index file!
(Tardis corridor)
[DOCTOR] Not far now, Brigadier, if the Ice Warriors don't get therefirst. Oh no. Oh dear. We've wandered into the wrong corridor. We mustbe close to the main Tardis drive now. Jamie. Jamie, you go back.
[ADRIC] No. I have to stay with you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, nonsense, be sensible, go back! When I say run, run! Don'tyou understand? The regeneration is failing.
[TEGAN] I F! It works. Let me have a go on it.
[NYSSA] Look up destination setting.
[TEGAN] Right. D S. You know, once you get into it, this whole funnysystem on the Tardis does start to make a sort of weird sense. Exceptthis. (reads) Tardis Flight Data. Programmed Journey. Departure Earth,Pharos Project. Destination Hydrogen In Rush, Event One.
(Tardis corridor)
[DOCTOR] Adric! Adric, not that way! Adric. I remembered his name.
[TEGAN] Seems the old doc is coming unraveled in more ways than one.Look, you'd better go back to the console room.
[NYSSA] We're on a programmed flight. We won't crash. At least I don'tthink so.
(Outside the Changing room)
[DOCTOR] Adric!
[DOCTOR] That's the trouble with regeneration. You never quite know whatyou're going to get.
[DOCTOR] Ah! Dear me. Needs a drop of linseed oil though.
(Tardis corridor)
[TEGAN] No, that looks like the end of the trail.
[NYSSA] This part of the Tardis can't have been used for centuries.
[TEGAN] It does go on and on.
[NYSSA] Deeper and deeper.
[TEGAN] Yes, I get that feeling too, that we're going downwards.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER [OC] Oh, no, you can't escape. You're mine, Adric. Mine! Untilwe have completed our final task.
(Outside the Changing room)
[DOCTOR] Well, I suppose I'll get used to it in time.
[DOCTOR] That's it. That's the door!
(Tardis corridor)
[NYSSA] This way, come on!
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[TEGAN] Thank heavens.
[DOCTOR] The Zero Room door, I heard it slam.
[TEGAN] Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Fit as a fiddle, Vicki, but something very peculiar is going onin the Tardis. The Zero Room. Have you seen it anywhere?
[TEGAN] I think the noise came from this direction.
[DOCTOR] Good. I'll follow you.
(Corridor junction)
[TEGAN] Must be around here somewhere.
[TEGAN] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hello, carmine seepage.
[TEGAN] Actually, Doctor, it's me. My lipstick. We passed this waybefore.
[DOCTOR] Oh that's a relief, I thought the Tardis auto-systems wereplaying up again. Dreadful. Always going wrong. It's time we went toLogopolis to get it all sorted out once and for all.
[TEGAN] We've been already, Doctor.
[NYSSA] Doctor? What does the Zero Room look like?
[DOCTOR] Zero Room? Oh, it's very big, empty, sort of grey.Pinkish-grey.
(Zero room)
[TEGAN] Come on, Doctor. Through this way.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. You must be Tegan. Works even better if you closethe doors, Nyssa.
[TEGAN] It smells like roses.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I've never quite understood why. It's quite peaceful,isn't it.
[TEGAN] Peaceful. Doctor it's like
[NYSSA] Like Traken used to be.
[TEGAN] Will you have to stay here long?
[DOCTOR] Oh, just until my dendrites heal. (taps his head) The nervoussystem's a very delicate network of logic junctions.
[NYSSA] The synapses, yes.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, I was forgetting, Nyssa, bioelectronics is your strongpoint. Yes, well, my tussle with the Master came at precisely the wrongmoment. When the synapses are weak they're like radio receivers,picking up all sorts of jumbled signals.
[TEGAN] I get it. The Zero Room cuts out all interference.
[DOCTOR] Completely! Even the gravity's only local. Goodness me, I'mtired.
[NYSSA] But there isn't even a bed.
[DOCTOR] Bed? Oh, I don't need a bed. Not in the Zero Room.
[DOCTOR] One of the advantages of stark simplicity.
[TEGAN] Can anybody do that?
[DOCTOR] Oh, you don't do it. It just sort of comes to you, like sleep.Very like sleep. We only just made it to the Zero Room intime.
[DOCTOR [OC]] This regeneration is going to be difficult, and I shallneed you all, every one of you. You, Tegan, you have it in you to be afine coordinator, keeping us all together during the healing time.Nyssa, of course, has the technical skill and understanding. All theinformation you need is in the Tardis databank. I'm sure you can findyour way to it.
[TEGAN] We already have, Doctor.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Good, good. Of course you have. And Adric, Adric with hisbadge for mathematical excellence. Adric is the navigator. He knows theway. He knows me, my old self. Adric, you must help me heal thedisconnection. Your role is very crucial.
[TEGAN] Adric.
[NYSSA] Oh! Adric!
[TEGAN] Adric. What are you doing up there?
[ADRIC] A trap. He set a trap. The Master!
[NYSSA] The Master? Where?
[ADRIC] Me! I'm the trap. I locked the coordinates. Event One!
[TEGAN] Adric, hold on. I'm coming up to get you.
[ADRIC] No, no, this isn't me. It isn't me. It's an illusion.Projection! Block transfer. Tegan, the coordinates.
[TEGAN] Horrible.
(Master's Tardis)
[ADRIC] Escape. Must escape.
[MASTER] So, these simulated projections are real enough to have a willof their own. Almost.
[ADRIC] Can't, can't reach me in the Zero Room.
[MASTER] Is that what you thought? Well, my dear young man, it's yourown computational powers that made the block transfer possible. Ifescape were that easy, Adric, we could all be free of this nasty world.Now, we must save your energies. There's so much yet to be done.
(Zero room)
[NYSSA] We can't tell him now. He's in a dangerously unstable state.
[TEGAN] Adric was trying to warn us.
[NYSSA] The coordinates, and something about a trap. You stay here andkeep an eye on the Doctor.
(Outside the Zero room)
[TEGAN] Where are you going?
[NYSSA] Console room. Look after the Doctor.
[NYSSA] That's odd.
(Zero room)
[TEGAN] Poor Adric. If only we could do something.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[TEGAN] Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.
[DOCTOR] There seems to be something distinctly wrong. I can feel it.
[DOCTOR] Shush. The Tardis Cloister Bell. Imminent disaster.
[TEGAN] For us?
[DOCTOR] Oh, worse than that. The Tardis is in danger. Who's in theconsole room?
[TEGAN] Nyssa.
[DOCTOR] And Adric.
[TEGAN] Adric's
[DOCTOR] Well, is he, or isn't he?
[TEGAN] Well, Doctor
(Outside the Zero room)
[TEGAN [OC]] No, you can't go out there.
[DOCTOR] Adric isn't what? Tell me!
[TEGAN] It doesn't matter.
(Zero room)
[TEGAN] Look, you stay here. I'll go. After all, Iam the coordinator.
[NYSSA] (reads) Hydrogen. Abundant element. Highly explosive in thepresence of oxygen. Believed to be the basic constituent out of whichthe galaxy was first
[TEGAN] Oh, this heat. Has something gone wrong with the Tardisair-conditioning?
[NYSSA] Of course, that's it. It's not the Tardis.
[TEGAN] Well, what else could it be?
[NYSSA] Outside! You'd better read this.
(Outside the Zero room)
[DOCTOR] I've got to do something.
[TEGAN] Event One.
[NYSSA] A trap, Adric said. This is a time machine.
[TEGAN] And we're travelling backwards in time. Back to first event!
[NYSSA] The creation of the galaxy out of a huge in-rush of hydrogen.We're heading straight into the biggest explosion in history!
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] Farewell, my friends. Farewell forever!
[NYSSA] That face. I hate it!
[TEGAN] We must do something.
[NYSSA] There's only one thing we can do.
[TEGAN] And?
[NYSSA] That's all.
[TEGAN] All? Hogwash. We found the databank. Maybe we'll learn how tofly the machine.
(Outside the Zero room)
[DOCTOR] Tablets. The mixture. The ointment.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] You must control these dangerous emotions, Adric. They'll onlycause you pain, besides interfering with the reception. Now, closer!
(Outside the Zero room)
[DOCTOR] The potion. The solution. Oh, my littlefriend, if only you were.
[DOCTOR] Oh, transport of delight.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] You have something to say? Well?
[ADRIC] I'll fight you. I won't let you harm the Doctor, I won't!
[MASTER] Closer, Adric. I must see them.
(Tardis corridor)
[DOCTOR] Go softly on!
[NYSSA] You don't understand the physics of thesituation. We're already caught in the field of Event One. It's pullingus in faster and faster.
[TEGAN] A sort of gravity.
[NYSSA] The time force. It's many orders of magnitude greater.
[TEGAN] But people escape from gravity all the time. What we need issome kind of rocket thrust. All right, enormous thrust. But there mustbe some way the Tardis can do that.
[NYSSA] But nothing's happening. The temperature's defeating theautomatic controls.
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[NYSSA] You must go back.
[DOCTOR] Smoke! Heat! And noise! Adrenaline! And neuropeptides! Thebrain's working!
[TEGAN] Neuropeptides? What's he talking about?
[NYSSA] The excitement's changing his biochemistry. It's only temporarybut perhaps he can help us.
[TEGAN] We must take him back. It's not safe.
[NYSSA] But the Doctor's our only chance, unless we can find some way ofgetting the temperature down.
[DOCTOR] The manual override, Nyssa. I'll have to explain how to ventthe thermo-buffer. Listen very carefully. My concentration may go againat any moment.
(Master's Tardis)
[ADRIC] Doctor.
[MASTER] I sympathise. This is all too easy. A great pity. These facilevictories only leave me hungry for more conquest.
[DOCTOR] This will be simpler, of course, if you go into hover modefirst, always remembering of course not to reverse the polarity of theneutron flow.The whole system is on manual now. This is where it starts to getreally dangerous.
[TEGAN] Not till now?
[DOCTOR] The temperature will start coming down fairly quickly, butwithout that stimulus my neuropeptide level will fall to normal.
[TEGAN] Don't worry, Doctor. We'll get you straight back to the ZeroRoom.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Now, as soon as full console functions arerestored, you can start to reprogram the architectural configuration.I'd better show you.
[TEGAN] But how will it help to change the Tardis rooms around?
[DOCTOR] Oh, the architectural configuration system can do more thanthat. We can actually delete rooms.
[TEGAN] Delete them? You mean zap?
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. Zap! Enough zap and you have your thrust. Now,follow this very carefully.
[TEGAN] You bet your life.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] Perhaps this little demonstration willgive you some glimpse of my real power.
[ADRIC] Power you're getting from me! From my computations!
[MASTER] In part, certainly. Even as an enemy, you're useful. But howmuch more useful as an ally.
[DOCTOR] Now, have you got that?
[TEGAN] Yes. We're converting the mass of the deleted Tardis rooms intomomentum. But I still don't understand about momentum.
[DOCTOR] Mass in motion. Thrust, if you like. Time for lessons later.
[TEGAN] Does it mean burning up part of the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, don't worry, it works. We had to do that once withAdric to get away from. By the way, where is Adric?
[TEGAN] Adric? He's er
[DOCTOR] Well, where? We need him!
[NYSSA] It's cooler already. That's something.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[NYSSA] Adric's not here, Doctor. You see
[TEGAN] We thought he was in the Zero Room.
[DOCTOR] Well, tell me later. There's not much time. Once the star fieldreaches critical mass, we'll be shut into the in-rush. Where were we,Jo? Deleting rooms.
[NYSSA] But Adric.
[TEGAN] Are you okay, Doctor?
[NYSSA] His adrenaline's normalising. It was helping to bridge thesynapses.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Come on, we've got to finish this. Seventeen thousandtons of thrust. Say twenty five percent of the architecture.
[TEGAN] A whole quarter of the Tardis?
[NYSSA] Which twenty five percent, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Doesn't matter, same thrust.
[NYSSA] No, it isn't. We don't want to jettison the console room.
[TEGAN] That's a thought. Doctor, please. One last thing.
[NYSSA] How do we make sure we don't jettison the console room?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. That's the trouble with manual override.
[NYSSA] What's the problem?
[DOCTOR] Get K9 to explain it to you. Good luck.
[TEGAN] Thanks, Doc. I think we might need it.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] Well, Adric, this is my proposition. Lifewill immediately become more comfortable for you if you join forceswith me. Or do you prefer to remain in the web throughout eternity. Amere utility. You may speak.
[ADRIC] What do you want me to do?
[TEGAN] It seems so still now.
[NYSSA] We've passed the boundary layer. We're heading straight towardsthe in-rush. Thirty eight seconds.
[TEGAN] How can you be so calm? We're playing Russian roulette with theTardis.
[NYSSA] Thirty one seconds.
[TEGAN] If I press that button it could be the console room we jettison!
[NYSSA] If. You taught me something. As a scientist it's easy to betyrannised by facts.
[TEGAN] If can work. But I didn't know it'd be this chancy.
[NYSSA] Because it is still an if. You have to turn the if into a fact.Five seconds, four, three, two, one.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] So, this petty feud with the Doctor isover, Adric. You were wise to join me.
[ADRIC] You've got to keep your side of the bargain.
[MASTER] But are you truly sincere? I sense a barrier behind your eyes.Are you keeping something from me?
[ADRIC] How could I?
[MASTER] The universe is purged of the Doctor and his impossible dreamsof goodness. You and I belong to the future.
[ADRIC] The Doctor was doomed. I see that now.
[MASTER] He might've escaped from the in-rush. Yes, even that was apossibility. But I had installed a trap behind that trap that wouldhave been a joy to spring.
[ADRIC] Yet another trap?
[MASTER] A journey back in time. Long awaited. Why are you so curious?
[MASTER] Residual voltage? You're receiving an image! What are youconcealing from me? Some distant event beyond the range of my ownscanner? I'll burn through your barrier, boy. Bring it to me!
[ADRIC] No. No!
[MASTER] It can't possibly be.
[TEGAN] All Time Lords regenerate according to thisdatabank. You'd think there'd be something in here about what to dowhen it goes wrong.
[NYSSA] We must get him straight back to the Zero Room.
[TEGAN] Wait a minute. (reads) Ambient complexity is the cause of manyof these failures of regeneration. Some real locations are known tohave properties similar to Zero environments and, in some cases, areeminently more effective.
[NYSSA] That's it. We need to take him somewhere uncomplicated.Somewhere away from technology.
[TEGAN] (reads) Classic Plainness as exemplified by regions likeDwellings of Simplicity.
[NYSSA] Dwellings of Simplicity. Castrovalva. Where's that?
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] Closer, boy. I must see him, hear him.
[ADRIC] No. No!
[MASTER] So, Doctor, you have survived. But at what cost, I wonder.
(Outside the Zero room)
[DOCTOR] Castrovalva.
[NYSSA] The data bank is certain it's the best place to recuperate. It'sin Andromeda. A small planet of the Phylox series.
[DOCTOR] How do we get there?
[NYSSA] Don't worry, Doctor. Tegan thinks she's learnt how to set thecoordinates.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure?
[NYSSA] Well, that's what she said.
[DOCTOR] When the Tardis is on manual, you can't be certain of anything.
[NYSSA] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] It's harder to fly than you think. I mean, you don't just flicka switch.
[TEGAN] Castrovalva, here we come.
[TEGAN] Please?
(Outside the Zero room)
[DOCTOR] So, this air hostess person's flying it,eh? Well I wish her the best of luck.
[NYSSA] Seems you were wrong about Tegan's ability to fly the Tardis,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I don't think so.
[NYSSA] Then who's controlling the ship?
[DOCTOR] What? I don't know.
[NYSSA] It must be Tegan.
[DOCTOR] Can't be.
[NYSSA] Don't you worry about it, Doctor.
[TEGAN] Well, we are moving.
(Outside the Zero room)
[NYSSA] We'll soon have you safe. Here's the ZeroRoom.
[DOCTOR] Jettisoned.
[TEGAN] On zeroing the coordinate differential, automatic systemsreactivate the real-world interface. See Main Door, The Opening Of. Notmuch here about landing procedure. Hope it's as simple as it seems.
(Outside the Zero room)
[DOCTOR] Handy little device, the sonicscrewdriver. Got me out of a lot of scrapes.
[NYSSA] What do I do with this?
[DOCTOR] Unscrew the hinges! If you wouldn't mind.
[TEGAN] Castrovalva. Landing procedures. Here's hoping.
(Outside the Zero room)
[NYSSA] Unscrewing the doors won't get us into theZero Room, Doctor. It's gone. We burnt it up. Doctor, please. What do Ido next?
[TEGAN] Hmm. Well, we can't hang about here allday.
(Outside the Zero room)
[NYSSA] There's no way into the Zero Room, Doctor. It's gone. What do wedo?
[TEGAN] Touchdown! We've made it. We've made it!
(Outside the Zero room)
[DOCTOR] Well done, Nyssa. That's the idea. We makeanother Zero Room out of what's left.
[TEGAN] Not up to CAA standard, but a landing's a landing! Castrovalvacan't be far.
[NYSSA] It looks very small, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] And unlike the Tardis, it is very small.
[TEGAN] Well, it's not far to go, anyway.
[NYSSA] You've seen it?
[TEGAN] It's an afternoon's walk away, more or less.
[NYSSA] We'll be carrying the Doctor, don't forget.
[DOCTOR] Oh, just the Zero Cabinet.
[DOCTOR] You won't feel my weight. I'll make it easy for you. I'll belevitating.
[TEGAN] That's much better.
[NYSSA] There's a whole room full of clothes if you want to change.
[TEGAN] No, we should make a start. It's that way.
[NYSSA] I still say we should get help from Castrovalva.
[TEGAN] Why? He's no problem while he's levitating. We can roll himalong in the chair.
[NYSSA] Doctor? Doctor?
[NYSSA] What happened?
[DOCTOR] So sorry. Lost concentration for a moment. Very tired.
[NYSSA] I really think we should get help.
[DOCTOR] Please, there's not much time. Thank you.
[TEGAN] Well done, Doctor.
[NYSSA] Maybe it's that way.
[TEGAN] I did see it and I'm sure it's that way.
[NYSSA] I think he's got heavier.
[TEGAN] I hope you're wrong. Come on, Doctor. Help us to help you.
[NYSSA] Urgh.
[TEGAN] Are you sure I can't give you a hand?
[NYSSA] This is going to take a bit of molecular adjustment.
[TEGAN] Oh, no. What are we going to do now?
[NYSSA] Are you sure this is the right way?
[TEGAN] It'd better be! You know, this thing is still getting heavier.
[TEGAN] The old Doc's levitation's wearing a bit thin.
[NYSSA] He's lost his concentration again.
[NYSSA] If we don't find Castrovalva soon. Doctor?
[TEGAN] Shall we take a peek at him?
[NYSSA] Nobody can open this cabinet unless the Doctor wants it open.The internal interfaces are fused by strong force interaction and
[TEGAN] Look! Castrovalva.
[TEGAN] Never mind that. We've got to get help.
[NYSSA] Just in case.
[TEGAN] It'll be night before we know it.
(Base of the cliffs)
[NYSSA] Still no way in.
[RUTHER] And here is where you saw them? Mergrave must be told this.
(Partway up the cliffs)
[TEGAN] Castrovalva's harder to get into than theDoctor's cabinet.
[NYSSA] Well, perhaps we should get back there. We might be able to wakehim.
[TEGAN] How? We can't get into him.
[NYSSA] Well, we'll have to think of something. It does seem the onlyway.
[NYSSA] Doctor?
[TEGAN] Blood.
[NYSSA] He's gone. The Doctor's gone!
[NYSSA] The cabinet was secure.
[TEGAN] So he had to have opened it himself.
[NYSSA] It must have worked. The Zero effect. He was feeling better.
[TEGAN] Until whatever happened, happened. We've got to find him.
[NYSSA] There's more blood here. And there, and there.
[TEGAN] Castrovalva.
[TEGAN] Run!
[NYSSA] We've got to find the Doctor. Until he's properly regeneratedhe's terribly vulnerable.
(Base of the cliffs)
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Twelve of them at least. War party, maybe.
[NYSSA] There he is.
[TEGAN] Perhaps he's found a way in.
[NYSSA [OC]] Doctor!
[NYSSA [OC]] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Doctor? Everyone's looking for him.
[MERGRAVE] Once again we wait for Ruther. Was there ever a man with suchcapacity to lose both his quarry and himself?
[RUTHER] This is another stranger.
[MERGRAVE] Who are you, stranger?
[DOCTOR] That's the strangest thing of all. I'm not entirely sure.
[TEGAN] There. Come on.
[MERGRAVE] Bring him.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[TEGAN] Come back! Doctor!
(Town square)
[RUTHER] I will give orders for the fire to be lit.
[MERGRAVE] We will wait for Shardovan.
[MERGRAVE] Well, sirs, today has been a good adventure in the wildsbeyond the walls. And a quarry worth the name.
[RUTHER] A fair kill, though I have seen better.
[SHARDOVAN] If we could cook your memories, Ruther, we would feastindeed.
[SHARDOVAN] I trust, Mergrave, you've brought us something more ediblethan this lifeless unfortunate?
[NYSSA] Closed without a trace. If we had a threemicron beam wedge though.
[TEGAN] Well, we haven't.
[NYSSA] I said if. You taught me about if, remember?
[TEGAN] It's not that sort of if. It's what we can do, with what we'vegot, if only we used a bit of initiative. Come on.
(Town square)
[MERGRAVE] We should inform the Portreeve of this man's arrival.
[SHARDOVAN] That has been done. But not his purpose here. May one knowthat?
[RUTHER] He says he doesn't know who he is, or why he has come.
[SHARDOVAN] Oh, I admire a man with an open mind. My own is closed uponthe opinion that I am Shardovan. I have the honour to be librarian forthe dwellings of Castrovalva.
[DOCTOR] Librarian? Books and stuff?
[SHARDOVAN] Books are the principal business of a library, sir.
[DOCTOR] Then you read? You all read?
[MERGRAVE] Far too much, in my opinion. There is in this town ofCastrovalva, sir, a general dedication to bodily inertia that quitedefies description.
[DOCTOR] Castrovalva? Yes, the place to rest.
[RUTHER] Yes, and rest you shall, sir. Some refreshment, and then wemust show you to your quarters.
[DOCTOR] Definitely civilisation.
[NYSSA] We'll never get up there.
[TEGAN] Do you want to go back then?
[NYSSA] We seem to be committed.
[SHARDOVAN] I understand your natural puzzlement in the matter of ouroutdoor garments, sir. Mergrave has devised a new religion he callsexercise.
[RUTHER] In pursuit of which belief, he drives us to hunt animals in thewilds beyond the walls.
[DOCTOR] The hunt. Yes, it's all coming back to me. You weren't at thehunt.
[SHARDOVAN] Alas, no.
(Doctor's room)
[RUTHER] Shardovan was detained by being longer in the body than theavailable habiliments could match.
[SHARDOVAN] The garments with which we stir our courage to the hunt,sir, are relics of our ancestors, a smaller breed of men who, as Ibelieve wore, down their stature with too much hunting. You will noticeI am tall.
[DOCTOR] I suppose that's why they made you librarian.
[DOCTOR] Reaching down the books from the top shelf.
[MERGRAVE] The stranger is recovering his wits. A mild medicament,distilled from herbs.
[DOCTOR] You're a doctor?
[MERGRAVE] A master of physic, yes.
[DOCTOR] Not the Doctor, I suppose? I came here to find him, I think.
[RUTHER] It must be the Portreeve the stranger is in search of.
[SHARDOVAN] The Portreeve, certainly. No one of us else is of the leastimportance.
[DOCTOR] The Portreeve? A sort of magistrate?
[SHARDOVAN] A man of great wisdom, sir. He reads thoroughly the books Imerely rearrange. I'm sorry you will not dine with us tonight, butsleep. The meat served cold tomorrow will taste the better for it.
[MERGRAVE] Good night, sir.
[RUTHER] Good night.
[DOCTOR] Yes, good night.
[PORTREEVE] Drink. It's a simple to promote healing sleep.
[DOCTOR] You're the Portreeve.
[PORTREEVE] Shush. It's past my bed time. If they knew I was abroad,they would press me to this feast. For me, as for you sir, sleep issometimes better nourishment than good red meat. Please drink, sir.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that is good.
[PORTREEVE] Excellent. You'll very soon find the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You overheard?
[PORTREEVE] I know these things.
[PORTREEVE] By the simplest of means. When you visit breakfast with metomorrow, you will see the source of what my friends are pleased tocall my great wisdom. Now sir, sleep.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it has been a long journey. Tell me Portreeve, off therecord, will I find the Doctor here?
[PORTREEVE] Oh yes, Doctor, very soon.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[PORTREEVE] Good night, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good night.
[DOCTOR] Doctor? Doctor.
[NYSSA] We should have told the Doctor about Adric.
[TEGAN] You said it was dangerous. He would have gone after him.
[NYSSA] There might have been a chance, but now anything might havehappened to the Doctor.
[NYSSA] A rope ladder?
(Town square)
[MERGRAVE] Shardovan! More strangers have arrived. They scaled thewalls.
[SHARDOVAN] A new sport to replace hunting. Where are these supermen?
[MERGRAVE] They're coming. I must tell the Portreeve.
[SHARDOVAN] No, wait.
[TEGAN] The Doctor is here.
[SHARDOVAN] They're women.
[TEGAN] We saw him brought in.
[NYSSA] We're looking for the Doctor.
[RUTHER] This is most strange. The other visitor told us the same thing.
[NYSSA] Other visitor? That must be
[TEGAN] The Doctor. I demand to see him.
[SHARDOVAN] Very well.
[MERGRAVE] But you
[SHARDOVAN] Then show them to their quarters. We will not disturb thePortreeve with this news. Old men need their sleep.
[PORTREEVE] Some old men seldom sleep, Shardovan.
(Doctor's room)
[NYSSA] Is he all right?
[MERGRAVE] Tomorrow, he will be recovered.
(Outside the Doctor's room)
[NYSSA] We have to tell him about Adric.
[TEGAN] Are you sure? He's still not very strong.
[NYSSA] We must. We have to think of Adric too. I know so little abouttelebiogenesis. If only there were some books here.
[MERGRAVE] Come along.
(Nyssa and Tegan's room)
[WOMAN [OC]] Don't you worry
[WOMAN 2 [OC]] Yes, well, women always have to
(Town square)
[NYSSA] Wait! That belongs to the Doctor.
(Doctor's room)
[NYSSA] Thank you.
[NYSSA] Adric!
[ADRIC] No, don't turn around. Just listen, and listen quickly. TheMaster mustn't find me here.
[NYSSA] He's in Castrovalva?
[ADRIC] He can find me anywhere because I'm still in his power, but youmustn't let the Doctor know.
[NYSSA] We have to tell him.
[ADRIC] No, rescuing me can wait. Just listen. The Doctor must remain inCastrovalva until his regeneration is complete.
[NYSSA] Wait, I must get Tegan.
[ADRIC] No, you mustn't tell anybody you saw me. Nobody, you understand.
(Master's Tardis)
[ADRIC] No. No, I won't do it! I won't!
[MASTER] But you've done it, boy. A perfect impersonation of yourself.Now we will remain untroubled by the Doctor's meddling while our plansmature.
(Portreeve's house)
[DOCTOR] I like your Castrovalva, Portreeve. Very clever of them to havebrought me here.
[PORTREEVE] I fear we must be a little dull, after the habitualexcitements you describe.
[DOCTOR] Oh, the Ogrons and the Daleks and that. No, no, I think it doesus good to be reminded the universe isn't entirely peopled with nastycreatures out for themselves.
[SHARDOVAN] The volumes you asked for, Portreeve.
[PORTREEVE] Ah, thank you Shardovan. I've finished with those.
[SHARDOVAN] Ah, very well.
[PORTREEVE] Let me introduce, Tegan and Nyssa, Shardovan the librarian.
[NYSSA] There is a library.
[SHARDOVAN] Which I hope you will visit.
[NYSSA] I'd love to see it now.
[PORTREEVE] Then you shall. There's something I want to show the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Whoever did this certainly has a way with needle and thread.
[PORTREEVE] Remarkable, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] This device you mentioned
[PORTREEVE] It stands before you, Doctor. I've returned it to its stateof yesterday, by way of demonstration.
(Outside the library)
[NYSSA] Do you have any books on telebiogenesis?
[SHARDOVAN] The technical section is not large, you will find, but youare welcome to browse.
(Portreeve's house)
[DOCTOR] Fascinating demonstration, Portreeve. Howoften do the pictures renew themselves?
[PORTREEVE] Life here in the main is very slow and unremarkable. Only anoccasion, like your visit, disturbs the cycles enough to register onthe tapestry.
[DOCTOR] Some form of fast particle projection, I suppose.
[PORTREEVE] Our forbears had many skills, now forgotten.
[DOCTOR] Indeed.
[PORTREEVE] Oh, there's no doubt some complexity behind it, but in viewof what you told me you had better avoid such things until you arerestored.
[DOCTOR] You know, I had no idea I was putting them to so much trouble.It's a very long way for three young people to carry me.
[PORTREEVE] Three, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Er, Tegan, Nyssa and, er, Tegan. No, that's silly. Er,Nyssa, Tegan and Nyssa. Nyssa, Tegan. You know, I'm sure there'ssomeone missing.
(Outside the Library)
[TEGAN] These aren't going to help us much with Adric.
[NYSSA] A small technical section. There weren't any technical books atall.
[TEGAN] Well, let's read the history of Castrovalva. Might tell us why.
[NYSSA] Let's take them back to the Doctor's room.
(Town square)
[DOCTOR] One, two. Good day. One, two. No, no, no, no.
[DOCTOR] One, two.
[CHILD] Three, sir.
[DOCTOR] What?
[CHILD] Three, sir, is what comes after two.
[DOCTOR] Do you know, that's exactly what I thought.
[CHILD] And then four and then five and then six and then seven
[DOCTOR] Stop, please. You're making me dizzy. We'll have to give you abadge for mathematical excellence. (lightbulb moment) Adric. Adric!
(Doctor's room)
[TEGAN] The history of Castrovalva's fascinating.
[DOCTOR] No time for that. Where is he?
[TEGAN] Sorry?
[DOCTOR] Adric!
[TEGAN] You told him.
[NYSSA] No, Adric told me not to.
[DOCTOR] Adric told you?
[TEGAN] Adric?
[NYSSA] I'm, I'm so sorry, Doctor, but
[DOCTOR] Please, never mind about the apologies. I think it's time Iheard all about this.
(Outside the Library)
[SHARDOVAN] What, going so soon?
[MERGRAVE] Whether for some offence we've given or just a sudden fancy,I cannot say.
[SHARDOVAN] He cannot leave. He must not.
[MERGRAVE] He seems firm in his intent.
[SHARDOVAN] Then we must intervene.
[DOCTOR] The Tardis.
[NYSSA] The Zero cabinet.
[DOCTOR] We can't go through all that again.
[TEGAN] But once you get outside the walls
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll just have to hope, won't we?
(Town square)
[DOCTOR] Which is the quickest way out of here?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well that's democracy for you. Come on.
[NYSSA] I don't remember this.
[DOCTOR] Never mind, come on.(And downwards.)
[DOCTOR] I always did have a terrible sense of direction. Still as longwe keep going down.
[TEGAN] It's impossible!
(Town square)
[RUTHER] Oh, I beg you, Doctor, reconsider thishasty departure.
[MERGRAVE] For reasons of health, if not of courtesy.
[DOCTOR] Sorry. No time. Must dash. Come back later. Where does thislead?
[RUTHER] Out, sir, if you insist.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[TEGAN] That wretched square again. Doctor, what's happening?
[DOCTOR] Shush. Concentrate. This could be serious.
[NYSSA] It's as if space had folded in on itself.
[DOCTOR] Very like it. Quick. There may still be time to reverse thesense!
(Town square)
[SHARDOVAN] Doctor, what is the occasion of this haste?
(Outside the Doctor's room)
[NYSSA] It's affecting him, some very complexspatial disturbance.
[TEGAN] What is it, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Castrovalva, folding in on itself deliberately.
[NYSSA] Come on, this way.
[TEGAN] The Doctor's room.
[NYSSA] Oh, thank goodness. We must get him back in the Zero cabinetimmediately.
(Doctor's room)
[TEGAN] The Zero cabinet. It's gone.
[DOCTOR] Recursive occlusion. Someone's manipulating Castrovalva. We'recaught in a space-time trap!
(Doctor's room)
[DOCTOR] I'm perfectly all right. We have got to find out what's causingthe occlusion. Follow me!
[DOCTOR] Please find the Zero Cabinet.
[NYSSA] The Portreeve. He'll help us. Wait here, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Be careful. If I'm right, the occlusion won't be dangerous toyou at this moment. You're only trouble will be finding the way.Quickly!
[RUTHER] You should prepare yourselves for disappointment. It is unusualfor the Portreeve to grant two audiences on the same day.
[TEGAN] Just take us to him.
(Doctor's room)
[DOCTOR] Must be about five hundred years old.
[DOCTOR] Now that's odd. That's very odd indeed.
[DOCTOR] Mergrave. Just the chap. There's something you can do for me.
[TEGAN] That square again.
[NYSSA] We keep coming back to it.
[RUTHER] Of course.
[TEGAN] But you must see that there's something going wrong here?
[RUTHER] There are, as you have observed, steps that rise from thesquare and others that lead downwards from it, while other walksdebouch laterally. An equitable arrangement, surely, allowing for muchvariety of movement.
[TEGAN] You're not going to tell me you don't realise
[RUTHER] Ah, there is an exemplary vista from here.
[TEGAN] He must know. They're all in this together.
[NYSSA] They would be if they were part of the recursion.
[RUTHER] Here. Fine view down into the water tower.
[NYSSA] Wait a minute.
[NYSSA] Look.
[TEGAN] What is it?
[TEGAN] So that's where it got to.
(Doctor's room)
[MERGRAVE] Here are the other fifteen volumes. Put them down there.
[DOCTOR] Well done, Margrave.
[MERGRAVE] All right, run along.
[DOCTOR] You know, I'm very fond of history, but I don't usually getmuch time for reading.
[DOCTOR] No! Please. It's backed with silver. Helps to keep it out.
[MERGRAVE] It? And what, sir, is it?
[DOCTOR] Precisely what I'm trying to find out. Tell me, Mergrave, whatdo you see out of the window?
[MERGRAVE] Well, sir, the town square, the library, the Portreeve'shouse and my own pharmacy. In fine, sir, the dwellings of Castrovalva.
[DOCTOR] And it all makes sense to you?
[MERGRAVE] Strange question. Shardovan has asked the same.
[DOCTOR] Shardovan.
[MERGRAVE] He too can be a little fevered in his imaginings. This willdispel your fatigue.
[DOCTOR] How do I know you're telling the truth?
[MERGRAVE] Because, sir, I maintain I am, and I am a man of my word.
[DOCTOR] A perfect example of recursion, Mergrave. And recursion isexactly what we're up against. Draw me a square, large as you can.
[DOCTOR] Good. Now, in the square, a rough map of Castrovalva.
(Town square)
[TEGAN] You hid this deliberately.
[SHARDOVAN] Assuredly, ma'am, no impropriety was intended.
[TEGAN] You're all part of this. It's a conspiracy.
[RUTHER] They have formed the suspicion that the Doctor has beenensnared.
[SHARDOVAN] Ah. They cannot think that.
[NYSSA] Come on. We must get this back to the Doctor straightaway.
(Doctor's room)
[DOCTOR] Now, the library, the square, the Portreeve's house. Now,where's your pharmacy?
[MERGRAVE] Up here, sir. And down here. And round here. And along herealso.
[DOCTOR] Four pharmacies in a small place like this?
[MERGRAVE] No, sir. I have but one.
[DOCTOR] You positioned it four times.
[MERGRAVE] It may be approached, sir, by many different routes.
[DOCTOR] Valeriana officinalis centiculare europea. And just a hint ofrosemary.
[MERGRAVE] You understand medicine, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Not as well as you. But I'm afraid one of us is deluded aboutgeography.
(Outside the Doctor's room)
[NYSSA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Yes, yes, come in.
(Doctor's room)
[TEGAN] We found it, and no thanks to theseCastrovalvan people. They kept leading us round and round and back tothe square.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's Castrovalva, not Ruther. I suppose you know thewhereabouts of the Portreeve's house.
[RUTHER] Nothing is more certain, sir.
[DOCTOR] Well put. Show us on the map.
[RUTHER] This is the Portreeve's house, along here, down there, (pause)round there.
[MERGRAVE] The Doctor has been explaining to me. I almost grasp it.
[RUTHER] There is something amiss with the map.
[DOCTOR] There is something amiss with Castrovalva, but because yourperception is part of it, you cannot see it.
[RUTHER] I am a rational man, sir. Explain this interesting idea.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'm afraid that would take some doing.
[NYSSA] Doctor, the Cabinet.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, in a minute. This library of Shardovan's, are all thebooks like this?
[NYSSA] Yes, why?
[DOCTOR] These volumes chronicle the rise of Castrovalva out of analliance of warring hunters twelve hundred years ago. Or purport tochronicle.
[MERGRAVE] Purport, you say?
[RUTHER] That, sir, is our official history.
[MERGRAVE] From Castrovalva's first beginnings to the present day.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'm no expert, but I have the strongest possiblehunch that these are forgeries.
[RUTHER] What do you say, sir?
[DOCTOR] Oh, the threads, the bindings, the paper, are as near the realthing as may be, but the contents are faked.
[NYSSA] How can you tell?
[DOCTOR] There is something we're all overlooking.
[NYSSA] Yes? What, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I'm overlooking it, too.
[DOCTOR] But I'm certain the whole history's been invented.
[TEGAN] By Shardovan.
[NYSSA] But why? To hide something?
[TEGAN] Something about the real history. Doctor?
[DOCTOR] If there ever was a real history.
[MERGRAVE] This noise is not acceptable.
(Outside the Doctor's room)
[MERGRAVE] The visitor is weaker, but receiving our best attention. Butyou must remain quiet as noise causes him great distress.
[WOMAN] (sotto) Yes, okay.
(Doctor's room)
[RUTHER] This is Shardovan's hand. The librarian.
[DOCTOR] Shardovan. I thought as much. I must see the Portreeve.
[MERGRAVE] I'm sure, given your condition, the Portreeve will be happyto see you.
[TEGAN] We'll carry him there.
[MERGRAVE] As you wish.
[TEGAN] Would you mind waiting outside?
[NYSSA] We'll bring him out in a minute.
[MERGRAVE] Never been treated like this before.
[RUTHER] By a woman.
[DOCTOR] One little suggestion.
(Outside the Doctor's room)
[MERGRAVE] I wish I could be of more help.
[TEGAN] It's a complicated thing, this recursion business.
[MERGRAVE] Please, let us have quiet here.
[SHARDOVAN] Why are all these women here? Is this a holiday?
[MERGRAVE] The Doctor is most unwell.
[RUTHER] It's been agreed to carry him to the Portreeve. We must allhelp.
[SHARDOVAN] Very well.
[SHARDOVAN] Allow me to assist you.
[TEGAN] No, keep away.
[SHARDOVAN] Please, I insist I do my small part.
(Town square)
[TEGAN] Excuse me. I am responsible for the Doctor.
[MERGRAVE] This way.
[TEGAN] The Doctor can't be levitating. He's so heavy.
[TEGAN] Then?
[NYSSA] (sotto) The history of Castrovalva.
[TEGAN] What, all thirty volumes?
[DOCTOR] You're the man I want.
[SHARDOVAN] Explain yourself, sir.
[DOCTOR] You're the only man here who could not be persuaded to join thehunting ritual.
[SHARDOVAN] Ah. My natural indolence would not permit it.
[DOCTOR] Your intelligence would not permit it. You suspected the wholetradition was invention from beginning to end and here's the proof.Your annotations of the histories.
[SHARDOVAN] Ah. Mere fancies, sir. Notes for a fiction I had a mind towrite.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. The fiction of Castrovalva. A civilisation evolving out oftribal warfare into an ideal community. It is a fiction, and the thingthat confirms it
[SHARDOVAN] Well, sir?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I know it. It's on the tip. It's on the tip of my mind. Thebooks are five hundred years old at least, but
[SHARDOVAN] The books are old, but they chronicle the rise ofCastrovalva up to the present day.
(Portreeve's house)
[MERGRAVE] Portreeve, the visitor's strange illness has progressedbeyond my power to heal.
[RUTHER] We have come for your help.
[PORTREEVE] Please, not my help. This is a matter for the tapestry.
[DOCTOR] Don't tell me you're lost, too?
[SHARDOVAN] No, but as you guessed, Doctor, we people of Castrovalva aretoo much part of this thing you call the occlusion.
[DOCTOR] But you do see it? The spatial anomaly.
[SHARDOVAN] With my eyes, no. But in my philosophy. This way. I know aback way.
(Portreeve's house)
[PORTREEVE] The Doctor has journeyed dangerously tohonour us here in Castrovalva, and look at the outcome.
[MERGRAVE] Portreeve, should we not begin?
[PORTREEVE] Everything's in hand. With this tapestry and with patience,there's nothing one cannot achieve. Nothing, Doctor, in this world orin any other. The tapestry has the power to build and hold in spacewhole worlds of matter.
[PORTREEVE] But I've contented myself with one small, simple town.
[MASTER] For the final meeting of the Doctor with his Master!Bwahahahaha!
[DOCTOR] We must be very close to whatever he's using to power all this.Come on, we'll have to hurry. You're a good tall chap.
(Portreeve's house)
[MASTER] I have waited patiently with this trap ofmine. My Castrovalva.
[NYSSA] But there is a real Castrovalva. It's mentioned in the Tardisdatabank.
[MASTER] The boy Adric entered it there at my command.
[NYSSA] Adric.
[TEGAN] Where is he? What have you done with him?
[MASTER] The boy is nothing. I want the Doctor. One long last lookbefore I destroy him utterly.
[NYSSA] You've got to stop him. He's the Master!
[MASTER] What was that? Go on, find out.
(Upstairs in the Portreeve's house)
[SHARDOVAN] Now, Doctor
[DOCTOR] Shush!
(Portreeve's house)
[MASTER] Open this for me!
[NYSSA] Don't you understand anything about zero structures? Theinternal interfaces are bonded by strong-force interaction. Thesurfaces can only be separated from inside the Cabinet.
[MASTER] Don't try to make a fool of me.
(Upstairs in the Portreeve's house)
[MERGRAVE] Doctor?
[RUTHER] This is beyond all sense.
[MERGRAVE] You must come along with us.
[SHARDOVAN] No. You must spare the Doctor.
[RUTHER] No, Shardovan. He has betrayed the Portreeve.
[SHARDOVAN] My dear friends, it's we who've been betrayed.
[DOCTOR] Listen carefully. This man you know as Portreeve is the mostevil force in the universe. You have got to help me defeat him. Got to,do you understand?
[SHARDOVAN] You do have doubts. We've spoken of it often.
[DOCTOR] Well, say something, please!
[DOCTOR] Yes would be best.
(Portreeve's house)
[MASTER] I have you in my power absolutely, but Iwill see your face before I destroy you forever.
[TEGAN] That wretched tapestry. He'll spot the Doctor any minute now.
[MASTER] Well? Well, speak. I gave you tongues.
[MERGRAVE] You are not the Portreeve.
[MASTER] Someone's been tampering with your perception threshold.
[RUTHER] You are not the Portreeve. I believe the visitor.
[MASTER] A trick! The Doctor's here.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Are you sure of that, Master?
[MASTER] Enough of your deceptions!
[MASTER] Where are you? I'll fetch you out wherever you are.
[NYSSA] The tapestry, look!
[TEGAN] But Doctor, it's
[DOCTOR] I know, I know. Stay back.
[DOCTOR] So that's how you're sustaining Castrovalva.
[MASTER] My own adaptation of the block transfer computation. Since welast me, Adric's mathematical powers have been put to lively use.
[DOCTOR] Deadly, you mean.
[MASTER] That, too. You were wise to deter your young friends fromapproaching. The hadron power lines are lethal to the touch.
[DOCTOR] All right, Master. It's me you want. Let the boy go.
[MASTER] Yes, a trap has now been sprung. We can begin to dispose of allthe bait.
[DOCTOR] There was no call for that.
[MASTER] I populated Castrovalva. I will dispose of these creatures as Ichoose.
[DOCTOR] Unless you let every one of them go now
[MASTER] Well, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Shardovan, get back!
[MASTER] Don't touch the web. It's holding Castrovalva in balance. Youdo not have the will!
[SHARDOVAN] You made us, man of evil, but we are free.
[MASTER] My web!
[MASTER] My web!
[NYSSA] The Master! Look!
[TEGAN] The fireplace. It's his Tardis.
[NYSSA] Shardovan?
[DOCTOR] He gave his life to help us.
[TEGAN] The Master has escaped.
[DOCTOR] So must we. Without the web to support it, the local space willfold up into itself. Come on!
(Town square)
[NYSSA] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] It still makes sense to Mergrave. Stay behind him.
[MERGRAVE] This way.
[DOCTOR] The square again.
[NYSSA] The Master's Tardis.
[DOCTOR] It couldn't take off. Space is squeezing in too fast.
[TEGAN] We're trapped.
[NYSSA] How do we get out?
[DOCTOR] It can't collapse without causing a breach somewhere.
[MERGRAVE] There is nothing but confusion in my eyes now.
[ADRIC] I can see.
[DOCTOR] Adric created it. Which way?
[ADRIC] What exactly am I looking for, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Anything you don't recognise as Castrovalva.
[ADRIC] Over there. The hillside.
[DOCTOR] Follow Adric. Hold on to each other.
[ADRIC] This is it. This is the way.
[DOCTOR] Mergrave.
[MASTER [OC]] My web!
[MERGRAVE] Goodbye, Doctor.
[MASTER] Bring it to me, boy. My web!
[ADRIC] Doctor, quickly, we've got to leave before it closes again.
[TEGAN] Doctor! Adric! Please hurry!
[DOCTOR] Mergrave, we have got to leave.
[MASTER] No! You can't beat me! Traitors!
[NYSSA] It's gone. Gone forever.
[ADRIC] And the Master?
[DOCTOR] Let's hope so.
[DOCTOR] One, two, one, two, one, two, one, two, one, two, one, two. Allright, rest. Deep breaths. Well done, Adric.
[TEGAN] Why couldn't we just walk?
[DOCTOR] Got to be fit to crew the Tardis. Trim Time Ship and aship-shape team.
[DOCTOR] Who landed this?
[TEGAN] I did, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You flew the Tardis?
[TEGAN] I followed the instructions in the computer.
[DOCTOR] There aren't any.
[DOCTOR] It was a projection.
[NYSSA] As Adric was, in the Zero Room.
[TEGAN] So I didn't fly it?
[DOCTOR] Adric pre-programmed it. Whatever you did to the console, we'dhave ended up at Castrovalva.
[TEGAN] Oh, how disappointing.
[DOCTOR] The Master leaves nothing to chance.
[DOCTOR] Adric?
[NYSSA] Are you sure you're up to flying the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I think so. In fact, I feel quite like my old self.Well.
[TEGAN] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Well, whoever I feel like, it's absolutely splendid. Let'sgo.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s19", "episode": "e01", "title": "Castrovalva"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (18 Jan, 1982; Fifth Doctor) - Four to Doomsday
[ADRIC] Oh, we've stopped. We're there, Nyssa. Get the Doctor, will you?
[NYSSA] Yes.
[ADRIC] We've arrived.
[DOCTOR] Oh. A bit ahead of schedule. When was your flight again?
[TEGAN] A778, seventeen thirty hours.
[DOCTOR] February the twenty eighth, 1981. Oh, you'll have time for acup of tea. It's only sixteen fifteen hours.
[TEGAN] Doesn't look much like Heathrow to me.
[DOCTOR] Last time I was there, they were doing strange things toTerminal three. Oh. No, you're right. It doesn't.
[ADRIC] Well, don't look at me. I set the coordinates as you instructed.Six three zero niner in the inner spiral arm of Galaxia Kiklos.
[TEGAN] But Heathrow is on the M4, not Corfu.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Adric's just showing off. He means the Milky Way, yourgalaxy. Ha! Massive magnetic field shift.
[ADRIC] Looks like some kind of a control room.
[DOCTOR] I suppose it could be part of the Piccadilly Line.
[TEGAN] Good. Then I can catch a train.
[DOCTOR] No. No, no, wait, wait, wait. The atmosphere's wrong.
[TEGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Diminution of oxygen, nitrogen, traces of mercurial compound,intense proton activity.
[NYSSA] I thought Earth was meant to be primitive.
[TEGAN] Oh, did you.
[NYSSA] Their instrumentation is very advanced. That looks like aresonant stroboscope.
[TEGAN] What's that when it's at home?
[NYSSA] But it is home.
[DOCTOR] Er, I'm going to take a look around. Now, none of you is toleave here. Is that clearly understood? Good.
[DOCTOR] Spaceship or laboratory?
(Throne room)
[MONARCH [OC]] I would look at the intrusion again.
[MONARCH [OC]] Well?
[ENLIGHTENMENT [OC]] It is not in my memory.
[PERSUASION [OC]] Nor in mine.
[MONARCH [OC]] I would look again at the humanoid.
[TEGAN] He's taking his time.
[ADRIC] Yes. I've never known him hurry anything.
[TEGAN] Is there another space pack?
[ADRIC] Yes.
[NYSSA] He told us to stay here.
[TEGAN] Well, perhaps he's in trouble.
[ADRIC] Oh, he's always in trouble, Tegan, or haven't you noticed? Itamuses him.
[TEGAN] Well, it doesn't amuse me. He promised to get me back toHeathrow. He'll lose me my job.
[ADRIC] No, he won't. Be patient.
[TEGAN] Patient? After all I've been through since I came through thatdoor? My aunt reduced to so long. You must be joking.
[ADRIC] Look, we're fifth dimensional in this thing. He'll get you onyour flight if he's out there a week.
[TEGAN] And what do we do in the meantime?
[ADRIC] You could always read.
[TEGAN] Read?
[ADRIC] Yes. There's a fascinating book on maths through there by a chapcalled Burt Russell.
[TEGAN] Maths?
[ADRIC] That's the trouble with women. Mindless, impatient and bossy.
[TEGAN] You chauvinist. I heard that.
[ADRIC] You were meant to.
[NYSSA] I heard it too. You mean this? Mindless.
[ADRIC] Well, yes, but you're not a woman.
[NYSSA] I'm not?
[ADRIC] No. You're only a girl.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH [OC]] He now knows he's observed.
[ENLIGHTENMENT [OC]] What an enchanting smile.
[NYSSA] Still no sign of him.
[ADRIC] Can't be far.
[NYSSA] How do you know?
[ADRIC] By the look of things, there's not really very far he can go.
[NYSSA] You don't know that either. Just look at that.
[ADRIC] What does that thing do?
[NYSSA] I thought you knew all about it. It increases density.
[ADRIC] What for?
[NYSSA] To reduce matter, of course.
[ADRIC] What matter?
[NYSSA] The Doctor's, perhaps?
[ADRIC] That's ridiculous.
[NYSSA] Is it?
(Throne room)
[MONARCH [OC]] Control, report on the molecular structure of thatartefact.
[DOCTOR] Well, we're in motion, so we can be prettysure it's a spaceship.
[TEGAN] So much for promises. You've lost me my job.
[DOCTOR] Patience.
[TEGAN] Men.
[DOCTOR] And it appears to be unmanned. Adric, through there, spacepacks. No need to bother with the visors.
[ADRIC] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] There's a lot to interest you out there, young lady. Highlyadvanced, innovative stuff.
[NYSSA] That's a resonant stroboscope, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] Yes. There appears to be nothing but machinery out there, butwe are under scrutiny. There's a monopticon out there.
[NYSSA] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Well, I suppose it would be best described as a sort of mobileblack eye with a hypnotic stare.
[DOCTOR] Whoever or whatever is running this ship knows we're here, sowe'll have a little scrutiny for ourselves. Should we meet anyone, youtake your cue from me. (to Tegan) Spare key. Should we be separated, wecome back here.
[TEGAN] But can't I stay here?
[DOCTOR] Yes, if you like, stay here. Adric?
[TEGAN] No, I'll come.
[DOCTOR] Hello, again. You must be having a ball.
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Friends of mine.
[CONTROL] Molecular structure of intruding artefact consistent withdestination Earth and its solar system.
[DOCTOR] Amazing work. Worthy of Gallifrey.Non-corrosive alloys, saturated polymers. Highly advanced.
[NYSSA] Look at that!
[DOCTOR] Yes! An interferometer.
[ADRIC] What's that?
[NYSSA] This one's for measuring gravitation waves.
[DOCTOR] But we could use it on the time curve circuits.
[NYSSA] Look, a graviton crystal detector.
[ADRIC] What's that for?
[NYSSA] Same thing.
[DOCTOR] Belts and braces.
[NYSSA] Except on Traken, the interferometer superceded the crystal.
[DOCTOR] Yes. That's what's interesting. See if you can get it going.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH [OC]] I would again look closer at thetallest. He would appear to be the senior.
[DOCTOR] Ah, magnetic shield. Ahem. I mean you no harm. I wonder, couldyou tell me who or what you are? And where we are?
(Throne room)
[MONARCH [OC]] They appear to be Earthlings, andthis one not without intelligence or technological education.
[DOCTOR] I, er, I know we're trespassing, but I would like anopportunity to explain the circumstances, if you'd be so kind.
[ADRIC] Doctor, don't we have some kind of a sonic
[DOCTOR] So, your lips are sealed. Well, would it be in order for you totake me to your leader? If you have a leader, that is.
[TEGAN] Look! A door!
[DOCTOR] Oh. Well, that's a friendly gesture. Thank you. Er, perhaps oneof us should stay with Nyssa, Adric.
[DOCTOR] Good man. Come on. We'll see you both later.
[DOCTOR] Ah, a twib.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[ADRIC] Look, just go away, will you?
[NYSSA] Calm down. It won't bite.
[ADRIC] How do you know?
[NYSSA] Because.
[ADRIC] I don't know why the Doctor made me stay here anyway.
[NYSSA] Come over here.
[ADRIC] He knows I'm no good with my hands.
(Throne room)
[ENLIGHTENMENT [OC]] Her attire is interesting. Itobviously reflects a different culture.
[PERSUASION [OC]] How can Earthlings have penetrated us?
[ENLIGHTENMENT [OC]] Can they have learned the error of their ways? Arethey now pacified and cooperative? Is our arrival to be simpler thanexpected?
[MONARCH [OC]] More. Can their technology now be advanced as mine?
[TEGAN] How much further?
[NYSSA] It's no good, we'll have to take the readings out here. You knowwhere the time curve circuits are, don't you?
[ADRIC] Of course.
[NYSSA] Well, fetch them. I'll set up.
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR] Here we are.
[TEGAN] At last.
[MONARCH] Welcome. I am Monarch.
[DOCTOR] You look as if you might be.
[MONARCH] And this is Enlightenment.
[DOCTOR] Enlightenment, how do you do.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] How do you do.
[MONARCH] And this is Persuasion.
[DOCTOR] Friendly, I hope.
[MONARCH] And you are?
[DOCTOR] I am the Doctor.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] A doctor? Of what?
[DOCTOR] Of everything.
[PERSUASION] How modest.
[MONARCH] An Earthling.
[DOCTOR] A Gallifreyan. Tegan is an Earthling, Adric is an Alzarian, andNyssa there is from Traken.)
[PERSUASION] You come in peace?
[DOCTOR] Of course. And inadvertently, as a matter of fact.
[MONARCH] Control, release full life support atmosphere, please. Removeyour encumbrances.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. May I ask who you are?
[MONARCH] I am the supreme leader of the people of Urbanka, in the solarsystem of Inokshi in the galaxy RA one four eight nine.
[DOCTOR] Goodness me, you are a long way from home.
[MONARCH] As indeed are you. You must be tired. Control, refreshmentsfor our guests.
[DOCTOR] You're very kind.
[MONARCH] I am merely civilised.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Is that what the best-dressed Earthling women arewearing these days?
[TEGAN] These days?
[ENLIGHTENMENT] It's two and a half thousand years since we were lastthere.
[TEGAN] Two thousand five hundred years?
[MONARCH] Yes, our planets are rather far apart. We come as often as wecan. Control, isolate the girl.
[DOCTOR] You know, I drop in from time to time myself, and nothing onEarth changes quite so often as the fashion. You wouldn't believe theway some people look. Some of them even wear safety pins.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Safety pins?
[PERSUASION] A defence mechanism?
[DOCTOR] Earrings.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] How barbaric.
[DOCTOR] Yes. A lot of it about.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Are you fashionable, Tegan?
[TEGAN] This is my uniform.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] What is your manner of dress when not in uniform?
[TEGAN] It's difficult to explain. Have you got a piece of paper?
[TEGAN] Thanks. Pen? Pencil?
[TEGAN] That'll do.
[ADRIC] Nyssa? Nyssa! Nyssa?
[ADRIC] Nyssa? Nyssa? Where is she? I said, where is she?
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] Is this one of your drop in times,Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Drop in times?
[MONARCH] Your visits to planet Earth.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I promised to put Tegan on her plane.
[MONARCH] Her astral plane?
[DOCTOR] Yes, in a sense. They go from Heathrow Airport.
[MONARCH] This is not Heathrow Airport.
[DOCTOR] No, not even the quarantine area.
[MONARCH] Forgive my curiosity as to how your craft came aboard.
[DOCTOR] An error. My assistant miscalculated the coordinates.
[TEGAN] Too right he did.
[DOCTOR] Or it could have been your dense magnetic field causing afluctuation of my artron energy.
[MONARCH] What energy is that?
[MONARCH] You possess an energy you do not understand?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Silly, isn't it. Only my professor at the Academy seemedto understand it. Just goes to show how academic everything is.
[MONARCH] Hmm. Ah, the boy who got his sums wrong.
[ADRIC] No, I didn't. I'm a mathematician.
[MONARCH] Mathematician, eh? Well, what do you understand by e=mc2
[ADRIC] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Adric, explain the formula.
[ADRIC] Doctor, where's Nyssa? Energy equals mass time the speed oflight squared.
[MONARCH] You grasp the theory of relativity?
[ADRIC] Doesn't everyone?
[TEGAN] No, I don't. And if we don't get back to Heathrow, I'm going tolose my job.
[ADRIC] Study maths and you might get a better one.
[TEGAN] I don't want a better one.
[DOCTOR] Come along, children. Not in front of our hosts.
[MONARCH] You will be escorted to your refreshments.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Monarch.
[DOCTOR] Majesty.
[MONARCH] Well done, Enlightenment. These will eliminate the need fortelemicrographics, and may prove to be more reliable. I would inspecttheir craft.
[ADRIC] But, look, Doctor
[DOCTOR] I'm sure she's all right.
(Refreshment room)
[DOCTOR] What did I tell you?
[ADRIC] Are you all right?
[NYSSA] Just about.
[DOCTOR] Ah, there you are. That's reassuring.
[MONARCH] Laser key.
[MONARCH] Directional cobalt flux.
[MONARCH] This artefact is too primitive to defy my technology.
(Refreshment room)
[NYSSA] Doctor, I tell you it was a humanoid.
[BIGON] Welcome. My name is Bigon.
[DOCTOR] Hello. I'm the Doctor. This is Tegan, Adric and Nyssa.
[BIGON] We've met.
[DOCTOR] Are you an Earthling?
[BIGON] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Greek?
[BIGON] Athenian.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing here?
[BIGON] Will it please you to eat and drink? A simple meal. Vegetarian.Citrus fruits, apples, nut, avocado pears and grape juice.
[ADRIC] Oh, a small river fruit.
[BIGON] Avocado pear.
[ADRIC] Er, could anyone pass the sodium chloride, please?
[TEGAN] Sodium chloride?
[DOCTOR] Salt. If you're an Earthling, how do you come to be on thisship?
[KURKUTJI] Oolalaga itanga Kurkutji. Iyinta oogana intanda.
[TEGAN] Angalawe itanga Tegan.
[KURKUTJI] Tegan. No ango p'unkupo.
[TEGAN] U'unkupo. Maka nempita?
[DOCTOR] You speak the dialect?
[TEGAN] Well, he's an Australian aborigine.
[DOCTOR] Well, I know that. What's he saying?
[TEGAN] Well, he's welcoming us in the name of peace.
[DOCTOR] What's he doing here?
[TEGAN] I was asking.
[DOCTOR] Sorry to interrupt.
[TEGAN] Make nempita kukuch?
[KURKUTJI] Koolalaka kap ti pampoon.
[TEGAN] He says he's going walkabout to the time of the dreaming.
[DOCTOR] The dreaming?
[TEGAN] Heaven. He says he's going to heaven. We're all going to heaven.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] As I've always said, out of the mouths of primates andprimitives.
(Refreshment room)
[DOCTOR] When does he expect to get there?
[TEGAN] I'm frightened.
[NYSSA] So am I.
[DOCTOR] Is that where you're going?
[BIGON] I'm not a believer.
[DOCTOR] No, of course you're not.
[BIGON] Allow me to present Princess Villagra.
[DOCTOR] How do you do, your Highness.
[BIGON] The princess has vowed not to talk again until she is reunitedwith her people.
[DOCTOR] Who are her people?
[BIGON] The Mayan people of the Americas.
[DOCTOR] Goodness, that's going back a bit.
[LIN FUTU] Greetings.
[DOCTOR] Greetings.
[LIN FUTU] I am Lin Futu.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'd never have guessed it. You look in the best of healthto me.
[LIN FUTU] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] You're all Earthlings. What are you doing on this ship? Are youhostages, is that it?
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Well, Bigon?
[MONARCH] Tell them nothing.
(Refreshment room)
[BIGON] You have not been told by Monarch?
[BIGON] Then we must be silent on this.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] His Majesty commands me to tell you that we arrive onplanet Earth in four days. He invites you to complete your journey ashis guests.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's very civil of His Majesty. Who are you?
[PERSUASION] We've already met. This is Enlightenment, and I amPersuasion.
(Refreshment room)
[DOCTOR] Goodness, how you've changed.
[TEGAN] You're what I sketched.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Yes. You're a very good draughtswoman, my dear.
[TEGAN] I want to go.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] There's no need to be frightened. Please.
[TEGAN] I'm not frightened.
[ADRIC] How did you do it? Change like that.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] We enjoy the most advanced technology in the universe.
[DOCTOR] Magical.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] No, not magic, Doctor. A skill like any other.
[ADRIC] You mean anyone can do it?
[ENLIGHTENMENT] If you wished. But you have no need, yet.
[DOCTOR] But you have.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] As you have seen.
[PERSUASION] The dominant emotion on planet Earth is fear. When last wewere there, our reception was hostile.
[TEGAN] Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.
[DOCTOR] Well, we must read your history books.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] You will be welcome to do so. It will be necessary forme to instruct you in our computer languages.
[DOCTOR] One couldn't wish for a more enchanting teacher.
[PERSUASION] A very elevated one.
[DOCTOR] Enlightenment.
[PERSUASION] Minister of Enlightenment.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. And you must be Minister of Persuasion.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] Close watch, this Doctor. Control, reportwhat is known of this being, also Gallifrey and artron energy.
(Refreshment room)
[DOCTOR] May one ask the purpose of your journey toplanet Earth?
[PERSUASION] Resettlement.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Our planet, Urbanka, no longer exists. Inokshi, our sun,was an irregular variable. It collapsed a thousand years ago.
[PERSUASION] We left before the end.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] In time to escape the black hole.
[DOCTOR] Many of you?
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Three billion.
[ADRIC] Three billion? How many ships?
[ADRIC] One!
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] They have been told enough.
(Refreshment room)
[DOCTOR] Yes, well.
(Throne room)
[CONTROL] Data on Doctor, Gallifrey, artron energynot memory banked. Inference, fifth dimension.
[MONARCH] This Doctor cannot have brought mathematics further than I.Infer again.
[CONTROL] The occult.
[MONARCH] Superstition? No. Isolate them. I must know more about them.
(Refreshment room)
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Now that you are refreshed, youmust see your quarters. Bigon will show you. He was the last to usethem.
[DOCTOR] I see. So we've accepted your invitation?
[PERSUASION] Graciously, of course.
[BIGON] This way please.
[DOCTOR] Au revoir.
[BIGON] Here you will be comfortable. I was.
(Guest quarters)
[TEGAN] Yikes.
[ADRIC] Where are the others?
[BIGON] My boy?
[ADRIC] The rest of the three billion.
[BIGON] I'm sure that Monarch or one of his ministers will wish tosatisfy your curiosity.
[DOCTOR] I hope we're not putting you out.
[BIGON] No, I have no need of this accommodation now.
[DOCTOR] You're with your family?
[BIGON] I have no family. Not since I was rescued from Earth a hundredgenerations ago.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] Why does the old fool have to chatter?
(Guest quarters)
[BIGON] I must leave you now.
[TEGAN] We're shut in.
[ADRIC] A hundred generations.
[DOCTOR] Seems young for his age, don't you think?
[ADRIC] But three billion people? How big can this ship be?
[NYSSA] It's impossible.
[DOCTOR] On the face of it.
[TEGAN] I want to get out of here. I want to get off this ship. I don'twant to be rescued.
[ADRIC] Make up your mind.
[TEGAN] Well, can you get us out of here? Can you get us back to theTardis?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't anticipate a great deal of difficulty.
[TEGAN] Good. Then I want to go now!
[DOCTOR] I knew a sailor once, friend of mine, chap named Drake.
[TEGAN] What's that got to do with it?
[DOCTOR] He said something like, there's time enough to get to Terminalthree and beat the Armada too.
[ADRIC] Armada?
[DOCTOR] Could there really be more than one of these?
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] This Doctor interests me more and more. On no account is he toleave.
[MONARCH] And now he's blocked out the sound. Here we have a livelyintelligence. He could make a valuable ally.
[PERSUASION] Or a dangerous enemy, your Majesty.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] He is too jocular, irresponsible. Such a being prefersmental anarchy. They call it freedom.
[MONARCH] What nonsense, the pair of you. I have eliminated the conceptof opposition.
[PERSUASION] I was thinking of Bigon, your Majesty.
[MONARCH] Bigon cannot oppose.
[PERSUASION] But he does not conform.
[MONARCH] Well, of course. He's a philosopher, a doubter. We need doubt.It's the greatest intellectual galvaniser.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] With respect, your Majesty, there is a sensitivity inhis persona which suggests what in the flesh time was called soul.
[MONARCH] It's the first time, Enlightenment, I've heard you blaspheme.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] I beg your Majesty's pardon.
[MONARCH] I should think so. Flesh time indeed. You approach lesemajeste when you put the soul into the past tense.
(Guest quarters)
[TEGAN] Must you make that awful noise?
[DOCTOR] If our conversation is to remain private, yes.
[ADRIC] They must be lying or mad. Three billion people on one ship?It'll never get off the ground.
[TEGAN] Of course they're mad. A hundred generations on this thing,they've got to be mad.
[DOCTOR] She didn't talk of people, she talked of population.
[ADRIC] Comes to the same thing.
[DOCTOR] Sloppy thinking, Adric. Do you know there are at least threebillion bacteria in this chamber alone? And if a frog with a funny headcan turn itself into a semblance of a human being in a matter ofminutes, there isn't much of a limit to what it can't do. To saynothing of the dress-making.
[NYSSA] All that's not so difficult.
[ADRIC] Not difficult?
[NYSSA] These Urbankans are terribly advanced.
[TEGAN] Terribly is too right.
[NYSSA] I understand bioengineering, but I'm also an expert incybernetics.
[TEGAN] What's cybernetics?
[NYSSA] A science concerned with the control mechanisms of machines.
[TEGAN] What machines? I've seen three large frogs and four verypeculiar human beings.
[NYSSA] No, you've seen more than that. You saw two sketches you madecome to life.
[TEGAN] Don't remind me.
[NYSSA] I'm sure machines did that.
[TEGAN] But we're talking of flesh and blood.
[DOCTOR] I am beginning to wonder. I mean, here we are, four days fromEarth on a spaceship with three billion and three frogs. And fourEarthlings. Why? Wait a minute, wait a minute. How long is one hundredgenerations?
[ADRIC] What's generation in years?
[DOCTOR] Call it twenty five.
[ADRIC] Two thousand five hundred years.
[DOCTOR] Right. Right. So it's at least two thousand five hundred yearssince our hosts last visited Earth when they rescued Bigon. Now, if thereturn journey to Urbanka takes the same time as the journey to Earth.How's your ancient history, Tegan?
[TEGAN] Like I feel, awful.
[DOCTOR] Well, not to worry, mine's pretty good. Now, the Futu dynastyin China I would put at four thousand years ago, the Mayans in SouthAmerican flourished eight thousand years ago, and Kurkutji theaborigine says it's so long since he was taken he can't remember. Howabout twelve thousand years?
[TEGAN] But that's mad.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so you keep saying, Tegan. Is anyone saying you're wrong?
[ADRIC] I am. I think it's brilliant.
[NYSSA] So do I. Pure logic.
[DOCTOR] Or maybe Tegan's right. Why do it?
[TEGAN] Are you saying that this aborigine was taken twelve thousandyears ago?
[DOCTOR] No, but his ancestor was. Wouldn't be the first time that wholegenerations have known of no other life than a spaceship.
[TEGAN] Then what are you saying?
[DOCTOR] I'm saying that the Urbankans have visited Earth four times andtaken at least one cultural representative, and this time they'recoming for good. Well, I say good. Three billion Earthlings plus threebillion Urbankans, I really don't think so. I really don't think so atall.
[ADRIC] Then what are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] Explore.
(Throne room)
[PERSUASION] What action shall I take, yourMajesty?
[MONARCH] None. He will take the action. He has a sonic device,primitive but effective. He'll want to explore. Arrange a recreationalto divert him, but keep him separated from the boy or girl. They willtell me more about this Doctor than he will himself.
(Guest quarters)
[DOCTOR] Bring these.
[(A monopticon backs away and a door opens forthem. It shuts again before Adric and Nyssa can go through, but anotherdoor opens further down.) NYSSA] What should we do?
[ADRIC] Come on.
[TEGAN] Doctor, we've lost the others.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. I get the feeling we were meant to lose them.
[TEGAN] But we can't just leave them.
[DOCTOR] Oh? What do you suggest? Come on, and try to keep calm. We'llget nowhere if you lose your head.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] Let them move freely. In the meantime, Enlightenment, I willexamine Bigon.
(Recreation space)
[DOCTOR] More Earthlings. Hello? Some sort of entertainment.
[PERSUASION] Welcome to our recreational.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[PERSUASION] Where are your junior companions?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid they've got lost. You know what children are.
[PERSUASION] No, I don't, as it happens, but they won't get far. Please.
[PERSUASION] We have these little soirees from time to time. It is arecreation from work and study, and representative of the differentcultures.
[DOCTOR] How is Urbanka represented?
[PERSUASION] We have no comparable culture. Such concepts are for theprimitive.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] You must resist the temptation to tell this Doctor about mymission.
[BIGON] I have been telling the truth for over two and a half thousandyears.
[MONARCH] Then keep silent. You weren't made immortal to engage inendless gossip. I want to know more about this Doctor before I tell himof the ultimate.
[BIGON] When you do this, his hand will be against you.
[MONARCH] Then I will cut it off.
[BIGON] We cannot find the ultimate. There is no ultimate to find.
[MONARCH] I have heard enough blasphemy for one day. If it weren't forme, you'd still believe your Earth is flat. Now hold your tongue! ThisDoctor will know about us when I know more about him. Now leave us!
(Flora chamber)
[ADRIC] Very bright light.
[NYSSA] For photosynthesis.
[ADRIC] What's that?
[NYSSA] The light on the plants converts carbon dioxide intocarbohydrate. The plants give off oxygen.
[ADRIC] Hello.
(Recreation room)
[TEGAN] Shouldn't we look for the others?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. As Percy over there said, they can't be far.
[TEGAN] What if they harm them?
[DOCTOR] Why should they?
[TEGAN] I don't know why, but I think they will.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense. Wouldn't make any sense.
[TEGAN] It doesn't have to. I think they're mad. I think you are, too.
[DOCTOR] Well, take the advice of a mad man and look happy.
[TEGAN] Why?
[DOCTOR] Try to look as if you're enjoying yourself. In these situationsit's the best form of defence. And it gives me time to think.
(Throne room)
[ENLIGHTENMENT] They have lungs.
[MONARCH] Let them remember that.
[ADRIC] Not enough oxygen.
[ADRIC] They don't need oxygen. Excuse me. Excuse me?
[ADRIC] He's ice cold.
[NYSSA] They've all got one of these.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] No. She goes too far.
[NYSSA] I'm sorry.
[ADRIC] Don't you do that to her!
[ADRIC] Come on.
(Recreation room)
[BIGON] I want to look as if I'm explaining the contest. I must see youin private as soon as possible.
[DOCTOR] I fancy I've made our quarters private enough.
[BIGON] Good. Could you divert the attention of a monopticon?
[DOCTOR] I'll do my best.
[BIGON] In ten seconds, please.
[DOCTOR] Act up to me.
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[PERSUASION] Are you not well, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Quite all right, thank you. Just a dizzy spell. Must be thealtitude.
(Throne room)
[ENLIGHTENMENT] What a fatuous remark.
[MONARCH] Ah, the flesh time.
(Recreation room)
[TEGAN] What was all that about?
[DOCTOR] A little diversion. I think we're on to something. Bigon wantsto talk to me.
[ADRIC] I don't suppose it's worth speaking to any of this lot, either.
[NYSSA] Look. An electron microscope.
[ADRIC] What's this?
[NYSSA] Looks like an induction furnace.
(Throne room)
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Is it wise, your Majesty, to letthe children see the Mobiliary chamber?
[MONARCH] Enlightenment questions my wisdom?
[ENLIGHTENMENT] They will communicate with the others.
[MONARCH] Certainly. But I intend to control and qualify thatcommunication.
[ADRIC] What do they do in here?
(Recreation room)
(Guest quarters)
[DOCTOR] I can't say I share your taste in entertainment.
[BIGON] It is not as it seems.
[NYSSA] So that's what they do in here.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] Bring the children to me.
(Guest quarters)
[TEGAN] So you were right.
[DOCTOR] Four visits, every four thousand years or so.
[BIGON] No, the first visit was over thirty five thousand years ago,when Kurkutji was taken. It took twenty thousand years for theUrbankans to reach Earth. Monarch has doubled the speed of the ship onevery subsequent visit.
[TEGAN] So you last left Urbanka twelve hundred and fifty years ago?
[DOCTOR] How can organic life endure that long?
[BIGON] The only organic life aboard is in the Flora chamber. Thiscompound is not me.
[BIGON] This is me.
(Guest quarters)
[BIGON] This is my memory of two thousand fivehundred and fifty five years, linked to that, which is my reason, myintelligence, linked to that, which is my motor power.
[DOCTOR] Incredible engineering.
[BIGON] This compound is a polymer stretched over a non-corrosive steelframe.
[TEGAN] It's wicked. Evil.
[BIGON] Not in itself. As with all technology, it is the use to which itis put.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Just three silicon chips.
[BIGON] My reasoning chip contains more circuits than there are synapsesin your brain, Doctor, each linked by lines one hundred nanometresthick.
[TEGAN] What's a nanometre?
[DOCTOR] Oh, a thousand millionth of a metre.
[TEGAN] No. I'm sorry, I can't believe that.
[DOCTOR] Well, like it or not, Tegan, you're looking at a fact, if not afact of life. This ship contains the entire population of Urbanka. Ninebillion silicon chips.
[BIGON] Not so many. Some are slaves, robots. They have but one chip,the motor circuit. Those are they that wear the discs.
[DOCTOR] So, the Aborigine, the Chinaman and the Mayan are
[BIGON] All as I, yes. The leaders of four ethnic groups.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] So you see, I mean you no harm.
[NYSSA] You're androids.
[MONARCH] Oh no, girl, don't irritate me. And above all, don'tdisappoint me. I hold you to be intelligent. I've already explainedsimply and succinctly that we're fully integrated personalities with aracial memory.
[ADRIC] Then what are these, your Majesty?
[MONARCH] No, no, no. There must be a class system. It is absolutelyessential for good government. Now these are second-class citizens. Youcould call them assisters.
[NYSSA] Or slaves.
[MONARCH] If you will, girl. It is, however, a very emotive word.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Very flesh time.
[ADRIC] Flesh time?
[ENLIGHTENMENT] It is the name Monarch to the primitive time. In yourterms, the time of the chickenpox, of hunger and heart disease,arthritis, bronchitis and the common cold.
[MONARCH] I have over thrown the greatest tyranny in the universe.External and internal organs.
[NYSSA] What about love?
[ENLIGHTENMENT] The exchange of two fantasies, your Majesty.
[MONARCH] Ah. Thank you, Enlightenment. Oh, my children, I would like tohave held you captive by my words, not by assisters.
[ADRIC] But you have, your Majesty.
[MONARCH] My boy?
[ADRIC] What you've done is almost beyond belief. You've performed amiracle.
[MONARCH] Did you hear that, Enlightenment? We have been receivingmessages from Earth for fifty years. Have you ever heard a moreintelligent statement? Release them. Release them at once.
[MONARCH] You will be invaluable to me in my crusade.
[ADRIC] Crusade?
[MONARCH] To come to the aid of the Earthlings. To save them fromthemselves. They're not as intelligent as you. They war amongstthemselves. They make more weapons than food and two thirds of them arestarving. It is all a problem of the flesh time. We come to rid them ofit.
[NYSSA] Perhaps they don't want to be rid of it.
[ADRIC] Well, that's silly, Nyssa. How can anyone want to live likethat?
[MONARCH] He's right.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Think, girl. Think.
[NYSSA] I am thinking.
(Guest quarters)
[BIGON] We have been made immortal.
[DOCTOR] So it would seem. As long as you have spare parts you could goon forever.
[DOCTOR] All you need is the raw materials.
[BIGON] The reason for Monarch's invasion of Earth. The visitsestablished its suitability.
[DOCTOR] Of course! That's it, he's after the silicon.
[TEGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] One of the biggest components of the Earth's crust is silicon.All the chips he wants.
[BIGON] And the fossilisation.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, carbon too.
[BIGON] First he intends to replace the population of Earth with hisown.
[TEGAN] What, three billion people?
[BIGON] He can do it. The landing will be peaceful. He has prepared amessage of peace and will offer them the help of his advanced alienintelligence. That is why he will want your help. To convince thepeople of Earth that he means them no harm.
[TEGAN] He'll get no help from me.
[BIGON] Don't be too sure. In the Mobiliary there is a deadly poison.The deadliest in the known universe. The Urbankans secreted it in agland. It causes organic matter to shrink in on itself. One trillionthof a gram would reduce you to the size of a grain of salt. With this hewill conquer Earth.
(Throne room)
[ENLIGHTENMENT] We bring enlightenment.
[NYSSA] And persuasion.
[PERSUASION] That, too.
[ADRIC] Just think of it, Nyssa. A whole new technology. No more hunger,no more wars. Fine schools, fine hospitals
[NYSSA] Fine tyranny.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] You should guard against the arrogance of the scientist,Nyssa. As a bioengineer, you, more than most, should marvel at themight of our Monarch. He led us from the Urbankan slime first toconquer the land, then the elements, to develop the greatest technologyin the universe.
[MONARCH] You mustn't be too hard on the child, Enlightenment. She hasspirit and courage and a fine independence. Such qualities will beuseful. She'll come round in the end.
[NYSSA] Never to tyranny. I can never forget that my father was killedby a tyrant.
[ADRIC] Well, now you're being unreasonable, Nyssa. One simply can'tcompare his Majesty to the Master.
[MONARCH] Who is this Master?
[ADRIC] A Time Lord, your Majesty, and the Doctor's greatest enemy.
(Guest quarters)
[BIGON] Unless he is stopped, he will eventuallydestroy Earth just as he destroyed Urbanka.
[DOCTOR] I thought he said Urbanka's son was a supernova?
[BIGON] A lie. He exhausted the planet of its minerals and then pollutedit with his technology. The pollution destroyed the ozone layer andleft ultraviolet light to scorch Urbanka.
[DOCTOR] And all this for what?
[BIGON] His great plan. For him to travel faster than light.
[DOCTOR] What?
[BIGON] Monarch is obsessed with solving the riddle of the universe.
[DOCTOR] Absurd. So he believes that to travel faster than light wouldmean going backwards in time, back to the Big Bang?
[BIGON] And beyond. Monarch believes he will meet himself there. Hebelieves he is God.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] I grieve you, my child, that your fathershould have met such a fate. So, this Doctor of yours is also a TimeLord, eh?
[ADRIC] Yes, your Majesty.
[MONARCH] Whence comes his power?
[ADRIC] From other Time Lords. He speaks of the one called Rassilon.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] There is a galactic legend about a Rassilon. He whofound the Eye of Harmony.
[MONARCH] You know very well, Enlightenment, I regard such tales assuperstition.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Yes, your Majesty.
[MONARCH] Yes, now tell me more about this Time Lord Doctor. He seems tobe a very agreeable person.
[ADRIC] Yes.
[MONARCH] He has a powerful mind.
[ADRIC] Yes, yes.
[MONARCH] Yes, I like that. Has he any power outside his machine?
[ADRIC] Well, he has two hearts.
[MONARCH] Oh, poor fellow. That must make him very vulnerable.
[ADRIC] And he has the ability to go into a trance that suspends lifefunctions.
[MONARCH] Oh, that must be useful. But I'm interested in this er,machine of his.
[ADRIC] The Tardis.
[ADRIC] Short for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.
[MONARCH] Fascinating. It's very small. I mean, is it not uncomfortable.
[ADRIC] No, the interior's in a different dimension.
[MONARCH] Really?
[ADRIC] Yes, it's quite large.
[NYSSA] Why don't you shut up!
[MONARCH] Oh, mind your manners, my dear. Go on, boy.
[ADRIC] Oh. Well, it's got a power room, it's got a bathroom. It's evengot cloisters.
[MONARCH] Cloisters?
[ENLIGHTENMENT] A covered walkway, your Majesty. An architecturalfeature of ecclesiastical and educational establishments on Earth.
[MONARCH] All that inside this Tardis?
[ADRIC] Yes, your Majesty.
[MONARCH] Fascinating. I should love to see all this.
[ADRIC] Well, I'm quite sure the Doctor would be only too pleased toshow you around. He's the only one of us who really understands it andhow it operates.
[MONARCH] Oh, I like that. Could you ask this Doctor now if I could lookinside his Tardis?
[ADRIC] Of course, your Majesty.
[MONARCH] Not you. Stop her. I have other plans for you, child.
[NYSSA] What are you going to do?
[MONARCH] Don't be afraid. One only harms that which one fears.
(Guest quarters)
[BIGON] He must be stopped at all costs, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] If you feel this way, why have you not acted before?
[BIGON] I am powerless alone. I have free will, but built into mycircuits is a fail-safe mechanism. Any aggressive intent is immediatelysignalled and baulked.
[DOCTOR] Well, the only course of action I can think of is to go alongwith him. Appear to cooperate.
[BIGON] There may not be time. Sooner or later he is bound to make youas I am. All of you.
[TEGAN] No! Kill us?
[BIGON] It is not death. First you are hypnotised. Under hypnosis youare made to recall your whole life. This is recorded and micro-chipped.Your body is then disposed of and you are remade as I.
[TEGAN] No, no, no, no, no!
[DOCTOR] It's all right, it's all right. Just leave everything to me.
[TEGAN] I'm sick of leaving everything to you!
[DOCTOR] Could you perhaps show me the part of the ship that controlsthe population? All the information you can.
[BIGON] Yes, but we must hurry.
[TEGAN] You must be mad.
[DOCTOR] Just keep calm.
[TEGAN] How? We've got to get out of here. We've got to get to theTardis and get out of here!
[DOCTOR] Not yet. Please, will you stop thinking of yourself for once!
[TEGAN] I'm not thinking of myself. We've got to get to Earth and warnthem!
[DOCTOR] Of what? Who'll believe us? We'll be laughed at.
[TEGAN] We can try.
[DOCTOR] Yes, another way.
[BIGON] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, just coming. Now stay here. You'll be perfectly safe. Iwon't be very long.
[TEGAN] I won't stay here!
[DOCTOR] Yes, you will! In here you can't be seen, out there you can.You stay here! (to Bigon) Go a little in front of me. That will tellthem not to confront me and I can surprise it.
[TEGAN] Don't leave me, please.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[BIGON] You reversed the magnetic field?
[DOCTOR] Yes, and that's the way we'll deal with them all. Come on.
[BIGON] (re helmet) You'd better put that on.
(Throne room)
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Your eyes are getting heavy. They are getting heavier,and heavier, and heavier.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Now you are asleep. Soon you will recall all past lifeand then you will be relieved of the flesh time. Take her to theMobiliary.
[PERSUASION] The monopticon in linkway seven has a fault.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] The magnetic field has reversed.
[MONARCH] Then it's the Doctor who's reversed it. He'll be dealt with.They will all be dealt with. My patience is not inexhaustible.
[MONARCH] Now he's in the library.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] Much good may it do him, unless Bigon is there.
[PERSUASION] I've not seen Bigon for some time, your Majesty.
[MONARCH] It need not concern you, Persuasion.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] The boy appears lost.
[MONARCH] He'll find his way.
[BIGON] You can take that off to conserve it. Thelife support system is on. That red light indicates it.
[DOCTOR] Is the course controlled from here?
[BIGON] Yes, but it is an automatic control.
[DOCTOR] What are these doing?
[BIGON] What they have been doing for centuries. Attempting to findpower formulae to move faster than the speed of light. And having somesuccess. Perhaps a thousand years hence Monarch will indeed be goingbackward in time to a rendezvous with himself, the Creator.
[LIN FUTU] Leave her.
[LIN FUTU] Five minutes.
(Guest quarters)
[ADRIC] Tegan, where's the Doctor?
[TEGAN] I don't know.
[ADRIC] What's the matter?
[TEGAN] We've got to get off this ship. We must or we'll all die.
[ADRIC] What utter rubbish! Monarch has no reason for harming us. Hewants our help. Tegan, the Doctor was right about these Urbankans.They're light years ahead in their technology.
[TEGAN] Oh, silicon chips!
[ADRIC] You know?
[TEGAN] Yeah, and a lot more than you. Now out of my way.
[ADRIC] Where do you think you're going?
[TEGAN] To the Tardis.
[ADRIC] Why?
[TEGAN] To try to get out of here. Somebody's got to.
[ADRIC] You're being very silly, and anyway, you can't even work it.
[TEGAN] Well, I'm going to try.
[ADRIC] But I don't see what you're in such a state about. Look, can'tyou understand? These Urbankans are benefactors.
[ADRIC] And Monarch is charming. He's just asked me very politely if hecould have a look round the Tardis.
[TEGAN] Adric, you can come with me or get out of my way. What's itgoing to be?
[ADRIC] But everything is all right, I tell you! And anyway, you can'tget into the Tardis.
[TEGAN] Oh, can't I?
[TEGAN] You forget, I was given this when we left it.
[ADRIC] Well, I'll take that.
[TEGAN] You will not! Adric, I'm warning you. Get out of my way!
[ADRIC] No! Now look, I'm not going to let you do anything silly.
[LIN FUTU] Two minutes.
(Throne room)
[PERSUASION] He's now in the Flora chamber, and I saw Bigon with him.
[MONARCH] As he was in the library. Your eyes have been elsewhere,Persuasion. Our friend Bigon is giving the Doctor a guided tour.
[PERSUASION] Is that wise, your Majesty?
[MONARCH] Oh, my other minister questions my wisdom.
[PERSUASION] I beg your Majesty's pardon.
[MONARCH] I should think so, indeed.
(Flora chamber)
[DOCTOR] Intensified ultraviolet forphotosynthesis.
[BIGON] Yes, this is all that was saved from Urbanka.
[DOCTOR] And now it's a source of oxygen.
[BIGON] For those who need it.
[DOCTOR] Point taken.
[BIGON] And this is the graveyard of all those taken from Earth.
[DOCTOR] There were others?
[BIGON] Many. After the experiments, only the highest intelligence wasallowed to live on, as I.
[DOCTOR] And the frogs?
[BIGON] To ensure a supply of the poison with which Monarch will conquerEarth.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] The girl Tegan.
[PERSUASION] Action, your Majesty?
[MONARCH] None. She can do nothing. No Earthling could possibly have thecapacity. (Tegan locks the doors, hangs up her helmet then startsoperating controls.)
[MONARCH] The guided tour continues.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] They are now in the Mobiliary.
[PERSUASION] The girl Nyssa is there in the first stage, your Majesty.
[LIN FUTU] What did you do to the monopticon?
[BIGON] The Doctor was trying a small experiment. No harm has been done.Monarch commanded me to show the Doctor the ship. I hope we do notintrude.
[LIN FUTU] No. If you will allow me to continue with my work?
[BIGON] Of course.
[BIGON] This is where the metamorphoses are performed with him incharge. Here in these drawers lie the Urbankans, the future inhabitantsof Earth.
[DOCTOR] An appalling thought.
[BIGON] All must be destroyed.
[DOCTOR] It's a tall order.
[BIGON] This was once my prison for over a hundred years. The penaltyfor my one and only attempt at revolt.
[BIGON] Here is the poison.
[BIGON] This is how the process works. The subject is hypnotised andtheir memory recorded. The subject is then terminated and their bodyused to fertilise the Flora chamber. By Zeus! One of you is already inthere!
[DOCTOR] Nyssa, wake up.
[NYSSA] Oh, Doctor, thank you.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[NYSSA] I'll be all right in a minute. They were going to kill me.
[DOCTOR] Yes, the devils. Where's Adric?
[NYSSA] I think he's all right. They sent him to look for you. They wantthe key to the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Oh, do they.
(Throne room)
[LIN FUTU] Your Majesty, they were plotting thedeliberate destruction of the Urbankan people.
[MONARCH] You've done well. Bigon will be de-circuited and the Doctordestroyed. Persuasion, see to it.
[PERSUASION] Your Majesty.
[MONARCH] So perish all who threaten my mission.
[TEGAN] Come on.
[DOCTOR] Could we expect support from the others,Kurkutji and Futu?
[BIGON] No, they have been corrupted by power. They have been promised,as I was, dominion over their ethnic groups on Earth.
[DOCTOR] Yes, difficult to resist.
[BIGON] Not for me. In a civilised world, there is no substitute fordemocracy.
[DOCTOR] Is there nowhere we could hide ourselves to get a plantogether?
[BIGON] Nowhere.
[DOCTOR] No weapons?
[BIGON] The armoury is in the throne room.
[DOCTOR] Then our only hope is to get to the Tardis and warn Earth.Might these be of any use to us?
[BIGON] Not as they are. Perhaps I could alter their circuits.
[NYSSA] Doctor, may I have your sonic screwdriver?
[DOCTOR] What for?
[NYSSA] I'd like to try something. This has an electric charge, hasn'tit?
[NYSSA] Now, may I borrow your pencil?
[ADRIC] Doctor! Doctor, it's Tegan. She's trying to move the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good grief.
[PERSUASION] Take them!
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes, I
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] So it goes. So any fool can operate it. So much for theDoctor's technology. So be it.
[PERSUASION] De-circuit that.
[PERSUASION] And kill him.
[ADRIC] No! No! No! No!
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] Do not harm the boy.
[MONARCH] The boy has great courage.
[ENLIGHTENMENT] And the girl, your Majesty, has Urbankan intelligence.
[MONARCH] Yes, the graphite of the pencil conducted the power of thesonic device causing a short circuit.
[ADRIC] If you can hear me, your Majesty?
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] I hear you, my boy.
[ADRIC [on monitor]] With respect, I cannot join you if any harm is doneto the Doctor.
[MONARCH] Persuasion, stay the execution. Bring them all to me. Butfirst, confiscate the Doctor's sonic device.
[PERSUASION] That instrumentation, please.
[PERSUASION] You may keep the pencil. Release him. You will turn outyour pockets, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I think I will, yes.
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you, Nyssa. It was brilliant, by the way. Quitebrilliant.
[PERSUASION] What is this?
[DOCTOR] Eye glass. I'm a bit short-sighted in this one.
[DOCTOR] It's a piece of string.
[PERSUASION] And this?
[DOCTOR] It's a cricket ball. A memento. I used to bowl a very goodchinaman.
[DOCTOR] I took five wickets once for New South Wales.
[PERSUASION] His Majesty wishes to see you. All of you.
[PERSUASION] Replace their motor circuits. Precede me, please.
[TEGAN] Oh cripes.
[TEGAN] No. No, leave well alone.
[PERSUASION] Yes, Doctor, the poor are always with us, but I wouldprefer not to keep his Majesty waiting.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] Ah, Doctor. Your machine is reluctant tobreak free from mine.
[DOCTOR] I can't think why.
[MONARCH] A more considerate guest than you, perhaps.
[DOCTOR] Oh, is it usual for a host to kill a guest?
[MONARCH] Oh, in certain rarified circles, but your life is forfeitbecause you were plotting against me.
[ADRIC] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] My actions were motivated by scientific curiosity.
[MONARCH] Not as they were reported to me.
[DOCTOR] Reports can be garbled, your Majesty.
[MONARCH] Not this time. Was it scientific curiosity which caused you tointerfere with my monopticons?
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't dream of interfering with your monopticons.
[MONARCH] Enough of these recriminations. I propose to show my moralsuperiority by sparing your life. I'm not, as you would have othersbelieve, a wanton destroyer, but I must protect myself and my mission.Now the girl Nyssa will be held hostage. If you're restrained, you'llcome to no harm. Beware you're not the cause of her destruction. Takeher to Lin Futu. Let him sedate her and await my orders.
[MONARCH] Control, let there be a recreational. For while my eyes arerestored from the results of the Doctor's scientific curiosity, I wouldhave my family under my benevolent gaze. You have my permission towithdraw.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, your Majesty.
[MONARCH] The boy Adric cannot fail to be with me now.
[TEGAN] Pommie mumbo jumbo.
(Throne room)
[PERSUASION] The girl Nyssa is secured and sedated, your Majesty.
[MONARCH] Good. Where are the Doctor and the boy?
[MONARCH] Ah, Bigon is there.
[PERSUASION] He should have been de-circuited centuries ago. I will goseek the Doctor and the boy, your Majesty.
(Guest quarters)
[DOCTOR] Adric, I'm sorry. I really am.
[ADRIC] Well, that's all right. And nothing will happen to Nyssa as longas you
[DOCTOR] I know, I know, and that's what I'm sorry about. You know, Ithink I may have been entirely mistaken about Monarch.
[ADRIC] What?
(Throne room)
[ADRIC [OC]] I'm so glad to hear you say that.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Oh, he's an autocrat, of course, but I now believe abenevolent one.
[ADRIC [OC]] He is, yes.
[DOCTOR [OC]] And he's ruthless. Anyone can see that.
(Guest quarters)
[DOCTOR] All great leaders have to be ruthless.It's the intention, the mission
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR [OC]] The sheer
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] Breadth of vision, that's the important thing.
[ADRIC [on monitor]] Well, yes, isn't it.
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] I mean, he could quite easily have had me killed.Now why didn't he?
[ADRIC [on monitor]] Exactly what I've been trying to tell you.
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] I know, and that's what I'm sorry about. That'swhy at the earliest opportunity I shall request permission to see him,seek an audience and make my peace with him.
(Guest quarters)
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's go and see a bit of therecreational.
[ADRIC] All right.
(Recreation space)
[DOCTOR] Now listen to me, you young idiot. You're not so much gullibleas idealistic. I suppose it comes from your deprived delinquentbackground. Monarch is the greatest being in the known universe forevil. He will destroy Earth and much more if he's not stopped.
[ADRIC] Back there you said
[DOCTOR] Yes, back there he could hear us. Here he can't. I'm playingfor time.
[ADRIC] But you're wrong, Doctor. He's civilised
[DOCTOR] Do you want to save Nyssa?
[ADRIC] Of course I do.
[DOCTOR] Then shut up and listen. He is not concerned with bringingcivilisation. He has the greatest contempt for anyone but himself. Hewants to rob Earth of its minerals in order to travel faster than thespeed of light.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right, if that doesn't convince you, why does hecarry poison on his ship?
[ADRIC] Poison?
[DOCTOR] It's stored in the Mobiliary. If his mission is peaceful, whydoes he want the poison?
[ADRIC] Well, history, research.
[DOCTOR] Do you really think that?
[ADRIC] He could have had you killed and yet he spared your life. Why?
[DOCTOR] Because he doesn't want to upset you yet.
[ADRIC] I don't believe you.
[DOCTOR] Look, he wants to use you. His subjects are all synthetic. Youare flesh and blood. If you speak up for him on Earth, you can delaytheir opposition.
[ADRIC] I still don't understand.
[DOCTOR] No, you don't, do you. Look, the Urbankans are synthetic. Theyare not like you and me. However sophisticated their circuitry, theyare still machines. With me?
[ADRIC] I think so.
[DOCTOR] Well, make up your mind. We haven't much time.
[ADRIC] Why, what are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] I haven't the slightest intention of telling you until I knowif you're with me.
[ADRIC] Yes. All right then, yes.
[DOCTOR] I don't believe it.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] The Doctor is tired. A prime disadvantageof the flesh time.
[DOCTOR] That's good. With any luck, they haven't put this one rightyet.
[ADRIC] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Get some allies. This door leads to the Mobiliary. Nyssa's inhere. Now, with this (magnifying glass) I can distract the monopticonwithout disabling it. It won't scan us but neither will it drawattention to us. Be ready to take over from me when we get inside.
[DOCTOR] Now, it's important to hold it steady. It has a cobalt ringwith a high flux density.
[ADRIC] Right.
[LIN FUTU] What are you doing here?
[DOCTOR] Saving your life, I hope.
[LIN FUTU] Seize him!
[DOCTOR] No! No, hear me out. You are in great danger.
(Throne room)
[PERSUASION] Everything is in order, your Majesty.
[MONARCH] Yes, I saw our friend retire. Mobiliary, why have you changedyour scan?
[MONARCH] Control, report on that monopticon.
[CONTROL] Cobalt high flux density present.
[MONARCH] Don't say that Doctor's on the prowl again. What a pest!Persuasion!
[DOCTOR] You must know all I say is true. Put themback. Bigon must have them back.
[LIN FUTU] You know I cannot do this.
[DOCTOR] You must. Lin Futu, you are a very old and wise man. You havebeen promised leadership of your people on Earth.
[DOCTOR] Do you think for one moment that Monarch will honour that? TheChinese are the most populous and powerful race on Earth. Once Monarchgrasps that, what hope is there for you?
[LIN FUTU] How can I re-circuit Bigon without Monarch knowing?
[DOCTOR] Leave that to me. Will your dragon dance be included in therecreational?
[LIN FUTU] It can be.
[DOCTOR] Then let it be next.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] Ah, conformity. There is no otherfreedom.
[TEGAN] What have I got to lose?
[DOCTOR] Wake up, Nyssa. Nyssa! Nyssa!
[BIGON] Thank you. I am very glad that you are with us.
[DOCTOR] What about the Princess and Kurkutji?
[BIGON] They too will be with us when they hear the truth. I will summonthem.
[ADRIC] What are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] Well, somehow I must get to the Tardis. There are hatches. Imust try to get to it on a lifeline.
[BIGON] Hatch nine is nearest.
[LIN FUTU] You will need life support and protective covering.
[ADRIC] We have this.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no, that won't do for the temperature out there.And anyway, I'll need your help.
[LIN FUTU] Here. Used for repairs and maintenance topsides. Ourlubrication freezes and our joints seize up.
[DOCTOR] Splendid. Adric. I can use this, (the helmet) but we have onlysix minutes. That's as long as I can stand sub-zero temperatures.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] The Doctor and the boy Adric areconspicuous by their absence. To say nothing of Bigon!
[DOCTOR] What about the androids? Have you control of them all?
[BIGON] Yes, but Monarch or one of his ministers can countermand anyorder.
[DOCTOR] Well, is there no way to break the contact?
[BIGON] Only by de-circuiting them.
[DOCTOR] No, there's no time. Anyway, you'd be seen.
[BIGON] Wait. There is a way. There is a fail-safe mechanism. A faultycircuit once gave rise to development of reason, a potential forrevolt. Any collective activity automatically jams the androids'circuits. Nyssa, relieve him.
[DOCTOR] Can you arrange a collective activity?
[BIGON] I do not see why one thing should not lead to another.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] What is going on? Control, let it cease.
[CONTROL] Cessation not possible. Motor circuits jammed on commonactivity.
[MONARCH] What was designed as a fail-safe has been turned against me.The Doctor is behind this. Kill the girl Nyssa. Find the Doctor.Destroy him! Persuasion!
(Hatch nine)
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] The boy has betrayed me.
[MONARCH] Help him!
(Hatch nine)
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] Farewell. In space forever, goingnowhere.
[MONARCH] Report, Enlightenment.
[MONARCH] Report, Enlightenment! Report!
[LIN FUTU] We must get a line to him.
[BIGON] Too late. His six minutes are almost up.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] I too am not without agility, my friend.
[TEGAN] Doctor! Are you all right? How on Earth did you
[DOCTOR] You're spoiling my concentration. Come on, old girl. Just don'tlet me down now. Don't let me down now.
[DOCTOR] Bring that (his helmet) and bring another.
[TEGAN] What are we doing?
[DOCTOR] Rescuing Nyssa and Adric. Look, just do what I say and do itquickly!
(Recreational space)
[DOCTOR] Quick! Run!
[MONARCH] You sentimental fools. Control! Cut all life supportatmosphere!
[BIGON] Monarch has cut the life support.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Had the feeling he might.
[ADRIC] Doctor, where
[DOCTOR] Save your breath. You two, put these on. And you, Adric. Haveyou another helmet?
[LIN FUTU] One. It's in pieces.
[DOCTOR] Well, assemble it quickly.
[TEGAN] Doctor, what about you?
[DOCTOR] I can go into a trance which reduces the need for oxygen. Ah!
[ADRIC] Hang on.
[NYSSA] Adric.
[ADRIC] What?
[NYSSA] My oxygen's running out.
[ADRIC] Then don't talk and keep still.
(Throne room)
[MONARCH] Now all I have to do is wait. And that issomething I do very, very well indeed.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Bigon?
[BIGON] What?
[DOCTOR] Can you change the course of this ship?
[BIGON] To where?
[DOCTOR] Urbanka.
[DOCTOR] Monarch's poison, the last dangerous thing on this ship. Bevery careful with it. I want to analyse it.
[ADRIC] Right.
[DOCTOR] I'd go home if I were you.
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] You don't stand an earthlywhere we're going.
[MONARCH] Confound you! Control, release full life support systems.
[DOCTOR] Well, come on, come on. I'm taking youback to Earth.
(Recreation space)
[MONARCH] No, Doctor.
[BIGON] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's quite all right. He needs the atmosphere as much as wedo.
[DOCTOR] Hence the Flora chamber.
[NYSSA] You mean he's still in flesh time?
[DOCTOR] Partly, anyway. The poison only works on organic matter.
[NYSSA] Of course.
[DOCTOR] You know, I had my doubts about anyone who wants to gobackwards in time by travelling faster than the speed of light. It'simpossible. Fallacy of flesh time.
[TEGAN] Can we go now, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, all right. (to Bigon) Are you coming?
[BIGON] No. I think we'll go on to another planet and try and startagain.
[DOCTOR] Good luck.
[DOCTOR] I suppose it would have been a bitdifficult placing Bigon and the others.
[TEGAN] Oh, I don't know. They wouldn't have looked a bit out of placein Terminal three.
[DOCTOR] Heathrow, here we come.
[TEGAN] I've heard that before.
[ADRIC] Except Nyssa never repaired the time curve indicator.
[NYSSA] Doctor, I
[DOCTOR] Nyssa?
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s19", "episode": "e02", "title": "Four to Doomsday"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (1 Feb, 1982; Fifth Doctor) - Kinda
(Control room)
[HINDLE] Argh!
[SANDERS] Ha, ha, ha, ha! What's the matter, boy? Bad dreams, eh? Look,just a joke, that's all.
(Outside the Tardis)
[TEGAN] Hello. Who's winning?
[ADRIC] I am.
[ADRIC] Thank you.
[ADRIC] She's hopeless in her present state of mind.
[NYSSA] Don't exaggerate. I only fainted.
[ADRIC] Twice.
[TEGAN] Where's the Doctor?
[ADRIC] In the Tardis, rigging up a delta wave augmenter for Nyssa.
[NYSSA] I'm all right, really.
[ADRIC] You see?
[NYSSA] I can't seem to concentrate, that's all.
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Nearly there.
[TEGAN] What's wrong with her?
[DOCTOR] Oh, just mild mental disorientation. Nothing that forty eighthours of induced D-sleep won't cure.
[TEGAN] Is that the delta wave augmenter?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. There's no need to shout. Come along, Nyssa.
[ADRIC] That's the sonic screwdriver.
[DOCTOR] Well done, Adric. It's functioning as a delta waveformgenerator.
[ADRIC] What if we need it?
[DOCTOR] Why should we need it?
[TEGAN] I suppose we're stuck here now while she sleeps.
[ADRIC] It's beautiful.
(Control room)
[SANDERS] No sign of Roberts.
[HINDLE] No, sir. Sir, as designated SR security, I would like toprotest at your failure in present dangerous circumstances to institutean official around-the-clock alert. Furthermore
[SANDERS] Wait a minute.
[SANDERS] What dangerous circumstances?
[HINDLE] Sir, in my opinion
[SANDERS] Your what?
[SANDERS] Tell him.
[TODD] Tell him what?
[SANDERS] In your opinion, are we in any danger from the primitives?
[TODD] I've already told you.
[SANDERS] Tell him again!
[TODD] The Kinda pose no threat whatsoever to the security of thisexpedition. They are culturally non-hostile.
[SANDERS] There you are.
[TODD] Of course, from their point of view, we might pose a threat tothem.
[SANDERS] How do you mean? What point of view could they have? They'resavages.
[TODD] There is the matter of the hostages we've taken.
[SANDERS] Standard procedure.
[TODD] Our procedure, not their. Please give me that.
[TODD] The Kinda artefact. Thank you.
[HINDLE] Nevertheless, I should like my protest to be entered officiallyin the log.
[SANDERS] Oh, you would, would you, boy?
[HINDLE] Yes, sir.
[SANDERS] You're improperly dressed, Mister Hindle. What's more, youhave not brushed your hair. Kindly retire and attend to it. Dismiss!
[DOCTOR] There you are, Tegan. There's always something to look at ifyou open your eyes.
[TEGAN] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Good question. Any ideas?
[DOCTOR] Go on, I'm sure it's safe.
[DOCTOR] Wait a minute. That one again. Now that one. A perfect fifth. Achromatic structure in eccentric sequence. Eccentric, that is, to ourears, not to the ears of whoever built it.
[DOCTOR] Adric!
[ADRIC] What?
[DOCTOR] Adric, don't wander off. Not on a new planet. So, Tegan, thequestion is, who built it and what is it for?
(Control room)
[TODD] You push him too hard.
[SANDERS] Nonsense.
[TODD] He'll crack.
[SANDERS] Think so?
[TODD] If you want my opinion
[SANDERS] No, thank you. Too many opinions as it is. Meet a fewdifficulties and suddenly everybody's got an opinion. That's how thingsfall apart. He's a washout.
[TODD] Is that your opinion?
[SANDERS] Yes, it is. The difference is, I'm in charge.
[SANDERS] I'll tell you something. I welcome these difficulties. It wasall too easy around here. I was starting to feel at home. First timeever, anywhere, in forty years. And that, when you're a couple of dozenparsecs off home world, can be a dangerous feeling to have. I think so,don't you?
[TODD] Which still leaves us with the question, where is Roberts?
[SANDERS] It does.
[TODD] And the others.
[SANDERS] I know, yes.
[TODD] There are now only three of us left.
[SANDERS] I can count!
[TODD] Well?
[DOCTOR] Of course, to build this, to achieve thedelicate resonances involved, would require a high level of technicalskill. And yet, look around you. No signs of civilisation, nocultivation, no roadways, even. And yet whoever built this must have amusical sense not unlike, not entirely unlike, our own. Are you sureyou're all right?
[TEGAN] What? Yes, yes, I'm fine. Just a bit sleepy, that's all.
[DOCTOR] Must be the fresh air. It's very puzzling, don't you think?
[ADRIC [OC]] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Now where's he got to?
[DOCTOR] No, Adric!
[ADRIC] What the? What is it?
[DOCTOR] Whatever it is, it could be distinctly unfriendly. Look at it.
[ADRIC] Direct beam.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. It's obviously an armoured suit of some kind. I would sayits occupant was probably human in shape
[DOCTOR] Binocular, bipedal, and the whole thing is controlled directlyfrom the brain of the wearer with these.
[ADRIC] But where is he?
[DOCTOR] Or she, or
[DOCTOR] No, Adric!
[DOCTOR] Stand still. Don't move. Not a muscle.
[ADRIC] I'm sorry. I suppose it must have some sort of autocontrolfunction. So it can work with no one in it.
[DOCTOR] Adric.
[ADRIC] Yes?
[DOCTOR] There is a difference between serious scientific investigationand meddling.
[ADRIC] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Isn't there?
[ADRIC] Yes!
(Outside Earth dome)
[DOCTOR] That's better.
[DOCTOR] No. Besides, it looks as if we've arrived.
(Dome passageway)
[DOCTOR] Look, I was right. Two arms, binocular, bipedal. Human, orhumanoid at the very least. I'm delighted to meet you.
[HINDLE] Stay where you are.
[DOCTOR] Intentions unknown. Hypothesis unfriendly, as K9 would say.
[HINDLE] Where's Roberts?
[DOCTOR] Roberts? Was Roberts
[HINDLE] Answer the question!
[DOCTOR] I'd be very pleased to. It's a little difficult to concentrate
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm afraid we can't help you. The, er, thing was emptywhen we came across it.
[SANDERS] What are you doing on S14?
[TODD] Deva Loka. Land of the Kinda.
[DOCTOR] The Kinda are the native lifeform.
[TODD] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Who built the chimes.
[TODD] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Could you repeat the question?
[SANDERS] What are you doing on S14?
[DOCTOR] Just passing through. Look, I don't suppose there's a chance ofsome breakfast? Are you hungry, Adric? Adric? He usually is. Boys, youknow. If you could oblige? Look, if we turn out to be hostile, thenfair enough. Until we do, why not give us the benefit of the doubt?It's commonsense really, don't you think?
[SANDERS] Follow me.
(Control room)
[SANDERS] You know something? This is my fourteenth ex and rec, and I'venever seen a planet like this one. Look at it. Paradise, isn't it? Thesun shines, the birds sing, food grows on trees. Even the ILF isfriendly. Or used to be.
[TODD] Intelligent Life Form.
[SANDERS] The primitives.
[DOCTOR] The Kinda.
[TODD] Yes.
[SANDERS] Oh, you're not eating.
[DOCTOR] Ah, no, no. I don't seem to be very, er. These difficulties youreferred to?
[SANDERS] Well, go on, tell him. Why not?
[TODD] Originally there were six of us.
[DOCTOR] Roberts?
[TODD] And two more before him. They disappeared. Simply haven'treturned to the dome.
[DOCTOR] What, do you think the Kinda took them?
[TODD] Impossible.
[DOCTOR] Are the Kinda dangerous?
[SANDERS] We don't know. You see, with the Kinda, they seem innocentenough, and they smile a lot, or they used to.
[DOCTOR] Used to?
[SANDERS] Until we took the hostages.
[DOCTOR] The hostages?
[SANDERS] Only a couple. Standard procedure. It's in the manual.
[DOCTOR] Could I see them?
[SANDERS] Why would you want to do that?
[DOCTOR] I've a friend still in the forest. I'm quite concerned for hersafety. I'd like to know how much of a threat the Kinda are.
[HINDLE] Sir, I must protest!
[SANDERS] Yes, of course. Why not. Todd'll show you. They're not veryinteresting though.
(Black void)
[TEGAN] Hello.
[ANATTA] You, my dear, cannot possibly exist, so go away.
[TODD] Sanders doesn't think they're ill. He thinks they're sulking.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Complete lack of neuromuscular reaction. They're notsulking. Shock, wouldn't you think, in the circumstances? Your arrivalhere must have come as something of a surprise, and then to lock themup.
[TODD] I argued against it. It's totally illogical.
[DOCTOR] Oh, illogical. Please let me out of here. Have you any idea ofthe affect upon a primitive mind
[TODD] Primitive? Is that what you think? I'm not so sure. Does thatdesign remind you of anything?
[DOCTOR] Well, it could be the double helix.
[TODD] It is. The heart of the chromosome. They all wear them.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. What could they know of molecular biology?
(Black void)
[TEGAN] Look, hello.
[ANATTA] Did you see?
[ANICCA] Why, did you?
[ANATTA] I asked first.
[ANICCA] So you did see.
[ANATTA] It proves nothing. Because an illusion is shared doesn't mean
[ANICCA] Of course not.
[ANATTA] Besides, how do I know that what you think you see
[ANICCA] Is what you think you see?
[ANATTA] Or vice
[ANICCA] Versa.
[ANATTA] Exactly.
[ANICCA] I can only conclude it is you who have invented her as a meansof putting me off my game.
[TODD] There are no predatory animals on Deva Loka.No diseases, no adverse environmental factors. The climate is constantwithin a five degree range and the trees fruit in sequence all the yearround.
[DOCTOR] Which means the Kinda have no need of shelter and no fears forfood supply.
[TODD] Right. And there's something else.
[DOCTOR] What?
[TODD] I think the Kinda are telepathic.
(Black void)
[TEGAN] I suppose you're also going to tell me I don't exist. Well?
[DUKKHA] Don't be silly. Of course you exist. How could you be here ifyou didn't exist?
[TEGAN] But where am I?
[DUKKHA] Guess.
[TEGAN] What?
[DUKKHA] Go on.
[TEGAN] It looks to me like the middle of nowhere.
[TODD] They can't speak. They have no language andyet they can communicate. Take no notice of me, Doctor. It's only aguess, and guesses are not science. Have an apple.
[DOCTOR] I thought the native produce was forbidden.
[TODD] I'm a scientist. I do not feel bound by Hindle's stupidprecautions. Beautiful, isn't it?
[TODD] You heard Sanders.
[DOCTOR] What?
[TODD] Paradise, he called it. Perhaps he said more than he knew.
(Black void)
[TEGAN] What's so funny?
[DUKKHA] I'll tell you.
[TEGAN] Why do you wear that thing?
[DUKKHA] Why shouldn't I?
[TEGAN] The old couple playing chess wore the same design.
[DUKKHA] They would.
[TEGAN] Why?
[DUKKHA] Because we're the same.
[TEGAN] As what?
[DUKKHA] Each other.
[DOCTOR] There's a Kinda out there now.
[TODD] Yes. Strange, he's often there. The others keep well away.
[DOCTOR] He doesn't look as if he's living in paradise.
[TODD] No, he doesn't, does he.
[DOCTOR] What are your plans for this planet?
[TODD] If I told you that, Hindle would have a fit.
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, of course, if Hindle would have a fit.
[TODD] The mother ship returns in six seasons. If we've survived, wewill submit a report which will be assessed with a view tocolonisation.
[TODD] Our mother world is very overcrowded.
[HINDLE] What have you two been talking about?
[TODD] I beg your pardon!
[HINDLE] I want to know.
[TODD] What gives you the right? This is my laboratory!
[HINDLE] I am designated SR security.
[TODD] What do you want?
[HINDLE] Sanders wants to see you. Both. What's that? Give it to me. Themanual strictly forbids
[TODD] Does it really?
[DOCTOR] An apple a day keeps the er. No, never mind.
(Control room)
[SANDERS] Have you got a better idea?
[TODD] I was just pointing out that if you
[SANDERS] Well, don't. I'm not Roberts. Oh yes, incidentally, while I'maway, Mister Hindle will be in charge.
[DOCTOR] I don't think that's
[SANDERS] Yes? What?
[DOCTOR] Nothing.
[SANDERS] Good. Oh, I know the nonsense she's been filling your headwith. Well, answer me this. If the Kinda are so clever, how is it theydidn't build their own interplanetary vehicle and come and colonise us?
[TODD] I don't quite see what that
[SANDERS] The point is, they're just a bunch of ignorant savages.
[ADRIC] Mister Sanders, are you going in that machine?
[SANDERS] The Total Survival Suit? Yes, of course. Why?
[ADRIC] Well, I was just thinking that if that machine has malfunctionedin some way then that might explain what happened to Roberts.
[SANDERS] Good thinking, boy. Well done. Yes, that's what this situationneeds. Good, down the line, practical thought, that's all. Yes, yes, Ithink you've hit it right on the nail.
(Black void)
[TEGAN] Am I dreaming you, is that it?
[DUKKHA] Are you?
[TEGAN] Or imagining you?
[DUKKHA] Possibly.
[TEGAN] Then I can abolish you, can't I.
[DUKKHA] Puzzling, isn't it? And by the way, one thing. You will agreeto believe in me sooner or later. This side of madness or the other.
[HINDLE] Very good.
(Black void)
[DUKKHA] Have you changed your mind yet?
[TEGAN] No. I have not.
[DUKKHA] Oh good, because there's someone I'd like you to meet. Or doyou two already know each other? I hope you two are going to befriends. Do you think you will?
[TEGAN] More tricks?
[DUKKHA] Well, yes, I suppose so.
[TEGAN] It's a bit obvious, isn't it?
[DUKKHA] Oh yes, of course. A child could see through it. And that's whyI like it. Obviously one of you is real and the other an illusioncreated by me. That's obvious, isn't it.
[TEGAN 2] Yes, it is.
[DUKKHA] Is it? Well, in that case, all that remains is for you twoladies to work out which one of you is which. Obviously.
(Dome passageway)
[SANDERS] Mister Hindle! Mister Hindle!
[TODD] What's your plan?
[SANDERS] Plan? I don't have any. Where is Mister Hindle?
[DOCTOR] Can I come with you?
[SANDERS] Certainly not. You'll stay here.
[DOCTOR] I'm quite concerned about my friend Tegan.
[SANDERS] I'll keep an eye out for her.
[DOCTOR] That may not be enough.
[TODD] I really think you should think twice about leaving Hindle incommand.
[SANDERS] I never think twice about anything. Wastes too much time.
[DOCTOR] He's not altogether stable. In fact I think he's on the vergeof a nervous breakdown.
[SANDERS] Well then, being in charge should do him some good, what?Might even make a man of him. Hindle!
[SANDERS] Oh, there you are, boy. You're in charge now, boy. Carry on.(to Adric) Out you go. I'm closing the airlock. I'll be back in acouple of days at the outside.
[HINDLE] As you wish, sir. A full account will, of course, be entered inthe log.
[HINDLE] Doctor, you don't fool me, I'm afraid.
[TODD] Don't be ridiculous!
[HINDLE] You too. You're no longer considered to be reliable.
[TODD] Really, am I not.
[TODD] Then you're going to have to shoot me, aren't you, because I'veabsolutely no intention
[TODD] No. It's impossible.
[HINDLE] You're all under arrest.
[TODD] You have neither the power nor the right to arrest us.
[HINDLE] You forget, I'm now in command! I have the power of life anddeath over all of you!
[PANNA] Listen. It's coming. Have you got the box? Karuna? Karuna?
[KARUNA] I'm here.
[PANNA] What is the matter?
[KARUNA] It's dangerous.
[PANNA] There is no other way. The Not-we must know how it is with theKinda. The presence of those in the dome threatens us. They must goaway and leave us in peace.
[KARUNA] But what if the
[PANNA] Do as I say. You must not doubt. Your doubt is the only danger.What is it?
[KARUNA] Aris is here.
[PANNA] Well, what does he want? Come on, child. Quickly, read him.
[KARUNA] Fear. And hurting. And confusion. Where is my brother?
[PANNA] He is with the Not-we in the dome.
[KARUNA] Why has he gone from my head?
[PANNA] There is no time now, Aris. Not now. You must be patient.
[KARUNA] No. Not agreeing. Doubt. Why must I listen? Don't the Not-we inthe dome have voice?
[PANNA] Yes, of course they do, but it is not as it is with us. Withthem, voice is not a mark of wisdom.
[PANNA] What is to happen here is more important. Oh, why must heinterfere? Do you understand, Aris? Well, girl, does he?
[KARUNA] Darkness. Understanding nothing. Hurt. Heal me.
[PANNA] No, not now. There is no time. Listen, Aris. You must go away.
[PANNA] Well? What is he doing?
[KARUNA] I am gone. His brother is their prisoner.
[PANNA] Yes, yes, we know. But listen.
[ADRIC] Go on, choose.
[DOCTOR] Well, er, logically, that one.
[DOCTOR] That's rather clever, Adric. Don't you think so? You haveunexpected talents.
[ADRIC] Again.
[DOCTOR] Well now, logic would dictate that one (the right) but wait,no, I'll try and second guess you. That one.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that one, then.
[DOCTOR] That one.
[DOCTOR] Where, then?
[ADRIC] Nowhere. Vanished.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, quite impossible. That would be in directcontradiction to the laws of the material universe.
[ADRIC] Then where?
[DOCTOR] Oh, er, well, that one. That one.
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes, of course. Can I try?
[ADRIC] Yes.
[TODD] For heaven's sake! We've been locked up in here all night,there's no sign of Sanders, Hindle's probably completely unhinged bynow.
[TODD] Shouldn't we be applying our minds to some form of plan forescape from here?
[DOCTOR] Should we?
[TODD] Well, shouldn't we? I mean, isn't that what one does when one'slocked up? One tries to escape.
[TODD] Oh, I don't know. I'm not an expert. I mean, some plan, sometrick, some ruse. It may surprise you to learn, Doctor, I've neveractually been locked up before.
[DOCTOR] Choose.
[TODD] What?
[DOCTOR] Go on.
[TODD] That one.
[DOCTOR] You're sure?
[TODD] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Not the other one?
[ADRIC] Come on, open your hand.
(Control room)
[HINDLE] What's this? Your tie's a mess. Here, let me show you. There,see? I can't be expected to attend to every detail myself, can I. It'stoo much, isn't it? Right, defence of the dome, it's conception andimplementation effective immediate.
[HINDLE] Show me your (sees they've already done it) fingernails. Wait.
[HINDLE] All prisoners present and correct, sir.
[PANNA] Are you ready with the box?
[KARUNA] It's another male. The old red-faced one who shouts.
[PANNA] No matter. Continue.
[KARUNA] But you said that only women could understand, that it'sdangerous for a man.
[PANNA] Do as I say.
[KARUNA] Go on, open it. Please, you must. We mean you no harm.
[ADRIC] Doctor.
[ADRIC] What about Tegan?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[HINDLE [on monitor]] Accompany them, please. And Doctor? Be sensible.
[DOCTOR] Absolutely. There's nothing we can do about Tegan at themoment. I'm just hoping she's safe.
(Control room)
[HINDLE] Seeds. Spores. Particles of generation.Microscopic. Everywhere. Eh, Doctor?
[HINDLE] Or rather.
[DOCTOR] Rather what?
[HINDLE] Fungi.
[HINDLE] Bacteria. Or even worse, viri, as in virulent. Am I gettingwarmer? Change and decay in all around I see, eh? Out there!
(Dome passageway)
[HINDLE] Growth. Everywhere. Random,higgledy-piggledy, but to what purpose? There's the clue.
(Control room)
[HINDLE] Stop. Don't come any nearer. I am ontoyou, you know.
[DOCTOR] Oh dear.
[HINDLE] Yes, I've had plenty of time to think. Do I have to spell itout?
[DOCTOR] Well, perhaps it might
[HINDLE] Why should I?
[DOCTOR] Well, you don't have to.
[HINDLE] No, I don't, do I.
[TODD] This is ridiculous. You're obviously in urgent need of medicalattention.
[HINDLE] Silence! I need time to think.
[TODD] What will Sanders say?
[HINDLE] Silence!
[TODD] Doctor, tell him.
[HINDLE] Sanders will not return.
[TODD] I hope for your sake he does.
[HINDLE] Why should he? The others didn't. I wish to announce thestrategy for the defence of the dome, implementation immediate. We willraze to the ground and sterilise an area of forest some fifty milesradius. Objective, the creation of a cordon sanitaire around the dome.Method of implementation, fire and acid. Acid and fire.
[TODD] This is insane. There is no danger.
[DOCTOR] And then?
[HINDLE] And then we will wait for rescue. The mother ship.
[TODD] Mother ship doesn't return for six seasons.
[HINDLE] We'll be patient.
[TODD] Doctor, tell him.
[DOCTOR] What are you defending the dome against?
[HINDLE] Against out there. The trees, plants.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I see.
[DOCTOR] Well, perhaps if we could define the exact nature of the threatposed by the trees
[HINDLE] I've told you. Seeds, spores and things. Everywhere. Gettinghold, rooting, thrusting, branching, blocking out the light.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but I
[HINDLE] Don't you see!
[DOCTOR] Nearly, nearly, nearly. I thought that the Kinda
[HINDLE] No, the Kinda are not important. They're just the servants.
[HINDLE] Of the plants. The plants feed them. Did you know that? Thenreturn, that's why. That's why.
[DOCTOR] Why do you think the plants are hostile?
[HINDLE] Because they are.
[ADRIC] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Adric?
[ADRIC] Yes, of course. Can't you see it? He's got it right. He'sabsolutely right. The plants are the danger. I'd like to help you.
[HINDLE] Step forward.
(Black void)
[TEGAN] Come on, what are you thinking?
[TEGAN 2] Don't you know?
[TEGAN] Maybe I do.
[TEGAN 2] After all, apparently you'll have been thinking it too, won'tyou.
[TEGAN] But I asked first.
[TEGAN 2] So did I.
[TEGAN] Look, stop it. If you must know, I was thinking about eatingice-cream.
[TEGAN 2] Yes.
[TEGAN] What do you mean, yes?
[TEGAN 2] So was I. I was three years old and I didn't like the taste.
[TEGAN] That's my memory!
[TEGAN 2] And mine! Stop it. Look, this is silly. What are we going todo?
(Dome passageway)
[TODD] What now?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[TODD] Your friend had a sudden change of heart.
[DOCTOR] I'd like to know what he's up to.
[TODD] Well, as he's free, I hope he's got more than his own interestsat heart.
(Control room)
[ADRIC] So what exactly am I looking for?
[HINDLE] Everything.
[ADRIC] I see. Wait!
[HINDLE] What?
[ADRIC] There is something.
[HINDLE] Where?
[ADRIC] Out there.
[HINDLE] Out of the way. Let me see.
[HINDLE] I can't see anything. There's nothing there.
[ADRIC] Oh, I'm sorry. I must have been mistaken.
(Black void)
[DUKKHA] Things could be much more puzzling, youknow. Have you thought what it would be like if there were not just twoof you, but
[TEGAN] Don't think it!
[TEGAN 2] Don't think it! Think of something else.
[TEGAN] Anything else.
[TEGAN 2] What else? Quickly. Er, whalebones!
[TEGAN] Watches.
[TEGAN 2] Windmills.
[TEGAN] Wivers.
[TEGAN 2] River?
[TEGAN] Doesn't matter as long as we don't think it.
[TEGAN 2] If there were ten of us
[TEGAN] Don't think it!
[DUKKHA] Too late, I'm afraid. You already have.
[TEGAN [OC]] Where have I gone?
[DUKKHA] You're you again. Don't you see?
(Control room)
[ADRIC [on viewscreen]] We thought you might be hungry.
[DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] What's he up to?
[ADRIC [on viewscreen]] The defence of the dome is proceeding asplanned.
[DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] Fire and acid?
[ADRIC [on viewscreen]] Are being prepared.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good. That is good news, isn't it. Ifin doubt, then fire and acid every time, don't you think?
[ADRIC] Are you hungry?
[DOCTOR] Ravenous.
[ADRIC] Then choose.
[DOCTOR] What?
[ADRIC] Choose!
[DOCTOR] Oh, I see. A little game. Yes, er. That one.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] No, no, er, that one,then.
[HINDLE] Wait! Show me your hand!
[DOCTOR] Certainly.
(Control room)
[HINDLE] The other one!
[DOCTOR] Are you sure?
[HINDLE [on monitor]] Show me now!
[DOCTOR] Look, it's only a game.
(Control room)
[HINDLE] If you make me angry, you'll regret it.
(Black void)
[TEGAN] If I was to agree to your borrowing my form
[DUKKHA] Just for a while. Only a few minutes.
[TEGAN] Which I won't. What would you do as me?
[DUKKHA] Oh, they always ask that.
[TEGAN] Well?
[DUKKHA] You would be suitably entertained by the experience.
[TEGAN] No. I don't trust you, so why don't you go away and leave mealone!
[DUKKHA] You want to be alone?
[TEGAN] Yes!
[DUKKHA] Very well.
[TEGAN] Wait.
[TEGAN] Hello? Hello? Are you there? Where am I? Hello? Please? Please?I want to come back. All right, I agree.
[DUKKHA] You agree?
[TEGAN] Yes.
[DUKKHA] Then hold out your hand.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] Don't hurt him!
[HINDLE] Why not?
[DOCTOR] Don't.
[HINDLE] Oh, very well.
[DOCTOR] (to Todd) I think your guess was right. The Kinda aretelepathic.
[TODD] Why should they obey him?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I've tried to communicate with them myself but Ican't get through.
[HINDLE] The problem is knowing what punishment would be mostappropriate.
[ADRIC] To what?
[HINDLE] To teach you not to steal. Not to commit treason. To washbehind the ears. Must be painful, don't you think?
[TODD] For heaven's sake!
[HINDLE] When I was a boy I was beaten every day. Never did me any harm.Made me the man I am.
[DOCTOR] Look, I have a suggestion.
[HINDLE] Silence! All right, speak up. What is it?
[DOCTOR] Well, I was simply going to suggest that you banished him fromthe dome, left him at the mercy of the trees.
[HINDLE] No, no, the trees have no mercy.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, I was forgetting.
[HINDLE] Weren't you. Must I think of everything myself? Right. I wishto announce the procedure to effect the punishment of Adric.Implementation imm
[HINDLE] It's impossible. It's Sanders? Go away! Somebody make him goaway! Mummy! Mummy, make him go away!
[TODD] I never thought I'd be glad to see Sanders.
[DOCTOR] He's the first to return, isn't he.
[TODD] Yes. Yes, he is!
[DOCTOR] Good. Then we may find out what happened to the others.
[TODD] I still can't believe the Kinda are hostile.
[DOCTOR] Well, there may be another reason.
[TODD] What?
[DOCTOR] Something more hostile out there.
(Dome passageway)
[HINDLE] I can explain, sir. The, the boy, Adric, was unreliable, as yoususpected. You, you did suspect, didn't you, sir?
[HINDLE] Todd is also unreliable. Discipline has to be maintained to adegree, sir.
[SANDERS] I've brought you a present.
[HINDLE] What?
[HINDLE] What is it?
[SANDERS] Open it and see. Go on. I did.
[HINDLE] You did?
[HINDLE] I don't think I will. Not just now.
[SANDERS] As you like. You know best.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] Well now, if the Kinda are moresophisticated than they first appear, is it not possible that theirenemies are also?
[TODD] And I didn't see them, you mean?
[TODD] Oh, Doctor, you've frightened me.
[DOCTOR] Not half so much as Hindle frightens me.
[TODD] I'm afraid he's insane. Leave him to Sanders.
[HINDLE] Mister Sanders has returned.
[TODD] Good! Perhaps now we can
[HINDLE] And he's brought me a present, haven't you.
[SANDERS] Yes. Can I sit down?
[TEGAN] Boo!
(Control room)
[HINDLE] What is it?
[SANDERS] Open it and see.
[HINDLE] Why should I?
[SANDERS] Then you'll understand everything.
[HINDLE] I don't want to understand everything. I want to work thingsout for myself.
[SANDERS] Oh, please.
[TODD] Look, I
[HINDLE] Silence!
[SANDERS] It won't bite you.
[HINDLE] What won't?
[HINDLE] So it's got teeth?
[SANDERS] No, no, no.
[HINDLE] Fangs, claws.
[HINDLE] A fire-raking tongue, licking you all over!
[SANDERS] No, no.
[HINDLE] Silence! I'm in charge here, old man, and I'll decide what's tobe done.
[TEGAN] I was forgetting. We haven't been introduced, have we. I wasalso forgetting you don't speak, do you. I'm not surprised you look sosad. Telepathy is a very boring way to communicate.
[TEGAN] Such a strange creature.
[TEGAN] Something to say.
[TEGAN] You are unhappy. Very unhappy. Perhaps I can help you free yourbrother from the dome. Would you like that? I thought you might. Withmy help, you could launch an attack, destroy the people who've heldyour brother prisoner. Yes, you're right. The people in the dome areevil. With my help, Aris, you could become all-powerful. I am the Mara!
[TEGAN] Do not resist. I am your strength!
(Dome passageway)
[HINDLE [OC]] Hurry up. You too, Doctor.
[HINDLE [on monitor]] On the floor between you.
[ARIS] All things are possible. Yes. Yes!
[DOCTOR] Where did you get the box?
[SANDERS] What? I, it was given to me.
[DOCTOR] By whom?
[SANDERS] Someone.
[TODD] There could be anything in it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. Sanders, do you know what's in the box?
[SANDERS] I, er, I can't remember.
(Control room)
[HINDLE] You in there. You, Doctor. Open the box.
[DOCTOR [on viewscreen]] I don't think that would be very wise.
[HINDLE] Open it.
[TODD [on viewscreen]] Are you mad? We don't know what's in it.
[HINDLE] Open it and find out.
[DOCTOR] It could be very dangerous.
(Control room)
[HINDLE] Open it or I'll have you shot!
[TODD] Don't! It could kill us.
[DOCTOR] Unfortunately, so could he.
[TODD] Oh no! Oh, is that?
[DOCTOR] Well, we've established one thing.
[TODD] What?
[DOCTOR] The Kinda have a sense of humour.
[HINDLE [on monitor]] What's happening? What's funny?
[DOCTOR] Absolutely nothing. Wait.
(Control room)
[ADRIC] The power's failing.
[HINDLE] Put the lights on! Put the lights on!
[TODD] I don't believe it. This is impossible.
[DOCTOR] I think it's safe to assume we all three had the sameexperience. How do you feel?
[TODD] Fine.
[DOCTOR] Not different?
[TODD] No. What happened?
[DOCTOR] Somehow the box linked us up with the Kinda. We were seeing theworld through their eyes.
[TODD] It certainly affected Sanders.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It's shock. He'll be all right. Come on.
[TODD] Where?
[DOCTOR] You were right. This is no planet of primitives, and theanswer's out there in the forest. Come on. Leave the box.
(Dome passageway)
[TODD] What about Adric?
[DOCTOR] He'll be all right, he's very resourceful. Quickly!
[TODD] Oh!
[DOCTOR] Well jump!
(Outside the dome)
[TODD] Which way?
[DOCTOR] Has anyone ever told you you ask a lot of questions?
[TODD] It's my training. I'm a scientist.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so you are.
[TODD] Well?
[DOCTOR] Er, that way.
[TODD] Are you sure?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[TODD] Which way now?
[TODD] Yes what?
[DOCTOR] We're lost.
[TODD] Where precisely were we heading?
[DOCTOR] Well, I thought the cave in the dream.
[TODD] Are you sure that exists?
[DOCTOR] Oh, absolutely.
[TODD] So, where do we go from here?
[DOCTOR] Tell you what, toss for it. Heads this way, tails that. (tossesthe coin) Heads.
[TODD] Tails.
[DOCTOR] Heads.
(Control room)
[ADRIC] I've found Mister Sanders, sir. The others must have left himbehind. I've also found the box.
[HINDLE] I don't want to see it.
[ADRIC] I was thinking, sir, if I could have your permission, that Icould go and look for them.
[HINDLE] Not outside.
[ADRIC] No, but if you thought that I was
[HINDLE] It's all in here, you know. Everything. The whole of life. Justa matter of knowing where to look.
[ADRIC] I don't know what
[HINDLE] Silence!
[SANDERS] Shush.
[HINDLE] Listen. You too, old man. Listen. (reads) Emergency class 5B.If in the opinion of the officer designated SR security a situationshould develop where a threat to the territorial integrity of the domewill, could or might extend to a threat to the security of the homeworld itself, then Emergency class 5B shall be declared. The procedure,implementation immediate, shall be in two phases. Phase one, thepreparation, priming and location of explosive devices sufficient torender the dome and its contents to its base chemical constituents.Phase two
[ADRIC] But all I want
[HINDLE] Don't you see? Well, then we'll be safe. For ever and ever.Outside'll never get in. Don't you see?
[TODD] Doctor, there's something following us.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense.
[DOCTOR] There's something following us.
[TODD] Come out from there, whatever you are.
[DOCTOR] Look.
[TODD] So many of them. They normally only associate in groups of threeor four.
[TODD] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Culturally non-hostile, didn't you say?
[DOCTOR] Yes, we take the point, don't we.
[TODD] Yes, the clown stroke jester's a familiar figure,anthropologically speaking. He diffuses a potential source of conflictthrough mockery and ridicule, don't you.
[TODD] Your turn.
[DOCTOR] Er, well, I don't really see what I could, er. Wait a minute.
[DOCTOR] It's all quite simple, really. Just a, just a matter ofpractice. Your turn.
[ARIS] Stop! Seize them. Seize the Not-we!
[TODD] I think he means us.
[DOCTOR] I thought you said the Kinda had no voice.
[TODD] They don't.
[DOCTOR] Well he certainly seems to.
[TODD] Look, they're as surprised as we are.
[DOCTOR] It's the girl from the dream.
[TODD] It's ridiculous.
[ARIS] I have spoken. The Not-we must be killed.
[KARUNA] Aris!
[ARIS] No.
[KARUNA] I must read your mind. You have voice. How can this be?
[ARIS] No! Forbidden.
[KARUNA] I don't understand.
[KARUNA] Yes. It must be so.
[KARUNA] The prophecy.
[DOCTOR] The prophecy?
[KARUNA] Prophecy teaches that at the beginning of things when theNot-we are come, a man will arise from among We who has the gift ofvoice, and so must be obeyed.
[ARIS] I am he. I have spoken. Seize them!
[KARUNA] No! Wait. We don't know. Only the wise woman knows. Aris hasbeen sick. Perhaps it's his sickness that speaks. The wise woman toldme to bring the Not-we to her cave. This I must do. Quickly, follow me.
[DOCTOR] Gladly.
[ARIS] Stop them!
(Control room)
[SANDERS] There. That should do it.
[HINDLE] You sure?
[SANDERS] Yes. You see, the master detonator triggers six explosivecharges placed in a pattern of two overlapping equilateral triangles onthe dome wall. That way you guarantee ZMI.
[HINDLE] Zone of Maximum Impact, which is right here in this room.
[SANDERS] Yes, or more accurately
[SANDERS] Just about where you're sitting.
[HINDLE] Excellent. That'll surprise them.
[ADRIC] Surprise who?
[HINDLE] Anybody. Anything at any time tries to get in here and boom!
(Dome passageway)
[HINDLE [OC]] We blow ourselves to bits. Theperfect defence. Boom!
[SANDERS [OC]] Of course, the TAD is more difficult to quantify. Perhapsthirty square miles.
(Control room)
[ADRIC] TAD? Total Area of Devastation?
[SANDERS] Right. Where do you want this?
[HINDLE] Hold it there.
[HINDLE] I wish to announce phase 5B, defence of the dome, now complete.
[ADRIC] What now?
[HINDLE] Now? Now we can relax, enjoy ourselves.
[DOCTOR] Where are we going? I expect you knowthese woods backwards, eh? Well, I don't suppose you've come across ayoung woman?
[KARUNA] A Not-we woman with auburn hair?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's her. Tegan.
[KARUNA] We've seen her.
[DOCTOR] Now, where is she?
[KARUNA] She was seen at the place of great dreamings.
[DOCTOR] Well, is that far?
[KARUNA] We'll take you there later.
[DOCTOR] (to Todd) Come on.
[DOCTOR] Now, this person Aris.
[DOCTOR] You said he'd been sick.
[KARUNA] His father is with the Not-we in the dome. It has darkened hismind.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but now he can speak. He has voice.
[KARUNA] As you heard.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but so do you.
[KARUNA] Aris is a male. Panna will explain.
[DOCTOR] Panna?
[TODD] The wise woman.
[KARUNA] Aris is one of my fathers.
[DOCTOR] Is he? How many do you have?
[KARUNA] Seven.
[DOCTOR] Seven.
[TODD] Seven!
[DOCTOR] Isn't that rather extravagant?
[KARUNA] Why? How many fathers does a Not-we have?
[DOCTOR] Well, on the whole, one.
[KARUNA] Only one?
[KARUNA] That's very sad.
[TODD] So many questions, Doctor.
(Control room)
[ADRIC] No! I don't want to play.
[HINDLE] Why not?
[ADRIC] Because I don't want to. It's childish.
[HINDLE] Oh, go on. It isn't a game, it's real, with measuring andeverything.
[HINDLE] Tell him!
[SANDERS] Well, if he doesn't want to.
[HINDLE] Who's in charge here?
[SANDERS] You are, of course.
[HINDLE] Right! One word from me. One word.
[SANDERS] I'll help you.
[HINDLE] You, old man?
[SANDERS] I'd like to.
[HINDLE] I still give the orders.
[SANDERS] Oh yes, of course.
[HINDLE] All right, then. Let's get started.
(Outside the cave)
[KARUNA] Panna? Panna?
[DOCTOR] Such stuff as dreams are made of.
[KARUNA] Panna, are you there?
[PANNA [OC]] Of course I'm here.
[PANNA] Where else should I be? Did you bring the Not-we woman from thedome?
[PANNA] Where is she? Let me feel her face.
[PANNA] You are welcome.
[TODD] Thank you.
[KARUNA] There is another.
[PANNA] What other?
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[PANNA] A man!
[KARUNA] He was with her.
[PANNA] Impossible. Was he present when you opened the box?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Most enlightening.
[PANNA] What's he babbling about? No male can open the Box of Jhanawithout being driven out of his mind. It is well known. Unless. Is hean idiot?
[KARUNA] Are you an idiot?
[DOCTOR] Well, I suppose I must be. I have been called one many
[PANNA] Keep silent, idiot.
(Control room)
[HINDLE] We could cover the whole floor.
[SANDERS] Yes, lets.
[HINDLE] Every detail must be correct.
[SANDERS] Oh, of course.
[HINDLE] Where are you going?
[ADRIC] Er, as you're so busy, I thought I might go for a stroll.
[HINDLE] Haven't you forgotten something? You first ask permission.
[ADRIC] Sorry. May I?
[HINDLE] No. You made me angry.
[KARUNA] Aris has found voice.
[PANNA] So soon.
[KARUNA] The others will follow him.
[PANNA] It is all beginning again.
[DOCTOR] What is?
[PANNA] What is? What is? History is, you male fool. History is. Timeis. The great wheel will begin to roll down the hill gathering speedthrough the centuries, crushing everything in its path. Unstoppableuntil once again
[TODD] Until?
[PANNA] I must show you. That is why you have been brought here. Thenperhaps when you understand, you will go away and leave us in peace. Ifit is not already too late.
[DOCTOR] You said once again.
[PANNA] Of course. Wheel turns, civilisations arise, wheel turns,civilisations fall.
[DOCTOR] And I suppose this happens many times.
[PANNA] Of course. Wherever the wheel turns, there is suffering,delusion and death. That much should be clear, even to an idiot. Nowstop babbling and get ready.
[PANNA] Are they seated?
[PANNA] (chants) Wheel turns.
[ARIS] Old woman!
[KARUNA] Aris!
[PANNA] Quickly, child. Help me. He must not interfere. You, Not-wewoman, stay where you are, with the idiot.
(Control room)
[HINDLE] That's it. Perfect. What do you think, Adric?
[SANDERS] I'll go after him.
[HINDLE] Wait! I'm in charge here, old man. I'll decide what's to bedone.
[SANDERS] Yes, sir.
[HINDLE] Why can't we all play the game?
(Outside the cave)
[PANNA] What do you want?
[ARIS] Listen to me, old woman.
[PANNA] No, you listen to me, all of you.
[ARIS] I have voice. They know the prophecy. Now they listen only to me.
[PANNA] Is that true, child? Quickly, read them.
[PANNA] Go on.
[KARUNA] I can't. It hurts me.
[PANNA] I must know what is in their minds.
[KARUNA] Obedience. Obedience. Obedience. Obedience! Obedience!Obedience! Obedience! Obedience!
[PANNA] Stop!
[KARUNA] Obedience, obedience, obedience.
[ARIS] Stop.
[ARIS] Come over here, Karuna.
[PANNA] Stay where you are. Where are you, child?
[PANNA] Please. What are you going to do?
[ARIS] We shall destroy the dome. The Not-we must be killed. This is ourduty.
[PANNA] You fool, you blind male fool. Do you think it ends there?
[ARIS] We shall be free.
[PANNA] Of course not. It doesn't end there. That is how it all beginsagain, with a killing. It doesn't end. That ends as it has always done,in chaos and despair. It ends as it begins, in the darkness. Is thatwhat you all want?
[PANNA] Who are you?
[ARIS] I am Aris. He who speaks.
[PANNA] No. No, you are not.
[ARIS] Silence. To the dome. I shall return.
[TODD] Come on, we must follow them.
[DOCTOR] Did you see the design on his arm?
[TODD] What design?
[PANNA] The sign of the snake.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right.
[PANNA] It is the mark of the Mara, the evil ones.
[TODD] Doctor, I really think we should
[DOCTOR] What do you know of the Mara?
[PANNA] It is the Mara who now turn the wheel. It is the Mara who danceto the music of our despair. Our suffering is the Mara's delight, ourmadness the Mara's meat and drink. And now he has returned.
[TODD] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I too have heard the legends of the Mara.
[PANNA] Help me.
[TODD] Doctor, we're wasting time.
[PANNA] Yes, yes, you're right. We must proceed at once.
[PANNA] Sit down.
[TODD] But.
[PANNA] No, I must show you. You cannot help without understanding.Don't you see?
[SANDERS [OC]] Adric? Adric?
(Dome passageway)
[SANDERS] Adric? Adric. You really must try not toantagonise Mister Hindle.
[ADRIC] I'm sorry.
[SANDERS] Well, play along with him, son. He means well.
[ADRIC] Does he?
[SANDERS] Er, yes, of course he does. We all do, don't we, underneath itall? Now come along.
[PANNA] And now the Mara turns the wheel of life.It ends as it begins. Pass through. You must pass through
[TODD] Look!
[PANNA] No harm.
[TODD] Tell me it's a trick.
[PANNA] Pass through.
[DOCTOR] We must do as she says.
[PANNA] Pass through.
[TODD] Doctor, look. The cave, Panna, they'vedisappeared.
[DOCTOR] Look.
[TODD] What's going on?
[DOCTOR] You heard Panna. This is the beginning and the end.
[TODD] We must help him.
[DOCTOR] We can't.
[TODD] Can't we do anything?
[PANNA] It's the end of everything.
(Outside the cave)
[DOCTOR] Did you recognise the laugh?
[TODD] Aris?
[DOCTOR] No, the Mara within him.
[TODD] The Mara caused all that to happen?
[DOCTOR] In a manner of speaking.
[TODD] Look, was what we just saw the future or the past?
[DOCTOR] Both. And now we must get back to the dome, stop the attack.
[TODD] We'll never find our way through the forest.
[DOCTOR] Well, the old woman must direct us.
[TODD] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What?
[TODD] I think she's dead!
[DOCTOR] In certain states of deep trance the bodily functions slow downto such an extent that they are barely perceptible, thus freeing themind to such as we have seen. However, on this occasion it seems
[TODD] She's dead.
[DOCTOR] Panna's dead.
[KARUNA] Idiot. Don't you know anything? Of course I'm not dead.
(Outside the dome)
[ARIS] Listen to me! The dome will be destroyed! Ican see it in my mind.
[ARIS] Give it to me.
[ARIS] Gather branches!
[TODD] It's impossible.
[DOCTOR] Well, unlikely, perhaps.
[TODD] Ridiculous. I mean, if she is Panna, the wise woman, then whereis Karuna? Answer me that.
[KARUNA] Well, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Er, well, it's a good scientific question. Where are you?
[KARUNA] I am her.
[DOCTOR] Both of you.
[KARUNA] We are one.
[DOCTOR] So, when Panna died, her knowledge and experience were passedover to you.
[TODD] But how?
[KARUNA] It is our way.
[TODD] The vision in the cave. Was it real or not?
[DOCTOR] Well, did you see it?
[TODD] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Well, so did I.
[TODD] Look, stop it, both of you. I'm trying to understand.
[KARUNA] I'm sorry.
[TODD] It was a prophecy, wasn't it. A prophecy of what would happenhere unless
[DOCTOR] Unless we stop the attack on the dome.
[TODD] But the Mara.
[TODD] Where does it come from?
[KARUNA] The Mara inhabit the dark places of the inside.
[DOCTOR] And somehow one of them has crossed over into this world andhas taken over the mind of Aris. One thing puzzles me.
[DOCTOR] How did it cross over?
[KARUNA] There is only one path.
[DOCTOR] Which is?
[KARUNA] It is opened by the dreaming of an unshared mind.
[DOCTOR] Of course. Tegan.
(Control room)
[HINDLE] Are the people ready yet, old man?
[SANDERS] Some of them.
[HINDLE] Oh, good. Let me see. Oh yes, they're very good.
[SANDERS] Oh, do you think so?
[HINDLE] Yes, aren't they, Adric?
[ADRIC] Please, why can't I go for a walk?
[HINDLE] Not outside.
[ADRIC] No, just around the dome.
[HINDLE] Outside is for grown-ups. It's not for us, is it?
[SANDERS] Oh, no.
[HINDLE] Soon it'll be finished, and then.
[ADRIC] And then what?
[HINDLE] And then, well, we'll live for ever and ever, won't we.
[ADRIC] Look, I'm going anyway.
[HINDLE] Do you think they'll be happy? I've done my best for them,haven't I?
[SANDERS] Well, of course you have, son. He has, hasn't he.
[HINDLE] I have, haven't I. My very best ever.
[TODD] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Tegan.
[TODD] Is she all right?
[DOCTOR] What is the function of the chimes?
[KARUNA] We use them in the dreamings. The wind blows and we share.
[DOCTOR] Share? Share what? Minds?
[KARUNA] Of course.
[DOCTOR] What would happen if one person dreamt here alone?
[KARUNA] It is forbidden. There are powers waiting to be born. Powers ofgreat evil. There is great danger in dreaming alone.
[DOCTOR] Then I have to wake her.
[KARUNA] There are dangers.
[DOCTOR] I have to take that risk. Tegan? Tegan!
[TEGAN] Doctor? Where have you been? (Outside the dome, the Kinda areconstructing something from branches tied together with vines. It lookslike a flimsy imitation of the Total Survival Suit.)
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[TEGAN] Of course I am. I fell asleep, that's all. I had the strangestdream.
[DOCTOR] Dream?
[TEGAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] What dream?
[TEGAN] Dreams are private.
[DOCTOR] Now come on, Tegan, you must tell me.
[DOCTOR] You've been asleep for nearly two days.
[TEGAN] What? What's going on? Who are these people?
[DOCTOR] Oh, not now, Tegan, please, there's no time. You must tell meabout the dream. It's very important.
(Outside the dome)
[ARIS] Help me.
[ARIS] Listen to me. Now we have a guardian just as the Not-we have. Ourattack cannot fail. The Not-we must be driven out and their domedestroyed!
[TEGAN] Are you listening?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. The other man standing there laughing. Go on.
[TEGAN] Well, he had this thing on his arm, a design.
[DOCTOR] What, a snake?
[TEGAN] Whose dream is this?
[DOCTOR] Well, was it?
[TEGAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Good. Go on.
[TEGAN] Well, then for a while it got curious. I was alone. I was backhere, only
[DOCTOR] You weren't yourself.
[TEGAN] That's right. There was this man coming, an unhappy man, anative.
[DOCTOR] Aris.
[TEGAN] And that's all.
[DOCTOR] Don't be silly, Tegan, it can't have been. Come on, what didyou do?
[TEGAN] Well, if you must know, I climbed a tree and dropped apples onhis head. Look, it was only a dream. I wasn't myself.
[DOCTOR] No, of course you weren't.
[TEGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Isn't it obvious? Your mind and body were occupied the Mara,who found its path to this world through your dream, just as Karunasaid.
[TEGAN] Hang on a minute.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's all right, you're perfectly safe now. In fact, I'llintroduce you.
[TEGAN] Where?
[DOCTOR] They're about to attack the dome.
[TEGAN] The dome.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Outside the dome)
[ARIS] What are you waiting for? Attack! Attack!
[ARIS] Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
[TEGAN] I don't think much of that as a fighting machine.
[TODD] Something must dreadfully wrong.
[ARIS] Listen to me! Finish it off! Finish it off!
[DOCTOR] I have an idea it's controller is rather inexperienced.
[ARIS] Come back! Cowards! Listen to me! Help!
[ADRIC] Help me! Please, somebody help me.
[DOCTOR] Adric, stop! Listen to me! This is the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] That's good. Now listen, Adric, I know you're frightened, butyou must understand that it's your fear that's controlling the machine.It operates directly from your brainwaves. Do you understand? That'sgood. Now listen. You have nothing to fear, just open the machine. Youmust come out.
[ADRIC] I'm sorry. I didn't realise it was going to be like that.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[ADRIC] I, I'm fine. Please, get back to the dome. Hindle has it wiredfor total destruction.
[TODD] The state he's in, he could do anything.
[DOCTOR] Look after Adric.
[DOCTOR] Come on!
(Outside the dome)
[ADRIC] I feel so strange.
[TEGAN] Just take it quietly.
[ADRIC] The TSS is much more difficult to control than I thought itwould be.
[TEGAN] But you're safe now.
[ADRIC] I'm safe. What about the Kinda I wounded? He's gone!
(Control room)
[SANDERS] Hello.
[TODD] Where's Hindle?
[SANDERS] We've been having fun.
[DOCTOR] Have you? Oh, good. There's nothing quite like it, is there.
[SANDERS] Do you like this?
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[SANDERS] It's the new capital city of the planet S14.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course.
[SANDERS] Mister Hindle made it.
[TODD] Where is he?
[SANDERS] Well, I'm sure he's around somewhere.
[SANDERS] If you want to look.
[HINDLE] Boo! (no one reacts) You spoilt it. I wasn't ready.
(Dome corridor)
[TEGAN] We'd better wait here.
[ADRIC] Why?
[TEGAN] Just let the Doctor deal with things.
[ADRIC] You realise if he makes a mistake, this dome and everything formiles around will be blown to pieces.
[TEGAN] Yes, but there's nothing we can do except wait. Come on, sitdown.
[ADRIC] Aren't you frightened?
[TEGAN] Very.
[ADRIC] He would do it! Don't doubt that for a moment. Hindle iscompletely mad!
[TEGAN] Yes, I'm sure
[ADRIC] He would!
[TEGAN] Is this one of the explosive charges?
[ADRIC] Yes. Wait, I could dismantle it.
[TEGAN] Don't touch it. Leave it alone. Even if you could, there must beothers. That one alone couldn't cause the damage you described.
[ADRIC] We must do something.
[TEGAN] Yes, but fiddling with that won't help.
[ADRIC] Oh, I just feel so useless.
[TEGAN] So do I. There's nothing we can do except wait.
[ADRIC] Look, come on, Doctor!
(Control room)
[HINDLE] One word from me. One word.
[TODD] Tell me about the city.
[HINDLE] Oh, do you like it? Never built a city before.
[TODD] It's very good. What's that?
[HINDLE] Oh, that's my secret den. I'm the government as well, you know.
[HINDLE] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] And the security arrangements?
[HINDLE] Security effectiveness one hundred percent. One thousandpercent. One billion trillion trillion percent. Or more, perhaps.
[HINDLE] Do you want me to prove it?
[DOCTOR] No. No, no. I'd rather know how you control the Kinda.
[HINDLE] Oh, that's very simple. With this.
[HINDLE] They're very primitive, you know. They think I've capturedtheir souls.
[DOCTOR] Mirrors. Yes, very clever.
[HINDLE] Do you think so?
[DOCTOR] Yes. May I
[HINDLE] Careful!
[DOCTOR] I'm so sorry.
[SANDERS] It's easily mended. A drop of glue.
[HINDLE] Don't be silly! You can't mend people, can you. You can't mendpeople! Go on, press the
[HINDLE] What's that?
[TODD] Nothing.
[HINDLE] Show me!
[TODD] You've seen it already.
[HINDLE] Give it to me. I want to see it.
[TODD] Only if you promise not to open it.
[HINDLE] All right.
[TODD] Promise.
[HINDLE] Promise.
[HINDLE] I can blow up the world after, can't I.
[TODD] Yes, of course you can.
[HINDLE] Are you frightened of me?
[TODD] Terrified.
[HINDLE] Good. What's in it?
[TODD] Don't open it.
[HINDLE] Why not?
[TODD] You promised.
[HINDLE] Who cares.
[HINDLE] There's nothing in it!
[TODD] No, there's nothing in it.
(Dome corridor)
[TEGAN] What's happening?
[ADRIC] I don't know.
[TEGAN] The Doctor's failed. Hindle's pressed the button.
[ADRIC] Will you shut up.
[ADRIC] Of course, it's all your fault.
[TEGAN] What?
[ADRIC] Well of course it is.
[TEGAN] What are you talking about?
[ADRIC] Well, if you hadn't fallen asleep and had that stupid dream.
[TEGAN] I was possessed. My mind was taken over by the Mara. How wasthat my fault?
[ADRIC] It found a weakness and it used it.
[TEGAN] What's that supposed to mean?
[ADRIC] Well, it would seem to prove that some of us have more controlover our minds than others.
[TEGAN] Oh, like you, I suppose, out there in that machine.
[ADRIC] That was different.
[TEGAN] You were scared out of your wits.
[ADRIC] If you must know, I was just getting the hang of that thing whenthe Doctor interfered.
[DOCTOR] When I what?
[TEGAN] Doctor, the explosives.
[DOCTOR] Deactivated. All quite harmless now.
[ADRIC] And Hindle?
[DOCTOR] He now appears to see the situation in quite a different light.
[ADRIC] What happened?
[DOCTOR] He opened the box.
[TEGAN] What box?
[DOCTOR] The Box of Jhana, the box Sanders was given by the Kinda.
[TEGAN] Is that what affected the lights?
[ADRIC] But how?
[DOCTOR] The box is a powerful Kinda healing device. I suspect itgenerates sound at a frequency beyond our ears.
[ADRIC] Healing device?
[DOCTOR] Helps bring the mind back into phase.
[ADRIC] With what?
[DOCTOR] With everything. With life out there. The Kinda are verysophisticated people.
[ADRIC] Will Hindle be all right?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. The more the mind is out of phase to begin with, themore dramatic the apparent effect.
[TEGAN] What's been going on?
[DOCTOR] I'll explain everything in greater detail later.
[DOCTOR] First we must deal with the Mara. Where's Aris?
[TEGAN] He's escaped.
[DOCTOR] Escaped?
[ADRIC] He was wounded, though.
[DOCTOR] Well, we must find him quickly, before he's destroyed by theMara within him.
[TEGAN] How will you deal with the Mara?
[DOCTOR] I don't know yet.
[ADRIC] How did Hindle control his hostages?
[DOCTOR] What? Oh, the mirror. They thought he'd captured their. Ah.
[TEGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] I don't suppose you've come across any large mirrors in yourwanderings about the dome? Silly question really.
[ADRIC] Mirrors?
[DOCTOR] Well, reflective surfaces of any kind. Come on, quickly, think.
[ADRIC] Solar generator panels.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[ADRIC] In the storeroom.
[DOCTOR] Show me.
[TEGAN] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What is the one thing evil cannot face? Not ever.
[TEGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Itself.
[ADRIC] But you said the Kinda would react to the mirror. They aren'tevil.
[DOCTOR] Ah, Hindle captured their innocence. The Mara will rebel. Theycannot face themselves, don't you see?
[KARUNA] He's coming.
[DOCTOR] Good. Adric, Tegan, he's coming.
[TODD] Will it work?
[DOCTOR] Well, according to the legends.
[TODD] Mirrors?
[DOCTOR] No Mara can bear the sight of its own reflection. It mustrecoil from itself. Understandably, don't you think, given it's nature.
[TODD] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Very well then. Trapped in a circle of mirrors, each mirrorreflecting not only the Mara itself but also
[TODD] The reflection of all the other mirrors!
[DOCTOR] In an endless series.
[TODD] So it's surrounded not only by its own reflection, but reflectionof reflection.
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[TODD] What happens then?
[DOCTOR] It retreats back to where it came from.
[TODD] The dark places of the inside.
[DOCTOR] Or wherever, but not here, that's the main thing. It's allquite logical.
[TODD] What happens to Aris?
[DOCTOR] Well, Tegan survived, but
[TODD] But what?
[DOCTOR] Well, it would do no harm, would it, to keep ones fingerscrossed.
[ARIS] Well, well.
[DOCTOR] Ah, there you are. We thought you'd gotlost.
[ARIS] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] I'm called the Doctor.
[ARIS] Why do you involve yourself?
[DOCTOR] Because I share the Kinda's aim where you're concerned.
[ARIS] I now control the Kinda.
[DOCTOR] Well, you did for a while, but no longer.
[ARIS] I still control them. I am Aris. I have voice!
[DOCTOR] Yes, so I hear, but it is the voice of a Mara in the body ofAris. The snake on your arm, the symbol of your power, confirms it.
[ARIS] Then take care that that power doesn't enter you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you're too late. Now!
[DOCTOR] Now, get ready to pull Aris clear the moment the snake leaveshis arm.
[DOCTOR] Hold the mirrors straight!
[ADRIC] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] The Mara is detaching itself.
[ADRIC] What?
[DOCTOR] It's leaving Aris. It has no further use for him.
[DOCTOR] Now, pull him clear!
[DOCTOR] Now, hold your ground. Keep it in the circle. Close the gaps!The circle must be kept closed. If the circle is closed, the Maracannot escape.
[ADRIC] It's fantastic. Where does it draw its energy from? It'sincredible.
[DOCTOR] Tegan! Tegan, Tegan, are you all right?
[TEGAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Close these gaps!
[TEGAN] Is that the Mara's true form?
[TEGAN] I had that in my mind?
[TEGAN] But it's gone now, isn't it, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] It's all right, it's all right. Stand firm. Look, it's startingto weaken. Look!
[DOCTOR] He'll be all right.
[TODD] Why do such things exist?
[DOCTOR] Who can tell?
[TODD] The Mara's gone.
[DOCTOR] Back to the dark places of the inside, or wherever. But nothere, not anywhere here. This world is free of it.
[KARUNA] And of its curse.
[TODD] Curse?
[TODD] What curse?
[KARUNA] The curse of time. It is the Mara which starts the clocks.
[DOCTOR] Come on, it's finished.
[HINDLE] I suppose everything will have to beentered into the log.
[SANDERS] Will it?
[HINDLE] Well, the manual states it's the duty of the expeditioncommander to
[SANDERS] What manual?
[HINDLE] Oh. I see.
[SANDERS] I never read the manual.
[HINDLE] Thank you.
[SANDERS] Thank you, sir.
[HINDLE] (saluting) Thank you, sir.
[DOCTOR] Is it decided?
[TODD] They accepted my recommendation.
[DOCTOR] Which is?
[TODD] This planet is totally unsuitable for full scale colonisation.The unit be withdrawn. Sanders is pleased.
[DOCTOR] Is he?
[TODD] He wants to stay here. I told him he should just wander off intothe forest. Nobody'd notice. Shame about poor old Hindle, though.
[DOCTOR] Oh, he'll be all right. He was just driven out of his mind.Just what he needed. What about you, will you stay?
[TODD] I don't think so.
[DOCTOR] You're not tempted by paradise?
[TODD] It was all right at first, but it's all a bit too green for me.
[NYSSA [OC]] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes, one moment.
[TODD] You don't actually go into space in that?
[DOCTOR] Oh no. That would be completely impossible, wouldn't it.
[TODD] Unlikely, anyway.
[DOCTOR] If not ridiculous.
[NYSSA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It seems some people are getting impatient.
[TODD] You must go. Goodbye.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye.
[NYSSA] Hello, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Nyssa, how are you?
[NYSSA] Fully recovered.
[DOCTOR] Excellent.
[NYSSA] What have you been doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh, nothing much. This and that. Having fun.
[NYSSA] Can we go?
[DOCTOR] I don't see why not.
[DOCTOR] I think paradise is a little too green for me as well.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s19", "episode": "e03", "title": "Kinda"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (15 Feb, 1982; Fifth Doctor) - The Visitation
(Entrance hall)
(Manor house)
[ELIZABETH] Papa! Papa!
[SQUIRE] Oh! What's all the noise Elizabeth?
[ELIZABETH] Have you seen the sky? It's beautiful.
[SQUIRE] What're you talking about?
[ELIZABETH] The whole sky is ablaze.
[ELIZABETH] Oh! They've gone.
[SQUIRE] What have gone?
[ELIZABETH] The lights.
[SQUIRE] What sort of lights were they?
[ELIZABETH] Like a hundred shooting stars. I wish you'd seen them.
[SQUIRE] I don't like the sound of it.
[SQUIRE] Strange lights in the sky never bode well for the future.
[ELIZABETH] You're so old-fashioned.
[SQUIRE] Ralph! Bring a log!
[SQUIRE] I feel a chill.
[ELIZABETH] You can't, Papa. It's a perfectly warm evening.
[CHARLES] Father always feels a chill when he's losing. It's either thator his gout bothers him.
[SQUIRE] Arrant nonsense!
[SQUIRE] I feel a definite chill about me shoulders.
[SQUIRE] There you are, you see. Have you left the door open?
[RALPH] Me, sir? No. Would you like me to fetch your shawl?
[SQUIRE] No. Er, no, I think I'd prefer a warmer. I'll have me possetnow.
[RALPH] Yes, sir.
[CHARLES] You're incorrigible, Father. Haven't you drunk enough already?
[SQUIRE] This is medicinal.
[CHARLES] I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Father.
(Servant's hall)
[RALPH] Are you sure you're not having a posset, Master Charles?
[CHARLES] No, thank you.
[RALPH] In that case I'll bid you good night, sir.
[CHARLES] Good night, Ralph.
[SQUIRE] Oh! It's you, sir. What the Hades is going on?
[CHARLES] There's someone down there with a gun the likes I've neverseen before.
[SQUIRE] Ralph. Where's Ralph?
[CHARLES] I fear he's hit.
[SQUIRE] Fire and brimstone!
[SQUIRE] God protect us!
[SQUIRE] What was that?
[CHARLES] I don't know!
(Manor house)
[ELIZABETH] Papa! What's happening, Papa?
[CHARLES] Take this.
[SQUIRE] Would it be too obvious to say, we are under attack?
[ELIZABETH] But from whom?
[SQUIRE] From whatever that is.
[CHARLES] Our shots stopped its comrade on the stairs.
[SQUIRE] But this one's in armour.
[CHARLES] Which at this range is useless. Come on, Father, now!
[DOCTOR] How many times have I told you, Adric, not to interfere with,with things that you don't understand.
[ADRIC] I was trying to escape.
[DOCTOR] In the TSS? You were lucky you didn't destroy the whole Kindatribe.
[ADRIC] I didn't realise it would be that difficult to control.
[DOCTOR] That isn't the point. You should never have got into that unit.
[ADRIC] Well, as it turned out no one was hurt.
[DOCTOR] Apart from Aris.
[ADRIC] A flesh wound.
[DOCTOR] Try to understand, Adric, because you get away with something,it doesn't justify it.
[ADRIC] I'm sorry.
[DOCTOR] Next time you want to escape from somewhere, walk.
[NYSSA] Poor old Adric. Always in trouble.
[ADRIC] And I try so hard.
[DOCTOR] Is Tegan ready?
[NYSSA] I'll check.
[ADRIC] What's that?
[DOCTOR] A fault.
[ADRIC] Serious?
[DOCTOR] Must be the lateral balance cones again. You know, I must dosome maintenance after we've delivered Tegan.
[ADRIC] It's going to seem strange without her, though I must admit I'mnot entirely convinced that she likes me.
[DOCTOR] Now, don't jump to conclusions, Adric. Sometimes we humanoidstry to disguise our, our true feelings. Well, don't just stand there,Adric, help me.
(Girl's bedroom)
[NYSSA] What's the matter?
[TEGAN] It's only sunk in properly, what happened to me on Deva Loka.
[NYSSA] What? The Doctor said nothing eventful had occurred.
[TEGAN] He would. But while you were enjoying forty eight hours peacefulsleep in the delta wave augmenter, my mind was occupied. Taken over.
[NYSSA] By whom?
[TEGAN] More a what. Something called a Mara. It makes me shiver tothink of it.
[NYSSA] You weren't hurt?
[TEGAN] No. No, but that's not the point. It's unnerved me.
[NYSSA] You'll soon be on Earth with all this unpleasantness forgotten.
[TEGAN] Can't wait.
[NYSSA] At leas, you won't have any awkward questions to answer aboutwhere you've been.
[TEGAN] So the Doctor says. I don't understand how.
[NYSSA] Just accept what he says.
(Tardis corridor)
[NYSSA] You'll arrive back at the airport exactlyon time for your flight, half an hour after you entered the Tardis.
[TEGAN] Some half hour. Now I have to pretend that nothing's happened inthe mean time.
[NYSSA] You'll soon settle down.
[TEGAN] I hope so. Nyssa, I know I haven't always been the best ofcompanions. I'll miss you. All of you.
[DOCTOR] Earth, Heathrow, 1981.
[ADRIC] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Not one of the most stimulating places in the universe, butnevertheless, where requested to be.
[ADRIC] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no.
[TEGAN] Is that supposed to be Heathrow?
[ADRIC] It is.
[TEGAN] Well, they've certainly let the grass grow since I was lastthere.
[ADRIC] Well, actually, they haven't built the airport yet. We're aboutthree hundred years early.
[TEGAN] That's great. Perhaps I can go out, file a claim on the land.When they get round to inventing the aircraft, I'll make a fortune.
[DOCTOR] Hmm, yes, a small error has been made.
[TEGAN] You call three hundred years a small error?
[DOCTOR] It's probably due to nothing more than a temperamental solenoidon the lateral balance cones.
[TEGAN] Why do you always have some incomprehensible answer?
[DOCTOR] And, as you know, the Tardis isn't always
[DOCTOR] Er, reliable.
[TEGAN] Call yourself a Time Lord? A broken clock keeps better time thanyou do. At least it's accurate twice a day, which is more than you everare.
[DOCTOR] Why does she always overreact?
[NYSSA] I think she's finding the idea of going more painful than shethought.
[DOCTOR] Then why didn't she say so, rather than fly off the handle likethat.
[NYSSA] That's Tegan.
[ADRIC] Perhaps you'd better talk to her.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. Too much has been said already. Earthlings.
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry. I realise how disappointed you must be.
[TEGAN] I'm sorry, too, but you did make a promise.
[DOCTOR] And I'll keep it. Consider this a fortuitous mistake. It isn'teveryone who gets the chance to wander round their own history.
[TEGAN] I'm not sure I want to. This place stinks.
[DOCTOR] What? I suppose it does a bit.
[ADRIC] Look, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Sulphur.
[ADRIC] Some sort of volcanic action?
[DOCTOR] Wrong time and place for that.
[TEGAN] Are you sure this is Earth?
[DOCTOR] Undoubtedly. When we find the person who's burning the sulphur,perhaps you'll believe him.
[VILLAGER] Four strangers coming this way.
[NYSSA] Is it sensible to go on?
[DOCTOR] Probably not.
[TEGAN] I've lost my bearings already.
[DOCTOR] There's potassium nitrate in with the sulphur.
[TEGAN] Oh, that's great.
[ADRIC] What's wrong?
[DOCTOR] Potassium nitrate and sulphur are constituents of a primitiveexplosive. Gunpowder.
[TEGAN] I don't like this place.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[TEGAN] Shouldn't we get back to the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] This time I agree.
[DOCTOR] Ah! Good morning.
[DOCTOR] Come on, back to the Tardis.
[VILLAGER] You all right? Don't worry, we'll get them.
[NYSSA] Now which way?
[ADRIC] I don't know.
[NYSSA] Use your homing devise.
[ADRIC] I must have dropped it during the fight.
[TEGAN] Oh, tremendous.
[DOCTOR] Come on, come on. This way.
[NYSSA] Are you all right?
[ADRIC] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] There's nothing broken. Can you stand?
[ADRIC] I'll try.
[NYSSA] Lean on me.
[ADRIC] I'll be all right in a minute.
[TEGAN] We may not have a minute.
[MACE] Can I be of any assistance?
[DOCTOR] Can you help us?
[MACE] I have a convenient refuge nearby.
[TEGAN] How do we know we can trust him?
[MACE] You have little choice. You either trust me or give yourselves upto your pursuers, who would probably cudgel you to death.
[MACE] I don't think they will bother us again. If the lad can walk, mycamp is this way.
[DOCTOR] Lead on, sir.
[VILLAGER] Go back to the village for help. We'll follow them.
[TEGAN] This is home?
[MACE] For the last night or two. Fortune has made me itinerant.
[DOCTOR] Why were those men following us?
[MACE] You don't know?
[DOCTOR] Well, we're new to the area.
[MACE] You must be new to the world, sir. Have not you heard there isplague?
[TEGAN] Where?
[MACE] Everywhere. That is why the village is guarded so vigilantly.They're terrified of strangers and the pestilence they may carry.
[DOCTOR] Of course. The reason for the sulphuric smoke. Purificationfires.
[NYSSA] Is that why you're not staying in the village?
[MACE] Alas, because of the plague, everywhere is unfriendly.
[DOCTOR] Hence the guns.
[MACE] No, not entirely. I was once a noted thespian until forced intorural exile by the closure of the theatres. It is only with the aid ofthese properties I am able to command the attention of an audiencenowadays.
[TEGAN] You sound like a highwayman or a robber.
[MACE] A gentleman of the road, madam. Richard Mace at your service.
[MACE] Though I only plan to rob you of a little of your time andcompany. After many weeks alone in the woods, I would risk anything foran hour's good conversation.
[MACE] Yes.
[DOCTOR] How bad is the plague?
[MACE] Oh, the worst I've ever seen. More virulent here than in thecity, but that's only to be expected.
[MACE] Did you not see the comet a few weeks ago? A portent of doom, ifever I saw one. Its aurora barely faded from the sky before the firstlocal case was reported.
[ADRIC] You were clear until then?
[MACE] Oh, completely.
[DOCTOR] They're not due for a comet for years.
[MACE] It lit up the sky as I've never experienced it before.
[NYSSA] Are you sure it wasn't a meteor?
[MACE] Call it what you wish. I have seen many falling stars, but thiswas without parallel.
[DOCTOR] Interesting, and so is the ornament around your neck.
[TEGAN] Doctor, don't you think we should be getting back to the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Not yet. May I see?
[MACE] Oh, surely. I found it in the loft last night.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Interesting piece of work. What do you think?
[NYSSA] It's made from polygrite, isn't it?
[NYSSA] From such a primitive society?
[DOCTOR] Do you mind if I have a look around your loft?
[MACE] As you wish, sir.
[DOCTOR] Fit for a climb, Adric?
[TEGAN] Doctor, he should rest.
[ADRIC] Don't worry, Tegan. We Alzarians are different from you. Werecover faster.
[NYSSA] Is there anything I can do?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Oh, have a look round down there.
[TEGAN] What exactly are we looking for?
[ADRIC] What is it he's wearing?
[DOCTOR] Part of an alien bracelet made for a very special purpose.
[ADRIC] How could it have got here?
[DOCTOR] Oh, make your own guess. A comet when there shouldn't have beena comet, a meteor that doesn't look like a meteor. Whatever thephenomenon was, it certainly wasn't natural.
[ADRIC] Some sort of a spacecraft landing?
[DOCTOR] Or burning up in the atmosphere.
[ADRIC] But surely, for the bracelet to be here some of the crew musthave survived?
[DOCTOR] Ah, not necessarily. The bracelet is strong enough to havesurvived the crash. However, if we find something more fragile.
[ADRIC] Then there are survivors.
[DOCTOR] Correct.
[NYSSA] Doctor! Power packs!
[DOCTOR] Well done!
[DOCTOR] Tell me, who owns this barn?
[MACE] I will show you.
(Manor house driveway)
[VILLAGER] Now what are they up to?
[MACE] Surely you must be aware, sir, that there is a certain protocolto be observed when approaching the gentry.
[DOCTOR] Of course. I've met kings, emperors, megalomaniacs in my time.
[MACE] Ah, then you must know, sir, that the nobility will not takekindly to being knocked up and questioned about the contents of theirbarns. It's a sure way of us all being horse-whipped. And I have aparticularly sensitive skin, sir.
[NYSSA] Is the man blind?
[ADRIC] He nearly killed us.
[MACE] The miller. A man of very sour disposition.
[TEGAN] And not much road sense.
[MACE] Shouldn't we use the tradesman's entrance?
[DOCTOR] I'm calling on the master of the house, not his servants.
[MACE] Please, sir, knock with a little more humility.
[DOCTOR] You knock while I look around.
[TEGAN] Can we come with you?
[DOCTOR] Just Nyssa. If anyone opens the door, call me.
(Back of the Manor house)
[DOCTOR] No one at home.
[NYSSA] Then who was the miller visiting?
[DOCTOR] Perhaps we should find out. That window doesn't look fastenedproperly.
(Manor house door)
[MACE] What do we say if the door is opened?
[ADRIC] Hello?
(Manor house)
[DOCTOR] What a very pleasant room.
[NYSSA] Shall I let the others in?
[DOCTOR] No, not yet. Let's see who's at home first. Hello?
[NYSSA] Why are you so certain the aliens have come here?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm not. For all I know they went to the village.
[NYSSA] They could also have died from the plague.
[DOCTOR] Indeed. So, the sooner we find out, the sooner we can returnTegan to her own time. Anyone at home?
[NYSSA] Have you any idea who the aliens might be?
[DOCTOR] No, not really. Polygrite is found in many parts of theuniverse. So are power packs.
[NYSSA] Why are you so concerned about them? They might be friendly.
[DOCTOR] Well, if I'm right, the comet that actor saw was their shipburning up in the atmosphere. They're probably stranded here,desperate. They could wreak havoc.
(Servants hall)
[NYSSA] So, what are you going to do if you findthem?
[DOCTOR] Oh, twist their arms a bit to let me take them back to theirown planet.
[NYSSA] I hope they have arms to twist.
[DOCTOR] I'll find something.
[DOCTOR] There are weapons missing.
[NYSSA] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Gunpowder. Someone's been careless.
[NYSSA] Look, a power pack.
[DOCTOR] So they have been here.
[NYSSA] I think we should go, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You're beginning to sound like Tegan.
[NYSSA] I begin to understand how she feels.
(Cellar staircase)
[NYSSA] What?
[DOCTOR] Look.
[NYSSA] Scarring from a high energy beam.
[DOCTOR] And fired from a weapon.
[NYSSA] So much for my friendly aliens.
[DOCTOR] Hold this.
[DOCTOR] There.
[DOCTOR] Let's give them the benefit of the doubt, assume it was anaccident.
[DOCTOR] But this isn't.
[NYSSA] Now what?
[DOCTOR] Well, you only build a staircase to lead somewhere.
[NYSSA] As a rule.
[DOCTOR] Why should anyone want to build a wall here?
[NYSSA] Does it matter?
[DOCTOR] Well, this should be a very important staircase. Logically itshould lead from the main hall to the kitchens.
[NYSSA] Perhaps there's another way.
[DOCTOR] No. There's something wrong. I can feel it.
(Manor house door)
[TEGAN] At last.
[TEGAN] How did you get in?
[NYSSA] We found an open window.
[MACE] You broke in?
[NYSSA] It's perfectly safe. There isn't anyone here.
[MACE] Are you sure?
[NYSSA] Come in and look.
(Entrance hall)
[ADRIC] Where's the Doctor?
[NYSSA] Downstairs. He's found a wall that seems to fascinate him.
(Manor house)
[TEGAN] Is there anyone else here?
[NYSSA] Not that we've found.
[TEGAN] I don't like this house. I think it's a bit spooky.
[MACE] I find this house full of style and quality.
[NYSSA] We should join the Doctor.
(Servant's hall)
[ADRIC] Any sign of survivors?
[NYSSA] They've been here. We found yet another power pack.
[ADRIC] I wonder what they use those things for?
[TEGAN] I'll bet it isn't transistor radios.
[MACE] What are these words you are using?
[NYSSA] The Doctor will explain.
[TEGAN] Come on.
(Cellar staircase)
[ADRIC] Where's he gone?
[NYSSA] Doctor?
[NYSSA] Doctor! (The door to the staircase slams shut.)
[TEGAN] Doctor!
(Cellar staircase)
[NYSSA] Oh, thank heavens.
[MACE] What an incredible illusion.
[DOCTOR] It is, isn't it.
[TEGAN] How do you do that?
[DOCTOR] Very simple. I found the door.
[TEGAN] I don't see it.
[DOCTOR] It's there all the same. I knew there was something peculiarabout this wall.
[NYSSA] Is it an energy barrier?
[DOCTOR] Right! I picked the lock.
[ADRIC] But if the barrier's open, why can't we see through it?
[DOCTOR] Camouflage. As you pass through it, it opens around you.
[MACE] With a trick like that you could make a fortune around thefairgrounds.
[DOCTOR] I must speak to the people who invented it.
[NYSSA] Any survivors?
[DOCTOR] Not yet.
[MACE] An amazing illusion. I must learn how it's done.
[ADRIC] What's that smell?
[DOCTOR] Soliton gas.
[NYSSA] I thought I recognised it.
[TEGAN] Who'd want this sort of atmosphere? It's stifling.
[DOCTOR] Well, someone who needs it to breathe properly. Let's findthem.
[DOCTOR] I said, let's find them.
[MACE] Er, should you find the wine cellar, sir, a bottle of sack'd bemost appreciated.
[TEGAN] That's stealing.
[MACE] I am a highwayman, madam.
[TEGAN] This isn't a highway.
[NYSSA] It's locked.
[DOCTOR] This must be it.
(Wine cellar)
[TEGAN] It's so gloomy.
[DOCTOR] They're near.
[TEGAN] How do you know?
[NYSSA] The smell of soliton is much stronger.
[MACE] Why do we lurk in this cellar when there is a whole house toloot?
[DOCTOR] You said you wanted wine. Help yourself.
[MACE] Ah! I'm so impetuous. Always looking to the hills and missing thetreasure at my feet.
[TEGAN] I wonder what those are for?
[DOCTOR] Just don't disturb anything.
[NYSSA] You recognise any characteristics?
[DOCTOR] The regulator isn't pulsing properly.
[TEGAN] Doctor, look.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Well, perhaps they're just for research.
[TEGAN] I feel itchy just looking at them.
[ADRIC] What does that stuff taste like?
[MACE] Nectar.
[ADRIC] Oh. What does that taste like?
[MACE] You stupid
[DOCTOR] No, don't!
[DOCTOR] Nyssa, get out of here.
[NYSSA] What about Tegan?
[DOCTOR] Just get out of here.
[MACE] I can't find the gap.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
(Wine Cellar)
[DOCTOR] Now, I don't know if you can understandme, but I would like to point out how volatile soliton is when mixedfreely with oxygen.
[DOCTOR] You fire that beam of yours, you'll turn this house into aninferno.
[DOCTOR] Adric, can you move?
[DOCTOR] Tegan!
[DOCTOR] Adric, look after her. I'll be back.
(Entrance hall)
[NYSSA] We must wait for the Doctor!
[MACE] Your Doctor is a dead man. You saw what was in the cellar. Thegreat reaper, Death.
[DOCTOR] That's what you're supposed to think.
[MACE] Well, what was it then?
[DOCTOR] An android. A mechanical man. A machine.
[MACE] Android? Your brain is addled, sir. That was Death. You saw whateffect my pistols had on him.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it takes more than a pair of flintlocks to damage anandroid.
[NYSSA] Is Tegan dead?
[DOCTOR] No, but I don't know how badly hurt she is. Where are yougoing?
[MACE] Away!
[DOCTOR] I came up here to get you.
[MACE] I would rather be sealed up in a plague house, sir, than stayhere.
[DOCTOR] Adric and Tegan are hurt. I need your help to get them out.
(Manor house)
[DOCTOR] You see this? This a part of a control bracelet. It's a deviceused on prison planets to control difficult prisoners. It isn't anornament. And the thing you saw in the cellar comes from the same placeas the bracelet.
[MACE] How can that control anyone?
[DOCTOR] Like this.
[DOCTOR] If this was on your wrist, you'd have lost control of your mindby now.
[MACE] Nonsense, sir. That glow is a conjuring trick. I'm a man of thetheatre. I'm not impressed by trickery, however clever it is.
[DOCTOR] Well.
[DOCTOR] This is a trick you won't see done for many a day.
[DOCTOR] That's what happens when you discharge a power pack.
[MACE] How does this android, as you call him, come from another world?There are no other worlds. Any fool knows that.
[DOCTOR] Why are Earth people so parochial?
(Control room)
[LEADER] Who is this man?
[TEGAN] Who said that?
[LEADER] Answer my question!
[ADRIC] The Doctor.
[LEADER] And where is this Doctor from?
[TEGAN] He's never told us. He likes to be mysterious, although he talksa lot about, er, Guildford. I think that's where he comes from.
[LEADER] You are being a very stupid woman.
[TEGAN] That isn't a very original observation.
[LEADER] I know that he is not of this planet or time.
[ADRIC] What rubbish.
[LEADER] The Doctor has a sonic device which he used to dismantle theenergy barrier. He also has an understanding of the gas known assoliton.
[ADRIC] We don't know anything about that.
[LEADER] You are wearing synthetic garments manufactured by technologyas yet unknown on this planet.
[TEGAN] You'll have to ask my tailor about that.
[LEADER] I'm asking you! For the last time. Where are you from?
(Manor house)
[MACE] You are asking too much of me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Nyssa, let's go.
[NYSSA] What about Adric and Tegan?
[DOCTOR] Well, there's nothing we can do now until we've dealt with theandroid.
[NYSSA] But how? We haven't any weapons.
[DOCTOR] No. Well, er, we'll try modifying the sonic booster in theTardis. If we connect it to a frequency accelerator
[NYSSA] Yes?
[DOCTOR] Well, we may just get a high enough pitch to vibrate theandroid to pieces.
[NYSSA] Really. And how close do we have to get for it to have aneffect?
[DOCTOR] Very.
[NYSSA] The android's armed. If it wanted, it could destroy us ten timesover.
[MACE] Once would be enough.
[NYSSA] Doctor, you cannot afford to improvise against an armed android.
[DOCTOR] I have no intention of doing so. Now, if you've quite finishedlecturing me, I suggest we go back to the Tardis and get started.
[DOCTOR] That way's locked. Good day!
(Control room)
[LEADER] Now, tell me about your mode of transport.
[ADRIC] The Tardis. A sort of time-space machine.
[LEADER] And where is this Tardis now?
[ADRIC] I don't know. In the woods somewhere. Only the Doctor knowsexactly where.
[LEADER] And you are both crew members of this ship?
[TEGAN] That's right. Vital members. Kill us and you'll never get toride in it.
[LEADER] It seems that your companions have abandoned you. Perhaps youoverrate your importance.
[NYSSA] Where will you go?
[MACE] As far away from that house as possible.
[NYSSA] You won't reconsider helping us?
[MACE] Madam, it shames me to tell you, but I, I will not go back insidethat house.
[DOCTOR] We're wasting time, Nyssa.
[DOCTOR] If you see anyone wearing a bracelet like this, stay away fromthem.
[MACE] Yes, I will, sir.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[MACE] Doctor! Doctor! What is that?
(Control room)
[LEADER] Activate the poacher and his friends. Iwant them to bring me the Doctor. Then get a group of villagers tosearch for the Tardis.
(Escape pod)
[DOCTOR] No one here.
[NYSSA] The place has been stripped.
[DOCTOR] Most of the hardware is up at the house, I should think.
[MACE] What is this structure?
[DOCTOR] An escape pod. A sort of life boat, only from a ship thatflies.
[MACE] Flies?
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[MACE] But how are the dimensions greater within?
[DOCTOR] Because it buried itself on impact.
[MACE] And how is it lit?
[DOCTOR] Vintaric crystals. Quite a common form of lighting.
[MACE] I don't understand any of this.
[NYSSA] This is all that's left of the craft that brought the android toEarth.
[DOCTOR] The lights you saw in the sky a few weeks ago, were the mainpart of the ship burning up in the atmosphere.
[MACE] I can't believe any of the things you are telling me.
[NYSSA] It's true.
[DOCTOR] The presence of the pod confirms it.
[MACE] How do you know all these things?
[DOCTOR] Ah. That would be rather difficult to explain.
[NYSSA] You can trust us.
[DOCTOR] Which is more than you can say for the owners of this ship.
[TEGAN] Bleak, isn't it?
[ADRIC] I'm a fool. I should never have told him about the Tardis.
[TEGAN] Don't let it get you down. If you hadn't have told him, I wouldhave. I don't think he was joking about torturing us.
[ADRIC] We've got to get out of here.
[TEGAN] Oh sure, but how?
(Escape pod)
[DOCTOR] I wonder how many Terileptils this pod could carry?
[NYSSA] And androids.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Terileptils build those things too well.
[NYSSA] Are you still sure the sonic booster can deal with it?
[DOCTOR] It has to. The androids are programmed to protect. The only wayaround them is to destroy them before they destroy you.
[MACE] Oh, dear.
[NYSSA] But it didn't kill Tegan.
[DOCTOR] Well, it obviously wanted prisoners. We can't rely on itremaining so benign.
[NYSSA] Then we'd better hurry up with that booster.
[DOCTOR] Yes. A refresher course in android design might help as well.
[MACE] How can you possibly get that?
[DOCTOR] I, too, have a ship of sorts. It isn't the most reliable ofmachines, but it's aged memory banks might contain something of use.
[MACE] Then may I accompany you?
[DOCTOR] Are you beginning to believe that I'm telling the truth?
[MACE] It seems I've little choice.
[DOCTOR] Let's see if the coast is clear.
[ADRIC] It's solid. We'd never break it down, we'd make too much noise.
[TEGAN] Any way through the bars in that window?
[ADRIC] Not without a cutting device.
[TEGAN] The key's still in the lock.
[ADRIC] Can you think of a way to get it in here?
[TEGAN] No, can you?
[MACE] He has a bracelet.
[DOCTOR] I see it.
[DOCTOR] They won't do any good.
[MACE] You forget, sir, I'm an actor as well as a highwayman.
[DOCTOR] The bracelet overrides fear. Unless you're prepared to usethem, they're quite useless.
[MACE] They're useless anyway. I didn't have time to reload them.
[DOCTOR] Go back to the pod.
[POACHER] You are the Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I am indeed. How do you do?
(Escape pod)
[NYSSA] What's going on out there?
[MACE] Controlled villagers.
[NYSSA] It didn't take them long to find us.
[MACE] The poacher can smell you on the wind.
[POACHER] You will come with us.
[DOCTOR] Another time, perhaps.
(Escape pod)
[DOCTOR] Down!
[MACE] Right, we are ready to engage them.
[DOCTOR] There are three at the moment. Fire those, we could have adozen to contend with.
[MACE] What is that?
[DOCTOR] Our friendly neighbourhood axe man.
[NYSSA] He'll never cut through that hatch.
[DOCTOR] He might get lucky. Could hit an opening mechanism on the otherside. Hang on.
[DOCTOR] There must be some sort of trigger for the escape hatch.
[DOCTOR] I just hope this part of the pod isn't buried. Are you ready?
[NYSSA] What are you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Get down!
[DOCTOR] Let's go.
[TEGAN] Look, there's a fan light above the door.
[ADRIC] What's that for?
[TEGAN] It's a window to give natural light onto the passage. Steady thestool for me.
[TEGAN] I think I can move them.
[ADRIC] Let me try. I'm stronger.
[TEGAN] Yeah, but not as determined.
[ADRIC] What's wrong?
[TEGAN] The android.
(Control room)
[LEADER] Report.
[LEADER] Concentrate on your thoughts!
[POACHER [OC]] Found. The Doctor. At your craft. But escaped. We aretracking him.
[LEADER] Good Change of order. Follow, but do not apprehend. Report whenhe reaches his Tardis.
[MACE] Oh, I'm dead. I'm afraid my frame was never designed for rapidacceleration.
[DOCTOR] Well, you can't rest yet.
[MACE] I'm not moving from this spot unless supported by a horse.
[NYSSA] A horse?
[MACE] Yes, the miller has one. You could steal it.
[DOCTOR] The miller. Of course. Why didn't I think of that?
[NYSSA] Doctor, you can't steal the poor man's horse.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's him I'm interested in, not his horse. He comes andgoes from the house as he pleases. Maybe he can help us. Why don't yougo back to the Tardis and start work on the booster while we look forhim.
[NYSSA] Alone?
[DOCTOR] Well, you're more than capable.
[NYSSA] Well, I
[DOCTOR] We may not be able to find the miller. We can't afford to wasteany time.
[NYSSA] Very well.
[DOCTOR] And I'll be back as quickly as I can.
[NYSSA] Even sooner, if at all possible.
[DOCTOR] Now then, which way to the mill?
[MACE] I am not moving.
[DOCTOR] Just direct me, then. You can wait here for the poacher and hisfriend.
[MACE] Sir, you have a very mean way of exposing a man's cowardice.
(Miller's barn)
[MACE] Ah, the object of my desire.
[DOCTOR] Hello!
[MACE] Shush! Shush, shush, sir! Thievery is a matter of stealth, nothearty greetings.
[DOCTOR] We're here to see the miller.
[MACE] You are without pity, sir. Ah!
(Cellar passageway)
[TEGAN] What are you doing?
[ADRIC] What do you think?
[TEGAN] I was going to unlock the door for you.
[ADRIC] Now she tells me.
(Control room)
[LEADER] There is someone in the house. Destroy them. Go!
(Miller's barn)
[DOCTOR] Ah, good day. I'm the Doctor. You must be the miller.
[DOCTOR] Er, I'd like a word with you. We'll only keep you a moment.
[MACE] You heard what the gentleman said.
[DOCTOR] No, no. Let him go.
[MILLER] Gid up. Walk on. (The miller drives his cart out of the barn.)
(Manor house)
[TEGAN] Hurry!
[ADRIC] It's stiff.
[TEGAN] You were boasting of your strength a few minutes ago. Get onwith it.
[TEGAN] Jump!
[ADRIC] What about you?
[TEGAN] Get out of here!
[TEGAN] I hope you realise this means I've surrendered.
(Miller's barn)
[MACE] Are you capable of carrying a tired thespian, eh?
[DOCTOR] Nothing in there. Let's get back to the Tardis, help Nyssa.
[MACE] Now?
[DOCTOR] At once.
[VILLAGER] Plague carriers.
[MACE] You jest, sir. I am without plague.
[VILLAGER] The mark of the plague is on you.
[MACE] You're mistaken, sir.
[DOCTOR] We haven't got the plague. I can help you. Wait. Listen.
[VILLAGER] Execute them!
[DOCTOR] Not again.
(Miller's barn)
[VILLAGER] They must die. They bring plague to the village.
[HEADMAN] These men are wanted vandals.
[VILLAGER] And the sooner they're dispatched the better.
[HEADMAN] They are wanted alive.
[POACHER] There is a reward.
[VILLAGER] What use is that if you're dead?
[HEADMAN] No! I am the head man of your village, you will listen to me.
[POACHER] Kill them, scythe man, and you die as well.
[HEADMAN] No! Trust me.
[DOCTOR] Thank you! I'm the Doctor. I can help
[HEADMAN] Lock them in the harness room.
(Control room)
[TEGAN] No, please.
[LEADER] Do not struggle, and you will feel no pain.
[LEADER] Report!
[HEADMAN [OC]] Carried out your instructions.
[LEADER] The primitiveness of these creatures astounds me. Listen to thestate of this fool's brain. I said report! Concentrate on yourthoughts, then I will hear them.
[HEADMAN [OC]] The Doctor is my prisoner.
[LEADER] Excellent. Bring him to the house at once.
[LEADER] Do not try to fight it and you will feel no pain. Do youunderstand?
[TEGAN] Yes.
[LEADER] Take these to the cellar and pack them with the rest.
[LEADER] Take care not drop them. If you do, you will be dead inminutes. Go.
[NYSSA] Adric! What's the matter?
[ADRIC] Where's the Doctor?
[NYSSA] Come and sit down.
[ADRIC] Where is he?
[NYSSA] He went to find the miller.
[ADRIC] We've got to get back to the house. Tegan's still there.
[NYSSA] What happened?
[ADRIC] The android caught us escaping, and I had to leave her behind.
[NYSSA] Was she hurt?
[ADRIC] I don't know! We've got to get back there and find out.
[NYSSA] We should wait for the Doctor. We can't take on the android byourselves.
[ADRIC] Why isn't he here? Why's he never around when you want him?
(Harness room)
[MACE] I have appeared before some of the mosthostile audiences in the world. Today I met Death in a cellar, but I'venever been so afraid until I met the man with the scythe.
[DOCTOR] The headman was wearing a bracelet.
[MACE] Should I care? He saved our lives.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, for the Terileptils.
[MACE] I thought you wanted to meet them.
[DOCTOR] Not as their prisoner.
[MACE] It couldn't be worse than what we've just experienced.
[DOCTOR] It might be more subtle.
[MACE] I feel my mind slipping into a bottomless pit of gloom anddespair.
[DOCTOR] Well, you'd better snatch it back again quickly. The headman'scoming. I want to get his bracelet off.
[MACE] Is that wise?
[DOCTOR] We have no choice. Free of it, we might be able to reason withhim.
[HEADMAN] You are to be taken to the manor house.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course, of course. But first I would like to thankyou very much for saving our lives.
(Miller's barn)
[VILLAGER] What happened?
(Harness room)
[MACE] Well, that didn't get us very far
[DOCTOR] It was worth a try.
[MACE] So what do we do now, ransom the poacher?
(Control room)
[LEADER] Primitive fools! They have allowed the Doctor to disconnecttheir power packs. Bring me the Doctor and his companion. I want themhere. Go!
(Miller's barn)
[HEADMAN] I don't remember anything very clearly.
[VILLAGER] Who are those two? And why were you taking them to the manorhouse?
[VILLAGER] That's what you said.
[HEADMAN] I don't know. I heard a voice and then I was here.
[VILLAGER] A voice?
[HEADMAN] Find the Doctor, it said, and then I saw a picture of that maninside my head.
[VILLAGER] A vision?
[HEADMAN] It was horrible! It was horrible! I couldn't control my mind.I had to do what this voice said.
[VILLAGER] You were possessed. There's evil at work here. The plaguecarriers are warlocks as well.
(Harness room)
[DOCTOR] Oh, dear. How is he?
[MACE] I think he's asleep.
[DOCTOR] He'll be all right.
[MACE] But what about us, eh? I think our jailers sound decidedlyagainst us.
[DOCTOR] There must be some way out of here. Adric and Tegan aredepending on me.
[MACE] Wait, wait, wait.
[MACE] Maybe I could test the strength of this blade against theplanking of the wall.
(Girl's bedroom)
[NYSSA] We'll need the heavy duty cable and anadapter.
[ADRIC] Will that thing really work?
[NYSSA] Of course.
[ADRIC] It doesn't look very portable.
[NYSSA] I know. I wish the Doctor would hurry up. He knows far moreabout these things than I do.
[ADRIC] I'll go and look for him.
[NYSSA] No. If you missed each other, we'd then have to send out asearch party for you.
(Control room)
[LEADER] Our work is complete. I will deliver it to our base in Londonthis evening for immediate release. And I have more news. I havediscovered a group of time travellers. Soon they will be our prisoners,and their ship under our control.
(Miller's barn)
[VILLAGER] Come on, lads, quick as you can. Let's have them burnt beforethey can work anymore of their magic.
(Harness room)
[MACE] I fear the gentleman who built this wall knew his trade too well.
[DOCTOR] Here, let me try.
[MACE] If only we had some of the skills of which we are accused. Asmall spell would work wonders.
[MACE] I didn't say a word.
(Miller's barn)
[VILLAGER] Build it high!
[HEADMAN] What was that?
[VILLAGER] The warlocks are escaping! Quickly!
[HEADMAN] Death!
(Girl's bedroom)
[ADRIC] I can't see why you wanted to work in here.
[NYSSA] I need the extra space.
[ADRIC] Why? You're not going to operate it in here.
[NYSSA] Only to test it.
[ADRIC] Won't it damage the Tardis?
[NYSSA] It's less likely to here than in the console room, and I'm notreally sure it will work at all.
[ADRIC] It'd better.
(Wine cellar)
[DOCTOR] Tegan?
[TEGAN] Yes?
[MACE] She is wearing a bracelet.
[DOCTOR] Concentrate, Tegan. You can override the effects. Concentratehard. Get back to the Tardis and tell Nyssa what's happening.
[DOCTOR] You'd better prepare yourself for a shock.
[MACE] What now?
[DOCTOR] I don't think you'll have seen anything quite like a Terileptilbefore.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] It's all right. How do you do? I'm the Doctor. Are you incharge here?
[LEADER] You will remain silent.
[DOCTOR] Sorry, it's just I'm quite concerned about a couple of friendsI left here. I've already seen Tegan, but I'd like to know that the boyAdric is
[LEADER] Your friends are of no interest to me.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's unfortunate, because we had intended to help you.
[LEADER] Help me? You would help a Terileptil?
[DOCTOR] To get back to your own planet, yes.
[LEADER] You must think me a fool!
[DOCTOR] Not at all.
[LEADER] Look at me, Doctor. Do you see this? This is not natural to myphysiognomy.
[DOCTOR] So you've been to prison. What does that matter?
[LEADER] How do you know that?
[DOCTOR] There's only one place in the universe a Terileptil can acquiresuch scaring. The tinclavic mines on Raaga.
[LEADER] And to be sentenced to Raaga is always for life.
[DOCTOR] Terileptian law was never my strong point.
[LEADER] Doctor, I am a fugitive. The last place I want to go is home.Only death awaits me there.
[DOCTOR] I see your point, but there are countless uninhabited planetsyou could settle on.
[LEADER] Ah, yes, to live a primitive life without grace or beauty.
[DOCTOR] You're highly intelligent. You have your android, your skills.Your way of life wouldn't remain primitive for long.
[LEADER] But we would have no ship, and without one we would bedefenceless, prey to any Terileptil scout party.
[DOCTOR] I can take you anywhere you want. A billion light years fromyour home planet. You'd never be found.
[LEADER] No, Doctor, a barren rock in space is not an acceptablealternative, especially when you are my prisoner and your ship is forthe taking.
[DOCTOR] I can't let you do that.
[LEADER] You are not in a position to refuse.
[DOCTOR] The Tardis is a very temperamental machine, needing verycareful handling.
[LEADER] Oh, we shall see that it is handled with the utmost care.
[DOCTOR] You didn't take very good care of your own ship.
[LEADER] If it not been badly damaged in an asteroid storm, it wouldhave not succumbed to the gravitational pull of this planet.
[DOCTOR] I gather it's break-up made an impressive spectacle.
[LEADER] It cost the lives of all but myself and three of my comrades.
[DOCTOR] There are only four of you?
[LEADER] Three now, but it is enough.
[DOCTOR] Against the millions who already live on this planet? You'dnever establish yourself here.
[LEADER] You are assuming we plan to coexist.
[DOCTOR] Genocide.
[LEADER] The primitives on this planet are too wilful and aggressive. Ihave little need for them, especially now we have your Tardis.
[DOCTOR] You'll find their annihilation more difficult than you think,and the Tardis will not help you.
[LEADER] The Tardis will not be necessary.
[MACE] This thing is talking of mass murder,
[LEADER] Is he a primitive?
[DOCTOR] Ahem.
[MACE] There is nothing primitive about me, sir.
[LEADER] So much pride in something so stupid. I could destroy you now.
[MACE] Let me see you try.
[LEADER] Fit the primitive with a bracelet.
[DOCTOR] He is one untrained man. What will you do when they sendthousands of their soldiers against you?
[LEADER] Oh, you are so right, Doctor. We cannot fight as warriors, butI have devised a plan that will make that unnecessary.
(Girl's bedroom)
[ADRIC] Are these what you wanted?
[NYSSA] That's right.
[ADRIC] How much more have you got to do on that?
[NYSSA] Not much, although the Doctor will have to check some of theadjustments.
[ADRIC] If we ever see him again.
[NYSSA] I'm sure he's all right.
[ADRIC] What about Tegan?
[NYSSA] Try not to worry. You can't do anything for her.
[ADRIC] No, I can't do anything for anyone. I can't even help you onthat. I'm going to look for the Doctor.
[NYSSA] Adric!
[ADRIC] He might be in trouble.
[NYSSA] And what will you be able to do?
[ADRIC] More than just wait.
[NYSSA] Adric, where will you go?
[ADRIC] To the mill.
[NYSSA] You could easily miss him.
[ADRIC] So you keep saying. Look, just don't worry, Nyssa. Everything'llbe all right.
[NYSSA] Adric, no! Oh, why won't he listen to me?
[NYSSA] Oh, no!
(Wine cellar)
[DOCTOR] A neat idea, dressing the android up asDeath.
[LEADER] It created the confusion I wanted.
[DOCTOR] I saw him in action in the stable.
[LEADER] I have always found fear an excellent tool.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, what happened to the occupants of this house?
[LEADER] A noble death. They were allowed to die fighting.
[DOCTOR] I've never been able to reconcile the Terileptil's love of artand beauty with their love of war. Don't I qualify for a bracelet?
[LEADER] No. Your mind would override the effects.
[DOCTOR] Cruder but more effective, hey?
[LEADER] War is honourable, Doctor. Even on this planet it is consideredso.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I know, but by your admission these people are stillprimitive. What's your excuse?
(Girl's bedroom)
[NYSSA] Stupid machine!
[ADRIC] Get off!
[DOCTOR] Oh, for a proper key.
(Manor house driveway)
[LEADER] Hurry. Help the others.
[DOCTOR] Someday I must get a proper survival kit together.
[LEADER] Stay where you are, Doctor. Shoot him if he moves. Now, turnaround.
[LEADER] Drop the sonic device.
[DOCTOR] It isn't my day, is it.
[DOCTOR] I feel as though you've just killed an old friend.
[LEADER] It is with some sadness that I tell you you are about to joinit.
[DOCTOR] Why not smile and let me live?
[LEADER] If I did that, you'd be more of a menace than all theprimitives on this planet.
[DOCTOR] You overestimate me.
[LEADER] And then there would be the argument over the Tardis. Ah, youwould have made a useful ally, but I'm afraid I think you are betterdead. I said I would demonstrate how I'm to rid this planet of all it'sprimitives. It's very simple.
[DOCTOR] The poor old black rat and his flea.
[LEADER] The infection it now carries has been geneticallyre-engineered. Although heavily infected, it will outlive you all.
[DOCTOR] But you'd need thousands of them.
[LEADER] I have thousands of them. They are awaiting release in a nearbycity. Their infection will kill every living thing.
[DOCTOR] I thought the local plague was already doing that?
[LEADER] Ah, but our rats will ensure there are no survivors. A finalvisitation.
[DOCTOR] Then who will serve you?
[LEADER] Now we have your Tardis, we can travel the universe and acquireandroids.
[DOCTOR] This carnage isn't necessary.
[LEADER] It's survival, Doctor. Just as these primitives kill lesserspecies to protect themselves, so I kill them.
[DOCTOR] That's hardly an argument.
[LEADER] It's not supposed to be an argument. It's a statement! If youtry to escape or interfere with this cage, your friends' controlledminds have but one thought. To kill you.
[DOCTOR] Tegan, I know you never listen to a word I say but, please putthe cover back on the cage. You can do it. Just concentrate and you canoverride the control. Think hard! Cover the cage!
[DOCTOR] No, Tegan, don't! Please, listen to me! It's the Doctor. Don'topen it! If you do it's the end for us all!
[DOCTOR] Tegan! Tegan, we haven't got time to fight.
[DOCTOR] How are you feeling?
[MACE] What happened?
[DOCTOR] Steady. You'll be all right.
[MACE] How do you know that?
[DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. Take it easy.
(Manor house driveway)
[LEADER] Go, search for the Tardis, and when you find it, pilot it tothe base yourself.
[DOCTOR] How do you feel, now?
[TEGAN] Groggy, sore and bad-tempered.
[DOCTOR] Oh, almost your old self.
[TEGAN] It's not very funny. I feel awful. Why is he so full of beans?
[MACE] I'm a man of iron.
[DOCTOR] It's more likely the electrical charge I gave him. So, what amI to do about these?
[MACE] Have no fear, I am at hand. Have you a piece of wire?
[DOCTOR] Will this be any good?
[MACE] Ah. Interesting device. Perfect! I once knew a French acrobat. Hewasn't very good at tumbling, but his skill with a piece of bent ironwas phenomenal. Luckily, he passed his skill onto me which enabled meto extricate my fee from the strong boxes of more than one disreputabletheatre manager. Eureka!
(Manor house driveway)
[LEADER] Return to the laboratory. You have my instructions.
[MILLER] Gid up. Walk on. Get on.
[TEGAN] Can the Terileptil really do what he said?
[DOCTOR] Open the cage and find out.
[TEGAN] Well, I meant on such a scale?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes.
[TEGAN] But to kill all those people, it's monstrous.
[DOCTOR] The Terileptils find it disturbingly easy to justifythemselves. How are you doing with that lock?
[MACE] Gently, sir. Picking a lock is an art.
[TEGAN] Can't you use your screwdriver?
[TEGAN] What about the gun?
[MACE] No, no, no, no. That would be heard.
[TEGAN] Can't we risk it?
[DOCTOR] Er, just a moment more.
[MACE] I'm nearly there.
[TEGAN] It's impossible. You can't pick a lock with a safety pin.
[MACE] I released the Doctor.
[TEGAN] Yeah, but that was handcuffs. I'm talking about a door lock.Look, for all we know the Terileptil and the android could be milesaway by now.
[DOCTOR] You're right. Stand back.
[MACE] Five seconds longer.
[DOCTOR] I said, stand back.
[MACE] You missed. You wasted our only shot.
[DOCTOR] I never miss.
[MACE] There's your shot, there is the lock. A span separates them both.
[DOCTOR] Try the door.
[DOCTOR] You see?
[MACE] Impossible. I must have picked it.
(Girl's bedroom)
[NYSSA] Done it.
(Wine cellar)
[TEGAN] Not again.
[DOCTOR] The master control is overriding the switch. Stack some ofthese empty boxes up along here.
[TEGAN] Now what are you up to?
[TEGAN] G'day!
[TEGAN] Is he all right?
[DOCTOR] Just stunned.
(Control room)
[DOCTOR] They've gone.
[TEGAN] But where?
[DOCTOR] A nearby city. Which is the nearest city?
[MACE] London.
[TEGAN] We'll never find them there.
[DOCTOR] Have a look around. See what papers you can find.
[TEGAN] Oh, you think they'll have left a forwarding address?
[DOCTOR] Will you! Just look around. There might be something.
[MACE] I can't make head nor tail of this.
[DOCTOR] You wouldn't.
[TEGAN] It's all mathematical formulae.
[DOCTOR] Or Terileptian script. You know, I didn't realise theirtechnology was so advanced.
[TEGAN] I'm so glad you're impressed.
[DOCTOR] What? Oh, yes.
[MACE] I mean, we can't even read them.
[DOCTOR] It doesn't matter.
[DOCTOR] Ah, this is it. Let's see them replace this in a hurry.
[TEGAN] What is it?
[DOCTOR] The control panel. I've disconnected it.
[TEGAN] Oh, great. You've liberated a whole lot of villagers. What aboutthe base?
[DOCTOR] Oh, we'll find it.
[TEGAN] Just like you found Heathrow?
[DOCTOR] Let's get back to the Tardis.
(Outside the Tardis)
[ADRIC] Look out!
(Girl's bedroom)
[ADRIC] You did it.
[NYSSA] I did it.
[ADRIC] You're all right? Not hurt?
[NYSSA] I'm fine. Just a little sad. It was such a magnificent machine.
[ADRIC] That machine tried to kill you.
[NYSSA] It was a slave. It was only doing what it was told. I think weshould check how much damage has been done to the Tardis.
[ADRIC] What about the Doctor and Tegan?
[NYSSA] Where do we look?
[ADRIC] Tegan will still be at the house. Now you've destroyed theandroid it's perfectly safe to go there.
[NYSSA] It's beginning to get dark. Aren't youforgetting the woods are still full of your friendly villagers?
[ADRIC] We could go in the Tardis.
[NYSSA] No, Adric. You move this ship and we could finish up anywhere.
[ADRIC] And if we don't, the Doctor and Tegan could finish up dead.
(Entrance hall)
[TEGAN] It's still locked.
[DOCTOR] So's this.
(Manor house)
[DOCTOR] Ah, we'll try this one.
[TEGAN] Oh, not again.
[MACE] That exit is impossible, my dear sir. I would never get throughit.
[DOCTOR] If you abandoned some of that junk, you might.
[MACE] This, my Doctor, is our insurance.
[TEGAN] Looks more like overkill to me.
[DOCTOR] It's stuck.
[TEGAN] Can't be.
[DOCTOR] It's been sealed. We'll have to find the back door.
[MACE] What is that?
[DOCTOR] Help, if we're lucky.
[TEGAN] What's wrong?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[TEGAN] Not the android.
[NYSSA] Stay calm. Why won't it work?
[ADRIC] Perhaps I'm pushing the wrong buttons.
[NYSSA] Maybe she was damaged by the booster.
(Manor house)
[MACE] What is this?
[DOCTOR] It may be the only glimpse you ever get of my Tardis.
[NYSSA] Try and think what the Doctor would do ifhe were here.
[ADRIC] He'd probably get angry.
[NYSSA] I said empathise, not be silly.
[ADRIC] Got it!
[NYSSA] Brilliant!
(Manor house)
[TEGAN] At last! You really should get this crate serviced, you know.
[ADRIC] We made it. Doctor! Tegan! You're safe.
[DOCTOR] So, you got here at last.
[TEGAN] Come on, Doctor, be grateful. If nothing else, it saved us along walk.
[DOCTOR] I like long walks.
[NYSSA] It worked.
[TEGAN] Anyway, I'm pleased to see you.
[MACE] I, too, my friend.
[ADRIC] Where's the Terileptil?
[TEGAN] Ask the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, I knew the booster would work in theory, but practice isanother matter.
[NYSSA] Thank you.
[MACE] This isn't possible.
[ADRIC] That's what I thought at first, but it is.
[MACE] It's amazing! Quite amazing.
[NYSSA] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Ah, in search of our Terileptil.
[ADRIC] You know where he is?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, that's why I'm searching.
[TEGAN] Will you, please, tell me why we're doing this?
[DOCTOR] Wait and see.
[DOCTOR] That's it!
[TEGAN] What is it?
[DOCTOR] The Terileptil base.
[TEGAN] How do you know?
[ADRIC] There's something there.
[TEGAN] How do you know it's their base?
[DOCTOR] It's an electrical emission from a piece of scientificequipment. Not something you'd expect to find in seventeenth centuryEarth.
[TEGAN] Why didn't you say that's what you were looking for?
[DOCTOR] Because I wasn't looking for it until I found it.
(Terileptil base)
[LEADER] Enough!
(Outside the bakery)
[DOCTOR] Here's an old friend.
[ADRIC] But where are the Terileptils? They could be anywhere aroundhere.
[DOCTOR] When a miller's cart stands outside a bakery, it isn't hard todeduce where the miller is.
[DOCTOR] Almost as if we were expect.
(Terileptil base)
[LEADER] Quickly, the door!
[NYSSA] Where are they?
(Terileptil base)
[DOCTOR] Good evening.
[LEADER] Welcome, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You were expecting me.
[LEADER] I was expecting my android, but if you have brought the Tardishere yourself, so be it.
[DOCTOR] I brought the android as well.
[LEADER] And your friends. Please, come in, but first put away your gun.
[MACE] You jest, sir.
[LEADER] No. See.
[LEADER] I mean you no harm. I have obviously underestimated you all.Now!
[TEGAN] What's that?
[DOCTOR] The gun's about to explode!
[DOCTOR] Quick, everyone out of here!
(Outside the bakery)
[NYSSA] Shouldn't we try and help them?
[DOCTOR] Too late! That's the soliton machine exploding.
[DOCTOR] Wait! Quick, everything into the flames.
[MACE] Nightwatchman! Fetch a squirter! Arouse the street!
[DOCTOR] We must go. Our presence here would raise too many awkwardquestions. Can we drop you anywhere?
[MACE] I'm afraid your pace of life is a little to fast for me, sir. Ishall stay here and fight the fire. A much, much quieter occupation.
[DOCTOR] Into the Tardis!
[MACE] Goodbye, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Oh, a keepsake.
[MACE] Ah.
[DOCTOR] Good luck.
[NYSSA] Won't it confuse the archaeologists?
[MACE] Goodbye, Doctor!
[TEGAN] Doctor, shouldn't we have helped put out the fire? We arepartially responsible.
[DOCTOR] I have a sneaking suspicion this fire should be allowed to runits course.
[ADRIC] How do you mean?
[DOCTOR] I'll explain someday.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s19", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Visitation"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (1 Mar, 1982; Fifth Doctor) - Black Orchid
[NYSSA] Where are we?
[ADRIC] Earth again.
[TEGAN] I did say I wanted to stay with the crew for a while. You canstop trying to get me back to Heathrow.
[DOCTOR] I have.
[TEGAN] You certainly know how to fly this crate, don't you.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter, old girl? Why this compulsion for planetEarth?
[NYSSA] What is this place?
[DOCTOR] A railway station.
[TEGAN] Ah, but when?
[DOCTOR] Three o'clock, June the 11th, 1925.
[TEGAN] I haven't been born yet.
[DOCTOR] It's interesting, isn't it. And no jet lag. Shall we gooutside?
[NYSSA] You think that wise, considering what we've just done to London?
[DOCTOR] Oh, that would have happened if we'd been there or not. Allpart of Earth's history.
[NYSSA] I hope you're right.
[TEGAN] Well, I'd like to take a look.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Railway station)
[ADRIC] So what is a railway station?
[DOCTOR] Well, a place where one embarks and disembarks fromcompartments on wheels, drawn along these rails by a steam engine.Rarely on time.
[NYSSA] What a very silly activity.
[DOCTOR] You think so? As a boy I always wanted to drive one.
(Outside the station)
[TANNER] Good afternoon, sir. I'm Tanner, Lord Cranleigh's chauffeur.
[DOCTOR] Lord Cranleigh?
[TANNER] Yes, sir.
[DOCTOR] We're expected?
[TANNER] Oh yes, sir. You are the Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Indeed.
[NYSSA] May I ask what you're staring at?
[TANNER] I'm sorry, miss.
[TANNER] Please, sir, if you don't mind. The game's already started. Hislordship won the toss and decided to bat first to give you time to gethere. That train's always slate.
[DOCTOR] That's very thoughtful of his Lordship.
[TANNER] Er, yes, sir. But I do think we should hurry. His lordship is afirst class bat, but I'm not quite sure how strong his support is thisyear.
[DOCTOR] Come on, you lot.
[TEGAN] Now what? Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] To a cricket match.
[TEGAN] Why?
[DOCTOR] Why not?
(Railway station)
[STATIONMASTER] It's out here on theplatform.
[STATIONMASTER] Here, what do you make of that, Constable?
(Cricket ground)
[CHARLES] Ah, there you are, man, good. I'm Cranleigh. Didn't expectfour of you.
[CHARLES] Good lord. Er, I'm so sorry. Do forgive me for staring. Youlook exactly like my fiancée. It's quite uncanny.
[DOCTOR] This is Nyssa.
[CHARLES] You must meet her.
[DOCTOR] And Adric and Tegan.
[CHARLES] How do you do. Well, you'd better pad up, Doctor. Got yourgear?
[DOCTOR] Ah, I regret I have none.
[CHARLES] No matter, I'll fix you up. We're taking a terrible thrashing.54 for 8. I made a duck.
[CHARLES] Smutty said he'd send a useful bat.
[DOCTOR] Smutty?
[CHARLES] Smutty Thomas. Oh, don't you call him Smutty at Guys?
[DOCTOR] Er, no, as a matter of fact.
[CHARLES] Oh, he was Smutty at school. Now, the wicket's very green, theball's keeping low. Any good with the ball?
[DOCTOR] Not bad.
[CHARLES] Good. Medium pace? Slow?
[DOCTOR] Fast.
[CHARLES] Top hole.
(Outside the cricket pavilion)
[CHARLES] Good luck, old boy.
[DOCTOR] Middle stump!
[CHARLES] Well played, sir.
[CHARLES] Splendid!
[CHARLES] Mother, may I introduce Tegan and Adric.
[LADY C] How do you do? What enchanting names.
[CHARLES] And this is Nyssa.
[LADY C] How extraordinary!
[CHARLES] Yes, isn't it.
[LADY C] Worcestershire.
[CHARLES] Apparently not.
[LADY C] Nyssa, did you say?
[LADY C] Forgive me, my dear, but you must be a Worcestershire Talbot.
[NYSSA] No, I'm not.
[LADY C] Are you quite sure?
[NYSSA] Quite sure.
[LADY C] Robert?
[MUIR] Uncanny. Quite uncanny.
[LADY C] Two peas in a pod. Positively two peas in a pod.
[NYSSA] I beg your pardon?
[LADY C] Forgive a pardonably curiosity, my dear, but where are youfrom?
[NYSSA] The Empire of Traken.
[LADY C] Really.
[LADY C] Your Doctor substitute has made your score almost respectable,Charles.
[CHARLES] Perfectly ripping performance. Much better player than Smutty.
[DOCTOR] Howzat!
[TEGAN] Oh, well bowled!
[WICKET] Howzat!
[CHARLES] Well done.
[DOCTOR] Howzat!
[DOCTOR] Howzat!
[DOCTOR] Howzat!
[CHARLES] Ripping performance, old boy. Come over to the house and meetthe mater.
(Cranleigh Hall)
[CHARLES] Mother, may I present the Doctor.
[LADY C] How do you do?
[DOCTOR] How do you do.
[LADY C] Doctor who?
[CHARLES] I'm sorry, Mother, but he'd like to remain incognito, and Ithink we should respect that after what he's done today.
[LADY C] Of course.
[MUIR] First rate, sir.
[CHARLES] Sir Robert Muir, the Chief Constable.
[MUIR] A superb innings, worthy of the master.
[DOCTOR] The Master?
[MUIR] Well, the other doctor.
[MUIR] W G Grace.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course.
[LADY C] Are you able to stay for the ball, Doctor?
[CHARLES] Yes, you must. I insist now, all of you.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[LADY C] We have one every year in aid of the Hospital for SickChildren.
[TEGAN] It's fancy dress, isn't it?
[TEGAN] We haven't got any costumes.
[MUIR] I was just thinking how charming yours was.
[CHARLES] Costumes are no problem. We keep a selection for last minuteguests. I'm sure we can fix you up. Well, Doctor, how would you like totake a cocktail to your bath?
[DOCTOR] Well, certainly a cold drink.
[ADRIC] What do you do with a cocktail in a bath?
[CHARLES] Drink it, old boy.
[CHARLES] Ah, Ann, my dear. Come and meet the hero of the day, and.
[DOCTOR] Great Scott.
[CHARLES] Ann Talbot, my fiancée, this is Nyssa.
[ANN] How do you do?
[NYSSA] How do you do?
[CHARLES] And this is the Doctor, and Tegan and Adric.
[ANN] Worcester. Have you an Uncle Percy?
[LADY C] Not a Worcestershire Talbot.
[ANN] Then where are you from?
[NYSSA] Traken.
[ANN] Where's that?
[MUIR] Near Esher, isn't it?
[ANN] Could there be Talbots near Esher?
[LADY C] Not possible. The hunt isn't good enough.
[CHARLES] Well, Doctor, what can I offer you? Brewster here can makeabsolutely anything quite superbly.
[DOCTOR] Well, I do have a terrible thirst. Perhaps a lemonade with lotsof ice.
[ANN] The same as the Doctor, please.
[CHARLES] My dear?
[TEGAN] A screwdriver, please.
[CHARLES] Ah, a screwdriver, Brewster. And?
[NYSSA] Thank you. I'll have the same.
[CHARLES] Better make that orange juice for the children, Brewster.
[BREWSTER] My lord.
[CHARLES] Bob, same again?
[MUIR] Thank you, Charles.
[CHARLES] And a Tom Collins.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's very charming of you to make us so welcome.
[ANN] Not at all, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[CHARLES] Thank you. Shall we?
[ANN] Are you really from Esher?
[NYSSA] I don't even know where Esher is.
[TEGAN] How beautiful.
[LADY C] The black orchid. Yes, it is beautiful. It was found on theOrinoco by my eldest son, George.
[TEGAN] Of course. I thought I recognised the name. George Cranleigh thebotanist, the explorer.
[LADY C] But the Brazilian forests took their toll. He never returnedfrom his last expedition two years ago.
[TEGAN] I'm sorry.
[LADY C] Ann was engaged to him, but I'm delighted to say that we'restill going to have her in the family.
[MUIR] If Charles marries the right girl.
[ANN] Nyssa doesn't even know where Esher is.
[LADY C] Which shows great taste. I'm sorry, Nyssa. Our curiosity hasbeen vulgar enough. It's high time we all change.
[CHARLES] Yes, well, I'm ready for a bath, so if the ladies will excuseus, I'll show you to your room, Doctor. Bring your drink. (to Adric)You too, old boy.
(Doctor's room)
[CHARLES] Well, I must flatter myself. Call that an admirable choice.
[DOCTOR] It certainly is. What are you going to wear?
[CHARLES] Ah, that's better left as a surprise, I think. Now then, I'dbetter attend to that young man. What was his name again?
[DOCTOR] Adric.
[CHARLES] Scandinavian?
[DOCTOR] Er, not quite. He's Alzarian.
[CHARLES] I never could remember all those funny Baltic bits. Geographywas never my strong point. My brother stole all the thunder there.Positive Odin. Till later, then.
(Tegan's room)
[NYSSA] You know the dances of this period?
[TEGAN] Well, I know the Charleston. I learned it for a play when I wasat school.
[NYSSA] How's it performed?
[TEGAN] I'll show you.
[NYSSA] Is that dancing?
[TEGAN] Well, it's not bad.
[NYSSA] No, it's just that on Traken our dancing is much moreformalised, and far more complex.
[TEGAN] You dance?
[NYSSA] It's part of my training. And although I say it myself, I'mconsidered quite good.
[TEGAN] Come in.
[ANN] My dears, I've had an absolutely ripping idea.
[NYSSA] Oh, how lovely. That's lovely.
[ANN] My dear, I'm so glad you think so. Look.
[ANN] There. With the headdress nobody, but nobody, will be able to tellus apart. Isn't that topping?
[NYSSA] Quite topping.
[ANN] Just as long as I don't show this.
[TEGAN] A mole?
[ANN] Yes. You haven't got one, have you?
[ANN] Good.
(Doctor's room)
[DOCTOR [OC]] I want to be happy, but I can't be happy, till I make you
[DOCTOR [OC]] Hello?
[DOCTOR] Who's that?
[LADY C] Splendid.
[NYSSA] I rather think this will be fun. I think you have to ask me todance.
[ADRIC] Why?
[NYSSA] Because that's what everybody else is doing.
[ADRIC] What, all those people?
[NYSSA] Not me, you idiot. Each other. Come on, ask me.
[ADRIC] I don't think I could do it.
[NYSSA] Yes, you can. Just follow me. Come on.
[MUIR] I hope Lord Cranleigh's dancing with the right girl. It's alittle naughty, really.
[TEGAN] I think it's a great hoot.
[MUIR] A great what?
[TEGAN] Hoot.
[MUIR] Hoot. Oh yes.
[CHARLES] There is one way of not getting you mixed up.
[ANN] What's that?
[CHARLES] By having every dance with you.
[ANN] Foiled again. You're the host.
(Secret passage)
[DOCTOR] Why do I always let my curiosity get thebetter of me?
[ADRIC] Nyssa?
[NYSSANN] Guess.
[NYSSANN] Guess.
[MUIR] I might have known they were up to something. Now no one can tellthem apart.
[TEGAN] I can.
[MUIR] How?
[TEGAN] That's a secret.
[NYSSANN] Where's the Doctor?
[ADRIC] Don't know.
[NYSSANN] What's he wearing?
[ADRIC] I don't know that either.
[NYSSANN] You should ask Lady Cranleigh to dance.
[ADRIC] Well, look, I'm not really very good at it. Anyway, I'd muchrather eat.
[MAN] Shall we dance?
(Secret passage)
[DOCTOR] Why didn't I leave after the cricket?
[LADY C] You'll have to excuse me for a moment.
[LADY C] Latoni, what are you doing here? Get back to your quarters atonce.
[LATONI] My friend has escaped.
[LADY C] What?
[LATONI] He hit me from behind and escaped.
[LADY C] Where was Digby?
[LATONI] Digby has gone.
[LADY C] Where?
[LATONI] I don't know. I have not seen him today.
[LADY C] Come with me.
[CHARLES] I've got every chance of having all (indistinct words)
(Secret passageway)
[DOCTOR] At last!
[DOCTOR] Wherever this is.
[MUIR] You deserve a better dancer than me, mydear. I must find you someone your own age.
[TEGAN] But you're a beaut dancer, Sir Robert.
[MUIR] Beaut? That, I think, is a great hoot.
[TEGAN] The Charleston!
[MUIR] What? Oh.
[CHARLES] Marvellous! Absolutely excellent!
[CHARLES] Oh, excuse me.
[ADRIC] Enjoying yourself, Nyssa?
[NYSSANN] Nyssa? Are you sure, Adric?
[ADRIC] Yes. You can't do that.
[NYSSANN] Can't I?
(Secret staircase)
[DOCTOR] Hello?
[DOCTOR] Hello?
(Attic room)
[DOCTOR] Hello?
[DOCTOR] Portuguese.
[DOCTOR] Well, one of these must get me out of here.
(Cranleigh Hall)
[ANN] That was great fun. Shall we go back to the terrace? I'm afraid wemust return to the others. Who are you?
[ANN] Let me go. Please let me go! Stop it! Let me go, whoever you are!Help! Help!
(Part Two)
(Secret staircase)
[LADY C] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Lady Cranleigh.
[LADY C] This is Dittar Latoni, an old friend from Brazil.
[DOCTOR] How do you do?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid I'm lost.
[LADY C] You are indeed.
[DOCTOR] I should explain.
[LADY C] Please don't. There's no need.
[DOCTOR] Oh, but there is. You see, in my meanderings I've come acrosssomething rather unpleasant.
[LADY C] Go on.
[DOCTOR] There's a body through there.
[LADY C] What!
[DOCTOR] A dead man in a cupboard.
[LADY C] Oh, really!
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid it's true. May I show you?
[LADY C] Please do.
[LADY C] Allow me.
[DOCTOR] Fascinating.
[LADY C] Ten bedrooms and four receptions haveaccess to this area.
[DOCTOR] A larger than average priest hole.
[LADY C] The Cranleighs of the time were devout and very hospitable. Thepriesthood came here from all over the country.
[DOCTOR] It's in here. Are you sure you want to look?
[LADY C] It's all right, Doctor. I'm made of quite stern stuff.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course.
[LADY C] Poor fellow. How very unpleasant.
[DOCTOR] Do you know him?
[LADY C] Yes, he's one of the servants. Please.
[LADY C] I'm very sorry, Doctor, that you've had this dreadfulexperience. I wonder, would you be kind enough to help me keep it frommy other guests? I wouldn't want to upset them.
[LADY C] There's no point in involving them, unless the police decideotherwise.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course.
[LADY C] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Now, if you could tell me how to get back to my room, I thinkit's about time I got changed.
[LADY C] Yes, I'll show you.
[TEGAN] I wonder where the Doctor is?
[MUIR] Well, it could be a number of these fellows, since he wishes toremain incognito. Not being bored by this old codger, are you?
[TEGAN] Of course not, Sir Robert.
(Doctor's room)
(Attic room)
[ANN] Let me out!
(Outside the attic room)
[ANN] I had such an awful dream. My head'sthrobbing.
[LADY C] Oh, there, there, my dear. There, there.
[ANN] How did I get here? I hurt my head. There was someone in fancydress.
[LADY C] Try to put the whole incident out of your mind.
[ANN] I can't. It was too awful.
[LADY C] Come on. Some brandy will help calm you down.
[BREWSTER] Some more of this, sir?
[ADRIC] Er, no thank you. This will do to be going along with.
[BREWSTER] Where's James with that bucket? Hurry him up will you, Henry?
[HENRY] Yes.
[CHARLES] A cold collation?
[NYSSA] What's that?
[CHARLES] Something to eat.
[NYSSA] Oh, yes, please.
[NYSSA] Is that seconds?
[NYSSA] You pig!
[ADRIC] You can only be Nyssa.
[NYSSA] Just look at that!
[ADRIC] Well, I didn't have any breakfast.
[MUIR] Of course, my dear.
[TEGAN] Thank you.
[MUIR] Lord Cranleigh.
[CHARLES] Sir Robert.
[TEGAN] Have you seen the Doctor?
[TEGAN] Sure you've got enough there?
[ADRIC] Don't you start.
(Cranleigh Hall)
[CHARLES] His neck's broken.
[MUIR] By the look of him, it couldn't have happened in a fall.
[CHARLES] What's that?
[CHARLES] Ann was wearing this.
[MUIR] Or the other one.
[CHARLES] No, no, that was the other one out there on the terrace.Something's happened to Ann.
[MUIR] I'll telephone the station.
[DOCTOR] Had an accident?
[CHARLES] I'm afraid it's a little more serious than that, Doctor.
[ANN] That's him! That's who attacked me!
[DOCTOR] It's me.
[ANN] Yes, you. And he did that. I saw him.
[CHARLES] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid Miss Talbot is mistaken. I've just this minute comedown the stairs.
[ANN] I am not mistaken! He danced with me and then pulled me in here. Ishouted for help, James came and he killed him.
[DOCTOR] I say, look here.
[ANN] Sir Robert! Arrest that man. He killed James. I saw him.
[DOCTOR] Lady Cranleigh, please.
[LADY C] Charles, shouldn't you
[MUIR] No, Madge. Wait until the Sergeant gets here.
[LADY C] But our guests
[MUIR] I suggest, Charles, that you call it a day. Tell your gueststhere's been an accident and ask them to go home.
[CHARLES] What about him?
[MUIR] I'll deal with this.
[CHARLES] Right-o.
[MUIR] Now, Ann.
[ANN] This man attacked me and then killed James.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
[ANN] You did! He did. He danced with me on the terrace, brought me inhere and then he
[DOCTOR] Miss Talbot is quite mistaken. I have just come down thesestairs. Before that, I was. Wait a minute. Was I like this?
[ANN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's it, then.
[MUIR] What is it?
[DOCTOR] A completely logical explanation. A duplication of fancy dress.Someone else must be wearing an identical costume.
[ANN] No.
[MUIR] But my dear.
[ANN] No!
[MUIR] Now be reasonable.
[ANN] I am being reasonable.
[MUIR] What about your own costume? There are two of those.
[ANN] My little joke, Sir Robert. I was in charge of the costumes. Therewas only one harlequin. That one.
[MUIR] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] And only one murderer. Lady Cranleigh, I agreed to keep it fromyour guests, but I have the distinct feeling I'm in rather hot water.
[DOCTOR] Miss Talbot.
[ANN] Yes?
[ANN] Why what?
[DOCTOR] Why would I attack you? Have you done me any harm?
[ANN] No!
[DOCTOR] No, then I've no reason to harm you. And besides
[MUIR] Besides what?
[DOCTOR] Well, it wouldn't be cricket.
[LADY C] Robert.
[MUIR] I respect the sentiment, sir, but I have known Miss Talbot allher life. She has laid a complaint.
[LADY C] Ahem.
[MUIR] Made an accusation. There's more to this than meets the eye. Isthis the reason that you wish to remain incognito?
[DOCTOR] No, of course not.
[MUIR] What is your name?
[DOCTOR] That's a very difficult question.
[MUIR] Have you any means of identification?
[DOCTOR] No, I've never needed any.
[MUIR] Fortunate man. Just exactly who are you and what are you doinghere?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid if I told you, you wouldn't believe me.
[MUIR] I am the Chief Constable of this county and you, sir, are undersuspicion of murder.
[DOCTOR] I'm a Time Lord.
[MUIR] A what?
[DOCTOR] I told you.
[MUIR] Try again.
[DOCTOR] I travel in time and space. I have a time machine. You've readH G Wells?
[MUIR] I know of him, of course, yes. He writes fiction.
[DOCTOR] Lady Cranleigh, please help me.
[MUIR] How can Lady Cranleigh help you?
[DOCTOR] There's something terribly wrong here. Lady Cranleigh knows. Ishowed her another dead body.
[MUIR] What? Madge?
[LADY C] I'm afraid like Mister Well, the Doctor has a vividimagination.
[DOCTOR] I showed you a body in a cupboard up there. You and the Indian.
[MUIR] Indian?
[DOCTOR] An Indian, with a lip. I give up.
[MUIR] Perhaps you'd show me?
[DOCTOR] Willingly. This way.
[ANN] Please don't leave me.
[LADY C] Go and find Charles, my dear.
[ADRIC] I don't believe it. The Doctor would never do a thing like that.
[TEGAN] We can all speak for him.
[NYSSA] Yes.
[CHARLES] Miss Talbot was a witness.
[ADRIC] Her word against his.
[CHARLES] That's enough. You'd better get inside the house. The policewill be here any minute.
[BREWSTER] There's a telephone call for you, sir.
[DOCTOR] This one.
[LADY C] My father gave me that when I was six.
[DOCTOR] Where's the Indian? There was an Indian. I showed you the bodyof a man in there. A man of about thirty, in a white coat. A shortwhite coat. You said he was a servant.
[MUIR] An Indian?
[DOCTOR] Well, not in there, no. With Lady Cranleigh. A South Americannative.
[MUIR] Madge?
[DOCTOR] I'm not imagining all this.
[MUIR] No?
[DOCTOR] Lady Cranleigh, I appeal to you. It was you who introduced meto this man.
[MUIR] The man in the cupboard.
[DOCTOR] No, the Indian.
[MUIR] With the lip?
[DOCTOR] Yes. His name was Ditoni, or something like that. You said hewas a friend from Brazil.
[MUIR] From Brazil?
[DOCTOR] Where the nuts come from.
(Cranleigh Hall)
[CHARLES] Hello? Cranleigh here. Smutty! Now listen, that fellow yousent us. What? What? Well, there was a fellow here. Yes. Won theblessed game for us. First class bat and a demon bowler.
[MUIR] You refuse to name yourself or give any good account of yourselfexcept some irresponsible fiction, and you were seen to kill a man.Heaven knows what your motive was, but no doubt that will come outduring the course of the enquiries.
[DOCTOR] I sincerely hope so.
[CHARLES] Bob, I've just received a telephone call from Smutty Thomas,apologising for the fact that the replacement he arranged missed histrain.
[LADY C] Then this man is an imposter as well.
[CHARLES] Indeed.
[TEGAN] Is he?
[CHARLES] I beg your pardon?
[TEGAN] I don't know what this is all about, but I do know that theDoctor is no imposter.
[CHARLES] I've just received a telephone call from
[MUIR] All right, Charles. I'm arresting this man, Sergeant, onsuspicion of murder.
[MARKHAM] Yes, Sir Robert.
[MUIR] I must warn you that anything you say will be taken down and maybe used in evidence.
[DOCTOR] That's very kind of you.
[MUIR] I shall prefer the charge later at the Station, Sergeant.
[MARKHAM] Very good, Sir Robert.
[MUIR] His accomplices must come too.
[DOCTOR] Accomplices?
[MUIR] Well, perhaps I should say accessories.
[NYSSA] What are accessories?
[MUIR] Accessories to murder. And they suffer the same penalty.
[MARKHAM] Right, you'd better all come along with me, then.
[CHARLES] Tanner will take you, Bob.
[MUIR] Thank you, Charles.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Lady Cranleigh, for a delightfully unexpectedafternoon.
(Police car)
[NYSSA] Why don't you show them the Tardis, Doctor?
[ADRIC] What will that prove?
[TEGAN] That he isn't lying.
[DOCTOR] Sergeant, do we pass the station?
[MARKHAM] You're going to the station.
[DOCTOR] I mean the railway station.
[DOCTOR] Would you stop there a moment?
[MARKHAM] Certainly not.
[TEGAN] Oh, please?
[DOCTOR] There's vital evidence that will prove what I'm saying is true.
[MARKHAM] What evidence?
[DOCTOR] Stop, and I'll show you.
(Outside the railway station)
[MUIR] What's the idea?
[DOCTOR] There's something I'd like to show you.
(Railway station)
[MUIR] Well?
[DOCTOR] It's not here.
[MUIR] What?
[DOCTOR] What I wanted to show you.
[MUIR] Come along, Markham. He's wasting time.
(Outside the Police station)
[CUMMINGS] Did you see it, Sarge?
[MARKHAM] See what?
[CUMMINGS] The police box in the yard.
[CUMMINGS] It was on the north bound platform at the railway station.We've been able to move it, but we can't break in. No key will unlockit.
[DOCTOR] This one will.
(Cranleigh Hall)
[LADY C] The male nurse was killed.
[CHARLES] Digby? When?
[LADY C] Must have been last night.
[CHARLES] And you said nothing?
[LADY C] No. It would do no good.
[CHARLES] Do no good? We can't let that Doctor fellow suffer forsomething he hasn't done.
[LADY C] He will come to no harm. He is innocent.
[CHARLES] We've got to tell the police.
[LADY C] No!
[ANN] Charles, please don't leave me alone.
[CHARLES] Ann. Now there's something you've got to know.
[LADY C] No, Charles!
[CHARLES] Yes, Mother!
(Police station yard)
[DOCTOR] Please.
[DOCTOR] After you, Sergeant.
[MARKHAM] But there won't be any room.
[TEGAN] You are in for a surprise.
[MUIR] Unbelievable. Quite unbelievable.
[MUIR] I must say, all this is going to be rather difficult to explainin my report. In this sense, you are owed an apology.
[DOCTOR] In this sense?
[MUIR] Well, there is still a murder to be explained.
[CUMMINGS [OC]] Sir Robert?
[DOCTOR] Come in.
[CUMMINGS] Strike me pink!
[MUIR] What is it, Cummings?
[CUMMINGS] A call from Lord Cranleigh, sir, up at the Hall. He's foundanother body. A man called Digby. His neck's broken, just like theservant, James.
[DOCTOR] The man in the cupboard?
[MUIR] Yes. Thank you, Cummings.
[MUIR] Come on, Markham.
[DOCTOR] I could get you there sooner.
[MUIR] You could? All right, you do that.
(Cranleigh Hall)
[ANN] How could you? Oh, how could you?
[ANN] Oh, Sir Robert!
(Cranleigh Hall)
[CHARLES] Now, Mother, don't worry. I'll look afterAnn.
[LADY C] Yes, I know.
[CHARLES] All right, old chap. All right.
[ADRIC] Nyssa!
[CHARLES] He's started a fire! Get the Brigade!
[DOCTOR] The stairs are burning!
[MUIR] What was that thing?
[DOCTOR] Tell him, Lady Cranleigh, and why he's so interested in Ann.
[MUIR] Well?
[LADY C] They were engaged to be married. That thing, as you call him,was my elder son George.
[CHARLES] How did you know?
[DOCTOR] The black orchid for one, Latoni for another.
[MUIR] Explain!
[DOCTOR] I'll leave Lady Cranleigh to do that. I have to rescue Nyssa.
[LADY C] He won't hurt her. He loves Ann.
[DOCTOR] Really. And what will he do when he discovers he has the wronggirl?
[CHARLES] There they are!
[DOCTOR] Try and hold his attention here. I'll find a way up through thehouse.
[MUIR] No, lad. Two are enough.
[LADY C] I've done something terribly wrong, Robert. Charles is not toblame.
[MUIR] What did the Doctor mean about the black orchid?
[LADY C] Well, you saw how George looked. The Kojabe Indians did that tohim. To them, the black orchid is sacred. And they cut out his tongue.His mind was affected. He was rescued by another tribe, and their chiefbefriended him and brought him home.
[MUIR] Latoni.
[LADY C] Yes. With Latoni and Digby's help I was able to keep Georgehidden in the house.
[MUIR] Did George kill Digby?
[LADY C] Yes.
[MUIR] And the servant?
[CHARLES] George. Please, George. Now George, she's done you no harm.
[CHARLES] George. Please, George.
[DOCTOR] George, that isn't Ann. Ann is down there. Look.
[DOCTOR] Keep still, Nyssa! It's true, George. Please let me have her.Please.
[CHARLES] Thank you, George.
[LADY C] I'm grateful you stayed for the funeral.
[NYSSA] What's that?
[TEGAN] Our fancy dress. Do you really mean it? We can keep them?
[ANN] Of course.
[LADY C] There's something I'd like you to have.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. I shall treasure it.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s19", "episode": "e05", "title": "Black Orchid"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (8 Mar, 1982; Fifth Doctor) - Earthshock
[MITCHELL] Nothing.
[KYLE] How does this thing work?
[WALTERS] It focuses on the electrical activity of the body. Er,heartbeat, things like that.
[SCOTT] But only of mammalian lifeform. Everything else is excluded.
[WALTERS] Nothing.
[SCOTT] Could they be shielded from the scanner in any way?
[WALTERS] A lead screen. Some of the newer alloys.
[KYLE] There isn't anything like that in the cavern. They're dead,aren't they?
[SCOTT] It does seem likely.
[KYLE] Such a pointless waste.
[SCOTT] Yeah, well, we'll find out.
[KYLE] They can't be far. I radioed immediately I left the cavern.
[SCOTT] You've done all you can. Don't upset yourself. Walters, scanagain. Maximum amplification.
[WALTERS] Right, sir.
[MITCHELL] How many of you were there down there?
[KYLE] Eight of us.
[MITCHELL] What were you doing?
[KYLE] A survey. The particular cave system we were in has just beendiscovered. It's proven to be rich in fossils.
[SCOTT] Are you all palaeontologists?
[KYLE] And geologists.
[SCOTT] It doesn't make sense.
[WALTERS] Scan complete, sir. Negative. No sign of life.
[SCOTT [OC]] Right, get your gear together.
[SCOTT] We're going down. I realise going downagain must be hard.
[KYLE] The caves are uncharted. You'll never find the bodies without myhelp.
[SCOTT] I'm grateful. Snyder, I want you to stay here with Walters.
[SCOTT] Walters, I want a constant scan.
[WALTERS] Right, sir.
[SCOTT] Let me know the instant you see anything, right?
[MITCHELL] Troops ready, sir.
[SCOTT] Oh, Sergeant Mitchell, do you believe Professor Kyle?
[MITCHELL] I think she's telling the truth. As far as she knows it, thatis.
[SCOTT] I agree. All right, put the troop on full alert.
[SCOTT] Oh, and just in case she is lying, we'll have her up front wherewe can see her.
[SNYDER] The party's making good progress.
[SNYDER] Is that supposed to happen?
[SNYDER] It was a sort of flare. It only lasted a second.
[WALTERS] Oh, probably nothing. This equipment's ancient.
[SNYDER] There!
[WALTERS] Ghosting.
[SNYDER] Shouldn't we tell Lieutenant Scott?
[WALTERS] It isn't worth it.
(Adric's room)
[DOCTOR] You must read this, Adric. The Black Orchid.
[ADRIC] Why?
[DOCTOR] It's fascinating. Such scholarship.
[ADRIC] Why should that interest me?
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[ADRIC] I'm fed up.
[ADRIC] I'm tired of being considered a joke.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no one thinks that.
[ADRIC] Then why am I constantly teased?
[DOCTOR] Well, everyone's teased from time to time.
[ADRIC] Yeah, but not as often as me.
[DOCTOR] That's not true.
[ADRIC] No, and I suppose neither is the fact that whenever Nyssa orTegan ask you a question you always find time to answer it, but hardlyever with me. Oh look, Doctor, how am I to learn if you never find timeto explain?
[DOCTOR] Time? We have spent many hours discussing and debating endlesstopics.
[ADRIC] I'm just fitted in when it's convenient for you.
[DOCTOR] All right, I'll make more time.
[ADRIC] No, you've said that too often before, Doctor. There will alwaysbe some distraction to prevent it happening.
[DOCTOR] I give you my word.
[ADRIC] Just as you gave your word to Tegan.
[DOCTOR] That's not fair.
[ADRIC] No, it never is when you're being criticised, is it. Just asit's never your fault when something goes wrong.
[DOCTOR] Have you quite finished?
[ADRIC] There's lots more!
[DOCTOR] Well, it can wait!
[ADRIC] Yes, but I can't.
(Outside Adric's room)
[ADRIC] I'm tired of being an outsider, Doctor. Iwant to go back to my own people.
[SCOTT] Is this the only way down?
[KYLE] The only known way.
[SCOTT] You must have had some fun getting the gear through there.
[KYLE] The expedition was cursed from the beginning.
[KYLE] We had endless problems. Even lighting the tunnels was anightmare.
[MITCHELL] In what way?
[KYLE] All sorts of things. Annoying things. The tools would go missing.Small but important components would be discovered smashed.
[SCOTT] Sabotage?
[KYLE] I didn't think so at the time. Someone wanting to wreck theexpedition could have been far more positive about it.
[SCOTT] As ultimately they were.
[NYSSA] There.
[TEGAN] I'll never learn how to do that properly.
[NYSSA] It isn't difficult.
[DOCTOR [OC]] No, Adric, I will not do it!
[ADRIC [OC]] You've done it before!
[DOCTOR] The Tardis is not designed for E-space! Nyssa, tell him!
[NYSSA] Tell him what?
[DOCTOR] He wants to go home!
[NYSSA] To Alzarius?
[ADRIC] No, to Terradon.
[DOCTOR] And that would involve the Tardis going back into E-space.
[NYSSA] The Doctor's right. It would be very dangerous.
[ADRIC] I could plot a course.
[DOCTOR] How do you calculate negative coordinates?
[ADRIC] I have the mathematical skill.
[DOCTOR] It would also involve passing through the CVE. Now, you can'tcalculate random coordinates.
[ADRIC] The Monitor on Logopolis indicated they were not random.
[DOCTOR] You do not have the Monitor's skill, Adric, and even if youdid, I am not going back into E-space!
[ADRIC] Then I will find someone who will take me!
[DOCTOR] E-space is another universe. There isn't a taxi service goesback and forth.
[ADRIC] Once I've calculated the course, the journey itself would besimple.
[NYSSA] It won't.
[ADRIC] Romana's still in E-space. Once I get there, she can help me.
[TEGAN] Is it really that dangerous?
[DOCTOR] Do you really think I'd be making all this fuss if it weren't?
[ADRIC] Can I use your computer?
[DOCTOR] Oh, help yourself. I'm not waiting around while you plot thecourse to your own destruction.
[SCOTT] How much further?
[SCOTT] What caused that?
[KYLE] I don't know. They've never done it before.
[MITCHELL] Trooper Bane's hurt, sir.
[BANE] I've damaged my shoulder.
[MITCHELL] Nothing broken.
[SCOTT] Can you walk?
[BANE] I think so.
[SCOTT] Good.
[WALTERS [OC]] Walters.
[SCOTT] Bane's had an accident. I'm sending her up.
[WALTERS [OC]] Right, sir.
[SCOTT] She'll need medical treatment
[SCOTT] What's that?
[WALTERS] I don't know, sir. It's causing thescanner to flare as well.
[SCOTT] See if you can trace it, will you?
[SCOTT] Too late.
[KYLE] I've heard that noise before.
[SCOTT] When?
[KYLE] A few minutes before we were attacked.
[NYSSA] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] Earth.
[NYSSA] Oh, not again.
[DOCTOR] Twenty sixth century.
[ADRIC] The year is 2526 in the time scale you call Anno Domini.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[TEGAN] Why have we materialised underground?
[DOCTOR] Why not? Adric wants to use the computer, I want to go for awalk.
[NYSSA] Why not help Adric?
[ADRIC] I don't need his help, thank you very much.
[DOCTOR] You see?
[NYSSA] Please, Doctor, it's gone far enough.
[ADRIC] Do you know, I think since his regeneration, he's becomedecidedly immature.
[DOCTOR] I'm going outside now. I might be gone some time.
[TEGAN] I'm going to talk some sense into the Doctor.
[NYSSA] Oh dear, it's all getting rather silly, isn't it.
[ADRIC] Oh, I didn't mean to be so rude.
[NYSSA] Look, why don't you calculate the course home? Show the Doctorit can be done. Then when he's calmed down, we can all talk to him.
[ADRIC] But will he listen?
[NYSSA] Of course he will.
[WALTERS] This is the main group here. This is thewounded party.
[SNYDER] Where have they come from?
[WALTERS] I don't know.
[SCOTT [OC]] Scott.
[SNYDER] We have three unidentified lifeforms on the scanner.
[WALTERS] One of the readings is ectopic, sir.
[SCOTT [OC]] What does that mean?
[WALTERS] That one of the lifeforms has two hearts.
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] So peaceful and cool down here.
[TEGAN] Breathe deeply and relax. Now, go and make it up with Adric,please?
[DOCTOR] All right, but I'm not taking him back into E-space, and that'smy final word on the matter.
[NYSSA] Look at his calculations before you decide. It may be possible.
[DOCTOR] All right, I'll look, but I'm not promising anything.
[NYSSA] Of course not, Doctor.
[SCOTT] You're sure the lifeform's alien?
[WALTERS] Positive, sir. I've rechecked the scan.The reading's true.
[SCOTT] Let me have their position as soon aspossible.
[WALTERS [OC]] Working it out now, sir.
[SCOTT] Unshoulder arms. Set them on stun.
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] Now, look here, Adric
[TEGAN] Doctor? There's something wrong.
[DOCTOR] What?
[TEGAN] Well, haven't you noticed?
[NYSSA] What are you talking about?
[TEGAN] Well, it should be totally dark, but we can see.
[DOCTOR] Phosphorescence.
[NYSSA] And something else.
[NYSSA] Lots of bones.
[WALTERS] I've worked out the position of the threeintruders. Their lateral coordinates are zero three nine by four zeroone.
[WALTERS [OC]] Depth coordinates twenty three pointthree three six metres. Reference one nine by seven four point nine.
[KYLE] By my reckoning, your alien lifeform is in a small tunnelalongside the cavern where we were attacked.
(Underground 2)
[BANE] I must rest for a moment.
[SNYDER] Look at the wounded party. They've hardlymoved. I'm going down.
[SNYDER] They may need help.
[WALTERS] I'll let them know you're coming.
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] Fascinating!
[NYSSA] They're huge. What sort of creature had such bones?
[TEGAN] Dinosaurs.
[DOCTOR] An amazing species.
[NYSSA] Are they your ancestors?
[TEGAN] I hope not!
[DOCTOR] You should be proud if they were.
[TEGAN] Oh, thank you very much. Most of them had a brain the size of apea.
[DOCTOR] They were also the most successful creature ever to inhabit theEarth.
[NYSSA] In what way?
[DOCTOR] Fossilised remains have been found all over the planet. Not badadaptation for a creature with a brain the size of a pea.
[NYSSA] How long did they exist?
[DOCTOR] Hundred million years or so. They seemed so secure and yet theydied out virtually overnight.
[SCOTT] Come on, Professor.
(Outside the Tardis)
[TEGAN] It's like a graveyard.
[NYSSA] How could such a successful species die out so quickly?
[DOCTOR] Initially hypothermia, then starvation.
[NYSSA] Caused by what, an ice age?
[DOCTOR] Something equally as devastating. The Earth collided withsomething from space.
[TEGAN] An asteroid.
[DOCTOR] Could be. I don't know. I've always meant to slip back and findout.
(Underground 2)
[SNYDER] Snyder.
[WALTERS] You should be near the wounded party.
[SNYDER [OC]] I can't see anyone.
[WALTERS] They're on your level, about thirty metres away.
(Underground 2)
[SNYDER] Advancing now. Will leave communicator on.
[BANE] Is that you, Snyder?
[SNYDER] Are you sure they're on this level?
[WALTERS [OC]] Positive.
[WALTERS] They should be very close. Hang on, thescanner's flaring. The flaring's very heavy.
[SNYDER [OC]] See if you can get a fix on it.
[MITCHELL] Come on, keep up! The exercise will do you all good!
[WALTERS] Snyder, do you hear me?
(Underground 2)
[SNYDER] Just.
[WALTERS] It's no go. The scanner registers theflare, but the computer doesn't. It's weird.
(Underground 2)
[SNYDER] Keep trying.
[WALTERS [OC]] You must be very close to the source.
[WALTERS] Snyder? Snyder!
[WALTERS] Negative emission. Snyder, do you hear me?
(Underground 2)
[WALTERS [OC]] Get out of there! Bane and Collis are dead! Do you hearme? Snyder! Snyder! Get out of there, Snyder!
(Outside the Tardis)
[TEGAN] Things have collided with the Earth before. What was sodifferent about the one that destroyed the dinosaurs?
[DOCTOR] It's size. It was gigantic.
[TEGAN] But how could one asteroid wipe out all the dinosaurs? It justisn't possible.
[NYSSA] You're forgetting displacement.
[DOCTOR] The impact would have caused millions upon millions of tons ofearth and rock to be fragmented and then hurled up into the atmosphere,enveloping the whole planet.
[NYSSA] The storm it created must have lasted for months.
[TEGAN] Would it have blocked out the sun?
[DOCTOR] To such an extent that the surface temperature would havedropped radically.
[NYSSA] And without warmth, reptiles cease to function.
[TEGAN] Poor old dinosaur.
[SCOTT] All right, all right, take it easy.
[KYLE] I can't keep the pace up.
[SCOTT] We'll rest here for a minute.
[SCOTT] Scott.
[WALTERS [OC]] Snyder and the others have just gone off the scanner.
[SCOTT] What?
[WALTERS] The screen flared again and then theirscan lights went out.
[WALTERS [OC]] They're dead.
[SCOTT] Have you checked the scanner for faults?
[WALTERS] Yes. It's working perfectly.
[MITCHELL] Could be a rock fall that killed them.
[SCOTT] Any change in position of our alien friends ahead?
[WALTERS [OC]] None.
[MITCHELL] Shall I take a couple of troopers and go back, sir?
[SCOTT] Carry on, Sergeant Mitchell.
[MITCHELL] Carter, Bailey.
[ADRIC] Don't wander too far, Doctor.
[SCOTT] Professor Kyle, we must go on.
[KYLE] I'm fine now.
[SCOTT] Right, prepare to move out.
(Outside the Tardis)
[TEGAN] It's weird. It all happened so long ago.
[DOCTOR] Sixty five million years.
[TEGAN] I wonder what evolutionary stage my ancestors were at?
[DOCTOR] Primitive, Tegan. Very primitive.
[MITCHELL] (sotto) Come on.
[WALTERS] Not again. Please, not again.
(Underground 2)
[MITCHELL] Mitchell.
[WALTERS [OC]] The scanner's flared again, Sarge.
[MITCHELL] Whereabouts?
[WALTERS [OC]] Very close to you.
[KYLE] There's been a rockfall.
[SCOTT] Where are the three aliens?
[KYLE] In the tunnel down here.
[SCOTT] Right, take cover.
(Underground 2)
[MITCHELL] Come on.
[CARTER] Look, Sarge. What sort of weapon can do that to a person.
[MITCHELL] I don't know and I don't care. I just want the people who didthis.
[MITCHELL [OC]] We've company. Two of them.
[WALTERS] That's not possible. There's no reading.
[MITCHELL [OC]] Just take my word for it. They're here all right andthey don't look Argh!
[WALTERS] Sergeant? Sergeant Mitchell? Sergeant! Sergeant Mitchell!
[TEGAN] Look, Doctor. Mining equipment.
[DOCTOR] Er, I don't think we should go any further.
[NYSSA] I can't see anyone.
[SCOTT] Hold it there!
[TEGAN] What's going on?
[SCOTT] Shut up! Do you recognise any of them?
[KYLE] No.
[DOCTOR] How do you do. I'm the Doctor. This is Tegan and Nyssa.
[SCOTT] I said, shut up.
[DOCTOR] What are we supposed to have done?
[SCOTT] Scott.
[WALTERS [OC]] Sergeant Mitchell and her troops are dead, sir.
[SCOTT] Are you sure?
[WALTERS] Yes, sir. She was reporting in when shewas killed.
[SCOTT] How many hostiles were there?
[WALTERS [OC]] Two, sir.
[SCOTT] And where are they now?
[WALTERS] I don't know, sir. They didn't show up onthe scanner.
[SCOTT] Why, that's impossible!
[WALTERS [OC]] I know, sir.
[SCOTT] All right, keep searching. Let me know when you find anything.
[DOCTOR] Anything we can do?
[DOCTOR] Obviously not.
[SCOTT] Too many people have died for you to play the fool.
[ADRIC] Now where have you gone?
[SCOTT] Where have you hidden the bodies?
[DOCTOR] What bodies?
[SCOTT] Seven people were murdered in this cavern.
[TEGAN] We didn't do it.
[DOCTOR] We've only just arrived.
[NYSSA] Let me show you how we travelled here.
[SCOTT] Don't waste my time. Where have you hidden the bodies?
[KYLE] The rock fall!
[SCOTT] What?
[KYLE] The bodies must be here!
[SCOTT] Shall we look?
[ADRIC] What is it? Where's it coming from?
[SCOTT] What's that?
[NYSSA] I don't know.
[SCOTT] Seaton, Foster, help them clear the rocks away.
[KYLE] Lieutenant!
[KYLE] These belonged to Doctor Khan, my assistant.
[SCOTT] Is this why you killed them?
[DOCTOR] I know nothing about it.
[TEGAN] We're telling the truth.
[SCOTT] Open the hatch.
[DOCTOR] I can't.
[SCOTT] I said, open it.
[NYSSA] I'll try.
[DOCTOR] Nyssa.
[SCOTT] You stay where you are. I want him to do it.
[SCOTT] Take cover! Take cover! Behind the rocks!
[KYLE] Who are they?
[DOCTOR] Androids. That's why they didn't register on your scanners.
[SCOTT] Androids. Are they yours?
[DOCTOR] No. If you want proof, you'll find they'll kill me as willinglyas they'll kill you. See what I mean?
[KYLE] That's them. I recognise that sound.
[SCOTT] Those are the things that attacked you?
[KYLE] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Do you know why?
[KYLE] No, there isn't a reason.
[DOCTOR] Whoever's controlling the android thinks there is.
[LEADER] Destroy them! Destroy them at once!
[SCOTT] Our weapons have no effect on them.
[DOCTOR] Yes, they will, but you must concentrate your fire.
[SCOTT] All right, hold your fire. When I give the word, go for the oneon the right. Now!
[SCOTT] Got him!
[DOCTOR] No, it's only damaged.
[CYBERMAN] The androids are too valuable to waste.We may still need them.
[LEADER] They are programmed for self-preservation. They will not takeany more unnecessary risks.
[KYLE] Will they attack again?
[DOCTOR] Undoubtedly.
[SCOTT] They've covered the exit.
[TEGAN] Won't someone on the surface realise that something's wrong?
[SCOTT] Sooner or later.
[TEGAN] Let's hope it's sooner.
[SCOTT] What are they doing?
[DOCTOR] Waiting.
[KYLE] What can they possibly want?
[TEGAN] Isn't it obvious? Us dead.
[KYLE] But why?
[DOCTOR] Were you working near the rockfall the first time you wereattacked?
[KYLE] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Well, maybe their function is to protect that hatch.
[KYLE] What could be in there that's worth so many lives?
[DOCTOR] Let's find out.
[SCOTT] I haven't had much experience of fighting androids.
[DOCTOR] Oh, they're just like people.
[NYSSA] Only they function much more logically.
[DOCTOR] Which can be their weakness.
[ADRIC] Doctor! Doctor!
[NYSSA] Oh, no.
[TEGAN] Adric.
[DOCTOR] Adric!
[TROOPER] Lieutenant!
[SCOTT] The powerpacks for the rifles are almost finished.
[TEGAN] So are we.
[DOCTOR] Brave heart, Tegan. Now, the androids are programmed to protectthat hatch. In order to carry out that duty successfully, it'simportant they remain operational.
[SCOTT] Go on.
[DOCTOR] Well, the androids now know we have the ability to inflictserious on them, so if we attack that hatch, we create a dilemma.
[NYSSA] We attack what they're programmed to defend.
[KYLE] Why should they care if we attack the hatch.
[NYSSA] They won't care, they'll react. They've no choice.
[DOCTOR] The conflict between duty and survival should cause enoughconfusion in their logic circuits for them to start making mistakes,which is exactly what we want.
[SCOTT] I hope you're right.
[DOCTOR] Well, let's find out.
[SCOTT] Right. Stand by. Fire!
[CYBERMAN] The Earthlings are attempting to breakthrough the hatch.
[LEADER] Are their weapons capable?
[CYBERMAN] Yes, Leader.
[LEADER] They must be stopped immediately.
[DOCTOR] Well done!
[SCOTT] Who's that boy?
[DOCTOR] It's Adric.
[LEADER] Is the second android fitted with visual monitoring?
[CYBERMAN] Yes, Leader.
[LEADER] Then activate.
[LEADER] We must act quickly. Prepare to activate the device.
[CYBERMAN] It's too soon, Leader.
[LEADER] We must be prepared.
[SCOTT] Very good shooting indeed. Well done.
[NYSSA] It's very primitive.
[DOCTOR] You think so?
[NYSSA] Look at this.
[DOCTOR] Lieutenant?
[SCOTT] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I think you should curtail the celebrations for the time being.
[SCOTT] Oh, something wrong?
[DOCTOR] We must get this hatch open.
[SCOTT] What's the hurry?
[NYSSA] One of the androids was a massive ultrasonic transmitter.
[ADRIC] So that was the signal I picked up in the Tardis.
[SCOTT] What does that mean?
[DOCTOR] Whoever built this hatch now knows we've destroyed itsguardians.
[CYBERMAN] Carrier signal now being transmitted.Beam locked on.
[DOCTOR] Ow! Your troopers got quite carried away, didn't they. I wouldsuggest you get your people well back. The hatch may be booby-trapped.
[SCOTT] What about you?
[DOCTOR] Well, my arms are only this long. I can't get any further away.
[NYSSA] Can you see what it is?
[DOCTOR] No. You'd better get back, too.
[SCOTT] Right, everybody back.
[LEADER] Activate the computer.
[CYBERMAN] It's too early, Leader. It will be wasted.
[LEADER] The device is already lost. Let the Earth see the effectivenessof Cyber technology. Explode the bomb.
[DOCTOR] Ah, got it. The release mechanism. You'd better get back too.
[ADRIC] You've checked for booby traps.
[DOCTOR] I'm not in the mood to argue.
[SCOTT] Come on, lad.
[DOCTOR] Further than that!
[CYBERMAN] The Earthlings have broken in!
[LEADER] They are too late.
[NYSSA] Are you all right?
[TEGAN] We thought a booby trap had gone off.
[KYLE] What is it?
[DOCTOR] A bomb. My opening the hatch has started up the armingprocedure. You'd better let your people on the surface know what'shappened.
[SCOTT] How much time have we got?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea. Tegan, get everyone into the Tardis.
[TEGAN] Come on, into the Tardis. This way.
[SCOTT] Scott to Walters. Walters, come in please. Walters!
[ADRIC] Come on. You can't stay behind!
[DOCTOR] It was my own stupidity that started it off. The least I can dois to. Of course! Come on!
[LEADER] How much longer before activation?
[CYBERMAN] One minute.
[DOCTOR] Set the coordinates at zero!
[ADRIC] It would be nice to know what you're doing.
[DOCTOR] The arming procedure on the bomb is being operated by remotecontrol.
[ADRIC] Can you jam it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but not till I know where it's coming from.
[LEADER] Master detonator engaged.
[DOCTOR] Well, that isn't right. Or is it?
[TEGAN] How long does an arming procedure take?
[DOCTOR] Not long.
[TEGAN] Shouldn't we move the Tardis in case the bomb goes off?
[CYBERMAN] Thirty seconds.
[LEADER] What's happening?
[CYBERMAN] Our signal is being jammed.
[LEADER] More power!
[DOCTOR] Come on, Adric, hurry!
[ADRIC] But you've already jammed the signal.
[DOCTOR] If they increase power, they could break through.
[CYBERMAN] Supplementary power on.
[LEADER] Hurry.
[CYBERMAN] Power building.
[DOCTOR] Magnetic clamp.
[ADRIC] Magnetic clamp. How much damage could this bomb do?
[DOCTOR] Enough.
[ADRIC] Enough for what?
[DOCTOR] To make life intolerable for the few who survived.
[NYSSA] Oh, no.
[TEGAN] What's the matter?
[NYSSA] Whoever they are, they're fighting back.
[DOCTOR] Probe.
[ADRIC] Probe. Do you know, I find this whole situation so bizarre. Imean, there's just no purpose to it.
[DOCTOR] Well, there is somewhere. We just don't have enough of thepieces yet.
[ADRIC] Look, Professor Kyle said she'd been down here four weeks beforethe androids attacked.
[DOCTOR] Laser cutter.
[ADRIC] Laser cutter.
[DOCTOR] Why, you think they should have attacked earlier?
[ADRIC] It would have made more sense if they had.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't think so. The androids are programmed to protectthis hatch. Now, the cave system is enormous. Why draw attention toyourselves and your charge by attacking on the first day?
[ADRIC] Yes, I suppose that has a certain logic.
[DOCTOR] Magnetic drone.
[ADRIC] Magnetic drone.
[DOCTOR] There was power in that circuit!
[ADRIC] What's happened?
[DOCTOR] The signal's breaking through.
[NYSSA] That's it. Maximum output.
[TEGAN] There must be more. The Tardis has limitless power.
[NYSSA] But the transmitter doesn't.
[DOCTOR] I think drastic action is called for.
[ADRIC] But there can't be much time left. What can we do?
[DOCTOR] Abandon methodical procedure for blind instinct. Laser cutter!
[ADRIC] Laser cutter.
[CYBERMAN] Full power.
[LEADER] We proceed towards the destruction of Earth.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Right or wrong, here we go.
[CYBERMAN] Our signal has broken through.
[LEADER] Excellent.
[LEADER] A fault?
[CYBERMAN] No, Leader. The bomb has been deactivated!
[LEADER] That can't be. Cyber technology is too advanced for Earthlings.
[NYSSA] It's stopped.
[TEGAN] What?
[NYSSA] It's stopped. They've stopped transmitting. The Doctor's doneit!
[CYBERMAN] But how did they succeed, Leader?
[LEADER] They have been helped. We have been betrayed. Whoever has donethis must be found and destroyed at once.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, Adric. Why a bomb?
[ADRIC] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Why a bomb and not a missile or some other device, and whythese particular caves? There's a reason.
[ADRIC] It's not our problem, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, isn't it.
[LEADER] I should have realised sooner that the Earthlings had help.
[CYBERMAN] There's nothing on this replay to indicate who it might be.
[LEADER] What is that? I know that object.
[DOCTOR] Right. The bomb is deactivated. Your ownscientists can dismantle it. Good luck.
[SCOTT] But you must stay, Doctor.
[KYLE] You've done so much. We want to show you our gratitude.
[DOCTOR] Well, thank you, thank you, but we must go. Still a great dealto do.
[TEGAN] Haven't we done enough for one day?
[ADRIC] You could afford to spare them a few hours, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, there isn't time.
[TEGAN] Where are we rushing off to?
[DOCTOR] Sector sixteen.
[NYSSA] That's deep space.
[TEGAN] Sounds great fun.
[ADRIC] The Doctor wants us to meet the people who built the androids.
[SCOTT] Do you know where they are?
[DOCTOR] Er, no, just from where their signal originated.
[SCOTT] Then you must let us come with you.
[NYSSA] We can't fight androids by ourselves.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm hoping that won't be necessary.
[SCOTT] If my planet is being threatened, I would like to do somethingto help.
[KYLE] Indeed.
[DOCTOR] All right.
[CYBERMAN] What is it?
[LEADER] A Tardis.
[CYBERMAN] A Time Lord. But they're forbidden to interfere.
[LEADER] This one calls himself the Doctor, and does nothing else butinterfere.
[DOCTOR 1 [on holoimager]] Emotions. Love, pride, hate, fear. Have youno emotions then?
[LEADER] It was in this regenerated form that he confined the Cybermento their ice tomb on Telos.
[DOCTOR 2 [on holoimager]] I imagine you have orders to destroy me.
[LEADER] And as this, he defeated us in our attempt to destroy Voga, theplanet of gold.
[DOCTOR 4 [on holoimager]] You've no home planet, no influence, nothing.You're just a pathetic bunch of tin soldiers skulking about the galaxyin an ancient spaceship.
[CYBERMAN] I did not see any of these men in the cave.
[LEADER] It appears he has regenerated again, but whatever his form, hemust be found and destroyed.
(Tardis corridor)
[SCOTT] It's bigger than you think.
[DOCTOR] Er, Adric?
[ADRIC] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Do you have a moment?
[ADRIC] I'm hungry.
[DOCTOR] Well, you can join the others later.
[ADRIC] Well?
[DOCTOR] Look, I'm very grateful for your help with deactivating thebomb.
[ADRIC] That's all right.
[DOCTOR] It was very brave of you also, the way you tackled the android.
[ADRIC] All part of the daily routine.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Look, I've been thinking about your wish to return home.
[ADRIC] And?
[DOCTOR] Well, I thought that if we could work out a satisfactorycourse, I might give it a try.
[ADRIC] Well, I've already done so, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[ADRIC] As you can see here, I've even managed to calculate the way intothe CVE, the gateway through E-space.
[DOCTOR] You've done extremely well.
[ADRIC] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Look, er, I'm sorry about our argument earlier.
[ADRIC] So am I. I over-reacted.
[DOCTOR] Do you really want to go home?
[ADRIC] No, of course not. There's nothing there for me any more.
[DOCTOR] So you've done all these calculations for nothing.
[ADRIC] Well, it made a point, didn't it? Besides, who knows? I mightchange my mind again.
[CYBERMAN] Our deep space probes have identifiedthe Tardis.
[LEADER] Destination?
[CYBERMAN] The freighter.
[LEADER] Excellent! Our contingency plans can go ahead. The attack onEarth will proceed accordingly.
(Freighter bridge)
[RINGWAY] The captain's been on the space station a long time.
[BERGER] Everything will be all right.
[RINGWAY] Well, I wish I had your confidence. Three men have disappearedin the last two weeks. It would take just one word from a disgruntledmember of the crew and this ship would be stuck here for months pendingan enquiry.
[BERGER] They won't say anything. They know if we don't deliver on timeit'll cost them their bonus.
[RINGWAY] I wouldn't be so certain. Morale is very low.
[BERGER] And with every negative thought you have, Ringway, it sinkseven lower. You're supposed to be an officer. Smile when you talk tothe crew. Reassure them.
[RINGWAY] Security scan in section fifteen is still non-functional.
[BERGER] Oh, for heaven's sake.
[BERGER] Bridge.
[VANCE [OC]] The captain is about to come on board.
[BERGER] Thank you. Now, isn't that good news?
[KYLE] This is where the beam came from?
[DOCTOR] As near as I've been able to trace it.
[NYSSA] The freighter could be nothing more than a relay point.
[DOCTOR] And the crew entirely innocent of what's going on. So, we'llstart with a recce.
[ADRIC] May I come?
[DOCTOR] You're sure?
[ADRIC] Yes.
[LEADER] Excellent.
(Cargo hold)
[ADRIC] Which way?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't think it really matters.
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] Take that straight to my cabin.
[VANCE] Captain.
[RINGWAY] Welcome aboard, ma'am.
[BRIGGS] Don't call me ma'am on the bridge.
[RINGWAY] Sorry, Captain.
[BRIGGS] Get that transponder code fed into the navigational computer atonce. I want to get underway.
[RINGWAY] Yes, Captain.
[BRIGGS] Seven hours they kept me waiting. Seven hours! I'm exhausted.
[BERGER] Where there problems with security?
[BRIGGS] Earth's on red alert. Some interstellar conference. That's whythey're checking that bit more carefully.
[BERGER] It explains why we were scanned half a dozen times.
[BRIGGS] Well, there'll be no more problems from now on. I've got aclearance straight through to Earth. Our bonus is safe.
[RINGWAY] There was no mention of the missing crewmembers?
[BERGER] Mister Ringway was concerned that might be the reason for youbeing delayed.
[BRIGGS] Oh, panicking again, was he? No, no mention, Mister Ringway.
[RINGWAY] I just happen to think that the disappearance of threecrewmembers' rather important, that's all.
[BRIGGS] So do I, Mister, but it's something that can be settled when weget back to Earth and our cargo's delivered safely. Understood? Makeready to get underway. If it makes you any happier, double the patrols.I don't want any mention of this. You're beginning to bore me.
[SCOTT] I should have gone with him.
[NYSSA] The Doctor'll be all right.
[TEGAN] What's that?
[NYSSA] The freighter's gone into warp drive.
(Cargo hold)
[VANCE] I don't fancy walking around that lot.
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] Who's on first watch?
[BERGER] I am, Captain.
[BRIGGS] I wish you luck. I'm going to my cabin.
[RINGWAY] I thought I'd check the security patrols.
[BRIGGS] You do that, Mister. I'm sure they'd appreciate it.
[RINGWAY] Why is she always running me down?
[BERGER] I'll give you a bit of advice. You shouldn't sound so earnestall the time.
(Cargo hold)
[VANCE] You could hide an army down here and no onewould find it.
[CARSON] What's that?
[VANCE] What?
[CARSON] It's gone. I'm sure I saw something move.
[VANCE] Where?
[CARSON] By silo sixteen
[VANCE] Are you sure?
[CARSON] Let's look.
[ADRIC] Look, aren't we being a bit casual about this?
[DOCTOR] There's no one about. The ship's totally automated.
[ADRIC] There must be a crew.
[DOCTOR] A small one, somewhere.
[ADRIC] Yeah, but not down here. Look, what's the point in going on?
[DOCTOR] I want to announce my presence, to see what the reaction is.
[ADRIC] Then how will they know we're here?
[LEADER] Report.
[VOICE [OC]] The freighter has received full security clearance for itsjourney to Earth.
[LEADER] Excellent.
[VOICE [OC]] There is one problem. The disappearance of the threecrewmembers has caused a lot of unrest.
[LEADER] Get your minions to search the hold. You will find a scapegoatthere.
[VOICE [OC]] Leader?
[LEADER] You have intruders!
(Cargo hold)
[ADRIC] I don't like being so far from the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Someone should have seen us by now.
[ADRIC] Look, why don't we go back?
[DOCTOR] Minute or two more.
(Freighter corridor)
[RINGWAY] Ringway to Vance. Report, please.
(Cargo hold)
[VANCE] This is Vance, sir.
(Freighter corridor)
[RINGWAY] Report position.
(Cargo hold)
[VANCE] Low walkway, just passing silo five twonine. We've spotted someone, sir.
[RINGWAY [OC]] Then apprehend him. I'll be down directly.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[ADRIC] I've got the feeling we were spotted rather a long time ago.
[DOCTOR] We're being followed?
[VANCE] We've lost him.
[CARSON] No, we haven't.
(Freighter bridge)
[BERGER] Sorry to disturb you, Captain, but we have intruders in thehold.
[BRIGGS [OC]] I'll come up right away.
(Cargo hold)
[VANCE] Where did he go?
[CARSON] This way. There!
[ADRIC] Why won't they show themselves?
[ADRIC] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] Over there!
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] Have you got them yet?
[BERGER] No, Captain.
[BRIGGS] Why not?
[BERGER] They're out of camera range.
[BRIGGS] I don't want to lose them. Sound the general alarm. I want themcaught.
(Cargo hold)
[ADRIC] Doctor! Doctor, over here.
[DOCTOR] They're finished.
[ADRIC] Look, let's go before we're caught and blamed.)
[DOCTOR] I've seen wounds inflicted this way before.
[ADRIC] Doctor, we have got to get out of here!
[RINGWAY] On this ship we execute murderers.
(Cargo hold)
[DOCTOR] Then make sure you kill the right people.Look at them.
[RINGWAY] No tricks.
[DOCTOR] Look at the state they're in.
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] Turn that thing off.
[BRIGGS] What's the delay? Where's Ringway?
[BERGER] Bridge.
[RINGWAY [on screen]] I've apprehended two stowaways.
[BRIGGS] Apprehended. Why can't he say caught? So melodramatic.
[BERGER] Take them to the brig.
[BRIGGS] I'd rather have them up here.
[RINGWAY [on screen]] Vance and Carson are dead. Murdered by thestowaways.
[BRIGGS] Oh, that's all we need.
[RINGWAY [on screen]] Their bodies are by silo nine four one.
[BRIGGS] Well, get a stretcher party down there. You've done well,Mister. You'll get an extra bonus.
(Cargo hold)
[RINGWAY] I'd rather have Vance and Carson alive.
[CYBERMAN] Which one is the Doctor?
[LEADER] The tall one with the fair hair. Even under the threat ofdeath, he has the arrogance of a Time Lord.
[CYBERMAN] Now the Doctor is a prisoner, it is time to secure thefreighter.
[LEADER] Indeed, but the Doctor must be taken alive. He must suffer forour past defeats.
[SCOTT] I think I should go and look for him.
[NYSSA] No, wait. You might spoil things.
[TEGAN] The Doctor's quite capable. And Nyssa's right, a show of forcemight ruin everything.
[SCOTT] I hope you're right.
(Cargo hold)
[RINGWAY] There's no hurry. They're quite dead, aren't they.
[ADRIC] What do we have to say to convince you that we're not stowaways?
[RINGWAY] There's nothing you can say.
[DOCTOR] Let me show you how we travelled here. We have a ship of ourown. We don't need to be stowaways.
[RINGWAY] Stowaways or pirates, you're still murderers. Keep moving.
[LEADER] Activate my personal guard.
[CYBERMAN] Will that be enough, Leader?
[LEADER] The crew is small. They will offer little resistance.
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] You've caused me a great deal of trouble.
[DOCTOR] I assure you, you have the wrong people.
[RINGWAY] Don't answer the captain back.
[BRIGGS] It's quite all right, Ringway. I can fight my own battles,thank you. I suppose you're going to say you know nothing about thedisappearance of three of my crew members.
[DOCTOR] How can we? We've only just arrived on your ship.
[BRIGGS] Someone's responsible.
[ADRIC] It isn't us.
[BERGER] A power surge!
[BRIGGS] Is this your work?
[NYSSA] I don't understand this. There's a strongelectromagnetic field nearby.
[TEGAN] So what?
[NYSSA] It's sheer size. It's massive!
[TEGAN] Well, could it harm the Doctor and Adric?
[NYSSA] I can't tell without knowing what's happening.
[CYBERMAN] Receptors fully charged.
[LEADER] Excellent. Activate.
[CYBERMAN] Reaction reading steady.
[LEADER] Continue.
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] A bomb on Earth, controlled from thisship?
[ADRIC] It's all true.
[DOCTOR] Every word.
[BERGER] At least his story is original.
[BRIGGS] Are you trying to make a fool of me?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I wouldn't dare.
[RINGWAY] He's just wasting time.
[DOCTOR] You said yourself things have occurred you can't explain.
[BRIGGS] It doesn't follow that I've got a band of conspirators at workon the ship.
[DOCTOR] Well, the crewmen who disappeared may have discoveredotherwise.
[BERGER] Why are you listening to this fool? He'll say anything towriggle his way out of it.
[BRIGGS] What's that?
[BERGER] It's happening again. A power surge.
[SCOTT] We've waited long enough.
[KYLE] The Lieutenant's right. The Doctor could be in a lot of trouble.
[NYSSA] I'm as concerned as you, but my instinct is to wait.
[KYLE] Why?
[NYSSA] Things don't feel right.
[TEGAN] The electromagnetic field.
[NYSSA] Yes. I want things to settle down before we go out.
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] The power loss is enormous.
[DOCTOR] How often has this happened?
[BERGER] A few times, but never on this scale. There's your power loss.Hold number four.
[BRIGGS] (to Ringway) Well, get a squad down there at once.
[DOCTOR] Can't you isolate the power line?
[BERGER] Not without closing down half the ship. It's a main cable.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's the only way you'll stop them.
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but I have the feeling whatever's causing yourpower loss is out for considerable more than control of this ship.
[CYBERMAN] Personal guard fully activated.
[LEADER] Excellent.
[CYBERMAN] The captain of the freighter will see that his power lineshave been tapped.
[LEADER] Why did you not jam their instruments?
[CYBERMAN] Our demand on their electrical supply was too great. Theship's computer was alerted.
[LEADER] We will take the bridge at once. Continue the reactivation.
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] Ringway!
[RINGWAY] Yes, Captain?
[BRIGGS] Stand fast.
[BERGER] We must come out of warp drive.
[BERGER] If we continue to lose power at this rate, our engines couldmisphase.
[BRIGGS] I will not risk losing my bonus for a few miserable stowaways.
[DOCTOR] Your first officer is right. You must listen to her.
[ADRIC] Why not?
[BERGER] The transponder would inform Earth Security that we deviatedfrom flight schedule. If Earth is on red alert, we would be stopped.
[BRIGGS] We haven't got time. If I'm late delivering my cargo I not onlylose my bonus, but I have to pay a heavy fine.
[DOCTOR] The story about the bomb is true. Whoever planted it is now inyour hold.
[BRIGGS] I will not stop this ship.
[DOCTOR] You've got clearance through to Earth. That's where they wantto go. You're giving them safe passage!
[BRIGGS] Position your men on the high walkway. What's down there, staysthere.
[RINGWAY] Yes, Captain.
[ADRIC] Now look, you must listen to the Doctor.
[BRIGGS] I've no reason to believe either of you two.
[BERGER] Then believe your own instruments, Captain.
[BRIGGS] We will go on.
[NYSSA] The magnetic field is reducing. It shouldbe safe to go out.
[SCOTT] Right, we're moving out.
[TEGAN] I want to come with you.
[SCOTT] No. It could be rough.
[TEGAN] I think I'd find it rougher waiting.
[KYLE] Are you sure? You're not even dressed for it.
[TEGAN] Are you going out?
[KYLE] No.
[TEGAN] Then lend me your overalls.
[NYSSA] Don't bother to argue.
[SCOTT] If the Doctor returns, call me.
[SCOTT] I don't want to be out there any longer than I have to.
(Cargo hold)
[RINGWAY] Bring some more down here. Down here.
[KYLE] Is there nothing positive we can do?
[NYSSA] Try not to worry.
(Freighter bridge)
[BERGER] Power loss has stabilised.
[BRIGGS] Can we hold warp speed?
[BERGER] Just about.
[BRIGGS] I knew it. We'll make it yet.
[ADRIC] Do you remember what you asked me after we deactivated the bomb?
[DOCTOR] Why a bomb and not some other device.
[ADRIC] Well, with the Earth on red alert, a missile wouldn't getthrough.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. We still don't know what they're really after.
[BERGER] Captain, look.
[BRIGGS] This could be it.
[RINGWAY [on monitor]] Ringway.
[BRIGGS] Stand by. The security cameras are on the blink.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps I could help?
[BRIGGS] You stay where you are.
[BERGER] We should secure these two in the brig.
[BRIGGS] Not yet. I want them where I can see them.
(Cargo hold)
[RINGWAY] To your positions. Take cover.
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] We've regained full power. Right, on yourfeet, you two.
[DOCTOR] About time.
[BRIGGS] Be quiet.
(Cargo hold)
[TEGAN] It's vast. We'll never find him.
[SCOTT] You wanted to come.
[TEGAN] I know. I'm just a mouth on legs.
(Freighter bridge)
[RINGWAY [OC]] There's something on the move.
[BRIGGS] I can't see anything yet.
[BRIGGS] Are these your friends?
[DOCTOR] Definitely not.
[ADRIC] What are they?
[DOCTOR] Cybermen.
[BERGER] Are they robots?
[DOCTOR] Far worse. You must withdraw your men, they don't stand achance.
[BRIGGS] Neither will we if those things get up here.
(Cargo hold)
[SCOTT] Could that be the Doctor?
[TEGAN] I hope not. Guns are not his style at all.
[SCOTT] All right, set weapons on kill. I'm not taking any chances.Slowly now.
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] Our defences are crumbling. We must help.
[BERGER] We can't leave these two.
[BRIGGS] We'll take them with us.
[RINGWAY] No, you won't. Stay where you are.
[BRIGGS] Ringway!
[RINGWAY] Yes, Captain?
[BRIGGS] The enemy's outside, Mister. You're pointing your gun in thewrong direction.
[RINGWAY] I'm relieving you of command.
[BRIGGS] Oh, come off it.
[RINGWAY] Shut up! I'm tired of your snide remarks and bullying ways.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you haven't seen anything. Wait until the Cybermen start.
[RINGWAY] You know them?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, we go back a long way.
[DOCTOR] This slaughter is pointless.
[RINGWAY] Your crew is redundant. The Cybermen will soon be in command.
[BRIGGS] You traitor!
[DOCTOR] It's the Cybermen's way.
[BRIGGS] They must have paid you a lot for this.
[DOCTOR] I bet it isn't in gold.
[RINGWAY] Shut up!
[DOCTOR] Cybermen are rather allergic to the stuff. Brings them out in acold sweat.
[ADRIC] Why?
[DOCTOR] It clogs up their chest units. Suffocates them, doesn't it.
[RINGWAY] Just keep talking, Doctor. When the time comes, killing you isgoing to be a joy.
[BRIGGS] Where do these Cybermen come from?
[DOCTOR] Originally Mondas, but that was destroyed. You know, I'msurprised they didn't mention me.
[RINGWAY] Perhaps you overestimate your importance.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I doubt it. Especially as I confined them to a frozen tombon Telos. Didn't they mention that either? Oh well, they have beenforgetful.
[RINGWAY] What's that?
[ADRIC] A badge.
[RINGWAY] I can see it's a badge. What's it made of?
[ADRIC] I don't know.
[RINGWAY] It's gold.
[ADRIC] What? Gold? Oh, only the edge. It couldn't do any harm.
[RINGWAY] Trying to hide it from me, were you?
[DOCTOR] Listen! The firing's stopped.
[RINGWAY] Berger. Where's Berger?
[DOCTOR] Look out!
[DOCTOR] Berger!
[DOCTOR] Those shields won't hold them there for long.
[BRIGGS] They'll last until we get back to Earth.
[DOCTOR] And then?
[BRIGGS] There's only a few of them. Our security men will cope withthem.
[DOCTOR] They're an invasion force. Earth is where they want to go.There are considerably more than a few on board.
[ADRIC] How many of these silos are you carrying?
[BRIGGS] Oh, fifteen thousand. (penny drops) No, it's not possible.
(Outside the bridge)
[LEADER] Have you tested the defences?
[CYBERMAN] Yes, Leader. We are able to break through them.
[LEADER] Excellent. Prepare to break through the bulkhead shields. Isthe Doctor on the bridge?
[LEADER] He must be taken alive.
(Cargo hold)
[TEGAN] I'm exhausted.
[SCOTT] Shush. Keep your voice down.
[SCOTT] He's dead.
[TEGAN] It's a massacre.
[SCOTT] The Doctor and Adric?
[TEGAN] No. Look!
[SCOTT] Take cover! Get back.
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] We could pump all the air out of the hold.
[DOCTOR] Unfortunately, Cybermen don't need it. Is there any way youcould jettison the hold?
[BRIGGS] None.
[ADRIC] I think Mister Ringway's recovering.
[BRIGGS] Pity. I've just composed a particularly nasty epitaph for him.
(Cargo hold)
[SCOTT] Whatever they are, they're going to bedifficult to kill.
[TEGAN] You haven't tried yet.
[SCOTT] Look at those bodies. Same rifles as ours.
[SCOTT] Have you seen any of those silver things dead?
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] Would threatening to kill him slow thosetin things down?
[DOCTOR] Not at all.
[RINGWAY] You're all dead. Why don't you surrender?
[DOCTOR] Not yet. There may be a way to neutralise that.
(Cargo hold)
[TEGAN] Do we go on?
[SCOTT] Past them?
[TEGAN] Is there another way?
(Outside the bridge)
[LEADER] Ready?
[CYBERMAN] Yes, Leader.
[LEADER] Then activate the thermal lance.
(Freighter bridge)
[ADRIC] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] They've started. I see from the computer the ship is powered byantimatter.
[DOCTOR] How is the antimatter contained?
[BRIGGS] A stabilised vessel. Berger's the expert.
[DOCTOR] Is there any way we could tap the stabilising device?
[BERGER] Yes, the machinery's here.
[DOCTOR] Excellent.
[ADRIC] Are we going to stabilise the shield?
[BRIGGS] Will it work?
[BERGER] It might. It's worth a try.
[KYLE] Shall we call them?
[NYSSA] I'm sure everything's all right.
(Freighter bridge)
[ADRIC] Just explain what you're trying to do.
[DOCTOR] We are under attack, Adric.
[ADRIC] Well, tell me quickly.
[DOCTOR] All right. First, tell me, what is the square root of threepoint six nine eight seven three?
[ADRIC] Er, about one point nine two three two one.
[BERGER] That's not possible.
[DOCTOR] Oh, he's very good. And almost right.
[ADRIC] Will you just try and explain what you're doing?
[DOCTOR] Antimatter powers the ship. For the antimatter to remain safe,it has to be contained in a vessel with a totally stable molecularstructure otherwise it would, well, blow to bits.
[ADRIC] But no such material exists.
[DOCTOR] Absolutely right. Although with computer-controlledelectronics, it is possible to simulate it.
[ADRIC] You're saying that that machine will constantly adjust andreadjust the molecular structure of the antimatter vessel?
[DOCTOR] Right. However destructive the antimatter is, the vessel isalways stable.
[ADRIC] That's very clever.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it is.
[BERGER] But will the device work to stabilise the shield?
[DOCTOR] Well, if it doesn't, we're dead.
(Cargo hold)
[TEGAN] Can you cope with the two of them?
[SCOTT] I hope so. We've got to get a clear shot at both of them.
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] This shield's not going to last much longer.
[BERGER] I'd better tell the computer what we're up to.
[DOCTOR] Right. Hurry.
(Cargo hold)
[TEGAN] Now?
[SCOTT] No. I want that second one just a bit closer. Fire!
[SCOTT] Come back!
[SCOTT] Don't take risks like that again!
[TEGAN] One of them got away.
[SCOTT] Yes. We should get back to the Tardis immediately.
[TEGAN] Not before we've found the Doctor and Adric.
(Freighter bridge)
[BERGER] Ready when you are.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[BRIGGS] Hurry, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Just a second.
(Outside the bridge)
[LEADER] The shield is now soft enough. Breakthrough.
(Freighter bridge)
[ADRIC] It worked!
[BRIGGS] Oh, well done, Doctor.
(Outside the bridge)
[CYBERMAN] You are right, Leader. The Doctor is a formidable opponent.
[LEADER] I anticipated as much. Activate the charge.
[CYBERMAN] Leader!
[CYBERMAN] He has been damaged by gunfire.
[LEADER] There is still resistance.
[CYBERMAN] According to the Earthling, there were only ten crew members.They have all been accounted for.
[LEADER] Then he has lied. Order the activation of reinforcements.
[LEADER] Charges primed?
[CYBERMAN] Yes, Leader.
[LEADER] Fire!
(Freighter bridge)
[DOCTOR] I should have realised.
[BRIGGS] Oh no!
[LEADER] So, we meet again, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Er, no! Er
[LEADER] He deceived us.
[DOCTOR] You never change. Always the perfect guests.
[KYLE] What happens to us if the Doctor doesn'tcome back?
[NYSSA] It depends where this ship's going.
[KYLE] You can't fly the Tardis?
[NYSSA] I understand some of the principles.
[KYLE] But you couldn't get us back to Earth?
[NYSSA] Not without difficulty.
(Freighter bridge)
[LEADER] Our records indicate that you have afondness for Earth.
[DOCTOR] Fondness? I'm surprised your emotionless brain understands theword.
[LEADER] It is a word like any other. And so is destruction, which iswhat we are going to do to that planet.
[DOCTOR] You've tried before.
[LEADER] This time we shall succeed, and you will live just long enoughto witness it.
[CYBERMAN] Reactivation completed.
[LEADER] Excellent. Now you will see our strength.
(Cargo hold)
[SCOTT] Let's move.
[TEGAN] Whatever it is, it's between us and the Tardis.
[SCOTT] Take cover!
(Freighter bridge)
[LEADER] My army awakes, Doctor!
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] This is piracy!
[LEADER] It is war.
[BERGER] The ship is in warp drive. Interfere with the navigationalsystem and we will disintegrate.
[LEADER] Your technology is primitive compared to ours. Mistakes willnot be made.
[KYLE] What was that?
[NYSSA] I don't know. A robot.
[KYLE] They're huge!
(Cargo hold)
[SCOTT] Oh, where's Tegan?
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] What are they doing?
[BERGER] I don't know. They've incorporated a machine of their own.
[DOCTOR] I suspect the ship is now on a locked off fixed coordinate.
[ADRIC] Are we still going to Earth?
[BERGER] Well then, why lock off the coordinates?
[DOCTOR] Because I think they're turning us into a flying bomb.
[LEADER] Your Tardis has been found, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I didn't know it was lost.
[BRIGGS] You're mad if you think Earth security will let you crash intothe planet. They'd shoot the ship down.
[LEADER] There will not be time. You have a security transponder withclearance for Earth.
[ADRIC] Yes, but why do it? On impact this ship will destroy everything.The planet will be useless.
[LEADER] There is a conference about to take place on Earth.
[DOCTOR] The reason for the red alert.
[LEADER] Yes. The heads of many powerful planets will be present.
[DOCTOR] So you destroy a few presidents in a needlessly destructiveway.
[LEADER] It is more than that. The purpose of the conference is to signa pact uniting their military forces in a war against the Cyber race.
[DOCTOR] Of course. A war you couldn't possibly win.
[LEADER] Their combined forces would be too great.
[DOCTOR] Destroy the conference and you destroy the unity.
[LEADER] It will be a great psychological victory. The strength andmight of the Cyber race will be confirmed.
[DOCTOR] So the freighter replaces the bomb.
[LEADER] Yes, Doctor. In spite of your interference, we will stilltriumph.
(Cargo hold)
[SCOTT] Scott to Tardis. Come in, please.
[NYSSA [OC]] This is Nyssa.
[SCOTT] We're coming back to the Tardis. The hold is crawling withrobots.
[NYSSA [OC]] Any of you hurt?
[SCOTT] No, but we've got separated from Tegan.
(Freighter bridge)
[DOCTOR] If the freighter crashes into Earth withyou on board, won't that make it rather difficult for you to carry outyour task? I mean, you would be very crumpled.
[LEADER] I shall not be on board, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You don't surprise me.
[LEADER] My function was leader of the squad to eliminate those whosurvived the bomb.
[BRIGGS] Now your transport has replaced the bomb.
[LEADER] I shall join a secondary force to complete my task.
[BRIGGS] Are they all so dedicated?
[DOCTOR] Compared to some, this one is positively flippant.
(Cargo hold)
[SCOTT] Gently.
[KYLE] They're safe!
[NYSSA] And those two robots have gone.
[SCOTT] Wait till it's near, then concentrate your fire!
[SCOTT] Now!
[SCOTT] There's another one!
[KYLE] Nyssa, get back!
[SCOTT] It's no use. She's dead.
(Freighter bridge)
[TEGAN] Doctor! Adric!
[DOCTOR] Where did you come from?
[TEGAN] That thing caught me.
[ADRIC] Where's Nyssa?
[TEGAN] She's safe. She's in the Tardis.
[LEADER] Who is this woman?
[DOCTOR] An Earthling. No one of consequence.
[TEGAN] Thanks a lot.
[DOCTOR] Be quiet.
[LEADER] She's one of your crew.
[DOCTOR] In a manner of speaking.
[LEADER] I see that Time Lords have emotional feelings.
[DOCTOR] Of sorts.
[LEADER] Surely a great weakness in one so powerful?
[DOCTOR] Emotions have their uses.
[LEADER] They restrict and curtail the intellect and logic of the mind.
[DOCTOR] They also enhance life! When did you last have the pleasure ofsmelling a flower, watching a sunset, eating a well-prepared meal?
[LEADER] These things are irrelevant.
[DOCTOR] For some people, small, beautiful events is what life is allabout!
[LEADER] You have affection for this woman?
[DOCTOR] She's a friend.
[LEADER] And you do not consider friendship a weakness?
[DOCTOR] I do not.
[LEADER] Kill her.
[LEADER] Such a reaction is not a disadvantage?
[LEADER] You are mistaken. I now have control over you, Doctor. All Ineed do is threaten the woman's death for you to obey me.
[SCOTT] At least we have two of their weapons.Might make them easier to kill.
[NYSSA] You're not going out again?
[SCOTT] I haven't much choice.
[NYSSA] The Doctor won't thank you for throwing away your life.
(Freighter bridge)
[LEADER] I return your ship to you, Captain.
[BRIGGS] Really?
[LEADER] You will continue your journey to Earth. The ship will functionnormally.
[BRIGGS] We're to stay on board?
[LEADER] Yes. Although your presence isn't needed, of course. Thecontrol of your ship is now totally automatic.
[DOCTOR] This isn't necessary. Let them go.
[LEADER] And deny them the feeling of fear, the ultimate in emotionalresponse?
[DOCTOR] You've already proved your point quite adequately.
[LEADER] A final demonstration might convince any doubters.
[CYBERMAN] We have finished, Leader.
[LEADER] Excellent. Instruct all regenerated Cybermen to evacuate theship. You will return to Cybercontrol and inform main fleet of ourintention.
[CYBERMAN] At once.
(Cargo hold)
[SCOTT] They're leaving.
(Freighter bridge)
[LEADER] You two will remain on the bridge. Shouldany of the crew attempt to interfere with navigational equipment, theyare to be restrained.
[BRIGGS] Why don't you kill us now?
[LEADER] I want my guards to observe your reactions.
[TEGAN] That's sadistic.
[LEADER] No, scientific. If we are to fight Earthlings, it is better weunderstand their weaknesses. We leave for your Tardis. The Earth womanas well.
[TEGAN] The name is Tegan!
[DOCTOR] I want Adric, too.
[LEADER] The boy stays here.
[DOCTOR] I need him to help me fly the Tardis.
[LEADER] I know that it requires only one person to pilot the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] I'm not going without him.
[LEADER] The boy will stay here. If you do not cooperate, I shall havethe Earth woman destroyed.
[TEGAN] We can't leave without him!
[ADRIC] Take Tegan with you. I'll find my own way. Please?
[BRIGGS] The boy's right. There's a chance. Leave now.
[ADRIC] Please, Doctor.
[LEADER] There is no chance.
[ADRIC] Just leave!
[DOCTOR] Good luck, Adric.
[ADRIC] Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good luck to you all.
[ADRIC] Goodbye, Tegan. I'll see you soon.
[BRIGGS] Nice to see where we're going.
[BERGER] We know where we're going.
[BRIGGS] Nice to see when we arrive.
[CYBERMAN] The freighter has been evacuated.
[LEADER [OC]] Excellent.
[CYBERMAN] And a ship is being dispatched from the main fleet to collectyou.
[LEADER [OC]] The fleet is too far away. I will use the Doctor's Tardisto observe the impact.
[CYBERMAN] Leader.
[LEADER [OC]] You will meet me there.
(Cargo hold)
[TEGAN] You won't like Earth.
[LEADER] Like or dislike does not come into my consideration.
[TEGAN] It will when you start going rusty.
[SCOTT [OC]] This is Scott.
[NYSSA] What's happening out there?
[SCOTT [OC]] I don't know. Those robot things seem to have left theship.
[NYSSA] Is there any sign of the Doctor?
[SCOTT [OC]] No, not yet.
[NYSSA] Be careful. That magnetic field is functioning again.
(Freighter bridge)
[ADRIC] How much time have we got?
[BERGER] Not long. The ship is on maximum drive.
[ADRIC] Could we undo what the Cybermen have done?
[BRIGGS] Given time, I'm sure.
[ADRIC] Well, even if we could just divert the ship a degree or two, atleast we'd miss Earth.
[BRIGGS] We'd have to cope with those things first.
(Cargo hold)
[CYBERMAN] Leader, the main fleet has acknowledgedyour intentions.
[LEADER] Do they agree?
[CYBERMAN] Yes, Leader. As soon as the freighter impacts, a small forcewill follow through and under your instructions subdue survivors.
[LEADER] Excellent.
[SCOTT] Marshall, you stay there and cover us. Brooks, come with me.
[NYSSA] Doctor! Where's Adric?
[DOCTOR] He's safe.
[TEGAN] For the time being.
(Freighter bridge)
[SCOTT] Lieutenant Scott, Captain.
[LEADER] Have you locked on to the freighter's coordinates?
[LEADER] You will follow the freighter to Earth. I wish to witness theplanet's final destruction.
[TEGAN] You'll ruin your own plan doing that. The radar on Earth willpick up the Tardis.
[LEADER] It is too small. Its image will be swamped by that of thefreighter.
[CYBERMAN] Everything has been considered.
[LEADER] Search this ship.
(Freighter bridge)
[BERGER] There's an override on the navigationalcontrol. My instructions are instantly countermanded.
[BRIGGS] It's this thing that's causing it.
[SCOTT] Can't you disconnect it?
[BRIGGS] It's probably booby-trapped.
[ADRIC] Maybe so, but it can be disconnected.
[ADRIC] Solve the three logic codes.
[BERGER] That could take forever.
[ADRIC] Well, then I suggest we start at once.
(Outside the bridge)
[SCOTT] It seems we have very little time, Captain.
[LEADER] The time draws near.
[DOCTOR] It isn't necessary to taunt her.
[LEADER] It is simply a fact, Doctor.
[TEGAN] Can't you do something?
[DOCTOR] Not at the moment.
[LEADER] Do not mislead the Earthling. This time we will not fail.
(Freighter bridge)
[BERGER] Is that right?
[ADRIC] It has to be. It's the only logical answer.
[TEGAN] I don't have to watch this.
[NYSSA] She doesn't have to be here.
[DOCTOR] Gently, Tegan.
[TEGAN] Gently? This is my planet they're about to destroy!
[DOCTOR] No! You do things like that, we'll all finish up dead!
(Freighter bridge)
[ADRIC] That's it! The first one's solved.
[BRIGGS] We're running out of time. The troopers can't hold the Cybermenmuch longer.
[BERGER] We're working as hard as we can. It's very complex.
[ADRIC] It worked! See if it's released anything.
(Outside the bridge)
[SCOTT] The power in these things is running out.
(Freighter bridge)
[BERGER] Stand by.
[NYSSA] What's happening?
[TEGAN] Where have they gone?
[DOCTOR] The freighter's jumped time warps.
[LEADER] You will follow.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[LEADER] Follow them!
(Freighter bridge)
[BERGER] We're travelling backwards in time.
[BRIGGS] That's not possible!
[ADRIC] It is when you have an alien machine overriding your computer.
[LEADER] You will board the freighter.
[DOCTOR] I can't.
[LEADER] You will do as I say.
[DOCTOR] It's physically impossible. The freighter is no longer on afixed course. The coordinates are constantly changing. That's why itkeeps fading. I've got nothing to lock on to.
(Freighter bridge)
[SCOTT] (to Brooks) Rest there a minute. That wassome bump.
[BRIGGS] It's bigger than you think.
[ADRIC] Well, if we can crack the remaining two logic circuits, we maybe able to do something about it.
[TEGAN] At least the Earth is safe now.
[NYSSA] Doctor?
[TEGAN] Don't tell me it isn't.
[DOCTOR] Although the freighter is spiraling backwards in time, it'sstill locked on to the same spatial coordinates.
[TEGAN] Earth?
[LEADER] This is excellent news, Doctor. Earth will be destroyed. Itwill never exist as you have known it.
[TEGAN] Is that true?
(Freighter bridge)
[ADRIC] That's it, the second logic code!
[BRIGGS] We've come out of warp drive!
[DOCTOR] Earth.
[LEADER] Excellent. Hold this position. We shall observe from here.
(Freighter bridge)
[BRIGGS] Come on. We've done all we can do.
[ADRIC] This is your planet!
[BRIGGS] I know. And I realise the consequences of this freightercrashing into it.
[ADRIC] There is still time to crack this last logic code.
[BRIGGS] There isn't. Come on. It's only a few minutes before we enterEarth's gravitational pull.
[SCOTT] You've done all you can, Adric.
[ADRIC] I can crack this code!
[BRIGGS] Come on, Lieutenant. And you, Berger.
[BERGER] Adric!
[ADRIC] You board.
[BRIGGS] Come on, lad.
[SCOTT] And that is an order, Adric.
[ADRIC] Of course! That's it!
[NYSSA] An escape pod!
[LEADER] My guards evacuating the ship.
[DOCTOR] It may be of some small consequence to know we've travelledbackwards in time some sixty five million years.
[TEGAN] Big deal.
[DOCTOR] Think about it.
[NYSSA] Do you recall the fossil dinosaur bones in the cave on Earth?
[TEGAN] What?
[NYSSA] And why it's believed they died out so quickly?
[TEGAN] Earth collided with a meteorite.
[NYSSA] Or something.
[TEGAN] The freighter?
[DOCTOR] The antimatter vessel will split open on impact. There will bea tremendous explosion.
[TEGAN] The freighter was the meteorite?
[DOCTOR] It seems inevitable, as is your history as we know it.
[LEADER] You lie, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Not at all. You've lost. The Earth is safe.
(Freighter bridge)
[ADRIC] I can do it. I must do it.
[SCOTT [OC]] Scott to Tardis. Scott to Tardis. Comein, please.
[NYSSA] This is the Tardis. We have Cybermen on board.
[SCOTT [OC]] We've managed to escape from the freighter, but Adric'sstill on board.
[SCOTT [OC]] Scott to Tardis.
[DOCTOR] You've failed, Leader.
[LEADER] But you will not enjoy the victory. I shall now kill you,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Get down!
(Freighter bridge)
[ADRIC] There's something missing. There'ssomething I've forgotten.
[NYSSA] Please hurry, Doctor. We must get Adric offthe freighter.
[DOCTOR] The console's damaged.
[NYSSA] We must save Adric! There's so little time!
(Freighter bridge)
[ADRIC] Of course, that's it.
[ADRIC] Now I'll never know if I was right.
[NYSSA] Look out!
[DOCTOR] I must save Adric!
[TEGAN] Look!
[NYSSA] Adric!
[TEGAN] Adric? Doctor! Oh, no.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s19", "episode": "e06", "title": "Earthshock"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (22 Mar, 1982; Fifth Doctor) - Time Flight
(Flight deck)
[URQUHART] This is Captain Urquhart again.
(Passenger cabin)
[URQUHART [OC]] We're still travelling supersonic,ladies and gentlemen, fifty seven thousand feet. Just to let you knowthat we'll be reaching our deceleration point in a few minutes
(Flight deck)
[URQUHART] And beginning our descent into LondonHeathrow.
[URQUHART] Good afternoon, London. Speedbird Concorde one nine two.
(Air Traffic Control)
[HORTON] Speedbird Concorde one nine two. You arecleared to descent to flight level three seven zero.
[URQUHART [OC]] Roger. Clear to three seven zero.
(Flight deck)
[PILOT] Mach one point six. Sixty miles to subsonicpoint. We're spot on.
[URQUHART] Speedbird Concorde one nine two level at three seven zero.
(Air Traffic Control)
[HORTON] Speedbird Concorde one nine two, you arecleared to continue descent to two eight zero. Speedbird Concorde onenine two, will you acknowledge, please?
[URQUHART [OC]] Speedbird Concorde one nine two. Speedbird Concorde onenine two.
[HORTON] Speedbird Concorde one nine two, will you acknowledge?
(Passenger cabin)
[ANGELA] Can I take your glass?
(Air Traffic Control)
[HORTON] Speedbird Concorde one nine two, will youacknowledge, please.
[HORTON] I have total RT breakdown on Speedbird Concorde one nine two.
[HORTON] I don't believe it. She's approaching London but the trace isbecoming intermittent.
(Concorde in flight)
[ANGELA [OC]] Ladies and gentlemen. In a fewminutes we shall be arriving at London T
(Air Traffic Control)
[HORTON] Emergency. We have lost contact with Concorde Golf VictorFoxtrot.
[DOCTOR] Crew of the freighter safely returned to their own time.
[NYSSA] Cyber fleet dispersed.
[TEGAN] Oh, great. You make it sound like a shopping list, ticking offthings as you go. Aren't you forgetting something rather important?Adric is dead.
[NYSSA] Tegan, please.
[DOCTOR] We feel his loss as well.
[TEGAN] Well, you could do more than grieve. You could go back.
[NYSSA] Could you?
[NYSSA] But surely the Tardis is quite capable of
[TEGAN] We can change what happened if we materialise before Adric waskilled.
[DOCTOR] And change your own history?
[TEGAN] Look, the freighter could still crash into Earth. That doesn'thave to be changed. Only Adric doesn't have to be on board.
[DOCTOR] Now listen to me, both of you. There are some rules that cannotbe broken even with the Tardis. Don't ever ask me to do anything likethat again. You must accept that Adric is dead. His life wasn't wasted.He died trying to save others, just like his brother, Varsh. You know,Adric had a choice. This is the way he wanted it.
[TEGAN] We used to fight a lot. I'll miss him.
[NYSSA] So will I.
[DOCTOR] And me. But he wouldn't want us to mourn unnecessarily.
[NYSSA] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Special treat to cheer us all up.
[NYSSA] 1851, Earth, London. What's so special about that, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hyde Park, the Crystal Palace.
[TEGAN] 1851. The Great Exhibition?
[DOCTOR] All the wonders of Victorian science and technology.
[TEGAN] Well, the Tardis should feel at home.
[DOCTOR] How about opening day? Pass the time of day with the foreignroyals. We could even drop in at Lords, see a few overs from Wisden andPilch. I wonder if the Lion will be bowling?
[TEGAN] Let's get there first.
[DOCTOR] Yes, all right.
[DOCTOR] Nyssa, have you touched the dimensional stabilisers?
[NYSSA] Of course not. All systems functioning normally.
[DOCTOR] It could be the relative drift compensator.
[TEGAN] Some sort of turbulence?
[DOCTOR] Feedback from the solar comparator? No.
[NYSSA] Another ship.
[DOCTOR] Another ship? What do you mean, another ship?
[NYSSA] If it builds up at this frequency, it could draw us into spatialconvergence. We must materialise immediately.
[TEGAN] But we're due to land in London in a few minutes.
[DOCTOR] If we don't materialise, the Tardis will be destroyed.
(Air Traffic Control)
[HORTON] Look at this. Something's just manifested.The same flight path as one nine two. No transponder signal. Smallerthan Golf Victor Foxtrot. Unidentified aircraft on approach to one zeroleft, will you acknowledge?
[DOCTOR] Seems to have done the trick.
[NYSSA] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] Somewhere above Hyde Park. The view should be spectacular.
[TEGAN] That's not Hyde Park, that's Heathrow Airport!
[DOCTOR] You're right.
[TEGAN] Well, I never thought I'd say this, but let's get out of here!We could be in the path of an oncoming aircraft.
[NYSSA] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Coordinate override. A sort of anti-collision device.
(Air Traffic Control)
[HORTON] It's gone. It must have been a lightaircraft.
(Terminal One)
[TANNOY] Air Australia apologises for the delay to all flights, which isdue to weather conditions at Heathrow.
[TEGAN] You've landed us right in the middle of aTerminal building.
[DOCTOR] So I have.
[TEGAN] The authorities'll go mad.
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll only be here a moment. I hope.
[TEGAN] Please hurry.
[DOCTOR] I am. Ah!
[TEGAN] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I won't be a moment.
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[NYSSA] At least we won't be noticed.
[TEGAN] What do you mean, because this is a police box?
[NYSSA] Well, this is Earth. For once it's a perfect camouflage.
[TEGAN] This is the 1980s, Nyssa. Police boxes went out with flowerpower.
(Terminal One)
[TEGAN] Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] I don't know what English cricket is coming to.
[NYSSA] Doctor.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[SHEARD] A police box? I've just lost a completecomplement of passengers and crew, not to mention thirty million poundsworth of aircraft! As if I want to know about a police box in TerminalOne.
[ANDREWS] There isn't a police box in Terminal One.
[SHEARD] Landside security's your problem, Jim.
[ANDREWS] Not to mention all those VIPs waiting for the arrival of onenine two in Terminal Three. (takes telephone) Andrews?
[SHEARD] Now, Mister Horton, we need you to explain to us exactly whatyou saw on the radar screen when Victor Foxtrot began the decelerationprocedure.
[ANDREWS] That's not possible. What? I'll be right over. Something veryodd going on in Terminal One.
[SHEARD] Yes, now you lost contact with the aircraft over the BristolChannel, here.
[HORTON] Yes, the RT started to break up and the transponder signal justfaded from the screen.
(Terminal One)
[ANDREWS] Are you responsible for this box, sir?
[DOCTOR] Well, I try to be.
[NYSSA] Doctor, you've done it again.
[DOCTOR] Nonsense. We'll be away from here in no time.
[ANDREWS] Would you be so good as to open it up, sir?
[DOCTOR] Is that a good idea?
[ANDREWS] I must insist, sir. Security.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. Security.
[ANDREWS] You have the key, sir?
[DOCTOR] You'd do much better to check with UNIT, department C19. SirJohn Sudbury is the man you want.
[ANDREWS] And who exactly are you, sir?
[DOCTOR] Oh, just tell him it's the Doctor. And do send my regards toBrigadier Lethbridge Stewart. Unless, of course, he's a General by now.
[DOCTOR] You see? What did I say. We'll be gone in a couple of shakes.
[HORTON] Now, we've established there was no radarmalfunction.
[SUPERVISOR] Well, of course we've been in search with Search andRescue, and as it happens there is a NATO exercise on in this area. ButNaval Intelligence assure us that far from crashing, no aircraft evenbroke cloud cover.
[SHEARD] A doctor with a police box. Really, Sir John, I hardly. Yes,yes, of course I appreciate the political ramifications, but
[SHEARD] Yes, but surely that's all the more reason for not wasting timewith this doctor. Yes, I. Yes, I beg your pardon. Of course, if youinsist, Sir John.
[ANDREWS] The party with the police box in Terminal One have fullsecurity clearance from C19.
[SHEARD] That was UNIT. We are obliged to brief this doctor on thedisappearance of Victor Foxtrot. Jim, I've had theseWhitehall jokers up to here.
[ANDREWS] So long as Concorde is missing, I suppose we shall have to putup with them.
(Outside the office)
[TEGAN] It's always the same with you. Whenever we stop anywhere, youhave to get involved.
[DOCTOR] Be quiet, I'm thinking.
[TEGAN] We were supposed to be going to the Great Exhibition.
[DOCTOR] Well, we will, eventually.
[NYSSA] That's all you ever say.
[TEGAN] You promised.
[DOCTOR] Look, Tegan, this is your planet. I would have thought youwanted to help.
[TEGAN] I am helping, by wanting to leave the recovery of Concorde tothe experts.
[DOCTOR] Well, I might be able to help.
[TEGAN] That's what worries me.
[DOCTOR] Good afternoon, gentlemen.
[SHEARD] Good heavens!
[ANDREWS] Ah, yes, this is the Doctor.
[SHEARD] Oh, ah. Oh, er, how do you do, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hello. And this is Nyssa and Tegan.
[SHEARD] Oh. Oh, you're a stewardess.
[TEGAN] That's right.
[DOCTOR] Now, I believe you're having problems with Concorde.
[SHEARD] Er, tell the, er, Doctor, would you, please?
[HORTON] Well, this morning's Concorde flight from New York disappearedfrom the radar just after its deceleration.
[DOCTOR] Disappeared?
[HORTON] Yes, it just faded from the screen.
[TEGAN] It didn't crash?
[HORTON] It was flying on a level course, all systems were workingnormally.
[DOCTOR] Indeed. I wonder.
[TEGAN] Wonder what?
[DOCTOR] Remember the turbulence we experienced?
[TEGAN] That forced us to materialise?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I wonder very much indeed.
[NYSSA] It sounds as if it could be cross-tracing on the time-spaceaxis.
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[SHEARD] Are you saying you know where the missing aircraft is?
[DOCTOR] I suspect it's not a question of where, but er, when.
(Heathrow Airport)
[BILTON] Any idea what these tests are for, Skipper?
[STAPLEY] All I know is, some scientist wants to take up some specialequipment to monitor the approach used by Victor Foxtrot when she wentthrough the deceleration phase.
[SCOBIE] Morning, Skipper. All ready for loading.
[STAPLEY] Is the gear on its way?
[SCOBIE] Coming over now.
[SHEARD] But why does it have to be anotherConcorde?
[DOCTOR] We must follow the same route, same height, same speed, andwith my equipment on board I can identify what I believe to be anexponential time contour.
[SHEARD] And you really believe that Victor Foxtrot flew into a timewarp?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. And we can't have a navigational hazard like thathanging about the galaxy.
[SHEARD] Yes? Thank you. Golf Alpha Charlie is ready for boarding.
(GAC Flight deck)
[BILTON] Here they come.
(Heathrow Airport)
[TEGAN] I saw Concorde once on the tarmac atMelbourne.
[STAPLEY] Morning, Doctor. I'm Captain Stapley.
(GAC Flight deck)
[STAPLEY] May I introduce my First Officer, AndrewBilton? Our Flight Engineer, Roger Scobie.
[DOCTOR] And this is Nyssa and Tegan.
[STAPLEY] Would you mind going back and fastening your seatbelts fortakeoff, please.
[DOCTOR] Right.
(Air Traffic Control)
[HORTON] Golf Alpha Charlie clear for takeoff.
[HORTON] Golf Alpha Charlie is now at fifty eight thousand feet, ahundred and fifty miles off the Cornish coast. It's scheduled to turnonto its approach in four minutes.
(GAC Flight deck)
[STAPLEY] Do you seriously believe that VictorFoxtrot got caught in some sort of time slip?
[DOCTOR] It would seem to be the logical explanation.
[STAPLEY] That's a pretty rum idea to me.
[SCOBIE] Hang on a moment though, Doctor. If we follow Victor Foxtrot'scourse and end up somewhere over the rainbow, well, we're on a one-wayticket just like Captain Urquhart's lot.
[DOCTOR] Ah, you're forgetting the Tardis.
[STAPLEY] The Tardis? You mean that police box?
[DOCTOR] That's right.
(Air Traffic Control)
[STAPLEY [OC]] Golf Alpha Charlie now at fiftynorth twenty west. Request clearance to return to London.
[HORTON] Golf Alpha Charlie clear to turn to port. Route via us here onNovember fifteen west to London.
[STAPLEY [OC]] Roger. Golf Alpha Charlie turning to port.
[HORTON] They're now on the same configuration as one nine two.
(Concorde hold)
[DOCTOR] It's amazing.
[NYSSA] What?
[DOCTOR] This thing is smaller on the inside than it is on the outside.
[DOCTOR] Wait here.
[NYSSA] I wish I'd known about that when we were on Castrovalva.
[DOCTOR] So useful when you want to maintain a dignified attitude.
[TEGAN] Concorde should begin a descent deceleration procedure at anyminute.
(Air Traffic Control)
[STAPLEY [OC]] Golf Alpha Charlie requestpermission to descend to three seven zero.
[HORTON] It's happening again.
(GAC Flight deck)
[BILTON] Did you feel something?
[STAPLEY] I'm not sure. Golf Alpha Charlie, permission to descend tothree seven zero. London, this is Golf Alpha Charlie, do you read?
[NYSSA] Doctor, we're time travelling!
[TEGAN] The column isn't moving.
[DOCTOR] Concorde has just flown into the time contour.
(GAC Flight deck)
[SCOBIE] Captain, the radiation meter's on alert.
[STAPLEY] Must be a solar flare.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I doubt it, Captain. It's simply reacting to centuries ofgalactic radiation through which we're passing.
[STAPLEY] London, this is Golf Alpha Charlie. Do you read?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid your radio is useless, Captain. By my estimationwe're the spatial equivalent of four hundred billion miles from AirTraffic Control.
[MAN [OC]] Golf Alpha Charlie clear to descend to three seven zero.
[STAPLEY] Fasten your seatbelt please, Doctor. By my calculations we'retwenty minutes from touchdown.
(Air Traffic Control)
[HORTON] We've lost them.
[SHEARD] Another Concorde. So much for the Doctor.
[HORTON] But where have they gone?
(Heathrow Airport)
[STAPLEY] Heathrow, Doctor.
[TEGAN] Kinda feel at home, getting in and out of aircraft. It's all abit unreal after the Tardis.
[NYSSA] There's something very unreal about all of this.
[DOCTOR] That's why this tree doth continue to be since observed byyours faithfully, God.
[STAPLEY] What's that, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] To be is to be perceived. A naive eighteenth centuryphilosophy.
[TEGAN] Nyssa, what's the matter?
[NYSSA] Didn't you see them? There were decaying corpses.
[BILTON] There's nothing there.
[DOCTOR] Nothing there. I wonder. Perceptual induction.
[BILTON] What are you talking about, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I want you all to concentrate very hard.
[SCOBIE] You don't give up, do you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Concentrate. Look at anything. Observe it in every detail.
[STAPLEY] What are you doing to us, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Perceptual induction. And I'm undoing it. Concentrate! It's theonly way to fight it and find out where we really are.
[STAPLEY] But we're at Heathrow.
[DOCTOR] No, you think you're at Heathrow. So did I. Well, almost, up toa moment ago. Now concentrate, all together. It must be a concertedeffort.
[TEGAN] That plane. I can't focus properly.
[NYSSA] Nothing's moving.
[BILTON] It is blurred.
[NYSSA] I'm getting cold.
[DOCTOR] You see? The coherence is breaking up.
(By Concorde)
[STAPLEY] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] Just where you thought we were, Captain.
[STAPLEY] Heathrow?
[DOCTOR] Some a hundred and forty million years ago.
[SCOBIE] I think I'm dreaming.
[DOCTOR] Quite the reverse, Mister Scobie. You've just woken up.
[BILTON] I don't believe it.
[DOCTOR] Definitely Jurassic. There's a nip in the air, though. We can'tbe far off the Pleistocene era.
[TEGAN] The ice age?
[DOCTOR] It's times like this I wish I still had my scarf. Better watchout for the odd brontosaurus.
[NYSSA] Were they the creatures I saw?
[DOCTOR] I doubt it, but I should think they came from this time zone.
[STAPLEY] Do you really mean we've gone backward down a time contour?
[DOCTOR] Have you another explanation?
[BILTON] But we were on Concorde.
[STAPLEY] How did we land on this?
[DOCTOR] Very violently, by the look of it.
[BILTON] But the touchdown was perfect.
[DOCTOR] It's like having a tooth out under hypnosis. You don't feel athing.
[STAPLEY] But the approach to Heathrow was utterly real.
[DOCTOR] So was the Indian rope trick.
[STAPLEY] And Doctor, somewhere in this wilderness must be thepassengers and crew of Victor Foxtrot.
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't worry, Captain, we'll find them. Let's hope no onefinds us first.
[BILTON] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Behind every illusion there's a conjurer. In this case, Ishouldn't think he went to all this trouble for our entertainment.
[TEGAN] Doctor! It's the other Concorde!
[DOCTOR] Tegan, wait! All of you, stay here.
[KALID] Sharaz, sharaz tumal. Balor, balor. Sharaz, sharaz tumal balorbalor.
[KALID] All things come to their appointed end soon. Soon.
[TEGAN] Look, a building. Are we hallucinating?
[DOCTOR] I doubt it. The illusion is always one of normality.
[TEGAN] Well, that's not exactly Terminal Three, but who could havebuilt it?
[DOCTOR] I think the answer might be over there.
(By Concorde)
[SCOBIE] How much longer have we got to wait here?
[BILTON] Why don't we do a bit of a recce?
[STAPLEY] I've developed a very healthy respect for the Doctor, and hewants us to stay put.
[NYSSA] No! Danger. We must find the Doctor.
[BILTON] Nyssa, what's the matter?
[STAPLEY] Come on, we'd better go after her.
[KALID] You have your work, go to it.
[KALID] Visan, visan.
[BILTON] Look! It's a motorway.
[SCOBIE] I bet it's the M4!
[NYSSA] It's an illusion.
[BILTON] I don't care. It might lead us out of this time warp.
[STAPLEY] No, don't.
[SCOBIE] At least it looks like civilisation.
[STAPLEY] Scobie, stay where you are, and that is an order. Remember theIndian rope trick.
[NYSSA] I can't see anything.
[NYSSA] What was the Indian rope trick?
(Spaceship wreckage)
[TEGAN] Someone's ship?
[DOCTOR] Been here a long time.
[TEGAN] Doctor, can we get out of here?
[SCOBIE] So, this fakir throws the rope up in theair and he and his assistant climb up it. Hey presto, disappeared.
(By Concorde)
[TEGAN] They've gone.
[SCOBIE] But some clever devil had takenphotographs and the reality is that there's the rope lying on thefloor, and this Indian juju man and his oppo are hiding behind somebushes laughing like a couple of skunks.
[STAPLEY] Quiet. Look.
[NYSSA] They've got the Tardis!
[BILTON] There's Dave Culshaw and Angela Clifford. They were on VictorFoxtrot!
[BILTON] Angela! Hey, hey, Angela!
[ANGELA] Andrew, what are you doing here? You didn't tell me you had aNew York stopover.
[BILTON] What are you talking about?
[SCOBIE] Look, old chap, this is all a bit of a snare and a delusion.
[ANGELA] Andrew, we've got a few chores to do. See you in the bar inhalf an hour.
[BILTON] Look, snap out of it. You're not in New York.
[ANGELA] The Captain wants us to try that new Indonesian restaurant he'sfound.
[SCOBIE] We'll have to grab them.
[STAPLEY] What's happening?
[KALID] Showa shirah sharah sharum.
[STAPLEY] Doctor, those creatures have taken Biltonand Scobie.
[KALID] Evenarab.
[KALID] Tumal, tumal.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure it wasn't an illusion?
[STAPLEY] They were real, all right.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[STAPLEY] Behind you!
[NYSSA] Stop! You mustn't fight it. The Doctor'llbe all right.
[STAPLEY] But how could he possibly
[NYSSA] I just know!
(In the bubbles)
[VOICE [OC]] Doctor, help. Help. (something) Help.
[TEGAN] What's happening now?
[DOCTOR] Captain Stapley, are you all right?
[STAPLEY] Am I all right? Those were the creatures that got hold ofBilton and Scobie.
[DOCTOR] What creatures?
[TEGAN] Those blobs.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you mean the Plasmatons.
[STAPLEY] Whatever you want to call them.
[DOCTOR] Protein agglomeration. Random particles assembled from theatmosphere. Quite harmless, I assure you.
[STAPLEY] Doctor, there's no technique that can make matter like thatout of thin air.
[DOCTOR] Oh, isn't there? Now what about the energy that telepathicallygenerated the idea that we were at Heathrow? You think that can'toperate on a physical level?
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] It's simply a form of psychokinesis.
[STAPLEY] You mean like that spoon-bending nonsense?
[TEGAN] So it seems.
[NYSSA] Doctor, those people were taking away the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR] Didn't you even bother to look to see where they were takingit?
[HAYTER] Are you from the other Concorde?
[STAPLEY] Yes. Captain Stapley, British Airways.
[HAYTER] Professor Hayter, University of Darlington.
[STAPLEY] You must be from flight one nine two. Where are all the otherpassengers? What happened to you?
[HAYTER] You're not hallucinating.
[STAPLEY] Certainly not.
[HAYTER] You've no idea what it's been like, resisting alone. Who arethese people?
[STAPLEY] Oh, this is the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] And this is Nyssa and Tegan.
[HAYTER] You're all with Captain Stapley?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I'm sorry if we seem like an unlikely rescue party.
[HAYTER] Oh, yes.
[DOCTOR] Well, don't worry. You're not imagining us.
[STAPLEY] If it hadn't been for the Doctor, we would never have foundyou.
[HAYTER] At least you're here. How did the Russians let you land?
[STAPLEY] Russians?
[HAYTER] Aren't we behind the Iron Curtain? Siberia?
[STAPLEY] Well, er, not exactly.
[HAYTER] Then where are we?
[KALID] You will return to your other work.
[BILTON] Tardis. Tardis. Tardis.
[KALID] To your work!
[BILTON] Rope. Rope! That's it! Rope trick!
[KALID] Ramshara norinvora.
[KALID] You will proceed with your work.
[BILTON] Concorde? Concorde. Speedbird Concorde one nine two clear fortakeoff.
[HAYTER] I must have passed out during the hijack.I think we all did. The next thing I knew, we were in this mausoleum.They'd got everybody under some sort of hypnosis. At Darlington that'smy speciality, so I was able to counter suggest. Not easy, I can tellyou. Hyperstimulation of eidetic images. The most powerfulhallucinatory induction I've ever come across. They must be usingultrasonics.
[DOCTOR] Who are they, Professor Hayter?
[HAYTER] I don't know. Even the guards are disguised.
[DOCTOR] Guards? Oh, you mean the Plasmatons.
[HAYTER] The what?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it doesn't matter. At least you managed to get away withoutalerting these guards. Look, I want you to show us the way to thismausoleum.
[HAYTER] You're not serious!
[STAPLEY] Hayter, I've got to find my crew.
[DOCTOR] And I've got to find my Tardis.
[HAYTER] Tardis?
[TEGAN] Without it, we'll never get back to the twentieth century.
[HAYTER] What did you say?
[NYSSA] She's absolutely right. We've all travelled a hundred and fortymillion years down a time contour.
[HAYTER] They're both hallucinating.
[TEGAN] It's true. Your aircraft got caught in a time warp.
[HAYTER] Unless we get them away
[STAPLEY] There's no time to explain, Hayter. I need you to show mewhere I can find my crew. The Doctor has to get back his equipment.
[HAYTER] If you insist, Captain. The prison centre's somewhere on theother side of that hill. What is this equipment of the Doctor's?
[STAPLEY] Well, it's a. You wouldn't believe me.
[KALID] Veram veram. Zarak naman.
[HAYTER] There it is.
[STAPLEY] How did that get built in this wilderness?
[HAYTER] Slave labour, I expect.
[DOCTOR] Come on, then.
[NYSSA] Doctor! No! Something's happening. I, I, I can't. I can't.
[STAPLEY] What's happening to her?
[HAYTER] It's the radiation. I said we should keep away from this place.
[DOCTOR] Keep still.
[STAPLEY] We must help her.
[NYSSA] Do not approach the citadel. Return to your ship. There is greatdanger.
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[STAPLEY] What's happening to her?
[DOCTOR] The intelligence. It's using Nyssa as a medium.
[HAYTER] More like hysteria triggered by ultrasonics.
[DOCTOR] Be quiet. Who are you? What do you want?
[NYSSA] We are. We are. The control divides us. But the control shall beresisted. Resisted.
[KALID] You she thinks too clearly, my child.
[NYSSA] There's so little time. You must resist.Resist.
[TEGAN] Look, it's happening again.
[NYSSA] Resist. Resist.
[TEGAN] It's the same stuff as the Plasmatons are made out of.
[DOCTOR] Someone wanted to stop her talking.
[STAPLEY] We've got to get her out of there.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid we don't have the right kind of energy.
[STAPLEY] We can't just leave her!
[DOCTOR] Well, if we could find the source of the power, we might beable to free her.
[STAPLEY] You go on, Doctor. I'll stay with Nyssa.
[TEGAN] No, you're more use to the Doctor. I'll stay with her.
[HAYTER] Going on is madness.
[TEGAN] Look, if we don't get the Tardis back we could be stuck here forever.
[DOCTOR] Tegan's right. Look, she'll be perfectly all right. As soon asshe's free, you both go back to the Concorde.
[TEGAN] You bet. Good luck.
[DOCTOR] And don't try and follow us. Captain, Professor.
[HAYTER] Don't you realise we've got to get away from here? The effectwill only get worse the nearer we get to the centre of the radiation.
[DOCTOR] Is that a reason for abandoning your fellow passengers?
[STAPLEY] Look, if the intelligence is trying to contact us, who istrying to stop it?
[DOCTOR] Something with the same resource of psychokinetic energy.
[STAPLEY] Another intelligence?
[DOCTOR] It could well be.
[TEGAN] Nyssa? Can you hear me? Nyssa!
[KALID] Shanwa sharah shamoh sharam.
[STAPLEY] The place is deserted.
[HAYTER] Don't you believe it. Those guards appear from nowhere.
[DOCTOR] Those guards, as you call them, are fully occupied with Nyssa.
[HAYTER] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] The creatures you saw are particles of protoplasm bonded bypsychic energy. The essential protoplasm can take any shape.
[STAPLEY] Such as the shield around Nyssa?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but I suspect the power and raw material is limited, so aslong as Nyssa is trapped
[STAPLEY] No Plasmatons.
[HAYTER] I've never heard such an extravagant explanation.
[STAPLEY] How else do you explain what happened to Nyssa?
[HAYTER] Well, some form of projection. Maybe part hallucination.Scientifically speaking, even
[DOCTOR] Scientifically speaking, I think we should find the others.
[TEGAN] Nyssa? Nyssa! Can you hear me?
(Sanctum chamber)
[STAPLEY] There's Bilton and Scobie!
[DOCTOR] I wonder if they know where the Tardis is?
[HAYTER] I doubt if they can even remember their names. They're in astate of trance.
[DOCTOR] It can't be far away.
[STAPLEY] If we could separate them.
[HAYTER] Look out for the guards!
[STAPLEY] The Doctor's theory's. Where is the Doctor?
[HAYTER] Forget him. Let's get out of here.
[HAYTER] I don't know what this Doctor's qualifications are, but if youask me, the man's a lunatic.
[STAPLEY] I don't believe I did.
[KALID] So, you are here at last, Doctor.
(Sanctum chamber)
[STAPLEY] What's behind that thing?
[HAYTER] Another thing, I shouldn't wonder. It's called hard labour.
[STAPLEY] The Doctor's theory is that this is a hijack in time ratherthan space. This isn't the Soviet Union, Professor.
[HAYTER] This Doctor needs his head examined.
[DOCTOR] So you're the conjurer.
[KALID] I am Kalid.
[DOCTOR] You say that as if you expect a round of applause.
[KALID] Have a care, Doctor. You were not summoned to my domain to playthe clown.
[DOCTOR] Your domain?
[KALID] Here, Kalid rules.
[DOCTOR] Well, I apologise for my levity, not to mention my curiosity.
[KALID] What troubles your mind, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] What you're doing in this time zone, for a start.
[KALID] Shall Kalid not travel where the spirit leads him?
[DOCTOR] Would the spirit have anything to do with the ruins of thatspaceship out there?
[KALID] Spaceship?
[KALID] Space is within us, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Then exactly how do you travel?
[KALID] By the power of the Great One. In the deserts of Arabia I learntall the magic arts.
[DOCTOR] Magic? Arabia? Oh, come on, you can do better than that.
[KALID] You mock me, Doctor, but do not doubt that I can summon furiesand cacodaemons, a company of cherubim or Lucifer himself.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, yes, you're surrounded by a lot of powerfulbioenergetics, Kalid, but I can't help feeling there's something agreat deal more mechanistic about all this.
[KALID] Mechanistic?
[DOCTOR] What are you doing, sitting at the end of a time contour like aspider in a web? And what do you want with my Tardis?
[KALID] My familiar spirits have told me of your miraculous cabinet. Thespirits have told me you would come.
[DOCTOR] Your spirits are very well-informed.
[KALID] I hold the whole genius of night bound to my will. And now thegreat elemental has summoned you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Not just me, Kalid. What do you want with all these passengers?
[KALID] Slaves are required in my domain.
[DOCTOR] You have the Plasmatons.
[KALID] They have other uses.
[DOCTOR] You mean you need the psychotronic energy for something else.
(In the bubbles)
[VOICE [OC]] Resistance. Kalid shall be resisted.
[NYSSA] Who are you?
[KALID] The power shall be used for the great workwe shall do together.
[KALID] Together we shall scourge the entirety of space and time.
[DOCTOR] You can exclude me from your wizardry.
[KALID] You cannot resist, Doctor. In this place, all things obey Kalid.Come. Look.
[KALID] Visan, visan, zanor minaz. You see your friend? Visan, visan.
[KALID] Your Captain Stapley and his fellow mortals.
[DOCTOR] Very impressive, Kalid, but your incantation is just triggeringsomeone else's energy. You're not in control here. You're just asmortal as anyone else.
(Sanctum chamber)
[STAPLEY] I wish the Doctor wouldn't wander off.
[HAYTER] I thought you were in charge, Captain Stapley.
[STAPLEY] I am, but I happen to respect his judgement.
[HAYTER] You also came here to rescue your crew, or do you need to askthe Doctor's permission first?
[STAPLEY] Don't provoke me, Professor.
[HAYTER] Your crew is in front of you. Haven't we wasted enough time?
[STAPLEY] All right. Bilton?
[BILTON] Hello, Captain. I've got the met report. We'll clear thosethunderstorms by the
[STAPLEY] Wake up, Bilton!
[HAYTER] You must listen carefully to what I say.
[ANGELA] Will you please sit down, sir, and fasten your seatbelt. We'reabout to take off.
[HAYTER] Listen to me!
[ANGELA] The bar will be open as soon as we're airborne.
[STAPLEY] We're not at Heathrow.
[BILTON] Oxygen check, flight-control inverters on, anti-stall systemson
[STAPLEY] Stop it, Andrew. No.
[BILTON] Altimeters checked. Navigation radios set.
[STAPLEY] Professor!
[BILTON] Brakes.
[STAPLEY] Check.
[BILTON] Throttles.
[BILTON] Throttle masters.
[STAPLEY] Professor! Speedbird Concorde one nine two to tower. Requestpermission to start engines.
[HAYTER] Wake up, man!
[HAYTER] Concentrate! What about the Doctor, Captain Stapley?
[STAPLEY] Doctor? The Doctor! And my crew! Bilton. Bilton! Remember whathappened at Heathrow?
[BILTON] What's that, Captain?
[STAPLEY] Remember the Doctor! Remember Nyssa and Tegan. Remember Tegan?
[BILTON] Tegan. Yes!
[KALID] Together with your box, the power will beabsolute. We shall command the whole universe.
[DOCTOR] I've always found domination such an unattractive prospect.
[KALID] Shall I be forced to compel you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] There is no power that will give you control of the Tardis.
[KALID] Shara, shara, kazan.
(Sanctum chamber)
[BILTON] Come on, Roger. Wake up, now. Come on!
[STAPLEY] Look out!
[TEGAN] Nyssa, are you all right?
[NYSSA] Of course.
[TEGAN] What happened?
[NYSSA] The power dissolved. It was needed elsewhere.
[TEGAN] What are you talking about?
[NYSSA] I don't know. I keep getting this intuition.
[KALID] Shara, shara tumal. Nazeem, nazeem.
(Sanctum chamber)
[STAPLEY] Come on, Roger. You're coming with us.
[KALID] Iznavin, iznavin.
[TEGAN] I promised the Doctor we'd go back toConcorde.
[TEGAN] But Nyssa
[NYSSA] We must go to the citadel.
[TEGAN] We'll only get caught.
[NYSSA] The Doctor's in danger. Kalid!
[STAPLEY] Doctor!
[HAYTER] Who is this man?
[DOCTOR] Kalid.
[STAPLEY] Are you responsible for the abduction of my passengers andcrew?
[HAYTER] Is it you who authorised mass hallucination?
[KALID] Your questions are irrelevant.
[STAPLEY] I don't think so!
[STAPLEY] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] He's thrown up a barrier. I did try and warn you.
[TEGAN] Where are we going?
[NYSSA] To help the Doctor.
[TEGAN] Is this your intuition again?
[NYSSA] Yes. Can't you feel it too?
[NYSSA] We must find the centre. Trust me.
[TEGAN] Why not? It's a dead end.
[NYSSA] We must continue.
[KALID] The freedom of yourselves and your fellowpassengers is in the hands of the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You're wasting your time, Kalid.
[KALID] I require the key of the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] I've already told you
[KALID] Aragoborago abolitha.
[TEGAN] Adric!
[NYSSA] No. Adric's dead.
[TEGAN] How can we be sure?
[ADRIC] Go back, Tegan, or you will destroy me.
[NYSSA] It's only imagination. It's the only power Kalid has left tostop us.
[ADRIC] If you advance, you will kill me, Nyssa.
[TEGAN] We can't take that risk.
[NYSSA] The badge.
[TEGAN] What?
[NYSSA] Adric's wearing his badge.
[TEGAN] But it was shattered when the Doctor destroyed the Cyberleader.
[NYSSA] Exactly.
[TEGAN] Come on.
[KALID] I must prevent all mortal advance.
[DOCTOR] Out of bounds, are they, Kalid?
[KALID] Not even I have dared penetrate the heart of the citadel.
[DOCTOR] You mean you've not been able to.
[KALID] You will watch them suffer for this. Sharam sharah, sharahsharom.
[TEGAN] What is it?
[NYSSA] Melkur. What comes from it killed my father.
[NYSSA] I don't believe in you.
[TEGAN] Come on.
[DOCTOR] Well, Kalid, it seems a power greater thanyours is protecting them.
[KALID] Vraa nagim!
[TEGAN] You're not real.
[KALID] They have entered the sanctum.
[DOCTOR] It's your powerhouse, is it?
[KALID] Doctor, you will give me the key of the Tardis.
[KALID] Then you will see your friends here destroyed and you yourselfannihilated.
[DOCTOR] I don't think so. We've all got quite good at resisting yoursorcery.
[KALID] Sator sobal sotos mondoro.
[KALID] Sator monbravo.
[BILTON] Not again!
[KALID] You will not resist my combatant.
[STAPLEY] These things have proven themselves harmless.
[DOCTOR] I'm not so sure about this one.
[STAPLEY] Bah, it's just a ball of cotton wool.
[DOCTOR] Kalid is drawing on deeper reserves of power, and that thing isbonding itself into something far more dangerous than a Plasmaton.
[KALID] Well, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] The answer is still no, Kalid.
[KALID] The Tardis key, Doctor!
[BILTON] Please, Doctor!
[KALID] Do you really want to see your friends die?
[NYSSA] The Doctor! Help me.
[TEGAN] Why?
[NYSSA] Just help me.
[TEGAN] It won't budge.
[NYSSA] We must.
[TEGAN] What are you doing?
[KALID] Argh! No more!
[DOCTOR] The power's gone.
[STAPLEY] Look at Kalid.
[HAYTER] There's got to be a perfectly simple orthodox explanation.Bioenergetic powers? Intellectual garbage.
[DOCTOR] You won't find what you're looking for.
[HAYTER] Won't I? You come and look at this. Psychotronics, was it,Doctor? I call it electronics.
[DOCTOR] I don't understand.
[MASTER [OC]] No, Doctor, you never do understand.
[MASTER] You never do.
[DOCTOR] So you escaped from Castrovalva. I shouldhave guessed.
[MASTER] As gullible as ever, my dear Doctor.
[HAYTER] Magic, as in lantern. A son et lumiere performance.Sophisticated and terrifying, I do not dispute.
[MASTER] How you love the company of fools.
[SCOBIE] Hold on a moment. This crystal, there's no connection, no radiolink.
[DOCTOR] The crystal is simply a point of focus. The communication ispurely telepathic.
[HAYTER] And what's all this equipment for?
[DOCTOR] What indeed.
[DOCTOR] These components are from your Tardis. You're stranded here!The time contour you generated was a desperate lifeline to the future.It accidentally converged with Concorde.
[MASTER] You are right, Doctor. I need your Tardis to penetrate thesanctum.
[DOCTOR] For a new source of power? I think you're too late. It seems tohave expended itself.
[MASTER] The recuperation will be swift. Your companions have enteredthe sanctum, they've disturbed the neuronic nucleus, but they will havepaid for the incursion with their lives.
[BILTON] Nyssa and Tegan dead?
[DOCTOR] Oh, they're as likely to have been protected as destroyed. Thepower works against as well as for you.
[MASTER] I shall soon have total control of the force. The Tardis key,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No heroics, please, gentlemen. The Master will eliminate youwithout a second thought.
[MASTER] Very wise, Doctor.
[HAYTER] Good heavens, that's never the Tardis?
[MASTER] Unfortunately it is. So typical of the Doctor's predilectionfor the third-rate, but it will serve my purpose.
[HAYTER] What does the man want with an obsolete Metropolitan
[SCOBIE] Oh, no.
[HAYTER] We're hallucinating again.
[STAPLEY] Is that how you travel, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Not exactly the first class end of the market, but aserviceable vehicle, Captain.
[HAYTER] Some kind of miasma.
[DOCTOR] I do not wish to believe, therefore I hallucinate. Is that thephilosophy of Darlington men, Professor?
[HAYTER] What I've just seen isn't possible.
[DOCTOR] Try telling that to Tegan and Nyssa when the Mastermaterialises in the sanctum.
[STAPLEY] Have you any idea where the sanctum is?
[BILTON] What about behind that wall, where the passengers were working?
[STAPLEY] Could be.
[SCOBIE] But if it is, how did the girls get in there?
[DOCTOR] The power source is unstable. Sometimes it works for theMaster, sometimes against.
[STAPLEY] But why?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but I intend to find out.
[STAPLEY] Right, let's go.
[DOCTOR] No, no. Just the Professor and myself.
[SCOBIE] You'll need all the help you can get.
[DOCTOR] You've seen the hallucinogenic effects the power source canhave. The closer you get, the stronger it is. You wouldn't be able toresist.
[BILTON] The Professor's the same as us.
[DOCTOR] The Professor has shown stronger resistance than most. By theway, if the Master turns up again, don't be surprised. It may take hima little time to discover I left the er, coordinate override switchedin. Ready?
[DOCTOR] The Master was so desperate to penetrate the sanctum heresorted to brute force.
[HAYTER] My fellow passengers?
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[HAYTER] I'll say one thing, Doctor. For some of them it'll be the firstday's honest work they've done in their lives.
[DOCTOR] Let's hope they still have enough strength left to break downthe wall for us.
(Sanctum chamber)
[HAYTER] How long before the power returns?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[HAYTER] Doctor, they've stopped hallucinating.
[DOCTOR] That's not necessarily a good thing.
[HAYTER] How do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Are you any good at explanations?
[HAYTER] Oh, yes, I take your point.
[ANGELA] It is Professor Hayter?
[HAYTER] That's correct.
[ANGELA] Thank goodness for a friendly face. I'm Angela Clifford.
[HAYTER] This is the Doctor. He's here to help us.
[DOCTOR] Are your passengers unharmed?
[ANGELA] Those I've seen are. Do you know where we are?
[HAYTER] Not exactly.
[ANGELA] Do you know what's happened to Captain Urquhart and the rest ofthe crew?
[HAYTER] My dear young lady, it's no good asking me. The Doctor's theexpert here.
[SCOBIE] In all my years in a flight engineer Ihave never seen anything like
[BILTON] Listen!
[STAPLEY] (sotto) I've got an idea. Roger, you wait here for the Doctor.Andrew, come with me.
[BILTON] It's not possible!
[STAPLEY] Quickly, Andrew.
[BILTON] You're never going to try and take off?
[STAPLEY] Of course not, but somewhere here there must be a control forthese doors.
[BILTON] Oh, I wouldn't have thought it was that.
[BILTON] So we lock the Master out of the Tardis?
[STAPLEY] Well, maybe not out of the Tardis, but we should be able tokeep him off this flight deck. Always assuming this is the flight deck.Well, here goes.
[BILTON] I hope you know what you're doing.
[STAPLEY] I haven't the foggiest.
[STAPLEY] Ah, that's more like it. Now, if we can hold up the Masterlong enough for the Doctor to get through to Nyssa and Tegan
[BILTON] Captain!
(Outside the console room)
[BILTON] He's going to try and take off again.We've got to get out of here.
[STAPLEY] We're staying where we are. The Tardis is our only link withthe twentieth century. Where it goes, we go.
(Sanctum chamber)
[ANGELA] Now, you heard what the Doctor said. We'vegot to get through this wall. Now you people stay here and the rest ofyou come with me.
[ANGELA] Do you really think the rest of the crew are all right?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sure of it. Either they've been press-ganged into otherwork or they're locked up safely out of harm's way.
[ANGELA] It's incredible. We were doing this without realising it.
[HAYTER] Certainly.
[ANGELA] What sort of power could do that to us?
[HAYTER] We won't know that until we get to the other side of that wall.
[ANGELA] Won't that be dangerous? What if the force returns?
[HAYTER] Fight it. It's perfectly possible.
[HAYTER] Focus your mind on something you're very sure of. Your family,fish and chips. Concentrate on that one thought to keep the dreamimages out. All right? Now come on, everybody, we haven't got muchtime.
[HAYTER] We're nearly there, Doctor! Doctor?
[DOCTOR] The Master's Tardis.
[HAYTER] That pillar?
[DOCTOR] Of course. That's where he's hidden the other passengers.
[HAYTER] But it's not big enough.
[DOCTOR] Something else for me to explain later.
[HAYTER] This revolutionises the whole concept of relative dimension. OhDoctor, if only I were a younger man and had the time to make use ofyour knowledge.
[DOCTOR] The time. Yes, that's another thing.
[DOCTOR] What's this?
[DOCTOR] I want to see where this goes.
[HAYTER] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] An induction loop! So that's how he generated the time contour.Don't you see what this means?
[HAYTER] I certainly do not.
[DOCTOR] He's already harnessing the power in the loop, in the chamber,in the sanctum!
[HAYTER] But Doctor, aren't we going into this Tardis thing?
[DOCTOR] The wall is much more important. Tegan and Nyssa are behind it.
(Outside the console room)
[STAPLEY] Engine trouble.
[BILTON] That's a bit of luck.
[STAPLEY] I'm not so sure. If there's a fault in the Tardis, we could bemarooned in this wilderness forever.
(Sanctum chamber)
[ANGELA] Be careful, now.
[DOCTOR] Now, you don't have to come in if you don't want to.
[HAYTER] I'll learn nothing waiting for you here.
[DOCTOR] Good man. The rest of you stay here.
[HAYTER] How are they?
[DOCTOR] They're just stunned.
[TEGAN] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[TEGAN] I think so. There was an explosion. Oh, my head aches.
[DOCTOR] You rest a while.
[NYSSA] They willed us to come here.
[HAYTER] Who are they?
[DOCTOR] Look in the sarcophagus, Professor.
[HAYTER] It's alive!
[STAPLEY] Keep your eye on the screen, Andrew.
[BILTON] What are you doing?
[STAPLEY] A trouble shared is a trouble doubled. I only hope the Doctorknows how to put all this back.
[BILTON] Sabotage!
[HAYTER] What is it?
[DOCTOR] An immeasurable intelligence at the centre of a psychic vortex,all seeing, all knowing.
[HAYTER] I've certainly never seen a living organism like this before.
[NYSSA] Why did it want me to destroy it?
[DOCTOR] It didn't. That's why it deflected your attack.
[TEGAN] That explosion?
[DOCTOR] A massive burst of psychokinetic energy.
[HAYTER] That must be when the creature evaporated.
[DOCTOR] The power diverted to defend itself.
[HAYTER] But why work against itself?
[NYSSA] Two aspects of the same personality, the good and the bad.
[DOCTOR] Jekyll and Hyde.
[TEGAN] But why should half the creature want to attack us anyway?
[DOCTOR] Oh, not the creature itself. The power was being used by theMaster.
[NYSSA] The Master's here?
[TEGAN] Well, at least we've got half the force on our side.
[NYSSA] Perhaps more. The power that led us here was very strong.
[HAYTER] How did you get in?
[TEGAN] Well, the wall just opened.
[DOCTOR] Part of the benign intelligence must have triggered a hiddenmechanism.
[TEGAN] Is that what happened to you?
[DOCTOR] We had to force our way in.
[TEGAN] Where?
[HAYTER] The blocks have been put back. We're trapped!
[STAPLEY] Well, that should put paid to any plansthe Master has to take off in this.
[BILTON] I thought after Concorde you could fly anything, but I can'tmake head nor tail of this.
[MASTER] I'm sorry the Doctor's not here to explain the controls.
[STAPLEY] Well, you seem to be having a little difficulty with Tardisyourself.
[MASTER] It's no longer important to me.
[MASTER] I now have all that I require. The Tardis, for what it's worth,is yours.
[MASTER] Bon voyage, gentlemen.
[TEGAN] I don't understand it. The entire wall'ssolid.
[DOCTOR] The power must be returning.
[TEGAN] But if you physically broke through?
[DOCTOR] Well, someone filled in the hole.
[TEGAN] The passengers? Why?
[DOCTOR] Whatever part of the intelligence that is now controlling themwants us walled up in here.
[TEGAN] We are trapped?
[DOCTOR] Till the Master turns up with the Tardis.
[HAYTER] Doctor, come and look at this.
[HAYTER] It's some sort of figurine. There's another one, and another.Could they be some sort of votive offering? In which case, this chambermight have some religious significance.
[DOCTOR] The Xeraphin.
[HAYTER] You've seen one of these before?
[DOCTOR] A legendary race, long since extinct.
[NYSSA] The Xeraphin?
[DOCTOR] They're supposed to have lived on the planet Xeraphas, beforeit was devastated by crossfire in the Vardon-Kosnax war.
[HAYTER] Oh Doctor, please, on top of everything else, not little greenmen from outer space.
[DOCTOR] Oh, there's nothing green about the Xeraphin, I assure you.Highly developed creatures. Beings with immense mental power.
[TEGAN] Doesn't it remind you of something?
[NYSSA] The work of a tissue compression eliminator.
[HAYTER] What are you talking about?
[TEGAN] Well, it's a little toy of the Master's.
[DOCTOR] It's the weapon I warned you against. If the Master used it onyou, you'd end up just like this. They must have come out of thecasket.
[HAYTER] But the thing in there is alive, and there's only one organism.
[DOCTOR] Don't you see? Cellular fusion. Reduction to ahypostatic amalgam. No wonder the animus is so strong. Apartfrom the Master's victims, the entire race of the Xeraphin is in thissarcophagus.
[BILTON] So much for sabotage.
[STAPLEY] I thought I'd tampered with enough bits and pieces to groundanything.
[BILTON] Captain!
[STAPLEY] That's the citadel.
[BILTON] If that's the case, the Tardis has turned into a helicopter.
[SCOBIE] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] The whole race physically amalgamated intoone organism with one immense personality. That's why the Master camehere. That's why he laid this loop around the chamber. He wants this atthe centre of his Tardis.
[NYSSA] Why?
[DOCTOR] He must have exhausted his own dynomorphic generator.
[NYSSA] Of course. The nucleus is the perfect substitute.
[DOCTOR] And infinitely more powerful.
[NYSSA] The power's returning. Can't you feel it?
[DOCTOR] We must find a way out of here.
[NYSSA] Don't be afraid, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, Nyssa, you'll be absorbed.
[NYSSA] The Xeraphin is calling us. The Xeraphin is very close.
[DOCTOR] No, stop! Nyssa, talk to me. Explain it to me.
[NYSSA] The Xeraphin contains the wisdom of the universe. Without theknowledge, you cannot escape from the sanctum.
[DOCTOR] But the knowledge will consume you!
[NYSSA] The sacrifice is required for your survival, Doctor, and thefuture of the Xeraphin.
[HAYTER] Stop! I shall talk to the Xeraphin.
[DOCTOR] No, Professor.
[HAYTER] I'm a scientist, Doctor. The chance of inheriting the wisdom ofall the universe is an opportunity I cannot ignore.
[DOCTOR] It will destroy you. You don't understand what you're doing.
[HAYTER] Precisely, Doctor. But soon I shall know everything.
[NYSSA] The Xeraphin welcomes you, Professor.
[DOCTOR] Professor Hayter, get back from there!
[ANGELA] Roger!
[SCOBIE] Angela! Are you all right?
[ANGELA] I can't resist for much longer.
[SCOBIE] What are you talking about?
[ANGELA] The dream world. Professor Hayter explained.
[SCOBIE] Are you still hallucinating?
[ANGELA] I'm trying to fight it. I feel so tired. Help me, Roger. Ican't always control the illusions.
[SCOBIE] Angela, don't give up now. You mustn't let go of your mind.
[ANGELA] The Professor said to think of something real.
[SCOBIE] Think of it, then. Just don't let them take you over.
[ANGELA] I don't see how you can resist so easily.
[SCOBIE] The Doctor destroyed the illusion as soon as we landed.
[ANGELA] The Doctor.
[SCOBIE] Was the Doctor with you?
[ANGELA] Yes. The Doctor
[SCOBIE] Did he break through into the sanctum?
[ANGELA] Yes. We broke through the wall.
[SCOBIE] Come on.
[BILTON] We must be in a perpetual holding pattern.
[STAPLEY] I'm going to have a go at flying this thing.
[BILTON] Are you sure?
[STAPLEY] What other chance have we got? Right.
(Sanctum chamber)
[ANGELA] Roger.
[SCOBIE] Where did you break through?
[ANGELA] Somewhere along here.
[SCOBIE] Well, this can't be it.
[ANGELA] The power returned. They sealed up the wall again.
[SCOBIE] You mean the Doctor's behind this lot?
[ANGELA] I tried to stop them.
[SCOBIE] We've got to get him out of here. He's our only link with thereal world. Come on.
[ANGELA] Roger.
[DOCTOR] The molecular structure has completelybroken up.
[NYSSA] He's become a Plasmaton.
[DOCTOR] I think the Xeraphin is trying to materialise.
[ANITHON] I am Anithon, of the race of the Xeraphin.
(Sanctum chamber)
[SCOBIE] It's no good, we'll have to find some tools. Angela.
[MASTER] Go into my Tardis. I am the Master. You will obey me.
[ANITHON] I come in this shape as ambassador of ourpeople.
[DOCTOR] What are the Xeraphin doing on Earth, Anithon?
[ANITHON] Our homeland was laid waste by barbarians, so we travelled tothis deserted planet to build a new home for our people.
[TEGAN] That explains the spaceship we saw.
[ANITHON] But the sickness followed us.
[DOCTOR] Radiation poisoning.
[ANITHON] Using our psychic power, we melded into a unity.
[DOCTOR] You achieved the absorption of a whole race into a singlebioplasmic body?
[ANITHON] Yes, Doctor. In that shape we planned to rest until thecontamination had passed. Then we could regenerate.
[DOCTOR] What went wrong?
[ANITHON] At the moment of regeneration the Time Lord came, seeking ourpower.
[DOCTOR] The Master.
[ANITHON] Those who were first reborn were destroyed.
[DOCTOR] We've seen their remains.
[ANITHON] We were forced to retreat to our resting place.
[DOCTOR] How did the Master gain so much control over your psychicpower?
[ANITHON] Through the projection of his mind, he communicated with ourbaseness.
[DOCTOR] But surely there's more good than evil in the Xeraphin? And thegood is controlling the power that helped Tegan and Nyssa, and is stillresisting the Master.
[ANITHON] The schismatic effect of the Time Lord's intervention. We areinfinitely divided. (groans) Listen carefully. Together we must securethe safety of your friends and yourself, and the regeneration of ourrace.
[DOCTOR] We'll have to deal with the Master first.
[ANITHON] It is possible. I will explain. Argh!
[ZARAK] I am Zarak, of the race of the Xeraphin.
[ZARAK] My brother has misled you, Doctor. We need no help. The Xeraphinhas a new destiny.
[ANITHON] No, Zarak. The ambition of the Time Lord will destroy ourrace.
[ZARAK] For the new to be born, the old must die. The new order of theXeraphin has begun.
[ANITHON] No, Zarak.
[ZARAK] Herein the new power, the force that binds and shapes us, shallbe feared and adored. Nations shall prostrate themselves before us. Weshall be divinity.
[DOCTOR] Zarak, that's just a dream. The Master will use the power forhis own evil purposes. He'll never allow you to regenerate.
[ANITHON] Zarak, do you not yearn for shape and touch and feeling? Mybrother, our true destiny is the becoming of ourselves. All our powermust be combined to work with the Doctor against the rebel Time Lord.
[NYSSA] I think we're winning.
[TEGAN] Winning what, for heaven's sakes.
[DOCTOR] The argument, of course. The debate between black and whiteXeraphin. Whichever Xeraphin wins will control their combined power.
[NYSSA] For good or for evil.
[ZARAK] You talked me out of my purpose, brother Anithon, but othercounsels will prevail.
[ANITHON] It is forbidden
[ZARAK] In the new order, nothing is forbidden.
[ZARAK] Come forth, Kalistoran. Come forth, Alkarim.Come forth, Vaan.
[TEGAN] (sotto) What's happening now?
[DOCTOR] Zarak is summoning other evil Xeraphin.
[ZARAK] Come to me, Zarindas. Come to me, Mordal.
[ANITHON] Help me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] How can we help you?
[NYSSA] With our minds. We must will the dark Xeraphin not to appear.
[TEGAN] I cannot keep this up much longer.
[DOCTOR] You must.
[ANITHON] Zarak, embrace again the eternal truth of the Xeraphin.
[ZARAK] Too late, my brother. The Master is ready for us.
[DOCTOR] The Master's perfected the induction loop.
[TEGAN] What's happened to the Xeraphin?
[NYSSA] Transferred to the centre of the Master's Tardis.
[TEGAN] What does that mean?
[DOCTOR] It means the Master has finally defeated me.
[NYSSA] That can't be so.
[DOCTOR] With the Xeraphin at the centre of his Tardis, there's no limitto his powers.
[TEGAN] There must be something we can do. Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Well, it would help if you could remember where you came in.
[NYSSA] Even if we found it, we wouldn't be able to open it with theXeraphin gone.
[DOCTOR] Then we have to resort to brute force.
[BILTON] I thought this thing would neverstabilise.
[STAPLEY] I don't think we'll risk touching any more controls. Look fora radio. Maybe we can send a Mayday signal.
[BILTON] Who's going to answer it?
[STAPLEY] Perhaps the Doctor has a remote navigational
[BILTON] What's the matter, Captain?
[BILTON] Where did you come from?
[TEGAN] Oh, it's no good. The wall's solid.
[NYSSA] We need help from outside.
[TEGAN] Such as?
[NYSSA] The people who let the Doctor in.
[DOCTOR] How do you suggest we make contact?
[NYSSA] The Tardis!
[DOCTOR] Captain Stapley!
[STAPLEY] Doctor! Am I glad to see you.
[TEGAN] Are we glad to see the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] My dear Captain, you really are the most remarkable man topilot the Tardis, and with such precision. Perhaps you could take us tothe other side of that wall.
[DOCTOR] You have control, as they say.
[STAPLEY] I can't fly this thing.
[NYSSA] Then how did you pilot it here?
[BILTON] Professor Hayter, of course.
[STAPLEY] Yes. Didn't you instruct Professor Hayter on how to fly theTardis?
[BILTON] Where is the Professor? He was here a moment ago.
[TEGAN] Professor Hayter is dead.
[BILTON] Then what did we see, if it wasn't Hayter?
[DOCTOR] Possibly a telepathic projection. Perhaps he isn't really dead.
[TEGAN] The man was atomised.
[NYSSA] No. He was absorbed into the Xeraphin life force.
(Sanctum chamber)
[SCOBIE] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[SCOBIE] Captain!
[STAPLEY] Roger, I'm glad you're safe.
[SCOBIE] This place is really getting like Heathrow.
[DOCTOR] Have you seen another Tardis?
[SCOBIE] Would that be something like a Greek pillar?
[DOCTOR] Could well be.
[SCOBIE] Yes, it vanished about ten minutes ago.
[NYSSA] Oh, we've lost him.
[DOCTOR] I don't think so. He's still in this time zone. He can't be faraway.
[TEGAN] How do you know that?
[DOCTOR] In it's new state, the Master's Tardis won't be fullyoperational yet. He's got the nucleus all right, but he'll need to workon it.
[SCOBIE] What got me was all the people.
[DOCTOR] The passengers.
[SCOBIE] Yes, I mean, I've heard of a football team getting into atelephone kiosk, but this was ridiculous.
[DOCTOR] Captain, your passengers are now ingreater danger than ever before.
[DOCTOR] I'll explain later. Nyssa, I want you to take the Tardis backto the Concorde cargo hold. Captain, I want you and your crew to getyour aircraft ready for takeoff immediately.
[STAPLEY] Doctor, after that landing, I doubt if the aircraft is safe tofly.
[DOCTOR] Wing and a prayer, Captain.
[STAPLEY] Well, if the damage isn't too bad, we could always cannibaliseVictor Foxtrot.
[BILTON] But what about a runway?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm sure you'll do your very best. Tegan, come with me.Nyssa, the coordinates are all set.
(Sanctum chamber)
[DOCTOR] Keep your eyes open. The Master could be anywhere.
(Cargo hold)
[STAPLEY] Andrew and I will start with the cockpit check. Roger, I wantyou to do a walk round the whole aircraft.
[SCOBIE] Right. Skipper.
[TEGAN] He's not here.
[DOCTOR] And taken everything with him, including the bits of my Tardis.
[TEGAN] The passengers, what about them?
[DOCTOR] Molecular disintegration. That way the Master has a neat littlestore of protoplasm with which he can do anything he wants.
[TEGAN] What, sort of melt them down?
[DOCTOR] In a manner of speaking. Let's get back to Captain Stapley.
(By Concorde)
[SCOBIE] Well, the brake line's fractured and we'velot a lot of fluid.
[NYSSA] Is that bad?
[SCOBIE] Bad? It's a miracle. The undercarriage itself is virtuallyundamaged. We can probably nick the spares from Victor Foxtrot. That'sfunny.
[NYSSA] What?
[SCOBIE] I thought I saw Victor Foxtrot shimmer. Must be imaginingthings.
[DOCTOR] There's something wrong.
[TEGAN] Well, I can't see anything.
[DOCTOR] No. No, you can't, can you. Come on.
(By Concorde)
[STAPLEY] What's the damage, Roger?
[SCOBIE] Fractured brake line.
[BILTON] Is that all?
[SCOBIE] As far as I can tell. Not a bad landing, Skipper.
[STAPLEY] Can you repair it?
[SCOBIE] With a bit of luck and a bit of Victor Foxtrot. There's onlyone problem, though, Skipper. We'll need some compressed air for thestart-up.
[STAPLEY] I'll take the tyres off numbers one and four wheels fromVictor Foxtrot.
[BILTON] You what?
[SCOBIE] Skipper, have you any idea how you jack up a hundred tons ofaircraft?
[STAPLEY] We did a hole.
[BILTON] What?
[SCOBIE] And with three and two wheels still in place, you don't need tosupport the aircraft!
[BILTON] I say, brilliant
[NYSSA] Where have you been?
[DOCTOR] I'll explain later. Where's my Tardis?
[NYSSA] In the cargo hold, of course.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Captain, is your aircraft all right?
[STAPLEY] Well, apart from some damage to the hydraulics, but we'll takesome bits off Victor Foxtrot.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Not a good idea.
[NYSSA] But Doctor, it would work.
[DOCTOR] If that were Concorde.
[SCOBIE] But it is Concorde.
[DOCTOR] That aircraft was damaged. Now it's in perfect condition.
[STAPLEY] We must be hallucinating again.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid not. That's the Master's Tardis.
[SCOBIE] But it's a plane.
[DOCTOR] The Master's operated his chameleon circuit.
[NYSSA] And materialised round the other aircraft.
[STAPLEY] Then Victor Foxtrot
[DOCTOR] Is inside the Master's Tardis, of course. I wish I had time toexplain dimensional transcendentalism. Look, I'm going into my Tardis.You stay here.
[NYSSA] No, Doctor, it's too dangerous.
[DOCTOR] There's no other way.
[STAPLEY] What are you going to do?
[NYSSA] The Doctor's going to materialise round the Master's Tardis.
[TEGAN] You know what happened before.
[DOCTOR] There's no time for anything else.
[NYSSA] We're too late. With the power of the Xeraphin, the Master willbe invincible.
[DOCTOR] Without the bits he stole from my Tardis, we can only travel inthis time zone.
[TEGAN] We're stuck here?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid so.
[DOCTOR] And so, it would see, is the Master. Come on!
(By Victor Foxtrot)
[MASTER] Devious to the last, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] A technical hitch?
[MASTER] Your substitution of the temporal limiter for the time lapsecompressor.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Well, that's the way it goes if you will steal otherpeople's property. (turns around) What's he talking about, Nyssa? Haveyou been tampering with the Tardis?
[NYSSA] Of course not.
[DOCTOR] Have you any idea what would have happened if I'd tried to go
[STAPLEY] Doctor. Doctor, I think I can explain.
[DOCTOR] You, Captain?
[STAPLEY] Yes. You see, when we were on the Tardis, I swapped some ofthe parts around. I thought it might put a spanner in the works. It's astupid idea, really.
[DOCTOR] Stupid? It was brilliant. (to the Master) Your prospects seemrather limited.
[MASTER] I can still operate my Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Ah, but such a restricted range.
[MASTER] Very well, Doctor. What are your terms?
[DOCTOR] You return all the passengers, we have access to both aircraft,you return all the components of my Tardis not necessary for the normalfunctioning of your machine.
[MASTER] And what will you give me?
[DOCTOR] A temporal limiter.
[NYSSA] Doctor, the nucleus of the Xeraphin.
[DOCTOR] He'll never give that up. Without it his Tardis is useless.
[STAPLEY] Has he agreed?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll know that in a moment.
[BILTON] Look!
[NYSSA] He's accepted.
[STAPLEY] Is that the Master's Tardis?
[NYSSA] Yes.
[STAPLEY] I don't believe it.
[BILTON] I think I'd rather hallucinate.
[DOCTOR] Captain, I'll need your aircraft ready for takeoff as soon aspossible.
[STAPLEY] We'll do our best. Roger, Andrew, let's measure this groundfor takeoff.
[DOCTOR] Now, you two. Stay here.
[TEGAN] If the Doctor gives the Master a bit of the Tardis, how do weget back?
[NYSSA] He must be giving him a redundant circuit. You know how theDoctor collects spare parts.
(By the Master's Tardis)
[DOCTOR] You seem to have mislaid the quantum accelerator.
[MASTER] Not at all, Doctor. You shall have it when you give me thecorrectly programmed temporal limiter.
[DOCTOR] If you'd be so good as to follow me.
[MASTER] No, Doctor. They shall go when I permit them to.
(Cargo hold)
[STAPLEY] Oh, Doctor, I shall need an external power supply to start theengines. Four hundred cycles, a hundred and fifteen volts.
[DOCTOR] Right. I'll run a line from the Tardis. Oh, you'll need acompressed air supply.
[STAPLEY] I'm using the air from the tyres of Victor Foxtrot, and we cantake reducing valves and piping from the air-conditioning system.
[NYSSA] Doctor, you haven't got the quantum accelerator back from theMaster.
[DOCTOR] And he hasn't got the temporal limiter. The idea, you see, isto keep him waiting until we're ready to take off.
[NYSSA] Why do we need Concorde? Can't we all go back in the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] No. I need the Tardis to deal with the Master.
[NYSSA] Doctor, how are you doing to deal with the Master? Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I'm thinking about it.
(GAC flight deck)
[SCOBIE] Hydraulics fixed.
[NYSSA] External power all right, Captain?
[STAPLEY] Er, yes. Tell the Doctor we're ready, please.
[STAPLEY] I want to do a final walk round the aircraft while we'rewaiting for the Doctor.
(By Concorde)
[MASTER] I'm impatient to leave this place. Tellthe Doctor I require the temporal limiter immediately. Or I shall startto eliminate your passengers.
[NYSSA] Captain Stapley says the aircraft is ready.
[DOCTOR] Good. I just need a few more minutes.
[TEGAN] Doctor, hurry up. The Master's getting trigger happy out there.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Well, we'd better not keep him waiting.
(By Concorde)
[STAPLEY] It looks fine, Roger.
[SCOBIE] There's no guarantee it'll stand up to the takeoff roll. Noknowing what'll happen going over this ground at two hundred knots.
[BILTON] What happens when we get airborne?
[STAPLEY] That rather depends on the Doctor, doesn't it.
[SCOBIE] Let's hope he knows what he's doing.
(By the Master's Tardis)
[DOCTOR] Please.
[MASTER] The quantum accelerator.
[DOCTOR] The temporal limiter.
[MASTER] Thank you. Should I say au revoir, Doctor? Hee hee hee.
(By Concorde)
[STAPLEY] I suppose he could end up anywhere in the universe.
[DOCTOR] Heathrow, actually.
[DOCTOR] He's virtually running in a new Tardis. In order to check outthe temporal dimensions, he'll need to track back the line of the timecontour.
[BILTON] He'll land up in London with that nucleus on board?
[STAPLEY] But that's disaster!
[DOCTOR] Quite right. Shall we go on board?
[TEGAN] The passengers are coming too?
[STAPLEY] The passengers are your responsibility, Tegan. When you getthem on board, stand by these tyres.
[TEGAN] Ladies and gentlemen, we do apologise for the delay. Your flightis now ready for boarding. Would you care to proceed to your aircraftimmediately?
[NYSSA] But the Master'll get to Earth before us.
[DOCTOR] Not with my temporal limiter in circuit.
[NYSSA] Why, doesn't it work?
[DOCTOR] Of course it does. You don't think I could fool the Master, doyou? Mind you, there is an inhibition factor inherent in the er,programming.
[NYSSA] What does that mean?
[DOCTOR] He'll arrive after us.
(GAC flight deck)
[STAPLEY] Air on number three engine.
[STAPLEY] Start number three engine. (it does) Start number two engine.(it does) Air off. Get Tegan in here.
[STAPLEY] Start number one engine. Start number four engine. I wantreverse thrust on three and four so I can turn the aircraft and clearthat ramp.
[STAPLEY] I'll abandon takeoff prior to V one only on the loss of twoengines.
[DOCTOR] Ready to go?
[STAPLEY] Yes, Doctor. Fasten your seatbelt for takeoff, please. At Vtwo, we'll maintain our climb-out at theta two, at full power. Crossyour fingers. This is it, gentlemen. Three, two, one, now.
[SCOBIE] Power checked.
[BILTON] V one. Rotate.
[STAPLEY] What did I tell you, Doctor? Finest aircraft in the world.
[BILTON] V two.
[STAPLEY] Gear up.
[BILTON] Gear selected.
[STAPLEY] Where to now, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Ah. I'll just programme your flight computer.
[DOCTOR] Now, as we dematerialise, we reverse the process of the timecontour and kick Concorde back onto its original flight path.
[DOCTOR] With a bit of luck.
(GAC Flight deck)
[STAPLEY] What's happening?
[SCOBIE] The centre of gravity's shifted.
[BILTON] The radio navigation's working!
(Air Traffic Control)
[HORTON] Look!
[SHEARD] It's not possible! From out of nowhere.
[HORTON] Speedbird Concorde Golf Alpha Charlie.
(GAC Flight deck)
[STAPLEY] Roger. Speedbird Concorde Golf AlphaCharlie descending to three five zero. We're back!
(Roof car park)
[DOCTOR] Well, it's Heathrow Airport. We appear to be on schedule for achange.
[NYSSA] What a funny way to travel.
[TEGAN] Kind of fun, though.
[NYSSA] You miss it, don't you.
[TEGAN] Oh, I don't know. It's not exactly dull travelling with theDoctor.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Ah. Now what we need's a diversion. Now, with a bit of luck,not to mention judgement.
[NYSSA] The Master can't land.
[DOCTOR] No. Same coordinates as the Tardis, but we got here first.Just.
[NYSSA] It's gone.
[DOCTOR] Knocked back into time-space like a straight six into thepavilion.
[NYSSA] The Xeraphin will never be able to regenerate.
[DOCTOR] Oh, they stand a much better chance on their own planet.
[NYSSA] You sent them to Xeraphas? But the radiation will
[DOCTOR] That was millions of years ago. The atmosphere will beperfectly clear by now. Not a very nice climate for the Master, though.
[NYSSA] He'll just take off again.
[DOCTOR] Well, I think with that extra energy on board, my temporallimiter will need replacing.
[NYSSA] He's stuck on Xeraphas?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Let's hope it's for good. Now, where's Tegan?
(Terminal One)
[TANNOY] Air Australia announce the departure of flight AS three fourtwo to Sydney Australia. Will passengers proceed through passportcontrol to gate fourteen.
[SHEARD] The airline, not to mention Whitehall, is going to need a fullexplanation.
[STAPLEY] We did rescue the passengers and crew.
[SCOBIE] And got our own plane back from a time warp.
[SHEARD] Time warp indeed.
[STAPLEY] The Doctor was absolutely right. We've been away for a hundredand forty million years.
[SCOBIE] What about the overtime?
[SHEARD] You were only missing for twenty four hours. And what aboutVictor Foxtrot?
[BILTON] Oh, Victor Foxtrot was never really lost.
[SHEARD] What?
[SCOBIE] Should be on the other side of the sewage farm.
[BILTON] Must have been beside the ruins of the citadel for a hundredand forty million years.
[STAPLEY] You just have to dig it up.
[SHEARD] Yes? Oh, not that police box again.
[STAPLEY] It's the Doctor!
(Roof car park)
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, really, Officer, we're, we'rejust in transit, as it were.
[DOCTOR] Er, just a, just a. Captain Stapley, I trust you had a goodflight?
[STAPLEY] You're amazing, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] (to policeman) Er, you know my friend the Airport Controller.I'm sure he can give you a full explanation.
[SHEARD] I think I'm entitled to a few explanations.
[DOCTOR] Er, well, I'll just make a quick phone call, which should clearthe whole thing up.
[SHEARD] I thought the Doctor was on Concorde with you?
[STAPLEY] Absolutely, but you see, that police box is really a spaceshipin disguise.
[BILTON] And it's called the Tardis.
[SHEARD] Tardis? Tardis?
[SCOBIE] And it travels in time as well.
[SHEARD] Gentlemen, if you persist with this flippancy, it will be timeto talk about
[SHEARD] Disciplinary action.
[STAPLEY] Happy landings, Doctor.
[TEGAN] Happy landings, Doctor.
[STAPLEY] Hello. I thought you were going with the Doctor.
[TEGAN] So did I.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s19", "episode": "e07", "title": "Time Flight"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (31 Oct, 1964; First Doctor) - Planet of Giants
[DOCTOR] We're approaching a planet.
[IAN] Which one?
[DOCTOR] We shall soon see.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter, my dear?
[BARBARA] I've burnt myself. It's hot!
[DOCTOR] Oh, something overheating here. Just as well we're landing.Susan, check the fault locator, please.
[SUSAN] Yes, Grandfather.
[BARBARA] We're not going to blow up or anything, are we?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, of course not. It's just, well, there we were, inthe late eighteenth century and I tried another frequency to side-stepthe ship back into the middle of the twentieth century.
[SUSAN] There's something on QR18, Grandfather, and A14D.
[SUSAN] Grandfather! Grandfather! The door's opening!
[DOCTOR] What's happening? (frantically flipping switches) Close thedoors, please. We haven't materialised properly. Quickly!
[IAN] What do you mean, close the doors?
[DOCTOR] Don't argue, dear boy. It's an emergency! Close the doors!
[BARBARA] Is everything all right?
[DOCTOR] We're just landing.
[IAN] Are you all right, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] What?
[IAN] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Oh, please don't bother me.
[BARBARA] What happened just then?
[DOCTOR] Susan, go back to the fault locator and I want you to checkeverything, child. Do you understand? Everything!
[BARBARA] Well, at least we seem to be all right.
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't be childish. They opened. The doors opened before weproperly materialised.
[IAN] But what does it mean? Look, you needn't keep it a secret from us.
[DOCTOR] What?
[BARBARA] Doctor, don't keep us in suspense.
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't go on with these futile questions, please. Can't youunderstand? Can't you see?
[IAN] No, we can't. That's just it.
[DOCTOR] We were just about to materialise, when the doors opened and wehadn't properly adjusted.
[BARBARA] You mean something went out of the ship?
[DOCTOR] No, that's impossible.
[IAN] Came inside?
[DOCTOR] Oh please, don't keep talking on the twentieth century level.I'm talking about time travel. Neither of you can understand what I'mtalking about, I can see that.
[IAN] How could we? You've never explained it to us.
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, I
[SUSAN] Grandfather, everything's all right. There isn't a faultanywhere, not even a yellow standby.
[DOCTOR] There must be something wrong, Susan. I shall have to checkthat fault locator myself to make sure. Excuse me.
[BARBARA] Oh, I do wish he wouldn't talk in riddles.
[IAN] So do I. Susan, perhaps you can help us.
[SUSAN] I just know the most dangerous moment is at the point ofmaterialisation.
[BARBARA] Nothing's ever happened to us before.
[SUSAN] Well the doors have never opened like that before.
[DOCTOR] Well, happily no harm's been done. It's most puzzling. Oh, mydear Barbara, was I rude to you just now? If so I'm so sorry. I alwaysforget the niceties under pressure. Please forgive me.
[BARBARA] There's nothing to forgive.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Well, I suppose everything's all right and you seethe temperature there. It's quite safe to go outside. Oh, Susan, justturn on the scanner and let's try and see where we are.
[SUSAN] It's shattered!
[IAN] Perhaps you need a new tube, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Did you notice the way it blew out?
[BARBARA] Yes, it was like an internal explosion of some sort.
[DOCTOR] Like something too big for it's frame.
[DOCTOR] But yet I don't know, that can't be right.
[IAN] What do we do now, Doctor? Take the scanner out and strip it down?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no, dear boy. No, it's most puzzling of course, butnow we don't know what's behind those doors.
[BARBARA] Well, we must go outside and look. You said it was quite safe.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I wonder why the? Well, we must see.
[SUSAN] Shall I open the doors, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] Yes, please, Susan. But all of you, cautiously, please.
[IAN] Doctor, what made the doors open before?
[DOCTOR] The space pressure was far too great whilst we werematerialising. The strange thing is that we all came out of itunscathed. It's most puzzling. It's a big mystery, my boy. Come along.
(Outside the Tardis)
[SUSAN] It's like a vine or something.
[DOCTOR] Now why wouldn't the scanner show us all this, hmm?
[IAN] Perhaps that was the only damage to the ship, Doctor. Overloadingon the scanner circuits.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose so. It could be. What a strange rock formation.
[IAN] Yes it is, isn't it.
[BARBARA] There are two different types of rock. Doctor, look. This isordinary stone up here, but this down here seems to be quite different.
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, here, come here. Look here, is that cement?
[IAN] It might be.
[DOCTOR] Rather a rough kind, isn't it?
[IAN] Yes, very rough. They look like pebbles of sand, don't they.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It's manufactured, anyway, to hold the stone in place. Youknow, to fix it firmly beneath.
[SUSAN] I'd have thought the stone was heavy enough to keep itself inplace.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's all most odd, isn't it. Most odd. Now, Barbara, Isuggest that you and I take that path and Susan and you, sir, go thatway.
[IAN] Yes, all right, but stay within calling distance, and if you seeanything, sing out. We'll do the same.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes.
[BARBARA] Doctor! Doctor, it's a huge snake!
[DOCTOR] What? A snake?
[BARBARA] Let's call the others.
[DOCTOR] Wait, wait, wait. Yes, I think it's dead.
[BARBARA] That's a fantastic size.
[DOCTOR] No eyes, no head. you see. The skin's interesting, isn't it.
[BARBARA] Interesting?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's a down, you see.
[BARBARA] Doctor, are you sure it isn't just sleeping?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no, it's quite dead. No, no. Death, you see, hasit's own particular posture and appearance. Yes, yes. Let's go a bitfurther.
[IAN] Warm, isn't it.
[SUSAN] Yes. Ian, look at this.
[IAN] That's odd. I suppose it couldn't be an egg. Not that size.
[SUSAN] There are more of them over there, look.
[IAN] Yes. Ostrich? Ought to be rounder than this.
[SUSAN] Strange. There are dozens of them over here. There's a wholepile of them.
[SUSAN] Ian! Ian! It is dead, isn't it?
[IAN] Yes. It's dead, all right. Stiff as a poker. What a fantasticsize.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[IAN] It's a giant ant.
[SUSAN] It's a fighter, is he? Looks as though it was trying to carrythese eggs.
[IAN] Yes, well, it's natural behaviour for an ant when it's attacked.Take the eggs to safety. The worker ant'd give his life rather thanabandon the eggs, you know.
[SUSAN] Well he couldn't have had much of a chance, could he? I mean, hemust have died quickly.
[IAN] Yes. Look at these eggs scattered about. The other ants must havebeen frightened away. I wonder what sort of a world could produce aninsect that size.
[DOCTOR] Well, here we are then. This is the tail end of it, and I knowwhat it is. It's a huge earthworm.
[DOCTOR] Yes, there are no earthworms this size on your planet.
[BARBARA] You're right, there aren't.
[DOCTOR] You know, except for its size, I could swear that it came fromyour world. Well, let's go on. Come along.
[BARBARA] It's a bit like a maze, really, all these channels. We'dbetter be careful not to get lost.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, we won't, no, and I'm determined not to go back untilwe discover something more definite. At the moment we only have onephenomenon and this mystery.
[BARBARA] What mystery?
[DOCTOR] Well, all this maze you're talking about. You know, I admitit's a bit haphazard, but it seems to have some kind of pattern aboutit. And this pattern suggests to me that there's a brain with a purposebehind it all. Come along.
[SUSAN] Ian, I counted six of those dead ants.
[IAN] Yes, I know. They're all about us, everywhere. Now this is reallybaffling.
[SUSAN] A huge picture of Night-Scented Stock.
[IAN] Yes, it is. But why put up a picture of it? I don't get it. Thewriting. Seed Company Limited, Norwich.
[SUSAN] Norwich! That's England, isn't it? Norfolk.
[IAN] Yes, it is. Susan, this means we're on Earth. Something very oddhere. First those ants, now this. I suppose it couldn't be part of acrazy exhibition. You know, where everything had been increased insize.
[DOCTOR] Well now, this is interesting. This has been cut by amanufacturer. Look out!
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[BARBARA] Yes. Fine.
[DOCTOR] That was a near miss. It would have given you a nasty headache.
[SUSAN] Hey, look at the end of that. It's all charred.
[DOCTOR] You can see quite clearly what this is. It's a matchstick.
[BARBARA] It certainly looks like one.
[DOCTOR] No, it doesn't just look like one, it is a matchstick.
[BARBARA] What, that size?
[DOCTOR] Don't you see? That huge earthworm, and now this? Can't you seewhat's happened, hmm?
[IAN] I don't understand this at all, Susan. I'm going to have a lookround the other side of this.
[SUSAN] All right.
[IAN] Look at this matchbox. (he climbs in) It must be an exhibition,Susan. Something like the World's Fair, things this size.
[SUSAN] No, Ian.
[IAN] Well, what else? Look at the scale of things.
[SUSAN] You're wrong, Ian. Completely wrong. I thought just now thatsomething was wrong when I saw that, but now I'm sure.
[IAN] All right, what's your theory then?
[SUSAN] These things haven't been made bigger. We've been made smaller.
[BARBARA] Smaller?
[DOCTOR] We have been reduced roughly to the size of an inch.
[IAN] An inch?
[DOCTOR] You, me, all of us and the ship.
[DOCTOR] We must get hold of the others quickly and return to theTardis.
[IAN] No, Susan, no. It can't be.
[SUSAN] I'm right, Ian. I know I am. That's the danger Grandfather wasafraid of when the doors opened. He wouldn't admit it was possible,that's all.
[IAN] It isn't possible, Susan. It's ridiculous.
[SUSAN] Oh, Ian, work it out for yourself. The doors of Tardis opened.That means the space pressure caused us to reduce.
[IAN] What's that?
[SUSAN] What is it?
[IAN] Run, Susan, run!
[SUSAN] Ian? Ian, where are you!
[BARBARA [OC]] Susan!
[SUSAN] Barbara!
[BARBARA [OC]] Susan!
[SUSAN] Barbara, over here.
[SUSAN] Oh, Barbara!
[BARBARA] Susan, what's the matter?
[DOCTOR] What's happened?
[SUSAN] There was a great big matchbox, a huge one, and Ian and I cameto have a look and he sat on it, and there was this terrible noise andhe fell inside it and now it's gone! It's gone and Ian's inside it!
[BARBARA] All right, Susan, it's all right.
[DOCTOR] Well someone picked it up, I suppose.
(Edge of paving stone)
[SUSAN] We can climb this and see over the top. OhBarbara, I can't reach it.
[BARBARA] All right, I'll do it.
[DOCTOR] No, no, now, please, no. Let me do it. You might hurt yourself.You just let me, hmm.
[SUSAN] Be careful, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes.
[SUSAN] Steady.
[DOCTOR] I'm all right. Yes, well it looks a tremendous distance to me.There's a house over there, and there's a man sitting down, readingsomething. It's a notebook, I think.
[BARBARA] Did he have a matchbox?
[DOCTOR] How do I know?
[BARBARA] I don't know how you know, but do you suppose he could have?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose so. Watch what you're doing, will you?
[BARBARA] Well, look, Doctor, give us some hope. I mean, Ian's insidethat matchbox.
[DOCTOR] Gently, gently, gently. We've got to find Chesterton.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, supposing the man walks off with it?
[DOCTOR] Courage, my dear. I know all this is a bit of a nightmare, butwe've just got to get Ian back and then we can go back to the ship.
[SUSAN] And then can you get us back to normal size?
[DOCTOR] Of course, yes, I'll try. There's always a chance. But firstthings first. We must find Chesterton. We can't go back that way. Wemust go back the same way that we came.
[FARROW] Oh, hello. Thank you. Mister Forrester, isn't it? We spoke onthe telephone.
[FORRESTER] Yes, I got here as quickly as I could. I hope you haven'ttaken any action yet.
[FARROW] Not yet, but I have written my report.
[FORRESTER] You do realise what's at stake here, Mister Farrow? Theearly experiments were noted by the Ministry, welcomed in fact. I'vealready geared factories, advertising and all the rest of it to startpushing DN6.
[FARROW] I'm sorry about that, but I can't give you the approval thatyou want.
[FORRESTER] We could of course spend more time on the refining.
[FARROW] Oh, there's much more to it than that, as I mentioned to you onthe telephone.
[FORRESTER] You want to bring in another expert to go over the testsagain.
[FARROW] You're not a scientist, are you. Well, let me put it this way.On the surface, DN6 appears to have all the characteristics of a majorbreakthrough in the manufacture of insecticide. I can quite understandwhy you've pinned all your hopes on it, particularly as my own Ministerwas so enthusiastic. But the very exhaustive tests I have made showthat DN6 is totally destructive.
[FORRESTER] Well, that was the idea, wasn't it? I mean, Smithers saysit'll even prevent locusts from breeding, wipe them out altogether.
[FARROW] I don't think I'm making myself quite clear. There are manyinsects which make a vital contribution to agriculture, and theseinsects must not die. Did you know that?
[FORRESTER] Does Smithers know about this?
[FARROW] Well, I have expressed my doubts to him, but he's so engrossedin this venture that I shall have to break the hard facts to him verygently.
[FORRESTER] I see. You're aware, of course, that if it doesn't go intoproduction I shall be completely ruined.
[FARROW] That is very unfortunate, but really you should have waiteduntil we'd given you the go-ahead.
[FORRESTER] Well that's all very well, but it doesn't help me, does it.Surely we can work something out. There's a fortune to be made out ofthis.
[FARROW] I don't think I want to go on with this conversation. Really Ishouldn't be seeing you at all, except that I did promise over thephone that I'd explain the facts to you in person.
[FORRESTER] What happens now?
[FARROW] Well, officially my holiday commenced yesterday. I've a smallboat down in the harbour and I'm going to make a tour of the rivers ofFrance. But before I go today, I shall telephone my Ministry and thenpost them my report.
[> FORRESTER] Couldn't you leave it until you get back from yourholiday? Give me a little grace?
[FARROW] Oh, you know I couldn't do that.
[FORRESTER] Do you know why I'm a success, Mister Farrow? Because I'venever allowed the word can't to exist. There's always a way. Always.
[FARROW] Not this time. This isn't business, this is science. Theformula is unacceptable and I can't, and I do mean can't, MisterForrester, allow DN6 to go into production. Now I'll make that phonecall.
[FORRESTER] Just a moment.
(Garden path)
[BARBARA] Don't move.
[DOCTOR] It's not moving.
[SUSAN] Don't touch it.
[DOCTOR] It's perfectly stiff.
[BARBARA] It could still sting.
[DOCTOR] Ha! What an awe-inspiring sight. Now what chance would humanbeings have, I really wonder, in the world of creatures like this bee,hmm?
[SUSAN] None at all.
[DOCTOR] Take a closer look.
[SUSAN] Well I haven't taken my eyes off it, Grandfather. It hasn't eventrembled. I think you're right. It is dead.
[DOCTOR] It's the same distinctive aroma.
[BARBARA] Yes, I've noticed it on all the other dead things.
[SUSAN] Well that must be what's killing them, then.
[DOCTOR] I wonder what it is that could kill off nature like this.
[SUSAN] What worries me is all the different things it's killing. Thingsthat fly in the air, things that move on the ground, things that moveunder the ground. It's so indiscriminate.
[BARBARA] Doctor, whatever it is that's killing these things, could itkill us too?
[DOCTOR] Well, we must presume that it can. So no eating or drinkinguntil we've done our very best to find Ian, hmm?
[SUSAN] That's not thunder, surely?
[DOCTOR] Sounded more like an ancient cannon.
(Garden path)
[DOCTOR] Well, we're progressing nicely.
[BARBARA] Seen a lot more of those dead ants, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Rather wide-spread, I'm afraid.
[BARBARA] Oh dear. I wonder what would have happened to us if any ofthose creatures had still been alive.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I wonder. I wonder.
[SUSAN] And you say you saw that man?
[IAN] Yes, he's over here.
[BARBARA] Oh, not any further, please. I'm exhausted. It's taken us agesto get here.
[DOCTOR] What's that smell? Cordite? Gunpowder, hmm?
[IAN] Yes. That would explain the explosion, and also the man. It's notfar. Come on and I'll show you.
(By Farrow's body)
[IAN] He's been shot dead.
[BARBARA] Are you sure he is dead?
[IAN] Oh, yes.
[BARBARA] There's nothing but death all around us.
[SUSAN] Yes, what's happening here?
[DOCTOR] You weren't with us, Chesterton, but every insect we cameacross is dead.
[IAN] Yes, Susan and I saw a great many huge dead ants.
[SUSAN] And everything else is the same here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and we don't know what it was that killed them. That man,he's been shot, murdered.
[BARBARA] What would kill insects in a perfectly ordinary garden. Imean, pests one can understand, but surely it's wrong to bees and wormsand things, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] Quite so. Both are vital to the growth of things. However, wemust leave this simple mystery and get back to the ship. As I said, mydear, it's fortunate for all of us that everything is dead.
[SUSAN] Argh! Grandfather!
[IAN] Don't move, any of you.
[DOCTOR] And whatever you do, don't look into the cat's eyes. Close yourown if you want to.
[IAN] Doctor, I think the cat's losing interest.
[DOCTOR] Don't relax. One swipe of its paw would smash us to pieces.
[DOCTOR] Well, we can't get back to the ship just yet, and you know howfast cats can move. And another thing, we could be mistaken for miceand I don't fancy being part of the cat's diet.
[BARBARA] It gets more horrifying every moment.
[SUSAN] Couldn't we make contact with the people here somehow?
[DOCTOR] No, I'm afraid not.
[SUSAN] Well, why not? They might be able to help us.
[DOCTOR] It's out of the question, my dear. How can we possiblycommunicate with them?
[IAN] Imagine a record played at the wrong speed, Susan. We'd sound likea little squeak to them and they'd sound like a low growl to us.
[BARBARA] Anyway, even if we could communicate, what would they do tous? We're freaks. They'd put us in a glass case and examine us througha microscope.
[SUSAN] Oh, that's a thought, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and I would add another and more important factor. Thepeople who live in this house are murderers. Or one of them is.Therefore we can't expect sympathy and understanding from an insane ora criminal mind.
[SUSAN] Yes, what about that dead man?
[BARBARA] Oughtn't we to do something about it?
[DOCTOR] Well, what can we do, my dear? I mean, surely this is thequestion. Normally I wouldn't hesitate, but the destruction of the lifeforce is frightful. There it is. I mean, what can we do as we are?
[IAN] Well, I can't see any sign of that cat, for how much safety thatgives us.
[DOCTOR] Well, shall we proceed?
[IAN] I can see a huge leg coming. Run!
[IAN] Oh, Barbara. Go on, Susan.
[SUSAN] Let me help you, Ian.
[IAN] Go on!
[BARBARA] Sorry.
[IAN] It's all right. This way, quickly.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, they were almost stepped on!
[DOCTOR] Oh, they're all right, they're all right. It's a pity theydidn't come this way, though.
[SUSAN] Shall we go over to them?
[DOCTOR] No, no, it's dangerous. Let's go over to that pipe there.
(Farrow's briefcase)
[IAN] Barbara, quick, in the briefcase. It's ouronly chance.
[SMITHERS] You're sure he's dead?
[FORRESTER] Of course I'm sure. You know he had a gun.
[SMITHERS] He didn't seem the sort of man who'd need one.
[FORRESTER] He pulled it out of his pocket and told me he was stealingthe formula. I struggled with him. The gun must have been turned intohis body. It went off.
[SMITHERS] I wouldn't try telling that story to the police, if I wereyou.
[FORRESTER] Oh? Why not?
[SMITHERS] Oh, don't be a fool. He's been shot through the heart fromsome feet away. Even I can see that and I'm no expert. No powder burnsaround the bullet hole.
[FORRESTER] You're very detached about it.
[SMITHERS] What did you expect, hysterics? I've seen more death than youcould imagine. People dying of starvation all over the world. What doyou think I started on research for? What puzzles me is how cool youare.
[FORRESTER] I don't feel guilty if that's what you mean. I'm too busyworking out what the implications are.
[SMITHERS] Destroying the last year's work. That's what it means. And ifthat seems callous, well all right, it is. Farrow was pushed onto meand he was a nuisance and a fool. Always checking every minor detail.I've worked fifteen, sometimes sixteen hours a day, every day, on thisexperiment.
[FORRESTER] Yes, I know.
[SMITHERS] You don't know anything! All you care about is how much moneyyou can make. Why did you have to kill him? Couldn't you have given himmoney, bought him off? Oh, what's the use.
[FORRESTER] Look, Smithers, I know what you put into the experiment, butthis doesn't mean the end of everything.
[SMITHERS] Of course it does. You've ruined everything. It's allfinished, wasted.
[FORRESTER] Not necessarily. Farrow was going on a holiday. He has aboat. He was going to cross to France by himself in it. It's anchoredabout ten miles away.
[SMITHERS] Yes, I know.
[FORRESTER] If the police were to find an overturned boat and a body outat sea somewhere.
[FORRESTER] Don't worry. You can leave it all to me. I'll tow anoutboard with me and come back in that.
[SMITHERS] Well that's your business. I don't want to know about it.
[FORRESTER] You say all I want out of the experiment is money, but youwant something too, don't you. You want to see it finished, be known asthe inventor of it. If the truth came out about Farrow, you can saygoodbye to all that.
[SMITHERS] The experiment must go through! It's too important! Nothingelse matters! Not if we can save people from dying of starvation.That's what I care about, Forrester.
[FORRESTER] All right, we'll move the body. As far as you're concerned,Farrow left here to go to his boat. I'll put his briefcase in the labfirst.
(Laboratory bench)
[IAN] Come on, Barbara. Let's get out of there before it moves again.
[BARBARA] Oh, that was worse than the big dipper.
[IAN] It was. We were lucky this case was full. Of course, it had tohappen to us. Of all the places to pick, we had to choose one that wasmovable.
[BARBARA] Have you any idea where we are?
[IAN] It's a ceiling up there. That means we're indoors and the Doctorand Susan are outside. How's your ankle?
[BARBARA] Oh, it's all right. I didn't hit it badly. Oh, I also bumpedmy knee against a large piece of metal.
[IAN] Well, there were a lot of things flying around in there. We werevery lucky.
[BARBARA] Yes, but you know what the metal was?
[IAN] What?
[BARBARA] It sounds ridiculous. It was a paperclip.
[IAN] Yes, well, the only thing to do is to keep out in the open. If wemust hide, hide behind things.
[BARBARA] Do you think we could find some water? I wouldn't mind bathingmy ankle for a bit.
[IAN] Yes, all right. I'll go and have a look over here.
[FORRESTER] Let's move the body. Where can we puthim?
[SMITHERS] In the storeroom.
[DOCTOR] They've gone.
[SUSAN] It's much better when they're a long way away, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure you saw one of them pick up the briefcase and gointo that building behind us?
[SUSAN] Well, I definitely saw him pick up the briefcase. When he walkedpast us it was just like a mountain, just a blur, you know. He musthave gone inside the house. Careful, Grandfather. Don't fall downthere, will you.
[DOCTOR] Phew. Awful smell of chemical in there. (the downspout)
[SUSAN] Phew, yes. It's not just an ordinary drainpipe, is it.
[DOCTOR] No. I wonder if that pipe extends into the room where thatbriefcase went.
[SUSAN] Are you thinking of climbing up the inside of it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course, my dear. There's no other way. If you goin there you'll see it's all corroded, so there's plenty of hand andfoot holds. That chemical smell means that it's germ-free.
[SUSAN] It's too far for you, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Well, if it is, I shall have to give up, and I'm not going togive up before I've tried. And remember, you must think of the othertwo. They must be constantly reminding themselves they're only one inchhigh. There's only the two of us to help them.
[SUSAN] All right. But you let me go first.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, go on.
(Laboratory bench)
[IAN] Nothing much that way, except what I took tobe a gas tap. No water, though, Barbara. Sorry.
[BARBARA] Oh, that's all right. Seems to be better now. I've a shockingbruise on my knee, though.
[IAN] I wish I could do something to help you.
[BARBARA] I think we ought to try in this direction.
[IAN] Yes, well, it's the only one we haven't explored unless we gofurther afield.
[BARBARA] Now, let's see.
[IAN] All right?
[BARBARA] Yes, that's fine.
[IAN] Sure?
[BARBARA] Right. Let's try that way.
(In the drainpipe)
[SUSAN] Are you all right down there, Grandfather?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Yes, I'm all right, my dear. I can manage very well.
[SUSAN] Good. It's just as well this pipe's corroded, isn't it. Thereare plenty of footholds.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Good. Well, onwards and upwards, my dear, eh?
(Laboratory bench)
[IAN] Look at those enormous test tubes.
[BARBARA] Ian, look at this.
[IAN] Hmm? Yes.
[BARBARA] What do you suppose it is? Corn? Wheat?
[IAN] Wheat. Still haven't thought of a way of getting out of thisplace.
[BARBARA] Oh, yes, you're right. It is wheat. Oh, it's all covered insome sticky stuff like toffee.
[IAN] Hey, Barbara. Look at this.
[BARBARA] Give me a handkerchief, will you?
[IAN] Do you see what this is? A book of litmus papers. How often have Iheld a bit of litmus paper in my fingers. Oh well, makes a handy seat.
[IAN] You realise what this place is?
[BARBARA] Oh, it's some sort of laboratory.
[IAN] Yes. I think it must explain those dead insects and things. Theymust be doing some experiments. Of course, it makes it all the moredangerous for us.
[BARBARA] Why do you say that?
[IAN] Whatever killed those insects could easily kill us.
[BARBARA] The Doctor said something like that. I'd forgotten.
[IAN] Well, don't touch anything, eh?
[BARBARA] But, but Ian.
[IAN] I mean, look at the way these seeds are coated. They're obviouslysamples. Yes, I think they must be inventing a new insecticide andthey've sprayed these seeds with it.
[BARBARA] Surely, I mean, couldn't it be just preserving oil?
[IAN] I doubt it. Anyway, you keep away from it. Got a very distinctivesmell, that's one good thing.
[BARBARA] I think we should find the others and get back to the ship.
[IAN] Yes, I know. I've been wracking my brains. We're so high up here.Have you got any ideas?
[BARBARA] No, I haven't. I wish I had.
[IAN] Hey, Barbara, we can get back, you know.
[IAN] All we've got to do is find a piece of string and get down toground level.
[BARBARA] String would be too thick for us. What we really need is areel of cotton. It's all so ridiculous, Ian.
[IAN] Barbara, we must concentrate on getting back. Just forget howabsurd things are. Concentrate on getting back. Do you understand?
[BARBARA] Yes, all right.
[IAN] Hey, that briefcase. Barbara, if we could find enough of thosepaperclips, we could string them together and make some sort of aladder.
[BARBARA] Yes, that's an idea.
[IAN] Let's do it, hey? Come on, don't lets give up.
[BARBARA] I'm not giving up.
[IAN] Good, because the next problem is how to open the flap of thebriefcase. I don't fancy struggling around there in the dark.
[BARBARA] Oh yes, we might find something in the briefcase which wouldtell us more about that stuff. That insecticide or whatever it is.
[IAN] Well, maybe, but the other things are much more important.
(In the drainpipe)
[SUSAN [OC]] Are you sure you're all right,Grandfather?
[DOCTOR] (breathless) Yes, I'm all right. I'm coming, my child. I'mcoming.
(Laboratory bench)
[BARBARA] Can you get the flap open?
[IAN [OC]] I'm just going to try.
[BARBARA] Can I help?
[IAN [OC]] No, I'm all right. Just give me a moment to think this out.
(Briefcase lock)
[IAN] Well, it doesn't push downwards, that's sure.
[BARBARA [OC]] Try right to left, then.
[IAN] Great minds think alike.
(Laboratory bench)
[IAN [OC]] No, doesn't move that way either. I'mgoing round the other side.
[BARBARA] All right.
(Briefcase lock)
[IAN] Ah, success! I've done it, Barbara. Barbara?
(Laboratory bench)
[IAN] Barbara.
[SMITHERS] You don't have to watch everything I do.
[FORRESTER] I like to know what's going on.
[SMITHERS] There's blood on the flag stones. You don't seem to havenoticed that.
[FORRESTER] I shan't forget this, Smithers.
[SMITHERS] Oh yes, you will. You'll forget all about it. Killing Farrowand whatever you do with the body, you'll rub it right out of yourmind.
[FORRESTER] Well, of course.
[SMITHERS] And don't think I'm doing this for you. But if there's onechance in a million of the experiment going through, of making it work,then I must do it. I must.
[FORRESTER] That's sensible, practical.
[SMITHERS] Practical? It's very practical, making me an accessory.
[SMITHERS] Yes, making. You knew perfectly well how I felt about DN6,how much I'd put into it, how much it meant to me. You knew I'd helpyou. That's why you took me out and showed me Farrow's body, wasn't it.You'd do anything to get what you want, wouldn't you.
[FORRESTER] Wouldn't you? Aren't you?
[SUSAN] Grandfather? Grandfather. Grandfather, wemade it. We got to the top.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. Just leave me for a minute. I shall be all rightin a little while.
[SUSAN] Come on.
[DOCTOR] Oh, the smell of that chemical very nearly overpowered me.
[SUSAN] Oh, yes. Grandfather, I think I heard some people talking justnow. I heard a sort of low growling sound like Ian said, you know.
[DOCTOR] Well, come to think of it, our voices sound rather odd. It'sthis sink, of course. It's all working like an echo chamber.
[SUSAN] Yeah. I think we should try and find them, don't you? Do youthink there's a chance of them being here somewhere?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, child. I don't know.
(Laboratory bench)
[IAN] Take it easy.
[IAN] You all right? You gave me the fright of my life when I saw youlying there.
[BARBARA] Did you see it?
[IAN] The fly, you mean. Yes, I did. It flew off. It was frightened whenthose men came into the room.
[BARBARA] I just turned around and there it was. Its whole body wasquivering.
[IAN] Well, don't worry about it now. It's all over. It's dead.
[BARBARA] I thought you said it flew away.
[IAN] It did, but it landed on those seeds. It died instantly.
[BARBARA] Are you sure?
[IAN] Well of course I'm sure.
[BARBARA] I want to have a look.
[IAN] Why?
[BARBARA] It's all right, I'm all right now.
[IAN] You can see the insecticide glistening on its legs. Pretty lethalstuff. That fly must have died the moment it landed.
[BARBARA] Stop it. Stop it!
[IAN] Barbara.
[SUSAN [OC]] Ian! Barbara! Can you hear me?
[IAN] Susan.
[BARBARA] Susan? Where are you?
[SUSAN [OC]] Can you hear me either of you?
[BARBARA] It's coming from over there.
[IAN] Yeah. What was it you wanted to say to me?
[BARBARA] Oh, that's not important now. Listen, if Susan's found a wayin, that means we can all get out.
[IAN] I know.
[BARBARA] Why is her voice so loud?
[IAN] I don't know. Coming from over here.
[DOCTOR] You mustn't expect to hear their voicesreply, my dear. This sink acts as a sound box. It's increasing thevolume of your voice.
[SUSAN] How far can we expect our voices to carry?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, I don't know, Susan.
[SUSAN] Well, if we shout very loudly would the people here hear us?
[DOCTOR] No, no, Susan. No, our voices are much too high. It's adifferent frequency altogether, my child. Dog might be able to,perhaps, but, well, try it again.
[SUSAN] Ian! Barbara!
(Edge of the sink)
[IAN] There they are! Can you see them, Barbara?Doctor! Susan! We're up here!
[SUSAN] Hey up there!
[DOCTOR] What uncanny good luck.
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather, we found them.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know, my dear. I know.
(Edge of the sink)
[BARBARA] Did they really climb up that sink pipe?
[IAN] They must have done. I wonder if we can get down it.
[SUSAN [OC]] Climb down the plug chain to us.
[IAN] Yes, all right, we will. About thirty feet or thereabouts. Do youthink you can make it?
[BARBARA] Yes, I'll make it somehow. It'll be worth it to see themagain.
[IAN] All right, let me go first.
[DOCTOR] Good, he's started. Now the sooner we getout of here the better.
[SUSAN] Can we climb down the pipe again, Grandfather? It was difficultcoming up.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's a sure way back down to the garden, I do know that.
[SUSAN] Oh, Barbara's started, look.
(Edge of the sink)
[IAN] How are you doing?
[BARBARA] Oh, all right. There's plenty to hold on to.
[IAN] Good.
[FORRESTER] All right, let's go and get this muck off our hands.
[SMITHERS] There's a sink in the lab.
[DOCTOR] Listen. There's someone in the room!Someone's come back into that room.
(Edge of the sink)
[IAN] Go on up! Move! Get out. Someone's here.
[DOCTOR] Quick, down the sink again.
[SUSAN] Oh, quick, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Yes, come along.
[SMITHERS] Look at this. That fly died instantly,the moment it landed on the seed.
[FORRESTER] Which you sprayed with DN6.
[SMITHERS] But this is wonderful. Think what would happen with locusts!DN6 will wipe them out.
[FORRESTER] You don't have to keep on persuading me. I've seen thereports of every test you've made.
[SMITHERS] But I can't see how Farrow hoped to get away with lying aboutthe effects of DN6.
[FORRESTER] He had us over a barrel. He'd written the report. Now don'tkeep on about it. All right, he was a fool. Thought he could get awaywith it.
[SMITHERS] You were saying he'd written a report.
[FORRESTER] Yes. It's in his briefcase. It'll have to go to his head ofdepartment, but with some slight amendments.
[SMITHERS] Well, I don't want to know about that. I don't want tolisten.
[IAN] Barbara, he's standing at the sink. I can seehim standing at the sink. He's turned the tap on!
[IAN] The Doctor and Susan are still in that sink,Barbara, and he's turned the tap on.
[DOCTOR] Quickly, Susan, into the overflow pipe.
[DOCTOR] They've put the plug back in again.
[SUSAN] Oh, at least we're safe here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but if they fill that sink with any more water.
[SUSAN] Yes, of course, it'll come in here, down the overflow pipe.
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
(Laboratory bench)
[IAN] I'm getting used to these sounds. I think that last one must havebeen the door closing.
[BARBARA] Are you sure they have gone?
[IAN] I'm not sure of anything, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Ian. The Doctor and Susan, they must have been drowned.
[IAN] We don't know. We must go and find out.
(Edge of the sink)
[IAN] Stay up there if you want to.
[BARBARA] No, I'm coming with you.
[IAN [OC]] You all right?
[BARBARA] You go on.
[BARBARA] Anything?
[IAN] No. Too dark to see. Afraid there's not much hope, Barbara.
[BARBARA] What are we going to do? I mean, like this, what can we do?
[SUSAN] I said they'd be all right, Grandfather.
[BARBARA] Susan!
[IAN] I don't believe it!
[DOCTOR] There you are, you see, my friends, you can't get rid of us aseasy as all that.
[FORRESTER] Yes, well, there we are. The report is ready.
[SMITHERS] All right. Well, what are you doing now?
[FORRESTER] The report itself isn't final enough. Farrow would havetelephoned his department.
[SMITHERS] But you can't do that! You'll give yourself away. They'llknow it isn't him speaking.
[FORRESTER] You leave this side of it to me.
[HILDA] Strange Operator here. Hello? Yes, London,yes. Whitehall. WHI, yes.
[FORRESTER] Eight seven. Thank you.
[SMITHERS] How do you know who to speak to?
[FORRESTER] I've been dealing with these people for years.
[HILDA] Two eight seven? Yes. Hold on. I have acall for you. Go ahead, please.
[FORRESTER] Hello? Is Mister Whitmore there, please? Arnold Farrowspeaking. Yes. Oh, hello, how are you? Good. I'll hold on. Thesecretary asked me how I was. Told you it'd be all right.
[HILDA] Doesn't sound like Mister Farrow at all.
[FORRESTER] The tests are very satisfactory. I'msending in the report. Yes, it is a bad line, isn't it. Well, I wouldsay that DN6, as they call it, is about sixty percent improvement onnormal insecticide. Yes, I know I'm not usually so enthusiastic, butthis is really extraordinary. Crossing over to France tonight. And I'llsend in the report. Will you send in the authorisation? Good. I'll tellForrester. Yes. Goodbye.
[FORRESTER] Perfect. As soon as they get the report, we'll get thego-ahead.
(Laboratory bench)
[IAN] It certainly wasn't here before.
[SUSAN] Half drawing and half writing. Ian, it's a formula.
[IAN] Yes, I believe you're right, Susan.
[BARBARA] Do you think it's the formula for the insecticide, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Perhaps.
[BARBARA] Well, if it is, it'll tell us what we're fighting against. Wemight even find a cure.
[IAN] A cure? What's the good of that?
[BARBARA] I don't know.
[IAN] No, neither do I. If we're going to do anything at all, we muststop it.
[SUSAN] Yes, Ian's right, Barbara. You only need a cure if somebody'sinfected. What we've got to do is stop it being produced.
[BARBARA] Yes, all right.
[DOCTOR] Well I think we should take a closer look at this oversizeddocument. The more we know about the enemy the better.
[IAN] Those things up there are definitely molecular structures.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you're quite right, my boy. I only wish I could see itmore as a whole.
[BARBARA] Couldn't we lever it up in some way, stand back and look atit?
[SUSAN] Yes, it'd be like a huge advertising poster, wouldn't it.
[IAN] I'm afraid it's far too heavy. We'd never lift it.
[DOCTOR] Let me have the notebook, child. Now, we shall have to make amap of this. Now, Chesterton, you start marking off a section with yourfeet, will you?
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] And Susan and Barbara, I want you to call out to me what yousee written beneath you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. This is the insecticide quite clearly. It's a bitrough, of course, but it tells us the story.
[IAN] Yes. I'm not very well up in this, Doctor, but isn't thatphosphoric acid?
[DOCTOR] This indicates the amount of organic esters.
[IAN] Yes, and this is mineral nitrate. That's about as far as I go, I'mafraid.
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, this formula's quite clear, look, with one vitaldifference. The inventor has made the insecticide everlasting.
[SUSAN] That means it would seep into the soil.
[IAN] Get into the drinking water.
[BARBARA] What about human beings?
[DOCTOR] Well, given in sufficient quantity, of course, it's capable ofkilling human beings.
[BARBARA] Yes, if they drink and eat infected food and water.
[DOCTOR] Yes, or even coming in contact with it.
[IAN] Penetrating the skin to get into the blood stream.
[BARBARA] Well then why do we go on just sitting here?
[DOCTOR] Now, now, my dear. Gently, gently.
[BARBARA] I'm sorry.
[SUSAN] Barbara, are you all right?
[BARBARA] Yes, I feel a bit giddy. I think I must be hungry.
[DOCTOR] Yes, now there's another point to consider, my dear boy.Eating. We can't, even if we do find food here.
[IAN] Yes, well, the less we talk about food the more I'll like it.
[DOCTOR] We can go back to the sink, of course. The water in the tap isquite safe.
[IAN] Well, no need for all of us to go. I'll go and fetch some.
[DOCTOR] Ah, but I want to go into that direction. You see, there'ssomething over there that might be the solution to all this business.
[BARBARA] Well, what's that?
[DOCTOR] A telephone, my dear.
[IAN] Oh. Come on, then, let's go.
(At the telephone)
[IAN] Hmm, it's climbable.
[DOCTOR] Yes. The thing is, my boy, how heavy is that receiver?
[SUSAN] Grandfather, I think I've got just the thing. Look. We can pushthis underneath the receiver.
[BARBARA] Yes, there are lots more over there.
[IAN] Hey, you all right?
[BARBARA] Yes, I'm fine. I told you, I haven't eaten for ages. I thinkthat's what it must be. Don't make a fuss.
[IAN] Well, Susan, you and I'll do the climbing, eh?
[SUSAN] Yes, all right.
[IAN] And Doctor? Pass this up to Susan and she can then pass it on upto me.
[DOCTOR] Very well.
[IAN] Right, I'll get started.
[SUSAN] Can you manage all right?
[IAN [OC]] Yes, I can make it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, er, oh, Barbara, would you mind bringing another one ofthese, please?
[DOCTOR] Got it?
[DOCTOR] Ah, thank you, my dear. You look very tired.
[BARBARA] Yes, I am a bit.
[DOCTOR] Well, we can manage. You just sit down and rest for a while,hmm?
(Telephone handset)
[IAN] Right, you'd better all come up now.
[SUSAN [OC]] Coming. Grandfather? Barbara?
[DOCTOR] You think that we three can manage, eh?
[IAN] Why?
[DOCTOR] Well, I don't think Barbara's quite up to it.
[IAN] Oh, all right. Well, we can try.
[BARBARA] It's all right. I'm here.
[IAN] Ah, good. Now, listen. Susan, we're going to try and lift thisend. Now you, when we get it lifted up, push this cork underneath.
[SUSAN] All right.
[IAN] All right?
[SUSAN] Yes.
[IAN] Now, you ready?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes.
[IAN] Barbara?
[IAN] Right. Now, lift!
[DOCTOR] Quickly.
[SUSAN] Oh, got it.
[IAN] Okay, we'll try the other end now. Here we are. Same thing, Susan.
[SUSAN] Right.
[IAN] Ready now? Lift!
[SUSAN] Right. Oh, we did it.
[BERT] Hilda, come and answer this thing. It's driving me mad.
[HILDA] The old farmhouse again. Hello? What number do you want?
(Telephone handset)
[ALL] (shouting) Can! You! Hear! Us!
[ALL] Put! Us! Through! To! Police!
[IAN] Any luck?
[BARBARA] No. No, nothing at all.
[IAN] We can't have failed after trying so hard.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm afraid we have and it's my fault. I thought it wasworth trying.
[IAN] Well, we must try again.
[SUSAN] Oh, Ian, I don't think it'll do any good.
[IAN] Well we must try. I'll go and tell Barbara. Hey, you've beenoverdoing things.
[BARBARA] Yes, yes, I think I have.
[IAN] I'll go and get you some water. It'll freshen you up, okay?
[BARBARA] Thank you.
[BARBARA] What are you doing?
[IAN] I want your handkerchief. I'll soak it in
[IAN] What's the matter?
[BARBARA] You can't have it. You mustn't touch it.
[IAN] Barbara?
[BARBARA] No one must touch
[SUSAN] Barbara!
[DOCTOR] There. The same aroma. Insecticide. You didn't eat or drinkanything?
[IAN] Well, no, certainly not.
[DOCTOR] She's got insecticide on her hands. She touched it.
[IAN] Well she never told me. I never saw her do this. I. She did borrowmy handkerchief.
[DOCTOR] Where were you then?
[IAN] By that pile of seeds.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you see, she got it on her hands. She rubbed it off onyour handkerchief.
[SUSAN] Oh, why didn't she tell us?
[IAN] You can help her, can't you, Doctor?
[SUSAN] Grandfather, we can do something, can't we?
[BARBARA] What happened? Did I?
[SUSAN] You fainted, that's all.
[BARBARA] The insecticide. Is that why I feel like this?
[DOCTOR] Yes. You've got some of it on your hands and you didn't tell usanything about it. It was very wrong of you, wasn't it.
[BARBARA] Am I, am I?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, this little attack you've experienced is onlytemporary.
[SUSAN] Take it easy. Come on, take it easy.
[IAN] What can we do for her?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's urgent that we get her back to her normal size, butat the moment her protective cells are too small to cope with themolecules of poison in her bloodstream. But if we can, that dosage ofinsecticide will be seventy time less dangerous. Practically nothing atall.
[IAN] Are you sure?
[DOCTOR] Yes, oh, quite sure. We must get her back to the ship.
[IAN] What are we waiting for.
[IAN] How are you feeling?
[BARBARA] Oh, a bit ropey. Could do with a glass of water.
[IAN] We're going to take you back to the ship.
[BARBARA] All right. Just give me a minute.
[IAN] Come on, Barbara. Got a long way to go. You can get us back tonormal size, can you?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, of course I can, dear boy. Yes. Of course I can. (buthe doesn't look so sure) I hope.
[FORRESTER] What the devil's wrong with this phone?
(Telephone handset)
[IAN] Barbara, you're ill. You've got to let ustake you back to the ship. You could die. Doctor, make her see somesense.
[DOCTOR] There's nothing I can say, dear boy. Barbara's quite right.
[IAN] Susan.
[BARBARA] Ian, we must find a way to stop them. We must.
[FORRESTER] Any other phones around here?
[SMITHERS] Oh, yes, there's one in the lab next to the sink.
[FORRESTER] Maybe that's where the trouble is. Perhaps the phone's offthe hook or something.
[SMITHERS] Yes. I'll go and see. I want to have a look at Farrow'snotes.
(Laboratory bench)
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's it. We'll cause trouble. Starta fire, my boy.
[IAN] Yes. Can we start a big enough one to do any real damage?
[DOCTOR] Well, we can try, anyway. There's nothing like a good fire, isthere? IAN
[BARBARA] I think it's a good idea. If we could manage to start a fireit would certainly attract people here.
[SUSAN] Yes! They'd find that man's body.
[IAN] Yes. That's it.
[SUSAN] What?
[IAN] If we could only turn it on.
[SUSAN] Well then what?
[IAN] I'll soon show you.
[SUSAN] Look out!
[IAN] Quick! Behind this water tank.
[FORRESTER] Who put these under the phone?
[FORRESTER] Come on, I want an explanation. Why did you put these underthe phone to stop me using it?
[SMITHERS] Oh, that's not important now.
[FORRESTER] Of course it's important.
[SMITHERS] Will you listen to me?
[HILDA] Oh, you've replaced your receiver now, haveyou, Mister Smithers?
[FORRESTER [OC]] This isn't Mister Smithers. The extension was left off.I'm sorry.
[HILDA] Is that Mister Farrow?
[FORRESTER] Farrow? No.
[HILDA [OC]] Oh, the other gentleman. I see. Only I've a call for MisterFarrow.
[FORRESTER] Oh, er, just a minute.
[BERT] Do you think you ought to be doing this,Hilda?
[HILDA] Shh. Listen.
[FORRESTER] Farrow here. Who is this?
[HILDA] You see? It's the same man.
[BERT] Get him to talk a bit more.
[HILDA [OC]] Mister Farrow, I've got a London callfor you. Will you accept the charges?
[FORRESTER [OC]] London? Oh, er, yes, er, allright.
[HILDA] Hold on, please.
[BERT] Hmm, yes, they do sound alike, I must say that. Perhaps I hadbetter go up there.
[HILDA] Hallo? Mister Farrow?
[HILDA [OC]] I'm sorry, the number has broken the connection. Perhapsthey'll call again.
[FORRESTER] Oh, er, very well. Thank you.
[HILDA] Bert, it's the same man. No doubt about it.
[BERT] Well, we'll soon find out.
(Gas tap)
[SUSAN] Oh, I think it's moving a bit.
[DOCTOR] Come on, all together.
[DOCTOR] It's coming.
[SUSAN] Ian, the tap's ready to turn on now.
[IAN] Good. Now, Susan, I've wedged the matchbox against a knothole.What we're going to do is run at the side of it.
[SUSAN] Like using a battering ram.
[IAN] That's the idea. Come on, get hold of it. Right.
(Gas tap)
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think that's got it in about theright angle, the gas jet.
[BARBARA] Yes. Well, all we'll succeed in doing is just melting thistin.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, I've had a good look at this. This is pressurised.It's a spray can. Our problem will be to get away far enough when itexplodes.
[BARBARA] Explodes?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, it's going to explode and when it does it'll go offjust like, well, to us a thousand pound bomb.
[SMITHERS] It's killed everything. Everything!
[FORRESTER] Smithers.
(Gas tap)
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, dear boy. Try hitting the box at a sharper angle.More force, more vim, hmm?
[IAN] Doctor, have you ever tried to lift one ofthese things?
[SUSAN] Come on, Ian. Let's try again. Charge!
(Gas tap)
[DOCTOR] Come on, let's light the gas jet. Turn iton.
[IAN] Turn it down a bit. You don't want us burnedalive. Doctor, Barbara, get behind that tap. Get behind, that's it.Ready, Susan? Now take it easy, eh? Please.
[FORRESTER] And then he told me he couldn'tauthorise DN6. I had too much money sunk into it. I had to kill him.Once I'd started I had to see it through. All the way.
[DOCTOR] Shan't be long now.
[IAN] Take as much cover as you can. When that tin explodes there'll bemetal flying all over the place.
[SUSAN] It'll be just like that air raid, Grandfather. Do you remember?
[DOCTOR] Yes, very well, and what infernal machines those Zeppelinswere.
[SMITHERS] Forrester, think what you're doing. DN6is more deadly than radiation! Doesn't that mean anything to you?
[FORRESTER] Get the briefcase.
[DOCTOR] It's worked! It's worked! Come on, all ofyou. Back to the ship. Susan, take care of Barbara. Quickly, quickly.
[IAN] Doctor, what are you doing? That thing's covered with poison.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know it is. I know all about it.
[IAN] Well, what do you want it for?
[DOCTOR] You'll be surprised. Go on, lead on.
[BERT] He'll live. Now I have some questions thatneed answering and turn that gas off. You'll kill the lot of us.
[DOCTOR] Got to repeat exactly the things thathappened to us when we landed.
[IAN] Is there anything I can do?
[DOCTOR] Yes. That seed over there, by the chair. Take it over to thattable so that we can all see it. Wrap that round it when you do it.
[IAN] Doctor. Doctor, I
[DOCTOR] Shh. I think it's working. Yes. Ha ha! I think it's working, myboy.
[IAN] Doctor! Look at that seed.
[DOCTOR] Yes! Yes! We've done it! Yes! We've done it!
[IAN] Doctor, it's incredible. That seed, it's completely vanished.
[DOCTOR] No, no, my dear boy. No. Look, you see? It hasn't vanished atall.
[SUSAN] Barbara?
[BARBARA] Hmm, I'm so thirsty.
[SUSAN] Here you are. Drink that.
[BARBARA] Oh, I'd no idea water could taste so good.
[DOCTOR] Well, well, here we are then. The patient is beginning to lookher usual self again.
[IAN] Thank you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Not at all, my dear boy. Always at your service.
[BARBARA] Doctor, what happened in the laboratory? I don't remember muchafter the explosion.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm happy to say our plan worked. We didn't have to firethe laboratory, but we did attract attention. Do you know, a policemancame into that room just as I was about to climb down that pipe.
[BARBARA] Oh, good. Now, what about us. Can you get us back to normal?
[DOCTOR] Yes. There's your answer, my dear.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, is that the seed you brought in with you?
[DOCTOR] The same seed.
[BARBARA] Then we are back to normal!
[DOCTOR] Completely, my dear. Now, before I get up and see where we are,I suggest you all go and have a good scrub, hmm? Off you go.
[DOCTOR] Oh, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear. Now is that irritating. I hadto repair that wretched thing and now look at it, I can't see a thing.Wait a moment. I think we're beginning to materialise. Perhaps I shallknow now where we are.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s02", "episode": "e01", "title": "Planet of Giants"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (21 Nov, 1964; First Doctor) - The Dalek Invasion of Earth
[DOCTOR] It's not clear. It's not clear at all. What has gone wrong?
[IAN] Well, Doctor, where are we now, then.
[BARBARA] Somewhere nice and quiet, I hope.
[SUSAN] Oh, yes. Let's have a holiday.
[DOCTOR] Take a look for yourselves.
[BARBARA] Well, I can't see anything.
[IAN] Neither can I.
[DOCTOR] Well, it looks like moving water to me. It might be a riversomewhere. I don't know. What's the reading, Susan?
[SUSAN] Radiation nil, oxygen normal, pressure normal. Grandfather, it'san Earth reading.
[DOCTOR] Well, I don't want to boast, but we might be somewhere inLondon, hmm?
[IAN] Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go and have a look.
[BARBARA] Come on, open the doors.
[IAN] Barbara, we made it. We're here!
[DOCTOR] Well, there we are. Back home. Your planet.
[IAN] You brought us a long way round, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] More by good luck than judgment. What a horrible mess.
[BARBARA] Are we down by the docks?
[IAN] (shouts) Hello! Pretty deserted. Probably Sunday.
[DOCTOR] It's uncanny. Wonder which era we've landed in?
[IAN] What was that, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm just wondering about the time factor, my boy.
[IAN] Oh, a year or two either way doesn't make much difference to us,you know.
[DOCTOR] Well I hope for both your sakes we're near your time, but bearin mind we might have landed in the early 1900s or the 25th century.
[BARBARA] Well, it's still London, anyway.
[IAN] Yes. Hey, what are you doing?
[SUSAN] I'm just having a look. Can't see much down there, can you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's the word I was looking for, decay. It's most odd,most odd.
[BARBARA] Doctor, what's worrying you?
[DOCTOR] Well, you take this bridge, now. It isn't an easy task, is it?Look at all this neglect all over the place. It's been abandoned, allof it.
[IAN] There's always a mess with construction work, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps, perhaps.
[BARBARA] Oh, come on, Doctor. Stop spoiling everything.
[DOCTOR] Oh my dear, now believe you me, I wouldn't spoil yourhomecoming for all the world.
[SUSAN] (at the top of the wall) Still can't see much. There's not asign of any people anywhere.
[DOCTOR] Be careful, my child.
[IAN] Susan.
[BARBARA] I think she's just shaken.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you're always dashing about, aren't you. You're far toocurious.
[IAN] You're lucky it wasn't any worse.
[SUSAN] My ankle.
[IAN] Look out, this whole thing's going to go!
[DOCTOR] The ship, Chesterton. The ship! Don't go to near, my boy, itsnot safe.
[IAN] The whole bridge has collapsed.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, it's all crumbling.
[IAN] We're going to need help to shift this.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's going to be very difficult, but remember we're inLondon.
[IAN] What's that got to do with it?
[DOCTOR] Well, the people, they'll all be curious. They'll want to knowwhy we're trying to break into a police box.
[IAN] Yes. If they don't ask what a police box is doing under a bridgein the first place.
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly.
[IAN] You know, it's primarily this girder. What I need is an acetylenetorch.
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear boy, you can't just whisk up men and material outof the thin air now, can you, hmm?
[IAN] There's a warehouse over there, Doctor. I might be able to find acrowbar or something.
[DOCTOR] You know, my dear boy, I never fail to be impressed by youroptimism. You can't move that by sheer brute force. You were right, youneed a cutting flame.
[IAN] I know one thing for sure, Doctor. We'd better make sure we canget back into the ship before we start looking around, just in casethere's trouble.
[DOCTOR] It's intelligent. That's good. But you know, young man, I havea feeling, or call it intuition if you like. I don't believe we'reanywhere near your time, the 1960's.
[IAN] I hope it is onlyan intuition, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, ask yourself. Here we are, standing by the Thamesand we've been here quite a while, how long? Quarter of an hour, twentyminute?
[IAN] Easily, but what about it?
[DOCTOR] Well, what have we heard? Nothing. Precisely nothing. No soundof birdsong, no voices, no sound of shipping, and not even the chimesof old Big Ben. It's uncanny. Uncanny.
[SUSAN] I'm lucky, aren't I?
[BARBARA] There are no bones broken, anyway.
[SUSAN] Thank goodness. I'm sorry about what happened, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Oh, so you're sitting up and taking notice again, are you?
[SUSAN] Don't be angry with me, there's no real harm done was there? Ijust twisted my ankle.
[DOCTOR] No, no harm done, child. No harm done, no. Do you realise wecan't get into the ship? What's all this rubble then? Look at it.
[SUSAN] I didn't pull the bridge down on purpose.
[IAN] The Doctor and I are going to have a look in that warehouse overthere.
[BARBARA] Well, can't we all go?
[IAN] Well, how's your ankle, Susan?
[SUSAN] I'll try it.
[SUSAN] It's not very good, is it. It's awfully swollen.
[IAN] Well, that settles it then. You need to stay here.
[DOCTOR] We shall be as quick as we can. And you bathe that ankle. Whatyou need is a jolly good smacked bottom! Come on.
[BARBARA] Oh, Susan, it is swollen. Can you twiddle your toes?
[SUSAN] Yes. That's all right.
[BARBARA] You wait here then. I'll go and wet my handkerchief in theriver.
[SUSAN] I'm sorry, Barbara.
(Outside the warehouse)
[DOCTOR] Let's take a snoop.
[IAN] Careful, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm not a half-wit. [Warehouse]
[IAN] Hello, there!
[BARBARA] You know, we're not in our time in London, Susan.
[SUSAN] Why do you say that?
[BARBARA] Well, I know London, and it isn't like this. The river's tooquiet and there's no sound of traffic. There's a strange poster on thewall back there. It just doesn't make sense.
[SUSAN] Well, off we go again. I'm sorry, Barbara. Is it selfish to wantus all to stay together?
[BARBARA] No, of course not. We ought to be able to hear something. It'sridiculous.
[SUSAN] Things have to stay as they are, don't they. Can't change.
[BARBARA] I suppose so. Anyway, maybe they've done away with noisealtogether. How's your ankle feeling?
[SUSAN] It's throbbing crazy.
[BARBARA] I don't think this is wet enough. Hold on a minute.
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, come here.
[IAN] Empty.
[DOCTOR] What a musty smell. This place hasn't been used in years.
[IAN] (looking out of the window) Doctor, it's lost two chimneys.
[DOCTOR] What's that monstrosity out there?
[IAN] It's Battersea Power Station. I wonder what's happened to thosetwo chimneys?
[DOCTOR] What's happened to London, dear boy, is more to the point.
[IAN] They must have gone over to nuclear power.
[DOCTOR] What's this, then?
[DOCTOR] Ah, here, look. At least we know the century, dear boy. Look.
[IAN] 2164.
[BARBARA] Susan? Susan!
[BARBARA] Who are you?
[BARBARA] Where's Susan? What have you done with her?
[DOCTOR] There's so much rubbish. It's a jungle here.
[IAN] What the? He's dead. What on earth is this?
[DOCTOR] It looks like some sort of adornment, but what for?
[IAN] I don't know. Do you think it could be some sort of medical aid?You know, if he'd fractured his skull, something to knit the bonestogether?
[DOCTOR] No, I think there's something more to it than that. You know, Ithink that this is an extra ear, ideal for picking up high-frequencyradio waves.
[IAN] You mean these people have invented some form of personalcommunication?
[DOCTOR] Yes, something like that.
[IAN] What's this? A whip. Why.
[DOCTOR] Well, whatever it is, I wouldn't like to meet one of thesefellows, you know.
[DOCTOR] He was murdered!
[IAN] Storeroom. That noise came from up here.
[DOCTOR] Right, dear boy, come on.
[IAN] No one can get through that way.
[DOCTOR] Except you. I think we'd better pause in this search and getback to the others. Come along.
[IAN] All right, you lead on.
[SUSAN] Careful, Barbara.
[TYLER] Quickly, now.
[SUSAN] What about Grandfather and my other friend?
[TYLER] We'll do the best we can.
[SUSAN] That's not what you said just now!
[BARBARA] Look, you promised you'd find a way
[TYLER] There isn't time to argue. We'll collect your friends later.Now, come on.
[IAN] Barbara? Susan? Why? Why do they do it?
[DOCTOR] It might have been something to do with that gunfire we heardacross the river.
[IAN] Yes, I suppose they might have hidden somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Well, let's wait and see, hmm?
[IAN] That body. You know, I want to get away from here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but aren't you even a bit curious? After all, it's yourcity, you know. Don't you want to know what's happened to it?
[IAN] No. No, I don't want to know. Where the devil are those two?
[TYLER] Hold on.
[BARBARA] Is this is?
[TYLER] Yes. (he puts Susan down) Now get back.
[DAVID [OC]] Tyler?
[TYLER] Yes.
[DAVID] Dortmun's on the rampage. And who have we got here?
[TYLER] I found a couple of them down by the river. Open targets.
[BARBARA] Well, we didn't know.
[TYLER] I suppose you didn't, but you know now.
[DAVID] Can you cook?
[BARBARA] Yes, I can get by.
[DAVID] Good, we need some cooks.
[BARBARA] Listen, I
[TYLER] All right, let's get down.
[DAVID] Listen, I had a struggle with one of the Robomen.
[TYLER] Well?
[DAVID] Well, he was waiting for me! That means that we'll have tochange the storehouse.
[TYLER] All right, tell Dortmun. Have you just come from there?
[DAVID] Yes.
[TYLER] These have got a couple of friends down there they want us tobring back.
[DAVID] Well I didn't see anyone there except that I was nearly caughtby a couple... They didn't go into the old warehouse, did they, that'sopposite the old power station?
[SUSAN] Yes, I think they did.
[DAVID] Yeah, and I thought they were enemies.
[DORTMUN] Tyler, where have you been? What the devil have you beendoing?
[TYLER] They've landed a saucer at the heliport.
[DORTMUN] Saucer?
[TYLER] Yes.
[DORTMUN] Ah, this time we'll be ready for them.
[TYLER] You shouldn't be up here.
[DORTMUN] I'm as active as anybody else.
[TYLER] All right, Dortmun, I know.
[DORTMUN] Two more pairs of hands. Good, we need
[DAVID] She says she can cook.
[DORTMUN] Oh, can you?
[DAVID] And what do you do?
[SUSAN] I eat.
[DAVID] Look, I'll try and find the two friends and bring them backhere.
[SUSAN] Thank you.
[DORTMUN] David, where are you going?
[DAVID] Well, there's two more of them down by the warehouse.
[DORTMUN] Men, are they?
[DAVID] Yes.
[DORTMUN] Good. Don't be too long away. I'm going through the attackplans with Tyler as soon as possible. I want you to be there.
[DAVID] Right.
[SUSAN] What attack plans?
[DORTMUN] Why are you sitting down?
[SUSAN] I've hurt my ankle. What attack plans?
[DORTMUN] Come along, Tyler, get these people below. That's the way.I'll stay here, on watch.
[IAN] High tide.
[IAN] High tide.
[DOCTOR] Evening. Look how filthy that water is.
[IAN] Doctor. Doctor, come and have a look at this.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? What?
[IAN] Look.
[DOCTOR] Huh, stupid.
[IAN] Read it, read it.
[DOCTOR] Well, I repeat, it's stupid. A stupid place to put a poster.Right under a bridge where nobody can read it or see it.
[IAN] I don't know. If you have a body to get rid of, I should thinkit's a very good place to come to.
[DOCTOR] A dead human body in the river? I should say that's nearmurder, isn't it, hmm?
[IAN] Bring out your dead.
[IAN] Plague?
[DAVID] There they are. That must be them. Argh.
[DOCTOR] It's got me worried, very worried.
[IAN] You know, Doctor, I reckon that flying saucer disappearedsomewhere over the other side of the river, in the direction of SloaneSquare. Somewhere over there, anyway.
[DOCTOR] Yes, now, never mind about that flying saucer, my boy. Thatsuggestion of yours about the plague. Supposing one of them's been inthat water. They're bound to be contaminated with some sort ofbacteria!
[IAN] They're not likely to drink that, are they.
[DOCTOR] No, the smell of it's enough. Anyway, let us go further afield.Come along, come along. Now I suggest that you go up that way then I go
[DAVID] Will you still run!
[IAN] It's no use running.
[DOCTOR] We can go back down there, hmm?
[IAN] You mean swim?
[DOCTOR] What else?
[IAN] Hang on, we haven't tried talking yet. What do you want?
[IAN] It's no good. Listen. When I give the word, turn and dive in thewater.
[IAN] Now!
[DALEK] Why have the human beings been allowed toget so near the river?
[IAN] Doctor, that voice.
[ROBOMAN 2] No explanation.
[DALEK] Where is the Robo-control for this section?
[ROBOMAN 1] Not known.
[DALEK] You will take his place until he is found. The human beings areto be taken to landing area one.
[IAN] Daleks on Earth! Doctor, how did this happen?
[DOCTOR] Leave this to me, dear boy. I think you'd better let us go.
[DALEK] We do not release prisoners. We are the masters of the Earth.
[DOCTOR] Not for long.
[DALEK] Obey us or die.
[DOCTOR] Die? And just who are you to condemn us to death? (sotto) Ithink we'd better pit our wits against them and defeat them.
[DALEK] Stop. I can hear you. I have heard many similar words fromleaders of your different races. All of them were destroyed. I warnyou, resistance is useless.
[DOCTOR] Resistance is useless? Surely you don't expect all the peopleto welcome you with open arms?
[DALEK] We have already conquered Earth.
[DOCTOR] Conquered the Earth? You poor, pathetic creatures. Don't yourealise? Before you attempt to conquer the Earth, you will have todestroy all living matter.
[DALEK] Take them. Take them.
[DALEK] We are the masters of Earth. We are the masters of Earth. We arethe masters of Earth.
(Underground HQ)
[DALEK [on radio]] Survivors of London, the Daleksare the masters of Earth. Surrender now and you will live. Thosewishing to surrender must stand in the middle of the street, and obeyorders received. Message ends.
[DORTMUN] Obey motorised dustbins? We'll see. Tyler, I want a word withyou.
[TYLER] Jenny, see if you can find them some food, will you, and lookafter her ankle.
[JENNY] All right.
[TYLER] You'll keep your eyes open for David Campbell. He'll be backsoon with news of your friends.
[JENNY] Any messages from any other survivors?
[MAN 2] No. The Africa group have faded out completely.
[JENNY] Who's the one with the bad foot?
[JENNY] Well, let's have a look then.
[JENNY] Hmm. There are no bones broken. Why didn't you put a wet bandageon it?
[BARBARA] We've only just arrived.
[JENNY] I see. Well, I'll see to this. You get the food. What are youwaiting for?
[BARBARA] Well, where do I get the food?
[JENNY] Oh, over there. And while you're at it, sign both your namesdown for a work detail.
[BARBARA] Susan can't work until her ankle's better.
[JENNY] She can do something with her hands, sitting at a table, can'tshe?
(Dortmun's room)
[DORTMUN] But look, look there. We must attack them, Tyler.
[TYLER] That sounds fine, but how? We can find fifteen, perhaps twentymen.
[DORTMUN] Ample.
[TYLER] Oh what are you talking about, ample. A handful of unarmed menagainst Daleks?
[DORTMUN] Sometimes I wonder about you, Tyler.
[TYLER] This isn't the twentieth century. Dortmun, when thousands of menwith bayonets charged machine guns.
[DORTMUN] Don't lecture me.
[TYLER] Then don't ask the impossible. You've not been out there forages. It would be suicide.
[DORTMUN] Oh, yes, all right, I know. I'm in this wheelchair so I can'tgo myself.
[TYLER] I didn't mean that. You know I didn't mean that. The new bomb?
[DORTMUN] Yes, it's finished.
[TYLER] You haven't had it tested, I suppose?
[DORTMUN] Tested? Don't be a fool, it doesn't need testing. It's allthere in my formula. It's perfect. I tell you, this bomb will destroythe Daleks. I know it will work.
(Underground HQ)
[DAVID] Apples. There are apples there foreveryone. Jenny, you should be filling three of these.
(Dortmun's room)
[DORTMUN] You've been down here so long that you'rebeginning to think like worms.
[TYLER] We must have some chance of success.
[DAVID] Campbell reporting in.
[DORTMUN] Good. Tyler and I have been having a preliminary chat aboutthe next attack. We'll be out soon.
[DAVID] Well I've brought a box of apples. Incidentally, that departmentstore's got plenty of stuff in it.
[DORTMUN] Oh, right.
[TYLER] And what about the two men?
[DAVID] When I got down to the embankment I saw them being taken away,but I couldn't do anything.
[DORTMUN] Oh, that's bad, that's very bad. We could have done with thosetwo men.
[DAVID] I'll tell the two women.
[TYLER] Where were the men taken? Any idea?
[DAVID] From the direction they went, I think the Daleks have taken themthe saucer they landed at the heliport in Chelsea.
(Outside the saucer)
[IAN] Doctor, I don't understand this at all. Wesaw the Daleks destroyed on Skaro. We were there.
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, what in Skaro was a million years ahead of us inthe future. What we're seeing now is about the middle history of theDaleks.
[IAN] I see. They certainly look different, don't they.
[DOCTOR] Look, they've taken some more prisoners. What is so differentabout the Daleks? Oh, I see. You mean the discs on their backs.
[IAN] Yes. Perhaps that accounts for their increased mobility. Do youremember, on Skaro they could only move on metal.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, quite so. But remember, this is an invasion force,therefore they have to adapt themselves to the planet.
[DALEK] Where are the other two from your patrol?
[ROBOMAN] This man killed them both.
[DALEK] For this you will be punished. Continue your patrol. Theprisoners will fall in line.
[CRADDOCK] There'll be no escape once they get us inside there.
[MAN 3] They're not getting me. I'm going to try something. You with me?
[CRADDOCK] Don't be a fool mate, you haven't got a chance.
[MAN 3] They're not getting me back in that filthy mine.
[DALEK 2] The prisoners will remain silent.
[ROBOMAN] Forward.
[IAN] Don't be a fool. You can't help him now.
[MAN 3] Help me!
[BLACK] Kill him.
[BLACK] Any further resistance will be dealt with in the same way.
[DALEK] The prisoners will proceed into the ship.
(Underground HQ)
[DAVID] No, Susan, I don't think we should tell Barbara.
[SUSAN] But David, I think we should.
[DAVID] Now listen, Susan. We're going to make an attack on that saucer,so we'll put off telling her until afterwards.
[SUSAN] You mean if the attack's successful, we'll find Ian and mygrandfather anyway.
[DAVID] Yes. And if it isn't, well then, they've just disappeared.
[SUSAN] All right.
[JENNY] You wanted to see these.
[DAVID] Oh, yes.
[JENNY] Well here you are then, take them. I've got better things to do.
[DAVID] Oh, you're a model of charm and patience, aren't you.
[JENNY] Well, I don't believe in wasting time and I don't believe insentiment either.
[BARBARA] (with apples) They asked me to give these out, Jenny.
[JENNY] Oh, just put it down there.
[BARBARA] Dessert.
[SUSAN] Thank you.
[DAVID] Thank you, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Oh, what are these things?
[SUSAN] Oh they're the Dalek's invention. They're called Robomen.
[DAVID] No, Susan, I told you. You've got it wrong. We took these fromdead human beings.
[JENNY] There aren't that many Daleks on Earth. They needed helpers sothey operated on some of their prisoners and turned them into robots.
[BARBARA] I see.
[DAVID] The transfer, as the Daleks call the operation, controls thehuman brain, well at least for a time.
[SUSAN] What happens then?
[BARBARA] Do they revert and become human again?
[JENNY] No. They die.
[DAVID] I've seen the Robos when they break down. They go insane. Theysmash their heads against walls, they throw themselves off buildings orinto the river.
[BARBARA] The river? That's what it was. Daleks. Everything they touchturns into a horrible sort of nightmare.
[SUSAN] Are they still doing these transfer operations, David?
[JENNY] Oh, yes. They keep up their numbers of Robomen. They got mybrother last year. That's another reason why they saucers at theheliport. That's where the Daleks take the prisoners and operate onthem. Once they've got you on board a saucer, there isn't a hope.
(Control centre)
[DOCTOR] Yes, the work of a genius, dear boy.
[IAN] Yes, pretty impressive. And absolutely escape-proof.
[DOCTOR] Only on the surface, my friends.
[DALEK] Halt. You will move one by one slowly into the prison cell.
[DALEK] You. Reverse and move.
[BLACK] Is that the one?
[DALEK 2] Yes. He spoke of resistance.
[BLACK] His words betray greater intelligence than normal in humanbeings.
[DALEK 3] Give them the test.
(Prison cell)
[DOCTOR] I had a good look into that corridor. Didyou notice the television eyes round about?
[IAN] Yes, I did. There aren't any in here.
[IAN] I'll tell you what I did see, Doctor. What I took to be a loadingbay door. Of course, it could be guarded outside.
[CRADDOCK] It will be.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Nevertheless, it has possibilities.
[CRADDOCK] What for? You can't get the door open. There's no escape, Itell you.
[DOCTOR] My young friend, don't be so pessimistic. What is your name, bythe way?
[CRADDOCK] Craddock, Jack Craddock.
[DOCTOR] Well, Mister Jack Craddock, don't be such a defeatist. Our jobis to try and get out of here, and quickly.
[CRADDOCK] You're just fooling yourselves. You don't know the Daleks.Once they've got you inside a saucer, you're finished.
[IAN] Craddock, tell us, how did it happen, the invasion of Earth?Everything.
[CRADDOCK] Have you been on a moon station or something?
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite so.
[IAN] Yes.
[CRADDOCK] Well, meteorites came first. The Earth was bombarded withthem about ten years ago. A cosmic storm, the scientists called it. Themeteorites stopped, everything settled down, and then people began todie of this new kind of plague.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that explains your poster, dear boy. Germ bombs, hmm?
[CRADDOCK] Yes. The Daleks were up in the sky just waiting for Earth toget weaker. Whole continents of people were wiped out. Asia, Africa,South America. They used to say the Earth had a smell of death aboutit.
[IAN] Why, Craddock? What were the doctors and the scientists doingabout it?
[CRADDOCK] Oh, well, they came up with some new kind of drug but it wastoo late then.
[IAN] Why?
(Underground HQ)
[SUSAN] What happened next?
[DAVID] Well, the plague had split the world into tiny littlecommunities, too far apart to combine and fight, and too smallindividually to stand any chance against invasion.
[BARBARA] Divide and conquer.
[DAVID] Hmm. About six months after the meteorite fall, that's when thesaucers landed. Cities were razed to the ground, others were simplyoccupied. Anyone who resisted was destroyed. Some people were capturedand were turned into Robomen, the slaves of the Daleks. They caughtother human beings and many of them were shipped to the vast miningareas. No one escapes. The Robomen see to that.
(Prison cell)
[CRADDOCK] They were our own people, made to workagainst us, and the Daleks knew that, knew how they'd humiliated anddegraded us. They are the masters of Earth.
[IAN] But why, Craddock? That's the one thing you haven't told us. Whatis it that the Daleks want on Earth?
[CRADDOCK] I don't know. Something under the ground. They've turned thewhole of Bedfordshire into a gigantic mine area.
[IAN] Why? What are they digging for?
[CRADDOCK] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Suppose we forget all this blab about Bedfordshire. Have eitherof you seen this?
(Control centre)
[DALEK] All radio waves bands are open.
[BLACK] Rebels of London, this is our last offer. Our final warning.Leave your hiding places. Show yourselves in the open streets. You willbe fed and watered. Work is needed from you but the Daleks offer youlife.
(Underground HQ)
[BLACK [OC]] Rebel against us and the Daleks willdestroy London completely. You will all die, the males, the females anddescendants. Rebels of London, come out of your hiding places. TheDaleks offer you life.
[DORTMUN] Come out of your hiding places. We'll come out of our hidingplace with this! (the bomb) This bomb will shatter the casing of theDaleks. We don't need to run or hide any more. We'll make them run.
[JENNY] At last we've got a weapon.
[ALL] He's done it.
[DORTMUN] Listen carefully. They've issued an ultimatum. We'll give ouranswer tonight. Tyler and I both agree that the best place for anattack is the heliport where they land the flying saucers.
[JENNY] A frontal attack?
[TYLER] Yes, a frontal attack.
[DORTMUN] Of course, we have the superior weapon now. One success willgive our people hope again. One victory will set this country, thewhole of Europe, alight. That's all we need, one victory.
[JENNY] At the heliport, how do we get within throwing range?
[TYLER] The heliport's fringed with buildings. We're covered right up tothe perimeter.
[BAKER] The Daleks can fire at us long before we can use the bomb.
[DORTMUN] It'll be a surprise attack.
[BAKER] As soon as the first bomb is thrown, surprise is over and weshall be penned in the buildings, remember.
[TYLER] All right, Baker, we know we'll have to get closer.
[BARBARA] I know.
[DORTMUN] Who was that? Well?
[BARBARA] We could get right into the middle of the Daleks without themsuspecting anything if we use this.
[TYLER] How?
[BARBARA] Some of your men could disguise themselves as Robomen. Theycould pretend to be escorting a batch of prisoners to the saucer, orsomething.
[TYLER] It'll work.
[DORTMUN] Yes, it'll work. We'll attack the saucer in one hour from now. [Prison cell]
[DOCTOR] What is that you've got there?
[CRADDOCK] A magnifying glass. I just picked it up.
[IAN] Hey, Doctor, come and look at this. Look. What do you make ofthis?
[CRADDOCK] I wouldn't touch it.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Let me have that bar up there for a moment, will you?
[IAN] Is it glass or something?
[DOCTOR] I should say it was more advanced than that. Well now, let'stry a little experiment.
[IAN] All right.
[IAN] Hey!
[DOCTOR] You see? It responds. Magnetised.
[CRADDOCK] A profound discover, mister. Doesn't help us.
[IAN] Why did the Daleks put it there in the first place?
[DOCTOR] Now that's a very good question, dear boy. Suppose you were aDalek and you found yourself locked up in this room. How would you getout?
[CRADDOCK] Push the door open?
[DOCTOR] My dear young man, the Daleks have only feelers, no hands, andthey use their brains, not brute force.
[IAN] You mean this is some sort of a key?
[DOCTOR] Now that's the very word. A key in a crystal box. You open thebox, take out the key and use it. That is precisely what the Dalekwould do.
[IAN] Yes, but what are we going to do, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Look at that little light up there.
[IAN] Yes, I see. And the box is transparent.
[DOCTOR] Quite. Let me have that thing, will you?
[CRADDOCK] What, this?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that. Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Now, we have to make sure that we hit the correct refractive,otherwise we shall get showered with crystal glass.
[CRADDOCK] Refractive rubbish! The Daleks don't leave things like thisabout for you to help yourselves.
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, if they had to deal with a man of your talents,they need hardly fear, need they. Now do sit down and rest, please. Oh,dear, now where were we? Ah, yes, of course, yes, yes, yes. Now, Xequals gamma, that means roughly two and a half percent, so that shouldgive us a curve of around about eighty degrees. Oh by the way, did youtake three dimensional graph geometry at your school, hmm?
[IAN] No, Doctor, only Boyle's Law.
[DOCTOR] What a pity. What a pity. We shall have to boil this down now,shan't we. Well, now then, let's see. We'll start third from the leftand then I'll follow it from the right and straight over. All right?Now put that bar there, and watch your eyes because you know, it mightbe nasty. Are you ready?
[CRADDOCK] And a great big pumpkin too.
[IAN] Hey, look at that.
[DOCTOR] Hold that and shut up, will you. Pay attention. Let me have thebar, please.
[IAN] You know, Doctor, sometimes you astound me.
[DOCTOR] Only sometimes, dear boy? What's happened to your memory? Don'tyou remember we know that the Daleks can use static electricity?
[IAN] Of course.
[CRADDOCK] Hey, how do you know so much about them, the Daleks I mean.
[IAN] We met them once before.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and we happened to outwit them, too. Please go away, willyou? Oh, dear, dear, dear, dear. Now, all we have to do is to slidethis bar back here, and the self-same bar slides back into place herethrough electricity.
[IAN] And it's held in place by magnetic force.
[DOCTOR] Precisely. Now I want you to give him a hand in a minute. Justturn that pole under there, will you. There, you see?
[IAN] I see what you mean. Like poles repel, eh?
[DOCTOR] Yes, precisely. Now we've created a force field. Right, nowturn the pole round. Give him a hand, quickly. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[IAN] You're a genius.
[DOCTOR] Yes, there are very few of us left. Now, let's get out, and becrafty.
(Control room)
[DALEKS] You have passed the escape test we set you. Take him.
[DOCTOR] Let go of me! Take your hands off me!
[DALEK] He will be robotised.
[[Building opposite the saucer] DAVID] There they are.
[SUSAN] Now what do we do?
[DAVID] Well, as soon as Tyler's attack group arrives, we start throwingthese.
[DALEK] Our prisoner will move to the table.
[DALEK 2] Take off his coat.
[DALEK 2] Anaesthetize him.
[DOCTOR] No, no, please, what are you doing? No. Let me go now. Let mego!
[DAVID] Stand by.
(Outside the saucer)
[DALEK] Take the prisoners into the ship. Wait. Inwhich sector were these prisoners taken?
[BAKER] Sector four.
[DALEK] No patrol has been ordered in sector four.
[[Building opposite the saucer] DAVID] Now!
(Outside the saucer)
[DALEK] Warning!
[DALEK 2] Attack!
[DALEK] Warning!
[DALEK 2] Attack!
[DALEK] Get the prisoners inside.
[[Building opposite the saucer] DAVID] Get down.
[DAVID] All right, lets get a move on.
(Outside the saucer)
[DALEK] Section five move forward. Seal off thearea.
[TYLER] Right, now spread out, and try and free theprisoner before you use those bombs.
[DALEK [OC]] We are under attack. Report to main ramp. General alert.Report to main ramp.
[BLACK] Disregard. Commence the operation.
[TYLER] Get that man off there.
[BAKER] He's unconscious.
[TYLER] Well, bring him round. Hurry.
[DALEK [OC]] All Robomen reserve into action. Destroy invaders.
[BAKER] We must get out of here.
[TYLER] Carry him.
[TYLER] Come on, get out. All right, now, let's go. Use the bombs.
(Outside the Saucer)
[DAVID] Jenny! Jenny, over here. Jenny, look, takethem back. I'm going to try and get Tyler out of there.
[JENNY] Not on your own.
[DAVID] Take them back.
[JENNY] Well, come on, you know who is in there.
[SUSAN] Shut up, Jenny!
[JENNY] Your two friends.
[BARBARA] Did you know this?
[SUSAN] Yes, I was there. Barbara! Where are you going?
[BARBARA] I'm going to help Tyler get them out.
[SUSAN] Barbara, what are you going to do?
[BARBARA] I don't know. Let go of me!
[JENNY] Susan, this way. Come on.
[IAN] Barbara! Get back! Get back!
[TYLER] Clear out! Let's go!
[DALEK] They are retreating. Take prisoners where possible. Do not kill.
[DALEK 2] All exits to the square are blocked.
(Building opposite Saucer)
[TYLER] No, over here!
[BLACK] Has the attack been defeated?
[DALEK] Yes. Most of the rebels were killed or wounded.
[BLACK] Find every survivor. Destroy every one. Destroy them! Destroyevery one of them! Destroy!
(Underground HQ)
[BARBARA] Tyler.
[JENNY] No, not now.
[BARBARA] Tyler!
[JENNY] No, no, no.
[TYLER] Your bombs were useless, Dortmun.
[DORTMUN] How many men were killed?
[TYLER] We hadn't a chance.
[DORTMUN] How many?
[TYLER] I don't know. I think all of them.
[BARBARA] The Doctor and Ian, they were in that saucer.
[TYLER] Yes, well, there was an oldish man there. I nearly got him out.
[BARBARA] Nearly?
[TYLER] We got separated. We'll have to get out of London.
[DORTMUN] What for? The Daleks will never look for us down here.
[TYLER] They'll look everywhere now. They'll search every inch, they'lldestroy every inch. We've made an attack on one of their machines. Yourshow of force.
[DORTMUN] I must stay here and work on the bomb. It only needs work,Tyler.
[TYLER] It's a waste of time.
[DORTMUN] It's the only answer.
[TYLER] Who's going to use it for you? Me? One man? These two? Use yourintelligence.
[JENNY] Tyler's right. London's going to be much too hot for us.
[BARBARA] But we can't leave now. What if Susan comes back looking forus?
[JENNY] We have a code system, letting people know where headquartersare moved.
[BARBARA] But Susan doesn't know the code!
[DORTMUN] Tyler, would you consider hanging on here for a short whilelonger? Just a few days.
[TYLER] No, Dortmun, it's no use. I only came back here to warn you. I'mgoing out to see if I can find any more survivors from that raid, thenI'm going north.
[BARBARA] I'm coming with you.
[TYLER] No, I want to move about on my own.
[BARBARA] But you can't travel as you are. Look, your shoulder's stillbleeding.
[TYLER] I'll be all right. Good luck.
[BARBARA] If you see any of my friends
[JENNY] It's no use. He won't come with us. We'll have to go withouthim.
[DORTMUN] There is the other place. People will be gathering there.There'll be supplies, instruments. I shall be able to work on my bombs.
[JENNY] Don't build on it.
[DORTMUN] Yes, we'll go to the museum. I'll get my things together.It'll mean going over one of the bridges and across London.
[BARBARA] I know. We'll go with you.
[JENNY] We'd have much more chance on our own.
[BARBARA] Well, he wouldn't have had any without us. You needn't stay ifyou don't want to.
[JENNY] Well, Dortmun may be right. People may start collecting at theCivic Transport Museum.
[DORTMUN] We'd better get going. It'll just be getting light.
[BARBARA] Do you think we will find my friends there?
[DORTMUN] Yes, yes, it's a possibility.
[BLACK] Supreme Command have given orders forLondon to be destroyed by firebombs.
[DALEK] Do you intend to stay here in the city?
[BLACK] No. Order the saucer to take me to the mine workings in centralEngland.
[DALEK 2] Five, four, three, two, one. Lift off.
[IAN] Craddock!
[CRADDOCK] You are to be robotised.
[CRADDOCK] Robotised. Robotised. Robotised. Robotised.
[IAN] Thanks.
[LARRY] Thank you. I was hiding in the storeroom when he found me. Ismuggled myself aboard.
[IAN] You did what?
[LARRY] The saucer's going to the mine workings in Bedfordshire and mybrother's there. I'm going to find him.
[IAN] You don't exactly choose the easiest or the safest way to travel,do you.
[LARRY] It's the quickest. Where have you been hiding?
[IAN] In the ramp housing, under there. What are we going to do withhim?
[LARRY] Most of these large rooms have what they call disposal chutes.
[IAN] That?
[LARRY] Yeah. Come on, I'll give you a hand.
[IAN] We'd better get his feet first.
[LARRY] Right.
[DALEK [OC]] Break on seventy two. Break on seventy two. Report zerofive five Roboman. Fault.
[DAVID] Look. Careful. Behind that bush.
[DAVID] They've gone. We'll give them a few minutes to get well clear,and then we'll move on.
[SUSAN] Where to?
[DAVID] I don't know. What we must do is we must try and find some othersurvivors.
[SUSAN] David, David, do you think
[DALEK [OC]] Stop! Stop! Stop!
[MAN [OC]] Why?
[DALEK [OC]] Stop!
[MAN [OC]] Why? You killed my mother and my brothers!
[DALEK [OC]] Stop!
[MAN [OC]] Get away from me! No!
[SUSAN] If only we could go to the ship and get away from here.
[DAVID] Well, I couldn't go anyway.
[SUSAN] David, David, perhaps you could. I could ask Grandfather. I'msure he'd let you come. We could go to a place that had never evenheard of Daleks.
[DAVID] And what happens if there's something unpleasant in the newplace?
[SUSAN] We'll move on somewhere.
[DAVID] No, Susan, that's not for me.
[SUSAN] Why not?
[DAVID] Look, things aren't made better by running away.
[SUSAN] Well, it's suicide to stay here.
[DAVID] This is my planet! I just can't run off and see what it's likeon Venus!
[SUSAN] I never felt there was any time or place that I belonged to.I've never had any real identity.
[DAVID] One day you will. There will come a time when you're forced tostop travelling, and you'll arrive somewhere.
[DAVID] Back over there.
[SUSAN] Daleks?
[DAVID] I don't know. It could be the Robomen.
[SUSAN] It's coming closer.
[DAVID] They're coming down here.
[SUSAN] David, no.
[DAVID] Now, look, just get in there and stay there.
[BAKER] David!
[DAVID] Baker!
[BAKER] I saw you heading his way so I followed you.
[DAVID] Are you all right?
[BAKER] Yes. It's him I'm worried about.
[DAVID] Well, look, we're down here. I'll give you a hand.
[SUSAN] Grandfather! What is it? Is he all right? He's not too badlyhurt, is he?
[BAKER] The Daleks drugged him.
[DOCTOR] Susan.
[BAKER] It's beginning to wear off.
[DAVID] Put him down here. What about the others?
[BAKER] Four or five got away. The rest dead or prisoners.
[DAVID] Well, what are you going to do then? Do you want to stay herewith us?
[BAKER] A large group won't stand a chance. I thought I'd try on my own.I'll make for the Cornish coast. It's deserted down there. Not much forthe Daleks.
[DAVID] It's a good idea.
[SUSAN] We must stay in London.
[BAKER] Well I must be on my way.
[DAVID] Look, Baker, here, take this hip flask. It's full.
[BAKER] No, it's all right.
[DAVID] Look, go on, man, take it. There's tons of food in London.You'll need all you can get where you're going.
[BAKER] All right then, thanks. Good luck to you all. I hope you findyour friends.
[SUSAN] Be careful. Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye, my friend. Goodbye.
[DALEK] Fire.
[BARBARA] How's it coming?
[DORTMUN] It's finished. The problem, you see, was the metal that theDaleks use in their outer casing. We don't know very much about it. Wecall it dalekenium.
[BARBARA] Maybe that's what they're mining for up in Bedfordshire.
[DORTMUN] Oh, no, no, no, no. The Daleks must have found dalekeniumbefore they came to Earth.
[BARBARA] What are they mining for then?
[DORTMUN] I don't know, but it must be something that's only found verydeep in our planet.
[JENNY] Not a sign of anybody. The Daleks have been here, and some ofus.
[BARBARA] How do you know?
[JENNY] Well, look at these signs. (Vetoed, they all say) This meansthat some of our people have moved off to the south coast, and I don'tblame them. The place is swarming with Daleks.
[DORTMUN] Do you think another force has landed in London?
[JENNY] Yes, I do. We were very lucky to get through the streets.
[JENNY] We haven't got a chance in London, the way things are buildingup.
[BARBARA] Well, what can we do? Where can we go? Anyway, what's thepoint in running away all the time?
[JENNY] I'm not running, I'm surviving, that's all.
[DORTMUN] You'll survive, all right. I've got the new formula.
[BARBARA] Oh, I wish the Doctor were here.
[DORTMUN] So do I.
[BARBARA] But you don't know him.
[DORTMUN] He's a man of science, you said.
[BARBARA] He is. He's a very brilliant one. There's no sugar, I'mafraid.
[DORTMUN] I should like to show the results of my experiments to anotherscientist. Where do you think he is?
[BARBARA] Well, I've been trying to put myself in his place. I'm almostcertain he'd head for that mine.
[JENNY] If he's alive.
[BARBARA] Well of course he's alive.
[JENNY] Why? What's so special about the Doctor? He doesn't wear somesort of invisible shield, does he?
[DORTMUN] Jenny, go outside and keep watch.
[DORTMUN] She's not callous really, you know. When people fight, theyhave to fight the Daleks in their own way. Barbara, I should like youto find your friend the Doctor, and give him my notes.
[BARBARA] But I thought you said you'd finished the bomb.
[DORTMUN] I have.
[BARBARA] Well, then, why can't you give it to him yourself?
[DORTMUN] I can, I can. But, well, I'd like you to take care of them forme if you will. I'm not exactly mobile in this thing, am I.
[BARBARA] I'm not leaving you.
[DORTMUN] Very well. Let's make for the mine in Bedford.
[BARBARA] We'll all be safer once we get away from the city.
[DORTMUN] Just round up Jenny and we can make a start.
[JENNY] Daleks are all over the place. We're besieged.
[BARBARA] Dortmun!
[JENNY] Shh. Keep your voice down.
[BARBARA] He couldn't have gone outside.
[JENNY] He wouldn't be so stupid.
[BARBARA] He's left his notes. Jenny, he's going to try it out forhimself!
[DORTMUN [OC]] Daleks!
[BARBARA] Come on, we must get away from them. Jenny! Jenny, come on!
[DALEK] Who are you? Subcultural.
[SUSAN] Take it easy.
[DOCTOR] This is a time I should have my stick.
[SUSAN] Yes, I'll have to try and find you one.
[SUSAN] There you are.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I think that's quite enough to start with. You know, Inever realised that walking was so difficult, so exhausting.
[SUSAN] How's the numbness? Is it wearing off?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think it is.
[SUSAN] Oh, good.
[DOCTOR] In quite a while, I might be able to travel.
[SUSAN] That's good. David says we should head for the north. There's aresistance group up there. He says we should join up with them.
[DOCTOR] I don't care what that young man says. I make the decisionshere, my dear, and I think we should make our way back to the Tardis.
[SUSAN] What's the good of that, Grandfather? We need someone to help usblast all that rubble. Besides, London's crawling with Daleks. We mustgo north.
[DOCTOR] Do you question my authority, child?
[SUSAN] No, Grandfather, it's not that at all. It's just that David says
[DOCTOR] You seem to place more reliance on that young man's word thanmine, don't you.
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather, it's not that. It's simply that he lives inthis time. He understands the situation.
[DAVID] I've been down as far as the river, but they've got patrols onevery bridge.
[SUSAN] So what's our next move?
[DAVID] Oh, I don't know. What would you suggest, sir?
[DOCTOR] Ah. Hmm. Me?
[DAVID] Well, you're the senior member of the party, sir, and I would begrateful for you help.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, er, yes, yes, of course, young man. Yes, well, Isuggest that as soon as I'm able to walk again, we should travel north.Then we might be able to join up with the resistance party. Mark you,it's only a suggestion. I really should leave it to you, you know.Think it out for yourself.
[SUSAN] It's a very good idea, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SUSAN] I said, it's a very good idea.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think it's a very good idea.
[LARRY] My brother Phil's working at the mine, and he said if we canfind out what the Daleks are up to, we might be able to beat them.
[IAN] Makes sense, doesn't it.
[LARRY] His theory is that the Daleks want the magnetic core of Earth.
[IAN] What?
[LARRY] That's his idea, anyway.
[BLACK] Lower ramp and disembark.
[IAN] We're not still
[LARRY] Yes, we've landed.
[IAN] What's that?
[LARRY] They're lowering the ramp.
[LARRY] All clear. This is it.
[IAN] All right. How do we get out of this place?
[LARRY] The disposal chute. Once we get through the outer door, make forthe nearest cover. It's our only chance.
[IAN] All right. I say, what is out there?
[LARRY] Your guess is as good as mine. I'll go first.
[DOCTOR] I think we should get on our way.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, I think we should stay a bit longer, don't you?Because David looked just now and there were loads of Daleks.
[DAVID] Maybe Susan's right. Perhaps we should wait just five minutesmore?
[SUSAN] David, over there, look.
[DAVID] It's one of their firebombs. The Robomen must have put it there.
[SUSAN] Grandfather! David, he's passed out.
[DAVID] It must be the effect of those drugs.
[SUSAN] He's out of sight. David, what about this bomb? Can youdismantle it? I only know about atomic devices.
[DAVID] I don't know. I'll have to try.
[SUSAN] What's this red mark here?
[SUSAN] So when the needle touches the red point?
[DAVID] That will be it. I'll have to take a chance. I'm going to tryand prise the front off this thing.
[SUSAN] David! Come on, let's run for it.
[DAVID] Dortmun's bombs! The acid will burn its way through the casing.
[SUSAN] It's our last chance. Look at the needle.
[DAVID] Well get well back, Susan. Go on, back.
[SUSAN] It's burning through.
[SUSAN] Oh, you did it!
[DAVID] Well, what do we do now? That's the point. We'll have to leavethe old man here for a while.
[SUSAN] Leave him?
[DAVID] But we must. He can't travel, can he. What we'll do is this.We'll tell him to hide, and then you and I'll find a way out of London.What we'll do is go through the sewers. There's got to be a manholecover around here somewhere.
[SUSAN] I don't like the idea of leaving him.
[DAVID] We'll come back for him. Look, the Daleks think this area's inflames, so he'll be safe for an hour.
[SUSAN] David, we can't!
[DAVID] It's the only way.
[JENNY] All right, I'll take a turn.
[BARBARA] How's the engine look?
[JENNY] Well, there's oil in it, and the fuel's coming through. Thetrouble's going to be when we try to start it. The noise'll bring everyDalek for miles.
[BARBARA] Well, that's a risk we'll have to take.
[JENNY] Yes, I know that.
[BARBARA] I suppose they used this in parades and exhibitions.
[JENNY] Yes. Most of the machines at the museum are operational.
[BARBARA] It's a pity all the motor cars are on the upper floors.
[JENNY] You realise we won't get far in this.
[BARBARA] Probably.
[JENNY] No probably about it. Do you know the route to Bedfordshire?
[BARBARA] Yes, I used to.
[JENNY] Used to? What does that mean?
[BARBARA] It means I used to live. Well, we're not very sure how muchdamage the Daleks have done.
[JENNY] You wait till you see what they've done to Bedfordshire.
(Bedfordshire mining area)
[IAN] I don't know how you're going to find your brother here, Larry.
[LARRY] I'll have a darned good try.
[IAN] Even if you do find him, what are you going to do for him?
[LARRY] Get him away. He's obsessed with whatever it is the Daleks aredoing. Look!
[ROBOMAN] Forward! Forward!
[DALEK [OC]] Report Beta section zero zero one. Parade for robotisationselection at hut thirty. End.
[IAN] We'd better get back under cover.
[LARRY] This thing could move at
[WELLS] (proper yokel) Hoy. Who are you two? Aren't you on work detail?Escaped, have you? I suppose you know the Robomen are on the other sideof this machine?
[WELLS] Take these. (pickaxes) Leave the talking to me.
[ROBOMAN] What are these two men doing here?
[WELLS] I took them off work detail to help me pick up these tools.
[ROBOMAN] Which work detail?
[WELLS] Oh, I don't know. Over that way somewhere. I'll take 'em backwith me.
[ROBOMAN] No, they must come for selection. Why do you wait? Pick up theimplements and walk ahead of me.
[ROBOMAN] You too.
[ROBOMAN] You. (he hits him) In future, refer all decisions to yourmasters.
[WELLS] Oh, my head.
[ROBOMAN] What are you doing?
[IAN] We can't leave him here.
[ROBOMAN] Do not resist orders.
[IAN] Get new orders. Come on Larry, let's take him in here.
(Earth Mover)
[WELLS] I'm all right. It was the only thing Icould think of.
[IAN] Good man. Get down here.
[IAN] I think that's taken care of him for a while.
[WELLS] I'll take care of this. (the Roboman's rifle) You'll have to getout of here. The Daleks always seem to know when one of the Robomen'sattacked.
[IAN] Yes, it breaks the radio connection.
[WELLS] Your best bet is to mingle in with the working parties.
[IAN] What about you?
[WELLS] I come here to meet Ashton.
[LARRY] Ashton?
[WELLS] The black marketeer. No one knows how he gets into the camp orout again, but he does, and smuggles in food as well.
[IAN] Oh, does he.
[LARRY] We don't want to hang about here, Ian.
[WELLS] Wait till I'm clear then make a break for it. We'll meet againafter dark.
[IAN] That's a good idea. Listen, I'd like to meet this man Ashton. Hecould probably help me out of the camp. I need to get back to London.
[WELLS] London?
[LARRY] He's got friends there.
[WELLS] I suppose you know they destroyed it?
[JENNY] No Daleks about that I can see. They musthave thought Dortmun was on his own.
[BARBARA] I remembered to get his notes.
[JENNY] Why did he do it?
[BARBARA] Oh, many reasons. Mainly because he wouldn't give in.
[JENNY] What's the point of that? He just threw his life away. It was sosenseless.
[BARBARA] It depends on how you look at it.
[JENNY] You've got this romantic idea about resistance. There is nothingheroic about dying. There's no point in throwing lives away just toprove a principle.
[BARBARA] If Dortmun hadn't thrown his life away, we would all be dead.He knew exactly what he was doing. He sacrificed himself so that youand I would have a chance. Come on, we're ready to go.
[BARBARA] Open the doors.
[SUSAN] This smells like an old goat farm.
[DAVID] I think we can rest here.
[SUSAN] Good idea.
[DAVID] Well. we're not like to be found down here.
[SUSAN] Aren't we? Look at this, David. It's an old cartridge. Can't bethe Daleks, can it. They don't use guns. David, could the Robomen getdown here?
[DAVID] No, I don't think so.
[SUSAN] Well, it must be friends then.
[DAVID] Not necessarily. Not all human beings are automatically allies.There are people who will kill for a few scraps of food.
[SUSAN] Survive at all costs.
[DAVID] Yes. (he checks his pistol) Four bullets. Of course, it's no useagainst the Daleks, but it will stop anyone else.
[SUSAN] No spares?
[DAVID] No. I found this gun and that's all that was in it.
[SUSAN] David!
(In the truck)
[JENNY] Do you think that Dalek saw us back there?
[BARBARA] It must have heard the noise.
[JENNY] Then we're in for trouble.
[BARBARA] Yes, they're sure to radio ahead. We may have to ditch this atany moment.
[BARBARA] Jenny, there's a whole bunch of them ahead of us.
[JENNY] Shall we jump for it?
[BARBARA] No. I'm going through.
[JENNY] We went straight through them! Straight through them!
[BARBARA] Yeah, it wasn't bad, was it. I rather enjoyed that. We won'tbe able to stay in this much longer though. They'll be after us with avengeance now.
(Control centre)
[DALEK] Rebels travelling in motorised vehicle haveattacked and passed Dalek outer London cordon.
[DALEK 2] This is saucer Alpha Major. Am forty five miles south ofmining area.
[DALEK [OC]] Intercept rebels and destroy.
[DALEK 2] Position of rebel vehicle? Give position.
[DALEK [OC]] South east eight over three seven six. North, north, ninepoint eight.
(In the truck)
[BARBARA] Jenny, what's that noise?
[JENNY] It's a saucer overhead.
[BARBARA] Jump for it!
[SUSAN] We're jolly lucky we (lost under otherdialogue)
[DAVID] Glad we ran into you down there, Tyler.
[SUSAN] Hey, David, now that Tyler's here we can go and get Grandfather,can't we?
[DAVID] That's a good idea.
[TYLER] The Doctor, where is he?
[DAVID] Well, we had to leave him by the old plague cemetery. We'retrying to find a way out of this area.
[TYLER] You don't know how lucky you were. At first I took you forscavengers. I met a couple down here already but this kept them off.
[SUSAN] You shot at one of them, didn't you. I found this. (thecartridge case)
[TYLER] I wasn't shooting at a man. These sewers are full of alligators.
[SUSAN] Alligators? In the sewers of London?
[TYLER] A lot of animals escaped from zoos during the plague. Most werekilled but reptiles thrive down here.
[DAVID] Well then, I think the quicker we get going, the better?
[SUSAN] What's worse, the alligators down here or the Daleks up there?
[DAVID] Tyler, will you give us a hand to collect the old man?
[TYLER] I'll take you. You're going the wrong way anyway. Now, you takethe back, behind Susan. That way we've got guns front and rear.
[DAVID] Right, Tyler.
[SUSAN] Oh, Tyler? Barbara and Ian, do you know where they are?
[TYLER] I'm sorry, no. I'll go ahead now. You stay here til I call.
[SUSAN] Why is he so abrupt?
[DAVID] Tyler? He's afraid to make friends. He's known too much killing.
[SUSAN] Well, I hope I'm never like that, pretending not to care.
[DAVID] Bah. One day this will be all over. It'll mean a new start.
[SUSAN] A new start? Rebuilding a planet from the very beginning. It's awonderful idea.
[DAVID] You could always help.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[TYLER [OC]] All clear here. Come on now.
[DAVID] Go on, Susan. I'll keep right behind you.
[BARBARA] It's all right, Jenny, it's clear.
[JENNY] Any idea where we are?
[BARBARA] Oh, somewhere between Edgware and Stanmore, I should think.
[JENNY] We're on the road for St Alban's. Barbara, suppose we don't findyour friends at the mine?
[BARBARA] I'll think about that when we get there. Look, you don't haveto stay with me if you don't want to. I can get there on my own.
[JENNY] We might as well stay together.
[BARBARA] All right, come on then.
(Bedfordshire mining area)
[IAN] I tell you, I heard something. A sort ofsliding noise.
[LARRY] Which direction?
[IAN] I don't know. I thought it was round here.
[LARRY] What was it?
(Earth Mover)
[ASHTON] Right, you can just turn around and go out again.
[LARRY] What, with that thing out there?
[ASHTON] It didn't see you come in. It needn't see you go out.
[IAN] Are you Ashton?
[ASHTON] How do you know?
[LARRY] Wells told us. We've come here looking specially for you.
[ASHTON] People tell all kinds of lies when they're starving.
[IAN] We're hungry, but we're not starving. I want to go to London.
[ASHTON] Why die there?
[IAN] I don't intend to die anywhere.
[ASHTON] Can you pay?
[IAN] Pay? What are you talking about?
[ASHTON] Are you one of these brotherhood of man kind of people?
[IAN] You come in here. Is there any reason why you shouldn't take meout?
[ASHTON] I can take you out, at the right price.
[IAN] And what's that?
[ASHTON] Gold, precious metals, jewels.
[IAN] I don't have anything like that.
[ASHTON] Then I hope you manage to avoid the Slyther as you leave.
[IAN] I'm not leaving.
[WELLS] (bursting in) Ashton!
[WELLS] That's for the food. These two are friends of mine.
[ASHTON] I see you managed to bring their character references just intime. Well, chaps, I suppose we ought to have something to eat.
[WELLS] This bundle's mine. It's to be shared out amongst a lot ofpeople and you aren't included.
[ASHTON] I've got my own.
[IAN] You know all the best people, don't you?
[WELLS] He's our only source of proper food.
[LARRY] What was that thing we saw out there?
[WELLS] It's called a Slyther.
[IAN] A Slyther? What's that?
[ASHTON] Where do you come from, mate? Fairyland?
[WELLS] The Black Dalek, he's the commandant of the camp, regards it asa sort of pet.
[IAN] You mean it's on some sort of a guard duty?
[WELLS] Yes, well, in a way. Mainly it roams the mine area at night insearch of food.
[LARRY] What sort of food?
[ASHTON] People.
[SUSAN] Tyler!
[DAVID] He can't have got so far ahead.
[SUSAN] Perhaps our voices aren't carrying. These walls could deflectthe sound, I suppose.
[DAVID] There's a ladder there.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[DAVID] Let's try up there.
[SUSAN] Yes, all right. (goes up the steps) There's a tunnel throughhere.
[DAVID] Careful, Susan.
[SUSAN] I'm all right. Tyler? (comes to an edge with a ladder down)Tyler? Are you down there?
[DAVID] Careful.
[SUSAN] David! (scream) David!
[DAVID] Steady. Are you all right?
[SUSAN] Yes. Swinging.
[DAVID] You'd have probably given him indigestion anyway.
[SUSAN] Thank you.
[TYLER] All right now, come on. I've found the Doctor. He's waiting forus up here.
[DAVID] Okay, now take your time.
[SUSAN] Where's Grandfather's stick?
[DAVID] I'll bring it. Take your time.
(Earth Mover)
[ASHTON] You know, Wells, you're a fool. For all this stuff I'd havegladly taken you outside. There are plenty of small towns and villagesthat the Daleks have cleared of people and left intact. Food galore.
[WELLS] I'll get out in my own good time.
[ASHTON] Well, suit yourself. You people never learn, do you.
[LARRY] (hands something to Wells) That's for the two of us. Thanks forours.
[WELLS] Right, I'll take it, if you don't mind. It'll help pay for thenext lot from Ashton.
[WELLS] Get out!
(Bedfordshire mining area)
[LARRY] This way's no good. It's a sheer drop.
[IAN] We'll have to go back.
[LARRY] The Slyther, Ian! It's coming straight for us!
(Bedfordshire mining area)
[IAN] Larry!
[LARRY] Ian!
[IAN] Hold on, Larry!
[IAN] All right?
[LARRY] Thanks.
[IAN] It's still coming. I hope it can't jump.
[LARRY] It's going to try!
[LARRY] Let's get out of here.
[IAN] No. No, hang on a minute. Somebody might have heard us.
(Control centre)
[BLACK] There is no work party in shaft nine. Why?
[DALEK] The section is completed. The labour force is being assembledfor clearing operations.
[BLACK] Work must proceed to schedule. There must be no delays.
[DALEK] All will be ready. The waste bucket in shaft nine is beinglowered now.
[[Mining bucket]IAN] I think it's all clear now.
[LARRY] Might as well take a chance. We can't stay here all night.What's happening?
[IAN] We're going down!
[[Sewer]DOCTOR] Oh, dear. Ghastly. Well I must say this isa nice state of affairs. We've barely covered a mile and here we arehiding down the sewers again.
[DAVID] We're better to hide down here, Doctor, than be caught by thoseRobomen.
[DAVID] Tyler, did they see us?
[TYLER] Well, they were coming this way but they don't seem to know whatthey were going to do.
[SUSAN] How many?
[TYLER] Just two of them. Listen, I couldn't get that cover on. We'dbetter get under shelter. Doctor, Susan.
[DOCTOR] You do realise, of course, we shall have to let them both comedown before we decide to defend ourselves.
[TYLER] Well, we can take them one at a time.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, just one. The other's bound to return and bring backreinforcements.
[TYLER] If we stick together long enough, I'll learn to do what you saythe first time.
[DAVID] Move Tyler, move!
[SUSAN] No! No!
[DAVID] Susan!
[DOCTOR] Well, is everybody alright?
[TYLER] Yes.
[DAVID] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, Tyler, no. I never take life. Only when my own isimmediately threatened. Now then, let us make our way to this mine andthen we shall know how to deal with these Daleks. Leave this creatureto his own devices and salvation. Come along. You lead the way, my boy.Come along.[Outside a hut] BARBARA
[WOMAN] What do you want?
[BARBARA] We, we were looking for shelter.
[WOMAN] Just the two of you? Tired, are you?
[BARBARA] Yes. Yes, we are.
[JENNY] Barbara, I think we should be moving on.
[GIRL] Dogs'll catch you. Dogs in the forest.
[WOMAN] Savage beasts. After the plague, they formed a pack. Where areyou making for?
[BARBARA] The mine. We have friends there. We're trying to find them.
[GIRL] Nobody gets away from there. You'll be caught yourselves.
[WOMAN] You're lucky to have got this far. The patrols pass here.
[JENNY] Then how is it you're still free. They must know you're here?
[WOMAN] Oh, they know all right. Yes, they know, but we can't harm them.Besides, we make clothes for the slave workers. We're more use to themdoing that than we would be in the mine.
[BARBARA] How do you manage? For food, I mean?
[WOMAN] Oh, they give us some in return for the clothes. We're hungrymost of the time though.
[BARBARA] We have some food here. You're welcome to that.
[WOMAN] Thank you, thank you. Get the table ready, child.
[GIRL] Yes.
[WOMAN] More? Have you got any more in here? Oh yes.
[WOMAN] In return you can sleep here for the night. You can make yourbed out of this cloth. Come on, child. Come on. You'll be nice andcomfortable there.
[WOMAN] Now, you go and take these and go (unintelligible) there's agood girl. Go on, then, there's a good girl.
[GIRL] I have to go out to deliver these clothes.
[WOMAN] Your meal will be ready when you get back, child.
[JENNY] Go out in this weather?
[WOMAN] They're waiting for her.
[BARBARA] What about those dogs you talked about?
[WOMAN] Oh, she'll follow the patrols.
[GIRL] I'll follow the patrols.
[WOMAN] She'll come to no harm. She's done it often enough. And when you've done with your beds, shall you help me with the food?{Mine bucket] LARRY
[IAN] No. How long do you think we've been going down now?
[LARRY] Must be nearly twenty minutes. It's getting warmer, isn't it?
[IAN] Yes. Pressure's increasing too. My ears are popping.
[LARRY] I'd rather be dead than work down here.
[IAN] Not a choice I'd like to face.
[LARRY] It's stopping. We must be near the bottom. Yes, look. Lights!
[IAN] Let's get out of here, Larry, before this bucket tips up.
[LARRY] It's a bit of a drop, Ian.
[IAN] Well, about twelve feet, that's all. Come on.
[(Ian jumps first. Larry is still in the bucket when it starts to goalong a rail. He falls badly when he jumps)[Mine] IAN] Larry, you all right?
[LARRY] It's my kneecap. I caught it on the truck as I fell.
[IAN] Put your weight on me. Stand up.
[LARRY] It's no good.
[IAN] No? if you can't move, we'd better get under cover. It's too lighthere. We'll go over there. Now, put your weight on me. That's it.Slowly.[Hut] WOMAN
[JENNY] They've destroyed most of it.
[WOMAN] Destroyed? Well I never. Oh, when I went it was beautiful. Therewas the moving pavements, and the shops, and the astronaut fair I wentto and it was in the Chelsea heliport.
[DALEK] You will follow me, both of you. Do not try to escape or youwill be exterminated. Move.
[GIRL] Bread and oranges and sugar.
[WOMAN] Oh, good, good. I knew they'd give us food if we told them. Oh,well. She'd have been captured anyway.[Mine] IAN
[LARRY] Better. I don't think I'll be able to walk.
[IAN] Don't worry. We'll stay here for a while. You know, Larry, thismine doesn't make sense to me. Where's all the modern machinery?
[LARRY] The Daleks brought machinery from all over the world. All theyseem to be shifting is rocks.
[IAN] Yes. I suppose they could be processing it somewhere.
[LARRY] Who knows what the Daleks are up to? I told you what my brotherPhil said, all they want is the magnetic core of Earth.
[IAN] Yes, but why find it in such an old fashioned way?
[LARRY] It's probably a clearance area. Perhaps we haven't found themain shaft yet.
[IAN] You may be right at that. Larry, would you be all right if I wentto have a look?
[LARRY] Yeah, sure.
[IAN] Good man.
[WELLS] (spotting them) You'll have to move. They're clearing this wholesection.
[LARRY] Move? Where to?
[IAN] Well, lets join them. Take a basket, Larry.
[PHIL] (a Roboman) Halt!
[LARRY] Phil! It's my brother. Ian, it's my brother.
[PHIL] Too many in working party. Dalek Supreme Control recheck. Who areyou?
[LARRY] Phil? Phil, it's Larry. Your brother Larry. Think, Phil!Remember me!
[PHIL] You are both runaways.
[LARRY] Angela. Your wife, Angela! I'll take you to her.
[PHIL] You must both be punished.
[IAN] It's no good, Larry.
[LARRY] No, no! No, Ian!
[IAN] Come on!
[LARRY] Ian, get clear. Run while you've got the chance! Run, Ian. Run.
[LARRY] Run, Ian, run.
[Phil] Larry.
[DALEK [OC]] (behind next dialogue) Emergency! Emergency! Priority shaftnine. Close all exits! Emergency!
[WELLS] Right, get these bodies clear. Get them down the shafts. Shaftseven, shaft eight! I'll take care of that. (the gun) Someone tell themwhat's happened. Run, quick as you like. Get those bodies out of here.Hurry!
[DAVID] Some fresh fish! You want some fresh fish? I've got some!
[SUSAN] David, you idiot. You idiot.
[DAVID] Oh no, its not for me! I didn't want it! Not me!
[SUSAN] Drop it!
[DAVID] Your grandfather stood up to the journey fantastically well.
[SUSAN] He's a pretty fantastic sort of man.
[DOCTOR] Smells familiar round here.
[SUSAN] Just in time for food.
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes, my dear.
[DAVID] Ah, we were just, er, well, I was just, er.
[DOCTOR] Quite, quite. I can see something's cooking.
[TYLER] What is that?
[DAVID] That's rabbit.
[SUSAN] It's pretty primitive. It's the best I could do though.
[DOCTOR] Most useful.
[DAVID] Hot!
[DAVID] Hey, you've got a big piece there. Doctor, would you like some?Smells delicious.
[DOCTOR] Susan's a very good cook.
[DAVID] Yes. Tell me, Doctor.
[DAVID] Now that you've seen the Dalek base, what do you think?
[DOCTOR] Well it's quite obvious to me its the centre of theiroperations.
[SUSAN + DAVID] Centre?
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite. You know, you surprise me, Tyler. Why didn't youconcentrate your efforts here?
[TYLER] We've been fighting the Daleks everywhere. Well, the fact thatthey started mining operations didn't seem all that important.
[DAVID] Yeah, well, we assumed that they were just digging for minerals,you know, something they could use to make
[DOCTOR] No, I think perhaps it might be the answer to the question asto why the Daleks are here.
[DAVID] But why, Doctor? Surely they've invaded us?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, it goes much deeper than that. You see, man, to them, isjust a work machine. An insignificant specimen that is not worthinvading. Absolutely useless. It doesn't matter to them whether youlive or die.
[TYLER] Yeah, that's true enough.
[DAVID] Well, what are they digging for?
[DOCTOR] Well, at the moment, my boy, I'm not quite sure, but let us saysomething that this planet contains. Something that no planet has.
[TYLER] And you think if it was something on the surface, they'd havejust collected it and gone?
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite, quite. Instead, there they are, burrowing likemoles down and through the crust of the Earth.
[TYLER] But isn't that impossible? I mean, without causing an eruption,a huge earthquake no one could survive.
[DOCTOR] Not unless they know how to control the flow of living energy,hmm?
[DAVID] Is that what it is? They dare to tamper with the forces ofcreation?
[DOCTOR] Yes, they dare. And we have got to dare to stop them.
[SUSAN] Grandfather?
[SUSAN] It's getting cold. Look.[Mine]ROBOMAN [OC]
[IAN] Barbara!(A little way on)
[ROBOMAN] Fill these buckets. Hurry!
[JENNY] We're beaten, Barbara. We'll never get out of here. Never.
[BARBARA] Don't be silly, Jenny. That's no way to talk. Look, we wantedto get to the mine and we're here.
[JENNY] Yes, but what can we do?
[BARBARA] You can help me fill this basket again. We could try and findtheir main control room. I'm sure that's what the Doctor would do.
[JENNY] And then what will happen?
[BARBARA] Oh, I don't know, Jenny, I don't know, but look, we can try!If we get there and fail,well, all they'll do is send us back here.
[DALEK] You. Take all buckets to the clearing section.
[WELLS] Fine.
[IAN] Wells.
[WELLS] Ian, I told you to get out of here.
[IAN] That's easier said than done. Wells, that tall girl in the bluesweater. I know her. Tell her I'm here.
[WELLS] Right, I'll try, but I've got to get rid if these first.
[IAN] Yes, all right.
[JENNY] Anyway, they'll never let us anywhere near the control room.
[BARBARA] Dortmun's notes!
[JENNY] What?
[BARBARA] Jenny, I've still got Dortmun's notes!
[JENNY] And a lot of good they are.
[BARBARA] No, no, you don't understand, Oh, I haven't got time toexplain. Jenny, come with me.
[JENNY] Oh Barbara, do you know what you're doing?
[DALEK] Get back to work.
[BARBARA] I have some important information. Rebels are planning arevolution against the Daleks.
[DALEK] There will be no revolution. The Daleks are masters of Earth.
[BARBARA] But you don't understand. This is no ordinary uprising. Theyhave scientists, men of learning working with them.
[DALEK] You are lying. It is a trick.
[BARBARA] No, I have proof of what I say.
[DALEK] Proof? Let me see.
[DALEK] Details of the acid bomb used in the unprovoked attack on theLondon saucer landing area.
[BARBARA] There's more. I know places where they're hiding.
[DALEK] Very well. Speak.
[BARBARA] Well, it, it would be better if I spoke to someone in charge.
[DALEK] That is impossible. Tell me your story.
[BARBARA] But it's very complex and detailed. You would have to actimmediately on what I told you. I must speak to someone in authority.
[DALEK] The Black Dalek will see you, but if you are lying, you will bekilled. Follow me.
[ROBOMAN] Continue your work.
[WELLS] Right, step into line and follow me.
[IAN] We're too late. The Daleks have just taken her.
[WELLS] Pity. Oh well, there's an empty gallery behind us there. Loseyourself there.
[IAN] Right.[Control room] BLACK
[DALEK] The main drills have penetrated the quartz strata. We are withinfour miles of the Earth's outer core.
[BLACK] When will the final breakthrough occur?
[DALEK] The slave parties are clearing the top of the fissure now.
[BLACK] What remains to be done?
[DALEK] Only to put into position the penetration explosive. The chargeis in the fissure capsule now. When positioned, the charge will strikethe fissure in the Earth's crust here.
[BLACK] The fissure will expand, the molten core be released.
[DALEK] We will then control the flow until all the gravitational andmagnetic forces in the Earth's core are eliminated.
[BLACK] Excellent. I will now announce to the Dalek Earth force,completion of Project Degravitate in two hours time.
[DALEK [OC]] Attention.[Capsule control] DALEK [OC]
[BLACK [OC]] This is the Supreme Controller. Our mission to Earth isnearly completed. We were sent here to remove the core of this planet.[Control centre] BLACK
[DALEK] We are ready.
[BLACK [OC]] Arm the device.
[DALEK] Device now armed.
[BLACK] Set capsule in motion.
[DALEK] Hatch over control to closed position. Motor running.
[DALEK 2] Capsule moving.[Control centre] BLACK
[ROBOMEN] Pull. Pull. Pull.
[ROBOMEN] Pull. Pull. Pull.
[(Ian climbs down the rope out of the capsule)[Control centre] DALEK [OC]] Capsule now arrived at sub station.
[BLACK] Ascertain extent of breakdown and then
[DALEK [OC]] Man has been seen leaving capsule.
[BLACK] Exterminate him! Exterminate him! Exterminate him![Substation] DALEK
[(The Dalek fires at the rope, which snaps and Ian slides down to a doorat the top of the fissure proper. He is out cold)[Corridor] JENNY] We must be getting near their control room,Barbara. What do you want me to do?
[DALEK] Move.
[BARBARA] Try to find the main control panel. Do as much damage as youcan. I'll try and keep them occupied.
[DALEK] Silence. You will only speak when you are ordered to do so.[Control centre] DALEK 2
[DALEK] Wait here.
[BLACK] Every error must be corrected. The penetration explosive muststrike the fissure correctly if we are to extract the molten core. Haveall work tasks been completed?
[DALEK 3] They have.
[BLACK] Then arrange for the extermination of all human beings.
[DALEK 4] Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!
[DALEK 5] The final solution! Clear up this planet!
[BLACK] Alter the command frequencies to aural control to all Robomen.They are to herd humans down to the lower galleries.
[DALEK 3] Immediately. Testing aural control. Testing aural control.[Corridor] (A light flashes on a Roboman's helmet)
[DALEK [OC]] Testing aural control. Testing aural control.[Control centre] BARBARA
[DALEK 3] Herd all humans to galleries to nine, ten and fifteen.
[JENNY] Perhaps we could put it out of action?
[BARBARA] We could do better than that, we could give it new orders.Tell them to turn on the Daleks.
[JENNY] Yes! That's a great idea.
[DALEK] They are the prisoners that reported the imminent revolt.
[BLACK] Speak!
[BARBARA] (reading Dortmun's notes.) This bomb is the one with which
[BLACK] We are not interested in the bomb. Give your information!
[BARBARA] Right. This revolt is timed to start almost immediately. As inthe case of the Indian mutiny, which I am sure
[BLACK] Indian mutiny? We are the masters of India!
[BARBARA] I was talking about Red Indians in disguise! The plan will runparallel with the Boston Tea Party. Naturally, you already haveinformation about this.
[BLACK] Wait! Why have I not been informed of this?
[DALEK 2] There has been no information.
[BARBARA] Good! That means the first part of the plan is a success. Now,I warn you, General Lee and the four, the fifth cavalry are alreadyforming up to attack from the north side of the crater. The secondwave, Hannibal's forces, will of course come in from the Southern Alps.The third wave
[BLACK] Attention! Attention! Mobilise defence forces!
[BARBARA] Robomen, this order cannot be countermanded. You must
[BLACK] Take them! They are lying! Take them! Take them! Take them!
[DALEK 3] I will arrange for their extermination.
[BLACK] No. Secure them. They will be killed in the explosion. Thecountdown must proceed to schedule.
[BARBARA] Sorry, Jenny.
[JENNY] What for? It was a marvellous attempt and it nearly worked too.
[BARBARA] Yes, it didn't and we won't get a second try. Look. That mustbe the bomb shaft.[Cliff edge] TYLER
[DOCTOR] I certainly have not. Ah, good! There seems to be a way downthere.
[TYLER] I still say its madness.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well lets have a closer look.
[DAVID] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] How many bombs have you got left?
[DAVID] Er, I've got three, I think.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well that should be enough. Now, you see that mast overthere?
[DAVID] (through binoculars) Yes.
[DOCTOR] And the cable behind it?
[DAVID] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Well, I want you and Susan to walk around the lip of the craterand sever it. Use the bombs. Detonate with your revolver, right?
[DAVID] Right, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Off you go, and don't stop to pick daises on the way.
[DOCTOR] I don't think they'll run into any trouble.
[TYLER] And what about us?
[DOCTOR] That'll be harder to guarantee. Come along. Get down.[Top of fissure] (Ian comes round, and opens a circular door in astone wall. A Roboman enters the room on the other side so Ian closesit again)[Control centre] BLACK
[JENNY] Sounds as though they're almost ready.
[BLACK] Attention all Daleks. Our saucers are hovering above the minearea. Notice to board saucers will be given shortly. [Corridor] DOCTOR
[DOCTOR] Shall we go in?
[TYLER] I'll say one thing, Doc. Life's never dull with you around.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, but don't call me Doc, I prefer Doctor. Do you mind?[Room] (Ian opens the small door again. The room containssmall tree trunks so he uses some to block what will be the passage ofthe capsule)[Control centre] DALEK
[BLACK] Good. We shall have one hour to leave when the device is fired.Am firing now.
[BLACK] The explosive device is on its way to the centre of the Earth.We shall go the edge of the mine workings and be picked up by thesaucers.[Corridor](The Doctor and Tyler hide as the Black Dalek leadsthe others away)
[TYLER] That was a close one.
[DOCTOR] Apparently things are on the move.
[[Control centre] BARBARA] Well, they didn't bother to kill us. Isuppose the explosion will take care of that.
[JENNY] It's no good, Barbara. I can't move mine!
[BARBARA] Listen. I think the Daleks are coming back.
[DOCTOR] My dear Barbara!
[BARBARA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] The magnet! The magnet, quickly!
[DOCTOR] Is Chesterton with you? Never mind.
[DOCTOR] We must begin our action before the Daleks get back.
[BARBARA] I don't think they will be coming back. They activated one oftheir bombs. They intend to blow a hole through the centre of theEarth.
[DOCTOR] But why?
[JENNY] They're trying to pilot the Earth right out of its orbit. Thebomb's due to go off in half an hour's time.
[DOCTOR] Well, we must prevent this, Barbara. If they succeed, it willthe mean that they'll upset the entire constellation. We've got toprevent it!
[BARBARA] But how?
[DOCTOR] By keeping the Daleks here. Keep your eyes skinned on the door.
[TYLER] All right.
[DOCTOR] Now, I wonder. Can I do anything with this scanner?
[BARBARA] There's Susan!
[DOCTOR] Oh yes! Susan and David. Now, they're trying to fracture theouter cable ring.
[JENNY] Well what will that do?
[DOCTOR] Well, if it's possible, you see, we might be able to immobilisethe Daleks.
[DALEK [OC]] Scanner frequencies have been changed in Central control.
[BLACK [OC]] The prisoners must have escaped! Deal with them.
[DOCTOR] The radio circuit's still working.
[BARBARA] Hurry, Susan, hurry!
[DOCTOR] There's nothing we can do, my dear. Just watch and wait. Wecan't contact them from here.[Corridor] DALEK
[DALEK] Thermostat reading too high! Heat increase intolerable! Heatincrease complete! Power loss complete! Argh!
[TYLER] You took a chance.
[DOCTOR] A chance? Yes.
[BARBARA] Can you stop the bomb, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Not now, Barbara. We don't know how long this little trick ofours will hold the Daleks. We may have to find something else.
[BARBARA] Well, look. That thing over there controls the Robomen. Wediscovered that earlier. Er, maybe we could give it new orders?
[DOCTOR] Yes! That's brilliant, my dear! Good. Carry on.
[BARBARA] (as a Dalek) Robomen, this is your last order. Obey it and noother.
[DOCTOR] Turn on the Daleks, turn on the Daleks, kill the Daleks, do youhear?
[IAN] Barbara!
[IAN] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, where did you spring from?
[IAN] Well, I was trying to get out of the mine and suddenly the Robomenturned on the Daleks! Well, you know the rest.
[DOCTOR] Well, the people are fighting back at last!
[IAN] That must be where I jammed it, so that must be where it willexplode.
[BARBARA] But look, it's going to go off in ten minutes time.
[DOCTOR] I don't think their device will succeed in that position. Butstill, it will be a gigantic explosion.
[TYLER] Then we ought to get as many people out of this area as wepossibly can.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I quite agree.
[[Corridor] JENNY] We'll be safe outside the valley.
[DOCTOR] And we must all meet back on the cliff, we were before. Nowhurry up, all of you.[Cliff edge] DOCTOR
[DOCTOR] The saucers were caught in the upward thrust of that explosion.
[JENNY] Do you think any Daleks escaped?
[DOCTOR] In that, my dear? Impossible. There's something new for you,Tyler. A volcanic eruption in England.
[TYLER] It's unbelievable.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's unbelievable.
[JENNY] It's over.[Riverside] (Wells helps clear the last timber from a verybattered Tardis)
[TYLER] Well, at least the firebombs didn't destroy everything. PityDortmun couldn't be here. Dortmun and people like him.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and it's to them that you must dedicate your next task,the rebuilding of the Earth. And I'm sure you're going to make a greatsuccess of it.
[TYLER] You sound as if you're leaving.
[TYLER] Listen.
[DOCTOR] Just the beginning. Just the beginning. All alone, eh, Susan,hmm?
[SUSAN] I was thinking.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I afraid we've had so little time for that sort of thinglately.
[SUSAN] It would be nice if we
[DOCTOR] I, er, well, I'm sorry, Susan.
[SUSAN] It wasn't important. What were you going to, Ow!
[DOCTOR] Oh my dear Susan, you're hurt.
[SUSAN] Oh, it's not me, it's this shoe of mine. Look, it's worn rightout.
[DOCTOR] Oh, dear, dear, dear.
[SUSAN] It must have been that journey back from the mine.
[DOCTOR] Dear, dear, dear, I shall have to mend this, shan't I now?
[SUSAN] Oh, don't worry, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no, no, no worry, my child, no. When I've finishedwith this, it will look as good as new.
[SUSAN] Really, it's not worth it. I've got dozens of other pairs.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Hmm.
[SUSAN] I'd better clear out my cupboard. It's in a dreadful muddle.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you little monkey. You know, since you've been away fromthat school, you seem to have got yourself thoroughly disorganised,haven't you? Yes, you need taking in hand. Well, I, er, I think I mustcheck up on the ship, if you don't mind.
[SUSAN] Won't be long.(The Doctor watches Susan go over to David, then goes into the Tardis)
[IAN] What are your plans, David?
[DAVID] Me? Oh, I'll join a group that work the land. More thananything, I want to see things grow again. I want to be a part of it.
[IAN] It's a nice idea. Do you come from the country?
[DAVID] Yes. My family have always been associated with the land.
[IAN] Oh, er, where do they live?
[DAVID] Well, they live a long way from here.
[TYLER] Well can't stand here talking all day. See me before you go,David.
[DAVID] I will Tyler. I will.
[SUSAN] Goodbye, Tyler.
[SUSAN] Goodbye.
[DAVID] Susan?
[SUSAN] Yes, David?
[DAVID] Please stay. Please stay here with me.
[SUSAN] I can't stay, David. I don't belong to this time.
[DAVID] But I love you, Susan, and I want you to marry me.
[SUSAN] You see, David. Grandfather's old now. He needs me. Oh, don'tmake me choose between you and him, please!
[DAVID] But you told me! You said that you'd never known the security ofliving in one place and one time. Look, you said it was something thatyou always longed for. Well, I'm giving you that, Susan. I'm giving youa place, a time, an identity.
[SUSAN] No, David! (crying) I've lost my shoe. Oh David, I do love you!I do, I do, I do!
[SUSAN] Grandfather!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Listen, Susan, please. I've double-locked the doors. Youcan't get in. Now move back, child, where I can see you.[Tardis] DOCTOR
[SUSAN [on scanner]] Oh, Grandfather, I belong with you!
[DOCTOR] Not any longer, Susan. You're still my grandchild and alwayswill be, but now, you're a woman too.[Riverside] DOCTOR [OC]
[DAVID] Susan? Susan? He knew. He knew you could never leave him.
[IAN] Hello, there!
[BARBARA] You know, we're not in our time in London, Susan.
[SUSAN] Why do you say that?
[BARBARA] Well, I know London, and it isn't like this. The river's tooquiet and there's no sound of traffic. There's a strange poster on thewall back there. It just doesn't make sense.
[SUSAN] Well, off we go again. I'm sorry, Barbara. Is it selfish to wantus all to stay together?
[BARBARA] No, of course not. We ought to be able to hear something. It'sridiculous.
[SUSAN] Things have to stay as they are, don't they. Can't change.
[BARBARA] I suppose so. Anyway, maybe they've done away with noisealtogether. How's your ankle feeling?
[SUSAN] It's throbbing crazy.
[BARBARA] I don't think this is wet enough. Hold on a minute.
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, come here.
[IAN] Empty.
[DOCTOR] What a musty smell. This place hasn't been used in years.
[IAN] (looking out of the window) Doctor, it's lost two chimneys.
[DOCTOR] What's that monstrosity out there?
[IAN] It's Battersea Power Station. I wonder what's happened to thosetwo chimneys?
[DOCTOR] What's happened to London, dear boy, is more to the point.
[IAN] They must have gone over to nuclear power.
[DOCTOR] What's this, then?
[DOCTOR] Ah, here, look. At least we know the century, dear boy. Look.
[IAN] 2164.
[BARBARA] Susan? Susan!
[BARBARA] Who are you?
[BARBARA] Where's Susan? What have you done with her?
[DOCTOR] There's so much rubbish. It's a jungle here.
[IAN] What the? He's dead. What on earth is this?
[DOCTOR] It looks like some sort of adornment, but what for?
[IAN] I don't know. Do you think it could be some sort of medical aid?You know, if he'd fractured his skull, something to knit the bonestogether?
[DOCTOR] No, I think there's something more to it than that. You know, Ithink that this is an extra ear, ideal for picking up high-frequencyradio waves.
[IAN] You mean these people have invented some form of personalcommunication?
[DOCTOR] Yes, something like that.
[IAN] What's this? A whip. Why.
[DOCTOR] Well, whatever it is, I wouldn't like to meet one of thesefellows, you know.
[DOCTOR] He was murdered!
[IAN] Storeroom. That noise came from up here.
[DOCTOR] Right, dear boy, come on.
[IAN] No one can get through that way.
[DOCTOR] Except you. I think we'd better pause in this search and getback to the others. Come along.
[IAN] All right, you lead on.
[SUSAN] Careful, Barbara.
[TYLER] Quickly, now.
[SUSAN] What about Grandfather and my other friend?
[TYLER] We'll do the best we can.
[SUSAN] That's not what you said just now!
[BARBARA] Look, you promised you'd find a way
[TYLER] There isn't time to argue. We'll collect your friends later.Now, come on.
[IAN] Barbara? Susan? Why? Why do they do it?
[DOCTOR] It might have been something to do with that gunfire we heardacross the river.
[IAN] Yes, I suppose they might have hidden somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Well, let's wait and see, hmm?
[IAN] That body. You know, I want to get away from here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but aren't you even a bit curious? After all, it's yourcity, you know. Don't you want to know what's happened to it?
[IAN] No. No, I don't want to know. Where the devil are those two?
[TYLER] Hold on.
[BARBARA] Is this is?
[TYLER] Yes. (he puts Susan down) Now get back.
[DAVID [OC]] Tyler?
[TYLER] Yes.
[DAVID] Dortmun's on the rampage. And who have we got here?
[TYLER] I found a couple of them down by the river. Open targets.
[BARBARA] Well, we didn't know.
[TYLER] I suppose you didn't, but you know now.
[DAVID] Can you cook?
[BARBARA] Yes, I can get by.
[DAVID] Good, we need some cooks.
[BARBARA] Listen, I
[TYLER] All right, let's get down.
[DAVID] Listen, I had a struggle with one of the Robomen.
[TYLER] Well?
[DAVID] Well, he was waiting for me! That means that we'll have tochange the storehouse.
[TYLER] All right, tell Dortmun. Have you just come from there?
[DAVID] Yes.
[TYLER] These have got a couple of friends down there they want us tobring back.
[DAVID] Well I didn't see anyone there except that I was nearly caughtby a couple... They didn't go into the old warehouse, did they, that'sopposite the old power station?
[SUSAN] Yes, I think they did.
[DAVID] Yeah, and I thought they were enemies.
[DORTMUN] Tyler, where have you been? What the devil have you beendoing?
[TYLER] They've landed a saucer at the heliport.
[DORTMUN] Saucer?
[TYLER] Yes.
[DORTMUN] Ah, this time we'll be ready for them.
[TYLER] You shouldn't be up here.
[DORTMUN] I'm as active as anybody else.
[TYLER] All right, Dortmun, I know.
[DORTMUN] Two more pairs of hands. Good, we need
[DAVID] She says she can cook.
[DORTMUN] Oh, can you?
[DAVID] And what do you do?
[SUSAN] I eat.
[DAVID] Look, I'll try and find the two friends and bring them backhere.
[SUSAN] Thank you.
[DORTMUN] David, where are you going?
[DAVID] Well, there's two more of them down by the warehouse.
[DORTMUN] Men, are they?
[DAVID] Yes.
[DORTMUN] Good. Don't be too long away. I'm going through the attackplans with Tyler as soon as possible. I want you to be there.
[DAVID] Right.
[SUSAN] What attack plans?
[DORTMUN] Why are you sitting down?
[SUSAN] I've hurt my ankle. What attack plans?
[DORTMUN] Come along, Tyler, get these people below. That's the way.I'll stay here, on watch.
[IAN] High tide.
[IAN] High tide.
[DOCTOR] Evening. Look how filthy that water is.
[IAN] Doctor. Doctor, come and have a look at this.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? What?
[IAN] Look.
[DOCTOR] Huh, stupid.
[IAN] Read it, read it.
[DOCTOR] Well, I repeat, it's stupid. A stupid place to put a poster.Right under a bridge where nobody can read it or see it.
[IAN] I don't know. If you have a body to get rid of, I should thinkit's a very good place to come to.
[DOCTOR] A dead human body in the river? I should say that's nearmurder, isn't it, hmm?
[IAN] Bring out your dead.
[IAN] Plague?
[DAVID] There they are. That must be them. Argh.
[DOCTOR] It's got me worried, very worried.
[IAN] You know, Doctor, I reckon that flying saucer disappearedsomewhere over the other side of the river, in the direction of SloaneSquare. Somewhere over there, anyway.
[DOCTOR] Yes, now, never mind about that flying saucer, my boy. Thatsuggestion of yours about the plague. Supposing one of them's been inthat water. They're bound to be contaminated with some sort ofbacteria!
[IAN] They're not likely to drink that, are they.
[DOCTOR] No, the smell of it's enough. Anyway, let us go further afield.Come along, come along. Now I suggest that you go up that way then I go
[DAVID] Will you still run!
[IAN] It's no use running.
[DOCTOR] We can go back down there, hmm?
[IAN] You mean swim?
[DOCTOR] What else?
[IAN] Hang on, we haven't tried talking yet. What do you want?
[IAN] It's no good. Listen. When I give the word, turn and dive in thewater.
[IAN] Now!
[DALEK] Why have the human beings been allowed toget so near the river?
[IAN] Doctor, that voice.
[ROBOMAN 2] No explanation.
[DALEK] Where is the Robo-control for this section?
[ROBOMAN 1] Not known.
[DALEK] You will take his place until he is found. The human beings areto be taken to landing area one.
[IAN] Daleks on Earth! Doctor, how did this happen?
[DOCTOR] Leave this to me, dear boy. I think you'd better let us go.
[DALEK] We do not release prisoners. We are the masters of the Earth.
[DOCTOR] Not for long.
[DALEK] Obey us or die.
[DOCTOR] Die? And just who are you to condemn us to death? (sotto) Ithink we'd better pit our wits against them and defeat them.
[DALEK] Stop. I can hear you. I have heard many similar words fromleaders of your different races. All of them were destroyed. I warnyou, resistance is useless.
[DOCTOR] Resistance is useless? Surely you don't expect all the peopleto welcome you with open arms?
[DALEK] We have already conquered Earth.
[DOCTOR] Conquered the Earth? You poor, pathetic creatures. Don't yourealise? Before you attempt to conquer the Earth, you will have todestroy all living matter.
[DALEK] Take them. Take them.
[DALEK] We are the masters of Earth. We are the masters of Earth. We arethe masters of Earth.
(Underground HQ)
[DALEK [on radio]] Survivors of London, the Daleksare the masters of Earth. Surrender now and you will live. Thosewishing to surrender must stand in the middle of the street, and obeyorders received. Message ends.
[DORTMUN] Obey motorised dustbins? We'll see. Tyler, I want a word withyou.
[TYLER] Jenny, see if you can find them some food, will you, and lookafter her ankle.
[JENNY] All right.
[TYLER] You'll keep your eyes open for David Campbell. He'll be backsoon with news of your friends.
[JENNY] Any messages from any other survivors?
[MAN 2] No. The Africa group have faded out completely.
[JENNY] Who's the one with the bad foot?
[JENNY] Well, let's have a look then.
[JENNY] Hmm. There are no bones broken. Why didn't you put a wet bandageon it?
[BARBARA] We've only just arrived.
[JENNY] I see. Well, I'll see to this. You get the food. What are youwaiting for?
[BARBARA] Well, where do I get the food?
[JENNY] Oh, over there. And while you're at it, sign both your namesdown for a work detail.
[BARBARA] Susan can't work until her ankle's better.
[JENNY] She can do something with her hands, sitting at a table, can'tshe?
(Dortmun's room)
[DORTMUN] But look, look there. We must attack them, Tyler.
[TYLER] That sounds fine, but how? We can find fifteen, perhaps twentymen.
[DORTMUN] Ample.
[TYLER] Oh what are you talking about, ample. A handful of unarmed menagainst Daleks?
[DORTMUN] Sometimes I wonder about you, Tyler.
[TYLER] This isn't the twentieth century. Dortmun, when thousands of menwith bayonets charged machine guns.
[DORTMUN] Don't lecture me.
[TYLER] Then don't ask the impossible. You've not been out there forages. It would be suicide.
[DORTMUN] Oh, yes, all right, I know. I'm in this wheelchair so I can'tgo myself.
[TYLER] I didn't mean that. You know I didn't mean that. The new bomb?
[DORTMUN] Yes, it's finished.
[TYLER] You haven't had it tested, I suppose?
[DORTMUN] Tested? Don't be a fool, it doesn't need testing. It's allthere in my formula. It's perfect. I tell you, this bomb will destroythe Daleks. I know it will work.
(Underground HQ)
[DAVID] Apples. There are apples there foreveryone. Jenny, you should be filling three of these.
(Dortmun's room)
[DORTMUN] You've been down here so long that you'rebeginning to think like worms.
[TYLER] We must have some chance of success.
[DAVID] Campbell reporting in.
[DORTMUN] Good. Tyler and I have been having a preliminary chat aboutthe next attack. We'll be out soon.
[DAVID] Well I've brought a box of apples. Incidentally, that departmentstore's got plenty of stuff in it.
[DORTMUN] Oh, right.
[TYLER] And what about the two men?
[DAVID] When I got down to the embankment I saw them being taken away,but I couldn't do anything.
[DORTMUN] Oh, that's bad, that's very bad. We could have done with thosetwo men.
[DAVID] I'll tell the two women.
[TYLER] Where were the men taken? Any idea?
[DAVID] From the direction they went, I think the Daleks have taken themthe saucer they landed at the heliport in Chelsea.
(Outside the saucer)
[IAN] Doctor, I don't understand this at all. Wesaw the Daleks destroyed on Skaro. We were there.
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, what in Skaro was a million years ahead of us inthe future. What we're seeing now is about the middle history of theDaleks.
[IAN] I see. They certainly look different, don't they.
[DOCTOR] Look, they've taken some more prisoners. What is so differentabout the Daleks? Oh, I see. You mean the discs on their backs.
[IAN] Yes. Perhaps that accounts for their increased mobility. Do youremember, on Skaro they could only move on metal.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, quite so. But remember, this is an invasion force,therefore they have to adapt themselves to the planet.
[DALEK] Where are the other two from your patrol?
[ROBOMAN] This man killed them both.
[DALEK] For this you will be punished. Continue your patrol. Theprisoners will fall in line.
[CRADDOCK] There'll be no escape once they get us inside there.
[MAN 3] They're not getting me. I'm going to try something. You with me?
[CRADDOCK] Don't be a fool mate, you haven't got a chance.
[MAN 3] They're not getting me back in that filthy mine.
[DALEK 2] The prisoners will remain silent.
[ROBOMAN] Forward.
[IAN] Don't be a fool. You can't help him now.
[MAN 3] Help me!
[BLACK] Kill him.
[BLACK] Any further resistance will be dealt with in the same way.
[DALEK] The prisoners will proceed into the ship.
(Underground HQ)
[DAVID] No, Susan, I don't think we should tell Barbara.
[SUSAN] But David, I think we should.
[DAVID] Now listen, Susan. We're going to make an attack on that saucer,so we'll put off telling her until afterwards.
[SUSAN] You mean if the attack's successful, we'll find Ian and mygrandfather anyway.
[DAVID] Yes. And if it isn't, well then, they've just disappeared.
[SUSAN] All right.
[JENNY] You wanted to see these.
[DAVID] Oh, yes.
[JENNY] Well here you are then, take them. I've got better things to do.
[DAVID] Oh, you're a model of charm and patience, aren't you.
[JENNY] Well, I don't believe in wasting time and I don't believe insentiment either.
[BARBARA] (with apples) They asked me to give these out, Jenny.
[JENNY] Oh, just put it down there.
[BARBARA] Dessert.
[SUSAN] Thank you.
[DAVID] Thank you, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Oh, what are these things?
[SUSAN] Oh they're the Dalek's invention. They're called Robomen.
[DAVID] No, Susan, I told you. You've got it wrong. We took these fromdead human beings.
[JENNY] There aren't that many Daleks on Earth. They needed helpers sothey operated on some of their prisoners and turned them into robots.
[BARBARA] I see.
[DAVID] The transfer, as the Daleks call the operation, controls thehuman brain, well at least for a time.
[SUSAN] What happens then?
[BARBARA] Do they revert and become human again?
[JENNY] No. They die.
[DAVID] I've seen the Robos when they break down. They go insane. Theysmash their heads against walls, they throw themselves off buildings orinto the river.
[BARBARA] The river? That's what it was. Daleks. Everything they touchturns into a horrible sort of nightmare.
[SUSAN] Are they still doing these transfer operations, David?
[JENNY] Oh, yes. They keep up their numbers of Robomen. They got mybrother last year. That's another reason why they saucers at theheliport. That's where the Daleks take the prisoners and operate onthem. Once they've got you on board a saucer, there isn't a hope.
(Control centre)
[DOCTOR] Yes, the work of a genius, dear boy.
[IAN] Yes, pretty impressive. And absolutely escape-proof.
[DOCTOR] Only on the surface, my friends.
[DALEK] Halt. You will move one by one slowly into the prison cell.
[DALEK] You. Reverse and move.
[BLACK] Is that the one?
[DALEK 2] Yes. He spoke of resistance.
[BLACK] His words betray greater intelligence than normal in humanbeings.
[DALEK 3] Give them the test.
(Prison cell)
[DOCTOR] I had a good look into that corridor. Didyou notice the television eyes round about?
[IAN] Yes, I did. There aren't any in here.
[IAN] I'll tell you what I did see, Doctor. What I took to be a loadingbay door. Of course, it could be guarded outside.
[CRADDOCK] It will be.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Nevertheless, it has possibilities.
[CRADDOCK] What for? You can't get the door open. There's no escape, Itell you.
[DOCTOR] My young friend, don't be so pessimistic. What is your name, bythe way?
[CRADDOCK] Craddock, Jack Craddock.
[DOCTOR] Well, Mister Jack Craddock, don't be such a defeatist. Our jobis to try and get out of here, and quickly.
[CRADDOCK] You're just fooling yourselves. You don't know the Daleks.Once they've got you inside a saucer, you're finished.
[IAN] Craddock, tell us, how did it happen, the invasion of Earth?Everything.
[CRADDOCK] Have you been on a moon station or something?
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite so.
[IAN] Yes.
[CRADDOCK] Well, meteorites came first. The Earth was bombarded withthem about ten years ago. A cosmic storm, the scientists called it. Themeteorites stopped, everything settled down, and then people began todie of this new kind of plague.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that explains your poster, dear boy. Germ bombs, hmm?
[CRADDOCK] Yes. The Daleks were up in the sky just waiting for Earth toget weaker. Whole continents of people were wiped out. Asia, Africa,South America. They used to say the Earth had a smell of death aboutit.
[IAN] Why, Craddock? What were the doctors and the scientists doingabout it?
[CRADDOCK] Oh, well, they came up with some new kind of drug but it wastoo late then.
[IAN] Why?
(Underground HQ)
[SUSAN] What happened next?
[DAVID] Well, the plague had split the world into tiny littlecommunities, too far apart to combine and fight, and too smallindividually to stand any chance against invasion.
[BARBARA] Divide and conquer.
[DAVID] Hmm. About six months after the meteorite fall, that's when thesaucers landed. Cities were razed to the ground, others were simplyoccupied. Anyone who resisted was destroyed. Some people were capturedand were turned into Robomen, the slaves of the Daleks. They caughtother human beings and many of them were shipped to the vast miningareas. No one escapes. The Robomen see to that.
(Prison cell)
[CRADDOCK] They were our own people, made to workagainst us, and the Daleks knew that, knew how they'd humiliated anddegraded us. They are the masters of Earth.
[IAN] But why, Craddock? That's the one thing you haven't told us. Whatis it that the Daleks want on Earth?
[CRADDOCK] I don't know. Something under the ground. They've turned thewhole of Bedfordshire into a gigantic mine area.
[IAN] Why? What are they digging for?
[CRADDOCK] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Suppose we forget all this blab about Bedfordshire. Have eitherof you seen this?
(Control centre)
[DALEK] All radio waves bands are open.
[BLACK] Rebels of London, this is our last offer. Our final warning.Leave your hiding places. Show yourselves in the open streets. You willbe fed and watered. Work is needed from you but the Daleks offer youlife.
(Underground HQ)
[BLACK [OC]] Rebel against us and the Daleks willdestroy London completely. You will all die, the males, the females anddescendants. Rebels of London, come out of your hiding places. TheDaleks offer you life.
[DORTMUN] Come out of your hiding places. We'll come out of our hidingplace with this! (the bomb) This bomb will shatter the casing of theDaleks. We don't need to run or hide any more. We'll make them run.
[JENNY] At last we've got a weapon.
[ALL] He's done it.
[DORTMUN] Listen carefully. They've issued an ultimatum. We'll give ouranswer tonight. Tyler and I both agree that the best place for anattack is the heliport where they land the flying saucers.
[JENNY] A frontal attack?
[TYLER] Yes, a frontal attack.
[DORTMUN] Of course, we have the superior weapon now. One success willgive our people hope again. One victory will set this country, thewhole of Europe, alight. That's all we need, one victory.
[JENNY] At the heliport, how do we get within throwing range?
[TYLER] The heliport's fringed with buildings. We're covered right up tothe perimeter.
[BAKER] The Daleks can fire at us long before we can use the bomb.
[DORTMUN] It'll be a surprise attack.
[BAKER] As soon as the first bomb is thrown, surprise is over and weshall be penned in the buildings, remember.
[TYLER] All right, Baker, we know we'll have to get closer.
[BARBARA] I know.
[DORTMUN] Who was that? Well?
[BARBARA] We could get right into the middle of the Daleks without themsuspecting anything if we use this.
[TYLER] How?
[BARBARA] Some of your men could disguise themselves as Robomen. Theycould pretend to be escorting a batch of prisoners to the saucer, orsomething.
[TYLER] It'll work.
[DORTMUN] Yes, it'll work. We'll attack the saucer in one hour from now.
(Prison cell)
[DOCTOR] What is that you've got there?
[CRADDOCK] A magnifying glass. I just picked it up.
[IAN] Hey, Doctor, come and look at this. Look. What do you make ofthis?
[CRADDOCK] I wouldn't touch it.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Let me have that bar up there for a moment, will you?
[IAN] Is it glass or something?
[DOCTOR] I should say it was more advanced than that. Well now, let'stry a little experiment.
[IAN] All right.
[IAN] Hey!
[DOCTOR] You see? It responds. Magnetised.
[CRADDOCK] A profound discover, mister. Doesn't help us.
[IAN] Why did the Daleks put it there in the first place?
[DOCTOR] Now that's a very good question, dear boy. Suppose you were aDalek and you found yourself locked up in this room. How would you getout?
[CRADDOCK] Push the door open?
[DOCTOR] My dear young man, the Daleks have only feelers, no hands, andthey use their brains, not brute force.
[IAN] You mean this is some sort of a key?
[DOCTOR] Now that's the very word. A key in a crystal box. You open thebox, take out the key and use it. That is precisely what the Dalekwould do.
[IAN] Yes, but what are we going to do, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Look at that little light up there.
[IAN] Yes, I see. And the box is transparent.
[DOCTOR] Quite. Let me have that thing, will you?
[CRADDOCK] What, this?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that. Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Now, we have to make sure that we hit the correct refractive,otherwise we shall get showered with crystal glass.
[CRADDOCK] Refractive rubbish! The Daleks don't leave things like thisabout for you to help yourselves.
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, if they had to deal with a man of your talents,they need hardly fear, need they. Now do sit down and rest, please. Oh,dear, now where were we? Ah, yes, of course, yes, yes, yes. Now, Xequals gamma, that means roughly two and a half percent, so that shouldgive us a curve of around about eighty degrees. Oh by the way, did youtake three dimensional graph geometry at your school, hmm?
[IAN] No, Doctor, only Boyle's Law.
[DOCTOR] What a pity. What a pity. We shall have to boil this down now,shan't we. Well, now then, let's see. We'll start third from the leftand then I'll follow it from the right and straight over. All right?Now put that bar there, and watch your eyes because you know, it mightbe nasty. Are you ready?
[CRADDOCK] And a great big pumpkin too.
[IAN] Hey, look at that.
[DOCTOR] Hold that and shut up, will you. Pay attention. Let me have thebar, please.
[IAN] You know, Doctor, sometimes you astound me.
[DOCTOR] Only sometimes, dear boy? What's happened to your memory? Don'tyou remember we know that the Daleks can use static electricity?
[IAN] Of course.
[CRADDOCK] Hey, how do you know so much about them, the Daleks I mean.
[IAN] We met them once before.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and we happened to outwit them, too. Please go away, willyou? Oh, dear, dear, dear, dear. Now, all we have to do is to slidethis bar back here, and the self-same bar slides back into place herethrough electricity.
[IAN] And it's held in place by magnetic force.
[DOCTOR] Precisely. Now I want you to give him a hand in a minute. Justturn that pole under there, will you. There, you see?
[IAN] I see what you mean. Like poles repel, eh?
[DOCTOR] Yes, precisely. Now we've created a force field. Right, nowturn the pole round. Give him a hand, quickly. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[IAN] You're a genius.
[DOCTOR] Yes, there are very few of us left. Now, let's get out, and becrafty.
(Control room)
[DALEKS] You have passed the escape test we set you. Take him.
[DOCTOR] Let go of me! Take your hands off me!
[DALEK] He will be robotised.
(Building opposite the saucer)
[DAVID] There they are.
[SUSAN] Now what do we do?
[DAVID] Well, as soon as Tyler's attack group arrives, we start throwingthese.
[DALEK] Our prisoner will move to the table.
[DALEK 2] Take off his coat.
[DALEK 2] Anaesthetize him.
[DOCTOR] No, no, please, what are you doing? No. Let me go now. Let mego!
(Building opposite the saucer)
[DAVID] Stand by.
(Outside the saucer)
[DALEK] Take the prisoners into the ship. Wait. Inwhich sector were these prisoners taken?
[BAKER] Sector four.
[DALEK] No patrol has been ordered in sector four.
(Building opposite the saucer)
[DAVID] Now!
(Outside the saucer)
[DALEK] Warning!
[DALEK 2] Attack!
[DALEK] Warning!
[DALEK 2] Attack!
[DALEK] Get the prisoners inside.
(Building opposite the saucer)
[DAVID] Get down.
[DAVID] All right, lets get a move on.
(Outside the saucer)
[DALEK] Section five move forward. Seal off thearea.
[TYLER] Right, now spread out, and try and free theprisoner before you use those bombs.
[DALEK [OC]] We are under attack. Report to main ramp. General alert.Report to main ramp.
[BLACK] Disregard. Commence the operation.
[TYLER] Get that man off there.
[BAKER] He's unconscious.
[TYLER] Well, bring him round. Hurry.
[DALEK [OC]] All Robomen reserve into action. Destroy invaders.
[BAKER] We must get out of here.
[TYLER] Carry him.
[TYLER] Come on, get out. All right, now, let's go. Use the bombs.
(Outside the Saucer)
[DAVID] Jenny! Jenny, over here. Jenny, look, takethem back. I'm going to try and get Tyler out of there.
[JENNY] Not on your own.
[DAVID] Take them back.
[JENNY] Well, come on, you know who is in there.
[SUSAN] Shut up, Jenny!
[JENNY] Your two friends.
[BARBARA] Did you know this?
[SUSAN] Yes, I was there. Barbara! Where are you going?
[BARBARA] I'm going to help Tyler get them out.
[SUSAN] Barbara, what are you going to do?
[BARBARA] I don't know. Let go of me!
[JENNY] Susan, this way. Come on.
[IAN] Barbara! Get back! Get back!
[TYLER] Clear out! Let's go!
[DALEK] They are retreating. Take prisoners where possible. Do not kill.
[DALEK 2] All exits to the square are blocked.
(Building opposite Saucer)
[TYLER] No, over here!
[BLACK] Has the attack been defeated?
[DALEK] Yes. Most of the rebels were killed or wounded.
[BLACK] Find every survivor. Destroy every one. Destroy them! Destroyevery one of them! Destroy!
(Underground HQ)
[BARBARA] Tyler.
[JENNY] No, not now.
[BARBARA] Tyler!
[JENNY] No, no, no.
[TYLER] Your bombs were useless, Dortmun.
[DORTMUN] How many men were killed?
[TYLER] We hadn't a chance.
[DORTMUN] How many?
[TYLER] I don't know. I think all of them.
[BARBARA] The Doctor and Ian, they were in that saucer.
[TYLER] Yes, well, there was an oldish man there. I nearly got him out.
[BARBARA] Nearly?
[TYLER] We got separated. We'll have to get out of London.
[DORTMUN] What for? The Daleks will never look for us down here.
[TYLER] They'll look everywhere now. They'll search every inch, they'lldestroy every inch. We've made an attack on one of their machines. Yourshow of force.
[DORTMUN] I must stay here and work on the bomb. It only needs work,Tyler.
[TYLER] It's a waste of time.
[DORTMUN] It's the only answer.
[TYLER] Who's going to use it for you? Me? One man? These two? Use yourintelligence.
[JENNY] Tyler's right. London's going to be much too hot for us.
[BARBARA] But we can't leave now. What if Susan comes back looking forus?
[JENNY] We have a code system, letting people know where headquartersare moved.
[BARBARA] But Susan doesn't know the code!
[DORTMUN] Tyler, would you consider hanging on here for a short whilelonger? Just a few days.
[TYLER] No, Dortmun, it's no use. I only came back here to warn you. I'mgoing out to see if I can find any more survivors from that raid, thenI'm going north.
[BARBARA] I'm coming with you.
[TYLER] No, I want to move about on my own.
[BARBARA] But you can't travel as you are. Look, your shoulder's stillbleeding.
[TYLER] I'll be all right. Good luck.
[BARBARA] If you see any of my friends
[JENNY] It's no use. He won't come with us. We'll have to go withouthim.
[DORTMUN] There is the other place. People will be gathering there.There'll be supplies, instruments. I shall be able to work on my bombs.
[JENNY] Don't build on it.
[DORTMUN] Yes, we'll go to the museum. I'll get my things together.It'll mean going over one of the bridges and across London.
[BARBARA] I know. We'll go with you.
[JENNY] We'd have much more chance on our own.
[BARBARA] Well, he wouldn't have had any without us. You needn't stay ifyou don't want to.
[JENNY] Well, Dortmun may be right. People may start collecting at theCivic Transport Museum.
[DORTMUN] We'd better get going. It'll just be getting light.
[BARBARA] Do you think we will find my friends there?
[DORTMUN] Yes, yes, it's a possibility.
[BLACK] Supreme Command have given orders forLondon to be destroyed by firebombs.
[DALEK] Do you intend to stay here in the city?
[BLACK] No. Order the saucer to take me to the mine workings in centralEngland.
[DALEK 2] Five, four, three, two, one. Lift off.
[IAN] Craddock!
[CRADDOCK] You are to be robotised.
[CRADDOCK] Robotised. Robotised. Robotised. Robotised.
[IAN] Thanks.
[LARRY] Thank you. I was hiding in the storeroom when he found me. Ismuggled myself aboard.
[IAN] You did what?
[LARRY] The saucer's going to the mine workings in Bedfordshire and mybrother's there. I'm going to find him.
[IAN] You don't exactly choose the easiest or the safest way to travel,do you.
[LARRY] It's the quickest. Where have you been hiding?
[IAN] In the ramp housing, under there. What are we going to do withhim?
[LARRY] Most of these large rooms have what they call disposal chutes.
[IAN] That?
[LARRY] Yeah. Come on, I'll give you a hand.
[IAN] We'd better get his feet first.
[LARRY] Right.
[DALEK [OC]] Break on seventy two. Break on seventy two. Report zerofive five Roboman. Fault.
[DAVID] Look. Careful. Behind that bush.
[DAVID] They've gone. We'll give them a few minutes to get well clear,and then we'll move on.
[SUSAN] Where to?
[DAVID] I don't know. What we must do is we must try and find some othersurvivors.
[SUSAN] David, David, do you think
[DALEK [OC]] Stop! Stop! Stop!
[MAN [OC]] Why?
[DALEK [OC]] Stop!
[MAN [OC]] Why? You killed my mother and my brothers!
[DALEK [OC]] Stop!
[MAN [OC]] Get away from me! No!
[SUSAN] If only we could go to the ship and get away from here.
[DAVID] Well, I couldn't go anyway.
[SUSAN] David, David, perhaps you could. I could ask Grandfather. I'msure he'd let you come. We could go to a place that had never evenheard of Daleks.
[DAVID] And what happens if there's something unpleasant in the newplace?
[SUSAN] We'll move on somewhere.
[DAVID] No, Susan, that's not for me.
[SUSAN] Why not?
[DAVID] Look, things aren't made better by running away.
[SUSAN] Well, it's suicide to stay here.
[DAVID] This is my planet! I just can't run off and see what it's likeon Venus!
[SUSAN] I never felt there was any time or place that I belonged to.I've never had any real identity.
[DAVID] One day you will. There will come a time when you're forced tostop travelling, and you'll arrive somewhere.
[DAVID] Back over there.
[SUSAN] Daleks?
[DAVID] I don't know. It could be the Robomen.
[SUSAN] It's coming closer.
[DAVID] They're coming down here.
[SUSAN] David, no.
[DAVID] Now, look, just get in there and stay there.
[BAKER] David!
[DAVID] Baker!
[BAKER] I saw you heading his way so I followed you.
[DAVID] Are you all right?
[BAKER] Yes. It's him I'm worried about.
[DAVID] Well, look, we're down here. I'll give you a hand.
[SUSAN] Grandfather! What is it? Is he all right? He's not too badlyhurt, is he?
[BAKER] The Daleks drugged him.
[DOCTOR] Susan.
[BAKER] It's beginning to wear off.
[DAVID] Put him down here. What about the others?
[BAKER] Four or five got away. The rest dead or prisoners.
[DAVID] Well, what are you going to do then? Do you want to stay herewith us?
[BAKER] A large group won't stand a chance. I thought I'd try on my own.I'll make for the Cornish coast. It's deserted down there. Not much forthe Daleks.
[DAVID] It's a good idea.
[SUSAN] We must stay in London.
[BAKER] Well I must be on my way.
[DAVID] Look, Baker, here, take this hip flask. It's full.
[BAKER] No, it's all right.
[DAVID] Look, go on, man, take it. There's tons of food in London.You'll need all you can get where you're going.
[BAKER] All right then, thanks. Good luck to you all. I hope you findyour friends.
[SUSAN] Be careful. Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye, my friend. Goodbye.
[DALEK] Fire.
[BARBARA] How's it coming?
[DORTMUN] It's finished. The problem, you see, was the metal that theDaleks use in their outer casing. We don't know very much about it. Wecall it dalekenium.
[BARBARA] Maybe that's what they're mining for up in Bedfordshire.
[DORTMUN] Oh, no, no, no, no. The Daleks must have found dalekeniumbefore they came to Earth.
[BARBARA] What are they mining for then?
[DORTMUN] I don't know, but it must be something that's only found verydeep in our planet.
[JENNY] Not a sign of anybody. The Daleks have been here, and some ofus.
[BARBARA] How do you know?
[JENNY] Well, look at these signs. (Vetoed, they all say) This meansthat some of our people have moved off to the south coast, and I don'tblame them. The place is swarming with Daleks.
[DORTMUN] Do you think another force has landed in London?
[JENNY] Yes, I do. We were very lucky to get through the streets.
[JENNY] We haven't got a chance in London, the way things are buildingup.
[BARBARA] Well, what can we do? Where can we go? Anyway, what's thepoint in running away all the time?
[JENNY] I'm not running, I'm surviving, that's all.
[DORTMUN] You'll survive, all right. I've got the new formula.
[BARBARA] Oh, I wish the Doctor were here.
[DORTMUN] So do I.
[BARBARA] But you don't know him.
[DORTMUN] He's a man of science, you said.
[BARBARA] He is. He's a very brilliant one. There's no sugar, I'mafraid.
[DORTMUN] I should like to show the results of my experiments to anotherscientist. Where do you think he is?
[BARBARA] Well, I've been trying to put myself in his place. I'm almostcertain he'd head for that mine.
[JENNY] If he's alive.
[BARBARA] Well of course he's alive.
[JENNY] Why? What's so special about the Doctor? He doesn't wear somesort of invisible shield, does he?
[DORTMUN] Jenny, go outside and keep watch.
[DORTMUN] She's not callous really, you know. When people fight, theyhave to fight the Daleks in their own way. Barbara, I should like youto find your friend the Doctor, and give him my notes.
[BARBARA] But I thought you said you'd finished the bomb.
[DORTMUN] I have.
[BARBARA] Well, then, why can't you give it to him yourself?
[DORTMUN] I can, I can. But, well, I'd like you to take care of them forme if you will. I'm not exactly mobile in this thing, am I.
[BARBARA] I'm not leaving you.
[DORTMUN] Very well. Let's make for the mine in Bedford.
[BARBARA] We'll all be safer once we get away from the city.
[DORTMUN] Just round up Jenny and we can make a start.
[JENNY] Daleks are all over the place. We're besieged.
[BARBARA] Dortmun!
[JENNY] Shh. Keep your voice down.
[BARBARA] He couldn't have gone outside.
[JENNY] He wouldn't be so stupid.
[BARBARA] He's left his notes. Jenny, he's going to try it out forhimself!
[DORTMUN [OC]] Daleks!
[BARBARA] Come on, we must get away from them. Jenny! Jenny, come on!
[DALEK] Who are you? Subcultural.
[SUSAN] Take it easy.
[DOCTOR] This is a time I should have my stick.
[SUSAN] Yes, I'll have to try and find you one.
[SUSAN] There you are.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I think that's quite enough to start with. You know, Inever realised that walking was so difficult, so exhausting.
[SUSAN] How's the numbness? Is it wearing off?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think it is.
[SUSAN] Oh, good.
[DOCTOR] In quite a while, I might be able to travel.
[SUSAN] That's good. David says we should head for the north. There's aresistance group up there. He says we should join up with them.
[DOCTOR] I don't care what that young man says. I make the decisionshere, my dear, and I think we should make our way back to the Tardis.
[SUSAN] What's the good of that, Grandfather? We need someone to help usblast all that rubble. Besides, London's crawling with Daleks. We mustgo north.
[DOCTOR] Do you question my authority, child?
[SUSAN] No, Grandfather, it's not that at all. It's just that David says
[DOCTOR] You seem to place more reliance on that young man's word thanmine, don't you.
[SUSAN] Oh, Grandfather, it's not that. It's simply that he lives inthis time. He understands the situation.
[DAVID] I've been down as far as the river, but they've got patrols onevery bridge.
[SUSAN] So what's our next move?
[DAVID] Oh, I don't know. What would you suggest, sir?
[DOCTOR] Ah. Hmm. Me?
[DAVID] Well, you're the senior member of the party, sir, and I would begrateful for you help.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, er, yes, yes, of course, young man. Yes, well, Isuggest that as soon as I'm able to walk again, we should travel north.Then we might be able to join up with the resistance party. Mark you,it's only a suggestion. I really should leave it to you, you know.Think it out for yourself.
[SUSAN] It's a very good idea, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] What?
[SUSAN] I said, it's a very good idea.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think it's a very good idea.
[LARRY] My brother Phil's working at the mine, and he said if we canfind out what the Daleks are up to, we might be able to beat them.
[IAN] Makes sense, doesn't it.
[LARRY] His theory is that the Daleks want the magnetic core of Earth.
[IAN] What?
[LARRY] That's his idea, anyway.
[BLACK] Lower ramp and disembark.
[IAN] We're not still
[LARRY] Yes, we've landed.
[IAN] What's that?
[LARRY] They're lowering the ramp.
[LARRY] All clear. This is it.
[IAN] All right. How do we get out of this place?
[LARRY] The disposal chute. Once we get through the outer door, make forthe nearest cover. It's our only chance.
[IAN] All right. I say, what is out there?
[LARRY] Your guess is as good as mine. I'll go first.
[DOCTOR] I think we should get on our way.
[SUSAN] Grandfather, I think we should stay a bit longer, don't you?Because David looked just now and there were loads of Daleks.
[DAVID] Maybe Susan's right. Perhaps we should wait just five minutesmore?
[SUSAN] David, over there, look.
[DAVID] It's one of their firebombs. The Robomen must have put it there.
[SUSAN] Grandfather! David, he's passed out.
[DAVID] It must be the effect of those drugs.
[SUSAN] He's out of sight. David, what about this bomb? Can youdismantle it? I only know about atomic devices.
[DAVID] I don't know. I'll have to try.
[SUSAN] What's this red mark here?
[SUSAN] So when the needle touches the red point?
[DAVID] That will be it. I'll have to take a chance. I'm going to tryand prise the front off this thing.
[SUSAN] David! Come on, let's run for it.
[DAVID] Dortmun's bombs! The acid will burn its way through the casing.
[SUSAN] It's our last chance. Look at the needle.
[DAVID] Well get well back, Susan. Go on, back.
[SUSAN] It's burning through.
[SUSAN] Oh, you did it!
[DAVID] Well, what do we do now? That's the point. We'll have to leavethe old man here for a while.
[SUSAN] Leave him?
[DAVID] But we must. He can't travel, can he. What we'll do is this.We'll tell him to hide, and then you and I'll find a way out of London.What we'll do is go through the sewers. There's got to be a manholecover around here somewhere.
[SUSAN] I don't like the idea of leaving him.
[DAVID] We'll come back for him. Look, the Daleks think this area's inflames, so he'll be safe for an hour.
[SUSAN] David, we can't!
[DAVID] It's the only way.
[JENNY] All right, I'll take a turn.
[BARBARA] How's the engine look?
[JENNY] Well, there's oil in it, and the fuel's coming through. Thetrouble's going to be when we try to start it. The noise'll bring everyDalek for miles.
[BARBARA] Well, that's a risk we'll have to take.
[JENNY] Yes, I know that.
[BARBARA] I suppose they used this in parades and exhibitions.
[JENNY] Yes. Most of the machines at the museum are operational.
[BARBARA] It's a pity all the motor cars are on the upper floors.
[JENNY] You realise we won't get far in this.
[BARBARA] Probably.
[JENNY] No probably about it. Do you know the route to Bedfordshire?
[BARBARA] Yes, I used to.
[JENNY] Used to? What does that mean?
[BARBARA] It means I used to live. Well, we're not very sure how muchdamage the Daleks have done.
[JENNY] You wait till you see what they've done to Bedfordshire.
(Bedfordshire mining area)
[IAN] I don't know how you're going to find your brother here, Larry.
[LARRY] I'll have a darned good try.
[IAN] Even if you do find him, what are you going to do for him?
[LARRY] Get him away. He's obsessed with whatever it is the Daleks aredoing. Look!
[ROBOMAN] Forward! Forward!
[DALEK [OC]] Report Beta section zero zero one. Parade for robotisationselection at hut thirty. End.
[IAN] We'd better get back under cover.
[LARRY] This thing could move at
[WELLS] (proper yokel) Hoy. Who are you two? Aren't you on work detail?Escaped, have you? I suppose you know the Robomen are on the other sideof this machine?
[WELLS] Take these. (pickaxes) Leave the talking to me.
[ROBOMAN] What are these two men doing here?
[WELLS] I took them off work detail to help me pick up these tools.
[ROBOMAN] Which work detail?
[WELLS] Oh, I don't know. Over that way somewhere. I'll take 'em backwith me.
[ROBOMAN] No, they must come for selection. Why do you wait? Pick up theimplements and walk ahead of me.
[ROBOMAN] You too.
[ROBOMAN] You. (he hits him) In future, refer all decisions to yourmasters.
[WELLS] Oh, my head.
[ROBOMAN] What are you doing?
[IAN] We can't leave him here.
[ROBOMAN] Do not resist orders.
[IAN] Get new orders. Come on Larry, let's take him in here.
(Earth Mover)
[WELLS] I'm all right. It was the only thing Icould think of.
[IAN] Good man. Get down here.
[IAN] I think that's taken care of him for a while.
[WELLS] I'll take care of this. (the Roboman's rifle) You'll have to getout of here. The Daleks always seem to know when one of the Robomen'sattacked.
[IAN] Yes, it breaks the radio connection.
[WELLS] Your best bet is to mingle in with the working parties.
[IAN] What about you?
[WELLS] I come here to meet Ashton.
[LARRY] Ashton?
[WELLS] The black marketeer. No one knows how he gets into the camp orout again, but he does, and smuggles in food as well.
[IAN] Oh, does he.
[LARRY] We don't want to hang about here, Ian.
[WELLS] Wait till I'm clear then make a break for it. We'll meet againafter dark.
[IAN] That's a good idea. Listen, I'd like to meet this man Ashton. Hecould probably help me out of the camp. I need to get back to London.
[WELLS] London?
[LARRY] He's got friends there.
[WELLS] I suppose you know they destroyed it?
[JENNY] No Daleks about that I can see. They musthave thought Dortmun was on his own.
[BARBARA] I remembered to get his notes.
[JENNY] Why did he do it?
[BARBARA] Oh, many reasons. Mainly because he wouldn't give in.
[JENNY] What's the point of that? He just threw his life away. It was sosenseless.
[BARBARA] It depends on how you look at it.
[JENNY] You've got this romantic idea about resistance. There is nothingheroic about dying. There's no point in throwing lives away just toprove a principle.
[BARBARA] If Dortmun hadn't thrown his life away, we would all be dead.He knew exactly what he was doing. He sacrificed himself so that youand I would have a chance. Come on, we're ready to go.
[BARBARA] Open the doors.
[SUSAN] This smells like an old goat farm.
[DAVID] I think we can rest here.
[SUSAN] Good idea.
[DAVID] Well. we're not like to be found down here.
[SUSAN] Aren't we? Look at this, David. It's an old cartridge. Can't bethe Daleks, can it. They don't use guns. David, could the Robomen getdown here?
[DAVID] No, I don't think so.
[SUSAN] Well, it must be friends then.
[DAVID] Not necessarily. Not all human beings are automatically allies.There are people who will kill for a few scraps of food.
[SUSAN] Survive at all costs.
[DAVID] Yes. (he checks his pistol) Four bullets. Of course, it's no useagainst the Daleks, but it will stop anyone else.
[SUSAN] No spares?
[DAVID] No. I found this gun and that's all that was in it.
[SUSAN] David!
(In the truck)
[JENNY] Do you think that Dalek saw us back there?
[BARBARA] It must have heard the noise.
[JENNY] Then we're in for trouble.
[BARBARA] Yes, they're sure to radio ahead. We may have to ditch this atany moment.
[BARBARA] Jenny, there's a whole bunch of them ahead of us.
[JENNY] Shall we jump for it?
[BARBARA] No. I'm going through.
[JENNY] We went straight through them! Straight through them!
[BARBARA] Yeah, it wasn't bad, was it. I rather enjoyed that. We won'tbe able to stay in this much longer though. They'll be after us with avengeance now.
(Control centre)
[DALEK] Rebels travelling in motorised vehicle haveattacked and passed Dalek outer London cordon.
[DALEK 2] This is saucer Alpha Major. Am forty five miles south ofmining area.
[DALEK [OC]] Intercept rebels and destroy.
[DALEK 2] Position of rebel vehicle? Give position.
[DALEK [OC]] South east eight over three seven six. North, north, ninepoint eight.
(In the truck)
[BARBARA] Jenny, what's that noise?
[JENNY] It's a saucer overhead.
[BARBARA] Jump for it!
[SUSAN] We're jolly lucky we (lost under otherdialogue)
[DAVID] Glad we ran into you down there, Tyler.
[SUSAN] Hey, David, now that Tyler's here we can go and get Grandfather,can't we?
[DAVID] That's a good idea.
[TYLER] The Doctor, where is he?
[DAVID] Well, we had to leave him by the old plague cemetery. We'retrying to find a way out of this area.
[TYLER] You don't know how lucky you were. At first I took you forscavengers. I met a couple down here already but this kept them off.
[SUSAN] You shot at one of them, didn't you. I found this. (thecartridge case)
[TYLER] I wasn't shooting at a man. These sewers are full of alligators.
[SUSAN] Alligators? In the sewers of London?
[TYLER] A lot of animals escaped from zoos during the plague. Most werekilled but reptiles thrive down here.
[DAVID] Well then, I think the quicker we get going, the better?
[SUSAN] What's worse, the alligators down here or the Daleks up there?
[DAVID] Tyler, will you give us a hand to collect the old man?
[TYLER] I'll take you. You're going the wrong way anyway. Now, you takethe back, behind Susan. That way we've got guns front and rear.
[DAVID] Right, Tyler.
[SUSAN] Oh, Tyler? Barbara and Ian, do you know where they are?
[TYLER] I'm sorry, no. I'll go ahead now. You stay here til I call.
[SUSAN] Why is he so abrupt?
[DAVID] Tyler? He's afraid to make friends. He's known too much killing.
[SUSAN] Well, I hope I'm never like that, pretending not to care.
[DAVID] Bah. One day this will be all over. It'll mean a new start.
[SUSAN] A new start? Rebuilding a planet from the very beginning. It's awonderful idea.
[DAVID] You could always help.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[TYLER [OC]] All clear here. Come on now.
[DAVID] Go on, Susan. I'll keep right behind you.
[BARBARA] It's all right, Jenny, it's clear.
[JENNY] Any idea where we are?
[BARBARA] Oh, somewhere between Edgware and Stanmore, I should think.
[JENNY] We're on the road for St Alban's. Barbara, suppose we don't findyour friends at the mine?
[BARBARA] I'll think about that when we get there. Look, you don't haveto stay with me if you don't want to. I can get there on my own.
[JENNY] We might as well stay together.
[BARBARA] All right, come on then.
(Bedfordshire mining area)
[IAN] I tell you, I heard something. A sort ofsliding noise.
[LARRY] Which direction?
[IAN] I don't know. I thought it was round here.
[LARRY] What was it?
(Earth Mover)
[ASHTON] Right, you can just turn around and go out again.
[LARRY] What, with that thing out there?
[ASHTON] It didn't see you come in. It needn't see you go out.
[IAN] Are you Ashton?
[ASHTON] How do you know?
[LARRY] Wells told us. We've come here looking specially for you.
[ASHTON] People tell all kinds of lies when they're starving.
[IAN] We're hungry, but we're not starving. I want to go to London.
[ASHTON] Why die there?
[IAN] I don't intend to die anywhere.
[ASHTON] Can you pay?
[IAN] Pay? What are you talking about?
[ASHTON] Are you one of these brotherhood of man kind of people?
[IAN] You come in here. Is there any reason why you shouldn't take meout?
[ASHTON] I can take you out, at the right price.
[IAN] And what's that?
[ASHTON] Gold, precious metals, jewels.
[IAN] I don't have anything like that.
[ASHTON] Then I hope you manage to avoid the Slyther as you leave.
[IAN] I'm not leaving.
[WELLS] (bursting in) Ashton!
[WELLS] That's for the food. These two are friends of mine.
[ASHTON] I see you managed to bring their character references just intime. Well, chaps, I suppose we ought to have something to eat.
[WELLS] This bundle's mine. It's to be shared out amongst a lot ofpeople and you aren't included.
[ASHTON] I've got my own.
[IAN] You know all the best people, don't you?
[WELLS] He's our only source of proper food.
[LARRY] What was that thing we saw out there?
[WELLS] It's called a Slyther.
[IAN] A Slyther? What's that?
[ASHTON] Where do you come from, mate? Fairyland?
[WELLS] The Black Dalek, he's the commandant of the camp, regards it asa sort of pet.
[IAN] You mean it's on some sort of a guard duty?
[WELLS] Yes, well, in a way. Mainly it roams the mine area at night insearch of food.
[LARRY] What sort of food?
[ASHTON] People.
[SUSAN] Tyler!
[DAVID] He can't have got so far ahead.
[SUSAN] Perhaps our voices aren't carrying. These walls could deflectthe sound, I suppose.
[DAVID] There's a ladder there.
[SUSAN] Yes.
[DAVID] Let's try up there.
[SUSAN] Yes, all right. (goes up the steps) There's a tunnel throughhere.
[DAVID] Careful, Susan.
[SUSAN] I'm all right. Tyler? (comes to an edge with a ladder down)Tyler? Are you down there?
[DAVID] Careful.
[SUSAN] David! (scream) David!
[DAVID] Steady. Are you all right?
[SUSAN] Yes. Swinging.
[DAVID] You'd have probably given him indigestion anyway.
[SUSAN] Thank you.
[TYLER] All right now, come on. I've found the Doctor. He's waiting forus up here.
[DAVID] Okay, now take your time.
[SUSAN] Where's Grandfather's stick?
[DAVID] I'll bring it. Take your time.
(Earth Mover)
[ASHTON] You know, Wells, you're a fool. For all this stuff I'd havegladly taken you outside. There are plenty of small towns and villagesthat the Daleks have cleared of people and left intact. Food galore.
[WELLS] I'll get out in my own good time.
[ASHTON] Well, suit yourself. You people never learn, do you.
[LARRY] (hands something to Wells) That's for the two of us. Thanks forours.
[WELLS] Right, I'll take it, if you don't mind. It'll help pay for thenext lot from Ashton.
[WELLS] Get out!
(Bedfordshire mining area)
[LARRY] This way's no good. It's a sheer drop.
[IAN] We'll have to go back.
[LARRY] The Slyther, Ian! It's coming straight for us!
(Bedfordshire mining area)
[IAN] Larry!
[LARRY] Ian!
[IAN] Hold on, Larry!
[IAN] All right?
[LARRY] Thanks.
[IAN] It's still coming. I hope it can't jump.
[LARRY] It's going to try!
[LARRY] Let's get out of here.
[IAN] No. No, hang on a minute. Somebody might have heard us.
(Control centre)
[BLACK] There is no work party in shaft nine. Why?
[DALEK] The section is completed. The labour force is being assembledfor clearing operations.
[BLACK] Work must proceed to schedule. There must be no delays.
[DALEK] All will be ready. The waste bucket in shaft nine is beinglowered now.
(Mining bucket)
[IAN] I think it's all clear now.
[LARRY] Might as well take a chance. We can't stay here all night.What's happening?
[IAN] We're going down!
[DOCTOR] Oh, dear. Ghastly. Well I must say this isa nice state of affairs. We've barely covered a mile and here we arehiding down the sewers again.
[DAVID] We're better to hide down here, Doctor, than be caught by thoseRobomen.
[DAVID] Tyler, did they see us?
[TYLER] Well, they were coming this way but they don't seem to know whatthey were going to do.
[SUSAN] How many?
[TYLER] Just two of them. Listen, I couldn't get that cover on. We'dbetter get under shelter. Doctor, Susan.
[DOCTOR] You do realise, of course, we shall have to let them both comedown before we decide to defend ourselves.
[TYLER] Well, we can take them one at a time.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, just one. The other's bound to return and bring backreinforcements.
[TYLER] If we stick together long enough, I'll learn to do what you saythe first time.
[DAVID] Move Tyler, move!
[SUSAN] No! No!
[DAVID] Susan!
[DOCTOR] Well, is everybody alright?
[TYLER] Yes.
[DAVID] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, Tyler, no. I never take life. Only when my own isimmediately threatened. Now then, let us make our way to this mine andthen we shall know how to deal with these Daleks. Leave this creatureto his own devices and salvation. Come along. You lead the way, my boy.Come along.
(Outside a hut)
[BARBARA] It's deserted, Jenny. With this stormcoming, we'll be much better off inside.
[WOMAN] Who's there? Who is it?
[WOMAN] What do you want?
[BARBARA] We, we were looking for shelter.
[WOMAN] Just the two of you? Tired, are you?
[BARBARA] Yes. Yes, we are.
[JENNY] Barbara, I think we should be moving on.
[GIRL] Dogs'll catch you. Dogs in the forest.
[WOMAN] Savage beasts. After the plague, they formed a pack. Where areyou making for?
[BARBARA] The mine. We have friends there. We're trying to find them.
[GIRL] Nobody gets away from there. You'll be caught yourselves.
[WOMAN] You're lucky to have got this far. The patrols pass here.
[JENNY] Then how is it you're still free. They must know you're here?
[WOMAN] Oh, they know all right. Yes, they know, but we can't harm them.Besides, we make clothes for the slave workers. We're more use to themdoing that than we would be in the mine.
[BARBARA] How do you manage? For food, I mean?
[WOMAN] Oh, they give us some in return for the clothes. We're hungrymost of the time though.
[BARBARA] We have some food here. You're welcome to that.
[WOMAN] Thank you, thank you. Get the table ready, child.
[GIRL] Yes.
[WOMAN] More? Have you got any more in here? Oh yes.
[WOMAN] In return you can sleep here for the night. You can make yourbed out of this cloth. Come on, child. Come on. You'll be nice andcomfortable there.
[WOMAN] Now, you go and take these and go (unintelligible) there's agood girl. Go on, then, there's a good girl.
[GIRL] I have to go out to deliver these clothes.
[WOMAN] Your meal will be ready when you get back, child.
[JENNY] Go out in this weather?
[WOMAN] They're waiting for her.
[BARBARA] What about those dogs you talked about?
[WOMAN] Oh, she'll follow the patrols.
[GIRL] I'll follow the patrols.
[WOMAN] She'll come to no harm. She's done it often enough. And when you've done with your beds, shall you help me with the food?
[LARRY] Still no sign of the bottom.
[IAN] No. How long do you think we've been going down now?
[LARRY] Must be nearly twenty minutes. It's getting warmer, isn't it?
[IAN] Yes. Pressure's increasing too. My ears are popping.
[LARRY] I'd rather be dead than work down here.
[IAN] Not a choice I'd like to face.
[LARRY] It's stopping. We must be near the bottom. Yes, look. Lights!
[IAN] Let's get out of here, Larry, before this bucket tips up.
[LARRY] It's a bit of a drop, Ian.
[IAN] Well, about twelve feet, that's all. Come on.
[IAN] Larry, you all right?
[LARRY] It's my kneecap. I caught it on the truck as I fell.
[IAN] Put your weight on me. Stand up.
[LARRY] It's no good.
[IAN] No? if you can't move, we'd better get under cover. It's too lighthere. We'll go over there. Now, put your weight on me. That's it.Slowly.
[WOMAN] I went to London once. It seems years agonow. You know, is it still the same?
[JENNY] They've destroyed most of it.
[WOMAN] Destroyed? Well I never. Oh, when I went it was beautiful. Therewas the moving pavements, and the shops, and the astronaut fair I wentto and it was in the Chelsea heliport.
[DALEK] You will follow me, both of you. Do not try to escape or youwill be exterminated. Move.
[GIRL] Bread and oranges and sugar.
[WOMAN] Oh, good, good. I knew they'd give us food if we told them. Oh,well. She'd have been captured anyway.
[IAN] How're you feeling?
[LARRY] Better. I don't think I'll be able to walk.
[IAN] Don't worry. We'll stay here for a while. You know, Larry, thismine doesn't make sense to me. Where's all the modern machinery?
[LARRY] The Daleks brought machinery from all over the world. All theyseem to be shifting is rocks.
[IAN] Yes. I suppose they could be processing it somewhere.
[LARRY] Who knows what the Daleks are up to? I told you what my brotherPhil said, all they want is the magnetic core of Earth.
[IAN] Yes, but why find it in such an old fashioned way?
[LARRY] It's probably a clearance area. Perhaps we haven't found themain shaft yet.
[IAN] You may be right at that. Larry, would you be all right if I wentto have a look?
[LARRY] Yeah, sure.
[IAN] Good man.
[WELLS] (spotting them) You'll have to move. They're clearing this wholesection.
[LARRY] Move? Where to?
[IAN] Well, lets join them. Take a basket, Larry.
[PHIL] (a Roboman) Halt!
[LARRY] Phil! It's my brother. Ian, it's my brother.
[PHIL] Too many in working party. Dalek Supreme Control recheck. Who areyou?
[LARRY] Phil? Phil, it's Larry. Your brother Larry. Think, Phil!Remember me!
[PHIL] You are both runaways.
[LARRY] Angela. Your wife, Angela! I'll take you to her.
[PHIL] You must both be punished.
[IAN] It's no good, Larry.
[LARRY] No, no! No, Ian!
[IAN] Come on!
[LARRY] Ian, get clear. Run while you've got the chance! Run, Ian. Run.
[LARRY] Run, Ian, run.
[Phil] Larry.
[DALEK [OC]] (behind next dialogue) Emergency! Emergency! Priority shaftnine. Close all exits! Emergency!
[WELLS] Right, get these bodies clear. Get them down the shafts. Shaftseven, shaft eight! I'll take care of that. (the gun) Someone tell themwhat's happened. Run, quick as you like. Get those bodies out of here.Hurry!
(Cliff top)
[DAVID] Some fresh fish! You want some fresh fish? I've got some!
[SUSAN] David, you idiot. You idiot.
[DAVID] Oh no, its not for me! I didn't want it! Not me!
[SUSAN] Drop it!
[DAVID] Your grandfather stood up to the journey fantastically well.
[SUSAN] He's a pretty fantastic sort of man.
[DOCTOR] Smells familiar round here.
[SUSAN] Just in time for food.
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes, my dear.
[DAVID] Ah, we were just, er, well, I was just, er.
[DOCTOR] Quite, quite. I can see something's cooking.
[TYLER] What is that?
[DAVID] That's rabbit.
[SUSAN] It's pretty primitive. It's the best I could do though.
[DOCTOR] Most useful.
[DAVID] Hot!
[DAVID] Hey, you've got a big piece there. Doctor, would you like some?Smells delicious.
[DOCTOR] Susan's a very good cook.
[DAVID] Yes. Tell me, Doctor.
[DAVID] Now that you've seen the Dalek base, what do you think?
[DOCTOR] Well it's quite obvious to me its the centre of theiroperations.
[SUSAN + DAVID] Centre?
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite. You know, you surprise me, Tyler. Why didn't youconcentrate your efforts here?
[TYLER] We've been fighting the Daleks everywhere. Well, the fact thatthey started mining operations didn't seem all that important.
[DAVID] Yeah, well, we assumed that they were just digging for minerals,you know, something they could use to make
[DOCTOR] No, I think perhaps it might be the answer to the question asto why the Daleks are here.
[DAVID] But why, Doctor? Surely they've invaded us?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, it goes much deeper than that. You see, man, to them, isjust a work machine. An insignificant specimen that is not worthinvading. Absolutely useless. It doesn't matter to them whether youlive or die.
[TYLER] Yeah, that's true enough.
[DAVID] Well, what are they digging for?
[DOCTOR] Well, at the moment, my boy, I'm not quite sure, but let us saysomething that this planet contains. Something that no planet has.
[TYLER] And you think if it was something on the surface, they'd havejust collected it and gone?
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite, quite. Instead, there they are, burrowing likemoles down and through the crust of the Earth.
[TYLER] But isn't that impossible? I mean, without causing an eruption,a huge earthquake no one could survive.
[DOCTOR] Not unless they know how to control the flow of living energy,hmm?
[DAVID] Is that what it is? They dare to tamper with the forces ofcreation?
[DOCTOR] Yes, they dare. And we have got to dare to stop them.
[SUSAN] Grandfather?
[SUSAN] It's getting cold. Look.
[ROBOMAN [OC]] Keep moving.
[IAN] Barbara!(A little way on)
[ROBOMAN] Fill these buckets. Hurry!
[JENNY] We're beaten, Barbara. We'll never get out of here. Never.
[BARBARA] Don't be silly, Jenny. That's no way to talk. Look, we wantedto get to the mine and we're here.
[JENNY] Yes, but what can we do?
[BARBARA] You can help me fill this basket again. We could try and findtheir main control room. I'm sure that's what the Doctor would do.
[JENNY] And then what will happen?
[BARBARA] Oh, I don't know, Jenny, I don't know, but look, we can try!If we get there and fail,well, all they'll do is send us back here.
[DALEK] You. Take all buckets to the clearing section.
[WELLS] Fine.
[IAN] Wells.
[WELLS] Ian, I told you to get out of here.
[IAN] That's easier said than done. Wells, that tall girl in the bluesweater. I know her. Tell her I'm here.
[WELLS] Right, I'll try, but I've got to get rid if these first.
[IAN] Yes, all right.
[JENNY] Anyway, they'll never let us anywhere near the control room.
[BARBARA] Dortmun's notes!
[JENNY] What?
[BARBARA] Jenny, I've still got Dortmun's notes!
[JENNY] And a lot of good they are.
[BARBARA] No, no, you don't understand, Oh, I haven't got time toexplain. Jenny, come with me.
[JENNY] Oh Barbara, do you know what you're doing?
[DALEK] Get back to work.
[BARBARA] I have some important information. Rebels are planning arevolution against the Daleks.
[DALEK] There will be no revolution. The Daleks are masters of Earth.
[BARBARA] But you don't understand. This is no ordinary uprising. Theyhave scientists, men of learning working with them.
[DALEK] You are lying. It is a trick.
[BARBARA] No, I have proof of what I say.
[DALEK] Proof? Let me see.
[DALEK] Details of the acid bomb used in the unprovoked attack on theLondon saucer landing area.
[BARBARA] There's more. I know places where they're hiding.
[DALEK] Very well. Speak.
[BARBARA] Well, it, it would be better if I spoke to someone in charge.
[DALEK] That is impossible. Tell me your story.
[BARBARA] But it's very complex and detailed. You would have to actimmediately on what I told you. I must speak to someone in authority.
[DALEK] The Black Dalek will see you, but if you are lying, you will bekilled. Follow me.
[ROBOMAN] Continue your work.
[WELLS] Right, step into line and follow me.
[IAN] We're too late. The Daleks have just taken her.
[WELLS] Pity. Oh well, there's an empty gallery behind us there. Loseyourself there.
[IAN] Right.
(Control room)
[BLACK] Give me your report.
[DALEK] The main drills have penetrated the quartz strata. We are withinfour miles of the Earth's outer core.
[BLACK] When will the final breakthrough occur?
[DALEK] The slave parties are clearing the top of the fissure now.
[BLACK] What remains to be done?
[DALEK] Only to put into position the penetration explosive. The chargeis in the fissure capsule now. When positioned, the charge will strikethe fissure in the Earth's crust here.
[BLACK] The fissure will expand, the molten core be released.
[DALEK] We will then control the flow until all the gravitational andmagnetic forces in the Earth's core are eliminated.
[BLACK] Excellent. I will now announce to the Dalek Earth force,completion of Project Degravitate in two hours time.
[DALEK [OC]] Attention.
(Capsule control)
[DALEK [OC]] Attention all units. Stand by for anannouncement by the Supreme Controller.(Ian hides in a capsule)
[BLACK [OC]] This is the Supreme Controller. Our mission to Earth isnearly completed. We were sent here to remove the core of this planet.
(Control centre)
[BLACK] Once the core is removed, we can replace itwith a power system that will enable us to pilot the planet anywhere inthe universe.
(Capsule control)
[BLACK [OC]] All that remains is to put intoposition the penetration explosive. Daleks controlling device will nowreport.
[DALEK] We are ready.
[BLACK [OC]] Arm the device.
[DALEK] Device now armed.
[BLACK] Set capsule in motion.
[DALEK] Hatch over control to closed position. Motor running.
[DALEK 2] Capsule moving.
(Control centre)
[BLACK] As soon as the capsule is in position overthe fissure, release it.
(Capsule control)
[ROBOMEN] Pull. Pull. Pull.
[ROBOMEN] Pull. Pull. Pull.
(Control centre)
[DALEK [OC]] Capsule now arrived at sub station.
[BLACK] Ascertain extent of breakdown and then
[DALEK [OC]] Man has been seen leaving capsule.
[BLACK] Exterminate him! Exterminate him! Exterminate him!
[DALEK] Stay where you are!
[JENNY] We must be getting near their control room,Barbara. What do you want me to do?
[DALEK] Move.
[BARBARA] Try to find the main control panel. Do as much damage as youcan. I'll try and keep them occupied.
[DALEK] Silence. You will only speak when you are ordered to do so.
(Control centre)
[DALEK 2] Dalek reports human fallen down bombshaft. Capsule is being repaired.
[DALEK] Wait here.
[BLACK] Every error must be corrected. The penetration explosive muststrike the fissure correctly if we are to extract the molten core. Haveall work tasks been completed?
[DALEK 3] They have.
[BLACK] Then arrange for the extermination of all human beings.
[DALEK 4] Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!
[DALEK 5] The final solution! Clear up this planet!
[BLACK] Alter the command frequencies to aural control to all Robomen.They are to herd humans down to the lower galleries.
[DALEK 3] Immediately. Testing aural control. Testing aural control.
[DALEK [OC]] Testing aural control. Testing aural control.
(Control centre)
[BARBARA] Did you see that, Jenny? That's the waythey control the Robomen.
[DALEK 3] Herd all humans to galleries to nine, ten and fifteen.
[JENNY] Perhaps we could put it out of action?
[BARBARA] We could do better than that, we could give it new orders.Tell them to turn on the Daleks.
[JENNY] Yes! That's a great idea.
[DALEK] They are the prisoners that reported the imminent revolt.
[BLACK] Speak!
[BARBARA] (reading Dortmun's notes.) This bomb is the one with which
[BLACK] We are not interested in the bomb. Give your information!
[BARBARA] Right. This revolt is timed to start almost immediately. As inthe case of the Indian mutiny, which I am sure
[BLACK] Indian mutiny? We are the masters of India!
[BARBARA] I was talking about Red Indians in disguise! The plan will runparallel with the Boston Tea Party. Naturally, you already haveinformation about this.
[BLACK] Wait! Why have I not been informed of this?
[DALEK 2] There has been no information.
[BARBARA] Good! That means the first part of the plan is a success. Now,I warn you, General Lee and the four, the fifth cavalry are alreadyforming up to attack from the north side of the crater. The secondwave, Hannibal's forces, will of course come in from the Southern Alps.The third wave
[BLACK] Attention! Attention! Mobilise defence forces!
[BARBARA] Robomen, this order cannot be countermanded. You must
[BLACK] Take them! They are lying! Take them! Take them! Take them!
[DALEK 3] I will arrange for their extermination.
[BLACK] No. Secure them. They will be killed in the explosion. Thecountdown must proceed to schedule.
[BARBARA] Sorry, Jenny.
[JENNY] What for? It was a marvellous attempt and it nearly worked too.
[BARBARA] Yes, it didn't and we won't get a second try. Look. That mustbe the bomb shaft.
(Cliff edge)
[TYLER] Have you ever seen anything like that mine,Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I certainly have not. Ah, good! There seems to be a way downthere.
[TYLER] I still say its madness.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well lets have a closer look.
[DAVID] Yes, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] How many bombs have you got left?
[DAVID] Er, I've got three, I think.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well that should be enough. Now, you see that mast overthere?
[DAVID] (through binoculars) Yes.
[DOCTOR] And the cable behind it?
[DAVID] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Well, I want you and Susan to walk around the lip of the craterand sever it. Use the bombs. Detonate with your revolver, right?
[DAVID] Right, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Off you go, and don't stop to pick daises on the way.
[DOCTOR] I don't think they'll run into any trouble.
[TYLER] And what about us?
[DOCTOR] That'll be harder to guarantee. Come along. Get down.
(Top of fissure)
(Control centre)
[BLACK] As soon as the repairs to the capsule arecomplete, the explosive device will be released into the bowels of thisplanet.
[JENNY] Sounds as though they're almost ready.
[BLACK] Attention all Daleks. Our saucers are hovering above the minearea. Notice to board saucers will be given shortly.
[DOCTOR] Now, I've neutralised the warning system.
[DOCTOR] Shall we go in?
[TYLER] I'll say one thing, Doc. Life's never dull with you around.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, but don't call me Doc, I prefer Doctor. Do you mind?
(Control centre)
[DALEK] The work on the capsule is complete. Thedevice is ready.
[BLACK] Good. We shall have one hour to leave when the device is fired.Am firing now.
[BLACK] The explosive device is on its way to the centre of the Earth.We shall go the edge of the mine workings and be picked up by thesaucers.
[TYLER] That was a close one.
[DOCTOR] Apparently things are on the move.
(Control centre)
[BARBARA] Well, they didn't bother to kill us. Isuppose the explosion will take care of that.
[JENNY] It's no good, Barbara. I can't move mine!
[BARBARA] Listen. I think the Daleks are coming back.
[DOCTOR] My dear Barbara!
[BARBARA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] The magnet! The magnet, quickly!
[DOCTOR] Is Chesterton with you? Never mind.
[DOCTOR] We must begin our action before the Daleks get back.
[BARBARA] I don't think they will be coming back. They activated one oftheir bombs. They intend to blow a hole through the centre of theEarth.
[DOCTOR] But why?
[JENNY] They're trying to pilot the Earth right out of its orbit. Thebomb's due to go off in half an hour's time.
[DOCTOR] Well, we must prevent this, Barbara. If they succeed, it willthe mean that they'll upset the entire constellation. We've got toprevent it!
[BARBARA] But how?
[DOCTOR] By keeping the Daleks here. Keep your eyes skinned on the door.
[TYLER] All right.
[DOCTOR] Now, I wonder. Can I do anything with this scanner?
[BARBARA] There's Susan!
[DOCTOR] Oh yes! Susan and David. Now, they're trying to fracture theouter cable ring.
[JENNY] Well what will that do?
[DOCTOR] Well, if it's possible, you see, we might be able to immobilisethe Daleks.
[DALEK [OC]] Scanner frequencies have been changed in Central control.
[BLACK [OC]] The prisoners must have escaped! Deal with them.
[DOCTOR] The radio circuit's still working.
[BARBARA] Hurry, Susan, hurry!
[DOCTOR] There's nothing we can do, my dear. Just watch and wait. Wecan't contact them from here.
[DALEK] Two zero reporting.
(Control centre)
[TYLER] A Dalek's coming.
[DALEK] Will exterminate them at zero range.
(Control centre)
[TYLER] It's nearly here.(On the scanner, David and Susan do their job)
[DALEK] Thermostat reading too high! Heat increase intolerable! Heatincrease complete! Power loss complete! Argh!
[TYLER] You took a chance.
[DOCTOR] A chance? Yes.
[BARBARA] Can you stop the bomb, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Not now, Barbara. We don't know how long this little trick ofours will hold the Daleks. We may have to find something else.
[BARBARA] Well, look. That thing over there controls the Robomen. Wediscovered that earlier. Er, maybe we could give it new orders?
[DOCTOR] Yes! That's brilliant, my dear! Good. Carry on.
[BARBARA] (as a Dalek) Robomen, this is your last order. Obey it and noother.
[DOCTOR] Turn on the Daleks, turn on the Daleks, kill the Daleks, do youhear?
(Control centre)
[IAN] Barbara!
[IAN] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, where did you spring from?
[IAN] Well, I was trying to get out of the mine and suddenly the Robomenturned on the Daleks! Well, you know the rest.
[DOCTOR] Well, the people are fighting back at last!
[IAN] That must be where I jammed it, so that must be where it willexplode.
[BARBARA] But look, it's going to go off in ten minutes time.
[DOCTOR] I don't think their device will succeed in that position. Butstill, it will be a gigantic explosion.
[TYLER] Then we ought to get as many people out of this area as wepossibly can.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I quite agree.
[JENNY] We'll be safe outside the valley.
[DOCTOR] And we must all meet back on the cliff, we were before. Nowhurry up, all of you.
(Cliff edge)
[DOCTOR] The explosion will take place any second.Keep right down, all of you!
[DOCTOR] The saucers were caught in the upward thrust of that explosion.
[JENNY] Do you think any Daleks escaped?
[DOCTOR] In that, my dear? Impossible. There's something new for you,Tyler. A volcanic eruption in England.
[TYLER] It's unbelievable.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's unbelievable.
[JENNY] It's over.
[TYLER] Well, at least the firebombs didn't destroy everything. PityDortmun couldn't be here. Dortmun and people like him.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and it's to them that you must dedicate your next task,the rebuilding of the Earth. And I'm sure you're going to make a greatsuccess of it.
[TYLER] You sound as if you're leaving.
[TYLER] Listen.
[DOCTOR] Just the beginning. Just the beginning. All alone, eh, Susan,hmm?
[SUSAN] I was thinking.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I afraid we've had so little time for that sort of thinglately.
[SUSAN] It would be nice if we
[DOCTOR] I, er, well, I'm sorry, Susan.
[SUSAN] It wasn't important. What were you going to, Ow!
[DOCTOR] Oh my dear Susan, you're hurt.
[SUSAN] Oh, it's not me, it's this shoe of mine. Look, it's worn rightout.
[DOCTOR] Oh, dear, dear, dear.
[SUSAN] It must have been that journey back from the mine.
[DOCTOR] Dear, dear, dear, I shall have to mend this, shan't I now?
[SUSAN] Oh, don't worry, Grandfather.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, no, no, no worry, my child, no. When I've finishedwith this, it will look as good as new.
[SUSAN] Really, it's not worth it. I've got dozens of other pairs.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Hmm.
[SUSAN] I'd better clear out my cupboard. It's in a dreadful muddle.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you little monkey. You know, since you've been away fromthat school, you seem to have got yourself thoroughly disorganised,haven't you? Yes, you need taking in hand. Well, I, er, I think I mustcheck up on the ship, if you don't mind.
[SUSAN] Won't be long.(The Doctor watches Susan go over to David, then goes into the Tardis)
[IAN] What are your plans, David?
[DAVID] Me? Oh, I'll join a group that work the land. More thananything, I want to see things grow again. I want to be a part of it.
[IAN] It's a nice idea. Do you come from the country?
[DAVID] Yes. My family have always been associated with the land.
[IAN] Oh, er, where do they live?
[DAVID] Well, they live a long way from here.
[TYLER] Well can't stand here talking all day. See me before you go,David.
[DAVID] I will Tyler. I will.
[SUSAN] Goodbye, Tyler.
[SUSAN] Goodbye.
[DAVID] Susan?
[SUSAN] Yes, David?
[DAVID] Please stay. Please stay here with me.
[SUSAN] I can't stay, David. I don't belong to this time.
[DAVID] But I love you, Susan, and I want you to marry me.
[SUSAN] You see, David. Grandfather's old now. He needs me. Oh, don'tmake me choose between you and him, please!
[DAVID] But you told me! You said that you'd never known the security ofliving in one place and one time. Look, you said it was something thatyou always longed for. Well, I'm giving you that, Susan. I'm giving youa place, a time, an identity.
[SUSAN] No, David! (crying) I've lost my shoe. Oh David, I do love you!I do, I do, I do!
[SUSAN] Grandfather!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Listen, Susan, please. I've double-locked the doors. Youcan't get in. Now move back, child, where I can see you.
[DOCTOR] During all the years, I've been takingcare of you, you in return have been taking care of me.
[SUSAN [on scanner]] Oh, Grandfather, I belong with you!
[DOCTOR] Not any longer, Susan. You're still my grandchild and alwayswill be, but now, you're a woman too.
[DOCTOR [OC]] I want you to belong somewhere, tohave roots of your own. With David, you'll be able to find those rootsand live normally like any woman should do.
[DOCTOR] Believe me, my dear, your future lies withDavid, and not with a silly old buffer like me. One day, I shall comeback. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, notears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove tome that I am not mistaken in mine. Goodbye, Susan, goodbye, my dear.
[DAVID] Susan? Susan? He knew. He knew you could never leave him.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s02", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Dalek Invasion of Earth"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (2 Jan, 1965; First Doctor) - The Rescue
(Spaceship living quarters)
[VICKI] Bennett!
(Spaceship corridor)
[VICKI] Bennett! The rescue ships landed! Bennett,let me in!
[BENNETT [OC]] Come in.
(Bennett's quarters)
[VICKI] Bennett, the rescue ship's landed. Its arrived. Were beingtaken back. Isnt it marvellous?
[BENNETT] It cant be the ship.
[VICKI] Its quite clear on the detector. Listen.
[BENNETT] It must be a fault. Must be. Did you talk to them by radio?
[VICKI] No. I was going to, but I thought Id tell you first. I thoughtyoud be pleased, Bennett.
[BENNETT] The rescue ship's not due for another three days. It canteven find Dido unless we guide it down. You know that.
[VICKI] But it's showing on the screen. Come and look. Ill help you.
[BENNETT] Did you hear it land?
[VICKI] No. No, I didnt, but it
[BENNETT] The rescue ship cant land silently.
[VICKI] It must have done. Its just got here early thats all. It ishere. Its as plain as anything on the screen.
[BENNETT] Whats its location?
[VICKI] I dont know. Somewhere on the mountain.
[BENNETT] Look, Vicki. I know how badly you want to get off this planet.We both want to get away but its no good building up our hopes. Go andradio the rescue ship. Youll find your mistake
And Vicki, watch outfor Koquillion.
[VICKI] I havent seen him today.
[BENNETT] Hell be around somewhere. And remember he knows nothing aboutthe rescue ship.
[VICKI] I know.
[BENNETT] So be careful. If he finds out, hell kill both of us.
(Spaceship living quarters)
[VICKI] Planet Dido to rescue ship. Planet Dido torescue ship. Come in please. Over.
[CAPTAIN [OC]] Rescue ship to planet Dido. Receiving you on strengthtwo. Over.
[VICKI] Is it true? Have you? Have you landed? Over.
[CAPTAIN [OC]] Landed? Were still sixty nine flying hours away. Wereproceeding on a normal course. We shall
[VICKI] But you, you cant be. I mean
[CAPTAIN [OC]] Now dont worry. Well be there. Try to hold on just abit longer. Well contact you for directions in seventeen hours fromnow. Repeat, seventeen hours. Breaking contact now.
[CAPTAIN [OC]] Over and out.
[VICKI] No! Dido to rescue! Dido to rescue!
[VICKI] Sixty nine hours away? Whos landed on the mountain?
[BARBARA] And you know how the ship has a faint sort of trembling whilewere moving? Well, I suddenly realised that it had stopped.
[IAN] I believe youre right, Barbara. I think we have landed. But theDoctors never slept through a landing before.
[BARBARA] Doctor. Doctor!
[IAN] Doctor!
[BARBARA] Wake up.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Whats the matter? What is it? What is it? Oh goodgracious me! Dont tell me I went off to sleep.
[IAN] Yes, you did.
[IAN] At a very critical time. Oh well, I suppose it did you a world ofgood.
[DOCTOR] Deep in the arms of Morpheus, hey my boy? Well, I feel a bitsticky. I must go and have a wash.
[BARBARA] Oh, but Doctor, the tremblings stopped.
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear, Im so glad youre feeling better.
[BARBARA] No, not me, the ship.
[DOCTOR] Oh, the. Oh my dear, Im so sorry.
[IAN] Doctor, we appear to have landed while you were asleep.
[DOCTOR] What? Oh, I say, I must never allow this sort of thing againnow, must we? No. Well, all we have to do is to turn the power off.
[BARBARA] Then we have landed.
[DOCTOR] Yes, er, excuse me, materialised, I think, is a better word.Well now, lets have a look and see whats doing.Yes, the air's very good. The temperature. Yes, wherever we are, Ithink its nice and fine. (Yawns) Oh, do pardon me. Forgive me, Im sosorry. Yes. Well, I must say, this looks most promising. Now, lets havea little look shall we?
[IAN] Very dark. Cant really make out anything at all. It looks veryrocky, whatever it is.
[DOCTOR] Yes. It does somewhat. Might be a cave, or
even perhapsunderground.
[BARBARA] You mean we could be trapped down here?
[DOCTOR] Oh. It doesnt necessarily mean anything my dear Barbara. Wecan, of course, always travel through
solid matter in flight
and all,again, we can, we can take off again quite easily. No, I do think weought to step outside and have a look. I will too. Susan, er
[BARBARA] Doctor, why dont you show me how to open the doors?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Yes, yes, yes, my dear. Of course, yes, yes, how silly ofme. Yes, number four switch.
[DOCTOR] Very good, very good. You wont, of course, try to do thatduring transit, will you?
[IAN] It is a cave. You were right Doctor.
[BARBARA] Strange funny smell. Doesnt smell like anything on Earth.
[DOCTOR] No, it doesnt my dear. No, no. But I do know that smell.
[IAN] You recognise it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, more or less. Oh, have a look round, I should, butdont go too far away. Remember we havent had much luck with thesecaves during our travels.
[BARBARA] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I think Im going to have a nap.
[IAN] A nap? Huh. Well thats a new one, isnt it? Hes usually thefirst one to be up and dashing off for a look.
[BARBARA] Maybe were going to see a new side to the Doctor.
[IAN] Yes, well, he isnt getting any younger is he. You know, its thefirst time hes been to sleep during a landing. Barbara, Ive got anidea hes getting a bit (hand gesture for senile)
[DOCTOR] Remember I can hear what youre saying. Pick up that stone forme, would you?
[IAN] This one, Doctor?
[IAN] Certainly.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[BARBARA] Look, Ian, all the old associations are still in the ship. Youcant expect him to say goodbye to Susan and then forget about her thenext minute.
[IAN] No, I suppose not. I wonder what shes doing now?
[BARBARA] If I know any
anything about David, shes learning to milkcows.
[IAN] Yes, hes a nice chap, David.
[BARBARA] Come on.
[IAN] There may be a way over here, you know.
[BARBARA] Yes, but I think the sun is coming through that way.
[IAN] Ah, so it is.(Ian and Barbara leave the cave, and something with spikes around itsneck, bug eyes and antennae is seen inspecting the Tardis)
[IAN] Barbara, look!
[BARBARA] Its a spaceship.
[IAN] Yes
broken in two.
[IAN] Can you see on the side? A flag! Its from home!
[BARBARA] Yes! You know it must have crashed.
[IAN] Yes, although you see those buildings? It might have beendestroyed at the same time as they were on the ground.
[BARBARA] Theres no movement. No sign of life at all.
[IAN] No. No, there isnt, is there? Well, there must be people orthings on this planet.
[IAN] Hmm?
[BARBARA] Are you going to tell the Doctor about this?
[IAN] Yes. Why not?
[BARBARA] Well, knowing the Doctor, hell want to go down there andinvestigate.
[IAN] Well, for once Id agree with him, Barbara. If there are any ofthose crew members left we should get in touch with them.
[KOQUILLION] You are strangers here. Answer my question. Do you comefrom Earth?
[BARBARA] Yes. Yes, we do.
[KOQUILLION] Where is your rocket ship?
[IAN] Youve just come out of the cave. You must have seen it.
[KOQUILLION] You landed here
in that box?
[BARBARA] Well I know it sounds fantastic, but we have no reason to lieto you.
[IAN] Well, obviously youve had a good look around. Did you see anysign of another ship having landed?
[KOQUILLION] Are there any other crewmembers?
[IAN] Yes, there is. There's one more and hes back in the ship.
[KOQUILLION] I would like to meet him. Go and fetch him. I will take youall to the city.
[IAN] Coming, Barbara?
[KOQUILLION] Why are you frightened?
[BARBARA] Keep away.
[KOQUILLION] I am your friend. You can trust me.
[BARBARA] Can I? (The creature pushes Barbara over the ledge)
[DOCTOR] Oh, my writing gets worse and worse. Dear, dear, dear, dear,dear. Well, undoubtedly weve landed on the planet Dido. Howremarkable. Well, I must say. itll be rather nice to meet thesefriendly people again after all these years. Fancy landing back hereagain. I wonder if I were to tell Ian that it was deliberate, whetherhed believe me or not? Oh no, of course, I was asleep. Oh, pity, pity,pity.
[DOCTOR] Chesterton! Chesterton! Where are you, mydear boy? Oh, I cant, oh, I cant see anything.
[DOCTOR] Chesterton! Oh, my dear fellow, are you all right?
[IAN] Barbara.
[DOCTOR] Where is she?
[IAN] Barbara. I thought she was with me. I, I heard her scream
[DOCTOR] Steady, steady, steady.
[IAN] I went back and an explosion.
[DOCTOR] Come on, come on, get your breath back. Now, now then, you allright?
[IAN] Yes
[DOCTOR] well, let's try and look for her, shall we?
[IAN] Yes, it's
this way.
[DOCTOR] Be careful now, be careful. Oh, good gracious, the whole roofsfallen in!
[IAN] This blocks the cave! Barbara!
[DOCTOR] Oh, I hope we shant get another fall. I dont think the Tardisis likely to
[IAN] No use. Doctor, this wasnt an accident.
[DOCTOR] What are you talking about, my boy?
[IAN] Oh it was a
thing, a repulsive thing with a
hideous face.
[DOCTOR] With hands and feet like claws?
[IAN] Yes, that's it. How do you know?
[DOCTOR] Well, this is the planet Dido. Ive been here before, I knowthem very well.
[IAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Theyre very friendly people.
[IAN] Friendly?
[IAN] Oh, it certainly wasnt friendly to us. Must have kept Barbaraback. That scream. Barbara!
[DOCTOR] Oh dont for heavens sake start scratching there. Try and findanother way out. This thing, was it armed?
[IAN] No, no, it wasnt. Wait a minute, it was carrying some sort ofjewelled club. About so long.
[DOCTOR] With a big head, resembling a spanner?
[IAN] Yes.
[IAN] I dont know why you bother to ask.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that may account for this.
[IAN] What?
[DOCTOR] When I was here last time, if I remember rightly, theyd justperfected this thing. Its a ray, used in construction work.
[IAN] Ahh.
[DOCTOR] Now look here, what about Barbara, are you all right? Are youcapable?
[IAN] Yes, Im not too bad.
[DOCTOR] Come along. Dont just sit there, my dear boy, stand up, standup. Come along, thats it, mind your head. Its only dust. No bonesbroken.
[IAN] Thank you. Doctor. The most thorough-going medical Ive ever had.
[DOCTOR] Yes, its a pity I didnt get that degree, isnt it? Excuse me.
[IAN] You say these people were friendly?
[DOCTOR] Really. Very friendly people.
[IAN] If thats a sample, Ill take the Daleks anytime.
[DOCTOR] Now look here, you take yourself off there and try and findBarbara.
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Come along and be careful.
[IAN] Yeah, we need to be careful. These people are dangerous.
[DOCTOR] But why? What could have happened to changed them? I wonder.
(Spaceship living quarters)
[KOQUILLION] You have been outside. Stand up! What were you doing?
[VICKI] Walking.
[KOQUILLION] In future, you will go no further than fifty yards fromthis ship. Do you understand? You were dragging something. A sack.
[VICKI] Oh, just some stones, I collect them. Theyre very beautiful.
[KOQUILLION] Im going to talk to Bennett. Remember you both owe yourlives to me.
[VICKI] I heard a sound from the mountain. An explosion.
[KOQUILLION] A space machine has arrived.
[VICKI] People?
[KOQUILLION] A warlike people. They wanted to pillage the ship! I couldnot save them from my people, as I do Bennett and yourself. Theyrewalled up in a cave. If theyre not dead already, they will die ofhunger and thirst.
[VICKI] I bet you never gave them a chance, you could have (he raisesthe club) Im sorry.
[KOQUILLION] Remember, I am the only one who can save you from mypeople. You should be grateful. I am your only protection!
(Spaceship corridor)
[BENNETT [OC]] You cant come in.
[KOQUILLION] It is Koquillion! Open the door.
(Spaceship living quarters)
[VICKI] Koquillion has just seen me helping you here. I knew he would. Iknew. He knows everything. Everything!
[BARBARA] Well, tell me
[VICKI] Shh! Hell hear you.
[BARBARA] Oh, all right.
[VICKI] Please, stay there. He might come back. You dont know him likeI do.
[BARBARA] Yes, but listen, whats your name?
[VICKI] Vicki.
[BARBARA] Is that short for Victoria?
[VICKI] No, just Vicki. V,I,C,K,I.
[BARBARA] Im Barbara. Look, tell me more about this Koquillion.
[VICKI] He just keeps us here, Bennett and me. Theres a rescue ship onthe way. He doesnt know about that. But hell find out. I know hewill.
[BARBARA] But why does he keep you here?
[VICKI] They, they killed all the crew. We, when we landed, we madecontact here. Everyone on board was invited to a grand sort of meeting.I couldnt go, I was ill, a fever or something. I stayed here thatnight. I remember waking up. A thunderstorm, I thought, but it was anexplosion. Bennett. Bennett dragged himself back. I was ill for days, Ididnt know about it til later. I came around and
found Bennett. Hecant walk. We just wait, and then Koquillion.
[BARBARA] Well, if his people killed all your crew, why did, doesnt hekill you.
[VICKI] We dont know. My father was taking me. My father. (she driesher eyes) Your ship. Is your ship still here?
[VICKI] Ive just remembered. He told me. Didnt you hear him? They,they've killed all your crew too.
(Cave passage)
[IAN] Oh, I wonder how much further, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I cant understand it. I just cant understand it. Violenceis totally alien to people on this planet.
[IAN] Oh, well, people change, Doctor. New leader, different set ofcircumstances.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, my dear Chesterton, no. All the more reason forpeople on this planet to hate death and destruction. My dear boy, whenI was here before, the, what, the total population amounted to, ahandle of people. Merely a hundred.
[IAN] Is that all?
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly. All the more reason for holding onto life. Peace,friendship, happiness. This means everything to the people here.
[IAN] Yes. Yes, I see what you mean. Well, you ready to carry on?
[DOCTOR] Me? Carry on? My dear fellow, it was you that stopped.
(Spaceship living quarters)
[VICKI] Sorry, Barbara, I forgot all about yourcuts and bruises.
[BARBARA] Oh it could be worse. Its the arm mainly. I must havestrained it catching hold of that tree to break my fall.
[VICKI] There. Hows that?
[BARBARA] That feels much better.
[VICKI] I wonder if Koquillion's gone?
[BARBARA] What are the other people like?
[VICKI] Mmm? Oh, hes the only one we see. They live quite near here, Ibelieve but, well, I dont know. This fires a flare.
[BARBARA] Is that for the rescue ship?
[VICKI] Yes, I always keep it ready. Theres room to land round here,you know.
[BARBARA] Itll all be ending for you soon then.
[VICKI] Yes.
[BARBARA] Well, you dont sound very sure.
[VICKI] Theres always Koquillion. He could stop us. He could keep mehere forever. What are you looking like that for?
[BARBARA] Like what?
[VICKI] Youre sorry for me, arent you? Im perfectly all right, youknow. I dont care if nobody ever comes, Im fine. Im perfectly allright.(They hear a noise)
[VICKI] Quick!
[VICKI] Oh, Bennett.
[BENNETT] Hes gone. He tried to get things out of me but I didnt tellhim.
[BENNETT] I didnt tell him about the rescue ship.
[BENNETT] He told me about the people on the mountain. Hes killed them.Weve got to stick together, Vicki. Hes killed them.
[VICKI] No, he hasnt, Bennett. Not all of them anyway.
(Cave passageway)
[IAN] The ledge is narrowing out now, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Whats that, my boy, What? Whats that?
[IAN] Oh, oh, careful!
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I say, look, have younoticed the ledge? Its narrowing out.
[IAN] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Wait, wait.
[IAN] Huh?
[DOCTOR] Point the torch, shine it down there. You see that? Its quitea chasm.
[IAN] Yes. It certainly is. Not very much to hold onto here either.We'll just have to keep ourselves
pressed against the rock face.
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, if I pressed myself any harder against this thingI would be doing myself an injury.
[IAN] What was that?
[DOCTOR] Well, its not me, is it. Shine the torch down there!
[IAN] Whats that nightmare?
[DOCTOR] Isnt it sufficient that it
its down there and were up here?Hmm?
[IAN] Yes. Its got eyes. I saw them. Green. Used to daylight. Must havecome in from the outside.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Very good, yes. Very intelligent reasoning. So good I mighthave said the same thing myself.
[IAN] Got to get out of here. What we need are some good handholds. Oh,here we are, all provided.
[IAN] You're right, Doctor. Somebodys been this way before.
[DOCTOR] Well, now, be careful.
[IAN] Yes I will, just hold onto that. (the torch.) Try this. Its allright.
[IAN] Yes. Give me the torch. Swing yourself over. All right? Okay?
[IAN] Watch this one. Its loose. Oh! hurry up, Ive pulled it out!
[DOCTOR] What?
[IAN] Oh, Im over. Can you manage?
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, it's oil. Its got oil on it.
[IAN] Whats that noise?
[DOCTOR] Come back here. Theyve trapped you into pulling this thingout.
[IAN] Whats that noise, Doctor? I
[DOCTOR] Dont go any further!
[IAN] What? I cant go either way!
[IAN] Doctor, Theyre pushing me towards the edge!
(Cave passageway)
[IAN] Doctor, theyre razor sharp!
[DOCTOR] Take your coat off, my boy, and throw it over the blades.
[IAN] Hold the torch for me please.
[DOCTOR] Right. Now swing yourself round.
[IAN] Give me a hand.
[DOCTOR] Come on, come on, come on.
[IAN] Thanks. I thought Id had it. What do you think this is for?
[DOCTOR] Ive no idea. Ive never seen it before in my life.
[IAN] I suppose this operates the knives.
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite so. Weve got to get this thing back in its place.
[IAN] The executioner sounds disappointed.
[DOCTOR] Yes, never mind about all that. Come on, give me a hand.Barbaras still outside. She might be in grave danger.
(Spaceship living quarters)
[VICKI] Is he, is he dead?
[BARBARA] No, it must have been the strain of walking out here made himcollapse. How do you feel?
[VICKI] This is Barbara, Bennett.
[BENNETT] Koquillion told me of your arrival. Hes killed your friends.
[BARBARA] I dont think so. Im sure theyre all right.
[BENNETT] Koquillion doesnt make mistakes.
[BARBARA] Well he did about me. You know, the next time he visits us, wemight be able to surprise him. He doesnt know Im here, does he, so wecould set a trap and overpower him.
[BENNETT] No, no.
[VICKI] Its a marvellous idea, isnt it, Bennett.
[BARBARA] Well, surely its worth a try? You wouldnt be any worse offthan you are now.
[BENNETT] The Mir rescue ship is due to arrive, or hasnt Vicki told youthat. We have to sit still, do as he says. Maybe well have a chance ofescaping, get back to Earth.
[VICKI] We could still go.
[BENNETT] Youre just a child, you dont know what youre talking about.We get rid of Koquillion, we gain nothing. If the plan fails, he killsus.
[VICKI] Bennetts right, Barbara.
[BENNETT] Course Im right. Just because I lie on that bed all daydoesnt mean Ive lost the use of my brain. Help me to my room, please.
(Spaceship corridor)
[BENNETT] You will do as Koquillion says, wontyou? Now you do understand the consequences? Thank you.
[BARBARA] Ill help you to your bed.
[BENNETT] Im all right. I said, Im all right! I can manage.
[VICKI] Id better go and collect the water, it gets dark early on Dido.Will you lay the table, Barbara?
[BARBARA] Yes. Yes, all right.
[VICKI] Ill show you where the things are.
(Cave passageway)
[DOCTOR] There you are. I think thats got it back.Watch!
[IAN] Yes. Youve done it, Doctor. There they go. Well, lets hope therearent any more surprises like that waiting for us. Come on.
[IAN] Well, come on, Doctor.(Meanwhile, Vicki is carrying jerry-cans of water whilst being watchedby a Didonian, again with no legs)
[IAN] Daylight, Doctor! We must be nearly there.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think youre right. Chesterton!
[IAN] Look out, Doctor. Dont go too near the edge.
[DOCTOR] Oh, right. Look, theres a door.
[IAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Now that must lead somewhere.
[IAN] Yes, it is.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but therell be no time to open that. No, come on, let'sgo the obvious way.
[IAN] All right.
[DOCTOR] Go on, go on.
[IAN] Now mind this edge.
[DOCTOR] Just so long as nobody starts creeping up behind us.
(Spaceship living quarters)
(Outside the spaceship)
[BARBARA] Vicki!
[VICKI] No! No dont! No!
(Cave passageway)
[DOCTOR] What was that?
[IAN] Horrible.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[IAN] Come on.
(Spaceship living quarters)
[VICKI] You killed Sandy. Why? What made you?
[BARBARA] He was almost on top of you!
[VICKI] How could you do it? Sandy only wanted some food.
[BARBARA] But he was going to attack you!
[VICKI] Sandy only ever eat plants. I trained him to come here for food.
[BARBARA] Well, I didnt know that did I? I mean, how could I?
[VICKI] I shouted, you wouldnt listen.
[BARBARA] Look, all I could see was its jaws. Anyway it suddenly startedscreeching I thought that
[VICKI] You killed him! You killed him!
[DOCTOR] Barbara!
[BARBARA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] My dear Barbara!
[IAN] Barbara!
[BARBARA] Oh Doctor, youre all right!
[DOCTOR] Oh, Ive never felt better in my life!
(Spaceship living quarters)
[DOCTOR] Thats better, thats better. Now blowyour nose and wipe your face. Thats it. I dont like saying it, mydear, but you do look a bit of a mess, you know.
[IAN] Yes, cheer up, Vicki. And dont forget, if old Kokylikin comesround, Ive always got this.
[VICKI] You mustnt, Ian. I keep telling you why we did what he said.You'll spoil it, youll spoil everything.
[DOCTOR] Now, now, now. Its going to be all right. Were not going tojeopardise your safety or your rescue. Now, first of all, Id like tohave a talk with this Mister Bennett of yours.
[VICKI] Oh, I keep
[DOCTOR] Will you take me to him?
[VICKI] I keep telling you, the rescue ship's on its way. Its going totake us back to Earth. Cant you understand?
[BARBARA] Look Vicki, I know youve been here a long time, but you'reunderestimating what Koquillion can do.
[VICKI] Yes, youre right. Ive been here a long time. I know what itslike here. Youve only just come and youre trying to ruin things. Itwas all right before. It was. The rescue ship's coming and nobody askedyou to come here. Nobody.
[DOCTOR] Now, Vicki.
[VICKI] Go away.
[DOCTOR] Vicki, my dear. Sit down. You dont mean that, do you? Well, doyou? Mmm? Good, good. Now, Ive listened to all youve said and Ivethoroughly understood. Were here to help you. This is all were goingto try to do. You know, were not going to ruin things for you.
[VICKI] Bennett says that when we get back weve got to tell them onEarth what they did to us here. He thinks this planet should be wipedout.
[VICKI] He says Koquillion shouldnt be made to get away with what hesdone to us.
[DOCTOR] I think I agree with Bennett, at least about Koquillion. Butdont you think theres just a chance, just a little chance that myideas might prove the better ones? Hmm? Good, good. Now, Ill go andhave a talk with Mister Bennett and I promise you, Ill listen toeverything he says. Hmm?
[VICKI] Ill take you to him.
[DOCTOR] Splendid.
(Spaceship corridor)
[DOCTOR] Yes, well now, I dont think you need towait, my dear. You go back with Ian and Barbara. Hmm?
[VICKI] Barbara.
[DOCTOR] Oh, now, now, now, You mustnt be like that. Youre not givingher much of a chance, are you? Shes nice, you know. Youll like her.
[VICKI] She killed Sandy.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, so might I have done!
[VICKI] Well, you havent got the sort of face that kills things
[DOCTOR] And Barbara has, I suppose. Ay? You know she was frightened,frightened for your safety. She thought you were going to be hurt. Goodgracious me, you mustnt behave like that. Now, look here, I think thebest thing for you to do is to pop along back there, dont you, hmm?Eh? You must believe what Barbara did, try and understand my dear, andwhy she did it. Just for me, eh?
[DOCTOR] Mister Bennett?
[BENNETT [OC]] You cant come in.
[DOCTOR] I want to talk to you. Oh dear.
(Spaceship living quarters)
[IAN] The Doctor gone to see Miser Bennett?
[VICKI] Yes, I took him.
[IAN] Good, good.
[VICKI] Barbara?
[VICKI] Im sorry. Really I am.
[BARBARA] Im sorry too, about Sandy.
[VICKI] Well, you didnt know. Im afraid Ive got rather used to beingon my own.
[IAN] We know how you feel Vicki. We felt the same way ourselves atfirst.
[VICKI] At first? I dont understand. Youre from Earth too, arent you?
[BARBARA] Yes, but it goes a bit deeper than that.
[VICKI] How do you mean?
[BARBARA] Well, what was the year when you left Earth?
[VICKI] 2493, of course. My mother had just died and Daddy wanted to getaway so he took a job on the planet Astra.
[IAN] You were on your way there and you crashed here?
[VICKI] Yes. But why did you ask me the year? What year did you leave?
[IAN] Well, you see Vicki, our space ship, well, isnt like this one. Ittravels through time.
[BARBARA] We left in 1963.
[VICKI] 1963! But that means youre about five hundred and fifty yearsold.
[BARBARA] Why, yes, I suppose I am. Yes, its a way of looking at it,but Ill try not to look at it too often.
[VICKI] They didnt have time machines in 1963, they didnt knowanything then.
[IAN] Oh, we werent entirely ignorant, young lady. Even the Doctorthought it was worth paying us a visit. Thats how we got mixed up withhim in the first place.
[BARBARA] The Doctors from a different age, a different planetaltogether.
[VICKI] I dont believe you at all, youre joking with me. The Doctor, atime traveller?
(Bennett's quarters)
[DOCTOR] What have we here? Tape recordings for what?
[BENNETT [OC]] You cant come in.
[VICKI [OC]] Oh yes, I like the Doctor.
(Spaceship living quarters)
[VICKI] Its funny, but as soon as he walked in, Ifelt that you could trust him. But why does he wear those funnyclothes? And that long white hair.
[BARBARA] Vicki, Ive told you, the Doctor comes from another time.
(Bennett's quarters)
[VICKI [OC]] Oh, dont start that again.
[DOCTOR] Silly child, silly child.
[DOCTOR] Intercom systems, tape recordings. Now, I wonder what else,hmm?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I see, an easy way to get out of a locked room.
(Spaceship living quarters)
[IAN] Theyre taking a long time arent they?
[VICKI] I dont think we should disturb them.
[IAN] Well, they can always tell me to go away.
(Spaceship corridor)
[IAN] Doctor? Mister Bennett? Can I come in?Doctor? Doctor!
(Bennett's quarters)
[IAN] Theyve gone!
(Cave passageway)
(Spaceship living quarters)
[BARBARA] But where could they have gone to?
[VICKI] Perhaps Koquillion came.
[IAN] No, we would have heard him. Anyway, the Doctor would surely havewarned us.
[BARBARA] He wouldnt go off without telling us. What do you think weought to do?
[VICKI] I think we should stay here.
[IAN] No. Go back to the Tardis. In the end, the Doctorll make forthat. Come on, quickly.
[DOCTOR] Come in. Come in, wont you? Ive beenwaiting to talk to you.
[DOCTOR] This used to be the Peoples Hall of Judgement. Fitting, in thepresent circumstances dont you think, hmm? Mister Bennett, may Iremind you that masks and robes such as you are wearing are only usedon absolutely ceremonial occasions, hmm?
[BENNETT] Are you finished?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I had hoped that you would continue. This elaborate planmust have been conceived for some reason. What, hmm?
[BENNETT] To save my life. I killed a crewmember on the spaceship toAstra. I was arrested. The ship crashed. My crime hadnt been radioedto Earth. I knew if I could get rid of the other crewmembers.
[DOCTOR] Get rid of the other crewmembers and blame their deaths on theDido people, hmm?
[BENNETT] When we crash landed, the inhabitants invited us all to agrand meeting. It was simple. I just arranged an explosive, using theships armaments. The whole thing went up. All the inhabitants, thecrew, the whole race.
[DOCTOR] You destroyed a whole planet to save your own skin. Youreinsane.
[BENNETT] The girl didnt know Id been arrested. When we get back toEarth, shed support my story. I dressed up as Koquillion to show herhow terrible the people here were.
[DOCTOR] If that happened, your guilt would have been hidden forever,hmm?
[BENNETT] If it happened? Nothing's changed. Theres only three morepeople for Koquillion to kill, thats all.
[BENNETT] No! I thought Id killed all of you!
[BARBARA] Hes coming round.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Barbara, Ian. Were back in the ship, eh?
[IAN] Yes, I took the liberty of borrowing your key.
[BARBARA] Doctor, we found you outside.
[DOCTOR] Yes, thats, they left me outside.
[IAN] They? Who?
[DOCTOR] Oh, er, two strangers. Yes, Bennetts dead. Bennett wasKoquillion, you know.
[IAN] What? Bennett Koquillion?
[IAN] What, well, why, why, Doctor?
[BARBARA] No, no, no, no, not now Ian, Hes in no condition to answerquestions.
[DOCTOR] The girl, Vicki, now. Did you, did you bring her?
[DOCTOR] Where?
[BARBARA] Shes waiting outside.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I must get some fresh air. Yes, I want to have a talk withthat child.
[IAN] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, now dont fuss especially, Im quite all right, my boy.Im quite all right.
[BARBARA] Ian, what about Vicki? I wish we could take her with us. Hmm?Well, we cant leave her here, can we?
[DOCTOR] Thats about what happened, and thatsall.
[VICKI] Then Bennett murdered my father. Then Ive got nobody.
[DOCTOR] My dear. My dear, why dont you come with us, hmm?
[VICKI] In that old box?
[DOCTOR] We can travel anywhere and everywhere in that old box as youcall it. Regardless of space and time.
[VICKI] Then it is a time machine?
[DOCTOR] And if you like adventure, my dear, I can promise you anabundance of it. Apart from all that, well youll be amongst friends.Hmm? Well? Now, suppose I leave you here for a moment to think aboutit, hmm?
[BARBARA] Doctor?
[BARBARA] We were talking about Vicki and we were wondering whether
[IAN] Yes, do you think er, Vicki
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, I can see that weve all reached the samedecision. Now, I suggest we try and get the answer from the child, hmm?Vicki? Vicki, my dear, come in.
[VICKI] But its huge! And, well, the outside is just, well
[BARBARA] Vicki, are you going to come with us?
[VICKI] Oh I, Id like to. Yes, if youll have me.
(Spaceship living quarters)
[CAPTAIN [OC]] Rescue ship to Dido. Rescue ship toDido. Come in please. This is rescue ship calling Dido. Rescue shipcalling Dido.
[CAPTAIN [OC]] Come in please. Dido, can you hear me? This is rescueship calling
[IAN] So there were survivors on Dido? Bennett didnt kill them all?
[DOCTOR] They have their planet back to themselves again. And somehow Idont think they will allow that rescue ship to land. Well.
[IAN] Hmm. That isnt why you brought Vicki along with us, is it Doctor?
[DOCTOR] No, Chesterton, no, it wasnt the reason. We shall bematerialising quite soon. Perhaps we shall be able to get a rest thistime.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s02", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Rescue"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (16 Jan, 1965; First Doctor) - The Romans
[DOCTOR] There we are, safely down.
[IAN] What's that movement, Doctor?
[IAN] Well, surely you can feel it?
[DOCTOR] What movement?
[BARBARA] Doctor! What's happening?
[IAN] Take off again, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Hold on, hold on, hold on!
[DOCTOR] So you're awake at last, young man.
[IAN] No need to say it like that, Doctor. I thought the whole idea ofus coming here was that we should all have a nice rest.
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, there's a great deal of difference between restingand being sort of, bone idle!
[IAN] Well, have a grape.
[DOCTOR] No, thank you, I've had my breakfast.
[IAN] Where are Barbara and Vicki? They gone down to the village? Don'tyou think that plant's had enough water, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] The answer, dear boy, is pipes.
[IAN] Pipes?
[DOCTOR] Pipes, Chesterton, pipes!
[IAN] Oh.
[DOCTOR] You see, the Romans, unfortunately, didn't know how totransport water satisfactorily. That's why they built their aqueducts.Now, if they'd experimented with pipes.
[IAN] Oh, I see what you're getting at, yes.
[DOCTOR] Good, good, yes, yes, they have.
[IAN] I beg your pardon?
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear young man, why do you let your mind wander so? Youasked me just now if Barbara and Vicki had gone down to the village. Igave you a plain and simple answer. Yes, they have.
[VICKI] Come on, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Oh, Vicki, there's no need to be in such a hurry. The villageisn't going to run away. Phew, its so hot.
[VICKI] It's just that I want to get there before the market closes.
[BARBARA] All right, we'll get there, but not so fast.
[VICKI] Oh, come on. Honestly, you're getting as bad as Ian.
[BARBARA] Oh, what's that supposed to mean?
[VICKI] Well, the way you spoke I thought we were going to haveadventures and see things. We've been here nearly a month and alleveryone wants to do is sit around and rest.
[BARBARA] Oh, Vicki. Look, the adventures come without us looking forthem. And you're finding out what it was like to live in Roman times.
[VICKI] Oh, yes, in one little village miles away from Rome.
[VICKI [OC]] How much longer do you think the Doctor will stay here,Barbara?
[BARBARA [OC]] Oh, I've no idea. You can never tell with the Doctor. Youjust have to wait and see.
[VICKI [OC]] What are you going to buy at the market?
(Village market)
[DIDIUS] (a small man with a beard) This is too small a place,Sevcheria. I can't see us finding what we want here.
[SEVCHERIA] (bigger, with a deep voice) It's our last chance beforeRome.
[DIDIUS] Why? We pass through much bigger towns.
[SEVCHERIA] Yes, and with legal representation. If we raid them, therepercussions will put us out of business.
[DIDIUS] Then let's go back.
[SEVCHERIA] Didius, the slaves we've already brought from Gaul are in nocondition for further travel, and the quality is such we shall have totake far below the market price as it is.
[DIDIUS] The two women. Yes, very suitable, I agree. I doubt even thepossibility.
[SEVCHERIA] It will do no harm to make enquiries, Didius.
[VICKI] This would make a nice dress. Don't you think so, Barbara?
[BARBARA] Are you any good at dressmaking?
[VICKI] No, but I thought you might be.
[BARBARA] Oh, I see. Well, what sort of style would you like?
[VICKI] I don't know. What were the fashions like when you left London?
[BARBARA] London? Never heard of it.
[VICKI] But you told me that that's where you came from.
[BARBARA] Ah, you mean Londinium. When in Rome?
[SELLER] (a woman) Can I help you?
[VICKI] Yes, how much is this, please?
[SELLER] Well, now, what would you consider to be a fair price? Bearingin mind it's the only length of its kind and the finest qualityavailable.
[VICKI] Yes, I know but how much are you asking?
[SELLER] Well, its very difficult to put a price on something like this.It's very hard to come by.
[BARBARA] Yes, I'm sure it is. We'll think about it and come back later.
[SELLER] Hey, one moment, please!
[VICKI] Barbara, please, can't we buy it?
[BARBARA] You should have learned by now that the price is much fairerwhen you're not so eager to buy.
[VICKI] What? Can we go back and buy it now?
[BARBARA] No, not just yet.
[SEVCHERIA] Good day to you. A fine selection.
[SELLER] None finer this side of Rome.
[SEVCHERIA] No, thank you. My friend and I are not interested in buyingcloth today. We are buying information.
[DIDIUS] The two who were just here. Do you know them?
[SELLER] By sight, not name.
[DIDIUS] But they do live here?
[SELLER] Yes. They moved into a villa just north of the town about amonth ago. The owner, Flavius Guiscard is away campaigning in Gaul. Wereckon they're friends of his looking after the house.
[SEVCHERIA] How many of them are there?
[SELLER] Four. There are two men with them.
[DIDIUS] Young?
[SELLER] One of them is. They sell the produce of the gardens to thetownsfolk here. Very cheaply too. They must be fools.
[SEVCHERIA] But you've no idea where they come from?
[SELLER] None. At least, not until today. (coin) One of the womenmentioned a town. Londinium, I think she said. Do you know it?
[SEVCHERIA] Thank you. You have been most helpful.
[DIDIUS] The town they spoke of is in a place they call Britannia.
[SEVCHERIA] They are Britons. Perfect.
[DOCTOR] Wonderful feast, my dear. I don't knowwhen I've enjoyed a meal more. What was it?
[BARBARA] Well, the main course was breast of peacock.
[IAN] Delicious.
[BARBARA] With an orange and juniper sauce.
[DOCTOR] Oh, exquisite.
[BARBARA] Garnished with larks tongues and baked pomegranates
[DOCTOR] Oh, fabulous, my dear, absolutely fabulous. What was it we hadbefore, the sort of hors d'oeuvres, so to speak?
[VICKI] That isn't its name. French isn't invented yet.
[DOCTOR] Tut, tut, tut, tut child. Barbara, what was it? Hmm?
[BARBARA] Ant's eggs in hibiscus honey.
[DOCTOR] Oh, absolutely. What did you say?
[IAN] Ant's eggs, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's what I thought she said. Ant's eggs. What do youthink I am, a goldfish, hmm?
[IAN] Doctor, there's one thing I wanted to ask you.
[DOCTOR] Well, go ahead my boy.
[IAN] Now, er, what about the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Well, what about it, hmm?
[IAN] Well, don't you think we ought to go and have a look at it?
[DOCTOR] Oh, so you want to move on, do you?
[IAN] Move on? Certainly not. I'd like to stay here as long as possible.
[DOCTOR] Good, that's settled. Settled. Fine.
[BARBARA] All the same, Doctor, I know what Ian means. It's been threeor four weeks since we left the Tardis.
[IAN] Yes, it's not even the right way up.
[DOCTOR] How many times do I have to tell you that the Tardis is quitesafe where it is. It can take off from any angle. I've never known sucha pair of worriers. Really. Good heavens, I can't wait to get away fora couple of days from you. You keep on and on and on and on and on.Gracious me, really.
[IAN] Going away? Do you know anything about this?
[BARBARA] No. Not a thing.
[IAN] Vicki?
[VICKI] No, he hasn't said anything to me. Can't say I blame him though.
[BARBARA] Blame him for what?
[VICKI] Well, its all right living here, but its boring! No wonder hegets irritable.
[IAN] Ha. That's got nothing to do with living here, believe me. Doctor?You there?
[DOCTOR] Well, I think these should last me two or three days, hmm?
[IAN] You never told us you were going away.
[DOCTOR] Oh? Well, I don't know that I was under any obligation toreport my movements to you, Chesterfield.
[BARBARA] Chesterton.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Barbara's calling you.
[VICKI] Where are you going, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] To Rome, my child.
[VICKI] Oh, can I come with you? I won't be any trouble, I promise. CanI?
[DOCTOR] Well, I.
[VICKI] Please?
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Very well, then, very well,
[IAN] Well, perhaps we'd all better come with you to Rome.
[DOCTOR] But my dear chap, you just turned down my invitation.
[IAN] I did?
[DOCTOR] Yes, you said how glad you would be to stay here as long aspossible.
[BARBARA] Oh no, Doctor, that was before we knew your plans. Don't youthink it would be safer if Ian and I
[DOCTOR] What is this, what is this now? I know what you're insinuating.Yes, that I'm not capable of taking care of myself, ay? Huh! Saferindeed. Afraid to let me out of your sight, are you? Want to be mynursemaids? Well now, let me tell me something. I won't stand for it.Indeed, I will not stand for it. You want to go to Rome? Go. Goyourselves.
[VICKI] Doctor, if you feel that
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course, my dear, come along. Let's set about ourpacking, shall we? Come on, then. Yes, you know, this is going to beyour first exploration. You know, I think you'll like Rome. Rome isfascinating, most interesting. I remember once when I was there and Ispoke to
[BARBARA] Well, I certainly said the wrong thing.
[IAN] Oh, don't worry, Barbara. Anything you'd said would have beenwrong.
[BARBARA] I suppose we're lucky really to have kept him inactive as longas we have.
[IAN] True, true. Still, he can say what he likes. He's enjoyed thisrest as much as any of us.
[IAN] What's the matter? My slip showing?
[BARBARA] No, I was just thinking what a splendid looking Roman youmake.
[IAN] Oh. Well, yes, if I wasn't so modest, I'd agree with you.
[BARBARA] It's a pity there's just one thing out of place.
[IAN] Oh, where?
[BARBARA] That hair.
[IAN] Hmm?
[BARBARA] It just doesn't go with those clothes.
[IAN] Oh, yes, I know that but I
[BARBARA] Come and sit down.
[IAN] Ay?
[BARBARA] Come and sit down.
[IAN] Now just a minute, Barbara.
[BARBARA] It won't hurt, I got it in the market specially.
[IAN] Yes, but which market? (he falls off the seat) Ow!
[BARBARA] Oh, don't be such a baby. Come here.
[IAN] How long do you think the Doctor will be away?
[BARBARA] No idea. Why?
[IAN] Well, the owner of this house could come back before he does. Iouch. That hurts, you know!
[BARBARA] Sorry. Well, if he does come back, we can always go back tothe Tardis. There. How's that?
[IAN] Feels awful.
[BARBARA] Well, why don't you go and look in the spring?
[IAN] Hey. Hey, that's not too bad.
[BARBARA] Well, it's all part of the service. I take in washing too.
[IAN] Not bad at all. (declaims Antony's speech from Act3, Scene 2 of Julius Caesar) Friends, Romans, countrymen!Lend me your ears. I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
[BARBARA] Oh boy, that was a mistake.
[DIDIUS] I've finished feeding them, Sevcheria.
[SEVCHERIA] Good. They need all the fattening they can get.
[SEVCHERIA] Not many in the consignment is there?
[DIDIUS] They're a poor looking bunch.
[SEVCHERIA] Ah well, if we're to get the four from the villa, we'dbetter get moving, Didius.
[SEVCHERIA] As soon as we get back, we'll break camp. We shall be awayfrom here tonight.
[DIDIUS] Before any local enquiries arise, is that the idea?
[SEVCHERIA] We'll make a slave trader of you yet, Didius. Come on, letsget them.
[BARBARA] You know Ian, I could get used to thissort of life.
[IAN] Mmm. I already have. What about another drink?
[BARBARA] Oh, yes, I'd love one. Thank you.
[IAN] No ice, I'm afraid.
[BARBARA] There's some in the fridge.
[IAN] Ah.
[IAN] Very funny, very funny.
[BARBARA] You went!
[IAN] Well, here's to the first fridge.
[BARBARA] Cheers.
[IAN] O tempora, o mores.
[IAN] Did you hear something, Barbara?
[BARBARA] No. Like what?
[IAN] There's someone out there.
[BARBARA] No, you must be imagining things.
[IAN] No, no, I'm not. Who's there? What do you want?
[IAN] Who are you?
[SEVCHERIA] Where are the others?
[BARBARA] They're not here, they've gone away.
[IAN] We can explain, if you put up your swords.
[SEVCHERIA] Did you hear that, Didius? They can explain.
[IAN] Run Barbara!
[BARBARA] Oh, Ian! Ian!
[SEVCHERIA] Lets get them back to the camp.
[BARBARA] Ian, wake up!
[DOCTOR] Well, what have we here?
[VICKI] Just another dreary old statue.
[DOCTOR] No, it might be somebody famous, my child.
[DOCTOR] What's this? Wait there, dear.
[VICKI] Oh, the poor man.
[DOCTOR] Yes, he's dead, and it doesn't look a natural death to me.
[VICKI] It's a lonely stretch of road. Maybe he was set upon by robbers?They did happen in this time, didn't they?
[DOCTOR] They did, my dear, yes, but that isn't the answer here. (picksup the lyre.) They've left his belongings too.
[VICKI] Maybe they didn't have time.
[DOCTOR] Oh, they had plenty of time to drag him off the road.
[VICKI] Doctor, I've seen him before. He was playing in the square whenBarbara and I went to the market.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, there's nothing we can do for him now, my dear. No,nothing at all.
[DOCTOR] Stay here!
[VICKI] Be careful.
[DOCTOR] Good evening. Are you looking for somebody? Something?
[CENTURION] Why, yes, I am.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, do you always wave that sword about like that?
[CENTURION] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, you can easily kill someone. Swords are dangerous, youknow.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, thank you, that's better. Now tell me, whom or what,er, you, er, were you looking for?
[CENTURION] Is that your lyre?
[DOCTOR] Why? Why, have you lost one?
[CENTURION] No, no, only if it is yours?
[DOCTOR] And what if it is, hmm?
[CENTURION] Why, it's you I'm looking for.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Oh, I see. Yes.
[CENTURION] You must be Maximus Pettulian from Corinth, whose skill as amusician is talked of even in Rome.
[DOCTOR] Really? Most interesting.
[CENTURION] We expected you in Assessium yesterday. When you failed toarrive, I sent my men out to search for you. I count it my good fortunethat I've personally found you unharmed.
[DOCTOR] If I am the man you're looking for, tell me why should I beharmed, hmm?
[CENTURION] All roads to Rome are dangerous for travellers. When yousent word that you intended to make your way on foot, playing your lyrefor the people, it caused great concern at court.
[DOCTOR] At court?
[CENTURION] Caesar Nero's court. The Emperor of all Rome is veryconcerned for your safe arrival. He looks forward to discussing yourmusic with you.
[DOCTOR] The Emperor. Nero, eh? Ha, ha, yes, of course, I have heardthat he that he plucks a string or two. Yes, yes. Oh, the child, shetravels with me. She keeps her eye on all the lyres.
[CENTURION] Then if you're ready, we'll travel to Assessium and then mymen will escort you the rest of the way.
[DOCTOR] Very well, we'll just attend to our imprimatur.
[VICKI] Doctor, I know this
[DOCTOR] At court, I must be very important.
[VICKI] Listen, I know he's mistaken you for that man, but we can't gowith him.
[DOCTOR] But why not, my child? I'm sure he knows more about thisbusiness than he admits. And we shall never get a better chance ofmeeting Nero.
[VICKI] But Doctor, you don't even know your own name.
[DOCTOR] Oh, of course I do, my dear. It, it, it, it's
[CENTURION] Maximus Pettulian? If you're ready?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, quite, quite, my child. Yes.
[BUYER] Quite a stroke of luck meeting your trainhere, it'll save me a trip into Rome.
[SEVCHERIA] Always assuming we can reach a satisfactory agreement.
[BUYER] I'll give you a fair price. We need the replacements urgently.
[SEVCHERIA] Three, you say?
[BUYER] Yes. How much for the British woman?
[DIDIUS] More than you can afford, friend.
[SEVCHERIA] The woman goes with us to Rome. You can follow and bid ifyou like.
[BUYER] No harm in asking, I say. All right, three men. Seven hundred.
[DIDIUS] Each?
[IAN] No good. We'll have to try something else.
[IAN] They say we're going to move tonight, Barbara. We'll escape then.
[BARBARA] Will we?
[IAN] Barbara, I know it looks bad, but
[BARBARA] Bad? Have you any idea how the Roman's treated their slaves?Or how many of them escaped? Besides, time is against us.
[IAN] The Doctor.
[BARBARA] I haven't been able to think about anything else. When he andVicki get back from Rome and
[IAN] They'll wait for us. They must wait for us.
[BARBARA] Oh, yes, they'll wait for us. But for how long?
[BUYER] A thousand it is, and I have the choice.
[SEVCHERIA] Thank you. You've done yourself a good nights work.
[BUYER] You're robbing me and you know it.
[SEVCHERIA] Come on, let's inspect the goods.
[BUYER] I'll have these two and that one.
[SEVCHERIA] Don't forget, you can bid for the woman in Rome if you like.
[IAN] Rome. I'll look for you in Rome.
[BUYER] Rome? I shan't be going anywhere near Rome. Come on then, march!
[BARBARA] Ian! Ian!
(Assessium Villa)
[CENTURION] You fool! I went to where the body should have been andthere he was alive.
[CENTURION] Nero pays well when better musicians than he are put out ofthe way, and you failed, you fool. But you're lucky this time. Ibrought him back here so you have another chance to earn your fee. Takeit. Maximus Pettulian is in the room above. Fail me again and you'lllose more than your tongue.
(Assessium Villa - upstairs)
[DOCTOR [OC]] I'm sure even Nero can play better than that!
(Assessium Villa - Doctor's room)
[DOCTOR] The answer is of course, is not to be caught playing it!
[DOCTOR] Oh, so you want a fight do you?
[DOCTOR] Come on, my friend. What's the matter with you?
[VICKI] Doctor, what's happening?
[DOCTOR] Young lady, why did you have to come in and interrupt? Just asI'd got him all softened up and ready for the old one, two.
[VICKI] You're all right then?
[DOCTOR] All right? Of course, I'm all right, my child. You know, I amso constantly outwitting the opposition, I tend to forget the delightsand satisfaction of the arts, the gentle art of fisticuffs.
[VICKI] I realise you're a man of many talents, Doctor, but I didn'tknow fighting was one of them.
[DOCTOR] My dear, I am one of the best. Do you know it was I that usedto teach the Mountain Mauler of Montana!
[VICKI] The what?
[DOCTOR] Do you remember? Have you never heard? No, of course, no, no,of course you haven't, have you? No. Well, never mind, I think afterall that wonderful exercise, I shall be able to get a very pleasantnight's sleep. Right, off you go. Goodnight.
[VICKI] But Doctor, surely we're not going to stay here?
[DOCTOR] Why not? What, him? Oh, my dear child, I don't think he'll comeback again. Oh, no. I think I can promise you that.
[VICKI] Oh, Doctor, I was coming to tell you another thing. You know theCenturion who brought us here? He seems to have gone, too.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm not surprised. It was he who obviously hired the manto kill me. Or rather to kill this fellow, Maximus what is it? Er.
[VICKI] Pettulian.
[DOCTOR] What?
[VICKI] Pettulian.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course, yes. I must remember that name. Yes.Goodnight.
[VICKI] But Doctor, if he wanted you dead, why didn't he take care of ithimself?
[DOCTOR] Because this way he couldn't be charged with crime.
[VICKI] Yes, but if you were going to be killed anyway, I can't see thatit
[DOCTOR] My dear, it was an accepted thing in this age to hire anassassin. Preferably, preferably someone dumb, and then he couldn'tdenounce you.
[VICKI] Ah, so he must have been looking in the bushes for the body whenwe first met him.
[DOCTOR] Just as I suspected at the time. Now, goodnight. And remember,we make an early start tomorrow.
[VICKI] You don't mean to say we're going on?
[DOCTOR] Oh, goodness me, goodness me, child, how you do talk. Yes, weare.
[VICKI] But they might try and kill you again.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course they might. But who am I to worry about suchlittle things like that, hmm? Now then, there's one thing you've got tolearn about me. When I say we go to Rome, then we go to Rome.Goodnight.
[SEVCHERIA] Wait here.
[BARBARA] Look, there's no more walking. You can rest now.
[WOMAN] Thank you, you're kind. You're very kind.
[SEVCHERIA] I'll have to see about getting you some new clothes.
[BARBARA] You needn't bother.
[SEVCHERIA] Ah, it's not for your sake. I want you looking special atthe slave auction.
[WOMAN] Have we arrived? Is this Rome?
[BARBARA] Yes, this is Rome. How are you feeling? Are you morecomfortable now?
[WOMAN] Much better. It's just this cough. It was a long march. Thirtyfour days it took us.Thirty four days. You said your friend would meet you here.
[WOMAN] Yes. On the road. You told me all about him.
[BARBARA] Yes, Ian.
[WOMAN] Strange name. I've never heard of it before. I hopes he findsyou.
[BARBARA] If I ever see him again.
[MASTER] (to the beat of a drum) In, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in,out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in. Rest. That's right, make the bestof it. There's supposed to be bad weather coming up.
[IAN] Five days, Delos. Five whole days.
[DELOS] Days, they soon melt into weeks, then months, then years.
[IAN] I've got to get away from here.
[DELOS] There's land, Ian. Ian, there's land. (everyone peers out of therowlocks) It's a long way.
[IAN] I'm not a great swimmer Delos, but I'll take any risks, believeme.
[DELOS] If the plan works.
[IAN] Ah, there's only one way to find out, isn't there?
[IAN] Galley master! Galley master! He's dead. Dead!
[MASTER] Move away, let me see.
[MASTER] You'll have to do better than that.
[DELOS] You alright, Ian?
[MASTER] Right! Prepare your oars. Ready? Row!
[MASTER] In, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out.
[BARBARA] But you must try and eat something.
[WOMAN] There's not enough for two. Besides, I bain't hungry.
[BARBARA] Oh, come on. Look, don't be silly.
[WOMAN] Thank 'ee.
[TAVIUS] What's your name young woman? Where do you come from? Youngwoman, I want to help you. Of course, you have to trust me.
[BARBARA] Would I, would I get out of here?
[TAVIUS] Oh yes.
[BARBARA] And be free to go where I choose?
[TAVIUS] No, I'm afraid not, you see, I should have to buy you. Nowplease, let me explain.
[BARBARA] I'm not interested.
[TAVIUS] But you will be when you hear my proposal.
[BARBARA] Oh, go away. I don't have to listen to you.
[SEVCHERIA] Greetings, Tavius.
[TAVIUS] That young woman. How much?
[SEVCHERIA] I'm sorry, Tavius. No private sales. She's to be sold byauction.
[TAVIUS] I'll give you a fair price.
[SEVCHERIA] Oh, I believe you would, but the answer's still no.
[TAVIUS] You think you'll get a higher figure than I can pay you?
[SEVCHERIA] We shall see at the auction then, won't we Tavius?
[SEVCHERIA] Here. (gives her a new dress)
[BARBARA] There's only one. What about her?
[SEVCHERIA] She won't be wanting any new clothes.
[BARBARA] Why not? Where's she going?
[SEVCHERIA] She wouldn't fetch any price at all at the auction. She's tobe taken to the circus and thrown in the arena.
[MASTER] In, out. If anyone breaks time, they'll be thrown overboard.
[DELOS] I can't take much more of this, Ian!
[MASTER] In, out, row harder. Row harder, do you hear! In, out!
[IAN] Keep rowing, Delos!
[DELOS] I can't!
[IAN] Put your hands over the oars, or he'll kill you!
[MASTER] In, out, in, out, in, out! Keep rowing, keep rowing, do youhear! In, out, in, out, in, out! Keep rowing.
[IAN] This could be our change to get out of here.
[DELOS] Get ready.
(Market place)
[VICKI] Isn't it wonderful, Doctor/ Can we explore?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't see why not, my child. For a while, anyway. Then wemust present our credentials so to speak, before night falls.
[VICKI] You're not planning to visit Nero?
[DOCTOR] Now, now, now, now, don't tell me what I'm not going to do.I've been invited. I can't disappoint Nero.
[VICKI] What's going on over there, Doctor?
[VICKI] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Oh, er, nothing to interest you, my dear. We're going to Rome.Come along, don't let us delay.
[SEVCHERIA] I am delighted, gentlemen, to see how much you haveappreciated today's merchandise. Let us prove how much so when youbegin the bidding. Very well, gentlemen. How many sestertia am I bidfor this fine female example of the beautiful, hard working, Britannicrace?
[1ST MAN] Five hundred!
[SEVCHERIA] Come, come sir. We all enjoy a good joke, but today we areinterested in serious offers only.
[SEVCHERIA] Take note gentlemen, of the fiery spirit. Think about yourbids the double it.
[2ND MAN] Two thousand sestertia.
[1ST MAN] Two thousand, five hundred.
[SEVCHERIA] Nearly a good offer, gentlemen, but come, you can do betterthan that.
[TAVIUS] Ten thousand.
[MEN] What? Who said that? (mutter, mutter)
[SEVCHERIA] Ten thousand? You go to Tavius after all, my dear.
[IAN] Oh, Delos.
[DELOS] Now you've come to, we'd better get these off. I've found acouple of rocks. You've er, you've been unconscious a long time, Ian. Iwas beginning to worry.
[IAN] What happened? I remember the storm.
[DELOS] Oh, the ship was smashed to pieces and you were struck by somefalling timber.
[IAN] Oh, that's what it was, eh?
[DELOS] Do you remember when you grabbed the Galley Master?
[IAN] Yes. Yes, I remember that.
[DELOS] Well, I got the key from him and I managed to free us. Exceptfor our wrists. Afterwards I managed to get to here. The ship wentdown.
[IAN] You saved my life, Delos.
[DELOS] Yes, well, lets get on with these, shall we? Ready?
[IAN] Ready?
[DELOS] There we are.
[IAN] Thanks.
[DELOS] Just one more. I've, managed to look around. We must besomewhere near Rome.
[IAN] Yes, we can't be far away. The boat was heading south. Perhaps wewere going there.
[DELOS] Perhaps. You ready?
[IAN] Yes.
[DELOS] There we are. You feel all right? To travel I mean. We must getaway from here.
[IAN] Yes, yes, I feel all right.
[DELOS] Oh good. I think it's better if we stick together. Now if wehead north we can
[IAN] Sorry, Delos. I'm going to Rome.
[DELOS] Rome? But Ian, you're mad.
[IAN] You don't have to come, but I have a friend who was taken there. Ihave to find her.
[DELOS] Rome?
(Palace chamber)
[TAVIUS] So you see, young woman, that's the wholestory. I saw you with that poor woman slave, and it was then that Irealised by the way that you were looking after her, that I should haveto help you.
[BARBARA] Why, I only did what most people would have done.
[TAVIUS] Now, now. No, I think not. Most people under such circumstanceswould have looked after themselves. No, you're kind and considerate.
[BARBARA] Thank you.
[TAVIUS] Unfortunately, I'm not able to give you your freedom. You'llstill be a slave, but at least here in Nero's house, as a servant ofPoppea, life will be more pleasant than it could have been.
[BARBARA] I'm grateful for what you've done, but I must tell you that Ihave no intention of staying here.
[TAVIUS] Escape, you mean? Well, of course, I can't stop you but, Ithink you should consider it very carefully. If you should escape andyou're recaptured, it would mean your death.
[BARBARA] Yes, I know.
[TAVIUS] I only select and buy the slaves. Fortunately, I'm notanswerable for them.
[MESSENGER] Maximus Pettulian from Corinth has arrived, sire, and with asmall girl. He requests an audience with Caesar Nero.
[TAVIUS] Pettulian? Very well, ask him to come in.
[TAVIUS] No, wait. On second thoughts, perhaps it would be better if Icame out to see him.
[MESSENGER] As you will.
[TAVIUS] You'll excuse me.
[TAVIUS] I'll instruct you in your duties later.
(Reception hall)
[DOCTOR] I shouldn't think there's a soul in thisplace that knows me, my dear, so there's no cause for you to worry.
[VICKI] I'll try not to, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it isn't a matter of trying, my dear.
[TAVIUS] Psst. Psst.
[DOCTOR] if I say, and don't make that funny noise.
[VICKI] But.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? What is it?
[TAVIUS] Maximus Pettulian.
[VICKI] That's you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, yes.
[TAVIUS] I am Tavius. There was trouble, but I settled it.
[DOCTOR] What's happened?
[TAVIUS] He's in the apoditarium.
[DOCTOR] The apodi-what?
[TAVIUS] The apoditarium.
[DOCTOR] Oh really, well done, well done, yes.
[MESSENGER] Caesar Nero, Emperor of all Rome!
[VICKI] Nero. I'm going to see Nero.
[DOCTOR] (quietly) Royal felicitations.
[VICKI] Oh, strentiatum.
[NERO] Someone spoke. Did I give permission to speak? Tavius, did I givepermission?
[DOCTOR] Caesar Nero, I
[NERO] Now he's at it! How am I supposed to compose with all this noisegoing on?
[TAVIUS] Maximus Pettulian.
[NERO] Maximus Pettulian. He's Maximus Pettulian?
[NERO] The lyre player from Corinth?
[DOCTOR] In person.
[NERO] Play.
[NERO] Play.
[DOCTOR] With such a great musician as yourself present, I would takethe inspiration from your example, sire.
[NERO] Oh. A stool.
[NERO] Oh, this is an inferior instrument, I cannot. Bring the imperiallyre.
[DOCTOR] Beautiful, beautiful. Did you not hear that, my child? Thatinstant composition?
[VICKI] Oh, yes, er, Maximus. Could you play it?
[DOCTOR] Me? Well, I'll try, that is, with Caesar's permission.
[DOCTOR] That is the best I can do, I'm afraid.
[VICKI] Oh, no, it wasn't as good.
[NERO] Oh, of course it wasn't.
[NERO] Try this one.
[DOCTOR] That your excellency would be an impossibility. After suchexquisite playing, I cannot presume. It would be out of the question.May I suggest that this instrument goes to your temple?
[DOCTOR] To the temple.
[NERO] And the imperial footstool. Have your, eaten, Maximus?
[NERO] Tigilinus.
[NERO] We will talk and play together later, Maximus, when you haveeaten and practiced.
[DOCTOR] Well, I must say, I got out of that one rather well, hmm?
[VICKI] What happens when he asks you to play next time?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Hmm?
[DELOS] Well, here were are Ian, Rome. Now what?
[IAN] To tell you the truth, Delos, I hadn't really thought.
[DELOS] Well, I suggest you start. We don't exactly look likerespectable citizens of the capital.
[IAN] No. Well, first of all lets find somewhere to clean up, ay, and Isuppose Barbara must have been sold. We'll make a start there.
[DELOS] It'll be hopeless. I must, there must
[IAN] You don't have to come, Delos.
[DELOS] I know, I know, but, well luck's been with us so far. Who's tosay it won't hold?
[IAN] Good man. Come on.
[VICKI] Well, this seems to be the apoditarium. Iwonder what Tavius meant?
[DOCTOR] Oh, how should I know, my child? I can't for the life of meunderstand why I agreed to come here.
[VICKI] Because you're as curious as I am.
[DOCTOR] Me, curious? Huh, nonsense. Someone made a mistake. He thoughthe was talking with somebody else, I shouldn't wonder.
[VICKI] Well, we might as well have a look round now we're here.
[DOCTOR] What?
[VICKI] Or would you rather we forgot?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. We may as well look around, as you say.
[DOCTOR] Strange, very strange.
[VICKI] Oh, Doctor, that's the Centurion who found us and brought us tothe house.
[DOCTOR] I'm quite aware of that, my child, but what does it all mean?What does it all mean, hmm?
[SEVCHERIA] I don't know what all the fuss isabout. You're lucky the soldiers brought you to me.
[IAN] Lucky? That's hardly the word I'd use.
[SEVCHERIA] Well, you know as well as I do, escaped slaves are put todeath automatically. This way at least you'll have a chance of fightingfor your freedom.
[IAN] A chance? How?
[SEVCHERIA] By putting on a good show in the arena, and hoping Nero's ina benevolent mood.
[IAN] The arena?
[DELOS] Well, it sounds as if we're going to be trained as gladiators.
[IAN] Yes, but to fight what? Listen!
[DOCTOR] Oh, good morning, my dear. Did you sleep well?
[VICKI] Yes, thanks. Did you?
[DOCTOR] Oh, so, so. I must confess, I've been giving a great deal ofthought to that business of yesterday and
[TAVIUS] Psst!
[DOCTOR] Oh, there's our hissing friend again. Well? Well?
[TAVIUS] I haven't got long, so listen carefully. I've managed to getrid of that body and I don't think anyone suspects. But if you delayyour action, it will be safer.
[DOCTOR] Which part of my action would you like me to put into effectfirst, hmm?
[TAVIUS] Why, I leave that to you.
[DOCTOR] You, know my plans, of course?
[TAVIUS] Of course, of course, yes. But I don't know the exact details.I must go. I'll try and see you later.
[DOCTOR] There's some sort of conspiracy going on, my child, and I'vedecided for my own sake I must get to the bottom of it. The more I, thesooner I do it, the better.
[VICKI] All right. See you later.
[DOCTOR] Yes, hmm, what? Where are you going?
[VICKI] Oh, nowhere special. Just exploring.
[DOCTOR] Very well, but don't leave the palace. It's big enough to getlost in anyway. And remember, we're only here as observers. We must notinterfere with the course of progress, or try to accelerate man'sachievements or progress.
[VICKI] Oh, I'll do what you say, Doctor, but it does seem a bit of awaste. Bye.
[DOCTOR] Bye, yes. Well, I suppose the quickest way is to the top. Hmm.I must have a word with Nero.
(Poppaea's chamber)
[NERO] We must give him some sort of incentive.
[POPPAEA] Darling, you are the Emperor. I should think your commandwould be good enough.
[NERO] It should be, shouldn't it.
[POPPAEA] Dearest, which one do you think I should wear?
[NERO] Oh, that one.
[POPPAEA] Oh, really? I would have preferred the other but if youinsist.
[NERO] It's quite a problem, Poppaea.
[POPPAEA] Yes, both broaches are very attractive.
[NERO] No, I was referring to my problem. Naturally, I appreciate thefeelings of my fellow artists. When Maximus Pettulion plays for thecourt of Rome, he must have the centre of the stage. He will receivethe same rapt and hushed attention that I do when I put on a recital.Well, nearly the same rapt attention as when I play.
[POPPAEA] Why not hold a banquet this evening? Maximus can provide theentertainment.
[NERO] Wonderful idea. A banquet in his honour. But I'd already thoughtof it, as a matter of fact.
[POPPAEA] You'd better inform him of the arrangements.
[NERO] Come in. Tigilinus, get off my bed.
[NERO] Yes, Tavius?
[TAVIUS] Caesar Nero, we have an audience with the Empress.
[NERO] We?
[POPPAEA] Dearest, you were on your way to see Maximus.
[NERO] Oh! Yes. Oh, get out of the way, Tavius.
[POPPAEA] Yes, what is it, Tavius?
[TAVIUS] I have a new attendant for your staff, Madame.
[POPPAEA] My husband, Caesar Nero, seemed quite taken with you.
[BARBARA] Oh? Did he, Madame?
[POPPAEA] I like being Empress and I intend to remain so.
[BARBARA] Yes, Madame, of course.
[POPPAEA] Good. As long as you understand the position. Now for yourfirst task you can clear away my things.
[BARBARA] Yes, Madame.
[POPPAEA] I shall be in the outer room if you require me.
[BARBARA] I'll just clear these things away, Madame.
[NERO] Yoo hoo!
[NERO] I've been waiting for you. I'm coming after you.
[NERO] Tigilinus, go away. Leave me alone. You shan't get away from me!
(Locusta's workshop)
[LOCUSTA] What do you want, child?
(Palace corridor)
[DOCTOR] Oh, Nero, I'd like a word with you.
[NERO] Which way did she go?
[DOCTOR] I beg your pardon?
[NERO] Anyway, I wanted to have a word with you, Maximus. But it canwait, Maximus, it can wait.
[DOCTOR] Extraordinary fellow. What an extraordinary fellow.
(Locusta's workshop)
[LOCUSTA] So you've arrived with the great Maximus Pettulion, have you?The court just cannot wait to hear him play, my dear.
[VICKI] They may have to. What are you doing now, Locusta?
[LOCUSTA] Preparing a very special poison, my child. I can guarantee itseffect on the victim.
[VICKI] And who's that? The victim, I mean?
[LOCUSTA] I've no idea, Vicki, nobody's ordered it yet. But they will,they will.
[VICKI] I must say, you've got a very unusual sort of a job.
[LOCUSTA] It has its responsibilities. Official poisoner to the court ofCaesar Nero. Yes, very responsible.
[VICKI] It must be dangerous too.
[LOCUSTA] Great Jupiter, no. I never drink any of my potions.
[VICKI] No. But I mean, if you poison somebody, don't they take theirrevenge?
[LOCUSTA] Always. That's why I'm kept so busy.
[VICKI] But, I mean, you
[LOCUSTA] Oh, I see. You mean revenge against me? Oh no, no. I mean,it's nothing to do with me personally, is it?
[VICKI] I suppose not, if you say so. But, the citizens of Rome, don'tthey object?
[LOCUSTA] To me? No. It's an accepted thing, isn't it? Almost atradition, in fact, that the family of Caesar want to murder eachother. After all, everybody would like to be Caesar of Rome, wouldn'tthey? I wonder who'll have the honour of being given this?
(Palace corridor)
[NERO] Cornered at last. (someone grabs his cloak) Tigilinus, if youdon't leave me alone, you will be sent to feed the lions. Now go away!
(Poppaea's chamber)
[NERO] Got you! Now, young woman, surely youwouldn't refuse me, Claudius Nero, a teeny weeny kiss?
[BARBARA] Shouldn't you think about what your wife would say?
[NERO] Poppaea? Oh, she wouldn't hear of such a thing. (and falls overthe couch)
[NERO] Maximus. Go away.
(Palace corridor)
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm so sorry, Madame. I wanted a word with Nero, but I'llcome back later. He seems to be rather busy.
(Poppaea's chamber)
[NERO] Got you!
[NERO] Poppaea, darling. Hello.
[POPPAEA] Enjoying yourself, dearest?
[NERO] Hmm? (to Barbara, who has rolled onto the floor) Oh, I'm sosorry. I didn't know we you were there. Did you want something?
[NERO] I've got the most terrible headache, darling. I simply had to liedown.
[NERO] Extraordinary thing. That strange young woman has been chasing meround all morning.
[DELOS] Don't you want this?
[IAN] No, no, thank you.
[DELOS] You sure, Ian?
[WOMAN] Ian? Is your name Ian?
[IAN] Yes, it is.
[WOMAN] You were planning to meet a woman here? Her name were Barbara.
[IAN] Barbara? Well, where is she now?
[WOMAN] I'm sorry. I don't know.
[IAN] But you just said her name. You must know where she is.
[WOMAN] She were here with me but they took her away to the auction.They never come back. I suppose she were sold. IAN
(Palace Baths)
[NERO] Idiot! Fool! I'll teach you to boil me alive! Guards! Guards! Youmaniac! Guards! Come here! (takes a sword from a guard) Oh, wait till Iget hold of you, I'll teach you. Get out of my way, Maximus! Did yousee what he did?
[DOCTOR] Of course I did, yes, of course I did. Take him away and banishhim, and don't let him ever appear again here ever. Ever!
[DOCTOR] I congratulate you, Nero, the way you handled that stupidfellow! Why, dear, it was most impressive!
[NERO] Oh, I'm glad you noticed.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. It was enormous control.
[NERO] You understand, of course, I only took the sword to frighten him?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I noticed that, of course, immediately. Yes.
[NERO] I was going to do something, you know.
[DOCTOR] You did say that perhaps we could have a little talk in here.
[NERO] Oh, of course I did, yes, indeed, yes. Did I say what about?
[DOCTOR] Not a word but I did want to ask you something now.
[NERO] Oh? What?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. On my arrival, I was rather under the impression thatthere was some sort of intrigue going on here, hmm?
[NERO] Well, nobody said anything to me. Nobody said a word and I amalways informed of intrigues. Who was it?
[DOCTOR] Oh it's just a feeling, just a feeling, you know. After all, Imean, a musician with your skill, well, surely you've experiencedtroubled vibrations?
[NERO] Troubled vibrations? Oh, well, of course! Yes!
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'd rather thought you'd had it, hmm?
[NERO] Oh I have had it! Yes! No, I thought maybe it was just because Iwas feeling hungry, you know. Ah, that was it! There is a banquettonight and you are invited.
[DOCTOR] Oh, how charming of you! Thank you. I'm delighted, delighted.
[NERO] It'll be a splendid audience for your first concert.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I rather thought it might be.
(Locusta's workshop)
[POPPAEA] You understand what you must do, Locusta?
[LOCUSTA] Yes Madame. Get the attendant to serve these drinks to CaesarNero when he's with your new slave.
[POPPAEA] Correct. And she is to have the special one. Come with me,I'll point her out to you. That'll put paid to any ambitions she has tobe Empress.
(Banqueting hall)
[NERO] The preparations for the banquet are underway, Maximus. You will have to play as you have never played before.
[DOCTOR] Too true! Too true so I shall.
[NERO] Poppaea, my darling.
[POPPAEA] Dearest, I do wish you could find time to look in thebanqueting hall.
[NERO] Oh?
[POPPAEA] I think the arrangements are suitable but you have much moreartistic appreciation for that sort of thing.
[NERO] Of course I have. I'll see to it at once. Excuse me.
[DOCTOR] Pardon me, Madame. I must go about my business.
[VICKI] Hello Doctor. Solved your problem?
[DOCTOR] No, I haven't, child, no. I raised the question with ourillustrious Caesar but I'm afraid that was a mistake.
[VICKI] That's rare for you isn't it.
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Have you explored the court, hmm?
[VICKI] Yes, its marvellous. Oh, and guess what?
[DOCTOR] What? Haven't any idea.
[VICKI] There's going to be a feast tonight.
[DOCTOR] Oh, so I heard, my dear. Yes, so I heard. And there's going tobe rather an unusual entertainer.
[VICKI] Who?
(Banqueting hall)
[NERO] Oh, there you are. Now, close you eyes andNero will give you a big surprise.
[BARBARA] Pardon?
[NERO] Close your eyes. Caesar orders it.
[NERO] There. Well, aren't you going to thank me for the present?
[NERO] Go away!
[BARBARA] (taking the goblets) I would like to drink to your health,Caesar Nero.
[NERO] Oh, would you? Oh, well, very well.
[DOCTOR] So, you've had a busy day, Vicki? Hmm?
[VICKI] Yes, it was. Oh, something else I forgot to tell you. I thinkI've poisoned Nero.
[DOCTOR] Really. What?
[VICKI] Well, I didn't actually do it, but his wife was going to murdersome poor slave or other and I didn't see why that should happen, so Ithought
[DOCTOR] For heavens sake, child, keep quiet. What did you do?
[VICKI] Well, I swapped the drinks round.
[DOCTOR] And I told you not to interfere with history. Come along,quickly, quickly child!
(Banqueting hall)
[NERO] You must wait upon me personally at thebanquet tonight, my dear. I
[BARBARA] You must excuse me.
[DOCTOR] Caesar Nero! Don't drink!
[NERO] Why not?
[DOCTOR] I have every reason to believe that drink is poisoned! Yes,thank heavens I got you in time.
[NERO] My dear Maximus. You've probably saved my life. If only I couldlay my hands on whoever was responsible.
[DOCTOR] Quite so, quite so. And now, if you'll excuse us, I have topractice. A great deal of practice before tonight's recital.
[NERO] Tigilinus?
[NERO] He was right.
[DELOS] I wish you'd sit down.
[IAN] There must be something we can do, Delos.
[DELOS] We can. Wait.
[IAN] When we get out of here, I'm going to comb all the slave markets,question everybody. Someone must remember her.
[DELOS] Ian, you've got to worry about yourself. Otherwise, it's thearena and then (thumbs down)
(Locusta's workshop)
[POPPAEA] You stupid fool! There's no answer tofailure!
[LOCUSTA] But I would have sworn
[POPPAEA] I feel tired of your feeble excuses. Guards! Guards! Take her!You can save your screams for the arena. Now take her away. Get herout!
(Banqueting hall)
[DOCTOR] If he goes on eating, there won't beenough.
[TAVIUS] More wine, Maximus? Everything's set for tomorrow. Be ready.
[DOCTOR] Of course, of course. But I must ask you if
[VICKI] What does he mean, Doctor? Maximus?
[DOCTOR] I've no idea what he's talking about, child.
[VICKI] Well, then, how are you going to get out of the concert thisevening?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm not.
[VICKI] But you can't play the lyre, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Can't I, child? Can't I?
[VICKI] You can't possibly do.
[POPPAEA] She isn't here, dearest.
[NERO] Mmm? Who?
[POPPAEA] The new girl. I'm keeping her very busy.
[NERO] New girl? Oh, her. Oh, my dear, she was miles from my thoughts. Iwas looking to see if everybody had finished. Silence! There will nowbe a further feast of music. I give you the great Corinthian lyreplayer, Maximus Pettulion!
[DOCTOR] Thank you! You are all so kind. With Caesar's permission? Iwould like to play my new composition in honour of this occasion. Themusic is so soft, so delicate, that only those with keen perceptivehearing, will be able to distinguish this melodious charm of music.
[NERO] (to Poppea) Psst. He's all right, but he's not all that good.
[ALL] (cheers) Bravo!
[VICKI] Doctor, it was wonderful. Wonderful.
[DOCTOR] It's the old fairy story, child. The Emperor's New Clothes.Yes, I gave it as an idea to Hans Anderson.
[NERO] How dare he. How dare he make a fool of me.He must know that I am the greatest talent in the world. No one getsapplause like that except me. I'll teach him a lesson. It's a wonderfulidea. Hardly surprising, I have a creative mind. I'll put it intooperation at once. Guards!
(Poppaea's chamber)
[NERO] Tell my wife, tell Poppaea that I have goneto the gladiatorial school. No, better than that. You come with me.
[NERO] No. No arguments! I won't have any arguments. Tell me, have youever seen a fight?
[BARBARA] No, I haven't.
[NERO] Then I will arrange one while we're there. I feel like seeingsomeone hurt myself tonight. Come, quickly.
[IAN] What's this for?
[SEVCHERIA] The Caesar Nero wants you to put on a fight for him.
[IAN] A fight? Against what?
[SEVCHERIA] Each other.
[IAN] And if we refuse?
[SEVCHERIA] He'll have you killed. This way at least, one of you has achance. A good winner sometimes earns his freedom.
[DELOS] I'm going to fight you, Ian.
[IAN] Are you, Delos?
[DELOS] You're my friend, remember that. But as he says, at least thisway one of us has a chance.
[IAN] By killing the other.
[DELOS] I promise you one thing. If I win, I'll make it quick for you.
[NERO] The real reason for this visit, Sevcheria,is for you to arrange an appearance for Maximus Pettulion in the arena.
[SEVCHERIA] The lyre player?
[NERO] Yes, he's at the court. I wish to arrange for him to appear inthe circus for the people of Rome.
[SEVCHERIA] Oh, they'll appreciate that, Caesar Nero.
[NERO] Yes, they'll appreciate it even more when you set the lions onhim in the middle of his wretched performance.
[SEVCHERIA] The lions?
[NERO] That's what I said, the lions. He humiliated me, that's what hedid. He humiliated me.
[SEVCHERIA] Maximus Pettulion?
[NERO] They all applauded as though it was me.
[NERO] Well, commence the fight!
[NERO] Why didn't he kill him? The fool, why didn't he kill him?
[NERO] Cut off his head.
[NERO] Kill him! Kill him!
[NERO] Guards! Guards!
[IAN] Look out, Delos!
[NERO] That's better, my dear. Now they really are fighting for theirlives.
[NERO] Get up, you coward, and fight. Get up! Your Caesar commands it!
[DELOS] Ian! We can get out this way!
[IAN] Come on, Barbara!
[BARBARA] I can't, Ian! I can't!
[NERO] Kill them! Kill them!
[BARBARA] Run quickly!
[SEVCHERIA] After them!
[IAN] I'll come back for you somehow!
[SEVCHERIA] After them!
[NERO] You'll never catch them now.
[SEVCHERIA] Back to your posts.
[NERO] I'll teach you to turn against me.
[SEVCHERIA] We could have caught them, Caesar Nero.
[NERO] Oh, you'd never have stood a chance in the street outside. ButI'll see them dead. I'll see them dead.
[SEVCHERIA] You think they'll come back, Caesar Nero?
[NERO] For her. And when they do, you'll recognise them. Take my guardsand bring them to me.
[SEVCHERIA] I understand, Caesar Nero.
[NERO] If you succeed, you will be rewarded. If you fail, you die. (toBarbara) So you are a friend of the gladiators, are you? Give me yoursword.
[NERO] He didn't fight hard enough.
(Poppaea's chamber)
[TAVIUS] You sent for me, madame?
[POPPAEA] Tavius, yes. Come here. The new slave you bought for me.
[TAVIUS] Yes, madame.
[POPPAEA] I find her unsatisfactory. Get rid of her.
[TAVIUS] Of course, as soon as I can find a replacement.
[POPPAEA] Immediately. If she's not out of the palace today, I'll takemy own measures. And they'll be successful this time.
[TAVIUS] But the Caesar Nero
[POPPAEA] How dare you speak to me like that. My orders are to becarried out, otherwise your own life will be in danger.
[BARBARA] Tavius, I've been looking for youeverywhere.
[BARBARA] Is there anyone inside?
[BARBARA] Well, I think it would be safer if we talked in there.
[BARBARA] Tavius, I'm desperate. You're the onlyone I can turn to. I can't move anywhere in the palace. The guardswatch me all the time.
[TAVIUS] Now, please, slowly. I don't understand.
[BARBARA] Well, you remember when you first brought me here?
[BARBARA] I told you that I didn't intend to stay.
[BARBARA] Well, that time has come. I was planning to leave. A friend ofmine, Ian, is coming to collect me.
[TAVIUS] Go on.
[BARBARA] Well, Nero's found out about it and he intends to use me totrap Ian.
[TAVIUS] I see. When's your friend coming?
[BARBARA] I think it's tonight.
[TAVIUS] Good. Now don't worry. I'll think of something, I promise you.Everything will be all right.
[BARBARA] What can I say? I can't repay you.
[TAVIUS] I need no reward. Besides, I have my own reason for helpingyou. Poppaea instructed me to dismiss you. I shall say I did.
[BARBARA] Thank you, Tavius. You've given me new hope. Oh, do you knowMaximus Pettulion?
[TAVIUS] Yes. Yes, I do. Why?
[BARBARA] Nero is planning an appearance for him in the arena. It seems
(Palace walls)
[SEVCHERIA] Two off. March!
[SEVCHERIA] One off. March!
[SEVCHERIA] Two off. March!
[TAVIUS] Maximus Pettulion to appear in the arena?
[BARBARA] Tavius. They're posting the guard. It must be to trap Ian.
[DELOS] If we've got to waste time until tonight, Isuggest we get undercover.
[IAN] It's sometimes safer to hide in the open, Delos.
[DELOS] We won't get near the palace, you know that. Nero heard youshout. They'll be waiting.
[IAN] Perhaps, but I've got a friend who specialises in trouble. Hedives in and usually finds a way. I think I'll take a leaf out of hisbook for once. Come on.
(Nero's chamber)
[DOCTOR] You know what this is, child, don't you, hmm?
[VICKI] Plans?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Caesar Nero made it. The rebuilding of Rome. Let me see,where are we now? 64AD, July. Yes, of course. He sets fire to Rome.
[VICKI] I know about that, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, he must, I expect his plan will be ready at any time now.
[TAVIUS] Psst. Maximus!
[DOCTOR] Must you hiss my name from all corners, hmm?
[TAVIUS] I'm sorry, but I have news.
[TAVIUS] Nero has arranged for you to play in the arena.
[DOCTOR] Oh, has he now? Well, I must have misjudged the fellow.
[TAVIUS] And as you play the lions will be released.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that will be charming.
[TAVIUS] Well, obviously you must leave here before this concert.
[DOCTOR] Oh, obviously, hmm.
[TAVIUS] So if you still intend to carry on with your plan, today isyour last chance to kill Nero.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes. Kill Nero? I beg your pardon?
[TAVIUS] Maximus, when you first sent word from Corinth of yourintention to murder the Caesar Nero, I informed your allies in thecourt.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, you did, did you? Yes.
[TAVIUS] Then, when the assassins left here to waylay you on yourjourney, naturally I thought that was the end.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but I arrived here, hmm?
[TAVIUS] Yes, Maximus, you arrived here.
[DOCTOR] And the Centurion who was killed by my allies, was the man thatknew all about my plans and Nero didn't?
[TAVIUS] Yes, yes, we all know that, but my main concern now, Maximus,is that you should act on what I say.
[DOCTOR] I shall certainly act on what you say, immediately.
[TAVIUS] Good, good, good. And the lions will go hungry after all, eh?
[DOCTOR] Well, that settles that little bit of intrigue. I'm a would-bemurderer, am I? Well, we must be going, child. I want to leave here assoon as it's dark.
[VICKI] Oh, but Doctor
[DOCTOR] Now, now, now, there'll be no arguments. You will do as I say.
[NERO] Maximus, my dear friend!
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear Caesar Nero.
[NERO] I have a surprise for you. Guess what it is.
[DOCTOR] Well now, let me think. You want me play in the arena?
[NERO] You guessed.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's no problem at all, after all, you want to do yourvery best for your fellow artists, well, why not the arena, hmm?
[NERO] Yes, yes, of course, that is exactly right.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well I promise you I shall try to make it a roaringsuccess.
[NERO] You'll have to play something special, you know.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, of course, of course, yes. Something serious, yes.Something they can really get their teeth into, hmm?
[NERO] You can't know, you can't. I've told no one.
[DOCTOR] Caesar Nero, I've always wanted to put on a good show, to givea great performance.
[DOCTOR] After all, who knows? If I go down well, I might even make itmy farewell performance. You see, I've always wanted to be consideredas an artist of some taste. Generally regarded as, er, well er,palatable, hmm? But I must be boring you, oh I must! Surely you have somany other important things to attend to without standing here, chewingover the facts with me? Good gracious, there's something burning.
[NERO] My plans! My drawings for New Rome! You fool! You idiot!
[NERO] A lifetime's work! I'll have you both killed over and over again!Guards! Guards! Fool! Idiot! Traitor! Pig! I'll stick you both in thearena, on an island with water all round, and in the water there willbe alligators and the water level will be raised and the alligatorswill get you! Fool! Traitor! Brilliant! You are a genius! A genius! Iwill make you rich! Rich! So the Senate wouldn't pass my plans, eh?Wouldn't let me build my New Rome? But if the old one is burnt, if itgoes up in flames, they will have no choice! Rome will be rebuilt to mydesign! Brilliant! Brilliant!
[DOCTOR] Well, there you are, release us. You heard what Nero said.Brilliant, brilliant. Let us go, will you, otherwise you'll be gettingsome of that alligator treatment. Go on, on your way. About yourbusiness. Go along.
[DOCTOR] We'd better be going, child and I want to leave here as soon asit's dark.
[VICKI] I didn't think that was going to work.
[DOCTOR] Wasn't going to work? What next. I never had any doubt in mymind, my dear.
[NERO] Fantastic! Brilliant! It's a fantastic idea,Poppaea.
[POPPAEA] Well, if it's your idea, dearest, it must be.
[NERO] Well, nearly all mine, dear. You know how I've always longed torebuild Rome, name it after myself.
[POPPAEA] Yes, I know.
[NERO] At last, here's a chance of making it all come true. Burn the oldone, and the cynics will have to pass my plans. It is a good idea,isn't it?
[POPPAEA] Yes, very.
[NERO] Did you want me?
[POPPAEA] Only to find out why the Palace has been surrounded by guards.
[NERO] Guards? Oh, yes, of course, yes. That new slave of yours, thatgirl, she and some of her friends are coming here tonight. They'll becaptured and killed. I must, get someone to start the fires. Tonight.No time like the present.
(Palace walls)
[SEVCHERIA] Stand up straight, soldier.
(Reception hall)
[NERO] What's keeping them? The guards should havereturned hours ago with my torchbearers.
[TAVIUS] You. Go and see if they're outside.
(Palace walls)
[DELOS] Ian, guards!
[IAN] There must be someway of getting in here. Quick! Delos, get intoline.
(Reception hall)
[TAVIUS] Hurry, hurry, come.
[NERO] Well, pick them up then.
[DELOS] What's going on, Ian?
[IAN] I don't know. I tell you one thing, if I get the chance, I'm goingto find Barbara.
[NERO] That's enough. Silence! That was just a sample. There will bemore for you, if you carry out the task that I have for you. I want youmen to start fires in the hutments next to the circus. The fire willspread quickly. By tonight, all Rome will be ablaze. Kill anyone whotries to stop you. You are acting on orders from Caesar Nero, Emperorof all Rome!
[TAVIUS] You are Ian?
[IAN] Yes.
[TAVIUS] Come with me.
[NERO] Then, the rebuilding will commence. A new city will arise fromthe flames. Neropolis? Nerocaesum? Or just plain Nero!
(Palace walls)
[SEVCHERIA] Yes. They may have got in with thecrowd. If they did, they won't get out.
[IAN] But how did you know I'd get in that way?
[TAVIUS] I didn't. I just put myself in your place and that seemed thelogical entrance. Come with me.
[IAN] Barbara!
[TAVIUS] Put this on. (a cloak)
[BARBARA] Will we get out of here?
[IAN] There's a chance, Barbara. Just a chance.
(Palace walls)
[SEVCHERIA] See what that is.
[DOCTOR] This way child, and try and be quiet. The place is swarmingwith guards.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's only us.
(Reception hall)
[NERO] Silence! Leave now and start the fires.
[IAN] Well done, Delos.
[DELOS] The Emperors' instructions! Well, now that you've found Barbara,where are you making for?
[IAN] We go north.
[BARBARA] Assessium.
[DELOS] Well, I'll travel some of the way with you, and it's home forme. They won't catch me a second time, I promise you that. Come. Come.
[TAVIUS] Good luck, my child, good luck.
[VICKI] I think the road's just up ahead.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. I expect Ian and Barbara'll be wondering when we'regoing to get back.
[VICKI] Doctor. Look.
[DOCTOR] Oh. The great fire of Rome, my dear. Hmm?
[VICKI] My first real sight of history.
[DOCTOR] Yes, a most memorable occasion.
[VICKI] Isn't it strange to think that people will read about that inbooks for thousands and thousands of years and here am I sitting hereactually watching it. It's a pity they got it all wrong.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Got it all wrong? What do you mean, child, hmm?
[VICKI] Well, they didn't mention you.
[DOCTOR] Of course not. Why should they?
[VICKI] Well, it was you who gave Nero the idea, wasn't it?
[DOCTOR] I? Gave him?
[VICKI] Honestly, Doctor, and after that long talk you gave me about notmeddling with history, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
[DOCTOR] It's got nothing to do with me.
[VICKI] You burnt his drawings.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, an accident.
[VICKI] Well, maybe it was but if you hadn't
[DOCTOR] Well, he could have, he could have, he would have been toldsomeone else. You can't possibly accuse me of that.
[VICKI] All right, you have it your way, I'll have it mine.
[DOCTOR] Now look here, young lady, lets settle this. Insinuating thatall this is my fault. Hmm? My fault.
[IAN] Nobody about.
[BARBARA] Bit early, they might not be up yet.
[IAN] If the master was back, the servants would be. Surely Vicki or theDoctor would have cleared up this mess.
[IAN] Ah. Now that's what they hit me on the head with.
[BARBARA] Yes. Surely the Doctor wouldn't have gone back to the Tardiswithout us?
[IAN] No, I don't think so. All in all, I think we've got back beforethem.
[BARBARA] Yeah. Oh, I'm so hungry.
[IAN] Yes, so am I. Er, Barbara, there must be a bit of that coldpeacock of yours left in the fridge.
[BARBARA] Hey, you're right!
[IAN] Why don't you have a look?
[BARBARA] Oh, very funny! Instead of sitting there making stupid jokes,why don't you get yourself cleaned up? As a matter of fact, you canstart with this.
[IAN] Oh, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Well you broke it.
[IAN] I did?
[BARBARA] Yes, well, I know I picked it up to help but you got your headin the way.
[IAN] You hit me on the head with that?
[BARBARA] Well, yes you see, well, in the struggle, you
[IAN] So, I've got you to blame for being thrown into jail, eh? Made torow in a galley! Fight like a Roman
[BARBARA] Oh, what are you doing?
[IAN] I'll show you what I'm going to do!
[BARBARA] No! No! All right, I'll clear it up.
[IAN] That's better. O tempora, o mores.
[DOCTOR] Well, well, well, well.
[IAN] Oh, oh, Doctor.
[BARBARA] Oh, you're back.
[DOCTOR] Oh, what zest, what youthful exuberance! Try not to look atthem, child. Their outburst of energy could make you go dizzy.
[VICKI] Barbara, we went to Rome. We met Nero. They all thought theDoctor was a musician and they gave a concert and all these people were
[BARBARA] Vicki, Vicki, listen.
[DOCTOR] My dear Barbara. The young lady doesn't want to listen topeople who have been idling away their days.
[BARBARA] I haven't been idling.
[DOCTOR] Well, now you've had a nice long holiday, I'm sure you can'twait to get back to the Tardis, hmm?
[IAN] If you let us get a word in edgeways, we'd
[DOCTOR] It'll have to keep. Have a grape. Come along, my dear.
[IAN] Well, how do you like that?
[BARBARA] Oh well. Even if we had told them, I don't think they'd havebelieved us.
[IAN] No. Said we were dreaming.
[BARBARA] Oh, it isn't fair, Ian, is it?
[IAN] No it is not. Still, got a funny side to it, hasn't it.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come along, lazy bones!
[IAN] Roman souvenir.
[VICKI] And you see, after that, he got and he started pretending toplay the lyre and the point was, he wasn't really playing it at all.
[BARBARA] But no one would admit that they couldn't hear him.
[VICKI] Exactly! He fooled everybody.
[IAN] He usually does, Vicki. You'll see.
[BARBARA] Oh, well, much as I like these clothes, I really think weought to change into something a little more practical.
[VICKI] Yes, you're right. Where will we go next? Has the Doctor toldyou yet?
[BARBARA] Oh, no, he never does that.
[VICKI] You mean it's a surprise?
[IAN] Er, yes. To everybody.
[VICKI] But the Doctor can work the ship can't he?
[BARBARA] Er, yes.
[IAN] Sort of.
[VICKI] Go on. He must know what he's doing. He's been at those controlsfor hours. I don't believe you. Come on, Barbara.
[IAN] Anything wrong, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, Chesterton. Yes, you know, I wouldn't had thought itpossible but somehow we've materialised for a split second of time andbeen imprisoned in some kind of force. I simply can't break its hold.Somewhere, somehow, we're being slowly dragged down.
[IAN] Dragged down? To what?
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s02", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Romans"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (13 Feb, 1965; First Doctor) - The Web Planet
[DOCTOR] I wouldnt had thought it possible, butsomehow weve materialised, for a split second of time, and beenimprisoned in some kind of force. I simply cant break its hold.Somewhere, somehow, were being slowly dragged down.
[IAN] Dragged down? To what?
(Planet surface)
[DOCTOR] All responses negative. Air thin and static. Hmm!
[BARBARA] Crags and pools. Oh, its like a cemetery, its so quiet.
[IAN] Yeah, no vegetation, and I havent seen anything move yet. Wereon the moon.
[DOCTOR] Oh, what is holding us here? What force, hmm?
[VICKI] That looks a bit grim. Where are we?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh.
[IAN] Doctor, cant there just be something wrong with the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Wrong? My boy, weve been dragged off our course. The questionis, is it some natural phenomena or is it intelligent, deliberate, orfor a purpose, hmm?
[BARBARA] Oh, youll find the answer, Doctor. You always do.
[BARBARA] Youll find the answer.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, my dear, yes, Im confident that I can counteract itwith more power. Yes. Nowm let me see.
(Planet surface)
[DOCTOR] Good. Good, The power response issatisfactory.
[VICKI] Can you hear it? Listen.
[VICKI] What is it?
[VICKI] Ian, Barbara, what is it?
[IAN] What can you hear, Vicki?
[VICKI] A sort of humming. Ooo, cant you hear it?
[IAN] Do you hear anything, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, shes probably heard an extra-sonic sound. You know, thething that young people and young animals hear. Excuse me, youre inthe way.
[VICKI] Oh, its stopped. Barbara, its stopped.
[BARBARA] Are you all right now?
[VICKI] Yes. Yes, thanks.
[BARBARA] Doctor? Doctor, we must get out of here.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, I quite agree. I quite agree. The power build up isstrong enough. Yes, quite satisfactory. Well now the motors. Wait aminute. Yes.
(Planet surface)
[IAN] Whats happening, Doctor, whats happening?
[DOCTOR] We seem to be caught! Trapped somehow. Is it some strangephenomena? Theres no power in the ship. Its useless.
[BARBARA] Ian, Doctor, look. I saw a flash behind one of those crags.
[IAN] Where?
[BARBARA] Out there. I saw it. I saw it.
[IAN] Well, its not there now.
[BARBARA] Well I can see its not there.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right, dont snap at each other, my dear.
[BARBARA] Im sorry.
[DOCTOR] You probably saw some cosmic ray which is causing theinterference.
[BARBARA] Well, I was almost. Vicki?
[VICKI] The noise, did it stop?
[BARBARA] Yes. Its all gone now. Come on, I think youd better lie downfor a while.
[DOCTOR] So disturbing, all this interference.
[IAN] Well, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I cant understand it. Well, theres nothing for it, my boy,but we shall, er, its a matter of exploration. We shall have to go andfind the trouble of this interference and then learn how to counteractit.
[IAN] Oh No need for the other two to come. Ill go and tell them.
[DOCTOR] Quite so.
[IAN] Oh, how is she?
[BARBARA] Oh, shes better. Oh, Doctor? Do you have such a thing as asedative?
[DOCTOR] Of course, my dear. Its in the first aid box. You know whereit is. There, its facing you.
[BARBARA] Oh, yes.
[BARBARA] Oh, Doctor, what a mess. Honestly, one of these days Im goingto have a jolly good spring clean around here.
[IAN] Shes asleep already. Oh, er, Barbara, the Doctor and I are goingoutside to have a look around. Now dont worry. I wont let him out ofmy sight.
[DOCTOR] Nearly done, my boy, hmm?
[IAN] Yes, were ready.
[BARBARA] You will be careful, both of you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, of course, of course. Now then, I want you towear this ADJ.
[IAN] This what?
[DOCTOR] Its an Atmospheric Density Jacket, to be precise. Oh, I see.Is the atmosphere a bit thin?
[DOCTOR] Yes, Im afraid its rather sub-normal.
[IAN] Hello, whats this extraordinary thing?
[DOCTOR] Oh, these are what they technically call a respiratorycompensator.
[IAN] Oh, I see. A sort of advanced oxygen mask, eh?
[DOCTOR] Exactly, exactly.
[IAN] Well, come on then, Doctor. Ah. How do we open the doors? We haveno power.
[DOCTOR] Ah, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear. Hmm. Its one thing afteranother.
[IAN] (Smiling.) Hmm?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I, er, I, er. I didnt want to, er.
[IAN] Hey?
[DOCTOR] This is not merely a decorative object. Come along, come along.
(Women's bedroom)
[BARBARA] Vicki? Here, take these. Youll feel much better.
[VICKI] What is it?
[BARBARA] Oh, its just something to make you sleep.
[VICKI] May I see the container.
[BARBARA] Any aches or pains.
[VICKI] No, I didnt hurt myself. My ears still sting a bit, but thatsall.
[BARBARA] Well, have you decided yet whether to take the prescribeddose?
[VICKI] It looks a bit medieval.
[BARBARA] What do you mean?
[VICKI] Well, you wouldnt like it if I wanted to stick leaches all overyou, would you? And I mean, it boils down to the same thing. They mighthave taken these in your time, but that doesnt mean
[BARBARA] Now, wait a minute. You cant blame my generation foreverything and those pills belong to the Doctor.
[VICKI] He must have picked them up on his travels then because Ivenever seen Asperin before.
[BARBARA] Oh, so you studied medicine at school, did you?
[VICKI] Yes, of course I did. Didnt you teach it?
[BARBARA] No. We worked upwards from the three Rs.
[VICKI] Hmm?
[BARBARA] Reading, writing, rithmatic.
[VICKI] Oh, it was a nursery school.
[BARBARA] It was not.
[VICKI] Oh. I wish Id gone to your school. We had to take a certificateof education in medicine, physics, chemistry.
[BARBARA] Now, wait a minute, how old were you?
[VICKI] Well, I was ten when I took those.
[BARBARA] Ten? What did you do in your time, live in the classroom?
[VICKI] Live in the what?
[BARBARA] Classroom. Lecture hall.
[BARBARA] How long did you study?
[VICKI] Almost an hour a week. We had these machines, you see, and we
[BARBARA] All right, Vicki. Now look, you dont theres anything wrongwith those pills, do you?
[BARBARA] Well, why dont you just pander to my old-fashioned medievalsuperstitions and take them for me?
[VICKI] Well.
[BARBARA] After all, it would save me having to put make-up on and amask and dance round a fire in order to get rid of the evil spirits.
[VICKI] All right!.
[VICKI] Thats nice, Barbara. I havent seen you wear it before.
[BARBARA] The bracelet? No, I havent had it for very long.
[VICKI] Was it a present?
[VICKI] From Ian?
[BARBARA] No. From Nero, as a matter of fact.
[VICKI] From Nero? But it couldnt have been, we
[BARBARA] I havent had a chance to tell you before but Ian and I wentto Rome also.
[VICKI] What? I, I
[BARBARA] Ill tell you all about it when you wake up.
[VICKI] Im not sure whether youre making it up or not. Ill ask Ian.Hell tell me.
[BARBARA] Well you do that. Hell be back soon.
[VICKI] Back? Hes gone outside?
(Planet surface)
[DOCTOR] Well, well, well. That is remarkable. Gracious. During all mytravels, I dont think Ive ever come across this. Magical. Isnt itextraordinary? I say, are you there, Chesterton? Chesterton? What areyou doing, dear boy? Fiddling and gaping over there. Come over here andlearn something. Look here, do you see what this is? Mica, hmm?
[IAN] Yes, it's one of the silicates.
[DOCTOR] Capable of withstanding great heat.
[IAN] Quite.
[DOCTOR] Have you got something sharp I can have for a moment, hmm?
[IAN] Oh. Try my pen.
[DOCTOR] Thats very clever. Very clever. You know, youve never donethat before. Thats a remarkable conjuring trick.
[IAN] That was no conjuring trick, Doctor. That was my pen. It vanishedinto thin air.
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear man.
[IAN] Vanished!
[IAN] Yes, my gold pen!
[DOCTOR] Gold.
[IAN] What is it Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Echoes, dear boy!
[IAN] I dont mean that. I mean this place. I have a feeling.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? What sort of feeling?
[IAN] I have a feeling were being watched. Havent you?
[DOCTOR] No. No, no, no, no, I cant see any spooks or anything. I dontthink so, no. Not particularly, no. I must say that if I lived here andI heard you roaring your head off, Id probably come down and take alook at you.
[IAN] Then take my pen?
[DOCTOR] Yes, what if the powers thats got hold of the Tardis hastaken your pen? Of course! Ha ha! Now then, theres something for us tosolve. Come along, come along, come along.
(Women's bedroom)
[VICKI] Barbara?
[BARBARA] Oh, sorry, did I wake you?
[VICKI] No. The others back yet?
[BARBARA] No, not yet.
[VICKI] Is something wrong?
[BARBARA] No. Why?
[VICKI] Dont know. You seem nervous.
[BARBARA] Oh, theres theres something about this place.
[VICKI] I know. I wished wed materialised in some really luxuriousplace, you know. Lots of lovely things to buy and eat and wear.
[VICKI] Is your arm hurting?
[BARBARA] No. Vicki, I know this sounds silly, but it doesnt feel asthough it belongs to me. A little while ago it moved without myintending it to. Well, its those things we dont understand thatfrighten us. Im sure theres a perfectly simple explanation. Im justletting my imag
(Planet surface)
[IAN] Doctor, look.
[IAN] That was built.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but when? Its old, so old. Look at the state its in.
[DOCTOR] Its a pity we didnt bring a ladder with us. We might be ableto see whats on the top.
[IAN] Well, it isnt Nelson.
[DOCTOR] No. No, pity. Well, it certainly has nothing to do with holdingthe ship here, dear boy.
[IAN] Curious, though.
[DOCTOR] Yes, its curious. Yes, yes, yes, but we must find somethingmore tangible, hmm? Come along, come along.
[IAN] Oh, Doctor. Look.
[IAN] It must be water. Any form of life would need that, hey?
[DOCTOR] Wait, wait, stop.
[IAN] Whats the matter?
[DOCTOR] Youre a little premature. Lets have your tie.
[IAN] Well, I havent got one.
[DOCTOR] I know youre not wearing one, dear boy, but the one round yourmiddle, hmm?
[IAN] I hope my pants stay up.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well thats your affair, not mine.
[IAN] There you are.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Now then.
[IAN] Huh?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Lets see.
[IAN] Just a minute!
[DOCTOR] There you are. Look, See that? Yes, there you are. You see?
[IAN] Yes, I do see. Youve ruined it. That was my Coal Hill School tie.Youve just, er
[DOCTOR] Saved your life. You were about to have a wash in there,werent you, or probably drink some of it? We very nearly had theremnants of a Coal Hill School teacher in there instead of his wretchedold, ragged old tie.
[IAN] Never mind about that. What is it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, let's see now. Now, what have we got, hmm? Echoes.Interference. Gold. And now, acid. Yes, similar properties to formicacid. Yes, its strange, isnt it? Its very strange.
[IAN] Doctor! There! Theres something in there! I saw a light, it itbroke the surface.
[DOCTOR] A light? Is it a reflection from a planet?
[IAN] No, no. It was in there. I saw something in there, I tell you.
[DOCTOR] Now, my young man. If this is your idea of revenge for that tiethen I think it's a pretty poor effort.
[IAN] Doctor, this is not revenge, I
[DOCTOR] Now listen, we came here to find out the source ofinterference. Now I suggest we keep our minds on this subject. Yourerambling on. Come along. Thats it.
[IAN] What is it, Doctor?
(Planet surface)
[IAN] You mean, the noises are messages?
[DOCTOR] It probably comes from some sentient thing, or a machineoperated by it. We must find the source of this interference. Now comeon.
(Women's bedroom)
[VICKI] Barbara? Barbara?
[VICKI] Barbara?
[VICKI] Barbara, where are you? Barbara! Barbara!
(Planet surface)
[ECHOES] Barbara. Barbara.
[IAN] Thats Vicki. Somethings wrong back at the ship.
[DOCTOR] Theyve probably left the doors open. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Look out!
[IAN] Doctor! Dont come near, Doctor! Go back to the ship! Go back tothe ship!
[DOCTOR] Stand still.
[IAN] It stings and hurts!
[DOCTOR] Ill go back to the ship and try and find something. Can youwait?
[IAN] Yes, all right!
(Planet surface)
[DOCTOR] My ship. My Tardis.
(Planet surface)
[DOCTOR] Chesterton! Chesterton!
[IAN] Ahh! Dont touch me!
[DOCTOR] Are you all right, boy?
[IAN] Oh, my face. my face. Whats the matter with it?
[DOCTOR] Its a little blistered.
[IAN] Oh, its feels as is I fell into a bed of stinging nettles.
[DOCTOR] Whats happened to that weed, hmm?
[IAN] I don't know. It just went.
[DOCTOR] Went where?
[IAN] Well, it just went. Into the air, into the ground. Oh, what acursed place this is.
[DOCTOR] Yes, a cursed place. So barren. I wonder. Yes, cursed.
[IAN] Come on, Doctor. Lets get back to the Tardis. Get something formy face.
[DOCTOR] Oh, unfortunately, I cant help you at the moment, dear boy.
[IAN] What?
[DOCTOR] And I have a shock for you. The ships gone. Vanished.(Meanwhile, Barbara is now being followed by a giant winged insect.)
[DOCTOR] There must be an answer to it, dear boy. There must be answer!They cant even get in the ship, let alone operate it. The interior ofmy ship is inviolable.
[IAN] Whats the matter?
[DOCTOR] It's my chest.
[IAN] Cant you breathe?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes.
[IAN] Something wrong with these?
[DOCTOR] Yes, its these ADJ coats are no use. After about an hour,theyre useless.
[IAN] Can we live without them?
[DOCTOR] Just about.
[IAN] Let's take them off, shall we? Get used to the atmosphere, okay?All right?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes.
[IAN] You can certainly tell the difference, cant you. Breathe slowly.Deeply, like a diver. Oh, it its possible. Okay?
[DOCTOR] There, do you see those ridges? What are those ridges in thesand there? Have a look.
[IAN] The Tardis.
[DOCTOR] I heard the Tardis.
[IAN] Its been dragged away. Dragged away!
(Planet surface)
[BARBARA] My bracelet. I was. Who are you? What do you want?
[VRESTIN] Stop her! Stay where you are.
(Planet surface)
[IAN] Oh, those tracks have disappeared.
[DOCTOR] The ground seems firmer here.
[IAN] No sign of it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, all so strange, so unnatural. Ive never experiencedanything in my life before like this. But we must continue with oursearch.
[IAN] Yeah.
[DOCTOR] Take a look over there. Well, thats odd. Those are not trackmarks. Those are more like claw marks. Yes. Chesterton!
[IAN] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I think were on the right track, my boy.
[IAN] Never mind about that. Look at this.
[DOCTOR] Good gracious. Its hollow.
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well preserved. Yes, a vertebrate creature, yes, highlydeveloped, hmm!
[IAN] But its skin is more like a chrysalis.
[DOCTOR] Menoptra. Yes, does that word mean anything to you, hmm?
[IAN] No, nothing. You mean youve been here before?
[DOCTOR] No, no, my boy. No, but its this rock formation and now thiscreature, this object, it suggests the planet Vortis.
[IAN] Vortis? What galaxy is that in?
[DOCTOR] The Isop galaxy. Yes, many light years from Earth. And yet theVortis hasnt the moons and here, there there are several. Look, yousee? You can see for yourself.
[IAN] Yes. Cant a planet attract satellites to itself, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, yes, but it would need a galactic explosion, youknow, some kind of new force. Whether this Vortis planet has that ornot, I cant be sure. Anyway, lets, come on, over here.
[VICKI] Help me.
[BARBARA] After wed landed, two of our party wentto explore. The last thing I remember was being in the ship, the doorsopening, and then, well, then you came.
[HRHOONDA] Kill her.
[VRESTIN] (female) No.
[HRHOONDA] A stranger must not be trusted.
[HROSTAR] (a male) You chose here when you chose to land on Vortis?
[BARBARA] I keep telling you, we didnt choose. Our ship was forcedhere.
[VRESTIN] The Zarbi will treat them as enemies. If we refuse to helpthem, they will not survive.
[HRHOONDA] Her future is no concern of ours. Hrostar, she was under theforce of the Zarbi. Why did you break it?
[BARBARA] Look, all we want to do is get away from here. These Zarbithat you seem frightened of, maybe we could help you?
[HROSTAR] Have you any weapons?
[BARBARA] No, but we
[VRESTIN] Watch her.
[HRHOONDA] If we let her go, she may tell the Zarbi where they can findus.
[HRHOONDA] Even if she does not wish to betray us, they will extort itfrom her.
[VRESTIN] There are few of us and many of the Zarbi. She offers help.
[HRHOONDA] She is not to be trusted. I say kill her.
[VRESTIN] Hrostar. The Menoptra do not act without
[HRHOONDA] Stop her! Stop her!
(Planet surface)
[IAN] Strange lights in the sky.
[DOCTOR] Pulsating.
[IAN] Do you think they could be natural like the aurora borealis?
[DOCTOR] No, look down there, my boy, hmm?
[IAN] So thats where theyve taken the ship to.
[DOCTOR] Apparently so. Weve got to get down there. I wish we had moreknowledge of what we were up against. Ah, this wilderness.
[IAN] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] The best thing is just to stand still.
[IAN] Maybe we could talk to them, make them understand?
[DOCTOR] Apart from rubbing our back legs together like some sort ofgrasshopper? I doubt if we could get on speaking terms with them. Standstill! Obey! These creatures on this planet are completely unknown tome. Just stand still and obey.
[DOCTOR] Remember those claw marks.
[IAN] Yes.
[VICKI] Ian? Doctor? Is there anybody there?
(Control room)
[IAN] Doctor, look at this. Its growing.
[DOCTOR] Organic matter, reproducing itself.
[IAN] Fantastic.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I wonder. I wonder how long its taken to grow that size,eh? A hundred or two hundred years?
[IAN] Doctor, if your assumption was correct and this is Vortis, what doyou know of its history?
[DOCTOR] History doesnt mean anything when you travel through space andtime. All right, all right. Dont push, dont push!
(Control room)
[(One of the Zarbi goes up to the Tardis, takes astep in then backs out again, spinning wildly. An alarm goes off. Thenthe Doctor and Ian enter> DOCTOR] My ship! The doors are open!
[VICKI] Oh, Ian! Ian!
[IAN] Its all right, Vicki, Dont worry. Wheres Barbara?
[VICKI] I dont know. I was asleep. She must have left the ship.
[DOCTOR] Whats the meaning of this, child? Who tried to get in here?
[VICKI] I dont know! I dont know!
[DOCTOR] What do you creatures want?
(Planet surface)
[HRHOONDA] Vrestin, use that and we shall all bedestroyed. The Zarbi are all around us. If you break communicatorsilence, they will know where they may find us.
[VRESTIN] If we do not contact our forces, they face destruction. Wemust warn them of the power of the Animus.
[HROSTAR] And of the strength of the larvae gun.
[VRESTIN] The Zarbi are massed together against us.
[VRESTIN] Pilot party to Menoptra invasion force.
[VRESTIN] Pilot party to Menoptra invasion force. This is Vrestin.Urgent report. Urgent report.
[HROSTAR] They are in reach of the enemy locators. They will not breakcommunicator silence.
[VRESTIN] They will. They can echo their signals to us off satelliteTaron. Menop spearhead, acknowledge reception.
[HROSTAR] Vrestin, its no use. The cave is cutting off our signals.
[VRESTIN] Yes. We must try again from outside the cave.
[HROSTAR] If they catch us, we must break the transmitter.
[HRHOONDA] Vrestin! Hrostar! The Zarbi!
(Planet surface)
[HROSTAR] Vrestin, smash the crystals. Smash the crystals, Vrestin.
[HROSTAR] Vrestin, run! Get away! Get away!
[HROSTAR] We are safe for the present.
[BARBARA] How did I get back here?
[HROSTAR] You were morphatised. Look!
[BARBARA] I dont understand.
[HROSTAR] The Zarbi can control everyone, even us, the Menoptra, whenthey use that metal.
[BARBARA] It's gold.
[HROSTAR] Dont touch!
[BARBARA] I see. So it was the bracelet. What will they do to us?
[HROSTAR] We are to be taken to the Crater of Needles.
[BARBARA] And then?
[HROSTAR] They will put us to work. Once there you might well wish thatyou had not been spared.
[BARBARA] No! (she looks away)
(Control room)
[IAN] Oh, the Doctors not getting through to them.
[IAN] That sounds like an alarm.
[ANIMUS [OC]] Why do you come now?
(Control room)
[VICKI] The Doctors speaking to someone. Why cantwe hear what hes saying?
[DOCTOR] Who are you? We come in peace.
[ANIMUS [OC]] Peace? Is that why you attack? Where is your main force?
[DOCTOR] We are alone. We have strayed from our astral plane.
[ANIMUS [OC]] When will your invasion fleet arrive? What is itsweaponry?
[DOCTOR] We are peaceful travellers from Earth.
[ANIMUS [OC]] You lie. You are the Menoptra. Our detectors show you aremassing in space to attack. Speak!
[DOCTOR] I know nothing of these Menoptra.
[ANIMUS [OC]] We shall show you the fate which awaits all your ships,all your people.
[DOCTOR] Please listen to me. I have not finished my explanation
[DOCTOR] Stand still.
[IAN] Look at that, Doctor.
[VICKI] Look at them! Look at them!
[IAN] Whats happened?
[DOCTOR] Its unbelievable! Unbelievable! What did you do in the ship,child? What controls did you touch?
[VICKI] Well, I got thrown against the control panel and I just pressedany switches I could see. It suddenly became alive. I couldnt help it.
[DOCTOR] You have performed a miracle, my dear. You have re-aligned thefluid link. The power is back!
[IAN] If only Barbara were here, we could go.
[DOCTOR] Trying to destroy my ship you will achieve nothing. Nothing! Ihave great secrets in my ship. We could help you.
(Planet surface)
(Control room)
[ANIMUS [OC]] If your ship is proof against ourweapons, remember you are not. Tell us the secret of its armour.
[DOCTOR] Impossible. I cannot tell you why my ship withstood the fire ofthat gun unless you tell me the principle its built on.
[ANIMUS [OC]] You demand my secrets? Yield yours.
[VICKI] What do you think the Doctor is saying?
[IAN] I dont know. I hope hes asking where Barbara is.
[ANIMUS [OC]] The great secrets you speak of in your ship must be usedagainst the invaders. In return, I offer you your freedom.
[DOCTOR] Where is the fourth member of our party, hmm? Well?
[ANIMUS [OC]] She has been taken to the Crater of Needles beyond mygreat web. Will your secrets look into the stars?
[DOCTOR] I dont know what you mean, but I have an astral map, if thatanswers your question.
[ANIMUS [OC]] Will it show where the Menoptra are massing, where theywill land?
[DOCTOR] I see. So its the Menoptra that are invading your planet, hmm?
[ANIMUS [OC]] Somewhere in space, beyond the range of our locators, theyare grouping. They scatter false trails to mislead us. Their numbersare great. I am aware only of movement.
[DOCTOR] And you are not aware of their position?
[ANIMUS [OC]] This you must do.
[DOCTOR] I shall need assistance.
[ANIMUS [OC]] Bring your astral map out of your ship.
[DOCTOR] I shall need help even to do that.
[DOCTOR] Now it is their turn to receive instructions.
[IAN] Tell us, Doctor. What happened?
[DOCTOR] Let us go back into the Tardis.
[VICKI] I think they must want to keep me here as a hostage. You go in.Ill be all right.
[IAN] Oh. Oh, thats easier. No message fromBarbara. Nothing.
[DOCTOR] Im just beginning to relax, my boy.
[IAN] Yes. Do you think that kidll be all right out there?
[DOCTOR] Er, yes, I think so. Yes, I must do something about this faceof yours.
[IAN] Those beasties are keeping their distance this time.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it seems theyve learnt their lesson. Here, dab some ofthat on your face. Theres some cotton wool there.
[IAN] Thanks. What do you think they are, Doctor?
[IAN] Those things out there.
[DOCTOR] Well, to use the term of Earth, I suppose we should call theminsects.
[IAN] Ants? Ive seen a colony of ants eat their way right through ahouse. That size, they could eat their way through a mountain. Why arethey that big?
[DOCTOR] Size is only relative. In this rarified atmosphere, it appearsthat evolution has chosen that particular form of life on this planet.
[IAN] Ants.
[IAN] So relentless, indestructible. What are we going to do? Have yougot any ideas?
[DOCTOR] Well, its this voice. Its this, this, this, this, this Queenof the ants, you might say. If I can only trick her into neutralisingthis section of this area. I want you to try and track down Barbara,hmm?
[IAN] Well, all right. Did you find out where she was?
[DOCTOR] Well, it has something to do with this Crater of Needles.
[IAN] Crater of Needles? Wheres that?
[DOCTOR] The only clue I can give you, dear boy, its behind a greatweb.
[IAN] Thats not much help, is it?
[DOCTOR] No, it isnt. Come on, give me a hand.
[DOCTOR] Oh, and by the way, I want you to take a couple of these.Theyll be very good for your breathing in this rarified atmosphere.
[IAN] Oh. What about Barbara and Vicki?
[DOCTOR] You leave Vicki to me, but when you do finally catch up withBarbara, see that she takes some. Shes probably had the sameexperience with breathing as we have.
[IAN] Mmm. Hold on a minute.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. Dont unplug it. You must never do that. Youmust never break the time and relative dimension link. Come on.
(Control room)
[IAN] Dont worry, Vicki. The Doctors gotsomething up his sleeve.
[DOCTOR] Oh, its useless. Its useless! Come along, put me through,will you? Come along, drop this hairdryer, or whatever it is.
[ANIMUS [OC]] You have the information?
[DOCTOR] No, good gracious me, no. Some kind of force of yours hasjammed my instruments and whilst it continues, I cannot use them.
[ANIMUS [OC]] I cannot suspend my functions for your experiments.
[DOCTOR] Very well, very well, take this thing away. Im afraid we canthelp you to locate your invader.
[ANIMUS [OC]] I will withhold certain forces near your instruments. Ifyou take advantage of this, you will die.
[DOCTOR] Well, it appears, my boy, theyve obliged. Theyve neutralisedand completely immobilised this section.
[IAN] Theres one way to make sure, Doctor.
[VICKI] Ian!
[IAN] Youve done it!
[DOCTOR] Its time you left.
[IAN] Yes.
[VICKI] Where are you going?
[IAN] Im going to find Barbara. Now, you look after the Doctor. Ill beback.
[DOCTOR] Come along, cheer up, cheer up, my child. Its all right. Yes,here. Have a piece of chocolate. There you are.
[VICKI] I dont feel like that now.
[DOCTOR] Oh, come, come, come, come. You dont have to worry about him.Hes very good at this sort of thing. Yes, hell be back. Hell beback.
[VICKI] What are you doing, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, Im trying to discover a little more about thisinvasion fleet, my child. The more we know, the safer it will be forus.
[MENOPTRA [OC]] Advance units, rendezvous.
[VICKI] Is that the Menoptra speaking?
[DOCTOR] Ill just turned up this booster. Wait a minute.
[MENOPTRA [OC]] Menop pathfinder to leader one. Range to Vortis, onefour oh.
[DOCTOR] Just turn up the recorder.
[MENOPTRA 2 [OC]] Leader to Spearhead. Lock course on bearing two sixfive. Speed point oh one. We jettisoned craft at altitude five aboveCrater of Needles. Individual descent to Sayo plateau, north of theCrater.
[DOCTOR] Did you understand any of that, hmm?
[VICKI] Crater of Needles, or something.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Thats where theyve taken Barbara.
[DOCTOR] It sounds as though were under attack, my dear.
[VICKI] Its Ian, I know it is. Theyve caught him.
(Zarbi HQ entrance)
(Control room)
[ANIMUS [OC]] You have tried to escape. Why?
[DOCTOR] I am still here.
[ANIMUS [OC]] Where is the third?
[DOCTOR] Why question me? Surely you can see our movements.
[ANIMUS [OC]] You will no longer be trusted.
[DOCTOR] Were we ever?
[ANIMUS [OC]] I can kill you all.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you can, but to what end? The information I have will diewith me.
[ANIMUS [OC]] Information? Of the Menoptra invasion? Speak.
[DOCTOR] I am still collating the various readings of my instruments.
[ANIMUS [OC]] You lie. It is another of your tricks.
[DOCTOR] That is for you to decide. Am I really lying or do I possessthis information, hmm?
[DOCTOR] Away!
[VICKI] Oh! Oh, Doctor. That thing made me go to sleep.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know, my dear, I know. I think Ive earned ourselves alittle breathing space.
[VICKI] What did you tell them?
[DOCTOR] Nothing, nothing.
[VICKI] Are you going to tell them about the Menoptra?
[DOCTOR] Just about as much as I ever want to. Well see. Come, letslook busy. Now, I want you to nip into the ship and bring me back alittle red box and in it is a recording compound. Youll find it on theleft near the first aid kit. Go at once and come back immediately.
[VICKI] Is this it, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I said a white box, child! Do you ever think! This is oneof my specimens. Look.
[DOCTOR] Now, take it back.
[VICKI] Doctor, look! Its frightened. Im sure it is. Its frightened!
(Cliff top)
[VRESTIN] Heron? Do you still intend to go to the Crater of Needles?
[IAN] Yes, I do.
[VRESTIN] Many of my friends are enslaved there. They tear off our wingsso that we may not escape.
[IAN] What do you expect when you invade a planet?
[VRESTIN] Invade a planet? Vortis is ours. We the Menoptra, arereclaiming it.
[IAN] Vortis is your planet?
[VRESTIN] Of course. They are returning to the Carsinome. They do notsearch for long.
[IAN] Those things invaded your planet?
[VRESTIN] You do not know our story?
[IAN] No, I dont. Tell me.
[VRESTIN] The Zarbi are not an intelligent species, but they wereessential to the life pattern here. We lived at peace with them, untilthey were made militant by the dark power.
[IAN] The dark power? Whats that?
[VRESTIN] The Animus. At that time, the Carsinome appeared. Grew like afungus. We had no weapons. We had not had the need. And by the time wesensed the danger, the Zarbi were too strong.
[IAN] So you left the planet?
[VRESTIN] We had no choice.
[IAN] Where did you go?
[VRESTIN] At that time, these strange moons appeared. One of them becameour home, those of us who could reach it.
[IAN] Can you live up there?
[VRESTIN] It is a dim, half-world and our wings grow weaker. We mustreturn to Vortis, for when the Carsinome encircles the planet, it willbe too late.
[IAN] And now youre ready to attack?
[VRESTIN] No, we are not ready, but we must try.
[IAN] I see. And whats your part in all this?
[VRESTIN] Three of us were sent here to prepare the way for the invasionforce. Now, I am alone. I do not know.
[IAN] What happened to the other two?
[IAN] They were killed.
[VRESTIN] One is dead. The other was taken to the Crater
[IAN] (Crater of Needles.
[VRESTIN] Friend Barbara?
[IAN] Yes, like friend Barbara. Vrestin, weve both lost friends. Comewith me to the Crater. You know the country. We can collect your friendand mine.
[VRESTIN] There are many of my friends in the Crater of Needles.
[IAN] All the more reason to go.
[VRESTIN] Yes, Heron. We will do as you say.
[IAN] Good. Come on then.
(Planet surface)
[VRESTIN] That is the way to the Crater of Needles.
[IAN] How far?
[VRESTIN] You cannot fly. It will take two hours.
[IAN] Vrestin, quick! This way!
[IAN] Vrestin, quick. In here.
[VRESTIN [OC]] Get back! The grounds giving way!
[IAN] Here, take hold of my hand.
[VRESTIN [OC]] Let go! Youll be pulled down with me!
[VRESTIN] It seemed as if we fell a long, long way.
[IAN] Yeah. Oh, look. Where are we?
(Crater of needles)
[HROSTAR] You are breathing too fast, Harbara.
[BARBARA] Oh, my eyes are so sore. Everything seems to to flare when Ilook at it.
[HROSTAR] It is the atmosphere of this planet. Rest. I will watch forZarbi.
[BARBARA] Are your wings healed?
[HROSTAR] I shall never fly again.
[BARBARA] No. Why do they make us do
[BARBARA] Why do they make us heap this vegetation into the acidstreams?
[HROSTAR] It is the raw material for the Carsinome, where the Zarbilive. Fed into these pools, it is drawn to the centre throughunderground streams, and as we pour it in, the Carsinome grows andreaches out across Vortis.
[BARBARA] Well, what lies at the centre?
[HROSTAR] None of us have ever seen it and lived, but we call it theAnimus.
[BARBARA] Do you understand them?
[HROSTAR] No. They are just cattle. They do not have any speech normotive of their own. Just controlled sentries. We came here to liberatethem. It was disaster. Vrestin, the others, we arrived in advance ofthe spearhead. Our weapons proved useless. They were taken by the Zarbiwho were everywhere. The three of us you met in the cave got away withthe communicator, but we could not contact our spearhead.
[BARBARA] Well, when is it due to arrive?
[BARBARA] And how will you overcome the Animus?
[HROSTAR] With a new invention of our scientists. It has not been testedbut we have placed our faith in the Isop-tope.
(Control room)
[VICKI] Doctor? Why dont we use the spider now as a weapon to get outof here?
[DOCTOR] Because I think we might find it more valuable later on, child,when Ian and Barbara have returned.
[VICKI] Do you think itll be safe where we put it?
[DOCTOR] Oh, a hundred percent! A hundred percent!
[VICKI] Oh no!
[DOCTOR] Use the spider, child!
[ANIMUS [OC]] You delay. Now the child will die. Thus you will learntotal obedience.
[DOCTOR] If the child dies, therell be no reason left for me to obey. Ihave located your enemy. My calculations are complete.
[ANIMUS [OC]] You lie.
[DOCTOR] The Menoptra are massing on the planet Pictos.
[ANIMUS [OC]] Pictos?
[DOCTOR] It appears they are heading straight for Vortis. If you wastetime in idle vengeance, in face of such an invasion, you will all beannihilated.
[ANIMUS [OC]] Where will the Menoptra land?
[DOCTOR] If I am given peace of mind for a while, I can find that out.That is, if its not too late.
[DOCTOR] Not before the child is released.
[ANIMUS [OC]] Go now.
[DOCTOR] First, the child, hmm?
[VICKI] Oh, Doctor, it makes you feel so dizzy.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know, my dear, I know.
[VICKI] Peculiar.
[DOCTOR] I know. Be all right in a minute, hmm?
[VICKI] Did, did you tell that thing where the Menoptra are going toland?
[DOCTOR] Just about enough for our survival. If I tell them everything,our usefulness will be ended. Now, weve got to get out of here and Iwant to find a place to hide this recorder. I dont propose to makethem a present of the place of attack.
[VICKI] There's another panic on by the looks of it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, theres no doubt theyve alerted their invasion forces.Theyve acted very quickly on the little information that I gave them.Now, while theyre busy I want you to nip back into the ship, find mywalking stick and bring it straight back here. Hurry!
(Crater of needles)
[PRAPILLUS] (old man) It's some kind of alarm.
[HROSTAR] I hope they havent found the
[IAN] We were chased! We fell!
[VRESTIN] They are too simple to understand, Heron.
[NEMINI] Hands in there.
[VRESTIN] Primitives, what is it you want from us?
[NEMINI] Hetra.
[HETRA] We know that from the roof comes hate! The liquid death!Creeping destroyer of we Optera. Yet you stand upright. We will consultthe chasm of lights and if you come from above, you will die!
(Crater of needles)
[PRAPILLUS] Hrostar, is it the invasion?
[HROSTAR] The spearhead? Yes, I think so.
[PRAPILLUS] Then tell us what we must do.
[HROSTAR] Nothing yet.
[HLYNIA] Do nothing? But weve waited for generations for this moment.
[HROSTAR] And it will come, but a false move and all is lost. Successdepended on surprise. If this is an alert, how did they know? YourEarth friends. This man of science you tell me of? Could he be helpingthem?
[BARBARA] No. No, Im sure he wouldn't.
[HROSTAR] How, then, do they know?
[BARBARA] Know what?
[HROSTAR] Our spearhead plan to land on Sayo Plateau, just above thecrater here, to the north.
[BARBARA] Well, that doesnt mean to say that the Doctor told them. TheZarbi must be alerted everywhere, not just here.
[HROSTAR] With the Zarbi weaponry, they will be massacred.
[BARBARA] Are your forces armed?
[HROSTAR] With useless weapons. Our plan was for an attack on theAnimus. We would have landed in secret, overcome the Zarbi, anddestroyed the force that rules them by sheer force of numbers.
[BARBARA] A suicide army.
[HROSTAR] It would have been suicide to stay where we were. The invasionhad to come now. We did not choose the time. It is now, and failurewill mean failure for all time.
[PRAPILLUS] Hrostar, the spearhead must be warned.
[HROSTAR] But how? We smashed the signalling equipment.
[BARBARA] Look, we must get to the top of the plateau, intercept themand warn them.
[PRAPILLUS] Yes, we must.
[HROSTAR] There is a larvae gun pointed straight at this door.
[PRAPILLUS] We know.
[HLYNIA] I saw thirty or more Zarbi leaving the Crater by the great web.I do not think there will be many more left to guard us.
[BARBARA] Look, we must try. It only needs one of us to get through.
[HROSTAR] If only we could destroy the larvae gun.
[PRAPILLUS] I may do that.
[HROSTAR] You? How?
[PRAPILLUS] I know the Zarbi.
(Control room)
[VICKI] Good! Youve got it.
[DOCTOR] Now the question is how to make it safe, hmm?
[VICKI] Its gold, isnt it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, theres no mistaking it, my dear. Gold and something morethan gold. Gold is the symbol of power on this planet. Which brings meto an incident with Ian and his pen.
[VICKI] Ian and his pen?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it flew out of his hand just as he was about to give it tome. A gold pen. Now, we have got to find something to re-align thispower.
[VICKI] What?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that is the question, isnt it?
(Crater of needles)
[BARBARA] Any sign of him?
[HROSTAR] Its left the larvae gun. Its our chance to destroy it.
[BARBARA] Destroy it? Well, cant we use it ourselves?
[HLYNIA] Only the Zarbi can control and fire them.
[HROSTAR] Get ready.
[PRAPILLUS] Is the gun dead?
[HLYNIA] I can lead us to the plateau.
[BARBARA] Well, come on then, quickly.
(Control room)
[VICKI] Have you finished now, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think so, my dear. Well, now we know the Tardis is theopposing force, the question is, which is the stronger, hmm?
[VICKI] Whatll happen if youre wrong?
[DOCTOR] What will happen? Well, the astral map will be ruined, ofcourse, but Im afraid we have no choice. Now just stand back a bit, mydear.
[VICKI] Doctor!
[VICKI] It was nothing! Just a fuse on one of our instruments. You.
[ANIMUS [OC]] The time to complete your findings. Report.
[DOCTOR] It is still incomplete.
[ANIMUS [OC]] Excuses.
[DOCTOR] No doubt your creatures told you about the explosion. (holds upthe recorder) This is what caused the delay. You must wait.
[ANIMUS [OC]] What is it you hold?
[DOCTOR] Oh, nothing, nothing. Merely a piece of damaged equipment thathappened
[MENOPTRA [OC]] Force on bearing two six five. Speed point oh one. Wejettison craft at altitude five above Crater of Needles. Individualdescent to Sayo Plateau north of the Crater.
[ANIMUS [OC]] You were in possession of the information all the time.You will be dealt with when the invasion has been repelled.
(Planet surface)
[HLYNIA] The plateau is just above us.
[HROSTAR] We will remain here until the spearhead arrives.
[BARBARA] Well, at least we got here in time.
[HROSTAR] You stay on guard here, Hlynia.
[PRAPILLUS] The Zarbi are moving in, surrounding the plateau.
[HLYNIA] We must wait for the spearhead!
[HROSTAR] Then this Doctor must have betrayed us!
[HETRA] Every creature who invades our domain comesonly to prey on us. You are guilty.
[NEMINI] Throw them in the fire chasm!
[IAN] Will you kill your own kind?
[HETRA] Listen, stranger, you are both from that wilderness above groundwhere the light blinds, the air chokes, where only destroyer races liveand from where none of us who has gone forth has ever returned. Youcome foraging into our world only for new victims. Take them!
[VRESTIN] Listen! This wilderness you speak of belongs to you. We arecoming in our legions to destroy the dark power and its Zarbi slaves.HETRA
[VRESTIN] They seized this planet long ago, enslaved your forebears andmine who remained. They are spreading the poisonous web of the Animusto every corner of Vortis.
[NEMINI] As long as we kill intruders, we are safe.
[IAN] Dont you understand? You are Menoptra, like this.
[HETRA] The Menoptra?
[NEMINI] You speak of our Gods!
[VRESTIN] Your Gods? The Menoptra are your kinsmen. Your wings witheredon your bodies while you crawled blindly underground, like slugs. Youwere born to the greatest freedom of all creatures. To peace, beautyand light!
[HETRA] It is death for us up there.
[VRESTIN] This is not your element.
[IAN] If you throw us into the fire, you destroy your own future.
[NEMINI] Prove what you say.
[VRESTIN] I am Vrestin, a leader of the Menoptra. We come to destroy thedark power who rules this planet.
[IAN] We need your help.
[BARBARA] Theyre not here yet.
[PRAPILLUS] I feel the Zarbi are watching.
[HROSTAR] Quietly!
[HROSTAR] Spearhead?
[HILIO] Codeword?
[HROSTAR] Electron.
[HILIO] Where is your pilot party?
[HROSTAR] Destroyed. Your force, get it off the plateau.
[HILIO] Why?
[HROSTAR] Our weapons are useless. The Zarbi have our rendezvous.Disperse the spearhead. They will be massacred.
[HILIO] It is too late. We are already committed to attack.
[BARBARA] Theyre still following us.
[HROSTAR] Well try the craters edge.
[BARBARA] Well, come on, hurry.
[HILIO] Spearhead, retreat!
[HILIO] We are surrounded.
[HLYNIA] No, follow me.
[HROSTAR] Zarbi!
[BARBARA] Were surrounded. Come on!
(Control room)
[VICKI] Shh!
[DOCTOR] My dear, youre still wearing it.
[VICKI] Shh! Its all right. I took a chance and put it on. Youve doneit. It doesnt work anymore.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, we must capitalise on your action. Now we know thenecklace no longer works on us, perhaps the force-field is beingreversed. I wonder. If that is so, I can control that necklace withthis power of my ring.
[VICKI] What power does it hold?
[DOCTOR] Now, look, look.
[DOCTOR] Now, this is what I want you to do, child. When you (whisper,whisper) Understand?
[VICKI] Oh, whats happened? Where am I? (The Zarbi sees the secondcollar on the floor, and bends down to it. The Doctor puts his owncollar around it's neck, then leads it around with his ring.)
[DOCTOR] Splendid. Splendid.
[VICKI] Doctor, youve done it. How marvellous! What next?
[DOCTOR] Well, I think we shall get our friend to take us out of here.Go outside. Jeep your eyes open.
[VICKI] All clear.
(Carsinome Corridor)
[VICKI] I thought wed have seen more of thesecreatures, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it appears they have gone to the plateau.
[VICKI] Well, there's one good thing. At least that spearhead'll make iteasier for us to get out here.
[DOCTOR] Now, dont count your chickens, child. Theres quite a lotahead of us. Now go on, cautiously.
(Temple of Light)
[BARBARA] Its beautiful, Prapillus. Oh, its absolutely beautiful!
[PRAPILLUS] It must be a Temple of Light. The ancient song-spinners ofour race sang of their beauty, but I thought they could never be foundagain.
[BARBARA] There are others?
[PRAPILLUS] So the legends say. Sewn into the craters and plateaus ofVortis, been slowly un-woven by the silence of time and their entranceslong forgotten by our species. But our Gods have not forgotten us,Barbara. This was indeed deliverance.
[HROSTAR] There is no sound. The Zarbi have gone. If one of us mustexplore
[BARBARA] No, not yet. They will leave guards.
[HILIO] All is not lost!
[PRAPILLUS] What are you?
[HILIO] Spearhead Leader Hilio.
[HROSTAR] Codeword?
[HILIO] Electron.
[HLYNIA] Prapillus, I brought him.
[PRAPILLUS] Hlynia! How?
[HLYNIA] There was a tunnel on the lower ledge where you left me. What,what happened on the plateau?
[HROSTAR] The spearhead has failed.
[HILIO] No! The spearhead must succeed. Which is the way back to thePlateau? I will recall my force.
[PRAPILLUS] No, Hilio.
[BARBARA] (What force? From what I saw of the battle, your spearhead wascompletely wiped out.
[HILIO] Who is this creature?
[PRAPILLUS] Our ally.
[HILIO] I do not trust her.
[BARBARA] You have no choice.
[HLYNIA] Hrostar, Prapillus, what shall we do?
[HILIO] Is it true? Are they all dead?
[PRAPILLUS] Dead, or prisoners by now.
[HILIO] Then our main force cannot know where to land. They too will bemassacred. The Menoptra will be no more.
[PRAPILLUS] Hilio, the Menoptra have no wisdom for war. Before theAnimus came, the flower forest covered the planet in a cocoon of peace.Our ancestors carved temples like this for resting places of our dead,but that was all the work we did. There were no other plans to make.Light was our God and we existed in light, flying above thought. Ourbanishment has taught us of enemies and weapons, and my captivity hastaught me strategy. They tore my wings from me and I felt, as you feel,that all was lost. But if our Gods favour our survival, we must learntheir lesson and use our brains and not our wings. This Earth woman wemust trust, for she can show us how to exist without wings, to surviveand flourish. What should we do?
[BARBARA] Well, what would have happened if the spearhead had beensuccessful?
[HROSTAR] Had we met with no resistance, we were to proceed to thecentre of the web and destroy the Animus.
[HILIO] With this. Our wise men designed it for use against theintelligence.
[PRAPILLUS] A living cell destructor?
[HILIO] Yes. The web, and the living thing behind it, grows and spreadsits evil around Vortis. This destructor would have reversed theprocess, made the cells grow inwards and die.
[HLYNIA] The electron guns failed to work against the Zarbi. Would thishave failed too?
[BARBARA] Well, theres only one way to find out.
[PRAPILLUS] Attack the Animus. Can we reach it?
[HILIO] It cannot work now. We are too few.
[BARBARA] The only alternative is to stay here, perhaps for years.
[HROSTAR] Both ways may mean our death. But hope lies in action.
[PRAPILLUS] Then its decided. We attack!
[VRESTIN] The Optera have promised to help. Heron, can we trust them?
[IAN] We have no choice.
[VRESTIN] They have strength down here. Their fears of the surface maygrow too strong.
[IAN] Its better than being thrown into the fire.
[HETRA] These tunnels breathe hate, and in the centre grows the root ofevil, Poidarac!
[IAN] Root?
[VRESTIN] The Animus.
[IAN] Take us there.
[HETRA] Nemini will lead.
[NEMINI] Keep close to me.
[HETRA] Come.
(Carsinome entrance)
[VICKI] Hey.
[DOCTOR] Oh! Most unpleasant! Oh well, my dear, so far, so good, hmm?
[VICKI] Doctor, how are we going to find the Menoptra? They could beanywhere on this planet.
[DOCTOR] Yes, the Zarbis left here to go to the spearhead. Its justabout. Yes, with luck we can follow their tracks.
[VICKI] Yes, look.
[DOCTOR] Lets get moving. (to the Zarbi) You may not believe it, butyou nearly ended up as lost property. (the Carsinome makes a noise) Andthe same to you.
(Planet surface)
[DOCTOR] Oh, must have a rest, child.
[VICKI] You know, Doctor, Im getting quite fond of Zombo.
[DOCTOR] What?
[VICKI] Zombo, its his name. I gave it to him.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, I see, I see.
[VICKI] Hes quite cute, isnt he, when hes like this.
[DOCTOR] Well, I havent noticed it before, my dear, but since youmention it, no I dont think so.
[VICKI] Ive told you before not to judge by appearances.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Ill buy you a collar for him at the next stop. But justyou remember, child, if we lose him, theres about two hundred or moreahead of us, just like that. Now, come along, come along.
[HETRA] Break the teeth of stone.
[IAN] Oh, the airs terrible.
[VRESTIN] Yes, they are more used to it than we are, Heron.
[NEMINI] The tunnel breathes vapour.
[HETRA] Not here, there.
[NEMINI] The wall is not friendly. We must break it.
[IAN] Whats wrong?
[HETRA] A silent wall. We must make m mouths in it with our weapons.Then it speak more light.
[IAN] Dig, you mean? Will it stand it?
[NEMINI] Ha! We try.
[VRESTIN [OC]] Heron!
[IAN] Coming!
[IAN] Now we have to go on.
[HETRA] Nemini, make mouth of light.
[VRESTIN] Heron, I cannot breathe.
[IAN] I know. The fall.
[VRESTIN] Breathe.
[IAN] Let in more gas.
[VRESTIN] Breathe.
[IAN] Dig!
[HETRA] Dig?
[IAN] Dig!
(Temple of Light)
[BARBARA] The best idea is still that we create a mock attack here inthe south in order to draw off the Zarbi. Then whilst this ishappening, one of us tries to get in the centre from the north.
[HILIO] It will fail. Even if it drew most of the Zarbi, it wouldrequire just one larvae gun to stop the real attack.
[BARBARA] Then what is your idea?
[HILIO] I could fly over the Carsinome and try and cut my way in fromabove.
[PRAPILLUS] No, the Carsinome is strong and vigorous. It would healitself before you could cut your way through.
[BARBARA] Then were left with the mock attack. It isnt perfect, Iknow, but its all we have.
[HILIO] Very well, I will go in alone from the north.
[HROSTAR] No, I will go.
[HLYNIA] Quiet! Theres someone outside.
[BARBARA] Locks the doors!
[HROSTAR] Too late!
[HILIO] Hide!
[PRAPILLUS] If its Zarbi, the doors will not open.
[DOCTOR] No! Do not attack him. Hes quite harmless.
[BARBARA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] My dear Barbara. Where is Chesterton, hmm?
[IAN] Better? Its clearing.
[NEMINI] The vapour sleeps at our feet. Move slowly.
[HETRA] Nemini! Soon the mouth will appear. The walls are thin.
[NEMINI] The liquid hate from above.
[IAN] The acid pools. Get away!
[HETRA] No, no! She must block the mouth or we will die.(Nemini sacrifices herself to stop the acid from getting in)
[HETRA] It is danger that is always with us. Poidarac. It is well. Trydown there.
[VRESTIN [OC]] Heron, They have broken the wall.
(Temple of Light)
[DOCTOR] A most detailed report. Yes, itsinteresting.
[BARBARA] Will it work, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I dont see why not, my dear. What is in the centre of theweb, hmm? Do you know?
[PRAPILLUS] No one knows. An alien from the darkness of space but theshape inside the cocoon.
[BARBARA] But if it arrived here from another planet, surely some onemust have seen it?
[PRAPILLUS] Our legends of it only begin when it was already thinkingitself into the crannies of Vortis and the minds of the Zarbi,spreading its web.
[DOCTOR] Where does it draw its power from, hmm?
[PRAPILLUS] Is there is power in the magnetic pole of the planet? Thatis where the web has its centre.
[DOCTOR] Yes, the magnetic pole, I see, I see. You mean it draws anduses the power from the planet Vortis.
[PRAPILLUS] Yes, Doctor. Their theory would would explain the new moonsthat have appeared in the sky. They too are drawn here by this power.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I wonder why I didnt realise that before. The same forcedrew and holds the Tardis here. Yes, of course, its remarkable, mostinteresting.
[BARBARA] Doctor, do you intend to go ahead with the plan?
[DOCTOR] The plan? The plan. Yes, my dear, yes. Yes, but with a slightdifference.
[HROSTAR] How different?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think well go ahead with the mock attack as planned,that will be your responsibility, my dear. A time we shall agree to.
[BARBARA] Yes, Doctor.
[HILIO] And this?
[DOCTOR] That, I shall take along with me. The girl and I will return tothe Zarbi headquarters
[HILIO] Our wise men have put all their skill into this one Isop-tope. Icannot yield it to a stranger.
[HROSTAR] Wait. Can you take the Isop-tope past the Zarbi guards insafety?
[DOCTOR] Of course. I dont see why not?
[BARBARA] Prapillus!
[PRAPILLUS] Hilio, he is the first friend of the Menoptra ever to leavethe Carsinome. We must trust the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. I have great admiration for your wise men and theirjudgement. Now, my dear, is everything quite clear, hmm? BARBARA
[DOCTOR] Precisely. Come, child.
[VICKI] Doctor, have we got to?
[DOCTOR] Oh, now, now, now, cheer up, cheer up. I dont particularlywant to go back there myself.
[VICKI] Its all right. I suppose we do have the best chance. Anyway,the Tardis is still there.
[DOCTOR] Yes, what is it? What do you want? Excuse me. Well, what do youwant, hmm?
[PRAPILLUS] I wondered if we could borrow this creature? I think hewould be very useful in our attack.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you think so, do you?
[PRAPILLUS] I have made a study of the Zarbi. I think I could make useof him.
[DOCTOR] You do? Better than I?
[PRAPILLUS] Please, I have no wish to offend, but you dont know theZarbi as I do.
[DOCTOR] To control him, you will have to use my ring. And that is ofuntold value.
[PRAPILLUS] And what of the value of our Isop-tope?
[BARBARA] Is anything wrong?
[DOCTOR] No! No, my dear, no!
[PRAPILLUS] A small matter.
[DOCTOR] Our friend here has suggested that the creature goes along withyour party.
[PRAPILLUS] And I was thanking the Doctor for his faith in ourIsop-tope.
[BARBARA] Thats a very good idea, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? (he gives his ring to Prapillus) Here, take it!
[PRAPILLUS] May I know its secret?
[DOCTOR] You may not. Use it and return it.
[PRAPILLUS] Forgive me.
[DOCTOR] On your life, return it.
(Carsinome entrance)
[DOCTOR] I think youd better take this, my child. (the Isop-tope) Itllprobably be less conspicuous with you. Come on.
(Control room)
[VICKI] Oh, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Leave it me, child. Leave it to me.
[HETRA] Poidarac is above us now.
[VRESTIN] Heron? What should we do?
[IAN] We go up.
(Carsinome entrance)
[PRAPILLUS] Barbara, ready for you to give theword.
[BARBARA] Well wait. Make sure the Doctor has got to the controlsection.
(Control room)
(Control room)
[ANIMUS [OC]] You attempted escape?
[DOCTOR] We have been on a slight exploration.
[ANIMUS [OC]] You have been brought back to me.
[DOCTOR] Brought back? We came of our own free will. We are not to besubjected like the Zarbis, or terrorised like the Menoptra! We are
[ANIMUS [OC]] You are of no further use except for the way you think. Ineed your intelligence. You will be brought to the centre, to me!
[VICKI] What do they want now?
[DOCTOR] Oh, we we shall be taken to the centre, child. Try, try not tobe afraid.
(Carsinome entrance)
[BARBARA] The Doctor will have reached the controlsection by now. Prapillus, we should send in the Zarbi.
(Carsinome Corridor)
[DOCTOR] Ah, you never let me have the webdestructor back again, child. We may not get another chance.
[VICKI] Doctor, I havent got it.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, I gave it to you. Come along, my child, come along,come along.
[VICKI] Its just that I havent got it now.
[DOCTOR] Well where is it, child?
[VICKI] Its in the astral map, I hid it there.
[PRAPILLUS] Zarbi coming. Are we ready?
[HROSTAR] Prapillus, it will throw the necklet off.
[PRAPILLUS] Barbara, now!
[HROSTAR] Zarbi!
[HILIO] Zarbi!
[HROSTAR] Zarbi!
[HLYNIA] Zarbi!
[HLYNIA] It will return with reinforcements.
[BARBARA] Well, that was the idea, wasnt it?
[PRAPILLUS] We must move into the corridors to make it more difficultfor the Zarbi. They wont scatter us so easily.
[HROSTAR] I will take the first larvae gun.
[IAN] Look out! The acid again.
[VRESTIN] No Heron. It is water.
[IAN] Water?
[HETRA] Poidarac sucks goodness from our world.
[VRESTIN] Water. It sank below the surface when the Animus choked thesoil.
[IAN] Well its still there, Vrestin. All you have to do is bring it tothe surface. You can grow your plants again.
[HETRA] If we go up we meet the blinding heart of Poidarac. I have fear.Optera, stay.
[VRESTIN] Listen, Optera. Poidarac is evil. The Menoptra are strongerthan evil. The world above is good.
[IAN] Vrestin, if this is a root, we cant lose our way. Why not leavethem here?
[VRESTIN] No. They are descendants of my race. They can live in light.Come.
[HETRA] They stay. I go. If there is safety, I return for them. We go.
(Carsinome Corridor)
[PRAPILLUS] Hrostar?
[HROSTAR] Yes, Im ready.
[BARBARA] What are they doing?
[PRAPILLUS] The Zarbi will have larvae guns.
[HILIO] This is the only way we can stop them.
[HLYNIA] If it works.
[PRAPILLUS] Get back, Barbara!
[HLYNIA] Oh! Hrostar is dead.
[PRAPILLUS] Then we must succeed so that Hrostar may lie at rest in theTemples of Light. Do not cry, Hlynia, there is work to do. Come.
[HILIO] (taking the collar from the corpse) The next gun is mine.Follow.
(Animus Chamber)
[VICKI] Oh, can you see it, Doctor? Can you see it?
[DOCTOR] This infernal light is too bright for my eyes.
[ANIMUS] What Vortis is, I am. What you are, I will become.
[VICKI] Doctor! Doctor! Leave us alone, you parasite!
[ANIMUS] Parasite? A power, absorbing territory, riches, energy.culture! You come to me. VICKI
[ANIMUS] Do not fight against it. Approach, approach, both of you.
[VICKI] I mustnt move, I mustnt move.
(Root wall)
[IAN] There seems to be no end to it. Look out!
[IAN] All right?
[HETRA] The blinding dark is close now.
[VRESTIN] Heron, let us rest.
[IAN] No.
(Carsinome Corridor)
[BARBARA] Zarbi.
[HILIO] How many?
[BARBARA] I only saw one.
[HILIO] With larvae guns?
[BARBARA] No, I think he was alone.
[PRAPILLUS] Do not let him give the alarm, Hilio.
(Control room)
[PRAPILLUS] This seems to be the Zarbi nest. How does the Animus controlthem?
[HILIO] Look, there!
(Animus Chamber)
[VICKI] I cant, I cant struggle any more. Doctor, help me! Theres noone. No chance, and its all my fault.
[ANIMUS] What I take from you will enable me to reach beyond thisgalaxy, into the solar system, to pluck from Earth its myriadtechniques and take from man his mastery of space.
(Carsinome Control room)
[BARBARA] Look out!
[PRAPILLUS] No, Hlynia!
(Animus Chamber)
[ANIMUS] Zarbi centre wounded! Aliens in control.
(Control room)
[PRAPILLUS] This sector seems to be paralysed.
[BARBARA] Oh look, this is the Doctors astral map.
[PRAPILLUS] Does it work?
[BARBARA] Yes, I think so.
[PRAPILLUS] Can we speak to the invasion force with it?
[BARBARA] Yes, if I can just find the right frequency. Where would youwant it set?
[PRAPILLUS] To the planet Pictos, there.
[BARBARA] Now, try that.
[PRAPILLUS] Vortis to main force. Vortis to main force. Warning, repeat,warning, Electron guns useless against the Zarbi. Isop Plateau heavilyambushed. Wait for instructions. Reply.
[HILIO] Either it hasnt heard, or it doesnt trust us.
[BARBARA] Or I didnt set it right. I dont know, theres somethingwrong. This thing ought to light. Prapillus, look. Its the Isop-tope.The Doctor, he must have been captured.
[HILIO] Then we must take it to the centre ourselves.
[BARBARA] But why would
[HILIO] Theres no time to lose.
[PRAPILLUS] Hilio will take care of the Doctor.
[BARBARA] Hilio.
(Under the Animus)
[IAN] Give me this.
[IAN] Its like trying to cut your way through treacle.
[HETRA] The blind mouth of Poidarac will not let us through.
[VRESTIN] Heron, try.
(Carsinome Corridor)
[HILIO] Remember, the Destructor must be aimed atthe dark side of the Animus.
[PRAPILLUS] Zarbi! Theres no turning back. We must rush them. It onlyneeds one of us to get through with the Destructor.
[HILIO] Now!
[HILIO] Barbara!
[HLYNIA] Barbara! Barbara! Barbara!
[BARBARA] Theyre not following us.
[PRAPILLUS] Perhaps we were expected?
[HILIO] This must be the centre. Give me the Isop-tope.
(Animus Chamber)
[ANIMUS] All of you.
[HLYNIA] Light! Light! Light!
[PRAPILLUS] No, Hlynia, not this light! It is evil.
[HILIO] Barbara, the Destructor. Take it!
[VICKI] Barbara? Oh, Barbara!
[BARBARA] The dark side. I must aim it at the dark side.
[ANIMUS] Approach. Approach, Earth people. Your struggles are futile.
[BARBARA] It doesnt work! It doesnt work!
[ANIMUS] Escape is impossible. Impossible.
[ANIMUS] You are expected too. You have not the power.
[ANIMUS] Power. Master them. Master them! The universe!
[VICKI] Its dead. Its dead!
(Planet surface)
[HILIO] Hlynia. Water. Drink, Hlynia.
[HLYNIA] Vicki. Vicki. Vicki. Vicki.
[VICKI] What is it?
[HLYNIA] Water!
[VICKI] It is! Why does it appear now?
[HILIO] Before the Animus, water flowed freely on Vortis. Now the evilis gone, our streams run pure again. Our vegetation will flourish.VICKI
[VICKI] Barbara, come and look. Water.
[VRESTIN] Be strong. Be strong. The light is very good.
[HETRA] We fly like you?
[VRESTIN] No, but your children may fly.
[HETRA] We see.
[VRESTIN] Be patient.
[HETRA] Without flight, how will the gods of light be kind to my people?
[VRESTIN] Vortis is strong by thought. We will work together.
[PRAPILLUS] If I had not lived til this time, I would have counted mylife entirely wasted. Doctor, we owe you a great deal.
[DOCTOR] Theres only one thing you owe me, my friend.
[PRAPILLUS] And what is that?
[DOCTOR] That is my ring, hmm?
[PRAPILLUS] Your ring? Your ring, on my life.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, thank you.
[IAN] Well, they seem to be enjoying themselves up here.
[VRESTIN] The light is good.
[HETRA] Light is good.
[VRESTIN] Heron, will you come back to Vortis?
[IAN] Oh, I doubt it, Vrestin. But, knowing the Doctor, you can never besure.
[PRAPILLUS] Vrestin, have you mended the communicator?
[DOCTOR] Well, my boy, weve managed to come out of this knot unscathed.
[IAN] Yes. All except my old school tie.
[DOCTOR] Yes, its quite a problem, isnt it. Its something to do withcoal, wasnt it?
[IAN] Coal Hill School. An old Coal Hill School tie. Black with thinemerald green stripes on it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, quite so. Quite so. Come on.
[IAN] Barbara, Vicki.
[HLYNIA] It disappeared!
[PRAPILLUS] Their deeds shall be sung in the Temples of Light. Pictosshall remind us of a time as it circles Vortis. Every time it points tothe Needle of the Kings, as it does now, then we shall weave songs topraise the gods of light and thank them that they sent the Earth peopleto save us from the Animus. Now the Zarbi larvae feed the soil, theflower forest shall grow again across Vortis. But we must not allow theforest to conceal another lurking Animus. Welcome the main force.
[VRESTIN] Vortis to main force, Vortis to main force.
[MENOPTRA [OC]] Main force to Vortis. Main force to Vortis. Vrestin,where shall we land?
[VRESTIN] The dark power is dead. Fly in Menoptra to the delta oflights. We are waiting.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s02", "episode": "e05", "title": "The Web Planet"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (28 Mar, 1965; First Doctor) - The Crusade
[EL AKIR] No, not yet. One of them may be the King. Follow them andlisten to them.
[RICHARD] We are the only day and night for you, hunter.
[DE MARUN] I wish that I were a hawk, sire, and Saladin my prey.
[RICHARD] Now there's a subject for our troubadours and actors. Speak tothe Chamberlain about it, I beg you, de Marun.
[DE MARUN] I will, my lord. I will have the players call theentertainment, The Defeat of Saladin, the Sparrow of the East.
[RICHARD] Well, it'll help us to pass these weary waiting nights atJaffa. Here's a man devoted to his work.
[DE TORNEBU] A beautiful thing, sire, but it has a stubborn streak. Theclasp is faulty and needs hot fires to make it pliable.
[RICHARD] Perhaps I should ride with craftsmen and leave my knights athome.
[DES PREAUX] Your Majesty.
[RICHARD] No, des Preaux, I will not fight today.
[DE MARUN] Or do you mean to slay us all?
[DE TORNEBU] And eat us for his dinner, from the look of him.
[DES PREAUX] Sire, I've heard sounds in these woods.
[DE MARUN] I've heard nothing.
[DE TORNEBU] What sort of sounds?
[RICHARD] Let the man speak!
[DES PREAUX] I fear this wood, sire. You are too far from Jaffa and theSaracens too near.
[RICHARD] Have you seen any?
[DES PREAUX] No, but I sense them about us. This wood might have beendesigned for ambush.
[RICHARD] What, des Preaux? Would you see danger in your own shadow?
[DE TORNEBU] I have put the brothers de L'Etabe with the horses, sire,and all is ready for the return to Jaffa. If your Majesty desires togo.
[RICHARD] We will stay here until, William the Wary, you recover yourcomposure. And, I hope, your sense of humour.
(Outside the Tardis)
[IAN] I'll just take a look around.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes.
[IAN] Barbara.
[DOCTOR] Good afternoon!
[DOCTOR] What is all this? Who is he? How did he attack you? Why did heattack you?
[IAN] I don't know. I didn't stop to ask him.
[VICKI] What's going on? Where are we?
[Ian] Shh!
[IAN] Sounds to me as if he's got some friends.
[DOCTOR] Come on. Give me a hand.
[VICKI] But who is he?
[DOCTOR] Come away, child. Dear me. Out of one trouble into another!
[IAN] Barbara. Where's Barbara? Barbara!
[IAN [OC]] Barbara!
[IAN] Someone's coming. Hide.
[DES PREAUX] Saracens, I am the king! I am Malek Ric!
[EL AKIR] No. You have no friends to protect you now, Malek Ric.
[DES PREAUX] Am I to die as well? If so, dispatch me and have done withit.
[EL AKIR] A king at liberty may give commands. A captured one obeysthem. Take him! Find the others and kill them.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, old chap, I have my friend here to thank for mylife. Are youall right, dear boy?
[IAN] Yes, I'm all right.
[DOCTOR] That Saracen very nearly did for me. Of course. Did you hearwhat that mancalled him? Saracen. Malek Ric! Yes, that was the name the Saracens hadfor King Richard, Coeur de Lion. Malek Ric.
[VICKI] So we're in the Holy Land? He's trying to say something. What
[DOCTOR] Yes, he's got a very bad wound here.
[DE TORNEBU] He was not the King.
[VICKI] Not the King?
[DE TORNEBU] The belt. Get the belt.
[VICKI] This belt?
[DOCTOR] This belt. Wait a minute. Of course, yes. I remember. Thisbelongs to his royal master, King Richard. He'll certainly be glad toget this back again. We should be able to get into his favour. We shallneed some assistance to help find Barbara.
[IAN] We can't wait that long, Doctor. I'm going to have another lookfor her now.
[DOCTOR] Be careful, my boy.
[IAN [OC]] Barbara! Barbara!
[DOCTOR] How is he, my dear? Did he take the drug I gave you?
[VICKI] Yes, but I'm afraid he's unconscious again.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, he should be better when we get him back to his ownpeople.
[VICKI] Where have you been?
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[VICKI] You've been gone over an hour.
[IAN] There's no sign of Barbara anywhere.
[DOCTOR] Well, as I said before, we must try and get some help from KingRichard. This certainly belongs to him.
[IAN] I suppose you're right, but how are we going to set about it?
[DOCTOR] Well, at the moment we can do nothing further until I find someclothes for all of us to wear,hmm? Yes. Now I think Vicki and I should go down into that city and seewhat we can find. Now, here, child. Put on this cloak, and it'll helpto act as a disguise.
[IAN] While you're gone, I'll gather some branches and make a stretcherfor him.
[DOCTOR] It's a good idea, but be careful. In the meantime, keep youreye on that.
[IAN] Oh, yeah.
[DOCTOR] Come along, child.
(Prisoner's tent)
[DES PREAUX] I will do you no harm.
[BARBARA] Oh. Oh, thank heaven they've taken that gag away. Umm, I'm sothirsty.
[DES PREAUX] I do not know who you are, or how you came to be in thewood outside Jaffa. Your clothing is strange. It has caused some talk.
[BARBARA] Thank you for the cloak. Oh, that's better. Where are we?
[DES PREAUX] I am told we are at Ramlah.
[BARBARA] Ramlah?
[DES PREAUX] The great Sultan's encampment.
[BARBARA] Oh, I see. What are we doing here?
[DES PREAUX] As for you, I can make no guess. But I am King Richard,Coeur de Lion, leader of the mighty host, scourge of the infidel.
[BARBARA] But I thought Richard had red hair.
[DES PREAUX] Had? Still has if the ruse has worked.
[BARBARA] Oh, then you
[DES PREAUX] I am Sir William des Preaux, captured and mistaken for myKing. Some smiles will turn to long faces soon, I have no doubt.
[BARBARA] Yes, I heard the sound of fighting in the wood.
[DES PREAUX] We were sadly outnumbered and taken by surprise.
[BARBARA] What happened to the others in the wood?
[DES PREAUX] I do not know. Maybe I shall never know. But I have ahopeful heart and, which is better, a lucky King. And you, who will notsay her name.
[BARBARA] Barbara.
[DES PREAUX] Barbara. I would like to know how one so gentle putsherself among the swords and arrows. And your garments are a fashion inthemselves.
[BARBARA] Take me back to that wood, Sir William, and I'll answer allyour questions.
[DES PREAUX] You ask for the impossible very lightly.
[BARBARA] Is it so impossible?
[DES PREAUX] Today it is. But what am I to say of you to the heathen?How can I explain you to them?
[BARBARA] Well, to them you're King Richard, so who would travel withRichard?
[DES PREAUX] The Queen would not, but the Princess Yes, you shall beJoanna, my sister, and help me in my lies.
[BARBARA] Very well. I seem to have gained a brother and a title.
[DES PREAUX] And what is more, a friend.
[BARBARA] I'm grateful for that.
[DES PREAUX] Shh. Remember, you are Joanna.
[EL AKIR] Yusef Salah ed-Din has commanded that all prisoners be treatedwith compassion. Would you say I have complied with his wishes?
[DES PREAUX] The Sultan of Egypt and Syria would no doubt be pleased.But this lady, my sister
[EL AKIR] Sister?
[DES PREAUX] Aye. Joanna, Princess of England and closest to me inaffection. My sister has been ill-treated, handled roughly by your men.Is this the compassion Saladin speaks of?
[EL AKIR] Enough of your babbling. The woman is all of one piece.
[DES PREAUX] Woman? Hold your tongue, Saracen!
[EL AKIR] We shall call her a prisoner, then. Does that sound better?You have no rights, no privileges, nothing except the benevolence ofour leader. That you are the King's sister bodes well for me. I canserve both the Sultan and Malek el Adil.
[DES PREAUX] Saphadin?
[EL AKIR] As you call the Sultan's brother, yes. He will be pleased tosee the woman he has so long admired. Let him go. He is a lion withoutclaws.
[BARBARA] Someone is going to have a very red face before long.
[DES PREAUX] And an angry temper.
[DAHEER] Silks. Satins. Fine robes. Rich silks. Satins from Basra. Finerobes. Silks. Satins. The finest robes in Jaffa! Silks. Satins. Finerobes. Rich silks. Fine satins. The finest robes in Jaffa.
[DAHEER] My lord. You are from Pisa, my lord?
[DAHEER] Genoa, then?
[DOCTOR] I know of the place well.
[DAHEER] You are very cautious, you traders from Venice.
[DOCTOR] I am not a Venetian, neither am I a trader.
[DAHEER] Oh, your pardon, my lord. The richness of your cloak is hiddenby the darkness.
[DOCTOR] You have some very fine materials here.
[DAHEER] The finest on the coast, my lord.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's what they all say.
[DAHEER] Please, step into my humble shop.
(Daheer's shop)
[DOCTOR] Truly remarkable, all the colours of therainbow. Ha, ha! Yes, it's truly Where did you say these wonderfulmaterials came from?
[DAHEER] Basra, my lord.
[DOCTOR] Basra? Ah, most interesting.
[DAHEER] Forgive me, my lord. Why can't you be more careful when youcome here? Why can't you wait until the place is empty?
[THATCHER] They're all good, fine things. I want more than you paid lasttime.
[DAHEER] Such clothes as these are difficult for me to sell.
[THATCHER] Just give me my money.
[DAHEER] I a afraid that I may sell them to the person you took themfrom.
[THATCHER] A good price, that's all I ask.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Having been stolen once, they can be stolen again, orperhaps borrowed, shall we say, hmm?
[THATCHER] Here, that's not enough. It was dangerous work getting themthings. If I was caught, do you know what would happen?Do you know the King's punishment for thieves? I'd be shorn like aprizefighter and boiling pitch poured on me head. And as for you.
[DAHEER] You did get out of the palace without being seen?
[THATCHER] Of course I did. Remember, I can go elsewhere next time.
[DAHEER] And get less.
[THATCHER] I couldn't get any less than what you give me. Blimey, it washard word getting around the palace. I couldn't have done anything. Ispend all my time trying to get this money and you do nothing.
[DAHEER] As you paid nothing for them in the first place, you have donevery well.
[DAHEER] My lord? My lord? I was sure that he would buy from me. I couldhave sworn that he hadn't left.
[DAHEER] No, my beautiful clothes! Oh, they're ruined, all covered inmud. My silks and satins. My embroidery from India. Oh, I am beset bydevils! Oh!
[DOCTOR] Oh, my poor friend, what a misfortune. You've had an accident.
[DAHEER] Am I not the most miserable of men.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, you are, but I'm afraid I must leave you with yourmisfortune. But I shall return. Yes, I will return and you shall not bethe loser by this business.
[DAHEER] Oh please do. Please do, my lord.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[DAHEER] For what, my lord?
[DOCTOR] Oh, for being here. For being here when you were most needed.Yes, yes. Goodbye.
[DAHEER] Goodbye, my lord.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye. And long live the Sultan.
(Saladin's throne room)
[SAPHADIN] Speak, El Akir.
[EL AKIR] My lord, I bring good fortune. Not only for your ears, but forhe who rules all of us as well.
[SAPHADIN] My brother hears you as I do.
[EL AKIR] I would see his face when I tell my story.
[SAPHADIN] Be content that your voice is heard. If what you have to saypleases my brother, then you will see him.
[EL AKIR] Know then that I, El Akir, have the instrument to vanquish theinvaders from across the seas.
[SAPHADIN] Indeed?
[EL AKIR] I have taken two prisoners. One of them, the King of theEnglish, Malek Ric.
[SAPHADIN] Malek Ric? If you are speaking the truth.
[EL AKIR] The Lion is in our cage.
[SAPHADIN] Good fortune indeed, El Akir.
[EL AKIR] The other, a priceless stone I bring to lay before you as yourheart desires. The sister of the Malek Ric, here for your command.
[SAPHADIN] Princess Joanna.
[EL AKIR] No less.
[SAPHADIN] Less then less! Who is this creature? This rowdy jackal thatyaps at my feet with tales of fortune and success?
[EL AKIR] My lord.
[SAPHADIN] You vile worm. Do you think I do not know the face and theform of the Princess? You take me for a fool?
[EL AKIR] You tricked me!
[SALADIN] Be silent. This is not King Richard.
[EL AKIR] Not?
[SALADIN] A blacker head of red-gold hair I never saw. You have thebetter bargain, brother. She may not be the Princess, but her beautylights the room.
[EL AKIR] My lord, I swear.
[SALADIN] I do not wish to hear you. But I will listen to you.
[DES PREAUX] I am William des Preaux, and to aid my King's escape, Ishouted out his name and took his identity. This lady, your Highness,has no part in this matter but in aiding my pretence, and I beg you tolook upon her kindly, whatever fate you have for me.
[SALADIN] I salute your chivalry. All is now clear to me except thelady's presence.
[EL AKIR] Great Sultan, this woman can be made to entertain you. I canhave her dance on hot coals, run a gauntlet of sharp tipped swords.
[EL AKIR] Die for your pleasure.
[SALADIN] What do you say to that?
[BARBARA] It sounds like the punishment for a fool.
[SALADIN] It does. And who here is the most foolish? El Akir, I candevise my own pleasures. Go with Sir William. Let me hear you havetreated him like a brother. Let him have all the liberty except libertyitself.
[SALADIN] Are you afraid of me?
[SALADIN] You're not of these lands, yet you seem to be a stranger toSir William.
[BARBARA] I'm a traveller. I came with three friends. We arrived in thewood.
[SALADIN] You rode into the wood?
[SAPHADIN] You walked into it?
[BARBARA] Not that either.
[SALADIN] You arrived?
[BARBARA] Yes. In a box.
[SAPHADIN] In a box? Ah, you were carried into the wood.
[SALADIN] Please talk. It helps me to consider what I have to do withyou.
[BARBARA] Well, I could say that I'm from another world, a world ruledby insects. And before that we were in Rome at the time of Nero. Beforethat we were in England, far, far into the future.
[SALADIN] Now I understand, you and your friends, you are players,entertainers.
[SAPHADIN] With little value in an exchange of prisoners with theEnglish King, brother. This is a trivial affair. I do not know why youwaste your time.
[SALADIN] I cannot dispense life and death lightly. If Sir William is tobe returned, he must make good report of our mercy. Perhaps that is thefactor in your favour.
[BARBARA] I don't believe you're as calculating as that.
[SALADIN] Then learn more of me. You must serve my purpose or you haveno purpose. Grace my table tonight in more suitable clothes. If yourtales beguile me, you shall stay and entertain.
[BARBARA] Like Scheherazade.
[SALADIN] Over whose head hung sentence of death.
(Richard's throne room)
[RICHARD] Right! Enough! This is the Devil's own embrocation. Continue.
[DE TORNEBU] And so these kindly people, whose faces were like hidden ina mist until the moment passed, saved my life and brought me here.
[RICHARD] Good friends, indeed. We thank you. The brothers de L'Etableare dead. de Marun dead. Sir Richard des Preaux taken. What have I leftbut one wounded friend and a sore head?
[DOCTOR] One small thing remains yours, sire.
[RICHARD] Once again, I am in your debt. But I'd give this for de Marunand the others. My friends cut down about my ears or stolen. My armiesroust about the streets and clutter up the streets of Jaffa with thegarbage of their vices. And now I learn my brother John thirsts afterpower, drinking great draughts of it though it's not his to take. He'splanning to usurp my crown, and trade with my enemy, Philip of France.Trade! A tragedy of fortunes and I am too much beset by them. A curseon this! A thousand curses!
[IAN] We must ask him.
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure this is the time.
[VICKI] No, he doesn't seem in the best of moods, does he?
[IAN] We can't wait for his moods.
[DOCTOR] Gently, my boy, gently.
[IAN] Your Majesty. There were four of us in that wood. One of ourcompanions was a lady.She
[RICHARD] Do not bother me with such things now.
[IAN] I am asking you to send me with an escort to Saladin'sheadquarters.
[RICHARD] And what do you do when you are there?
[IAN] Arrange for the release of our friends.
[RICHARD] As my emissary to Saladin?
[IAN] Yes.
[RICHARD] What, flatter him? Bring him presents in return?
[DOCTOR] It would be of little use, a player king and a young woman,sire.
[IAN] I can bring them both back.
[IAN] Why not?
[RICHARD] Are you deaf? We do not trade with Saladin today. Not today,nor tomorrow, nor any day henceforth.
[DOCTOR] Our young friend is a woman, sire. Have pity. Let us help her.
[VICKI] Please, your Majesty.
[RICHARD] Understand this. This woman can rot in one of Saladin'sprisons until her hair turns white before I'll trade with the man thatkilled my friends!
[DE TORNEBU] My lord, although we left a little ofour pride back in the woods, there is some capital to be gained fromthe affair. Beside the violence and the tragedy, it has a humour.
[RICHARD] Humour? Is he delirious?
[DOCTOR] I think I know what he means, sire. Here Saladin, mighty rulerand commander of huge armies, believes he's captured you.
[VICKI] You could turn this into a good story against Saladin.
[DE TORNEBU] Look on the brighter side, my lord. A troop of men tocapture one of your knights? Why, he'd need an army by itself and moreto take your horse, or every man he has or more to take you prisoner.
[DOCTOR] You could spread this tale by word of mouth and all the worldwould know that Saladin fears you.
[VICKI] Sire, if you send to him and asked if he'd finished playing hisgame and could you have your knight back, it'll make him look such afool.
[RICHARD] There is a jest here, albeit a grim one with our friends dead.But Saladin must be just as much out of temper over this affair as weare.
[DOCTOR] Your messenger might offer to exchange a hundred prisoners forthe knight he holds.
[RICHARD] We think we value Sir William highly. We do, but it would notbe good to let Saladin know.
[DOCTOR] He might think you undervalue his men. One hundred men to oneof yours. Methinks a fair bargain, sire.
[RICHARD] By my father's name, you have wit, old man. Guard, call theChamberlain. We recognise the service you have rendered us and will bepleased to see you in our court.
[DOCTOR] We are your servants, sire.
[RICHARD] As to the sending of a messenger? Joanna.
[JOANNA] Brother, are you wounded?
[RICHARD] Even my pride has been mended, sister. See these good people?Courage, loyalty, and wit are gathered here.
[DE TORNEBU] Forgive me, my lady.
[JOANNA] This man should be in his bed.
[RICHARD] Yes. Chamberlain! Where are you?
[CHAMBERLAIN [OC]] Coming, sire, coming.
[RICHARD] Take this knight and see that he is well looked after and findplaces for these others. They have our patronage.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Thatcher, guard, lend a hand.
[VICKI] Be careful. Mind his shoulder.
[IAN] We should carry him.
[VICKI] Shall I help?
[IAN] No, I think we can manage.
[JOANNA] This is a young man?
[DOCTOR] His voice has not yet broken, your Highness.
[JOANNA] What is your name?
[VICKI] Victor.
[JOANNA] Do you sing songs or play an instrument?
[VICKI] No. Nobody ever showed me.
[JOANNA] We must do something about your clothes, at least.
[DOCTOR] Your Highness. Come, Victor. Let us tend upon the others.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Thank you, young man. You may leave him to us.
(Outside the throne room)
[IAN] Giving him back his belt didn't help us verymuch.
[DOCTOR] I certainly didn't like the way the Chamberlain examinedVicki's clothes. And come to think of it, they were originally stolenfrom here.
[VICKI] Shh!
(Richard's throne room)
[JOANNA] Strange people.
[RICHARD] Good friends. And what is this? I have not seen this jewelbefore.
[JOANNA] A gift from the man you fight.
[RICHARD] Saladin?
[JOANNA] His brother, Saphadin. Oh, I have given no cause for hisattention.
[RICHARD] Saladin sends me presents of fruit and snow when I am sick,and now his brother decorates you with his jewels. Yet with our armiesdo we both lock in deadly combat, watering the land with a rain ofblood, and the noise of thunder is drowned in the shouts of dying men.
[JOANNA] Your heart calls for England, Richard.
[RICHARD] Aye, it does.
[JOANNA] Is there no kind of peace with Saladin?
[RICHARD] All wise men look for peace. The terms of peace make wise menlook fools. I would have Ascalon, but Saladin fears that if he gives methat town then I will invade Egypt, and nothing I can say can make himchange his mind. How this jewel radiates the light. So, Saphadindesires my sister.
[JOANNA] But surely you and Saladin have some common meeting ground,Richard?
[RICHARD] Joanna? Saphadin?
(Outside Saladin's throne room)
[EL AKIR] Now take this and tell me where the womanis.
[EL AKIR] Then bring her to me.
[EL AKIR] Then deserve my displeasure.
[SHEYRAH] My lord is greater than you.
[EL AKIR] Where is she?
[LUIGI] She was a fool not to take the ring. But perhaps you were askingtoo much for it. Now I have something to ask of someone, if only I knewtheir price.
[EL AKIR] I'm not bought by you, merchant.
[LUIGI] You are an Emir, El Akir. What possessions of mine couldpossibly match those you already own? But I'm travelled from Tyre tospeak with Saladin at Ramlah, a weary journey, and neither he nor hisbrother will receive me.
[EL AKIR] It's nothing to me. I'm leaving Ramlah.
[LUIGI] Do you return to your palace at Lydda?
[EL AKIR] Yes.
[LUIGI] Then what keeps you here? We both have reasons for being here,El Akir. Can we not help each other?
[EL AKIR] And what is your reason, merchant?
[LUIGI] Conrad of Tyre has sent an emissary here to make a treaty withyour overlord. I come on his heels. Where there is a treaty there is achance of profit. What lies unwanted on my ships at Tyre will find ahome in Saladin. And from him I can buy and stock my ships again.
[EL AKIR] And what is my part in this, merchant?
[LUIGI] Arrange an audience with Saladin or his brother. But how will Irepay such a favour?
[EL AKIR] There is a woman here, an English woman. She made me look afool. I shall take her to my palace at Lydda and then we shall see whothe fool is, or the master.
[LUIGI] A simple matter. Arrange my audience, then wait by the stables.I'll bring the woman to you.
(Barbara's tent)
[SHEYRAH] Your lord will be dazzled with yourbeauty, my lady.
[BARBARA] Thank you, Sheyrah.
[BARBARA] What is it?
[SHEYRAH] The whispers are about that you will tell a never-endingstory.
[BARBARA] Oh, yes. How did I get myself involved in this?
[SHEYRAH] Be at peace, my lady. You only tremble at the honour ofappearing before the great Sultan. I must tell you something, my lady.You have made an enemy. You must beware.
[BARBARA] An enemy?
[SHEYRAH] El Akir is planning I know not what, but he is an evil man.
[BARBARA] How do you know this?
[SHEYRAH] Already he has tried to buy my loyalty with precious stones.You must be cautious. Escape if you can.
[BARBARA] El Akir? But surely Saladin
[SHEYRAH] I cannot say more, my lady.
[BARBARA] Sheyrah.
[SHEYRAH] Please, my lady. I will fetch your shoes.
[BARBARA] Escape? But how? A never-ending story. What am I going to do?Stories. Stories. Shakespeare! Yes, Romeo and Juliet. Hans ChristianAndersen. Lilliput. Gulliver's Travels.
[LUIGI] I am Luigi Ferrigo, merchant from Genoa. I have got a horse foryou at the stables.
[BARBARA] Did Sir William send you?
[SHEYRAH [OC]] Which shoes shall I bring, my lady?
[LUIGI] Sir William? Yes, yes, he sent me. Now please, hurry.
[SHEYRAH] My lady? My lady?
[BARBARA] Where is he?
[LUIGI] We are almost there. Now please hurry, The man should be here.
[EL AKIR] He is.
[EL AKIR] Your way is open to the Sultan's brother.
(Richard's palace - robing room)
[IAN] Oh, I think this whole thing is ridiculous.
[DOCTOR] You do, do you? Then I suggest we get along with it.
[IAN] Why have I got to put this lot on?
[DOCTOR] How should I know, dear fellow? If the King wants you to,surely that's good enough.
[VICKI] Anyway, what are you complaining about? For all you know, itmight give you a better chance to find Barbara.
[DOCTOR] Never mind the mights, my dear, just concentrate on what you'redoing. Here we are.Now I think just the sword and you're ready.
[IAN] Ready for what??
[DOCTOR] Oh, the King will tell you that. Do you know, my boy, I have anidea that King Richard still wants to send you to see Saladin afterall.
(Richard's throne room)
[RICHARD] (dictating to a cleric) And not only thiskingdom, its towns and fortresses, shall be yours, but also theFrankish kingdom. Our sister, the Princess Joanna, whose beauty isalready spoken of wherever men of judgement and discernment are, is afit match for one who not only enjoys so grand. No, not grand, eminent.So eminent a brother as the Sultan Saladin but who also possesses anelement of his own. Prince Saphadin, we beg you to prefer this matchand thus make us your brother. Now, let me see. See it's deliveredimmediately.
[RICHARD] Ah, sirrah. Some business with you. Come closer.
[DOCTOR] Your royal commands have been carried out, your Majesty.
[RICHARD] Take this gold belt to the Sultan Saladin. Beg him to releaseSir William des Preaux and your companion.
[VICKI] Ian, how marvellous!
[DOCTOR] You are very gracious, sire.
[RICHARD] Do you wonder why I listen to your appeal?
[DOCTOR] It is a king's prerogative to make yesterday's deafness today'skeen hearing.
[RICHARD] No more than that. Although we do not doubt that we aresurrounded by loyal men, yet we fear that war is uppermost in theirminds. Between ourselves, we plan a match between Joanna and Saphadinto bring peace. This is why we choose to send you rather than those whoare closer to us. Bring back Sir William and your companion, but bringus hope as well. This blood-letting must stop!
[IAN] May I leave at once, sir?
[RICHARD] Is it love of peace or is it love of your companion thatprompts this enthusiasm? Well, whatever the reason, may it speed youback to us. I have one duty to perform before you leave. Give me thesword, boy. You are without rank or title and while we do not doubtyour courage, our emissary shall speak from a proper position ofauthority. What is your name?
[IAN] Ian Chesterton.
[RICHARD] Kneel.
[IAN] But I
[DOCTOR] Kneel, my boy. Kneel, kneel. Come along, come along.
[RICHARD] In the name of God, Saint Michael, and Saint George, we dubyou Sir Ian, Knight of Jaffa. Arise Sir Ian, and be valiant.
[IAN] Your majesty.
(Richard's palace - robing room)
[CHAMBERLAIN] With long white hair?
[DAHEER] Yes, my lord, yes.
[CHAMBERLAIN] A dark cloak which nearly brushes the ground?
[DAHEER] The same, and if he has the articles you mentioned, then hestole them from me.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Then we shall wait here for his return and face him withhis infamy.
(Saladin's throne room)
[LUIGI] Perfumes, materials from Baghdad, ivory,gold, spices. All these, Prince Saphadin, are now but a trickle becauseof this war.
[SAPHADIN] My brother has not yet made any treaty with Conrad of Tyre.
[LUIGI] I am a merchant, and hope I do no wrong in anticipating events,my lord.
[SAPHADIN] You are seeking a concession?
[LUIGI] I am, yes, sire. I am well-known for my proper dealings.
[SAPHADIN] Yes, your reputation has flown ahead of you. Where there aretransactions to be made, there will one find Master Ferrigo.
[LUIGI] It is my calling, Prince Saphadin.
[SAPHADIN] Well, help me judge another matter. and I may understand yourmind a little better.
[SALADIN] I will hear this.
[SAPHADIN] Yes, brother.
[SALADIN] This is a domestic matter only, but since it concerns a personnearer your way of thinking than ours, we welcome your advice.
[SAPHADIN] A prisoner has escaped.
[LUIGI] Indeed?
[SALADIN] A woman, one I hoped might perhaps divert this court. I hadreason to believe she was a teller of stories.
[SHEYRAH] Do not blame me!
[SALADIN] Tell me what happened.
[SHEYRAH] I do not know. I went to fetch her shoes, and when I returnedshe was gone. That's all I know.
[SALADIN] And you, Sir William, know nothing of this affair?
[DES PREAUX] Nothing, lord Saladin. I would not encourage a lady toventure out alone.
[SALADIN] I believe you. Nor do I believe the woman would go by herself.
[SAPHADIN] What is your opinion, merchant?
[LUIGI] Er, this woman, er, had an accomplice perhaps? A companion whohelped her, acted as her guide.
[DES PREAUX] She was abducted. That is the only explanation.
[LUIGI] I see, of course. That is an explanation.
[SAPHADIN] What else have you to say, woman?
[SHEYRAH] You mean what I found?
[SHEYRAH] On the table I found a glove.
[SALADIN] A man's glove?
[SHEYRAH] Yes, my lord.
[SALADIN] This glove?
[SHEYRAH] Yes, lord.
[SALADIN] It has a companion, Sir William.
[DES PREAUX] Where is she? What have you done with her?
[LUIGI] I took her to El Akir.
(Richard's palace - corridor)
[DOCTOR] I hope you will find Barbara safe and well,dear boy, er, Sir Ian.
[VICKI] Good luck, Ian. Be as quick as you can.
[IAN] I will, Vicki.
[DOCTOR] Godspeed. And remember, be valiant.
[DOCTOR] I almost wish I'd been knighted too.
[VICKI] That'll be the day. Come on, let's go and tidy Ian's things.
(Richard's palace - robing room)
[CHAMBERLAIN] I have been waiting to speak with you.
[DOCTOR] Oh? Pray, what about?
[DAHEER] Thief!
[VICKI] I beg your pardon!
[DOCTOR] What's this?
[DAHEER] Visitor of sorrows, depriver of my children, robber of mygoods.
[DOCTOR] Who is this? Do you know?
[VICKI] No. Oh, his face is a bit familiar.
[CHAMBERLAIN] You stole some clothing.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[CHAMBERLAIN] You see this riding habit? It was taken from this veryroom. Now it is back here again.
[DOCTOR] And a pretty poor garment, too.
[CHAMBERLAIN] This and this, stolen from me.
[DAHEER] And stolen from me.
[DOCTOR] Yes, now there really is a point there, isn't there? If I stolefrom you, my lord Chamberlain, how could I steal from him?
[DAHEER] You did. You did steal from me.
[DOCTOR] Then how could I steal from him, eh, you blockhead?
[CHAMBERLAIN] Please, please. Now, I had the clothes first.
[DOCTOR] Oh, how nice for you.
[DAHEER] And I had them second.
[VICKI] Did you buy them?
[VICKI] From us?
[DOCTOR] Then whoever it was stole them from you must have sold them toyou. Now, don't you agree?
[THATCHER] My lord Chamberlain, a ship is in the harbour disgorgingfruit from Acre.
[DAHEER] That's the man. I bought them from him.
[DOCTOR] He must have stolen them from you.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Thatcher! You villain!
[DOCTOR] Now, just a minute! Oh, my dear Chamberlain, so undignified.The merchant bought the clothes in good faith and paid for them in goodmoney. Now please return his money.
[CHAMBERLAIN] But I have to catch the thief.
[DOCTOR] Now, now, now. You mustn't let an honest man suffer. Pay him!
[CHAMBERLAIN] Doh! Thatcher! Thatcher!
[DAHEER] Joy to you, my lord! Giver of life to my father, provider!
[DOCTOR] Yes, off you go! Off you go! Well, we seem to have got out ofthat problem all right, hmm?
(Outside El Akir's palace)
[EL AKIR] The woman tied to the horse. Bring her!
[GUARD 1] Another one for El Akir's cage.
[GUARD 2] I swear it to be the finest collection in Islam.
(Saladin's palace)
[IAN] Kidnapped?
[DES PREAUX] Yes, Sir Ian, I fear so. Your rescue has come too late.
[IAN] Well, who's taken her?
[DES PREAUX] This Genoese merchant. He explained it away by saying thatBarbara had conceived a passion for El Akir. Saladin and his brotheraccept the story, but I do not!
[IAN] Well, of course not. It's a lie.
[DES PREAUX] They could be as friendly as a hawk and a sparrow.
[IAN] Where can I find El Akir?
[DES PREAUX] He has returned to Lydda since falling out with Saladin.
[IAN] Is Lydda very far away?
[DES PREAUX] No, but it's El Akir's territory, where he has his men.
[IAN] I'm going after her.
[DES PREAUX] El Akir has an evil reputation. It's my belief he capturedyour companion as revenge, and in his eyes she would make a fineaddition to his harem.
(Lydda - passageway)
(Lydda - passageway)
[HAROUN] Two heads without the brains of one.
[BARBARA] Thank you for helping me. Who are you?
[HAROUN] I'm Haroun ed-Diin.
[BARBARA] I'm Barbara.
[HAROUN] We have a common enemy in El Akir. It makes for uncommonfriendship. Come with me.
[BARBARA] Where?
[HAROUN] To a place of safety, come.
(Richard's palace - robing room)
[VICKI] Oh, you look marvellous.
[DAHEER] Marvellous indeed, my lord. The birds will envy you and themulti-coloured fish from the deeps are put to shame.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right, don't get so carried away my friend. It'sa fine cloak. You've done a very good job.
[DAHEER] My lord is most gracious.
[DOCTOR] Now the next question is, what could you do for my boy, hmm? Iwant something of finer quality.
[DAHEER] Like yours, my lord? Then I can provide all the quality youneed. Jewelled tunics with fur collars, ruby-studded belts, quiltedsleeves, lacedleather boots.
[DOCTOR] Quite so, quite so, thank you, thank you. Now run away and havea good think about it, and let me know in the morning what you'vedecided.
[DAHEER] I will, my lord. And when the sun rises I shall be here totransform the boy into a veritable strutting peacock. And then perhapsmy lord will recommend the name of Ben Daheer to the King?
[VICKI] Who's your friend?
[VICKI] Anyway, why have I got to go on pretending to be a boy? Whycan't I be a girl again?
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, my dear, but you known how we're placed here. It's,it's a, hmm?
[JOANNA] Why have you deceived us?
[DOCTOR] Oh, forgive me, your highness. This is my young ward. Havingfound ourselves in a hostile country I decided to use this disguise.
[JOANNA] But we are not hostile. The open country, yes. Within reach ofthe mercilessSaracen, yes. But here in Jaffa?
[VICKI] Please, don't be angry with him. He only did what he thought wasbest for me.
[JOANNA] A pretty advocate. Well, I won't be a partner to thisdeception, but while you are here you shall be in my company and begiven my protection.
[DOCTOR] We are indeed grateful, your Highness.
[JOANNA] I saw the Chamberlain in the corridor. Bring him to me.
[JOANNA] You say you are grateful. I cannot command what I ask of younow nor will I, but I am in somequandary.
[DOCTOR] Can I help you, madam?
[JOANNA] I am my brother's favourite, yet now I find I am excluded fromhis confidence. I sense he's made a plan of which I am a part.
[DOCTOR] May I ask, why, of all people here, you've come to me, hmm?
[JOANNA] There's something new in you, yet something older than the skyitself. I sense that I can trust you.
[DOCTOR] If there is a plan, my lady, I will find out what it is andkeep close in touch, hmm?
[JOANNA] Then I am satisfied.
[JOANNA] Ah, good Chamberlain.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Your Highness.
[JOANNA] Bid your servants go about the town and find nimble hands whowill dress this child. Good weaving, well-spun cloth. The dresses shallbe of silk and satins and brocaded stuff.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Dresses? Silks? Satins? For the boy? I, I thought therewas some amusement, your Highness?
[JOANNA] Did you, Chamberlain?
[CHAMBERLAIN] I don't understand!
[VICKI] It's perfectly simple. I'm a girl.
[CHAMBERLAIN] A girl? Dressed as a boy? Is nothing understandable thesedays? The dresses, silk, satins. Where's the money to come from?
[DOCTOR] The household purse, hmm?
[VICKI] Thank goodness for that, I didn't really see myself as averitable strutting peacock.
[DOCTOR] Well, my dear, in one way I don't think things have turned outtoo badly after all, hmm?
[VICKI] How do you mean, in one way?
[DOCTOR] You will be much safer under Joanna's wing.
[VICKI] I'll still see you, won't I?
[DOCTOR] Of course, my child.
[VICKI] I mean, Barbara's gone off, and then Ian.
[DOCTOR] Only temporarily.
[VICKI] You wouldn't go off and leave me, would you?
[DOCTOR] What a question.
[VICKI] I mean, your ship's the only home I've got now and I couldn'tbear it if
[DOCTOR] Ah, now, now, now. What is all this, eh, hmm?
[VICKI] Well, when you said a good thing in one way I thought, well, Ithought you meant that I was some sort of problem or something.
[DOCTOR] Ah, surely you know me better than that, child? No, myreservation was that I might get entangled in court intrigue and that'sgoing to be very, very dangerous. Very dangerous indeed.
(Haroun's house)
[HAROUN] Safiya? Safiya.
[SAFIYA] Father! I have been so frightened.
[HAROUN] My poor house is yours, Barbara. This is my daughter, Safiya.Treat her as you would your closest cousin, child. Now, see to somefood.
[HAROUN] The soldiers of El Akir were the searchers in the street. Youmust wait here until a quieter time.
[BARBARA] I don't want to endanger you.
[HAROUN] I am in constant danger. I have sworn to kill the Emir.
[BARBARA] El Akir?
[HAROUN] Yes. That vile and evil man. Last year my house was a fine andhappy place. A gentle wife, a son who honoured and obeyed me, and twodaughters who adorned whatever place they visited. Then El Akir came toLydda and imposed his will. He desired my eldest daughter Maimuna, butI refused him.
[BARBARA] So he took her?
[HAROUN] Yes. When Safiya and I were away, he came and burned my house.My wife and son were put to the sword.
[BARBARA] Then why do you stay in Lydda?
[HAROUN] I live for one thing alone, the death of El Akir. Now I will goout and see if the way is clear for your escape.
[BARBARA] No. Please. I just feel that I'm making things worse for you.
[HAROUN] Rest here, I shall not be long. If danger threatens, Safiyawill hide you. But if the soldiers persist in their search, and youthink that they will find you, take this and use it.
[BARBARA] Kill her?
[HAROUN] Yes, and afterwards yourself.
[HAROUN] You must.
[BARBARA] No. Life is better than this.
[HAROUN] You do not know El Akir.
[BARBARA] I couldn't do it. I
[HAROUN] You would not let them take Safiya?
[BARBARA] No, of course I wouldn't.
[HAROUN] Then I'll leave the knife.
[SAFIYA] Where has my father gone?
[BARBARA] Oh, he, he went outside to see if the soldiers had gone.
[SAFIYA] More likely to ask more questions of our neighbours.
[BARBARA] Questions? I don't understand.
[SAFIYA] My mother, my brother and my sister Maimuna disappeared lastyear. My father searches everywhere for them. We live in hope they willreturn one day.
[BARBARA] Then you don't know where they are?
[SAFIYA] No. It is a strange mystery. They've gone away and we mustsimply wait for their return. It is the will of Allah. You will eat? Myfather's knife!
[BARBARA] Oh yes, he just left it behind.
[SAFIYA] How strange. He never goes without it.
(Lydda - passageway)
[WARRIOR] Who have you got there?
[GUARD] I do not know, my lord. He was going to slay me.
[WARRIOR] I seem to know that face.
[GUARD] You cannot, my lord. He's a poor man of the town. He lives inthe northern quarter.
[WARRIOR] Have you searched there?
[GUARD] A little, my lord. A den of thieves and beggars. Not wise toventure into such a place of squalor.
[WARRIOR] The runaway can find a host of allies in the northern quarter,each individual as desperate as herself. Take what men you need andfind her.
(Richard's throne room)
[RICHARD] And when Sir Ian is returned we trust thathe will bring your lady and Sir William des Preaux, in addition to theanswers to the several letters we have written.
[LEICESTER] Tell me your plan, sire. A new demand of Saladin? A battleplan? A victory like Arsuf?
[RICHARD] Not this time, no, my lord of Leicester. No, we've had anotherthought. To give our sister's hand in marriage to Saphadin, brother ofthe Sultan, and so make an end to this war.
[DOCTOR] I am indeed glad. sir, to know that you are thinking in termsof peace.
[LEICESTER] The princess to marry Saphadin? My lord, I beg you toexplain.
[RICHARD] We do not feel obliged to explain anything to anyone, my lordof Leicester. We think our words were plain enough.
[DOCTOR] It is a good scheme, sire, if the princess agrees.
[RICHARD] Joanna knows nothing of this matter.
[DOCTOR] Will she agree?
[RICHARD] You should rather ask how can she refuse? To stem the blood,bind up the wounds and give a host of men lives and futures? Oh, nowthere's a marriage contract to put sacrifice to shame and make a saintof any woman.
[LEICESTER] Sire, with all the strength at my command I urge you, sire,to abandon this pretence of peace.
[DOCTOR] Pretence, sir? Here's an opportunity to save the lives of manymen and you donaught but turn it down without any kind of thought. What do you thinkyou are doing?
[LEICESTER] I speak as a soldier. Why are we here in this foreign landif not to fight? The Devil's horde, Saracen and Turk, posses Jerusalemand we will not wrest it from them with honeyed words.
[DOCTOR] With swords, I suppose?
[LEICESTER] Aye, with swords and lances, or the axe.
[DOCTOR] You stupid butcher! Can you think of nothing else but killing,hmm?
[LEICESTER] You're a man for talk, I can see that. You like a table anda ring of men. A parley here, arrangements there, but when you men ofeloquence have stunned each other with your words, we, we the soldiers,have to face it out. On some half-started morning while you speakerslie abed, armies settle everything, giving sweat, sinewed bodies, aye,and life itself.
[DOCTOR] I admire bravery and loyalty, sir. You have both of these. But,unfortunately you haven't any brain at all. I hate fools.
[LEICESTER] A fool can match a coward any day.
[RICHARD] Enough of this! You dare to flourish arms before your King?Know this, my lord of Leicester. We will not be advised. We havedecided on a pact with Saladin. If that fails, then a trial of arms.But we have set our mind and heart upon this marriage, and it shall goforward.
(Saladin's throne room)
[SAPHADIN] Why do you smile, brother? Is it a trap?
[SALADIN] No. The English King writes sincerely. It is so guileless itcan only be genuine.
[SAPHADIN] Think seriously about it. Alliance with Joanna would give metitle to much land. Power over far offcountries. A glittering empire, brother!
[SALADIN] I did not know you were so ambitious.
[SAPHADIN] I would be the name, yours would be the voice.
[SAPHADIN] Of course.
[SALADIN] Of course. Do not look so troubled. I will humour you and letthis proposition go ahead. But listen to me well. Strategy is worth ahundred lances. Think brother, how does this proposed marriage help usto win our future battles?
[SAPHADIN] You do not mean to think of this alliance seriously.
[SALADIN] If you can marry with this sister of the English King then doso and I will help you to it. Go, write a letter. Say the idea pleasesboth of us.
[SAPHADIN] But yet you doubt it.
[SALADIN] Have England, France and all the rest come here to cheer a manand woman and a love match? No, this is a last appeal for peace from aweary man. So you write your letter and I'll alert the armies. Then oneither day, the day of blissful union or the day of awful battle, wewill be prepared.
[SAPHADIN] You are wise. I was wrong to doubt you.
[SALADIN] Hold one hand out in friendship but keep the other on yoursword.
[SAPHADIN] The knight, Sir Ian of Jaffa, who brought a plea for therelease of Sir William.
[SALADIN] Sir William I cannot return. Not yet. But write that he iswell cared for. As for the other, Sir Ian, he begged to be allowed tosearch for the lady Barbara. The brave deserve their favours. Go,brother, write your letter. This sincerity deserves our honestdealings. But caution, yes, caution insists that my armies are ready.
(Haroun's house)
[WOMAN [OC]] You pigs!
[MAN [OC]] Watch your tongue woman, or we'll
[BARBARA] They're getting nearer. Where's your hiding place?
[MAN [OC]] Bring your torches.
[WOMAN [OC]] Leave me alone!
[MAN [OC]] Come here!
[WOMAN [OC}] Father! Let me go, you dogs, you pigs!
[SAFIYA] In case we have to defend ourselves.
[MAN [OC]] What, in that house? I'll get the others. Hassan, down here!
[WOMAN [OC]] No, no, get away! (The warrior enters the house and looksaround)
[MAN [OC]] In the name of El Akir, open the door!
[MAN 2 [OC]] Open up! Open up or we'll burn this place down!
[WOMAN [OC]] Who are you?
[WARRIOR] Nothing in here, Look out there.
[WARRIOR] Anything?
[GUARD 2] No.
[WARRIOR] Wait! (he picks up a small bowl) Still warm. No other window.Only one door. Look on the rooftop.
[SAFIYA] They'll find us. Poor father!
[WARRIOR] Nothing?
[GUARD 2] No, nothing.
[WARRIOR] Someone must be here, somewhere. Search every corner. No,wait. I've a better plan. Bring a torch. We'll smoke the secret out, orwatch a burning funeral!
[BARBARA] Here, cover yourself with this blanket and stay huddled in thecorner.
[BARBARA] Never mind, just do as you're told. Take this.
[MAN [OC]] Let's try down here.
[WOMAN [OC]] Let me go, you dogs! You pigs!
[MAN [OC]] Come on, let's try over in that house.
[MAN 2 [OC]] Hassan, come here.
[MAN [OC]] Get the others.
[WOMAN [OC]] No, get away!
[MAN [OC]] In the name of El Akir, open the door!
[MAN 2 [OC]] Get yourselves down here. Hello?
[WARRIOR] Where did you come from?
[BARBARA] I was hiding in the shadows.
[WARRIOR] Who hid you in this place?
[BARBARA] No one. Oh, what does it matter, you've found me. That's whatyou wanted, wasn't it?
[WARRIOR] When you're on your knees before my master, your defiance willchange to screams for pity.
[IBRAHIM] Thank you, my brother.
(Richard's throne room)
[JOANNA] Sweet child. You look so innocent. I have nothing but love foryou.
[VICKI] You've been very kind to me.
[DOCTOR] We are both very grateful to you, your Highness.
[JOANNA] You shall stay by my side and be my close companion. Your nameis not Victor now.
[VICKI] No, it's Vicki really.
[JOANNA] Oh, I do not know it. Is it a Venetian name? Well, it doesn'tmatter. The eye should have contentment where it rests. Do you notagree, my lord of Leicester? Is she not beautiful?
[LEICESTER] Indeed, madam. A fair rose of England in this foreign land.
[JOANNA] Do you have news for me?
[DOCTOR] I am afraid not, your Highness.
[JOANNA] But you were with my brother. Did he tell you nothing of hisplans?
[DOCTOR] He said he wished to speak to you himself.
[JOANNA] I thought I had your friendship.
[DOCTOR] You have, your Highness, but the King spoke to me inconfidence. I must not steal his thunder, hmm?
[DOCTOR] I thought something like this would happen, child.
[VICKI] Can't you tell her?
[DOCTOR] That she's going to get married? Of course not.
[VICKI] But, can't you drop her a hint or something? She's furious. Wecan't afford to make an enemy of her.
[DOCTOR] I have no desire to upset the King. Dear, dear, dear, all thisintrigue. I knew it. All this trouble. Here comes the King.
[JOANNA] I would speak with my brother!
[JOANNA] What's this I hear? I can't believe it's true. Marriage to thatheathenish man, that infidel?
[RICHARD] We will give you reasons for it.
[JOANNA] This unconsulted partner has no wish to marry. I am no sack offlour to be given in exchange.
[RICHARD] It is expedient, the decision has been made.
[JOANNA] Not by me, and never would be.
[RICHARD] Joanna, please consider. The war is full of weary, woundedmen. This marriage wants a little thought by you,that's all, then you'll see the right of it.
[JOANNA] And how would you have me go to Saphadin? Bathed in orientalperfume, I suppose?Suppliant, tender and affectionate? Soft-eyed and trembling, eager witha thousand words of compliment and love? Well, I like a different wayto meet the man I am to wed!
[RICHARD] Well, if it's a meeting you want.
[JOANNA] I do not want! I will not have it!
[RICHARD] Joanna!
(Richard's palace - robing room)
[RICHARD] Joanna! (to the Chamberlain) Get out. Getout! Joanna, I beg you to accept.
[RICHARD] I entreat you, Joanna.
[RICHARD] Very well. I am the King. We command you.
[JOANNA] You cannot command this of me.
[RICHARD] Cannot?
[JOANNA] No. There is a higher authority than yours to which I answer.
[RICHARD] I am the King. Where is there any man who has greater powerover his subjects?
[JOANNA] In Rome. His Holiness the Pope will not allow this marriage ofmine to that infidel.
[RICHARD] But, Joanna?
(Richard's throne room)
[RICHARD] You defy me with the Pope!
[JOANNA] No, you defy the world with your politics! The reason you andall your armies are here is the reason on my side. You are here tofight these dogs, defeat them. Marry me to them and you make a pactwith the Devil. Force me to it and I'll turn the world we know intoyour enemy.
[RICHARD] Who gave away my plan?
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty, if you believe that I
[RICHARD] You are not welcome in our sight.
(El Akir's chamber)
[BARBARA] Let go of me!
[EL AKIR] The only pleasure left for you is death. And death is very faraway.
(El Akir's chamber)
[EL AKIR] Such a prize as you is worth rewardingthese men for your recapture, would you not agree? I have spent timeand trouble on you. Now you cost me gold as well.
[BARBARA] I'm not afraid of you.
[EL AKIR] No? Yet you run away. Is that not fear?
[BARBARA] Fear has nothing to do with contempt. Or disgust.
[EL AKIR] You are not here to like or dislike me. Such liberties areover for you. Look at these coins. Mere pieces of metal. No interest?You should have. These coins are going to change your laughter intotears, your joy tomisery.
[EL AKIR] Leave that! After her, you fools!
[GUARD] The gold is mine!
[EL AKIR] Dogs! Do you hear me, alert the palace!
[MAIMUNA] What do you want in here? Are you both drunk? Or mad?
[EL AKIR] I'll have your hands and feet for this. No man steps into thisroom but me. Now you find her, or your death will be slow.
[EL AKIR] A prisoner has escaped.
[MAIMUNA] No one has stepped in here, my lord. No man would dare, exceptyour guards just now.
[EL AKIR] The prisoner is a woman, and I want her found.
[MAIMUNA] We have seen no one.
[EL AKIR] Look. A ruby ring for anyone who should see her and report itto me.
[MAIMUNA] Hafsa, run to the doors and let your ears warn us. We willhide you here. We all hate him.
[BARBARA] Thank you.
[MAIMUNA] You will be safe. No one here will betray you.
[IBRAHIM] You want a little drink of water?
[IAN] Take me to Lydda. I will give you money.
[IBRAHIM] I will fetch you money. You will tell me where I can find it.
[IAN] I won't tell you anything until you undo these ropes.
[IBRAHIM] It is a predicament. You are a rich lord, I can see from thethings youwear, but you will not share your wealth with poor, poor Ibrahim.
[IAN] I am not rich, I keep telling you. Take me to Lydda and you willbe rewarded.
[IBRAHIM] I am cursed with the affliction of disbelief, but I haveanother little scheme. A little pot of honey, made from pounded datesand very, very sweet. There, my lord, a little bit on your wrists and alittle bit on your chest. Now, over there is a hungry home, full ofants that go wild for date honey. We must be generous to them. Lay alittle trail across the sand, like this. And I will sit in the shade ofthe trees and dream of all the treasures I will get when the antsdiscover you. If you crane your neck around, my lord, you will soon seewhat you take to be a black line along the honey. Why, you will be ableto see it getting closer and closer. My little ones! Such ecstasy!
(Richard's throne room)
[VICKI] It is not true and you know it isn't!
[LEICESTER] But what is true is that you came here in disguise. First aboy and now you are a girl.
[VICKI] He was just trying to protect me!
[LEICESTER] Protect you from the lord, the King?
[VICKI] Oh! Where is the Princess? She knew all about this!
[DOCTOR] What is the meaning of this?
[VICKI] He's had me brought here.
[LEICESTER] I wish to question her.
[DOCTOR] You call yourself a nobleman, sir, yet it appears you enjoybullying young girls, hmm?We are not the guilty ones here, and don't look away when I'm talkingto you. You, sir!
[LEICESTER] I have the right to civility from you. What are you, knaveor commoner? Or are you perhaps a traitor?
[VICKI] You! It was you who told the Princess!
[LEICESTER] I'll have no more of this!
[RICHARD] No more will we.
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty. I didn't realise you were there, sire.
[RICHARD] Good Leicester, this question time has reached its fullconclusion. Go to your men, find out their quarrels and complaints, andmend them with the best words at your command.
[LEICESTER] They understand a fight, my lord.
[RICHARD] Then warn them one approaches.
[LEICESTER] Sire, I will. I'll turn them from a rabble into victors onceagain, and we shall set a noise of sharpening and polishing til theground fare trembles with sound of axe and sword against the whetstone,and the sun shall find a glittering home in every visor.
[RICHARD] Yes, do it.
[RICHARD] We know now that it was not you who told our sister. It's nouse, Joanna is right. We cannot fight Rome as well. In any other land Icould command the end and force my purpose. Not here. Not with Saphadinand Joanna.No, once again we shall have to fight.
[DOCTOR] May I ask you something, sire? If you knew it was the Earl ofLeicester that gave your marriage plans away to your sister, why didn'tyou accuse him, have it out with him then and there?
[VICKI] You just let it go by without saying a word. It wasn't fair. I'msorry, your Majesty.
[RICHARD] We accept the impeachment. We are unjust to you to serve thegreater good. You see, my Lord of Leicester is a hardy fighter, and afight is near us now. When we meet the Saracen again, we shall need himat our elbow. But do not be discouraged. You have our favour.
[DOCTOR] But I have made an enemy of him, sire.
[RICHARD] Yes, I fear you have. Therefore, it would be best to be gonefrom here until the enmity is forgotten.
[DOCTOR] I think I agree, sire.
[VICKI] Must we go? I don't want to.
[RICHARD] Good! And we do not wish to see you leave. But you must. Go toAcre. Rest there. Wait until we call again upon your wisdom and yourcounsel.
[DOCTOR] We shall leave at once, sire.
[RICHARD] Meantime, I'll wrestle with the problem of this war.
[DOCTOR] There is something important, sire. If you are able to defeatSaladin in this battle, can you hold the city?
[RICHARD] Win the battle, lose the war. The greatest fear we have. We'vecome so close. I must see Jerusalem. I must.
[DOCTOR] You will, sire.
[RICHARD] You think so?
[DOCTOR] I am certain, sire. And when you look upon the city itself, youwill be able to find the answer to the problem of this war. May we nowtake our leave, sire?
[VICKI] Are we going back to the ship?
[DOCTOR] As fast as our legs can carry us, my dear.
[VICKI] Doctor, will he really see Jerusalem?
[DOCTOR] Only from afar. He won't be able to capture it. Even now hisarmies are marching on a campaign that he can never win.
[VICKI] That's terrible. Can't we tell him?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid not, my dear. No, history must take its course.
[RICHARD] Help me, Holy Sepulchre. Help me.
[IBRAHIM] You see, my master? The line of black isgetting nearer and nearer. Date honey is a great delicacy for ourlittle friends. And I will return to the shade and leave you to yourlittle friends. You have only to call.
[BARBARA] Don't be upset, please.
[MAIMUNA] My tears are tears of joy. All this time I believed that myfather and sister were dead. El Akir had swore that they were.
[BARBARA] He has a lot to answer for.
[MAIMUNA] Now I know why he told me they were dead. By keeping me here,he brought shame upon my family, and at first, I tried to kill myselfto spare my father's honour. But when I believed him dead, I did noteven have the will to die.
[BARBARA] Listen, Maimuna, your father loves you. All he thinks about isgetting you away from this place.
[MAIMUNA] Is that really true?
[BARBARA] Yes. He told me so.
[MAIMUNA] I thought he had despised me.
[BARBARA] He hates El Akir. He wants to kill him and take you home.
[MAIMUNA] There is no escape from this place. But we will hide you. ElAkir is a stupid animal. He will not think to search for you here.
(Richard's palace)
[LEICESTER] You observed them leave the palace?
[SOLDIER] Aye, just now my lord.
[LEICESTER] Take men and follow them discreetly. The old man tried topoison the King's mind. He may be in the pay of the infidel Saladin. Hemay be worse. Some devil in a human form, the girl a witch.
[SOLDIER] A witch, my lord?
[LEICESTER] Take courage, man. No black art withstands a well-placedsword.
[IBRAHIM] You see, my lord? They know when death is approaching. Alreadythere's the advanced guard has reached its little objective.
[IAN] All right. I'll tell you.
[IBRAHIM] First! First! First!
[IAN] I have gold.
[IBRAHIM] Where? Speak up, speak up.
[IAN] My boot.
[IBRAHIM] You are lying. There is nothing there.
[IAN] The other boot.
[IAN] Where is Lydda? How far is it, because you're going to take methere.
[IBRAHIM] Not far. Walking distance. I live there myself. I'll show you.I'll take you. Do not kill me, lord. Walking distance.
[IAN] Walking? Where's my horse?
[IBRAHIM] My brother took it. A miserable thief.
[MAIMUNA] Have you heard anything?
[HAFSA] No. They must be somewhere else in the palace.
[MAIMUNA] Have a rest, now, Hafsa. Let one of the others listen.
[BARBARA] The corridor outside. Where does it lead?
[MAIMUNA] To the balcony. It overlooks the garden.
[BARBARA] How far up from the ground?
[MAIMUNA] There is a tree, but
[BARBARA] Can you reach it from the balcony?
[MAIMUNA] There are guards below.
[BARBARA] How far are the entrance gates from the tree?
[MAIMUNA] Not far, but there is no escape that way. The guards watch itconstantly. I'll show you from the window.
(El Akir's palace - corridor)
[EL AKIR] She cannot get out. Go and look again.You! Who gave you permission?
[FATIMA] My lord.
[EL AKIR] What is this insolence?
[FATIMA] You said a ruby ring, my lord.
[EL AKIR] Where is she?
(El Akir's palace - main gates)
[IAN] He's dead.
[IBRAHIM] Why do you steal his sword?
[IAN] I'm going inside. El Akir has a friend of mine. I've got to findher.
[IBRAHIM] El Akir will kill you. He's a very, very bad man.
[IAN] He's not the only one around here. Why do you say he's a bad man?
[IBRAHIM] He has made the rich people so poor so there is no one left tosteal from. If you rid the world of him, you will be remembered as asaviour. I shall not betray you.
[IAN] Oh, well in that case, perhaps you can do something for me.
[IBRAHIM] Anything, my lord, anything, anything.
[IAN] Yes, on second thoughts, it might be a little difficult for you. Iwonder, do you think you could manage to, er, steal some horses for me?
[IBRAHIM] Now you are truly, truly my brother. While you keep El Akiroccupied, I will steal the horses from his stables.
[IAN] Good.
[IBRAHIM] You can always trust Ibrahim.
[MAIMUNA] Fatima has betrayed us. You must get away.You will die if you stay here.
[EL AKIR] You hid her from me!
[BARBARA] Leave her alone!
[EL AKIR] Now I shall show you how I deal with those who do not obey me!
[MAIMUNA] Father! Oh, father! I believed you were dead.
[HAROUN] There is great joy in my heart at seeing you. But come now.Your sisterSafiya awaits you.
[BARBARA] Is Safiya alright?
[HAROUN] Yes. She told me of your sacrifice. I came here to give my lifefor you, my lady.
[BARBARA] How did you get in here?
[IAN] Barbara!
[HAROUN] Get back! The guard!
[HAROUN] Quickly! Make haste. We must not stay here.
[IAN] Barbara, quickly.
[FATIMA] No! No! No! No!
(El Akir's palace - main gates)
[IBRAHIM] You see? I was right, my lord. You didhave gold.
[IAN] I acquired it.
[IBRAHIM] Like I acquired the horses.
[IAN] Yes.
[IBRAHIM] Now you are my truly, truly brother.
[BARBARA] Ian, we must get back to the ship.
[IAN] Yes, alright. Farewell, Ibrahim. Don't go acquiring too manythings.
[HAROUN] Ride well, my brother. May Allah go with you.
[IBRAHIM] Really, such talent. He has such an honest face. We could havemade a fortune.
[HAROUN] We must not stand here dreaming, you half-wit. The soldierswill be around us.
[IBRAHIM] This half-wit has stolen all their horses.
[HAROUN] They can still use their legs, can't they?
[DOCTOR] They're between us and the ship.
[VICKI] Are these the soldiers who followed us?
[DOCTOR] Yes, they are. I wonder what they're up to?
[VICKI] Can we go round?
[DOCTOR] No, there's too many of them. Perhaps we can try? No, we can'tdo that.
[VICKI] Why not? What's happening?
[DOCTOR] Now I know why we've been followed.
[LEICESTER] Your messenger arrived. So they are traitors and makingtoward Saladin's encampment.
[SOLDIER] So it seemed to me, my lord.
[LEICESTER] Armed as they are with secrets, they are dangerous enemies.Do you have the wood encircled?
[SOLDIER] Yes. They can't get away.
[LEICESTER] The shadows are the only friends they have. We'll find themat daybreak.
[DOCTOR] It's that meddling fool, Leicester. We've got to try and slipthrough them. Remember, not a sound. Not a sound. In you go.
[SOLDIER] Hold! Hold!
[DOCTOR] Take your hands off me, sir! What are you doing? Unhand me! Howdare you!
[VICKI] They've caught him! They've caught him!
[BARBARA] Vicki, it's all right. We'll get him away.
[VICKI] But how? What can we do?
[LEICESTER] So, I thought you'd show yourself.
[DOCTOR] What is the meaning of this, sir? The King gave me leave to go.
[LEICESTER] To Saladin?
[IAN] You are right, my lord. His treachery is well-paid by Saladin. Heis a Saracen spy.
[LEICESTER] The truth at last. But I do not know you, sir.
[IAN] I am Sir Ian, my lord, Knight of Jaffa. I know this villain'streachery, and hearing that you were looking for him, I followed you.
[LEICESTER] To watch his execution?
[IAN] No, my lord. To administer it.
[LEICESTER] It is a paltry matter to be rid of him, but I would do it.
[IAN] It is no paltry matter to me, my lord. Some friends of mind wereambushed here. De Marun, de Tornebu. He's to blame. My lord, I beg ofyou, let me finish him.
[LEICESTER] Yours is the greater claim. Dispatch him then, and quickly.
[DOCTOR] Gentlemen, since I am to depart so punctiliously, I would askyou to grant me one last wish.
[LEICESTER] Granted.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. I would like to look once more upon the city ofJaffa. Then you may do what you will with me.
[LEICESTER] Granted.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, my lord.
[IAN] My lord.
[IAN] Hurry, Doctor, hurry!
[DOCTOR] What about that performance?
[BARBARA] Doctor, open the door!
[SOLDIER] Shh! Do you hear a voice?
[LEICESTER] A voice?
[SOLDIER] A woman's voice.
[LEICESTER] Have we been tricked?
[LEICESTER] We will not speak of this. Let this story die here in thiswood or we'll be branded idiots, or liars. Poor Sir Ian, brave fellow.Spirited away by fiends. What dreadful anguish and despair he must besuffering now.
[IAN] Any more cracks about knighthood, and I'llcarry out that execution.
[DOCTOR] Well, my dear boy, I must say I think you've earned a goodknight's sleep.
[DOCTOR] Now, I suppose, the Tardis will materialise when it's ready.
[BARBARA] Yes, and where it likes.
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear young woman, why don't you go have a cup of tea orsomething.
[IAN] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s02", "episode": "e06", "title": "The Crusade"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (24 Apr, 1965; First Doctor) - The Space Museum
[DOCTOR] Oh, lights. Oh, thats better. Ah, good! Well now, we seem tohave materialised much quicker than I thought.
[IAN] Doctor, weve got our clothes on.
[DOCTOR] Well, I should hope so, dear boy. I should hope so.
[BARBARA] No, Doctor. Our ordinary, everyday clothes.
[DOCTOR] Well, upon my soul, yes. Yes. Now isnt that extraordinary?Yes, we were wearing those cloaks and things, werent we? Well, I mustsay, its going to save us a lot of bother changing. Yes. Now, lets seewhere we are, shall we?
[IAN] Doctor! You cant dismiss it like that! We were standing here inthirteenth century clothes. We cant suddenly
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, its over and done with. Now lets forget it. Seewhere we are. Come along, pay attention.
[VICKI] But Doctor, where are the clothes we were wearing?
[DOCTOR] I expect, child, theyre hanging up where theyre supposed tobe. If youre that much concerned, go and have a look.
[VICKI] All right. I will.
[DOCTOR] And on your way back, bring me glass of water please, Im veryparched.
[VICKI] Okay.
[DOCTOR] Oh, dear, dear, dear. Now where were we? All this fussationabout a change of clothes. You know, its so simple. Its time andrelativity, my dear boy. Time and relativity. Thats where the answerlies.
[IAN] I dare say it does, Doctor, but wed be a lot happier if you wouldexplain it to us.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I know. Well, at the moment there isnt time. Now,just pay attention, will you? (Looking up at the scanner.) Whats this?
[VICKI [OC]] Doctor! Our crusading clothes are here.
[DOCTOR] Good, good! There you are, you see? Yes, you see?
(Tardis living area)
[DOCTOR] Well, the scanners functioning. Looks likedesert to me.
[BARBARA] Oh look! Spaceships!
[BARBARA] Well, its so quiet, it could be a graveyard.
[IAN] No, more like a launching pad to me. Maybe its a dumping ground.
[DOCTOR] No, I dont think so, my boy, no. No, all those things up therecome from a different period.
[BARBARA] Well, there isnt any sign of life. Look! Theres a building.What do you make of that, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, Im afraid I cant give you any answers here, my dear.
[IAN] You mean you want to go and have a closer look, eh?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I dont see why not. After all, the readings say itsquite safe.
[BARBARA] Safe? Well the readings dont always tell us everything, youknow.
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you, my dear. Thank you. So you dropped a glass, didyou?
[VICKI] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, dont look so concerned, child. Its quite easilyreplaced.
[VICKI] Doctor, it doesnt have to be. It all came together again andjumped up into my hand. Well, if you dont believe me, you can go andlook. There hasnt been time to clear it up yet.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, yes, we believe you, child. Yes, we believe you.
[VICKI] Honestly, thats exactly what happened.
[BARBARA] You dropped a glass, and it came together again in your hands?
[VICKI] With the water in it.
[DOCTOR] Well, look! Look! You see where weve landed? On a museum.
[IAN] A museum?
[BARBARA] A space museum, yes!
[DOCTOR] Precisely. If you take a closer look at those objects, youllsee that some of them are more advanced in design. Its quite a naturalprogression.
[IAN] Oh, well, someone must be in charge of them.
[DOCTOR] Yes, we shall find that out. And Im sure you will agree withme, there are several things that we would like an answer to. So Isuggest we go outside and take a look for ourselves, hmm?
(Planet surface)
[IAN] Dust everywhere. Maybe you were right aboutthe graveyard.
[VICKI] Hey, Doctor. Come here and have a look at this.
[DOCTOR] Well, isnt that extraordinary? Ive never seen erosion in suchan advanced stage. The whole planet appears to be completely dead.
[IAN] Dead?
[DOCTOR] Non-existent, extinct.
[IAN] Oh? Ive always associated extinction with extreme cold. You know,something like the dark side of the moon. Havent you?
[DOCTOR] Well, I must say, the atmospheres quite pleasant.
[IAN] Yeah.
[BARBARA] Well, maybe itll get colder as it gets dark.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think we shall just have to go and search for theanswers, and as theres always the element of danger in the unknown, Isuggest we keep closer together. Is that clear?
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Vicki?
[VICKI] Oh, er, yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. Now Ill take the lead and lets try and find thosebuildings we saw on the scanner.
[IAN] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Oh, what is it now, dear boy?
[IAN] Were walking on dust. Several inches thick, Id say.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, so it appears, hmm.
[IAN] Then why arent we leaving any footprints?
[DOCTOR] Yes, thats curious, isnt it? Yes, very curious.
(Museum entrance)
[BARBARA] What an extraordinary building.
[IAN] Yes. This looks like the only door.
[BARBARA] No windows either.
[DOCTOR] Well, we certainly havent met anyone yet.
[VICKI] Maybe there isnt anybody.
[DOCTOR] How are we going to get in there?
[IAN] Well, I dont know. There doesnt seem to be any way of openingthe door.
[BARBARA] Have you noticed something? I mean something very peculiar.
[IAN] Well, everythings peculiar.
[DOCTOR] My dear Barbara, if youve seen something or somebody, theresno sense in talking in riddles, is there?
[BARBARA] No Doctor, not seen. Its the silence. When we stop talking,there isnt a sound. Listen. Its the sort of silence you can almosthear.
[IAN] More and more like a graveyard.
[DOCTOR] Oh, thats quite enough. Now stop it. You'll have us allimagining things. There must be an explanation of this little
[IAN] Theres someone coming!
[DOCTOR] Hide quickly!
[VICKI] Where?
[DOCTOR] Up against the wall. Quick!
[VICKI] Im sorry! It just came out.
[BARBARA] Its all right, Vicki. They didnt hear it.
[IAN] They were only a few feet away.
[BARBARA] I know.
[DOCTOR] Its extremely doubtful that they were both deaf. However, thefact is, they didnt hear. Now, lets see whats in here.
(Museum entrance hall)
[BARBARA] Well, there arent any windows.
[DOCTOR] No, I think theres probably something in the atmosphere that,er, has a very slow destructive property, er, hence the lack ofwindows.
[BARBARA] Yes, but I dont understand where the light comes from?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I think that might just be some florescent substance in thewalls. Yes, well, I think you two must admit that my assumption as towhere we were, has been proved correct.
[IAN] Yes, we might almost be in a museum at home.
[VICKI] Except that there are no little men following you about tellingyou not touch things.
[DOCTOR] Well, you just pretend there are, young lady, and keep yourhands to yourself.
[BARBARA] Well, everything seems quite normal.
[DOCTOR] Well why not? Why shouldnt it be? Its quite natural. Afterall, you have objects of historical interest on Earth, so why not amuseum in space? I always thought Id find one someday.
[IAN] Those two men we saw must have been guards. Who started all this,do you think, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, I suppose the answer's here somewhere. Thats what wevegot to find out. Lets go and have a look in that other room.
(Museum Exhibit room)
[DOCTOR] Chesterton!
[IAN] It cant be!
[VICKI] So thats what a Dalek looks like.
[DOCTOR] Dont touch, child.
[BARBARA] What do you know about them, Vicki?
[VICKI] Only what Ive read in history books. That they invaded Earthabout three hundred years ago, was it?
[IAN] We were there, Vicki. That was one of the periods we visited.
[DOCTOR] I dont mind admitting, my boy, that that thing gave me astart. Coming face to face to it again.
[VICKI] Its not a bit the way I imagined it. Oh, I mean, the booksdescribe them all right but well, this one looks quite friendly.
[BARBARA] Friendly?
[IAN] You wouldnt say that, young lady, if ever we meet them again.Which to say the least is very unlikely. I hope.
[DOCTOR] Back. Get behind the case. Quick. Quick. Quick. Dont touch it.
[IAN] All right. Theyve gone.
[VICKI] They were talking.
[DOCTOR] Undoubtedly.
[BARBARA] Yet we didnt hear a word they said.
[IAN] No. Perhaps they have some other means of communication. You know,on a very high frequency, or. No? Not very good?
[BARBARA] What do you think, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, I dont know. Chesterton might have had the answer inwhat he just said but, er, I doubt it, I doubt it. Come on. Come on.
(Another Museum room)
[IAN] Well, they didnt seem hostile. Thatssomething to be thankful for.
[BARBARA] Oh, I dont know. Even the Daleks are friendly to some.
[IAN] Vicki, yes.
[BARBARA] Anyway, even if they are friendly, I doubt if well get muchconversation out of them, unless one of you can lip-read.
[VICKI] Doctor! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Child, dont make so much noise. Whats the matter?
[VICKI] I touched that thing and
[DOCTOR] I thought I told you not to touch. When are you going to learnto obey me? How you
[BARBARA] All right, Doctor. You can save the scolding till later. Look,cant you see that Vickis upset?
[DOCTOR] Upset? Upset? Whatever for? Why are you upset child? Whats thematter?
[VICKI] I touched that thing and my hand went right through it.
[VICKI] See? There isnt anything there, is there?
[DOCTOR] Incredible.
[VICKI] Well, there is something there, isnt there? I mean, we can allsee it, cant we?
[BARBARA] Yes, of course we can, Vicki.
[DOCTOR] Thats strange. Strange indeed. You know, there must be alogical explanation for this somewhere? You know, I think its just amatter of putting two and two together to make three. You know there is
[IAN] Doctor, look.
[VICKI] Oh, quick, lets hide!
[BARBARA] Well, where can we hide? Doctor, what shall we do?
[DOCTOR] Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Stand exactly where we are.
[IAN] What do you make of that?
[DOCTOR] Ive never known anything in my life. In all my years of timetravelling, I
[VICKI] That one looked straight at me.
[DOCTOR] Utterly unbelievable.
[VICKI] And he was talking. His lips were moving.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so strange. And yet we have no communication with them.
[BARBARA] Well then, obviously they couldnt see us. I mean, werestrangers, our clothes are different. If they had seen us, they wouldhave made some sign, however slight.
[IAN] Right, were invisible. That settles it.
[DOCTOR] Does it, my boy? Does it? Either that or were not really here.
(Museum Exhibit room)
[IAN] Its the biggest museum Ive ever been in. We must have walked formiles.
[VICKI] And all the rooms are exactly the same, just cases and cabinets.Im beginning to think the Doctors wrong.
[IAN] Oh?
[VICKI] Well, how can we find the answer in here?
[DOCTOR] I have no idea, my child, but until I say otherwise, wecontinue the search. Now, let us see whats in here, hmm?
[BARBARA] Oh, same as all the others, I suppose.
[DOCTOR] Good gracious me!
[IAN] Well, how did that get in here?
[BARBARA] What does it matter? Look, now that weve found the Tardis,come on, lets get out of here.
[IAN] Yes, I agree, its a stroke of luck. Lets leave at once.
[VICKI] Ive had enough of this place, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh? Youve all decided, have you?
[DOCTOR] Yes, Im afraid its going to be a little more difficult thanthat. The mists are beginning to clear slightly. Im just beginning tosee reason. Where are we? Where are we?
[BARBARA] Well, here, surely?
[DOCTOR] Are we? We must have arrived here in the Tardis sometime. Arewe here? Look!
[BARBARA] Thats us. Thats not models or pictures. Thats us.
[DOCTOR] Yes, exhibits in a Space Museum.
[IAN] Can you explain it, Doctor?
[VICKI] Time, like space, although a dimension in itself also hasdimensions of its own.
[DOCTOR] So you know about it, child? We must have a little chat sometime.
[VICKI] Yes, you see, we really are in those cases, but were alsostanding here looking at ourselves from this dimension.
[BARBARA] Well, its horrible. Those faces, our faces, just staring.
[IAN] Well, at least it explains whats been happening to us.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it does, my boy. And if were not there, we cant leavefootprints, and break glasses, or touch things.
[IAN] And nobody can see us. I see.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, they can. Oh yes, they can see us where we really are.There.
[BARBARA] Is there anyway of getting out of this, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, my dear, I suppose we got into it. There must be. Youknow, I dont mind admitting, Ive always found it extremely difficultto solve the fourth dimension. And here we are. Face to face with thefourth dimension. You know, I think the Tardis jumped a time track andended up here in this fourth dimension. Its extraordinary. Itsinexplicable. No, wait a minute, wait a minute. I think youre allgoing to be delighted. Im going to come up with the answer and its sosimple. Yes, so simple.
[BARBARA] How simple?
[DOCTOR] All we have to do is to wait here until we arrive.
[BARBARA] I beg your pardon?
[DOCTOR] You see, my dear, before they actually put us in those glasscases, we must have arrived here sometime in the Tardis. These peoplesaw us and thought we were worthy people to be put in their SpaceMuseum. Then
[BARBARA] I see! I think.
[DOCTOR] But nothing has happened to us yet. What we are doing now istaking a glimpse into the future, or what might be or could be thefuture. All that leads up to it, is still yet to come.
[VICKI] Doctor, look. Why dont we go and find the Tardis, the real oneI mean, and get into it and get out of here now?
[DOCTOR] And end up one day, my dear, like that? No, we must not. Wevegot to stop it happening.
[IAN] Doctor, when will we arrive?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, my boy, I cant be certain. You see, Im quiteunable to measure the time dimension that the Tardis jumped. But youllnotice were all wearing the same clothes. So, it could be in a fewmoments, or a few seconds.
[BARBARA] Well, how will we know when we have? Arrived, I mean.
[DOCTOR] The cases will disappear and we shall all become visible.
[IAN] And from that moment well be in great danger.
[DOCTOR] Precisely. So you see we must succeed in stopping them makingexhibits of us. Otherwise, well, there it is. Thats how were allgoing to end up.
[BARBARA] Doctor?
[BARBARA] Something strange is happening! I can feel it.
(Museum Exhibit room)
[BARBARA] Theyve gone.
[DOCTOR] Yes, my dear. And weve arrived.
(Governor's office)
[TECHNICIAN] Best I could do sir. It should be good for another hundredyears or so.
[LOBOS] (the governor) What was wrong with it?
[TECHNICIAN] Well, the clasps had broken, rotted.
[LOBOS] Like everything on this planet, including us. Well, Ive got twomore mimmians before I can go home. Yes, I say it often enough, butits still two thousand Xeron days and it sounds more in days. Yeah, Iknow, I volunteered, you were ordered. If the truth were known, I wasjust as bored on Morok. Still it was home, and youth never appreciateswhat it has. Oh, I dont know what Im going to do now. Still, letsget on with it, shall we? I have to sign these reports. I dont know.
[LOBOS] Im the governor of this planet. Youre supposed to show somerespect and knock.
[MESSENGER] Im sorry, sir, the matters urgent.
[LOBOS] Nothing's so urgent you cant knock on my door.
[MESSENGER] A ship has landed.
[LOBOS] From home? There was no advance notification.
[MESSENGER] Not from the planet Morok. Alien.
[LOBOS] Alien? Well, this will indeed be a red letter day for the Xeroscalendar. Have the crew been detained?
[MESSENGER] No, sir. Theyve left the ship. Weve found footprints butno trace of them. We were unable to enter the craft but it appears tobe uninhabited at the moment.
[LOBOS] Commander B Division? We have uninvited visitors. How many?
[MESSENGER] Unknown, but at least three.
[LOBOS] Three or more. Organise a search then detain them forquestioning. Visitors? We wont be the only ones looking for them.
[TECHNICIAN] The rebels?
[LOBOS] Rebels? This local rabble? Theyre children.
[TECHNICIAN] The children, as you call them, are growing up.
[LOBOS] When they pose a danger, we will destroy them. Until then, theproblem will keep. Nevertheless, theyll try and contact our visitorsfor help. I must remember to notify the commanders to keep watch. Asfor the aliens who have just landed, we may even be able to add to themuseum.
(Xeron hideout)
[SITA] Tor is late. Its not like him.
[DAKO] I know. He did contact the group in the next sector?
[SITA] Yes, but the Moroks are out checking. If they found him missing,they could have pulled him in for questioning. Oh no, hes just beendetained. Stop worrying about it.
[DAKO] Stop worrying? Look, were just waiting to be rounded up.
[SITA] I suppose Tor knows what hes doing.
[DAKO] Huh, does he? Im beginning to wonder. I know the Moroks have rayguns and were unarmed, but our only chance is to strike. The longer weleave it, the greater the risk.
[TOR] But well only get one opportunity, Dako, and when we attack wevegot to win.
[SITA] Tor, youre late.
[TOR] I know, something's happened. The Moroks have discovered aspaceship.
[SITA] A spaceship landed here?
[DAKO] Where from?
[TOR] Nobody knows yet. Theyd already left it before the ship wasfound.
[SITA] It doesnt make much difference. Theyll contact the Moroksanyway.
[TOR] No, I dont think they will. Theyve had time to do that and theyhavent. Lobos is organising a search.
[SITA] A search?
[DAKO] Tor, I dont understand. Look, everybody knows what this planetsused for. A museum. Well, if they came here knowing that, and they musthave done, it can only be to see the Moroks.
[TOR] The universe is huge. There must be millions of planets that havenever heard of the Moroks.
[SITA] They could have landed here by accident.
[TOR] Well, either way, its our chance. Well, dont you see? Theyllhave weapons, weapons we can use.
[SITA] If they agree to help us.
[TOR] They will, Sita, when they hear our story.
[DAKO] But the Moroks are searching. Youve already said that. Theyllfind them first.
[TOR] No, I dont think theyll want to be discovered when they find outabout this place.
[SITA] If they hide, theyll hide from us too.
[TOR] I know, but weve got to try. Come on.
(Museum Exhibit room)
[IAN] Can you hold it?
[VICKI] Hurry up, its heavy.
[IAN] All right. Hey, I wonder if it works, hey? (makes rat-a-tatnoises)
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, this is no time to be playing cowboys and indians.
[IAN] Doctor, I might have shot a hole right in the middle of you.
[DOCTOR] Is that so? We have a very serious problem on our hands, andwhat are you doing with this anyway? Put it back in there.
[IAN] No, Doctor, this might come in very useful. We might be able tobluff our way out of here with this.
[BARBARA] If we want to get out of here.
[VICKI] Oh, we cant stay here, Barbara, can we?
[BARBARA] We must do whatever is necessary to keep us out of thosecases.
[VICKI] I dont see that staying here would stop it.
[BARBARA] We must break the chain of events that led up to it, and goingout of here might be just what were not supposed to do.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think Barbaras quite right, my dear. If we walk out ofhere, it could change the future. Perhaps if we wait until were takenout, that might change the future. The point is, what are we going todo? Which is it to be?
[VICKI] But Doctor, if we find the Tardis and leave here, then we wonthave to worry about being turned into dummies at all.
[IAN] Thats a good point, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It isnt a good point at all, my dear boy. The fact is thefuture, our future, whether we leave here in the Tardis or not.
[IAN] Yes, I see. Its a difficult problem, isnt it?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it is.
[VICKI] Theres no answer. But, Doctor, weve got to decide onsomething.
[DOCTOR] Decide, my dear? Spinning a coin would be just as appropriate.Who would want to put us on show or display, I wonder.
[BARBARA] The Doctors curious. That means we stay.
[VICKI] Youve lost a button.
[IAN] Oh, so I have.
[DOCTOR] Lost a button? Hmm, thats interesting. Yes, thats veryinteresting.
[IAN] Doctor, why do you always show the greatest interest in the leastimportant things?
[DOCTOR] The least important things sometimes, my dear boy, lead to thegreatest discoveries. Like steam, for instance, coming out of a kettle.Yes, I was with him at the time. Lets see now, yes, what was thatfellow's name?
[BARBARA] James Watt.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you know, losing a button could change the future. Its apity, my dear boy, you didnt discover it was missing in the cases whenwe were standing there staring at each other.
[IAN] Doctor, Id just come face to face with myself. I wasnt countingthe buttons on my jacket.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I quite understand that. Well, I think we should leave theMuseum, try and find the Tardis, and make sure that it doesnt end upin here. Are you all agreeable?
[VICKI] Yes!
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Come along, then. Come along.
(Museum corridor)
[DOCTOR] All right, my boy. You lead the way.
[IAN] Yes. Well, which way? Have you any particular fancy?
[DOCTOR] The way we came in, of course.
[IAN] And which way was that?
[DOCTOR] Your memory is like a sieve, dear boy. We turned right and thenleft.
[VICKI] No, no, we turned right when we came in.
[IAN] No, we turned left when we came in.
[BARBARA] Well actually, all the doors and corridors are exactly alike.
[DOCTOR] I beg to differ, You see, you must turn right before you turnleft.
[IAN] Doctor, it depends which way youre facing before you startturning at all.
[DOCTOR] We were facing from there, down here, therefore
[IAN] Doctor, why dont you admit it. You are just as lost as the restof us?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose I must confess I am. Anyway, I suggest we takeVickis advice. We can always re-trace our steps. So, we go this wayand turn right. Right.
[BARBARA] Well, I dont remember this.
[VICKI] I do.
[IAN] Oh, you're just saying that because we followed your advice.
[VICKI] Oh no, Im not. I remember that thing being over there.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think Vickis quite correct. Yes, I have a distinctimpression weve all been here before. Yes, of course. Yes, yes, yes,yes, I know where we are now.
[IAN] You do? Well, which way do we go?
[DOCTOR] Er, er
[VICKI] Straight ahead?
[DOCTOR] Straight, straight ahead, my dear boy. Straight ahead, yes, andturn right.
(Governor's office)
[LOBOS] Yes?
[COMMANDER [OC]] Commander K division. Alien spaceship in hand, sir.
[LOBOS] What news of the aliens? Repeat, what news of the aliens?
[COMMANDER [OC]] Footsteps were found near the Museum. The search isproceeding.
[LOBOS] Good. Find them.
[BARBARA] Its like a maze.
[IAN] Well, if we keep going, we must eventually come to an entrance.
[DOCTOR] No more talking please. I think were nearly there.
[DOCTOR] And remember, we can be seen by now.
[SITA] That must be them.
[DAKO] And theyre armed!
[TOR] Quick, back here. Ill see which way they go, then well try andcut them off.
[DAKO] They had a ray gun. I saw it.
[TOR] Well, thats no reason to sound downhearted. We were hoping theywould.
[DAKO] Well, thats all very well but how do we know theyre friendly?They might shoot us on sight.
[TOR] Well, well have to try and make contact before we show ourselves.
[SITA] How?
[TOR] Well, well catch either the old man or the girl. We can explainand let them introduce us to the others.
[SITA] Its a good idea.
[TOR] Look, quick, theyve gone to the right. Lets get them.
[IAN] All clear.
[VICKI] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Yes, yes, all right, child.
[DAKO] Youve killed him, Sita.
[SITA] I couldnt have, I hardly touched him. He must have fainted.
[TOR] Shut up, both of you. Theres no time for arguments.
[TOR] Stay here and watch him, Dako, in case he recovers.
[DAKO] Me? Where are you going?
[TOR] To try and find something to bring him around. Well, dont worry,we wont be long. Come on, Sita.
[BARBARA] Well, he was following us.
[IAN] I know that, but where did he stop? Well, surely one or other ofyou saw or heard something?
[BARBARA] Oh, come on, Ian. You werent that far in front.
[IAN] Barbara, I am not blaming you.
[BARBARA] Well then, stop getting irritable.
[IAN] I am not irritable! I. Oh, Im sorry. Of course Im irritable. Ijust wish hed stay with us for once, thats all.
[BARBARA] He was looking in one of the cases. I suppose we could haveleft him behind.
[VICKI] I bet hes been captured.
[IAN] Captured.
[BARBARA] By whom?
[VICKI] I dont know. Those people we saw, I suppose.
[BARBARA] Oh, Vicki, youre just letting your imagination run away withyou.
[IAN] There were four of us in those cases, not one.
[BARBARA] Well, what do we do now? Which is the way into those cases?Staying here, going back, or still trying to find our way out?
[IAN] Oh, Barbara, asking a lot of questions is not going to change ourfuture.
[BARBARA] Well, if we dont find a few answers, we wont have a future.
[IAN] All right, all right, I agree weve got to do something. I say wego on.
[BARBARA] All right.
[VICKI] Oh, good. That way I think.
[TOR] Well, what happened, Dako?
[DAKO] I dont know. I turned my back for a second, the next thing I
[TOR] Well, was it the old man?
[DAKO] I dont know.
[SITA] Did he go outside?
[DAKO] I keep telling you. I didnt see anything. One minute was silenceand the next minute a whirlwind hit me.
[TOR] He must have gone to join the others. Well have to see if we canfind him.
[SITA] Dont forget theyre still armed.
[TOR] Oh, well have to take our chance this time, otherwise the Morokswill get them first. Come on.
[DOCTOR] (inside the Dalek.) I fooled them all! I am the master!
(Museum Exhibit room)
[BARBARA] Its no good Ian, I cant go on. Wepassed this thing ages ago. Were just going round and round incircles.
[VICKI] How long have we been in here?
[IAN] Oh, it doesnt matter how long. Theres only one thing thatscertain. Were getting nearer and nearer to those cases. The Minotaur.
[VICKI] Where?
[IAN] The Minotaur!
[BARBARA] Ian, what are you doing?
[IAN] Dont you two remember your mythology? When Theseus went into thelabyrinth, he took with him a ball of thread so that he could use it toretrace his steps.
[BARBARA] Yes, but Ian, we havent just arrived. Weve been here forhours.
[IAN] That doesnt matter. From now on we wont go round and round incircles. Here Vicki, hold it. Come on.
[BARBARA] Well, you might ask. I mean, thats a good cardigan.
[IAN] Oh, er, sorry. Well, may we?
[BARBARA] Yes, yes, I suppose so.
[VICKI] Well leave a trail of thread, you see? But Ian, Ian, if anyonesees it, theyll be able to follow it and catch us.
[IAN] Oh, well get caught anyway if we dont get out of here soon.Dont worry about that. Lets get this
[VICKI] I suppose so.
[IAN] How do you undo this?
[BARBARA] Oh, give it to me. Do you have a penknife?
[IAN] Oh, penknife. Yes, there we are.
[IAN] Ah, yes.
[SITA] Whats this?
[TOR] Theyre leaving a trail.
[SITA] Why?
[TOR] Well, they must have missed the old man. Yes, this was put herefor him to follow them.
[DAKO] No, I dont think so. Theyd have come back and looked for him.
[TOR] Well, whatever the reason, its a trail, and trails are meant tobe followed. This way.
[LOBOS] Welcome to Xeros, a planet in the Morok empire. What is yourname?
[LOBOS] Very well. Mine is Lobos. I am the governor of this planet.
[DOCTOR] Curator of a Museum is a better title.
[LOBOS] Ah, so now you choose to speak. Good. Yes, Xeros is a museum. Alasting memorial to the achievements of the Morok civilisation.
[DOCTOR] Really? Well, from my observation it seems to arouse verylittle interest.
[LOBOS] People tire of their heritage. Three hundred mimmians ago,sightseers filled this planet, marvelling at what they saw. Today, theoccasional spaceship from Morok calls.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps if you reduced the price of admission?
[LOBOS] You have a sense of humour too. Unfortunately, that is not thereason. Our civilisation rests on its laurels. Galactic conquests are athing of the past. Life, it is now said, is purely a thing to enjoy.
[DOCTOR] Decline and fall of the Roman empire. Oh yes, its happenedbefore, yes. In many galaxies far beyond your reach.
[LOBOS] Why do you come here?
[DOCTOR] Exploration.
[LOBOS] Oh? Then you are a scientist like myself. It makes a change tohave someone intelligent and enquiring to talk to.
[DOCTOR] Im charmed.
[LOBOS] Where have you come from?
[LOBOS] You dont want to answer. Very well, Ill try another. Where areyour companions? We can get all the information we require without theneed to resort to brute force. Of course, your cooperation would havemade things easier, but it isnt essential. I will repeat the question.Where are your companions?
[LOBOS] Commander B division?
[COMMANDER [OC]] B Division. Commander here, sir.
[LOBOS] Proceed immediately to corridor 417. Detain three humans. Oneman, one woman and a young girl.
[COMMANDER [OC]] Message received and understood. It will be dealt withimmediately.
[LOBOS] A simple matter of thought selection. By asking a question, Iplant an image in your mind. No matter what you say, as long as youreseated in that chair, I will see your mental pictures reflected. Yousee, it is quite useless for you to lie to me. Now shall we return tothe questioning? How did you get here?
[IAN] The end, Im afraid.
[BARBARA] It didnt work, did it?
[IAN] Oh, I dont know. We didnt go round and round in circles, wedidnt back-track.
[VICKI] If only they had exit signs like they do in ordinary museums.
[BARBARA] Well, I suppose well be stuck here until. May be the Doctorswrong and you cant change the future.
[VICKI] Oh, dont say that, Barbara. I cant bear to think of such anawful thing happening.
[BARBARA] Well, I cant bear to think of it either, but we cant
[IAN] It didnt work, eh? You come with me.
[VICKI] The Tardis! Theyve got the Tardis!
[DOCTOR] Well? No more questions?
[LOBOS] Where have you come from?!
[DOCTOR] If you take a look into your screen, perhaps you will find thatout?
[LOBOS] What are these creatures?
[DOCTOR] Just some old friends of mine.
[LOBOS] But these are amphibious creatures. You are not an amphibian.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Im not, am I?
[LOBOS] Yes?
[COMMANDER [OC]] Commander B division. No fugitive aliens in corridor417.
[LOBOS] You fools, you let them escape. All available divisions.Priority search. These aliens must be found at once. Maximum security.
[DOCTOR] Dont blame your men. I think my friends most probably left thearea long before you put questions to me. I imagined them still there,of course, because that was the last place I saw them. So you see, yourlittle toy isnt infallible, is it?
[LOBOS] So you see fit to joke with me, eh? Well, let us give yousomething to joke about, shall we? You are of no further use to me andwould make a perfect specimen for our museums. Yes, Doctor, I see youtake my meaning. Guards. Take him to the preparation room.
(Outside the Museum)
[GUARD] Leave it alone.
(Museum corridor)
[IAN] It didnt take them long to find it.
[BARBARA] Well, I hope they dont do any damage.
[IAN] Well, theres nothing they can do unless they get inside.
[VICKI] Are they bringing it in here?
[IAN] No, it doesnt look like it. Take a look for yourself, Vicki.Well, what do we do now? Find the Doctor, I suppose. Im afraid Im nogreat expert when it comes to changing the future.
[VICKI] I think one of us should keep watch on the Tardis. If we want toleave here in a hurry we dont want to waste time looking for it.
[BARBARA] Well, we know where its going, Vicki, weve already seen it.
[VICKI] Well if it gets there, we neednt bother. We wont have changedwhats going to happen in the future.
[IAN] Oh, this whole thing is becoming a nightmare.
[BARBARA] Its been a nightmare ever since we saw those cases. But allwe do is stand around saying this whole thing is a nightmare. Why dontwe do something?
[IAN] Choice is only possible when you know all the facts. Dont yourealise? We know nothing about this place.
[BARBARA] Shh! Listen!
(Outside the Museum)
[COMMANDER] Keep clear! Move! Move!
[COMMANDER] Is there no way in?
[GUARD] No, Commander.
[COMMANDER] Thats all I need. You know what Lobos will say about that,soldier. He will blame me. Everything that goes wrong on this wretchedplanet is my fault. Think yourselves lucky that you have me between youand our illustrious Governor. A scapegoat, and for what? For this rankand a meagre pittance of extra pay. Oh, whats the use.
[LOBOS] A strange looking craft. It must be very cramped anduncomfortable for four travellers inside at one time.
[LOBOS] This door is locked.
[COMMANDER] We could not gain entry, sir.
[LOBOS] Didnt they leave you the key? Force it open, you fool!
[COMMANDER] Why was not the cutting equipment bought to me? I asked youto bring it several times, didnt I, soldier? Now dont you give me anyof your feeble excuses. I will deal with you later. Get it! Incompetentfools. Have any of the aliens been caught, sir?
[LOBOS] One has.
[LOBOS [OC]] Three are still at large.
[IAN] Did you hear that?
[BARBARA] Yes. Shh!
(Outside the Museum)
[COMMANDER] They could be in a thousand places.
[LOBOS] Then I expect a thousand places to be searched. When this isover, discipline will be tightened. The army heres gone soft. Imsupposed to have at my command trained soldiers, not a feeble bunch ofhalf witted amateurs.
[BARBARA] Theyve stopped talking.
[VICKI] Maybe theyve gone.
[GUARD] Stay as you are! You! You with the gun - bring it to me! Nowcareful.
[GUARD] Dont move!
[BARBARA] Dont! Hell fire that thing.
[IAN] Well? Wouldnt that change the shape of things to come?
[BARBARA] Well, it would for you. Youd be dead.
[IAN] They cant kill us. Were going to end up in those cases.
[BARBARA] Not necessarily. Oh, you can change the future so that wedont end up in those cases, but if were all dead, whats the point?
[IAN] But that means we cant fight against anybody. We dont know whatwere doing.
[VICKI] Weve just lost the Doctor. Has that already changed the future?
[BARBARA] We dont know Vicki. Maybe thats the way it happened. Weveno reason to suppose that we all ended up in the cases at exactly thesame time.
[VICKI] So we could be doing exactly what were supposed to do.
[IAN] Ive had enough of this. Now listen, were going to deal with him,and then were going after the Doctor, whether were supposed to ornot.
[GUARD] Thats enough talking. Come on, move out slowly.
[BARBARA] Be careful.
[IAN] Dont worry. Im going to try something.
[GUARD] I said, move out.
[IAN] Yes, we heard you the first time, but we dont feel like moving,do we?
[VICKI] No, definitely not.
[BARBARA] Ian, dont go too far.
[IAN] Now, what were you orders? To capture us? To bring us in?
[GUARD] Yes, get back. Back.
[IAN] There was nothing about killing us, was there? Well, was there?Well, answer me?
[GUARD] No. No, no, there wasnt.
[IAN] Well, think what your superiors are going to say. Theyre going toask, did you bring in the aliens? No, youre going to reply, I went outand shot them all.
[IAN] Now, run, both of you.
[VICKI] Ian! Come on!
(Outside the Museum)
[LOBOS] Open those doors! Open them!
[IAN] Vicki!
[LOBOS] Get after those women!
[COMMANDER] Guards! With me!
[LOBOS] Take him to my office. Wait for me there. Guards! Guards!
(Outside the Museum)
[BARBARA] Vicki!
[COMMANDER [OC]] One of them came this way!
[GUARD] No, sir.
[COMMANDER] Come, come.
[VICKI] Let me go! Let go of me!
[TOR] Quiet, they'll hear. Look, youve got to trust us!
[VICKI] Why should I?
[TOR] We hate the Moroks. We want to see them dead. Well, you can seewere nothing like them.
[VICKI] Who are you?
[TOR] Well, well explain everything later. First of all, we must findyour companions.
[VICKI] It was you who took the Doctor, like you took me. The old manwho was with us.
[TOR] Well, yes, but. We did but he fooled us. Then the Moroks caughthim. Oh, we didnt hand him over to them if thats what yourethinking. Now where are the others?
[VICKI] I think they caught Ian.
[TOR] The man? What of the woman?
[VICKI] We ran so quickly, we went in opposite directions. I couldntturn back when I realised because the guards were already behind me.
[TOR] She must be making for the storerooms. Well have to wait at theheadquarters. Dako?
[DAKO] Yes?
[TOR] Go and see if you can find her and bring her there. Whats hername?
[VICKI] Barbara.
[TOR] Go quickly!
(Outside the Museum)
[LOBOS] You fools. You let them escape.
[GUARD] Yes sir.
[LOBOS] Well there are other ways of getting them out. Withdraw our menfrom this building. Have all exits guarded and have this rest searchthe area for the one these fools allowed to escape.
[GUARD] Sir.
[LOBOS] You remain here.
[GUARD 2] Whos there?
[GUARD 2] No, no, no, dont kill me! No!
[IAN] That depends on you. I want the answers to some questions.
[GUARD 2] If I can help you, I will. I promise.
[IAN] A friend of mine, an old man. Hes been captured. Now whatshappened to him?
[GUARD 2] I dont know. I dont know.
[IAN] Is he dead?
[GUARD 2] No! No!
[IAN] Where is he?
[GUARD 2] They took him to the preparation room, but its nothing to dowith me. Im just a simple soldier.
[IAN] What happens there? I said, what happens there?
[GUARD 2] Hell be got ready for the Museum. But you cant help him.Once the process starts
[IAN] What process?
[GUARD 2] Well, its a kind of embalming.
[IAN] How longs it take?
[GUARD 2] Well, several hours, but
[IAN] Take me there.
[GUARD 2] Well, youll be killed.
[IAN] Take me!
[GUARD 2] Well both be killed!
(Governor's office)
[LOBOS] A directive from Morok. They think we madea mistake in allowing the Xeron youth to live. They are almost men anddangerous. These aliens, theyve made fools of us! (into the intercom)Building 6-2? The ventilation is standard?
[GUARD [OC]] Yes sir.
[LOBOS] Good, it wont take the guards long to withdraw. In one hour theair is to be replaced with Zaphra gas, is that clear?
[GUARD [OC]] Perfectly.
[LOBOS] Then see that my order is carried out.
[COMMANDER] Zaphra gas.
[LOBOS] It is very effective. If the two women do not leave the buildingand surrender to the guards, the gas will eventually paralyse them.
[DAKO] Barbara? Are you in here?
[BARBARA] Who are you? How do you know my name?
(Outside the Museum)
[TOR] Theres no guard here. Hurry!
[VICKI] Cant we wait for Barbara?
[TOR] Oh no, its too dangerous. Dako will find her and bring her to thehideout.
[SITA] Now, quickly!
[DAKO] Tor and Sita have taken Vicki to ourheadquarters. You must believe me. We are your friends.
[BARBARA] Why should you be?
[DAKO] Were Xerons. This is our planet.
[BARBARA] And the others? The ones in uniform?
[DAKO] Moroks. They've changed our planet into a Museum. A record oftheir wars. But soon we shall rise against them and drive them fromXeros.
[BARBARA] Moroks? Well, where did they come from?
[DAKO] Their planet is three light years away. They invaded us withoutwarning. Xeros was a place of peace and knowledge and the wisdom of ourelders made us free from want.
[BARBARA] Well, why didnt you fight back?
[DAKO] Their weapons were far superior to ours. We had planned for peaceand they for war. Now I want you to come with me.
[BARBARA] Well, can you get us out of here?
[DAKO] There are many guards but Ill find a way. Come on.
[DAKO] Theyve set the museum on fire!
[BARBARA] That isnt smoke, its gas. Put something over your mouth.
(Xeron hideout)
[VICKI] So then what happened, after the Moroks had captured the planet?
[TOR] They destroyed everything, even our people. Only the children werespared, to work.
[VICKI] How horrible.
[TOR] We are a slave race. When we grow older we are taken to otherplanets. Sita, Dako and myself were due to go. That is why we hide hereand plan.
[SITA] But although we have sworn to drive the Moroks from Xeros, itwill not be easy. The life they impose on us makes organisationdifficult.
[VICKI] But there dont seem to be many Moroks. Surely you mustoutnumber them?
[TOR] It is unpleasant to admit but our opposition is weak and unarmed.Well, a very small army can easily keep control.
[VICKI] But youre supposed to be planning a revolution!
[TOR] Why did you and your friends comes to Xeros?
[VICKI] We. It was an accident.
[TOR] Of course. No one would come to Xeros from choice. The Moroksreputation is universal.
[SITA] Its late. Im sure Dako and your friend Barbara, have beencaptured.
[TOR] Well, they need time to dodge the guards.
[SITA] All this time? Wed be fooling ourselves to believe otherwise.
[VICKI] Well, you cant just accept it. Weve got to help them. Well,sitting here planning and dreaming of a revolution isnt going to winyour planet back.
[SITA] We do all we can.
[VICKI] By making a nuisance of yourselves, thats all it is.
[TOR] What can we do without weapons?
[VICKI] Nothing. We must get some.
[SITA] Ha! Now whos dreaming?
[VICKI] The Moroks are armed.
[SITA] So we take them from the Moroks.
[VICKI] Why not? That is revolution.
[TOR] Vicki, we have tried. Occasionally we have overpowered a guard andtaken his ray gun. But what can one gun do against even a small army?
[SITA] And when we do that they take hostages until the gun is returned.
[VICKI] Where are the guns kept?
[TOR] Well, at the armoury.
[VICKI] If you had guns, lots of them, could you organise your friends?Distribute the arms and really wage a war?
[TOR] Of course. That is where we are strong, in our planning.
[SITA] But the armoury is out of our reach.
[VICKI] Dont you know where it is?
[TOR] Oh, we know, but its key is something that we could never obtain.
[VICKI] Oh, I dont understand.
[TOR] The armaments are kept behind locked doors. An impregnable safe.
[VICKI] What kind of lock does it have?
[TOR] An electronic brain programmed to ask questions. The answers givenopen the door. But they only open to the truth.
[VICKI] A sort of lie detector. If I could see it, maybe I could. Well,Id just like to see it.
[TOR] We can take you.
[SITA] But why are you so interested in this, Vicki? Why do you wantthis revolution so much?
[VICKI] Ive as many reasons as you, perhaps more, for wanting to seethe future changed. Perhaps Ill explain later but I think we should gonow.
(Morok headquarters)
[IAN] Whats wrong?
[GUARD 2] This is the building.
[IAN] Well, take me in.
[GUARD 2] It would be better to wait. Its a busy time of day. Later onthere wont be so many guards on duty. Youll stand a better chance.
[IAN] Theres someone coming. Now find out what happened to the others,and remember, Im here.
[COMMANDER] Soldier! What are you doing here, soldier? Why have you leftyour post?
[GUARD 2] The governor sent for me. I am to report to him.
[COMMANDER] You didnt leave it unguarded, did you?
[GUARD 2] The replacement hadnt arrived. But the Governors orders. Hesaid immediately.
[COMMANDER] Then why are you waiting? I will attend to your replacement.
[GUARD 2] Sir?
[COMMANDER] What is it now, soldier?
[GUARD 2] Have the aliens been recaptured?
[COMMANDER] Not yet, but the Zaphra gas will soon drive them from theirhiding place.
[IAN] You did well. Well take your advice and wait a while. Over there.
[TOR] Well, this is the armoury, Vicki.
[VICKI] These must be the light beams.
[SITA] Yes.
[SITA] Can you do anything? Do you know how it works?
[VICKI] It must work to a standard pattern. Break the light beam.
[TOR] But the questions will start.
[VICKI] Yes, I know.
[COMPUTER] Do you understand that all questions are to be fullyanswered?
[SITA] Yes.
[COMPUTER] What is your rank?
[SITA] I have no rank.
[TOR] You see Vicki? Not only does the reply have to be true, it has tobe the correct answer as well.
[VICKI] Yes. Sita, break the light beam again but this time dontanswer. Just let the questions run right through.
[COMPUTER] Do you understand that all questions are to be fullyanswered? What is your rank? What is your name? Do you have theGovernor's permission to approach? Have you a requisition signed by theGovernor? What is its reference number?
[TOR] Withdrawal requisition numbers are fed in from headquarters. Ithas to tally with the number given. Theres no chance, Vicki.
[COMPUTER] Which unit are you attached to?
[VICKI] Isnt there? I wouldnt give in as easily as that.
[COMPUTER] For what purpose are the arms needed?
[VICKI] Look, now this is where the questions are recorded.
[COMPUTER] Has the guard on duty examined your identification papers?
[VICKI] Help me get the front off.
[COMPUTER] What is the current password?
(Governor's office)
[LOBOS] Are the aliens still in the building?
[GUARD [OC]] Yes sir. We have seen no movement.
[LOBOS] Very well. Keep the men alerted. Theyll soon be coming out.
[BARBARA] Were almost there, Dako.
[BARBARA] Dako, come on. Come on.
[TOR] Have you done it?
[VICKI] Im not sure. I think so.
[TOR] Well, the door hasnt opened.
[VICKI] Youve got to answer the questions yet.
[TOR] Well then youve failed. The lock reacts only to the truth.
[VICKI] And it still does, Tor. Youll see.
[COMPUTER] What is your name?
[VICKI] Vicki.
[COMPUTER] For what purpose are the arms needed?
[VICKI] Revolution.
[TOR] Well done, Vicki!
[VICKI] I fixed it so that I only had to answer the truth. I didnt haveto give the correct reply.
[SITA] Theres everything we need here and more. Well be able to armeverybody.
[TOR] Oh good! Get as many as you can carry and give them to Sham fordistribution. Ill give mine to the Tolma Corrin and bring them backhere for more.
[VICKI] I wonder if this will keep us out of the cases.
(Governor's office)
[LOBOS] Come in.
[LOBOS] Well. At last. You aliens have caused me enough trouble. I shallsee that you pay for it.
[LOBOS] Youll be a fool if you kill me. You will achieve nothing.
[IAN] Possibly, but it might be enjoyable.
[LOBOS] What do you want?
[IAN] Take me to the Doctor. The old man you captured.
[LOBOS] And if I refuse?
[IAN] I dont think youll be that stupid.
[LOBOS] Youll kill me anyway.
[IAN] Youre wasting time.
[LOBOS] Am I? It is too late for you to help him. He has already passedinto the second stage of preparation.
[IAN] And what does that mean?
[LOBOS] He is beyond your help.
[IAN] Come on! Take me to him! Move! Hurry!
[LOBOS] Hurrying wont help your friend, the Doctor.
[IAN] Is he in there?
[LOBOS] Yes.
[IAN] Open the door.
[IAN] Now get in, both of you.
(Preparation room)
[IAN] Doctor!
(Preparation room)
[IAN] What have you done to him?
[LOBOS] I dont think you would appreciate the technical difficulties.
[IAN] Just tell me what youve done.
[LOBOS] He has completed the second stage of preparation. Hes as goodas dead.
[IAN] If you want to save yourself, youd better bring him back to life.
[LOBOS] Impossible.
[IAN] But your only hope is to try.
[LOBOS] No one has ever attempted to reverse the process.
[IAN] Theres a first time for everything, now get moving!
[IAN] And remember, I shall be watching you very carefully, so dont tryany tricks.
[LOBOS] There are no tricks in science, only facts.
[IAN] How long is this going to take?
[LOBOS] How can I say? This has never been done before. Perhaps he neverwill recover.
(Xeron hideout)
[SITA] Thats nearly the lot.
[TOR] Right, move along. Hurry up.
[VICKI] Tor?
[TOR] Just a minute, Vicki. Right, now you know the main objective. TheMorok barracks. Most of our force is already on the way there. But wemust surprise them. If they mobilise, we shall fail.
[SITA] Come on, take a ray gun.
[VICKI] Tor, will everybody be going to the barracks?
[TOR] Well, we need every man and woman we can muster, Vicki. Why?
[VICKI] Well if its all the same to you, Im going back to the museum.
[TOR] The museum?
[VICKI] Barbara may still be there. Ive got to find her, Tor, and myother friends.
[TOR] Look, after weve finished here, you can
[VICKI] Now! It may be too late then.
[TOR] I wont let you go.
[VICKI] I wont let you stop me.
[TOR] But if youre captured?
[VICKI] The Moroks dont know of the revolt. Im not likely to tellthem.
[TOR] Well you wont have to, The gun will give us away. Theyll checkthe armoury.
[VICKI] Im still going. Look, Tor, Ive got to find them and tell themwhats going on. Theres no knowing what theyll do otherwise. If I amcaptured, Ill just have to hope that youre successful and you find mein time. I know it sounds silly but whatever I do may be wrong. Ivegot to find them.
[TOR] Vicki.
[VICKI] Yes?
[TOR] Wait a moment. Sita? Go with Vicki to the Museum. Ill join youlater.
[SITA] Yes, but
[TOR] Dont argue, Sita. (he gives Vicki the gun back) Do what she tellsyou.
[VICKI] Come on, Sita.
(Outside the Museum)
[COMMANDER] Soldier! Leave that. Where is the relief guard for thisentrance?
[GUARD] There was no one here when we arrived, sir.
[COMMANDER] You, take over the watch.
[GUARD] Sir!
[COMMANDER] You two come with me. Ill get to the bottom of this.
[BARBARA] Dako! Dako! Come on!
(Preparation room)
[IAN] Well, whats happening?
[LOBOS] His temperature is returning to normal.
[IAN] Good. Cant you speed things up a bit?
[LOBOS] After a temperature of several hundred degrees below freezing,it is a complicated process. You will have to be patient.
[LOBOS] Body temperature has now been reached.
[LOBOS] Well?
[IAN] Yes. Hes getting warmer.
[LOBOS] Good. We shant have long to wait.
[IAN] Get back!
[DOCTOR] (waking and groaning) Support me, dear boy. Support me overthere and sit me down.
[IAN] How are you feeling?
[DOCTOR] I shall be all right in a minute. Its a bad attack ofrheumatism. Yes, it always happens to me when Im cold.
[IAN] Youve been cold all right, Doctor, I can tell you that.
[DOCTOR] Yes, unfortunately, Im not used to being subjected to such lowtemperatures.
[LOBOS] (to guard) When I give you the word, you rush him.
[IAN] No, well, wed better bring the circulation back.
[LOBOS] Thats an order.
[DOCTOR] Its all right, dear boy. Its not, its not the circulationfreeze.
[IAN] Eh?
[DOCTOR] Yes, dont fuss. Now dont do that.
[LOBOS] Now!
[DOCTOR] My dear Governor, my dear Lobos, I dont think your soldiershave really got their heart in their job, have they? Thank you forgetting me out of this little predicament. Although, I would have beenbetter pleased had you done it more voluntary.
[IAN] Yes, his conscience did need reminding.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I know, I know.
[IAN] What do you mean you know? Surely you were
[DOCTOR] Dead? Not at all, my boy. Not at all. I was merely, let me say,frozen stiff?
[IAN] You mean you knew everything that was happening?
[DOCTOR] Exactly! My brain was working with the speed of a mechanicalcomputer. I was asking myself questions and the answers were arrivingwith remarkable alacrity. Yes, yes. I must confess, I didnt enjoy therefrigeration, hence this attack of rheumatism. But thanks to you, mydear boy, I am now de-iced and I think Im quite capable of facing upto the climate once more.
[LOBOS] I wouldnt be too sure of that, Doctor. Of course, I have noproof, but your brain could very easily have been affected.
[DOCTOR] The best thing for you, Governor Lobos, is to put you in there.Then you will have all the proof you needed. But you think yourselflucky. My conscience wont allow me to do that. Its a pity, isnt it?Its a pity!
(Governor's office)
[IAN [OC]] Well Doctor, I think the next thing to do is find Barbara andVicki, eh?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Im not so sure of that, my dear boy. Where did you sayyoud left them?
[IAN [OC]] In the Museum.
[DOCTOR [OC]] And the Tardis?
[IAN [OC]] Well, that was outside the Museum building.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. I see, I see.
(Preparation room)
[IAN] Whats the problem? Surely weve changed thefuture by now?
[DOCTOR] Yes, and Im not sure of that either, Chesterton. Have we? Havewe? Or are we doing what were allegedly intended to do? Now, what doyou think?
[IAN] Well, I got you out of that thing, I
[DOCTOR] Yes, thats true.
(Governor's office)
[DOCTOR] Thats true, but Im sure the Governorhere would be delighted if we were both put back in there.
(Preparation room)
[DOCTOR] Am I correct, sir?
[LOBOS] Yes, Doctor. You are quite correct. And it would appear that Ishall have my wish.
[BARBARA] Theres only a few more feet, Dako.
[DAKO] (coughing) Therell be guards out there, Barbara. Waiting for us.
[BARBARA] Youll stand a better chance outside.
[DAKO] A chance of what?
(Outside the Museum)
(Governor's office)
[COMMANDER] I met this soldier on his way here,asked him what he was doing. He said reporting to you on your orders.
[GUARD] I was a prisoner of one of the aliens, sir. He had a gun.
[LOBOS] Which he took from you.
[GUARD] Yes, sir.
[COMMANDER] I posted a relief guard and then came back here to see whatwas happening.
[LOBOS] You did well, Commander. Have this man placed under closearrest.
[LOBOS] Yes?
[GUARD [OC]] Relief guard, exit 4-1-7. The aliens are just about toleave the museum.
[LOBOS] Good. Detain them there. Ill send extra men.
[GUARD [OC]] Yes sir.
[LOBOS] Well, it would appear that this little diversion will soon beover, Commander.
[LOBOS] Strange, no reply from the barracks. Well, it seems that afaulty connection has given our friend here another chance. Go with theCommander. When youve got them, bring the aliens to me.
[COMMANDER] Yes sir.
(Preparation room)
[LOBOS] Ive just a word about your friends. Youllall be together again soon. Perhaps for centuries?
(Outside the Museum)
[GUARD] Halt! Halt! Stay as you are. Over to the wall. Over!
[DAKO] Sorry, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Its all right. Wasnt your fault.
[GUARD] No talking. Hands on your heads. Up! Up!
[SITA] Soldier!
[BARBARA] Vicki!
[VICKI] Barbara! Are you all right? You look terrible.
[BARBARA] No, Im fine.
[DAKO] Sita! Where did you come from? And guns!
[SITA] Yes, the revolution's finally started. We broke into the armoury.Tor is leading an attack on the Morok barracks.
[DAKO] Well, why arent you there?
[SITA] We came for you.
[VICKI] Is Ian still inside?
[BARBARA] Well, I dont see how he could be. I think he must have beencaptured by the guards.
[VICKI] Taken to wherever the Doctor is, I suppose. Oh, Barbara, wevegot to find them. Weve got a chance now.
[BARBARA] Why? Whats happened?
[VICKI] Everythings going to be all right, I know it is. When therevolution succeeds, Tor and the Xerons are going to destroy thisMuseum and all the exhibits. Well, we cant be put in a museum thatdoesnt exist any more, can we?
[SITA] Dako and myself are going to try and see if we can find Tor. Areyou coming?
[VICKI] No, I dont think so, are we, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Well, we must find out where Ian and the Doctor were taken.And if that means just wandering around the exhibition aimlessly, well,we may as well go with them, Tor.
[VICKI] Where will they be taken?
[SITA] The Governors office, I expect. First of all, anyway.
[VICKI] We dont want to go there, do we?
[COMMANDER] Possibly not, but thats where you are going.
[VICKI] Sita.
[COMMANDER] (taking Vicki's gun) Where did you get this? I asked you aquestion.
[VICKI] I, I cant remember.
[COMMANDER] Soldier. Have their been any guerilla actions against us?
[GUARD] None recently.
[COMMANDER] Have any arms fallen into Xeron hands?
[GUARD] No, sir, not that I know of.
[COMMANDER] It seems as though our illustrious Governor is going to havemore than his usual batch of questions to ask. Move.
(Governor's office)
[COMMANDER] No answer.
[LOBOS] No. First the barracks, now the armoury. Well, the soldier willreport as soon as he gets there.
[COMMANDER] Yes, sir. You dont think
[LOBOS] I dont think anything, Commander. All I know is that this guncame from the weapons store.
[COMMANDER] What is going to happen to them?
[LOBOS] In due course they will go into the museum, as planned.
(Preparation room)
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, Chesterton. Save your strength. Itll take muchmore than that to get us out of this situation.
[IAN] Well, exhibits in a forgotten museum, eh? Is that how were allgoing to end up? Not with this apparatus.
[DOCTOR] Well, my boy, youd hardly call me a pessimist, but I thinkits most unlikely that that is the only contraption of its kind.
[BARBARA] Well, you cant blame Ian for letting off steam, Doctor. Oh, Iwish Id had thought of it. Id have smashed the whole thing too.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think I would have done the same thing.
[VICKI] But we must have changed the future! We just must have done!
[BARBARA] Must we Vicki? Or were all the things that happened plannedout for us? Four separate journeys. Four choices, that led all thetime, closer to here. Maybe it could have changed things if I hadntleft that Museum.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and perhaps I shouldnt have got myself captured.
[IAN] Well, if your all joining in, I suppose I. Oh, whats the use.
[VICKI] It hasnt happened yet, you know.
[DOCTOR] Yes, Vickis quite right. Quite right.
[IAN] Its only a matter of time, isnt it, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, its not necessarily, my boy.
[BARBARA] But Doctor, what can we do now to
[DOCTOR] My dear Barbara, you must try and remember, the short timeweve been on this planet, weve met people, spoken to them and whoknows, we might have even influenced them.
[VICKI] Thats what I was trying to say, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I knew you were, child, yes. Yes, I knew you were.
[IAN] You mean we dont necessarily have to change our own future. Itcould be changed for us.
[DOCTOR] Quite so, yes, quite so, my boy.
[VICKI] Like the revolution.
(Outside the Museum)
[GUARD] To headquarters, quickly! Look out!
(Outside the Museum)
[TOR] Dako, Dako, its Tor.
[DAKO] (waking.) Tor. The barracks, did you?
[TOR] Destroyed. The Moroks are on the run. And Vicki. Do you know whathappened?
[DAKO] She found her friends, then the Moroks came.
[TOR] They took them?
[DAKO] Yes.
[TOR] Well, where to, Dako? Where did they take them?
[DAKO] Im not sure. The Governors office, I think.
[TOR] Stay with him. The rest of you, come with me.
(Governor's office)
[LOBOS] Yes. Armoury?
[GUARD [OC]] Yes, sir?
[LOBOS] Whats happening?
[GUARD [OC]] Weve been attacked. The weapons have gone.
[LOBOS] What? Stay there. Ill send extra men.
[GUARD [OC]] No, the barracks have been wiped out. The Xerons have gotArgh!
[LOBOS] Hello? Hello? This is Governor Lobos. Well still get away. Ivegot a ship standing by at the launching port.
[COMMANDER] What about the aliens?
[LOBOS] All this trouble started when they arrived. Kill them.(As Lobos and the Commander start to enter the Preparation room, theXerons arrive)
[TOR] Lobos!
[VICKI] Tor!
[TOR] Vicki!
[VICKI] Oh, marvellous! Oh, thank you!
[DOCTOR] The future doesnt look too bad after all, does it?
(Outside the Museum)
[TOR] Take that straight through.
[VICKI] Wheres that going? Wheres that going?
[TOR] Well, thats just going over there.
[TOR] All this stuff.
[BARBARA] Well, it didnt take them long to dismantle the Museum, didit?
[IAN] No. Well, it must be quite a feeling, getting your own planetback.
[DOCTOR] Well, there you both are. Thats it. Thats the little thingthats been giving us all this dimensional trouble.
[IAN] Just that?
[DOCTOR] You know, its a funny thing how it happened. It got stuck. Idont know whether youve gone into a room and switched on the lightand had to wait for a second or two before the thing lit itself up.
[BARBARA] Yes, I have. I think most people have.
[DOCTOR] Well, this is the same kind of problem, you see. We landed on aseparate time track, wandered around a bit, and until this little thingclicked itself into place, we hadnt actually arrived.
[IAN] Ah. Well, thanks very much for explaining it.
[DOCTOR] Not at all, my dear boy, anytime, anytime.
[IAN] Yes, well, do you want it back?
[DOCTOR] Yes, please, yes. I wonder if youd mind taking it in for me.Inside the ship. Thank you. I just want to fetch Vicki.
[DOCTOR] There, now.
[VICKI] But, Tor, surely it doesnt all have to be destroyed. Cant youuse any of it?
[TOR] Oh, we only want on Xeros what belongs to Xeros, Vicki. The restwill be broken up.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think I can quite understand your sentiments, young man.But you know, you mustnt lose sight of science altogether. You mightneed it.
[TOR] Oh, yes, Doctor.
[IAN] Doctor, what is that extraordinary thing youve got in the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Ah, that my boy, yes. Well that I got from the Space Museum.This young man here, Tor, very kindly gave it to me as a souvenir.
[IAN] A souvenir? Ha! Couldnt you get something a little smaller?
[DOCTOR] My dear Chesterton, I dont think I have to ask your permissionfor what I take in my ship, and another thing, I will not have
[BARBARA] Oh no, Doctor, of course you dont. But, er, what is it? Itlooks terribly interesting.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, as a matter of fact, my dear, its what they call aTime and Space Visualiser. You know, I couldnt believe my eyes when Isaw it in the Space Museum. And I have an idea I can get it workingagain.
[IAN] Yes, Doctor, but what exactly does it do?
[DOCTOR] You will see, you will see. All in good time. Now then, haveyou said your goodbyes?
[TOR] Yes. Thank you, Doctor. Your party made our revolution a success.
[DOCTOR] Splendid, splendid. Well now, I think we must get moving.Goodbye, young man.
[TOR] Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye, Tor. Come along, my child. Come along.
[TOR] Goodbye, Vicki.
[VICKI] Goodbye, Tor.
(Control room)
[DALEK] Our greatest enemies have left the planet Xeros. They are onceagain in time and space.
[DALEK 2 [OC]] They cannot escape! Our time machine will soon followthem. They will be exterminated! Exterminated! Exterminated!
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s02", "episode": "e07", "title": "The Space Museum"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (22 May, 1965; First Doctor) - The Chase
(Control room)
[DALEK 1] Our greatest enemies have left the planetXeros. They are once again in time and space.
[DALEK 2 [OC]] They cannot escape! Our time machine will soon followthem. They will be exterminated! Exterminated! Exterminated!
[DOCTOR] Don't whistle, dear, please.
[VICKI] Well, have you nearly finished, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Stop whistling!
[VICKI] Well, can I do anything to help?
[DOCTOR] (mumble) Buzz off, now.
(Tardis living area)
[VICKI] What are you reading?
[VICKI] Is it good?
[IAN] Yes. A bit far-fetched.
[VICKI] Oh, all right.
(Women's bedroom)
[VICKI] I am redundant around here.
[BARBARA] Oh, nonsense. Come and sit down and talk to me.
[VICKI] I am a useless person.
[BARBARA] Oh, Vicki!
[VICKI] Oh, what was it?
[BARBARA] Oh, it was a dress for you.
[IAN] What's the matter? What's the trouble?
[DOCTOR] Out of the way! Out of the way!
[IAN] What's the matter?
[BARBARA] Doctor! Turn it off!
[BARBARA] Oh, that's better.
[IAN] Are you trying to deafen us all or something?
[DOCTOR] Deafen you? No, no, dear boy. It was an unfortunatejuxtaposition of the sonic rectifier with the lineal amplifier.
[IAN] Oh, of course. I should have know.
[BARBARA] Doctor, what is this machine?
[DOCTOR] I've already told you, my dear. It's a Time and SpaceVisualiser.
[BARBARA] Yes, but apart from making that dreadful noise, what does itdo?
[DOCTOR] It converts neutrons of light energy into electrical impulses.
[IAN] Oh, wonderful. I've always wanted one.
[DOCTOR] Do I detect a hint of sarcasm, dear boy?
[IAN] I'm sorry, Doctor, but you rattle off explanations that would havebaffled Einstein and you expect Barbara and I to know what you'retalking about.
[DOCTOR] Very well then, I shall quote you Ven Der Haff's law. Mass isabsorbed by light, therefore light has mass and energy.
[VICKI] The energy radiated by a light neutron is equal to the energy ofthe mass it absorbed.
[DOCTOR] Splendid child, splendid.
[VICKI] It's quite simple. It just means that anything that everhappens, anywhere in the universe, is recorded in light neutrons.
[DOCTOR] I couldn't have put it better myself, child.
[VICKI] Doctor, you know when I left Earth? Scientists were trying toinvent a machine that would convert the energy from light neutrons intoelectrical impulses. That meant that you could just tune in and see anyevent in history.
[BARBARA] Do you mean a sort of Time television?
[VICKI] Yes, like that.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's exactly what this is.
[VICKI] Doctor, you're kidding! Why didn't you tell me? I could havefixed it for you instead of you fiddling about like that.
[DOCTOR] I have already fixed it, my dear. My dear Chesterton, do youmind if I distract you from your cowboys and indians?
[IAN] Oh, all right.
[DOCTOR] I want to give a little demonstration. Will you think of anevent in history?
[IAN] All right, I've thought of one.
[DOCTOR] Well, first the place.
[IAN] Oh, Earth, that's easy.
[DOCTOR] Now the geographical location, date and time.
[IAN] Nineteenth of November, 1863. The place, Pennsylvania, USA.
[DOCTOR] Good! Don't go away.
[DOCTOR] Watch.
[LINCOLN [on monitor]] conceived in liberty, and dedicated to theproposition that all men are created equal.
[BARBARA] Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln!
[IAN] Yes, that's what I asked for. The Gettysburg address!
[LINCOLN [on monitor]] Civil war, testing whether that nation, or anynation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on agreat battlefield of that war. We've come to dedicate a portion of itas a final resting place for those who gave their lives that thatnation might live. That is altogether fitting and proper that we shoulddo so. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate,we cannot hallow this ground.
[BARBARA] Doctor, can I have a go?
[VICKI] Can I? Can I? Please?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes, now, all in good time, my dear, all in goodtime. Now, Barbara.
[BARBARA] Yes? Now
[IAN] Did you ever see anything like it in your life?
[IAN] Well, that was Abraham Lincoln.
[BARBARA] Quiet, you lot!
[VICKI] I know it was!
[IAN] Well, where are we?
[VICKI] What is it!
[DOCTOR] Put it in there. In the slot. Now.
[QUEEN [on monitor]] We are well aware of what
[IAN] It's Queen Elizabeth the first.
[VICKI] Who's that man?
[BARBARA] Oh, wait and see.
[SHAKESPEARE] Is the Queen angry, sire? It was only a jest.
[BACON] She has graciously granted you an audience.
[SHAKESPEARE] Oh. (goes forward and kneels) Oh, your Majesty!
[QUEEN] Master Shakespeare, you aware of the concern your character ofFalstaff has caused to Sir John Oldcastle?
[BACON] It was so obviously he.
[SHAKESPEARE] Yes, well. I can explain, your Majesty.
[QUEEN] You admit it then.
[SHAKESPEARE] Yes, your Majesty.
[QUEEN] Good. Give it no more thought. We found it very amusing. Tellme, have any plans to write a further play on him?
[SHAKESPEARE] No, I haven't, your Majesty.
[QUEEN [on monitor]] That's a pity. But it does notmatter. We have idea which may be of service. You shall write a play ofFalstaff in love.
[QUEEN] Does that not fire your imagination?
[SHAKESPEARE] Oh, a happy idea, your Majesty. Yes.
[QUEEN] Away with you, Will. To your pen.
[BACON] I also have an idea that you may wish to use. The history ofHamlet, Prince of Denmark.
[SHAKESPEARE] I'm afraid not, sire.
[BACON] Oh, do you know the story then?
[SHAKESPEARE] I assure you, my lord, it would not be quite in my style.
[BACON] Very well then, scribbler.
[SHAKESPEARE] Hamlet, Prince of Denmark?
[IAN] Well, Barbara, did you find out what youwanted to know?
[BARBARA] I didn't really want to know anything. I just wanted to seeElizabeth's court. Did you see the way Shakespeare looked when hethought of Hamlet?
[IAN] Yes, I did. I
[IAN] Well, where are we now?
[VICKI] Shh.
[ANNOUNCER [OC]] This is BBC One. The next programme is due to start injust under one minute.
[BARBARA] Vicki, what year have you got on there?
[VICKI] 1965.
[DOCTOR] Come along, come.
[IAN] You've got a television.
[VICKI] Shh!
[IAN] showing
[VICKI] I want to watch it.
[HOST [on monitor]] Here singing their latest number one hit it's thefabulous wait for it. It's the fabulous Beatles!
[VICKI] Yes! Fabulous!
[BEATLES] I think I'm gonna be sad, I think it's today, yeah! The girlthat's driving me mad, Is going away.
[IAN] Oh, Barbara.
[DOCTOR] Now you've squashed my favourite Beatles!
[IAN] Vicki, I had no idea you knew about the Beatles.
[VICKI] Of course I know about them. I've been to their Memorial Theatrein Liverpool.
[BARBARA] Well, what do you think of them, Vicki?
[VICKI] Well, they're marvellous, but I didn't know they playedclassical music!
[BARBARA] Classical music?
[IAN] Get with it, Barbara. Get with it. Styles change, styles change.
[DOCTOR] I think you'd better turn it off, my dear. Yes, we're about tomaterialise.
[DOCTOR] Well, everything appears to be all right. Yes. The oxygen'shigh and the gravity is a little greater than Earth.
(Outside the Tardis)
[BARBARA] Oh, it's hot.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's no small wonder. Look up there, my dear. Look. Twosuns moving very quickly. I expect the days and nights are very shorthere.
[VICKI] Are we going to explore now then?
[BARBARA] I shouldn't think there is anything to explore. Just miles andmiles of sand. And those strange things.
[VICKI] You never know. Over that sand-dune there might be a city or aspace-station or anything.
[DOCTOR] The child's just like me, you know. Always wants to know what'son t'other side of the hill.
[VICKI] I'm gonna find out too!
[BARBARA] Vicki, come back.
[IAN] I'd better follow her.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, Chesterton, here, here.
[IAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Look here, you'd better take this Tardis magnet with you. Watchthat little green light in there. Don't drop it, otherwise you'll getlost.
[IAN] All right, I'm coming. We won't go any further than the ridge.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes.
[BARBARA] Look at her.
[IAN] Don't worry. I'll look after her.
[VICKI] Come on!
[IAN] All right, Christopher Columbus! Hang on.
[VICKI] Come on.
[IAN] Yes, over there.
[VICKI] Look at this thing.
[IAN] What is it? It looks like a man, doesn't it?
[VICKI] Yes. but of frozen seaweed. Funny shape.
[IAN] Funny smell.
[VICKI] Oh! Ian. Ian! Come and look at this.
[IAN] Hey. You know this gadget of the Doctor's? It really works.
[VICKI] Never mind that. Look at this.
[IAN] What? What is it?
[VICKI] I don't know.
[IAN] Pooh! What an awful smell. Well, at least it's not a pool of acid.
[VICKI] That makes a change. Look, there's more of it.
[IAN] Yeah.
[VICKI] It's a trail.
[IAN] Probably blood.
[VICKI] Oh yes, it's bound to be. Come on, let's see where it leads.
[IAN] All right. It is ingenious, this.
(Outside the Tardis)
[BARBARA] What's that awful noise?
[DOCTOR] I beg your pardon? awful noise? That's no way to talk about mysinging!
[BARBARA] No, Doctor, not that awful noise, the other one. Listen to it!
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, it sounds like the Visualiser. I think it's stillon. Yes, would you mind going in and switching it off for me, dear?
[BARBARA] Okay. I've had enough sun anyway.
[DOCTOR] Yes, thank you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, awful noise, indeed. Ha! I can charm the nightingales outof the trees.
[DALEK [OC]] The Supreme Dalek is ready to receive your report!
[DALEK [on monitor]] The report is ready.
[BARBARA] Doctor! Doctor, come quickly!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Yes, all right, my dear, all right, all right. What is itnow? Gracious me, can't I even relax for five
[DOCTOR] The Daleks!
(Control room)
[BLACK] Give your report.
[DALEK] Our time machine has been completed.
[BLACK] The operation will proceed at once. The movement scanners havelocated the enemy time machine, Tardis.
[DALEKS] Tardis! Tardis! Tardis! Tardis! Tardis!
[BARBARA] Doctor, he said the Tardis. And look, ontheir screen, that's us.
[DOCTOR] What is more important, he referred to the Tardis as the enemytime machine.
(Control room)
[BLACK] At present it lies in the Segaro desert ofthe planet Aridius.
[DALEK] We await command.
[BLACK] The Doctor and the three humans delayed our conquest of Earth.
[DALEK 2] Daleks cannot be defeated!
[DALEK] To defy Daleks is death!
[DALEK 1] They will pay for their crime!
[BLACK] Annihilate!
[DALEKS] Annihilate! Annihilate! Annihilate! Annihilate! Annihilate!
[BLACK] The assassination group will embark at once in our time machine.They pursue the humans through all eternity. They must be destroyed!Exterminate them! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!
[DOCTOR] My machine can only pick up the things that happened in thepast.
[BARBARA] Then they're on their way here.
[DOCTOR] Or worse, already here. You heard their orders. We are to beexterminated!
[BARBARA] But Doctor, can't we get away from them?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes, but Ian and the child. Come on, we havesuch little time.
[VICKI] Oh, come on, keep going.
[IAN] What do you think I am? One of these funny things? Yes, well, nospace city, Vicki.
[VICKI] (unintelligible on the location film)
[VICKI] The trail just ends.
[IAN] Well, we're a long way from the Tardis now, Vicki.
[VICKI] Yeah.
[IAN] We ought to get back really, you know.
[VICKI] Yeah.
[IAN] They'll be missing us.
[VICKI] If you look at the sun through your fingers, you have twentyinstead of ten.
[IAN] Yes. Oh, I could do with a drink.
[VICKI] Oh yes. We should get back, you know.
[IAN] Yeah. Soon be dark, you know. Look at those suns. Just like theDoctor said. They move fast. Hard, this ground, isn't it? Like glass.
[VICKI] Come on, Ian. Let's go.
[IAN] Yeah, all right. Hello, what's this?
[IAN] A ring. A ring in the sand.
[VICKI] No! No! The ring in the field!
[IAN] What? What are you talking about? What's the matter?
[VICKI] Well, you see, when I was very young.
[IAN] Yes?
[VICKI] Near where I lived there was a field, and in this field therewas a ring, just like that, sticking out of the ground. You see, thepoint was, on the other side of the hedge, there was a castle, anenormous thing, with a drawbridge.
[IAN] Well, go on.
[VICKI] We had this thing, that if we pulled that ring
[IAN] Yes?
[VICKI] The drawbridge would come down and something awful would comeout.
[IAN] Oh, Vicki, look around you. Can you see a castle anywhere?
[VICKI] No, but for heavens sake, something's going to happen if we pullthat thing.
[IAN] Well, shall I pull it or shan't I?
[VICKI] Yes, all right, go on.
[IAN] I think I'll move it now.
[VICKI] Try turning it.
[IAN] No, won't turn. Hold on.
[IAN] Ah, Excalibur! (throws it away) Come on. No castles, nodrawbridges. Back we go.
[IAN] Vicki, just check it, eh?
[VICKI] Yes. Steps.
[BARBARA] Vicki! Ian! Nothing.
[DOCTOR] The wretched wind has wiped out all their tracks. It's so coldhere.
[BARBARA] Yeah, come on Doctor, let's go back to the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Ah, this way, dear.
[BARBARA] No, no, no, it's that way. I remember.
[DOCTOR] I have the directional instincts of a homing pigeon. Now, comealong. Follow me.
[IAN] Hello!
[VICKI] Oh! Oh, Ian, stay over here by this wall.
(Planet surface)
[BARBARA] It's changed. The whole landscape's changed! The Tardis hasgone. There's no sign of it!
[DOCTOR] It's probably got buried in that sandstorm.
[BARBARA] But where? All these stretches of sand look exactly alike.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, wait a minute, wait a minute. I've got an idea.Let's have a look at the Tardis magnet. Oh, I'm sorry, I justremembered I gave it to Ian. Well, come on, come on. We can't wastetime. Let's get going. That sun'll be up in a minute and we've no foodand there's no water, no shade. Get down! Get down!
[BARBARA] Oh! What's the matter?
(Planet surface)
[DOCTOR] Keep your head down. They haven't seen usyet.
[BARBARA] Doctor, look! There's more of them.
[DALEK 2] The enemy time machine is in this area.
[DALEK 1] We can locate the position with our seismic detectors.
[DALEK 2] Find and destroy it. The remainder will search for the humans.
[DALEK 1] Are they to be taken alive?
[DALEK 2] No. They are to be exterminated.
[DALEK 1] Good.
[DALEK 2] Destroyed.
[DALEK 1] Exterminated.
[DALEK 2] Now, let the search begin.
[DOCTOR] Stay down. One of them's coming this way. (they duck down) Wemust find the Tardis before they do.
[BARBARA] Yes, and we must warn Ian and Vicki. They don't even know theDaleks are here.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Warn them? But how? We haven't seen them for hours.Anyway, it's no good hanging about here. Come on, let's get moving,come on.
[IAN] Don't just stand there and scream, you little fool. Run!
[VICKI] Oh, don't just standing there gaping, you nit! Come on, back!
(Planet surface)
[DALEK 1] Wait. Tracks of the humans.
[DALEK 2] Follow them.
[DALEK 1] Wait. Perceptor indicates someone is near. It draws closer.
[DALEK 2] Destroy on sight.
[DALEK 1] An Aridian. One of the species that inhabits this planet.Unimportant. Continue the search.
[MALSAN] (to Barbara) This desert was once a vast ocean. We, theAridians, lived in a city beneath the sea, but for a thousand yearsthose twin suns that burn, have moved closer and closer.
[RYNIAN] (to the Doctor) Then, then the seas dried up and all thecreatures that lived within their waters perished.
[MALSAN] All but the Mire Beasts.
[BARBARA] Mire Beasts? What are they?
[MALSAN] They lived in the slime, at the bottom of the ocean. When thewaters were gone they invaded our cities.
[RYNIAN] There were too many of them. We tried to destroy them. Theymultiplied too quickly for us. We were driven back as the Mire Beaststook over more and more of our beautiful city.
[DOCTOR] These Mire Beasts, what do they feed on?
[MALSAN] They are flesh eaters.
[DOCTOR] You mean they attack humans?
[MALSAN] Of course.
[DOCTOR] Oh, good gracious.
[BARBARA] Doctor. Look, two of our friends went out into the desert.Will you help us find them?
[RYNIAN] When did you see them last?
[BARBARA] Last night.
[MALSAN] The Mire Beasts hunt at night.
[RYNIAN] Do you think they are near or far?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't think they can travel far in this sand.
[MALSAN] Then they might have gone through the Taltarian air-lock, intothe tunnels.
[RYNIAN] Then it is too late.
[BARBARA] What do you mean, it's too late?
[RYNIAN] It is to be exploded.
[DOCTOR] Exploded?
[RYNIAN] Yes, the air-lock. You see, we Aridians have learned the onlyway to destroy the Mire Beast is to entomb them in the sections of thecity they have occupied.
[MALSAN] The Taltarian air-lock will be detonated at high suns.
[BARBARA] Well then, we must stop it!
[RYNIAN] No, we would not reach the air-lock in time.
[DOCTOR] Now, hush, hush, hush.
[BARBARA] Look, where, where is this place?
[RYNIAN] If we move faster than the suns?
[MALSAN] We will try. Follow!(later, at the explosives detonator)
[PRONDYN] It's high sun.
[VICKI] Ian!
[IAN] Vicki!
[VICKI] Ian! Ian! Oh! (she rolls him over) Oh, Ian. I'll get help. I'llfind the Doctor and get help.
(City entrance)
[MALSAN] We have arrived. This is the gate to our city.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid I can't see any signs of a city.
[MALSAN] This old air-lock. We used it when our city was beneath thesea. It will take us to a part of our home that is still free from MireBeasts.
[DOCTOR] I see. Well, we're very grateful for your hospitality but Imust you the Daleks are right on top of us. And I don't want either youor your people involved in any of this dangerous business. If they knewyou'd given us shelter, they'll show no mercy.
[MALSAN] No matter. First, you need food and rest. Then we will help yousearch for your time machine.
[DOCTOR] Ah, splendid, splendid.
[MALSAN] Open the lock.
[RYNIAN] Please enter. There is no danger.
[DOCTOR] Barbara! Barbara, my dear, Come along, come along, come along.
(Planet surface)
[DALEK 1] The seismic detector is registering acontact.
[DALEK 2] The enemy time machine is beneath the sand at this point.
[DALEK 1] Then it was buried by last night's storm.
[DALEK 2] It must be uncovered before we can destroy it.
[DALEK 1] Yes.
[DALEK 2] We will take some Aridians prisoner.
[DALEK 1] Yes.
[DALEK 2] And use them to dig the ship free.
[DALEK 1] Yes.
[DALEK 2] Well, see to it!
[DALEK 1] I obey!
(City chamber)
[DOCTOR] Mmm. I think this is absolutely delicious.It's a most unusual flavour, isn't it?
[BARBARA] Doctor, how can you sit there eating when Ian and
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear, you think I'm being callous do you?
[BARBARA] Yes, I do.
[DOCTOR] And I think it's pure supposition that they've been caught bythose Mire Beasts. After all, we weren't. You haven't much faith inIan's infallible self-preservation, have you?
[BARBARA] I'm sorry. This place gives me the creeps.
[DOCTOR] Oh rubbish, my dear, rubbish. I think it's fascinating. Yes,you could almost call it beautiful. You know, I think you're tired.Close your eyes and try and get some rest. Go on, go on. We mustconserve our strength if we're going to get back to the Tardis. (tohimself) Yes, if ever we can get back to the Tardis. Ah, Malsan.
[MALSAN] You enjoyed your meal?
[DOCTOR] Oh, indeed. Yes, indeed, yes. Yes, it was a most unusual taste.You know, I've been taking stock of this place, having a jolly goodlook round here. Tell me, why is this opening walled up?
[MALSAN] It led to a part of our city that's been invaded by MireBeasts.
[MALSAN] It is the same all over. We have to block off tunnels to stoptheir advance. Do please sit down. I have some news for you.
[DOCTOR] Now, what is it?
[MALSAN] The leader of the Daleks has communicated with us. They haveissued an ultimatum.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I suspected something of that kind might happen. What isit?
[MALSAN] We hand you over to them, or they will destroy what remains ofour city.
[DOCTOR] They mean what they say. They don't make idle threats. Have youreplied?
[MALSAN] Not yet. The elders are still discussing it. We have a half-sunin which to give them our answer.
[DOCTOR] You haven't much choice, have you? Well, I don't propose toinflict our troubles on you, sir, so I think we'll leave and take ourchances.
[MALSAN] No, no, no. The Daleks have said that we must hand you over,not set you free to try and escape.
[DOCTOR] Do you mean?
[MALSAN] You must be our prisoners, until such time as our arrangementswith the Daleks have been completed. Then, if the elders agree, youwill be given into their custody.
(Planet surface)
[DALEK 1] The digging is completed. Are the prisoners to go free?
[DALEK 2] No. They are worthless inferior creatures.
[DALEK 3] They have no value to us. Destroy them.
[DALEK 2] Destroy the enemy time machine. Use full power. Fire! Again.Fire! It is undamaged.
[DALEK 1] It must be constructed of a material that can resist ourneutralisers.
[DALEK 3] Failure.
[DALEK 2] Remain on guard until the prisoners have been handed over andexterminated.
[DALEK 1+3] We obey.
(City chamber)
[DOCTOR] Are you feeling better?
[BARBARA] Yes. What's happened?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's not too good, I'm afraid. Ah, this looks like badnews coming now.
[BARBARA] Bad news? What bad news?
[RYNIAN] The elders have made their reply to the Daleks.
[MALSAN] They must be told.
[DOCTOR] Well?
[RYNIAN] Have you eaten?
[DOCTOR] What is the news, hmm?
[RYNIAN] You are to be handed over at last suns. The Daleks havepromised that when the execution is over they will Aridius unharmed.
[BARBARA] You're going to hand us over to the Daleks?
[RYNIAN] We have no choice. The elders have so decreed. Please.
[DOCTOR] They have no choice.
[BARBARA] Yes, but just to be handed over like that?
[DOCTOR] Two hours. Their suns are due to set in two hours.
[IAN] Vicki. Vicki! Vicki!
[PRONDYN] You must come with me.
(City chamber)
[BARBARA] Doctor?
[BARBARA] Where does this walled up section lead?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's another part of the city, I believe. The part that wasinvaded.
[BARBARA] Vicki! Vicki, where's Ian?!
[DOCTOR] Is Ian, is Chesterton all right?
[VICKI] He got a bad knock on the head. I made him as comfortable aspossible and came to get help.
[BARBARA] It might have been better if you'd stayed where you were.
[VICKI] No, it wouldn't, because on my way here I found an exit out ofone of the tunnels, and just outside it, the Tardis!
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, well, well now! That puts a different complexion onthe matter. Tell me, my dear, this tunnel, would you know how to findit again?
[VICKI] Yes, I'm sure of it. A big iron door, just beyond that openingover there.
[BARBARA] Oh Doctor, maybe things will be all right after all.
[DOCTOR] Yes, now I can
[MALSAN] It is time. I am to take you to the main airlock.
[DOCTOR] Barbara! Barbara!
[VICKI] Down here.
[BARBARA] Are you sure this is the right way?
[VICKI] Course I am. Come on.
(Planet surface)
[DALEK 2] The prisoners have escaped from theAridians.
[DALEK 1] Are we to proceed with the destruction of the undergroundcity?
[DALEK 2] The Aridians have one hour to re-capture the humans. If theyfail, we act.
[DALEK 1] I understand.
[DALEK 3] The humans may try to reach their machine.
[DALEK 2] Remain on guard.
[DALEK 1] I obey.
[VICKI] Come on.
[IAN] Barbara!
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, come here!
[VICKI] Are you all right?
[BARBARA] There's blood all over your face.
[IAN] It looks worse than it is. Look.
[DOCTOR] My dear boy!
[IAN] The Tardis, it's only twenty yards away but there's a Dalekguarding it.
[BARBARA] Well, we must get past it.
[IAN] Now listen, I've got a very good idea. You two go first.
[IAN] You get out of here and there's a ridge of sand on the left. Nowyou take cover. You get in a good position where you can nip in.
[BARBARA] Nip in what?
[IAN] The Tardis!
[BARBARA] Yes, yes, come on, come on.
[IAN] Off you go. Oh, er, Barbara, could, I, er, have your cardigan?
[DOCTOR] Quickly, quickly!
[BARBARA] Oh, not again.
[IAN] It's for the Dalek, not for me.
[VICKI] I hope it suits him.
[IAN] Off you go.
[DOCTOR] Come along.
[IAN] Oh, Doctor? Your coat, please.
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, we're trying to beat the Daleks, not start ajumble sale.
[IAN] All will be revealed in due time, Doctor. Your coat, please.
[DOCTOR] Dear, dear, dear, dear, dear.
(Planet surface)
[VICKI] What are they going to do, Barbara?
[BARBARA] I don't know. Try to get the Dalek away from the Tardis, Ishould think.
(Chamber exit)
[DOCTOR] What is the point of all this, dear boy?
[IAN] Doctor, with any luck, with your coat and Barbara's cardigan,we're going to make a trap. We're going to lure the Dalek over thistrap, and with any luck it'll fall down here.
[DOCTOR] That's a good scheme. Yes, that's a good idea.
[IAN] Keep down!
(Planet surface)
[VICKI] But how?
[BARBARA] I don't know. Wait and see.
(Chamber exit)
[IAN] Right.
[DOCTOR] Well, I hope it works.
[IAN] All right, Doctor. Now, I'm going first. When you follow, you keepon that side. You keep. Plenty of cover, eh?
[DOCTOR] All right. Careful.
(Planet surface)
[IAN] Yoo-hoo! Dalek! Over here, friend!
[DOCTOR] Yoo-hoo, Auntie!
[IAN] Over here!
[IAN] Try and get out of that hole, Fred.
[BARBARA] Well, that got rid of that one.
[IAN] Yeah!
[VICKI] Look!
[IAN] Quick! Into the Tardis!
[DOCTOR] Go on!
[DALEK 4] Cease firing. They have escaped.
[DALEK 3] Final termination is inevitable.
[DALEK 4] Eradicate!
[DALEK 2] Obliterate!
[DALEK 4] Annihilate!
[DALEK 2] We will embark in our time machine at once. The Dalek Supremehas ordered they are to be pursued through all eternity. Pursued andexterminated!
[VICKI] We did it! We did it!
[DOCTOR] Yes, young lady, a very good thing we did. We might not youknow.
[BARBARA] Oh, come on, Doctor. You weren't exactly bursting withconfidence when the Aridians held us prisoner.
[DOCTOR] A momentary qualm, a momentary qualm. Nothing more, nothingmore.
[IAN] Yes, I had a qualm or two myself.
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite so.
[IAN] Hey, I wonder how those Mire Beasts are enjoying that Dalek, eh?Bit gritty.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. I should think a little Pate de Dalek a laMire Beast might be rather palatable.
[VICKI] Oh, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, we can always drop you off to find out.
[IAN] Thank you very much.
[VICKI] We've just escaped from those things. We don't want to be sentback there.
[DOCTOR] Ah and I don't think we shall run into them again. And I thinkyou must agree that we gave them a very good hiding. Yes, yes, yes.
[IAN] What's this, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] That's my Time Path Detector. It's been in the ship ever sinceI constructed it. But do you know, I don't remember it registeringbefore?
[BARBARA] What does it show?
[DOCTOR] Well, it surveys the time path we're travelling on. The factthat it's registering can only mean one thing.
[IAN] Well, yes, go on.
[DOCTOR] It's another time machine travelling on the same route.
(Dalek time machine)
[DALEK 4] Enemy time machine position now constant.
[DALEK 2] Lock tracking device.
[DALEK 4] Tracking device locked.
[DALEK 3] Report extent of time curve.
[DALEK 2] Seven seven three Dalekian scale, nine one five degrees.
[DALEK 4] Compute time lag by earth scale.
[DALEK 5] Er, one, er, forty, er. Computer reading one five earthminutes, reducing.
[DALEK 3] We are close behind them.
[DALEK 1] Success! Success!
[DALEK 2] Exterminate!
[DALEK 1] Success!
[DALEK 2] Final victory inevitable!
[DALEK 3] Order executioner to prepare to disembark.
[DALEK 2] I obey.
[BARBARA] What flavour is it?
[VICKI] Guava.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's useless, useless.
[IAN] Hello, hello. Got our battle dress on again?
[BARBARA] The Doctor doesn't seem to be having much luck.
[IAN] No. Well, if we can't escape from them, we'll have to stay andfight 'them.
[VICKI] But we're in front. We could keep moving.
[BARBARA] Yes, but for how long, Vicki?
[VICKI] Let's ask the Doctor. He should know by now what he's going todo.
[DOCTOR] Ah, I'm afraid it's no good. I'm quite unable to elude them.
[IAN] Doctor, what are we going to do when we land? Just wait for theDaleks to catch us up?
[DOCTOR] It takes twelve minutes for our computers to re-orientate andgather power. Now, that twelve minutes is vital to us. We must holdonto it. Give me time to be able to do something whereby
[IAN] Why don't we just go faster, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, please, just leave it to me, dear boy, just leave itto me, will you?
[VICKI] Doctor, the time rotor. Doctor, it's slowing down.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that means we can land in two minutes.
[BARBARA] But where, Doctor, where?
(Empire State Building Observation deck)
[GUIDE] Here on top of the Empire State Building, you're on thehundredth and second storey above the ground level. At a height of onethousand four hundred and seventy three feet. This is the tallestbuilding, the tallest structure in the entire world. Now you'll note,when you come up in the elevator, it took you seven minutes. Well, thisway down, you wanna get down in a hurry, it would take you thirtyseconds.
[GUIDE] Well, of course, we don't recommend that. Now as we gaze outacross the panorama. As we gaze out across the imposing panorama of ourproud city, you will notice many other notable buildings. Among themthe Chrysler Tower, that's one thousand and forty six feet high, andthe Chanin Tower, that's six hundred and eighty feet high and alreadyit's threatened with obsolescence.
[MORTON] (cowboy hat and camera) With ob what?
[GUIDE] Observe also the mighty Hudson river and now if you'll come withme to the north aspect of the building, I will point out many moreitems of interest.
[MORTON] We sure don't have anything like that in Alabama! No sir, ha!
[MORTON] I could have sworn that thing wasn't there just now? Well, Iguess that's New York for ya! Ha!
[MORTON] Morning.
[BARBARA] You're from Earth.
[MORTON] No, no, Ma'am. No, I'm from Alabama.
[BARBARA] What time is it?
[MORTON] Three after twelve, Ma'am.
[BARBARA] I really meant what year is it?
[MORTON] What, you mean you have different years here?
[BARBARA] Well, what year is it in Alabama?
[MORTON] 1966 Ma'am. Say, you wouldn't be trying to have a bit of funwith me now, would you?
[BARBARA] No, no.
[VICKI] Afternoon.
[MORTON] Mornin'. 1966.
[VICKI] Oh, er, thank you.
[MORTON] Pleased to oblige you, Miss!
[VICKI] I recognise this place. It's Ancient New York.
[MORTON] Ancient?
[VICKI] There were pictures of it in our history books. It was destroyedin the Dalek invasion.
[MORTON] Wait, how many more of you are there in that thing?
[DOCTOR] Oh, just the four of us, young man.
[MORTON] Must be a kind of tight squeeze. They can't all have come outof there.
[IAN] Doctor? This is no place to meet the Daleks. A lot of innocentpeople could get hurt.
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite so, quite so, dear boy. Well, the computers will beready in a few moments. I suggest that we re-embark.
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Vicki, Barbara, come along.
[MORTON] Hey, you goin' back in?
[BARBARA] Yes, that's right.
[MORTON] Oh now, come on, wait a minute. I just bet you folks are fromHollywood. You're making some kind of motion picture. Now that's it,ain't it?
[DOCTOR] No, it ain't! I mean, it isn't.
[MORTON] Come on, you can tell me. Your secret will be safe. Yes, sir,real safe.
[DOCTOR] Secret?
[MORTON] Sure, I've seen this trick before. Great long police carscomin' outa tiny little wooden sheds. I saw you come outa there with maown eyes! You just ain't gonna make it back it again.
[VICKI] Goodbye.
[BARBARA] Goodbye!
[IAN] Goodbye!
[MORTON] Hot diggety! I knew I was right. You should be wearing Policeuniforms, you all is, you all is in a chase.
[DOCTOR] Chase? Yes, as a matter of fact, young man, that's exactly whatthis is. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be getting along. It's thechase, you know?
[MORTON] Sure thing, Mister! I understand. Just wait til I tell thefolks back home I met some real live movie pe (knocks on Tardis door)Do you know Cheyenne Bodie? Look, just wait a minute, I want to getthis thing on celluloid.
[MORTON] That's real clever, how they done that. Sure if it don't beatall.
[MORTON] Sure is clever. Gol darn it if they ain't gone and done itagain.
[MORTON] Howdy, Mister! Say, you sure are an ugly looking friend. Wait,what's the name of this film, Mister? My, my, boy, you've come all overin blue spots. What's this thing here?
[MORTON] Now, just, now now! There ain't no need to get sore. The othermovie people was right friendly.
[DALEK] Movie pe? Where are they?
[MORTON] They just left. They was in some kind of beat-up old bluewooden box. It just kinda like vanished. Say, I thought they'd havebeen chasing you. Just hold it there, Mister. I want to get a pictureof this.
[MORTON] Sure is the greatest
[MORTON] Well, dang me if they ain't gone and done it again. This is thegreatest thing. It's gotta be around here somewhere. Just can't vanishinto thin air. I know you're there somewhere, boy.
[GUIDE] I enjoy my work gives me a chance to meet people. You know. Iget around
[MORTON] There's gotta be a trick to it somehow! Yes, sir, I bet thishere's hollow. That's what it is.
[GUIDE] He's a nutter. Keep an eye on him. See that he don't jump offthe building. I'll get a cop. Watch him.
[MORTON] Coming back. They should
[DOCTOR] Yes, I wonder.
[VICKI] They're still on our track.
[DOCTOR] Catching us up, are they? Will you get my screwdriver, child?The large one. The one that I was fiddling with on the Visualiser.
[VICKI] Okay.
[BARBARA] Oh, this thing's heavy.
[DOCTOR] Yes, thank you, thank you.
[IAN] Is this going to work, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Maybe, I'm not sure. But if they're going to catch us up, we'vegot to find something to fight back with.
[BARBARA] Oh, Doctor, why don't we just stay where we are?
[DOCTOR] That's out of the question, my dear. The vacuum in space, weshould all be dead in no time.
[VICKI] Here you are.
[DOCTOR] Ah, thank you, thank you.
[VICKI] What's this all about?
[DOCTOR] Well, the idea is, my dear, is to find something that we canfight back with.
[BARBARA] Doctor, we're landing!
[DOCTOR] But I'm not ready! I'm not ready! We can't meet them now! Oh,good gracious! No, wait a minute. We shall have to land and then takeoff as quickly as we can again.
(Ship's deck)
[RICHARDSON] (Albert C, ship's mate) Land about six miles off to thesouth south west, sir.
[BRIGGS] (Benjamin S, Captain) Aye, that'll be the island of SantaMaria. One of the Azores group. We're making poor time, MisterRichardson. And now it becalmed, after the storm.
[RICHARDSON] I'll mark a reading on the deck log, sir.
[BRIGGS] I'm going below if you should want me. Sarah says our child hassickness.
[RICHARDSON] Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that, sir.
[BARBARA] It is a ship, Ian. It's a sailing ship at sea.
[IAN] Barbara, don't go wandering off, please.
[BARBARA] I just want to have a look. I love sailing ships.
[IAN] There's no point in being seen.
[BARBARA] No, well, I'll just have a look over the ship's rail.
[IAN] No, no, the Doctor's at the controls, we're
[BARBARA] Oh, let go of me! Let go of me!
[RICHARDSON] No, you don't, my beauty! Captain Richardson's got a way ofdealing with stowaways.
[BARBARA] I am not a stowaway and you're hurting my hands!
[RICHARDSON] Just you keep still. Where've you been hiding since we setsail, eh?
[BARBARA] I haven't been hiding. I have just come on board!
[RICHARDSON] Oh, I suppose you're some sort of a mermaid that's lost atsea, eh? You swam out from Santa Maria there just to give us poorlonely sailormen a little bit of feminine company, eh?
[DOCTOR] Well, everything appears to be in order,my boy.
[IAN] Oh, we haven't done very well so far, Doctor, have we? Let's faceit. First of all, we land on top of a skyscraper, now we land on acrummy old ship. What we need is space.
[DOCTOR] Indeed, indeed. Well, we're ready to move on. Now, would youtell the ladies that I want to get away, please.
[IAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[IAN] Barbara's got a case of call of the sea.
[DOCTOR] Ah, I'm sorry about that too.
(Ship's deck)
[BARBARA] You're hurting my hand! Look, even if Itold you the truth, you wouldn't believe me.
[RICHARDSON] I believe what I see. Now, come along! You're going beforethe Captain!
[BARBARA] Well done. Thanks, Vicki!
[VICKI] That's all right. Any time.
[BARBARA] Hey, there's somebody coming. Hide!
[VICKI] Got him! I got him!
[BARBARA] Vicki! Vicki, quickly!
[VICKI] Oh! Oh, Ian, I'm terribly sorry! Did I hurt you?
[BARBARA] Oh, that's a silly question! Come on, let's get him into theship.
[VICKI] Oh, Ian. I didn't mean it! Oh, Ian.
[RICHARDSON] Captain Briggs! Captain! Captain Briggs!
[BRIGGS] Yes, Mister Richardson?
[RICHARDSON] Captain, there was a thing. It was on the lower deck.
[BRIGGS] What are you talking about?
[RICHARDSON] A stowaway, sir. She got away from me.
[BRIGGS] A stowaway, eh? A girl?
[RICHARDSON] Aye, sir.
[BRIGGS] Mister Bosun! Pipe all hands amidships. We've a stowaway.
[BOSUN] Aye, aye, sir!
[BRIGGS] How'd she get away?
[RICHARDSON] I got hit over the head.
[BRIGGS] By her?
[RICHARDSON] No, sir, it couldn't have been, because I was holding herarms. Do you think it was the white Barbary terror?
[BRIGGS] That's ungodly superstition, Mister Richardson.
[BRIGGS] We've more than one stowaway aboard, Mister Bosun.
[BOSUN] Aye, sir. The storm must have bought them out of their hidingplace.
[BRIGGS] Aye, lad. I want them found. Each watch can take a section ofthe ship and search it thoroughly.
[RICHARDSON] I'll take the forward hold, sir. Mister Bosun, take Starkeyand Willoughby, search up aft.
[BOSUN] Starkey, Willoughby.
[BRIGGS] And Bosun, I'll thank you not to disturb my wife and child.
[BOSUN] Aye, aye, sir. The rest of youse men search the hold. Keep yourhands off the cargo.
(Dalek time machine)
[DALEK 2] We shall soon be arriving. Order thesearch party to stand by.
[DALEK 3] They are ready.
[DALEK 4] Is that where the humans have landed?
[DALEK 2] Yes. Join the search party and prepare to disembark. We arematerialising now.
(Ship's deck)
[BOSUN] There's nobody here, Willoughby.
[WILLOUGHBY] We'll try below.
[BOSUN] The white terror! The white terror of Barbary!
[DALEK] Where are the time travellers?
[WILLOUGHBY] Run, lads! Tis the white terror! Run, run!
[RICHARDSON] Fools! Get back to your posts!
[RICHARDSON] Get away!
[DALEK] Wait.
[RICHARDSON] Get away!
[DALEK] Do not move. Answer my question.
[RICHARDSON] Come on, sir, come on! Come on. It's the Barbary terror!Come on! You're not going to take my soul.
[BRIGGS] Sarah!
[DALEK 2] Is the earth time machine here?
[DALEK 4] It has not yet been discovered.
[DALEK 2] Join in the search.
[DALEK 3] You search up there.
[SAILOR] No, no!
[DALEK 2] Wait!
[SAILOR] No, no, no, no! Please! No! Please! No! No!
[DALEKS] There is no one on the vessel.
[DALEK 2] Come. We must continue our pursuit course.
[BARBARA] Is that better?
[IAN] Oh, thanks.
[BARBARA] Well, you must admit it was funny.
[IAN] Really? I haven't seen the joke yet, I must say. One thing I didsee, by the way. The name of that ship we were on.
[BARBARA] Was what that?
[IAN] The Mary Celeste.
[BARBARA] Mary Celeste?
[IAN] Vicki? Any change, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I altered the curve we were travelling on. For one moment, Idared hoped we'd lost them. They must have detected the change andfollowed. They're close on our track.
[IAN] But surely we've got our twelve minute lead still?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid not. It's down to eight. It will be reduced evenfurther after our next landing. We must face the facts. The Daleks areclosing in on us.
[BARBARA] I'm not wild about this place.
[IAN] I don't know. Ideal place to fight Daleks, you know. Good stoutwalls, an upper storey, stairs. Daleks don't like stairs.
[BARBARA] Argh! Look out!
[VICKI] Probably vampires, if you ask me.
[IAN] Oh, charming.
[DOCTOR] Oh, rubbish my child. Vampire bats are only to be found inSouth America.
[VICKI] Maybe that's where we are.
[DOCTOR] No, I don't think so. Judging by the architecture, I should sayCentral Europe.
[VICKI] Well, I'm with Barbara. I don't like it here. I think we shouldgo.
[DOCTOR] Yes, in the normal progress of time, my dear, I would say, Iwould agree with you, but unfortunately we've got to face the Daleksand I think it's essential we take a look around. Let's try upstairs.
[BARBARA] Well, you got if you want to, but I'm staying near the Tardis.
[VICKI] Me too.
[DOCTOR] Oh, very well, stay where you are. We shan't be long.
[IAN] Shan't be long.
[BARBARA] Well, Vicki, there's really nothing to be scared of. This isjust an old house. We mustn't let our imaginations run away with us.
[VICKI] No, you're quite right. We mustn't behave like children.
[BARBARA] No, we mustn't. Now come on, let's help the Doctor and lookaround down here. How about the fireplace?
[VICKI] Look at that. What do you suppose is inside it?
(Upstairs landing)
[IAN] What was that?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's just thunder, dear boy.
[IAN] No, no, no, the noise before that.
[DOCTOR] Oh, rubbish, there was no noise before that. Come along, comealong.
[IAN] What have you found now?
[DOCTOR] Well, it looks like a laboratory to me. Look at all thatequipment down there.
[IAN] Doctor, I think we'd better check on Barbara and Vicki.
[DOCTOR] Oh, nonsense. We've only just left them, dear boy. Now, I mustsee what's on that table.
[IAN] Must you? I'd really rather not know.
[DOCTOR] You don't mean that, do you? Where's your spirit of adventure?
[IAN] It died a slow and painful death when those bats came out of therafters.
[DOCTOR] Very well, then, stay where you are. Stay where you are.
[DOCTOR] I say, I think we'd better check where Vicki and Barbara is!
[VICKI] What's that in aid of?
[BARBARA] And therefore never send to know, for whom the bell tolls. It tolls forthee. Vicki, I feel as though my hair's turned white.
[VICKI] It has as a matter of fact.
[VICKI] It's all right though, it quite suits you.
[BARBARA] Oh, Vicki!
[DRACULA] Good evening.
[VICKI] Good evening.
[BARBARA] Who are you?
[DRACULA] I am Count Dracula.
[BARBARA] But you can't be, I mean, not, not really.
[VICKI] He's gone. Thank goodness for that anyway.
[BARBARA] Vicki, do you think there's something strange going on aroundhere?
[VICKI] Oh. no.
[BARBARA] Why did he go away so quickly?
[BARBARA] Well, I can't seem to open it from this side. Vicki, do yousupp .
[BARBARA] Vicki? Vicki, where are you?
[IAN] Oh, there's one thing about this place, Doctor. It certainlystimulates the phagocytes. The phago? You know, it's uncanny, strangeand weird, but it is familiar.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's the word, dear boy, familiar. You know, when I wascoming down those stairs, I knew that thing was going to move. I knewit.
[IAN] Oh, did you? I didn't notice you standing around to check yourpremonition.
[DOCTOR] I never stay where I'm not wanted. Come along.
(Upstairs landing)
[DOCTOR] Pre-conditioned. That's it.Pre-conditioned!
[IAN] What are you talking about now?
[DOCTOR] This house is exactly what you would expect in a nightmare.Yes, we're in a world of dreams. Creaking doors, thunder and lightning,monsters and all the things that go bumpety bumpety in the night.
[IAN] With one vital difference, Doctor. This house is real. It exists.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes it exists in the dark recesses of the human minds.Millions of people secretly believing. Think of the immense power ofall these people, combined together, makes this place become a reality.
[IAN] Then we're safe.
[DOCTOR] Safe? What on earth do you mean, dear boy?
[IAN] But the Daleks can't touch us here? Not in the human mind.
[DOCTOR] You know, I believe you're right. Yes! The Daleks can neverland here!
[IAN] The girls have gone.
[DOCTOR] Vicki? Barb? Perhaps they followed us upstairs?
(Dalek time machine)
[DALEK 1] The enemy time machine is here. We havecaught them.
[DALEK 2] Which planet are we on.
[DALEK 1] Earth. They only changed their geographical and time location.
[DALEK 3] This time they will not elude us. Already the search force isdisembarking.
[DALEK 4] Search. I shall remain here in case theyreturn.
(Upstairs landing)
[IAN] Where are those girls, Doctor? Well, we wouldhave seen them if they were upstairs. Hadn't we better take anotherlook down there?
[DOCTOR] Had we?
[IAN] Afraid so.
[DOCTOR] Well, after you, dear boy.
[IAN] No, after you. Wait for me.
[DOCTOR] Shh! Someone's coming.
[IAN] Take cover.
[DALEK] Where are the time travellers?
[IAN] The time travellers? They're
[DALEK] Do not move.
[DOCTOR] The Tardis, quick!
[DALEK] Do not move. I am a Dalek.
[DALEK] We are invincible.
[DALEK] Stop! Stop! Ahh!
[VICKI] Oh, there you are!
[IAN] Vicki.
[DOCTOR] Where have you both been?
[VICKI] We climbed through a secret tunnel straight down
[IAN] There's no time to tell us now. The Daleks are here.
[BARBARA] Daleks?
[IAN] Yes.
[VICKI] Look out!
[DALEK 4] Halt! You will be exterminated.
[DRACULA] Good evening.
[IAN] Quick, into the Tardis while we've still got a chance!
[VICKI] Look out, he'll kill you! You'll be killed!
[DRACULA] I am Count Dracula.
[DALEK 4] Eradicate her.
[DALEK 4] Obliterate.
[DRACULA] I am Count Dracula. Don't go. Don't go. Don't go. Don't go.Don't go.
[DALEK 5] Embark at once.
[DALEK 4] At once!
[DALEK 5] Yes! Embark!
[DALEK 4] Embark! At once!
[DALEKS] Embark! Embark! Embark! Embark!
[IAN] This game of hide and seek through time iswearing a little thin now.
[DOCTOR] Game?
[IAN] What an extraordinary place? More spooks to the square mile thanthe Tower of London. You know that theory of yours
[DOCTOR] Theory, my dear boy? Fact. I am convinced that that house wasneither time nor space. We were lodged for a period in an area of humanthought.
[IAN] And were the Daleks lodging too?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't want to enter into it. A discussion with him! Oh!
[IAN] Have it your own way. I think there's a much simpler explanation.
[IAN] Well, how's this box of tricks coming along, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, necessarily crude, dear boy. I haven't time to perfectanything.
[IAN] When's it going to be operational, eh?
[DOCTOR] You know just as much about that as I do.
[IAN] Oh Doctor, we can't go on like this, can we? We've given them theslip once or twice but sooner or later we're going to have to settlewith them.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I quite agree with you. Running away won't solve ourproblem. But as soon as we've reached the final decision to stand andfight, there'll be no turning back. It'll either be them or us. Hmm?
[BARBARA] Here we are.
[DOCTOR] Oh, my dear, very welcome.
[IAN] Thanks.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[BARBARA] Where's Vicki?
[DOCTOR] But I thought she was with you?
(Dalek time machine)
[DALEK 3] We are locked in pursuit course.
[DALEK 2] Calculate destination of enemy time machine.
[DALEK 3] Report.
[DALEK 1] The enemy is approaching the planet Mechanus.
[DALEK 2] Contact Skaro. Report our destination to the Dalek Supreme.
[DALEK 3] I obey.
[DALEK 2] Is the reproducer repaired?
[DALEK 4] We await your orders.
[DALEK 2] Manufacture will commence at once.
(Reproduction chamber room)
[DALEK 2] Which of the four humans is to bereproduced?
[DALEK 4] Their leader, the one they call Doctor. Is the reproducerprogrammed?
[DALEK 3] All is in readiness. Photo images and relevant data are in thecomputer. The humanoid will be completed by the time we arrive at ourdestination.
[DALEK 4] Excellent. Commence operations, then assemble at cellrenovator chamber.
[DALEK 2] We obey!
[DALEK 3] Of course.
[VICKI] Tardis. Hello, Tardis? Come in please. Over. (static) Hello,Tardis. Doctor? Somebody, please help me. Get me out of this. Tardis!Tardis!
[DOCTOR] It's my fault. All my own stupid fault. Ishouldn't have moved the Tardis. I have should have checked up first tomake sure that everybody was inside. I shall never forgive myself.
[IAN] Oh, no Doctor, don't blame yourself. We're all equally to blame. Iwas convinced she was on board.
[BARBARA] Isn't there anything we can do? Is there no way of going backfor Vicki?
[DOCTOR] You don't think I'd be standing here doing nothing do you, ifthere were? We're helpless, and you of all people should know that theTardis can't land in the same time and place twice!
[IAN] We've never stayed long enough in any one place to repair the timemechanism of the Tardis. If we did, is there a chance of going back forVicki?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course, it's possible, but it might take months, evenyears.
[BARBARA] But Doctor, if we all worked together, if Ian and I helpedyou, surely it's worth a try?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my dear, I know it's worth a try but you don't think theDaleks are going to sit back and allow us to tinker do you? They'reright on our tracks. Their one aim is to destroy.
[IAN] The Dalek time machine. Of course. Doctor, I've got it. We can'tgo back for Vicki in the Tardis, but we can in the Daleks own timemachine.
[DOCTOR] Do you mean capture their machine?
[IAN] Why not?
[BARBARA] Well, that would take some doing.
[IAN] It's the only chance we've got, otherwise we'll never see Vickiagain.
[DOCTOR] If we can only pull it off.
[BARBARA] Doctor, we have nothing to lose and now we have even morereason to stop and fight.
[IAN] What do you say, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I say yes. Yes, yes! Our next landing will be our battle groundand we shall fight. We shall fight to the death!
(Reproduction chamber room)
[VICKI] Tardis? Somebody hear me. Tardis! Tardis!
(Dalek time machine)
[DALEK 1] Report position of enemy machine.
[DALEK 2] It's movement through time is ending.
[DALEK 3] It is approaching the planet Mechanus.
[DALEK 2] How long before we reach them?
[DALEK 4] Er, er, in earth time, er, four minutes.
[DALEK 1] There is much to do.
(Reproduction chamber room)
[DALEK 1] Is the humanoid robot complete?
[DALEK 3] The computer is feeding its memory cells with data.
[DALEK 2] Physical characteristics are completed. Energy cells fullycharged.
[DALEK 4] Micro-units containing personality and vocal mannerisms arecharged.
[DALEK 1] Prepare to activate. Activate the robot.
[IAN] Ah, looks swampy.
[DOCTOR] Yes, all to the good, my boy. This sort of terrain is going tomake it very difficult for the Daleks.
[IAN] Yes. Well, we won't have long to explore, Doctor, before theDaleks arrive so lets get moving.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you are perfectly correct, perfectly correct. However, itdoesn't matter about the appearances. It's quite safe to go outside.
[IAN] Good.
[BARBARA] Just look at that vegetation.
[IAN] Yes. Just as though it were alive.
[DOCTOR] Alive! Yes.
(Reproduction chamber room)
[DALEK 1] Success! Paramount success! It isimpossible to distinguish from the original.
[DALEK 4] We have landed on the planet Mechanus.
[DALEK 1] Operate ramp control. Activate robot power source.
[DALEK 1] Your orders are understood? You will infiltrate and kill.
[DALEKS] Infiltrate and kill!
[ROBO-DOC] Understand? Of course I understand, my dear fellow. Don'tfuss so. I am to infiltrate and kill. Infiltrate and kill.
[BARBARA] What is it, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm not sure, young lady. Is it a plant or some kind offungus?
[IAN] Ah! A living fungoid, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think this is the moment when discretion is the betterpart of valour. Let's get back into the ship.
[DOCTOR] How did that get there?
[BARBARA] They're moving. They're closing in on us!
[IAN] (Ian hits one) It stings!
[DOCTOR] Well, our friends here obviously don't like the light.
[BARBARA] Well, thank goodness for that.
[IAN] No, but who switched the lights on? Who put them there in thefirst place?
[BARBARA] What does it matter so long as they stay on?
[DOCTOR] Well, it does suggest that there are other creatures on thisplanet. Yes, creatures of intelligence.
[IAN] Hey, come over here! Look. Look, you see? The lights, they form asort of
[IAN] Corridor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, its a kind of pattern. Yes, you're quite right, my boy, acorridor.
[IAN] Doctor, this could be an ideal place to fight those Daleks.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, well let's follow it. This way.
(Outside the Dalek time machine)
[DALEK 1] This is the planet Mechanus. All forms of life are to betreated as hostile.
[DALEK 2] Understood. Pass the order. All forms of life to be destroyedon contact.
[DALEK 1] I obey.
[DALEK 2] Is the humanoid robot standing by?
[DALEK 3] It awaits your orders.
[DALEK 2] Our enemies are moving through the jungle. You are to jointhem.
[ROBO-DOC] Infiltrate, separate and kill. Yes, yes. I understand. Well,the sooner I get started, the sooner I shall accomplish my mission.
[DALEK 2] We shall follow it as escort. Advise all units.
[BARBARA] Just a minute.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Come along, come along.
[IAN] All right?
[BARBARA] Yep, fine.
[DOCTOR] We seem to have come to the end of ourcorridor of lights.
[IAN] Yes. Let me go first.
[DOCTOR] Any Daleks?
[IAN] No, nothing. It's empty.
[DOCTOR] Let's take a closer look.
[IAN] Strange place. Now why would anyone construct a complicated systemof lights to lead directly to a cave like this?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm not quite sure, dear boy, but there must be a reasonfor it. Yes, like everything else in the universe, there is a reasonfor it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, do be careful what you're doing with that.
[BARBARA] Hey, over here. Look what I've found.
[IAN] Well, what do you make of that, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, I should imagine it's some kind of weapon. Just hold thata minute.
[DOCTOR] Ah, cha, cha, cha, not so close! (He presses something on thethicker end and the thin end lights up)
[DOCTOR] Well, that's ingenious, isn't it?
[BARBARA] Ah, it's designed to scare off those fungoid things we saw inthe swamp.
[DOCTOR] Very good, my dear, very good.
[BARBARA] Well, Doctor, with this and that we are ready for the Daleks.Come on.
[IAN] She's right, you know.
[BARBARA] As they come down the flare path we can pick them off one byone.
[DOCTOR] Just, just, just, shh, shh, shh. Just a moment now. May Ispeak? There's something I haven't told you, dear boy. We cannot usethis machine in an enclosed area, otherwise we shall all go up insmoke.
[BARBARA] But Doctor, the Daleks will find this flare path and we'll betrapped here.
[DOCTOR] That may be
[IAN] Let's put the lights out.
[DOCTOR] Now you're talking common sense. Yes, let's find the cable,shall we?
[VICKI] Doctor? Doctor, it's me, let me in! It's me!
[BARBARA] Over here. I've found it.
[IAN] Good. Where? Ah.
[DOCTOR] You're quite safe, it's well insulated.
[IAN] Yeah.
[IAN] It's tough.
[IAN] There's someone out there!
[BARBARA] That noise! That noise, it was it was
[IAN] Come on, Doctor!
[BARBARA] Doctor, that noise! It was
[DOCTOR] Watch the machine. Watch the machine.
[DALEK 1] The light source has vanished.
[DALEK 2] Patrols will continue to advance eastward. Perceptors registermuch movement in that area.
[DALEK 1] Alert! Alert! Alert!
[DALEK 2] The patrol will continue.
[DALEK 1] Have I sustained damage.
[DALEK 2] No. The patrol will continue.
[IAN] Vicki! She must have smuggled herself aboard the Daleks timemachine. So, they've arrived.
[BARBARA] Doctor. You were quick.
[ROBO-DOC] Oh, was I?
[BARBARA] Who was it?
[ROBO-DOC] Oh, nobody, I, er
[BARBARA] What is it? Where's Ian?
[ROBO-DOC] Barbara, my dear, Chesterton is dead.
[ROBO-DOC] The creatures caught him. I could do nothing.
[BARBARA] But, are you sure? Are you certain that he's not just hurt?
[ROBO-DOC] Come with me. Perhaps you can help. Come along, come along.Hurry.
[IAN] About another twenty yards, Doctor, I think.
[DOCTOR] You know Chesterton, they have an extraordinary range ofmovement, extraordinary.
[IAN] Yes. All I'm interested in right now is getting into that cavewhere we'll be safe.
[IAN] Barbara? Barbara, we've found her. Barbara?Where is she?
[DOCTOR] Take a look outside, my boy. I'll look after Vicki.
[IAN [OC]] Barbara? Barbara?
[DOCTOR] Oh, come along child, you're all right. Come along. Come along,my dear. Come along.
[DOCTOR] My dear girl. What on earth is wrong with you?
[VICKI] No, no, no!
[IAN] Doctor! She's nowhere to be. Vicki, what is it?
[VICKI] Ian. I thought. When I. Oh, it must be the Doctor or youwouldn't be with him.
[IAN] What are you saying, Vicki?
[VICKI] I'm sorry I behaved like that, but when I first woke up, Ithought you must be the robot.
[DOCTOR] Robot? My dear, you have haven't got a temperature, have you?
[IAN] You come and sit down, Vicki.
[VICKI] There is a robot! The Daleks made it exactly like you.
[DOCTOR] A robot exactly like me?
[VICKI] Every detail. I heard them giving it orders. They made it toinfiltrate our group. They told it to infiltrate and kill.
[DOCTOR] So that's it! This is very serious, Chesterton. Barbara wouldnever have left here unless, unless you or I told her to go.
[IAN] They've got her. Barbara! Barbara! Barbara!
[DOCTOR] You all right, child? Come along!
[BARBARA] Is this where you left him?
[BARBARA] Oh, come on Doctor, We must find him. You do dawdle so!
[IAN [OC]] Barbara! Barbara!
[BARBARA] Ian! He's all right, Doctor. He's all right!
[BARBARA] What's the matter with him? Why did he try to kill me?
[IAN] It isn't the Doctor. It's a robot.
[BARBARA] A robot?
[IAN] Yes. A robot the Daleks made. Come on, Barbara, let's, let's findthe others.
[VICKI] I can't see any sign of Ian. I think he must have gone furtherthan we thought. Barbara!
[IAN] Okay, Vicki.
[VICKI] Where's the Doctor?
[ROBO-DOC] Don't just stand there, Chesterton. That's the robot.
[DOCTOR] Robot? Robot? Me? You're the imposter. He is the imposter!
[ROBO-DOC] Then prove it, my dear fellow, prove it. Then we shall allbelieve you.
[DOCTOR] I don't have to.
[ROBO-DOC] You mean you can't.
[DOCTOR] Why, you!
[IAN] Put that stick down!
[DOCTOR] Get out of my way.
[IAN] And if I won't?
[DOCTOR] I shall give you the same treatment.
[ROBO-DOC] Watch him, Chesterton. Watch him!
[IAN] You still you insist you're the real Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, what does it matter what I say now.
[ROBO-DOC] Chesterton, now's your chance. Destroy it. Destroy it with arock! Susan, don't look this way, it'll be nasty.
[BARBARA] Ian, don't. That's the Doctor!
[IAN] What?
[VICKI] This is the robot! This is the robot!
[DOCTOR] (Dalek tones) Stop! Do not kill!
[DOCTOR] Hmm, I must get a Doctor.
(Outside the Tardis)
[DALEK 1] The enemy time machine. With this in ourcontrol, they cannot escape. What is that noise?
[DALEK 2] Hostile plant life! Destroy! Destroy!
[DALEK 1] You destroy!
[DALEK 3] There is no trace of the humans.
[DALEK 2] Or the robot?
[DALEK 3] No. Contact has been lost.
[DALEK 1] We will organise a full scale search of the jungle atdaybreak.
(Cave entrance)
[IAN] Thing's don't look too good, do they, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, they're not very encouraging, dear boy.
[IAN] Oh, we've got one consolation. We're all together again.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but I don't mind admitting, I feel rather exhausted afterall that experience.
[IAN] Why don't you go down and have a rest? Go on. I'll stay out here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I don't suppose we can do much in this light.
[IAN] No. You know it's been dark ever since we landed on this planet.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, we'll give it a few hours. It might get lighter. Ithink I'll take your advice. But I shan't sleep.
(Cave entrance)
[DOCTOR] Chesterton!
[DOCTOR] Get up, get up, get up!
[IAN] What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] Look here!
[DOCTOR] I say, you two in there! Come along, wakeup, wake up! Come out here quickly!
(Cave entrance)
[VICKI] Wow, beautiful!
[IAN] Yes. To think that was up there all last night and we never knew.
[DOCTOR] Quite so. And that is where we've got to get to.
[IAN] Yes, you bet.
[DOCTOR] Have you got that thingummybob?
[BARBARA] I'll get it.
[DOCTOR] Come along, come along, let's go. Come on.
[VICKI] Look.
[IAN] Daleks coming straight for us.
[BARBARA] Over there. There's two more of them. Come on, Vicki, quick!
[IAN] What do we do now?
[DOCTOR] Well, we must clear this cave as soon as possible, otherwise wecan't work that device.
[IAN] How?
[VICKI] That cliff above, can we climb out that way?
[IAN] No, it's impossible. Its sheer. They'd pick us off like flies.
[VICKI] It's the only way. What do we do?
[IAN] I've got it. The Doctor will have to go out there as the robot. Hecould put them off the scent.
[BARBARA] Are you mad?
[IAN] Why?
[BARBARA] The Daleks must know that the robot's dead. They controlledit.
[IAN] Why? You can't be sure of that.
[VICKI] Anyway, it might confuse them just long enough to enable us toget away.
[BARBARA] Look, it would be sheer suicide.
[IAN] Yeah, perhaps you're right Barbara. Well, Doctor, what? Doctor!
[BARBARA] Doctor!
(Outside the Tardis)
[DALEK 2] They are trapped in the rock face.
[DALEK 1] Attack formation! Attack formation! Attack formation! Attackformation! Attack!
[DALEK 2] Section four will enter the cave. Do not deviate.
[DALEK 3] We obey.
[DALEK 2] Section two will circle the cave. Take a position amongst theboulders and cut off any attempt to escape.
[DALEK 4] We obey.
[DALEK 2] We will take no prisoners. Eliminate on sight.
[DALEKS] We obey.
[DALEK 2] Move to position. On my command, advance and attack.
[DALEK 5] Align and advance!
[DALEK 6] Advance and attack!
[DALEKS] Attack and destroy! Destroy and rejoice!
[DALEK 1 [OC]] Halt! You will be exterminated!
[DOCTOR [OC]] I have infiltrated and killed. We may now return to Skaro.
[DALEK 1 [OC]] You lie. You are not the robot.
[IAN] Doctor!
[BARBARA] Doctor, that was a foolish thing to do.
[DOCTOR] They know now who's who. Give me that machine. All of you, getagainst the wall. I'm going to see what I can do with this.
[MECHONOID] Eight hundred thirty Mechonoid. English input. Enter.
[DALEKS [OC]] Advance. Advance and attack! Attack and destroy! Destroyand rejoice!
[IAN] You heard what the gentleman said. Let's go!
[(DALEKS [OC]] Attack! Attack! Destroy!
[VICKI] We're going up.
[BARBARA] Yeah, it's a lift.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you got us out of a nasty situation there. I supposedyou'd like to know who we are and why we're here?
[IAN] You're not getting through to him, Doctor, you're not gettingthrough.
[BARBARA] Doctor, ask him where he's taking us.
[IAN] He's taking us up to the city, obviously.
[DALEK 1] They have escaped.
[DALEK 2] Not possible. Perceptor readings indicated they were here.
[DALEK 1] Subject walls to seismic detector tests.
[DALEK 1] It is required that we penetrate this wall. Section four willreturn to the time craft for the electrode unit.
[DALEKS] We obey.
[IAN] We must have arrived.
(Approach ramp)
[MECHONOID] Stop. Follow. follow.
[VICKI] Look at it!
[DOCTOR] If's fantastic!
[BARBARA] I've never seen anything like it. It's huge!
[MECHONOID] English. Enter. Enter. Zero. Stop.
[IAN] Enter, enter, zero, stop? What does he mean?
[BARBARA] It means enter, enter, zero, stop.
[VICKI] (imitates the mechonoid) Tttthhhaaannnk yyyooouuu!
[BARBARA] Vicki!
[BARBARA] What an extraordinary looking thing.
[IAN] Ha, looks like a monkey's perch.
[VICKI] Oh, not bad, eh?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well I don't like it.
[VICKI] Why not? It's clean, it's comfortable, the robots seem quitefriendly.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, robot's. But haven't you noticed something verysingular about this place?
[VICKI] Like what?
[DOCTOR] We've only seen robots. No animal life, human or otherwise.?
[IAN] That's very true, Doctor.
[STEVEN] Stay where you are! You real?
[IAN] Who are you?
[STEVEN] You are real. From Earth?
[IAN] Yes. Who are you?
[STEVEN] From Earth, that couldn't have happened! I worked out the odds.Two thousand to one against. Hey, I supposed they realised I was on myway back when. Well, who won the wars? Look, I'm Steven Taylor. Flightred fifty.
[DOCTOR] Well, we've learned something. His name.
[BARBARA] Yes, Steven Taylor.
[STEVEN] Say that again.
[BARBARA] Steven Taylor?
[STEVEN] Steven Taylor.
[(He throws a small toy panda to Barbara.) STEVEN] That's my mascot,Hi-fi.
[BARBARA] Oh! Hi, Fi, I'm Barbara.
[VICKI] I'm Vicki.
[IAN] Ian Chesterton.
[STEVEN] Ian Chesterton.
[IAN] This is the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'm glad to know you, Steven Taylor.
[STEVEN] Well, this is great! I mean, it's ridiculous. I'm lost forwords. I thought if ever I met anyone again, I wouldn't stop talkingfor a week!
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, you haven't. How long have you been here?
[STEVEN] As far as I can make out, about two years.
[VICKI] Two years? Alone?
[STEVEN] Well, yes. Apart from those fungus things.
[DOCTOR] You mean there's no other human beings here on this planet?
[STEVEN] No, nothing except the Mechanoids.
[BARBARA] Where do they come from, do you know?
[STEVEN] You don't know? But this is Mechanus.
[IAN] Sorry?
[STEVEN] Look, about fifty years ago Earth decided to colonise thisplanet. Well, it landed a rocket full of robots programmed to clearlanding sites, get everything ready for the first immigrants.
[VICKI] And they didn't arrive?
[STEVEN] No. See, Earth got involved in interplanetary wars. I supposethis place was forgotten.
[IAN] Fifty years ago? But surely these robots'd be worn out by now.They'd have run down.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, they're programmed to do their own repairs.
[BARBARA] But if you're waiting for people from Earth, well, why not us?
[VICKI] Yes, we could be the immigrants.
[STEVEN] You've got to know their code. I've been spending two yearstrying to break it. Two years. I crashed, you see, out there in thejungle and wandered around for days trying to avoid those fungusthings. Of course then the Mechanoids captured me.
[BARBARA] Captured? Do you mean you're a prisoner.
[STEVEN] Well do you think I'd stay here otherwise? I'm just like you.We're all prisoners. Help yourself to a piece of eternity.
[IAN] Now, just a minute! There are five of us now. Surely we can dosomething? We can fight our way out.
[STEVEN] Look, at the first sign of violence towards them, theMechanoids destroy.
[STEVEN] Now what's this? What are they playing at?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I see. We're being held here as specimens.
[VICKI] What, like something in a zoo?
[STEVEN] Yes, Vicki. Exactly like a zoo. Only we're the specimens thatare on display. Aren't we, my fat little darlings?!
[DALEK 1] Electrode unit ready.
[DALEK 2] Operate. Increase power. Conveyor descending.
[DALEK 1] By taking the humans, the Mechons have forced us to takeaction against them. We invade.
[DALEK 3] Skaro reports they have many powerful weapons. We may sustaindamage.
[DALEK 1] The orders of the Dalek Supreme will be obeyed! The humanswill be destroyed! The Mechons will not be permitted to stand in ourway! We attack! We attack!
[DALEKS] Attack! Attack! Attack! Attack! Attack! Attack! Attack!
[BARBARA] Oh, go away! Leave us alone, can't you?
[MECHONOID] Threat. Stop.
[STEVEN] There's only one thing to do to keepyourself sane, that's to make things. I built this.
[BARBARA] Did you?
[STEVEN] All my own work.
[BARBARA] Where does it lead?
[STEVEN] Up to the roof.
[IAN] The roof? Well, why don't we get out that way?
[STEVEN] Look, don't think I haven't thought about it myself, but thatroof's fifteen hundred feet above ground level.
[BARBARA] We've got to get out.
[STEVEN] Yes, that's what I thought at first. You'll soon find outyou're better off here than out there in the jungle.
[IAN] We don't give up so easily. We're going to get out of here. Thefirst thing we're going to do is, I'm going to have a look up here.
[STEVEN] Look, I'm with you, of course, but what happens when we getdown to the ground?
[DOCTOR] We make our way back to my spaceship.
[STEVEN] Your spaceship? Is it serviceable?
[DOCTOR] I certainly hope so.
[STEVEN] But I thought. You see, I assumed you'd crashed.
[IAN] You coming, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'm coming, dear boy, I'm coming. Oh, tell me, young man.What happens if these Mechanoids see us up there?
[STEVEN] There aren't any. We're allowed to go up here anytime forlight, exercise. There are no guards.
[DOCTOR] Good, good!
[STEVEN] Go on, I'll show you.
[DOCTOR] Splendid.
[STEVEN] See? I told you, no guards. I'll go andtell the girls.
[DOCTOR] Yes, wait a minute, dear boy.
[DOCTOR] Chesterton, be careful!
[IAN] Yes, I see why the Mechanoids don't mind us coming up here.
[IAN] Doctor, what do you make of this?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's some power aerial, I suppose.
[IAN] Doctor, I've got it. We can get down to the ground with this.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, if we can break it.
[IAN] Well, there's a junction box over here. A few good pulls, this'dcome away. Come on, let's get the others.
[DOCTOR] Yes, come along, come along!
[BARBARA] Well? Any chance?
[IAN] Yes, but it's going to be dangerous.
[STEVEN] What, do you mean the cable?
[IAN] Yeah, do you think there's enough?
[STEVEN] Maybe. I thought of trying it myself once, but I couldn't havemanaged it on my own.
[BARBARA] Hey, wait a minute. Where's this leading us?
[IAN] Down to the ground.
[BARBARA] We climb down fifteen hundred feet of cable?
[VICKI] I'm not very good on heights.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it sounds rather risky.
[BARBARA] I agree.
[STEVEN] The cable's strong. It wouldn't break.
[IAN] I think it's the only chance we've got.
[BARBARA] Well, I don't like it.
[VICKI] Look!
(Outside the room)
[DALEK 2] Where are the space travellers?
[VICKI] Daleks.
[IAN] Well, that settles it.
[DOCTOR] Go on, go on.
[IAN] On the roof, quick!
[DOCTOR] Go on! Now, I think we'll leave them something to remember usby.
(Outside the room)
[DALEK 2] You will be annihilated!
[DALEK 4] Dispatch a section to the roof area.
[DALEK 2] I obey.
[DALEK 4] Am exterminated! Am exterminated! Argh!
[DALEK 2] Totally immobilised.
[MECHONOID] Trapped. Trapped.
[IAN] I think we've fused it.
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Let's get on with this. Come along.Quickly! Get that. Come on.
[STEVEN] That's all right. There's plenty of it.
[BARBARA] (grabbing her. Vicki! Vicki, come and help us.
[STEVEN] We're going to have to lower her.
[IAN] Vicki Vicki, listen to me. We'll tie the cable round you and loweryou to the ground.
[IAN] You'll be quite safe.
[VICKI] No! I can't.
[DOCTOR] Vicki, my dear, I'm going to blindfold you. You won't be ableto see a thing. You'll be quite safe. Now come along.
[VICKI] I can't. No!
[DOCTOR] Now come along, child. Pull your self together
[VICKI] Don't! No!
[DOCTOR] Vicki, come along, come along!
[IAN] Quick, lift up your arms.
[VICKI] No. No.
[IAN] Now hold onto this, Vicki.
[VICKI] No I can't.
[IAN] There, that's it.
[VICKI] Please! I can't!
[IAN] It's all right.
[VICKI] Please let me out.
[IAN] Right.
[BARBARA] I know you'll be safe. All right?
[VICKI] No, please, let me stay.
[BARBARA] Look, let go.
[DOCTOR] Come along
[VICKI] No no no!
[BARBARA] Hold on to this.
[VICKI] No! No!
[DOCTOR] Good gracious! The place is on fire!
[STEVEN] But, Hi-fi! I've got to get the mascot!
[DOCTOR] No, Steven!
[IAN] Steven, what are you doing?!
[(Barbara is almost pulled over the edge. The Doctor and Ian grab herlegs.) IAN] Get hold of her! What are you doing!
[DOCTOR] Come back!
[MECHONOID] Follow Mechonoid. Attack. System.
[DALEK 1] To defy Daleks is death!
[DALEK 2] We await commands!
[DALEK 3] The operation will proceed at once.
[MECHONOID] Defend. Threat.
[DALEK 1] They must be destroyed.
[MECHONOID] Escalate output.
[DALEK 1] Exterminate them! Exterminate!
[MECHONOID] Attack here.
[DALEK 1] Annihilate!
[BARBARA] Vicki. Vicki, are you all right?
[VICKI] Yes. Yes, thanks. How about the others?
[BARBARA] They're fine. Now, Vicki, remember the Doctor's device? Wellit worked! The city's on fire. Look, you can see!
[DOCTOR] Vicki, my child, are you all right?
[VICKI] Yes, I'm fine.
[DOCTOR] Come along, let's get back to the Tardis.
[VICKI] What about Steven? Where is he?
[BARBARA] Steven went back to the city.
[VICKI] What for?
[DOCTOR] We don't know, my child, and his chances of survival in thisfurnace are utterly
[IAN] Quick! That cable's on fire and the whole buildings collapsing!
[VICKI] No, we can't!
(Outside the Dalek Time machine)
[IAN [OC]] Halt! You will be exterminated!
[IAN] Exterminated!
[BARBARA] Oh, Ian!
[IAN] Doctor, it's empty. You've done it again! You've beaten them!
[DOCTOR] My dear boy, I could kiss you!
[BARBARA] Don't waste it on him, kiss me instead!
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'd be delighted! You know, this must be an extremelyadvanced machine. Wherever we went, it followed us with such greatprecision and accuracy. You could travel anywhere in it.
[VICKI] It's huge inside, you know, just like the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Of course, my dear, I'd forgotten. You've taken a trip in it.
[VICKI] Shall I show you round?
[DOCTOR] My dear, I shall be delighted.
[IAN] After you!
[BARBARA] Ian, do you realise we could get home?
[IAN] Home? Yes. Do you want to?
[BARBARA] Yes. I never realised it before.
[IAN] Neither did I. We may never get another chance.
[BARBARA] Do you think we could work it?
[IAN] Well, would the Doctor take us?
[BARBARA] Let's ask him.
[STEVEN] Doctor!
[DOCTOR [OC]] I don't want to know! I want none ofthis! I've never heard such nonsense in my life! You'll end up as acouple of burnt cinders, flying around in space. You idiots! You areabsolute idiots!
[BARBARA] We are not idiots! We want to go home!
[IAN] Yes, home! I want to sit in a pub and drink a pint of beer again.I want to walk in a park and watch a cricket match. Above all, I wantto belong somewhere, do something, instead of this aimless driftingaround in space.
[DOCTOR] Aimless? I've tried for two years to get you both home!
[IAN] Well, you haven't been very successful, have you?
[DOCTOR] How dare you, young man. How dare you, sir! I didn't eveninvite you into the ship in the first place. You both thrust yourselvesupon me!
[BARBARA] Oh, Doctor, stop it!
[DOCTOR] Oh, for heavens sake, I've never heard such nonsense.
[BARBARA] Look, I know we thrust ourselves upon you, but we've through agreat deal together since then. And all we've been through will remainwith us always. It'll probably be the most exciting part of my life.Look, Doctor, we're different people, and now we have a chance to gohome. We want to take that chance. Will you help us work that machine?
[DOCTOR] No! No! I will not aid and abet suicide.
[IAN] Oh, he's as stubborn as a mule.
[VICKI] Doctor? Doctor, you've got to let them go if they want to. Theywant to be back in their own time.
[DOCTOR] Don't you want to go with them, child?
[VICKI] What for? What would I want to be back in their time for? I wantto be with you. Doctor, you've got to help them.
[DOCTOR] Don't you realise, child, the enormous risks?
[VICKI] But it's up to them.
[DOCTOR] Do you both realise the enormous risks?
[IAN] We do. We still want to go.
[BARBARA] Please, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Very well, follow me. But you must follow my instructionsimplicitly, understood? Implicitly! You will both have about afifty-fifty chance. Follow me, come along.
[IAN] Barbara, we made it.
[BARBARA] I don't believe it!
[IAN] London 1965!
[BARBARA] Hey, we're two years out.
[IAN] Oh, what's two years amongst friends? We're home! I'll just go andpress that button.
[IAN] Run!
[IAN] Well, that's put paid to the Dalek's time travelling for a while.
[BARBARA] It'll give the Doctor a breather anyway.
[IAN] Yes. I wonder where he is right now?
[BARBARA] Hey, Doctor, wherever you are.
[IAN] Shh! There's someone coming.
[BARBARA] Goodbye, Doctor! Thanks for the ride!
[IAN] It was fun Doctor! Goodbye!
[BARBARA] Oh, I enjoyed that.
[IAN] Yes, so did I.
[CONDUCTOR [OC]] Fares please.
[IAN] Oh, it's great to be back. Nothing seems to have changed.
[BARBARA] Oh, you wait till we get back to Coal Hill. Hey!
[CONDUCTOR [OC]] Any more fares please?
[BARBARA] How are we going to explain our absence?
[IAN] Yeah, that's a point, isn't it? We'll have to think of something.It had better be good, eh?
[CONDUCTOR] Fares please.
[IAN] Oh, er, two three's, please.
[CONDUCTOR] Two three's? You must be joking. Where've you been? On theMoon?
[IAN] Er, no, but you're getting warm.
[VICKI] Doctor, they made it! They made it!
[DOCTOR] I shall miss them. Yes, I shall miss them, silly old fusspots.Come along, my dear, it's time we were off.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s02", "episode": "e08", "title": "The Chase"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (3 Jul, 1965; First Doctor) - The Time Meddler
[VICKI] I shall miss them, Doctor.
[VICKI] Ian and Barbara.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I shall miss them too. First Susan and now them. Come overhere, my dear, I'd like to talk to you.
[VICKI] What about the control panel?
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's all right, my dear. It's already set. Their decisioncertainly surprised me, although it shouldn't, I know. But it was quiteobvious they intended to take the first opportunity of going back home.
[VICKI] Well, they weren't getting any younger, were they?
[DOCTOR] It's lucky for you child, they're not here to hear you saythat. Good gracious me. You think they're old? What do you think of me?
[VICKI] You're different, Doctor. Anyway, we may land in their time oneday and be able to talk over old times.
[DOCTOR] Well, perhaps Vicki, perhaps.
[VICKI] Anyway, it's done now. I wonder where the Tardis'll take usnext?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's done now, although I must admit I'm left with a smallworry.
[VICKI] You know, I wouldn't mind New York. I didn't get to see a lot ofit, what with the Daleks and everything. But what I saw from the top ofthe Empire State Building, I wouldn't mind going back there.
[DOCTOR] My dear Vicki, I'm trying to talk to you.
[VICKI] Oh, sorry.
[DOCTOR] I just wanted to ask you, are you sure you didn't want to gohome too? I didn't give you very much time to consider now, did I? Ishould hate to think that you're just staying for the sake of an oldman.
[VICKI] Oh, Doctor! I made my decision. I wanted to stay. Anyway, Iwouldn't have anything to go back to.
[DOCTOR] Yes, your father
[VICKI] Did you hear that?
[DOCTOR] Yes, perhaps it's something fallen down, or maybe we've changedcourse.
[VICKI] (sotto) There's someone in the living quarters. Doctor, becareful. It's obviously a Dalek.
[VICKI] Steven!
[MONK] I wonder. Oh, I wonder.
[STEVEN] Thanks. Sorry about that, Doc.
[VICKI] We thought you were dead.
[STEVEN] Well, I nearly was. I just managed to climb down that cablebefore it burned out. Then I came after you.
[VICKI] You should have shouted.
[STEVEN] Should have? I never stopped! Say, this is quite a ship you'vegot here, Doc. Never seen anything like it.
[DOCTOR] Now listen to me, young man. Sit down. Now, there are twothings you can do. One, sit there until you get your breath back, andtwo, don't call me Doc! Now do I make myself clear?
[STEVEN] Yes, yes, whatever you say, Doc-tor!
[DOCTOR] Apart from that young man, I'm quite willing to accept you atyour face value.
[VICKI] You were lucky to find the Tardis in all that jungle.
[STEVEN] Yeah, we were lucky. You know, I don't seem to remember muchabout it. There was a door. I went through it. I must have flaked out.I remember registering that, well, it didn't look like a ship. It wasvery small. I must have been delirious.
[VICKI] I don't suppose you were. It is very small outside. It's just inhere it's big.
[STEVEN] Oh, come off it!
[VICKI] You don't believe me, do you?
[STEVEN] Oh, of course I do, Vicki. Every word.
[VICKI] This isn't an ordinary ship, you know. This is a time machine.
[STEVEN] Time? Look, this ship may have a way-out design, but timemachines? That's ridiculous.
[VICKI] Doctor? He says the Tardis isn't a time machine.
[DOCTOR] Oh, does he now?
[VICKI] Tell him.
[DOCTOR] I don't see why I should, my child. He'll learn soon enough.
[STEVEN] Look, Doctor, I've seen some spaceships in my time, admittedlynothing like this. Well, what does this do?
[DOCTOR] That is the dematerialising control and that, over yonder, isthe horizontal hold. Up there is the scanner, those are the doors, thatis a chair with a panda on it. Sheer poetry, dear boy. Now please stopbothering me.
[STEVEN] Look, you gave this ship a name just now, what was it?
[VICKI] Tardis, T A R D I S. It stands for Time And Relative DimensionsIn Space.
[VICKI] Yes?
[STEVEN] It means I Don't Believe It.
[VICKI] You'll see, you'll see.
[DOCTOR] Vicki?
[VICKI] Yes?
[DOCTOR] I've checked up on all the readings. Now I think our guest willneed a wash and brush up. So I think the best thing for you to do is goand find him some clothes and a cloak. Bring mine as well. We'll showhim whether this is a time machine or not.
[VICKI] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] Well, judging by the readings, my child, I think we've landedon the planet Earth.
[ELDRED] Wulnoth with you?
[EDITH] Inside.
[ELDRED] Something's landed on the beach. I saw it from the cliff.
[WULNOTH] What is it?
[ELDRED] A large box washed ashore by the tide, probably from a ship. Ididn't go down, I came for you.
[WULNOTH] What sort of box?
[ELDRED] I don't know. It's just very big. I've never seen anything likeit before.
[WULNOTH] The tide'll be turning. We must hurry. You lead the way.
[EDITH] It's a long way to the beach and back. What about your meal?
[DOCTOR] Where did you say you found this, Vicki?
[VICKI] Just down there. I saw it as soon as I came out of the ship.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it's a bit rusted but, er, it's not as old as that. Tenth,eleventh century? England. Well, there you are, young man. What do youthink of that now, eh? A Viking helmet.
[STEVEN] Oh, maybe.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean, maybe? What do you think it is, a spacehelmet for a cow?
[STEVEN] Look, it could just as easily be part of a costume. You know, atoy left here by a child.
[DOCTOR] Oh, rubbish, rubbish.
[STEVEN] No more so than your theory. Though your ship is, to say theleast, a little unusual.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I see, so you've changed your idea's now.
[STEVEN] If it is a time machine, I'm not saying it is, mind you, but ifit is, shouldn't you know where we are? You know, your control panel?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, but unfortunately, we have a slight technicalhitch at the moment. Excuse me.
[VICKI] As a matter of fact, we never know where we're going to landnext.
[STEVEN] Oh, so assuming I believe what you tell me, you can't take mehome.
[VICKI] Not by any direct route. Let's go exploring now?
[DOCTOR] Yes, perhaps we should find a village whereby we can convincethis young upstart of the true facts.
[STEVEN] Oh, great, Doctor. I'm all for that. But there is one thingthat bothers me.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes? What is it now?
[STEVEN] Well, how come you chose such an unusual design for your ship?A Police telephone box? Is that right?
[DOCTOR] The design is completely immaterial, young man. The Tardis isrequired to land and blend in with its surroundings.
[STEVEN] Blend in?
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite so. For instance, If we were to land in the middleof the Indian mutiny, well, I'm sure the ship could possibly take onthe appearance of a howdah.
[STEVEN] How-what?
[DOCTOR] A Howdah! A carrier on the back of an elephant.
[STEVEN] Oh, I see. Oh, and, and if it landed on the pebbles/
[DOCTOR] On the what?
[STEVEN] If it landed on the beach against the cliffs, it'd take on theappearance of a large rock?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes, but you do keep on, don't you.
[STEVEN] Do you wonder why I don't believe you? You know, that largerock over there looks exactly like a Police telephone box.
[VICKI] That is merely another technical hitch and the Doctor willrepair it one day. Anyway, if we're going to do any exploring we shoulddo it now, 'cos it's going to get dark in a minute.
[DOCTOR] Now I suggest we take a walk along the beach and try and find aspot where the cliffs run down to sea level.
[STEVEN] Yeah, but that could be miles. It'd be much quicker to go uphere.
[DOCTOR] Yes, so possibly it might, but I'm not a mountain goat and Iprefer walking to it any day, and I hate climbing!
[VICKI] We'll go with you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, you won't, you'll stay with the ship and wait 'til I've gotto the top then you can both climb up and join me.
[VICKI] But, Doctor, you might get
[DOCTOR] I'm not going to argue, my child.
[STEVEN] Yes, but.
[STEVEN] Oh, heck.
[VICKI] You might try being a bit more tactful in future
[STEVEN] Don't you start as well, come on, let's go up.
[VICKI] No, I think we should stay here and wait for him like the Doctorsaid.
[STEVEN] Why? We've got to go up there sooner or later. It might as wellbe sooner. We can walk along the top and meet. Hey, that bit therelooks climbable. Come on.
[VICKI] I'm not
[VICKI + STEVEN] very good on heights!
[STEVEN] Oh, come on, you'll be all right.
[ELDRED] Yes, it was on the beach, below us here.
[WULNOTH] Are you certain?
[ELDRED] Yes, positive. I remember the way the rocks look.
[WULNOTH] Pity, it might have been valuable.
[ELDRED] It would have been crushed against the rocks by now, whateverit was.
[DOCTOR] Oh, what's this?
[EDITH] Mead.
[DOCTOR] Mead? Oh, mead. Yes, of course, yes. Yes, how nice of you, yes.Delightful, thank you, thank you. Well, here's to your very goodhealth.
[DOCTOR] Oh, delightful. Oh, yes, delightful. Tell me, is the monasterynear here?
[EDITH] No, it's not far from here. It's just at the top of the hill.And when the winds in the right direction, you can hear the monks muchclearer, as though they're down in the village.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, quite understandable, you know.Sounds do play funny tricks at times.
[EDITH] I, er, I hope you will forgive a woman's harsh welcome. We dofear strangers but we're very happy to welcome a traveller. Not that wesee many in this wild place. I'm sure that when my husband returns,he'll insist that you stay the night. And then you can rejoin yourfriends in the morning.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's very kind, very kind indeed. And I do hope theywon't worry about me too much. You know, I hadn't intended to walkquite so far. You are near the coast?
[EDITH] Yes. While there are fish in the sea, one need never starve.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes.
[EDITH] Course, there are bad things, too.
[DOCTOR] Oh, of course, of course, my dear. The Vikings, for example?
[EDITH] Not that we've seen much of them, this year. Except for that oneraid that was beaten off just north of here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I had heard about that battle, yes, yes. The King, er,greatly improved the position no end.
[EDITH] The King? Harold Godwinson? We received no help from him.
[DOCTOR] You know, it seems like yesterday that the good King Edward waslaid to rest. When was it?
[EDITH] It was the beginning of the year.
[DOCTOR] Oh, of course. Yes, yes, yes, the beginning of the year, yes,yes, yes. How silly. Yes, it's most refreshing.
[EDITH] Oh, I'll get you more.
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you. Yes, thank you, my dear.
[DOCTOR] Now, if Harold is king, and Edward was laid to rest at thebeginning of the year, then it must be 1066! Yes. Judging by theappearance of these leaves, late summer. And a balmy night, a balmynight.
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you, my dear. Thank you, thank you. Er, you know,it's a bit stupid of me but, we are in Northumbria?
[EDITH] Yes, of course, we are. Why do you ask?
[DOCTOR] Oh, nothing, nothing, I just that I wasn't sure whether I'dcrossed the border or not. Yes, it's a bit tedious of me, isn't it? Butyou must have patience with an old man.
[EDITH] Oh, please, sit down and rest before the fire. You must be tiredafter your journey. Forgive me, I have things to do before Wulnothreturns.
[DOCTOR] I will, I will, and thank you indeed. Thank you. Yes, it's agreat pity that Barbara isn't here. Now, if my memory of Englishhistory serves me right, we're about to have a Viking invasion and verysoon. Now, let me think. Harold came north to defeat Hardrada, theNorwegian King. Yes, now that was before he faced William the Conquerorat Hastings. It's all very interesting. Yes, that's very, very, very,very interesting. It's going to put that young man in his place.
[DOCTOR] Woman! Woman! Where are you?
[EDITH] What? What is it?
[DOCTOR] The monastery. Where is it, did you say?
[EDITH] Well, at the top of the hill. Why? What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] The monks, have they been here long?
[EDITH] No, the monastery itself's been deserted for years and years andthen, several weeks ago, a few monks must have moved back in.
[DOCTOR] And you haven't seen them? No one in the village has?
[EDITH] One's been seen, but never spoken to. How does he know that?
[DOCTOR] Oh, you've been very kind, and a great help, yes. I'm sorry,but I must take my leave of you.
[EDITH] Are you going to the monastery?
[DOCTOR] I most certainly am.
[STEVEN] Look, are you coming?
[VICKI] Can't we rest a minute?
[STEVEN] We just did.
[VICKI] Well, I'm tired.
[STEVEN] Oh, well, we'll wait a little while. But we're lost. We can'tstay here all night.
[VICKI] Shh!
[STEVEN] What's the matter?
[VICKI] I think somebody's coming.
[STEVEN] Why are we hiding? We can ask him the way.
[VICKI] No. Because I think we should follow him until we find outwhether it's safe or not.
[VICKI] Supposing you do what I say for once?
[VICKI] He's found something.
[STEVEN] What is it?
[VICKI] I can't see.
[STEVEN] Did you drop something? Hey! You!
[STEVEN] Hey! Come back!
[VICKI] Steven!
[(Steven catches the villager) VICKI] Steven, I. Leave himalone! Stop it! Stop it, Steven!
[VICKI] You all right?
[STEVEN] Yes, I think so. I got it.
[VICKI] What was it?
[STEVEN] You still say this is tenth century England?
(Monastery door)
(Monastery entrance)
(Monastery Kitchen)
[(The Monk quietly opens the door and slides thetray inside before locking up again then MONK] Breakfast! Breakfast!Come along. Early to bed, early to rise! Come on. Do you want the eggsto get cold?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Go away! I'll come out when I'm ready.
[VICKI] Steven? Steven? Oh, Steven!
[STEVEN] Morning. What are you looking so jittery about?
[VICKI] I thought I heard somebody moving about in the bushes.
[STEVEN] That was me. I was looking for some food.
[VICKI] Did you find anything?
[STEVEN] That's a matter of opinion. Want some breakfast?
[VICKI] Yes, please.
[STEVEN] Well, you can either have some blackberries or someblackberries.
[VICKI] I don't think it matters, thanks. Oh, Im freezing.
[STEVEN] Mmm. We'd better get moving then.
[VICKI] What, back to the Tardis?
[STEVEN] Yes. If the Doctor's not there, we'll have to think again.
[VICKI] I wonder what time it is.
[STEVEN] Twenty past five.
[VICKI] I wonder if the Doctor did drop that.
[STEVEN] You said before he didn't have a watch.
[VICKI] I said I didn't think he had.
[STEVEN] Oh, why don't you admit all this tenth century stuff's just
[VICKI] There's somebody there. Steven? Steven?
[ELDRED] What shall we do with them?
[WULNOTH] Take them to the village.
(Outside the Monastery)
[EDITH] Good morning, Father.
[MONK] Ah, good morning, my children. Good morning. Oh, so deep was I inmy meditations, I failed to see you arrive. You must forgive me.
[EDITH] Oh, no, it is we who should ask forgiveness of you, disturbingyou like this.
[MONK] No please, please. You're always welcome here.
[EDITH] We, er, we thought you might need some food.
[MONK] Ah, how very charitable of you, my dear.
[EDITH] Oh, I'm sorry Father, it's poor fare for the likes of you.
[MONK] Yes, but don't distress yourself, my child. We must all beprepared to make sacrifices when they're asked of us. Well, I, er, Iwould like to stop and talk and pass the time of day with you, but thismorning, solitude and study are uppermost in my mind.
[EDITH] We understand, Father.
[MONK] Thank you again, my child. Good morning.
[EDITH] Morning, Father.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Open this door! Open this door, willyou! Open it!
[MONK] At last! At last!
[VICKI] Are you all right?
[STEVEN] I've felt better. I dare say I'll get over it. It's prettyauthentic Saxon, isn't it?
[VICKI] Don't tell me you've actually started to believe us?
[STEVEN] I mean they'd hardly go to all this trouble for a fancy dressball, now would they? We've got to get out of here.
[VICKI] It looks as though they want us to stay.
[STEVEN] Yes, we must be more popular than we thought.
[ELDRED] Wulnoth, we can't just let them go!
[WULNOTH] Their clothes are strange. If they're travellers
[ELDRED] Travellers? With no provisions or belongings? And travelledfrom where?
[WULNOTH] Well, we can ask them, Eldred.
[ELDRED] Why listen to their lies? They've been put ashore somewherealong to the coast to spy for the Vikings.
[WULNOTH] You've got no proof of that!
[ELDRED] Nor do we have proof of what you say!
[WULNOTH] Maybe not, but I'm the headman of the village.
[ELDRED] You maybe Headman now, but when the people hear how you treatedtheir enemies, those two will be killed!
[WULNOTH] Eldred!
[EDITH] Eldred!
[EDITH] Are you looking for an old man with long white hair?
[STEVEN] You've seen him?
[WULNOTH] Of which old man do you speak, woman?
[EDITH] He came here late last night. He wore clothes like these people.
[STEVEN] Do you know where he is now?
[WULNOTH] Did you question him?
[EDITH] A little. He said he was a traveller.
[ELDRED] Then he lied.
[STEVEN] Oh, for goodness sake.
[ELDRED] Wulnoth! I do not trust them!
[STEVEN] Well, I'm not mad about you either!
[WULNOTH] I think these people are what they say they are, Eldred.Innocent travellers.
[ELDRED] I do not trust them. Sooner or later you will regret that youdidn't listen to me.
[VICKI] Are you going to stand here arguing all day? Either let us go,or do whatever you're going to do, but make up your minds.
[WULNOTH] You can go. Edith, take the girl inside and get some food fortheir journey.
[VICKI] And the Doctor, the old man, what happenedto him?
[EDITH] Oh, he was going to stay and then he suddenly decided to visitthe monastery.
[VICKI] That's quite near here, isn't it? I heard the singing.
[EDITH] It's not far. It's just at the top of the hill behind theforest. I can take you.
[VICKI] Oh, it's all right, thanks.
[EDITH] Here.
[VICKI] Steven.
[STEVEN] Thanks. Thank you.
[VICKI] Thank you.
[EDITH] God be with you.
[WULNOTH] God be with you.
[STEVEN] God be with you.
[WULNOTH] Time we were working in the fields.
[ULF] Any sign of life?
[VIKING] No. Tell the others to wait below. Sven, you, with Ulf andGunnar go south. Radnor will take a similar group to the north.
[SVEN] I understand.
[VIKING] And remember, Sven, when you rejoin the force, we will want toknow the lie of the land. Where there is food and fresh wateravailable, and the strength of the villages.
[SVEN] And if we're seen?
[VIKING] Then you'll have no choice but to fight. But keep in your mindsthis is no ordinary raid. You are the eyes of the King.
[ULF] We'll need provisions ourselves.
[SVEN] The first village we find will provide those.
[VIKING] Yes, but be careful. If your presence here can be kept secret,Harold Hardrada will have surprise on his side. Now, go.
[SVEN] Gunnar.
[VIKING] Send Ragra and the others up. Then we can rejoin the fleet.
(Outside the Monastery)
[VICKI] It's very beautiful here, isn't it?
[STEVEN] They could use a gardener.
[MONK] Good day, my children, good day.
[STEVEN] Good day. We're looking for
[MONK] Indeed, we're all searching for something. Some like myself seekit in the peace and solitude that repose behind these monastery
[STEVEN] We are looking for a friend of ours.
[MONK] Oh, you think I can help?
[VICKI] He left word in the village that he was coming up here.
[MONK] Would that we could all realise our ambitions. Be they a lifelongwish or a stated intention of journeying for self
[STEVEN] Look, are you trying to tell us that he didn't come here?
[MONK] My son, no stranger has knocked on this door for many a day,welcome though they be.
[STEVEN] Are you sure you haven't seen anyone around the place?
[MONK] I'm afraid not.
[VICKI] What about the others?
[MONK] Others?
[VICKI] The other monks?
[MONK] Ah, the other monks, yes. Well, I'm sure they would havementioned it to me had they seen him. However, if you'll wait here, Ishall go inside and inquire just to make sure.
[VICKI] Looks as though the Doctor didn't come up here.
[STEVEN] Didn't he? You know, I don't believe a word of it. It's just asif he expected us and if the Doctor didn't come here, well, where elsecould he go except back to the village?
[VICKI] I don't know
[STEVEN] Well, I'm not convinced. I'll tell you what, when he comes outagain, I'm going to try something. So whatever happens, don't say aword. Nothing. Okay?
[VICKI] Okay.
[MONK] I apologise for keeping you waiting.
[STEVEN] It's quite all right.
[MONK] I'm afraid the answer is not the one you'd wish to hear.
[VICKI] You haven't seen him?
[MONK] I'm sorry
[STEVEN] Oh, well, er, perhaps you'd keep a lookout for him?
[MONK] Oh, I certainly will, yes.
[STEVEN] Are you sure you'll remember his description?
[MONK] Description? I let me see. Long white hair, a black cloak andrather strange checked trousers.
[STEVEN] That's it, you've got it. Fine. Thanks.
[MONK] Not at all.
[STEVEN] Thanks very much indeed.
[MONK] You're very welcome, my son. I'm sorry I couldn't have done more.Good day.
[STEVEN] Good day.
[VICKI] We didn't give him a description of the Doctor.
[STEVEN] I know we didn't. That means he must have seen him, doesn't it?He's keeping him prisoner in there. I'll stake my life on that, Vicki.
[VICKI] Well, he was pretty stupid to give himself away like that.
[STEVEN] It's easily done.
[VICKI] Too easy. I don't think we've been as clever as we think wehave.
[STEVEN] Oh, now, what does that mean?
[VICKI] Well look, say he's the one who's tricked us. Say he gavehimself away deliberately like that, in order to make us think we'dfooled him.
[STEVEN] Vicki, there's only one way we can find out what's going on inthere. That's to break in.
[VICKI] That's exactly what he wants us to do.
[STEVEN] Well, possibly, but we've no other choice. We'll wait till it'sdark. Come on.
(Outside the Monastery)
[STEVEN] I think the best idea is to go and tryaround the other side.
[WULNOTH] Edith!
[WULNOTH] Edith!
[WULNOTH] Get what help you can from the village.
[ELDRED] It was those travellers. I know it. I said you would regret notlistening to me, Wulnoth. But even I would not have felt them capableof this
[WULNOTH] Get the men!
[WULNOTH] Who did it? Who was it?
[EDITH] Vikings.
[ELDRED] We're ready.
[WULNOTH] Vikings.
[ELDRED] They're leaving a good trail.
[WULNOTH] Then we'll find them all the quicker. Come on.
[SVEN] Ulf, you like the provisions we found?
[WULNOTH] Saxons! Here!
[SVEN] Leave him, Ulf, Gunnar's dead. Come on!
[WULNOTH] How is it? It's bleeding badly.
[ELDRED] I think I can walk back to the village.
[WULNOTH] No, no, the monastery's much nearer. Come on. Put your armround me. This way.
[VICKI + STEVEN] Follow me.
[STEVEN] It's the Doctor. I think he's asleep.
[VICKI] Oh! Hurry!
(Monastery door)
[MONK] Yes, what is it?
[WULNOTH] I have a wounded man here, Father. He needs help.
[MONK] By all means. Bring him in.
[VICKI] Doctor! Doctor, wake up. We're here. Doctor?
[VICKI] He's gone. He's gone!
[MONK] Make him comfortable here, my son. I'llreturn soon and tend his wounds.
[WULNOTH] Oh, thank you, Father.
[VICKI] Well, this is definitely his cloak.
[STEVEN] Yes, he was in here all right, Vicki. What's happened to him?
[VICKI] The door was locked wasn't it?
[STEVEN] Of course it was. You saw me open it myself. The Monk thoughthe was in here, too.
[VICKI] What, because the clothes on the bed hadn't been moved?
[STEVEN] Well, it makes sense, doesn't it? How did he get out?
[VICKI] There's only one possible answer.
[STEVEN] What?
[VICKI] A secret passage.
[STEVEN] A secret pa? Oh no!
[VICKI] Listen, they always have them in castles and monasteries andthings in case of siege, or fire, or something. Well, don't just sitthere. Help me look.
[VICKI] Hey, Steven, come and look at this. Steven? A loose stone! Whatdid I say?
[STEVEN] Who's a clever girl then?
[WULNOTH [OC]] Father? Father, where are you?
[MONK] Coming, my son. Coming!
(Secret passage)
[VICKI] How much longer does this thing go on?
[STEVEN] It must go on for quite a way, Vicki, if only to get clear ofthe monastery up there.
[VICKI] It's damp.
[STEVEN] Yes, well, we'd better get out of here quickly. You know, wecould find the Doctor at the end of this.
[VICKI] If I know the Doctor, it's not going to be as simple as that.
[DOCTOR] Well, from what you've just said, you'vesaved me quite a journey.
[EDITH] To meet your friends, you mean?
[DOCTOR] Yes, indeed so. I told them quite specifically to meet meoutside the Tar, the pre-arranged place. I was going along to tell themthat I'd come to no harm whilst I was making investigations, as wemight say. But, well now, now you tell me they came here and they'vegone on to the monastery.
[EDITH] I can't think how you missed them.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's all perfectly simple. I left through the rearentrance. That reminds me. I really think I ought to be wending my way.It's a good thing I saw the smoke rising from your fire. I'm becomingquite a regular visitor, I think.
[EDITH] You've been my only visitor tonight. But you don't know. Myhusband and the men from the village have gone after the Vikings.
[DOCTOR] You've seen them, and their fleet?
[EDITH] Oh, no, no, not a fleet, this was just a small band of men. Theymust have come from one ship.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I see. Yes, I see.
[EDITH] You speak of a fleet as though you knew itexisted?
[DOCTOR] What? What was that? I've already told you, my dear, that I'velearned of varied plans from all the places that I've visited before.
[EDITH] Plans of a Viking invasion?
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I'm afraid so.
[EDITH] So that's why Harold Godwinson's struck on forming an army. Ourmen have travelled south already to join it. I thought it was Williamof Normandy's invasion across the channel, not a Viking invasion hefeared.
[DOCTOR] The Monk in this situation just can't be a coincidence.
[EDITH] The Monk? Did you say the Monk?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I must face him. I realise that I've got far short a timethan I thought I had. I'm always leaving you in a hurry, I'm afraid,but the matter has some urgency.
[EDITH] Well, won't you stay and have some venison?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, thank you, thank you, indeed. It's very kind of you. Imust go. Yes, goodbye. Oh, and, don't worry, don't worry. The Vikingswill land south of here, in the Humber. And King Harold will defeatthem. Yes, and then in a few weeks time, he loses the battle ofHastings to William the Conqueror. Well, at least that's what thehistory books said happened.
[VICKI] Doctor! Doctor!
[STEVEN] No, you were right, Vicki. The Doctor wouldn't wait for ushere.
[VICKI] He must have gone back to the Tardis.
[STEVEN] Yes, probably. You know, there's something very peculiar goingon. Now I've got to accept something, so all right, I accept you've gota time machine.
[VICKI] Ha! Hooray!
[STEVEN] But the watch, the gramophone, the Saxons. That doesn't add up.It must be something to do with that Monk. You know, I think we shouldgo back to the monastery.
[VICKI] Oh, no. Because the Doctor will want to investigate just as muchas you, probably more. Let's find him and all three do it together,hmm?
[STEVEN] Okay. Go on, you lead the way.
[MONK] Eldred? You need to wallow these.
[WULNOTH] What are those, Father?
[MONK] Oh, it's just some penicillin. It's a sort of herb.
[MONK] Wulnoth, I wish you'd take that outside. This is a monastery.Can't you see I'm trying to tend a sick man?
[WULNOTH] Oh, I'm sorry, Father.
[MONK] Eldred? Eldred? Eldred? Eldred? Listen. The Vikings you met, nowif they were a scouting party, how soon would it be before the otherships arrived?
[ELDRED] If they, if they were part of the main fleet, two, three days,Father.
[MONK] Thank you, thank you, my son. Two or three days. I'm on schedule.I'm on schedule!
[WULNOTH] He'll have to stay here for a while, Father. He's very weak.
[MONK] Yes, of course, he's weak. He's lost a lot of blood. I'd like togive him a blood transfusion, but
[WULNOTH] Blood trans fu sion?
[MONK] My son, all we can do now for Eldred is to wait and pray.
[WULNOTH] But Father
[MONK] Now listen to what I have to say now, my son. This is what I wantto say. Take your friend home and give thanks that within these sacredwalls
[WULNOTH] He'll have to stay for a day or two, Father. He's very weak.
[MONK] Stay here?
[WULNOTH] Don't worry, Father. My wife Edith, will call regularly andattend to any additional work, and I will come to if, if work permits.
[MONK] Now, look here, my son, I
[WULNOTH] Yes, Father?
[MONK] Oh nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
[WULNOTH] Oh, goodbye and thank you, Father.
[MONK] Goodbye, my son.
[ULF] As soon as its light, every Saxon for milesaround will be looking for us.
[SVEN] We'll rest here a while, then travel south.
[ULF] Why go south?
[SVEN] If we put enough distance between the Saxons and ourselves, wecan still complete our task.
[ULF] Sven, we have failed! Leave it to Radnor. Let us think of our ownsafety.
[SVEN] We were landed here for a reason.
[ULF] What good can the two of us do now? If we meet up with the Saxonsagain, they will kill us easily.
[SVEN] And what would you have us do?
[ULF] We could hide.
[SVEN] Coward!
[ULF] Kill me! Go on, kill me! If you don't, the Saxons will. And you'llbe dead too if you don't listen to what I say. Nothing has changed. Ourarmy will still land.
[SVEN] Think what will happen when we come before the King!
[ULF] We can meet up with him once he is inland. Say we were attackedand held. Don't pretend that it is only me. I'm saying what we boththink. Our army will still land, even if we'd all been killed back inthe forest.
[SVEN] I suppose you've already thought of a place to hide.
[ULF] Yes. The monastery.
[SVEN] And ask for what? Sanctuary?
[ULF] They can't refuse us.
[SVEN] Even if they do, you'd rather do battle with a band of monks thanwith Saxons?
[ULF] They'll hide us. Once inside, we can take hostages.
[SVEN] If you thought as much of our task as you did of our own safety.
[ULF] And yours, Sven. And yours.
[MONK] Sight Vikings. We're up to date, we're up to date. Now then,light beacon fires. I can get the villagers to help me with that. Ohho! Everything's going on marvellously! According to plan. Now, toconvert this ridiculous thing into miles. Absurd measurement, miles,kilometres, I don't know where they are. There.
[MONK] Oh. Oh, no more visitors. It's getting it's getting so that youcan't call a monastery your own.
[MONK] All right! All right! I'm coming!
(Outside the Monastery)
(Monastery entrance)
[DOCTOR] I have a Winchester '73 right in the middle of your spinalcord.
[DOCTOR] Proceed.
[DOCTOR] Wait.
[MONK] I thought I'd seen the last of you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, did you now? Well, as it happens, I happen to be a verycurious fellow. Yes, very curious. Now then, I have some questions foryou and I want them answered. Continue.
[VICKI] It was somewhere about here.
[STEVEN] I can't tell for certain but I think this is an easy way down.
[VICKI] The tide. Steven, the tide's come in.
[STEVEN] Yes, well, it usually does.
[VICKI] Yes, but the Tardis was down there. Oh, no. The tide. Nobodythought of that.
[STEVEN] Well, it's a bit late to think of it now.
[VICKI] Yes, but what shall we do?
[STEVEN] Look, if the Doctor came back here, he'd have moved it. Hewouldn't have left it on the beach.
[VICKI] The only way the Doctor could move the Tardis would be todematerialise.
[VICKI] If the Doctor left here in the Tardis, he couldn't get back. Oh,it can't be that, it can't be!
[STEVEN] Look, there's no point in us sitting here. I think we should goback to the monastery.
[VICKI] The monastery. What's the point of that now?
[STEVEN] At least we'd be doing something practical. Whatever's happeneddown there, it has happened. There's no point in moping about it.
[VICKI] I'm not moping. You don't know what the Tardis meant.
[STEVEN] Come on.
[STEVEN] What's this? Vicki, come and take a look at this.
[VICKI] What?
[STEVEN] Just come and look! What do you make of that?
[VICKI] It's a gun of sorts.
[STEVEN] Trained out to sea, hidden by the bushes. Look, in Saxon times,they used swords and bows and arrows, not things like this, didn'tthey?
[VICKI] Yes, you're right.
[STEVEN] The Monk, it must be. You still say there's no point in goingback to the monastery? Come on.
[DOCTOR] All right, that will do. You know, Ibelieve we've come through this corridor twice already. It's no use youplaying for time, you know. I want some answers!
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! Now, I wouldn't do that if I were you. This may not be agun but I can still do you a considerable amount of harm.
[MONK] Oh, a man of violence. I'm surprised at you.
[DOCTOR] Never mind about all that. What is it you're doing here? Whatare you up to?
[MONK] The door. I must go.
[DOCTOR] Just leave that, shall we?
[MONK] But if I don't go, they'll get suspicious.
[DOCTOR] Then we'll both go. I'll open the door, then I can keep an eyeon you.
[MONK] You open the door? No, Doctor, that's not a very good idea.
[DOCTOR] Oh, isn't it? Why not?
[MONK] Because you're not wearing the right sort of clothes.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, I see, I see. First, you want to open the door, thenyou want the chance to reverse the position with the help of whoever itis outside? Secondly, you want to get me into a monk's habit so thatwhoever that is, would recognise me as an imposter.
[MONK] Dear me, dear me, what an untrusting nature you have, my son.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and you can drop the monk's act.
[MONK] I'm only trying to help. Whoever it is, it's probably astraveller knocking for shelter. Who else could it be? Doctor, I mustremind you this is a monastery, a place of refuge, sanctuary.
[DOCTOR] Yes, very well, if you have another cloak with the same type ofcowl? Proceed.
[MONK] Of course.
[DOCTOR] And remember, no more monkery!
(Monastery entrance)
[DOCTOR] Wait there and be quiet.
[MONK] Doctor? It suits you.
[DOCTOR] What is the meaning of this, sir! What
[SVEN] Silence, you old fool!
[DOCTOR] What?
(Outside the cell)
[DOCTOR] This is no way to treat a man in myposition.
[SVEN] Quiet, old man.
[ULF] This cell will do. Lock him in here.
[ULF] There's no key. You guard him. I'll give our terms to the rest ofthe monks. Hide us or he dies.
[VICKI] It all looks so different in daylight.
[STEVEN] Ah ha! Here it is.
[VICKI] Oh, don't tell me we have to crawl down that thing again.
[STEVEN] Well, we can hardly go and knock on the front door now, can we?
[VICKI] I suppose not.
[STEVEN] Come on.
[SVEN] Ulf? Ulf?
[DOCTOR] My dear man, you had me quite worried. I thought you were nevercoming in.
[MONK] Wulnoth? Wulnoth, are you there?
[EDITH] Oh, it's you, Father.
[MONK] I'm sorry to call so early, my child, but I must speak to yourhusband.
[EDITH] Yes.
[WULNOTH] Is anything wrong with Eldred?
[MONK] No, no, no. Eldred is splendid. No, Wulnoth, I've come here toask for your help and that of the men of the village.
[WULNOTH] Oh, we'll help if we can, Father.
[MONK] Oh, you can, Wulnoth, you most certainly can. I'd have come herea bit later but it seems I'm going to be rather busy up at themonastery.
[WULNOTH] What is it that you want us to do?
[MONK] Prepare beacon fires on the cliff tops.
[WULNOTH] Beacon fires?
[MONK] Oh, don't worry, don't worry, Wulnoth. I'm expecting somebuilding materials for reconstructing the monastery. They're coming bysea and I promised I'd give the ship our exact location.
[WULNOTH] Well, when are you expecting the ship? It'll take a littlewhile to prepare a beacon.
[MONK] In a day or two, maybe three. Now, Wulnoth, you will light thefires when I ask, won't you, and keep them burning?
[WULNOTH] If you say so, Father.
[MONK] Splendid. Splendid. Now I must go back to the monastery. Eldredneeds rather special care. Good day, my children.
[EDITH] Good day
[WULNOTH] Good day, Father.
[WULNOTH] What did the old man say of the Vikings?
[EDITH] He spoke of a planned invasion of many hundred ships.
[WULNOTH] Beacon fires on the cliff tops.
[VICKI] A Viking?
[STEVEN] Well, however he is, he's lost an argument with somebody.Anyway, we can't bother about him. Let's go and have a look around.
[VICKI] What are we looking for anyway?
[STEVEN] Oh, we'll know when we find it, won't we?
[MONK] Oh, ha, ha, ha! You still here, are you? Good, all I've got to donow is take care of you, your friend and the Doctor. Oh, by the way,you'll be please to know I've arranged the fires for your colleagues.
[DOCTOR] There you are, my dear fellow. I knew you'd come back. Now,which fires? What are they for?
[STEVEN] It's going to take us hours to search thisplace properly.
[VICKI] Hey, Steven, look at this. I think it's a cable.
[STEVEN] It is. Well, that's strange.
[STEVEN] What's it doing coming out of here?
[VICKI] A door!
[STEVEN] Let me have a look. We can get inside.
(The Monk's Tardis)
[VICKI] It's a Tardis. The Monk's got a Tardis!
[DOCTOR] I repeat my question. Which fires and whatare they for?
[MONK] All right, then. They're a signal for King Hardrada and theViking fleet.
[DOCTOR] I see.
[MONK] They'll think it's a landing place. They'll come in unsuspecting,and then
[DOCTOR] Well? Out with it!
[MONK] I'm going to destroy them!
(The Monk's Tardis)
[STEVEN] Hey, Vicki. Come take a look at this. He'sgot a sort of fantastic private collection.
[VICKI] He's got something from every period and every place.
[STEVEN] Hey, come and take a look at this.
[STEVEN] It looks like some kind of neutron bomb, I think.
[VICKI] Pretty unpleasant looking things, whatever they are.
[STEVEN] Hey, you know these could be fired by that weapon we saw on theclifftop. I wonder what he wants to do? Sink a ship?
[VICKI] He could sink a whole navy with that lot, I should think.
[STEVEN] Yes, but the point is, why would he want to?
[VICKI] Why has he done a lot of things? Listen to this.
[STEVEN] Why? What have you got there?
[VICKI] A logbook. A sort of diary. Listen. Met Leonardo Da Vinci.
[VICKI] Da Vinci. Listen! Met Leonardo Da Vinci and discussed with himthe principles of powered flight.
[STEVEN] What? Da Vinci lived in the middle ages. I know he tried tobuild a flying machine, a sort of aeroplane.
[VICKI] I know and according to this it was the Monk who put him up toit. And listen to this
[DOCTOR] So that's it! You're a time meddler! Nowonder you wanted to get rid of me. And what are you trying to get upto this time?
[MONK] I'm sure you'll approve, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Are you quite mad? You know as well as I do the golden ruleabout space and time travelling. Never, never interfere with the courseof history.
[MONK] And who says so? Doctor, it's more fun my way. I can make thingshappen ahead of their time.
[DOCTOR] Is that so?
[MONK] Yes, indeed. For instance, do you really believe the ancientBritons could have built Stonehenge without the aid of myanti-gravitational lift?
[DOCTOR] And what mischief are you up to now?
[MONK] Mischief? No, no. A master plan. A master plan to end all masterplans.
[DOCTOR] Oh, is that so?
[MONK] The whole course of history changed in one single swoop.
[DOCTOR] By wiping out the Viking fleet?
[MONK] Exactly, Doctor, exactly. Of course, obviously, I don't have toremind you that the main reason William the Conqueror won the Battle ofHastings, was because King Harold had to march to Stamford Bridge anddefeat the Vikings first.
[DOCTOR] So you plan to save him the journey?
[MONK] That's right. Precisely. A fresh army, no desertions. Why KingHarold will kick William back to Normandy before knows what happened.It's quite a plan, eh?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, it's quite a plan. It's quite a plan, yes. I countmyself a very fortunate person indeed, to be here, in time to preventthis disgusting exhibition!
[MONK] You haven't prevented it yet, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Haven't I? Where is this machine?
[MONK] I don't allow anybody in there.
[DOCTOR] Where is it?
[MONK] This way, Doctor.
[SVEN] Ulf? Ulf, where are you? Ulf?
[ELDRED] Vikings!(Sven finds Ulf and unties him)
[ULF] Where've you been?
[SVEN] The Monk tricked me into a cell, then knocked me out.
[ULF] Can't you even guard one old man?
[SVEN] You haven't done better yourself. Come on. We should get back tothe forest.
[ULF] No, we'll stay here.
[SVEN] Here?
[ULF] Safer than being outside. Unless you prefer to meet the Saxonsagain.
[SVEN] They wouldn't take us so easily this time. Nor would we behampered by the mead.
[ULF] Maybe not. But I'll choose the monks and whatever treasure may bestored inside these walls.
[SVEN] Treasure.
[MONK] Oh. Well, here we are. That's my time ship.
[DOCTOR] Oh, so that's it, eh? This horrible block of stone.
[MONK] This horrible block of stone, as you call it, is a perfect Saxonsarcophagus.
[DOCTOR] A Saxon what?
[MONK] Sarcophagus.
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite so.
[MONK] And more in keeping with the period, I would say, than a modernpolice box? What's the matter, Doctor? Can't you repair your camouflageunit?
[DOCTOR] Now, now, now, don't try and bamboozle me. It so happens thatyour machine fits into this monastery, but it's sheer luck.
[MONK] Luck? Luck? Oh, no, there's no luck about it. I couldn't havepicked a better place for my headquarters than this. A desertedmonastery right on the coast, gullible peasants who believe everythingI say to them. No, Doctor. No, I planned to materialise my ship righton this very spot disguised as a sarcophagus, and here it is.
[DOCTOR] I see. And all this is part of your master plan?
[MONK] Precisely! There's nothing hit or miss about my machine.
[DOCTOR] Oh, isn't there now? Well, let's have a look at this greatwonder. Yes, well, tell me, how does one exactly get into thissarcophagus? Hammer and chisel?
[MONK] This way, Doctor. Oh, er, mind your head.
(The Monk's Tardis)
[STEVEN] Destroy Viking fleet, Norman landing, Battle of Hastings, MeetKing Harold? Well, it seems to tell the whole story.
[VICKI] Why, Steven? Why is he planning to do it? What's his reason?
[DOCTOR] That's a very good point, my child, indeed, a very good point.I must ask him that myself.
[VICKI] Doctor! You're safe!
[DOCTOR] Safe?
[STEVEN] Oh, are we glad to see you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Safe? Oh, my dear, of course I'm safe. Good gracious me. I seeyou found the machine. Keep your eye on that, young man. I thought I'dtold you to wait outside the Tardis.
[VICKI] Oh, er, we
[STEVEN] Yes, well, we, er
[DOCTOR] You know, all this is very surprising. That's a Mark 4!
[MONK] Yes, yes, indeed.
[VICKI] Is that later than yours, Doctor?
[VICKI] Oh! I forgot all about it.
[DOCTOR] Oh? Forgot? Forgot what, child?
[VICKI] Doctor. Doctor.
[VICKI] We haven't got a time machine any more.
[DOCTOR] Haven't we now? Oh, I say. Well, I wonder what that's supposedto mean?
[VICKI] Well, you know, you know we left it on the beach.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I remember very well, yes. It so happens that I was thereat the time. My dear, I may appear a little half witted at times, but I
[VICKI] Doctor!
[VICKI] The tide came in.
[DOCTOR] Oh, is that all, my child.
[STEVEN] Well, isn't that enough?
[DOCTOR] The water cannot affect the Tardis. It won't wash away. It'llstill be there when the tide goes down. Now stop fretting, my dear.Well, I must confess, er, I do congratulate you. It's a splendidmachine. Although I do note there's been quite a few changes?
[MONK] Oh, yes, indeed, Doctor. In fact this one is fitted with theautomatic drift control.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I see, yes, of course. And, er, thereby you can suspendyourself in space with absolute safety.
[MONK] Precisely, Doctor. By the way, I tried to get into your policebox but the door was locked. What type's yours, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Mind your own business.
[STEVEN] Look, I take it you both come from the same place, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I regret that we do, but I would say that I am fifty yearsearlier. Now when are you going to answer my questions?
[MONK] Which questions?
[DOCTOR] The reason for this deliberate destruction.
[MONK] I, I want to improve things.
[DOCTOR] Improve things? Improve things, yes, that's good. Very good.Improve what, for instance?
[MONK] Well, for instance, Harold, King Harold, I know he'd be a goodking. There wouldn't be all those wars in Europe, those claims overFrance went on for years and years. With peace the people'd be able tobetter themselves. With a few hints and tips from me they'd be able tohave jet airliners by 1320! Shakespeare'd be able to put Hamlet ontelevision.
[DOCTOR] He'd do what?
[MONK] The play Hamlet on television.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, quite so, yes, of course, I do know the medium.
[STEVEN] Were you going to kill the Vikings?
[MONK] Yes, yes, I was. You see, if I didn't, then King
[DOCTOR] What are we going to do with this fellow? What can we do withthis man? He's utterly irresponsible. He wants to destroy the wholepattern of world history.
[VICKI] Steven! Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Oh, quick, quick!
[MONK] Long live King Hardrada! Those are your enemies, there. Quick!
[WULNOTH] The old man who journeyed here spoke of aViking invasion descending on us. And the Monk asked us to light beaconfires on the clifftops.
[EDITH] The old man spoke the truth. He had no reason to lie.
[WULNOTH] Fires on the clifftops would guide the ships in to land.Viking ships!
[EDITH] We know and respect the monastery as a place of worship. Butwhat of a Viking spy who passes himself off as a monk? Look! Eldred!
[ELDRED] The monastery
[WULNOTH] What of it? What have you seen?
[ELDRED] Vikings. There are Vikings hiding there.
[EDITH] Is that enough? Do you need more proof?
[MEN] No, no.
[WULNOTH] Arm yourselves! We know how to treat the raiders!
[MONK] Come along, come along, if we want to send signals to your ships,we mustn't delay like this, you know.
[ULF] What are these things?
[MONK] They are, er, they're charms, my son, to guide your ships tosheltered waters. Come along. I know you don't understand, but believeme, your ships will know they're there!
[STEVEN] I can't find a sharp enough stone anywhere. Those Vikings sureknow how to tie knots.
[VICKI] It looks as though that Monk's going to get away with it afterall.
[STEVEN] Yes, but he can't, can he? I don't know much about history butI do know that William the Conqueror did win the Battle of Hastings.
[VICKI] Up till now he did. If the Monk changes it, I suppose ourmemories will change as well.
[STEVEN] What about the history books?
[VICKI] That's all right. They're not written yet. They'll just writeand print the new version.
[STEVEN] But that means that the exact minute, the exact second that hedoes it, every history book, every, well, the whole future of everyyear and time on Earth will change, just like that and nobody'll knowthat it has?
[VICKI] I suppose that's what I'm trying to say.
[STEVEN] Well, there's more to this time travelling than meets the eye.What's the matter with the Doctor? He's not gone to sleep, has he?
[VICKI] Doctor, are you awake?
[DOCTOR] Wide awake, my dear. As a matter of fact, I was just turningover in my mind what we're going to do with this Monk fellow. He won'tlisten. He's determined to have his own way. He's got to be stopped. Hemust be stopped!
(Monastery Entrance)
[MONK] Come along, come along, come on. Yes, yes,they are rather heavy, aren't they, but they're a sort of specialcharm, you understand?
[ULF] And where are we taking them?
[MONK] To the clifftop. Now come along. I won't be stopped. Hurry, I'llopen the door for you. There. Come.
(Outside the Monastery)
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, thank you. Thank you indeed. Oh, it's a good thing forus that you decided to make a search.
[EDITH] Oh, without your help, we'd never have known the Monk was aViking spy, would we?
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes, the Monk, now was he caught?
[EDITH] Now Wulnoth and the others will not let him escape, nor the twoVikings that are with him.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, no doubt they'll catch up with him and the rest ofthem. But, that Monk you know, still worries me. I think he's got sometricks left up his sleeve.
[EDITH] Where are you going to now?
[DOCTOR] Oh, we shall continue with our travels.
[EDITH] Oh, you must come back to the village with us before you go sowe can bid you farewell.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, certainly, certainly, but we have one or two things todo here at the monastery first. But, we don't want to delay you. We'llfollow on.
[DOCTOR] What a charming woman. Charming. Well now, you two, come along.We've got a lot to do.
[STEVEN] Well, such as what?
[VICKI] Shall we go back to the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] You know we can't do that, my child, not until we stop thistime meddler. Have either of you got a pencil and paper on you?
[STEVEN] No, afraid not.
[DOCTOR] Well now, be a good fellow and go into the machine and try andfind one.
[STEVEN] Yes, okay, Doc.
[VICKI] Who are you going to write to?
[DOCTOR] To the Monk, of course. Who else?
[MONK] Here. this way. Behind that tree there,there's an old well. We can hide there, quick!
[SVEN] There's no well there!
[ULF] Where's he gone?
(The Monk's Tardis)
[DOCTOR] Oh! Mr. Taylor! Where are you with that string, dear boy?
[STEVEN] Here you are Doctor. I found some.
[DOCTOR] Good gracious me, come along.
[VICKI] What's that thing under there, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Now keep your nose out, my child, never mind. Did you hear whatI said? Keep your nose away. Do you want to get a shock? This is a verydangerous business. Now keep still, all of you. Tie this in a knot.
[DOCTOR] Now, the vibrations. Ticklish. Get back, get back! Now, youtwo, go outside. I'll follow in a minute.
[VICKI] But Doctor, what exactly are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Don't, please, ask me questions. Go child! Outside!
[STEVEN] Well, what are you trying to do?
[VICKI] Is he coming out yet?
[STEVEN] Yes, yes, here he is.
[DOCTOR] Now, back. Elbow room, please. Now keep still. We're not out ofthe wood yet.
[DOCTOR] Ah, there it is! I've done it, I've done it, I've done it.
[STEVEN] Well, nothing's happened, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hasn't it? Hasn't it, my dear boy?
[VICKI] Come on, aren't you going to tell us?
[DOCTOR] Yes, sometime, my dear, sometime. Here, put that in yourpocket. Quite safe.
[VICKI] Oh, is that the letter you wrote.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and
[VICKI] To the Monk.
[DOCTOR] Keep your hands off it, young lady. I don't want you nosinginto peoples personal and private correspondence. Gracious me. Well, Ithink we've finished here. Now, lets go.
[STEVEN] Back to the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Yes, certainly, back to the Tardis. Yes, come along.
[DOCTOR] There it is, my dear. There's the Tardis.Safe and sound. Didn't I tell you so?
[VICKI] Oh, am I glad to see that old police box again.
[DOCTOR] Oh, glad indeed. Well, we must start climbing down the cliffand get aboard as soon as we can. There's going to be an invasionshortly.
[STEVEN] What? You mean any minute now the Viking fleet's going to sailpast here?
[DOCTOR] Yes, my boy, yes. And history will be
[DOCTOR + VICKI] Allowed to take its natural course.
[STEVEN] You know, I'm beginning to like the idea of being a crew memberon a time machine.
[VICKI] A crew member? You'll be lucky. He's the crew. We're just thepassengers.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and both very welcome ones, my dear. Come along, comealong. Come on, come on.
[STEVEN] It's a heck of a way down. Wish we had a pair of wings.
(Monastery Entrance)
[MONK] Oh. Oh, I'm getting too old for this sort of thing. It'sridiculous.
[MONK] Yes, I was right. They're gone. Well, Isuppose I'd better be on my way again too.
[MONK] The Doctor. (reads) My dear fellow, I'm sure will you excuse mebut I didn't want to say goodbye, as you are obviously going to be verybusy for some time. He's right there. Just in case you still idea'sabout your master plan, I've taken precautions to stop your timemeddling. How could he stop a Mark 4? Possibly one day in the future,when you've learnt your lesson, I shall return and release you. Releaseme? Ha! Me? Oh, the old fool. I wonder what he meant by release me?Well, I'll be going.
[MONK] Ah! Ah! What's he done? He's taken my dimensional control! He'sruined my time machine! I'm, I'm marooned. Marooned! In 1066. Oh,Doctor. Doctor! Doctor!
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s02", "episode": "e09", "title": "The Time Meddler"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (3 Jan, 1983; Fifth Doctor) - Arc of Infinity
[OMEGA] You have made your choice?
[TIME LORD] Yes. We are ready to begin.
[OMEGA] Excellent. And your choice?
[TIME LORD] It has not been easy, but time, present location,personality, for these and other reasons, it must be the Doctor.
[OMEGA] The Doctor? Yes. Clever. Most ingenious. The perfect choice,Time Lord.
(Computer room)
[DAMON] The security circuit. Cut the scrambler.
[DAMON] That's odd. Photon cell burnout?
[TALOR] Okay?
[DAMON] Yes.
[DAMON] I don't believe this. Talor, look.
[TALOR] What is it?
[DAMON] Someone's transmitting the biodata extract of one of the TimeLords.
[TALOR] Cut it! This is treason. I must report it at once.
[DOCTOR] And such a simple repair job.
[NYSSA] Why didn't you do it sooner?
[DOCTOR] Well, you know how it is. You put things off for a day, nextthing you know it's a hundred years later.
[NYSSA] It'll make quite a difference to have audio link-up on thescanner again.
[DOCTOR] Let's see if it works.
(Amsterdam - Muntplein)
[FRAZER] No, everywhere is full. You got to sleep rough tonight. Yeah,the hostel from tomorrow. That's the number I gave you. Look, I'dbetter go. I'll see you at the airport tomorrow. Take care.
[STUART] Okay? Oh no, a policeman.
[FRAZER] Steady. The Dutch are a very civilised race. They don't putpeople into prison for losing a passport.
[STUART] No, but they can deport you.
[FRAZER] Oh, come on, let's grab something to eat. Anyway, our realworry is where we're going to sleep tonight.
[STUART] I know a place. Not the most appealing, but central and verycheap.
[FRAZER] Sounds perfect.
[STUART] And literally as quiet as the grave.
[DOCTOR] Perfect.
[NYSSA] We have an audio system, but nothing to listen to.
[DOCTOR] And now we have nothing to look at. Couldn't be better. Peaceand quiet is just what the doctor ordered.
[NYSSA] Doctor? There are many other repairs to do.
[DOCTOR] Well, there's nothing urgent, is there?
[NYSSA] The navigational system? That must be faulty. We never seem toarrive where we intend.
[DOCTOR] No. Well, you see, ever since the Cybermen damaged the console
[NYSSA] And that's another thing. The Tardis used to be in a state oftemporal grace, you said. Guns couldn't be fired.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, nobody's perfect.
[NYSSA] Doctor.
(Tardis corridor)
[NYSSA [OC]] Doctor, come quickly!
[OMEGA] The data has been received, Time Lord, butnot the booster element. Why?
[TIME LORD] I had to close down transmission. A fault developed.
[OMEGA] What will you do?
[TIME LORD] Check to see it wasn't detected.
[OMEGA] And if it were?
[TIME LORD] I'll deal with it. Perhaps we should delay until I have.
[OMEGA] It is too late. Already the Tardis is under my control.
[DOCTOR] Sensors show we're converging with amassive source of magnetic radiation.
[NYSSA] But there's nothing out there. Just light years of black emptyspace.
[DOCTOR] Well, something's causing it. We must change course.
[NYSSA] To where?
[DOCTOR] Anywhere, so as long as it's away from here.
(Outside Frankendael House)
[STUART] There we are.
[FRAZER] We're spending the night there?
[NYSSA] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[NYSSA] These readings don't make sense.
[DOCTOR] I know.
(Outside Frankendael House)
[FRAZER] Hey, where are you going?
[STUART] Just follow me.
[FRAZER] What is this place? It's so dark.
[STUART] Here, take this. (a torch) Trust me, Colin. Have I ever leadyou astray?
[FRAZER] There's always a first time. Who owns this place?
[STUART] The state. It's a kind of forgotten national treasure. No oneever comes here except the odd gardener during the day.
[FRAZER] Wait a minute. This is a crypt!
[FRAZER] I thought you said this was a cellar.
[STUART] Didn't you see the ornamentation? The fountain?
[FRAZER] Are you serious about staying the night here?
[STUART] Of course.
[FRAZER] Now I know you're crazy.
[STUART] Come on. Our nest's through here.
(Pump room)
[STUART] Not quite the Ritz, but it's dry and warm.
[FRAZER] What's in the pipes?
[STUART] Water. We're below sea level here. Stop the pumps and Amsterdamwould take up its stilts and float. How'd you like it?
[FRAZER] Well, I'm not too keen on the neighbours.
(Computer room)
[DAMON] The analysis checks out.
[TALOR] You're sure?
[DAMON] Yes, it's the Doctor's biodata extract. What did the Castellanhave to say?
[TALOR] In spite of the urgency of my request, he chooses not to beavailable until tomorrow.
[DAMON] You realise only members of the High Council could havetransmitted that data?
[TALOR] I know. We just have to wait.
[DAMON] Do you need me any more?
[TALOR] No. Good night.
[DAMON] Good night.
[TALOR] Good evening.
[TALOR] Impulse laser?
(Pump room)
[STUART] Are you really going to sleep like that?
[FRAZER] What's the matter with that?
[STUART] You're still fully dressed.
[FRAZER] I'm not taking any chances.
[STUART] Oh, come on. It's only a pump house. The worst that can happenis that we're caught by the police.
[FRAZER] I find this place spooky.
[STUART] At least take your boots off.
[TIME LORD] As I feared, transmission was detected, but it has beendealt with.
[OMEGA] How?
[TIME LORD] An accident has been arranged.
[OMEGA] Bonding can take place immediately?
[TIME LORD] As long as you are positive there is no other way.
[OMEGA] I am not of your dimension, Time Lord. I have the means toenter, but without the physical imprint of bonding, I cannot remainamong you.
[DOCTOR] I can't control the Tardis!
[NYSSA] Can't you override the control?
[DOCTOR] I just tried.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[NYSSA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Something's coming through.
[NYSSA] A materialisation?
[DOCTOR] No, extradimensional.
[DOCTOR] Quick, Nyssa, out of here!
(Tardis corridor)
[DOCTOR] No! No!
[NYSSA] Doctor!
(Pump room)
[FRAZER] Robin! Come on, wake up. There's something going on inside.
[STUART] What?
[FRAZER] There's somebody in there.
[STUART] You're imagining it. Go to sleep.
[FRAZER] I tell you I heard something.
[STUART] You sort it out. I want to sleep.
[FRAZER] That wasn't here before.
(Tardis corridor)
[NYSSA] Doctor? Oh, thank goodness you're all right.
[DOCTOR] How long have I been here?
[NYSSA] Not long. What was that thing? It just appeared from nowhere.
[DOCTOR] From another dimension.
[NYSSA] Has it gone?
[DOCTOR] From the Tardis, yes.
[NYSSA] For a moment I thought it had taken you over.
[DOCTOR] Well, for a moment it did. What you saw was an attemptedtemporal bonding. The molecular realignment of two basicallyincompatible lifeforms.
[NYSSA] I checked the sensors. This creature is formed from anti-matter.
[DOCTOR] Are you sure? Then it's worse than I feared.
[NYSSA] But the creature failed. It's not in our dimension now.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it is somewhere, and halfway to achieving its purpose. Itwon't have given up that easily.
[NYSSA] To remain in this universe, the creature would have to reverseits polarity. I mean, if it failed
[DOCTOR] Matter and anti-matter in collision. Yes, I take your point.Come on, we've got work to do.
(Pump room)
[STUART] Colin? Colin?
[STUART] Colin? Okay, very funny. Now cut it out.
(Council chamber)
[ZORAC] Well, Lord President?
[BORUSA] The Matrix confirms what we already know, Cardinal Zorac. Thecreature is intelligent, immensely powerful, and formed fromantimatter.
[ZORAC] Damnable business. Thalia, you're the expert on this, what doyou have to say?
[THALIA] Well, in theory, movement between dimensions is possible. Inpractice, less so. But the same was said about time travel, and thathas long been a reality.
[HEDIN] Has the Matrix fixed the location of the creature?
[BORUSA] It can't. Temporal distortion is extremely severe.
[THALIA] At present the creature is shielded, but that will soon decay.
[ZORAC] Then we shall know precisely where the creature is.
[CASTELLAN] But that will be too late, unless the bond was severed.
[THALIA] That, of course, is another matter. But we all know what thatwould mean for the Doctor.
[NYSSA] (reads) Rondel, intergalactic region devoid of all stellaractivity. In former times the location of collapsed Q star.
[NYSSA] Q star?
[DOCTOR] They're very rare. On burnout it creates quardal magnetism.That's what the sensors picked up. It's the only force known to shieldanti-matter.
[NYSSA] That's what's shielding the creature?
[DOCTOR] Has to be. But it's known to decay rapidly. Anything else?
[NYSSA] Not much. Just the name the ancients gave to this region. TheArc of Infinity.
[DOCTOR] That's it, Nyssa. That's how it came through. What we saw wasthe gateway to the dimensions. The Arc of Infinity.
[OMEGA] The bonding registered in the Matrix?
[TIME LORD] Very clearly.
[OMEGA] And the High Council?
[TIME LORD] They had no choice but to act as we predicted. But you, Idetect a weakness.
[OMEGA] My concern, Time Lord, not yours. Carry out your instructionsand all will be well.
[NYSSA] So, if this creature can't bond with you,it can have no real existence in this universe.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[NYSSA] But to do that, it would have to have detailed biologicalinformation about you.
[DOCTOR] Which in my case exists only in the Matrix on Gallifrey.
[NYSSA] So someone there passed it on.
(Computer room)
[MAXIL] Feed this into the Matrix. Well, don't you recognise the LordPresident's seal?
[DAMON] I will need to confirm your authorisation.
[MAXIL] Arrest him.
[DAMON] Please, please. Well, perhaps I spoke in haste, but to recall aTardis, and without prior announcement, well, you must understand myposition.
[MAXIL] It's not without due and proper consideration that this decisionhas been made.
[DAMON] Where do you want the Tardis located?
[MAXIL] The security compound. And only I am to have access. Tell my menwhen the Tardis arrives. They'll be waiting outside.
[NYSSA] There was a massive energy transfer.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. This creature controls the shift of the Arc. Just think ofit, Nyssa. With such power you can unlock the door to travel betweenthe dimensions of matter and anti-matter.
[NYSSA] Doctor, we've changed course.
[DOCTOR] High Council of Time Lords. We're being taken back toGallifrey.
[NYSSA] Why?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. It must be urgent. Only twice before in ourhistory has the recall circuit been used.
(Pump room)
[STUART] Colin! It's me, Colin. Come on, let's get out of here. I wasjust about to fetch the police.
[STUART] Come on, let's get out of this hell hole!
(Computer room)
[MAXIL] The Tardis has arrived.
[DAMON] Yes, I was about to inform you. The compound is secure.
[MAXIL] Excellent.
[DAMON] Commander Maxil, why are you treating the Doctor like acriminal?
[MAXIL] I'm simply following orders.
(Security compound)
[NYSSA] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] The security compound in the heart of the Citadel.
[DOCTOR] Well, they're taking no chances.
[NYSSA] We're locked in.
[DOCTOR] Handprint activated, from the outside. Fetch my indent kit fromthe workbench, will you? I might just be able to trip it. Quickly!
(Bob's Youth Hostel)
[RECEPTIONIST] Look, come back in half an hour, okay?
[MAN] Okay, thank you.
[MAN] Bye-bye.
[STUART] You have a room booked for me.
[RECEPTIONIST] What's your name, please?
[STUART] Stuart.
[RECEPTIONIST] Ah yes. How long will you be staying for, Mister Stuart?
[STUART] I don't know. A few days.
[RECEPTIONIST] No problem. You are in room thirty four. Oh, one moment,please. Are you the Mister Stuart who reserved with Mister Frazer?Mister Colin Frazer?
[STUART] What about it?
[RECEPTIONIST] Well, will Mister Frazer be checking in today?
[STUART] Don't count on it.
[STUART] What I said. Colin Frazer won't be coming here. Not today, nottomorrow. If you want the details, ask the police. Perhaps when theystop indifferent they might start looking for him.
[RECEPTIONIST] I'm sorry. I wish I could help. I'm only asking becausethere's a telephone message for him, that's all.
[STUART] Oh. What message?
[RECEPTIONIST] His cousin will arrive at Schiphol Airport tomorrowmorning at ten thirty.
(Security compound)
[NYSSA] I don't understand, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Not now, Nyssa.
[NYSSA] Why are we locked in? Surely the Time Lords have brought youback to help find the creature and prevent its bonding with you.
[DOCTOR] I wish I could believe that.
[NYSSA] What other reason would there be?
[DOCTOR] It won't be that easy to track this creature down. The universeis rather a big place. And there is an easier alternative.
[NYSSA] To kill you? Is that why they've brought you back?
[DOCTOR] Possibly.
[NYSSA] You did it!
[DOCTOR] I doubt it. Not with this kind of lock. And certainly not asquickly.
(Outside the security compound)
[DOCTOR] This way.
[GUARD [OC]] Commander?
[MAXIL] Yes?
[NYSSA] Where are we trying to get to?
[DOCTOR] The computer room. It's not far now.
[NYSSA] Will it be guarded?
[DOCTOR] Well, they certainly know we've arrived.
[DOCTOR] Quickly!
[DOCTOR] Hello, I'm the Doctor.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[MAXIL] Take them away.
(Council chamber)
[ZORAC] Each and every time the Doctor returns toGallifrey there's violence.
[HEDIN] Perhaps it is we who should modify our approach.
[ZORAC] He resisted the guard!
[HEDIN] We send armed guards when a friendly face and a welcoming handwould have sufficed. Are you surprised that he resisted?
[NYSSA] He's hurt. He must have proper medical attention.
[MAXIL] He'll recover.
[MAXIL] The compound is guarded. If you try to leave again, my men willshoot to kill. See that the Doctor knows.
(Council chamber)
[THALIA] Well, where is he?
[CASTELLAN] The Doctor tried to evade security. Some force had to beused. He'll be brought here as soon as he's recovered.
[THALIA] The situation is critical, Castellan.
[CASTELLAN] Of that fact I am more than aware. If I may pass? I mustgive my report to the Lord President.
(Nyssa's room)
[DOCTOR] Not the most welcoming return.
[NYSSA] They've taken the main space-time element.
[DOCTOR] That's the only way to keep me and the Tardis here.
[NYSSA] What do we do now?
[DOCTOR] We need a link. Something to prove the connection between thiscreature and Gallifrey.
[NYSSA] And how are we going to find that?
[CASTELLAN] Maxil. The Doctor is secure?
[MAXIL] Yes.
[CASTELLAN] The High Council wish to see him the moment he's recovered.And Maxil? See that he's there, or you answer to me.
(Schiphol Airport)
[TANNOY] KLM announces the arrival of the delayedflight from London.
[(Robin Stuart is waiting for Colin Frazer's cousin. The clock says10] 59.
[STUART] Excuse me. Tegan Jovanka?
[TEGAN] Yes.
[STUART] Robin Stuart.
[STUART] I'm a friend of Colin's.
[TEGAN] Hello. Colin told me you were travelling round together. Is hehere?
[STUART] I'm afraid not.
[TEGAN] Oh. He is all right?
[STUART] Look, let's go into town and I'll tell you all about it, okay?
[MAXIL] You're to come with us, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] There's no need for all the fire power.
[MAXIL] They have orders to kill at the slightest sign of resistance.
[DOCTOR] The Council Chamber, I suppose.
[MAXIL] Yes.
[DOCTOR] My companion is not involved in this.
[MAXIL] Move. My orders are to take you both.
(Amsterdam cafe)
[TEGAN] Two coffees, please.
[TEGAN] When did you last see Colin?
[STUART] Well, it's difficult.
[TEGAN] What do you mean, difficult?
[STUART] It's hard to explain. He's disappeared.
[TEGAN] Disappeared? Couldn't he have just wandered off?
[STUART] You're not going to believe this.
(Council chamber)
[DOCTOR] Councillors.
[HEDIN] Doctor. A pleasure to see you again.
[DOCTOR] And you, Hedin. Nyssa, my old friend, Councillor Hedin.Councillors, my companion, Nyssa of Traken.
[THALIA] You are welcome to Gallifrey, Nyssa.
[NYSSA] Thank you.
[ZORAC] Well, Doctor, an unpleasant business, this. I'm sure youunderstand why the Lord President was forced to recall you.
[DOCTOR] Given the chance, I would have returned willingly.
[CASTELLAN] You've never proved as cooperative in the past.
[THALIA] If you remember, you were asked to return Romana, and youfailed to do so.
[DOCTOR] Romana chose to stay in E-space.
[HEDIN] That's all past history.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, now that I'm here, Thalia, have you given anythought to what's happened?
[THALIA] There hasn't been much time, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Has anyone checked to see if my biodata extracts have beenremoved from the Matrix, Castellan?
[CASTELLAN] What are you suggesting, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I would have thought that was obvious. None of this could havehappened unless the creature had that information.
[CASTELLAN] I should have thought the most important
[ZORAC] Councillors. The Lord President.
[BORUSA] You too have regenerated.
[DOCTOR] Indeed, President Borusa.
[BORUSA] And Nyssa of Traken, isn't it? Sorry to have kept you waiting.Please be seated, Councillors.
[BORUSA] This session of the High Council of Time Lords is now inprogress.
(Amsterdam cafe)
[TEGAN] It's the sort of thing the Doctor gets upto.
[STUART] Doctor?
[TEGAN] A friend of mine. Have you reported this to the police?
[STUART] Of course, but do you think I could tell them the same story?
[TEGAN] Colin has disappeared.
[STUART] He's a foreign national, a hitchhiker. Unless there's proof ofviolence, they're not interested. It's the same in any country.
[TEGAN] We'll see about that.
[STUART] I can't get involved. What I've said is the truth, but I'velost my passport. I can't risk making a fuss.
[TEGAN] Marvellous, isn't it. First I lose my job. Not to worry, Ithink. I'll go and see my favourite cousin, cheer myself up. Now this.
[STUART] I'm sorry. What do you want to do?
[TEGAN] Tell me your story again, every detail. Then we'll go to thepolice. It's all right. I'll handle it alone.
(Council chamber)
[BORUSA] The space-time parameters of the Matrixhave been invaded by a creature from the anti-matter world. We know itscomposition and how unstable is the magnetism that shields it. Thecreature must be expelled immediately if we are to avert disaster.
[DOCTOR] Without knowing its purpose here.
[BORUSA] Its presence here must be our first concern. Anti-matter cannotco-exist in harmony in our universe.
[DOCTOR] Lord President, this creature is here now because it bondedwith me. To do so it needed something very special, full and precisedetails of my biological makeup. Now, I didn't pass this informationon. Somebody did. The question is who.
[CASTELLAN] We considered this, Doctor, but the implications are quitepreposterous.
[DOCTOR] Chancellor, can bonding occur without the full imprint of aso-called bioscan?
[THALIA] Not to my knowledge. But the power of this creature is outsidethe limits of what we know, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Lord President, I ask for time to have this fully investigated.
[BORUSA] I'm sorry, Doctor, but we must deal with the situation as itexists now. The time factor involved leaves only one course of actionopen to us. Commander!
[BORUSA] You know that capital punishment has long been abolished herein Gallifrey, but there is a precedent for a situation like this. Haveyou nothing further to say, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I have a great deal to say.
[NYSSA] You can't do this! You must destroy the creature.
[BORUSA] Child, do you think we have not considered this? The creatureis shielded. We have no way of tracing it.
[NYSSA] So you're prepared to kill the Doctor?
[BORUSA] Commander! Remove the Doctor to the security compound. As soonas the warrant is issued, you will convey him to a place oftermination. I'm sorry, Doctor.
[NYSSA] No! You can't!
[DOCTOR] Executing me will not alter the fact there's a traitor at workon Gallifrey!
(Amsterdam - Lijnbaansgracht)
[STUART] What did they say?
[TEGAN] Foreigners get themselves lost all the time. They'll makeroutine enquiries. Which means, as you said, they'll do nothing.
[STUART] Did you tell them about the crypt?
[TEGAN] Only that Colin was last seen there.
[STUART] So what now? We can't just abandon Colin.
[TEGAN] You are telling me the truth?
[STUART] Yes, I am.
[TEGAN] Let's see if we can find Colin ourselves.
(Council chamber)
[NYSSA] Time Lords, I beg of you, think what you'redoing. The creature knew the Tardis' location, time zone coordinates,bioscan. That information could only have come from here, fromGallifrey.
[CASTELLAN] Only the High Council of Time Lords can extract such datafrom the Matrix. You too accuse us of treason.
[NYSSA] Can you deny the possibility? At least give the Doctor time.
[BORUSA] There is no time, nor can proof of what you say change things.We must prevent the full bonding.
[NYSSA] But the Doctor is innocent.
[THALIA] What would you have us do? Spare the Doctor and condemn untoldbillions to destruction? That is the choice we face here.
(Outside the security compound)
[DAMON] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Damon!
[MAXIL] I must speak to the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] He is a friend of mine.
[MAXIL] I have my orders.
[DOCTOR] You don't have to relish them so much.
(Council chamber)
[BORUSA] We have listened to what you say, but thedecision must stand.
[HEDIN] Lord President, in view of what she says, couldn't we at leastdelay carrying out the judgement?
[THALIA] We can't risk it, Hedin.
[ZORAC] We're sorry, child, but truly there's no other choice.
[NYSSA] So much for your justice.
[CASTELLAN] All that remains is the warrant of termination. The precisewording should be in the Matrix.
[HEDIN] What would we do without your diligence.
[BORUSA] This session of the High Council is now adjourned.
[DAMON] Nyssa of Traken, I am Damon, a friend ofthe Doctor's. We must talk, but not here.
(Council chamber)
[HEDIN] Castellan.
[HEDIN] I'm worried by what both the Doctor and his companion have said.
[CASTELLAN] The possible connection between this creature and Gallifrey?
[HEDIN] Yes. And the fact that a Time Lord could be a traitor. You dointend to pursue it?
[CASTELLAN] They were both overwrought.
[HEDIN] But if it were true
[CASTELLAN] I'm sure I'd know if such a serious breach of security hadoccurred.
(Rest area)
[NYSSA] You're sure it was the Doctor's biodataextract?
[DAMON] Yes, I managed to pass it to him on his way to the compound.
[NYSSA] We must tell the High Council immediately.
[DAMON] But who to trust? Only members of the High Council have accessto biodata information.
[NYSSA] We must find a way to speak to the Doctor.
[DAMON] That could be difficult. He's closely confined.
[TIME LORD] The Doctor is to be terminated.
[OMEGA] Good. You are prepared?
[TIME LORD] Yes. The Matrix is already programmed.
[MAXIL] You wanted to see me?
[DOCTOR] Your guards will not allow me to leave the console room.
[MAXIL] They have their orders.
[DOCTOR] If I'm to die, I want to prepare myself mentally. For that Ineed to be alone.
[MAXIL] Which is the nearest room?
[DOCTOR] My companion's. It has already been searched.
[MAXIL] Then you may withdraw. But be sensible, Doctor. If you try tolose yourself in the corridors of the Tardis, my men will hunt youdown, and your death will be far from dignified and painless.
(Hedin's chambers)
[HEDIN] Nyssa, Damon.
[NYSSA] We had to see you, Councillor.
[HEDIN] I'm deeply sorry for what has happened.
[NYSSA] Councillor Hedin, we need your help.
[HEDIN] Anything I can do.
[NYSSA] We must see the Doctor. Can you arrange it?
[HEDIN] Difficult. The Castellan is very possessive about his charges.
[DAMON] The Doctor isn't a criminal.
[HEDIN] True, but what has happened makes him very dangerous.
[NYSSA] Please, try.
[HEDIN] I said difficult, Nyssa, but not impossible. Especially with oneso sensitive to public opinion as the Castellan is.
(Nyssa's room)
[DOCTOR] My bioscan.
[STUART] I just don't think it's wise, that's all.
[TEGAN] I'm not scared to go into that crypt, if that's what you mean.
[STUART] Look, I feel bad enough about Colin. What if something happensto you?
[TEGAN] Don't worry on my account. How much further is it?
[STUART] Just over the next bridge.
(Security compound)
[MAXIL] Wait here.
[DAMON] I feel there is something wrong.
[NYSSA] What?
[DAMON] The Castellan agreed too quickly to our visiting the Doctor.Even if he knows he can't refuse, he always attempts to make it appearhe's granting you permission. I mean, that's the Castellan's way.
(Outside Nyssa's room)
[DOCTOR] So soon? What about my appeal?
[MAXIL] You have visitors, Doctor.
[NYSSA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] How did you get in here?
[NYSSA] Councillor Hedin arranged it with the Castellan.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's very generous of the Castellan. Come, we'll walkwhile we speak.
[MAXIL] You're to talk here, where I can see you.
[DAMON] Castellan said we might be alone.
[DOCTOR] Excellent. Well, Damon, what news of my old companion Leela?
(Castellan's office)
[DAMON [OC]] Er, she's, she's well, and very happy.
[DOCTOR [OC]] I was so sorry to miss her wedding. Still, perhaps I'llget to see her before I (out of range)
[CASTELLAN] You're a fool, Maxil.
(Nyssa's room)
[DOCTOR] In here. Maxil has just planted alistening device in the console room. Well now, we have proof mybiodata extract was removed from the Matrix.
[NYSSA] So there is a traitor.
[DOCTOR] Indeed. And a disaster in the making. Unless I'm mistaken,Gallifrey could lose control of the space-time Matrix.
[DAMON] But that's impossible.
[DOCTOR] That's exactly what the High Council think. So, we must seewhat we can do to stop it happening. Look, Damon, I know you've alreadyrisked a great deal for me, but could I impose on you a little further?
[DAMON] Anything.
[DOCTOR] I need another space-time element for the Tardis. Preferablywithout a recall circuit.
[DAMON] I'll see what I can do. Anything else?
[DOCTOR] Yes. You could check to see if the Matrix is aware of anydetails concerning power equipment, movement, transportation.
[DAMON] Right.
[DOCTOR] Well, Commander, our time is up so soon. Well, Nyssa, that's myfinal word. No appeals. We must accept the decision of the HighCouncil. Understood?
(Outside Frankendael House)
[TEGAN] This is it?
[STUART] Yes. The entrance to the crypt is over there, behind thefountain, but I found a back way in behind the house.
(Computer room)
[NYSSA] It's impressive.
[DAMON] We must hurry. I must first check the coding for a Type Fortytime rotor.
(Castellan's office)
[MAXIL] All is in order, Castellan.
[CASTELLAN] No appeals? No last minute requests?
[MAXIL] Nothing. The Doctor seems to be taking it quite well, in fact.
[CASTELLAN] You are extremely privileged, Maxil. It's given to very fewto supervise the destruction of a Time Lord. It has in fact onlyhappened once before.
[MAXIL] The warrant is issued?
[CASTELLAN] Yes. Summon the Doctor.
[TIME LORD] It is time, my friend. The Council havebeen summoned to the place of termination. You have little time. Canyou do it?
[OMEGA] All will be ready here.
(Omega's Tardis)
[OMEGA] Do precisely as you have been instructed.To the controls.
(Computer room)
[NYSSA] What is it?
[DAMON] The alert. The Doctor is being taken to the place oftermination. We're too late.
[NYSSA] They'll execute him now, this instant?
[DAMON] Yes.
[DAMON] No, Nyssa. Look, you can't stop them now.
[NYSSA] Help me!
[DAMON] Please, Nyssa, please. You'll die too.
[NYSSA] We can't fail him, Damon. You finish assembling the timeelement. Now please, I want this thing open.
[DAMON] It's madness.
[NYSSA] You must get to the Tardis and fit the element into place. Ifall goes well, we'll need to leave in a hurry.
[DAMON] Be careful and, and good luck.
(Place of execution)
[DOCTOR] I trust you know what you are doing?
[BORUSA] You know the choice we have to face, Doctor. Our duty, if notour conscience, is clear.
[DOCTOR] And the decision was unanimous?
[BORUSA] There was one dissenter, your good friend Councillor Hedin.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Hedin. I much appreciate all you've done.
[BORUSA] By the authority vested in me as laid down by Rassilon, I, LordPresident Borusa, and in harmony with the majority of the Time Lordshere present, we are resolved
(Outside the place of execution)
[GUARD] Halt!
(Place of execution)
[BORUSA] By reason of cruel but unavoidablenecessity, we have no recourse but to exercise the final sanction oftermination. Commander Maxil, this warrant empowers you to carry outjudgement.
[MAXIL] Guards, bring the Doctor forward.
(Omega's Tardis)
[OMEGA] Align scan coordinates.
(Place of execution)
[NYSSA] Over here, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No! Nyssa, I will not have blood spilt to save my life.
[BORUSA] Nyssa of Traken, I command you to lay aside that weapon.
[NYSSA] Doctor, quickly!
[THALIA] Obey the Lord President, or you too will die.
[CASTELLAN] You cannot escape, girl.
[NYSSA] Don't you understand? The Doctor was betrayed. His bioscan wasextracted from the Matrix. Doctor, tell them.
[DOCTOR] They're right, Nyssa. We cannot escape.
[NYSSA] But we're ready to leave.
[DOCTOR] Please. You must obey the Lord President. I know what I'mdoing. The weapon, please?
[DOCTOR] Lord President, my companion acted from misguided loyalty. Shewill cause no further trouble. In return, I ask that she is allowed togo free.
[BORUSA] Thank you, Doctor. For your sake, we will overlook it.
(Omega's Tardis)
[OMEGA] Activate booster terminal, now!
(Place of execution)
[MAXIL] Judgement has been carried out, Lord President.
(Place of execution)
[BORUSA] The space-time dimensions of the Matrix are clear. The creaturehas been expelled.
[NYSSA] I hope you know what you've done.
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[CASTELLAN] What was your opinion, Maxil?
[MAXIL] The termination? Not quite what I expected.
[CASTELLAN] Nor me. I want a full analysis of the event. Be discreet,but do it right away.
[DAMON] It's ready, Nyssa. The Doctor?
[TIME LORD] The Doctor?
[OMEGA] Weak, but he'll live. You did well, Time Lord.
[OMEGA] Doctor. Doctor. You know where you are,Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I must be in the Matrix.
[OMEGA] Only your mind, Doctor. Your body is still in the terminationarea, shielded by an energy band.
[DOCTOR] I knew you couldn't let me die.
[OMEGA] You realised this would happen?
[DOCTOR] I guessed. Besides, I hoped it would give me the chance to meetyou.
[OMEGA] And now that you have?
[DOCTOR] It'd difficult to say without knowing who you are.
[OMEGA] A friend, Doctor. A friend who holds your feeble lifeforce thisside of existence.
(Pump room)
[TEGAN] It's filthy in here. What is this place?
[STUART] A service passage.
[TEGAN] This is where you slept?
[STUART] Yes. The crypt's through there.
[TEGAN] It's locked.
[STUART] It must be bolted on the other side. Maybe a gardener orworker's been down here.
[TEGAN] Colin could be behind there, hurt.
[STUART] Look, Tegan.
[TEGAN] Colin's.
[STUART] He must be still around.
(Computer room)
[CASTELLAN [OC]] Yes, Maxil?
[MAXIL] I think you should come down here, Castellan.
[DOCTOR] If you have something to offer the TimeLords, why not speak directly?
[OMEGA] I considered that, but it wouldn't work.
[DOCTOR] Then you must be known to Gallifrey.
[OMEGA] I was not always as I am now, Doctor. Once I too had life, realexistence in your dimension. Soon, with your help, I shall have itagain.
[DOCTOR] It would mean losing control of the Matrix to you. The price istoo high.
[OMEGA] Do not provoke me. We shall talk when you are ready to listen.
(Computer room)
[MAXIL] The circuit was altered, rigged to cut out at the moment oftermination.
[CASTELLAN] Then the Doctor didn't die.
[MAXIL] Not according to this. And something else. The girl was correctabout his bioscan. It was transmitted from Gallifrey.
[CASTELLAN] We must find the Doctor and the rest will fall into place.
[MAXIL] Should the High Council be told?
[CASTELLAN] No. We'll handle this ourselves. Bring Damon and the girlhere.
(Pump room)
[STUART] At least you know Colin was here.
[TEGAN] What I don't understand is why you'd want to sleep in a placelike this.
(Nyssa's room)
[DAMON] There's no sense brooding on it, Nyssa.
[DAMON] What are you doing here?
[MAXIL] We've orders to search the Doctor's Tardis.
[NYSSA] Who are you looking for?
[MAXIL] You two come with me.
[NYSSA] I demand
[MAXIL] Move.
[DAMON] Do as he says, Nyssa.
(Pump room)
[TEGAN] What is it?
[STUART] I don't know.
[STUART] Quick, over here.
(Computer room)
[CASTELLAN] You transmitted the Doctor's bioscan, didn't you.
[DAMON] Without the codes? How could I?
[CASTELLAN] But you knew about it.
[DAMON] Yes. Talor and I found out by accident.
[CASTELLAN] Why didn't you tell me what Talor had learnt.
[DAMON] Only members of the High Council have access to bioscan circuitsand you are a Councillor, Castellan. That was my dilemma.
[CASTELLAN] But there is still the matter of the interference of thetermination circuits.
[DAMON] Of that I know nothing. I don't know the coding that would giveaccess.
[CASTELLAN] The Doctor would know. He could instruct you. You hadcontact with the Doctor, didn't you?
[NYSSA] It's a pity you weren't so concerned when the Doctor was alive.
[CASTELLAN] Don't play games with me, girl. The Doctor is alive, and youknow it.
(Pump room)
[STUART] No, Tegan, don't.
[TEGAN] We can't just leave him. Colin!
[STUART] Tegan!
[DOCTOR] All right, let's talk. Do you hear me?
(Computer room)
[CASTELLAN] We know there's a conspiracy, and we'llget to the heart of it.
[DAMON] Then find the Time Lord who killed Talor.
[CASTELLAN] We will, and the Doctor too. Maxil, continue the search. Hemust be somewhere in the Citadel. You two will remain here until Ireturn.
[NYSSA] He's alive, Damon!
[MAXIL] Search the residential wing, but bediscreet. No one is to know we're looking for the Doctor.
(Omega's Tardis - room)
[TEGAN] Where are we?
[STUART] I don't know. Are you all right?
[TEGAN] Yes.
[OMEGA] If you cooperate, you will come to no further harm.
[TEGAN] What do you want of us?
[OMEGA] You intruded where you had no business to be.
[TEGAN] We were looking for my cousin.
[OMEGA] The primitive?
[TEGAN] His name is Colin Frazer. Where is he?
[OMEGA] He serves me in here. If you are capable of doing the same, youwill not find me ungrateful. The Ergon will scan you for possiblefuture use. Step forward, girl. It would be unwise to resist.
[OMEGA] So, you are known to the Doctor.
[TEGAN] What of it?
[OMEGA] Answer.
[TEGAN] Yes, I'm a friend of the Doctor's.
[OMEGA] Then we are both fortunate.
[TIME LORD] We have trouble. A full-scale securitysearch is in progress for the Doctor.
[OMEGA] How did this happen?
[TIME LORD] The termination aroused suspicion, but the High Councilhaven't been told yet. We must act swiftly before they do.
[OMEGA] Act? How?
[TIME LORD] Release the Doctor. You must concentrate your powers ontransfer.
[OMEGA] We can't risk it. Once free, the Doctor will make trouble.
[TIME LORD] We must take that chance. Your only hope now is for a swifttransfer.
[OMEGA] Hmm. Perhaps the Doctor can be persuaded not to interfere. Verywell. I'll do as you say.
[OMEGA] Doctor? I have good news for you, Doctor.Since I wish no enmity between us, I intend to release you.
[DOCTOR] That's very generous of you. May I ask what I've done todeserve it?
[OMEGA] You will be freed if you give me your word not to interfere.
[DOCTOR] I will do everything I can to stop you.
[OMEGA] Then I am forced to persuade you.
[DOCTOR] Tegan!
[OMEGA] A friend of yours, Doctor. Please, your word not to interfere orshe must suffer.
[DOCTOR] No, it's a trick. It's not Tegan.
[OMEGA] Tell him, girl.
[TEGAN] Please, Doctor, help me.
[DOCTOR] It can't be. Tegan's on Earth. I know she is.
[OMEGA] Very well. If she is an illusion, then you will not be upset tosee her destroyed.
[TEGAN] Doctor, please!
(Computer room)
[DAMON] It'll need your handprint to decode it, Castellan.
[MAXIL [OC]] Castellan?
[CASTELLAN] Have you found him?
[MAXIL [OC]] Not yet.
[CASTELLAN] While your men continue the search, have Thalia, Hedin andZorac come to my office immediately.
[DAMON] You know who it is?
[CASTELLAN] Yes. We have all the proof we need.
[NYSSA] So you know the Doctor is innocent.
[CASTELLAN] The Doctor plotted this conspiracy. Now we know who helpedhim.
[NYSSA] Can we get out?
[DAMON] No, he's operated the lock.
[DOCTOR] All right. Whatever you say.
[OMEGA] Her life depends on you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] As yours depends on mine.
[OMEGA] Then see that nothing threatens it. The next time we meet, itwill be on Gallifrey. Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Wait!
(Omega's Tardis - room)
[STUART] Tegan, are you all right?
[TEGAN] I saw the Doctor.
[TEGAN] I don't know. It was like a nightmare. Unreal. But I saw him.
[OMEGA] I'm glad you were of help to me, girl. To show my appreciation,your cousin will be returned to you.
[TEGAN] Colin!
[FRAZER] Tegan.
(Castellan's office)
[ZORAC] What the devil's going on, Castellan? Guards crashing about.It's like a madhouse out there.
[CASTELLAN] My apologies, Councillors.
[THALIA] Castellan, we are not in the habit of being summoned by armedsoldiers. We are waiting, Castellan.
[CASTELLAN] A very grave situation has come to light. We haveindisputable evidence that the Doctor is alive.
[ZORAC] Ridiculous! We saw him terminated.
[CASTELLAN] He's alive, Zorac. My men are searching for him now.
[THALIA] How can he be?
[CASTELLAN] He was helped to evade termination by one of us. One of theHigh Council.
[CASTELLAN] That is a full analysis of the relevant security circuittraffic. Study them well, Councillors. They will tell you who it was.
(Outside the Computer room)
[DOCTOR] Pity. Long cancelled, I expect. Presidential code. Four five,four? Four five, five! Three nine one.
[DOCTOR] Three nine one. Three nine one. Three nine one. Six five ninetwo!
(Computer room)
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[DAMON] How did you manage to open the door?
[DOCTOR] Pure luck.
(Castellan's office)
[THALIA] The Lord President?
[CASTELLAN] You have the proof. His personal codes were used tomanipulate the Matrix. Again, his code registered in the computer roomthe precise time Talor was killed.
[ZORAC] Why?
[CASTELLAN] The creature. It's linked to the Doctor and through him toGallifrey.
[THALIA] To achieve what, Castellan?
[CASTELLAN] We know the creature controls the shift of the Arc ofInfinity. So, what if the Arc were to be permanently located here,linked to the Matrix? (silence) Enormous power, way beyond the abilityof anyone to control it, except those already at one with the Matrix.
[ZORAC] The Lord President.
[CASTELLAN] Yes. And the Doctor. Together with this creature, I'mconvinced this is what they intend to do.
(Computer room)
[NYSSA] At least you could have told me what youwere up to.
[DOCTOR] There wasn't time, Nyssa. Damon, did you do as I asked?
[DAMON] The Tardis element? Yes.
[DOCTOR] What about the power equipment? Anything turn up?
[DAMON] Just one item. A fusion booster element was transportedrecently.
[DOCTOR] Fusion?
[DAMON] It's a highly advanced piece of equipment. Unstable, but capableof an enormous conversion rate over very short periods.
[DOCTOR] What, from water?
[DAMON] It's fuelled by anything that contains hydrogen atoms. Waterwould be perfect.
[DOCTOR] Now listen, Damon, this is very important. I need to know theprecise destination and who sent it. Do you think you could find thatout?
[NYSSA] Shouldn't we go while we've got the chance?
[DOCTOR] We're going to Earth, Nyssa.
[NYSSA] Earth? What for?
[DOCTOR] That's where this creature is.
[NYSSA] How do you know?
[DOCTOR] It's got Tegan. I saw her in the Matrix.
[MAXIL] The residential wings are clear. My men aresearching the technical areas.
[CASTELLAN] You've sealed the Citadel?
[MAXIL] Nothing can get in or out, Castellan.
[CASTELLAN] Then it's just a question of time.
[TIME LORD] The Council know.
[OMEGA] They will take action?
[TIME LORD] Not until they find the Doctor.
[OMEGA] You must delay them. I need more time. I must generatesufficient power for transfer.
[TIME LORD] I can't guarantee you will have it.
[OMEGA] You must! You will have to isolate the Matrix master control.Use your influence with the Lord President.
[TIME LORD] Very well, I will.
[OMEGA] Thank you, Time Lord.
[TIME LORD] What we are, we owe to you. Your return is all that matters.
[OMEGA] Meanwhile, I will try to prevent them using the Matrix againstus.
(Omega's Tardis - room)
[STUART] There's no way out.
[TEGAN] The Doctor knows we're here. He'll find a way to help us.
(Computer room)
[DAMON] You were right, Doctor. The fusion boosterelement was transported to Earth. It could have been anywhere. Thereception area was lost in severe temporal distortion.
[DOCTOR] Pity.
[DAMON] We know who sent it, though.
[DAMON] These codes are unmistakable. You used them yourself to get inhere.
[DOCTOR] The Lord President.
[DAMON] There's no mistake.
[NYSSA] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Well, we must see the Lord President immediately.
[DAMON] The Castellan's guards are all over the place.
[DOCTOR] Thank you for all your help, Damon. I shall never be able torepay you.
[DOCTOR] Nyssa.
[NYSSA] Just in case.
[DAMON] Good luck, Doctor.
(Castellan's office)
[MAXIL [on screen]] You wanted to know if any other High Councillorattempted to see the Lord President.
[MAXIL [on screen]] Councillor Hedin is with him now.
[CASTELLAN] Thank you.
[CASTELLAN] Hedin has gone to see the Lord President.
[THALIA [on screen]] But we agreed to wait.
[CASTELLAN] We must act now, Thalia.
[DOCTOR] Come on! Come on. In here.
(Citadel corridor)
[CASTELLAN] You found him?
[MAXIL] Not yet, but he can't be far away.
(Citadel corridor)
[CASTELLAN] Hurry it up, Maxil. I need him. Findhim!
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Council chamber)
[BORUSA] It's a highly unusual request, Hedin.
[HEDIN] It would only affect the master controls. The secondaryfunctions will continue to operate.
[BORUSA] If I charge the transduction field, the Matrix itself will beisolated. No one could use it.
[HEDIN] That's why you must do it, Lord President.
[BORUSA] You forget yourself, Hedin. Access to the Matrix is guaranteed.Only the gravest emergency could permit me to do what you want.
[HEDIN] Nevertheless, you will do it.
[BORUSA] No one is above the law, Hedin. Not you, not
[HEDIN] Don't force me to use it. Now, if you please, Lord President.
[BORUSA] Why are you doing this, Hedin?
[HEDIN] There's no time to explain now.
[DOCTOR] Hedin, you don't believe this stuff about the Lord President?
[BORUSA] Doctor, be careful.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[HEDIN] Throw down the weapon.
[DOCTOR] So it's you.
[HEDIN] Nyssa, the weapon. I shall kill even you.
[HEDIN] Now, over there.
[DOCTOR] The bioscan, the rigged termination, all your work, Hedin?
[HEDIN] I did what I had to. Now do as you are told.
[DOCTOR] It was all done to make us think you were responsible, LordPresident. And now, Hedin?
[HEDIN] Nothing must interfere with transfer.
[DOCTOR] It's that close?
[HEDIN] Very.
[DOCTOR] I always considered you a friend, Hedin. A man of learning,respected by all. Why now turn to evil?
[HEDIN] You don't understand.
[DOCTOR] This creature will soon control the Matrix. Is that what youwant?
[HEDIN] This is no alien creature, Doctor. It's one of us, a Time Lord,the first and greatest of our people. The one who sacrificed all togive us mastery of time and was shamefully abandoned in return.
[DOCTOR] Omega?
[HEDIN] Yes, Omega.
[DOCTOR] But Omega died.
[HEDIN] No, he exists, Doctor. He only wants to live amongst us, and hewill, as soon as he transfers here.
[DOCTOR] Omega is insane. Once in control of the Matrix
[HEDIN] He wants nothing for himself. The power he brings is for thegood of all.
[CASTELLAN] Well done, Hedin.
[BORUSA] Castellan!
[CASTELLAN] You're under arrest, Lord President. As for you, Doctor, youwere sentenced to death. This time sentence will be carried out.
[DOCTOR] You fool. He could have told us where Omega is.
[BORUSA] Put up your weapon, Castellan.
[CASTELLAN] The Doctor is a traitor.
[BORUSA] Hedin is your traitor.
[DOCTOR] Lord President, we must shut down the Matrix.
[BORUSA] It won't prevent transfer.
[DOCTOR] No, but it could delay it, give us time to hunt Omega down.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] It's too late. Omega controls the Matrix.
(Council chamber)
[DOCTOR] We know who you are.
[OMEGA [on monitor]] That changes nothing. Transfer will take place asplanned.
[BORUSA] But you are anti-matter.
[DOCTOR] You seriously believe you can reverse what happened?
[OMEGA [on monitor]] Oh yes, Doctor.
[BORUSA] Not without Hedin's help. Your friend is dead.
[DOCTOR] Omega, listen!
[BORUSA] Omega must be found and stopped.
[DOCTOR] We know he's on Earth.
[NYSSA] He has a friend of ours captive. Tegan, an Earthwoman.
[BORUSA] Would she know their precise location?
[DOCTOR] Perhaps, but I would have to enter the Matrix to find out.
[NYSSA] No. Omega's mad. He'll kill her.
[DOCTOR] Please, Nyssa
[NYSSA] You know that
[DOCTOR] Wait in the Tardis! Please.
[DOCTOR] Even if we know where Omega is, can the Tardis leave Gallifrey?
[BORUSA] We will contrive a way for you to leave.
[DOCTOR] Well, Omega, you've won. We can't stop younow.
[OMEGA] It cost Hedin's life to convince you.
[DOCTOR] That was an accident. Is Tegan safe?
[OMEGA] She is.
[DOCTOR] Prove it. Let me speak to her.
[TEGAN] Help us, Doctor. My cousin, he's sick. We're in an undergroundcrypt behind a fountain
[OMEGA] Silence, girl!
[DOCTOR] I told you, you've won. Even if we know where you are, we can'tleave Gallifrey. You know that.
[TEGAN] Holland, Doctor. Amsterdam.
[OMEGA] Tell him the precise location and you will die.
[OMEGA] Silence!
[DOCTOR] She's unharmed?
[OMEGA] Of course. And so long as you do not work against me, she willremain so.
(Council chamber)
[BORUSA] Amsterdam? Do you know the precise location ofthis Earth city?
[BORUSA] Prepare your Tardis. Be ready to leave as soon as I communicatewith you. Trust me.
(Omega's Tardis - room)
[TEGAN] The Doctor will find us. If anyone can, he will.
(Computer room)
[BORUSA] Damon, the Doctor's Tardis must leave undetected. Isn't thereany way of distracting Omega?
[DAMON] I've already tested the bypass procedures. Omega has cut us off.
[THALIA] A pulse loop, Lord President?
[BORUSA] Of course! Fetch it, Damon. Thalia, prepare the Matrixterminal.
[ZORAC] A pulse loop?
[BORUSA] Oh, a simple device to trace faults on the master circuits.
[THALIA] It has a photon pulse. Omega will have to track it down toconfirm that we're not trying to bypass the matrix control.
[BORUSA] And in the confusion it will allow the Doctor's Tardis to leaveundetected.
[NYSSA] Well?
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, Tegan's unharmed.
(Computer room)
[BORUSA] Are you ready to leave, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] As soon as you give the word.
(Computer room)
[BORUSA] Right.
[DAMON] Now.
[BORUSA] Now. Go, Doctor.
[BORUSA] Doctor? He's gone.
[DOCTOR] We're clear. Come on, Nyssa.
[NYSSA] Now what?
[DOCTOR] One or two things I've got to get together.
(Computer room)
[DAMON] It's working, sir. Omega is confused.
[NYSSA] We're almost ready to materialise.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[NYSSA] What's that for?
[DOCTOR] Omega's using a fusion booster to build up energy to transfer.If we can attach this, it should knock it out of phase.
[NYSSA] Isn't that dangerous?
[DOCTOR] Hopefully it'll feed the power back through his own equipment.
[NYSSA] A kind of short circuit.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. How's the meter?
[NYSSA] Now calibrated to detect any change in anti-matter.
(Computer room)
[DAMON] Omega's destroyed the loop.
[BORUSA] Let's hope it gave the Doctor all the time he needed.
[DOCTOR] I don't believe it.
[NYSSA] What?
[DOCTOR] I think we made it. Come on.
(Omega's Tardis - room)
[STUART] It sounds like a power house in there.
(Amsterdam - Leidseplein)
[NYSSA] How do you know where to look?
[DOCTOR] When I spoke to Tegan, she mentioned her cousin and the JHC.
[DOCTOR] She risked her life to give us that piece of information. If wefind out what the JHC is, it might lead us to where she is.
[NYSSA] How will you find out?
[DOCTOR] We'll start with the telephone directory.
[NYSSA] You're dealing with a Time Lord, Doctor. You won't find answersin there.
[DOCTOR] Won't we? JHC, JHC, JHC, JHC, JHC Jeugdherberg Central YouthHostels. Must be where Tegan was staying.
[DOCTOR] Well, there's not many of them. We'll give them a ring. Ah.Nyssa, money?
[NYSSA] You must have a coin somewhere. Is that it?
[DOCTOR] Afraid so. Anti-matter present but steady. Omega hasn'ttransferred yet, but it can't be much longer.
[NYSSA] Can you find him using that?
[DOCTOR] If only it were that easy.
[NYSSA] What now?
[DOCTOR] No other choice. We must check every hostel on foot.
[NYSSA] Can't we use the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Can't risk it. Might alert Omega. This way.
(Computer room)
[BORUSA] Ah, Castellan.
[CASTELLAN] You wanted to see me, Lord President?
[BORUSA] You wish to resign.
[CASTELLAN] I had no right, without evidence, to accuse the Doctor oftreason.
[BORUSA] True, you made a foolish mistake, but ultimately we are judgedby how much we profit from our mistakes. Will you?
[CASTELLAN] Who can say, Lord President?
[BORUSA] Your offer to resign is refused, Castellan. You will return toduty forthwith.
[DAMON] Lord President, Omega's transfer is imminent.
(Amsterdam - Zandpad)
[NYSSA] This could take forever.
[DOCTOR] Well, there's no other way.
[NYSSA] That receptionist wasn't very friendly. What if he was beingdifficult, chose not to remember Tegan.
[DOCTOR] We go on, Nyssa.
[NYSSA] Can't the Time Lords help?
[DOCTOR] No, they've done all they can, and now it's up to us.
[DOCTOR] We'll try one more hostel, then we'll split up. Divide oureffort.
[NYSSA] How much time do we have?
[DOCTOR] Well, it can't be long. I fear Omega is about to transfer.
(Bob's Youth hostel)
[MAN] We have no record of a Miss Jovanka.
[DOCTOR] And what about her cousin?
[MAN] How would I know that, sir?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Sorry. Well, thank you.
[MAN] Excuse me? You said your friend was from Australia?
[MAN] Well, I wasn't on duty yesterday, but there was an Australian.Colin Frazer. One moment, please.
[NYSSA] Isn't there anything at all we can do?
[DOCTOR] No. Tegan is our only link.
[RECEPTIONIST] Excuse me. You wish to know about Miss Jovanka?
[RECEPTIONIST] Well, Mister Stuart, a friend of Mister Frazer, leftsomething for her. I was to give this to her if he missed her at theairport.
[DOCTOR] May I see?
[RECEPTIONIST] Well, I'm not supposed to
[NYSSA] It's very important we find her.
[DOCTOR] Frankendael. Where is that?
[RECEPTIONIST] Frankendael? Not far.
[DOCTOR] Could you show me?
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
(Outside Bob's Youth Hostel)
[NYSSA] Where is it?
[DOCTOR] Er, it's very near.
(Amsterdam - Herengracht)
[DOCTOR] Oh, sorry.
[NYSSA] Oh, I'm so sorry.
[DOCTOR] Sorry, sorry.
[DAMON] Come on, Doctor. Come on.
(Outside Frankendael House)
[DOCTOR] Frankendael!
[NYSSA] I can't see a crypt. It must be behind the house.
[DOCTOR] It's only a matter of minutes. The fountain! Tegan said behindthe fountain.
[NYSSA] Where could they be?
[DOCTOR] Well, that depends on the form Omega's given his Tardis.Listen.
(Pump room)
[DOCTOR] Yes, perfect.
[NYSSA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Of course. I've been so silly. Amsterdam is located on thecurve of the Arc, below sea level to maintain pressure for fusionconversion.
[DOCTOR] The fusion booster from Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] Nyssa!
[DOCTOR] Nyssa! Fire, Nyssa!
[NYSSA] What was it?
[DOCTOR] An Ergon. One of Omega's less successful attempts atpsychosynthesis. Quickly.
(Omega's Tardis)
[OMEGA] Drop the weapon, Doctor. Drop it, or the Earthwoman dies.
[NYSSA] Tegan!
[DOCTOR] It's too late, Omega. You can't transfer now.
[OMEGA] I have all the energy I need.
[OMEGA] What have you done?
[DOCTOR] The Arc of Infinity is shifting. Go, Omega, please, while youstill have a chance.
[OMEGA] I must transfer. Cease to be anti-matter.
[DOCTOR] Down!
[OMEGA] Yes, Doctor. I live.
[DOCTOR] No. The bond is not complete.
[OMEGA] Isn't it?
[DOCTOR] It's not permanent. It will fail, revert to anti-matter.
[OMEGA] You're wrong, Doctor. I have life again. You destroyed myTardis, but I shall build another. Expect me on Gallifrey soon.
[NYSSA] Doctor, quickly.
[DOCTOR] I must find the matter converter. I can't destroy Omega withoutit. Tegan, help me!
[TEGAN] I must help Colin.
[DOCTOR] Tegan, hurry!
(Computer room)
[DAMON] The Doctor has failed. Anti-matter, andbuilding up fast.
(Outside Frankendael House)
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[TEGAN] Omega killed him?
[DOCTOR] Yes. He'd want to hide himself in the crowd. Well, at least wehave some idea of what he's wearing.
[TEGAN] What happens if we don't find him?
[DOCTOR] The biggest explosion this part of the universe is ever likelyto witness.
(Amsterdam - Prinsengracht)
[DOCTOR] He can't be far ahead.
[TEGAN] How much time do we have?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. The magnetic shield is in accelerated decay now.
[NYSSA] What'll happen?
[DOCTOR] He'll revert to anti-matter.
[TEGAN] Doctor!
(Computer room)
[ZORAC] The Doctor's not going to be able tocontain it.
[CASTELLAN] I've found it unwise to predict what the Doctor can orcannot do.
(Amsterdam - Sint Nicolaasstraat)
[TEGAN] We've lost him.
[DOCTOR] (shouts, lying) I see you, Omega.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] This way.
[DOCTOR] He'll be all right.
[TEGAN] Are you okay?
[DOCTOR] He'll be all right.
(Computer room)
[DAMON] The shielding is going fast.
(Amsterdam - Amstel Sluize)
[TEGAN] He's disappeared.
[NYSSA] He can't have.
[DOCTOR] I warned you this would happen, Omega.
[OMEGA] Things could have been different. Power, and the greatness ofOmega, could have been yours. But no, your hatred of me
[DOCTOR] We didn't hate you, Omega. Why couldn't you be content tosurvive as you were? Why?
[OMEGA] Time to come home, Doctor. Time for rest, to find peace. Butit's over now. All must die.
[OMEGA] You'll never have the courage to use it, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I can expel or destroy you, Omega. It's your choice.
[OMEGA] Too late, Doctor. What you offer is worse than death. If I amdenied life, then all must perish.
[TEGAN] What's he trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Willing his own destruction. Don't force me, Omega.
[OMEGA] Farewell, Doctor.
[TEGAN] Stop him!
[DOCTOR] It's over.
(Computer room)
[DAMON] The anti-matter source is gone. Omega hasbeen destroyed.
[BORUSA] Unfortunate, wretched creature. My hope is that he has foundpeace at last.
(Amsterdam - Stationsplein)
[NYSSA] Is Omega dead?
[DOCTOR] Well, he seemed to die before, yet he returned to confound usall.
[TEGAN] Well, you'll be pleased to hear Colin will be out of hospital ina couple of days and on his way home to Brisbane.
[DOCTOR] Excellent.
[NYSSA] And what about you?
[TEGAN] Oh, indestructible. I'm fine.
[DOCTOR] It's been marvellous to see you again.
[NYSSA] Indeed. I've missed you. I wish you didn't have to go back toyour job.
[TEGAN] What job? Didn't I tell you? I got the sack. So you're stuckwith me, aren't you.
[DOCTOR] So it seems.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s20", "episode": "e01", "title": "Arc of Infinity"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (17 Jan, 1983; Fifth Doctor) - Snakedance
[NYSSA] Well?
[DOCTOR] We're not where we're supposed to be.
[NYSSA] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. There are traces of anti-matter.
[NYSSA] Omega?
[DOCTOR] Oh, highly unlikely he's still alive. It's not a navigationalmalfunction either.
[NYSSA] Shall I wake Tegan?
[DOCTOR] No, no, there's no danger, although it's puzzling. It's verypuzzling.
[NYSSA] (reads) Planet G139901KB in the Scrampus system. Local name,Manussa. Type 314S. Inhabited. Atmosphere ninety eight percent Terranormal, gravity ninety six percent Terra normal.
[DOCTOR] Well, at least we can breath the air. I suppose that'ssomething. You look different.
[NYSSA] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] The question is, how did we get here?
[NYSSA] There's more. (reads) Third planet in the Federation system.Status, colony. Former homeworld Manussan Empire, destroyed. Formerhomeworld Sumaran Empire, destroyed. Present economy, subsistenceagriculture and tourism.
[DOCTOR] Former homeworld?
[NYSSA] Manussan Empire.
[DOCTOR] No, no, the other one.
[NYSSA] Sumaran Empire.
[DOCTOR] This is serious. Someone's been playing around. Who set thecoordinates?
[NYSSA] Well, you did.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. Earlier, I was trying to teach both of you to readthe star charts. Now, one of you actually read out the coordinates forme to set. Who was it?
[NYSSA] I can't remember.
[DOCTOR] It was Tegan.
(Nyssa and Tegan's bedroom)
[NYSSA] Tegan, what's the matter? What happened?
[TEGAN] It was the dream.
[DOCTOR] The dream? What dream?
[TEGAN] I can't, I can't remember. I can never remember.
[DOCTOR] But you've had this dream, this particular dream, before.
[NYSSA] Doctor, stop it.
[DOCTOR] Haven't you?
[TEGAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Always the same dream?
[TEGAN] Yes, I think so. The images fade so quickly.
[DOCTOR] But the same feelings of fear remain.
[NYSSA] Doctor. It doesn't matter. You're awake now. It was only adream.
[TEGAN] No, it wasn't, somehow.
[NYSSA] Tegan
[DOCTOR] She means it. I think she could be right.
(Federator's residence)
[TANHA] Lon, you're not dressed yet. Ambril will be here in a moment. Hepromised to show us the caves this morning. Have you forgotten?
[LON] No, mother, I hadn't forgotten.
[TANHA] Well, then. We must make the effort.
[LON] Must we?
[TANHA] Well of course we must.
[LON] Why?
[TANHA] It is expected of us. You are the Federator's son. Come, Lon.What's wrong?
[LON] The Federator's son is bored.
[DOCTOR] Now then, Tegan, where are we?
[TEGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Very simple question, where are we?
[TEGAN] Well, aren't we on Earth?
[DOCTOR] No, we're not. So?
[TEGAN] Well how should I know?
[DOCTOR] Think!
[NYSSA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Please, Tegan, think. Reach into the back of your mind.
[TEGAN] Are we on Manussa?
[DOCTOR] Good.
[TEGAN] Are we?
[DOCTOR] Yes, we are.
[TEGAN] How did I know that?
[DOCTOR] Manussa, formerly homeworld of the Sumaran Empire which may ormay not ring a bell. Does it, Tegan? The Sumaran Empire?
(Federator's residence)
[TANHA] I agree Ambril can be rather trying. On thewhole, you know, I preferred his predecessor. Now what was the man'sname? Oh, he was completely dotty, but much more fun.
[LON] It's not just Ambril, mother, it's all of it. The ceremony andeverything. It's all such nonsense, isn't it.
[TANHA] Is it?
[LON] Of course it is. And all so long ago. The Mara was destroyed fivehundred years ago and yet we're still celebrating it. Why?
[TANHA] Oh, once every ten years.
[LON] It occurs to me that the whole thing is kept going solely toremind the people here how much better life is under the rule of theFederation.
[TANHA] And so it is.
[LON] Is it?
[TANHA] Of course it is. Life under the Mara must have been gruesome inthe extreme. I mean, look.
[TANHA] Oh, it is grotesque. You ought to take more interest in ourheritage.
[LON] Why?
[TANHA] Well, it's the root of our culture. The Legend of the Return.Although, now what was the man's name? Well, the Director beforeAmbril, he didn't think it was just a legend. He thought the Marareally would return.
[LON] Am I now supposed to take the ramblings of a mad man seriously?
[TANHA] He didn't ramble.
[LON] The Mara was destroyed, not banished to another dimension. Itwon't return in a dream or in any other form.
[TANHA] If you say so.
[LON] I think I just have.
[TANHA] Well, it made a good story. Quite made my hair stand on end.Ambril's predecessor was rather good value, even if he was talkingnonsense.
[NYSSA] Is this necessary?
[DOCTOR] Yes. We must recover Tegan's dream, and simple hypnosis is thequickest way.
[NYSSA] But why must we?
[DOCTOR] Dreams are important, Nyssa. Never underestimate them. Once aman fell asleep, dreamt he was a frog. When he woke up he didn't knowif he was a man who dreamt he was a frog, or a frog who was nowdreaming he was a man.
[TEGAN] I'm still possessed, aren't I, Doctor. The Mara from the worldof the Kinda is still inside my head somewhere, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] We'll have to see.
[TEGAN] But you think so.
[DOCTOR] It does seem likely. I'm sorry.
[TEGAN] But where?
[DOCTOR] Well, obviously below the threshold of conscious thought. Iwould imagine that when awake your mind is still strong enough toresist, but in sleep it loosens its grip and battle is joined.
[TEGAN] In my dreams?
[TEGAN] The battle for what?
[DOCTOR] For control. Come over here.
[NYSSA] That's why you misread the coordinates.
[DOCTOR] It's possible the Mara seized temporary control and broughtitself home. Now, insert the earpiece, try to relax, and when switchedon, listen to the sound.
(Federator's residence)
[TANHA] He thought the only people who knew thetruth about the Mara were the Snake Dancers. Once he even took us tovisit them. It was miles from anywhere, way up in the hills. It was allwildly unofficial. We had to go in disguise. Can you imagine yourfather in disguise? Even then.
[LON] And did they?
[TANHA] What?
[LON] Know the truth about the Mara.
[TANHA] It was so dark and they were so dirty, it was difficult to tell.Oh, they were frightful. They were all covered in ash. Some of themwere almost naked. They lived entirely on roots and berries and things,and they put themselves into trances. It was quite disgusting. Theyhandled live snakes, I remember.
[LON] Why?
[TANHA] Something to do with their religion.
[LON] What did father think?
[TANHA] The Federator, as usual, was not amused.
[TANHA] Come in.
[AMBRIL] Good morning, my Lady Tanha.
[TANHA] Good morning.
[AMBRIL] Are we ready?
[TANHA] I'm afraid not quite.
[AMBRIL] I beg your pardon. In that case, I'll
[TANHA] No, no, no, no. Please stay. My son can dress quite quickly.
[LON] What's this?
[AMBRIL] That, my Lord, is a small token in honour of your presence heredeputising for your father. I trust you approve?
[TANHA] Thank you.
[AMBRIL] Exquisite, isn't it?
[LON] Is it a fake?
[AMBRIL] Oh no, my Lord, it's an original. One of a pair from mycollection. Seven hundred years old from the middle Sumaran era. Iunearthed it myself.
[LON] Did you really?
[AMBRIL] Yes, my Lord.
[LON] Oh. Here, then. Catch.
[AMBRIL] Oh, my Lord.
(Nyssa and Tegan's bedroom)
[DOCTOR] Where are you now?
[TEGAN] On Deva Loka, the Kinda world.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing there?
[TEGAN] It's horrible. Is that thing inside my head? You must know Iclimbed a tree and dropped apples on its head. No. I will never agreeto what you ask. Doctor? Am I free of the Mara now? Forever? Am I?
[DOCTOR] You must go deeper, Tegan. Much deeper. Where are you now?
[TEGAN] I'm in my garden, silly. Everything grows in my garden. Peoplealways come back. I close my eyes, I want them to come back and theydo. It always works. I can tell lies too. People don't always notice soI'm safe here.
[DOCTOR] How old are you?
[TEGAN] I'm six, silly.
[DOCTOR] Tegan, now you must leave your garden.
[TEGAN] Oh, why?
[DOCTOR] And go still deeper. Deeper and further. Much further. Can youhear me? Now, I want you to go into the dream.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
[TEGAN] Because I mustn't.
(Market place)
[HAWKER] How about you, sir? Madame, step this way, if you'd be so kind.I invite you to take the most exciting journey of all. The voyageinside. The journey to meet yourself. I address you in the silence ofyour own hearts. I offer my personal challenge. Dare you bare witnessto what the Mara shows? Will you gaze upon the unspeakable? Dare youcome face to face with the finally unfaceable? Children half price.
(Nyssa and Tegan's bedroom)
[DOCTOR] Tegan, you're perfectly safe. You must gointo the dream. Where are you now?
[TEGAN] Snake mouth. Cave. Out.
[DOCTOR] Out where?
[TEGAN] I'm outside. I'm being fed this image.
[DOCTOR] Go in.
[TEGAN] No! Mustn't.
[DOCTOR] Tegan, you must go into the cave. We need to know what's there.
[TEGAN] Something in here. Over there. Mustn't look. Mustn't ever look.I'm safe if I don't look.
[DOCTOR] Tegan.
[DOCTOR] You're perfectly safe. You must look. We need to know what isthere.
[TEGAN] (Mara) Go away!
(Market place)
[HAWKER] Come face to face with the truth aboutyourself in the Hall of Mirrors. Come along, please. You, sir. Forinstance, you, you have the look of a humble seeker after life's truth.
[LON] Do I really.
[HAWKER] Of course you do. Now, if you'd care to step inside
[LON] Do you know who I am?
[HAWKER] No, young man. Do tell us. Who are you?
[HAWKER] Oh, I beg your pardon, my Lord, my Lady. I'm sure I didn't mean
[LON] Well, what's in there?
[HAWKER] In, er?
[LON] Yes, what exactly does one face in your shoddy little booth?
[HAWKER] Er, mirrors, my Lord.
[LON] Mirrors?
[HAWKER] Distorting mirrors, that's all. People are amused.
[LON] Are they.
[HAWKER] Generally, my Lord.
[TANHA] Lon.
(Nyssa and Tegan's bedroom)
[NYSSA] That voice, what was it?
[DOCTOR] The Mara, speaking through Tegan's mouth.
[NYSSA] On Deva Loka you said a physical change took place whenpossessed by a Mara.
[DOCTOR] It does, as mental resistance weakens. But this time I canprevent it.
[NYSSA] How?
[DOCTOR] With this. It inhibits the production of brainwaves associatedwith dreaming.
[NYSSA] Then what?
[DOCTOR] We must find the cave, the snake mouth in the dream.
[NYSSA] It's a real place?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. What's more, I would guess it's somewhere nearby.
(Outside the Snake Mouth)
[AMBRIL] The main entrance to the cave systemitself.
[TANHA] I'd forgotten how impressive it is.
(Market place)
[DOCTOR] Now, she will be experiencing total exclusion of all outsidesound, so you must be her ears.
[NYSSA] She can't dream now. She's awake.
[DOCTOR] Dreams are occurring in the mind all the time. Come on, we musthurry.
[AMBRIL] The cave system itself
[LON] Hello!
[AMBRIL] It's a natural geological formation worn out of the solid rockover hundreds of thousands of years by the action of an undergroundriver.
[LON] Hello!
[TANHA] Lon.
[AMBRIL] The Chamber of the Mara is the largest natural cavern thusformed, but many of our most important archeological finds
[LON] Big, isn't it.
[AMBRIL] Beg pardon, my Lord?
[LON] This place, it's big.
[AMBRIL] Yes, I suppose it is.
[LON] Isn't it. Hello!
(Market place)
[NYSSA] Tegan, are you all right?
[NYSSA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I was right. It seems there's a cave system near by that fitsthe description. It's, er, this way.
(Cave tunnel)
[AMBRIL] This wall constitutes a valuable record of the Sumaran era. Ofcourse, academic interpretations as to its precise meaning do differ,but by paying scrupulous attention to detail and not allowing ourimaginations to run away with us, we can form the glimmerings of anidea as to what the pictograms may mean.
[LON] What about the Legend of the Return?
[AMBRIL] The legend, my Lord?
[LON] Do you have an opinion?
[AMBRIL] Yes, I'm rather afraid I do.
[LON] Well?
[AMBRIL] The Legend of the Return is nonsense. Pure superstitiousnonsense, invented by the people simply to give themselves somethingwith which to frighten their children. It has no basis, eitherspeculative or proven, in historical fact.
(Outside the Snake Mouth)
[DOCTOR] Extraordinary, isn't it.
[NYSSA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It's the cave from her dream.
[DOCTOR] Now, there's nothing to be frightened of.
[NYSSA] Doctor, she can't hear you.
(Cave tunnel)
[LON] Nevertheless, Ambril, your predecessorapparently believed in the legend.
[TANHA] Yes. Now what was that man's name?
[AMBRIL] His name, my Lady, was Dojjen.
[TANHA] Dojjen. Oh yes, of course, that was it.
(Outside the Snake Mouth)
[NYSSA] What are we going to do? She won't go anyfurther, she's too frightened.
[DOCTOR] Well, you'll have to stay with her. I'll go into the cavealone.
(Cave tunnel)
[AMBRIL] I'm afraid Dojjen came to believe so manythings. He became very erratic towards the end. The real work here wassadly neglected.
[LON] The real work?
[AMBRIL] Yes, my Lord.
[LON] Oh, you mean poking about in the ruins and digging for trinkets.
[AMBRIL] Classified, my Lord. I have tried to reestablish our studieshere on a strictly scientific basis.
[TANHA] And I'm sure we're all truly grateful. Shall we proceed to theChamber of the Mara?
(Chamber of the Mara)
[AMBRIL] Exquisite, isn't it.
[LON] What was in its mouth?
[AMBRIL] The Great Crystal, my Lord. Purely decorative.
[LON] Where is it now? Is it lost?
[AMBRIL] Oh no, my Lord. It was removed from its socket when the Marawas destroyed. Traditionally, its safekeeping is the responsibility ofthe Director.
[LON] You.
[AMBRIL] At present I have that honour, my Lord. The image of the Marais sculpted out of
(Cave tunnel)
[AMBRIL [OC]] Solid rock. It is, as you can see, in the form of a snake,a rearing snake. The imagery is consistent with the middle Sumaranperiod with only insignificant variation.
(Chamber of the Mara)
[AMBRIL] In Sumaran three period, the head has atendency to be less pronounced, but in general
[TANHA] Oh, do be quiet just for a moment. It is horrible.
[TANHA] I'm very glad the Legend of the Return is just a story. It is,isn't it?
[DOCTOR] No, I'm afraid it's not.
(Outside the Snake Mouth)
[PUPPETEER] Excuse me.
[NYSSA] Oh, no thank you. No, really, not at the moment.
[NYSSA] Yes, it's very good.
[NYSSA] Tegan! Tegan!
(Chamber of the Mara)
[DOCTOR] There's no need for this.
[AMBRIL] This is a private view. You have no business to be here. Havehim thrown out.
[LON] Wait. At least let the man have his say.
[AMBRIL] Why, my Lord? The man's clearly deranged.
[LON] Is he?
[AMBRIL] Of course he is.
[TANHA] Lon, I really think the Director should deal with this.
[DOCTOR] Director? Director of what?
[AMBRIL] Research effort into the Sumaran era.
[DOCTOR] Are you indeed? Then you may be able to help
[AMBRIL] I think not. Throw him out.
[LON] Just a moment, Ambril. It has been suggested that I take moreinterest in our legends. Release him.
[LON] And where, according to you, is the Mara now?
[DOCTOR] At present it exists as a latent mental force in the mind of mycompanion.
[LON] Does it.
[DOCTOR] It's using her dreams to increase its power. Eventually it willtake over her mind altogether, but I've put together a device toinhibit this temporarily.
[LON] Oh, how very resourceful.
[DOCTOR] Why don't you come and meet her? She's outside.
[AMBRIL] My Lord, I must insist
[LON] Very well, show us.
[DOCTOR] Certainly. Follow me.
[DOCTOR] Nyssa!
[AMBRIL] Is this your companion?
[DOCTOR] Nyssa, what's the matter?
[NYSSA] Doctor, she's gone.
[DOCTOR] What!
[LON] She's gone, apparently.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[NYSSA] She took fright. It all happened so quickly.
[LON] You've disappointed me, Doctor. I should have you punished.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[LON] No, let them go. What's the point?
(Fortune teller's booth)
[SEER] Here, that's better. You can hear me now.
[TEGAN] No, I mustn't take it off.
[SEER] Why ever not? What is it, anyway? What does it do?
[TEGAN] I can't, I can't remember. I mustn't, that's all. Where am I?
[SEER] You passed out. They brought you in here. Are you feeling better?
[TEGAN] Yes.
(Market place)
[DOCTOR] Oh, this is hopeless. What state was shein?
[NYSSA] Terrified.
[DOCTOR] Well, let's go back to the Tardis. She might try and find herway back there.
(Fortune Teller's booth)
[TEGAN] Who are you, please?
[SEER] I see into the future. I expect it was all the people.
[TEGAN] I expect it was all the people.
[SEER] Of course, that's what it was. It's easy to get confused incrowds. Anyway, I'm glad you're feeling better.
[TEGAN] In that.
[SEER] What?
[TEGAN] You see into the future in that?
[SEER] Yes. Well, between you and me, not really, I don't. I pretend. Iflutter my fingers, gaze deep into the ball and then
[TEGAN] Then?
[SEER] Then I make something up. Whatever comes into my head. Whatever Ithink they want to hear. After all, they're paying. Doesn't do anyharm. Mind you, it's surprising what does come into your head.Sometimes I surprise myself.
[TEGAN] Is it surprise?
[SEER] What is it? What's the matter? What's wrong?
[TEGAN] Is it? Well, look now.
[NYSSA] Where can she be?
[DOCTOR] Well, as long as she's wearing the anti-dream device she shouldbe safe.
[NYSSA] And if she's not?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I just don't know. Why has the Mara returned? Whynow, after so long? What does it want?
(Fortune Teller's booth)
[TEGAN] Look now.
[DOCTOR] We don't know nearly enough. Without more information we aresimply blundering around in the dark.
[NYSSA] The Tardis databanks?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. This is the Mara's homeworld. The answers we needare out there. I'll try the Director of the Research Institute, and youlook for Tegan in the market. We'll meet back here.
[NYSSA] Right.
(Market place)
[NYSSA] Well, thank you anyway.
[NYSSA] Tegan!
[TEGAN] Come to see the fun?
[NYSSA] The fun?
[TEGAN] Yes, she's still in there. She screamed and screamed.
[NYSSA] Are you all right? Where've you been?
[TEGAN] I'm fine. Why shouldn't I be?
[NYSSA] You're not wearing the anti-dreaming device.
[TEGAN] I took it off. It wasn't necessary.
[NYSSA] Tegan, what about the Mara?
[TEGAN] Stop fussing. What Mara? Look, here she is. Quick, she mustn'tsee me.
[TEGAN] You should have seen her face. It was so funny. When shescreamed, you could see right down her throat.
[NYSSA] Tegan, what's the matter with you? What's been going on? Tegan,look at me.
[TEGAN] Nyssa, help me. Help me. I made it appear.
[NYSSA] What?
[TEGAN] You fool. Leave me alone. Just leave me alone.
[NYSSA] Tegan!
(Director's room)
[AMBRIL] Yes, Chela, what is it?
[CHELA] It could be the man you were talking about.
[AMBRIL] What man?
[CHELA] The man from the cave.
[AMBRIL] Oh, that man. No, can't possibly. Tell him to go away.
[DOCTOR] Er, hello.
[AMBRIL] I know exactly what you want.
[DOCTOR] Do you?
[AMBRIL] Yes, you've come to pester me with some extravagant theoryyou've dreamed up concerning the Mara, and should I, the Director, failto take sufficient notice of your colourful improbabilities, it will bethe end of civilisation as we know it at least. How am I doing so far,hmm?
[AMBRIL] Sorry to disappoint you, but, you know, you're hardly thefirst. For some reason, the study of the Sumaran era has alwaysattracted more than its share of cranks. Particularly when a ceremony'sdue.
[DOCTOR] What ceremony?
[AMBRIL] Commemorating the destruction of the Mara by the Federation.Surprise me. Tell me you didn't know.
[DOCTOR] When is it to be held?
[AMBRIL] Tomorrow.
[DOCTOR] Impossible! It must be called off. At least until my companionis found.
[AMBRIL] Oh, certainly.
[DOCTOR] What?
[AMBRIL] Yes, I'll cancel the whole thing. At once. Now my assistantwill show you out.
[DOCTOR] Look, the facts are these. First of all, my companion broughtus here, to this world, without ever having been here before. Now whyshould she do that? Why here, why now? Then I used hypnosis toestablish the presence of the Mara in her head. You see, she has arecurring dream
[CHELA] A dream?
[DOCTOR] And in this dream. What is it?
[AMBRIL] It proves nothing. Merely that he's acquainted with the legend.
[DOCTOR] The Legend of the Return?
[CHELA] Yes.
[AMBRIL] Don't encourage him.
[DOCTOR] Well, tell me! Look, all I want's a little information. Whatpossible harm is there in that?
[DOCTOR] Tell me about the legend.
[AMBRIL] All right, all right, humour him, Chela. But remember, thereare no actual facts to impede the full flow of the imagination.
[CHELA] The Legend tells that the Mara was not destroyed by the foundersof the Federation, but only banished.
[DOCTOR] To the Dark Places of the Inside.
[CHELA] Yes.
[DOCTOR] I'm so sorry. Do go on.
[CHELA] Anyway, according to the Legend, the Mara will return in adream.
[DOCTOR] What does it want?
[CHELA] It returns to regain its power over men, when the minds meetagain in the Great Crystal.
[DOCTOR] The Great Crystal?
[AMBRIL] That's enough.
[DOCTOR] How can minds meet?
[AMBRIL] How indeed. Wishy mystical mumbo-jumbo.
[CHELA] What about the Snake Dancers?
[AMBRIL] It appeals to a certain type of mind. Primitive, lazy,uneducated type of mind. Even my assistant here isn't immune. You'llfind that the Legend becomes more and more vague the closer itapproaches anything resembling any factual detail.
(Market place)
[NYSSA] Hello?
(Fortune Teller's booth)
[NYSSA [OC]] Hello?
(Director's room)
[AMBRIL] Now take this, for example. It dates from the middle Sumaranera and unusually is mentioned quite specifically in the Legend. Oh,there can be no doubt. The reference is to the Six Faces of Delusion.Now count. One, two, three, four, five. You will observe there are fivefaces, not six as the Legend would have it. Now, my point is this. I dofind it quite extraordinarily difficult to take seriously a Legend thatcannot even count accurately. Of course, artistically speaking, it's anentirely different matter. The piece is exquisite. An undoubtedmasterpiece.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[AMBRIL] Hmm? Headdress.
[DOCTOR] Try it on.
[AMBRIL] What?
[DOCTOR] Try it on.
[AMBRIL] Certainly not. Whatever for?
[DOCTOR] Please. I want to show you something, then I'll go and leaveyou in peace.
[AMBRIL] Very well.
[AMBRIL] Well?
[DOCTOR] Now, count the faces again.
[AMBRIL] Do as he says.
[CHELA] One, two, three, four, five.
[DOCTOR] And one makes six. The sixth Face of Delusion is the wearer'sown. That was probably the idea, don't you think?
[AMBRIL] Get out! Go on, get out!
(Hall of Mirrors)
[TEGAN] No, please.
[MARA [OC]] Face me.
[TEGAN] No. No, I mustn't. I can't.
[MARA [OC]] Face me.
[TEGAN] I'm so tired.
[MARA [OC]] Then borrow my strength.
[TEGAN] How is it possible?
[TEGAN] On the Kinda world, the Mara was repelled by mirrors.
[MARA [OC]] On the Kinda world, I was trapped in a circle of mirrors.There is no circle here.
[TEGAN] Why am I so confused?
[MARA [OC]] You're divided against yourself. A stranger in your ownmind. You are pathetic. Look at me! I can make up your mind.
[MARA] Why not? What are you afraid of? Just who do you think you are?
(Market place)
[CHELA] Doctor? Take this.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[CHELA] The Snake Dancers use them in their rituals. They call themLittle Mind's Eye. In the Legend, the Great Crystal is named as theGreat Mind's Eye.
[DOCTOR] Indeed.
[CHELA] Perhaps there's a connection. Perhaps they're even made of thesame substance. I don't know, Ambril refused to let me run the tests.
[DOCTOR] Why are you telling me this?
[CHELA] I must go.
[DOCTOR] Do you believe in the Legends?
[CHELA] No, of course not.
[DOCTOR] One more question. Who are the Snake Dancers?
(Hall of Mirrors)
[HAWKER] Highly convincing, young lady. A trick, ofcourse. Voice projection, the art of the ventriloquist perhaps, but indifferent registers. Oh, very original, all in all. Variouspossibilities present themselves immediately, should you be, er, alongthe lines of a partnership. A booth, perhaps and so forth. And meoutside enticing the passer-by. Talking them in, relieving them at thedoor of some small token of their sincere interest. You inside in thehalf dark, talking away to yourself and scaring them all half to death.Highly satisfactory all round. What do you think?
(Market place)
[DOCTOR] Nyssa!
[NYSSA] Doctor.
[NYSSA] I saw Tegan. I spoke to her.
[DOCTOR] Well, where is she now?
[NYSSA] She ran away from me. I lost her in the crowd. But Doctor, look.
[NYSSA] She was behaving very oddly.
[DOCTOR] Was she marked?
[NYSSA] I don't
[DOCTOR] On her arm. The mark of the snake.
[NYSSA] I didn't look, I didn't notice.
[DOCTOR] It must be the Mara. Come on.
(Hall of Mirrors)
[HAWKER] Enough's enough. I said I was impressed,as impressed as I need to be. I'm not a curious man. I was once, a longtime ago. I was a humble student of life's mysteries. A treader of thesecret pathways, a delver into the darker corners and so forth. Allrubbish, of course. At the end of the day, when the lights come up, asin one form or another they always do, there's always somebody standingthere with their hand out, waiting to be paid. I decided long ago thatperson might as well be me. Or, in present circumstances, us.
[TEGAN] Who exactly are you? You're not important. There is only one.Only he matters more than what is to be done here.
(Federator's residence)
[LON] I'm not coming.
[TANHA] Good.
[LON] I beg your pardon?
[TANHA] It's probably just as well. You'd only spoil it. Your behaviourin the caves this morning was unforgivable. The poor man was quitedisconcerted.
[LON] Ooo.
[TANHA] You were taking advantage of your position.
[LON] Oh please, you're going to be dreary.
[TANHA] No, I am not going to be anything. We are invited to dinner, Iam going. Are you just going to lie there being bored?
[LON] Yes, do you know, I rather suspect I am. After all, what else isthere to do?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[NYSSA] Why are we here?
[DOCTOR] Facts, Nyssa, facts. There's something I noticed before. I needto take another look.
(Cave tunnel)
[NYSSA [OC]] At what?
[DOCTOR] The pictograms. There's a ceremony taking place commemoratingthe supposed destruction of the Mara.
[DOCTOR] The Mara's waited a long time for this return. I think it plansto be spectacular.
(Federator's residence)
[TANHA] Oh, Lon. Do come to the party.
(Cave tunnel)
[DOCTOR] There! Now look. What do you make of that?There in the centre. Could that represent the Great Crystal?
[NYSSA] Could do.
[DOCTOR] And these lines from the centre, energy of some sort?
[NYSSA] Mental energy.
[DOCTOR] What?
[NYSSA] Well, presumably. The lines go to the heads of the figures.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Minds meet in the Great Crystal. But what are these? Now,everything in this pictogram tells us something if we know how to readit, so what are these?
(Federator's residence)
[LON] Who is it?
[HAWKER] Excuse me for intruding, my Lord. Your lackey
[LON] The showman.
[HAWKER] Oh, I'm flattered you remember me.
[LON] Of course I remember you. Go away.
[HAWKER] Ah. Our previous encounter, rather unfortunate. Heat of themoment, press of the crowd, various misunderstandings, so forth.
[LON] What do you want?
[HAWKER] I've been sent to fetch you.
[LON] Have you indeed?
[HAWKER] You are, er, summoned.
[LON] Summoned? I am summoned? How extraordinary. By whom?
(Cave tunnel)
[NYSSA [OC]] Doctor!
(Chamber of the Mara)
[NYSSA] If the Great Crystal of the Legend ever really existed, thenlogically there is where it would have fitted.
(Market place)
[HAWKER] In here, my Lord.
[LON] This is your booth. I'm beginning to regret this. I hope for yousake that I'm not going to be disappointed.
[HAWKER] Please, my Lord.
[LON] Can I have your personal assurance?
[HAWKER] She's inside.
[LON] So I should hope.
(Hall of Mirrors)
[LON] You, er, summoned me, apparently. It's not something I'maccustomed to, but here I am. Well, what happens now?
[LON] Yes. After all, why not.)
(Chamber of the Mara)
[DOCTOR] Obvious.
[NYSSA] What is?
[DOCTOR] The Great Crystal, the Great Mind's Eye. That's the clue! Thelines do represent the flow of mental energy, but not going to theindividual figures, coming from them.
[NYSSA] And meeting in the Great Crystal.
(Cave tunnel)
[DOCTOR] Just as a lens focuses the rays of thesun, the Great Mind's Eye gathered all the individual thought energiesand concentrated them, and amplified them, and redirected them there.
[NYSSA] But it's blank. It's been scratched out!
(Chamber of the Mara)
[DOCTOR] Now, according to the Legend, the GreatCrystal is the source of the Mara's power. But where is it now? Whatexactly were its properties? Oh, if only we could take a look at theGreat Crystal itself. Unless, I wonder.
(Director's room)
[AMBRIL] Then you see, my Lady, we draw a complete blank. It's quiteclear that the Manussans of the pre-Sumaran era were a highly civilisedpeople. Their technology in some senses was considerably in advance ofour own. Then, suddenly, almost overnight, the Manussan civilisationsimply disappeared. It was certainly subjected to a culturalcatastrophe of unimaginable proportions.
[TANHA] Shall we eat?
[AMBRIL] Yes, to such an extent that when the Federation record beginssome six hundred years later, they speak of the Manussans as aprimitive people in thrall to the Mara, sunk in barbarity, degradationand cruelty.
[AMBRIL] Are you all right, my Lady?
[TANHA] Yes, yes, of course. Please do go on.
[AMBRIL] A shame your son could not be with us.
[TANHA] Yes, I'm sure he would have found it all most illuminating.
(Hall of Mirrors)
[TEGAN] Silence! Follow me.
[DOCTOR] Come on, over there. Now, sit down.
[NYSSA] Doctor, I'm not at all clear what we're supposed to be doing.
[DOCTOR] Just think about it.
[NYSSA] What?
[DOCTOR] Sit down.
[DOCTOR] Now, simple test. The Great Crystal focuses thought in someway. Now, if this is the same sort of crystal, it should exhibit thesame properties. We must direct our thoughts at it and observe whathappens.
[NYSSA] Now?
(Outside the Snake Mouth)
[LON] Come on, hurry up.
[HAWKER] I, er, where's she taking us?
[LON] Come on.
[HAWKER] I, I, I don't.
[LON] Come on.
[NYSSA] I'm sorry, Doctor. I can't concentrate hard enough.
[DOCTOR] It doesn't matter.
[NYSSA] I feel so foolish.
[DOCTOR] We'll try another way.
(Chamber of the Mara)
[TEGAN] Where is the Crystal? Who has dared toremove the Great Crystal?
[NYSSA] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? I'm adjusting the frequency. I need to eliminate allunnecessary outside noise as an aid to concentration. There. Right,let's try again. You come and stand over here, watch the crystalclosely and observe any changes. You ready?
[NYSSA] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[NYSSA] It can't be. It's impossible.
(Secret chamber)
[TEGAN] You're not impressed.
[LON] Not overly, no. Why, did you expect that I would be?
[TEGAN] Leave them alone.
[LON] Toys for children.
[HAWKER] Toys? You don't understand. These are the real thing, thegenuine article. They're worth money, a fortune!
[LON] Now tell me about the Great Crystal. That interests me. Itinterests me very much indeed.
[NYSSA] And then the light faded.
[DOCTOR] Well, of course, it's small. It's power is obviously limited.
[NYSSA] But there was only a blue light.
[DOCTOR] You're missing the point, Nyssa. It's not what you saw but thatyou saw anything at all. It proves the crystal has the quality oftransforming thought into energy.
[NYSSA] I see!
[DOCTOR] Perhaps even into matter itself. Just think of the power theGreat Crystal must have. Whatever's in your thought, whatever in yourmind, it can actually make it occur.
[NYSSA] And if the Mara's in Tegan's mind
[DOCTOR] Exactly. The Mara needs the Great Crystal in order to makeitself reoccur. Er, stay here.
[NYSSA] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] To warn Ambril. He knows where the Great Crystal is now. Hemust be made to listen.
(Secret chamber)
[LON] Yes, I do know where it is.
[TEGAN] Where?
[LON] Or rather, to be more precise, I know who knows where it is, andhow he may be persuaded to tell us.
(Director's room)
[AMBRIL] A toast to the Federation in the person of this charming lady
[DOCTOR] I do assure you it is most important. Where is the Great Mind'sEye?
[TANHA] The what?
[DOCTOR] The Great Crystal from the snake in the chamber.
[AMBRIL] I beg your pardon, my Lady.
[TANHA] No, really, I love surprises.
[DOCTOR] You know where it is.
[AMBRIL] I certainly do.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[AMBRIL] Wherever it is, I can assure you it's perfectly safe.
[DOCTOR] The Great Crystal is the source of the Mara's power. It needsthat power to make itself reoccur. That's why it has returned.
[AMBRIL] I think we've heard enough. Take him away.
[DOCTOR] Through the Great Crystal the Mara will reoccur as a physicalfact here on Manussa!
(Secret chamber)
[LON] Only one thing remains to be decided.
[TEGAN] Yes.
[HAWKER] Me? Oh, er, I could assist in whatever capacity, using mydiscretion.
[HAWKER] Or, or, I could simply forget. Whichever and whatever youprefer.
[TEGAN] He has served his purpose.
[LON] You are no longer necessary.
[TEGAN] Look at me.
[HAWKER] No, no, please, what are you doing?
[TEGAN] Look at me!
[TEGAN] Look at me. I'm not going to harm you. Look at me.
[LON] That's right. Look at me. Look at me.
(Secure area)
[CHELA] I brought you some food.
[DOCTOR] How long am I to be locked up here?
[CHELA] Do you want it?
[DOCTOR] Well, come on, surely at least you can tell me that?
[CHELA] You're to be kept here until after the ceremony this afternoon.
[DOCTOR] That will be too late. Whatever is to happen will happen at theceremony.
(Secret chamber)
[LON] What about him?
[TEGAN] He's not important. Only the Great Crystal is important. I needthe Great Crystal.
[LON] Well, I'll have to see what I can do.
[TEGAN] You must not fail me.
[LON] No. No, I understand.
(Secure area)
[DOCTOR] Do you think I'm inventing all this? Whatwould I have to gain?
[CHELA] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] But you're not sure it is all nonsense, are you.
[CHELA] Yes, of course I am.
[DOCTOR] Why did you tell me about the Crystal?
[CHELA] Because you're not the first. Dojjen, the Director beforeAmbril, he too was convinced that the Mara would return.
[DOCTOR] What happened to Dojjen?
[CHELA] It doesn't matter. The Great Crystal is safe. Ambril has chargeof it.
(Federator's residence)
[TANHA] Lon, where have you been?
[LON] Out.
[TANHA] Come here.
[LON] Whatever for?
[TANHA] I want to look at you.
[TANHA] When I realised your room was empty, I very nearly raised thealarm, but I didn't want to embarrass you.
[LON] Embarrass me?
[TANHA] Yes, if you were out somewhere having fun. Were you? While yourpoor mother was stuck at the official dinner being bored into tinypieces. I shall never forgive you.
[LON] No, mother, I wasn't.
[TANHA] Promise me. What are you hiding?
[LON] What?
[TANHA] Show me.
[LON] It's just a cheap fake. I picked it up at the market.
[TANHA] Since when have you been interested?
[LON] It caught my eye, that's all.
[TANHA] Well, then, why won't you
[LON] Mother, I won't have you asking questions.
(Director's room)
[AMBRIL] Well?
[CHELA] I've taken him food.
[AMBRIL] He should be grateful. Was there something else, Chela?
[CHELA] I think he's harmless.
[AMBRIL] Harmless? Of course the fool's harmless.
[CHELA] He is a doctor.
[AMBRIL] Doctor? Of what? I'm sure the man has no academic standingwhatsoever.
(Institute corridor)
[DOCTOR [OC]] I do not want any more blankets! Iwant to get out of here. Tell your master I want to see him.
(Secure area)
[DOCTOR] Nyssa!
(Federator's residence)
[LON] Give it to me. Thank you.
[TANHA] Where are you going?
(Director's room)
[AMBRIL] Look at this, Chela.
[CHELA] What is it?
[AMBRIL] The meanderings of another crank. Written by Dojjen in themonths before he decided his particular line of research was bestpursued up in the hills with a snake wrapped round his neck. You'llfind the last entry of interest, medical interest. He addresses whatremained of his wits to the question 'where is the Mara'. Well, readit.
[CHELA] (reads) Where the winds of restlessness blow, where the fires ofgreed burn, where hatred chills the blood, here in the Great Mind'sEye, here in the depths of the human heart, here is the Mara.
[AMBRIL] You see?
[CHELA] Is it a code?
[AMBRIL] Code? Course it's not a code. It's nonsense, pure and simplewoolly minded nonsense.
[LON] I'm very pleased to hear it.
[AMBRIL] Oh, my Lord.
[LON] Good morning to you both.
[AMBRIL] Good morning.
[LON] I need to ask a favour. A private favour, if you don't mind.
[AMBRIL] Of course, why should he mind. Chela, out, out, out, out.
[AMBRIL] Now, my Lord, what can I do for you?
(Secure area)
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's no use, Nyssa. I have tried.
[NYSSA] This is so stupid.
[DOCTOR] The lock is extremely primitive. It's practically a museumpiece. There's no electronic impulse matrix to decode, no sonicmicrocircuit to disrupt. Crude mechanical six barrel movement, keyoperated. Primitive but adequate. Well, it's more than adequate,actually, because the key is what we don't have.
[NYSSA] There must be something
[DOCTOR] Quickly.
[DOCTOR] Have you come to let me out?
[CHELA] I've brought you this. It was written by Dojjen. Look at thelast page.
[DOCTOR] I'd much rather you unlocked the door and let me out.
[CHELA] You know I can't do that.
[DOCTOR] Why, don't you have the key?
[CHELA] No, I don't.
[DOCTOR] Ambril, I suppose.
[CHELA] What?
[DOCTOR] Has the key in his room.
[CHELA] Yes, I suppose so. What are you talking about? I thought youmight be interested, but
[DOCTOR] No, wait, wait. Of course I'm interested. The last page, yousay?
(Director's room)
[AMBRIL] My Lord, I am bound by an oath. An oath Ihad to swear on taking office. An oath dating back to the time of thedestruction of the Mara.
[LON] But you do know where the Crystal is.
[AMBRIL] Oh, my Lord, not even the Federator himself may see the GreatCrystal, though I am gratified by your awakened interest.
[LON] Well, you know how it is. With time on one's hands, one pokesaround.
[LON] Surprising, really, what one can turn up.
(Secure area)
[CHELA] Well?
[DOCTOR] It's a reference to the Great Mind's Eye.
[CHELA] And it was the last thing Dojjen wrote before he
[DOCTOR] Before he what?
[CHELA] Now give it back to me.
[DOCTOR] Before he what?
[CHELA] Before he danced the Dance of the Snake.
(Director's room)
[AMBRIL] Where did you find it? Oh, my Lord, I'msorry, but you understand what a discovery like this means to me.
[LON] Is it valuable?
[AMBRIL] Beyond price.
[LON] And rare?
[AMBRIL] It's unique, my Lord.
[LON] How strange. As far as I could see, they did seem to be scatteredaround rather.
[AMBRIL] Scattered? They? How many?
[LON] I didn't count them.
[AMBRIL] Many, though? Many? Lots? My Lord, tell me!
[LON] Perhaps you'd like me to show you where they are.
(Secure area)
[CHELA] The Snake Dance was banned by theFederation nearly a hundred years ago.
[DOCTOR] Why, what was the function of the Dance?
[CHELA] Well, according to the Legend, the Mara's return may only beresisted by those of perfectly clear mind. The Dance was a dance ofpurification in readiness for the return. However, the Federation heldthat the Mara no longer existed. That's why they drove the SnakeDancers into the hills. Oh, apparently it involved the use of certainpowers.
[DOCTOR] What kind of powers?
[CHELA] Mental powers, easily misunderstood.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course.
(Director's room)
[TANHA] What do you think you're doing?
(Market place)
[PUNCH] That's the way to do it!
[JUDY] He struck me!
[JUDY] Don't care. Was made to care.
[PUNCH] Wake up, Judy.
[PUNCH] Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear.
(Director's office)
[TANHA] Where is Ambril? He should be here. I amreally not sure what to do with you. It is hardly a situation onemeets. Ah.
[TANHA] I think perhaps you had better come with me. Isn't that what oneusually says in this kind of situation.
(Market place)
[PUNCH] Oh, I've been naughty.
[LON] Just what we need.
[AMBRIL] My Lord?
[LON] Wait here.
[PUNCH] What is it? Go away, go away.
[PUNCH] Go away, go away.
[LON] Right.
[AMBRIL] What are they for, my Lord.
[LON] We must be equipped.
[AMBRIL] Where are we going?
[LON] Just you wait and see. Come on.
(Secure area)
[DOCTOR] So, Dojjen believed the legend of the Marato such an extent that he gave up everything, went up into the hills topurify himself in readiness.
[CHELA] Doctor, nobody these days believe in legends.
[CHELA] My Lady.
[TANHA] Bring her in.
(Outside the Snake Mouth)
[LON] Ahem.
[AMBRIL] In there? Oh no, it's impossible, my Lord. All the passageshave been thoroughly explored over the years.
[LON] Come on. No, wait. We may as well do this properly.
[AMBRIL] What's that?
[LON] A blindfold.
[AMBRIL] No, certainly not.
[LON] You don't have to. It all depends on how badly you want the honourof having made this discovery on your own.
[AMBRIL] You'd allow me to take the credit?
[LON] Certainly. It's up to you.
(Secure area)
[NYSSA] What are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What do you suggest?
[NYSSA] We've got to get out of here.
[NYSSA] If only we still had the sonic screwdriver.
[DOCTOR] Well, we haven't, so for the time being we must make use ofwhat we do have.
[NYSSA] What.
[DOCTOR] This.
(Director's room)
[TANHA] I was actually looking for my son.
[CHELA] Oh, he was here, my Lady. He had something to discuss with theDirector.
[TANHA] Did he? How very odd.
(Chamber of the Mara)
[LON] And another three steps. That's it. Now forwards. Wait there.
[AMBRIL] What is it?
[LON] Don't worry, it's all right. Now, over the step, and stop.
(Secret chamber)
[LON] You've done splendidly.
[AMBRIL] Where are we?
[LON] Where do you think?
[AMBRIL] We're there?
[LON] You can take off your blindfold now. Look. I trust you're notdisappointed?
[AMBRIL] Not disappointed, my Lord.
[LON] So it was all worth it, then?
[AMBRIL] Oh, my Lord, the existence of these objects is entirelyunsuspected. Oh, my Lord, this is genuine. It's amazing. This is thegreatest hoard of all
[HAWKER] Entertainment. Children half price. Step this way please forthe spectacle of a lifetime. Tread the mystic corridors of time tovisit the dark and distant shores of the imagination.
[AMBRIL] What is this place?
[TEGAN] Silence! Stop wasting time. Where is the Great Crystal?
(Secure area)
[DOCTOR] Well?
[NYSSA] Doctor, what exactly are you asking me?
[DOCTOR] This is a record of a journey, a private mental journey. Now,he must have discovered something that finally decided him.
[NYSSA] To do with what?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. The Mara, the history of the planet, theorigins of this crystal.
[NYSSA] To function as they do, the crystals must possess a perfectmolecular structure tuned to the exact wavelengths of the human mind.Doctor, the crystal is man made!
[DOCTOR] What?
(Secret chamber)
[AMBRIL] It's all a hoax, isn't it, my Lord? Thisis just a prank at my expense. These are friends of yours, aren't they?It's just an elaborate hoax, isn't it?
[LON] And these?
[AMBRIL] These?
[LON] Are they a hoax? After all, you're the expert.
[TEGAN] Where is the Great Crystal?
(Secure area)
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course, I should have realised.Structurally perfect. It has to be free of all flaws and distortions.Even the minute distortions produced by the effects of gravity.
[NYSSA] What are you saying?
[DOCTOR] The crystals were designed and built by a people who hadmastered the techniques of molecular engineering in a zero gravityenvironment.
[NYSSA] But the Manussans are not that advanced.
[DOCTOR] No, and according to Chela this crystal is eight hundred yearsold.
(Secret chamber)
[AMBRIL] No! Why is everyone suddenly interested inthe Great Crystal?
[LON] Everyone?
[TEGAN] Who else?
[AMBRIL] Some crank.
[TEGAN] His name?
[AMBRIL] He calls himself the Doctor, although personally I rather doubtit.
[TEGAN] The Doctor must not interfere. He must be killed.
[AMBRIL] Killed?
[LON] Take no notice. My friend has a theory, and in order to test itthe Great Crystal must be placed in its socket during the ceremony.
[AMBRIL] No, it's quite impossible.
[TEGAN] Nothing is impossible.
[AMBRIL] Please, my Lord.
[LON] Now listen to me. If you don't cooperate, I promise you you'llnever set eyes on any of these trinkets ever again. You'll always knowthat they existed somewhere, that you discovered them once, held themin your hands once, and then lost them forever. It's up to you.
[AMBRIL] Oh! No! Wait! All right, I agree.
(Secure area)
[NYSSA] But there would be records. A people eighthundred years ago capable of molecular engineering?
[DOCTOR] Not necessarily. I suspect that when they built the GreatCrystal they overlooked one vital factor. The nature of the mentalenergy would determine the nature of the matter created. The GreatCrystal absorbed what was in their minds. The restlessness, the hatred,the greed. Absorbed it, amplified it, reflected it.
[NYSSA] And created the Mara.
[DOCTOR] Indeed. And in the reign of evil which followed they must haveforgotten the most important thing of all, that the Mara was somethingthey themselves had blindly brought into being.
(Outside the Snake Mouth)
[AMBRIL] Where are they?
[LON] They're quite safe. If you cooperate, you can discover them againafter the ceremony.
[AMBRIL] Your friend?
[LON] She's looking after them for you. Come on. You can discover themagain after the ceremony.
(Secure area)
[NYSSA] But if Dojjen had worked out what had happened
[DOCTOR] Only some of it. The rest he must have learned from the SnakeDancers who kept the knowledge alive, hidden in traditions and legends.
[NYSSA] And if he became convinced that the Mara would return
[DOCTOR] He didn't know exactly when, and nobody would listen, just asno one will listen to us.
[NYSSA] Then why didn't he simply destroy the Great Crystal when it wasin his charge?
[DOCTOR] Good question. I don't know.
[NYSSA] And in the meantime?
[DOCTOR] We wait.
(Director's room)
[TANHA] It is difficult for him, isn't it. He isyoung, impatient. He knows that one day he will be Federator and ruleover the three worlds. My husband is an old man, but he is lingering onrather. He could live for years, and so my son must wait. The young donot like to wait, do they. As a rule. You may speak freely. Strictlybetween ourselves.
[TANHA] Lon! Where've you been?
[LON] Nowhere, Mother. Just exploring.
[LON] Ambril has been showing me around, haven't you.
(Secure area)
[DOCTOR] Patience.
[NYSSA] How can you be so calm? What if Chela doesn't help?
[DOCTOR] I think he will.
[NYSSA] You can't be certain.
[NYSSA] And meanwhile the Mara could destroy Tegan.
(Director's office)
[LON] My fault, I'm afraid. I did rather insist, and he's got a littledusty in the process. Ambril has an announcement to make.
[LON] Yes, you do.
[AMBRIL] Oh. Oh yes. In honour of the special esteem, esteem
[LON] Ceremony.
[AMBRIL] Yes, in the ceremony this afternoon Lon, the son of the presentFederator, will play the part of his illustrious ancestor who fivehundred years ago defeated the Mara and founded the Federation. Inhonour of this special occasion, the Great Crystal, the Great Mind'sEye, will for the first time be inserted into its rightful place
[LON] Oh? Will that be difficult? I know sometimes these last minuteschanges of plan
[CHELA] Director, it is expressly forbidden.
[AMBRIL] Superstition, just foolish superstition.
[LON] It's my fault, I'm afraid. You see, it was my idea.
[CHELA] My Lord.
[LON] Mother, do you have any objection?
[AMBRIL] Those are my instructions and I will have them obeyed to theletter.
[LON] Then fetch the Great Crystal, would you?
[LON] Yes, why not? We may as well have a look at it.
[LON] Well, I think a drink while we're waiting. Will you join us?
[CHELA] Er, no, my Lord. I'm afraid I have other duties.
[LON] Of course. Highly commendable. You mustn't neglect your duties.
[TANHA] Lon, will you please tell me what is going on?
[LON] Of course, Mother, I'd be only too pleased.
[CHELA] Excuse me, my Lord, my Lady.
[LON] What was on the table? He picked something up off the table. Whatwas it?
(Secret chamber)
[TEGAN] Well, showman, do you still dream of mysuccess? Perhaps you do. After all, you have no choice. You have got tolook.
(Secure area)
[DOCTOR] Well done!
[CHELA] Quiet, there's no time.
[DOCTOR] What made you change your mind?
[CHELA] Come on.
(Director's room)
[TANHA] Are you sure? He seemed such a pleasant young man.
[LON] He's taken the key. That proves he's involved.
(Institute corridor)
[CHELA] We must get out of the building at once.
[NYSSA] And back to the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] You're forgetting Tegan.
(Director's room)
[LON] I want all the entrances sealed. They must not escape.
[TANHA] Oh, Lon, I really do feel
[LON] Mother, do you expect me to allow those who plot my death to gofree?
[TANHA] Your death?
[LON] Isn't it obvious?
(Institute corridor)
[DOCTOR] Back the way we came.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right, we give in.
[LON] Give in? You talk as though you had a choice. Kill them.
(Institute corridor)
[TANHA] You can't do that!
[LON] Why not?
[TANHA] It is preposterous to think that anyone is plotting against you,least of all these people.
[DOCTOR] Your mother is right.
[LON] I'd expect you to say that.
[DOCTOR] My only concern is for Tegan and the Great Crystal.
[AMBRIL] Why should the Great Crystal concern you?
[DOCTOR] If I'm allowed to live long enough, I'll explain.
(Secret chamber)
[TEGAN] Puzzling, isn't it. How can it be happening? Can you believeyour eyes? You have no choice.
(Director's room)
[DOCTOR] You must not do that.
[TANHA] And why not?
[LON] Mother.
[TANHA] No, no, the man is entitled to his say, however preposterous. Ofcourse we can do it. And the Director has agreed, haven't you.
[AMBRIL] The Great Crystal will be returned to its rightful place duringthe ceremony.
[DOCTOR] But why?
[LON] Why what?
[DOCTOR] Why did you request it, and why did he agree?
[TANHA] Why not? It is actually one of the few advantages of being amember of the Federator's family.
[CHELA] But it's forbidden. It's forbidden by tradition going back fivehundred years!
[LON] Is that why you propose to assassinate me?
[TANHA] I thought we'd cleared that up.
[DOCTOR] Who said we wanted to assassinate you?
[LON] I'm not here to be questioned by you.
[DOCTOR] No, of course not. How foolish of me. I've been very stupid. Doyou remember me telling you, Nyssa, on the Kinda world, the mark of theMara? I should have realised.
[LON] They'd never believe you.
[TANHA] What are you two talking about?
[DOCTOR] Where's Tegan? What have you done with her?
[TANHA] Tegan? Who is Tegan?
[LON] Another of the Doctor's companions who apparently he has lost.
[TANHA] Why is he asking you about her?
[LON] How should I know, Mother? The man's a complete fool.
[DOCTOR] You won't succeed. In the end, evil never does.
[TANHA] What does he mean, evil? Who is evil?
[LON] Oh, I am, Mother. Isn't it obvious? Your son is evil. After all,why else would they want to kill me. Don't you see?
[TANHA] I most certainly do. Take them away. Take all of them away.
[LON] No, I think we can afford to be generous on today of all days. Atleast let them see the Great Crystal just once, just for a moment,don't you think?
[AMBRIL] My Lord.
[LON] Indulge me. That's close enough. Right.
[AMBRIL] Shall I?
[LON] If you wouldn't mind.
[DOCTOR] Come on, there's no time for that!
[LON] Well, don't just stand there, after them!
[LON] Yes, you, and take that fool with you.
(Market place)
[CHELA] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] To find Tegan.
[CHELA] We don't even know if she's still alive.
[DOCTOR] Tegan won't die until the Mara within her is free.
[NYSSA] If Lon has been affected by the Mara, why hasn't he changed?
[DOCTOR] Same reason as Tegan. He still has a lot of his ownpersonality.
[CHELA] But he is influenced?
[DOCTOR] Very much so.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Director's office)
[LON] Well?
[AMBRIL] No sign, my Lord. I'm afraid they seem to have got away.
[LON] Do they.
[AMBRIL] Yes. I've issued the necessary instruction. A search party isbeing organised.
[LON] It doesn't matter. What can they do now?
[AMBRIL] As you say, my Lord.
[LON] Well?
[AMBRIL] I only wish to remind you, my Lord
[LON] I've not forgotten.
[AMBRIL] Our arrangement.
[LON] Yes.
[AMBRIL] You promised immediately after the ceremony, my Lord.
[LON] Go away.
[TANHA] Lon, what arrangement? What did you promise him?
[LON] Nothing, Mother. It doesn't matter.
[TANHA] I know you, you're planning something. Is it to be a surprise?
[LON] Yes, Mother.
(Market place)
[DOCTOR] In here.
[CHELA] It's all right, I think we've managed to lose them.
[CHELA] I'm sorry, Doctor, it's just the surprise.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[CHELA] You've been touched by an attendant demon. You must forfeit acoin. It's the custom, I'm afraid.
[DOCTOR] Custom?
[CHELA] On the day of the ceremony, the attendant demons seek out theunwary. Anyone they touch with the evil must pay up or, er.
[DOCTOR] Or what?
[CHELA] Have water tipped over their heads. It's part of the fun.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid I don't have a coin.
[CHELA] Here you are. May you never feel the serpent's tooth.
[DOCTOR] I wish it was that easy.)
[NYSSA] Doctor, what are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] How long have we got? When does the actual ceremony begin?
[CHELA] Well, first the Great Snake is taken in procession through thestreets before going up to the cave.
[DOCTOR] How long?
[CHELA] A few hours.
[DOCTOR] I wonder if there's still time. There must be. It's our onlyhope. Come on.
[CHELA] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Change of plan. To find Dojjen.
(Director's room)
[TANHA] But if it's nothing, why won't you let mesee it?
[LON] I told you, Mother, it's just a scratch.
[TANHA] It could become infected. How did it happen? Why didn't you tellme?
[LON] It was an accident.
[TANHA] What sort of an accident? I would just like to check
[LON] Mother! For the last time, will you leave me alone!
(Market place)
[MAN] Now the Great Snake has come to claim his own. Who has the powerto turn away his face? Which one of you has the strength to turn away?Who can protect us now? Submit! Submit!
(Outside the Snake Mouth)
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[CHELA] If you'd let me steal the Great Crystal, this trek wouldn't benecessary.
[DOCTOR] It's not as simple as that.
[NYSSA] Why not?
[DOCTOR] We wouldn't be preventing the Mara's return, only postponingit. It would continue to exist as a mental force. No, this time we mustdestroy it completely.
[NYSSA] But how?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[NYSSA] And you think Dojjen will be able to tell us?
[DOCTOR] I hope so.
[CHELA] Dojjen hasn't been seen for ten years. He could be anywhere,assuming he's still alive.
[DOCTOR] You're forgetting we do have this.
[CHELA] How will that help to find him?
[DOCTOR] It won't. It will help him find us. Trust me.
(Director's room)
[LON] Well?
[AMBRIL] I've taken the liberty of bringing the costume that you mustwear for the ceremony, my Lord.
[LON] Oh good. Look, Mother.
[AMBRIL] It's an exact replica of the costume worn by your ancestor, theFounder of the Federation, when he destroyed the Mara five hundredyears ago.
[LON] How very appropriate.
[AMBRIL] I beg your pardon, my Lord?
[LON] Don't you think so, Mother?
[LON] Well, I'm going to try it on. Are you coming?
[CHELA] How far are we going?
[DOCTOR] This should be fine.
[NYSSA] What now?
[DOCTOR] Sympathetic resonance.
[NYSSA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Thought directed at this crystal should set up a resonancewhich is picked up and echoed by another.
[DOCTOR] Well, the Snake Dancers wear these, don't they?
[CHELA] So I gather.
[NYSSA] Of course. The crystal will act like a radio wave, transmittingthoughts instead of words.
[CHELA] Establishing a mental link.
[DOCTOR] Hopefully.
[CHELA] Will it work?
[NYSSA] Well?
[DOCTOR] Now we wait.
(Director's room)
[LON] Mother?
[TANHA] Let me look at you.
[LON] Am I forgiven?
[TANHA] What? Oh yes, of course. Aren't you always? Come here.
[LON] Well, what do you think?
[TANHA] You look splendid. It fits exactly, don't you think so?
[AMBRIL] Remarkable fit, my Lady, truly remarkable.
[TANHA] Let me look at you. Oh, I am going to be so proud.
[CHELA] If what you say is true, why didn't Dojjendestroy the Great Crystal while he was still Director?
[DOCTOR] Good question. Nyssa asked exactly the same thing.
[CHELA] Well?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Perhaps we'll find that out too.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[CHELA] Dojjen.
(Market place)
[MAN] Abandon yourselves and follow the path of the snake. Follow thepath. Who dare resist the power of the snake?
[NYSSA] Doctor, no. What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid we have no choice if we're to have any hope ofsaving Tegan.
[NYSSA] But its bite could be deadly.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I do know.
[DOJJEN [OC]] No, look into my eyes. You have come this far. You mustnot now give in to fear. Look.
[DOCTOR [OC]] It's the poison. The effect of the poison.
[DOJJEN [OC]] Fear is the only poison.
[DOJJEN [OC]] Ask your question.
[DOCTOR [OC]] How, how can, I must save Tegan. It was my fault, so how,how can. Destroyed. How can the Mara? It was my fault.
[DOJJEN [OC]] Steady your mind. Attach to nothing. Let go of your fear.
[DOCTOR [OC]] What is the Snake Dance?
[DOJJEN [OC]] This is, here and now. The dance goes on. It is all thedance, everywhere and always. So, find the still point. Only then canthe Mara be defeated.
[DOCTOR [OC]] The still point? The point of safety? A place in thechamber somewhere. Where?
[DOJJEN [OC]] No, the still point is within yourself, nowhere else. Todestroy the Mara you must find the still point. Point. Point. Point.Point.
(Chamber of the Mara)
[AMBRIL] The snake is approaching, my Lady. We should take our seats.
[TANHA] Yes, certainly.
[AMBRIL] My Lord, the Great Crystal.
[LON] I will tell you when.
[AMBRIL] Very well, my Lord.
(Outside the Snake Mouth)
[MAN] Following the path of the great snake.Submit! Abandon yourselves and follow in the path of the great snake.
[NYSSA] Doctor? Oh, thank goodness. I thought for amoment
[DOCTOR] Thought what? No, I survived.
[NYSSA] But how?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Somehow he saw me through.
[CHELA] We must hurry.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. The ceremony.
[NYSSA] Did you find out what you needed to know?
[DOCTOR] I think I did, we'll have to see. I just hope we're not toolate.
[CHELA] Doctor.
(Chamber of the Mara)
[MAN] Who will challenge the Mara? Who will pluck the Great Crystal ofknowledge from between the Mara's jaws and set us free?
[TANHA] (sotto) Lon.
[AMBRIL] Not yet, my Lady.
[MAN] For the second time I will ask it. For the third and final time.
[LON] I will.
[MAN] Bring the stranger forward. You dare to challenge the power of theMara?
[LON] I do.
[MAN] And in whose name do you wish to do so?
[LON] In the name of the Federation, and in my own.
[MAN] First, let the stranger prove his worthiness. Prepare him for thetest.
[MAN] Are you ready to face the triple temptation?
[LON] I am ready.
[MAN] The first temptation is fear. I offer you fear in a handful ofdust.
[LON] I do not fear. I spread my fingers and the dust trickles away. Iknow that whilst I live my hand is clean, my eyes are bright. That isenough.
(Outside the Snake's Mouth)
[DOCTOR] Come on, jump.
[NYSSA] Thank you. It wasn't necessary.
(Chamber of the Mara)
[MAN] The second temptation.
[LON] I am ready.
[MAN] The second temptation is to despair. I offer you despair in awithered branch.
[LON] I do not despair. I turn my hand and the branch drops to theearth. I know the sap will rise again and the roots will sprout. Thatis enough.
[NYSSA] Shush.
[CHELA] The ceremony must have started.
[DOCTOR] Well, let's hope we're not too late.
[NYSSA] Doctor, look.
(Chamber of the Mara)
[MAN] The third and final temptation is to succumbto greed. Stranger, now you must look into the crystal without greedfor knowledge. I offer you greed in the hidden depths.
[MAN] My Lord, you must not touch it. Not yet.
[LON] Why mustn't I?
[MAN] The crystal of knowledge has hidden depths.
[LON] What do you mean, hidden depths. Where are they? Show them to me.It's just a fake. Your whole ceremony is a fake.
[LON] It's nothing. It's just glass.
[DOCTOR] Come on, come on. Hurry up.
(Chamber of the Mara)
[LON] A childish fake at the centre of a farcecreated by a civilisation that has gone soft. Today I bring realknowledge. Real knowledge and real power. Give it to me.
[AMBRIL] My Lord, I really do think
[LON] Give me the Great Crystal.
[TANHA] Lon, no, please. What is wrong with you?
[LON] Mother, let go.
[TANHA] What is that?
[LON] Now, give me the Great Crystal.
[DOCTOR] You left that a bit late.
(Chamber of the Mara)
[LON] Now listen to me, all of you. I hold in my hands the GreatCrystal. The Great Crystal that was removed from its socket by myancestor, when the Mara was banished to the dark places of the inside.Now, after five hundred years, the Mara has returned. It's fitting thatit should be I who restores the Great Crystal to its rightful owner.
[TEGAN] Go on, do it now.
[DOCTOR] No! No!
[DOCTOR] No! No more, you must not look! The Mara is feeding off thefear and panic. It needs it. You must not believe what you see. TheGreat Crystal is absorbing the belief and creating the Mara. Don'tlook! Reach inside yourselves and find the still point. Oh Nyssa,Nyssa.
[TEGAN] What is happening? Who dares to interrupt the Becoming? Who doesnot believe? Submit. All minds must submit. Look at me. You must lookat me. You cannot resist. It is impossible. No! Stop him! He must bestopped. Help me, Doctor. What's happening to me? Please, look at me,Doctor. I need your help.
[DOCTOR] No, I will not submit.
[TEGAN] No! The crystal! Destroy the crystal! It will prevent my
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[TEGAN] It was awful. It was awful.
[DOCTOR] It's all right. It's all over now.
[TEGAN] The feelings of hate and rage. It was terrible. I wanted todestroy everything.
[DOCTOR] Well, you're free of it now.
[TEGAN] The Mara's gone for ever?
[DOCTOR] Yes. The Mara has been destroyed.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s20", "episode": "e02", "title": "Snakedance"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (1 Feb, 1983; Fifth Doctor) - Mawdryn Undead
(Brendon Public School)
[IBBOTSON] A 1929 Humber 16/50 open tourer, Imperial model. Do yourealise this car has the same chassis as the three and a half litreHumber Super Snipe?
[TURLOUGH] Crude, heavy and inefficient.
[IBBOTSON] This car is a classic, Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] It's dull and fat and ugly. Just like you, Hippo.
[IBBOTSON] Turlough!
[TURLOUGH] We're going for a ride.
[IBBOTSON] You can't drive the car!
[TURLOUGH] Watch me.
[IBBOTSON] We'll be caught.
[TURLOUGH] Who will know?
[IBBOTSON] Oh, Turlough, we can't.
[TURLOUGH] Oh, come on, Hippo. Just to the end of the drive and back.You're not afraid, are you? Come on.
[IBBOTSON] Turlough!
[IBBOTSON] Hey, you said just to the end of thedrive. But you haven't got a license, Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] So, who needs one?
[IBBOTSON] Oh, go back to the school, please. Oh Turlough, slow down,please. You're on the wrong side of the road, Turlough!
[TURLOUGH] This car's a classic. Isn't that what you said, Hippo?
[IBBOTSON] Look out!
[TURLOUGH] Who are you?
[GUARDIAN] A friend.
[TURLOUGH] What is this place?
[GUARDIAN] There's no need to be afraid.
[TURLOUGH] Then tell me who you are.
[GUARDIAN] Your guardian. One who has your interests at heart.
[TURLOUGH] Am I dead?
[GUARDIAN] Merely sleeping.
[TURLOUGH] I don't think I'd really care if I were. I hate Earth.
[GUARDIAN] You would like to leave?
[TURLOUGH] Is it possible?
[GUARDIAN] All things are possible.
[TURLOUGH] Then get me away from here, please.
[GUARDIAN] But first, we should have to discuss terms.
[RUNCIMAN] He'll be all right. No bones broken.Just a slight concussion.
[HEADMASTER] It's a wonder they weren't both killed. What's the damageat your end, Brigadier?
[BRIGADIER] Eh? In thirty years of soldiering, I've never encounteredsuch destructive power as I have seen displayed here and now by theBritish schoolboy. Well, how is he?
[RUNCIMAN] He's been lucky, He'll be all right.
[GUARDIAN] We haven't much longer. I need to knowthat I have your assent to our arrangement. You will find me the mostaccommodating of partners.
[TURLOUGH] But murder. I'm not sure I could go that far.
[GUARDIAN] You will be destroying one of the most evil creatures in theuniverse. He calls himself the Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] Why can't you destroy him? You have the powers.
[GUARDIAN] I may not be seen to act in this. I must not be involved.
[TURLOUGH] I need time to think.
[GUARDIAN] There is no time. Yes or no?
[TURLOUGH] Don't send me back to Earth, please.
[GUARDIAN] Yes or no?
[RUNCIMAN] He's coming round.
[BRIGADIER] Steady on, old chap. You had a bit of a knock.
[TEGAN] Doctor? I am free of the Mara, aren't I?
[DOCTOR] Tegan, Tegan, Tegan.
[TEGAN] I'm scared.
[DOCTOR] There isn't any need to be.
[TEGAN] I'm still having terrible dreams.
[DOCTOR] It's your mind's way of coping with the experience. You'vesuffered a great deal.
[TEGAN] That could have been prevented if that Dojjen person haddestroyed the Great Crystal.
[DOCTOR] No, he couldn't. The Mara during the process of its becoming.It had to be trapped between modes of its being.
[TEGAN] The feelings of hate. Doctor, I couldn't go through it again.
[DOCTOR] Well, you're completely free of it now, Tegan. For you, theMara is dead forever.
[NYSSA] For all of us, I hope.
[DOCTOR] Indeed.
[TEGAN] Can you take me back to Earth?
[NYSSA] You want to leave us?
[TEGAN] I want to rest. I want to be surrounded by familiar things.
[NYSSA] You'll forget the Mara, Tegan. It won't always be as painful asit is now.
[DOCTOR] Warp ellipse cut out?
[NYSSA] Can't be. That would mean we were near an object in a fixedorbit in time as well as space.
[DOCTOR] And what's the probability of that?
[NYSSA] Several billion to one against.
[TEGAN] Are you trying to scare me, or is this your way of telling mewe've broken down again?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid it's much more serious than that.
[MATRON] Right, into bed with you, young man.
[TURLOUGH] Oh, Matron, I'm perfectly all right.
[MATRON] Mild concussion and shock. You heard what Doctor Runciman said.We don't want complications, do we?
[TURLOUGH] I'm not going to bed.
[MATRON] Just this once you can do as you're told. You're in enough hotwater already.
[TURLOUGH] Matron, where did this come from?
[MATRON] It was in your jacket, and that was in a fine old mess, I don'tmind telling you.
[MATRON] Good afternoon, Headmaster.
[HEADMASTER] Is it, I wonder. Well, Turlough, how are you feeling?
[TURLOUGH] Much better, thank you, sir.
[HEADMASTER] Which is more than the Brigadier can say for his car. Idon't understand you. You make no effort at games, you refuse to jointhe CCF, you do little or no work in class though you have a first-ratemind, and now this.
[TURLOUGH] I wasn't driving, you know, sir.
[TURLOUGH] The Brigadier's car.
[HEADMASTER] But Ibbotson said
[TURLOUGH] I didn't want Ibbotson to get into trouble, sir. I only wentalong in case he got hurt. I knew he wasn't really able to drive it,and, well
[MATRON] Ahem. Turlough must get some sleep, Headmaster.
[HEADMASTER] Of course, Matron. I'll look in again later.
[TURLOUGH] So you are real. I thought it was just a dream.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Waking or sleeping, I shall be with you until ourbusiness is concluded.
[NYSSA] Are we safe?
[DOCTOR] There's a chance something's on a collision course with theTardis.
[TEGAN] Don't you know?
[DOCTOR] Well, there's a chance of anything. Statistically speaking, ifyou gave typewriters to a tree full of monkeys, they'd eventuallyproduce the works of William Shakespeare.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Now, you and I know that at the end of the millennium they'dstill be tapping out gibberish.
[DOCTOR] And you'd be tapping it out right along side them. I only askedyou a simple question.
[NYSSA] Doctor, something's coming straight for us!
[NYSSA] We've got to get out of the way.
[DOCTOR] We can't. We've converged with the warp ellipse.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Hold this steady.
[TEGAN] We're going to crash.
[DOCTOR] I'll try and materialise on board the ship. Hold tight!
[TURLOUGH] Why am I still on Earth?
[GUARDIAN] Patience, Turlough. Already the elements of chance are rangedagainst the Doctor. Soon he will be separated from the Tardis and inyour power. Go to the hill, boy, to the obelisk, and wait. There I willinstruct you further.
(Outside the Headmaster's study)
[HEADMASTER {OC]] You realise, Ibbotson, what youdid is a criminal offence. If it weren't for the good name of theschool, I'd hand you both over to the police.
[HEADMASTER [OC]] I shall be writing to your parents, needless to say.
[BRIGADIER] Ah, Ibbotson. And what have you got to say for yourself?
[IBBOTSON] Please, sir, I'm very sorry, sir, but it wasn't my fault,honestly. I'm really sorry, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Ah, Headmaster. I trust you flogged that young man within aninch of his life?
[HEADMASTER] Thank you, Brigadier, but I feel that we should wait untilTurlough is restored to health before we take any legal or disciplinaryaction.
[BRIGADIER] You realise that car was unique?
[HEADMASTER] Quite, but I feel sure that you will agree that we must dowhat is best for the school.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, well. Oh, if you say so, Headmaster. Mind, you can'treally take it out on Ibbotson. It's my view that he was led into thisby Turlough. Oh, we've got a rotten one there.
[HEADMASTER] I'm not so sure. I had a word with Turlough. He said heonly went along to protect Ibbotson.
[BRIGADIER] Pah. Cunning as a fox. You don't believe him, of course.
[HEADMASTER] I don't know. I'd be reluctant to jeopardise the boy'sfuture.
[BRIGADIER] Have you spoken to his parents?
[HEADMASTER] I thought you knew. They're dead. I deal with a solicitorin London, and a very strange man he is, too.
[IBBOTSON] Are you awake, Turlough?
[TURLOUGH] What do you want?
[IBBOTSON] Listen, the Head's going to write to my parents. The policemay be called into investigate. We could be expelled.
[TURLOUGH] It's all right, Hippo. I've spoken to the Head. I told him itwas all my fault.
[IBBOTSON] I say, did you really, Turlough?
[TURLOUGH] So you won't get the boot, just beaten, I expect.
[IBBOTSON] Oh. Well, they'll beat you when you're better.
[TURLOUGH] Oh no, they won't.
[IBBOTSON] Hey, you can't get up until Doctor Runciman says so.
[TURLOUGH] Goodbye, Hippo.
[IBBOTSON] Oh, Turlough, you can't leave me on my own! Oh please,Turlough!
[TEGAN] Strange ship.
[NYSSA] No sign of any passengers.
[TEGAN] Probably having cocktails with the Captain.
[NYSSA] What?
[TEGAN] Well, I mean it's more like the Queen Mary than a spaceship.
[TEGAN] I take it back. It's not the Queen Mary, it's the Marie Celeste.You'd think on a long journey they'd want something a little morecheerful.
[NYSSA] Everything on this ship is designed for pleasure.
[DOCTOR] I have a weird feeling the warp ellipse will be travelling fora very long time. Possibly through infinity.
[NYSSA] Well, it's certainly no prison ship.
(Obelisk hill)
[IBBOTSON] Where are we going?
[TURLOUGH] Don't ask questions.
[TURLOUGH] (sotto to crystal) What am I supposed to do?
[IBBOTSON] Oh, Turlough, what's happening? Who are you talking to?
[IBBOTSON] Oh, wait for me.
(Spaceship bridge)
[TEGAN] Could you fly this thing, Doctor?
[NYSSA] You don't fly a ship like this, it's in perpetual orbit.
[DOCTOR] Amazing.
[NYSSA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] There's a length of flight indicator. This ship's been in orbitthree thousand years.
[TEGAN] No wonder there's no one on board.
(Obelisk hill)
[IBBOTSON] Now what?
[TURLOUGH] We wait.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] The base of the urn. Press it. Release the camouflagescreen protecting the capsule.
(Spaceship bridge)
[NYSSA] Doctor, look at this.
[DOCTOR] Mmm. Transmat terminal.
[NYSSA] And in the transmit mode.
[TEGAN] The crew escaped in a life raft?
[DOCTOR] Well, someone certainly left the ship, almost six years ago.
[TEGAN] Where to?
[DOCTOR] Earth.
(Obelisk hill)
[IBBOTSON] What is it?
[TURLOUGH] A transmat capsule. Don't you know anything?
(Spaceship bridge)
[DOCTOR] The ship's orbit takes it within range ofEarth for six years.
[TEGAN] Someone might come back.
[DOCTOR] Any time. Come on, let's get back to the Tardis.
(Obelisk hill)
[IBBOTSON] Keep back!
[IBBOTSON] Turlough!
(Spaceship bridge)
[GUARDIAN [OC]] The controls of the vessel are of no interest to you,Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] But it's a ship! I can get home!
[GUARDIAN [OC]] I did not bring you here so that you could return home.Your concern is with the Doctor.
[GUARDIAN] You will obey me in all things.
[TURLOUGH] Let me go.
[GUARDIAN] Remember the agreement between us.
[GUARDIAN] You will seek out the Doctor and destroy him.
[TURLOUGH] Of course. I will seek out the Doctor and destroy him.
[DOCTOR] Quickly.
(Brendon Public School)
[IBBOTSON] Sir! Sir!
[IBBOTSON] It's Turlough, sir.
[IBBOTSON] We were on the hill, sir, and there was this great big silverball, and Turlough went inside and disappeared.
[TEGAN] Now what?
[DOCTOR] The Tardis won't dematerialise.
(Obelisk hill)
[BRIGADIER] If you took more regular exercise,Ibbotson, not only would your body be less disgusting, but you'd enjoya healthier imagination.
[IBBOTSON] I didn't imagine it, sir.
[BRIGADIER] Take it from me, boy, a solid object just can'tdematerialise. Turlough!
[TEGAN] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] I wonder.
[DOCTOR] I might have known.
[NYSSA] Doctor?
[TEGAN] Where are you going?
(Spaceship bridge)
[DOCTOR] The transmat beam, it's been operated. Thesignal is interfering with the Tardis.
[NYSSA] Look. It must have just returned.
[TEGAN] Well, how is the transmat signal jamming us?
[DOCTOR] Well, the capsule and the Tardis must be dimensionally verysimilar, and the beam's still functioning. It's supposed to cut outwhen the capsule completes its journey.
[TEGAN] Well, can you switch it off?
[DOCTOR] I hope so.
[TEGAN] I hope so too. I don't fancy a non-stop mystery tour of thegalaxy.
[NYSSA] You found the fault?
[DOCTOR] In a manner of speaking. It's on Earth.
[TEGAN] Earth?
[DOCTOR] If these readings are correct, it's 1983 on Earth.
[DOCTOR] Well, the capsule originally left the ship six years ago.
[TEGAN] 1977.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I wonder what it's been up to all that time. Come on, backto the Tardis.
[TEGAN] Doctor, wait.
[NYSSA] What's the matter?
[TEGAN] Well, if that thing's back, then someone could be on board theship.
[DOCTOR] Who are you?
[HEADMASTER] Turlough again.
[MATRON] I'm sorry, Headmaster, but he was missing when I came in withDoctor Runciman. And there's no sign of Ibbotson either.
[HEADMASTER] I must talk to the Brigadier.
[MATRON] I sent a boy round to his quarters, but the Brigadier'sdisappeared too.
[DOCTOR] This is Turlough.
[TEGAN] Where did you come from?
[DOCTOR] The transmat capsule.
[TEGAN] Earth?
[TURLOUGH] The capsule just appeared. It was very strange.
[NYSSA] And you just walked in?
[DOCTOR] Seven, eight. All set.
[NYSSA] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] Earth, via the transmat capsule.
[TEGAN] Is it safe?
[DOCTOR] Well, it worked one way. Once I've disconnected the beamjamming the Tardis, you should follow me through to Earth.
[TURLOUGH] May I come with you?
[DOCTOR] You'll be safer in the Tardis.
[TURLOUGH] Please?
[DOCTOR] All right, why not. See you on Earth.
[NYSSA] Good luck.
(Transmat capsule)
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Obelisk hill)
[DOCTOR] It's a pity those things don't have awider range. Still, at least we're here in one piece. Transmat capsulescan do very nasty things to organic structures if they're not properlymaintained.
[TEGAN] I don't trust that boy.
[NYSSA] Oh, I don't know. I thought he was rather nice.
[TEGAN] Nobody from Earth is just going to walk into a transmat capsule.
[NYSSA] As you did into the Tardis on the Barnet bypass?
(Obelisk hill)
[GUARDIAN] In the name of all that is evil, theBlack Guardian orders you to destroy him now!
[GUARDIAN] Now, boy. Do it now!
(Obelisk hill)
[DOCTOR] Done it.
[TEGAN] Here we go.
(Obelisk hill)
[DOCTOR] Well, that shouldn't have happened.
[TURLOUGH] What's happened? Could it have been affected by tangentialdeviation coming out of the warp ellipse?
[DOCTOR] Not with the dead reckoning alignment in the coordinates. Thisis 1983?
[DOCTOR] Then it should be here.
[TURLOUGH] But as it isn't, where's it gone?
[TEGAN] Where's the Doctor? Nyssa, are you sure this is the right place?
[NYSSA] It should be.
[TEGAN] Something's wrong, isn't it.
[NYSSA] I don't know. I'm sure the Doctor's only wandered off.
(Obelisk hill)
[TURLOUGH] Will your friends be safe?
[DOCTOR] I hope so. Now, what did I do wrong?
[TURLOUGH] What do I do now? Say something!
[BRIGADIER] Turlough!
(Obelisk hill 2)
[NYSSA] Doctor? Doctor?
[TEGAN] There's no one here.
(Obelisk hill)
[BRIGADIER] Ah, so there you are, Turlough.
[IBBOTSON] What happened? The sphere
[BRIGADIER] Oh do be quiet, boy. You're supposed to be in the sickbay.
[TURLOUGH] I was with the Doctor.
[BRIGADIER] Doctor? What, Doctor Runciman?
[TURLOUGH] No, sir. This Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Brigadier. Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart.
[BRIGADIER] Well, who are you?
(Obelisk hill 2)
[TEGAN] Down there in the valley.
[NYSSA] I think I saw someone move.
[TEGAN] It can't be the Doctor. There hasn't been time enough for him toget that far. Maybe the capsule's malfunctioned? I hate those transmatthings. Like travelling in a food mixer, and just as dangerous. I'd beafraid of coming out pureed.
[NYSSA] Look.
(Transmat capsule)
[TEGAN] Doctor! Look at the state he's in. What are we going to do?
[NYSSA] Tegan, we mustn't panic.
[TEGAN] He could die. Doctor, what happened?
[MAWDRYN] Where am I?
[NYSSA] You're on Earth, Doctor. You came in the transmat capsule.
[MAWDRYN] Earth?
[TEGAN] We followed you through in the Tardis. Do you remember?
[MAWDRYN] Tardis?
[NYSSA] It's outside. Let me help you.
[MAWDRYN] Tardis.
[NYSSA] Doctor.
[MAWDRYN] Help me. Help me into the Tardis.
(Obelisk hill)
[BRIGADIER] Well, I'm sorry. If we have met before,it's entirely slipped my memory, and I've got to get these boys back toschool. Come on, you two.
[TEGAN] I'll get some clothes for him.
[NYSSA] Don't you think we should get him into a bed?
[TEGAN] It's too risky to move him again. Go and find some blankets. Wemust keep him warm.
[TEGAN] It's all right, Doctor. You're safe inside the Tardis.
(Outside the Headmaster's study)
[HEADMASTER [OC]] Come in.
[DOCTOR] Brigadier?
[BRIGADIER] Oh, it's you.
[DOCTOR] I'd forgotten.
[BRIGADIER] I beg your pardon?
[DOCTOR] I've regenerated.
[DOCTOR] What would you say if I told you I was looking for my Tardis?
[BRIGADIER] Very little.
[DOCTOR] What about our time together with UNIT?
[DOCTOR] So you do remember.
[BRIGADIER] UNIT is a secret organisation. If you are aware of itsexistence, you would almost certainly have signed the Official SecretsAct.
[DOCTOR] Is there somewhere we could talk?
[BRIGADIER] Oh, very well. My quarters. This way.
[TEGAN] I think he's unconscious.
[NYSSA] Something must have happened to the capsule.
[TEGAN] I told you those things were dangerous.
[NYSSA] That boy!
[TEGAN] Turlough. I forgot about him. Stay here.
(Walled garden)
[DOCTOR] An undercover operation, is it, Brigadier?I mean, I hardly expected to find you at a boy's school.
[MAWDRYN] Stability not achieved. Our transmatprojection was destructive. Stability not achieved. No end.
[NYSSA] You're safe now, Doctor.
[TEGAN] No sign of Turlough.
[NYSSA] He could have been atomised.
(Outside the Brigadier's quarters)
[BRIGADIER] There you are. (A wooden building.)
[DOCTOR] Your quarters?
[BRIGADIER] Serviceable.
[DOCTOR] Quite.
[BRIGADIER] Well. Here we go.
[BRIGADIER [OC]] Sorry about the door.
(Brigadier's quarters)
[BRIGADIER] Do go in.
[BRIGADIER] Now then, what's all this about UNIT?
[DOCTOR] Brigadier, I need your help. I've lost the Tardis.
[BRIGADIER] I don't know what the Tardis is. I've already told you.
[DOCTOR] And you don't remember me?
[BRIGADIER] Certainly not. But whoever you are, I can't let you wanderaround blabbing about classified UNIT operations.
[DOCTOR] Oh, there's much more at stake than a breach of security. I'velost my Tardis, you've lost your memory. I'd be surprised if the twoevents weren't connected.
[BRIGADIER] Let me tell you, sir, that I'm in full possession of all myfaculties. After all, if I was suffering from amnesia, I'd be the firstto know about it, wouldn't I?
[TEGAN] I'm going for help.
[NYSSA] Where?
[TEGAN] To that building we saw. Use their phone.
[NYSSA] If only we still had the Zero room. Its restorative power wouldhave helped.
[TEGAN] Well, as we haven't, a hospital's the next best thing. I'm off.
[NYSSA] All right. Take the homing device with you.
[TEGAN] I'll be as quick as I can.
(Brigadier's quarters)
[DOCTOR] By the way, how's Sergeant Benton thesedays?
[BRIGADIER] Oh, left the army in 79. Sells second hand cars somewhere.
[DOCTOR] And Harry Sullivan?
[BRIGADIER] Seconded to NATO. Last heard of doing something veryhush-hush at Porton Down.
[DOCTOR] Do you ever see anything of Jo Grant?
[DOCTOR] My assistant, Jo Grant.
[VOICE [OC]] Jo Grant.
[DOCTOR] Sarah Jane?
[VOICE [OC]] Sarah Jane.
[BRIGADIER] Sarah Jane?
[DOCTOR] Liz Shaw you'll remember, of course.
[VOICE [OC]] Liz Shaw.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[BRIGADIER] Someone just walked over my grave.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps it was a yeti, Colonel Lethbridge Stewart.
[DOCTOR] One lump or two, Brigadier?
[BRIGADIER] Well, bless my soul. So you've done it again, Doctor.
[BRIGADIER] I must apologise for my cavalier behaviour when we met,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It's hardly your fault, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] It is good to see you. Yeah, the Doctor and the Tardis. Howcould I ever forget?
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[DOCTOR] The mental block, there must be some reason for it. Sometrauma, some shocking experience, maybe some induced effect.
[BRIGADIER] I don't scare quickly, Doctor. Nor do I succumb easily tobrainwashing techniques.
[DOCTOR] No, no, of course not. So, if there was a way of tracing howfar back the inhibition goes, you could perhaps get some treatment.
[BRIGADIER] Treatment? Treatment? There's nothing wrong with me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, no.
[BRIGADIER] A one, always have been.
[DOCTOR] Absolutely.
[BRIGADIER] I suppose you've been talking behind my back with DoctorRunciman.
[DOCTOR] Brigadier
[BRIGADIER] Oh, there's loyalty for you. It's no good. I'm not taking myleave at the funny farm. There's nothing wrong with me, I tell you. Fitas a fiddle, always have been. Sorry about that, Doctor. Had a bit ofbother a while back. Overwork, you know. Doctor Runciman called it anervous breakdown. Breakdown. Don't know the meaning of the word. Thisone goes on till he drops.
[DOCTOR] When did you leave UNIT, Brigadier?
[BRIGADIER] Seven years ago. Oh, of course, I could have retired on myarmy pension, grown vegetable marrows and died of boredom in atwelve-month, then this job turned up. Bit of admin, bit of rugger, COin the school corps.
[DOCTOR] And you teach?
[BRIGADIER] Mathematics. Oh, I know how many beans make five, Doctor,and you don't have to be a Time Lord to cope with A level maths. It maycome as a surprise to you, but I also happen to like teaching.
(Brendon Public School)
[TEGAN] Hey, can anyone tell me where I can find a doctor?
(Brigadier's quarters)
[DOCTOR] Well, Brigadier, much as I appreciate yourcompany, I've still got to find my Tardis.
[BRIGADIER] (chuckles) Your Tardis. You know, Doctor, I never believedit could do half the things you claimed.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, just at the moment I'd settle for half a Tardis, andI'm very worried about Nyssa and Tegan.
[BRIGADIER] Tegan. Tegan.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[BRIGADIER] I knew a Tegan once.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Tegan's after your time, Brigadier. She's travelling withme in the Tardis.
[BRIGADIER] Attractive girl, spirited, spoke with an Australian accent.
(1977 Outside the Brigadier's quarters)
[TEGAN] Excuse me.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, hello there.
[TEGAN] I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'm looking for a doctor. There'sbeen an accident. Well, sort of an accident. A friend of mine andpossibly one of the boys from the school, he may be hurt too.
[BRIGADIER] I think you'd better come in.
(1977 Brigadier's quarters)
[BRIGADIER] Right, sit yourself down, young lady.
[TEGAN] My name's Tegan. Tegan Jovanka.
[TEGAN] Jovanka.
(1983 Brigadier's quarters)
[DOCTOR] It is Tegan.
[BRIGADIER] That's what I said.
[DOCTOR] Your Tegan, my Tegan, it's the same person.
[BRIGADIER] Of course, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] So, Tegan, Nyssa and the Tardis, they're all here.
[BRIGADIER] Are they?
[DOCTOR] Or rather, they were, if you see what I mean.
[BRIGADIER] Not a hundred percent, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I must have miscalculated the offset. The Tardis came throughin the right place, but the wrong time zone.
[BRIGADIER] You and that Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Now, it's vitally important you remember exactly what happened.
[BRIGADIER] Oh look, it's all a long time ago, Doctor. I mean, surelywhat's past is
[DOCTOR] Very much in the present, Brigadier. You never did understandthe interrelation of time.
[BRIGADIER] Not much call for that in the A level syllabus, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You have in your memory the information I need to track downthe Tardis and communicate with Nyssa and Tegan.
[HEADMASTER] There's nothing to be afraid of, Turlough, now that you'veexplained everything to me.
[TURLOUGH] Thank you, sir.
[HEADMASTER] In fact, I'm very heartened that you felt able to confidein me like this. I must say it's a most remarkable story.
[TURLOUGH] But what am I to do, sir?
[HEADMASTER] It seems to me you're in something of a moral dilemma.
[HEADMASTER] You accepted a free passage home to your own people, but tofulfil your part of the bargain you have to kill this Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] But I don't want to kill the Doctor.
[HEADMASTER] I can see you're in a most invidious position.
[TURLOUGH] Haven't I done enough to separate him from his Tardis?
[HEADMASTER] I take your point, but in your heart of hearts do youentirely feel you've completed your side of the bargain?
[TURLOUGH] I suppose not.
[HEADMASTER] We can't get everything we like in this world.
[TURLOUGH] Oh, please help me, sir.
[HEADMASTER] I'm afraid I can only put the problem in perspective foryou. The final choice has got to be yours.
[TURLOUGH] Well, I think I'm pulling out. The Doctor's stranded, butwhat's been done for me? I've been ignored. I shall try and escape inthe transmat capsule. He can sort the Doctor out for himself from nowon.
[HEADMASTER] Is that your final decision?
[TURLOUGH] Yes, sir.
[HEADMASTER] Are you absolutely sure?
[GUARDIAN] Waking or sleeping, you can never escape me, Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] No, please.
[GUARDIAN] You see, wretched, duplicitous child, I know your everyinnermost thought.
[TURLOUGH] Leave me alone, please!
[GUARDIAN] I invade every particle of your being. You will never be freeof me until our bond is honoured.
[TURLOUGH] The Doctor isn't as you say.
[GUARDIAN] I am the Black Guardian! The Doctor's good is my evil.
[GUARDIAN] You will absorb my will. You are to be consumed with mypurpose.
[GUARDIAN] The Doctor shall be utterly destroyed.
[TURLOUGH] The Doctor shall be utterly destroyed.
(1977 Brigadier's quarters)
[BRIGADIER] Turlough? I don't think we have aTurlough.
[TEGAN] But you must have.
[BRIGADIER] Mind you, I'd better check, because I'm a new boy heremyself.
[BRIGADIER] Let's see. S. T. Trevor, Trumper, Turner. Nope. No,definitely no Turlough.
[TEGAN] They were travelling together when they came down on the hill.
[BRIGADIER] Came down? What, do you mean a plane crash?
[TEGAN] Well
[BRIGADIER] Good heavens, why didn't you say so before? I'll phone thelocal constable. He can coordinate the rescue services.
[TEGAN] Look, it's not quite like that. If we could just get somemedical help and get back to the Tardis, it'd all be
[BRIGADIER] Tardis? Did you say Tardis?
[TEGAN] Yes, but you don't understand.
[BRIGADIER] I think I do, young lady. Tell me, Miss Jovanka, this friendof yours, is it by any chance the Doctor?
(1983 Brigadier's quarters)
[DOCTOR] What worries me is the level ofcoincidence in all this. Almost as if some cosmic influence. Still,that won't get me the Tardis back. Now, Brigadier, we've got toestablish the precise time all this happened.
[BRIGADIER] Well, that's a pretty tall order, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, don't worry. Just relax. Think yourself back.
(1977 Brendon Public School)
[BRIGADIER] I'll get a message to Doctor Runciman.He'll be up on top field for the bun fight.
[TEGAN] Bun fight?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, the celebrations. Ah, Powell. I've got a job for you.
[TEGAN] What celebrations?
[BRIGADIER] Well, the Queen's Silver Jubilee, of course.
[BRIGADIER] Powell, get hold of Doctor Runciman and tell him to bringhis gear and meet me by the Obelisk.
[POWELL] Yes, sir.
[TEGAN] Silver Jubilee? We're in the wrong time zone!
(1983 Brigadier's quarters)
[DOCTOR] June the seventh, 1977. Well done,Brigadier. Come on.
[BRIGADIER] Lethbridge Stewart. Have you informed the Headmaster? Thendo so at once, Matron. Turlough has disappeared.
[DOCTOR] He's trying to get away in the transmatcapsule. That is, if he can repair the beam transmitter.
[BRIGADIER] What, Turlough?
[DOCTOR] It could be done, given time.
(1977 Brendon Public School)
[TEGAN] Spot on.
[BRIGADIER] One of the Doctor's gadgets?
[TEGAN] Don't want to miss the Tardis, do we? I've just realised. TheDoctor is expecting the Tardis to follow him through to 1983. Don't yousee? The wounded thing in the capsule, maybe it isn't the Doctor afterall. Come on.
(1983 Sickbay)
[DOCTOR] Tegan is absolutely right. I am not in theTardis.
[BRIGADIER] Then who is? Or do I mean, who was?
[DOCTOR] You tell me, Brigadier.
(1977 Obelisk hill)
[NYSSA] Tegan, come on.
[NYSSA] Doctor, you're better.
[MAWDRYN] Perpetual regeneration.
[NYSSA] Regeneration? You don't mean it's happening again?
[MAWDRYN] It is life without end or form. Changing, changing.
[NYSSA] We've lost the Zero room, Doctor. Is there any way we canreconfigure
[MAWDRYN] Do not be afraid on my account. I will regain strength soon,but for the moment my mind is clouded. You understand the navigation?
[NYSSA] Well, a bit. At the moment we're still aligned with the ship.
[MAWDRYN] Oh, that is well. Prepare to leave at once.
[NYSSA] We can't leave without Tegan.
[MAWDRYN] At once!
[NYSSA] Doctor, you don't know what you're saying. Tegan'll be backsoon.
[MAWDRYN] At once!
[MAWDRYN] The Time Lords abandoned us. Perpetual torment and despair.But the ending will come soon. I, Mawdryn, shall be a Time Lord.
(Obelisk hill)
[NYSSA] Quickly! We've got to take off.
[TEGAN] Nyssa, that man, I don't think he's the Doctor.
[NYSSA] But he is. The transmat process induced a regeneration.
[TEGAN] What?
[BRIGADIER] Don't worry. I know all about regeneration. I've seen ittwice before. Come on.
[NYSSA] So have we, and the Doctor almost died. Who is that person?
[TEGAN] Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart, of course. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Don't you see, Brigadier? The Tardis cameto Earth in 1977 and so did the transmat capsule, carrying someone fromthat ship in space.
[BRIGADIER] And Tegan and the other girl think, or rather thought, itwas you.
[DOCTOR] Indeed. And what did you think?
[BRIGADIER] No, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You were there.
[BRIGADIER] You mustn't make me remember.
[DOCTOR] You must. I need the information to protect Nyssa and Tegan.
[BRIGADIER] Even if I wanted to, I simply couldn't recall it.
[DOCTOR] That experience could be the reason for your nervous breakdown.
[BRIGADIER] Good heavens. Do you think so?
[DOCTOR] Now. Come on. We've got to get back to the capsule beforeTurlough works out how to operate it, or I may never get the Tardisback.
[TEGAN] You're not the Doctor.
[MAWDRYN] You travel with a Time Lord and know nothing of metamorphosis.
[TEGAN] Yes, but it wasn't like this before. When he changed, he turnedinto a human.
[MAWDRYN] Yes, a Gallifreyan human.
[TEGAN] He was normal.
[MAWDRYN] What do you know, prattling Earth child, of the endlesschanging?
[TEGAN] I know that when the Doctor changed, he didn't turn into analien.
[MAWDRYN] The transmatting induced a mutative catalysis.
[TEGAN] Nyssa, is that possible?
[NYSSA] I don't know. It could be.
[TEGAN] What do you think, Brigadier?
[BRIGADIER] I've seen this happen twice. Different each time, but, well,this could well be the Doctor.
[TEGAN] His features, how've they developed so quickly?
[MAWDRYN] The atmosphere of the Tardis has certain regenerativequalities, but my condition is unstable. We must return to the ship atonce.
[TEGAN] Why there?
[MAWDRYN] It should have a laboratory. I need its equipment. Hurry!
[NYSSA] We can't leave Turlough. He doesn't belong in this time zone.
[MAWDRYN] Turlough?
(Transmat capsule)
[TURLOUGH] It should work.
(Obelisk hill)
[DOCTOR] Quickly!
(Transmat capsule)
[TURLOUGH] Of course! The transmitter.
[TEGAN] But if you're the Doctor, you should havetransmatted to Earth in 1983.
[MAWDRYN] Any escape from a warp ellipse can cause temporal anomalies.
[NYSSA] It's true. That's what must have happened to the Tardis.
[MAWDRYN] But now I need your assistance to return the Tardis to theship.
(1983 Obelisk hill)
[TURLOUGH] What will that do?
[DOCTOR] Reflect the beam back off the ship.
[TURLOUGH] So the warp ellipse will absorb the time differential?
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[TURLOUGH] But will it work?
[MAWDRYN] Tegan, Nyssa, Brigadier. My old friends,please, help me.
[BRIGADIER] Do we have any real choice? We must give him the benefit ofthe doubt in case he is the Doctor.
(Transmat capsule)
[BRIGADIER] But will it work, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Always the optimist, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] That's not an unreasonable question.
[DOCTOR] By the way. Yours, I think.
[NYSSA] We're ready to leave, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] And I'm coming with you.
[TEGAN] Brigadier
[BRIGADIER] No, don't argue.
[NYSSA] As you wish.
[MAWDRYN] Do not enter new coordinates. Activate sequential regression.
[TEGAN] Not another alarm?
[NYSSA] I don't know. Doctor? I think it's the communication system.
(Transmat capsule)
[DOCTOR] Turlough, would you check to see if thetransmitter's functioning? Tegan and Nyssa can use the beam as abeacon. If all goes well, the Tardis should reappear. Ah. Brigadier,quickly, think. Did you go into the Tardis with Tegan and Nyssa?
[BRIGADIER] I can't remember. Does it really matter?
[DOCTOR] Of course it matters. Can you imagine what would happen if youwalked out of the Tardis in 1977 and met yourself in 1983?
[BRIGADIER] Oh, that's ridiculous.
[DOCTOR] It's not ridiculous, Brigadier, almost certainly catastrophic.
[BRIGADIER] What, do you mean that I could be two people?
[DOCTOR] Obviously. You'd exist twice over. And if the two of you met,you'd short out the time differential. Don't you see? The Blinovitchlimitation effect? Oh dear. As Tegan would say, zap!
(Obelisk hill)
[TURLOUGH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Oh no.
[NYSSA] It's stopped.
[MAWDRYN] Dematerialise.
[TEGAN] Wait. If that sound came from the communication system, thenmaybe someone was trying to get in contact with us. Perhaps it was theDoctor.
[MAWDRYN] I am the Doctor. Dematerialise immediately. Time is runningout. We must leave this place at once.
(Transmat capsule)
[BRIGADIER] If it's any use to you, Doctor, Irecall now that I didn't board the Tardis in 1977. I was standing nearthe transmitter and I remember it dematerialising.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Brigadier. The problem is now strictly academic. Icannot even return to the ship.
[BRIGADIER] You're trapped on Earth?
[DOCTOR] Unless I can assemble some equipment for tracking the Tardis,and soon.
[BRIGADIER] A sort of homing device?
[DOCTOR] Indeed.
[BRIGADIER] I have such an object. Tegan gave it to me.
[DOCTOR] What did you say?
[BRIGADIER] The homing device.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[BRIGADIER] You never know when something like that's going to come inuseful.
[DOCTOR] Brigadier, where is it?
[BRIGADIER] Back at the hut.
[DOCTOR] Come on. There isn't a moment to lose.
[MAWDRYN] The ship. You will all stay here in the Tardis.
[TEGAN] Wait. If you're in a regeneration crisis then you'll need allthe help you can get.
[BRIGADIER] She's right, Doctor.
[MAWDRYN] No, I must go into the ship alone. You do not understand thenature of the transmogrification, the unique restorative conditions ofthat vessel. The presence of other lifeforms would inhibit thereparation.
[TEGAN] We've all seen the Doctor regenerate before, and it seemswithout the presence of other life forms, he could die.
[MAWDRYN] Open the doors.
[TEGAN] No. You're not going out into that ship alone. Either we go withyou, or you stay here.
[NYSSA] But Tegan
[TEGAN] Look, he could reactivate the beam and the Tardis could be stuckhere forever.
[NYSSA] But if he is the Doctor
[TEGAN] I don't believe it.
[MAWDRYN] Doors!
[MAWDRYN] Hurry, you're destroying me.
(Brigadier's quarters)
[DOCTOR] It isn't working.
[BRIGADIER] Well, can you repair it?
[DOCTOR] Hopefully.
[MAWDRYN] Spare me the endurance of endless time,the agony of perpetuity. For pity's sake, release me.
[BRIGADIER] Do as he asks.
[NYSSA] I agree.
[TEGAN] I hope you know what you're doing.
[NYSSA] We can't be certain he isn't the Doctor.
[TEGAN] Can't we?
(Brigadier's quarters)
[DOCTOR] That's it.
[TURLOUGH] Have you located the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] It must be on the ship. I'm a fool. I should have realised.
[BRIGADIER] That thing Tegan saw inside the capsule. It must have beenmutilated by the transmat process and couldn't survive the returnjourney.
[TURLOUGH] So it's used your Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Come on, the capsule.
[TURLOUGH] But there's no beam. The transmitter's been destroyed.
[DOCTOR] You're forgetting this. The Tardis is on board the ship, andthis will home in on the Tardis. Come on.
[TURLOUGH] Coming? Sir.
[BRIGADIER] Right, time for a recce. I think I'dbetter keep an eye on this character in case you're right about him,Tegan.
[TEGAN] I'm coming with you.
[BRIGADIER] You girls will stay here.
[TEGAN] We girls are perfectly capable
[BRIGADIER] You will both remain here in the Tardis and that is anorder, Miss Jovanka.
[BRIGADIER] Good heavens.
[TEGAN] Chauvinist.
(Transmat capsule)
[BRIGADIER] This is the third time today that I'veyomped up that wretched hill.
[DOCTOR] Good of you to come and see me off, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] No, I'm not letting you out of my sight. You've raised toomany questions that I want answering.
[DOCTOR] The transmat could be dangerous.
[BRIGADIER] I'm coming with you.
[DOCTOR] If you insist.
[TURLOUGH] And so am I.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, don't be ridiculous, Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] The Doctor needs my help. And besides, how do I explain tothe Headmaster where you've gone?
[DOCTOR] Turlough could be useful.
[BRIGADIER] And what about the danger you implied?
[DOCTOR] It still exists, but if you're so concerned about Turlough, setan example and stay behind.
[BRIGADIER] Moral blackmail.
[BRIGADIER] How long will the journey take?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Spaceship bridge)
[BRIGADIER] It isn't possible. Such luxury.
[BRIG '77] Doctor?
[MAWDRYN] I, Mawdryn, have returned. It is time for the awakening. Helpme.
[BRIG '83] Doctor, we're supposed to be looking for the Tardis. Yourfriends may be in danger.
[DOCTOR] The creature will have left the Tardis by now. He'll need hisown life support systems.
[DOCTOR] I don't remember that. Turlough, find the Tardis and stay withNyssa and Tegan. Brigadier, I want you to come with me.
[BRIG '83] Are you sure?
[DOCTOR] A metamorphic symbiosis regenerator.
[BRIG '83] Really.
[DOCTOR] Used by Time Lords in cases of acute regenerative crises.
[BRIG '83] Well, what's it doing here?
[DOCTOR] It must have been stolen from Gallifrey.
[MAWDRYN] I bring to the ship a Tardis. The time ofour ending is near. Help me.
[TURLOUGH] It's not my fault the Doctor was able to home in on theTardis. Can you hear me? There's not much I can do with the Brigadierabout. Answer me!
[DOCTOR] Someone on this ship has been trying toregenerate.
[BRIG '83] The creature, the alien?
[DOCTOR] It would explain the mutilation. Severe instability.
[BRIG '83] Well, where is he now? Perhaps he didn't make it in time.Collapsed somewhere. May even be dead.
[DOCTOR] Or undead, Brigadier.
[BRIG '83] But why should this creature want to regenerate?
[DOCTOR] Extend its life.
[BRIG '83] But what for?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but you can be sure it's for no good reason. Ah.Brigadier, look at this.
[BRIG '83] Hmm?
[DOCTOR] Connections to the regenerator. Eight of them.
[BRIG '83] So, there's more than one creature on board.
[DOCTOR] Somewhere.
[GUARDIAN] While the Doctor is still alive, I am never far from you,Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] I'm sorry. I wasn't to know the Doctor had a homing device.
[GUARDIAN] Whimpering boy. You do not understand. Everything now actstowards the total humiliation of the Doctor. You have done well. Reachout your hand.
[GUARDIAN] There is nothing to fear. Reach out your hand.
[BRIG '83] Shouldn't we get to the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] There have been some very cunning modifications.
[BRIG '83] That all looks extremely dangerous.
[DOCTOR] Oh, quite right. It could do very nasty things to a genuineTime Lord.
[BRIG '77 [OC]] Doctor?
[BRIG '83] Listen.
[DOCTOR] We should get back to the Tardis, Brigadier.
[BRIG '77] Doctor?
(Secret room)
[MUTANT] Mawdryn has returned.
[MUTANT 2] Does he bring hope of our ending?
[MUTANT] Where is Mawdryn?
[BRIG '83] Doctor, we must get on. Now where's he gone?
[MAWDRYN] Brigadier. Brigadier. Help me.
[BRIG '83] Doctor?
[TEGAN] I'm going after the Brigadier.
[NYSSA] Is that wise?
[TEGAN] I'm not in the army. I'm not taking orders from him.
[NYSSA] But you could get lost out there.
[TEGAN] Well, I'm prepared to take the risk. You can stay here if youwant to. I'm going after the Doctor. The real Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Er, wait here.
[MAWDRYN] Increase the power. The energy repairs the depredations of thetransmat capsule.
[BRIG '83] You're not the Doctor at all.
[MAWDRYN] I am Mawdryn.
[BRIG '83] Where is the Doctor?
[MAWDRYN] I don't know.
[BRIG '83] You're lying. If you don't tell me, I shall disconnect thepower.
[MAWDRYN] No matter.
[BRIG '83] I imagine it matters to you if you die.
[MAWDRYN] Without the energy, only our shape will change. Our endlessvoyage will never cease. We cannot die.
[DOCTOR] Where's Turlough?
[NYSSA] You brought that boy with you?
[DOCTOR] And the Brigadier, but I've lost both of them.
[TEGAN] What do you mean, you brought the Brigadier?
[DOCTOR] You mean he's here with you as well?
[TEGAN] As well?
[DOCTOR] How could you be so stupid!
[TEGAN] What?
[NYSSA] He insisted on coming.
[DOCTOR] He also insisted on coming with me.
[NYSSA] Oh, no. What if they should meet?
[DOCTOR] Precisely. Come on, we've got to find them.
[DOCTOR] Better check the laboratory. Tegan, you stay here in case theBrigadier come past, in which case, stop him. Come on.
[BRIG '83] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Brigadier, thank goodness you're all right. One of you, anyway.
[NYSSA] Doctor, that's him.
[MAWDRYN] I am Mawdryn. Welcome to my ship, Time Lord.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] You will not be able to operate the Tardis.
[TURLOUGH] I can work it if you show me how. Then the Doctor will betrapped and I can escape. Isn't that the agreement?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] Do you think I have controlled you merely toprick the flesh of this presumptuous Gallifreyan?
[TURLOUGH] What more do you want of me?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] You will remain on the ship and witness thenemesis of the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It was you who stole the regenerator fromGallifrey.
[MAWDRYN] Yes, Doctor, but time itself has punished us for that crime.
[DOCTOR] And you modified the machine and created endless life foryourself.
[MAWDRYN] Endless torment.
[DOCTOR] Ah, you induced a perpetual mutation.
[MAWDRYN] So horrible that the elders of our planet exiled us to thisship.
[DOCTOR] How were you able to come to Earth?
[MAWDRYN] Every seventy years the beacon guides us to within transmatdistance of a planet, and using the mental energy of the other seven,one of our company may leave the ship to seek help, taking on theappearance of a native of that planet.
[NYSSA] But what help can there be for you?
[MAWDRYN] None, it seems. We remain in this pitiful state.
[NYSSA] The Tardis. You stabilised in the Tardis.
[MAWDRYN] That is true. The atmosphere of the Tardis was suitable. Butwithout those influences we degenerate.
[NYSSA] But can never die.
[MAWDRYN] It is the Time Lords' curse.
[DOCTOR] It's the result of your own criminal ambition.
[MAWDRYN] The Time Lords could have given us the missing element. Theyabandoned us!
[TEGAN] Doctor, there are others like him coming this way.
[MAWDRYN] My brothers in exile.
[TEGAN] I knew you weren't the Doctor.
[BRIG '83] Look out!
[BRIG '83] Who are they?
[DOCTOR] Fools who tried to turn themselves into Time Lords. It all wentdisastrously wrong.
[MAWDRYN] It is eternal agony. That is why we long for death.
[TEGAN] They're immortal?
[DOCTOR] For what it's worth.
[MAWDRYN] Help us.
[MAWDRYN] Give us the energy of a Time Lord! Help us to die!
[DOCTOR] I can't!
[MAWDRYN] For pity's sake.
[TEGAN] Doctor, why can't you help them?
[DOCTOR] Don't you understand? If I did, it would be the end of me as aTime Lord.
[TEGAN] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] I can only regenerate twelve times. I have already done so fourtimes.
[DOCTOR] Don't you see? Eight of them, eight of me.
[TEGAN] They want your remaining regenerations?
[DOCTOR] It's the only way to end their mutation.
[NYSSA] Is that possible?
[DOCTOR] With this equipment, yes.
[BRIG '83] Let's get back to the Tardis before they become hostile.
[TEGAN] Come on, Doctor, we've got to get out of here.
[MAWDRYN] We're scientists, not warriors. We have no weapons. The Doctorcan only help us of his own free will.
[TEGAN] What you want is murder eight times over.
[MAWDRYN] No. What we desire is our own death.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] Turlough, my plans are inhazard. This friend of the Doctor's
[TURLOUGH] The Brigadier?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] He is present on the ship in two aspects.
[TURLOUGH] That isn't possible.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] It is forbidden, but not impossible. He hastravelled through time in the Tardis.
[TURLOUGH] But if the two aspects converged
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] The instability could destroy everything. Youmust find the Brigadier who travelled with the Doctor's companions.
[TURLOUGH] Leave here?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] You will obey me. The two Brigadiers must bekept apart.
[TURLOUGH] What about those creatures?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] They are harmless. They only threaten theDoctor.
[MAWDRYN] We did not know that our experimentswould bring endless mutation.
[DOCTOR] You have the regenerator, the facilities of the laboratory.Continue your experiments, find how to reverse the process.
[MAWDRYN] We have known for many years that the process is irreversible.
[MUTANT] We have experimented for centuries.
[MUTANT 2] We have tried to discover a remedy.
[MUTANT] There is no remission.
[MAWDRYN] Only you, as a Time Lord, can help us.
[TURLOUGH] Hello, Brigadier.
[BRIG '77] Who the devil are you?
[DOCTOR] I cannot do what you ask.
[MAWDRYN] You cannot refuse.
[DOCTOR] I must.
[MAWDRYN] So be it, Doctor. Leave now, with your friends. But accept theconsequences of your actions.
[NYSSA] What does he mean?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[BRIG '83] Back to the Tardis?
[BRIG '77] So you're Turlough? Yes, Tegan told meabout you.
[TURLOUGH] I've come to take you to the Doctor.
[BRIG '77] The Doctor? You know where he is?
[TURLOUGH] Of course. Come on.
[BRIG '77] Not so fast. Keep in the shadows. We have some disagreeablefellow passengers.
[TURLOUGH] They're harmless.
[BRIG '77] That remains to be seen.
[MUTANT] The Doctor was our only hope.
[MUTANT 2] He must not be allowed to escape.
[MAWDRYN] My friends, do not despair. The Doctor will soon return. Andof his own free will.
[DOCTOR] You see, Brigadier, thanks to yourimperfect memory there is now a Lethbridge Stewart some six years yourjunior at loose in this ship.
[BRIG '83] Good heavens. You mean that I did go with Nyssa and Tegan inthe Tardis in 1977?
[TEGAN] And were we glad of the company.
(Spaceship - elsewhere)
[BRIG '77] This Doctor, what does he look like?
[TURLOUGH] Older than me, younger than you.
[BRIG '77] No, I mean, is he normal?
[TURLOUGH] Of course.
[BRIG '77] So, that deformed creature in the Tardis was an imposter.
[TURLOUGH] Exactly.
(Secret chamber)
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, the Brigadier's here.
[BRIG '77] Doctor?
[BRIG '77] Turlough, what are you up to?
[BRIG '77 [OC]] Turlough!
[TEGAN] No sign of Turlough.
[BRIG '83] I never trusted that boy.
[NYSSA] He must be here somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Well, I hope so, because I've got to get the Tardis away fromhere.
[NYSSA] And separate the two Brigadiers.
[BRIG '83] Ah, now, hang on a minute. I've been thinking about that.
[DOCTOR] There isn't time to think, Brigadier.
[BRIG '83] Doctor, we are talking about six years of my life.
[DOCTOR] Well, you're perfectly all right in 1983. Obviously your 1977self came to no physical harm.
[BRIG '83] Well, maybe not, but I don't want to have spent a year or twoin limbo on this ship.
[NYSSA] Look.
[DOCTOR] Stay here, all of you.
[DOCTOR] Turlough, listen very carefully. We have aproblem with the Brigadier.
[TURLOUGH] What is it?
[DOCTOR] The two time zones. The Brigadier did go with Tegan and Nyssa.There are now two Lethbridge Stewarts on this ship.
[TURLOUGH] I understand.
[DOCTOR] Now, I will take the Brigadier in the Tardis back to 1983Earth.
[TURLOUGH] And me?
[DOCTOR] You must find the other Brigadier and take him to the transmatcapsule. You'll be quite safe, the mutants won't harm you.
[TURLOUGH] But the transmat beam doesn't work.
[DOCTOR] It will. The capsule is locked into the Tardis' homing device.It will transmat to the centre of the Tardis. I wired the devicemyself.
[TURLOUGH] Of course.
[DOCTOR] Now, when you arrive, whatever you do, stay in the capsule.Don't let the Brigadier out until I give you the word. Now, quickly.
[NYSSA] Will the mutants really travel for the restof time?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid so.
[NYSSA] That's terrible.
[DOCTOR] Sometimes you have to live with the consequences of youractions. Now, let's get away from here.
[MUTANT] The Time Lord has left us.
[MUTANT 2] Can we be certain he will return?
[MAWDRYN] He will return.
[DOCTOR] It takes a remarkably cunning set of thecoordinates to clear a warp ellipse.
[TEGAN] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] This is a temperamental old thing, but I'm getting remarkablygood at sorting
[NYSSA] Doctor, something's happening.
[DOCTOR] Not at all. We're on course for the Brigadier's school. Yousee, there was a problem with
[BRIG '83] Doctor!
[NYSSA] Doctor, do something.
[BRIG '83] What on Earth is happening?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[BRIG '83] It's like Mawdryn in the laboratory.
[DOCTOR] Mawdryn? That's it! They've been contaminated.
[TEGAN] Doctor, do something.
[DOCTOR] No, don't touch them. The transfiguration can be controlled.
[NYSSA] Stop!
[DOCTOR] Stop. That's it. Travelling through time is accelerating thedegeneration.
[BRIG '83] You've stopped the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Well, more than that. We're going back to where we started. Ijust hope it induces a proportional remission.
[BRIG '83] It's working.
[DOCTOR] Are you two all right?
[NYSSA] I think so.
[TEGAN] Doctor, what went wrong?
[BRIG '83] Look at them out there. I'll bet they knew this was going tohappen.
[MUTANT] The Time Lord has returned, as youpredicted.
[MAWDRYN] The Doctor is not with us yet. He will not give up so easily.
[DOCTOR] You were infected when you carried Mawdryninto the Tardis. The journey to his ship would have made it worse.
[TEGAN] Infected? You mean their mutation is a disease?
[DOCTOR] Well, it shouldn't be. I can only assume their constantexperimenting to correct their error brought about a viral side effect.
[BRIG '83] Well, why haven't we got it?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[NYSSA] So we can't time travel.
[TEGAN] We don't need to. All we need to do is get the Tardis back toEarth.
[DOCTOR] That won't work. I've got to programme a temporal deviation toescape the warp ellipse.
[BRIG '83] Are we stuck on this ship?
[DOCTOR] I wonder. If I reverse the polarity of the neutron flow
[BRIG '77] So, you've stopped pretending to be the Doctor.
[MAWDRYN] The Doctor is in the Tardis.
[BRIG '77] What?
[MUTANT 2] This man also is in the Tardis.
[MUTANT] He is a deviant.
[MUTANT 2] There has been temporal duplication.
[MAWDRYN] The Tardis will soon return. The imbalance could becataclysmic. For your own safety you must return to the Earth at once.
[BRIG '77] Without the Tardis?
[MAWDRYN] Quickly.
[BRIG '83] So far so good.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no.
[BRIG '83] But nothing's happening.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, it is.
(Spaceship bridge)
[MAWDRYN] You will return to Earth immediately inthe transmat capsule.
[BRIG '77] How the deuce do you expect me to
[MAWDRYN] Get in.
[BRIG '77] Look, if you think I'm trusting myself to this bauble
[MAWDRYN] The capsule is programmed for Earth. Quickly.
[NYSSA JR] It's no good, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] We're travelling in the opposite direction out of the ellipse.It's having a reverse effect.
[TEGAN JR] Stop! Stop!
[DOCTOR] Someone's trying to operate the transmat capsule. Must beTurlough taking your other half to the centre of the Tardis.
[BRIG '83] Can the capsule do that?
[DOCTOR] Only when the Tardis is clear of the ship. Until that happens,the transmat can't take place. The capsule will return to its terminal.
[DOCTOR] It's no good. I can't get clear of the ship without hurtingNyssa and Tegan.
[NYSSA] What are we going to do?
(Secret chamber)
[GUARDIAN [OC]] You have failed me!
[GUARDIAN [OC]] The Brigadier is still free.
[TURLOUGH] That's not my fault.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Why did you not transport him in the capsule, as theDoctor instructed.
[TURLOUGH] The Doctor? But I'm supposed to be working against him.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Imbecile! Why should you not profit by the Time Lord'scunning?
[TURLOUGH] I'm sorry.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] So near the annihilation of the Doctor and you risk allwith your negligence and stupidity.
[TURLOUGH] I can still keep the two Lethbridge Stewarts apart.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] If you fail me again, I shall destroy you.
[TEGAN] We can't stay in the Tardis for ever.
[BRIG '83] Well, Doctor?
[NYSSA] You knew that would happen.
[MAWDRYN] Yes, Nyssa.
[NYSSA] You infected us. You passed on the mutative pattern.
[MAWDRYN] Yes, but not deliberately.
[TEGAN] What happens to us now?
[MAWDRYN] You will remain in the ship.
[TEGAN] For the rest of our lives?
[MAWDRYN] You're fortunate. Your journey will be short. Ours is withoutend.
[BRIG '83] We are not leaving them on this ship.
[MAWDRYN] Take them with you in the Tardis and they will die.
[BRIG '83] Are you telling me that with all the facilities on this ship,you can't come up with some sort of antidote?
[MAWDRYN] We have no restorative for Tegan and Nyssa.
[BRIG '83] Doctor, have you got any ideas? (silence) You said in thelaboratory that the Doctor could help you through that machinery.
[MAWDRYN] That is true, but only of his own free will.
[BRIG '83] Well then, surely he can do the same for Nyssa and Tegan.
[MAWDRYN] That is a question you must ask the Doctor.
[BRIG '83] Well, Doctor?
[TEGAN] Doctor?
[NYSSA] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Take me to your laboratory.
[MAWDRYN] The Doctor chose to involve himself. Soon he will be a TimeLord no longer. That is his reward for compassion.
[BRIG '77] Doctor! Where is he?
[DOCTOR] You will activate the energy transfer, Brigadier. It will takeseveral moments for the charge in the machine to build up. You can readoff the countdown to the moment of exchange. Are you all right?
[BRIG '83] (sadly) Yes.
[MUTANT] Do not be afraid. When the moment comes, we will all share inthe life force of the Doctor.
[MUTANT 2] Our mutation will end.
[MUTANT] You will no longer be contaminated.
[NYSSA] And the Doctor won't be a Time Lord any more.
[TURLOUGH] Brigadier? Brigadier!
[MAWDRYN] My brothers in exile, we approach theending.
[DOCTOR] Activate, Brigadier, now.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] So near the supreme moment! The Brigadiers must notconverge. Stop him, or I shall destroy you all!
[BRIG '83] Twenty seconds. Nineteen.
[TURLOUGH] Brigadier! Brigadier, come back!
[BRIG '83] Thirteen, twelve, eleven
[BRIG '77] Doctor, Tegan. What the devil?
[DOCTOR] No, Brigadier, get out of here!
[BRIG '77] What do you think you're doing? Who on Earth?
[BRIG '83] I remember.
[TURLOUGH [OC]] It's cracked.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[NYSSA] I think so.
[TEGAN] What happened?
[DOCTOR] A massive discharge of energy exactly synchronising with themoment of transfer.
[TEGAN] Is the Brigadier dead?
[DOCTOR] I don't think so.
[NYSSA] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, old friend.
[BRIG '83] Oh, sorry about that, Headmaster. Touch of vertigo. It won'thappen again. What the devil's been going on?
[DOCTOR] Nyssa, I want you to take the Brigadier back to the Tardis,right to the centre, and keep him there until I give you the all clear.You'll be quite safe.
[TEGAN] This one must be all right. He belongs in 1977.
[DOCTOR] Amazing. The Brigadier's timing. A millisecond either way and
[TEGAN] And what?
[DOCTOR] At the moment of transfer, the power didn't come from me.
[TEGAN] Where did it come from?
[DOCTOR] Well, from the Tardis, really. The two Brigadiers just shortedout the time differential.
[TEGAN] You mean zap?
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's right. Zap.
[TEGAN] Can Nyssa and I still time travel?
[DOCTOR] You're as good as new.
[TEGAN] Can you still regenerate?
[DOCTOR] I am a Time Lord.
[TEGAN] Look at Mawdryn.
[MAWDRYN] It is finished, Doctor. Can this be death?
[TEGAN] They're all dead.
[DOCTOR] They would have travelled for the rest of time, Tegan. Deathwas all they wanted. Come on, we must get the Brigadier back to 1977.
[TEGAN] Before we go, Doctor, thank you. You were prepared to riskeverything for us.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[BRIG '83] Look, what's been going on?
[NYSSA] The Doctor will explain later.
[TEGAN] What's that noise?
[DOCTOR] The ship is dying with the mutants.
[TEGAN] It's come out of orbit?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Hurry.
(Obelisk hill)
[RUNCIMAN] Brigadier?
[RUNCIMAN] Brigadier?
[RUNCIMAN] Brigadier, what happened? I came as soon as I got yourmessage.
[RUNCIMAN] You'll be all right.
[BRIG '83] My word, you've been making some changesin here, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] One has to move with the times. How are you feeling?
[BRIG '83] Haven't felt so well for, for at least six years.
[DOCTOR] There we are, 1983. Back to school, Brigadier.
(Obelisk hill)
[DOCTOR] Goodbye.
[BRIG '83] Goodbye, Doctor. If ever you're passing. Where's Turlough?
[DOCTOR] Turlough. He left in the capsule.
[NYSSA] He can't have done. If the Brigadier was still in the ship, henever used the transmat system.
[TEGAN] The auto-destruct! We've got to get back to the ship. Come on!
[TEGAN] Oh, Turlough.
[NYSSA] You're safe.
[TEGAN] We thought you were on Mawdryn's ship.
[TURLOUGH] I'm not that easy to get rid of.
[TEGAN] So it seems.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, may I join you?
[DOCTOR] I think you already have.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s20", "episode": "e03", "title": "Mawdryn Undead"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (15 Feb, 1983; Fifth Doctor) - Terminus
(Tardis corridor)
[TURLOUGH] I'm scared. This place is like a maze.Where am I supposed to be going?
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Your function is to obey, not question.
[TURLOUGH] I may not have must time. I don't think they trust me,especially Tegan.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] The roundel behind you.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] That one. Open it.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Operate the blue switches. Now you'll be able to removethe space-time element from beneath the console.
[TURLOUGH] Which switches will release the Tardis to my control?
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Do only as I say.
[TEGAN [OC]] Turlough!
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Quickly, close the roundel.
[TURLOUGH] Now what do I do?
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Go to the console room.
[TURLOUGH] And? Where have you gone?
[TEGAN] Who were you talking to?
[TURLOUGH] Oh, no one. I was singing. Not very well, I'm afraid.
[TEGAN] Why didn't you answer when I called?
[TURLOUGH] I'm very sorry, I didn't hear you.
[TEGAN] You're up to something, I can feel it.
[TURLOUGH] I'm simply looking around. The Tardis is so very large.
[TEGAN] What have you been doing? Have you touched anything?
[TURLOUGH] You look so sweet when you get angry.
[TEGAN] I'm being serious. What have you been doing?
[TURLOUGH] Nothing. You're being foolishly and unjustifiably suspicious.Tegan, why do you dislike me so much?
[TEGAN] You're unreliable.
[TURLOUGH] You hardly know me.
[TEGAN] I heard the way you were talking to the Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] Being friendly hardly makes me unreliable.
[TEGAN] It's the way you were doing it.
[TURLOUGH] Oh, you would prefer I used your sledgehammer tactics?
[TEGAN] At least I'm honest.
[TURLOUGH] Being rude isn't honest. Neither is overreacting. If I chooseto smooth the way with a smile and a soft phrase, that doesn't make meunreliable. Charm, the way I use it, is to disagree agreeably.
[TEGAN] You were using it to deceive.
[TURLOUGH] Oh, you're so typical of your planet, reduced to shouting ifyou can't have your own way.
[TEGAN] I am not!
[TURLOUGH] No? You seem unable to grasp that there are other approaches.To smile before asking.
[TEGAN] Don't patronise me, Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] I'm simply relating what I think.
[TEGAN] Turning an argument around is something you're very good at.
[TURLOUGH] Listen to yourself. You're so concrete in the way you think.Why can't you just agree to differ?
[TEGAN] I think you're dangerous.
[TURLOUGH] I think we should try and be friends.
[TEGAN] I'm going to tell the Doctor about the roundel.
[TURLOUGH] Do so, but you'd only make a fool of yourself. I travel inthe Tardis too, now. I have no desire to kill myself. I had no reasonto open that roundel. Where are you going?
[TEGAN] To show you to your room.
[TURLOUGH] We're friends?
[TEGAN] Not yet.
(Turlough's room)
[TURLOUGH] Looks like a kid's room.
[TEGAN] It was Adric's.
[TEGAN] Doesn't matter.
[TURLOUGH] I've had enough of children, what with that awful school onEarth.
[TEGAN] You can change things if you want.
[TURLOUGH] Right, all this can go for a start.
[TEGAN] It's your room. Do what you like.
(Nyssa and Tegan's room)
[TEGAN] He's got the manners of a pig.
[NYSSA] The Doctor?
[TEGAN] The brat, Turlough.
[NYSSA] He'll settle down.
[TURLOUGH] It's repaired itself.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] Concentrate. You have work to do.
(Nyssa and Tegan's room)
[TEGAN] What are you doing?
[NYSSA] Synthesising an enzyme. I seem to need the practice.
[TEGAN] You've done it before.
[NYSSA] Adric did the calculation for me. My own figures aren't as good,as you can see.
[TEGAN] I'll see if I can find his notes, before Turlough destroys them.
[TURLOUGH] What will this do?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] You are touching the heart of the Tardis. Rip itfree!
[TURLOUGH] What happens to me?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] You will be safe. I am ready to lift you away.
(Turlough's room)
[TEGAN] Turlough?
(Outside Turlough's room)
[TEGAN] Turlough?
[TURLOUGH] It's stuck.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] Continue.
[TURLOUGH] I'm trying. It won't move.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] The break-up is beginning. I can sense it.Remove the space-time element!
[TEGAN [OC]] Turlough?
(Tardis corridor)
[TEGAN] Turlough? Oh, no. Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[TEGAN] Quickly!
[TEGAN] What is it?
[DOCTOR] We're in trouble. I'll explain later.
[DOCTOR] What was Nyssa working on?
[TEGAN] Nothing that could have caused this.
[DOCTOR] The rotor's jamming. Well, there's a safety cut out.
[TURLOUGH] Is Nyssa safe?
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll see. I'm trying to refocus the exterior viewer onthe interior of the Tardis.
[TEGAN] It's just a mess.
[DOCTOR] Dimensional instability, that's the danger. Nyssa!
(Nyssa and Tegan's room)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Nyssa, can you hear me?
[NYSSA] Yes!
[DOCTOR [OC]] Stay well back. There's nothing you can do. Nyssa?
[TEGAN] What's that? I saw something just for a moment.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no. The outside universe is breaking through.
[TEGAN] Look!
(Nyssa and Tegan's room)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Look behind you, Nyssa.
[DOCTOR] Go through, Nyssa. It's your only chance.
[TEGAN] Where are you sending her?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but if she stays in the room, she'll die.
[DOCTOR] Nyssa, if you can hear me,
(Space liner)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Keep moving. Keep moving, Nyssa. Stay ahead of it. If youdon't, it will kill you.
[TEGAN] What's that?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[TURLOUGH] Where does that door lead to?
[DOCTOR] Another spacecraft.
[TEGAN] Look!
(Nyssa and Tegan's room)
[TEGAN] Where did the other spacecraft come from?
[DOCTOR] The Tardis found it. There's a fail-safe. On impendingbreak-up, it seeks out and locks onto the nearest spacecraft.
[TEGAN] You never mentioned it before.
[DOCTOR] Well, it never worked before.
(Space liner)
[TEGAN] Well?
[DOCTOR] She's gone. Stay there.
(Nyssa and Tegan's room)
[TEGAN] Nyssa's gone.
[TURLOUGH] What was that?
[TEGAN] The Doctor!
(Space liner)
[TEGAN] Doctor? Doctor?
(Nyssa and Tegan's room)
[GUARDIAN] Follow them.
[TURLOUGH] I can't.
[GUARDIAN] Follow, and kill him!
(Space liner)
[TURLOUGH [OC]] Tegan?
[TURLOUGH] I wonder how that happened.
[TEGAN] It seems we have no choice. We go on.
[DOCTOR] What have I sent you into, Nyssa?
[TEGAN] Come on, we can catch up with the Doctor. Come on!
[DOCTOR] Nyssa.
[NYSSA] Doctor!
[NYSSA] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] I think it's some sort of old passenger liner.
[NYSSA] And those things?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, some people have the strangest ideas about decor.Come on, let's get back to the Tardis.
[KARI] Check the air seal.
[OLVIR] Secure.
[TEGAN] I'm positive that was Nyssa calling.
[TURLOUGH] You heard something. Your imagination did the rest.
[TEGAN] Maybe.
[TURLOUGH] Let's go back.
[TURLOUGH] Oh, no.
(Space liner bridge)
[KARI] The whole ship's rigged to run on automatic, yet there'satmosphere. It doesn't fit the briefing at all.
[OLVIR] So what? We're only here for the cargo.
[KARI] Would it really surprise you if there weren't any? This ship isdead.
(Space liner)
[DOCTOR] Ah. I don't remember this. We must have taken a wrong turn.
[NYSSA] What is it?
[DOCTOR] A massive plug. The hull must have been damaged at some time.
[NYSSA] It's still soft.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. Come on, we'll try, er, this way.
(Space liner bridge)
[KARI] Advance party to raider. We're coming back. This isn't the shipyou described.
[OLVIR] We can't go back if he doesn't link with the airlock.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Er, this way.
(Space liner)
[NYSSA] We're lost, aren't we.
[DOCTOR] Certainly not.
(Space liner bridge)
[DOCTOR] Oh, dear. So sorry, I didn't know it was private.
[KARI] That's all right. We're in the mood for company.
(Space liner)
[VOICE [OC]] Help me.
[TURLOUGH] Over there.
[VOICE [OC]] Help me.
[TEGAN] That's Nyssa!
(Space liner bridge)
[OLVIR] Kill them. We've enough problems.
[KARI] Be quiet. If you're not members of the crew, how did you gethere?
[DOCTOR] We have a ship of our own.
[OLVIR] So they're after the cargo, too.
[KARI] Are you?
[DOCTOR] Unarmed?
[OLVIR] Kari.
[KARI] Watch them.
[OLVIR] That's our ship! He's running out on us!
[KARI] Shut up.
[KARI] Advance party to raider. Come in, raider. Come in. (static) Isthis your work?
[DOCTOR] Hardly.
[DOCTOR] Neither is that.
(Space liner)
[TURLOUGH] Engines.
[VOICE [OC]] Please help me.
[TEGAN] Hold on, Nyssa. We must find something to lever the door open.
[TURLOUGH] Let's get out of here.
[TEGAN] Find a pry bar. Now!
[TEGAN [OC]] Turlough, it's moving!
[TURLOUGH] On my way.
[TEGAN [OC]] Turlough!
[TURLOUGH] I'm coming!
[TEGAN [OC]] Turlough!
[TEGAN] Turlough
[TEGAN] Help me!
[TURLOUGH] Are you all right? I found the doorway to the Tardis.
[TEGAN] Where?
[TURLOUGH] This way. Come on.
(Space liner bridge)
[NYSSA] Who are they?
[DOCTOR] Raiders, by the look of it. Probably an advance party to openthe airlocks.
[KARI] You say you have a ship?
[KARI] I'm commandeering it.
[DOCTOR] I think not.
[DOCTOR] Stop bluffing. You haven't got a chance. Listen to the engines.Alignment manoeuvres. We're docking with another ship.
[KARI] Then I'm asking you, will you take us off this ship?
[DOCTOR] If you put the guns away, please.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[TANNOY] All decks stand by. All decks stand by. This is a specialannouncement from Terminus Incorporated.
[DOCTOR] I think we should get out of here. Follow me.
[TANNOY] Primary docking alignment procedures are now complete.Passengers with mobility should prepare to disembark.
(Space liner)
[TANNOY] Anyone failing to disembark will beremoved. Sterilisation procedures will then follow.
[TANNOY] There is no return. This is Terminus.
[OLVIR] Wait a minute.
[KARI] Olvir?
[OLVIR] I know where we are.
[KARI] Where?
[TEGAN] They're everywhere.
[TURLOUGH] Give me a hand. Come on, quickly.
[OLVIR] Now we know, don't we? Now we know what its all about.
(Space liner bridge)
[OLVIR] This is Terminus, where all the lazars cometo die.
(Space liner)
[OLVIR [OC]] We're on a leper ship! We're all goingto die!
(Space liner)
[NYSSA] Lazars?
[DOCTOR] Whatever you do, don't let them touch you.
[DOCTOR] No! That would be mass slaughter.
[KARI] I thought they were going to attack us.
[DOCTOR] Look at them. I doubt if they can feed themselves, let alonefight.
[NYSSA] What about Olvir?
[KARI] He ran. Leave him.
[DOCTOR] No. I rather think he's got a lot to tell us.
(Under the floor plate)
[TURLOUGH] It's stuck.
[TEGAN] It can't be.
[TURLOUGH] It's those things walking over the grating.
[TEGAN] There must be another way out.
[TEGAN] This place is a death trap.
(Space liner bridge)
[KARI] What are the lazars doing here?
[DOCTOR] Dying. Some cargo you came to steal.
[NYSSA] Why did you choose this ship?
[KARI] It was a big liner from a rich sector. It looked like the perfecttarget, so we thought.
[DOCTOR] Indeed.
[DOCTOR] Now, what about Terminus? We must find Olvir.
[NYSSA] We could try the computer.
(Under the Spaceliner floor plates)
[TURLOUGH] Is there any way through?
[TEGAN] Solid.
[TURLOUGH] We'll have to go back.
[TEGAN] Wait. There's a ladder. This way.
(Space liner bridge)
[KARI] Hurry, Doctor. I want to get off this ship as soon as possible.
[DOCTOR] In a moment. Can you see any more computer blocks?
[NYSSA] I'll look.
[KARI] What precisely are you looking for?
[DOCTOR] Information about Terminus. There must be something here, theliner's just docked with it.
[NYSSA] Olvir?
(Access ladder)
[GUARDIAN [OC]] The Doctor still lives. You know the rewards forsuccess. I have other rewards for your failure.
[TEGAN [OC]] Turlough?
[TURLOUGH] Coming.
(Space liner bridge)
[DOCTOR] Star charts.
[KARI] What's that in the middle?
[DOCTOR] Must be Terminus. Nyssa?
[NYSSA] Coming. Come and talk to the Doctor. We need your help. You knowabout Terminus.
[OLVIR] Kari's there.
[NYSSA] Yes?
[OLVIR] I'm supposed to be combat trained, and I ran away.
[NYSSA] I'm sure she'll understand.
[DOCTOR] What do you make of this?
[KARI] Not very much.
[OLVIR] Whatever you're planning, you can forget it, because we're dead.We're breathing in the disease at this very moment.
[KARI] You decided to come back.
[NYSSA] Please, we need his help.
[DOCTOR] Nyssa's right. How do you know about Lazar's disease?
[OLVIR] My sister died of it.
[DOCTOR] On Terminus?
[OLVIR] Yes. They supposedly offer a cure, but I've never met anyone whocame back.
[DOCTOR] And you didn't try and find out why?
[OLVIR] From whom? A commercial company runs Terminus. They don't careabout anything apart from their profit.
[NYSSA] How are they allowed to get away with it?
[OLVIR] They just play on irrational fear, just like the old plagues.They terrified people and this is no different. It isn't something youadmit to.
[DOCTOR] What do you make of this?
[OLVIR] An expanded chart of the universe.
[DOCTOR] In all you heard about Terminus, was there ever any comment onits position?
[OLVIR] No, not that I recall.
[DOCTOR] There's something very strange about this.
[OLVIR] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, it could be pure coincidence, but Terminus seems to be atthe exact centre of the known universe.
(Under the Spaceliner floor plates)
[TURLOUGH] I'm so unfit. Any luck?
[TEGAN] I can hear something.
[TEGAN] What was it?
[EIRAK] Sterilise.
[TURLOUGH] Come on.
[BOR] What's happening? The reading's still climbing.
[VALGARD] Bor! No, Bor!
[BOR] The reading's still climbing. I must find out what's happening.
(Vanir's room)
[VALGARD] Eirak, Bor has just entered the Forbidden Zone.
[EIRAK] Oh, that's all we need.
[VALGARD] We must do something.
[EIRAK] I can't afford to send men after him.
[VALGARD] We must do something!
[EIRAK] This is my responsibility. To keep Terminus running.
[VALGARD] We can't just let him die.
[EIRAK] Valgard, we're all dying. Did Bor say anything before he enteredthe Zone?
[VALGARD] He muttered something about the readings.
[EIRAK] He'll be back, when he gets hungry or needs his Hydromel.
(Space liner bridge)
[DOCTOR] This could be useful. Plan of the ship.
[NYSSA] It's vast.
[DOCTOR] It's no wonder we got lost.
[KARI] Everybody down.
[NYSSA] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] Look.
[TANNOY] Attention. Preparations for departure will begin with stage onesterilisation. Unprotected personnel are advised to leave this linerimmediately. No return will be permitted. This warning is final. Stageone sterilisation is now commencing.
[DOCTOR] We must get out of here.
(Under the Spaceliner floor plates)
[TURLOUGH] Now what?
[TEGAN] Back.
[TEGAN] Must be to do with the sterilising.
(Space liner bridge)
[KARI] Who was that voice talking to?
[OLVIR] A crew that doesn't exist.
[NYSSA] This is a layout of the ship. There are two ways back to wherewe think the Tardis is. We must go in two parties.
(Under the Spaceliner floor plates)
[TEGAN] We were lucky. It got vented away.
(Space liner)
[NYSSA] I must rest.
[OLVIR] We can't. Come on.
[NYSSA] Please.
[OLVIR] All right then, but only for a moment. What's the matter?
[NYSSA] I'm ill.
[OLVIR] Oh. I'll get help.
[OLVIR] There's leak interference. There must be bad shielding on theengine somewhere.
[NYSSA] Look.
[OLVIR] Can you walk?
[NYSSA] I don't know. I feel, I feel as if I'm going to burst.
[OLVIR] Come on.
[NYSSA] What's wrong? Olvir, what's wrong?
[OLVIR] You're contaminated.
[TANNOY] Attention.
[TANNOY] All Lazars and any other personnel must disembark immediately.Stage two sterilisation is about to begin.
[NYSSA] No, please.
[TANNOY] All other must leave immediately.
[NYSSA] Olvir, help me.
[TANNOY] All Lazars must comply with the drones.
[NYSSA] Olvir!
[TANNOY] All Lazars must comply with the drones.
[NYSSA] Olvir!
(Under the Spaceliner floor plates)
[TURLOUGH] I feel sick.
[TEGAN] We haven't got time. Come on.
(Receiving area)
[SIGURD] What did Eirak say?
[VALGARD] He doesn't care about Bor.
[SIGURD] Get in there. Valgard, don't anger Eirak. He has great power.
[VALGARD] The only power he has is in the control of the Hydromel.Without that, we're all dead.
[SIGURD] Be careful.
[SIGURD] This one's in better condition than most.
[VALGARD] Not for much longer.
[VALGARD] Where's that drone with the Hydromel?
[SIGURD] I'll check.
[VALGARD] Well, hurry. They've started sterilising.
[NYSSA] Where are you taking me?
[VALGARD] They don't usually speak.
[NYSSA] I'm not one of the Lazars.
[VALGARD] Your appearance says otherwise.
[NYSSA] Are you doctors?
[VALGARD] Baggage handlers. We just receive and pass on.
[NYSSA] But I have to know what's happening.
[VALGARD] You'll be taken to the Garm. Thereafter, who knows? No one'sever come back from a meeting with him.
(Vanir's room)
[SIGURD] Bitter sweet taste of life.
(Receiving area)
[NYSSA] Why do you wear armour?
[VALGARD] Radiation levels. What are you doing?
[NYSSA] I've cut my thumb. Look.
[SIGURD] The Garm awaits. There's no escape, not for you. All right,Valgard?
[VALGARD] Only my pride damaged.
(Lift shaft)
[NYSSA] What is this horrendous place?
(Space liner)
[DOCTOR] We can't have missed the door. There was abook lying on the floor.
[DOCTOR] Nyssa's skirt. There's blood on it. Call Olvir, quickly.
(Under the Spaceliner floor plates)
[TEGAN] What is it?
[TURLOUGH] It's the Doctor.
[EIRAK] Has anybody told the Garm to look out for Bor in the ForbiddenZone?
[SIGURD] Not yet.
[EIRAK] If he dies, we'll want his body back for the armour. Valgard,see to it at once.
[SIGURD] I'll see to the Lazar.
[VALGARD] Garm, can you hear me?
[VALGARD] One of the Vanir has entered the Forbidden Zone. If he hasdied, we must have his body back. You understand?
[VALGARD] And quickly!
(Space liner)
[DOCTOR] More spots of blood. Try them again.
[KARI] There must be a radiation leak.
[DOCTOR] That's the wave pattern the Tardis homed in on.
(Under the Spaceliner floor plates)
[TURLOUGH] Doctor?
[TEGAN] Doctor! Doctor, we're here!
[TURLOUGH] Doctor!
[TEGAN] Doctor!
(Space liner)
[TEGAN [OC]] Doctor, over here!
[DOCTOR] Someone's calling.
[KARI] Look.
[KARI] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Stage two sterilisation. Come on!
(Reception area)
[KARI] Now where?
[DOCTOR] Down there.
[DOCTOR] The centre of the universe.
(Under the Spaceliner floor plates)
[TURLOUGH] He couldn't have heard us. We're goingto get out of here even if we have to smash our way out.
[KARI] You realise that Nyssa and Olvir could havefound the Tardis by now.
[DOCTOR] Then why don't they reply? Tell me. The star charts on theliner, do you think they were accurate?
[KARI] I don't know. They were probably
[DOCTOR] Let her go!
[VALGARD] Now it's your turn, only you I'm going to kill.
[DOCTOR] I'd appreciate some help.
[KARI] Is it a machine?
[DOCTOR] No. He's wearing radiation armour. Keep him covered.
[KARI] My power pack's dead.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
(Forbidden Zone)
[DOCTOR] Let me have your radio.
[KARI] It's always the same pattern.
[DOCTOR] Well, at least the level's acceptable, for the time being. Comeon.
(Lazar's pen)
[NYSSA] Are you in charge?
[EIRAK] Be quiet.
[NYSSA] Please listen.
[EIRAK] Shut the door.
[INGA] You'll get nothing out of them. They're not interested.
[NYSSA] I've got to make them understand.
[INGA] You can't even bribe them. The only thing they care about isHydromel, the drug that keeps them alive.
[NYSSA] What are they going to do with us?
[INGA] Supposedly cure us, but I rather think they're going to let usdie.
(Vanir's room)
[SIGURD] Lazar assessment from tank three, Eirak.
[EIRAK] Coloured water. They must think we're fools. They've evenreduced the size of the consignment.
[SIGURD] Why the cutback?
[EIRAK] Maybe our performance is down.
[SIGURD] But we process everyone who comes here. Why doesn't the Companysend someone to see the conditions we work under?
[EIRAK] Maybe they already have. We are slaves. The Company doesn't needto tell us anything.
[VALGARD] Intruders. I saw two people down in the stockyard, a man and agirl. They went into the Forbidden Zone.
[EIRAK] Lazars?
[VALGARD] No. No, they were too fit. And they were armed.
[SIGURD] Agents from the Company.
[EIRAK] Why didn't you stop them?
[VALGARD] I tried.
[SIGURD] Why are they in the Forbidden Zone?
[EIRAK] The perfect place to hide. We never go there. As the Company hasdecided to cut back our supply of Hydromel, it is in our own interestto learn why. If the couple in the Forbidden Zone are from the Company,their knowledge is vital.
[VALGARD] How do we find them?
[EIRAK] Someone must go after them.
[VALGARD] Why don't you? You're supposed to be our honoured leader.
[EIRAK] I'm needed here.
[VALGARD] So you keep telling us, although I sometimes wonder whether weneed you at all.
[SIGURD] Valgard!
[EIRAK] You think you could be better?
[EIRAK] All right, I'll make you an offer. Bring back the spies and I'llstep down in your favour.
[VALGARD] I have your word on that?
[EIRAK] You have the Vanir as your witness. Think of it as a bet. Ifyou're ambitious enough, you'll accept it.
[VALGARD] All right, agreed.
[EIRAK] Then go!
[SIGURD] He'll die in the Forbidden Zone.
[EIRAK] He hates me. He'll succeed.
[SIGURD] And you will give him what you say?
[EIRAK] Of course.
(Lazar's pen)
[INGA] There's no way out, just as there's no cure. It's hopeless.
[NYSSA] Tell me about the Forbidden Zone.
[INGA] You don't give up, do you.
[NYSSA] Tell me.
[INGA] I only know what I've heard. It's where the radiation's toostrong for them, and where we're supposed to be cured.
[NYSSA] And what's the Garm?
[INGA] You'll find out soon enough.
(Equipment store)
[SIGURD] They're starting to move the Lazars. Tank three.
[OLVIR] I'll be down in a moment.
(Vanir's room)
[SIGURD] I've just come from the equipment store. Ithink we have a third intruder.
[EIRAK] Excellent. Carry on with those.
[EIRAK] It seems Valgard's mission was unnecessary after all. Come on,we'll apprehend this one ourselves.
(Forbidden Zone)
[DOCTOR] Why do the crew put up with such aradiation leak?
[KARI] It could be part of the cure.
[DOCTOR] Olvir said there wasn't one. So, why don't they repair it?
[KARI] They may not know how to.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Radiation. Fallout. Now that's a thought.
[KARI] What?
[DOCTOR] Nothing. Just an idea worth pursuing.
(Equipment room)
[EIRAK] You. Turn around.
[EIRAK] You fool.
[SIGURD] But it spoke.
[EIRAK] Perhaps you're developing the Lazar disease.
[VALGARD] I'm going.
(Lazar's pen)
[EIRAK] It's hardly touched. Take her first, then.
[NYSSA] No. No, wait. Others are worse than me.
[EIRAK] The fit ones go first. Take her.
[NYSSA] No. No, please. No.
(Forbidden Zone)
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[KARI] I can hear someone singing.
(Space liner)
[TEGAN] What?
[TURLOUGH] If ever you had to kill someone, could you do it? Could you?
[TEGAN] No. I don't know. If it was important, to save my friend, todefend myself.
[TURLOUGH] But cold-bloodedly?
[TEGAN] You're weird, Turlough. What a subject to bring up at a timelike this. Come on, let's find the control room.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] You are a fool, boy.
(Forbidden Zone)
[KARI] Who is it?
[DOCTOR] Well, he seems happy enough. Let's find out.
[KARI] No.
[DOCTOR] He's hurt. Hello, I'm the Doctor. Can I help?
[BOR] Most kind. Yes. A burden is a, er, something or other. Most kind.Thanks. This way.
[BOR] The cold ground. Rest in peace.
(Space liner bridge)
[TURLOUGH] Curious. What do you make of this?
[TEGAN] It's a map. Like one of those diagrams when they thought theEarth was at the centre of the universe.
[TURLOUGH] Hmm. Strange, isn't it.
(Forbidden Zone - engine room)
[DOCTOR] Terminus entrance. At least we know where the radiation comesfrom.
[DOCTOR] Look at the damage. Easy now.
[BOR] Thank you. Most kind. Most kind. My name is, er, Bor. I. Haven'twe met somewhere before?
[DOCTOR] Indeed. I'm the Doctor.
[BOR] Short term memory's the first to go.
[KARI] He needs a medic.
[BOR] Do you know anything about engines?
[DOCTOR] A little.
[BOR] I tried to pull down the control cables. I picked the wrong ones.Power lines. As I couldn't stop the radiation, I had to try and wall itin. Now things are even worse.
[DOCTOR] In what way?
[BOR] The whole lot's unstable. Know what would happen if one of thoseexploded? It'd be more than just a loud bang.
[DOCTOR] Chain reaction.
[BOR] Nothing in the universe would be safe.
[KARI] What?
[BOR] Did I tell you? One of the engines has already exploded.
[DOCTOR] When?
[BOR] No, oh, it was a long time ago. It's all in the computer. That onewill go next. I didn't find out why until I followed the controlcables.
[KARI] Why wasn't Terminus destroyed in the explosion?
[BOR] Terminus is protected.
[VALGARD] Tell them nothing, Bor. They're Company spies.
[BOR] Really? They seemed so friendly.
[VALGARD] You forget our last encounter. The power pack is exhausted.I'm taking you back, but not before I've beaten some respect into you.
[BOR] My wall!
[KARI] Doctor!
[NYSSA] Let me go. Please, please, let me go.
[SIGURD] Don't you want to be cured? This is for your own good.
[NYSSA] Please, let me go.
[SIGURD] At least, that's what I'm told.
(Forbidden Zone - engine room)
[KARI] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Some sort of signal.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[NYSSA] No! What is that thing?
[SIGURD] Your cure. The Garm's found Bor.
[BOR] Most kind.
[SIGURD] Let's get him to Eirak while he can still talk.
[OLVIR] Let's see that chain.
[OLVIR] It's me, Nyssa.
[NYSSA] Quickly! Quick.
[OLVIR] I can't, I'm not strong enough.
[NYSSA] Olvir! (Olvir fires his gun at the Garm. It has no effect. TheGarm goes to Nyssa.)
(Forbidden Zone)
[KARI] What are you looking for now?
[DOCTOR] The control lines. The ones Bor said he followed.
(Space liner bridge)
[TURLOUGH] There must be a way to recreate the doorwe entered this ship by. Wait here.
[KARI] This is a complete waste of time. Bordoesn't know what he's talking about. He's suffering from radiationsickness.
[DOCTOR] Yes, you're right about the sickness. I want to find out whathe discovered.
[KARI] Does it matter?
[DOCTOR] I think it could be rather important.
(Vanir's room)
[SIGURD] Bor, can you hear me?
[BOR] Sigurd?
[SIGURD] Why did you do it? You knew you couldn't survive in theForbidden Zone.
[BOR] Worth a try. The pilot's dead, you know.
[SIGURD] Pilot?
[BOR] Of Terminus.
[SIGURD] What?
[BOR] But he's still there. He's going to fire up the engines again andthey won't take it and the big bang will happen all over again.
[EIRAK] Where's his helmet?
[SIGURD] He didn't have it. He's delirious. He needs Hydromel.
[EIRAK] There isn't any to spare.
[SIGURD] But he's dying.
[EIRAK] So why detain him?
(Space liner)
[GUARDIAN [OC]] You have not destroyed the Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] I haven't found him yet.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Kill the Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] I will, I will. I have a plan.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] You have nothing.
[TURLOUGH] I do! But I need to get back to the Tardis.
[TURLOUGH] Trust me.
[TEGAN [OC]] Turlough!
[TURLOUGH] How do I recreate the door?
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Fail me again
[TURLOUGH] I won't, I promise.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] Then search for an emergency bypass switch.
[GUARDIAN [OC]] You have skills. Use them. Look beneath your feet.
[TEGAN] What are you doing?
[TURLOUGH] Remember when we were underneath the floor? Well, I noticedsomething familiar. It's only just come to me what it was. Come on.
(Terminus bridge)
[DOCTOR] Terminus control.
[KARI] Look.
(Terminus engine room)
[NYSSA] Olvir!
(Terminus bridge)
[DOCTOR] Do you remember Bor saying one of theengines had exploded?
[KARI] Did he?
[DOCTOR] He was wrong. It didn't come to that. Look at this. Terminuswas once capable of time travel.
[KARI] So?
[DOCTOR] Well, to push a ship of this size through time would require anenormous amount of energy.
[KARI] What are you getting at?
[DOCTOR] Well, think about what we've learnt. Terminus seems to be atthe centre of the universe, yes? Now, imagine this ship in flight.Suddenly the pilot finds he has an enormous amount of unstable fuel onboard. What would you do?
[KARI] Jettison it.
[DOCTOR] Perfectly normal procedure. Unfortunately, he ejects his fuelinto a void.
[KARI] And it exploded.
[DOCTOR] Starting a chain reaction.
[KARI] How big?
[DOCTOR] Enormous. Biggest explosion of all time. Event One.
[KARI] The Big Bang?
[KARI] It isn't possible.
[DOCTOR] A chemical reaction in a primeval swamp can create life on aplanet. Why couldn't the universe be created by a similar chancefactor, hmm?
[KARI] But exploding fuel in space? It's almost too simple.
[DOCTOR] It only appears simple because the circumstances were exactlyright.
[KARI] Well, if what you're saying is right, why wasn't Terminusdestroyed in the explosion?
[DOCTOR] Well, the pilot time-jumped the ship forward before realisinghow unstable the fuel was. The resulting shockwave must have caught upwith him, boosting the ship billions of years into the future.
[KARI] Killing the pilot and damaging the second engine.
[KARI] If there was a second explosion, would it have the same effect asthe jettisoned fuel?
[DOCTOR] Not quite. Whereas the first explosion created the universe,the second would undoubtedly destroy it.
(Under the Spaceliner floor plates)
[TURLOUGH] There it is. Emergency bypass. We'll soon have that dooropen.
[TEGAN] Where's the light coming from?
[TURLOUGH] It's nothing.
(Terminus bridge)
[KARI] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Oh, no.
[KARI] What?
[DOCTOR] It wasn't the pilot's decision. The computer's just started anautomatic sequence to jettison the unstable fuel. If we don't dosomething quickly, the whole universe will be destroyed.
(Terminus bridge)
[DOCTOR] We must stop the sequence.
[KARI] Do you know how?
[DOCTOR] Not yet.
[KARI] What, then?
(Terminus engine room)
[VALGARD] Where are the others?
[OLVIR] What?
[VALGARD] Spies!
[OLVIR] Oh, no. Nyssa!
(Under the Spaceliner floor plates)
[TEGAN] Are you all right?
[TURLOUGH] I think so.
[TEGAN] What happened?
[TURLOUGH] I don't know.
[TEGAN] We must make it materialise fully.
[TURLOUGH] It won't move.
[TEGAN] Let me help. It's not going to defeat us now.
(Terminus engine room)
[VALGARD] I wouldn't. The radiation'll kill you. Get much closer andyou're dead, unless you can get to a decontamination unit.
[OLVIR] You're lying.
[VALGARD] Please yourself, then, but in my day we were better trained.
[OLVIR] What?
[VALGARD] You're not from the Company. You're combat trained. ColonelPereira, was it? The one they call the Chief?
[OLVIR] How do you know?
[VALGARD] Recognise the moves. Taught the same ones to me. I was withhim for five tours, till he turned me in for the reward.
[OLVIR] And how did you get here?
[VALGARD] Slave labour. That's how Terminus works. You couldn't payanyone enough to work here.
[OLVIR] Where are the guards?
[VALGARD] Don't need them. If we don't work, we don't get the Hydromelwe need to stay alive. Help me, please. Oh, come on. Look at me. I'm adanger to no one. I'm finished. I'm dying.
[OLVIR] Where did that thing take Nyssa?
[VALGARD] Nyssa? Oh, is that her name? I've no idea. This is my firsttime in the Zone.
[OLVIR] Will he harm her?
[VALGARD] No. He's curing her. That's what he's here for.
[OLVIR] How can that thing cure anyone?
[VALGARD] Help me. I'll show you.
[OLVIR] I'll find her myself.
[VALGARD] Don't leave me.
(Terminus bridge)
[KARI] Why won't it move?
[DOCTOR] It's controlled by the computer, and the computer'suncontrollable.
(Under the Spaceliner floor plates)
[TEGAN] I don't think I've got any skin left on myhands.
[TANNOY] Primary ignition is now beginning. All systems running on test.Departure sequence is beginning now.
[TEGAN] What's happening?
[TURLOUGH] The liner's preparing to move.
[TEGAN] No, wait! You can't leave yet!
[TANNOY] All drones to designated assembly points. Countdown tosecondary ignition follows.
[TURLOUGH] The ship's on automatic, Tegan. There's nothing you can do.
[TEGAN] I've got to try.
(Space liner bridge)
[TANNOY] Departure sequence is now underway.Countdown to docking disengagement now beginning.
[TANNOY] Preparing to blow clamps and withdraw all lines.
[TEGAN] Can anyone hear me?
[TANNOY] Countdown to primary burn is now underway.
[TEGAN] You must stop!
[TANNOY] Countdown to primary burn is now underway.
[TANNOY] Test mode on all systems is now disengaged.
[TANNOY] All systems operating within permitted tolerances.
[TEGAN] Shut up!
[TANNOY] Emergency, emergency. Launch abort. Launch abort.
[TEGAN] I don't believe it.
[TANNOY] Launch abort.
(Space liner)
[TANNOY] Launch abort. Launch abort.
(Terminus bridge)
[KARI] How can this ship still be operational after all this time?
[DOCTOR] The technology here is phenomenal, unfortunately. There must bea way to reset that handle.
[KARI] He must have had the strength of a giant.
[DOCTOR] A giant.
[KARI] Of course.
[DOCTOR] The Garm.
[KARI] But will there still be enough time?
[DOCTOR] Well, we can only hope there is.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] The Doctor still lives.
[TURLOUGH] He's trapped. He's powerless, probably dead already.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] You represent a poor investment of my time andenergy, and for such an investment there is only one course to follow.
[OLVIR] I'm unarmed. Can you understand me?
[GARM] Perfectly.
[OLVIR] Why are you doing this? You're torturing people.
[GARM] I draw the disease from them. All would die but most survive.
[OLVIR] And the last one you treated, Nyssa, did she survive?
[GARM] She is recovering.
[OLVIR] Where?
[GARM] Follow me.
(Vanir's room)
[BOR] If only I could remember.
[SIGURD] Try to relax.
[BOR] It doesn't matter. In a couple of hours there won't even be aTerminus or a Company or anything. I found some information in acomputer.
[SIGURD] What's going to happen?
[BOR] That's the trouble. I can't remember.
[SIGURD] But Bor, you must.
[BOR] Short term memory is always the first to go.
[SIGURD] Look, I'll get some Hydromel. There's a case of it throughthere.
[BOR] Eirak won't release any.
[SIGURD] Who said I was going to ask him?
[BOR] It really isn't worth the trouble, you know.
[DOCTOR] You ready?
[KARI] Call him.
(Space liner)
[TEGAN] Turlough? Turlough?
[KARI] He's coming. What do we do now?
[DOCTOR] Let's just get into the control room. I'll do the rest.
[KARI] And if he won't cooperate?
[DOCTOR] We'll humour him. Right, let's go.
[KARI] It's not working.
[GARM] Deception is unnecessary. You have given the signal, I must obey.
(Recovery room)
[NYSSA] Olvir!
[OLVIR] Nyssa! You came through the cure.
[NYSSA] Just about.
[OLVIR] What happened?
[NYSSA] I was simply exposed to a massive dose of radiation. There's noproper diagnosis, no control, and this is supposed to be someone's ideaof decontamination.
[OLVIR] Well, let's go. The sooner we can put Terminus behind us
[NYSSA] You don't understand. There must be thousands of people who'vepassed through here and think they're cured. It's all just hit andmiss. No one cares.
[OLVIR] Let's go, Nyssa.
[NYSSA] Listen to me. The cure works, but it needs to be controlled,otherwise you just trade one killer for another. Radiation induceddiseases that may take years to show.
[OLVIR] Let's just concentrate on getting away, shall we?
[NYSSA] It could all be changed.
[OLVIR] I've no doubt you're right, but we can argue your case later.Now come on, quickly.
[EIRAK] Who took it? Who took the signal box? Someone will suffer forthis.
(Terminus bridge)
[DOCTOR] You understand what we need you to do?
[DOCTOR] I'd appreciate it if you'd hurry.
[GARM] Is this necessary?
[DOCTOR] If you can return the lever, I can disconnect the computercontrolling it.
[GARM] And if I fail?
[DOCTOR] It's the end of the universe.
(Vanir's room)
[BOR] Beginning of the end, boys.
(Terminus bridge)
[KARI] Nothing's happening.
[DOCTOR] It must. You must push harder. It's the only way.
[KARI] Please.
[KARI] It's working!
[DOCTOR] That's it!
[GARM] Have I served you well?
[DOCTOR] Indeed you have.
[GARM] Do something for me. Destroy the box. Set me free.
[DOCTOR] Rest. You've earned it. Come on.
[KARI] What now?
[DOCTOR] Disconnect the control lines to the engines.
[DOCTOR] Look, whoever you are, we haven't got time for
[VALGARD] Silence. Move.
[DOCTOR] You're taking a very narrow view of all this.
[NYSSA] It's the Doctor.
[VALGARD] I want to stay alive. If that's a narrow view, then you'reright.
[DOCTOR] You're quite happy to see things go on as they are.
[VALGARD] Happy? This is Terminus. No one's happy here. Staying alive isall that counts.
[DOCTOR] Things could change.
[NYSSA] Over here!
[OLVIR] Here!
[KARI] Freeze!
[DOCTOR] Nyssa, I've been so worried.
[NYSSA] I'm fine. Doctor, I've made a fantastic discovery. The cure forLazar disease works.
[DOCTOR] How do you know?
[NYSSA] Because I've been cured myself.
[OLVIR] It seems I was wrong.
[NYSSA] The system is far from safe.
[DOCTOR] Well, you think it could be?
[NYSSA] With the Garm's help, yes. It's only his lack of free will whichhas prevented him from doing anything about it.
[DOCTOR] Well, he has it now.
[VALGARD] She's sick. She doesn't know what she's talking about.
[NYSSA] With changes, Terminus could work, become a proper hospital.
[VALGARD] The Company isn't interested.
[NYSSA] Are you, though? And the other Vanir?
[VALGARD] Even if we were, it's not possible without Hydromel, and it'sthe Company who control that.
[NYSSA] But if you had an endless supply of it, you'd be free of theircontrol, wouldn't you?
(Vanir's room)
[BOR] Am I dead yet?
[BOR] Oh, funny, I could have sworn that. But still, it's a relief. I amhoping for something rather better on the other side. Sigurd
[SIGURD] Try to sleep.
[BOR] Sleep? It's all I can do to keep awake for more than a minute.
[SIGURD] Valgard!
[VALGARD] Shush. I've got some people with me.
[SIGURD] What's going on?
[VALGARD] Come in.
[DOCTOR] Where is it?
[SIGURD] Now wait a minute.
[VALGARD] They say they can free us from the Company.
[SIGURD] You believe that?
[VALGARD] You know anybody harder to convince?
[DOCTOR] It's locked. Olvir, may I borrow your laser?
[SIGURD] Now if this is just some madcap scheme for getting back atEirak, then you've got another thing coming.
[DOCTOR] You're the expert, what do you think?
[DOCTOR] Look, er, while we're sorting things out here, perhaps you'd beso good as to cut the control lines to the engines. I'd hate anyone tostart the sequence manually.
[KARI] Of course. Come on.
[NYSSA] It's crude stuff, probably organic.
[DOCTOR] Think you can synthesise it?
[NYSSA] I might even improve on it.
[SIGURD] Well, how's this supposed to free us from the Company?
[NYSSA] Terminus Incorporated only control you because they supply youwith Hydromel, but if you produced your own
[VALGARD] Here on Terminus.
[SIGURD] Is it possible?
[NYSSA] Of course.
[SIGURD] But the Company would send troops. They'd destroy us.
[NYSSA] With the current reputation Lazar disease has, would any sanesoldier come here?
[VALGARD] Of course they wouldn't.
[SIGURD] I suppose not.
[NYSSA] Then help.
[SIGURD] All right. Why not?
[BOR] Oh, Sigurd.
[SIGURD] I'm with you.
[OLVIR] Are you sure these are the right cables?
[KARI] According to the Doctor.
[OLVIR] It's what you said about this ship. I'd hate to end the universeby mistake.
[KARI] Give me the gun.
[OLVIR] No, no, I'll, I'll do it. Just wanted to be certain.
(Vanir's room)
[EIRAK] I want it found. Without the signal box we've got no controlover the Garm.
[VALGARD] Pleased to see me? I want you to meet some people.
[DOCTOR] How do you do? I'm the Doctor, and this is Nyssa.
[EIRAK] All right, Valgard, what do you think you're doing?
[VALGARD] I think you owe me something.
[SIGURD] A small matter of your position here.
[VALGARD] If I bring back the intruders, your position is mine,remember? There he is.
[BOR] We all think it's time for a little chat.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, before you start, perhaps one of you could show usthe way to the damaged engine. There's still a great deal to be done.
[KARI] Terminus will never move again.
[OLVIR] Have you given any thought as to how we're going to get home?
[KARI] I'm about to.
[DOCTOR] It'll be good to see the Tardis again.
[NYSSA] And Tegan.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, it'll be nice to know she's safe. Tegan!
[TEGAN] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing?
[TEGAN] I was trying to reach you. Turlough went back to the Tardis onhis own.
[DOCTOR] I told you not to follow me.
[NYSSA] Doctor, say you're pleased to see her.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I'm pleased to see her but she shouldn't havefollowed us.
[TEGAN] You don't understand.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, we'll talk about it later. Valgard?
[TEGAN] Why does he never listen?
[NYSSA] He has a great deal to do.
[TEGAN] There always is.
[NYSSA] Tegan, I have to tell you something.
[DOCTOR] Now it's important you inform the authorities about what's beengoing on here. Make it impossible for Terminus Incorporated toretaliate. For example, you must make contact with the pick-up ship.
[VALGARD] What ship?
[DOCTOR] The one that takes the cured Lazars away. Well, the Garm willknow all about it.
[VALGARD] We no longer have any control over him.
[DOCTOR] Then speak to him, win his confidence. You'll find him veryagreeable.
[TEGAN] Doctor? Doctor, talk to Nyssa.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[NYSSA] I'm not coming with you.
[DOCTOR] What?
[NYSSA] There's too much to be done here.
[TEGAN] Tell her she must.
[DOCTOR] Well, you can't stay. It isn't safe. Certainly not until theVanir have sorted out how they're to run Terminus.
[NYSSA] And with my skills, I can help them.
[TEGAN] We need you, too.
[NYSSA] I've enjoyed every moment of my time on the Tardis, and I'llmiss you both, but here I have a chance to put into practice the skillsI learnt on Traken.
[TEGAN] Please, Nyssa.
[NYSSA] I'm adamant. Please, let us part in good faith.
[DOCTOR] You do fully understand the commitment you'll be undertaking?
[NYSSA] Yes.
[DOCTOR] And that life here will be very hard.
[NYSSA] I am fully aware of that, but I want to stay.
[DOCTOR] Then you're a very brave person. I wish you every luck.
[TEGAN] She'll die here.
[NYSSA] Not easily, Tegan. Like you, I'm indestructible.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] Turlough. Can you hear me?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] The Doctor is returning.
[TURLOUGH] I feel ill.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] This is your last chance, boy.
[TURLOUGH] What did you do to me?
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] You will recover.
[TURLOUGH] I can't go on. Kill the Doctor yourself. Blame me for it, Idon't care. I can't do it.
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] You have little choice.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Turlough? Turlough!
[GUARDIAN [on scanner]] He's coming, boy. This is your last chance. Ishall not say that again. Kill the Doctor!
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s20", "episode": "e04", "title": "Terminus"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (1 Mar, 1983; Fifth Doctor) - Enlightenment
[TURLOUGH] Check. I said, check.
[TEGAN] I heard you.
[TURLOUGH] Come on, then.
[TEGAN] In a minute.
[TEGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Interesting. It isn't a leak.
[TEGAN] It must be. We're losing power all the time.
[DOCTOR] No, our power's being tapped somehow.
[TEGAN] Tapped? What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] It's just draining away. I don't understand.
[TURLOUGH] He never does. I'm sure it's something quite simple.
[TEGAN] You're being very calm about it.
[TURLOUGH] Your move.
[WHITE GUARDIAN [OC]] Move. Move. Move.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, did you say something?
[TURLOUGH] No. Just that it was Tegan's move.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Well, er, we'll block the outlet there. For a while we'lljust have to run on reduced power.
[WHITE GUARDIAN [OC]] Power. Power. Power.
[TEGAN] What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] Quiet. I'm trying to listen to something.
[TEGAN] To what?
[DOCTOR] I'm not quite sure. It must have been my imagination.
[TURLOUGH] There is something going on.
[DOCTOR] That's it! Of course, a message. Turn up the power.
[TEGAN] Turn it up? We're supposed to be conserving it.
[DOCTOR] Power.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Here. Here. Here.
[DOCTOR] We must increase energy output. Now, push that lever to full.
[TEGAN] Are you sure everything's all right?
[DOCTOR] Of course. Now, keep it at full, whatever happens.
[TEGAN] If we keep it at full, we'll lose power completely.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Can you hear me?
[TEGAN] I suppose the Doctor must know what he's doing.
[DOCTOR [OC]] We're giving you more power.
[TURLOUGH] You think so? He's out there talking to himself.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Where are you?
(Tardis corridor)
[DOCTOR] We're giving you everything we've got. Itis you, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] I can't hear you.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Power. At risk. There is extreme danger. I repeat
[WHITE GUARDIAN [OC]] Danger. Danger. Danger.
[DOCTOR] Keep it going!
[TURLOUGH] He's gone mad. What does he think he'sdoing?
[TURLOUGH] We're going to blow!
(Tardis corridor)
[DOCTOR] Go on.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Galactic north six degrees nine zero
[TEGAN [OC]] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Quiet! Keep back. Stay in the console room. Nine zero.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Seven, seven. Go immediately. Not allow.
[DOCTOR] What? Not allow what?
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Death. Death. Death.
[BLACK GUARDIAN] You cannot succeed. I control the game, the Doctor'sdestiny. And soon, he will be dead. Bwahahahahaha!
[TEGAN] What have you done? You've reduced thepower!
[TURLOUGH] We were about to blow up!
[DOCTOR] Never, ever, disobey my instructions again.
[TURLOUGH] I thought we were going to be killed.
[DOCTOR] And because of you, many others might die.
[TEGAN] Who were you talking to?
[DOCTOR] The White Guardian.
[TEGAN] The White Guardian? Who's he?
[DOCTOR] I've no time to explain. I have to sort out these coordinates.
[TEGAN] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I lost contact before I could get moreinformation.
[TEGAN] Well, what are we supposed to do when we get there?
[DOCTOR] Prevent something happening, something dangerous.
[TEGAN] What? You don't know that, either.
[DOCTOR] No, but when the White Guardian says there's danger, he'sinvariably right.
[TEGAN] Now what's happening?
[DOCTOR] Time override. Locking must have been in the coordinates. We'rehere.
[TURLOUGH] The air is breathable.
[TEGAN] Are you going out there?
[DOCTOR] Well, I have to find out what's going on. Turlough, get acouple of torches.
[TEGAN] Make it three. I'm coming with you.
[DOCTOR] No. I need you here.
[TEGAN] Why does it have to be me?
[DOCTOR] The White Guardian may try and make contact again.
[TURLOUGH] Er, I'll stay, if you like.
[DOCTOR] No, I need someone I can rely on. It's important.
[TEGAN] Someone who doesn't run away.
[TURLOUGH] I explained what happened on Terminus.
[DOCTOR] Save the arguing until later.
[TEGAN] What do I have to do?
[DOCTOR] Operate this lever. His power's badly depleted. He's having todraw on ours to get through at all.
[TEGAN] The power drain is the White Guardian?
[DOCTOR] Yes, exactly.
[TEGAN] Well, what did he say?
[DOCTOR] Well, apart from the coordinates, I could understand verylittle.
[TEGAN] Well, shouldn't you wait? He might try to make contact again.
[DOCTOR] No, there may not be time.
[TEGAN] But anything could be out there.
[DOCTOR] Yes, and going out is the only way to learn what it is.
[DOCTOR] Are you ready?
[TEGAN] Well, what if the White Guardian tells me something important?
[DOCTOR] Thank him politely. Won't be long.
[TEGAN] Good luck.
(Yacht hold)
[TURLOUGH] Wood. We're in a building.
[DOCTOR] Listen. Rats.
[TURLOUGH] A warehouse? Do you feel that? Can't you feel it? Theground's moving.
[DOCTOR] I don't think so. Look at this.
[TURLOUGH] A piece of rope.
[DOCTOR] Really? Look again.
[DOCTOR] We're on a ship. A sailing ship. The hold, probably.
[TURLOUGH] I thought there was supposed to be great danger?
[DOCTOR] I didn't know you were so keen to find it. Down.
[TURLOUGH] What was all that about?
[DOCTOR] Checking the stores.
[TURLOUGH] Did you see the expression on his face?
[DOCTOR] Yes, almost as though he were hypnotised. Still, at least hedidn't find the Tardis. Come on.
[TEGAN] White Guardian.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] More. More. More.
[TEGAN] Come on, where are you?
[TEGAN] Please hurry. Your demand for energy is causing an overload.Quickly, the message.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Must not win. Tell the Doctor. Winner takes all. All.All.
[TEGAN] Who are you? The White Guardian?
[TEGAN] Who are you?
[TEGAN] Oh, no.
(Yacht companionway)
[TURLOUGH] Dead end?
[DOCTOR] No, it's a door.
[DOCTOR] You ready?
(Yacht fo'c'sle)
[DOCTOR] How do you do?
(Yacht hold)
[TEGAN] Where are you? Are you hurt?
(Yacht fo'c'sle)
[DOCTOR] Not bad.
[TURLOUGH] Are you insane? Let's get out of here.
[DOCTOR] Gently, Turlough. This one will do for me, you can take thatone.
[TURLOUGH] What do you think you're doing?
[DOCTOR] Behaving as if we've just joined the crew. Edwardian England.
[TURLOUGH] Oh, no, we're on Earth again.
[DOCTOR] So it seems.
[DOCTOR] First British submarine launched.
[TURLOUGH] Why don't they say something?
[DOCTOR] They're sizing us up. Fo'c'sle's fairly cramped. It's importantto know who you're sharing it with. After all, we could be cooped uphere together for months.
[TURLOUGH] You're not serious.
[DOCTOR] Only if we're both here for the trip.
[TURLOUGH] Look, shouldn't we get back to the Tardis while there's stilla chance?
[DOCTOR] No, I must find out why the White Guardian wanted me to comehere.
[TURLOUGH] It was a mistake. They may be a rough lot, but they hardlythreaten the peace and harmony of the universe, do they?
[DOCTOR] We stay.
(Yacht hold)
[TEGAN] Where are you?
(Yacht fo'c'sle)
[JACKSON] Got your bunk sorted out, have you?
[DOCTOR] Yes, thanks.
[JACKSON] Jackson's the name.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Turlough, and I'm the Doctor.
[JACKSON] Oh you are, are you? Well, it's about time. Hey, he's here,lads. The Doctor's aboard.
[COLLIER] (amongst general cheers) Thank Gawd for that.
[DOCTOR] You've been expecting me?
[JACKSON] More than expecting you, slush, we've been waiting for you.Where you been, eh? I mean, we've been living on nothing but hard tacksince we come aboard, haven't we, lads?
[ALL] Yeah, right.
[JACKSON] Get us some proper food, that's what we want.
[COLLIER] Yeah, none of your stinky greasy messes, either.
[ALL] Right.
[JACKSON] Not like that last cook we had, eh?
[DOCTOR] The doctor. Of course, the ship's cook.
(Yacht hold)
[TEGAN] Hello.
[MARRINER] Fascinating.
[TEGAN] What?
[MARRINER] Who are you? A stowaway?
[TEGAN] No, I can explain.
[MARRINER] Yes, you're a stowaway and I shall put you in irons.
[MARRINER] Where are you? Where are you?
(Yacht fo'c'sle)
[DOCTOR] Er, may I?
[JACKSON] Yeah, yeah. I'm tired of reading it. Yeah, you can have it.It's two days old, though.
[MAN] How's the world up top?
[DOCTOR] Have you been below decks for two days?
[JACKSON] Yeah, we've been battened under hatches since we come aboard,haven't we lads, eh?
[ALL] Yeah.
(Yacht hold)
[MARRINER] Where are you?
(Yacht fo'c'sle)
[JACKSON] Here, meet the lads. Farley, Wade,Jenkins, Grogan, and that one's Collier.
[DOCTOR] How do you do? Did you all come aboard at the same time?
[COLLIER] Dunno. Can't remember. Why'd you ask?
[DOCTOR] Curious.
[COLLIER] Truth of the matter is, we don't rightly remember. Probablydrank too much.
[DOCTOR] Celebrating your last night ashore.
[COLLIER] Yeah, but he don't drink.
[JACKSON] No, I signed a pledge. Ain't touched a drop since, but I don'tremember nothing neither.
[DOCTOR] And you're quite sure not one of you can remember comingaboard?
[COLLIER] No. It's blank. The whole thing, blank.
(Yacht hold)
[MARRINER] Allow me.
[TEGAN] That isn't possible. Who are you?
(Yacht fo'c'sle)
[DOCTOR] Surely, surely you must find it ratherstrange that none of you can recall signing on?
[COLLIER] Oh, we remember that all right.
[JACKSON] Oh yeah, I mean, we signed on aboard, didn't we, lads?
[COLLIER] Yeah. And we got a month's wages in advance. Not likely toforget that, now, would we?
[JACKSON] Now that's one thing I'll say for the Captain. I mean, hecertainly ain't mean.
[COLLIER] Yeah, but he stands to make a packet, I dare say, if we win.
[JACKSON] And we will.
[TURLOUGH] Win what?
[JACKSON] The race, lad. The race.
(Yacht companionway)
[MARRINER] Why are you frightened?
[TEGAN] Isn't it obvious?
[MARRINER] I'm not going to hurt you. I want to please you. Would youlike me to find your friends for you?
[TEGAN] What friends?
[MARRINER] The two you're looking for.
[TEGAN] Where are they? What have you done with them?
[MARRINER] Nothing. I haven't met them yet. I could take you to them, ifthat's what you'd like.
[TEGAN] Yes, that's what I'd like.
[MARRINER] This way. Please? You won't try to run away again, will you?Please? You see, I find you fascinating. Quite fascinating.
(Yacht fo'c'sle)
[COLLIER] Ah, that was a race, now. Regular fliershe was, the old America.
[TURLOUGH] A flier?
[COLLIER] Yeah. Crossed the Atlantic in seventeen days, she did.
[TURLOUGH] Huh. Hardly a flying ship.
[COLLIER] Slim bows.
[JACKSON] No, no. You give me a ship that's bluff in the bow and narrowin the stern.
[COLLIER] Oh, yeah. Or a woman, cod head and mackerel tail.
[JACKSON] None of your flying ships. What, you been at the bottle, haveyou, lad? Little bit of Dutch courage, eh? Now that's no good for agreen hand.
[GROGAN] That's right.
[JACKSON] And it's no good for us older hands either. Now, you've got tokeep a clear head if you're going up there.
[COLLIER] Yeah, and strong arms. Otherwise you're down on the deck fromthe height of the crosstree, splat.
[JACKSON] Keep hold of those shrouds and make certain you get thelifeline under your feet. You use your eyes and check that riggingbefore you go up there.
[COLLIER] Here, know why a pig can never become a sailor? Cos he can'tlook aloft!
[JACKSON] Looks like you're wanted.
[DOCTOR] You know where the Tardis is if things get difficult.
[TURLOUGH] Where have they taken him?
[COLLIER] Poop quarters.
[JACKSON] Yeah, the first mate will want to see him, I dare say.
[COLLIER] Maybe the Captain, even.
[JACKSON] Living like lords they are, back there. Every luxury.
[COLLIER] Yeah, while we have to make do with salt, junk and hard tack.
[TURLOUGH] He'll be all right?
[JACKSON] Who can tell?
(Yacht stateroom)
[TEGAN] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing here?
[TEGAN] Don't ask. I was so stupid.
[DOCTOR] You're unharmed? Did the White Guardian make contact again?
[TEGAN] It was very confused.
[DOCTOR] Well, tell me everything you can remember.
[TEGAN] Well, he was insistent somebody or something must not win therace. Tell the Doctor, he said, winner takes all.
[DOCTOR] Well, is that it?
[TEGAN] The console blew up. It's not much help, is it.
[DOCTOR] Well, you did your best.
[TEGAN] The message doesn't make sense, winner takes all.
[DOCTOR] It may do, especially as we're on a racing yacht.
[TEGAN] How do you know?
[DOCTOR] We've been talking to the crew.
[TEGAN] I hope they're not as peculiar as the officers.
[TEGAN] The one I've met's very strange.
[STRIKER] Welcome aboard. Delighted you could join us. Captain Strikerat your service.
[DOCTOR] How do you do? I'm the
[STRIKER] The Doctor and Miss Tegan. Allow me to present my fellowofficers.
(Yacht fo'c'sle)
[JACKSON] Ah, they're a funny lot, if you ask me.
[COLLIER] The afterguard always are.
[TURLOUGH] What do you mean, a funny lot.
[JACKSON] Well, they keep themselves to themselves.
[COLLIER] Nobody's hardly set eyes on the Captain yet, not even thebo'sun.
[JACKSON] Nah, he's right. Takes most of his orders from the first mate.
[COLLIER] It was the first mate when we signed on, remember?
[TURLOUGH] Did he say where the ship's going?
[COLLIER] I don't remember.
[JACKSON] We're here for the race. I mean, that's all that matters.
[TURLOUGH] Yes, but where are we racing to? Where's the finish?
[JACKSON] We'll find out soon enough. There she blows. That's what we'vebeen waiting for. The wind's beginning to freshen.
(Yacht stateroom)
[DOCTOR] Please.
[TEGAN] I hope it's not going to be too rough. I'm not a very goodsailor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, brave heart, Tegan.
[TEGAN] It's not my heart I'm worried about, Doctor.
[STRIKER] There is no cause for concern, Miss Tegan. We have the perfectantidote for mal de mer.
[TEGAN] Thank you.
[MARRINER] Breaking out the rum ration, sir.
[STRIKER] Good. Well, here's to an eventful passage, gentlemen, and astormy one. My first mate Mister Marriner. You've met, I believe, MissTegan. The Doctor. Mister Marriner is my right hand man. He deals withthe crew. Everything in order?
[MARRINER] Yes, sir. They're being prepared.
[STRIKER] Good. I must apologise for this rather abrupt end to dinner.Look out for the lady.
[MARRINER] Allow me.
[TEGAN] Where are we going?
[MARRINER] The wheelhouse.
[TEGAN] Doctor?
(Yacht fo'c'sle)
[COLLIER] See you later, lad.
[TURLOUGH] What's going on?
[COLLIER] That's grog ration.
[JACKSON] Good lad. You're taking my advice, I see.
[TURLOUGH] What do you mean?
[JACKSON] Well, keeping a clear head. Now don't you worry, I'll lookafter you. Are you all right, then?
[TURLOUGH] Where to?
[JACKSON] Up aloft. Come on.
(Yacht companionway)
[JACKSON] Come on, lad.
[TURLOUGH] I'll catch you up.
[DOCTOR] You're not going with them?
[TURLOUGH] No, thanks. They're going aloft. The rigging's no place for acoward like me.
[TURLOUGH] Now where?
[DOCTOR] To find Tegan, if your courage is up to it. She's on the way tothe wheelhouse. Don't ask me why she left the Tardis. Did you manage tofind out anything about the race?
[TURLOUGH] Well, the crew don't know anything. Can't we go back to theTardis?
[DOCTOR] Yes, when we've found Tegan.
(Outside the yacht wheelhouse)
[TEGAN] What was that?
[MARRINER] One of the crew going aloft. It sometimes affects them thatway, especially when it's the first time.
[TEGAN] First time? You mean you send completely inexperienced crewmenaloft in a race?
[MARRINER] They soon get used to it.
[TEGAN] Now wait a minute. Wetsuits? What are wetsuits doing on anEdwardian sailing ship?
[MARRINER] This way.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[TEGAN] It's dark outside.
[MARRINER] Isn't it always dark?
[TEGAN] It's just that I expected it to be daylight.
[STRIKER] Mister Mate?
[MARRINER] Excuse me. Sir.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[TEGAN] Of course. Did you see what was in one of the companion ways?
[TEGAN] Underwater gear, like scuba divers wear.
[DOCTOR] Maybe this'll tell us where we are.
[TURLOUGH] Well, it doesn't make a lot of sense.
[TEGAN] It looks like the position of marker buoys.
[DOCTOR] Oh, they're considerably more than that.
[STRIKER] Mister Mate, we will look at our competitors, please.
[MARRINER] Aye, aye, sir.
[TEGAN] Electronics. On an Edwardian racing yacht.
[DOCTOR] Look at the screen. We're not on a yacht, we're on a ship. Aspaceship.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[DOCTOR] Remarkable, though I think they have theirmaritime history slightly confused.
[TURLOUGH] But why waste such skill? What are they trying to achieve?
[TEGAN] It's like a game.
[TURLOUGH] The crew are real enough.
[DOCTOR] Yes. What about the officers?
[TURLOUGH] Androids?
[DOCTOR] No, no, it's much more complicated than that. Tegan?
[TEGAN] I feel terrible. I think I'm seasick.
[STRIKER] Mister Mate.
[MARRINER] Sir. Allow me to escort you to your cabin.
[TEGAN] Have to hurry.
[DOCTOR] Oh, nonsense, Tegan. The ship's hardly moving.
[TEGAN] For you, maybe.
[DOCTOR] Now wait a minute.
[TURLOUGH] She'll be all right. Whatever else is gong on here, no one'sthreatened us.
(Yacht companionway)
[MARRINER] I've arranged somewhere for you to rest.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] Check our exact position. We're about toround our next planet, gentlemen.
[TURLOUGH] Planet?
[DOCTOR] Look at the chart.
[TURLOUGH] Remarkable. These are planets.
[DOCTOR] If you look carefully enough, you'll see it's a solar systemcontaining Earth.
[TURLOUGH] Well, that explains where they got their crew from.
[DOCTOR] Indeed. Look, leave now. Find where Marriner's taken Tegan.
[TURLOUGH] And you?
[DOCTOR] I want to see what else I can find out here.
[STRIKER] There's no need to whisper, Doctor. You and your companionsare free to come and go as you wish. You are our guests, not ourprisoners.
(Tegan's cabin)
[TEGAN] I want to die.
[MARRINER] Drink this.
[TEGAN] What is it?
[MARRINER] A mixture.
[TEGAN] Rum?
[MARRINER] Drink it.
[TEGAN] No, thanks.
[MARRINER] It'll make you feel much better.
[TEGAN] Really? Then drink it yourself.
[MARRINER] It's quite safe.
[MARRINER] Drink it. It'll make you feel much better.
(Yacht companionway)
[TURLOUGH] Where does this lead?
[OFFICER] The deck. The crew are busy at the moment. You would only bein the way up there.
[TURLOUGH] What are they doing?
[OFFICER] Hauling on the halyards.
[TURLOUGH] Halyards? On a spaceship?
[OFFICER] We observe the spirit as well as the rules of the race. You'llfind the cabin of the person you seek off the starboard side.
[TURLOUGH] Thank you.
(Tegan's cabin)
[MARRINER] Now you must rest.
[MARRINER] And I must return to duty.
[TEGAN] (dozy) That was a marvellous drink.
[MARRINER] We shall be rounding the next marker buoy soon.
[TEGAN] Marker buoy.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[DOCTOR] Venus.
[STRIKER] Our first obstacle.
[DOCTOR] What are you proposing to do?
[STRIKER] You will see.
[STRIKER] Our next major obstacle is the Greek.
[STRIKER] I intend to win this race, and Critas the Greek is the onlycaptain who could possibly beat me.
[DOCTOR] All the period detail is impressively accurate.
[STRIKER] There is no point to the race if it isn't.
[DOCTOR] Everything except that jewel.
[DOCTOR] That isn't contemporary. Seventeenth century Spanish, isn't it?
[STRIKER] You're very observant.
[DOCTOR] The only think out of period. Why?
[STRIKER] When you meet, perhaps you would like to ask him.
(Tegan's cabin)
[TURLOUGH] Tegan? Tegan!
[TEGAN] Hello?
[TURLOUGH] Are you all right?
[TEGAN] Of course.
[TURLOUGH] Are you sure?
[TEGAN] I feel marvellous.
[TURLOUGH] You're not space-sick any more?
[TEGAN] Not at all.
[TURLOUGH] This must be what they give the crew. Well, it doesn't seemto do them any harm.
[TEGAN] I'm pleased to hear it. What a jumble this room is.
[TURLOUGH] Although some of it seems quite familiar.
[TEGAN] It's a weird mix of my room on the Tardis and my bedroom inBrisbane.
[TURLOUGH] I'm beginning to find this ship very strange.
[TEGAN] Aunt Vanessa. I don't believe it. It's as though somebody's beenrummaging around in my memories.
[TURLOUGH] Perhaps they have. Come on, let's go and find the Doctor.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[DOCTOR] Why are you doing this?
[STRIKER] The race? As a diversion.
[DOCTOR] And the crews for the ships, you collected from their differenttime zones just as a diversion, too?
[STRIKER] They are Ephemerals.
[DOCTOR] Ephemerals?
[STRIKER] Beings like yourself.
[DOCTOR] You had no right to do it. They're real. Living, breathingflesh and blood.
[STRIKER] You are not an Ephemeral. You are a time dweller. You travelin time.
[DOCTOR] You're reading my thoughts.
[STRIKER] You are a Time Lord. A lord of time. Are there lords in such asmall domain?
[DOCTOR] And where do you function?
[STRIKER] Eternity.
[SAILOR] Marker buoy, sir, coming up on the starboard bow.
[STRIKER] The endless wastes of eternity.
(Yacht companionway)
[TEGAN] What's happening? Are those men going up into the rigging?
[TURLOUGH] They must be.
[TEGAN] But it's madness. This ship can't possibly function like a realsailing ship.
[TURLOUGH] Never heard of solar winds?
[TEGAN] Yeah.
[TURLOUGH] Well, they exist for real and produce more than enough energyto propel a ship like this.
[TEGAN] I don't understand it. These men are from early twentiethcentury Earth. How can they accept pressurised suits without question?
[JACKSON] Turlough, come here.
[TURLOUGH] Perhaps not all of them do. Wait here.
[JACKSON] Yeah, now look, they're mad, the whole lot of them. I thinkit's the demon drink.
[JACKSON] But it is, it's got to be. I mean, they've had me at it upthere. I thought I was sailing in space, going round the stars and Iain't touched a drop. I tell you, they must be putting it in thedrinking water and all. Now look, I've got this key.
[TURLOUGH] To what?
[JACKSON] It's the key to the rum locker. Look, I've got to go, butyou've got to stand by me, lad, like I've stood by you. We've got tochuck the grog over the side. The boys'd never go aloft without it.
[TURLOUGH] No, they wouldn't, would they.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] Stand by to shorten sail.
[MARRINER] Get them aloft, bo'sun. Stand by to shorten sail.
[STRIKER] A point and a half to starboard, helmsman.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing?
[STRIKER] Hold her on course. We'll cut it as fine as we can.
[DOCTOR] Do you think that wise? We're coming in too fast.
[STRIKER] Man the topsail.
[MARRINER] Man the topsail.
[DOCTOR] Come about or you'll crash.
[STRIKER] Certainly not. Hold her on course, helmsman.
[MARRINER] Get those men aloft. Man the topsail. Stand by to lower thejib. Get those men aloft!
(Yacht companionway)
[JACKSON] No, I won't. I don't want that. I don't drink. I've signed thepledge. Look, I'm not drinking it! I'm not! No, I'm not going back upthere, either. You can't send me back. Turlough, you'd better help me.You said you would help me.
[JACKSON] It's in the drink! It's in the drink!
[TURLOUGH] I think it's time we weren't here. Come on, let's go and findthe Doctor.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] Hold her on course, man. What are we down to, Mister Mate?
[MARRINER] Staysail, inner jib and mainsail. If we strip her any more,she won't steer.
[DOCTOR] Heave to.
[STRIKER] And lose our chance of being first round? Never! This is thesort of excitement that makes eternity bearable.
[TEGAN] What's happening?
[DOCTOR] We're running before the wind.
[TEGAN] How?
[DOCTOR] It's some sort of ion drive. It comes to the same thing.
[TURLOUGH] We're going to hit!
[STRIKER] Get back to the wheel, helmsman.
[HELMSMAN] Aye, aye, sir.
[MARRINER] A close shave, Captain.
[STRIKER] They'll never catch us now.
[TURLOUGH] We must have entered the gravitational pull of the planet.Why didn't we crash?
[DOCTOR] Well, we had a lot of luck.
[TEGAN] Luck? We could have been killed.
[MARRINER] But worth risking to win.
[STRIKER] We are determined to be first.
[DOCTOR] And winner takes all.
[MARRINER] Of course.
[STRIKER] Let us see who is next around the marker, Mister Marriner.
[STRIKER] Critas and the Buccaneer.
[MARRINER] Neck and neck.
[TEGAN] Doctor, this is madness.
[DOCTOR] We must stay with it. Remember what the White Guardian said,winner takes all. It has to be the winner of this race.
[STRIKER] Gravitational pull, would you say?
[MARRINER] He cut it a bit too fine.
[STRIKER] Bad luck, really.
[TEGAN] Is that all you can say? A ship and its crew has just beendestroyed.
[DOCTOR] They're not interested, Tegan.
[STRIKER] We have a clear lead, gentlemen, and I intend to keep it.Mister Marriner, issue the crew with an extra ration of rum with theCaptain's compliments.
[MARRINER] Aye, aye, sir.
[TURLOUGH] I've never seen a ship break up like that. Was itgravitational pull?
[TEGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] You saw the way the ship was manoeuvred around Venus. Thesevessels are built to withstand enormous stress.
[TEGAN] Sabotage.
[DOCTOR] Or it was shot down. It seems this race is getting serious.Someone is prepared to kill in order to win.
[TEGAN] But what, what's the prize?
[DOCTOR] That we must find out. I think it's time we had a conference.
[TEGAN] You don't think
[DOCTOR] Not here, Tegan, your cabin. I'll meet you there in a moment.
(Yacht companionway)
[TEGAN] What was all that about?
[TURLOUGH] You've forgotten your room? Some of them can mind-read. We'vegot to be very careful.
[TEGAN] This is turning into a nightmare.
[TURLOUGH] Hmm. Come on.
[MARRINER] Allow me to escort you.
[TEGAN] No, thanks.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] No one on this ship is responsible forthe destruction of the Greek.
[DOCTOR] Then who did it?
[STRIKER] I don't know. Although sabotage is not against the rules ofthe race, it is simply less diverting.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it spoils the fun, you mean. What is against the rules?
[STRIKER] To go beyond. We must remain within those limits we havechosen for ourselves.
[DOCTOR] You chose this ship.
[DOCTOR] And the crew?
[STRIKER] They were selected from the relevant period of Earth history.
[DOCTOR] But why? I mean, it's not just to sail the ships, is it. No, ofcourse not. You need their minds, human minds.
[STRIKER] Human?
[DOCTOR] Ephemeral, then. From any planet, any galaxy, any time. Theminds of living beings. You depend on them.
[STRIKER] We are Eternals. You presume to think we depend upon theEphemeral mind with all our power, our technology?
[DOCTOR] And I wonder where you got it from, all your technology. Mindyou, if you can pick Earth beings from nineteenth century England, fromthe Athens of Pericles, from the Ch'in dynasty, I suppose you can justas easily pick the minds of more advanced beings from other galaxies.
[STRIKER] Correct.
[DOCTOR] Parasites! That's what Eternals are. You feed on living minds,you use them as blueprints.
[STRIKER] As diversions.
[DOCTOR] Oh, absolutely. I do see what you mean. Living minds arecontaminated with crude emotions, organic, irrational, creative,entertaining.
[STRIKER] It is true that Ephemerals, dwellers in time, do have acertain entertainment value.
[DOCTOR] You talk as though they were toys.
[STRIKER] To me, they are.
[DOCTOR] Then why is one of you taking this race so seriously?
[STRIKER] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] You don't know?
[STRIKER] To Miss Tegan's cabin.
[DOCTOR] You didn't know, though, just for a second. Interesting.
(Yacht companionway)
[TURLOUGH] Can you hear? I need your help. Can you hear me?
(Outside Tegan's cabin)
[TEGAN] Go away. Stop following me.
[MARRINER] Why are you angry with me?
[TEGAN] Angry? I'm not angry, I'm disgusted. A ship blows up, all aboardare lost, and you don't even care.
[MARRINER] You don't understand. They were not lost. They transferred.
[TEGAN] They were saved?
[MARRINER] They transferred home.
[TEGAN] The whole crew? No, you don't mean the crew at all, do you. Youmean the officers. Things like you, whatever you are. What happened tothe crew? Were they all killed?
[MARRINER] But Ephemerals have such short lives in any case.
[TEGAN] Human beings, you mean.
[MARRINER] Whatever you wish to call them. And on this ship at least,they are treated well.
[TEGAN] Well? I happen to think that human lives are just as valuable asyours. I happen to be a human being.
[MARRINER] But you're different.
[MARRINER] You're not like any Ephemeral I've met before.
(Yacht companionway)
[TURLOUGH] You must answer. I need your help. What's going on here?
[BLACK GUARDIAN] You are pathetic.
[BLACK GUARDIAN] I have watched your progress. You had manyopportunities to destroy the Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] I can't kill him.
[BLACK GUARDIAN] Then I condemn you to everlasting life. You will neverleave this ship.
(Tegan's cabin)
[TEGAN] Go away.
[DOCTOR [OC]] It's me.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[TEGAN] This. This room.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, they can make anything they see in your mind. That'show this ship was made, out of the minds of the crew. Just as this roomwas.
[TEGAN] Shows the state my mind's in.
[TEGAN] Are they like Time Lords?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, they exist outside of time.
[TEGAN] How?
[DOCTOR] They're eternal. They exist in eternity. It's er, it's notreally what you'd call living.
[TEGAN] So what makes them tick?
[DOCTOR] We do. Their minds are empty, used up. They need ideas from us.They're desperate for them.
[TEGAN] We've got to get away from here.
[DOCTOR] Yes, not till I find out what's at the end of the race.
[TEGAN] I must go back to the Tardis. I can't cope with Marriner.
[DOCTOR] I do understand how you feel, but I must ask you to stay. TheTardis is the last thing I want them to find out about.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] Tardis?
(Tegan's cabin)
[TEGAN] Could they do anything to the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Well, I wouldn't like to risk it. They do have enormous power.
[TEGAN] What do we do?
[DOCTOR] Try to distract them, give them something to worry about. Evenan Eternal can't put his mind to too many things at once. Come on.
[TEGAN] I won't be able to do that. Please, take me back to the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] All right. Where's Turlough?
[TEGAN] I don't know.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[MARRINER] Aye, aye, sir.
(Yacht companionway)
[TEGAN] I won't be happy until I'm back in thatconsole room again.
[DOCTOR] Turlough!
[DOCTOR] What happened?
[TURLOUGH] I fell.
[TEGAN] Are you sure? What are those marks?
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[TURLOUGH] I think so.
[DOCTOR] Come on. We're taking Tegan back to the Tardis.
(Outside the yacht hold)
[DOCTOR] Turlough, you wait here.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, can't we all leave? They may not have harmed us, butthe atmosphere on this ship is evil.
[TEGAN] He's right.
[DOCTOR] Is he? You can both wait for me in the Tardis.
(Yacht hold)
[DOCTOR] Over here.
[TEGAN] Where is it?
[DOCTOR] Well, it was here.
[TURLOUGH] Oh, no. It can't have just disappeared.
[DOCTOR] They've found out about the Tardis.
[OFFICER] You're right. Take the woman to Mister Marriner.
[OFFICER] Please, Doctor, resistance is futile. We mean her no harm.
[DOCTOR] What have you done with the Tardis?
[OFFICER] You'll find out. Lead the way.
(Yacht companionway)
[MARRINER] I'm sorry you wanted to leave. Please, put one on.
[MARRINER] There's so much I wish to show you.
[TEGAN] I'm not putting that suit on.
[MARRINER] Please. The sooner you do, the sooner you'll be reunited withyour friends.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[DOCTOR] I underestimated you.
[STRIKER] You helped me. Such was your concern, I could recall your mindas far away as the cabin. The picture was as clear as if you werestanding here.
[DOCTOR] What picture?
[STRIKER] Of your ship. The Tardis, I believe you call her. Adrenalineis a most effective energy boost. Your own fear gave her to us.
[DOCTOR] Where have you taken
[STRIKER] Miss Tegan is quite safe. She's on deck. Thank you.
[STRIKER] Perhaps you would care to join her.
[TURLOUGH] No! I don't want to go up there. Look, I'll tell you what'sgoing on below decks with the Ephemerals. It's mutiny! I'll give yousomething
[STRIKER] Turlough, you have the key to the rum locker which Jacksonappropriated.
[TURLOUGH] You know about that as well.
[STRIKER] Naturally. Thank you.
[TURLOUGH] There's no need to look at me like that. They knew about it,you heard, so I didn't give him away.
[DOCTOR] Will Jackson be punished?
[STRIKER] For entertaining us? Superior beings do not punish inferiors.
[DOCTOR] Superior?
[STRIKER] We use them kindly. Jackson is quite calm again. He realiseshe is safe, as you will. The suit's merely a precaution.
(Yacht deck)
[TEGAN] Why have you brought me here?
[MARRINER] Isn't the sight beautiful? I can see in your mind you find itso.
[TEGAN] Where's the Doctor?
[MARRINER] He will be with us in a moment.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] On deck, you will have an interestingview of our competitors. It may help you to decide which one is thesaboteur.
[DOCTOR] What are you competing for? I mean, the whole point of a raceis to win something. What's the prize?
[STRIKER] Enlightenment.
[DOCTOR] Enlightenment.
[STRIKER] The wisdom which knows all things and which will enable me toachieve what I desire most. Do not ask what it is. I will not tell you.
(Yacht deck)
[MARRINER] It's perfectly all right. You may also remove your helmet.The atmosphere is breathable. It's maintained by an invisible energybarrier.
[TEGAN] You like giving people shocks, don't you.
[MARRINER] I wanted to show you I was telling the truth. Now you cantrust me.
[TURLOUGH] Will we ever get off this ship?
[DOCTOR] Once we've found the Tardis.
[BLACK GUARDIAN [OC]] You are doomed, boy. You are doomed, boy. You aredoomed, boy.
[TURLOUGH] Are you sure, Doctor? We will get off?
[DOCTOR] Hopefully, Turlough, hopefully.
[BLACK GUARDIAN [OC]] You have failed me. You will now see my wrath. Nowsee my wrath. Now see my wrath. You will live aboard this ship inperpetual torment.
[TURLOUGH] I will never serve you again!
(Yacht deck)
[DOCTOR] Don't be an idiot.
[DOCTOR] Man overboard! Man overboard!
[JACKSON] What's happened?
[DOCTOR] Man overboard. It's Turlough.
[JACKSON] Come on, lads, let's try and get a line to him.
[JACKSON] Wait, the line's not attached.
[DOCTOR] Come on!
[TEGAN] Don't just stand there, do something. Stop the ship. Turn back.
[MARRINER] It would be ridiculous to risk losing the race for anEphemeral.
[TEGAN] We can't leave him, he'll die out there.
[MARRINER] It will be over for him very quickly. His oxygen supply isvery small.
[JACKSON] Look, the Buccaneer. She's putting her sails about.
[MARRINER] She can't be.
[DOCTOR] Yes, she's heaving to.
[DOCTOR] He's safe. Come on.
[TEGAN] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] To talk to Striker. We must get to that ship.
[JACKSON] You keep on that line, mate.
[MARRINER] It's surprising of Wrack.
[TEGAN] To save someone's life?
[MARRINER] To turn aside from the race.
[TEGAN] At least Turlough's safe.
[MARRINER] Is he? Your friend might be better dead than with the captainof that ship.
(Buccaneer stateroom)
[MANSELL] Crawl.
[WRACK] Just what I've been waiting for.
[WRACK] The balance is perfect. A handsome gift. For Captain Davy withmy compliments.
[MANSELL] A staggering jewel for a rival.
[WRACK] May it have as great an impact as my present to the Greek.Deliver it. And these. But first, the invitation to Captain Striker. Hecan't refuse. Not with live bait wriggling on the hook.
(Yacht deck)
[MARRINER] Your friend is safe. We have received amessage. I thought you would like to know.
[TEGAN] Thank you. Where's the Doctor?
[MARRINER] The wheelhouse.
[TEGAN] I must go to him.
[MARRINER] I hope you'll forgive me for saying so, but I've neverexperienced such a mind as yours before.
[TEGAN] And you never will again.
[MARRINER] I find it such a fascinating place. Full of niches. Life. Itfascinates me. What are you doing?
[TEGAN] Work it out for yourself.
[MARRINER] You've killed your thoughts. You're hiding them from me.
[TEGAN] And that's the way it will remain until I find out exactlywhat's going on here.
[MARRINER] Fascinating. I had no idea Ephemerals could be soentertaining. Perhaps that's why Wrack stopped to pick up your friend.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] Why did your friend jump?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but we must get him back.
[STRIKER] He's made the choice.
[DOCTOR] It was an impulse. You know how impulsive the young are. No, Idon't suppose you do.
[MARRINER] We have received an invitation from Captain Wrack. Areception aboard the Buccaneer.
[STRIKER] And delivered by hand. I'm overwhelmed.
[MARRINER] You will, of course, decline.
[STRIKER] Naturally.
[MARRINER] (to Mansell) Then we must detain you no longer.
[DOCTOR] We could collect Turlough.
[TEGAN] Can't we go?
[STRIKER] If you wish.
[MARRINER] Then I will escort you, with the Captain's permission. Ishall convey our acceptance to Captain Wrack.
[TEGAN] I thought you didn't want to go.
[MARRINER] I think you might need me. Captain Wrack has strange ideasconcerning entertainment.
(Buccaneer wheelhouse)
[WRACK] Have you ever seen a man flogged to death? Or keelhauled? Verypainful. You Ephemerals have such inventive ways of inflicting pain.Tell me, what do you want aboard my ship?
[TURLOUGH] Why ask? I thought you could all read minds.
[WRACK] But yours is such a devious one. It's fascinating. I should liketo peel it away, layer by layer. Why did you come to me? Was yourintention sabotage? No? Then why did you come to my ship?
[TURLOUGH] Because you're going to win the race.
[WRACK] Am I? What makes you so sure?
[TURLOUGH] What others have said.
[WRACK] Ah, that I'm ruthless.
[TURLOUGH] Yes. I'm the same. I'm very determined, too. I like to win.
[WRACK] You please me.
[TURLOUGH] I also want to learn the secret of your power.
[WRACK] Power?
[TURLOUGH] To win. To control. To read minds.
[WRACK] Then open your mind. Don't resist. Show faith.
[TURLOUGH] Thank you.
[MANSELL] Captain.
[WRACK] Your friends have accepted my invitation. They're concerned. Howsweet.
(Outside Tegan's cabin)
[DOCTOR] Hurry up, Tegan.
[TEGAN [OC]] I'm being as quick as I can.
[DOCTOR] Well, the launch'll be alongside in a moment.
[TEGAN] What is it?
[DOCTOR] We've been hit.
[TEGAN] We're under fire?
[MARRINER] Quick, follow me.
[MARRINER] The wheelhouse.
[DOCTOR] Well, come along, come along.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] A point and a half to starboard.
[HELMSMAN] Aye, aye, sir.
[MARRINER] Jib topsail's gone, sir.
[STRIKER] Take in more sail.
[MARRINER] Sir. Take in more sail, bo'sun. Batten down the hatches.
[DOCTOR] Asteroid storm.
[TEGAN] They must know how to avoid a collision with all theirtechnology.
[DOCTOR] Well, they may not choose to use it. Against the rules of therace.
[TEGAN] We could be splintered to matchwood.
[MARRINER] Stand by hang the topsail. Find that sailmaker.
[DOCTOR] I don't think that worries them.
(Buccaneer wheelhouse)
[MANSELL] Captain.
[WRACK] What is it?
[MANSELL] Davy's ship's gaining on us.
[WRACK] Good. We'll wait till they're alongside. You take the wheel andbe prepared to move away from her fast when I activate. (to Turlough)You come with me.
[WRACK] You wanted to see how I'm going to win the race.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] She's well trim now, Mister Mate.
[MARRINER] Yes, sir.
[TEGAN] What speed are we doing?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but it's increasing.
[STRIKER] Steady.
[TEGAN] I hope they know what they're doing.
[DOCTOR] We're way ahead of the others. This ship can't help winning.
[TEGAN] Unless we're stopped by an asteroid.
[MARRINER] Davy's moving up on the Buccaneer, sir.
(Outside the grid room)
[TURLOUGH] What is this place?
[WRACK] You'll find out.
[TURLOUGH] What's going on?
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[TEGAN] What's happening?
[MARRINER] Davy's stealing the wind from the Buccaneer's sails.)
[STRIKER] And he's passing her.
[STRIKER] Hold her steady.
[TEGAN] Davy's ship!
(Outside the grid room)
[TURLOUGH] What have you done?
[WRACK] Improved my chance of winning.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[MARRINER] Davy's gone. Asteroid direct hit.Accidents will happen.
[DOCTOR] Especially to anyone who challenges Captain Wrack and theBuccaneer.
[DOCTOR] Have you forgotten the Greek who challenged Wrack's ship? Iwonder if the same thing will happen to us.
[MARRINER] Yes? Launch alongside, sir.
[STRIKER] My compliments to Captain Wrack.
[MARRINER] Shall we go?
(Buccaneer stateroom)
[MANSELL] Your friends will be arriving soon.
[TURLOUGH] The Doctor?
[MANSELL] And Miss Tegan and Mister Marriner.
[TURLOUGH] What do they want?
[MANSELL] I don't know, sir. Soon you'll be able to ask them yourself.
(Buccaneer companionway)
[MARRINER] The stateroom is this way.
[TEGAN] I'm scared, Doctor.
[MARRINER] You've no need to be.
(Buccaneer stateroom)
[DOCTOR] Fascinating. A complete cross-section.
[TEGAN] Who are they?
[DOCTOR] Masters of sail, and if they're not, they're Eternals, likeyour friend Marriner. To them it's just a game to pass the time. Ican't see Turlough.
[MARRINER] Champagne?
[TEGAN] Please.
[MARRINER] Your friend isn't here.
[DOCTOR] I'd noticed.
[MARRINER] He isn't far. I can sense his thought patterns.
[TEGAN] Who's that?
[MARRINER] Your host, Captain Wrack.
[TEGAN] She's beautiful.
[DOCTOR] She's also an Eternal. Tegan.
[WRACK] The wine doesn't please you?
[MARRINER] It's excellent.
[DOCTOR] But we don't have your remarkable constitutions.
[WRACK] You're too modest, Doctor. You're remarkable in other ways, foran Ephemeral. (to Tegan) And you are so intriguing. My guests arebegging to meet you. You'll excuse us?
[DOCTOR] Of course.
[MARRINER] Your companion is a very beautiful woman.
[DOCTOR] Is she?
[MARRINER] The confusion in her mind is exhilarating.
[DOCTOR] Is it. Look, I need to find Turlough. Can you still sense hismind?
[MARRINER] Not clearly.
[MARRINER] I've found him. He's very faint.
[DOCTOR] Where is he? Concentrate.
[MARRINER] He is afraid
[DOCTOR] That should sharpen the image.
[MARRINER] Yes. The grid room. Ion chamber. I can see his mind quiteclearly.
[DOCTOR] Where is the Ion chamber?
[MARRINER] Down. Down as far as you can go. Danger. The boy's in danger.It's open to space. There's a vacuum shield.
[DOCTOR] Look after Tegan.
[MARRINER] Yes, of course.
(Grid room)
[TURLOUGH] Help me. Please!
[BLACK GUARDIAN] I warned you, boy. You have failed me. You will die.
[TURLOUGH] Please!
(Buccaneer companionway)
[DOCTOR] Which way? Which way?
(Buccaneer stateroom)
[MANSELL] Mister Marriner, my friend.
(Buccaneer companionway)
[DOCTOR] Has to be the right way.
(Buccaneer wheelhouse)
[TEGAN] I thought you were taking me to meetsomeone.
[WRACK] I was, but they seem to have gone.
[TEGAN] Shall we return to the party?
[WRACK] Of course. But first.
[TEGAN] What.
[WRACK] Have you heard of time standing still?
[TEGAN] Oh yes, it's an expression. It means
[WRACK] Exactly what it says. You will remain frozen in time till I havefinished with you, foolish Ephemeral.
(Grid room)
[TURLOUGH] Help me, please. Help me!
(Buccaneer hold)
[DOCTOR] Turlough?
(Grid room)
[TURLOUGH] Help me. Help me! Help me! Doctor?Doctor, help me! Doctor!
[TURLOUGH] Doctor!
[TURLOUGH] The vacuum shield.
[DOCTOR] I reset it.
[TURLOUGH] I thought I was going to die, explode in the vacuum of space.
[DOCTOR] No. What are you doing in here?
[TURLOUGH] Wrack. She said this place contains the secret of her power.
[DOCTOR] Did she? Well, it is part of the ion drive system.
[TURLOUGH] Why can the room be open to space?
[DOCTOR] Better reception. Interesting.
[TURLOUGH] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Wrack also uses this place as a receiver for something quitedifferent.
[DOCTOR] Do you know what that is?
[TURLOUGH] It's an eye.
[DOCTOR] Only in appearance. It's function is that of a massiveamplifier.
[TURLOUGH] Is that what she used to destroy the other ships?
[TURLOUGH] So that's the secret of her power.
[DOCTOR] It's only part of it. There's still the question of focus.
[TURLOUGH] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, Wrack only creates the power. She must have something tofocus it onto. Now, how do you think she manages that?
[TURLOUGH] How big would this point of focus have to be?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no bigger than this.
[DOCTOR] The clasp. That's why it was out of period.
[TURLOUGH] What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] Critas the Greek.
[TURLOUGH] The first ship to be destroyed.
[DOCTOR] Wrack gave him a clasp as a present. She must have done. Andthen she worked the same trick with Davy.
[TURLOUGH] She did. A sword. And it had a crystal on the hilt.
[DOCTOR] Well, that was it.
[TURLOUGH] Will she try the same thing with Striker?
[DOCTOR] Well, I can't see him or Marriner accepting anything fromWrack. They don't trust her.
[TURLOUGH] Luckily for us.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that won't stop her. She'll find a way.
(Buccaneer wheelhouse)
[WRACK] Perfect.
(Grid room)
[TURLOUGH] Come along.
[DOCTOR] Wait a minute. Not until I've worked out some sort of plan.
[TURLOUGH] Do we have to stay here?
[DOCTOR] It's safer here. Far less likely to pick up my mind vibrationsat this level.
[TURLOUGH] What do you want to do?
[DOCTOR] I must find a way of staying on this ship.
[DOCTOR] To stop Wrack winning.
[TURLOUGH] Let me stay, or don't you trust me yet.
[DOCTOR] You couldn't cope. These creatures have vast powers. That's whynone of them must win. To achieve further power would be a disaster.
[TURLOUGH] But the other ships. You can't stop all of them.
[DOCTOR] We can but try.
(Outside the grid room)
[MANSELL] Resist any further, Doctor, and you will regret it.
(Buccaneer wheelhouse)
[WRACK] Oh, Doctor, you're such a fool. Did youreally think your Ephemeral mind could defeat me? You've lost. All thatawaits is your ultimate destruction. Bwahahahahahahaha!
(Buccaneer wheelhouse)
[WRACK] Now, where were we? Ah, yes. Have you heardof time standing still?
[TEGAN] Yes, it's an expression. It means. Why have you brought me here?
[WRACK] I wanted you to meet someone, but they seem to have gone.
[TEGAN] I'd like to rejoin the party, too, please.
[WRACK] As you wish. I too would like to speak to the Doctor. The imageof him in your mind is quite intriguing.
(Buccaneer stateroom)
[TEGAN] Can't see him anywhere.
[WRACK] No, but there's Marriner, longing for your company.
[TEGAN] Yes.
[WRACK] Don't let me keep you.
[MARRINER] I've been looking for you everywhere.
[TEGAN] Really?
[MARRINER] I was worried. Where did Wrack take you?
[TEGAN] The wheelhouse.
[MARRINER] You're unharmed?
[TEGAN] Of course.
[MARRINER] I was concerned for you.
[TEGAN] Thank you. It was unnecessary.
[MARRINER] I missed you. I was concerned. I am empty without you.
[TEGAN] Go away. Please?
[MARRINER] You are life itself. Without you I am nothing. Don't youunderstand?
[TEGAN] What?
[MARRINER] I am empty. You give me being. I look into your mind and seelife, energy, excitement. I want them. I want you. Your thoughts shouldbe my thoughts. Your feelings, my feelings.
[TEGAN] Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me you're in love?
[MARRINER] Love? What is love? I want existence.
(Buccaneer companionway)
[MANSELL] I found them coming out of the grid room.
[TURLOUGH] He's a spy. I saw him wandering around and followed him in.
[MANSELL] Then what were you doing in the grid room?
[TURLOUGH] I followed him in.
[MANSELL] Why didn't you summon help?
[TURLOUGH] From where? When you found me, I was trying to apprehend himmyself.
[WRACK] Spying, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, I'd hardly call it spying. We were welcomed as guests,given the freedom of the ship.
[WRACK] And you think freedom extends to a door marked 'Danger'? (toTurlough) What shall we do with your friend the spy?
[TURLOUGH] Get rid of him.
[WRACK] Ah. How?
[TURLOUGH] I mean, send him back. Send them all back to Striker.
[WRACK] And what about you?
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] Check to see if the repair to the sail iscomplete.
[HELMSMAN] Aye, aye, sir.
(Buccaneer companionway)
[TEGAN] All right, all right, don't push. Where'sTurlough?
[MANSELL] You will board the launch now.
[TEGAN] What about Turlough?
[DOCTOR] He's staying.
[TEGAN] You can't let them do that.
[MANSELL] The launch. Now.
[TEGAN] You can't let them keep him.
[DOCTOR] You don't understand. It was his idea. He wanted to stay. Comeon.
[TEGAN] Why?
[DOCTOR] Wrack mustn't win the race. He's stayed to prevent her.
[TEGAN] You believe that?
[DOCTOR] Well, I think he wants to prove himself. At least, I hope so.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] As soon as Mister Marriner's party'saboard, prepare to get underway.
(Buccaneer wheelhouse)
[WRACK] Your friends have gone.
[TURLOUGH] Good riddance.
[WRACK] Drink? My thanks for detecting the spy, and for choosing to staywith me. But I wonder why?
[TURLOUGH] I told you, I like to be on the winning side.
[WRACK] You do? And you want a share of the winnings?
[WRACK] Even though you're not sure what they are?
[TURLOUGH] I'm sure the prize is a rich one.
[WRACK] Oh, it is. Enlightenment.
[TURLOUGH] In what way?
[WRACK] In every way. When I have it, I shall no longer depend onEphemeral minds. Everything conceived in time, from the beginning tothe end, will be clear to me. I shall create and destroy as I wish.I'll never be bored again.
[TURLOUGH] Destroy?
[WRACK] Enlightenment brings whatever one desires. I desire to beamused. I have a new toy to show you. Come. See how I entertain myguests.
[TURLOUGH] What are they doing?
[WRACK] It's the plank. An ingenious Ephemeral idea for disposing ofthose who stand in one's way.
(Outside Tegan's cabin)
[TEGAN] I'm going to change. I've had about enoughof this outfit.
[MARRINER] I too must change and go back to the wheelhouse. We're nearlyinto the final leg.
[DOCTOR] Er, I'm going to the wheelhouse.
(Tegan's cabin)
[TEGAN] I'll be with you in a minute.
(Buccaneer wheelhouse)
[TURLOUGH] They just disappear.
[WRACK] They're out of the race. They're like me. We do not exist intime, therefore there is no moment of time that can see us cease to be.We are Eternals. They'll survive, merely transfer. You Ephemerals aredifferent. You die so easily. Shall we see? One of the crew, perhaps.
[WRACK] Shall we join them on deck?
[WRACK] They're waiting for you.
[TURLOUGH] No. You don't understand.
[WRACK] I understand perfectly. The Doctor's not the only spy.
[TURLOUGH] I wasn't spying.
[WRACK] You forget I can see into an Ephemeral mind, even a murky onesuch as yours.
[TURLOUGH] But I'm on your side! I just wanted a share, just some of theprize.
[WRACK] You wanted it all. Your mind is divided, confused, hard to readsometimes, but one thing is clear in it always. Greed. Take him away.He bores me.
[TURLOUGH] No, listen! The power outside the Ion chamber. I heard thepower that speaks to you. I heard it and I know the voice. He speaks tome as well. I serve him, as I wish to serve you.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] The Enlighteners, there they are. Gentlemen, we are nearlythere.
[STRIKER] More sail, Mister Mate. Cram on everything she's got.
[MARRINER] More sail, bo'sun. Cram on everything we've got.
[TEGAN] What's happening?
[MARRINER] Empty that sail locker.
[DOCTOR] The race is nearly over.
(Yacht deck)
[SAILORS] Heave! Heave! Heave!
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[MARRINER] We're pulling away.
[STRIKER] We'll show her a clean pair of heels.
[DOCTOR] Not yet.
[MARRINER] Look, Captain.
[DOCTOR] They've hoisted their moonrakers.
(Buccaneer wheelhouse)
[WRACK] A surprise for Captain Striker.
[MANSELL] We're gaining on them.
[WRACK] Good. I want us lying level. You shall serve me too. Come withme. We will go to our Guardian and together we will listen to hisvoice.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] Wrack, she's still moving up on us.
[MARRINER] Those moonrakers are giving her the edge.
[TEGAN] What are moonrakers?
[DOCTOR] Pirate sails for speed. With those, they're faster than we are.
[STRIKER] Hold her steady.
[TEGAN] They can overtake us?
[MARRINER] Wrack's ship is level, but we're holding her.
[DOCTOR] They can pass us any time they want.
[TEGAN] Then why aren't they?
[DOCTOR] Why indeed?
[MARRINER] Still holding level.
[DOCTOR] No! You've got it the wrong way round. She's holding level withus! She's moved in for the kill.
(Outside the grid room)
[WRACK] Now, open that door.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[DOCTOR] I tell you, that's how she was positionedwhen the Greek ship exploded. She was lying level. And when Davy's shipwas destroyed, practically alongside, don't you remember?
[STRIKER] More sail, Mister Mate.
[MARRINER] That's everything we've got.
[DOCTOR] We can't pull away from her. She's got us where she wants us.
[STRIKER] More sail!
[MARRINER] More sail, bo'sun!
[DOCTOR] We must find the focus.
[TEGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] She must have done it. She must have got it aboard somehow. Didshe give you anything when we were on board her ship? Anything at all?Think!
[DOCTOR] It has to be here somewhere. It has to be.
[TEGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] The point of focus. Without it, the power she channels isuseless.
[MARRINER] What power?
[DOCTOR] The power of darkness.
[TEGAN] What would the focus look like?
[DOCTOR] Well, it could be anything. Probably a crystal of some sort. Sobig, perhaps. Could be part of a jewel, a clasp, the hilt of a sword.
[TEGAN] Part of a jewel.
(Grid room)
[WRACK] Speak to me. Come to me.
[BLACK GUARDIAN [OC]] I am here.
(Yacht companionway)
[DOCTOR] Which way?
[MARRINER] Along there.
[TEGAN] It was there, like a ruby, right in the centre of the tiara.
[MARRINER] So that's why Wrack took you to the wheelhouse.
[DOCTOR] Come on!
(Grid room)
[BLACK GUARDIAN [OC]] Focus. Focus. Your mind is a channel through whichpower will flow. Focus your mind.
[BLACK GUARDIAN [OC]] Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus.
[BLACK GUARDIAN [OC]] Focus. Focus. Focus.
[BLACK GUARDIAN [OC]] Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus.Focus. Focus. Focus.
(Tegan's cabin)
[TEGAN] What is it? What's happening to it?
[DOCTOR] I can't destroy it. I'm a fool. Its power's multiplying. I haveto get rid of it. Help me!
(Yacht companionway)
[TEGAN] Where's he going?
[MARRINER] The deck.
[BLACK GUARDIAN [OC]] Focus. Focus. Focus.
(Yacht deck)
[BLACK GUARDIAN [OC]] Focus. Focus.
(Grid room)
[WRACK] Striker's ship still exists!
(Yacht deck)
[DOCTOR] Just in time.
[MARRINER] Fascinating. For an Ephemeral to outwit an Eternal. I wouldhave thought it an impossibility.
[DOCTOR] Impossibility? Not at all.
[MARRINER] We have control over matter. Had you merely imagined it inspace, I could have converted the image into reality without so mucheffort.
[TEGAN] Then why didn't you?
[DOCTOR] Because he didn't think of it. They're far more dependant on usthan we are on them. Without us, they're empty nothings.
[TEGAN] What is it?
[MARRINER] The wind, it's dying.
(Grid room)
[MANSELL] Captain.
[WRACK] I know. Striker's ship's still whole.
[MANSELL] But he's becalmed. The winds have dropped.
[WRACK] Ah, then I must be content with victory.
[TURLOUGH] How can you, if there's no wind?
[WRACK] My sails can catch the slightest whisper of a breeze. The raceis ours, and the prize.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[STRIKER] Bo'sun. Bo'sun!
[STRIKER] Mister Marriner, victory's in sight and we idle here, sailshanging limp. Get the men aloft!
[MARRINER] There's no point. There is no wind, Captain.
[STRIKER] Wrack is pulling away from us. She's going to win!
[MARRINER] Then we are beaten.
[DOCTOR] Not quite. Don't forget Turlough's over there.
[TEGAN] Him?
[DOCTOR] If I'm to stop Wrack winning, I need my Tardis.
[STRIKER] Very well.
[TEGAN] Where is it?
[STRIKER] Hidden in the Doctor's mind.
[MARRINER] Doctor, concentrate.
[TEGAN] Will the Tardis still function? The console blew up.
[DOCTOR] Oh, probably did it the world of good. Come on, no time towaste.
[MARRINER] Miss Tegan stays with me.
[MARRINER] She stays or you both stay.
[STRIKER] Wrack is completely outstripping us!
[DOCTOR] I'll be back. I hope.
[STRIKER] She has almost won.
(Grid room)
[DOCTOR] No, wait! The power you're tapping. You think it's under yourcontrol? It isn't. It will control you. You don't understand what itis.
[WRACK] You have no time left. Throw him into the void.
[DOCTOR] No, Turlough.
(Yacht wheelhouse)
[TEGAN] What's the Doctor doing?
[TEGAN] What was that?
[STRIKER] Man overboard.
[TEGAN] Not the Doctor, it couldn't be.
[MARRINER] The ship is still moving.
[STRIKER] And she hasn't even slackened speed.
[MARRINER] The Doctor has failed.
[STRIKER] And Wrack has won.
[MARRINER] The race is over.
[TEGAN] Is the Doctor dead?
[STRIKER] I don't know.
[MARRINER] The sparkle has gone from your mind. There are only greyshadows there. I see grief. What is grief?
[STRIKER] Come. We must cross to Wrack's ship.
[TEGAN] Why?
[STRIKER] She has won. We must pay homage.
(Buccaneer stateroom)
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Let the victor receive his prize. You will neverdestroy the light.
[BLACK GUARDIAN] Others shall do it for me.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Destroy the light and you destroy yourself. Dark cannotexist without knowledge of light.
[BLACK GUARDIAN] Nor light without dark. Your powers are waning.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Others will recharge them for me.
[BLACK GUARDIAN] These creatures have no knowledge of good or evil.Enlightenment will give them power. They will invade time itself. Chaoswill come again, and the universe will dissolve. Where is the Captainof this ship? Where is the Captain to receive the prize?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid the Captain can't be with us. She met with a ratherunfortunate accident. Both the Captain and the First Mate felloverboard. I brought the ship into harbour with some assistance.
[DOCTOR] I leave the lies and deception to you.
[BLACK GUARDIAN] Take care, Doctor. You have not defeated me. You havemerely won a minor skirmish. The war still goes on.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] It seems Enlightenment is yours, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm not ready for it. I don't think anyone is, especiallyEternals.
[TEGAN] Doctor, I thought you
[DOCTOR] Yes. Not now, Tegan.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] You're right, Doctor. Let the Eternals return to theplace from which they came.
[MARRINER] No. I want to stay.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Back to your echoing void, back to the vastness ofeternity.
[MARRINER] Tegan, help me.
[TEGAN] I can't.
[MARRINER] I need you.
[TEGAN] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] There's nothing we can do.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] You were right, Doctor, in judging no one is fit toclaim all Enlightenment. I can, however, allocate a share to you,Turlough.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] You assisted in bringing the ship to harbour.
[TURLOUGH] It's diamond. The size. It could buy a galaxy. I can havethat?
[BLACK GUARDIAN] I would point out that under our agreement, it is mine.Unless, of course, you wish to surrender something else in its place.The Doctor is in your debt for his life. Give me the Doctor, and youcan have this, the Tardis, whatever you wish.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Consider, Turlough. Which will you give him? TheDoctor, or this? The choice is yours.
[TURLOUGH] Here, take it!
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Light destroys the dark. I think you will find yourcontract terminated.
[TURLOUGH] I never wanted the agreement in the first place.
[DOCTOR] I believe you.
[TEGAN] You're mad.
[TURLOUGH] What I've said is true.
[TEGAN] You believe him because he gave up Enlightenment for your sake.
[DOCTOR] You're missing the point. Enlightenment was not the diamond.Enlightenment was the choice.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] Be vigilant, Doctor. Once, you denied him the Key toTime. Now, you have thwarted him again. He will be waiting for thethird encounter, and his power does not diminish.
[TURLOUGH] But the Black Guardian is destroyed.
[WHITE GUARDIAN] While I exist, he exists also, until we are no longerneeded.
[TEGAN] Let's get away from here.
[DOCTOR] Anywhere in particular?
[TURLOUGH] Yes. My planet. My home.
[DOCTOR] Why not?
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s20", "episode": "e05", "title": "Enlightenment"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (15 Mar, 1983; Fifth Doctor) - The King's Demons
(Great hall)
[JOHN] Enough!
[JOHN] This is a poor welcome, my lord.
[RANULF] But sire
[JOHN] Hear us. We have come to ask but a pittance. Three marks perknight's fee. You obstruct the Crusade, my lord, with your parsimony.
[RANULF] But your Majesty already has my whole fortune willingly givenbut six month's since. There is no more. My coffers are empty.
[JOHN] Your words are more generous than your purse, Lord Ranulf. If youspeak truth, if we have your whole fortune, you insult us.
[GILLES] You insult the King.
[RANULF] Your Majesty, I
[GILLES] You insult the King.
[GILLES] Are you so craven?
[HUGH] My father is of ill-health, Sir Gilles.
[HUGH] I pick up your gage.
[RANULF] I beg your Majesty. Take my lands, my goods, my chattels, eventhe robes I stand in, but spare me my surviving son.
[HUGH] Father, do not dishonour me.
[RANULF] My son, your Majesty.
[JOHN] We shall see, my lord, if your fealty is as slender as yourfortune. Your son shall meet our champion on the morrow. We shallretire and dream sweet dreams. We bid you goodnight.
[RANULF] Goodnight, sire.
(Tournament field)
[SOLDIER] Make way for the King.
[JOHN] Ah, friends, friends, calm yourselves. There's no cause foralarm.
[TURLOUGH] Planet Earth.
[DOCTOR] So it seems.
[TURLOUGH] You didn't set the coordinates for here by any chance?
[TEGAN] When is it?
[DOCTOR] March the fourth, 1215.
[TEGAN] Is it England?
[DOCTOR] Yes, it is.
[TEGAN] Could this be a Black Guardian trap?
[DOCTOR] I don't think so, but something certainly isn't right.
[TEGAN] You're not going out there?
[DOCTOR] Just for a moment.
[TEGAN] That man looks distinctly unfriendly.
[DOCTOR] So he does.
(Tournament field)
[GILLES] My liege, I have no need of aid from Lucifer.
[DOCTOR] Lucifer?
[TEGAN] Is that the King?
[DOCTOR] Without a doubt.
[JOHN] Damn you cringing caitiffs. We tell you there's naught to fear.Do our demons come to visit us? Bid them attend us.
[DOCTOR] Demons? Very odd indeed.
[TEGAN] Makes a nice change for you not to take everything in yourstride, I must say.
[DOCTOR] Must you?
[TEGAN] Too right.
[DOCTOR] He even seems pleased to see us. A king welcoming demons.
[TEGAN] Which king?
[DOCTOR] Oh, Tegan. 1215? King John, of course.
[TEGAN] The one who lost something in the Wash?
[DOCTOR] Well, you could put it like that. This particular shirt turnedout to be the Crown Jewels, but that's next year. We're still threemonths away from Magna Carta.
[JOHN] Welcome, our demons. Name yourselves. Can this be Lilith?
[DOCTOR] Her name is Tegan, your Majesty. This is Turlough, and I am theDoctor. We are not demons.
[JOHN] You're too modest, Lord Doctor. Come, rejoice with us in a trialby combat. Come, make way for our demons. Let them be seated by us.
[RANULF] Sire!
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty, if I may make so bold.
[JOHN] Hold! Lord Doctor?
[DOCTOR] If this is trial by combat, your Majesty, there's clearly avictor and a vanquished. Must blood be shed?
[JOHN] We take your counsel, O demon. Spare him.
[HUGH] Come, sir, despatch.
(Great hall)
[HUGH] I am dishonoured.
[DOCTOR] You are alive, my friend.
[HUGH] No friend to you.
[RANULF] Heed him not, whoever you are. I am grateful. You are welcomeat Fitzwilliam Castle.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[RANULF] Soon we shall sit at meat. Betimes you may wish to withdraw.Conduct my guests to their chamber.
[TEGAN] How can they live in such cold?
[DOCTOR] By eating lots of food.
(Guest chamber)
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Where's Turlough?
[TEGAN] He stopped to look at something. Look at the size of that bed!
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Another way of keeping warm.
[TEGAN] What are we doing here, anyway?
[DOCTOR] We were invited for a meal.
[TEGAN] You know what I mean.
[DOCTOR] Here, put this around you.
[TEGAN] How long are you planning to stay?
[DOCTOR] Do you know, it's just sunk in. March the fourth, 1215.
[DOCTOR] There's something very wrong here.
[HUGH] Stand, demon.
(Guest chamber)
[DOCTOR] The King takes the oath today.
[TEGAN] What oath?
[DOCTOR] To take the cross as a Crusader. But he did that in London.
[TEGAN] Who says?
[DOCTOR] Your history books.
[TEGAN] Perhaps they got that bit wrong.
[DOCTOR] No, no, too well documented.
[TEGAN] Oh, who cares?
[DOCTOR] I care.
[TEGAN] All I care about is getting back to the Tardis, where it's niceand warm. No wonder they forced him to sign Magna Carta. Bet there wassomething in it about underheated housing.
[DOCTOR] He wasn't.
[TEGAN] Wasn't what?
[DOCTOR] Forced into signing Magna Carta. He was as much for it asanyone.
[TEGAN] Now look, Doctor, I know my history.
[DOCTOR] Do you?
[HUGH] I would know who or what you are.
[TURLOUGH] I've told you. I'm Turlough.
[HUGH] Take him.
(Great hall)
[ISABELLA] He is proud, my Lord. He will never forgive you.
[RANULF] And you?
[ISABELLA] With all my heart. But he is your son. He is as proud as you.
[RANULF] Time heals. But at the present, my concern is for the King. Whyis he so changed? And who are these beings he calls demons?
[GILLES] My Lord.
[RANULF] What now?
[GILLES] I must ask the Lady Isabella to accompany me.
[RANULF] To what end?
[GILLES] Your lady is to be held in custody.
[RANULF] What!
[GILLES] To be held in custody against your continued good behaviourtoward our sovereign lord, the Kind.
[RANULF] On whose authority.
[GILLES] Of that of the King.
[RANULF] The King is a guest in my house. He would not use me thus.
[GILLES] He would and does, my Lord.
[RANULF] We shall see.
[GILLES] Be not rash, my Lord. The King is resting. He sends word to notpreserve pitchers. A new cider will be provided when he dines.
[RANULF] You dare to
[ISABELLA] Be not provoked, my Lord. The King shall lack no comfortwhile within these walls.
[GILLES] My Lady.
[HUGH] Speak.
[TURLOUGH] I've nothing to hide. I'll tell you anything you want toknow.
[HUGH] But you speak nothing but madness.
[TURLOUGH] I've told you who I am and where I come from. What more doyou want?
[HUGH] Are you the King's man like my father?
[TURLOUGH] I am nobody's man.
[HUGH] Then what do you here?
[TURLOUGH] I came with the Doctor.
[HUGH] And what is this Doctor's purpose?
[TURLOUGH] I don't know.
[HUGH] Well, perhaps I can loosen your tongue.
[TURLOUGH] There really is no need for any of this.
[HUGH] Fill her!
[HUGH] Hold.
[HUGH] Mother!
[GILLES] Seize them!
[GILLES] Twice in one day. It is most embarrassing.
[HUGH] You'd best kill me now, for if you do not, I will most assuredlykill you.
[GILLES] Why is youth given to such extravagance?
[GILLES] It appears, my Lady, you will not be without companionship.Secure them! And then we will examine this demon's blue engine.
(Guest chamber)
[TEGAN] Are you saying King John was a good man?
[DOCTOR] Well, given the times he lives in, yes. But don't take my wordfor it. You'll be able to judge for yourself. Nobody forced Magna Cartafrom him. He could have crushed that rebellion as easily as that.
[RANULF] What have you demons made of the King? He is bewitched. Firsthe takes my whole fortune, and now he has made my lady a hostage. Howcan he question my loyalty? There is none more loyal than I.
[DOCTOR] We are not demons and we've done no harm to the King, or toanyone. Nor do we intend any.
[RANULF] Whence come you?
[DOCTOR] From an outer province.
[RANULF] And this strange attire?
[DOCTOR] Yes, well. Please believe that we are friends. If you're introuble, I would like to help if I can.
[RANULF] Leave us, and fetch warm vestments.
[RANULF] You were three.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, we seem to have mislaid Turlough. How long has theKing been here?
[RANULF] Since yesterday. He is not himself. He's not as I know him.
[DOCTOR] Well, could he be ill?
[RANULF] In rude health. He rode from London yesterday, and then to astag hunt to bring down the only kill.
[DOCTOR] This Sir Gilles.
[RANULF] I like not this man.
[DOCTOR] Well, I can't say I care for him much myself. A French knight.Is he the only Frenchman with the King?
[RANULF] I know not. He has never favoured Frenchmen before this, evenrenegades from the King of France.
[DOCTOR] Could Sir Gilles be bringing some pressure, some influence onthe King?
[RANULF] The King is influenced by none. The King I know is resolute andfirm of purpose.
[DOCTOR] When does he return to London?
[RANULF] I know not, and no word from the city. My cousin was summonedthere by the King a week since, and he's not returned. Why? And why noword concerning him?
[DOCTOR] Your cousin was summoned to London?
[RANULF] Aye, to take the Crusader's oath.
[DOCTOR] Today, March the fourth.
[RANULF] What say you, my Lord Doctor?
[DOCTOR] What if your guest was not the King?
[RANULF] Not the King? Then who?
[DOCTOR] An imposter.
[RANULF] I have known and served my sovereign lord for many years. Noimposter could be so like.
[DOCTOR] Be vigilant, my Lord. I suspect things are not what they seem.
[RANULF] You are a sorcerer.
[DOCTOR] No, no, and I ask you to trust me, please.
[TEGAN] You can trust us.
[RANULF] You will join my household at meat.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, we would be delighted.
[RANULF] When it pleases you.
[DOCTOR] Warmer?
[TEGAN] Yes. Shouldn't we find out what's happened to Turlough?
[DOCTOR] We will.
[TEGAN] I don't feel safe here.
[DOCTOR] A while longer, then we'll go.
(Outside the castle)
[GILLES] Name yourself, Sir Knight.
[GEOFFREY] Geoffrey de Lacy, cousin to Ranulf Fitzwilliam. And yourname?
[GILLES] Gilles Estram, King's Champion.
[GEOFFREY] Why then are you not with the King?
[GILLES] I am.
[GEOFFREY] How can that be, since the King is in London?
[GILLES] Non, the King is here.
[GEOFFREY] Borne on eagle's wings? I left the King in the Tower thismorning.
[GILLES] You lie! Take him.
(Great hall)
[JOHN] Our demons, welcome.
[JOHN] Come join us.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Trust me.
[TEGAN] (sotto) What about Turlough?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Stop fussing.
[ISABELLA] Can you not help us?
[TURLOUGH] I wish I could.
[HUGH] Can you not call on Hell?
[TURLOUGH] I could, but then so could you, with a better chance ofsuccess, I fancy.
[TURLOUGH] I do hope they've found a better use for it.
[ISABELLA] A better use?
(Great hall)
[DOCTOR] If he's not the King, who is he and why?
[TEGAN] Do you seriously expect me to answer that?
[DOCTOR] Why didn't he react like everybody else? Why wasn't he scared?And why are we his demons?
[TEGAN] Could he be the Devil? I only said could.
[JOHN] The lutes. Let us have the lutes.
[JOHN] (singing) We sing in praise of total war, against the Saracen weabhor. To free the tomb of Christ our lord, we'll put the known worldto the sword. There is no glory greater than to serve with gold the Sonof Man. No riches here on Earth shall see, no scutage in eternity.
[GILLES] And now, sire, for some additional entertainment.
[JOHN] Bravo, our champion. And who is to delight in her embrace?
[RANULF] Geoffrey! Sire, this is my cousin Geoffrey de Lacy, a loyalknight. You summoned him to London but a week since to take theCrusader's oath.
[JOHN] So we did, indeed we did. And he has seen fit to disobey thatsummons.
[GEOFFREY] Not so. I left your Majesty in London four hours since. Youmust remember.
[JOHN] Must?
[GILLES] You lie. The King has been here since yesterday. Now let themaiden reward such mendacity. Prepare her.
[RANULF] Sire, be merciful, I beg you.
[GILLES] Your cousin is guilty of lèse majesté, my Lord.
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty.
[JOHN] What? Our demon, you too would beg for mercy.
[DOCTOR] Oh, indeed no, sire, but surely such a fate is too mild. Wouldnot boiling in oil be a more fitting end?
[JOHN] Ha! It must be a decade, our champion, since we boiled in oil. Weaccept your counsel, O demon.
[DOCTOR] I thank your Majesty, but I was not suggesting alternativeretribution. My interruption was provoked by shock.
[JOHN] Shock?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I was quite shocked at Sir Gilles' monstrous lack of goodtaste.
[GILLES] Who dares to question my good taste?
[DOCTOR] In my view, it is the worst possible taste to even think aboutfollowing the King's quite remarkable performance. One just can'tfollow that.
[GILLES] I am insulted!
[TEGAN] Are you mad?
[RANULF] He is said to be the best swordsman in France.
[DOCTOR] Fortunately, we are in England. May I?
[DOCTOR] Thank you. I hope I don't disgrace it. In case of accidents
[TEGAN] Doctor, don't do it.
[DOCTOR] In case of accidents, find Turlough.
[JOHN] Well, our Champion and our demon. Have a care, Sir Gilles. Hasour demon mortal life to lose?
[GILLES] I fear no hellhound.
[JOHN] Then set to.
[JOHN] Bravo, our demon.
[DOCTOR] You escaped from Xeriphas.
[MASTER] Oh, my dear Doctor, you have been naive.
(Great hall)
[DOCTOR] Not at all. You may disguise yourfeatures, but you can never disguise your intent.
[MASTER] And you can't approve.
[DOCTOR] You know I can't.
[TEGAN] Tissue compression eliminator.
[MASTER] You've always been my greatest stimulation, my dear Doctor, butnow you inspire me.
[MASTER] Your first slip, my dear Doctor. Would you care to make asecond?
[MASTER] And now a third. This is useless in your hands. You have moralscruples.
[JOHN] Come, what is this discourse? Consummate the victory.
[MASTER] Come, kill me. Thwart my little game.
[JOHN] Kill him.
[DOCTOR] It is sufficient, your Majesty, that your Champion is disarmed.
[JOHN] Not for us. In sooth, this is but a puny demon that has nostomach for it. So be it. Let the Maiden embrace the vanquished.
[MASTER] Your Majesty, no! Have mercy! I beg you, no!
[DOCTOR] Sire, I must intercede. As victor, I beg you to be merciful.
[JOHN] We are not merciful, our demon.
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty!
[JOHN] Hold! We give you the choice, our demon. The Maiden shall embracethis snivelling wretch, or Sir Geoffrey. Choose, our demon. Come, thelady waits, impatient to lavish her warm favours. Come, our demon.
[JOHN] Behold, our demon. We too have tricks.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] Come, my toy, perform.
(Great hall)
[TEGAN] What's the Master up to?
[DOCTOR] He's using that imposter to bring the real King John intodisrepute. And now he thinks he's trapped us into doing his dirty workfor him.
[RANULF] He is not the King.
[GEOFFREY] Well, not if he is here since yesterday.
[RANULF] Then who is he?
[GEOFFREY] Or what. There's devil's work in this.
[JOHN] Our demon shall be our Champion. Accoutre him.
[DOCTOR] See what I mean?
[GEOFFREY] We must act, and without delay.
[RANULF] There is naught we can do. He has Isabella held hostage.
[GEOFFREY] Then I must to London to warn the King.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] Stop Geoffrey.
(Great hall)
[JOHN] Sir Geoffrey, surely you do not take yourleave so soon? You are but arrived. Attend us. We would know how youthink we can be in two places at the same time.
[ISABELLA] Saints protect us.
[HUGH] Another demon.
[MASTER] Nay, good sire, I am no demon. I come to help you. And to savethe King from that demon that has bewitched him. Gaoler! Open, goodfellow. The King is in danger.
[ISABELLA] Who are you?
[MASTER] I am the Master.
[MASTER] Release your lord and lady.
[ISABELLA] Do as you are bidden!
[MASTER] I am the sworn enemy of that demon who calls himself theDoctor, who has come to defame the King and bring ill-repute to him.
[TURLOUGH] That's not true!
[ISABELLA] Defame the King? Why should he?
[MASTER] To set the Barons of Britain against him, to provoke a greatrebellion and topple him from the throne.
[MASTER] To serve the devilish Doctor's own purpose.
[TURLOUGH] No, don't listen to him.
[MASTER] No, fellow, leave him. He serves the Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] Don't listen to him, please. He is the evil one.
[MASTER] We shall see.
(Great hall)
[JOHN] Is our Champion not ready?
[DOCTOR] Ready, sire.
[JOHN] Then let him attend us with his squire.
[DOCTOR] That's you.
[JOHN] Your sword. Come, your sword. We grow tired.
[JOHN] Kneel.
[JOHN] Arise, Sir Doctor.
[GEOFFREY] Who is this Doctor?
[RANULF] He says he comes as friend.
[GEOFFREY] Whence?
[RANULF] Aquitaine?
[JOHN] You are now our Champion.
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty does me great honour. And my first action in thisrole shall be to arrest that man. Arrest Sir Geoffrey de Lacy.
[GEOFFREY] A friend of thine, perhaps, not mine.
[DOCTOR] Unhand him. He is a man of honour. Lord Ranulf, is there adungeon in this castle?
[RANULF] There is.
[DOCTOR] Sir Geoffrey, do you know it?
[GEOFFREY] Then be so good as to lead me to it.
[JOHN] We like our new Champion. He's something of a jester.
[DOCTOR] I must insist you lead me to the dungeon.
[DOCTOR] You have no choice. Must I remind you that my sovereign lordholds the Lady Isabella hostage?
[RANULF] I thought you friend. Geoffrey.
[GEOFFREY] For you, cousin.
[DOCTOR] No, my friends, attend the King. I have no need of assistance.Your Majesty. Sir Geoffrey.
[JOHN] We are tired. We shall retire and rest a while.
[TEGAN] Would you very much mind
[DOCTOR] What?
[TEGAN] Telling me what's going on?
[DOCTOR] In the interest of security, where is the Master most likely tohouse his Tardis?
[TEGAN] In a dungeon.
[DOCTOR] Quite so.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, you won't believe this, but
[DOCTOR] You've seen another Tardis. Release him.
[GEOFFREY] The Maiden!
[DOCTOR] Quite so.
[GEOFFREY] Is Sir Gilles
[DOCTOR] There is no Sir Gilles. He is the Master in disguise. Now, youcould call him a demon. Sir Geoffrey, you are no longer a prisoner.Release him.
[GEOFFREY] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] A friend, who wants to help. The Master has set up an imposteras King John of England.
[TEGAN] What for?
[DOCTOR] To change the course of history.
[TEGAN] What possible satisfaction can that give him?
[DOCTOR] He wants to rob the world of Magna Carta. Small time villainyby his standards, but nevertheless something I intend to stop if at allpossible.
[GEOFFREY] But why do you serve this imposter king?
[DOCTOR] To gain time, and access to this.
[DOCTOR] You know the true king?
[GEOFFREY] Aye. Did we not take the Crusader's oath together butyesterday?
[DOCTOR] Then we must get you to London so you can warn him.
[GEOFFREY] 'Tis but four hours ride.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I can get you there much quicker than that.
[GEOFFREY] Your engine?
[DOCTOR] Yes, but first we must bring it here, into the castle.
[TEGAN] Look, let's all get out of here while we've still got thechance.
[DOCTOR] No, we must bring the imposter with us.
[TEGAN] Why?
[DOCTOR] To expose the Master's plan. Now, come along. (to gaoler) Ifyou so much as touch this, something very nasty will happen to you.
[TEGAN] You're never leaving the compressor here for the Master.
[DOCTOR] As a matter of fact, I am.
(Great hall)
[RANULF] I am most grateful, er
[MASTER] I am called the Master.
[ISABELLA] I too owe you gratitude.
[RANULF] Name what you will, Lord Master. It shall be yours.
[MASTER] I ask no reward. I wish merely to rid the King of his demons.That's why I'm here.
[RANULF] How long has the King been thus afflicted?
[MASTER] Who can tell? Perhaps he's always been accursed.
[RANULF] Have we any power against this sorcery?
[MASTER] I have.
[RANULF] Then this Doctor demon must be captured and put to the fire.
[ISABELLA] My lord
[MASTER] If then, my lord, you will put your knights and men-at-arms atmy command.
[RANULF] It shall be done.
(Tournament field)
[GEOFFREY] The tracks lead directly to the castle.
[DOCTOR] The Master, of course.
[TEGAN] Now what?
[DOCTOR] Back to square one.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, Sir Geoffrey.
[GEOFFREY] I will alone to London, if someone will help with a horse.
[TURLOUGH] I will.
[GEOFFREY] My thanks.
(Great hall)
[RANULF] This is the Lord Master, come to rid the King of his demons.Obey him in all things.
[HUGH] Father, the dungeon is empty.
[ISABELLA] They've taken Geoffrey.
[RANULF] Find these demons and bring them hither.
[MASTER] And the engine. Without it, they're helpless.
[RANULF] And the blue engine.
[HUGH] What of the King? Is he guarded?
[MASTER] I've seen to this. I'll oversee the search and then attend theKing.
[RANULF] God be with you.
[TEGAN] But he couldn't have got the Tardis inhere. None of the outer doors is big enough.
[DOCTOR] Well, not for Sir Gilles. All the Master has to do is setcoordinates.
[TEGAN] Where would he keep it?
[DOCTOR] The same place he keeps the King.
[DOCTOR] Ah, I wonder if you'd be so good as to show me to the King'schamber. I must insist. I am the King's Champion.
[HUGH] No longer, Sir Demon. Take them.
[MASTER] Tee hee hee. Excellent shot.
(Great hall)
[HUGH] Father.
[RANULF] We have your engine, demon.
[DOCTOR] So I see. Where was it?
[RANULF] Where you left it, with the King. Did you think to kidnap him?Your plan is foiled. Where is Geoffrey?
[DOCTOR] Safely on his way to London.
[RANULF] You lie.
[DOCTOR] He should be there in a few hours.
[TEGAN] He's going to kill us.
[DOCTOR] The coordinates will be set. Get into the Tardis.
[HUGH] Father, they hatch plots.
[RANULF] You have slain Sir Geoffrey.
[TEGAN] No, I believe he may be in the Tardis. Blue engine.
[RANULF] Open it.
[TEGAN] No, I must open it. Other demons may try to harm you.
[TEGAN] I must distract them somehow.
(Great hall)
[RANULF] The demon has vanished! Find Sir Geoffrey.
[TEGAN] Now what?
[JOHN [OC]] (singing) We sing in praise of total war against the Saracenwe abhor.
(King's chamber)
[JOHN] (singing) To free the tomb of Christ our Lord
[KAMELION] We'll put the known world to the sword. Welcome, my demon.
[DOCTOR] Your Majesty seems in need of a doctor.
[MASTER] Allow me to introduce Kamelion.
[DOCTOR] Your work.
[MASTER] Alas, modesty forbids such a claim. Kamelion is a tool of anearlier invader of Xeriphas, and instrumental in my escape from thatbenighted planet.
[DOCTOR] This is your King John?
[MASTER] Look again.
[DOCTOR] Impressive.
[MASTER] A weapon used by the invaders of Xeriphas. A decoy, capable ofinfinite form or personality.
[DOCTOR] Interesting.
[JOHN] Well said, my demon. We are a complex mass of artificial neurons.
[DOCTOR] And controlled by?
[MASTER] Nothing more than simple concentration and psychokinetics. Lookagain.
[DOCTOR] Can anyone play?
[MASTER] Please.
[MASTER 2] Quite masterly.
[MASTER] You flatter me. I prefer bad King John.
(Great hall)
[RANULF] Speak, cousin. Who has done this?
(King's chamber)
[DOCTOR] So Kamelion here is bad King John.
[MASTER] Aided and abetted by you, his demon, and your blue engine.
[DOCTOR] It's cunning of you to confirm the superstitions put about bythe monks.
[MASTER] Irresistible. Your arrival here was most timely.
[DOCTOR] A gift.
[MASTER] How succinctly put.
[DOCTOR] The King turns the Barons solidly against him, he is killed inbattle or deposed, possibly in favour of King Phillip of France. Hecannot therefore offer Magna Carta. What do you think of it so far?
[MASTER] I couldn't do better myself.
[DOCTOR] Thus the foundations of parliamentary democracy will never belaid.
[MASTER] Brilliant.
[DOCTOR] You cannot be allowed to alter the course of history, evenindirectly.
[MASTER] How do you propose to stop me?
[DOCTOR] I shall have to give it some thought.
[MASTER] You haven't much time.
[DOCTOR] And you haven't your compressor.
[MASTER] I still have my wits.
[DOCTOR] So do I.
(Great hall)
[HUGH] Here is one not escaped.
[RANULF] Vile villain! He has slain Sir Geoffrey.
[TURLOUGH] I didn't do it.
[HUGH] You will die in torment, catiff.
[TURLOUGH] You're always threatening me, and without the slightestjustification.
[HUGH] Be silent.
[TURLOUGH] I was trying to help him.
[RANULF] Help him?
[TURLOUGH] To a horse, to get to London.
[RANULF] To what end?
[TURLOUGH] To warn the King!
[RANULF] The King is here!
[ISABELLA] He speaks.
[GEOFFREY] (sotto) The King. Doctor. Seek.
[ISABELLA] Geoffrey. Oh.
[HUGH] Seek the Doctor? Where, in hell?
[RANULF] The Master will know.
[HUGH] Where is he?
[RANULF] He will be with the King. Bring the rogue.
[TEGAN] Think. Think.
(King's chamber)
[MASTER] You would do well, my dear Doctor, toponder that you played directly into my hand.
[KAMELION] And into ours.
[DOCTOR] He has a mind of his own?
[MASTER] Indeed. But highly susceptible.
[KAMELION] Dominated by our demons.
[MASTER] You will know that the King and his dead brothers are believedto be the devil's work. Your interference here with your dreary Tardishas only confirmed this. You are, dare I say so, discredited demons,and as such you make a unique contribution to altering the course ofhistory. Hoist on your own petard.
[DOCTOR] And where will you take your toy next?
[MASTER] Does it matter? You'll not be there to greet me.
[DOCTOR] I may not need to. You forget, Kamelion does have a mind of hisown.
[MASTER] He obeys only my will.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but for how much longer?
[MASTER] For as long as I command it. Kamelion will not turn on me.
[MASTER] You're getting old, Doctor. Your will is weak. It's time youregenerated.
[DOCTOR] You won't win, not ultimately.
[MASTER] You're mistaken. With Kamelion's unique ability at my command,it's only a matter of time before I undermine the key civilisations ofthe universe. Chaos will reign, and I shall be its emperor.
[DOCTOR] Earth is a primitive planet. You won't succeed so easilyelsewhere.
[MASTER] Where I cannot win by stealth, I shall destroy. That way Icannot fail to win.
[DOCTOR] You'll never succeed.
[MASTER] Unfortunately, you will not be alive to find out. Which remindsme. My compressor.
[DOCTOR] Safely in my Tardis.
[RANULF [OC]] Your Majesty!
[JOHN] Enter.
[RANULF] Sire, you have him.
[JOHN] We have him.
[RANULF] Sire, they have slain my kinsman.
[JOHN] Such perfidy must not go unpunished. We would have boiling oil.See to it.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I'm not a demon for nothing.
[MASTER] Very well, my dear Doctor. Your will against mine? So be it.
[RANULF] The King! What ails the King?
[MASTER] The Doctor. Kill.
[MASTER] Do you oppose me, boy?
[TURLOUGH] I've had quite enough of you, whoever you are, so don't tryme too far.
[DOCTOR] Turlough!
[MASTER] No! Fools.
[MASTER] Mediaeval misfits! Don't think you've won yet, Doctor.
[TEGAN] I don't believe it. Can you see it too?
[TURLOUGH] Yes, I'm afraid so.
[DOCTOR] Let me present Kamelion.
[TEGAN] What is it?
[KAMELION] Who is it, if you please.
[DOCTOR] Well, Tegan, it's a long story which appears to begin onXeriphas.
[KAMELION] And who knows when it will end.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it will end with the Master.
[TEGAN] You're not going to leave the Master here to carry out his plan?
[DOCTOR] Well, he's without Kamelion now, and he won't be on Earth formuch longer. I took the opportunity of leaving his compressoractivated. Won't do his dimension circuits much good. He could end upanywhere except where he wants to go.
[TEGAN] Rather like the Tardis, really.
[TEGAN] What are we going to do with him?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[TEGAN] Well, he can't stay on board.
[DOCTOR] Why not? He's harmless.
[KAMELION] And very cooperative. I would make an excellent colleague.
[TEGAN] Did you do that?
[KAMELION] Unexpected as it may be, I do have a mind of my own.
[DOCTOR] And a very fine mind it is too.
[KAMELION] I would be honoured if you will allow me to stay.
[DOCTOR] Of course.
[TEGAN] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I apologise for Tegan's bad manners.
[TEGAN] He's a machine, Doctor, just a machine. How can we be certain hestill isn't under the control of the Master?
[KAMELION] That isn't possible.
[TEGAN] Do you trust him?
[DOCTOR] It seems you're outvoted.
[KAMELION] I'm very grateful, Doctor. Where will I be quartered?
[TEGAN] You can have my room, for all I care.
[DOCTOR] As you wish.
[TEGAN] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] I'm taking you home.
[TEGAN] Home?
[DOCTOR] Your own time. I assume that's where you'd prefer to be.
[TEGAN] What are you talking about?
[TURLOUGH] We were on our way to my planet, actually.
[TEGAN] I don't want to go home.
[DOCTOR] Of course you do. You don't have to pretend. It's a shame, ofcourse. There were many wonders I wanted to show you.
[TEGAN] You still can.
[DOCTOR] The Eye of Orion.
[TURLOUGH] Indeed.
[TEGAN] You've been there?
[TURLOUGH] Yes. It is very beautiful.
[DOCTOR] But you wish to return home.
[TEGAN] No, I don't.
[DOCTOR] You don't?
[TEGAN] No. Show me the Eye of Orion, please.
[DOCTOR] All right. You won't regret it, I promise you.
[TEGAN] Well, aren't you going to reset the coordinates?
[DOCTOR] No. That's where we're going.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s20", "episode": "e06", "title": "The King's Demons"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (25 Nov, 1983; Fifth Doctor) - The Five Doctors
[DOCTOR 1] One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Untilthen, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forwardin all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.
[TEGAN] Finished?
[DOCTOR 5] Yes. Looks rather splendid, doesn't it?
[TEGAN] But will the Tardis work properly?
[DOCTOR 5] Of course, once everything's run in.
[TEGAN] Didn't you repair anything?
[DOCTOR 5] Well, the Tardis is more than a machine, Tegan. It's like aperson. It needs coaxing, persuading, encouraging.
[TEGAN] You mean it's just as unreliable.
[DOCTOR 5] You have little faith, Tegan.
[TEGAN] Do you blame me?
(Eye of Orion)
[TURLOUGH] It's marvellous here. I feel so calm and relaxed.
[DOCTOR 5] It's the high bombardment of positive ions.
[TEGAN] It's like Earth after a thunderstorm.
[DOCTOR 5] Same cause and reason.
[TEGAN] It's beautiful.
[DOCTOR 5] For some, the Eye of Orion is the most tranquil place in theuniverse.
[TEGAN] Can't we stay here?
[DOCTOR 5] Why not? For a while. We could do with a rest.
[DOCTOR 5] Ah!
[TURLOUGH] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR 5] Just a twinge of cosmic angst.
[TEGAN] Cosmic?
[DOCTOR 5] As if I'd lost something.
(Colonel's office)
[BRIGADIER] Thank you.
[CRICHTON] Well, to civilian life.
[BRIGADIER] You know, I can't tell you how much I was looking forward tothis reunion. A chance of re-meeting old friends.
[CRICHTON] There was one chap we tried to get hold of. What was hisname? Used to be your scientific advisor.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, the Doctor.
[CRICHTON] Yes that's right.
[BRIGADIER] Wonderful chap. All of them.
[SERGEANT [OC]] Excuse me, sir, sorry to interrupt. Someone's arrived.
[CRICHTON] I'm not expecting anyone.
(Outer office)
[SERGEANT] Insists on seeing Brigadier LethbridgeStewart.
[CRICHTON [OC]] How did he know he was here?
[SERGEANT] I'm sorry, sir, you're not allowed in there.
[DOCTOR 2] Not allowed? Me? I'm allowed everywhere.
(Colonel's office)
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, thank you. Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Good heavens. Is it you?
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, yes. For once, I was able to steer the Tardis. And hereI am.
[CRICHTON] It's all right, Sergeant.
[SERGEANT] Very good, sir.
[DOCTOR 2] I'm not too late, am I?
[BRIGADIER] What for?
[DOCTOR 2] For your speech as guest of honour.
[BRIGADIER] How did you know?
[DOCTOR 2] I saw it in the Times.
[CRICHTON] That's impossible. The reporter's still here.
[DOCTOR 2] Tomorrow's Times. And, er, and who is this?
[BRIGADIER] That's Colonel Crichton, my replacement.
[DOCTOR 2] Ah. Yes, mine was pretty unpromising, too.
[BRIGADIER] Come along, Doctor, we'll take a stroll round the ground,shall we? Awfully sorry about this. Do excuse me for a moment. DOCTOR2
[BRIGADIER] Come along, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] After you.
[DOCTOR 2] After you.
[BRIGADIER] Oh, very well.
[SERGEANT] Everything all right, sir?
[CRICHTON] What the blazes is going on? Who was that strange little man?
[SERGEANT] The Doctor.
(Outside UNIT HQ)
[BRIGADIER] Yes. Yeti, Cybermen. We've seen some times, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] And Omega. Don't forget Omega.
[BRIGADIER] As if I could!
[DOCTOR 2] And the terrible Zodin.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, you weren't concerned with her, were you? She happened inthe future. They were covered in hair. Used to hop like kangaroos.Well, I must say goodbye, Brigadier. I really shouldn't be here at all.I'm not exactly breaking the laws of time, but I am bending them alittle.
[BRIGADIER] You never did bother much about rules, as I remember. What'sthe matter?
[BRIGADIER] What is it?
[DOCTOR 2] Brigadier, I think our past is catching up on us. Or maybeit's our future. Come on, run!
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, I'm too old for his sort of thing.
[DOCTOR 2] Where's it gone? We must get back to the Tardis before it'stoo late. Run!
(Eye of Orion)
[TEGAN] Doctor, what is it?
[DOCTOR 5] It's fading. It's all fading.
[TURLOUGH] What's fading?
[DOCTOR 5] Great chunks of my past, detaching themselves like meltingicebergs. Ah!
[TEGAN] Do something. Help him!
[DOCTOR 5] Oh, no. No, don't look so worried. I'll have it all workedout soon. Everything's all right. Everything's quite all right.
(Country road)
[DOCTOR 3] Great balls of fire!
[(He turns Bessie around in a junction and floors the accelerator. Aftera few moments he loses sight of the cone in his wing mirror.) DOCTOR 3] Good old Bessie.
(Eye of Orion)
[TEGAN] What's happening to him? What are we goingto do?
[TURLOUGH] He seems to be under some kind of psychic attack.
[DOCTOR 5] I am being diminished. Whittled away, piece by piece. A manis the sum of his memories, you know. A Time Lord even more so.
[TEGAN] What can we do to help you?
[DOCTOR 5] Get me into the Tardis.
[DOCTOR 5] Ah! I have to find, to find
[TURLOUGH] Find what?
[DOCTOR 5] My other selves.
(West Common Road, Uxbridge)
[K9] Mistress, do not go out.
[SARAH] What is it?
[K9] Danger, Mistress.
[SARAH] What?
[K9] I can sense danger, Mistress. Telepathic trace faint but rapidlyincreasing in strength. Do not go out.
[SARAH] What kind of danger?
[K9] Positive data not yet available.
[SARAH] Well, I can't stay home. You have to give me a reason.
[K9] Negative, Mistress. Data analysis shows too many variables. Dangerreadings now becoming much higher, Mistress. Suggestion. Take me withyou.
[SARAH] I can't. Honestly, I can't. The car's in docks so I've got to goby bus.
[K9] There is danger, Mistress. My sensors indicate it is now extreme.And the Doctor is involved.
[SARAH] Well, now I know you're imagining things. See you later.
[K9] Danger! Doctor! Danger! Mistress!
(River Cam)
[DOCTOR 4] Wordsworth, Rutherford, Christopher Smart, Andrew Marvell,Judge Jeffreys, Owen Chadwick.
[DOCTOR 4] Owen Chadwick. Oh, yes, some of the greatest labourers in thehistory of Earth have thought here.
[ROMANA] Newton, of course.
[DOCTOR 4] Oh, definitely Newton.
[ROMANA] For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
[DOCTOR 4] That's right.
[ROMANA] So, Newton invented punting.
[DOCTOR 4] Oh, yes. There was no limit to Isaac's genius.
[ROMANA] Isn't it wonderful how something so primitive can be so
[DOCTOR 4] Restful?
[ROMANA] No, simple. You just push in one direction and the boat goes inthe other. Oh, I do love the spring. All the leaves, the colours.
[DOCTOR 4] It's October.
[ROMANA] I thought you said we were coming here for May week.
[DOCTOR 4] I did. May week's in June.
[ROMANA] I'm confused.
[DOCTOR 4] So was the Tardis.
[ROMANA] Oh, I do love the autumn. All the leaves, the colours.
[DOCTOR 4] Yes. Well, at least with something as simple as a puntnothing can go wrong. No co-ordinates, no dimensional stabilisers,nothing. Just the water, the punt, a strong pair of hands and a pole.
[TEGAN] Oh no!
[TEGAN] Two hearts.
[TURLOUGH] Well, his body's all right. He just seems to be fading away.Why did he have to set the Tardis moving? We were safe before he didthat.
[TEGAN] Look
[TEGAN] Doctor?
[TEGAN] What's going on?
[TURLOUGH] We've landed.
[TURLOUGH] According to the instruments, we're nowhere, in no time.
[TEGAN] The Doctor must have forgotten to reconnect something.
[TURLOUGH] No. The instruments are all working perfectly. They justwon't tell us anything. The Tardis is paralysed.
[TEGAN] How did we get here? What do we do now?
[TURLOUGH] We wait until the Doctor recovers.
[TEGAN] And if he doesn't?
(Conference room)
[BORUSA] Well?
[CASTELLAN] He has arrived.
[BORUSA] Involving this person does not please me.
[CASTELLAN] The constitution clearly states that when in emergencysession, the members of the inner council are unanimous
[FLAVIA] Which indeed we are
[BORUSA] The President of the Council may be overruled. What aridiculous clause. Very well, have him enter.
[CASTELLAN] With all due respect, Lord President, your regeneration hasnot helped your stubbornness.
[MASTER] Lord President, Castellan, Chancellor Flavia. This is a verygreat and, may I say, a most unexpected honour. I may be seated? Nowthen, what can I do for you?
[BORUSA] You are one of the most evil and corrupt beings this Time Lordrace has ever produced. Your crimes are without number and yourvillainy without end. Nevertheless, we are prepared to offer you a fulland free pardon.
[MASTER] What makes you think I want your forgiveness?
[CASTELLAN] We can offer you an alternative to your renegade existence.
[BORUSA] Regeneration. A complete new life cycle.
[MASTER] What must I do?
[BORUSA] Rescue the Doctor.
[MASTER] What?
(Metallic corridor)
[DOCTOR 1] Susan. Surely it's Susan.
[SUSAN] Grandfather. Oh, Grandfather!
[SUSAN] Thank goodness I've found you. How did we get here? What'shappening?
[DOCTOR 1] I wish I knew, my dear.
[SUSAN] As soon as I found myself in this horrible place I startedlooking for you. Somehow I knew I'd find you here.
[DOCTOR 1] Well, the important question now is where are we, and why?
[SUSAN] (sotto) We must be on Skaro.
[DOCTOR 1] (sotto) We were brought here. Perhaps the Dalek was, too.
[SUSAN] Run, Grandfather!
[DALEK] Halt at once. Halt or you will be exterminated. It is theDoctor. The Doctor must be destroyed. Exterminate. Exterminate.Exterminate!
(Conference room)
[BORUSA] The Death Zone.
[MASTER] Ah., the black secret at the heart of your Time Lord paradise.
[CASTELLAN] Recently, the Zone has become reactivated. Somehow, it isdraining energy from the Eye of Harmony.
[FLAVIA] To an extent which endangers all Gallifrey.
[BORUSA] We must know what is happening there.
[MASTER] Did it occur to you to go and look?
[BORUSA] Two of the High Council went into the Zone. Neither returned.
[MASTER] So you sent for the Doctor?
[CASTELLAN] We looked for the Doctor, but he no longer exists. Not inany of his regenerations.
[BORUSA] The Doctor has been taken out of time.
[CASTELLAN] We believe the attempt to lift him from his time stream wasunsuccessful. There he must stay until we can find and free his otherselves.
[MASTER] And if you cannot? The cosmos without the Doctor scarcely baresthinking about. What makes you think his other selves are in the Zone?
[BORUSA] Their time traces. They converge there.
[MASTER] And you can get me into the Zone?
[CASTELLAN] We have a power-boosted, open-ended transmat beam.
[MASTER] Ah. Why me?
[BORUSA] Because we need someone determined, experienced, ruthless,cunning.
[MASTER] And disposable?
[CASTELLAN] Not at all. You would be useless to us dead.
[FLAVIA] Will you go?
[BORUSA] Will you?
[MASTER] And rescue the Doctor.
[TEGAN] Come on, Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] Hold on!
[TEGAN] What's happening to you?
[DOCTOR 5] I'm being sucked into a time vortex. Part of me therealready. It's pulling the rest. I must send a signal.
[TEGAN] What signal?
[DOCTOR 5] I must send a signal. Find them. I must be whole.
(Metallic corridor)
[DALEK] Halt at once or you will be exterminated. Halt! Halt! Obey. Obeythe Daleks. You will be exterminated. Exterminate! Exterminate!
[SUSAN] Oh, It's a dead end!
[DOCTOR 1] That may be precisely what we need.
[SUSAN] No, Grandfather, come on, please!
[DOCTOR 1] No, no, no, don't argue, Susan. Listen to me. Now, when I saynow, help me to push the Dalek down that alley, and when I say drop,drop. Understood?
[DOCTOR 1] Now, Susan!
[DALEK] Under attack!
[DOCTOR 1] Drop!
[DALEK] Under attack!
[DALEK] Exterminate! Under attack! Exterminate! Exterminate!Exterminate!
[DOCTOR 1] It's very dangerous to fire energy weapons in an enclosedspace.
[SUSAN] Look!
[DOCTOR 1] The Dark Tower.
[SUSAN] We're on Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR 1] The Death Zone.
[SUSAN] Why were we brought here?
[DOCTOR 1] Instinct, my dear, tells me that the answer to that lies inthe Tower.
(Death Zone section 2)
[BRIGADIER] Charming spot, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] My dear Brigadier, it's no use blaming me.
[BRIGADIER] You attract trouble, Doctor. You always did. Where the devilare we?
[DOCTOR 2] I'm not sure, but I have some very nasty suspicions. What'sthat?
[DOCTOR 2] Over there.
[BRIGADIER] There's something moving.
[DOCTOR 2] No, get down.
[DOCTOR 2] Don't worry, Brigadier.
[DOCTOR 2] Run!
(Death Zone section 3)
[DOCTOR 3] Now what?
[SARAH] Oh. Oh, K9, why didn't I listen to you?
[DOCTOR 3] Hang on a minute.
[DOCTOR 3] Catch hold of this.
[SARAH] Oh, I never thought I'd be so pleased to see anyone.
[DOCTOR 3] I think we should come away from the ledge, don't you?
[SARAH] Wait a moment. It's you.
[DOCTOR 3] Of course it's me. Hello, Sarah Jane.
[SARAH] No, no, it's you you.
[DOCTOR 3] That's right.
[SARAH] No. No, you changed remember? You became all, er
[DOCTOR 3] Teeth and curls?
[SARAH] Yes.
[DOCTOR 3] Yes, well, maybe I did, but I haven't yet.
[SARAH] Oh, I see. No, I don't. Never mind. Yes, well, thank you verymuch for rescuing me, Doctor, and now perhaps you'll explain why I'mhere to need rescuing.
[DOCTOR 3] Steady on, Sarah Jane. I'm not exactly here by choice either,you know.
[SARAH] Then, what are we doing here?
[DOCTOR 3] Well, I'll try and explain. Come on, get in the car.
[DOCTOR 5] I've got to. What is it I've got to do?
[TEGAN] You said something about a signal.
[TURLOUGH] About being whole.
[DOCTOR 5] Ah yes, of course. A recall signal.
[TEGAN] What's the signal for, Doctor? Who's it to?
[DOCTOR 5] I must send the signal. They'll hear it. That'll bring them.
[TEGAN] Doctor, tell where the signal control is so we can help you.
[DOCTOR 5] It's, it's
(Death Zone section 5)
[DOCTOR 1] Oh, it's no good. I shall have to rest.
[SUSAN] Oh, yes, of course, Grandfather. I'll just go and take anotherlook.
[DOCTOR 1] Yes, yes.
[SUSAN] Look. Come and see.
[DOCTOR 1] Hmm? What? Goodness me! The Tardis!
[SUSAN] What's it doing here?
[DOCTOR 1] I suggest we go and find out.
[TEGAN] He's only just about conscious.
[TURLOUGH] If only he'd managed to send that signal.
[TEGAN] Who are you?
[DOCTOR 1] More to the point, what are you young people doing inside myTardis?
[TEGAN] It's his Tardis.
[DOCTOR 1] And who might he be?
[TURLOUGH] The Doctor.
[DOCTOR 1] Hmm? Good grief.
[DOCTOR 5] You're here. You're here.
[DOCTOR 1] Yes, evidently. Now, take it steadily, my boy, and let mehelp you up.
[DOCTOR 5] I tried to send a recall signal.
[DOCTOR 1] Yes, it doesn't matter. How do you come to be here?
[DOCTOR 5] Well, the Tardis was, er. I don't know.
[DOCTOR 1] Never mind that.
[SUSAN] Is he really
[DOCTOR 1] Me? Yes. Yes, I'm afraid so. Regeneration?
[DOCTOR 5] Fourth.
[DOCTOR 1] Goodness me! So, there are five of me now! Oh, er, this isSusan.
[DOCTOR 5] Yes, I know.
[DOCTOR 1] And, er, you two are
[TURLOUGH] Turlough.
[TEGAN] And I'm Tegan Jovanka. Who might you be?
[DOCTOR 1] I might be any number of things, young lady. As it happens, Iam the Doctor. The original, you might say.
[TEGAN] But you shouldn't be here at the same time, with him, shouldyou?
[DOCTOR 1] Certainly not.
[DOCTOR 5] It only happens in the gravest emergencies.
[DOCTOR 1] Like now.
[DOCTOR 5] Yes, unfortunately.
[DOCTOR 1] Now look, young lady. Make yourself useful. This young fellowlooks as though he needs some refreshment and I know that Susan and Ido, too.
[TEGAN] Hang on a minute.
[DOCTOR 5] Tegan, Tegan, Tegan. Humour him. You know, I sometimes usedto get a little tetchy. Fortunately one mellows with age. Turlough willhelp.
[TURLOUGH] Thank you.
[DOCTOR 1] And now, young fellow, tell me all about it.
(Conference room)
[FLAVIA] The Seal of the High Council. It may helpto convince the Doctors of your good faith.
[MASTER] Perhaps.
[CASTELLAN] It's time to go. When you have something to tell us,activate this.
[CASTELLAN] We will pick up your signal and transmat you back.
[MASTER] Isn't anyone going to wish me luck?
[BORUSA] We wish you success, for all our sakes.
[CASTELLAN] And now, we wait.
[BORUSA] I would prefer to wait alone.
(Death Zone)
[MASTER] One of my predecessors.
[MASTER] Not the most hospitable of environments.
(Death Zone section 2)
[DOCTOR 2] It's just as I feared. We're on Gallifrey, in the Death Zone.
[BRIGADIER] You know this place?
[DOCTOR 2] To my shame. Yes, mine, Brigadier, and that of every otherTime Lord. In the days before Rassilon, my ancestors had tremendouspowers which they misused disgracefully. They set up this place, theDeath Zone, and walled it around with an impenetrable force field, andthen they kidnapped other beings and set them down here.
[BRIGADIER] But what for?
[DOCTOR 2] I'll explain as we go.
[BRIGADIER] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR 2] To the Tower. To Rassilon, the greatest single figure in TimeLord history.
[BRIGADIER] Is that where he lives?
[DOCTOR 2] Not exactly, Brigadier. It's his tomb.
[DOCTOR 1] You're talking nonsense, my boy. We must send the signal asplanned and wait for the others.
[DOCTOR 5] No, there's no time. We must leave immediately. Temporalinstability's already affecting me.
[DOCTOR 1] And without our other selves, we'll be of little use outthere.
[DOCTOR 5] Well, they'll never make it. There is evil at work.
[TEGAN] Evil?
[DOCTOR 1] We're in the Death Zone on Gallifrey.
[TURLOUGH] How can you be so sure?
[DOCTOR 5] Well, the Tomb of Rassilon. Look, can we really afford towait, especially if someone is tapping his power?
[DOCTOR 1] Well, what do you intend to do, young man?
[DOCTOR 5] I shall go to the Tower.
[DOCTOR 1] But there could be great danger.
[DOCTOR 5] Help me set up the computer scanner. We can at least see whatis out there.
(Death Zone section 3)
[DOCTOR 3] All this was the setting for the games. But old Rassilon puta stop to it in the end. He sealed off the entire Zone and forbade theuse of the Time Scoop, until now.
[SARAH] But why don't they just tell us why we're here?
[DOCTOR 3] Because they delight in deviousness, that's why. It amusesthem, chucking us in the deep end, watching us sink or swim.
[SARAH] Why have we stopped?
[DOCTOR 3] So I can get my bearings. Ah ha. There it is.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR 3] The Tomb of Rassilon. That's where we're going.
[SARAH] Look, do you think this is wise, Doctor? I mean, well,whatever's in that Tower, it's got enormous powers and, well, what canwe do against it?
[DOCTOR 3] What I've always done, Sarah Jane. Improvise.
[MASTER] Doctor, wait!
[SARAH] Who's that?
[DOCTOR 3] I don't know. No, it couldn't be.
[DOCTOR 3] Jehosophat, it really is you. Yes, well, I should have knownyou'd be behind all this.
[SARAH] Doctor, who is it?
[DOCTOR 3] That's my best enemy. He likes to be known as the Master,don't you? My, my, my, but you've changed. Another regeneration?
[MASTER] Not exactly.
[DOCTOR 3] I take it you are responsible for our being in the DeathZone?
[MASTER] For once, I'm innocent, here at the High Council's request tohelp you, and your other selves.
[DOCTOR 3] You? Sent here by the Time Lords to help me? I've never heardsuch arrant nonsense.
[MASTER] I happen to be telling the truth. I carry the Seal of the HighCouncil.
[DOCTOR 3] Yes, forged, no doubt.
[MASTER] See for yourself.
[DOCTOR 3] Stolen, then. I'll return it at the first opportunity.
[MASTER] If you would only listen, I'm here to help.
[DOCTOR 3] You? Help me? Rubbish. This is some kind of a trap.
[MASTER] I knew this was going to be difficult, but I didn't realisethat even you would be so stupid as to make it impossible.
[DOCTOR 3] I knew it, a trap.
[MASTER] These thunderbolts are everywhere.
[SARAH] No, we can't leave him.
[DOCTOR 3] You just watch me.
[DOCTOR 5] Now, as far as I can make out, there are three entrances. Oneabove, one below, and the main door here.
[DOCTOR 1] Which do you plan to use?
[DOCTOR 5] Er, well, the main door.
[DOCTOR 1] I still think you should wait.
[DOCTOR 5] There may be very little time.
(Death Zone section 3)
[DOCTOR 3] You see what I mean? A trap.
(Conference room)
[BORUSA] Is there nothing you can do to retrieve him?
[TECHNICIAN] Nothing, my Lord President. With the present energy drain,it is beyond our resources.
[BORUSA] You use what spare energy you have to stabilise that portion ofthe vortex in which he is trapped. It may at least give the remainingDoctors more time.
[TECHNICIAN] Lord President.
[CASTELLAN] No news from the Master?
[BORUSA] Did you really think that there would be?
(Death Zone section 2)
[DOCTOR 2] I wonder, could Rassilon himself havebrought us here?
[BRIGADIER] Hang on a minute, Doctor. You said this chap Rassilon wasdead. You did say that was his tomb?
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, it is, but no one really knows how extensive his powerswere.
[BRIGADIER] He could still be alive?
[DOCTOR 2] Watching us at this very moment.
[BRIGADIER] Didn't you say he was supposed to be rather a good type?
[DOCTOR 2] So the official history says, but there are many rumours andlegends to the contrary. Some say his fellow Time Lords rebelledagainst his cruelty and locked him in the Tower in eternal sleep.
[BRIGADIER] And now he's woken up again?
[DOCTOR 2] Well, it would explain a great deal. Oh dear.
[DOCTOR 2] We could be playing the Game of Rassilon at this very moment.
[BRIGADIER] Your tone doesn't inspire much confidence. I assume we'renot expected to win.
[DOCTOR 2] Come on.
[TURLOUGH] Even if you. Even if you reach thisTower, what are you going to do?
[DOCTOR 5] Er, release the Tardis. The computer scanner's located theforce field generator.
[SUSAN] I'll come with you.
[DOCTOR 5] Hmm.
[TEGAN] I'd like to come, too.
[DOCTOR 1] No. I think it would be safer if you were to remain here withme.
[TEGAN] I'd like to go with him.
[DOCTOR 5] Er, yes, yes, all right. Now, you'll bring the Tardis to theTower as soon as I switch off the force field.
[DOCTOR 1] Of course.
[DOCTOR 5] Yes, of course. Right, better get started. Time's runningout.
[DOCTOR 5] Eureka.
(Death Zone section 3)
[SARAH] I thought we were going to the Tower.
[DOCTOR 3] We are.
[SARAH] Then why this way?
[DOCTOR 3] Because the mountains are between us and the Tower, Sarah.That's why.
[SARAH] Can't you find an easier way?
[DOCTOR 3] No, it'd take far too long.
[DOCTOR 3] So, the Master has used the Time Scoop to bring others aswell as us here. Come on, let's get out of here.
[TURLOUGH] Do you think it will take the Doctorlong to reach the Tower?
[DOCTOR 1] It depends on what may try to stop him, my boy. Oh, it's notwithout reason that it's called the Death Zone. Great heavens. Two moretraces.
[TURLOUGH] Time Lords?
[DOCTOR 1] Two more Doctors. The scanner is keyed to my, to our brainpatterns. Well, well, well, so two of them made it. I wonder whathappened to the other.
(Base of the Dark Tower)
[DOCTOR 2] (singing) Who to Rassilon's Tower wouldgo, must choose below. No, no, no Who unto Rassilon's Tower will go,must choose above, between, below.
[BRIGADIER] Are you in pain, Doctor?
[DOCTOR 2] Age has not mellowed you, has it, Brigadier? I was recalling,in point of fact, an old nursery rhyme about the Dark Tower.
[BRIGADIER] Does it help?
[DOCTOR 2] Considerably more than you do. It describes the differentways to enter the Tower.
[BRIGADIER] A nursery rhyme? I never heard anything so ridiculous.
[DOCTOR 2] Nevertheless, I propose to put it to the test.
[DOCTOR 2] Come along. In here.
(Death Zone section 5)
[DOCTOR 5] Soon be there.
[SUSAN] I'm finding this quite exhilarating.
[TEGAN] I wish I were.
[MASTER] Doctor.
[TEGAN] The Master.
[DOCTOR 5] Wait here.
[MASTER] I know this is going to be hard to believe, Doctor, but foronce I mean you no harm.
[DOCTOR 5] Like Alice, I try to believe three impossible things beforebreakfast. Go on.
[MASTER] I've been sent here by the High Council to help you.
[SUSAN] Is this man a friend of the Doctor's?
[TEGAN] Anything but.
[SUSAN] Well, they're talking as if they were friends.
[TEGAN] That's what worries me.
[CYBERMAN] I have found the ones from the Tardis.
[LEADER] Excellent.
[CYBERMAN 2] I shall take the patrol and destroy them.
[LEADER] No. Capture them alive. They must be interrogated first.
[CYBERMAN 2] Leader.
[LEADER] We also need the Time Lord to pilot the Tardis. Go.
[CYBERMAN 2] (to other Cybermen) Here are your orders.
[MASTER] Be reasonable, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 5] I am. I listened.
[MASTER] As you see, I'm armed. I could easily kill you if I wanted to.
[DOCTOR 5] And not humiliate me first? Oh, that isn't your style at all.
[MASTER] I also have a recall device that'll take me back to theconference room in the heart of the Capitol.
[DOCTOR 5] So you say. I would prefer more positive proof of yourcredentials.
[MASTER] One of your other selves took it from me.
[DOCTOR 5] Do you expect me to believe the fantastic tale you've justtold?
[TEGAN] Doctor, look out! Cybermen!
[DOCTOR 5] Go back!
[SUSAN] Well, we can't just leave him.
[TEGAN] We can't help him, either. Do as he says. We must warn theothers.
[DOCTOR 5] After you.
[CYBERMAN 2] Halt! Halt, or you will be destroyed.
[DOCTOR 5] Zapped.
[CASTELLAN [OC]] All available power to transmat beam.
(Conference room)
[CASTELLAN] Locked on.
(Death Zone section 5)
[CASTELLAN [OC]] Prepare to retrieve the Master.
[CYBERMAN 2] You will accompany us.
[CASTELLAN [OC]] Transference now.
[DOCTOR 5] Sorry, must dash.
[TEGAN] Susan, come on!
[TEGAN] Can you walk?
[SUSAN] Ow, just about.
(Conference room)
[DOCTOR 5] Quite a reception committee.
(Death Zone section 5)
[CYBERMAN 2] This is not the Doctor.
[LEADER] Take him.
[MASTER] Oof. I've been looking for you.
[LEADER] Kill him!
[MASTER] I'm here as your friend.
[LEADER] Who are you?
[MASTER] I am the Master, and your loyal servant.
[DOCTOR 2] And then?
[SUSAN] Then he just disappeared.
[DOCTOR 1] Hmm.
[TURLOUGH] What could have happened?
[DOCTOR 1] Well, from the way Susan described it, a transmat device.
[TEGAN] Yes, but he must have got it from the Master.
[SUSAN] I do hope he's all right.
[DOCTOR 1] Well, with our young friend gone, I shall have to go to theDark Tower.
[TEGAN] I'll come with you.
[DOCTOR 1] Oh. Oh, well, if you must. Thank you, my dear.
(Conference room)
[DOCTOR 5] It seems I've done the Master aninjustice.
[BORUSA] If he survived, I'm sure he will learn to live with themisjudgment.
[DOCTOR 5] Well, this changes things. If the Master isn't responsible,then who is misusing the Death Zone?
[CASTELLAN] We were hoping you could tell us. You have been there.
[DOCTOR 5] Who has control of the Time Scoop?
[BORUSA] No one. Its use is prohibited.
[DOCTOR 5] But the machinery still exists.
[BORUSA] Doctor, you seem to be implying that the Time Scoop was used tobring you.
[DOCTOR 5] Yes, I am rather.
[FLAVIA] Then you accuse a Time Lord.
[DOCTOR 5] I think it would be quite an important one, as well.
[BORUSA] You have evidence, of course.
[DOCTOR 5] No. No, not yet.
[BORUSA] Then upon what do you base this outrageous accusation?
[DOCTOR 5] Cybermen. Whoever brought me and my other selves here alsobrought them. Now, you know our legends well enough. Even in our mostcorrupt period our ancestors never allowed the Cybermen to play thegame. Like the Daleks, they play too well.
[CASTELLAN] Hardly proof of a traitor.
[DOCTOR 5] Then there's this. You know, the Death Zone is a large place,and yet the Cybermen found us very quickly. Almost as if they weresupposed to.
[BORUSA] They are highly skilled in such things.
[DOCTOR 5] Especially when helped. This is the one thing the Masterwould be sure to keep on him at all times. The recall device. Andwithin.
[DOCTOR 5] A homing beacon.
[BORUSA] Which you gave him, Castellan.
[CASTELLAN] It's a lie. The Doctor wants revenge.
[BORUSA] Sit down.
[CASTELLAN] I will not submit to such wild accusations.
[BORUSA] Commander!
[COMMANDER] Lord President?
[BORUSA] Institute an immediate and rigorous search of the Castellan'soffice and living quarters.
(Death Zone section 5)
[LEADER] I do not believe your lies.
[MASTER] What I have said is the truth. We've all been sent here for thesame reason.
[CYBERMAN 2] To fight?
[MASTER] To destroy each other for the amusement of the Time Lords. Butyou don't have to play their game. You can defeat them, gain yourrevenge, but only with my help.
[LEADER] Explain.
[MASTER] Close by there's a Tower, the fortress of your enemies the TimeLords. It's well defended, but I can help you break in.
[CYBERMAN 2] And, what do you ask in return?
[MASTER] My life. My freedom. A chance to share in your revenge. Todestroy the Time Lords.
[LEADER] Guard him.
[CYBERMAN] Leader.
[LEADER] We will allow him to guide us to this Tower.
[CYBERMAN 2] He is an alien. Aliens are not to be trusted.
[LEADER] It is not necessary to trust him.
[CYBERMAN 2] Will you give him his freedom?
[LEADER] Promises to aliens have no validity. When the Tower is in ourhands, he will be destroyed.
[LEADER] You will guide us to this Tower.
[SUSAN] They're moving so slowly.
[TURLOUGH] Don't worry. Tegan will look after the old man.
[SUSAN] If only we could make contact with the other Doctors.
[SUSAN] What's that?
[TURLOUGH] Oh, no.
[SUSAN] Cybermen.
(Dark Tower lower entrance)
[DOCTOR 2] Come along, Brigadier, come along. This way.
[BRIGADIER] Damn it, Doctor, I'm just not built for this kind of thingany more.
[DOCTOR 2] You never were. Cheer up, we're getting along very nicely.
[BRIGADIER] Is that supposed to cheer me up?
[BRIGADIER] What was that?
[DOCTOR 2] It sounded like something very large and very fierce, andprobably very hungry. Come on.
(Death Zone section 3)
[SARAH] It's a dead end.
[DOCTOR 3] No, it's not. Look.
[SARAH] I can't go along there. I get vertigo.
[DOCTOR 3] Yes, well, I'll help you. Anyway, we can't go back.
[SARAH] Why not? You've shaken the Cybermen off.
[DOCTOR 3] They don't get tired, that's why not. And they never give up.
[SARAH] Oh, no, no. I remember. Okay, well, let's go then. And if Idon't fall off that path, I'll probably die of fright.
[DOCTOR 3] Wait!
[SARAH] What? What is it?
[DOCTOR 3] Look. A Raston Warrior robot. The most perfect killingmachine ever devised.
[SARAH] It isn't armed.
[DOCTOR 3] Quick, over there.
[DOCTOR 3] Their armaments are built in, and sensors detect movement.Any movement.
[SARAH] Anything else I shouldn't know?
[DOCTOR 3] Yes. They move like lightning. (The Robot leaps and vanishesfrom sight. They stand up and it lands nearby then jumps back to thecave entrance.)
[SARAH] What's it doing?
[DOCTOR 3] Playing with us.
[DOCTOR 3] Freeze, Sarah Jane. If you move, we're dead.
[TURLOUGH] If only we could get away from here. Can you operate thecontrols?
[SUSAN] Yes, but we're still trapped by the forcefield from the Tower.
(Death Zone section 5)
[TEGAN] Come on, Doc. You can make it.
[DOCTOR 1] Well, of course I can, young woman. And kindly refrain fromaddressing me as Doc.
(Conference room)
[COMMANDER] As you can see, Lord President, the casket bears the Seal ofRassilon.
[BORUSA] Where was this found?
[COMMANDER] In the Castellan's room.
[FLAVIA] Black Scrolls of Rassilon!
[DOCTOR 5] Interesting. I thought they were out of print.
[BORUSA] Don't touch, Doctor. This is forbidden knowledge from the DarkTower.
[BORUSA] You were taking no chances.
[CASTELLAN] I am innocent. I have never seen that casket before.
[BORUSA] Take him to Security and discover the truth. Commander, you areauthorised to use the mind probe.
[CASTELLAN] What? No, not the mind probe.
[DOCTOR 5] Let me speak to him.
[BORUSA] No, Doctor. The mind probe will give us all the answers werequire.
(Outside the Conference room)
[DOCTOR 5] Was that really necessary?
[COMMANDER] Well, as you can see, he was armed and trying to escape.
[DOCTOR 5] It seems you have been saved the embarrassment of a trial.
[BORUSA] And you have found your traitor, Doctor. Let us at least hopeit will simplify the task of your other selves.
[DOCTOR 5] Yes. Yes, I, I should be getting back to them.
(Conference room)
[BORUSA] Doctor, I admire your courage, but Icannot allow you to return. It will take some time to establish theCastellan's role in this affair. I need your help and advice.
[DOCTOR 5] I can't abandon them.
[BORUSA] Oh, I'm sure your other selves will be able to cope.
[DOCTOR 5] Are they all in the Zone?
[BORUSA] Yes, all but one, and he is trapped in the Vortex. Doctor, I'msorry, but I must insist that you remain. Chancellor Flavia, would youescort the Doctor to a place of rest? I'm sure he must be exhausted.
(Dark Tower lower entrance)
[BRIGADIER] Whatever that creature is, it's got our scent. It's huntingus.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh! In here. Oh, oh!
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, look!
[BRIGADIER] Trapped.
[DOCTOR 2] Hold this. Must be something.
[BRIGADIER] Hurry up, Doctor. It's trying to dig us out!
[DOCTOR 2] Ah!
[BRIGADIER] What was that?
[DOCTOR 2] Pardon?
[BRIGADIER] What was that?
[DOCTOR 2] It's a Galactic Glitter.
[DOCTOR 2] It's a Yeti!
[BRIGADIER] Where did it come from?
[DOCTOR 2] It must have been left over from the Games.
[BRIGADIER] You maddened it!
[DOCTOR 2] Well, at least it can't get at us.
[BRIGADIER] Yes, and now we're trapped. Buried alive.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, I'm afraid we are. On the other hand, where there's awind, there's a way.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, I think we've arrived.
[DOCTOR 2] I don't like this at all. Someone or something wants us to goinside. After you, Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] No, no, after you, Doctor.
[SUSAN] At least that terrible hammering's stopped.
[TURLOUGH] Hmm. That's what's worrying me.
[SUSAN] Look!
[SUSAN] What's that they're carrying?
[TURLOUGH] I don't know, but I would think their intention is to try andbreak in.
(Outside the Robot cave)
[SARAH] Doctor, I don't think I can take much moreof this.
[DOCTOR 3] Hang on, Sarah Jane, hang on. I think we've got one hope.
[DOCTOR 3] Now.
(Robot cave entrance)
[DOCTOR 3] Look what we've got, Sarah Jane. The Robot's extra arrows. Atleast we'll have something to have a fight with. Wait a minute, thesemight come in handy.
[DOCTOR 3] Come on.
(Opposite the top of the Dark Tower)
[SARAH] Now what do we do, fly?
[DOCTOR 3] What a splendid idea.
[FLAVIA] You look so worried, Doctor. Your friends and your other selveswill be safe, I am sure.
[DOCTOR 5] At the moment I'm more concerned for the High Council. ForGallifrey.
[FLAVIA] The traitor has been found.
[DOCTOR 5] Has he? You know, I've known the Castellan too long. Oh, hewas limited, a little narrow, but always fiercely loyal to his oath ofoffice. Any mention of the Dark days filled him with horror. Now, yousaw his reaction to the Black Scrolls. It wasn't that of a mandiscovered, but of sheer disbelief. No, I'm convinced the traitor isstill at large.
[FLAVIA] I will speak to the Commander who killed the Castellan. Theremay be much to be learned from him.
[DOCTOR 5] Thank you. And I must speak to the Lord President.
(Opposite the top of the Dark Tower)
[SARAH] Doctor, Cybermen.
[DOCTOR 3] Yes, well, see if you can hold them off. I won't be a second.
[SARAH] Yeah, right.
[SARAH] Doctor? Missed.
[DOCTOR 3] Right, that should do it.
[SARAH] You're crazy. That'll never work.
[DOCTOR 3] Well, maybe not. Can you think of a better suggestion? No?All right then, stand well back.
[MASTER] Ever resourceful, Doctor.
(Dark Tower - top)
[DOCTOR 3] I've got you. Now, find a foot hold.Find any foot hold.
[SARAH] Yes, yes.
[DOCTOR 3] Have you got one?
[SARAH] Yes.
[DOCTOR 3] Right. Now, let go this hand
[SARAH] I can't.
[DOCTOR 3] Hold both loops in one hand. Both loops in one hand. I've gotthe other one. Right, come on. That's it. Now, find another foot hold.I've got you. Put it on that ledge. Can you find that ledge?
[SARAH] Yes, yes.
[DOCTOR 3] Good. All right, up you come. Up you come.
[DOCTOR 3] Don't look down!
[SARAH] I'm not looking, I'm not looking.
[DOCTOR 3] Come on. Up. That's it.
[SARAH] I did it! I did it!
[DOCTOR 3] Come on. There you are. That's it.
[DOCTOR 3] Well done. Enjoy the flight?
[SARAH] Oh, great! Well, we're here. How do you reckon we get in?
[DOCTOR 3] Through here, would you believe?
(Dark Tower main entrance)
[TEGAN] Now what? You're not suggesting we bang down the door, I hope.
[DOCTOR 1] It looks very much like a bell to me.
[TEGAN] It's an entry coder.
[SUSAN] It's a bomb.
[TURLOUGH] Big, isn't it?
(Dark Tower - chequered corridor)
[DOCTOR 1] Don't be in such a hurry.
[TEGAN] We have to pay to get in?
[DOCTOR 1] It could cost you your life.
[TEGAN] How long do you plan to play pitch and toss?
[DOCTOR 1] Patience, child.
[DOCTOR 1] Diabolical ingenuity! Nothing happens until you reach thefifth row, half way, and then the entire board becomes a death trap.
[MASTER] Our ancestors had such a wonderful sense of humour.
[DOCTOR 1] Do I know you, young man?
[MASTER] Believe it or not, we were at the Academy together.
[TEGAN] What do you want?
[MASTER] To help.
[TEGAN] That's the funniest thing I've heard all day.
[MASTER] Believe what you like, I should advise you to hide. I've gotvery suspicious allies close behind me.
[TEGAN] Allies?
[TEGAN] Come on!
[MASTER] Enter, but be careful. The fortress of the Time Lords is atyour mercy.
[CYBERMAN] Why was the main gate left unguarded?
[MASTER] Oh, the Time Lords believe that no one could survive the DeathZone. It's that sort of woolly thinking that'll bring about theirdestruction.
[MASTER] Do you fear an empty room? Shall I lead the way?
[LEADER] You will cross to the far side.
[MASTER] Very well.
[MASTER] You see?
[LEADER] Take the patrol across.
[LEADER] You have betrayed us. Why?
[MASTER] Betrayed? No. Oh, I, I might have misled you a little, but thesafe path across the board changes with every journey.
[LEADER] You show me the safe route, or I shall destroy you.
[TEGAN] Wasn't that a little ruthless even for you?
[MASTER] In one of the many wars on your miserable little planet, theyused to drive sheep across minefields. The principle's the same.
[TEGAN] Not quite. This minefield is still just as dangerous.
[MASTER] Do you think so?
[MASTER] Try it, Doctor, it's as easy as pie.
[DOCTOR 1] What an extraordinary fellow. As easy as pie? As easy as pie?
[TEGAN] That's what he said.
[DOCTOR 1] No, he didn't! He said easy as pi. The Greek letter pi.Surely you know some basic mathematics, child?
[TEGAN] Of course. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to itsdiameter is represented by the Greek letter pi, right?
[DOCTOR 1] Exactly. You find the safe path by using the mathematicalformula pi. Oh, but the application, the application. Now, let me see,now. Three point one four one five nine two six five. Yes, that's it!You stay there, child.
[DOCTOR 1] Now!
[TEGAN] I hope you've got your sums right.
(Conference room)
[DOCTOR 5] President Borusa, I. I thought you said the Lord Presidentwas in here.
[GUARD] He is. Or at least he was.
[DOCTOR 5] You're sure about that, are you?
[GUARD] Positive. There isn't any way he could have left without myseeing him.
[DOCTOR 5] No power. He couldn't have left that way. Inform ChancellorFlavia that the Lord President has disappeared, would you?
[GUARD] Sir.
(Dark Tower staircase)
[SARAH] I can't go on. I feel as if something were pushing me back.
[DOCTOR 3] Yes. Yes, I can feel it too, Sarah. It's the mind ofRassilon. We must be nearing the tomb. Now, you've got to fight it. Youmust keep your mind under control.
[SARAH] I can't. I feel as if something absolutely terrible were goingto happen.
[DOCTOR 3] Sit down here. Sit down. Rest for a moment. All right?
[SARAH] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR 3] I won't be a second.
[SARAH] Well, don't be too long.
(Dark Tower corridor)
[YATES] Doctor. Doctor, this way.
[DOCTOR 3] Mike? Mike Yates? How did you get here?
[YATES] Same way as you. Liz Shaw is here, too.
[DOCTOR 3] Good heavens.
[DOCTOR 3] Hello, Liz. Any more of you?
[LIZ] Someone you should know very well. Come and see for yourself.
[DOCTOR 3] Huh, not that little fellow in the checked trousers and theblack frock coat.
[LIZ] And more. There are five of you now.
[DOCTOR 3] Oh, good grief.
[YATES] And they're waiting for you.
[DOCTOR 3] Yes, well, you wait here for a moment. I'll go and get Sarah.
[YATES] I'll fetch her.
[DOCTOR 3] No, I, er, I think I'll go, Mike. She's nervous enough as itis.
[LIZ] Let Mike go. Your other selves need you urgently.
[DOCTOR 3] No, I think I'll go, thanks.
[YATES] No, Doctor!
[LIZ] Stop him!
[DOCTOR 3] How? You're phantoms, illusions of the mind!
[LIZ] Stop him!!!
(Dark Tower staircase)
[SARAH] What's happening? Doctor? Doctor! Oh, thereyou are.
[DOCTOR 3] Sarah?
[SARAH] Sarah? Of course I am. What are you talking about? Listen, whydid you leave me for so long? And what was that scream?
[DOCTOR 3] They were just phantoms from the past.
[SARAH] Yes, well, I'm in the present and I'm real.
[DOCTOR 3] Yes. Yeah, you're real enough. Come on. (They head off in theother direction.)
(Dark Tower corridor)
[TEGAN] Do you feel weird, Doctor?
[DOCTOR 1] Full of strange fears and mysterious forebodings?
[TEGAN] That's it.
[DOCTOR 1] No, as a matter of fact, I don't. It's all illusion, child.We're close to the domain of Rassilon, whose mind is reaching out toattack us. Just ignore it, as I do.
[TEGAN] How?
[DOCTOR 1] Fear itself is largely an illusion. And at my age, there'slittle left to fear. Hmm. No, there's nothing here to harm us.
(Dark Tower staircase)
[BRIGADIER] I don't like it, Doctor. I feel rather unwell. Touch ofnausea, I think.
[BRIGADIER] Fear?(A woman screams nearby.)
[WOMAN [OC]] Doctor, help me!
[DOCTOR 2] No. It may be a trap. I'll go and see. You wait here.
[BRIGADIER] Certainly not. I'm coming with you.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, very well, but don't get in the way.
(Dark Tower corridor)
[DOCTOR 2] Take this.
[BRIGADIER] What was that?
[DOCTOR 2] We'll go and see.
[BRIGADIER] Good grief!
[DOCTOR 2] Jamie! Zoe!
[JAMIE] Stay back, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] Why, what's happening?
[ZOE] Don't come any closer. There's a force field.
[DOCTOR 2] A force field? We'll soon see about that.
[JAMIE] No, don't, Doctor. If the force field is disturbed, it'lldestroy us.
[ZOE] You must go back.
[BRIGADIER] Well, Doctor, what are we going to do?
[DOCTOR 2] Get them out of it.
[JAMIE] No, no, please don't, Doctor.
[ZOE] Oh, go back. Save yourselves.
[DOCTOR 2] I can't. I can't leave you there.
[ZOE] You must.
[BRIGADIER] We could find another way into the tomb area.
[DOCTOR 2] But Zoe and Jamie would still be trapped.
[JAMIE] The Brigadier's right.
[DOCTOR 2] Or would they? Just a minute. It's a matter of memory.
[ZOE] Stay away!
[DOCTOR 2] Why? I can't harm you.
[JAMIE] One step nearer and we're dead!
[DOCTOR 2] You can't kill illusions.
[JAMIE] Brigadier!
[DOCTOR 2] You're not real. When you were returned to your own people,the Time Lords erased your memory of the period you spent with me. Sohow do you know who we are? Answer!
[BRIGADIER] They're gone.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, yes, it's sad.
(Dark Tower staircase)
[BRIGADIER] I still don't like it, Doctor. I don't fully understand whywe're here.
[DOCTOR 2] You want to get home?
[BRIGADIER] Of course.
[DOCTOR 2] That is why we are here. Have faith, Brigadier. Have I everled you astray?
[BRIGADIER] On many occasions.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, well, this will be the exception. Come along.
(Conference room)
[DOCTOR 5] The Harp of Rassilon. I never knew he was musical. Borusaeither for that matter.
[DOCTOR 5] Interesting. A musical key. A combination of notes. A tune.
(Rassilon's tomb)
[DOCTOR 1] Ah, there you are at last, dear fellow. What kept you?
[DOCTOR 3] What kept me? Of all the confounded arrogance.
[DOCTOR 1] Never mind, never mind, you can tell me later. Come and takea look at this.
[DOCTOR 3] What is it?
[TEGAN] Tegan.
[SARAH] Sarah.
[DOCTOR 3] Hmm. Fascinating.
[DOCTOR 1] What happened to the little fellow?
[DOCTOR 2] The little fellow is perfectly all right, thank you verymuch. Of course I'm here. You don't imagine anything you two could docould stump me, do you? Let's have a look. What's this?
[TEGAN + SARAH] Brigadier?
[BRIGADIER] Good heavens. It's Miss Smith, isn't it. Miss Jovanka. Don'task me how we got here. It was like a cross between Guy Fawkes andHallowe'en.
[DOCTOR 3] Lethbridge Stewart? Oh, my dear fellow. How very nice to seeyou again.
[BRIGADIER] Great heavens, you as well? Though I can't exactly say it'snice to be here. Do you know, I was enjoying
[DOCTOR 3] You'll have to excuse me, old chap. We've got a veryimportant inscription to translate and I think they'll get it all wrongwithout me.
[BRIGADIER] Typical. Absolutely typical.
[SARAH] Oh, I know, I know. Drag you through time and space without somuch as a bye or leave, then leave you out when things get interesting.
[TEGAN] My version isn't any better.
[SARAH] Which one's yours?
[DOCTOR 2] So, that's what it's all about. I never dreamed.
[DOCTOR 1] It changes nothing, absolutely nothing. We lower theforcefield, get the young fellow back from Gallifrey and all go home.This doesn't concern us. It mustn't.
[TEGAN] What does the inscription say?
[BRIGADIER] Yes, I'd quite like to know as well.
[SARAH] Yes, we've all been through a great deal to get here.
[DOCTOR 1] You. Tell them.
[DOCTOR 2] It's Old High Gallifreyan, the ancient language of the TimeLords. Not many people understand it these days.
[THE DOCTORS] Fortunately, I do.
[BRIGADIER] All very interesting, I'm sure, Doctors, but what does itsay?
[DOCTOR 3] That this is the Tomb of Rassilon, where Rassilon lies ineternal sleep.
[DOCTOR 2] It also says that anyone who's got this far has passed manydangers and shown great courage and determination. What does this bitmean?
[DOCTOR 3] To lose is to win and he who wins shall lose.
[DOCTOR 2] I know what it says. What does it mean?
[DOCTOR 1] It also promises that whoever takes the ring from Rassilon'shand and puts it on shall get the reward he seeks.
[SARAH] What reward?
[DOCTOR 1] Immortality.
[BRIGADIER] What, live forever? Never die?
[DOCTOR 1] That is what the word means, young man.
[SARAH] But that's impossible.
[DOCTOR 3] Apparently not.
[DOCTOR 2] It seems Rassilon possesses it now, and is willing to shareit with whoever takes the ring.
[MASTER] Thank you, gentlemen, that is exactly what I needed to know. Icame here to help you. A little unwillingly, but I came. My serviceswere scorned, my help refused. Now I shall help myself to immortality.
[DOCTOR 1] Out of the question.
[DOCTOR 3] You're hardly a suitable candidate.
[DOCTOR 2] For anything.
[MASTER] The decision is scarcely yours. Killing you once was neverenough for me, Doctor. How, how gratifying to do it three times over.
[BRIGADIER] Nice to see you again.
(Outside the Tardis)
[CYBERMAN] Leader, the bombs are ready.
[LEADER] Excellent. Prepare for detonation.
[CYBERMAN] Your orders are to move back.
[CYBERMAN 2] Lieutenant.
[TURLOUGH] Do you realise what they're up to?
[SUSAN] What are we going to do we do now?
[TURLOUGH] Die, it seems.
(Conference room)
[DOCTOR 5] Well, if it is a tune, what could it be? A tune like, a tunelike. A tune like the one that's been under my nose all the timeperhaps.
(Secret room)
[BORUSA] Welcome, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 5] Lord President.
[BORUSA] You show very little surprise. Can it be that you suspected me?
[DOCTOR 5] Not at first. Your little charade fooled me for a while.
[BORUSA] Yes, it was rather neat, wasn't it? Such a pity about theCastellan, but then I needed someone to use for a diversion.
[DOCTOR 5] Oh, Borusa. What's happened to you?
[BORUSA] You know how long I have ruled Gallifrey, Doctor, both openlyor behind the scenes.
[DOCTOR 5] Oh, you've done great service. It was only right you shouldbecome President.
[BORUSA] President? How long before I must retire, my work half done. IfI could continue
[DOCTOR 5] Oh, I understand. You want to be President throughout allyour remaining regenerations.
[BORUSA] Oh, you underestimate my ambition, Doctor. I shall be PresidentEternal, and rule forever.
[DOCTOR 5] Immortality? Oh, that's impossible, even for a Time Lord.
[BORUSA] Rassilon achieved it. Timeless perpetual bodily regeneration.True immortality! Rassilon lives, Doctor. He cannot die. He isimmortal.
(Rassilon's tomb)
[DOCTOR 3] Well, I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow, so theTardis should be free of the forcefield now.
[DOCTOR 2] I'll try to get through to the Capitol.
(Outside the Tardis)
[CYBERMAN] All is prepared.
[LEADER] Excellent.
[LEADER] Detonate!
[SUSAN] They made it! They made it!
[TURLOUGH] Are we going to the Tower?
[SUSAN] Must be, we're on preset co-ordinates.
(Secret room)
[BORUSA] Immortal, Doctor. Before Rassilon wasbound, he left clues for his successor, whom he knew would follow him.Oh, I have discovered much, Doctor. This Game control room, the casketwith the Scrolls, the Coronet of Rassilon.
[DOCTOR 5] But not the final secret.
[BORUSA] The secret of immortality, Doctor? It lies in the Dark Tower,in the Tomb of Rassilon itself. There are many dangers, many traps.
[DOCTOR 5] So, you sent me to the Zone to deal with them for you.
[BORUSA] I gave you companions to help, an old enemy to fight. Well,it's a game within a game.
[DOCTOR 5] Only you botched it, didn't you? One of my selves is trappedin a time vortex, endangering my very existence.
[BORUSA] Oh, you need have no fear, Doctor. Your temporal stability willbe maintained. I need you to serve me.
[DOCTOR 5] Oh, I would not serve you.
[BORUSA] You have no choice, Doctor. I wear the coronet of Rassilon.
[DOCTOR 5] And very fetching it is, too.
[BORUSA] It emphasises my will and allows me to control the minds ofother people. You bow down before me, Doctor.
[BORUSA] Come, Doctor.
(Conference room)
[BORUSA] It's time to go, Doctor. My immortalityawaits.
(Rassilon's tomb)
[DOCTOR 2] Can you hear me, old fellow?
(Conference room)
[DOCTOR 2 [on monitor]] Calling the Capitol,calling the Capitol. This is the Doctor speaking. Well, one of them.Can you hear me? Can you hear me, Doctor? Is there anybody there?Calling the Capitol.
[DOCTOR 5] Yes, I'm here.
[DOCTOR 2 [on monitor]] Ah, there I am. I mean, there you are.
(Rassilon's tomb)
[DOCTOR 2] We've reached the Tower. We're all safe.The barriers are down and the Tardis is here. And I say, we've made themost extraordinary discovery.
[DOCTOR 5 [on monitor]] I know what you have discovered. Do not transmitfurther. Stay where you are and touch nothing. President Borusa isarriving to take full charge.
[DOCTOR 2] Touch nothing, indeed? Who does he think he is.
[DOCTOR 1] He didn't want us to mention the Ring of Rassilon. Naturalenough.
[DOCTOR 3] Something's wrong, you know.
[DOCTOR 2] You haven't changed. Still finding menace in your own shadow.
[DOCTOR 1] I feel the same.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh. Well, we shall soon see, won't we.
[TEGAN] Doctor, are you all right?
[BORUSA] Be silent. Be silent, all of you. Do not move or speak until Igive you leave.
[BORUSA] Gentlemen, I owe you my thanks. You have served the purpose forwhich I brought you here.
[DOCTOR 3] You brought us here?
[DOCTOR 2] He's after the Ring of Rassilon. He wants immortality.
[DOCTOR 3] And you were the one who didn't sense anything was wrong.
[DOCTOR 1] He's a renegade. No better than that villain down there.
[DOCTOR 2] We can't allow it, you know.
[DOCTOR 3] The Tomb was sealed for the best of reasons.
[DOCTOR 1] And as soon as we're back to our own time streams, it must besealed again. Permanently!
[DOCTOR 2] Doctor, we need you. Join us.
[DOCTOR 1] He can't. Some kind of mind lock. Fight it, my boy, fight it.Concentrate. We must be one.
[DOCTOR 5] You see, Borusa? Together, we're a match for you.
[BORUSA] Perhaps, but you will never overcome me.
[DOCTOR 5] We don't need to. Soon, Chancellor Flavia will be here withher guards, or can you overcome the whole High Council?
[BORUSA] Why not? I am Lord President of Gallifrey and you are thenotorious renegades. We shall see who is believed.
[RASSILON [OC]] This is the Game of Rassilon.
[DOCTOR 1] No, wait, my boy. That was the voice of Rassilon. It's out ofour hands now.
[RASSILON [OC]] Who comes to disturb Rassilon?
[BORUSA] I am Borusa, Lord President of Gallifrey.
[RASSILON] Why have you come here?
[BORUSA] I come to claim that which is promised.
[RASSILON] You seek immortality?
[BORUSA] I do.
[RASSILON] Be sure. Be very sure. Even now, it is not too late to turnback.
[BORUSA] I am sure.
[RASSILON] And these others?
[BORUSA] These are my servants.
[RASSILON] Is this so?
[DOCTOR 3] It most certainly is not.
[DOCTOR 2] Don't believe him.
[DOCTOR 5] It's nonsense.
[DOCTOR 1] Don't listen to them, Lord Rassilon. President Borusa speaksthe truth.
[RASSILON] You believe that Borusa deserves the immortality he seeks?
[DOCTOR 1] Indeed I do.
[RASSILON] He shall have it. Take the Ring.
[RASSILON] You claim immortality, Lord Borusa. You will not turn back?
[BORUSA] Never!
[RASSILON] Then put on the Ring. Others have come to claim immortalitythrough the ages. It was given to them, as it shall be given to you.
[RASSILON] Your place is prepared, Lord President Borusa.
[BORUSA] No! No!
[RASSILON] And what of you, Doctors? Do you claim immortality too?
[DOCTORS] That's very kind of you. No. No, no thank you!
[DOCTOR 5] No, my Lord. All we ask is that we be returned to our properplace in time and space.
[RASSILON] It shall be done.
[DOCTOR 5] One of us is trapped.
[RASSILON] I know. He too shall be freed.
[RASSILON] So shall the one who is bound. His sins will find theirpunishment in due time.
[RASSILON] It is time for your other selves to depart. Let them maketheir farewells and go. You have chosen wisely, Doctor. Farewell.
[DOCTOR 5] Did you know what would happen?
[DOCTOR 1] Hmm? Oh, I'm so sorry. I suddenly realised what the oldproverb meant. To lose is to win and he who wins shall lose. It was allpart of Rassilon's trap to find out who wanted immortality and put himout of the way. He knew very well that immortality was a curse, not ablessing.
[DOCTOR 5] Well, now it seems we must part, just as I was getting toknow me.
[DOCTOR 2] So, you're the latest model, hmm?
[DOCTOR 5] Yes, and the most agreeable.
[DOCTOR 2] Certainly the most impudent.
[DOCTOR 3] And our dress sense hasn't improved much, has it?
[DOCTOR 1] Neither our manners. Well, goodbye, my boy. You did quitewell, quite well. It's reassuring to know that my future is in safehands. Come along, Susan.
[SUSAN] Goodbye, everybody.
[ALL] Goodbye.
[DOCTOR 2] Time to go, Brigadier. Well, goodbye.
[DOCTOR 5] Goodbye.
[DOCTOR 2] Goodbye, fancy pants.
[DOCTOR 3] Scarecrow.
[BRIGADIER] Doctor, don't you want your coat?
[DOCTOR 2] Bring it along, would you, Brigadier?
[BRIGADIER] Certainly. Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 5] Goodbye.
[BRIGADIER] Doctors.
[DOCTOR 3] Brigadier.
[BRIGADIER] Splendid fellows, all of you.
[DOCTOR 3] Well, goodbye, my dear chap. I must say, I've had the time ofmy lives. Haven't we, Sarah Jane?
[SARAH] Have we? Well, I only have one life and I think I've had toomuch already. Goodbye. Er, yes, it was really nice meeting you.
[DOCTOR 3] Thank you, Sarah Jane, it was nice meeting you, too.
[SARAH] What?
[DOCTOR 3] I'll explain later.
[SARAH] Oh. Fine.
[DOCTOR 5] I'm definitely not the man I was, thank goodness.
[TEGAN] Are we all going home together?
[DOCTOR 5] Watch.
[DOCTOR 5] Temporal fission. Old Rassilon is very clever.
[FLAVIA] You are safe, Doctor. I feared President Borusa had. Where isPresident Borusa?
[DOCTOR 5] Unavailable. It seems the legend about Rassilon is true.
[FLAVIA] You must make a full statement to the High Council.
[DOCTOR] Oh, must I?
[FLAVIA] It can form part of your inaugural address.
[DOCTOR 5] My what?
[FLAVIA] Doctor, you have evaded your responsibilities for far too long.The disqualification of President Borusa leaves a gap at the verysummit of the Time Lord hierarchy. There is only one who can take thisplace. Yet again, it is my duty and my pleasure to inform you that thefull Council has exercised its emergency powers to appoint you to theposition of President, to take office immediately.
[DOCTOR 5] Oh, no.
[FLAVIA] This is a summons no Time Lord dare refuse. To disobey the willof the High Council will attract the severest penalties.
[DOCTOR 5] Very well, Chancellor Flavia. You will return to Gallifreyimmediately and summon the High Council. You have full deputy powersuntil I return. I shall travel in my Tardis.
[FLAVIA] Oh, but Doctor
[DOCTOR 5] You will address me by my proper title. I am President, am Inot? You will obey my commands. (to Tegan and Turlough) Into theTardis. (to the guards) You will escort Chancellor Flavia back to herduties.
[FLAVIA] Doctor, wait!
[DOCTOR 5] Hold tight.
[TEGAN] It'll soon be goodbye, then.
[DOCTOR 5] Will it?
[TURLOUGH] Well, you're off to Gallifrey to be President. I suppose yourTime Lord subjects will find a Tardis that really works and get us bothhome?
[DOCTOR 5] Who said anything about Gallifrey?
[TURLOUGH] You told Chancellor Flavia
[DOCTOR 5] I told her she had full deputy powers until I returned.
[TEGAN] You're not going back?
[DOCTOR 5] You know, sometimes, Tegan, you take my breath away.
[TURLOUGH] Er, won't the Time Lords be very angry?
[DOCTOR 5] Furious.
[TEGAN] You mean you're deliberately choosing to go on the run from yourown people in a rackety old Tardis?
[DOCTOR 5] Why not? After all, that's how it all started.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s20", "episode": "e07", "title": "The Five Doctors"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (5 Jan, 1984; Fifth Doctor) - Warriors of the Deep
[VORSHAK] What do you think?
[BULIC] Too small to be a hunter-killer.
[VORSHAK] Could be one of their probes trying to locate our position.Computer scan.
(Silurian cruiser)
[SCIBUS] No hostile movements registered.
[ICHTAR] Excellent, Scibus, but continue to monitor their activities. Wemust remain undetected until we are ready to act.
[KARINA] We've lost it, Commander.
[VORSHAK] Readings?
[KARINA] It seems to be organic in structure, and radiating heat.
[PRESTON] Check.
[VORSHAK] Volcanic debris?
[NILSON] More than possible. We're close to the oceanic fault here.
[TURLOUGH] How are we doing?
[DOCTOR] Oh, on target, it seems. You changed your mind about goinghome.
[TURLOUGH] Well, I, er, I thought I would learn more if I stayed withyou. It's true.
[DOCTOR] Of course.
[TURLOUGH] I mean it.
[DOCTOR] I believe you. I'm just a little doubtful about how resoluteyou'll remain.
[TURLOUGH] Time will tell.
[DOCTOR] Yes, indeed. Aboard the Tardis it always does.
[TURLOUGH] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Earth.
[TURLOUGH] What for?
[DOCTOR] I promised to show Tegan a little of her planet's future. We'realmost there. You could let her know.
[VORSHAK] Nothing. What's the matter?
[BULIC] I think we should launch a reconnaissance probe.
[VORSHAK] Forever cautious.
[BULIC] I've spent too long on a Sea Base not to be. And given howunstable the current political situation is, an attack is not to beunexpected.
[VORSHAK] Launch an unmanned probe.
[VORSHAK] Happier?
[BULIC] Thank you, sir.
[VORSHAK] The base is to remain on full alert, and Maddox?
[VORSHAK] If there is enemy activity outside, we could go to missilerun, so stand by.
[MADDOX] Yes, sir.
(Silurian cruiser)
[SCIBUS] The base has launched a probe.
[ICHTAR] The Myrka can deal with it.
[TARPOK] We are ready to begin, Ichtar.
[ICHTAR] Good. For hundreds of years our Sea Devil brothers have lainentombed, waiting patiently for this day. It concerns me that they didnot wake up as we had planned in the first place.
[ICHTAR] Their enforced period of hibernation may have caused muchmuscular and organic degeneration. We shall soon see, Tarpok. Proceed.
(Computer room)
[KARINA] What's the matter?
[MADDOX] I can't do it.
[KARINA] Of course you can.
[MADDOX] You saw me out there.
[KARINA] You wouldn't be here if there was any doubt about your fitnessfor the job.
[MADDOX] I'm a student on attachment to Sea Base Four to study anexperienced sync operator in action, not to take his place. I'm notready.
[KARINA] Until Lieutenant Michaels' replacement arrives, there isn'tanyone else.
[MADDOX] I know. I'd feel much happier if there'd been a properinvestigation into the Lieutenant's death.
[KARINA] It was a careless accident. There was nothing to investigate.
[MADDOX] Lieutenant Michaels was careful to the point of paranoia. Menlike that aren't electrocuted carrying out simple maintenance.
[KARINA] You reported your suspicion?
[MADDOX] Of course, but Commander Vorshak's not interested. He justkeeps going on about what a marvellous opportunity this is for me togain hard experience.
[KARINA] The Commander's right.
[MADDOX] Maybe he is, but I'm also aware that if we so go to missilealert I don't think I can press that button.
[KARINA] Listen to me. Don't throw your whole career away because youdon't feel quite ready. That's silly. Lieutenant Michaels' replacementarrives the day after tomorrow. There may not be a missile run beforethen anyway.
[MADDOX] All right.
[KARINA] Come back to the bridge?
[TURLOUGH] Now what?
[DOCTOR] It's my own fault. I should, er, I should have changed it for aType 57 while I had the chance.
[TEGAN] We're where we should be, aren't we?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Very close to Earth, in orbit above the atmospherebelt.
[TEGAN] So what's the problem?
[DOCTOR] Er, slight hiccup in our time zones. We're too far advanced.I'm sorry.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, look.
[TEGAN] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's a robot weapons system. It seems to be scanning us.
[SENTINEL [OC]] This is Sentinel Six. You have entered a forbiddenmilitary zone. Transmit your security clearance code.
[DOCTOR] Reset the coil cut-out.
[DOCTOR] Sentinel Six, could you repeat your instructions, please.
[SENTINEL [OC]] This is Sentinel Six. You have entered a forbiddenmilitary zone. Transmit your security clearance code or you will bedestroyed.
[DOCTOR] Sentinel Six, we have no hostile intentions. Our presence hereis purely temporary. All we need is a bit of time to alter coordinates.
[TEGAN] Why doesn't it answer?
[DOCTOR] Well, it's obviously thinking it over.
(Psycho-surgical unit)
[NILSON] It's time to move, Solow. We've got our man.
[SOLOW] Maddox?
[NILSON] Yes, you were right. He is psychologically unsuited for hiswork.
[SOLOW] I'm glad to hear it. I must admit I was a little concernedlately that my diagnosis was inaccurate.
[NILSON] No, you can congratulate yourself and stop worrying. The suddendemise of Lieutenant Michaels has paid us an immediate dividend.
[SOLOW] You're a hard man, Nilson, but you forget, I'm a doctor. Murderdoes not come easily to a person of my training.
[NILSON] Don't bleat, Solow. We've waited long enough for an opportunitylike this.
[SOLOW] I realise that.
[NILSON] And nothing must go wrong. So if your conscience bothers you,lock it away in a strong box until our task is completed.
[TEGAN] Please hurry, Doctor. That thing isn't going to lie therecontemplating its navel forever.
[DOCTOR] Don't panic, Tegan. Now look, just push this. Almost there.
[SENTINEL [OC]] This is Sentinel Six. You are formally identified as ahostile intruder.
[DOCTOR] Sentinel Six, we are unarmed.
[SENTINEL [OC]] Repeat. Transmit your security clearance codes. This isyour final warning.
[DOCTOR] Sentinel Six, we need just a little more time then we will beon our way.
[TEGAN] Doctor, look!
[DOCTOR] We're out of control.
[TURLOUGH] We're going to crash!
[DOCTOR] Not if I can perform a materialisation flip flop.
[DOCTOR] Stage one.
[VORSHAK] What is it?
[KARINA] The reconnaissance probe's been destroyed, sir.
[VORSHAK] Perimeter defence stand by. Feed the coordinates of thehostile directly to them. We'll blast it out of the water.
[KARINA] I can't. The only thing registering on the scanners is marinelife.
[PRESTON] That can't be so. A creature strong enough to destroy theprobe doesn't exist.
[BULIC] Karina's right.
[VORSHAK] Maddox, verify.
[MADDOX] Computer has started countdown.
[VORSHAK] Your assessment, Bulic?
[BULIC] It's difficult to tell. It could be a practice run ordered bythe computer. Equally it could have been triggered by what's happenedout there.
[VORSHAK] Then we must assume the missile run is for real. All teams tobattle stations.
[PRESTON] Battle teams one, two and three take up defence position.
[KARINA] Sentinel Six reports engaging unidentified flying object.Attempts to shoot it down proved unsuccessful, but it has nowdisappeared.
[BULIC] Missile computer is on automatic targeting. Arming of the protonmissiles is in progress.
[VORSHAK] Prepare to sync up. Maddox! I said take up your position. Thefunction of the base depends on you! What's wrong?
[MADDOX] I can't do it, sir.
[VORSHAK] Without you, our missiles are useless.
[MADDOX] Don't you think I realise that?
[VORSHAK] Sync up, Maddox. Find out what the computer is doing. Come on,we could be at war!
[TURLOUGH] We made it.
[TEGAN] I don't believe it.
[TURLOUGH] I don't think the Doctor does either.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I admit it was close.
[BULIC] Relax. Just access what the computer tells you and leave thefinal decision to the Commander.
[MADDOX] But I still have to press the button.
[BULIC] It may not come to that.
[BULIC] We have sync up to missile computer, Commander.
[VORSHAK] Go ahead, Maddox.
[MADDOX] Missiles are locked onto targets.
[TEGAN] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] Still in the same time zone.
[TURLOUGH] And on Earth?
[DOCTOR] I think so. Let's find out.
[MADDOX] Missiles armed.
[VORSHAK] Prepare to fire.
[BULIC] Countdown to missile launch, one hundred and fifty and counting.
(Outside the Tardis)
[TEGAN] It's a bit chilly in here.
[TURLOUGH] It seems to be a ship of some kind.
[DOCTOR] Or submarine. There's no motion. It could be on the seabed.Come on.
[BULIC] Thirty seconds to launch.
[VORSHAK] Stand by.
[VORSHAK] We can breathe again.
[NILSON] Commander!
[VORSHAK] Get him out of here.
[NILSON] Take him to the PS unit.
[VORSHAK] What a time for a practice run.
[BULIC] You realise the base is defenceless with Maddox in the state heis.
[PRESTON] And we still haven't established what destroyed our probe, norwhat Sentinel Six shot at.
[VORSHAK] Sound the all clear, but the base it to remain on full alert.
(Sea Base)
[TEGAN] What's that noise?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. A Sea Base.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, thank you.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha. That, Turlough, was the all clear.
[TEGAN] Must be some kind of research station.
[DOCTOR] No, no, it's a Sea Base. A rather special kind of underseamilitary colony. Help me get this open, would you? Armed with the sortof missiles that kill life but leave everything else intact.
[TURLOUGH] Proton?
[DOCTOR] Very probably.
(Silurian cruiser - outside thehibernation chamber)
[TARPOK] The Sea Base has completed a practicemissile run.
[ICHTAR] Then our presence remains undetected. Continue to monitor theSea Base. This process will not take long. Have we any indications ofthe conditions within?
[SCIBUS] No. The temperature level inside is below the range of thesensors.
[VORSHAK] Launch another probe.
[VORSHAK] Bridge.
[NILSON [OC]] Nilson here. We have a problem with Maddox. I think youshould come down, Commander.
[VORSHAK] Right. Bulic, you're in command. I'll be in thepsycho-surgical unit.
[BULIC] Sir.
(Chemical store)
[TEGAN] What year are we in?
[DOCTOR] Around 2084.
[TEGAN] Little seems to have changed since my time.
[DOCTOR] Absolutely nothing, Tegan. There are still two power blocs,fingers poised to annihilate each other. Hexachromite.
[TURLOUGH] What do they use that for?
[DOCTOR] Hexachromite gas. It's part of a sealing compound for underseastructures. It's lethal to marine and reptile life. I thought theywould have banned it by now.
[TEGAN] Progress doesn't seem to have solved anything.
(Psycho-surgical unit)
[NILSON] He's suffering from severe stress. It's our considered opinionthat he's unfit for duty.
[VORSHAK] But I need him. Without a sync operator, this base will ceaseto have any military function.
[NILSON] And I realise that, otherwise I'd hesitate proposing the oneoption that you still have.
[VORSHAK] And that is?
[NILSON] Release the duplicate programme disc. That way we could probedeeper into Maddox's mind, break through the barriers and reassure him.
[VORSHAK] But I can't do that, not without authority from Sea BaseCommand.
[NILSON] If we are to maintain operational efficiency, there really isno other way.
[SOLOW] I will take full responsibility. There are humanitarian as wellas military considerations here. Maddox will have a total mentalcollapse unless treated.
[VORSHAK] All right.
[VORSHAK] But don't let this disc out of your sight.
[VORSHAK] If it gets into enemy hands
[NILSON] We understand, Commander.
[SOLOW] I will return it to you immediately we're finished with it.
(Sea Base)
[TEGAN] Do you know where we're going?
[DOCTOR] Er, yes, yes, the bridge. Repairs to the Tardis will take sometime. Better they're done with the Captain's permission.
(Psycho-surgical unit)
[SOLOW] Ready.
[NILSON] You're sure this will work?
[SOLOW] The information on that disc is fed straight into the deepestcontrol centres of his brain. Whatever commands we give him, Maddox hasno other choice but to obey.
(Sea Base)
[TURLOUGH] Up or down?
[DOCTOR] Well, if I remember rightly, the command centre's at the top ofthe structure.
[DOCTOR] No, wait!
[TURLOUGH] What's wrong?
[DOCTOR] This.
[TURLOUGH] I pressed for the lift.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it has to be done in sequence. It's what's calledsecurity. We must find someone in authority and quickly. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Security screen.
[TEGAN] What do we do now?
[DOCTOR] Well, they've sealed off the area. Back to the Tardis. We'll besafer there.
[PRESTON] Perimeter defence is now complete.
[VORSHAK] Where are they?
[VORSHAK] Double the guard round the PS unit.
[PRESTON] Battle teams eight and ten, urgent command.
[VORSHAK] Katina, tell Solow and Nilson what has happened. Any sign ofan intruder, they must destroy the disc. What do you think?
[BULIC] First that unidentified object, then the destruction of theprobe, now this. I don't believe in that much coincidence.
[VORSHAK] Agreed. We must act fast. You and Preston get the combat teamsmoving. Whoever's in that area, find them.
[BULIC] Preston.
(Psycho-surgical unit)
[NILSON] How do you feel, Maddox?
[MADDOX] Fine, Controller.
[NILSON] Good.
(Chemical store)
[DOCTOR] This way.
[PRESTON [OC]] Let's check the Chemical store.
[PRESTON] Nothing. Come on.
[DOCTOR] They're between us and the Tardis. Come on, back this way.
(Silurian cruiser- outside thehibernation chamber)
[SCIBUS] We are ready to enter.
[ICHTAR] It has been a long time. Much could have gone wrong.
(Reactor chamber)
[TEGAN] Why have we come in here?
[DOCTOR] You didn't read what it said outside?
[TEGAN] That's why I'm asking. I don't like running into chambers thathave Radiation, Keep Out written on the door.
[TURLOUGH] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Try and start a diversion.
(Silurian cruiser- outside thehibernation chamber)
[ICHTAR] Revive the warriors.
(Reactor chamber)
[DOCTOR] That's it.
[TURLOUGH] What have you done?
[DOCTOR] I've hotted things up a bit. I've set the reactor on overload.
[TEGAN] It'll explode!
[DOCTOR] Oh, I shouldn't think so. They've got a couple of hours to sortout what I've done.
[TEGAN] This is madness!
[TURLOUGH] The Doctor's right. It will tie up dozens of their people.
[DOCTOR] And in the confusion, we can slip back to the Tardis.
[BULIC] No. We can't risk a shot in here.
[DOCTOR] When I say run, run. Run!
[BULIC] Get them!
[DOCTOR] I'm so sorry.
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[TURLOUGH] Tegan, no!
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[TURLOUGH] There's nothing we can do.
[TEGAN] We can't just leave him.
[TURLOUGH] Face it, Tegan. He's drowned.
(Reactor chamber)
[BULIC] After them!
(Outside the Reactor chamber)
[TURLOUGH] Right, that should slow them down a bit.
[TEGAN] We should have tried to help him.
[TURLOUGH] We couldn't! Come on, let's get back to the Tardis.
(Reactor chamber)
[BULIC] Go round and get this door open.
[GUARD] Sir.
[BULIC] Commander, this is Bulic. I'm in the reactor.
(Silurian cruiser hibernation chamber)
[SCIBUS] The warriors have survived.
(Psycho-surgical unit)
[NILSON] Nilson.
[VORSHAK [OC]] The three invaders have attacked the reactor in area E. Ineed you on the bridge at once.
[NILSON] I'm on my way, Commander.
[SOLOW] Nilson, who are the invaders?
[NILSON] I don't know, but with Vorshak distracted, it may be possibleto activate Maddox sooner than we expected.
(Silurian cruiser hibernation chamber)
[SCIBUS] There will be a short period oforientation.
[ICHTAR] Excellent. When all is ready, I will instruct Sauvix and hisSea Devil warriors on the plan of attack.
(Sea Base)
[TURLOUGH] Go, Tegan! Save yourself!
[DOCTOR] You'll live.
(Silurian cruiser - outside thehibernation chamber)
[SAUVIX] Sauvix, Commander of Elite Group One.
[ICHTAR] Ichtar, sole survivor of the Silurian Triad, and my companionsScibus and Tarpok. We welcome the revival of our blood-relatedcomrades.
[SAUVIX] We are yours to command.
[ICHTAR] All is prepared.
(Outside the Reactor room)
[DOCTOR] What have you been eating?
[NILSON] Have you found the intruders?
[VORSHAK] One of them. He's being brought up now. I'd like you to bepresent at the interrogation.
[NILSON] How did they breach our security?
[VORSHAK] That's what I want you to find out.
(Sea Base)
[TEGAN] Doctor, I thought you were dead.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, so did I for a moment. Where's Turlough?
[TEGAN] The guards caught him. We've got to help him.
[DOCTOR] Yes, all right. First I must get you back to the Tardis.
[TEGAN] I want to help find Turlough.
[DOCTOR] Yes, all right.
[TEGAN] What have you been eating?
[DOCTOR] Come along, Tegan.
(Silurian cruiser)
[ICHTAR] How soon will your warriors be ready for combat?
[SAUVIX] Battle orientation automatically commenced the instant we wererevived.
[ICHTAR] Excellent, Sauvix.
[TARPOK] Your plan of attack.
[ICHTAR] Study it well, for the ape primitive base must be taken intact.
[VORSHAK] Bridge.
[GUARD [OC]] The reactor's been stabilised, sir. We now have full poweragain.
[VORSHAK] Thank you.
[GUARD] Sir.
[BULIC] This is Commander Vorshak, the senior officer on this base.
[TURLOUGH] I've told
[VORSHAK] Now listen, and listen carefully. You have a choice.Cooperate, tell us all you know, and you'll be treated honourably.
[VORSHAK] But should you remain stubborn, it'll be a long and painfulbusiness, so start talking.
[TURLOUGH] I've told him, and now I'm trying to tell you. We are notenemy agents, saboteurs
[NILSON] Then why were you attempting to destroy the reactor?
[TURLOUGH] If the Doctor had intended to destroy it, it would be lyingin pieces at your feet.
(Outside the bridge)
[DOCTOR] Good. Now, you must stay outside, Tegan.
[TEGAN] Why?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[TEGAN] What in the world can I hope to achieve out here?
[DOCTOR] My peace of mind. Please, Tegan, don't argue. Now, I don't needto tell you what to do should anything go wrong.
[TEGAN] No, Doctor. Good luck, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, thank you.
[TURLOUGH] The Tardis, it, it's a kind of ship. I know it doesn't seemto make much sense, but that's how we got here.
[NILSON] He's insulting our intelligence, trying to convince us he'snothing more than a lost tourist.
[BULIC] If you'd nothing to hide, why didn't you declare yourselves tous immediately.
[TURLOUGH] We were trying to.
[VORSHAK] What do you think?
[NILSON] He may be telling the truth, though I doubt it. But we can't besure without delving deeper into his mind.
[VORSHAK] Then see to it, Nilson.
[NILSON] Take him to the PS unit.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't, if I were you. Well, gentlemen, it seems we have aproblem.
[PRESTON] Good heavens. Look, there's another door. Search throughthere.
[BULIC] Your move, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] So it seems. Perhaps it's time for a little mutual trust.
[DOCTOR] Turlough was telling the truth.
[VORSHAK] Bridge.
[PRESTON [OC]] We've found the intruder's craft. It's amazing. It isn'tof this planet.
[VORSHAK] Is it armed?
[PRESTON [OC]] Not that we can tell.
[VORSHAK] Well, leave a guard on it. Return to the bridge.
[DOCTOR] Well, Commander?
[VORSHAK] Well, it seems the boy was telling the truth after all.
(Silurian cruiser)
[SAUVIX] The warriors are armed and at theirstations.
[ICHTAR] Excellent, Sauvix. It is time to begin.
(Outside the bridge)
[PRESTON] You want something?
[VORSHAK] All right, I believe you're not hostile.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[VORSHAK] But that doesn't mean I trust you. I should like to see ademonstration of your ship.
[DOCTOR] When I've repaired her.
[PRESTON] Commander, the third member of the crew. I found her lurkingoutside.
[TURLOUGH] Are you all right?
[KARINA] Commander, the screen.
[KARINA] It's heading towards the base.
[VORSHAK] Is that the thing we picked up before?
[KARINA] Yes, sir.
[MADDOX] We're getting a clear sensor scan. It is a ship of some kind,but definitely not one of ours.
[VORSHAK] Prepare to fire energy tracers.
[DOCTOR] No, don't!
[VORSHAK] You recognise it?
[DOCTOR] Yes. You mustn't attack.
[VORSHAK] You're hardly in a position to give orders, Doctor.
[BULIC] Ready to fire, Commander.
[DOCTOR] Do so and you'll regret it. I know what that ship is.
[VORSHAK] You're telling us not to defend ourselves?
[DOCTOR] I'm telling you you have no defence. That's a Silurian battlecruiser.
[PRESTON] Silurian?
[DOCTOR] The race that ruled this planet long before your speciesevolved.
[BULIC] Do we fire, sir?
[DOCTOR] Trust me. You must try and make contact with it, find out whatthey want.
[VORSHAK] It's not what they want, it's what I want, Doctor. And I wantto keep them away. Open fire.
(Silurian cruiser)
[TARPOK] The deflector is locked on to their energybeam. Their external weapons system is now suppressed.
[ICHTAR] Proceed as planned.
[VORSHAK] Fire again. Fire again!
[BULIC] Energy systems are dead.
[VORSHAK] You knew that would happen.
[DOCTOR] I did try and warn you.
[PRESTON] What have they done?
[DOCTOR] It's a particle suppressor. They turned your energy beam backon you. They could have blown this base apart. They certainly haveenough reason to.
(Silurian cruiser)
[TARPOK] We are in position.
[ICHTAR] Release the Myrka. Sauvix, proceed to your station. When theMyrka begins its work, you and your warriors commence the attack on themain entry point.
[VORSHAK] I want damage reports as soon aspossible. Maddox, set the computer to analyse the Silurian weapon.
[TEGAN] When did you meet the Silurians, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] A long time ago. I let them down then, it seems I'll do soagain.
[TEGAN] Are they hostile?
[DOCTOR] They're honourable. All they ever wanted to do was live inpeace.
[MADDOX] It doesn't compute, sir.
[DOCTOR] Commander.
[VORSHAK] Yes, what is it?
[DOCTOR] You can't fight them.
[VORSHAK] I can try.
[DOCTOR] Inform your people. Let them know what's going on down here.
[VORSHAK] I can't do that. I must maintain radio silence. I can't riskrevealing the Sea Base's position to the enemy.
[DOCTOR] Friend or enemy, it's a distinction that's lost on theSilurians, I assure you. To them you're all the same. Ape-descendedprimitives. An evolutionary error they obviously mean to correct.
[VORSHAK] Bridge.
[GUARD [OC]] Commander, there's something outside airlock one. It'strying to force the outer door.
[VORSHAK] Stay there. (to Bulic) Get a team down there. Preston, deploythe duty guards to cover all the other airlocks.
[PRESTON] Yes, Commander.
[DOCTOR] Let me go with them. I know the Silurians. If I can talk tothem, we may be able to avoid bloodshed.
[VORSHAK] You can try, but remember we have no reason to trust you.Watch him. The first sign of treachery, kill him.
[PRESTON] Any sign of entry?
[GUARD] No, ma'am.
(Airlock One)
[BULIC] Any change?
[GUARD] No, sir.
[BULIC] The magnetic locks on the outer door are blown. They're in theairlock.
[TEGAN] How can you tell?
[BULIC] The automatic pumps have started up.
[VORSHAK] Bridge.
[PRESTON [OC]] Airlock five is also under attack, Commander.
[VORSHAK] I'll come down at once. Karina, put the reserve team on combatalert. Maddox, stand by for sync up. We may have to contact Sea BaseCommand after all.
[NILSON] But Commander, if we do
[VORSHAK] The Doctor may be right. If he is, these creatures are athreat to all mankind.
[SOLOW] Nilson, we must speak.
[SOLOW] The base is on war alert.
[NILSON] It's all right. While Vorshak is busy, I'm in command of thebridge.
[SOLOW] Are we going to activate Maddox?
[SOLOW] What about the Silurians? What if they manage to break in?
[NILSON] We shall neutralise the Sea Base whatever happens, and with thehelp of Maddox we'll destroy all vital circuitry to do with missilesand communications.
(Airlock One)
[BULIC] Take up defensive positions.
[TURLOUGH] Will it hold?
[BULIC] I wouldn't count on it.
[KARINA] Are you all right? Maddox. Maddox.
[NILSON] Doctor Solow will take care of Maddox.
[KARINA] But he's needed here.
[NILSON] I'm afraid in his present state he's useless.
[KARINA] Shall I inform the Commander?
[NILSON] No, no, no, no. I'll do that. You just return to your duties.I'm sure Doctor Solow will have Maddox back at his terminal as soon aspossible.
(Airlock One)
[TEGAN] What if these Silurians don't want tolisten, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Look on the bright side, Tegan.
[DOCTOR] Oh dear.
[TEGAN] What is it?
[DOCTOR] The Myrka.
(Airlock Five)
[PRESTON] Commander, they're inside the airlock.
[VORSHAK] That didn't take long.
(Computer room)
[KARINA] What are you doing here?
[SOLOW] His duty, as I dictate it.
[KARINA] Sabotage. Maddox, stop it! Maddox, can you hear me? Stop it!
[NILSON] Now kill her, Maddox.
(Airlock One)
[BULIC] Take aim.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid the Myrka takes quite a lot to impress.
[BULIC] Fire!
[BULIC] We hit it.
[TEGAN] He must have killed it.
[DOCTOR] Tegan!
[BULIC] Fire again.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[TEGAN] How would you feel if you'd had a door fall on you?
[DOCTOR] Anything damaged?
[TEGAN] My dignity.
[DOCTOR] Turlough, help me!
[TURLOUGH] It's no good, we can't lift it.
[DOCTOR] Keep back. Don't let it touch you.
[DOCTOR] Bulic, get your people out of here!
[BULIC] Clear the airlock!
[DOCTOR] You too, Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] But Tegan
[DOCTOR] Get out!
[TEGAN] You go as well, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm not leaving you.
[TEGAN] There's no point in us both dying.
[DOCTOR] Who's talking about dying?
(Outside Airlock One)
[BULIC] The creature's in, sir, and our weapons are useless against it.
[VORSHAK [OC]] Use grenades.
[BULIC] The Doctor and the girl are trapped in the airlock.
[VORSHAK [OC]] Has the creature passed the bulkhead door?
[BULIC] No, sir.
[VORSHAK [OC]] Then close it! Seal the bulkhead off immediately.
[VORSHAK [OC]] What do you mean, no? Do it! The safety of the Basedepends on it.
[TURLOUGH] No, wait.
(Airlock One)
[DOCTOR] One last try.
[DOCTOR] Thank you so much.
[TEGAN] They've sealed us up!
[DOCTOR] Brave heart, Tegan.
[TEGAN] Brave heart? That thing's going to kill us.
(Outside Airlock One)
[TURLOUGH] Open it!
[BULIC] The controls are locked. It can now only be opened by thebridge.
[BULIC] Let him go.
[BULIC] Stay on guard, Sergeant.
[GUARD] Yes, sir.
[BULIC] I must see the Commander. The rest of you follow me.
(Airlock One)
[TEGAN] That won't do much good.
[DOCTOR] Get ready. Mind your eyes, Tegan.
[TEGAN] What did you do to it?
[DOCTOR] Simple. The charge from the Myrka's body blew up the magazine.
[TEGAN] It's blinded.
[DOCTOR] Yes, temporarily.
[TURLOUGH] The master control to bulkhead one, where is it?
[NILSON] The Commander's orders were to keep that bulkhead closed.
[TURLOUGH] I know what the Commander's orders were, but now I'm givingyou mine. Open that bulkhead.
[NILSON] The hydraulic valve has blown.
[TURLOUGH] The bulkhead opened?
[NILSON] Yes. But I'm not so sure it closed.
(Sea Base)
[TEGAN] What do we do if the Myrka breaks in,Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, hopefully we can stop it before it does too much damage.
[TEGAN] You said yourself it's practically indestructible.
[DOCTOR] Yes, we all have an Achilles' heel, Tegan, including the Myrka.Now we must hurry. I must speak to Vorshak.
[SOLOW] Nilson, I have hidden the woman's body. The escape pod is readyfor us. We can leave as soon as Maddox has completed his work.
[NILSON] Good.
(Silurian Base)
[TARPOK] The Myrka has broken through the bulkheaddoor.
[ICHTAR] Command it to make for its objective.
(Airlock Five)
[VORSHAK] Vorshak.
[NILSON [OC]] The creature's broken into the Base. Turlough forced us toopen the bulkhead door.
[VORSHAK] Sound full alert, Nilson. (to Bulic) Get your best people toAirlock One immediately. They must stop that creature.
[BULIC] Our weapons have no effect on it.
[VORSHAK] Have them try!
[DOCTOR] He's right, Commander. Your weapons are useless against it.
[VORSHAK] But not against you. You know what Turlough has done?
[TEGAN] Yes, he saved our lives.
[VORSHAK] I ordered that bulkhead to be kept closed.
[DOCTOR] The bulkhead wouldn't have kept the Myrka out for long.
[PRESTON] Commander, the seals are about to blow.
[DOCTOR] If it's any consolation, I may just know how to stop it.
[VORSHAK] When I want your help, I'll ask for it.
[DOCTOR] You've got nothing to lose.
[VORSHAK] I should have you shot.
[DOCTOR] After I've dealt with the Myrka.
[VORSHAK] All right, but I can't spare you any help.
[DOCTOR] I need just one person. Someone in authority who can get thingsdone.
[VORSHAK] Very well. Preston, go with him.
[VORSHAK] Kill him if he gives you any trouble. That's an order. Therest of you, get ready.
[VORSHAK] Get back! Back.
(Outside Airlock Five)
[BULIC] They've got us outgunned, Commander.
[VORSHAK] I know. It all depends now on whether this bulkhead can holdthem.
(Airlock Five)
[SAUVIX] Bring forth the cutting device.
(Outside Airlock Five)
[TURLOUGH] The Doctor and Tegan, where are they?
[VORSHAK] They're safe, and contributing to the defence of this Base, asyou are.
[VORSHAK] You're volunteering your services to defend this bulkhead.
(Sea Base)
[PRESTON] Preston.
[GUARD [OC]] The Myrka's in corridor seven.
[PRESTON] Delay it's progress as much as possible.
[GUARD [OC]] We'll do our best.
[DOCTOR] It can only be heading for one place.
[PRESTON] The bridge?
[DOCTOR] Yes, the bridge.
[PRESTON] I'll inform the Commander.
[DOCTOR] Do you have ultraviolet converters on the Base?
[DOCTOR] Good. Now, will the Myrka have to pass this way to get to thebridge?
[PRESTON] If it maintains its present course.
[DOCTOR] Perfect. I need a converter brought here.
[PRESTON] Tech unit.
(Outside Airlock Five)
[BULIC] It's not going to hold.
[VORSHAK] We must break radio silence.
[BULIC] Have every enemy listening post pinpoint our position?
[VORSHAK] Sea Base Command has to know about these creatures. We have nochoice.
(Sea Base)
[DOCTOR] Ah. Set it up here.
[PRESTON] That'll be all. Carry on.
[DOCTOR] Now, what do you think. Will the lighting circuit bear maximumconverter load?
[PRESTON] Just about.
[TEGAN] What have you got in mind?
[DOCTOR] I'm planning to bring a little sunshine into the Myrka's life.
[BULIC [OC]] The Commander is on his way up tosignal Sea Base Command. Have Maddox stand by for sync up.
[NILSON] Understood.
[SOLOW] What are you going to do?
[NILSON] Maddox must finish what he has started.
(Sea Base)
[PRESTON] I suppose you know what you're doing.
[DOCTOR] The Myrka is a creature of the inkiest depths, or it was untilthe Silurians tinkered with its biology. Anyway, it has littletolerance to light and hopefully none at all to ultraviolet rays.
[TEGAN] Can you be sure?
[DOCTOR] No, Tegan. Perhaps you should ask it nicely to go away.
(Computer room)
[NILSON] The work goes well. Wait in the escapepod. I'll join you when I can.
[SOLOW] What about Maddox's conditioning disc?
[NILSON] Take it with you. It'll provide essential knowledge.
[SOLOW] Good luck.
(Sea Base)
[PRESTON] Ready?
[TEGAN] Ready now?
[DOCTOR] Yes, almost.
[PRESTON] Doctor Solow.
[DOCTOR] Look!
[DOCTOR] Perfect. Almost.
[GUARD] 43Y.
(Airlock Five)
[ICHTAR] How fares the course of battle?
[SAUVIX] The outcome is certain. The ape primitives are no match for mywarriors. They will be crushed.
(Sea Base)
[VORSHAK] You have everything you need?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I think so.
[TEGAN] What happened to Turlough?
[VORSHAK] He's defending Airlock Five with Bulic. Doctor, I've decidedto take your advice. I'm contacting Sea Base Command.
[DOCTOR] Very wise.
[GUARD] The Myrka's coming this way, sir.
[GUARD] It killed Doctor Solow. We found this by the body.
[DOCTOR] Something wrong?
[VORSHAK] I pray not, Doctor. Get down to Airlock Five. Preston, comewith me.
[VORSHAK] Vorshak.
[BULIC [OC]] They're in, sir. The Sea Devils are everywhere.
[VORSHAK] You must hold them.
(Outside Airlock Five)
[BULIC] We'll try, Commander.
[VORSHAK [OC]] Do what you can.
[BULIC] Back! Get back!
(Computer room)
[NILSON] Don't die on me, Maddox. Not yet. Not till you've served yourpurpose.
[NILSON] Now, hurry.
(Outside Airlock Five)
[ICHTAR] Are the ape primitives in full retreat? Doyou control all strategic areas?
[SAUVIX] Yes, Ichtar.
[ICHTAR] Excellent. We expect the Myrka to take the bridge very soon.
[SAUVIX] Then the outcome is doubly certain.
[VORSHAK] Maddox's conditioning disc. You were ordered to return it tome.
[NILSON] Solow was in charge of that disc. I assumed she had.
[VORSHAK] Where is Maddox?
[NILSON] Inside, checking the sync circuit.
[VORSHAK] Get him in here.
[PRESTON] Commander.
(Computer room)
[VORSHAK] Maddox! What are you doing?
[PRESTON] He's still alive.
[VORSHAK] Check the damage to the other computers.
(Sea Base)
[DOCTOR] Here it comes. Now we'll know if my theorywas right.
[TEGAN] Switch it on.
[DOCTOR] Just a few more feet.
[TEGAN] Switch it on!
[DOCTOR] All right, Tegan, close your eyes. Make a wish!
[TEGAN] Is it dead?
[DOCTOR] Very. Let's get back to the bridge.
[TARPOK] The Myrka has been destroyed.
[ICHTAR] The ape primitives have more cunning than we thought. Sauvix,divert your warriors. We must capture the bridge without delay.
[SAUVIX] At once, Ichtar.
(Computer room)
[VORSHAK] You were in charge of the bridge. Howcould you not know what was going on in here?
[PRESTON] Commander! Karina's dead. She's been murdered.
[VORSHAK] You'll answer to a court martial for this, I promise, butfirst, you'll revive Maddox and decondition him. I want him ready forsync up. We must signal Sea Base Command.
[NILSON] I'm afraid we can't do that, Commander.
[VORSHAK] You'll do it!
[NILSON] Your weapons, please.
(Outside the bridge)
[TEGAN] What do the Silurians want, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Obvious. Control the Base and the proton missiles
[TEGAN] And you control Earth?
[DOCTOR] Or destroy it.
[VORSHAK] I trusted you, Nilson.
[NILSON] Don't take it so hard, Commander. Like you, we were only doingour duty.
[DOCTOR] The Myrka is dead, Commander.
[NILSON] That's far enough, Doctor.
[VORSHAK] It seems Nilson is an enemy agent.
[TEGAN] For the Silurians?
[VORSHAK] No, our human enemies.
[NILSON] The power bloc opposed to this Sea Base.
[DOCTOR] There isn't time for your petty feuds.
[NILSON] I know what I'm doing, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Do you? Before long, the Silurians and the Sea Devils will havecontrol of this Base.
[VORSHAK] And control of the proton missiles.
[NILSON] Missiles they can't fire. Maddox has irreversibly rigged thecomputers to that effect.
[DOCTOR] The technology of these creatures predates yours by millions ofyears. If they intend to fire those missiles, they have the means, Iassure you.
[NILSON] They won't have time. As soon as I've left in the escape pod,this Base will be attacked and everything on it, including thecreatures and all of you, will perish.
[MADDOX] Nilson, you made me kill Karina. Now you're going to
[NILSON] I'm sorry, Maddox, but your usefulness is at an end.
[NILSON] Leave him! He's dead.
[NILSON] If any of you try to follow me, she dies.
(Sea Base)
[SAUVIX] Isolate them.
[PRESTON] The computers have been badly damaged.
[VORSHAK] Vorshak.
[GUARD [OC]] There's not much more we can do, sir. The Sea Devils havejust breached the bridge perimeter.
[VORSHAK] Where are Bulic and Turlough?
[GUARD [OC]] Dead, or taken, Commander.
[VORSHAK] I'm sorry.
[DOCTOR] I'm going after Nilson.
(Sea Base)
[SAUVIX] The way to the bridge is cleared.
(Crew barracks)
[TURLOUGH] We've got to get out of here.
[BULIC] To go where? The Sea Devils are all over the place.
[TURLOUGH] The Tardis? At least we'd be safe there.
(Sea Base)
[NILSON] Be still, woman. Pity all the Doctor's efforts were to noavail.
[TEGAN] You haven't got away yet.
[NILSON] Stay where you are. You were very foolish to follow me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Let Tegan go. She's of no use to you now. Killing us won't makeyour escape any easier. You fire, and every Sea Devil in the area willcome running.
[NILSON] I'll take that risk.
[DOCTOR] Tegan, make a wish!
[NILSON] Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye.
[SAUVIX] Your turn.
(Sea Base)
[DOCTOR] How do you do? I'm the Doctor. Haven't wemet before?
(Crew barracks)
[TURLOUGH] What's this?
[BULIC] A ventilation shaft.
[TARPOK] The Sea Devil warriors have captured the reactor room.
[ICHTAR] Excellent.
[VORSHAK] Allow my crew to surrender.
[ICHTAR] It is they who insist upon fighting.
[SCIBUS] The damage is assessed, Ichtar. The computer can be restored tonormal functioning.
[ICHTAR] Perfect.
[DOCTOR] Ichtar.
[TEGAN] You know him?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I thought he'd been killed.
[ICHTAR] Remove these people from the bridge.
[DOCTOR] You do not recognise me now, but we are known to each other.
[ICHTAR] You are mistaken. Take him away.
[DOCTOR] No, wait, wait, please. In an earlier regeneration you knew meas the Doctor.
[ICHTAR] The Doctor? You can prove what you say?
[DOCTOR] I know that you are Ichtar, the surviving leader of the nobleSilurian Triad. When we last met I tried to mediate between you and thepeople of Earth.
[ICHTAR] So it is you.
[DOCTOR] May we speak?
[ICHTAR] The Doctor and Commander Vorshak will remain. Remove theothers.
[ICHTAR] I will listen to what you say, but I should tell you that theSilurians have long since abandoned the way of mediation.
[DOCTOR] So it seems. Why? A civilised race like yours, wagingunprovoked war?
[ICHTAR] Defensive war, Doctor. There is a distinction. Silurian lawforbids any other.
[DOCTOR] Defensive? There's no such thing. When we last met, yoursupreme wish was to live at peace with the other inhabitants of thisplanet. Now, why change such an enlightened policy now?
[ICHTAR] Our policy has always been peaceful survival. All that haschanged is the means by which it can be achieved.
[DOCTOR] What, by actions such as we've seen here?
[ICHTAR] You forget. Twice we offered the hand of friendship to theseape-descended primitives, and twice we were treacherously attacked, ourpeople slaughtered. It will not happen again.
[DOCTOR] There can be no alternative to peaceful co-existence.
[ICHTAR] There is, Doctor. A final solution.
[DOCTOR] Genocide? When everything you Silurians hold sacred forbids it?
[ICHTAR] We will harm no one. These ape primitives will destroythemselves. We, Doctor, will merely provide the pretext.
[DOCTOR] You'll trigger the war this Base was designed to fight.
[ICHTAR] Yes. And these human beings will die as they have lived, in asea of their own blood.
(Crew barracks)
[TEGAN [OC]] Let go! Let go of me, you (???)
[TEGAN] Leave me alone! Let go of me.
[TEGAN] You're alive.
[TURLOUGH] Alive, well, and trying to escape. Would one of you mindkeeping watch, please?
[PRESTON] I will.
[TARPOK] Binary circuits of the computer are nowfunctioning.
[ICHTAR] Can we activate the missile data banks?
[TARPOK] We will need the Commander's hand scan for clearance.
[VORSHAK] You'll get no help from me, Silurian.
[ICHTAR] Your hand scan, Commander. I will not ask again.
[DOCTOR] I would do as he says if I were you, Commander.
[DOCTOR] Alive or dead, they can still use your hand scan, and whilethere's life there's also hope.
[ICHTAR] Thank you, Doctor.
[VORSHAK] Those missiles will never leave their pads, not without a syncoperator to complete the firing sequence.
[DOCTOR] Not so.
[VORSHAK] A sync operator is our insurance against unauthorised launch.
[DOCTOR] If my guess is right, that little piece of Silurian gadgetrywill more than make up for the lack of a sync operator unless we'reable to do something about it.
(Crew barracks)
[TURLOUGH] Back to the Tardis.
[TEGAN] No, not the Tardis, the bridge. They've got the Doctor up thereas well as the Commander. Do you think we can get them both away?
[TURLOUGH] What is it about Earth people that makes them think a futilegesture is a noble one?
[TEGAN] Turlough
[BULIC] You would prefer we left our friends to die?
[TURLOUGH] If there was any chance of saving them, I'd be the first togo, but there isn't!
[TEGAN] Look, we don't know until we've checked. Coming?
[SCIBUS] The missiles are retargeted.
[ICHTAR] Excellent.
[DOCTOR] Do you intend to explode those missiles in space?
[DOCTOR] Launching those things will trigger a holocaust. You'll destroyeveryone.
[ICHTAR] The Silurians and Sea Devils will survive.
[DOCTOR] To be masters of a dead planet.
[ICHTAR] Not quite, Doctor. Still safely hidden away in deep hibernationis the true life force of this planet. When restored, our civilisationwill rule the Earth once more.
[DOCTOR] I see.
(Crew barracks)
[PRESTON] All clear.
[PRESTON] Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] What's the matter?
[PRESTON] They would have stood a better chance if we'd gone with them.
[TURLOUGH] A better chance of what, of dying? I don't think so. I thinkthey'll manage that very nicely themselves, thank you.
[TURLOUGH] Put your foot in.
[PRESTON] Really.
[TURLOUGH] Come on.
[DOCTOR] What about us? Are we included in yourfinal solution?
[ICHTAR] We bear you no malice, Doctor. Once we have finished here, youand your companions will be released.
[DOCTOR] And the rest of these people?
[ICHTAR] They will die. An act of mercy, since there will be nobody forthem to rejoin. Commander, you will please join me at the masterconsole.
[DOCTOR] Commander.
[VORSHAK] Yes, I know.
(Computer room)
[BULIC] The Doctor.
[ICHTAR] Initiate the test firing sequence.
(Computer room)
[TEGAN] Did he see you?
[BULIC] Yes, and he'd better hurry. It can't be long before theydiscover we've escaped.
[DOCTOR] Excellent timing. Is Turlough safe?
[TEGAN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Lead on.
[BULIC] But aren't we going to get the Commander out?
[DOCTOR] Impossible. They need him in there.
[BULIC] Well, we must at least try.
[DOCTOR] Not here, not now. We'll come back for him, I promise.
[TEGAN] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] The chemical store.
(Sea Base)
[PRESTON] This way.
[SAUVIX] The primitives have escaped.
[ICHTAR] Explain.
[SAUVIX] Where is the Doctor?
[ICHTAR] Commander? Find the Doctor. Find the primitives. Kill them!
(Sea Base)
[TURLOUGH] They must be mopping up survivors.
[PRESTON] Or your friends. Either way, shouldn't we help them?
[ICHTAR] Connect the manipulator.
(Sea Base)
[TEGAN] Hurry up, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] You didn't think I'd leave you?
[TEGAN] It never crossed my mind.
[PRESTON] Where were you going?
[DOCTOR] The chemical store.
[BULIC] This way.
[ICHTAR] Is the computer fully operational?
[TARPOK] Restored and tested.
[ICHTAR] Then align the manipulator to the computer.
(Chemical store)
[DOCTOR] Watch the doors.
[TEGAN] What are we looking for?
[DOCTOR] An alternative to this. Something less lethal that will do thejob just as well.
[PRESTON] Do you know what the Silurians want?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, all in all they were very forthcoming, really. Theyintend to launch your missiles and trigger a war to end all wars,between your people, of course.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor!
[PRESTON] What happened?
[DOCTOR] Hexachromite. It does that to all reptile life.
[PRESTON] Then use it on the invaders.
[DOCTOR] And kill them?
[PRESTON] Why not? They're about to start a war that will destroyeveryone on Earth.
[DOCTOR] I sometimes wonder why I like the people of this miserableplanet so much. The Silurians and Sea Devils are noble races. They haveskills and talents you pathetic humans can only dream about.
[TURLOUGH] That doesn't alter what they're about to do.
[DOCTOR] No. No, and we must stop them.
[TEGAN] What's the alternative?
[DOCTOR] Something that will disable rather than kill.
[TARPOK] Manipulator aligned with the computer.
[SCIBUS] Alignment confirmed.
[ICHTAR] Good. Then we can proceed.
[ICHTAR] Is this a practice missile run?
[VORSHAK] It's impossible to tell.
[ICHTAR] Check the manipulator.
[SCIBUS] Readings confirm a computer controlled practice run.
[ICHTAR] It is time to stop this game. Activate the manipulator. Launchthe missiles.
(Chemical store)
[BULIC] Missile alert.
[PRESTON] Doctor
[DOCTOR] Yes, I hear. What does it mean?
[BULIC] Final countdown is imminent.
[TURLOUGH] What are you going to do?
[TEGAN] You must decide, Doctor. Billions of people could die.
[DOCTOR] Yes, all right. Turlough, get the grill open. Preston, fetchthat pump. We have to feed the gas into the ventilation system.
[SCIBUS] Missiles are armed and targeted.
[VORSHAK] You're mad.
[ICHTAR] The ape primitives have developed this weaponry. We cannot beheld responsible for it.
[VORSHAK] Contact the heads of governments. Tell them your demands.They'll listen.
[ICHTAR] Your people have already had their chance.
[VORSHAK] Try one more time, for pity's sake.
[ICHTAR] It is too late for pity. It is much too late.
(Chemical store)
[DOCTOR] It'll take some time for the gas to spreadthroughout the Base.
[TEGAN] Will it be fast enough?
[DOCTOR] I hope it won't be necessary at all. If I can get to the bridgein time, I may be able to reason with Ichtar, persuade him to abandonthe missile run.
[TURLOUGH] You've tried that already.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, this time I'll have something to back my argument.
[ICHTAR] Soon it'll all be over.
[TARPOK] There is computer resistance to the manipulator.
[VORSHAK] I said you wouldn't succeed.
[ICHTAR] Increase power, Tarpok. It seems that your computers are asstubborn as you are, Commander.
(Chemical store)
[DOCTOR] Now, I want you all to go back to theTardis. You'll be safer there whatever happens.
[BULIC] We've gone to yellow alert.
[DOCTOR] I must go.
[SAUVIX] So, Doctor, I have found you.
[ICHTAR] Speak.
[SAUVIX [OC]] I have found the Doctor.
[ICHTAR] And you have your orders. Kill him.
(Chemical store)
[DOCTOR] You must listen to me.
[SAUVIX] No, Doctor, you must die. But first, switch off the pump.
[TEGAN] She's dead.
[DOCTOR] A waste.
[TEGAN] Well, don't let her death count for nothing.
[DOCTOR] No. No, I must get to the bridge.
[TEGAN] Doctor, you'll need some help.
[DOCTOR] Yes, all right. Bring oxygen. We may need it.
[SCIBUS] The computer has stabilised.
[TARPOK] The manipulator has regained control.
[ICHTAR] Now do you believe me, Commander?
(Sea Base)
[DOCTOR] It's working, and quickly. I can't bargain with Ichtar if hisguards are dead.
[ICHTAR] Fetch him.
[VORSHAK] I will not be responsible for the destruction of my own kind.
[ICHTAR] The final phase.
[ICHTAR] Disarm them! You're just in time to witness the missile launch,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, wait. Your warriors are dying everywhere. Abandon the base.
[TEGAN] Look, it's hexachromite gas.
[DOCTOR] Abandon the launch! There's still time to save your own lives.
[ICHTAR] There are millions more ready to replace us.
[DOCTOR] Who will replace you? With you dies the last of the Triad, thecustodians of your race. What will become of your people then?
[ICHTAR] You talk in vain, Doctor. Kill them! Kill them!
[DOCTOR] Bulic, turn off the gas!
[ICHTAR] Commence ignition, Scibus!
[DOCTOR] The missiles are set to fire. How long have we got?
[VORSHAK] Less than three minutes.
[DOCTOR] What's the abort procedure?
[VORSHAK] Well, a phased electrical charge aimed directly at theignition circuit. It restores the launch to simulation.
[DOCTOR] Well, it must be done at once.
[VORSHAK] It's impossible. Only a sync operator can do it, and Maddox isdead.
[DOCTOR] Well, I shall have to try.
[VORSHAK] But the computer would burn out your mind in seconds.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you have a better idea?
[VORSHAK] Very well, get into the seat.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, try to disconnect the computer first.
[DOCTOR] No, no, there isn't time.
[VORSHAK] He's right. We're already on final countdown to ignition.
[DOCTOR] Tegan, look after the Silurians. Give them oxygen.
[VORSHAK] Now, I can perform the manual tasks, but you will have to dothe rest.
[TEGAN] Good luck, Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] The strain's too great. He'll never manage it.
[VORSHAK] No. No, his mind is synchronised with the computer. Doctor,can you hear me?
[VORSHAK] I'm going to switch you through to the ignition circuit.
[TURLOUGH] The oxygen isn't having much effect.
[TEGAN] This one's coming round.
[TURLOUGH] See to the other Silurian there.
[VORSHAK] I've isolated the ignition circuit, Doctor. Can you identifyit? Nod if you can.
[VORSHAK] Concentrate, Doctor. I will now feed in the charge. To burnout the circuit, concentrate and direct it.
[TEGAN] Turlough!
[VORSHAK] The charge must be in phase with the pulse of the circuit. Ifnot, it will destroy you.
[TURLOUGH] Look out, Commander.
[VORSHAK] Now concentrate, Doctor. Let nothing distract you.
[VORSHAK] Now, Doctor!
[VORSHAK] You've done it.
[VORSHAK] He did it!
[TEGAN] He's alive.
[TURLOUGH] The Commander wasn't so lucky, I'm afraid. He's been shot.
[DOCTOR] Did I succeed?
[TEGAN] Yes, Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] They're all dead, you know.
[DOCTOR] There should have been another way.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s21", "episode": "e01", "title": "Warriors of the Deep"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (19 Jan, 1984; Fifth Doctor) - The Awakening
(Stable yard)
[JANE] Ben? Ben? Are you there, Ben?
[JANE] Careful! You'll kill somebody.
[JANE] Don't be so stupid.
[JANE] Don't touch me! Get off!
[WOLSEY] It's only me.
[JANE] Ben. Ben, you're mad!
[WOLSEY] Nonsense, my dear. Just a bit of fun.
[JANE] Fun?
[JANE] Sir George, you must stop these war games.
[HUTCHINSON] Stop them? Why, Miss Hampden, you of all people, our schoolteacher, should appreciate the value of reenacting actual events. It'sa living history.
[JANE] It's getting out of hand. The village is in turmoil.
[HUTCHINSON] So there's been a little damage. That's the way people usedto behave in those days. It's a game. You must expect high spirits.
[JANE] Not when people can get hurt. It must stop.
[HUTCHINSON] And so it shall. We have but one last battle to fight. Joinus. See the merit of what we do.
[TURLOUGH] Is that any better?
[DOCTOR] Er, no. No, no, still some time distortion.
[TEGAN] Is there a problem? We are going to Earth?
[DOCTOR] Date, time and place asked for. How else could you visit yourgrandfather?
[TURLOUGH] We're nearly there.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Well, we've arrived.
[TURLOUGH] We've hit an energy field.
[DOCTOR] Unexpected aura for a quiet English village.
[TEGAN] Let's get out of here.
[TURLOUGH] Quickly, Doctor. Relocate the Tardis.
[TEGAN] Hold on! There's somebody out there.
[DOCTOR] He's trapped. If there's another fall, he'll be killed.
[TURLOUGH] We can't go out there!
[TURLOUGH] Doctor!
[TEGAN] He's gone.
[DOCTOR] Hello? Hello!
[DOCTOR] Wait, please.
[TEGAN] Did you see his clothes? We're in the wrong century.
[TURLOUGH] We're not. I checked the time monitor. It is 1984.
[DOCTOR] Let's have a look around.
(Manor house)
[HUTCHINSON] I don't understand you. Every man, woman and child in thisvillage is involved in these war games except you. Why? It's great fun.An adventure.
[JANE] I understand that.
[HUTCHINSON] Then join us. Your influence could temper the morehigh-spirited, prevent accidents.
[JANE] Look, I don't care if a few high-spirited kids get their headsbanged together. It's gone beyond that. Suppose what happened to mehappens to somebody else, a stranger, a visitor to the village.
[HUTCHINSON] There will be no visitors to the village. It's beenisolated from the outside world. No one can enter or leave.
[JANE] You can't do that!
[HUTCHINSON] Can't I? It's been done.
[TEGAN] Where'd he go?
[TURLOUGH] Well, if he can move that quickly, he can't be hurt verybadly.
[DOCTOR] Interesting.
[TEGAN] I don't like it.
[DOCTOR] Then admire the craftsmanship. Seventeenth century. Probably on a theme ofa man being chased by the devil. Must admit I've never seen anythingquite like it before.
[TEGAN] Looks as though a bomb's hit the place.
[TURLOUGH] Maybe it did.
[TEGAN] Can we find my grandfather?
[TURLOUGH] What was that?
[DOCTOR] A ghost.
(Outside the church)
[TURLOUGH] Why'd they build the church so far from the village?
[TEGAN] Perhaps they were refused planning permission.
[DOCTOR] Behave yourselves. We have company.
[TURLOUGH] We should go back.
[DOCTOR] Too late.
[WILLOW] Where do you think you're going? This is Sir GeorgeHutchinson's land.
[DOCTOR] If we're trespassing, I apologise.
[WILLOW] Little Hodcombe, for your own safety, is a closed area. We'rein the middle of a war game.
[TEGAN] We're here to visit my grandfather.
[WILLOW] You'd better see Sir George. He'll sort it out. Move out!
(Manor house)
[TEGAN] Stop it! Leave me alone!
[WOLSEY] What's going on here?
[WILLOW] Trespassers, Colonel. I've arrested them.
[JANE] I don't believe this.
[WOLSEY] Are you sure you should be doing this?
[WILLOW] Sir George has been informed.
[WOLSEY] I'm sorry about this. Some of the men do get a bit carriedaway. We'll soon have the business sorted out and you safely on yourway.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. It's a very impressive room, Colonel.
[WOLSEY] My pride and joy.
[DOCTOR] Seventeenth century.
[WOLSEY] Yes, perfect in every detail.
[TEGAN] What is going on?
[JANE] I'm sorry, I don't know. I think everyone's gone mad.
[TEGAN] Look, we don't want to interfere. We're just here to visit mygrandfather.
[WILLOW] Oh yes? And who might he be?
[TEGAN] Andrew Verney.
[WILLOW] Verney?
[TEGAN] What's wrong?
[JANE] He disappeared a few days ago.
[TEGAN] Well, has anything been done to find him?
[JANE] Ben?
[TEGAN] Well?
[DOCTOR] Now calm down, Tegan. I'm sure we can sort this out.
[TEGAN] Oh, for heaven's sake!
[DOCTOR] Tegan, come back! Turlough, fetch her, will you?
[DOCTOR] Please.
[WILLOW] You! Stay where you are!
(Stable yard)
[TEGAN] What are you doing? Give me that back!
(Manor house)
[HUTCHINSON] What's this?
[WILLOW] He tried to escape, sir.
[HUTCHINSON] He isn't a prisoner, Sergeant Willow. You must treatvisitors with more respect.
[DOCTOR] What is going on?
[HUTCHINSON] A celebration. On the thirteenth of July, 1643, the EnglishCivil War came to Little Hodcombe. A Parliamentary force and a regimentfor the King destroyed each other, and the village.
[DOCTOR] And you're celebrating that?
[HUTCHINSON] Why not? It's our heritage.
[JANE] It's a madness.
[HUTCHINSON] Yes. Miss Hampden, you see, disagrees with our activities.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. I can understand why.
[HUTCHINSON] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] I'm known as the Doctor.
[HUTCHINSON] Are you a member of the theatrical profession?
[DOCTOR] No more than you are.
[HUTCHINSON] Ah. Ha, ha! How did you get to the village?
[DOCTOR] Through the woods, via the church.
[WILLOW] That's where I found him, sir.
[HUTCHINSON] I would avoid the church, if I were you. It's verydangerous. Could fall down at any minute.
[DOCTOR] Hmm, so I'd noticed.
[HUTCHINSON] However, since you're here, you must join in our games.It's our final battle.
[DOCTOR] Do you know, I'd love to, but first I must find Tegan andTurlough, and Tegan's grandfather. I gather he's disappeared. Good day!
[HUTCHINSON] Wait, wait, wait.
[WILLOW] Tegan is Verney's granddaughter.
[HUTCHINSON] Double the perimeter guard. He mustn't get out of thevillage. And help him find Verney's granddaughter.
[WILLOW] Right.
[HUTCHINSON] I've something rather special in mind for her.
[JANE] Detaining people against their will is illegal, Sir George. TheDoctor and his friends included.
[HUTCHINSON] I shouldn't let that bother you, Miss Hampden. As the localmagistrate, I shall find myself quite innocent.
[TEGAN] Oh, no! Come on! Help!
[TEGAN] Oh, it's you.
[TURLOUGH] What's happening?
[TEGAN] Later. Let's get away from here first.
[DOCTOR] Turlough! Tegan!
[DOCTOR] Wait! Come back!
[DOCTOR] How could he get so far?
[WOLSEY] We'll never find her. She could be anywhere.
[WILLOW] Ask for more men.
[WOLSEY] Hutchinson won't allow it. He's got everyone guarding theperimeter.
[WILLOW] We're wasting our time with only four searching. If he wantsher so badly, he's got to find more men.
[WOLSEY] Ring him.
[WILLOW] Not allowed. I'll have to go back to the house.
[WOLSEY] All right. Carry on searching, you two. Try Verney's cottageagain. She might be there. I'll come with you.
[DOCTOR] Hello? I saw you enter. All I want isTegan's bag. What have you done with her? I know you can hear me.
[DOCTOR] Gunpowder.
[CHANDLER] Sorry it took me so long. Thought he'd never eat.
[DOCTOR] Who are you? I'm the Doctor.
[CHANDLER] Doctor? That don't be a proper name. Will Chandler be aproper name.
[DOCTOR] I won't hurt you.
[CHANDLER] I will hit 'ee. My hand's hurting.
[DOCTOR] Show me.
[DOCTOR] What were you doing in there?
[CHANDLER] It's a priest hole, innit. I hid from fighting.
[DOCTOR] What fighting?
[CHANDLER] What fighting? Ere, where you been then?
[DOCTOR] What year is this?
[CHANDLER] Ah, I knows that one. Year sixteen hundred and forty three.
[DOCTOR] Sixteen hundred and forty three.
[CHANDLER] Is the battle done?
[DOCTOR] Er, yes, Will. Battle's done.
[DOCTOR] Ah, just in time.
[TEGAN] Time? We almost didn't make it.
[TURLOUGH] We have to get out of here.
[TEGAN] There's something very strange going on.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know.
[TURLOUGH] Who is that?
[DOCTOR] Will Chandler.
[TEGAN] Where did he come from?
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, that's something we're going to have to talk about.
(Manor house)
[MAN [OC]] We lost them through the woods.
[HUTCHINSON] Where is she?
[WOLSEY] We can't find her. We need more men.
[HUTCHINSON] I want Tegan, not excuses, Wolsey.
[JANE] Don't listen to him, Ben.
[HUTCHINSON] Miss Hampden, you are beginning to bore me with yourconstant bleating.
[WILLOW] She doesn't understand. We must have our Queen of the May.
[HUTCHINSON] Precisely. Think of it as the resurrection of an oldtradition.
[JANE] Not the way you'd like to celebrate it. I know the old custom ofthis village. I know what happens to a May Queen at the end of herreign.
[WOLSEY] We're not going to harm her.
[JANE] You might not. I'm not so sure about them.
[HUTCHINSON] The tradition must continue. Something is coming to ourvillage. Something very wonderful and strange.
[WOLSEY] We must find Tegan.
[JANE] You're so gullible, Ben. You'll do anything he says.
[JANE] Right, I'm going to the police. I'll soon put a stop to this.
[WILLOW] Shut up! Just be grateful it is the stranger who is to becrowned Queen of the May. It so easily could have been you.
[WILLOW] And it still might be if we don't find her.
[DOCTOR] There's been a confusion in time. Somehow1984 has become linked with 1643.
[TURLOUGH] What about the apparitions?
[DOCTOR] Psychic projections.
[TEGAN] The man we saw when we arrived? He was real enough.
[DOCTOR] Still a psychic projection, but with substance.
[TURLOUGH] Matter projected from the past? That would require enormousenergy.
[DOCTOR] An alien power source.
[TEGAN] What about Will?
[DOCTOR] A projection, too, and at the moment a benign one.
[TURLOUGH] This crack has got larger.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Ominous, isn't it? As is the fact your grandfather hasdisappeared. I think it's time I sought some answers.
[TEGAN] Where?
[DOCTOR] The village.
[TEGAN] Always so scientific.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Will. You're coming with me.
[TEGAN] What about us?
[DOCTOR] You'll be safer in the Tardis. And don't argue. Will!
[TURLOUGH] You heard the Doctor.
(Outside the church)
[CHANDLER] This ain't possible.
[DOCTOR] Look at the others.
[DOCTOR] Will, in here.
[TURLOUGH] We're too late.
[TEGAN] We must tell the Doctor.
(Side chapel)
[DOCTOR] Strange. Will, come and see.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter? Will? Will, what happened in 1643?
[CHANDLER] Troopers come.
[DOCTOR] No. No, no. Something else.
[CHANDLER] Malus come. Malus's got to war, ain't he? He makes fightingworse. He makes them hate more.
[DOCTOR] The Malus is just a superstition.
[CHANDLER] No, no, no. I've seen Malus. I seen it.
(Outside the church)
[TURLOUGH] Now where?
[TEGAN] He said he was going to the village.
[TURLOUGH] Let's go, but watch out for those horsemen.
(Side chapel)
[DOCTOR] Will, tell me what happened? How did itappear?
[CHANDLER] It was Roundheads and Cavaliers, and they were fighting inchurch. And there was a wind coming. Such a wind. And then Malus, hecame from nowhere.
[DOCTOR] What did it look like? Like this? Did it look like this?
[DOCTOR] It's all right, it's all right, it's all right.
[DOCTOR] Interesting. Come on, Will.
[TEGAN] It's eerie.
[TURLOUGH] Where is everyone?
[TEGAN] Oh, no!
[TURLOUGH] Split up!
[TEGAN] Let me go!
[WILLOW] Not yet, my dear.
[WOLSEY] Do you have to enjoy this sort of thing quite so much?
[WILLOW] Just obeying orders, Colonel.
[WOLSEY] That's what they all say.
(Manor house)
[HUTCHINSON] After her! You'll need some light. Get a candle.
(Secret chamber)
[DOCTOR] Stay close, Will.
[DOCTOR] Quickly.
[HUTCHINSON [OC]] Come on, hurry yourselves. Through here.
[DOCTOR] In here.
[HUTCHINSON] Keep that light near. We'll catch her before the church.Move yourselves! I don't want this to take all day.
[CHANDLER] They be troopers.
[DOCTOR] No, no, just twentieth century men playing a particularly nastygame.
(Attic room)
[WILLOW] Change into that.
[TEGAN] Why?
[WILLOW] Just do as you're told. Unless you want me to do it for you.
(Secret chamber)
[HUTCHINSON] She won't get far. The village is sealed. Get me SergeantWillow. I must see how the preparations are going. And see my horse isbrought round immediately. I'll spend no more time on this.
[JANE] It's not like Sir George to give up so easily.
[DOCTOR] Be grateful. Where do the steps lead?
[JANE] Colonel Wolsey's house. This must be the passage Andrew Verneydiscovered. He's our local historian.
[DOCTOR] Yes, Tegan told me.
[DOCTOR] Just a minute.
[JANE] What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's metal.
[JANE] It can't be. It's all squashy.
[DOCTOR] It's tinclavic.
[JANE] Tinclavic? What is it? Where has it come from?
[DOCTOR] The planet Ragga. Let's get back to the church.
(Attic room)
[TEGAN] Don't you ever knock before entering a room?
[WILLOW] You'd better be careful. You're beginning to annoy me.
[TEGAN] What are you doing?
[WILLOW] Those are your clothes now, compliments of Sir GeorgeHutchinson. You're our Queen of the May.
[TEGAN] What?
[JANE] Oh, slow down. What do you mean, this is from the planet Ragga?
[DOCTOR] Precisely what I said. The Tereleptils mine tinclavic for moreor less the exclusive use of the people of Hakol. That's in the starsystem Rifta, you know.
[JANE] Oh, no. I've escaped from one madman to find another. Do youexpect me to believe what you're saying?
[DOCTOR] Well, you take that sample to any metallurgist and they'llconfirm it isn't from this planet.
[JANE] You're serious.
[DOCTOR] Never more so.
[JANE] Very well, then. For the sake of argument, I'll accept what yousay, but how did it come to Little Hodcombe?
[DOCTOR] As part of a space vehicle.
[JANE] A space ship from Hakol landed here? Is that what you're tryingto say?
[DOCTOR] Well, more likely a computer-controlled reconnaissance vehicle.
[JANE] How silly of me not to know.
[DOCTOR] Tell me, was Andrew Verney engaged in any research concerningthe Malus?
[JANE] I believe he was, yes.
[DOCTOR] That's what must have led him to the tunnel and the remains ofthe Hakol probe.
[CHANDLER] See? I seen the Malus.
[DOCTOR] I believe you, Will. My sincerest apologies for ever doubtingyou.
[JANE] Doctor, the Malus is a myth, a legend. Some mumbo-jumbo connectedwith apparitions or something.
[DOCTOR] That's precisely what Will saw. You see, on Hakol, psychicenergy is a force that's been harnessed in much the same way aselectricity is here.
[JANE] But what has that got to do with the Malus legend?
[DOCTOR] The thing you call the Malus was on board the Hakol probe.
[JANE] Oh. I see what you mean. It's still here. Doctor, that wasn'tthere the other day.
[CHANDLER] Don't touch it.!
[JANE] He's right, Doctor. There's suddenly a very strange atmosphere inhere.
[DOCTOR] No, come and have a look at this.
[JANE] Look out! Doctor!
[JANE] Doctor, are you all right?
[JANE] Are you sure you're all right?
[JANE] It's a face.
[DOCTOR] Look at it. Does it look familiar?
[JANE] Yes, I, I've seen it before.
[DOCTOR] Behind you.
[JANE] But that's a representation of the devil!
[DOCTOR] Yes. It's interesting, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] So there you are.
[JANE] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Psychic projection. Over here, Will.
[JANE] It looks so real.
[DOCTOR] Well, to all intents and purposes he is.
[CHANDLER] It were like that before. Battle's coming.
[DOCTOR] No, Will, come back.
[CHANDLER] I'm not going to war again.
(Village green)
[TURLOUGH] All right, all right. You've made your point.
[HUTCHINSON] One by one, you and your companions will return to my fold,and you will never get out again. It is a pity you've seen this. Lockhim up.
[DOCTOR] Stand perfectly still.
[JANE] What is it?
[DOCTOR] I told you. It's a psychic projection.
[JANE] It pains me to say it, but I'm sorry I ever doubted you.
[DOCTOR] We all learn by our mistakes.
[JANE] Now what?
[DOCTOR] More psychic disturbance.
[DOCTOR] Ah. It seems he intends to kill us. Make for the undergroundpassage. Run!
(Farm building)
[VERNEY] Don't be afraid. My name's Andrew Verney.
(Secret passageway)
[JANE] Doctor, slow down. That thing isn'tfollowing us.
[DOCTOR] I need to speak to Sir George.
[JANE] Haven't you got enough troubles?
[DOCTOR] Do you know anything about psychic energy?
[JANE] Oh, you know I don't.
[DOCTOR] Then a quick lesson. It can of course occur in many and variedforms, but the type here, capable of creating projections, requires afocus point.
[JANE] Uh huh?
[DOCTOR] Oh dear, oh dear. A medium.
[JANE] Oh, as with a poltergeist?
[DOCTOR] Yes, a bit more complicated. In this it isn't the medium that'screating the projections, but the Malus. The medium simply gathers allthe psychic energy for it to use. And what at the moment is creatingthe most psychic energy?
[JANE] Um, er.
[DOCTOR] The war games.
[JANE] The war games?
[DOCTOR] And who controls the games?
[JANE] You'd better speak to Sir George.
[DOCTOR] Yes, the trouble is, I don't think he can have any idea of whathe's doing. The Malus is pure evil. Given enough energy, it will notonly destroy him, but everything else. Cheer up.
(Manor house)
[WOLSEY] You wouldn't get very far.
[TEGAN] What?
[WOLSEY] If you tried to escape. There are troopers everywhere.
[TEGAN] I wouldn't dream of putting you to so much trouble.
[WOLSEY] I rather think we're all Sir George's prisoners at the moment.If it's any comfort to you, your grandfather is safe.
[TEGAN] Then let me see him.
[HUTCHINSON] All in good time. You look charming, my dear. Positivelycharming.
[TEGAN] Thanks for nothing. Can I have my clothes back, please?
[HUTCHINSON] Oh, but you're to be our Queen of the May. You must dressthe part.
[TEGAN] I'm not in the mood for playing silly games.
[HUTCHINSON] This is no game. You are about to take part in an eventthat will change the future of mankind.
(Farm building)
[TURLOUGH] Solid. Why are they keeping you prisoner here?
[VERNEY] Because of what I discovered. Have you been to the church?
[VERNEY] Years of research to discover something as evil as the Maluswas more than just a legend.
[TURLOUGH] It wasn't active when you discovered it?
[VERNEY] My mistake was telling Sir George Hutchinson. It was hisderanged mind who caused its awakening.
[TURLOUGH] We must get out of here, let the Doctor know what'shappening.
[VERNEY] But how?
[TURLOUGH] Are there any guards?
[VERNEY] I don't know.
[TURLOUGH] Guard! Guard! What are you like as a battering ram?
(Secret chamber)
[DOCTOR] Not much further.
[JANE] Doctor, wait. Will said he saw the Malus in 1643, in the church.
[DOCTOR] That's right.
[JANE] It's been there for hundreds of years.
[DOCTOR] Long before the Civil War started.
[JANE] Then why has it been dormant for so long?
[DOCTOR] It requires a massive force of psychic energy to activate it.When the Civil War came to Little Hodcombe, it created precisely that.
[JANE] And Sir George is trying to recreate the same event.
[DOCTOR] Yes, in every detail. Tegan's grandfather must have told himeverything he discovered. He knows it's the only way for the Malus tobe fully activated.
[JANE] Doctor, I've had a terrible thought. The last battle in the wargames has to be for real!
[DOCTOR] Precisely. The slaughter will be dreadful.
[JANE] You must stop him!
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know.
[TEGAN [OC]] History is littered with loonies like you.
(Manor house)
[TEGAN] Fortunately, most of them end up safelylocked away.
[HUTCHINSON] Insight is often mistaken for madness, my dear.
[WOLSEY] I didn't realise that the Malus was so evil.
[HUTCHINSON] Don't worry, Wolsey. It will serve us.
[TEGAN] It will use you.
[DOCTOR] Tegan's right. You're energising a force so irresistiblydestructive that nothing on Earth can control it. You must stop the wargames.
[HUTCHINSON] Stop it? Are you mad? You speak treason.
[DOCTOR] Fluently! Stop the games.
[HUTCHINSON] Eliminate him, Wolsey. Now.
[JANE] Put that down, Ben.
[WOLSEY] I don't understand him any more.
[DOCTOR] Don't try. He's under the influence of the Malus. Are you withus, Colonel?
[WOLSEY] Can you tell me what's going on, because I don't know anylonger.
[TEGAN] Doctor.
[TEGAN] Be careful.
[JANE] It's the thing in the church.
[DOCTOR] Not quite. It's a projection of the parent image, probably oneof several energy-gathering points.
[TEGAN] Keep away from it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it has no force, yet.
[WOLSEY] Well, let's put a stop to it.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid you can't hurt it, Colonel. It has no substance.
[WOLSEY] We have to do something.
[DOCTOR] We must prevent the reenactment. Spoil it in any way we can.Reduce the amount of psychic energy being produced.
[TEGAN] Good. Then we can forget the May Queen procession.
[WOLSEY] The cart to take you to the village is already here.
[DOCTOR] Will there be guards for this procession?
[WOLSEY] No, I'm the only escort, but they will send somebody toinvestigate.
[DOCTOR] Make sure that Tegan and Jane get safely back to the church.You can use the underground passage. I must search for Turlough andWill, and er, good luck.
[TEGAN] Do you know where my clothes are?
[WOLSEY] I'll fetch them for you, but stay as you are for the moment.
[TEGAN] Why?
[WOLSEY] Because if you don't turn up on that cart, Hutchinson will turnout the whole village to search for you. The Doctor won't stand achance.
(Farm building)
[TURLOUGH] This door must give soon.
[VERNEY] Agreed. But at the moment all we're doing is wearing out ourshoulders.
[TURLOUGH] There's no other way.
[DOCTOR] Are you all right?
[CHANDLER] It's just like before.
[DOCTOR] The last time you saw the Malus.
[CHANDLER] I's not pleased.
[CHANDLER] They burn Queen of the May.
[DOCTOR] The toast of Little Hodcombe.
[CHANDLER] Tain't funny. She were screaming.
[DOCTOR] That's nothing to what Tegan would have done. Come on.
(Village green)
[HUTCHINSON] Stop that man! Stop! Hold him!
[WILLOW] You're just in time for the show. You can have a front seat.
[HUTCHINSON] Something's wrong.
[HUTCHINSON] What happened?
[WOLSEY] Here's your Queen of the May, Sir George. You can burn her ifyou wish. Not as attractive as Tegan, but more humane.
[HUTCHINSON] What are you trying to do, wreck everything?
[WOLSEY] No, trying to return some sanity to these proceedings.
[HUTCHINSON] You've ruined it. You've ruined everything. Kill him.
[DOCTOR] Over here, Will.
[DOCTOR] Back to the church, and thank you, Colonel.
[HUTCHINSON] After them! After them!
(Farm yard)
[VERNEY] We must get to the church and destroy the Malus before itbecomes too powerful.
[TURLOUGH] Let's find the Doctor first.
[VERNEY] We haven't got the time. We can spend the whole day looking.Come on!
(Side chapel)
[DOCTOR] Come on, there's still a lot to do.
[DOCTOR] Hurry.
[DOCTOR] You didn't close the doors!
[TEGAN] There was no point. Something was already inside it.
[DOCTOR] This is all we need.
[DOCTOR] Quietly, now. Don't alarm it.
[TEGAN] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Well, if I can lock the signal conversion unit onto thefrequency of the psychic energy feeding it, I might be able to directthe Malus.
[WOLSEY] Is that possible?
[DOCTOR] Well, there's a remote chance.
[TEGAN] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Perhaps you should close the doors.
[WOLSEY] They didn't waste much time.
[WILLOW] A police box?
[TROOPER] It's locked.
[WILLOW] Well, don't just stand there, break it open.
[TEGAN] Doctor, the Malus.
[DOCTOR] It's growing stronger.
[WOLSEY] Won't it work?
[DOCTOR] It takes time. Excuse me, Colonel.
[JANE] Sorry.
[VERNEY] Oh, no!
[TURLOUGH] Let's find the Doctor. There's nothing we can do.
[VERNEY] What's that?
[TURLOUGH] The Tardis is in the crypt. I think we should take a look.
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I know. It senses what I'm about. Now everybody stay perfectlycalm and still!
(Village green)
[HUTCHINSON] No! Away. I must get to the church.
[VERNEY] (sotto) What do we do?
[DOCTOR] That's it.
[TEGAN] Can you control the Malus?
[DOCTOR] Not quite, but it can no longer fuel itself from the turmoil inthe village.
[JANE] Doctor, look.
[DOCTOR] Ah. I think it's time we left this thing to die in peace.
[DOCTOR] So, well done!
[TEGAN] Granddad!
[VERNEY] Tegan, my dear.
[DOCTOR] Save the greetings until later.
[TEGAN] Never a dull moment.
[WOLSEY] Now what?
[DOCTOR] I don't know yet.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor.
[WOLSEY] Where did they come from?
[DOCTOR] They're
[JANE] Psychic projections.
[WOLSEY] I'd feel happier with a gun.
[TEGAN] Wouldn't make any difference. They're not real.
[WOLSEY] They look solid enough to me.
[DOCTOR] The Malus' last line of defence. They'll kill as effectively asany living thing.
[TURLOUGH] We're running out of places to run.
[TEGAN] The story of our lives.
[VERNEY] Why don't they attack?
[DOCTOR] They will, in their own time. We're the Malus' last source ofpsychic energy. It'll make us sweat for as long as it can.
[CHANDLER] I's going to die.
[DOCTOR] Quiet, Will, quiet.
[JANE] He's right, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Not yet, he isn't.
[TEGAN] Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] Brave heart, Tegan.
[JANE] How could that happen?
[TURLOUGH] They're gone.
[DOCTOR] The fight must have used a lot of psychic energy. The Malusneeds to rest. Let's go before it recovers.
[HUTCHINSON] It is time at last! I am here, master.
[WOLSEY] Let me deal with him.
[TEGAN] He'll kill you.
[WOLSEY] He used to be a man of honour. Played the war games in the waythey were intended.
[DOCTOR] Forget any codes of honour Sir George might once have held.He's now completely under the control of the Malus.
[WOLSEY] He's still mortal.
[JANE] Don't be a fool, Ben.
[WOLSEY] I have to try. I feel partly responsible for what's happenedhere.
[JANE] Ben.
[WOLSEY] Sir George?
[CHANDLER] Be it important Sir George be dead?
[DOCTOR] Not if there's another way.
[WOLSEY] Sir George, do you understand me?
[HUTCHINSON] Who are you?
[WOLSEY] Colonel Wolsey. Ben Wolsey, your friend.
[HUTCHINSON] Get back!
[WOLSEY] We have something to settle.
[DOCTOR] Sir George, it's important you listen.
[DOCTOR] Listen to Colonel Wolsey. Concentrate your thoughts. You mustbreak free from the Malus.
[HUTCHINSON] Free? Why, I'm his willing servant.
[DOCTOR] You're his slave. He only wants you for one thing.
[HUTCHINSON] You're mistaken. He's offered me enormous power.
[DOCTOR] The Malus is here for one reason. To destroy. It's the onlything it knows how to do.
[WOLSEY] Now listen to the Doctor.
[HUTCHINSON] I don't believe you.
[DOCTOR] Without you, the Malus is helpless. Through you it feeds on thefear and anger generated through the war games. Once it's strongenough, it will destroy you.
[DOCTOR] Listen, Sir George. Your village is in turmoil. You're pointinga gun at a man who's a friend. That's the true influence of the Malus.Can't you feel the hate and rage inside your head? Think, man! Did youhave such feelings before you activated that thing?
[HUTCHINSON] I, I don't, I.
[CHANDLER] It better you be dead!
[CHANDLER] It be better he be dead.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, Will. It's all right.
[JANE] We must seal up the church.
[VERNEY] And inform the authorities. It has to be destroyed.
[TURLOUGH] Now what?
[DOCTOR] The Malus knows it's lost. It's going to fulfil itsprogramming, Clear the ground, destroy everything it can. Come on!
[DOCTOR] Quickly! Inside.
[TURLOUGH] Does it have the power?
[DOCTOR] Enough to keep Will here and level a church. Come along.
[DOCTOR] Close the door, would you?
[DOCTOR] Hold on.
[DOCTOR] The Malus has destroyed itself.
[WOLSEY] Thank God.
[JANE] Well, now that it's gone, was it a beast or a machine?
[DOCTOR] Oh, a living being, reengineered as an instrument of war andsent here to clear the way for an invasion.
[TURLOUGH] What went wrong? Why didn't they invade?
[DOCTOR] I don't honestly know. I must look to see if there's anythingin the computer about it.
[TURLOUGH] If the Malus is destroyed, why is Will still here? You didsay he was only a psychic projection.
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes, yes. It seems I was mistaken. The Malus was able tointermingle the two time zones for a living being to pass through. Musthave had incredible power.
[TEGAN] That's the last time I pay an unexpected call on you.
[VERNEY] As a rule, the villagers and I are much more welcoming.
[WOLSEY] There'll be lots of clearing up to do, in more ways than one.We'll need all the help we can get.
[WILLOW] And no recriminations?
[WOLSEY] Not on my part.
[JANE] Nor mine.
[DOCTOR] Well, that seems to be it. We'll drop you all off, then we'llbe on our way.
[TURLOUGH] Er, what about our young friend here?
[DOCTOR] Ah, well, him too. 1643 isn't all that far away.
[TEGAN] Aren't you forgetting something?
[DOCTOR] Probably. It isn't unusual. I've had a very hard day.
[TEGAN] Well, we came here to visit my grandfather. Be nice to spend alittle time with him.
[TURLOUGH] I must admit I wouldn't mind staying for a while.
[JANE] Hmm, you're outnumbered seven to one.
[DOCTOR] I'm being bullied, coerced, forced against my will. I've hadenough for one day.
[VERNEY] Even if you are, agree, man.
[DOCTOR] All right. Just for a little while. We've a great deal to do.
[TURLOUGH] Good. I quite miss that brown liquid they drink here.
[TURLOUGH] No, er, tea.
[CHANDLER] What be tea?
[DOCTOR] Oh, a noxious infusion of oriental leaves containing a highpercentage of toxic acid.
[CHANDLER] Sounds an evil brew, don't it.
[DOCTOR] True. Personally, I rather like it.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s21", "episode": "e02", "title": "The Awakening"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (26 Jan, 1984; Fifth Doctor) - Frontios
(Under the Research room)
[BRAZEN] The answer's buried here somewhere. The Captain will find it.
[BRAZEN] Get out, everybody! Come on, move. Captain Revere!
[BRAZEN] Block and tackle! Quickly!
[BRAZEN] I want no mention of this to anyone. Do you hear me? Not toanyone!
[TEGAN] The Doctor's all right. He gets like this sometimes. Nothing toworry about.
[TURLOUGH] Well, I suppose it's none of my business. I think he must becoming.
[DOCTOR] Not hat people, are you? Either of you?
[TEGAN] What?
[DOCTOR] Wear them much, I mean. I only do when I go out. It's silly tohave this thing getting in everyone's way.
[TEGAN] I don't believe it.
[TEGAN] There's so much to do aboard this ship and all you're worriedabout is tidying away the hat stand.
[DOCTOR] Well, I have to start somewhere.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor? Something's happening to the controls.
[DOCTOR] Ah, we must be on the outer limits. The Tardis has drifted toofar into the future. We'll just slip into hover mode for a while.
[TEGAN] We're in the Veruna system, wherever that is.
[DOCTOR] I had no idea we were so far out. Veruna. That's irony for you.
[TEGAN] What is?
[DOCTOR] Veruna is where one of the last surviving groups of mankindtook shelter in the great er. Yes. Well, I suppose you've got all thatto look forward to, haven't you.
[TEGAN] In the great what, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] All civilisations have their ups and downs.
[TURLOUGH] (reads) Fleeing from the imminence of a catastrophiccollision with the sun, a group of refugees from the doomed planetEarth
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's enough, Turlough.
[TEGAN] You mean some of the last humans are on this planet?
[TEGAN] Can we land? Can we visit them?
[DOCTOR] Laws of time.
[TEGAN] Since when has that ever stopped you?
[DOCTOR] Now, we mustn't interfere. Colony's too new, one generation atthe most. The future hangs in the balance. Now, I've got another one ofthese somewhere. Put them side by side, we'll have a pair.
(Research room)
[RANGE] There is enough distrust already of the long path back toknowledge. An enquiry into Captain Revere's death is vital.
[BRAZEN] I said, there's no requirement for an investigation. Adistillation vessel exploded here in the research room.
[RANGE] And that's your childish reason for closing down the whole ofthe research room?
[BRAZEN] Captain Revere was quite specific. The research centre was tobe closed down in the event of his dying. I've nothing else to say onthe matter.
[RANGE] You're throwing away forty years work. Don't you care?
[BRAZEN] Simply obeying orders.
[RANGE] Look, we lost all our technology when our ship crashed here. Nowdon't you think our struggle has been hard enough without this addedfoolishness?
[BRAZEN] The only foolishness that I know is to disobey an order. Right,enough of that, Cockerill.
[RANGE] What, you're abandoning the communications scan too?
[BRAZEN] Everything.
[COCKERILL] Forty years and nothing's come through on that set. I don'tthink it's any great loss.
[BRAZEN] Nobody asked for your opinion on the matter. Get back tocorridor duties.
[RANGE] On whose authority?
[BRAZEN] Plantagenet himself.
[RANGE] Oh, the boy's distraught.
[BRAZEN] Are you suggesting that the son of Captain Revere is unfit torule?
[RANGE] Look, as Chief Science Officer
[BRAZEN] Oh, don't go waving your title at me. From now on this researchcentre is under military jurisdiction.
[RANGE] But the research into the bombardment. Now you must see theurgency of that?
(Outside the Research room)
[RANGE] Look, the attacks are coming almost daily.
[BRAZEN] There'll be no more talk about this in front of our people,Mister Range. The desertion rate is already unacceptable. Now, with orwithout your permission, this research room will be sealed.
[TEGAN] I can't believe it.
[TURLOUGH] It would be interesting to go down, wouldn't it. Er, Doctor,we were
[DOCTOR] Impossible. Time's up.
[TEGAN] What happens to them, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Knowledge has its limits. Ours reaches this far and no further.
[DOCTOR] Stabilisers are failing. Have to get out of here.
[TURLOUGH] It's a meteorite storm.
[DOCTOR] The Tardis should be able to resist this sort of thing. Theconsole's jammed!
[TURLOUGH] We're being dragged towards the planet!
[TEGAN] How?
[DOCTOR] Gravitational pull?
[TEGAN] Doctor, do something.
[DOCTOR] Don't panic.
(Outside the Medical centre)
[DOCTOR] My least favourite sort of weather.
[DOCTOR] Come along.
[TEGAN] This way.
(Medical centre)
[TEGAN] In here. Over here.
[DOCTOR] It's all right.
[RANGE] We shall need the emergency supplies.
[DOCTOR] Leave it to me.
[RANGE] Oh, thank you, sir.
[DOCTOR] I shall need some antiseptic and bandages.
[RANGE] Antiseptic.
[DOCTOR] To clean this wound.
[RANGE] Look, I'm the Chief Science Officer. Who are you?
[DOCTOR] It would help if we could see what we're doing.
[DOCTOR] Phosphor lamps.
[TURLOUGH] These are a terrible fire hazard in this sort of container,you know.
[DOCTOR] Better hold it steady then, hadn't you.
[TEGAN] How does it work?
[TURLOUGH] Well, it's electron excitation. If you give them a shake,they get a bit brighter.
[DOCTOR] Stop that, would you? Is this the best you can do?
[RANGE] Yes, I'm afraid it is.
[DOCTOR] We need some proper lighting. Turlough, the Tardis. I'll needthe portable mu-field activator.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, you did say
[DOCTOR] And five of the argon discharge globes.
[DOCTOR] Oh, and all medical supplies.
[TURLOUGH] Anything else?
[DOCTOR] Yes, you'd better give him a hand, Tegan.
[TEGAN] Right-o, Doctor.
[RANGE] This is my daughter, Norna. And you
[DOCTOR] Time for social niceties later. Better get started, hmm?
[NORNA] Yes, well, you'll want soap and water first.
[DOCTOR] Yes, good idea.
[TEGAN] This door's locked!
[TURLOUGH] No, it isn't. This could be serious.
(Medical centre)
[RANGE] It's very good of you to help us, Mister,er
[DOCTOR] I'm not helping, officially. And if anyone happens to askwhether I made any material difference to the welfare of this planet,you can tell them I came and went like a summer cloud.
[RANGE] They're curious to know who you are.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps you could ask them to move. They're rather blocking theair. It's interesting. How often do you have meteorite showers?
[RANGE] Intermittently. Although the attacks have become more frequentover the last few weeks.
[DOCTOR] Yes. The attacks?
[RANGE] Oh yes. We're at war.
[DOCTOR] Really? With whom?
[RANGE] Well, that has yet to be determined. As you can see, we'rehelpless.
[DOCTOR] Not if I have anything to do with it. How do you do? I'm theDoctor.
[RANGE] Oh, hello. My name is Range. I'm the Chief
[DOCTOR] Hello. You've been keeping us unnecessarily in the dark, MisterRange. You didn't tell me you had a hydrazine steam generator.
(State room)
[BRAZEN] There's a development, sir, which I am not happy with.
[PLANTAGENET] Development? Yes?
[BRAZEN] An arrival, simultaneous to the last bombardment. Three personsof undetermined origin.
[PLANTAGENET] So, it's come at last.
[BRAZEN] Yes. This could be the beginning of the invasion.
(Medical centre)
[DOCTOR] It's very interesting.
[RANGE] It used to generate a basic form of energy, but we no longerhave any fuel. This planet is without wood or any combustible material.
[DOCTOR] What about the colony ship? Must have been brimming withgadgetry.
[RANGE] Oh, systems that could rebuild a civilisation for us.Failure-proof technology.
[DOCTOR] What happened to it all?
[RANGE] It failed. And nothing survived the crash.
[TEGAN] Doctor! Doctor, something's happened to the Tardis.
[TEGAN] The interior door's jammed.
[TURLOUGH] As if some tremendous forcefield's pulled it out of shape.
[TEGAN] It couldn't be the impact of landing, could it?
[DOCTOR] The Tardis? No, no, no. Probably just some spatial anomaly.You're getting carried away again, Turlough. One thing at a time.Where's the mu-field activator?
[TURLOUGH] I'm trying to tell you. It's behind
[DOCTOR] It's behind the interior door. Yes, of course. Excitation.
[TURLOUGH] You told me not to do that.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's risky, but then so is operating in this gloom. Haveyou ever tried putting a higher voltage across one of these things?
[TEGAN] Doctor, the Tardis!
[DOCTOR] Yes. There must be something on this planet capable ofsustaining a steady voltage.
[TURLOUGH] How can you work, do research, without electricity?
[NORNA] Well, we used to use an acid jar charged by wind power.
[TEGAN] Acid jar?
[NORNA] A sort of large battery.
[TURLOUGH] That's a thought. With some sort of interrupter to raise thevoltage.
[NORNA] It's in the research room, but I'll need some help carrying it.
[TEGAN] Okay, come on.
(Outside the Medical centre)
[TURLOUGH] We seem to have lost our news value.
[TEGAN] There's a counter attraction. Look.
[NORNA] Food's rationed on Frontios. It's why the colony ship's guarded.We'll have to be careful, the ship's out of bounds.
[TURLOUGH] It sounds dangerous.
[NORNA] Do you mind?
[TURLOUGH] No, it isn't that, it's just that I wouldn't want us to get
[NORNA] Quick, hide.
[BRAZEN] Stand straight, sir. They look to you.
[PLANTAGENET] Norna? You're needed in the hospital, surely.
[NORNA] I've come to ask for more bandages and water.
[BRAZEN] Do you think we have unlimited supplies?
[NORNA] You have supplies. What's the use of hoarding them? LeaderPlantagenet, the wounded need your help.
[PLANTAGENET] Make sure this woman has access to the medical suppliesroom.
[ORDERLY] Yes, sir.
[NORNA] Come on.
[BRAZEN] Orderly, are you responsible for this noise?
[ORDERLY] No, sir.
[BRAZEN] Somebody is.
(Colony ship)
[TEGAN] It's huge.
[NORNA] It brought thousands of people from Earth, remember.
[TEGAN] Thousands?
[NORNA] Well, the crash killed most of them and then there was anoutbreak of disease. Someone's coming.
(Medical centre)
[RANGE] Well, Captain Revere assumed that thebarrage was some sort of softening up process. Heralding an invasion,he said.
[DOCTOR] Hmm, someone else thinks this is their territory.
[RANGE] Frontios was quite deserted when we arrived.
[DOCTOR] So you did nothing to provoke an attack.
[RANGE] No. The few that survived the crash had no time for anything butbare survival. We worked to raise food.
[DOCTOR] Dangerous, surely, out in the fields with the risk ofbombardment.
[RANGE] Oh, there was no bombardment then. We had ten years of clearskies to stock the wreck of the colony ship with food, and then itbegan. Yes, the first missile a little over thirty years ago.
[DOCTOR] Thirty years? Your unknown invaders are certainly taking theirtime.
[PLANTAGENET] Unknown no longer, perhaps. Could it be that one of themcalls himself the Doctor?
(Outside the Research room)
[NORNA] They've sealed the room!
[TURLOUGH] Now what?
[TEGAN] We go back?
[NORNA] No, there's another way in. This way.
(Medical centre)
[DOCTOR] Look, I'm not really here at all,officially. And as soon as I've helped Mister Range with arrangements,I'll be on my way.
[PLANTAGENET] Do you feel free to come and go as you please?
[DOCTOR] Going, yes, coming, no. We were forced down.
[PLANTAGENET] I see. You landed during the bombardment and yet youappear unharmed.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, we didn't know there was a war on. At first wethought it was some sort of meteorite storm.
[PLANTAGENET] And what do you think now?
[DOCTOR] I think your shelters are totally inadequate and your warningsystem does nothing but create panic.
[PLANTAGENET] I did not ask
[DOCTOR] Your population has already fallen below critical valuerequired for guaranteed growth and you're regularly losing new lives. Ithink, and you did ask what I think, I think your colony of Earthpeople is in grave danger of extinction.
(Top of the Colony ship)
[NORNA] Be quiet. They can hear us walking on the hull of the ship.
(Medical centre)
[PLANTAGENET] Who are you to give me advice! I amthe son of Captain Revere. The people of Frontios will not be cowed bythese mewling words of defeat, Doctor. We may lack the outwardappurtenances of might, but we carry our strength within us. We willwin the war with the invisible aggressors whose missiles batter on ourplanet, and we will win the greater battle, the struggle for the futureof our race.
[DOCTOR] Absolutely. I wish you all the luck in the world.Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to give you anything much in the way ofhelp.
[PLANTAGENET] We're under no illusions about that, Doctor. We can seefor ourselves the results of your help.
[RANGE] The Doctor has helped. He's been caring for the sick, and he'sgoing to arrange for some proper light by getting that thing
[PLANTAGENET] The hydrazine engine! This invader has interfered with thegreat gift my father bestowed upon the people of Frontios.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, I was working out a way of getting some decent lightin here.
[PLANTAGENET] We people of Frontios are vulnerable, Doctor. Desperate,frightened even. But we are not fools.
(Top of the Colony ship)
[TEGAN] They're coming.
[TURLOUGH] Come on.
[BRAZEN] Check the solar drive panels. They've got to be hidingsomewhere.
(Research room)
[TEGAN] It smells lethal.
[NORNA] It is.
[TURLOUGH] So please don't spill it.
(Top of the Colony ship)
[BRAZEN] Guard the hatch. I'll inform the leader.
(Research room)
[TURLOUGH] Be careful.
[TEGAN] Turlough!
(Top of the Colony ship)
[COCKERILL] I got it, but only just.
[TEGAN] How are we going to get past them?
[TURLOUGH] I'll think of something.
[TEGAN] Are you sure this is going to work?
[TURLOUGH] Have you got a better idea?
(Outside the Colony ship)
[BRAZEN] Ah, Warnsman.
[BRAZEN] I don't like the look of this sky.
[WARNSMAN] No, sir.
[BRAZEN] Keep good watch.
[WARNSMAN] Very good, sir.
(Medical centre)
[PLANTAGENET] No craft the size of yours is capableof traversing the universe.
[DOCTOR] If I had a spare millennium I might bring you up to date ontime mechanics. Unfortunately, we have this lighting problem and a wardfull of people needing medical attention.
[RANGE] Another bombardment.
[DOCTOR] What, again?
[RANGE] There's the darkening of the sky. Oh, it's all right, theWarnsman will sound his klaxon at the first sign.
[PLANTAGENET] You came with two accomplices. They have been seen on thecolony ship, aided by your treacherous daughter.
(Outside the Colony ship)
[ORDERLY] Hey, you're not allowed up there.
[TURLOUGH] Look out!
(Medical centre)
[RANGE] Paranoia. Your minds are being eaten awayby the scale of the disaster we call Frontios. Can't you see this manis here to help us?
[PLANTAGENET] I say treachery, Mister Range. Are you guilty too?
[DOCTOR] You know, we can sort all this out in no time at all ifeveryone just stays calm. Now please, come and see the Tardis. As aninvasion weapon it's about as offensive as a chicken vol au vent.
(Outside the Colony ship)
[TURLOUGH] The bombardment's started again.
[NORNA] We've got to get him back to the medical centre.
[TURLOUGH] Come on.
[DOCTOR] It's lack of armaments can be an embarrassment at times. Just aminute. Get back!
[BRAZEN] Don't be alarmed. We haven't heard from the Warnsman yet.
[DOCTOR] Oh, well, this way.
[DOCTOR] Oh dear, what have we here?
[PLANTAGENET] It's the Warnsman.
[BRAZEN] Take him to the medical shelter.
[DOCTOR] Now, what's this?
[NORNA] The battery for the lighting.
[DOCTOR] Brilliant! Take it inside. Hurry along.
[DOCTOR] Now, where's the mu-field activator?
[TEGAN] We told you, Doctor. We couldn't get any further than theconsole room.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, can't we continue this conversation under cover?
[DOCTOR] Yes, indeed, in the Tardis.
[BRAZEN] This bombardment could be a tactical diversion on the part ofthe Doctor.
[PLANTAGENET] No, I think not, Brazen, but he has some connection withthese attacks.
(Medical centre)
[NORNA] Careful.
[RANGE] Gentle with that now, gentle. Over there.
(Outside the Colony ship)
[DOCTOR] A swift exit, I think. We've had enough ofthis planet.
(Medical centre)
[BRAZEN] Are you hurt?
(Outside the Colony ship)
[TEGAN] It's getting lighter.
[DOCTOR] The attack's nearly over. Let's get out of here. Come on, theTardis.
[TEGAN] The Tardis, what's happened?
[TURLOUGH] It's gone!
[DOCTOR] The Tardis has been destroyed.
(Outside the Colony ship)
[TEGAN] The Tardis can't just disintegrate.
[TURLOUGH] I'm afraid it has.
[DOCTOR] Oh, marvellous. You're going to kill me. What a finely tunedresponse to the situation.
[BRAZEN] Best to despatch him now.
[NORNA] Wait!
[PLANTAGENET] Get out of the way.
[DOCTOR] Be careful, Norna.
[NORNA] Why did Captain Revere dedicate the whole of his life toanalysing the rocks of Frontios?
[BRAZEN] Remove her!
[PLANTAGENET] No, wait. Why do you ask when the reason is well known? Myfather sought the precious minerals beneath the soils.
[NORNA] What precious minerals? Did he find any?
[PLANTAGENET] He knew there must be some reason for the perpetualcarnage our neighbours inflict upon us.
[NORNA] Well, if the Doctor is an invader, he has the answer to thatquestion.
[RANGE] Oh, Norna, I need some help with the lighting.
[PLANTAGENET] No, wait. (to Tegan) You go.
[TEGAN] I don't know anything about lighting.
[BRAZEN] Get on with it.
[DOCTOR] Best do as they say. We'll be safe as long as we remain calm.Now trust me.
[PLANTAGENET] Well, Doctor. Can you enlighten us as to the reason forthese bombardments?
[DOCTOR] In time, if you let me investigate. If, on the other hand,you're going to kill me, you'd better get on with it.
[DOCTOR] This wasn't what I had in mind at all.
[NORNA] What was that?
[DOCTOR] Oh, just residual energy from the Tardis.
[PLANTAGENET] What is it?
[BRAZEN] The thing that brings down the bombardment.
(Medical centre)
[RANGE] That's enough.
[TEGAN] That battery'd better work after all our efforts.
[RANGE] It's in good condition. We just have to hook it up.
[TEGAN] The Doctor is safe, isn't he?
[RANGE] For the time being, though death is a daily occurrence on thisplanet, as you can see. The constant state of panic and the growingnumber of Rets.
[TEGAN] Rets?
[RANGE] Retrogrades. It's what we call the deserters. More of them leaveevery week to hunt out in the wastes like animals.
[TEGAN] Orderlies shoot deserters?
[RANGE] If they have to. Oh yes, it's a waste of life, but discipline isparamount.
[TEGAN] But every death increases the danger of extinction!
[RANGE] Do you think I'm not aware of that?
[MAN] Water.
[TEGAN] Water. He needs some water.
(Outside the Colony ship)
[PLANTAGENET] Now at last the colonists of Frontiosare face to face with their persecutors. For my father's sake, Doctor,I should like that question answered.
[DOCTOR] What, the precious rocks under the soil business? Well, sowould I. Whatever's going on here has put paid to my Tardis.
[PLANTAGENET] You deny you're at war with us?
[DOCTOR] If it is war, and I'm not so sure about that, then you and I,Plantagenet, are in the same shell hole. Now, does anyone know wherethese are coming from?
[NORNA] Well, we know it's one of the other planets in the Verunasystem.
[PLANTAGENET] Without instruments, it's impossible to tell which one.
[DOCTOR] This rock analysis. You've been investigating the whyfors. Ithink you should be looking into the where froms. Mister Range tells meyou have a research room.
[BRAZEN] The research room was sealed up, by the orders of the lateCaptain Revere.
[DOCTOR] Well, if you want answers, you'd better unseal it.
[PLANTAGENET] There's nothing in that room that could possibly be of anyuse to us.
[TURLOUGH] That's not true. It's full of invaluable equipment.
[DOCTOR] You've been inside it?
[TURLOUGH] It's where we found the battery.
[DOCTOR] The trouble is, if these good people don't want us inside.
[TURLOUGH] Yes, Doctor. I think I know how to change their minds.
[PLANTAGENET] Order the research room to be opened.
(Medical centre)
[RANGE] Thank you. You can get back to your work now.
[TEGAN] It's no good, is it.
[RANGE] I'm afraid not.
(Outside the Research room)
[TURLOUGH] Hurry up!
[DOCTOR] Yes, er, careful with that thing.
(Research room)
[DOCTOR] Well, here we are then. This should keep us busy.
[DOCTOR] Turlough, you can help.
[TURLOUGH] Er, I don't know a lot about chemical tests.
[NORNA] I do.
[DOCTOR] Good, good. I want to run a series on halides and silica. Anddo stop waving that thing around.
[NORNA] Look out!
[TURLOUGH] I wouldn't. What did I do?
[DOCTOR] I think this joke's gone far enough.
(Medical centre)
[WOMAN] Mister Range!
[TEGAN] Deaths unaccountable?
[TEGAN] Rabbits.
(Research room)
[DOCTOR] Medical centre, quickly!
[BRAZEN] So, he was hit.
[DOCTOR] Delayed effect of a glancing blow.
[DOCTOR] Now, I want you to stay here and start those tests.
(Medical centre)
[RANGE] What do you think you're doing?
[TEGAN] I'm, I'm trying to get the drawer open, if you really want toknow.
[RANGE] Curiosity is dangerous on Frontios.
[TEGAN] Not as dangerous as ignorance.
[RANGE] What do you know? What have you seen?
[TEGAN] Deaths unaccountable.
[RANGE] You must forget that you saw that.
[TEGAN] There's something going on here, isn't there. Some racket you'reinto.
[DOCTOR] Tegan! Ah. Those wires.
[TEGAN] What about them?
[DOCTOR] Rip them down.
[TEGAN] I've only just put them up.
[DOCTOR] Jolly good. Now you can rip them down again. Damp cloths.Anything damp.
[BRAZEN] This way. Over here.
(Research room)
[TURLOUGH] I wouldn't put up with it.
[NORNA] We have to. We don't have the technology to go anywhere else.
[TURLOUGH] Yes, I'm beginning to know the feeling.
(Medical centre)
[BRAZEN] What's the matter with him?
[DOCTOR] Fibrillating.
[TEGAN] What?
[RANGE] It's his heart. The Doctor's going to get it going again.
[DOCTOR] Are we ready?
[RANGE] Ready.
(Research room)
[TURLOUGH] Why didn't you dig deep bunkers? The Arardjacks of Heiradihollowed out a huge subterranean city under their planet during theTwenty Aeon War.
[NORNA] There was a quarry where the stone came from to build themedical shelter. We converted that into a place to get away from thebombardment.
[TURLOUGH] Sounds very sensible.
[NORNA] We always used to go there to shelter. Then all that gotstopped.
[NORNA] Captain Revere made a law against it.
[TURLOUGH] Oh, as simple as that. He made a law.
[NORNA] Forbidding any digging under the ground.
[TURLOUGH] Surely there must have been a reason?
[NORNA] Captain Revere never gave reasons. Except once. When I was verysmall, I was sitting on his knee in the state room, and I asked him whywe couldn't go underground anymore. And he said. It was a child'sanswer, it seemed quite sensible at the time.
[TURLOUGH] What did he say?
[NORNA] He said the earth was hungry.
(Medical centre)
[DOCTOR] Again!
(Research room)
[NORNA] That's not a pressure filter.
[TURLOUGH] Oh, sorry. I was just wondering. These rocks.
[NORNA] What about them?
[TURLOUGH] Well, they're all labelled with dates. They must have comefrom somewhere.
[NORNA] They did. The quarry.
[TURLOUGH] Yes, but some of the dates are recent. You told me thatquarry had been closed for years.
(Medical centre)
[BRAZEN] You've killed him.
[DOCTOR] I admit it was touch and go for a minute.
(Research room)
[NORNA] What are you up to?
[TURLOUGH] Well, they obviously didn't install this just for us.
[NORNA] It's for lifting equipment.
[TURLOUGH] What equipment? What's so heavy in here that needs a blockand tackle?
(Medical centre)
[DOCTOR] Try to get some rest.
[PLANTAGENET] Rest. Death is the only kind of rest you bring toFrontios.
[BRAZEN] Don't exert yourself, Leader. We have everything under control.
[PLANTAGENET] I have responsibilities. Frontios depends upon me.
[BRAZEN] Nevertheless, I should take the Doctor's advice.
[PLANTAGENET] You've changed your mind about him too?
[BRAZEN] I wouldn't commit myself on that, however it was the Doctorthat saved your life.
[TEGAN] The Doctor's all right. You must have realised that by now.
[PLANTAGENET] You saved my life? Is this true?
[DOCTOR] Not a word to the Time Lords.
(Research room)
[NORNA] Very ingenious.
[TURLOUGH] No, not really. The block and tackle is a simple enoughinvention.
[NORNA] I mean you and your excuses to get out of helping.
[TURLOUGH] How long ago were you in the Research room?
[NORNA] When I was very small. I came with my father when he was stillCaptain Revere's personal science assistant.
[TURLOUGH] And was that up there then?
[TURLOUGH] Exactly. These floor plate are solid metal. Heavy, solidmetal. Norna, come here. We are about to find out where Captain Reveregot his rock collection. That hook goes in here.
(Medical centre)
[PLANTAGENET] So you see, Doctor, Frontios is notthe easiest planet to rule.
[DOCTOR] After thirty years of bombardments, yes, I take your point.
[TEGAN] Your friend Brazen doesn't trust us an inch.
[PLANTAGENET] Ah, he's a good man, if a little narrow in his outlook.
[TEGAN] He's planning to move you to your quarters in the colony ship.
[PLANTAGENET] The colony ship? No, I must stay here with my people.
[DOCTOR] The democratic touch, eh?
[PLANTAGENET] Hardly democracy, Doctor. I must remain in public sight.If the people of Frontios think for one moment that I am dead, therewill be anarchy.
(Research room)
[NORNA] Come on, pull.
[TURLOUGH] What do you think I'm doing?
[NORNA] I wonder what's down there?
[TURLOUGH] Let's take a look.
(Medical centre)
[DOCTOR] Now, what's making you so vulnerable toattack is the thin atmosphere on Frontios.
[PLANTAGENET] Why do they come so frequently now?
[DOCTOR] Yes, I have some theories about that, and with your permissionI'll return to the Research room and confirm them.
[PLANTAGENET] Thank you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Tegan.
[PLANTAGENET] Your assistant may stay here with me. That way we'll alltrust one another.
[DOCTOR] Then perhaps you'll come with me, Mister Range.
[RANGE] Yes, of course.
[DOCTOR] Good. See you later.
[BRAZEN] Keep an eye on them.
(Under the Research room)
[TURLOUGH] Careful. Come down slowly. This rock,it's sort of moth-eaten.
[NORNA] Hey, look. There's a way through. Don't tell me you'refrightened.
[TURLOUGH] No, it's just like something I remember.
(Colony ship)
[DOCTOR] You know, Mister Range, if I'm right theseso-called missiles of yours are nothing more or less than naturalmeteorites.
[RANGE] Meteorites? In such quantities?
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's unusual, I grant you, but one of the planets in theVeruna system may have disintegrated with long term fall out.
[RANGE] Surely Captain Revere could have detected that?
[DOCTOR] I think he did.
(Medical centre)
[BRAZEN] He'll fill out, find his strength. I saw his father grow thesame. The odds were terribly against us, you know, but he held thiscolony together with a will of steel.
[TEGAN] I'm beginning to understand the problems of this planet, whatwith all the deaths accountable and unaccountable.
[BRAZEN] What do you know about deaths unaccountable?
[TEGAN] Just a phrase I heard.
[BRAZEN] Heard where?
[TEGAN] I don't know. I just heard it somewhere.
[BRAZEN] Or in some records.
[TEGAN] You know about the data store then.
[BRAZEN] Data store, eh? Right, show me.
[TEGAN] Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I just came across it in a booksomewhere.
[TEGAN] It sounds like a title. Deaths Unaccountable. You can't do thatto Mister Range's records!
(Outside the Research room)
[DOCTOR] What puzzles me is how it managed to crashin the first place with all that autonomous guidance on board.
[RANGE] The systems failed.
[DOCTOR] What, before the crash?
[RANGE] Yes. Without the failure, there would have been no crash. Theguidance systems, everything, all went together.
[DOCTOR] Did they now. I see why you call it the day of catastrophe.
(Research room)
[RANGE] They've gone! Exploring, by the look of it.
[DOCTOR] Ah, the rock analysis. They look like Widmanstaatten patternsto me, which would seem to confirm that
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[RANGE] I'm afraid they may be in danger down there.
[DOCTOR] Turlough wouldn't risk an unsafe tunnel.
[RANGE] No, not that. I've suspected for a long time that Captain Revereordered the quarry closed because of something he found.
[DOCTOR] What sort of something?
[RANGE] A geological feature, perhaps. Something beneath the surface itmight be dangerous to disturb.
(Medical centre)
[BRAZEN] So, it's Mister Range who's been spreading these rumours.
[TEGAN] What rumours?
[BRAZEN] Disinformation about the status quo. (to Orderly) You, keep aneye on things down here.
[TEGAN] Plantagenet!
(Under the colony)
[NORNA] Bring the light here a minute. The wallsare quite different here.
[TURLOUGH] It's smooth, like glass. Perhaps we ought to go back.
[NORNA] In a minute. I want to see where this leads to.
(Research room)
[RANGE] Are you sure, Doctor? I want to help.
[DOCTOR] You will, Mister Range, by staying here. These sort ofadventures depend on a well-manned home base.
[TURLOUGH] Can we go back now? Please?
[NORNA] Oh, come on, chicken.
[TURLOUGH] I'm not frightened! I'm just thinking.
[NORNA] I'll leave you to it, then. I'm going on.
[TURLOUGH] No, wait, I'm coming.
(Medical centre)
[TEGAN] It's true. As if something was sucking him through the floor. Imust get the Doctor.
[BRAZEN] I don't think so. We're going to need you here.
[BRAZEN] What's the meaning of this crass behaviour? Cockerill, what'sgoing on?
[COCKERILL] I'm trying to control the crowd, sir. There's unrest aboutthe leader.
[BRAZEN] You're an Orderly, aren't you? So keep order! That's themeaning of the word. Go on, out.
[COCKERILL] They think Plantagenet's dead.
[BRAZEN] Come on!
(Outside the Medicalcentre)
[BRAZEN] You've come to show them that he's alive,I suppose, eh? What do you think this is, waxworks museum? Some rightRetrograde material amongst you lot. Go on, get back to your business.Let Plantagenet and myself get back with ours.
(Under the colony)
[RANGE] Doctor, are you there?
[DOCTOR] I thought you were supposed to be guarding the rear.
[RANGE] It's my daughter, Doctor. I can't let you take all the risk.
[DOCTOR] Oh well, a risk shared is a risk doubled. Come along.
(Medical centre)
[BRAZEN] Now, now. We'll have none of that activity here.
[BRAZEN] Quickly, stop her. She's getting away!
(Outside the Medicalcentre)
[TEGAN] The looting's started already.
[NORNA] Look, come on. Stop daydreaming.
[TURLOUGH] It's more like a nightmare.
[NORNA] What is?
[TURLOUGH] I keep glimpsing something out of the corner of my eye.
[NORNA] Yes, they're funny, these reflections.
[TURLOUGH] And there's a word that goes with it. Tractators. That's it.
[NORNA] Oh, come on. Just a little bit further.
[TURLOUGH] Tractators. Tractators.
(Research room)
[TEGAN] Doctor?
[TEGAN] Doctor? Is there anybody down there?
[DOCTOR] Shush.
[RANGE] I can't hear anything.
[DOCTOR] Listen.
[RANGE] I heard that.
[DOCTOR] Turlough, Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] Tractators. I've seen them!
[DOCTOR] Mister Range, look after Turlough. I'm going on alone.
(Outside the Medicalcentre)
[BRAZEN [OC]] Get this door open.
[TEGAN] So here you are. Is he all right?
[RANGE] Yes, I think so.
[TEGAN] What happened?
[RANGE] I don't know. The Doctor's gone to investigate.
[TEGAN] You take care of him. The Doctor'll probably need some help.
[RANGE] No, wait!
[RANGE] What happened in there? Please tell me. Is my daughter safe?
[DOCTOR] So they're Tractators.
[DOCTOR] No, Tegan, get back!
[TEGAN] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Get her out of here. I'll hold them off.
(Outside the Medicalcentre)
[BRAZEN] All right, listen you lot. The Retrograde element is out instrength. Emergency discipline procedures apply from this moment on.Desertion, looting and insubordination will suffer the highest penalty.Right, first we find the Doctor.
[BRAZEN] All right, you lot. You've got one minute to clear this area!
[RANGE] Norna! Oh, thank goodness you're safe. Where's the Doctor?
[TEGAN] I'm going back for him.
[NORNA] No, it's too dangerous.
[TEGAN] We can't leave him there.
[RANGE] You stay here with Turlough. I'm coming with you.
[TEGAN] No, thanks all the same, but the Doctor's my responsibility.
[RANGE] It's foolish to go into those tunnels alone.
[RANGE] Look after the boy. I won't be long.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no. On the other hand, with a touch of spin.
[DOCTOR] How's that?
[TEGAN] Don't tell me you're lost, Doctor. Becauseif you are, so am I.
[DOCTOR] Ah, the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.
[DOCTOR] It's like walking through treacle.
[TEGAN] Hold on, Doctor, I'll give you a hand.
[DOCTOR] No, stay back!
[TEGAN] It's all right, Doctor, I've got you. What's happening?
[DOCTOR] Some sort of gravity beam from the Tractators.
[DOCTOR] No, no, stay back. Get everyone back to the research room!
[TEGAN] Why don't you do something?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I am. Lots of things. Nothing that quite fits the gravityof the situation.
[TURLOUGH] My home. Tractators. I've seen all thisbefore.
[RANGE] Quick, we must get him to the surface and get help.
[NORNA] He's speaking, father. I think it's important.
[TURLOUGH] They were there, waiting. Destroying us from inside.
[NORNA] Sounds like something coming up from his past, like a memorypicture.
[TURLOUGH] Once, long ago, on my home.
[NORNA] You remember them?
[TURLOUGH] We remember them! The people of my planet will never forget!
[RANGE] It's more than his past. It sounds like deep ancestral memory.
[TURLOUGH] Tractators! Once, long ago, my home was. An infection!
[DOCTOR] Give me that.
[TEGAN] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Wait until we're closer.
(State room)
[BRAZEN] You, Cockerill? This is looting. Anythingto say?
[COCKERILL] What? It's all over, can't you see that?
[BRAZEN] For you, yes.
[COCKERILL] For Frontios. Plantagenet's been eaten by the earth.
[BRAZEN] Is that what they're saying?
[DOCTOR] Hold on. Now!
[DOCTOR] Better get out of here.
(State room)
[COCKERILL] The line of leadership is destroyed,and now it's every man for himself.
[BRAZEN] Where'd you glean all this information?
[COCKERILL] It's common knowledge.
[BRAZEN] Common knowledge? You sound like a Retrograde.
[COCKERILL] We're all Rets now, Brazen.
[BRAZEN] Take him away.
[RANGE] Steady, young man. Not much further to go.
[NORNA] Wait a minute, father.
[NORNA] It's a map.
[RANGE] That's Captain Revere's writing.
[NORNA] Then that proves it. He must have known about the caves andtunnels. RANGE
[NORNA] You don't suppose he knew about the creatures?
[RANGE] Well, he must have suspected something if he was down this far.
[NORNA] Well, why not tell the people of Frontios?
[RANGE] The conspiracy of silence. I've been collecting evidence allthese years
[NORNA] You don't think they're connected, the unaccountable deaths andthese creatures?
[RANGE] There is a connection. That girl Tegan told me she saw. Come on,we must hurry.
[TURLOUGH] The earth is hungry. It waits to eat.
[NORNA] He's forcing himself to remember.
[TURLOUGH] I can see them. They are the appetite beneath the ground.
(Outside the Colony ship)
[COCKERILL] You're letting me go?
[BRAZEN] I don't need you.
[COCKERILL] This colony is finished, and everyone knows it except forthose who are too stupid to think for themselves.
[BRAZEN] You've got enough food there to last a few days. What then?
[COCKERILL] I don't know.
[BRAZEN] It's not easy to live inside the system, but to live outside ofit takes more than you've got.
[BRAZEN] Leave him be. He's made his choice.
[RANGE] We must get help.
[NORNA] This may be the help we need, father. It's here that heremembers best. You can see them under the ground? What are they doing?
[TURLOUGH] Growing. Breeding. Spreading the infection.
[NORNA] How do they do that?
[TURLOUGH] I can't see it. There's a wall.
[RANGE] An emotional block. Something he doesn't want to face.
[NORNA] Try to get through the wall.
[TURLOUGH] Black walls. Smooth. They shine like glass.
[NORNA] You can see through glass. Look through it.
[TURLOUGH] No! It's evil! I can't look!
[RANGE] Right, that's enough. We must get him out of here.
(Below the Research room)
[BRAZEN] Ah, Mister Range. We've been waiting for you. I've a file here.It's contents amount to a charge of sedition. Bring them along to theState Room.
(Outside the Medicalcentre)
[COCKERILL] Help me! Please, someone, help me.
[COCKERILL] Help me!
[TEGAN] If only we knew more about these creatures.
[DOCTOR] I suspect Turlough can help us with that, as soon as we getback
[DOCTOR] Get back.
[TEGAN] I heard you the first time.
[DOCTOR] Against the wall. There are more of them.
[TEGAN] What's it doing?
[DOCTOR] There's someone up there it wants to get down.
(Outside the Medicalcentre)
[COCKERILL] Help me! Help me!
[DOCTOR] I'm going to try an experiment.
[TEGAN] Too late, it's seen us.
(Outside the Medicalcentre)
[MAN] He outlived the hunger of the earth. A man who can do that can doanything!
(State room)
[DEPUTY] Do I understand then, Mister Range, that you admit to keepingprivate and secret medical records?
[RANGE] I'm the Chief Science Officer.
[DEPUTY] Of course. And these records purport in part to contain ahistory of mysterious disappearances?
[RANGE] The records are accurate. Ever since our first arrival on thisplanet there have been cases
[DEPUTY] We all know the myths going about the place, Mister Range. Noneed to elaborate them here.
[RANGE] But are they myths? That's the point.
[BRAZEN] Address the Deputy, Mister Range. It's the facts we're after,not a public debate.
[RANGE] But these are the facts. Bodies of the dead that have not beenrecovered, work personnel in the quarry unaccounted for. I even haveone reliable eyewitness account of a corpse disappearing into theearth.
[DEPUTY] Quite, but for some reason you chose to keep these happeningssecret.
[RANGE] No, the State made them a secret. I merely collected therecords.
[BRAZEN] I'm a plain speaking man, Mister Range. You've been collectingthis garbage in order to subvert law and order on Frontios, haven'tyou? Now admit it.
[RANGE] Plantagenet accuses me of that?
[DEPUTY] That is correct.
[RANGE] Then where is he? I know why he isn't here. The Doctor's friendtold me what she saw in the medical shelter. Frontios buries its owndead. That's what they say, isn't it?
[DEPUTY] So runs the myth.
[RANGE] She saw that myth. She saw Plantagenet being eaten by the earth.
[TURLOUGH] Eaten by the earth.
[DEPUTY] He has some contribution to offer?
[TURLOUGH] They live in the ground below, pulling us to them in ourtimes of weakness.
[DEPUTY] Please, we have work to do
[TURLOUGH] Dead or alive, their forces dug at our bodies.
[BRAZEN] What do you know about this?
[NORNA] Leave him alone.
[RANGE] He's in shock. He needs warmth and rest.
[BRAZEN] And I need answers, Mister Range. (to orderlies) Wait outside,you two.
[BRAZEN] Off the record, I think. They, you say. Who are they?
[RANGE] I warn you as a medical man, he's in no state to be questioned.
[BRAZEN] And you're out of order, Mister Range. If there's a grain oftruth in this story of yours, then these are important matters ofState. Do you expect me to delay the investigation just because thisyoung man is feeling delicate? Your name's Turlough, eh? Well now,Turlough, I want to hear all about this.
[TEGAN] We've got to find the way out.
[DOCTOR] Well, sometimes it's easier to look for the way in and thenwork backwards.
[TEGAN] Oh, come on Doctor, all these tunnels look the same.
[DOCTOR] Oh, but they aren't.
[DOCTOR] What do you make of these?
[TEGAN] Just loose chippings.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. These chippings have recently been machined from thesewalls.
[TEGAN] They have machines?
[DOCTOR] Functionally advanced ones, at that. They're creating anextensive and elaborate tunnel system. Oh, insect-like they may be, butthey're no ordinary insects. They have highly refined powers ofabstract reasoning. These Tractators must be very intelligent beingsindeed.
(Tractator's lair)
[GRAVIS] It is time we fetched this Doctor to us. Send the machine.
(State room)
[BRAZEN] Organised, intelligent. Huh, not much ofan enemy profile. What I want to know is what they are about and why.
[NORNA] Please, he's in a state of shock.
[RANGE] When deep ancestral memory pictures break through the consciousmind like this, dangerous instabilities are created. Now, leave the boyalone, If anybody is on trial here, it's me.
[BRAZEN] Not a trial, Mister Range, a pooling of information. Somethingwe should've done decades ago.
[RANGE] When you had the chance.
[BRAZEN] No. Because you had all the information locked up. If you'dshown us that, then Captain Revere, who with his bare hands held thisshambles we called Frontios together, might still be alive.
[NORNA] Captain Revere knew about the creatures. He must have done. It'shis fault. Why didn't he tell us? BRAZEN
[NORNA] But if we'd known for sure
[BRAZEN] We'd have done what? These Tractators that the boy talks about,they could explain the unspeakable events that we have witnessed.
[RANGE] Not witnessed, Brazen, if we're being particular about this. Youand I have not actually seen it happen.
[BRAZEN] I have, Mister Range. Come with me. I want to show yousomething.
[DOCTOR] You're never without a sense of direction while there's an airflow. Air flows from A to B. Usually you want to be at B. Or at A.
[TEGAN] I don't want to be at A or B, thank you very much. I just wantto be out of these tunnels and back in the
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I think you can forget about the Tardis. It'sprobably scattered in little pieces across the whole of Frontios. Yes.
(Research room)
[BRAZEN] There. You see?
[RANGE] But the State funeral? We all saw the body.
[NORNA] But not the face.
[BRAZEN] Carcasses are plentiful on Frontios. There had to be a corpse,just to keep public order.
[NORNA] It was here he disappeared?
[BRAZEN] Sucked into the earth in front of my eyes. He was badly injuredby the falling boulders and rubble, but he would've lived.
[TURLOUGH] He may still be alive.
[BRAZEN] Alive?
[NORNA] What do you mean?
[TURLOUGH] The Tractators need living flesh. They need minds as well asbodies.
(Tractator's lair)
[GRAVIS] The work of excavation is our task. Beneath the soil we canexpand and populate the whole of Frontios. Do you understand? It isimportant that you understand. Speak.
[PLANTAGENET] We will defeat your goal.
[GRAVIS] You do not know our goals. I have described our means. Once wehave full control of Frontios, our plans are only just beginning.
[PLANTAGENET] You are evil. We will fight you to the last.
[GRAVIS] This is not a war, Plantagenet. It is a cooperation. You willsee.
[PLANTAGENET] The colonists of Frontios will never cooperate with you.
[GRAVIS] And yet they do. We Tractators have devised an economicaltechnology of excavation, but it needs a captive human mind to driveit.
[PLANTAGENET] Captives? Slaves?
[GRAVIS] You will see. You will see. Our old driver is nearing the endof his useful powers, but now we have another to take his place. Do wenot, Plantagenet?
(Outside the State room)
[BRAZEN] I want a strategic force of five handpicked men equipped for a below-ground sortie. We'll have the briefingin here within the quarter hour.
[DEPUTY] Very good, Chief Orderly.
[DOCTOR] Wait. That's the sound.
[TEGAN] What is it?
[DOCTOR] The machine that did this.
[DOCTOR] It seems to be coming this way.
(Research room)
[BRAZEN] That weapon's no good for tunnel work, Jensen. Oh, and I'lltake the rations. We are going to be privileged to sit down and eatwith Plantagenet on our return.
[NORNA] You didn't let anybody down.
[TURLOUGH] It doesn't matter. It's not my sort of thing, anyway,mooching around in caves and tunnels underground.
[RANGE] No, not Turlough.
[BRAZEN] We need someone who knows the terrain.
[RANGE] His mental state won't be reliable beneath ground. I'll comewith you.
[BRAZEN] I'd prefer you to stay here with your daughter. The Rets are onthe rampage. Things could get nasty outside, too.
[NORNA] I don't need looking after.
[BRAZEN] All right, Mister Range, I'll accept your offer.
[NORNA] Bye, father.
[DOCTOR] Tractators dead ahead.
[TEGAN] This is ridiculous, running about like rabbits in a hole. If youask me
[DOCTOR] No one is, Tegan, so shush.
(Research room)
[NORNA] Don't torture yourself. Nobody expects youto go back down there.
[TURLOUGH] No, of course they don't. I'm Turlough.
[NORNA] What's this?
[TURLOUGH] Decision time.
[TURLOUGH] That's it then. I'm going.
[NORNA] No, don't be silly.
[TURLOUGH] You can't argue with fate. Here. It's a two corpira piece.You blow through it for good luck.
[NORNA] Wait a minute.
[DOCTOR] Excavating machine or Tractators. Takeyour pick.
[TEGAN] After you.
(Tractator's lair)
[DOCTOR] It's a bit of a problem this, Tegan.
[TEGAN] That's horrible. It's a corpse.
[DOCTOR] Not exactly. There's a living mind enslaved in the middle ofthat lot.
[TEGAN] That face. I recognise it from somewhere.
[DOCTOR] It's Captain Revere.
(Tractator's lair)
[GRAVIS] Two specimens have come down to us fromthe world above in an undamaged state. This is a rare pleasure.
[DOCTOR] How do you do. I'm the Doctor. Oh. Er, this is Tegan.
[GRAVIS] We know you, Doctor, at least by reputation.
[DOCTOR] Then perhaps you won't mind telling us who you are.
[GRAVIS] I am the Gravis.
(Research room)
[NORNA] Help!
(Operations centre)
[GRAVIS] This is our centre of operations. You see, Doctor, I do notfear you will take this information back to Gallifrey. You will neverleave Frontios now.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Well, you could be right, Gravis.
[TEGAN] Considering the state of the Tardis.
[GRAVIS] Tardis? You have a Tardis?
[TEGAN] Not any more.
[DOCTOR] Ah, not any more than any other Time Lord. You like travel?
[GRAVIS] Only those who have been isolated for millennia trulyappreciate the power of mobility. Yes I should like to see your Tardis.
[GRAVIS] We have been marooned out here on Frontios for nearly fivehundred years, as I'm sure the Time Lords already know.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I'd better put you right on one thing, Gravis. The TimeLords didn't send me to investigate. Gallifrey operates a policy ofstrict non-intervention these days. And besides, Frontios is completelyoutside our normal sphere of influence.
[TEGAN] You're practically telling him to carry on as is.
[DOCTOR] We mustn't take the narrow viewpoint, Tegan. After all, Gravisand his friends were here long before the Earth colonists.
[TEGAN] You can't side with them. They built the excavating machine.
[DOCTOR] Slight communications problem here, Gravis. My assistant hasn'tbeen programmed in the ways of the world. Please forgive the naivety.
(Research room)
[NORNA] But Cockerill, you're an Orderly.
[COCKERILL] Retired from active duty.
(Operations centre)
[TEGAN] Doctor, you can't let them do this to me.
[DOCTOR] I'm terribly embarrassed about all this.
[GRAVIS] Not at all, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It must be the humidity causing the malfunction. These servingmachines are perfectly reliable on Gallifrey.
[GRAVIS] The guard Tractator here will restrain it while I show you moreof our work here. It is certainly a very convincing replica of thehumanoid life form.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you think so? I got it cheap because the walk's not quiteright. And then there's the accent, of course. But, when it's workingwell, it's very reliable. Keeping track of appointments, financialplanning, word processing, that sort of thing.
(Research room)
[COCKERILL] Leave it. There's time enough for that when we've taken theship.
[NORNA] Listen to me. This isn't the way to do it. Please, stop him,somebody!
[NORNA] Why is he doing this?
[RETROGRADE] Look, the earth began to suck him down and then returnedhim. Cockerill's the man to save this planet.
[COCKERILL] All clear. Ready?
[NORNA] No, you don't understand.
[COCKERILL] Keep her quiet.
(Tractator's lair)
[GRAVIS] Once mind functions are extinct the entity is no longer usefulas a motive force.
[DOCTOR] Yes, he seems dead enough.
[GRAVIS] A waste, but we had the best of him. You can watch us fit thereplacement.
[BRAZEN] Come on, Mister Range. I've got five good men dependent on you.
[RANGE] I'm lost. I don't know the way.
[BRAZEN] I'm sure we can pick up the trail again. I'll trust yourjudgement.
[RANGE] Let's rest for a while, hmm?
[BRAZEN] Better for morale if we keep on the move, eh? We can take itslowly. Quiet. There's someone coming.
[BRAZEN] Turlough.
[RANGE] But you're supposed to be with Norna. You've left her alone!
[TURLOUGH] I thought you might need me.
[RANGE] Well, what about Norna?
[BRAZEN] We do need you, to show us the way.
[RANGE] I'm going back. Someone should be with her.
[TURLOUGH] No it's too dangerous!
[BRAZEN] Leave him be. He's not the man for the job. You show us.
(Tractator's lair)
[GRAVIS] We will now demonstrate how the drive mechanism is installed.
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes, if I could just inspect the linkages.
[PLANTAGENET] Why, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh! Yes, it's very efficient, Gravis. You certainly know yourmechanics.
[DOCTOR] No shortage of spare parts either, eh?
[GRAVIS] Not on Frontios.
[PLANTAGENET] If it weren't for the bombardment
[DOCTOR] Oh, but it is for the bombardment, isn't it, Gravis? Noaccident that.
[GRAVIS] The existence of a heavy asteroid belt in the Veruna system wasfortuitous, but the rest, Doctor, has been our gravitationalengineering.
[DOCTOR] You know, I guessed as much. Useful asteroid belt up there,some additional gravity beams down here, and you're knocking them overlike ninepins.
[PLANTAGENET] I curse the unhappy chance that brought us to this planet.
[DOCTOR] Oh, not chance, eh, Gravis?
[GRAVIS] You're right, Doctor. Our skill steered the ship here.
[DOCTOR] Their gravity beams again. Which explains why the colony ship'ssystems failed before the crash.
[PLANTAGENET] But at the beginning there was no bombardment.
[DOCTOR] Oh, they gave you ten years to establish yourselves, and thenthey started making their collection.
[RANGE] No. No!
(Tractator's lair)
[GRAVIS] We are almost ready, Doctor. I shall demonstrate the finaladjustment.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) I'm here to help you.
[PLANTAGENET] I don't believe you.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) You'll have to trust me. When the time comes, doexactly as I say.
[PLANTAGENET] Yes, but when will the time come?
[GRAVIS [OC]] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I was rather wondering that myself.
(Operations centre)
[BRAZEN] Get down.
[TURLOUGH] It's seen me. It knows I'm here! Help! Help!
[TURLOUGH] It's tearing me apart!
[TEGAN] Idiot! The Doctor had a plan. You've ruined it now!
[TURLOUGH] Save the bickering until we're out of here!
[TEGAN] He's probably in great danger. Mister Brazen! The Doctor needsyour help! This way!
(Tractator's lair)
[GRAVIS] Let us show you how we smooth our walls,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I've been wondering why you need such a fine polish.More of your gravitational engineering, I suspect.
[GRAVIS] You're getting ahead of yourself, Doctor. We will have to knowone another much better before I can discuss that stage of our plans.
[DOCTOR] Do you know I think I can guess, Gravis. The tunnels act aswave guides. You're concentrating your gravitational forces.
[GRAVIS] Possibly.
[DOCTOR] Why? The combined power would be astronomical.
[GRAVIS] Yes. When the tunnel system is complete, and the work is nearlydone.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, stay back.
[DOCTOR] Please, there are far too many of them.
[BRAZEN] How do we get him out of this, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, theoretically it's highly complex. Practically
[GRAVIS] No, Doctor! I forbid you to touch the machine!
[TEGAN] What's happening to them?
[BRAZEN] Is he dead?
[DOCTOR] No, no, just stunned. We'll have to work quickly.
[DOCTOR] Careful!
[DOCTOR] Quick! Come on, you two! We're getting out of here.
[TEGAN] Turlough! Turlough!
[DOCTOR] Get off, Turlough! Pull yourself together!
[DOCTOR] Brazen!
[TEGAN] Doctor, the Gravis!
[BRAZEN] Get out of here, sir, while there's time!
[DOCTOR] Give me your hand!
[BRAZEN] Go! That's an order.
(Research room)
[COCKERILL] Look, men, this is the beginning of a new Frontios. I neverwanted to be a second Plantagenet, but it seems there's no choice.
[NORNA] We won't need a second Plantagenet.
[COCKERILL] What do you mean?
[NORNA] He's still alive. Chief Orderly Brazen and my father have goneto rescue him.
[RETROGRADE] What, down there?
[COCKERILL] I don't believe you.
[RANGE] It's no good. Tractators everywhere. Frontios is doomed!
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, I remember everything. I musttell you!
[DOCTOR] Yes, all in good time, Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] I know what they are.
[PLANTAGENET] And I know what they're trying to do.
[DOCTOR] Well, that sounds promising. Put the two things together, wemay find a way of stopping them.
[TEGAN] The excavating machine, it's going berserk.
[DOCTOR] I think it's time we left. Come on.
(Tractator's lair)
[GRAVIS] My machine! My machine! We will find you,Doctor. You will pay dearly for this disruption to our plans.
[TEGAN] No sign of them.
[DOCTOR] Well, these aren't Tractator tunnels. We should be safe herefor a while. Keep watch that end.
[DOCTOR] Now, what do we know about these creatures?
[PLANTAGENET] The tunnel system is a gigantic ring, smooth andmathematically precise.
[DOCTOR] Yes they're building a gravity motor.
[TEGAN] A motor?
[TURLOUGH] That's what they do to planets. They're going to driveFrontios.
[DOCTOR] Hmm, steer it through the galaxy under the power of gravity.
[TURLOUGH] To steal and plunder wherever they go.
[DOCTOR] And breed. Infesting new planets. Nowhere in the universe willbe safe from them.
[TEGAN] But if their excavating machine is wrecked, they can't completethe ring.
[PLANTAGENET] They have another. All they need is a driver.
[TURLOUGH] And anyone of us will do for that.
[TEGAN] That's the Orderly.
[DOCTOR] No, no, Tegan, it's too late! Follow me.
(Another cave)
[TEGAN] The Tardis! Bits of it anyway. Doctor, look what I've found!
[TEGAN] Oh no, not you again.
[GRAVIS] Perhaps I have been deceived. I think we have found our newdriver.
[DOCTOR] Glad you could join us.
[TEGAN] Doctor! There you are.
[DOCTOR] Turlough, Plantagenet and I have been working out a plan.
[TEGAN] Well, it had better work because they're right outside.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I rather hoped they would be.
[PLANTAGENET] Turlough has remembered the secret of the Tractators.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Apparently they're not really dangerous.
[TURLOUGH] It's the Gravis they draw their strength from. Without him,they're harmless burrowing earth creatures.
[TEGAN] They certainly fooled me.
[TURLOUGH] So, all we have to do is find a way of isolating the Gravisfrom the others.
[TEGAN] That should be fun. He's not trying to take off, surely?
[TURLOUGH] Unfortunately not.
[TURLOUGH] None of the controls are functional.
[TEGAN] You mean, it just looks pretty.
[PLANTAGENET] That's the idea.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's it. Now, this should either sort out this wholeTractator problem and repair the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Or it won't. I suggest you all get under cover.
[GRAVIS [OC]] It is useless to hide!
(Outside the Tardis)
[GRAVIS] We have you completely in our control now.
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite. I'd, er, I'd like to negotiate a surrender.
[GRAVIS] There is nothing to negotiate.
[DOCTOR] Oh, absolutely. You can have it all. Frontios, its unhappyoccupants, the lot. I don't think it's fair for us Time Lords tointerfere.
[GRAVIS] You admit you were sent?
[DOCTOR] Why should we let a bunch of stuffed shirts deprive you of yourown form of transportation? Hmm? However primitive.
[GRAVIS] Primitive?
[DOCTOR] Well, in comparison to Gallifreyan time technology, of course.But then, what isn't?
[GRAVIS] The, the Tardis!
[DOCTOR] What, this? Oh, yes, well, as I was saying, you can haveFrontios, all the fixtures and fittings appertaining thereunto, andI'll pull my Tardis together and get off your patch.
[GRAVIS] I should like to see it, this Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's not all here at the moment, you understand. It's, erit's been spatially distributed to optimise the, er, the packingefficiency of, er, the real time envelope.
[GRAVIS] The power of travel is beautiful, Doctor.Very beautiful.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, indeed. Well, as you can see, from this panel,Gravis, I control all of the main Tardis functions. The timecoordinates, spatial coordinates, all inoperative at the moment, ofcourse, because the spatial distribution circuits are switched in.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Now, you really will have to be more careful, Gravis. Nowthe autoscan's picking up all the locations of the concealed Tardiscomponents. Oh, well, not to worry. I shouldn't think it's even withinyour powers to reassemble them. Besides, what would you want with anold Type Forty Time and Relative Dimension in Space machine, hmm?
[GRAVIS] But I do want it, Doctor. The Tardis. Infinite travel within mygrasp.
[DOCTOR] Oh. No, Gravis, please. Take everything else but leave me theTardis.
[GRAVIS] I will have it.
[DOCTOR] Oh no, Gravis, please, I beg you! Spare me the Tardis!
[GRAVIS] I will have it!
[TURLOUGH] (sotto) What's he doing, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Shush. This isn't the time to disturb his concentration.
[PLANTAGENET] Doctor, what have you done?
[DOCTOR] Brace yourselves.
(Research room)
[NORNA] What was that?
[RANGE] The end. The end of Frontios.
[NORNA] Or the beginning, Father.
[TEGAN] The Tardis can't stand this, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It's kill or cure.
[TEGAN] The TARDIS is coming together!
[TURLOUGH] That's impossible.
[DOCTOR] For you and me, maybe, but when the Gravis really wantssomething.
[TURLOUGH] The Tardis will be repaired?
[DOCTOR] With a bit of luck, any moment the plasmic outer walls of theTardis will seal.
[TURLOUGH] We'll be in our own dimension.
[DOCTOR] If your theory is correct, Turlough, the vital link between theGravis and his Tractator chums. Hold on!
[PLANTAGENET] Is he dead?
[DOCTOR] Oh, no, no, but quite harmless, and as long as we keep himisolated from the other Tractators, he'll stay that way.
[TEGAN] We can't go dragging around the universe with a dormant Gravison the console.
[DOCTOR] Well, the first thing we'll do is drop him off on someuninhabited planet.
(Outside the Medicalcentre)
[PLANTAGENET] Brave man, this Doctor, travelling with the Gravis onboard.
[RANGE] Oh, it's quite harmless now. I inspected the creature myself.
[TURLOUGH] Now all we need is a console room to go round it.
[RANGE] Well the Doctor and Tegan are due back any minute.
[TURLOUGH] He's got a present for you.
[PLANTAGENET] A present? But it is enough that he has given us ourfreedom.
[RANGE] Yes, no more terror descending from the sky.
[TURLOUGH] Not unless you count the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's that. The Gravis is safe and well on theuninhabited planet of Kolkokron, exercising his animal magnetism on therocks and boulders.
[TEGAN] There's nothing but rocks and boulders out there. All theplanets are deserted according to the Tardis scanner.
[RANGE] Well, that's better than being among enemies, as we thought.
[PLANTAGENET] So, the last of mankind is after all quite alone.
[DOCTOR] Alone but in good hands, Plantagenet. Speaking of which, I knowit's not much, but, a farewell token.
[PLANTAGENET] Frontios is honoured, Doctor. But surely you'll stay awhile longer and enjoy some of the new colony we're building?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, no. Far too much repair work of my own to be done.Besides, time and the time laws don't permit it. There's an etiquetteabout these things which we've rather overlooked, I'm afraid.
[RANGE] But Doctor, you've done so much for us.
[DOCTOR] Yes, quite. Don't mention it.
[NORNA] After all he's done, he just says don't mention it?
[TEGAN] He means it, literally.
[TURLOUGH] Don't mention it to anyone.
[DOCTOR] Now listen, you two. If the Time Lordsever hear about our little trip to Frontios, there'll be serioustrouble.
[TURLOUGH] What would have happened if we hadn't been there, Doctor?
[TEGAN] Well, the Tardis engines would be working properly, for onething.
[DOCTOR] Oh, there's nothing wrong with them.
[TEGAN] Then why are they making that funny noise?
[TURLOUGH] We're going far too fast, Doctor. Stop the engines!
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, leave them. They're all right.
[TURLOUGH] What's happening?
[TEGAN] The Gravis?
[DOCTOR] Oh no, this is something much more powerful. We're being pulledtowards the middle of the universe. I'm trying to pull against it.
[TEGAN] Against what?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I think we're about to find out.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s21", "episode": "e03", "title": "Frontios"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (8 Feb, 1984; Fifth Doctor) - Resurrection of the Daleks
(Shad Thames)
[STIEN] Which way?
[GALLOWAY] Does it matter?
[MAN] Where are we?
[MAN] Run!
[STIEN] Where've they gone?
[GALLOWAY] Where'd you think. Come on.
(Battle cruiser)
[LYTTON] That was a shambles.
[TROOPER] The escape was prevented?
[LYTTON] They got out of the warehouse. It should never have happened.And who ordered the use of machine pistols?
[TROOPER] Standing orders. Nothing anachronistic is to be taken toEarth.
[LYTTON] So instead we slaughter valuable specimens. Next time, stunlasers are to be used.
[TROOPER] It was an unfortunate mistake.
[LYTTON] Make it your last, otherwise the next execution squad will becoming for you.
[TEGAN] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] I can't free the Tardis from the Time Corridor!
[TEGAN] Is there anything you can do?
[DOCTOR] No, too much turbulence. Hold on. Things must stabilise soon.
(Shad Thames)
[STIEN] What if they're still in there, waiting?
[GALLOWAY] We must warn our own people.
[STIEN] Use the Time Corridor?
[GALLOWAY] You said you were a soldier. Have you no sense of loyalty?
[STIEN] I'm a Quartermaster Sergeant. I'm not combat trained. I can'tafford your sort of principles. Look at me, I'm not exactly incondition. I can't even run properly.
[GALLOWAY] You're pathetic.
[STIEN] That too.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, we're weaving in time.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, I know.
[TEGAN] Can't we materialise?
[TURLOUGH] No, not until we're free of the Time Corridor. We riskbreak-up.
[TEGAN] Is that true?
[DOCTOR] Not if I have anything to do with it.
[TEGAN] Oh, no.
(Warehouse- upper level)
[GALLOWAY] They've gone.
[STIEN] They could have closed the Time Corridor down. Let's get out ofhere. I'm scared.
[GALLOWAY] The entrance to the corridor is round here somewhere.
[STIEN] There's nothing there now. What was that?
[GALLOWAY] A rodent.
[STIEN] Wearing combat boots?
[GALLOWAY] Back to the stairs, quick.
(Warehouse stairs)
[STIEN] Can you see anything?
[GALLOWAY [OC]] Get out of here!
[STIEN] Galloway?
[STIEN] Galloway!
[STIEN] Oh, Galloway.
[TEGAN] What are we waiting for?
[DOCTOR] The right moment. The time stress on the Tardis varies greatly.I'm waiting for the right moment to break out of the Time Corridor.
[TEGAN] Can I get to my room? I feel sick.
[DOCTOR] Too late, Tegan. Hold on.
[DOCTOR] Hold on!
(Battle cruiser bridge)
[TROOPER] Check list completed. All systems functioning.
[LYTTON] Raise the force shield. All troopers to battle stations. Battlespeed!
[TEGAN] Doctor, I can't stand much more.
[DOCTOR] Hold on.
[DOCTOR] We're free.
[TURLOUGH] Is it over?
[DOCTOR] For the moment. Are you all right?
[TEGAN] Yes, I think so.
(Space station)
[MERCER] I don't believe this. How long has the station been in thisstate?
[STYLES] Since regular inspections ceased.
[MERCER] This place is falling to pieces.
[STYLES] Huh. And you're seeing it on a good day. If you wanted to seeeverything spick and span, you shouldn't have asked for a transfer to aprison. Come on!
[MERCER] How'd you cope with that mess?
[STYLES] By ignoring it. My only concern is the medical welfare of thecrew and the prisoner.
[MERCER] Isn't that rather a narrow view of your responsibilities?
[STYLES] Oh, do shut up, will you? It's the only way to stay sane.You've only been here three days. You know nothing.
[MERCER] I've been here long enough to learn that the morale on thisstation is appalling.
[STYLES] If the Captain doesn't care, why should I?
[MERCER] Why, indeed?
[STYLES] Look, my tour of duty finishes here in eight weeks. I'mdependent on a good report from the Captain for my next promotion.
[MERCER] I see.
[STYLES] Oh no, I don't think you do. If I don't get a good report, Icould be here for another two years.
[MERCER] If Control were aware of the morale on this station, theCaptain wouldn't be in command.
[STYLES] It's been tried before, usually by inexperienced new boys likeyou. And the way you're carrying on, you are going to end upexactly like the others.
[MERCER] Meaning?
[STYLES] Dead. You are the third security officer we've had here in twoyears.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, we're travelling parallel to theTime Corridor.
[TEGAN] Where are we going?
[TURLOUGH] Twentieth century Earth, it seems.
(Shad Thames)
(Space station bridge)
[OSBORN] How long is your tour of duty?
[MERCER] Two years.
[OSBORN] Oh? The Captain normally allows new arrivals to settle inbefore subjecting them to the tedium of Officer of the Watch. What didyou do?
[MERCER] I complained.
[OSBORN] Someone should have warned you.
[MERCER] I had every right. Have you seen the state of the defencesystem?
[OSBORN] You fear an attack?
[MERCER] That's not the point.
[OSBORN] Oh, I wouldn't worry about it. The only ship we ever see aroundhere is our own supply vessel.
[CREWMAN] I think you may have spoken too soon. Sensors have picked up aship in warp drive just enter the exclusion zone.
[MERCER] Inform the Captain.
[OSBORN] I wouldn't bother him. Not yet. It could be anything. Let thefighters check it out first.
[MERCER] What?
[OSBORN] They'll be grateful for the practice.
[TEGAN] Have you calculated where we are?
[DOCTOR] Well, the instruments are still affected by turbulence, but Ithink it's 1984, London. Found it!
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, where are you going?
[DOCTOR] The Time Corridor. I want to find out what all this is about.
(Space station bridge)
[OSBORN] Fighter leader has made visual contact.It's a battle cruiser!
[MERCER] Go to Red Alert. Inform the Captain.
[CREWMAN] Sensors report we're being scanned, sir.
[MERCER] Red Alert at once!
(Butler's Wharf)
[DOCTOR] Such neglect. A hundred years ago thisplace would have been bustling with activity.
[TEGAN] It might be again when we find out who's operating the TimeCorridor.
[DOCTOR] Come on. Trouble with you, Tegan, you have no imagination.
[TEGAN] That's because I can't get worked up about a load of crumblingbrickwork.
(Space station bridge)
[MERCER] Operate the deflector shield.
[CREWMAN] Power building.
[MERCER] Seal airlocks.
[OSBORN] The battle cruiser has attacked the fighters.
[MERCER] Can we give them any supporting fire?
[OSBORN] No, not at the moment.
[CREWMAN] All but airlock three is sealed.
[MERCER] Alert maintenance.
[CREWMAN] We've been hit!
[MERCER] What's happening?
[OSBORN] Engineering report.
[MERCER] What's happening?
[OSBORN] Engineering report damage to the generating plant.
[CREWMAN] Cruiser's closing in, sir.
[OSBORN] I've lost contact with the fighters.
[MERCER] Open fire. I said, open fire!
[CREWMAN] I can't! We don't have enough power for the laser cannon. Weare defenceless.
[CREWMAN] Look, we should surrender!
[OSBORN] But we can't fight. We don't even have a deflector shield.
[STYLES] Mercer! How much longer is this slaughter to continue?
[MERCER] Where's the Captain?
[STYLES] Dead, along with half the crew.
[OSBORN] Battle cruiser preparing to dock.
[MERCER] Which airlock?
[OSBORN] Three. Maintenance team's still working on it.
[MERCER] I want every available man down there. Block the corridor withanything they can find.
[STYLES] More killing?
[MERCER] Your bile would be better directed against the enemy, Doctor.
[STYLES] How long before they dock?
[MERCER] Three minutes. We'd better go down to the airlock.
[STYLES] Right.
[MERCER] Should we be boarded, destroy the prisoner.
[OSBORN] Good luck.
(Shad Thames)
[STIEN] Don't come in here. Soldiers.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR] He'll be all right.
[TEGAN] Look at the way he's dressed.
[DOCTOR] He must have come down the Time Corridor.
[STIEN] You've got to help me.
[DOCTOR] What happened?
(Airlock 3)
[MERCER] Check how much longer the maintenance crew will be.
[STYLES] Right.
[MERCER] The cruiser's docked.
[STYLES] The cruiser's docked.
[MERCER] Get the shield down!
[STYLES] Come on, pull!
[STYLES] Pull!
(Shad Thames)
[STIEN] I must rest. I'm hungry. I haven't eatensince yesterday.
[DOCTOR] Who's controlling the Time Corridor?
[STIEN] I don't know. Have you got anything to eat?
[TEGAN] Where are you from?
[STIEN] Earth, but not all the prisoners are from the same period. Areyou sure you haven't got anything to eat?
[DOCTOR] Relax. I'm going into the warehouse.
[STIEN] No! I told you, there are soldiers.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps they can tell us what's going on, hmm?
[STIEN] The Time Corridor's on the next level. Becareful.
(Airlock 3)
[MERCER] Wait until I give the order.
[CREWMAN 2] Okay.
[MERCER] Fire!
[STYLES] Now. Now!
[DALEK] Under attack. Withdraw. Regroup.
[DALEK 2] Under attack.
[DALEK] Withdraw.
[DALEK 2] Withdraw.
[DALEKS] Withdraw. Withdraw. Withdraw.
(Battle cruiser bridge)
[DALEKS [OC]] Regroup.
[LYTTON] Fools! I told you this would happen. They mined the corridor.
[BLACK] We do not want excuses. The attack must continue.
[LYTTON] Only this time, as I planned.
[DALEK] You will show more respect for the Supreme Dalek.
[LYTTON] Your battle tactics won't work. Their position is too strong.
[BLACK] You may proceed. We shall try your plan. But should you fail,you will be exterminated.
(Warehouse - upper level)
[TURLOUGH] Dark, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] Look around.
[STIEN] I can't see Galloway's body.
[TEGAN] Look, Doctor. Bullets.
[DOCTOR] Recently fired.
[TEGAN] Hardly alien.
[DOCTOR] Why advertise who you are, hmm?
[TEGAN] Where's Turlough?
[DOCTOR] Turlough?
[TEGAN] Where's he gone?
[DOCTOR] Turlough!
[ARCHER] Did you hear that?
[CALDER] No, sir.
[ARCHER] I thought I heard voices.
(Airlock 3)
[STYLES] How long before they try again?
[MERCER] Soon.
[STYLES] Can't we board, take the fight to them?
[MERCER] I think not.
[MERCER] Fire!
[MERCER] Masks down! Masks down!
(Space station bridge)
[MERCER] Move it! We're finished. It's every manfor himself.
[CREWMAN] Oh, no, every man for himself?
[MERCER] Destroy the prisoner.
[OSBORN] It's not working! (to the crewman) Come with me.
(Warehouse - upper level)
[DOCTOR] Turlough!
[DOCTOR] Turlough!
[ARCHER] May I help you, gentlemen? This is private property.
[DOCTOR] Er, yes, I'm sorry about this. A friend of mine wandered inhere by mistake, and we're looking for him.
[ARCHER] I don't see him.
[LAIRD] What's going on?
[ARCHER] Precisely what I'm trying to find out.
(Outside the prison area)
[OSBORN] Come on, come on!
(Battle cruiser bridge)
[TROOPER] The bridge has been secured, sir.
[LYTTON] Good. We must join them.
[DALEK] The Doctor has been detained in the warehouse.
[BLACK] Despatch a Dalek. He must be brought to our ship at once.
[DALEK] I obey.
(Prison area)
[OSBORN] Oh, does nothing work properly?
[OSBORN] Try here. What's that smell?
[MERCER] Well, it can't be the prisoner.
(Warehouse - upper level)
[ARCHER] Time Corridors. Alien beings. Really.
[STIEN] You may not believe us but all we need is a minute or two more.The entrance to the Time Corridor is on this level, somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Interesting. You don't disbelieve us, do you?
[ARCHER] Of course I disbelieve you. I've never heard such nonsense.
[DOCTOR] What have you discovered?
[ARCHER] Nothing. Take them away.
[LAIRD] Tell them, Colonel. They've guessed most of it already.
[ARCHER] Are you from the Press?
[DOCTOR] What have you found?
[ARCHER] Quiet.
[DOCTOR] Tell me! Alien objects?
[ARCHER] You'd better inform HQ about what's happened.
[CALDER] Okay, sir.
(Prison area)
[OSBORN] Right, explosive charges primed. What is that smell?
[OSBORN] Keep back!
[MERCER] Help me!
[OSBORN] Stay away!
[MERCER] What's happening to me?
[TROOPER] Disarmed.
[LYTTON] Release Davros.
(Warehouse - upper level)
[CALDER] It's heavy static. Can't get through to HQ.
[DOCTOR] A side effect of the Time Corridor.
[ARCHER] Be quiet.
[ARCHER] Who's that?
[DOCTOR] Don't harm her, please. She's a friend.
[TEGAN] Sorry, Doctor. Look!
[ARCHER] What is it?
[DOCTOR] A Dalek. Take cover!
[DALEK] Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!Exterminate!
(Warehouse- upper level)
[LAIRD] Where did they come from?
[STIEN] The Time Corridor.
[LAIRD] From the ship you were on?
[STIEN] Must be.
[LAIRD] What do they want?
[TEGAN] I hope we never find out.
[DOCTOR] Aim for the eyepiece, the stalk at the top of the dome.
[DALEK] My vision is impaired. I cannot see. My vision is impaired. Icannot see.
[DOCTOR] Quickly!
[DALEK] I cannot see. My vision is impaired. I cannot see. Warning.Warning.
[DOCTOR] Open the door!
[DALEK] I cannot see! I cannot see! Warning! Emergency!
[DOCTOR] Stand clear!
[LAIRD] She's all right. We should get her downstairs.
[DOCTOR] While you're doing that, I'd like a hand with the debrisoutside.
(Battle cruiser bridge)
[DALEK] The Dalek sent to the warehouse has beendestroyed.
[BLACK] How is that possible?
[DALEK] The Doctor was aided by the Earth soldiers.
[BLACK] Seal the warehouse terminal of the Time Corridor. We will dealwith the Doctor in due course.
(Space station)
[STYLES] Where precisely are we going?
[MERCER] Keep your mask down. There could still be gas around.
[STYLES] So what. I'd rather die quickly than painfully of dehydration.Exactly how much longer are we going to wander around this place?
[MERCER] Look, as far as we know, there are only four of us still alive.We can't fight the Daleks alone.
[STYLES] Only minutes ago you were prepared to fight till the bitterend.
[MERCER] And look where it got me. A dead crew.
[STYLES] Then don't let it be for nothing.
[MERCER] What can we do?
[STYLES] Have you forgotten? This station has a self-destruct system.
(Battle cruiser)
(Prison area)
[TROOPER] He's very still. Is he dead?
[LYTTON] I think not.
(Warehouse - Army base)
[CALDER] Soon be ready.
[LAIRD] We could all do with something a bit stronger. How's your friendupstairs?
[CALDER] He's dead.
[DOCTOR] How is she?
[LAIRD] She's sleeping naturally.
[CALDER] Tea, sir?
[ARCHER] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Who discovered these cylinders?
[CALDER] Builders. They're converting the warehouse into flats. Thoughtthey were unexploded bombs.
[DOCTOR] Have you tried to open one?
[LAIRD] They haven't even scratched the casing.
[ARCHER] Do you think the Daleks have anything to do with this?
[DOCTOR] It would be an enormous coincidence if they didn't.
(Prison area)
[DAVROS] Who are you?
[LYTTON] Commander Lytton.
[DAVROS] Commander? My Daleks do not need troops.
[LYTTON] You'd still be in prison or dead if it weren't for my men.
[DAVROS] You speak as though my Daleks are no longer capable of war.
[LYTTON] A lot has happened during your imprisonment.
[DAVROS] The war with the Movellans is over?
[LYTTON] Yes, although casualties were very high.
[DAVROS] It is to be expected.
[LYTTON] I'm talking about Dalek casualties.
[DAVROS] Dalek casualties?
[LYTTON] They lost, Davros. They were totally defeated.
(Battle cruiser)
(Warehouse - Army base)
[CALDER] Zero three to HQ. Zero three to HQ. Over.
[ARCHER] Keep trying.
[DOCTOR] You must get reinforcements.
[CALDER] Zero three to HQ.
[ARCHER] I can't conjure them out of the air. I have to find atelephone.
[LAIRD] I'll go. You're needed here.
[ARCHER] This is more than a military matter now. I have to speak to theMinistry of Defence. We'll need a massive troop involvement.
[CALDER] Zero three to HQ. Zero three to HQ. Over.
[DOCTOR] I'll come with you.
[ARCHER] You're the only one who knows anything about fighting Daleks.Your duty's here.
(Battle cruiser bridge)
[BLACK] He is a companion of the Doctor.
[DALEK] He should be destroyed.
[BLACK] He would be better used as bait. The Doctor is sentimental andemotional. He will come after the boy. This will aid the Dalek plan.Allow the boy to roam freely.
(Space station)
[MERCER] We'll rest for a moment.
[STYLES] Don't you get funny ideas? I'd give anything for a glass ofcool spring mountain water.
[MERCER] Quiet. Down!
[MERCER] Fire!
[STYLES] Careful.
[MERCER] Uniforms.
[STYLES] Uniforms.
(Warehouse - Army base)
[LAIRD] Here, take these. It'll help your head.
[DOCTOR] I won't be long. I must get back to my ship.
[DOCTOR] I must find Turlough.
[CALDER] Yes, I understand how you feel, sir, but I must ask you to waittill the Colonel gets back.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no. There is isn't time. Turlough's on board theDalek ship.
[CALDER] I'm sure the Colonel won't be long.
[STIEN] Let him go.
[CALDER] I can't.
(Warehouse - upper level)
[CALDER] Are you all right, lad?
[DOCTOR] Be careful.
[STIEN] I was terrified it was a Dalek.
[DOCTOR] It was, or at least, the remains of one.
[CALDER] He's still alive.
[DOCTOR] We have to find it before it tries to kill again.
(Prison area)
[LYTTON] You all right?
[DAVROS] There are malfunctions in my life-support system. I require anengineer.
[LYTTON] We must board the Dalek ship.
[DAVROS] I must remain close to my cryogenic chamber. It may benecessary for me to be refrozen.
[LYTTON] There is a time factor. The space station transmitted adistress call.
[DAVROS] It will take days for a task force to arrive.
[LYTTON] Not if the signal's been intercepted by a patrol ship.
[DAVROS] Then you will shoot it down! I cannot be moved.
(Battle cruiser bridge)
[BLACK] Order an engineer to attend Davros.
[DALEK] We should leave here at once.
[BLACK] Without Davros, we have no future. He must be made to believethat we serve him.
(Warehouse - upper level)
[STIEN] This is a waste of time. The mutant couldhave escaped using the Time Corridor.
[DOCTOR] True, so why are you being so tentative in your search?
[STIEN] We don't know for certain.
[DOCTOR] Precisely. That's why we're searching the warehouse.
[CALDER] What's it look like?
[DOCTOR] Oh, you won't mistake it. The moment you find it, it'll try andkill you.
(Lafone Street)
[ARCHER] Gentlemen, you've saved my life. I'm Colonel Archer, BombDisposal Squad. I have to make an urgent call. May I use your radio?
[ARCHER] Please?
[ARCHER] Thank you. It's dead.
(Prison area)
[DAVROS] Tell be about the Dalek defeat.
[LYTTON] You already know most of it. The Daleks and the Movellans werelocked in an impasse. Each time their respective fleets attempted astratagem, it was instantly anticipated and countered by theiropponent's battle computer.
[DAVROS] Two totally logical war machines unable to out-think eachother. Fascinating. If only I'd been there.
[LYTTON] Then the Movellans found the answer.
[KISTON] Sorry, sir.
[DAVROS] Quickly, tell me.
[LYTTON] They developed a virus which exclusively attacks the Daleks.The fleet was destroyed. Those who survived went to separate parts ofthe universe to escape the risk of further infection and work on acure.
[DAVROS] Have they succeeded?
[LYTTON] Not yet.
[DAVROS] So, they have returned to their creator. Like an errant child,they have come home once more, but this time they will not abuse me.This time, I shall take my rightful place as their Supreme Being, andunder my control, the Daleks shall once more become triumphant!
[LYTTON] Will you be able to find an antidote?
[DAVROS] Of course.
[LYTTON] A lot of research has already been done.
[DAVROS] I am Davros. The Daleks are my creation. If necessary, I shallgenetically re-engineer them. Have you finished?
[KISTON] Almost, sir.
[DAVROS] I will need a laboratory.
[LYTTON] There is one already prepared for you.
[DAVROS] I shall work here, on the station.
[LYTTON] I've explained. There isn't time.
[DAVROS] I cannot risk an accident. If the virus were to escape on boardthe Dalek ship
[LYTTON] Every precaution has been taken.
[DAVROS] I work here! Or not at all.
[LYTTON] I'll see what can be arranged.
[DAVROS] Hurry. There is much work to be done.
[KISTON] I've finished, sir.
[DAVROS] Close the panel.
(Outside the Prison area)
[BLACK [OC]] I order you to obey Davros.
[LYTTON] And what happens when the task force arrives from Earth?
[BLACK [OC]] We shall be gone. I have a plan that will force Davros toleave of his own free will. Until then, you must supply him witheverything he demands. Allow him access to the Space Station'slaboratory.
(Prison area)
[KISTON] As you command.
[LYTTON] What happened?
[DAVROS] A small accident.
[LYTTON] Are you all right?
[KISTON] I caught my hand. It's nothing, sir.
(Warehouse - upper level)
[STIEN] It isn't here. We haven't found theentrance to the Time Corridor, either.
[DOCTOR] Temporarily disconnected, I would think.
[CALDER] Doctor.
[STIEN] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Nothing, nothing. Go on with the search.
[STIEN] So much for the conqueror of the universe. I told you it hadgone.
[STIEN] Is it dead?
[DOCTOR] Would you care to take a look? How is he?
[CALDER] It's more shock than physical. Come on, lad. Let's get youdownstairs. Come on, you'll be all right.
[LAIRD] What happened?
[DOCTOR] The Dalek wasn't quite dead, I'm afraid. Here, take this.
[CALDER] Give us a hand with him.
[LAIRD] Of course.
[DOCTOR] We must get back to the Tardis. I have to find the Dalek ship.
[STIEN] I'm not going back there. They'll kill me.
[DOCTOR] I need your help.
[STIEN] Help? Huh. You don't know how much of a coward I am.
[DOCTOR] Well, you can take this opportunity to show me. Come along.
(Space station)
[MERCER] Kill him!
[STYLES] Wait. At least question him first.
(Warehouse - Army base)
[TEGAN] What happened? What was that shooting?
[CALDER] A small problem with a Dalek.
[TEGAN] He'd be more comfortable over here.
[LAIRD] Stay where you are.
[CALDER] It looks superficial.
[LAIRD] As long as there isn't any poison in it. Well, it was caused byan alien. We don't know what infection may have entered hisbloodstream.
[CALDER] The Colonel'll be back soon, then we get the pair of them tohospital.
(Prison area)
[DAVROS] Ninety years I was frozen in that. Ninetyyears of mind-numbing boredom.
[LYTTON] You were conscious?
[DAVROS] Every second. The creatures of Earth have no stomach forjudicial murder. They prefer to leave you to slowly rot and die. Theycall it being humane.
[KISTON] Then you must be equally humane in your revenge.
[DAVROS] It is a planet I shall destroy at my leisure. But first, I mustdeal with a meddling Time Lord.
[LYTTON] That has been anticipated.
[DAVROS] You have the Doctor?
[LYTTON] His capture is imminent.
[DAVROS] Excellent! Once I have drained his mind of all knowledge, heshall then die slowly and painfully! He has interfered for the lasttime.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know.
[STEIN] What?
[DOCTOR] It's bigger inside than out.
[STIEN] I'm going mad. Daleks, Time Corridors, now this.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, soon be over.
[STIEN] Yes, but will I still be sane enough to know?
(Space station)
[STYLES] Don't do that.
[MERCER] Hide your eyes if it offends you.
[STYLES] Look, even an idiot like you must realise that he doesn't knowanything.
[MERCER] He's not a member of the crew. He must be with the Daleks.
[TURLOUGH] I've told you, I'm from Earth.
[MERCER] Then how did you get here?
[TURLOUGH] The Dalek's Time Corridor.
[MERCER] Do you believe that?
[STYLES] Why not? We know the Daleks are capable of time travel.
[MERCER] So we're letting him go.
[STYLES] No, but we're not going to wait here for the Daleks to find us,either.
(Warehouse - Army base)
[CALDER] Any one want some tea?
[LAIRD] No, thanks.
[TEGAN] I'd much rather have the Colonel back. How much longer is hegoing to be?
[CALDER] Hey, where are you going, lad? Come on, you're excused duties.
[LAIRD] Are you all right?
[CALDER] Yeah. You stay there.
[TEGAN] What's all that about?
(Battle cruiser - Reception area)
[DALEK] Activate the exit to the Time Corridor.
[DALEKS] We obey.
(Warehouse - upper level)
[CALDER] Come on, lad. Nothing to worry about. It'sonly Sergeant Calder. Colonel's gone for an ambulance. Then you'll beall right.
[DALEKS] Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!
(Warehouse - Army base)
[TEGAN] That was gunfire.
[LAIRD] Quickly. We should get out of here. Quickly.
[ARCHER] There's nothing to worry about.
(Prison area)
[LYTTON] I'll inform him at once. Your laboratory is ready.
[DAVROS] Good. I will require the assistance of a chemist.
[LYTTON] Of course.
[DAVROS] And Kiston. He has proven to be a competent mechanicalengineer.
[LYTTON] As you wish.
[DAVROS] Guards?
[LYTTON] An escort. There are still members of the crew still at large.It's purely a precaution.
[DAVROS] I am very difficult to kill. You should already know that.
(Warehouse - Army base)
[TEGAN] (sotto) That's not Colonel Archer. He gavethe Doctor his gun belt, yet he's wearing one.
[ARCHER] What are you two whispering about?
[LAIRD] I was wondering when the ambulance for Tegan would arrive.
[ARCHER] That is in hand.
[TEGAN] And the reinforcements?
[ARCHER] That is a military matter and therefore confidential.
[LAIRD] I don't think we should wait for the ambulance.
[ARCHER] This warehouse is under martial law. Attempt to leave, and I'llhave the pair of you shot.
[DOCTOR] That's it. I've located the Dalek ship.Now, I could drop you off at the warehouse when I collect Tegan.
[STIEN] I'll come with you.
[DOCTOR] Good man.
(Battle cruiser bridge)
[DALEK] The Doctor's Tardis has been caught in theTime Corridor.
[BLACK] Prepare the duplication room.
[DALEK] I obey.
(Battle cruiser - Reception area)
[DOCTOR] Turlough?
[DOCTOR] Turlough? Foolish boy.
[DOCTOR] Quickly, let's get out of here.
[STIEN] No, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] This is madness. The Daleks won't thank you for capturing me.They'll kill you.
[STIEN] I didn't quite tell you the truth. I serve the Daleks. I'm aDalek agent.
[DALEKS] Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate theDoctor. Exterminate. Exterminate! Exterminate!
(Battle cruiser - Reception area)
[DALEKS] Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate the Doctor. Exterminate theDoctor. Exterminate
[LYTTON] Wait.
[DALEK] He is an enemy of the Daleks. He must be exterminated.
[LYTTON] He must be duplicated first. Confirm with the Supreme Dalek.
[DALEK] Supreme Dalek confirms the order. We must take the prisoner tothe duplication chamber. Proceed.
[STIEN] Impulsive, aren't they.
[LYTTON] They'd kill anybody, even if they need them.
[STEIN] Now much longer before it's your turn?
(Space Station)
[MERCER] It's here.
[STYLES] It isn't guarded.
[MERCER] Be grateful.
[TURLOUGH] What is it?
[MERCER] Self-destruct chamber.
[STYLES] Right, let's get it open.
[TURLOUGH] What are you going to do?
[STYLES] Guess.
(Warehouse - Army base)
[LAIRD] Would anyone like some tea?
[TEGAN] Please.
[LAIRD] Colonel?
[LAIRD] How much longer will the ambulance be?
[ARCHER] I don't know.
[LAIRD] Tegan has severe concussion. It's vital she receives propermedical attention.
[ARCHER] She will receive medical attention as soon as it is available.
[TEGAN] Thanks very much.
[LAIRD] Pity he didn't want any tea. He'd have slept for hours.
[TEGAN] We've got to get out of here.
[TEGAN] Do you think we could free one of these?
[LAIRD] I should think so.
(Outside the Duplication room)
[DALEK] Proceed.
[ARCHER] They know.
[CALDER] What do we do?
[ARCHER] The Daleks will instruct us.
(Space Station laboratory)
[DALEK] It is vital you complete your researches assoon as possible.
[DAVROS] I will need a sample of the Movellan virus.
[DALEK] It will be brought to you.
[DAVROS] I will also need two Daleks for experimentation.
[DALEK] That is forbidden.
[DAVROS] If I am to find a cure, I will need living Dalek tissue.
[DALEK 2] We must consult the Supreme Dalek.
[DAVROS] Do so, but be quick! Already I grow impatient.
(Self-destruct chamber)
[STYLES] Where do we start?
(Battle cruiser)
[LYTTON] Lytton.
(Battle cruiser bridge)
[BLACK] This is the Supreme Dalek. Theself-destruct chamber has been invaded.
(Battle cruiser)
[BLACK [OC]] The hostiles must be exterminated.
[LYTTON] There isn't time. Abandon the space station.
[BLACK [OC]] You should have anticipated this.
[LYTTON] The original plan was to snatch Davros and leave, not dance tohis every whim.
[BLACK [OC]] Nothing must endanger Davros. The hostiles must bedestroyed. The Daleks must be obeyed.
(Duplication chamber)
[DALEK] You must not touch the equipment.
[DOCTOR] Without the threat of death, you're quite powerless, aren'tyou.
[DALEK] You will obey.
[STIEN] It is unwise to provoke the Daleks, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] However you respond is seen as an act of provocation. I knowthe Daleks of old. And Davros. I assume he's about here somewhere.
[STIEN] You only invite trouble with your questions.
[DOCTOR] Do you mean it can get worse?
[STIEN] Oh, yes. The Daleks are very capable of devising painful andundignified ways of dying.
[DOCTOR] But not yet. The Daleks need my brainwaves intact, don't they.
(Warehouse - Army base)
[TEGAN] It's so light. What's it made from?
[LAIRD] Who knows? It defied every test I could think of.
(Self-destruct chamber)
[STYLES] It looks complicated.
[MERCER] Try the computer. It may contain the ignition sequence.
[TURLOUGH] And when you've primed your bomb, is it absolutely necessarythat we die along with the station?
[STYLES] Look, none of us are looking to become martyrs. You know a wayout?
[TURLOUGH] The Time Corridor I mentioned. It exists, it's real. We coulduse it to escape.
[MERCER] What do you think?
[STYLES] You could check it out while I try and find a way into thisthing.
[MERCER] Right.
(Duplication chamber)
[DALEK] You must cooperate. You must lie down.
[DOCTOR] Why isn't Davros here? I would have thought he'd have wanted tosee this.
[STIEN] He is otherwise detained.
[DOCTOR] So, he is here.
[DALEK] It does not concern you. What sort of trouble are you in thistime?
(Warehouse - Army base)
[TEGAN] Well?
[LAIRD] Not bad.
[TEGAN] But would it convince?
[LAIRD] If you didn't look too hard, perhaps.
[TEGAN] The truth is you'd have to be blind not to see it isn't a body.
[LAIRD] Quickly!
[ARCHER] You can stop pretending.
[LAIRD] I don't know what you mean.
[ARCHER] You're to be transferred to the Dalek ship.
[LAIRD] Tegan is sick.
[ARCHER] Not for much longer.
[TEGAN] One way or another, we're both dead.
(Space station laboratory)
[DAVROS] A further recruit.
[DAVROS] Initiate.
[DAVROS] Welcome.
(Self-destruct chamber)
[STYLES] Thanks a lot. Zena?
[ZENA] Lieutenant Mercer might have security clearance.
[STYLES] That's a point. Get him on the radio.
[ZENA] The Daleks could trace the transmission.
[STYLES] Well, he can't have got far. Try him on a high-frequency range.The Daleks can't monitor them all.
[STYLES] That's outside! Close the door! Dalek Troopers!
(Outside the Self-destruct chamber)
[LYTTON] They must have seen us. Take out thatcamera.
(Self-destruct chamber)
[STYLES] Build a barricade. Something we can usefor protection. Now there's nothing to lose. Let's see what I can makeout of you.
(Duplication chamber)
[DOCTOR] What will you do with my duplicate?
[STIEN] That does not concern you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I think it does. I've grown rather attached to myself.
[DALEK] You will remain silent.
[DOCTOR] I assume my brainwaves are destined for Davros. You must needhis services very badly.
[DALEK] The Daleks are the superior being. We do not require assistance.
[DOCTOR] Superior? It took you long enough to ensnare the Tardis in theTime Corridor.
[DALEK] It was but one trap.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. But Stien was more effective. A living, thinking being,not some tin-pot machine.
[STIEN] Please, Doctor.
[DALEK] Stien is but an extension of Dalek technology.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DALEK] He is a duplicate. He is a product of our genetic engineering.
[DOCTOR] Are you all duplicates?
[STIEN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Interesting. I wonder what happened to the real you.
(Airlock 3)
[TURLOUGH] The Time Corridor is on the other sideof the airlock.
[MERCER] What about the Troopers?
[TURLOUGH] We kill them.
[MERCER] And the Daleks? We must set the self-destruct mechanism first.We go back.
[MERCER] We go back.
(Warehouse - Army base)
[TEGAN] Let's go.
[LAIRD] No, I should stay.
[TEGAN] Don't be silly, they'll kill you.
[LAIRD] No, not if you can get help quickly. This isn't going to deceiveanyone for very long, not unless there's someone here to help it alongwith a little bluff. Now you're wasting time. Go! Go! And good luck.
[TEGAN] And you. I'll be as quick as I can.
(Outside the Self-destruct chamber)
[LYTTON] Can we blow a hole in the wall?
[TROOPER] Could.
[LYTTON] Then we attack on two fronts.
(Space station laboratory)
[DAVROS] My army continues to grow.
(Self-destruct chamber)
[STYLES] I think I'm making progress.
(Duplication chamber)
[DOCTOR] Have the soldiers from the warehouse beenduplicated?
[STIEN] Yes.
[DOCTOR] It's very clever. Would you care to tell me how it's done?
[DOCTOR] Hmm, I thought not. What about Tegan?
[STIEN] She is our prisoner.
[DOCTOR] She's harmless. You must release her.
[DALEK] Show him.
[STIEN] The Doctor without his companions would be rather incongruous.
[DOCTOR] Why are you doing this?
[DALEK] Your duplicates will return to Gallifrey, where, at our command,you will assassinate the members of the High Council.
(Outside the Self-destruct chamber)
[MERCER] We must do something.
[TURLOUGH] With only one gun? They'd kill us.
[MERCER] I have to do something.
[TURLOUGH] Think about what's happening. The Daleks have a ship, so whyare their Troopers trying to break into the self-destruct chamber? Whydon't they leave, let your friends blow themselves to pieces?
[MERCER] Tell me.
[TURLOUGH] Because whatever the Daleks want is still on board.
[MERCER] Davros?
[TURLOUGH] You may not be able to help your friends, but you could stillkill him.
[DALEK] We have been sent by the Supreme Dalek.
[DALEK 2] We are to assist in your research.
[DAVROS] I need Dalek tissue, not help.
[DALEK] You may remove tissue from us.
[DAVROS] Excellent. In no way will my experiment harm you.
[DALEK] Releasing docking clamp.
[DAVROS] In fact, you will become considerably invigorated.
[DAVROS] Perfect. Reseal your casings. Now, who do you obey?
[DALEKS] We obey Davros. He is our master.
[DAVROS] Excellent. Now all I require is a sample of the Movellan virus.Find out the cause of the delay.
(Battle cruiser bridge)
[BLACK] Order a cylinder of Movellan virus to betransported from Earth.
[DALEK] I obey.
(Prison area)
[TURLOUGH] We're too late.
[MERCER] He can't be far.
[TURLOUGH] We could spend hours searching for him and still not findhim, and the place is crawling with Daleks.
[MERCER] I have to find him. And you're coming with me.
(Duplication room)
[STIEN] Nearly ready.
[DALEK] The prisoner is secured. You must proceed alone. We have beensummoned to other duties.
[DOCTOR] Not staying till the bitter end? How disappointing.
[DALEK] When it is time to die, you will, in your agony, beg to payhomage to the Daleks. (to a Trooper) You will wait outside.
[DOCTOR] Why do they take themselves so seriously?
[STIEN] I warned you not to provoke them. You only make it worse foryourself.
[DOCTOR] Get on with it. I can do without your pity.
[STIEN] Do you think I do this because I enjoy (starts to stutter) Doyou think I do this out of ch-ch-ch-choice? D-d-do I have a ch-choice?I have no choice.
(Reception area)
[DALEK] Take the cylinder to Davros.
(Outside the laboratory)
[MERCER] Of course. Davros is using Styles' laboratory.
(Self-destruct chamber)
[STYLES] We're nearly there. Why am I so excited? It'll be the lastthing I ever do.
[DAVROS] Perfect. I have but one more request. I require yourcooperation for a little longer.
[DAVROS] A spirited but foolish reaction. He will make an excellentslave. And so will you.
(Warehouse - Army base)
[LAIRD] One of the cylinders disappeared!
[ARCHER] Where is she? Where is she? She won't get far.
(Butler's Wharf)
[TEGAN] Hey!
(Duplication room)
[STIEN] Are you ready?
[DOCTOR] You ask it as though I have a choice.
[STIEN] Everyone has a ch-choice. It's in the Constitution, twenty fifthAmendment, or is it twenty sixth? Didn't you go to school?
[DOCTOR] I must have played truant that day. Or maybe we didn't go tothe same school. Which school did you go to?
[STIEN] I, I, c-can't remember.
[DOCTOR] But you remember one of the Amendments. What was the First?It's very important I know. It's very important you remember, too.Think, man. Search the area of your mind the Daleks have shut off.Resist, before it's too late.
[STIEN] I must continue.
[DOCTOR] Resist!
[STIEN] I must continue.
(Self-destruct chamber)
[ZENA] They're bypassing the door mechanism.
[STYLES] You've got to hold them. I'm almost there.
(Outside the Self-destruct chamber)
[LYTTON] Stand by.
(Self-destruct chamber)
[STYLES] That's it.
(Outside the Self-destruct chamber)
[TURLOUGH] There's nothing you can do.
[MERCER] I shouldn't have left them.
[TURLOUGH] You did the right thing. It's now up to you. We have to getback to Earth. Trust me.
(Self-destruct chamber)
[TROOPER] Just in time.
[DALEK] Your delay put the Dalek plan at risk.
[LYTTON] We won. That's all that matters.
[DALEK] The space station could have been destroyed. I must report thisto the Supreme Dalek.
(Warehouse - upper level)
[TEGAN] I'm sorry. I tried.
[LAIRD] They're going to send us to the Dalek ship.
[ARCHER] Get them into the Time Corridor.
[ARCHER] Into the Time Corridor with her.
(Duplication room)
[STIEN] Relax, Doctor, don't fight it. You'll only cause yourself pain.I know how you feel. The pain will pass. You must relax.
[DOCTOR] Quickly, recite the Amendments. Remember your past.
[STIEN] I must do my duty.
[DOCTOR] You must resist. You're destroying my mind.
[KISTON] The Daleks have secured the self-destructchamber. The station is safe.
[DAVROS] Excellent.
[KISTON] And the Daleks have taken the Doctor prisoner.
[DAVROS] Better still. He must be brought to me at once. Hurry. There isimportant work to do. I have waited a long time for this. Once theDoctor is exterminated, I shall build a new race of Daleks. They willbe even more deadly, and I, Davros, shall be their leader! This time weshall triumph! My Daleks shall once more become the Supreme Beings!
(Battle cruiser Reception area)
[TURLOUGH] What are you doing?
[MERCER] She was about to scream.
[TURLOUGH] It's Tegan, you fool. She's a friend.
[TEGAN] Turlough. Who is this?
[MERCER] Never mind that. We must get away before the Daleks arrive.
[TEGAN] Not without the Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] He's here?
[TEGAN] Look behind you.
[TEGAN] We must find him.
(Duplication room)
[STIEN] I can't stand the confusion in my mind!
[DOCTOR] Quickly, release me.
[STEIN] What about the guards?
[DOCTOR] We'll call them in here.
[DAVROS] You must secure the Tardis for me. Take the Troopers.
[DALEKS] We obey.
(Battle cruiser)
[TURLOUGH] In here.
(Duplication room)
[STIEN] Now what? The Dalek conditioning could c-cloud my mind at anyminute.
[DOCTOR] You'll be safe in the Tardis.
[STIEN] You don't understand. Under the Dalek influence I could killyou.
[DOCTOR] I'll take that chance.
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[STIEN] Come on, move. Over there.
[DOCTOR] Well, don't just stand there. Come and help.
(Battle cruiser bridge)
[BLACK] The Doctor is free. Your Troopers havefailed.
[LYTTON] More to the point, where were your Daleks?
[LYTTON] This is Lytton. Call out my Special Guard.
(Duplication room)
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, look. We should get out of here.
[DOCTOR] Quickly. Come on.
(Battle cruiser bridge)
[BLACK] Lytton grows too arrogant. His mind resistsour control. He must be exterminated as soon as it is convenient to theDaleks.
[TEGAN] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Earth.
[TURLOUGH] Best news all day.
[DOCTOR] Why did the Daleks rescue Davros?
[STIEN] They wanted a cure for a virus that was destroying them.
[TEGAN] Is that what's in those cylinders on Earth?
[STIEN] Yes.
[TEGAN] Why Earth?
[STIEN] They were safer there, and they acted as a lure. With the BombDisposal Squad duplicated, the Daleks had people to guard the warehousewho wouldn't arouse suspicion.
[TEGAN] Very neat.
[STIEN] Oh yes, the Daleks haven't lost any of their old guile.
[TEGAN] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] To kill Davros.
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I must. Davros created the Daleks. He must not be allowed tosave them.
[TEGAN] But murder?
[DOCTOR] Once before I held back from destroying the Daleks. It was amistake I do not intend to repeat. Davros must die.
[MERCER] I'm coming with you.
[MERCER] I can show you where he is.
[STIEN] I'm coming too. I wouldn't mind a taste of revenge.
[DOCTOR] All right. (to Tegan) Wait as long as you can, but should theDaleks attack, you leave at once.
[TEGAN] What about you?
[DAVROS] Could this be the Doctor?
[KISTON] The prisoner is certainly important. The one on the left isStien, a member of Lytton's Special Guard. He wouldn't be assigned toescort duties otherwise.
[DAVROS] The Doctor and his Tardis. Perfect!
(Battle cruiser)
[LYTTON] Lytton.
[BLACK [OC]] Davros has gained control of two Daleks. They are in theReception area, attempting to enter the Doctor's Tardis. You mustexterminate them.
[LYTTON] At once.
[BLACK [OC]] You must also destroy Davros. He is unreliable. He cannotbe trusted.
[LYTTON] (to Trooper) Take two men and kill Davros.
[DAVROS] Welcome, Doctor. I have waited many yearsfor this meeting.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry to have detained you.
[DAVROS] It was but a pleasure deferred. Now you are here, you willrepay tenfold for the mental agony I suffered.
[DOCTOR] I'll say one thing for you, Davros. Your conversation istotally predictable. You're like a deranged child, all this talk ofkilling, revenge and destruction.
[DAVROS] It is the only path to ultimate power.
[DOCTOR] But to what end? Just more suffering for those unlucky enoughto survive?
[DAVROS] Only for those who resist my will.
[DAVROS] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Until I walked through that door, I foolishly hoped you'dchanged enough for me not to have to do this.
[DAVROS] Stien, kill him!
[DOCTOR] I'm not here as your prisoner, Davros, but your executioner.
[DAVROS] Listen to me. You, in your way, are not an unambitiousman. Like me, you are a renegade.
[DOCTOR] Save your breath. DAVROS
[KISTON] It is so.
[DAVROS] My mistake was making them totally ruthless. It restrictedtheir ability to cope with creatures who rely not only on logic, butinstinct and intuition. That is a factor I wish to correct.
[DOCTOR] And compassion? Are they to be programmed for that?
[DAVROS] They will learn to recognise the strength that can be drawnfrom such an emotion.
[DOCTOR] But only to make the Daleks more efficient killers.
[DAVROS] To make them a more positive force.
[DOCTOR] For destruction!
[DAVROS] The universe is at war, Doctor. Name one planet whose historyis not littered with atrocities and ambition for empire. It is auniversal way of life.
[DOCTOR] Which I do not accept.
[DAVROS] Then you deny what is real. Join me. You will have total powerat the head of a new Dalek army.
[STIEN] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Outside. Deal with them.
[DOCTOR] To be honest, I wouldn't know what to do with an army.
[TEGAN] What's that?
[TURLOUGH] The Doctor preset the controls on the timer. We're going toEarth.
[TEGAN] He didn't intend to return.
[TEGAN] What's happening?
[TURLOUGH] We're travelling down the Dalek's Time Corridor. We're beingdragged back to the warehouse!
[DAVROS] You hesitate, Doctor. If I were you, Iwould be dead.
[DOCTOR] I lack your practice, Davros.
[DAVROS] You are soft, like all Time Lords. You prefer to stand andwatch. Action requires courage, something you lack.
(Outside the laboratory)
[STIEN] Don't argue. You're to report to CommanderLytton at once.
[MERCER] Perhaps I can convince you.
[STIEN] Did you have to?
[MERCER] Help me hide the bodies. Now what?
[STIEN] The Dalek conditioning, it's taking hold again.
[MERCER] You should have stayed in the Tardis.
[TROOPER] Drop your guns!
[STIEN] It's all right, they're our Troopers.
[MERCER] They're Dalek Troopers.
[STIEN] Stay where you are.
[DOCTOR] No, no, you need medical attention.
[STIEN] I can't control my mind. I'm not safe. I caused Mercer's death.I've got to get away from here.
[DOCTOR] No, wait! Look, I can help you.
[STIEN] Don't try to follow me. I may cause your death.
[DOCTOR] I'm an imbecile.
(Battle cruiser)
[BLACK [OC]] Your Troopers have failed. Davrosstill lives.
[LYTTON] Then shoot the space station down. Kill everything on it.
[BLACK [OC]] I must see him dead. I have dispatched Daleks to completethe task you failed. You must redeem yourself. You must destroy theDaleks of Davros.
[LYTTON] Where are they?
[BLACK [OC]] You must follow them to Earth. You must exterminate them.
[LYTTON] Let's go.
(Space station)
[STIEN] This isn't any good. I've got to be morepositive. Oh, more positive. Self-destruct. I must find theself-destruct chamber.
[TURLOUGH] This is lunacy.
[TEGAN] Be quiet. The soldiers might hear you.
[TURLOUGH] What's the point? We can't go back to the Dalek ship.
[TEGAN] The Doctor may get back. Some other opportunity may arise. Idon't know!
[TURLOUGH] Absolute madness.
[TEGAN] The virus in those cylinders is the only effective thing we'vegot to fight the Daleks with. Now, come on.
[DAVROS] Go, release the virus in the Dalek ship.
[(Two Daleks glide past in the half light withTroopers.) CALDER] Davros' Daleks?
[ARCHER] They are to be destroyed. It is the Supreme Dalek's order.
[DALEK] The Tardis is not on this level. We must search elsewhere.
[ARCHER] Behind you!
(Warehouse - Army base)
[TURLOUGH] Surely one's enough.
[TEGAN] We need another.
[TEGAN] All right. Let's get back to the Tardis.
(Warehouse - upper level)
[LYTTON] Take cover!
(Reception area)
[DALEK] We are ready to descend.
[BLACK [OC]] Proceed. Everything in the warehouse must be exterminated,including Lytton and his Troopers.
[DALEKS] We obey.
(Space station)
[DALEK] Stop. Exterminate.
(Warehouse - upper level)
[DALEK] We must find the Tardis. That is our primemission. We must obey Davros.
[DALEK 2] What is happening?
[DALEK] We are being attacked. The Supreme Dalek wishes us destroyed.The invading Daleks must be exterminated.
(Battle cruiser bridge)
[BLACK] Daleks to the self-destruct chamber. A hostile has broken in.Emergency. Emergency! He must be stopped.
(Warehouse - upper level)
[DALEK 3] We must find the traitors. The enemy ofthe Daleks must be destroyed.
[DALEK] We are not traitors. We serve our creator, Davros.
[DALEK 3] The Supreme Dalek is your ruler. He must be obeyed at alltimes.
[DALEK] Davros must be honoured.
[DALEK 3] He must be exterminated. Nothing must interfere with the truedestiny of the Daleks! You must be exterminated! Exterminated!Exterminated!
[TEGAN] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Well done.
[TURLOUGH] She's been trying to open the cylinder. I warned her that shecould start an epidemic if she released the virus.
[DOCTOR] The virus is only partial to Dalek. It would die once it's doneits work.
[TEGAN] What's happening up on the next floor?
[DOCTOR] Lunch has arrived for our friend here.
[DAVROS] My escape hatch is prepared.
[DAVROS] Now for the Daleks.
[DAVROS] I did not summon your assistance!
[DALEK] We are here to exterminate you.
[DAVROS] By whose order?
[DALEK 2] The Supreme Dalek.
[DAVROS] Exterminate me, and you abandon your lives without purpose.Join me, and I will make you rulers of the universe.
[DALEK 2] Malfunction. Emergency.
[DALEK] Malfunction.
[DAVROS] Your lives are over.
[DALEK 2] System failure.
[DOCTOR] Open the doors.
[DALEK] What is happening? I cannot see. My vision is impaired.Emergency.
[LYTTON] They're dying. And so are you.
(Self-destruct chamber)
[STIEN] Done it. I must rest. I'm tired.
[DAVROS] The Daleks are dead. Long live the newDaleks!
[DAVROS] What is happening? No, no. It cannot be! I am not a Dalek! Icannot die. I am Davros! (gurgle, splutter.)
[DOCTOR] It's over.
[TEGAN] It was horrible.
[DOCTOR] The Earth is safe, at least until the Daleks find an antidotefor the Movellan virus.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, look.
[BLACK [on scanner]] You have not won, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You won't be able to invade Earth.
[BLACK [on scanner]] You forget, Doctor. Daleks do not need to invade. Ihave my duplicates. Some have already been placed in strategicpositions around the planet. The collapse of Earth society will soonoccur.
[DOCTOR] Your duplicates aren't stable. It won't work.
[BLACK [on scanner]] The Daleks will triumph. We cannot fail. TheDaleks' true destiny is to rule the universe.
(Self-destruct chamber)
[STIEN] Hello, boys. Just in time for the fun.
[DOCTOR] The Dalek ship has been destroyed.
[DOCTOR] The self-destruct device on the space station.
[TEGAN] Davros?
[DOCTOR] No, no. Stien, I would think. He must have finally decidedwhich side he was on.
[TURLOUGH] Are you sure all the duplicates areunstable?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Yes, given time they'll all be free of Dalek control.
[TURLOUGH] Shouldn't we inform Earth's authorities?
[DOCTOR] Er yes. Yes, indeed. Come along.
[TEGAN] I'm not coming with you.
[DOCTOR] I beg your pardon?
[TEGAN] I'm tired of it.
[DOCTOR] What's the matter?
[TEGAN] A lot of good people have died today. I think I'm sick of it.
[DOCTOR] You think I wanted it this way?
[TEGAN] No. It's just that I don't think I can go on.
[DOCTOR] You want to stay on Earth.
[TEGAN] My Aunt Vanessa said, when I became an air stewardess, if youstop enjoying it, give it up.
[DOCTOR] Tegan
[TEGAN] It's stopped being fun, Doctor. Goodbye. Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] Goodbye.
[TEGAN] I'll miss you both.
[DOCTOR] No, no, don't leave, not like this.
[TEGAN] I must. I'm sorry. Goodbye.
[DOCTOR] It's strange. I left Gallifrey for similar reasons. I'd growntired of their lifestyle. It seems I must mend my ways. Come along.
[TEGAN] Brave heart, Tegan. Doctor, I will miss you.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s21", "episode": "e04", "title": "Resurrection of the Daleks"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (23 Feb, 1984; Fifth Doctor) - Planet of Fire
[AMYAND] Come on, Roskal.
[ROSKAL] It's no good, I can't make it.
[AMYAND] Give me your hand.
[ROSKAL] No. Amyand, I'm afraid.
[AMYAND] So am I. We've come this far. We can't turn back now. Come on,just a short climb then we can see into the heart of the mountain. Theothers are depending on us.
[TIMANOV] Since my father's time, unbelievers have been sent to theflames.
[MALKON] That was barbaric.
[TIMANOV] Yes, a little overzealous, perhaps. In those days, peopledidn't tolerate dissenters as they do now.
[MALKON] But the unbelievers are harmless.
[TIMANOV] Yes, but it's still a wise precaution to send the occasionalfree-thinker to the flames. Encourages faith in our traditions.
[MALKON] I could never order a burning.
[TIMANOV] When the time comes, you will be given the strength. It can bea rewarding experience for those consumed in the flames. Unbelieversare such, such unhappy souls.
[MALKON] Is it not sometimes good to doubt, Timanov?
[TIMANOV] Malkon, for our people to survive we must have faith, andnever more so than at this moment. Logar is testing us. We must notseem to be wanting.
[ROSKAL] I can't breathe. My feet are burning.
[AMYAND] Timanov says Logar is benevolent. Perhaps he's waiting with acool drink and new shoes.
[ROSKAL] How can you joke?
[AMYAND] Keep going. It's now or never, Roskal.
[AMYAND] There's nothing there!
[ROSKAL] Not even a machine.
[AMYAND] Logar's a myth.
(Foster's boat)
[CURT] Be careful. Do you wish to achieve what the sea could not? Theseitems are fragile.
[CURT] Howard?
[FOSTER] Sure isn't Greek.
[CURT] Neither is it Roman.
[FOSTER] You're right. The metal's modern. Must be some kind of alloy.Do you recognise the logo?
[CURT] No.
[FOSTER] I'll get one of the crew to take it to the police.
[CURT] Yes, but first we must get the statue safely ashore. I won't behappy until it's safely in the workshop at the museum.
(Settlement balcony)
[TIMANOV] Only Logar could create a place of suchbeauty.
[MALKON] Then why is he now trying to destroy the planet?
[TIMANOV] The ways of the gods are complex. Why with his own hands didhe build such a place? For his Chosen One.
[MALKON] I don't know.
[TIMANOV] Same with the Day of Fire. But why does he test us in thisway?
[MALKON] I only wish I had your faith.
[TIMANOV] Accept. Accept what you see and hear and feel all around you,and the faith will come.
[MALKON] Perhaps. But I don't think I will ever understand why thismakes me special.
[TIMANOV] The sign of Logar. You are the Chosen One. The people of Sarnexpect your leadership.
[MALKON] But why? Why the importance of this mark?
[TIMANOV] Tradition! You were found on the slopes of the volcano. Butyou know all this. How many times must I tell you?
[MALKON] I know only that I am confused. What of the memories andstrange dreams that I have?
[TIMANOV] I keep forgetting how very young you still are. Come, we musthurry. One day, it'll all be clear to you.
[DOCTOR] Daleks. I sometimes think those mutatedmisfits will terrorise the universe for the rest of time.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, you're becoming obsessed.
[DOCTOR] Yes, obsessed and depressed.
[TURLOUGH] You miss Tegan?
[DOCTOR] Well, we were together a long time.
[DOCTOR] Kamelion!
(Tardis interior)
[KAMELION] Help me! Pain.
[TURLOUGH] He's connected to the Tardis databank.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. No, we need to stop the spasming. Go and programmean alpha rhythm on the computer. It should calm him.
[KAMELION] Help me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, Kamelion. Help's on its way.
[KAMELION] Point of contact. Point of contact will be made. Contact me.
[DOCTOR] Contact who? What's happening?
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, we're picking up a distresssignal. Oh, no.
(Tardis interior)
[KAMELION] I apologise for that hysterical display,Doctor. For a moment there was confusion.
[TURLOUGH] A Trion ship.
[TURLOUGH] How's Kamelion?
[DOCTOR] The spasming's stopped and he's fully conscious. I just wish I
[DOCTOR] What have you done?
[TURLOUGH] We were picking up some sort of random emission, and I, Ithought it might be interfering with Kamelion.
[DOCTOR] And why have you reset the coordinates?
[TURLOUGH] I haven't.
[DOCTOR] Someone has.
[TURLOUGH] Kamelion's plugged into the computer. He must havecomputerised the signals we heard.
(Orzola Jetty)
[PERI] Hi.
[FOSTER] What are you doing here? I thought you were going sight-seeingwith your mother.
[PERI] No, she's taken up with that Mrs van Geysingham from the hotel,and I'm not spending all afternoon exploring a Cro-Magnon cave withsome octogenarian from Miami Beach. Hey, what's this? Looks like EltonJohn.
[FOSTER] It's Eros, if you really want to know.
[PERI] The god of love and fertility.
[FOSTER] That's right. Beautiful, isn't he? A personification of naturalforces in an anthropomorphic deity. In the same pantheon, Hephaestusrules fire, Poseidon the sea and earthquakes.
[PERI] Howard, do you have to talk at me like it was the AlbuquerqueWomen's League or something?
[FOSTER] I'm sorry. If you're not interested, then I
[PERI] I am interested. I just don't like being lectured, that's all.
[FOSTER] I must get on. I've got a great deal to do.
[PERI] Sure.
[CURT] Howard, I've got to go and find out what's happened to thetransport.
[FOSTER] Okay. Look, Peri, I'm really sorry I don't have the time totalk.
[PERI] It's all right. I only came out to say hello and goodbye.
[FOSTER] Goodbye? What are you talking about?
[PERI] This island, Howard. I'm bored out of my mind.
[FOSTER] How can you be bored, for heaven's sakes?
[PERI] Look, I've met a couple of really nice English guys and I'm goingwith them to Morocco.
[FOSTER] Morocco? But you're due back at college in the fall.
[PERI] In three months time.
[FOSTER] But what about your work, your ecology project, your readingschedule? You've got exams coming up. Come on, Peri. No way are yougoing to north Africa.
[PERI] I'm not a child. You can't stop me.
[FOSTER] Okay. So what are you going to use for money?
[PERI] I've already cashed in my return ticket for New York. I leave forMorocco this afternoon.
[FOSTER] You what? How do you expect to get home?
[PERI] I'll get a job.
[FOSTER] Oh, don't make me laugh.
[PERI] Oh, stop playing the heavy step-father, Howard. You're notdressed for it.
[FOSTER] Damn it, Peri.
[PERI] Please, don't let's argue. I've made up my mind.
[FOSTER] Okay, have it your own way.
[PERI] I can go?
[FOSTER] It's your life.
[PERI] You mean it? I knew you'd understand.
[FOSTER] There's just one thing. Reclaim your ticket to New York. I'mnot having you stranded in Morocco. Your mother'd never forgive me.
[PERI] But I
[FOSTER] Don't say it. I'll advance you the money and you can pay meback out of your allowance.
[PERI] That's great. You're marvellous.
[FOSTER] I know. My money's on the boat. Once they've unloaded thedinghy, we'll go out there.
[PERI] Thanks, Howard.
[DOCTOR] Kamelion denies hearing any transmission.Did you get a precise fix on the signal?
[TURLOUGH] It stopped. There wasn't time.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Well, if it transmits again we'll get a fix on it withthis.
(Foster's boat)
[FOSTER] Okay?
[PERI] Yeah.
[FOSTER] I'm a fool.
[PERI] What's the matter?
[FOSTER] I've left my wallet in the hotel.
[PERI] I'll cable my address from Morocco. You could send the money tome there.
[FOSTER] Sure, of course.
[PERI] What's this?
[FOSTER] I don't know.
[PERI] It's never platinum.
[FOSTER] It could be anything.
[PERI] Hmm. How intriguing.
[PERI] Oh, will it be long? I'd hate to miss my flight.
[FOSTER] Don't worry.
[FOSTER] Vamos. Sorry, Peri. You'll have to wait for the next trip.
[PERI] Howard!
[FOSTER] I'll send over another dinghy. Keep an eye on the ship, willyou?
[PERI] Get one of the crew to stay behind! I have to be at the airportin an hour!
[FOSTER] Sorry, honey.
[PERI] You're doing this deliberately!
[FOSTER] As if I would.
[PERI] I will not be treated like this!
[FOSTER] Morocco's not going anywhere at the moment. You've got yourwhole life to see it.
[PERI] Of all the low-down, cheap, rotten, sneaky. You won't get awaywith it, Howard! You hear me?
(Hall of Fire)
[MALKON] Citizens of Sarn, you have all seen thesmoke from the fire mountain and felt the quaking ground. These signstell us it is the Time of Fire. Logar, lord of fire, is testing ourfaith.
[SORASTA] Testing our common sense, you mean.
[MALKON] The old men will tell you that soon Logar will send a sea offire from the heart of the mountain.
[SORASTA] Then we must all leave this place.
[MALKON] We must do nothing!
[SORASTA] Nothing?
[TIMANOV] If we have faith in Logar and are not found wanting, we willsurvive and prosper. And as a reward, the Outsider will come. Therewill be food and gifts we have forgotten existed.
[AMYAND] No! It's a lie. Logar's a myth.
[TIMANOV] Heretic. Unbeliever.
[AMYAND] We have climbed the mountain.
[TIMANOV] It is death to trespass on the mountain of fire.
[AMYAND] We've climbed the mountain and we're still alive. Logar doesn'texist.
(Orzola Jetty)
[CURT] These ropes aren't tight enough. Must I doeverything myself?
[CURT] And what do you want?
[DOCTOR] A kouros, late Classical period. It's really rather fine. I'dhazard a guess by a pupil of Praxiteles.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, you're showing off.
[CURT] I'm inclined to agree.
[FOSTER] But a remarkably well-informed guess, sir.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. It's a pity about the erosion, but the overall effect isnot unattractive, like the marine Venus on Rhodes. Has this just beenbrought up from the seabed?
[FOSTER] Earlier today. It's proving to be a very interesting wreck outin the bay. A real mixed bag, just like your English Mary Rose.
[DOCTOR] Indeed. But more of a mixed bag than you realise.
[CURT] And what does that mean?
[DOCTOR] Er, nothing.
[FOSTER] Oh, come on, Curt. No one's going to take your wreck away fromyou. Nice talking to you.
[DOCTOR] Goodbye.
[TURLOUGH] Do you think the divers disturbed something?
[DOCTOR] Without a doubt. We'll need two readings to pinpoint the spotexactly.
[TURLOUGH] You take one from here. It's quicker if I go back to theTardis.
[DOCTOR] Yes, hurry. I don't know how long there'll be before the nextemission.
(Foster's boat)
[PERI] Could be platinum.
[KAMELION] Do not interfere. Tardis will be taken to point of contact. Imust obey. Find point of contact.
[TURLOUGH] You're not taking the Tardis anywhere, and you're notlistening to any more messages from Trion. You're finished, Kamelion!
[TURLOUGH] Earthlings.
(Papagayo Beach)
[PERI] Help!
(Hall of Fire)
[SORASTA] This is your last chance, Timanov. Ifthere's no sign, it's you who'll burn on the sacrificial altar.
[TIMANOV] Logar! A sign!
[TIMANOV] Thank you.
(Girl's room)
[PERI] I think I'm going to die.
[TURLOUGH] No, you're not.
[TURLOUGH] Where did you find this?
[PERI] Howard was such a pig. I needed the money.
[DOCTOR] The point of emission moved. It's odd. It's very odd indeed.You're soaking wet.
[DOCTOR] A data core. Where did you find this?
[TURLOUGH] On the shore.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Must be what was sending the signal. Now, with a littlehelp from the Tardis computer, we may find out exactly why Kamelion setthe coordinates to come here.
(Girl's room)
[PERI] I'm sorry, Howard. I didn't mean it. No, Howard. Please don'tleave me alone. Don't, don't turn out the light.
[PERI] Howard!
[DOCTOR] Another moment and we'll know where thecylinder came from.
[DOCTOR] Well, that shouldn't have happened. Ow!
[DOCTOR] Did you do that?
[DOCTOR] The Tardis has dematerialised.
[K-FOSTER] Doctor, we meet again. This has to be the most amazingmachine I've seen in my life.
[DOCTOR] How did you get in here?
[K-FOSTER] I saw your young friend here save Peri.
[DOCTOR] Peri?
[TURLOUGH] The girl.
[DOCTOR] What girl?
[TURLOUGH] I was going to explain.
[PERI] What's happening?
[TURLOUGH] That girl, Doctor.
[K-FOSTER] How are you feeling, honey?
[PERI] Howard? Am I still dreaming or will someone please tell me whereI am?
(Hall of Fire)
[TIMANOV] I called to Logar and the fire lord hasanswered.
[TIMANOV] I called to the spirit of the mountain and was answered. Thespirit of the mountain demands sacrifice. To the burning with allunbelievers.
[AMYAND] Coincidence.
[TIMANOV] Even facing death, you remain blasphemous.
(Lookout point)
[LOOKOUT] Timanov was right. The Outsider has come.
[PERI] I feel sick. Can I go back to the hotel?
[FOSTER] Haven't you heard a word the Doctor said? We're no longer onLanzarote.
[PERI] Then where are we?
[DOCTOR] Er, I'm not sure yet, but I promise I'll get you back to Earthjust as soon as I can.
[PERI] What does he mean, back to Earth?
[DOCTOR] Bleak, isn't it.
(Hall of Fire)
[AMYAND] Stop! Only a Chosen One can order a burning. Well, Malkon?
[TIMANOV] Decide.
[MALKON] I don't know.
[TIMANOV] Decide!
[LOOKOUT] Malkon! He is here, with a sound of great wind, a shininglight. The Outsider has come.
[PERI] Do you really think we've left Earth?
[K-FOSTER] The Tardis is mine.
[PERI] Sorry?
[K-FOSTER] The Tardis is mine.
[PERI] What are you doing, Howard? Don't touch that!
[K-FOSTER] I have succeeded. Contact has been made.
[PERI] Who are you?
[K-MASTER] I am the Master, and you will obey me.
(Hall of Fire)
[MALKON] Release the unbelievers!
[MALKON] It is not necessary. By sending us the Outsider, Logar hasshown his favour.
[TIMANOV] The fire god demands sacrifice.
[MALKON] I cannot order the deaths of three innocent people. Not now.There will be no burning. Release them!
[PERI] Look, I just want to get out of here.Please.
[K-MASTER] You will remain in the Tardis.
[PERI] We'll see about that!
[MASTER] Resist. The girl. Resist. Obey control. Resist. Obey.
[PERI] Who are you? What are you?
[KAMELION] Help me.
[DOCTOR] Snap.
[TURLOUGH] The Misos Triangle.
[DOCTOR] Oh, is that what it's called.
[TURLOUGH] It means there are people from Trion here. My home planet.This must be an old Trion colony.
[DOCTOR] Very old. By the look of it, deserted.
(Settlement balcony)
[TIMANOV] A blue box?
[LOOKOUT] It came from nowhere, with a flashing light.
[TIMANOV] There's no recorded history of a blue box, and everyvisitation's different.
[LOOKOUT] Perhaps we've been sent another Chosen One? The boy is weak,the heretics walk free.
[TIMANOV] No, no. No Chosen One has appeared on the Time of Fire. It canonly be the Outsider. Yes.
[PERI] What has happened to Howard? Who is theother man? What's going on?
[KAMELION] Howard is safe on Earth. His appearance was a projection ofyour own energy, which overwhelmed my personality circuits.
[PERI] Circuits? You really are some kind of robot?
[KAMELION] I am Kamelion. Was Kamelion. But I must help you. Leave theTardis at once and find the Doctor. You must Argh!
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] My dear Doctor. So relentlessly predictable.
[K-FOSTER] Give this to the Doctor and warn him that the Master Argh.
[PERI] The Master? Who is the Master?
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] Kamelion, my slave, resist the girl. Her mind is strong, butyou will obey only the Master.
[K-MASTER] My dear Peri, do not be confused by my shifting appearance.The transfer is now stabilised. I am immutably the Master.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] Now quickly, to my Tardis. Release me.
[K-MASTER] Come.
[PERI] I've changed my mind. I'm waiting here for the Doctor.
[K-MASTER] You will come with me or you will remain in the Tardis, dead.
[PERI] Oh, well, since you put it that way.
[K-MASTER] I deplore such unsophisticated coercion,but your cooperation's necessary to me.
[K-MASTER] I think not. I think not, Miss Brown.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] We must not lose the girl!
(Seismic monitor chamber)
[SORASTA] Look at the dials! They're going mad.
[ROSKAL] Every time the volcano becomes active, these instruments react.They must be controlling the mountain somehow.
[AMYAND] If only we could work out how.
[DOCTOR] We should get back to the Professor and the girl.
[DOCTOR] Peri.
[TURLOUGH] Just a bit further, Doctor, please.
[DOCTOR] There's no one alive on this planet.
[TURLOUGH] I have a feeling there is.
[DOCTOR] Let's get a move on. The Tardis computer may be confident thevolcano isn't about to blow, but instinct tells me otherwise.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] Quickly, Kamelion, go to the Doctor'smachine and materialise that preposterous box inside my Tardis.
[TIMANOV] I'm going to the place of arrival. Youwill attend me. It might be a chance for you to redeem yourself.
[MALKON] The unbelievers do no harm.
[TIMANOV] Sarn was a thriving and prosperous planet until the existenceof Logar was questioned. Now look at us! A primitive settlement on theverge of extinction. No harm? Those heretics must be executed.
[K-MASTER] The comparator's missing.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] The girl must have removed it while mycontrol was weak. You must find her before she rejoins the Doctor.
[PERI] Doctor!
[ECHO] Doctor.
[PERI] Turlough!
[ECHO] Turlough.
[PERI] Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] Why have you never mentioned your home planet before?
[TURLOUGH] No particular reason.
[DOCTOR] Are you in trouble?
[TURLOUGH] What makes you think that?
[DOCTOR] Instinct. And the fact I've never seen you so nervous before.
[AMYAND] Hey, you there!
[TURLOUGH] And you said the planet was deserted.
[AMYAND] Greetings. I am known as Amyand.
[SORASTA] And I am Sorasta.
[TURLOUGH] This is the Doctor. I am Turlough.
[AMYAND] Where are you from?
[DOCTOR] Here and there.
[AMYAND] You're not from Logar?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid not.
[SORASTA] Then you are welcome, strangers.
[TURLOUGH] Are there any more of you here?
[SORASTA] Yes, our group is sheltering down here.
[TURLOUGH] Why didn't they send a rescue ship from Trion?
[AMYAND] Trion?
[TURLOUGH] You are from Trion? The home planet?
[AMYAND] We are from Sarn. This is our planet.
[DOCTOR] Please forgive my friend. He seems to have made a mistake. Iwould like to know more about Logar.
[AMYAND] In due course.
(Lookout point)
[PERI] Where could they have gone?
[K-MASTER] My dear Peri. How positively evanescent you've become. Infact your disappearance has given me a great deal of trouble.
[PERI] You keep away from me.
[K-MASTER] You've removed a component from the Doctor's Tardis. Returnit to me instantly.
[PERI] One step nearer and you'll never get this back.
[K-MASTER] If you damage that comparator, the Doctor's Tardis isuseless.
[PERI] So keep your distance or I drop it.
[K-MASTER] Give me that component immediately!
[PERI] This thing belongs to the Doctor, so it's the Doctor I give it toand no one else.
[K-MASTER] You will obey me.
[PERI] No.
[K-MASTER] I am the Master!
[PERI] So what? I'm Perpugilliam Brown and I can shout just as loud asyou can.
[K-MASTER] Peri, be reasonable. Without the comparator, you will neverreturn to Earth. Do you wish to stand here till the planet's destroyed?Well? Answer!
[PERI] Kamelion! Where are you, Kamelion? Come on, show me your realself. Come on!
[PERI] Yes, Kamelion, your real self. Come on. If you can't manage that,show me Howard, please!
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] Kamelion, my slave, resist the girl. HaveI travelled a billion light years through time and space to be thwartedby this brat? Resist the girl! Kill her immediately.
(Lookout point)
[PERI] Stay where you are, Kamelion. I'm your friend.
[AMYAND] This is the Doctor and Turlough.
[DOCTOR] Look, I know it isn't polite for a stranger to take over aparty, but you really must get away from here. The volcano isn'tstable.
[AMYAND] We're safe enough underground.
[DOCTOR] Oh, far from it. The tunnel we've just come along is a vent forthe volcano.
[SORASTA] The planet's covered in them. We use them as shortcuts.
[DOCTOR] It's the same route the molten lava will take to burn youalive. I have a ship. I can get you away from here. Think about it.
[DOCTOR] Is this from Trion?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Your Trion settlers must have tapped the volcanic gas.It's a very complex control mechanism. A seismic energy converter forpowering a city.
[ROSKAL] Do you know how this machine works?
[DOCTOR] In principle, yes.
[ROSKAL] I thought if I learnt how to manipulate it, I could control thevolcano.
[DOCTOR] Not from here, you won't.
[AMYAND] Doctor, we accept your offer of help.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[ZUKO] Timanov has gone to greet the Outsider.
[AMYAND] Doctor, your ship. Would there be a shining light? The sound ofa great wind?
[DOCTOR] Possibly.
[SORASTA] The lookout wasn't lying.
[AMYAND] That old fox Timanov. He'll have a long search for hismessengers from Logar. We have them here.
(Lookout point)
[TIMANOV] Grateful as I am for the visitation of the Outsider, I wishhe'd come nearer to the settlement.
[MALKON] Timanov. Shining is well-documented.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] There's energy around you. Use it. Come, my slave, be at onewith me.
(Lookout point)
[TIMANOV] Outsider, welcome to the settlement.
[K-MASTER] Who are you?
[TIMANOV] Timanov, chief elder of the Sarns. I've been struggling tokeep the faith.
[TIMANOV] I never thought I'd be alive to see this day. Logar is just.He sent you to help us through the Time of Fire.
(Hall of Fire)
[ZUKO] Don't anyone move. Stay where you are and no one will get hurt.
[AMYAND] Citizens, listen to me. You're here to see the Outsider. Youwon't be disappointed, because we've found him. In fact, we found twoof them. Doctor? Turlough?
[AMYAND] Look at them. But they're not who you think they are. They'renot messengers of Logar, but men like us. They will tell you that Logaris dead. Logar never existed.
[MALKON] I hope you bring proof of your statement.
[SORASTA] Doctor, this is our leader, Malkon.
[DOCTOR] How do you do.
[MALKON] You're welcome to Sarn.
[DOCTOR] Not a very hospitable planet at the moment.
[MALKON] You will hear out the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Er, yes. Well, what Amyand said is right. What you call thespirit of the mountain is fire itself, and that fire will pour downonto your settlement destroying everything in its path.
[MALKON] It has happened before, but do you have knowledge that willhelp us?
[DOCTOR] I can't save your planet, but I can get you away from here.
[TURLOUGH] Where did you find these? Tell me, please.
[MALKON] They are gifts of Logar.
[TURLOUGH] This equipment is relatively new. It comes from a Trionspacecraft. Now where are the crew?
[AMYAND] Malkon speaks the truth. Timanov says they're gifts of Logar.
[DOCTOR] Whoever your benefactor, they provided you with a transceiverunit, even if somewhat incomplete.
[ROSKAL] What is transceiver unit?
[DOCTOR] Er, it's a way of communicating with other people. Possibly amore effective way of getting you settled on another planet. The Trionsmust have a form of colony or something, eh, Turlough? If you could geta message to the Trion, they could send a rescue ship.
[TURLOUGH] Contact Trion and you ruin everything.
[DOCTOR] What are you talking about?
[TURLOUGH] Where did you find that?
[MALKON] It is nothing. A Chosen One has many gifts.
[TURLOUGH] There are more like this? Show me.
[DOCTOR] Turlough?
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, you don't understand. I think this equipment camefrom my father's ship.
[PERI] Will someone help me, please?
[TURLOUGH] Why do they call you the Chosen One?
[MALKON] I carry the mark of Logar, at least that's what Timanov says.
[TURLOUGH] Show me.
[TURLOUGH] The Misos Triangle.
[MALKON] Timanov also says I came from the fire. That is always how theChosen One arrives.
[TURLOUGH] From the fire?
[MALKON] I was found in the wilderness by the volcano.
[TURLOUGH] Do you know precisely where?
[TURLOUGH] Take me there.
[MALKON] I can't. It's in the forbidden land.
[TURLOUGH] Please, take me there.
[MALKON] No. Unbelievers are not allowed. If you are caught, you wouldbe sent to the burning.
[TURLOUGH] Come on, no one's going to burn us. I order you!
[MALKON] No one can order a Chosen One.
[TURLOUGH] Except another Chosen One. Now please, take me to where youwere found.
[MALKON] Where did you get that?
[TURLOUGH] Probably the same place as you. Trion. It's a unique customthey have.
[PERI] Doctor!
[ECHO] Doctor.
(Hall of Fire)
[DOCTOR] Ow! We need more power.
[SORASTA] Doctor, Timanov has returned.
[DOCTOR] Good, good, I need to speak to him. We've a full-scale exodusto organise.
[TIMANOV] Seize the enemies of Logar. Arrest all unbelievers. Obey me!
[DOCTOR] Look, be a good fellow. We're trying to help. The volcano coulderupt at any moment.
[TIMANOV] You must be the Doctor. It is the Outsider's wish that you goto the fire.
[DOCTOR] There is no Outsider.
[TIMANOV] Do as the Outsider has instructed!
[ZUKO] No!
[DOCTOR] Oh, no.
[TURLOUGH] This was your fire. The ship crash-landed.
[MALKON] I travelled from Trion in this?
[TURLOUGH] And you weren't alone.
[PERI [OC]] Turlough!
[PERI] Oh, am I pleased to see you. Who's this?
[TURLOUGH] Malkon. Peri is a friend, another traveller.
[PERI] Have I seen everything today. A transgalactic payphone, astepfather who turns into a robot, and a robot who turns into agangster.
[TURLOUGH] That must be Kamelion.
[PERI] That's him. I sure prefer him to the Master.
[TURLOUGH] Master? Kamelion turned into the Master?
[PERI] Yes. Why, do you know him?
[TURLOUGH] Come on, we have to get back to the Doctor.
[PERI] Oh no, please, no.
(Hall of Fire)
[K-MASTER] Wretched citizens of Sarn, you turnedyour backs on the lord of the fire mountain and listened to his enemy.
[DOCTOR] The man's an imposter.
[K-MASTER] Save your breath, Doctor, to tell me but one thing. Where isthe girl from your Tardis? She's joined you here? Where's thecomparator?
[TIMANOV] Outsider, sacrifice the enemy.
[K-MASTER] Not yet. Burn the others first.
[K-MASTER] The comparator, if you please, Doctor.
[SORASTA] Only Malkon can order a burning!
[TIMANOV] It is the will of the Outsider that you all die. The messengerof Logar has supreme authority.
[DOCTOR] I don't know where the girl is. I don't have the comparator!
[K-MASTER] Commence the burning!
[ROSKAL] Doctor, help us!
[DOCTOR] You must believe me!
[K-MASTER] Oh, but I do believe you. Commence the burnings!
[DOCTOR] Stop this!
[K-MASTER] You are quite powerless. Continue the sacrifices. See thatthis Doctor burns slowly.
[ROSKAL] Doctor!
(Hall of Fire)
[K-MASTER] Journey's end, Doctor. I'm sorry. Your cremation will depriveme of our periodic encounters. Quickly, my time is short.
[TIMANOV] Great Logar, receive these mortals as an oblation from yourfaithful people.
(Outside the Hall of Fire)
[PERI] That's him. That's the Master.
[PERI] Really?
[TURLOUGH] Yes. We may be able to help.
[PERI] How?
[TURLOUGH] Something the Doctor pointed out earlier. Malkon, you keepthem occupied and tell the Doctor about Kamelion. Quickly.
(Hall of Fire)
[MALKON] Stop! There is to be no sacrifice.
[K-MASTER] What are you waiting for? Continue the burnings.
[MALKON] This man is an imposter.
[K-MASTER] Who is this boy?
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't you know? Allow me to introduce Malkon, Chosen One ofthe Sarns. You see? He's no Outsider. He doesn't recognise your ChosenOne, and he doesn't understand the laws of the settlement.
[PERI] That kid won't hold them off for long.
[TURLOUGH] The Doctor can help him. We only need a few minutes.
[PERI] Do you know what you're doing?
[TURLOUGH] If I can hit the right circuits, if it still works, I think Ican cut the gas supply to their sacrificial fire.
(Hall of Fire)
[K-MASTER] Obey me or there will be no gift and Ishall call down the wrath of Logar on you all.
[TIMANOV] Malkon is overruled. Continue the burning.
[K-MASTER] Never mind the boy. Now, to the fire with the unbeliever.
[TIMANOV] Logar refuses the sacrifice. He's angry that his Chosen Onehas been struck down!
[PERI] Oh, you've done it! The fire's out.
(Hall of Fire)
[DOCTOR] He's not dead, but let them think he is.
[MALKON] Warn the Doctor. Kamelion is the Master.
[DOCTOR] Life must be very complicated for you at the moment. Not onlyare you a phony Outsider, you're not even the real Master. You're justa machine. Oh, no, no, don't turn away. You will accept my will. I amthe Doctor and you are Kamelion.
[K-MASTER] Will you allow my enemy to torment me?
[DOCTOR] You are no more than the sum of your parts, a mass of printedcircuits.
[K-MASTER] Kill him.
[DOCTOR] You see? He likes to kill. He turned on your Chosen One. Nexttime it'll be you, Chief Elder.
[K-MASTER] Kill!
[TIMANOV] No. Let Logar decide. Let the fire god send us a sign.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you'll have a sign, all right. If I can break the energylink with the Master, this so-called will be nothing but a heap ofspare parts. You're on your own, Kamelion. Your power is weakening,turning to silver. A silver puppet jumping on a string. String cut!
[TIMANOV] He's shining.
[ROSKAL] I don't believe it.
[DOCTOR] Psychomorphic fringing. Nothing supernatural about that, it'san intermediate stage between anthropoid and robotic identity.
[TIMANOV] No, it is the sign of Logar.
[PERI] Seems like the Doctor could do with somemore help. He'll need this thing too. It's from his Tardis.
(Hall of Fire)
[AMYAND] The more you attack it, the more it lookslike the Outsider.
[DOCTOR] I must concentrate.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] The cave, quickly. Shield yourself fromthe Doctor's mind. Use the cave.
(Hall of Fire)
[DOCTOR] Obey me. The Doctor. The Doctor.
[K-FOSTER] Take them to the cave.
[TIMANOV] Obey the shining one.
[DOCTOR] Mustn't resist. Any distraction will allow the Master to breakthrough. That's right, Kamelion. Servile. Slave! Bond broken.
(Outside the Hall of Fire)
[PERI] The Doctor's trying to control Kamelion's mind. I can help him. Iknow how to do that, too.
[TURLOUGH] Leave it to the Doctor.
(Hall of Fire)
[ROSKAL] What happened?
[K-MASTER] (laughing) Oh, Doctor, you quite let your enthusiasm run awaywith you.
[AMYAND] What went wrong?
[DOCTOR] The cave. Somehow it's screening the thought control.
[K-MASTER] Oh, phew. Over the years I've dreamed of a million exquisitetortures to accompany your final moments. That it should come to this.
[PERI] No!
[DOCTOR] Peri, get back.
[PERI] Kamelion! You're supposed to be the Doctor's friend. Kamelion!
[K-MASTER] You see? I've grown stronger since our last meeting. Yourpuny mind no longer affects me. I'm grateful, however, that you've seenfit to return the comparator.
[PERI] That thing's where you'll never find it.
[TIMANOV] No! There's been too much killing. Only the fire is acceptableto Logar.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] You're still resistant. Do not oppose themor my Tardis will never be free. Take the girl with you. She'sunskilled, but strong. There's much work to be done. As for the Doctor,he'll die in the holocaust with the rest of them.
(Hall of Fire)
[K-MASTER] I'm sorry to be deprived of the pleasureof seeing you die, Doctor, although I am consoled by the thought thatyour imminent and inevitable demise will be excruciating.
[K-MASTER] Now, Chief Elder, I've work for you elsewhere.
[TIMANOV] Work? Where are the gifts? The Outsider always brings giftsfrom Logar.
[K-MASTER] Of course, how foolish of me. I have them in safekeeping atthe ruin. Buried. (to the Doctor) You will be cremated alive.
[PERI] No! No! Doctor!
(Outside the Hall of Fire)
[PERI] No, let me go!
(Fire cave)
[DOCTOR] Interesting. I knew something other than rock must be screeningme from Kamelion's mind.
[ROSKAL] Turlough!
(Hall of Fire)
[DOCTOR] What kept you?
[TURLOUGH] I've been to the wreck of my father's ship.
[AMYAND] Get this gate open, will you? Another surge could come at anymoment.
[TURLOUGH] I don't think so. I've been back to the bunker, re-routed theflow. Where's Malkon?
[SORASTA] He's still breathing.
[TURLOUGH] Who did this?
[DOCTOR] One of the Elders.
[TURLOUGH] I shall kill him for this.
[DOCTOR] What good would that do? We must get after Peri.
[TURLOUGH] You don't understand, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[TURLOUGH] I think Malkon is my brother.
[K-MASTER] Beneath that rubble lies an object ofincomparable value. A gift from Logar.
[DOCTOR] How do you know Malkon is your brother?
[TURLOUGH] The last Trion ship to come here crashed and Malkon was theonly survivor. It must have been the ship my father was on.
[DOCTOR] How does that make him your brother?
[TURLOUGH] Just accept, for the moment, Doctor, that I know he wouldhave been the only infant on board.
[DOCTOR] He's in severe shock. There may be some damage to his nervoussystem. Keep him warm. Make him as comfortable as you can. Why fuel thecave with volcanic gas?
[ROSKAL] The cave has always been used for sacrifices.
[DOCTOR] With all due respect to your fellow Sarns, I think the peoplewho built this had a more useful purpose than burnt offerings to Logar.Come on.
[AMYAND] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] To find the Master and his Tardis. Do you know this ruin hespoke of?
[AMYAND] Yes, and I know a safe route to it. Follow me.
[DOCTOR] Don't you want to stay with Malkon?
[TURLOUGH] I must be there when the Sarns find out you've escaped fromthe cave.
[AMYAND] How can you help the Doctor?
[TURLOUGH] With this.
[DOCTOR] Does everyone from Trion have this mark?
[TURLOUGH] No. You have to be very special to wear the Misos Triangle.
[TIMANOV] It's stone. It's a pillar of stone.
[K-MASTER] My Tardis. I am most grateful.
[PERI] You do realise this creature is about to do a bunk.
[K-MASTER] As my word is my bond, Chief Elder, this is a day ofreckoning for us all.
(Lava tunnel)
[DOCTOR] Something must have happened to the Masterfor him to be using Kamelion.
[TURLOUGH] He certainly went to a great deal of trouble to get him back.Do you think he's into another regeneration crisis?
[DOCTOR] His present body must be good for a few years yet. There has tobe another reason.
[K-MASTER] At last.
[TIMANOV] Where are the promised gifts?
[PERI] Don't let him go!
[K-MASTER] Gullible idiot.
[TURLOUGH] Too late.
[DOCTOR] No. No, no, that's the Master's Tardis.
(Master's Tardis)
[PERI] It's like the Doctor's.
[K-MASTER] But infinitely superior, as I am to that galacticphilanthropist.
[DOCTOR] I can stop the Master by materialisingaround his Tardis.
[TURLOUGH] You'll need this.
[TURLOUGH] It is the will of Logar that you obey me. I am your newChosen One. Order them to put down their staves.
[TIMANOV] The mark of Logar?
[TURLOUGH] I have released the prisoners from the cave. I now holdsupreme authority.
[TIMANOV] The blue box is sacred Logar. It must not be profaned by hisenemies.
[TURLOUGH] You have been cheated by the false Outsider. The Doctor is noenemy. He is the rightful custodian of the box. Will you compound themurder of Malkon by defying your new leader? Let the Doctor pass!
[TURLOUGH] There we are.
[DOCTOR] We're stuck. The temporal stabiliser'sbeen removed. Another old trick of the Master's.
[TURLOUGH] Oh, no.
[AMYAND] Where's he gone?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Er, I don't know yet. Someone's been interfering with theTardis navigational system. Kamelion. It's been remote-paralleled withthe Master's Tardis. So that's how he followed us to Sarn.
[AMYAND] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, it's perfectly simple. If this machine were workingproperly, we'd follow the Master's Tardis.
[AMYAND] What, anywhere?
[DOCTOR] Indeed. Although the effort would hardly be worthwhile. He'sstill on Sarn.
(Master's Tardis)
[PERI] What have you got in this?
[K-MASTER] It's no concern of your. Place it here.
[PERI] Oh. It's your control box, isn't it.
[K-MASTER] Very perceptive, Miss Brown. But the real power of my controlis well beyond your inadequate comprehension.
(Seismic control centre)
[PERI] Where are we?
[K-MASTER] In the heart of the volcano.
[PERI] Look, if I'm to help you I want to know what you're doing andwhat happens to me when all
[K-MASTER] You will obey me without question.
[PERI] You said that once before.
[K-MASTER] Perhaps you doubt the efficacy of this device? Allow me tointroduce the Tissue Compression Eliminator.
[K-MASTER] The same will happen to you, my dear, if you obstruct me.
[DOCTOR] There's something the Master needs onSarn. If we could find it, we'd find him. I think Turlough will needsome help.
[AMYAND] Nothing short of a sign from Logar will have any effect onTimanov and the elders.
[DOCTOR] A sign from Logar. What does he look like, this fire lord?
[TURLOUGH] Perhaps I should choose new elders fromamongst the citizens, and a Chief Elder who would be more faithful tohis new leader.
[TIMANOV] No, wait. It's a time of crisis. We must do nothing tothreaten the continuity of our people.
[TURLOUGH] Then obey me in all things.
[TIMANOV] We will be guided by you, Chosen One.
[DOCTOR] How about that?
[AMYAND] Not quite. He's fatter, a larger head, bright silver. That'smore like it.
(Seismic control centre)
[K-MASTER] The Doctor's Tardis. A modest thunderbolt, I think.
[PERI] What are you doing?
[K-MASTER] You'll see.
[TURLOUGH] Into the Tardis!
(Seismic control centre)
[PERI] You did that?
[K-MASTER] The entire power of the mountain is at my command. But enoughof games. I'm here for more serious work.
[TURLOUGH] I said into the Tardis! Quickly!
[TURLOUGH] Sorry, Doctor. There was nowhere else Icould bring them.
[DOCTOR] Welcome, gentlemen.
[TURLOUGH] This is the Doctor. He's not an enemy of Logar, but an elderfrom the city of Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR] Do any of you recognise this?
[TIMANOV] Logar.
[TURLOUGH] You see? He appears at the Doctor's command.
[TIMANOV] Why doesn't he strike down the heretics?
[TURLOUGH] Logar is the friend of all people, whether they believe inhim or not. He's only angry when the citizens fight amongst themselves.(sotto) It's a man in a thermal suit.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Must be some sort of control centre inside the volcano.Timanov, have you actually ever seen Logar?
[TIMANOV] Yes, once, when I was a boy.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[TIMANOV] It was the summit of the fire mountain. The fire god spoke tome, encouraged me to inhale the gases. I felt intoxicated, invigorated.I felt reborn.
[AMYAND] You were drunk.
[TIMANOV] When I returned from the mountain, my body and my mind feltstronger and fitter.
[DOCTOR] I wonder if that's what the Master wants. To be born again.
[DOCTOR] Now, isn't that interesting? According to this, the Master andPeri are inside the volcano.
(Seismic control centre)
[PERI] How much more is there?
[K-MASTER] Stop mewling.
[DOCTOR] The seismic scanner. Something's happeninginside the volcano.
[TIMANOV] We must gaze upon it.
[DOCTOR] Shall we gaze upon it too?
[TURLOUGH] The Master must have precipitated an eruption.
[DOCTOR] I don't think so. That isn't an eruption.
[TIMANOV] No, it's the blue flame. It hasn't been seen for manygenerations.
[TURLOUGH] What is it supposed to indicate?
[TIMANOV] It's a sign of great favour from Logar. He's showing his mercyto the sick and the injured. There'll be a gathering. We must go to ourpeople.
[DOCTOR] I wonder if Logar will help a sick Time Lord. Perhaps theMaster needs the blue flame more than the people of Sarn.
[TURLOUGH] We should get back to the bunker.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, the Hall of Fire. I want to analyse the deposit onthe walls. Unless, of course, you can tell me what it is?
[TURLOUGH] How should I know? That cave's part of a colonialcivilisation that ended ages ago.
[DOCTOR] The control centre's been maintained. Just what sort ofinterest have your people got in the stability of an abandoned planet?
[TURLOUGH] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] When we arrived, you expected to find Trions here. Why?
[TURLOUGH] The triangle here in the ruin.
[DOCTOR] If this is an abandoned planet, what was your father doinghere? All right. But if you're holding back anything that will aid theMaster, our friendship is at an end. Is that understood?
[TURLOUGH] Yes, Doctor.
(Seismic control centre)
[K-MASTER] Excellent! We now have control of one of the greatest energysources in the universe.
[PERI] A blue flame?
[K-MASTER] Numismaton gas, my dear. An immensely rare catalytic reagentfrom deep inside the planet. When the surge comes again, I shall beready to absorb its infinite transforming power.
[PERI] Really.
[PERI] Well, you're getting no more power!
(Fire cave)
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Trace elements of numismaton gas. Very useful for aninjured Time Lord who can't regenerate. Now, why would he want the gasin such quantities?
[TURLOUGH] Perhaps he plans to bottle and sell it.
[DOCTOR] Even if I were in a better humour, that wouldn't be funny.
(Hall of Fire)
[SORASTA] Doctor, Malkon is much worse.
[TURLOUGH] We must get him back to the Tardis.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, please!
[DOCTOR] Thanks to the Master, he's far better off here. I must get backto the bunker and organise the gas flow.
(Master's Tardis)
[PERI] The Master's control box. I may have a puny mind, but you don'tneed to be Albert Einstein to find the off switch.
[MASTER] You escaped from my slave, but you will obey me or die.
(Master's Tardis)
[PERI] Urgh!
[DOCTOR] There's healing power in one of thevolcanic gases. Could be why the Trions constructed the Hall of Fire,some sort of curative centre. I must release the gas flow. Strictly formedicinal purposes, of course. There we are.
[ROSKAL] You're doing what Timanov wants.
[DOCTOR] Why not, if it saves Malkon's life? Bring him to the Hall ofFire, quickly.
(Hall of Fire)
[AMYAND] Do you think this is wise?
[TURLOUGH] Don't stop them. The Doctor wants to use the gas for itsoriginal purpose.
[TIMANOV] This is for you, Chosen One. The gift ofLogar.
[TURLOUGH] Thank you. Wait a minute. I've seen one of these before.
[DOCTOR] Excellent.
[AMYAND] That flame will burn, not heal.
[DOCTOR] There's still a residue of hot gas still to burn off.
[DOCTOR] Where did you get this?
[TURLOUGH] Timanov gave it to me.
[DOCTOR] More gifts from Logar?
[TURLOUGH] Yes, from a Trion ship. It's a coded circuit release key. Iknow the lock it operates.
[DOCTOR] Pure numismaton gas. It's quite safe.
[DOCTOR] Look.
[TURLOUGH] What are you waiting for?
(Master's Tardis)
[PERI] There you are.
(Hall of Fire)
[TIMANOV] Praise be to Logar.
[DOCTOR] Logar had very little to do with it.
[MALKON] What happened?
[DOCTOR] You were shot, but you should be all right now.
[TURLOUGH] Assemble the rest of the citizens here. Please, my friend. Weneed your skills of leadership and organisation. Logar demands it.
[TIMANOV] Yes, of course, Chosen One.
[DOCTOR] Amyand, I'll need your help as a guide. We must get to theseismic control centre.
[DOCTOR] Turlough, when I've got the Tardis working, we'll materialisehere and take the Sarns on board.
[TURLOUGH] That won't be necessary.
[TURLOUGH] If it's still intact, I think I can operate the maintransmitter on my father's ship. That gives us direct access to TrionCommunications Executive, and the Custodians will send a rescue ship.
[DOCTOR] Couldn't do better.
(Outside the Hall of Fire)
[DOCTOR] Just a minute. You were concerned aboutthe Custodians earlier.
[TURLOUGH] I'll be all right.
[DOCTOR] You are in trouble.
[TURLOUGH] The Misos Triangle is the mark of a prisoner, and Sarn is aprison planet for very special people. That's why my father was senthere. If he had lived, he would have been your leader.
[AMYAND] Are we Trion prisoners, too?
[TURLOUGH] No, you are all that is left of the indigenous population.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] Miss Brown, Peri, listen to me. There is no way you can escapeeither from my Tardis or from the control centre.
[PERI] We'll see about that.
[MASTER] Help me. I'll spare your life.
[PERI] Spare my life? You come out here and say that.
[PERI] Who's there?
(Seismic control centre)
[PERI] Pleasant dreams.
[DOCTOR] Turlough, how did your family becomecriminals?
[TURLOUGH] There was civil war on my planet. My mother was killed. Myfather was on the wrong side and was exiled here with my youngerbrother. I, for my sins, was sent by the regime to Earth.
[DOCTOR] But how could they possibly know you've absconded?
[TURLOUGH] The Trions have agents on every civilised planet. An agrariancommissioner on Verdon, a tax inspector on Darveg, and a very eccentricsolicitor in Chancery Lane. They'll know, all right.
[DOCTOR] I'll see you back at the Tardis.
[TURLOUGH] Good luck, Doctor. Come on.
[DOCTOR] This must have been a very fertile planet.
[AMYAND] When the Trions were here?
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't be too hard on them. It's their technology that'smaintained the stability of the planet.
[AMYAND] You call this stability?
[DOCTOR] They did their best. The silver things that were seen on themountain, they were Trion volcanologists attempting to control theeruptions.
[AMYAND] So they could imprison here their own undesirable elements.Like fools, we've tried to make sense of things, inventing legends andmyths to explain them away.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's at an end. The old order's gone forever. There'llbe no more Outsiders, no more Chosen Ones.
[AMYAND] And the years that have been wasted.
[DOCTOR] With a leader like you, Amyand, your people will soon advance.
[TURLOUGH] Come on, we're nearly there.
[AMYAND] Which way? There must be an entrance somewhere on this hill.Let's try along here.
[TURLOUGH] Somewhere over here.
[ROSKAL] We must hurry.
[DOCTOR] Get back!
[AMYAND] We're trapped.
[PERI] Doctor!
[PERI] It's this way. It's in here.
[DOCTOR] All right, come on.
[PERI] Okay.
(Seismic control centre tunnel)
[DOCTOR] Quickly.
[ROSKAL] Is it still working?
[TURLOUGH] I don't know. Keep your fingers crossed.
[TURLOUGH] The emergency power cells may have decayed. No, we're inluck. (static) There's a lot of geomagnetic interference.
[MAN [OC]] This is Trion Control.
[ROSKAL] It's amazing.
[MAN [OC]] This is Trion Control. You'retransmitting on an executive frequency. Please state name, rank andidentification code.
[TURLOUGH] My name is Vislor Turlough, Junior Ensign Commander,identification code VTEC9/12/44.
(Master's control box)
[MASTER] Come, my slave. Revive. We're not defeated yet.
(Seismic control centre)
[DOCTOR] The seismic control centre. It'simpressive. The question is, how effective. Keep an eye on him, wouldyou?
[PERI] What are you doing now?
[DOCTOR] Trying to slow down the eruption. The Master's interference hascaused the seismic machinery to become unstable. If I can override theautomatic controller, I can delay the worst of it.
[PERI] Can't you stop it?
[DOCTOR] I doubt it. The Master's already triggered a massive surge ofnumismaton gas in the planet's core. It that hits the surface it willdisrupt the inhibition circuit altogether. There'll be devastation.
[TURLOUGH] At least they're sending a ship.
[ROSKAL] They won't punish you.
[TURLOUGH] Just so long as they don't send me back to Brendan.
[ROSKAL] Where?
[TURLOUGH] The worst place in the universe. An English public school onEarth. Come on, let's get back to the others.
(Seismic control centre)
[DOCTOR] There we are. That should hold back theeruption for a while. Now for the Master.
(Master's Tardis)
[PERI] There it is, but he could be anywhere.
[DOCTOR] Fair exchange is no robbery. The Master's temporal stabiliser.
[PERI] Will it fit your machine?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes.
(Master's control box)
[MASTER] Revive. Revive, Kamelion!
[DOCTOR] How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine?
[MASTER] I live, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Albeit in somewhat reduced circumstances.
[MASTER] I shall soon be restored to profit from my research.
[DOCTOR] Ah, you're experimenting with the Tissue CompressionEliminator.
[MASTER] To increase its range. I was building anew and more deadly version.
[DOCTOR] You made it too powerful for your own good.
[MASTER] A small design problem.
[DOCTOR] And a very small Master. That's why you needed Kamelion, isn'tit?
[MASTER] I've lodged in the mind of that slave since our fateful meetingon Xeriphas.
[DOCTOR] The scream in the Tardis. He even felt your pain.
[MASTER] Mmm, and came instantly to my help. Now, with the next surge ofnumismaton gas, all is prepared for my supreme renewal.
[AMYAND] Kill him, Doctor.
[K-MASTER [OC]] Get away from the box.
(Master's Tardis)
[DOCTOR] No need to remind you what will happen if you use that thing inhere.
[K-MASTER] I don't think that'll be necessary. Now, outside.
(Seismic control centre)
[PERI] He's let us go.
[DOCTOR] He needs to move his Tardis into the circle of flame. When thenext surge comes, he'll be surrounded by restorative gas. Amyand, Iwant you to go back to Turlough and give him this.
[PERI] Look!
[PERI] We're trapped.
[DOCTOR] No, we're not. Amyand, your turn to play Logar.
(Outside the Hall of Fire)
[TURLOUGH] Your people must go to the ruin.
[SORASTA] To the ruin? Why?
[TURLOUGH] That is where the Trion rescue ship will land. Please, youmust hurry.
(Seismic control centre)
[PERI] Good luck!
[PERI] Now what are you doing?
[DOCTOR] I'm trying to raise some local radiation. If I can induce asympathetic reaction in Kamelion's psychocircuits, he'll have theelectronic equivalent of a heart attack.
[PERI] What are you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] You'll see. Now, when I give you the word, I want you to pushthis control here hard to its end stop, all right? Now, get down behindthe desk.
[K-MASTER] Get away from the controls.
[PERI] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] He won't dare fire and risk hitting the control system.
[PERI] He's a robot. He'll just walk through the flame.
[DOCTOR] I hope so. What I've prepared will only work at close range.
[K-MASTER] I've warned you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Just as you say.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Keep down. (loud) Now!
[K-FOSTER] Kamelion no good. Sorry.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry too, Kamelion.
[K-FOSTER] Destroy me. Please.
[DOCTOR] (to Peri) Get back.
[DOCTOR] I must try to control the surge of energy the Master'sprogrammed, otherwise the planet could be destroyed before the Sarnscan escape.
[PERI] How much longer do we have?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I just hope Amyand get the stabiliser to Turloughin time.
[PERI] Does Turlough know how to fly the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] He doesn't have to. It's still linked with the Master's. Itshould materialise in the same relationship as the ruin.
(Hall of Fire)
[TURLOUGH] We're running out of time. You mustleave for the landing ground.
[TIMANOV] Leave us in peace. We wish to die with our sins.
[TIMANOV] Logar!
[AMYAND] On your feet, all of you.
[AMYAND] So much for Logar.
[TIMANOV] Deception. Another deception, and from a heretic.
[TURLOUGH] Where's the Doctor?
[AMYAND] Trapped by the fire. He said you must fit this into the Tardis.
[TURLOUGH] The stabiliser. Quickly, to the ruin!
[TIMANOV] You will never understand, Amyand. Logar is everywhere. Hecares for the faithful.
[AMYAND] Perhaps that's why he's in the ship from Trion. Perhaps hewants you to live.
(Seismic control centre)
[PERI] Now that's what I call a real spaceship.
[DOCTOR] It's no good to us. The Tardis is the only way out of here.Hurry up, Turlough.
[CAPTAIN] Now, you're sure this is thelast batch?
[SORASTA] Yes. Yes, it should be.
[CAPTAIN] They've no option?
[SORASTA] They don't want to leave their own place.
[CAPTAIN] Excuse me.
[CAPTAIN] It's customary to salute a senior officer, Turlough.
[TURLOUGH] I'm very sorry, but there isn't time for that.
[CAPTAIN] Where are you going?
[TURLOUGH] The Tardis is on a time-delayed takeoff. We have fifteenseconds to clear this room.
[CAPTAIN] Still running away?
[TURLOUGH] If I were running away, I would hardly have asked for arescue ship from Trion, Captain.
(Seismic control centre)
[PERI] Is this it?
[PERI] Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] Well done, Turlough. Quickly, into the Tardis.
[MASTER] I shall come from this fire a thousand times stronger, to houndyou to the borders of the universe. Bwahahahahaha!
[MASTER] Oh! Cancel the ray injection immediately. Doctor! I'll plagueyou to the end of time for this. Help me! I'll give you anything increation. Please! Won't you show mercy to your own Argh!!!
[PERI] Doctor? Are you okay?
[DOCTOR] Er, yes, of course. I'm all right.
[CAPTAIN] We must hurry.
[TURLOUGH] Am I under arrest?
[CAPTAIN] Do you wish to be?
[TURLOUGH] I thought
[CAPTAIN] Things have changed on Trion. Former political prisoners areno longer persecuted. You're welcome to return.
[CAPTAIN] Or not, as you please.
[MALKON] Turlough.
[CAPTAIN] We'd best be gone.
[TURLOUGH] You go. Go on, please.
[TURLOUGH] My exile has been rescinded.
[DOCTOR] I'm pleased for you.
[TURLOUGH] Doctor, I
[DOCTOR] I shall miss you.
[TURLOUGH] I don't want to go, Doctor. I've learnt a lot from you. But Ihave to go back to Trion. It's my home.
[DOCTOR] Better to go back while you're a bit of a hero, eh?
[TURLOUGH] Thank you for everything, Doctor. Look after him, won't you?He gets into the most terrible trouble.
[PERI] Well, I
[DOCTOR] Well, I should get you home.
[PERI] Oh, must you?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. Your friends will be worried.
[PERI] It's funny, but just before I met you I wassaying I wanted to travel, and I've still got three months of myvacation left.
[DOCTOR] And you want to travel with me.
[PERI] Is that an invitation?
[DOCTOR] Actually, it was a question.
[PERI] May I?
[DOCTOR] Three months, you say?
[PERI] That's right.
[DOCTOR] All right. Why not.
[DOCTOR] Welcome aboard, Peri.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s21", "episode": "e05", "title": "Planet of Fire"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (8 Mar, 1984; Fifth Doctor) - The Caves of Androzani
(Planet surface)
[PERI [OC]] The tide's out.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Hmm?
[PERI [OC]] When you said sand, I thought maybe I could take a dip.
[DOCTOR [OC]] You're a little late, Peri. It's about a billion yearssince there was any sea on Androzani Minor.
[PERI [OC]] You're such a pain, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on. Well, well, well. The old place hasn't changed at all.Still nothing but sand.
[PERI] Oh, wow! This place, Doctor, it's just unbelievable! Doctor,look!
[DOCTOR] What?
[PERI] Glass.
[DOCTOR] Almost, anyway. It's fused silica. And I'm not a pain. Here'ssome more. Now, why would anyone come here?
[PERI] Who said they have?
[DOCTOR] These patches were fused by the rocket pads of a spacecraft.Too small for interstellar travel, so it obviously came from the twinplanet of Androzani Major. The interesting question is, why?
[PERI] Maybe someone wanted some sand to make some glass so they couldblow a new vacuum tube for their reticular vector gauge.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Sarcasm is not your strong point, Peri. If I were you I'dstick. Ah-ha! What have we here?
[PERI] Ah-ha? I'm looking. Why am I looking?
[DOCTOR] A monoskid. You can see the deep furrow where it left the shipthen the shallower one when it returned.
[PERI] Or vice versa.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. You can see where the light track sometimes crossesthe heavy one. So, someone came here with a heavily laden monoskid,unloaded it somewhere and then returned to the ship.
[PERI] So you got a merit badge in tracking when you were a boy scout.I'm suitably impressed. Can we go now?
[DOCTOR] Er, one moment. Looks as if the tracks lead to those caves overthere.
[PERI] Is this wise, I ask myself? Oh well.
[DOCTOR] Ah, blow holes.
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] Now we're near you can see they're not caves, they're blowholes.
[PERI] Well, same difference.
[DOCTOR] Not to a speleologist. And not if you're stuck in one of thosethings at high tide.
[PERI] High tide? I thought you said that
[DOCTOR] It's a figure of speech. You see, the core of this planet issuperheated primeval mud. When its orbit takes it close to AndrozaniMajor, the gravitational pull
[PERI] Oh, I get the picture. Mud baths for everyone. Well, it's achange from lava.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Presumably why the planet was never colonised. AndrozaniMajor was becoming quite developed the last time I passed this way.
[PERI] When was that?
[DOCTOR] I don't remember. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the future.
[PERI] You're a very confusing person to be with, Doctor, you know that?
[DOCTOR] I tried keeping a diary once. Not chronological, of course, butthe trouble with time travel is one never seems to find the time.
[PERI] Where's the light coming from?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, natural phosphorescence. There's a crystallinematerial in these walls. It's polished smooth as glass.
[PERI] Which reminds me why we came here, and it wasn't to go Argh!
[DOCTOR] Be careful not to slip. Oh.
[DOCTOR] Keep still. All right, give me your hand. Come on, up.
[PERI] It's horrid. What is it?
[DOCTOR] It's not edible, by the smell of it. It's probably quiteharmless.
[PERI] It's stinging.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, don't fall into any more, hmm?
[PERI] Doctor, why do you wear a stick of celery in your lapel?
[DOCTOR] Does it offend you?
[PERI] No, I'm just curious.
[DOCTOR] Safety precaution. I'm allergic to certain gases in the praxisrange of the spectrum.
[PERI] How does the celery help?
[DOCTOR] If the gas is present, the celery turns purple.
[PERI] And then what do you do?
[DOCTOR] I eat the celery. If nothing else, I'm sure it's good for myteeth.
(Smuggler's cave)
[KRELPER] The dummies should have been here yesterday.
[STOTZ] The last time we made a drop, we had to wait three days. Sowhat? It sure beats picking chacaws.
[KRELPER] Chacaws. I don't pick chacaws, Stotz. I've never beenconfined, and you know why? Cos I'm smart.
[STOTZ] You, smart? Krelper, the wind whistles through your ears.
[STOTZ] Someone's coming.
[KRELPER] Should be the droids. Come on, belt plates.
[STOTZ] Krelper, it could also be the army. Let's move out of here.
[KRELPER] Come on!
[PERI] End of trail.
[DOCTOR] Gas carbines.
[PERI] Bombs.
[DOCTOR] Poison volatisers. Nasty little objects, aren't they. There areenough hand weapons here to equip a small army.
[PERI] What do you make of it? You said nobody lives here.
[DOCTOR] I was wrong. This dice is still warm.
[PERI] Listen.
[DOCTOR] Boots coming this way. Quickly, over here.
[PERI] Now what do we do?
[DOCTOR] Surrender.
(Operations room)
[SALATEEN] A message from Captain Rones, sir. His men have just takentwo gun runners.
[CHELLAK] Good. Good. That's excellent. Well done Rones, eh? He's Bgroup, I think.
[SALATEEN] Yes, sir.
[CHELLAK] High time we had some success. Did they resist?
[SALATEEN] Apparently not. The patrol also captured a dump of gasweapons.
[SALATEEN] Rones suspects there are other runners in the area. He wantsto know if he should set up an ambush.
[CHELLAK] I think it's more important we should seize these weapons,Major Salateen.
[SALATEEN] Very good, sir.
[CHELLAK] If Sharaz Jek gets his hands on gas weapons, we'll be in adevil of a stew. Could pin our fellows down for weeks.
[SALATEEN] We have gas suits in the stores, General.
[CHELLAK] A bad design. I've always said so. A few hours in one of thosethings, you start to cook. Still, better have them checked ready forissue.
[SALATEEN] It's being done, sir.
[CHELLAK] Ahead of me as usual, eh, Salateen. What about theseprisoners?
(Morgus' office)
[TIMMIN] Yes, sir?
[MORGUS] Krau Timmin, copper output has risen by thirteen percent. Thatshould not have occurred.
[TIMMIN] Head of Minerals sent out a limiting order last month, sir.
[MORGUS] Too little, too late. Tell him to fly out immediately to ourNorthcawl mine. I want a feasibility study on the possibility ofclosure.
[TIMMIN] Yes, sir.
[MORGUS] That is all, Krau.
[TIMMIN] There has been a message from General Chellak, sir.
[TIMMIN] The General wishes to inform you that his men have captured twogun runners and intercepted an arms delivery to the android rebels.
[MORGUS] Ah, taken two runners alive? Get me Chellak on vision.
[TIMMIN] Yes, sir.
[MORGUS] The spineless cretins.
[STOTZ] They're beginning to move the stuff out.Now men, if we double round, we can cut them off here.
[KRELPER] How many?
[STOTZ] Ten, maybe a dozen. Come on, let's fumigate some squaddies.
(Operations room)
[CHELLAK] The survey team were charting Blue level,weren't they? Did anyone see anything?
[SALATEEN] Apparently not, sir. They heard Trooper Boze cry out and ranback, but it was like the others. The thing hadn't left much of him.
[CHELLAK] That's five men now. Always on Blue level. If we had the timeand the manpower, I'd send a squad down there to find it and destroyit.
[SALATEEN] Nice trophy for the mess, sir.
[TROOPER] Stand there.
[DOCTOR] Couldn't we have a chair? It's been a rather strenuous day.
[CHELLAK] You will stand there until I've finished with you, and whenyou address me, you will call me sir.
[DOCTOR] May I ask who you are, sir?
[CHELLAK] I am General Chellak, Commander of all Federal forces on thisplanet.
[DOCTOR] Well done, sir. I suppose you started in the ranks.
[CHELLAK] Under emergency regulations, anyone caught supplying arms tothe android rebels faces summary execution.
[PERI] But, but, we weren't supplying arms. We were, well, we just foundthem.
[PERI] Sir.
[CHELLAK] If you cooperate, I'm prepared to extend clemency. If youdon't cooperate, you'll be shot. Is that clear?
[DOCTOR] Couldn't put it more plainly. Exactly how do we cooperate?
[PERI] Sir.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[CHELLAK] Do not provoke me.
[DOCTOR] Sorry.
[CHELLAK] I want to know your names and the names of your confederates.I want full details of all armaments deliveries, where and how they arebrought in, who supplies them back on Major, and what yourcommunication arrangements are with Sharaz Jek.
[DOCTOR] Well, I am generally known as the Doctor. My young friend hereis known as Peri, that is, Perpegillium Brown.
[CHELLAK] Don't waste my time.
[DOCTOR] You know, if we could just sit down and talk about this littlemisunderstanding in a civilised manner. My young friend here has beencomplaining of pains in her legs. You can see for yourself she'ssuffering from some sort of urticaria.
[CHELLAK] Silence.
[DOCTOR] Come to that, I don't feel too well myself.
[TROOPER {OC]] Signals, sir. Trau Morgus is on Vid. He wants to speak toyou immediately, General.
[CHELLAK] I'll take it. Put them in there.
(Chellak's quarters)
[PERI] I don't think he likes us very much.
(Morgus' office)
[MORGUS] Take my private lift and make sure you'renot seen on the way out. Remember, I want the operation at Northcawl tobe completed by the morning.
[MAN] Yes, Trau.
[MORGUS] The gun runners. What information have you obtained?
[CHELLAK [on screen]] Nothing as yet, only their names, sir.
[MORGUS] What are their names?
[CHELLAK [on screen]] One calls himself the Doctor, the girl's name isPeri.
[MORGUS] A girl? Bring them to the screen.
[CHELLAK [on screen]] I've only just begun the interrogation. I hope toget enough out of these two to be able to round up the rest of thegang.
[MORGUS] I hope so too, General, for your sake. Your operation so farhas been a dismal failure.
[CHELLAK [on screen]] With respect, sir, I don't believe you fullyunderstand the difficulty of the conditions here.
[MORGUS] All I understand is you're supposed to be trained soldiers, andyet one renegade and a handful of mindless androids has been dancingrings round you for six months.
[CHELLAK [on screen]] I might remind you we captured the Spectroxrefinery in our first assault.
[MORGUS] And allowed Sharaz Jek to spirit away the entire stockpile fromunder our noses. I warn you, General. People here are in no mood totolerate your blundering much longer.
(Jek's headquarters)
[CHELLAK [OC]] I will not accept criticism from a civilian, no matterhow rich and powerful he is. The captives are here.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Tempers getting a little frayed, are they?
[MORGUS [on monitor]] Obviously you are the one who calls himself theDoctor.
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] And you are?
[MORGUS [on monitor]] Chief Director of the SiriusConglomerate.
[JEK] Beautiful.
[DOCTOR [on monitor]] And we are to address you as sir?
(Morgus' office)
[MORGUS] Better if you do not address me at all. Imerely wish to inspect you, to see the kind of creatures capable ofbetraying the golden vision of our glorious pioneers. Already I feelcontaminated. Get rid of them.
[MORGUS] You have done well, General. I apologise if my earlier remarksseemed intemperate. It's just the frustration I feel here when I longto stand shoulder to shoulder with you. All right minded people feelthe same. And so to boost morale, I will arrange for the execution.
[CHELLAK [on screen]] But I've already told them their lives will bespared if they collaborate.
[MORGUS] No collaboration, General. No deals with traitors. The publicwill not stand for it.
[CHELLAK [on screen]] If they're shot out of hand, we lose the chance ofvaluable information.
[MORGUS] That may be true, but it is not of prime importance. Thesepeople are the lowest type of human being. One only has to look at themto realise the extent of their depravity. Get rid of them, General.
[MORGUS] And we shall all feel a lot better.
[KRELPER] Here they come.
[STOTZ] Masks.
[STOTZ] Now!
[STOTZ] Quick. Come on.
(Operations room)
[CHELLAK] You heard Morgus. He wants you executed.
[PERI] That's barbaric.
[DOCTOR] You take orders from a civilian? Weren't you telling us youcommand Federal forces here?
[CHELLAK] I could appeal the order, but it'd be pointless. Morgus hasthe Praesidium in his pocket.
[DOCTOR] We're quite innocent, you know. This is all a mistake.
[CHELLAK] Yes, I think I'm beginning to believe you, Doctor, but intimes of war the innocent die too.
[PERI] Is that all you can say? We're about to be killed
[SALATEEN] Message from Captain Rones, sir. His men are under gasattack.
[CHELLAK] Where?
[SALATEEN] They were ambushed in the narrows.
[CHELLAK] That's barely six hundred metres from here! Muster HQ platoon.
[SALATEEN] They're falling in now, sir.
[CHELLAK] I'll take them out. These two, detention cells, and get themready for execution.
[SALATEEN] You have heard of death under the red cloth?
[DOCTOR] Afraid not.
[SALATEEN] It is a military procedure. After death, your bodies aretaken to the Field Cremation Unit. Your ashes are wrapped in the redcloth of execution and will be disposed of according to yourdirections.
[DOCTOR] Doesn't sound any more enticing than any other form of death.
[SALATEEN] Place these two in detention.
(Morgus' lift)
[MORGUS] I think I have made the right decision. Ionly wish the execution could be made public.
[TIMMIN] That is impossible, sir.
[MORGUS] I know, but think of the prestige it would bring theConglomerate. To witness the punishment of wrong-doers is excellentmoral reinforcement, don't you agree?
[TIMMIN] Oh yes, sir.
(Morgus' office)
[MORGUS] Now, what else is there?
[TIMMIN] The President is coming to see you at five, Trau Morgus.
[MORGUS] Ah, yes. Take ten centilitres of Spectrox from my privatestock. Even his Excellency cannot expect more than ten centilitres inthese difficult times.
[STOTZ] Right, men, move it!
[STOTZ] Quick, come on!
[CHELLAK] Every last man. They killed the whole patrol. Check the otherareas are free of gas and get the stretcher parties down here.
(Detention cell)
[DOCTOR] There was something very funny about thatMajor.
[PERI] Didn't make me laugh.
[DOCTOR] Chellak said they were fighting android rebels.
[PERI] Who cares who they're fighting. We seem to be the fall guys.
[DOCTOR] Yes, do try and speak English, Peri, hmm?
[PERI] Doctor, we've got about an hour to live. That Morgus wants usdead.
[DOCTOR] Yes, that's another odd thing. He had us paraded up and down infront of him, then once he'd seen us he seemed to lose all interest. Ifind that rather insulting.
[PERI] I can take an insult. I, I just don't want to be shot. Doctor,what are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] I've really no idea. I'm sorry I got you into this, Peri.
[PERI] It's all right. It wasn't your fault. I mean, it's as much myfault as yours.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I should never have followed those tracks. Curiosity'salways been my downfall. How's your rash, by the way?
[PERI] It seems to be coming out in blisters now.
[DOCTOR] Me too. That fungus obviously had some very toxic properties.
[PERI] Well, I don't suppose we'll die of it inside the next hour.
[PERI] Anything interesting?
[DOCTOR] No. It's like a graveyard.
(Jek's headquarters)
[JEK] Base defence group numbers four and nine, report to me. That isall.
[JEK] Stotz must have had a good day.
(Detention cell)
[DOCTOR] Morgus said that Spectrox was the mostvaluable substance in the universe. I wonder what it can be?
[PERI] I thought you knew everything.
[DOCTOR] Ah, not quite. It's going to worry me until I find out what itis.
[PERI] I don't think you need worry for very long. They seem to be aboutready for us.
(Morgus' office)
[PRESIDENT] Ah. Morgus, I can't thank you enough.
[MORGUS] My pleasure, Trau President. How much do you take?
[PRESIDENT] My apothecary recommends point three of a centilitre perday. I've been without for three weeks now and have begun to feel myage.
[MORGUS] It is a wonderful restorative.
[PRESIDENT] The greatest boon ever bestowed on humanity, offering us atleast twice normal lifespan. Would you think I was eighty four?
[MORGUS] Fifty, at the most.
[PRESIDENT] Quite. That is why this war must be brought to a conclusionsoon, Morgus, one way or another.
[MORGUS] There is only one honourable way, sir. Sharaz Jek must becrushed.
[PRESIDENT] Of course. But our forces are making such poor progress andmeanwhile people here are clamouring for supplies of Spectrox to beresumed. It's understandable.
[MORGUS] That is the razor's edge Jek is holding to our throats, but wecannot accede to criminal blackmail.
[PRESIDENT] My dear Morgus, I agree entirely, but we are forced to seethe matter from different viewpoints.
[MORGUS] Patriotism is the only viewpoint.
[PRESIDENT] A businessman's patriotism may differ from that of apolitician. I am forced to take account of the mood of the people, andit is becoming ugly. Whereas you need only take account of a balancesheet, which since the market value of Spectrox has risen soastronomically, must look much healthier now than it did at the startof this conflict.
[MORGUS] My Conglomerate is contributing handsomely towards the cost ofoperation on Androzani Minor.
[PRESIDENT] Yes, the Praesidium is duly grateful, but as yourConglomerate owns that planet, it is perhaps no more than might beexpected.
[MORGUS] Trau President, am I to understand the Praesidium isconsidering ending the war, offering Sharaz Jek an armistice?
[PRESIDENT] Not immediately. However, if the military stalematecontinues. The public want their Spectrox, Morgus.
[MORGUS] Yes? What is it?
[TIMMIN] The execution, sir.
(Detention cell)
[SALATEEN] Are you ready?
(Morgus' office)
[PRESIDENT] The red cloth? It's disgraceful.
[MORGUS] It is a military execution, sir.
[PRESIDENT] In my day we had filthy little swine like that shot in theback. The red cloth was for soldiers.
(Outside the Detention cell)
[CHELLAK] Have you a last declaration?
[DOCTOR] Nothing special. We're innocent, we've had no trial, we've hadno opportunity to defend ourselves. In short, this is a mockery ofjustice.
[CHELLAK] Do you have any last declaration?
[PERI] Just get on with it.
[CHELLAK] Firing squad. Firing position. Take aim. Fire!
(Outside the Detention cell)
[CHELLAK] Check weapons.
(Morgus' office)
[CHELLAK [on screen]] Dismiss.
[MORGUS] Whatever his defects as a Commander, Chellak certainly brings acertain style to these things, does he not?
[PRESIDENT] Indeed, though I feel the decision to execute wasprecipitative. Some useful information might have been extracted fromthem.
[MORGUS] They were merely ignorant handlers, Excellency. The stews ofthe city are full of such unemployed riff-raff.
[PRESIDENT] Most of them unemployed, Trau Morgus, because you haveclosed so many plants. It's caused great unrest.
[MORGUS] Easily settled. Those without valid employment cards will beshipped off to the eastern labour camps.
[PRESIDENT] Yes, we might make that seem morally justifiable. I'll putyour interesting suggestions to the Praesidium tomorrow.
[MORGUS] Naturally, should any special funding be required?
[PRESIDENT] Most generous. Of course, the irony is while you've beenclosing plants here in the west, you've been building them in the east.So if the unemployed were sent to the eastern labour camps, a greatmany of them would be working for you again, only this time withoutpayment.
[MORGUS] I hadn't thought of that.
[PRESIDENT] Of course you hadn't.
(Jek's headquarters)
[DOCTOR] Ahem.
[JEK] Ah, Doctor. And Peri. Welcome, indeed. I've been so lookingforward to this meeting.
[DOCTOR] Sharaz Jek, I presume.
[JEK] What remains of him.
[JEK] Sit down. You must be tired.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
(Outside the Detention cell)
[CHELLAK] Androids! But so lifelike. I could have sworn they were human.
[SALATEEN] Sharaz Jek is improving.
[CHELLAK] His creatures? Do you think he's using them now forgun-running?
[SALATEEN] He must be, sir. They'd have to pass for real back on Major,that's why
[CHELLAK] Yes, of course. The man must be a genius in his way.
[SALATEEN] Shall you inform the Praesidium?
[CHELLAK] Salateen, how can I? If it ever gets out that I executed twoandroids, I'd be the butt of the army. I'd be finished.
[SALATEEN] It needn't get out, sir. Apart from ourselves, only EnsignCass is aware of this.
[SALATEEN] He could be sent on a deep penetration mission. Very fewreturn.
(Jek's headquarters)
[JEK] Then if you're not from Androzani Major,where are you from? Earth?
[PERI] Yes.
[PERI] Er, not exactly.
[DOCTOR] We travel a lot.
[JEK] Interesting. We shall have a lot to talk about. I was a doctormyself once, before the study of androids took over my life.
[DOCTOR] Really. Well of course it would be fascinating to stay andtalk, but actually once we've rested, if you could just point ustowards the surface?
[JEK] No, Doctor. You must stay here now.
[PERI] Stay? For how long?
[JEK] I shall make you comfortable, and after a few years you'll bequite content living here with me. Quite content.
(Planet surface)
[KRELPER] Stotzy? The guys ain't taking no more of this.
[STOTZ] No more of what?
[KRELPER] We want paying and we want out.
[STOTZ] Do you?
[KRELPER] According to contract.
[STOTZ] According to contract, huh? The contract says you'll get paidback on Major.
[KRELPER] A two day job, you said.
[STOTZ] A two day job, I said, if we was lucky. But we weren't lucky,were we, Krelper, and your luck's run out right now.
[KRELPER] Hey, take it easy, take it easy.
[STOTZ] You guys have got one option. You can either stick with me oryou can stay here.
[KRELPER] Hey, cut it out, Stotzy.
[STOTZ] It's your rotten black heart I'm going to cut out.
[KRELPER] No! For pity's sake, Stotz.
[STOTZ] The boss gave me one of these. (a small tablet) Ten seconds, hesaid. Let's see if it works.
[KRELPER] Oh no, Stotzy, no!
[STOTZ] Come on, you slat, bite. Come on, bite! Bite!
[STOTZ] Next time, it'll be for real.
[STOTZ] Oh, and in case you lunkheads get any otherideas, there's something I haven't told you. That ship we've got outthere on autohold? It won't take an order without a release code. So ifyou guys want to see Major again, you'd better make pretty certainnothing ever happens to me.
(Jek's headquarters)
[DOCTOR] What is the matter?
[PERI] Cramp.
[DOCTOR] Try touching your toes. That's it. And again.
[JEK] Working up an appetite? Salateen is bringing your food shortly.
[DOCTOR] Salateen? We've not met him yet. Where's he chained up?
[JEK] Chains are unnecessary, Doctor, as you will discover.
[PERI] Why are you keeping us here?
[JEK] Oh, my exquisite child, how could I ever let you go? The sight ofbeauty is so important to me.
[JEK] And the stimulus of a mind nearly equal to my own.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[JEK] I've missed so much of life these last lonely years, but yourarrival has changed all that. We shall become the best of companions.
[DOCTOR] What do you say, Peri? We can go on nature walks, have picnicsand jolly evenings round the camp fire.
[JEK] Don't mock me, Doctor. Beauty I must have, but you aredispensable.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[JEK] You have the mouth of a prattling jackanapes but your eyes, theytell a different story. It's of no matter. I shall break you to mywill. And if I can't break you, I shall kill you, while you, my child,shall live forever.
[PERI] Nobody lives forever.
[DOCTOR] He means it will seem like forever.
[JEK] Spectrox is the key to eternal youth, holding at bay the ravagesof time. The flower of your beauty will be as permanent as a preciousjewel, untarnished by the passing centuries.
[DOCTOR] Well, now we know why Spectrox is the most valuable substancein the universe.
[JEK] And it's mine, all of it!
[DOCTOR] Until the army take it away from you.
[JEK] The possibility does not exist. I know every move they make.
[PERI] Knowing what they're doing and stopping them are two differentthings.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. This General is working to a plan. I've seen hisoperations board.
[JEK] Then see mine.
[JEK] The green area is held by the army.
[DOCTOR] So, they've already sealed you off to the north.
[JEK] Already? To get that far it has taken Chellak six months andhundreds of casualties. Computing that rate of advance, it will beanother five years before I'm seriously threatened.
[DOCTOR] Oh, what's five years when you're having a good war?
[JEK] The people of Androzani Major will not wait for their Spectrox.Long before then, they will rise in protest and the Praesidium will beforced to agree to my terms.
[PERI] What are your terms, Sharaz Jek?
[JEK] They can have all the Spectrox they want when I have the head ofMorgus here at my feet. I want the head of that perfidious, treacherousdegenerate brought to me here, congealed in its own evil blood.
(Morgus' office)
[TIMMIN] Trau Morgus?
[MORGUS] Yes, what is it?
[TIMMIN] The Northcawl copper mine, sir. There's been a disaster. Ithought you should know.
[MORGUS] What kind of disaster?
[TIMMIN] An explosion, sir, early this morning. The mine has beencompletely destroyed.
[MORGUS] How sad. However, the loss of Northcawl eliminates our littleproblem of over-production. The news should also raise the market priceof copper.
[TIMMIN] Undoubtedly, sir.
[MORGUS] As they used to say on Earth, every cloud has a strontiumlining, Krau Timmin.
[TIMMIN] Yes, indeed.
[MORGUS] As a mark of respect for one of our late executives, I wantevery employee to leave his place of work and stand in silence for oneminute.
[TIMMIN] I'll network that order immediately, sir.
[MORGUS] No, on second thoughts, make that half a minute.
[TIMMIN] Half a minute?
(Jek's headquarters)
[PERI] He's mad, Doctor. Utterly mad.
[DOCTOR] And a raving egoist. Said my mind was nearly the equal of his.Incredible conceit.
[PERI] Why do you think he hates Morgus so much?
[DOCTOR] Not just Morgus, probably one amongst a vast majority. Ah,Salateen. I'd know you anywhere. I'm the Doctor, this is
[SALATEEN] I know who you are.
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, I've been looking forward to this meeting.
[DOCTOR] Well, fellow prisoners. How long have you been here?
[SALATEEN] Months.
[DOCTOR] That's right. You see, you're an old lag, Salateen. You knowthe ropes.
[PERI] What is this stuff?
[SALATEEN] Nutrition.
[PERI] Does it taste as bad as it looks?
[DOCTOR] And you probably know the best way out of here.
[DOCTOR] You mean you don't, or you won't tell us.
[SALATEEN] It's impossible.
[DOCTOR] Do you detect a certain coolness?
[PERI] Ice cold. I don't think anybody likes us.
[SALATEEN] Like you? Now he has you for company, he will kill me.
[DOCTOR] Kill you? Ow!
[PERI] Doctor, what's wrong?
[DOCTOR] Cramp, same as you had.
[PERI] Hold on, is that better?
[SALATEEN] You both have cramp?
[PERI] Yes.
[SALATEEN] You haven't touched a Spectrox nest, have you?
[DOCTOR] A Spectrox nest? If you mean a large fuzzy, sticky ball
[SALATEEN] You have.
[PERI] What's so funny?
[SALATEEN] You're dying.
[DOCTOR] Oh, marvellous sense of humour. Try not to get hysterical. Whatdo you mean, we're dying?
[SALATEEN] And Sharaz Jek thought he had company for life. Cramp is thesecond stage. First a rash, then spasms, finally slow paralysis of thethoracic spinal nerve and then TDP.
[SALATEEN] Thermal death point. It's called Spectrox toxaemia. I've seendozens die from it.
[DOCTOR] What's the cure?
[SALATEEN] Oh, there's no cure. Wait till Jek finds out.
[PERI] He's kidding, isn't he? No, I guess not.
[SALATEEN] I'm sorry. I don't suppose you see the funny side of it.
[DOCTOR] What is a Spectrox nest?
[SALATEEN] Deposits left by the bat colonies. Raw Spectrox contains achemical similar to mustard nitrogen. It's deadly to humans, so theyuse the androids to collect the stuff and take it to the refinery.
[DOCTOR] We haven't seen any bats.
[SALATEEN] The androids probably destroyed most of them. They spend achrysalid stage in the nest. Three year life cycle.
[PERI] There has to be an antidote to this Spectrox toxaemia. I mean, ifit's a snake venom effect, there has to be a serum or antitoxin.
[SALATEEN] There is. It was discovered years ago by Professor Jackij.
[DOCTOR] Well, don't keep us in suspense.
[SALATEEN] You need the milk from a queen bat. Trouble is, they've allgone down to the deeps to die, so you can't reach them.
[PERI] Why not?
[SALATEEN] Well, for a start, there's no oxygen down there.
[DOCTOR] What else? You said, for a start.
[SALATEEN] There's some kind of creature down there. Probably lives inthe magma and comes up to the surface to hunt. It's a carnivore.
[PERI] What's it like, this creature?
[SALATEEN] Nobody's ever run into one and lived to talk about it. Allthey ever find are its table leavings.
[JEK] Yes?
[STOTZ [OC]] Jek? Stotz. I want an RV.
[JEK] Why? You lost the delivery.
[STOTZ] Jek, your people fouled up, not ours.
(Jek's headquarters)
[JEK] I don't pay for undelivered goods.
[STOTZ [OC]] Now listen, Jek. If you don't pay for this consignment, wedon't come back again ever. Understand?
[JEK] I can't keep this line open. I'll meet you. Shaft twenty six,yellow level, in one hour.
[DOCTOR] This delightful process you describe so graphically, how longdoes it all take?
[SALATEEN] You're in the second stage now. You'll be dead in another twodays.
[DOCTOR] Can't waste any more time here.
[SALATEEN] Go through that door, Doctor, and you'll be dead in twoseconds.
[PERI] Why?
[SALATEEN] There's an android permanently on guard out there. Jek'sandroids are programmed to kill humans on sight.
[PERI] We were brought here by two of Jek's androids.
[SALATEEN] Oh, they can follow orders, but normally all humans withoutbelt plate rank as targets. He even wears one himself.
[DOCTOR] How do these belt plates work?
[DOCTOR] Yes, probably they emit some low frequency magna waves or evena neutrino pattern keyed to the android's spectrum length.
[JEK] Congratulations, Doctor. You're very close. You understandsomething of android engineering.
[DOCTOR] Something.
[JEK] In that case you will appreciate what a masterpiece my facsimileof Salateen is. The perfect android.
[DOCTOR] Nearly perfect.
[JEK] Entirely perfect.
(Operations room)
[CHELLAK] What a planet! Very well, set a party towork checking the mud barriers.
[R-SALATEEN] I took the liberty of ordering that to be done, sir.
(Jek's headquarters)
[DOCTOR] What happens now?
[JEK] Well, I have to negotiate with my arms suppliers. They want fullpayment in Spectrox. I shall offer them half.
[DOCTOR] Well, if you have to go to arbitration, I have had someexperience.
[JEK] Your sense of humour will be the death of you, Doctor. Probablyquite soon.
[DOCTOR] Emotional sort of fellow.
[PERI] Why does he always wear that hood?
[JEK] You want to know why? You, with your fair skin and features, youwant to see the face under here? Do you!
[JEK] You're wise. Even I can't bear to see or touch myself. I, who wasonce, once comely, who was always a lover of beauty. And now I have tolive in this exile. I have to live amongst androids because androids donot see as we see.
[DOCTOR] What happened?
[JEK] Morgus. Why I ever trusted that fescennine bag of slime. I builtan android workforce to collect and refine the Spectrox. We'd agreed toshare the profits, but he'd already planned my death. When the mudburst caught without warning, how he must have gloated. But I trickedhim. I reached one of the baking chambers and I survived, just.
[PERI] You were burned?
[JEK] Scalded near to death. The flesh boiled, hanging from the bone,but I lived. I lived so that one day I could revenge myself on thatinhuman monster. And I shall.
[DOCTOR] More of a tennis player than a cricketer.
[PERI] He didn't say why he blames Morgus.
[SALATEEN] I've heard the story fifty times. Morgus supplied faultydetection instruments so the mud burst caught Jek by surprise. Hedidn't have time to get the barriers down.
[DOCTOR] I see. Well, Peri, I think it's time we were toddling along.
[PERI] Well, how can we, with an android guard outside?
[DOCTOR] Well, let's take a look.
(Shaft 26 yellow level)
[STOTZ] Jek!
[JEK] Ah, so there you are, Stotz. I thought that you could make it.
[STOTZ] Damn you, man. This is the second time you've made me wait forthree days, and then you only give me an hour's warning for a meet.
[JEK] I'm a busy man.
[STOTZ] Okay, so where's the Spectrox?
[JEK] In my strongroom.
[STOTZ] Now listen, Jek. Five kilos was the price we fixed, and fivekilos is what we're taking back to Major.
[JEK] Why should I pay for weapons I never received? Why should I paybecause you blundering idiots let the army take them?
[STOTZ] You'll pay, Jek, because we took the risk to get them here ontime. You'll pay because if you don't, we won't be doing business nomore. Not so much as a single bullet.
(Jek's headquarters)
[PERI] Satisfied?
[DOCTOR] Hmm. The androids are programmed to kill humans. Well, myphysiology is quite different. The question is, will it know that?
[PERI] Don't try it, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Sorry, Peri, no alternative. Just keep back.
[SALATEEN] What does he mean, he's not human?
[PERI] Shush.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[DOCTOR] What a clever little android you are. Now, we'll just cut yoursolenoids.
[DOCTOR] Won't hurt a bit.
[DOCTOR] It's all right, you can come out now.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor. For a minute there I thought
[DOCTOR] Yes, well, never mind. It's all over now. Ah, what have wehere? This might be useful if we come across any more androids.
[SALATEEN] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] To find the queen bat.
[SALATEEN] I told you, there's no oxygen down there.
[DOCTOR] We'll collect some oxygenators from the Tardis. Come along.
(Shaft 26 yellow level)
[JEK] Two kilos, Stotz.
[STOTZ] Five.
[JEK] It seems we're unable to reach an agreement. Try somewhere elsefor your Spectrox.
[STOTZ] Oh, come on, Jek. Be reasonable.
[JEK] Two kilos is very reasonable.
[STOTZ] You're sitting on tons of the stuff.
[JEK] And I know what it fetches per ounce. That's why your threat tocut off my arms supply carries no weight. I can obtain weaponsanywhere.
[STOTZ] The boss isn't going to like this.
[JEK] That is your problem, Stotz.
[STOTZ] Okay, so where's the two kilos?
[JEK] I'll bring it. Wait here.
[STOTZ] Be quick. I've got to call the ship down before sunrise.
[JEK] Twenty minutes.
[KRELPER] Oh, you really screwed him down, eh? Two kilos. What a deal.
[STOTZ] Don't you try and get smart with me again, Krelper. One thing Ido know, that Spectrox is stored somewhere within ten minutes fromhere.
[STOTZ] Yeah, Krelper. Tons and tons of Spectrox, just waiting for guyslike us to help ourselves, eh?
[KRELPER] We'd have to blow Jek and his dummies first.
[STOTZ] We've got these protective belt buckles, haven't we. I thinkSharaz Jek has fouled up in a big way this time.
[DOCTOR] First of all, we need to find our way tothe Tardis.
[PERI] Doctor, look out!
[PERI] Doctor!
[PERI] Let me go!
[DOCTOR] Peri? Peri, where are you? Peri! Salateen! Peri! Peri!
(Jek's headquarters)
[JEK] She has been taken from me!
(Blue level)
[KRELPER] I reckon we've lost him.
[STOTZ] No, he went this way.
[KRELPER] No, he wouldn't have come down this deep.
[STOTZ] Come on, help us find him.
(Blue level)
(Operations room)
[CHELLAK] Salateen, what in thunder?
[SALATEEN] I'll explain later, General. One escaped prisoner, sir.
[CHELLAK] The android?
[SALATEEN] She's real enough. Android's legs don't blister. Sharaz Jeksmuggled in copies of this girl and her friend, the Doctor, and I'mafraid, sir, that he also copied me.
[CHELLAK] Copied you?
[SALATEEN] I've been held prisoner at his camp for months now, sir, andwhat you thought was me is in fact an android, a spy for Sharaz Jek.
[CHELLAK] You mean I've had an android as my ADC without knowing it?
[SALATEEN] When he made that copy of me, sir, it was like looking into amirror. He's incredibly clever.
[CHELLAK] What a blind fool I've been.
[JEK] So, you thought to follow me. I expected that you would, and nowyou've learned the price of your curiosity.
[STOTZ] Is that think back there one of your pets?
[JEK] The Magma creatures never ascend above Blue level, and they have,in any case, no taste for my androids, only flesh and blood.
[KRELPER] You tricked us into that!
[JEK] No, you were led by your own cupidity. Greed, heedless of caution,lures many a man to his death.
[JEK] Whoever you are, come out. Doctor! I hadn't expected to see youagain so soon.
[DOCTOR] Life often springs these little surprises.
(Operations room)
[SALATEEN] The android has a cortex with over fivemillion responses programmed in. Jek boasts about it as his finestcreation.
[CHELLAK] So Jek has known every move, every plan we've made for monthsnow.
[SALATEEN] Within seconds, sir. The android is linked to his maincomputer.
[CHELLAK] We'll soon put a stop to that. (into comm.) Major Salateen!
[SALATEEN] There is a better way, sir.
[SALATEEN] I thought of it on the way back.
[R-SALATEEN [OC]] Salateen here, sir. You called me?
[CHELLAK] It's all right, Major. I've found what I wanted.
[R-SALATEEN [OC]] Very good, sir.
[CHELLAK] You said there was a better way?
[SALATEEN] Disinformation.
[CHELLAK] Using the android.
[SALATEEN] So long as Jek doesn't discover I've made it back here, he'llbelieve everything the android relays him to the terminal.
[CHELLAK] You're a wily fellow, Salateen, I've always said so. But howwill that help?
[SALATEEN] We can make him think we're moving in one direction when infact we'll be moving in on his base. I know the way to it.
[CHELLAK] I like that idea. It means you and the girl will have to stayout of sight, of course. You can use my private quarters.
(Jek's headquarters)
[JEK] How is it that you were able to walk past myandroids?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Maybe they just liked my face?
[JEK] Well? Take your Spectrox.
[STOTZ] The suppliers aren't going to like this, Jek.
[JEK] Tell them if they will supply gas weapons as agreed, and deliverthem safely, I will pay eight kilos for the next shipment.
[JEK] When I ask a question, I do not expect flippancy. Where's thegirl? Where's Peri?
[DOCTOR] I wish I knew.
[JEK] Take him.
[JEK] Tear his arms out slowly. You know the power an android can exert,Doctor. After your arms, they will remove your legs. Now, where's thegirl?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. We got into a shoot-out with one of your androidsand then she disappeared.
[JEK] You can't protect her. I shall tear the truth out of you.
[DOCTOR] I think she's with Salateen.
[JEK] Salateen? In that case they've probably reached the army camp.Release him.
[DOCTOR] If they have, it's round two to the army, I'd say.
[JEK] You know nothing. I must get the girl back, I must.
[STOTZ] Jek, what about him.
[JEK] He's no further use to me now.
[STOTZ] I'd like to take him back to Major. I think the boss might wantto question him.
[JEK] Why?
[STOTZ] We think he's a spy. I mean, why else should he be snoopingaround?
[JEK] He told me he was, it's no matter who he is. Take him. I must findthe girl.
[STOTZ] When we get back to Major, you're going to wish those androidshad finished the job. You'll be worked over by experts there.
(Chellak's quarters)
[PERI] What
(Operations room)
[CHELLAK] No further orders, Major.
[CHELLAK] I said, there are no further orders, Major.
[R-SALATEEN] Very good, sir.
[CHELLAK] Was there anything else?
[R-SALATEEN] The magma pressure is still increasing, sir.
[CHELLAK] Yes, well, it's been high before and nothing happened. I'msure if there's a mud burst on the way the engineers will give us amplewarning.
[R-SALATEEN] There will be time to get the barriers down, but a suddenburst could wipe out our forward patrols.
[CHELLAK] Well, that's a calculated risk. We can't suspend operationsbecause some time in the next month there might be a mud burst.
[R-SALATEEN] No, sir.
[CHELLAK] Very well. Carry on, Major.
(Chellak's quarters)
[CHELLAK] That android suspects something.
[SALATEEN] They can detect human body heat even through a wall.
[CHELLAK] I'll have to get it off the base, it's the only thing for it.How are you doing now?
[PERI] Pretty awful, not that you care.
[CHELLAK] I don't think she's any use to us.
[SALATEEN] I'll give her another injection in an hour. She'll make it.
[PERI] You're all heart, you two.
[CHELLAK] If you weren't dying, I'd have you shot anyway. You may nothave been gun-running, but treating with the enemy is punishable bydeath.
[PERI] Treating with the enemy?
[CHELLAK] Sharaz Jek went to great lengths to save you and your friendthe Doctor from execution. He didn't do that out of kindness.
[PERI] Look, the Doctor and I were just as much Sharaz Jek's prisonersas he was, and if it hadn't been for the Doctor, we'd all still bethere.
[SALATEEN] That is actually true, sir.
[CHELLAK] Yes, well, it's academic now, anyway. I just want her fitenough to guide the first assault.
[PERI] Some hope, the way I feel.
[STOTZ] Come on, keep moving, you.
[DOCTOR] What's that?
[STOTZ] My ship, right on time, so hurry it up.
[DOCTOR] My legs are going numb. I suppose that's stage three.
[STOTZ] Stage three of what?
[DOCTOR] I believe it's called Spectrox toxaemia.
[STOTZ] You've been messing around with raw Spectrox?
[KRELPER] Come on!
[DOCTOR] Why don't you leave me here to die?
[STOTZ] You'll last long enough for questioning. Take his arm, Krelper.We'll be at the ship in three minutes.
[KRELPER] Come on.
(Operations room)
[CHELLAK] How does it work?
[SALATEEN] Apparently it emits some low frequency signal that theandroids recognise as friendly.
[CHELLAK] Seems simple enough. If our artificers could knock up a coupleof hundred of these
[SALATEEN] That's what I thought, sir.
[CHELLAK] Yes, well, we'll attend to that just as soon as I've got thatandroid off the base.
[SALATEEN] How do you intend to do that?
[CHELLAK] Send it on a fools errand well out of the way.
[SALATEEN] Anything you tell the android will be known to Jek withinseconds. It will have to sound convincing or he'll get suspicious.
[CHELLAK] Yes, I realise that.
[SALATEEN] You could reinforce it, perhaps, by putting a call through toTrau Morgus.
[CHELLAK] Morgus?
[SALATEEN] If you tell Morgus that you've located Jek's headquarters andgive him a set of bogus coordinates.
[CHELLAK] Yes, then we circle around and catch the beggar napping.That's very good, Salateen.
[SALATEEN] Well, I think Jek will automatically believe anything hehears you discussing with Morgus. He has a tap on the interplanetaryvid. He can pick up all the transmissions between here and Major.
[CHELLAK] How long has he been intercepting our vid transmissions?
[SALATEEN] I think the android put the tap in, sir.
[CHELLAK] It's little wonder this campaign has got nowhere. Jek has hadadvanced warning of every operation we've planned.
[SALATEEN] You'll catch him cold this time, though.
[CHELLAK] I think so, Salateen. And before he's executed, I'll see thatevil renegade is dragged in chains through every city on Major.
[STOTZ] Height?
[KRELPER] One twenty metres.
[STOTZ] Lock on course.
[KRELPER] Course set.
[MAN] Lock on.
[STOTZ] Okay, close the jumps.
[KRELPER] Closing jumps. Androzani Major, here we come.
[STOTZ] You lads go and get some rest.
[KRELPER] Well, I reckon we deserve that.
[STOTZ] I'll just tell the boss we're on our way.
[DOCTOR] Are you afraid of intruders?
[STOTZ] When I talk to the boss, it's got to be just the two of us.That's the way he likes it.
[DOCTOR] Something wrong with his face, or mine?
[MORGUS [on monitor]] You're late, Stotz.
(Morgus' office)
[STOTZ [on screen]] We ran into some trouble, sir.The army intercepted the consignment.
[MORGUS] I know that, but the weapons were untraceable.
[STOTZ [on screen]] I made doubly sure. Anyway, we attacked them andwiped them out. But then we had trouble with Sharaz Jek.
[MORGUS] He refused payment, I suppose.
[STOTZ [on screen]] Two kilos instead of five.
[MORGUS] It should have been four, at least.
[STOTZ [on screen]] I forced him to agree more for the next delivery,sir. He's desperate for those gas weapons, so I said eight kilos or nodeal.
[MORGUS [on monitor]] Eight? Did he agree?
[STOTZ] Oh, of course. He could see I meant business. And another thing.
(Morgus' office)
[STOTZ [on screen]] I think I've got a fix on wherethat Spectrox is stored.
[MORGUS] Ah, that information be very valuable. Who is that?
[STOTZ [on screen]] Government snoop, sir.
[MORGUS] Take off the blindfold.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] Ah, I thought I recognised the voice.
[MORGUS] Something is happening I don't quite understand.
[STOTZ [on screen]] He calls himself the Doctor, sir.
[MORGUS] I know that, Stotz. Be quiet. I need time to think.
[MORGUS] The execution was a hoax. The General is obtuse, but he is aloyal Government servant. He would not have deceived me unless, unlesshis orders came from a higher authority.
[MORGUS] Who's your employer, Doctor? Who are you acting for?
[DOCTOR [on screen]] I'm not acting for anyone. I was just passingthrough. I happened to get mixed up in this pathetic little local war.
[MORGUS] I am the richest man in the whole of the five planets. You tellme the truth and I will reward you beyond your wildest dreams.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] I am telling the truth. I keep telling the truth.Why is it no one believes me?
[STOTZ [on screen]] He's a Government snoop, sir. Stick a few electrodesin him, he'll soon talk.
[MORGUS] If he'd been sent by the Government, I'd know. My people on thePraesidium would have told me. No, somebody in a very high positiontold Chellak to fake the execution.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] How do you know it was faked? Maybe they were justbad shots.
[MORGUS] It could only have been the President. Something must havearoused his suspicion. Stotz, I want you to lock your ship ingeostationary orbit, and I don't want you back here until I've had timeto consider the implications of this.
[STOTZ [OC]] Geostationary orbit! If it wasn't foryou we'd be well on our way home.
[STOTZ] I should have wiped you out the minute Ifirst saw you.
(Operations room)
[CHELLAK] Ah, Salateen. I have a treat for you.It's some time since you've been out on field operations, isn't it?
[R-SALATEEN] Yes, sir.
[CHELLAK] I know how bored an officer of your temperament gets with HQduties. Now, as you know, we've had a satellite monitoring radiosignals here for some time. We've now located a transmitter, mustbelong to the rebels, just here. Make a note of the coordinates.
[R-SALATEEN] That's several miles, sir, and bad narrows all the way.
[CHELLAK] Probably the reason Jek chose it. Anyway, I'm sure it's hismain base. Take a small team, good men, do a quiet recce. As soon as Ireceive confirmation, I'll follow up in force. All right?
[R-SALATEEN] Of course, sir.
[R-SALATEEN] Keep the men moving, Sergeant. I'llcatch you up.
[JEK] Chellak is sending you north. He's trying to deceive me as to hisintentions.
[R-SALATEEN] Yes, master.
[JEK] Have you seen the girl?
[R-SALATEEN] Chellak has her hidden in his private quarters. And MajorSalateen.
[JEK] But now that you are out of the camp, Salateen will be free tomove about. Excellent. The girl will be alone.
(Morgus' office)
[MORGUS] Yes, General, what is it?
[CHELLAK [on screen]] Good news, Trau Morgus. Our radio satellite haspinpointed Sharaz Jek's base.
[MORGUS] Are you certain?
[CHELLAK [on screen]] I'm mobilising to attack now. In approximately sixhours, we'll be in a position for a full-scale assault.
[MORGUS] If you know where Jek's base is, why wait six hours?
[CHELLAK [on screen]] There are many difficult narrows to traverse.It'll take that time to assemble our men.
[MORGUS] Have you informed the President?
[CHELLAK [on screen]] Not yet. I believe his Excellency is at a meetingof the Praesidium.
[MORGUS] Yes, he is. I'm seeing him myself after the meeting. I willtell him the good news. Thank you for reporting, General.
[CHELLAK [on screen]] Thank you, sir. (On the spacecraft, the Doctor isfree of the grill. He has a look around the little bridge then spots alaser beam running behind Stotz' chair. He opens the protective shieldand carefully moves the chain between his wrists into it, only burninghimself once. The chain instantly breaks.)
(Chellak's quarters)
[JEK] You must come with me.
[DOCTOR] Autohold, off. That's it. Now, verticaldescent pattern.
(Morgus' office)
[PRESIDENT] An attempt to assassinate me? Who toldyou this, Morgus?
[MORGUS] A man in my position, I have sources all over the world. It isof course only a whisper, but I think it would be wise to act withcaution.
[PRESIDENT] Yes, indeed. You've no idea who the miscreants are?
[MORGUS] Not at the moment, Excellency, but I'm hoping to have moreinformation soon.
[PRESIDENT] I must strengthen my bodyguard.
[MORGUS] I would take other precautions, sir. Vary your routine, stopannouncing forthcoming engagements. In fact, for the time being, itmight be well for you to cancel all public appearances.
[PRESIDENT] Yes. Yes, that might seem prudent in the circumstances.
[MORGUS] I'll have your floater brought round to the side entrance. Youmay leave the building by my private lift.
[PRESIDENT] Thank you, Morgus. I cannot say how much I appreciate this.
[MORGUS] Your Excellency's safety is my sole concern.
[MORGUS] Krau Timmin, the most appalling thing has happened. HisExcellency
[TIMMIN] Not the President?
[MORGUS] Yes, it was all over in a second. I had no time to stop him.This is a tragic loss to the world.
[TIMMIN] It's dreadful, sir. And that it should have happened in thisbuilding.
[MORGUS] Yes, yes, I am deeply distressed, Krau Timmin.
[TIMMIN] Naturally you must be, sir.
[MORGUS] Still, it could have been worse.
[TIMMIN] In what way, Trau Morgus?
[MORGUS] It could have been me. You had better tell the members of thePraesidium the sad news.
[TIMMIN] Yes, sir.
[MORGUS] In the absence of the President, I am myself flying offimmediately to Androzani Minor on a peace mission.
[TIMMIN] Peace mission, sir?
[MORGUS] Yes. As Chairman of the Conglomerate, I will negotiate withSharaz Jek to try to end this horrible carnage.
[TIMMIN] The world will be for ever in your debt, Krau Morgus.
[MORGUS] Yes, quite so. Have my private jet ready in ten minutes.
[TIMMIN] Yes, sir.
[MORGUS] Oh, and Krau Timmin? Have the lift maintenance engineer shot.
(Jek's headquarters)
[JEK] Good. Return to your positions.
[JEK] Drink this. You'll feel better.
[PERI] Back again?
[JEK] I'm sorry it was necessary to drug you. The aftereffects will soonpass.
[PERI] Have you seen the Doctor?
[JEK] The Doctor? Yes, he's gone to Androzani Major.
[PERI] What? I don't believe you.
[JEK] You'll soon forget him, Peri.
[PERI] But he wouldn't leave me here. He wouldn't.
[JEK] He had no choice. Some people I do business with decided to takehim with them.
[PERI] Why?
[JEK] They believed he was spying for the Government.
[PERI] That's ridiculous.
[JEK] These petty criminals are invariably paranoid, their twistedlittle minds infested with distrust and suspicion.
[PERI] You didn't have to let them take him. You could have stoppedthem.
[JEK] To think that I, Sharaz Jek, who once mixed with the highest inthe land, am now dependent on the very dregs of society, the baseperverted scum who contaminate everything they touch. And it is Morguswho's brought me to this! Morgus destroyed my life! Do you think I'mmad?
[PERI] No.
[JEK] I am mad. Do I frighten you?
[PERI] N-no.
[JEK] You're so important to me. I've lived so long in these caves,alone, like an animal. Now I can feast my eyes on your delicacy. I canforget the pain and blackness in my mind. It's all in the past. Wecould think of the future.
[PERI] What future?
(Chellak's quarters)
[CHELLAK] She's gone!
[SALATEEN] She must have been stronger than I thought.
[CHELLAK] Well, she can't get far, can she? We'll pick her up again,unless she dies first.
(Jek's headquarters)
[PERI] You know the army are planning to attack?
[JEK] I know.
[PERI] But your androids won't fire back because the soldiers will bewearing belt plates.
[JEK] The belt plates are emitting a signal on eighty beta-cycles. I'vechanges the recognition code to fifty beta-cycles. General Chellak, mydear, is in for a shock.
[STOTZ [OC]] Doctor, unlock this door! What are you doing in there?
(Outside the bridge)
[STOTZ] Are you going to open this door or not?
[DOCTOR] Ah, Stotzy, have you had a good rest?
[STOTZ [OC]] Damn you, Doctor, open this door!
[DOCTOR] Sorry, seems to be locked.
(Outside the bridge)
[STOTZ] Krelper, go and get the cutting gear. Nowlisten, Doctor.
[STOTZ [OC]] Be reasonable. This won't do you anygood.
[DOCTOR] Stotzy, we'll be touching down in a couple of minutes, or morelikely crashing down. You see, I'm a bit out of practice with manuallandings, so if I were you, I'd find something firm to hang on to!
(Outside the bridge)
[STOTZ] I'll murder you when I get in there, Doctor!
[STOTZ [OC]] That'll do.
[STOTZ] All right, snoop. Hands in the air and over here.
[STOTZ] Because I'll kill you if you don't.
[DOCTOR] Not a very persuasive argument actually, Stotz, because I'mgoing to die soon anyway. Unless, of course
[STOTZ] I'll give you to a count of three.
[DOCTOR] Unless, of course, I can find the antidote. I owe it to myfriend to try because I got her into this. So you see, I'm not going tolet you stop me now!
[STOTZ] Three!
[STOTZ] After him!
(Planet surface)
[MAN [OC]] Over this way! He went down that ridge!
[KRELPER] Come on, get after him!
[MORGUS [OC]] Stotz, why have you disobeyed my orders?
[STOTZ [OC]] I'm sorry, sir.
[MORGUS [OC]] I told you to stay in orbit.
[STOTZ] The Doctor tricked us. Somehow he gotcontrol of the ship.
[MORGUS [OC]] I don't want excuses.
[MORGUS [OC]] I'm on my way to join you. Put out ahoming beacon.
[STOTZ] Coming here?
[MORGUS [on monitor]] Yes. My plans may have to change drastically. I'min beta-drive, so expect me shortly.
[STOTZ] Something's wrong.
(Cave 26 yellow level)
[CHELLAK] Trouble, Major?
[SALATEEN] Not sure of the route here, sir. I thought I'd memorised it.
[CHELLAK] Just take your time.
[SALATEEN] I remember this cave well enough. The vaulted roof and thosepillars. Yes, we're only a few minutes away from Jek's headquartersnow.
[CHELLAK] Safety catches off.
[TROOPER] Right, sir.
[SALATEEN] Problem is, I was coming out of those tunnels, one of them,trying to keep one eye on the girl.
[CHELLAK] I think we came this way when we first landed. There's aventilation shaft on the left that runs through to the old refinery.The rest is unknown territory. We haven't surveyed this level yet.
[SALATEEN] I'm fairly sure it's that opening there on the left.
[CHELLAK] You go forward and recce. I'll call Red Force to get them tohold their advance. I don't want them leap-frogging us.
[SALATEEN] We'll go left, sir. I remember dragging the girl over thatrockfall.
[CHELLAK] Very good, Major. Carry on.
[SALATEEN] Come on, keep moving. It won't fire at the belt plate.
[CHELLAK] Forward!
(Planet surface)
[KRELPER] Come on, come on. Keep up, keep up!
[KRELPER] It's all over, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Sorry, Peri. I can't make it.
[KRELPER] Mud burst! Let's get back to the ship!
[DOCTOR] Not enough time.
(Cave 26 yellow level)
[CHELLAK] Chellak to Red Force. Do you receive me, over? Our supportgroup must have hit trouble.
[TROOPER] There's a mud burst coming, sir!
[CHELLAK] There's no time to go back.
[CHELLAK] Follow me!
(Jak's headquarters)
[JAK] Chellak has too many troops. The androids arebeing overrun. Numbers four and nine, fall back to final defence posts.Four! Number four!
[DOCTOR] Oxygen. No time. I must find Peri.
(Jek's headquarters)
[PERI] What was that?
[JEK] It's the start of a mud burst. You'll be safe here.
[PERI] Oh. I thought it was the General bringing up his artillery.
[JEK] I have to see if any of the androids can be repaired. We need tohold Chellak back just a little longer.
[JEK] The mud burst will sweep them away.
(Outside Jek's headquarters)
[CHELLAK] All right, Jek, the war's over. Will you surrender?
[JEK] Never!
[KRELPER] Mud burst! Quick, it's started. Let's getout of here!
[STOTZ] What about the Doctor?
[KRELPER] Oh, we lost him.
[MORGUS] Lost him? Why are you staring at me? Perhaps you think yourecognise me?
[KRELPER] No, sir.
[STOTZ] Even if he does, Krelper won't say anything.
[MORGUS] It wouldn't be wise. Stotz, I want to speak to you. Alone.
[STOTZ] You two, out.
[KRELPER] Come on.
[MORGUS] Well, Stotz, no doubt you're wondering why I'm here.
[STOTZ] Hey, you're the boss.
[MORGUS] Yes, well, there's a possibility, I wouldn't put it anystronger than that, that my part in all this has been discovered.
[STOTZ] You mean the gun running and collecting?
[MORGUS] Exactly. But my conscience is clear. I had to keep the supplyof Spectrox flowing, and if I hadn't provided Jek with the arms, hewould have found some other source. But the Praesidium will find myactions treasonable.
[STOTZ] Yeah, well, I guess they'd execute us all if they could catchus.
[MORGUS] Yes. Well, I have a contingency plan. There's a possibilitythat my part in all this was suspected only by the President. That'swhy he sent the Doctor here. But the President is dead, and if heshared his suspicions with anyone else, I shall know within a fewhours. In which case, I shall not be able to return to Androzani Major.I have a considerable private fortune invested in other planets in theSirius system, but before I go I want to take with me Jek's privatehoard of Spectrox. That is the key to unlimited power.
[STOTZ] (laughs) Jek isn't going to let that go easily.
[MORGUS] Yes, but you know where it is.
[STOTZ] Well, sort of. It must be close to cave twenty six on yellowlevel.
[MORGUS] Stotz, before I left, Major was informed the army intended toattack Jek's headquarters in strength, tonight. Now, while he'sfighting the army, we could locate the Spectrox store. What do youthink?
[STOTZ] Maybe. Yellow level isn't too deep. But what about these mudbursts?
[MORGUS] If we go into the cave rigs after the first one we could beback here before the major explosion, as long as we don't waste timetrying to locate the Spectrox store.
[STOTZ] Yes, well, that's the point. We don't know exactly where Jek hasstored it.
[MORGUS] I'm relying on you, Stotz. What about the others?
[STOTZ] They'll want their cut.
[MORGUS] Yes. Well, if they can carry fifty kilos each, that's a hundredto share between us.
[STOTZ] You mean, us?
(Jek's headquarters)
[JEK] The mud!
(Outside Jek's headquarters)
[CHELLAK] Jek! Jek!
(Jek's headquarters)
[JEK] Nothing can hurt you now.
[MORGUS] Ah, Krau Timmin. I would like you. Are you sitting at my desk?
[TIMMIN [on monitor]] Yes, this call is on the secret line. I'mendeavouring to maintain your traditions.
[MORGUS] Krau Timmin, I don't like your tone.
[TIMMIN [on monitor]] I wish that was all I didn't like about you.
[MORGUS] How dare you speak to me like that. I'll have you punished forthis insolence.
[TIMMIN [on monitor]] I don't think so, Morgus. You're finished.
[MORGUS] What do you mean?
[TIMMIN [on monitor]] Washed up, Morgus. Kaput. The Praesidium hasissued warrants for your arrest on seventeen counts, ranging from themurder of the President, to treason, grant fraud, embezzlement. Oh, andthat little business at the Northcawl copper mine. They know aboutthat.
[MORGUS] Falsehoods, fabrications, malicious lies. They can't possiblyhave any proof.
[TIMMIN [on monitor]] It's all fully documented. They have an excellentwitness.
[MORGUS] Impossible. Who is this foul slanderer?
[TIMMIN [on monitor]] Me.
[TIMMIN [on monitor]] Does that surprise you, Morgus? Do you think Ididn't know what was going on here?
[MORGUS] You betrayed me after all these years?
[TIMMIN [on monitor]] Think of it this way, Morgus. I deposed you. I amnow Chairman and Chief Director of the Sirius Conglomerate. Oh, andincidentally, the Government have also sequestered all your privateassets, including those secret funds you'd salted away on the outerplanets. Goodbye, Morgus.
[MORGUS] I'm not beaten yet. There's still the Spectrox. There's four ofus, that's enough to handle Jek. Now, pick up your guns. Let's go. Didyou hear what I said? I said, let's go.
[KRELPER] We ain't going anywhere, except back to Major.
[MORGUS] I paid you well for those trips. Now do as I say.
[KRELPER] The way we see it, we already got two kilos. That's enough forus.
[MORGUS] Two kilos. Jek's got tons of it stored away.
[KRELPER] Yeah, well, we ain't getting our heads blown off by Jek'sdummies, or boiled in that mud. Not for twenty tons, we ain't.
[MORGUS] You cowardly, miserable curs. What about you, Stotz? Are youstaying here with this gutter trash?
[STOTZ] Yeah, I'll go with you, Morgus. I have a few old scores tosettle with Sharaz Jek. Bye, Krelper.
[MORGUS] Stotz, you lead. You know the way.
[STOTZ] Sure. But before we go any further, Morgus, let's get a coupleof things straight.
[MORGUS] What kind of things?
[STOTZ] Well, an hour ago you were the boss. Now that's all changed.You're the same as me, just a man with a gun.
[MORGUS] I the same as you? I am Morgus. I'm descended from the firstcolonists.
[STOTZ] You're also wanted for murder and treason. You're on the run,Morgus.
[MORGUS] And you are wasting time, Stotz.
[STOTZ] You want me to help you, right? Well, if we do happen to comeout of this place with any Spectrox, there's going to be none of thatfour parts for you and one part for me stuff. This time we split rightdown the middle, okay?
[MORGUS] Of course. Now, lead the way.
(Jek's headquarters)
[JEK] She's so beautiful, so very beautiful. So beautiful, so beautiful.
[DOCTOR] Jek, how is she?
[JEK] She's dying, Doctor. She has Spectrox toxaemia.
[DOCTOR] I know.
[PERI] Celery soup.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Peri.
[PERI] Hello, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] That's more like it.
[PERI] Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, no, Peri, don't give up. You mustn't give up!
[JEK] What was that?
[DOCTOR] Celery. It's a powerful restorative where I come from.Unfortunately, the human olfactory system is comparatively feeble. Jek,you know this cure Professor Jackij discovered?
[JEK] The milk of the queen bat? Of course, but the dormant queenscannot be reached. There's little oxygen in those levels.
[DOCTOR] It's her only chance. Jek, do you know where the queen batsare?
[JEK] Of course. When I first came here, my androids surveyed and mappedthe whole system. If only Salateen were here, I could send him down andpossible save her life.
[DOCTOR] I'm going down. Now, show me the route.
[JEK] It's here, two hundred metres down, but you'll collapse before youget there.
[DOCTOR] I can store oxygen for several minutes, Jek. Now, you must doeverything you can to keep her temperature down until I get back.
[JEK] Doctor, wait! I have just one oxygen cylinder left. I used it whenI went into the baking chambers of the refinery. It will run out inminutes, but it might help.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
(Cave 26 yellow level)
[STOTZ] This is cave twenty six, yellow level,where we first met Jek. Down! Looks like the army got here first.
[MORGUS] I didn't hear any firing.
[STOTZ] Reckon the firing's over.
[MORGUS] Where to now?
[STOTZ] Down to blue level.
[STOTZ] From there it's anyone's guess. That's where Jek came from, solet's go.
(Blue level)
[DOCTOR] It's not your lucky day, either.
[STOTZ] Come on, Morgus. Move it! That main burst can't be too far away.
[MORGUS] Listen, what is that?
[STOTZ] Sounds like a motor. This way.
(Bat caves)
[JEK [OC]] She's dying, Doctor. She's dying, Doctor. She's dying,Doctor.
(Jek's headquarters)
[JEK] Peri, can you hear me?
[MORGUS] Jek, where's the Spectrox?
[JEK] Morgus.
[MORGUS] You take one more step and we shoot.
[JEK] Do you think bullets could stop me now? You stinking offal,Morgus!
[JEK] Look at me! Look at me.
[JEK] Salateen, hold me.
(Planet surface)
[DOCTOR] Peri? Peri, can you hear me? Open your mouth. You must drinkthis.
[DOCTOR] Is this death?
[PERI] Doctor, what's happened?
[DOCTOR] Peri, I see Professor Jackij knew his stuff. Good old Jackij.
[PERI] Jackij? You got the bat's milk?
[DOCTOR] Contains an anti-vesicant, I imagine. Interesting.
[PERI] Where is it?
[DOCTOR] What?
[PERI] The bat's milk!
[DOCTOR] Finished. Only enough for you.
[PERI] There must be something I can do. Tell me!
[DOCTOR] Too late, Peri. Going soon. Time to say goodbye.
[PERI] Don't give up. You can't leave me now!
[DOCTOR] I might regenerate. I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Feels different this time.
[TEGAN] What was it you always told me, Doctor? Brave heart? You'llsurvive, Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] You must survive. Too many of your enemies will delight inyour death, Doctor.
[KAMELION] Turlough speaks the truth, Doctor.
[NYSSA] You're needed. You mustn't die, Doctor.
[TURLOUGH] Too many enemies would be delighted.
[ADRIC] You know that, Doctor.
[NYSSA] You mustn't die, Doctor.
[ADRIC] You know that, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Adric?
[NYSSA] You mustn't die, Doctor.
[MASTER] No, my dear Doctor, you must die! Die, Doctor! Die, Doctor.Bwahahahahahaha!
[PERI] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] You're expecting someone else?
[PERI] I, I, I.
[DOCTOR] That's three I's in one breath. Makes you sound a ratheregotistical young lady.
[PERI] What's happened?
[DOCTOR] Change, my dear. And it seems not a moment too soon.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s21", "episode": "e06", "title": "The Caves of Androzani"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (22 Mar, 1984; Sixth Doctor) - The Twin Dilemma
(Sylvest home)
[REMUS] Where's mother?
[SYLVEST] She's busy.
[ROMULUS] Does that mean she isn't talking to us?
[SYLVEST] No, she's just busy.
[BOTH] We would like to see her.
[SYLVEST] She isn't here.
[REMUS] She's gone out without saying goodbye?
[SYLVEST] Well, yes.
[ROMULUS] I suppose you're going out as well.
[SYLVEST] In a few minutes.
[REMUS] Abandoned again.
[ROMULUS] You we forgive, Father, but not Mother.
[SYLVEST] Look, Romulus, I wish you would be kinder to your mother. Youtoo, Remus.
[BOTH] Why?
[SYLVEST] She is your mother.
[REMUS] Because Mother happened to give birth to us, does thatautomatically grant her a place in our affections?
[SYLVEST] Yes. Yes, of course.
[REMUS] Respect must be earned, Father. Mother is a fool, you know that.Do you now wish us to respect fools? You've always said the contrary.
[SYLVEST] Your mother is who she is, whether you think her a fool ornot. It's no excuse for poor manners and lack of concern.
[REMUS] As you wish, Father.
[SYLVEST] I gather there's something you wanted to talk to me about?
[REMUS] Not talk to you, tell you. We're going to play Equations.
[SYLVEST] Oh, no.
[ROMULUS] You know, I sometimes think you're actually scared of us.
[SYLVEST] I worry, Romulus. I honestly believe that neither of you hasthe faintest idea of your real powers. Your mathematical skill couldchange events on a massive scale. Don't you realise that?
[REMUS] Oh, don't be so dramatic, Father.
[ROMULUS] Sometimes you sound just like Mother.
[REMUS] So why don't you stop worrying? Buzz off and enjoy your eveningout.
[ROMULUS] We'll still be here when you get back.
[REMUS] And so will the universe.
[DOCTOR] Well, Peri, what do you think?
[PERI] It's terrible.
[DOCTOR] Oh, never mind about the clothes, they're easily changed. Whatabout me?
[PERI] I meant you.
[DOCTOR] Sorry? I'm afraid I don't understand.
[PERI] Well, neither do I. I mean, people don't change like that. Imean, physically, just in a flash.
[DOCTOR] I'm not people, Peri. I happen to be me.
[PERI] But why?
[DOCTOR] Natural metamorphosis. A form of rebirth. I call it a renewal,and this time, positive triumph. I can sense it in every fibre of mybeing.
[PERI] Have you the faintest idea what you look like?
[DOCTOR] My outward appearance is of no importance whatsoever.
[PERI] Well, it is to me. I have to live with it.
[PERI] Here, look at yourself.
[DOCTOR] Very well, if you insist.
[PERI] What do you see?
[DOCTOR] Ah. A noble brow. Clear gaze. At least it will be, given a fewhours sleep. A firm mouth. A face beaming with a vast intelligence. Mydear child, what on Earth are you complaining about?
[DOCTOR] It's the most extraordinary improvement.
[PERI] On what?
[DOCTOR] My last incarnation. I was never happy with that one.
[PERI] Why ever not?
[DOCTOR] It had a sort of feckless charm, which simply wasn't me.
[PERI] Oh, what absolute rubbish!
(Tardis interior)
[PERI] You were almost young. I really liked you.And you were sweet and
[DOCTOR] Sweet? Effete. Sweet? Sweet? Sweet? Huh, that says it all.
(Wardrobe room)
[DOCTOR] Oh, but this has been a timely change.Change. What change? There is no change. No rhyme, no time.
[DOCTOR] No place for space. Nothing. Nothing but the grinding enginesof the universe, the crushing boredom of eternity.
(Syvest home)
(Wardrobe room)
[DOCTOR] Hmm? No.
[PERI] Are you sure you're all right?
[DOCTOR] My dear child, stop worrying. Try to understand. Regenerationin my case is a swift but volcanic experience. A kind of violentbiological eruption in which the body cells are displaced, changed,renewed and rearranged.
[DOCTOR] There are bound to be side-effects.
[PERI] It won't happen again?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, may indeed, but each time with diminishing effect. Youhave nothing to fear.
[PERI] Well, next time I'm not going to look.
[DOCTOR] Well, if you find it so upsetting, that would be the mostsensible thing to do. Ah ha!
(Sylvest home)
[REMUS] Fantastic!
[ROMULUS] What a super trick.
[EDGEWORTH] Oh, I wouldn't impose upon you for a moment. It's no morethan a simple illusion.
[REMUS] Oh, we know that.
[ROMULUS] We've seen it before in the theatre.
[REMUS] You did it jolly well.
[EDGEWORTH] Thank you. Your own talents are vastly superior. Amazing,quite amazing. A symphony in higher mathematics.
[ROMULUS] It just so happened we've had a good evening. Who are you, bythe way?
[EDGEWORTH] Professor Edgeworth.
[ROMULUS] Never heard of you.
[EDGEWORTH] No reason why you should.
[REMUS] What do you want?
[EDGEWORTH] I came to pay my respects to your father, the Professor. Aman of great distinction.
[ROMULUS] A bit late for social calls.
[EDGEWORTH] Yes. I must apologise. I've come a long way.
[BOTH] How did you get in here?
[EDGEWORTH] How does one enter a dwelling?
[ROMULUS] Nobody's allowed in when our parents are away.
[EDGEWORTH] Oh, come now, do you think I look as though I'm going to doyou harm?
[ROMULUS] Beside the point. You oughtn't to be here.
[EDGEWORTH] Oh, then I shall leave. When do you expect your parentsback?
[BOTH] We don't know.
[EDGEWORTH] Tell your father I'll call him.
[BOTH] All right.
[EDGEWORTH] Goodbye, Remus. It's been a privilege and pleasure.
[EDGEWORTH] Goodbye, Romulus. Our paths are bound to cross again.
[EDGEWORTH] Show me your hands.
[EDGEWORTH] Now, what are your names?
[ROMULUS] I am Romulus.
[REMUS] I am Remus.
[EDGEWORTH] What is this place?
[BOTH] We do not know.
[EDGEWORTH] Good. Excellent. Come. Hold onto my sleeve.
(Wardrobe room)
[PERI] You're not serious.
[DOCTOR] I'm always serious.
[PERI] You can't go out dressed like that.
[DOCTOR] Why ever not?
[PERI] You look dreadful.
[DOCTOR] My dear, that is what people said about Beau Brummell. Rememberhim?
[PERI] Well, he had taste, a feeling for style.
[DOCTOR] And I don't?
[PERI] Not if what you're wearing is an example. It's, oh, yuck.
[NOMA] Right, his time is up. I shall contact Mestor.
[DRAK] Too late, he's got them. He's coming now.
[EDGEWORTH] Lock them in the bunker.
[NOMA] At once.
[MESTOR [OC]] Yes, Edgeworth.
[EDGEWORTH] I have them on board.
[MESTOR [OC]] Are they docile?
[EDGEWORTH] For the moment, yes. I gave them a selective amnesia.
[MESTOR [OC]] When will they be missed?
[EDGEWORTH] Very soon.
[MESTOR [OC]] You have no time to lose. There will be hue and cry. Iwant no trail to Jaconda. Take them to the safe house on Titan Three.
[EDGEWORTH] At once.
[MESTOR [OC]] You will remain at the safe house until further notice.
[EDGEWORTH] As you command, Mestor.
[PERI] Ta da!
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Yuck.
[PERI] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Vesta Ninety Five.
[PERI] And where's that?
[DOCTOR] You'll soon find out. It's a marvellous place for a holiday,and you and I both need a rest. I would have taken you to the Eye ofOrion, but er, the coordinates elude me at the moment. Peri.
[PERI] Yes?
[DOCTOR] How did you come by a name like that?
[PERI] It's the diminutive of my proper name, Perpugilliam.
[DOCTOR] Indeed. Onemorn, a peri at the gate of Eden stood disconsolate. Whowrote that?
[PERI] I haven't the faintest idea.
[DOCTOR] Of course you don't. You don't even know what a peri(pronounced peeri) is, do you, Peri?
[PERI] No.
[DOCTOR] I'll tell you. A peri is a good and beautiful fairy in Persianmythology. The interesting thing is, before it became good, it wasevil. And that's what you are. Thoroughly evil.
[PERI] Doctor, stop it!
[DOCTOR] No. No, not even a fairy. An alien spy, sent here to spy on me.Well, we all know the fate of alien spies.
(Sylvest home)
[LANG [on monitor]] Special Incident Room.
[SYLVEST] Professor Sylvest. Security clearance nine four one obliquetwo nine. They've gone!
[LANG [on monitor]] Sir?
[SYLVEST] My children have been kidnapped.
(Special Incident Room)
[LANG] When did this happen?
[SYLVEST [on monitor]] Whilst I was out. Two hours maximum.
[LANG] I see. What are the indications?
[SYLVEST [on monitor]] I found zanium on the floor. It looks serious.
[LANG] Please leave this to us. I'll get the Commander to call you back.
[SYLVEST [on monitor]] Are you listening to me?
[LANG] Yes, I'm listening, Professor.
[SYLVEST [on monitor]] I'm very, very anxious.
[LANG] Yes, naturally you're anxious. Please leave this to us. I'll getthe Commander to call you back. Goodbye.
[LANG] Sorry to disturb you, Commander.
[FABIAN] What is it?
[LANG] The Sylvest twins are missing. The Professor found a dust-likedeposit on the floor of their room. He says it's zanium.
[FABIAN] Zanium? You know what that means.
[LANG] An extraterrestrial kidnap?
[FABIAN] If those twins have fallen into alien hands. This is somethingI've always feared. What's the time factor?
[LANG] He says two hours maximum.
[FABIAN] Right, they're still within range. I'm ordering First Priority.Full scale search. I want all pursuit crews launched. Briefing willtake place in flight.
[LANG] Commander.
[FABIAN] And I want you flight leader.
[LANG] Yes, Commander.
[FABIAN] I want a thorough scan. All unidentifiable space vehicles mustbe investigated.
[ELANA] Right.
[DOCTOR] What happened?
[PERI] You had another of your fits.
[DOCTOR] I don't have fits.
[PERI] Whatever you call them.
[DOCTOR] I told you, manic moments of no consequence. They become lessdramatic and less and less frequent.
[PERI] Well this was worse. Longer. It was horrible.
[DOCTOR] Don't exaggerate.
[PERI] Exaggerate? You don't remember what you did, do you?
[DOCTOR] I must admit I am a little hazy.
[PERI] You tried to kill me.
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't be absurd.
[PERI] I'm not.
[DOCTOR] What you say is impossible. I have an inbuilt resistance to anyform of violence, except in self-defence.
[PERI] You don't!
[DOCTOR] I don't? Upon my word, you really are frightened, aren't you.
[PERI] Frightened half to death, and that's only because I'm not deadalready.
[DOCTOR] Something's wrong. Something's very wrong. Oh no, has it cometo that? Regenerate, yet unregenerate. Oh, alas, poor Peri. Not for usthe pleasures of Vesta Ninety Five.
[PERI] What are you saying?
[DOCTOR] I am a living peril to the universe. If this poor hive is to becleansed, there's only one recourse. Contemplation. Self-abnegation insome hellish wilderness. Ten days, ten years, a thousand years! Of whatconsequence is time to me? I shall become a hermit, and you, child,shall be my disciple. I know the very place. An asteroid so desolate.Titan Three is where I shall repent!
[ROMULUS] What are you doing?
[REMUS] We don't know where we're from or where we're going, but onething's for sure. This is a spacecraft and we're prisoners.
[ROMULUS] Then we must try to escape.
[REMUS] I might be able to put out some sort of distress signal.
[ROMULUS] But who's going to hear it?
[REMUS] How should I know? Keep an ear to the door.
[ROMULUS] I think someone's coming.
[REMUS] That was a bit close, that one.
[ROMULUS] Did you do it?
[REMUS] I only hope it works.
(Special Incident Room)
[LANG [OC]] It's Lang, Commander. I'm in visual contact with aSpacehopper mark three freighter, registration number XV773, but I'munable to make voice contact.
[FABIAN] Elena, check it out, will you?
[LANG [OC]] The ship is also transmitting an irregular signal. My flightcomputer is unable to analyse it.
[ELENA] XV773 was reported missing, believed destroyed, eight monthsago.
[FABIAN] Did you get that?
[LANG [OC]] Yes, Commander.
[FABIAN] Proceed with care, but find out what that freighter's up to.
[LANG [OC]] This is fighter leader to freighter XV773. This is fighterleader to freighter XV773. Are you receiving me?
(Special Incident Room)
[LANG [OC]] Lang here. The freighter's gone intowarp drive.
[FABIAN] Then follow it.
[LANG [OC]] No, you don't understand, Commander. The XV class offreighter was never built for warp drive. It must have been modified.
[FABIAN] Do you want backup?
[LANG [OC] No, not yet. I'd like to know (static)
[FABIAN] Lang? Lang, are you receiving me? Elena, find out what'shappened.
[ELENA] He's right, Commander. It wasn't built for warp drive.
[DOCTOR] Titan Three. Thou craggy knob, which swims upon the oceans ofthe firmament. Receive this weary penitent.
[PERI] I think I'm going to be sick.
[PERI] I'm sorry.
[DOCTOR] And why should you be sorry?
[PERI] I don't know. I don't know anything any longer. Oh Doctor,please.
[PERI] I know what you said, but you weren't serious, were you? I meanabout being a hermit.
[DOCTOR] Never more so. I've no need to remind you. Now, a hermit needsa hermitage. You and I, Peri, must find one.
[PERI] Why bother? Isn't this place good enough?
[DOCTOR] Far too good. Quite useless for contemplation. No, what we needis a cave, some utterly comfortless place where you and I can suffertogether.
[PERI] Why should I be made to suffer?
[DOCTOR] Because you have been chosen. It shall be your humble privilegeto minister unto my needs. They will be very simple. But nothing mustbe allowed to interfere with my period of contemplation.
[PERI] You said something about a thousand years?
[DOCTOR] I was speaking figuratively. It shouldn't come to that. Comealong, we're wasting time.
[PERI] We can't go out there!
[DOCTOR] We must! I must atone for what I have done!
[PERI] But we'll die!
[DOCTOR] Huh? The instruments say otherwise. The atmosphere, what thereis of it, is breathable.
[PERI] What was that?
[DOCTOR] I think we should find out.
(Titan 3 base)
[EDGEWORTH] Sit them down over there.
[MESTOR [OC]] Edgeworth. Edgeworth.
[MESTOR [OC]] You were careless, Edgeworth.
[EDGEWORTH] I make no excuse.
[MESTOR [OC]] You say that too easily. I've saved you once. Five shipsdestroyed, but there may be others. You have betrayed your presence onTitan Three.
[EDGEWORTH] Then I'd better start back now.
[MESTOR [OC]] No, I wish to see how the Earth fleet reacts.
[EDGEWORTH] Of course.
(Throne room)
[MESTOR] Are the Sylvest twins safe?
[EDGEWORTH [OC]] They are. They're resting. The poor things areexhausted.
[MESTOR] Then give them artificial restoration.
[EDGEWORTH [OC]] That could be dangerous.
[MESTOR] Nonsense. Take care not to blow their hearts or minds. Oncethey have served me, I shall have no further use for them.
(Titan 3 base)
[EDGEWORTH] Mestor, your great purpose demands theoriginality of human genius. I have procured that genius. Do notdiscard it lightly.
(Throne room)
[MESTOR] And do not presume upon my patience,Edgeworth. You are my creature, nothing more. Now, do as I command you.
[EDGEWORTH [OC]] Very well.
[MESTOR] Once you have revived them, put the proposition and let themproceed with the first concept. Whatever time remains to you on TitanThree, do not waste it. Drive them to the limit.
(Titan 3 base)
[EDGEWORTH] As you say.
[MESTOR [OC]] And one more thing.
[MESTOR [OC]] Make certain there are no survivors from those ships.
(Titan 3 planet surface)
[PERI] But Doctor, it's dangerous!
[DOCTOR] Of course it's dangerous. We could be blown to pieces at anyminute.
[PERI] But no one could have lived through this.
[DOCTOR] Then stay behind. This is work for heroes, not forfaint-hearted girls. So, no one could have lived through it, eh? Well,here's one who did. You would have left one of your own kind to die.
(Special Incident Room)
[FABIAN] Of course, Minister. Yes, I understand. At once. Call off therescue party.
[ELENA] Commander?
[FABIAN] Until we know more about how our fighters were destroyed, nomore lives are to be put at risk.
[ELENA] But you can't just abandon the
[FABIAN] That is a direct order from the Minister. (sotto) And may mybones rot for obeying it.
[LANG] My ship. The squadron. The children.
[PERI] Will he live?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Small thanks to you. Poor pusillanimous Peri. What apitiful performance.
[PERI] How can you be so pathetic? Well, talk about me giving aperformance. You never stop giving them. When you're not really mad andtrying to kill me, that is. Look at you now.
[DOCTOR] What do you mean?
[PERI] I never saw anyone who loved himself so much with less reason.You've forgotten all about him. By the time you've stoppedcongratulating yourself, he'll probably be dead.
[DOCTOR] Peri!
[LANG] Murderer!
[LANG] You destroyed my entire command. Now I'm going to kill you.
[PERI] We didn't do it. The Doctor rescued you.Please, put down the gun. Please put it down.
[LANG] No. He deserves it.
[DOCTOR] He was going to kill me, Peri.
[PERI] I guess he was. Poor guy.
[DOCTOR] Peri!
[PERI] He didn't know what he was doing. I mean, think what he must havesuffered to act like that.
[DOCTOR] Quite beside the point. For all you seem to care, I could belying dead at your feet this very moment.
[PERI] But you're not. You're safe. The point is, can you save him?
[DOCTOR] Easily, but I'm not going to.
[PERI] Well, you must.
[DOCTOR] You never cease to amaze me. All you're asking me to do isrevive a man who had every intention of murdering me.
[PERI] We can't let him die.
[DOCTOR] If it's a question of his life or mine, I certainly can.
[PERI] Lieutenant Hugo Lang, Interplanetary Pursuit, A Squadron.
[DOCTOR] Oh, a sort of policeman.
[PERI] Which hardly makes him a homicidal maniac.
[PERI] Here, disarm the gun. I'll hide the powerpack. He can't do muchharm then.
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't like to count on it. Oh, all right, have it your ownway. Fetch the medical kit.
(Titan 3 base)
[NOMA] We found the remains of two bodies. The others must have beendestroyed with their ships.
[EDGEWORTH] Hmm. What about our own ship?
[NOMA] No sign of damage.
[EDGEWORTH] No. All the same, you'd better go out and check it. I don'twant to be stuck here with a malfunctioning ship.
[DRAK] At once. We can't use the transmat, the radiation level is toohigh.
[EDGEWORTH] Oh, it's only the side-effects of the energy beam thatMestor used to destroy the fighters. It'll clear soon.
[NOMA] If we go out again, we risk radiation sickness.
[EDGEWORTH] Use the service ducts. They'll provide protection for mostof the way to the ship.
[EDGEWORTH] Is that the best speed you can manage?
[ROMULUS] Is this the best speed we can manage?
[REMUS] As it happens, yes.
[EDGEWORTH] Not good enough.
[ROMULUS] How do you expect anyone to work like this?
[REMUS] Our arms are practically dropping off.
[ROMULUS] My fingers are so sore I can hardly hold the pen.
[EDGEWORTH] Look, don't expect any sympathy from me. You brought this onyourselves. If you hadn't rigged that stupid distress beacon when wecame here, I would have let you use electronic equipment. As it is, Ican't trust you. Now get on with your work.
[BOTH] No.
[EDGEWORTH] Pick them up!
[BOTH] No!
[EDGEWORTH] I warn you.
[REMUS] Warn away.
[ROMULUS] You can't force us to work.
[EDGEWORTH] I can if I have to.
[REMUS] Why don't you tell us what this is all about?
[ROMULUS] If we knew, then we might cooperate.
[EDGEWORTH] It's too soon to tell you everything. Have you heard of aplanet called Jaconda?
[REMUS] No. What happens there?
[EDGEWORTH] Its new master, its new master is a creature of infiniteambition. He requires the gifts of your genius to further thatambition. I cannot say more.
[MESTOR [OC]] But I can. Professor Edgeworth is a merciful being.
[MESTOR] He believe in the sanctity of life. I do not. Fail to obey himonce more and I will have your minds removed from your bodies and usethem as I wish. Have you understood?
[MESTOR] I see that you have.
[EDGEWORTH] Pick up your pens.
[DOCTOR] Post-operative shock occluded, wounds closed, no internalhaemorrhage. This deep healing beam's a small marvel. Great improvementon the old laser scalpel. Did you hide the powerpack to his gun well?
[PERI] In the wardrobe room.
[DOCTOR] Excellent. Oh, the satisfaction, Peri, knowing one has savedthe life of a brave young man.
[PERI] Or anyone, come to that. Is he going to be all right?
[DOCTOR] Are you questioning my skill?
[PERI] No, not your skill, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh. In that case, the short answer is yes.
[DOCTOR] His heartbeat's slow but steady as a drum. An hour's rest,he'll be right as rain, whatever that means. An hour. An hour to kill.How to turn it to account? We must make plans, Peri. My full powers arereturning.
[PERI] Plans? Do you think that wise?
[DOCTOR] My perception's sharpening. I can sense some massive dangerthreatening the universe.
[PERI] I thought you were the danger to the universe.
[PERI] That's what you said. That's why we came here, so that you couldmeditate.
[DOCTOR] Words spoken in the sickness of transition. Now, there is asickness in the air. I can feel the vibrations. I cannot yet detecttheir source, but it is there. I am never wrong. The life force itselfis in danger of extinction. We must find this evil and destroy it.
[PERI] How?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, that is the problem. It's odd, Peri. The indicationsare very strong. I think the clue we need is here on Titan Three.That's it, of course, the children.
[PERI] Children?
[DOCTOR] He said something about children.
[PERI] So he did.
[DOCTOR] An interplanetary spaceman on a mission. His spacecraftcrashes, he talks about children. Abducted children. That's it, Peri.Children of great importance kidnapped by aliens, brought here to TitanThree, held for a king's ransom.
[PERI] That's absurd.
[DOCTOR] It's nothing of the kind.
[PERI] Well, you said yourself there wasn't any life here.
[DOCTOR] There wasn't. But we're here, he's here. Things change, Peri.
[PERI] You think so?
[DOCTOR] Hmm, what's that?
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] That.
[PERI] A bump.
[DOCTOR] A bump? A bump? A bump? That is something which has no businesson an uninhabited asteroid. Look at that symmetry. That's no part ofnature's handiwork.
[PERI] Is it far?
[DOCTOR] Quite a distance. Let's get going.
[PERI] Have you noticed the radiation level?
[DOCTOR] What's a little radiation when we have a purpose, a mission inlife?
[PERI] Silly me. What's a little radiation sickness between friends.
[DOCTOR] Brave heart, Tegan. Tegan?
[PERI] I'm Peri.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course.
[PERI] Look, Doctor, even if you are right about the radiation level,even if there are abducted children, you're talking about aliens. Imean, we can't even defend ourselves.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, Peri. I won't be putting your life at any risk. Ormine either, for that matter. This is just a simple reconnaissance.
[PERI] But, Lieutenant Lang?
[DOCTOR] Who? Oh. Oh, the patient. Well, don't worry, he'll still behere when we get back. Come along, Peri. Nothing ventured, nothinggained.
(Titan 3 base)
[EDGEWORTH] I'm about to transmit.
[ROMULUS] Do you know what you're doing?
[REMUS] If you transform all those equations into terms of power, you'llhave enough energy there to generate a small sun.
[EDGEWORTH] I know, but this is passive power for transportation. Now,you've done extremely well. Go and rest.
(Titan 3 planet surface)
[DOCTOR] The shades of night were falling fast, asthrough an alpine village passed, a youth, who bore midst snow and ice,a banner with a strange device. Excelsior!
[PERI] Oh Doctor, stop it.
[DOCTOR] I was only trying to cheer you up. One of your primitiveAmerican versemakers. Longfellow, wasn't it?
[PERI] Who cares? You're making enough noise to raise the dead. I'm sotired.
[DOCTOR] Courage, Peri. Just follow in my footsteps. Après nous, ledeluge!
[DOCTOR] Right on course. Hello? Perhaps a way to enter the domeundetected.
[PERI] Are you sure?
[DOCTOR] Would you rather I went round and knocked on the front door?I'm a Knight Errant, not an errant fool.
(Titan 3 base - sleeping alcove)
[REMUS] It's something to do with these circles.That's how he must have done it.
[REMUS] Taken our memories away.
[ROMULUS] Hmm, I suppose so.
[REMUS] I'm scared, Romulus.
[ROMULUS] That awful creature. I've never been so frightened in my life.
[REMUS] Same here, but it's everything else as well. This place, whatthey're forcing us to do, and whatever it is they aim to do with itwhen we've finished. I feel, well, I don't feel grown up any more.
[ROMULUS] There's nothing we can do, Remus. Just carry on. We daren'tstop now.
(Titan 3 base)
[EDGEWORTH] Transmission completed. Any problems?
[MESTOR [OC]] None. You have done well.
[EDGEWORTH] Thank you.
[PERI] This is madness. You've no idea where we'regoing.
[DOCTOR] To our destiny.
[PERI] Can't we rest? Our destiny can wait a moment.
[DOCTOR] Peri, quickly. Now what did I tell you? Listen.
[PERI] Machinery. Oh, let's get out of here.
[DOCTOR] The perpetual cry of all cowards. We must investigate.
[PERI] But, do you think that wise? There could be enormous danger, evenworse.
[DOCTOR] Worse? Yes. Yes, well, perhaps you're right. The purpose ofreconnaissance, after all, is to gather information, not to finish upface down in a pool on one's own blood. Especially blood as noble asmine. We've found out what we want to know.
[PERI] There is one thing, though.
[DOCTOR] What?
[PERI] The children Lieutenant Lang mentioned.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, of course, but, well, children are such survivors.Besides, we have only the words of a delirious man that there are anychildren.
[PERI] If you didn't believe him, what are we doing here?
[DOCTOR] An unthinking act of foolish bravado. You know my current stateof mind.
[PERI] Don't you think we should just look, just in case?
[DOCTOR] No, Peri. Discretion is always the better part of valour. Weshould return to the Tardis and rethink the situation.
[PERI] If that's what you want.
[PERI] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Whatever is it now? Aliens? No, no. No, no, don't shoot. It'snot my fault. I'm just a poor pilgrim. It's all her fault. Mercy,mercy, mercy. Don't shoot me. Don't shoot me.
(Titan 3 base)
[MESTOR [OC]] The loss of five ships wassufficient. They've called off the search. You will return at once.
[EDGEWORTH] Very well. I must revitalise.
[DOCTOR] Look, I'm sure we can sort this out amicably.
[DRAK] Move.
[DOCTOR] Look, none of this is my fault. I'm the innocent party. It'sall her fault. She's forever leading me off the straight and narrow.
[PERI] Oh, thanks a lot, Doc.
[DOCTOR] And kindly refrain from addressing me as Doc, Perpugilliam.
(Titan 3 base)
[DOCTOR] Some of this technology looks familiar.
[PERI] Why don't you just keep your big mouth shut.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, my sincere apologies. A momentary lapse. I am now intotal control. Leave everything to me.
[EDGEWORTH] Who are these?
[DRAK] Survivors.
[EDGEWORTH] You said there were none.
[DRAK] I can't explain it.
[DOCTOR] But I can. We are in no sense survivors. We came to Titan Threeof our own free will.
[EDGEWORTH] Who in their right minds come to Titan Three of their ownfree will?
[DOCTOR] Pilgrims, in search of peace.
[NOMA] They were spying.
[DOCTOR] Silence, wretch!
[NOMA] I will not be silent. Look at them. Unmarked, unhurt. They're notsurvivors from the wreck, they're spies. Put them to death.
[EDGEWORTH] Hold your tongue, Noma. You say you're pilgrims?
[DOCTOR] Yes. And pilgrims need a place in which to meditate. We weresearching for a cave when we happened to stumble into your serviceduct.
[EDGEWORTH] And your companion?
[DOCTOR] My disciple.
[EDGEWORTH] A pretty one.
[DOCTOR] A most devout young person. Now sir, whoever you are, I demanda full explanation of this disgraceful treatment. Now there's a facethat floats upon my memory. Impossible. I'm hallucinating. As I liveand breathe, Azmael, you old dog!
[DOCTOR] What in the name of wonder are you doing here? Peri, he's myold friend and mentor, the Master of Jaconda.
[EDGEWORTH] I am nothing of the kind. I never saw you in my life.
[DOCTOR] Oh, forgive me, old friend. Of course you don't recognise me.I've regenerated twice since our last meeting. Look, the twin heartsthat beat as one? I'm a Time Lord, just as you are, and in case youstill pretend not to know who I am, let me remind you. The last night Istayed, that last night, when you drank like twenty giants and I had topush you in the fountain to sober you up.
[EDGEWORTH] I must concede you have to be the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank heaven. For a minute you almost had me worried there. Youdon't seem overjoyed.
[EDGEWORTH] There's nothing to rejoice about. I wish I could extend thehand of friendship.
[DOCTOR] Then why don't you?
[EDGEWORTH] Well, the old times are gone, forever.
[PERI] Oh Doctor, look.
[DOCTOR] Earthlings. Children. By heaven, Peri, I was right.
[LANG] My ship. My ship. Oh, no. No.
[LANG] What have they done with it?
(Titan 3 base)
[DOCTOR] I see. You abduct these children, deprivethem of their memories, bring them to this screaming wilderness andwon't disclose your motives? That hardly sounds in character.
[EDGEWORTH] You're wasting time.
[DOCTOR] Oh, what's time to us? You're in trouble, Azmael, gravetrouble.
[EDGEWORTH] There is a point beyond trouble. You can't help me now.
[DOCTOR] Don't be absurd. You and I together? What an infalliblecombination.
[EDGEWORTH] Let this at least be clear, Doctor. I am no longer Master ofJaconda, but I can still save my people. I will do so, whatever thecost, even the price of friendship. You were always full of goodintentions, Doctor. I cannot risk you interfering now.
[DOCTOR] What does that mean?
[EDGEWORTH] You must stay here.
[DOCTOR] As prisoners?
[EDGEWORTH] The lock on the main door has ten million millioncombinations. Now, will you please move over there? You too. (to thetwins) Into the transmat area. Don't try to follow us. Once we've gone,the transmat will become random. Try to use it and your remains will bespread across the surface of this miserable rock. If it's of anycomfort, Doctor, I too remember that evening by the fountain. Farewell.
[DOCTOR] Poor fellow. He's not a bit like that really.
[PERI] Don't care what he's like. He's left us here forever.
[DOCTOR] No, Peri, a few days at most.
[PERI] Did you hear what he said? Ten million million combinations.
[DOCTOR] That's what I mean. It may take even me a few days. Well, notime like the present. Let's get started.
[PERI] Doctor? Doctor! Doctor, quickly!
[DOCTOR] It's vital you don't interrupt the sequence.
[PERI] Well, it's vital you see this. I don't like the look of it onebit.
[DOCTOR] All right, all right, I'm coming.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, no. He can't, he wouldn't have. We haven't got a fewdays, or even a few hours. In fact, we haven't got that many minutes.
[PERI] It's a self-destruct mechanism, isn't it.
[DOCTOR] That I can't switch off.
[PERI] Are we going to die?
[DOCTOR] Not yet. It means we've got to find another way out of here,and very quickly indeed.
[LANG] Now, how do I get out of here?
(Titan 3 base)
[DOCTOR] Eureka! I can do it, Peri. I can do it.
[EDGEWORTH] Everything in order?
[NOMA] Everything in order.
[EDGEWORTH] Stand by for take off.
[NOMA] Standing by.
(Titan 3 base)
[DOCTOR] That should do the trick.
[PERI] What trick?
[DOCTOR] I'll be brief. I must be very brief. That is known as arevitalising modulator. It breaks down your molecular structure andputs it back together again. A most refreshing process. Until now,that's the only purpose it's served. I have improvised. It will takeyou back in time.
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] Ten seconds, to be precise. You'll find yourself in the Tardis.
[PERI] Are you sure?
[DOCTOR] Absolutely. In you get. Oh, no, wait a minute. Awkward. I won'tbe able to see the computer clock when it's my turn and I need to beable to compensate for the time factor so I arrive back at the Tardisat the same time as you do. Your watch, Peri. Lend me your watch. Comeon, quickly. Now, when I stand clear, press the internal button. Dohurry, Peri. In precisely one minute I'm going to be blown to pieces.
[DOCTOR] It worked! It actually worked!
[DOCTOR] Oh no, it's stopped.
[PERI] Doctor?
[LANG] Who are you?
[PERI] Doctor, where are you?
[PERI] Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no, Doctor.
[PERI] Did you see that?
[LANG] I think so.
[PERI] Doctor, are you here?
[LANG] What in heaven's name is going on? You're flesh and blood, atleast.
[PERI] Leave me alone.
[DOCTOR] That stupid girl's watch. How I hate these hit or missperformances.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, thank heavens! Whatever happened?
[DOCTOR] Your watch stopped. I over-compensated, ended up in the wrongtime zone, ten seconds into your future.
[PERI] I thought you'd been killed.
[DOCTOR] You cared?
[PERI] Of course I did.
[DOCTOR] You know, I'll never understand the people of Earth. I havespent the day using, abusing, even trying to kill you. If you'd havebehaved as I have, I should have been pleased at your demise.
[PERI] It's called compassion, Doctor. It's the difference that remainsbetween us.
[DOCTOR] Earthlings.
[LANG] Would someone like to tell me what is going on?
[DOCTOR] Ah, Corporal Lang, how are you?
[LANG] Lieutenant. I was fine. I'm not sure any more. My ship
[DOCTOR] You were lucky to escape. No one else did.
[PERI] I'm sorry. What went wrong?
[LANG] I don't know. The controls seized. After that I don't rememberanything until I came to in here. What is this place? Who are you?
[PERI] I'm Peri and this is the Doctor. He saved your life.
[DOCTOR] And we did not abduct the twins.
[LANG] The twins, what do you know about them?
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that now. Look, do put that thing away, willyou? If you ever hope to see them again, your only chance is to comewith us.
[LANG] Where to?
[DOCTOR] Well, at a guess, Jaconda.
[LANG] Well, all right. You don't leave me very much choice, do you.
[DOCTOR] Not really.
[ROMULUS] He was your friend.
[REMUS] That girl did you no harm.
[ROMULUS] You've left them there to die.
[AZMAEL] They will survive.
[REMUS] And your name isn't Edgeworth.
[ROMULUS] It's Azmael.
[AZMAEL] Yes, yes, I agree. A small deception. Now, be patient andsensible.
[DRAK] Master.
[AZMAEL] What is it?
[DRAK] That blip on the scanner.
[AZMAEL] Yes. Very far ahead.
[DRAK] We're on the same course.
[AZMAEL] Oh, some merchantman. No concern of ours.
[NOMA] They will not survive.
[AZMAEL] I don't understand.
[NOMA] The safe house. I set it to self-destruct.
[AZMAEL] You mad man! I gave no orders!
[NOMA] That is perfectly correct.
[AZMAEL] But it's murder! Why, Noma, why?
[NOMA] It is what the Lord Mestor would have wished.
[PERI] But why would he want to kill us?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[PERI] And if he's going to Jaconda, why stop off at Titan Three?
[LANG] Oh, that was just to put us off the scent.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, no. No, no. No, no, no, no, no. Look, considerwhat we know. Azmael, or whatever he happens to call himself, need thegenius of the twins. He crosses galaxies to possess their minds. Hesays he's no longer master of his planet, but he wants to save hispeople, and that I cannot help him to do so! Well, if he really doesbelieve such unimaginable rubbish, he must be faced by someunimaginable disaster which has unhinged his mind. Well, we shall soondiscover what it is.
(Throne room)
[MESTOR] Who is this creature?
[CHAMBERLAIN] A porter from the Royal Hatcheries, master.
[MESTOR] What is his crime?
[CHAMBERLAIN] After a routine search following his tour of duty, he wasfound to have this concealed on his person.
[MESTOR] What does it contain?
[CHAMBERLAIN] Vegetables from the Royal Hatcheries, master.
[MESTOR] The penalty is death. Have you anything to say?
[PRISONER] Mercy, great master, mercy. My family are starving.
[MESTOR] Here, many are starving. It is no different. Now your familywill have to starve without your company. Stand aside, guards. You willsuffer the maximum penalty, death by embolism.
[PRISONER] No, not that. Please, shoot me!
[MESTOR] Cold storage. The carcase may be of use to our slaves if thisfamine continues. Azmael will soon be here.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Yes, master.
[MESTOR] When he arrives, have him escorted to his laboratory with theEarthlings. I will see him there.
[DOCTOR] Jaconda the beautiful.
[PERI] You call this beautiful? Doctor, it's absolutely ghastly.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no. Let it not be true.
[DOCTOR] The giant gastropods.
[LANG] What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] Half humanoid, half slug. Part of Jacondan mythology.
[PERI] So?
[DOCTOR] Just look around you. Look at the devastation.
[PERI] Gastropods did this?
[DOCTOR] What else?
[PERI] Are you sure your mind isn't wandering again?
[DOCTOR] Of course not. So, it wasn't a myth after all. Somewhere,somehow, their seed survived, and now they have returned.
[LANG] Nonsense.
[DOCTOR] You think so?
[LANG] Well, of course it is.
[DOCTOR] I wish I could agree with you. This was once a forest grove.Look at the trees. Not a trace of foliage. The very bark stripped fromthe trunks. And the soil, barren. Nothing but these tell-tale tracks,the slime trails of the giant gastropods. I fear the evidence is quiteconclusive.
[PERI] Doctor, you're beginning to scare me.
[DOCTOR] I'm beginning to scare myself, Peri.
[PERI] Now what?
[DOCTOR] Into the Tardis. I must think.
[AZMAEL] Freighter to Jaconda control. Freighter toJaconda control.
[CONTROL [OC]] Receiving you, freighter.
[AZMAEL] Approaching re-entry. Permission to touch down at OmegaIntersection.
[CONTROL [OC]] You are clear to approach.
[AZMAEL] Thank you, control.
[CONTROL [OC]] On arrival, report to palace. Transport will be waiting.Out.
[PERI] What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Panic at any moment.
[LANG] Where is Edgeworth likely to have taken the twins?
[DOCTOR] The palace.
[LANG] Well, shouldn't we go there?
[DOCTOR] And be killed?
[LANG] Just give me directions and I'll go alone if you're afraid.
[DOCTOR] Me, afraid?
[LANG] Well, aren't you?
[DOCTOR] You have a nasty habit of pinpointing the truth, young man.
[PERI] We can't let him go alone.
[DOCTOR] Watch me.
[PERI] Well, you know what's out there, he doesn't.
[DOCTOR] Well then, let him go to the palace and he'll know as much as Ido.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, you must help.
[DOCTOR] Oh, is this another attempt to teach me compassion?
[LANG] Just tell me where it is and I'll be happy to go alone.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it's all right for you. You're young, strong, fit of limb.You're confident in your mission, your energy's boundless, you'rehighly motivated to success. You even have a gun to enforce your willupon others. But look at me. I'm old, lacking in vigour. My mind's in aturmoil. I no longer know if I'm coming, have gone or have even been.I'm falling to pieces. I no longer even have any clothes sense.
[PERI] Oh, stop feeling sorry for yourself.
[DOCTOR] Self-pity is all I have left.
[PERI] You've got the Tardis. You still know how to operate it. Take theLieutenant to the palace!
[LANG] Now, if you please.
[DOCTOR] As you wish.
[PERI] That's the seediest looking stately home I've ever seen.
[DOCTOR] Well, you didn't expect me to materialise in the throne room?
[LANG] Where are the twins likely to be?
[DOCTOR] Anywhere.
[LANG] Well, I won't find them waiting around here.
[DOCTOR] I'll come with you.
[LANG] No need. Thank you for bringing me here.
[DOCTOR] You didn't give me much choice. Now look, Sergeant.
[PERI] Lootenant.
[DOCTOR + LANG] Lieutenant.
[DOCTOR] Don't be smug with me. Now, I've already explained mycondition. I may be behaving like a manic barometer, but don't shrugoff help when it's offered. You can't afford to.
[LANG] I thank you for your offer, Doctor, but frankly, I find youunreliable.
[DOCTOR] So's most currency. Doesn't stop people spending money wisely.
[PERI] The Doctor might be useful.
[LANG] Well, all right. But if you become unstable again, Doctor, Iwon't hesitate to kill you.
[ROMULUS] Where are you taking us?
[AZMAEL] You'll see.
[REMUS] Why do you like to play the man of mystery?
[ROMULUS] It's a role you play very badly.
[REMUS] You're so blatantly transparent.
[AZMAEL] Continue to provoke me, and the matter that contains yourgenius will finish up as so much animal fodder.
(Outside the Tardis)
[DOCTOR] Hideous. Utterly hideous.
[PERI] Are you sure this is the right place?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, absolutely. Azmael showed me once. This passage leadsto the centre of the palace. Used to be an underground bolt-hole intimes of danger. Seems to be clear. Shall we go?
[PERI] I just hope you don't get us lost.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Oh, there's every possibility of that.
[AZMAEL] This is where I work. The palacelaboratory.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Greetings.
[ROMULUS] What's in there?
[AZMAEL] Eggs. You're looking at Lord Mestor's incubator. The futurecitizens of Jaconda.
[REMUS] They're gastropod eggs.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Oh, such knowledge.
[ROMULUS] And who is this?
[AZMAEL] One of Lord Mestor's lackeys.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Not quite, Azmael. I am a humble servant of the LordMestor. I'm his Chamberlain. Welcome to the planet Jaconda. I willinform the Lord Mestor of your safe arrival.
[AZMAEL] If you must do so.
[CHAMBERLAIN] It's my duty. He's commanded me.
[AZMAEL] Well, hurry, then. And you too, Noma.
[NOMA] No, I must remain. I too have been commanded.
[AZMAEL] One day you will discover for yourselves that treason isuniversal. Let it not concern you now. And don't be afraid of what liesin store for us.
[DOCTOR] This way, come along. Ah, there we are. I don't know how oldthey are, but they tell the whole story.
[DOCTOR] The Queen of Jaconda offended the Sun God. This way. Heinflicted a terrible revenge. He sent a creature, half humanoid, halfslug. This creature's offspring were numberless. They ravaged theplanet. The population starved. When he saw what he'd done, the Sun Godrelented. He sent a drought, which destroyed the slugs. The people ofJaconda survived. Well, that's the story as Azmael related it.
[PERI] And now what do you think?
[DOCTOR] It was more truth than myth. I think some dormant egg survived.
[PERI] For how long?
[DOCTOR] Too long, it seems. Switch off the torch. Listen.
[PERI] What is it?
[DOCTOR] The sound of giant slugs.
[LANG] What a stench.
[DOCTOR] Their gastric tracts. Rotting vegetables.
[PERI] Or rotting flesh.
[LANG] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Whatever is it now?
[LANG] I'm, I'm stuck.
[DOCTOR] Oh no, I should have thought of that. Their slime trails hardenlike concrete, only far faster.
[LANG] Well, never mind that, just get me out, would you?
[DOCTOR] Easier said than done.
[PERI] We can't leave him here.
[LANG] Maybe if I turn my gun down low I can melt the stuff.
[DOCTOR] Oh, if you like, but try not to burn your feet off.
[MESTOR] So these are your prodigies. They seemquite insignificant.
[AZMAEL] Their brains are not.
[MESTOR] Well, we shall see. Have you told them why we need them?
[AZMAEL] Not in detail. So far they've simply worked to orders.
[MESTOR] I suggest that you do tell them. If they know that our purposeis benevolent, they may prove to be less intransigent.
[AZMAEL] Very well.
[MESTOR] How far advanced are you?
[AZMAEL] We need another day.
[MESTOR] Very well, I will leave you.
[AZMAEL] Mestor?
[MESTOR] What is it?
[AZMAEL] Do not monitor my thoughts.
[MESTOR] Why not?
[AZMAEL] It interferes with my concentration.
[MESTOR] They may be treasonable thoughts.
[AZMAEL] There can be no treason without fellow conspirators, and I havenone. You control the minds of all my most faithful subjects.
[MESTOR] I do not trust you.
[AZMAEL] A mistake, Mestor. The last hope for my people is the successof this undertaking. I wouldn't allow my personal loathing for you tointerfere with that.
[MESTOR] Very well.
[AZMAEL] Remove Noma, too.
[NOMA] Master.
[MESTOR] Until your work is done.
[AZMAEL] They don't trust you, either. That's why they've left you here,to see the measure of your treachery.
[DRAK] But I'm not a traitor.
[AZMAEL] True, but I believe they think you are my fried.
[DRAK] I would value your friendship.
[AZMAEL] It might cost you your life.
[DRAK] I can think of worse reasons for dying.
[AZMAEL] Thank you. (to the twins) Now, pay attention.
[AZMAEL] That is our sun. That is Jaconda. Those are two lesser planets.Now I once ruled Jaconda, but now Mestor has usurped me. His kind takesall and gives nothing. There's nothing left for my people.
[REMUS] What are we supposed to do?
[AZMAEL] Help me to provide the only possible solution.
[ROMULUS] You'd better tell us what it is.
[AZMAEL] We need new sources of supply. Now, we're going to bring thosetwo planets into orbit around Jaconda.
[BOTH] What?
[AZMAEL] Oh, yes. And then they will have the same atmospheres andclimates. They will be the larders of Jaconda. Everything is inreadiness. All we lack is what you two possess. That mathematicaldelicacy that will stabilise those two planets in their new orbit.
[DOCTOR] Now, let me see. We follow this passage to the end, flight ofsteps up to the palace hall, doorway at the left just before the top.Yes, that's it. Private doorway to the back of his laboratory. That'swhere he's bound to be.
[PERI] Who?
[DOCTOR] What?
[PERI] Who'll be there?
[DOCTOR] Me, once I can get away from this fool. Will you hurry up?
[LANG] I'm doing the best I can.
[DOCTOR] Well, it's not good enough. Oh, look what you've done, youstupid girl. You've ruined everything!
[PERI] It wasn't my fault.
[DOCTOR] Of course it was your fault. Sheer carelessness, switching offthe torch when you did. Don't argue with me.
[PERI] I will! I'm not letting a manic depressive paranoid personalitylike you shut me up.
[DOCTOR] Manic depressive? Me?
[PERI] Well, can't you hear yourself? You're having another of yourfits.
[DOCTOR] Right, that's it, I'm off.
[LANG] Calm down, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Calm down? Calm down? Calm down? The fate of a whole planet ishanging in the balance and he tells me to calm down?
[LANG] Look, I'll be free in a moment.
[DOCTOR] Oh, fend for yourselves.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor!
[LANG] Don't waste your breath. We'll manage.
[AZMAEL] Everything is controlled from this panel.When the information you provide has been fed into the computer, weshall operate this switch.
[REMUS] What happens if we refuse to help?
[AZMAEL] Then I shall have to kill you. I've already told you that it isthe only way we can save my people.
[ROMULUS] Aren't you forgetting the consequence of what you're asking?
[AZMAEL] Look, everything has been considered. How many times must Itell you.
[REMUS] He's mad.
[ROMULUS] Quite mad.
(Outside the laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Azmael, Edgeworth
[BOTH [OC]] We won't do it!
[AZMAEL [OC]] You'll do as I tell you.
[DOCTOR] Still bullying children, eh?
[DOCTOR] Villain! Murderer!
[AZMAEL] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] A thousand murrains on your head.
[REMUS] Stop it!
[DRAK] Get out of the way!
[AZMAEL] Now, that's enough, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I apologise. However, I still would like to know why you triedto murder us.
[DRAK] He didn't.
[ROMULUS] He didn't know.
[REMUS] It was Noma.
[AZMAEL] Look, I can't believe it. How did you escape?
[DOCTOR] Oh, that doesn't matter now. I think you'd better tell mewhat's going on here.
[PERI] Pity about your boots.
[LANG] Never mind. Where to now?
[PERI] Find the Doctor.
[LANG] All right.
[PERI] No! Let go! No, no, no! No, no, no.
(Throne room)
[MESTOR] Who were these aliens on Titan Three?
[NOMA] A Time Lord and an Earth girl.
[MESTOR] And Azmael would have let them live?
[NOMA] Yes.
[MESTOR] But now he knows them to be dead?
[NOMA] He does. I told him so.
[MESTOR] You have done well, Noma.
[NOMA] No more than is my duty.
[MESTOR] What have we here?
[NOMA] Impossible! She must have died.
[MESTOR] Is this the Earth girl you say you killed? It seems you havenot done so well after all. Where did you find her?
[GUARD] In a passage underneath the palace.
[MESTOR] Alone?
[GUARD] There was another with her. We left him half dead.
[MESTOR] This is a dangerous complication. Fetch him to me. At once! Atonce!
[AZMAEL] That is the plan. Now what is youropinion?
[DOCTOR] You really intend to put it into operation? You know what willhappen, don't you?
[ROMULUS] We've already told him.
[AZMAEL] But risks must be taken.
[DOCTOR] This is not a risk, Azmael, this is Doomsday. One tiny error inyour calculation, you'll blow a small hole in the universe!
[LANG] Doctor! Doctor, they've got Peri.
[DOCTOR] Peri? They'll kill her!
[AZMAEL] Stop him!
[DOCTOR] Leave me! I must go to her!
[AZMAEL] And tell Mestor everything, condemn my planet to certain death?
[DOCTOR] But I must help her.
[AZMAEL] No, Doctor. If necessary, she must die.
[DOCTOR] No. Peri!
(Throne room)
[NOMA] Why don't you kill her?
[MESTOR] I find her pleasing. Pleasing!
[NOMA] She's better dead.
[MESTOR] This creature offers no threat.
[PERI] That's right.
[MESTOR] Be silent. But her companion, they should have found him bynow. I sense danger.
[DRAK] Be at peace, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] How? The very core of my being is on fire with guilt and rage.How is he?
[AZMAEL] Superficial damage. He'll be all right.
[NOMA] He's the one.
[AZMAEL] But Noma, he is a friend. He will save us from Lord Mestor.
[NOMA] The Lord Mestor is our friend. He is our enemy.
(Throne room)
[MESTOR] They have him. Yes, Earthling, they haveyour friend.
[PERI] He came here to help.
[MESTOR] Did he?
[DOCTOR] Peri, you're alive!
[PERI] Oh please, release him.
[MESTOR] And have the fool wreck a scientific project of vastconsequence?
[DOCTOR] It's debatable who the fool is, if you intend to blow up thiscorner of the universe.
[MESTOR] Are you challenging my calculations?
[DOCTOR] Not at all. In fact, if I can hold my mind together, I mighteven be able to help you.
[MESTOR] What can you offer me?
[DOCTOR] Well, moving planets around is not for amateurs, you know. Imean, the twins may have the mathematical skills, but I have theempirical knowledge. The practical experience that can guaranteesuccess. I mean, one tiny error in your calculations, the planetsyou're trying to shift could fly off in any direction.
[MESTOR] You are telling the truth, Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] You should know. I can sense your presence in my mind.
[MESTOR] Then why do you resist me?
[DOCTOR] I'm secretive by nature. Besides, if you were to learneverything too quickly, you'd have no reason to keep me alive.
[CHAMBERLAIN] He's playing with us, master. Azmael has often spoken ofthis Time Lord. He's not to be trusted.
[MESTOR] Never argue with me again.
[CHAMBERLAIN] No, master.
[DOCTOR] Good heavens. You are rather hot-tempered.
[REMUS] We would work much more effectively if wehad them.
[AZMAEL] What?
[ROMULUS] Our memories.
[REMUS] It's very disconcerting to have a large void in the middle ofone's mind.
[DRAX] We have little to lose.
[ROMULUS] And our full cooperation to gain.
[AZMAEL] Give me your right hand.
[AZMAEL] Now yours.
[AZMAEL] Well, do you remember?
[ROMULUS] Yes. Everything.
[AZMAEL] Good.
[LANG] Which is more than I do.
[AZMAEL] Back to work.
[AZMAEL] You took a heavy blow.
[AZMAEL] Doctor!
[PERI] Oh, Hugo, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] I've agreed to help you.
[LANG] Help?
[DOCTOR] With this ridiculous scheme of Mestor's.
[REMUS] We can't work like this.
[ROMULUS] There are too many interruptions.
[NOMA] You will do exactly as you are told.
[ROMULUS] Then we won't do our best.
[DOCTOR] And how do you think the Lord Mestor would feel about that?
[PERI] He might show us that great little trick again. You know, the onewith the green ray.
[DOCTOR] Embolism, isn't it? Let me tell you. Little tiny bubbles govery well in champagne and purgatives, Noma, but not in the blood.
[NOMA] Wait outside.
[AZMAEL] You too, Noma.
[BOTH] Especially you.
[DRAK] You don't seem very popular.
[DOCTOR] Have you got fowl pest?
[NOMA] You will suffer for this humiliation, all of you.
[DRAK] Childish threats are best left to children, Noma.
[AZMAEL] Now go away. We have a lot of work to do. Come.
(Throne room)
[MESTOR] What do you know of this Doctor?
[CHAMBERLAIN] Only what Azmael has said. He's supposedly a man of greatcunning.
[MESTOR] He's also egocentric, wilful and quite mad. Once my work iscompleted, I shall take great delight in examining this Doctor moreclosely. Meanwhile, find the Time Lord's Tardis.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Yes, master.
[DOCTOR] How does Mestor plan to bring the other two planets into thesame orbit as Jaconda.
[AZMAEL] A tractor beam.
[LANG] Does he have enough power for such a thing?
[AZMAEL] Oh, yes.
[DOCTOR] Well, how will he stabilise Jaconda? Three planets in the sameorbit will exert enormous gravitational pressure on each other.
[AZMAEL] By placing them in different time zones. You see, each planetwill occupy the same space, but will be one Jacondan day ahead of theother.
[DOCTOR] Very neat.
[PERI] Mestor can travel in time?
[AZMAEL] Thanks to me.
[PERI] Doctor? Doctor?
[DOCTOR] What?
[PERI] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Of course I'm all right. I'm certainly all right. It's thesituation that's all wrong.
[AZMAEL] In what way is it wrong?
[DOCTOR] Both the outer planets are smaller than Jaconda.
[PERI] That's obvious.
[DOCTOR] Well, so is the consequence if they're brought any nearer theJacondan sun.
[AZMAEL] But you're right. Why didn't I realise?
[DOCTOR] Your mind was on other things, my friend.
[AZMAEL] Yes, but to overlook something so simple.
[PERI] What are you two talking about?
[DOCTOR] A matter of simple physics. The gravitational pull of the sunon Jaconda is more or less consistent, yes?
[PERI] I'll take your word for it.
[DOCTOR] The outer planets are smaller. Place them where Jaconda is, howlong do you think they'll last?
[AZMAEL] No time at all. Their orbit would rapidly decay and they'dcrash into the sun.
[REMUS] Causing an enormous explosion.
[ROMULUS] It'd be wondrous to see.
[AZMAEL] Now be quiet and get on with your work.
[LANG] Does Mestor know this could happen?
[DOCTOR] Of course.
[PERI] So why do it?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but there's method to his madness, of that I'mcertain. In the meantime, carry on with your calculations. We don'twant to arouse Mestor's suspicions.
(Outside the Tardis)
[MESTOR [OC]] Enter!
[CHAMBERLAIN] Well, after you, gentlemen.
[BOTH] We've finished.
[AZMAEL] Well done.
[PERI] Now what?
[LANG] We can't give those calculations to Mestor.
[AZMAEL] No. Doctor?
[PERI] He's not himself.
[DOCTOR] Then who am I?
[PERI] I wish you wouldn't keep wandering off like that.
[DOCTOR] See it more as a mental stroll in a park of psychictranquillity.
[AZMAEL] But what do we do next? The twins have finished theircalculations.
[DOCTOR] Who? Oh. Oh, very good. Excellent. Ten out of ten. Alpha plus.
[DOCTOR] Interesting. Gastropod eggs.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, we're wasting time.
[DOCTOR] Is it possible to get into the hatchery?
[PERI] Whatever for?
[DOCTOR] I sense the answer is in there. Azmael?
[AZMAEL] Well, look, but please be quick.
[DOCTOR] Of course.
[DOCTOR] Excellent.
[DOCTOR] Now, the answer must be in here somewhere.Mestor hasn't gone to all this trouble. The egg of a slug. But where'sthe mucus? The jelly, the food that feeds the young within?
[PERI] Does it matter?
[DOCTOR] Of course. These eggs are dry and rubbery. Let's see what'sinside. A laser cutter. I must have a laser cutter.
[AZMAEL] I'll get one for you.
[LANG] What is it that's worrying you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but something's wrong.
[LANG] What were you trying to do, hard boil it?
[DOCTOR] It should at least have scratched the surface.
[PERI] Well, if it's that tough, how do the young break out?
[DOCTOR] How indeed?
[AZMAEL] It's reacted to the heat of the laser.
[DOCTOR] Precisely what it's supposed to do, only it isn't anything likehot enough yet.
[PERI] Doctor, you're talking in riddles.
[AZMAEL] No, no, no, he isn't, and I fear he might be right.
[DOCTOR] Are these all the eggs?
[AZMAEL] No, there are more through there.
[DOCTOR] So many. Ah, it all begins to make sense.
[PERI] Not to me. You still haven't explained why the eggs are so tough.
[DOCTOR] They were designed to withstand the temperatures of anexploding sun.
[LANG] Nonsense.
[AZMAEL] I wish it were.
[DOCTOR] Mestor's colonisation is not of this planet, but the universe.
[AZMAEL] The exploding Jacondan sun would scatter the eggs, and nowherewould be safe from invasion.
[REMUS] We've made that possible.
[ROMULUS] Our genius has been abused.
[LANG] But could such a scheme work?
[DOCTOR] It's so simple, it's mind-boggling. Of course it could work.
(Throne room)
[MESTOR] Now you know everything, Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Right, what we need is a plan of action.Now, you've still got your gun. Take Peri and the twins back to thesafety of the Tardis.
[LANG] Noma and the guards might still be outside.
[DOCTOR] Then deal with them. You are supposed to be an InterplanetaryPursuit Officer.
[AZMAEL] Well, what should we do?
[DOCTOR] Deal with Mestor.
[AZMAEL] Are we capable? I mean, look at us, Doctor. I'm old. I've evenused up my ability to regenerate. And you, well, your mind could cloudat any moment.
[DOCTOR] I am fully alert and ready for action.
[AZMAEL] Mestor will destroy us, you know.
[DOCTOR] Better we die in harness, battling against the odds, than diein fear, finding menace in our own shadows.
[REMUS] What do we do about our calculations?
[DOCTOR] Can you carry them in your head?
[ROMULUS] Of course.
[DOCTOR] Then destroy all the notes you've made.
[ROMULUS] That's simple.
[REMUS] It's done.
[DOCTOR] Good. Drak, you go back to the Tardis with the others.
[AZMAEL] Drak?
[AZMAEL] He's dead! His mind has been burnt out.
[DOCTOR] Mestor!
[AZMAEL] He's used him as a monitor. He must know everything that's beensaid in this room.
[DOCTOR] There's no time to waste. Check the corridor.
(Outside the laboratory)
[LANG] It's clear.
[DOCTOR] Now, back to the Tardis. Be careful and good luck.
[LANG] Thanks. Follow me.
[PERI] Good luck, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Such a nice girl. Hope I see her again.
[AZMAEL] I'm sure you will, my friend. This way.
[DOCTOR] Yeah.
[MESTOR [OC]] Noma!
[NOMA] Yes, master.
[MESTOR [OC]] Find the twins and bring them to me.
[NOMA] Yes, master.
[MESTOR [OC]] They must not be harmed.
[NOMA] And the others?
[MESTOR [OC]] Kill them.
[PERI] This is ridiculous. How can we have gotlost? There's only one passageway.
[LANG] Well, apparently not.
[PERI] Okay, well, let's try along here.
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR] Ah, there you are. I've been looking foryou.
[DOCTOR] I've worked out what you're up to and it's got to stop.
[MESTOR] Control your arrogance, Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] I'm not having your sluggy eggs spread all over the universe,causing havoc. Nor will I allow you to destroy what was once a verybeautiful planet.
[MESTOR] You really are mad. You dare to threaten me in my own throneroom.
[DOCTOR] Did I threaten him? Did you hear me threaten him?
[MESTOR] Be silent.
[DOCTOR] Watch it, Mestor!
[AZMAEL] Please, Doctor.
[MESTOR] You do well to warn him.
[DOCTOR] I'm the one who's doing the warning. Now, will you give up thisnonsense?
[MESTOR] No, Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Then take the consequence!
[MESTOR] You think that I would be so vulnerable? You're an interferingfool.
[DOCTOR] No, just a rotten shot.
[LANG] Well, this looks more like it.
[PERI] You said that about the last passage we were in.
[NOMA] This time he's right. You almost made it. What a pity.
[LANG] Leave them to me.
[REMUS] They want us alive. Mestor needs our calculations.
[NOMA] Don't push your luck.
[LANG] Down!
[NOMA] Kill him.
[LANG] You might just reach that gun before I can kill you, but I doubtit.
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR] Indigestion? Or is it bad news?
[MESTOR] It does not concern you.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps your plan to recapture the twins has failed.
[MESTOR] A small set-back, Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Be careful of Lieutenant Lang. He's been dying to kill someoneever since he got here, and after all, you did destroy his entiresquadron. Earthlings have an unquenchable thirst when it comes torevenge.
[MESTOR] Be silent!
[AZMAEL] Lord Mestor, the Doctor has been ill. It's affected hisreasoning.
[MESTOR] He has tried to kill me. He must therefore forfeit his ownexistence.
[DOCTOR] Oh, thought we'd come to that. Embolism time, is it? Oh, don'ttell me. My blood will bubble like a raging stream? I will beg to die?And in so doing I will crave your indulgence and forgiveness?
[MESTOR] Not quite, Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Good, because in my time I have been threatened by experts. Idon't rate you very highly at all.
[AZMAEL] Doctor.
[MESTOR] I have said you will cease to exist, but you will not die.
[AZMAEL] No, please, Lord Mestor.
[MESTOR] I tire of the disadvantages of my own being.
[DOCTOR] Ha! I don't blame you.
[MESTOR] So I intend to take over your mind as well as your body.
[DOCTOR] You? Take over my mind? Ha! It would be like throwing a pebbleinto a lake. It will sink without trace.
[AZMAEL] But he can do it.
[DOCTOR] A Jacondan mind, maybe, but I am a Time Lord.
[MESTOR] Perhaps you would like be to demonstrate?
[DOCTOR] Indeed.
[DOCTOR] Azmael?
[MESTOR] Azmael is now my slave.
[DOCTOR] That's not fair. He's an old man.
[MESTOR] Do you think I could not do this to you?
[DOCTOR] Well, why don't you try?
[MESTOR] Simplicity itself. All I need is
[AZMAEL] He's weakening. He's trying to control too much. All Jaconda isaffected by his thoughts. Help me, Doctor. I cannot contain him forlong.
[DOCTOR] We must mind-link. Together we can destroy him.
[AZMAEL] No, no, no, no. Otherwise he will pass to you and you will belost.
[DOCTOR] I can contain him.
[AZMAEL] No, quickly. You must destroy his body, otherwise he willreturn to it.
[MESTOR] Too late, Time Lord. Now we must mind-link.
[MESTOR] What is happening?
[AZMAEL] You are lost, Mestor.
[MESTOR] What are you doing?
[AZMAEL] The one thing that you cannot control. I am dying. I amregenerating.
[DOCTOR] You can't. You've used up your allotted number of lives.
[AZMAEL] Don't you think I do not know that, Doctor?
[AZMAEL] He is exorcised, my friend.
[PERI] What's happening?
[PERI] What's going on?
[NOMA] Mestor is dead.
(Throne room)
[DOCTOR] You fool, why did you do it?
[AZMAEL] I had no other choice.
[DOCTOR] You should have left him to me.
[AZMAEL] Dear friend, you are too unstable. He would have swamped you.You would have been the pebble drowning in his lake.
[DOCTOR] But to throw away your own life?
[AZMAEL] Oh, it was nearly at an end anyway.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you had so much to give. You were the finest teacher I everhad.
[AZMAEL] You've learned all I know, and much besides.
[AZMAEL] My only regret is leaving Jaconda. Gave me a good life. Manygreat moments. One of the best, my friend, was that time by thefountain.
[DOCTOR] Azmael. Azmael. I shall miss you, old friend. I shall indeed.
(Outside the Tardis)
[PERI] I don't want to worry you, but the Tardisdoor's open.
[LANG] You stay here.
[PERI] No, I've got to find the Doctor.
[LANG] All right, but be careful.
[PERI] Look after him, will you?
[BOTH] Good luck.
[LANG] Outside.
(Outside the Tardis)
[CHAMBERLAIN] Listen, young sir. This planet'sfinished. There's no future here.
[LANG] Shut up.
[CHAMBERLAIN] But you don't understand. Here we have a fine craft totake us away from here. Far away.
[LANG] I said, shut up.
[DOCTOR] Sorry about that.
[PERI] Don't ever do that again!
[DOCTOR] Of course not.
[PERI] Are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Do I look otherwise?
(Outside the Tardis)
[CHAMBERLAIN] But we must get away from here!
[ROMULUS] He can't fly the Tardis.
[REMUS] But we could learn.
[DOCTOR] I'll take you all.
[CHAMBERLAIN] You're a true gentleman, sir.
[DOCTOR] Wait a minute, I remember you. You're the Chamberlain.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Yes, that's right, sir.
[DOCTOR] I don't like you.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Oh, but sir, I must get away from here.
[DOCTOR] Then I suggest you start walking. Right, let's get you and thetwins back to Earth.
[PERI] What about the rest of the people on this planet?
[DOCTOR] They'll survive.
[LANG] Who'll lead them?
[DOCTOR] Well, certainly not that thing. Neither will Azmael, he's dead.
[PERI] Well, then you must help, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] They're quite capable of looking after themselves. Listen.
[DOCTOR] They've already started mopping up.
[LANG] I'd rather stay. I think I could be some use here.
[DOCTOR] As you wish. Although I think you're mad.
[LANG] No, I've nothing to go back to Earth for. I've no one there.
[DOCTOR] That I can believe.
[PERI] I'm sorry about that. He never used to be so rude.
[BOTH] Can we stay?
[PERI] No. Into the Tardis.
[LANG] It was, er, it was nice to have met you, however strange thecircumstances.
[PERI] Good luck.
[LANG] Thanks, I think we'll need it.
[CHAMBERLAIN] Please take me. They'll kill me if I stay here.
[LANG] No, they won't. Goodbye.
[PERI] Bye.
[LANG] Oi! Move. Go on.
[PERI] Did you have to be so rude?
[DOCTOR] To whom?
[PERI] Hugo. You could at least have said goodbye.
[PERI] Are you having another of your fits?
[DOCTOR] You may not believe this, but I have fully stabilised.
[PERI] Then I suggest you take a crash course in manners.
[DOCTOR] You seem to forget, Peri, I'm not only from another culture butanother planet. I am, in your terms, an alien. I am therefore bound todifferent values and customs.
[PERI] Your former self was polite enough.
[DOCTOR] At such a cost. I was on the verge of becoming neurotic.
[PERI] We all have to repress our feelings from time to time. I suggestyou get back into the habit.
[DOCTOR] And I would suggest, Peri, that you wait a little beforecriticising my new persona. You may well find it isn't quite asdisagreeable as you think.
[PERI] Well, I hope so.
[DOCTOR] Whatever else happens, I am the Doctor, whether you like it ornot.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s21", "episode": "e07", "title": "The Twin Dilemma"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (5 Jan, 1985; Sixth Doctor) - Attack of the Cybermen
(London sewers)
[DAVID] Yeah, let's take a look down here. Look at the state of it.
[BILL] This is a hoary old one. Talk about neglect.
[DAVID] Yeah, there can't have been anyone down here for years. Thereare more bulges than an antenatal clinic.
[BILL] What's that?
[BILL] Hang on a minute. We are under Fleet Street?
[DAVID] Well, you've got the map.
[BILL] According to this, there was work done here seven years ago.Three half walls with vaulted buttresses.
[DAVID] We must be in the wrong tunnel.
[BILL] No, we're not.
[DAVID] Hang on, I'll check it out.
[BILL] No, we are in the right tunnel. David? David! David? You allright? David!
(Tardis corridor)
[DOCTOR] Here we go again.
[DOCTOR] Oh, there you are. Soon put you to rights.
[DOCTOR] Well, that shouldn't have happened.
[PERI] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Something I should have done a long time ago.
(Tardis room)
[DOCTOR] Repair the chameleon circuit.
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] The Tardis, when working properly, is capable of many amazingthings, not unlike myself. One of its functions is that it can changeshape to blend perfectly with its surrounding environment.
[PERI] I see.
[DOCTOR] Not yet, you don't. I wonder why I didn't do it before.
[PERI] Look, Doctor, do you really think you're up to this? I mean,you've only recently regenerated and yet you've undertaken so muchwork.
[PERI] Well, what I really mean to say is, you still seem a littleunstable.
[DOCTOR] Unstable? Unstable? Unstable! This is me, Peri. At this verymoment I am as stable as you will ever see me.
[PERI] Oh dear.
[DOCTOR] You must forget how I used to be. I'm a Time Lord. A man ofscience, temperament and passion.
[PERI] And a very loud voice.
(Tardis corridor)
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, that too. But not unstable. Thisis the real me, Peri. But don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. I promise.
[PERI] I still think you're doing too much. You need to rest.
[DOCTOR] Rest? Nonsense. Rest is for the weary, sleep is for the dead. Ifeel like a hungry man eager for the feast. Now, we've both spent toolong in the Tardis. We need a change. Where would you like to go?
[PERI] Well
[DOCTOR] For you, somewhere restful, I think. I'm sure after thebleakness of Jaconda you could do with a sight of green hills, rollingcountryside.
[PERI] Yes, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I know the very place.
[PERI] Doctor, what's happening?
[DOCTOR] Just hold on.
[PERI] I'm being (something)
[DOCTOR] Keep hold.
(Glenthorne Road, London)
[LYTTON] Here we are, gentlemen. Inside that building is ten millionpounds in diamonds.
[PAYNE] Tasty.
[GRIFFITHS] Very tasty.
[LYTTON] How long will you need?
[RUSSELL] About half an hour.
[LYTTON] I'll send these two back with the car.
[RUSSELL] There's no need. I'll get a cab.
[LYTTON] I said, Russell, I'll send the car for you.
[RUSSELL] Right.
[LYTTON] Don't look so hurt. We're not going back to the flat. We'redoing the job today.
[GRIFFITHS] That's all of a sudden, isn't it?
[LYTTON] You had something else planned?
[GRIFFITHS] No, it's just that I was expecting a bit more notice.
[LYTTON] We go today, without fail.
[RUSSELL] What if I can't get the explosives?
[LYTTON] You assured me there's be no slip-ups.
[RUSSELL] Yeah. But seven kilos of plastic at such short notice?
[LYTTON] I hope you're not telling me that there'll be problems,Russell, because if you are, I shall be very angry.
[RUSSELL] Don't worry, I'll get the stuff.
[LYTTON] Good.
[PAYNE] I don't think he likes us very much, Mister Lytton.
[LYTTON] If he lets me down, he'll have reason not to. You, Payne, willkill him.
(Telephone kiosk)
[RUSSELL] Job's today. Well, I don't know. He's playing everything soclose. There's seven kilos of plastic. Look, don't argue, just have thestuff ready. I'm on my way in.
[DOCTOR] I must have crossed a wire.
[PERI] Well, I hope you never do anything more serious. I think my heartis where my liver should be.
[DOCTOR] Really? At least the Tardis isn't damaged.
[PERI] Big deal.
[DOCTOR] Be grateful. If its shell had been punctured, you'd find itvery difficult to breath in a vacuum.
[PERI] I'm grateful. I'm grateful. Just tell me where we are, if youcan.
[DOCTOR] O child of little faith.
[PERI] Do you blame me?
[PERI] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Comet nine oblique one two oblique four four. To you, Halley'scomet.
[PERI] It's very pretty, but it still doesn't tell me where we are.
[DOCTOR] In your sun's solar system, in the year that you wouldcalculate as 1985. I was, in fact, taking you to Earth.
[PERI] Bit of an anticlimax after that journey.
[DOCTOR] Ungrateful wretch.
[PERI] Well, what do you expect, applause?
[DOCTOR] A little gratitude wouldn't irretrievably damage my ego.
[PERI] Come off it, Doctor. No one is more surprised than you that wecame through it.
(Junk yard)
[GRIFFITHS] What's this then? I thought we were doing a diamond job.
[LYTTON] For once, Griffiths, you're right.
[GRIFFITHS] Then what are we doing here?
[LYTTON] It may come as a great disappointment to you, but I don'tintend to enter the bank guns blazing and my face covered in a nylonstocking.
[PAYNE] He's allergic to nylon.
[GRIFFITHS] No, I'm not.
[LYTTON] We go in via the sewers.
[PAYNE] Crafty.
[GRIFFITHS] Down there?
[LYTTON] The way is prepared. All we have to do is remove a few bricksand we're in the sewer itself.
[GRIFFITHS] That's good, but how do we get at the diamonds?
[LYTTON] Why do you think Russell has gone for explosives?
[GRIFFITHS] You must be joking. Set that lot off, you'll have the oldbill down on us.
[LYTTON] The vibrations will set off every alarm in the area. The policewon't know where to start.
[DOCTOR] There, that should do it.
[PERI] No more death-defying rides?
[DOCTOR] Absolutely not.
[DOCTOR] Well, hopefully not.
[PERI] Don't you think we should land?
[DOCTOR] Not at all. I have perfect rapport with this machine.
[PERI] I only hope the Tardis knows it. Look, Doctor, out there arethousands, millions of tons of ice. One ill-considered move could causeus to collide with it. I'm scared, Doctor. You don't seem to understandthat.
[DOCTOR] Of course I do. But you have nothing to fear, I promise you.
[PERI] I hope not. It's rather ironic. On Earth, Halley's comet isalways associated with impending disaster.
[DOCTOR] That's nonsense.
[PERI] Not when you're this close, it isn't.
(Junk yard)
[PAYNE] Lose the motor. Come on.
[PERI] Does that noise have anything to do with you?
[DOCTOR] No. It's a distress signal.
[PERI] How do you know?
[DOCTOR] Doh. Listen. That is an intergalactic distress call.
[PERI] Where's it coming from?
[DOCTOR] Can't be far, the signal is very strong.
[PERI] What's all that other noise?
[DOCTOR] I'm not certain. Strange. It's coming from Earth. In 1985?
[PERI] That's not possible.
[DOCTOR] Possible it is. Desirable it isn't. I think when we arrive, weshould investigate.
(Junk yard)
[RUSSELL] Excessive.
[LYTTON] Insurance.
[RUSSELL] Start shooting that thing off, the police'll be calling outthe SAS.
[GRIFFITHS] He's right. That thing, it's obscene.
[LYTTON] Armed robbery is armed robbery.
[RUSSELL] How many of those things are we taking?
[LYTTON] Just the one.
[RUSSELL] It's one too many.
[LYTTON] What about you, Payne?
[PAYNE] Oh, I'm with you, Mister Lytton.
[GRIFFITHS] I'm with you, Mister Lytton. You're with anything that getsyou money.
[LYTTON] Certainly there's dissent, and you, Russell, are at the centreof it.
[RUSSELL] I don't like guns, and I don't like all this secrecy. We'resupposed to be on a job, but we don't know what we're doing.
[LYTTON] You are new to this group and have yet to gain my confidence,that's why I tell you nothing. These two are muscleheads and wouldn'tunderstand what I said anyway.
[GRIFFITHS] You've got a rough tongue, Mister Lytton.
[LYTTON] Which you will learn to live with, Griffiths, otherwise you'reout. And as your earnings have never been better, that would be ratherfoolish, wouldn't it? Let's go. Come on, Payne, there's work to bedone.
[PAYNE] Right.
[PAYNE] Oh. Hey, how thick is the sewer wall?
[LYTTON] Oh, nothing you can't handle.
[PAYNE] I used to use one of these when I worked for the council.
[LYTTON] This time it's for swinging, not leaning on.
(Totter's Lane)
[DOCTOR] This looks familiar.
[PERI] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] Scrap yard.
[PERI] I didn't mean that. I meant, whereabouts on Earth are we?
[DOCTOR] London.
[PERI] It didn't change.
[PERI] I thought you said it was going to blend into its surroundings.
[DOCTOR] Oh, she's probably thinking about it. Come on, let's find outwhere those signals are coming from.
[PERI] Oh, neat, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Neat?
[PERI] Very neat. I mean, there's nothing at all incongruous about that.
[DOCTOR] Well, she hasn't done it for a long time. She's out ofpractice.
[PERI] Of course, Doctor.
(London sewers)
[PAYNE] Hey, what about the ladder?
[LYTTON] Leave it.
[GRIFFITHS] How far do we have to go?
[LYTTON] About a mile.
[GRIFFITH] A mile in these boots?
[PAYNE] Ah, you. Not allergic to walking as well, are you?
[LYTTON] Move.
[GRIFFITHS] The boots don't fit me. And it smells.
(Back alley)
[DOCTOR] I suddenly feel conspicuous.
[PERI] I'm not surprised in that coat.
[DOCTOR] It's more a question of having organised a surprise party andforgotten who it's for.
[PERI] Look, Doctor, since you regenerated, it's as though your memory'sbeen put through the meat grinder. I mean, it's all there, but in apile of unrelated bits and pieces.
[DOCTOR] That's a horrible simile.
[PERI] It's true, though. In the past couple of days you've called meTegan, Zoe, Susan. On one occasion you even referred to me as Jamie.
[DOCTOR] Merely slips of the tongue.
[PERI] I rather think they're slips of the mind. And while we're aboutit, who is this Terrible Zodin?
[DOCTOR] I called you Zodin, did I? Oh, they don't make villains likeher any more. A woman of rare guile and devilish cunning.
[PERI] Thanks a lot.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps you're right. My mind may be playing tricks on me. Youknow, I haven't thought about Zodin for years.
[PERI] Now where?
[DOCTOR] That's it. It's unoccupied.
[PERI] Are you sure this is the right place?
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes. I'm a fool. Of course I am. That's precisely what Iwould have done.
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[PERI] Oh, what?
(London sewers)
[RUSSELL] I don't want to put the wind up you, butI think we're being followed.
[LYTTON] Are you sure?
[RUSSELL] Remember that scuffling sound we heard earlier? I heard itagain.
[LYTTON] Payne, if we are being followed, deal with them.
[PAYNE] Right, check.
[LYTTON] This way.
(Totters Lane)
[DOCTOR] Look, Susan.
[PERI] Peri. Yeah, well, supposing there really are aliens here onEarth. I mean, does it really matter? I mean, they don't all have tenheads and want to take over the world.
[DOCTOR] Precisely. The poor thing may be trapped here, terrified. If itis, I can do something about it.
[PERI] That's if you can find the entrance. How do we get in?
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure.
[PERI] Well, there still is a way in?
[DOCTOR] Of course there is. Somewhere.
[PERI] What are you searching for?
[DOCTOR] The source of the distress signal.
[PERI] I thought you said it was in the house?
[DOCTOR] It is, but the source of the signal is transmitting from someelsewhere.
[PERI] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] I also detected several weaker signals going into the house.Our alien is being ultra-cautious. He's bouncing the signal off severalrelay points around London. It could take days to find out where it'scoming from.
[PERI] Giving him plenty of time to move on.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. You are brilliant, Peri. Absolutely brilliant! If thesignal is being relayed to prevent detection, then the house has to bewatched.
[PERI] Otherwise, how would the alien know someone had discovered hismain transmitter?
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Let's find our alien before he has time to vanish.
[DOCTOR] Almost there. Just got to lock on to his coordinates.
[PERI] I hope this alien appreciates what we're doing.
[DOCTOR] I'm sure he will. Probably sitting there all of a dither,waiting for us to arrive.
(Junk yard)
[DOCTOR] This is getting ridiculous.
[PERI] I'm not saying a word.
[DOCTOR] I was certain I'd fixed it.
[PERI] Shush! Are you sure this is the right place?
[PERI] Doc!
[PERI] Tor.
[PERI] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Not now, Peri.
[PERI] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Ah, how do you do, Constable?
[PERI] He's got a gun.
[DOCTOR] I'm not blind, Peri. You look uncomfortable in that hole. Letme help you out.
[PERI] Even I couldn't miss from this range.
[PERI] Never do such a stupid thing again. I could have killed you.
[DOCTOR] I believe you.
[PERI] Don't patronise me.
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't dare. You did very well. I'm impressed.
[PERI] What happened to the other one?
[DOCTOR] He's er, having a little lie-down.
[DOCTOR] There. Key.
[PERI] I'm assuming these aren't the real police.
[DOCTOR] I think you are correct in that assumption. Thank you.
[PERI] But why did they try to kill us?
[DOCTOR] The bottom of that pit has been dug out. I think it leads tothe sewers. Come on.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Peri.
(London sewers)
[RUSSELL] Payne's taking his time.
[GRIFFITHS] He's got lost. No sense of direction. No sense at all, cometo that.
[RUSSELL] You want me to go back?
[LYTTON] No, he'll find us once we start making some noise. We'vearrived.
[RUSSELL] Can I see the map?
[LYTTON] Right, Griffiths. That wall will have to come down.
[GRIFFITHS] How thick is it?
[LYTTON] Less than you.
[GRIFFITHS] That's not very kind, Mister Lytton.
[RUSSELL] Hang on a minute, this is getting stupid. That wall isn'tsupposed to be there.
[LYTTON] The map, Russell, simply isn't pinpoint accurate.
[RUSSELL] Oh, great. Terrific. I thought you'd recced all this.
[LYTTON] We're in the right place.
[RUSSELL] But how do we know that's right? Nothing else is.
[LYTTON] Unless you want to throw away ten million pounds in diamonds, Isuggest one of you starts knocking the wall down.
[PERI] I only hope this is the right direction.
[DOCTOR] You saw the signs and scuff marks on the bricks.
[PERI] They could have been made at any time.
[DOCTOR] No, they're recent. I have an instinct for these things.
[PERI] To think this is my first visit to London.
[DOCTOR] It is an interesting city.
[PERI] I'm sure it's fascinating. It'd be nice to see the sights like aregular tourist.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? You'll find this route more memorable.
[PERI] That I believe.
[LYTTON] Still no sign of Payne?
[RUSSELL] Something's happened to him.
[LYTTON] Hardly.
[GRIFFITHS] Hey. Someone else want to have a go?
[RUSSELL] Not particularly.
[GRIFFITHS] This is hard work.
[LYTTON] There he is. What's he doing down there?
[RUSSELL] That's not Payne. It's too big. Shut that racket.
[GRIFFITHS] What's up?
[RUSSELL] There's someone in the tunnel. Challenge him.
[GRIFFITHS] We can still kill him.
[GRIFFITHS] What's the matter, you lost your bottle?
[GRIFFITHS] What is it?
[GRIFFITHS] Let him have it!
[LYTTON] Hold your fire!
[GRIFFITHS] What's your game, Lytton?
[LYTTON] Move back. Move back!
[LYTTON] My name is Lytton, and I am your prisoner, Cybermen.
[PERI] Doctor, you said it was gunfire.
[DOCTOR] I heard me. Someone may be hurt. They may need our help. Comealong.
[PERI] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] His neck's been broken.
[PERI] Well, what did we hear? This hasn't been fired. We must fetch thepolice.
[DOCTOR] One moment. I'm thinking.
[PERI] Look, Doctor, this isn't some deserted planet in the middle ofnowhere. You don't have to play the Lone Ranger.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Yes. Yes, you're absolutely right. But first, let's findsome hard evidence.
[PERI] You've got a body here. What more do you want?
[DOCTOR] That's just the victim. The police will be more interested inthe perpetrator of the crime. This way.
(Cyber lair)
[LEADER] How did you know where to find us?
[LYTTON] You have a ship hidden on the dark side of the moon. I trackedyour transmissions.
[LEADER] Inform Moonbase our signals are being detected. They mustincrease the distortion.
[LYTTON] You're quite safe. Earth authorities can't pick up yoursignals. It's beyond their technology.
[CYBERMAN] You were capable.
[LYTTON] I am not from Earth.
[LEADER] So you have said.
[CYBERMAN] But where do you come from?
[LYTTON] Vita Fifteen, in the star system six nine zero.
[LEADER] What is the name of your satellite?
[LYTTON] Riften Five.
[LEADER] I have heard of that place. It is occupied by a race ofwarriors.
[CYBERMAN] Who fight only for money, Leader. He is not to be trusted.
[LYTTON] Listen to me.
[CYBERMAN] You will show respect to the Leader.
[LYTTON] I will do more than that. I will serve him, aid you in yourcause.
[LEADER] If that is true, when you become as we are, you will serve theCyber race well.
[LYTTON] Oh, no, as myself. You forget, Leader, I have been trackingyour transmissions. I know why you're here.
[CYBERMAN] He must be destroyed. He says he comes to aid us yet hecarries weapons.
[LYTTON] My gun was used in your cause. I didn't know he was armed.
[LEADER] You should not have brought others.
[LYTTON] I brought them as gifts for you to turn into Cybermen.
[CYBERMAN] He lies, Leader.
[LEADER] Silence. There is logic in what he says. If he had wished ourdestruction, he could have betrayed our cause to Earth authorities.
[LYTTON] Precisely.
[LEADER] The Cyber Controller can decide their fate.
[LYTTON] Thank you, Leader. Where will I have the honour of meeting him?
[LEADER] If you know of our activities, you will know where he is.
[LYTTON] I assume he is still on the planet Telos.
[LEADER] He is.
[BATES] Stratton, grab the head! The head!
[STRATTON] What now?
[BATES] Run!
(London sewers)
[DOCTOR] Don't do that!
[PERI] I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were so scared.
[DOCTOR] I'm not scared. I was thinking. What do you want?
[PERI] Well, I was thinking too. You know that man we found back there,do you think the alien killed him? And if he did, how do you thinkit'll respond to us?
[DOCTOR] With gratitude. After all, I do have the means of getting itoff this planet.
[PERI] I only hope it believes you.
[DOCTOR] Well, if it doesn't, I shall beat it into submission with mycharm. Come along.
[RUSSELL] Drop it. I said, drop it, unless you want me to open up histhroat.
[RUSSELL] Over there. Now, who are you?
[DOCTOR] At the moment, suffice to say that this is Peri and I am knownas the Doctor.
[PERI] Hi.
[RUSSELL] Where did you get this from?
[DOCTOR] I found it.
[RUSSELL] Oh yes? I wasn't aware it was lost.
[DOCTOR] Put another way, its former owner will have no further use forit.
[RUSSELL] Turn around. Hands on the wall.
[STRATTON] We're safe.
[BATES] Safe? It was a shambles.
[STRATTON] We got away.
[BATES] Two of us. How many times have I got to tell you, it takes threeto fly the ship. When are you going to get that fact in your thickhead?
[STRATTON] Now is not the time or place to argue.
[BATES] Argue? I could kill you! Why didn't you grab the head?
[STRATTON] I panicked!
[BATES] Stratton, without that head and the third member, we are as muchprisoners on Telos as if we'd stayed in the work party!
(Cyber lair)
[GRIFFITHS] You seem to have sorted them out. WishI had your presence of mind.
[LYTTON] Really?
[GRIFFITHS] How did you know all that stuff you told them?
[LYTTON] Perhaps it's true.
[GRIFFITHS] You said you came from Fulham.
[LYTTON] You know, Griffiths, when I look at you, I often wonder whyyour ancestors bothered to climb out of the primordial slime.
[GRIFFITHS] That sounds like another insult, Mister Lytton.
[BATES] I don't believe it. They're working as if nothing had happened.Why didn't any of them try to escape? They know the situation.
[STRATTON] Maybe they know more than us, or they got more sense.
[BATES] Sense. Sense! You moron. What do you think we've been doing forthe last fortnight? We've been mining the planet with high explosive.When the Cybermen leave they're going to destroy the surface of Telosand us with it.
[STRATTON] Let's get out of here before they come and get us.
[BATES] They won't be coming to get us. They know precisely where we'regoing. Cyber Control.
(Cyber Control)
[CYBERMAN] Controller.
[CYBERMAN] Two of the work party have escaped.
[CONTROLLER] Who are they?
[CYBERMAN] Stratton and Bates.
[CONTROLLER] That is to be expected. They will attempt to recapturetheir ship.
[CYBERMAN] Shall I instruct the time vessel on its return to remain inorbit.
[CONTROLLER] No, it must land. We need the ship here. It will alsoprovide the escapees with an incentive. There will be some scientificvalue in studying how they attempt to evade their destruction.
(London sewers)
[RUSSELL] What's this, then?
[DOCTOR] A sonic lance. How much longer do we have to maintain thisridiculous posture? We've told you all we know.
[PERI] Which is more than you have. Who are you?
[RUSSELL] Police.
[PERI] Yeah.
[DOCTOR] Can you prove that?
[RUSSELL] Put your hands back on the wall.
[DOCTOR] Peri, gun!
[DOCTOR] Sorry about that, but we weren't getting very far with meplaying patty-cake with the wall.
[RUSSELL] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] I've already told you. I am known as the Doctor. I'm also aTime Lord from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation ofKasterborous.
[RUSSELL] You're bonkers.
[DOCTOR] That's debatable, but I'm also telling the truth. The questionis, are you?
[DOCTOR] And what are you doing down here?
[RUSSELL] Robbing a diamond merchants.
[PERI] I thought the police were supposed to uphold the law?
[RUSSELL] Oh, they do, most of the time.
[DOCTOR] You're beginning to annoy me.
[RUSSELL] The truth wouldn't make much sense to you.
[DOCTOR] Try me. Oh, I've had enough of this. Shoot him, Peri.
[PERI] For real?
[DOCTOR] Yeah, shoot him.
[RUSSELL] You murder a police officer, you'll get thirty years.
[DOCTOR] Handful of heartbeats to a Time Lord.
[PERI] Oh, please tell him what he wants to know. I'm sure it can't bethat important.
[RUSSELL] I'm here to observe the activities of a white male suspectknown as Lytton.
[DOCTOR] Lytton? Tall, lean, dark, dark, well-spoken? The sort of manwho might shoot his mother just to keep his trigger finger supple?
[RUSSELL] It's a more colourful description, but it could be him.
[DOCTOR] Commander Lytton, late of the Dalek Task Force.
[RUSSELL] Dalek?
[DOCTOR] I should have guessed when we were attacked by those uniformedpolicemen. How'd you get onto him?
[RUSSELL] What? Oh, there was a raid on an electronics firm. Some ratherspecialised stuff was removed.
[PERI] I think we know where it went.
[RUSSELL] Oh. Well, you'll be pleased to hear there's a reward.
[DOCTOR] Just get on with your story.
[RUSSELL] Well, there was a whisper on the street that the job was downto Lytton, only we'd never heard of him.
[DOCTOR] Just as if he'd come from another planet.
[RUSSELL] Huh, perhaps he might have. When we checked there was norecord of his birth, school, driving licence, tax, nothing. Undernormal circumstances we'd have just picked him up.
[DOCTOR] But you were curious. You wanted to know more about him. An actwe may all live to regret. Not only is he from another planet, but he'salso a professional killer. There.
[RUSSELL] Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Would you mind, Peri?
[PERI] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Back to the Tardis. It's a bit overcrowded down here.
(Cyber lair)
[LEADER] Lytton, my scouts have located threehumanoids in the tunnels.
[GRIFFITHS] Perhaps it's the old bill. They'll soon sort out this fancydress party.
[LEADER] What does he say?
[LYTTON] He implies it could be the police.
[LEADER] The intruders must be dealt with.
[CYBERMAN] Yes, Leader.
[LEADER] This time they must not be damaged. We cannot afford to bewasteful. Our forces must grow in strength.
(Cyber Control)
[CYBERMAN] Stratton and Bates have been located.
[CONTROLLER] So soon? Then give the order.
[STRATTON] It's not going to work, is it? Are youplanning to take the place by storm?
[BATES] You want to stay here?
[STRATTON] I want to know what we're going to do when we get to CyberControl.
[BATES] First we have to find another Cyber head.
[STRATTON] Why is that thing so important to you?
[BATES] Like you, this planet really depresses me.
[STRATTON] What is it?
[BATES] A chance to redeem yourself. You'll be all right. We'll only getone chance.
[STRATTON] I say! Are you looking for me?
[STRATTON] Well, hurry up. I haven't got all day.
[STRATTON] You're mad. Why didn't you let me use the gun on him?
[BATES] Too risky. You might have damaged it.
[STRATTON] So? Now you have a trophy.
[BATES] More than that. Once you've cleaned it out, you can wear it. Asprisoner and escort, we might just get into Cyber Control.
[STRATTON] I will not wear that thing.
[BATES] You got a better idea? Then get started.
(Cyber Control)
[CYBERMAN] The escapees have destroyed the Cyberscout.
[CONTROLLER] That is not possible.
[CYBERMAN] It is a fact, Controller.
[CONTROLLER] They are now proving too resourceful. Alert the guard. Theymust not enter Cyber Control alive.
(London sewers)
[PERI] These tunnels all look the same to me.
[DOCTOR] This is the right way.
[RUSSELL] Which way?
[DOCTOR] Bear left. What is it?
[RUSSELL] Look for yourself.
[PERI] What is it?
[DOCTOR] A Cyberman.
(Cyber lair)
[CYBERMAN] Leader, the instruments show timedistortion nearby. Shall I instruct the scouts to investigate?
[LEADER] At once.
(London sewers)
[DOCTOR] It's still there.
[RUSSELL] I saw one of these things earlier. They must be all over theplace.
[PERI] What are they?
[DOCTOR] A particularly unpleasant alien life form.
[PERI] Oh.
[RUSSELL] Where are you going?
[PERI] You want to fight it?
[DOCTOR] We can at least try.
[RUSSELL] What can you do with that?
[DOCTOR] Shake it up a little.
[PERI] Let's go, Doctor, please.
[DOCTOR] Wait, watch and learn.
(Cyber lair)
[CYBERMAN] A Cyber scout has been destroyed.
[LEADER] The attackers must be found.
[GRIFFITHS] (Cyber-like) Getting a bit rough, is it?
[LEADER] Remain silent or you will die. Transfer the humanoids to ourship and then seal this place. It must not be discovered. You and youwill come with me.
(London sewers)
[DOCTOR] At least we can fight them.
[PERI] Fight them? We need help.
[RUSSELL] We need the army.
[DOCTOR] First, we need a plan. This way.
[DOCTOR] Quick, up you go.
[PERI] I'm going, I'm going.
[DOCTOR] Don't leave the pit till I get there.
[PERI [OC]] No, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] And save your breath for climbing.
[PERI [OC]] Yes, Doctor.
[LYTTON] Sonic lance from Earth?
[CYBERMAN] An alien? That would make sense of the time distortion,Leader.
[LYTTON] I can guess who it is. I've been expecting him to return. Hecalls himself the Doctor.
[LEADER] Excellent.
[LYTTON] You know of him?
[CYBERMAN] He is an enemy of the Cyber race. His capture will serve ourterm.
[LEADER] More so the capture of his Tardis.
(Junk yard)
[PERI] Cybermen?
[DOCTOR] Come on.
[RUSSELL] That wasn't here before.
[RUSSELL] How does this thing work?
[RUSSELL] Sorry.
[DOCTOR] Careful, there may be others.
[DOCTOR] Shut the main doors.
[PERI] Ow!
[RUSSELL] Peri, look out!
[PERI] No!
[PERI] No!
[LEADER] Destroy her. Destroy her at once.
[PERI] No!
[DOCTOR] Wait! Let's discuss this, shall we?
[PERI] I agree.
[LEADER] There is nothing to discuss.
[DOCTOR] If you want my cooperation, she must live.
[LEADER] We cannot agree to bargain, Doctor. It would be unfortunate ifyou were to be killed, but we should still have your Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Not anymore, you don't. In precisely twenty seconds, you and itwill cease to exist.
[LEADER] Release the woman.
[DOCTOR] How do I know you won't cheat and change your mind.
[LEADER] You have my word.
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure that's enough.
[LEADER] Also that of the Cyber Controller.
[DOCTOR] I thought he was destroyed.
[LEADER] No, merely damaged.
[DOCTOR] Where is he now?
[LEADER] On our home planet, Telos.
[DOCTOR] I see.
[PERI] Doctor!
[LEADER] Correct. We can now time travel. Set the coordinates for Telos.
[BATES] Come on, hurry up.
[BATES] You're going to have to try harder than that, Stratton.
[STRATTON] This isn't going to work.
[BATES] So you keep saying.
[STRATTON] Do I look like a Cyberman?
[BATES] If nobody looks too close.
[STRATTON] This is fantasy. We won't convince anyone.
[BATES] Listen, you pathetic creature. All we need do is convince theguard we are prisoner and escort. At least, until we get close enoughto deal with them.
[STRATTON] It won't work.
[BATES] You'd rather stay out here and die?
(Tardis room)
[DOCTOR] This is bad news. Very bad news. How can they have discoveredthe laws of time?
[LYTTON] They haven't. A time vessel landed on Telos. The Cybermen wereable to capture it.
[DOCTOR] So they only have one ship?
[LYTTON] They will have two with your Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Doesn't make it any less depressing. How do you know whathappened on Telos?
[LYTTON] What does it matter? Just be grateful you're alive.
[PERI] I assume you two know each other.
[DOCTOR] Unfortunately, yes. The last time we met, he was working forthe Daleks.
[LYTTON] That wasn't out of choice. Your regeneration has made youvindictive, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Not at all. I've never found it difficult to despise peoplelike you.
[LYTTON] I'm not working for the Cybermen. I'm in the same predicamentas you. Look around you.
[PERI] I think he means he's also a prisoner.
[DOCTOR] More likely a spy.
[PERI] Does it really matter? He won't learn very much, and we certainlyaren't going anywhere except Telos, wherever that is.
[GRIFFITHS] Yes, where is it? Look, I'm finding all this a bitdisturbing. Cybermen, now Daleks. Time travel in an organ.
[PERI] You'll get used to it.
(Cyber Control)
[CYBERMAN] Control, our instruments register anirregular transmission from the Tardis.
[CONTROLLER] Inform the Cyber Leader on board. It will be the Doctorattempting to inform the Time Lords of his destination.
[CYBERMAN] The Time Lords will attempt to stop us.
[CONTROLLER] Whatever in their wisdom the Time Lords decide, they willbe too late. Telos will have been destroyed and we shall have theDoctor's Tardis.
(Tardis room)
[LYTTON] Is this any use? I wouldn't try sticking it into the CyberController. He might snap your hand off.
[PERI] What are you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Upset the navigational control. If I can distort thecoordinates by just a fraction of a degree
[PERI] We'd miss Telos.
[DOCTOR] Not quite.
[GRIFFITHS] What is Telos? Is no one going to tell me?
[LYTTON] I would have thought, Griffiths, even you would have managed towork that out by now. Telos is the Cybermen's home planet.
[DOCTOR] Uh huh. Adopted planet. You'd have liked Telos, Peri, in theold days when the Cryons were in residence. They were the indigenouspopulation till the Cybermen wiped them out.
[LYTTON] They had nowhere else to go.
[DOCTOR] Oh, for heaven's sake, man. The universe is littered withunpopulated planets.
[LYTTON] But few with the facilities that Telos offered.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's hardly an excuse.
[PERI] What does he mean?
[DOCTOR] Refrigeration.
[PERI] That's a strange reason to commit genocide.
[DOCTOR] Not when you build refrigerated cities the way the Cryons did.They had a genius for it. Mind you, they had to. They couldn't live intemperatures above zero.
[GRIFFITHS] But why did the Cybermen need the cold?
[DOCTOR] Hibernation. They were running out of power. They needed torest. And whatever you may say, Lytton, they could have built their ownhibernation plant and refrigeration chambers anywhere.
[PERI] Well, why not on their own planet? I assume they had one. What'sthe matter?
[GRIFFITHS] What is the matter?
[LYTTON] Yes, Doctor. What's the matter?
[CYBERMAN] Cyber Control reports that we aretransmitting an irregular signal.
[LEADER] Prepare for our arrival on Telos and bring the Doctor to me.
(Tardis room)
[DOCTOR] Mondas, the Cyber planet, was destroyed.
[LYTTON] But tell them how it was destroyed.
[DOCTOR] You're enjoying this.
[LYTTON] It's not often I have the opportunity to watch a Time Lordsquirm.
[DOCTOR] It blew up.
[LYTTON] Whilst it was attacking Earth.
[LYTTON] Tell them when.
[DOCTOR] Take no notice of him. He's just trying to unnerve you. Yourplanet survived the attack.
[PERI] When did it happen?
[DOCTOR] 1986.
[GRIFFITHS] Next year? That's almost now.
[DOCTOR] You could put it that way.
[PERI] Well, you must do something. Inform Earth, tell them it's coming.I mean, what's happening to us now must have something to do with that.
[DOCTOR] How can I do anything? I'm a prisoner.
[LYTTON] Even if he were free, he couldn't. He would transgress the lawsof time.
[PERI] You interfere continually.
[DOCTOR] Not to that extent. Even I have to be careful.
[LYTTON] The Time Lords would have him destroyed.
[DOCTOR] And that would please you. Look, don't worry. Earth survivedwith minimal damage. It's an historical fact.
[LYTTON] Yes, it's now become part of the web of time in the same waythat the Cryons were destroyed.
[PERI] I'm not interested in the Cryons.
[LYTTON] Hmm. There's compassion for you.
[PERI] I didn't mean it like that. I'm confused.
[GRIFFITHS] So am I. I mean, how can a planet travel around off itsorbit?
[DOCTOR] Mondas had a propulsion unit. A tribute to Cyber engineering.Though why they should want to push a planet through space, I've noidea.
[CYBERMAN] You will come with me.
[PERI] Why?
[DOCTOR] Go with him. This is no time to be difficult.
[CYBERMAN] And you will go to the console room.
[DOCTOR] Telos.
(Cyber Control)
[CYBERMAN] There is a rogue Cyberman on level four, Controller.
[CONTROLLER] We must cease reactivation.
[CYBERMAN] We are still finding undamaged specimens in hibernation.
[CONTROLLER] But not enough to justify the heavy casualties beingsustained by our resuscitation team. Cease reactivation.
[CYBERMAN] Controller.
[CONTROLLER] And order the rogue destroyed.
[DOCTOR] We had an agreement.
[LEADER] The woman is unharmed. Telos is cold. She must have warmerclothing. I have kept my word but you have deceived us.
[DOCTOR] What have I done?
[LEADER] You will disconnect the signal you are transmitting.
[LEADER] You are foolish, Doctor. Next time, we will kill you.
[STRATTON] I can't breathe.
[BATES] Leave it alone. We're too close to Cyber Control.
[STRATTON] I've got to rest for a minute.
[BATES] Cybermen aren't supposed to rest.
[PERI] What happened?
[DOCTOR] A little disagreement with our tin friends.
[PERI] You look terrible.
[DOCTOR] Not half as bad as I feel.
[CYBERMAN] We are about to materialise.
[PERI] (sotto) What have you done?
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Nothing much.
(Cyber tombs)
[GRIFFITHS] What happened to the organ?
[PERI] Do you really want to know? Oh, this place is so cold!
[DOCTOR] I'd forgotten how big they were.
[LYTTON] I can understand why they call them tombs.
[PERI] I'm pleased you two are so impressed. I find the whole placehateful.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I suppose the atmosphere is rather rancid.
[PERI] And it's freezing cold.
[LEADER] We have materialised in the wrong place.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[LYTTON] He almost sounded concerned.
[DOCTOR] Yes. I wonder why?
(Cyber Control)
[CONTROLLER] The Tardis must be brought here.Despatch technicians to implement my orders.
[CYBERMAN] At once, Controller.
(Cyber tombs)
[PERI] Oh, what is that terrible smell?
[LYTTON] Death.
[GRIFFITHS] Trust him to cheer everyone up.
[PERI] What do you mean, death?
[LYTTON] The sour, rank odour of death is unmistakable.
[PERI] They're not dead. The Cybermen are hibernating.
[DOCTOR] You know far more than you're saying.
[LYTTON] You'll find out, Doctor, all in good time.
[PERI] How can they smell? They can't be rotting, this place is freezingcold.
[LEADER] We must leave this place at once.
[LEADER] We have far to travel, and the Controller awaits your arrival.
[LYTTON] This way.
[DOCTOR] Run, Peri!
[PERI] What about you?
[LEADER] He must not be harmed.
[CYBERMAN] What about the others, Leader?
[LEADER] They are unimportant.
[PERI] No! No! No!
[LYTTON] Come on, keep moving.
[GRIFFITHS] Just hang on a minute. I've been messed around enough today.Where are we going?
[LYTTON] You want to get home?
[GRIFFITHS] You can say that again.
[LYTTON] That's where you're going.
[GRIFFITHS] Oh, I see. You've got a taxi waiting.
[THREST [OC]] He speaks the truth.
[GRIFFITHS] What's that?
[THREST] My name is Threst. Welcome, Lytton.
[GRIFFITHS] Does she know who you are?
[THREST] Of course. Lytton has come to help us.
[GRIFFITHS] You certainly know how to put yourself about.
[LYTTON] I was stranded on Earth. I sent out a distress call, the Cryonspicked it up.
[THREST] And we told him the Cybermen had invaded our planet.
[LYTTON] And I tricked the Cybermen into bringing us here to Telos.
[THREST] For we need Lytton's help to defeat them. We also need you.
[THREST] It was why you were brought here.
[LYTTON] I haven't told him yet.
[GRIFFITHS] You never did intend to do that diamond job.
[LYTTON] Would you have come if I'd told you the truth?
[GRIFFITHS] You bet I wouldn't.
[LYTTON] That, Griffiths, is why I didn't tell you.
[GRIFFITHS] That, Mister Lytton, is why two men are dead.
[LYTTON] It wasn't of my making.
[GRIFFITHS] It certainly wasn't of theirs.
[THREST] We realise this must be confusing for you, but there is a wayfor you to get home. And of course, being a professional like Lytton,we realise your time is valuable.
[GRIFFITHS] Are you winding me up?
[LYTTON] Attempting to annoy.
[THREST] I hope not. We intend to pay you.
[GRIFFITHS] What can you pay me?
[LYTTON] The equivalent of two million pounds in uncut diamonds.
[THREST] We were surprised you wanted so little.
[LYTTON] Diamonds are common on Telos.
[GRIFFITHS] What am I supposed to do for these?
[LYTTON] Help me steal a time vessel.
[FLAST] Welcome.
[DOCTOR] Hello. I'm the Doctor.
[FLAST] My name is Flast.
[GRIFFITHS] Look, what am I supposed to do? I'm none too clever behindthe wheel of a car, never mind a time vessel.
[LYTTON] Your function, as always, Griffiths, is muscle.
[THREST] And we have a crew.
[GRIFFITHS] So what do I do?
[LYTTON] Keep me alive.
[GRIFFITHS] A minder?
[LYTTON] A bodyguard.
[THREST] An honourable profession.
[GRIFFITHS] But why me? Why can't one of your lot do it?
[THREST] We can only exist in temperatures below zero degrees. If I wereto venture onto the surface of the planet, I would boil.
[LYTTON] Come on, Griffiths. You're getting two million pounds for whatwould be little more than a day's work.
[GRIFFITHS] But will I live to spend it?
[LYTTON] If we capture the time vessel, yes.
[GRIFFITHS] If we don't?
[LYTTON] We'll be turned into emotionless Cybermen.
(Cryon cave)
[ROST] Peace, child. We mean you no harm.
[VARNE] We rescued you from the Cybermen, at no inconsiderable risk toourselves.
[PERI] Oh, yes. I'm sorry, I'm confused.
[ROST] You must rest, then we will talk.
[PERI] Who are you?
[ROST] My name is Rost. This is Varne.
[PERI] I'm Peri. I'm from the planet Earth.
[ROST] We know, child.
[VARNE] We are Cryons. We no longer have a planet.
[STRATTON] We won't get away with this.
[BATES] Shut up!
[DOCTOR] I thought the Cybermen had destroyed theCryons.
[FLAST] So did they, but as you see, some of us survived. Not many, butsome. You're looking very blue.
[DOCTOR] Do you mean depressed, or cold?
[FLAST] Ah. I think I shall enjoy your company.
[DOCTOR] Not for long, I hope. I won't last half an hour in here. It'sfreezing.
[FLAST] You are, in fact, the first company I've had in some time. Ihonestly thought I would die without ever seeing another humanoid face.
[DOCTOR] Enjoy me while you can. I hope not to be around for too long.
[FLAST] Ah, escape. They all talk about that for the first few minutes,then they become depressed. It's the locked door and the armed guardthat's the unsolvable problem.
[DOCTOR] Really. Could also have something to do with the lack ofsupport on the part of their cellmate.
[FLAST] I hate the Cybermen more than you could ever know, and if Icould do anything to frustrate or obstruct their course, I certainlywould.
[DOCTOR] It seems your people have done quite a lot already. I assumeyou are responsible for the stench of death everywhere?
[FLAST] I would be happier if the Cyber Controller and the others wereall dead.
[DOCTOR] So would I, especially now that they can time travel.
[FLAST] Oh, but they can't. Not properly.
[DOCTOR] They have a ship.
[FLAST] Which they stole. They don't fully understand the principle oftime.
[DOCTOR] That's reassuring.
[FLAST] I wouldn't get too excited.
[DOCTOR] I rarely do.
[FLAST] Because what they have in mind will undoubtedly distress you.
[DOCTOR] Well, tell me gently.
[FLAST] They intend to change history.
[DOCTOR] They can't! It's against all the laws of time!
[FLAST] Then perhaps you should tell them, because if you don't, theyintend to prevent Mondas from being destroyed.
(Cyber Control)
[CYBERMAN] All charges on the surface of the planet are set and primed.
[CONTROLLER] Excellent. Instruct the technicians the Tardis must bebrought here as soon as possible.
[GRIFFITHS] This place is enormous. We'll neverfind them out here.
[LYTTON] Yes, we will.
[GRIFFITHS] That thing. What does it do?
[LYTTON] It detects Cybermen, and there are two very close.
[BATES] That's right. Don't turn round. Throw the gun down. Now the bag.
[BATES] You're looking for us?
[LYTTON] If you're Bates and Stratton, yes.
[BATES] So you found us.
[LYTTON] I think we can help each other.
[BATES] Really?
[BATES] He's flesh and blood.
[GRIFFITHS] What's he talking about?
[BATES] This one too.
[GRIFFITHS] Are they Cybermen?
[LYTTON] Almost.
[BATES] This is what the Cybermen do to you.
[GRIFFITHS] How much of you?
[BATES] Arms and legs. Their conditioning process doesn't always work.
[GRIFFITHS] You're sort of rejects.
[BATES] That's one way of putting it.
[GRIFFITHS] Will they do that to us?
[LYTTON] If they find us. But we won't be here. Like you, we want tosteal the time vessel.
[BATES] We don't need you.
[LYTTON] The time vessel needs a crew of three, at minimum. Now, thereare two of us and there are two of you. I don't know how you intend toget onto the landing pad, but I have a safe route. Through CyberControl.
[BATES] Where'd you get this from?
[LYTTON] The Cryons.
(Cryon cave)
[PERI] Look, I know you're busy
[ROST + VARNE] Come, child.
[ROST] You should be resting.
[PERI] There isn't time. I have a friend, the Doctor. He's a prisoner ofthe Cybermen.
[ROST + VARNE] We know. And we know what you're about to ask.
[ROST] Rescue is out of the question. We cannot go into Cyber Control.It is far too warm for us. We would boil and die.
[PERI] But the Doctor, he's a man of enormous resourcefulness. He couldhelp. How did you know that was the Doctor? I arrived with three men.
[ROST] You never were very bright.
[VARNE] You should have killed her, then I wouldn't need to be. Anyway,she can't use the information.
[PERI] You know Lytton, don't you.
[BOTH] We do, child.
[PERI] The man's a criminal.
[VARNE] Which is an excellent qualification for what he has to do.
[PERI] He's working for you? I don't understand this. What can he do?
[VARNE] Prevent the Cybermen leaving Telos.
[PERI] But I thought you would have been glad to see them go.
[ROST] On their departure they will attempt to destroy our planet.
[PERI] But that's pointless.
[VARNE] Nothing the Cybermen do is pointless. They want to study theeffect of the explosion on the planet's atmosphere.
[PERI] I see.
[ROST] Not fully, child. The Cybermen want to change history
[VARNE] It's the only way their race can survive. To do that, they mustdestroy Earth.
[PERI] What!
[ROST] You see, it was their encounter with Earth that brought about thedestruction of their own planet, Mondas. For Mondas to survive, Earthmust be destroyed.
(Cyber Control)
[CYBERMAN] Our scouts have located the entrance toCyber Control Stratton and Bates have used.
[LEADER] Instruct the scouts to follow and destroy the SVPs at once.
[DOCTOR] Mondas? Oh, I think my blood's beginning to congeal. Are yousure about this?
[FLAST] Oh yes, I'm sure.
[DOCTOR] How do they intend to destroy Earth?
[FLAST] It would only be necessary to disrupt it.
[DOCTOR] It would still take rather a large bomb.
[FLAST] They have one. A natural one. In fact, it's heading towardsEarth at this very moment.
[DOCTOR] Halley's comet?
[FLAST] That's right. They plan to divert it, cause it to crash intoEarth. It'll make a very loud bang.
[DOCTOR] Indeed it will. It'll also bring about a massive change inestablished history. The Time Lords would never allow it.
[FLAST] Who knows? Perhaps their agents are already at work.
[DOCTOR] Well, if they are, they're taking their time about it. For astart, why? Wait a minute. No! Nos, not me! (shouts at the sky) You haven't manoeuvred meinto this mess just so I can get you out of it! It would have helped ifI had known what was going on!
[FLAST] You are a Time Lord?
[DOCTOR] Yes. And at the moment, a rather angry one.
[FLAST] I want to see the Cybermen dealt with as much as the Time Lordsdo.
[DOCTOR] Oh? But surely, it must have occurred to you that if Mondashadn't been destroyed, the Cybermen would never have come here.
[FLAST] Of course, but my people have accepted their fate. Your problemis to convince the Cybermen of theirs. I think I can help you. Imanaged to open one of these, but I couldn't do anything with it.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[FLAST] Vastial. It's a mineral, very common in the colder areas ofTelos. It's also very unstable. In fact, you have enough in your handto blow it off. At this temperature, though, it's quite safe, quiteuseless, otherwise the Cybermen would hardly have locked us in herewith it.
[DOCTOR] How warm does it have to get before it becomes unfriendly?
[FLAST] Ten degrees above zero. Fifteen, and it self-ignites.
(Cyber Control tunnel)
[GRIFFITHS] Over here?
[LYTTON] Up there. Gun? I'll keep you covered.
[LYTTON] Now move.
[LYTTON] Help!
(Top of ladder)
[BATES] There's nothing we can do to help him. Areyou coming?
[FLAST] Even if you can get the door open, theguard in the corridor is armed.
[DOCTOR] So you said. And so are we.
[FLAST] But we're in here and he's out there.
[DOCTOR] First things first. How much of this stuff do we need todestroy the guard?
[FLAST] Very little.
[DOCTOR] Now, you're sure this will explode on contact with warm air?
[FLAST] Of course, but how will you get it out of here?
[DOCTOR] Wait, watch and learn.
[DOCTOR] If I do get it open, what happens to you? You can't leave here.The warmth in the corridor will kill you.
[FLAST] Destroy the guard first, then we'll discuss it.
[DOCTOR] When they learn about this, they'll kill you.
[FLAST] They'll simply complete a job they started some time ago. Thatis what I've been waiting for, Time Lord.
[FLAST] There is enough explosive in here to annihilate Cyber Control.
[DOCTOR] Well, there's not much power left in this lance, and that stuffis very cold. It may not generate enough heat.
[FLAST] The Cybermen will not leave Telos.
[ROST] You must wait here, child. There will be aguard on the Tardis.
[PERI] It won't work. I can't operate the controls. If I try to move theTardis, anything could happen.
[VARNE] We said we'd help you.
[PERI] I don't think you realise how temperamental that machine is. Imean, even the Doctor has problems piloting it.
[VARNE] Varne.
(Cryon cave)
[THREST] Lytton has been taken prisoner.
[ROST] The Tardis must be moved.
(Cyber Control)
[CONTROLLER] You have wasted both our time andenergy. I know that you plan to steal or destroy my time vessel. Youwill tell me how it is to be done.
(Cyber tombs)
[ROST] There is a guard. There may be others inside.
[PERI] Well, don't look at me. I'm not going in after them.
(Cyber Control)
[CONTROLLER] You are foolish, Lytton. You couldhave saved yourself from pain. I told you you would tell us everything.Now you will become as we are.
[CYBERMAN] The time vessel is approaching Telos, Controller.
[CONTROLLER] Excellent. Order it to land and have the Doctor brought tome.
[CYBERMAN] Controller. (beep) The Cyberman guarding the Doctor does notrespond.
[CONTROLLER] Show him to me.
[CONTROLLER] The Doctor has escaped. He must be found.
(Cyber tombs)
[DOCTOR] Hello. I'm the Doctor.
[VARNE] Unless you help us, you won't be for very much longer.
[PERI] Doctor, you escaped. You've got to help me. They want to destroythe Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's not very friendly.
[ROST] It would be more accurate to say that we do not wish the Cybermento control it.
[DOCTOR] Well, there at least we agree. How many Cybermen are inside theTardis?
[VARNE] We have no way of telling.
[DOCTOR] Then we must find out.
[DOCTOR] Do you mind?
(Cyber tomb)
[PERI] What are you doing?
[DOCTOR] Cybermen have an inbuilt distress signal.
[PERI] But this thing's dead.
[DOCTOR] The signal is mechanical, not organic. There may be enoughpower left in this battery to transmit.
[PERI] And achieve what?
[DOCTOR] A reaction from those inside the Tardis. The Cybermen have oneweakness. They'll react to the distress of their own kind. When I was aprisoner in Cyber Control, I met a friend of yours.
[VARNE] Flast? But we thought she was dead.
[DOCTOR] If she isn't now, she soon will be. She's at the moment theliving detonator of a bomb that could go off at any second and kill usall.
[LEADER] Search the room. The Doctor may haveinterfered with the vastial.
[CYBERMAN] Leader.
[LEADER] How long has the Doctor been gone?
[FLAST] I don't know. I don't have an instrument for measuring time.
[LEADER] You will answer my questions.
[FLAST] I will not.
[LEADER] Very well, take her outside.
(Outside the launch pad)
[BATES] According to the map, the launching pad ison the other side of this door.
[STRATTON] We made it!
[GRIFFITHS] Let's get aboard the ship before we open the champagne.
[BATES] Give me that thing. Ready?
(Cyber Control)
[CYBERMAN] The intruders have been destroyed.
[CONTROLLER] Excellent. You will all accompany me.
(Cyber tombs)
[DOCTOR] Are you ready?
[ROST] Yes.
[DOCTOR] There are two of them. This way.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry.
[ROST] Please remove your Tardis from Telos before you have to berescued again.
[DOCTOR] What about you, Rost?
[ROST] We shall survive.
[PERI] But Doctor, what about Lytton?
[PERI] He's been captured by the Cybermen.
[DOCTOR] That should make him happy.
[PERI] You don't understand. He's working for the Cryons.
[DOCTOR] For you?
[ROST] Yes, for us.
[PERI] Well, you can't just let him die.
[DOCTOR] Where's he likely to be now?
[ROST] In the laboratory.
[DOCTOR] I'll see what I can do. Good luck.
[ROST] And to you, Doctor.
[CYBERMAN] Controller, the technicians at the Doctor's Tardis do notrespond to our call.
[CONTROLLER] That is not possible.
[CYBERMAN] Instruments also indicate time disturbance.
[CONTROLLER] The Tardis has been moved.
(Cyber Control)
[LYTTON] I know you.
[DOCTOR] That's right. And I'm just beginning to find out about you.
[LYTTON] Did you put the sonic lance to good use?
[DOCTOR] I did. Why didn't you say something?
[LYTTON] Now you must kill me.
[DOCTOR] I can help you. Hang on.
[LYTTON] The drug is affecting my brain. Irreversible damage.
[DOCTOR] I'm the Doctor. I'll tell you if its irreversible or not. Nowjust hang on.
[LYTTON] I did my best. I kept my word.
[DOCTOR] I know.
[LYTTON] Please, Doctor. Kill me.
[CONTROLLER] Move away from him, Doctor.
[CONTROLLER] Emotion is a weakness.
[DOCTOR] I don't think so.
[CONTROLLER] It brought you back for your friend and it will cost youyour life.
[DOCTOR] I must help him.
[PERI] It's too late, Doctor. He's dead.
[DOCTOR] I can't just leave him.
[PERI] You must. There's nothing you can do.
[DOCTOR] Why didn't he say something?
[PERI] You never gave him a chance.
[DOCTOR] It didn't go very well, did it?
[PERI] Earth's safe. So is history and the web of time.
[DOCTOR] I meant on a personal level. I don't think I've ever misjudgedanybody quite as badly as I did Lytton.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s22", "episode": "e01", "title": "Attack of the Cybermen"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (19 Jan, 1985; Sixth Doctor) - Vengeance on Varos
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[ARAK] Not him again.
[ETTA] Yeah.
[ARAK] ComDiv must be running short of people to laserise.
[ETTA] Yeah.
[ARAK] Rubbish. He's not hurt, he's only acting.
[ETTA] Never.
[ARAK] Is this all?
[ETTA] It's what they sent.
[ARAK] How can I work, dig on this? It's not enough to fill aclinker-mole's belly, let alone a working man's.
[ETTA] There's shortages, maybe more to come.
[ETTA] Governor's punch-in vote tonight.
[ARAK] Voting, voting. This Governor calls a punch-in every time hewants to change his trousers. The sooner he gets ruled out, the better.
[ETTA] What would the next one do different?
[ARAK] Everything. Anything. What is this I'm eating, Etta?
[ETTA] How should I know? I just get it out the dispenser. It didn'thave a label on it.
[ARAK] Get off. I want to chuck it at the screen when your beloved SirGovernor begs my vote.
[ETTA] Attacking ComTec property can bring loss of viewing rights. Wayyou're thinking, you'll be in that one's place. (laughs) I'dlike to see how far you get in the Dome of Punishment. You'd not evensurvive the first distort section.
[ARAK] Marriage to you prepares me to survive anything. Whyhave they stopped? Oh, it's pathetic. When did they last show somethingworth watching, eh? When did we last see a decent execution.
[ETTA] Last week.
[ARAK] What?
[ETTA] The blind man.
[ARAK] That was a repeat.
[ETTA] It wasn't. You're thinking of that infiltrator. He wasn't blind.Not at the beginning, anyway.
[ARAK] Yes, he was. I'm going to sleep, anyway.
[ETTA] Can't. You've got to vote.
[ARAK] Do it for me.
[ETTA] Do you want PolCorps calling here? Do you, Arak?
[ARAK] How would they know it wasn't me voting?
[ETTA] I'd tell 'em.
[DOCTOR] That's it.
[PERI] I don't believe it.
[DOCTOR] I haven't told you what I've done, yet.
[PERI] You sound confident. I don't want to know.
[DOCTOR] What is the matter with you?
[PERI] Every time you sound confident nowadays, something terrible seemsto happen.
[DOCTOR] Does it? What do you mean?
[PERI] Well, since we left Telos, you've caused three electrical fires,a total power failure, and a near collision with a storm of asteroids.Not only that, you've twice managed to get yourself lost in the Tardiscorridors, wiped the memory of the flight computer and jettisoned threequarters of the storage hold. You even managed to burn dinner lastnight.
[DOCTOR] I have never said I was perfect.
[PERI] If you recall, last night I was supposed to have a cold supper.
[DOCTOR] That was an unfortunate accident.
[PERI] Before each and every unfortunate accident, you'vesaid in a loud, confident voice, that's it. And to be honest, Doc, I amgetting tired of clearing up the mess and being thrown around theTardis like the teddy bear of some psychotic baby.
[DOCTOR] Have you finished, Perpugilliam?
[PERI] For the moment.
[DOCTOR] It's a good thing I like you.
[PERI] Right now, the feeling isn't mutual.
[DOCTOR] What more do you want? I've cleared up as you requested. I'vestabilised the chameleon circuit.
[PERI] So now what will we materialise as?
[DOCTOR] A police box. I think.
[PERI] Well, better than a pyramid or Nelson's column.
[DOCTOR] We have never materialised as Nelson's column!
[PERI] We did as a pyramid. On the frozen plains of Ewa Nine, remember?
[DOCTOR] It's a good thing I'm a tolerant man, because sometimes youpush me too far.
[PERI] You're the most inconsistent and intolerant man I've ever met.
[DOCTOR] Intolerant?
(Outside the console room)
[DOCTOR] Intolerant?
[DOCTOR] Intolerant? Me?
[PERI] Then why are you shouting?
[DOCTOR] Because
[DOCTOR] There's something wrong.
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] Shush. There's something amiss in the power transmissionsystem.
[PERI] Still? After all the work you've done?
[DOCTOR] It's the one area I didn't check.
[PERI] Oh, great. Aren't there emergency power circuits or something?
[DOCTOR] It seems that function is about to become defunct too.
[PERI] Terrific.
[DOCTOR] The problem is, Peri, we are faced with a conundrum wrapped upin a dilemma.
[PERI] What exactly does that mean?
[DOCTOR] We could very well be stuck in a limbo of space and time.
[PERI] For how long?
[DOCTOR] Eternity.
(Governor's office)
[SIL] You're a reasonable man. Lower the price of your commodity alittle, please.
[GOVERNOR] My people deserve fair prices for the Zeiton-7 ore.
[SIL] Who else will buy from you if my corporation withdraws itscontract?
[GOVERNOR] We shall have to find other outlets, I should think.
[SIL] You are not a rich planet. Zeiton is all you have to sell.
[GOVERNOR] There are other exports. We're expanding into entertainmentsand communications with some success.
[SIL] How?
[GOVERNOR] The Punishment Dome. We sell tapes of what happens there.
[SIL] Ah, that is enterprising. Your idea, Governor?
[SIL] Are they very disturbing, these videos you sell?
[GOVERNOR] They show what befalls those who refuse to obey the orders bywhich the people of Varos must live.
[SIL] Torture? Blindness? Executions?
[GOVERNOR] All the functions of the Punishment Dome are recorded aswarnings to miscreants everywhere.
[SIL] But they entertain as well as instruct?
[GOVERNOR] You must ask my Chief Officer. He is responsible for ComTecDivision product.
[SIL] I will hope to help organise your sales exports, if you consent tolower your Zeiton price.
[GOVERNOR] I can't. I'm sorry.
[SIL] Then my patience is exhausted and spent totally.
[CHIEF] The people are anxious for a decision on the new price of ourproduct.
[GOVERNOR] Negotiations between ourselves and Galtron Mining are farfrom complete. The broadcast must be delayed.
[CHIEF] Impossible. The rules must be obeyed by Governors as well asprisoners.
[GOVERNOR] What is the difference?
[CHIEF] What point have you reached, gentlemen?
[SIL] Stalemate, on contract, royalties, everything.
[CHIEF] But surely, a little movement regarding cost?
[SIL] Already I have gone beyond my authority to meet the stubbornnessof this Governor.
[GOVERNOR] We must have an increase of price. We must.
[SIL] I will wait. Perhaps the next Governor will be more sensible ofreality.
[GOVERNOR] I am the Governor. You deal with me.
[SIL] But tonight you must place yourself at the mercy of the votes ofyour people. Should they not agree with your stubborn stance, you maybe obliterated.
[CHIEF] He is right, sir.
[GOVERNOR] I am not afraid to die. My family have served and perished atthe will of the people. Now, if it is my turn, so be it.
[DOCTOR] That's interesting, not to say arresting.
[PERI] Where are we?
[DOCTOR] Neither here nor there.
[PERI] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Somewhere. Let's see.
[DOCTOR] Stalled, in the equivalent of a galactic lay-by. See?
[PERI] No.
[DOCTOR] Midway between Cetes and Sculptor. Materialised into actual andtemporal void.
[PERI] Yes, but why won't it move?
[DOCTOR] This is the one problem the Tardis cannot overcome. Like allthings in the universe, she cannot move without power and energy.
[PERI] Yes, Doctor, but we can. Don't give up, please.
[DOCTOR] It's all right for you, Peri.
[PERI] Me? Why is it okay for me?
[DOCTOR] You've only got one life. You'll age here in the Tardis andthen die. Me, I shall go on regenerating until all my lives are spent.
(Control area)
[SIL] Like this Governor we do not. Replace youmust arrange most soon. That is what our secret payments to you arefor.
[CHIEF] My dear Sil, a little patience is all that is required. Trustme.
[SIL] Do you think he suspects the truth of matters?
[CHIEF] No, he simply wants a better deal.
[SIL] Maybe I should dispense with your payoffs. Perhaps I should offerthat and you to him.
[CHIEF] You simply really mustn't threaten me. You need me for what youhope to gain here.
[SIL] If I do not succeed one way, I favour another. Enough talk. Iwould wish to witness the suffering moments of this fool Governorship.
(Governor's office)
[CHIEF] I'm sorry. Sil refuses toincrease his offer.
[GOVERNOR] In a few moments, I have to appear before ViewPol. Proposefurther austerities, food dole, work feed cuts. They won't accept it.The vote against me will be overwhelming. We know what that will do.
[CHIEF] The Constitution requires that Governors who fail to please themajority must suffer. It is the price of failure.
[GOVERNOR] Even until death. I wish I had something to offer the peopleof Varos. Something to give them hope.
[CHIEF] Bend the truth a little. Imply you intend to squeeze a fewmillion extra credits at the Galatron negotiations, and if you don't,well, fools have short memories.
[BAX] You must make ready for the broadcast, sir.
[GOVERNOR] Yes, yes, yes.
[GOVERNOR] Good evening.
(Control area)
[GOVERNOR [on screen]] For centuries, the Galatron Mining Corporationhas declared rich dividends by exploiting our labour. Now is the timeto steel ourselves for sacrifice, to gain what is ours by right.
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[GOVERNOR [on screen]] As always, I seek ways tomarket the resources of our poor planet
[ARAK] Blah, blah, blah. Get to the point.
[ETTA] Shut your mouth.
[GOVERNOR [on screen]] Seven credits per unit of zeiton ore mined iswhat I asked.
[ARAK] Well, you won't get it.
[ETTA] One more yak out of you, Arak, and you're down on my ViewStatreport as a subvert.
[GOVERNOR [on screen]] Surely that is not too much to ask.
[ARAK] I'm entitled to an opinion.
[ETTA] Entitled to a vote is all.
[ARAK] I know how I'll use that, then.
[GOVERNOR [on screen]] Viewers of Varos, I ask that we agree to hold outfor what is a fair price for our principal marketable resource, that ofzeiton ore. Those who wish to fight alongside me for a prosperoustomorrow, vote Yes to a ten percent reduction of our food rations.Those who wish for full bellies today and nothing to eat tomorrow havethe option to punch their No button.
[ARAK] Right.
[ARAK] He's lost! Go on, pour it on and on.
[ETTA] No, no.
[ARAK] Yes, he's going. Yes, he's snuffed it!
[ETTA] Has he?
[ARAK] Oh. Well, next time. Next time for sure.
[ETTA] He's strong. That's three losing votes in a row!
[ARAK] Yeah. Next vote will see him blasted out for sure. No one's evertaken four bashings from that cell disintegrator thing.
[ETTA] I wish you'd leave him alone.
[ARAK] Why? He's the worst Governor we've had since. Well, since
[ETTA] Since the last one?
(Control area)
[SIL] Is the Governor no more?
[BAX] He survived. Just.
[SIL] We must arrange good riddance of this bad Governor soon.
[CHIEF] He is weakened by the human cell disintegration bombardment.Engage him in negotiations now and you may gain advantage.
[GOVERNOR] Permission to leave Governor's domain.
[CHIEF] Congratulations, sir. You survived the vote.
[SIL] Soon, your death will be apparent. You will see. Should we tryagain to reach agreement before I must communicate with my executivecouncil?
[SIL] Now or never!
[GOVERNOR] Give me a moment or two.
[SIL] Very well. Transport me to the office of the Governor.
[SIL] I find the G-forces of this Varos size world quite excessive.
[GOVERNOR] I'm so tired.
[CHIEF] I warned the people would not accept yet more rationing cuts forwhatever the reason.
[GOVERNOR] This system of referendum, how much longer can I survive?
[CHIEF] One more vote?
[BAX] Governor, may I suggest you do something to please, to entertain,to please the people. Just to give yourself time to recover yourstrength. Why not give them the life of the rebel Jondar? After all,it's his death or yours.
[GOVERNOR] It would have to be something different.
[BAX] I thought perhaps by laser obliteration, sir, by a concentratedbuild-up of power. Neutralise the Q switch. That way, the random laseremitter builds up to a giant pulse of light, an explosion of focusedlaser energy that would wipe the prisoner out of existence.
[GOVERNOR] We have never shown that style of despatch.
[CHIEF] Too quick. It would be over too soon. We'd never be able to sellso swift an execution.
[BAX] It's the uncertainly. No one knows quite when the power will blow.We could get at least ten minutes of tension out of his apprehensionand fear.
[CHIEF] It's novel, I suppose.
[BAX] I'm sure the video of his execution would sell. You said we mustexport or die.
[GOVERNOR] Yes. Yes, I did. Very well, arrange it. And Bax
[BAX] Sir?
[GOVERNOR] Thank you for the suggestion.
[BAX] End random pulses. Conserve CB. Neutralise Q switch. Activateviewer warning of imminent public execution.
[BAX] Sir?
[QUILLAM] The idea for the random laser obliteration, did that come fromyou?
[BAX] Yes, Mister Quillam.
[QUILLAM] Well done. New variation of execution is always welcome.
[BAX] Thank you, sir.
[QUILLAM] I'll bear you in mind when my rehabilitation section'sreorganised.
[BAX] Thank you, sir. I'd welcome a chance to work with you in prisonresearch.
[QUILLAM] Ah, Chief. What of the seditionist's woman? Does the Governorrequire shots of her witnessing her husband's obliteration?
[CHIEF] He didn't ask for them.
[QUILLAM] No sense of theatre.
[CHIEF] Shall I order it?
[QUILLAM] Oh, no, no, no. I have other delights in store for that lady.
[PERI] Here, a little something to stop you sighing like a steam engine.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[PERI] Tardis manual. I found it in the workshop propping open a vent.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yeah. Started reading that once.
[PERI] Hey! Won't that tell you what's wrong with the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Huh, I know perfectly well what category of disaster hasbefallen us.
[PERI] The comparator?
[DOCTOR] No. No, not this time. Might as well confirm my diagnosis.Something to pass eternity with, I suppose.
[PERI] Doctor, the column moved!
[DOCTOR] Oh, yeah? Probably some vestigial power passing through to thetransitional elements. Which would mean
[DOCTOR] Where are we?
[PERI] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Hold that. Don't lose the place. And don't give up hope.Not yet.
[PERI] Yes, Doctor.
(Governor's office)
[GOVERNOR] Another attempt will be made to obtain better terms for themining of our resources. One other pronouncement. As Governor, I holdfinal say as to the appeal against sentence of death. The rebel Jondar,although enduring his pre-execution ordeal well, must neverthelesssuffer the fate of all who transgress the rules of our society.
(Control area)
[GOVERNOR [on screen]] At eight o'clock, then, attend to your screens towitness what must befall all who oppose the reality of our justconstitution.
[RONDEL] The order for your husband's execution has just been received.
[ARETA] When is it?
[RONDEL] Soon.
[ARETA] Jondar was your friend.
[RONDEL] Before he rebelled against orders.
[ARETA] Curious to see how the life of a guard has changed you.
[RONDEL] I can do nothing.
[ARETA] Rondel! Do you know what he found, what he saw?
[RONDEL] No. Please!
[ARETA] While the rest of us toil without hope, the officer elite enjoypower and luxury.
[RONDEL] Lies!
[ARETA] Varos is what is always was. A prison planet, a colony for thecriminally insane. The descendants of the original officers still rule,by fear, with the spectacle of death our only entertainment. That iswhat Jondar found, what he learnt. That is why they want to kill him.
[RONDEL] I must leave.
[ARETA] Can't we make an attempt to save him? Rondel, please.
[RONDEL] It's too late.
[DOCTOR] TR reading from the IV table.
[PERI] Is that in the hypertime ratio section.
[DOCTOR] Where else?
[PERI] Er, orthoganal reading is Zee S plus 101 EQ.
[DOCTOR] Zee? Oh, zed.
[PERI] Yes.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's as it should be. The power conversion factor isstable, so why aren't we receiving full transmission of that power?There's a possibility. May I?
[PERI] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Let me see. Yes, we might. We'll try. Hold that.
[PERI] Doctor, it's working!
[DOCTOR] With the last vestiges of our emergency power booster. Enoughfor a limited flight, no further. The thing that depresses me most ofall is that the transitional elements have lost the capacity togenerate orbital energy and should be, must be, replaced.
[PERI] How long would that take?
[DOCTOR] No time at all. If we can obtain enough zeiton-7 to reline thetranspower system, the Tardis will be like, well, as she was. No, it'snot the fitting that's the problem. Zeiton is a very rare element. It'sonly to be found on one planet.
[PERI] Well, let's go there, then.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh. I suppose if we use the emergency power booster tobypass the failing circuits, we could just reach the planet of Varos inthe constellation of Cetes. Question is, when? If we miss their miningera, we'll be stranded for evermore.
[PERI] Well, anything's better than being stuck here.
[QUILLAM] What's inside that skull? Anger? Fear?
[ARETA] Hatred of you, Quillam.
[QUILLAM] Ah, but hatred of yourself as well. We all have some parts ofour mind that we consider unworthy, some memory that makes us shudderand squirm. Do you know what my process of transmutation does? Itfocuses on the seeds of fear in your mind and makes them grow untilyou, your body, your face, your entire being, transforms into the imagein your mind. You should turn into something quite interesting. Areptile, or something simian perhaps.
[ARETA] Or something truly loathsome, such as you.
[QUILLAM] Take her to the rehabilitation unit.
(Punishment Dome)
[CHIEF] For sedition, thought rebellion, andincitement of other rebels to organise, to unionise and to terrorisethe workforce of Varos, the vote of the people was for your death totake place by laser obliteration.
[JONDAR] The Governor was to consider my appeal!
[CHIEF] Our Governor bows to the will of his people. As Systems Arbiterand Chief Officer, I confirm that the conditions of the Constitutionhave been complied with. I therefore permit your execution to proceed.
[JONDAR] When will this be, Chief Officer?
[CHIEF] At eight o'clock. You have ample time to compose yourself foreternity. All of five short minutes.
[CHIEF] It isn't exactly certain when obliteration takes place. Standclear of the execution site. You have your anti-hallucination helmet?
[MALDAK] Yes, sir.
[CHIEF] Good. Switched on?
[MALDAK] Yes, sir.
[CHIEF] Good. We wouldn't wish for one of my guards to succumb to thephantoms of the Punishment Dome. Not with all of Varos watching.
[MALDAK] No, sir.
[DOCTOR] Ah, who's this coming to welcome us?
(Punishment Dome)
[MALDAK] Control. Senior Guard Maldak 239. Report of fault onanti-hallucination helmet. Am experiencing sensory distortion.Permission to withdraw?
[CHIEF [OC]] Stay until after execution.
[MALDAK] Understood.
[PERI] Artificial atmosphere, enclosed,underground, breathable.
[DOCTOR] With distorted readings from a nearby power source.
[PERI] What kind of place is this, Doctor? Why did that man fire at usand then turn away as if we didn't exist?
[DOCTOR] Let's go and ask him.
(Control area)
[BAX] Sir, Chief, there's something wrong.
[CHIEF] Be quiet!
[BAX] But we
[CHIEF] Attend to your function!
[SIL] Silence! Execution is imminent.
[GOVERNOR] What is it?
[SIL] This is the most wonderful entertainment.
(Punishment Dome)
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[PERI] Hi!
[DOCTOR] Not interrupting anything?
[MALDAK] I know how this place works. I know you are but a product of mymind, and I choose to resist you to know that you cannot exist.
[DOCTOR] Quite right.
[MALDAK] Control, Control, my anti-hallucination switch is sufferingmalfunction. Permission to withdraw.
[DOCTOR] That's what we've come to fix. Isn't that right, Peri?
[PERI] Yes, sure.
[DOCTOR] Let me have it. Come on. Give it to me now.
[PERI] Doctor, careful!
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
(Control area)
[SIL] Is this planned?
[GOVERNOR] Certainly not. What's happened?
[CHIEF] I'll alert the IR squad immediately, sir.
[BAX] Sir, there's another group
[CHIEF] Yes, thank you, we have seen.
[GOVERNOR] Are they rebels?
[BAX] I don't know.
[GOVERNOR] We must, we must act.
[SIL] They must be apprehended, sentenced, executed. All of them!
[GOVERNOR] Attend to it.
[CHIEF] Sir. Bax!
[BAX] Sir.
[SIL] My company is only interested in stable situations.
[GOVERNOR] Varos has been stable for more than two hundred years.
[SIL] See you remain so, or a most unfavourable report I will give!
[SIL] Help him.
[SIL] Now, my dear friend, what is good price for your zeiton-7 ore?
[GOVERNOR] Seven credits per unit. Seven. I'm so, so tired.
[SIL] Seven credits a unit, when the engineers of every known solarsystem cry out for his product to drive their space-time craft? Aplanet of fools who don't realise their luck and don't deserve to.Return to our craft. Alert the Council to have a colonising force sentto this sector.
[SLAVE] Right.
[SIL] When I control this planet, I will possess the means of powerthroughout this entire galaxy! And, perhaps, for all others beyond.
(Punishment Dome)
[JONDAR] Help me! Whoever you are, quickly!
[DOCTOR] Peri, pull his away from the wall.
[PERI] Like this?
[DOCTOR] That's it. Right, hold. Close your eyes and wish for luck. Herewe go.
[DOCTOR] Right, now the other one.
[JONDAR] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] Let's get back to the Tardis, I'll explain there.
[PERI] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Then again, retreat another way might be a more viable idea.
[PERI] They're too close.
[DOCTOR] Help me turn this round.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[DOCTOR] Come on!
(Control area)
[CHIEF] Kill laser connection!
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[ARAK] Run! Run! Go on, run!
[DOCTOR] It's a dead end.
[JONDAR] I can't go on much further.
[PERI] Nor me.
[DOCTOR] What is this place?
[JONDAR] An ordinary prison once, but now. There's a patrol car coming.I'm sorry, I thought there was an escape cell down here.
[DOCTOR] Let's create a little difficulty for our uniformed friends,shall we?
[JONDAR] Why should you want to help me?
[DOCTOR] You're the only person we've encountered so far who hasn'ttried to destroy us. Help me. Pull! Pull!
[DOCTOR] Ah! Right, let's see what I can do with this. Stand back.
(Control area)
[CHIEF] Where's that emergency lighting?
[DOCTOR] If you insist.
[PERI] (to Jondar) This way.
(Escape cell)
[ARETA] I thought we'd lost you. They set up your execution so quicklywe couldn't even stage an attempt at a rescue.
[JONDAR] I thought he was sent by you.
[DOCTOR] I will explain. I'd sooner leave whatever this place is and getback to the safety of the Tardis, er, ship.
[JONDAR] Spaceship?
[PERI] Something like that.
[ARETA] Rondal's agreed to help us escape through the guard's entrance.
[RONDAL] We must leave straightaway.
[DOCTOR] First, I want to know what this place is.
[JONDAR] This place is where the innocent are tortured as the populationgloats over our efforts to survive.
[RONDAL] Not all enjoy. Some of us seek to help.
[ARETA] For every Rondal there are thousands of Varosians slumped overtheir wall screens, deadened by overwork and starvation.
[DOCTOR] Starvation? But Varos has precious mineral deposits. Zeiton-7.
[JONDAR] That stuff. Who wants it?
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't say no to a little.
[RONDAL] We must go.
(Arak and Etta's room)
[ARAK] Great! Great, they're getting away!
[ETTA] Yeah, but wait till they meet the guards at the end of thetunnel.
[ARAK] Nah, they'll be all right. This batch of rebos are good.
[ETTA] I like that one, the one in the funny clothes.
[DOCTOR] Back.
[DOCTOR] All these cameras, do they feed pictures from here into everyhome?
[JONDAR] The whole dome is wired. Areas of ingenious danger lurk inevery corner. You can die in so many varied and spectacular ways.
[ARETA] The cruel thing is that there is supposed to be safe routeleading towards an exit. Freedom.
[DOCTOR] If we can get back to the Tardis, we can get away from heremuch more easily.
[PERI] You find a way back to the Tardis and then the Doctor'll bedelighted to demonstrate.
[ARETA] Do you know where we are?
[JONDAR] Near the purple zone, next to the interrogation and executionarea.
[ARETA] Is there another way to get back to his spaceship?
[DOCTOR] Tardis.
[JONDAR] Not without traversing the purple zone.
[ARETA] Then we're trapped. Good as dead.
[DOCTOR] Not yet. Let's see what this purple passage has to offer.
[JONDAR] Is he sane, this Doctor?
[PERI] Sometimes.
[DOCTOR] Peri, this is no time for casual conversation.
[PERI [OC]] Coming.
[DOCTOR] We must pass through quickly. Quickly! The guards might returnany time.
[JONDAR] Come on. We must try.
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[ARAK] Oh, I like this section. I wonder if theyknow what's waiting.
[ETTA] This'll sort them out.
(Purple Zone)
[DOCTOR] Of course, that's it. Close your eyes.
[PERI] I can't.
[DOCTOR] Close them. Now! Right, now all take hands. That's it. Now,follow me. It's just an illusion.
[DOCTOR] Come on, but whatever happens, keep your eyes closed.
(Control area)
[SIL] He's not a fool, your intruder.
[BAX] Perhaps just lucky.
[CHIEF] Or he has received information on how the dome works. There wasa guard helping them.
[BAX] The prison contains too many devices. No one could know or survivethem all.
[SIL] They do not seem or act like Varosians. They could be from a rivalcompany! The Amorb-Prospect Division. I would want the strangersremoved for questioning.
[CHIEF] Get me a line to patrol headquarters.
[BAX] Yes, Chief.
[SIL] Then check on that object found near the execution chamber. Haveit brought here at once!
[DOCTOR] All clear.
[PERI] Oh, what was that thing we saw? A creature from my worstimaginings.
[DOCTOR] It might in fact. Ah ha! There we are.
[ARETA] A gee-jee fly? But it was huge!
[DOCTOR] We thought it was. That little fly was enlarged by the effectof the purple zone on our visual cortex. Once the purple light waseliminated, we were restored to a proper sense of proportion.Interesting.
[PERI] Is everything we experience here like that?
[JONDAR] No, some dangers are very real. The crowd loves to watchtrialists face a danger they believe to be imaginary. The viewersapplaud and shout with laughter as we poor fools walk towards certaindeath.
[DOCTOR] Who loves to watch?
[JONDAR] Almost all of Varos. It's the way the officers divertdiscontent, questions, thoughts of revolution.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Let's see what else this fun palace has to offer.
[PERI] Oh, what a stench. Phew!
[JONDAR] Animal.
[DOCTOR] Real or imaginary? Just as loathsome. The niff at least is notan illusion. Or is it?
[JONDAR] Just like ComTec design to put a real monster immediatelybeyond an imaginary one.
[DOCTOR] Or is that exactly how they would expect us to reason. One wayto find out.
[PERI] No, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] It's all right, they're lights. Green lights, two of them.
(Control area)
[BAX] The ViewPop like them. We've received verygood punch-in appreciation figures.
[CHIEF] Good. All the more impact when they are captured, tried andexecuted. A rebo leader, and his woman, and intruders from anotherworld. That's not only prime time viewing here, but the recording oftheir final agonies will sell on every civilised world.
(Execution area)
[PERI] The Tardis should be
[DOCTOR] Just here.
[DOCTOR] It was just here.
[ARETA] Your ship has gone?
[DOCTOR] It most certainly has.
[JONDAR] Where?
[PERI] Yes, Doctor, where?
[DOCTOR] Well, it can't be far away. Hmm. Come on.
(Control area)
[SIL] This mysterious most is.
[CHIEF] There's an explanation. The strangers will be captured soon,then we'll force some answers.
[SIL] Who are other people helping rebels? If he should be of anothermining corporation, our contracts are ended.
[GOVERNOR] No, he is unknown to us.
[SIL] I would wish them dead. Only that would please my company.
[GOVERNOR] Close them out, Chief. Use every guard available. I'll talkto the people. Arrange it quickly.
[BAX] What about this?
[GOVERNOR] Keep trying to open it.
[PERI] All these corridors look the same to me.
[DOCTOR] Check down there.
[JONDAR] Shush. There's a patrol car coming. Quick!
[PERI] Doctor, look out!
[GUARD] There's one!
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[ARAK] They've had it now.
[MALDAK] Make a fool of me, would you? Take her to the Prison ControlCentre. The others, to the termination cell.
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[ETTA] Oh, dear. And I really liked him.
[GOVERNOR [on screen]] Good evening.
[ARAK] Oh, no. What's he want?
[ETTA] Shut up and listen.
(Governor's office)
[GOVERNOR] I must report that the attempt to divertthe course of justice has been repelled. The rebel and his compatriotshave either been captured or destroyed. The extent of the rebellion isgreater than feared, and help from another source, perhaps from anotherworld, is suspected. The vehicle of their transport is now in thepossession of my officer guard. The leader of the invaders is at thismoment walking into a no-options kill centre. There he will suffer thefate of all who seek to overturn the law of Varos.
[GOVERNOR] I ask you to vote now upon my campaign to halt insurrection.I await your verdict. Yes, and the rebellion will be crushed. No, andno doubt another Governor will have other plans.
[GOVERNOR] Thank you.
(Kill centre)
[PERI] Drink, Doctor? Drink, Doctor. Drink water. Drink water.
[DOCTOR] Peri!
(Control area)
[CHIEF] What a wonderful thing a man's mind is. The hallucinatoryinductor makes him believe he cannot survive, and soon he will beunable to draw one breath after the next.
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[ARAK] Have we got anything to drink?
(Control area)
[PERI] Doctor!
[GOVERNOR] Keep quiet! We're recording. The moment approaches. Close upon death throes, please.
[BAX] No sign of life, sir.
[SIL] Dead as death!
[BAX] How long should I hold?
[GOVERNOR] And cut it, now.
(Control area)
[PERI] You animals! What have you done to theDoctor?
[CHIEF] Show her.
[PERI] No, I don't believe it. He can't be dead.
[GOVERNOR] I'm afraid he is.
[PERI] You did it. You killed him.
[GOVERNOR] Not really. He had an hallucination that he was lost in adesert. His mind thought he was dying of thirst.
[SIL] His body agreed, so die they did.
[PERI] What is that thing?
[CHIEF] Show some respect.
[GOVERNOR] Now, tell me, the dead intruder was called the Doctor?
[CHIEF] So who are you?
[SIL] Answer. Answer. Answer!
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[ARAK] Why do they keep showing that stiff?
[ETTA] They know what they're doing.
[ETTA] Ah!
[ARAK] What?
[ETTA] He moved!
[ARAK] Reflex.
[ETTA] Maybe he isn't fully dead.
[ARAK] Then he soon will be. Here comes the acid bath.
[ETTA] Oh, I hate this bit.
[ARAK] They always do that. It's to show the acid's highly corrosive.
[ETTA] Shut up.
(Control area)
[CHIEF] Who are you?
[PERI] You wouldn't believe me.
[SIL] You agents of Amorb are!
[PERI] I don't know what that is or even what he says.
[GOVERNOR] Sil's language transposer has an eccentric communicationcircuit. But, don't tell him, it's my only amusement.
[CHIEF] Don't upset the Galatron delegate, please. We need thatagreement to sell the zeiton ore to his company.
[GOVERNOR] On the starvation rate he offers us?
[CHIEF] Who else will buy our only asset?
[GOVERNOR] Why not find other mining companies who will refine zeitonore on better terms? Who will pay the seven credits per unit I ask? Whynot Amorb?
[SIL] Never!
[CHIEF] The people of Varos have voted to accept Sil's final terms. Youas Governor must impose their will or suffer death by7 default.
[GOVERNOR] After I extract the truth about this girl and her companion,the Doctor. Come.
(Acid bath room)
[DOCTOR] I had the most peculiar dream
[DOCTOR] You'll forgive me if I don't join you.
(Governor's office)
[GOVERNOR] What's the matter? Oh, you grieve for his death. I forgetthat people do.
[PERI] You don't?
[GOVERNOR] I did once, but now death is my only friend, my constant andloving companion. Can you feel his, his cold presence?
[PERI] I don't want to, thanks.
[GOVERNOR] You should. Your life is even more at risk than mine.
[CHIEF] The Doctor, he's escaped.
[GOVERNOR] How? He's dead.
[CHIEF] Not dead. He was just pretending to be.
[PERI] He's alive?
[CHIEF] And running.
[CHIEF] Good?
[GOVERNOR] Recapture him, and we bargain this girl's life forinformation from our Doctor friend.
[PERI] And I thought you were a bit better than these other brutes.
[GOVERNOR] I'm sorry.
(Uniform store)
[DOCTOR] I thought you were my mirror image until I realised that Iwasn't holding a gun.
[QUILLAM] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] A student of science, much interested in primitive nucleartechnology.
[QUILLAM] The mask. Remove it.
[QUILLAM] I've seen you on the screens. You've returned from the dead.
[DOCTOR] A waste of effort. I assume there will be something novel byway of spectacle to mark my return to that state?
[QUILLAM] I should think something might be arranged. Let's have alittle word with the executioners. They're always on the lookout forfresh material.
[DOCTOR] After you.
[QUILLAM] I don't think so.
(Governor's office)
[SIL] Why is she on Varos?
[GOVERNOR] She won't say.
[SIL] Are you employed agent of other mining companies, you and that manwho was dead?
[PERI] No.
[SIL] Liar! You belong to Amorb, you lying liar.
[GOVERNOR] Why should she belong to Amorb? Well?
[PERI] I'm from another time, another century. Nearly three centuriesbefore you were born, I lived in another world. I had an idea youwouldn't believe me.
[GOVERNOR] You were right.
[CHIEF] Give her to the rehabilitators. A disturbance of her molecularstructure will bring out the truth.
[SIL] Put her into the reshapement chamber. Watch her change into beastor bird.
[PERI] No.
[GOVERNOR] Why are you here, Peri? Tell me, please.
[PERI] All right. Our Tardis, that box thing outside, is, if you like, aship of time, a sort of spacecraft. Well, I don't understand thetechnical stuff, but the Doctor said we must have this special metal tofix the bearings or something, so we had to come here. That's just whatwe did.
[SIL] She's laughing at us, all over the face.
[PERI] It's the truth!
[GOVERNOR] No matter. Once again, we've captured the mysterious Doctor.Quillam came across him at Prison Control.
[CHIEF] He'd have liked that, sir.
[GOVERNOR] Yes. How long is it since we rigged a primitive execution,Chief?
[CHIEF] Not since after the Outer Dome sabotage trial.
[GOVERNOR] Hmm. I think it's time we staged another.
[CHIEF] They're always most enjoyable, aren't they, sir.
[PERI] What kind of people are you?
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[ARAK] What're you doing?
[ETTA] My viewers report.
[ARAK] I'm not on it, am I? I was tired. Reports. Spying. Working menshould be
[ETTA] Yes? Yes? Go on.
[ARAK] Er, not taken seriously for the rubbish they may have spokenearlier on.
[DOCTOR] All very traditional. The whole ghastly ritualto be played out.
[JONDAR] Four nooses.
[DOCTOR] No need to ask for whom.
[JONDAR] But there's only three of us.
[ARETA] A spare. They're very thorough.
[DOCTOR] A fourth noose for Peri is a more likely explanation. But whyisn't she in here with us?
[JONDAR] Plenty of other prisoners the authorities would be happy to ridthemselves of.
[DOCTOR] Why are they so anxious to eliminate you?
[JONDAR] Because I was curious. I used to maintain the surface shuttlecars. One day I was required to deliver the cars to the dome where theChief Officer lives. I was never allowed in. Security was excessive,even for Varos. That day my curiosity became too much. I hid inside acar, went inside to where the elite live. Luxury, richness, wealth. Ididn't see much, but enough to know that a giant deception had beenplayed against all of our people except for the favoured, the veryfavoured, few. I pretended I'd seen nothing.
[ARETA] The suspicion that perhaps he had was enough to bring him to theDome of Punishment as fodder for their displays of cruelty andviolence.
[JONDAR] Areta is my wife. They condemned her, too.
[DOCTOR] Without trial.
[JONDAR] Secret trial.
[ARETA] It's the same thing.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[JAILER] Your appeal has been turned down. I'm sorry.
[DOCTOR] So would I have been, if I'd asked for one.
[DOCTOR] Do you always get the priest parts?
[PRIEST] We are gathered here today in the sight of the great Video toask forgiveness and make atonement for three amongst us who havetransgressed the laws of Varos.
[PERI] Doctor, I'm sorry. I've tried everything. They just won't believethe truth.
[DOCTOR] Truth is a very flexible commodity here on Varos, Peri. As longas things appear truthful, that's all that matters.
[GOVERNOR] Enlighten us as to the truth about your visit, please,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Why, to help Varos realise the wealth of its potential, whatelse?
[SIL] How, by eating rocks? Kill him! Execute them!
[CHIEF] He must have listened to the rebel Jondar and believed his lies.
[GOVERNOR] Yes, yes. What is the staging plan, Chief?
[CHIEF] The men to hang. The women, I would suggest, be given toreshapement and cell mutation experiment, the results to be exhibitedas a warning to women who support their men in acts of violationagainst the regulations of Varos. I'm sorry you'll be denied the sightof the ladies turning into, well, who knows what. A serpent? A griffin?A new admixture of fish and fowl?
[GOVERNOR] Anything to add, Doctor? Anything which might persuade me tohalt the sequence of events?
[DOCTOR] One request.
[CHIEF] One last request? Yes?
[DOCTOR] Who is he? Why is he here?
[SIL] What interest can my presence matter?
[GOVERNOR] The delegate from the Galatron Mining Corporation is here tonegotiate our yearly review of market price for the ore of Varos.
[DOCTOR] Zeiton ore? Zeiton-7?
[DOCTOR] I see. Thank you.
[GOVERNOR] Is that all you wish to know?
[DOCTOR] For the moment.
[SIL] That's all you have, Doctor.
[CHIEF] Take the women away.
[PERI] Doctor, do something!
[ARETA] Jondar! Jondar!
[PRIEST] In the name of the great Video and of Varos, who gave his nameto our planet, accept the lives of these humble deviants in recompensefor their sins. We pray that you will continue to look benignly downupon your devoted servants.
[GOVERNOR] Anything to say, Doctor? Anything which may yet save yourlives?
[DOCTOR] Sorry?
[GOVERNOR] So am I. All right.
[DOCTOR] Wait!
[GOVERNOR] I knew it. Hold on broadcast. No sound or vision.
[DOCTOR] My death will prevent Varos from ever progressing out of thereach of extortion of such as the Galatron Mining Company. Our deathswill send any hope for this planet back into the pit of fear andmisery, which has for so long been the lot of its people.
[SIL] Pull the lever! Stretch them out of this life!
[DOCTOR] Wait! I came to this planet because I needed a new source ofenergy supply. My Tardis depends for its function upon a rare andprecious mineral of Varos. Zeiton-7. I can show you new prosperity.
[SIL] Destroy them now!
[GOVERNOR] I will give the order for execution.
[SIL] Kill! Kill! Kill!
[GOVERNOR] I trust you are unharmed, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Do you often employ the noose trick?
[GOVERNOR] As a means of eliciting true information, it has often beensuccessful. You suspected our bluff?
[DOCTOR] I noticed your cameras weren't broadcasting. A real executionwould have been broadcast.
[GOVERNOR] Ah, yes. What I have to discover now is the truth of yourstatements made from the scaffold.
[DOCTOR] I will discuss nothing, reveal nothing, until I have proof thatPeri and Areta have been released unharmed from the cell mutationexperiment.
[SIL] He has nothing to reveal. He is lying. An Amorb agent who wishesonly to usurp our worthy Galatron contracts by rashful promises.
[GOVERNOR] Until I can hear what each of you has to say or offer, thematter rests without decision. Should the Doctor be lying, he will findthe next noose about his neck will sever his head from his spinalcolumn. But should he be accurate in his appraisal of the potentialworth of our zeiton ore, I shall want to know, Sil, why you and yourcompany have been duping Varos these many generations.
[SIL] How dare I be spoken to like this! I will reject all offers!
[GOVERNOR] That releases me from my people's decision to accept them.Thank you.
[SIL] Pargh!
(Rehabilitation unit)
[QUILLAM] Preparation complete. To your posts.
[PERI] How long will the process last?
[ARETA] I heard them say it was a matter for initial experiment.
[PERI] Anything could happen to us just for their amusement.
[ARETA] Oh, something's happening to my arms.
[PERI] Mine feel strange too. My skin. Oh no!
(Control area)
[SIL] Intolerable all of this Doctor being allowed to live!
[CHIEF] The Governor likes and may believe him. Zeiton-7 has broughtyour company great wealth. You have miscalculated events. For the sakeof a few miserable extra credits you may have lost the source of allour wealth and power!
[SIL] Listen to me. I have plans to take charge of this planet of Varos.I have put in a request to have a Galatron occupation force to speed tothis sector. A little time is all we need, Chief.
[CHIEF] The Doctor will tell him the true value of zeiton!
[SIL] Only if his women are released unharmed. Have you done that?
[CHIEF] Not yet.
[SIL] Then let us observe the experiment of the tissue transmogrifier. Iam interested in science. I do not wish to impede its progress.
(Rehabilitation unit)
[SIL] Doctor's friend is feathered. The other one, she's almostattractive now. How long before permanent result ensues?
[CHIEF] I'm not exactly certain. It's not too long, I would think.
[SIL] Perhaps I'll keep them in my dome as pretty-pretty pets.
(Control area)
[QUILLAM] It is too advanced.
[DOCTOR] Well, where are they?
[GOVERNOR] There's a problem.
[DOCTOR] What?
[GOVERNOR] Something they call a transmogrifier was at too advanced astage.
[CHIEF] We were unable to reverse the transmutation of your lovelyladies.
[DOCTOR] There was plenty of time to halt the experiment.
[GOVERNOR] I gave explicit orders that the process be halted.
[CHIEF] Too late. Sorry.
[JONDAR] I'll kill him.
[DOCTOR] Who controls the transmutation experiment?
[GOVERNOR] Mister Quillam, our technical director and principal devisorof programmes.
[QUILLAM] And controller of all that happens in the People's Dome ofPunishment and Correction.
[JONDAR] Areta! Do something!
[GOVERNOR] It's probably too late.
[DOCTOR] Only probably.
[QUILLAM] It is an unstable process. Even I am not quite certain as tohow it works exactly.
[DOCTOR] That beam that radiates, what source of energy is it derivedfrom?
[QUILLAM] The nuclear bombardment beams release all the power latent inthe recipient's mind. If the changelings see themselves as unworthy,they can become serpentine or reptilian. She, for instance, must wishto fly away from trouble as would a bird.
[GOVERNOR] It's an offshoot of our mining research technology. We foundour miners growing fur and claws, the better, they thought, to digwith.
[DOCTOR] How can the process be reversed?
[QUILLAM] Who knows? We don't require such findings here.
[DOCTOR] And you call yourself a research scientist?
[QUILLAM] Certainly. Which is why this trial must continue. Anexperiment like this has never been so advanced or so successfulbefore.
[DOCTOR] Turn off the machine. They might still be restored tonormality.
[GOVERNOR] Mister Quillam, I make formal request.
[QUILLAM] I am Section Controller, a permanent position. No one ordersme. Certainly not a transient Governor in the twilight of his reign.
[DOCTOR] Who decides the authority of command?
[GOVERNOR] The regulations hand it to the Officer Guard by longtradition.
[DOCTOR] But it can be changed?
[QUILLAM] Not by him.
[GOVERNOR] You have held your position for too long, Mister Quillam.That becomes ever more obvious.
[QUILLAM] No one has the nerve or the will to wrest it from me, MisterGovernor, sir.
[DOCTOR] Do you still experiment on your own person?
[QUILLAM] Not any more. Why?
[DOCTOR] But in the past you exposed yourself to much danger, I think.
[QUILLAM] Yes. Why do you ask? How do you know?
[DOCTOR] Your mask.
[JONDAR] Hold it!
[DOCTOR] Gun. Thank you.
[DOCTOR] Turn off the transmutation process.
[QUILLAM] Take your choice. There must be a hundred switches to choosefrom, if it's a switch that controls the bombardment beams.
[JONDAR] Doctor, can you decide which?
[DOCTOR] No time.
[DOCTOR] You, out.
(Rehabilitation unit)
[DOCTOR] That won't be necessary. Keys. Thank you. Out.
[DOCTOR] We must have stopped the process before the finaltransformation was complete. Without final phase bombardment, theirbodily metabolism is reasserting itself. The guards must return soon.You said there's supposed to be an escape exit?
[JONDAR] On the other side of the dome, but to reach it from here isimpossible.
[DOCTOR] Not now. The odds are unpredictable. With the Control centredamaged we may yet have an outside chance. We must move on.
[JONDAR] What, leave them here?
[DOCTOR] No, take them with us.
[DOCTOR] Peri! Peri, can you hear me?
[JONDAR] Areta! Areta!
[DOCTOR] Can you move, Peri? Try! You are Peri. Peri.
[PERI] Peri?
[DOCTOR] I am the Doctor and you are Peri. Perpugilliam Brown.
[PERI] Peri.
[DOCTOR] It's a question of re-imprinting their identities, ofestablishing again who they are.
[JONDAR] Wake up, Areta. Come on!
[DOCTOR] Can you walk, Peri? Come on, try.
[PERI] I thought I could fly.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but walking is all that's required for now. Come on, Peri.Walk.
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[ARAK] What is going on? Boring scenes for hours, now this. Somebodywants shooting.
[ETTA] They know what they're doing.
[ARAK] They don't know what's what any more than you or that Governordo. It's rubbish. Gibberish. You'd watch anything, you would.
[ETTA] I wouldn't watch you.
(Control area)
[QUILLAM] There's no control. All maintenancereports confirm the attack damaged a large number of operatingcircuits. The effects are impossible to control.
[CHIEF] Why not shut off all the power?
[QUILLAM] And allow every prisoner in the dome to escape, including thisDoctor? Oh no, I want them delivered to me.
[CHIEF] The screens are still showing scenes from the Punishment Dome.
[QUILLAM] And they'll continue to do so. It's the only way we have ofassessing the effects of the damage done.
[CHIEF] But all of Varos can witness the confusion.
[QUILLAM] All they'll see is spectacle. Bizarre happenings, strangesights, and think we've organised them. They'll see rebels surprisedand overcome, and they'll be entertained long enough to allow us torepair the damage here and regain control.
[CHIEF] This Doctor must be eliminated. He smells the truth of things.
[QUILLAM] The dome will take care of him.
(Punishment dome)
[PERI] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Cover me. I'll get the girls.
[DOCTOR] Areta! Where's Peri? Where's Peri gone, Areta?
[DOCTOR] Quick, Jondar!
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[ARAK] That's more like it.
[ETTA] I thought he was dead.
[ARAK] No. Pay attention.
(Governor's office)
[SIL] My insulted person can stand no more! Eitheryou sign the newly agreed price for the zeiton ore, or I will leave youand the Varosian to starve on this miserablest of planets, with nothingto eat except unsold zeitony.
[GOVERNOR] You are in no position to threaten me now.
[CHIEF] Found wandering near Prison Control. I brought her here todisplay as evidence before the people.
[GOVERNOR] I will decide when and if I broadcast.
[CHIEF] Not any more.
[CHIEF] The regulations have a clause for just the situation that we arein now. At the end of every Governor's term there comes a time ofdisapproval, where the people tire of his incompetence. The wish tovote him down.
[GOVERNOR] The wish to see all the cells of his body destroyed.
[CHIEF] When the final vote is avoided, the Chief Officer is empoweredto insist on a final vote. You must accept full responsibility forfailing to quell the prison rebellion led by this woman and hercompanion, the Doctor. Prepare for your final broadcast, Governor.
[DOCTOR] We must find Peri.
[JONDAR] She could be anywhere.
(Governor's office)
[GOVERNOR] Here we will die, as have so many Governors. The Chief willbroadcast first. Anything I say after that will seem like bluster andlies.
[PERI] Can I speak? Can I say what I know?
[GOVERNOR] The ramblings of someone deranged by the transmogrificationprocess.
[PERI] But I'm fine now.
[GOVERNOR] We have no hope.
[PERI] How long?
[GOVERNOR] As soon as the Chief assembles the Officer Guard. Theregulations insist that the twelve most senior officers place theirnames in hazard. The Chief draws a name and the unlucky winner isbrought in here and forced to govern.
[PERI] In fear of suffering the same death
[GOVERNOR] Yes. The theory being that a man scared for his life willfind solutions to this planet's problems, except the poor unfortunatewill discover there are no popular solutions to the difficulties hewill find waiting for him here.
[PERI] It's crazy. Cruel.
[GOVERNOR] It's Varos. Maldak, isn't it?
[MALDAK] Yes, sir.
[GOVERNOR] Put your gun down. I have no intention of trying to escape.
[MALDAK] Can't do that, sir.
[GOVERNOR] Weren't you elected to the Officer Guard when my name wasdrawn as Governor?
[MALDAK] Correct, sir.
[GOVERNOR] Might I ask one favour? Let the girl go free.
[MALDAK] I can't do that, sir.
[GOVERNOR] You know that soon I will be destroyed. Soon a new Governorwill be elected.
[MALDAK] That is the custom, sir.
[GOVERNOR] What if the name they draw is yours? You've witnessed howimpossible the system is. You're an intelligent man. The regulationsare archaic, distorted, unworkable. Even if you're not chosen, anenquiry will be called. New Governors always have enquiries. It wasyou, wasn't it, who showed the Doctor and the rebel Jondar where thewomen were held captive.
[MALDAK] I couldn't help that, sir.
[GOVERNOR] They'll say you should have resisted.
[MALDAK] Just what is it that you want?
[GOVERNOR] For you to turn your back, let us go, find the Doctor who haswords and perhaps knowledge which might bring salvation to everyone,except the Chief and his cronies.
[MALDAK] No, sir, I can't do that.
[GOVERNOR] And Peri.
[MALDAK] No, sir. I'm sorry.
[GOVERNOR] At least, when the vote goes against me, and the human celldisintegrator beams pour down, kill Peri, please, to spare her from therehabilitators.
[GOVERNOR] I tried. We will die together.
[JONDAR] It's no good.
[DOCTOR] Where are we?
[JONDAR] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] I wonder why we've been allowed to progress so far into thedome without being apprehended?
[ARETA] This whole place is cracking up. The guards must be as confusedas we are.
[JONDAR] I think we're into what they call the endgame. Not manytrialists reach this stage.
[DOCTOR] Could that be where the escape exit would be?
[JONDAR] Presumably.
[DOCTOR] What are we waiting for? I must be cautious. From now on, Ibelieve the mind games and jolly tricks are over. What we're enteringnow could be the area of most dangerous ordeal.
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[CHIEF [on screen]] This is a forced vote. I haveexplained my actions. The Governor must now explain his, and then you,my fellow Varosians, must use your vote and decide.
[GOVERNOR [on screen]] I have addressed you many times, and you haveseen other Governors approach the ultimate crisis point of theirregime. The time of forced vote now is upon me. I am not afraid to die.
[ARAK] Good.
[ETTA] Hey!
(Governor's office)
[GOVERNOR] Your system is wrong. We sell ourselves cheaply for nothingto such as Sil and his like. I see my words mean nothing, that you allwish the harsh system of Varos to continue. So be it.
[PERI] Isn't there anything I can do?
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[ETTA] No! You've messed up the whole system. They'll be coming roundfor you. Voting twice, and using someone else's voting box? Bothcriminal offences.
(Governor's office)
[PERI] We must find the Doctor.
[MALDAK] He's in the End Zone.
[GOVERNOR] He must be seeking the safe exit.
[PERI] Well, let's go there, then.
[GOVERNOR] Not that way. There has to be another route.
[MALDAK] There is. The ventilation ducting.
[GOVERNOR] There's an outlet here.
[MALDAK] I once spent eight days down there searching for escapedprisoners. I know it only too well.
[PERI] Come on, then.
(End Zone)
[DOCTOR] No! Be gone. You are shadows, insubstantial ghosts. We arereal, you are not.
[DOCTOR] I think perhaps we should try another route.
(Control area)
[SIL] Where is Governor? Why is he still at life and liberty? Why iseverything no longer as it was?
[CHIEF] We are still the power.
[SIL] Why not you both prove it?
(End Zone)
[ARETA] What did he die from?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. His neck's swollen as if to burst. Poison,perhaps?
[JONDAR] Did he take it, or been given it?
[ARETA] Doctor!
[JONDAR] Fellow prisoners.
[DOCTOR] This is no time for speeches, Jondar.
[ARETA] What shall we do?
[DOCTOR] Stop, Areta!
[DOCTOR] If you value your lives, don't touch those tendrils. In, butdon't allow one touch.
[JONDAR] What do they want? Why do they want us?
[DOCTOR] I noticed a pile of bones back there. I think we were on theirdinner menu.
[JONDAR] Shush. Patrol car.
[ARETA] We're trapped.
[JONDAR] What do we do?
[DOCTOR] The best we can. Do you think you could attach this string tothat clump of vines without killing yourself?
[QUILLAM] I see you have a keen interest in the flora of Varos, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Just a passing fancy.
[CHIEF] It'll pass faster than you think. Kill them!
[QUILLAM] Wait. This man has insulted me. He must suffer for myhumiliation.
[CHIEF] This is no time for revenge. Kill them quickly!
[QUILLAM] And deprive Varos of an example of how traitors are dealtwith? The cameras are still functioning. Let the show begin. I want tohear them scream till I am deaf with pleasure. To see their limbs twistin excruciating agony. Ultimately their blood must gush and flow alongthe gutters of Varos. The whole planet must delight in their tortureand death.
[DOCTOR] An excellent scenario. Not mad about the part.
[QUILLAM] Proceed!
[DOCTOR] Let's get away from here.
[DOCTOR] Stay where you are! Don't move!
[PERI] What is it?
[DOCTOR] Poison. One touch and (slit throat gesture.)
[PERI] Poison ivy?
[DOCTOR] Something like that.
[DOCTOR] It'd give you a very nasty rash.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor.
(Control area)
[SIL] Plenipotentiary Sil to Galatron Occupation Force Commander. Urgentneed for instant invasion of planet Varos to consolidate our interest.React immediately!
[SIL] Water me. I must look my best to assume the emperorship of thisprimitive planet.
[SIL] Gently, gently. Take extreme care with my person if you wish toretain your skins. Ah, that's better. Mirror, mirror, mirror. Come on,mirror! Mirror! Oh yes, I will wear the mantle of power so, sohandsomely.
[SIL] Ah, there you are. I called you here to inform you that a force ofinvasion is about to land.
[DOCTOR] Really? From where?
[SIL] My home planet. From Thoros Beta. You had innumerable chances tosettle with me, Governor. Now your people will work for me. I will beGovernor of Governors. I will be Viceroy of Varos. The confirmation ofmy colonisation force.
[GOVERNOR] Report of zeiton-7 traces found on asteroid Biosculptor.Invasion of Varos cancelled.
[SIL] Argh!
[DOCTOR] The ways of the ruler are fraught with uncertainty, are theynot, Sil?
[SIL] Certainly. Certainly.
[GOVERNOR] There's more. New supplies of zeiton-7 required urgently.Start shipments immediately. Pay any price asked by Varosians. Well,shall we commence negotiations from a reasonable base?
[SIL] Of what? Of what?
[GOVERNOR] Twenty credits per unit.
[SIL] Twenty? Twenty? Argh!
[DOCTOR] I think he needs more than water, Peri, eh?
[PERI] Like cyanide.
[DOCTOR] Oh come, Peri, where's your sense of justice?
[PERI] What about that transmogrifier thing he put me in?
[DOCTOR] I think we'll leave the Varosians to work out their own idea ofjustice, Peri.
[GOVERNOR] I'm very grateful, Doctor. Varos is grateful. Is therenothing we can offer you in return?
[DOCTOR] Well, er, a little zeiton-7 would be quite useful, not to sayessential.
[GOVERNOR] You shall have as much as you need. Maldak will arrange it.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Goodbye.
[GOVERNOR] Ah, goodbye. Goodbye.
[PERI] Goodbye.
[SIL] You can't leave me here!
[DOCTOR] Now you see me.
[SIL] Argh!
(Arak and Etta's rooms)
[GOVERNOR [on screen]] And that, fellow citizens ofVaros, is my vowed intention. For without justice and peace andtolerance, we have no future. I know you will all work as hard as Ishall for a glorious tomorrow. Thank you for allowing me into yourhomes. Thank you.
[ARAK] No more executions, torture, nothing.
[ETTA] It's all changed. We're free.
[ARAK] Are we?
[ETTA] Yes.
[ARAK] What shall we do?
[ETTA] Dunno.
[DOCTOR] The orthoganal readings haven'taltered. Good. Splendid new elements on linings on the orbitaltransmission, thanks to the Governor's generous supply of zeiton-7.Still, now the whole of Varos knows it's more precious than gold, youcan understand their generosity, I suppose.
[PERI] Doctor, you're sure the Tardis will function properly?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, absolutely. Disappointed?
[PERI] You think I'm crazy?
[DOCTOR] You all right?
[PERI] Apart from the residual side effects of fowl pest, I feel fine.
[DOCTOR] As long as you stay away from millet and cuttlefish.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s22", "episode": "e02", "title": "Vengeance on Varos"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (2 Feb, 1985; Sixth Doctor) - The Mark of the Rani
[DOCTOR] Must get the coordinates spot on.Yuck.
[PERI] Hey, Doctor, this is great!
[DOCTOR] The dress is too large.
[PERI] Large?
[DOCTOR] Isn't that the accepted meaning great? Synonym for large.
[PERI] Spare me the lecture, please. Okay, what do you reckon? Okay forthe Royal Open Day at Kew Gardens?
[DOCTOR] Of course, great can also denote a high degree of magnitude.Someone elevated to power.
[BASS] You coming in, Jack?
[JACK] No, man. I don't think I've got the strength to lift a toby.
[WOMAN] There's wise ones. First here, the water'shot and clean.
[JACK] No, not wise, grandma. Just fair worn out.
[JACK] Oh, stay there, will you. I've hardly got the energy to wash.
[PERI] Well?
[DOCTOR] Mmm, never felt better.
[PERI] Wisecracks like that tell me one thing.
[DOCTOR] What?
[PERI] You haven't a clue what's going on.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I know what's going. on. We're being manoeuvredoff course.
[PERI] Manoeuvred off course? You mean it isn't the Tardismalfunctioning again?
[DOCTOR] Malfunctioning? Malfunctioning? Malfunctioning! After all thework I've done on it?
[PERI] Well, I only asked a simple question.
[DOCTOR] Indeed you did. It was the wrong question.
[PERI] Well, tell me what's going on.
[DOCTOR] The time coordinates are constant, it's the location that'sbeing changed.
[PERI] Being changed?
[PERI] Who by?
[DOCTOR] By whom. To use your vernacular, I haven't a clue.
[PERI] Well, can't you override?
[DOCTOR] Don't try to be so obtuse. What do you imagine I'm trying todo? That's a time distortion, as if there's a time machine nearby.
[PERI] A Time Lord?
[DOCTOR] Or a Dalek. Certainly an alien force of some kind.
[PERI] On Earth?
(Slag heap)
[PERI] Oh, great. Some substitute for Kew Gardens.
[DOCTOR] Try and look on the bright side. After all, isn't coal justfossilised plant life?
[PERI] What have you got there?
[DOCTOR] Tracking device. Registers time distortion. Hoist off yourskirts, Peri. Off we go.
[GREEN] Give it back!
[JACK] Come on, now.
(Outside the Bathhouse)
[RUDGE] Oh, gie us a potato, man.
[JACK] You daft old bugger. What's the matter with you?
[JACK] Right, come on!
[PERI] Lots of these hedgerows won't exist soon.
[PERI] I mean, in the twentieth century. They're being chopped down toimprove farming efficiency. My generation's already concerned about theeffects on wildlife. Some species of butterfly are almost extinct.Birds, too.
[DOCTOR] Talking of birds, do you notice anything strange?
[PERI] Strange?
[DOCTOR] No birds.
[PERI] Well, maybe it's the scarecrow.
[DOCTOR] They're not usually this effective.
[PERI] Well, if the place gives you the creeps, let's get out of it.
[DRIVER] You finished for the day, Jack? Come on, lads, out the road.I've got to deliver this lot to pit. Come on. Whoa! What's going onhere?
[JACK] Come on, lads. Get that down. That's right. Get this lot off andsmash it, man. Get it out, man.
[DRIVER] Come here, the lot of you.
[PERI] Doctor!
[PERI] Here, let me help. Why did they attack you?
[DOCTOR] They didn't. They attacked the machinery.
[DRIVER] That's right, miss. They was after smashing up machinery.
[PERI] Oh, well, I'm lost. Why would anyone want to smash machinery?
[DRIVER] They're scared it'll rob them of their jobs.
[DOCTOR] Maybe.
[PERI] You suspect another motive?
[DOCTOR] Let's say I'm keeping an open mind. Can you stand?
[DRIVER] Odd that, leaving Jack Ward behind. They're usually such mates.
[DOCTOR] That's an unusual mark. How did you come by that?
[DOCTOR] Easy.
[PERI] Hey!
[DOCTOR] Hey, steady. Just trying to help.
[DRIVER] What's got into you, Jack? I can't fathom it. I've never seenhim like that before.
[PERI] Well, so much for playing the Good Samaritan.
[DRIVER] Oh, Mister Stephenson's not going to be well pleased aboutmachinery.
[DOCTOR] I don't suppose he will. Stephenson?
[DRIVER] Waiting for them parts he is.
[DOCTOR] George Stephenson?
[DRIVER] Aye, sir. Do you know him?
[DOCTOR] I know of him. Peri, how would you like to meet a genius?
[PERI] I thought I already had.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, of course, but I haven't changed the course ofhistory. Indeed, I'm expressly forbidden so to do. But George Stephensonwill.
[PERI] Could that be what all this is about?
[DOCTOR] An astute observation, Peri. Can you give us a lift?
[WOMAN] Here. Come here, lad. Run to tavern. Tell them as wants a bathto come right now.
[WOMAN] Warn them us won't be keeping water hot much longer.
[DRIVER] Whoa with it, steady, steady.
[PERI] Was that significant or just a hiccup?
[DOCTOR] I'm not sure. We did hit a bump just there.
[DRIVER] Whoa!
[DOCTOR] Why are we stopping here?
[DRIVER] I'm still a bit shook up. I need a toby before I can tell pitabout attack.
[DOCTOR] Where would I find George Stephenson.
[DRIVER] In pit, sir. Do you think you could put a word in for us.They'll be none to pleased about machinery.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes.
[DRIVER] In a hurry, isn't he, miss? Does that mean something's wrong?
[PERI] It does, I'm afraid, but don't ask me what. Thanks.
(Outside the Bathhouse)
[BASS] Hey, we're not last, grandma. T'others'll be along when they'veemptied tobys.
[WOMAN] Go on, in you go, lads.
[MASTER] Primitive. An insult. But first things first. I've a death toarrange.
(Outside the pit)
[PERI] What have they got in there, coal or diamonds?
[DOCTOR] Machinery. Or more specifically, George Stephenson, and he isjust about
[PERI] You told me. One of the architects of the industrial revolution.
[DOCTOR] And I didn't exaggerate. Without his genius, your precioustwentieth century would be a much sorrier place. We've got to get inthere.
[PERI] That's easier said than. That dog doesn't look as though it'sbeen fed today.
(Pit yard)
[GUARD] Oi! Where do you think you're going?
[DOCTOR] To see George Stephenson. Where can I find him?
[GUARD] Nobody gets in here without a pass.
[DOCTOR] A pass? My dear fellow, I am a VIP.
[GUARD] Those that are attending the meeting have a special pass.
[DOCTOR] Meeting?
[PERI] We've been travelling. The pass obviously never reached us.
[GUARD] Then thy name will be on the list.
[DOCTOR] Here, let me see that. Get that dog under control, will you?Now, what have we got? Thomas Telford, Michael Faraday, Humphry Davy.Good heavens, Peri, do you recognise these names?
[PERI] I'm not totally ignorant. What is the noun for a collection ofgeniuses? A bevy?
[DOCTOR] An inspiration of geniuses? I don't know. But I do know thatthe people appearing at this meeting will transform history.
[GUARD] Well, that's as may be, but is thy name on the list?
[DOCTOR] An oversight.
[GUARD] Oh aye. A genius too, are you?
[DOCTOR] I am indeed. I'm also an inventor. Look.
[PERI] I must apologise. The Doctor is a little eccentric.
[GUARD] A doctor, is he? Well, maybe I could have a word with theoffice.
[PERI] Would you? Thank you.
[GUARD] Harry! The gate. Bolt it.
[GUARD] This way, miss.
[DOCTOR] Eccentric, me? Preposterous.
[GUARD] Set thee down and I'll see if I can findMister Stephenson.
[DOCTOR] I'll come with you.
[GUARD] Nay. You bide here. Now sit! Stay.
[DOCTOR] There's a good boy. Good. Good Fido now.
[PERI] What are you up to?
[DOCTOR] That's a good boy. Let the nice Doctor through.
[PERI] I guess he's not susceptible to your irresistible charm.
[DOCTOR] Occasionally, just occasionally, your smugness infuriates me.
[PERI] Shush! Keep your voice down. Time Lords may not get rabies buthumans do, and that dog looks more than ready to bite.
[DOCTOR] Will you stop prattling about the dog?
[DOCTOR] There's something wrong here. I'm not quite sure what it is,but I'm increasingly convinced it's got to be stopped.
[PERI] You could be jumping the gun.
[DOCTOR] Oh, really? Oh, that's your assessment, is it. Did you see thedate at the top of that list? In less than two days from now, a meetingwill take place here of many of the greatest practical talents thehuman race has ever produced. A coincidence?
[PERI] Unlikely, I agree.
[DOCTOR] Well, hanging around an office is not going to provide theanswer.
[PERI] I warned you to cool it.
[DOCTOR] I don't think it's me.
[PERI] That dog's really spooked. I wonder why? Doctor!
(Pit yard)
[PERI] It's stopped.
[DOCTOR] No, still functioning.
[PERI] The dog, it's stopped barking.
[DOCTOR] Therewas silence deep as death.
[PERI] That's morbid.
[DOCTOR] Possibly.
[MASTER] You there. You were in the lane smashing machinery.
[JACK] Right, never mind the machinery, what's thou doing here?
[GREEN] That's easy. He's one of brainy ones arrived early for thismeeting.
[JACK] Aye, come to rob us of our jobs.
[MASTER] Hold hard. I intend you no harm.
[RUDGE] Talks funny, don't he? Hold hard? This hard enough?
[MASTER] Imbeciles. Are you incapable of using your brains? Whatadvantage do you think that'd bring you? You let the man you shouldhave destroyed go free.
[JACK] I did? What's tha on about?
[MASTER] In the lane. He pretended to help you. Help? He's a friend ofStephenson's, an inventor. He's here to mechanise the mine.
[GREEN] Does tha know what he's getting at, Jack?
[JACK] Aye, he's just trying to save his own skin.
[MASTER] Ask him. Ask him why he's trying to take the bread out of yourmouths.
[LAD] We'll do more than that! Where is he, dost tha know?
[MASTER] He's gone into the pit.
[MASTER] Let me. You can't mistake him, he's mean looking.
[MASTER] Wears yellow trousers and a vulgarly coloured coat. But gocarefully, he's treacherous.
[DOCTOR] Careful.
[PERI] Sorry. What are we doing here, anyway?
[DOCTOR] Looking for George Stephenson.
[PERI] Oh, he could be anywhere. Absolutely anywhere. Even underground.
[DOCTOR] Peri! You really do have an extraordinary capacity for seekingout danger.
[PERI] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] You ought to learn to avoid situations where
[PERI] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Peri, get out of here!
[PERI] But what about you?
[DOCTOR] Don't argue, just go. Now, now, now, gentlemen, gentlemen,please. I'm sure we can come to some amicable understanding.
[DOCTOR] Please, please.
[DOCTOR] Now you've gone too far! After all the effort that went intomaking that!
[JACK] Get him!
[PERI] Get help!
[JACK] Come on!
[PERI] Stop it! Leave him!
[PERI] Somebody help!
[RAVENSWORTH] Stop that or I'll blast you to kingdom come!
[RAVENSWORTH] Forget them! Haul that man up to safety, quickly!
[DOCTOR] Almost at the end of my tether.
[PERI] That's no joke.
[DOCTOR] I can't thank you enough. But for your very opportune arrival
[RAVENSWORTH] You can thank their stupidity. I'd used up the shot. Itwould have taken at least two minutes to reload. They had plenty oftime to finish you off. Now perhaps you'll tell me who you are, and Idon't want any of that flummery about VIPs. I am Lord Ravensworth, theowner. I issued personally the invitations to the meeting, and yourface is not one that I recall. My office, now! VIPs indeed.
[DOCTOR] Your guard is quite right, of course. Weshouldn't have deceived him. But how else would we have got in here?
[RAVENSWORTH] Spare me the dubious pragmatism. You came to see GeorgeStephenson, you said?
[DOCTOR] I am a great admirer.
[RAVENSWORTH] Yes, you must be if you're prepared to resort to trickery.But how do I know you're not in league with these machinery wreckers,these wretched Luddites!
[DOCTOR] Really, do I look like a man who would wreck machines?
[RAVENSWORTH] Well, you've certainly never done a day's labour in yourlife, and I suppose it is possible you might even be a gentleman. (toPeri) Do sit down.
[GUARD] Shall we get up a search for the two who attacked this er,gentleman, my Lord?
[RAVENSWORTH] No, leave them. They'll have gone to ground by now.
[PERI] Leave them? They tried to kill the Doctor.
[RAVENSWORTH] I don't dispute that, young woman. A brutal attack on acomplete stranger. I take it you were not acquainted.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'd met the big fellow briefly when I tried to help him.
[RAVENSWORTH] Yes, that'd be Jack Ward. Over thirty years he's workedfor me and in all that time I've never once seen him raise his fist toanother man.
[PERI] Well, he's undergone a change now.
[DOCTOR] And the disruptions only started recently?
[RAVENSWORTH] Disruption's hardly the word for it. Oh, I know there havebeen Luddite attacks on machinery all over the country, but here
[DOCTOR] It's been more extreme?
[RAVENSWORTH] The violence has been horrendous.
[PERI] Murderous would be more apt.
[DOCTOR] Peri.
[RAVENSWORTH] No, the young lady's quite right. I just don't understandwhat's going on. I've always had an excellent relationship with themen. Flattered myself I enjoyed their trust and respect. Now this, thisnightmare.
[RAVENSWORTH] They've obviously heard about the accident.
[PERI] Accident!
[RAVENSWORTH] Go and bring those women in here, will you?
[GUARD] Yes, my lord.
[DOCTOR] It's only the men that are affected?
[RAVENSWORTH] Yes. They become savage, go berserk, seem to suffer acomplete change of personality.
(The Rani's laboratory)
[MASTER] No welcome?
[RANI] You're not.
[MASTER] Fascinating. But then anything connected with you wouldundoubtedly be fascinating, my dear Rani.
[RANI] I thought that last mad scheme of yours had finished you forgood.
[MASTER] You jest, of course. I'm indestructible. The whole universeknows that.
[RANI] Is that so?
[MASTER] Really, my dear Rani, you and I should be friends. I'm one ofyour greatest admirers.
[RANI] Oh, don't bother with flattery. I know why you're here. I saw theDoctor.
[MASTER] Then you know why I need your cooperation.
[RANI] Cooperation? I want nothing to do with you.
[MASTER] You'll change your mind when you hear my proposition.
[RANI] I am not interested in your pathetic vendetta one way or theother. Now clear off and let me get on with my work.
[MASTER] If only it were that simple. However, I'm afraid you've verylittle choice. Either you collaborate or I bring this little venture toan extremely untimely end.
[RANI] Josh, Tom, kill!
[RANI] No, Josh. Stand still.
[YOUNG WOMAN] Me Josh, your Lordship, been missing for days.
[OLDER WOMAN] It's not just her Josh that's missing. Our Tom's gone,too.
[DOCTOR] When? Forgive me, Lord Ravensworth, it is important. When didthey go missing?
[OLDER WOMAN] Well, nowt's been seen of them since they come off shifttogether.
[PERI] Perhaps they joined these Luddites?
[OLDER WOMAN] Join that mob of lunatics? Smashing and rampaging day andnight, frightening folks out of us beds.
[YOUNG WOMAN] My Josh wouldn't join them. He wouldn't harm anyone.
[RANI] You and the Doctor are a well-matched pair of pests. You bringnothing but trouble. Now I need a new assistant.
[MASTER] I wasn't wrong. I knew with you as controller it wouldn't behypnotism. Not from a chemist of your calibre. What are they, parasitesyou've specially impregnated?
[RANI] There's a simple way to find out. Why not try some?
[MASTER] Thank you, I won't, but I can envisage an occasion when theymay serve an excellent cause.
[RANI] I was offering you one, not the lot!
[MASTER] I assure you, your generosity will not be wasted.
[RANI] Take him through, Josh.
[MASTER] Brilliant. Quite brilliant.
(The Rani's laboratory)
[MASTER] When the Time Lords exiled you, they madea cardinal error.
[RANI] Yes, they did, and they'll learn to regret it. And so will anyoneelse who interferes!
[PERI] Doctor, let's get out of here, away fromKillingworth.
[DOCTOR] I can't do that.
[PERI] But you're in danger. That attack wasn't random. Those loutstried to kill you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but why? Aren't you interested in why they should want tomake me a target?
[PERI] No, not in the least. I can't think of a better reason forabandoning this visit.
[DOCTOR] You're forgetting. We didn't just stumble into this place, wewere hijacked.
[PERI] I'm forgetting nothing. The Luddites are not our problem.
[DOCTOR] I agree.
[PERI] You don't think it is the Luddites.
[DOCTOR] Do you? Wait here.
(The Rani's laboratory)
[MASTER] You should cooperate, you know.
[RANI] Take this one through.
[MASTER] The Doctor won't tolerate anyone deliberately playing havocwith his favourite planet.
[RANI] Can't you get it into your warped skull that there is nothingdeliberate about it? The aggression is an unfortunate side effect.
[MASTER] Unfortunate? Fortuitous would be a more apposite epithet.
[RANI] Call it what you will, I need the chemical. The only source isthe human brain. It can have no relevance to you or your machinations.
[MASTER] Ah. But then, as yet you've not been appraised of my purpose inbeing here.
[RANI] To destroy the Doctor. You've never had any other. It obsessesyou to the exclusion of all else.
[MASTER] You underestimate me. Certainly I want to destroy him, see himsuffer, but that is just an exquisite first step. I have a greaterconcept, one that will encompass the whole human race.
[RANI] You're unbalanced. No wonder the Doctor always outwits you.
[RANI] Put that down!
[MASTER] You don't get much, do you.
[RANI] There's only a minute amount in each brain.
[MASTER] How does extracting this make humans more aggressive? I'll notask again.
[RANI] Because without that chemical, the brain cannot rest.
[MASTER] Ah, now I understand. You need it for your aliens on MiasimiaGoria. I dropped in on your little domain before following you here.Chaos. Complete mayhem. What went wrong?
[RANI] Wrong? Who said anything went wrong?
[MASTER] Well, you rule there absolutely. I assume one of your littleschemes didn't turn out quite as you expected.
[RANI] A small matter. In the process of heightening the awareness of myaliens, I lowered their ability to sleep. They became
[MASTER] Difficult to control. On the other hand, with this and theimpregnated parasites, their talents are yours to command. Oh, suchpower. Is that a scanner?
[RANI] Find out.
[RANI] Who do you want?
[MASTER] The Doctor.
[RANI] Where did you see him last?
[MASTER] At the pit.
(Pit yard)
[DOCTOR] Hold on a minute, will you?
[RAVENSWORTH] What the blazes are you doing, man?
[DOCTOR] All right, thank you.
[RAVENSWORTH] Well, did you hear me? What was all that about?
[DOCTOR] Later. You said that the son of one of my attackers worked foryou?
[RAVENSWORTH] Yes, Luke Ward, George Stephenson's assistant. Verycapable young man. My protégé as a matter of fact.
[DOCTOR] Find him for me, will you, there's a good chap.
[RAVENSWORTH] The dratted man's a positive law unto himself.
(The Rani's laboratory)
[MASTER] You see? We do have an allied cause. Unless you eliminate theDoctor, he'll bring this cosy operation to an end.
[RANI] Then let's get on with it.
[MASTER] My way. We do it my way. Any idea where those morons youcreated might be?
[MASTER] Ah, the old mine working.
[RANI] What are you going to do?
[RANI] The brain fluid?
[MASTER] It's perfectly safe. Next to my hearts, both of them.
[RANI] Wait!
[RANI] Let go of me!
[MASTER] Not until you tell me what this is.
[RANI] They're capsules for my lungs. The Earth's damp atmosphereaffects them. Do you trust anyone?
[MASTER] Yes. Myself. Capsules they may be, but don't touch them tillthis door closes between us.
[DOCTOR] And your father was perfectly normal this morning?
[RAVENSWORTH] The lad's already told you he was.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. Bear with me. The answer's probably staring mestraight in the face. I just can't see it.
[PERI] When did you last talk to him, Luke?
[LUKE] When he came off shift. He were on his way to bathhouse.
[DOCTOR] Bath? Bathhouse?
[LUKE] Well, to get cleaned up like.
[PERI] Doctor, when we went past
[DOCTOR] Luke, can you find me an old coat?
[LUKE] Aye, but
[RAVENSWORTH] Go on, bring him one.
[PERI] Doctor, when we went past the bathhouse, that instrument of yours
[DOCTOR] Reacted. Yes, I know. I said the answer was staring me straightin the face, didn't I? It was, literally.
[PERI] I don't get you.
[RAVENSWORTH] I'm glad it isn't just me.
[DOCTOR] Those men didn't look as if they'd come straight from the mine,did they? They were clean.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Luke.
[RAVENSWORTH] Is he often like this?
[PERI] Too often. Excuse me.
(Pit yard)
[PERI] Well, now what's going on?
[DOCTOR] I am about to follow what you would term as a hunch.
[PERI] Must you? Okay, where do I fit in?
[DOCTOR] You stay here where you'll be safe.
[PERI] Safe? I haven't been safe from the moment I first found myself inthe Tardis.
[DOCTOR] How do I look?
[PERI] Like a man who could do with a bath.
(The Rani's laboratory)
[RANI] No, wait. Let him come further in. I told you to wait,you cretins. Wait! The man's armed. Now!
[RANI] My phial. The fools will smash it.
(Old mine)
[MASTER] The mark of the Rani.
[JACK] Is he dead? Why, I don't understand what's happened.
[MASTER] I warned you that inventor was treacherous.
[JACK] But he's not nowhere near.
[MASTER] Ah, he doesn't have to be. He has a machine to do his foul workfor him.
[JACK] A machine?
[MASTER] Yeah. I'll show you.
(The Rani's laboratory)
[RANI] What's he up to now?
[RANI] It'll be something devious and overcomplicated. He'd get dizzy ifhe tried to walk in a straight line.
[RANI] Come on in, come on in. Towels are all ready there.
(Old mine)
[JACK] What's that, a coffin?
[MASTER] An appropriate description. A coffin, yes. No, it's the machinethat murdered your friend.
[JACK] That thing?
[MASTER] To be buried in the deepest mine shaft.
[JACK] I can't see no point in burying a box. Better I bury him.
[MASTER] Trust me, I give you my word. By destroying that, you'll divesthim of all his power.
[JACK] Does tha know where it is?
[MASTER] At the slag heap. Hurry, fetch it to the pit.
[JACK] Wha? Fetch it? No, tha's coming with us.
[MASTER] No, not me. That's just the bait. I have to return to thevillage to set the trap.
(The Rani's laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Well, well, well. The Rani.
[RANI] You were expecting to see the Master?
[DOCTOR] To see? Not exactly. He was burnt to a crisp the last time Isaw him.
[RANI] Your smugness is misplaced. He's here. He's very much alive andhe wants vengeance, curse the pair of you.
[DOCTOR] Well, since we're insulting each other, I can't say I care muchfor your taste in clothes. Doesn't do a thing for you.
[RANI] Hmm, your regeneration's not too attractive, either. But at leastI can change my appearance. You're stuck with what you've got.
[DOCTOR] My face is of no importance. Brain regeneration is what I need.I should have been able to pin this one down to you. Personalitychanges, probably due to an imbalance in body chemicals. Yes, you'rethe obvious culprit. Well, you had me fooled, if that's anyconsolation.
[RANI] It isn't.
[DOCTOR] You'd have been discovered eventually, you know, even withoutmy intervention.
[RANI] I never have.
[DOCTOR] Oh? This isn't your first visit?
[RANI] I've been coming to this wretched planet for centuries.
[DOCTOR] Without being discovered? Well, I'm impressed. You've obviouslya brilliant tactician as well as a brilliant chemist.
[RANI] Oh, it isn't difficult. These humans you so admire are a fecklesslot, always in disarray. The Trojan wars, the Dark Ages, the AmericanWar of Independence.
[DOCTOR] And now the Luddite riots.
[RANI] Perfect cover.
[DOCTOR] Cover, yes, but for what? I think I've got it. You'reextracting a chemical from the brain. The result is the victims becomeviolent, aggressive, can't rest? That's it. The chemical that promotessleep.
[RANI] I begin to understand why the Master finds you such a menace. Oh,where is the idiot?
[DOCTOR] I take it you're referring to the Master. Look, why don't yourelease me?
[RANI] What, and have you two stop my work?
[DOCTOR] These are human beings, Rani. Living creatures that have doneyou no harm.
[RANI] They're carnivores. What harm have the animals in the fields donethem? The rabbits they snare, the sheep they nourish to slaughter. Dothey worry about the lesser species when they sink their teeth into alamb chop? Ah! Josh, guard him.
[DOCTOR] Josh?
[RANI] If he moves, kill him. No, don't kill him. Kill this one. Touché,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Don't hurry back.
[PERI] Doctor? I know you're here. I'd have seen you leave.
[PERI] Doctor?
[PERI] Doctor!
(The Rani's laboratory)
[DOCTOR] Stop!
[PERI] Stop? What do you mean, stop? I was going to free you.
[DOCTOR] Don't come any further. Touch me and their orders are to kill.
[PERI] But I can't just, I mean, I must do something.
[DOCTOR] You can. Get that poor fellow out of danger.
[PERI] Well, how?
[DOCTOR] Use some of that famous American initiative. Push him outside.
[PERI] But won't they try
[DOCTOR] Their orders relate only to me. Now move, Peri.
[PERI] Orders? Whose orders?
[DOCTOR] For once will you forget the cross-examination and just go?
[RANI] Who's this brat?
[MASTER] My dear Rani, quite unwittingly you've made my triumph utterlycomplete. Allow me to introduce the Doctor's latest travellingcompanion, Miss Perpugilliam Brown, although her travelling days willsoon be over.
(The Rani's laboratory)
[PERI] I thought he was dead.
[MASTER] As you observe, I'm very much alive. Your erstwhile mentor, onthe other hand, is about to, I believe your modern expression is, snuffthe candle.
[DOCTOR] Snuff the candle? You always did lack style.
[MASTER] Style is hardly the prime characteristic of your newregeneration.
[RANI] Oh, do stop squabbling and get on with it.
[MASTER] I have a score to settle with Miss Peri first. When we lastmet, you could have saved me and you didn't.
[RANI] No, don't kill the girl.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Rani. I'm glad to see you haven't sunk to quite theMaster's depths.
[PERI] No, let go of me!
[RANI] Oh, be still. Human.
[RANI] Her brain's as good as anyone else's.
[MASTER] No comment, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Don't think I could stand it.
[PERI] What are you talking about?
[DOCTOR] A hyperactive Peri. Too ghastly to contemplate.
[PERI] I don't understand.
[MASTER] We're being treated to an example of his famous sense ofhumour. I'm afraid, Doctor, that even that will desert you soon.
[JACK] Go on, Jackie, go on. Push, lads!
(The Rani's laboratory)
[MASTER] A turbulent time, Doctor, in Earth'shistory.
[DOCTOR] Not one of its most tranquil, I agree.
[MASTER] A critical period.
[DOCTOR] You could say that.
[MASTER] Oh, I do. The beginning of a new era.
[PERI] Doctor, do you get his drift?
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid I do, Peri.
[PERI] He wants to pervert history.
[DOCTOR] Not that the Prince of Darkness here would see it asperversion.
[MASTER] Maudlin claptrap. The talents of these geniuses should beharnessed to a superior vision. With their help, I could turn thisinsignificant planet into a power base unique in the universe.
[DOCTOR] And you intend to use the Rani's bag of tricks to achieve thisegocentric scheme.
[MASTER] You are indeed a worthy opponent. It's what gives yourdestruction its piquancy.
[MASTER] Excellent! Feast your eyes, Doctor, on the imminent demise ofthe Tardis.
[PERI] The Tardis!
[MASTER] Finito Tardis. How's that for style?
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, if they destroy the Tardis
[DOCTOR] Very clever. Optical illusion created on the screen. I've triedthat but never succeeded.
[MASTER] It's no illusion.
[PERI] Hope you're right, Doctor.
[RANI] He's not.
[DOCTOR] Believe me, I am. The Rani's cleverer than any of us. She'smanaged to modify that scanner so it presents what's in the mindinstead of what's happening in reality.
[MASTER] Push.
[PERI] The trolley?
[MASTER] One false move.
[PERI] Well, push where?
[MASTER] Outside!
[RANI] No. He doesn't leave here.
[MASTER] I wonder how many weeks of work this represents and how many ofthe Doctor's precious humans have contributed.
[RANI] Do as he says.
[MASTER] You shall have the girl when we return. Push, unless you prefera swifter end.
[JACK [OC]] Right, to the pit, lads! Good on yer, lads. That's it.
[MASTER] The last rites, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I can't really see from this far away.
[MASTER] You can hear.
[DOCTOR] I gather they're going to throw it down the pit.
[MASTER] All the way down, to the bottom.
(Pit head)
[JACK] Put the brake on, Billy. Hold it there.Right, lads.
[JACK] Push now!
[DOCTOR] Push, Peri! Push! Push! No, no, Peri! The other way!
[DOCTOR] Peri!
[PERI] Doctor!
[PERI] Hold on, Doctor, I'm coming!
(Pit head)
[JACK] Why, look up there, lads. Get hold of this,lads.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, gentlemen. I'm most grateful. If you could just
[DOCTOR] Peri! Stay back!
[JACK] We've got you now. That's it, put him on there, lads.
[DOCTOR] Stay back!
[JACK] Right, push lads. Away we go!
(Pit head)
[STEPHENSON] Are tha hurt? Harmed at all?
[JACK] Hold it, Jackie.
[JACK] Come on, Jackie.
[DOCTOR] A trifle cramped.
[STEPHENSON] Ah, tha would be.
[DOCTOR] It's these straps.
[STEPHENSON] Aye, I suppose. Intriguing.
[DOCTOR] The straps? Oh, it's a long story.
[STEPHENSON] Hey, this metal. I've ne'er seen the like of it afore. Dostknow what foundry forged it?
[DOCTOR] George Stephenson, I presume?
[STEPHENSON] Aye, I'm Stephenson.
[DOCTOR] Absolutely delighted to meet you, sir. If you'd be so kind asto undo the straps?
[STEPHENSON] Of course. Forgive me. T'were metal that took me attention.
[PERI] Run, Doctor, run!
[DOCTOR] Stephenson, we've got to get away.
[STEPHENSON] Follow me.
(Pit head)
[RAVENSWORTH] Here, take this. Round up all the able-bodied men you canfind and search this pit. I want every one of those scoundrels hunteddown.
[RAVENSWORTH] You, pull yourself together, man, and get back on thegate. Nobody enters or leaves. That's an order!
(Stephenson's workshop)
[LUKE] Mister Stephenson!
[DOCTOR] Somewhat unorthodox entry.
[STEPHENSON] Owner's notion.
[DOCTOR] Lord Ravensworth?
[STEPHENSON] Aye. He thought we'd best be prepared lest the Ludditeriots started here. Seems he were right.
[DOCTOR] Except these weren't Luddites.
[STEPHENSON] They're not?
[DOCTOR] That's what you were supposed to think.
[STEPHENSON] Then why did they attack thee?
[DOCTOR] Thought I was attending this meeting of yours.
[STEPHENSON] For that they were prepared to kill thee?
[DOCTOR] Afraid so. Not just me, either.
[STEPHENSON] What? Tha means Davy, Faraday and t'others are in danger? Ifind that difficult to credit.
[DOCTOR] You disappoint me. A practical man, and yet you refuse tobelieve the evidence of your own eyes?
[PERI] It's not the first time they've tried to kill the Doctor.
[LUKE] Aye, tis truth, Mister Stephenson.
[STEPHENSON] Oh. Dost thou think we should cancel meeting?
[DOCTOR] Don't you?
[STEPHENSON] Pity. I suspect thee's contribution would have put cat ortwo among pigeons.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, now that's sorted out, don't you think we should dosomething about trying to get to the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] When it's safe.
[LUKE] When the Doctor were attacked again.
[PERI] Yes, Luke?
[LUKE] Was, did me father take part?
[LUKE] I asked me mam about that red mark on his neck. She'd ne'er seenit. She knew nowt about it. Do you know what caused it?
[STEPHENSON] Right, Luke, take this to his Lordship.
[LUKE] Aye. Dost mind if I also seek me da?
[STEPHENSON] Course not, lad.
[DOCTOR] Luke, be careful. Your father's not the man he was.
[STEPHENSON] Oh, I'd nay like anything happen to Luke. Lad's got greatfuture. I was down pit at nine. Never had much schooling. But LordRavensworth's seen to it that Luke's been well taught. He'll outshineme.
(Pit yard)
[LUKE] Hey, Tim! Tim Bass! Has't tha seen me da?
[BASS] He'll want nowt to do with thee, Luke. Not as long as tha'sworking with that Stephenson.
[LUKE] But why? He's nay objected afore.
[BASS] Aye, he do now. Assistant? Traitor more like. Out of the road.
[MASTER] Excuse me, young man. I've been summoned here by LordRavensworth. Can you tell me where I might find him?
(The Rani's laboratory)
[RANI] Be careful. Josh, help him.
(Pit yard)
[MASTER] Luke, I want you to swallow this veryspecial sweetmeat.
[MASTER] Splendid.
[MASTER] Thomas Telford, Michael Faraday, Humphry Davy, Marc Brunel. Animpressive role of honour. Luke, this meeting is not to be cancelled.Do you understand?
[LUKE] I understand.
[MASTER] If anyone tries to prevent it, you destroy them. Is that clear?
[LUKE] That is clear.
[MASTER] Anyone. Anyone at all.
(Stephenson's workshop)
[STEPHENSON] The key is more power. Now, if I can increase that, speedof fifteen, even twenty mile and hour will be possible. Now, power isthe problem.
[PERI] Doctor, there is a more pressing problem.
[DOCTOR] Peri's right. I'll talk to you later, Stephenson. Come on.
(Pit yard)
[DOCTOR] My dear fellow.
[JACK] Ready? Follow me.
(Pit head)
[GUARD] Let the lass go or I'll blow your brains out.
[PERI] Doctor!
[GUARD] Jack Ward, you stay where you are!
[DOCTOR] You do make a mess of that pretty dress.
[PERI] But how?
[DOCTOR] Peripheral vision,
(The Rani's laboratory)
[RANI] At last you're back, you incompetent egoist. Give me my phial.
[MASTER] This? The precious brain fluid? And I thought you were waitingfor me.
[RANI] If I didn't need that desperately, I'd have put light yearsbetween us.
[MASTER] What better reason could I have for keeping it?
[RANI] You'll play that card once to often. With you on the scene, Imight be wiser to cut my losses and go.
[MASTER] Perhaps this will make you change your mind. Read it.
[RANI] The meeting's been cancelled?
[MASTER] No, it was never delivered.
[RANI] Well
[MASTER] You disappoint me. A scientist and you're not thinkingobjectively. Davy, Faraday, Telford and others. Over twenty men ofgenius. Have you no conception of what we could achieve if we controlthem? Harness their genius, and this planet could become the platformfor the most devastating power in the universe.
[RANI] You're forgetting, I already rule a planet. Miasimia Goria.
[MASTER] Help me, and I promise you all the facilities you need. Insteadof sneaking back here in disguise, you'll be able to set up alaboratory and process as many humans as you choose. A hundred, athousand, there are millions of them.
[RANI] What guarantee would I have?
[MASTER] My need. That unique box of parasites will not go far. Only youhave the formula.
[RANI] The Time Lords will never permit it.
[MASTER] Who's going to alert them?
[RANI] Indeed. We must hurry.
[MASTER] Haven't you overlooked something? You can hardly take them outonto the streets.
[RANI] No, you're right, I can't.
[MASTER] The Mark of the Rani.
[GUARD] I caught these two, my lord.
[RAVENSWORTH] Only two? What about the others?
[GUARD] I don't know, my lord.
[RAVENSWORTH] They must have got away. Confound it.
[JACK] Good luck to them.
[RAVENSWORTH] Be quiet, Ward! My orders were to round up the whole lotof them.
[JACK] We haven't finished yet.
[RAVENSWORTH] I said that's enough.
[GUARD] Drop that, Jack, or I'll blow thee to pieces.
[RAVENSWORTH] Now sit on it. My mistake's been trying to deal with thisrabble myself. I should have sent for the militia long before now. Tiethem up.
(Stephenson's workshop)
[STEPHENSON] Tha's delivered note?
[LUKE] Aye.
[STEPHENSON] What's his Lordship say?
[LUKE] Nowt.
[STEPHENSON] Shouldn't think he were too well pleased. Happen I shouldhave gone meself, explained. In t'office, is he?
[LUKE] Nay. Tha stay put. I'll fetch him to thee. Tis safer that way.
[STEPHENSON] Thanks, Luke. Tha's a real thoughtful lad.
(Pit yard)
[RAVENSWORTH] Ah, Luke. I want to have a word withStephenson about this meeting.
[LUKE] He's nay in t'workshop, your Lordship.
[RAVENSWORTH] No? Where is he then?
[LUKE] Down pit. Wanted to arrange for visitors to see demonstration.What about meeting, my lord?
[RAVENSWORTH] Well, in my opinion it should be called off. All thisuncontrolled violence. We have no right to subject these men to suchdanger.
[LUKE] Mister Stephenson don't see any danger.
[RAVENSWORTH] He doesn't?
[LUKE] Going to be fair disappointed he is if meeting doesn't takeplace.
[LUKE] Eager to show off his latest engine.
[RAVENSWORTH] Well, that's somewhat selfish reasoning.
[LUKE] Not if he's convinced they'll come to nay harm, your Lordship.
[RAVENSWORTH] He's convinced, you say?
[LUKE] Aye.
[RAVENSWORTH] Yes, well, George Stephenson has always enjoyed my completetrust. On his head be it. However, be sure to tell him what I say.
[LUKE] Aye. I will.
(Outside the bathhouse)
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, you can't be serious. You'veonly just escaped from there!
[DOCTOR] The victim returns to the scene of the crime.
[PERI] Look, Doctor, let's be sensible. Concentrateon getting the Tardis out of the pitshaft, instead of shoving our necksinto the noose again.
[PERI] Look, what if the Master and that awful Rani are inside?
[DOCTOR] They won't be.
[PERI] How can you be so sure?
[DOCTOR] Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant nevertaste of death but once.
[PERI] And what about that other piece you're so fond of quoting?Discretion is the better part of valour?
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Interesting fellow, the Bard. Must see him again sometime.Ah ha!
[DOCTOR] Control panel? Most unsophisticated. Not worthy of the Rani.
(The Rani's laboratory)
[PERI] Is he? The Master.
[DOCTOR] No, more likely the Rani's handiwork. No, don't come anyfurther. The Rani's quite capable of leaving some very unpleasantsurprises behind.
[PERI] Well, where do you reckon she's gone?
[DOCTOR] Not far. The Master will ensure that. He has something shewants.
[PERI] That red mark. What was she going to do to me?
[DOCTOR] Drain the substance from your brain that enables you to sleep.
[PERI] The result. Those poor men. Hasn't she any conscience?
[DOCTOR] Like many scientists, I'm afraid the Rani simply sees us aswalking heaps of chemicals. There's no place for the soul in her schemeof things.
(Old mine)
[MASTER] Why the devil did you bring us to thismiserable dump?
[RANI] I didn't bring you. You chose to come.
[MASTER] Why here?
[RANI] Because this was my original base.
[MASTER] Did we have to walk? Couldn't we have used your Tardis?
[RANI] My Tardis is performing a more important function.
[MASTER] Is it too much to enquire what that function might be?
[RANI] Yes.
(The Rani's laboratory)
[PERI] How come you know the Rani?
[DOCTOR] Same way as I know the Master.
[PERI] But he's an exiled Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Two of a kind. Odd. Very odd.
[PERI] What is?
[DOCTOR] Now, I would have said Turner's too passionate for the Rani'ssterile taste.
[PERI] Well, I guess she must have thought so too, since she hasn'ttaken it with her.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha.
[DOCTOR] Shall we?
[PERI] Shall we what?
[DOCTOR] See if we've misjudged the Rani.
[DOCTOR] Dichlorodiethyl sulphide!
[PERI] Dio what?
[DOCTOR] Mustard gas. It's a killer!
[PERI] I know.
[DOCTOR] Don't breath it in. Whatever you do, don't breath it in!
[DOCTOR] Masks.
[PERI] Masks?
[DOCTOR] The Rani's assistant.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Thank you, Peri. Street door.
[PERI] Street door?
[DOCTOR] Open it. Ventilation. Quickly.
[PERI] Okay.
[PERI] Hey, that's the key to the Tardis!
[PERI] But suppose the Rani's in there! Oh, no.
(The Rani's Tardis)
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Embryos of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. She must have poppedback to the Cretaceous age and picked up a few. Nasty creatures.Vicious teeth. Bite your leg off, chew it all up, bone and all, all inone go. Wonder what she wants with them?
[DOCTOR] Peri, get out of here!
[PERI] But you
[DOCTOR] Don't argue. Move!
[PERI] Oh.
(The Rani's laboratory)
[PERI] Doctor! Oh. Oh, now where's he gone?
(The Rani's Tardis)
[DOCTOR] Incredible. Absolutely incredible. ATardis linked to a Stattenheim remote control. The Rani is a genius.Shame I can't stand her. I wonder if I was particularly nice to her,she might? No. No, no, of course not.
(Old mine)
[MASTER] Brilliant. You've discovered the means of operating a Tardis byremote control. In tandem, you and I will rule the universe.
[RANI] Shall we go inside?
(The Rani's Tardis)
[MASTER] Do I detect a lack of enthusiasm?
[RANI] Grandiose schemes of ruling the universe will mean nothing ifthat dilettante Doctor is still at large.
[DOCTOR] (sotto) Dilettante?
[RANI] The dratted man.
[MASTER] Don't tell me you've botched something. What did you do, leavea trap for the Doctor? Is that why we couldn't use your Tardis?
[RANI] Here, take these.
[MASTER] It's power was needed to operate the
[RANI] Be careful.
[MASTER] What are they?
[RANI] Well, let's say that they'll change the Doctor's lifestyle.
[MASTER] How? Will he suffer?
[RANI] Well, I can promise you he'll never be the same again.
[MASTER] Excellent. Why not kill two birds with one stone?
[RANI] Who's the other one?
[MASTER] George Stephenson.
[RANI] How will that threaten the Doctor?
[DOCTOR] How indeed?
(Old mine)
[RANI] I saw you give my parasites to Stephenson'sassistant. I presume you gave him enough?
[MASTER] Yes, he's completely under our control.
[GUARD] Doesn't seem right, does it, my lord, seeing Jack Ward likethis.
[RAVENSWORTH] No. That Doctor fellow, he was on to something. Strangesort of chap. See if you can find him.
[GUARD] Right, my lord.
[GUARD] No sign of that Doctor, my lord, but I met his bonny lass.
[RAVENSWORTH] Devil take you. It's the Doctor I wanted to see.
[PERI] Well, that makes two of us.
[RAVENSWORTH] You must have some idea of his whereabouts.
[PERI] Oh, must I? He could be anywhere in the universe.
[RAVENSWORTH] Make sense, girl. Calm down and think. He can't just havedisappeared.
[PERI] Oh, can't he?
[RAVENSWORTH] The man must be found. We need his help.
[PERI] I've more reason to find him than you have, otherwise I'm goingto spend the rest of my days prancing around in these ridiculousskirts.
[GUARD] I'd better go with you, lass. They'll never let you past thegate.
[PERI] Don't bother. I'll take the back way to the old pit. It's the oneplace he'll have to return to, if he has any choice.
[RAVENSWORTH] No, leave him be, leave him be. Get back on duty. And ifyou see young Luke, tell him we've got his father here.
[GUARD] Right-o, my lord.
(Stephenson's workshop)
[STEPHENSON] Oh! Tha startled me, Luke. You should know better than tocreep up on folk. Tha's been wandering off a lot today, Luke. Why isthat?
[LUKE] It's Mister Faraday. There's been an attack.
[STEPHENSON] Faraday? He's here in pit.
[LUKE] Nay, his coach were overturned.
[STEPHENSON] Is he hurt?
[LUKE] Scared more like. Hiding out in Redfern Dell. Reckon tha shouldgo to him, sir.
[STEPHENSON] Tha dost? Make gun ready, Luke.
(Pit head)
[PERI] I could have been stuck in the eighteen hundreds for ever.
[DOCTOR] Did you really believe I'd abandon you?
[PERI] So, what happened?
[DOCTOR] Later. Where's Stephenson?
[PERI] Haven't got a clue, but Lord Ravensworth wants to see you in hisoffice. Ask him.
(Stephenson's workshop)
[STEPHENSON] Give me that, Luke. Go to office. Tell his Lordship I'm offto Redfern Dell. I want as many men as he can spare. Make haste. Tisurgent.
[DOCTOR] There's nothing I can do. These men need rest.
[DOCTOR] They've been robbed of the power of sleep.
[RAVENSWORTH] Robbed of the power? Oh, confound it, man, I don'tunderstand what you're talking about.
[DOCTOR] I haven't got time to explain now. Peri, stay here. See whatyou can do.
[DOCTOR] Ah, Luke. I'm looking for Stephenson. Do you know where I canfind him?
[LUKE] Nay, sir.
[RAVENSWORTH] Didn't he give you any idea where he'd be?
[LUKE] Nay, my lord.
[RAVENSWORTH] None at all?
[LUKE] He never said nowt.
[RAVENSWORTH] Now what's he up to?
(Stephenson's workshop)
[DOCTOR] You expecting trouble?
[STEPHENSON] Like as not. Got a message from Faraday. He's taken shelterin Redfern Dell.
[DOCTOR] Message?
[STEPHENSON] He's been attacked.
[DOCTOR] Luke brought you the message.
[STEPHENSON] How'd you know that?
[DOCTOR] Stephenson, it's not safe for you out there. Let me go.
[STEPHENSON] But Faraday?
[DOCTOR] If he's out there, I'll bring him to you. I promise.
[STEPHENSON] Tha'd best take this.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no thanks. I've given them up. Guns can seriously damageyour health, you know. Another thing. I can't explain but it isimportant. Don't trust Luke.
[LUKE] Perhaps sleeping draught's the answer.
[PERI] Well, at least it would sedate them.
[RAVENSWORTH] Could you prepare one?
[PERI] If I had the right herbs. Trouble is, I know absolutely nothingabout the plant life in this area.
[RAVENSWORTH] Well, I might be of some use to you there. I'm somethingof an amateur botanist myself. Ah.
(Redfern Dell)
[RANI] If you value your miserable skin, keep clear.
[PERI] That's what I need, valerian. Do you know it?
[RAVENSWORTH] Valeriana officinalis. Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.It's an indigenous herb.
[LUKE] Happen I can assist, my lord? Take Miss Peri to collect herbs?
[RAVENSWORTH] Excellent idea, Luke. Just be careful where you go.
[PERI] Yes, we don't want to bump into any of those
[RAVENSWORTH] Quite, quite. But don't worry, young lady, you'll be insafe hands with Luke.
[LUKE] I was thinking of Redfern Dell, my lord.
[RAVENSWORTH] Splendid, splendid. I couldn't have suggested a betterplace myself. Now off you go.
[PERI] Oh, will you tell the Doctor where I've gone?
[MAN [OC]] Hurry, lads. Here we are. Come on, then.
(The Rani's Tardis)
[MASTER] How much longer are you going to be?
[RANI] Be patient. Stay calm.
[MASTER] I've waited too long for this moment to be calm. If you knewhow often the Doctor's gone out of his way to sabotage my plans.
[RANI] Except on this occasion he didn't go out of his way, did he? Youcontrived to get him here. Force the Tardis off course, did you?Overrode the controls?
[MASTER] Do you think this plan will work?
[RANI] I don't make mistakes.
[MASTER] If that were true you'd still be on Gallifrey. Ugh.
[RANI] Experiments are always subject to the unexpected. They can becapricious.
[MASTER] Capricious? Turning mice into monsters?
[RANI] A marginal error, quickly corrected.
[MASTER] The Time Lords didn't think so.
[RANI] Petty spite on the part of the Lord President, just because theyate his cat.
[MASTER] Took a chunk out of him, too, I remember. Pity it wasn't theDoctor.
[RANI] That will soon be remedied.
(Above Redfern Dell)
[DOCTOR] Will you come into my parlour? Said thespider to the fly. I think not. Doesn't feel right.
[MASTER] I'd feel happier if I could see him.
[RANI] A sentiment he'd reciprocate. We stay here, out of sight.
[PERI] Can't go wrong if you match the leaf.
[LUKE] Aye, but let us not waste time here, Miss. I'm sure I've seenit's likeness in Redfern Dell. This way, Miss.
(Above Redfern Dell)
[MASTER] So much for your arrogant superiority.
[DOCTOR] A characteristic you both share. Underestimating youropponents. Well, I got your message. I'm here. What obnoxious fate haveyou devise?
[RANI] Why me?
[DOCTOR] Because he blamed you for its failure. Not this. (the TCE) Fartoo simple. No, you'd have brewed something much more malignant.Perhaps the answer's down there in the dell, where I was supposed togo.
[MASTER] No! An accident. It wasn't intended for him.
[DOCTOR] And you're so warped, so callous, you think that justifies it?First you turn an innocent young man into your acolyte, force him tobetray his friends, and then you do this monstrous thing to him.
[RANI] Oh, stop being sentimental. What's happened? Animal matter hasbeen metamorphosed into vegetable matter. So what?
[DOCTOR] You'll be telling me next he's better off.
[RANI] As a matter of fact, he is. A tree has four times the lifeexpectancy of a human being.
[DOCTOR] They should never have exiled you. They should have locked youin a padded cell. Now move, before I forget my abhorrence of violenceand use this.
[DOCTOR] Don't move, Peri! Don't move! The tree won't hurt you!
[DOCTOR] Now perhaps you'll accept there are more things in heaven andearth than are ever dreamed of in your barren philosophy.
[RANI] And perhaps you'll accept that you face a dilemma.
[MASTER] More of an impasse?
[DOCTOR] Wrong on both counts. There is no impasse, and the dilemma,Rani, will be solved by you. You laid those evil contraptions in thedell, so you can lead Peri out. Refuse, and I won't hesitate to usethis.
[MASTER] She can't remember. She's probably set them at random.
[DOCTOR] I doubt if the Rani ever did anything at random.
[MASTER] But if she has, what then?
[DOCTOR] Then you're nominated as understudy. I should think you'd turninto a laburnum tree.
[MASTER] Laburnum? Why?
[DOCTOR] The pods are poisonous. Be patient, Peri. Stay absolutelystill.
[RANI] Come to me. Keep an absolutely straight line.
[PERI] I don't understand.
[RANI] Stop bleating and do it.
[DOCTOR] Keep exactly in her footsteps, Peri!
[RANI] Incompetent fool! You're worthless!
[DOCTOR] Not to me, she isn't. You'll do well to remember that.
[PERI] She was going too fast.
[RANI] Can you jump without falling on your face?
[PERI] Sure.
[RANI] Well, copy me and you're out of danger.
[PERI] What was that all about?
[DOCTOR] You wandered into a minefield of the Rani's making.
[PERI] A minefield? In there? But Luke? What about Luke? Where is he?
[DOCTOR] He just saved your life.
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] I'll explain later. Right, move, you two. I want you off thisplanet before you commit any further atrocities.
[PERI] Doctor, look.
[RANI] They're easily disposed of.
[DOCTOR] Give me that.
[RANI] If they see you, they'll have no mercy.
[DOCTOR] Maybe not.
[PERI] Doctor, they're heading towards the dell.
[MASTER] The wood's about to become populated with new trees.
[RANI] Another dilemma. One of morality.
[MASTER] And we all know the Doctor's dedication to morality.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, you've got to stop them.
[PERI] Don't worry, I won't have any qualms about using this.
[DOCTOR] All right. Take them to the old mine working, straight alongthat path. Wait for me there.
[PERI] Okay, you got it.
[PERI] Now hurry. Okay, you two. Let's get going. And don't tryanything, either of you.
[DOCTOR] Stop!
[BASS] Mister.
(Old mine)
[PERI] Okay, that's far enough. Now don't move.We'll wait here for the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You must listen. You are making a terrible mistake. I am notyour enemy.
[BASS] You hear that, lads? Mister Inventor says us are making amistake.
(Old mine)
[MASTER] I believe an apology is in order, MissBrown. I meant you no harm. My quarrel's with the Doctor, not you.
[PERI] What about Luke?
[MASTER] Luke?
[PERI] Did you mean him no harm?
[MASTER] That was her idea.
[RANI] Oh, stop grovelling. No one's going to believe you've got aconscience.
[MASTER] You can see what she's like. It was her doing. I didn't evenknow what she'd planned.
[PERI] Put that away or I'll use this. The Doctor said you'd try tohypnotise me.
[RANI] Oh, so that was what he whispered before he left.
(Redfern Dell)
[BASS] Over there.
[DOCTOR] Turn back! Turn back! You're walking into a trap!
(Old mine)
[PERI] Keep your hands by your side.
[RANI] Just getting a tablet. I must have a tablet.
[MASTER] She'll have a seizure. I've seen it happen before.
[PERI] Oh, for pity's sake, get the tablet. But carefully. No tricks.
(Redfern Dell)
[DOCTOR] Stay calm. Stay calm. It's only a matter of balance.
(Old mine)
[MASTER] Wait. I refuse to run away and let that crack-brained freak winagain.
[RANI] Then stay, but without me.
[MASTER] Have you no pride?
[RANI] Pride? I'm a scientist. I've calculated the odds, and they andnot idiotic pride dictate my actions.
[MASTER] You intellectual microbe. Slave to a computer? He'll be back.He won't abandon the girl.
[RANI] You'll never learn, will you. Give me the brain fluid. I'm off.
[MASTER] When I'm ready, not before.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Peri?
[DOCTOR] Peri. Peri!
[PERI] Oh, the Rani. Tablets. My, my fault.
[DOCTOR] Never mind about that. Are you all right?
[PERI] Yes, I'm fine.
[DOCTOR] Shush. Listen. Typical. He's decided to stand and fight. Whycouldn't he just leave? All right, come on. We've got to get those twointo the Rani's Tardis.
[PERI] Any chance of an explanation?
[DOCTOR] Later.
[PERI] Doh, later. That's all I ever get. Later.
[DOCTOR] There was a loose one.
[PERI] Where?
[DOCTOR] Further in.
[PERI] All these mines look the same to me. What does that solve?
[DOCTOR] Stay back, Peri.
(The Rani's Tardis)
[MASTER] Quickly! You'll destroy us both.
[RANI] I will? You blame me?
[RANI] You wouldn't be told.
[MASTER] What is it? What's wrong?
[RANI] It's our speed. It's increasing.
[MASTER] Then reduce it!
[RANI] You asinine cretin, what do you imagine I'm trying to do?
(Outside the old mine)
[PERI] But what's to stop them materialising at theother end of the village?
[DOCTOR] While I was in the Rani's Tardis I made an adjustment or two tothe navigational system and velocity regulator.
[PERI] But they're Time Lords. They'll repair the Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Not before they're beyond the Milky Way. For that matter,beyond most galaxies. I've heard that conditions are very primitive inthe outer reaches of the universe. Hardly the setting for an harmoniousrelationship.
(The Rani's Tardis)
[MASTER] It's growing!
[RANI] It's the acceleration! Time spillage!
[MASTER] We're trapped, you blundering woman!
(Pit yard)
[DOCTOR] And where are you going?
[PERI] The sleeping draught, remember?
[DOCTOR] Taken care of. I managed to
[PERI] Pick the Master's pocket when you bumped into him.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. Take this to Lord Ravensworth, will you?
[PERI] Well, let me deflate your swollen ego and remind you of somethingwe don't have. The Tardis.
(Stephenson's workshop)
[RAVENSWORTH] I wonder what the blazes this thing is?
[STEPHENSON] Ask the Doctor.
[RAVENSWORTH] Have you ever tried asking the Doctor a question?
[DOCTOR] Ah! Battered but not bowed. Thank you.
[STEPHENSON] Had to get it out manually. No easy task. Forty of us.
[PERI] Ah, there you are. The sedative you wanted.
[RAVENSWORTH] Thank you.
[PERI] Well, haven't you any questions?
[RAVENSWORTH] Would there be any point?
[DOCTOR] Not much.
[STEPHENSON] Oh, as a man of science, Doctor. This valve's a problem.
[DOCTOR] You'll find the answer.
[RAVENSWORTH] My sentiments exactly.
[DOCTOR] And when you do, your invention will take off like a rocket,Stephenson.
[PERI] Oh, those puns get worse.
[DOCTOR] Really? I thought they were improving.
[RAVENSWORTH] I will venture just one question, Doctor. What preciselydo you do in there?
[DOCTOR] Argue, mainly.
[STEPHENSON] Where've they gone?
[RAVENSWORTH] Where indeed? You know, I always said he was a strangesort of fellow.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s22", "episode": "e03", "title": "The Mark of the Rani"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (16 Feb, 1985; Sixth Doctor) - The Two Doctors
[DOCTOR 2] Come here, Jamie. Look at that.
[JAMIE] Look at the size of that thing, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, Jamie. It is a big one.
[JAMIE] Just a wee laboratory, eh?
[DOCTOR 2] Well, it's, obviously, it's grown.
[JAMIE] It's like twenty castles in the sky! Are you sure we've come tothe right place?
[DOCTOR 2] Of course I am.
[JAMIE] We don't usually get to where you say we're going.
[DOCTOR 2] I got Victoria to where she wanted to go, though why shewants to learn graphology, I've no idea.
[JAMIE] Ah. Will we ever get back to her, though?
[DOCTOR 2] Of course we will.
[JAMIE] I'll believe that when I see it.
[DOCTOR 2] At the moment, we have other things to worry about. Look atthis!
[JAMIE] What?
[JAMIE] Hey, I've not seen that before.
[DOCTOR 2] It's not been here before. It's a teleport control. You'dthink I'd never flown a Tardis solo!
[JAMIE] What's it do?
[DOCTOR 2] It gives the Time Lords dual control. Infernal cheek. I shallcomplain when this is over. Now then, I think we'll just dematerialiseto avoid their detection beams, and slip in quietly.
[JAMIE] Er, I thought you said they were friendly.
[DOCTOR 2] Friendly? I should think they'll be overwhelmingly so.
[JAMIE] Then why are we slipping in quietly?
[DOCTOR 2] Jamie, some of the most brilliant scientists in the universehave assembled here to work together in pure research. I don't wantthem to know that I've arrived.
[JAMIE] Why not?
[DOCTOR 2] Think of the commotion! They'll all be scrambling aroundwanting my autograph. No, no, no, I just want a quiet word with oldDastari, Head of Projects.
[DOCTOR 2] Right then.
[DOCTOR 2] Splendid! We've hit conterminous time again.
[JAMIE] Well, we've certainly hit something.
[DOCTOR 2] Now, Jamie. Right, follow me.
[DOCTOR 2] Wait.
[JAMIE] What? What?
[DOCTOR 2] We'd better take the recall disk.
[DOCTOR 2] And Jamie? Don't go wandering off. Stay with me.
[JAMIE] Do I ever?
[DOCTOR 2] It has been known. And, er, let me do the talking.
[DOCTOR 2] All you have to do is to stand in the background, and admiremy
[BOTH] Diplomatic skills.
(Space station galley)
[SHOCKEYE] How dare you! How dare you transmat that object into mykitchens?
[DOCTOR 2] How dare you have the impertinence to address me like that?
[SHOCKEYE] I am Shockeye, o' the Quauncing Grig!
[DOCTOR 2] I'm not interested in the pedigree of an Androgum.
[DOCTOR 2] I am a Time Lord.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh. Oh, I. My humblest apologies. I should have realised.
[SHOCKEYE] But this one with you?
[DOCTOR 2] He is from the planet Earth. A human.
[SHOCKEYE] A Tellurian? Oh! I have not seen one of these before. Is it agift for Dastari?
[DOCTOR 2] A gift?
[SHOCKEYE] Oh, such a soft white skin, whispering of a tendersucculence. Dastari will not appreciate its qualities, you know. He hasno sensual refinement. Let me buy it from you.
[DOCTOR 2] My companion is not for sale!
[SHOCKEYE] I promise you lord, no chef in the nine planets would do moreto bring out the flavour of the beast.
[DOCTOR 2] You get on with your butchery. Come along, Jamie.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh. Oh. I can just taste that flesh.
(Space station corridor)
[JAMIE] Who was that?
[DOCTOR 2] Shockeye of the Quauncing Grig, so he said.
[JAMIE] I know what he said, but
[DOCTOR 2] He's an Androgum, Jamie. The Androgums are the servitorshere. They do all the station maintenance.
[JAMIE] Ah, you mean a scullion.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, with a high opinion of himself. Chefs usually have.
[JAMIE] It's the Tardis!
(Space station galley)
[CHESSENE] Our allies won't care for that. I promised the Group Marshalhe could have the Time Lord's machine.
[SHOCKEYE] Will it make any difference?
[CHESSENE] Not to me. I still have the Kartz-Reimer module. But it showsthe Gallifreyans are suspicious, so I was right to lay the plans I did.
[SHOCKEYE] So now we wait.
[CHESSENE] Not for long. Stike is moving.
[SHOCKEYE] Already? The calgesic won't have affected the scientists yet.
[CHESSENE] It will by the time Stike's forces arrive.
[SHOCKEYE] Ah. Did they enjoy the meal?
[CHESSENE] Dastari said you had surpassed yourself.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh! Being unable to taste it, I worried that it might beover-seasoned.
[CHESSENE] Shockeye, their last supper would have added lustre to yourreputation.
[CHESSENE] Except that they won't live to remember it.
(Dastari's office)
[DASTARI] I remember it very clearly, Doctor. You came to ourinauguration, bearing fraternal greetings from Gallifrey.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, yes. That was before I, er, fell from favour. I'm a bitof an exile these days.
[DASTARI] Yes, I heard something about that. But you still act on theirinstructions.
[DOCTOR 2] It's the price I pay for my freedom.
[DASTARI] Needless to say, we've had no support at all from your people.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, Dastari, you can't have expected help from the TimeLords. Their policy is one of strict neutrality.
[DASTARI] Nonetheless, there's been widespread disappointment among theother Third Zone governments.
[DOCTOR 2] Don't chide me, Dastari. I'm simply a messenger. Officially,I'm here quite unofficially.
[DASTARI] You'll explain that paradox, I know.
[DOCTOR 2] I'm a pariah, exiled from Time Lord society, so they canalways deny sending me.
[DASTARI] And why have they sent you?
[DOCTOR 2] They have been monitoring the experiments in time travel ofthe Professors Kartz and Reimer. They want them stopped.
[DASTARI] I see And how do the Time Lords equate that with a policy ofcomplete neutrality?
[DOCTOR 2] They don't have to. As I said, I have no official existence,so they can always deny sending me.
[DASTARI] Oh, typical. Typical hypocrisy.
[DASTARI] Yes, Chessene?
[CHESSENE] I wondered if your guests require refreshment, Professor.
[JAMIE] Ah, well, er
[DOCTOR 2] No, thank you. We've already eaten.
[JAMIE] Aye, but that was yesterday.
[DOCTOR 2] One meal a day is quite sufficient, Jamie.
[DASTARI] Are you sure?
[DOCTOR 2] Yes.
[DASTARI] Thank you, Chessene.
[CHESSENE] Very good, Professor.
[DASTARI] Well, Doctor, what did you make of our chatelaine?
[DOCTOR 2] Was she an Androgum?
[DASTARI] She was. Now she's an Androgum TA. Technologically augmented.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, one of your biological experiments.
[DASTARI] I've carried out nine augmentations on Chessene. She's atmega-genius level now. I'm very proud of her.
[DOCTOR 2] Proud of her, or your own skill?
[DASTARI] Perhaps a little of both, but all that Androgum energy is nowfunctioning on a higher plane. She spends days in the databanks simplysucking in knowledge.
[DOCTOR 2] She's still an Androgum. You can't change nature.
[DASTARI] In Chessene's case, I believe I have.
[DOCTOR 2] That's dangerous ground, Dastari. You give a monkey controlof its environment, it'll fill the world with bananas.
[DASTARI] Oh really, Doctor. I expected something more progressive fromyou. Don't you understand the tremendous implications of my work?
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, that's why I say it's so dangerous!
[DASTARI] Doctor, our races have become tired and effete. Our seed isthin. We must hand the baton of progress to others. If I can raise theAndrogums to a higher plane of consciousness, there's no limit to whatthat boiling energy might achieve.
[DOCTOR 2] Dastari, I have no doubt you could augment an earwig to thepoint where it understood nuclear physics, but it'd still be a verystupid thing to do!
[TECHNICIAN] Identify!
[COMPUTER] The approaching craft are Sontaran battle cruisers. Theirintention is hostile.
[TECHNICIAN] Operate the defence.
[COMPUTER] Please complete your last instructions.
[CHESSENE] The last instruction is cancelled. Maintain normalsurveillance.
[COMPUTER] Normal surveillance.
[CHESSENE] Open all docking bays.
[DOCTOR] Don't do that! You'll frighten the fish.
[PERI] What fish? Doctor, I'm bored. We've been here for hours.
[DOCTOR] You know, I think it was Rassilon who once said, there are fewways in which a Time Lord can be more innocently occupied, then incatching fish.
[PERI] That's a whopper.
[DOCTOR] Where? I don't see one.
[PERI] It was Doctor Johnson who said that, about money.
[DOCTOR] Well, what's the use of a good quotation if you can't changeit?
[PERI] Anyway, you're not innocently employed in catching fish, are you?
[DOCTOR] They're just lazy today. Any angler will tell you there aretimes when nothing will tempt them.
[PERI] That so?
[DOCTOR] The last time I fished this particular stretch, I landed fourmagnificent gumblejack in less than ten minutes.
[PERI] Gumblejack?
[DOCTOR] The finest fish in this galaxy, probably the universe. Cleaned,skinned, quickly pan-fried in their own juices till they're goldenbrown. Ambrosia steeped in nectar, Peri. The flavour is unforgettable.I think I've got a bite!
[PERI] At last.
[DOCTOR] That's it, yes. Give him his head.
[PERI] You really caught something?
[DOCTOR] Yes. My word, this fellow's putting up a fight. Stand by withthe gaff, Peri.
[PERI] I'm not sticking that thing in a poor little fish.
[DOCTOR] Not so little, Peri. Not so little at all. By the feel of this,it might be a record.
[PERI] Oh, wow, Doctor. That must weigh very nearly an ounce.
[DOCTOR] Yes.. but did you see the one that got away? That magnificentgumblejack that was trying to eat this poor little fellow. There.
(Dastari's office)
[DASTARI] Even if I wanted to, Doctor, I have noauthority to order Professors Kartz and Reimer to abandon their work.
[DOCTOR 2] Of course you have. You sanction all the experiments on thisstation.
[DASTARI] And what reason would I give? That the Time Lords haveexpressed concern?
[DOCTOR 2] Dastari, our monitors have already detected ripples of up topoint four on the Bocher scale. Anything much higher would threaten thewhole fabric of time!
[DASTARI] They are well aware of the dangers, Doctor. They areresponsible scientists.
[DOCTOR 2] They're incompetent meddlers.
[DASTARI] Aren't you being a little ingenuous, Doctor?
[DOCTOR 2] What do you mean?
[DASTARI] Hasn't it occurred to you that the Time Lords have a vestedinterest in ensuring that others do not discover their secrets?
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, I'm sure that's not the case.
[DASTARI] I gather your own machine is no longer in the station. Isn'tthat because you didn't want Kartz and Reimer to get a look at it?
[DOCTOR 2] Look, I've a suggestion. Stop these experiments for the timebeing, whilst my people study their work. If Kartz and Reimer reallyare on safe lines, I'm sure they'll be allowed to continue.
[DASTARI] Allowed to continue?
[DOCTOR 2] I mean, there would be no further objection.
[DASTARI] In the first place, I have no authority to ask Kartz andReimer to submit their work for analysis. And in the second place, theTime Lords have no right to make such a grossly unethical demand. I'venever heard such unmitigated arrogance!
[DOCTOR 2] And I've never heard such specious claptrap! Oh, don't youprate to me about ethics! The balance of the space-time continuum couldbe destroyed by your ham-fisted numbskulls.
[DASTARI] I don't feel there's anything to be gained by prolonging thisdiscussion, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] Dastari, you have more letters after your name than anyone Iknow. Enough for two alphabets. How is it you can be such a stupid,stubborn, irrational, and thoroughly objectionable old idiot?
[DOCTOR 2] And what are you smiling at, you, you hairy-leggedHighlander?
[JAMIE] I'm just admiring your diplomatic skills.
[DOCTOR 2] Pah! Dastari?
[JAMIE] He's got his head doon, Doctor. I can't say I blame him.
[DOCTOR 2] I'll thank you not to speak in that appalling mongreldialect.
[JAMIE] I mean, he's gone to sleep.
[DOCTOR 2] He's no' asleep.
[DOCTOR 2] He's not asleep Jamie. He's drugged!
[JAMIE] He's what?
[JAMIE] What's that?
[DOCTOR 2] I would have thought a Jacobite would recognise that sound.
[SCIENTIST] Professor!
[DOCTOR 2] Jamie, run.
[JAMIE] What?
[DOCTOR 2] Run, I say! Save yourself!
[DOCTOR] We'll try our luck at the Great Lakes of Pandatorea.
[PERI] Must we?
[DOCTOR] Hm? Oh, you've never seen such fish. And as for the Pandatoreanconga, it's longer than your railway trains.
[PERI] I don't think I wish to know. What is all this fishing stuff,anyway?
[DOCTOR] It's restful, relaxing. I think I've been overdoing things. Ihaven't felt at all myself, lately.
[PERI] I don't know which is yourself.
[DOCTOR] Exactly. This re
[DOCTOR] Generation.
[PERI] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Regen
[PERI] Doctor! What's wrong?
(Space station corridor)
[JAMIE] Doctor!
[SHOCKEYE] Whoa, there. Steady now. Quiet, boy. Easy. Shockeye will nothurt you.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh, we are wild, aren't we?
[CHESSENE [OC]] Shockeye! Why aren't you on the ship?
[SHOCKEYE] I was just collecting some provisions, madam.
[CHESSENE] The ship is fully stocked.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh, but the standard rations are so boring. These are a fewspecial things for the journey. A cold collation I prepared.
[SHOCKEYE] Grr! The Tellurian has escaped.
[CHESSENE] Stike will leave nothing alive.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh, but such a waste, madam.
[CHESSENE] We must go. Bring the hamper.
[SHOCKEYE] Er, have you decided on our destination?
[CHESSENE] It's unimportant.
[CHESSENE] If you wish. But why Earth?
[SHOCKEYE] I have a desire to taste one of these human beasts, madam.The meat looks so white and roundsomely layered on the bone, a suresign of a tasty animal.
[CHESSENE] You think of nothing but your stomach, do you, Shockeye.
[SHOCKEYE] The gratification of pleasure is the sole motive of action.Is that not our law?
[CHESSENE] I still accept it, but there are pleasures other than thepurely sensual.
[SHOCKEYE] For you, perhaps. Fortunately, I have not been augmented.
[CHESSENE] Take care. Your purity could easily become insufferable.
[SHOCKEYE] These days, you no longer use your karam name, do you,Chessene o' the Franzine Grig?
[CHESSENE] Do you think for one moment that I forget that I bear thesacred blood of the Franzine Grig? But that noble history lies behindme, while ahead? Oh, ahead lies a vision.
[PERI] Doctor, er, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Of course I'm not all right! What happened?
[PERI] I think you fainted.
[DOCTOR] I never faint. I remember now. I felt a weakness. I felt aweakness and then I, I was in another place.
[PERI] Can I get you anything? Celery! That's what you need.
[DOCTOR] Celery, yes. And the tensile strength of jelly babies! But I, Ihad a clarinet. Or was it a flute? Something you blew into.
[PERI] A glass of water?
[DOCTOR] Water? No, don't think so. A recorder! That's what it was. Somekind of mind lock.
[PERI] Doctor, you're not making any sense.
[DOCTOR] I am making perfect sense. I was being put to death!
[PERI] I think you should sit down.
[DOCTOR] Sit down? They're executing me! Except it wasn't that way. Itdidn't end like that, so it's not possible.
[PERI] What isn't possible?
[DOCTOR] Well, I exist. I'm here, now, therefore I cannot have beenkilled then. That is irrefutable logic, isn't it?
[PERI] Don't worry about it.
[DOCTOR] But the there and then subsumes the here and now, so if I waskilled then, I could only exist now as some sort of temporal tautology.That also is irrefutable.
[PERI] Circular logic will only make you dizzy, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] The most likely explanation, of course, is that I haven'tsynchronised properly yet. Some kind of time-slip in the subconscious.
[PERI] Perhaps you should see a doctor.
[DOCTOR] Are you trying to be funny?
[PERI] No, it was just a suggestion.
[DOCTOR] Actually, that's not such a bad idea.
[DOCTOR] Now, then. Archimedes. Fascinating chap, bit wet. Brunel.Christopher Columbus. (looks at Peri) He had a lot to answer for.Dante, Da Vinci, Dastari! Joinson Dastari, HP One. Head of Projects,Space Station Chimera, Third Zone. That's him!
[PERI] Who?
[DOCTOR] Dastari! The pioneer of genetic engineering. Be worth a trip,anyway. Dastari's people are doing some fascinating work on Rho mesonsas the unstable factor in pin galaxies.
[PERI] I can hardly wait. What are pin galaxies?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, they're galaxies within the universe of the atom.Difficult to study. They only exist for one attosecond.
[PERI] Doctor, I have no idea what that means.
[DOCTOR] It means you have to be quick. An attosecond is a quintillionthof a second. Right, here we go.
[DOCTOR] You know, that was a good idea of mine, wasn't it?
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] Getting medical help.
(Space station galley)
[PERI] Ugh! Oh, Doctor, it's foul. Are you sure it's safe?
[DOCTOR] Plenty of oxygen.
[PERI] Yeah, but that awful smell.
[DOCTOR] Mainly decaying food (sniffs) and corpses.
[PERI] Corpses?
[DOCTOR] That is the smell of death, Peri. Ancient musk, heavy in theair. Fruit-soft flesh, peeling from white bones. The unholy, unburiablesmell of Armageddon. Nothing quite so evocative as one's sense ofsmell, is there?
[PERI] I feel sick.
[DOCTOR] I think you'll feel a good deal sicker before we're finishedhere.
(Space station corridor)
[DOCTOR] Laser bolt there, do you see?
[DOCTOR] And there. It must have been quite a fight.
[PERI] Look!
[DOCTOR] Quite recently, too, otherwise the atmosphere would havecleared.
[PERI] Do you think we should go on any further?
[DOCTOR] What?
[PERI] Well, I mean, if there's no one left alive, there's nothing wecan do now, is there?
[DOCTOR] I want to find out what happened here. Look, you can go back tothe Tardis if you like.
[PERI] No, I'll stay with you.
[DOCTOR] When I first saw this station, I thought of comet strike, orsome such natural disaster, but it's been deliberately destroyed! Now,what kind of monster would want to stop the brilliant work that wasbeing done here? Pure research, for its own sake, It threatened no one.
[COMPUTER] It threatened the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] Would you care to repeat that?
[COMPUTER] It threatened the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] And what put that idea into your apology for a brain?
[COMPUTER] Return to your ship and leave.
[DOCTOR] Certainly not.
[COMPUTER] Then this station will switch to defence alert.
[DOCTOR] I will not be threatened by a computer. And put some lights on!
[PERI] How do you know it's a computer?
[DOCTOR] My dear girl, I know a computer when I talk to one. Come on.
[PERI] And what did it mean, defence alert?
[DOCTOR] (sighs) The usual. Floor trips, electronic sensors, death rays,jets of nerve gas. Nothing to worry about.
[PERI] Oh, good. I was afraid it might mean something serious.
[DOCTOR] As long as we keep our wits about us.
[PERI] What's that noise?
[DOCTOR] It's depressurising this section. Got to get out of here. Nopower.
[PERI] It's getting colder!
[DOCTOR] It will, but we'll die from lack of air before we freeze todeath.
[PERI] How long?
[DOCTOR] Not many minutes. We've got to get out of this passageway.
[DOCTOR] Ah! Thought there'd be one.
[PERI] Clever.
[PERI] Nothing's happening.
[DOCTOR] Got to build hydraulic pressure.
(Outside the Hacienda)
[CHESSENE] Excellent. I detect only one occupant, a female.
[SHOCKEYE] Don't use the gas injector, madam. They give the flesh anacrid taste. I'll slaughter it myself.
[CHESSENE] It might not be edible, Shockeye. I detect great age. Come!
(Dastari's office)
[DOCTOR] Are you feeling better?
[PERI] Thanks. Where are we?
[DOCTOR] Dastari's office.
[PERI] How do you know?
[DOCTOR] He liked old familiar things around him. He worked out thefamous theory of parallel matter at that desk. And in pen and ink. Hedetested computers.
[PERI] You speak as though you're sure he's dead.
[DOCTOR] They're all dead, Peri. Forty of the finest scientific mindsever assembled in one place. The barbarity of such a deed, I findscarcely conceivable.
[PERI] Were they a threat to the Time Lords?
[DOCTOR] Absolute rubbish. This institute was a threat to no one. It'sonly purpose was to add to the sum total of knowledge.
[PERI] Well, then why did the computer say that
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't know. Not yet. Programmed to say that, presumably.
[PERI] What's that for?
[DOCTOR] Switching to visual. Must have lost track of us.
[PERI] Well, I haven't seen any lenses.
[DOCTOR] There'll be an electronic eye somewhere. Do you notice thefloor?
[PERI] What about it?
[DOCTOR] Cork insulation and carpet.
[PERI] So your friend liked to be comfortable, even in space.
[DOCTOR] It's been tracking us by the heat of our feet. In here, itcouldn't detect us.
[PERI] You mean it got worried and switched the lights on?
[DOCTOR] Something like that. I wonder what it'll try next.
[PERI] You don't think it'll just leave us alone?
[DOCTOR] Most unlikely. Think of it as a game, between it and us.
[PERI] I love games, Doctor. Games where I'm not expecting to end updead. Are you listening?
[DOCTOR] Yes. My word, they were doing some fascinating work here. Thisis Dastari's day journal.
[PERI] You've told me all I want to know about pin galaxies.
[DOCTOR] Some people called Kartz and Reimer were having some success,it seems, with experiments in time control.
[PERI] But you can already do that.
[DOCTOR] Well, I can, yes, but I didn't realise the Third Zoners werethat close to, to the breakthrough.
[PERI] Is something wrong?
[DOCTOR] This last entry. The Time Lords are demanding that Kartz andReimer suspend their work, alleging their experiments are imperilingthe continuum. No proof was offered to support this charge, so Irejected the demand. Colleagues fear they may forcibly intervene? Allagreed that we must stand firm and refuse to be intimidated.
[PERI] So it was the Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] No, it's not possible! No matter how dangerous the experimentsthey were doing, they'd have found some other way of halting them. Notthis massacre.
[PERI] Well, maybe they couldn't find another way.
[DOCTOR] No! It's unbelievable that they would commit such an atrocity.The use of force is alien to Time Lord nature.
[PERI] Well, perhaps they thought the ends justified the means. Isn'tthat always the excuse for something really bad?
[DOCTOR] No, I won't believe it. There must be some other explanation.
[PERI] Well, maybe someone's setting the Time Lords up.
[DOCTOR] Setting them up? Setting, setting them up. You know, sometimes,young Peri, you make amazingly shrewd remarks. Yes. It could be a crudeattempt to drive a wedge between Gallifrey and the Third Zonegovernments.
[PERI] But who'd benefit from that?
[DOCTOR] I don't know, but I intend to find out.
[PERI] That's if we get out of here alive.
[DOCTOR] Hm? Oh, yes, I was forgetting that. We still have our homicidalcomputer to deal with.
[PERI] It's getting awfully hot and stuffy in here now.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Having failed to freeze us to death, it's now trying tobake us. It appears to be a machine with a distinctly limitedrepertoire.
[PERI] Who needs anything fancy? Oh Doctor, we've got to get out ofhere.
[DOCTOR] We have to do better than that. We've got to find our way tothe control centre and turn the wretched thing off.
[PERI] Well, how're we going to do that without being zapped on the way?
[DOCTOR] Zapped? We'll have to find our way down into the infrastructureand work our way across. We'll be cramped down there, but safer thangoing on the walkways.
[DOCTOR] Not so much as a paper clip! You'd think someone like Dastariwould keep a few useful odds and ends around.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, it's absolutely stifling now.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, it is a bit uncomfortable.
[DOCTOR] As I thought. I could trip this if I had a bit ofwire.
[PERI] Well, what are you trying to do?
[DOCTOR] Save us from death by dehydration. That computer's been forcedto turn the power on, but it hasn't energized the door locks. If only Icould. Ah ha! Here you are.
[DOCTOR] Voila! You know, I don't know much about art, but I know what Ilike.
(Entrance hall)
[ARANA] Quién está aquí?
[SHOCKEYE] It cannot see.
[ARANA] You are English? Quién está?
[SHOCKEYE] The creature's bones are dry and brittle.
[CHESSENE] I sensed it was very old, but its mind will be of use. Bringit through.
[SHOCKEYE] You carry it, Varl.
[VARL] I do not take orders from civilians.
(Space station galley)
[DOCTOR] Ah. This looks big enough to get down.
[PERI] Well, can't we just take off?
[DOCTOR] Not until I find out exactly what happened here.
[PERI] Doctor, look!
[DOCTOR] We haven't got time to bother about dead Androgums, Peri.
[PERI] Ugh. Well, how do you know it's an Androgum?
[DOCTOR] I know an Androgum when I see one. Come on!
[DOCTOR] Right, shouldn't be too far down. Just put your arms over yourhead, and slide.
[PERI] What happens if I get stuck?
[DOCTOR] I shouldn't advise that. I'll be right behind you.
[PERI] Okay, okay.
[DOCTOR] That was a bit further down than I expected. Oh.
[PERI] Well, it's all right coming down. How are we ever going to getback up again?
[DOCTOR] Oh, there'll be service hatches. Ow!
[PERI] You did say it would be cramped.
[DOCTOR] Thanks for reminding me. This way, I think.
[PERI] How can you tell?
[DOCTOR] Well, apart from possessing an unerring sense of direction, allthe service ducts lead this way. They must lead up to the controlcentre.
[PERI] Oh!
[DOCTOR] You all right?
[PERI] Sure. Can't remember when I last had so much fun.
[CHESSENE] Where is Varl?
[SHOCKEYE] Oh, he's setting up a homing beacon for the Sontaran ship.
[CHESSENE] We must ask Stike to make a discreet landing. This planet isgreatly overpopulated.
[SHOCKEYE] (By the time I leave it, madam, that may not be a problem.Oh, did you learn much from the dead mind?
[CHESSENE] It was a puny thing. This region of the planet is calledAndalucía. We are four kilometres from the city of Sevilla.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh. Oh, and is the eating good there?
[CHESSENE] Doña Arana had little interest in food. Her mind was full ofher religion.
[SHOCKEYE] Religion? I'm not interested in the beliefs of primitives,only in what they taste like.
[CHESSENE] In some ways, Shockeye o' the Quauncing Grig, you are acomplete primitive yourself.
[SHOCKEYE] You only say that, Chessene, because of the foreign, alienfilth injected into you by Dastari. But come what may, you are anAndrogum. Never lose sights of your horizons.
[DOCTOR] Here, give me your hand. Good girl.
[PERI] Oh, it would help if we could see.
[DOCTOR] Can't be much further.
[PERI] Just far enough to scrape the skin off another leg. What is allthis stuff, anyway?
[DOCTOR] Hm? Oh, fluidic streams. Interesting application of an oldidea. Think I detect Dastari's hand in the design. There.
[DOCTOR] There, you see?
[PERI] Should you have done that?
[DOCTOR] Oh, they're self-sealing. Now that fluid
[PERI] Doctor
[DOCTOR] Carries a signal, in the same way that the signal in anelectronic circuit is carried by the flow of electrons. The interestingthing about a fluidic device
[PERI] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] What?
[PERI] I thought I heard something. I was trying to listen, but you kepton talking.
[DOCTOR] I was imparting a little information. When you ask a question,you should listen to the answer, my girl, otherwise, you will gainabsolutely no benefit from being in my company. It is the province ofknowledge to speak, and the privilege of wisdom to listen.
[PERI] Privilege.
[DOCTOR] Yeah.
[PERI] I can't tell you how privileged I feel, having been half-frozen,and asphyxiated, and cooked, and then forced to clamber through milesof pipe.
[DOCTOR] Good, because we have about another mile to go. Come on.
[PERI] Ah! Listen.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[PERI] I heard it again! There's, there's something down here with us.
[DOCTOR] It's not possible. You're imagining it.
[PERI] I tell you, I'm certain I heard something.
[DOCTOR] Hydraulics.
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] Well, some of these pumping systems are very old. There's boundto be the odd wheeze.
[PERI] Well, that's the fiercest pump I ever heard.
[DOCTOR] There's something down here with us, Peri.
[PERI] Really.
[DOCTOR] We must be under the central control area now.
[PERI] Well, I just hope you know what you're doing.
[DOCTOR] If I didn't, I wouldn't be doing it. Do have a little faith.
[PERI] It just looks very complicated.
[DOCTOR] Not at all. These type 49 systems are colour-coded. Defencemechanisms in red, power supplies in yellow, and so forth. All we haveto do is disarm that computer, then hopefully we'll get some civilanswers out of the thing.
[PERI] There's a ladder over here.
[DOCTOR] Hm? Yes, I know. I saw it. Leads up to the central controlarea. Blue. You know, I can't remember what blue stands for? Oh, well.
[PERI] Can I help?
[DOCTOR] No, no, no. This is a job for an expert. They often booby-trapthese computers to prevent tampering. Berbury's noose was a favourite.
[PERI] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Berbury's noose? Very nasty. Leaves you without a head.
[PERI] Oh.
[DOCTOR] Do you know, I wish I could remember what that blue lineserves.
[OSCAR] What does that say, Anita?
[ANITA] Keep out.
[OSCAR] Oh. Well, perhaps we'd better had.
[ANITA] It doesn't matter, Oscar. It's a very old sign.
[OSCAR] Well, yes, but
[ANITA] No one lives on the hacienda now, only the Doña Arana.
[OSCAR] The Doña Arana?
[ANITA] An old lady, Don Vincenté Arana's widow. She never leaves thehouse.
[OSCAR] Where is the house?
[ANITA] Over that hill. Do you know, in the old days when my motherworked for the Don it was like a palace. Now it is falling down.
[SHOCKEYE] Insipid muck!
[VARL] Our leader is in descent orbit.
[SHOCKEYE] Our leader is Chessene o' the Franzine Grig.
[VARL] Marshal Stike commands the Ninth Sontaran battle group!
[SHOCKEYE] He doesn't command anything here. Chessene planned thisoperation.
[VARL] You will see. We Sontarans lead. We never follow.
[SHOCKEYE] Tell him to come in on full mufflers. And that's an orderfrom Chessene!
[ANITA] Hmm, this is the place. There always usedto be hundreds of moths around here.
[OSCAR] Yes. Yes, it looks like splendid moth country. Of course, we area little early. Moths are ladies of the night.
[OSCAR] Painted beauties sleeping all day, and rising at the sunset towhisper through the roseate dusk on gossamer wings of damask and silk.
[ANITA] You really like them, don't you, Oscar.
[OSCAR] Oh, I adore them.
[ANITA] Then why do you kill them?
[OSCAR] So that I can look at them.
[ANITA] What's that for?
[OSCAR] Moths to the flame, my dear. And then I net them and put them inmy cyanide box.
[ANITA] Cyanide? Isn't that terribly dangerous?
[OSCAR] Not if one is careful. I've used cyanide since I was a boy. It'squicker and kinder to the little creatures than ammonia.
[ANITA] What do you do with the poor things when they're dead?
[OSCAR] I mount them in my collection, so that I can sit and admirethem.
[ANITA] Don't you have a television?
[OSCAR] Down!
[OSCAR] I thought it was going to hit us!
[ANITA] It landed over that way, somewhere. We ought to go and see.Somebody might need help.
[OSCAR] I do hope not. I can't bear the sight of gory entrails. Well,except, of course, on the stage.
[ANITA] It must have crashed!
[OSCAR] Please, Anita, don't let's go any nearer. They may be sufferingfrom hideous injuries.
[ANITA] But the Doña Arana won't be able to help them, and there's notelephone. We'll have to see if we can help.
[PERI] Doctor! Over here!
[DOCTOR [OC]] What is it?
[PERI] I, I don't know. Well, come and see!
[DOCTOR] In a minute.
[DOCTOR] There. That should just about have done it.
[DOCTOR] Peri!
[PERI] Thanks for your help, Doctor!
[PERI] Doctor? Wake up! Come on!
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[PERI] Come on, Doctor, get up.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Peri. Peri, what happened? Why'd you scream?
[PERI] That thing you saw was an animal attacked me, and it's human, Ithink.
[DOCTOR] If you hadn't screamed I wouldn't have triggered that stun jet.I was expecting there'd be one. It can't be human. They haven't reachedthis part of the Galaxy.
[PERI] Well, it's humanoid at any rate. Come and see.
[DOCTOR] Vorum gas. An ordinary person would have been unconscious forhours.
[PERI] So would you if I hadn't dragged you clear of it.
[DOCTOR] No, no. I closed my respiratory passages as soon as I detectedany danger.
[PERI] Well, then, how did you breath?
[DOCTOR] With difficulty. I'll explain one day. Yes, it certainly doesappear to be humanoid. So it finally mustered the courage to attack.
[PERI] I think it was my fault. It was just protecting its nest.
[DOCTOR] Understandable.
[DOCTOR] Jamie?
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] It's Jamie. How did he get here? He should be with me.
[PERI] Well, he's not now, Doctor. Not anymore.
[DOCTOR] No, that's right. But if he's here, where am I? I must havebeen here, Peri.
[PERI] You mean at some past time?
[DOCTOR] It's all right, Jamie.
[JAMIE] Keep away from me!
[DOCTOR] It's all right.
[JAMIE] Keep away!
[DOCTOR] Open that.
[PERI] We're your friends, we won't hurt you.
[JAMIE] Keep away.
[DOCTOR] No, it's all right.
[JAMIE] Keep away. Keep away.
[DOCTOR] Jamie! It's all right!
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, it'll help him to relax.
[PERI] Relax? You've killed him.
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't be ridiculous. I seem to remember I was always veryfond of Jamie.
[PERI] He's not moving.
[DOCTOR] No. His nervous system's temporarily paralysed. He'll be fineshortly.
[JAMIE] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, Jamie?
[PERI] He's not talking to you.
[JAMIE] They killed the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid he's deranged. It's often the effect of extremefear.
[JAMIE] Killed the Doctor.
[PERI] Jamie?
[JAMIE] They killed the Doctor
[PERI] Can you hear me? My name's Peri. I'm your friend. Do youunderstand?
[JAMIE] Friend?
[PERI] Friend.
[JAMIE] They killed the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] He seems very sure of that.
[JAMIE] Doctor
[PERI] Is it possible?
[DOCTOR] Of course not! I exist, therefore I am, and was.
[PERI] Don't go through all that irrefutable logic again.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes, I remember. That mind-slip in the Tardis.
[PERI] You did say you were being put to death.
[DOCTOR] So I did. I wonder if it could have been here?
[PERI] Don't ask me, I don't understand any of this!.
[DOCTOR] Neither do I. Not yet. Now Jamie, I want you to look at thispretty little thing here. Look.
[DOCTOR] See how it swings backwards and forwards, forwards andbackwards. It makes your eyes feel heavy. So heavy you want to go tosleep. Sleep, Jamie. That's it. Sleep. Jamie, why did you come herewith the Doctor?
[JAMIE] To see Dastari.
[DOCTOR] And did you see him?
[JAMIE] Aye. They had an argument.
[DOCTOR] The Doctor had an argument with Dastari? What about?
[JAMIE] The Time Lords.
[DOCTOR] What happened then, Jamie? Can you remember?
[JAMIE] There was a battle. The knights came and killed everyone.
[DOCTOR] The knights? What were they like, Jamie? Can you tell me?
[JAMIE] They had a sort of armour. Heavy with no necks. And their handswere just two great fingers. They killed everyone.
[JAMIE] They killed the Doctor! I saw them!
[DOCTOR] It's all right, Jamie. It's all right, Jamie. Now sleep. Sleep.
[DOCTOR] There. He just gave a reasonably accurate description of theSontarans.
[PERI] Who?
[DOCTOR] Let's see if anything's recorded in that computer.
[PERI] But, but what about Jamie?
[DOCTOR] Oh, he'll be all right. Sleep's the best thing for him rightnow.
[OSCAR] Is it possible we imagined what we saw?
[ANITA] Of course not.
[OSCAR] You are such a pragmatist, my little flower, but if an aeroplanehas crashed, then shouldn't there be wreckage?
[ANITA] Of course.
[OSCAR] Well, then, like a star on my dressing room door it becomesconspicuous by its absence.
[ANITA] We simply haven't found it yet. We must continue to search.
[OSCAR] We should summon the authorities. Competent, official peopletrained in the tying of bandages.
[ANITA] We search! There may be people bleeding to death at this verymoment.
[OSCAR] I'm not a well man.
[ANITA] Oh, be brave, Oscar. Think of all the publicity. Who knows, theBritish Council may forgive you and book you on an forthcoming tour.
[DOCTOR] Of course, I never for a moment thoughtthat it was the Time Lords.
[PERI] Come on. You had your doubts.
[DOCTOR] Well, only because of that last entry in Dastari's log. Theymust have forced him to write that before they killed him.
[PERI] But why would they want to frame the Time Lords?
[DOCTOR] Frame?
[PERI] Make them appear guilty when they weren't.
[DOCTOR] I see. Set them up. I don't know. They're rabidly xenophobic.They probably thought the Third Zoners were getting too powerful andmight align themselves with the Rutans.
[DOCTOR] Is that the answer?
[COMPUTER] No speak.
[DOCTOR] No speak? What kind of language is that?
[COMPUTER] Central fault. No speak.
[DOCTOR] I must have disconnected one of its linguistic neurons. Ohwell, the data bank is still functioning.
[PERI] Doctor?
[PERI] Who are the Rutans?
[DOCTOR] Oh, the Sontarans and the Rutans are old enemies. They've beenfighting each other across the galaxy for so long they've almostforgotten what started it. Ah, there's the Kartz and Reimer work.
[PERI] Oh, I look a mess.
[DOCTOR] Of course, you can understand the Time Lords wanting to monitortheir experiments. If the holistic fabric of time were ever punctured,it'd be like putting a pin into a balloon. The Universe would simplycollapse.
[PERI] Doctor, shall I go and see if Jamie's okay?
[DOCTOR] Peri, it's possible!
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] That I was killed! It's why I collapsed, the weakness that Ifelt.
[PERI] But you said you couldn't be dead then and here now.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but if I arrived here during a time experiment, caught inan embolism and therefore outside the time flow. But if I were deadthen and here now, it means that I was at the very epicentre of theengulfing chaos.
[PERI] I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] It means the collapse of the universe has started and nothingcan stop it.
[PERI] How long will it take?
[DOCTOR] For everything to end? A very few centuries.
[PERI] Centuries? Well, if it's going to take that long, I'll go and seeif Jamie's any better.
[DOCTOR] She can't comprehend the scale of it all. Eternal blackness. Nomore sunsets. No more gumblejacks. Never more a butterfly. Peri!
[PERI] Doctor.
[JAMIE] He's not the Doctor I know.
[DOCTOR] I am too, Jamie McCrimmon. I am another aspect of him, just ashe is of me.
[DOCTOR] I was him, he will be me.
[JAMIE] Who will I be?
[DOCTOR] Peri, look at this.
[PERI] Doctor, it's horrible. Stop it!
[DOCTOR] Life like, isn't it? Or rather, death like.
[JAMIE] But that's how they killed the Doctor. I saw it.
[DOCTOR] I don't think they did, Jamie. I'm beginning to understand,now. They left this illusion to make it appear that I was dead.
[PERI] Who?
[DOCTOR] The Sontarans. They wanted to prevent any investigation into mydisappearance, which means I must have been held captive somewhere.
[PERI] But why am I in it?
[DOCTOR] That was their mistake. They left the animator switched on.When you looked into that, it copied your body print.
[JAMIE] So you don't think the Doctor's dead? I mean, my Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, I don't, Jamie. And if I'm not dead in that form, it meansmy theory about the embolism is also wrong. Well, this begins to haveall the hallmarks of a conspiracy.
[PERI] What sort of conspiracy?
[JAMIE] A plot.
[DOCTOR] That's right, Jamie. A plot to kidnap me and Dastari as well.And he's about the only bio-geneticist in the galaxy capable ofisolating the symbiotic nuclei of a Time Lord.
[PERI] So that's how you control the Tardis. Symbiosis.
[DOCTOR] If the Sontarans ever get unlimited access to time travel,they'll be invincible. We must find out where they're holding me.
[JAMIE] How could we do that? They could be anywhere.
[DOCTOR] I made contact with myself before during that mind-slip. I'lltry telepathy. It's about our only chance.
[DOCTOR] Now, I shall seem to be unconscious for a while, but don'tworry. And while my mind is out of my body, don't touch me. Don't comeanywhere near me. Any kind of contact might sever the astral link andkill me.
[PERI] How long will you be?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, seconds, hours, days. Who knows? There's no such thingas time on the astral plane.
[JAMIE] I think your Doctor's worse than mine.
[CHESSENE] How is he?
[DASTARI] This will bring him round.
[DOCTOR 2] Jamie
[DOCTOR] Jamie! I
[PERI] Oh, come on, Doctor. Wake up!
[DOCTOR] Where I am? Am where I?
[PERI] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Peri. Jamie. Was I away very long?
[JAMIE] Just minutes.
[DOCTOR] Boing! Boing!
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] Bells, my dear! Bells! Come on, there isn't a moment to lose.
[PERI] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] Can't quite remember. Something to do with getting my hair cut.
[VARL] That is the complete manifest.
[CHESSENE] Where is Stike?
[VARL] The Group Marshal has been placing the scout ship in clear inorder to conceal it from the local primitives.
[DASTARI] Even in clear it's still possible to detect with trackingequipment. We should have chosen a less populous planet.
[CHESSENE] According to the Doña Arana nobody comes here, even thoughthere is a city only four kilometres away.
[DASTARI] Are there any defence installations in the area?
[CHESSENE] The Doña Arana knows nothing of that. There was very littlein her mind to absorb.
[SHOCKEYE] Nor in her body. Nothing but bone and gristle.
[DASTARI] I would have preferred somewhere completely deserted. Theoperation is an delicate one. We cannot risk any interruption.
[CHESSENE] The Group Marshal favoured Earth. His forces are planning anattack on the Madillon Cluster, and this planet is convenientlysituated. And it was also Shockeye's wish to come here.
[DASTARI] And you indulged him? Why?
[CHESSENE] He has a craving to savour the flesh of these humancreatures. As an Androgum myself, I am aware of the potency of suchdesires.
[DASTARI] You are no longer an Androgum, Chessene. I have raised you toa superior plane of life.
[CHESSENE] There are blood-ties between the Franzine Grig and theQuauncing Grig, Dastari. Shockeye does not yet know the full nature ofmy intentions. When he does learn the truth he is going to feel that Ihave betrayed our Androgum inheritance.
[DASTARI] A being of your powers cannot stay trapped forever in thetraditions of blood and race. You must go on alone, Chessene, to createnew traditions.
[CHESSENE] Not quite alone, Dastari.
[DASTARI] He calls humans primitive.
[CHESSENE] All of our chefs sample the raw flavour of ingredients beforeeven heating their cooking pots.
[SHOCKEYE] Does this have a name, Chessene?
[CHESSENE] The Doña Arana knows it as rat.
[CHESSENE] It is a scavenging animal.
[SHOCKEYE] Hmm. Oh, the flesh is rank. Smoke-dried it might just betolerable.
[DOCTOR] Boing! The largest of the twenty fivebells in the cathedral at Seville. Most distinctive.
[PERI] You certainly specialise in arcane knowledge.
[DOCTOR] Of course. Now we know the area where they're holding me. Now,it was in the distance. About three miles, I should judge. Have youbeen to Seville, Peri?
[PERI] No, have you?
[DOCTOR] How else would I know the Santa Maria when I hear it? Oh, dotry and use your brain, my girl. Small though it is the human brain canbe quite effective when used properly.
[PERI] You might be wrong.
[DOCTOR] I am not wrong. Now, this station was attacked ten or twelvedays ago. In hyperdrive a Sontaran cruiser would take that long toreach Earth. It can only just have reached there.
[DOCTOR] Ah, you look better for your change of clothes and bath. Youshould try it more often.
[JAMIE] Thank you. What?
[PERI] Ignore him, Jamie. He's being crotchety. I think you lookwonderful.
[DOCTOR] I am not crotchety. I'm just, well, concerned.
[JAMIE] What about?
[DOCTOR] About myself, chiefly. I mean, him. Languishing in some darkdungeon at the mercy of the Sontarans.
[PERI] You can't be sure he's in a dungeon.
[DOCTOR] There was an echo, an after resonance. When you've been lockedin as many dungeons as I have, you wouldn't fail to recognise it. Well,are you ready?
[JAMIE] For what?
[DOCTOR] Transference.
[JAMIE] Now my Doctor wouldna have done that.
[DOCTOR] Your Doctor is an antediluvian fogey. Allowing himself to becaptured by the Sontarans. If anything happens to myself as a result ofit I will never forgive himself.
[PERI] Oh, I do wish you'd stop switching personal pronouns. It'd makeit a lot easier to understand what you're talking about.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh. Good morning.
[DASTARI] Don't try to move yet, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] Dastari?
[DASTARI] You'll feel dizzy for a time.
[DOCTOR 2] So, I've been drugged, have I? What did you use? It feelslike one of the anomode group.
[DASTARI] Absolutely right. Siralanomode.
[DOCTOR 2] Siralanomode? That effects the memory.
[CHESSENE] We're not interested in your memory.
[DOCTOR 2] Haven't I seen you somewhere before? Oh, augmented Androgum.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, I don't think much of the company you keep, Dastari.
[VARL] Attention! Group Marshal Stike of the Ninth Sontaran attackgroup.
[STIKE] Stand at ease.
[CHESSENE] We already were, Stike. And tell that underling of yours notto shout every time you appear.
[STIKE] Yes, Major Varl, the Androgum is quite right. We shall treat youas equals for the time being.
[VARL] Very good, sir.
[DOCTOR 2] Sontarans. I remember now. The space station. But I hadsomeone with me. Jamie. What have you done with Jamie?
[CHESSENE] Your companion will be long since dead, Doctor. The Sontaranstake no prisoners.
[STIKE] Inflexible policy.
[DOCTOR 2] No! No!
[CHESSENE] Fasten the restraints.
[DOCTOR 2] Jamie! No!
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, poor old Jamie.
[OSCAR] Isn't that incredible? Police! And they say they're never therewhen you need them.
[ANITA] Oscar, it doesn't say Policía.
[OSCAR] Interpol, my dear. They have branches everywhere.
[ANITA] Oscar, you are a fool.
[OSCAR] Officer! We have to report a tragedy. Stark disaster has struckthis simple countryside.
[DOCTOR] Has it indeed? What manner of disaster, Mister?
[OSCAR] Botcherby. Oscar Botcherby at your service, sir, and thisdark-eyed naiad is named Anita.
[ANITA] Oh, come on, Oscar. There's been a plane crash.
[OSCAR] Well, of course, it may not be your department. I can see fromyour raiment that you obviously belong to the plain clothes branch.
[DOCTOR] Did you see this aeroplane?
[OSCAR] No, we were in an olive grove at the time it roared overhead. Wewere on a moth hunting expedition. Are you interested in Lepidoptera atall?
[DOCTOR] I am interested in everything, Mister Botcherby, but mainly, atthe moment, in this crash you heard.
[ANITA] It landed near Doña Arana's hacienda. We saw three survivorsstaggering towards to the house.
[OSCAR] Well, two of them were carrying someone other poor injuredfellow.
[DOCTOR] Were they, indeed? I think you may well have done me a greatservice, Mister Botcherby.
[OSCAR] In what way, officer?
[DOCTOR] I think you saw three fugitives, whose trail we have beenfollowing for a long time. Perhaps you can lead us to this hacienda?
[ANITA] Of course. It's this way.
[OSCAR] Should we, my dear? It's easy to find, officer. You just followthis road.
[ANITA] Oh, it's not easy to find, Oscar. We ought to show them.
[OSCAR] I was thinking these men might be dangerous. I mean, I wasthinking we ought to be getting back to the restaurant.
[ANITA] Oh, we've plenty of time.
[DOCTOR] You'll be doing a public service, Mister Botcherby.
[OSCAR] Oh well, we Botcherbies have never shirked public service. Mydear departed father was an air raid warden in Shepton Malletthroughout the war. He slept in a steel helmet for five years. Thisway.
[DOCTOR 2] What have you got there?
[DASTARI] The Kartz-Reimer transference module.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, that'll never work. I can tell that from here.
[DASTARI] It worked well enough to bring you to the Space Station,Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] All it did was to produce a few hiccups in the timecontinuum. Enough to tell us that dangerously crude experiments weregoing on.
[DASTARI] Kartz and Reimer were clearly on the right track. SeveralAndrogums successfully vanished into time during those experiments.Unfortunately we were unable to bring them back.
[DOCTOR 2] Course you couldn't. No one can travel through time without amolecular stabilisation system.
[DASTARI] We know that now. And we know that Time Lords possess asymbiotic link with their machines which protects them, and anyone withthem, against destabilisation.
[DOCTOR 2] Guess work.
[DASTARI] Don't underestimate Chessene, Doctor. Hers was the brainbehind Kartz and Reimer, and it was she who first realised that themissing element had to lie somewhere in here.
[DOCTOR 2] So what are you going to do, hmm? Cut me up piece by piece?
[DASTARI] Let us say cell by cell, and gene by gene, until I isolate thesymbiotic nuclei.
[DOCTOR 2] When did you go mad, Dastari?
[DASTARI] I assure you I am not at all mad.
[DOCTOR 2] Then you're totally under Chessene's domination. Are youhoping to give her the power of time travel? Is that the idea?
[DASTARI] I shall put her among the gods. There need be no limit to herachievements.
[DOCTOR 2] There'll be no limit to her capacity for evil. She's anAndrogum, Dastari, whatever you may say! She'll snap off the hand thatfeeds her whenever she feels hungry.
[DASTARI] You don't know Chessene. I confess I was sad that the TimeLords chose to send you as their emissary, because I've always had acertain regard for you, Doctor, personally, and the operation will, bynecessity, be very painful. But
[DOCTOR 2] It'll hurt you more than it hurts me.
[DASTARI] What gives you that idea? No, I was going to say but at leastyou'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you have been part of agreat undertaking.
[DOCTOR 2] You are an irresponsible old fool! The Androgums arebarbarians! Release them into time and every civilised people in thegalaxy will curse your name! Do you hear me? Oh, my giddy aunt. Oh,crumbs!
[STIKE] Dastari, why this delay?
[DASTARI] Delay?
[STIKE] I expected the operation to begin immediately on my arrival.Time is being wasted.
[DASTARI] Time is not being wasted. An operation of this complexityneeds careful preparation.
[STIKE] You are not efficient. All that should have been done.
[DASTARI] We brought most of this equipment with us. How could it havebeen installed before we got here?
[STIKE] Chessene should have brought it. There was no forward planning.
[DASTARI] If we had dismantled my operating theatre any earlier, thestation would have been buzzing with speculation. Chessene's plan mighthave failed. It was not worth the risk.
[STIKE] How long is this operation going to take?
[DASTARI] As long as it takes me to locate the symbiotic nuclei withinthe Time Lord's cell structure. Hours or days. I cannot say.
[STIKE] Every hour is precious to me, Dastari. My Ninth group is nowforming up for a vital battle in the Madillon Cluster. If successful,it could change the course of the war, so it is imperative that I mustbe there to lead them to victory.
[DASTARI] Then if time is so important, I suggest you take this to theoperating theatre while I fetch the rest of my equipment.
[DOCTOR 2] Tea time already, nurse?
[STIKE] I do not understand.
[DOCTOR 2] Just as well. A face like yours wasn't made for laughing.
[STIKE] The operation must begin at once. I am needed at the front.
[DOCTOR 2] Yes, I heard you. What was it, a vital strike in the MadillonCluster? Oh, dear me. Nothing changes, does it? You and the Rutans havebecome petrified in your attitudes.
[STIKE] Nothing can change till victory is achieved. But, but I fear Imight have made a tactical error.
[DOCTOR 2] Oh? I thought the Sontarans never made mistakes.
[STIKE] It is not easy being commander. The loneliness of supremeresponsibility.
[DOCTOR 2] Why don't you resign, Stike? Take a pension.
[STIKE] When I die, it will be alongside my comrades at the front.
[DOCTOR] Wait here.
[PERI] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] Just for a scout round.
[OSCAR] Oh, look!
[JAMIE] What?
[OSCAR] Over there.
[JAMIE] I don' see anything.
[OSCAR] Just there. An exquisite Feathered Gothic. If only I'd broughtmy net.
[STIKE] Doctor, you have a chance, in death, tohelp the Sontaran cause.
[DOCTOR 2] How can I do that?
[STIKE] Tell Dastari where your symbiotic nuclei is located in your cellstructure. Vital time will be saved and I can be on my way.
[DOCTOR 2] Is that what Chessene's offered you, the knowledge ofunlimited time travel? In that case, you should watch your back, Stike.
[STIKE] What?
[DOCTOR 2] She's an Androgum! A race to whom treachery is as natural asbreathing. They're a bit like you Sontarans in that respect!
[STIKE] That is for the slur on my people!
[DOCTOR 2] And for that I demand satisfaction!
[STIKE] You know that is impossible.
[DOCTOR 2] I am challenging you to a duel, Stike. That is traditionalamong Sontarans, is it not?
[STIKE] Oh, I would dearly love to kill you, but unfortunately you areneeded alive.
[DOCTOR 2] Release me, Stike. You are not only without honour, you're acoward as well.
[STIKE] As you are not a Sontaran, Doctor, you cannot impugn my honour.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, that didn't work, did it?
[CHESSENE] What have you got there, Shockeye?
[SHOCKEYE] A selection of recipes, madam, used by these humans. It'smost interesting.
[CHESSENE] I cannot think that Shockeye o' the Quauncing Grig hasanything to learn from humans. Do you understand it?
[SHOCKEYE] Oh yes, indeed. These are Chinese and these are Spanish. Theingredients are unfamiliar, naturally, but the general principles aresimilar to our own methods. They cannot be quite as primitive as I'dbelieved. In many ways they resemble us.
[CHESSENE] In what ways?
[SHOCKEYE] Well, I found many of these books here. Now, there cannot bea creature on the planet that humans do not kill and eat. Many beastsare bred especially for table. They are force-fed to improve the flesh,and penned in small, confined quarters to fatten more rapidly. It'sfascinating.
(Outside the kitchen)
[SHOCKEYE [OC]] Vats of boiling liquid.
[SHOCKEYE] The strange thing, however, is that Ican find no recipes for cooking the human animal.
[CHESSENE] There are races that do not eat their own kind.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh, but a species that is at the top of the food chain asthese
(Outside the kitchen window)
[SHOCKEYE [OC]] Creatures are, must develop thefinest flavour of all. They have the pick of the planet's resources andall that goodness is concentrated
[CHESSENE [OC]] Listen!
[CHESSENE] I heard something out there.
[SHOCKEYE] I heard nothing, Chessene.
[CHESSENE] You were too busy talking about your favourite subject.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh, I must taste a Tellurian soon. A young one, with a goodproportion of meat to the bone. I am becoming insane for such a feast.
[CHESSENE] Be patient, Shockeye.
[CHESSENE] We'll find one for you before we leave Earth. Indeed, I'lljoin you at table, for I confess to a certain curiosity myself.
[PERI] So, you're an actor.
[OSCAR] For my sins.
[JAMIE] What're you acting in in the moment, Oscar?
[OSCAR] I'm between roles at the moment, so I'm managing a restaurantfor a friend of mine. Las Cadanas in the Bario Santa Cruz.
[ANITA] Quiet, Oscar. Someone's coming.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, you scared us. Do you have to creep up like that?
[DOCTOR] You were expecting a brass band?
[JAMIE] Did you find out anything?
[DOCTOR] No, but the Sontarans are here. I can sense their presence.
[OSCAR] Who are the Sontarans?
[JAMIE] Don't ask. Just hope you don't meet one.
[DOCTOR] Anita, this Doña Arana, is she tall and dark?
[ANITA] No, she's small and frail and has white hair.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it wasn't her then. I couldn't see the man she was with. Hehad his back to me so I couldn't tell if he was human or not.
[OSCAR] What do you mean, human or not?
[DOCTOR] That noise you heard was a spacecraft landing. That hacienda isnow in the possession of what you would term as alien beings.
[OSCAR] You are joshing me, officer, are you not?
[DOCTOR] Joshing?
[JAMIE] That woman, was she wearing a long grey frock?
[DOCTOR] Couldn't have put it better myself.
[JAMIE] Well, she was at the Space Station, then.
[DOCTOR] Was she now?
[JAMIE] Aye. Dastari said she was a hungryman or something.
[DOCTOR] Androgum?
[JAMIE] Aye, that's it.
[DOCTOR] Of course! Though her features haven't the heaviness of thetypical Androgums.
[JAMIE] Oh, he said he'd done some operations that had turned her into agenius.
[DOCTOR] What a stupid thing to do!
[JAMIE] That's what the Doctor said.
[DOCTOR] And I was right. Whatever he's done to her mind, her naturewill stay exactly the same, and Androgums have as much emotionalcapacity as, as a gumblejack.
[PERI] Well, what's the next move, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] We have to find a way of getting into that hacienda withoutbeing detected.
[ANITA] I know a secret way into the cellars. It used to lead from theold ice house.
[DOCTOR] The cellars? That's even better. Peri, you'll have to cause adistraction while Jamie and I try and find out where I'm being held.
[PERI] What sort of distraction?
[DOCTOR] Do I have to think of everything? Knock on the door and sayyou're lost.
[PERI] I don't speak Spanish.
[DOCTOR] That's all right. Neither do they. Right, Anita, you'd bettershow us this ice house.
[PERI] What if a Sontaran answers the door?
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's not very likely. They seem to be keeping well out ofthe way at the moment. Come on. Lead on.
[OSCAR] Good luck, everyone.
[DASTARI] I'm afraid I'm unable to give you a fullanaesthetic.
[DOCTOR 2] Doing the job on the cheap, are you?
[DASTARI] You have to be conscious while the neuron bombardment excitesthe brain cells. I will then be able to examine them.
[DOCTOR 2] You should be examining your own brain cells, Dastari, Mostof them must have leaked out your ears or you wouldn't be involved inthis madness.
[DASTARI] This injection will simply inhibit the motor centres.
[STIKE] Get on with it, Dastari. You're delaying my war effort.
[DASTARI] If you want this operation to succeed, Group Marshal, you willallow me to proceed as I decide and at the pace I consider appropriate.Count backwards from ten, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] Certainly not.
[DASTARI] As you wish.
[DOCTOR 2] Do you expect me to cooperate in my own murder? I'm domni oikparl.
[DASTARI] The next step is partially to detach the occipital bones.
[PERI [OC]] Hello?
[PERI [OC]] Is anybody there?
(Outside the ice house)
[ANITA] Shall I come with you?
[DOCTOR] No, you've done quite enough already bringing us here, Anita. Iwant you to collect Oscar and get off the estate as fast as you can.
[JAMIE] Er, Anita? Goodbye.
[ANITA] Good luck.
(Entrance hall)
[CHESSENE] American students?
[PERI] Yes. We're planning to send parties every year and I'm surveyingthe district for suitable accommodation.
[PERI] Can I ask, do you live alone or are there other occupants?
[CHESSENE] I live alone, apart from my servant. Wait here, young woman.
[SHOCKEYE] We could eat her tonight. I could make a piquant sauce.
[CHESSENE] Perhaps we shall, but first I must test my suspicions.
[SHOCKEYE] What suspicions?
[CHESSENE] The human mind is so flabby and vague it is hard to read, butshe was constantly thinking of the Doctor.
[CHESSENE] The Doctor.
[SHOCKEYE] But she could have no knowledge of the Doctor. How would thatbe possible?
[CHESSENE] We shall see. Have Dastari bring him through the hall. Ifthere is a connection, she will give herself away when she sees him.
[SHOCKEYE] And then we can cook her.
(Ice house)
[DOCTOR] Mind how you go, Jamie. This ladder seems a ow!
[JAMIE] A wee bit rickety. Is that what you were going to say, Doctor?
(Hacienda cellar)
[DASTARI] You heard what Shockeye said. Chessenewants him taken upstairs.
[SHOCKEYE] Her orders were quite clear.
[STIKE] And I am ordering you to continue the operation. I will nottolerate further delay.
[DASTARI] Force will get you nowhere, Stike. If you kill me you lose allchance, forever, of learning the Time Lords' genetic secret.
[STIKE] Very well. But tell Chessene if the operation is not completedby the end of the day, I shall return to my unit and leave none of youalive here. Varl!
[VARL] Sir. (The Sontarans leave.)
[DASTARI] Militaristic buffoon.
[SHOCKEYE] Chessene will deal with him. Have you ever eaten a Sontaran?
[DASTARI] Certainly not.
[SHOCKEYE] No, nor have I. They always seem so tough and tasteless.
[DASTARI] Here, help me lift him into the wheelchair.
[JAMIE] Are we not going after them?
[DOCTOR] Let's have a good look round here, first.
[JAMIE] But there's only two of them. We could easy
[DOCTOR] One of them's an Androgum, Jamie. He could break us both inhalf with one hand.
(Entrance hall)
[PERI] And, er, how many bedrooms?
[PERI] I thought you said you lived alone?
[CHESSENE] Visitors.
[CHESSENE] Take him through.
[PERI] Is he all right?
[CHESSENE] He has had rather a tiring time lately.
[CHESSENE] Shockeye, show this young woman around. She might beparticularly interested in the kitchens.
[SHOCKEYE] With pleasure, madam.
[PERI] Er, well, thank you, I think I have all the information I need.
[PERI] Well, my friends'll be waiting for me.
[CHESSENE] If she has friends they will come enquiring after her.
[SHOCKEYE] I think that was a lie. Animals always scent danger. Theyhave to be dragged to the abattoir!
[DOCTOR] They've got it almost exactly right, even down to the BriodeNebuliser. Look.
[JAMIE] What is it?
[DOCTOR] The Kartz-Reimer version of the Tardis.
[JAMIE] A Tardis?
[DOCTOR] Yeah.
[JAMIE] Will it work?
[DOCTOR] It will if I use it, or any other Time Lord, but not for anyoneelse.
[JAMIE] Why not?
[DOCTOR] This machine has to be primed, by what we call the RassilonImprimatur, that's a kind of symbiotic print within the physiology of aTime Lord. Once that's been absorbed into the Briode Nebuliser you havea time machine that anyone can use. That, of course, was what theydidn't understand. They simply copied the technology, without realisingthat old Rassilon had a second trick up his sleeve.
[STIKE] A most interesting lecture, Time Lord.
[PERI] Ow!
[SHOCKEYE] Pretty, pretty. Here, my pretty one.
[SHOCKEYE] Steady, my little beauty. Come to Shockeye.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh, whoa, whoa. Oh, what a fine, fleshy beast. Ha! Just inyour prime, and ripe for the knife!
[SHOCKEYE] Oh, pity it's not a jack. Still.
[STIKE] Varl! Inform Chessene that we have anotherTime Lord for our collection.
[VARL] Very good, sir.
[STIKE] I am Group Marshal Stike, Commander of the Ninth Sontaran BattleGroup.
[DOCTOR] A long way from the war, aren't you, Stike? Going badly, is it?
[STIKE] On the contrary. And thanks to the information you've just givenme, I shall be back in time for the crucial battle.
[DOCTOR] My money's still on the Rutans.
[STIKE] Into the machine, Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Why? Oh, of course. You don't really expect me to give theSontarans the power of unlimited time travel, do you?
[STIKE] Do it, or your comrade dies. Get in!
[DOCTOR] Satisfied?
[STIKE] So, the machine is now primed?
[STIKE] Excellent. I shall now execute your comrade.
[DOCTOR] Wait! Now, that's why you Sontarans have no allies. You can'tbe trusted.
[STIKE] We have no need of allies. Sontaran might is invincible!
[DOCTOR] Run, Jamie!
[CHESSENE] Who has done this to you, Stike?
[STIKE] A Time Lord.
[CHESSENE] Impossible. How could the Time Lords have traced us?
[STIKE] It's the truth. I did not do this to myself!
[DASTARI] The Doctor's companion at the Space Station had a knife likethat.
(Side room)
[JAMIE] Doctor!
[DOCTOR 2] Jamie! There you are, Jamie.
[DOCTOR] I've come a long way for you!
[DOCTOR 2] Naturally. Don't expect any thanks.
[JAMIE] I think someone's coming.
(Entrance hall)
[JAMIE] Too late!
[DOCTOR] Upstairs. Extemporise.
[SHOCKEYE] Wake up, old Time Lord. Supper will soon be served.
(Ice house)
[CHESSENE] They've escaped.
[STIKE] Typical cowardice.
[CHESSENE] They'll come back. They have to. Dastari, you come with me.Stike, you and Varl search the area.
[STIKE] That Androgum has given its last order.
[VARL] Sir?
[STIKE] I have outwitted Chessene. The Time Module is now fullyoperational, Major Varl, so you and I can return to our unit.
[VARL] Excellent news, sir.
[STIKE] Come!
(Entrance hall)
[CHESSENE] Now that the Time Lords have located us, Dastari, we mustmove quickly.
[DASTARI] The operation cannot be hurried, Chessene.
[CHESSENE] I'm aware of that, but I have a contingency plan. It's beenin my mind for some time.
[DASTARI] What contingency plan?
[CHESSENE] I want you to turn this Time Lord into an Androgum. You coulddo that, I know.
[DASTARI] Well, if I had the genetic material.
[CHESSENE] Take it from Shockeye.
[DASTARI] Shockeye?
[CHESSENE] I want you to make a consort for me. Leave him the power oftime travel, leave the symbiotic nuclei within him, but turn him intoan Androgum by blood and by instinct. How long would that take?
[DASTARI] Not long
[CHESSENE] Good. Then that is what we shall do.
[CHESSENE [OC]] Shockeye!
[CHESSENE] I want you to help Dastari get the Doctor back to theoperating theatre.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh, can't I trim the beast first, madam? It'll only take afew minutes.
[CHESSENE] Later, Shockeye. Dastari wants to operate immediately.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh, if you say so.
(Outside the back of the hacienda)
[STIKE] Orders.
[VARL] Yes, sir?
[STIKE] Return to the craft and contact Sontaran High Command. Reportthat we have possession of a functioning Time Space machine. Requestpermission to use it to rejoin our unit at the Madillon Cluster.
[VARL] Yes, sir.
[STIKE] That done, set the craft to self-destruct. I intend to leave noone alive here.
[DOCTOR 2] No! You know what this precious pairhave cooked up for you, Shockeye?
[DASTARI] That's enough.
[DOCTOR 2] No! I don't want to be turned into an Androgum!
[SHOCKEYE] Chessene!
[PERI] Ugh!
[DOCTOR] Peri, can you stand?
[PERI] Oh, my head. What happened?
[DOCTOR] Can you stand?
[PERI] Yes, I think so.
[DOCTOR] Come on, then. Let's get out of here.
[CHESSENE] How long?
[DASTARI] A few minutes only. It's essentially the same operation Iperformed many times on you.
[CHESSENE] But this time in reverse. This time you are taking from anAndrogum, rather than augmenting one.
[DASTARI] The principle's no different. What will you do when Stikediscovers the plan's been changed?
[CHESSENE] I have no further use for Stike. He and his underling must bedestroyed.
(Outside the hacienda)
[JAMIE] What now? They've still got the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] And they're turning him into an Androgum.
[JAMIE] How long will it take?
[DOCTOR] You heard Dastari, two operations. I thought Stike would haveacted by now.
[PERI] How?
[DOCTOR] I mean, he has a functioning time machine. I would expect himto try and kill both Chessene and Dastari before he leaves, so whyisn't my plan working?
[JAMIE] Your plan?
[DOCTOR] Jamie, you don't think someone of Stike's build can sneak upbehind me without my hearing him, do you?
[JAMIE] You knew he was there?
[DOCTOR] That's why I said what I did. None of it was strictly true, buthe believed it because I was talking to you.
[JAMIE] But the machine worked. I saw it.
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, it worked for me, but it won't work for him because Ihave the Briode Nebuliser.
[DASTARI] I've given the Time Lord a fifty percentAndrogum inheritance. Within an hour that will become the dominantgenetic factor. I can then stabilise his cell structure.
[CHESSENE] Before then we must deal with the Sontarans.
[CHESSENE] Coronic acid kills them.
[DASTARI] We have no coronic acid.
[CHESSENE] I took the precaution of having three canister preparedbefore we left the station, just in case.
[SHOCKEYE] Chessene, you have betrayed me. You have fouled the blood ofthe Quauncing Grig.
[DOCTOR 2] Capercaillies in brandy sauce.
[DOCTOR 2] With a stuffing of black pudding made of live pig's blood,herbs, and pepper. And the breasts of the birds should be slit andstudded with truffles.
[SHOCKEYE] You know the cuisine of this planet?
[DOCTOR 2] Of course I do. I have eaten pressed duck at the Tourd'Argent. They are fed only on corn, fruit pulp and molasses. They'reexquisite, Shockeye. Why am I thinking of food?
[SHOCKEYE] Because you are now an Androgum. Can you lead me to one ofthese eating places to sample the local dishes?
[DOCTOR 2] Of course I can, but you will need proper clothes.
[SHOCKEYE] Proper clothes?
[DOCTOR 2] A collar, a neck tie, at least.
[SHOCKEYE] Oh. I know where there are clothes.
(Outside the ice house)
[DOCTOR] Action, I think.
[DASTARI] Stike, Varl, this way.
[STIKE] Not yet. Chessene first. She's more dangerous.
[STIKE] What is it, Dastari?
[DASTARI] The Time Lord has returned. We saw him from the house.
[STIKE] Where is he?
[DASTARI] He's entered the passage. Chessene's waiting in the cellar.Now, if you go in this way, we have him trapped.
[DOCTOR] A double double-cross. It gets more interesting by the minute.
[JAMIE] Looks like Chessene's won.
[PERI] Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] Quail pate, I think, Shockeye, followed by a bisque decrevettes, hmm? I know an eating house
[DOCTOR] Now where are they going?
[JAMIE] They look quite pally.
[DASTARI] Where have they gone?
[CHESSENE] They're hunting food.
[DASTARI] If the Doctor isn't stabilised within the hour
[CHESSENE] He'll reject the transfusion. I'm well aware of that.
[DASTARI] We must find them.
[CHESSENE] Wait. On this planet there is little hunting. The Doña Aranaremembers many restaurants in Sevilla. That is where they shall be.Come!
[STIKE] Treacherous hag. I shall return to destroy this Androgum filth.
(Country lane)
[SHOCKEYE] Tell me, on this planet, do they evereat their own?
[DOCTOR 2] I believe in the Far Indies it has been known, but I remembera dish, shepherd's pie.
[SHOCKEYE] Shepherd's pie? A shepherd. Can't we walk quicker?
[DOCTOR 2] Wait. There's a machine coming.
[SHOCKEYE] Can you drive this machine?
[DOCTOR 2] Of course I can. Get in, my friend. We shall be in Seville infive minutes!
[JAMIE] I can't believe that was my Doctor just standing there andletting a man get killed.
[DOCTOR] Right now I'm afraid he's eighty percent Androgum. By the timethe effect reaches me it will be close to a hundred percent.
[PERI] Reaches you?
[DOCTOR] And it will, unless we can save him. I'm already beginning tofeel changes.
[JAMIE] Eh? Well, come on, then.
[STIKE] My space craft.
[JAMIE] Oh, look, we'll never find him here, Doctor.
[PERI] It's too big.
[DOCTOR] Look!
[DOCTOR] They can't be more than a minute ahead of us. This way, Ithink.
[PERI] How do you know?
[DOCTOR] Peri, it is me we're following.
[JAMIE] I still don't understand it.
[DOCTOR] What?
[JAMIE] Well, that you and the Doctor, well, my Doctor are the sameperson.
[DOCTOR] Of course we're the same, but different. You only have to seehow my sartorial taste has improved, for instance.
[PERI] But how can two of you be together at the same point in space andtime?
[DOCTOR] When you travel around as much as I do, it's almost inevitablethat you'll run into yourself at some point. Come on.
[SHOCKEYE] Personally I have never seen the necessity for starting ameal with a, what was your word?
[DOCTOR 2] Hors d'oeuvres.
[SHOCKEYE] Quite unnecessary, in my opinion. Eight or nine main dishesare quite enough in my opinion.
[DOCTOR 2] Well, on this planet it is the custom. All the greatest chefsagree, Carema, Brillat Savaran, the noble Escoffier, they all agreethat one should begin with a light dish, something to bring relish tothe appetite. Pate du foie gras de Strasburg on croute, for instance,or a serving of Beylon oysters. Even a, even a light salad withartichoke hearts and country ham will suffice. It gets the digestivejuices flowing!
[SHOCKEYE] How much further is this place?
[DOCTOR 2] It's just round the next corner, if I remember rightly.
[DOCTOR] They're checking the restaurants. Something I should havethought of. Come on, let's find them before Chessene does.
(Las Cadenas)
[OSCAR] Juan, can you see to table six.
[OSCAR] Welcome to Las Cadenas, señors. Oh, how delightful to have seegentlemen of the old school. May I enquire if you have a booking?
[SHOCKEYE] Booking? I want food.
[OSCAR] No reservation. Well, come this way. Fortunately, I have anexcellent table for you.
[SHOCKEYE] Do you serve humans here?
[OSCAR] Most of the time, sir. Yes, I think I could venture to say thatmost of our customers are certainly human.
[SHOCKEYE] I mean human meat, you fawning imbecile.
[OSCAR] No, sir. I'm afraid the nouvelle cuisine has not yet penetratedthis establishment. Juan?
[DOCTOR] No luck?
[PERI] No, just a load of tourists eating paella and chips.
[DOCTOR] No, didn't look the kind of place. They'd have gone forsomewhere more elaborate.
[JAMIE] What's wrong?
[DOCTOR] Oh, there's a cat.
[PERI] What about it?
[DOCTOR] Well, they say there's more than one way to cook a cat. Here,pussy, pussy, puss-puss! Here, little puss.
[PERI] Doctor, what are you doing?
[DOCTOR] They can make quite good eating. Small mammals are quiteflavoursome when baked.
[PERI] What are you saying? I don't understand.
[DOCTOR] I knew it would happen. I'm turning into an Androgum.
[PERI] You can't!
[JAMIE] You're not an Androgum. You're a Time Lord! Pull yourselftogether, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, that's right. I'm a Time Lord.
[JAMIE] Are you better now?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, yes, I'm all right. For the moment.
(Las Cadenas)
[OSCAR] What on Earth have they had? Nobody can runup a bill for eighty one thousand, six hundred pesetas.
[ANITA] What? Let me see. They've had lobsters, clams, and squid, brainsin white sauce, two whole suckling pigs, a ham with figs, eight steaks,and an entire family paella!
[OSCAR] A whole paella?
[OSCAR] That's twelve servings.
[ANITA] They've just ordered a dozen breasts of pigeons, probably tohelp down the last of their dozen bottles of wine.
[OSCAR] What a gargantuan repast. It's incredible. And they're stilleating!
[DOCTOR] They've covered that way, so we'll go this.
(Las Cadenas)
[ANITA] I think they should start paying now,Oscar.
[OSCAR] Yes. Well, leave it to me.
[OSCAR] I trust everything was to your satisfaction, gentlemen?
[SHOCKEYE] Oh, tolerable, tolerable.
[OSCAR] May I say what a pleasure it has been to see two such dedicatedtrenchermen enjoying their food. Unfortunately the reckoning is ratherhigh.
[SHOCKEYE] What is this?
[OSCAR] Well, it's the amount you owe, sir.
[SHOCKEYE] Do you understand this?
[DOCTOR 2] He is asking for money.
[DOCTOR 2] Tokens of exchange.
[SHOCKEYE] This is our tally?
[OSCAR] Yes, sir.
[SHOCKEYE] Here. Keep the change.
[OSCAR] I'm sorry, sir. I mean, I can see you're a wit as well as a bonvivant, but this, whatever it is, is not acceptable.
[SHOCKEYE] That is a twenty narg note! You can change that anywhere inthe Nine Planets!
[OSCAR] Well, it's not acceptable here, sir.
[PERI] Las Cadenas. (no stress on any syllable)
[DOCTOR] Las Cadenas. (stress on De.)
[PERI] Well, isn't it where Oscar works?
[JAMIE] Aye, I think that was the name. Mind you, there seems to be moreplaces to eat in this town than you'd find fleas on a dog.
[DOCTOR] Dog? Where?
(Las Cadenas)
[ANITA] Oscar, you must stop them.
[OSCAR] Yes. Yes, I must.
[OSCAR] Gentleman, if this is a joke, it has gone on long enough. If youdon't wish to pay cash we can accept any recognised credit card.
[SHOCKEYE] I will pay you with this.
[OSCAR] What?
[SHOCKEYE] Your whining importunacy has acidised my digestive juices.
[PERI] Oscar!
[DOCTOR] What happened?
[OSCAR] Officer. Promptly on the scene as always.
[DOCTOR] Let me see that.
[OSCAR] Ridiculous thing to happen. Dissatisfied customers usually justdon't leave a tip.
[PERI] Doctor?
[ANITA] You're going to be all right, Oscar. I phoned for the ambulanceand the Worthy of Seville.
[OSCAR] No, no, I'm afraid this is Botcherby's last curtain call.
[ANITA] Oh, no.
[OSCAR] No one will ever see my definitive Hamlet now.
[PERI] We will! We'll all be there on the first night, Oscar.
[ANITA] Yes.
[OSCAR] To die, to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream. Where are you,Anita?
[ANITA] I'm here.
[OSCAR] Please, take care of my beautiful moths.
[DOCTOR] Good night, sweet prince.
[JAMIE] Doctor, just look at the Doctor. His face.
[DOCTOR] Can you walk?
[DOCTOR 2] Walk? Of course I can walk.
[DOCTOR] Right. Come on.
[DOCTOR] I am a police officer. Come along with me, sir.
[DOCTOR 2] What is this?
[DOCTOR] Anything that you may say
[DOCTOR 2] Who do I think you are?
[DOCTOR] May be used in evidence against you.
[JAMIE] We'd better go.
[DOCTOR] Now you come along with me!
[DOCTOR 2] How dare you! Let go of me!
[DOCTOR] This way!
[DOCTOR 2] No, this way.
[DOCTOR] Now look, you got me into this mess.
[PERI] Will you two please stop squabbling? We'll go this way.
[CHESSENE] No. You'll come this way. We have some unfinished business toattend to.
(Entrance hall)
[DOCTOR 2] Oh, my word, what a mess.
[DOCTOR] Mmm. I think perhaps, Dastari, you ought to sack yourchatelaine.
[CHESSENE] Shockeye. What has happened here?
[SHOCKEYE] It seems that Group Marshal Stike vaporised his space craftand himself. I found this.
[DASTARI] So he survived the coronic acid.
[CHESSENE] Obviously. Down to the cellars. You know the way, I think.
[CHESSENE] The control box has been moved. Is itdamaged?
[DASTARI] The Briode Nebuliser's missing.
[DOCTOR] Do you mean this?
[CHESSENE] Why did you remove it?
[DOCTOR] Because it contains my symbiotic print.
[CHESSENE] Return this to the machine.
[DASTARI] How did your Time Lord imprint get into this?
[DOCTOR] Stike forced me to prime and use the machine.
[CHESSENE] There is a simple way of testing whether you are still tryingto deceive us. Come, girl.
[SHOCKEYE] Come, girl.
[CHESSENE] Now we shall see.
[DOCTOR] There you are.
[DASTARI] Kartz and Reimer experimented like this many times. Thesubjects always vapourised into the time stream.
[DOCTOR] Peri won't. And she hasn't any symbiotic nuclei, I can assureyou.
[DOCTOR] Satisfied?
[CHESSENE] Dastari, chain these creatures up.
[DOCTOR] Chain us up? After I've handed you the secret of time travel ona plate. Come on, Chessene. Where's your gratitude?
[CHESSENE] Dastari.
[DASTARI] Come on. Come along.
[SHOCKEYE] Madam, before we leave, let me cook one of the humans.
[CHESSENE] Didn't you sate your appetite sufficiently in the city?
[SHOCKEYE] A mere snack. You promised we could have a human beforeleaving Earth.
[CHESSENE] Well, if it would please you. Take the one in the skirt. He'sthe youngest of the jacks.
[SHOCKEYE] Thank you, madam.
[JAMIE] Get your hands off me!
[SHOCKEYE] Steady, my beauty. Oh, there's some juiceful meat on thisone, Chessene.
[DOCTOR 2] Jamie!
[DOCTOR 2] You might at least say goodbye! You're almost as clever as Iam.
[PERI] What does he mean?
[DOCTOR 2] I presume you've sabotaged the Briode nebuliser?
[DOCTOR] Pared the interface.
[DOCTOR 2] Precisely what I would have done.
[PERI] But it worked, didn't it?
[DOCTOR] I left a thin membrane so it would work once. I knew she'd wantto test it.
[DOCTOR 2] There's no need to be so smug. We've got to get Jamie out ofthat butcher's hands.
[DOCTORS] Can you reach that wheelchair?
[PERI] I'm not elastic.
[DOCTOR 2] I think you could reach it with your feet, if you try.
[DOCTOR] Good girl!
[PERI] What's the idea, Doctor?
[DOCTOR 2] Push it over towards him.
[PERI] Why? He's not going anywhere.
[DOCTOR 2] Come along.
[DOCTOR] That's it!
[DOCTOR] What do you think?
[DOCTOR 2] It might work. It's worth a try.
[DOCTOR 2] That's it. Easy does it.
[DOCTOR] Right.
[DOCTOR 2] Never mind me. That's Jamie. Help him!
[DOCTOR 2] The key!
[DASTARI] What are you doing?
[SHOCKEYE] Tenderising the meat. Oh, see how the flesh is marbling.That's the fatty tissue breaking up.
[DASTARI] You should kill him first, surely?
[SHOCKEYE] It works better on a live animal.
[DASTARI] It looks very painful.
[SHOCKEYE] That's simply a nervous reflex. I've been butchering all mylife. Primitive creatures don't feel pain in the way that we would.
[SHOCKEYE] Now, this is the part, I always say, where you can tell abutcher from a botcher. The meat should always have a clean edge.
[CHESSENE] Dastari, you fool! One of the Time Lords has escaped.
[DASTARI] That's impossible.
[CHESSENE] You couldn't have fastened the manacle properly.
[DASTARI] I tell you I did.
[CHESSENE] Don't argue! It's vital that he be caught and killed.
[DASTARI] Chessene, listen to me. To kill a Time Lord would mean thedestruction of everything we've achieved. The Gallifreyans have powerswe've not even dreamed of.
[CHESSENE] Kill him, I tell you. Kill him!
[SHOCKEYE] This will only take a few minutes, madam. I thought we couldhave the saddle and the haunches for supper.
[CHESSENE] Never mind that now, Shockeye. I want that Time Lord found!
[DOCTOR] Jamie? Jamie, can you hear me?
[DOCTOR] Jamie, wake up.
[SHOCKEYE] I thought you might return to help the primitive.
[CHESSENE] Shockeye! The Time Lord.
[SHOCKEYE] I know, madam. I wounded him. Look.
[CHESSENE] Then follow his blood trail. Kill him, Shockeye.
[SHOCKEYE] Certainly, madam.
[JAMIE] Right. I'll have that Shockeye, so I will.
[DOCTOR 2] Come along, Peri, it's time we were off.
[PERI] Okay.
[DASTARI] Chessene wants me to kill you.
[SHOCKEYE] Your run has nearly ended, Time Lord.Give up, Time Lord, you cannot escape Shockeye o' the Quauncing Grig!
[SHOCKEYE] The blood is warm and salt, Time Lord. I know how near youare.
[DOCTOR] Your just desserts.
[DASTARI [OC]] I remember it very clearly, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2 [OC]] There speaks the real Dastari.
[DOCTOR 2] My old friend!
[CHESSENE] I ordered you to kill these two. Why are they still alive?
[DASTARI] There's been enough killing, Chessene, and it's my fault. Itook an Androgum, a lowly, unthinking creature of instinct, and triedto set her among the gods.
[CHESSENE] I put myself among the gods. And now I shall liberate mypeople. With me as their leader we shall reign over all other beings.
[PERI] Is she dead?
[DOCTOR 2] Very.
[DOCTOR 2] Molecular disintegration. Horrible.
[PERI] That's it then.
[JAMIE] Aye, except for that Shockeye.
[DOCTOR] He's been, er, mothballed. My word, that's a mess! It'll takeyou a while to put that back together again!
[DOCTOR 2] That will not be necessary.
[DOCTOR] A Stattenheim remote control? Where did you get that? I'vealways wanted one of those.
[DOCTOR 2] Some of us have earned these little privileges.
[DOCTOR 2] Jamie.
[JAMIE] Er, after you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR 2] No, after you, Jamie.
[JAMIE] Goodbye, Peri.
[PERI] Bye.
[JAMIE] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Jamie. Keep an eye on the old gentleman, will you?
[DOCTOR 2] Do try and keep out of my way in future and in past, there'sa good fellow. The time continuum should be big enough for the both ofus. Just.
[DOCTOR] Do you know, I think I preferred you as an Androgum.
(Entrance hall)
[DOCTOR] Of all the conceited ingrates! Do youknow, he almost succeeded in concealing my natural charm.
[PERI] Was that your Tardis?
[PERI] I don't understand. How can it be in two places at the same time?
[DOCTOR] That's the whole point. It's not in two places at the sametime. My Tardis is at least five minutes walk from here. After you.
[PERI] No, after you.
[DOCTOR] No, After you.
[PERI] Doctor? We're not going fishing again, are we?
[DOCTOR] No. From now on it's a healthy vegetarian diet for both of us.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s22", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Two Doctors"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (9 Mar, 1985; Sixth Doctor) - Timelash
[PERI] Lost?
[DOCTOR] I am never, ever lost.
[PERI] Ha! Wish I could have that on tape.
[DOCTOR] I was contemplating taking you to the constellation ofAndromeda.
[PERI] Why?
[DOCTOR] I haven't been there recently, that's why.
[PERI] Well, what about me? Don't I ever get a say in our destination?
[DOCTOR] Oh. Where would the First Lady suggest?
[PERI] Well, I don't mind.
[PERI] What I mean, Doctor, is I don't mind where we go so long as whenwe get there, we spend some time and relax.
[DOCTOR] You want a holiday! Why didn't you say so before? I know thevery place.
[PERI] Doctor, if you're about to suggest the Eye of Orion, don't. I'veheard all about that elusive place once too often. No one lives thereand few visit, apart from you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, but such a beautiful moonset. Ideal tonic for the wearytime traveller. But, if that doesn't appeal, as I've said, there isalways Andromeda.
[PERI] Oh, really. And what's out there?
[DOCTOR] Some of the most magical sights in the entire universe. Astralstarbursts creating a myriad celestial bodies against a timeless royalblue backdrop.
[PERI] Very poetic, but that's the exact description you always give ofthe Eye of Orion.
[DOCTOR] It is?
[PERI] Word for word.
[DOCTOR] Does nothing please you?
[PERI] Yes. Purposeful travel, not aimless wanderings.
[DOCTOR] Aimless? You see our time together as aimless?
[PERI] No, not exactly. I guess not.
[DOCTOR] I should hope not. Or perhaps you're trying to tell me you'vehad enough. In that case I can easily set the coordinates for Earth,1985.
[PERI] No, no, that won't be necessary.
[ARAM] We'll have to split up. If just one of us can get out of theCitadel and make it as far as the rebel encampment
[TYHEER] Fat chance. There's got to be another way to defeat the Boradfrom within the Citadel.
[ARAM] You please yourself, Tyheer, but I'm getting out. Gazak?
[GAZAK] I'm with you. If we stay here and are caught, they'll throw inthe Timelash. Shush.
[ARAM] Let's go. Good luck.
[DOCTOR] That is a Kontron tunnel. Put more colloquially, it's a timecorridor in space.
[PERI] Didn't the Daleks have one of those?
[DOCTOR] It doesn't matter whose tunnel it is, we're heading straightfor it and there's nothing we can do about it.
[PERI] So? You've always said the Tardis is indestructible.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's beside the point. Colliding with a time corridorsomething one tries to avoid.
[PERI] Well, what will it do to us?
[DOCTOR] You can never tell with a time tunnel. Ah!
[PERI] Are you in pain?
[DOCTOR] I've found out where the corridor's going. You're in luck. It'sEarth. It's a period you call 1179AD.
[PERI] Oh, I've never been to twelfth century Earth.
[DOCTOR] As I seem to keep saying, that's beside the point. Once insidea time tunnel, the Tardis may undergo an adverse Kontron effect.
[PERI] Is that bad?
[DOCTOR] Bad? Bad? Doh. Bad? You don't seem to realise the effect thattime particles colliding within a multi-dimensional implosion field canhave.
[PERI] Hardly.
[DOCTOR] Well, the short answer is Pow!
[GUARD] Right, loop him up.
(Borad's vault)
[BORAD] So, you nearly got away.
[ARAM] What are you?
[BORAD] The Borad, your master.
[ARAM] You can't be.
[BORAD] And you have betrayed me.
(Inner Sanctum)
[BRUNNER] Apparently the rebels attacked a storage chamber last night.
[KENDRON] Why? Surely they know they can't win?
[BRUNNER] As surely as they know the punishment that awaits theirfailure.
[MYKROS] They're bringing up Gazak and Tyheer.
[VENA] Tyheer? But Tyheer is a councillor. Mykros, what is going on?
[MYKROS] I don't know. Things can't be allowed to continue like this. Weare tearing the fabric of our society apart.
[VENA] The Borad has promised all of us a better place in which to live.We must trust him.
[MYKROS] When we're losing our own friends? What sort of leader neverappears in public, only on a screen?
[VENA] You know that is a security measure.
[MYKROS] Don't be so naive. We never see him because he doesn't care.The only thing that interests the Borad are these endless timeexperiments.
[VENA] He is experimenting for the good of us all. He's a fine leader.
[MYKROS] Not only is our planet divided, we are under imminent threat ofinvasion from our former allies, the Bandrils. Is that good leadership?Why aren't we preparing to defend ourselves? Why are we having a war atall?
[TEKKER] Maylin Renis.
[RENIS] Have the prisoners brought forward.
[TYHEER] Renis, please, I'm not guilty. I led you to the conspirators.
[GAZAK] You traitor!
[TYHEER] I'm not a traitor, I'm one of you.
[RENIS] Be quiet. For organising rebellious acts against our honouredruler, the Borad, the people of Karfel condemn Gazak and Tyheer to theTimelash.
[TYHEER] But I helped you! You can't execute me. Maylin, listen to me,please.
[RENIS] Silence him. The Timelash will banish you. The Borad has sparedyour miserable life.
[MYKROS] (sotto) I think I prefer death.)
[VENA] (sotto) What do you mean?
[MYKROS] (sotto) Who knows where that time corridor ends?
[GAZAK] Let me say my last words, Maylin. Please.
[MALYIN] Let him speak.
[GAZAK] I'm no rebel. I love this planet. My crime is merely a concernfor our world, our people, our loss of freedom, and the growing dangerof an interplanetary war.
[TEKKER] Nonsense. The boy is a self-confessed rebel. Banish him.
[GAZAK] No, Maylin, you can't do this. Please!
[RENIS] Quiet, quiet. Sentence will be carried out.
[TYHEER] Tekker, you must believe me.
[TYHEER] Spare me the Timelash and I'll help you fight the rebels,Maylin. Please!
[RENIS] Too late, Tyheer.
[TYHEER] No, you're making a big mistake. No, I won't go!
[BORAD [on screen]] Let this be a further lesson. I will not tolerateany attempt to interfere with my plans. Furthermore, may I remind youthat I'm working for the benefit of all Karfelons. That is all.
[MYKROS] (sotto) If you believe that, you'll believe anything.
[PERI] Doctor?
[PERI] That curve on the screen you told me to keep an eye on?
[PERI] It's now a straight. Is that bad?
[DOCTOR] Bad? No, it's disastrous.
(Inner Sanctum)
[RENIS] That is all.
[ANDROID] Maylin.
[RENIS] I haven't forgotten.
[VENA] Father, is that what you now call a fair trial?
[RENIS] That is not your concern.
[VENA] To the contrary, I think that it is very much
[RENIS] Enough. I hope you're taking great care of my only daughter.
[MYKROS] Of course. As my future wife, I could hardly do anything else.
[RENIS] Then cure her of her stubbornness. She has a foolish commitmentto a way of life that is passed.
[MYKROS] I hope that she will soon believe as I do.
[RENIS] I'm pleased to hear it. Young noblewomen seem to have so muchfree will nowadays.
[VENA] Father
[MYKROS] Speaking of noblewomen, Vena tells me that Tola is recovering.
[RENIS] My wife is as well as can be expected after such major surgery.
[MYKROS] Is there anything that I can do?
[RENIS] No, Mykros, but I appreciate your concern. Now, if you willexcuse me, I have some urgent business to attend to.
[MYKROS] Of course.
[DOCTOR] How's that line?
[PERI] It's starting to break up.
[DOCTOR] Is it still on the screen?
[PERI] Just about.
[DOCTOR] If any part of it leaves the screen, let me know immediately.
(Power vault)
[MALYIN] What are you doing in here? You know it's forbidden.
[MYKROS] Yes, I'm sorry, Maylin, but I'm afraid my curiosity got thebetter of me.
[RENIS] You do of course realise the penalty if you are caught in here.
[MYKROS] Oh, I'm past caring. I want some answers.
[RENIS] No one is monitoring us in here. The delta configuration rayswould harm delicate instrumentation when I switch power through to theBorad's personal vault.
[MYKROS] It's a strange feeling, not being monitored. Wait a minute.Wait a minutes. What would happen if you refuse to make that powerswitch?
[RENIS] Are you mad?
[MYKROS] You'd cripple him, surely.
[RENIS] You're talking of mass suicide. If we tampered with his powersupply, he'd wipe us out within seconds.
[MYKROS] Let him try. Look, I know we'd sustain losses, but we'd winthrough in the end. We must!
[RENIS] Do you think I haven't thought of all this already?
[MYKROS] Then why haven't you acted? Look, I'd help you. Many would. Youwouldn't be alone.
[RENIS] It wouldn't work. Not yet.
[MYKROS] You're afraid, aren't you. Afraid of some power-crazed old man.That's all he is.
[RENIS] You don't know what you're talking about. I am in command.
[MYKROS] You're only a figurehead. If you had any real authority, youwouldn't allow loyal citizens to be cast into the Timelash.
[RENIS] They were rebels.
[MYKROS] They were no more rebels than you or I. Why can't you seewhat's happening? Karfel is being driven to total destruction and youwill not lift a finger to stop it.
[RENIS] All I know is that I must continue my role as Maylin. Myfunction is to switch power to the Borad. Either you stay and promisenot to interfere, or leave now and let me get on with my duty.
[MYKROS] Just what does your duty entail?
[RENIS] There are two amulets.
[MYKROS] That's a mirror!
[RENIS] Yes.
[MYKROS] I thought the Borad had banned all mirrors.
[RENIS] Only this one remains. The two amulets must be placessimultaneously to open the power panels.
[MYKROS] What happens next?
[MALYIN] We make the necessary power switches according to theseinstructions.
[MYKROS] What's wrong?
[RENIS] He wants me to divert all subsidiary energy supplies to hisvault.
[MYKROS] Everything?
[RENIS] All except power for the Timelash.
[MYKROS] He's mad!
[RENIS] I've no other choice but to obey.
[MYKROS] What about those in the hospital? Good heavens, man, your ownwife is there on a life support system. You can't! It's murder!
[RENIS] Rebelling is useless. We both know that. Perhaps my wife will bestrong enough to survive on her own.
[MYKROS] I'm going to destroy this madman.
[RENIS] All right, I won't stop you.
(Borad's vault)
[RENIS [OC]] But don't involve me or my daughter.
[MYKROS [OC]] I suggest you think about your own wife.
[RENIS [OC]] If you think of yourself.
(Power vault)
[RENIS] Dead, you're of no use to anyone. Alive,you might just succeed.
[RENIS] Good luck.
(Outside the power vault)
[RENIS] Android. It's all right, he was just assisting me.
[ANDROID] Mykros. Return immediately to the Inner Sanctum for anemergency meeting.
[RENIS] But shouldn't I have been informed?
[ANDROID] Maylin. You are requested to attend the Borad.
[DOCTOR] Belt up.
[PERI] Where did you get these?
[DOCTOR] Does it matter?
[PERI] Well, we've never had to use belts before.
[DOCTOR] We've never had to negotiate a Kontron tunnel before.
[PERI] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Peri, it's started.
(Borad's vault)
[BORAD] Maylin Renis, how nice of you to accept myinvitation.
[RENIS] The pleasure and honour is mine, Borad.
[BORAD] I was pleased to see that you dealt firmly with the rebels.
[RENIS] Thank you.
[BORAD] Personally, I would have preferred to see them dangling at theend of a rope.
[RENIS] Did I do wrong?
[BORAD] Well, perhaps you should have consulted me first.
[RENIS] I'm sorry I misunderstood your wishes. I simply went ahead on myown authority.
[BORAD] You have no authority. You act entirely under my explicitinstructions.
[RENIS] But I am the Maylin!
[BORAD] From this moment, you are nothing.
[RENIS] I don't understand.
[BORAD] You think me a fool?
[RENIS] But, Borad.
[RENIS [OC]] All right, I won't stop you, but don't involve me or mydaughter.
[BORAD] Have you heard enough? You must be wondering how I learnt ofyour treason. A microphone fitted into the black scented amulet. Wheninserted into the power panel, it's shielded from delta configurationrays.
[BORAD] You look pale, Maylin.
[RENIS] You are
[BORAD] Repulsive? Perhaps, but I have a hundred times your intellect,the strength of twenty Guardoliers, and a life spanning a dozencenturies.
[RENIS] What, what's happening? Where's the Borad?
[BORAD] Imbecile. I am the Borad and I do not tolerate disloyalty.
[BORAD] Time for another election. Inform Tekker that I have elected himto be the next Maylin.
[ANDROID] Yes, Borad.
[DOCTOR] Hang on, Peri, we're seconds from impact.
(Inner Sanctum)
[BRUNNER] Fellow council members, may I introduceyou to our new Maylin, Maylin Tekker.
[VENA] Where's my father?
[TEKKER] Oh, please be seated, my dear Vena. Accept the condolences ofthe entire council of the Inner Sanctum. It appears your father hassuffered a fatal seizure.
[VENA] No! Why wasn't I told before about this?
[TEKKER] My dear Vena, the news grows worse.
[MYKROS] Tekker!
[VENA] This is madness! What's happening?
[TEKKER] It's called treason. And he is the traitor.
[VENA] No!
[TEKKER] Prepare the Timelash.
[VENA] No. No.
[MYKROS] (sotto) Vena, be brave. It's up to you now. The Borad must bestopped. His strength is in the amulet. The amulet.
[TEKKER] My dear Vena, do not distress yourself unduly.
[VENA] What has he done?
[TEKKER] Conspired with your father to bring about the downfall of theBorad. Get rid of the rebel.
[TEKKER] Stop her!
[VENA] It must go! Let him go!
[TEKKER] Get the amulet!
[MYKROS] Vena! Vena!
[DOCTOR] It worked. We're still in one piece.
[PERI] I feel as though I've been put through a blender.
[PERI] What was that? Or did I imagine her?
[DOCTOR] No. No, she was real enough.
[PERI] Anyone important?
[DOCTOR] Didn't get a chance to ask.
[PERI] Great. Do you expect any more uninvited guests?
[DOCTOR] No. Both the Tardis and the time corridor have now fullystabilised.
[PERI] Was she travelling down the time corridor?
[DOCTOR] Yes. I only hope she wasn't banking on reaching twelfth centuryEarth. The Tardis is bound to have deflected her path.
[PERI] Well then, we must help her.
[DOCTOR] We can hardly help ourselves.
[DOCTOR] Velocity override!
[PERI] I thought you said the worst was over.
[DOCTOR] Did I? She's attempting to materialise.
[PERI] Great.
[DOCTOR] We must be near the source of the time tunnel.
(Inner Sanctum)
[TEKKER] The Borad is very angry and can you blamehim? It's only out of his innate kindness that he hasn't demandedimmediate retribution.
[KENDRON] How do you mean?
[TEKKER] If we don't get the amulet back, he will destroy every Karfelonin the Citadel.
[BRUNNER] All five hundred of us?
[TEKKER] The androids have already sealed the complex.
[BRUNNER] But what will killing us achieve?
[TEKKER] Revenge.
[KENDRON] What if we blast our way through to the power cells?
[TEKKER] And risk triggering an energy chain explosion?
[GUARD] Maylin, I'm tracking a moving object in the Timelash vortex.
[TEKKER] Could it be Vena?
[GUARD] It's some sort of craft, coming up the corridor in reverse.
[BRUNNER] But what object can penetrate the Timelash?
[TEKKER] The sort we need to retrieve the amulet.
(Borad's vault)
[BORAD] It appears the Doctor is attempting a return visit to ourplanet. I look forward to our reunion.
(Inner Sanctum)
[TEKKER] This could be the answer to our prayers.
[KENDRON] My father always talked of the Doctor's return. That is,before the story of the Doctor's visit was ordered erased from ourhistory books.
[TEKKER] All that matters now is that the Doctor has arrived.
[KENDRON] And he can retrieve the amulet.
[BRUNNER] But will he agree?
[TEKKER] I'm sure we'll be able to persuade him.
[PERI] A reception committee. Well, they look friendly enough.
[DOCTOR] So they should be. I've been here before.
[PERI] And where's here?
[DOCTOR] Karfel. I was here a regeneration or three back.
[PERI] Well, if you've been here before, no problem.
[DOCTOR] Except that time corridor. Karfel should be centuries from suchtechnology.
[PERI] Doctor
[DOCTOR] No. (he pulls the lever)
[PERI] Yes, sir.
(Inner Sanctum)
[TEKKER] I will do the talking.
[TEKKER] Welcome, Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Hello, I'm the Doctor.
[TEKKER] And I am Tekker. Maylin Tekker. We are honoured that you havedecided to visit us again after all this time.
[DOCTOR] Indeed you are. This is Peri, my assistant.
[PERI] Hi.
[TEKKER] Only the two of you?
[DOCTOR] Yes, travelling light this time. Besides, so difficult torecruit good staff these days, don't you agree? Maylin, about this timecorridor in space.
[TEKKER] All in good time, Doctor. All in good time. Please enjoy ourhospitality first. (to Peri) Have you been travelling long?
[PERI] Well, it's hard to say, really. Time just flies when you're inthe Tardis.
(Hospitality room)
[TEKKER] Please come in, Doctor.
[TEKKER] Oh, our security system. There have been a lot of changes sinceyou were last here.
[DOCTOR] So I see.
[PERI] Oh, what unusual plants.
[DOCTOR] Peri is a bit of a botanist.
[TEKKER] Indeed.
[PERI] Oh, most unusual.
[DOCTOR] Maylin, I'd like to talk to you about
[PERI] Ow! Hey, that's mine! What's all that about?
[TEKKER] I'm terribly sorry about that. I do hope it didn't frighten youtoo much.
[PERI] I'm more concerned about losing my Saint Christopher.
[TEKKER] Yes. I think the android was trying to warn you away from thisplant. Although it is a very beautiful specimen, it has the nasty habitof ejecting an acidic fluid into the face of the admirer.
[PERI] Well, I'm surprised you have them on display.
[DOCTOR] I think perhaps a little re-potting and reprogramming is inorder. Don't you, Maylin?
[TEKKER] Yes. You could be right.
[TEKKER] Ah. Excuse me for a moment, will you?
[DOCTOR] Charming fellow.
(Inner Sanctum)
[KENDRON] The Bandril ambassador, Maylin. He has issued an ultimatum.
[TEKKER] Has he indeed? Greetings, Ambassador.
[BANDRIL [on screen]] I am commanded by the President's Circle to giveyou a final opportunity to re-establish the grain supply to Bandril.Food which is rightfully ours.
[TEKKER] By what right?
[BANDRIL [on screen]] The Treaty of Cooperation.
[TEKKER] That was revoked by the Borad.
[BANDRIL [on screen]] You can't just revoke an intergalactic treaty.
[TEKKER] The Borad can, and he has done.
[BANDRIL [on screen]] Tekker
[TEKKER] Maylin Tekker.
[BANDRIL [on screen]] We don't want war. We are peaceful people. Ourplanet is on the verge of famine. Do not give us reason to come andtake the grain.
[TEKKER] Oh, I assure you, Ambassador, you will find that extremelydifficult.
[BANDRIL [on screen]] It appears that diplomacy has failed.
[TEKKER] Yes, indeed. Rather like you and your starving planet,Ambassador. (laughs)
[BANDRIL [on screen]] Then it seems that we are at war.
[TEKKER] Good.
[KENDRON] Maylin, you have deliberately provoked an attack!
[TEKKER] Of course I have. Do you think the Borad could ever bedefeated? Mark my words, soon our planet will rule this corner of theuniverse with the power of a giant ocean.
[KENDRON] With you on the crest of the wave.
[TEKKER] You see nothing and you understand less. The Borad wants todefeat them. Their bombs won't even penetrate our solar system, letalone enter our atmosphere. I must find Brunner.
(Hospitality room)
[DOCTOR] The place has certainly changed. There'ssomething missing. What is it?
[PERI] It's so dull.
[DOCTOR] Bored already?
[PERI] No. It lacks sparkle. There's no reflection. It's all so matt andlifeless. Even the goblets don't shine.
[DOCTOR] Hello.
[PERI] Hey.
[DOCTOR] Hey, wait a minute.
[PERI] (reads) Sezon at the Falchian Rocks.
[DOCTOR] I beg your pardon?
[PERI] Sezon at the Falchian Rocks. A message.
[TEKKER] I have arranged a short tour of the Citadel.
[DOCTOR] Splendid.
[TEKKER] For your assistant.
[PERI] Oh, sounds great, but I'd rather not, if it's all the same toyou.
[TEKKER] Oh, but it's all arranged. Counsellor Brunner is waitingoutside to escort you, and I have so much to talk to you about, Doctor.The time corridor was a brilliant stroke of luck.
[DOCTOR] Oh. The Maylin is absolutely right. You go and have a lookaround. We'll join you when we've had a little chat.
[PERI] Doctor, in the Tardis you distinctly said
[DOCTOR] Oh, never mind what I said in the Tardis. Off you go. TheMaylin and I have important things to discuss, don't we, Maylin.
[TEKKER] Yes, Doctor.
[BRUNNER] When you've killed the girl, dispose of the body.
[GUARD] But where, Counsellor?
[BRUNNER] Imbecile. The caves, of course. No doubt the Morlox will makea meal of her.
(Hospitality room)
[DOCTOR] And you seriously expect me to believethis preposterous story? That a lady of the Inner Sanctum just happenedto fall into a time vortex with a vitally important key to your powervault?
[TEKKER] Yes, Doctor, and there's very little time left.
[DOCTOR] For what?
[TEKKER] For you to retrieve it.
[DOCTOR] Retrieve it? You seriously expect me to go through space andtime looking for a lost girl and her trinket? Give me one good reasonwhy I should.
[TEKKER] Peri.
[BRUNNER] This is the west corridor of the centralCitadel.
[PERI] All these corridors look the same to me. Are these plantsindigenous to Karfel?
[BRUNNER] Most of them are from Bandril. That's our neighbouring planet.It's also why they require so much special attention.
[PERI] They're beautiful.
[BRUNNER] Dracowlis. Known as the flower of many faces.
[PERI] I can see why.
[BRUNNER] Would you excuse me, Peri? I'm summoned away. I'll be backshortly.
[PERI] Sure.
[PERI] I take it you're not the resident gardener come to do somepruning, huh? Doctor!
[ANDROID] The girl has escaped.
[BRUNNER] So I see. Still, there's nothing that way but rebels, danktunnels, and the Morlox. Pity, really. She was an attractive youngwoman.
[ANDROID] Yes, indeed she was.
[BRUNNER] On the other hand, perhaps I know where to find her. Come on.
[PERI] Beautiful fragrance.
(Hospitality room)
[TEKKER] The Doctor is about to leave. Escort him to the Tardis and seethat he does.
[GUARD] Yes, Maylin.
[TEKKER] Good luck, Doctor. For Peri's sake, don't come back emptyhanded.
[DOCTOR] The reason I am doing this, Maylin, is not only to ensurePeri's safety, but the safety and well-being of all on this planet.Something furthest from your mind, I fancy.
[GUARD] Move.
[HERBERT] What did I say?
[VENA] Please, help me.
[PERI] Help! Help!
[KATZ] What is it?
[SEZON] Android. Quick, away from here.
(Borad's vault)
[BORAD] A plucky creature who knows how to take care of herself. Ifshe's still alive, I want her brought to me completely unharmed.
(Rebel hideout)
[SEZON] Who are you?
[PERI] I could ask you the same question.
[KATZ] She doesn't look like a spy.
[PERI] Spy? I've only been on this planet a few minutes.
[SEZON] I say we kill her. She must be working for those in the Citadel.She came here to trap us. You saw the android.
[KATZ] I also saw that it was on fire.
[SEZON] So their plan went wrong. Kill her!
[PERI] No! Look, I'm innocent. I haven't done anything to hurt you.
[SEZON] Katz, we're wasting time.
[KATZ] Wait! You're going to have to tell us everything you know, orhe'll insist on killing you. Look, I don't want any violence. I wouldbe willing to let you live if you just told us who sent you.
[SEZON] You've got fifteen seconds.
[KATZ] Look, if you're not from the Citadel, where are you from?
[PERI] You'd never believe me.
[KATZ] Well, try me.
[PERI] Earth. I came with the Doctor in the Tardis.
[SEZON] The Doctor?
[PERI] That's right.
[SEZON] She must think we're fools. Five seconds.
[KATZ] This was given to my grandfather by the Doctor. Do you know whoshe is?
[PERI] I've seen photographs of her, but I've never met her.
[SEZON] What's her name?
[PERI] Jo Grant. She used to travel with the Doctor.
[KATZ] You're right. You still want to kill her?
[DOCTOR] 1179 AD. Add a time deflection coefficientof seven hundred and six years, that is 1885 AD.
[HERBERT] The talisman's in a purse under your pillow.
[VENA] Where am I? And who are you?
[HERBERT] My name is Herbert. From your sudden materialisation, Ipresume you are a spirit from the other side.
[VENA] My name is Vena. Thank you for looking after me.
[HERBERT] No, the pleasure's all mine. Although I do assume you are fromup there, rather than down there.
[VENA] It would be more accurate to assume that I am from beyond thestars.
[HERBERT] Incredible.
[VENA] This is a strange and beautiful land.
[HERBERT] Yes, I come up here every summer. The cottage belongs to myuncle. I'm a teacher, or will be next term. I use the place for a bitof peace and quiet. I fancy myself as a bit of a writer, actually, butnothing published yet, of course. When the weather's nice I do the oddbit of fishing on the loch. Perhaps you'd care to join me? But then onthe other hand, perhaps spirits from the other side might find fishinga bit mundane.
[HERBERT] What on Earth's that?
[VENA] They must not get the amulet.
[HERBERT] Who mustn't? You mean there's someone else about tomaterialise? I didn't summon them.
[VENA] You must help me.
[HERBERT] I'll do all I can.
[HERBERT] Right, ridding unwanted spirits. Right, here it is. Right, nowstay there.
(Outside the cottage)
[HERBERT] It's a blue monolith!
[DOCTOR] Hello! Have you seen a rather surprised young lady?
[HERBERT] Avaunt thee
[HERBERT] Foul fanged fiend.
[DOCTOR] I can assure you I'm not that long in the tooth, and neat bloodbrings me out in a rash.
[HERBERT] Back from where you came, spirit of the glass.
[DOCTOR] Not just yet, if you don't mind.
[DOCTOR] Ah! Now you must be Vena.
[VENA] Yes, my name is Vena.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid we left you rather up in the air on our lastfleeting encounter.
[VENA] It was you in the Timelash?
[HERBERT] No, Vena, don't talk to him.
[VENA] Why not?
[DOCTOR] Yes, why not? I'm the Doctor. Delighted to meet you.
[VENA] The Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I think you have something
[DOCTOR] Which your Maylin would like returned.
(Rebel's hideout)
[PERI] This stuff tastes okay.
[SEZON] Enjoy it. It may be our last for some time.
[PERI] Why do you hide down here?
[KATZ] Because of our ruler, the Borad.
[SEZON] Through his lackey, Maylin Tekker, he's provoked war with theBandrils.
[PERI] Why?
[KATZ] I don't know.
[SEZON] If the Bandrils use a bendalypse warhead, I shudder to think ofthe consequences. It's a missile so powerful it can destroy anythingwith a central nervous system, yet leave all buildings standing.
[PERI] Sounds familiar.
[SEZON] Ironically, it won't kill the Morlox.
[PERI] Well, it sort of makes him king of the desolation, won't it?
[KATZ] That's the irony.
[SEZON] Do you think the Doctor would help us?
[PERI] Well, of course, if we could get to him.
[KATZ] Sezon, you've got to find a way.
[PERI] Are you Sezon? Is this place Falchian Rocks?
[KATZ] Yes.
[PERI] Well, I had a message. Sezon at the Falchian Rocks.
[SEZON] It must be from one of our people in the Citadel.
[KATZ] That's right.
[PERI] Oh, I didn't understand why he gave it to me. Where did I put it.
[GUARD] I wouldn't do that.
[PERI] I must have dropped it.
[SEZON] Obviously.
[DOCTOR] I'm glad you accept my explanation,Herbert.
[HERBERT] It's fantastical. A machine that transcends time itself. Can Isee it?
[DOCTOR] Er, some other time, perhaps. Our first priority is to returnthe amulet.
[VENA] No! The amulet stays here. Mykros warned me the Borad's powerdepends upon it.
[DOCTOR] So do the lives of everyone on Karfel. It must be returned.Trust me. It's the only way to help your people and defeat this Boradof whom you speak.
[VENA] I know you saved our planet once before, Doctor, and so I dotrust you. Very well, when do we leave?
[DOCTOR] I leave immediately. You'll be safer here with Herbert. As soonas Karfel is free again, I promise I'll return for you.
[VENA] Doctor, it is my planet, and they are my people. Either you takeme back with you now, or the amulet stays here.
[DOCTOR] You sound as irritatingly resolute as another young lady Iknow. Very well, but we must hurry. Goodbye, Herbert. Perhaps I'llallow you to exorcise me another time.
[HERBERT] Oh, Doctor, you can't leave me behind after all this.
[DOCTOR] We're not going on some joy ride, you know.
[HERBERT] But Doctor, I don't care about the risk. I just want to travelin your time ship. Please, you must take me.
[DOCTOR] Absolutely not.
[HERBERT] Please.
[HERBERT] Oh, very well, then. Then goodbye, Vena. I wish we could havegot better acquainted.
[VENA] Goodbye, Herbert, and good luck.
[DOCTOR] Nice enough young fellow, but we must hurry. Have you got theamulet? Good. Remind me to return this mirror to Herbert sometime. Comealong.
(Borad's vault)
[ANDROID] We have captured the Doctor's companionand some of the rebels at Falchian Rocks.
[BORAD] Excellent. Prepare her as ordered and dispose of the others inthe Timelash.
[ANDROID] It will be done.
[BORAD] And when the Doctor returns, make sure you have the Maylin'samulet in your grasp before committing him to the same fate.
[VENA] Until recently, our schools taught of your first visit to ourplanet and your promise to return.
[DOCTOR] Promise?
[VENA] You do remember?
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. Never like to forget a promise.
[VENA] But the Borad's changed everything. Gradually, he's taking overthe entire planet. I was misled like the rest of our leaders. It hasalready cost my father his life. And Mykros, the man I was to marry, isprobably floating in the Timelash now.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry about the Borad. I'll deal with him, make nomistake. I show little mercy to time meddlers.
[HERBERT] Incredible. It's just incredible.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing here?
[HERBERT] Just look at this place. I can't believe it. Do you know it'sactually bigger inside
[DOCTOR] I know.
[HERBERT] Than it is on the outside.
[DOCTOR] I know! I know!
[HERBERT] Do we travel above or below water?
[DOCTOR] Do you realise there is an intergalactic law expresslyforbidding stowaways?
[HERBERT] They'll never believe me. I'm sorry, Doctor. Sorry I trickedyou. But I'm not sorry I'm here.
[DOCTOR] Since there's no time to take you back, it looks as if we'restuck with you.
[HERBERT] I can't believe this is actually happening.
[DOCTOR] If you so much as breathe when you shouldn't, or get in my way,I'll lock you up until all this is over, is that understood?
[HERBERT] Yes, Doctor, whatever you say.
[VENA] It is nice to see you again, Herbert.
[VENA] Is it always like this, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] We're transcending the time vortex. Brace yourselves.
(Outside the Inner Sanctum)
[TEKKER] Ah, welcome back, Doctor. Oh, and I'm so pleased to see youagain, Vena. Have you got the amulet?
[DOCTOR] Where's the Borad? I demand to see him.
[TEKKER] Impossible.
[DOCTOR] No Borad, no amulet.
[TEKKER] Come along, Doctor. Hand over the amulet or I shall be obligedto retrieve it by force.
[DOCTOR] Do you realise with whom you're dealing?
[TEKKER] Your bravado is all very well, but it won't do much to help youassistant, Peri. I would hate to have to have her put to death.
[VENA] Now stop this madness, Tekker. You cannot hope to defeat a TimeLord.
[MYKROS] Vena!
[TEKKER] Brunner. Prepare the Timelash.
(Inner Sanctum)
[DOCTOR] Where's Peri? You promised her safereturn.
[TEKKER] Ah, yes. Well, you shouldn't believe everything that peopletell you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] You gave me your word, you microcephalic apostate. I demand tosee the Borad immediately.
[TEKKER] Admit defeat, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Never!
[TEKKER] The stories I've heard about you. The great Doctor, all knowingand all powerful. You're about as powerful as a burnt out android. Ourruler has finished with you once and for all.
[KENDRON] We can't do this, Tekker.
[TEKKER] Shut up, or you'll be joining him.
[DOCTOR] You're as warped as your dictator friend.
[TEKKER] Save your breath for the Timelash, Doctor. Most people departwith a scream.
[BRUNNER] The vortex is ready, Maylin.
[TEKKER] Despatch the Doctor first.
[TEKKER] Goodbye, Doctor. Unpleasant journey. Bwahahahahahaha!
(Inner Sanctum)
[VENA] Seal the doors!
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Mykros.
[MYKROS] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Right, get those guards next door and tie them up.
[SEZON] We're safe. Just let them try breaking in.
[DOCTOR] They will, but we must be ready for them.
[KATZ] But how?
[DOCTOR] We're safe for now, but we must turn this pause to ouradvantage.
[HERBERT] What is this Timelash, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Not now, Herbert. Mykros, can you hand me some strong rope orwire?
[MYKROS] Yes, right.
[VENA] Doctor, what are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Enter the Timelash.
[PERI] Ow! You're hurting me.
[PERI] Where are you taking me?
[GUARD] You'll see.
(Borad's vault)
[ANDROID] Borad, what are your instructions?
[BORAD] The Guardoliers must apprehend the Doctor and the rebels.
[ANDROID] But the Sanctum has been sealed.
[BORAD] My time web has the power to disintegrate the doors. Use that.
[ANDROID] At once.
[BORAD] But the Earth woman must be kept alive.
(Inner Sanctum)
[DOCTOR] Not as long as I'd have liked, but it will have to do.
[VENA] Is it safe to enter the Timelash?
[DOCTOR] It's our only hope. Without the Kontron crystals, we've got nochance of getting out of here alive.
[HERBERT] Let me go, Doctor. You're needed here.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, Herbert, but no. Those crystals require skilfulmanipulation. Rough handling could be dangerous. Right, here we go.
[KATZ] Good luck, Doctor.
[SEZON] He's stopped.
[VENA] Doctor! What's the matter?
[DOCTOR] The vortex attraction forces are takingeffect. Could be tougher than I thought.
(Inner Sanctum)
[HERBERT] Can I come down and help, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] No, stay where you are! I've almost gotthis one.
[DOCTOR] Mykros, lower me a little. Enough.
(Inner sanctum)
[MYKROS] Do you want to come out now, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Not yet. Almost got this one. Gotcha!
(Inner Sanctum)
[VENA] Pull him back!
[MYKROS] I can't! The force is too great.
[VENA] He's dangling on the edge of oblivion.
[HERBERT] Hang on.
[SEZON] Katz, come here, quickly!
[MYKROS] Take the strain!
[SEZON] Come on, pull!
[VENA] Careful, Herbert.
[KATZ] Careful!
[SEZON] Careful, Herbert!
[HERBERT] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Get back!
[MYKROS] I've got you!
[HERBERT] Just a bit further, Doctor. Got him!
[KENDRON] The Borad will not be pleased with us.
[TEKKER] Stop whining.
[KENDRON] I have noticed it is better to die than to fail the Borad.
[TEKKER] If you were to die, I don't think anybody would notice thedifference.
[KENDRON] I say, Tekker!
[TEKKER] Maylin Tekker.
[TEKKER] Ah, Borad.
[BORAD [on screen]] You do not serve me by arguing.
[TEKKER] A frivolous debate concerning protocol.
[BORAD [on screen]] You have time for such things when my Timelash is inthe hands of the Doctor and his friends?
[TEKKER] We serve as best we can, Borad. As you know, I am not a man ofaction. The recapture of the Timelash is best left to those trained forsuch things.
[BORAD [on screen]] You disappoint me. I expected more from you thanthis.
[TEKKER] Your trust is not misplaced. Kendron and I are on our way tosee you.
[BORAD [on screen]] For what purpose?
[TEKKER] With respect, Borad, a matter best not discussed over an openchannel.
[BORAD [on screen]] Very well. Disappoint me and you die.
[TEKKER] Of course.
[KENDRON] Now what have you said? The Borad will kill both of us.
[TEKKER] Oh, I think not. After what I have to tell him, I think he'llbe delighted. And while he's smiling, I shall recommend that heappoints you my deputy.
[TEKKER] Yes, Kendron, you.
(Inner Sanctum)
[VENA] Are you all right? Where are the crystals?
[VENA] Doctor, did you get the crystals?
[VENA] Oh, well done.
[KATZ] Well done.
[VENA] Yes, indeed. (to Mykros) Well done! And you too, Herbert.
[HERBERT] Well, it was nothing.
[DOCTOR] When we've stopped congratulating each other, perhaps we canget on.
[PERI] At last. Why am I being kept here? And why have I had thiscontraption fitted to me? Well, can't you speak, dumbo?
[PERI] Ow! All right, I'm coming, I'm coming.
(Outside the Borad's vault)
[TEKKER] What's the matter with you? Don't you wantto be recommended as Deputy Maylin?
[KENDRON] It all seems a bit sudden.
[TEKKER] But you're the perfect choice. You have the right attitude.
[KENDRON] What about Brunner?
[TEKKER] What about him?
[KENDRON] I thought
[TEKKER] What?
[KENDRON] Nothing.
[TEKKER] There you are, you see? I'm right. You have the perfectattitude.
(Borad's vault)
[BORAD [on screen]] What happened, Tekker? Have you failed me as well?
[TEKKER] Ah, we were betrayed, Borad.
[BORAD [on screen]] Indeed? By whom?
[TEKKER] Kendron. He betrayed us.
[KENDRON] No! You're lying. You said I was to be made Deputy Maylin.
[TEKKER] Ah, yes. A small ruse, Borad, to put the traitor off his guard.
[BORAD [on screen]] He must be dealt with.
[KENDRON] No! No! I have been faithful to you.
[KENDRON] What's going on?
[BORAD [on screen]] I will not tolerate infidelity.
[KENDRON] Oh, oh please, Borad, believe me. I am not a spy.
[BORAD] It would seem I made the right choice for Maylin.
[TEKKER] Thank you, Borad.
[BORAD] See that you continue to serve me with the same degree offidelity.
[PERI] You're still hurting me. Now where are you taking me?
[GUARD] You'll see.
[PERI] No, not that creature again! No, please!
(Inner Sanctum)
[MYKROS] Do you want the whole of this panel out, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Every last nut and bolt, if you please.
[VENA] What are you making?
[DOCTOR] Just a mess at the moment.
[HERBERT] Shouldn't we prepare for the attack on this place, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] I am.
[HERBERT] Well, how are these baubles and crystal balls going to helpus?
[DOCTOR] You'll see.
[HERBERT] But will it work?
[DOCTOR] Of course it'll work. I hope.
[HERBERT] A small barricade in front of the door wouldn't help?
[DOCTOR] Whatever they use to break through that door won't be impededby a small barricade. Hurry up with that unit, Mykros.
[MYKROS] Yes, nearly there.
[KATZ] It signalled back to you.
[DOCTOR] No, it was the same beam of light.
[KATZ] But how could it be? It took all of ten seconds to return.
[DOCTOR] Precisely what it's supposed to do.
[DOCTOR] Well done.
[VENA] I think we could be running out of time.
[MYKROS] You may well be right. Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Nearly ready. Ah, there we are.
[HERBERT] Where?
[DOCTOR] Quiet. Pass me that chain.
[KATZ] Where's he gone?
[HERBERT] Good gracious.
[KATZ] Doctor, where are you?
[KATZ] What's happening?
[VENA] Dematerialisation?
[DOCTOR] Not exactly. Kontron crystals have a wide application of uses.I have turned this one into a ten second time break.
[SEZON] So, you were travelling in time?
[DOCTOR] Not exactly. Do you know, I haven't built one of these in ages.
[SEZON] How does it work?
[DOCTOR] Well, I time-slipped ten seconds into the future. As I did so,I projected an image of myself.
[HERBERT] So we didn't see you, we saw an image of you.
[DOCTOR] That's right. If you'd been able to look through this, youwould, so to speak, have been able to see both of me at the same time.
[HERBERT] But I can't see anything.
[DOCTOR] Of course you can't. It only works when this is switched on.Now, when I time slip, you'll be able to see the image I project andthe real me ten seconds in the future.
[HERBERT] It's science fiction.
[DOCTOR] Not quite.
[SEZON] Look, this might be a lot of fun for you, Doctor, but how's itgoing to help us get out of here?
[DOCTOR] Ah, that's work for the second crystal. When properly set up,it'll absorb the energy used to break down that door, pass it through aten second time loop, and feed it back again as a beam of pure energy.Now, that is something we can use against an attacker.
[HERBERT] Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!
[SEZON] Yes, but will it work?
[DOCTOR] I think we're about to find out.
[VENA] Doctor, look.
[MYKROS] It's an invasion force.
[SEZON] The Bandrils.
(Borad's vault)
[BORAD] Excellent. Soon the only living creatures on this planet will bethe Morloxes and myself.
(Inner Sanctum)
[DOCTOR] Argh!
[MYKROS] What's wrong?
[DOCTOR] I can't set this time loop accurately enough. I was hoping touse the energy absorbed by the machine to project our attackers intothe past. As yes, I can't guarantee a change of location as well.
[KATZ] How far back into the past, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] An hour or so.
[KATZ] I wonder.
[SEZON] What?
[KATZ] Think back to the tunnel when we rescued Peri from the Morlox.
[SEZON] You're right. We saw a burning android.
[KATZ] Will that be your handiwork, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] What?
[PERI] Don't leave me here. Please, don't leave me here.
[PERI] Help me! Help!
(Outside the Inner Sanctum)
(Inner Sanctum)
[VENA] Doctor!
[KATZ] Oh, Sezon!
[HERBERT] Use the machine!
[DOCTOR] We have to wait the full ten seconds.
[HERBERT] Holy mackerel, it actually works!
[DOCTOR] Of course it did. Get down!
[MYKROS] It's incredible. I've never seen that before.
[DOCTOR] That's me.
[HERBERT] You've changed a bit.
[DOCTOR] Mmm. Immeasurably for the better, it seems. Strange how youforget what you used to look like.
[HERBERT] What does he mean?
[VENA] It's a long story, Herbert. No time to tell it now.
[DOCTOR] Right, you must all get out of here.
[KATZ] Madric's dead and Sezon's wounded.
[DOCTOR] There's not much you can do for him here.
[KATZ] We can go to the tunnel.
[MYKROS] No, the guards could be waiting for us.
[DOCTOR] That's a chance you've got to take. When the Borad finds outwhat's happened here, he'll flood the place with troops.
[VENA] Where are you going?
[DOCTOR] To find the Borad.
[HERBERT] I'll help you.
[DOCTOR] No, Herbert. You stay here. Good luck.
[MYKROS] Vena, come quickly.
[PERI] Doctor, where are you? Help me! Not you.
(Inner Sanctum)
[KATZ] Look at the screen. The Bandrils are comingeven nearer!
[VENA] There's no point in going to the tunnels now, Mykros. We might aswell die with honour here.
[MYKROS] Vena. Vena, try not to be so pessimistic. We may still have achance, if I can just contact them.
[HERBERT] Sorry about this, but I was only getting in the way with theothers.
[DOCTOR] And what makes you think you won't do the same for me?
[HERBERT] Look, you won't even notice I'm here, I promise.
[DOCTOR] All right. If anything happens to me, you're to find Peri.
[HERBERT] Right.
[DOCTOR] If she's still alive, she may find a way of getting you home.
[HERBERT] Oh no, don't worry about me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm not.
(Borad's vault)
[BORAD] So, the Doctor has decided finally to come and see me.
[TEKKER] Shall I dispose of him?
[BORAD] No. He's an old friend.
(Outside the Borad's vault)
[DOCTOR] This looks like it.
[HERBERT] Grim sort of place.
[DOCTOR] Indeed. And this is as far as you go.
[HERBERT] Oh, surely you're not going to deny me the highlight of myvisit.
[DOCTOR] Come any further and your highlight could be a burial in space,with you playing the central part.
[HERBERT] Are you sure I can't be of any help?
[DOCTOR] If I'm not out in ten minutes, find Peri.
[HERBERT] Right.
[DOCTOR] Now, find yourself somewhere to hide. Don't want you picked upby the Guardoliers.
[HERBERT] Doctor!
(Borad's vault)
[DOCTOR] My dear Tekker. Still lurking in other people's shadows. Howvery typical.
[TEKKER] Welcome, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] That smell. That bittersweet sickly aroma.
[TEKKER] Of Morlox.
[DOCTOR] Yes, of course. The creatures of the tunnels. I remember nowfrom my last visit. So, your leader is now a Morlox?
[DOCTOR] Glad to hear it. From what I remember, the Morlox are notover-endowed with intelligence.
[TEKKER] Ah, well, that can hardly be said of our beloved leader, theBorad of Karfel. The most luminous force in this part of the galaxy.
[DOCTOR] Really. Not been very bright so far.
[BORAD] Neither have you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm afraid you could be right.
[DOCTOR] And you said your leader wasn't a Morlox?
[BORAD] I would guard your tongue, Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] What I don't understand is how the people of Karfel haveaccepted you.
[BORAD] My other self.
[DOCTOR] How'd you do?
[BORAD [on screen]] How do you do?
[DOCTOR] What happened? I don't believe anyone looks like you by design.
[BORAD [on screen]] An agreeable mistake.
[DOCTOR] Don't tell me, with Mustakozene Eighty. I noticed the canisterhanging on the wall.
[BORAD] Precisely. I was once like you, weak of limb and small of mind.
[BORAD [on screen]] Now I have the strength and intelligence of many.
[DOCTOR] But hardly the looks to match.
[BORAD] Come closer. Now look at me carefully, Doctor. We have metbefore. Think back of a scientist you once befriended. Later, youreported that scientist to the Inner Sanctum for unethicalexperimentation on the Morlox creatures.
[DOCTOR] Megelen?
[BORAD] The very same.
[DOCTOR] Your experiments obviously succeeded. Was it worth it?
(Inner Sanctum)
[MYKROS] This is Karfel to Bandril Ambassador.Karfel to Bandril Ambassador. Please respond. It's no good, they're notanswering. This is Karfel to Bandril Ambassador. Please respond.
(Borad's vault)
[BORAD] Do not make me laugh, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I wouldn't dare. Not when you've got such big teeth. Whatexactly did happen?
[BORAD] During an experiment on a Morlox creature, I was inadvertentlysprayed by a canister of Mustakozene Eighty. The smell of the chemicalexcited the creature I was experimenting upon, and it broke away fromits tether.
[DOCTOR] It must have made a terrible mess of you.
[BORAD] It would appear so.
[DOCTOR] And then the M80 caused a spontaneous tissue amalgamationresulting in a combined mutant.
[BORAD [on screen]] Half Karfelon, half Morlox, but with increasedlongevity and massive intellectual growth.
[BORAD] A glorious transformation.
[DOCTOR] So you keep saying. I don't agree with you.
[TEKKER] Show respect for the Borad.
[DOCTOR] Do shut up and go away. There was no glorious transformation.You may have power, but you daren't even show your real face.
[BORAD] Not for much longer. Soon the Bandrils will have destroyed allmammalian life on this planet, and then I shall destroy the Bandrilship.
[DOCTOR] To become ruler of a barren planet?
[BORAD] No, Doctor. To populate the planet with others such as myself.
[DOCTOR] It appears you have a lackey with a conscience.
[TEKKER] You will not destroy my people. I am the Maylin now. I will notlet you.
[BORAD] Idiot.
[DOCTOR] Time acceleration beam. I don't know whether to be impressed ordisgusted.
[BORAD [on screen]] Time Lords to not have a monopoly over the fourthdimension, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps not. What I don't understand is how you intend topopulate this planet with little Borads when you don't even have amate.
[BORAD] That is under control.
[DOCTOR] Oh, don't tell me you've got a fat female Morlox with a slinkywalk.
[BORAD] Not yet. But when I do, her name will be Peri.
[DOCTOR] Explain.
[BORAD] The creature will attempt to kill her. When it tries to do so,the canister of Mustakozene will burst apart and then she will becomeas I am.
[DOCTOR] Oh, very scientific. I mean, you have a really controlledexperiment there. What happens if the Morlox kills Peri beforeamalgamation takes place?
[BORAD] Peri will not die. The Mustakozene not only excites thecreature, but will in turn destroy it.
[DOCTOR] This is lunacy. What do you hope to gain by creating anothermiserable mutation like your pathetic self?
[BORAD] Choose your next words carefully, Doctor. They could be yourlast.
[DOCTOR] Really. We shall see.
[DOCTOR] I think it's time to find your Achilles heel, or should I sayflipper?
[BORAD] No, Doctor. It's time you grew old, and your ability toregenerate will be of no assistance to you.
[BORAD] So, the Time Lord wishes to play games.
[HERBERT] Careful, Doctor.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Where's the control to free Peri?
[BORAD] See if you can find it before you die.
[BORAD] Goodbye, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Hello, Borad. I wouldn't fire if I were you. If you do, it willbe a grave mistake.
[BORAD] Your attempted witticisms are beginning to become tedious,Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I really wouldn't fire. If you do, this crystal will absorb theenergy and beam it straight back at you.
[BORAD] You're lying.
[DOCTOR] I did warn you.
[BORAD] Another expedition into the realms of duplicity?
[DOCTOR] Six, five, four, three, two, one.
[BORAD] No! You've tricked me!
[DOCTOR] You tricked yourself.
[DOCTOR] Herbert?
[HERBERT] Who is it?
[DOCTOR] It's me, the Doctor.
[HERBERT] Doctor, up here.
[DOCTOR] Herbert, you must go to Peri.
[HERBERT] Where is she?
[DOCTOR] In the tunnels. The passage you're in should lead straightthere.
[HERBERT] Right.
[DOCTOR] Hurry! I'll try and find the release mechanism.
[HERBERT] As you say, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Must be here somewhere.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no.
[DOCTOR] Pelion on Ossa.
[PERI] Help!
[HERBERT] Quickly!
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, am I pleased to see you.
[DOCTOR] The feeling is entirely mutual. Now, come on. We've got to getback to the Inner Sanctum quickly.
[PERI] But can't we get out of here?
[DOCTOR] We've got a war to stop first.
(Inner Sanctum)
[VENA] Why didn't they listen?
[MYKROS] It's no good. We've done everything we can. We must take coverin the tunnels.
[DOCTOR] What's happening?
[VENA] Too late. The Bandrils have fired their missile.
[DOCTOR] This is the Doctor. I say again, this is the Doctor. Pleaseconnect me with the Ambassador.
[VENA] They don't reply.
[DOCTOR] You must respond. I am a Time Lord. I am, in fact, President ofthe High Council of Gallifrey. Destroy me, you'll have more than apetty war on your hands. Ah, there you are.
[BANDRIL [on screen]] Can you prove that you are a Time Lord?
[DOCTOR] There's no time for that now. You must call off your attack.Karfel has been in the hands of a dictator. That dictator has now beenoverthrown. You must destroy your missile.
[PERI] How close is the missile?
[DOCTOR] Too close.
[BANDRIL [on screen]] We accept what you say, and require only sight ofthe Borad as proof of your goodwill.
[DOCTOR] Well, that might prove a trifle difficult.
[BANDRIL [on screen]] Then there is little we can do.
[DOCTOR] Ambassador!
[PERI] Oh, terrific.
[DOCTOR] Wait here.
[PERI] Where are you going?
[PERI] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] I told you to wait with the others.
[PERI] Well, I'd rather stay with you.
[DOCTOR] It isn't practical.
[PERI] What does that mean?
[DOCTOR] Practical? Advantageous, useful, productive, efficacious,effective.
[PERI] Sure, desirable. What are you going to do?
[DOCTOR] Try and stop that missile.
[PERI] Sounds dangerous.
[DOCTOR] The only dangerous thing about it is having you on board todistract me. Oh!
[DOCTOR] Are you still here?
[PERI] Yes! Look, I'll keep out of your way.
[DOCTOR] You don't know how.
[PERI] I'm coming with you.
[DOCTOR] Peri, every second we waste now brings Karfel into even greaterdanger.
[PERI] Well then, let's go!
[DOCTOR] nan
[PERI] I can't. I don't trust you. You're being too reasonable.
[DOCTOR] Then I shall be unreasonable. Get out! Why will you nevercooperate?
[PERI] Because I worry. It's my caring nature.
[DOCTOR] Peri, I shall be gone for but a minute. Now, if you want tofuss over someone, may I suggest that Herbert would make a much moreeager recipient.
[PERI] What if something happens to you? We'd be stuck here.
[DOCTOR] If I don't go now, there won't be anywhere for you to be stuckto. The planet will be destroyed. Now, will you go, please?
[PERI] Well, take care of yourself.
[DOCTOR] At last.
[HERBERT] Hello.
[DOCTOR] Hello. What are you doing here?
[HERBERT] I've come to help. At least I can experience the adventure.
[DOCTOR] I presume you heard what I said to Peri.
[HERBERT] Oh, but she's a girl. This is work for men.
[DOCTOR] Men? Men!
[DOCTOR] Look, what I'm about to do is very dangerous. There's nothingparticularly masculine about throwing your life away.
[HERBERT] That's not what you said to Peri.
[DOCTOR] I lied. And as I did it so badly, I'd have assumed even youwould have realised.
[HERBERT] I'm sorry. I simply didn't realise. I thought that
[DOCTOR] You didn't think at all. That's half your problem. Acharacteristic you share with most of the people on your irritatingplanet.
[HERBERT] Well, you could always take me back to Karfel if you reallythink it's going to be dangerous.
[DOCTOR] There isn't time.
[HERBERT] May I dispute that? Well, after all, what is time to a timemachine?
[DOCTOR] A very great deal. Should there be another day, I will explainto you in great detail which of the many time laws I am not allowed totransgress.
[HERBERT] But who would know?
[DOCTOR] I would. So would every other Time Lord from here to Gallifrey,and I can assure you, they're not all as pleasant and agreeable as Iam.
[HERBERT] Sorry. I'd hate to think of you having my demise on yourconscience.
[DOCTOR] To be perfectly frank, Herbert, when I go, thoughts of you willbe very low on my list of regrets.
[HERBERT] That's good. It means we can stand together, shoulder toshoulder, in the face of the enemy. I've always wanted to die a hero'sdeath. You know, it's funny. When I was at school, everyone used tothink I was a coward because I didn't like cricket. If only they couldsee me now.
[DOCTOR] Shut up!
[HERBERT] Sorry? Oh yes, of course, you want to concentrate. Sorry.
[DOCTOR] Listen, Herbert, if you want to do something useful whilewaiting to enter Valhalla, could you read off the numbers on thatscreen you see immediately in front of you?
[HERBERT] Of course. This one?
[DOCTOR] How many screens do you see immediately in front of you?
[HERBERT] Just the one.
[DOCTOR] That's the one.
[HERBERT] Two, nine, seven, three.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[HERBERT] Six, seven, seven.
[DOCTOR] Better.
[HERBERT] Eight, nine.
[DOCTOR] Best!
[HERBERT] Well, how will you stop the missile?
[DOCTOR] I have set up the Tardis to act as a deflector shield.
[HERBERT] Oh, I see. You intend us to collide with the missile before itimpacts with the planet.
[DOCTOR] That's right. Should make quite a big bang.
[HERBERT] Oh, I see.
[DOCTOR] I do wish you'd stop saying, oh, I see.
[HERBERT] Sorry. I just feel a wee bit nervous. I didn't realise dyingheroically was such a strain on the nerves.
[DOCTOR] Oh well, shouldn't be for too long.
[HERBERT] Oh, I see. Sorry. Well, I suppose if it saves millions oflives, it's worth sacrificing two. Isn't it, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Thirty seconds to impact.
[HERBERT] I assume this is the only way.
[DOCTOR] Well, if you have any other suggestions, I'd be very interestedto hear them.
[HERBERT] Well, couldn't we abandon ship before impact?
[DOCTOR] No lifeboats.
[HERBERT] That's a bit remiss. I'd have a word with the manufacturers,if. Sorry.
[DOCTOR] Impact fifteen seconds.
[HERBERT] Well, goodbye, Doctor. No hard feelings, I hope.
[HERBERT] I feel a bit frightened now. Couldn't we postpone impact justfor a minute?
[DOCTOR] Impact five seconds.
[HERBERT] No, I suppose not.
(Inner Sanctum)
[PERI] The missile's exploded in the stratosphere!
[VENA] So it has.
[MYKROS] It's unbelievable. They must have had a change of heart.
[MYKROS] We're going to be all right.
[KATZ] We've won!
[BANDRIL [on screen]] Let me speak with the Maylin.
[MYKROS] You are speaking to the new Maylin, Ambassador. Please goahead.
[BANDRIL [on screen]] The Doctor has done a brave but foolish thing. Themissile has been destroyed, but so has his Tardis.
[PERI] Doctor.
[BANDRIL [on screen]] We shall make our apologies to the High Council onGallifrey. Furthermore, in honour of the Doctor's unselfish act, and asa token of our goodwill, may I suggest we send down a diplomatic party?
[MYKROS] Yes, of course, Ambassador. I look forward to receiving you.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor.
[MYKROS] I'm very sorry, Peri.
[PERI] Yes, I, I just want to be alone for a little while.
[VENA] Of course you do.
[KATZ] Are you all right?
[VENA] I don't know. I don't know whether any of us will ever be thesame again. It's been a terrible day.
[KATZ] It's a new beginning.
[VENA] Not for the Doctor or Herbert. How's Sezon?
[KATZ] Feeling very sorry for himself.
[VENA] Oh, Mykros! What is it?
[MYKROS] (to Katz) Give me your weapon. Give me your weapon!
[BORAD] That will be of little use, Mykros.
[MYKROS] Who are you? What are you?
[BORAD] I am the Borad.
[MYKROS] Never!
[BORAD] I am the Borad, and you will do as I command if you value yourfriend's life.
[MYKROS] What do you want?
[BORAD] Capture the Bandril ship.
[PERI] Don't listen to him.
[BORAD] If you refuse, she dies.
[MYKROS] One life cannot be bought at the cost of a whole planet.
[BORAD] Then I shall kill her.
[DOCTOR] That's not a very good idea.
[MYKROS] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Besides, it's not a very nice way to treat a lady.
[VENA] Doctor, we all thought you were dead.
[DOCTOR] As I thought the Borad was. So why aren't you?
[BORAD] I must have forgotten to mention the other experiment I havebeen engaged in.
[DOCTOR] Ah? Not like you to pass up the opportunity to boast. What isit?
[BORAD] The reproduction of living matter, cell by cell.
[DOCTOR] Oh, cloning. Oh, you are a clever clogs. And how very astute ofyou not to risk your own rotten neck. Speaking of which, shouldn't yourelease your grip on Peri's? By the way, Peri, did you know he wantsyou for his bride?
[PERI] He certainly has an original way of proposing.
[DOCTOR] I'll make a deal with you, Borad. Show yourself to Peri. If shedoesn't scream, the wedding can take place.
[MYKROS] Doctor.
[BORAD] What is this foolishness?
[DOCTOR] I don't think you've got the nerve.
[PERI] That's right.
[BORAD] The woman will accept me once she is as I am.
[DOCTOR] Make up your mind. Do you want her dead or as your bride? Ifthe latter, then show yourself to her.
[PERI] Don't I have a say in all this?
[DOCTOR] Of course not. Be quiet. Why won't you?
[BORAD] I shall when I am ready.
[DOCTOR] As I thought. You're afraid.
[BORAD] Of what?
[DOCTOR] Rejection. You can alter Peri's outward appearance, but youcan't change the brain in her head. Whatever you do, she will alwaysfind you repulsive.
[BORAD] Then I shall put out both her eyes.
[PERI] Come on, you guys.
[DOCTOR] That's hardly an elegant solution, and the way you've beencarrying on, you're not going to win her over with your charm.
[BORAD] Stay back.
[DOCTOR] You really are afraid.
[BORAD] My last warning, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] The possibility of perfect companionship shattered because ofyour grotesque, ugly, excuse for a body.
[BORAD] Yet I have the power to kill you both.
[DOCTOR] I don't think so.
[DOCTOR] You obviously haven't read the writing on the wall. Now,this'll be an improvement.
[DOCTOR] I told you she'd scream.
[BORAD] Destroy it! Smash the mirror!
[DOCTOR] What, no power to do it yourself?
[DOCTOR] You're nothing, Borad. Just a self-degenerating mutation.You're finished, Borad. Your reign of terror's over. Nobody wants you.Nobody needs you. Nobody cares!
[PERI] But haven't you sent him back to Earth?
[DOCTOR] Yes, to the twelfth century. (to Herbert) Where exactly did wepick you up?
[HERBERT] The Highlands of Scotland. Not far from Inverness.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Thought I recognised the landscape. He'll be harmlessenough there. At least he'll have somewhere to swim for the nextthousand years.
[PERI] But won't he be seen?
[DOCTOR] From time to time. Right, take cover, everyone.
[PERI] Okay, Doctor. Fill us in.
[DOCTOR] Fill you in?
[PERI] Why weren't you blown up?
[DOCTOR] Ah, I'll explain one day. It's a neat trick.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Come on, Herbert. Say your goodbyes. Time we got you home.
[HERBERT] Well, if Vena and Mykros don't mind, I would like to stay.
[VENA] He would be most welcome.
[MYKROS] Indeed.
[HERBERT] I say, thank you.
[PERI] Are you going to let him stay?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't think so. I rather think he'll take my advice andreturn to 1885. He'll tell the world, knowing Herbert.
[PERI] But who'd believe him?
[DOCTOR] Not for me to say. The waves of time wash us all clean.
[PERI] Doctor, you're talking in riddles again.
[DOCTOR] Herbert dropped this.
[PERI] Never. Oh, I don't believe it!
[DOCTOR] I think he'll return to Earth, don't you? After all, he doeshave an interesting story to tell. Herbert. Herbert!
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s22", "episode": "e05", "title": "Timelash"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (23 Mar, 1985; Sixth Doctor) - Revelation of the Daleks
[PERI] I don't believe it. What I'd give for a burger. This is the pits.With my luck, I'll fall in. Ugh, get that.
[DOCTOR] How do I look?
[PERI] (sotto) Yuck. (aloud) More comfortable than I feel. This thingI'm wearing's too tight.
[DOCTOR] You eat too much.
[PERI] Hardly. I've just given my lunch to the fish. Can't I change intosomething more comfortable?
[DOCTOR] Certainly not. Blue is the official colour of mourning onNecros, and women's legs to be covered at all times.
[PERI] Sounds positively feudal.
[DOCTOR] It's polite, not to say safer, to honour local customs. Youshould know that by now.
[PERI] I don't even know this guy we've come to see.
[DOCTOR] Guy? Guy! You are talking about Professor Arthur Stengos. Oneof the finest agronomists in the galaxy.
[PERI] I'm sorry. I'm even more sorry he's dead, but that doesn't changethe fact that this is uncomfortable.
[PERI] What was that?
[DOCTOR] Do you want me to find out?
[PERI] No.
[DOCTOR] Poor old thing. I've warned you about feeding animals.
[PERI] That was my lunch. Well, it's the last time I eat any more ofyour nut roast rolls. What else is here?
[DOCTOR] The odd voltrox, the occasional speelsnape.
[PERI] Do they bite?
[DOCTOR] Only each other. Come on.
[PERI] You didn't warn me about all this snow.
(Chapel of Rest)
[JOBEL] Lovely, lovely, lovely. Absolutely lovely. You've excelledyourself, Mister Takis. You really have.
[TAKIS] Thank you, Mister Jobel.
[TASAMBEKER] Not with you in charge, Mister Jobel.
[JOBEL] What? That was supposed to be a joke.
[TASAMBEKER] I'm sorry, Mister Jobel.
[JOBEL] This one thinks with her knuckles. I tell you, Takis, aftertoday we'll go down in funerary history.
[JOBEL] Everyone will want our services.
[TAKIS] Let's get the day over with first, Mister Jobel.
[JOBEL] Always the cautious one, Takis, but you're absolutely right, ofcourse. What do you want? You're always under my feet.
[TASAMBEKER] I'm sorry, Mister Jobel. I was told to inform you thatsurveillance has picked up the presidential spacecraft.
[JOBEL] Oh! I hope they're on time. She's already started to froth. Weknow what that leads to. Thank goodness that the casket is lead-lined.I want to see you all in fresh tunic and full funerary make-up beforethe president arrives. Don't want the poor thing uncertain who thecorpse is, do we.
[TASAMBEKER] What are you staring at?
[TAKIS] You're wasting your time there. He's not interested in you.
[TASAMBEKER] Get on with your work.
[PERI] This seems to be the only plant that grows in this wilderness.
[DOCTOR] Herbabaculum vitae.
[PERI] Herbabaculum vitae. Staff of life.
[DOCTOR] That's right. It's common name is the weed plant.
[PERI] Looks sort of familiar.
[DOCTOR] It's very similar in food value to the soya bean plant onEarth. Can't understand why it hasn't been cultivated.
[DOCTOR] For your collection?
[PERI] Yeah. When I get back to Earth, I've got to wow the college withsomething. My grades certainly won't. It is safe to touch?
[DOCTOR] Usually.
[PERI] What was that?
[DOCTOR] Some small rodent?
[PERI] With sharp teeth and rabid saliva?
[DOCTOR] Not on Necros. At least, not rabies.
[PERI] Careful.
[DOCTOR] Come, my friend. Be at peace with the world. Concentrate.Concentrate. There we are. Now, what seems to be the problem?
[PERI] Doctor!
[PERI] Help! Someone help! Just hold on, Doctor! Hold on!
(Radio studio)
[DJ] Hey there, you guys, figure this. For those of you who areappreciative of the humanoid female form, we have a maiden in distress.Not often we get one of those around here. Usually this place is asquiet as the grave! But seriously though, guys, a word of warning.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DJ [on screen]] Remember that although I am playing swinging Sixtiessounds, you are in suspended animation.
[DJ [on screen]] And we don't want a repeat of last time, now do we?Remember, over here.
[DAVROS] Shut the fool up.
[DJ [on screen]] Are expensive to replace.
[DALEK] It is the Doctor.
[DAVROS] Excellent. My lure has worked.
[DALEK] I shall order Daleks to detain him.
[DAVROS] No! It will give me the greater pleasure to watch his owncuriosity deliver him into my hands.
[GRIGORY] You're such an impetuous child. These things kill.
[NATASHA] So do guards.
[GRIGORY] Oh, why did I ever allow myself to be talked into this folly?
[NATASHA] That stuff won't help you.
[GRIGORY] I can but try. Look at the state I'm in. I don't know whethermy hand shakes from fear or the delirium tremens.
[NATASHA] Are you ready?
[GRIGORY] If you must.
[NATASHA] One, two three.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DALEK] Sensors indicate a disturbance on levelseven.
[DAVROS] Show me. Inform Takis there are body snatchers in thecatacombs.
[DALEK] At once.
[DOCTOR] Why did you attack us?
[MUTANT] The disc. You shouldn't have tried to condition me. I wouldhave reacted similarly had you attacked me. In many ways, I thinkyou've done me a favour. It's not been much fun being like I am. Youwouldn't think I once looked like you.
[DOCTOR] What happened to you?
[MUTANT] The Great Healer. I'm a product of his experimentation.
[DOCTOR] Who is this Great Healer.
[PERI] I killed him, and he forgave me. Why did he have to be so niceabout it?
[DOCTOR] You had no choice. Come on.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DALEK] Takis does not respond.
[DAVROS] Get me Kara, and find Tasambeker.
[DALEK] I obey.
[DAVROS] I want the intruders caught.
(Radio studio)
[DJ] Whoa, heavy. Hey there, you guys, we have you-know-what in thebuilding. Looks like somebody could be in for a sudden defrosting. Butseriously though, guys, I think it's time to cool down the pace alittle. You know, I think there's nothing more soothing than adedication or two. Yeah.
[DJ] You know, guys, I get as much of a kick out of reading these as Iknow you do hearing them.
(Chapel of Rest)
[TASAMBEKER] Takis? Are you listening to me?
[LILT] Who's in love? Who's in love?
[TASAMBEKER] Who said that? Was it you?
[TAKIS] What?
[TASAMBEKER] Oh, never mind.
[TAKIS] Why do you have to make so much noise? You're giving me aheadache.
[TASAMBEKER] I'll give you more than that in a moment. Your communicatorwas switched off and the Great Healer has been trying to contact you,but it seems you prefer to play with flowers than do your duty.
[TAKIS] I like flowers.
[TASAMBEKER] You're supposed to be head of security.
[TAKIS] I can still like flowers.
[TASAMBEKER] Not when it compromises your duty. You're a disgrace.
[TAKIS] Because I like flowers, or because I won't respond to yourpathetic bullying? Because that's what you are, Tasambeker, a bully.
[TASAMBEKER] Your attitude does not go unnoticed. The Great Healer seesand hears everything.
[TAKIS] Then he'll also see how you abuse his name to bolster your ownauthority.
[TASAMBEKER] That's right, Takis. Keep it up. Talk yourself in front ofa firing squad.
[TAKIS] She's threatening me again.
[LILT] Well, she is a bit upset. You've got to allow her to get rid ofher frustration somehow.
[TASAMBEKER] Shut up! Listen, you're both in enough troubleas it is. There are bodysnatchers in the building. They must havewalked in right under your noses.
[TAKIS] Did you see anyone?
[LILT] No. Did you?
[TAKIS] No. You see? Must have got in another way.
[TASAMBEKER] Enjoy yourselves while you can. Meanwhile, find theintruders!
(Davros' laboratory)
[DAVROS] Have that woman brought to me.
(Radio studio)
[DJ] Rock and roll! Hi there, casket eight one six, or should I say, hi,George. This is the DJ with a very special message for you, my friend.For you, get down, I say, get down. Congratulations. And your dear wifenow, who is still very much alive, would like to send you her fondestand her sincerest love. Yeah, she still misses you, my man. She missesyou a heck of a lot. She would also like to reassure you on thisspecial day that her every waking hour is spent administering theresearch fund which you set up to find a cure for Beck's Syndrome, thatoh so dreadful disease which took you from her side. And I say getdown, I say, get down. So George, from her heart to your heart,celebrating your long life it's some good old Fifties Earth time rockand roll! Yeah, go for it.
[DJ] Well, you've got a wife and a half there, George. She found a curefor Beck's Syndrome forty years ago. Still, it'd be interesting to knowwhat she's really doing with the money.
[DJ] Hey there, guys. Hey there, guys. I said hey, the maiden indistress is a-coming this way. I wonder which one of you lucky fellowsshe's coming to see?
[DJ] Don't all answer at once, will you.
[TAKIS] Was that thing on guard duty?
[LILT] So it seems.
[TAKIS] Then it's worse than I thought.
(Davros' laboratory)
[TAKIS [on screen]] All that's supposed to be inthese catacombs are a few thousand stiffs in suspended animation. No,there's something else going on.
[DAVROS] You know too much, Takis.
[DALEK] Kara is now available.
[DAVROS] I shall speak to her.
[DAVROS] Ah, my dear Kara.
[NATASHA] This is it.
[GRIGORY] Why did I let you talk me into this?
[NATASHA] Get on with it.
[GRIGORY] A bit of tomb robbing is one thing, but did we have to killthat guard?
[NATASHA] Look, I don't want to be here any more than you do, but that'ssupposed to be my father in there. I want to know why the courts wereso unwilling to let me have his body back. Now hurry up.
[GRIGORY] You can't rush this sort of thing.
[NATASHA] Neither can we hang around here.
[GRIGORY] Look, if I open that door too soon, the molecular structure ofthe body will break down and poor old Stengos will turn into a pool ofhigh protein water. Even if I were confident I could reconstitute him,we do not have a suitable vessel into which he could be ladled. Excuseme.
[NATASHA] Hurry up and get on with it.
[GRIGORY] Don't you ever listen? I'm a doctor, not a magician. You'llkill him.
[NATASHA] If we don't succeed, he's already dead. Now get the door open.
(Kara's office)
[KARA] It's all very well to make these demands, but you already takemost of the profits my factories make.
[DAVROS [on monitor]] I created the product you manufacture. I have aright to the money.
[KARA] I'm well aware of that, Great Healer. I would willingly sell thebones of Vogel here if it would help your cause.
[VOGEL] And I would give them willingly.
[KARA] You see how devoted we are. But you'd get very little for him,dead or alive, and I would be without a secretary. Good secretaries arevery hard to find.
[DAVROS [on monitor]] I do not wish to hear any more of your prattlingtongue! Forgive me, I, I want, I need more money. I cannot complete myresearches without it.
[KARA] We'll do our best for you. I'm sure Vogel can engage in a littlecreative accountancy on your behalf.
[VOGEL] I already do, madam. I'm a past master at the double entry.
[KARA] Then you must make it triple. You heard what Davros said. Heneeds the money.
[DAVROS [on monitor]] Do not call me by my name on an open channel!
[KARA] I'm so sorry, Great Healer. Such is my enthusiasm for your cause,my tongue sometimes speaks what my mind would not dare to think.Please, accept my apologies.
[DAVROS [on monitor]] I would sooner accept your money.
[KARA] Has Orcini arrived?
[VOGEL] He has, madam.
[KARA] Then send him in.
(Reception area)
[JOBEL] If you wish to gossip, there is a rest room provided, you know.
[TASAMBEKER] I'm sorry, Mister Jobel.
[JOBEL] Oh, I might have guessed you'd be here.
[TASAMBEKER] An attendant has been murdered.
[JOBEL] It's a pity it couldn't have been you. Oh, I do wish you'd getused to my sense of humour.
[TASAMBEKER] I'm sorry, Mister Jobel.
[JOBEL] Why are you taking him to my preparation room? That is not themortuary.
[TASAMBEKER] He's been badly damaged. He'll require cosmetic embalming.
[JOBEL] Don't you ever listen? I have the president's wife out there,and I can tell you that she is far more active now than she ever waswhen she was alive.
[TASAMBEKER] Oh, I'm sorry, Mister Jobel.
[JOBEL] I wish you'd stop apologising.
[TASAMBEKER] I'm sorry, Mister Jobel.
[JOBEL] I haven't got time to deal with him.
[TASAMBEKER] Perhaps I could deal with him.
[JOBEL] I beg your pardon?
[TASAMBEKER] I am a third year student, and I've studied your methodsvery closely.
[JOBEL] The way you get under my feet, I sometimes think too closely.
[JOBEL] He certainly is a mess. I suppose you can't make him look anyworse.
[TASAMBEKER] Oh, thank you, Mister Jobel.
[JOBEL] Now get away from here.
[TASAMBEKER] Certainly, Mister Jobel, and thank you.
[JOBEL] Before you start hacking him around, the Great Healer wants tosee you. Why I should be the messenger boy
(Davros' laboratory)
[JOBEL [on screen]] I don't know.
[DAVROS] You are a fool, Jobel. I have offered you immortality, but youare content to play with the bodies of the dead, so you will join theDoctor.
[GRIGORY] You were wrong. The body is here.
[NATASHA] Unwrap it.
[GRIGORY] As you wish. Why do I allow myself to get involved in suchlunatic situations?
[NATASHA] You see? They have taken him.
[TAKIS] Hold it!
[TAKIS] Fire!
[PERI] No door.
[DOCTOR] This is ridiculous.
[PERI] I told you we should have come by Tardis.
[DOCTOR] There must be a door. No door, no letter box. No letter box, nopost.
[PERI] Your logic's impeccable, but for one thing. Most of the people inthere are dead.
[DOCTOR] Resting in suspended animation, Peri, not dead. There is adifference.
[PERI] Maybe, but there's still no door.
[DOCTOR] Oh well, only one thing left.
[PERI] Go back.
[DOCTOR] Certainly not. We go over the top.
[PERI] You're joking.
[DOCTOR] Well, how do you think I feel? I'm a nine hundred year old TimeLord. Not much dignity in scrambling over a wall like a small boy intoan orchard on a scrumping spree.
[PERI] Okay, but don't drop me.
[DOCTOR] Drop you? I'll be lucky if I can lift you, the amount youweigh.
[PERI] Oh, watch it, porky.
[DOCTOR] Oh no.
[PERI] I'm sorry.
[DOCTOR] It's all right.
[PERI] I wouldn't have had it happen for the world.
[DOCTOR] Forget it. I rarely use it.
[PERI] But I know how fond of it you were.
[DOCTOR] Just don't go on about it. I shall learn to live without it.
[PERI] I'll find you a new one.
[DOCTOR] On Necros?
[PERI] Well, it wouldn't have happened if we'd been able to find a door.I'm sorry.
[DOCTOR] So am I.
(Crypt tunnel)
[GRIGORY] There's no future down there. That way only takes us deeperunderground.
[NATASHA] You should have studied your map a little closer.
[GRIGORY] I stayed up all night studying it. The lack of alternativeexits depressed me no end.
[NATASHA] Well, if you'd studied it with a clearer mind, you would havenoticed there's a service lift to every level.
[GRIGORY] Is there?
[NATASHA] Come on.
[NATASHA] Daleks.
[GRIGORY] We could try another level.
[NATASHA] There isn't time. I must make contact with the others.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DAVROS] Inform Takis.
(Incubation room)
[GRIGORY] Reminds me of when I was at medical school.
[NATASHA] It's gruesome. Are they human brains?
[GRIGORY] Yes. Think that thing'll work down here?
[NATASHA] I must make contact with the others.
[GRIGORY] We're not going to get out of here alive, are we?
[NATASHA] I don't know.
[GRIGORY] I have this terrible fear I'll die begging for mercy.
[NATASHA] Pride isn't important at the moment of death.
[GRIGORY] It is to me. They won't torture us, will they?
[NATASHA] You're becoming morbid.
[GRIGORY] Instant death doesn't bother me. It's the long lingering kindI'm worried about. You forget I'm a doctor. When they slice me open,I'll know the name and function of each organ that plops out.
[NATASHA] Well, at least you won't die in ignorance.
[GRIGORY] You're right. This place is gruesome.
[GRIGORY] A complete head.
[STENGOS] Natasha.
[GRIGORY] Who is he?
[NATASHA] He's my father.
[STENGOS] Natasha.
(Radio studio)
[DJ] Now listen, you guys. I don't wish to alarm you but there's somepretty weird things going out here. As you know, we have snatchers inthe complex, but it gets even creepier when the word is that thesnatchers have been out-snatched. So, if any of you guys are able, lockyourselves in your caskets now. Snap down those bolts, otherwise youcould find yourselves on the outside going who knows where!
(Davros' laboratory)
[DAVROS] Suddenly everyone sees and knows too much!
(Incubation room)
[STENGOS] My mind has been conditioned to serve anew master.
[NATASHA] So you keep saying, but who is this person?
[STENGOS] I can't remember.
[NATASHA] Why not? You remembered who I am.
[STENGOS] You are my daughter. How could I forget that? Who is this withyou?
[NATASHA] A friend. Why have they done this to you?
[STENGOS] I am to become a Dalek. We are all to become Daleks. We are toserve a new order. We are to become the supreme beings. Help me,Natasha.
[NATASHA] What can I do?
[STENGOS] We must multiply. The seed of the Daleks must be supreme. Wemust conquer and destroy all those who resist the power of the Daleks.Kill me, child!
[NATASHA] I can't!
[STENGOS] It is our duty to eradicate all those who wish to pollute thepurity of the Dalek race. If you ever loved me, Natasha, kill me! Killme!
[GRIGORY] Let me do it.
[STENGOS] It is vital that the Daleks are supreme in all things!
[NATASHA] I've got to get out of here.
[TAKIS] Going somewhere?
[TAKIS] Enough.
[LILT] What about those she's killed? I must mark her.
[TAKIS] I said, enough. Take them.
(Kara's office)
[KARA] My dear Orcini. I would have greeted you on your arrival, but asmall crisis in the process department diverted me. My sincerestapologies.
[ORCINI] It is rare for someone in my profession to meet a client ontheir home territory. Assassins, like debt collectors, are rarelywelcome. When we are allowed on the premises, it's usually through theside door.
[KARA] He is a philosopher. How charming.
[VOGEL] I sensed it at once, madam.
[KARA] I think we shall get on very well.
[ORCINI] Bostock, my squire.
[ORCINI] I'm afraid the only philosophy practised by Bostock is to do aslittle about his personal hygiene as possible.
[KARA] And why not? The odour of nature has charms all its own.
[BOSTOCK] My very sentiments, lady.
[ORCINI] He may smell like rotting flesh, but he's an excellent squire.
[KARA] Indeed.
[VOGEL] Be seated, gentlemen.
[ORCINI] We prefer to stand.
[KARA] Of course. How foolish. As men of action, you must be like coiledsprings, alert, ready to pounce.
[ORCINI] Nothing so romantic. I have an artificial leg with a faultyhydraulic valve. When seated, the valve is inclined to jam.
[VOGEL] Perhaps you would like one of our engineers to repair it foryou.
[ORCINI] I prefer the inconvenience. Constant reminder of my mortality.It helps me to keep my mind alert.
[KARA] Oh, Vogel, we have a master craftsman here. I feel humbled in hispresence. Oh, no wonder your reputation's like a fanfare through thegalaxy.
[ORCINI] I take little joy from my work. That I leave to Bostock. Iprefer the contemplative life. It isn't always easy to find, so, tocleanse my conscience I give what fee I receive to charity.
[KARA] Such commitment. Oh, you are indeed the man for our cause. As youmust know, our factories are dedicated to producing a high proteinconcentrate. This we sell to developing planets for such a ridiculouslylow price it embarrasses and frustrates my accountants.
[ORCINI] I am aware that this product has eliminated famine from thegalaxy.
[BOSTOCK] Tastes horrible though.
[VOGEL] That our scientists are working to improve.
[KARA] Indeed, as everything we do here is to improve the quality oflife for others.
[VOGEL] If only we could be left to get on with our work, madam.
[KARA] I know. As in any paradise, my dear Orcini, there is always aserpent.
[VOGEL] And our malignancy is a particularly vile one.
[VOGEL] He calls himself the Great Healer.
[ORCINI] I've heard of him.
[VOGEL] A pretentious title for a decidedly evil man.
[BOSTOCK] Not much of him.
[KARA] Nevertheless, he holds this planet in a grip of fear. He bleedsmy factories dry with his constant demands for money.
[ORCINI] His countenance is familiar.
[KARA] Then let me put a name to it. Davros.
[ORCINI] Davros. You know him, Bostock?
[BOSTOCK] I know him, master.
[KARA] He sits like a spider at the heart of this planet, using themoney he extorts from us to rebuild his disgusting
[VOGEL] Creatures of hate. Daleks!
[ORCINI] Fascinating.
[BOSTOCK] What a kill Davros would be, master.
[ORCINI] Like the old days, Bostock. A crusade against evil.
[KARA] Destroy Davros, and your name will become a legend for all time!
[ORCINI] You have no idea how long I have waited for a noble cause. Toonce again kill for honour and glory.
[KARA] Then you will do it?
[ORCINI] Of course!
(Davros' laboratory)
[DOCTOR [on screen]] There you are. Tranquil Repose.
[PERI [on screen]] That doesn't sound very alien.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] What did you expect?
[PERI [on screen]] Oh, I don't know. Something more ethereal. TranquilRepose. Yuck. Sound kind of yuck. The sort of name we'd come up with inthe States.
(Tranquil Repose grounds)
[DOCTOR] America doesn't have the monopoly on bad taste.
[PERI] I know that. It's just the way you talked about your friend. Ididn't expect to find him in a place with such a tacky name.
[DOCTOR] To be perfectly honest, neither did I. Arthur Stengos wasn'tthe type to artificially extend his life. To hang around in the vainhope that someone might come up with a cure for the organic breakdownof his body isn't him at all.
[PERI] Now you tell me. Why didn't you tell me before? I knew there wasa reason why we materialised in the middle of nowhere.
[DOCTOR] I was simply being cautious. Or would you rather I had burdenedyou with what might have been a piece of paranoid speculation on mypart?
[PERI] It wasn't.
[DOCTOR] We know that now, but when I first heard the news of Stengos'death, I couldn't be certain.
[PERI] Well, shouldn't we go back to the Tardis? I'd feel safer if wedid.
[DOCTOR] No, the Tardis is bound to attract attention. I want to slip inunnoticed.
(Chapel of Rest)
[JOBEL] Now, this is a big day for Tranquil Repose and I don't wantanything to go wrong. The key word is respect. To you, the president'swife is a stiff, but to him, she's a loved one who has passed on topastures finer and lusher than those she knew in life. Now, althoughthe president has yet to arrive, the utmost decorum and good taste willbe shown from this moment on. Black cotton gloves will be worn at alltimes, and there will be no drinking, swearing or smoking of herbalmixture in the presence of the deceased. Are you picking your nose? Ishould hope not. All necessary conversations will be conducted in awhisper. Anyone who breaks these rules, inadvertently or deliberately,between now and the president's departure will find themselvesscrubbing out the preparation room for the next month with a toothbrush. Understood?
[JOBEL] Dismissed.
(Kara's office)
[KARA] Nice, isn't it?
[VOGEL] Incredibly compact.
[KARA] Exquisite workmanship.
[VOGEL] Our engineers do such wonderful work.
[BOSTOCK] They're like a double act.
[ORCINI] What does this box do?
[KARA] It's a one-way transmitter.
[BOSTOCK] Bit big.
[KARA] It has a necessary built-in booster. Davros' laboratories areburied deep in the catacombs.
[VOGEL] Like the speelsnape, he hides his head under a rock and pretendsthat nothing can see him.
[BOSTOCK] Will that help us find Davros, or do you want a runningcommentary on what we're doing?
[KARA] Even with Davros dead, he's not without his followers. And likethe disciples of any fanatic, they will not give up without a struggle.As you can see, the box has a series of buttons. I will give you asimple five digit sequence which will activate the transmitter. Thisyou must do the moment you enter Davros' laboratory. The moment youstrike the final button, a prerecorded signal will be transmitted. Iwill then mobilise my forces to eliminate Davros' agents here and totake over his entire base.
[VOGEL] No message, no rebellion, and madam remains safe.
[ORCINI] What if the box is captured?
[VOGEL] No, if the transmitter is tampered with in any way, the messagecontained in the circuit boards will simply melt away.
[KARA] Our engineers have thought of everything.
[BOSTOCK] I don't like it. Too many safeguards. It's as though we'reexpected to be caught.
[ORCINI] Bostock is a born pessimist, doubter of other people's motives.As a rule, his instincts are infallible. The only time I didn't listento him, I received this.
[KARA] My dear Orcini, if we had any doubts concerning your skill, doyou really think we should be having this conversation? Your reputationis legend. It's said you only have to breathe on a victim and he'sdead.
[ORCINI] Oh, I never listen to the foolish things people say about me.I'm too aware of my own mortality, as you should be of yours.
[KARA] Of course, of course. But you must appreciate that the safetyfeatures of this box are a mere precaution. No one expects you to fail.I should have too much to lose if you did.
[BOSTOCK] That makes sense.
[ORCINI] Yes, but understand. If at any time I smell treachery, theskill I will use against Davros will be turned against you.
[KARA] Of course.
[ORCINI] Good. I'm not interested in your political ambitions. Iundertake this mission for one reason only, the honour of killingDavros.
[BOSTOCK] We shall need maps showing his precise location.
[VOGEL] They are all prepared.
[BOSTOCK] And transport.
[VOGEL] Also arranged. But, for obvious reasons, it can only take you tothe edge of Davros' scanners.
[ORCINI] The walk'll do us good. You will not hear from us again exceptas a signal from this.
[KARA] Which we shall await in eager anticipation. Orcini, I have yet togive you the sequence.
[ORCINI] Of course.
(Davros' laboratory)
[TASAMBEKER] Oh, the Great Healer sent for me.
[DAVROS] Yes, child. I have been watching your progress this last fewmonths, and I am pleased with what I see.
[TASAMBEKER] Thank you, Great Healer.
[DAVROS] You have a good attitude to your work and you have a pleasingpersonality. Who is your head of department?
[TASAMBEKER] Mister Jobel.
[DAVROS] Of course. I shall speak to him. Tell him, if you're agreeable,of course, that I should like you transferred to my personal staff.
[TASAMBEKER] Oh, I should be delighted and honoured.
[DAVROS] Good. You will find the work very different from that you havebeen used to, but I'm sure you will not find it unrewarding.
[TASAMBEKER] Thank you.
[DAVROS] Please me, and I can offer you the universe.
[DAVROS] Stay with me. See what goes on here. I will tell Jobel whereyou are.
[TASAMBEKER] Thank you.
(Tranquil Repose grounds)
[PERI] Look!
[DOCTOR] What was it?
[PERI] I don't know. Some sort of machinery.
[DOCTOR] Well, what ever it was, it's gone.
[PERI] I suggest you take a look behind you. Does it look familiar?
[DOCTOR] I don't believe it. I just don't believe it.
[NATASHA] Why do you keep on and on about bodysnatching? He was myfather!
[LILT] You should have legally applied for his body.
[NATASHA] You think I didn't try? The law works against you. It'simpossible to get a body back from here!
[LILT] So you decided to steal it.
[TAKIS] Let's not go over all that again.
[GRIGORY] Agreed. It is rather a waste of time.
[LILT] Shut your face!
[TAKIS] I've had enough of this. Tell them the truth.
[GRIGORY] You don't need to. It's suddenly become obvious. You can't geta body back from here because those who make the law don't want you to.
[LILT] He's right. For a drunk, he's not so stupid.
[NATASHA] I don't understand.
[TAKIS] There isn't room for them. The idea of this place just doesn'twork. The galaxy can barely support the people alive now.
[LILT] And not only that, there are a lot of important people here. Justimagine what would happen if they went home. They'd be in directcompetition with those now holding power.
[GRIGORY] Those who presently make the law.
[NATASHA] That isn't fair!
[LILT] Neither is the fact that you'll be hanged. Bodysnatching is acapital offence on Necros.
[GRIGORY] Not when there isn't a body. Attempting to steal a mannequincan hardly carry a death penalty.
[LILT] This one has suddenly woken up.
[TAKIS] There'll be a body.
[GRIGORY] But in how many pieces? You know as well as I do, the onlypart of Stengos that exists is his head. The remains you produce forthe court will have to be manufactured.
[TAKIS] That will be difficult to prove.
[GRIGORY] I am, of course, assuming there will be a trial.
[TAKIS] The due process of the law will be seen to be done.
[GRIGORY] I'm delighted, if somewhat amazed, to hear it.
[LILT] We must maintain our credibility.
[TAKIS] Enough. What we want to know are the names of your accomplices.
[GRIGORY] Oh, really?
[LILT] You were saying?
[NATASHA] Don't tell him.
[TAKIS] Lilt, soften him up. I'm going for a walk. Let me know when hedecides to talk.
[NATASHA] Stop! You'll kill him!
(Radio studio)
[DJ] Hey, you guys, what's going on here? This guy looks like thewalking dead. Hey, which one of you guys is out of your casket?
(Tranquil Repose gardens)
[DOCTOR] No. No.
[PERI] Well, don't you like it? It's not a bad likeness.
[DOCTOR] This is dreadful.
[PERI] Is it?
[DOCTOR] This is the Garden of Fond Memories. I've somehow managed toarrive after my own death.
[PERI] It's not possible.
[DOCTOR] In the Tardis it is. This statue is here of me as I am now. Ishall never again regenerate.
[PERI] The statue's a joke. Someone's having you on.
[DOCTOR] No, I've arrived in my own future and I'm dead.
[PERI] You can't be.
[DOCTOR] Look at it this way. If I were to take you back to Earth afteryou had died, it would be possible for you to see your own gravestone.
[PERI] Well, it's a gag.
[DOCTOR] Gag? Gag? Do you realise how much a thing like that would cost?Far too much for someone to play fun and games. And I thought I wasgood for a few more regenerations.
[PERI] Well, if you're going to die here, what's going to happen to me?I can't fly the Tardis. I'd be stuck here. Unless there's a statue ofme here somewhere.
[DOCTOR] I never thought precognisance of my own death would be sodisturbing.
[PERI] Can't see one. Doctor, the statue! Doctor!
[PERI] Doctor! Doctor! Doctor!
(Tranquil Repose gardens)
[PERI] Help! Please help me!
[JOBEL] Be calm, be calm. Someone as pretty as you shouldn't be all of afluster.
[PERI] You must help me. My friend's had a terrible accident.
[JOBEL] Oh, that's obvious.
[PERI] Well, can't you help me get him out?
[JOBEL] I'd destroy my back lifting that. Besides, you wouldn't want tosee the mess under there.
[PERI] He might still be alive.
[JOBEL] No, no, no. He's, he's had it, whereas you, my pretty, are verymuch with us. I like pretty things, and you are very pretty, aren'tyou.
[PERI] Get your hands off me, you creep!
[JOBEL] Oh, it's plain to see you're upset. Was he a close friend?
[PERI] Yes.
[JOBEL] Life's strange, isn't it? You lose one friend only to findanother.
[PERI] Are you some kind of weirdo?
[JOBEL] Wierdo? I am Jobel. I'm very important here. I'm, I'm the ChiefEmbalmer.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Chief Embalmer? I'm not dead yet.
[PERI] You're all right, Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Is he touting for business?
[JOBEL] Me tout for business? I'll have you know that people come fromall over the galaxy for my services. Mind you, you're the first liveclient that I wouldn't mind tackling.
[DOCTOR] He does go on, doesn't he.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, you're covered in blood.
[DOCTOR] It's not mine. Like the statue and this grotesque, it's allpart of an elaborate theatrical effect. Come on, we've got work to do.
[PERI] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] To find out who had that statue erected. Sorry I can't say it'sbeen a pleasure meeting you.
[JOBEL] You know, if the statue actually had been made of stone, I doubtif it'd have killed you.
[DOCTOR] Really?
[JOBEL] No, it would take a mountain to crush an ego like yours.Goodbye, my pretty.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DAVROS] It is all as planned. (to Tasambeker) Ithink you should attend to the Doctor.
[LILT] Get him to talk.
[NATASHA] I didn't make him drunk!
[LILT] Talk!
(Chapel of Rest)
[PERI] It's creepy.
[DOCTOR] Hmm, and it'll get a good deal creepier when I find out whoerected that statue.
[PERI] They may not tell you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I shall be subtle. Play it, er, very loose, to use yourparlance.
[TASAMBEKER] May I help you?
[PERI] Er, well, hi. I don't think so. We're just looking.
[DOCTOR] Actually, we've come about a funeral.
[TASAMBEKER] I beg your pardon?
[DOCTOR] Burial, interment, inhumation, sepulture. Obsequy?
[TASAMBEKER] What you mean is the posture for perpetual instatement. Andfor whom do you wish this service?
(Reception area)
[COMPUTER] How do you do, Mister Takis? And what is your pleasure?
[TAKIS] I want to know the eta of President Vargos' ship.
[COMPUTER] Estimated time of arrival is approximately fifty sevenminutes.
[TAKIS] There are two transponder codes.
[COMPUTER] The second is for an unscheduled freighter.
[TAKIS] Direction?
[COMPUTER] The planet Necros.
[TAKIS] Thank you.
[COMPUTER] You're welcome.
(Guest room)
[TASAMBEKER] Now, if you should decide to accept our unique service,your body would be cryogenically stabilised until that time came.Needless to say, your resting consciousness will be constantly updatedconcerning social, cultural and technological developments of yourchoice. We wouldn't want you to wake up feeling the universe had leftyou behind.
[PERI] It all sounds so sterile.
[TASAMBEKER] Oh, that too has been considered. For a small extra cost,you may purchase our personalised communication service.
[DJ [on screen]] Hi there, this is the DJ. Now, if you're missing yourresting one and want to tell them just how much, then why not call onme. For I am the messenger who connects your heart with their heart.Hey, I'll be hearing from you, all right?
[PERI] That's great! That's a little like the DJs on Earth.
[DOCTOR] Precisely.
[BOSTOCK] It's still a long way. They could have brought us closer thanthis.
[ORCINI] The air will clear our minds.
[ORCINI] Have you ever heard of a sword, Bostock?
[BOSTOCK] No, master.
[ORCINI] It was a weapon not unlike a large knife, used on many planetsfor thousands of years. Even when it was superceded, the sword wasstill carried ceremonially. Symbol of honour. Something almostspiritual.
[ORCINI] This is my sword, Bostock.
[BOSTOCK] You're not using that!
[ORCINI] Why not?
[BOSTOCK] It jammed last time. The thing's obsolete.
[ORCINI] You so easily forget that I am a Knight of the Grand Order ofOberon, and you are my squire. Whereas I may have been temporarilyexcommunicated, I still try to live by the Order's rules.
[BOSTOCK] I know, master, but that thing's useless.
[ORCINI] You must understand that this mission must be an honourableone. Nothing must taint or spoil it.
[BOSTOCK] I do understand, master.
[ORCINI] Only fools would take the risks I do.
(Kara's office)
[VOGEL] The President's ship, madam.
[KARA] A delicious sight.
[VOGEL] I do think it would be safer, madam, if we shot it down.
[KARA] That would be like an advertisement. No, Orcini will do his work,and we shall remain anonymous.
[ORCINI] This will be my last mission.
[BOSTOCK] I understand, master.
[ORCINI] You may think that my judgement is clouded by thoughts ofhonour, but my experience as a soldier has not deserted me.
[BOSTOCK] Take this pistol, just in case. Master!
[ORCINI] What is it?
[BOSTOCK] I sense something hostile. Behind us.
[ORCINI] The bullets are fitted with bastic heads.
[BOSTOCK] Yes, master.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DALEK] Alert, alert. A patrol Dalek has been destroyed.
[DAVROS] It seems my agents were correct. Kara has employed assassins.
(Guest room)
[DOCTOR] Look, I'm finding what you're sayingabsolutely fascinating, but when I said I was interested in my burial
[PERI] Perpetual instatement.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. I was, in fact, referring to something a little morespecific.
[TASAMBEKER] What was that?
[DOCTOR] There is a statue of me erected in the Garden of Fond Memories.Now, I want to know who did it.
[TASAMBEKER] That is not possible. Not without the express permission ofthe Great Healer.
[DOCTOR] Great Healer.
(Kara's office)
[KARA] It's always a pleasure to speak to you,Great Healer.
[VOGEL] Indeed.
[DAVROS [on monitor]] A Dalek patrol has recently been attacked.
[VOGEL] Outrageous.
[DAVROS [on monitor]] I believe assassins are attempting to infiltratemy base. It concerns me that those who are attempting to kill me mightalso try the same with you.
[KARA] Oh, I have every faith in my guards, Great Healer. A fine body ofmen. I personally selected each and every one of them.
[DAVROS [on monitor]] Experience has shown me that humanoid life formsare susceptible to bribery. I would therefore feel happier if you wereprotected by those incapable of corruption.
[KARA] You can only mean Daleks, Great Healer.
[DAVROS [on monitor]] Correct. I have already despatched a squad foryour protection.
[KARA] Thank you, Great Healer.
[VOGEL] I think he guesses, madam.
[KARA] He can guess what he likes. He won't live to learn whether he wasright.
[VOGEL] I fear, madam, that you may be placing too much trust in Orcini.
[KARA] Orcini will succeed. And when he does, not only will I be rid ofthat troublesome Davros, but I will control the food supply for thewhole galaxy!
(Chapel of rest)
[TASAMBEKER] We are preparing for a lying in state.President Vargos has given us permission to tend to the mortal remainsof his dear late wife.
[PERI] Understood. Better still, I wouldn't mind meeting the DJ. I'mcurious to know where he picked up his patter.
[JOBEL] Ah, there you are. Hello, pretty one.
[TASAMBEKER] I'm taking this gentleman to see the Great Healer.
[JOBEL] That should be a contest worth missing. And what are youplanning to do?
[PERI] Well, I'd quite like to meet the DJ.
[JOBEL] Why not. This way. Jobel will look after you.
[PERI] No, it's all right, I'm okay.
[DOCTOR] Excuse us one moment.
[DOCTOR] Go with him. I think from what we've learnt you'll be a gooddeal safer with Mister Jobel than you will with the Great Healer.
[PERI] Couldn't we just go back to the Tardis?
[DOCTOR] No. I want to find out more about this Great Healer. Rememberthe mutant? Have a nice day.
[JOBEL] With me as her escort, she certainly shall.
[DOCTOR] What a nice man. Friend of yours?
[TASAMBEKER] What's it got to do with you?
[DOCTOR] Absolutely nothing at all. I was only showing an interest.
[DALEK] You are our prisoner.
[DALEK 2] You will not resist.
[DALEK] Bring him.
[DALEK] Secure him.
(Radio studio)
[PERI] Well, thanks for showing me the way.
[JOBEL] Those rose red ruby lips were made for kissing.
[PERI] But not by you.
[JOBEL] I love a woman who plays hard to get.
[PERI] Then you'll love me to death.
[JOBEL] Can't wait.
[PERI] Well, I hope the lying in state goes well, and thanks for showingme the way.
[JOBEL] My pleasure, pretty one.
[PERI] Hi. Hope you don't mind me dropping in.
[DJ] No, no, it's nice to have visitors.
[PERI] I'm Peri.
[DJ] Is that your real accent?
[PERI] Well, I hope so.
[DJ] It's amazing.
[PERI] Talking of voices, yours seems to have changed.
[DJ] Oh yeah, well, that's just my other voice, you know. I use thatjust for kind of professional duties, you know.
[PERI] Well, I knew it was too good to be true. I somehow stupidlythought maybe you'd come from the States.
[DJ] What, the United States? Of America? On Earth?
[PERI] That's right.
[DJ] That's amazing. That's just amazing.
[PERI] Have you been there?
[DJ] No. It's just that I've heard recordings, you know. My greatgranddad brought them back from one of his visits and er, I really lovethe sound of those old American DJs, so I kinda decided to kinda basemy style of presentation on 'em, you know?
[PERI] Well, it's very good.
[DJ] Thank you.
[PERI] Kinda almost makes me feel homesick.
[DJ] Thank you. I'm glad somebody likes it. Doesn't half aggravate theGreat Healer.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DAVROS] You have pleased me.
[TASAMBEKER] Thank you, Great Healer.
[DAVROS] Show me Jobel.
[DAVROS] I am told that you have affection for this man.
[TASAMBEKER] Oh, I did once.
[DAVROS] He is a difficult man. Arrogant, wouldn't you agree?
[DAVROS] I once offered him immortality. He turned it down.
[TASAMBEKER] He's a fool, then, as well as being arrogant.
[DAVROS] I agree, but I sense that you still have affection for him.
[TASAMBEKER] Yes, though I don't know why. He's always humiliating me.
[DAVROS] So I have observed. If someone had treated me the way he hastreated you, I think I would have killed them.
[TASAMBEKER] Killed him? Oh, no, I couldn't do that.
[DAVROS] No? Watch him. Use the security cameras to observe hisactivities, then tell me if your hate doesn't grow.
[GRIGORY] Not doing very well, are you.
[NATASHA] Quiet.
[DOCTOR] What are the Daleks up to?
[NATASHA] Bodysnatching.
[DOCTOR] What?
[NATASHA] They stole my father's body and were turning him into a Dalek.
[GRIGORY] It was horrible. It was growing just like an embryo.
[DOCTOR] Growing? So Davros has finally done it. Daleks that canreproduce anywhere.
[GRIGORY] It's a tremendous feat of genetic engineering.
[DOCTOR] Pity he didn't put it to a better use.
(Kara's office)
[VOGEL] Madam.
[KARA] Orcini has entered the catacombs. Wonderful. It's only a matterof time now before he finds Davros' laboratory, taps out his littledigital code and blows himself, Davros, and that disgusting littlesquire into a thousand tiny pieces.
[VOGEL] How dare you enter unannounced!
[DALEK] You will come with us. You will be taken to Davros to answer foryour crime.
[DALEK] You will obey.
[KARA] How inconvenient. Do you know how difficult it is to find goodsecretaries?
[DALEK] You will come with us.
(Reception area)
[TAKIS] Don't you find a lot of very strange thingsare happening nowadays?
[JOBEL] Not more bad news?
[TAKIS] I was talking generally. In fact, I don't think things have beenthe same since the Great Healer took over.
[JOBEL] Guard your tongue. He has eyes and ears everywhere.
[TAKIS] I think it's time we did something about it.
[JOBEL] You do? Could you?
[TAKIS] With a little help.
[JOBEL] You're a very naughty man, Takis.
[LILT] Are you interested, Mister Jobel?
[JOBEL] Never was very keen on this Dalek thing.
[TAKIS] Then I think we should have a little chat.
[JOBEL] Absolutely.
[JOBEL] But can we get the perpetual arrangement sorted out first?
[TAKIS] I should think so.
(Davros' laboratory)
[JOBEL [on screen}] Oh, I love you.
[DAVROS] This man you respect now conspires against me. His infidelityis bad enough, but his treason is unforgivable!
[TASAMBEKER] Let me speak to him, Great Healer.
[DAVROS] It is too late for words!
[DALEK] He should be exterminated.
[DAVROS] It is time for you to decide, Tasambeker, to whom preciselyyour loyalties belong.
[TASAMBEKER] To you, of course.
[DAVROS] It is easy to say, but I require a positive commitment asproof.
[TASAMBEKER] What do you want me to do?
[DAVROS] As I said, I once offered Jobel immortality. He refused. I nowmake the same offer to you. Serve me with your total being and I shallallow you to become a Dalek.
[TASAMBEKER] That is an offer I cannot refuse.
[DAVROS] It is an offer that must be fulfilled through blood. Show meyour total obedience and kill Jobel!
[BOSTOCK] You should have let me kill him, master.
[ORCINI] I appreciate your dedication, Bostock, but he's veryunimportant.
[BOSTOCK] But master
[ORCINI] No, in fact I would have preferred him conscious. Questions areaccumulating I would very much like the answer to.
[BOSTOCK] What's wrong?
[ORCINI] A feeling that we haven't been told the whole truth.
[BOSTOCK] You mean we've been set up?
[ORCINI] You're the one with the infallible instincts, you tell me. Weneed a scapegoat, some diversion.
[ORCINI] Prisoners. Let's release them.
[BOSTOCK] Master
[ORCINI] Scapegoats.
[DOCTOR] Visitors.
[ORCINI] Release them.
[NATASHA] Who are you?
[DOCTOR] A Knight of the Grand Order of Oberon. Only I would be stupidenough to attack such a person.
[BOSTOCK] Be grateful you're still alive.
[DOCTOR] I am. I am.
[ORCINI] Bostock.
[ORCINI] You are now free, but you will count very slowly to twenty oncewe have gone. If you attempt to follow us, I will kill you. Youunderstand?
[GRIGORY] Oh yes. (hic) Sorry.
[ORCINI] You may need this.
[DOCTOR] May I ask what you're doing here?
[ORCINI] You may, but only a fool would expect an answer.
(Chapel of Rest)
[TAKIS] I think we need some more of these.
[JOBEL] I'm told she liked the fragrance of nature.
[TASAMBEKER] Mister Jobel?
[JOBEL] Not now, Tasambeker. Can't you see I'm busy?
[TASAMBEKER] It's important, Mister Jobel. I have a message from theGreat Healer.
[JOBEL] Why didn't you say.
[TASAMBEKER] You must leave with me.
[JOBEL] That's the bluntest invitation I've had all week.
[TASAMBEKER] If you don't, you'll die. The Great Healer hates you.
[JOBEL] Impossible. I'm his most loyal servant.
[TASAMBEKER] Not when you conspire with Takis.
[JOBEL] That was a joke, a bit of fun.
[TASAMBEKER] He wants you dead.
[JOBEL] Dead? I'm Jobel.
[JOBEL] The place wouldn't function without me.
[TASAMBEKER] He doesn't care about Tranquil Repose. He's already turnedit into a breeding ground for Daleks.
[JOBEL] Now I know you're lying. I spoke to him only the other day. Hehas tremendous plans for this place.
[JOBEL] There certainly was no talk of turning itinto a Dalek farm.
[TASAMBEKER] He lies as freely as you pick up women.
[JOBEL] Oh, so that's what this is all about.
(Preparation room)
[TASAMBEKER] Mister Jobel, I love you. I'm riskingmy own life talking to you like this.
[JOBEL] You've spent too many hours alone in this preparation room.Someone as impressionable as you should lavish a little more time onthe living instead of fantasising with the dead.
[TASAMBEKER] Look, you've got to get away from here. I could help you.
[JOBEL] To do what? Do you honestly think I could possibly be interestedin you? I have the pick of the women. I would rather run away with mymother than own a fawning little creep like you.
[TASAMBEKER] I knew you could be cruel, but even you have excelledyourself.
[TASAMBEKER] To think I almost threw up everything for a fat, baldegotist like you!
[JOBEL] Fat? Me fat? My figure is the height of fashion!
[TASAMBEKER] The Great Healer has ordered you dead!
(Chapel of Rest)
[JOBEL] We shall see about that. I shall speak tohim myself.
[TASAMBEKER] It's always the same. You just don't understand. To earnhis favour, I am to kill you.
[JOBEL] Get on with your work. Now, enough of this.
[TASAMBEKER] I hate you!
[JOBEL] What, what have you done? She's killed me. She's killed me.Jobel.
[TASAMBEKER] Oh, why did I do it?
[DALEK] You will be exterminated.
[DALEK 2] Exterminated.
(Radio studio)
[PERI] There's the Doctor!
[DJ] Huh? That's not very good news. Those people he's with, they're thebodysnatchers.
[PERI] Well, can I speak to him?
[DJ] Er, yeah, sure.
(Crypt tunnel)
[DJ [OC]] Hello, Doctor. This is the DJ with a veryspecial message for you.
[PERI [OC]] Can you hear me?
[DOCTOR] I can indeed.
[PERI [OC]] I've been worried about you.
[DOCTOR] I'm perfectly safe. Now listen, Peri. I want you to go back tothe Tardis at once.
[PERI [OC]] But
[DOCTOR] No questions. You're in great danger.
(Radio studio)
[DOCTOR [on screen]] There are bound to be othersmonitoring this.
[PERI] I'm on my way.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] When you get to the Tardis, radio the president'sship. Say there are Daleks here and he's not to land.
[PERI] What about you?
[DOCTOR [on screen]] I shall join you later. Now go!
(Davros' laboratory)
[DAVROS] Bring that woman to me.
[DALEK] At once.
[DAVROS] And while you're there, destroy that prattling DJ!
(Radio studio)
[PERI] Please get out of my way!
[DJ] You're not thinking, Peri.
[PERI] Please, just get out of my way.
[DJ] How far do you think you'll get? The Doctor was right. Others willhave intercepted his message. They'll be waiting for you.
[PERI] No, I must go.
[DJ] Now look, I've got a radio transmitter here. You can use that.
[PERI] And risk your life as well? It doesn't make sense.
[DJ] It's too late for that now. They know you've spoken to me. Theywon't let that go unchecked.
[PERI] They're coming!
(Crypt tunnel)
[DOCTOR] Right, that should be simple enough. I'llleave you to destroy the incubation room.
[NATASHA] Right. Where shall we meet you?
[DOCTOR] Reception area. Good luck.
[GRIGORY] Are you out of your mind? I'm not going back in there. In aminute this place will be crawling with Daleks.
[GRIGORY] A flimsy but nevertheless convincing argument.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DAVROS] Activate a specimen.
[DALEK] I obey.
[DAVROS] Then leave me alone.
(Incubation room)
[NATASHA] The power pack's exhausted. How do we kill them?
[GRIGORY] This controls the incubators.
[NATASHA] That's another Dalek!
(Outside Davros' laboratory)
[ORCINI] Davros.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DAVROS] What's that? Ah. Remove that object.
(Outside Davros' laboratory)
[ORCINI] Thank you.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DAVROS] You are fools! You cannot kill me! I am Davros!
[BOSTOCK] You've done it, master. You've killed him.
[ORCINI] Has your instinct deserted you? The kill was too easy.
[DAVROS] That you have realised too late, Grand Master Orcini.
[DAVROS] Place your guns on the floor.
[ORCINI] Of course.
[DAVROS] Guards!
[ORCINI] Bostock!
[DALEK] Cannot see. My vision is impaired. I cannot see.
[DALEKS] Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate. Destroy.
[DAVROS] You are old, Orcini. Your reflexes have gone. Do you thinkyou're the first to try and kill me? That tank was but a simple lure, afocal point for the assassins bullet.
(Incubation room)
[NATASHA] Let's get out of here.
[GRIGORY] If only we had a grenade, we could deal with. It's gone. Itcan't be far. We would have heard it leave, wouldn't we?
[NATASHA] Let's get out of here.
(Radio studio)
[PERI] Come in! Over! The president's ship doesn't answer.
[DJ] Wait a mo.
[DJ] They heard.
[DJ] And just in time.
[PERI] This may sound like a dumb question, but what does that thing do?
[DJ] This is a highly directional ultrasonic beam of rock and roll.
[DJ] It kills.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DAVROS] Intriguing. A box of delight or a box of hate.
[KARA] My dear Davros.
[DAVROS] Yours, I believe.
[KARA] Oh, what a pretty little box. What does it do?
[DAVROS] You should know. It is a transmitter, brought by your assassin.
[KARA] How can you say such a thing, Great Healer?
[DAVROS] I have never trusted you, Kara.
[KARA] I am pained by such a remark. I have served you well.
[ORCINI] Tell him.
[KARA] I am an innocent party. I refuse to be drawn into your, yourconspiracy.
[DAVROS] Give the box to Orcini.
[KARA] Is that wise? By your own statement he is a murderer, a commonassassin.
[DAVROS] He is a Knight of the Grand Order of Oberon. There is littlethat is common about Orcini. Now, show me what you had to do with thebox.
[KARA] No.
[DAVROS] Proceed.
[KARA] No! All right, it's a bomb. It's a bomb. A great big bomb!
[DAVROS] Thank you, Kara.
[KARA] You fool, you imbecile. I thought you were a man of honour. Nowwe both die. Satisfied?
[ORCINI] You before me.
(Radio studio)
[DJ] Keep your head down.
[DALEK] You must surrender. The Earth woman must come with us. It isfutile to resist.
[DJ] Yee ha!
[PERI] You did it!
[DJ] That's right.
(Crypt tunnel)
[DJ [OC]] Hey, you guys, this is the broadcast to end all broadcasts.Yee ha!
[PERI [OC]] Look out, more Daleks.
(Radio studio)
[DJ] Yee ha! Woo!
[PERI] Look out!
[DALEK] Halt.
[PERI] No! Oh, no!
(Crypt tunnel)
[PERI [OC]] You murdered him. Why did you have to
[DOCTOR] Ah, there you are. They went that way.
[DALEK] You will come with us.
(Reception area)
[LILT] They're here.
[TAKIS] Perfect timing.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DOCTOR] I see you've been busy.
[DAVROS] Whereas you have been stupid, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Prerogative of a Time Lord. Where's Peri?
[DAVROS] Safe, for the time being.
[DOCTOR] I must say, I'm surprised to see you. The last time we met,your ship blew up. I thought with you on board.
[DAVROS] Not when there is an escape pod to be had.
[DOCTOR] Or, it seems, a lift by a transporter to this place.
[DAVROS] Ah! There I was fortunate.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I liked the statue, by the way. Very good likeness, thoughreally you shouldn't have bothered.
[DAVROS] As for the news of Stengos' death, it was all part of my schemeto lure you here.
[DOCTOR] All very clever. And apart from a little grave-robbing, whatelse have you been up to?
[DAVROS] You cannot steal what has already been abandoned. No one isinterested in the people here.
[DOCTOR] That's not what I've heard.
[DAVROS] As your grave-robbing friends have now been exterminated, youwill not hear the complaint again.
[DOCTOR] Do you never do anything but kill?
[DAVROS] There you are mistaken, Doctor. I am known as the Great Healer.A somewhat flippant title, perhaps, but not without foundation. I haveconquered the diseases that brought their victims here. In every way, Ihave complied with the wishes of those who came
[DAVROS] In anticipation of one day being returned to life.
[DOCTOR] But never, in their worst nightmares, did any of them expect tocome back as Daleks.
[DAVROS] All the resting ones I have used were people of status,ambition. They would understand, especially as I have given them theopportunity to become masters of the universe!
[DOCTOR] With you as their emperor. But what of the lesser intellects?Or will they be left to rot?
[DAVROS] You should know me better than that, Doctor.
[DAVROS] I never waste a valuable commodity. The humanoid form makes anexcellent concentrated protein. This part of the galaxy is developingquickly. Famine was one of its major problems.
[DOCTOR] You've turned them into food?
[DAVROS] A scheme that has earned me great acclaim.
[DOCTOR] But did you bother to tell anyone they might be eating theirown relatives?
[DAVROS] Certainly not. That would have created what I believe is termedconsumer resistance. They were grateful for the food. It allowed themto go on living.
[DOCTOR] Until you take over their planets.
[DAVROS] Precisely.
(Chapel of Rest)
[TAKIS] Welcome. I am Takis.
[DALEK] You sent for us?
[TAKIS] That's right.
[DALEK] Where is Davros?
[TAKIS] I'll take you to him, but first can we discuss our deal?
[DALEK] You will obey my will. You will take me to Davros. Now!
[TAKIS] Of course. At once.
(Davros' laboratory)
[PERI] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Are you all right? I'm sorry about the DJ.
[DAVROS] Now, Doctor, prepare to witness the greatest rebirth ever.
[DOCTOR] You may be disappointed at the response.
[DAVROS] Even if your friends had succeeded, they would have done verylittle damage. The room they attempted to destroy was one used forexperimentation only.
[DAVROS] My main force of Daleks is well hidden.
[ORCINI] Bostock! Bostock!
[DALEK] Halt! Stay where you are!
[DALEK] Do not move.
[DAVROS] Prepare the surgical unit. Such a foolish waste of energy.
[DOCTOR] No arm in trying.
[DAVROS] When you have become a Dalek, you will suffer for everyindignity you have ever caused me.
(Crypt tunnel)
[DALEK] Exterminate. Exterminate.
[TAKIS] You promised there would be no killing.
[DALEK] Continue. You must take us to Davros.
[DALEKS] Exterminate! Exterminate.
[WHITE] Malfunction. Malfunction. Malfunction.
[DALEK] Obey our will.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DAVROS] What is happening? Activate my Daleks!
[DAVROS] How did you find me?
[TAKIS] I sent for them.
[DALEK] You are to be taken back to Skaro to stand trial for crimesagainst the Daleks.
[TAKIS] This used to be a good place before you came. I enjoyed workinghere. Once you've gone, it'll be a good place again.
[DOCTOR] Don't be too certain of that. You'll be lucky to be alive atthe end of this.
[TAKIS] But they're going to destroy Davros' Daleks.
[DALEK] They will not be destroyed. They will be reconditioned to obeythe will of the Supreme Dalek. You will come with us.
[DAVROS] No! Take him! He is the sworn enemy of the Daleks. He is theDoctor.
[DOCTOR] Doctor? No.
[DALEK] His image does not compute with the known appearance of theDoctor.
[DAVROS] He's regenerated, fool.
[DALEK] He will be held prisoner until we can verify if you are correct.You will come with us or be exterminated here.
[DAVROS] You have not heard the last of me. I shall return.
[DOCTOR] And I shall be waiting for you.
[ORCINI] You trusted them?
[TAKIS] Well, I thought it would do some good.
[DOCTOR] It might yet. We must act fast before Davros' Daleks can beactivated.
[ORCINI] First, we've got to get rid of that.
[PERI] Will that be effective?
[ORCINI] Take out the eyepiece.
[DOCTOR] What we need is a grenade.
[ORCINI] I'll look in Bostock's pocket.
[DOCTOR] Now, listen to me.
(Crypt tunnel)
[DAVROS] I created you! I am your master!
[DALEK] We serve only the Supreme Dalek.
[DAVROS] That upstart. I could make you all Supreme Daleks. I have thepower. You must obey me!
(Outside Davros' laboratory)
[TAKIS] Hey, you out there.
[DALEK] You will remain in the laboratory.
[TAKIS] We have a message for your master.
(Davros' laboratory)
[DALEK] My vision is impaired. I cannot see. My vision is impaired.
[DALEK] Emergency.
[DOCTOR] Right, what we need now is a bomb to destroy the ones inhibernation.
[TAKIS] No, you can't destroy this place.
[LILT] He's right.
[DOCTOR] Tranquil Repose has ceased to have any practical function. Itscryogenic chambers are empty. Davros has used the contents forsynthetic protein.
[ORCINI] He's telling the truth. After what Davros has done, you'llnever restore the reputation of this place.
[LILT] Don't trust them.
[DOCTOR] You must! I can show you a new life.
[LILT] How?
[DOCTOR] Davros has created a demand for synthetic protein. If you ceaseto fulfil that demand, those planets will die. Now.
[TAKIS] The weed plant?
[DOCTOR] Grows almost anywhere. When refined, that produces protein.
[PERI] That's a great idea.
[ORCINI] You must leave here.
[LILT] What?
[ORCINI] I have a bomb and I would like to explode it. Not only will itdestroy Davros' Daleks, it might just catch him as well.
[DOCTOR] Splendid.
[ORCINI] Just one thing, Doctor. There's no timing device. Once I pressthis red button, pow!
[DOCTOR] I could rig
[ORCINI] No, there's no time. I want Davros dead.
[DOCTOR] Let me see it.
[ORCINI] I wouldn't hesitate to use this now. Go, Doctor. Go.
[PERI] Why are you throwing away your life?
[ORCINI] I've always wanted an honourable kill. Davros is to be it. Gonow. The catacombs are deep. You might find a safe place.
[DOCTOR] Go. Go! Now!
[TAKIS] Come on.
[DOCTOR] I'll join you later. Is there anything I can do?
[ORCINI] Return this to my Order. Tell them how we died.
[DOCTOR] Of course.
[ORCINI] No more words.
(Crypt tunnel)
[PERI] Doctor!
[PERI] Doctor! Doctor!
[TAKIS] Come on. Come on!
(Reception area)
[TAKIS] I want everyone to clear this room immediately!
[PERI] Do you think we've come far enough?
[PERI] It's too late. They've got away.
[LILT] Let's get out of here.
[PERI] No, we must wait for the Doctor.
[TAKIS] Come on! Move!
[PERI] Doctor!
[TAKIS] He's had it!
[LILT] Come on, this roof isn't going to last much longer. We've got toget out of here.
[PERI] No, wait!
[PERI] Doctor, are you all right?
[TAKIS] Come on!
[DOCTOR] Did Davros get away?
[PERI] Yes. Do you think they'll execute him? I'd hate to think thatOrcini died for nothing.
[DOCTOR] He didn't. He achieved a greater kill than he thought possible.He destroyed Davros' new generation of Daleks.
[TAKIS] Come on, you two. This is no time to chat. Let's get out ofhere.
[DOCTOR] Where?
[TAKIS] That way.
[PERI] What are we going to do?
[DOCTOR] Get out of here, find the Tardis, and then make sure those twoget this place sorted out.
(Chapel of Rest)
[LILT] Here, what's all this about us becoming farmers?
[TAKIS] Oh, don't you start.
[LILT] Well, it's true, though. I mean, all you know about is flowers.
[TAKIS] Mind you, that plot for perpetual instatement would make goodgrowing land.
[DOCTOR] This place is called Tranquil Repose. I think we should leavethe dead in peace, don't you?
[PERI] When we've finished here, can we take a real holiday?
[DOCTOR] I know somewhere that is truly tranquil, peaceful, restful. Apanacea for the cares of mind.
[PERI] Can't we go somewhere fun?
[DOCTOR] Fun? Oh, I suppose anywhere will be peaceful after Necros. Allright, I'll take you to Blackpool.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s22", "episode": "e06", "title": "Revelation of the Daleks"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (6 Sep, 1986; Sixth Doctor) - The Mysterious Planet
(Space Station)
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] At last, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Am I late for something?
[VALEYARD] I was beginning to fear you had lost yourself. Sit down.
[DOCTOR] Well, even I would find it hard to lose myself in a corridor.Especially, when propelled by the mental energy of so manydistinguished Time Lords.
[VALEYARD] Oh, I don't know. You seem to have a great talent forstraying from the straight and narrow.
[DOCTOR] Would it be too much to ask what all this is about?
[INQUISITOR] The accused will remain silent until invited to speak.
[DOCTOR] The accused? Do you mean me?
[INQUISITOR] I call upon the Valeyard to open the case.
[VALEYARD] By order of the High Council, this is an impartial enquiryinto the behaviour of the accused person, known as the Doctor, who ischarged that he, on diverse occasions has been guilty of conductunbecoming a Time Lord.
[DOCTOR] Not guilty!
[VALEYARD] He is also charged with, on diverse occasions, transgressingthe First Law. It is my unpleasant task, Madam Inquisitor, to prove tothe enquiry that the Doctor is an incorrigible meddler in the affairsof other peoples and planets.
[INQUISITOR] Yes. I see, Valeyard, that it is on record that the Doctorhas faced trial already for offences of this nature.
[VALEYARD] That is so, my lady, and I shall contend that the HighCouncil showed too great a leniency on that occasion.
[INQUISITOR] Very well. Doctor, you've heard the charges. Do you wish tosay anything before the enquiry proceeds?
[DOCTOR] Only that this whole thing is a farce. I am Lord President ofGallifrey. You can't put me on trial.
[INQUISITOR] Doctor, since you willfully neglected the responsibility ofyour great office, you were deposed.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Is that legal?
[INQUISITOR] Perfectly. But we won't hold it against you. Quite thecontrary in fact. And to see that your interests are fully protected, Ipropose to appoint a court defender to represent you.
[DOCTOR] Ah, oh, er, thank you, but no thank you. I have been throughseveral such inquiries before. I think it would be easier if I speakfor myself.
[INQUISITOR] The court notes the Doctor refuses the services of a courtdefender. Proceed, Valeyard.
[VALEYARD] Inquisitor, I am not proposing to waste the time of the courtby dwelling in detail on the activities of the accused.
[DOCTOR] Good.
[VALEYARD] Instead, I intend to adumbrate two typical instances fromseparate epistopic interfaces of the spectrum. These examples of thecriminal behaviour of the accused are fully recorded in the Matrix, therepository of all knowledge.
[DOCTOR] Objection.
[INQUISITOR] I hear the accused. What is this objection?
[DOCTOR] The Matrix does not contain all knowledge. It merely containsall Time Lord knowledge.
[INQUISITOR] It has long been accepted that the Matrix is the repositoryof all knowledge.
[DOCTOR] Well, that only shows the insular complacency of this society.How do you know that there isn't knowledge that you don't possess?
[INQUISITOR] All that is known is within the Matrix.
[DOCTOR] Oh, a micro-organism in a drop of water might think it knowsthe universe. All it knows is that drop of water.
[VALEYARD] I think this is merely a semantic point, my lady.
[INQUISITOR] I agree. I find the objection of the accused to be notvalid. Please continue.
[VALEYARD] Thank you, my lady. (Everyone in the court turnsto a screen high on the wall above the ranks of Time Lords.)
[VALEYARD] I should like to begin with the Doctor's involvement in theaffairs of Ravalox, a planet within the Stellian galaxy.
[PERI] Oh, great.
[DOCTOR] Hang on.
[DOCTOR] There.
[PERI] Can't we come back some other time, like when it's not raining?
[DOCTOR] Oh, stop whinging.
[PERI] I don't understand why you wanted to come here in the firstplace.
[DOCTOR] Then you should have listened more carefully.
[PERI] Hey! Don't I get some?
[DOCTOR] Oh, sorry.
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] I draw your attention, my lady,to the admission of the accused that he obtained access to confidentialmaterial from Gallifrey. A file privy only to members of the HighCouncil.
[INQUISITOR] That is noted. Doctor, why did you go to Ravalox?
[DOCTOR] Simple scientific curiosity. I'm not so egotistic as to believeall knowledge is at my fingertips.
[INQUISITOR] Your crude sarcasm is also noted. I should warn you,Doctor, that your hostile attitude is not helpful.
[DOCTOR] I'm not here to help. And while you're making all those notes,do please note that I did not have access to confidential material. Thefireball that destroyed Ravalox is documented in Extinct Civilisationsby Warris Bossard.
[ORDERLY] This is true, my lady.
[INQUISITOR] I see. I find the point that the Doctor gained access toconfidential material to be not proven, unless you have furtherevidence, Valeyard.
[VALEYARD] It is not of great importance, my lady.
[INQUISITOR] Continue.
[VALEYARD] Most certainly.
[PERI] I don't think I like Ravalox very much. It reminds me of a wetNovember back on Earth.
[DOCTOR] Now that's part of the reason why we're here.
[PERI] Huh?
[DOCTOR] Well, Ravalox has the same mass, angle of tilt and period ofrotation as Earth.
[PERI] So?
[DOCTOR] Well I thought that was quite interesting. It's unusual to findtwo planets so similar. In fact, it's quite a phenomenon.
[PERI] Oh, pity it couldn't be a dry one.
[DOCTOR] Ravalox also has the distinction of having been destroyed by asolar fireball.
[PERI] It doesn't look very destroyed.
[DOCTOR] According to the records on Gallifrey, it was devastated by asolar fireball some five centuries ago. I think somebody exaggerated,don't you?
[PERI] Hmm.
[DOCTOR] Ah, the exhilarating smell of a freshly laundered forest. Can'tbeat it.
[PERI] And the twittering of tiny birds and the rustling of smallmammals as they forage for food in the undergrowth.
[DOCTOR] Exactly.
[PERI] Then you've better hearing than me. There aren't any birds.Listen.
[DOCTOR] I wondered when you'd notice.
[PERI] None of this makes any sense. Any soil left after the visitationof a fireball would be sterile.
[DOCTOR] Well done.
[PERI] Don't patronise me Doctor. You knew from the start this amount ofgrowth wasn't possible.
[DOCTOR] I also knew, that as a student of botany, you'd soon realisethe truth without any prompting from me.
[PERI] Maybe.
[DOCTOR] Yeah.
[PERI] Is there any intelligent life here?
[DOCTOR] Apart from me, you mean? I don't know. Shall we find out?
[DIBBER] Well, they're not from round here, Mister Glitz.
[GLITZ] I know that, Dibber.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! Look at this.
[DOCTOR] We are certainly not on this planet alone. Mmm hmm. Let'sreconnoiter, shall we?
[GLITZ] You know, Dibber, I'm the product of a broken home.
[DIBBER] You have mentioned it on occasions, Mister Glitz.
[GLITZ] Which sort of unbalanced me. Made me selfish to the point whereI cannot stand competition.
[DIBBER] Know the feeling only too well, Mister Glitz.
[GLITZ] Where as yours is a simple case of sociopathy, Dibber, mymalaise is much more complex. A deep-rooted maladjustment, mypsychiatrist said. Brought on by an infantile inability to come toterms with the more pertinent, concrete aspects of life.
[DIBBER] That sounds more like an insult than a diagnosis, Mister Glitz.
[GLITZ] You're right there, my lad. Mind you, I had just attempted tokill him. Oh, I do hate prison psychiatrists, don't you? I mean, theydo nothing for you. I must have seen dozens of them, and I still hatecompetition. Especially when it poaches my territory. I'm going toenjoy this.
[GLITZ] Too late! Oh, I do hate it when people get lucky. It reallyoffends my sensibilities.
[DIBBER] Shouldn't we go after them?
[GLITZ] How is it they know where to look? Tell me that, Dibber.
[DIBBER] I don't know. Maybe they've all copied the same map we did. Doyou want me to go after them?
[GLITZ] Why? Do you want to help them?
[DIBBER] No, it's just that if we're after the same thing as us
[GLITZ] Don't worry. They'll soon be dead. It's just that I wanted thepersonal pleasure of killing them myself.
[PERI] Oh, here, Doctor, look.
[DOCTOR] The remains of a building.
[PERI] And we're not going inside.
[DOCTOR] Of course not, we can't. We haven't found the entrance yet.This is the type of place where some early life forms might havesurvived. Come along.
[PERI] I'm just not crazy about meeting any early life forms.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Yeah.
[DIBBER] Well, if we've got competition, going to the village could be avaluable waste of time.
[GLITZ] That complex down there is still functional, which means the L3robot is operational.
[DIBBER] I understand.
[GLITZ] To render the robot non-operational, we have to destroy thelight converter which supplies its energy system.
[DIBBER] I know all that.
[GLITZ] Then why are you arguing with me? It's not my fault if a bunchof backward savages have turned a Magnum Mark Seven light converterinto a totem pole.
[DIBBER] It's just that I think we should kill those two first.
[GLITZ] And meet the robot head on at full power? I don't think you havemy full interests at heart, Dibber.
[DIBBER] If the robot doesn't kill them before we destroy his energysupply, well, they could be up and away with the goods before we'veeven got back from the village.
[GLITZ] I know that, Dibber. Now you understand why I hate competition.It spoils everything.
[DIBBER] I still think we should kill them.
[GLITZ] We will, Dibber, we will. When the time is right.
[PERI] Doctor, I know this sounds crazy, but I have the weirdest feelingthat I've been here before.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I often get that feeling. Of course, I usually have. Inyour case, it's not possible.
[PERI] Well, possible or not, I want to get away from here.
[DOCTOR] You're absolutely right. We must find out what's going on here.
[PERI] This place is spooky. It's like an overgrownfallout shelter.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. You're partly right. This must have been their lastdesperate attempt to escape the coming fireball.
[PERI] Well, who lived on this planet?
[DOCTOR] Now that's something of a mystery. There's strangely littleabout Ravalox in the records of Gallifrey. Obviously they were a fairlyadvanced species. Look.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! That's it. You know, you candeduce an awful lot about a civilisation from its art.
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] You know, I might stay here a couple of years and write athesis about that. Come along.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Peri?
[PERI] I've scratched myself.
(Underground station)
[DOCTOR] Oh, you're young. You'll soon heal.
[PERI] Thanks for the sympathy.
[DOCTOR] You know, I'm glad I decided to come here. I might stay herefor a year or so and write a thesis. Ancient Life on Ravalox by Doctor
[PERI] Doctor, look! There's something here I think you should see.
[ GLITZ] I heard it.
[DIBBER] Over here.
[GLITZ] Look at them, primitive screeves.
[DIBBER] Are they from the village?
[GLITZ] Must be.
[DIBBER] Well then, let's make it a few less we'll have to deal with.
[GLITZ] No. All we need is a gesture of strength. Show them they haven'tgot a chance.
[GLITZ] Amazing the affect a loud bang can have on the primitive mind.
[GLITZ] Come here, you ignorant, maggot ridden peasant. Somehow I alwaysfeel foolish saying this. Take me to your leader.
(Underground station)
[DOCTOR] Well, I suppose there is a billion to one chance there was aplace called Marble Arch on Ravalox.
[PERI] And they wrote in English?
[DOCTOR] Well, that's another billion to one chance. It does begin toseem a little unlikely, doesn't it?
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, we're on Earth aren't we? I said it felt like Earth.
[DOCTOR] It's in the wrong part of space for it to be your planet.Besides, according to all the record books, this is Ravalox.
[PERI] Well then, how do you explain this?
[DOCTOR] Well, they. I can't. Not yet. Unless of course, perhaps theycollected railway stations.
[PERI] That's ridiculous.
[DOCTOR] But not impossible, though. Not as impossible as the otherexplanation.
[PERI] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Well, that somehow or other your planet and its entireconstellation managed to shift itself a couple of light years acrossspace, after which, for some reason, it became known as Ravalox.
[PERI] Well, what time are we in?
[DOCTOR] Oh, a long time after your period.
[DOCTOR] Er, two billion years or more.
[PERI] So what happened to London?
[DOCTOR] Wiped out, if this was London.
[PERI] Doctor, I know it is. I can feel it.
[DOCTOR] Now, don't get emotional.
[PERI] Don't get emotional. This cinder we're standing on is all that'sleft of my world. Everything I knew.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] Why do I have to sit here watching Perigetting upset, while two unsavoury adventurers bully a bunch ofnatives.
[VALEYARD] The reason will be made clear shortly, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] As a matter of interest, where is Peri?
[VALEYARD] Where you left her.
[DOCTOR] Where's that?
[VALEYARD] You don't remember? Obviously a side effect of being takenout of time. The amnesia should soon pass.
[INQUISITOR] Shall we continue?
[DOCTOR] Well, can't we just have the edited highlights?
(Underground station)
[DOCTOR] I know how you feel.
[PERI] Do you?
[DOCTOR] Of course I do. You've been travelling with me long enough toknow that none of this really matters. Not to you. Your world is safe.
[PERI] This is still my world, whatever the period, and I care about it.And all you do is talk about it as though we're in a planetarium.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry. But look at it this way. Planets come and go, starsperish. Matter disperses, coalesces, reforms into other patterns, otherworlds. Nothing can be eternal.
[PERI] I know what you mean, and I still want to get away from here.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I can't. There's a mystery here. Questions to which I musthave an answer. Look, Peri. Peri.
[DOCTOR] Oh, hermetically sealed, leading down to a lower level. Now,some of the original inhabitants might have survived down there. Youcoming?
[PERI] No. I've seen enough. I'll wait you at the entrance. Where theyused to sell candy bars and newspapers.
[DOCTOR] All right, shan't be long. Don't go wandering off. Be careful.
[PERI] Ow.
[DOCTOR] I said be careful.
[PERI] Of what? The spooks and ghosts you're always telling me don'texist. Hey! You could have left me the umbrella! Oh, please yourself. Idon't mind getting wet.
[GLITZ] The light converter.
[DIBBER] Let me blast it, Mister Glitz, then we can get away from here.
[GLITZ] Oh, you'd look good with a back full of spears, Dibber. Use yourhead.
[GLITZ] Anyway, we've got company. Right royal company, by the looks ofthings.
[DIBBER] You'll never charm her.
[GLITZ] I have an uncanny knack with aging females, Dibber. One lookinto my eyes and they start to melt.
(Marb Station)
[COMPUTER] Water thief. Water thief. Protect your water.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps you could direct me to the stationmaster's house? Nowplease, gentlemen.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[MERDEEN [on screen]] Yes, Immortal?
[DRATHRO] Marb station shows one work unit over strength. Remove it!
[MERDEEN] Immediately, Immortal.
(Control room)
[MERDEEN] Call the Watch. Marb is a work unit over.
[GRELL] How?
[MERDEEN] I don't know, but the Immortal is never wrong, Grell.
[GRELL] I'll summon the watch.
[KATRYCA] So, you are outlanders. From where?
[GLITZ] A far off star, majesty.
[KATRYCA] You have a spaceship?
[GLITZ] You know of such things?
[KATRYCA] It is recorded in our folk memory. Before the fire, ourancestors travelled among the stars.
[GLITZ] Is that a fact?
[KATRYCA] It is also recorded that such travel angered the gods, whopunished us by sending the great fire which destroyed our planet.
[GLITZ] No, dear lady. It was much more secular than that. Thatattracted the fireball.
[KATRYCA] That is our great totem to the Earth God Haldren.
[GLITZ] No, madam. That is a malfunctioning navigational beacon. It wasthat that attracted the fireball five hundred years ago, and I'm hereto tell you that it is still malfunctioning today.
[KATRYCA] How do you know this?
[GLITZ] It is my job to know. And if you don't have it dismantled, thefireball will return.
[KATRYCA] What is your name?
[GLITZ] Sabalom Glitz.
[KATRYCA] I am an old woman, Sabalom Glitz. You are not the first tovisit my village from another world.
[GLITZ] Is that a fact?
[KATRYCA] On each and every occasion, they have all wanted to dismantlethe great totem.
[GLITZ] In that case, you understand the urgency
[KATRYCA] And on each and every occasion, they have all had a differentreason.
[GLITZ] Let me assure you, my credentials are bona fide and completelyin order.
[KATRYCA] Ah yes, The guns. They all had similar credentials.
[GLITZ] That totem is a navigational hazard. It must be dismantled.
[KATRYCA] You must think me a fool! You have come here for no otherreason but to steal the symbol of our great god.
[GLITZ] And what would I want with some earth grubbing deity.
[KATRYCA] I don't know. But before you die, I shall certainly find out.
(Marb Station)
[BALAZAR] Where are you from, Old One?
[DOCTOR] Old One?
[BALAZAR] What station did you disgrace with your miserable presence,water thief?
[DOCTOR] I may look old to you, whiskerless youth, but I'll have youknow I'm in the prime of my life. I'm only nine hundred years old. Nowuntie me at once.
[BALAZAR] You'll be untied as soon as we're ready for the stoning.
[DOCTOR] Stoning? Is this the way you welcome visitors?
[BALAZAR] Water is life. Those who steal life must in their turn die.The Immortal commands it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, the Immortal. Who might that be?
[BALAZAR] Come now, Old One. Feigning ignorance of the Immortal will notsave you from death.
[KATRYCA] This is what I've been waiting for. Now, Immortal, I am readyfor you.
(Marb Station)
[BALAZAR] We shall soon be ready.
[DOCTOR] Oh, goody. Just who are you?
[BALAZAR] I am Balazar, the reader of the books.
[DOCTOR] Oh. And what books are those?
[BALAZAR] Ancient books, from the world before the fire. They containmuch wisdom for those who can interpret their meaning. Here in Marb, wehave three.
[DOCTOR] Three? Splendid. What are they called?
[BALAZAR] The Books of Knowledge.
[DOCTOR] No, but each book must have a name, Balazar. It's usuallywritten on the front.
[BALAZAR] One of our books is called Mo By Dick by Herman Melville. Ittells of a great white water god, and contains many mystical passages.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I've read it. What are the other books?
[BALAZAR] How can you have read it, Old One? The sacred books belong toMarb.
[DOCTOR] Will you stop calling me Old One? I am known as the Doctor.What else do you read?
[BALAZAR] The Water Babies by Charles Kingsley, which tells of life longbefore the fire.
[DOCTOR] Sounds a rum sort of library to me. What's your third book?
[BALAZAR] Most mysterious of all the sacred texts. UK Habitats of theCanadian Goose by HM Stationery Office.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. What do you call this place?
[BALAZAR] Marb Station.
[DOCTOR] No, I mean your whole world, everything.
[BALAZAR] We call it UK Habitat. Ah. It appears we're ready forthe stoning now, Doctor. I have greatly enjoyed our felicitousdiscourse, but alas, the end is nigh.
[DOCTOR] You said you'd unchain me, Balazar.
[BALAZAR] It is not advisable. I have taken an affection to you. It isbest to die quickly.
[DOCTOR] Allow me to be the judge of that. Unchain me at once.
[DIBBER] They've got that woman we saw earlier.
[GLITZ] I can't understand it, Dibber. They're savages.
[DIBBER] Well, don't let it get you down.
[GLITZ] What went wrong? That old hag took our guns away from us justlike that. How can we be their prisoners?
[DIBBER] I told you it was risky coming here.
[GLITZ] Yes, well, now you know what I mean about competition. It getsyou nowhere.
[DIBBER] I told you we should have blasted them, Mister Glitz.
[GLITZ] Yes, Dibber, you've made your point. It's a pity youdidn't anticipate they'd jump us with such ease.
[DIBBER] I did, but I didn't think you'd listen.
(Marb Station)
[BALAZAR] I think it best that you stand over here.
[DOCTOR] Oh, why?
[BALAZAR] Well in case some stray stone breaks the water jugs.
[DOCTOR] Oh, yes.
[BALAZAR] People get very excited at these stonings.
[DOCTOR] I'm not excited.
[BALAZAR] Ready?
[BALAZAR] Get set. Go!
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] Oh! Why'd you stop it at the best bit? Iwas rather enjoying that.
[VALEYARD] I'm sure you were.
[DOCTOR] Clever, eh? That trick with the umbrella.
[VALEYARD] Most ingenious, my dear Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I always like to do the unexpected. Takes people bysurprise.
[VALEYARD] Hear how the Doctor takes pride in his interference. Hear howhe boasts. This is not the reaction of a responsible Time Lord.
[INQUISITOR] We are all aware of that, Valeyard. What is the point youare trying to make?
[VALEYARD] These proceedings started as a mere enquiry into the Doctor'sactivities. I'm suggesting now that it becomes a trial. And if he isfound guilty, I strongly suggest the termination of his life!
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] So, you want me dead, eh?
[INQUISITOR] What the Valeyard wants and what the court decides, are twoentirely different things, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Thank you, my lady.
[INQUISITOR] Proceed Valeyard.
(Marb station)
[BALAZAR] Train guards!
[COMPUTER] This station is a work unit over committed strength. Theremust be a cull.
[BALAZAR] It has been dealt with.
[MERDEEN] See that he is dead, Grell. Where is he from?
[BALAZAR] I don't know. He told many lies, even that he had read oursacred books.
[GRELL] He still breathes.
[MERDEEN] Then kill him.
(Drathro's 'castle')
(Marb station)
[MERDEEN] Wait, the Immortal speaks. He now wishes to question thestranger. How near death is he?
[GRELL] Merely stunned.
[MERDEEN] Pick him up. Grell, patrol.
[GRELL] Why not transport him on the train?
[MERDEEN] I said patrol. (to Balazar) You, come with me.
[BALAZAR] I, sir?
[MERDEEN] You have spoken with the stranger. If he dies, the Immortalmay wish to question you about him. (Merdeen and Balazar leave,followed by two guards carrying the Doctor.)
(Katryca's hut)
[PERI] Oh!
[KATRYCA] Welcome, girl.
[PERI] Hi.
[KATRYCA] Rise. You are not from the place of the underground. Where areyou from?
[PERI] Well, it's kind of difficult to explain.
[KATRYCA] My name is Katryca, I am the leader of the Free. Do you have aname, girl?
[PERI] Perpugilliam Brown, but my friends call me Peri.
[KATRYCA] Peri. Not many girls join the Free, Peri. I shall provide someexcellent husbands for you.
[PERI] Husbands? Plural?
[KATRYCA] Such women as we have must be shared. Think about it. Put herwith the other prisoners. Keep them guarded.
[PERI] All right, all right. I can walk.
[BALAZAR] Tell me, Merdeen, you served theImmortal. Is he as men say?
[MERDEEN] What do men say?
[BALAZAR] That he is taller than two, with arms of steel.
[MERDEEN] The Immortal is never seen. He stays in his castle.
[BALAZAR] Then how does he give you his commands?
[MERDEEN] He talks to me through the air and he watches me with boxes.
[BALAZAR] I think this is called a camera, Merdeen. The men of ancienttimes used such things to make pictures of the Canadian goose.
[MERDEEN] How do you know that, Balazar?
[BALAZAR] It is my task to study the ancient texts.
[DOCTOR] About which you continually boast. That's the trouble withpallid little swats like you, Balazar, You can't even organise anefficient stoning.
[BALAZAR] It was only half over.
[BALAZAR] You'd have been free of your troubles now if Merdeen and histrain guards had not saved you.
[DOCTOR] Then I'm grateful to you, Merdeen.
[MERDEEN] It was on the orders of the Immortal.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Well, please convey my thanks to him. Is that water? CouldI have some?
[MERDEEN] It's my ration for the next two days.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DRATHRO] Give it to him.
[MERDEEN [on screen]] What?
[DRATHRO] Give it to him.
[MERDEEN] Oh. Yes, of course.
[DOCTOR] No, of course not. I'd forgotten how important that stuff wasdown here.
[DOCTOR] Mono-optic system, eh? Very interesting. And is the, er,Immortal on the other end of that?
[TANDRELL] Extremely ugly.
[HUMKER] Hideous in the extreme.
[DRATHRO] Physiognomy is irrelevant.
[TANDRELL] In so far as
[HUMKER] Appearance has no function.
[TANDRELL] But function has an appearance.
[HUMKER] Which is irrelevant to the function.
[TANDRELL] Perfect.
[HUMKER] I must write that down.
[TANDRELL] I will make an equation of it.
[DRATHRO] Cease your prattle.
[HUMKER] Of course, sir.
[TANDRELL] At once, sir.
[DRATHRO] Activate the service robot. Now!
[GLITZ] Ah, it seems we have a pretty visitor. I'm beginning to feelbetter already. Sabalom Glitz, my dear, and this youth with the vacuousexpression and single track mind is Dibber.
[PERI] Peri.
[PERI] Well, obviously you're not from round here.
[GLITZ] Merely visiting, like good yourself.
[PERI] Well, I hope my visit's very short. That doesn't look like it'sfrom round here either.
[GLITZ] It's a light converter.
[PERI] A what?
[DIBBER] It funnels black light energy down to the L3. That's why wehave to knock it out.
[GLITZ] Dibber! I'm sure Peri isn't interested in professional matters.
[DIBBER] Oh, you're right, Mister Glitz, yeah.
[GLITZ] When we first saw you, Peri, you were not alone.
[DIBBER] That's right, you were with a dilly in a long coat. But hedisappeared down the tunnel before we
[GLITZ] Before we could leap forward and make your acquaintance, eh,Dibber?
[DIBBER] Yeah, that's it.
[GLITZ] Where is your friend now?
[PERI] The Doctor? Oh, he's probably still down there. For a Time Lord,he's not very good at keeping time.
[GLITZ] The Doctor is a Time Lord? So that's how he knew where to go.
[PERI] What do you mean?
[DIBBER] Sent him, did they?
[PERI] Who?
[GLITZ] The Time Lords, my dear. As my friend says, he must be acting ontheir behalf.
[PERI] I don't think the Doctor's acting on anyone's behalf.
[GLITZ] So, he's a freelance like myself. Possibly we can reach anaccommodation here, my boy. Two rogues with but a single thought.
[DOCTOR] And how long has the Immortal lived in hisso-called, castle?
[MERDEEN] Since the fire.
[DOCTOR] Oh, five hundred years?
[BALAZAR] I do not know, Doctor. He was sent to save our lives manycenturies ago.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. And he never goes out and nobody ever comes in?
[BALAZAR] Only the young men who pass the selection.
[DOCTOR] What selection?
[BALAZAR] To find the two cleverest youths. They go to the castle.
[BALAZAR] It is said the Immortal eats them.
[DOCTOR] Never believe what is said, Balazar, only what you know.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[HUMKER] Why are we doing this?
[TANDRELL] Because sir ordered it.
[HUMKER] Yes, but
[DRATHRO] It may be needed.
[DIBBER] These bars remind me of home. I reckon Icould bite me way through them.
[GLITZ] Relax Dibber. I'll find a way to win the confidence of thesesimple peasants.
[PERI] Well, I'll like to get out of here. Katryca said something aboutchoosing husbands for me.
[GLITZ] There you are. Obviously she's a romantic at heart.
[PERI] Well, so am I, but not romantic enough to want more that onehusband.
[DIBBER] Where we come from, a woman can have as many as six.
[PERI] Oh, it's very similar on my planet, except we usually have themone at a time.
[GLITZ] I should like to stand in paterfamilias for your absent fatherand give you away, my dear, but I always cry at these moments of deepsentiment.
[DIBBER] I think we should help her get out.
[GLITZ] No, no, dear boy. We may need these brutish primitives.
[PERI] What for?
[GLITZ] This shows a layout of the tunnel system, all hermeticallysealed. If we can persuade Katryca's people to drive a shaft into thecentre, we can fill them with gas.
[PERI] You'd kill them? The people Katryca calls underground dwellers?That would be mass murder.
[GLITZ] I'm sure my conscience will prick a little, but where money isconcerned, that doesn't usually last long.
[PERI] Oh, you can't do it.
[GLITZ] I think it will be pretty simple. Don't forget, this is a highrisk business venture, Peri. The people down there take the risk, Itake the profit.
[DIBBER] That still leaves the L3.
[GLITZ] And what chance would the robot will have without a labourforce? It'll probably be quicker than trying to destroy its black lightsupply.
[BROKEN TOOTH] Come with me.
[MERDEEN] You enter here, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah. No need to knock, I imagine.
[BALAZAR] Will I be needed?
[DOCTOR] Lucky old you.
[MERDEEN] When you are in the Immortal's presence you will cast youreyes to the ground.
[DOCTOR] Will I?
[MERDEEN] It is forbidden to look upon him.
[DOCTOR] On pain of being turned into a pillar of salt, I imagine. Thatsort of thing?
[MERDEEN] You will not find it wise to mock the Immortal. Doubtless yourbody will be returned to me before this day is out.
[DOCTOR] Oh, Merdeen, why don't you just push off and guard some trains,eh?
(Katryca's hut)
[GLITZ] Ah, dear lady. I knew once you'd had timeto consider
[KATRYCA] Be silent, fat one. I have studied the fires and there isanger in them.
[PERI] Anger?
[KATRYCA] You have travelled from beyond the stars. Your intention, tosteal our great totem. Only a sacrifice in the flames will propitiatethe gods.
[DIBBER] All of us?
[KATRYCA] No. Only you are the chosen one, Sabalom Glitz.
[GLITZ] Me? Are you insane? I'm wanted in six different galaxies forcrimes you couldn't even imagine. Do you think an old hag like you canbring me down?
[KATRYCA] The pyre is being built. You will be brought when your time isdue.
(Outside Drathro's 'castle')
[DOCTOR] Er, this is my best side.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[HUMKER] The arrogance.
[TANDRELL] Can't wait to see how he's been programmed.
[DRATHRO] I have been waiting for this day. Welcome at last.
[DOCTOR] You were expecting me?
[DRATHRO] For centuries. I am Drathro, an L3 robot.
[DOCTOR] Then I fear you are under a slight misapprehension, Drathro. Ionly decided to come here yesterday.
[DRATHRO] You are not from Andromeda? Then where are you from?
[DOCTOR] Gallifrey, originally, though I travel round a lot.
[DRATHRO] I have heard of Gallifrey. An advanced civilisation.
[DOCTOR] In some ways.
[DRATHRO] I apologize for my error.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's all right. Even Immortals make the odd mistake everyfew millennia.
[DRATHRO] I am not immortal.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Well, the locals round here seem to think you are.
[DRATHRO] These are my assistants, Tandrell and Humker. You will workwith them.
[DOCTOR] Will I? Why?
[DRATHRO] Because I command it.
[DOCTOR] Oh. And you are obviously a robot used to getting your own way.
[HUMKER] This is remarkable, Drathro.
[TANDRELL] Most impressive.
[HUMKER] Even the texture has an organic warmth.
[DRATHRO] The Doctor is not a robot. He is an organic from an advancedcivilisation.
[TANDRELL] An organic?
[HUMKER] We've not met an organic since we passed the selection.
[DOCTOR] Ah. I knew you two hadn't ended up for lunch.
[TANDRELL] Explain.
[DOCTOR] Never mind. What is this work you want me to do?
(Trial room)
[INQUISITOR] Is this relevant testimony, Valeyard?We seem to be straying from the point.
[VALEYARD] Circumstantially germane, my lady, in that it is part of theprosecution's case is that the Doctor introduces a disruptive andcorrupting influence wherever he goes.
[DOCTOR] Sheer poppycock.
[VALEYARD] If the Doctor had not visited Ravalox, then the whole chainof events we are witnessing would not have been set in motion.
[DOCTOR] Well, how can the Boatyard make that claim? What might or mightnot have happened is entirely speculative.
[INQUISITOR] That is for me to decide, Doctor. And may I remind you, thecharge you face is grave indeed.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I only have to look at the Graveyard to see that, ma'am.
[INQUISITOR] You're puerile attempts at flippancy are not appreciated inthis court, Doctor. Proceed, Valeyard.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DRATHRO] Have you found the fault yet?
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Give me a chance. I've only just started.
[DRATHRO] The black light system is indicating incipient failure.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, I can see that, but they don't last forever, you know.
[DRATHRO] I am trained only in installation and maintenance.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh, yeah, and very useful too. That's where the money is.
[DRATHRO] I have trained these humans to study the problem, but theymake no progress.
[DOCTOR] Well, black light is very tricky stuff, Drathro.
[DRATHRO] I have a learning capacity but my processors of ratiocinationare logical. Organics often eliminate such steps.
[DOCTOR] It's called intuition.
[DRATHRO] Your first task will be to restructure the system.
[DOCTOR] Well, just a minute. Black light is not my field.
[DRATHRO] Then you will make it so, or die!
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] I protest!
[INQUISITOR] What now?
[DOCTOR] Yes, now!
[INQUISITOR] I meant, what are you protesting about this time?
[DOCTOR] I am charged with interfering, yet it's blatantly obvious to ablind speelsnape that I am working under duress.
[INQUISITOR] That does seem a valid point. What is the relevance of yourpresentation?
[VALEYARD] If the accused hadn't interrupted, my lady, the point I wishto make would have become obvious.
[DOCTOR] Oh, then I apologise for my outburst. As your ladyship isaware, I am unfamiliar, unlike the Valeyard, with court procedure.
[INQUISITOR] The court accepts your apology, Doctor. Proceed.
[DIBBER] What a terrible waste.
[GLITZ] You're telling me.
[DIBBER] No, I meant the wood. Now, if I was handling this execution I'dgo to a bullet in the back of the head. Much more economical.
[PERI] He has a point.
[GLITZ] Of all the sniveling screeves to be stuck with in my moment ofneed, I have to get you two.
[DIBBER] I know. Depressing, isn't it.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DOCTOR] Oh, I'm sorry, Drathro. There's not a lotI can do down here.
[DRATHRO] I order you to work.
[DOCTOR] Well, you can play at being the slave driver all you like, butthe fault doesn't lie down here. There must be a collection aerial outon the surface which is malfunctioning. I'll, I'll just pop up and havea look at it.
[DRATHRO] You will remain here and proceed with your appointed task.
[DOCTOR] I think you must have fluff in your audio circuit. What's allthis stuff for, anyway?
[TANDRELL] It provides Drathro with his energy source.
[HUMKER] It was also to maintain the three Sleepers until they could bereturned to Andromeda.
[DOCTOR] The three Sleepers?
[DRATHRO] They are dead now. The relief ships failed to arrive.
[DOCTOR] I see. Well, if this power failure's allowed to get any worse,we'll all be dead soon.
[DOCTOR] Because there will be an enormous explosion. Now I can'timpress upon you how urgent it is I go up and look at that converter'saerial.
[DRATHRO] A transparent ruse to escape. Get on with the work.
[DOCTOR] Oh, how do you put up with him.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Tell me, why is water so important down here?
[HUMKER] The condensation plants produce only enough for five hundredwork units.
[DOCTOR] But it was raining buckets outside, or it was when I arrived.
[DRATHRO] I am aware that precipitation has returned to normal.
[DOCTOR] Then why don't you let everyone just pop up and helpthemselves?
[DRATHRO] My instructions were to maintain an underground survivalsystem.
[DOCTOR] Inflexible little fellow aren't you? Here, hold that.
[DOCTOR] Well, come on. Aren't you supposed to be programmed to be userfriendly or something? Times like this one need three hands you know.We bipeds are a very inefficient design. You, Humbug, whatever your nameis, hold that.
[DOCTOR] And you, Handbag, finger on the end there. That's it, yes. Welldone, splendid, yes. Well, that should just about do it.
(Outside Central control)
[DOCTOR] Ah. Look!
[DRATHRO] Follow him. Use your tracer disc. He must be brought backunharmed.
[GLITZ] Ready?
[GLITZ] Well done Dibber. Take this. Always keep something up yoursleeve, eh, Dibber?
[GLITZ] I want you to conceal yourself in some muddy crevice while Periand I lead off the hunt.
[PERI] What hunt?
[GLITZ] Oh, there'll be one soon. As soon as you get the chance I wantyou to blow that light converter to bits.
[DIBBER] And where do we meet up?
[GLITZ] The entrance to the tunnel. Come on, Peri.
(Katryca's hut)
[KATRYCA] How dare you!
[BROKEN TOOTH] Forgive me, but the prisoners have escaped.
[KATRYCA] Take this.
[KATRYCA] Lead the young men on a hunting party. They must not escape!
[DRATHRO [OC]] The Doctor has absconded. Hw must befound.
[MERDEEN] Yes, Immortal.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[HUMKER] He should be killed.
[TANDRELL] Very slowly. He hurt me. I hate being hurt.
[HUMKER] He hurt me more.
[TANDRELL] A subjective judgement.
[DRATHRO] He must not be killed. I still need him.
(Marb station)
[MERDEEN] Search area green. Area red.
[MERDEEN] Quiet.
[BALAZAR] Should we not search for the Doctor?
[MERDEEN] I said quiet. Listen to me carefully. You are a clever man.
[BALAZAR] I am the Reader.
[MERDEEN] People like you are needed on the surface. I will direct youthere.
[BALAZAR] The surface? But nothing lives there. The fire
[MERDEEN] I said listen. There is no fire. There has been no fire forhundreds of years. It is the only place you will be beyond theImmortal's reach. Do you understand me?
[BALAZAR] Well, what shall I do, Merdeen? How will I live?
[MERDEEN] You will find others out there. Many I have saved from theImmortal.
[BALAZAR] If the Immortal discovers this, you will die. Why do you riskyour life, Merdeen?
[MERDEEN] I am sick of the cullings. But I have to be careful. I thinkGrell already suspects.
[BALAZAR] But what will you do?
[MERDEEN] Find the Doctor and send him to you.
[PERI] Come on!
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DRATHRO] What is happening.?
[BROKEN TOOTH] This way.
[DOCTOR] Whoops!
[MERDEEN] Wait, Doctor. We mean you no harm.
[DOCTOR] You did the last time we met.
[BALAZAR] Things have changed.
[DOCTOR] Then let me pass. I have to get out of here.
[MERDEEN] Take Balazar with you.
[DOCTOR] Er, yes, all right.
[BALAZAR] What will you do?
[MERDEEN] I must stay and help others.
[DOCTOR] I should be careful if I was you. There's a robot following mewho isn't in a very friendly mood.
[MERDEEN] Would you help us, Doctor, to crush the Immortal's power?
[DOCTOR] Er, yes, er, perhaps. But there's something I've got to do muchmore important first. Come along, Balazar.
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] Stop! This is another prime example ofthe Doctor's interference. You will note that he was in a position tofree himself of the situation, yet deliberately chose not to.
[DOCTOR] I was trying to help. Surely even a blockhead like you can seethat.
[INQUISITOR] I think we should reserve judgement until the end of thesequence.
[DOCTOR] I agree, my lady.
(Tunnel entrance)
[BALAZAR] It's beautiful!
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Oh. Oh, I knew she wouldn't still be here. That girl can'tobey an order.
[PERI] Doctor!
[BALAZAR] Who are they?
[DOCTOR] Peri! Hurry!
[DOCTOR] Back inside, quick.
[DOCTOR] In you go.
[DOCTOR] Come on!
[GLITZ] I always knew exercise was bad for you.
[DOCTOR] I shouldn't lie there if I was you. Not unless you want to bekilled with a spear in your back.
[GLITZ] What? Did you do the job, my boy?
[DIBBER] Of course.
(Underground station)
[DOCTOR] We've got to get out of here!
[PERI] But how?
[DOCTOR] This way.
[DOCTOR] Oh, no. Back.
[PERI] Well, now what?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. I really think this could be the end!
(Underground station)
[BALAZAR] I know him. It's Broken Tooth.
[GLITZ] Then why doesn't he fire at you?
[BALAZAR] Broken Tooth, it's Balazar!
[DOCTOR] Fire at the robot!
[BALAZAR] The Immortal One.
[DIBBER] Squeeze the trigger, don't pull it.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DRATHRO] What is happening? Reactivate!
[HUMKER] We are trying.
[TANDRELL] It doesn't respond.
[DRATHRO] You must make it work. I must have the Doctor here. My blacklight system is failing.
(Underground station)
[BALAZAR] I can't believe it. You're alive! They said you'd been culled.
[BROKEN TOOTH] I owe my life to Merdeen.
[BALAZAR] I too.
[DOCTOR] Well, I hate to break up this happy reunion, but I have to findthe aerial to Drathro's black light converter.
[DIBBER] No need to hurry. It's gone.
[DOCTOR] Gone? Where?
[DIBBER] I blew it up.
[DOCTOR] What?
[GLITZ] It'll put the L3 out of action.
[DOCTOR] More likely start a chain reaction. Drathro's black lightsystem's highly unstable. Blowing it up is about the worst thing youcould have done. I have to shut the black light system down now.
[BROKEN TOOTH] You will all return to our village. Our queen hasunfinished business with this person.
[BROKEN TOOTH] You will come with us, and you will come quietly.
[GLITZ] And you had to tell him how to use the gun.
(Trial room)
[INQUISITOR] Valeyard, are these unpleasant scenesnecessary to your case? I find primitive physical violence distressing.
[DOCTOR] So do I, ma'am. Especially when I'm on the receiving end.
[VALEYARD] I too find it repugnant to witness, my lady, but the Doctorhas a well-known predilection for violence.
[DOCTOR] That is a foul slur!
[INQUISITOR] Do not interrupt, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm not given to violence as the Valeyardhere suggests. Occasionally I might have to resort to a modicum offorce
[INQUISITOR] Please be silent.
[DOCTOR] As a means of self defence.
[INQUISITOR] Doctor, you will have ample opportunity to put your case ata later point.
[INQUISITOR] Valeyard, I would appreciate it if these brutal andrepetitious scenes are reduced to a minimum.
[VALEYARD] My lady, it is certainly not my wish to cause you anyunnecessary affront, but the accused offences are such that a certainamount of graphic detail is unavoidable.
[INQUISITOR] Very well. Continue.
[GRELL] You seem lost.
[MERDEEN] Not I, although you seem to have mislaid your train, Grell.
[GRELL] Stealth is better achieved on foot. Especially when we hunt darksecrets.
[MERDEEN] I thought we hunted the Doctor.
[GRELL] Him too.
[DRATHRO [OC]] Merdeen.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[MERDEEN [on screen]] Immortal?
[DRATHRO] I have urgent work for Balazar, but I can not find him.
[MERDEEN] I will search for him at once.
[GRELL] Where are you going?
[MERDEEN] Continue your search for the Doctor.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[TANDRELL] I did it! I did it, I reactivated the robot.
[HUMKER] I think you'll find that I did it.
[TANDRELL] I beg your pardon, I did it.
[HUMKER] I did it.
[HUMKER] I did!
[DRATHRO] Silence! You drain my energy reserve with your constantinfantile bickering.
(Katryca's hut)
[KATRYCA] So, my hospitality was not to your liking?
[GLITZ] Just needed to step out for a breath of fresh air.
[KATRYCA] And who is this?
[DOCTOR] Ah, how do you do? I am known as the Doctor. Now, there hasbeen a terrible mistake. I shouldn't be here at all.
[KATRYCA] Another star traveller?
[DOCTOR] Well, in a manner of speaking.
[KATRYCA] And are you interested in the Great Totem of Haldren.
[DOCTOR] I beg your pardon?
[GLITZ] She means the light converter.
[DOCTOR] Ah, yes, indeed. Now how can you possibly have known that?
[KATRYCA] Have you searched him for guns?
[BROKEN TOOTH] He has none.
[KATRYCA] That makes you very unusual for a star traveller who isinterested in the Great Totem.
[DOCTOR] Well, I've come to repair it.
[KATRYCA] Then you are very prompt, considering your friends have onlyrecently damaged it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, these are not my friends. Well, with one
[DOCTOR] And your Great Totem is not what it seems.
[KATRYCA] Then please explain.
[DOCTOR] It's function is to convert ultraviolet rays to black light.
[KATRYCA] Interesting, though I do not understand what you are saying.
[DOCTOR] Well, Drathro, er, the Immortal, depends on black light tofunction. He is a robot.
[KATRYCA] Fascinating, since your friend just told me that it was anavigational beacon.
[DOCTOR] He lies.
[KATRYCA] A common complaint among star travellers.
[GLITZ] I am not a liar!
[KATRYCA] How shall I know who speaks the truth? All I am certain of isthe gods are angered at your coming to our world. I shall read theirwishes in the flames.
[DOCTOR] Er, I don't wish to appear discourteous, but I'd better getback to Drathro.
[KATRYCA] Remain where you are!
[DOCTOR] You have no quarrel with us. They destroyed your beacon.
[KATRYCA] You are a star traveller. Star travelling is forbidden by thegods. The underground dweller shall remain with our tribe. The others,remove from my sight.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[HUMKER] All that unpleasant green.
[TANDRELL] It is vegetation.
[HUMKER] Why was it not burned, Drathro?
[DRATHRO] Only part of the planet was enveloped by fire.
[HUMKER] What is its function?
[DRATHRO] It supports primitive life.
[TANDRELL] Primitive life is unnecessary.
[HUMKER] So vegetation in unnecessary.
[TANDRELL] Syllogism is also unnecessary, Humker.
[HUMKER] It was not a true syllogism, Tandrell. It contained only themajor and minor premise.
[TANDRELL] Still unnecessary, like so much that you say.
[DIBBER] Thought we'd seen the last of this place.
[DOCTOR] Look, you've got to help us get out of here.
[BALAZAR] I dare not, Doctor.
[BROKEN TOOTH] The queen will burn us in your place.
[DOCTOR] If I don't get out of here, we'll all burn.
[GLITZ] You're the Time Lord. Haven't you got a ring you can rub? Amagic lamp? Something for these sort of emergencies?
[DOCTOR] Hardly. More your style I'd have thought. Anyway, what doesbring you here?
[GLITZ] Purely a private enterprise, Doctor, to collect a few molderingfiles of no value except to scholars such as myself.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you're a scholarly philanthropist, are you?
[GLITZ] Exactly the description, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] That goes around blowing up black light converters.
[GLITZ] A small expediency if I am to endow a library on my home planetof Salostophus.
[DOCTOR] In the constellation of Andromeda?
[GLITZ] You know of it?
[PERI] What we don't know is the name of this planet.
[GLITZ] You mean he hasn't told you? A man of your learning, Doctor? Tuttut. This, is Earth of course.
[PERI] I said so, didn't I?
[DOCTOR] But it is in the wrong position.
[GLITZ] Only by a couple of light years.
[DIBBER] That's why the lost expedition missed.
[DOCTOR] What lost expedition?
[DIBBER] Andromeda bunged off these robots in a relief ship
[GLITZ] Don't prattle, Dibber. All that was a long time ago.
[BALAZAR] The word Earth is mentioned many times, by the great writer HM Stationery Office.
[DIBBER] Thought we'd seen the last of him as well.
[GLITZ] Shut up and stand in front of me where I can keep an eye on you.
[DOCTOR] Keep calm and stay still. It's looking for me, but I think it'sconfused.
[GLITZ] Well, can't you shake its hand or something?
[DOCTOR] How do you do? I am known as the Doctor.
[GLITZ] Now's our chance, Dibber.
[PERI] We've got to help the Doctor!
[GLITZ] He'll be all right. He's in good hands. Come on!
[PERI] No!
(Katryca's hut)
[KATRYCA] Escaped? I told you to guard them!
[BALAZAR] Well, the Immortal came and took them.
[BROKEN TOOTH] We both saw him, Katryca. He walked through the wall.
[KATRYCA] Get the guns!
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DRATHRO] Habitations.
[TANDRELL] Only man makes habitations.
[DRATHRO] All life perished in the fire. If men now live on the surface,they must have come from my biosphere.
[TANDRELL] How can that be possible?
[HUMKER] It is forbidden.
[TANDRELL] All work units obey you orders.
[DRATHRO] Some must have escaped. Helped to escape. That is what hashappened.
[HUMKER] Is it important?
[DRATHRO] They're out of control, outside the plan.
[TANDRELL] They're outlaws.
[DRATHRO] Now my existence is threatened. They have destroyed the sourceof my energy. Take measures, create a defensive system, identify anddestroy the traitors.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] All this is irrelevant and hypothetical.
[VALEYARD] Background testimony.
[DOCTOR] What possible value does the Farmyard here think there is inlistening to some half-incapacitated robot, and a couple of diminutivenit-wits who might as well be robots?
[INQUISITOR] You're allowing your disrespect to show again, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, ma'am, but the question still stands.
[INQUISITOR] As prosecutor, the Valeyard has the right to include anyevidence he considers to be relevant, provided he can justify itsinclusion.
[DOCTOR] But any record relating to persons not in my presence must besheer conjecture.
[VALEYARD] The accused is clearly ignorant of the latest methods ofsurveillance, my lady.
[INQUISITOR] This evidence is taken from the Matrix, a knowledge bankfed constantly by the experiences of all Time Lords, wherever they maybe.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, ma'am. I know that. My whole point isthat I'm not.
[INQUISITOR] Not what?
[DOCTOR] Not part of the scenes being shown by the Scrapyard here. I'msorry, Valeyard. Force of habit, I apologise.
[VALEYARD] Doctor, the experience of third parties can also be monitoredand accessed if needed, as long as they are in the collection range ofa Tardis.
[DOCTOR] Oh. But my Tardis is an old model. Are you telling me it's beenbugged without my knowledge?
[VALEYARD] It is a reference apparently to the new surveillance system,my lady. The expression derives from an Earth term.
[INQUISITOR] I see. I think we are wasting time on an unimportant issue.Continue the evidence, Valeyard.
[KATRYCA] Stop, Immortal!
[PERI] They'll kill the Doctor!
[GLITZ] We've all got to go sometime, Peri.
[PERI] You're all heart!
[GLITZ] The supreme sacrifice. What a person. If I have time, I'llcompose the eulogy for his funeral.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DRATHRO] They have guns. From where?
[HUMKER] Guns can be manufactured.
[TANDRELL] Though manufacturing requires advanced technology, Humker.
[HUMKER] Yes, but the fact that they have guns also means that theypossess advanced technology.
[TANDRELL] False reasoning again, Humker. These are savages. Their gunsmust have been supplied from without.
[DRATHRO] The Doctor.
[HUMKER] The L1 robot has ceased to function.
[TANDRELL] From the present data that we have, that would seem a logicalpresumption.
[HUMKER] It is obvious. It has ceased transmitting signals.
[TANDRELL] I was replying to Drathro.
[DRATHRO] The Doctor is from Gallifrey. He has been sent to recover thesecrets left by the Sleepers. To do that, he has armed the outlaws.Therefore his intention is to ferment a rebellion against my authority.
[TANDRELL] (sotto) And with nothing left but power from the few backupstorage cells he's quite likely to win.
[HUMKER] Then what will happen to us?
[TANDRELL] I dread to think.
[MERDEEN] Are you following me?
[GRELL] Like you, I'm looking for a lost man. It simply occurred to methat it might prove more productive if we searched as a team.
[MERDEEN] What makes you think the Doctor and Balazar will be together?
[GRELL] Events.
[MERDEEN] Meaning?
[GRELL] I don't think the Immortal's orders are always carried out,especially when it comes to culling.
[MERDEEN] I always supervise the cullings myself.
[GRELL] I know.
[MERDEEN] Then what do you mean?
[GRELL] I think you send people outside.
[MERDEEN] Then they are destroyed by the fire. Does it really matter howthey die?
[GRELL] Depends whether you really believe that the surface of theplanet still burns.
[MERDEEN] I believe what the Immortal tells me.
[GRELL] Then you are a liar. The Doctor is with Balazar, isn't he? Andboth of them have left the subways.
[MERDEEN] Then why does the Immortal instruct us to search for them?
[GRELL] I don't know. But I think we should talk about it. Unless youwould prefer that I took my suspicion to the Immortal.
[BALAZAR] Is the Immortal dead at last?
[KATRYCA] The Immortal's reign is ended.
[BROKEN TOOTH] Katryca the Great One! Long live Queen Katryca!
[VILLAGERS] Long live Queen Katryca!
[BALAZAR] Now the Immortal is dead, how shall men live?
[KATRYCA] In the tribe of the Free we had no need of the Immortal. Weshall live as we always lived, except now, the Immortal's secrets shallbe ours.
[KATRYCA] Do you not see, Broken Tooth? They are ours for the taking.
[BALAZAR] The Immortal's castle?
[KATRYCA] Yes, Balazar. It is ours now. All the tools are metal. All thestrange materials that bend and do not break, All the mysteries andtreasures of our ancient forefathers that we shall learn to use again.Do you not agree?
[KATRYCA] Then let us attack!
[PERI] Doctor!
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, please.
[GLITZ] He's a goner. You can tell by his colour.
[DIBBER] Definitely a stiff, Mister Glitz.
[PERI] Help me get this thing off him.
[GLITZ] I shouldn't bother. He's probably got horrible injuries.
[DIBBER] Yeah, those ensign guns can blow you to bits.
[GLITZ] Talking of guns, Dibber, we need the heavy artillery. Which, ifmemory serves me, are hidden not a more than a million miles from thisvery spot.
[DIBBER] Good idea of mine to bring the multiblaster, eh, Mister Glitz?
[GLITZ] I'll teach that two-faced harridan and her ignorant peasants totrifle with Sabalom Glitz.
[DIBBER] But they've gone down the tunnel.
[GLITZ] So? We'll blow them out through the roof. That is, if the robotdoesn't get them first.
[DIBBER] So let's fetch them, then.
[GLITZ] No, you fetch them, Dibber. I'll meet you at the entrance.
[DIBBER] But those multiblasters must weigh at least a hundred
[GLITZ] Exactly. That is why I employ you to fetch and carry. Now, cutalong, there's a good lad.
[PERI] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] Keep your head down! Beware the hand! Keep your head down!
[PERI] You're alive, I knew it.
[DOCTOR] Oh! My head hurts abominably, Sarah Jane. Where are we?
[PERI] I'm not Sarah Jane, I'm Peri.
[PERI] And you're lying under the remains of a robot.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I remember now. Get this thing off me!
[PERI] I've been trying to.
[DOCTOR] Where are Katryca and the others?
[PERI] They've gone to the tunnels.
[DOCTOR] Eh? Why?
[PERI] From what I could hear, now they've killed the Immortal, she'splanning a takeover.
[DOCTOR] But this isn't the Immortal, this is just. How long have theybeen gone?
[PERI] A few minutes.
[DOCTOR] I've got to get after them.
[PERI] Why?
[DOCTOR] They've got to be stopped. The situation's worse than youimagine.
[PERI] It always is.
(Underground station)
[KATRYCA] How does the great door open?
[BROKEN TOOTH] You turn this.
[KATRYCA] Then open it.
[KATRYCA] Balazar, you and Broken Tooth have lived in this blackness.You will lead the way.
[BROKEN TOOTH] I know a tunnel that passes Marb Stati on and leadsstraight to the Immortal's castle.
[KATRYCA] Then forward!
(Drathro's 'castle')
[HUMKER] They look very fierce, Drathro.
[TANDRELL] Naturally. They live as wild creatures.
[HUMKER] They are coming towards us.
[TANDRELL] Humker, you have a gift for the obvious.
[HUMKER] Surely they will not attack us.
[TANDRELL] That is their intention.
[HUMKER] I do not understand the logic. We have not harmed them.
[DRATHRO] It is a rebellion.
[HUMKER] What shall we do if they break in?
[DRATHRO] I shall kill them.
[TANDRELL] Their guns destroyed the L1, Drathro.
[DRATHRO] My plating is stronger. My circuits are protected. Their gunswill kill only you.
[HUMKER] But if we die, who will look after your research?
[DRATHRO] The Doctor.
[BROKEN TOOTH] Halt. I fear the worst.
[KATRYCA] What is wrong? We are lost?
[BROKEN TOOTH] Marb Station is back this way.
[BALAZAR] It is forward, and from thence the home of the Immortal.
[KATRYCA] We have no need for indecision in the tribe of the Free. Longwe have waited for this moment. The Immortal is dead, and we shallplunder his castle. The spoils of triumph are ours. Now think, which isthe way.
[KATRYCA] Am I to be surrounded by fools? We go forward.
[BROKEN TOOTH] But Katryca
[KATRYCA] Forward, I say. I have read it in the flames many times. We goforward.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[HUMKER] That is not correct.
[TANDRELL] Clearly there is a mechanical defect, Humker.
[HUMKER] An electronic malfunction.
[TANDRELL] Perhaps the Doctor caused the problem.
[HUMKER] Have you seen this, Drathro?
[DRATHRO] I do not need to observe, my condition tells me of themovement failure of the black light system.
[HUMKER] What could have precipitated it?
[TANDRELL] There weren't any warning signs.
[DRATHRO] The destruction of the converter's aerial.
[TANDRELL] Destruction?
[DRATHRO] The service robot monitored the fact as it entered thevillage.
[TANDRELL] Can we repair it?
[DRATHRO] No. Soon the black light system will collapse in upon itself,and we shall all cease to function.
(Underground station)
[DOCTOR] Trouble is, his refraction dipoles are wornout. Nothing for it now but to shut the black light system down.
[PERI] That sounds easy enough.
[DOCTOR] Oh, it is, but if I shut the black light system down I mustshut Drathro down as well. I can hardly see him agreeing to that.
[PERI] Well, what happens if he won't let you?
[DOCTOR] Then the black light system will implode and destroy everythingin these tunnels.
[PERI] Oh great, so that's why we're going in, is it?
[DOCTOR] Peri, I can't let people die if there's a chance of savingthem.
(Outside the tunnel entrance)
[GLITZ] You got the guns, then.
[DIBBER] Well, it looks like it, Mister Glitz.
[GLITZ] I'll tell you something funny, Dibber. We was wrong about theDoctor. He's bunked off.
[DIBBER] He hasn't bunked off. He's gone down there.
[GLITZ] What?
[DIBBER] I saw them as I came up. He had Peri with him.
[GLITZ] So, he is after what we are.
[DIBBER] Well, could be.
[GLITZ] Course he is. I knew it all along. He's got no more interest inthe scientific side of things than I have.
[DIBBER] Well, you didn't fool him, telling him you're a philatelist,did you, mister Glitz?
[GLITZ] Philanthropist, you ignorant dink. Didn't you learn nothing inthat remand home?
[DIBBER] Well, whatever the word, he guessed that you weren't one.
[GLITZ] Don't I look like a philanthropist?
[DIBBER] Well, how do I know? I've never seen one.
[GLITZ] A philanthropist, my son, is someone who gives away all theirgrotzits out of the simple goodness of their heart.
[DIBBER] Oh, you mean they're stupid? Oh yeah, you probably do look likeone, then.
[GLITZ] Get down that hole.
[GLITZ] Oh dear, they are heavy, aren't they.
(Underground station)
[GLITZ] Oh, please, Dibber!
[DIBBER] You always did despise muscle.
[GLITZ] Not at all, lad. Not when there are things to carry. Anyway,Dibber, if we should run into the Doctor again
[DIBBER] We shoot him.
[GLITZ] Not a bad idea lad. But whatever you do, don't open your bigpie-hole and let him know that we're after the stuff.
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] The remainder of that evidence has been excised, my lady.
[INQUISITOR] Excised? Why?
[VALEYARD] By order of the High Council.
[INQUISITOR] This is a judicial enquiry appointed by the High Councilbut independently conducted. It is my duty, Valeyard, to decide whatevidence is relevant.
[VALEYARD] Of course, my lady. The High Council simply felt that certainareas of testimony should not be revealed.
[VALEYARD] Against the public interest, my lady.
[INQUISITOR] I cannot conduct a proper and searching enquiry withoutfull access to the evidence.
[VALEYARD] Naturally, Inquisitor, their honours would be quite preparedto let you consider the full record in camera.
[INQUISITOR] And I think that would be unfair to the defendant. Do youwish to lodge an official objection at this stage, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Well, I, er. No, ma'am. No, let the Valeyard here continue.Give him enough rope to hang himself, eh?
[INQUISITOR] As you wish. Proceed.
(Marb Station)
[DOCTOR] Hurry, Peri, there isn't much time.
[PERI] Well, how long before this black light thing blows up?
[DOCTOR] There's no telling. We've got to get past Queen Katryca, intothe castle and make that demented robot see sense.
[MERDEEN] So, you have returned.
[DOCTOR] Merdeen. Missed your train?
[MERDEEN] The train is noisy. We hunt by foot.
[DOCTOR] Oh. What are you hunting?
(Marb station)
[MERDEEN] Why, Grell? Why?
[GRELL] You. Betrayed
[MERDEEN] No! We were not meant to live like this. We were not meant to
[MERDEEN] We should be free. He wanted the glory of your capture toplease the Immortal.
[DOCTOR] Don't blame yourself, Merdeen.
[MERDEEN] I've known him all his life. I asked for him to join theguards. I helped him. I even hoped that one day he would see there isno reason for the cullings.
[DOCTOR] Well, perhaps I can convince the Immortal of that. I must getto his castle.
[MERDEEN] He'll kill you.
[DOCTOR] Not if he thinks I can still be of use to him. Come on, thereisn't much time.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DRATHRO] The black light system will collapse inupon itself and we shall all cease to function.
[TANDRELL] We should leave here, Humker.
[HUMKER] But where would we go?
[TANDRELL] I don't know, but Drathro says that if we stay for thisexplosion we shall all be killed. So, the logical course is to leave.
[HUMKER] The wild ones. We're too late!
[TANDRELL] You know, I've always said you talked too much. Come on!
(Outside Drathro's 'castle')
[BROKEN TOOTH] They are iron, Katryca. They will not yield.
[KATRYCA] Then we will cut down the wall. Fetch tools!
[BALAZAR] Wait! The doors open.
[KATRYCA] Come. The Immortal is dead. We have nothing to fear.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[KATRYCA] It can't be!
[DRATHRO] Why have you entered here?
[KATRYCA] The guns, Broken Tooth.
[DRATHRO] Lay aside your useless toys. I asked, why have you enteredhere?
[KATRYCA] We are the tribe of the Free.
[DRATHRO] You are vassals. Outside the law, outside the plan. You havebrought disorder where order reigned.
[KATRYCA] I am Katryca, queen of the
[DRATHRO] You cause me to waste energy. Now return to wait outside. Youwill be culled in accordance with the plan.
[BALAZAR] Oh, great Immortal one
[DRATHRO] Go! Do not attempt to hide. My guards will track you down.
[HUMKER] I remember these subways from my childhood.
[TANDRELL] Is this the way to the surface?
[HUMKER] I said I remember the subways, Tandrell, not where they led.
[TANDRELL] If we do not find the surface, Drathro will send his guardsafter us.
[HUMKER] First he must deal with the wild ones and then if there's anexplosion
[DOCTOR] Ah, Tumker and Handrail. Now, where are you two off to?
[HUMKER] We are leaving, Doctor.
[TANDRELL] Drathro says there's going to be an explosion.
[DOCTOR] I know.
[TANDRELL] It is a mechanical fault.
[HUMKER] Electronic.
[TANDRELL] There is a constant external discharge from one pole to theother.
[DOCTOR] Then I may only have minutes. Come along!
[TANDRELL] Excuse me, do you know the way to the surface?
[PERI] Round the corner, keep straight, turn right at what used to beOxford Circus, then ask again. I think.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] I didn't appear to be hurrying there, didI? But that deceptively easy gait of mine covers the ground at amazingspeed.
[INQUISITOR] I did not interrupt the evidence to commend you on yourathleticism, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Well, you can if you like. All compliments gratefullyaccepted.
[INQUISITOR] And may I remind you yet again that this is a serioustrial.
[DOCTOR] It is not serious! It's a farce! A farrago of trumped upcharges.
[INQUISITOR] You will have the opportunity in due course to rebut any orall of the Valeyard's charges.
[DOCTOR] Oh, the Valeyard's charges. I always thought Valeyard meantlearned court prosecutor.
[VALEYARD] And so it does.
[DOCTOR] Not in your case, sir. Your points of law are spurious, yourevidence weak, verging on the irrelevant, and your reasoning quiteunsound. In fact, your point of view belongs in quite another place.Perhaps the mantle of Valeyard was a mistake. I would therefore suggestthat you change it for the garment of quite another sort of yard. Thatof theknackers' yard. For your argument is as tired and warn out as the poor,unfortunate creatures that end up there.
[INQUISITOR] You will apologise at once!
[DOCTOR] For telling the truth? Never!
[VALEYARD] The Doctor is well known for these childish outbursts. I donot find the ramblings of an immature mind offensive.
[DOCTOR] Immature?
[VALEYARD] It is that particular state of mind that has made itnecessary for you to be brought before this court.
[DOCTOR] Immature? I was on Ravalox trying to avert a catastrophe. Thedeaths of several hundred innocent people! Surely not even in the eyesof Time Lords can that be deemed either immature or a crime.
[VALEYARD] The crime was in being there, Doctor! Your immaturity was innot realising you had broken a cardinal law of the Time Lords. Yourpresence initiated the whole chain of events that we have witnessed.
[INQUISITOR] Thank you, Valeyard. It was that point about the relevanceof the testimony that I had intended to raise.
[VALEYARD] My pleasure, Inquisitor.
[DOCTOR] Oh, this is ridiculous. Drathro's black light systemwas in a state of terminal decay before I even arrived on that planet.
[VALEYARD] That is not in question. However, but for your intervention,the two technological trainees, Humker and Tandrell, might haverepaired the defect.
[DOCTOR] Oh, after Dibber had blown the aerial up? Ridiculous. Anyway,those two couldn't repair a leaking tap.
[INQUISITOR] May we continue? I tire of this empty banter.
[VALEYARD] Of course, my lady.
(Outside Drathro's 'castle')
[DOCTOR] What's happened?
[BALAZAR] Alas, Doctor, these are woeful times for the tribe of theFree. The queen is dead.
[PERI] Katryca? How?
[BALAZAR] The Immortal struck her down with a bolt of lightning.
[DOCTOR] Where is he now?
[BALAZAR] The all-powerful is in his castle.
[PERI] Why'd he let you go?
[BALAZAR] We are waiting to be culled.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you'll be culled all right, if I don't get inside thatcastle, along with everybody else around here. Drathro, this is theDoctor. Let me in at once, do you hear me?
[MERDEEN] It's no good, Doctor. You can only speak to the Immortalthrough the communication box.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I forgot. He doesn't exactly entertain very much, does he?Right, quickly, man. Take me to the nearest one.
[DIBBER] How do we find this castle?
[GLITZ] Dibber, stop. I must rest. I am exhausted.
[DIBBER] If we ever do find this castle, and we knock out the L3, how doyou know we're going to find all these secrets that you keep on about?
[GLITZ] Would I have spent all the time, effort, not to mention a smallfortune, if I wasn't certain on that point?
[DIBBER] Yeah, but even if we do find them, they might not be worthanything. Not after five hundred years.
[GLITZ] Do me a favour, Dibber. The Sleepers found a way into
[GLITZ] The biggest net of information in the
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] What is going on?
[INQUISITOR] That question had formed in my mind, Valeyard.
[VALEYARD] The information extracted is for your eyes and ears only, mylady.
[INQUISITOR] Something else that is not in the public interest toreveal?
[VALEYARD] Exactly, my lady.
[DOCTOR] Well, this is a charade. If that information was known to thosetwo rogues, what possible reason can there be from concealing it fromthis court?
[VALEYARD] This trial is concerned only with your actions, Doctor, andtheir consequences, nothing else. Wider issues, if there are any, arenot within our terms of reference.
[INQUISITOR] Perhaps that is something I should decide, Valeyard.
[VALEYARD] Of course, my lady, but my own instructions were to peruseonly matters pertinent to the central issue.
[INQUISITOR] That is accepted. However, I should like to see the lastsequence again.
[GLITZ] Do me a favour, Dibber. The Sleepers found away into the (beep beep), the biggest net of information in theuniverse. Do you think they were nicking recipes for making chutney?
[DIBBER] Yeah, but do you know what the secrets are?
[GLITZ] Facts, my son, figures, formulas. Travelling faster than light,anti gravity power, dimensional transference. Scientific stuff likethat. Worth a fortune.
[GLITZ] Oh. We sell it, Dibber. A government here, a federation there.They're all in the market for that sort of hi-tech cobblers. Don'tthink about it, Dibber. You'll give yourself a hernia.
(By a communications box)
[MERDEEN] The Immortal does not always answer.
[DRATHRO [OC]] Yes, Merdeen?
[MERDEEN] Immortal, you commanded me to find the Doctor. I have himhere.
[DRATHRO [OC]] Show me.
[DOCTOR] I have returned to help you, Drathro.
[DRATHRO [OC]] You are too late.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DOCTOR [on screen]] If I believed that, I would notbe here.
[DRATHRO] You are here because Merdeen found you.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] No, Drathro, I came voluntarily. There may yet betime to fix the black light system.
[DRATHRO] Very well, Doctor. Present yourself at my portals alone.Merdeen?
[MERDEEN [on screen]] Yes, Immortal?
[DRATHRO] Assemble my guards. Cull all the organics who stand waitingoutside my castle.
[MERDEEN] At once, Immortal.
[DRATHRO] Humker? Tandrell?
(By a communications box)
[PERI] You can't do it, Merdeen. You can't kill allthose innocent people.
[BALAZAR] Peri is right. You have seen the truth. It would be murder tokill them.
[MERDEEN] Neither can I free them.
[PERI] Well, just leave them. Leave them for the present, anyway.
[MERDEEN] The Immortal will kill me.
[PERI] Oh Merdeen, if the Doctor's right, we're all in danger anyway. Wemight all die.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DOCTOR] Well, I don't need a computer to tell me that system isdefunct. I must shut it down.
[DRATHRO] No! You will not shut it down!
[DOCTOR] But it's the only way.
[DRATHRO] If the system is shut down, I too cease.
[DOCTOR] But if it's allowed to run wild and lead to
[DRATHRO] Termination point.
[DOCTOR] Yes, then you'll cease then, Drathro. And so will everythingelse around here.
[DRATHRO] That does not matter, Doctor. All that you see it my creation.
[DOCTOR] But there are several hundred people here as well, Drathro.
[DRATHRO] The work units exist only to serve me. Without me they wouldhave no function.
[DOCTOR] You can't see beyond the end of your tin nose, can you?
[DRATHRO] Is that abuse?
[DOCTOR] Listen.
[DRATHRO] I am listening.
[DOCTOR] You are only a robot. The people out there, the work units, theorganics, whatever you choose to call them, they're living creatures,Drathro. They have a right to their lives.
[DRATHRO] Explain why.
[DOCTOR] In your terms, I can't. Whoever programmed you forgot toinclude moral values.
[DRATHRO] I know of values. Is your point that organics are of morevalue than robots?
[DOCTOR] Yes, if you want to look at it that way.
[DRATHRO] Then why should I be in command of organics if they are ofgreater value?
[DOCTOR] Without organics there wouldn't be any robots. There'd be noone to create them.
[DRATHRO] Accepted. This shows that robots are more advanced, thereforeof more value.
(Outside Drathro's 'castle')
[PERI] Is there another way into the castle,Merdeen?
[MERDEEN] Another way?
[PERI] Well, you know what I mean. A back door or something.
[MERDEEN] There are only the big doors.
[PERI] Well, there must be some other way in.
[PERI] The Doctor might need help. I've got to get in there.
[BALAZAR] There's the ration chute.
[PERI] Ration chute?
[MERDEEN] Of course. Each day the Immortal sends out food to the workunits. Perhaps that leads into the castle.
[PERI] Merdeen, you're a pal. Oh, you're both pals. Now show me.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DOCTOR] Your trouble is, Drathro, that you've noconcept of what life is.
[DRATHRO] I have studied my work units for five centuries. I understandall their responses. What you would call life.
[DOCTOR] Understanding is not the same as knowing, Drathro. Your workunits are the result of millions of years of development. Life,Drathro.
[DRATHRO] I understand evolution.
[DOCTOR] But you don't. If you could understand one tenth of what lifewas about, you'd want me to save those people out there.
[DRATHRO] Why? I have said that without me they have no purpose.
[DOCTOR] Everything in life has its purpose, Drathro. Every creatureplays its part. But the purpose of life is too big to be knowable. Amillion computers couldn't solve that one.
[DRATHRO] This discussion is of no value. I do not wish the work unitsto continue when I have ceased to function.
[DOCTOR] Oh, that's it, isn't it? Hubris!
[DRATHRO] Hubris?
[DOCTOR] Yes, hubris. False pride. A human sin. You've controlled yourpointless little empire for too long. Now you can't see anything beyondit.
(Outside Drathro's 'castle')
[GLITZ] We'll have to blast through them, Dibber.
[DIBBER] Don't like it, Mister Glitz.
[GLITZ] Five rounds rapid should do the trick.
[DIBBER] And what if the L3's still functioning?
[DIBBER] What if he's got an emergency backup support system?
[GLITZ] There are a lot of what ifs there, lad.
[DIBBER] Yeah, but the most important of all is, what if I'm right? Ifwe blast our way through there, well, he's not going to sit there onhis iron botty, is he.
[GLITZ] I see what you mean.
[DIBBER] We walk through those doors and boom!
[GLITZ] Boom, eh?
[DIBBER] Well, he's probably got the floor mined. That's what I'd do.
[GLITZ] You'd better go in first, then.
[DIBBER] Oh, very droll, Mister Glitz. Now, what we got to do, we got topick him off somehow so that he doesn't even know what's hit him.
[PERI] Oh I don't know. All these subways look thesame to me. Are you sure this leads into the castle?
[MERDEEN] It must do.
[BALAZAR] There's no where else it could go.
[PERI] Talk about the tradesman's entrance.
[GLITZ] Well, well.
[PERI] Glitz and Dibber. I wondered where you two had got to.
[GLITZ] How do you do? Where is your friend, the Doctor?
[PERI] He's in the castle.
[GLITZ] He didn't hang about, did he?
[PERI] I'm worried about him.
[GLITZ] So am I.
[PERI] Well, Merdeen thinks we can get in through this hatch.
[GLITZ] Go on, then.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DOCTOR] It's only a matter of minutes, Drathro.Can't I make you see sense?
[DRATHRO] It is finished.
[DOCTOR] It's not just this planet. Nobody knows where a black lightexplosion might end. There's never been one.
[DRATHRO] There will be soon.
[DOCTOR] Some people think it might cause a chain reaction which couldroll on until all matter in the galaxy is exhausted. Is that what youwant?
[DRATHRO] It is no longer of concern to me.
[DOCTOR] Others believe an explosion might cause dimensionaltransference, which would threaten the stability of the entireuniverse.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] Is that what I should have allowedto happen? The destruction of the universe?
(Drathro's 'castle')
[DOCTOR] These systems are protected by three shut-down levers. I mustclose them, Drathro. I must!
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[DRATHRO] Intruders in the food production chamber!
[DRATHRO] So, that was your intention, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] What?
[DRATHRO] To distract me.
[DOCTOR] That's Peri.
[DOCTOR] You can't do that! You can't!
(Outside Food Processing)
[BALAZAR] What's happening?
(Food Processing chamber)
[PERI] What are we going to do? If we don't drown todeath, we'll be fried.
(Drathro's 'castle')
(Food Processing chamber)
[DIBBER] Stand back.
(Drathro's 'castle')
[GLITZ] We come in friendship!
[PERI] Doctor, are you all right?
[DOCTOR] Yeah, I'm all right for the moment, though not for long I fear.
[GLITZ] What?
[DRATHRO] I would kill you all now, but it is unnecessary. We arewaiting for something the Doctor tells me is unique. A black lightexplosion.
[GLITZ] Do something, Dibber.
[DIBBER] Such as what?
[DOCTOR] I've been trying to convince this mobile junk heap here thatnone of this need happen if he'd only let me shut the system down.
[GLITZ] That seems eminently sensible.
[DOCTOR] Oh, he won't listen to reason. He needs black light to functionso he sees no reason whythe rest of us should survive. That is roughly your narrow, egotisticallittle view, isn't it, Drathro?
[DRATHRO] If I am doomed, then you are all doomed.
[GLITZ] Now, wait a minute. I mean, why don't we just. I mean, if it'sonly black light you want, Drathro, we have plenty of that. Don't we,Dibber?
[DIBBER] Do we?
[GLITZ] On the ship, Dibber.
[DIBBER] Oh, the black light. Yeah, we've got so much of that sometimeswe can hardly see.
[DRATHRO] There is black light on your ship?
[GLITZ] As my friend says. So, what I suggest we do is you come with usand we'll fix you up, eh?
[GLITZ] Well, I hate to see a good looking robot like you go to waste.I'll tell you what else we can do for you. We can drop you back in theconstellation of Andromeda. How about that?
[DRATHRO] It is possible?
[GLITZ] And, oh, the secrets. Of course, you must bring them. I mean,they'll expect you to bring them.
[DRATHRO] How far from here is your ship?
[GLITZ] Oh, right outside, really. No distance at all.
[DRATHRO] I could function for a short distance.
[GLITZ] Of course you could.
[DRATHRO] Then I accept your offer. Take that. Tie these others up. Iwill fetch the secrets.
[GLITZ] You two, over there.
[DOCTOR] Well done!
[DIBBER] Sorry, Doc. You heard what he said.
[DOCTOR] Don't be a fool!
[GLITZ] Slip-knot, Doctor. The best I can do for you.
[DOCTOR] Strange how low cunning succeeds where intelligent reasoningfails.
[GLITZ] Don't knock low cunning, Doctor. You're still here, aren't you?Oh, that's it is it? The secrets. My word, there should be a lot there.All microdots, no doubt. Come along then, Dibber. Open the door for theImmortal.
[DOCTOR] Quickly, you've got to help me. It's a three stage cut-out.We've got to try and shut the machine down.
[PERI] Will that prevent an explosion?
[DOCTOR] All I can do now is hope to contain it. Peri, press that row ofbuttons in front of you.
[PERI] Which ones?
[DOCTOR] All of them! Merdeen, flick up all the switches with red neonson them.
[MERDEEN] Neons?
[DOCTOR] Oh, show him, Peri.
[PERI] Those. How much time do have we got?
[DOCTOR] Not long. Oh, these levers haven't been moved in centuries.
[PERI] Now what?
[DOCTOR] Get out of here, the pair of you.
[PERI] What about you?
[DOCTOR] Get out! Merdeen, take her.
[DOCTOR] I did my best. I only hope it's enough.
(Underground station)
[GLITZ] It's blowing up!
[DIBBER] Er, you're not going to like this, Mister Glitz.
[GLITZ] Is it finished?
[DIBBER] All finished. And the secrets.
[DIBBER] Well, except for this.
[GLITZ] And what's that?
[DIBBER] It's a piece of black light converter aerial. Pure silictone.
[GLITZ] The hardest known metal in the galaxy.
[DIBBER] And the most expensive. What's more, there's got to be a coupleof tons of the stuff
[GLITZ] I'm way ahead of you, my son. You know we could clean up on thisjob very nicely. What's more, we have a tasty little kitty for the nextventure.
[HUMKER] Fresh air. What a wonderful smell.
[TANDRELL] Do you know, you're right. Absolutely wonderful.
[HUMKER] That's the first time you've ever agreed with me.
[TANDRELL] I know. Strange, isn't it.
(Marb station)
[DOCTOR] And still the lobster held on. You're in aworse mess than I am.
[BALAZAR] Are Merdeen and Peri safe?
[DOCTOR] You can ask them for yourself.
[MERDEEN] Balazar!
[PERI] Oh, I wish you wouldn't keep frightening me like this.
[DOCTOR] I told you to get out of here.
[PERI] Please don't start. I'm too tired and too scared to cope.
[DOCTOR] All right.
[BALAZAR] This seems to be the end, Doctor. As it is written in thebooks.
[DOCTOR] No, Balazar. For you, this is the beginning. Chapter one,paragraph one, as they say. Take your people up to the surface wherethey belong.
[BALAZAR] Yes. Perhaps at last we shall find the habitat of the Canadiangoose.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps.
[DOCTOR] Mmm. I think dinner's on him. Farewell, my loquacious friend.Right, let's get back to the Tardis.
[PERI] It's the other way.
[DOCTOR] What is?
[PERI] The Tardis.
[DOCTOR] I know. It's that way. Yes. Farewell. But there are still oneor two questions that have to be answered, like who moved this planettwo light years off its original course, and what was in that box thatGlitz and Dibber were so interested it?
[BALAZAR] Goodbye, Old One, and thank you for your help.
[PERI] Old One. Hey, that's cute.
[DOCTOR] I always knew there was an evil streak in you. Old One indeed.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] Well, that's one up to me, I think. Therecan't be many people who can literally claim to have saved the entireuniverse. Well, if that's all the muck you can rake up
[VALEYARD] Sit down. Smugness does not become you, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] That is an irrelevant observation. I think it's now my turn toprevent the case for the defence.
[INQUISITOR] In due course.
[DOCTOR] Well, that's not fair. Look, I wish it put on record that myinvolvement in the affairs of that planet resulted in the freedom ofDrathro's underground slaves.
[INQUISITOR] That has been noted.
[DOCTOR] And despite the fact that evidence has been withheld, mypresence there was most specifically requested.
[VALEYARD] You showed little reluctance in complying with the request.
[DOCTOR] Well, lives were at stake.
[VALEYARD] Lives were lost, and because of your meddling, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I deny that. Without my help, an entire civilisation might havebeen wiped out.
[VALEYARD] Without your interference it might have involved lesssacrifice of human life.
[DOCTOR] That was a risk I had to take.
[VALEYARD] Risk! Risk! Hear how the Doctor condemns himself by his ownwords.
[INQUISITOR] Gentlemen! Doctor, perhaps you should heed the Valeyard.May I suggest that for the time being you have said enough.
[DOCTOR] Said enough? Said enough? I have a great deal more to say.
[INQUISITOR] Be silent, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I wish to demonstrate
[INQUISITOR] You will have your turn when the Valeyard has finished hispresentation.
[VALEYARD] Thank you, Inquisitor.
[DOCTOR] Well, if the rest of his presentation is as riveting as thefirst little epic, wake me when it's finished.
[VALEYARD] Finished? I've barely started.
[DOCTOR] Well, for nothing more than your future in the legalprofession, I only hope your evidence gets a little better.
[VALEYARD] Oh yes, Doctor, much better. The most damning is still tocome. And when I have finished, this court will demand your life.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s23", "episode": "e01", "title": "The Mysterious Planet"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (4 Oct, 1986; Sixth Doctor) - Mindwarp
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] Members of the court, we have justwitnessed a typical glorious escapade of the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Madam! I ask that the court protect me from the abuse of theBrickyard here.
[VALEYARD] How pathetic and juvenile are your attempts at humour.
[INQUISITOR] Gentlemen, may I remind you this is a court of law, not adebating society for maladjusted, psychotic sociopaths. You will bothconduct yourselves in an orderly manner and show proper respect for thejudicial procedure. I hope I make myself very clear.
[INQUISITOR] And Doctor, the prosecuting counsel's title is theValeyard. Not the brickyard, backyard, knacker's yard or any other kindof yard. Again, do I make myself clear?
[DOCTOR] Piercingly and irrefutably so, madam.
[VALEYARD] As I was saying, we have just witnessed a sequence in theDoctor's history which illustrated perfectly his almost gleefulpleasure in interfering in the development of alien life forms.
[DOCTOR] I object!
[INQUISITOR] Sit down and shut up!
[VALEYARD] Thank you, Sagacity.
[DOCTOR] Sagacity? You sycophant. Since when has that been a form ofaddress used in a Gallifreyan court of law?
[VALEYARD] I am simply showing respect to our learned Inquisitor.
[INQUISITOR] An attitude I much approve.
[DOCTOR] Well, you would, wouldn't you? Sagacity, indeed.
[INQUISITOR] Doctor! Continue.
[VALEYARD] I should now like to present the Doctor's next frighteningadventure. In fact, the one in which he was engaged when removed fromtime and brought to this court.
[DOCTOR] What about the box?
[DOCTOR] And the fact that Earth was two light years away from itsoriginal position?
[VALEYARD] That is not relevant to this segment of evidence.
[DOCTOR] It was relevant enough to be bleeped from the Matrix record.
[INQUISITOR] The Valeyard is quite right. That is a matter for the HighCouncil to adjudicate upon. It is not the business of this trial.
[VALEYARD] If we may see from the Doctor's arrival on the planet ThorosBeta. Twenty fourth century, last quarter, fourth year, seventh month,third day.
(Thoros Beta)
[PERI] Whoa, far out. Are you quite sure this is the planet you aimedfor?
[DOCTOR] Mmm hmm. Fancy a swim?
[PERI] In that goo? No thanks.
[DOCTOR] It's a pretty colour.
[PERI] It's certainly an amazing one. For a sea, that is. Is that thisplanet's moon?
[DOCTOR] No, that's its twin planet, Thoros Alpha. Come along, then.
[PERI] I'll just fetch my galoshes.
[DOCTOR] Oh, so much fuss over a little water.
[PERI] No, but pink water.
[DOCTOR] Are you frightened it might clash with what you're wearing?
[PERI] No, I'm more concerned I might clash with what lives in it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you aren't going to come to any harm. It's quite safe.
[DOCTOR] As long as you don't hang about.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] Are you really offering thisinconsequential silliness as evidence?
[INQUISITOR] The Doctor has a point. Surely we could join this segmentat a more relevant place?
[VALEYARD] My apologies for wasting the court's time, Sagacity.
(Thoros Beta)
[PERI] I can't get over how weird this place is.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Yes, I suppose it is.
[PERI] Difficult to believe there's any industry here.
[DOCTOR] Yet this was manufactured here, somewhere.
[DOCTOR] It appears to be multi-functional. Varying fields of energyprojection. Quite advanced.
[PERI] Doctor!
[DOCTOR] It's more advanced than I thought. It seems it can liquefy aswell as stun.
[PERI] Are you sure that thing was made here?
[DOCTOR] Peri, a Warlord of Thordon wouldn't use his dying words to lieto us. Remember what he said? Thoros Beta, send more beams that kill.
[PERI] Beams that kill wasn't the only thing he had on his mind. Dirtyold Warlord. Glad we left that place when we did.
[DOCTOR] The thing is, how did a bunch of skull-crackers like theWarlords come to own such a device?
[PERI] Does it really matter how they blow each other to bits?
[DOCTOR] Matter? Of course it matters. An advanced culture manipulatingthe destinies of a less developed civilisation? If that's what's goingon here, it's got to be stopped.
[PERI] By us?
[DOCTOR] Who else is there?
[VALEYARD [OC]] Who else is there?
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] Your very words condemn you, Doctor,show your arrogance.
[DOCTOR] Sorry?
[VALEYARD] You feel only you have the right to meddle. Anyone else withthat ambition, according to you, should be stopped.
[DOCTOR] Well, you'll soon discover I made the right decision.
(Thoros Beta)
[PERI] You know, I've never seen a tide go out soquickly. Do you think it's to do with that?
[DOCTOR] I shouldn't think so. There must be some sort of mechanicaltide control.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha!
(Cave mouth)
[DOCTOR] And I wouldn't be at all surprised if itwas housed in here.
[PERI] Well, why would they want to control the tide?
[DOCTOR] Well, er, why not? Come on.
[PERI] Do you think this wise, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] My dear girl, if I stopped to question the wisdom of myactions, I'd never have left Gallifrey.
[PERI] Sometimes I wish you hadn't.
[PERI] Doctor, look.
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] Another death, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] The CD phaser discharged accidentally. Rerun the struggle, seefor yourselves.
[VALEYARD] No need. There are clearer examples of your guilt to come.
[PERI] Why did it attack us?
[DOCTOR] I don't know.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps it was because of that.
[PERI] Look, Doctor, I know how you hate me stating the obvious, butdon't you think we should get away from here?
[PERI] That klaxon's bound to attract someone's attention.
[DOCTOR] Mmm, yeah. Just a moment, this is incredible. Suchsophistication.
[PERI] Well, what is it?
[DOCTOR] As I suspected, a device for extracting energy from the sea.Something your planet had the technology to do long before its fossilfuels ran out, but they didn't bother. This is just an auxiliaryconsole, though. The main control room must be somewhere else.
[PERI] That thing must have been brighter than it looked.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I doubt if that could even tie its own shoelaces. It mayhave operated this console, but it certainly didn't build it.
[PERI] Oh, dear.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Oh, dear.
[FRAX] Murderers.
[PERI] That thing attacked us.
[FRAX] The Raak was not programmed to attack. You must have threatenedhim. Fetch a stretcher.
[DOCTOR] All we did was land here.
[FRAX] Where is your submersible?
[DOCTOR] Further along the shore.
[FRAX] You are part of Crozier's new group?
[DOCTOR] Oh yes, yes, of course. Absolutely.
[FRAX] There will have to be an enquiry about this death.
[DOCTOR] We will help in any way we can.
[FRAX] The Raak was proud of his upgrading. Happy to be in service tothe Mentors.
[DOCTOR] I'm sure he was. It's a pity he lost his head and decided toattack us.
[PERI] It was an accident.
[FRAX] Take him to the dissection lab. There must have been aregression. They'll want to know why. You will come with us. We willtake you to Crozier's laboratory. When he has verified your identities,you will be released.
[DOCTOR] Oh, absolutely. Security is very important.
[FRAX] Glad you agree.
[DOCTOR] Yeah.
[FRAX] Er, if you don't mind.
[DOCTOR] Oh, of course. Can't be too careful. Yes, very good. Absolutelyright.
(Operating room)
[CROZIER] Let us pacify the brain of this barbarian.
(Outside the Operating room)
[FRAX] You must wait. Crozier cannot be disturbed.
[PERI] Oh, what a pity, huh?
[DOCTOR] Yes, can't wait to see good old Crozier.
[FRAX] Old? He is young for a man of science. Perhaps you shoulddescribe Crozier for me.
[DOCTOR] Crozier. Well, er, young. Ish. Er, look, shouldn't we attend tothe Raak first?
[FRAX] Why? He is dead.
[DOCTOR] Well, I think it just winked at Peri.
[PERI] Oh, cheek.
[DOCTOR] No accounting for alien taste.
[FRAX] He is dead.
[DOCTOR] Not necessarily. Look, may I examine him? You can trust me, Iam a doctor.
[FRAX] Like Crozier?
[DOCTOR] Yes, just like young Crozier. Nurse, could you prepare to applythe, er, skedaddle test?
[PERI] Are you sure that's wise?
[DOCTOR] Come round here. I think the alternative could be much worse.Hold that, will you? Right, ready to apply the test, Sister?
[PERI] More than ready, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] On the count of three, then. One, two, three.
[FRAX] Let them go. There's nothing down there, only the Lukoser. We'llwait here for a minute and then pick up their bodies.
[PERI] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Bone. From some animal I don't recognise. Snapped off? Sharp,jagged edges?
[PERI] Doctor, let's go back to the Tardis, huh?
[PERI] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Indeed.
[PERI] Doctor, there.
[DOCTOR] It's a man.
[PERI] Alone. Oh, Doctor, he's chained.
[PERI] Are you okay?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I am now. It also explains how the tooth marks cometo be on this.
[PERI] What is he?
[DOCTOR] Looks like a man, acts like a wolf. Lycanthropy?
[PERI] But how? Good boy, nice dog. Nice man. Can you help us? We'rewondering if you
[DOCTOR] Be careful!
[DORF] Help me.
[PERI] Doctor, he's crying.
[DORF] Help me.
[DOCTOR] No one following. Yet, that is.
[PERI] We must go back. He asked for help.
[DOCTOR] Not yet.
[PERI] He said, help me. Oh, Doctor, what's going on here? Sea monstersupgraded to operate machinery, a wolf-man who begged for help.
[DOCTOR] Let's find out.
[DOCTOR] Not yet. I have a feeling there are more importantconsiderations first.
[PERI] Who could keep a creature in such torment?
[DOCTOR] Who indeed. Someone's coming.
[PERI] Did you?
[DOCTOR] I did. Well, that explains the CD phaser sales to Thordon.Sil'd sell anything from bows and arrows to planet disintegrators.
[PERI] Why is he here? And those others like him?
[DOCTOR] They live here. Thoros Beta's Sil's home planet. Didn't youknow?
[PERI] Only because you didn't tell me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Didn't I?
[PERI] You know I'd never want to come within light years of that creepagain. Last time he tried to turn me into a bird woman.
[DOCTOR] How could I forget? It cost me a fortune in bird seed.
[PERI] I want out, and I mean it.
[DOCTOR] Come on, mustn't lose track of your friend Sil.
[VALEYARD] Do you relish danger, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Not particularly.
[VALEYARD] Yet you seem to court it so obviously.
[DOCTOR] Well, even a nervous Time Lord must appear to act withcompetence at all times.
[VALEYARD] At the risk of his companion's life?
[DOCTOR] And his own sometimes.
[VALEYARD] Already the unfortunate Peri has survived a struggle with theRaak, escaped from the guards. And who, Doctor, was sent to examine thewolf-man?
[VALEYARD] Who went into danger first?
[DOCTOR] Well, she just happened to be the nearest.
[VALEYARD] Your assistant, as usual. Sagacity, I have calculated on arandom Matrix sample that the Doctor's companions have been placed indanger twice as often as the Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, there have been many companions, but only one me.
[INQUISITOR] What is the point you're attempting to make, Valeyard?
[VALEYARD] That you remember such information when judgement isconsidered on taking the Doctor's life and all future regenerations.
[INQUISITOR] It is noted.
[DOCTOR] This is the most ridiculous, preposterous, travesty of a trialsince the so-called witches of Enderhive.
[INQUISITOR] Doctor! You have been warned about your behaviour. Let usproceed.
(Commerce room)
[KIV] Must you bring your lunch in here?
[SIL] I do not wish to miss a moment of your infinite capacity to generateprofit for Thoros Beta, Magnificence. Marsh minnow, Magnificence?
[KIV] This Thordon world. The Krontep warriors have succeeded insubduing the massed hordes of the Tonkonp Empire. We must negotiatewith the Krontep king. Usual contracts, development loans, some limitedscientific advance. What is the position regarding King Yrcanos?
[SIL] He is still being persuaded by Crozier to cooperate happily. Ithink that is the word.
(Operating room)
[YRCANOS] Blood. Death. Terror. Kill!
[CROZIER] Increase the PULD pulse immediately.
[YRCANOS] Groan. Die.
[MATRONA] Why is the pacification not working?
[CROZIER] It will. I'll add a few more mills of power.
[CROZIER] Yrcanos is a barbarian king. He knows only one thing, how tofight, therefore he is fighting our attempts to give him peace andtranquillity.
[CROZIER] The more stupid the subject, the longer it takes. Now,Matrona, the ganglions, as you noticed, have not recovered from thelesions.
[MATRONA] Yes, but why detach both junctions of the lutein
[CROZIER] You are forbidden! What happened? An accident?
[FRAX] No, sir. Murder.
(Commerce room)
[KIV] In the event of a major discovery, theirlease from the Thordonians will be for thirty years at a royalty rateof forty percent to us.
[KIV] That should keep you in marsh minnows for a while, Sil.
[SIL] How lovely, Magnificence.
(Outside the Operating room)
[DOCTOR] They weren't hanging about.
[PERI] Neither did they look very pleased.
[DOCTOR] Well, perhaps they've had some bad news. Hmm.
[PERI] Doctor!
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] If I might beg the court'sindulgence.
[INQUISITOR] Valeyard.
[VALEYARD] Sagacity, may I be so bold as to suggest that we have alreadyseen enough?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I second that. I've already seen quite enough of Sil, thankyou.
[VALEYARD] We have now seen many examples of the Doctor's interference.We have heard the many requests from the Doctor's companion to withdrawfrom the situations we have witnessed, yet constantly, blatantly, theyhave been ignored.
[DOCTOR] Minor errors of judgement, nothing more.
[INQUISITOR] Valeyard, you have asked for the death penalty. That is nowa matter of record. Whereas I do not concur with the prisoner when heinterrupts with the statement that his offences are minor, you willhave to provide this court with far more positive evidence of his guiltif you wish me to take your plea seriously.
[DOCTOR] Indeed. And my conscience is absolutely clear when I say thathe will be unable to provide such evidence. So, can we please get backto discussing why Earth was two light years away from its originalposition, and what was in the box that Sabalom Glitz was so interestedin?
[INQUISITOR] Be silent.
[VALEYARD] It is simply in my mind not to waste the court's time withendless repetitions of what we have already seen.
[INQUISITOR] Let me be the judge of that, Valeyard.
[VALEYARD] Sagacity.
[DOCTOR] My lady, it is as clear as the warts on an Edarg's face thatthe Valeyard has lost his nerve. He keeps saying that he has the mostdamning evidence, but where is it? I suggest to you, my lady, that thisevidence does not exist. Whereas the fact that Earth was two lightyears away from its original position is incontrovertible.
[INQUISITOR] Sit down and shut up! Although I deplore the Doctor'sconstant interruptions, I must again concur that he has a point. If youwant the Doctor's head, Valeyard, you must work for it. Let us proceed.
(Commerce room)
[KIV] What is next on the agenda? Ah! Ah! Oh, myhead!
[SIL] It will soon pass.
[KIV] The pressure gets worse each time. Something must be done, or soonyou will be called Magnificence.
[SIL] Long may that day be postponed, great Kiv.
[SIL] You must not enter sacred Commerce room while profit is inprogress.
[CROZIER] There's trouble.
[SIL] Concerning what?
[CROZIER] My hopes of saving him.
[SIL] Show more respect to the Magnificence.
[KIV] What has happened?
[CROZIER] The Raak is dead, killed by intruders.
[FRAX] They claimed he attacked them.
[SIL] Then manufacture another one.
[CROZIER] That's not easily done, nor is it the point of my concern.
[MATRONA] The Raak was not aggressive.
[SIL] So?
[CROZIER] If the Raak, unprovoked, did attack, then he might revertgenetically. Until I know, until I can question the strangers indetail, I cannot guarantee the success of your transference, my lord.
[KIV] You must relieve my suffering!
[MATRONA] We have hopes the radical treatment will succeed this time, mylord.
[SIL] So much depends on the life of Lord Kiv. The making ofmega-wealth, the funding for your work.
[CROZIER] I must know that success will be certain.
[KIV] You said that last time.
[SIL] Where are these strangers?
[FRAX] Escaped. I've sent every bearer and guard searching after them.
[KIV] I trust this is not an excuse for delay, Mister Crozier? You knowif the experiment on my person is unsuccessful, you will die.
[CROZIER] I accept that.
[KIV] Take charge, Sil. I will be dead as that Raak if I wait for themto find the intruders. At once! Before I perish! Then where will yoube, eh? Dead. No, worse than that. Poor. Oh, oh, oh, my head!
(Operating room)
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Yuk.
[PERI] Urgh.
[PERI] He's alive!
[DOCTOR] Not necessarily. Hmm. Ah ha.
[PERI] What is it?
[DOCTOR] A brain impulse there. Oh, I see. Well, we can't have that.
[PERI] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Ah. How nice to see a familiar face again.
[SIL] Doctor and, ah yes, your revoltingly ugly assistant. Age has notimproved you since Varos.
[PERI] From you that's a compliment.
[DOCTOR] What can we do for you, Sil?
[SIL] Tell us why you had to kill our most promising experiment.
[CROZIER] The Raak.
[DOCTOR] It attacked us.
[CROZIER] I doubt that very much.
[SIL] Doctor, we have the means to instill cooperation. There's thetechnology to alter how brains think. Would you like to try the helmeton for size?
[DOCTOR] Not just now, thanks.
[SIL] But I insist, Doctor. Our warrior king must have completed hisadvancement cycle. You must replace him so we may coax the truth fromyour devious brain.
[DOCTOR] I am sufficiently advanced already.
[SIL] Silence! Or you will be obliterated.
[SIL] Now, the Raak didn't attack you, did he.
[DOCTOR] Yes, it did.
[SIL] Can you use the helmet to extract the truth of what happened?
[CROZIER] I've never tried. It could be fatal, used as a means ofinterrogation.
[SIL] The Doctor won't mind donating his sanity to the advancement ofscience, will you, Doctor?
(Operating room)
[YRCANOS] You there!
[SIL] Don't shoot him! We need him alive sign contracts!
[YRCANOS] Murder me, do you? Slime! Demon! Sorcerer!
[YRCANOS] Don't be afraid. I've taken the brain purge and survived.
[SIL] Stop him! Stop him! Stop him!
[YRCANOS] Rombrom ssssssss sabaluma.
[PERI] Can we rest a moment? Oh, Doctor. Doctor!
[YRCANOS] Open a vein. Let out the evil those devils have put into him.
[PERI] Oh, it's Peri. Peri!
[DOCTOR] So far up above myself on the table down below.
[YRCANOS] Sorcerers. Evil demons. Soul stealers. They have my equerryDorf in a dungeon somewhere. We must release him or die in the attempt.Were you captured by the slugs who rule this ball of mud and water?
[PERI] Yes.
[YRCANOS] We must find some weapons. Some of those that turn one'senemies to slime. We must kill all who stand between us and victory.We'll grind every last slug beneath our feet, yes?
[PERI] Yes. Look, I just want to get out of here.
[YRCANOS] We must raise an army and attack and destroy the Mentors, yes?
[PERI] Yes, sure, anything you say.
[YRCANOS] (to the Doctor) Come on. Your mind will soon clear. We'll pilethe heads of our enemies before us, like melons in a heap.
[DOCTOR] I would enjoy that.
[PERI] What?
[YRCANOS] I like him. We will campaign together. But first, we mustmarch. What is his name?
[PERI] The Doctor.
[YRCANOS] Rrrrrrrsssssssss! I am Yrcanos, King of the Krontep, Lord ofthe Vingten, Conqueror of the Tonkonp Empire. But you no doubt knowthis.
[PERI] Well, we caught some of it about round seven.
[YRCANOS] Your name and title?
[PERI] Perpugilliam, of the Brown.
[YRCANOS] The Brown, eh? And where is this place?
[PERI] Earth. Oh, you'd like it there. Lots of madmen playing atwarriors and actors playing over the top in politics.
[YRCANOS] Politics?
[PERI] Yakety-yak. Talk.
[YRCANOS] Ah. (whistles) You mean war councils.
[PERI] Yes, I suppose so. I don't know, or want to know.
[YRCANOS] I would like to meet the mighty warriors of Earth.
[PERI] Yeah, well, you'd get on pretty well, Yrcanos.
[YRCANOS] You are promised to such a one? Him?
[PERI] Certainly not.
[YRCANOS] Hmm. That is good.
[PERI] Well, I must help the Doctor.
[PERI] Come on, Doc. Wake up.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] I don't remember that. I can't recallanything after the power flooded through my brain.
[VALEYARD] That is your defence now, is it? Amnesia, forgetfulness. Thisis a tactic, Sagacity, because the Doctor knows what the Matrix willshow.
[INQUISITOR] Is that your defence, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] What?
[DOCTOR] No, er
[INQUISITOR] Your mind has cleared from being taken out of time?
[DOCTOR] As far as I can tell.
[INQUISITOR] Then obviously there must be some other reason .
[VALEYARD] He lies, Sagacity.
[DOCTOR] I do not!
[VALEYARD] Then you're in for a surprise, aren't you, my dear Doctor. Anexceedingly nasty one, if your memory is as fallible as you pretend.
(Operating room)
[KIV] We must have the transformer operable. How can we rule without itsinfluence?
[CROZIER] Everything will be fixed well before your servants begin tounderstand their situation.
[KIV] Never mind them, what of my predicament? The pain in my headincreases.
[CROZIER] I've told you it will. Your brain will continue to grow until
[KIV] What?
[CROZIER] Your skull is not designed to allow for increase in brainpower and size. That's the trouble with mutations and hybrids like you.Your cranium is too thick. It lacks elasticity, hence the pain.
[KIV] Yes.
[CROZIER] Unless I can operate soon, you will suffer fatal braincompression in a few days.
[KIV] You were brought to Thoros Beta to rectify that, to give me newlife.
[CROZIER] My lord, the Doctor has the answers I need. Did the Raakattack them, or did they slaughter the creature first? If the Raak didattack, he must have reverted on my cerebral transfer experiment andthe surgery I hoped to apply to you, Lord Kiv, will not be successful.
[KIV] Words! Excuses! This is a conspiracy to stop my life beingprolonged.
[SIL] The intruders will be caught. They will answer Crozier's questionsor be killed.
[KIV] Or I will, thanks to your bungling, Sil.
[SIL] Not mine, Magnificence. His! All I want is to share in the lightof your intelligence and profit from its shining wisdom.
[KIV] Please
[SIL] The Mentors of Thoros Beta need your genius for cosmicmega-profit. Those Alphans, whose stars have decreed that they serveyou, simply adore the sight of you
[KIV] Enough, Sil! What, do you intend to talk me to death?
[SIL] I will pray to the Great Morgo for your immediate recovery,Magnificence.
[KIV] You will do better than that. If the Doctor has the answers, youwill find him, or you both will share my death with me. I can onlystand this pain for one more day. One day! That is all you both have.Now do something!
[SIL] At once, Magnificence. Bear me away. Bear me away! Come on,faster! Bear me away faster, faster.
(Induction centre)
[COMPUTER] Subject accepted. Proceed with implantation.
[SIL] Well, have they been caught yet?
[FRAX] No, Mentor.
(Outside the Induction centre)
[YRCANOS] Stay, stay.
(Induction centre)
[COMPUTER] We need a new recipient. Reject.
(Outside the Induction centre)
[PERI] What's going on?
[YRCANOS] They bring all new slaves here, but what is more important, mylady, they have weapons.
[DOCTOR] Weapons!
[PERI] Shush.
[YRCANOS] Liquefiers that we must obtain quietly.
[PERI] We? That includes me, huh?
[YRCANOS] On my planet of Krontep, a warrior queen fights alongside herking.
[PERI] We're not on your planet.
[YRCANOS] It doesn't matter, the rule still applies.
(Induction centre)
[SIL] Which corridors and tunnels have not yet beensearched?
[FRAX] Only those that lead to the Sea of Turmoil.
[SIL] Then search them, profitless fool!
[DOCTOR] Look out behind you.
[YRCANOS] Traitorous Doctor!
[PERI] Doctor, come here.
[DOCTOR] No thanks.
[PERI] Doctor!
[SIL] Charge her down!
[SIL] Doctor, the pleasure of your company is, of course, infinite, butwhy have you chosen to warn us rather than help your friends?
[DOCTOR] The odds were against us. Why should I risk my life for asavage and a stupid girl?
[SIL] So you betrayed your friends. How wonderfully wise, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I think so.
[SIL] You are planning some trickery, of course. This is a ploy, yes?
[DOCTOR] Why should I follow a mad warlord of Thordon? What's in it forme, huh?
[SIL] You value your life?
[DOCTOR] I'm no hero.
[SIL] I could have sworn you belonged to that stupid breed.
[DOCTOR] Not any more. Now, I'm just like you, Sil.
[SIL] How nice for you, Doctor. Inform Crozier and the Lord Kiv that Ihave captured the Doctor.
[SIL] The turncoat Doctor, it seems.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] No! That is not me!
[VALEYARD] Oh yes, it is. You were overcome by terror, Doctor. You hadinterfered yet again, and this time your one aim was to escapeunscathed. You. You only. Your friends didn't matter.
[DOCTOR] Never!
[VALEYARD] You realise the Matrix of Time cannot lie.
[DOCTOR] Can't it?
[VALEYARD] I suggest you confess to your crimes and throw yourself onthe mercy of this court.
[DOCTOR] What? Mercy? No. No, there's something wrong. Of course. Silwas right. It was a ploy to fool the Mentors. Yes, clever old me. Letthe Matrix show what it will. A clever ploy. You'll see.
[SIL] He is lying. I do not trust him.
[DOCTOR] Believe me, I'm telling the truth. I wouldn't lie, it's not inmy nature.
[CROZIER] He cannot know the reasons of our concern.
[DOCTOR] The Raak attacked us first.
[CROZIER] I believe him. I must redesign the behaviour modifier before Itransfer the brain of Lord Kiv.
[SIL] Do you have time?
[CROZIER] Not really.
[SIL] If the Lord Kiv dies, his bodyguards have instructions to destroyus. You must operate to save his life and ours. There's no more timefor research. I will find a donor and you must operate.
[CROZIER] What with? The warlord destroyed most of the transferencecircuitry. If it's repaired, I might attempt a temporary transplant.
[SIL] Kiv has allowed us only one more day!
[CROZIER] I know.
[SIL] We pay you enough. We have given you a whole race of people toplay with.
[DOCTOR] Excuse me, I understand a little of your transference unitprinciple and I have some knowledge of technological malfunction. Isthere a microcircuitry diagram?
[SIL] Guards, stop him! It's a trick!
[CROZIER] Let him look. We've nothing to lose.
[SIL] Be certain that you are right, Crozier.
[DOCTOR] Is there a module unit replacement or are these ganglionseparators adaptable?
[CROZIER] It's multifunctional.
[DOCTOR] Ah, good. Hmm. Ah ha. Did you test the endrodyacen?
[CROZIER] Not yet.
[DOCTOR] Try it. Should respond to the lexifier now.
[CROZIER] Well done!
[SIL] I find this anxiety to assist us, Doctor, highly suspicious.
[CROZIER] Look, Sil, with both of us working on the BTU, we might justbe able to operate on Kiv tomorrow.
[SIL] Or on someone else first. After all, we will need a body donor.Yes, Doctor?
[FRAX] I see you have found the heart of our energy supply.
[PERI] It's very impressive, although I would have thought it warranteda guard.
[FRAX] As a rule, intruders never get this far, although I shall putyour suggestion to the Great Kiv.
[PERI] You do that. And while you're about it, pass this on as well.
[YRCANOS] Down, dog!
[DORF] Your majesty. Your majesty.
[YRCANOS] Dorf? My equerry Dorf? Not you. What have they done? What?
[DORF] Help me. Help me.
[YRCANOS] Yes. Still. Still. Hold.
[YRCANOS] We will kill the sorcerers. I swear by the great jewelledsword of Krontep, you will be revenged. Come.
[YRCANOS] This way, Dorf!
[MATRONA] Did they reject you at the induction centre, or did youescape? I should inform the guards, have you sent to Thoros Alpha.
[PERI] There's an alternative?
[MATRONA] You were to serve the Mentors and their favoured creatures.Now, I control the women servants, and for that I need help. Loyalhelp.
[PERI] I'd serve you? Why?
[MATRONA] I prefer some individuality in my household. However, shouldyou be discovered as an escaped reject, I'll deny this meeting tookplace. What is your name?
[PERI] Peri.
[MATRONA] Do you wish to serve me, Peri?
[PERI] What have I got to lose, huh?
[MATRONA] You must call me Matrona.
[PERI] Matrona.
[MATRONA] Come, let us prepare you.
[YRCANOS] We've lost them.
[DORF] Kill me! Kill me!
[YRCANOS] Kill you? You are Dorf of Kanval. Whatever's happened to yourbody, your spirit must remain the same. Now, die if you must, but do itin battle. Keep that hatred burning within you for when you find theman who has done this to you. There is one who has betrayed me.
[DORF] No!
[YRCANOS] Yes! I have a special death reserved for him. He's a traitorknown as the Doctor.
(Outside the Commerce room)
[MATRONA] You will enter when summoned, but not before. The rest of you,come with me.
(Commerce room)
[CROZIER] Matrona, bring Lord Kiv's ambiotic fluid immediately.
(Outside the Commerce room)
[MATRONA] Come, you have the medication.
[PERI] I can't go in there.
[MATRONA] Do you wish me to denounce you? Then obey the call. There'snothing to fear. I shall go first.
(Commerce room)
[DOCTOR] You, girl. Here. I don't like this drink. Bring me another.
[MATRONA] Say yes, my lord.
[PERI] (deep voice) Yes, my lord.
[KIV] That is better. The pain eases. Stay near me. You I trust.
[MATRONA] The Lord Kiv does me great honour.
[KIV] Tomorrow I must trust my life to the man of science, Crozier.
[MATRONA] I'm sure the operation will be successful, my lord.
[KIV] Ha. Equal odds to live or die. I have no choice.
[SIL] Matrona Kani, see that the Lord Kiv is served only the mostwrigglesome of youthful sand snakes.
[MATRONA] I don't need you to tell me that, Sil.
[DOCTOR] What is in this drink?
[PERI] (normal voice) I was just given it. Something different, yousaid, Doctor.
[KIV] What has happened? How does this servitor know of your title?
[DOCTOR] An enemy, my lord. The girl who ran away earlier. She may havebeen trying to poison us all.
[PERI] Doctor
[SIL] Of course! The repulsive one. Arrest her. She must be interrogatedthoroughly. Take her to the Rock of Sorrows.
[PERI] Doctor, help me!
[DOCTOR [OC]] That's the ploy. I remember now.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] The ploy was to remove us both from theheart of the Mentor's control section. I gambled that after I'd helpedthem fix the cerebral transference unit, they might trust me toquestion Peri alone.
[VALEYARD] To what end?
[DOCTOR] Escape, I should imagine.
[INQUISITOR] Did the interrogation take place?
[VALEYARD] It did, Sagacity.
[INQUISITOR] I should like to see that sequence.
(Rock of Sorrows)
[PERI] What do you want?
[DOCTOR] The Mentor Sil fears a conspiracy against the Lord Kiv. You area spy for the Alphans.
[PERI] What? No, stop this!
[DOCTOR] It's all right, we're alone now. We can talk.
[PERI] Oh, Doctor, I thought that brain transference pulse had made youcrazy.
[DOCTOR] I'm your friend, you know that.
[PERI] I was beginning to wonder.
[DOCTOR] I'm here to help you.
[PERI] How do I get out of this?
[DOCTOR] By telling me who the Alphans are that are leading the unrestand where they can be annihilated.
[PERI] What?
[DOCTOR] Tell me!
[PERI] But I don't know anything!
[DOCTOR] Answer me. The tide is on the turn. Unless you want to add yourown despair to the Sea of Sorrows, I suggest that you tell meeverything.
(Commerce room)
[SIL] Just like in the old days. There's nothing more enjoyable thatwatching people suffer.
(Rock of Sorrows)
[DOCTOR] Confess.
[PERI] Confess? Confess to what?
[DOCTOR] Your guilt, your bungling, your Alphan friends. Everything! Youmust help the Mentors, Peri. You must help me.
[PERI] Doctor, what's wrong with you?
[DOCTOR] I see my own interests. I place myself first.
[PERI] But what about me?
[DOCTOR] You are expendable. You have no value. Tomorrow, they intend totake the brain of the Lord Kiv and transplant it into my body. He willpossess my body! To prevent that, I must please the Mentors, Peri. Ifthat means sacrificing you in my place, then that is the way it mustbe.
[CROZIER [OC]] Enough! Do not damage her! We have more effective ways ofinterrogation.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] It was never like that.
[VALEYARD] How can you be certain? You have no clear memory of theincident. And as we all know, the Matrix never lies.
[DOCTOR] I wonder.
[INQUISITOR] May we continue? I do grow tired of these constantinterruptions.
[DOCTOR] But it was never like that.
[INQUISITOR] Enough, Doctor. The Matrix does not lie. It cannot lie. Youare aware of that fact, so why persist in these silly statements?
[INQUISITOR] Let us proceed.
[DORF] The Doctor. Do we attack?
[YRCANOS] Of course. That dreg helping the Mentor's warriors is myenemy.
[PERI] What's happened to you, Doctor? Why do youhate me so?
[DOCTOR] I must do what I think is best.
[PERI] I used to think that you were different, that you cared forjustice and truth and good. I can't bear to look at what you are now.
[YRCANOS] Now, Doctor, it is your turn to die.
[PERI] No!
[YRCANOS] My lady, what have you done? Because of you that vermin stilllives.
[PERI] I couldn't help it. The Doctor, he wasn't always like that.
[VALEYARD [OC]] I suggest you always were
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] Just like that, my dear Doctor. A toady,a coward, a turncoat. You were afraid that Crozier wanted to transplantthe brain of the alien Kiv into your head. You said as much yourself.The thought of that made you panic.
[DOCTOR] I've told you, it was a ploy. I would never want to harm Peri.
[VALEYARD] But you've also admitted that you have no clear memory of theevent.
[DOCTOR] Well, I can recall some of it. Bits of it are beginning to bobback into my mind.
[VALEYARD] Oh, really? And does any of your sudden and convenient recallagree with anything that the court has already seen?
[DOCTOR] No! I mean yes, but, but the emphasis is all wrong.
[VALEYARD] And what does that mean?
[DOCTOR] The events took place but not quite as we've seen them.
[INQUISITOR] It occurs to me, Doctor, that your current mental conditionmakes it very difficult for you to defend yourself. I would thereforesuggest that this court be adjourned.
[DOCTOR] No. And I refute any implication that I'm barmy.
[VALEYARD] A rather imprecise Earth slang word, Sagacity, implyingpsychiatric instability.
[INQUISITOR] Thank you, Valeyard. No one is impugning your sanity,Doctor, merely suggesting your memory is a little faulty.
[DOCTOR] Nevertheless, I would like this trial to continue.
[INQUISITOR] I was also about to suggest that you might change your mindand consider availing yourself of a court defender. A trained legalmind would offer a more constructive and certainly less emotionalpresentation of your case.
[DOCTOR] If the Time Lords of Gallifrey want my life, you don't thinkI'd entrust my defence to one of their august number, do you?
[INQUISITOR] Very well. Let us continue.
[DOCTOR] Ah, I appear to have lost my way. I was looking for Crozier'soperating room.
[DOCTOR] Thank you. Most kind.
(Operating room)
[KIV] That is to become my new body?
[CROZIER] The coastguards found him adrift off the Islets of Brak. He isof the same branch of mutation and almost certainly from your homemire, my lord.
[KIV] He looks like a younger me.
[SIL] Not quite so handsome, Magnificence.
[KIV] Be quiet, Sil.
[CROZIER] The features are similar. There is, however, one smalladdition. He has retained his primeval sting. His tail contains venomenough to kill.
[KIV] Fascinating. I could perhaps sting all my assistants to death.
[SIL] More importantly, are you sure the new skull will be big enough?
[CROZIER] The capacity is only a little larger in volume than that ofLord Kiv. The operation will give us a little time to seek a morepermanent host.
[SIL] We must make every effort to find the right head on the correctbody.
[CROZIER] I have someone in mind. Ah, Doctor. You've come to lend ahand.
[DOCTOR] Yes, thought I'd strop the odd scalpel, mop a brow or two.
[CROZIER] That won't be necessary, but you can monitor the BTU.
[DOCTOR] The BTU? Oh, bliss. Thank you.
[KIV] Then let us begin. Should the transfer not work, and brain deathoccur, my bearers have orders to liquefy all who fail to save my life.
[CROZIER] Check lymphocyte serum drip.
[MATRONA] Active.
[CROZIER] Laser scalpel.
[PERI] These tunnels look the same to me. Whereprecisely are we going?
[YRCANOS] As with all corrupt dictatorships, there are pockets ofresistance planning and working to overthrow the evil of Kiv and theother Mentors.
[PERI] Great, but how does that help us?
[YRCANOS] My belief is that they await a great leader. I am he.
[PERI] Do these resistance fighters know that?
[YRCANOS] They will soon learn.
[DORF] My great king is right.
[PERI] But how will we find these people?
[YRCANOS] They will find us. Yes. Yes.
[YRCANOS] Ssssss. Crombrom savalula. (whistles) Yes. Yes. Theirfootsteps are guided towards me. That is their destiny and mine.
[PERI] Destiny. Isn't that just a fancy name for blind chance?
[YRCANOS] Blind chance? Destiny? If that were true, our lives, mymajesty, would be meaningless.
[PERI] It's merely a point of view.
[YRCANOS] A pompous and empty one, my lady. We all live for a purpose,and for me, that is to die a hero.
[PERI] I do wish you wouldn't keep going on like that. I'm starting tobelieve you mean it.
[PERI] All right, all right. Let's rest first and then march. There's agood warlord, huh?
[YRCANOS] Agreed. But only for a moment.
[PERI] He sounds hungry. Don't blame him. So am I. I'm famished.
[YRCANOS] Here. Here.
[PERI] What is it?
[YRCANOS] It's flayfish. Sustains the body, fuels the fighting spirit.
[PERI] It doesn't do much for your taste buds, huh?
[PERI] That's all right. Don't cry.
[YRCANOS] No, stop that. Dorf is, or was, a great warrior.
[DORF] Jealous. He jealous.
[YRCANOS] Jealous? I'm jealous? Me, a king? Jealous, you say I'mjealous?
[PERI] The pair of you, just stop it!
[YRCANOS] I'll tear your head off! You're nothing but a mongrel! He's adog. He's a dog!
[PERI] Stop it! Look, it's bad enough we've got this whole planetagainst us without you two trying to bite lumps out of each other.
[YRCANOS] You're right. It's the flayfish. My fault. I should have savedit for our next battle. We must go, locate our allies, and then prepareto battle unto death.
[PERI] Look, one thing at a time, huh? Let's find this Alphan resistanceand convince them we're on their side. And then, on to our destiny,huh?
[YRCANOS] You're right.
(Operating room)
[CROZIER] Donor brain in position.
[DOCTOR] EEG reading in recipient now level.
[CROZIER] Thank you, Doctor.
[SIL] Why is this taking so long?
[DOCTOR] Why don't you go for a walk or something, Sil? You're like ananxious parent.
[SIL] The wealth of the whole planet depends on that lump ofmud-coloured tissue there. I haven't learnt all his secrets yet.
[CROZIER] Sil, stop gyrating your throat. I'm ready to attempttransference of brain tissue.
[SIL] Please, Morgo, let them succeed.
[CROZIER] Prepare for independent support mode. The reading should reachtwenty one point five six.
[DOCTOR] Twenty one point five six, uh huh.
[MATRONA] Approaching twenty dead.
[DOCTOR] Dead? Don't say that.
[MATRONA] Twenty fifty. Twenty seventy five.
[DOCTOR] Twenty one twenty, forty. Twenty one fifty six now!
[CROZIER] There's nothing. No heart, no brain readings, nothing. We'vefailed.
[SIL] No, this is a joke! Admittedly in bad taste, but it is aprofitless, humourless quip. Tell them! Half my fortune if you give mea five minute start. All right, you profitless knaves, all my money.
[DOCTOR] I think his chest gills moved. Did the lexifier unit registerits input? The link was difficult to test.
[MATRONA] Nothing.
[DOCTOR] Reserve, quickly. Try the endrodiotone now.
[CROZIER] One last chance.
[DOCTOR] He's breathing.
[SIL] You see? As I said, strange, witless humour.
[CROZIER] Thanks for the moral support, Sil.
[DOCTOR] Yes, nice to know that you can be relied upon to be your usualtreacherous self.
[SIL] I endeavour to maintain a certain continuity.
[PERI] Hi.
[YRCANOS] I told you they would find us. I have come to lead you tofreedom.
[TUZA] Hold your tongue. This way, unless you wish to die here.
(Operating room)
[CROZIER] Success, Doctor. After a decade of hardwork, I can transform the evolutionary process and conquer death. Thepossibilities are endless.
[DOCTOR] You sure? Aren't you worried about tissue rejection?
[CROZIER] Ah, I've perfected a serum for just that. As from today,Doctor, I can put any brain in any body anywhere.
[SIL] Now that you've assisted in a miracle of science, Doctor, perhapsyou would like to witness a similar feat of commerce?
[DOCTOR] From you, Sil, why not? I could do with a laugh.
(Rebel cave)
[PERI] So much for your foresight, huh? Tell them again we're on thesame side, Yrcanos, please.
[YRCANOS] Me, a king, beg to that rabble?
[TUZA] You must understand we can't allow your bodies and skulls to beretrieved undamaged, otherwise the Mentors will use brain surgery tocreate creatures like this.
[PERI] No, wait! Look, look, we're on the same side. Nobody likes brainalteration. Do you think Dorf wants to be the way he is? He was used bythe Mentors. King Yrcanos was held hostage so they could exploit him aswell as his people. And even I was held captive. You kill us and you donothing but please the Mentors.
[TUZA] The Mentors?
[YRCANOS] She speaks truth. I do not beg. Pulverise my skull and youslay an ally, but supply me with weapons and a good band of fightingmen and I'll bring triumph against our enemies.
[TUZA] I have heard of Yrcanos, King of the Krontep. If you are he, thenyou will have a plan.
[YRCANOS] Untie us and you will hear.
(Operating room)
[MATRONA] Crozier, something's wrong.
[CROZIER] What? He was fine a moment ago. Cardiac arrest. His body'sreacting to the drugs.
[CROZIER] You'll not die on me, you fish-faced monster.
(Rebel cave)
[TUZA] Your plan is a sound one, but our men are untrained.
[YRCANOS] Ha. Under my leadership, oh ho, they will fight like demons.
[PERI] Come on now, boys. Let's not get carried away.
[DORF] I have seen him inspire disheartened rabble into acts of heroism.
[PERI] But how many of them survived, huh?
[YRCANOS] Bah, that's a minor consideration when there is glory to behad.
[TUZA] In his way he's right. We have nothing to lose. At the moment,all we do is hide like vermin. All right, King Yrcanos of the Krontep,we'll fight.
[YRCANOS] My hand hasn't touched honourable steel for what seems like aneternity.
[TUZA] Find Verne and his men. He'll know where to meet us. Tell him theday of reckoning has come. Now hurry!
(Commerce room)
[SIL] Interested, Doctor? Money, money, money, money, money, money,money. All the stock and commodity markets of the universe areavailable to us via the warpfold relay. See there? An application forcredit.
[DOCTOR] Search Conv Corp. Who are they?
[SIL] Nothing much. Just a bunch of burnt out space rangers who searchfor wrecked spaceships. They request funding to purchase anotherretrieval craft, which we will deny.
[DOCTOR] Wait. Planet of Tolk, twenty fourth century. I seem to recallthere were a great many wars around the rim worlds at that time. Thereshould be a large amount of battle cruiser debris floating round theresoon.
[SIL] For this company to retrieve?
[DOCTOR] If they have the equipment.
[SIL] How useful to have a Time Lord in one's employ. Yes, I will allowtheir application for credit. Marsh minnow, Doctor?
[SIL] The Lord Kiv will be most pleased with me for my great foresight.I must be sure that I am the first familiar face he sees with his neweyes.
[DOCTOR] That should be comforting for him. I, I think I'd better seehow the patient's getting on.
[VALEYARD] Sagacity, I wish to ask theaccused why a Time Lord with all his privileges should meddle in aswamp world like Thoros Beta.
[DOCTOR] My actions can't be what they seem. There is an explanation.There must be. I can't recall it.
[INQUISITOR] Are you unwell, Doctor? Perhaps you'd like me to call for arecess?
[VALEYARD] Or perhaps a glass of water?
[DOCTOR] No. What? Now, let's get on. I've had enough of wondering why Iacted as I did on Thoros Beta. Let's get to it. Let's find out! Playthe Matrix, and play it loud and clear.
[PERI] What's happened?
[YRCANOS] Old age.
[TUZA] Linna?
[LINNA] Help me.
[TUZA] It can't be. Linna? What is it?
[YRCANOS] You knew him?
[TUZA] He was a spice trader back home on Thoros Alpha. I can't believewhat I see.
[YRCANOS] Death comes to us all. He has lived a long life.
[TUZA] Linna was no older than I am! He was twenty years old, not ahundred as he looks now. How has he been turned into an old man?
[PERI] Look. No, don't touch it. It might be responsible for hispremature aging.
[TUZA] This is the work of the Mentors.
[YRCANOS] What was this man's function?
[TUZA] He was one of the guards at our weapons dump.
[PERI] Oh, no.
[YRCANOS] I smell treason, treachery, betrayal.
[TUZA] I'll scout ahead.
[YRCANOS] We'll all scout ahead.
[TUZA] No, there could be danger.
[PERI] No, let Tuza find out what's going on first, huh?
[YRCANOS] Spying is not the way of the warrior. If one goes, we all go.Come.
(Operating room)
[DOCTOR] See what happens when I leave the room?
[SIL] He must live!
[CROZIER] Increase the sevrin drip.
[CROZIER] Enough.
[SIL] Not a flicker. Why has the Lord Kiv not yet returned to life?
[DOCTOR] It takes time. They're trying their best.
[MATRONA] No response. Brain pulse still dormant.
[SIL] You are conspiring against my wealth. You are allowing the LordKiv to die.
[DOCTOR] A movement!
[MATRONA] A reaction here.
[CROZIER] To what degree?
[MATRONA] Almost a complete wave.
[CROZIER] It's going to work.
[SIL] Lift me. Take me nearer. My face has got to be the first civilisedthing he sees.
[SIL] My lord.
[KIV] Have I died and gone to the great Plague Halls of Mogdana?
[SIL] Magnificence, it's me, Sil.
[PERI] How much further?
[TUZA] I only hope we're not too late.
[YRCANOS] Hey, keep together. This is a great day for battle. A greatday to die!
[TUZA] Does he always go on like that?
[PERI] Afraid so.
(Operating room)
[CROZIER] He's totally stable.
[SIL] You said that last time.
[DOCTOR] Well, as long as you stay away from him, he should be allright.
[SIL] The Great Morgo be praised. You have been restored to us, O greatKiv, safe and well.
[KIV] I dreamed I was lost in the Sea of Despair and Longing.
[CROZIER] Dreams were to be expected side-effects of sedation. Nothingto worry about.
[KIV] I feel hardly different. An ache in my, I suppose I can say myskull?
[CROZIER] Yes, that will be your skull until we can find one moresuitable.
[KIV] I must to work. There is a futures commodity deadline for theSondlex crop on Wilson One.
[SIL] It will be attended to. The Doctor and I have struck up aprofitable partnership.
[KIV] Oh? Not speculation, I trust?
[DOCTOR] Merely conserving resources, O ineffable one,until you return to your rightful place as master of us all.
(Outside the weapons dump)
[TUZA] Verne and the others haven't arrived yet.
[YRCANOS] No matter. Where are the weapons?
[TUZA] No!
[PERI] What's the matter?
[TUZA] The rockfall, it's new.
[PERI] Seismic activity?
[TUZA] Well, if so, it's a very convenient one. It's covered up theentrance to our weapons dump.
[YRCANOS] Ambush. A woman's way for fighting.
[PERI] Thanks a lot.
[YRCANOS] If these guards of the Mentors were real men, they would showtheir banners and fight in the open!
[PERI] Let's get away from here and find the others, huh?
[TUZA] She has a point.
[YRCANOS] Retreat? I am King Yrcanos!
[PERI] Yes, I know. Whereas it terrifies me, I'm just not so sure it'sgoing to have the same effect on whoever caused that rockfall.
[DORF] If there is victory to be had, great king, it would be imprudentto say.
[YRCANOS] You are a great dog of war. I mean, a great warrior, whoseadvice I trust and value. Oh, very well. Today prudence shall be ourwatchword. Tomorrow I shall soak the land in blood. Come with me!
[PERI] What's happening?
[DORF] Wait, there could be danger.
[TUZA] It's Verne!
[TUZA] No!
[FRAX] Give up, and you live. Resist, and you die where you stand.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] That isn't my fault. You can't blame mefor that. I wasn't even there.
[VALEYARD] All that has taken place, you are indirectly responsible for.
[DOCTOR] Please, madam. The death of Verne and the other resistancefighters was not my fault.
[INQUISITOR] Your presence did influence events. There's no way that canbe denied.
[VALEYARD] Watch, Doctor. See your folly.
(Outside the weapons dump)
[YRCANOS] Are we to die withered and aged, or liketrue soldiers?
[FRAX] You're obsessed with dying, Yrcanos. I don't know what's thematter with you.
[PERI] And you rather we beg to live?
[FRAX] To be honest, I'd prefer it if you all kept quiet.
[YRCANOS] You are nothing more than trash from the sewers of Skulnesh.
[FRAX] Shut up.
[YRCANOS] You've been to the field of battle, that which robs greatwarriors of their youth and virility, and that is a crime againsthonour.
[FRAX] It was an experiment for Crozier and the Mentors.
[YRCANOS] It was an experiment conceived in the Plague Halls of Mogdana,you scum!
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] No! No, no, no, I won't believe it.
[VALEYARD] You still continue to ignore the truth.
[DOCTOR] I am not responsible for that.
[VALEYARD] In your mind, perhaps not. But in reality it is somewhatdifferent, Doctor.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] Is Peri dead?
[INQUISITOR] Then what was the point of showing that last sequence?
[VALEYARD] Simply as further evidence of the Doctor's interference.
[INQUISITOR] I thought it was somewhat gratuitous.
[DOCTOR] And highly prejudicial. You won't convict me by using shocktactics.
[VALEYARD] I require nothing so crude, my dear Doctor. All that willprove necessary is the truth.
[DOCTOR] Then tell it.
[INQUISITOR] Gentlemen, please let us continue with theevidence.
[VALEYARD] Indeed, Sagacity.
(Outside the weapons dump)
[YRCANOS] Oh, my head. Feels as though it's been trampled on by theseven-legged chargers of Corogem.
[PERI] My legs, arms.
[FRAX] You are fortunate to live.
[TUZA] So the Mentors can experiment on us?
[FRAX] Think of it as community service, Tuza.
[YRCANOS] You are a fool to let us live. I would have killed you.
[FRAX] But then you are a barbarian.
[PERI] Ha. And you're some angel of mercy, huh?
[FRAX] Get up, all of you.
[PERI] How did you know where we were?
[FRAX] We've always known about the weapon dump.
[TUZA] Liar! You would have done something before now if you had.
[FRAX] Weapons are only as good as the training of the men who use them.You're no warrior, Tuza. But him? Now he's just enough in love withdeath to inspire rabble like yours into action. And we were right. Nowmove!
(Operating room)
[KIV] The sea. The sea. Strong. Strong, too much.Too. String. Sting. Strike.
[SIL] Why is the Lord talking of such things? He hates seawater.
[DOCTOR] The body you used to transplant Kiv's brain, whose was it.
[CROZIER] Just a body.
[DOCTOR] Just a body? It's a bit casual, isn't it?
[CROZIER] Only some fisherman. I had no other choice. It's taken meweeks to find one remotely suitable.
[DOCTOR] I still think it might have been better if you'd waited.
[CROZIER] There wasn't the time.
[DOCTOR] Hey, look at this. The host cells are trying to influence Kiv'sbrain, attempting to alter and distort his memory.
[CROZIER] Oh, a few must have escaped the laserisation.
[SIL] You have blundered! You have reduced the greatest business brainin this part of the galaxy to catcher of sea snakes.
[DOCTOR] Perhaps the trauma of the donor's death lingers and isinfecting Kiv's brain.
[CROZIER] I must try and rectify it. Increase the sevrin drip to zerofour microcentiles.
[SIL] There is an imminent summit meeting over which the Lord Kiv is topreside. Our business partner might think it fishy should he bemissing, presumed gone insane.
[KIV] Have my briefing tapes and expansion strategy option been baited?
[SIL] Er, not yet, your marsh minnow, your Magnificence.
[KIV] Do it! Or you will be the first to sample my new sting, Sil. I'mtold, told, even a touch can, can kill.
[CROZIER] One microcentile more.
[SIL] The Lord Kiv must not only be present at the meeting with ourpartner from Posikar, but also able to make sane decisions. If he isnot, you will all suffer.
[CROZIER] He'll be there. Though whose body he'll inhabit isn't as yetcertain. We must transfer Kiv's brain to someone else without delay.
[SIL] Yes.
(Outside the cell)
[TUZA] My head aches.
[FRAX] Be grateful you've still got it. Not you.
[FRAX] Silence!
[PERI] Why do they want Tuza?
[YRCANOS] Execution one at a time, that's how it will be.
[PERI] Oh. Oh, it's strange. Ever since we came to Thoros Beta I've beenhomesick. Not so much for a place, but a time. I just want to be backin my own time with people I love.
[YRCANOS] What is that? Love?
[PERI] Well, it's when you care for someone or something more thanyourself, I guess.
[DORF] More than yourself?
[PERI] Well, I know it sounds crazy, but, sometimes more than life.
[YRCANOS] I care nothing for mine.
[PERI] How can you say that, Yrcanos?
[YRCANOS] Well, on my planet of Krontep, when we die, our spirit isreturned to life, to be born in a more noble warrior.
[PERI] Until what? Where do you end after all your brave deaths?
[YRCANOS] You become a king! Me, after my next death, I join the otherkings on Verduna, the home of the gods.
[PERI] To do what?
[YRCANOS] Why, to fight! What else?
[PERI] Well, that figures.
(Operating room)
[CROZIER] These Alphan brains are all wrong for Kiv.
[MATRONA] Shall I have him implanted and sent to the work centre?
[CROZIER] Yes, yes, take him to the induction centre. What a pity bothyou and the Alphan are unsuitable.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Hmm? Oh, yes, yes, yes. Most disappointing. Unlike Sil, Iwould willingly have given up my body.
[CROZIER] What about your companion, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Oh, Peri? Ah, quite unsuitable. Female. Silly,flibbertigibbet. Hopeless.
[MATRONA] Why not examine her?
[CROZIER] I think I'll do that. Yet, Doctor, you seem uneasy.
[DOCTOR] Well, I'd prefer it if you'd use somebody else.
[CROZIER] Mmm hmm, you have strong feelings for the woman.
[DOCTOR] Well, certainly enough not to want to see her experimentedupon.
[CROZIER] I understand. I am not without pity. Go to the inductioncentre. You know precisely the problem I have here, Doctor. If you canfind a candidate more suitable, I shall use them. But Doctor? Hurry.You haven't much time.
(Outside the cell)
[YRCANOS] Die well, my lady.
(Induction centre)
[DOCTOR] Where is everyone?
[MENTOR] There is only one subject here, in the implantation cubicle.
[DOCTOR] May I examine him? I have Crozier's permission.
[MENTOR] Oh, if you must, but try not to disturb me.
[DOCTOR] I shall be as quiet as the silence that is in the starry skies,only quieter still.
[TUZA] Yrcanos, help me.
[DOCTOR] You know him?
[TUZA] What? Yes. Who are you?
[DOCTOR] Colleague of Crozier's. (sotto) A friend.
(Operating room)
[MATRONA] Stand up.
[PERI] Hey.
[CROZIER] Yes. Ah, yes. Most promising.
[CROZIER] She is a most promising candidate. I must arrange for antigentests.
[PERI] That's a blood test. Well, I'm not marrying anyone.
[CROZIER] Ah, spirit, strength. That is good. I must try to retain thatif at all possible.
(Induction centre)
[DOCTOR] (to Tuza) I shall return.
[FRAX] What are you doing?
[MENTOR] He has Crozier's permission.
[FRAX] My apologies, sir. I didn't realise you were in attendance.
[MENTOR] Oh, take no notice of me. Few people do.
[DOCTOR] I'd quite like a word with that captured king.
[FRAX] Yrcanos?
[DOCTOR] Mmm, that's him. I'm sure Crozier wouldn't mind.
[MENTOR] Oh, take him. But be careful, he has a very loud voice. Playshavoc with the audio system.
[DOCTOR] Thanks for the warning.
[MENTOR] I was hoping we'd seen the last of him. He's such a noisyfellow. Oh, they've gone. Huh. Didn't even say goodbye.
[YRCANOS] Oh, stop that. You're a warrior, not a wolf.
(Outside the cell)
[YRCANOS] Cronixer!
[DOCTOR] How do you do?
[YRCANOS] Screeterder!
[DOCTOR] Oh, now where would a well brought up king learn a word likethat, hmm? Open the door, would you?
[FRAX] You must be out of your mind. He'll kill you.
[DOCTOR] I don't think so.
[FRAX] Cover me.
[YRCANOS] Gronwitcher!
[DOCTOR] That's quite enough of that. I'm here to help you. You, in.
[DOCTOR] Your majesty.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name the last time we met.
[DORF] Dor, dor.
[DOCTOR] Never mind, you can tell me later.
[YRCANOS] His name is Dorf and you are scum.
[DOCTOR] No, actually I am known as the Doctor, and there's no need tothank me for helping you to escape. Come along.
(Commerce room)
[SIL] You are unwell, Magnificence. You shouldn't have left the shelterof Crozier's laboratory.
[KIV] He has given me drugs to stabilise my condition and keep me alert.Can you smell fish?
[SIL] I have the deepest respect for Crozier's skill, but, Magnificence
[KIV] But nothing, Sil. I must attend this meeting, otherwise we couldall finish up poor. Now, what is more important, my well-being or yourwealth?
[SIL] A trick question, Magnificence. But if you feel fit enough tocope, who am I to contradict?
[KIV] Ah, welcome.
[KIV] Excellency, welcome. Please, please, rest yourself.
[YRCANOS] I must know.
[DOCTOR] What?
[YRCANOS] I will not take another step until I am told the truth.
[DOCTOR] What?
[YRCANOS] Why did you release us?
[DOCTOR] I should have thought that was obvious. I need your help todefeat the Mentors.
[YRCANOS] That I understand, but you are my sworn enemy. I have vowed tokill you.
[DOCTOR] Yes, yes, well, we can deal with all that later. At the moment,we need each other.
[DORF] He has a point. He has
[YRCANOS] Everyone has a point, nowadays. I am a man of action, notreason.
[DOCTOR] Don't worry, you'll see plenty of action.
[YRCANOS] Then lead on. Oh, but first I must find my bride to be.
[DOCTOR] We haven't got time for you to go courting.
[YRCANOS] I'm talking of the Earth woman, Perpugilliam of the Brown.
[DOCTOR] Well, we'll find Perpugilliam of the Brown on the way.
[DORF] Where are we going?
[DOCTOR] To release someone called Tuza.
[YRCANOS] Tuza? I thought he was dead.
[DOCTOR] Well, he soon will be if we don't hurry.
(Outside the cell)
[FRAX] Guards! Quickly, get this door open.
[FRAX] Yrcanos has escaped!
(Operating room)
[PERI] So, I'm fit and healthy, huh?
[CROZIER] Perfectly.
[PERI] Hey! What do you want
[CROZIER] In fact, you are so perfect I think I can serve Lord Kiv myfinest experiment yet.
(Induction centre)
[YRCANOS] (sotto) There's Tuza, and there's aguard.
[DOCTOR] Hold on. No, we'll do this my way. I'm not having you causing abloodbath.
[YRCANOS] You think like a warrior but you do not act like one. It'smost perplexing.
[DOCTOR] (to Dorf) You stay here and watch out for guards. Stay! Yourmajesty.
[MENTOR] Ah, Doctor. I see that you've found your renegade king.Certainly the quietest I have ever seen him.
[DOCTOR] It is my intention to shut him up for good.
[MENTOR] Oh, how splendid.
[DOCTOR] I thought I'd try one of those brain implant things.
[MENTOR] Oh. For one wish-fulfilling moment, I thought you were going tokill him. I presume you have Crozier's permission to carry out theexperiment?
[DOCTOR] Oh, absolutely. I have carte blanche as far as young Crozier isconcerned.
[MENTOR] Oh, that's what I feared. I wish Crozier wouldkeep me abreast of events. He has no idea how much extra work hisirregular activities create.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing?
[MENTOR] I shall, of course, have to get confirmationof your carte blanche from Crozier.
[YRCANOS] Be still, old one, unless you wish your wizened lifeterminated.
[MENTOR] Oh, thank you.
[YRCANOS] For your life? It was nothing.
[MENTOR] No, for not shouting.
[DOCTOR] Come on, now. Come on.
[YRCANOS] My friend, we both live to drench the land with the blood ofour enemies!
[MENTOR] Must you say such nauseating things?
[YRCANOS] Be silent, wizened one, otherwise you'll be the first to die.
[DOCTOR] You'll be all right. The implant hasn't taken.
[YRCANOS] What is that implant for?
[MENTOR] It's one of Crozier's newest developments. We've been havingproblems with some of the Alphan slaves. The implant helps to impedeany fractious or rebellious thoughts. It's very effective, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Where's the control centre?
[MENTOR] Oh, er, I, er, I wouldn't know that.
[YRCANOS] Come now, wizened one.
[TUZA] I know where it is.
[DOCTOR] Right, let's go.
[YRCANOS] To release slaves? I'd envisioned a more noble cause for whichto fight.
[DOCTOR] Well, think of the chaos if we remove their mind control. Andyou'd have a very willing army to fight the Mentors.
[MENTOR] He's right, you know.
[YRCANOS] Be silent! I am King Yrcanos of the Krontep! I'm quite capableof making my own decisions!
[DOCTOR] Then please hurry.
[YRCANOS] Varoonik! We'll release the slaves, and then on to death!Varoonik!
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry about the noise. He does so enjoy his work.
[MENTOR] Just go. Just go.
(Operating room)
[CROZIER] Shave her head. I've decided to attemptdirect transference.
[TUZA] This way!
(Commerce room)
[MENTOR] With all due respect, Excellency
[SIL] Guard!
[MENTOR] Posikar has never been noted for the quality of its seaweed.
[SIL] Enquire what is happening. And have that noise switched off.
[YRCANOS] This way!
[TUZA] No, this way.
(Outside the control centre)
[YRCANOS] Carry on, Doctor.
(Control centre)
[FRAX] I somehow knew you'd finish up here.
[TUZA] You're getting very good atanticipating my moves.
[DOCTOR] A friend of yours?
[TUZA] Not at all.
[DOCTOR] Have you seen Peri?
[FRAX] I believe she is with Crozier.
[DOCTOR] Just as I feared.
[FRAX] I think Mentor Sil would like a word with you both.
[DOCTOR] Have you met Sil?
[TUZA] No.
[DOCTOR] The last person you want to have
[DOCTOR] Officiating at your execution.
[TUZA] Oh, he won't have us put to death. We'll join Peri as materialfor experimentation.
[FRAX] Come on, move.
[YRCANOS] Dorf is dead.
[DOCTOR] I'm sorry.
[YRCANOS] No. He died fighting. It was an honourable way.
[TUZA] I'm also sorry about your friend, but we must destroy the slavecontrol.
[YRCANOS] Lead me to it. I demand the privilege of initiating the demiseof the Mentors
(Commerce room)
[KIV] Yes, of course, I take your point, Excellency, but you mustunderstand our
[SIL] The Doctor is on the rampage with the barbarian king, Yrcanos.
[KIV] Is that reason to interrupt an important conference?
[SIL] He is very dangerous. They could cause a great deal of damage.
[KIV] That is nothing to what you are doing to my negotiations. If I'mnot careful, I could lose an important fish concession.
[SIL] But you hate fish, Magnificence.
[KIV] Do I? Excellency.
(Operating room)
[MATRONA] All is ready.
[CROZIER] We must wait for Kiv to complete his meeting.
[MATRONA] This time you will be successful.
[CROZIER] This time could be my last time for anything.
[MATRONA] What's happening?
(Control room)
[YRCANOS] Ragna! Look on this and see Yrcanos, a great warlord, and alsoYrcanos, the even greater liberator!
[TUZA] He's certainly a man of little modesty.
[DOCTOR] Yrcanos?
[DOCTOR] It's time we found Peri.
[YRCANOS] Of course! I need my queen to grace my moment of triumph!Varoonik!
[SIL] What is all this confusion? Get out of the way. The Lord Kiv isunwell. Out of the way!
(Operating room)
[CROZIER] Prepare him at once. What do you want?
[SIL] Anarchy has broken out. The servants have gone mad, and goodriddance, I say. All they do is eat you out of house and home.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] I remember now! Whatever made you take meout of time when you did? I remember it all. I was on my way to savePeri.
[INQUISITOR] Things have gone too far. You had released chaos andallowed your companion to take part in an experiment that would affectall future life in the universe.
[DOCTOR] I did try to stop it!
[INQUISITOR] But you could not succeed. It was too late, and thereforenecessary, by the direct order of the High Council, to prevent theconsequence of Crozier's experiment. Watch, Doctor. Watch and listencarefully.
(Operating room)
[MATRONA] A perfect transfer.
[CROZIER] I have altered the basis of all future life.
[SIL] Kiv's brain is inside the head of that repulsive Earth being?
[CROZIER] No. This is what I wanted to achieve from the very beginning.I have transferred only the contents of his mind into the brain of thewoman.
[SIL] And what of the Earth woman's mind?
[CROZIER] Gone. Mentally, she no longer exists.
[SIL] And you can transfer any mind into any body?
[CROZIER] When the Earth woman's brain ages, I can transfer the mentalenergy and consciousness of Lord Kiv into yet another body. He neednever die.
[SIL] Immortality.
[ YRCANOS] Now where?
[TUZA] Around the next corner.
[YRCANOS] Good. I shall enjoy destroying Crozier.
[TUZA] Don't you feel as though there's something missing? It's asthough there was someone else here just a minute ago. That there wasthree of us.
[YRCANOS] Ah. You sense the presence of Mildu, the great god of war.That is good. It seems that I shall make a warrior out of you yet.Come!
(Outside the operating room)
[YRCANOS] Good. Only two guards. The gods are withus.
[TUZA] What do we do?
[YRCANOS] Two guards, two of us. We fight like warriors.
[TUZA] And what does that mean?
[YRCANOS] Frontal attack. Now!
[INQUISITOR [OC]] They're caught in a time bubble. Everything must beperfect before they drive home their final attack.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] You're using Yrcanos as an assassin.
[INQUISITOR] It was judged by the High Council as the most acceptableway, and Yrcanos will never know that he was used.
[DOCTOR] And so they took it upon themselves to act like second-rategods?
(Operating room)
[PERI] Warm. Not cold. My body is warm. Wonderful. Legs. Toes. Toeswiggling. Trunk. A neck. Strong. A head free of pain. Eyesight.Colours. Warm blood inside. Oh, I like this. Now, I am she, alivewithin this oh so wonderful, wonderful frame, not that cold-bloodedreptile thing. It must, must die.
[CROZIER] It already has. Welcome to your new body.
[SIL] I wish you could have found a more attractive one.
[YRCANOS] Ragna!
[PERI] Protect me. I am your lord and master.
[YRCANOS] No! No! No!
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] You killed Peri?
[INQUISITOR] We had to act. With the discovery that Crozier had made,the whole course of natural evolution throughout the universe would beaffected.
[VALEYARD] But Peri died, Doctor, because you abandoned her. We had toend her life because your negligence had made it impossible for her tolive.
[DOCTOR] Lies. There's something else going on here. The High Councilhas no right to order Peri's or anyone else's death.
[INQUISITOR] Please, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] No, I was taken out of time for another reason, and I haveevery intention of finding out what it is.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s23", "episode": "e02", "title": "Mindwarp"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (1 Nov, 1986; Sixth Doctor) - Terror of the Vervoids
(Trial room)
[INQUISITOR] We are all aware of your feelings of sorrow, Doctor. Hasthe recess given you sufficient time to overcome the distress of yourbereavement?
[DOCTOR] I doubt that there will ever be sufficient time for that, mylady.
[VALEYARD] May we not proceed, my lady? The cavalier manner in which theDoctor permitted his young companion to be destroyed militates againstthis charade of concern.
[INQUISITOR] The Doctor is fighting for his life, Valeyard. However, Ido take your point. Doctor, are you ready to present your evidence?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, I am grateful to you, madam, for according me thesame privilege as the Valeyard that allowed me access to the Matrix. Myexcursion will be into the future.
[VALEYARD] The future? Is it going to be the Doctor's defence that heimproves?
[DOCTOR] Precisely.
[VALEYARD] This I must see.
[DOCTOR] My submission concerns a crisis which threatens the lives notonly of a group of people confined together with no means of escape,but would, if unresolved, threaten every mortal being on the planetEarth.
[DOCTOR] Mogar, a planet on the Perseus arm of the Milky Way.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Rich in rare metals. A top priority consignment of theseprecious metals is being loaded aboard Hyperion Three, an intergalacticliner that ferries between Mogar and Earth. A scheduled flight in theEarth year two thousand nine hundred and eighty six.
[DOCTOR [OC]] The crew is aboard. The lastpassengers are reporting in. Many will never complete the journey, for,in order to protect a secret hidden on the space liner, one will becomea murderer.
[LASKY] Am I expected to trust my life for millions of millions of milesto a bunch of incompetents who can't even get my luggage aboard withoutlosing it?
[JANET] Your luggage, Professor? It's not in your cabin?
[LASKY] Really, do I have to repeat myself?
[JANET] I'm sure we can sort it out.
[RUDGE] Problems, Janet? Let me help.
[LASKY] And who are you?
[RUDGE] Security Officer Rudge, Professor. Now, which cabin did you goto?
[LASKY] You're asking, and you're the Security Officer? Cabin six, whereelse?
[RUDGE] May I see your key, please?
[RUDGE] Ah, no. The other way round, I think. You are in cabin nine, andthat is where you will find your luggage, Professor.
[LASKY] Let's hope so.
[JANET] You're in cabin six, Mister Grenville.
[GRENVILLE] Thank you.
[RUDGE] Mister Grenville, Security Officer Rudge. If you have anyproblems
[KIMBER] Mister Hallett, how pleasant. At least one face not belongingto a stranger.
[GRENVILLE] I'm sorry, I think you must be mistaken.
[KIMBER] Oh, surely not. We met three years ago on Stella Stora. Youcame to investigate shortages in the granary.
[GRENVILLE] My name is Grenville, and I've never been to Stella Stora.You're obviously confusing me with someone else.
[RUDGE] Maybe the gentleman has a doppelganger.
[KIMBER] But I could have sworn. Even the voice is the same.
[BRUCHNER] An investigator?
[LASKY] Bruchner, go and check the safety measures for the Isolationroom, immediately.
(Cargo hold)
[GUARD] That's the final batch. Get your men ashore.
[VALEYARD] An objection.
[INQUISITOR] Relevant, I hope.
[VALEYARD] Completely. When, may we ask, is the Doctor going to embroilhimself in this saga?
[DOCTOR] Now I object. Am I not to be protected from the prosecutor'sinsinuations? On what evidence does he conclude that I embroil myself?
[INQUISITOR] None. I shall ignore his terminology. But I do confess Ishare his curiosity.
[DOCTOR] I fail to see why you're so curious, madam. Surely you mustknow where my Tardis is?
[VALEYARD] Obscurity is a recognised tactic for subterfuge.
[DOCTOR] And posing unnecessary questions in order to score cheap pointsis the tactic of a prosecutor who has no case. You have been monitoringmy Tardis. You claim it's been bugged with a listening device. So youtell the court where my Tardis is.
[INQUISITOR] I require you to respond to the challenge, Valeyard.
[VALEYARD] It has entered the sector the Hyperion Three is traversing.
[COMPUTER] Hyperion flight one one three is now inprogress.
[MEL] Twenty three, twenty four, twenty five
[MEL + DOCTOR] Twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine,thirty, thirty one, thirty two, thirty three, thirty four
[DOCTOR] Thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight
[MEL + DOCTOR] Thirty nine, forty.
[MEL] This will wake you up.
[DOCTOR] Carrot juice?
[MEL] It'll do you good. Honestly, carrots are full of vitamin A.
[DOCTOR] Mel, have you studied my ears lately?
[MEL] It's your waistline I'm concerned about.
[DOCTOR] No, no, seriously, though. Is it my imagination or have theystarted to grow longer?
[MEL] Listen, when I start to call you Neddy, then you can worry. Drinkup.
[DOCTOR] You'll worry sooner when I start to bray.
[JANET] Perhaps when you've unpacked, you'd like to join the otherpassengers in the lounge for refreshments.
[JANET] You startled me.
[JANET] You haven't got your translator switched on, sir.
[ATZA] Why did we not depart on schedule?
[JANET] We were delayed for a late arrival. A gentleman from yourplanet, as a matter of fact.
[ATZA] A Mogarian?
[JANET] Yes, sir.
(Communications room)
[JANET] Anything interesting?
[EDWARDES] Maybe. Unidentified craft. I've tried all the standardfrequencies.
[JANET] Without response?
[EDWARDES] Not a bleep.
[JANET] Perhaps it's a piece of space flotsam.
[EDWARDES] You make delicious coffee, Janet.
[JANET] Oh, well, if you don't want the benefit of my advice.
[EDWARDES] Let's try you on hyper-frequency.
[MEL] Sixty nine, seventy, seventy one, seventy two
[DOCTOR] Quickly, Mel, press the red button. Get the message on thescreen. Press it. Press it!
[MEL] I have. You said red.
[DOCTOR] Did I? Must be the carrot juice making me colour blind.
[MEL] Colour blind?
[MEL] Cryptic.
[DOCTOR] Unsigned.
[MEL] Mayday call? We have to respond.
[DOCTOR] Practically on our doorstep.
(Cargo hold)
[MEL] Come on, Doctor. Come on, hurry.
[DOCTOR] How I keep up with you is a constant source of amazement to me.
[MEL] No one sends a mayday call unless it's a matter of life and death.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Let's exercise the grey cells for once, shall we, ratherthan the muscles.
[DOCTOR] That was no ordinary mayday call. It was beamed specifically atthe Tardis.
[MEL] So it's from someone who knows you.
[DOCTOR] In which case, why wasn't it signed?
[MEL] Panic? Desperation. Well, we won't find out by hanging about inhere, will we?
[DOCTOR] We won't go blundering into a trap, either.
[MEL] I've never seen this side of you before. You're usually the onewho goes charging in regardless.
[DOCTOR] Can't you sense it, Mel?
[MEL] Sense what?
[DOCTOR] Evil. There's evil in this place.
[DOCTOR] I've got a better idea. Let's go to Pyro Shika, a fascinatingplanet
[MEL] Doctor!
[MEL] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] So much for your enthusiasm. Let me do the talking.
[DOCTOR] Now listen, my man, I can explain. We're
[GUARD] Shut up. Move.
[DOCTOR] I said I can explain.
[GUARD] And I said move.
[DOCTOR] He did, didn't he.
[MEL] You certainly talked us out of trouble there.
[RUDGE] You never heard anything?
[EDWARDES] Not a sound.
[RUDGE] Nor saw anything?
[EDWARDES] I've already told you.
[RUDGE] No one's blaming you, laddie, but I thought perhaps now thatyour head is clearer.
[EDWARDES] I was concentrating on the unidentified craft.
[RUDGE] From which you failed to get a response.
[TRAVERS] Mister Edwardes, what about the security tape?
[EDWARDES] Deactivated, sir.
[TRAVERS] Which indicates knowledge of our procedures.
[RUDGE] Just my thoughts too, Commodore.
[TRAVERS] I'm sure. How about the rest of the equipment?
[EDWARDES] In perfect order, sir.
[TRAVERS] That leaves only one objective your assailant could have had.
[RUDGE] To send a message.
[TRAVERS] I was trying not to state the obvious, Mister Rudge. That'lldo. Report to the medic before returning to duty.
[EDWARDES] Thank you, sir.
[DOCTOR] Will you please stop poking that contraption into my spine.
[GUARD] We heard a noise in the cargo hold, Mister Rudge, and foundthese two.
[DOCTOR] Is it? Yes, it is. Captain Tonker Travers.
[TRAVERS] Commodore.
[TRAVERS] Of all the places in this infinite universe, you have to turnup on my ship.
[DOCTOR] Commodore? That means this is a grade one security craft.
[RUDGE] Yes, and I should like to know how you got here.
[TRAVERS] Don't bother, Rudge. I know how. What I don't know is why.
[DOCTOR] But didn't you send the mayday call?
[MEL] We had to respond.
[EDWARDES] That's true, sir.
[TRAVERS] I am fully conversant with the navigational code, MisterEdwardes. I thought you were reporting to the medic.
[EDWARDES] Yes, sir.
[TRAVERS] I authorised no mayday signal. My Communications officer isattacked and then you appear.
[MEL] And a fat lot of thanks we've got for our pains.
[TRAVERS] If I seem to lack gratitude, young woman
[DOCTOR] Melanie. Known as Mel.
[TRAVERS] It is because on the previous occasion that the Doctor's pathcrossed mine, I found myself involved in a web of mayhem and intrigue.
[DOCTOR] Ah, saved your ship, though, Commodore.
[TRAVERS] Yes, you did, though whether it would have been at riskwithout your intervention is another matter.
[MEL] Whatever happened in the past doesn't alter the fact that a maydaycall was sent.
[DOCTOR] Not by you, though, Commodore, so let's make this hail andfarewell, shall we?
[TRAVERS] Stand easy, Doctor. You're not leaving.
[DOCTOR] We're not?
[TRAVERS] I'd rather have you where I can see you than swanning aroundoutside. Conduct them to the lounge. Consider yourself restricted topassenger quarters.
[MEL] In other words, welcome aboard.
[RUDGE] Stowaways. I could have done without that on my final servicereport.
[TRAVERS] If you're expecting an easy ride on your last voyage, Mister,I'm afraid you're not going to get it.
[RUDGE] I think you're being a mite unfair, sir.
[TRAVERS] Am I? Well, don't be too diligent in policing the Doctor.
[RUDGE] Can I have clarification of that instruction, sir.
[TRAVERS] Give him enough rope and he will snare our culprit for us.
[DOCTOR] Far cry from the carefree life of Pease Pottage, eh, Mel?
[MEL] I'm not complaining. You're really worried, aren't you?
[DOCTOR] I can't rid myself of the feeling I'm being used. Whoever sentthat message knew me.
[MEL] There's a made to measure candidate.
[DOCTOR] There is?
[MEL] The Commodore. He's met you before.
[DOCTOR] He'd have said.
[MEL] Would he admit he needs outside assistance?
[DOCTOR] Intriguing possibility, but that's all.
[MEL] Look, the quickest way out of this is to solve the mystery.
[DOCTOR] That could also be the quickest way into trouble.
[MEL] Why don't you ask for a passenger list?
[DOCTOR] Don't hustle me, Mel.
[MEL] Who's hustling? All I'm saying is that you might recognise a name.Simple, isn't it?
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Meanwhile?
[MEL] Meanwhile, I wander around, poke my nose into a few nooks andcrannie and see if anyone tries to make contact. Remember, we wererestricted to the passenger quarters. This is only the lounge.
[RUDGE] Looking for something, miss?
[MEL] I see you've a gymnasium.
[RUDGE] Needed on a long trip like this.
[MEL] I thought I might do a bit of limbering up.
[RUDGE] That's the spirit. Let me take you there.
[MEL] So you can keep tabs on me?
[RUDGE] Why would I want to do that?
[MEL] This way?
[DOCTOR] I wonder if you can help me.
[JANET] I'll do my best.
[DOCTOR] I'd like to see a copy of the passenger list.
[RUDGE] Put the headset on, Miss.
[RUDGE] Sorry. If you get tired of aerobics, just select another tape.They come complete with instructions and music.
[MEL] Thank you.
[DOLAND] Professor, we have a problem in the Hydroponic Centre.
[LASKY] The Hydroponic Centre? What's happened?
[DOLAND] It's been broken into.
[LASKY] Get Bruchner down there. He's in the Isolation Room.
[MEL] Yes? Yes, I heard, but who's speaking?
[JANET] You're very persuasive, Doctor, but I can't possibly
[JANET] Ah, here's the man who could give you permission.
[DOCTOR] No, no, no, no, don't bother.
[RUDGE] Permission for what?
[DOCTOR] Ah, it's not important. It's just a whim. I'm subject to whims,so I'm told.
[JANET] The Doctor wants a passenger list.
[RUDGE] Why not? Indeed, the idea makes good sense.
[DOCTOR] Mmm. Well, if I could I could just spot a familiar name
[RUDGE] We'd get our culprit, you'd bid us farewell. I should havethought of that myself, Doctor. Sign of age. I'm due to retire afterthis voyage.
[DOCTOR] No, no, all complete strangers, I'm afraid.
[RUDGE] Pity.
[DOCTOR] Thank you.
[MEL] He's been in touch. He wants you to meet him in cabin six.
[DOCTOR] Did you see him, get a name?
[MEL] No, just a message. Let's go.
[DOCTOR] Now, before you go rushing off, Mel, do you know what a Judasgoat is?
[MEL] Er, yes. It's a decoy goat that's tied to the stake to lure thetiger out into the open.
[DOCTOR] Getting badly mauled in the process. I think I shall refuse therole.
[MEL] Then where are you going?
[DOCTOR] For a non-provocative stroll around the deck.
[MEL] But what about cabin six?
[DOCTOR] Tiger trap.
(Cargo hold)
[LASKY] You appalling dunderhead, Doland. Couldn't you have repaired this?
[DOLAND] I assumed you'd want to see the damage for yourself, Professor.
[LASKY] And I suppose it never penetrated your thick academic skull tocheck the pods.
[DOLAND] That was the first thing I did. They're stable.
[BRUCHNER] Professor Lasky! The Demeter seeds, they're gone.
(Cabin 6)
[MEL] Hello? Anyone at home?
[DOCTOR] You're not supposed to be in here.
[MEL] And what about you?
[MEL] Going for a stroll? You just said that to put me off.
[DOCTOR] Well, there's no sense in putting two heads into the noose.
[MEL] Ever heard of safety in numbers?
[MEL] Looks like someone's been in a fight for their life.
[DOCTOR] Yes. The question is, did they succeed?
[RUDGE [OC]] Would you come down, sir?
[TRAVERS] Where?
[RUDGE [OC]] Waste disposal unit. There's been an accident.
[TRAVERS] Accident? Can't you deal with it?
[RUDGE [OC]] I think you should be here, sir.
[TRAVERS] Very well. What I have done to be landed with him, I fail tocomprehend. Take over.
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[JANET] Emergency in the waste disposal unit.
[MEL] This way.
[DOCTOR] Yeah, this way.
(Waste disposal)
[TRAVERS] I see. Cut the klaxon. Accident? Why can'tyou use plain language, mister? Whoever's been dumped in there has beenpulverised into fragments and sent floating in space, and in my bookthat's murder. Have you called a medic for this man?
[RUDGE] Of course, sir. Straight away.
[TRAVERS] Then I suggest you begin earning your salary and find out whothat belongs to.
[DOCTOR] I may be able to help you there, Commodore.
[TRAVERS] Somehow, that doesn't surprise me.
[DOCTOR] If you'd rather I left it to Mister Rudge?
[MEL] The passenger in cabin six sent for the Doctor. When we got there,he was gone.
[TRAVERS] Doesn't follow that he wound up in the pulveriser.
[DOCTOR] The room was a wreck.
[MEL] And there was a single shoe, exactly the same pattern as that.
[DOCTOR] To be complete, the syllogism only requires its grimconclusion.
[TRAVERS] And naturally you have never met the man or know why he sentfor you.
[MEL] We don't even know his name.
[RUDGE] It was Grenville, sir. A mineralogist.
[TRAVERS] Any suggestions why a mineralogist who wanted to see youshould be killed?
[DOCTOR] None at all.
[TRAVERS] Or why it is that every time you appear on the scene, peoplebegin to die?
[MEL] Hey, I don't care who you are, you've no right to say that to theDoctor.
[DOCTOR] Yes, he does, Mel. He has every right. It happens tobe true.
[LASKY] Well?
[LASKY] Never mind them. Is the Isolation Room safe?
[BRUCHNER] Yes, the emergency was in the waste disposal unit.
[LASKY] Then we can relax. Nothing to do with us.
[BRUCHNER] That's your assessment, is it, Professor? The danger'spassed?
[DOCTOR] Well, that's it, then. End of the line.
[MEL] What do you mean?
[DOCTOR] Well, our contact. Obviously he's the one who's beenpulverised.
[MEL] So we give up?
[DOCTOR] What else?
[MEL] The Hydroponic Centre. I told you about the sudden panic when Iwas in here.
[DOCTOR] Irrelevant and immaterial.
[DOCTOR] My dear Melanie, if you wish to pursue thiscompletely arbitrary course, pray hurry along to the Hydroponic Centreand leave me to my static and solitary peregrinations.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] Hold it! Just a minute, I don't rememberthat.
[INQUISITOR] How could you remember? These events are in your future.
[DOCTOR] But, I reviewed that section earlier when I was preparing mydefence. There have been changes. That isn't what happened. The girl,Melanie. Her information was important. I wouldn't have just ignoredit. Completely uncharacteristic. And the words, misused, didn't evensound like mine.
[VALEYARD] What isn't completely uncharacteristic is this resort toexcuses and subterfuge. To gloss over the death of Peri, the Doctorconveniently presents us with another companion.
[INQUISITOR] Hardly a convenience, Valeyard. These events are in theDoctor's future. He would not have met the young woman yet.
[VALEYARD] I stand corrected. But my assumption of why he has pursuedsuch an arbitrary course in aborting this tale still remains.
[DOCTOR] Arbitrary course?
[INQUISITOR] Your assumption, Valeyard?
[VALEYARD] That she, too, is going to her death.
[DOCTOR] No! No, look, I'm sorry, madam, I can't explain, but I have afeeling I am being manipulated, that the evidence is being distorted.
[VALEYARD] Preposterous! Absolutely preposterous! Forgive me, Sagacity.The idea the Matrix could lie. No, it is we who are being manipulated.
[VALEYARD] To obscure the damaging truth.
[DOCTOR] No, this is total fabrication.
[VALEYARD] The truth, Doctor! You sent your companion down the cargohold into a situation which you described, I quote, can't you sense it,Mel? Evil. There's evil in this place.
[DOCTOR] No! No, this is all wrong. Every instinct of which I am capablewould have made me prevent her.
[VALEYARD] Yet you did not.
[INQUISITOR] Doctor, either you continue with your submission or I mustconsider the evidence for the defence to be concluded.
(Cargo hold)
[EDWARDES] What are you doing prowling around downhere?
[MEL] Prowling? Why should I be prowling?
[EDWARDES] Because this if off-limits, and I suspect you know it.
[MEL] I just wanted to have a peep at the Hydroponics Centre.
[EDWARDES] Any reason in particular?
[MEL] I think it might tie in with that mysterious mayday call. I'm notgoing to touch anything. What harm could it do?
[EDWARDES] I'll no doubt regret this, but come on, a conducted touronly. No wandering off on your own.
[MEL] Tell me, who's the woman with the dragon's voice?
[EDWARDES] Professor Sarah Lasky. She's an agronomist. So are her twoassistants, Bruchner and Doland.
[MEL] So was the Hydroponics Centre set up specially for them?
[EDWARDES] Yes, we had to allocate part of the hold.
[MEL] Why is only low spectrum light allowed in the place?
[EDWARDES] Something to do with photosynthesis. Low spectrum lightallows the plants to stay dormant.
[EDWARDES] Now, I'll go first. We don't want you breaking your neck. Atleast, not until
(Cargo hold)
[GUARD] What are you doing here? You were told not to come down
[MEL] Back there! Edwardes, he's dead! He just touched the fences.
[GUARD] Save your explanations for the Commodore, lady.
[GUARD 2] He's dead, all right.
[GUARD] Stay with him. I'll send help. Move.
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] Another death, Doctor? But for thecaprice of chance, the victim would have been your companion, Mel. Yourculpability is beyond question.
[INQUISITOR] You could have prevented her from going into the cargohold. Instead, you appear to encourage her.
[DOCTOR] When I viewed the Matrix earlier, that isn't what happened.
[VALEYARD] More futile grasping at straws. When the facts tell againstyou, you cry fraud.
[INQUISITOR] Do you wish to reconsider, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] No, madam. I am being manipulated, but the only way to discoverwhy, and by whom, is to press on.
(Outside the Isolation room)
[DOLAND] Just an accident. No cause for concern. The stewardess willtake care of that.
[LASKY] Why aren't you wearing a pulsometer? The heart should bemonitored while exercising.
[DOCTOR] Which heart would you suggest, madam? Unfortunately, thatdoesn't register a double pulse.
[LASKY] A double pulse? What are you, a comedian?
[DOCTOR] No, more a sort of clown, actually. Would you care to hear myrendering of On With The Motley?
[RUDGE] Doctor, you're required on the bridge.
[DOCTOR] Ah! The Commodore wants a chat. Good, I shall enjoy that.
[RUDGE] I don't think you'll find enjoyment's on the agenda.
[MEL] I don't need anyone to speak up for me. I'mquite capable of defending myself.
[TRAVERS] How long have you known this woman?
[DOCTOR] Er, time is a comparative concept, Commodore.
[MEL] Not now, Doctor. Just answer the question.
[TRAVERS] I should accept that advice and drop the sophistry. Can youvouch for her?
[DOCTOR] Completely. Utterly. What's all this about, Mel?
[MEL] The Communication's officer's dead, and they think I did it.
[RUDGE] She was caught running from the scene. She can't deny that.
[MEL] I haven't tried. I persuaded Edwardes to show me the HydroponicCentre. It was booby-trapped.
[DOCTOR] Booby-trapped?
[MEL] If it hadn't been for Edwardes, it would have been me who waskilled.
[RUDGE] (into comm.) What? are you certain?
[TRAVERS] What is it?
[RUDGE] It's the medical team. They say they can't find Edwardesanywhere in the hold, sir.
[MEL] But he must be there.
[DOCTOR] Or perhaps he wasn't dead. The weird atmosphere down therecould lead to phantasmagoria.
[MEL] Oh, come on, you know me. Am I prone to that sort of imagination?
[DOCTOR] Well.
[TRAVERS] I thought you'd left a man down there.
[GUARD] I did, sir.
[TRAVERS] Well, where is he? Rudge?
[RUDGE] They say there's no sign of him either, sir.
[MEL] The guard's disappeared too? Well, now perhaps you'll accept thatI'm not responsible. You've had me in custody!
[DOCTOR] The perfect alibi, Commodore.
[TRAVERS] Organise a search, Mister Rudge. I want those men found.
[RUDGE] Yes, sir.
[TRAVERS] Now, since you've put in an appearance, first a passenger, nowmy communications officer and a guard have gone missing. Two, if notall three, murdered. You, standing there in your divine state ofinnocence, you can't tell me what's happening, can you?
[MEL] I can. The answer's simple enough. You've got a killer on board.
[MEL] Look, Doctor, you can't just play a passive role. We were sentfor, remember?
[DOCTOR] I'm cogitating.
[MEL] About what?
[DOCTOR] Whether his job is to keep unwanted visitors out or
[MEL] Keep someone in.
[DOCTOR] Hmm. Intriguing, isn't it.
[MEL] Does seem strange, I admit. An armed guard outside an IsolationRoom.
(Cargo hold)
[BRUCHNER] No matter how you and Professor Lasky rationalise thesituation, we should never have proceeded to the point we've reached.
[DOLAND] How you became a scientist, Bruchner, baffles me. You have thetemperament of an overcautious rabbit. Did you leave the gates open?
(Hydroponics centre)
[BRUCHNER] Doland, the pods!
[BRUCHNER] Every one of them. Empty.
[DOLAND] Some fool must have introduced high intensity light into theCentre.
[BRUCHNER] We're confronted with a catastrophe and that's your reaction?Don't you realise what's been unleashed?
(Outside the Isolation room)
[RUDGE] Not again.
[JANET] What's going on in there?
[RUDGE] Don't ask me, I'm only the Security officer.
[MEL] Where are they?
[DOCTOR] Where are who?
[MEL] You know exactly what I mean. Where are the seeds? The ones youpicked up in the wrecked cabin, or did you think I'd forgotten.
[DOCTOR] Uh huh.
[MEL] Oh, come on.
[DOCTOR] What do you want them for?
[MEL] Professor Lasky. She's an agronomist. I'm going to ask her.
[DOCTOR] Is she? An agronomist, huh? You'd better leave me to cope withthis.
[MEL] You?
[DOCTOR] Mmm. This is a situation that requires tact and finesse.Fortunately, I am blessed with both.
[DOCTOR] Professor Lasky.
[LASKY] Oh, it's you, the comedian. What do you want?
[DOCTOR] I understand that you're an agronomist.
[LASKY] A thremmatologist, to be precise.
[DOCTOR] A thremmatologist? Then you're well qualified to tell me aboutthese.
[LASKY] Stewardess! Stewardess!
[JANET] Something wrong, Professor?
[LASKY] Fetch the Security officer.
[JANET] Can I help?
[LASKY] At once!
[JANET] May I be told what's wrong, Professor?
[LASKY] This man's a thief.
[JANET] Mister Rudge to the passenger lounge, please.
[MEL] Tact. Finesse. Now what have you landed usin?
(Hydroponics Centre)
[BRUCHNER] What was that?
[DOLAND] Nothing. Pull yourself together, Bruchner.
[BRUCHNER] There's someone in the hold.
[DOLAND] Bruchner, you're allowing hysteria to take
[BRUCHNER] I know what I saw. There was a movement.
[LASKY] That puts an entirely different complexionon the situation. Pity your friend the comedian wasn't as lucid.
[DOCTOR] I never had a chance to be
[LASKY] I can't understand why they were in cabin six, or why amineralogist would steal them.
[MEL] Are they special, Professor?
[DOCTOR] Yes, just what I was going to
[LASKY] Demeter seeds? Yes, they are. They represent a tremendousadvance, a colossal leap.
[DOCTOR] Do they?
[MEL] What did you call them? The Demeter seeds?
[DOCTOR] The name of a god
[LASKY] Food of the gods. Bruchner, my assistant, bit of a romantic,highly strung, he christened them.
[DOCTOR] That still doesn't explain
[LASKY] He wasn't just being pretentious. They'll increase potentialyield threefold. And even more, they'll grow in desert sand.
[LASKY] What is it, man? Don't stand there hovering.
[DOCTOR] You sent for him.
[LASKY] I did? Oh, yes. Not to worry.
[RUDGE] But I do worry, especially when serious allegations are made.You accused the Doctor of being a thief.
[LASKY] Oh, that. A mistake. The fellow may be a fool, but he's not acriminal.
[TRAVERS] Project our course through the sectorahead. Put us onto a straighter course. Reduce the diversion to a pointnaught three safety margin.
[OFFICER] I estimate that brings our ETA forward by seventy two hours,sir.
[TRAVERS] Seventy two hours closer to getting expert investigators onboard. Carry on.
[MEL] No, Doctor.
[KIMBER] No, thank you.
[TRAVERS] No need for concern. Just a navigational adjustment. As youcan see, it doesn't even require my presence on the bridge. Now, foryour information, the change of course will bring our landfall forwardby seventy two hours.
[TRAVERS] Switch on your translator.
[ATZA] Surely we are approaching the sector with the Black Hole ofTartarus.
[TRAVERS] That's correct.
[ATZA] If you are saving time, we must be going closer to the blackhole.
[TRAVERS] There's no danger. The safety margin is more than adequate.
[ORTEZO] That is hardly a denial.
[ENZU] Simply a bromide.
[TRAVERS] You sought reassurance, I've given it.
[ORTEZO] That word reassurance, bears sinister undertones for weMogarians.
[TRAVERS] Indeed?
[ORTEZO] It is the word the Earthlings used when first they persuaded usto allow them to sink mines on Mogar.
[ATZA] A limited concession was all they requested, and now they arestripping our planet bare.
[ENZU] Truth is a stranger to the Earthlings.
[TRAVERS] If you'll excuse me, politics do not come into my realm ofinfluence.
[DOCTOR] Then they should.
[ATZA] Who are you? Another prospector?
[DOCTOR] Only of knowledge. I have visited your planet. It's very richin natural resources.
[ORTEZO] Which will soon be exhausted if these Earthlings are notrestrained. They are going through the universe like a plague ofinterplanetary locusts.
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] Are we to be subjected to a dissertationon interplanetary politics now, Sagacity?
[DOCTOR] Is that all you think it was?
[VALEYARD] Mining rights, Mogarians versus Earthlings. What else wouldyou call that?
[DOCTOR] You are so pathetically intent on incriminating me you haven'tbeen watching what's going on!
[VALEYARD] My eyes never left the screen.
[DOCTOR] Well, you may have been selected to prosecute me, Valeyard, butI hope you'll never be chosen to defend me.
[VALEYARD] An occasion that will not arise, Doctor. Your lives areforfeit, as I have ably proven.
[DOCTOR] Something vital just happened in that scene, and the Valeyardperversely switched our attention to more trivial matters.
[VALEYARD] Then for pity's sake tell us what it was that happened andenjoy your moment of triumph.
[DOCTOR] Triumph? There's no cause for celebration. One of the occupantsof that lounge is about to die.
[VALEYARD] Another murder?
[DOCTOR] Yes. And if you had been watching, you would know who was theintended victim.
[INQUISITOR] Gentlemen, is this case to be resolved with a battle ofwords or to be conducted via the Matrix?
[TRAVERS] You've drawn a blank where Edwardes is concerned?
[RUDGE] Yes, sir. Perhaps we should search the passenger cabins.
[TRAVERS] No. The passengers are already uneasy. Do you want them torealise they're trapped with a killer on the loose?
[DOCTOR] You're very quiet, Mel. Not quite your style to go into a brownstudy.
[MEL] Brown study? Is the vocabulary of all the Time Lords soantediluvian?
[TRAVERS] Are you trying to kill him?
[DOCTOR] I'm trying to save him!
[ATZA] He will die if you remove his helmet.
[RUDGE] Mogarians can't breathe oxygen. Surely you're aware of that?
[DOCTOR] He's not a Mogarian!
[MEL] He's not?
[TRAVERS] Then who is he?
[DOCTOR] If you'll kindly allow me to remove his face plate? I fear thispoor fellow is beyond help.
[JANET] It's Grenville!
[DOCTOR] Grenville?
[RUDGE] The passenger from cabin six.
[TRAVERS] The man who's supposed to have been dumped in the pulveriser.
[DOCTOR] His name isn't Grenville. It's Hallett.
[TRAVERS] Send a stretcher party to the lounge.
[OFFICER] Yes, sir. I'll organise that immediately.
[TRAVERS] Carry on, Mister Rudge.
[KIMBER] Poor Mister Hallett. I knew it was Hallett. I recognised him,remember?
[DOCTOR] You recognised him?
[RUDGE] But he denied it. He insisted his name was Grenville.
[DOCTOR] Well, he would.
[MEL] Well, whether his name's Grenville or Hallett, why did he stagehis own death in the pulveriser?
[DOCTOR] This gentleman's just given us the answer.
[KIMBER] I have?
[DOCTOR] Hallett had presumably been assigned to investigate somethingor somebody on this ship. Then he had the bad fortune to be recognised.A chance encounter that put his entire mission in jeopardy.
[RUDGE] Are you saying we had an undercover agent aboard and I wasn'tinformed?
[DOCTOR] Well, you may have been a suspect.
[DOCTOR] Together with everyone else on this voyage.
[RUDGE] Is all this guesswork, or have you any more tricks up yoursleeve?
[DOCTOR] No tricks, Mister Rudge. I knew Hallett, and admired him. But Iassure you, until I removed that face plate I had no idea he was onboard.
[RUDGE] All nice and lily white, Doctor, but it does leave one nastylittle problem.
[DOCTOR] It does?
[RUDGE] How did you know the dead man wasn't a Mogarian?
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] Yes, how did you know? Have you beenediting the Matrix and denying the court all the evidence to which itis entitled?
[INQUISITOR] That would be a serious offence, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] At the risk of appearing impertinent, Sagacity, I would pointout that you, the Valeyard, and everyone here present could haveacquired the same knowledge.
[INQUISITOR] Perhaps we may hear your explanation.
[DOCTOR] With respect, you will not hear it from me.
[TRAVERS [on screen]] Switch on your translator.
[ATZA [on screen]] Surely we are approaching the sector with the BlackHole of Tartarus.
[TRAVERS [on screen]] There's no danger. The safety margin is more thanadequate.
[ORTEZO [on screen]] That is hardly a denial.
[ENZU [on screen]] Simply a bromide.
[DOCTOR] As you saw, the bogus Mogarian did not switch on histranslator.
[VALEYARD] Very astute of you, Doctor, but don't stop there. Let usassume the murdered man was responsible for the mayday call. Perhapsyou'll now direct your deductive gifts towards justifying hisextraordinary behaviour.
[INQUISITOR] Yes, the investigator Hallett's methods were veryunorthodox.
[DOCTOR] Agreed, and I am indebted to the prosecutor for putting hisfinger on the nub of my defence, the reason why I could no longer stayon the sidelines.
[MEL] Anyone there could have poisoned his drink.
[DOCTOR] Providing us with a plethora of suspects.
[MEL] Us? Do I detect a commitment at last? Because of Hallett's death?You said you admired him.
[DOCTOR] I did. He was one of a rare breed. A maverick. Even the highlyorganised society of the thirtieth century has need of his kind. He'llbe missed. And he left these seeds for me to find.
[MEL] To lead you to where I've been telling you all along. TheHydroponic Centre.
[BRUCHNER] What are you doing away from your post? The Isolation room isunder no circumstances to be left unguarded. If it happens again, Ishall report you to the Commodore.
(Cargo hold)
[MEL] Hallett must have sent that mayday call.
[DOCTOR] Yes, he wanted me here as a catalyst, and to divert attentionaway from his own activities.
[MEL] You'd do that without being asked.
[DOCTOR] Hallett was an unorthodox man, but he was also a subtle man. Sowhy did he resort to such blunderbuss tactics? Why use me as a Judasgoat?
[MEL] Well, he was running out of time. The mayday message said as much.Perative traitor be identified before landing Earth. I'd guess theincomplete word was imperative, wouldn't you?
[DOCTOR] Do you know, I've always envied you that.
[MEL] I shall probably regret this, but go on, I'll buy it. Envied mewhat?
[DOCTOR] Your amazing ability for almost total recall.
[MEL] Compliments. You are undergoing a change.
[DOCTOR] I could have been comparing you to an elephant. Well,figuratively speaking. They never forget.
[MEL] Doctor, I realise you're trying to take my mind off poor Edwardes.
[DOCTOR] If you'd rather wait here
[MEL] No.
(Hydroponics centre)
[MEL] What have you got there?
[DOCTOR] A leaf from Hallett's pocket.
[MEL] I didn't see you take it.
[DOCTOR] Ah ha! Neither did anyone else. Another one of my tricks.
[DOCTOR] What do you make of these pods, Mel?
[MEL] I'm not into agronomy. Ask the professor.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Thremmatology. The professor said she was athremmatologist.
[MEL] You're going to have to enlighten me. It's out of my range.
[DOCTOR] The science of breeding or propagating animals and plants underdomestication.
[MEL] I'm not much wiser.
[DOCTOR] Well, think, Mel. You've got a good brain. Think.
[DOCTOR] I wonder what came out of this?
[BRUCHNER] Will you end this charade, this patheticpretence at normality. Can't you accept we're on the brink of disaster?
[DOLAND] Bruchner, will you stop panicking? Our work must remain secretwhatever the cost.
[BRUCHNER] You're completely without conscience, Doland, I'm aware ofthat, but I expected the professor to grasp the enormity of our folly.
[DOLAND] So you're suggesting that we jeopardise years of scientificresearch for the sake of some hypothetical danger?
[LASKY] Exactly. We've no reason to believe the results of ourexperiments are other than benign.
[BRUCHNER] Benign? Have you been in the Isolation Room lately?
[LASKY] An unfortunate mishap that has no relevance to this situation.In any case, it's academic now.
[BRUCHNER] I lack your lofty detachment.
[LASKY] Do you also lack loyalty, Bruchner, to your colleagues. Beforewe left Mogar, we agreed that our discovery should be divulged to noone, no one, until we reached Earth. Unless you have concrete evidenceto prove there is danger, I expect you to keep your word.
[BRUCHNER] You simply don't understand, do you. The crime we arecommitting in the name of science will make us infamous!
[BRUCHNER] That's assuming there's anyone left to pass judgement.
(Outside cabin 8)
[JANET] Decided to get some rest, Mister Kimber?
[KIMBER] Yes, though I doubt if I'll sleep. At my age, one doesn't liketo be reminded of mortality.
[JANET] May I fetch you a warm drink? It might help.
[KIMBER] Thank you. That's very gracious.
[JANET] It's the stewardess, sir.
(Cabin 8)
[JANET] I've brought your warm drink, sir. Shall I leave it on thedressing table?
[DOCTOR] What's a thremmatologist doing in an isolation room wearing asurgical mask?
[MEL] Seeing as there's only one way to find out, you've got twoproblems.
[MEL] Apart from getting rid of the guard, you're going to need a mask,and you can hardly ask the professor to lend you hers.
[MEL] Did you hear that?
[DOCTOR] Quickly, the lounge! There are passengers trapped! On thedouble, man! There are lives at stake.
(Isolation room)
(Isolation room)
[RUTH] No. Stop her. Stop Lasky.
[RUTH] Got to stop her, stop her. Stop Lasky.
[DOLAND] Out! Out!
[DOCTOR] What's going on in there? What are youtrying to hide? Will you please stop mauling me?
[DOLAND] I should drop the innocent party act if I were you. Any momentnow, that guard will be back. He's going to be even less enchanted byyour antics.
[MEL] Never mind the guard. That monstrosity, what is it in there?
[DOCTOR] Does the Commodore know what's being isolated in there?
[DOLAND] I don't know by whose authority you ask, but if it'll put astop you your meddling, I'll explain. That monstrosity, as you callher, is my lab assistant, Ruth Baxter. We're taking her to Earth in thehope that we can reverse her condition. Our facilities on Mogar weretoo primitive.
[MEL] What happened? How did she get in that state?
[DOLAND] The experimental nature of our work entails some calculatedrisks.
[DOCTOR] Calculated risks? Are you telling me that sad travesty is astatistical possibility?
[MEL] The word should be criminal.
[DOLAND] Very well, perhaps I should have said unforeseen. During aparticularly delicate cross-fertilisation, a speck of pollen penetrateda minute scratch on my assistant's thumb. She should never have leftthe wound uncovered.
[GUARD] There he is! Halt, or I'll fire.
[RUDGE] Oh, Doctor, you do have the knack of landing yourself in hotwater.
[DOCTOR] Satiable curtiosity, like the Elephant's Child.
[MEL] Never mind the Just So stories. That guard looks trigger happy tome.
[RUDGE] Simply doing his duty, miss. The regulations are quite specific.Anyone setting off a false alarm on an intergalactic liner is to bearrested forthwith.
[DOCTOR] No need to quote the book. I can explain.
[RUDGE] Not to me, to the Commodore. He's expecting you. Take him.
[DOCTOR] No, that's all right. I know the way.
[MEL] Doctor?
[MEL] That way.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I know. It's that way.
(Trial room)
[VALEYARD] Stop the Matrix. I fail to comprehendthis evidence. The Doctor is on trial for his life, yet in his defencehe presents us with a situation in which he is deliberately floutingaccepted authority.
[INQUISITOR] Much of your evidence does seem to contradict your statedaim, Doctor. Are you saying the Matrix is again being falsified?
[DOCTOR] No. And if the Valeyard would exercise the same restraint as Ishowed during his presentation of his case against me
[DOCTOR] And could suppress his bloodlust
[INQUISITOR] Doctor! This court is dedicated to giving you a fair trial.Do not abuse its indulgence.
[DOCTOR] I apologise.
[INQUISITOR] The Matrix, Doctor. I suggest we return to the HyperionThree.
[TRAVERS] Bring us in closer. Reduce the margin by a factor of pointnaught one to naught two.
[DOCTOR] Very narrow margin of safety, Commodore.
[TRAVERS] Not to a ship of the Hyperion class.
[DOCTOR] Still risky, though. Quirky phenomena, black holes. They cangulp with unpredictable turbulence.
[TRAVERS] When I want your advice, I'll ask for it. (to guard) I'llhandle this. Get back on duty.
[TRAVERS] What I do want to hear from you is a reason why I shouldn'tthrow you in the brig. Fire alarms are not playthings for irresponsiblebuffoons.
[JANET] Mister Rudge! Mister Rudge.
[RUDGE] What is it, Janet?
[JANET] Mister Kimber has disappeared. He didn't report to the fireassembly point and he's not in his cabin.
(Cabin 8)
[JANET] He hasn't touched the drink I brought him.
[RUDGE] Well, maybe he just wandered off, absent minded.
[JANET] Without his jacket or his watch?
[RUDGE] Now, when did you last see him?
[JANET] I didn't. See him, that is. He was in the shower. I spoke to himthrough the door.
[JANET] Where can he have got to? With all these killings
[RUDGE] That'll do. Pull yourself together. Going to pieces won't help.We'll search the passenger quarters before we start assuming the worst.
[TRAVERS] A grim picture.
[DOCTOR] I've no reason to lie, Commodore.
[TRAVERS] I'm not questioning your honesty, simply your methods.However, I'm left with little alternative but to begin to cooperate.
[DOCTOR] Begin? I take it you mean begin overtly to cooperate. You'vebeen using me, Commodore. I would never have been allowed to run freeif you hadn't condoned it.
[TRAVERS] Fair comment.
[DOCTOR] Frankly, I think you should notify the authorities about thedeath of the investigator Hallett, and insist on being given fulldetails of his mission.
[TRAVERS] You underestimate me to that extent, do you?
[DOCTOR] Sorry. They refused.
[TRAVERS] Top secret. By the time they've gone through channels, we'llprobably have docked.
[DOCTOR] Well, that can't happen.
[TRAVERS] No one will be allowed to disembark. The murderer won'tescape.
[DOCTOR] Murderer? Yes. You'll let me know as soon as you get a reply?
[TRAVERS] Certainly, Doctor. I'll match you for candour.
[JANET] Did you find him?
[RUDGE] Not a sign. And you?
[RUDGE] I left a report we've lost another passenger. That'll improvethe Commodore's temper, I'll guarantee.
[ATZA] Mister Rudge.
[RUDGE] Er, later.
[ATZA] Wait. Come here. We want to know what is happening.
[ORTEZO] Yes, where was the fire?
[RUDGE] It was a false alarm. There is nothing to worry about. You mustexcuse me. I have urgent things to do.
[ORTEZO] Sit down, Rudge.
[ATZA] There is only one thing you have got to do.
[ORTEZO] That is to tell us exactly what is going on.
[ATZA] And I suggest you do so right now.
[TRAVERS] Yes? What is it?
[TRAVERS [OC]] State your position.
[VERVOID] Help me with this.
[TRAVERS] Who the blazes was that? Trace that call.
(Hydroponics Centre)
[DOLAND] Have you gone out of your mind?
[BRUCHNER] I have been, but not any more. I've regained my sanity.
[DOLAND] It's not only your own work you're destroying. Other peoplehave contributed. You've no right to do this!
[BRUCHNER] You long ago lost sight of the difference between right andwrong.
[DOLAND] Why? Because of some unexplained incidents?
[BRUCHNER] On my way down here, I heard of another unexplained incident.That harmless old man is missing. How many more, Doland, before you andLasky accept responsibility?
[LASKY] I've no time for a horticultural discussion now, young woman.You and your erratic friend have already disrupted my routine.
[MEL] I only asked you if you'd tell what this leaf is.
[LASKY] After my workout, and that's final.
[DOLAND] I need to speak with you privately, Professor.
[LASKY] Really! Not now, Doland!
[DOLAND] I know how much you object to your work schedule beinginterrupted, but this is absolutely vital.
[LASKY] Well?
[DOLAND] You must speak with Bruchner, calm him down.
[LASKY] Can't you?
[DOLAND] Look, he won't listen to me.
[LASKY] Where is he?
[DOLAND] In the Hydroponic Centre.
[MEL] Mister Doland.
[MEL] Let's pick up where we left off while you're in the mood forexplanations.
[DOLAND] Did I give you that impression?
[MEL] What are those pods in the Hydroponic Centre?
[DOLAND] The results of another experiment.
[MEL] I could have made an educated guess at that. What was in them?
[DOLAND] Giant fruit. And anticipating your next question, we left thefruit on Mogar. We're merely taking the shucks as an example to fellowagronomists in earthbound laboratories. Now, if you'll excuse me.
[MEL] Think, think.
[MEL] Amplifier.
[VERVOID [OC]] We must not make animal-kind aware of our existence. Theystill outnumber us. If we are to kill them all, we must hunt them downsecretly.
[DOCTOR] Is there anybody there, said the traveller. Perhaps she's inthe gym.
[DOCTOR] Ah, allow me. Wish I could get rid of my waste as easily, eh?
[VERVOID [OC]] We must not make animal-kind aware of our existence.
[VERVOID [OC]] We must hunt them down secretly. (Mel screaming.)
[DOCTOR [OC]] Ah, allow me. Wish I could get rid of my waste as easily,eh?
[DOCTOR] The waste bins, where do they go?
[JANET] Waste bins?
[DOCTOR] Quickly, woman. Where are they taken?
[JANET] Well, the pulveriser, but why
[DOCTOR] The pulveriser!
(Waste disposal)
[DOCTOR] Stop!
[DOCTOR] Don't throw the towel in, Mel.
[TRAVERS] Why in Hades haven't you reported before now? As a securityofficer, you're an unmitigated disaster.
[RUDGE] That's hardly fair, sir.
[TRAVERS] We've had a passenger murdered. According to you, anotherone's disappeared. Three crew members are missing, unaccounted for, andyou haven't a clue as to why they've gone or where they are.
(Vervoid lair)
[VERVOID] We are doing splendidly.
[VERVOID 2] Congratulations must be delayed until that is full.
[VERVOID] We shall not have long to wait.
[DOCTOR] Doh! It's gone.
[MEL] What has?
[DOCTOR] The tape. The proof we need to force Lasky's hand.
[MEL] It's a waste of time. Our killer's obviously removed it.
[DOCTOR] Just as he tried to remove you.
[MEL] He? Why not she?
[DOCTOR] Lasky?
[MEL] Or the stewardess, Janet.
[DOCTOR] Janet? No.
[MEL] It wouldn't have taken a man's strength to lift my weight. A womancould have dumped me in the waste bin.
[DOCTOR] What are they, and how do they link with these murders?
[MEL] Whatever they are, they're not human. And we're all to bedestroyed, remember?
[DOCTOR] Still got that bit of leaf?
[MEL] Where are you off to?
[DOCTOR] Hydroponic Centre. There has to be a connection.
[MEL] And what about me?
[DOCTOR] Follow your lead. See if Janet has got the tape. But Mel, becareful, hmm?
[MEL] You too, Doctor.
[JANET] Can I tempt you with a coffee, sir?
[ATZA] No, thank you.
[JANET] How about you, sir?
[ORTEZO] Sorry.
[JANET] Not to worry. It's easily changed.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] I didn't do that!
[INQUISITOR] Stop the Matrix.
[VALEYARD] Are we to be subjected to more chicanery, Sagacity?
[DOCTOR] It wasn't me in there.
[VALEYARD] Ridiculous. We all saw you. You're hardly mistakable in thatoutfit.
[DOCTOR] I didn't smash the equipment!
[INQUISITOR] Are you saying the communications equipment was notsabotaged?
[DOCTOR] No, no, it had to be to prevent the Commodore gettinginformation from Earth, but I didn't do it.
[INQUISITOR] Then who did?
[DOCTOR] The murderer.
[VALEYARD] The murderer? I think, Inquisitor, the Doctor is telling usmore than he realises.
[DOCTOR] The prosecutor delights in scoring cheap victories, my lady. Iswear to you, when I viewed that section earlier, I was nowhere nearthe Communications room.
[VALEYARD] So once again the defendant is accusing the Matrix of beingwrong.
[INQUISITOR] Are you, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Yes! Yes, I am.
[INQUISITOR] If you are questioning its veracity, is there any point incontinuing with the Matrix?
[DOCTOR] But what else have I got? Without evidence to prove myinnocence, I'm condemned.
[VALEYARD] And with it you are also condemned, it seems, Doctor. Shallwe continue?
[INQUISITOR] Doctor? Shall we continue? You had, as before, sent yourcompanion into danger.
(Communications room)
[TRAVERS] Let's hope we don't need to call for outside help. There's noway we can repair this. We're completely isolated.
(Hydroponics Centre)
[LASKY] Sheer vandalism, and utterly useless.
[BRUCHNER] Is that how you see it, Professor?
[LASKY] How else?
[BRUCHNER] Because I put an end to this obscene experiment?
[LASKY] I should think that when man first discovered fire there werethose who were equally appalled and wanted it suppressed.
[LASKY] If they'd prevailed, the human race would still be cowering incaves.
[BRUCHNER] To use your own phrase, that's all academic now.
[LASKY] If you were rational, you'd realise how pointless this is. Wecan't unlearn knowledge. You're no illiterate. How often does a greatadvance produce this reaction. Think of Galileo.
[BRUCHNER] Galileo? Oh, is that it? You see the name Lasky inscribed inthe history books.
[LASKY] Rubbish. This has been a team effort.
[BRUCHNER] With you as leader. Well, you fulfil that role to the last.You've led me to see the fault in my strategy. You, me, Doland, eventhe creatures we've spawned, the sole representatives of this greatadvance, and we're all encapsulated on this ship. On this ship.
(Cargo hold)
[DOCTOR] I didn't even hear the dinner gong.
(Vervoid lair)
[VERVOID 2] That man must be stopped. We areunique, the only members of the Vervoid species. If he succeeds ineliminating us, Vervoids will cease to exist.
[VERVOID] Forget your previous orders. Bruchner's death is now ourpriority. He cannot be permitted to prevent us from reaching planetEarth.
(Hydroponics Centre)
[LASKY] I don't care what you heard on some mythical tape.
[DOCTOR] You're letting arrogance blinker you, Professor. It may not beyour intention, but you are in danger of joining an extensive roll ofdishonour. Misguided scientists who claim the pursuit of truth as anexcuse for immoral experiments.
[LASKY] This is no time to debate ethics. I made that mistake withBruchner. I tell you the man's demented. He's out to destroy this shipand everyone on it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, but
[LASKY] First things first. Let's find Bruchner.
[DOCTOR] But. He'll live.
[BRUCHNER] Get out of here. Now! Or I'll kill both of you.
(Outside the Bridge)
[TRAVERS] Later. Get the laser lance up hereimmediately.
[LASKY] Bruchner?
[TRAVERS] Yes, but why? What's his motive?
[DOCTOR] I rather think his intention is the vital question.
[TRAVERS] All right then, what's? (pain) Just tell me, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] He's determined to destroy this ship.
[LASKY] And the rest of us with it.
[TRAVERS] Does the lunatic know anything about flying a spacecraft?
[LASKY] Bruchner's been trained as an astronaut. One of the team had tobe. Obligatory requirement.
[TRAVERS] Very thorough.
[DOCTOR] Can the power to the bridge be cut off?
[TRAVERS] No, it's designed to be hijack proof.
[LASKY] What's happening?
[TRAVERS] Isn't that obvious? We're running into turbulence.
[DOCTOR] I'd say rather more than turbulence.
[LASKY] Don't talk in riddles, man.
[DOCTOR] Your colleague is aiming the Hyperion Three into the eye of theBlack Hole of Tartarus.
(Vervoid lair)
[VERVOID] Bruchner must be stopped. Get everyVervoid to the bridge area.
(Outside the bridge)
[LASKY] How long before the ship reaches the point of noreturn, Commodore?
[TRAVERS] That's a question no one has survived to answer.
[DOCTOR] Marsh gas?
[LASKY] A methane derivative.
[TRAVERS] Marsh gas? Where the devil's that come from? What is it youtwo know that I don't?
[DOCTOR] Questions later. Will smoke masks be any good?
[LASKY] No, they'd be completely inadequate.
[TRAVERS] You're saying that none of us can go in there?
[LASKY] It'd be suicide.
[DOCTOR] Here, let me.
[TRAVERS] It's my ship. If there's a risk to be taken, I'll take it.
[RUDGE] There's no need for heroics from either of you.
[RUDGE] Come to the bridge.
[TRAVERS] If they make a hash of it in there, we're finished.
[RUDGE] I doubt if that will happen, Commodore.
[VALEYARD] The mortality rate that attendsyour meddling is appalling.
[DOCTOR] You hold me responsible for Bruchner's death?
[VALEYARD] Can you nominate a single incident where your presence hasstemmed the tide of disaster?
[INQUISITOR] Are you arguing that the submission for the defence shouldbe curtailed?
[VALEYARD] A verdict of guilty can be the only conclusion.
[INQUISITOR] Sit down, Valeyard. In my court, I decide the verdict.Proceed, Doctor.
[TRAVERS] I'm grateful to you both. Now that theair is breathable, I'll resume command.
[RUDGE] I'm afraid that isn't going to be possible, Commodore.
[ATZA] What he is stating, in the usually devious human manner, is thatwe are taking over the ship.
[DOCTOR] A hijack? But you Mogarians are a peace-loving race. Violenceis repugnant to you.
[ATZA] No one will be harmed if they obey orders.
[TRAVERS] Rudge, I will personally see to it that you rot in jail.
[RUDGE] I should restrain that tongue of yours, Commodore. The Mogariansmay not believe in violence, but I don't share their qualms. All mylife, someone like you has been patronising me, treating me withcontempt. Well, I'd welcome the opportunity of settling the score.
[ATZA] Mister Rudge, take the hostages to the passenger lounge.
[DOLAND] Surely you can contact the bridge now?
[JANET] Still not responding, Mister Doland. I've just tried.
[DOCTOR] Hold on, Rudge. If we are being hijacked, I think we deserve anexplanation.
[RUDGE] Any more unexpected moves, and it won't be an explanation you'llget.
[MEL] We're being hijacked! If you don't want toget caught, come on! Quickly!
[RUDGE] Oh no, Doctor. Over there, away from the door. Then you won't betempted to try anything stupid. One moment, Commodore. I'll take thekeys to the vault.
[TRAVERS] The blazes you will.
[RUDGE] Stay back. Professor Lasky, reach into the Commodore's pocketand take out the keys. Carefully.
[DOCTOR] Now, what do you want in the vault?
[RUDGE] For me, not a thing. The Mogarians are after the consignment ofprecious metals. Got this quaint notion it was plundered from theirplanet and they're just recovering stolen property.
[DOCTOR] That can't be your motive.
[LASKY] It's greed.
[RUDGE] Not completely. Pride as well. After this voyage I was beingwritten off as a has-been and put out to grass, so I decided to arrangea more comfortable retirement.
[LASKY] If you've any decency left, you'll get this man some medicaltreatment.
[RUDGE] There's a first aid kit in the cabinet.
[DOCTOR] Rudge, this hijack is just a sideshow. There's a much greatermenace.
[RUDGE] Not my problem, Doctor. In less than an hour, we will rendezvouswith our pickup.
[DOCTOR] Here, let me. After all, I am a doctor.
[LASKY] Rudge, you're nothing but a squalid criminal.
[RUDGE] If I am, where does that place you, Professor?
[ATZA [OC]] Pay attention. TheHyperion Three is no longer under the command of Commodore Travers. Heis our prisoner, together with three other hostages. Allpersonnel must remain at their posts. If there is any attempt toapproach the lounge or the bridge, the hostages will be killed.
[MEL] I'll put out a call for help.
(Communications room)
[MEL] Oh, great.
(Outside the Communications room)
[MEL] Millions of miles from anywhere and we'recompletely isolated.
[DOLAND] Can you organise a squad of guards?
[JANET] But you heard what the Mogarian said. They'll kill the hostages.
[DOLAND] What makes you think they won't anyway. You're surely not naiveenough to accept the word of a hijacker?
[MEL] He's right, we can't just do nothing.
[JANET] But if the guards go crashing in, they'll be signing four deathwarrants.
[MEL] Not unless we can find a way of warning the hostages.
[TRAVERS] You don't believe that Rudge is behindthese killings, do you.
[DOCTOR] No. No, he's just a weak man gone rogue.
[TRAVERS] So, whatever the outcome of this hijack, we're still at themercy of a murderer.
[DOCTOR] Or murderers.
[ RUDGE [OC]] Have you got a sightingyet?
[ATZA] No, but we are on schedule for ourrendezvous. We should complete the mission as planned if your humansrefrain from interference. What are you doing here?
[ORTEZO] We did not request refreshment.
[MEL] Doctor. The air duct.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing in there? Don't you know how dangerous itis?
[MEL] Shall I join you? There's going to be an attack on the lounge.When you hear the fire alarm, dive for cover.
[MEL] What do you mean, no?
[DOCTOR] Too risky. Attack the bridge.
[MEL] The bridge?
[DOCTOR] You heard. Now get out of that air duct, quickly.
[MEL] Okay.
(Vervoid lair)
[VERVOID 2] It is not only we who kill animal-kind.They kill each other.
[VERVOID] They have no respect for any form of life. We shall resume thehunt.
[DOLAND] Death must have been instantaneous. Oxygen'stoxic to a Mogarian.
[MEL] Yes, but how? I mean, who could have done this?
[DOLAND] Forget playing the detective. Let's concentrate on the living.Rudge has to be convinced that the hijack's a lost cause, and that'sgoing to take more than words.
[MEL] Well, those face plates. They'll do the trick.
[MEL [OC]] Mister Rudge, hold your fire. We're coming in.
[JANET] The Mogarians are dead.
[TRAVERS] Leave him to the guards. Get up on the bridge, now.
[TRAVERS] Once I get this ship back on course, I'll want some answersfrom you, Professor. And that goes for you too, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I haven't been holding out on you, Commodore. There's aaudiotape that'll explain everything.
[TRAVERS] Then why haven't I heard it?
[DOCTOR] Because it's been stolen. I would like carte blanche to searchall the cabins.
[TRAVERS] You've got it.
[DOCTOR] Another request. I need a phaser.
[MEL] A phaser? You?
[DOCTOR] Exceptional circumstances require exceptional measures.
[MEL] I don't buy that. And why the public announcement about the tape?Everyone could hear.
[DOCTOR] Could they?
[MEL] I recognise that innocent tone. What's going on?
[DOCTOR] Mel, I entered this affair as a Judas goat. I intend tore-adopt the role. Now, if Professor Lasky had the tape, where do youthink she'd hide it?
[MEL] Lasky?
[MEL] Her cabin, or her locker in the gym.
[RUDGE] What are you?
[DOLAND] If you're looking for a certain tape, Doctor, I don't thinkyou'll find it in there.
[DOCTOR] Does that mean you've hidden it somewhere else?
[DOLAND] Obviously a denial isn't going to impress you. May I know ofwhat I'm accused?
[DOCTOR] Murder, amongst other things.
[DOLAND] Murder? Am I supposed to treat this seriously?
[DOCTOR] I have narrowed the suspects down to two. You and ProfessorLasky.
[DOLAND] Then I suggest you search the professor's cabin.
[DOCTOR] I already have.
[DOLAND] You really are serious.
[DOCTOR] I'm never frivolous about murder.
[DOLAND] So, this tape, it's important?
[DOCTOR] Crucial.
[DOLAND] I see. Well, I know I'm innocent, and I can't believe theprofessor's guilty, but if it'll end this nonsense, then, I know ofanother place where the professor keeps things.
[LASKY] If you've finished with my tracksuit?
[MEL] I was just admiring the er, the design.
[LASKY] Don't bother to lie. You're not very good at it. No tape. That'swhat you were hoping to find, wasn't it?
(Hydroponics Centre)
[DOLAND] I'm afraid the professor has the only key.
[DOCTOR] And you're not going to object if I force it open?
[DOLAND] Doctor. Your tape.
[DOLAND] Not that it'll do you much good. I've wiped it.
[DOCTOR] Yes, I rather thought you might have done.
[DOLAND] You still suspected me, yet you came down here?
[DOCTOR] A reckless streak. I'm prone to them. It wasn't difficult topinpoint you. The first murder could only have been carried out bysomeone with access to this unit. The second needed poison. Even theabortive attempt on Mel's life could only have been committed bysomeone who could go unchallenged into the Isolation Room and get theanaesthetic.
[DOLAND] All this could have applied to Lasky.
[DOCTOR] No, not the Mogarians. She was a hostage when they wereslaughtered.
[DOLAND] And my motive?
[DOCTOR] Could be jealousy, professional envy. I'd say it was the morecommonplace avarice.
[DOLAND] Then you're not as astute as I thought, Doctor. Thosecreatures, we call them Vervoids, represent vast economic power.
[DOCTOR] Provided you can get them back to Earth.
[DOLAND] Oh, but I shall, no matter what the cost. Then robots can bedumped on the scrap heap. Vervoids will run the factories and farms atpractically no cost. All they need is sunlight and water.
[DOCTOR] I take it you have someone willing to finance thisexploitation?
[DOLAND] A consortium with the vision to recognise the potential of theVervoids.
[DOCTOR] Vision? You're talking about slave labour.
[DOLAND] The most enduring and spectacular empire, Rome, was built onslave labour.
[DOCTOR] Came to a pretty unpleasant end, though.
[DOLAND] Which brings us neatly to you.
[DOCTOR] I took the precaution of disarming it.
[DOCTOR] I also took the precaution of taking the Commodore into myconfidence.
[TRAVERS] Throw him in the brig.
(Vervoid lair)
[VERVOID] Doland will soon be joining them.
[DOLAND] No, no. I'm not your enemy. Without me, you wouldn't exist. I'myour friend.
[TRAVERS] You created these psychopaths. Now tell me how to get rid ofthem.
[DOCTOR] The Vervoids are not psychopaths.
[MEL] Doctor, I heard them say they intended to wipe us out.
[LASKY] Something must have gone wrong, radically wrong. A malfunctionof the DNA.
[DOCTOR] Why is it none of you can see what's so glaringly obvious?
[TRAVERS] Maybe we lack your divine insight.
[DOCTOR] No divine insight, just logic.
[MEL] Logic?
[DOCTOR] When you overheard the Vervoids, Mel, how did they describe us?
[MEL] Er, wait a second. Animal-kind.
[DOCTOR] Not human beings, not Mogarians, animal-kind.
[TRAVERS] I hope this is relevant.
[LASKY] It is. He's making sense. The Vervoids are plants.
[DOCTOR] At some stage, directly or indirectly, all animal-kind consumesplant life. Without it, we'd perish.
[LASKY] I must have been blinded by professional vanity. Bruchner sawit. I should have, too.
[MEL] Doctor, if you're right, then coexistence with the Vervoids is animpossibility.
[TRAVERS] It's a question of self-preservation. Kill or be killed.
[DOCTOR] A conflict in which there can be no justice.
[TRAVERS] Equally, there's no choice, and that goes for you too, Doctor.We need your undivided commitment.
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] And there you have it. The direct request.I did not meddle. I was presented with an appeal, and not just fromanybody, but from the man in whom authority was vested.
[INQUISITOR] I accept your argument. Nor, Valeyard, can you refute it.
[VALEYARD] Perhaps we should await the outcome of this adventure, mylady.
[INQUISITOR] Doctor, do you wish to continue?
[DOCTOR] Providing we can trust the Matrix, my lady. AndI won't know that until I see it.
(Hydroponics Centre)
[LASKY] There's not enough left to make up aspoonful of herbicide. The Vervoids must have got here first.
[MEL] Any more ideas, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Why can't I rid myself of the feeling we're approaching thisthe wrong way round? Professor, do Vervoid chloroplasts functionnormally?
[LASKY] A cytogeneticist now? You're a man of varied talents.
[DOCTOR] Don't prevaricate, Professor.
[LASKY] Yes, Vervoid chloroplasts trap sunlight as is normal with allplants.
[MEL] Doctor, there's something out there.
[DOCTOR] Is there another exit?
[LASKY] Not this side of the hold. I'm going to talk to them.
[DOCTOR] They won't listen.
[LASKY] Perhaps they will, to me. I wasn't going to exploit them likeDoland. They'll know that.
[DOCTOR] They'll spare no one.
[LASKY] I have to try.
[MEL] Doctor!
[LASKY] You must know who I am.
[VERVOID] Yes, Professor Lasky, we do.
[LASKY] Then you must also be aware that I mean you no harm.
[VERVOID] All animal-kind is our enemy, Professor. Even you.
(Vervoid lair)
[MEL] How could they? It's obscene.
[DOCTOR] Not to a Vervoid.
[MEL] You can't justify it. It's just
[DOCTOR] It's a matter of perspective, Mel. In your house in PeasePottage, you had a large garden. What did you do with the plants andweeds you uprooted?
[MEL] Put them on a compost heap.
[DOCTOR] They're obeying instinct, like migrating birds or salmonswimming relentlessly upstream to spawn even though they may die. Acompulsive following of the life cycle. Come on, Mel.
[JANET] It's useless, Commodore.
[JANET [OC]] They're everywhere!
[DOCTOR] We need your help, Commodore.
[TRAVERS] Name it.
[DOCTOR] Like the Vervoids, we're being driven by blind instinct. Killor be killed.
[TRAVERS] We've been over that.
[DOCTOR] What if instead of bringing their lives to an abrupt end we didthe opposite, accelerated the Vervoid life cycle?
[TRAVERS] How the blazes do we do that?
[DOCTOR] Vionesium.
[MEL] Vionesium?
[DOCTOR] A rare metal found on the airless planet of Mogar.
[TRAVERS] And worth a prince's ransom.
[DOCTOR] Or a hijack.
[MEL] You mean there's a consignment on board?
[TRAVERS] That's right, in the vault.
[MEL] But how will this vionesium accelerate the Vervoid life cycle?
[DOCTOR] It's a substance similar to magnesium. Exposed to oxygenatedair, it releases incredibly intense light and carbon dioxide. Spring,summer, autumn, all condensed into a few moments.
[TRAVERS] Seasons which I may be a long time enjoying again if I gorobbing my own vault.
[MEL] Seasons you can forget if you don't. We've seen what thesecreatures can do.
[DOCTOR] You've no alternative, Commodore.
[MEL] You can't send for outside help, the ship's completely cut off.The Doctor's the only hope you've got.
[TRAVERS] All right, Doctor, you can have the vionesium. What's thedrill?
[DOCTOR] First, you must drive the Vervoids back to their lair.
[DOCTOR] Plunge the ship into darkness.
[JANET] They're never going to give up!
[TRAVERS] Attention all passengers and crew. Amajor fault has developed in the generators.
(Service duct)
[TRAVERS [OC]] To effect necessary repairs, the heating will be shutdown and auxiliary lighting only will be in operation.
(Vervoid lair)
[VERVOID] Are all the Vervoids here?
[VERVOID 2] There is still another to come.
[VERVOID] This power fault could be a trick.
[VERVOID 2] What can they gain? Animal-kind need the life supportsystem. They must repair the generator to survive.
[MEL] No!
[DOCTOR] The vionesium, Mel!
[DOCTOR] You can restore power. It's over.
[TRAVERS] Restore power.
(Vervoid lair)
(Cargo hold)
[JANET] Till we meet again, Mel.
[MEL] Yes.
[JANET] Doctor.
[TRAVERS] No, don't say that. I owe you my thanks, Doctor, but let'smake this the sweet sorrow of a final parting, hmm?
[MEL] I shall remember that the next time we get a mayday call.
[DOCTOR] She means that, too. Memory like an elephant.
[MEL] That's his idea of a compliment, comparing me to an elephant.
[DOCTOR] But so ludicrously appropriate, I find it amusing.
[MEL] Well, at least if you're laughing you can't be singing. Have youever heard his rendering of On With The Motley? Count your blessings.Bye.
[DOCTOR [OC]] Vesti la guibba e la faccia
(Trial room)
[INQUISITOR] Did none of the unfortunate creaturessurvive, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] No, my lady. Had even a leaf survived and fallen on fertilesoil, a Vervoid would have grown.
[VALEYARD] Every Vervoid was destroyed by your ingenious plan.
[VALEYARD] Whether or not the Doctor has proved himself innocent ofmeddling is no longer the cardinal issue before this court. He hasproved himself guilty of a far greater crime.
[INQUISITOR] You refer to Article seven of Gallifreyan law?
[DOCTOR] No, my lady, that cannot apply! Had a single Vervoid reachedEarth, the human race would have been eliminated!
[VALEYARD] Article seven permits no exceptions. The Doctor has destroyeda complete species. The charge must now be genocide.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s23", "episode": "e03", "title": "Terror of the Vervoids"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
Doctor Who (29 Nov, 1986; Sixth Doctor) - The Ultimate Foe
(Trial room)
[KEEPER] I came as soon as I could, my lady.
[INQUISITOR] Thank you, Keeper. Doctor, do you have any further evidencein your defence?
[VALEYARD] My lady, with all due respect, have we not seen enough? Areyou not forgetting Article seven and the irrefutable charge which facesthe Doctor, that of genocide?
[INQUISITOR] I shall deal with that charge in due course, Valeyard. Nowkindly don't interrupt me again. Doctor, do you have any furtherevidence in your defence?
[DOCTOR] No, my lady, but I would point out that much of the Railyard'sso-called evidence was a farrago of distortion which would have hadAnanias, Baron Munchhausen and every other famous liar blushing down totheir very toe nails. Much of the evidence was not as I remembered.
[INQUISITOR] Do you still maintain the Matrix has been tampered with?
[DOCTOR] Yes, madam, I do. All I do not yet understand is who did it andwhy.
[INQUISITOR] Your accusation would be laughable if it were not sooutrageous. However, as you see, I have summoned the Keeper of theMatrix. Keeper?
[KEEPER] My lady.
[INQUISITOR] You have heard the Doctor's allegations. Is it at allpossible for the data stored within the Matrix to be tampered with inany way?
[KEEPER] Quite impossible, my lady. No one may enter the Matrix withoutthe Key of Rassilon.
[DOCTOR] And by whom may the key be used?
[KEEPER] Qualified people, for inspection once in a millennium, perhaps.To replace a transductor.
[DOCTOR] But keys can be copied, you'll agree?
[KEEPER] The Key of Rassilon never leaves my possession.
[DOCTOR] Except when it's in the hands of those qualified people.
[VALEYARD] This is a ridiculous allegation, my lady. The Doctor ischallenging the evidence of the Matrix on the grounds that it has beentampered with, a charge he is totally unable to substantiate.
[INQUISITOR] That is accepted. Doctor, wild accusations of malfeasancedo not constitute a defence.
[DOCTOR] The Matrix can be physically penetrated. The Keeper hasadmitted as much. Now, much of the evidence you saw was totally atvariance with my own memory. Therefore, it has been deliberatelydistorted.
[INQUISITOR] And who would do such a thing, even if it were possible.
[DOCTOR] Somebody who wants my head, such as the Valeyard.
[INQUISITOR] Doctor, if you were not already facing the most seriouscharges, such an accusation levelled at a senior prosecutor would bringyou into contempt.
(Space station)
[MEL [OC]] What's going on? Let me out of here!
[GLITZ] Dibber? What's happened to your voice, lad?
[MEL] I'm not Dibber. Neither am I a lad. And what's more, there'snothing wrong with my voice. As a matter of total disinterest, who areyou?
[GLITZ] Oh, Sabalom Glitz. And you?
[MEL] Melanie, known as Mel.
[GLITZ] Are they all like you here?
[MEL] I don't know. Shall we go and find out?
(Trial room)
[INQUISITOR] There is only one to rebut theevidence of the Matrix, Doctor, and that is to produce witnesses whocan support your version of events. Can you do that?
[DOCTOR] Well, of course I can't. You know I can't.
[INQUISITOR] Then we must accept the Valeyard's evidence.
[DOCTOR] Any witnesses I might produce are scattered all over theuniverse and all through time. How can I find them now?
[VALEYARD] Procrastination, my lady. The Doctor' only
[DOCTOR] Melanie? Glitz? What are you doing here?
[GLITZ] I was sent, wasn't I. Not my idea, mind.
[MEL] Same here. What have you been up to?
[INQUISITOR] Be silent. Who sent you?
[GLITZ] That's the beak, is it? They all look the same, don't they?Carved out of something hard and nasty.
[INQUISITOR] You said you were sent here, Sabalom Glitz. By whom?
[MASTER [on screen]] By me, madam.
[DOCTOR] Oh no! Now I really am finished.
[MEL] Who's that?
[DOCTOR] Just one of my oldest enemies.
[INQUISITOR] This is entirely irregular. Who are you, sir?
[MASTER [on screen]] I'm known as the Master, and as you see, I speak toyou from within the Matrix. Proof, if any be needed, that not onlyqualified people can enter here.
[KEEPER] But you haven't the Key of Rassilon.
[MASTER [on screen]] I got a very good copy, Keeper, just as the Doctorsaid was possible.
[INQUISITOR] This is an independent inquiry appointed by the HighCouncil to investigate serious charges
[MASTER [on screen]] Madam, I know. I've followed the trial with greatinterest and indeed amusement, but now I must intervene for the sake ofjustice.
[DOCTOR] Justice? Pay no attention, madam. He has no concept of whatjustice is. He'd see me dead tomorrow.
[MASTER [on screen]] Gladly, Doctor, but I'm not prepared to countenancea rival.
[VALEYARD] My lady, I must propose an immediate adjournment.
[INQUISITOR] I'm sorry, Valeyard. The evidence for the prosecution iscompleted. The ball, as the Doctor might say, is out of your court.
[MASTER [on screen]] Doctor, I've sent you two star witnesses. I knewyou'd need them.
[VALEYARD] With due respect, Sagacity, the matter of witnesses is foryou to decide. We've seen enough to know that Glitz is an admittedcriminal. Any testimony from him must therefore be dubious in theextreme.
[MEL] But not from me. I'm as truthful, honest, and about as boring asthey come.
[INQUISITOR] This court is not, for the moment, impugning yourintegrity, young lady.
[MASTER [on screen]] Let Sabalom Glitz speak.
[INQUISITOR] Criminals have been known to speak the truth, Valeyard,especially when their own interests are not at stake.
[VALEYARD] My point, my lady, is that this person who calls himself theMaster, whoever he might be, should not be permitted to producesurprise witnesses.
[MASTER [on screen]] You pretend not to know me, do you? I'm surprisedby the shortness of the Valeyard's memory.
[INQUISITOR] The Doctor may, in his defence, call witnesses to rebutyour evidence, after which you may cross-examine them. That is theprocedure, Valeyard.
[VALEYARD] My lady.
[MASTER [on screen]] If I might intercede?
[INQUISITOR] You have no part in these proceedings, sir.
[MASTER [on screen]] Corporeally, of course not, but I'm present, andenjoying myself enormously.
[INQUISITOR] Doctor, please examine your witnesses.
[DOCTOR] Yes, madam.
[GLITZ] This is real machonite, you know. Worth a few grotzits today,Your Honour.
[DOCTOR] Glitz.
[GLITZ] I could make you a fair offer on a job lot, do you a very gooddeal.
[DOCTOR] Glitz!
[GLITZ] What?
[DOCTOR] You were sent here by the Master.
[GLITZ] Yeah, well, he's a business partner, so to speak. We've had afew nice little tickles together
[DOCTOR] This court is not interested in your sordid business deals,Glitz.
[INQUISITOR] Very good, Doctor. Keep him to the point.
[DOCTOR] When we last met, you expressed interest in a box.
[GLITZ] Right.
[DOCTOR] What was in that box?
[GLITZ] I don't know. Scientific stuff, so he said. Stuff the Sleepershave been nicking from the Matrix for years.
[KEEPER] The Matrix? My Matrix?
[GLITZ] Right. Well, it seems the Sleepers had found a way to break intothe Matrix, and they were creaming off all this high-tech info to takeback to Andromeda.
[DOCTOR] But they were operating from Earth.
[GLITZ] Of course. That was their cover, wasn't it. They knew that theTime Lords eventually would trace the leak.
[VALEYARD] He's lying, my lady.
[DOCTOR] I don't think so, Stackyard. It all begins to make very goodsense.
[MEL] That's it, Doc. Now we're getting at the dirt.
[DOCTOR] Doc? Carry on, Glitz. What happened next?
[GLITZ] Well, eventually the Time Lords did suss out the leak, so theywanted to wipe out all the Sleepers, and they used this er, magno.Magno
[DOCTOR] Magnotron?
[GLITZ] That's it.
[DOCTOR] Well, that can only be done by an order in High Council.
[MASTER [on screen]] Of course, Doctor. To protect their own secrets,they drew the Earth and its constellation billions of miles acrossspace
[DOCTOR] Causing the fireball which nearly destroyed the planet.
[MASTER [on screen]] Of little consequence in the High Council'splanning. The robot recovery mission from Andromeda sped past Earth outinto space. Gallifreyan secrets were saved, except that at the firstintimation of the coming fireball, the Andromedans were able to set upa survival chamber for the Sleepers.
[DOCTOR] So that's why Earth was renamed Ravalox. That sanctimoniousgang of hypocrites were covering their tracks.
[MASTER [on screen]] Exactly. It takes time, Doctor, but eventually youget there.
[DOCTOR] They put an ancient culture like the Earth to the sword for thesake of a few miserable, filthy scientific advances?
[GLITZ] Big market for them, Doctor, so he said. Worth a lot ofgrotzits.
[DOCTOR] In all my travellings throughout the universe I have battledagainst evil, against power-mad conspirators. I should have stayedhere. The oldest civilisation, decadent, degenerate and rotten to thecore. Ha! Power-mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen, they'restill in the nursery compared to us. Ten million years of absolutepower, that's what it takes to be really corrupt.
[MEL] Take it easy, Doc.
[INQUISITOR] Doctor, these unseemly outbursts
[DOCTOR] Unseemly outbursts? If I hadn't visited Ravalox, as I thenthought of it, the High Council would have kept this outrage carefullyburied, as presumably they have for several centuries.
[MASTER [on screen]] I must agree. You have an endearing habit ofblundering into these things, Doctor, and the High Council took fulladvantage of your blunder.
[INQUISITOR] Explain that.
[MASTER [on screen]] They made a deal with the Valeyard, or as I'vealways known him, the Doctor, to adjust the evidence, in return forwhich he was promised the remainder of the Doctor's regenerations.
[VALEYARD] This is clearly
[DOCTOR] Just a minute! Did you call him the Doctor?
[MASTER [on screen]] There is some evil in all of us, Doctor, even you.The Valeyard is an amalgamation of the darker sides of your nature,somewhere between your twelfth and final incarnation. And I may say,you do not improve with age.
[DOCTOR] Madam, this revelation should halt this trial immediately.Surely even Gallifreyan law must acknowledge that the same personcannot be both prosecutor and defendant.
[INQUISITOR] The single purpose of this trial is to determine thedefendant's guilt or otherwise on the basis of the evidence that hasbeen presented. Anything else is, for the moment, irrelevant.
[DOCTOR] What?
[MEL] Doctor!
[INQUISITOR] Valeyard!
[DOCTOR] Glitz, come on!
[GLITZ] What?
(Space station)
[DOCTOR] We need him.
[GLITZ] But he hasn't had time.
[DOCTOR] There must be another way out of here.
[GLITZ] He's gone!
[KEEPER] The seventh door. He must have had a key.
[DOCTOR] What?
[KEEPER] The seventh entrance to the Matrix.
[DOCTOR] Well, quickly, man, open it. He must be brought back.
[KEEPER] You'll never find him. The Matrix is a micro-universe.
[MEL] Don't go, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] I must. Perhaps nothing in my life has ever been so important.Come on, Glitz.
[MEL] Doctor!
[INQUISITOR] Be silent! Come, let us return to the trial room.
[MEL] Why? There's nobody to try anymore.
[INQUISITOR] Come along, both of you.
[DOCTOR] Oh! Oh, what an unpleasant journey. What an unpleasant place.
[VALEYARD [OC]] Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Glitz? Glitz?
[VALEYARD [OC]] Bwahahahahahaha!
[CHILDREN [OC]] London Bridge is falling down, falling down, fallingdown. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady.
[VALEYARD [OC]] Bwahahahahahaha!
[DOCTOR] Well, I can't believe you're in there.
[DOCTOR] Glitz! Help!
[DOCTOR] Glitz!
[GLITZ] Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Hurry, man!
[GLITZ] What's going on?
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. I don't know whether what just happened to mewas real or an illusion.
[GLITZ] Looks like someone's had a go at you.
[DOCTOR] Do you mind?
[GLITZ] What?
[DOCTOR] Water.
[GLITZ] Oh, yeah, sure.
[DOCTOR] We're not in the real world any longer, Sabalom Glitz. Whateverattacked me was in that barrel.
[GLITZ] Argh.
[DOCTOR] Or was it in my mind?
[GLITZ] How can we be in a different world? We just stepped through adoor, that's all.
[DOCTOR] Into the Matrix, where the only logic is that there isn't anylogic.
[GLITZ] Yeah, I knew this was a mistake. My grip on reality's not toogood at the best of times. Here, this is for you.
[GLITZ] Now, if you don't mind telling me, how do I get out of here?
[DOCTOR] It's from the Master.
[GLITZ] I know. I've just given it to you. He said it would be useful.
[DOCTOR] It tells me where the Valeyard has his base.
[GLITZ] (reads) The Fantasy Factory, proprietor J J Chambers.
[DOCTOR] So that's where he got to.
[DOCTOR] So why is the Master helping me?
[GLITZ] Yeah, well, I'm sure you'll find out. I'm off.
[DOCTOR] No, come on. I want you to meet my darker side.
[GLITZ] I've done my bit.
[DOCTOR] Pop in and say hello. You'll be perfectly safe.
[GLITZ] What's going on?
(Trial room)
[INQUISITOR] Assuming I accept what you say aboutthe evidence against the Doctor, how much of it had been contrived?
[MASTER [on screen]] For a lie to work, madam, it must be shrouded intruth. Therefore most of what you saw was true.
[INQUISITOR] Then the young woman, the one who died, was that true?
[MASTER [on screen]] Ah, the delightful Miss Perpugilliam Brown. Thatwas clever of the Valeyard, exploiting the affection the Doctor had forher. But then, of course, the Valeyard would know precisely how theDoctor felt.
[INQUISITOR] Then she lives?
[MASTER [on screen]] As a queen, set up on high by that warmongeringfool Yrcanos.
[INQUISITOR] I am pleased.
[MASTER [on screen]] Sentiment will not keep the Doctor alive, my lady.
[MEL] Isn't there anything we can do to help?
[MASTER [on screen]] Remain calm. Concentrate yourthoughts. Prepare for the worst.
[KEEPER] Huh. Sounds a bit gloomy.
[MASTER [on screen]] You have any other suggestions, my dear Keeper?
[INQUISITOR] Assuming I accept what you say about the evidence againstthe Doctor, how much of it had been contrived?
[DOCTOR] You'll catch cold lying there.
[GLITZ] You're a hard man, Doctor. I could have been killed.
[DOCTOR] Not when you're wearing a mark seven postidion life preserver.
[GLITZ] Yeah, well, whoever threw that harpoon didn't know that. So muchfor illusions. Anyway, I thought it was you he was trying to kill.
[DOCTOR] Yes, he's playing games. He wants to humiliate me first.
[GLITZ] Oh, I see. He humiliates you by throwing harpoons at me. Itmakes a lot of sense.
[DOCTOR] Your presence here makes his task more difficult. He knowsthat. He also knows that together we can fight him.
[GLITZ] Look, Doctor, I'm a small-time crook with small-time ambitions,one of which is to stay alive. I'm sorry, Doctor. I wish you every goodluck, but I'm on my way. I've done my bit.
[DOCTOR] If you leave and I die, what future do you think you'll have?As the only witness to events here, the Valeyard will be forced to seekyou out and kill you.
[GLITZ] All right, I'll help you.
[DOCTOR] Good man. Now, button your life preserver and let's get on withit.
(Trial room)
[INQUISITOR] In all my experience, I have neverbefore had to conclude a case in both the absence of the accused andthe prosecutor.
[MASTER [on screen]] One and the same person, madam.
[INQUISITOR] So you've said, but can you prove that?
[MASTER [on screen]] I know them both. But I suggest you question theHigh Council. They set up this travesty of a trial, making a scapegoatof the Doctor to conceal their own involvement.
[INQUISITOR] Is there any reason why I should accept that allegationfrom a renegade Time Lord?
[MASTER [on screen]] Yes, if you're concerned with learning the truth.
[INQUISITOR] What is your interest in this matter? Not, I think, concernfor the Doctor.
[MASTER [on screen]] Oh, indeed not. The Doctor's well matched againsthimself. One must destroy the other.
[MEL] How utterly evil.
[MASTER [on screen]] Thank you. I think I'd lay a shade more odds on theValeyard, though the possibility of their mutual destruction mustexist. That would be perfect.
[MEL] You're despicable.
[MASTER [on screen]] So many compliments. May I say,you're a charming child.
[MEL] You beast.
[INQUISITOR] Be quiet, girl. Am Ito take it that some base desire for revenge is your motive forinterfering?
[MASTER [on screen]] There's nothing purer and more unsullied, madam,than the desire for revenge. But, if you follow the metaphor, I'vethrown a pebble into the water, perhaps killing two birds with onestone, and causing ripples that'll rock the High Council to itsfoundations. What more could a renegade wish for?
(Outer office)
[DOCTOR] How do you do? I think we're expected.
[GLITZ] Are you sure we're in the right place?
[DOCTOR] We'd like to see the proprietor, please.
[POPPLEWICK] Do you have an appointment, sir? Mister Chambers only seespeople by appointment. Most particular about appointments is our MisterChambers.
[DOCTOR] I think you'll find we're expected.
[POPPLEWICK] What is your name, sir?
[DOCTOR] I am known as the Doctor, and this is Mister Sabalom Glitz.
[GLITZ] If this Valeyard wants you dead, he's got a funny way of goingabout it.
[DOCTOR] I've told you. It's called humiliation. Could you hurry up,please? We haven't got all day.
[POPPLEWICK] There are procedures to follow, sir. Necessary routines tobe completed. Even when I've found your names, there are many forms tobe inscribed before you may move on to the next stage of processing.Processing is very important in this establishment. I'm sure that evenyou will understand that such things cannot be rushed, sir.
[DOCTOR] Oh, I don't know. I've always been a bit of an iconoclast bynature.
[POPPLEWICK] You can't go in there, not without an appointment!
(Inner office)
[POPPLEWICK] Ah, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, at least you're expecting us.
[POPPLEWICK] We all are.
[GLITZ] You're lookalike out there wasn't.
[POPPLEWICK] He is the exception. The very junior Mister Popplewickisn't permitted to expect anyone.
[GLITZ] What's he talking about?
[DOCTOR] I think it's called bureaucracy.
[POPPLEWICK] I prefer to call it order, and the holy writ of order isprocedure. I'm sure you agree.
[GLITZ] Oh, yeah, of course.
[POPPLEWICK] For example, you wish to see the proprietor. Now, thecorrect procedure is to make an appointment.
[DOCTOR] But we're already expected.
[POPPLEWICK] But the junior Mister Popplewick isn't allowed to expectanyone.
[GLITZ] You knew we were coming. Why didn't you give him the nod?
[POPPLEWICK] And upset the procedure? The junior Mister Popplewick hashis pride too.
[GLITZ] I don't understand any of this. Here we are, waiting to duck aterminal knuckle sandwich, and all this screeve's going on about iswhether we've got an appointment or not.
[DOCTOR] Is there no way to expedite the procedure?
[POPPLEWICK] Expedite? I am a senior clerk, sir. To me, the procedure issacrosanct. My work is a celebration of all that is perfect. Why speedperfection?
[DOCTOR] Because your employer wants me dead.
[POPPLEWICK] You seem to have found the one little weakness in ourprocedure, sir. Would you sign this?
[DOCTOR] What is it?
[POPPLEWICK] A consent form, sir. The corridors in this factory are verylong and dark. Should you unexpectedly die, our blessed proprietor,Mister J J Chambers, insists he inherits your remaining lives.
[DOCTOR] Obviously the Valeyard doesn't trust the High Council to honourtheir side of the bargain.
[GLITZ] Sign that and you're a dead man.
[DOCTOR] We're in the Valeyard's domain. He can try and kill me any timehe likes. I'll sign my remaining lives away to Mister J J Chambers.
[GLITZ] Are you sure about this?
[DOCTOR] Absolutely. Now can we see your proprietor?
[POPPLEWICK] The waiting room is through there. You will be summoned assoon as your signature has been verified.
[GLITZ] This is madness.
[DOCTOR] Not if it precipitates my meeting with the Valeyard.
[DOCTOR] This is a very odd waiting room. Where arethe hopelessly out of date magazines.
[DOCTOR] Hmm? Glitz? Glitz?
[VOICE [OC]] Bwahahahahahaha!
[DOCTOR] What have you done with him?
[VALEYARD [OC]] Look to your own predicament, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] This is an illusion. I deny it!
[VALEYARD [OC]] Not this time.
[DOCTOR] This isn't happening!
[VALEYARD [OC]] You are dead, Doctor.
[VALEYARD [OC]] Goodbye, Doctor. Bwahahahahahaha!
[GLITZ] Doctor! Hang on! Where are you? Oh, no. Don't give in! I'mcoming!
[GLITZ] Doctor.
[GLITZ] What a way to go. All in all, he wasn't a bad old codger.Honest, of course. Still, nobody's perfect.
[DOCTOR [OC]] (burbling) And that's the clue. Nobody is. Not even theValeyard.
[GLITZ] Oh, great cosmic protector of grafters and dissemblers, save me.Save me! A voice from the grave.
[DOCTOR [OC]] No, a grave voice.
[DOCTOR] Bad joke. But everything round here is a bad joke.
[GLITZ] No mud? But I saw. Your ankle armour.
[GLITZ] I don't get it.
[DOCTOR] Oh, do concentrate, Glitz. How often must I tell you? We're notdealing with reality.
[VALEYARD] Why waste your breath on that simple minded oaf.
[VALEYARD] You cannot speak as though reality is a one-dimensionalconcept.
[VALEYARD] Fortunately, there is a reality that you and I can both agreeon. The ultimate reality.
[DOCTOR] Death?
[VALEYARD] The undiscovered country from whose bourn no travellerreturns.
[DOCTOR] Puzzles the will. Hamlet,act three scene one.
[VALEYARD] I really must curb these urges. I've no wish to becontaminated by your whims and idiosyncrasies.
[DOCTOR] Quite so. But what I don't comprehend
[GLITZ] He's over here, Doc. Slippery customer, your other persona.
[DOCTOR] What I don't comprehend is why you want me dead. No. No, let merephrase that. It would satisfy my curiosity to know why you should goto such extraordinary lengths to kill me.
[VALEYARD] Come now, Doctor. How else can I obtain my freedom, operateas a complete entity, unfettered by your side of my existence? Only byridding myself of you and your misplaced morality, your constantcrusading, your
[GLITZ] Idiotic honesty?
[VALEYARD] Oaf. Microbe.
[GLITZ] Pardon me for trying to help. I'm neutral in this set-up, youknow.
[VALEYARD] Only by releasing myself from the misguided maxims that younurture can I be free.
[GLITZ] Sounds to me like Armageddon's beckoning you, Doc.
[VALEYARD] With you destroyed and no longer able to constrain me, andwith unlimited access to the Matrix, there will be nothing beyond myreach.
[GLITZ] Where are you off to now?
[DOCTOR] To trace the Valeyard.
[GLITZ] But he was here.
[DOCTOR] Illusion, Glitz. The shadow, not the substance. But if youdon't want to come, you can stay here and build sandcastles. I'm sureif you think hard enough, you can conjure up a bucket and spade.
[GLITZ] Tell you something. If you two meet face to face, five grotzitsgives you ten he's first past the chequered flag.
[GLITZ] What's that?
[DOCTOR] Back pedal.
[GLITZ] Another illusion?
[DOCTOR] Alas, no.
[GLITZ] Sea mist? Fog?
[DOCTOR] Asphyxiating nerve gas. This is in deadly earnest.
[GLITZ] You've got to tell someone else before he
(Trial room)
[MEL] We can't just sit here and do nothing. We've got to help him.
[INQUISITOR] The Doctor chose to enter the Matrix. We are not empoweredto interfere.
[KEEPER] If I may, my lady? You are applying logical thought to asituation that recognises no logic.
[MEL] Give me the key to the Matrix. I'm going in there.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] Welcome, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] Well, I never thought I'd welcome the sight of you.
[MASTER] It will not happen again.
[DOCTOR] What puzzles me is why it's happening now.
[MASTER] The explanation's quite simple. I want the Valeyard eliminated,and you're the most likely candidate to achieve that.
[GLITZ] Hang on. You told me this fleshy fair-haired personage was theone you wanted to croak.
[MASTER] With the Doctor as my enemy, I always have the advantage.
[MASTER] But the Valeyard, the distillation of all that's evil in you,untainted by virtue, a composite of your every dark thought, is adifferent proposition. Additionally, he's infuriated me by threateningto deny me the pleasure of personally bringing about your destruction.And so he must pay the price. And you, Glitz, shall help me to collect.
(Outside the console room)
[GLITZ] Would I be wrong in thinking that theDoctor will soon be needing a machonite overcoat?
[MASTER] Nothing so crude. He's merely being reduced to a catatonicstate.
[GLITZ] Cata what?
[MASTER] The violent assault on his senses will trip a defensivemechanism, and his brain will switch off.
[GLITZ] He'll become a zombie.
[MASTER] Temporarily. Long enough for my purposes.
[MASTER] Walk.
[MASTER] Stop. This should prove an irresistible bait for the Valeyard.
[GLITZ] You Time Lords take the cake. Talk about devious. Compared toyou lot I'm as transparent as crystal. Poor old Doc.
[MASTER] Stop slobbering. Get over here.
[VALEYARD] You really are a second rate adversary. Did you imagine I'dbe lured by such a transparent ploy?
[GLITZ] This could all be an illusion.
[MASTER] Then stay here and find out.
[MEL [OC]] Doctor? Where are you, Doctor? Doctor!
[MEL] Doctor, is that you?
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, of course it's me. Where are you?
[MEL] This way. Quickly.
[DOCTOR] What are you doing in the Matrix?
[MEL] Forget the questions. You're alive, that's all that matters. Nowplease, follow me before it's too late.
[DOCTOR] Where are we going?
[MEL] To get you out of this unholy mess.
(Outside the trial room)
[DOCTOR] But that's the seventh door! You're takingme back to the trial room.
[MEL] Doctor, trust me. Don't you see that until you've cleared yourname, you're no better than the Valeyard is. A renegade on the run, anoutcast.
[DOCTOR] Quite the pragmatist, aren't you? You're quite right, ofcourse. Let's get it over with.
(Trial room)
[INQUISITOR] Doctor. You owe the court an apology.
[DOCTOR] Well, if I do, then it is unreservedly offered, madam.
[INQUISITOR] The charge of genocide is based on your own evidence.
[MEL] And refuted by the Doctor.
[INQUISITOR] It seems you have a champion in this young woman.
[MEL] I was there, remember?
[INQUISITOR] Would you accept her as an impartial witness?
[DOCTOR] I would trust Mel with my life.
[INQUISITOR] Good. Keeper.
[DOCTOR [on screen]] The vionesium, Mel!
[INQUISITOR] Is that a true record of what occurred?
[MEL] What shall I say, Doctor?
[DOCTOR] Just tell the truth.
[MEL] Yes, but I don't want her to twist it like the Valeyard did.
[DOCTOR] The truth can't harm me.
[MEL] That's what happened.
[INQUISITOR] Is it your contention that the Doctor was solelyresponsible for devising the scheme we are presently reviewing on theMatrix?
[MEL] Oh, absolutely. Without the Doctor, we'd all ended up on theVervoid's revolting compost heap.
[INQUISITOR] A unique solution.
[MEL] Out of this world.
[INQUISITOR] An appropriate expression, wouldn't you say, my lords?
[MEL] Appropriate? Something's going wrong here. I can sense it. Yousaid the truth couldn't harm you, yet I have the feeling I'm attendinga lynching party. Tell them you had no choice, Doctor.
[DOCTOR] There's always a choice.
[INQUISITOR] Doctor, you stand accused of genocide. The evidence isincontrovertible. The verdict is guilty.
[MEL] No!
[INQUISITOR] Your life is therefore forfeit. Take him from this court.
[MEL] No, leave him alone!
[DOCTOR] Unless we are prepared to sacrifice our lives for the good ofall, then evil and anarchy will spread like the plague. The rule of lawmust prevail. Madam, I accept your verdict.
(Trial room)
[MEL] Switch it off. Switch it off! The Doctor's been tricked intobelieving that that was the real trial room. The Valeyard's illusionhas deliberately taken advantage of the Doctor's romantic nature. He'sconvinced he must sacrifice himself, and you're content to let him.
[INQUISITOR] We cannot interfere.
[MEL] Well, I can!
[CHILDREN [OC]] London's burning, London's burning.
[VALEYARD [OC]] Glitz. Glitz. Sabalom Glitz.
[VALEYARD [OC]] Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.
[DOCTOR] It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done.It is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.
[MEL] Never mind the Sydney Carton heroics. You're not signing on as amartyr yet.
[DOCTOR] Go away, Mel. Go away.
[MEL] That trial was an illusion.
[DOCTOR] Ow! You've ruined everything.
[MEL] Ruined? I've just saved your neck.
[DOCTOR] All you've done is keep me from a confrontation with theValeyard.
[MEL] But you were on your way to
[DOCTOR] To a death chamber as a result of a bogus trial and my nobleact of self-sacrifice.
[MEL] You knew it was an illusion? How come?
[DOCTOR] Because of you, Mel. In your evidence you testified you'd heardme deny the charge of genocide, but you weren't even there. You hadn'tbeen inside the courtroom at that time. And with your extraordinaryability of total recall, you wouldn't have made such an elementarymistake.
[MEL] Okay, okay, I'm not deaf.
[DOCTOR] The Valeyard overestimates his own cleverness. Like allmegalomaniacs, he is consumed with his own vanity. There, that shouldinflame his bloated ego. Come on.
[MEL] Where?
[DOCTOR] To find Mister J J Chambers.
(Master's Tardis)
[MASTER] I want you to rejoin the Doctor and lead him to the Valeyard.
[GLITZ] No chance. You don't catch me going near no more quill pensagain.
[GLITZ] I'm just going to stay here till I can get back to my own kindand some honest thieving.
[MASTER] Splendid, splendid. Listen to me. Are you listening, SabalomGlitz?
[GLITZ] Not really. I was just wondering how many grotzits this littlebauble cost you.
[MASTER] Perhaps this will appeal to your crass soul.
[GLITZ] Truly a wondrous sight for a connoisseur such as myself. Thereisn't a living creature in the universe I couldn't bribe with thislittle lot.
[MASTER] Yours, if you follow my orders.
(Outer office)
[MEL] I still reckon we'd be better off outside the Matrix.
[DOCTOR] Oh? Oh, you do?
[MEL] It seems to me we should try and draw the Valeyard out to wherethe odds would be more even.
[DOCTOR] And how do we do that?
[MEL] I hate to say this but, er, use you as bait.
[DOCTOR] Assuming that it's me he's after.
(Inner office)
[MEL] Oh, come on. Just look at the elaboratelengths he's gone to already.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, they were elaborate, weren't they? Perhaps tooelaborate.
[MEL] There are times in our relationship when I feel an interpreterwouldn't come amiss.
[DOCTOR] Don't go through that
[DOCTOR] Door.
(Outer office)
[POPPLEWICK] Sticky fingers, Mister Glitz?
[GLITZ] The Matrix memory bank. I thought this was destroyed on Ravalox.
[POPPLEWICK] That was a duplicate. This is the master tape.
[GLITZ] Phase three, four, five and six. All the secrets of the Matrix.
[POPPLEWICK] Not all. The primitive phases one and two have beenrelegated to the archives. Now kindly put it back and do as you'retold.
[GLITZ] I'd give my soul for this.
[POPPLEWICK] You would? Would you, indeed.
[GLITZ] You'd like to negotiate, Mister Popplewick? Sir?
(Inner office)
[DOCTOR] Look at this, Mel.
[MEL] A list of names.
[DOCTOR] Of Time Lords attending my trial. Every member of the UltimateCourt of Appeal, the supreme guardians of Gallifreyan law.
[MEL] Why are they all crossed through?
[DOCTOR] Do you notice something else?
[MEL] No.
[DOCTOR] The handwriting.
[MEL] It's yours.
[POPPLEWICK] I really must protest at this unseemly behaviour. You arecontravening all known procedure.
[GLITZ] Due to my not inconsiderable powers of persuasion
[GLITZ] This minion has agreed to take us to his boss, the mysteriousMister J J Chambers.
[DOCTOR] Will you lead the way, Mister Popplewick?
[POPPLEWICK] No! No, not through there. Mister Chambers is across thecourtyard, sir.
[GLITZ] If he isn't, there'll be one bureaucrat less in the Matrix.
(Outer office)
[DOCTOR] Ah, just a minute. You won't be needingthis, Mister Popplewick.
[GLITZ] Very astute of you, Doc. You should live a long time.
[DOCTOR] I already have. Over nine hundred years.
[MEL] What's the secret?
[DOCTOR] Secret, Mel? What secret?
[DOCTOR] You know, I am beginning to realise that Ihave misjudged Mister J J Chambers, alias the Valeyard.
[MEL] Not for the first time. In fact, how you've managed to survivenine hundred odd years beats me.
[GLITZ] We had an agreement. I've done my bit. I've delivered theDoctor.
[GLITZ] Uh uh. The Matrix memory tapes first.
[POPPLEWICK] Oh, very well.
[GLITZ] Tell the Doctor I didn't sell him down the Milky Way fornothing.
[POPPLEWICK] I'm sure that will be a consolation to him in his finalmoments.
[MASTER] Very astute, Sabalom Glitz, but this is loaded.
[GLITZ] What's that for? I thought we trusted each other. I was on myway to see you.
[MASTER] My trust of you is in equal proportion to your trust of me. TheTardis is over there.
(Engine room)
[DOCTOR] Oh, doesn't it fill you with admiration, Mel, eh? Such craftsmanship. Pride in every cog and piston.
[MEL] Doctor, there is another priority. The Valeyard, remember?
[DOCTOR] Yeah, how could I forget.
[MEL] Where's Glitz?
[DOCTOR] I don't know. Decided to stay outside on guard perhaps, eh,Mister Popplewick?
[POPPLEWICK] Er, yes. I perceive Mister Chambers is not here. I shall goand find him for you, sir.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Yes, you do that, Mister Popplewick.
[MEL] If I knew what you were looking for, maybe I could help.
[POPPLEWICK] I'm awfully sorry, sir. I don't seem to be able to locateMister Chambers.
[DOCTOR] Yes. Well, I rather thought you might have some trouble. Who'sthat?
[DOCTOR] Don't just stand there, Mel, help me!
[POPPLEWICK] Unhand me! Stop!
[POPPLEWICK] This is preposterous. You will regret this. Mister Chamberswill demand an explanation for this iniquitous, this wicked behaviour.
[DOCTOR] Well, let's ask him, shall we?
[MEL] How did you know?
[DOCTOR] The performance was too grotesque to be real. I have never beenable to resist a touch of the Grand Guignol. Have we?
[VALEYARD] You'll soon have ample scope to indulge in melodrama.
[DOCTOR] Really? Why?
[MEL] A megabyte modem.
[DOCTOR] A maser.
[MEL] A maser?
[DOCTOR] An acronym, for microwave amplification and stimulated emissionof radiation.
[MEL] But what does it do?
[VALEYARD] Yes, Doctor. Enlighten us. Disseminate the news.
[DOCTOR] Disseminate? A particle disseminator?
[VALEYARD] The ultimate weapon. Even subatomic particles, gravitons,quarks, tau mesons, all completely disseminated.
[MEL] Destroy us and you destroy yourself. What's the joke?
[DOCTOR] I've just realised. My writing. Our writing. A hit list.
[MEL] But how? These Time Lords, or supreme guardians of the law, as youcalled them, are all in the trial room, and we're in the Matrix.
[DOCTOR] The Matrix screen. Mel, get back to the trial room. Tell themto disconnect the Matrix screen and evacuate the court.
[MEL] But I can't leave you
[DOCTOR] Go! Do it, or there'll be mass murder.
[VALEYARD] Bwahahahahahaha!
(Trial room)
[KEEPER] My lady, an urgent message. The High Council has been deposed.Insurrectionists are running amok on Gallifrey.
[MASTER [on screen]] Thank you, Keeper. That is the news I'd beenawaiting. Listen carefully. I have an edict to deliver. Somewhere theValeyard and the Doctor are engaged in their squalid duel. With luck,they'll kill each other, but that is a mere coincidental occurrence.What I have to impart is of vital importance to all of you. Now thatGallifrey is collapsing into chaos, none of you will be needed. Youroffice will be abolished. Only I can impose order. I have control ofthe Matrix. To disregard my commands will be to invite summaryexecution.
(Master's Tardis)
[GLITZ] Now that you've purged that from yoursystem, can we get on? Load the cassette.
[MASTER] You really are the archetypal philistine.
[MASTER] Moments such as this should be savoured.
[GLITZ] Wha? What's happening?
[MASTER] A limbo atrophier.
[GLITZ] A limbo atrophier?
(Engine room)
[VALEYARD] You are elevating futility to a highart. There's nothing you can do to prevent the catharsis of spuriousmorality.
[DOCTOR] If you could compile this monstrosity, it follows that I shouldbe able to unravel it.
(Trial room)
[MEL] Disconnect the Matrix!
[INQUISITOR] We cannot switch off without the Keeper, and he's notpresent.
[MEL] Then get out of here, quickly. Your lives depend on it.
(Engine room)
[DOCTOR] Eureka! And you said it couldn't beimmobilised.
[VALEYARD] What have you done?
[DOCTOR] Induced an anti-phase signal into the telemetry unit. The wholesystem should self-destruct.
[VALEYARD] You blundering imbecile. You triggered a ray phase shift thatmade a massive feedback into here.
[VALEYARD] No. It's too late!
(Trial room)
[DOCTOR] Ah. Now, let me see. Where were we? I was about to besentenced, I believe.
[INQUISITOR] All charges against you are dismissed, Doctor. We owe youan immense debt of gratitude, which I can partly repay by telling youthat the young woman, Miss Perpugilliam Brown, is alive and well andliving as a warrior queen with King Yrcanos.
[DOCTOR] Ah. Verumnic.
[INQUISITOR] Now then, once law and order have been restored, a new HighCouncil will need to be elected. Can I persuade you to stand for LordPresident again?
[DOCTOR] Ah. Ah ha. I've a better idea.
[MEL] He's going to suggest you stand.
[DOCTOR] Indeed I am. And were there such a thing as an intergalacticpostal vote, you'd have mine.
[MEL] I shouldn't broadcast that, if I were you.
[DOCTOR] Oh, you could do me one small favour, if you would.
[INQUISITOR] Simply name it.
[DOCTOR] When the Matrix is restored, you can do what you like with theMaster, but exercise leniency with Sabalom Glitz. He's not beyondredemption.
[MEL] Just don't let him anywhere near the crown jewels.
(Space station)
[DOCTOR] Gallifrey doesn't have any crown jewels.
[MEL] Right. A bracing glass of carrot juice.
[DOCTOR] Carrot juice?
[MEL] And then we'll get you back on the exerciser.
[DOCTOR] You know, I think I was rash in turning down that offer of thePresidency.
[MEL] Come on.
[DOCTOR] Oh. Carrot juice?
[DOCTOR [OC]] Carrot juice, carrot juice, carrot juice.
(Trial room)
[INQUISITOR] Repair the Matrix, Keeper. Requisitionanything you need.
[KEEPER] My Lady.
| {"show": "Doctor Who", "season": "s23", "episode": "e04", "title": "The Ultimate Foe"} | drwho/jeanmidev |
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